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The parasites of fishes, both external and internal, were to be collected and preserved for future study. A large collection of such parasites was made, but the internal para sites, which are very numerous, have not yet been studied. The inter nal parasites were collected chiefly by Dr. Edward Palmer. The map accompanying the present report serves to show the locali ties explored, and the extent of the labor in dredging and sounding. The operations during the first six weeks were under the charge of Mr. S. I. Siiiith, who remained until July 25. He was assisted by Dr. W. (I. Farlow, who also investigated the algre. Professor J. E. Todd, of Tabor, Iowa, then took charge of the work for three weeks, until I was able to join the party, on the 16th of August. During the remainder (ff the season, until September 20, the operations were under my im me diate superintendence ; but Professor A. Hyatt, of Boston ; Dr. A. S. Packard, of Salem ; Dr. Farlow, of Cambridge ; and Professor D. 0. Eaton, of !New Haven, gave very important aid in carrying out our investiga tions, and our thanks are due to all of these gentlemen for their assist ance. Several other naturalists were present, from time to time, and cooperated with our party in various ways. The dredging operations in the shallow waters of Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay were carried on at ilrst by means of a sail-boat, but during the greater part of the time by means of a strain-launch. The dredgings outsid'e of these waters, and off Martha's Vineyard, were all done by means of a United States revenue-cutter, the steamer Mocca sin, under command of Captain J. G. Baker. Oar thanks are due to the officers of the Moccasin, who were very courteous, and gave us all the facilities within their power for carrying out our investigations suc cessfully. Without this important assistance we should have remained in complete ignorance of the temperature and peculiar fauna of the deeper waters oil' this shore, for the localities were too distant to be reached by means of the steam-launch or sail-boats. The examination of the bottom was done by means of dredges of various si/.es, constructed much like those in general use for this pur pose ; by "rake-dredges'1 of novel construction, consisting of a heavy A-shaped iron frame, to the arms of which bars of iron armed with long, thin, and sharp teeth, arranged like those of a rake, are bolted, back to back ; a rectangular frame of round iron, supporting a deep and fine dredge-net, follows just behind the rake to receive and retain the animals raked from the»soft mud or sand by the rake; a trawl-net with a beam about fourteen feet long, made of stout, iron gas-pipe, and having a net, fine toward the end, about forty feet deep, and provided with numerous pockets; "tangles," consisting of an A-shaped iron frame, to which frayed-out hemp-ropes are attached. The best form 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [298] has several small chains of galvanized iron attached to the frame by one end, so as to drag over the bottom, and the pieces of frayed-out rope are attached along the sides of the chains. The ordinary dredges can be used on all kinds of bottom, except where there are rough rocks and ledges, but they generally merely scrape the surface or sink into the bottom but slightly. The rake- dredges are used only on bottoms of soft mud or sand, and are intended to catch burrowing animals of all kinds, which are always numerous on such bottoms. The trawl is adapted for the capture of bottom-iishes, as well as for crabs, lobsters, large shells, and all other animals of con siderable size, which creep over or rest upon the bottom. It cannot be used where the bottom is rocky or rough, and does not usually capture many animals of small size, or those that burrow. It is, however, a very important instrument when used in connection with the ordinary dredge, for it will capture those species which are too active to be caught by the dredge, and much greater quantities of the larger spe cies than can be obtained by the dredge alone. The " tangles " are particularly useful on rough, rocky, or ledgy bottoms, where the dredge and trawl cannot be used, but they cannot be depended upon for ob taining all the small species, especially of shells and worms. They capture mainly those kinds of animals which have rough or spiny sur faces, such as star-fishes, sea-urchins, corals, bryozoa, rough crabs, &c., and those kinds which are disposed to cling to foreign objects, such as many of the small Crustacea, which are often taken in countless numbers by this means. Star-fishes and sea-urchins are especially adapted to be caught by this instrument, and are often brought up in great quanti ties. The tangles can be used on all kinds of bottoms, wherever there are any of those kinds of animals which they are adapted to capture. The localities where dredgings were made by these various instru ments were located on Coast Survey charts as accurately as possible, and were sufficiently numerous to give a pretty satisfactory knowledge of the nature of the bottom and its inhabitants throughout the region explored. The total number of casts of the dredges made during the three months devoted to this work was about 400. A large part of these, including all the more important ones, have been located on the map accompanying this report. The more important points where the temperature of the water was observed have also been indicated on the map and the temperatures given, the figures above two parallel lines indicating the surface temperature, those below such lines indicating the bottom temperature — thus : -|f . lu prosecuting our explorations we soon found that there are, in the waters of this region, three quite distinct assemblages of animal life, which are dependent upon and limited by definite physical conditions of the waters which they inhabit. The first of these includes all those kinds which inhabit the bottom and shores of Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and the other similar bodies of shallow water along this coast from [299] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. Ci L, .& Cape Cod westward and southward. These shallow waters consist of nearly pure sea-water, which has a relatively high temperature, especi ally in summer, for it is warmed up both by the direct heat of the sun, acting on the shallow waters spread over broad surfaces of sand, and by water coming directly from the Gulf Stream, and bringing not only its heat, but also its peculiar pelagic animals. The temperature at the surface in August was 66° to 72° Fahrenheit. Owing to this influence of the Gulf Stream these waters never become very cold in winter, for some of the small, shallow harbors never freeze over. The greater part of the animals iuhabitin'g these bays and sounds are southern forms. The second assemblage is a very peculiar one, which inhabits the estuaries, ponds, lagoons, harbors, and other similar places, where the water is shallow and more or less brackish, and very warm in summer, but cold in the winter. The third group inhabits the shores of the outer islands and headlands and the bottoms in moderately deep water, outside of the bays and sounds. These outer waters are comparatively cold, even in summer, and are no doubt derived from an offshoot of the arctic current, which drifts southward along our shores in deep water and always has a tendency to crowd against and up its submarine slopes, in which it is also aided in many cases by the tides. In August, the temperature of the surface was 62° to 65°, of the bottom 57° to 62° Fahrenheit. The animals inhabiting these cold waters are mostly northern in character and much like those of the coast of Maine and Bay of Fundy. The surface waters in the bays and sounds, although usually somewhat warmer in summer than those outside, differ less in temperature than the bottom waters. Consequently we find less differ ence in the surface animals. We have therefore found it most conveni ent to group all the surface animals together, as a special division of those inhabiting the bays and sounds. In each of the groups or assem blages we find that certain kinds are restricted to particular localities, depending upon the character of the bottom or shore. Thus there will be species, or even large groups of species, which inhabit only rocky shores; others which inhabit only sandy shores; others which dwell in the muddy places ; and still others that prefer the clean gravelly bottoms where the water is several fathoms deep, &c. I have found it desirable, therefore, in describing the character of the marine life of this region, to group the animals according to the locali ties which they inhabit, adopting the three primary divisions given above, but, for greater convenience of reference, placing all the parasitic species together in one group. The subdivisions of these groups will be given under each, in the succeeding pages. The primary groups will stand as follows: 1. The fauna of the bays and sounds. 2. The fauna of the, estuaries and other brackish waters. 3. The. fauna of the cold waters of the ocean shores and outer banks and channels. M3660* 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [300] In describing the animals belonging in these different divisions and subdivisions it has not been found desirable to mention, in this part of the report, all the species found in each, but only those that appear to be the inost abundant and important, and especially those that are known to serve as the food of fishes. But in the general systematic list, which accompanies this report, all the species of the region, so far as determined, will be enumerated. II. — TlIE FAUNA OF THE BAYS AND SOUNDS. In Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, Nantucket Sound, and Muskeget Channel, (see map,) the water is shallow, being generally less than 8 fathoms deep, and rarely exceeding 14 fathoms, even in the deepest spots. It will be seen by reference to the map, on which soundings have been given and contour lines drawn, representing the zones having depths below 3, 10, 14, and 20 fathoms, respectively, that the greater part of Buzzard's Bay is less than 10 fathoms deep, and that the 3-fathom curve is nearly parallel with the shore lines, and the same is true of the 6- fathom line, which has not been drawn. The 10-fathoin curve is very irregular and only extends a short distance within the mouth of the bay ; but an irregular area, in which the water exceeds 10 fathoms in depth, the central part over a limited area being about 15 fathoms, is sit uated to the west of Penikese, Nashawena, and Cuttyhunk Islands ; this is inclosed on all sides by shallower water. The 14-fathorn curve is situated from four to eight miles farther off and does not enter the bay at all, showing only a very slight curvature in that direction j yet it extends far up Narragansett Bay, and to a considerable distance within the mouth of Vineyard Sound, but, like the 10-fathom line, does not enter Muskeget Channel or Nantucket Sound at any point, and shows scarcely any curvature toward those waters, which are very shallow throughout their whole extent, and much obstructed by banks and broad shoals of moving sands. Tbe 20-fathom line at nearly all points is situated far off shore, and does not conform at all to the outline of the coast. There is, however, an area of water exceeding this depth off Newport, in the mouth of Narragansett Bay. Vineyard Sound is deeper and much more varied in its depth and in the character of its bottom than Buzzard's Bay or Nantucket Sound, and therefore its fauna is richer in species and the facilities for collecting are much greater. In Vineyard Sound the 3 fathom curve follows the out lines of the shore very closely, and the same is true of the G-fathom curve, which has not been represented on the map. The 10-fathom line when it enters the mouth of the sound incloses the greater part of its width and is approximately parallel with its shores, but after it passes the narrowest part of the sound, between the northern end of Martha's Vineyard and Wood's Hole, it rapidly narrows and is finally interrupted by shallows and sand-bars after passing Holmes's Hole, but there are beyond this sev eral isolated areas of water exceeding this depth and having their long [1301] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 7 axes nearly parallel with the central axis of the channel, or rather parallel with the direction of the tidal currents. One of these areas, south of •Osterville, Massachusetts, is 15 fathoms deep, but of no great size. These deeper depressions are surrounded by banks and ridges of sand, some of which rise nearly to the surface and form dangerous shoals; the shoals, like the deep channels, have their longer axes parallel with the prevailing tidal currents, but as they are mostly composed of loose moving sands, they are liable to be altered in form and position by severe storms. These moving sands are generally very barren of life, and form true submarine deserts. Included within and nearly inclosed by the 10- fathoni line, there is, between Martha's Vineyard and Naushon Island, a large area of shallower water, which is connected with the shallow water of the shore at the northern end of Martha's Vineyard, off the •" West Chop," near Holmes's Hole. In some places this shallow rises nearly to the surface and forms the u middle ground/' and other shoals parallel with the current that sets through the channels on either side, and consequently nearly parallel with the shore of Martha's Vineyard. It is evident that this rather extensive bank is due to the action of the tidal current which sweeps around West Chop toward the mouth of the sound, following the direction of the deeper channels, the projecting point at West Chop furnishing a lee in which the movement of the water is retarded and the sediment deposited ; but this action is modi fied by the tidal current which enters the mouth of the sound and flows in the opposite direction, for although this current is somewhat less rapid, its duration is longer, especially that branch of it which flows between the Middle Ground Shoal and Martha's Vineyard, for this flows eastward seven hours and twenty-six minutes, while the opposite cur rent flows westward for only four hours and thirty-four minutes ; the effect of the current flowing eastward would, therefore, be to keep this channel from filling up by the sediments carried along by the westward currents. The same effect would be produced in the main channel, out side of this shoal, although the difference in the duration of the flow in the two directions is there less, the eastward flow lasting six hours and fifteen minutes, while the westward tide lasts five hours and forty- five minutes. Similar causes determine, without doubt, the position of all the other shoals and banks of sand in this region, as well as the existence of the isolated deep areas between them, but in many cases the direction of the wind- waves produced by the more violent storms must betaken into account. The 14-fathom line extends into the mouth of the sound, as far as a point opposite Nashaweua Island ; and beyond this there are- several isolated areas which are of this depth ; the most extensive of these is opposite the southern half of Naushon Island and in a line with the main channel at the mouth of the sound. Since the tides are greater in Buzzard's Bay than in Vineyard Sound, and neither the times of low REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [302J water and high water, nor the relative duration of the ebb and flow are coincident, very powerful currents set through the passages, between the Elizabeth Islands, connecting these two bodies of water. This is most noticeable in the case of Wood's Hole, because there the channel is narrow and shallow, and much obstructed by rocks. These channels are, therefore, excellent collecting grounds for obtaining such animals as prefer rocky bottoms and rapidly flowing waters. The shores of Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay are quite diversified and present nearly all kind of stations usually found in corresponding latitudes elsewhere, except that ledges of solid rock are of rare occur rence, but there are numerous prominent points where the shore con sists of large rocks or boulders, which have been left by the denuda tion of deposits of glacial drift, forming the cliffs along the shores. Sandy beaches are frequent, and gravelly and stony ones occasionally occur. Muddy shores are less common and usually of no great extent. In Buzzard's Bay the bottom is generally muddy, except in very shallow water about some of the islands, where patches of rocky bot tom occur, and opposite some of the sandy beaches where it is sandy over considerable areas. Tracts of harder bottom, of mud or sand, overgrown with algre, occasionally occur. In Vineyard Sound the bot tom is more varied. It is sandy over large districts, especially where the shoals occur, and in such places there are but few living animals, though the sand is often filled with dead and broken shells, but in other localities the sand is more compact and is inhabited by a peculiar set of animals. Other extensive areas have a bottom of gravel and small stones and broken shells ; on such bottoms animal life is abun dant, and the entire bottom seems to be covered in some places by sev eral kinds of compound ascidians, which form large masses of various shapes, often as large as a man's head. In still other places, chiefly off rocky points and in the channels between the islands, rocky bottoms occur, but they are usually of small extent. Muddy bottoms are only occasionally met with. They occur in most of the deep areas which are isolated, and sometimes in the deep channels, but are more common in sheltered harbors and coves. In IsTantucket Sound and Muskeget Channel the bottom is almost everywhere composed of sand, and the same is true of an extensive area to the east and northeast of JTan tucket Island, where shoals of moving sand are numerous and often of large size, but in the partially sheltered area on the north side of Nantucket, there is more or less mud mixed with the sand. For greater convenience the following subdivisions have been adopted in describing the animals of the bays and sounds: 1. Rocky shores, between high-water and low-water marks. 2. Sandy and gravelly shores. .'5. Muddy shores and flats. 4. Piles of wharves, buoys, &c. [303] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 91 5. Rocky bottoms below low-water mark. (3. Stony, gravelly, and shelly bottoms. 7. Sandy bottoms. 8. Muddy bottoms. 0. Free-swimming and surface animals. 10. Parasitic animals. It ninst7 however, be constantly borne in mind that very lew kinds of animals are strictly confined to anyone of these subdivisions, and that the majority are found in two, three, or more of them, and often in equal abundance in several, though each species generally prefers one particular kind of locality. In other cases the habits vary at different seasons of the year, or at different hours of the day and night, and such species may be found in different situations according to the times when they are sought. The more common and characteristic species are, however, pretty constant in their habits and may be easily found in their respective stations at almost any time. Since those animals that inhabit the shores, between tides, are most frequently seen and can be most easily obtained and studied by those who are not professional naturalists, I have entered into more details concerning their habits and appearances than in the case of those obtained only by dredging. Such species as have not been previously named and described in other works will be more fully described in the systematic list, to follow this report, and references will there be given to descriptions of the others. II. — 1. ANIMALS INHABITING THE ROCKY SHORES OF THE BAYS ANT> SOUNDS. The principal localities where these animals were studied and col lected are at Nobska Point, just east of Wood's Hole ; Parker's Point, between Great Harbor and Little Harbor, near Wood's Hole ; the neck of land north of Wood's Hole Channel ; several localities on Naushoii and the adjacent islands ; and numerous localities on the shores of Long Island Sound, as at Savin Rock and Light-House Point, near New Haven; Stony Creek; Thimble Islands, &c. In all these places the rocks, in a zone extending from near low- water mark of ordinary tides to near half tide, are generally covered with an abundance of " rock- weeds," (Fucus nodosus and F. vesiculosus,) which hang in great olive-brown clusters from the sides of the rocks or lie flat upon their surfaces when left by the tide, but are floated up by means of their abundant air-vessels when the tide rises. Mingled with these are several other algoe, among which the green " sea-cabbage " (Ulva latissima) is one of the most abundant. Below this zone of Fucus there is a narrow zone which is only exposed during spring-tides ; in this the Ulva and many other more delicate green and red algre flourish. Above the Fucus-zone there is another zone of considerable width which is covered for a short time by every tide ; and still higher 10 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [304] up another zone which is ordinarily only washed by the waves and spray, but is in part occasionally covered by unusually high tides. As the tides do not rise very high in this region these zones are all much nar rower and less distinctly marked than on the coast further north, and especially on the coast of Maine and in the Bay of Fundy, but yet they can always be easily recognized and distinguished by their peculiar forms of animal and vegetable life. Pools of sea-water left by the tide fre quently occur in each of these zones, among the rocks, and afford excellent opportunities for studying and collecting the animals. The animals of rocky shores are to be sought for in a variety of ways- A few occur quite exposed, clinging to the rocks or weeds, in defiance of the surf. These are chiefly univalve shells, barnacles, and such animals as grow like plants, firmly attached to solid objects, among these are the bryozoa, hydroids, and sponges. A much larger number seek shel ter under the rocks, or on their lower sides, or in crevices and cavities between them ; these must be sought by turning over the rocks and ex ploring the crevices concealed by the Fucus, &c. Many other species conceal themselves still more effectually by burrowing in the mud, gravel, and sand beneath and between the rocks ; these are often uncovered in turning over the rocks, but must 'also be sought for by digging with a spade, stout trowel, or some other tool, in the dirt exposed when the rocks are removed. The number of curious species of annelids, holothuriaus, bivalve-shells, actiniae, &c., which can be unearthed in this way is always very surprising to the inexpe rienced in this kind of collecting. Still other kinds can be found by carefully examining the pools and discovering the smaller animals by their motions, or by the shadows that they cast when the sun shines, or by noticing their burrows, or, if time will not admit of a more care ful examination, by sweeping a fine hand-net through the weeds along the edges. Many small Crustacea, shells, etc., may also be found cling ing to the corallines and other algre growing in such pools, or even among the alga3 lying upon the rocks, and especially among masses of detached algre, thrown up by the waves. In the uppermost zone the animals are of comparatively few kinds, but these usually occur in great abundance. The most conspicuous is, perhaps, the common u rock-barnacle" or " acorn-shell," Balanus lal- anoides, which adheres firmly to the rocks by its base and can resist the most violent surf, even on the outer ocean shores. When left by the tide these dull white conical shells are not calculated to attract much attention, except on account of their vast numbers, for they sometimes completely whiten the rocks for long distances along the zone in which they flourish best, and even so crowd against each other that they cannot assume their normal form, but become greatly elon gated. But when the tide comes in, each one lifts up the double-door which closes the aperture at the summit of the shell and puts out an organ, bearing a cluster of gracefully curved and fringed arms, which ,[1)05] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 11 it quickly sweeps fdrwaid with a grasping motion and theii quickly withdraws, as it' in search of food, and this motion will be repeated with great regularity for a long time, unless the creature be disturbed, when it instantly withdraws its net and closes its doors. No one who will take the trouble to examine this little animal, when in active operation in one of the tide-pools, can fail to admire its perfect adaptation to its mode of life and the gracefulness of its motions. The movement referred to serves not only to obtain food, which, in the form of micro scopic animals, is always abundant in the water, but also to supply fresh currents of water for respiration. This creature is also well worthy of mention here because it serves as food for the tautog, and probably for other fishes that can obtain it at high water. Two species of small univalve shells (Littorina) are always to be found in abundance clinging to the surface of the rocks, or among the sea weeds, or creeping about in the tide-pools. These are often found quite up to high-wrater mark, but the full-grown ones are more common lower down among the " rock- weeds." One of these (Plate XXIV, fig. 138) is subglobular in form, the spire being depressed and the aperture wide. This is the Littorina paUiata. It varies much in color ; the most com mon color is dark olive-brown, not unlike that of the Fucus, but orange* colored and pale yellow specimens are not uncommon, while others are mottled or banded writh yellow or orange and brown. The second spe cies is more elongated and has a more elevated and somewhat pointed spire. This is Littorina rudis, and it has many varieties of form, color, and sculpture ; one of its varieties is represented on Plate XXIV, fig. 137. Some specimens are smooth, others are covered with revolving lines or furrows ; in color it is most frequently dull gray, olive-green, or brown, but it is often prettily banded, checked, or mottled with yellow or orange, or even black, and sometimes with whitish. This species is viviparous. These shells are both vegetarians and feed upon the alga3 among which they live. Another allied shell, the Lacuna vincta, (Plate XXIV, fig. 139,) is found clinging to the sea weeds at low- water mark and some times in the tide-pools. This is usually pale reddish or purplish brown, or horn-colored, and most commonly is encircled by two or more darker, chestnut-colored bands. This also feeds upon the alga1. Asso ciated with the last, two or three other kinds of small shells are gener ally found. One of the most abundant of these is the Bittium nigrum, (Plate XXIV, fig. 154,) which is, as its name implies, generally black, especially when young, but large specimens are often only dark brown or even yellowish brown below 5 it occurs in great abundance, clinging to the sea-weeds and eel-grass at and below low- water mark, and is also to be found in the tide-pools and on the under sides of rocks. Associated with the last, and resembling it in form and color as well as in habits, another much less common species occurs, which is remarkable for hav ing its whorls reversed, or coiled to the left, in the direction opposite to that of most other shells. This is the Tnforis nigrocinctus, (Plate 12 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [3'Ofi] XXIV, fig. 152.) This species is more at home at the depth of a few fathoms, among algfe. Another still smaller and lighter colored species, which often occurs abundantly in similar situations, both on algre and under stones, is the Rissoa aculeus, (Plate XXIV. fig. 141,) but this generally seeks more sheltered situations. All these shells feed upon the alga3. With them there can usually be found large numbers of sev eral carnivorous species. The most abundant one is a small but pretty shell, having a smooth surface and quite variable in color, though usually reddish or purplish brown, and irregularly mottled or banded with yel lowish or whitish, the light-colored spots often taking the form of cres cents, and varying much in size and number. This is the Astyrls lunata, (Plate XXI, fig. 110.) It lives among the algre, and also among hydroids, and may be found in almost all kinds of localities, both above and below low-water mark. It is usually abundant on the under sides of rocks among hydroids, &c., and can nearly always be found in the title-pools. Another allied species of larger size, and much less common, the Anacliis avara, (Plate XXI, fig. 109,) often occurs with it. Clinging to the rocks, or sheltered in the crevices and on their under sur faces, a much larger, dull-white or grayish, roughly-sculptured shell can usually be found in abundance. This is the Urosalpinx cinerea, (Plate XXI, fig. 11C,) which the oystermen call u the drill," a name very suggest ive of its habits, for it gets its living, like many other similar univalve shells, by drilling a round hole, by means of the sharp, flinty teeth that cover its tongue, through the shells of oysters and other bivalves and then sucking out the contents at its leisure. It is usually very abun dant on the oyster-beds, and often proves very destructive. Another shell of about the same size, somewhat resembling the last, and having similar habits, is often found associated with it on the more exposed rocky points, as at Xobska Point, the Wepecket Islands, &c. This is, however, a very northern and arctic shell, which extends also around the northern coasts of Europe, and is calle:! Purpura lapillus, (Plate XXI, figs. 118 and 119 ;) it is here near its southernmost limits, for it is not not found in Long Island Sound or farther south • while the former is a southern shell, abundant on the whole southern coast as far as the Gulf of Mexico, and rare north of Cape Cod, except in a few special localities of sheltered and warm waters. The Purpura is seldom found living much below low- water mark, and prefers the exposed rocky head lands on the ocean shores, where it flourishes in defiance of the break ers. It lays its eggs in smooth, vase-shaped capsules, attached to the sides or under surfaces of stones by a short stalk, and usually arranged in groups, (Plate XXI, fig. 120.) The eggs of "the drill" are laid in similar places, but the capsules have very short stalks, or are almost sessile, and are compressed, with an ovate outline, and angular ridges pass down their sides. The " limpet," another northern and European shell, having a low conical form, is occasionally found clinging to the rocks at low-water in this region, but is far more common north of [807] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. L') Cape Cod. This shell is the Acmcm testudinalis, (Plate XXIV. figs. 159, 159^ ;) it is extremely variable in color, but is most commonly radi ated, checked, or 'tesselated with brown, pale greenish, and white. It grows much larger on f,he coast of Maine than here. A peculiar narrow form of this shell, (var. alveus,) represented by fig.l59fr, lives on the leaves of eel-grass. Beneath the rocks, and generally attached to their under sides, among hydroids, bryozoa, &c.. several species of small, slender, pointed, and generally whitish shells occur, which belong to the genus Odostomia. The most common of these are 0. trifida, (Plate XXIV, tig. 143,) 0. Msuturalis, (Plate XXIV, fig. 140,) and 0. fusea, (Plate XXIV, fig. 144,) but other similar species are often to be found. These all have the singular habit of spinning a thread of mucus by means of which they can suspend themselves from any surface. In confinement they will often creep along the surface of the wrater, using the bottom of the foot as a float, in a manner similar to that of many fresh-water • shells. On the under sides of rocks are occasionally found some very beautiful and interesting naked mollusks j but this group of animals is far less abundant in this region than farther north. The largest and finest species observed here is the Doris bifida, (Plate XXV, fig. 176,) which grows to be about an inch long. Its body is deep purple, specked with white and bright yellow, and the beautiful wreath of gills is cov ered with bright golden specks ; the ends of the tentacles are also bright yellow. Its eggs are contained in convoluted gelatinous ribbons, which are attached to the under sides of rocks or in crevices. Another rare and curious species, the Doridella ofrsewra, (Plate xxv, fig. 173,) is occa sionally found on the under side of stones. This is a small, oval, flat tened species, of a dark browi«i or blackish color, with small, white re tractile tentacles on the back, but the gills are very small and situated underneath, near the posterior end of the body, in the groove between the mantle and foot. The eggs are inclosed in a delicate gelatinous string, which is coiled up something like a watch-spring, and attached to the under side of stones. Of bivalve shells several species are common on rocky shores, espe cially in the crevices and under the rocks. Three kinds of muscles are usually met with. The species which lives at high-water mark, clus tering about the small upper pools and in the crevices, and having its shell ribbed with radiating ridges and furrows, is the Modiola plicatula, (Plate XXXI, fig. 238.) This species is far more abundant, however, along the borders of estuaries and on salt marshes and muddy shores, always preferring the upper zone, where it is covered for a very short time by the tide. The most common species among the rocks, toward low-water mark, and in the larger pools, is the Nytilus edulis, (Plate XXXI, tig. 234,) wrhich is the " common muscle " all along our coast from North Carolina to the Arctic Ocean. It is perfectly identical with the common muscle of Europe, which there forms a very important ar ticle of food, and in many places, as on the coast of France, is exten- 1.4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [:508] sively cultivated lor the market. On our coast it is seldom used as food, although quite as good as on the European shores; but it is col lected on some parts of our coast in vast quantities to be used for fer tilizing the soil. It is most abundant in the shallow waters of bays and estuaries, where the water is a little brackish, but flourishes well in almost all kinds of situations where there is some mud, together with solid ob jects to which it can attach itself. Along the coasts of Long Island and New Jersey it is taken in almost incredible quantities from the shallow sheltered bays and lagoons that skirt those shores. It grows very rapidly and under favorable conditions becomes full grown in one season. Like all other kinds of true muscles, it has the power of spinning strong threads by means of the groove in its long, slender foot, and, by extending the foot, glues them firmly by one end to rocks, shells, or any other solid sub stances, while the other end is firmly attached to its body. When they attach their threads to their neighbors they form large clusters. Thus a very firm and secure anchorage is effected, and they are generally able to ride out the most violent storms, though, by the giving way of the rocks or shells to which they are attached, many are always stranded on the beaches after severe storms. They are not confined to the shal low waters, for very large specimens were dredged by me, several years ago, in 40 to 50 fathoms in the deep channels between Eastport, Maine, and Deer Island, where the tide runs with great force ; and it has since been dredged by our parties in still deeper water in the same region, showing that it can live and prosper equally well under the most di verse conditions. The specimens from sheltered localities and sandy bottoms are, however, much more delicate in texture and more brilliant in color than those from more exposed situations. Some of the thinner and more delicate specimens, from quiet and pure waters, are translu cent and very beautifully colored with brown, olive, green, yellow, and indigo blue, alternating in radiating bands of different widths; while others are nearly uniform pale yellow, or translucent horn-color. Those from the exposed shores are generally thicker, opaque, and plain dull brown, or bluish black, and not unfrequently they are very much dis torted. This species breeds early in the spring. I have found immense numbers of the young, about as large as the head of a pin, which had just attached themselves to alga?, hydroids, &c., on the 12th of April. These shells are not destined to remain forever fixed, however, for they not only swim free when first hatched, but even in after life they can, at will, let go their anchor-threads, or a byssus," and creep about by means of their slender "foot," until they find another anchorage that suits them better, and they can even climb up the perpendicular sides of rocks or piles by means of the threads of the " byssus," which they then stretch out and attach, one after another, in the direction they wisli to climb, each one being fastened a little higher up than the last. Thus, little by little, the heavy shell is drawn up, much in the manner employed by some spiders when moving or suspending an [309] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 15 unusually large victim. This common muscle is not only useful to man directly as food, and as a fertilizer, but it serves as an important article of food for many fishes, both in its young stages and when full grown. The tautog makes many a hearty meal on the fall-grown shells, as do several other kinds of fishes, while the "scup" and others devour the young. The common star-fishes feed largely upon muscles, as well a£ oysters, and they also have many other enemies. A small parasitic crab, Pinnotheres maculatus. lives in their shells, between their gills, in the same manner as the common Pinnotheres ostreum lives in the oys ter. Another larger muscle, sometimes called the u horse-muscle," which is the Modiola modiolus, (Plate XXXI, fig. 237,) lives at extreme low-water mark in the crevices between the rocks, and usually nearly buried in the gravel and firmly anchored in its place. Sometimes it oc curs in the larger pools, well down toward low-water mark. It is, like the last, a northern species, and extends to the Arctic Ocean and North ern Europe. It is much more abundant on the northern coasts than here, and, although it is almost entirely confined to rocky shores and bottoms, it extends to considerable depths, for we dredged it abun dantly in the Bay of Fundy, at various depths, down to 70 fathoms. Like the preceding, it is devoured by the tautog and other fishes. Its thick shell, covered with a glossy, chestnut epidermis, and rudely hairy toward the large end, are points by which it can easily be recognized, and its shape is also peculiar. The common "long clam," Mya arena- ria, (Plate XXVI, fig. 179) is very often met with buried in the sand and gravel beneath stones and rocks, bat it is far more abundant on. sandy and muddy shores, and especially in estuaries, and will, there fore, be mentioned with more details in another place. Another shell, somewhat resembling the "long clam," but never growing so large, and more cylindrical in form though usually much distorted, is occasionally met with under the rocks or in crevices. This is the jSaxicava arctica, (Plate XXVII, fig. 192.) It is much more abundant farther north, and has a very extensive range, being found on most coasts, at least in the northern hemisphere. On those coasts where limestone exists it has the habit of burrowing into the limestone, after the manner of Lithodomus and many other shells. The only lo calities on our coast where I have observed this habit are at Anticosti Island, in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, where the soft limestones are abundantly perforated in this way. On the New England coast lime stones rarely occur, and they have to be content with such cracks and crannies as they can find ready made ; consequently their shells, in growing to fit their places, become very much distorted. This species can also form a byssus, when needed, to hold its shell in position. The siphon tube is long and much resembles that of Mya, (see fig. 179,) but is divided at the end for a short distance, and generally has a red dish color. The " bloody clams," Scapharca transversa, (Plate XXX, fig. 228,) and Argina pexata, (Plate XXX, fig. 227,) are occasionally 16 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [310] met with at low water, under or among rocks, and generally attached by a byssus, but their proper home is in the shallow waters off shore, especially on muddy, shelly, and gravelly bottoms. The fishermen call J them " bloody clams," because the gills are red, and when opened they discharge a red fluid like blood. The little shell called Kcllla planulata (Plate XXX, fig. 226) is also sometimes found under stones at low water. Attached to the sides and surfaces of rocks and ledges along many parts of this coast, young oysters, Ostrcea Virginiana, often occur in vast n ambers, sometimes completely covering and concealing large surfaces of rocks. But these generally live only through one season and are killed by the cold of winter, so that they seldom be come more than an inch or an inch and a half in diameter. They come from the spawn of the oysters in the beds along our shores, which, dur ing the breeding season, completely fill the waters with their free- swimming young. They are generally regarded as the young of u native 77 oysters, but I am unable to find any specific differences between the northern and southern oysters, such differences as do exist being due merely to the circumstances under which they grow, such as the char acter of the water, abundance or scarcity of food, kind of objects to which, they are attached, age, crowded condition, &c. All the forms occur both among the northern and southern ones, for they vary from broad and round to very long and narrow ; from very thick to very thin ; and in the character of the surface, some being regularly ribbed and scolloped, others nearly smooth, and others very rough and irregular, or scaly, &c. When young and grown under favorable conditions, with plenty of room, the form is generally round at first, then quite regularly oval, with an undulated and scolloped edge and radiating ridges, corresponding to the scollops, and often extending out into spine-like projections on the lower valve. The upper valve is flatter, smooth at first, then with regular lamelhe or scales, scolloped at the edges, showing the stages of growth. Later in life, especially after the first winter, the growth, becomes more irregular, and the form, less sym metrical ; and the irregularity increases with the age. Very old speci mens, in crowded beds, usually become very much elongated, being often more than a foot long, and perhaps two inches wide. In the natural order of things this was probably the normal form attained by the adult individuals, for nearly all the oyster-shells composing the ancient Indian shell-heaps along our coast are of this much-elongated kind. Nowadays the oysters seldom have a chance to grow to such a good old age as to take this form, though such are occasionally met with in deep water. The young specimens on the rocks are generally mottled or ir regularly radiated with brown. They were not often met with on the shores of Vineyard Sound, for oysters do not flourish well in that sandy region, though there are extensive beds in some parts of Buzzard's Bay, and a few near Holmes's Hole, in a sheltered pond. The oysters prefer quiet waters, somewhat brackish, with a bottom of soft mud [311] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 17 containing an abundance of minute living animal and vegetable organ isms. In such places they grow very rapidly, and become fat and fine- flavored, if not interfered with by their numerous enemies. I shall have occasion to speak of the oyster again, when discussing the fauna of the estuaries, &c. Another shell, related to the oyster and like it attached by one valve to some solid object, is common, adhering to the under sides and edges of rocks near low-water mark. This is the Anomia glabra, (Plate XXXII, figs'. 241, 242,) and it is often called " silver-shell" or " gold- shell" on account of its golden or silvery color and shining luster; and sometimes "jingle-shell" from its metallic sound when rattling about on the beach with pebbles, &c. This shell, however, does not grow firmly to the rock like an oyster, but is attached by a sort of stem or peduncle, which goes out through an opening in the side of the lower valve ; this is soft and fleshy at first, but late in life often becomes ossified, or rather calcified, and then forms a solid plug. Of the lower classes of Mollusca. several Ascidians and Bryozoa occur under and among the rocks. Among the former the Molgula Manhattensis (Plate XXXIII, fig. 250) is the most common. This usually has a subglobular form, especially when its tubes are con tracted, and is almost always completely covered over with foreign mat ters of all sorts, such as bits of eel-grass and sea- weeds, grains of sand, &c. When these are removed its color is dark or pale olive-green, and the surface is a little rough. This species is often attached to the underside of rocks, but is still more frequently attached to sea-weeds and eel-grass, and is sometimes so crowded as to form large clusters. Another species, having some resemblance to the last when contracted, is the Cynthia partita, (Plate XXXIII, fig. 246,) but besides the great difference in the tubes and apertures, this has a rougher and wrinkled surface and a rusty color. The specimens that grow on the under sides of stones are often much flattened, as in the figure, but it grows more abundantty attached to the piles of wharves and on shelly bot toms in shallow waters, off shore, and in such places assumes its more normal erect position, and a somewhat cylindrical form. Each aper ture is marked with four alternating triangles of flake-white and pur plish red. This and the preceding are eaten by the tautog. Most of the other ascidians are much more at home on the bottom, off shore, although some of them sometimes occur at low-water on rocks or in pools. A delicate and elegantly branched bryozoan, the Bugula turrita, (Plate XXXIV, figs. 258, 259,) is often found attached to sea-weeds in the pools, and it is also frequently thrown up in large quantities by the waves, after storms. A smaller kind, with slender, ivory-white, and stellate branches, the Crisia eburnea, (Plate XXXIV, figs. 260, 261,) also occurs on the sea- weeds in pools. And with this is a coarser species, which forms calcareous crusts and tubercles, having the surface covered 2 v 18 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [312] with the prominent tips of the tubes ; this is the Cellepora ramulosa, and like the Crisia it is a northern species, which inhabits also the shores of northern Europe. Still other species of bryozoa occur in these situ ations. One of the most abundant is Alcyonidium hispidum, which forms soft gelatinous incrustations around the stems of Fucus. On the under sides of the stones several additional kinds occur, the most common of which is the Eschar ella varidbilis, (Plate XXXIII, fig. 256,) which forms broad calcareous crusts, often several inches across, and of some thickness, composed of small perforated cells. While living this species is dark-red or brick-red, but it turns green when dried, and then fades to yellow, and finally to white. It is far more abundant on shelly bottoms, off shore, in 3 to 10 fathoms of water, and in such places often covers every stone, pebble,' and shell, over wide areas, and in some cases forms rounded coral-like masses two or three inches in diameter and more than an inch thick. Crustacea in considerable numbers may also be found upon the rocky shores. Of crabs four or five species are common, concealed under the rocks and in crevices. The " green crab,'' Carcinus granu- latusj occurs quite frequently well up toward high-water mark, hiding under the loose stones, and nimbly running away when disturbed. It may also be found, at times, in the larger tidal pools. Its bright green color, varied with spots and blotches of yellow, makes this species quite conspicuous. The common " rock-crab," Cancer irroratus, is generally common under the large rocks near low-water mark and offcen lies nearly buried in the sand and gravel beneath them. This species is usually larger than the preceding, often becoming three or four inches across the shell, and though less active it uses its large claws freely and with force. It can be easily distinguished by having nine blunt teeth along each side* of the front edge of its shell or carapax, and by its reddish color sprinkled over with darker brownish dots. »This crab also occurs in the pools, where the comical combats of the males may sometimes be witnessed. It is not confined to rocky shores, but is com mon also on sandy shores, as well as on rocky and gravelly bottoms off shore. It is widely diffused along our coast, extending both north and south, and is common even on the coast of Labrador. Like all the other species of crabs this is greedily devoured by many of the larger fishes, such as cod, haddock, tautog, black-bass, and especialljr by sharks and sting-rays. Two smaller kinds of crabs are also very abun dant under the stones, especially where there is some mud. These are dark olive-brown and have the large claws broadly tipped with black- They are often called mud-crabs on account of their fondness for muddy places. One of these, the Panopeus depressus, (Plate I, fig. 3,) is decid edly flattened above, and is usually a little smaller than the second, the Panopeus Sayi, which is somewhat convex above. They are usually found together and have similar habits. A third small species of the same genus is occasionally met with under stones, but lives rather [313] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 19 higher up toward high-water mark, and is comparatively rare. This is the Panopeus HarrisiL It can be easily distinguished, for it lacks the black on the ends of the big claws and has a groove" along the edge of the front of the carapax, between the eyes. This last species is also found in the salt marshes, and was originally discovered on the marshes of the Charles Eiver, near Boston. All the species of Panopeus are south ern forms, extending to Florida, or to the gulf-coast of the Southern States, but they are rare north of Cape Cod, and not found at all on the coast of Maine. They contribute largely to the food of the tautog and other fishes. The lobster, Homarus Americanus, is sometimes found lurking under large rocks at low- water, but less commonly here than farther north, as, for instance, about the Bay of Fundy. In this region it lives also on sandy and gravelly bottoms, off shore, but in rather shallow water. It is an article of food for many fishes, as well as for man. Active and interesting little ''hermit-crabs,7' Eupagnrus longi- carpiis, are generally abundant in the pools near low-water, and con cealed in wet places beneath rocks. In the pools they may be seen actively running about, carrying upon their backs the dead shell of some small gastropod, most commonly AnacMs avara or Ilyanassa obsoleta, though all the small spiral shells are used in this way. They are very pugnacious and nearly always ready for a fight when two happen to meet, but they are also great cowards, and very likely each, after the first onset, will instantly retreat into his shell, closing the aperture closely with the large claws. They use their long slender antennae very efficiently as organs of feeling, and show great wariness in all their actions. The hinder part of the body is soft, with a thin skin, and one-sided in structure, so as to fit into the borrowed shells, while near the end there are appendages which are formed into hook- like organs by which they hold themselves securely in their houses, for these spiral shells serve them both for shields and dwellings. This species also occurs in vast numbers among the eel-grass, both in the estuaries and in the sounds and bays, and is also frequent on nearly all other kinds of bottoms in the sounds. It is a favorite article of food for many of the fishes, for they swallow it shell and all. A much larger species, belonging to the same genus, but having much shorter and thicker claws, (Eupagurus pollicaris^) is also found occasionally under the rocks at low-water, but it is much more common on rocky and shelly bottoms in the sounds and bays. Its habits are otherwise similar to the small one, but it occupies much larger shells, such as those of Lunatia Jieros, Fulgur carica, &c. This large species is devoured by the sharks and sting-rays. The Amphipods are also well represented on the rocky shores by a considerable number of species, some of which usually occur in vast numbers. These small Crustacea are of great importance in con nection with our fisheries, for we have found that they, together with the shrimps, constitute a very large part of the food of most of our more vain- 20 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [314] able edible fishes, both of the fresh and salt ivaters. The Amphipods, though mostly of small size, occur in such immense numbers in their favorite localities that they can nearly always be easily obtained by the fishes that eat them, and no doubt they furnish excellent and nutritious food, for even the smallest of them are by no means despised or overlooked even by large and powerful fishes, that could easily capture larger game. Even the voracious blue-fish will feed upon these small crusta- cea, where they can be easily obtained, even when menhaden and other fishes are plenty in the same localities. They are also the favorite food of trout, lake white-fish, shad, flounders, scup, &c., as will be seen from the lists of the animals found in the stomachs of fishes. One species, which occurs in countless numbers beneath the masses of decay ing sea- weeds, thrown up at high-water mark on all the shores by the waves, is the Orchestia agilis SMITH, (Plate IV, fig. 14,) which has received this name in allusion to the extreme agility which it displays in leaping, when disturbed. The common name given to it is " beach-flea," which refers to the same habit. Its color is dark olive- green or brown, and much resembles that of the decaying weeds among which it lives, and upon which it probably feeds. It also constructs burrows in the sand beneath the vegetable debris. It leaps by means of the append ages at the posterior end of the body. A much larger species, and one of the largest of all the amphipods, is the Gammarus ornatus, (Plate IV, fig. 15,) which occurs in great num bers beneath the stones and among the rock-weed near low-water mark. The males are much larger than the females, and sometimes become nearly an inch and a half long. They cannot leap like their cousins that live at high-water mark, but skip actively about on their sides among the stones and gravel, until they reach some shelter, or enter the water, when they swim rapidly in a gyrating manner back down ward, or sideways. But although they can swim they are seldom met with away from the shore or much below low- water mark. The zone of Fucus is their true home. This species is abundant on all our shores, wherever rocks and Fucus occur, from Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to Labrador. Its color is generally olive-brown or reddish- brown, much like that of the Fucus among which it lives. The only good English name that 1 have ever heard for these creatures is that of " scuds " given by a small boy, in reference to their rapid and peculiar motions. Another smaller species, Gammarus annulatus SMITH, frequently oc curs under stones in similar places, but usually a little higher up. This is a pale species, having darker bands, with red spots on the sides of the abdomen. Still higher up, G. marinus often occurs. With the Gammarus ornatus another, much smaller, light slate-colored amphipod is generally to be found. This is the Melita nitida SMITH. Its habits appear to be similar to those of the Gammari. Another small [315] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 21 species, found in the same situations, is the Mcera levis SMITH ; this is whitish in color, with black eyes. Two species of the genus Amphithoe also live under rocks at low water, but these, like the other species of this genus, construct tubes in which they dwell. The Amphithoe maculata (Plate IV, fig. 16) is much the larger, and constructs large, coarse tubes of gravel, bits of sea- weed, &c., and attaches them in clusters to the under sides of stones. They often leave their tubes, however, and may be found free among the weed or under stones. The color is generally dark green, though sometimes reddish, and there is often a series of light spots along the back, and the whole sur face is covered with minute blackish specks ; the eyes are red. The second species, Amphithoe valida SMITH, is much smaller, being gener ally less than half an inch long. It is usually bright green in color, and has black eyes. It often lives among the bright green fronds of Ulva latissima, and its color is nearly that of the Ulva. Another amphipod, resembling a small Gammarus, about half an inch long, and light olive-brown or yellowish brown in color, is sometimes found in large numbers swimming actively about in the larger tidal pools, and occasionally darting into the growing sea-weeds for rest or concealment. This is the Calliopius Iccviusculus. It also often occurs in vast numbers swimming at the surface, far from land, not only in the sounds and bays, but out at sea, as for instance in the vicinity of St. George's Bank and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where it is equally abundant. It is devoured in large quantities by numerous fishes. The Hyale littoralis occurs near high-water, among algae, and in pools. The Isopods are also well represented on the rocky shores. One of the most common is the Sphcvroma quadridentata, (Plate Y, fig. 21,) which bears some resemblance, both in form and habits, to the ."pill-bugs,7 which live upon the laud. This species is found in abun dance under stones and rocks, or creeping slowly about among the branches and roots of sea-weeds, on their sides and upper surfaces, from low- water mark nearly up to high-water mark. In color it is exceedingly variable, for no two can be found that are alike ; but the colors, consisting of irregular blotches and dashes of dark gray, light gray, slate, greenish, and white, are so blended as to imitate very closely the colors of the bar nacles and gray surfaces of the rocks where they live, and no doubt they derive considerable protection from their enemies by these imita tive colors. When disturbed they curl themselves up in a ball and fall to the bottom. Another smaller and much more active species, which has a more slender form, is found in vast numbers creeping actively about over the rocks and barnacles, and especially beneath rocks and drift-wood. This is the Jcera copiosa. It is also excessively variable in color, but shades of green, gray, and brown predominate, and cause it to imitate very ef fectively the surfaces of the rocks covered with small green algre, where 22 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [316] it loves to dwell. It is found nearly up to high- water mark, and has a wide range both northward and southward along the coast. Another very common and much larger isopod is the Idotea irro- rata, (Plate V, fig. 23,) which grows to be nearly an inch long. Its colors are extremely varied. Often the general color is dark gray, light gray, dull green, or brownish, thickly specked and blotched with darker, but the colors are often brighter and the markings more definite ; not ^infrequently a band of white, or yellowish, or greenish, runs along the middle of the back, with perhaps another along each lateral border. This species occurs creeping among the u rock-weeds " and other alga3 at low water, in the pools, creeping on the under sides of stones, ad hering to eel-grass, and also among floating sea-weeds, away from the shore, and in many other situations. Its colors are generally well adapted for its concealment, by imitating, more or less perfectly, the rocks and weeds among which it lives. Even those with bright green markings are thus protected when living on eel- grass or Ulva ; the dark, obscurely marked ones when on dead eel-grass or dark Fucus ; the grays and browns when on stones and among barnacles, &c. This protection is not perfect, however, for they often fall victims to hungry fishes of many kinds. The Idotea pliospliorea HARGrEH, is a closely allied species, which grows even larger. It can easily be distinguished by the tail-piece, which is acute in this, but tridentate in the last, and by its rougher sur face and more incised lateral borders. ' Its colors are similar and equally variable, though they are frequently in larger and more definite spots and blotches, and the light spots are often bright yellow. It is, as its name indicates, decidedly phosphorescent. It lives under the same cir cumstances as the preceding species, but is much less common in this region, though it is abundant in the Bay of Fundy. It often occurs among the crowded stems of CoraUina officinalisin the larger tide-pools. Another related species, the Ericlisonia filiformis HAHGER, (Plate VI, fig. 26,) also occurs among the CoraUina and other alga3 in the tide- pools. This is a smaller species than the two preceding, but is some- Avhat similar in its colors, which are equally variable and equally adapted for its concealment ; in this the colors are more commonly various tints of brown, or dull reddish, or light red, which are well adapted to blend with the colors of the Corallines. Quite a different looking creature is the Epelys montosus, which is occasionally found concealed beneath stones where there is more or less mud. This species also frequents muddy bottoms, and is pretty effectually concealed by its rough -looking back and the coating of mud and dirt that always adheres to it. Clinging to the hydroids and delicate algte on the under sides of stones, and in tide-pools, curious slender-bodied Crustacea belonging to the genus Caprella (similar to fig. 20, Plate V) may often be found in considerable numbers, but they are still more abundant on rocky bot toms off shore. They have the habit of holding on firmly by the pos- [317] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 23 terior legs, and extending the body out at an angle, with the long, rough front legs stretched out in various directions. While in these attitudes and at rest they often closely resemble the branches of the hydroids and algiB among which they live, especially as they also imitate them in colors, for all these species are variable in color, being generally gray, with darker specks, when living among hydroids, but often bright red when living among red algaB. This habit of holding themselves stiffly in such peculiar positions recalls the similar habits of many insects, es pecially some of the Orthoptera and the larvae of the geometrid moths, and they also recall the larva?, just named, by their singular mode of climbing actively about among the branches of the hydroids and algaB, for they bend the slender body into a loop, bring the hind legs up to the front ones, and taking hold with them stretch the body forward again, just like those larvae, though their legs are long and slender and differ widely in structure. These little creatures are very pugnacious and are always ready to fight each other when they meet, or to repel any in truder similar in size to themselves. Their large claws are well adapted for such purposes. The marine worms or Annelids are very numerous under the rocks be tween tides, and concealed beneath the surface of the gravel and mud that accumulates between and beneath the stones and in crevices. Many kinds also live in the pools, lurking among the roots of the algae, burrowing in the bottom, or building tubes of their own in more ex posed situations. Many of these annelids are very beautiful in form and brilliant in color when living, while most of them have curious hab its and marvelous structures. Several species are of large size, grow ing to the length of one or two feet. Some are carnivorous, devouring other worms and any other small creatures that they can kill by their pow erful weapons 5 others are vegetarians ; but many are mud-eaters, swal lowing the mud and fine sand in great quantities, for the sake of the animal and vegetable organisms that always exist in it, as is the case with clams and most of the bivalve shells, and many other kinds of marine animals. All these Annelids are greedily devoured by most kinds of marine fishes, whenever they can get at them, and, since many of the annelids leave their burrows in the night to swim at the surface, or do this constantly at the breeding season, they make an important element in the diet of many fishes besides those that constantly root for them in the mud and gravel, like the tautog, scup, haddock, &c. The young of nearly all the annelids also swim free in the water for a considerable time, and in this state are doubtless devoured in immense numbers by all sorts of young and small fishes. One of the largest and most common Annelids found under rocks, burrowing in the sand and gravel, is the Nereis virens, (Plate XI, figs. 47-50.) It lives both at low-water mark and at a considerable distance farther up. It grows to the length of eighteen inches or more, and is 24 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [318] also quite stout in its proportions. The color is dull greenish, or bluish green, more or less tinged with red, and the surface reflects bright iri descent hues ; the large lamellae or gills (fig. 50) along the sides are green ish anteriorly, but farther back often become bright red, owing to the numerous blood-vessels that they contain. It is a very active and vora cious worm, and has a large, retractile proboscis, armed with two strong, black, hook-like jaws at the end, and many smaller teeth on the sides, (figs. 48, 49.) It feeds on other worms and various kinds of marine animals. It captures its prey by suddenly thrusting out its proboscis and seizing hold with the two terminal jaws ; then withdrawing the proboscis, the food is torn and masticated at leisure, the proboscis, when withdrawn, acting somewhat like a gizzard. These large worms are dug out of their burrows and devoured eagerly by the tautog, seup, and other fishes. But at certain times, especially at night, they leave their own burrows and, coming to the surface, swim about like eels or snakes, in vast numbers, and at such times fall an easy prey to many kinds of fishes. This habit appears to be connected with the season of reproduction. They were observed thus swimming at the surface in the daytime, near Newport, in April, 1872, by Messrs. T. M. Prudden and T- H. Eussell, and 1 have often observed them in the evening, later in the season. At Watch Hill, Rhode Island, April 12, 1 found great numbers of the males swimming in the pools among the rocks at low- water, and discharging their milt. This worm also occurs in many other situa tions, and is abundant in most places along the sandy and muddy shores, both of the sounds and estuaries, burrowing near low-water mark. It occurs all along the coast from New York to the Arctic Ocean, and is also common on the northern coasts of Europe. With the last, in this region and southward, another similar species, but of smaller size, is usually met with in large numbers. This is the Nereis linibata, (Plate XI, fig. 51, male.) It grows to the length of five or six inches, and can easily be distinguished by its slender, sharp? light amber-colored jaws, and by the lateral laniellaB, which are small anteriorly and narrow or ligulate posteriorly. Its color, when full grown, is usually dull brown, or smoky brown or bronze-color anteriorly, with oblique light lines on the sides, and often with a whitish border to each ring, which form narrow, pale bands at the articulations ; pos teriorly the body and lateral appendages are pale red, and the longitu dinal dorsal blood-vessel is conspicuous. The male, of which the ante rior part is represented in fig. 51, differs greatly from the female in the structure of the middle region of the body, which is brighter red in color, and has the side appendages more complicated and better adapted for swimming. The females agree with the males very well in the form and structure of the head and anterior part of the body, but the middle region does not become different from the anterior, as in the male. Both sexes are often dug out of their burrows, under stones or in the sand, but in such places there are few males in proportion to the fe- [319] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 25 males. The males, however, sometimes occur swimming free at the surface in vast numbers. They swim with an undulating motion, and are quite conspicuous on account of the bright red color of the middle region of their bodies. Mr. S. I. Smith observed them swimming in this way, in the daytime, in August, at Fire Island, on the southern side of Long Island, where they occurred in incredible numbers and were eagerly pursued by the blue-fish, which at such times would not take bait. We often caught them in Vineyard Sound, in the evening, at the surface, with towing-uets. These worms must, therefore, con tribute largely to the food of many fishes. It is very common on our sandy shores as far south as South Carolina. A third species, Nereis pelagica* (Plate XI, figs. 52-55,) is abundant under stones farther north, but in this region is chiefly found on shelly bottoms, in the deeper wa ters of the sounds. These three species of Nereis are called " clani- worms"by the fishermen. Two large species of worms belonging to the genus Rhyncliobolus (formerly Glycera) are often met with in bur rows, in the mud beneath stones. These are pale reddish, deep flesh- colored, or dull purplish red, and rather smooth-looking worms, thick est in the middle, and tapering to both ends. They have a large pro boscis, armed at the ends with four black, hook-like jaws, and are re markable for their rapid spiral gyrations. They belong more properly to the muddy and sandy shores, and will, therefore, be -mentioned more particularly in another place. They are represented on Plate X, figs. 43-46. Ophelia simplex occurs under stones at half-tide, and below. The Marphysa Leidyi (Plate XII, fig. 64) is a large and handsome worm, occasionally met with under stones at low-water mark, but is more common on shelly bottoms in shallow water off shore. It grows to the length of six inches or more, and its body is flattened, except toward the head, where it becomes much narrowed and nearly cylin drical. It is yellowish or brownish red, and brilliantly iridescent. The branchia3 are bright red, and commence at about the sixteenth segment j the first ones have only one or two branches, but farther back they be come beautifully pectinated. There are six unequal caudal cirri, the lower lateral ones longest. It is furnished with powerful jaws, and is carnivorous in its habits. A small but very active worm, PodarTce obscura V., (Plate XII, fig. 61,) is often found in large numbers beneath stones. These are dark brown or blackish in color, sometimes with lighter bands. They come out at night and swim at the surface in vast numbers. They are also often met with at the surface among eel-grass, in the daytime, in large numbers. A large and very singular worm, which burrows and constructs tubes in the mud and gravel beneath stones, is the Cirratulus grandis V., (Plate XV, figs. 80, 81.) This is usually yellowish brown, dull orange, or ocher colored, and is remarkable for the numerous long, flexible, reddish or orange cirri that arise all along the sides. Another very large and interesting worm, often associated with the last, both among and under 3 V 26 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [320] rocks, and on muddy shores, is the AmpMtrite ornata, (Plate XVI, fig. 82.) This worm constructs rather firm tubes out of the consolidated mud arid sand in which it resides, casting cylinders of mud out of the orifice. It grows to be twelve to fifteen inches in length. Its color is flesh-color, reddish, and orange-brown to dark brown, and it has three pairs of large plumose or arborescent gills, which are blood- red. The tentacles are flesh-colored, very numerous, and capable of great extension, even to the length of eight or ten inches, and are kept in constant motion in gathering up the materials with which it con structs its tube. Two species of worms, remarkable for their soft bodies filled with bright red blood, which- is not contained in special blood vessels, are also found under stones where there is mud in which they can burrow. The smaller of these is Polycirrus exitnius, (Plate XVI, tig. 85.) Its tentacles are very numerous, and are extended in every direc tion by forcing the blood into them, which can be seen flowing along in the form of irregular drops, distending the tubular tentacles as it passes along. The second species is a much larger and undescribed species, remarkable for its very elongated body and for having very singular branching gills on the sides along the middle region ; the first and last of these gills are simple or merely forked, but those in the middle are divided into numerous branches ; and in either case each branch is tipped by a cluster of setse. In allusion to this remarkable feature I have called it Chcetobranchus sanguineus. Its tentacles are like those of the last species, but longer and more numerous; in full-grown specimens they can be extended twelve to fifteen inches or more. Its color is blood- red anteriorly, but more or less yellowish at the slender posterior part. It is very fragile and it is seldom that a large specimen can be ob tained entire. It grows to be twelve to fifteen inches long. This, like the three species last mentioned, feeds upon the minute organisms contained in the mud, which it swallows in large quantities. Two species of Lumbriconereis are, also, frequently found burrowing in the mud and sand beneath stones, but they belong more properly to the muddy shores. They are long, slender, reddish, and brilliantly irides cent worms, readily distinguished by having a smooth, blunt-conical head, without tentacles. They are carnivorous and have complicated jaws. The head and anterior part of the body of the larger species (L. opalina V.) is represented in Plate XIII, figs. 69, 70. The other (L.tenuis V.) is very slender, thread-like, nearly a foot long, and has no eyes. There are several kinds of highly organized annelids which may be found adhering to the under side of stones or concealing themselves in crevices. Among these are three species, which have the back covered with two rows of large scales. One of these, having twelve pairs of nearly smooth scales, is the Lepidonotus sublevisV., (Plate X, fig. 42;) the color is variable, but usually brown or grayish, with darker specks, thus imitating the color of the stones. Another more common species is the Lepidonotus squamatus, (Plate X, figs. 40, 41,) which also has [321] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 27 twelve pairs of scales, but they are rough, and covered with small rounded or hemispherical tubercles ; this is usually dark brown. The third species has sixteen pairs of smooth scales, and belongs to another genus. This is Harmothoc imbricata; it varies exceedingly in color, but is usually grayish or brownish, more or less specked, blotched, or striped with blackish ; sometimes there is a black stripe along the middle of the back ; sometimes the general color is dark reddish. These three species of scaly worms all have a large proboscis with four powerful jaws at the end, and a circle of papillre, as in figs. 40 and 41 • they are carnivorous in their habits and rather sluggish in their movements. When disturbed they curl themselves up into a ball. They are very complicated in their appendages, and the spines and setre of these ap pendages are very curious in structure, when examined with a micro scope. Notwithstanding their numerous sharp spines they are often devoured by fishes, and they frequently also fall victims to their more powerful companions belonging to the Nereis tribe, and are sometimes destroyed even by the apparently inoffensive Nemerteans. Adhering to the under sides of the rocks and stones there are several kinds of tubes constructed by annelids. One of the most common and abundant kinds of these tube-dwelling worms is the Sabellaria vulgaris V., (Plate XVII, figs. 88, 88a.) This worm constructs firm and hard tubes out of fine sand and a cement secreted by special glands. These tubes are bent and twisted in various directions and are generally united together into masses or colonies, sometimes forming aggregations of considerable thickness and perhaps several inches or a foot across. The tubes of this worm are also common on the shells of oysters. Another very curious and beautiful worm, the Scionopsis palmata V., constructs much larger and coarser tubes out of bits of sea-weeds and shells, sand, small pebbles, and other similar materials; these tubes are long and crooked and attached for their whole length to the under side of rocks. The worm that constructs them has some general resemblance to the AmpJiitrite ornata, but is seldom more than three or four inches long and is usually darker colored, the color being generally reddish brown or dark brown, more or less speckled with white. There are only seventeen fascicles of setae on each side. The gills are only three in number, viz : an odd median one, much larger than the others, placed just behind the tentacles ; and a pair of smaller ones, but similar in form and just back of the first ; all three gills have a stalk or peduncle, and branch toward the end in a palmate or digitate manner, each of the divisions again subdividing. The gills can be retracted beneath a sort of collar which arises just be hind them ; their color is greenish, specked with white. The gills of this worm are very elegant in form, and quite unlike those of any other known species, both in position and form. Therefore it is necessary to establish a new genus for this species. It has been found from Vineyard Sound to New Jersey ; both among eel-grass in shallow water, and under stones. The Nicolea simplex is a related species, with similar habits, 4v 28 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [322] The crooked, round, calcareous tubes made by Serpula diantlms V., are often to be found adhering to the under surfaces and sides of stones near low-water mark, and also in the pools in more exposed situations ; sometimes they are even aggregated together into masses. When dis turbed the worm suddenly withdraws its beautiful wreath of gills into its tube and closes the aperture closely by means of a curious plug or operculum. This is placed at the end of a rather long pedicle, and is funnel-shaped, the outside longitudinally striated and the edge bordered by about thirty sharp denticles; from the middle of the upper side another smaller, short, funnel-shaped process arises, the edge of which is divided into twelve or thirteen, long, rather slender, rigid processes, which are usually a little curved inward at the top, but may be spread apart in a stellate form. A small, rudimentary, club-shaped operculum exists on the other side. When these tubes are placed in sea-water and left undisturbed for a short time, the occupant will cautiously push out its operculum and display its elegant wreath of branchiae, which varies much in color in different specimens, but often recalls the varied hues and forms of different kinds of pinks, (Dianthus.) The name which I have given to it alludes to this resemblance. Fine specimens of this Serpula may often be found, also, in the pools near low-water mark, attached to the upper surfaces or sides of rocks, and in such situation they display their charms to great advantage. The wreath of branchio3 is nearly circular, consisting of two symmetrical parts, each of which is made up of about eighteen pectinate branchiae ; these are covered on their inner surfaces with slender filaments which extend nearly to the ends, but leave the tips naked. Young specimens have fewer branchiaB. In the more common varieties these branchiaB are purple at base, with narrow bands of light red or pale yellowish green ; above this they are trans versely banded or annulated with purplish brown, alternating with yel lowish green, or with purple and white ; the pinnaB usually correspond in color to the part from which they arise, but are sometimes all purple. In other specimens the branchiae are yellowish white, or greenish white, banded with brown. In one variety (citrina) they are bright lemon- yellow, or orange-colored, throughout. The operculum, in all the varie ties, is usually brownish green above, with the sides purplish brown, lined with whitish near the edge, and with a greenish white band at the base; the pedicle is usually purplish, with two or more bands of white. The body is usually deep greenish yellow, with the back lemon-yellow ; the collar is broad with an undulated border, and is pale green, veined with darker green blood-vessels. This species is also often met with in dredging on shelly bottoms. The Potamilla oculifera (Plate XVII, fig. 86) is another beautiful annelid, related somewhat to the Serpula, but its tubes are tough and flexible ; they are constructed out of fine sand and other foreign matters, glued firmly together with the special secretions of the animal. These tubes are often found attached to the under sides of stones, but, passing [323] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 29 around to the sides, open upward by a free extremity ; they also fre quently occur in sheltered nooks in the tide-pools. The worm, when un disturbed, puts out a beautiful Avreath of branchioe somewhat resembling that of the Serpula, but there is no operculum. The branchiae are always beautifully colored, though the colors are quite variable. In one of the commonest styles of coloration, the branchiae are surrounded at base with reddish brown ; above this with a ring of white ; next by a band of reddish brown ; then for the terminal half the color is yellowish gray, with indistinct blotches of brown $ on the outer sides of the branchiae there are one to three dark red eyes. There are ten or more branchiae in each half of the wreath, and they are longer on one side than on the other. Another related species, the Sdbella microphthalma Y., also occasionally occurs in the pools and on the under sides of stones, constructing tubes very much like those of the last species. This is a much shorter and stouter worm, with the branchial wreath relatively much larger and nearly half as long as the body. The branchiae are pale yellowish, greenish, or flesh-color, with numerous transverse bands of darker green extending to the pinnae ; on the outer side of the branchiae there are numerous minute eye-like spots of dark brown, arranged in two rows on each. The body is usually dull olive-green. The Fabricia Leidyi Y., is another member of this group of worms, but is of very minute size. It constructs delicate, flexible tubes, free toward the end, which usually stands upright. Its tubes may be found in the pools and on the under side of stones. The worm itself is very small, slender, and when un disturbed protrudes a wreath, composed of six branchia3, to a considera ble distance above the mouth of the tube. The branchiae have five to seven pinnae on each side, the lowest much the longest, so that when expanded they all reach nearly to one level. At the base of the bran chiae there are two pulsating vesicles, alternating in their beats ; and just back of these there are two minute brown eye-specks 5 two similar eyes exist at the posterior end. Eleven segments of the body bear fas cicles of setae. Color yellowish white, the blood-vessels red. Two or more species of the minute but beautiful worms belonging to the genus SpirorMs are found attached to the fronds of sea- weeds, to shells, stones, &c., especially in the pools. These are related to the jSerpula, and like it form solid calcareous tubes, but these are always coiled up in a close spiral, and the coil is attached by one side. The little worms put out an elegant wreath of branchiae, and are furnished with an operculum. Another very interesting and beautifully colored worm, sometimes found under and among the stones, where there is mud, is the Cistenides Gouldii Y., (Plate XYII, figs. 87, 87a.) This constructs very remarkable, conical, free tubes, of grains ot sand ar ranged in a single layer, like miniature masonry, and bound together by a water-proof cement. This worm belongs more properly to the muddy and sandy shores and will be mentioned again. 30 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [324] Under stones and decaying sea-weeds, near high-water mark, two or more kinds of small slender worms are usually found in great numbers • these differ widely from all those before mentioned, and are more nearly related to the common earth-worms of the garden. One of these is white., slender, and about an inch long, tapering to both ends. This isHalodil- lus littoralis V., apparently forming a new genus allied to Enchytrceusf Another is of about the same size, but rather longer and more slender, and light red in color. It has a moniliforrn intestine, with a red blood vessel attached to it above and below. It belongs apparently to tbe genus Clitellio, (C. irroratus V.) In addition to all these setigerous Annelids which have been enu merated, there are quite a number of worms to be found on the rocky shores which are destitute of all these external appendages, and have the surface of the body smooth and ciliated. There are two tribes of such worms : in one of them the body is much elongated, and either roundish, or flattened, and usually very changeable in form and cap able of great extension and contraction. These are known as Nemer- teans ; most of them have a proboscis which they can dart out to a great length. In the other group, known as Planarians^ the body is broad, short, and depressed, and often quite flat, and their internal structure is quite different. One of the largest of the Nemerteans, the Meckelia ingens, (Plate XIXr figs. 96, 96#,) is met with under stones where there is sand, but it be longs properly to the sandy shores. It is an enormous, smooth , flat worm , yellowish, flesh-colored, or whitish, and sometimes grows to be ten or twelve feet long and over an inch wide. The Mecltelia rosea also occurs occasionally in similar places. This is similar in form, but is smaller, les& flattened, and decidedly red in color. It is often covered by adhering sand. Another species, belonging to the Nemerteans, is often found in great abundance under stones from mid-tide to near high-water mark. Many of them are often found coiled together in large clusters. This is the Nemertes socialis ; it is very slender or filiform, and often five or six inches long when extended. Its color is dark ash-brown or blackish, a little lighter beneath, and it has three or four eyes in a longitudinal' group on each side of the head. Another larger species, apparently belonging to the genus Cerebratulus, but not sufficiently studied while living, is also abundant under stones. It is much stouter and is usually dark olive-green, brownish-green, or greenish-black in color, but a little lighter below and at the borders of the head. Several other small Ne- merteans occur under similar circumstances. In the pools, creeping over and among the algae arid hydroids, a yellowish or light orange-colored species, one or two inches long, is often met with. This species secretes an unusual amount of mucus, which is, perhaps, connected with its climbing habits, and I have on this account named it Polinia glutinosa V.,1 (Plate XIX, fig. 97.) It varies in the number of its eyes, according to its age, but they are always grouped in oblique clusters as in the figure. [325] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 31 The color is sometimess bright orange anteriorly, but lighter posteriorly, with a faint dusky or greenish line along the middle. Another species, closely resembling the last in form, color, and size, is quite common under stones, and especially in dead tubes of Serpula, near low- water mark. This is the Cosmocephala ochracea V., (Plate XIX, figs. 95, 95rt ;) it has numerous eyes on the sides of the head, three or four on each side forming an anterior row parallel with the margin ; the others forming two parallel oblique groups, usually with two or three eyes in each, farther back. On the lower side of the head there is, on each side, an obliquely transverse groove. The color is usually dull yel lowish-white or grayish ; the anterior part is often tinged with orange and the posterior with ash-gray ; there is generally a distinct paler me dian line, most distinct anteriorly. It grows to be two or three inches long, when extended. Of the Planariaus several species are also found creeping over the under side of stones and in the tide-pools. One of the most abundant is Procerodes frequens, which is a very small but lively species, found creeping on the under side of stones near high-water. It is usually about an eighth of an inch long, dark brown or blackish above and gray below, and it has two reniform eyes. The Nonocelis agilis is still smaller, elliptical, with only one median eye ; its color is dark brown or blackish . By some writers this genus is placed among the Neinerteans. Two larger species of this group are also occasionally found on the under side of stones. One of these, the Planocera nebulosa, (Plate XIX, fig. 100,) is usually about half an inch wide and three-fourths long, but may become nearly circular, or may extend into a long elliptical form. It is flat and thin, with flexuous edges. Its color is olive-green above, with a lighter median stripe behind, and yellowish green below. The tenta cles on the back are whitish and retractile. The Stylochopsis littoralis V., (Plate XIX, fig. 99,) is also frequently found on the under side of stones. It is reniakable for having a clus ter of eyes on each tentacle, other clusters in front of them, and two or more rows of eye- spots around the margin, especially in front. Its color is variable, but usually greenish, greenish yellow, or brownish yellow, often reticulated with flesh-color ; there is generally a pale median streak posteriorly. The eggs were laid July 12th in large clusters, composed of many small white eggs closely crowded together, side by side, and at tached to the surface of the glass jar in which they were kept. There are also representatives of the " round worms," or Nematotles, to be found beneath the stones and among the roots of algre, hydroids. &c. The commonest of these is, perhaps, the Pontonema marinum (Plate XVIII, fig. 94.) This is a small, very slender, smooth, white, round worm, tapering to both ends, and very active in its movements, constantly coil ing itself into a spiral and again uncoiling itself. Its head is furnished with about six minute cirri ; in the male the tail is short, narrow, nearly straight, but one-sided, rapidly tapering, and subacute ; in the female 32 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [326] the body is much longer, and the tail is long, slightly tapered, straight, and obtuse. The Pontonema vacillatum also occurs in similar places in abundance. In this species the male has a short, obtuse, incurved tail ; the female a straight, tapering, narrow, obtuse one. Both species are oviparous, and the female genital orifice is near the middle of the body. These worms are from a quarter to half an inch or more in length. Their complete history is not known ; they are closely allied to many of the parasitic worms, and it is possible that in some stages of their de velopment these are also parasites. Of the Radiates there are also numerous species to be found on these rocky shores. Although the purple " sea-urchin," Arbacia punctulata, and the green " sea-urchin," Strongylocentrotus Drobachiensis, (Plate XXXV, fig. 268,) are sometimes met with, their occurrence is irregular and uncertain at low- water in this region. The former occurs in abundance on rocky and shelly bottoms in the sounds ; while the latter occurs chiefly on sim ilar bottoms in the cold area, and at low-water on the outer rocky shores, and still more abundantly farther north. The green star-fish, Asterias arenicola, (Plate XXXV, fig. 269,) is found in large numbers at low-water among the rocks at certain times, but at other times is seldom met with, though a few young specimens can almost always be found by careful search beneath the stones. The adults were very abundant on the shore at Parker's Point, in the latter part of June ; but by the middle of July very few could be found there. Their habit of coming up to the shore may be connected with their reproductive season. They are always abundant on shelly bottoms in the bays and sounds, especially where there are beds of muscles or oysters, upon which they feed. They often prove exceedingly destruc tive of oysters planted in waters that are not too brackish for their com fort. They manage to eat oysters that are far too large for them to swallow whole, by grasping the shell with their numerous adhesive feet, and then, after bending their five flexible rays around the shell so as partly to inclose it, they protrude the lobes and folds of their enormous saccular stomach from the distended mouth, and surrounding the oyster-shell more or less completely with the everted stomach they proceed to digest the contents at leisure, and when the meal is fin ished they quietly withdraw the stomach and stow it away in its proper place. In this way a large " school" of star-fishes will, in a short time? destroy all the oysters on beds many acres in extent, unless their oper ation be interfered with by the watchful owners. In one instance, within a few years, at Westport, Connecticut, they thus destroyed about 2,000 bushels of oysters, occupying beds about 20 acres in extent, in a few weeks, during the absence of the proprietor. In order to stop their operations it is necessary to dredge over the eyster-grounds and destroy all the star-fishes thus brought up, by leav ing them on shore above high-water mark ; for if simply torn in pieces [327] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 33 and thrown overboard, as is sometimes done, each ray has the power of reproducing all the lost parts, so that each fragment may, after a time, become a perfect star-fish. The color of this species is generally dark green or brownish green, with the inadreporic plate bright orange ; the males are more inclined to brown, and sometimes have a reddish tint. It is found all along the coast from Massachusetts Bay to Florida. The eggs of this species, like those of most other star-fishes, produce peculiar larvre, entirely unlike the parents, and provided with vibrating cilia by means of which they swim about in the water, or at the surface, for a considerable time. The young star-fish develops within the larva and gradually absorbs the substance of the larva into its own organi zation. The development of this and our other common species has been very fully described and illustrated by Mr. A. Agassiz. Of the Hydroids many species occur in the pools, or attached to the lower sides of overhanging rocks, or of stones that have an open space beneath them, or growing upon the Fucus and other sea- weeds at low- water mark. The most abundant of all is the Sertularia pumila, (Plate XXXVII, fig. 279,) which grows in small tufts of delicate branches on the stems and fronds of all the larger sea-weeds, and on the sides and lower surfaces of stones. Another beautiful species, the Obelia commis- suralis, (Plate XXXVII, fig. 281,) occurs at low-watermark and in tide- pools, attached to stones and sea-weeds. It is very delicate and much branched, and sometimes grows five or six inches high, though usually smaller. At certain times it produces small medusas in its urn-shaped reproductive capsules ; these are discharged and swim free for sometime, having sixteen tentacles when they become free. Several other spe cies of this genus also occur attached to the sea-weeds at low-water. The most common of these is 0. diapliana, which grows about an inch high, attached to the stems of Fucus. The Campanularia flexuosa is another similar hydroid, remarkable for its large reproductive capsules, in which medusas are developed that never become free. This species occurs in the pools at low- water, on weeds and stones, and also on the lower sides of overhanging rocks or the timbers of wharves. It is much more abundant farther north, as at Eastport, Maine, where it grows in profusion on the timbers of the wharves, hanging down from their lower sides, collapsed and dripping, while the tide is low. The Pennaria tiarella (Plate XXXVII, figs. 277, 278) is a very conspicuous and beau tiful species on account of its much -divided black branches and numer ous bright red flower-like hydroids. It occurs occasionally in the pools, and just below low-water mark, attached to stones, corallines, &cv but is more common in somewhat deeper water on rocky and shelly bottoms. The " file- fish" feeds on this species, and probably on other allied hydroids, for its stomach was found full of the stems and branches, cut up in fine pieces. Its broad, sharp-edged jaws ,are admirably 34 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [328] adapted for browsing ou hydroids, but yet this may not be its principal food, for our observations were very few on this fish, owing to its rarity. One £f the most interesting of the hydroids, found in the rocky pools at low-,:iter, or in other shaded places, is the Hybocodon prolifer, (Plate XXXVIII, fig. 282.) This is one of the largest and most beautiful of the tubularians, and is very conspicuous on account of its deep orange- red color. It is by no means common, and grows only in those pools where the water is pure and cool, or under the shade of overhanging rocks. It usually grows singly or in groups of two or three clustered together. The delicate hydrariuni of Bougainvillia superciliaris (Plate XXXVII, fig. 276) is also occasionally met with in the larger tide-pools near low water mark, and the small, free medusae, which are produced by budding from the hydrariuni, are frequently found swimming in the waters in spring. The Clava leptostyla is a beautiful and apparently soft and tender species, but it grows in clusters on the fronds of Fucus at low-water mark, on the most exposed shores, and withstands the most powerful surf, unharmed. The colonies are bright light red in color and consist of numerous hydroids arising from creeping stolon- like tubes, which interlace to form the base of the colony. Each of the hydroids consists of a cylindrical stem, slender at base and about a quarter of an inch high, at the end of which there is a thicker, club- shaped or fusiform " head," covered with about fifteen to thirty, long, slender tentacles, but the form both of the heads and tentacles is con stantly changing, owing to their contractions. The small medusa-buds are grouped in clusters below the tentacles and do not become free. This species is also to be found in the pools and on the under sides of large stones close to low-water mark. The Hydractinia polyclina is often met with covering the dead shells inhabited by the hermit-crabs, whether in the pools or in deeper water off shore, with a soft, velvet-like, reddish coating, which is made up of hundreds of hydroids united together by their bases into a rather firm, continuous layer, covered with conical points. This basal layer some times not only entirely covers the shell, but extends out considerably beyond the borders of the aperture, so as to increase the capacity of the interior. This is no doubt a great gain to the crab, because he will not be so soon compelled to exchange his shell for a larger one. Each col ony of these hydroids is either male or female ; the sexes differ in depth of color, the male colonies being palest. But in each colony there are also many sterile individuals, who have to do the eating and digesting for the whole community, while the sexual individuals attend to the repro duction of the race. Farther north, as at ^ahant, Massachusetts, this species often incrusts broad surfaces of the rocks in the pools, but I have not observed it growing in this way south of Cape Cod ; yet in one instance we dredged it growing on a rock. The Halecium gracile V. is frequently found growing in profusion on the under side of stones, in tide-pools, and attached to oysters, dead [329 1 INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 35 shells, &c., in shallow waters, both of the sounds and estuaries. It forms rather dense, pale, flexible tufts, three or four inches high, with very numerous slender branches. Of Polyps there are several species belonging to the actinians, or " sea-anemones," and one species of genuine coral, (Axtranyia,} but the latter is seldom found at low-water, though common in shallow water, on rocky bottoms. /The most common of the actinians is the "fringed sea- anemone," Metridium marginatum. This may almost always be found on the under sides of large stones that have sufficient space be neath, in sheltered crevices near low-water mark, and adhering to the rocks along the borders of the larger tide-pools, where they are shaded and protected by the overhanging sea-weeds. In full expansion this species has a very graceful form. From the expanded base the body rises in the form of a tall, smooth column, sometimes cylindrical, some times tapering slightly to the middle, and then enlarging to the sum mit. Toward the top the column is surrounded by a circular thickened fold, above which the character of the surface suddenly changes, the skin becoming thinner and translucent, so that the internal radiating partitions are visible through it. This part expands upward and out ward to the margin, which is folded into numerous deep undulations or frills, and everywhere covered with very numerous, fine, short, crowded tentacles. The tentacles also cover the upper side of the disk, half way to the mouth, but are larger and less crowded in proportion to the distance from the margin. The mouth is oval and the lips divided into numerous folds. The largest specimens are sometimes five or six inches high and three or four inches across the disk. The colors are extremely variable. Most frequently the sides of the body are yellowish brown or orange-brown, but it may be of any shade from white, flesh-color, pink, salmon, chestnut, orange, yellow, light brown, to dark umber- brown ; or it may be mottled and streaked with two or more of these colors. The upper part of the body and tentacles are translucent,' and have lighter colors, generally either white, pink, flesh-color, or pale salmon ; the tentacles are also frequently banded with flake- white, and often have dark tips. This species, when much irritated, throws out from minute loop-holes along the sides large numbers of long, slender, white threads, which are covered with microscopic stinging-organs, powerful enough to defend them from the attacks of fishes and other enemies ; but they do not penetrate the human skin. Another species, the " white-armed anemone," Sagart-ia leucolena, (Plate XXXVIII, fig. 284,) is also common at low-water, especially on the under side of large stones, and sometimes nearly buried in sand and gravel. This is more elongated and slender than the last, and has a smaller, simple and plain disk, with the tentacles much longer and more slender, and crowded^ together near the margin ; the surface of the body is smooth and uniform, without any thickened fold. The color is usually pale salmon or flesh-color, and the skin is translucent, 36 KEPOKT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [330J so as to show the internal lamellae ; the tentacles are paler and more translucent, and usually whitish, bnt sometimes pale salmon. The tentacles, in full expansion, are over an inch long. A second elongated species of Sagartia (8. modestcC) occurs buried up to its tentacles in the gravel and sand among rocks. This species is quite rare, and has a much thicker and firmer skin, which is nearly opaque and dull yellow ish in color ; the tentacles are shorter, with dark greenish markings at the base. The Halocampa producta (Plate XXXVIII, fig. 285) also occurs under the same circumstances with the last, though it may also be found on sandy shores, slightly attached to a shell or pebble, perhaps a foot beneath the surface, but in expansion it stretches its body so as to expand its tentacles at the surface, above its burrow, into which it quickly withdraws when disturbed. This species is remarkable for the great length and slenderness of its body in full extension ; for having only twenty tentacles, with swollen tips ; and for the rows of suckers along the sides, to which it fastens grains of sand, &c. It has no dis tinct disk at the base, which is bulbous and adapted for burrowing Its color is whitish, flesh-color, or pale salmon, with the suckers whit ish. The tentacles usually have darker brown tips, but sometimes the tips are flake-white. In full expansion the length of large specimens is about a foot, and the diameter about a third of an inch, but in con traction the body becomes much shorter and more swollen. The Astrangia Dance, which is the only true coral yet discovered on the coast of 3sTew England, is occasionally found on the under side of overhanging rocks, or in pools where it is seldom or never left dry. The coral forms incrusting patches, usually two or three inches across, and less than half an inch thick, composed of numerous crowded corallets, having stellate cells about an eighth of an inch in diameter. The liv ing animals are white, and in expansion rise high above the cells and expand a 'circle of long, slender, minutely warted tentacles, which have enlarged tips. These coral-polyps, when expanded, resemble clus ters of small, white sea-anemones, and like them they will seize their prey with their tentacles and transfer it to their mouths. They feed readily, in confinement, upon fragments of mollusca or Crustacea. Several species of sponges also occur in the rocky pools and on the under sides of stones. The most conspicuous one is a bright red spe cies, which forms irregular crusts, and rises up in the middle into many small, irregular, lobe-like branches. Another species forms broad, thin incrustations, of a sulphur-yellow color, on the under side of stones. These species have not been identified. A small, urn- shaped or oval species, with a large aperture at the summit, sur rounded by a circle of slender, projecting spicula, occurs in the pools, and is probably the same as the Grantia ciliata of Europe. In addition to the numerous species already enumerated, most of which belong to groups that are essentially marine animals, there are [331] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 37 a few species of marine insects that are frequently met with under stones, or among the small green algse. Among these a small lead-col ored insect belonging to the family of u spring- tails/7 Anurida maritima, is the most abundant. With it a spider, Bdella, and several species of mites {Trombidium) are often found. Several specimens of a "false scorpion, " Chernes oblongus, were also found by Mr. Smith near low-water mark under stones. In the pools and on the rocks, among the green conferva and other sea- weeds, the active green larvae of a two-winged fly, Chiron- omus oceanicus7 is often found in abundance. This larva we have detected in the stomach of the " torn- cod, " mixed with small Crustacea. List of species inhabiting the rocky shores of the sounds and bays. In the following list the species living in these situations are brought together systematically, whether mentioned in the preceding pages or not. The lists are not to be regarded as complete, but include most of the species ordinarily met with. The references are to the pages of this report, where remarks upon the species may be found : AUTICULATA. Insects. Page. Ohironomus oceanicus 331 Anurida maritima 331 Chernes oblongus 331 Bdella marina Trombidium, several species Page. 331 331 Crustacea. Page. Cancer irroratus 312 Panopeus depressus 312 P. Sayi 312 P. Harrisii 313 Carcinus granulatus 312 Eupagurus pollicaris 313 E. longicarpus 313 Homarus Americanus 313 Orchestia agilis 314 Hyale littoralis 315 Calliopius laeviusculus 315 Gammarus ornatus 314 G. annulatns 314 G. Marinus 314 Page. Moera levis „ . 315 Melita nitida 314 Amphithoe maculata 315 A. valida 315 Caprella, sp 316 Sphseroma quadridentata . . 315 Idotea irrorata 316 I. phosphorea 316 Erichsonia filiformis 316 Epelys montosus Jsera copiosa 315 Balanus balanoides 304 Numerous small Entomos- traca. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [332] Annelids, ( Clmtopods.~} Page. Lepidonotus sqnainatus 320 L. snblevis 320 Harmothoe imbricata 321 Phyllodoce 349 Eulalia 349 Eumidia F 349 Podarke obscura 319 Nereis vireus 317 !N". liinbata 318 N". pelagica 319 Marpliysa Leidyi - . 319 Lumbriconereis opalina 320 L. tennis , 320 Rhynchobolus Americanus . . 319 E. dibranchiatus 319 Cirratnlns grandis 319 Cirrhinereis fragilis Ophelia simplex Sabellaria vulgaris Cistenides Gouldii Mcolea simplex , Amphitrite ornata Scionopsis palinata Polycirrus eximius Chretobranchus sangnineus . Potamilla oculifera , Sabella niicrophthalma Fabricia Leidyi Serpula dianthus S. dianthus, var. citrina Spirorbis spirillnm , Oligochcvta. Halodrillus littoralis Page. 324 Clitellio irroratas . Nemerteans. Page. | Neniertes socialis . . . , 324 Meckelia ingens , 324 M. rosea . . 324 Cerebratulus (?) Cosmocephala ochracea . . . Poliuia glutiuosa Planarians. Page. Planocera uebnlosa 325 ^tylochopsis littoralis 325 Procerodes frequeus Monocelis aorilis. . Nematodes. Page. Pontonema inarinurn 325 Pontonema vacillatum. . . . Page. 397 319 321 323 321 320 321 320 320 322 323 323 322 322 323 Page. 324 Page. 324 325 324 Page. 325 325 Page. 326 MOLLUSOA. Gastropods, ( Univalves.} Page. Urosalpinx cinerea 306 Pnrpura lapillus 306 Eupleura caudata 371 Fulgur carica Sycotypus canaliculatus Tritia trivittata . , Page. 355 355 354 [333] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 39 Page. I Astyris lunata 306 Anacliis avara 306 Odostomia producta , 307 O. fasca 307 O. bisuturalis 307 O. trifida 307 O. impressa , 307 Eissoa aculeus , 306 Skenea planorbis 383 Littorina palliata 305 L. rudis 305 Lacuna vincta . 305 Bittium Digram Cerithiopsis Greenii . Triforis nigrocinctus . Crepidula fornicata . . C. couvexa C. unguiforaris Acmsea testudinalis . Doris bifida Polycera Lessonii . . . Doridella obscura . . . , undetermined. Page. 305 383 305 553 553 553 307 307 400 307 Lamellibranchs, ( Bivalves.) Page. Mya areuaria 309 Saxieava arctica 309 Kellia planulata 310 Scapharca transversa 309 Argina pexata 309 My til us edulis Modiola plicatula . . M. modiolus , Anomia glabra Ostrrea Yirginiana Page. 307 307 309 311 310 Ascidians. Molgula Manhatteusis Page. 311 Cynthia partita Bryozoa, (or Polyzoa.) Page. Crisia eburnea 311 Tubulipora flabellaris 405 Alcyonidium ramosum 404 Alcyonidium hirsutum 404 A. liispidum 312 Yesicularia gracilis 389 Yesicularia cuscuta .... 404 V. dichotoma 404 Bugula turrita 311 B. flabellata Membranipora pilosa . . M. lineata , Escharella variabilis . . Discopora coccmea(?) . . Lepralia, sp Cellepora ramulosa Pedicellina Americana. Page. 311 Page. 389 406 406 312 424 420 312 405 RADIATA. jEchinoderms. Arbacia punctulata. Page. 326 Asterias arenicola Page. 326 40 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [334] Acaleplis. Page. Obelia commissuralis 327 O. pyriformis 390 O. diaphana 327 O. geniculata 407 Clytia Johnston! 408 Orthopyxis caliculata 408 Platypyxis cylindrica 408 Oampanularia volubilis 408 C. flexuosa 327 Lafoea calcarata . 408 Halecium gracile Sertularia argentea S. pumila Bougainvillia superciliaris Margelis Carolinensis Clava leptostyla Pennaria tiarella Hybocodon prolifer Hydractinia polyoliua .... Polypi Page. Metridium marginatum 329 Sagartia leucolena 329 S. modesta . 330 Halocampa producta Astrangia Danse Page. 328 408 327 328 328 327 328 328 Page. 330 329 PROTOZOA. Sponges. Page. Grautia ciliata 330 Leucosolenia botryoides (?) . . 391 Halichondria, sp 330 Tedania, sp . Renieria, sp Page. 330 330 II. — 2. FAUNA OF THE SANDY SHORES OF THE BAYS AND SOUNDS. These sandy shores vary considerably in character according to their situations and composition. In the more exposed positions the beaches of fine loose sand differ but little in character from those that prevail so extensively on the ocean shores, from Cape Cod to North Florida. In more sheltered situations there is generally more or less mud mixed with the sand, which often forms shores with a very 'gentle slope, run ning down to broad flats, bare at low- water ; such flats of sandy mud are the favorite homes of large numbers of burrowing creatures ; but even on the exposed beaches of loose siliceous sand, which are completely torn up and remodeled by every storm, there are still to be found many kinds of animals perfectly adapted to such conditions, finding there their proper homes. In other cases there is more or less gravel and pebbles mixed with the sand, which, under some conditions of expos ure, produce a firm and compact deposit, admirably adapted to the tastes and habits of certain tube dwelling and burrowing creatures. In other places, especially in sandy coves or other sheltered situations, the sandy flats are partly covered by tufts and patches of eel-grass, and [335] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 41 there are many animals that find congenial resorts on such flats. Then there will sometimes be pools or rivulets of sea-water on the sandy flats, in which certain creatures often spend the short time while thus impris oned by the tide. The special localities where the sand-dwelling species of this region .were chiefly studied, are the beaches on Naushon and adjacent islands; Nobska Beach and several other beaches near Wood's Hole ; the exten sive sand-beach between. Falmouth and Waquoit; the beach at Meneni- sha Bight, on Martha's Vineyard ; several beaches on the shores of Buzzard's Bay ; the beaches at South End, Savin Bock, and other local ities near New Haven ; the beaches on Great South Baj-, Long Island ; the beaches at the mouth of Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, &c., be sides the outer beaches at various other points. Along the upper part of the sand-beaches there is generally an almost continuous belt of dead sea- weeds, broken shells, fragments of crabs, lobsters, and various other debris cast up by the waves. Although many of the dead shells, &c., which occur in this way, belong really to the sandy shores near low-water, others have come, perhaps, from deeper water and other kinds of bottom. Therefore, although such rubbish- heaps may afford good collecting grounds for those who frequent the shores after storms, it would be useless to enumerate the species that more or less frequently occur in them. Beneath such masses of decay ing materials many insects and Crustacea occur, together with certain genuine worms. Part of these are truly marine forms, and are never found away from the sea-shores, but many, especially of the insects, are in no sense marine, being found anywhere in the interior where decay ing matters abound. The two-winged flies (Diptera,) of many kinds, are especially abundant, and their larvae occur in immense numbers in the decaying sea- weed. Some of these flies are, however, true marine species, and live in the larval state in situations where they are sub merged for a considerable time by the tide. 1 have often dug such larvae from the sand near low- water mark, and have also dredged them at the depth of four or five fathoms off shore. During unusually high tides immense quantities of the fly-larvae will be carried away by the encroachment of the waters, and thus become food for fishes of many kinds, and especially for the young ones, which frequent the shallow waters along the shores. There are also many species of beetles (Coleoptera) which frequent these places, and several of them are genuine marine insects, living both in the larval and adult conditions in burrows be tween tides. Among these are two or three species of Bledim, belong ing to the Stapliylinidcv ; several tiger-beetles (Cicindela,) and represen tatives of other families. The " tiger-beetles " are very active, carnivo rous insects and frequent the dry sands just above high-water mark ; when disturbed they rise quickly and fly away to the distance of sev eral yards before alighting. They are so wary that it is difficult to catch them without a net. Most of the species reflect bright, metallic, bronzy or 42 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [336J green colors, and many of them have the elytra more or less marked with white. Mr. S. I. Smith found the larva of our largest species (C. gene- rosa) at Fire Island, living in holes in the sand below high- water mark, associated with the species of Talorchestia. Beneath the decaying sea-weeds on the sandy shores immense num bers of the lively little crustacean, Orchestia agiUs, (p. 314, Plate IV,» fig. 14,) may always be found. Two other related species, of larger size and paler colors, but having the same habit of leaping, though not in such a high degree, occur among the weeds, or burrowing in the sand, or beneath drift-wood, &c., a little below high-water mark. In fact the sand is sometimes completely filled with their holes, of various sizes. Both these species are stout in form, and become about an inch long when mature. One of them, Talorchestia longicornis, can be easily dis tinguished by its very long antennre ; the other, T. megalophthalma,by its shorter antennae and very large eyes. Both these species are pale gray ish, and imitate the color of the sand very perfectly. When driven from their burrows by unusually|high tides or storms they are capable of swimming actively in the water. They make dainty morsels for fishes and many shore birds, as well as for certain crabs, especially Ocypoda arenaria. On sandy beaches near high-water mark, especially where the sand is rather compact and somewhat sheltered, one of the " fiddler-crabs," Gelasimus pugilator, is frequently found in great numbers, either run ning actively about over the sand, or peering cautiously from their holes, which are often thickly scattered over considerable areas. These holes are mostly from half an inch to an inch in diameter, and a foot or more in depth, the upper part nearly perpendicular, becoming horizontal be low, with a chamber at the end. Mr. Smith, by lying perfectly still for some time on the sand, succeeded in witnessing their mode of dig ging. In doing this they drag up pellets of moist sand, which they carry under the three anterior ambulatory legs that are on the rear side, climbing out of their burrows by means of the legs of the side in front, aided by the posterior leg of the other side. After arriving at the mouth of their burrows and taking a cautious survey of the landscape, they run quickly to the distance*often of four or five feet from the bur row before dropping their load, using the same legs as before and carry ing the dirt in the same manner. They then take another careful sur vey of the surroundings, run nimbly back to the hole, and alter again turning their pedunculated eyes in every direction, suddenly disappear, soon to reappear with another load. They work in this way both in the night and in the brightest sunshine, whenever the tide is out and the weather is suitable. In coming out or going into their burrows either side may go in advance, but the male more commonly comes out with the large claw forward. According to Mr. Smith's observations this species is a vegetarian, feeding upon the minute alga3 which grow upon the moist sand. s Infeeding^the|males use only the small claw with which [337] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 43 they pick up the bits of algae very daintily ; the females use indifferently either of their small claws for this purpose. They always swallow more or less sand with their food. Mr. Smith also saw these crabs engaged in scraping up the surface of the sand where covered with their favorite algae, which they formed into pellets and carried into their holes, in the same way that they bring sand out, doubtless storing it until needed for food, for he often found large quantities stored in the terminal chamber. Mr. T. M. Prudden has since ascertained that one of the other species of " fiddlers n on our shores ( 0. minax) is also a vegetarian and feeds upon similar algae, which grow on the muddy salt-marshes. The Ocypoda arenaria is a crab allied to the " fiddlers" and similar in some of its habits. It is a southern species, ranging as far as Brazil, and adult specimens have not yet been observed on the coast of New England, but Mr. Smith has observed the young in abundance at Fire Island, and we have the young from Block Island ; it occurs at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, of larger size, and therefore it may be looked for on the beaches of Nantueket and Martha's Vineyard. This crab lives on the beaches at, and even far above, high-water mark. It digs large holes like the fiddlers, often in the loose dry sand, back from the shore, yet when disturbed it will sometimes take to the water in order to escape, though it soon returns to the shore. In digging its holes, according to Mr. Smith's observations, it works in the same way as the u tiddler- crabs," except that it is quicker in its motions, and often, instead of car rying the pellets of sand to a distance from the hole, it throws it away with a sudden and powerful jerk, scattering the sand in every direction, It is even more cautious in its movements, and is always on the alert, even the slightest movement on the part of one who is watching them is sure to send them all into their holes instantly. In color this species imitates the sand very perfectly, especially while young, when they are irregularly mottled and speckled with lighter and darker shades of gray. They also have the habit of crouching down closely upon or into the sand, when suddenly frightened, and aided by their colors will often thus escape observation. At other times they will trust to their speed and scamper over the sand with such swiftness that they are not easily captured. This crab is carnivorous in its habits and, according to Mr. Smith's observations, it lives largely upon the u beach-fleas " (Talorchestia) which inhabit the same localities. It will lie in wait and suddenly spring upon them, very much as a cat catches mice. It also feeds upon dead fishes and other animals that are thrown on the shore by the waves. Another inhabitant of the upper part of the sand-beaches, just below high-water mark, is the Scyphacella arenicola SMITH, which has, as yet, been found only on the coast of New Jersey, but probably occurs far ther north. It is a small, sand-colored Isopod crustacean, which has no near relatives, so far as known, except in New Zealand. It burrows in the sand, making a little conical mound around the mouth of the holes. 5 v 44 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [338] The only Annelid observed high up on the sand-beaches is the slen der, white Halodrillus littoralis, referred to on page 324, which lives under the decaying sea- weeds in great numbers. On the lower parts of the sand beaches, toward low-water mark, and especially on the broad flats, which are barely uncovered by the lowest tides, a much larger number of species occurs. Among the Crustacea of these sandy shores we frequently find the common Cancer irroratus, (p. 312,) which is very cosmopolitan in its habits. Occasionally we meet with a specimen of Garcinus granulatus, but this is not its favorite abode ; but the " lady-crab " or "sand-crab," Platyonichm ocellatus, (Plate I, fig. 4,) is perfectly at home among the loose sands at low-water mark, even on the most exposed beaches. This species is also abundant on sandy-bottoms off shore, and as it is furnished with swimming organs on its posterior legs, it can swim rapidly in the water and was taken at the surface in Vineyard Sound in several in stances, and some of the specimens thus taken were of fall size. When living at low-water mark on the sand-beaches it generally buries itself up to its eyes and antenna in the sand, watching for prey, or on the look out for enemies. If disturbed it quickly glides backward and down ward into the sand and disappears instantly. This power of quickly burrowing deeply into the sand it possesses in common with all the other marine animals, of every class, which inhabit the exposed beaches of loose sand, for upon this habit their very existence depends during storms. By burying themselves sufficiently deep they are beyond the reach of the breakers. The means of effecting this rapid burrowing are very diverse in the different classes. Thus one of the fishes (Ophidium marginatum), which lives in these places, has a long acute tail and by its peculiar undulatory motions can instantly bury itself tail-first in the sand. Others have acute heads and go in head-first. The "lady-crab" is predacious in its habits, feeding upon various smaller creatures, but like most of the crabs it is also fond of dead fishes or any other dead animals. In some localities they are so abun dant that a dead fish or shark will in a short time be completely covered with them, but if a person should approach they will all suddenly slip off backwards and quickly disappear in every direction beneath the sand ; after a short time, if everything be quiet, immense numbers of eyes and antenna will be gradually and cautiously protruded from beneath the sand, and after their owners have satisfied themselves that all is well, the army of crabs will soon appear above the sand again and con tinue their operations. The color of this crab is quite bright and does not imitate the sand, probably owing to its mode of concealment. The ground-color is white, but the back is covered with annular spots formed by specks of red and purple. It is devoured in great numbers by many of the larger fishes. Another curious burrowing creature, living under the same circum stances as the last, is the Hippo, talpoida, (Pate II, fig. 5.) But this [339] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 45 species burrows like a mole, head-first, instead of backward. It can also swim quite actively and is sometimes found swimming about in the pools left on the flats at low- water. It is occasionally dug out of the sand at low-water mark, and is often thrown up by the waves, on sand- beaches, but it seems to live in shallow water on sandy bottoms in great numbers, for in seining on one of the sand-beaches near Wood's Hole for small fishes, a large quantity of this species was taken. Its color is yellowish white, tinged with purple on the back. It is one of the favorite articles of food of many fishes. Mr. Smith found the young abundant at Fire Island, near high-water, burrowing in the sand. This species is still more abundant farther south. The curious long-legged " spider-crab," Libinia canaliculata, is fre quently met with at or just below low- water mark on sandy shores, but its proper home is on muddy bottoms. Creeping, or rapidly running, over the bottom in shallow water, or in the tide-pools on the flats, the smaller u hermit-crab," Eupagurus longi- carpiiS) (p. 313,) may almost always be observed ensconced in some dead univalve shell, most commonly that of Ilyanassa obsoleta. This species is still more abundant among eel-grass, and on muddy shores. The common " sand-shrimp,'7 Crangon vulgaris, (Plate III, fig. 10,) always occurs in great numbers on the sandy flats and in the tide-pools and rivulets, as well as on the sandy bottoms in deeper water off shore. This species is more or less specked irregularly with gray, and imi tates the color of the sand very closely. When resting quietly on the bottom, or when it buries itself partially and sometimes almost entirely, except the eyes and long slender antennae, it cannot easily be distin guished by its enemies, and, therefore, gains great protection by its colors. When left by the tide it buries itself to a considerable depth in moist sand. It needs all its powers of concealment, however, for it is eagerly hunted and captured by nearly all the larger fishes which fre quent the same waters, and it constitutes the principal food of many of them, such as the weak-fish, king-fish, white perch, blue-fish, flounders, striped bass, &c. Fortunately it is a very prolific species and is abun dant along the entire coast, from North Carolina to Labrador, wherever sandy shores occur. The young swim free for a considerable time after hatching, and were taken at the surface in the evening, in large num bers.. The common prawn, Palcvmonetes vulgaris, (Plate II, fig. 9,) often occurs, associated with the Crangon, but it is much more abundant among the eel-grass, and especially in the estuaries where it has its proper home. As this is one of the most abundant species and of great importance as an article of fish-food, it will be mentioned again, with more details, in connection with the fauna of the estuaries. Several species of smaller Crustacea also burrow in the sand at low- water mark. One of the most remarkable of these is an Amphipod, the Lcpidactylis dytiscus, which by its external form reminds one of Hippa, with which it agrees in habits, for it burrows in the sand like a mole. 46 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [340] It is also occasionally found under stones in sandy places. Its color is pale yellowish white. The Unciola irrorata (Plate IV, fig. 19) often lives in tubes in the sand in abundance, but is by no means confined to such localities, for it occurs on all kinds of bottoms and at all depths down to at least 430 fathoms (off St. George's Bank,) and is abundant all along the coast, from New Jersey to Lajbrador. It is particularly abundant on shelly and rocky bottoms, and although it habitually lives in tubes, it does not always construct its own tube, but is ready and willing to take possession of any empty worm-tube into which it can get, and having once taken possession it seems to be perfectly at home, for it remains near the eud of the tube protruding its stout claw-like antenna3, and looking out for its prey, in the most independent manner. It will also frequently leave its tube and swim actively about for a time, and then return to its former tube, or hunt up a new one. It seems, however, to be capable of constructing a tube for itself, when it can not find suitable ones ready-made. Its color is somewhat variable, but it is generally irregularly specked with red and flake-white, and the antennae are banded with red. It contributes very largely to the food of many fishes, such as scup, pollock, striped bass, &c. On the moist sand -flats curious crooked trails made by the Idotea cmca (Plate V, fig. 22) may generally be seen. This little Isopod bur rows like a mole just beneath the surface of the sand, raising it up into a little ridge as it goes along, and making a little mound at the end of the burrow, where the creature can usually be found. This species is whitish, irregularly specked with dark gray, so as to imitate the color of the sand very perfectly, it is also capable of swimming quite rapidly . The Idotea Tiiftsii is another allied species, having the same habits and living in similar places, but it is much more rare in this region. It has also been dredged on sandy bottoms off shore. It is a smaller species and darker colored, with dark brown markings. The Idotea irrorata (p. 310, Plate Y, fig. 23) also occurs on sandy shores wherever there is eel-grass, among which it loves to dwell. The well known "horseshoe-crab" or " king-crab," Limulus Poly- phemus, is also an inhabitant of sandy shores, just below low- water mark, but it is more abundant on muddy bottoms and in estuaries, where it burrows just beneath the surface and feeds upon various small animals. At the breeding season, however, it comes up on the sandy shores to deposit the eggs, near high-water mark. According to the statements of Rev. S. Lockwood, (in American Naturalist, vol. iv, p. 257,) the spawning is done at the time of high tides, during May, June, and July ; they come up in pairs, the males, which are smallest, riding on the backs of the females and holding themselves in that position by the short feet, provided with nippers, which are peculiar to the males. The female excavates a depression in the sand and deposits the eggs in it, and the male casts the milt over them, when they again return to deeper water, leaving the eggs to be buried by the action of the waves. [341] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 47 In aquaria, under favorable circumstances, the eggs batch in about six weeks, but in their natural conditions they probably hatch sooner than this ; under unfavorable conditions the hatching may be delayed for a whole year. The eggs are very numerous. In addition to the interest ing observations of Mr. Lockwood, Dr. A. S. Packard has since given more detailed accounts of the development of the embryos and young of Limulus in the proceedings of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, 1870, p. 247, and in the Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. ii, p. 155, 1872. Annelids are quite numerous on the sandy shores where the condi tions are favorable. It is evident that these soft-bodied creatures would be quickly destroyed by the force of the waves and the agitation of the sand, were they not provided with suitable means for protecting them selves. This is effected mainly in two ways : the sand-dwelling species either have the power of burrowing deeply into the sand with great rapidity, or else they construct long durable tubes, which descend deeply into the sand and afford a safe retreat. Many of the active burrowing species also construct tubes, but they usually have but little coherence and are not very permanent, nor do they appear to be much relied on by the owners. There is, however, great diversity both in the structure and composition of the tubes of different species, and in the modes by which the rapid burrowing is effected. The large green Nereis (N. virens, p. 317) is found on the sandy shores in places that are somewhat sheltered, especially if there be an admixture of mud or gravel with the sand to give it firmness and solidity. This species barrows deeply beneath the surface and lines the interior of its large irregular burrows with an abundant mucus-like secretion, which gives smoothness and some coherency to the walls, but does not form a solid tube. With this, and in greater numbers, the smaller species, Nereis limbata, (p. 318,) is also found, and its habits appear to be essentially the same. Both this and the preceding can burrow rapidly, but much less so than some other worms, and conse quently they are not wrell adapted to live on exposed beaches of moving sands, but prefer coves and harbors. The two large species of Rhyn- cliobolm are much better adapted for rapid burrowing. Their heads are very small and acute, and destitute of all appendages, except four minute tentacles at the end ; the body is long, smooth, and tapers gradually to both ends, and the muscular system is very powerful, and so arranged as to enable these worms to coil themselves up into the shape of an open spiral, like a corkscrew, and then to rapidly rotate them selves on the axis of the spiral. When the sharp head is inserted into the loose mud or sand and the body is thus rotated, it penetrates with great rapidity and disappears almost instantly. Both these species are found on sandy as well as on muddy shores and flats near low-water mark, and also in deeper water. The one usually most abundant is R. dibranchiatus, (Plate X, figs. 43, 44;) this is readily distinguished by h*v- 48 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [342] ing a simple gill both on the upper and lower sides of the lateral append ages. The other, K. Americanus, (Plate X, figs. 45, 46,) has gills that are more or less branched on the upper side of the appendages, as shown in fig. 46, but none on the lower side; the appendages are also longer, especially posteriorly, and differently shaped. The proboscis is remarka bly long and large, and when fully protruded it shows four large, black, sharp, fang-like jaws or hooks. Both these worms are destitute of true blood-vessels, such as most of the allied worms possess, but have the general cavity of the body filled, between the various organs, with bright red blood, which shows through the skin, giving a more or less red or purple color to the whole body and proboscis. The two species of Lumbriconereis already referred to (p. 320,) occur in similar localities, and are usually associated with the two preceding spe cies, but they are less rapid burrowers and require for their safety lo calities where the sand is compact and mixed more or less with mud, or where it is somewhat sheltered from the force of the waves. In sandy coves, and especially on the flats of sandy mud, close to low- water mark, the smaller species, L. tenuis, is generally very abundant, penetrating the sand, beneath the surface, in every direction. It is often a foot or more in length when extended, and not much larger than coarse thread or small twine, and bright red in color. When the sand in these localities is turned up with a spade, their drawn-out, red, thread like bodies can usually be seen in large numbers, but they are so fragile that it is difficult to obtain an entire specimen. The head is obtusely conical, a little flattened, smooth, pale red, and iridescent, without eyes. The other species, L. opalina V., (Plate XIII, fig. 69,) is much larger, grow ing to the length of eighteen inches or more, and about .10 to .12 of an inch in diameter. Its color is dark bronze, or reddish brown, or pale red, the surface reflecting the most brilliant opal-like colors. Ifc is easily distinguished from the L. tenuis by its four eyes in a row across the back part of the head. Both these species, when removed from their burrows, coil themselves in a long spiral. They burrow readily and deeply, but not so rapidly as many other worms, and do not seem, to have permanent tubes. Another worm, found in similar places and readily mistaken for L. tenuis on account of its long, slender, almost thread-like body and red color, is the Notomastus filiformls V. ; but in this species the head is very acute, the lateral appendages and setre are very different, and the color is paler red, with bands or rings of bright red. This species has, moreover, a smooth, subglobular pro boscis, without jaws, while the former has a powerful set of compli cated jaws, without a distinct proboscis, and they are widely different in internal anatomy. The latter feeds upon the organic matter contained in the mud that it swallows, while the species of Lumbriconereis are carnivorous, feeding upon other worms, &c. A second and much larger species of Notomastus occurs in similar places, though apparently pre ferring a greater proportion of mud. This species, N. luridus V., grows [343] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 49 to be about ten inches long and .10 in diameter. Its color is a dark purplish or lurid brown, specked with white, and sometimes inclined to red. Its head is very acute, and it has a smooth, swollen, dark blood-red proboscis. It is a rapid burrower, penetrating deeply into the fine mud and sand. The Maldane elongata V. is another worm allied to the last, and usually associated with if, but this species constructs rather firm, round tubes out of the line sand and mud, which are very long and descend deeply into the soil, and are often .20 to .25 of an inch iii diameter. This worm is six or eight inches long, with a round body of nearly uniform diameter, which looks as if obliquely truncated at both ends, but the obliquely-placed upper surface of the head is bor dered by a slight ridge or fold on each side and behind. The color is dark umber-brown, or reddish brown, the swollen part of each ring- often lighter grayish or yellowish brown, but usually bright red, owing to the blood-vessels showing through. The intestine is large and filled with sand. Another worm, belonging to the same family with the last and, like it, constructing long, round tubes of agglutinated sand, is the Clymetiella torquata, (Plate XIV, figs. 71, 72, 73,) but this species often lives where the sand is more free from mud, or even in nearly pure, sili ceous sand, and sometimes considerably above low-water mark, though it is also found in deep water. It generally constructs its long and nearly straight tubes very neatly, of fine white sand, without mud. It loves, however, to dwell in sheltered spots, in coves, or in the lee of rocks and ledges, and is also partial to those spots on the sandy shores where eel-grass grows, building its tubes among the roots. It is a rather handsomely colored species, being usually pale red, with bright red bauds around the swollen parts of the rings, but it is sometimes brownish red or dull brown. It can always be recognized by the pecu liar collar on the fifth ring, and by the peculiar funnel-shaped caudal appendage, surrounded by small papilla3, and preceded by three seg ments or rings that are destitute of seta3. The large and singular worm, Antkostoma robustum V., (Plate XIV fig. 76,) lives like the last, with which it often occurs, in nearly pure sand, where it is somewhat sheltered from the violence of the waves, but is also fond of places where there is more or less gravel mixed with the sand. It sometimes occurs some distance above low-water mark, and constructs a large, thick, somewhat firm tube by consolidating and cementing the sand around its burrow. These tubes descend nearly perpendicularly to a great depth, and can usually be distinguished by a slightly elevated mound of dirt around the opening, which is usually different in color from the surrounding sand ; and sometimes there are recently-ejected cylindrical masses of such earth on the summit of the little hillocks. The worm itself, when full grown, is fifteen inches or more in length, and nearly half an inch in diameter. The head is very acute and the front part of the body is firm and muscular, with very small lateral appendages, and fascicles of setie in four rows ; but back 50 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [344] of the twenty-fourth body-segment an appendage develops below the lower fascicles of setae, and farther back becomes broad, foliaceous, and divided into several lobes ; back of the twenty-eighth segment the branchiae appear in a row on each side of the back, and soon become long and ligulate; at the same time other ligulate appendages develop from the upper lateral appendages, which become dorsal, and these, with the gills, form four rows of processes along the back, outside of which are the elongated setae and other appendages. The posterior part of the body is more slender and much more delicate than the an terior part, and so fragile that an entire specimen can rarely be obtained? and those that are obtained, when in confinement very soon detach fragment after fragment, until only the anterior part is left. In their natural habitations they would undoubtedly be able to reproduce their lost parts, like many other annelids. The color of this worm is ocher- yellow, tinged with orange, or dark orange ; there are usually two rows of dark-brown spots along the back ; the branchiae are blood-red ; and posteriorly there is a brownish red median dorsal line. The proboscis is very singular, for it is divided into several long, flat, digitate pro cesses, separate nearly to the base, and somewhat enlarged at the end. Another species of this genus, of smaller size. A. fragile V., often oc curs in the sandy flats in great numbers, its small holes sometimes com pletely filling the sand over considerable areas and extending nearly up to half-tide mark. This species grows to the length of four inches or more, with a diameter of about .10. Its head is even more acute than in the last species, with a very slender, translucent apex. The body has the same form, but is more slender. The processes above and below the fascicles of setae begin to appear at the fourteenth segment, and the setae begin to be decidedly elongated at the fifteenth. The dorsal branchiae begin on the sixteenth segment, and become long and ligulate at the twentieth. The color is yellowish orange to orange-brown ; the dorsal surface, posteriorly, and the branchiae are red. The body posteriorly is very slender and extremely fragile. The last or caudal segment is smooth, oblong, with two long filiform cirri at the end. The proboscis is large and broad, consisting of numerous, often convoluted, lobes or folds, united b}~ a thinner membrane or broad web. The Aricia ornata V. is another related species, living in similar places with the last and having similar habits. The head is acute in this species, but the dorsal branchiae and lateral appendages com mence much nearer the head, and the side appendages are developed into crest-like, transverse series of papillae, which cover the lateral and ventral surfaces of the body anteriorly. Two species of Spio also occur in similar situations inhabiting small round tubes or holes made in the sand near low-water, often occuring in great numbers in certain spots. They prefer localities that are not exposed to the full force of the storms. One of these, S. setosa V. (Plate XIV, fig. 77,) is remarkable for the length of the setae iu the dorsal [345] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 51 bundles ; the two large tentacles (of which only one is drawn in the figure) are usually folded backward between the red dorsal branchiae, which form a row along the back on each side. The other, S. robusta Y., is a stouter species, which has much shorter setae in the dorsal fasci cles; the middle lobe of the head is emarginate in front and the lateral lobes are convex. Both species have four small eyes on the top of the head, those of the posterior pair nearest together. In similar places, and often associated with the two preceding species, another allied worm often occurs in great abundance, completely filling the sand, in its chosen abodes, with its round vertical holes, and throwing out cylin ders of mud. It is so gregarious that in certain spots hundreds may be found within a square foot, but yet a few yards away, on the same kind of ground, none whatever may be found. This is Scolecolepis viridis Y. This species, like the two preceeding, has a pair of large tentacles on the back part of the head, which are usually recurved over the back between the rows of ligulate branchiae, and four eyes on the top of the head ; the central lobe of the head is slightly bilobed in front, the lateral ones convex; the branchiae are long, slender, ligulate, meeting over the back, and exist only on about one hundred segments, or on about the anterior third part of the body. The body is rather slender, depressed, and about three inches long when full grown. The color is usually dark green, or olive-green, but sometimes light green, or tinged with reddish anteriorly; the branchiae are bright red; the large tentacles are light green, usually with a row of black dots, and often crossed by narrow flake-white lines or rings. This species has been found abundantly on Naushon Island, and other localities in that region; at New Haven ; and at Somer's Point and Beesley's Point, New Jersey. With the last species at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, another more slender species of the same genus occurred, Scolecolepis tennis Y. This was three or four inches long and very slender; the body was pale green; the tentacles longer and more slender than in the last, whitish, with a red central line ; the branchiae red, often tinged with green, shorter than in the last. The head is relatively broad, with the central lobe rounded in front. The branchiae are confined to the anterior part of the body. The setae in the upper fascicles are much longer than in the last species, those of the three anterior segments longer than the others and forming fan- shaped fascicles, directed upward and. somewhat forward. Another singular Annelid, belonging to the same tribe and having nearly the same habits, is represented in Plate XIY, fig. 78, this has been found by Mr. A. Agassiz burrowing in sandy mud at about half- tide, both at Naushon Island and at Nahant, Massachusetts, and he has also described its development and metamorphoses, but I have not met with the adult myself in this region, although the young were frequently taken in the towing-nets in the evening. Mr. Agassiz regards it as perhaps identical with Polydora ciliatum of Europe. It occurred in large colonies, closely crowded together, building upright tubes in the 52 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [346] mud. The presence of a large group of peculiar stout setae on each side of the fifth segment will distinguish this from all the preceding species. The young of this, like those of most of the annelids, swim free at the surface for some time, and are often taken in great numbers in the to wing-nets. The Ner'iYie ayilis V., is still another representative of the group to which the last five species belong, and like them it has two long and large tentacles on its head, but it is a far more active and hardy species than any of them, and much better adapted for rapid burrowing. It accordingly lives on exposed beaches even where the sand is loose, and can also maintain itself on the exposed sandy beaches of the outer ocean- shores, exposed to the full force of the surf, its extremely quick burrow ing affording it the means of protecting itself against the action of the sea. It lives in small round holes near low- water mark ; unlike the related species, already mentioned, it has a very sharp conical head. The two large tentacles are about half an inch long, and originate close together on the upper side of the back of the head, and are usually re curved over the back when the worm is swimming in the water, as it is capable of doing, but when it is wriggling about on the sand they are twisted about in all directions and variously coiled ; and when in their holes the tentacles are protruded from the opening. The eyes are four, small, black, placed close together in front of the base of the tentacles. The upper lobe of the lateral appendages is large and foliaceous and connected writh the branchiae along the anterior part of the body, but partially free farther back. The body is two or three inches long and rather slender ; the color is reddish or brownish anteriorly, greenish white on the sides, except on the anterior third ; the branchiae, which extend the whole length of the body, are light red; tentacles greenish white. One of the largest and most beautiful Annelids of this region is the Diopatra cuprea, (Plate XIII, figs. 67 and 68.) This species grows to be more than a foot long, with the body depressed and often nearly half an inch broad. It constructs a very curious permanent tube in which it dwells very securely. The part of these tubes beneath the surface of the sand is composed of a tough parchment-like material, and often descends obliquely to the depth of two or three feet or more; the upper end of the tube projects two or three inches from the surface of the sand or mud, and is thickly covered with bits of eel-grass and sea-weeds, fragments of shells, and other similar things, all of which are firmly attached to the tube, but project externally in all directions, giv ing this part of the tube a very rough and ragged appearance exter nally, but it is very smooth within, and often it has an opening half an inch in diameter, or large enough so that the worm can turn around, end for end, inside of it. When undisturbed the occupant thrusts its head and the anterior part of the body out of the tube to the distance of several inches in search of food, or materials to add to its tube, ex- [347] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 53 posing the curious bright red gills, which are shaped something like miniature fir trees. The central stem is long and tapering, with a blood vessel winding spirally up to its summit, and another winding in the opposite direction down to its base ; the basal part is naked, but above this slender branches are given off, forming spirals all along the stem and gradually decreasing in length to the tip; each of the branches con tains two slender blood-vessels. These branchia3 commence at the fifth segment and do not extend to the end of the body, the last ones being much smaller, with few branches. The first four setigerous segments have an acute, conical, papilliform ventral cirrus at the base of the lateral appendages; on the fifth and following segments these become low, broad, rounded, whitish tubercles, with longitudinal wrinkles or grooves, and with a dark spot in the middle ; these appear to contain the glands which secrete the cement used in constructing the lining of the tube, for when attaching any additional object at the end, after adjusting it in the de sired position the worm constantly rubs this part of the lower surface back ward and forward over the edge of the tube and the object to be cemented to it, until a perfect adherence is effected, and a smooth coating of firm mucus is deposited, and this operation is repeated for every piece added to the tube. It is very interesting to watch these worms, when in con finement in an aquarium, while engaged in constructing their tubes. By placing bits of bright colored shells, tinsel, cloth, or even pieces of bright colored feathers, near the tubes, they can be induced to use them, and thus some very curious looking tubes will be produced ; but they evidently prefer the more rough and homely materials to which they are accustomed, when they can be had. The iridescent, opaline colors of this species are usually very brilliant and beautiful, especially on the back, head, and bases of the antennae. The general color of the body is reddish brown, or deep brown, thickly specked with gray; the an tennae are paler brown; the lateral appendages yellowish brown, finely specked with white and dark brown; the gills usually blood-red, but varying from light red to dark brown. There are two, small, black eyes between the bases of the odd median and upper lateral antenna. This species is often quite abundant on the sand-flats near low-water mark, especially where there is more or less mud mixed with the sand, but it is still more abundant in the shallow or moderately deep waters off shore, on muddy and shelly bottoms. It is difficult, however, to obtain entire specimens with the dredge, for it usually merely cuts off the up per end of the tube, while the occupant retreats below; occasionally the head of the worm is cut off in this way. On the shore, also, it is not easy to obtain entire specimens unless the tubes be cautiously ap proached and the retreat of the worm prevented by a sudden and deep thrust of the spade below it, so as to cut off the tube. This species is carnivorous and has a very powerful set of black jaws, which are une qual on the two sides of the mouth, (fig. G8.) The Marpliysa Leidyi (p. 319, Plate XII, fig. 61) is allied to the pre- 54 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [348] ceding: species, and has somewhat similar habits, but does not construct snch perfect tubes. It is occasionally dug out of the sand at low-water? but is much more common in deeper water. The Staurocephalus pallidm V. is a1 so an inhabitant of these sandy shores, burrowing in the sand at low-water. It is a slender species, about two inches long and one-tenth broad. It is peculiar in having four long, slender antennae or t3iitacl< s on the front of the head, ar ranged in a cross-like manner, to which the generic name alludes. There are also four, small, dark red eyes on the upper side of the head. Tiie cuiur is pule yellowish, the red blood-vessels showing through an teriorly. This worm is allied to the two preceding, and to Lwribri- conereis, and like them it is predacious in its habits and has a very complicated set of jaws, consisting of numerous sharp, fang-like pieces of various shapes, arranged in several rows on both sides. The Sthenelais picta V. is another curious Annelid, which is some times found burrowing in the sand at low-watermark, but it also occurs on shelly and muddy bottoms in deep water. It has a long, slender body, six inches or more in length, and the back is covered with two rows of thin, smooth scales, which are very numerous. The head is usually brownish, with a whitish spot on each side; there is generally a dark brown band along the back; the scales are translucent, and vary in their color-markings, but more commonly there is a border of dark brown or blackish along the inner edge, which is usually con nected with a similar border along the anterior edge, or with an ante rior angular spot, and often with a dark border along the posterior edge, leaving more or less of the central part of each scale white and The Nephthys picta (Plate XII, fig. 57) is also sometimes found bur rowing ui sandy mud at low-water mark, hut it is much more frequent in the deeper waters of the sounds. It can be distinguished at once from all the other species of Nephthys found in this region by its greater slenderness, and by having the body whitish and variously marked or mottled on the back, toward the head, with dark brown ; it sometimes has a dark brown median dorsal-line. The shape of the head and posi tion of the tentacles are also peculiar. In sheltered situations, where there is some mud with the sand, the Cirratulus grandis V., (p. 319, Plate XY, figs. 80, 81,) is often met with burrowing beneath the surface. In similar places, and also in nearly pure, compact sand, and in sand mixed with gravel, the large tubes of Amphitrite ornata (p. 320, Plate XVI, fig. 82) are often to be seen ; these show a round opening, a quarter of an inch or more in diameter, surrounded by a slightly raised mound of sand, often different in color from that of the surface, and sometimes there are cylinders of such sand around the opening. These tubes are scarcely to be distinguished from, those of Anthostoma robustum, described above, and are found in [349] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 55 similar places. But the worms are very unlike in appearance and structure. Several species of slender, greenish worms, belonging to the gen era, Phyllodoce, Eumidia, Eulalia, and Eteone, are occasionally dug out of the sand. In all these the head is well-developed and provided with four antennas at the end, and in the three last with an odd median one on its upper side, and they all have two well- developed eyes, and oval or lanceolate, leaf-like branchiae along the sides of the back. They are very active species, and most of them belong properly to the shelly and rocky bottoms in deeper water, where they are often very abundant. In sheltered coves, where there is mud with the sand, Cistenides Gouldii V., (p. 323, Plate XVII, figs. 87, 87a,) often occurs, but it is more partial to the muddy shores. On various dead shells, as well as on certain living ones, and on the back of Limulus, &c., the masses of hard, sandy tubes, built and occupied by the Sabellaria vul- garis V., (p. 321, Plate XVII, figs. 88, 88a,) often occur. Of the Nemerteans the largest and most conspicuous is the Meckelia ingens (p. 324, Plate XIX, figs. 96, 90«.) This species lives in the clear sand, near low-water mark, as well as in places that are more or less muddy, and notwithstanding its softness and fragility, by its means of burrowing rapidly, it can maintain itself even on exposed shores, where the sacds are loose and constantly moved by the waves. The young, several inches or even a foot in length, are quite common, but the full-grown ones are only occasionally met with. The largest that I have found were at least 15 feet long, when extended, and over an inch broad, being quite flat; but they co ild contract to two or three feet in length, and then became nearly cylindrical and about three-quarters of an inch in diameter; the body was largest anteriorly, tapering very gradually to the posterior end, which was flat and thin, terminated by a central, small, slender, acute, contractile process one-quarter of an inch or less in length. The proboscis of the largest one, when pro truded, was fifteen inches long, and about one-fifth of an inch in diame ter where thickest. This proboscis, which is forcibly protruded from a terminal opening in the head, appears to be an organ of locomotion, at least to a certain extent, for when it penetrates the loose sand in any direction it makes an opening into which the head can be thrust, and then, by enlarging the opening, it can easily penetrate. But the pro boscis is probably used, also, as an instrument for exploring the sand in various directions, either in search of food or to test its hardness or fitness for burrowing, thus economizing time and labor. At any rate, the ways in which this remarkable instrument is used by these worms, when kept in confinement with sand, suggest both these uses. But the proboscis is by no means the principal organ of locomotion, for the head itself is used for this purpose, urged forward by the undulatory movements of the muscular body, and aided by the constantly chang ing bulbous expansions, both of the head and body, which both crowd 56 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [350] the sand aside, making the burrow larger, and furnish points of resist ance toward which the parts behind can be drawn, or against which the head and anterior parts can push in continuing the burrow. The head, moreover, is extremely changeable in form, at one time being spear-shaped, with a pointed tip and thin edges, and con stricted at the neck; in the next minute broadly rounded; then perhaps truncate or even deeply emarginate at the end ; then gradually losing its distinctness and blending its outlines continuously with those of the body; or perhaps shrinking down to a small oval form, not more than one-third as wide as the body just back of it. All these and many other changes can often be witnessed within a very few min utes, and are so effected as greatly to aid the creature in burrowing This worm can also leave the bottom and swim rapidly in the water, the body being usually kept up edgewise and impelled forward by the undulations of the body, which thus become horizontal. When swim ming in this way the motion reminds one of the swimming of a snake or an eel. In addition to the terminal pore, for the proboscis, there is a deep lateral slit or fossa on each side of the head, and a large ven tral orifice beneath. The latter is very changeable in form, changing from elliptical, long oval, oblong, or hour glass-shape, to circular in rapid succession. There are no eyes. Along each side of the greater part or the length of the bod}7, the voluminous, transversely-banded lateral organs can be imperfectly distinguished through the translucent integ ument, as well as the median cavity, in which a dark pulsating tube can sometimes be seen. The lateral organs commence at about the anterior fourth in small specimens, but in the larger ones relatively nearer the head, for in the largest they originate only six or eight inches back of it. The portion in front of the lateral organs is thicker and more cy lindrical than the rest of the body. The color of the largest specimens is generally light red or flesh-color, •with the lateral edges and central band translucent grayish white, the lateral organs showing through as dull yellowish transverse branches, with diverticula between them ; head yellowish. But one large speci men was dull brownish yellow ; others are yellowish white, with the lateral organs deep chestnut-brown, crossed by white lines. The small specimens are generally paler, usually, pale flesh-color or yellowish white and often milk-white. Some of the diversity in color may be due to sexual differences. This species has also been dredged on sandy and shelly bottoms in six to eight fathoms in the sounds. Dr. Leidy has also described another similar species, from Great Egg Harbor, under the name of Meckelia lactea, which I have not been able to distinguish, unless it be what I have regarded as the light-colored young of M. ingens ; the white color seems to have been the principal character by which it was distinguished from the latter. The Meckelia rosea is, however, a very distinct species, but it lives in similar places and is often associated with the M. ingens. It has very sim- [351] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 57 ilar habits, but does not grow to a very large size. The largest specimens observed are only six or eight inches long, and about a fifth of an inch broad. The body is also more cylindrical, the flattened part being rel atively thicker and narrower, and not thin at the edges; in contraction it becomes nearly cylindrical. The lateral fossae of the head are long and deep ; the ventral opening is relatively much smaller than in M. ingens and usually round. The proboscis is very long, slender ; color, light purplish red or rose-color. The integument is rather firm and secretes a tenacious mucus to which a thin coating of sand often adheres when the worms are taken from their burrows. This species seems to con struct an imperfect tube by slightly cementing the sand with its mucus. All these species of Meckelia when caught and when kept in confine ment generally break off portions from the posterior part of the body, one after another, until nothing but the head and a lot of short segments remain. Under favorable conditions they would doubtless be able to restore the lost parts, for other Nemerteans, having the same habit, are known to do so, and in some cases even the small fragments from the central parts have been known to again become entire worms. Various fishes feed upon these Meckelice, and it is probable that the habit of dis membering, or rather disarticulating themselves, may serve an impor tant purpose, by enabling them to escape, in part at least, when seized by fishes or crabs, for if even half the body should be lost the remaining half would be much better than nothing, for it could soon restore either a head or a tail. Another Nemertean, which lives in sand at low water, is the Tetra- siemma arenicola V., (Plate XIX, fig. 98.) This is slender, subcylindrical, and four or five inches long when extended. The head is versatile in foniij usually lanceolate or subcouical, and has four eyes on the upper side. There is a deep fossa on each side of the head. The ventra opening, which is behind the lateral fossa3, is small, triangular. The color is deep flesh-color or light purplish. The Balanoglossus aurantiacus is a very remarkable worm, related to the Nemerteans, which lives in the clear, siliceous sand near low-water mark. It is gregarious in its habits and occurs abundantly in certain spots, although not to be found in other similar places near by. It makes tubes or holes in the sand, twelve or fourteen inches deep, and lined with a thick and smooth layer of mucus. It throws out of the orifice peculiar elliptical coils of sand, by which the nature of the occupant may be known. This species was found by our party on the shore of Naushon Island, but Mr. A. Agassiz has found it abundantly at New port, and on the beach just beyond Nobska Light, and also at Beverly, Massachusetts. Dr. Packard informs me that he has collected it at Beaufort, North Carolina, and I have received specimens found at Fort Macon, from Dr. Yarrow. The specimens first discovered were found at Charleston, South Carolina, by Dr. William Stimpson, twenty years ago, but they were only briefly and imperfectly described by Mr. Girard, at 58 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [352] that time, under the name of Stimpsonia aurantiaca. Mr. A. Agassiz has recently described and illustrated this worm, very fully, under the new name, B. Kowalevsltil, iu the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. ix, p. 421, and he has also given an account of its remarkable development and metamorphoses, proving that the larva is a free-swimming form, long known as Tornaria, and generally sup posed to be the larva of a star-fish. This worm, when full grown, attains a length of six inches or more and a diameter of about a quarter of an inch. The body is elongated, tapering gradually, with a long, slender posterior portion. The body is somewhat flattened dorsally throughout most of its length. At the anterior end it is furnished with a broad thickened collar, in which large numbers of mucus-secreting glands are situated ; the anterior border of the collar is undulated, and from within the concavity, on the dorsal side arises a large muscular proboscis, which has a distinct peduncle, or narrower basal stem, above which it swells out into a somewhat flattened, long, pyriform, or elongated and sub- conical form, the shape constantly changing during life. The proboscis is somewhat wrinkled longitudinally, and more strongly horizontally, being furnished with muscles running in both these directions, and its surface contains mucus-secreting glands. According to Mr. Agassiz the cavity of the proboscis is not connected with the alimentary canal, but opens externally by a pore at the end, and by a narrow slit on the ventral side near the base, in advance of the mouth. The mouth is large and situated at the base of the proboscis on the ventral side. For some distance along each side of the back, behind the collar, is a row of complex gills ; these are remarkable on account of their structure and position; they are formed from diverticula of the oesophagus and finally communicate with a row of external orifices situated along each side of the median dorsal-vessel. The gills are supported by a system of solid supports, constituting a sort of internal skeleton; the base of the proboscis is also connected with a firm internal frame-work. The color of this species is somewhat variable ; in young specimens the body was brownish yellow with lighter mottlings, the collar red, and the pro boscis white ; in large specimens the proboscis is pale reddish yellow, the collar darker colored, the body purplish or brownish, the sides mot tled with greenish and whitish, owing to the lateral organs or livor showing through. The proboscis of this worm, according to the obser vations of Mr, Agassiz, is the principal organ of locomotion, but the collar also aids in the movements. The proboscis appears to be used much as certain bivalve inollusks, such as Solen, Petricola, &c., use their foot in burrowing ; the end being contracted to a point, is thrust for ward into the sand ; water being then forced into it, by the muscles far ther back, the end expands into a bulb, enlarging the hole and giving a point of resistance toward which the rest of the body can be drawn ; the front part of the proboscis being again contracted and the water [353] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 59 expelled, the point can be again thrust forward and the movements repeated. Two species of Sipunculoid worms are also found living in the sand at low-water. The largest and most common of these is the Phascolos- oma Gouldii, (Plate XVIII, fig. 03.) This species grows to the length of a foot or more, and is often nearly half an inch in diameter, though more commonly about a quarter of an inch. The body is round and constantly changing in size and shape, owing to its contractions and expansions ; the surface is smoothish, but longitudinally lined with mus cular fibers anteriorly, and transversely wrinkled posteriorly. The in tegument is firm and parchment-like. The mouth is surrounded by numerous short tentacles, which are partially connected together by a thin web, and crowded together in several circles. The color is yellow ish white, grayish white, or yellowish brown. It burrows deeply in the sand and gravel, using its body for this purpose very much as the Balanoglossus, just described, uses its proboscis. Another much smaller species of the same genus occurs in sand at low-water, and has similar habits, but it appears to be rather uncom mon and has not been satisfactorily identified. Comparatively few species of Mollusks naturally inhabit sandy shores, though the shells of many species may be found on the beaches. On the more exposed beaches of loose siliceous sand none but those which have the power of burrowing quickly and deeply beneath the surface can exist. We find, however, that quite a number of our species, both of gastropods and bivalves, possess this power in a high degree and do habitually live on the exposed beaches of loose sand. Among the Gastropods one of the largest and most conspicuous is the Lunatia heros, (Plate XXIII, figs. 133-136.) This species occurs all along our coast, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape Hatteras or be yond, wherever sandy shores and pure waters are to be found, and it even seems to prefer the outer ocean beaches, where the waves break with full force, for it is abundant and of very large size on the outer beaches of the coast of New Jersey. When in motion (Fig. 134) the white soft parts are protruded from the shell to a remarkable extent and spread out broadly on all sides, so as to nearly conceal the shell j the foot is large, flat, and broadly expanded, with thin edges, and by means of it the animal is able to burrow, like a mole, beneath the surface of the sand, both for protection and in search of the bivalve shells upon which it preys. The foot when well expanded is concave below and lubricated by a very abundant secretion of mucus, and therefore, when extended beneath the surface of the moist sand, it acts like a great sucker, holding the animal in place pretty firmly by the atmospheric pressure, thus serving as a sort of anchor in the sand. But nevertheless large numbers of these mollusks are uncovered, overturned, and thrown high up on the beaches by the storms, especially in winter and early spring.* This species, like many others of its tribe, drills round holes through the sides of various 6 V 60 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [354] bivalve shells by means of the small flinty teeth on its lingual ribbon, which acts like a rasp, and having thus made an opening it inserts its proboscis and sucks out the contents. All sorts .of burrowing bivalves in this way fall victims to this and the following species, nor do they confine themselves to bivalves, for they will also drill any unfortunate gastropods that they may happen to meet, not even sparing their own young. A variety of this species (var. triseriata, Plate XXIII, figs. 135, 136) has three revolving rows of chestnut or purplish spots, and has been regarded by most writers as a distinct species, and sometimes as the young ; but both the plain and spotted shells occur of all sizes, from the the youngest to the oldest, and they are nearly always found together. In some cases, however, a shell that has the spots well defined until half grown, afterwards loses its spots and becomes perfectly plain, show ing that the difference is only a variation in the color, but each style varies considerably in form. Another allied shell, growing nearly as large and generally much more abundant, except on the outer beaches, is the Neverita duplicata. (Plate XXIII, fig. 130.) This species has the same habits as the pre ceding and in this region they are often found together $ but this is a more southern species, extending to the Gulf of Mexico and even to Texas, but it is not very common north of Cape Cod and does not extend to the eastern coast of Maine and Bay of Fundy. The curious egg-cases of this and the last species are often met with on the sandy and muddy flats at low-water. They consist of a broad, thin ribbon of sand, coiled up into a circle and shaped something like a saucer, but without a bottom ; the ribbon is composed of innumerable little cells, each containing one or more eggs and surrounded with grains of fine sand cemented together by mucus. The cells can easily be seen by holding one of these ribbons up to the light and looking through it. The peculiar form of these egg-masses is due to the fact that they are molded into shape by being pressed against the body of the shell when they are being extruded, and while they are still soft and gelatinous ; they thus take the form and spiral curvature of that part of the shell, and when laid in the sand the fine grains at once adhere to and become imbedded in the tenacious mucus, which soon hardens. The Tritia trivittata (Plate XXI, fig. 112) is also frequently found on sandy shores and flats. When left by the tide it creeps along the sur face of the sand, leaving long crooked trails, and sometimes burrows be neath the surface, and when burrowing it moves with the aperture down ward and the spire pointing obliquely upward, but when at rest in its burrow it reverses its position and rests with the spire downward and the aperture toward the surface. The Ilyanassa obsoleta (Plate XXI, fig. 113) is also generally to be found in considerable numbers creeping over the flats, and making trails [355] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 61 and burrows like the last, but this species has its proper home on the muddy shores and in estuaries, and will, therefore, be mentioned again. At certain times, especially in the spring, multitudes of the young shells of Blttium nigmim (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 154) are found creeping on the surface of the moist sand in sheltered places, at low- water, and generally associated with large numbers of the Astyris lunata, (p. 306, Plate XXII, fig. 110.) But this is not the proper habitat of either of these species; the reason of this habit is not obvious, unless they may have been accidentally transported to such places. They may be found, however, on the eel-grass growing on sandy shores. The Lacuna vincta (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 139) also frequently occurs on eel-grass and sea- weeds in such places. The Crepidula fornicata (Plate XXIII, figs. 129, 129a) and C. ungui- formis (Plate XXIII, fig. 127) occur on shells inhabited by the hermit crabs as well as on the living shells of oysters, Pecten, Limulus, &c ; and the smaller and darker species, C. convexa, (Plate XXIII, fig. 128) occurs both on the eel-grass, and on the shells of Ilyanassa obsoleta, especially when occupied by the small hermit-crabs. Occasionally specimens of Fulffur carica (Plate XXII, fig. 124) and of Sycotypus canaUcu- latus are found crawling on sandy flats or in the tide pools, espec ially during the spawning season, but they do not ordinarily live in such situations, but in deeper water and on harder bottoms off shore. The curious egg-cases of these two species are almost always to be found thrown up by the waves on sandy beaches. They consist of a series of disk-shaped, subcircular, or reniform, yellowish capsules, parchinent- like in texture, united by one edge to a stout stem of the same kind of material, often a foot and a half or two feet in length. The largest capsules, about an inch in diameter, are in the middle, the size decreas ing toward each end. On the outer border is a small circular or oval spot, of thinner material, which the young ones break through when they are ready to leave the capsules, each of which, when perfect, con tains twenty to thirty, or more, eggs or young shells, according to the season. Dr. Elliott Coues, who has observed F. carica forming its cases at Fort Macon, North Carolina, states that the females bury themselves a few inches below the surface of the sand on the flats that are uncovered at low-water, and remain stationary during the process. The string of capsules is gradually thrust upward, as fast as formed, and finally pro trudes from the surface of the sand, and when completed lies exposed on its surface. The string begins as a simple shred, two or three inches long, without well-formed cases ; the first cases are small and imper fect in shape, but they rapidly increase in size and soon become perfect, the largest being in the middle ; the series ends more abruptly than it begun, with a few smaller and less perfect capsules. The number of capsules varies considerably, but there are usually seventy-five to one hundred or more. At Fort Macon Dr. Coues observed this species 62 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [356] spawning in May, but at Xew Haven they spawn as early as March and April. It is probable that the period of spawning extends over several months. Mr. Sanderson Smith thinks that they also spawn in autumn, oil Long Island. It is not known how long a time each female requires for the formation of her string of capsules. There are two forms of these capsules, about equally abundant in this region. In one the sides of the capsules are nearly smooth, but the edge is thick or truncate along most of the circumference, and crossed by numerous sharp transverse ridges or partitions, dividing it into facets. Dr. Coues states that these belong to F. carica. An examination of the young shells, ready to leave the capsules, confirms this. The other kind has larger and thinner cap sules, with a thin, sharp outer edge, while the sides have radiating ridges or raised lines. Sometimes the sides are unlike, one being smooth and more or less concave, the other convex and crossed by ten or twelve radiating, elevated ridges, extending to the edge. This kind was attrib uted to F. carica by Dr. G. H. Perkins, and formerly by Mr. Sanderson Smith, but a more careful examination of the young shells, within the capsules, shows that they belong to S. canaliculate. Among the sand-dwelling bivalve shells we find quite a number of species that burrow rapidly and deeply, some of them living in perma nent holes or perpendicular burrows, into which they can quickly de scend for snfety, and others burrowing in the sand in all directions, without permanent holes. The " razor-shell," Ensatella Americana, (Plate XXVI, fig. 182, and Plate XXXII, fig. 245,) is a common inhabitant of sand-flats and sand bars, where the water is pure, generally living near low-water mark or below, but sometimes found considerably above low-water mark, as on the sand-bar at Savin Eock. This curious mollusk constructs a deep, nearly round, somewhat permanent burrow, which descends nearly per pendicularly into the sand to the depth of two or three feet. These holes can generally be recognized, by their large size and somewhat elliptical form, when the tide is out. Sometimes they are very abundant in certain spots and not found elsewhere in the neighborhood. They sometimes come to the top of the burrow, when left by the tide, and pro- ' ject an inch or two of the end of the shell above the surface of the sand ; at such times, if cautiously approached, many can easily be secured by pulling them out with a sudden jerk, but if the sand be jarred the whole colony will usually take the alarm and instantly disappear. When thus warned it is generally useless to attempt to dig them out, for they quickly descend beyond the reach of the spade. They will often hold themselves so firmly in their holes by means of the expanded end of the long mus cular foot, that the body may be drawn entirely out of the shell before they will let go. When not visible at the orifice they can often be se cured by cutting off their retreat with a sudden oblique thrust of the spade below them. They are obliged to come up to the upper part of the burrow on account of the shortness of their siphons, or breathing- [357] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 63 tubes, which can be protruded only about an inch in specimens of the ordinary size, and as they depend upon one of these to bring them both food and oxygen, and on the other (dorsal) one to carry off the waste water and excretions, it is essential for their happiness that the orifices of these tubes should be at or near the opening of the burrow most of the time. In this respect the common " long clam," My a arenaria, (fig. 179,) and many others that have* very long and extensile tubes have a great advantage. But the "razor-shell" makes up for this disadvan tage by its much greater activity. Its foot, or locomotive organ, (see fig. 182,) is long and very muscular and projects directly forward from the anterior end of the shell ; at the end it is obliquely beveled and pointed, and it is capable of being expanded at the end into a large bulb, or even into a broad disk, when it wishes to hold itself firmly and se curely in its burrow. In excavating its burrows it contracts the end of the foot to a point and then thrusts it beneath the surface of the sand ; then, by forcing water into the terminal portion, it expands it into a swollen, bulbous form, and thus crowds the sand aside and enlarges the burrow ; then, by using the bulb as a hold-fast, the shell can be drawn forward by the contraction of the foot ; the latter is then contracted into a pointed form and the same operations are repeated. The burrow thus started soon becomes deep enough so that the shell will maintain an up right position, when the work becomes much easier and the burrow rapidly increases in depth. The " razor-shell," like all other bivalves, depends upon the minute infusoria and other organic particles, animal and vegetable, brought in by the current of water that supplies the gills with oxygen. It is preyed upon by several fishes that seem to be able to root it out of the sand, or perhaps seize it when at the surface. In this region its principal enemies are the tautog and skates. The latter appear to eat only the foot, for in their stomachs there are sometimes many specimens of this organ, but no shells or other parts. The common "long clam," My a arenaria, (p. 309, Plate XXVI, fig. 179,) is also found on sandy shores from low-water nearly up to high- water mark, but it prefers localities where there is more or less gravel or mud with the sand, so as to render it compact, and it has a decided preference for sheltered localities, and especially abounds on the shores of estuaries where there is a mixture of sand, mud, and gravel. It will, therefore, be more particularly mentioned among the estuary species. Yet it is often found even on the outer ocean- beaches, in favorable lo calities, but not in the loose sands. It lives in permanent burrows, and on account of its extremely long siphon- tubes, which can be stretched out to the length of a foot or more, it is always buried at a considerable depth beneath the sand. The specimens of this shell that live on the outer sandy beaches are much thinner, whiter, and more regular in form than those found in the estuaries ; they are often quite delicate in text ure, and covered, even when full grown, with a thin, yellowish epidermis, and look so unlike the homely, rough, and mud-colored specimens usually 64 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [358] sold in the markets, that they might readily be mistaken for another species. Tbe " sea-clam " or " surf-clam," Mactra solidissima, (Plate XXVIII, fig. 202,) is a large species which belongs properly to the sandy shores, and is seldom found elsewhere. It is common both in the sounds and on the outer ocean-beaches, but is not very often found above low-water of or dinary tides unless thrown up by the waves. Its proper home is on sandy bottoms in shallow water, just beyond low-water mark and down to the depth of four or five fathoms. It occurs all along our coast, wherever there are sandy shores, from North Carolina to Labrador. Its shells are extremely abundant and of very large size on the outer sand- beaches of New Jersey and the southern side of Long Island. This species grows very large, some of the shells being more than six inches long and four or five broad ; and there is great variation in the form of the shell, some being oval, others more oblong or elliptical, and others nearly triangular ; some are very swollen, others quite compressed ; but all the intermediate grades occur. The siphon-tubes are quite short and the creature does not usually burrow very deeply, nor does it seem to construct any permanent burrows. But it has a very large muscular, compressed foot, with which it can quickly burrow beneath the surface of the sand. Nevertheless large numbers are always thrown on the beaches by violent storms, and once there they are very soon devoured by crows, gulls, and other large birds that frequent the shores. This species is not very largely used as food, and is seldom seen in our mar kets ; partly because it cannot usually be so easily obtained in large quantities as the common " long clam" and "round clam," and partly because it is generally inferior to those species as an article of food, for the meat is usually tougher, especially in the largest specimens. But moderate-sized and young " surf-clams" are by no means ill-flavored or tough, and are quite equal in quality to any of the other clams, either " long" or " round," that are ordinarily sold in the markets. The Siliqua costata, (Plate XXXII, fig. 244,) Lyonsia hyalina, (Plate XXVII, fig. 194,) and Lcevicardium Mortoni, (Plate XXIX, fig. 208,) are usually to be found on sandy shores and beaches, often in considerable numbers, but they do not naturally live above low- water mark, and, when found higher up, have probably been carried there by the action of the waves. Their proper homes are on sandy bottoms, in shallow water off shore. They are all rapidly burrowing species, and can live, for a time at least, in the loose sand above low-water mark. The Angulus tener (Plate XXVI, fig. 180, animal, and Plate XXX, fig. 223, shell) is a species that is partial to sandy bottoms and sandy shores, though it is also often found in soft mud. It frequently occurs living at low-water mark, but is more abundant in deeper water. It is a rapid burrower, and has remarkably long, slender, white siphons, which are entirely separate, from the base, and very flexible. On account of the length of these tubes it can remain buried to a considerable [359] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 65 depth beneath the surface of the sand, merely projecting the tubes up ward to the surface. It is, nevertheless, like other bivalves, often rooted out of its burrows and devoured by many fishes, especially, in this re gion, by the " scup" and flounders. This species is found all along the coast, from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence to South Carolina. The Macoma fusca (Plate XXX, fig. 222) is a related species, also furnished with similar, very long, slender, separate tubes, and is, therefore, able to live deeply buried beneath the surface. This species is much more abundant than the preceding, between tides, but it most abounds on shores that are more or less muddy, and in estuaries. But when living on the sandy shores, and where the water is pure, it becomes much smoother and more delicate, and is often of a beautiful pink-color and much larger than the specimen figured. When living in the muddy estuaries it generally has -a rough or eroded surface, more or less irregular form, and a dull white or muddy color, often stained with black, resembling in color the Mya arenaria, with which it is sometimes associated. It is dug up and eaten by the tautog and other fishes. The pretty little Tottenia gemma (Plate XXX, fig. 220) is a species peculiar to sandy shores, both above and below low- water mark ; and it often occurs in immense numbers on the sandy flats laid bare by the tides, buried just beneath the surface of the sand. Owing to its small size it is, however, liable to be overlooked, unless particularly sought for. It is an active species and burrows quickly. It is peculiar in be ing viviparous, as was first observed by Mr. G. H. Perkins, who found, in January, from thirty to thirty-six, well-formed young shells, of nearly uniform size, in each of the old ones. This shell has a lustrous, con centrically grooved surface ; the color is yellowish white or rosy, with the beaks and posterior end usually purple or amethyst-color. It occurs all along the coast from Labrador to South Carolina. The common u round clam" or " quahog-clam," Venus mercenaria, (Plate XXVI, fig. 184, animal,) is also common on sandy shores, living chiefly on the sandy and muddy flats, just beyond low-water mark, but 'is often found on the portion laid bare at low-water of spring-tides. It also inhabits the estuaries, where it most abounds. It burrows a short distance be low the surface, but is often found crawling at the surface, with the shell partly exposed. It has short siphon-tubes, united from the base to near the ends, and a large, muscular foot, with a broad, thin edge, by means of which it can easily burrow beneath the sand when necessary. The lobes of the mantle are separate all around the front and ventral edge of the shell, and their edges are thin, white, and folded into deli cate frills, some of which, near the siphon-tubes, are elongated and more prominent. Owing to the broad opening in the mantle, the foot can be protruded from any part of the ventral side, and has an ex tensive sweep, forward and backward. The foot and mantle edges are white ; the tubes are yellowish or brownish orange toward the end, 66 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [360] more or less mottled arid streaked with dark brown, and sometimes with opaque white. This species is taken in large quantities for food, and may almost al ways be seen of various sizes in our markets. The small or moderate- sized ones are generally preferred to the full-grown clams. Most of those sold come from the muddy estuaries, in shallow water, and are fished up chiefly by means of long tongs and rakes, such as are often used for obtaining oysters. Sometimes they are dredged, and occasionally they can be obtained by hand at or just below low-water mark. These estuary specimens usually have rough, thick, dull- white, or mud-stained shells, but those from the sandy shores outside have thinner and more delicate shells, often with high, thin ribs, especially when young ; and in some varieties the shell is handsomely marked with angular or zig zag lines or streaks of red or brown, (var. notata.) These varieties often appear so different from the ordinary estuary shells that many writers have described them as distinct species, but intermediate styles also occur. This species is very abundant along the coast from Cape Cod to Florida ; north of Cape Cod it is comparatively rare and local- It does not occur on the coast of Maine or in the Bay of Fundy, except in a few special localities, in small, sheltered bays, where the water is shallow and warm, as at Quahog Bay, near Portland ; but in the south ern parts of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, as about Prince Edward's Island and the opposite coast of Nova Scotia, where the water is shal low and much warmer than on the coast of Maine, this species again occurs in some abundance, associated, in the same waters, with the oyster and many other southern species that are also absent from the northern coasts of New England, and constituting a genuine southern colony, surrounded on all sides, both north and south, by the boreal fauna. The curious and delicate shell called Solenomya velum (Plate XXIX, fig. 210) is occasionally found burrowing in the pure, fine, siliceous sand near low- water mark, about two inches below the surface, but its proper home is in shallow w^ater, beyond low-water mark, and it is, perhaps most abundant where there is mud mixed with sand, and it also lives in soft mud. Its shell is glossy and of a beautiful brown color, and is very thin, flexible, and almost parchment-like in texture, especially at the edges. It is a very active species, and has a very curious foot, which is protruded from the front end of the shell, and can be used in burrowing, very much as the " razor-shell," described above, uses its foot; but the Solenomya makes use of its foot in another way, for it can swim quite rapidly through the water, leaving the bottom entirely, by means of the same organ. The foot can be expanded into a concave disk or umbrella-like form at the end, and, by suddenly protruding the foot and expanding it at the same time, a backward motion is obtained by the reaction against the water ; or, by suddenly withdrawing the foot and allowing it to remain expanded during most of the stroke, a for- [361] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 67 ward motion is obtained. It is a singular sight to see this shell swim swiftly many times around a vessel of water, at the surface, until, finally, becoming exhausted by its violent exertions, it sinks to the bottom for rest. The common " scollop," Pecten irradians, (Plate XXXII, fig. 243,) is also frequently found living on sandy shores and flats, or in the pools, but it belongs more properly to the sheltered waters of the ponds and estuaries, where it lives among the eel-grass. It will, therefore, be mentioned again in that connection. The " common muscle," Mytilus edulis, (p. 307,) is frequently found in large patches on sandy flats, fastened together by the threads of byssus. Some of the most beautifully colored varieties, (fig. 234,) with radiating bauds of blue and yellow, are often found in such places, but the species is much more abundant and larger in other situations, especially in the shallow and sheltered waters of the bays, where there is more or less mud. Ascidians are almost entirely wanting on the sandy shores, but Mol- gula Manhattensis (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 250) is sometimes found even on sandy shores, attached to eel-grass. Of Bryozoa only two species are usually met with, and even these do not have their true stations on the sandy shores. The delicate and gracefully branched Bugula turrita (p. 311, Plate XXXIY, figs. 258, 259) is occasionally found growing attached to the eel-grass, which often grows in the sandy tide-pools, or at extreme low-water. It also occurs in great abundance among the masses of sea-weeds thrown up by the waves on the sandy beaches. Such specimens are often large and luxuriant, in some cases being more than a foot in length j these are derived from the bottom in deeper water, off shore. The Escliarella variabilis (p. 312, Plate XXXIII. fig. 256) is often found encrusting dead shells of various kinds, especially such as are inhab ited by the larger "hermit-crabs." It is also cast up in abundance, on some beaches, from deeper water. The Radiates are not numerous on sandy shores, yet several interest ing species may be found. Among the Echinoderms we find four species of holothurians, one sea-urchin, one star-fish, and one ophiurau. The most common holothuriau is the Leptosynapta Girardii, (Plate XXXY, figs. 205, 266.) This is a long, slender, very delicate and fragile species, which burrows deeply in the sand or gravel near low-water mark. The holes are round and go down almost perpendicularly; they are usually not more than a quarter of an inch in diameter. The creature is not quick in its motions, and can usually be found in the upper part of its burrow when the tide is out. The skin is thin and quite translucent, so that the white muscular bands that run lengthwise of the body, on the inside, can be easily seen, as well as the large intes tine, which is always quite full of sand and gives a dark appearance to the body. The tentacles are almost always in motion, and are used in 68 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [362] burrowing as well as for other purposes. The skin is filled with minute perforated oval plates, to each of which there is attached, by the shank, a beautiful little anchor, (fig. 266,) quite invisible to the naked eye. The flukes of these anchors project from the skin and give it a rough feeling when touched ; they afford the means of adhesion to various foreign substances, having a rough surface, and are doubtless useful to them when going up and down in the burrows. When kept in confine ment this species will generally soon commence to constrict its body, at various points, by powerful muscular contractions, which often go so far as to break the body in two, and after a few hours there will usually be nothing left but a mass of fragments. Another related species, L. roseola V., also occurs in similar places and has nearly the same habits, but this species is of a light rosy color, caused by numerous minute round or oval specks of light red pigment scattered through the skin. The anchors are similar but much more slender, with the shank much longer in proportion. The perforated plates are also much smaller in proportion to the length of the anchors. The Caudina arenata is much more rare in this region. It lives at extreme low-water mark, or just below, buried in the sand. Its skin is thicker and firmer than that of the preceding species, and its body is shorter and stouter, while the posterior part narrows to a long slender caudal portion. Its skin is filled with immense numbers of small, round, wheel-like plates, with an uneven or undulated border, perforated near the rim with ten to twelve roundish openings, and usually having four quadrant-sliaped openings in the middle; or they may be regarded as having a large round opening in the middle, divided by cross-bars into four parts. This species appears to be rare in this region, and was met with only by Professor H. E. Webster, at Wood's Hole, but it is quite abundant in some parts of Massachusetts Bay, as at Chelsea Beach and some of the islands in Boston Harbor. These and all other holothurians are devoured by fishes. The Thyone Briareiis is a large purple species, often four or five inches long and one inch or more in diameter. It is thickly covered over its whole surface with prominent papillre, by which it may easily be distin guished from any other found in this region. It is more common in the shallow waters off shore, on shelly bottoms. The " sand-dollar," Ecliinar admins parma, (Plate XXXV, fig. 267,) is the only sea-urchin that is commonly met with on sandy shores in this region, and this is not often found living on the shore, except at extreme low water of spring-tides, when it may sometimes be found on flats or bars of fine siliceous sand in great numbers, buried just beneath the surface, or even partially exposed. It creeps along beneath the sand with a slow gliding motion, by means of the myriads of minute extensile suckers with which it is furnished. It is far more abundant on sandy bottoms at various depths off shore. It has a very wide range, for it is found all the way from New Jersey to Labrador, and also on [363] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 69 the North Pacific coast ; and in depth it ranges from low-water mark to 430 fathoms, off Saint George's Bank, where it was dredged by Messrs. Smith and Harger. When living its color is usually a rich purplish brown, but it soon turns green when taken from the water. It gives a dark green or blackish color to alcohol, which stains very injuriously any other specimens put in with it. The- fishermen on the coast of Maine and New Brunswick sometimes prepare an indelible marking-ink from these "sand-dollars," by rubbing off the spines and skin and, after pulverizing, making the mass into a thin paste with water. A number of fishes have been found to swallow this unpromising creature for food, and the flounders consume large numbers of them. The common green star-fish, Asterias arenicola, (p. 326, Plate XXXY, fig. 269,) is sometimes met with on sandy shores, but is much less abun dant than on rocky shores. The curious " brittle star-fish," Ophiura olivacea, is sometimes found among the eel-grass on sandy shores, espe cially in tide-pools, in sheltered localities. It may be recognized by its nearly circular, disk-like body, about three-quarters of an inch in diameter, with five round, rather slender, tapering, stiff-looking arms, about three inches long. The color is bright green, much like that of the eel-grass among which it lives. When at home in the water it moves about over the sand quite rapidly by means of its arms. When taken from the water it does not usually break itself up into numerous fragments, as readily as most of its related species do. It is rather southern in its distribution, and Vineyard Sound is perhaps its northern limit. It extends southward at least to North Carolina. Of acalephs there are no species known to me that properly belong to the sandy shores/ but Hydr actinia polydina (p. 328) is often found on the shells carried about by the hermit-crabs, in such situations, and there are species of Obelia and other hydroids that sometimes grow on the eel-grass in the tide-pools, but they are much more frequent in other situations. Among the Polyps we find several species proper to sandy shores and specially adapted to this mode of life. One of the most interesting of these is the Halocampa producta, (p. 330, Plate XXXVIII, fig. 285,) which has already been described. This often occurs in the sand at low- water mark, and makes round holes about a foot deep, which can sometimes be recognized by small cracks radiating from the hole when the tide leaves them uncovered. The Sagartia modesta (p. 330) is also found buried in the sand at low- water, especially where there is also some gravel with the sand. The Sagartia leucolena (p. 329, Plate XXXVIII, fig. 284) is sometimes found in similar situations, but belongs properly to the rocky shores. The Paractis rapiformis is a species that is still little known. It lives buried deeply in the sand at and below low-water mark. It appears to be common on the coast of North Carolina, at Fort Macon, where it is often thrown up by storms, and it has also been found at Great Egg Har- 70 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [364] bor aiid near "N'ew Haven light. The body is three or four inches long when extended, and an inch or more in diameter, and is very changeable in form. The surface is nearly smooth, slightly sulcated lengthwise, and the- color is usually pink, or pale flesh-color, translucent. The tentacles are numerous, short, tapering, pale greenish olive, with a dark band around the' base, connected with a dark line radiating from the mouth. Toward the upper part of the body the surface is somewhat wrinkled and is capable of attaching grains of sand to itself. When thrown up by the waves it contracts into a globular or pyriform shape and " somewhat resembles a boiled onion or turnip." List of the species ordinarily inhabiting the sandy shores. AETICULATA. Insects. Page. Muscidae, (larvae) 335 Cicindela generosa (larva) . . 33G C. dorsalis 335 C. hirticollis 335 C. albohirta.. b35 Page. Geopinus iucrassatus 335 Phytosus littoralis 335 Bledius cordatus 335 B. pallipennis 335 Heterocera undatus . 335 Crustacea. Page. Ocypoda arenaria 337 Gelasimus pugilator : . 336 Cancer irroratus 338 Carcinus grauulatus 312 Platyouichus ocellatus 338 Libiuia canaliculata 339 Hippa talpoida 338 Eupagurus pollicaris 313 E. longicarpus 339 Crangon vulgaris 339 PaUeinonetes vulgaris 339 Orchestia agilis Talorchestia longicornis T. megalophthalma Lepidactylis dytiscus . . Unciola irrorata Idotea irrorata I. caica I. Tuftsii Scyphacella arenicola Limulus Polyphemus. . . Annelids, (Chcutopods.) Page. Sthenelais picta 348 Nephthys picta 348 Eteone, sp 349 ISTereis virens 341 N. limbata - 341 Cirratulus grandis 348 Scolecolepis viridis 345 S. tenuis . 345 Poiydora ciliatum Diopatra cuprea , Marphysa Leidyi , Lumbriconereis opaliua L. teuuis Staurocephalus pallidus Rhynehobolus Americanus R. dibranchiatus. . Page. 340 336 336 339 340 340 340 340 337 340 Page. 345 346 347 342 342 348 342 341 [365] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 71 Page. Spio robusta 345 S. setosa 344 Nerine agilis 346 Aricia ornata. 344 Anthostoma robustum 343 A. fragile .... 344 Maklane elongata 343 Page. Clymenella torquata 343 STotomastus luridus 342 N. filiformis 342 Sabellaria vulgaris . . . 349 Oistenides Gouldii 349 Amphitrite ornata 348 Oligochwta. Halodrillus littoralis Page. 338 Clitellio irroratus Nemerteans. Page. Meckelia lactea 350 M. ingens 349 M. rosea . 350 Cosmocepbala ocbracea .... Tetrastemma arenicola Balanoglossus aurantiacus. Sipunciiloids. Phaseolosoma Gouldii Page. 353 Phascolosoma, sp. Page. 324 Page. 325 351 351 Page. 353 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. Fulgur carica . . . - 355 Syeotypus canaliculatus 355 Astyris lunata 306 Ilyanassa obsoleta 354 Tritia trivittata 354 Lunatia beros 353 L. beros, var. triseriata 354 Page. Neverita duplicate 354 Crepidula foruicata 355 C. convexa . 355 C. unguiformis 355 Bittium nigruin 355 Lacuna vincta . 355 Lamellibranchs. Page. Ensatella Americana 356 Siliqua costata 358 Mya arenaria * 357 Lyousia hyalina 358 Mactra solidissima 358 Maconia fusca 359 Angulus tener 358 Page. Venus mercenaria 359 Totteuia gemma 359 La3vicardium Mortoni 358 Solenomya velum 360 Mytilus edulis 361 Pecten irradians . 361 72 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FiSH AND FISHERIES. [366] Bryozoa and Ascidians. Page. Molgula Manhattensis 3G1 Escharella variabilis . . 361 Page. Bugula turrita 361 EADIATA. Ucliinoderms . Page. Thyone Briareus 362 Caudiua arenata 362 Leptosyiiapta Girardii 361 L. roseola . 362 Page. Echinarachnius parina 362 Asterias areuicola 3(53 Opbiura olivacea 363 Polyps. Page. Halocampa producta 363 Sagartia uiodesta 363 Page. Sagartia leucolena 363 Paractis rapiforinis 363 II. 3.— FAUNA OF THE MUDDY SHORES OF THE BAYS AND SOUNDS. The muddy shores in this region grade almost insensibly into the sandy shores; and shores that are entirely of mud, without any admixture of fine sand, rarely occur except in the estuaries and lagoons. Therefore we find, as might have been anticipated, that it is difficult to draw a very definite line between the animals living upon the sandy shores and those living upon the muddy shores and flats. Many of the species seem, also, to be equally at home, whether living in mud or sand, and many others prefer a mixture, although capable of living in either*. But if we were to compare the animals living in pure sand with those living in clear mud, the two lists would be quite different, although a considerable number would be common to both lists. Moreover, the eel-grass grows in considerable quantities both upon sandy and muddy shores, in cer tain localities, and a large number of species which inhabit the eel-grass will, therefore, be found in both lists. In discussing the species found on sandy shores, in the preceding pages, references have constantly been made to other stations inhabited by many of the species, and especially in the case of those that are com mon to the sandy and muddy shores. Therefore it will not be necessary to repeat the facts in this connection, but the species will be enumerated in the list at the end of this section. A considerable number of species have their place in this list chiefly because they occur on beds of oysters planted on muddy shores, at and just below low- water mark. Without these artificial stations some of them would hardly be found on such shores, or at least but rarely. It is evident that the shells of oysters, when in large quantities, supply, to [367] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 73 a certain extent, conditions similar to those of rocky shores, and conse quently it is natural that certain rocky-shore species should be found in such situations. Only the more common and most important of these have been introduced into the list, however, for to include all the species to be found among-oysters would uselessly extend the catalogue. Among the Crustacea we find a considerable number of species which have their proper homes on the muddy shores. Of the true crabs there are at least eleven species that constantly occur in these situations, but several of them, viz.,- Cancer irroratus, (p. 312,) Panopeus depressus, (p. 312,) P. Sayi^ (p. 312,) and Carcinus granulatus, (p. 312,) are found in greater numbers .elsewhere, and depend largely upon the oyster-beds for their safety on these shores. -The Carcinus gmnulatus, however, often resorts to the holes and cavernous places under the peaty banks of the shores, or along the small ditches and streams cutting through the peaty marshes near the shore. The marsh " fiddler-crab,'7 Gelasimus pugnax, is usually very abundant in the peaty banks and along the ditches and streams at and just above high- water mark, where it excavates great numbers of deep holes, often completely riddling the soil. This species is, however, more at home along the borders of the estuaries and lagoons and will be described more fully in that connection, as well as the Sesarma reticulata, which often occurs with it in both situations. The " oyster-crab," Pinnotheres ostreum, (Plate 1, fig. 2, male,) is found wherever oysters occur. The female lives, at least when mature, within the shell of the oyster, in the gill cavity, and is well known to most con sumers of oysters. The males (fig. 2) are seldom seen, and rarely, if ever, occur in the oyster. We found them, on several occasions, swimming actively at the surface of the water in the middle of Vineyard Sound. They are quite unlike the females in appearance, being smaller, with a firmer shell, and they differ widely in color, for the carapax is dark brown above, with a central dorsal stripe and two conspicuous spots of whitish, as indicated in the figure ; the lower side and legs are whitish. The female has the carapax thin and translucent, whitish, tinged with pink. The Pinnixa cylindrica (Plate I, fig. 1) is a related species which is occasionally met with on muddy shores. It lives in the tubes of certain large Annelids in company with the rightful owner. The specimens hitherto met with in this region were either found free, or dug out of the mud, and it is uncertain with what worm they associate, though it is most likely to be the Nereis virens, but on the coast of South Carolina it lives, according to Dr. Stimpson, in the tubes of Arenicola cristata STIMPSON. It has been found in the stomach of the ocellated flounder. The common edible-crab or " blue-crab," Callinectes liastatus, is a com mon inhabitant of muddy shores, especially in sheltered coves and bays. It is a very active species and can swim rapidly j it is therefore often seen swimming at or near the surface. The full-grown individuals gen erally keep away from the shores, in shallow water, frequenting muddy bottoms, especially among the eel-grass, and are also found in large 74 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [368] numbers iu the somewhat brackish waters of estuaries and the mouths of rivers. The young specimens of all sizes, up to two or three inches in breadth, are, however, very frequent along the muddy shores, hid ing in the grass and weeds or under the peaty banks at high- water, and retreating as the tide goes down; when disturbed they swim away quickly into deeper water. They also have the habit of pushing them selves backward into and beneath the mud for concealment. They are- predacious in their habits, feeding upon small fishes and various other animal food. They are very pugnacious and have remarkable strength in their claws, which they use with great dexterity. When they have recently shed their shells they are caught in great numbers for the markets, and these "soft-shelled crabs" are much esteemed by many. Those with hard shells are also sold in our markets, but are not valued so highly. This crab can easily be distinguished from all the other species found in this region by the sharp spine on each side of the carapax. The common " spider-crab," Libinia canaliculate^ (p. 339,) is very com mon on muddy shores and flats. It hides beneath the surface of the mud and decaying weeds or among the eel-grass, and is very sluggish in its motions. Its whole surface is covered with hairs which entangle particles of mud and dirt of various kinds ; and sometimes hydroids, algaB, and even barnacles grow upon its shell, contributing to its more ready concealment. The males are much larger than the females, and have long and stout claws. They often spread a foot or more across the extended legs. The females have much smaller and shorter legs and comparatively weak claws. Another similar species, Libinia dubia^ is also found on muddy shores and has nearly the same habits. It has a much longer rostrum, more deeply divided at the end. The two common species of " hermit-crabs" are both found on muddy shores, especially among eel-grass, but the-'-larger one, Eupagurm polli- carisj (p. 313,) is comparatively rare. The small one, E. longicarpus, (p. 313,) is very common and usually occupies the dead shells of llyanassa obsoleta, though many may be found in other species of shells. The Gebiaaffinis (Plate II, fig. 7) is a crustacean somewhat resembling a young lobster three or four inches in length. It lives on muddy shores and digs deep burrows near low- water mark, in the tenacious mud or clay, especially where there are decaying sea- weeds buried beneath the sur face. The burrows are roundish, half an inch to an inch in diameter, very smooth within, and go down obliquely for the distance of one or two feet, and then run off laterally or downward, in almost any direc tion, to the depth of two or three feet, and are usually quite crooked and winding. We have found them most abundant on the shore of Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, near Beesley's Point, but they also occur at New Haven and Wood's Hole, &c. This species is quite active ; it swims rapidly and jumps back energetically. It is eagerly devoured INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 75 by such fishes as are able to capture it. 'When living the colors are quite elegant. Along the back there is a broad band of mottled, red dish brown, which is contracted on the next to the last segment: each side of this band the mottlings are fewer, and the surface somewhat hairy. The last segment and the appendages of the preceding one are thickly specked with reddish brown; their edges are fringed with gray hairs. The CaUanassa Stimpsoni SMITH, (Plate II, fig. 8, large claw,) is also a burrowing species, but its habits are at present little known, owing to its rarity. It has been found in the stomach of fishes, and is proba bly more common farther south. The Squilla empusa is a very interesting creature, whose habits are still imperfectly known. It is often thrown on the beaches by the waves, and probably it usually burrows in the mud below low-water mark, but in certain localities it has been found burrowing at or near low-water mark of spring-tides, forming large, irregular holes. The very curious, free-swimming young (Plate VIII, fig. 36) were often taken in the towing-nets. Large specimens are eight or ten inches long and about two broad. The body is not so stout built as that of the lobster, and the carapax or shell is much smaller and softer, while the abdomen is much larger and longer in proportion. The legs and all the other organs are quite unlike those of the lobster, and the last joint of the great claw, in stead of forming a pair of pincers with the next, is armed with a row of six sharp, curved spines, which shut into corresponding sockets, arranged in a groove in the next joint, which also bears smaller spines. By means of this singular organ they can hold their prey securely, and can give a severe wound to the human hand, if handled incautiously. It also uses the stout caudal appendages, which are armed with spines, very effectively. The colors of this species are quite vivid, considering its mud-dwelling habits. The body is usually pale green or yellowish green, each segment bordered posteriorly with darker green and edged with bright yellow; the tail is tinged with rose and mottled with yellow and blackish ; the outer caudal lamellae have the base and spines white, the last joint yellow, margined with black ; the inner ones are black, pale at base; the eyes are bright emerald-green; the inner antenna? are dark, with a yellow band at the base of each joint ; and the iiagellum is anuulated with black and white. The common shrimp, Crangon vulgar is, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10,) is frequent on muddy shores, where it has a darker color than when liv ing on sandy shores. The common prawn, Palwmonetes vulgar-is, (p. 330, Plate II, fig. 9,) is also common in such situations, especially where there is eel-grass, among which it finds its favorite resorts, but it is still more abundant in the estuaries. Another shrimp, the Virbius zos- tericola SMITH, also occurs among the eel-grass, in similar places. It is usually greenish in color. Two other species of shrimp-like Crustacea, belonging to the genus Jfysis, are also found on muddy shores, especially among eel-grass. 7 v 76 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [370 j The Mys-is stenolepis SMITH, (Plate III, tig. 12, female,) is often very abundant in such situations. The small young ones have been taken in May, and the half-grown ones later in the season. In the early spring the adult females, with eggs, occur in great numbers among the eel- grass, in estuaries and ponds. Mr. Viual N. Edwards caught a large number in a small pond at Wood's Hole, April 1. Xo males were found at this time with the females; the only adult males observed were taken in autumn. Possibly the males do not survive the winter. The adult females have not been observed in summer, and they probably die after hatching their young in the spring. The whole body is translucent; each segment of the body has a stellate black spot ; and there is more or less blackish pigment on the caudal lamella, telson, antennal scales, and inner flagellum and peduncle of the antennula?. This species con tributes largely to the food of many fishes. The other species, M. Amer icana SMITH, also lives among eel-grass, as well as in deeper water off shore among algae. This has been found in large numbers in the stom achs of the shad and the spotted flounder. Of Amphipods there are comparatively few species. The Unciola irrorata (p. 340, Plate IV, fig. 19) is pretty common here, as elsewhere. The AmpMthoe valida SMITH (p. 315,) is often met with among eel-grass. Another species, A. compta SMITH, also occurs in the same places. It differs from the preceding in many characters, but may easily be dis tinguished by its red eyes. A third species of the genus, A. longimana SMITH, is also found among eel-grass. It has black eyes. The Coro- phium cylindricum and Gammarus mucronatm occur among eel-grass and alga?, often in great numbers. Of Isopods there are several species. The Idotea irrorata (p. 316, Plate V, fig. .23) is common wherever eel-grass is found. The Ericliso- nia attenuata HARGER, (Plate VI, fig. 27,) is also found clinging to eel-grass in muddy situations. The Epclys trilobm (Plate VI; fig. 28) is found creeping about over the bottom or among and beneath the decaying vegetable matter and mud usually to be found in sheltered sit uations. It is usually so covered up with adhering dirt as readily to escape observation. The Epelys montosus also occurs in similar situa tions. Whenever lumber or drift-wood has been left for some time on the muddy shores it is found to be more or less eaten by the Limnoria lig- norum, (Plate VI, fig. 25.) This small isopod gnaws its galleries in the wTood to a depth of about half an inch from the surface, and after a time these galleries become so numerous that the superficial layer will be completely honey-combed, and it will then scale off and another layer will be attacked. This little creature often does great damage to the piles of wharves and other kinds of submerged wood-work in this re gion, and will be mentioned again in discussing the animals inhabiting piles, &c. The "horse-shoe crab/' Limulus Polyphemus, (p. 340,) is also common [371] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 77 on muddy shores, burrowing beneath, the surface, at or just below low- water mark. Many of the Annelids found on muddy shores occur also on sandy shores, especially where there is a mixture of mud with the sand, and consequently they have been mentioned in the preceding pages. Among these are Nereis virens (p. 317, Plate XI, figs. 47-50) and N. linibata, (p. 318, Plate XI, fig. 51,) both of which are common on muddy shores ; also Diopatra cuprea, (p. 320, Plate XIII, figs. 67 and 68 ;) Lum. briconereis opalina, (p. 342, Plate XIII, figs. 69, 70;) L. tennis, (p. 342;) Maldane elongata, (p. 343;) Notomastus luridus, (p. 342;) Notomastus fili- formis, (p. 342;) Cirratulus grandis, (p. 319, Plate XV, figs. 80, 81;) Cis. tenides Gouldii, (p. 323, Plate XVII, figs. 87, 87«;) all of which are found both in mud and sand, but prefer, perhaps, a mixture of the two. Rhynchobolus Amcricanus (p. 342, Plate X, figs. 45, 46) and R. dibran- cliiatus (p. 341, Plate X, figs. 43, 44) are also found in mud, though per haps more common in fine sand, or sandy mud. The " blood-drop," Polycirrus eximius, (p. 320, Plate XVI, fig. 85) is however, a species that belongs properly to muddy localities, and it de lights in the softest and stickiest mud of the shores, near low- water mark. The larger blood-drop, Clicctobranclim sanguineus, (p. 320,) is also found in similar situations, and the soft inucl, filled with decaying veg etable matter, seems to be its most congenial home. Of Mollusks there are comparatively few species that are peculiar to muddy shores, but there are many that live almost equally well in such localities and on shores or bottoms of other kinds. Among the Gastropods, the proper mud-dwelling species are few. The Ilyanassa obsoleta (p. 354, Plate XXI, fig. 113) is the most abund ant, for it occurs everywhere over the mud-flats in great numbers, ancl? in cold weather, often crowds in large numbers into the pools left on the flats. The Nassa vibex (Plate XXI, fig. 114) has nearly the same habits, but is comparatively rare. It is more frequently found among the eel-grass, and is more common farther south. The Eupleura caudata (Plate XXI, fig. 117) is usually found rather sparingly in this region, but in one locality, at Waquoit, it occurred in considerable numbers in the small streams and ditches in the muddy marshes near the shore. It occurs occasionally at low-water, but is more often met with on muddy and shelly bottoms in the shallow water of the bays and sounds, and is much more common farther south. The Crepidula convcxa (p. 355, Plate XXIII, fig, 128) is very common on the shells of Ilyanassa obsoleta, especially when they are inhabited by " hermit-crabs." It is also frequently found on the eel-grass, where, in August, it often deposits its bright yellow eggs inclosed in small, gela tinous masses, which are grouped in clusters. The Bulla solitaria (Plate XXV, fig. 161) is a species restricted 'to muddy shores and bottoms, in sheltered situations, and is found also in muddy ponds and estuaries. The color of the animal of this species is •78 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [372] quite peculiar, and when it is fully extended it has a singular appear ance. The general color is usually orange-brown, and it is thickly speckled with darker brown. This shell is devoured in large numbers by the flounders, and doubtless by other fishes. A number of species which habitually live clinging to eel-grass are to be found in the localities where this plant flourishes, either in the pools or at low- water mark, but they are not peculiar to or character istic of muddy shores. Among these the most common are Antyris lunata, (p. 306:) Bittium niyrum, (p. 305;) Triforis nigrocinctus, (p. 305;) and Lacuna vincta, (p. 305.) The Littorina irrorata is occasionally found in sheltered situations, but this region is north of its true range, and such specimens as are found may have been introduced from far ther south with oysters. It is very abundant on the southern coast. The Urosalpinx cinerca (p. 306) occurs wherever there are beds of oys ters, upon which it feeds. Most of the bivalve shells to be found on muddy shores have already been enumerated as living also on the sheltered sandy shores, and the majority of them flourish equally on both kinds of shores, and on those of a mixed or intermediate character. Among these are Mya arenaria, (p. 309;) Macoma fusca, (p. 358;) Anynlus tener, (p. 358;) Venus merce- nariciy (p. 359;) Argina pexata, (p. 309:) Mytilm edulis, (p. 307;) Pccten irmdians, (p. 361.) There are, however, other species that are almost peculiar to muddy shores, and are highly characteristic of them. The Pliolas truncata (Plate XXVII, fig. 200) excavates deep holes in depos its of tenacious clay at all elevations between tides, and is still more frequently found living in holes in the borders of peat-bogs, or marsh deposits, W'hich have been encroached upon by the sea. In such places they sometimes occur nearly up to the ordinary high-wTater mark. Their holes are round and nearly perpendicular, and increase in size from the orifice downward. They vary in depth according to the size of the shell; the deeper ones are often a foot or a foot and a half in depth and often an inch in diameter. The shell remains near the bot tom and stretches out its long siphon tubes, which are united together quite to the end, until the tips reach the external orifice of the burrow These tubes are generally yellowish wrhite except at the end, where they are blackish or brownish ; the orifices and papillae are also variously marked with purplish brown or dark brown. The dark coloration of the end of the siphon tubes is doubtless for purposes of protection from predacious fishes, crabs, &c. Its foot is short and stout, obliquely trun cated, and bevelled at the end. The Petricola pholadiformis (Plate XXVII, fig. 199) is generally associated with the preceding species and is more abundant. Its habits are nearly the same, but it does not make its burrows so deep ; it is more active in its motions, and can easily climb up to the upper part of its hole by means of its long, thin, white foot, which is tongue-shaped and very extensible and flexible. The siphon-tubes are long and slender, tapering, and united for about a [373] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF UINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 79* quarter of their length, beyond which they are separate and divergent. They are yellowish white, more or less spotted, especially toward the end, with orange, brownish, or blackish, which, in large specimens, forms streaks near the ends or even becomes confluent, making the tips very dark colored. The branchial orifice is surrounded by a circle of numer ous bipinnate papilla?, which usually alternate with smaller and more simple ones ; the papillae of the dorsal tube are similar, but more simple- The Tagelm yibbus (Plate XXVI, fig. 181, animal; Plate XXX, fig. 217, shell) is another inhabitant of muddy shores, which burrows deeply into the mud. This species is confined, on the shores, chiefly to the zone near low-water mark, but probably lives also in shallow water beyond the reach of the tides. In this species the foot is large and muscular, thick, tongue-shaped, and has a very wide range of motion, for the man tle is open along the whole length of the ventral edge of the shell. The tubes are separate, from the base, and are round, white, and capable of very great extension, for a specimen of ordinary size, kept in confine ment, extended the tubes to the length of nine inches. These tubes are translucent, and at the end have small rounded lobes around the aperture, each lobe being furnished at its base, inside, with a small, orange, eye-like spot, which is probably an imperfect visual organ, and with two others on the inside lower down. The branchial tube has six of these lobes and ocelli ; the dorsal one has eight. On each tube there is a row of small, white, slender, obtuse papilla?., corresponding to each terminal lobe, and running along the whole length of the tubes. The color of the animal is white throughout. This bivalve makes deep burrows in the tenacious mud, each of which has two orifices, not far apart, for the two tubes. By this peculiarity their burrows may be at once recognized, whenever seen. .The MuUnia lateral-is (Plate XX VI, fig. 185, B, animal) is occasionally found living at extreme low-water mark, on muddy flats, but its true home is on the soft muddy bottoms in shallow water, where t is often excessively abundant. In this species the foot is relatively large and muscular, more or less pointed at the eneen taken up from various localities and placed on the wharves to dry and be cleaned. Captain B. J. Edwards informed me that formerly, when the buoys were not taken up, they would not usually last more than two years, owing chiefly to the attacks of this Teredo, but under the present system there are two sets of buoys, which are alter nately taken up and put down every six mouths. After a set has been taken up and allowed to dry thoroughly they are scraped to remove the barnacles, &c., and then receive a thorough coat of verdigris paint, each time, before they are put down. With this treatment they will last ten or twelve years, but they are more or less perforated and in jured every year, until finally they become worthless. Inasmuch as the Teredos produce their young all through the summer, and they develop [337] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 93 to a very large size in one season* it is evident that the best time to take up the buoys would be in midsummer, before the early crop of young have grown large, and leaving too little time for the later crop to become large, in the buoys thus put down, before winter, when most of them would probably be killed by the cold weather. In this way the damage might be materially diminished, if not inconsistent with the other duties of the officers of the vessels employed in this service. There are, as yet, no means of estimating the extent of the damage done to our wharves, shipping, &c., by this and the various other species of Teredo found on onr coast, but judging from their abundance along the whole coast, it is much greater than is generally supposed. The Teredo navalis is also abundant on the coast of Europe, from the Mediterranean and Black Seas to Christiania, and the coasts of Great Britain. Its habits have been quite thoroughly investigated by several Dutch naturalists, owing to the great damage that it has done on their coast, at times even threatening a general inundation of the country by destroying the wood- work of the dikes. This Teredo occupies a zone of considerable breadth, for it often lives considerably above low-water mark and extends several feet below it, even to the depth of fourteen feet, according to some writers. The best remedies in common use to resist or prevent its attacks are copper-sheathing, used chiefly on vessels; broad-headed nails, closely driven, used for piles and timbers; creosote and coal-tar, frequently applied. The various poisonous substances that have been applied to timber for this purpose, however useful they may be in other respects, have little or no effect on the Teredo, for it does not depend upon the wood for its food, and even protects its body externally with a layer of shell, lining its holes. The only remedies that are likely to succeed are those calcu lated to prevent the lodgment and entrance of the young ones beneath the surface. Even creosote, thoroughly applied under pressure at the rate of 10 pounds per square foot, has been found insufficient to prevent their attacks, for piles thus treated at Christiania were found by Mr. Jeffreys to be filled with the Teredo within two years after they were put down. Several other species of Teredo also occur on this coast. The Teredo megotara (Plate XXVII, fig. 188) has been found in floating pine wood at Newport, Rhode Island, and in cedar buoys, &c., at New Bedford, Massachusetts; as well as in Massachusetts Bay, at Provincetown and other places ; it is also found as far south as South Carolina at least. This species sometimes grows to a large size, forming tubes at least eighteen inches long. It sometimes occurs, also, in the piles of wharves in this region. The Teredo Thomsoni (Plate XXVII, fig. 187) has been found in great numbers in the marine railway and also in cedar buoys at New Bedford. It has also been found at Provincetown in a whaling- ship that had cruised in the West Indies. The Xylotrya fimbriata (Plate XXVII, fig. 189) is very similar to the 94 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [388] common Teredo, except that it lias long, oar-shaped pallets, with slender stalks 5 the blade is flattened on the inside and convex externally, and consists of ten to twelve, or more, funnel-shaped segments which set one into another ; their margins project at the sides, making the edges of the blade appear serrated. This species appears to be indigenous on this coast. It has been found living in a sunken wreck in Long Island Sound, near New Haven, and I have also taken it from the oak timbers of a vessel, the Peterhoff', employed in the blockading service, during the late war, on the coast of the Southern States. It grows to a rather large size, often forming holes a foot or more in length and a quarter of an inch in diameter, though usually smaller. The pallets are sometimes half an inch long. Among the kinds of bivalve shells that do not bore in wood, there are but few species that commonly inhabit piles of wharves. The most fre quent of these is the common muscle, Mytilus edulis, (p. 307, Plate XXXI, fig. 234,)- which sometimes adheres in large clusters. The common oyster, Ostrcea Virginiana, (p. 310,) often attaches itself to the piles, but in such situations seldom survives the winter. Ascidians often occur in large quantities attached to the piles, at and just below low- water mark, and also on the under side of floating timber. They often completely cover large surfaces and spread over the barna cles, hydroids, and algse. which have previously located. They grow very rapidly, attaining their full size during a few weeks in midsummer. The most abundant species are usually Molgula Manhattensis (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 250) and Cynthia partita, (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 246.) At Wood's Hole, on the piles of the Government wharf, in August and September, thePerophoraviridis V. was exceedingly abundant, creep ing over and covering up the other ascidians as well as the barnacles, hydroids, and algre. This is a compound or " social n Ascidian, in which stolon-like tubular processes come out from the basal portion of the first individuals and run in every direction over the surfaces of objects to which they are attached, producing buds at intervals, which rapidly develop into little Ascidians like the old ones, and give out other stolons in their turn ; thus they will very soon cover large surfaces, though each individual Ascidian is quite small. The body is com pressed, broad oval, or more or less rounded in outline, with a terminal branchial, and lateral anal orifice, both slightly raised on short and broad tubes. The body is attached to the stolons by a short narrow pedicle, and is usually not more than an eighth of an inch high. The color is bright green or yellowish green, and the integument is soft and translucent. On the piles of the same wharf, and associated with the last, was another compound Ascidian, Amarcecium constellatum ; this forms solid gelatinous masses, with a smooth, convex surface, usually less than an inch in diameter and about half an inch high, but often larger. The zooids, or individual animals, are quite small, long, and slender, and en- [389] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 95 tirely imbedded in the gelatinous mass that unites them together. They are arranged in circular, oval, or stellate groups, with a common cloacal orifice in the center of each cluster. The masses are usually pale orange- red, varying to yellowish and pale flesh-color. The stomach of each in dividual is bright orange-red ; the branchial sac is flesh-color, pale yel low, or orange ; the tubes and upper part of the mantle bright orange or lemon-yellow. The Eotryllus Gouldii (p. 375, Plate XXXIII, figs. 252, 253) also fre quently occurs on the piles of the wharves, creeping over the stems of Tubularians, the surfaces of other ascidians, fronds of algae, or on the surface of the wood itself. It also frequently forms broad, soft incrusta tions on the bottoms of boats, floating timber, &c. The Bryozoa are also usually quite abundant on the piles and timbers of wharves, &c. The Bugula turrita( p. 311, Plate XXXIV, figs. 258, 259) is one of the most common as well as one of the most elegant of these. It occurs at tached to the adhering sea-weeds, &c., forming delicate white plumes. The Escliarella variaUUs (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 256) usually forms firm, coral-like incrustations, but when attached to hydroids and sea weeds it spreads out into foliaceous or lichen-like, rigid, calcareous fronds, which are dull red while living. On the piles at Wood's Hole the Bugula flcibellata was also very abun dant. This forms elegant circular or fan-shaped fronds, consisting of numerous repeatedly forked, flat, and rather narrow branches, on which the cells are arranged in about three longitudinal rows. This species, like others of the genus, bears very singular structures, known as avicu- laria, which, under the microscope, have the form and appearance of the stout, hooked beaks of certain birds, such as the hawk, owl, parrot, &c. These beaks are attached by flexible stems, and are provided in ternally with powerful muscles by means of which they are constantly opened and closed, and can bite with considerable force. In this species these are attached to the sides of the cells, along the edges of the branches. Their office seems to be to defend the colony against small parasites, and dirt of all kinds, which, unless thus removed, would soon cover up the cells and destroy the animals. In addition to these, various less conspicuous species often occur in abundance, especially Vesicularia gracilis ; V. dichotoma V. ; and V. cuscuta. Of Eadiata there are but few species in such localities, with the excep tion of the Hydroids, which are usually very abundant. The green star-fish, Asterias arenieola, (p. 3J6, Plate XXXV, fig. 269,) may occasionally occur adhering to the piles just below low- water mark, but it does not have this habit to such an extent as does the A. vulgaris, north of Cape Cod, for the latter is almost always to be seen in abun dance on the piles of the wharves of the northern seaports, as at Port land, Eastport, &c., and less abundantly at Boston. One of the most beautiful, as well as one of the most abundant, of 96 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [390] the Hydroids that occur on the piles of wharves, and on the under side of floating timber, is the Parypha crocea, (Plate XXXVI, fig. 274.) This species grows in great luxuriance upon the piles, especially in those harbors where the water is somewhat brackish. It forms large clusters of branching stems, often six inches or more in height, each of which is surmounted by a beautiful, flower-like, drooping head of a pink or bright red color. These heads are often broken off, or even volun tarily cast off, when the animals are unhealthy, but new ones are soon reproduced, and, therefore, this does not seem to be a very serious acci dent, though certainly a very inconvenient one, for the mouth, stomach, tentacles, and most other organs are all lost when these "heads'7 drop off. This species does not produce free-swimming medusa?, but the buds, corresponding to those that develop into free medusae in many other cases, in this remain attached to the heads in drooping clusters, looking like loose clusters of light red grapes, in miniature. The buds produced by the hydroid-heads of one colony are either all males or females, and, while attached to the hydroid-heads, eggs or sperm ules are developed within them; the eggs are fertilized and de velop into young hydroids, which, when finally expelled, are provided with a circle of slender tentacles, and need only to attach themselves to some solid substance by the basal end of the body to become fixed, tubularian hydroids, similar to the old ones in many respects, though still very small and simple in structure. These young tubularians swim and crawl about for a time, and after attaching themselves they rap idly grow larger and produce stolons from the base, from which buds arise that develop into forms like the first one ; other buds are pro duced from the sides of the stems, which also become like the others, and in this way the large clusters of tubularians are rapidly formed. Several species of Campanulariaus are also to be found attached to the piles and timbers of wharves and bridges. At Wood's Hole the most abundant species was Qbelia pyriformis, which grew in great pro fusion on the piles just below low- water mark. It is a delicate and much branched species, with elongated, pear-shaped, reproductive capsules, and is beautifully phosphorescent. On the hull of an old wreck in Wood's Hole passage, where the tide flows with great force, the Obelia flabellata was found in abundance, though it does not appear to have been noticed on this side of the Atlantic before. It has very elongated, slender, simple, but crooked stems, with numerous, alternate, short, forking, fan-shaped branches ; these generally fork close to their origin^ the divisions diverging in opposite directions. The hydroid calicles (hydrothecoe) are small, cup-shaped, or broad bell-shaped, with a smooth rim, and they are borne on slender pedicles that are of various lengths, but mostly short and composed of only four to six rings. The repro ductive capsules (gonothecas) are urn-shaped, with a short, narrow neck ; they are borne on short pedicles, of few rings, arising from the axils of the branches. Some of the specimens were eight or ten inches long. [391] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 97 On the piles of Long Wharf, at New Haven, the Obelia yelatinosa of Europe was found growing in great luxuriance in September. The water at this locality was quite brackish, but it will probably be found, also, in pure sea- water, for on the coast of Europe it is common both in brackish and pure ocean-water. It is probable that this species has not been observed before on our coast, for although the name occurs in several local lists, these refer, according to Mr. A. Agassiz, to other species, and he does not include the present species in his Catalogue of North American Acalephre. It is a large species, growing to the length of ten or tvvelve inches, and branches widely and very profusely. It differs from most of our other species in having a thick, compound stem, composed of many united tubes. The smaller branches are, how ever, profusely divided, and the branchlets are simple, very slender, white, and translucent, their delicacy contrasting strongly with the stout, dark-colored stems. The larger branches mostly arise in pairs, close together, but immediately diverge ; the small branches and branch- lets are alternate. The hydrothecae are very small, deeply bell-shaped, the rim divided into ten or twelve teeth, which are squarish in form, and slightly emarginate at the end ; their pedicles vary in length, and are often rather long and slender, especially the terminal ones. The gonothecre are elongated, urn-shaped, with a narrow, short, tubular neck. I also found this species in April, growing on oysters, at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Several other species of Obelia occur in similar situations, together with various related genera. The Sertularia pumila, (p. 327, Plate XXXVII, fig. 279) often oc curs attached to the Fucus and other sea- weeds growing on the piles. The Halecium yracile V., (p. 328,) often grows on the piles in great abundance, especially where the water is somewhat brackish, and it sometimes also occurs in great profusion on floating drift-wood. Of Actinians the most frequent species is the Sagartia leucolena, (p. 329, Plate XXXVIII, fig. 284,) which can almost always be found among the adhering barnacles and ascidians ; not unfrequently it at taches itself within a dead barnacle, and, in fact, seems quite partial to such a location. The Metridium marginatum (p. 329) also frequently occurs on the piles, but is much less frequent, and generally of smaller size than it is farther north, as about Boston and on the coast of Maine. Several sponges occur frequently on the piles of the wharves, but they have not been well determined. Among them the Grantia ciliata, or a closely allied species, is very common, and also another of the same group, which is tubular and branched, (Leucosolenia botryoides ?). The common, red branching sponge (p. 330) is frequent, and also a slender branching species of Chalina, near C. oculata. Two or more species of Tedania, forming irregular, massive, pale-yellow sponges of a brittle texture, are common. 98 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [392] List of species commonly found on piles and timbers of wharves and bridges on buoys, bottoms of vessels, and other submerged wood- work. ARTICULATA. Insects. Page. Page. Cbiroiiomus oceanicus, 379 Molanna, sp 379 Crustacea. Page. Panopeus Sayi 382 P. depressus 382 Hyale littoralis 315 Gammarus oruatus 382 Melita nitida 382 Amphitboe compta 382 Coropbium cylindricum 382 Oaprella,sp 316 Liranoria liguorum 379 Idotea irrorata 316 I. pbospborea 316 Jsera copiosa 382 Tanais filum , 381 Balauus eburneus 381 B. crenatas 381 B. balanoides 381 B. tintinabulum 381 Lepas anserifera 382 L. anatifera 382 L. pectinata , 382 Concboderrna virgata 382 C. aurita . 382 Annelids. Page. Lepidonotus squamatus 320 Harmotboe imbricata 321 Eulalia, sp 349 Eumidia, sp 349 Podarke obscara 382 Autoly tus cornutus 397 Nereis limbata 382 Sabellaria vulgaris 321 Page. Nicolea simplex 382 Leprsea rubra 382 Polycirrus eximius 382 Potainilla oculifera 382 Sabella microptbalma 382 Eucbone, sp 416 Serpula diantbus 322 Spirorbis spirillum 323 Nemerteans. Polinia glutinosa Nemertes socialis. Page. 382 324 Cerebratulus, (?) sp Page. 382 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. Bela plicata 383 Urosalpinx cinerea 383 Tritia trivittata 383 Ilyanassa obsoleta 383 Page. Astyris lunata 383 Anachis avara 383 Littorinella minuta 383 Kissoa aculeus . . 383 [393] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 99 Odostomia fusca . Page. 307 O. trifida , , 307 O. bisuturalis . . 383 Littoriiia palliata 383 L.rudis 383 Bittium nigrum 383 Triforis nigrocinctus . Oerithiopsis terebralis 0. Greenii . ^Eolidia pilata Cavolina gymnota (?) Alexia myosotis .... . Lamellibranchs. Page. 383 387 T. megotara 387 Xylotrya fimbriata 387 Teredo navalis, T. Thomsoni . . Mytilus edulis Auomia glabra . . . Ostrsea Virginiana . Ascidians. Page. Cynthia partita 388 Molgula Manhattensis 388 Perophora viridis 388 Botryllua Gouldii Amaroecium constellatum Bryozoa. P age. Crisia eburnea . . 311 Vesicularia, dichotoma V. gracilis Y. cuscuta. . 389 389 389 Bugula turrita B. flabellata , Escharella variabilis. . Membranipora pilosa. Page. 383 417 383 383 383 383 Page. 388 311 388 Page. 389 389 Page. 389 389 389 406 Asterias arenicola RADIATA. Ecliinoderms. Page. 1 389| Acalephs. Obelia gelatinosa Page. 391 O. flabellata 390 O. commisuralis 327 O. pyriformis 390 O. geniculata 407 Campanularia flexuosa. Haleciuin gracile Sertularia pumila Penuaria tiarella Parypha crocea , Polyps. Sargatia leucolena. Page. 391 Metridium marginatuin Page. 327 391 391 327 390 Page 391 100 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [394] PROTOZOA. Port/era, (Sponges.) Page. Grautia ciliata (?) 391 Leucosolenia botry oides (?) . . 391 Chalina, sp 391 Page. Halichondria, sp 330 Renieria, sp 330 Tedania, sp 391 II. 5. — ANIMALS INHABITING THE ROCKY BOTTOMS OF THE BAYS AND SOUNDS. In this region the proportion of rocky bottom is relatively quite small, and mostly to be found only in quite shallow water. Therefore the animal life is very similar to that of the rocky shores and tide-pools, near low- water mark. In Vineyard Sound and vicinity the rocky bottoms examined were chiefly at the following localities, as indicated on the accompanying chart, viz.: 1st. An area south of Parker's Point and occupying a part of the bottom of the passage between Parker's Point and Nonamesset Island, on both sides of the channel, and extending somewhat south of a line drawn from Nobska Point to the southeastern end of Nonaines- set Island. The dredgings made in this area are, 9, «, Z>, c, d ; 2, a, &/ 3, a, &, c ; 4, «, b ; 5, c, rf, e ; 8, a, 1) ; 18, a, &. 2d. An area south and southwest of Nobska Point ; dredgings, 21, &, e ; 22, a ; and others not recorded were made on this patch. 3d. In the Wood's Hole passage, between the north end of Nonamesset Island and the opposite shores, there are numerous rocky patches, and the tides flow with great force 5 dredgiugs, 14, a, Z>, c, rf, e, /, g; 16, a, I ; 17, c, d, e; 15, «, ft; and many others were made on this bottom. 4th. A small area between Uncatena Island and Long Neck; dredgings, 11, e, /, and 71, c, were on this patch. 5th. A small area, south of the Wepecket Islands, where the dredging, 73, d, was made. 6th. A region of rocks and sand off West Chop, north of Martha's Vineyard ; in the dredgings made here, 37, c, t7, e, some very fine hydroids and ascidians were obtained. 7th. In Quick's Hole, the passage between Nashawena and Pasque Islands, a rocky bottom, with abundant ascidians, hydroids, and sponges, was found, where dredgings 77, a and c, were made. In addition to these localities numerous dredgings were made on rocky bottoms off Gay Head and Devil's Bridge, and also between Martha's Vineyard and No Man's Land, but these properly belong to the cold outer region. In the vicinity of New Haven, rocky bottoms, generally of small extent, are found off the light-house, and off South End and Brauford Point, also among the Thimble Islands. All these localities have been examined by me in numerous dredging excursions made during the past eight years. Nevertheless the fauna of the rocky bottoms of [395] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND ETC. 101 this region is probably more imperfectly kiiown than that of other kinds of bottom. This is mainly owing to the difficulties encountered in dredging upon rough rocks. Eocky bottoms are very favorable for many kinds of Crustacea, both for those that swim free and conceal themselves among the sea- weeds that grow on rocks in shallow ^ater, and for those that take refuge be neath the rocks. Consequently rocky bottoms are the favorite feeding- grounds for certain kinds of fish, especially tautog, striped bass, black bass, dinners, £c., in this region. The common crab, Cancer irroratus, (p. 312,) Panopeus Sayi, (p. 312,) P. depressus, (p. 312,) the larger hermit-crab, Eupagurus pollicaris, (p. 313,) and the smaller hermit, E. longicarpus,(p. 313,) are common species on the rocky bottoms. A small species of spider-crab, Pelia mutica, oc casionally occurs. The Cancer borealis has hitherto been a rare species, and little is known concerning its habits or distribution ; it appears to frequent rocky bottoms chiefly, but most of the specimens obtained in this region were found thrown up by the waves on the shores of Cutty- hunk Island, No Man's Laud, and near Gay Head. The lobster, Homarus Americanus, frequents rocky bottoms, concealing itself under and among the rocks while watching for its prey, but it is much less abundant in this region than on the coast of Maine and in the Bay of Fuiidy, and does not usually grow to so large a size as in the northern waters. It also occurs on the sandy and gravelly bottoms of Vineyard Sound, where most of those sent to the markets from this re gion are obtained. The young, free-swimming larvae of the lobster, in the stages represented in Plate IX, figs. 38, 39, were often taken at the surface in great abundance, during June and July, in the towing-nets . The young lobsters were also found swimming actively at the surface by Mr. S. I. Smith, even after they had acquired the true lobster-like form and structure, and were nearly three-quarters of an inch long. In this stage they swim and act much like shrimp. While young, there fore, the lobster must be devoured in immense numbers by many kinds of fishes, and even when of considerable size they are still preyed upon by the tautog and black bass, and especially by sharks, skates, and rays, and doubtless by other fishes. We found the lobsters very abundant off Menenisha on a sandy and weedy bottom in shallow water. At this place over one hundred were taken at a single haul, by the trawl. The lobsters caught for the market are nearly all caught in " lobster -pots," baited with refuse fish of various kinds. In addition to the common shrimp, Crangon vulgaris, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10,) another quite different species (Hippolyte pusiola) was often met with on the rocky bottoms. This is a smaller species, about an inch long, of a pale gray, salmon, or flesh-color, often specked with red ; there is usually a white stripe along the middle of the back, and some times transverse bands of red or white ; the antenna are annulated with flesh-color and light red, and the legs are sometimes specked with. 102 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [396] brown, and often annulated with brown, or with gray and white. It differs from all the other American species in having a short, acute ros trum, scarcely projecting beyond the eyes, with three or four sharp teeth on its upper edge and none below. In form and general appearance it somewhat resembles the Virbius represented in Plate III, fig. 11, but is stouter and quite different in color. It i£ a northern species, extending to Greenland and Northern Europe, and is more common on the coast of Maine, where it is usually associated with several other larger species of the same genus, all of which are remarkable for their brilliant colors, the various shades of red usually predominating. Their bright colors are no doubt directly connected with their habit of living among the bright red alga3, so abundant in the shallow waters on rocky bottoms. A beautiful little shrimp-like Crustacean, Mysis Americana SMITH, sometimes occurs in immense numbers among the algre growing on the rocks just below low-water mark, especially in spring. This is an im portant species, as it is one of the principal kinds of food for the shad and other fishes. The full grown specimens are only about an inch long. It is almost transparent, whitish, with conspicuous black eyes ; there is a row of more or less conspicuous, dark stellate spots along the body, both above and below, and similar specks often occur on the tail ; a spot of dark brown or blackish often occurs on each side of the carapax. The intestine shows through as a greenish or brownish line. Another small, shrimp-like species belonging to an interesting new genus, the Heteromysis formosa SMITH, often occurred in small colonies, sometimes hid away in the dead shell of some large bivalve or gastro pod. The females of this species are of a beautiful light rose color, but the males have the pale color and translucency common to most of the species of Mysis. Numerous Amphipods also occur, most of which are also found in the pools or under stones at low water, and have, consequently, been mentioned on former pages. One of the most curious Amphipods was a small species, found living among the large compound ascidians, which is probably Cerapus tubularis SAY. This species constructs a little, slender, free tube, which it inhabits and carries about upon its back when it travels, very much as the larvae of caddis-flies, common in fresh waters, carry about their tubes. One species of bar nacle, the Balanus erenatus, was abundant, often completely covering small stones and shells. This has not been met with, as yet, at low- water, although it occurs on the bottoms of vessels. Of Annelids a large number inhabit rocky bottoms, but as most of them live beneath the rocks, or in tubes attached to rocks and stones, it is difficult to obtain an accurate knowledge of them. Many of the species seem, however, to be found also in pools and beneath the stones on rocky shores, and have already been mentioned. Perhaps the most characteristic Annelids of rocky bottoms are the scaly worms, of which three species are common in this region, viz. : [397] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD S6UND, ETC. 103 Lepidonotus squamatus, (p. 320, Plate X, figs. 40, 41 ;) L. sublevis V., (p. 320, Plate X, fig. 42 ;) and Harmothoe imbricata, all of which cling close to the rough surfaces of the stones, or hide away in the cracks and crevices, or conceal themselves in the interstices between the ascidians, barnacles, roots of algae, or in the cavities of sponges, &c. Several long, slender, and active species, belonging to the genera Phyllodoce, Eu- lalici, Eumidia, and Eteone, are of frequent occurrence ; most of them are bright green or yellowish green in color, and all have small, leaf-like branchiae along the sides. The Nereis pelagica (p. 319, Plate XI, figs. 52-55) is very common, living beneath the stones, and especially in the interstices between the lobes of a large, sand-covered, compound ascidian, Amarcecium pelhici- dum, in company with the species of Pliyllodoce, &c., just named. This species of Nereis is remarkable for its brilliant iridescence. It is a northern species, extending to the Arctic Ocean and northern coast of Europe. It is very abundant on the coast of Maine, under stones at low-water mark. Associated with the preceding species among the sandy compound ascidians, occurring both on rocky and gravelly bottoms, were large numbers of the Lumbriconereis opalina, (p. 320, Plate XIII, figs. 69, 70,) conspicuous on account of the brilliant iridescent colors. Several other Annelids also occurred among these ascidians. The Cirrinereis fragilis, which is a small and delicate species, furnished with con spicuous eyes, and related to the large Cirralulus, occurs beneath the stones. The singular Naraganseta coralii occurs burrowing in the coral, Astrangia Dance, and in this respect is similar in its habits to the allied genus Dodecaceredj which excavates its galleries in the solid shells of Cyprina Islandica, Pecten tenuicostatus, &c., in the Bay of Fundy. The Sabellaria vulgaris, (p. 321, Plate XVII, figs. 88, 88^;) Nicolea simplex, (p. 321 ;) Scionopsis palmata, (p. 321;) Potamilla oculifera, (p. 322,) Plate XVII, fig. 86 ;) Sabella microphtlialma, (p. 323 ;) Serpuladianthus, (p 322 ;) and Fabricia Leidyi, (p. 323,) all occur in tubes attached to the rocks and stones. A species of Spirorbis, which forms a small, white, calcareous shell, coiled up in an open spiral, is commonly attached to the alga3 and hydroids. The Autolytus cornutus (Plate XIII, tigs. 65, 66) constructs cylindrical tubes, which are attached to sea-weeds and the branches of hydroids. This is a small flesh-colored species, with conspicuous brown eyes 5 the ends of the body are often tinged with green, and the dark, greenish intestine shows through as a median line. The males and females are widely different in appearance and structure, and there are also asexual individuals (fig. 65) very different from both. The asexual ones construct the tubes referred to, but do not remain in them constantly, for they are also often taken swimming at the surface. The males and females are also taken at the surface, especially in the evening, but they also occur creeping over and among the hydroids. This worm is partic- 104 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [398] ularly interesting on account of its remarkable mode of reproduction, for, like several other marine annelids, it presents the phenomena of al ternate generation. Its history has been well given by Mr. A. Agassiz.* The very numerous eggs of the female (fig. 66, e) are at first contained in the general cavity of the body, between the intestine and the outer wall, along the whole length of the body ; afterwards they pass into a pouch on the lower side of the body, extending from the twelfth to about the twenty-sixth segment ; in the pouch they hatch into young worms, and soon after the sac bursts and they escape into the water. The females apparently die after discharging the young. The eggs do not develop into males and females, but into the asexual or neuter individuals, (fig. 65,) which differ widely from the others in form and in the eyes and other appendages of the head, as well as in the internal anatomy and lateral appendages. After these neater individuals become nearly f nil-grown, having forty to forty-five segments, a median dorsal swelling arises at about the thirteenth or fourteenth segment, most commonly on the thirteenth, and soon after two others arise from the sides of the same segment and develop rapidly; these swellings finally become the three front tentacles of a new head, (#, «,, «, fig. 65;) soon a pair of eyes appears on the upper side of the segment, than a pair of tentacular cirri • then the second pair of eyes ; then other appendages of the head, until finally a complete head is formed, having the structure belonging to the head of a male or female, as the case may be. As the new head, with its append ages, becomes more completely organized, the segments posterior to it, which are to become the body of the new individual, become more highly developed, and the lateral appendages more complicated, those back of the fifth in the male, or the sixth in the female, acquire dorsal fascicles of long setas, and the dorsal cirris becomes longer ; at the same time some additional segments are developed ; and the ova in the female, or spermatazoa in the male, are formed. Finally the new sexual individ ual, thus formed out of the posterior segments of the original neuter, breaks its connection and swims off' by itself, and becomes a perfectly developed male or female. The head of the female is represented in fig. 66 ; a male individual is represented as developing from an asexual individual in fig. 65. The male can be easily distinguished from the female by the pair of large an tenure, which are forked in the male, but simple in the female. Farther details concerning this curious mode of reproduction may be found in the memoir of Mr. Agassiz, together with numerous excellent illustrations, in addition to those here copied. Associated with the preceding species a few specimens were found which probably belong to another species of Autolytus. These were quite slender, light-red in color, with paler annulations, but only the asexual individuals were observed. Another species of larger size also occurs among the hydroids, near New Haven, which belongs to Autolytus or * On Alternate Generation in Annelids, and the Embryology of Autolytus cornutus; Boston Journal of Natural History, Vol. VII, p. 384, 1863. [399] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 105 some closely allied genus, but of this only the asexual form lias occurred, and it has not yet been carefully studied. This becomes nearly an inch long and quite slender. The body is white, with about fifty annulations of bright purplish red between the segments, but sometimes a red ring is absent, leaving wider white bands ; the lateral appendages are simple, and each has a dot of red on the anterior side ; the head is orange, with four dark red eyes. Of Mollusks there are but few species among the higher groups which do not also occur on the rocky shores at low- water, but of the As- cidians and Bryozoa we find numerous additional species. The Gas tropods are represented by the large Fulgur carica (p. 355, Plate XXII, fig. 124) and Sycotypuq canaliculatus^ (p. 355 ;) also by the " drill," Urosctl- pinx cinerea, (p. 306, Plate XXI, fig. 116,) which is usually abundant in shallow water ; Astyris lunata (p. 106, Plate XXI, fig. 110) is abundant on the hydroids and algaj ; A.sonaliSj (Plate XXI, fig. Ill,) which is an allied species, of larger size and with plainer colors, is sometimes met with, but is rare in this region. It takes its name from two narrow spiral zones of white that usually surround the whorls. The Crucibulum striatum (Plate XVIII, figs. 125, 126) is often met with clinging firmly to the rocks and stones. The LeptocMton apiculatits (Plate XXV, fig. 167) is one of the most characteristic and common species on rocky and gravelly bottoms ; this also adheres firmly to the stones and dead shells, and its grayish or dirty whitish shell, often more or less stained, blends its color with that of its surroundings in a way that might deceive the fishes them selves. The back is covered with a series of movable plates, so that when removed the animal can curl itself into a ball, like a a pill-bug,'7 (Oniscus,) or like an armadillo, a habit that it shares in common with the scaly annelids, Lcpidonotus and Harmothoe, which live in the same places with it. The flexibility of the shell also enables the chitons to adapt themselves more closely to the uneven surfaces of the rocks than they otherwise could. More rarely the LeptocMton ruler (Plate XXY, fig. 166) is met with, though farther north, as in the Bay of Fundy, this is a very common species, while the apiculatus is quite unknown there, being decidedly southern in its range. The ruber is, as its name implies, a red species, and its colors are usually bright and beautifully varied with lighter and darker. Its bright color would seem at first a fatal gift, calculated to attract the attention of passing fishes, which are always fond of such food, but when we examine its habits more closely we find that it lives almost exclusively on and among rocks that are incrusted by the curious stony algas, known as " nullipores,1' (Lithotkamnion poly morphism,} which are red in color, but of various shades, and often com pletely cover the rocks with irregular red incrustations, over large areas in shallow water, especially on the coasts farther north, so that this shell and a larger species, (C. marmoreus,) usually associated with it, are admirably adapted by their colors for living and concealing them- 106 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [400] selves on such bottoms, while many other species, frequenting the same localities, have a similar coloration, though belonging to very different groups. As examples we may mention the beautifully variegated star fish, OphiophoUs aculeata, (Plate XXXV, fig. 270,) rare in this region, but very abundant in the Bay of Fundy ; Crangon borcas, common on the same bottoms in the Bay of Fuudy ; several species of shrimp belonging to the genera Rippolyte, Pandalus, &c. The bright red colors of all these animals would certainly be very fatal to them were there no red algre among which they could conceal themselves and thus escape, to a con siderable extent, from the voracious fishes, which are nearly always ready to pounce upon them whenever they expose themselves. One or two handsome species of JEolis (similar to fig. 174) were taken, but for lack of opportunity they were not identified while living, and these soft and delicate creatures cannot be preserved in alcohol so as to be identi fied afterwards with certainty. The handsome little Doto coronata (Plate XXV, fig. 170) occurs occasionally on the hydroids, upon the animals of which it feeds. This species is generally less than half an inch in length. The body is pale yellowish, or salmon -color, or rosy, specked with pink, light red, or dark red, which often forms a median dorsal line toward the head ; the curious papillose brauchia3 along the back are pale orange, the lateral and terminal papillae being tipped with bright purplish red, dark red, or carmine, with a ring of flake-white below the tip 5 the head and tentacles are pale and translucent. The eggs are laid upon the hydroids, in long, flattened, and convoluted gelati nous strings, at various times during the early summer. Another curious and beautifully colored naked mollusk, the Polycera Lessonii, also occurs occasionally on rocky bottoms, among hydroids and bryozoa. In this species the body is pale flesh-color, or sometimes pale orange, and thickly covered with bright, deep green specks, giving the whole surface a green color ; along the back is a- median line of tuber cles or papillae, and there are two other rows on each side, which extend as far as the gills or a little beyond ; all these tubercles are tipped with bright sulphur-yellow, except that the last ones of the lateral rows, posterior to the gills, are usually tipped with flake- white, but these have two or three irregular, lateral lobes, which are tipped with yellow; other smaller, yellow tubercles are scattered over the back, sides, head, and tail ; the tentacles are also bright yellow, but sometimes specked with green and yellow, with yellow tips. The gills are three in number, in a cluster on the middle line of the back, posteriorly ; each one is bipinuate and delicately plumose ; they are colored similar to the back, generally more or less specked with bright yellow, and often with flake- white ; the tips are usually bright yellow. Another small but singular species, which also occurs among the hy droids, as well as among dead shells, is the Doridella obscura, (Plate XXY, fig. 173 ;) in this the colors are not conspicuous, but seem rather intended for its concealment. The back is sometimes light, yellowish [401] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 107 brown, finely mottled with white, and specked with darker brown ; dorsal tentacles white and retractile ; lower surface white or light yel lowish, a three-lobed yellowish or brownish internal organ showing through in the middle of the foot. Other specimens are very dark- brown or almost black above, finely mottled with whitish. The ante rior angles of the head are prolonged into tentacle-like organs or palpi. The gills are situated beneath, in the groove between the edge of the foot and the mantle, on the left side, and near the posterior end of the foot ; they consist of a tuft of slender filaments. Of Lamellibrauchs certain species occur on rocky bottoms, which attach themselves firmly to the rocks, either by the side of one valve, like the oyster, Ostrcva Virginiana, (p. 310,) and the Anomia glabra, (p. 311, Plate XXXII, figs. 241, 242 ;) or by threads of byssus, which they spin and use as cables for anchoring themselves, like the common muscle, Mytilus edulis, (p. 307, Plate XXXI, fig. 234,) the "horse- muscle," Modiola modiolus, (p. 309, Plate XXXI, fig. 237,) the Argina pexata, (Plate XXX, fig. 227,) and Seapharca transversa, (Plate XXX, fig. 228,) all of which are common in this region ; but certain other species occur, which burrow beneath the stones, like the Saxicava arc- tica (p. 309, Plate XXVII, fig. 192) and Mya arenaria (p. 463, Plate XXVI, fig. 179,) and several other less common species. The Ascidians are usually very abundant on the rocks and stones at all depths. The CyntUa partita (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 246,) is very common, often forming large, rough clusters, much overgrown with hy- droids, bryozoa, and algae. The specimens mostly belong to the erect variety, and in form are quite unlike the one figured. The body is more or less cylindrical, oblong, or urn-shaped, about twice as high as broad when expanded, and with a wide base; the branchial orifice is largest, and situated at the summit of a broad, terminal tube, swollen at base ; the anal orifice is smaller, on a short lateral or subterminal tube. Both orifices are usually squarish, and open widely, but, when fully expanded, they sometimes become nearly circular; they are often surrounded at the edge with a narrow circle of red, and each tube has eight longitudinal stripes of white, narrowing downward to a point at the base of the tubes, and alternating with purplish brown ones, which are usually specked with flake-white. The exterior of the test is more or less rough and wrinkled, and generally yellowish or rusty, often tinged with deep purplish brown on the upper parts or throughout. The tubes are usually roughened by small, wart-like papillae. Unprom ising as this species looks, it is devoured by the tautog. The Molgula Manhattensis (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 250) is generally associated with the former. The Perophora viridis (p. 388) is often very abundant, creeping over and covering up the two preceding, as well as other as- cidians, alga3, hydroids, &c. The most conspicuous species, however, are the massive compound ascidiaus, which sometimes completely cover the bottom. One of the most abundant of these is the Amarcecium pel- 9 v 108 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [402] lucidum, which forms large, hemispherical or irregular masses, often six or eight inches, or even more, in diameter, with the surface more or less completely covered by adhering sand. These masses consist of a large number of lobes or basal branches, which come out from a com mon base as elongated, stolon-like processes, and enlarge upwrard to the end, which is obtusely rounded, and variable in size, but usually from a quarter to half an inch, while the length may be from one to six inches ; these lobes often coalesce, more or less completely, at the upper surface, which is sometimes naked and smooth, translucent, and of a gelatinous appearance. Each of these lobes contains a central cloacal orifice, around which a colony of minute ascidians, or zooids, are grouped, in a manner analogous to the arrangement in Botryllus, already described, (p. 389,) but in the present case the zooids are very long and slender 5 the lower end of each, containing the ovaries, with the heart at its extremity, extends down toward the base of the lobe in which they are contained to various distances, varying according to the age and state of development of each zooid, but the full-grown ones are often nearly an inch long. Each zooid has its own branchial orifice opening at the surface, as in Botryllus, while all the anal tubes discharge the refuse water, faeces, and eggs into the common cloacal ducts. The Amarcecium stellatum is another related species, which is nearly as abundant as the last, and likewise grows to a very large size. It forms large, smooth, irregular plates, or crest-like lobes and masses, which are attached by one edge to the stones and gravel. These plates are sometimes one to two feet long, six inches high, and about an inch thick, and, owing to their smooth surface and whitish color, look some thing like great slices of salt-pork, and in fact it is often called " sea- pork'7 by the fishermen. Other specimens will be four or five inches high, and only one or two inches broad at the base, and perhaps half an inch in thickness, and the summit often divides into broad, flat, blunt lobes ; various other shapes also occur, some of them very irreg ular. The larger specimens of this species are generally of a pale-blu ish or sea-green color by reflected light when first taken from the water, but pale salmon or flesh-color by transmitted light. The zooids are much elongated and arranged in more or less regular circular groups over the whole surface, with a small cloacal orifice in the center of each circle. If kept in water, when they grow sickly the zooids will be forced partially or wholly out of their cavities by the contraction of the tissues around them — a peculiarity seen also in other species of this genus. These zooids have the branchial tube prominently six-lobed, and of a bright orange-color, this color also extending over the upper or outer end of the body, between the tubes, and more or less over the branchial sac, wrhich is pale yellow or whitish below. The stomach is longitudinally sulcated, with bright orange-red ribs or glands ; intes tine bright orange or yellow. This species is devoured by sharks, skates, and the tautog, although [403 J INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 109 it would seem difficult for them to digest it, or get much nutriment from it. The supply is certainly sufficiently abundant. A third species of this genus, and much more beautiful than either of the preceding, is also common on rocky bottoms. This is the Ama- rcecium constellatum V. (p. 388,) which has already been described as occurring on the piles of the wharves. In deeper water, attached to rocks, it grows to a larger size, forming thick, hemispherical or cake- shaped masses or crusts, sometimes becoming somewhat mushroom-like by the upper parts growing out beyond the central attached portion, which then becomes a short and broad peduncle. It can be easily distinguished from the last on account of its brighter colors, the general color inclining to orange, and by the more irregular and complicated clusters of zooids. It is less abundant than either of the two preceding. Two other species of compound Ascidians are also abundant in this region, as well as farther north. These belong to the genus Leptoclinum ; they form thin, irregular, often broad, white, or salmon-colored incrus tations over the surfaces of the rocks, shells, and other ascidians ; these crusts are of a firm, coriaceous or gritty texture, and have a finely grauulous surface. Under the microscope they are seen to be filled with small, nearly globular particles of carbonate of lime, from which points project in every direction. The zooids are very minute and are scattered over the surface in large and scarcely distinct groups, which have, however, a common cloacal orifice in the middle, but the several cloacal tubes or channels leading to each central orifice are long, with many crooked branches, reminding one of miniature rivers, and the zooids are arranged along these ducts and their branches. One of these species, the Leptoclinum albldum, is easily distinguished by its chalky white color; the other, L. luteolum, is buff or salmon- color. It is possible that the last may even prove to be only a colored variety of the former, but the very numerous specimens that I have collected and examined, in the living state, both in the Bay of Fundy and Vineyard Sound, do no not warrant their union. In these locali ties both forms are about equally common, but near New Haven the L. luteolum has not yet been met with, though the other is not uncom mon. The Bryozoa are very abundant on rocky bottoms at all depths. Borne of these incrust the rocks directly, like the Uscharella variabilis, (p. 312, Plate XXXIII, fig. 256;) Alcyonidium Ursutum ; Escliaripora pune- tata: &c. ; but even these seem to prefer other locations, and by far the greater number occur attached to algas, hydroids, ascidians, and dead shells. A large part of the species occur also in rocky pools at low- water mark, or attached to the Fuci and other sea-weeds between tides, or to the under sides of stones laid bare by low tides, and have, con sequently, been previously mentioned. Others which have not yet been detected on the shore will doubtless be found there by more thorough search. 110 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FSIH AND FISHERIES. [404] The Alcyonidium ramosum (Plate XXXIV, fig. 257) is one of the most conspicuous species, and is often very abundant, attached to rocks in shallow water. In such situations we have often found arborescently branched specimens, twelve to fifteen inches high, with smooth, cylin drical branches about a third of an inch in diameter. The Alcyonidium hispidum (p. 312) does not appear to have been recorded as from our coast, by previous writers, but it is one of our most common species, and may almost always be found incrusting the stems of Fucus at low-water mark, as well as the under surfaces of rocks ; below low-water mark it is less abundant, generally incrusting Phyllopliora, and other stout, palmate algae. It is easily distinguished by the slencjer, acute, reddish spines, of horn-like texture, which surround each of the cells. It forms soft crusts of moderate thickness, gradually extending over the surface of the sea-weeds to which it becomes attached. The A. liirsutum has also been hitherto overlooked on our coast, but is common, living under the same circumstances as the last, and some times associated with it, both above and below low-water mark. I have found it in the greatest abundance in some of the large, rocky tide-pools on the outermost of the Thimble Islands, east of New Haven. It was there growing chiefly upon PhyllopJwra membranifolia, in some cases en tirely covering and concealing the plant, from the base of the stem to the tips of the fronds. It also often grows on the u Irish moss," Chondrus crispus, on rocky bottoms in shallow water. It forms rather thin, soft crusts, which have small, soft papillae scattered over the surface ; from the summit of each of these papillasa zooid protrudes, when they ex pand, and displays an elegant little wreath of tentacles, much as in A. ramosum, (see fig. 257.) The A. parasiticum is also a species hitherto neglected on our coasts. It forms thin crusts on alga3 and hydroids, which generally become coated with a layer of fine sand or dirt. I have not observed it at low-water, but have found it at the depth of a few fathoms on rocky bottoms in Vineyard Sound. The Vesicularia dichotoma V. is a very common species, both on rocky shores, in pools and on the under side of stones ; and in shallow water on rocky and shelly bottoms. It is also capable of living in brackish water, and is frequent on the oyster-beds. It usually forms csespitose clusters of many crowded, slender, white stems, each of which is repeatedly forked, branching in a somewhat arborescent man ner. There is a little crowded cluster of small, dark-colored, oval or pear-shaped cells just below each fork, the cells being sessile and arranged in two somewhat spiral rows in each cluster. It generally grows about an inch high, but sometimes two or three inches. When expanded each of the zooids protrudes from its cell-like body a delicate wreath of eight slender tentacles. The Vesicularia cuscuta is a delicate, creeping species, which resem bles, in miniature, the u dodder- plant," (Cuscuta,) and creeps over other bryozoa and hydroids, very much as the dodder creeps over other [405] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. Ill plants. The stem is very delicate, filiform, jointed, and at intervals gives off two very slender, opposite branches, which diverge at right angles, and in their turn branch at intervals in the same way. The cells are small and oval or elliptical, mostly arranged in clusters at or near the branchings of the stems, but some are often scattered on the branches ; they are attached by a narrow base. It occurs both at low-water in pools and in shallow water among rocks. The V. armata is also a creeping species, but the cells are terminated by four conical prominences, each of which bears a slender spine when perfect. This also occurs both between tides and in shallow water, on hydroids and bryozoa. With these species of Vesicularia, and often attached to them and creeping over them, as well as on other kinds of bryozoa, hydroids, and algre, a very curious little species often occurs, in which the cells are small, campanulate, and raised on slender pedicels, which rise from slender, white, creeping stems. This is the Pedicellina Americana. The zooids, when expanded, display a wreath of twelve or more tenta cles ; in contraction and when young they are often clavate. The JEtea anguinea has not been recorded as from our coast, but is very common on rocky and shelly bottoms, creeping over various hydroids, algae, ascidians, broyozoa, &c. ; it also frequently occurs on floating eel- grass and algre, in company with many hydroids. It consists of delicate, white, creeping, calcareous stolons, from which arise elongated, slen der, clavate, white, rigid, erect cells, with the aperture at the end ; the narrower, pedicel-like portion of the cell is surrounded by fine, circu lar, punctate strios. The Eucrate chelata is also a slender, creeping species, and has some what similar habits, but is much less common, and has been met with only in the deeper parts of Vineyard Sound on ascidians and hydroids. In this species each cell arises from the back of the preceding one, near the end, and bends upward and forward obliquely, the cell expanding from a narrow, pedicel-like, basal portion to a more or less oval upper part, with the aperture oblique and subterminal. This, also, is a new addition to the fauna of our coast, although, like the last, long well known on the coast of Europe. The Diastopora patina grows attached to algae and eel-grass j it forms little circular disks, with tubular cells arising from the upper surface, those in the middle being longest. The Tubulipora flabellaris frequently occurs attached to various kinds of slender-branched alga?, such asAhnfeltia plicata, &c. It forms small, blunt-lobed, coral-like masses, composed of long, crooked, tubular cells, united by a porous mass at base. Toward the borders of the lobes the cells are crowded and polygonal. In the central parts they are more cylindrical and form groups or radiating rows. Associated with the preceding on the algre, Crisia eburnea, (p. 311 ;) Mollia liyalina, (Plate XXXIV, fig. 2G4;) Cellepora ramulosa, (p. 312;) and other species oc- 112 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [406] cur. The Membranipora pilvsa (Plate XXXIV, figs. 262, 263) is frequent on rocky bottoms, growing chiefly upon Phyllophora and other algae. It may be known by the oval cells, bordered by erect, bristle-like pro cesses, of which the one at the proximal end of the cell is much longer than the rest. Another species, M. Uneata, is also common, incrusting rocks and shells in broad, thin, radiating patches. In this the cells are oblong? crowded, and separated only by the linear margins. In the most com mon variety there are eight or ten slender spinules on each side of the cells, which bend over so as to meet or interlock across the open cells. The cells are much smaller as well as narrower than those of the pre ceding species. Of Echinoderms only a few species occur in this region, on rocky bot toms, which causes this fauna to contrast very strongly with that of the rocky bottoms farther north, as in the Bay of Fundy or on the coast of Maine, where numerous other fine species of star-fishes and several addi tional Holothurians are common. The common green sea-urchin, Stron~ gylocentrotm Drobachiemis, (Plate XXXY, fig. 268,)- so very abundant farther north, and especially in the Bay of Fundy, where it occurs in abundance at low-water mark, and on rocky bottoms at all depths down to 110 fathoms, and off St. George's Bank even down to 450 fath oms, is comparatively rare in this region and chiefly confined to the outside colder waters, as off Gay Head and No Man's Land, where it was quite common. But a few specimens were dredged at several local ities in Vineyard Sound. The largest occured on the rocky bottoms off West Chop, and off Menemsha. It has been found occasionally in Long Island Sound, as off New Haven and Stratford, Connecticut, but is there quite rare and small. It feeds partly on diatoms arid other small algse, £c., which it cuts from the rocks with the sharp points of its teeth, but it is also fond of dead fishes, which are soon devoured, bones and all, by it in the Bay of Fundy. In return it is swallowed whole in large quantities by the wolf-fish and by other large fishes. The purple sea-urchin, Arlacia punctulata, is much more abundant in Vineyard Sound and similar waters, in this region. This is a southern species which is here near its northern limit. It is easily distinguished by its rather stout, unusually long, purple spines ; by its ambulacral pores in two simple rows ; by the upper surface of the shell being partly desti tute of spines ; and by the anal region, at the summit of the shell, which is formed of only four rather large plates. It occurred of large size, associated with the preceding species, off West Chop and Holmes's Hole 5 it was quite abundant in the passage at Wood's Hole, especially on shelly and gravelly bottoms north of Naushawena Island, and it was met with at many other localities. The common green star-fish, Asterias arenicola, (p. 326, Plate XXXV, fig. 269,) is very common on all the rocky bottoms in this region. A smaller and more beautiful northern star-fish was occasionally met with [407} INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 113 in Wood's Hole passage ami several other localities on rocky or grav elly bottoms. This was the CribreUa sanguinolenta ; it is much more com mon north of Cape Cod, and is abundant in the Bay of Fundy and north ward to Greenland ; it is also found on the northern coasts of Europe. It has not been found much south of Vineyard Sound on this coast. It can easily be distinguished by its five round, tapering rays, covered with small spinules, and by having only two rows of locomotive suckers in the grooves on the under side of the rays, instead of four rows, as in the common star-fishes belonging to the genus Asterias. Its color is quite variable. It is often orange, or purple, or rose-color, or cream- color, and sometimes mottled with red and purple, &c. Unlike the pre ceding, and most other species of our star-fishes, this does not have free- swimming young. Its eggs are deposited around the mouth, and re tained by the mother until they develop into little star-fishes capable of taking care of themselves. The Hydroids are very numerous on rocky bottoms. A few species, like Hydractmia polycllna (p. 328) and the Thamnocnida tenella, attach themselves directly to the rocks, but the greater number adhere to as- cidians, algre, or to other hydroids. Many of the species are also to be found on the rocky shores in tide-pools, and have already been mentioned. Among those not yet detected at low water is a delicate species of Phi - mularia, with slender, alternately pinnate branches, which was found growing upon rocks in company with Hydractinia. The Thamnocnida tenella is a Tubularian which grows in clusters, two or three inches high, consisting of long, slender, somewhat branched stems, which are more or less crooked, and usually irregularly and distantly annulated, with beau tiful pink heads at the top. The general appearance is like that of the Parypha, (Plate XXXV 1, fig. 274.) The Obelia dichotoma was found grow ing upon ascidiaus (Cynthia partita, &c.) in 8 or 10 fathoms, among rocks. It is a well-known European species, but has not hitherto been established as an inhabitant of our coast. It has dark, horn-colored, slender stems, with pretty long and rather erect, slender, alternate branches, which branch again in the same way. The hydroid cells are deeply cainpauu- late, with the margin slightly sinuous or scolloped, the slight notches corresponding with faint angular ridges which run down on the upper parts of the cells, giving the upper half a slightly polygonal form. In this respect this species closely resembles the Obelia commisuralis. The reproducsive capsules are elongated, urn-shaped, with a narrow, raised, sub-conical neck. The Obelia geniculata is often very abundant on the fronds of Lami- naria and other alga3 having flat fronds. Its creeping tubular stolons often thickly cover the surface with a complete net-work; from these the erect stems rise to the height of about an inch. This species may be known by the prominent geniculatkm at the origin of the hydroid pedicels. The Obelia fusiformis has a similar mode of growth, but is 114 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [408] much less common. Its hydroid cells are comparatively small and their pedicels very short. Several very delicate and beautiful creeping hydroids, belonging to the Campanularians, also occur attached to larger hydroids, and the algse. Among these are ClytiaJohnstoni, having comparatively large, bell- shaped cups, with a notched rim, each borne on a long, slender, generally simple pedicel, ringed at each end, and arising from the creeping stems. The reproductive capsules are urn-shaped and aimulated. The C. inter media is quite similar in its growth, but has smaller and deeper cups, with smaller notches around the rim. The Orthopyxis caliculata grows in the same manner ; it has beautiful little bell-shaped or cup-shaped cells, with an even rim, each borne on a long, slender, annulated pedicel with one of the rings, just below the cup, very prominent. Its reproductive capsules are large, oblong, smooth, and obtuse at the end. The Platy- pyxis cylindrica has small, very deep , somewhat cylindrical cups, with the rim divided into sharp teeth or notches ; each one is borne on a small, slender pedicel, generally less than an eighth of an inch high, feebly aimulated at each end. The reproductive capsules are elongated, com pressed, flaring slightly at the end. The Campanularia volubilis, is also a very small, but elegant species ; it has deep cylindrical cups, which have a regularly scolloped rim, the scollops being small and evenly rounded. The pedicels are very slender, and are annulated spirally throughout their whole length, so as to appear as if twisted ; just below the cup there is one prominent rounded annulation, or bead, the whole resem bling iu, miniature the stem of certain wine-glasses and glass vases. The reproductive capsules are vase- shaped, attached by short pedicels, and have the neck elongated and gradually narrowed to the end, which flares slightly. The Lafoea calcarata is also a small creeping hydroid, belonging to another family. It has curved tubular cells. It nearly always grows on Sertularia cornicina, which is a small species, resembling 8. pumila, (Plate XXXVII, fig. 279.) The Sertularia argentea (Plate XXXVII, fig. 280) is a large, profusely branched species, often growing to the length of a foot or more. It is very abundant in this region. S. cupressina is closely related, but much less common. The Hydrallmania falcata is also a large species very common on these bottoms. It can be easily distinguished by the spiral arrangement of its branches and the unilateral arrangement of its jug-shaped cells along the branches. The Eudendrium ramosum and E. dispar are not uncommon on rocky bottoms, and are both beautiful species, somewhat resembling the Pennaria, (Plate XXXVII, fig. 277.) The species of Polyps are the same as those found on rocky shores at low-water mark. The coral, Astrangia Dance, (p. 329,) is much more common than on the shores, and grows larger, some of the specimens becoming four or five inches across, and rising up in the middle into [409] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OP VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 115 lobes or irregular branches, sometimes nearly two inches high, making very elegant specimens. Numerous sponges also occur, but they have not yet been carefully studied. One of the most abundant is a species of Chalina, which grows up in clusters of slender, soft, smooth branches, five or six inches high, and from a quarter to half an inch in diameter, of a pale yellowish or buff-color while living. It makes very delicate, white, and beautiful specimens when the animal matter has been thoroughly washed out and the sponge dried in the sun, which can be best done by hang ing them up in a reversed position, owing to the flexibility of the branches when wet. This species is closely related to the Chalina oculata, which also occurs in this region, in the outside cold waters, as off Gay Head, and is abundant farther north and on the coast of Europe ; but the pre sent species is much more delicate, with more slender and rounder branches, and it seems to be a southern form, for it is common all along our coast as far, at least, as North Carolina. The common, irregularly branched, red sponge is found in abundance, and also several light yellow, irregular, soft, massive species of Tedania, and the firm, massive, sulphur-yellow CUona sulphured. List of species ordinarily found on the rocky bottoms of the bays and sounds. ARTIOULATA. Insects. Page. Page. Chiron oinus halophilus 415 Palleue, sp 421 Crustacea. Page. : Page. Cancer irroratus 395 j Moera levis 315 C. borealis 395 | Autonoe, sp 415 Panopeus depressus 395 I Amphithoe maculata 315 P. Sayi 395 Pelia mutica 395 Eupagurus pollicaris , 395 E. longicarpus 395 Homarus Americanus 395 Crangon vulgaris . . . , 395 Hippolyte pusiola 395 My sis Americana 396 Heteromysis formosa 396 A. longimana 370 Unciola irrorata 340 Cerapus tubularis (?) 396 Caprella geometrica 316 Caprella, sp 316 Idotea phosphorea 316 Erichsonia filiformis 316 Balanus crenatus 396 Numerous small Eutomos- Lepidactylis dytiscus 339 ! traca. 116 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [410} Annelids. Page. Lepidouotus squairiatus 397 L. sublevis 397 Harmothoe imbricata ....... 397 Pliyllodoce, sp 397 Eulalia, sp 397 Eumidia, sp 397 Autolytus cornutus 397 Autoly tus, sp , 398 Nereis pelagica 397 Podarke obscura 319 MarpLysa Leidyi 319 Lumbriconereis opaliua 397 Ophelia simplex Cirrhinereis fragilis . . . Naraganseta coralii Sabellaria vulgaris Nicolea simplex . Scionopsis palmata. . . Polyeirrus eximius Potamilla oculifera Sabella microphthalma Fabricia Leidyi Serpula diantlms Spirorbis, sp Page. 319 397 397 397 397 397 320 397 397 397 397 397 Cosmocephala ochracea Polinia glutinosa. - , , Nemerteans. Page. | 325 I Cerebratulus? sp. 324 ! Page. 324 MOLLTJSCA. Gastropods. Page. Fulgur carica 399 Sycotypus canaliculatus 399 Tritia trivittata 354 Urosalpinx cinerea 399 Astyris lunata , 399 A. zonalis 399 Anachis avara 306 Lacuna viucta 305 Bittiuin nigruin 305 Ceritbiopsis Greenii 383 C. Emersonii , 417 Triforis nigrocinctus. . . Crueibuluiii stoiatum . . . Crepidula fornicata C. unguiformis Leptochiton apiculatus L. ruber Doto coronata Polycera Lessonii ^Eolis, sp Doridella obscura Page. 305 399 355 355 399 399 400 400 400 400 Lamellibranchs. Page. Mya arenaria 401 Saxicava arctica 401 ArgiDa pexata 401 Scapharca transversa 401 My tikis edulis Modiola modiolus . . Anomia glabra. . . . Ostraea Virginiana Page. 401 401 401 401 [411] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. Ascidians. Page. Cynthia partita 401 Molgula Manbatteiisis 401 Perophora viridis 401 Leptoclinum albidum 403 L. lutecium Amarcecium stellatum A. constellatum A. pellucid urn 11? Page, 403 402 403 401 Bryozoa. Page. Alcyonidium ramosnm 404 A. hispidum 404 A. parasiticutn 404 A. birsutuin 404 Vesicularia gracilis 389 V. dichotoma 404 V. cuscuta 404 V. armata 405 Tubulipora flabellaris 405 Diastopora patina 405 Orisia eburnea . 405 Eucratea chelata. . . , JBtea anguinea Bugula turrita B.flabellata Membranipora pilosa . M. lineata Escharipora punctata . Escbarella variabilis. . Mollia hyalina Cellepora ramulosa Pedicellina Americana Page. 405 405 405 389 406 406 40S 403 405 405 405 BADIATA. EcMnoderms. Arbacia punctulata Strorigylocentrotus Dro- bachiensis . . ..... Page. 406 406 Asterias arenicola .... Cribrella sanguinolenta Page,. 406 407 Acaleplis. Page. Campanularia flexuosa 327 C. volubilis 408 Platypyxis cylindrica 408 Ortbopyxis caliculata 408 , Olytia Jobnstoni , 408 C. intermedia 408 Obelia f usiformis 407 O. geniculata 407 O. dicbotoma 407 O. commisuralis 327 Lafoea calcarata 408 Plumularia, sp 407 Sertularia cornicina S. argentea S. cupressina Hydrallmania falcata Halecium gracile Bougaiuvillia superciliaris Eudendrium ramosum E. dispar Pennaria tiarella Tbamnocnida tenella Hydractinia polyclina Page, 408 408 408 408 408- 327 40T 407 118 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [412] Polyps. Page, j Page. Metridium marginatum 329 Astrangia Daiwj! 408 Sagartia leucolena 329 | PROTOZOA. Sponges. Page. Page. Grantia ciliata 330 Chalina oculata 409 Cliona sulphurea 409 j Chalina, slender species 409 Tedania 409 \ Several other sponges 409 Sponge, red species 409 Foraminifera. Page. Numerous species 421 , c, d ; 19, a ; 20, a, &, and many others not indicated on the chart, were made here. Sixth. Another area at the other end of Wood's Hole Passage, north of Hadley Harbor, and extending out into Buzzard's Bay a short dis tance ; some parts of this region had a smooth hard bottom of fine gravel and sand, or coarse sand ; in other places it was more or less stony : dredgings on line 10, e, f ; 11, a, ft, c, d, e, g ; 12, &, c ; 70, a, b, c, d ; 71, «, &, were on these gravelly bottoms. Seventh. A shallow region oif Cataumet Harbor, in Buzzard's Bay ; the bottom here was hard gravel and shells, much overgrown with algse j dredgings at line G5, a, Z>, and others not indicated, were made here. Eighth. At Quick's Hole, in the channel between Nashawena and Pasque Islands, good gravelly bottom was found; di edgings at line 45, a, b; 7G, a, Z>, c; 77, c, d, e,/, were on this area. Similar bottoms of small extent were also met with in other places. There are also gravelly bottoms in the southwestern part of Vineyard Sound, near its mouth, as off Menemsha, but as these are inhabited by the more northern species of animals, they will be grouped with those of the outside waters. The animals of gravelly and shelly bottoms may be burrowing or tube- dwelling species, like many annelids, amphipods, bivalve-shells, &c. ; they may be species that adhere directly to the shells and pebbles, like cer tain hydroids, bryozoa, bivalve-shells, and the numerous ascidians ; the latter are quite as numerous here as upon the rocky bottoms, and for the most part of the same species; they may be species that hide among [415] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 121 the shells and pebbles or between the ascidians, &c., like many of the larger annelids, some of the crabs, and other Crustacea, &c. ; they may be species that live among or attached to the hydroids, bryozoa, ascid ians, and algae which grow upon the shells and pebbles ; such are many of the small Crustacea, some annelids, many small gastropod shells, and most of the more delicate bryozoa and hydroids ; or they may be larger- kinds that creep or swim about over the bottom, in search of food, such as the lobster, the larger crabs, hermit-crabs, large gastropod moliusks, star-fishes, sea-urchins, holothurians, &c. Owing to the great abundance of animal life on bottoms of this character they are the favorite feeding- grounds of many kinds of fishes, such as the tautog, scup, black bass, haddock, and cod, together with many others that are less valua ble. Most of the "banks77 and "fishing-grounds" resorted to by the line fishermen have either gravelly and shelly or else rocky bottoms, and those banks most frequented by fishes are almost always found to be rich dredgiug-grounds. The gravelly banks in this region are, in winter and spring, fishing-grounds for cod and haddock, but these fishes retreat to colder waters in the summer. Among the Crustacea the most abundant and important species are the lobster, Homarus Americanus, (p. 395,) the common shrimp, Cran- gon vulgar is, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10,) the common rock-crab, Cancer irroratus, (p. 312,) Panopeus Sayi, (p. 312,) P. depressus, (p. 312, Plate I, fig. 3,) the larger hermit-crab, Eupagurus polllcaris, (p. 313,) the smaller hermit-crab, E. longicarpus (p. 313,) the Heteromysis formosa, (p. 396,) My sis Americana, (p. 396,) Unicola irrorata, (p. 340, Plate IV fig. 19,) Amphithoe maculata, (p. 315, Plate IV. fig. 16,) Corophium cyl- indricum, (p. 370,) which lives among the hydroids, and a species of Autonoe, wThich lives in the crevices among the lobes of the sandy ascidians (Amarcedum pellucidum) in large numbers. The barnacle, Bal. anus crenatus, (p. 396,) is very abundant. One of the most interesting of the Crustacea met with was the Het- erocrypta granulata, which occurred off* Falmouth and near Suconesset light-ship. This is one of the triangular crabs in which the carapax is smooth ; the chelipeds are long and triangular. It is a southern .species, occurring on the Florida coast, and is new to our fauna. Another triangular crab, the Pelia mutica, also occurs on these bot toms, but this has a rough carapax, and resembles a small specimen of the common spider-crabs, Libinia. Clinging* to and creeping over the hydroids and ascidians a singular long-legged Pycnogonid is often met with on shelly bottoms. This is the Phoxichilidium maxillare, (Plate VII, fig. 35.) It is most frequently deep purple in color, but gray and brown specimens are often met with. The larvae of a fly, Chironomus lialopliilus, was dredged in five fathoms. The Annelids are quite numerous, and the majority of them are the same as those found on the rocky bottoms, for the, same species inhabit .the interstices of the massive asoidimis, found equally on both kinds of l22 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [416] bottom, and the same tube-dwelling species can attach themselves to stones and shells just as well as to rocks. Most of the additional species are burrowing kinds, and some of them probably inhabited patches of mud or sand. Among the more interesting species are Nephthys bucera, (Plate XII, fig. 58 ;) Antliostoma acutum Y., a new species ; Scolecolepis cirratd) new to the American coast j Scalibregma brevicauda Y., a very interesting new species ; Cirratulus tennis Y., a new species ; Ampha- rete setosa Y., also a new species ; Serpula dianthus Y., (p. 322.) Several rare or undescribed species were also met with that have not yet been fully identified. Among these were a peculiar species of Nereis ; a large Anthostoma ; a young Polydora ; an apparently undescribed species of Samytlia ; a species of Euclione, perhaps identical with E. elegans Y. ; the calcareous tubes of a small worm, perhaps a Verm-ilia, which have two carina on the upper side. Two species of Sipunculoids occurred, one of which is probably un described. The other is the Phascolosoma ccementarium, (Plate XYIII, fig. 92,) a species very common on all the northern coasts of New Eng land in deep water. This worm takes possession of a dead shell of some small Gastropod, like the hermit-crabs, but as the aperture is always too large for the passage of its body, it fills up the space around it with a very hard and durable cement, composed of mud and sand united to gether by* a secretion from the animal, leaving only a small, round open ing, through which the worm can extend the anterior part of its body to the distance of one or two inches, and into which it can entirely with draw at will. It thus lives permanently in its borrowed shell, dragging it about wherever it wishes to'go, by the powerful contractions of its body, which can be extended in all directions and is very changeable in form. When fully extended the forward or retractile part is long and slender, and furnished close to the end with a circle of small, slender tentacles, which surround the mouth ; there is a band of minute spiuules just back of the tentacles ; the anal orifice is at the base of the retractile part ; the region posterior to this has a firmer and more granulous skin, and is furnished toward the posterior end with a broad band of scat tered, blackish, acute, recurved spinules, more or less triangular in form, which evidently aid it in retaining its position in the shell. As it grows too large for its habitation, instead of changing it for a larger shell, as the hermit-crabs do, it gradually extends its tube outward be yond the aperture by adding new materials to it. Some of the fishes often suddenly cut short this labor by swallowing the worm, shell and all. In July the common squids, Loligo Pealii, (Plate XX, figs. 102-105,) were taken in considerable numbers by means of the trawl, on gravelly and shelly bottoms off Falmouth, and with them large quantities of the eggs contained in large bunches or groups of long, gelatinous capsules. They were apparently spawning at that time. Although the Gastropod mollusks are seldom very numerous at any particular spot on these bottoms, yet a pretty large number of species [417] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 123 occur, and they are quite generally diffused. Many of them have already been enumerated as occurring on rocky bottoms. The Fnlgur carica, (p. 355, Plate XX, fig. 124,) and the Sycotypus canaliculatus, (p. 355,) are found chiefly on these bottoms, and are often very abundant. Over a barrel of living specimens were obtained on a single excursion. The Lunatia heros, (p. 354, Plate XXIII, figs. 133-136,) though generally found on the sandy bottoms, also occurred in great numbers and of very large size on some of the gravelly bottoms. The pretty little Natica pus-ilia (Plate XXIII, fig] 132) is often common on these bottoms ; it is usually delicately painted with brown. The Crepidula fornicata (p. 355, Plate XXIII, figs. 129, 129a) was one of the most abundant species, often occurring adhering to each other in great clusters, the lowest ones in the group adhering in turn to dead bivalve shells, pebbles, shells of living Fulgur and Sycotypus, and still more frequently to these shells when dead and occupied by the larger hermit-crabs, (Eupagurus pollicaris.} The dead shells of this Crepidula were often found in great accumulations, covering considerable areas of bottom, and with bat little admixture, either with other shells or with sand and gravel. The Crepidula unguiformis, (p. 355, Plate XXIII, fig. 127,) though very common, did not occur in such great quantities. Crucibulum striatum (p. 399, Plate XXIII, figs. 125, 126) is also common, adhering to vari ous dead shells. The Vermetus radicula (Plate XXIY, fig. 157) is a very curious shell, looking, when full grown, very much like the tube of an Annelid, such as Serpula or Protula, but the inhabitant is a genuine Gastropod, and has a thin, spiral, horny operculum, for closing the aperture when it withdraws. When young this shell often forms a very regular, closely coiled, spiral shell, looking like that of a Turritella, and sometimes does not become irregular until the spire is more than an inch long, but sooner or later it goes off on a tangent and becomes irregular and crooked. Sometimes several of these shells interlock irregularly and thus form large clusters. The curious and minute Ccecum pulehellum (Plate XXIV, fig. 158) is occasionally met with in considerable numbers, though very liable to be overlooked owing to its very small size. Ccecum costatum V. is of less frequent occurrence, and easily distinguished by the prominent ridges or ribs that run lengthwise of the shell. Wherever' algaB occur in abundance on these -bottoms, the Bittium nigrum (p. 305, XXIV, fig. 154) is found in immense numbers, and it is generally associated with Lacuna vincta (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 139) and with a few specimens of Triforis nigrocinctuSj (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 152,) Cerithiopsis Greenii, (Plate XXIV, fig. 153,) Astyris lunata, (Plate XXI, fig. 110,) Anachis avara, (Plate XXI, fig. 109,) &c. On the shelly bottoms Cerithiopsis tcrebralis and C. Emersonii ofter occur, but they are not usually common. On similar bottoms, sometimes adhering to 10 v 124 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [418] Pecten and other shells, we cften met with the various species of Odos- tomia, among which 0. seminuda (Plate XXI V, fig. 148,) was much the most common; but 0. producta, (Plate XXIV, fig. 143,) 0. impressa, (Plate XXIV, fig. 147,) and 0. trijida, (Plate XXIV, fig. 145,) occurred in shallow water; and also Turbonilla elegans, (Plate XXIV, fig. 155,) which is a very handsome, glossy, brown shell j and T. interrupta, which is a similar shell, but more slender, with less convex whorls. The Eulima oleacea (Plate XXIY, fig. 149) is a very elegant, white, polished, and shining shell, and generally rare, but in two instances we found several of them adhering to the skin of the large Holothurian, Tliyone Briareus, upon which it seemed to live as a quasi parasite or " commensal." On shelly and muddy bottoms we occasionally found Scalaria lineata, (Plate XXI, fig. 123,) and S. multistriata, (Plate XXI, fig. 122,) both of which are rare and elegant shells. The Pleurotoma Mcarinatum (Plate XXI, fig. 106) occurred rarely. The bivalve shells are also quite numerous on these bottoms. Among them the Mactra solidissima (p. 358, Plate XXVIII, fig. 203) is most conspicuous on account of its great size and frequent occurrence ; its dead shells were often very abundantly scattered over the bottom, and were generally incrusted with numerous bryozoa and hydroids. The Gouldia mactracea (Plate XXIX, figs. 206, 207) was quite common in many localities in a living state, while the dead shells were generally diffused. Among the other species that are common or abundant are Scapharca transversa^ (Plate XXX, fig. 228,) Clidiopliora trilineata, (Plate XXVII, fig. 193,) Nucula proximo,, (Plate XXX, fig. 230,) Mytilus edulis, (Plate XXXI, fig. 234,) Modiola modiolus, (Plate XXXI, fig. 237,) Crenella glandula, (Plate XXXI, fig. 233,) Pecten irradians, (Plate XXXII, fig. 243,) Anomia glabra, (Plate XXXII, figs. 241, 242.) The Modiolaria nigra (Plate XXXI, fig. 236) occurred only in few localities in the deep water of the middle of the Sound, associated with the common muscle. The Cumingia tellinoides (Plate XXX, fig. 221) was found living occa sionally, but its dead shells were quite common. The same is true of Corbula contracta, (Plate XXVII, fig. 191,) which was perhaps a little more commonly found living than the last. The Cyclas dentata (Plate XXIX) fig. 211,) is a handsomely sculptured, pure white shell, which we met with only a few times in the living state, though dead valves often oc curred. The same remarks will apply to Coclodesma Leanum, (Plate XXVII, fig. 198,) of which the shells were much more common. The Kellia planulata (p. 310,) and Montacuta elevata also occasionally occur on shelly bottoms, but were seldom obtained alive. The Cyclocardia lorealls (Plate XXIX, fig. 216) and C. N'ovanglioe (Plate XXIX, fig. 215) were quite common in the deeper waters. The Gastranella tumida V., (Plate XXVII, fig. 190) is a small and rare shell, recently discovered, and has, as yet, been found only on a shelly bottom among hydroids, near Xew Haven, in 4 or 5 fathoms. The Anguhis modestatus V. (Plate XXX, fig. 224) is a species recently [419] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 125 described from specimens dredged by us in Vineyard Sound. It is often handsomely banded with light red and pale yellow. It is still a rare species, but has been dredged also near New Haven. The Ascidians, with the exception of one or two additional species seldom met with, are the same as those of the rocky bottoms, and they often occur in immense quantities, especially the massive sandy ones, Amarcecium pellucidum, (p. 401,) and the " sea-pork," A. stellatum, (p. 402,) which together often almost entirely cover the bottom over areas many acres in extent. They furnish excellent hiding-places in the open ings and crevices between their lobes for numerous Crustacea and Anne lids, many of which can be easily secured by putting the masses of these ascidians into buckets of water and leaving them until the water begins to get stale, when they will come out of their retreats in large numbers and seek the surface or edges of the water for oxygen. Or they may be pulled apart directly and the various creatures secured at once. The Molcjula arenata (Plate XXXIII, fig. 251) is a nearly globular, but often somewhat flattened species, which covers itself over with closely adherent grains of sand or gravel. It is most common on sandy bottoms but is found also on gravelly ones. The Ciona tenella is an elongated, erect species, attached at base to rocks, dead shells, &c. It is remarkable for the transparency, whiteness, and softness of its integument, and for the bright orange ocelli around its orifices. It is rare in this region, but very common in the Bay of Fundy. The Bryozoa are very abundant, especially on the shelly bottoms. Some of them grow on algce, hydroids, ascidiaus, &c. ; and many form incrustations on the dead shells and pebbles. The two most abundant and prominent species are Bugida turrita (p. 311, Plate XXXIY, figs. 258, 259) and Eschar dla, variabilis, (p. 312, Plate XXXIII, fig. 256.) The former grows attached to the various sea-weeds in great quantities, forming delicate white plumes, often six inches to a foot in length. The latter mostly forms calcareous incrustations over the sur faces of dead shells and pebbles, thin at first, but eventually becoming thickened by the formation of layer over layer, until the crust may be come half an inch to an inch in thickness, with a tabulated and vesicu lar structure in the interior. The masses thus formed often closely resemble genuine corals, especially some of the ancient fossil forms, and they often occur in great quantities. When living the color is dull red, but when recently dried they have a yellowish -green color, which easily bleaches out, however, by exposure to the sun and air. Vesicu- laria diclwtoma, (p. 404,) Alcyonidium ramosum, (p. 404, Plate XXXIV, fig. 257,) and Crisia eburnea (p. 311, Plate XXXIV, figs. 260, 261) are usually abundant. Most of the remaining species have also been men tioned in the previous pages as inhabitants of rocky bottoms, or else among the shore species. Among the species not previously mentioned are Cellepora scabra, 126 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [420] which forms branching, coral-like masses on the slender red algae ; a species of Lepralia, found with the last, and also on shells, which is allied to L. Pallasiana of Europe; Mollia liyalina, which forms circular disks, with irregular, more or less oblique cells; and Membranipora tennis, which is common on the pebbles, often covering their whole surface with a delicate lace-like incrustation, made up of very small, crowded, oval or oblong cells, which have the inner part of the front partly closed over, but with an irregular, mostly three-lobed aperture toward the outer end? which is bordered by small, irregular spinules. The Vesicularia fusca was also found in a few instances, in deep water. It had not been previously known on the American coast. Good speci mens of the Caberect Ellisii were also dredged in the deeper parts of Vine yard Sound, attached to ascidians. Of Echinoderms the number of species is not large. The common green star-fish, Asterias arenicola (Plate XXXV, fig. 269) is very com mon; the Cribrella sanguinolenta, (p. 407,) is comparatively rare ; and the green sea-urchin, 8. DrobacMemis, (p. 406,) is quite infrequent. The purple sea-urchin, Arbacia punctulata, (p. 326,) is, however, quite common in many localities. The largest and finest specimens were taken off Holmes' Hole, but it was quite abundant, though of moder ate size, in Great Harbor and Wood's Hole passage. The Thyone Bria- reus (p. 362) is not uncommon in shallow water, especially among weeds; it has already been mentioned, (p. 418,) as carrying Eulima oleacea attached to its skin. Another Holothurian, the Pentamera pulcliella, seems to be quite com mon, judging by the numerous specimens thrown on Kobska beach by the storms, and preserved for us by Mr. Vinal N. Edwards, during the past winter, but it was dredged only in one locality, off Holmes' Hole, by Messrs. T. M. Prudden and T. H. Russell. It is a southern species, not previously known north of the Carolina coasts. It is easily distin guished from the preceding species by its light color, and by having the locomotive-suckers arranged in five broad and very distinct longi tudinal bauds, with naked spaces between them. A very delicate little Ophiurian, the Amphipholis elegans, was occa sionally met with on the shelly bottoms. This is a northern species, much more common in the Bay of Fundy, where it is found from low- water mark to 80 fathoms, and it is found also on the northern coasts of Europe. It has a nearly circular disk, covered with smooth scales, regularly arranged, and each of the scales, on the sides of the slender rays, bears three short, blunt spines. Its color is usually light gray or whitish, frequently more or less marked with dark gray or brown. The Hydroids are numerous on these bottoms,'aud mostly of the same species that have been mentioned as occuring on rocky bottoms. The Polyps are few and essentially the same as those on the rocky bottoms. The only additional species was a small, slender, uudescribed [421] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 127 species of Edwardsia, E. lineata V., living in the interstices among ascidians and the tubes of Sabella and Potamilla. Sponges also occur in considerable numbers. Among them the most conspicuous is the Cliona sulphured, a bright sulphur-yellow species, grow ing into hemispherical or irregular, massive forms, of firm texture, the surface covered with scattered, low, wart-like, soft prominences, about an eighth of an inch in diameter, which contract when the sponge is dried, leaving shallow pits. The sponge commences as a boring species, on various dead shells, and as it grows it penetrates the shells in every direction, forming irregular holes and galleries, which continue to grow larger as more and more of the substance of the shell is absorbed, until the shells are reduced to a completely honey-combed, brittle mass, or a mere skeleton ; finally the sponge begins to protrude from the surface, and grows up into mammilliform masses, or small, rounded crusts, which continue to grow and spread in every direction, until finally they may form masses six or eight inches in diameter, with the base spread ing over and enveloping various dead shells, pebbles, and the coral, Astrangia Dance, though it often happens that living specimens of the latter grow upon the sponge. Owing to the remarkable boring habits of this and other allied sponges, they are very important in the econ omy of the sea, for they are the principal agents in the disintegration and decay of the shells that accumulate 'over the bottoms, thus per forming the same function in the sea that fungi and insects perform on the laud — the removal of dead organisms that otherwise would accu mulate in vast quantities. In this work they are aided, in most regions, either by certain boring Annelids, (Dod-ecacerea, &c.,) or by various bor ing rnollusks, (Liihodomus, Pholas, Gastrochcena, &c.,) but the greater part of this work seems to be effected by the sponges. Numerous species of Foraminifera were obtained on these and also on the rocky bottoms, but they have not yet been studied. The most com mon kind occurs attached by one side to dead shells, algse, &c. It con sists of several chambers arranged in a spiral manner, and to the naked eye resembles a minute depressed spiral shell. List of species inhabiting gravelly and shelly bottoms of the bays and sounds. ARTICULATA. Insects. Page, i Page. Chironomus halophilus 415 •• Muscidee, larva 335 Pycnogonids. Page. Phoxichilidiuin maxillare. 415 Page. Pallene, sp 409 128 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [422] Crustacea. Page. Cancer irroratus 415 Panopeus depressus 415 P.Sayi 415 Pelia nmtica 415 Heterocrypta granulata 415 Eupagurus pollicaris 41 5 E. lougicarpus 415 Horoarus Americauus 415 Crangori vulgaris 415 Hippolyte pusiola 395 Mysis Americana 415 Heteromysis forinosa 415 Page. Lepiclactylis dytiscus 339 Mcera levis 315 Autouoe, sp 415 Amphitlioe inacalata 415 Unciola irrorata 415 Oorophiuni cylindricum 415 Caprella, sp 316 Idotea phosphorea 316 Erichsonia filiformis 316 Epelys trilobus 370 Balanus creuatus 415 Numerous Entomostraca. Annelids. Page. LepidoDotus squamatus 320 L. sublevis 320 Harmothoe imbricata 321 Sthenelais picta 348 Nephthys picta 348 N. bucera 416 Phyllodoce, sp 349 Eulalia, sp 349 Eulalia, sp 349 Euinidia, sp 349 Eteoue, sp 349 Antolytus cornutus - . 397 A., sp., banded 398 Nereis pelagica . . . ; 319 N. liinbata 318 Nereis, sp . . . , 416 Diopatra cuprea 346 Marphysa Leidyi 319 Lumbriconereis opalina 320 L. tenuis 320 Authostoma acutum 416 Anthostoma, sp 416 Scolecolepis cirrata . . 416 Page. Polydora, sp 416 Scalibregina brevicauda 416 Cirratulus tenuis 416 C. grandis 319 Girrhiuereis fragilis .... 397 Naragariseta coralii 397 Dodecacerea, sp 397 Clymenella torquata 343 Sabellaria vulgaris 349 Cistenides Gouldii 349 Ampharete setosa 416 Samytha, sp 416 Amphitrite ornata 320 Nicolea simplex 321 Polycirrus eximius 320 Potamilla oculifera 322 Sabella microphthalma 323 Euchone, sp 416 Fabricia Leidyi 323 Serpula diauthus 416 Yerinilia, sp 416 Spirorbis spirillum 323 Sipunculoids. Phascolosoma caiineutarium 416 Phascolosoma, sp. Page. 416 [423] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. Nemer leans. Page. Meckelia ingens . 324 Poliuia glutinosa 324 Cosmocepbala ochracea . . . 129 Page. 325 MOLLUSCA. Ceplialopods. Loligo Pealii. eggs and adults . Gastropods. Page. Pleurotoma biearinatum . . . 418 Bela plicata 383 Fulgur carica 417 Sycotypus canaliculatus . 417 Tritia trivittata 354 Eupleura eaudata 371 Urosalpinx cinerea 306 Astyris lunata 417 A. zonalis 399 Anachis avara 417 Odostoinia producta 417 O. fusca 307 O. trifida 417 O. seminuda 417 O. impressa 417 O. bisuturalis 307 Turbonilla interrupta.. . . 418 T. elegaiis 418 Eulima oleacea 418 Lacuna vincta . 417 Bittium nigrum Triforis nigrocinctns. . . Cerithiopsis Greenii. . . C. terebralis C. Emersonii Verinetus radicula Caecum pulchellum C. costatum Crucibulum striatum . Crepidula fornicata C. unguiforinis C. convexa Natica pusilla Lunatia beros Scalaria lineata S. multistriata Leptochiton apiculatus Poly cera Lessouii Doto coronata. 1 Doridella obscura.. Lamellibranchs. Page. Saxicava arctica 309 Mya arenaria, (young) 309 Corbula contracta 418 Clidiophora trilineata . , 418 Lyonsia byalina 358 Cochlodesma Leanum 418 Mactra solidissiina 418 Mulinia lateralis 373 Cumingia telliuoides 418 Angulus tener 358 A. inodestus Gastranella turnida.. Cardium piunulatum Cyclas dentata Kellia planulata Montacuta elevata . . . Gouldia inactracea . . Astarte castanea Cyclocardia borealis. C. Kovanglia3 Page. 416 Page. 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 355 417 417 418 418 399 400 400 307 Page. 418 418 435 418 418 418 418 432 418 418 130 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [424] Page. Nucula proxima 418 Argiua pexata 309 Scapharca transversa 418 Mytilus edulis 418 Modiola modiolus 418 Modiolaria nigra.. Crenella glandula . Pecten irradians . . Anomia glabra Ostrsea Virginiana Ascidians. Page, Cioiia tenella 419 Cynthia partita 311 Molgnla Maiihatteusis 311 M. arenata 419 Peropkora viridis . . 388 Leptoclinum albidum. L. lutecium Amarceclum stellatum A. pellucidum A. constellatum . . Bryozoa. Page. Alcyonidium rarnosum 419 A. hirsututn 404 A. parasiticum 404 Yesicularia dichotoma. .. . 419 V. cuscuta 404 Y. gracilis , 389 Y. arrnata 405 Y. ( Avenella) fusca 420 Tubulipora flabellaris 405 Crisia eburnea 419 -2E tea an guinea 405 Eucratea chelata . 405 Caberea Bllisii.. 420 Bugula turrita B. flabellata Membranipora pilosa. . . M. tenuis M. lineata Escliarella variabilis Escbaripora punctata (?) Lepralia, sp Mollia hyalina Discopora cocciuea ("?)•• Cellepora ramulosa C. scabra Pedicellina Americana . . Page. 418 418 418 418 310 Page. 403 403 419 419 403 Page. 419 389 406 420 406 419 403 420 420 333 312 419 405 RADIATA. Echinoderms. Pentamera pulckella Thy one Briareus Strongylocentrotus Droba- chiensis . Campauularia Tolubilis Platypyxis cylindrica. . Orthopyxis caliculata. . Page. 420 420 420 Page. Arbacia punctulata 420 Asterias arenicola 420 Cribrella sanguinolenta 420 Amphipholis elegans 420 Acalephs. Page. 408 408 408 Page. Gly tia Johnstoni 408 Obelia fusifornris 40 7 O. geniculata 407 [425] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 131 Page. O. dichotoma 407 O. cominissuralis 327 Lafoea calcarata 408 Sertularia argentea , , . 408 S. cupressina 408 Page. Halecium gracile 328 Eudendrium dispar 408 Pennaria tiarella 327 Thamnocnida tenella 407 Hydractinia polyclina 328 Hydrallmania falcata 408 Polyps. Page. Sagartia inodesta 330 Metridium marginatum . . . , 329 Page. Edwardsia lineata 421 Astrangia Dana3 . . 421 PROTOZOA. Sponges. Page. Grantia ciliata 330 Chalina, sp 409 C. oculata . 409 Page. Cliona sulphurea 421 Halichondria, sp 330 Tedania, sp 409 Foraminifera. Page. Numerous species 421 II. 7. — FAUNA OF TRE SANDY BOTTOMS OF THE BAYS AND SOUNDS. The sandy bottoms in Vineyard Sound are chiefly found in shallow water, either along the shores or on the banks and shoals. In Buzzard's Bay they were met with only in few places, near the shore, and have no great extent. To the eastward of Vineyard Sound, throughout the greater part of Nan tucket Sound, Muskeget Channel, and the waters south and southeast of Nantucket and Cape Cod, the bottom is gener ally sandy, sometimes passing into gravelly and shelly. The true sandy bottoms are not favorable to many kinds of animals, and where the sands are constantly changing, as on most of the shoals in this region, the bottom is sometimes almost barren of life, though certain burrowing species may occur. The following are some of the special localities where dredgings were made on sandy bottoms: In Buzzard's Bay, at line 11, d, e,f; 64, «, &; 66, a, b ; 67, a, b ; 68, a, b ; 71, a, &, d ; 73, a, &, c, e, f. In Vineyard Sound, at line 14, g, Ji ; 25, a, b ; 27, a, b ; 30, a, b ; 37, 7t, i ; 43, a, b ; 46, c, d ; 47, d, e ; 48, a, &. A large portion of the species occurring on these bottoms have been mentioned before either as inhabitants of the sandy shores at low water, or as living upon gravelly and shelly bot toms. With the exception of a few species living attached to scattered shells or stones, nearly all the species are such as are adapted to bur- 132 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [426] rowing beneath the surface of the sand, though many of them may also occur creeping on its surface. The most abundant and characteristic species of Crustacea are the lob ster, Homarus Americanus, (p. 313,) the common shrimp, Crangon vul- garis, (p. 339, Plate lit. fig. 10,) the " lady-crab," Platyoniclms ocellatus, (p. 338, Plate I, fig. 4,) the larger hermit-crab, Eupagurus polllcaris, (p. 313,) the smaller hermit-crab, Eupagurus longicarpus, (p. 313,) Anthura brunnea, Conilera concharum, Unciola irrorata, (p. 340, Plate IV, fig. 19.) Of Annelids a considerable number of burrowing species occur, and also a few tube-dwelling species, which attach their tubes to dead shells ; among these last are Sabellaria vulgaris (p. 321, Plate XVII, figs. 88, S8«,) and Serpula dianthus, (p. 322.) The Gastropods are not numerous, and but few are peculiar to sandy bottoms 5 the majority found have their proper homes on shelly or muddy bottoms and live in much smaller numbers in sandy places; others enumerated in the following list inhabit the patches of eel-grass and alga3 that are often scattered over the sandy bottoms in shallow water. A few species, however, have their proper homes on the sandy bottoms. Among the most important of these are Lunatia heros, (p. 353, Plate XXIII, figs. 133-136,) Neverita duplicata, (p. 354, Plate XXIII, fig. 130,) Natica pusilla, (p. 354, Plate XXIII, fig. 132,) Cyliclma oryza, (Plate XXV, fig. 164,) Utriculus canalieulatus, (Plate XXV, fig. 160.) The bivalve shells are more numerous, and most of them are species that burrow beneath the surface. The most common and characteristic species are Ensatella Americana, (p. 356, Plate XXVI, fig. 182, and Plate XXXII, fig. 245,) Siliqua costata, (p. 358, Plate XXXII, fig. 244,) Mactra soUdissima, (p. 358, Plate XXVIII, fig. 202,) Angulus tener, (p. 358, Plate XXVI, fig. 180, and Plate XXX, 223, shell;) Tottenia gemma* (p. 359, Plate XXX, fig. 220,) Lyonsia liyalina, (p. 358, Plate XXVII, fig. 194.) In certain localities, where eel-grass grows, the scollop, Pecten irradians, (p. 361, Plate XXXII, fig. 243,) occurs in considerable abun dance. The common muscle, Mytilus edulis, (Plate XXI, fig. 234,) occa sionally occurs in patches or beds. Lccvicardium Mortoni (p. 358, Plate XXIX, fig. 208) is sometimes abundant in sheltered localities. The Ceronia arctata appears to be abundant in some places, as it is some times thrown on the sandy beaches in large numbers, but it was seldom dredged. The Thracia Conradi lives on sandy bottoms, buried six inches or more beneath the surface, but is seldom obtained alive. The dead shells were occasionally dredged in Vineyard Sound. Very few Ascidiaus occur. The most frequent one is Molgula arenata, (p. 419, Plate XXXIII, fig. 251,) which lives free in the sand and covers itself with a coating of closely adherent grains of sand. Another species, M.pellucida, is occasionally met with ; this also lives free in the sand, but does not attach the sand to itself. It has a clean translucent integu ment, a round body, and two tubes which are large and swollen at their f427] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 133 bases. Where eel-grass or algae afford opportunities for its attachment, the M. Manliattensis (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 250) generally occurs. The Bryozoa are not numerous, unless where dead shells are scattered over the sand for their attachment, when many of the same species that inhabit shelly bottoms may occur. The only species that are frequent on the true sandy bottoms are Bugula turrita, (Plate XXXIY, figs. 258, 259,) which occurs attached to eel-grass, &c., and Eschar ella variabilis, (p. 311, Plate XXXIII, fig. 256,) which iucrusts dead shells or other solid objects ; with the last, Membranipora lineata, (p. 406,) and several other species may sometimes be found. Several species of Echinoderms inhabit the sandy bottoms. The most abundant one is the " sand-dollar," Echinarachnius parma, (p. 362, Plate XXXV, fig. 267,) which occurs in immense numbers on nearly all sandy bottoms, except on the most exposed shoals. Another related species, Melitta testudinaria, was dredged two or three times in Vineyard Sound, but the specimens were dead and broken. It is a very abundant species south of Cape Hatteras, and may be distinguished by having five large oblong perforations near the edge. At least three species of Holothurians live upon the sandy bottoms. The most common one is the Thy one Briareus, (p. 362,) conspicuous on account of its large size and dark purplish-brown color, as well as for the numerous long papilla that cover its body. It was found on a sandy bot tom off Waqupit, with the Eulima oleacea (Plate XXIV, fig. 149) adher ing to its surface, just as they occurred together on shelly bottoms, (see p. 418.) The Pentamem pulchella, (p. 420,) also inhabits sandy bottoms, in shallow water. During the past winter Mr. Vinal N. Edwards collected numerous specimens of this and the preceding species on Nobsca beach, after storms. They doubtless live in the sand, in shallow water, a short distance off the beach. In similar situations the Caudina arenata, (p. 362,) occasionally occurs, but it is apparently rare in this region. It has a thick, yellowish white, harsh skin, without suckers, and its body tapers off into a slender caudal portion. The common star-fish, Asterias arenicola, (p. 326, Plate XXXV, fig. 269,) is not uncommon on sandy bottoms, though more abundant in rocky and shelly localities. The Ophiura olivacea (p. 363) lives among the patches of eel-grass in shallow water on the sandy bottoms, and travels over the surface of the sand quite rapidly by means of its slender, flexible rays. Of Hydroids very few species ordinarily inhabit sandy bottoms, and the only one that is usually met with is Hydractinia polyclina, (p. 328,) which lives on the shells occupied by hermit-crabs. Others occasionally grow on the eel-grass or on dead shells. The Cliona sulphured, (p. 421,) is the only large sponge that is com monly met with on sandy bottoms, but another bright yellow siliceous sponge, forming smooth, firm, crest-like lobes and plates, occurred on Edgartown beach. 134 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [428] List of species inhabiting the sandy bottoms of the bays and sounds. ARTICULATA, Crustacea. Page. Cancer irroratus 312 Carcinus granulatus 312 Platyonickus ocellatus 436 Hippa talpoida 338 Eupagurus pollicaris ...=,... 426 E. longiearpus 426 Homarus Americanus 426 Crangon vulgaris 426 Page. Lepidactylis dytiscus 339 Unciola irrorata 426 Idotea caeca 340 Epelys trilobus 370 Conilera concharum 426 Anthura bmnnea 426 Linmlus Polyphemus 340 Annelids. Page. Sthenelais picta 348 Nephthys picta 348 Eteone, sp 349 Neresis pelagica 319 Lumbriconereis opalina .... 320 Bhynchobolusdibrauchiatus 341 E. Americanus 342 Anthostoma robustum . . 343 Page. A. acutum 416 Scolecolepis cirrata 416 Polydora, sp 416 Clymenella torquata . . 343 Sabellaria vulgaris 426 Cistenides Gouldii 323 Amphitrite ornata 320 Serpula dianthus 426 Nemerteans. Page. Meckelia in gens 349 M. rosea Sipunculoids. Page. Phascolosoma Gouldii.. 353 P. csementarium Page. 350 Page. 416 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. Fulgur carica 355 Sycotypus canaliculatus 355 Eupleura caudata 371 Urosalpinx cinerea 306 Tritia trivittata 354 llyanassa obsoleta 354 Anachis avara 306 Astyris lunata 306 Page. Odostoinia seminuda 417 Turbonilla interrupta 418 Bittium nigrum 305 Triforis nigrocinctus 305 Cerithiopsis Greenii 417 0. terebralis 417 0. Emersonii 417 Caecum pulchellum 417 [429] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 135 Page. C. costatnm 417 Oepidula fornicata 355 C. convexa 355 0. unguiforinis 355 Katica pusilla 420 Page. Lunatia beros 426 Neverita duplicata 426 Cylichna oryza 426 Utriculus canaliculatus. . 426 Lamellibranchs. Page. Eusatella Americana . . 426 Siliqua costata 426 Mya arenaria 357 Corbula contracta 418 Clidiophora trilineata 418 Lyonsia liyalina. , . .- 426 Thracia Conradi 426 Periploina papyracea 435 Cocblodesma Leauum 418 Mactra solidissima 426 Mulinia lateralis 373 Ceronia arctata 426 Macoma fusca. . 359 Tellina tenta Augulus modestus . . . A. tener - Venus mercenaria Tottenia gemma Lsevicardium Mortoni Page. 432 418 426 359 426 426 Cyclas dentata 418 Solenomya velum 360 Gouldia mactracea 418 Astarte castanea 432 Myti lus edulis 426 Pecten irradians 426 Anomia glabra 311 Ascidians. Page. Molgula arenata 426 M. Manhattensis . . 427 Molgula pellucida Bryozoa. Page. Bugula turrita 427 Membranipora lineata 427 Escharella variabilis. Page. 426 Page. 427 EADIATA. Ecliinoderms. Page. Thy one Briareus 427 Pentamera pulcliella 427 Caudiiia arenata 427 Echinarachuius parma 427 Melitta testudiuaria Asterias areuicola . . . Opbiura olivacea Acalephs. Page. Obelia diapbana , 327 Hydractiuia polyclina Page. 427 427 427 Page. 427 136 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [430] Polyps. Page. Paractis rapiformis 363 PROTOZOA. Sponges. Page. Clioua sulphurea 427 Page. Massive siliceous sponge 427 Foraminifera. Page. Several species 421 II. 8. — FAUNA OF THE MUDDY BOTTOMS OF THE BAYS AND SOUNDS. The muddy bottoms are inhabited by a considerable number of species, which find their true homes in such localities. Most of these are either burrowing or tube-dwelling kinds. A few creep or swim about over the surface or conceal themselves in the superficial layer of mud and vegetable debris. The character of the mud itself is quite various, and the different kinds are often inhabited by different groups of animals. The mud may be very thick, heavy, and tenacious, consisting chiefly of clay ; such mud is usually inhabited by few species of animals. It may consist of finely comminuted sand, mixed with more or less clay; such bottoms are more favorable to animal life. In other places it consists partly of one of the preceding kinds intimately mixed with large quantities of decay ing vegetable debris, derived chiefly from eel-grass and algae; such mud, unless too fetid, is often full of animal life. In some cases, especially in well-sheltered localities, where the water is tolerably pure, the mud may contain large quantities of living and dead microscopic organisms, both animal and vegetable, and these may even constitute more than one-half of the bulk of the mud, which, in such cases, is peculiarly soft and flocculent; such mud is extremely favorable to many kinds of ani mals that feed on the microscopic organisms, especially the bivalve shells, Holothurians, and many Annelids, and the u menhaden " among fishes. The last variety of bottom, when it has a substratum of sand or gravel a few inches below the surface, is the most favorable kind for oysters, which grow very rapidly and become very fat in such places. In Vineyard Sound and Nantucket Sound muddy bottoms are not common, and are mostly of small extent, situated in coves, harbors, or in places where the tides form eddies around projecting points of laud, or in the lee of shoals. In Buzzard's Bay the bottom is muddy over the greater part of its area, except a region of sandy and shelly bottom in the central part. In Long Island Sound the bottom is generally muddy throughout its [431] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 137 length and breadth, though small areas of rocks, gravel, and sand occur at various places. The special localities, indicated on the chart, where dredgings were made on muddy bettoms, not including the outside dredgings, are as follows : In Buzzard's Bay. at line 67, b ; 68, «, &, c : 74, «,, 1) ; 75, a, ft, c, $, e, f ; in Hadley Harbor, at 10, a, &, c, d ; in Great Harbor, at 17, &, c; 19, b ; in Kobiuson's Hole, at 78, «, &, c ; in Vineyard Sound, at 47, &, c, Numerous other dredgings were made on muddy bottoms in this region that are not indicated on the chart. In Long Island Sound numerous dredgiugs have been made by the writer, with Mr. S. I. Smith and others, during eight years. These ex tend from a few miles west of the entrance of New Haven Harbor to the Thimble Islands and Faulkner's Island on the east 5 and from the Con necticut shore nearly across the sound. The greater part of these dredg ings were on muddy bottoms, and generally in 3 to 8 fathoms of water. The following are some of the most common and important of the Crustacea living on these muddy bottoms : the spider crab, Libinia can- aUculata, (p. 368,) L. dubia, (p. 368,) Panopeus depressiis, (p. 312, Plate I, fig. 3,) P. Sayi, (p. 312,) the " blue-crab," Callinectes liastatus, (p. 367,) My sis Americana, (p. 396,) Ptilocheirus pinguis, (p. 431,) Unciola irro- rata, (p. 340, Plate IV, fig. 19,) Limulus Polyphemus, (p. 340.) Numer ous tube-dwelling Amphipods, including several species of Ampelisca and genera belonging to the Lysianassincc occur, some of them in great numbers, and also additional species of crabs and shrimps. All these are of special importance, because they furnish great quantities of food for the fishes frequenting muddy bottoms. Of Annelids numerous burrowing and tube-dwelling kinds are to be found, some of them in great abundance. One of the most abundant and conspicuous species is Nephthys ingens, (Plate XII, figs. 59, 60.) This worm burrows in mud of all kinds, even in that which is so filled with decaying vegetable debris as to be very fetid. It grows to the length of more than six inches, with a diameter of a quarter of an inch or more, though most of the specimens are about half this size. The body is whitish, with a red median blood-vessel, but the lateral appendages are dark and the setae nearly black. It is very active, and wriggles about energetically by undulating its body laterally, to the right and left ; this motion enables it to burrow quickly, or to swim quite rapidly. When captured it is very apt to break off the posterior part of its body, but can reproduce it. The Diopatra cuprea (p. 346, Plate XIII, figs. 67, 68) is often abun dant where the mud is somewhat firm ; the dredge often brings up large quantities of the projecting ends of its large tubes, but the occupant usually escapes by retreating below the surface. The two species of Ehynchobolus are also quite common, but R. dibrancltiatus (p. 341, Plate X, figs. 43, 44) is generally the most abundant. The curious ^ravisia carnea V. is seldom met with, and, like Brada setosa V., appears to be rare 138 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [432] in this region. The Trophonia affinis (Plate XIV, fig. 75) is more com mon, though found chiefly in the deeper waters, and more frequently in the cold waters outside, as off Outtyhunk Island and off Block Island. Ampharete setosa V. has been found only in Long Island Sound, near New Haven. The Melinna cristata is a northern and European species ; it was found in the deeper part of Vineyard Sound, inhabiting flexible tubes covered with fine mud. Euchone eleyans V. (Plate XVI, fig. 84) was found in the deeper parts of Vineyard Sound, living in small tubes of mud ; it was much more abundant in the deeper waters outside. The Meckelia ingens (p. 349, Plate XIX, figs. 96, 96a) occasionally occurs on muddy bottoms, though more common on sandy ones. Of Gastropod mollusks a comparatively small number of species oc cur that are characteristic of these bottoms. There are several species that occur on eel-grass, when it grows on the muddy bottoms, which are not included in the following list. They have been mentioned when speaking of the fauna of muddy and sandy shores. Among the species of special interest were Mangilia cermet, which is a rare and little-known species ; Bela plicata (p. 383, Plate XXI, fig. 107) ; Turbonilla elegans, (p. 418, Plate XXIV, fig. 155), which was re cently described from specimens obtained in Vineyard Sound by us ; T. interrupta, (p. 418 ;) two species of Scalaria, (p. 418 ;) Cylichna oryza, (Plate XXV, fig. 164;) AmphispJiyra pellucida, (Plate XXV, fig. 162;) and Utriculus canaliculatus, (Plate XXV, fig. 160). The bivalve shells are much more numerous and are mostly burrowing kinds. Among the most abundant are Mulinia lateralis, (p. 373, Plate XXVI, fig. 184 B,) which occurs in immense quantities, especially in soft sticky mud ; Clidiopliora trilineata, (Plate XXVII, fig. 193 ;) Tellina tenta (Plate XXX, fig. 225,) which is often very abundant in soft mud, in shel tered places, as in Hadley Harbor ; Callista convexa, (Plate XXX, fig. 219 ;) Nucula proxima, (Plate XXX, fig. 230 ;) Toldia limatula, (Plate XXX, 232 ;) Astarte castanea, (Plate XXIX, fig. 204 ;) and Mytilus edulis, (p. 307.) The last-named shell, which is the common muscle, occurs in patches, " beds," or "banks," often of great extent. One of these muscle-beds, in which the animals were living, was found extending quite across the mouth of Cuttyhunk Harbor, at line 75, /, on the chart ; another at Quick's Hole, at line 76, c, and 45, a, ft; others at 77, $, #,/; 46, ft, c, d. In several instances large beds of dead muscles were found, with few living ones, and in all these cases there were on them large numbers of star-fishes, either Asterias arenicola, in case of those in Vineyard Sound ; or Asterias vulgaris on those in the deeper and colder waters near the entrance of the Sound and off Gay Head ; and sometimes both kinds, at intermediate localities. These star-fishes had no doubt devoured the muscles. Among the localities of this kind are, 47, «, &, c, d ; 53, &, c ; 56, &, c, d ; 55, a, 6, c ; 63, a, 1) ; 58, d ; 54, &. As this species of muscle grows to full size, under favorable circumstances, in one year, it is prob able that these muscle-beds vary greatly in size and position in different [433] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 139 years. They afford habitations for various kinds of animals that belong properly on shelly or stony bottoms, such as Arbacia punctulata (p. 326,) Cribrella sanguinolenta, (p. 407,) and various shells, ascidians, hydroids, &c. The Modiolaria nigra (Plate XXXI, fig. 236) was found in small numbers, but of good size, associated with the common muscle, in the deeper part of Vineyard Sound. The oyster does not usually occur on true muddy bottoms in this region, unless placed there by human agency, but unless attacked by the star-fishes or other enemies they will flourish well in such localities. Beds of oysters on muddy bottoms always afford lodgment for large numbers of animals that belong properly to the shelly and rocky bot toms ; these have mostly been omitted from the following list. Among the shells of peculiar interest that live in the mud are the species of Pholas. The largest and finest species, P. costata, has been found living in New Bedford Harbor, according to Dr. Gould. It lived buried in the mud two or three feet below the surface, and the speci mens were dug out by the harbor-dredging machines. This is a south ern species, found quite commonly on the coasts of South Carolina and Florida, and in the Gulf of Mexico. With the last, P. truncata (p. 372, Plate XXVII, fig. 200) was also obtained, but this is quite common in mud and peat-banks, above low-water mark. Of both the preceding species we dredged dead shells at Wood's Hole and in Great Harbor, and with them we found fragments of another, Zirplicca crispata, which is a northern and European species. It is seldom that living adult speci mens of such deep-burrowing shells can be obtained by the ordinary dredge, and they are rarely thrown up by the waves. Ascidians are not often found on the muddy bottoms, and most of those that do occur adhere to the shells of oysters, muscles, &c., or to eel-grass. Hydroids and Bryozoa are likewise nearly wanting on true muddy bottoms, though a few may occur on the eel-grass and oysters. Of Echinoderms there are but few species. The Thyone Briarem (p. 362) sometimes occurs where there is growing eel-grass. The common star-fish, Asterias arenicola, (p. 326,) has been mentioned above as in habiting muscle-beds and oyster-beds. The Ampliipliolis abdita V. is a singular Ophiuran, with a small body and very long, slender, flexible, greenish arms, having three spines on each side arm-plate. The arms are sometimes six inches long. The creature buries itself deeply beneath the surface of the soft mud, and projects one or more of the long arms partially above the surface of the mud. On this account it is seldom dredged entire; the projecting arms are usually cut off by the dredge, and the animal escapes; and as it has the power of restoring lost arms, this is only a temporary inconvenience. The same thing probably hap pens when a voracious fish seizes one of the arms. 11 V 140 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [434] List of species inhabiting muddy bottoms of the bays and sounds. ARTICULATA. Crustacea. Page. Pinnotheres ostreum ' 367 P. inaculatus 459 Cancer irroratus 312 Panopeus depressus 431 P.Sayi .-. 431 Carcinus granulatus 312 Callinectes hastatus 431 Libinia canaliculata 431 L. dubia 431 Eupagnrus pollicaris 313 E. longicarpus . . « 313 Callianassa Stimpsoui 369 Crangon vulgaris - 339 Mysis Americana 431 Sqnilla einpusa Lysianassinoe, several spe cies Phoxus Kroyeri Melita nitida Arnpelisca, two species Ptilocheirus pinguis Ampliitkoe compta — , . Corophium cylindricum .... Unciola irrorata Epelys trilobns E. inoutosus Liinulus Polyphemus Numerous Entomostraca. . . Annelids. Nephthys in gens Phyllodoce, sp Eulalia, sp Nereis pelagica Diopatra cuprea Marphysa Leidyi Lumbriconereis opalina . . . Ehynchobolus Americanus E. dibranchiatus . Meek el i a in gens. Cerebratulus, sp Page. 431 349 349 319 431 319 320 342 431 Travisia carnea Troplionia affiuis Brada setosa Cistenides Gouldii Ampharete setosa Melinna cristata Polycirrus eximius ....,.., ChsBtobrauchus sanguiueus. Euchone elegans Phascolosoma csementarium E'ontonenia marinum Nemerteans. Page. ] 432 Cosmocephala ocliracea. 324 Sipunculoids. Nematodes. Page. I 325 j P. vacillatum Page. 369 431 314 431 431 370 415 431 370 370 431 Page. 431 432 431 323 432 432 320 320 432 Page. 325 Page. 416 Page. 326 [435] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND. ETC. 141 MOLLTJSCA. Gastropods. Page. Mangilia cerina . 432 Bela plicata. 432 Tritia trivittata 354 Ilyanassa obsoleta 354 Eupleura caudata 371 Odostomia semiouda 417 O. fusca 307 Turbonilla interrupta 432 T. elea-aiis . 432 Page. Crepidula fornicata . .... ... 355 C. convexa 355 ! C. unguiformis 355 Scalaria lineata S. multistriata Utriculus eanaliculatus . . . Bulla solitaria ...... Amphisphyra pellucida . . . 432 432 432 371 432 Cylichna oryza 432 Lamellibranchs. Page. Pholas costata 433 P. truucata 433 My a arenaria 309 Clidiophora trilineata - 432 Lyonsia Lyalina 358 Periploma papyracea 429 Mulinia later alls 432 Tagelus gibbus 373 T. divisus Cumingia tellinoides 418 Macoma fusca 359 Angulus tener 358 Tellina teuta 432 Callista convexa 432 Yen us nierceuaria ,. 359 Petricola pholadiformis 372 Page. Cardium pinnulatum 423 Kellia plauulata 310 Montacuta elevata 418 Solenornya velum 360 Astarte castanea 432 Cyclocardia borealis 418 0. Novangliae 418 Macula proxima 432 Yoldia limatula 432 Argina pexata 309 My tilus edulis 432 Modiolaria nigra . . .' , 433 Crenella glandula . 418 Anomia glabra 311 433 Ostrsea Virginian a Asculians. Page, j Page. Molgula Manbatteusis 311 \ Cyutbm partita 311 EADIATA. EcMnoderms. Page. Thyone Briareus 433 Asterias arenicola. . . . 433 Page. Aniphipholis abdita - 433 142 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [436] II. 9.— FREE SWIMMING AND SURFACE ANIMALS. Under this head I have included all the animals found swimming free, whether in. the bays and sounds, or in the coldel- region outside. Nor have I, in this case, attempted to separate those of the estuaries and other brackish waters, although such a distinction might be useful had we sufficient data to make it even tolerably complete. But hitherto very little surface-collecting has been done in waters that are really brackish ; and, moreover, since every tide must bring in myriads of free- swimming creatures with the waters from outside, it will always be diffi cult to distinguish between those that are thus transported and those that properly belong to the brackish waters. A distinction between the free-swimming animals of the bays or sounds and those of the open coast has not been made, partly on account of the constant intermixture of the waters and their inhabitants by the tides, and partly because the observations that were made do not indicate any marked difference in the life or in the average temperature of the surface waters, though the waters of the shallow bays become more highly heated by the direct heat of the sun in summer. The waters of the open coast are evidently more or less warmed by the Gulf Stream, and in fact numerous species of animals that properly belong to the fauna of the Gulf Stream are constantly brought into Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds by the cur rents, showing conclusively that a portion of the Gulf Stream water must also take the same course. In Vineyard Sound, during August and the first part of September, the temperature of the surface water in the middle of the day was gen erally from 68° to 71° Fahrenheit ; September 9, off Tarpaulin Cove, the surface temperature was 60° 5 off' to the west of Gay Head, in mid- channel, it was 07° Fahrenheit; but farther out, off No Man's Land, on the same day, it was 62°, (bottom, in 18 fathoms, 62J° ;) a short distance west of No Man's Land it was 63°, (bottom, in 11 fathoms, 59°;) about sixteen miles off Newport, at the 29-fathom locality, it was 62° on Sep tember 14, (at the bottom 59° ;) off Cuttyhunk, in 25 fathoms, it was 64° at the surface on September 13, (bottom 62J°.) According to the record made by Captain B. J. Edwards, during the past wi liter, from observations taken at 9 a. in. every morning, at the end of the Govern ment wharf at Wood's Hole, (where the temperature must be nearly identical with that of Vineyard Sound,) the average temperature of the surface water was 31° Fahrenheit, from December 27 to February 28. The average temperature for that hour during January was 31.42° ; the lowest was 29° on January 29, with the wind N. W. ; the highest was 38° on January 17, with the wind S. W.; on the 18th, 19th, and 22d it was 35°. The average for February was 30.75° ; the coldest was 29°, on February 24 and 25 ; the highest 33°, on February 8, 17, and 19. The temperature at the bottom (at the depth of nine feet) was also taken, but rarely differed more than one degree from that of the [437] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS QF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 143 surface, being sometimes a little lower and sometimes higher than that of the surface, but generally the same. The higher temperatures usually occurred with, or following, southerly or southeasterly winds, (from the direction of the Gulf Stream,) while the lowest ones gener ally accompanied or followed northerly winds. The tides must ob viously also have some effect in modifying the temperature. It must not be inferred from the preceding remarks that a distinct or constant current flows into these waters from the region of the Gulf Stream, for the facts do not warrant such a belief, nor is there any dif ficulty in explaining the phenomena in another way. All that is neces sary to account for the higher temperatures of this region, and the fre quent occurrence of Gulf Stream animals, is to suppose that when southerly or southeasterly winds blow continuously for a considerable time they cause a superficial flow or drift of warmer water from the Gulf Stream region toward these shores, which may also be aided by the tides; such a surface-drift will gradually lose its distinctness as it approaches the coast and mingles more and more with the cooler waters beneath, but the animals borne along by it will still serve to show its direction and origin, even after its temperature becomes iden tical with that of the adjacent waters. Such surface currents would necessarily be intermittent in character and variable in direction and extent, as well as in duration and temperature. They would also be more frequent in summer than in winter, according with the prevalent direction of the winds. So far as known to me all the facts are in harmony with this view. Accordingly the waters of Vineyard Sound are quite cold in winter, and only occasionally receive a little heat from the Gulf Stream region, and that, probably, largely through the medium of the air itself; but in summer these waters are very warm, for they not only receive frequent accessions of warm water from the Gulf Stream, but they are also favorably situated to be rapidly warmed by the direct heat of the sun. The fauna of the surface in this region is very rich and varied, es pecially in summer. In winter, life is also abundant in the surface waters, but very different in character from that found in summer. Had collections been made in spring and autumn, still other groups of animals would doubtless have been found. Our knowledge of the surface animals of Vineyard Sound , in winter, is wholly based on a series of surface- dredgings made by Mr. Vinal N. Edwards in January, February, and March of the past winter. A separate list of the species contained in these collections, so far as identified, has been prepared to follow the general list. The most noticeable feature of the winter collections is the entire absence of the larval forms of crabs, shrimps, lobsters, star-fishes, sea-urchins, annelids, &c., which so abound in the same waters in summer. On the other hand there is a great abundance of Entomostraca, Sagitta, several northern Amphipods, species of My sis , &c., together with eggs and young of certain fishes. 144 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [438] Iii the general list of surface species only those that have "been ac tually observed are introduced, but it must be remembered that the greater part of the Crustacea, annelids, mollusks, and echinoderms are well known to have free-swimming young, or larval forms, and that the list might easily be doubled by the introduction of such species, on theoretical grounds ;• but, by omittingf them, the list serves to indicate how much yet remains to be done in this direction. There are large numbers of common species of which neither the young nor the eggs are known, and there are many others of which the eggs, or young, or both, are known, but the time required for the hatching of the eggs and the development of the young is not known. The dates given in the lists- refer only to the time of actual capture of the species, and it must not be inferred that at other seasons of the year any of the species so designated are not to be found $ for, doubtless, many of those that swim free when adult may be found all the year round. And possibly some species may breed during every month of the year. But the breeding season of most species is probably of short duration, and therefore the larvas and young may occur only at particular seasons. Mr. A. Agassiz has made a very large collection of the surface ani mals in Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and off Newport, and to his labors we owe the knowledge of a large proportion of the jelly-fishes. He has also described the larva? and young of several Annelids and Nemerteans, and has described and beautifully illustrated the Iarva3 and young of the common star-fishes, (Asterias.) and the green sea- urchin, (Strongylocentrotus Drobachiensis.) The Salpa Calotti (Plate XXXIII, figs. 254, 255) was also well described and illustrated by him; and also other species, but a large part of the collection has not yet been elaborated. Our surface collections were made both in the day and evening, at various hours, chiefly by means of towing-nets and hand-nets. The evening or night hours are generally more productive than the day- time in this kind of collecting, but we Avere unable, owing to lack of time and superabundance of other specimens, to do as much night-collecting as we desired. Among the Crustacea there are a considerable number of species that swim at the surface when adult, and others till nearly half-grown, but the majority are free-swimmers only when quite young, or even only when in the zoea and megalops stages, through which they seem, from Mr. S. I. Smith's observations on several of our species, to pass in a short time. The males of the common oyster-crab, Pinnotheres ostreum, (p. 3G7, Plate I, fig. 2,) were often caught in the day-time swimming at the surface in the middle of Vineyard Sound. The lady-crab, Platyon- ichus occUatus, (p. 338,) of full size, was also occasionally caught swim ming actively at the surface. The " blue-crab," or common edible crab, CalUnectes liastatm, is well known to be an active swimmer, when adult, but most of those seen at the surface were young. The larvae [439] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 145 of Cancer irroratm, (p. 312, Plate VIII, figs. 37, 37a,) and of Platy- onichus in the zoea and mega-lops stages, were taken in vast numbers, especially in bright sunshine, together with similar larvse of many other species. The larvre and young of the lobster (Plate IX, figs. 38, 39) were also abundant in mid-summer. The numerous specimens ob tained have enabled Mr. S. I. Smith to describe the interesting meta morphoses of our lobster, which were entirely unknown before. The young swim actively at the surface, like a shrimp, until more than half an inch long. The larvre and young of the various species of shrimps are also abundant. The curious larvae of Squitta empusa (Plate VIII, fig. 36) were often met with. Several species of Amphipods are also common at the surface. The most abundant were Calliopius Icevimculus, of which Mr. V.K Edwards also took numerous large specimens in February and March ; Qammarus natator^ which was usually common, and occurred in immense numbers August 10 and on several other occasions ; and a Hyper-ia, which infests several species of large jelly-fishes, and also swims free at will. The Phronima- is a related genus, but is very remarkable for its extreme transparency, which renders it almost invisible in water. Idotea irro- rata (p. 316, Plate V, fig. 23) and I. robusta, Plate V, fig. 24) were very common among masses of floating eel-grass and sea- weeds, and the latter was also very often found swimming entirely free. A species of 8a and show through the transparent integuments as dark patches. This species has seldom been observed on our coast. Dekay, in 1843, men tioned its occurrence in a single instance, off New York. In 1869, it was taken in considerable numbers at Portland, Maine, by Mr. C. B. [445] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 151 Fuller. It may, nevertheless, occur annually in winter, and yet be sel dom observed ; for very few naturalists go out to collect marine animals in winter and early spring. The bivalve shells mostly produce minute young, or larvae, which are at first provided with vibrating cilia and swim free for several days, as is well known to be the case with the oysters, clams, muscles, Teredo, &c. But a few species, like the Tottenia gemma, (p. 359,) produce well d§vel- oped young, furnished at birth with a well formed shell. The common fixed Ascidians, both simple and compound, mostly pro duce eggs that hatch into tadpole-shaped young, which swim about for a short time by the undulatory motions of the tail, but finally become fixed by the head-end, and losing, or rather absorbing, the tail-portion, rapidly develop into the ordinary forms of the ascidians. This pro cess, although often very rapid, is a very interesting and complicated one In Molgula Manhattensis there is, according to the observations of Dr. Theodore A. Tellkampf, an alternation of generations. He states that the minute yellow ova were discharged July 18, invested in a viscid yellowish substance, which become attached to the exterior of many specimens. In a few days the " viscid substance" had changed its ap. pearance and became contractile; the ova became larger, round, and of different sizes ; " after two or three days the largest protruded some what above the surface of the common envelope, and presented a circular or oval aggregation, like that of the Mammaria found a year ago ? on the llth day, the round ova had increased in size, with a central round or oval orifice through which the motion of the cilire of the branchial meshes were visible. " The orifice had approached on the 1st of August more or less to one apex; in some specimens, which were now oval, it was terminal." In this stage he names it Mammaria Manhattensis, regarding the Mammaria as a " nurse ;" within, each of the Mammarice, at the end opposite the branchial orifice, there was seen a mass of cells, which ultimately developed into a tadpole-shaped larva, similar to that of other ascidians. He observes that the Mammarice increase after the discharge of the Iarva3, and that gemmation takes place within the common envelope.* These observations, if correct, are very interesting and important, but they need farther confirmation. The development of the larvae from the Mammarice into Molgula was not traced j neither did he witness the actual discharge of the ova, which produced the Mammarice, from the Molgula. They may possibly have no relation with one another. Several kinds of Ascidians, however, swim free in the water during their entire life. The most common Ascidian of this kind is the Salpa Cabotti, (Plate XXXIII, figs. 254, 255.) This, like the other species, exists under two different forms ; or, in other words, it is one of those an imals having alternations of generations. The sexual individuals (fig. 255) are united together into long chains by processes (c) from the sides * Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, Vol. 10, p. 83, 1872. 152 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [446} of the branchial sac ; these chains are often a foot or even a foot and a half long, and contain two rows of individuals, which are united to gether in such a way that they stand obliquely to the axis of the chainr the branchial openings being all on the upper side of the chain as it floats in the water, while the posterior openings are all on the lower side of the chain, close to the edge. Each individual is connected both with its n\ate on the right or left side, and to those immediately in front and behind on the same side. The succeeding individuals in the chain over lap considerably. The chains do not appear to break up spontaneously, but when broken apart by accident the individuals are capable of living separately for several days. The chains, when entire, swim about quite rapidly by means of the streams of water passing out of all the cloacal orifices in one direction. The individuals composing the chains, when full grown, are about three quarters of an inch long. They are transparent and white, or pale rose, often with the edges of the mantle and the nucleus bright Prussian blue, and with delicate reticulations of the same blue over the surface of the mantle. Each of the individuals in the chains is hermaphrodite, and each produces a single egg, which de velops into an embryo before it is discharged, and finally when it grows to maturity produces an asexual individual, which is always solitary, (Plate XXXIII, fig. 254.) These are larger than those in the chains and are quite different in form, but the color is the same. These when mature produce, by a budding process in their interior, a series of mi nute individuals united together along a tube into a small chain, (s, fig. 254,) which may be seen coiled up around the nucleus. The chain con sists of three sections, those individuals in the section first formed being largest and nearly equal in size ; those in the next much smaller ; while new ones are just forming at the other end; as the chain grows longer, and the component individuals larger, it projects more and more, and finally the end protrudes from an opening in the tunic, and the little chain becomes detached and is discharged into the sea. These chains consist of twenty to thirty pairs of individual zooids. This operation is frequently repeated during the summer, and these chains of all sizes, from those just liberated up to the full-grown ones, may be taken at the same time: They appear to grow very rapidly. Thus by autumn these Salpce became exceedingly abundant, at times completely filling the water for miles in every direction, from the surface to the depth of sev eral fathoms, and are so crowded that a bucket of water dipped up at random will often contain several quarts of Salpcv. They were found in wonderful abundance on September 8, off Gay Head and throughout the outer part of Vineyard Sound, and on several other occasions were nearly as abundant. Two species of Append icularia and a species of DoUolum were also found in these waters by Mr. A. Agassiz, but we did not observe them. These are also free-swimming Ascidians, related to Salpa, but very dif ferent in form. [447] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 153 Among the Eckinoderins there are no species that swim at the surface when adult, but most of them produce eggs which hatch into very re markable larvte, entirely unlike their parents in form and structure^ and these swim free in the water, often for a considerable period, by means of vibrating cilia. The young star-fish or sea-urchin develops gradually within the body of the larva, on the water-tubes, and as it grows larger it gradually ab sorbs the substance of the larva into its own body. The development of the Iarva3 of Aster las vulgaris (A.palUda AG-.) and A. areniwla (A. leryl- inus AG.) has been described by Mr. A. Agassiz, from the time pre vious to hatching from the eggs till they become young star-fishes, with the essential characters of the adults. He has also described the young of the common green sea-urchin (under the name of Toxopneustes Dro- baehiensis) in the same way. The Cribrella saguinolenta, (p. 407,) like several other star-fishes, does not have free swimming larvre, but retains and protects the eggs by holding them by means of the suckers around the mouth, curving the body around them at the same time. In this position the eggs hatch and pass through a metamorphosis different from that of Asterias, though somewhat analogous to it. The develop ment of this species was described by Professor M. Sars many years ago. Some of the Ophiurans are viviparous, among them the Ampliiplwlis elcgans (p. 418) found in this region, but others have free-swimming larvte, and pass through a metamorphosis similar to that of Asterias, though the larvaB are quite different. Some of the Holothurians are also viviparous, while others have free-swimming Iarva3, but the young of most of the species of this region are still unknown. The Acalephs all swim free in one stage or another of their existence. Some of the Hydroids, like jSertularia and allied genera, are only free-swiM- iners while in the early embryonic stages, when they are covered by vi brating cilia $ but they soon become fixed and ever after remain attached in one place. Others, like the species of Obelia, swim free in the em bryonic state, and then develop into attached hydroids, which by bud ding may produce large branching colonies of similar hydroids, but ultimately they produce another kind of buds, which are developed witliin capsules or gonothecro. These soon become elegant, little, circu lar, and disk-shaped jelly-fishes, which are then discharged and swim free in the water ; they soon grow larger, acquire more tentacles, and ovaries or spermaries develop along the radiating tubes, the eggs are formed, discharged, and fertilized, and each egg may develop into a ciliated embryo, which in its turn may become attached and start a new hydroid colony. Thus among these animals we find an alternation of generations, complicated by different modes of budding. In the case of the large red jelly-fish, Cyanea arctica, and the com mon whitish jelly-fish, Aurelia flavidula, (Plate XXXVI, fig. 271,) the history is somewhat different. These jelly-fishes produce immense num bers of minute eggs, which are discharged into the water and develop \ 154 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [448] into minute, oblong, ciliated larvae ; these soon become attached by one end and grow up into broad-disked young, like hydroids with long, slender tentacles ; each of these after a time sends out stolon-like tubes from the base, and from these tubes buds are developed, each of which grows up into a a scyphostoma,-' or hydroid-form, like the first one $ all these eventually become much elongated, then circular constrictions begin to form along the body, which grow deeper and deeper until they sepa rate the body into a series of concave segments, which are held together by a pedicle in the middle of each, their borders at the same time be. coming divided into eight lobes, or four bilobed ones ; in the mean time the long tentacles around the upper end or original disk of the " scyph- ostoma" gradually grow shorter ,and are finally entirely absorbed; then the first or upper disk breaks off, and finally all the rest, one after another, until a mere stump is left at the base ; after becoming detached each of the disks swims about in the water, and gradually develops its mouth, stomach, tentacles, and other organs, and, turning right side up and rapidly growing larger, eventually becomes a large and complicated jelly-fish, like its grandparents or great-grandparents that produced the egg from which the original " scyphostoma n was developed. The stump of the hydroid produces another set of tentacles, even before the separation of all the segments, and grows up again into the elongated or u strobila7' form, and again undergoes the same process of transverse division, thus producing successive crops of jelly-fishes. In these cases there are alternations of generations, accompanied both by budding and fissiparity. The young of this species in the "ephyra" stage were found April 17, and at several other times during April, in abundance, by Mr. Vinal N. Edwards. These were less than a quarter of an inch in diameter, and must have become free only a short time before. On April 30 he took young specimens from half an inch to about an inch in diameter. The young of various sizes, up to nearly three inches in diameter, were common at New Haven May 5. All these young speci mens were taken in the day-time. In some jelly-fishes buds may even be produced upon the proboscis of the adult jelly-fish, which develop directly into free jelly-fishes, like the parent. This is the case with the Dysmorpliosa fulguram, found in these wraters, and with Lizzia grata, found farther north. On the other nand there are many jelly-fishes that do not have a hydroid state, nor bud, nor pass through any marked metamorphosis. This is the case with our Pleurolrachia rliododactyla, Idyia roseola, and other Ctenophora3. In these the young, even before hatching, become perfect little jelly-fishes, and swim round and round within the egg by means of the miniature paddles or flappers along their sides. The young are, nevertheless, very different from the adults in form and structure. It will be apparent, from the preceding remarks, that a complete list of free-swimming animals would necessarily include all the Aca- lephs of the region, but, as this would uselessly swell the list, only [449] INVEKTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 155 those that have been actually taken at the surface will be here included. Quite a number of the species were not observed by us, but have been recorded by Mr. A. Agassiz, but in some cases he has given neither the time nor date of capture. \ A fine large specimen of the beautiful jelly-fish, Tima formosa, has been sent to me by Mr. V. N. Edwards, who captured it at Wood's Hole, April 30. He states that the same species was very abundant in February, 1872. It has not been previously recorded as found south of Cape Cod. The specimen received differs from the 'description given by Mr. A. Agassiz, in having thirty-six tentacles instead of thirty-two. Among the most common of the larger species in summer were Mnem- iopsis Leidyl, which occurred in abundance at nearly all hours of the day and evening, and was very phosphorescent at night; Cyanea arc- tica, which ocurred chiefly in the day-time, and was here seldom more than a foot in diameter; Aurelia flavidula, (Plate XXXVI, fig. 271,) which was not unfrequently seen in the day-time ; Dactylometra quinque- cirraj (Plate XXXVI, fig. 272,) which was quite common both by night and day in August and September ; and Zygodactyla Grcenlandiea, (Plate XXXVII, fig. 275,) which was common in July, both in the day and evening, but was seldom seen later in the season. The two species last named, and also the Cyanea arctica, were fre quently found to be accompanied by several small fishes, of different sizes np to three inches long, which proved to be young " butter-fishes,7 Poronotns triacanthus. These fishes swim beneath the broad disk of these jelly-fishes, surrounded on all sides by the numerous tentacles, which probably serve as a protection from larger fishes that are their enemies, for the tentacles of the jelly-fishes are capable of severely sting ing the mouths of most fishes, evidently causing them great pain. As many as ten or twelve of these fishes were often found under a single jelly fish, and in one case twenty-three were found under a Cyanea about ten inches in diameter. They do not appear to suffer at all from contact with the stinging-organs of the tentacles, and a^re, perhaps, protected from them by the thick coating of tenacious mucus which constantly covers the skin, and gives them their common English name. Mr. A. Agassiz states* that he constantly observed a " Clupeoid" fish under the Dactylometra in this region, which had essentially the same habits, according to his account, as the species observed by us, though, if a Clupeoid, it must have been a very different fish. He says, however, that the fishes observed by him were occasionally devoured by the jelly-fish : " It is strange that the fish should go there for shelter, for every once in a while one of them pays the penalty by being swallowed, without this disturbing the others in the least ; they in their turn find food in the lobes of the actiuostome, and even eat the folds themselves, until their turn comes to be used as food. I have seen in this way three fishes eaten during the course of as many days. * Catalogue of North American Acalepha?, p. 49. 12 V 156 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AKD FISHERIES. [450] The specimens measured about an inch in length." The fishes found by us were from a quarter of an inch to three inches long, and we never saw them swallowed, and never found them in the stomachs of any among the several dozen jelly-fishes, of the different kinds that we found accompanied by the fishes, although we found young squids and other kinds of marine animals in a half-digested condition. It is pos sible that the observation of Mr. Agassiz was made on them when kept in confinement, and that the fishes devoured were not in a perfectly healthy and natural condition, so as to resist the stings of the nettl ing organs. But if his fish belonged to a family different from ours, the difference may be peculiar to the respective fishes. Yet our observa tions afford only negative evidence, and it may be that this is one of the peculiarities of this remarkable companionship ; though, if so, we should suppose that the race of Poronotus would soon become extinct, for we never observed the young under any other circumstances. The adult fishes of this species, when five or six inches long, were often taken in the pounds in considerable numbers. Among the mouth-folds and lobes of the ovaries, beneath the disk of Cyanea, we very often found large numbers of living specimens of a delicate little jelly-fish, nearly globular in form, the Margelis Carolines- sis, which we also frequently took in the towing-nets in the evening. In the winter season the Mneniiopsis Leidyi is often abundant in Long Island Sound, and I have also observed it in New York harbor in Feb ruary, in large numbers. At Wood's Hole Mr. V. N. Edwards found the PleurObracMa rhododactyla, both young and nearly full-grown, very abundant in February and March; at Watch Hill, April 13,1 found both adult specimens and young ones not more than an eighth of an inch in diameter. It probably occurs through the entire year, for we frequently met with it in mid-summer in Vineyard Sound. Mr. S. I. Smith also found it very abundant at Fire Island, on the south side of Long Island, in September. In July and August we obtained several large and perfect specimens of the curious " Portuguese man-of-war," Physalia Arcthusa. This species occurs as far west as Watch Hill, Ehode Island, where it Avas observed by Professor D. C. Eaton. The boatmen at that place state that it is frequent there in summer. The float of this species was generally deep, rich crimson or purple, and the hydroids beneath it were commonly bright blue in the specimens observed by us. The float or air-bag is, however, sometimes blue and sometimes rose-color. According to Professor Agassiz, (Contributions, vol. IV, p. 335,) the floating bag in windy weather always presents the same side to the wind, and it is upon the windward side that the bunches of very long locomotive hydroids of the lower surface are situated, and these at such times are stretched out to an enormous length, and thus act as anchors to retard the motion by friction in passing through the water. The smaller locomotive hydroids, the feeding hydroids, and the reproductive hydroids, are on the lee side. [451] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 157 This species is capable of stinging the hands very severely if they be brought into contact with the hydroids attached to the lower surface of the floating air-bag. The Idyia roseola, so abundant on the coast of New England north of Cape Cod, was only occasionally met with, and in small numbers, while the Bolina alata, which is one of the most abundant species on the northern coast of New England, was riot seen at all. The Aiirelia flavidula is less common than north of Cape Cod, but was found in abundance in Buzzard's Bay, in May, by Y. N. Edwards. Many of the Polyps have free-swimming, ciliated embryos, but others, like many of the sea-anemones, are viviparous, discharging the young ones through the mouth. These young are of different sizes, and fur nished with a small but variable number of tentacles, but in most other respects they are similar to their parents. Mr. A. Agassiz has, however, recently ascertained that the young of a species of Edwardsia swims free in the water for a considerable period, or until it develops at least sixteen tentacles. In this condition it has been described as a dif ferent genus and species, (Arachnactis brachiolata A. AG-.) Whether the other species of this genus all have free-swimming young is still uncer tain ; if so. these young must differ considerably among themselves, for Edwardsia farinacea Y., of this coast, has but twelve tentacles when adult, and E. elegans Y. has but sixteen, while others have as many as forty-eight tentacles, when full grown. Among the Protozoa there are great numbers of free-swimming forms included among those commonly known as Ciliated Infusoria, but those of our coast have been studied but little. The germs of sponges also swim free in the water, by means of cilia, Species of Polycystina would probably be found, if carefully sought for, but we have not yet met with any of them. List of species taken at the surface of the 'water on the southern coast of Neiv England. In this list no attempt has been made to enumerate the numerous species of free Copepod Crustacea, which are very abundant, but have not been carefully studied. AKTICULATA. Crustacea. Pinnotheres ostreum, males and young, (438.) Cancer irroratus, in the zoea and megalops stages ; June, July, (438.) Platyonichus ocellatus, young and adult; megalops; June, July, (438.) Callinectes hastatus, young, (438.) Many other species of Brachyurain the zoea and megalops stages. Hippa talpoida, young, 5 or 6mjn in length; early in September, (339.) Eupagurus, several species in the larval stages ; July to September. Gebia affinis, young, 4mm long ; early in September. Homarus Americanus, larv« and young; July, (395.) Crangon vulgaris, larva? and young ; June and July. 158 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [452] Virbius zostericola, larvae and young ; July to September. Palremonetes vulgaris, larvae and young ; July to September. Larval forms and young of other species of Macroura. Squilla empusa, Iarva3 in different stages ; August, (439.) Mysis Americana, young and adult ; April, May, (39G.) Heteromysis formosa, young and adult. Thysanopoda, sp. Vineyard Sound ; April 30, (Y. K Edwards.) Cumacea, several species. Lysianassina3, several species, young and adult. Urothoe, sp. Monoculodes, sp. Calliopius Ireviusculus, adult and young ; summer and winter, (439.) Pontogeneia iuermis, full grown ; winter. Gammarus natator, adult and young ; summer and winter, (439.) Mcera levis. Ampelisca, sp., young. Amphithoe maculata, young. A. longiinana, young even 5 or 6mm long. Hyperia, species ; summer, (439.) Phronima, sp. ; September 8, (439.) Idotea irrorata, (439.) I. robusta, (439.) I. pliospliorea. Ericlisouia filiformis. Epelys trilobus. Tanais filum. Sappliirina, sp. 5 September, (439.) Eree Copepods of many genera and numerous species. Argulus laticaudaj August, (439.) A. latus; July. A. megalops ; September 8. Caligus rapax ; September 8, (439-.) Balaims balanoides, larvae 5 April, May, June, (304.) Lepas fascicularis j June and July, in Vineyard Sound, (382.) Limulus Polyphemus, young, (340.) Worms. Phyllodoce, sp., adult ; July 3 ; evening. Phyllodoce, sp., young ; evening. Eulalia, sp., young; Septembers; evening. Eulalia, sp., young; evening. Eumidia, sp., young; September 8; evening. Eteone, sp., young ; evening. Autolytus coruutus, male, female, and asexual forms; July 29 to Au gust 18; evening. Watch Hill ; April 13, asexual form, (440.) Autolytus, sp., asexual individuals, (398.) [453] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 159 Gattiola, sp., young ; September 3 ; evening. Syllis (?), sp., young ; September 3 ; evening. Ehyncbobolus Americanus, young ; September 3 ; evening. Nereis virens, adult males ; April ; day-time, (440.) N. limbata, adult males filled with milt, September 3, evening; Sep tember 5, at Fire Island, day. Females, September 3, (few ;) young, common, August, September, evening, (440.) N. pelagica, young; August, September; evening. Nectonereis megalops ; July 3, 11 ; September 3, 8 ; evening, (440.) Podarke obscura, adult ; June 26 to August ; evening, (440.) Spio setosa, young ; evening. Scolecolepis viridis, young ; evening. Polydora ciliatuni, young ; September 3 ; evening. Nicolea simplex, young ; August, September ; evening. Amphitrite ornata, young ; evening. Lepra3a rubra, young ; evening. Polycirrus eximius, young; August, September; evening. Spirorbis, sp., young ; evening. Tomopteris, sp., young ; evening. Sagitta elegans, adult ; July 1, September 8 ; day-time, (440.) Sagitta, sp., adult and young; January 30 to May 5; day, (440.) Balanoglossus aurantiacus ; larvae in the u toruaria " state, (351.) Meckelia ingens ; specimens up to ten inches long ; evening, (349.) Pontoueina mariuum, adult ; February ; day-time. Several other small Nematodes with the last. Slender round worm, up to six inches long; June 29, July 13; evening. Young of many other worms ; undetermined. MOLLUSOA. C&phalopods. Ommastrephes illecebrosa, adult ; July, August, (441.) Loligo Pealii ; June to September; young, July, August, (440.) L. pallida, adult ; October, November, (441.) Pteropods. Clione papilionacea, adult; April 13, April 30, (444.) Styliola vitrea, adult ; September 8 ; day-time, (443.) Spirialis Gouldii, adult; August; evening, (443.) Diacria trispinosa, (444.) Cavolina tridentata, (444.) Lamellibranclis. Teredo navalis, larvas ; May, June, (386.) Mytilus edulis. larvse ; April, (308.) Ostrsea Yirginiana, larvae ; June, July, (310.) Larvae of many other species, undetermined. 160 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [454] Ascidians. Salpa Cabotti, adults and young ; August and September, (445.) Doliolum, sp. ; summer, (A. AG-ASSIZ,) (446.) Appendicularia, sp., (like A. furcata ;) summer, (A. AG-ASSIZ,) (446.) Appendicularia, sp., (like A. longicauda ;) summer, (A. AofASSiz.) Larvae of fixed Ascidiaus, (445.) RADIATA. Ecliinoderms. Strongyloceutrotus Drobachiensis, larvae, (447.) Asterias areuicola, larvae ; evening, (447.) A. vulgaris, larvae ; evening, (447.) Acaleplis. Mnemiopsis Leidyi; February, July to September ; day-time, (449.) Lesueuria liyboptera, adult ; September; day-time. Pleurobrachia rbododactyla, adult and young; January to May, July to September ; day-time and evening, (448.) Idyia roseola, adult ; September ; day-time, (451.) Cyanea arctica, adult; August, September; day-time. Young in the "ephyra" stages; April; young of all sizes up to four inches across; May, (449.) Aurelia flavidula ; August, September ; day-time, young ; May, (449.) Dactylometra quinquecirra, adult and young; July to September; day and evening, (449.) Trachynema digitale, young; Wood's Hole, July 1; day-time. Tiaropsis diademata; Wood's Hole; April 17, (Y. N. Edwards.) Oceania lauguida, medusae; June to September; day-time. Eucheilota ventricularis, young medusas; evening. E. duodecimals, medusa; July. Obelia, several species, medusas ; evening chiefly, (447.) Ehegmatodes tennis, medusas; September; evening. Zygodactyla Grosnlandica, medusas; June to September; day and evening, (449.) JEquorea albida. medusa ; September ; evening. Tima formosa, adult ; February, 1872 ; April 30, 1873, (449.) Eutima limpida, medusas; September; evening. Lafoea calcarata, medusas ; September ; evening. Nemopsis Bachei, medusas; June to September; evening. Bougainvillia superciliaris, medusas, April, May, June : evening. Margelis Carolineusis, medusas; August and September, chiefly in the eveniug, (450.) Dysmorphosa fulgurans, medusas ; evening, (448.) Modeeria, sp., medusas. Turritopsis nutricula, medusas; July to September; evening. [455] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 161 Stomotoca apicata, medusae. Willia oruata, young medusre ; last of September. Dipurnea conica, medusa ; July ; evening. Gemmaria gemmosa, medusas ; evening. Pennaria tiarella, medusae ; August, September. Ectopleura ochracea, medusa3 ; September. Nanoinia cara, August, September; evening. Physalia Arethusa, July to September; day, (450.) Velella mutica. August ; day. Polyps. Edwardsia, sp., larvae in the " Aracbuactis " stage; September; evening, (451.) PROTOZOA. Numerous kinds of ciliated infusoria, (451.) List of species taken at the surface in winter, December to March. Crustacea. Craugou vulgaris, young. My sis Americana. Anonyx, (?,) sp. Calliopius laeviusculus, (439.) Pontogeneia iuerniis. Gammarus natator. « Monoculodes, sp. Several species and genera of Oopepods, very abundant. Larvae of Balanus, December 21, January 7 and 8. Annelids, &c. Nereis virens, adult males. Sagitta, sp., adult, abundant, (440.) Pontonema marinurn, adult. Other Neniatodes, undetermined. Acalephs. Pleurobrachia rhododactyla, young and adult, abundant, (450.) Mnemiopsis Leidyi, adult, abundant, (450.) Cyanea arctica, young ; March. Tima formosa, adult, (449.) II. 10. — ANIMALS PARASITIC ON FISHES, ETC. Large numbers of fishes were examined, both internally and externally, for parasites, and a large collection of such parasites was made. The in- 162 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [456] ternal parasites were collected mainly by Dr. Edward Palmer, and will be of great interest when carefully studied and described. As yet, noth ing more than a casual examination of them has been made. These internal parasites were found in nearly all kinds of fishes, chiefly in the stomach and intestines, but also very frequently in the flesh, or among the abdominal viscera, or in the air-bladder, or even in the eyes, &c. The internal parasites were mostly worms, but these belong to four very distinct orders. 1st. The " round -worms," Nematodes. These are related to the round- worms so frequent in the intestines of children, and also to the notorious Trichina of man and the hog. One or more species are found in the intestine and stomach of nearly every kind of fish, and frequently, also, in the liver, peritoneum, eyes, and various other organs. One species, two or three inches long, is very fre quently found coiled np spirally in the flesh of the cod. Another large species is frequently found in the flesh of the torn-cod, or frost-fish. Although these are not dangerous to man, they are very disagreeable when found in fish intended for food. A species belonging to this group is very frequently found in the body- cavity of one of our species of Sagitta (see page 440). 2d. The flat- worms or " flukes," Trematodes. These are short, more or less broad, depressed worms, which are pro vided with one, two, or more suckers, for adhering firmly to the mem branes. They pass through very remarkable transformations, as do most of the other parasitic worms. Species belonging to this group are common in the stomach, oesophagus, and intestine, and also encysted or in follicles in the mouth, liver, peritoneum, and various other parts of the body. 3d. The thorn-headed worms, Acantliocepliala. These have an elongated roundish body, with a proboscis at the an terior end, covered with hooks, or recurved spines. The proboscis and front end of the body can be withdrawn and thrust out at pleasure. Such worms are very common in the stomachs and intestines of fishes, and are, perhaps, the worst parasites that torment them. The young of these worms also occur quite frequently, encysted in the liver, peri toneum, throat, mouth, and other organs. 4th. The " tape-worms," or Cestodes. These are long flat worms, divided into many distinct segments, and are very frequently found in the intestines of most fishes. There are numerous species of them, ranging in size from less than an inch to many feet in length. Although parasitic worms are found in nearly all kinds of fishes, they are most frequent and in the greatest variety in the large and very vor acious kinds, such as sharks, rays, the angler or goose-fish, salmon, blue fish, cod, haddock, &c. Nor are other marine animals free from these internal parasites. Cer- [457] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 163 tain species have been found in Crustacea, others in mollusks, &c. Mr. A. Agassiz has briefly described, but not named, a remarkable worm that he found very common in the jelly-fish, Mnemiopsis Leidyi, and the young of this or a different species was observed by me in the same Aca- leph. It appeared to be a species of Scolex. It was pale purple, with light yellowish orange stripes. I have previously mentioned a round worm (Ascarisf) which frequently occurs in winter in one of our species of Sayitta. Most of the species that, in the adult state, inhabit fishes, live while young, or in the larval stages, in smaller fishes, or in other animals, upon which the larger fishes feed, and from which they thus derive their parasites. Besides the parasitic worms there are also many internal parasites that belong to the Protozoa. The external parasites of fishes are also numerous. They are chiefly Crustacea and leeches. Among the Crustacea there are a few species of Amphipods that are parasitic. One of these, Laphystius sturionis, lives upon the gills of fishes and upon the surface of the body. It was found on the gills of the u goose-fish," (Lophius,) in Vineyard Sound, and on the back of skates at Eastport. It is remarkable in having large claws developed on the third and fourth pairs of legs, those of the first and second be ing small. Its color is light red. Certain Isopod Crustacea, belonging to the genus Livoneca (Plate YI fig. 29) and allied genera, live in the mouths and on the gills of fishes? clinging firmly to the membrane of the roof of the mouth, or other parts, by means of their strong sharp claws. These are generally unsymmetrical inform. The species of the genus Bopyrus live on the gills, under the carapax of shrimp and other crnstacea, producing large tumors. A species is common on species of Rippolyte in the Bay of Fundy : and a species has been found in this region. The genus Cepon is allied to the last, and our species occurs under the carapax of the " fiddler-crabs " in this region. Among the Entomostraca the number of parasitic species is still greater, but most of these live on the external surface and gills of fishes, though some of them occur also in the mouth. The species of Panda- rus and allied genera adhere firmly to the skin, and are provided with a proboscis. They are very common on sharks, but occur also on other fishes. A ltcntiaru( t e VII, fig. 31) and Nogagm Latreillii (Plate VII, fig. 32) were both found on u Atwood's shark,'7 the " man-eater" of this region, associated also with Nogagus tenax. The species of "Noga- gusn are merely the males of other genera, for no one has yet deter mined both males and females of the various species. The young of one species, Caligus rapax, were found swimming free at the surface. The species of Argulus and allied genera are less strictly parasitic, or rather they adhere less closely, and apparently leave the fishes at pleas- 164 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [458] ure and migrate from one to another. Three species belonging- to this group were taken at the surface with the towing-nets. The Lerneans are remarkable creatures. The females are generally very curious in form and very much larger than the more active and less abnormal males, and they are very low in structure, the reproductive system being enor mously developed at the expense of nearly all the other organs. They live upon the exterior and gills of fishes, with the head deeply buried in the flesh, and subsist by sucking the blood of their victims. The Lerncconema radiatum (Plate VII, fig. 30) is very common on the men haden, and is also found on the alewives. There are many kinds of parasitic leeches. One of the most remark able is the BrancMoMella Ravenelii, (Plate XVIII, fig. 89.) This genus is peculiar in having broad, foliaceous, lobed or scolloped gills along the sides of the body. The large species figured was found several times on the large " sting-rays," several of them usually occurring together, on a large spot which had become sore and much inflamed by their re peated bites. It is a very active species. The Cystobranchus vividus is a much smaller and quite slender leech, which has small, papilliform, whitish gills that alternately contract and expand along the sides of the body, each surrounded by a semicircular white spot. The colors are brownish or purplish, with three rows of small white spots on the back. This species is frequent on the common minnow, (Fundulus pisculentus,) in autumn and winter, and lives both in brackish water and fresh water. With the last, on the minnows, is found another slender leech, destitute of gills ; this is the Iclitliyobdella FunduU. It has, like the last, four ocelli. The color is pale green with darker green and brown specks, often with whitish transverse bands anteriorly, and a white ring behind the head, at the constriction ; some times there is a narrow pale dorsal line. A long, slender, sub-cylindrical leech, the PontoMella rapaxV., (Plate XVIII, fig. 91,) is quite common on the upper side of the " summer- flounder," (Clicenopsetta ocellaris.) It is a very active species, dark olive or brown in color, with a row of square or oblong whitish spots along each side ; the suckers are pale greenish white. The young are reddish brown, without spots. A species of Pontoldella was found adhering to Mys-is Americana, near New Haven, May 5, in three instances, but whether this be its nor mal habit is uncertain. The MalacoMella obesa V. (Plate XVIII, fig. 90) .is a large, stout, yellowish white leech, often two inches long, which is quite common in the branchial cavity of the "long clam," (Mya arenaria.) The MalacoMella mercenaria V. is another similar species, but smaller and more slender, which lives in the same way in the " round clani" (Venus mercenaria.) The MyzoMella lugulris is a small leech, which lives on the " edible crab" (Callinectes hastatus,) adhering to the soft membranes between the joints and at the base of the legs. [459] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 165 List of external parasites observed on fishes and oilier marine animals of Southern New England. In the following list I have included all the determined species ob served in these waters, whether living in the sounds, or in the outer waters, or in the brackish waters of the estuaries, for most of these par asitic species are capable of living in as diverse conditions as do the ani mals which they infest, and most of the fishes pass from time to time into each of the divisions named, though some, like the cod, are chiefly found in the colder outer waters, and even there only in winter. The list is undoubtedly very incomplete for it is based chiefly on col lections made during two seasons, and mainly in the summer months. In addition to the true parasites I have, for greater convenience, in cluded in the list some that merely live on or with other animals, either for the sake of shelter, or to feed upon their excretions, or to share their food. Some of these would be properly classed as " commen sals.7' ARTICULATA. Crustacea. Pinnotheres ostreum, (p. 367,) in oysters. P. maculatus, in Mytilus edulis. Laphy stiiis sturionis, on goose-fish and skate, (457.) Hyperia, species, on jelly-fishes, (439.) Nerocila munda, on file-fish. Conilera concharum. Livoneca ovalis, on blue-fish, (457.) Cepon distortus, in branchial cavity of Gelasiinus, (457.) Ergasilus labraces, on striped-bass. Argulus catostomi, on the sucker, (Catostomus.) A. laticauda, (457.) A. latus. A. megalops. A. alosai, on " alewives." Caligus curtus, on cod-fish. C. rapax, on sting-ray, (Trygon hastata.) Lepeophtheirus, sp., on sting-ray. Lepeophtheirus, sp., on flounder, (Ohsenopsetta ocellaris.) Echthrogalus coleoptratus, on mackerel- shark, (Larnua punetata.) E. deriticulatus, on Atwood's shark, (Carcharodou Atwoodi.) Pandarus Grauchii, (?) on dusky shark, (Platypodon obscurus.) Pandarus, sp., on Atwood's shark, (Carcharodon Atwoodi.) Xogagus Latreillii, on Atwood's shark, (457.) N. tenax, on Atwood's shark, (457.) Pandarus sinuatus, on the " dog-fish," (Mustelus canis.) Cecrops Latreillii, on Othagoriscus rnola. 166 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [460] Antbosoma crassum, on mackerel-shark. Lernrea braiickialis, ou cod-fisb. Penella plumosa, on Diodou pilosus and Rhombus, sp. Ancborella uncinata, on cod-fish. Lernreoneina radiatum, on menhaden, (458.) Lerna3onema, sp., on a species of Carangus. Corouula diadem a, on whales. Leeches. Branchiobdella Eavenelii, on sting-rays ; August, September, (458.) Cystobranchus vividus, on minnows ; October to December 18, (458.) Ichthyobdella Funduli, on minnows ; with last, (458.) Ichthyobdella, sp., dredged off New London, April. Pontobdella rapax, on flounders, (458.) Malacobdella obesa, in long clams, (458.) M. mercenaria, in round clams, (458.) Myzobdella lugubris, on the edible crab, (458.) BcHloura Candida, on gills of Limulus. MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Stylifer Stiinpsonii, on the green sea-urchin. Eulima oleacea, on Tliyone Briareus, (418.) III. — FAUNA OP THE ESTUARIES, HARBORS, PONDS, AND MARSHES. The region about Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, like that of the entire southern coast of New England and the coast farther south, is characterized by large numbers of ponds, lagoons, and estuaries, having a more or less interrupted communication with the sea. These are usually quite shallow, though often of great extent. The bottom is generally muddy, with occasional patches of sand, but at the surface usually consists largely of decaying vegetable and animal debris mixed with mud. The " eel-grass" (Zostera marina) grows in the shallower waters in great quantities, sometimes in small scattered patches, at other times covering large areas. Some of these ponds and estuaries receive con siderable, though variable, quantities of fresh water from streams flow ing into them, while others receive but little, except the surface drain age of the land immediately around them ; but in most of them the fresh water is in sufficient quantities to give a " brackish " character to the wraters. Owing to the narrow and often shallow channels by which the ponds communicate with the open waters, the tide is usually irreg ular, and its rise and fall often much less than outside, so that the wa ters have little tidal motion. The shallo wness of the water and the abun- [461] INVERTEBTATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 167 dant eel-grass also impede the motion caused by the wind, so that these bodies of water are comparatively quiet under ordinary circumstances. The same causes allow the water to become highly heated during the summer. It is evident that the heat and quietness of the waters are unfavorable for the rapid absorbtion of oxygen from the air, while by the rapid decay of the dead materials of the bottom large quantities of carbonic acid and other gases must be evolved, which would in some cases soon render the water fatal to all animal life, were it not for the presence of the eel-grass, Viva, and other plants that flourish in such waters, which, while absorbing the excess of carbonic acid, also help to give the requisite amount of oxygen to the water. During storms the mud of the bottom is quickly disturbed, causing the escape of nox ious gases, and rendering the water turbid, while the eel-grass is torn up in large quantities, thus adding to the decaying materials of the bot tom and shores. Moreover, in case of rain-storms or spring- freshets, the sudden addition of large volumes of fresh water often causes great changes in the density and character of the water, sufficient to kill spe cies not adapted to such varying and peculiar conditions. We accordingly find that although animal life is usually very abun dant, the number of species that habitually live and prosper in these im pure and decidedly brackish waters is comparatively small. But such as do occur are usually found in great quantities, and are remarkable for their hardiness and ability to live under widely varying conditions. Many of them are strictly southern species, which do not extend much farther north ; but there are some, like the long clam, muscle, &c., which extend even to the Arctic Ocean and the coasts of Europe. Many of the estuaries and harbors, and some of the ponds, have a much freer communication with the sea, and then the water is less brackish and generally less impure in other respects, and the number of species of animals becomes much greater. In other cases the water is so little brackish that the fauna is nearly identical with that of the outer bays. A few of these species are almost restricted to the brack ish waters, but by far the greater number are able to live in pure sea- water, and are accordingly also found in the bays and sounds. There are various degrees of preference shown by the different species ; some are very abundant in the brackish waters and very seldom found out side ; some evidently prefer the estuaries but are also abundant in the sounds; some flourish equally well in both situations 5 many are com mon in the estuaries but much more abundant in the pure waters of the sounds ; and a large number which are occasionally found in the brackish waters, especially where but little freshened, have their proper homes in the pure waters outside. Most of our food-fishes frequent the ponds and estuaries, either for the sake of food or for the purpose of spawning, and many spend the earlier part of their lives entirely in such waters. It is apparent, there fore, that among the few species of invertebrate animals living in the brackish waters, there are some that are of great importance as food for 168 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [462] fishes. It is true that many of the larger fishes frequent the estuaries to prey upon smaller ones, some of which are extremely abundant in these waters. But the small fishes, like minnows, as Avell as the young of the larger ones, feed chiefly upon the small Crustacea, worms, and shells that live in the waters that they inhabit. Therefore the entire value of the estuaries as feeding-grounds for the larger fishes depends directly upon those species of Crustacea, &c., that naturally live in brackish water. In discussing the fauna of the estuaries I have.found it most conven ient to group the species under the following divisions : 1. Those of sandy shores and bottoms. 2. Those of muddy shores and bottoms. 3. Those inhabiting oyster-beds. 4. Those inhabiting the eel-grass. 5. Those attached to rocks, piles of wharves, floating timber, buoys, &c. The lists could be greatly extended by including all the species to be found near the mouths of estuaries, or in those harbors and ponds that are scarcely brackish, for in these localities the fauna is nearly identi cal with that of the bays and sounds, and the lists already given on previous pages will also apply very well to such places. As a general rule only those species that are abundant, or at least frequent, in waters distinctly brackish, have been included in the lists. Ill, 1.— ANIMALS INHABITING THE SANDY SHORES AND BOTTOMS OF BRACKISH WATERS. Sandy shores and bottoms are generally less common and less exten sive than muddy ones, and occur chiefly toward the mouths of estuaries, or on the more exposed borders of the larger ponds and harbors, where the wave-action is greatest. When such bottoms are covered with eel-grass, as often happens, the animals are quite numerous, but when destitute of vegetation the spe cies of animals are but few, and mostly of the kinds^that burrow. But when there is a mixture of mud with the sand the variety is much greater. Near high-water mark, colonies of the " sand-fiddler,7' Gelasimus pu- gilator, (p. 336,) often occur, as on the sandy beaches outside. In the same situations the beach-fleas, Talorchestia longicornis and T. meyal- ophthalma (p. 336,) also occur, burrowing in the sand ; while the Orclies- tia agilis SMITH is abundant under the vegetable debris at high-water mark. Several species of salt-water insects also occur, burrowing in the sandy beaches at and below high-water mark. Among these are sev eral beetles, which live in such situations, both in the larval and adult conditions. The Bledius cordatus is one of the most abundant of these. This is a small, dark-colored, " rover-beetle," with very short elytra. It makes small, perpendicular holes in the sand near high-water mark, throwing up a little mound of sand around the burrows. A larger spe cies, Bledius pallipennis, occurs lower down, at about half-tide mark and makes similar burrows, but they are larger and deeper. This spe- [463] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 169 cies is yellowish brown in color. The larva of a fly belonging to the Mus- cidre, and growing to the length of three-quarters of an inch, occurs beneath the sand at low-water mark, and was also dredged off-shore in three or four fathoms of water. In the shallow waters and on the flats the common shrimp, Crangon •vulgaris, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10,) is always to be found in abundance where the water is not too much freshened by the rivers. The prawn, Palcemonetes vulgaris, (p. 339, Plate II, fig. 9,) is also frequent on the sandy bottoms, though more abundant among the eel-grass, and this species extends far up the estuaries into the mouths of rivers, where the water is but little salt. The most abundant Annelids are Nereis virens, (Plate XI, figs. 47-50,) N. limbata, (Plate XI, fig. 51,) Rhynchobolm dibranchiatus, (Plate X, figs 43, 44,) E. Americamis, (Plate X, figs. 45, 46,) and Scolecolepis viridis V., (p. 345,) all of which burrow in the sand at low-water mark in the same way as on the shores of the sounds. Under vegetable debris and stones, at high-water mark, the Halo- drillus UttoraUs (p. 324) and Clitellio irroratus (p. 324) occur in abun dance. The Lumbriculus tennis burrows among the roots of grass at high-water mark. The most abundant Gastropod shells are llyanassa obsolete^ (Plate XXI, fig. 13,) Tritia trivittata, (Plate XXI, fig. 112,) Bittium nigrum, (Plate XXIV, fig. 154,) Astyris lunata, (Plate XXI, fig. 110,) which occur on the flats and on the bottom in shallow water, but all are more com mon among eel-grass. The Melampus bidentatus (Plate XXV, figs. 169, 169a) is very abundant among the grass and weeds at and just above high-water mark. It contributes largely to the food of the minnows and other small fishes, as well as to that of many aquatic birds. The Crepidula convexa (Plate XXIII, fig. 128) is frequent on the dead shells occupied by the small herinit-crab, Eupdgurus longicarpus^ (p. 313,) Avhich is abundant, running over the bottom in shallow water. The most abundant bivalves are the long clam, My a arenaria, (Plate XXVI, fig. 179,) and Macoma fu-sca, (Plate XXX, fig. 222.) These both occur burrowing in the sand between tides, and both occur far up the estuaries, where the water is very brackish, but they are most abun dant where there is a mixture of sand and mud. In the estuaries the long clam is extremely abundant all along the coast from New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean, as well as on all the northern coa sts of Europe It also occurs south of Cape Hatteras, as at Beaufort, North Carolina, but in greatly diminished numbers. North of New York it is very ex tensively used as an article of food. North of Cape Cod it is the com mon " clam " of the fishermen ; and north of Boston it almost entirely displaces, in the markets, the "round-clam,7' or " quahog," Venus mer- cenaria, which is the common clam at New York and farther south. Along the southern coast of New England both species are abundant, and both are sold in large quantities in the markets. South of New 170 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [464 J York the long clam is but little sought as au article of food, except for local use. Ou the coast of New Jersey it is often called the " mauinose clam,'7 from the Indian name (frequently corrupted to " nanny-nose.") It is also sometimes called the "soft-shelled clam," in distinction from the " quahog," which is called " hard-shelled." The "long clams" of certain localities on Long Island Sound, as, for instance, those from Guilford, Connecticut, are of very excellent quality, and are very highly esteemed. The Guilford clams are assorted into regular sizes, and are bought from the fishermen on the spot by the hundred. Those of large size bring about $3 per hundred ; these are retailed in the market at New Haven for GO cents per dozen. Smaller sizes bring 48 cents and 36 cents per dozen. During unusually low tides in winter clams of extraordinary size are obtained at Guilford, below the zone ordinarily uncovered by the tide; these often weigh a pound or more, and sell for about $1.25 per dozen ; occasionally the weight is as much as a pound and a half, and the shells become six or eight inches in length. The ordinary long clams of small and moderate sizes bring 95 cents, $1.25, and $2 per bushel at wholesale; these retail in our markets at 50 cents to 75 cents per peck, the smallest sizes being cheapest, while the reverse is the case with the round clams. In New Haven the long clams are chiefly sold in winter, being a out of season" in summer, when the round clams supply the markets. But in New York the long clams are sold during the whole year. Large quantities of these clams are also collected on the. northern coasts of New England and put up for bait, to be used in the cod-fishery at the banks of Newfoundland. The total amount collected and used annually is probably not less than 1,000,000 bushels. List of species inhabiting sandy shores and bottoms of estuaries. ARTICULATA. Insects. Page. Larvae of fly, (Muscidae) 463 Ephyd^a, sp., larvae 466 Ciciudela, larvae 335 Bembidium coristrictuin . B. contractum Phy tosus littoralis 335 Page. Bledius cordatus 462 B. pallipenuis 462 Heterocera uudatus 335 Phaleria testacea Anurida maritima. . 331 Crustacea. Page. Gelasimus pugilator 462 Cancer irrora" tus 312 Carcinus granulatus 312 Eupagurus lougicarpus 463 PaHemonetes vulgaris 463 Crangon vulgaris 463 Orchestia agilis Page. 462 Talorchestia longicornis 462 T. megalophthalma 462 Epelys trilobus 370 Limulus Polyphemus ..... 340 [465] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 171 Annelids. Page. Page. Nereis virens !N. limbata Rhynchobolus Americanus. E. dibranchiatus 463 463 463 I Spio robustus ............. 345 j Scolecolepis yiridis ........ 463 \ S. tenuis . . 345 463 | Clymenella torquata 343 Cisteuides Gouldii ... 323 Sabellaria vulgaris 321 Lumbriculus tenuis Clitellio irroratus Halodrillus littoralis Meckelia ingens Nemerteans. Page, i 349 Meckelia rosea MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. 463 463 463 Page. 350 Page. | llyanassa obsoleta 463 \ Tritia trivittata 463 Eupleura caudata 371 Page. Odostomia trifida 307 Bittiam nigrum 463 Crepidula convexa 463 Astyris lunata 463 I Melampus bidentatus Lamellibranclis. 463 Page. Mya arenaria 463 Macoraa fusca 463 Angulus tener 358 Tottenia gemma 359 Venus mercenaria. . 463 Page. Laevicardium Mortoni 358 Solenomya velum 360 My tilus edulis 307 Modiola plicatula 307 Pecten irradians . . 361 III. 2. — ANIMALS INHABITING- THE MUDDY SHORES AND BOTTOMS or BRACKISH WATERS. The bottoms of the sheltered estuaries, ponds, and harbors, are almost invariably muddy, throughout the greater part of their extent, from low- water mark to their greatest depths, or, in other words, wherever the waves do not act with considerable force. The shores between tides are also muddy in the more protected localities, where the waves do not have sufficient power to remove the fine sediments. The upper and nar rower parts of nearly all the estuaries in this region are, on this account, muddy, for the rapidity of the tide is seldom sufficient to entirely re move the fine sediments brought down by the streams. A large part of the muddy bottoms is generally covered in summer by extensive patches of eel-grass. Over other portions large beds of oys- 13 v 172 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [466] ters are always planted, thus greatly modifying the natural conditions of such localities and introducing a large number of species not prop erly belonging to the true muddy bottoms. The shores of the muddy estuaries and ponds, or lagoons, are usually low, flat, and bordered by more or less extensive salt-marshes, with the surface generally just above high- water mark of ordinary tides, but lia ble to inundation by unusually high tides. These marshes are always traversed by winding and sluggish tidal streams of brackish water and by smaller ditches, and the surface is often diversified by small pools or ponds of impure brackish water, in which there is generally a deep de posit of soft, slimy mud and decaying organic matter, which often be comes putrid, and exhales fetid gases. All such waters, whether iu the ditches or pools, and however filthy they may be, are inhabited by cer tain kinds of invertebrate animals, and they are also frequented by mul titudes of minnows and other small fishes, which undoubtedly find abundant food in such places. In these brackish pools and ditches we find certain beetles, both in the adult and larval stages. Among these the most conspicuous is Hydro- pMlus quadristrtatus HORN., a large, black species, which appears to be common. The larva of the salt-marsh, musquito (Culex, sp..) also lives in such situations, and the adults in August, September, and October, so swarm in these marshes as to render it extremely unpleasant to go on or near them. The larvas of an Epliydra also occurs, and many other insects will doubtless be found in these places when carefully sought for. One Amphipod,the Gammarusmucronatus, commonly lives in the most brackish pools and among the grass on the marshes. The prawn, Palce- monetes vulgaris, (Plate II, fig. 9,) is also very abundant in these pools and ditches, even where the water is but little salt, and also occurs in immense numbers on the muddy bottoms and among the eel-grass of the estuaries. In the pools there are also myriads of small Eutomostraca of many kinds, upon which the prawn and other species feed, while the Entomostraca find an abundance of ciliated Infusoria and other micro scopic animals for food. We find several species of crabs burrowing in muddy banks along the shores of the estuaries, as well as along banks of the streams and ditches in the salt-marshes. The most abundant of these is the marsh fiddler- crab, Gelasimus pugnax, which is often so abundant that the banks are completely honey-combed and undermined by them. These holes are of various sizes up to about three-quarters of an inch in diameter, and de scend more or less perpendicularly, often to the depth of two feet or more. Occasionally in summer these crabs will leave their holes and scatter over the surface of the marshes, which at such times seem to be perfectly alive with them, but when disturbed they will scamper away in every direction and speedily retreat to their holes, but occasionally, at least, they do not find their own, for sometimes the rightful owner will be seen forcibly ejecting several intruders. It is probable that at [467] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 173 such times of general retreat each one gets into the first hole that he can find. Associated with this "fiddler" another related, crab, the Se- sarma reticulata, is occasionally found in considerable numbers. This is a stout-looking, reddish brown crab, with a squarish carapax ; its large claws are stout and nearly equal in both sexes, instead of being very unequal, as in the male "fiddlers." It lives in holes like the "fiddlers," but its holes are usually much larger, often an inch or an inch and a half in diameter. It is much less active than the "fiddlers," but can pinch very powerfully with its large claws, which are always promptly used when an opportunity occurs. The Carcinus granulatus (p. 312) of large size may often be found con cealed in the cavities under the banks undermined by the two preceding species, along the ditches and streams in the salt-marshes. On the marshes farther up the estuaries, and along the mouths of rivers and brooks, and extending up even to places where the water is quite fresh, another and much larger species of "fiddler-crab" occurs, often in abun dance ; this is the Gelasimus minax. It can be easily distinguished by its much larger size and by having a patch of red at the joints of the legs. Its habits have been carefully studied by Mr. T. M. Prudden of New Haven, but his interesting account of them has not yet been pub lished. He has also investigated its anatomy. According to Mr. Prud den this species, like G. pugilator, (see p. 336,) is a vegetarian. He often saw it engaged in scraping up and eating a minute green algoid plant, which covers the surface of the mud. The male uses its small claw ex clusively in obtaining its food and conveying it to the mouth. The female uses either of her small ones indifferently. In enlarging its bur rows Mr. Prudden observed that these crabs scraped off the mud from, the inside of the burrow by means of the claws of the ambulatory legs, and having formed the mud into a pellet, pushed it up out of the hole by means of the elbow-like joint at the base of the great claw, when this is folded down. He also ascertained that this crab often constructs a regular oven-like arch of mud orer the mouth of its burrow. This arch-way is horizontal, and large and long enough to contain the crab, who quietly sits in this curious door-way on the lookout for his enemies of all kinds. This species can live out of water and without food for many days. It can also live in perfectly fresh water. One large male was kept in my laboratory in a glass jar containing nothing but a little siliceous sand, moistened with pure fresh water, for over six months. During this whole period he seemed to be constantly in motion, walking round and round the jar and trying to climb out. He was never observed to rest or appear tired, and after months of confinement and starvation was just as pugnacious as ever. Although some of the colonies of this species live nearly or quite up to fresh water, others are found farther down on the marshes, where the water is quite brackish, and thus there is a middle ground where this 174 EEPOET OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [468} and Q. pugnax occur together. This was found by Mr. Prudden to be the case, both on the marshes bordering West Elver and on those of Mill River near New Haven. They are abundant along both these streams. The holes made by this species are much larger than those of G. pugnax. Some of them are an inch and a half to two inches in diameter. The "blue crab" or common edible crab, Callinectes hastat-us, (p. 367,) frequents the brackish streams and estuaries, where it is often taken in large quantities for the markets. These are usually brought to market early in May, but the "soft-shelled" ones, which are more highly es teemed, are taken later. These soft-shelled individuals are merely those that have recently shed their old shells, while the new shell has not had time to harden. The period of shedding seems to be irregular and long continued, for soft-shelled crabs are taken nearly all summer. The young and half-grown specimens of this crab may often be found in consider able numbers hiding in the holes arid hollows beneath the banks during the flood-tide. When disturbed, they swim away quietly into deeper water. These small crabs are devoured by many of the larger fishes. During flood-tide the large crabs swim up the streams like many fishes, and retreat again with the ebb. They feed largely on fishes, and often do much damage by eating fishes caught in set-nets, frequently making large holes in the nets at the same time. The "mud-crabs," Panopeus Sayi (p. 312) and P. depressus, (Plate I, fig. 3,) are very common in all the muddy estuaries and harbors. P. Harrisii also occurs in similar places ; it is far less common, and appar ently usually lives higher up toward high-water mark, under stones, &c., but it has been found on the salt-marshes at the mouth of Charles Kiver, according to Dr. A. A. Gould. The Orchestia palustris SMITH, is found on the salt-marshes, where it occurs under drift-wood, vegetable debris, &c., extending its range nearly or quite up to fresh water, and at times living in places that are almost dry, above high- water mark. The Squilla empusa (p. 369) burrows in muddy shores and bottoms at or below low-water mark. The Gebia affinis (p. 368, Plate II, fig. 7) also lives in similar places in deep burrows, as described on a previous page. The " horseshoe-crab," Limulus Polyphemus (p. 340,) is also a com mon inhabitant of muddy bottoms, in estuaries, where it grows to great size. The most common Annelids are partly the same as those given above for the sandy shores. The Nereis mrens is generally very abun dant ; the two species of Rhynchoboliis are common 5 and also Lumbri- conereis opalina, (Plate XIII, figs. 69, 70;) Cirratulus yrandis, (Plate XV, figs. 80,81;) Polycirrus eximius, (p. 320, Plate XYI, fig. 85;) Chwto- Iranchus sanyuineus, (p. 320 ;) and several other less conspicuous species. Among the Gastropods by far the most abundant species is the llya- [469] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 175 nassa obsoleta, (p. 354, Plate XXI, fig. 113,) which creeps over the flats and muddy bottoms in countless multitudes, sometimes almost covering the entire surface. When left by the tide, on the flats, especially in cold weather, they will creep into the small pools and depressions of the sur face, where they often huddle together in great crowds, sometimes form ing many layers, one above another. This is probably the most abundant shell, of any considerable size, on the coast of the United States. It occurs abundantly from the Gulf of Mexico to Massachusetts Bay. It is essentially a scavenger, and owing to its vast numbers its services in that line must be of great value. It occurs far up the estuaries, where the water is decidedly brackish, but flourishes equally well on the outer shores. The Littorinella minuta (Plate XXIV, fig. 140) also occurs in vast numbers on the mud-flats, and in the pools and ditches of the salt- marshes, but it is a small and inconspicuous species. It is, however, not overlooked by the small fishes and various aquatic birds, for they feed largely upon it. TheMelampits lldentatus (Plate XXV, figs. 169, lG9a) is also extremely abundant on the muddy salt-marshes, creeping over the general surface, or in the shallow pools and ditches, and among the grass, creeping up the stalks. In shallow water, where not too brackish, the Bulla solitaria (Plate XXV, fig. 1G1) is sometimes found in considerable numbers, creeping over soft, muddy bottoms. It is a favorite article of food with the flounders. Among the Lamellibranchs, one of the most common species is the Modiola.pUcatula, (Plate XXXI, fig. 258,) which occurs everywhere on the muddy banks at and above high-water mark, and also over the salt- marshes, along the borders of ditches and streams, and wherever there is sufficient moisture, partially imbedding its shell in the mud or among the roots of grass, and anchoring itself by means of a stout .byssus. The long clam, Hya arenaria, (p. 463) and the Macoma fusca, (Plate XXX, fig. 222) are almost everywhere abundant on the shores between tides. The " round clam,'7 Venus mercenaries, (p. 359, Plate XXVI, fig. 184,) occurs on the muddy bottoms in shallow water, often in great abundance, especially where the mud is somewhat firm, or where there is an admix ture of sand, and the water is not very much freshened. This clam is usually taken in such places by means of long-handled tongs, and sometimes with the dredge. It is especially abundant in the estuaries and harbors opening into Long Island Sound. The quantity of this clani taken annually for food is enormous, but it is impossible, at present, to get re liable statistics, either for this or the long clam, for they are mostly taken and sold, a few bushels at a time, by individual fishermen, and the traffic is diffused along the whole coast, from Florida to Boston ; but it is probable that more than 1,500,000 bushels are annually consumed. 176 KEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [470] In the New Haven markets the round clams retail at $2 to $3 per bushel for the small ones, and $1 to $2 per bushel for the large ones. The common muscle, Mytilus edulis, (p. 307, Plate XXXI, fig. 234,) is also extremely abundant on the muddy bottoms, forming immense beds in many places. It is taken in vast quantities for fertilizing the land, but is seldom used as food on our coast, although it is used extensively in some parts of Europe. The muddy bottoms of the estuaries, ponds, and harbors, especially when composed largely of organic matter in a living state, afford the best localities for "planting" oysters, and they are extensively utilized for this purpose. The oysters thus planted are mostly brought from farther south, but young " natives" are also transplanted on a large scale in some localities. It is, however, very certain that the oysters did not originally grow on muddy bottoms, for the young cannot maintain themselves during early life unless attached to some solid substance. Therefore, where large oyster-beds have been planted, the bottom should no longer be classed as "muddy," but rather as a " shelly bot tom," for a large number of animals, in addition to those of true muddy bottoms, live among or attached to the oysters. Along the peaty and clayey banks, especially where undermined by the waves, even nearly up to high-water mark, the Petricola plioladi- formis (p. 372, Plate XXVI, fig. 199,) and Pholas truncata, (Plate XXVII, fig. 200,) are often found in their deep burrows in considerable numbers. The Tacjelus gibba (Plate XXVI, fig. 181, and Plate XXX, fig. 217,) burrows at and below low- water mark on the muddy and argillaceous shores of the estuaries, as well as on the shores of the bays. On muddy bottoms, toward the outer parts of the estuaries and harbors, the Mul'mia later alls (Plate XXVI, fig. 184, B) often occurs in great abun dance. And in similar places, even where the bottom consists largely of decaying vegetable matter, the Tellina tenta (Plate XXX, fig. 225) and Solenomya velum (Plate XXIX, fig. 210) are sometimes found in consid erable numbers. The Callista convexa (Plate XXX, fig. 219) also occurs in similar places. The Ascidians, Bryozoa, and Eadiata are almost entirely wanting on the muddy shores and bottoms of estuaries, unless in localities where eel-grass or oyster-beds afford them suitable stations ; but such localities •will be discussed farther on. List of species -inhabiting the muddy shores and bottoms of brackish waters. ARTICTJLATA. Insects. Page. Cicindela inarginata ....... 335 Hydrophilus quadristriatus 4G6 Page. Culex, sp .......... , ...... 466 Ephydra, sp ----- .......... 466 [471] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 177 Gelasimns pugnax. G. minax Sesaroia reticulata Panopeus Sayi P. depressus P. Harrisii Callinectes bastatus ...... Carcinus granulatus Libinia canaliculata Eupagurus longicarpus. . . Gebia affinis . . . Grangon vulgaris Palsemonetes vulgaris Mysis stenolepis Squilla empusa Crustacea. Page. ! 466 | Orchestia agilis 4671 O. palustris 467! Gammarns mueronatus,,. 468 ! Melita nitida 468 Ampelisca, sp 468 Ampbitboe valida 468 A. compta 467; Coropbium cylindricum . . 368 Spbrcroma quadridentata 313 Idotea irrorata 468 ! Epely s trilobus 339 1 E. mootosus 466 : Jsera copiosa 370 ; Limrioria lignorum ...... 468 ] Limulus Polyphemus Annelids. Xephthys ingens Podarke obscura Eteone, sp Nereis virens Marpbysa Leidyi Luinbriconerels opalina Ebyncbobolus Americauus . Nemertes socialis Page. 431 319 349 468 319 468 342 E. dibrancbiatus Cirratubis grandis Notomastus filiformis Cistenides Gouldii .... Polycirrus exiinius Ohaetobranchus sangnineus Nemerteans. Page. 324 { Cosmocepbala ocbracea. Nematodes. Ponton em a inarinum Page. 325 P. vacillattim Page. 314 468 466 314 431 315 370 370 315 316 370 370 315 370 468 Page. 341 468 342 323 468 468 Page. 325 Page. 326 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. llyauassa obsoleta Nassa vibex Eupleura caudata. Urosalpinx cinerea Astyris lunata Bittium nigrum . . . Littorina rudis L. palliata 468 371 371 306 306 305 305 305 Littorina irrorata Littorinella miimta . . - Crepidula convexa 0. fornicata C. tinguiforniis Bulla solitaria Melampus bideutatus Page. 372 469 355 355 355 469 469 178 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES [472] Lamellibranclis. Page, i Page. Pholas truncata 470 I Callista convexa 470 P. costata 433 j Mulinia lateralis 470 Mya arenaria 469 j Solenomya velum 470 Macoma fusca 469 ! Xucula proxima 432 Tellina tenta 470 ! Argina pexata 309 Angulustener 358 i Modiola plicatula 469 Tagelus gibba 470 ! M. hamatus 374 Petricola plioladiformis 470 j Mytilus edulis 470 Venus merceuaria 469 Ostrsea Virginiana 310 III. 3.— ANIMALS INHABITING OYSTER-BEDS IN BRACKISH WATERS. Although the oyster-beds are generally planted on bottoms that were originally muddy, when Covered wholly or partially with living oysters or with dead oyster-shells, such bottoms may properly be regarded as "shelly bottoms'7 analogous to the natural shelly bottoms of the outer waters. The shells of the oysters afford suitable attachment for various shells, bryozoa, ascidians, hydroids, sponges, &c., which could not otherwise maintain their existence on muddy bottoms, while other kinds of ani mals, such as crabs, annelids, &c., find shelter beneath the shells or in their interstices. Some species have apparently been introduced from farther south with the oysters ; among these are Modiola Jiamatus and Panopeus Herbstii, neither of which is positively known to be fully nat uralized on our shores. In planting the oysters they are more or less uniformly scattered over the bottom, from somewhat above low-water mark to the depth of ten or twelve feet. The oysters thus planted are brought mostly from the waters of Virginia and Maryland in spring. During the summer they usually increase greatly in size, and often become very fat and improve in flavor. They are taken up in the fall, for if left exposed to the freezing weather of our winters, at least all those in very shallow water would be killed. They often double in bulk during the summer. Besides the im mense quantities of oysters til us brought from farther south to be " plant ed" in our waters, large quantities of young " natives" are also collected from the localities where they naturally breed, and are planted on muddy bottoms in the brackish waters, where they grow very rapidly, usually attaining a size suitable for the market in two or three years. These u native oysters," although of the same species as those brought from the south, are more hardy, and will live through the winter if cov ered by a depth of water sufficient to prevent them from freezing. The young oysters that attach themselves to stones, ledges, &c., between tides, often in great abundance, nearly all perish by freezing during the winter. They mostly become an inch to an inch and a half in diame'ter during the first summer. The period of spawning lasts for some time, [473] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 179 but most of it seems to be done in May, June, and July. The young, after swimming about for a short time, attach themselves to any suitable hard object, such as rocks, shells, timber, brush, &c. On our coast very few attempts have been made to raise the young oysters by artificial means, because the young oysters, of a size suitable to plant, can gen erally be bought at a price less than the actual cost of raising them. The time will doubtless come, however, when this will no longer be the case, and then the methods so successfully employed on the coast of France may be resorted to with great advantage. The young oysters must find some solid substance to which they can attach themselves, before losing their locomotive organs, otherwise they will fall to the bottom and perish in the mud. It is evident, therefore, that although the oysters planted on muddy bottoms of the right kind will grow most rapidly, owing to the great abundance of their micro scopic food in the mud and turbid water ; yet such localities are unfa vorable for breeding- grounds, because the youug,or " spat,'' will find no suitable objects to which they can attach themselves,unless, by chance, to the shells of the old oysters. Therefore, if it be desired to have the oysters in such localities produce the young ones necessary to maintain the bed permanently, it will be necessary to place hard objects on the bottom, to which they may adhere. Stones, broken bricks, £c., may be used for this purpose, but nothing is better than old oyster- shells, and they are generally cheaper than anything else. On the coast of France bundles of twigs or fagots, prepared tiles, and other objects have been used to catch the young, and they are al lowed to remain on such objects until they become large enough to be removed and planted elsewhere. It is obvious that the best breeding-grounds are on hard bottoms, where there are large quantities of dead shells, pebbles, &c., to which the young will be sure to adhere. But such bottoms are not the best localities for the rapid growth and fattening of the oysters. Therefore it is always found profitable to transplant the young oysters, when large enough, from hard bottoms to the muddy bottoms of the estuaries, wrhere their natural food most abounds. All muddy bottoms are not equally adapted for this purpose. The great differences to be found in the muddy bottoms of various localities have already been mentioned on a previous page. (See p. 430.) Those bottoms that are composed mainly of tenacious clay are unsuitable, both because the oysters become imbedded too deeply in the clay, and because such mud contains but little organic matter. Those that consist of clay or sand mixed with decaying vegetable matter, and have a black, putrid layer just beneath the surface are also unsuitable and should be avoided. Those that consist of very deep, soft, pasty mud, though the mud itself may be of good quality, are apt to allow the oysters to sink too deeply beneath the surface and thus become smothered in the mud. The most suitable localities are those sheltered places wrhere there is a firm substratum of sand or gravel, overlaid with a few inches of soft, 180 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [474] flocculent mud, consisting largely of living microscopic animals and plants, Infusoria, Diatoms, &c. Such localities are to be found in most of our shallow estuaries, harbors, and brackish ponds, and on such grounds the oysters grow and become fat with surprising rapidity. The character of such bottoms is very liable to be changed by storms, especially in winter, either by the removal of the organic mud to some other part of the bottom or shore, or by the washing in of silt or clay in quantities sufficient to cover the bottom and destroy the living organisms. Thus it happens that a locality may be an excellent oys ter-ground one year and comparatively worthless the next, or a poor locality may in the next year become a good one. And on this account the great reputation that the oysters of a particular locality often ac quire in a favorable year may not belong to them in subsequent years, for the quality of the oysters changes with the character of the food and bottom where they grow. I have already mentioned several of the more important enemies of the oysters on former pages. (See pp. 306, 326.) The star-fishes, which are among the most destructive of these, do not flourish in brackish waters, and this is, therefore, a great advantage. The quantity of oysters taken from our waters is far greater than is generally supposed by those not familiar with this important business. The best statistics are necessarily very incomplete, but they are sufficient to show the almost incredible magnitude of this industry, which is, moreover, rapidly increasing as the facilities for transporting the oysters to all parts of the country, even to the Pacific coast, are multiplied. According to the official report of Hunter Davidson, commissioner, upon the oyster-fisheries, &c., of Maryland, January, 1872,* the quantity of oysters taken in Maryland waters in the year 1869-'70 was 11,233,475 bushels, which, at an average value of 35 cents per bushel, would amount to $4,031,716. To catch and convey these to market 8,070 men were em ployed on the water ; 7,190,400 bushels were taken by 642 vessels (ton nage 14,436) engaged in dredging, and employing 4,060 hands. The balance, 2,043,075 bushels, were taken by 1,647 boats or " canoes," using tongs and rakes, and employing 3,410 hands. In 1870-'71, 597 vessels, (tonnage 13,425,) engaged in dredging, and employing 3,775 hands, took 6,686,400 bushels ; and 1,649 " canoes " took, with tongs, 2,261,403 bushels, employing 3,507 hands ; making the total amount for the year, 10,947,803 bushels, valued at $3,831,731. Many of these oysters were sold at $1 to $1.50 per bushel, while others were sold for less than twenty-five cents, but it is probable that the estimated average value (thirty-five cents) is considerably below the actual value. The quantity taken in the waters of Virginia is probably quite as large as that from Maryland. Large quantities are also taken along the coast of New Jersey, Long * Report on the Oyster-Fisheries, Potomac River Shad and Herring Fisheries, and the Water-fowl of Maryland, to his excellency the governor and other commissioners of the State oyster-police force, January, 1872. [475] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 181 Island, and Connecticut. It is, therefore, probable that the total amount taken on the coast north of Cape Hatteras is not less than 30,000,000 bushels annually, having a value of more than $20,000,000. In making this estimate we should allow for the great increase in bulk and value of many of the Maryland and Virginia oysters that are transplanted to northern waters, and allowed to grow before using. The average value of the northern oysters, both native and transplanted, is probably more than seventy-five cents per bushel. It is, therefore, probable that the above estimate is considerably too low. The great oyster-markets of the country are Baltimore and New York. In Baltimore immense quantities of oysters are put up in kegs and cans to supply the distant parts of our own country and also to ship to nearly all foreign countries. In 1867 it was estimated that more than 10,000 persons were employed in this branch of the business. There were then thirty packing-houses, employing 4,500 openers. In ad dition to the packing business great quantities of oysters are sold at Bal timore and sent away in the shell. The total quantity sold at Baltimore exceeded 7,000,000 bushels, of which about 5,000,000 bushels came from Maryland waters, and the balance from Virginia. Of these over 1,000,000 bushels were sent to New York, 700,000 to Fair Haven, Con necticut, where an extensive packing business is carried on, 450,000 to Philadelphia, 350,000 to Boston. The oyster trade of New York, several years ago, was estimated at over $8.000,000, employing 2,500 vessels, and it has greatly increased since that estimate was made. Among the most common shells that are found attached to oysters are Crepidulafornicata (Plate XXIII, figs. 129, 129a) and C.unymformis, (Plate XXIII, fig. 127.) They both occur together on the upper as well as the under valves, and in all cases retain their ordinary characters, except that the latter is more regular in form, and usually has the upper surface slightly convex, instead of being much distorted and with a concave upper surface, as the larger specimens that live on the inside of dead univalves usually are. Its color, when living on the oysters, is always white, while the C. fornicata is always more or less marked with brown. The common muscle, Mytilus edulis, (p. 307) frequently occurs attached to oysters, and when it accumulates on the oyster-beds in large quan tities it is very injurious. The Modiola Jiamatus (p. 374) is a very pe culiar-looking muscle, having a broad, often hatchet-shaped, distorted shell, covered with prominent radiating ribs, many of which are forked. Its color is yellowish or brownish. It somewhat resembles Modiola plica- tula, but is broader and has coarser ribs. This muscle is sometimes found in New Haven Harbor, living on the oyster-beds in considerable numbers, and of full size, attached to the oysters, either singly or in clusters, by the byssal threads. It has been observed only in the sum mer and fall and it may not have survived the winters, for it is possible 182 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [476] that all the individuals may have been brought from the south, in the spring, when quite small, attached to the oysters. It may be, however, that it has really become naturalized on our shores. It is very common in the Gulf of Mexico, and on other parts of the southern coast. The Anomia glalra (p. 311, Plate XXII, figs. 241, 242, 242«) is also very commonly found adhering to oysters. The hard sandy tubes of Sdbellaria vulgaris (p. 321, Plate XVII, figs 88, SSa) and the calcareous tubes of Serpula dianthus (p. 322) are very fre quent upon oyster-shells, and occasionally those of Potamilla oculifera, (p 322, Plate XVII, fig. 86,) Scionopsis palmata, (p. 321,) and other species are met with. Many other Annelids are to be found burrowing or hiding beneath the oysters. The common green star-fish, Aster las arenicola, (p. 326, Plate XXXV, fig. 269,) occasionally occurs on the oyster-beds near the mouths of estuaries, but is seldom sufficiently abundant in the brackish waters to do serious damage to the oyster-beds. In the brackish waters the " drill," ftrosalpinx clnerea, (p. 300, Plate XXI, fig. 116,) is the worst enemy of the oyster, and is sometimes so numerous as to do very serious damage. Several species of Hydroids grow adhering to oysters. The most abundant of these, in brackish water, is usually Halecium gracile V., (p. 328,) but two or three species of Obelia and some other forms occur. Of Bryozoa, one of the most common species is the Escliarella variab- ilisj (p. 312, Plate XXXIII, fig. 256,) which forms calcareous incrusta tions. The Bugula turrita, (p. 311, Plate XXXIV, figs 258, 259,) and Yesicularici dichotoma V. (p. 404) are also common. The Alcyonidium Mrsutum, (p. 404,) which forms soft fleshy crusts over the surface of the shells, is quite frequently seen. The common red sponge (p. 330) is often abundant on the oyster-beds where the water is not much freshened. List of species inhabiting oyster-beds in brackish waters. ARTICULATA. Insects. Page. Chironomus oceauicus 379 Crustacea. Page. I Page. Pinnotheres ostreum 367 Cancer irroratus , 312 Panopeus Herbstii - . . 472 P. Sayi - 312 P. depressus 312 Carciuus granulatus 312 Libinia canaliculata 368 Eupagurus pollicaris 313 E. lougicarpus 313 Craiiffon vuljraris. - 339 Mysis Americana 370 Melita nitida 314 Ampelisca, sp 431 Unciola irrorata 340 Corophium cylindricum . — 370 Epelys trilobus 370 f477] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 183 Annelids. Lepidonotus squainatus L. sublevis . - - Phyllodoce, sp Eulalia, sp Eteone, sp Podarke obscura Nereis virens N. liinbata Marphysa Leidyi Lurobriconereis opalina Rhynchobolus Americanus. K. dibrancliiatus. . ,Page. 320 320 349 349 349 319 317 318 319 320 319 Cirratulus grandis Sabellaria vulgaris Cistenides Gouldii Nicolea simplex Scionopsis palmata Polycirrus eximius Chretobranchus sanguineus, Potamilla oculifera Sabella microphthalma Fabricia Leidyi Serpula dianthus , Spirorbis, sp , Page. 319 476 323 321 476 320 320 476 323 323 476 323 Nemerteam and Planar-lane. Page. | Page. Nemertes socialis ____ ...... 324 j Monocelis agilis ........... 325 Cosmocephala ochracea ____ 325 j Procerodes frequens ....... 325 Polinia glutinosa .......... 324 j Nematodes. Page. I Pontonema marinum 325 j P. vacillatum MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. 326 Page/ Urosalpinx cinerea 476 Fulgur carica 355 Syeotypus canaliculatus. .. 355 Ilyauassa obsoleta 354 Astyris lunata 306 Eissoa acnleus 306 Littorinella minuta. 469 Bittium nlgrum 305 Page. Odostomia fusca ... 307 O. trifida 307 O. bisuturalis 307 Crepidula fornicata 475 C. UDguiformis , 475 C. convexa Doridella obscura. 355 307 Lamellibranclis. Page. Venus mercenaria 469 Argina pexata , 309 Scapharca transversa 309 Mytilus edulis 475 Page. 475 361 476 Ostrsea Yirgiuiana .... 472 Modiola hamatus Pecten irradians , Anomia glabra... 184 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [478] Ascidians. Page. Cynthia partita 311 Page. Molgula Manhattensis 311 Bryozoa. Page. Page. Bugula turrita 47G | Vesicularia dichotoma 476 Escharella variabilis 476 ! Alcyonidium hirsutum 476 Membranipora lineata 406 Pedicellina Americana 405 RADIATA. Ecliinoderms. Page. Asterias arenicola 476 Acalephs. Page. Obelia gelat inosa 391 O. diaphana 327 Page. Halecium gracile 476 Sertularia ar gen tea 408 O. pyriformis 390 Polyps. Page. Metridium marginatuin . . . . 329 Page. Sagartia leucolena. . 329 PROTOZOA. Sponges. Page. Page. Tedania, species . 330 Eed branching sponge 476 Halichondria, sp 330 ! III. 4. — ANIMALS INHABITING EEL-GRASS IN BRACKISH WATERS. A large portion of the shallow parts of nearly all the harbors, estu aries, and ponds is occupied by a dense growth of eel-grass, Zostera marina, in summer. This plant flourishes both on sandy and muddy bottoms. During the fall and winter it is mostly torn up and drifted away bj storms, but in the spring a new crop starts up and grows very rapidly, the narrow, ribbon-like leaves often becoming six feet or more in length during the summer. These tracts of eel-grass are the favorite resorts of a considerable number of animals, which seek these places either for food or conceal ment and shelter, or for both combined. Other species, including certain hydroids, bryozoa, and ascidiaus, grow attached to the leaves of the eel-grass. [479] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 185 Many small fishes frequent tiie patches of eel-grass, and find there abundance of food and unusual safety from their enemies. Among the most common Crustacea found among the eel-grass are the edible crab, CalUnectes liastatus, (p. 367 ;) Panopeus Sayi, (p. 312 ;) P. depressus, (Plate I, fig. 3 ;) Eupagurus longicarpus, (p. 313 ;) the prawn, Palcvmonetes vulgaris. (p. 369, Plate II, fig. 9 ;) the common shrimp, Gran- gon vulgaris, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10 5) the green shrimp, VirMus zosteri- cola, (p. 369, Plate III, fig. 11;) Mysis stenolepis, (p. 370, Plate III, fig. 12;) M. Americana, (p. 370;) Idotea irrorata, (p. 316, Plate Y, fig. 23;) Melita nitida, (p. 314.) The common prawn (Plate II, fig. 9) has its true home among the eel-grass, and here it occurs in countless numbers. Its trans lucent body, marked with irregular, ill-defined, dark blotches and spots, admirably adapts it for concealment among the discolored and dead leaves of the plant, at or near the bottom. Where the eel-grass grows on sandy bottoms the common shrimp is scarcely less abundant. The VirMus is often abundant, associated with the common prawn, and having similar habits. All these shrimps and prawns are eagerly devoured by the fishes. The Idotea irrorata is gen erally very abundant, and clings firmly to the leaves of the eel-grass lengthwise. Its body is generally curiously and variously colored with green and brown, &c., and these colors are often so arranged as to imi tate very perfectly the colors of the eel-grass when partially dead or discolored. Sometimes the right or left half of the body will be bright green, while the opposite half will be dark brown. In other cases there will be a dorsal bright green stripe, while the sides will be dark brown, just like one of the leaves of the eel-grass that is discolored at the edges, but green in the middle. More commonly these colors are ir regularly disposed in blotches. The Ericlisonia attenuata HAEGER, is a remarkably slender species^ which also lives clinging to the eel-grass. Its colors are green and brown, and quite variable. Several species of Amphipods are also abundant among the eel-gras?8 One of the most common. of these is the Gammarus mucronatus, (p. 466,) which is easily distinguished by the dorsal teeth on the abdominal seg ments. Microdeutopus minax SMITH, is a very small species, which sometimes occurs in great abundance in the small brackish ponds. It is remarkable for its relatively large and very broad^ hands, armed beneath with three prominent teeth. The hands are nearly as large as the entire body. Among the Mollusks several interesting species occur. The Ilyanassa obsolete, (p. 371, Plate XXI, fig. 113;) Bittium nigrum, (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 154;) and Astyris lunata, (p. 306, Plate XXI, fig. 110,) are generally the most abundant species. The Nassa vibeoc (p. 371, Plate XXI, fig. 114) is met with occasionally, living on and about the roots of eel-grass, but it is an uncommon shell in our waters, though quite abundant on the southern coasts. The Crepidula convexa (p. 371, Plate XXIII, fig. 128) 186 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [480} may be found, both adhering to the leaves of eel-grass and attached to shells occupied by the smaller hermit-crabs. The curious little naked mollusk, Elysiella catulus, (Plate XXV, fig. 171,) is often quite common on the leaves of eel-grass in our harbors. It also has the power of floating with the bottom of the foot at the surface of the water. Its small size and bright green color, like that of the growing leaves of the Zostera, cause it to be easily overlooked. The related species, Elysia chlorotica, (Plate XXV, fig. 172,) appears* to have similar habits, but is much less common. It's color is alsa green. The pretty Doto coronata (p. 400, Plate XXV, fig. 170) alsa occasionally occurs on the leaves of eel-grass. A green Planarian is frequent on the eel-grass, and also a bright red species. List of species inhabiting the eel-grass in brackish waters. ARTICULATA. Insects. Chironornus oceanicus. Page. 379 Crustacea. Page. Panopeus depressus 479 P. Sayi... 479 Callinectes hastatus 479 Carcinus granulatus 312 Libinia canaliciilata 3C8 L. dubia 368 Eupagurus longicarpus 479 Crangon vulgaris 479 Virbius zostericola 479 talsemonetes vulgaris 479 Mysis stenolepis 479 M.Americana 479 Gammarus inucronatus.. 479 Page. Melita nitida . 479 Microdeutopus minax 479 Amphithoe valida 315 A. longimana 370 A. compta 370 Corophium cylindricum 370 Caprella geometrica 382 Idotea irrorata 479 Erichsonia attenuata 479 Epelys trilobus 370 Balanus eburueus 381 Limulus Polyphemus 340 Annelids.. Page. Lepidonotus squainatus 320 Podarke obscura 319 Autoly tus cornutus 397 Nereis limbata .. 318 Page. Nicolea simplex 321 Scionopsis palinata 321 Polycinus exioiius 320 Spirorbis, sp 323 Nemerteans and Planar ians. Page. Polinia glutinosa 324 Cerebratulus, sp 324 Page. Planarian, (red sp.) 480- Planarian, (dark green sp.) . 480- [481] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 187 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. Illyanassa obsoleta 479 Nassa vibex 479 Astyris lunata 4?9 Anachis avara 306 Bittium iiigrum 479 Page. Littorinella rainuta 409 Crepidula couvexa . . . . 479 Doto coronata 480 Elysia chlorotica 480 Elysiella catulus 480 Triforis nigrocinctus 305 Lamellibranchs. Page. I Page. Argina pexata 309 I Pecten irradians My tilus edulis 470 j Ostrsea Yirginiana 472 Ascidicms. Page. Page. Molgula Manbattensis 311 Botryllus Gouldii 375 Bryozoa. Page. Bugula turrita 311 Vesicularia dichotoina . . 404 Page. Escbarella variabilis 312 Membranipora, liueata 406 RADIATA. Acalephs. Page. Obelia diapbana 327 Page. Hydractinia polyclina 328 Obelia, sp . . 476 Polyps. Page. Sagartia leucolena , 329 III. 5. — ANIMALS LIVING ON OR AMONG PILES OF WHARVES, BRIDGES, FLOATING TIMBER, ROCKS, ETC., IN BRACKISH WATERS. Tbe piles of wharves in brackish harbors are often inhabited by an abundance of animal life. The same species are mostly to be found also on piles of wharves in the purer waters of the sounds, and many of them have, therefore, already been mentioned in a previous place, (p. 378.) There are some of these species, however, that appear to flourish best in waters that are decidedly brackish. Among the most conspicuous of these is the beautiful Tubularian 14 v 188 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [482] Paryplia crocea-1 (p. 390, Plate, XXXVI, fig. 274,) which grows in large tufts, several inches in height, and often covers large surfaces of the piles and timbers at and just below low-water mark. Associated with this the OleUa (jelatinosa (p. 391) often occurs in large quantities. This is a large and very beautiful species, having a large dark colored stem, com posed of numerous united tubes, but the terminal branches are white and delicate, and the cells have an elegant bell-shaped form, with a toothed margin. It grows to the length of a foot or more. This species occurs on the piles of Long Wharf, in New Haven Harbor, in great abundance, associated with the preceding ; at this place the water is not only quite brackish, but is very impure, on account of sewerage, &c. Other species of Obelia also occur in similar places. TheBalanus ebur- neus is a very abundant barnacle in brackish waters, growing upon piles, timbers, oyster-stakes, and every other kind of fixed wood- work, and also upon the bottoms of vessels and floating timber. As already re marked (p. 381) it is capable of living even in fresh water. The Bala* nus balanoides also occurs where the water is less brackish. The piles and timbers of the wharves are often badly damaged by the perfora tions of Teredo navcdis (p. 384, Plate XXYI, fig. 183) even where the water is very brackish.* The Limnoria lignorum (p. 379) also attacks wood-work in waters that are somewhat brackish. Lists of species inhabiting piles of wharve$, floating timbers^ &c., in "brack ish waters. ARTICULATA. Insects. Page. I Page. Chironomus oceanicus 331 i Anurida maritima 331 Crustacea. Page. Page, Panopeus depressus 312 Jrera copiosa 315 Microdeutopus miiiax 479 Amphithoe compta 370 Corophium cyliudricum 370 Caprella, sp 316 Idotea irrorata > 316 Limnoria lignorum 482 Balanus balanoides 482 B. eburneus.. 482 * Since the account of the Teredo navalis, on page 384, lias been in type, I have learned some additional facts in regard to it from Mr. V. N. Edwards. The statement that the buoys are taken up every six mouths does not apply to the spar-buoys, which are taken up only once a year, in April and May. Mr. Edwards states that the Teredos would destroy an unpainted spar-buoy in one year, but when painted with verdigris they will only work where the paint becomes rubbed off. They grow to full size in one year. They first attack buoys or piles just below the water's edge, but eventually will, destroy the entire submerged part of the spar-buoys. He thinks that some of them live through the winter. [483] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. Annelids. Page. Nereis limbata 318 Autolytus cornutus 397 Sabellaria vulgaris 321 Nicolea simplex 321 Polycirrus eximius 320 Potamilla oculifera ........ Sabella microplithalma ____ Fabricia Leidyi ..... > ..... Serpula dianthus .......... Spirorbis, sp . . . , .......... Page. Monocelis agilis 325 Poliuia glutinosa . . 324 Turbellarians. ^emertes socialis Page. Pontoneina marimim 325 Nematodes. P. vacillatum 189 Page. 322 323 323 322 323 Page. 324 Page. 326 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. Eela plicata 383 Ilyanassa obsoleta 468 Tritia trivittata 354 Urosalpinx cinerea . - , . 306 Astyris lunata 306 Anachis avara 306 Kissoa aculeus 306 Skenea planorbis 383 Littorina riulis 305 Page. L. palliata 305 Odostotniabisuturalis ...... 307 Bittinm iiigriim 305 Cerithiopsis Greenii 383 Triforis nigrocinctus 305 Alexia myosotis . - 383 Melampus bidentatus 469 ^Eolidia pilata 383 Laniellibranclis. Page. Teredo navalis 482 Argina pexata 309 Mytilus edulis 307 Page. Modiola plicatnla. 307 Anoinia glabra 311 Ostrava Yirginiana , 310 Ascidians. Page. Molgula Manliattensis 311 Cynthia partita 311 Botryllus Gouldii Bryozoa. Page. Vesicularia dichotoma 389 Escharella variabilis - - 312 Bugula ttirrita Pedicellina Americana Page. 389 Page. 311 405 190 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [484] EADIATA. Hydroids. Page, i Page. Obelia gelatinosa 482 ! Halecium gracile 328 O. pyrilbrniis 390 Parypha crocea 482 O. diaphana 327 Polyps. Page. 1 Page, Sagartia leueolena 329 Metridium marginatum 329 IV.— FAUNA OF THE OCEAN SHORES AND OUTER COLD WATERS. All along this coast, from Cape Cod to Stoningtou, Connecticut, there is a belt or current of cold water which impinges directly against the outer islands and the open coast, especially where there are points of land projecting outward toward the deeper waters. This is especially noticeable at Gay Head, on Martha's Vineyard, No Man's Land, Cutty- hunk Island, Mont-auk Point, Block Island, Point Judith, and Watch Hill. This cold water is undoubtedly derived from the Arctic current, which passes slowly southward in deep water off our coast, but whether an actual current, distinguishable from the tidal currents, exists in the waters of moderate depth along the coast is still uncertain. The tidal currents apparently have the effect of bringing the cold water of the outside regions up into the shallower localities along the shores, and it is probable that the presence of the cold water in moderate depths is due to the joint action of the tides and the slow-moving Arctic current, which impinges more or less against and upon the slope of the sub merged eastern border of the continent. But the position, extent, and temperature of this cold wrater along our shores varies greatly, accord ing to the direction of the tidal currents and the surface currents caused by the wind. We have shown, on a former page, that at times these local winds and tidal currents are able even to bring Gulf Stream water and its characteristic animals directly upon this coast, even as far westward as Watch Hill, .Rhode Island, where the Physalia is often cast ashore in summer. At such times the cold current must necessarily be wholly displaced, or disguised by intermixture with the warmer waters. When the tide is flowing from Long Island Sound, Vineyard Sound, or other large bodies of warm water, the cold waters will also be displaced and the temperature raised even at the distance of twenty or thirty miles from the shore in summer. In winter there is comparatively little effect from the Gulf Stream, owing to the prevalence of northerly winds, and there is also far less effect from the warm waters of the shallow bays and sounds carried by the titles. Therefore the full effect of the northern current is felt only in winter, and it doubtless adds to the cold proper to the season and land climate. In winter and early spring we accordingly find numerous species of northern animals and alga3 which disappear partially or wholly in many [485] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 191 of tliese localities in summer. In April, May, and June, the cod and haddock resort in large numbers to the banks and re^fs off Stoniugton, Watch Hill, No Man's Land, and other similar places, but are quite unknown there later in the summer. In consequence of the varying temperatures of the currents which alternately pass over certain of these localities, there is a very peculiar admixture of northern and southern species, side by side. This is par ticularly the case on the reefs between Watch Hill and Fisher's Island, where the southern Astrancjia Dance is associated with the northern Alcyonium carneum, Cribrella sanguinolenta, and many other northern forms. The temperature of the bottom-water during the last of August and first of September was found to vary from 57° P. to 63°, in sixteen to twenty-nine fathoms off Martha's Vineyard and Buzzard's Bay, (see chart.) The surface temperatures were at the same time 02° to 64°, and occasionally as high as 67°, when affected by warmer currents. IV. 1. — SPECIES INHABITING- ROCKY SHORES OF THE OPEN COAST. The principal localities under this head at which we have made col lections are Xo Man's Laud, Cuttyhunk Island, Gay Head, and Watch Hill, Rhode Island. Dr. J. E. Leidy has published a partial list of the species found at Point Judith,* and we have more or less information concerning the fauna of several other similar localities. In all these places the assemblage of animals is nearly the same, and in general not very different from what we find on the rocky shores of the sounds and bays, (see p. 303.) A large part of the species of these shores have, therefore, already been mentioned in connection with the fauna of the bays and sounds. There are, however, many species that are characteristic of the latter, which are found but rarely, or not at all, on the colder and more ex posed outer shores ; and these are characterized by the abundance of some northern species which are rare or wanting on the inner shores, or which occur there only in winter. Among the most abundant species of shells are Purpura lapillus, (p. 306, Plate XXI, figs. US, 110 ;) Littorina pallia ta, (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 138;) L.rudis, (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 137;) Acmcva tentudinalis, (p. 307, Plate XXIV, figs. 158, 159;) and Lacuna vincta, (p. 305, Plate XXIV, fig. 139,) all of which occur adhering to the rocks or algre, even in the most exposed situations. These are all hardy northern species. which extend their range to Greenland or beyond, and although all of them are to be found, more or less frequently, on the inner shores, they are there less abundant and generally of smaller size. The Littorina palliata is extremely abundant on the Fucus, and individuals were found at Watch Hill, copulating, April 12. The Lacuna vincta breeds still * Jonrqal of the Academy *f Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2d series, vol. iii, 1855. 192 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [486] earlier in the season, for its eggs were found attached to algre and eel- grass at the date named. The eggs of this species are small, yellowish white, imbedded in a gelatinous mass, having an annular form, but showing a break or suture on one side. These annular egg-masaes are attached by one side to the surfaces of flat alga? or eel-grass in large numbers ; they are from .12 to .20 of an inch in diameter. The JEoUs papillom was found at Watch Hill, under stones, April 12, and with it were long, much convoluted, gelatinous cords, tilled with minute pale red or salmon-colored eggs, which probably belong to this species, which is a northern one, and has not hitherto been recorded as from south of Cape Cod. It is very abundant in the Bay of Fundy, and similar egg-clusters are found there under rocks during the entire sum mer. Among and between the stones the northern purple star-fish, Asterias vulgaris (p. 432) is often found at low-water, and also the green sea- urchin, Stronyylocentrotus Drobachiensis (p. 40G, Plate XXXY, fig. 268) during the spring tides. The Balanus balanoides (p. 305) is quite as abundant on the most ex posed rocks as elsewhere. The minute bivalve young of this species were found just attaching themselves to the lower surfaces of rocks in immense numbers at Watch Hill on the 12th of April. Beneath the stones the rock-crab, Cancer irroratus, (p. 312,) is very common, and occasionally the much rarer Cancer borealis is found dead on these shores. It was thus found at Gay Head and No Man's Land, but it is doubtful whether it lives above low-water mark. In the Power part of the fucus zone the large Gammariis oruatus (p. 314, Plate IY, fig. 15) is always to be found in great abundance under stones, and in the upper half of the fucus zone the smaller species, Oammarns an- nulatas (p. 314) and Oam mar us marinus often occur in great numbers, associated with Jccra copiosa (p. 315) and Idotea irrorata (p. 316, Plate V, fig. 23.) The Gammarus mar-inns occurs higher up than either of the other species, and is sometimes abundant even near high-water mark, where the soil beneath the stones is barely moist at low water. The Ampliiihoe maculata (p. 315, Plate IV, fig. 16) is also a common species under stones ; and both green and reddish brown varieties occur. Another species of Amphithoe] of smaller size, was found swimming free in the rocky pools at Watch Hill, April 12. In this the general color was red, or brownish red,- the body was transversely banded with pale flesh-color or whitish, alternating with bands of dark red or brown, which are made up of minute crowded specks; the antenna? are annulated with pale red, and are thickly specked, on the bands and at the base, with darker red. The Hyale littoralis (p. 315) is a small but very active Am- phipod, which is often abundant near high-water mark on the rocky shores, clinging to the Fucus and other algre, or swimming in the tide- pools. It is capable of leaping actively like tiie beach-fleas, (Qrchestia [487] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND; ETC. 193 agilis,) which it somewhat resembles in form. The color is very variable ; it is often bright yellowish greet), but frequently dark green, brownish green, or brown. The Nereis virens (p. 317, PL XI, figs. 47-49) is very abundant in bur rows beneath the rocks. The males of this species, six to ten inches or more in length, and of a dark green color, were found at Watch Hill? April 12, in great numbers, swimming about in the pools of water among the rocks, with an undulatory motion, and discharging their milt in large quantities. Various other Annelids burrow or build tubes beneath the stones. A.planaria and Leptoplana folium creep over their lower sur faces. Attached to the stems of Fucus at low-water, several Hydroids may usually be found, but the Sertularia pumila (p. 327, PI. XXXVII, fig. 279) is by far the most abundant. The Obelia geniculata is also very common, attached to Laminaria and other alga3. Various Bryozoa occur attached to stones and to Fucus and other alga3. The Alcyonidium hispidum (p. 312) is one of the most abundant species, and usually in vests the stems and fronds of Fucus vesiculosus, but also often covers broad surfaces of the rocks. The A. liirsutum is often associated with the preceding species on the rocks; it forms broad, thin, soft crusts, cov ered with small soft prominences, but is without the spines or bristles seen in the latter. The Zooids are also much smaller. The Farrella familiar is is a singular and delicate species, which occurs both on the under side of rocks and on algre. The body is small, fusi form, attached by a long and very slender, flexible pedicel. When it surrounds the stems of small alga3, the whitish pedicels project outward in all directions, and thus produce the appearance of a delicate chenille- cord. This is a northern and European species. It was also dredged on Saint George's bank in 1872. List of species found on the outer roclcy shores. ARTICULATA. Crustacea. Page. Cancer irroratus 486 Cancer borealis 486 Panopeus depressus 312 Panopeus Sayi 312 Homarus Americanus. 492 Orchestia agilis 315 Hyale littoralis 486 Calliopius lamusculus 315 Gam mar us ornatus 486 Gammarus annulatus. . 486 Page. Gammarus marinus 486 Amphithoe inaculata ... 486 Amphithoe, sp 486 Caprella, sp 316 Jrera copiosa . , 486 Idotea irrorata 486 I. phosphorea 316 Erichsonia nliformis 316 Balauus balauoides. . 486 194 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [488] Annelids. Page. I Lepidonotus squamatus 320 Harmothoe imbricata . 321 Phyllodoce cantenula 494 Eteone robusta 349 Antol ytas cornutus 397 Nereis virens 487 ST . pelagica 319 Ophelia simplex 319 Cirrhinereis fragilis . . Clyinenella torquata. Polycirrus exiinins . . Sabellaria Tulgaris. . . Potamilla oculifera. . Fabricia Leidyi Serpula diantbus Spirorbis, sp Turbellaria. ]Semertes soeialis, Page. PI an aria, species „ 487 Leptoplana folium 487 | Nemertes, sp Procerodes frequens 325 Mouocelis agilis. Nematodes. Page. Pontonema marinum , 325 Pontoueiua vacillatum Page. 397 343 320 321 322 323 322 323 Page. 324 498 325 Page, 326 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. Buccinum nndatuin 494 Tritia tri vittata 354 Urosalpinx cinerea 30(3 Purpura lapillus 485 Astyris Innata 306 Littorina palliata 485 L. rudis 485 Lacuna vincta . . 485 L. neritoidea Bittiuni nigrum Acmsea testudinalis Doris bifida Polycera Lessonii Dendronotus arborescens. . . ^Eolis papillosa , Tergipes despectus Lamellibranclis. Page. Saxicava arctica 309 Mya arenaria 309 Kellia planulata 310 My til us edulis Modiola modiolus. Anomia glabra Ascidians. Cyntbia partita , Molgula Manbattensis. . . Page. 311 311 Amarcecium pellucidum Page. 495 305 485 307 400 495 486 495 Page. 307 309 311 Page. 401 [489] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 195 Bryozoa. Page. Alcyonidinm Mrsutuin 487 A. hispid nm 487 Yesicularia gracilis 389 V. cuscuta 404 V.fusca 420 Farrella familiaris 487 Tubulipora flabellaris 405 Crisia eburnea 311 Bugula flabellata. . Membranipora pilosa M. lineata Escharella variabilis Discopora coccinea Lepralia, sp Oellepora ramulosa Pedicellina Americana Page. 311 406 406 312 333 420 312 405 RADIATA. Eclimoderms. Page. StrongylocentrotusDrobachi- eusis . . , 496 Page. Asterias vulgar is . . 496 Cribrella sanguinolenta 407 AcalepJis. Page. Obelia pyriformis 390 O. geniculata 487 O. flabellata 390 O. diaphana 327 Campanularia flexuosa 327 Page. Sertularia pumila 487 S. argentea 408 Peunaria tiarella 327 Clava leptostyla 328 Hydractinia polyclina 228 Polyps. Metridiuin marginatuin Page. 329 Sagartia leucolena. Page. 329 IY. 2.— SPECIES INHABITING THE SANDY SHORES OF THE OPEN COAST. Owing to the force of the waves the sand and gravel of the exposed shores are kept in constant motion in stormy weather, and are often dis turbed to a considerable depth, especially in winter. Therefore the con ditions are very unfavorable for the existence of animal life. The fauna of such shores is, accordingly, very meager, as compared with that of the more sheltered sandy shores of the bays and sounds. It often happens that one may examine these sandy beaches fora mile or more at low- water without finding more than half a dozen species of animals that actually live on them, though many may be found thrown up by the waves from below low-water mark. In coves or other localities that are somewhat sheltered, the number of species is greater, and most of them are identical with those found on the sandy shores of the sounds. Toward high-water mark the Talorcliestia longicornis (p. 336) and T. 196 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [490] megalopkthalma (p. 336) are everywhere common, burrowing in the sand. The Cancer irromtus (p. 338) and Platyonichm ocellatus (p. 338) are rather common at and just below low-water mark. The Hippa talpoida (p. 338, Plate II, fig. 5) is occasionally found, and the young sometimes occur in. large numbers, burrowing in the sand at low-water mark. The com mon shrimp, Crangon vulyaris, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10,) is usually abund ant where there are sheltered sandy flats. The Annelids are less numerous than on the sandy shores of the sounds, but such as do occur are mostly of the same species. One of the most interesting is the Nerine agilis^ (p. 346,) which is very remark able for the rapidity with which it burrows in the sand. The Mollusks are few in number. One of the most abundant of the Gastropods is the Lunatia lieros, (p. 353, Plate XXIII, figs. 133-136,) which burrows just beneath the surface of the sand, at and below low- water mark. The Neverita duplicata (p. 354, Plate XXIII, fig. 130) is also occasionally found, but is much less abundant than in the bays. Of Lamellibranchs there are but few species that can maintain them selves in such situations. Among these the " long clam,7' Mya arenaria, (p. 463,) the ll razor-shell," Ematella Americana, (p. 356,) and the "surf- clam," Mactra solidissiina, (p. 358,) are the most common. Very few, if any, Eadiates are to be found on the exposed sandy shores, unless thrown up by the waves from deeper water. In places that are somewhat protected from the violence of the surf, the Leptosynapta Gi- rardii (p. 361, Plate XXXY, figs. 265, 266) is often found burrowing in the sand at low- water mark. Sometimes, in similar places, the " sand- dollar," Echinaraclinius parma, (p. 362, Plate XXXY, fig. 267,) is found in large numbers at extreme low- water mark. There are no Hydroids and Polyps that properly inhabit such shores. List of species inhabiting the sandy shores of the open coast. ARTICULATA. Crustacea. Page. Ocypoda arenaria, (young). . . 337 Cancer irroratus 490 Cancer borealis 486 Platyonichus ocellatus 490 Hippa talpoida 490 Eupagurus pollicaris 313 Page. Crangon vulgaris 490 Orchestia agilis 336 Talorchestia longicornis 489 T. megalophthalma 489 Unciola irrorata 340 Idotea ca3ca 340 Annelids. Page. | Page. Nereis virens 317 Scolecolepis viridis 345 K. limbata 318 I Clymenella torquata 343 Khynchobolus Ainericanus. . 342 | Amphitrite ornata 320 ferine agilis 490 j Poly cirrus eximius 320 [491] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. 197 Sycotypus canaliculatus Page. 390 Tritia trivittata 354 Crepidula fornicata 355 Page. 0. unguiformis . . 354 Lunatia heros 490 Xeverita duplicata 490 Lamellibranclis. Page. Ensatella Americana 490 Siliqua costata , 426 Mya arenaria 490 Mactra solidissima 490 KADIATA. Ecliinoderms. Page. Leptosynapta Girardii 490 Page, Echinaraehnius parma 490 IY. 3. — ANIMALS INHABITING KOOKY BOTTOMS OFF THE OPEN COAST. The fauna of the rocky bottoms in these outer waters is rich and in teresting, and decidedly northern in character, though there is usually an admixture with southern species. The principal localities where dredgings were made on this kind of ground are : First, off Gay Head and Devil's Bridge, at localities marked on the chart, 53, «, &, c, d ; 55, a, &, c ; 5G, a, &. c, d ; 57, a, Z>, c, d ; 58, «, &, c ; 59, a, b, c; 60, a, Z>, c ; 61, a, &, c; 62, a, &, c ; 63, a, b ; 83, a, &, c. Second, between Gay Head and No Man's Land, and to the westward of the latter island, at localities 82, a, b ; 84, «, ?>, c, d ; at these localities cod are caught in the spring. Third, on and about the rocky reef extending from Watch Hill, Khode Island, to Fisher's Island, and forming, in part, the physical boundary of the eastern end of Long Island Sound ; this is also a locality where cod and haddock are caught in spring. The dredgings at this place were made by Professor D. C. Eaton, Mr. C. A. Burr, and myself, April 13, 1873. Fourth, a locality off Cutty Imnk Island, where dredgings were made, April, 1872, by Mr. T. M. Prudden, Mr. T. H. Eussell, and others. The four localities named are characterized by a similar fauna, but each one yielded some species not found in the others, though more numerous dredgings might have revealed them. The reef off Watch Hill is of peculiar interest on account of the singular blending of the northern and southern faunae at that place, as mentioned above. It seems to be nearly at the extreme western range of many northern species, though some of them may occur sparingly in certain favorable localities still farther westward, in Long Island Sound itself. Many northern alga3 were also collected there by Professor Eaton, in abuucl- 198 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [492] ance, and some of them have not been found farther westward, and others but rarely. Among these were Ptilota eleyans and Delesseria sinuosa, both of which were abundant on the reef in four or five fathoms, associated with large quantities of Phyllophora Brodicci, and P. membranifolia ; Eutliora cristata and Lithothamnion polymorphum also occurred. The u dulse," Rhodymenia palmata, Laminaria diyitata, L. saccharine^ and L. longicrura^ all of which are decidedly northern species, were large and abundant. A similar assemblage of algae was also found on the rocks, in shallow water, off Gay Head, though some of the species just named were not found there. Among the Crustacea of these localities, the most important is the lobster, Homarus Americanus, (p. 395,) which finds its proper habitat in such places. It is very abundant off Gay Head, and among the reefs and rocks off Watch Hill and Stonington, Connecticut* It also occurs plentifully in similar localities off New London, Connecticut, and still farther west in Long Island Sound. At all these and many other locali ties large quantities are caught for the markets. They are nearly all taken in " lobster pots" baited with refuse fish, &c. The lobster fishing begins in this region in the latter part of March or early in April, according to the season. By the middle of April they are usually taken in large quantities and shipped alive to New York, New Haven, and other cities. The extent of this trade is enormous even in this region, while north of Cape Cod, along the whole northern coast of New England, and on the shores of Nova Scotia, the lobster is taken in still larger quantities. At present we have no reliable data for estimating the number annually caught, but it probably amounts to several millions. In winter the supply comes from the northern coasts of Massachusetts and Maine, where they may be taken in moderately deep water at all seasons. According to Captain N. E. At wood* they do not come into shallow water at Provincetown until June and remain there until Oc tober, when they disappear again. He also states that those that visit that locality are nearly all females ; " they appear to come near the shore for the purpose of depositing their young, after which they pass away and others in turn take their places, as is indicated by the change that is constantly taking place, for when the fishermen are catching great quantities of large, good hard-shell lobsters, and they are unusually abundant, perhaps the next day there will be a new kind, smaller and not of so good quality, the former ones having passed away and others come to take their places." " In Boston the number of lobsters sold annually cannot be much short of a million. The male lobster is pre ferred and is the most salable, as this city has always been supplied from the northern shore of Massachusetts and coast of Maine, where the * Proceedings Boston Society of Natural History, vol. x, p. 11, 1866. [493] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND ETC. 199 males are most plentiful. It is a great advantage to the fishermen that the people prefer males. In New York it is very different in this par ticular, that city being supplied from Cape Cod after June, and the female lobster thus considered much the best. I have sold many lob sters in New York, and males sell at only about half price ; the male is much poorer than the female in meat." Captain Atwood states, in the same place, that northward and eastward of Plymouth, Massachusetts , "three-quarters at least are males at all seasons of the year." Among those that I have examined from New London, Waterford, and Stoning- ton, Connecticut, in our markets, I have not noticed any marked in equality in the number of the sexes. Mr. Smith examined the "lobsters in the market at Proviricctowu on two occasions in August and September, without finding any decided differences in the number of males and females. He also repeatedly examined those in the fish-markets at Eastport, Maine, in summer, with the same result. It is possible there fore, that the fishermen do not correctly distinguish the sexes, when the females are without eggs, and that an erroneous opinion has thus be come current among them. There is a great difference in the breeding season on different parts of the coast. The lobsters from New London and Stoniugton often lay their eggs as early as the last of April or first of May 5 while at Halifax, Mr. Smith found females with recently laid eggs in September. At East- port, Maine, the females carry their eggs in mid-su miner. In the male the genital orifices are in the bases of the last pair of legs ; in the female they are at the bases of the middle pair. This will always serve to dis tinguish the sexes, but they also differ in the structure of the abdomi nal appendages. The rock-crab, Cancer irroratus, (p. 312,) is very common on these bot toms, and C. boreaUs (p. 395) also inhabits them, judging from the large dead specimens found on the adjacent beaches, but we only dredged a few small living specimens. One of these was taken on the reef between Watch Hill and Fishers Island, in 4 or 5 fathoms, among algas. It is more convex, and much more hairy than the preceding species, and the teeth along the sides of the carapax are quite different. A large and handsomely colored shrimp, Pcmdalus annulicornls (Plate II, fig. 6,) often occurs in the deeper waters, outside, but is far more common farther north, as in the Bay of Fundy. The common shrimp, Crangon vulgaris, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10,) is common, especially where there are spots of sand among the rocks. The little bright colored shrimp, Hippolyte pmiola, (p. 395,) is frequently met with among the red algre. The Unciola irrorata, (p. 340, Plate IV, fig. 19,) and Ampliitlioe maculata, (p. 315, Plate IV, fig. 16,) together with several other Ainphi- pods, are common, especially among the red algre, and some of them are handsomely marked with red and other bright colors. Among these are Podocerus fucicola, which is a small species and quite variable in color ; some of those from the reef at Watch Hill had a 200 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [494] transverse dorsal band of red or orange on each segment, and similar ones on the epimera, and were minutely specked with dark brown ; the antenna? and legs were annnlated with white and light red or orange. Another species of Podocerus was still more abundant among the red algae ; in this the males and females differ greatly in size, form, and color. The females are much smaller and stouter than the males ; their colors were generally red and white, in strong contrast,though some were pur plish and more like the males in color \ most of the females have the head and few anterior segments dark red ; then a band of white ; then three or four bands of dark red7 on the middle of the body, which are often confluent into a large dorsal spot of red or brown ; these are fol lowed by a broad white band or spot ; the abdominal rings are alternately banded with red and white; part of the epimera are red. The an tenure and legs are more or less aunulated and spotted with red. The eyes are black. In the male the color is generally reddish or purplish brown, but irregularly specked with darker brown, and with the intervals between the segments pale red. Species of Caprella occur in considerable numbers, clinging, in gro tesque attitudes, upon the delicate algre and hydroids. The Idotea irrorata, (p. 316, Plate V, fig. 23,) is also very common, living among the alga3, and Ericlisonia filiformis (p. 31G, Plate VI, fig. 26,) is often associ ated with it. The Annelids living upon such bottoms are difficult to obtain, since they mostly burrow beneath the stones or live in tubes attached to the rocks. The few species obtained are, with few exceptions, not different from those found in the sounds, on similar bottoms. The Autolytus cor- nutuSj (p. 397, Plate XIII, figs. 65, 66,) and another species of the same genus were found in abundance, living in tubes attached to the fronds of Laminar ia among hydroids, (ObeUa geniculata.) On the same fronds were long, crooked tubes, formed of grains of sand and small bits of shells, belonging to Nicolea simplex, (p. 397.) Burrowing in the corals of Astrangia Dance we found, on the reef off Watch Hill, the singular Annelid named Naraganseta coralii by Dr. Leidy, who obtained his specimens at Point Judith. The specimens found by us were mostly very dark greenish brown or black, but some had dark, orange- colored branchiaB. The Lepidonotus angustus, Pliyllodoce gracilis, P. catenula, and Eumidia Americana are new and interesting species. Nereis fucata occurs rarely. Of Gastropods many species already enumerated as inhabitants of the rocky shores occur also on the rocky bottoms in abundance, but there are a number of additional species. One of the largest is the " whelk," Buccinum undatum, (Plate XXI, fig. 121.) This is a decidedly northern and arctic shell, found also on all the northern coasts of Europe, though several authors believe that the American and European shells are dis tinct species. One of the most interesting of the northern shells that occur here is [495] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 201 the Leptocliiton ruber, (p. 399, Plate XXV, fig. 16G.) This adheres to rocks and stones that are incrusted by the red nullipore Lithothamnion polymorplnun, with which its red color, of various shades, agrees very closely. It is a far more abundant shell in the Bay of Fundy, where it also lives among the same nullipore. Among the other less common northern species, met with on these bottoms, are Rissoa exarata ; Lacuna neritoidea; and Astyris rosacea. Several very interesting species of naked mollusks (Nudibranchs) occur on these bottoms, creeping over algae and hydroids, and feeding upon the latter. One of the most conspicuous of these is the Dendronotus arborescens, which is a northern form, and had not been found south of Cape Cod until this spring, when we dredged it on the reef off Watch Hill, in four or five fathoms. It can be easily distinguished by the two rows of large arboresceutly-branched gills along the back ; by the branched lobes of the tentacle-sheaths and the arborescently divided branch on their outer side, near the base ; and by the very narrow and almost linear foot, which is adapted for creeping over hydroids. The Oncjnjdoris pallida ..was dredged by Messrs. Prudden and Eussell, off Cuttyhuiik Island, in April, 1872. It has not been previously re corded from south of Cape Cod, but it is common in the Bay of Fundy. It can easily be recognized by its pale yellow color, and the long, blunt- i conical papillae that cover its back. The ^Eolis papillosa and Tergipes despectus were both found at Watch Hill this spring, April 13, and are new additions to the fauna of south ern New England. The former was found, with its eggs, among the roots of Landnaria ; the latter was abundant in four or five fathoms, creeping over Obelia geniculata, which was abundant on the fronds of Laminaria. Its eggs, inclosed in small masses of gelatinous matter were attached to the Obelia in large numbers. The Doto coronata, (Plate XXV, fig. 170,) was associated with the Tergipes on the Obelia. An undetermined species of JEolis, with bright red brauchire, was dredged off Gay Head, on a rocky bottom. The Larnellibraiichs are not of much interest, and scarcely any are peculiar to this kind of bottom. The Modiola modiolus (p. 309, Plate XXXI, fig. 237) is one of the most common and characteristic species. The northern scaly or spiny Anomia aculeata (Plate XXXII, figs. 239, 240) is common ; it adheres to rocks, shells, and the roots and stems of large algae. Among the Ascidians there are several northern species, not before found so far south. The Cynthia carnea (Plate XXXIII, figs. 247, 248) was found off Gay Head in ten fathoms. The young specimens were numer ous on the stones and shells. In contraction they are low and flat, with a thin margin ; the color is light red, or flesh-color. With this a few young specimens of Cynthia echinata were found. These are peculiar in being covered by stellate spines. The color of the young specimens is pink, the apertures rose-red. The Molgula papillosa also occurred spar- 202 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [496] ingly with the last two species. This is also a northern species, common in the Bay of Ftmdy. Among the compound Ascidians the only species found here that did not occur also in Vineyard Sound was Amarcecium pallidum, a small species, which forms small rounded or turbinated whitish masses, of a firm gelatinous appearance, but with fine grains of sand imbedded in the substance. It is a common species in the Bay of Fundy. The Bryozoa are represented by numerous species, some of which are very abundant. The Membranipom pilosa (Plate XXXIV, figs. 262, 263) is one of the most abundant. It incrusts, and often entirely covers, the fronds of various algre, especially of Phyllophora Broduci, P. membranifolia, Rhodymenia palmata, Delesseria sinuosa, £c. On the reet off Watch Hill it was particularly abundant on these and other algse, shells, £c. It is easily distinguished by the single long spine at the proximal end of the cell, and by the shorter ones along the sides. With the preceding, Crisia elurnea, (p. 311, Plate XXXIV, figs. 2(30, 201 ;) Tubulipora flabellaris ; Cdlepora ramulosa, (p. 312;) and a species of Dlscopora, allied to D. coccinea, were very abundant, adhering to the more slender red algre. A species of Lepralia, of a reddish color, and forming both incrusting and lichen-like corals, was common. In this the apertures of the cells are large, operculated, broadest proximally, and each one has a short, stout, conical spine at its proximal border, which is scarcely visible except in a profile view. The Bugula Murrayana, which forms clusters of broad, thin, flexible fronds nearly two inches high, was dredged several times. It is very common in the Bay of Fundy. An incrusting species of Alcyonidium, perhaps identical with A. gelatinosum of Europe, occurred on the red alga3. A species of Cellularia, allied to A. ternata, was also obtained. The Echinoderms are represented by the common green sea-urchin, Strongylocentrotus Drobachiensis, (p. 406, Plate XXXV, fig. 268,) which is common off Gay Head, and as far as off New London, though far less abundant than in the Bay of Fundy ; by the common red or purple star-fish, Asterias mil-gar is, (p. 407,) which was abundant off Gay Head and on the reef off Watch Hill 5 Cnbrella sanguinolcnta, (p. 407,) which is not uncommon as far west as the Watch Hill reef, and off New London $ and by the Ophiopholis aculeata, (Plate XXXV, fig. 270,)which was only once met with off Gay Head, but of which we dredged several specimens on the reef off Watch Hill. The last-named species is extremely abundant in the Bay of Fundy and northward, from low-water to the depth of more than one hundred fathoms. The Hydroids are very numerous on the rocky and stony bottoms, attached to alga3, stones, shells, ascidians, £c. One of the most abun dant is Obelia geniculata, (p. 407,) which grows on the fronds of Lamina- ria, Rhodymenia, and other algaB ; it often nearly covers one or both sides of the broad fronds of Laminar ia, for the distance of two or three feet, the creeping stems forming an intricate net- work from which the upright [497] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 203 stems arise in great abundance to the height of an inch or more. This species was particularly abundant on the reef off Watch Hill, and those obtained on the 13th of April were loaded with the reproductive cap sules, (gonothecaB.) At the same place we obtained luxuriant specimens of 0. fiabellata, (p. 390,) some of which were eight or ten inches long and profusely branched ; these also bore reproductive capsules at the same date. The curious Antennularia antennina was dredged off Gay Head in eight fathoms, where a number of large and fine specimens were ob tained. This species had not been previously recorded from America, but it is not uncommon in the Bay of Fundy. The Alcyonoid Polyps are represented by the northern Alcyoniwn earneum, (Plate XXXVIII, fig. ^83,) which we dredged off Gay Head, off Cutty hunk, and on the reef at Watch Hill. This species grows up into lobed or arborescently branched forms, with the delicate, translu cent polyps mostly clustered toward the ends of the branches. The general color is translucent, pale yellow, or salmon, sometimes more or less tinged with orange or red. Among the Actinoids there is a species of Edwardsia, (E. lineata V.,) which is as yet undesctlbed. It occurred in considerable numbers crowded into the openings and interstices be tween ascidians, worm-tubes, &c. It is peculiar in having no distinct naked basal portion, at least in the numerous specimens hitherto seen, for in all cases the rough epidermis extended entirely over the base. The tentacles are long, slender, thirty or more, and each usually has a flake-white line down the center. The disk is usually marked with radi ating white lines. This species was dredged off Gay Head and also on the reef off Watch Hill. The Sponges are numerous on the outer rocky bottoms, and belong to about a dozen species,*inost of which are still undetermined ; but they are nearly all northern forms, common in the Bay of Fundy. One of the most common is the Chalina oculata, which forms thick, upright, more or less flattened stalks, which, as they grow larger, fork and divide into more or less numerous, and often digitate branches, which vary greatly in form and thickness ; scattered over the surface are round orifices, about a tenth of an inch in diameter. The color is dull orange-red, when living, but the color disappears when the animal matter is removed, leaving the sponge white. The texture is open and quite delicate. Another very curious species, (Polymastia f) when young, forms yellowish white incrustations over stones and shells; later, it rises at sev eral points into long, slender, round, tapering, finger-like prolongations, which do not branch, but are often so grouped as to give a digitate appearance to the whole. This was dredged off Gay Head in 18 to 20 fathoms, and is also common in the Bay of Fundy. One of the most abundant species of this region forms very irregularly shaped, uneven, pale yellow masses, attached to the stems and fronds of Phyllophora and other small algae, and often, as it grows larger, spreading over and 15 v 204 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [498] •entirely covering and destroying the algre. The large openings (oscnla) -are irregularly scattered over the surface and quite unequal in size, varying from less than .05 to .10 of an inch or more in diameter. The texture is rather close when dried, showing a finely reticulated texture at the surface. This appears to belong to the genus Tedania. Another species, apparently of the same genus, occurs with the last, and has the same habits, but its color is pale buff, or yellowish white, and its text ure is much firmer and more compact. Another species, occurring with the last two on the Pliyllopliora, at Watch Hill, forms small, irregular, deep yellow masses, of a soft and somewhat gelatinous consistency. Foraminifera of several species are abundant, attached to the fronds of the red algre, to the rough integument of Ascidiaus, to stones, shells, worm-tubes, &c,, but they have not yet been identified. List of species inhabiting the stony and rocJcy bottoms on the open coast. ARTICULATA. Crustacea. Page. Cancer irroratus 493 C. borealis 493 Libinia canaliculata 339 Eupagurus lougicarpus 313 E. Bernhardus 501 Homarus Americanus .. . 492 Crangon vulgaris 493 Hippolyte pusiola 493 Pandalus annulicornis 493 Lysianassinse, (one species) . . 431 Pontogeneia inermis 452 Page. Mcera levis 315 Amphithoe maculata 493 Unciola irrorata 493 Cerapus rubricornis 565 Podocerus fucicola 493 Podocerus, species 494 Caprella, species 494 Idotea irrorata 494 I. phosphorea 316 Erichsonia filiformis 494 Balanus crenatus . 396 Annelids. Page. Lepidonotus squamatus 320 L. Augustus . , 494 Harmothoe imbricata 321 Phyllodoce gracilis 494 P. catenula 494 Eumidia Americana , 494 Autolytus cornutus 494 Autolytus, species 494 Nereis pelagica 319 K fucata 494 Lumbriconereis fragilis 501 Page. Clymenella torquata 343 Naraganseta coralii 494 Sabellaria vulgaris 321 Polycirrus eximius 320 Nicolea simplex 494 Potamilla oculifera 322 Sabella microphthalrna 323 Spirorbis spirillum 323 S. pcrrecta ? 504 Serpula dianthus . . 322 Nemerteans and Planarians. Nemertes, species Page. . 505 Leptoplana folium Page. . 487 [499] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 205 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Tage. Urosalpinx cinerea 30G Bucciimin undatum 494 Tritia trivittata. . . 354 Page. Crucibuluin striatum 417 Crepidula fornicata 355 0. uiiffuiformis . . . 355 Astyris lunata 306 [ Lunatia heros 426 Leptochiton apiculatus 399 L. ruber 495 Onchydoris pallida 495 Polycera Lessonii 400 Dendronotus arborescens 495 Tergipes despectus 495 JEolis papillosa 495 Dote coronata. . . 495 A. xonalis . . 399 A. rosacea 495 Anachis avara 306 Lacuna vincta 305 L. neritoidea 495 Eissoa exarata 495 Cerithiopsis terebralis 417 Bittium nigrum 305 Lamellibranclis. Page. Saxicava arctica 309 Mya arenaria 472 Kellia planulata 310 Argina pexata 309 Scapbarca transversa 309 Page. Mytilus edulis 307 Modiola modiolus 495 Modiolaria nigra 433 Anemia aculeata. . . 495 Ascidians. Page. Cynthia partita , 311 0. carnea 495 C. ecbinata 495 Molgula Manhatteusis 311 M. papillosa 495 Perophora viridis 388 Page. Amaroecium pelluciduna 401 A. pallidum 496 A. constellatum 388 Leptoclinum albidum 408 L. lutecium. . . 403 Bryozoa. Page. Crisia eburnea 496 Tubulipora flabellaris 496 Alcyonidium hirsutum 404 A. parasiticnm 404 A. gelatmosuin (?) 496 Vesicularia cuscuta 404 Y. gracilis ... , 389 Y. fusca 420 Farrella familiaris 487 ^Etea anguina . 405 Eucratea chelata 405 Cellularia, species 496 Page. Caberea Ellisii 420 Bugula turrita 311 B. Murrayana 496 Meinbranipora pilosa 496 M. lineata 406, M. tenuis 420 Escharella variabilis 312 Lepralia, (species) 496 Discopora coccinea (?) 496 Mollia liyalina 420 Cellepora ramulosa 496 0. scabra.. . 419 206 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [500} RADIATES. Ecliinoderms. Page. Strongylocentrotus Drobachi- ensis 49G Asterias vulgaris 496 A. arenicola 326 Cribrella sanguinolenta 496 Ophiopholis aculeata 496 Acalephs. Page. Clytia Johnstoni 408 O. intermedia 408 Qrthopyxis caliculata 408 Platypyxis cyliiidrica 408 Campanularia volubilis 408 C. flexuosa 327 Obelia geniculata , . . 496 O. dichotoma 407 O. flabellata 497 O. diaphana 327 Page. SertuJaria argentea 408 S. cupressina 408 Hyd rail mania falcata 408 Pin malaria, species 407 Antennularia antennina 497 Eudeadrium ramosum 408 E. dispar 408 Penriaria tiarella 327 Tbarnnocuidia tenella 407 Hydractinia polyclina 328 Polyps. Page. Alcyoniuin carneum 497 Metridium margiuatnm 329 Page. Edwardsia lineata 497 Astrangia Dana) 408 PROTOZOA. Sponges. Page. Chalina oculata 497 Tedania, two species 498 Eenieria, species 330 Cliona sulplmrea. . , 421 Page. Polymastia (!) 497 Grantia ciliata 330 Leucosolenia botryoides (!) . . 391 IV. 4. — FAUNA OF THE SANDX AND GRAVELLY BOTTOMS OFF THE OPEN COAST. The bottom off the southern shores of Nantucket and Martha's Vine yard is sandy or gravelly over large areas, from low-water mark down to 25 fathoms or more. Tracts of similar bottom occur off Cuttyhunk Island and farther west. In many of these places, especially in the shallower waters, near shore, the material of the bottom is nearly pure siliceous sand, varying in fineness from coarse gravel to the finest sand, and as these sands are generally loose and moved by the storm-waves, in shallow water, their inhabitants are but few. In deeper water, at depths of 20 to 25 fathoms or more, the material is usually a very fine sand, often firmly compacted, and not infrequently mixed with more or less fine mud. Such localities are favorable for a much greater variety [501] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 207 of animals, and especially for many burrowing annelids, Crustacea, and bivalve shells. Bottoms of this character pass by insensible gradations intoUhe true muddy bottoms, so that it is very difficult to make any sharp distinction between them, or between the animals that inhabit them. Several localities at which we dredged were quite intermediate in character, so that it is difficult to decide in which division they should be put. Yet there is a very wide difference between the animals of the pure sandy and of the soft muddy bottoms. Most of the localities where the bottom was of this mixed or intermediate character, and of very fine material, have been classed with the muddy bottoms, because the ani mals inhabiting them agree more closely with those of the true muddy bottoms than with those of the genuine sandy ones. But in each case I shall endeavor to give an idea of the fauna of typical localities of pure sand, of true mud, of muddy sand, and of sandy mud, so that the more general lists given under the sandy and muddy bottoms, respect ively, need not cause confusion. The special localities where dredgings were made on sandy bottoms avre as follows : line 80, a, 16 J fathoms, siliceous sand j ft, 18J fathoms, siliceous sand ; 81, a, ft, 1GJ fathoms, sand ; 85, &, &, 15 J fathoms, sili ceous sand and gravel ; 86, a, fc, 25 fathoms, sand and gravel, with some mud and small stones j off Watch Hill, 6 to 8 fathoms, loose siliceous sand, with some stones. Besides these a few other dredgings were made on similar bottoms, but not recorded. Among the Crustacea that are characteristic of the true sandy bot toms are Platyonichus ocellatus, (p. 388, Plate I, fig. 4,) which is, how ever, more common in the sounds ; Eupagurus Bernhardus, a decidedly northern hermit crab: Crangon vulgaris, (p. 339, Plate III, fig. 10;) Ptilocheirus pinguis ; Idotea Tuftsii. Where the bottom is of loose siliceous sand, the common Unciola irrorata (p. 340, Plate IV, fig. 19) frequently occurs, usually associated with but few others, except a species of Anonyx, or some closely allied genus, which seems to live exclusively on such bottoms. This last species is rather stout, pale grayish or yellowish white, usually tinged with purple on the back The posterior portion is more decidedly pprple, together with the caudal appendages and some of the last epimera. This was dredged off Watch Hill. Several interesting species occurred on the bottoms of fine compact mud and sand, in 20-29 fathoms. Among these were Phoxus Kroyeri, which is a northern species; Siplioncecetes cuspidatus SMITH, an undes- cribed species ; ByWis serrata SMITH, another very interesting new species ; undetermined species of Ampelisca, &c. Few Annelids are peculiar to true sandy bottoms. Among those of most interest are Sthenelais picta V., (p. 348;) Lumbriconereis fmgilis, a northern and European species ; Anthostoma acutum V. ; and Scolecolepis cirrata. The last is a northern species found in the Bay of Fundy and north to the Arctic Ocean, and also on the northern coasts of Europe. 208 KEPOKT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [502 1 The color is chocolate-brown, with bright red, ligulate, dorsal branchiae on the anterior third of the body. The two large tentacles exceed in length three times the breadth of the body ; they are often coiled up, and are greenish in color. This worm is three or four inches long. A large purple Meckelia (M. lurida V.) was dredged in two localities. Among the Mollnsks there are but few species that are characteristic of these bottoms, and probably none that are peculiar to them, unless some of the Ascidians should prove to be so. The Molgula arenata (p. 426, Plate XXXIII, fig. 251) is often common even on loose siliceous sand and gravel, with which it forms a coating over its body. The Molgula producta was dredged in some numbers on a bottom of fine sand, with some mud. The integument is thin, translucent, closely covered with a layer of fine sand ; the tubes are transparent, whitish or flesh-color, sometimes pink at the ends ; anal tube wi th four, and branchial with six, flake-white, longitudinal stripes, and often with a circle of flake- white spots at the base outside, and other spots within. The anal ori fice is square, but the branchial is either subcircular or squarish, in expansion, and destitute of distinct lobes or papillte, in this respect dif fering from all the other species of the geiius. The branchial tube is generally a little the longest, and both of them are somewhat tapered, with a swollen base. The Glandula arenicola is another nearly globular Ascidian, which lives, like the two preceding, free in the sand, and covers itself with a closely- adherent coating of sand. This species grows to be about half an inch in diameter, and can easily be distinguished from the last by its much smaller tubes, both of which have small square orifices, and by its thicker and firmer integument, in which the sand appears to be somewhat im bedded. At the base there are some slender fibers for anchoring it more securely in the sand. This was dredged by Mr. Prudden, off Cuttyhunk Island, in 1872. Messrs. Smith and Harger dredged it in great abun dance last year on St. George's Bank, on a bottom of clear siliceous sand, in 28 fathoms. Dr. Dawson has also dredged it in Murray Bay, in the St. Lawrence Eiver. It is, therefore, a decidedly northern species. Another species of Glandula also occurred on the true sandy bottoms. The specimens of this were all small, mostly less than a fifth of an inch in diameter, and the integument was densely covered by rather coarse and very firmly adherent grains of sand, in several layers ; the sand completely concealed the tubes from view in all the specimens observed, and it was not sufficiently studied while living to afford an accurate description. The Bryozoa and Hydroids that are found on the sandy bottoms are mostly attached to dead shells and small stones that are scattered over the surface. Of Echinoderms several species occur on the hard bottoms of fine, compact sand, or sandy mud, but most of these are more at home on rocky bottoms. [503] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 209 On the bottoms of loose siliceous sand the Ecliinaraclinius parma (p. 362, Plate XXXV, fig. 267) is often very abundant. Several hundred are sometimes obtained at a single cast of the dredge. At locality 81, &, off the south coast of Martha's Vineyard, in 21 fathoms, on a bottom of clear siliceous sand, Dr. A. S. Packard dredged a fine specimen of a rare and little known Holothurian, the Stereoderma unisemita. This has not been found before, so far as known to me, since the two original specimens were described twenty years ago. One of those was from the Banks of Newfoundland, and the other was supposed to have been from off Massachusetts Bay. As both the original specimens appear to have been lost or destroyed, this rediscovery was of considerable interest. This specimen was about three inches long, and half an inch in diam eter, fusiform, tapering to each end; the body and suckers were pale flesh-color, and the integument is filled with a great abundance of small calcareous plates. Most of the Polyps and Sponges that occur on these sandy bot toms are attached to the scattering dead shells and small stones or pebbles, and belong properly on the rocky and stony bottoms. One large and fine sponge seems, however, to be peculiar to the sandy bottoms. This is a firm, siliceous sponge, with a very compact and fine texture. It is quite irregular in shape, but often grows in the form of elongated, compressed masses, attached by one edge ; these masses are often six inches or 'more in length and one or two in thickness, and perhaps two or three high. Some of the largest specimens consist of two or three such crest-like plates or lobes attached together at base. When living the color is bright sulphur-yellow or lemon-yellow, and the surface is nearly smooth. One fine living specimen, of large size, was dredged by Dr. Packard off the southern shore of Martha's Vineyard, at locality 80, &, on a bottom of clear siliceous sand. Numerous specimens were also found thrown on Edgar town beach. These were mostly bleached out white and more or less worn. This species has not yet been identified. I have specimens of it from the coast of Virginia. A very curious organism, of which the nature is still uncertain, but which was supposed, at the time it was taken, to belong to the sandy Foraminifera, was often extremely abundant in the clear siliceous sand. They were nearly circular, somewhat flattened or biscuit-shaped, and entirely covered by adherent grains of sand, except that there were several dark-colored, hook-like processes projecting from the circumfer ence. The size was generally less than a fifth of an inch in diameter, and more frequently not more than .12 to .15 of an inch. When dried they became very friable, and the sand fell asunder at a slight touch, so that they then appeared like mere lumps of sand, but they retain their firmness when preserved in alcohol. They were often so abundant in the fine sand that when a dredge-full was washed through a moder ately fine sieve several hundreds or thousands would sometimes remain in the sieve. 210 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [504] List of species inhabiting sandy and gravelly bottoms. In the following list I have included nearly all the species that ordinarily occurred on those bottoms in which sand predominated, even though some of them are more strictly muddy-bottom species. Others belong more properly on rocky, stony, or shelly bottoms, but are intro duced here because they occur attached to the scattered shells and stones that are always liable to be met with on sandy bottoms. In order to designate those species that are more strictly character istic of the clear sandy bottoms, I have prefixed to them a dagger, (thus : f.) To show the character of the fauna on the bottoms of mixed or intermediate character, I have selected a single locality, 86, &, south" west of Cuttyhunk Island and opposite the mouth of Buzzard's Bay, where the depth was twenty-five fathoms, and the bottom consisted of fine sand mixed with some mud and gravel, with a few small scattered stones, and have prefixed an asterisk (thus : *) to such species as occurred at that particular locality, though most of them occurred also at other localities. ARTICULATES. f Cancer irroratus C. borealis Panopeus depressus tPlaty onicbus ocellatus Hyas coarctatus tEupagurus pollicaris IE. Bernhardus f Homarus Americanus *Pandalus annulicornis t*Crangoii vulgaris *Diastylis quadrispinosa,and other species of Cumacea. Crustacea. Pa-e. 312 493 312 501 548 313 501 492 493 501 507 *Phoxus Kroyeri *Ampelisca, sp Byblis serrata Mo3ra levis *tUnciola irrorata *Ptilocheirus pinguis tAnonyx(l), sp , *Siphoncecetes cuspidatus tldotea Tuftsii Epelys montosus Annelids. Page. Lepidonotus squamatus 320 *Harmothoe imbricata 321 tSthenelais picta 501 *Nephthys ingens 431 Phyllodoce catenula 494 Nereis plagica 397 *]Slnoe nigripes 508 fLumbriconeris fragilis 501 *Rhynchobolus dibranchia- tus 341 tAnthostoma acutum 501 t*Scolecolepis cirrata *Ampharete gracilis t*Clymenella torquata *Mcomache dispar * Ammochares, sp *Trophonia affinis *Ammotrypane fimbriata *Cistenides Gouldii *Potamilla oculifera , *Euchone elegans *Spirorbis porrecta? . . . . Page. 501 507 501 315 501 501 501 501 501 370 Page. 501 508 343 512 508 507 508 323 322 433 498 [505] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 211 Nemerteans and Plananans. Page. *Meckelia lurida . 50- Page. *Leptoplana folium 487 Kemertes, (?) red sp 498 Sipunculoids. Page. *Phascolosoma csementarium , 416 MOLLUSCA. Gastropods. Page. Page. *Neptunea pygmoea 508 Crepidula foruicata. ....... 805 Buccinura undatam 494 C. unguiformis 355 Astyris lanata 306 fLunatia lieros 426 Anacbis avara , 306 Eissoa exarata 495 t*Tritia trivittata 354 ^Margarita obscura 508 *Crucibulain striatum 417 Lamellibranchs. Page. Page. tMya arenaria, (young) 472 f Astarte castanea 432 t*Ensatella Americana 356 fA. quadrans 509 tSiliqua costata 358 *A. imdata 508 Corbula contracta 418 t*Cyclocardia borealis 418 Clidiophora trilineata 432 f*C. Kovanglia3 418 *Lyonsia hyalina 358 *Yoldia sapotilla 509 *Periploina papyracea 509 *Nucula proxima 432 Cochlodesma Leanum 418 Scapharca transversa 309 tAngulus tener 358 *Modiolaria corrugata 509 *0umingia tellinoides 418 Pecten tenuicostatus 509 *Callista convexa 432 Anomia aculeata 495 *Cardium pinnulatum 423 Ascidians, Page, j Page. *0yntbia partita 311 fGlandula arenicola 502 tMolgula arenata 502 tGlandula, sp 502 t*M. producta 502 *Amaro3cium pallidum 496 *M. Manbattensis 311 Bryozoa. Page. Page. *Crisia eburnea 311 Bugula Murrayana 496 *Caberea Ellisii , . 420 *Cellepora ramulosa 312 212 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [506] E ADI AT A. Ecliinoderms. Page. pao-e. tStereoderma uniseinita 503 Asterias vulgaris 496 t*Echinarachnius parrna 503 I *Cribrella sanguinolenta. .. 407 Strongylocentrotus Drobach- Ophiopholis aculeata 496 iensis 406 Acalephs. Page. *Platypyxis cylindrica 408 *Clytia Johnston! 408 Eudendrinm ramosum . . 408 Page. *Plumularia, sp 407 Hydractinia polyelina. .... 328 Polyps. Page. I Page. Edwardsia lineata 497 | Alcyonium carneuin 497 PROTOZOA. Sponges. Page, j Page. Chalina oculata 497 Polymastia (?) 497 fMassive siliceous sponge . . 503 IV. 5. — FAUNA OF THE MUDDY BOTTOMS OFF THE OPEN COAST. Within the depths to which our dredgings extended, very few true muddy bottoms occur. The deposits of mud on the open coast usually begin to occur only at the depths of twenty -five to thirty fathoms, and even at these depths there is a considerable admixture with fine siliceous sand. The central and deeper portion of the depression in line with the axis of Vineyard Sound is, however, occupied off to the west of Gay Head and No Man's Land by a deposit of fine, soft, sticky mud, filled with the tubes of Annelids and Ainphipods, (Ampelisca, &c.) Dredgings were made on this bottom at localities 85, c, in 18 fathoms ; d, 19 fathoms ; e, 11 fathoms. On September 9, the temperature at 85, c, was 58° Fah renheit at the bottom, and 62° at the surface ; at d, it was 57° at the bottom and 62° at the surface 5 at e, it was 59° at the bottom and 63° at the surface. This muddy bottom abounded in Annelids, small Crustacea, and bivalve shells. In several other localities, where the bottom was a mixture of mud and fine sand, the mud seemed to predominate and to determine the character of the life, so that such localities have been classed with the muddy bottoms, though the fauna differed considerably from that of the soft muddy bottoms referred to above. In the following list, however, I have specially designated the species found in the typical localities of each kind. [507] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 213 The principal localities where we dredged on the bottoms of fine sandy mud are as follows: 80, c, south of Martha's Vineyard, in 21 fathoms; 84, &, southwest of Gay Head, in 16 fathoms ; 87, a, I, about fifteen miles east of Block Island, in 29 fathoms. At the last locality the tem perature, on September 14, was 62° F. at the surface, and 59° at the bottom. Among the Crustacea none was more abundant on the soft, muddy bottoms than a small species of Ampelisca, which inhabits soft, flabby tubes, covered with fine mud. When taken out of the water these tabes are always collapsed and flat, and they were so abundant in the mud that it was almost impossible to wasli it through the sieves, because they soon became completely clogged up with the tubes. When a quan tity of the mud was left in a bucket of water these Crustacea would come out of the tubes and rise to the surface in large numbers. This species is generally quite pale, or nearly white. Its body is much com pressed. Another variety, or perhaps a distinct species, found with the last, is pale flesh-color, with a row of bright red spots along the middle of the back ; the antenna? were specked with red ; eyes bright red ; epimera reticulated with red lines ; and the legs and caudal appendages are more or less marked with red. The Unciola irrorata, (p. 340,) PtilocJieirus pinguis, and other Am- phipods, were associated with the preceding species. The Diastylis quadrispinosa (Plate III, fig. 13) was very abundant on the soft muddy bottoms, together with other species of Cumacea, not yet identified. It is pale flesh-color, with a reddish purple patch at the posterior part of the carapax, and two small spots of pink. The Annelids were very numerous, both on the soft muddy bottoms and in the sandy mud. One of the most conspicuous species is the Aphrodita aculeata, which was common in the soft mud. This is a large, stout Annelid, the largest specimen obtained measuring about 3 inches in length, and about half as much in breadth. It is remarkable for the exceedingly numerous and long seta? of many kinds, which cover its sides and back, except along a narrow dorsal space ; some of these setae are stout, and nearly an inch long, with sharp points, and barbed near the end, and they curve over the back much like the quills of a porcupine, and are liable to inflict painful wounds, if the creatures are carelessly handled. These seta? usually reflect bright, iridescent colors. Several other northern European species, found also in the Bay of Fundy and at Saint George's Banks, were also met with. Among these were Lumbriconereis fragilis, Scolecolepis cirrata, Melinna cristata, Terebellides Stroemi, and several more common species. The Nephthys ingens (p. 431, Plate XII, figs. 59-60) is a very abundant species on these bottoms and grows to a large size. The curious Sternaspis fossor (Plate XIV, fig. 74) is quite common ; and the Trophonia affinls (Plate XIV, fig. 75) was dredged several times. 214 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [508] Many other species were also common, or even abundant, in the various localities, and quite a number proved to be undescribed, and therefore their descriptions will be found in the systematic catalogue accompany ing this report. Among these were Lycidice Americana, Ninoe nigripes, AntJiostoma, sp., Acutum, Ammotrypane fimbriata, Travisia carnea, Eone gracilis, Brada setosa, Nicomache dispar, Rhodine attenuata, a species of Ammochares, Ampharete gracilis, Euchone elec/ans, and a species of Nematonereis. Several species of Nemerteans also occur on these bottoms. The largest and most interesting is a large species of Meckelia, (M. lurida, V.) This grows to the length of 8 or 10 inches, and .25 broad ; its color is deep chocolate- brown, with paler margins. It generally breaks up into numerous fragments when caught. Another species, belonging, perhaps, to the genus CerebratuluSj but not sufficiently studied while living, was 2 or 3 inches long in extension, and .05 to .08 of an inch broad. Its color was dark olive-green, darkest anteriorly, the head with a white margin. The lateral fossse of the head were long and deep ; the eyes in con spicuous, perhaps wanting ; proboscis emitted from a terminal pore ; the ventral orifice, or mouth, placed well forward. Both this and the pre ceding were found at the 29-fathom locality, in sandy mud, but the former also occurred in soft mud, in 19 fathoms. One of the most abundant Gastropods is Neptunea pygmwa, (Plate XXI, fig. 115,) which is a rather northern shell, very common in the Bay of Fundy. The specimens from this region are, however, quite as large as any that I have seen from farther north. The small disk-shaped egg-capsules of this shell were found in great abundance early in Sep tember attached to various bivalve shells, as well as to the shells of the Neptimea itself. Buccinum undatum, (Plate XXI, Fig. 121;) Bela harpularia, (Plate XXI, fig. 108 ;) Lunatia immaculata, (Plate XXIII, fig. 131;) Margarita obscura, (Plate XXI Y, fig. 156;) Astyris rosacea ; and Cylichna alba, (Plate XXV, fig. 163,) are all northern shells, which were met with in small numbers on the muddy bottoms. The Lamellibranchs were quite abundant. One of the most con spicuous is the northern Cyprina Islandica, (Plate XXVIII, fig. 201,) which was quite common at several localities, especially in soft mud. Many of the shells from the deeper dredgings in this region are north- Fig. 3. ern and even arctic species, several of which have been supposed not to occur south of Cape Cod. Among these northern forms are Macoma proxima, of which we dredged a few small specimens ; Cyclocardia borealis and C. Novangliw (p. 418,) both of which were common; Astarte undata, (Plate XXIX, fig. 203,) which was dredged in considerable abundance at several localities. A large proportion of the shells of this species, obtained here, were quite different in appearance from the varieties that occur in such abundance in the Bay of Fundy. The latter, [569] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 215 although quite triable in form and sculpture, are generally compressed ; those from this region are mostly rather swollen, and often decidedly obese. These correspond with the type-specimen of A. lutea PERKINS, from New Haven, (fig. 3,) which I have been able, through the kindness of Dr. Perkins, to compare directly with our specimens. This form is, perhaps, sufficiently well marked to be designated a sa variety, (lutea,) but many specimens intermediate between this and the ordinary forms occurred. This variety resembles the European A. sulcata more closely than do any of the other varieties of our species, but in the character of the hinge, lunule, beaks, and sculpture, it differs decidedly from any European specimens that I have seen. The Astarte quadrans (Plate XXIX, fig. 205) was rarely met with. Good-sized specimens of the large scollop, Pecten tenuico status, were dredged oft' Gay Head on hard bottoms, and also on the muddy bottom, in 29 fathoms, and in several other localities. The northern Anomia aculeata (Plate XXXII, figs. 239, 240) occurred adhering to dead shells. The Modiolaria corrugata (Plate XXXI, fig. 235) was dredged several times in the deepest local ities, but M. Iccvigata, recorded by Mr. Sanderson Smith, was not met with by us ; nor Leda tenuisulcata, which has been found off Newport, Rhode Island. The Nucula delphinodonta (Plate XXX, fig. 229) was common on soft muddy bottoms. The Lucina filosa (Plate XXIX, fig. 212) appeared to be not uncommon on similar bottoms, but most of the specimens obtained were less than an inch in diameter. Small speci mens of Periploma papymcea (Plate XXVII, fig. 197) were frequently dredged. The specimens of Thracia truncata (Plate XXVII, fig. 195) were few and small. The Cryptodon obesus V., (Plate XXIX, fig. 214,) was first discovered in this region, but all the specimens were of large size and dead, though mostly quite fresh. I have since seen smaller specimens from Labrador, &c. C. Gouldii (Plate xxix, fig. 213,) is more common. Yoldia sapotilla (Plate XXX, fig. 231) was generally abundant, especially in the soft mud, but Y. obesa was only met with once, and in small numbers, in 29 fathoms ; Y. thraci-formis we did not meet with, but Dr. Simpson records it from off Long Island. Of Ascidians very few species occur. The most abundant is Eugyra pilulariSj (Plate XXXIII, fig. 249,) which, in contraction, looks like a round ball of mud, for it completely covers itself with a thick coating of fine sand or mud, which is held in place partly by delicate fibrous processes from the integument, those from the base being longer, and serving to anchor the little creature in the sand by attaching a con siderable quantity of sand to themselves. When the sand is removed, the integument is found to be thin and quite translucent, the tubes, when extended, are long and transparent, close together, and inclosed by a naked band which surrounds the base of both. It is also very Figure 3. Original figure of Astarte lutea, natural size. From the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 216 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [510] common in the Bay of Fundy, £c. The Molgula prodjtcta (p. 502) also occurred on the sandy mud at the 29-fathom locality. The Echinoderms appear to be very scarce on these bottoms. The only one of special interest was the Molpadia ooliti-ca, a small, round, rather slender species, about au inch and a half long, of a uniform flesh- color. Of this only one specimen was dredged, at the 29-fa thorn locality, fifteen miles east of No Man's Land, by Dr. Packard. It had not been observed alive before, the only specimens previously known having been taken from the stomachs of fishes. The most interesting Hydroid that lives on the muddy bottoms is Corymorplia pendula, (Plate XXXYI, fig. 273.) This is a very beautiful species, which grows singly, with the bulb-like base of the stem inserted into the mud. Two interesting species of Polyps were found on the muddy bottoms. One of these, the Edwardsia farinacea, occurred only on the soft muddy bottom off Gay Head, in 19 fathoms. It is a cylindrical species, about an inch long, and .10 or .12 of an inch in diameter, remarkable for having only 12 tentacles, which are equal, unusually short, thick, and blunt. The coating of mud in the middle region is thin and easily removed. The single specimen obtained here had only 10 tentacles, but in other respects it agrees essentially with those found on similar bottoms at several localities in the Bay of Fundy, all of which had 12 tentacles. The body is whitish or flesh-color, the naked portion below the tentacles ; in the specimen from off Gay Head, was striped with 10 longitudinal lines or bands of brown, corresponding with the tentacles ; these bands were varied with flake-white specks and mottlings, the spots of white becoming more distinct near the tentacles; these bands were alternately lighter and darker. Tentacles translucent at tip, tranversely barred on the inside, with about five brown bands and spots, the lower ones often Y-shaped or W-shaped, and some of them extend around to the outside of the tentacles ; alternating with these brown bands were bars and spots of yellow and of white. The disk was pale yellow, varied with small brown spots, mostly forming radiating rows from the mouth to the bases of the tentacles, and there were two spots of brown between the bases of adjacent tentacles ; mouth with ten lobes, which were also brown, with a fine light line extending from between them to the in tervals between the tentacles. The specimens from the Bay of Fundy vary considerably in color, but the above is one of the more frequent styles of coloration. The Epizoantlms Americanus (Plate XXXVIII, figs. 286, 287) is a very singular species, which either lives attached to stones, as in the deeper parts of the Bay of Fundy and off Saint George's Bank, in 430 fathoms, or else it attaches itself to univalve shells, inhabited by hermit-crabs. All those obtained in this region had the latter habit, and were from the 29-fathom place, fifteen miles east of Block Island, on sandy mud. After one original young polyp has found lodgment and attached itself to the shell, its base begins to expand over the surface of the shell, and from [511] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 217 this basal membrane buds arise, which soon grow larger and become like the parent polyp, while the basal membrane continues to extend itself and new buds to develop, until the whole shell becomes incrusted by the membrane, inside and out, while a number of beautiful polyps arise from the upper side of the shell, and turn their mouths in different directions. The number of the polyps in these colonies varies, accord ing to the size of the shell, from three to ten or more. Finally, by some chemical process, the polyps, or rather their basal membranes, dissolve the shell entirely, and apparently absorb it into themselves. And yet the membranes retain the spiral form of the shell very perfectly, and the hermit crab eventually actually lives inside the membranes of the polyps, which continue to grow and even to enlarge the chamber for the use of the crab, so that it need not change its habitation for a larger one as it grows older. When fully expanded these polyps are about an inch high, and are capable of changing their form considerably, but they are gen erally more or less cylindrical, or else hour-glass shaped. There are 38 or more tentacles, in full grown ones, and they are subequal, long, slender, acute, arranged in two close circles, and usually held in a recurved position, (as in fig. 287,) with those of the outer circle more recurved than those of the inner ones ; corresponding with the bases of the alternate tentacles there is an outer circle of triangular points or lobes, covered externally, like the rest of the exterior of the body, with adherent and imbedded grains of fine sand. The mouth is bilabiate, often somewhat raised on a conical protrusion of the disk, the lips many- lobed, or plicate. The integument of the body when fully expanded is translucent, pale flesh-color, or salmon color $ disk and tentacles salmon- color, or pale orange, sometimes white, the lips and inside of the mouth brighter orange. List of species inhabiting bottoms composed of soft mud and sandy mud off the outer coast. In the following list those species t'hat were found on the soft, sticky mud, in 11 to 19 fathoms, off Gay Head, are designated by the sign J, pre fixed to their names. Those that occurred at 87, a, Z>, in 29 fathoms, fine sandy mud, fifteen miles east of Block Island, are designated by an asterisk prefixed. AllTICULATA. Crustacea. Page. | Libinia canaliculata 339 Eupagurus longicarpus 313 * Pandalus annulicornis 493 Hippolyte pusiola , 395 Crangon vulgaris 339 * ! Diastylis quadrispinosa. . 507 Phoxus Kroyeri 501 * Moera levis . . 315 Page. * J Ampelisca, sp 507 * Byblis serrata 501 * J Ptilocheirus pinguis 507 * | Unciola irrorata 507 * Siphoucecetes cuspidatus. 501 | Epelys montosus 370 E. ^rilobus 370 Anthura brachiata 573 218 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [512] Annelids. Page. * £ Aphrodita aculeata 507 * Harmothoe imbricata 321 Lepidonotus squamatus 320 * | ISTephthys ingens 507 !N. bucera 416 \ Eumidia, sp 397 Phyllodoce, sp 397 * Nereis pelagica 397 J Lycidice Americana 508 * J Lumbriconereis fragilis — 507 * Nematouereis, sp 508 * Ninoe nigripes 508 | Eone gracilis 508 J Anthostoma acutum 508 Anthostoma, sp 508 * Scolecolepis cirrata 507 { Arnmotrypane fimbriata... 508 Page. J Travisia carnea 508 Brad a setosa 508 * | Trophonia affinis 507 t Sternaspis fossor 507 * Cirrhinereis fragilis 397 * J Clymenella torquata 343 * Ammochares, sp . . . 508 * Nicornache dispar 508 Khodine attenuata 508 Cistenides Gouldii 323 * Ampharete gracilis 508 Melinna cristata 507 * Terebellides Stroemi 507 | Poly cirrus eximius 320 Potamilla oculifera 322 * J Euchone elegans „ 508 * Spirorbis, sp 397 Nemerteans and Planarians. Page. Page. * | Meckelia lurida 508 * Polinia glutinosa 324 Cerebratulns, (?) green sp . . 508 * Leptoplana folium 487 Sipunculoids. Page. * | Phascolosoroa caementarium 416 MOLLUSC A. Gastropods. Page. Page. Bela harpalaria 508 Crepidula unguiformis . . 355 | Buccinum undatum 508 c- foruicata 355 * | Neptunea pygmsea 508 * Lunatia heros, var. trise- * Tritia trivittata 354 riata - • - 354 Astyris lunata 306 * L- immaculata 508 * Astyris rosacea 508 * Margarita obscnra , 508 * Crucibulum striatum 399 * Cylichna alba 508 Lamell'tbranclis. Page. Page. Ensatella Americana 356 * | Olidiopliora trilineata 432 * Siliqua costata 358 '* t Lyonsia hyalina 358 | Corbula contracta 418 * | Periploma papyracea 509 [5131 INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 219 Page. * Thracia truncata 509 Angalus tener , . 358 * Macoma proxima 508 Cuiningia tellinoides 418 * £ Callista couvexa 432 * t Cy priii a Islandica ...... 508 * I Cardinal pinnulatum 423 * { Lucina filosa. 509 * Cryptodon Gouldii 509 *{0. obesus 509 * | Astarte castauea 432 | A. quadrans . 509 * { A. undata 508 * Oyclocardia borealis 508 *C. Novanglije 508 * J ]S"ucula proxima 432 Page. * J N. delpliinodonta 509 £ Yoldia limatula , 432 * | Y. sapotilla 509 Y. tliraciformis 509 * Y. obesa 509 Leda tenuisulcata 509 Argina pexata 309 Scapharca transversa 309 Mytilus edulis . 307 * | Modiolaria nigra 433 M. corrugata . . 509 M. laevigata 509 * J Creuella glandula 418 * J Pecten tenuicostatus . . , . 509 * Anomia aculeata . . 509 Ascidians. * | Eugyra pilularis. * Molgula producta. * Caberea Ellisii Cynthia partita Page. 509 510 Bryozoa. Page. I 420| * Bugula Murrayana T^ADIATA. Ecliinoderms. Page. 311 Page. 496 * Molpadia oolitica Stroiigylocentrotus Droba- chiensis , 510 Asterias vulgaris Cribrella sanguinolenta . . 406 Acaleplis. * Clytia Jolinstoni * Eudendriuin ramosum t Ed wardsia farinacea . 16 v Page. 408 408 Polyps. * Coryroorpha pendula Page. 510 *Epizoantlms Americanus. Page. 496 407 Page. 510 Page. 510 220 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [514] B.— LISTS OF SPECIES FOUND IN THE STOMACHS OF FISHES— FOOD OF FISHES. Iii the following lists I have brought together the principal results of the various recorded examinations of stomachs of fishes in this region, up to the present time, whether done in connection with the United States Fish Commission or independently. The special dates and local ities are given in each case. The observations from June to September, 1871, were made in con nection with the work of the commission. Those from May to July, 1872, are based on collections made at Wood's Hole by Mr. Vinal N. Edwards, for Professor Baird. Those at Great Egg Harbor, New Jer sey, April, 1871, were made by Mr. S. I. Smith and the writer while on an independent visit to that place.* The observations made at East- port, Maine, in 1872, are not included in this report. The names of the fishes used in this list are those adopted by Profes sor Baird, and agree, for the most part, with those used by Professor Theodore Gill in his Catalogue of the Fishes of the Eastern Coast of North America. STRIPED BASS; KOCK-FISH, OR "KocK;" (Boccus lineatus.) At Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, April, 1871, several specimens, freshly caught in seines, with menhaden, &c., contained Crangon vid- garis (shrimp) in large quantities. A specimen caught at Wood's Hole, July 22, 1872, contained a large mass of " sea-cabbage," Ulva latissima, and the remains of a small fish. Specimens taken at Wood's Hole, August, 1871, contained crabs, Can cer irroratus ; and lobsters, Homarus Americanus. WHITE PERCH j (Nor one Americana.) Numerous specimens caught with the preceding at Great Egg Har bor, New Jersey, contained Crangon vulgar is. BLACK BASS ; SEA-BASS ; ( Centropristis fuscus.) Specimens caught in Vineyard Sound, June 10, contained the common crab, Cancer irroratus ; the mud-crab, Panopeus Sayi ; three species of fishes. Another caught May 25 contained a squid, Loligo pallida. SCUP ; PORGEE ; (Stenotomus argyrops.) Forty young specimens, one year old, taken at Wood's Hole in August, contained large numbers of Amphipod Crustacea, among which were Unciolairrorata, Ampelisca, sp., &c. ; several small mud-crabs, Panopeus depressus; Idotea irrorata; Nereis virens, and numerous other Annelids of several species, too much digested for identification. * The results of the observations made at Great Egg Harbor were published by the writer in the American Naturalist, vol. vr p. 397, 1871. [515] ITSTVERTEBKATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 221 Other specimens, opened at various times, show that this fish is very general feeder, eating all kinds of small Crustacea, Annelids, bivalve and univalve mollusks, &c. TAUTOG; BLACK FISH; (Tautoga onitis.} • Specimens caught at Wood's Hole, May 23, contained the common rock-crab, Cancer irroratus; hermit-crabs, Eupagurus longicarpus ; shells, Tritia trivittata, all crushed. Others caught May 26 contained Eupagurus pollicaris ; E. longicar- pus ; the barnacle, Balanus crenatus ; the squid, Loligo Pealii ; Tritia trivittata. Others taken May 29 had Cancer irroratus ; mud-crabs, Panopeus depresses ; lady-crabs, Platyoniclms ocellatus ; shells, Tritia trivittata, Crepidula fornicata, Argina pexata, and the scollop, Pecten ir radians ; barnacles, Balanus crenatus, all well broken up. Another taken May 31 contained Platyoniclms ocellatus ; Tritia trivit tata. Others taken June 3 contained the mud-crab, Panopeus depressus ; tri angular crab, Pelia mutica; Crepidula unguiformis ; Tr if or is nigrocinctus ; the common muscle, Mytilus edulis ; and the u horse-muscle," Modiola modiolus. Another, on June 10, contained the common rock-crab, Cancer irrora tus ; mud-crab, Panopeus Sayi ; Nuculaproxima ; several ascidians, Cyn thia partita and Leptoclinum albidum. Two caught July 8 and 15 contained small lobsters, Homarus Ameri- canus; Crepidula fornicata ; Bittium nigrum ; abryozoan, Crisia eburnea ; sand-dollars, Echinaraclmius parma. A specimen caught in August contained long-clams, Hya arenaria ; muscles, Mytilus edulis ; Petricola plioladiformis. WEAK-FISH ; SQUETEAGUE ; (Cynoscion regalis.) Several caught in seines at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, April, 1871, with menhaden, &c., contained large quantities of shrimp, Crangon vul- garis, unmixed with other food. Specimens taken at Wood's Hole, in July, often contained sand-crabs, Platyoniclius ocellatus ; and very frequently squids, Loligo Pealii. ; (Menticirrus nebulosus.) Four specimens taken in seines at Great Egg Harbor, April, 1871, con tained only shrimp, Crangon vulgaris. Others taken at Wood's Hole, May 29, were filled with Crangon vul garis. Specimens taken in July contained rock-crabs, Cancer irroratus ; squids, Loligo Pealii. EuDDER-FiSH ; (PalinurichtJiys perciformis.) A specimen caught at Wood's Hole, in August, contained a small Squilla empusa; and young squids, Loligo Pealii. 222 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [516] MACKEREL $ (Scomber vernalis.) Specimens taken July 18, twenty miles south of No Mans Land, con tained shrimps, Thysanopoda, sp. $ larval crabs in the zoe'a and megalops stages of development ; young of hermit-crabs ; young of lady-crabs, Platyoniclms ocellatus ; young of two undetermined Macroura j numer ous small Copepod Crustacea $ numerous shells of a Pteropod, Spirialis Gouldii. SMALL TUNNY; (Orcynus tJnmnina.) One specimen caught at Wood's Hole, in August, contained eleven squids, Loligo Pealii. BONITO ; (Sarda pelamys.) Specimens taken at Wood's Hole, in August, contained an abundance of shrimp, Crangon vulgaris.. BLUE-FISH ; HORSE-MACKEREL ; (Pomatomus saltatrix.) Specimens caught at Wood's Hole, in August, frequently contained squids, Loligo Pealii ; also various fishes. Off Fire Island, Long Island, August, 1870, Mr. S. I. Smith saw blue- fishes feeding eagerly on the free-swimming males (heteronereis) of Nereis limlata, (p. 318,) which was then very abundant. SEA-EOBIN $ (Prionotus Carolinus.) A specimen caught at Wood's Hole, May 27, contained shrimp, Cran gon vulgaris ; and a small flounder. Another caught May 29 contained Amphipod Crustacea, Anonyx (?), sp. ; and Crangon vulgaris. Specimens dredged in Vineyard Sound, in August, contained mud- crabs, Panopeus Sayi ; rock-crabs, Cancer irroratus ; and several small fishes. ToAD-Fisii; (Batraclius tau.) Several specimens examined at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, April, 1871, contained young edible crabs, Callinectes liastatus of various sizes up to those with the carapax two inches broad 5 shrimp, Crangon vul. garis ; prawn, Palccmonetes vulgaris ; llyanassa obsoleta ; various fishes, especially the pipe-fish, Syngnathus Pecldanus ; and the anchovy, Engrau- lis vittatus. A specimen caught at Wood's Hole, in July, contained the common rock-crab, Cancer irroratus. GoosE-Fisti ; ANGLER ; (Lopliius Americanus.) A specimen caught in Vineyard Sound, in June, contained crabs, Cancer irroratus ; and squids, Loligo Pealii. COD; (Gadus morrhua, var.) The cod-fishes devour a great variety of Crustacea, Annelids, Mol- lusks, star-fishes, &c. They swallow large bivalve shells, and after digesting the contents spit out the shells, which are often almost unin- [517] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 223 jured. They are also very fond of shrimps, and of crabs, which they frequently swallow whole, even when of lafge size. The brittle star fishes (Oplilurans) are also much relished by them. I have taken large masses of the Opliiopliolis aculeata from their stomachs on the coasts of Maine and Labrador ; and in some cases the stomach would be distended with this one kind, unmixed with any other food. In this region I have not been able to make any new observations on the food of the cod. This deficiency is partially supplied, however, by the observations made by me on the coast of Maine, &c., coupled with the very numerous observations made at Stouington, Connecticut, many years ago, by Mr. J. H. Trumbull, who examined large numbers of the stomachs of cod and haddock, caught within a few miles of that place, for the sake of the rare shells that they contained. This collec tion of shells, thus made, was put into the hands of the Kev. J. H. Lins- ley, who incorporated the results into his " Catalogue of the Shells of Connecticut," which was published after his death, and in a somewhat unfinished state, in the American Journal of Science, Series I, vol. xlviii, p. 271, 1845. In that list a large number of species are particularly mentioned as from the stomachs of cod and haddock, at Stonington, all of which were collected by Mr. Trumbull, as he has informed me, from fishes caught on the fishing-grounds near by, on the reefs off Watch Hill, &c. Many other northern shells, recorded by Mr. Liusley as from Stoningtou, but without particulars, were doubtless also taken from the fish-stomachs by Mr. Trumbull. There was no record made of the Crustacea, &c., found by him at the same time. The following list includes the species mentioned by Mr. Linsley as from the cod. For greater convenience the original names given by him are added in parentheses, when differing from those used in this report: List of molluskSj&c.) obtained by Mr. J. H. Trumbull) from cod-fish caught near Stonington, Connecticut. GASTROPODS. Sipho Islandicus (?), £>oung, (Fusus corneus.) Ptychatractus ligatus, (Fasciolaria ligata.) Turbouilla interrupta, (Turritella interrupta.) Turritella erosa. Eissoa exarata, (?), (Cingula arenaria.) Lunatia immaculata, (Natica iinmaculata.) Amphisphyra pellucida, (Bulla debilis.) Chiton marmoreus, (?), (Chiton fulrninatus.) LAMELLIBRANCHS. Martesia cuneiformis, (Pholas cuneiformis.) Periploma papyracea, (Anatina papyracea.) Thracia truncata. 224 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AKD FISHERIES. [518] Tagelus divisus, (Solecurtus fragilis.) Seinele equalis, (?), (Ampliidesma sequalis.) Ceronia arctata, (Mesodesma arctata.) Montacuta elevata, (Montacuta bidentata.) Callista convexa, young, (Cytherea morrliuana.) Cardium pinnulatum. Cyprina Islandica. Gouldia inactracea, (Astarte mactracea.) Yoldia sapotilla, (Nucula sapotilla.) Y. limatula, (N. limatula.) iNucula proxima. K. tenuis. Modiolaria nigra, (Modiola nexa.) Crenella glandula, (M. glandula.) Pecten tenuicostatus, young, (Pecien fuscus.) ECHINODERMS. Echinaraclmius parraa. HADDOCK 5 (Melanogrammus ceglifinus.} The haddock is not much unlike the cod in the character of its food. It is, perhaps, still more omnivorous, or, at least, it generally contains a greater variety of species of shells. &c. ; many of the shells that it habitually feeds upon are burrowing species, and it probably roots them out of the mud and sand. A complete list of the animals devoured by the haddock would doubtless include nearly all the species belonging to this fauna. We have had few opportunities for making observations on the food of the haddock south of Cape Cod, but have examined many from farther north. A specimen taken at Wood's Hole, November 6, 1872, contained a large quantity of Gammarus natator, and a few specimens of Crangon vulgaris. Another from Nantucket contained the same species. The following species of shells were mentioned by Mr. Linsley, in his catalogue, as from the haddock : .« c ton. Con- List of mollusks obtained from stomachs of haddock, at Stoningt necticutj by Mr. J. H. Trumbull. Neptunea pygmaea, (Fusus Trumbulli.) Astyris zonalis, (Buccinum zonale.) Bulbus flavus, (?), (Natica flava.) Margarita obscura, Action puncto-striata, (Tornatella puucto-striata.) Cylichna alba, (Bulla triticea.) Serripes Groenlandicus, (?), (Cardium Grcenlandicuin.) The above list doubtless contains only a small portion of the species collected by Mr. Trumbull, but they are all that are specially recorded. [519] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 225 As an illustration of tbe character and diversity of the haddock's food, I add a list of the species taken from the stomach of a single specimen, from the Boston market, and doubtless caught in Massachusetts Bay, September, 1871. Natica clausa. Margarita Groenlaudica. GASTROPODS. LAMELLIBRANCHS. Leda tenuisulcata. Nucula proxima. N. tenuis. Crenella glandula. ECHINODERMS. Psolus phantapus. Lophothuria Fabricii. In addition to these there were fragments of shrimp, probably Panda- lus annulicornis, and numerous Annelids, too much digested for identi fication. TOM-COD ; FROST-FISH ; (Microgadus tom-codus.) Several specimens from New Haven Harbor, January 30, contained numerous Amphipods, among which were Moera levis ; Gammarus, sp. ; Ampelisca, sp. ; an undetermined Macrouran; numerous Entomostraca; the larva of Chironomus oceanicus. A lot taken in a small pond at Wood's Hole, in March, by Mr. Vinal N. Edwards, contained the common shrimp, Crangon vulgaris ; large numbers of the green shrimp, Virlius zoster icola ; the prawn, Palcemo- netes vulgaris ; large quantities of Amphipods, especially of Gammarus annulatus, G. natator, CalUop'ms Iceviuscula, and Microdeutopus minax ; and smaller numbers of Gammarus ornatus and G. mucronatus. Another lot of twelve, taken in April at the same place, contained most of the above, and in addition several other Amphipods, viz : Mcera levis, Pontogeneia inermisj PtilocJieirus pinguis, and Caprella ; also Nereis and various small fishes. OCELLATED FLOUNDER; SUMMER FLOUNDER; (Chwnopsetta ocellaris.) Several specimens taken in the seines, at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, in April, contained large quantities of shrimp, Crangon vulgaris and Mysis Americana ; one contained a full-grown Gebia affinis. One caught at Wood's Hole, June 6, contained twenty-six specimens of Yoldia limatula; arid numerous shells of Nucula proxima, Angulus tener, and Tritia trivittata; and Amphipod Crustacea belonging to the genus Ampelisca. 226 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [520] Specimens caught at Wood's Hole, in July, contained rock-crabs, Cancer irroratus ; Pinnixa cylindrica ; Crangon vulgaris ; squids, Loligo Pealii; Angulustener ; Nucula proxima ; and many " sand-dollars/' EcU- naracJinius parma. WINTER FLOUNDER; (Pseudopleuronectes Americanus.) A specimen caught at Wood's Hole, in August, contained large num bers of Bulla solitaria. SPOTTED FLOUNDER ; (Lophopsetta maculata.} Numerous specimens caught in seines at Great Egg Harbor, April, 1871, contained large quantities of shrimp, especially Mysis Americana and Crangon vulgaris; the prawn, Palcemonetes vulgaris ; numerous Am- phipods, Gammarm mucronatm ; one contained a QeUa affinis. MINNOAV ; (Fundulus pisculentus.) Specimens caught in July, at Wood's Hole, contained large numbers of Melampus Mdentatus, -unmixed with other food. SEA-HERRING; (Clupea elongata.) Specimens taken in Vineyard Sound, May 20, contained several shrimp, Crangon vulgaris, about 1.5 inches long; Mysis Americana, and large numbers of an Amphipod, Gammarus natator ; also small fishes, SHAD ; (Alosa tyrannus.) Several specimens taken in the seines, at Great Egg Harbor, April, 1871, contained finely-divided fragments of numerous Crustacea, among which were shrimp, Mysis Americana. Several from the mouth of the Connecticut River, May, 1872, contained fragments of small Crustacea, (Mysis, &c.) HICKORY SHAD ; (Pomolol)us mediocris.) Several specimens taken in the seines at Great Egg Harbor, April, 1872, contained large quantities of fragmentary Crustacea ; one con tained recognizable fragments of shrimp, Crangon vulgaris. MENHADEN ; (Erevoortia menhaden.) A large number of specimens freshly caught in seines at Great Egg Harbor, April, 1871, were examined, and all were found to have their stomachs filled with large quantities of darls mud. They undoubtedly swallow this mud for the sake of the microscopic animal and vegetable organisms that it contains. Their complicated and capacious digestive apparatus seems well adapted for this crude and bulky food. FiLE-Fisii; (Ceratacantlius aurantiacus.) A specimen taken at Wood's Hole, in August, contained a quantity of the finely-divided sterns and branches of a Hydroid, Pennaria tiarella. DUSKY SHARK ; (Eulamia obscura.) Several specimens caught at Wood's Hole, in July and August, con tained lobsters, Homarus Americanus ; rock-crabs, Cancer irroratus. [521] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 227 BLUE SHARK ; (Eulamia Milbcrti.) A large specimen caught at Wood's Hole, in August, contained a quantity of small bivalve-shells, Yoldia sapotilla. TiGER-SiiARK; (Galerocerdo tigrina.) Specimens caught at Wood's Hole, in August, contained large univalve shells, Buccinum undatum and Lunatia lieros. Doa-Fisii ; (Mustelus can-is.) Several specimens caught at Wood's Hole, in August, contained lob sters, Homarus Americanus; spider-crabs, Libinia canaliculata ; rock- crabs, Cancer irroratus. SAND-SiiARK; (Eugomplwdus littoralis.) Many specimens taken at Wood's Hole, in July and August, contained lobsters, Homarus Americanus^ in abundance; Cancer irroratus; and squids, Loligo Pealii. COMMON SKATE; " SUMMER SKATE;" (Eaia diaphana.) A specimen taken at Wood's Hole, May 14, contained rock-crabs, Cancer irroratus; a young skate; a long slender fish, (Ammodytes ? .) Another, caught in July, contained Cancer irroratus. PEAKED-NOSE SKATE; (Eaia lewis f.) Specimens caught in Vineyard Sound, May 14, contained numerous shrimps, Crangon vulgaris ; several Conileraconcharum; several Annelids, among them Nephthys ingens j Meckelia ingens; two specimens of Phasco- losoma Gouldii ; razor-shells, Ensatella Americana, (the "foot" only, of many specimens ;) a small fish, Ctenolabrus burgall. Specimens taken at Menemsha, in July, contained large numbers of crabs, Cancer irroratus ; and of lobsters, Homarus Americanus. STING-BAY; (Tnjgon centroura.) Specimens caught at Wood's Hole, in July and August, contained large numbers of crabs, Cancer irroratus ; squids, Loligo Pealii ; clams, Mya arenaria ; Lunatia heros. LONG-TAILED STING-KAY; (Myliobaiis Freminvillei.) Specimens taken in Vineyard Sound, in July, contained an abundance of lobsters, Homarus Americanus; crabs, Cancer irroratus; also clams, Mya arenaria; and Lunatia heros. " RABBIT-FISH." A specimen taken at Wood's Hole, in Juty, contained a lobster, Homa rus Americanus. " FOG-FISH." A specimen caught at Wood's Hole, July 1, contained hermit-crabs, Eupagurus polUcaris. 228 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [522] C.— THE METAMORPHOSES OF THE LOBSTER, AND OTHER CRUSTACEA.— BY S. I. SMITH. Most of the larger crustaceans of our coast, whatever may be their habits when adult, are, in the early stages of their existence after hatch ing from the eggs, essentially free-swimming animals, living a large part of the time near the surface of the water. In this stage they are con stantly exposed to the attacks of other predaceous animals, and, as they occur in vast numbers, afford food for many valuable fishes. They are most abundant at the surface in calm, clear weather, and they especially resort, like the young of many other marine animals, to spots and streaks of smooth water where the tidal currents meet. Very little has yet been written upon the forms or habits of the young crustaceans of our own coast ; but, in connection with the investigations carried on in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, a great amount of material for such work was collected. This material has not yet been fully studied, and only a sketch of some of the more important re sults is presented in this report. During the few weeks in June and July, in which I was myself at Wood's Hole, the time was so fully occu pied in collecting, that very little time was left for studying the animals while alive; hence most of the observations which follow, except occa sionally those on color, have been subsequently made from specimens preserved in alcohol. While at Wood's Hole, I was much assisted in obtaining these young animals by every one then associated there in the work of the commission; and I would especially acknowledge such assistance from Dr. W. Gr. Farlow, Mr. V. N. Edwards, and Capt. John B. Smith. After I left, the collecting was kept up as before, and many valuable notes were made by Professors Verrill and J. E. Todd. Special attention was given to the early stages of the lobster, as per haps the most important crustacean found on our coast, and I have gone more fully into the account of its early history than that of any other species. As this will serve as an example to illustrate the development of most of the other Macrourans, it is presented first. Numerous specimens of the free-swimming young of the lobster, in different stages of growth, were obtained in Vineyard Sound during July, but it was too late for any observations upon the young within the egg. This deficiency was partially supplied by a few observations at New Haven in 1872. Eggs taken May 2, from lobsters captured at New London, Connecticut, had embryos well advanced, as represented in fig. 4. In this stage the eggs are slightly elongated spheroids, about 2.1mm in the longer diameter, and 1.9mm in the shorter. One side is rendered very opaque dark green by the unabsorbed yolk mass, while the other shows the eyes as two large black spots, and the red pigment spots on the edge of the carapax, bases of the legs, &c., as irregular lines of pink markings. In a side view of the embryo, the lower edge of the carapax (Z>, figure) [523] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 229 is clearly defined and extends in a gentle curve from the middle of the eye to the posterior border of the embryo. This margin of the cara- pax is marked with dendritic spots Fig. 4.* of red pigment. The whole dorsal portion, fully one-half the embryo, is still occupied by the unabsorbed portion of the yolk, (a, a,) of which the lower margin, represented in the figure by a dotted line, extends from close above the eye in a curve near ly parallel with the lower margin of thecarapax, but with a sharp in- ' dentation a little way behind the eye. The eyes (c) are large, nearly round, not entirely separated from the surrounding tissues, and with a central portion of black pigment. The antennulse (d) are simple, sack- like appendages, arising from just beneath the eyes, with the terminal portion turned backward and marked with several large dendritic spots of red pigment. The antennae (e) are but little larger than the anten- nula3 and are sack-like and without articulations, but the scale and flagellum are separated and bent backward, the scale being represented by the large and somewhat expanded lobe, and the flagellum by a shorter and slender lobe which arises from near the base of the scale. The mandibles, both pairs of maxillre, and the first and second pairs of maxillipeds are not sufficiently developed to be seen without removing the antennas and the edge of the carapax, and are only represented by several small lobes, of which the anterior, apparently representing the mandi bles, are distinctly defined, while those that follow are much smaller, indistinct, and confused. The first and second maxillipeds are each re presented by a small lobe divided at the extremity. The external max illipeds (/) are well developed and almost exactly like the posterior cephalothoracic legs. Both the branches are simple and sack-like, the main branch, or endoguathus,t much larger and slightly longer than the outer branch, or exognathus, which is quite slender. The five pairs of * Embryo, some time before hatching, removed from the external envelope and shown in a side view enlarged twenty diameters; a, a, dark-green yolk mass still uuabsorbed; b, lateral margin of the carapax marked with many dendritic spots of red pigment ; c, eye ; d, anteunula ; c, antenna ; /, external maxilliped ; g, great cheliped which forms the big claw of the adult ; h, outer swimming branch or exopodus of the same : t, the four ambulatory legs with their exopodal branches ; Jc, intestine ; /, heart ; m, bilobed tail seen edgewise. [Drawn by S. I. Smith.] t To prevent confusion, the terms here used are those proposed by Milne Edwards to designate the different branches of the cephalothoracic appendages: endopodus, for the main branch of a leg ; exopodus, for the accessory branch, (a in iig. D, Plate IX;) epipo- dus, for the rlabelliform appendage, (&/) and endognathus, exognatlms, and epignathua, for the corresponding branches of the mouth organs. 230 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [524] cephalothoracic legs ( Specimens in this stage were taken only twice, July 1 and 15. They have the same habits and general appearance as in the first stage, but are readily distinguished by the possession of rudimentary abdominal legs. In color they are almost exactly the same, only the orange-colored markings are perhaps a little less intense. Tliird stage. — In the third stage (Plate IX, figs. U, F, (r,) the larvae are about half an inch (12 to 13mm) in length, and the integument is of a much firmer consistency than in the earlier stages. The antennula3 are still rudimentary, and considerably shorter than the rostrum, although the secondary flagellum has increased in length, and begins to show division into numerous segments. The antenna retain the most marked feature of the early stages — the large size of the scale — but the flagellum is much longer than the scale, and begins to show division into segments. The mandibles, maxillae, and first and second maxillipeds have changed very little, although in the second maxillipeds the extremity of the ex- ognathus begins to assume a flagelliform character, and the branchiais represented by a small process upon the side of the epignathus. The external maxillipeds have begun to lose their pediform character. The anterior legs have increased enormously in size, and those of the second and third pairs have become truly chelate, while the swimming exopo- dal branches of all the legs, as well as of the external maxillipeds, are relatively much smaller and more unimportant. The epipodi (fig. G) are furnished with hairs along the edges, and begin to assume the char acters of these appendages in the adult. The branchiae (fig. G) have developed rapidly, and have a single series of well-marked lobes along each side. The abdomen still has the spines characteristic of the ear lier stages, though all of them are much reduced in size. The appen dages of the second to the fifth segments have become conspicuous, their lamellae have more than doubled in length, and the margins of the ter minal half are furnished with very short ciliated setae. The appendages of the penultimate segment (fig. F) are well developed, although quite different from those in the adult. The outer lamella wants wholly the transverse articulation near its extremity, and both are margined, ex cept the outer edge of the outer lamella, with long plumose hairs. The last segment is relatively smaller and more quadrangular in outline, and the spines of the posterior margin are much smaller. The only specimens procured in this stage were taken July 8 and 15. In color they were less brilliant than in the earlier stages, the orange markings being duller and whole animal slightly tinged with greenish brown. In the next stage observed, the animal, about three-fifths of an inch (14 to 17nnn) long, has lost all its schizopodal characters, and has assumed the more important features of the adult lobster. It still retains, how ever, the free-swimming habit of the true larval forms, and was fre quently taken at the surface, both in the towing and hand net. Although resembling the adult in many features, it differs so much that, were it 234 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [528] an adult form, it would undoubtedly be regarded as a distinct genus. The rostrum is bifid at tip, and armed with three or four teeth on each side toward the base, and in some specimens with a minute additional spine, on one or both sides, close to the tip. The flagella of the antennulre ex tend scarcely beyond the tip of the rostrum. The antennal scale is very much reduced in size, but is still conspicuous and furnished with long- plumose hairs along the inner margin, while the flagellum is as long as the carapax. The palpi of the mandibles have assumed the adult character, but the mandibles themselves have not acquired the massive molar character which they have in the older animal. The other mouth- organs have nearly the adult form. The anterior legs, although quite large, are still slender and just alike on the two sides, while all the cephalothoracic legs retain a distinct process in place of the swimming exopodi of the larva. The lateral angles of the second to the fifth abdomi nal segments are prolonged downward into long spiniform teeth, the ap pendages of these segments are proportionately much longer than in the adult, and the margins of their terminal lamelhB are furnished with very long plumose hairs. The lamellae of the appendages of the penultimate segment are oval, and margined with long plumose hairs. The terminal segment is nearly quadrangular, as wide at the extremity as at the base, the posterior margin arcuate, but not extending beyond the promi nent lateral angles, and furnished with hairs like those on the margins of the lamellae of the appendages of the penultimate segment. In color they resemble closely the adult, but the green color of the back is lighter, and the yellowish markings upon the claws and body are proportionately larger. In this stage, the young lobsters swim very rapidly by means of the abdominal legs, and dart backward, when disturbed, with the caudal appendages, frequently jumping out of the water in this way like shrimp, which their movements in the water much resemble. They appear to be truly surface animals, as in the earlier stages, and were often seen swimming about among other surface animals. They were frequently taken from the 8th to the 28th of July, and very likely occur much later. JFrorn the dates at which the different forms were taken, it is probable that they pass through all the stages here described in the course of a single season. How late the young, after reaching the lobster -like form, retain their free-swimming habit was not ascertained. The young of the different kinds of shrimp, Cranyon vulgar is ^ Palcemo- netes vulgaris, and Virbius zostericola, when hatched from the egg, are free- swimming animals, similar in their habits to the young of the lobster. In structure, however, they are quite unlike the larvae of the lobster, and approach more the zoea stages of the crabs, which are described farther on. When they first leave the egg, they are without the five pairs of cephalothoracic legs, the abdomen is without appendages, and much as it is in the first stage of the young lobster, while the maxillipeds are [529] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 235 developed into long locomotive appendages, somewhat like the external maxillipeds of the first stage of the young lobster. While yet in the free- swimming condition the cephalothoracic legs are developed, the maxilli peds assume the adult form, and the abdominal limbs appear. The young of these shrimp are very much smaller than the young of the lobster, but they remain for a considerable time in this immature state, and were very frequently taken at the surface in the towiug-net. The young of Crangon vulgaris are hatched in the neighborhood of Vineyard Sound, in May and June, and arrive at the adult form before they are more than 4 or 5mm long. Specimens of this size were taken at Wood's Hole, at the surface, on the evening of July 3. Later in the season much larger specimens were frequently taken at the surface both in the evening and day-time. The young of Palcemonetes vulgaris did not appear till near the middle of July. Soon after hatching, the young are 3mm long. The cephalo- thorax is short and broad with a slender spiniform rostrum in front, an enormous compound eye eack side at the anterior margin, and a small simple eye in the middle of the carapax. The antennulae are quite rudi mentary, being short and thick appendages projecting a little way in front of the head ; the peduncle bears at its extremity a very short ob tuse segment representing the prim ary flagellurn, and inside, at the base of this, a much longer plumose seta. The antenna? are slightly longer, than the antennulae ; the short peduncle bears a stout appendage, corre sponding to the antenna! scale, the terminal portion of which is articu lated and furnished with long plumose setae, and on the inside at the base of the scale, a slender process corresponding to the flagelluin, and ter minated by a long plumose seta. The first and second pairs of maxillae are well formed and approach those of the adult. The three pairs of maxillipeds are all developed into powerful locomotive appendages ; the inner branches, or endognathi, being slender pecliform appendages ter minated by long spines, while the outer branches, or epignathi, are long swimming appendages like the swimming branches of the legs of the young lobsters in the first stage. Both branches of the first maxillipeds are considerably shorter than those of the following pairs, but otherwise like them, and the inner branch of the second pair is somewhat shorter than that of the third, but its outer branch is about as long as that of the third pair. The five pairs of cephalothoracic legs are wanting or only represented by a cluster of minute sack-like processes just behind the outer maxillipeds. The abdomen is long and slender, wholly with out appendages beneath, and the last segment is expanded into a short and very broad caudal lamina, the posterior margin of which is truncate with the lateral angles rounded ; these angles each bear three, and the posterior margin itself eight more stout plumose setae, the setae of the posterior margin being longer than those upon the angles, and separated by broader spaces in which the margin is armed with numerous very small setae. They arrive at the adult form before they are more than 5mm 17 v 236 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [530] 1, and they were often taken at the surface until 8 to 12mm in length, the larger ones being taken in the first part of September. The young of VirMus zostericola appear at about the same time as those of Palamonetes, or a very little later, and pass through quite simi lar changes. The young attain the adult form when not more than 3mm in length, and were frequently taken at the surface, both in the day time and the evening, until they were 10mm long, those 8 to 10U!m long being common in late August and early September. The larval forms of several other Macrourans were taken at different times, but none of these were abundant, and I have not been able to connect them with the adult forms of any of the common species of the New England coast. The young of Gebia affinis, only 4mm long, but with nearly the form of the adult, was taken at the surface on the evening of September 3. The young of Callianassa Stimpsoni, about 4inm long and with nearly, all the adult characters, was also taken at the surface early in September. The hermit-crabs (species of Eupagurus) when first hatched have much resemblance to the young of shrimp at the same period, and have simi lar habits. The young of one of the species, after it has passed through the earlier stages, and when it is about 3™m long, and has all the cephalothoracic appendages similar to those of the adult, has still a symmetrical abdomen, like that of a shrimp, with long swimming-legs upon the second, third, fourth, and fifth segments, and broad laminated appendages upon the penultimate segment, Young, in this and the earlier stages, were common at the surface in Vineyard Sound during the last of August and the first of September. Hippa talpoida probably passes through a metamorphosis similar to that of the hermit-crabs. The young attain nearly the adult form before they are more than 5 or 6mm long, and specimens of this size were taken at the surface in Vineyard Sound on the evening of September 3. I have also found, early in September, the young a little larger upon the outer shores of Fire Island Beach, where they were left in large numbers by a high tide, and soon buried themselves in the sand. All, or at least nearly all, the species of Brachyura living on the coast of New England pass through very complete and remarkable meta morphoses. The most distinct stages through which they pass were long ago described as two groups of crustaceans, far removed from the adult forms of which they were the young. The names zoea and meg. alops, originally applied to these groups, are conveniently retained for the two best marked stages in the development of the crabs. The young of the common crab, (Cancer irroratus,} in the earlier or zoea stage, when first hatched from the egg, are somewhat like the form figured on Plate VIII, (fig. 37, the latest stage of the zoea of Cancer irroratus, just before it changes to the rnegalops,) but the spines upon the carap'ax are all much longer in proportion, and there are no signs of [531] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 237 the abdominal legs or of any of the future legs of the megalops and crab. In this stage they are very small, much smaller than in the stage figured. After they have increased very much in size, and have molted probably several times, they appear as in the figure just referred to. The terminal segment of the abdomen, seen only in a side-view in the figure, is very broad and divided nearly to the base by a broad sinus, each side the margins project in long, spiniform, diverging processes, at the base of which the margin of the sinus is armed with six to eight spines on each side. When alive they are translucent, with deposits of dark pigment forming spots at the articulations of the abdomen and a few upon the cephalothorax and its appendages. In this stage they were taken at the surface in Vineyard Sound, in immense numbers, from June 23 to late in August. They were most abundant in the early part of July, and appeared in the greatest numbers on calm, sunny days. Several zoerocess of the last segment of the abdo men narrow, triangular, with the apex slightly rounded, and the dorsal surface a little concave; posterior caudal appendages much shorter than the abdomen; rami slightly unequal, the outer stout, spinulose, the inner a little shorter and much more slender. Color, in life, nearly white, with chalky white spots and scattered, blackish dots arranged irregularly. Eyes black. Length, 3-4mm. v Found at Somers's and^Beesley's Points, on Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, in April, 1871, burrowing in the sand of the beaches, just above [569] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 275 ordinary high- water mark, in company with several species of Staphyli- nidcej and will very likely be found on Long Island and the southern coast of New England. PHILOSCIA VITTATA Say. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sei., Philadelphia, vol. i, p. 429, 1818. Under rubbish below high-water mark, Connecticut and Xew Jersey. SPHJEROMA QUADRIDENTATA Say. Plate Y, fig. 21. (p. 315.) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. i, p. 400, 1818. Massachusetts to Florida. IDOTEA G^ECA Say. Plate Y, fig. 22. (p. 340.) L^. cit., p. 424, 1813. Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, p. 337, 1841. Massachusetts to Florida. IDOTEA TUFTSII Stimpson. (p. 340.) Marine Invertebrata of Grand Mauan, p. 39, 1853. Bay of Fundy and off New London, Connecticut. - IDOTEA IRRORATA Edwards. Plate Y, fig. 23. (p. 316.) Hist. nat. des Crust., vol. iii, p. 132, 1840. Stenosoma irrorata Say, loc. cit., p. 423, 1818; Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, p. 338, 1841. Bay of Fundy to Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. IDOTEA ROBUST A Kroyer. Plate Y, fig. 24. (p. 439.) Naturhist. Tidssk., 2d R., Bind ii, p. 108, 1846 ; Stimpsoii, Proceedings Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1862, p. 133. South shore of Long Island to the Arctic Ocean. A pelagic species. IDOTEA PHOSPHOREA Harger, sp. nov. (p. 316.) Resembling I. irrorata in size and shape, but easily distinguished from that species by the pointed abdomen. Antennae less than half the length of the body, antennulse attaining the end of the third segment of the antennae. Front slightly excavated with the lateral angles salient. Head about twice as broad as long, turgid, and usually with a pair of tubercles on the vertex. Eyes placed a little before the middle of the lateral margin, hemispherical, black. First segment of thorax produced laterally around the back part of the head nearly to the eyes, showing no epirneral sutures. Second segment much longer on the median line, but shorter at the sides than, the first ; the epimera occupy the anterior two-thirds of the lateral margin. Third segment slightly longer than the second ; the epirnera occupying still more of the lateral margin. Fourth segment of about the same length as third ; the epimera occupying nearly or quite all the lateral margin. The remaining three thoracic segments gradually decrease in size; the epimera occupy the whole lateral margin and increase in size poste riorly. The first two abdominal segments are distinct and acute at the sides. The third is similar to these at the sides, but is only separated 276 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [570] from the last by an incision reaching about half way to the median line, Last segment entire, ovate behind, and cuspidate. The style on the second pair of branchial plates in the male is slender, surpasses the laminae, and reaches the middle of the terminal cilia; it is obliquely truncated at the end. Many of the specimens, especially the smaller ones, are furnished with a row of prominent tubercles along the back, and sometimes with lateral rows. Length, 10-25 imn ; breadth, 3-7.5mm. Long Island Sound to Bay of Fundy. ERICIISONIA FILIFOEMIS Harger. Plate VI, fig. 20. (p. 316.) Stenosoma filiformis Say, loc. cit., p. 424, 1818. Small, slender, and nearly linear in outline. Antennuloe not quite attaining the fourth segment of the antennae, which are six-jointed, and more than half as long as the body, with the first segment short, second and third increasing in length, last three segments about equal; head elevated between the eyes, where it is surmounted by a bifid tubercle ; first and second thoracic segments with a lateral salient angle behind the evident an gulated epimera; third and fourth segments with their lateral borders emarginate, and the epimera concealed or rarely visible from above at theemargination; last three thoracic segments angulated in front of the epimera, which are also angular. This arrangement, especially in the smaller specimens, gives the appearance of fourteen serrations on each side of the thorax. There is a row of tubercles along the median line. Abdominal segments consolidated into a single piece, which is furnished with a divergent tooth on each side near the base, and is expanded and obtusely triangular at the apex. The style on the second pair of branchial plates in the male is strong and curved, surpasses the cilia, and is acute and sharply serrate near the end. Length, o-9imu. Vineyard Sound to Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. ERICIISONIA ATTENUATA Harger, sp. nov. Plate VI, fig. 27. (p. 370.) Body smooth, narrowly linear in outline. Antennula? slightly sur passing the second segment of the antennae, which are more than half the length of the body, and have the last segment longest. Head exca vated in front; eyes small, black, prominent; first thoracic segment short; second, third, and fourth segments about equal in length, twice as long as the first; third segment broadest, last three segments gradu ally decreasing in length. Epimera visible from above only in the last two or three segments, but the sutures are evident, except in the first segment, and their position moves gradually from the anterior portion of the segment in the second to the posterior in the seventh segment. Abdominal segments consolidated into a single piece, which is slightly dilated laterally near the base, and obtusely triangular at the tip. The [571] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 277 style ou the second pair of branchial plates in the male is straight, slightl 3' surpasses the cilia, and is acute at the end. The color in life is usually uniform dark green, sometimes with an obscure dorsal stripe of a lighter color. Length, 15nim. Abundant among eel-grass at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, and also found at New Haven, Connecticut. EPELYS TRILOBUS Smith. Plate VI, fig. 28. (p. 370.) Idoica triloba Say, loc. cit., p. 425, 1818. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey to Vineyard Sound. EPELYS MONTOSUS Harger. (p. 370.) Idotea montosa Stiinpson, Marine Invert., Grand Man an, p. 40, 1853. Bay of Fundy to Long Island Sound. COPIOSA Stimpson. (p. 315.) Loc. cit., p. 40, PI. 3, fig. 29, 1853. J. nimlis Packard, Memoirs Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, 296, (non Kroyer.) Long Island Sound to Labrador. LIMNORIA LIGNORUM White. Plate VI, fig. 25. (p. 379.) Pop. Hist. Brit. Crust., p. 227, PI. 12, fig. 5. Cymotlwa llgnorum Rathke, Skrivt. af Naturh. Selsk., vol. 101, t. 3, f. 14, 1799, (teste Bate and Westwood.) Lim- noria tcrebrans Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc., London, vol. xi, p. 371, 1815. Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, p. 388, 1841. Great Egg Harbor, Xew Jersey, to the Bay of Fundy and Europe. KEROCILA MUNDA Harger, sp. nov. (p. 459.) Elongated, oval, smooth, and polished. Antenna} and antennulse nearly equal in length, about as long as the head. Head flattened, about one- third broader than long, slightly narrowing anteriorly, produced and broadly rounded in front, subequally trilobed behind, the middle lobe largest. Eyes black, consisting of an irregularly rounded patch of rather indistinct ocelli visible both above and below. First thoracic segment longer than the others, excavated in front for the three lobes of the head 5 epimeral sutures of this segment indistinct, but the posterior lateral angles of the segment are somewhat produced and broadly rounded. The next three segments have this angle produced so as to become a small tooth in the fourth thoracic segment; in the last three segments it is much produced, becoming a long acute tooth in the seventh. The epimera of the second segment are rounded behind ; the remaining epimera are slightly angular behind, becoming more acute posteriorly ; those of the second, third, and fourth segments extend backward about as far as the segment to which they belong, but in the last three segments the produced angles of the segments surpass the epimera, so that the angle of the sixth segment nearly attains the end of the seventh epimeron. 278 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [572] The abdomen is composed of six segments, the first five short and about equal in length ; the sixth equal in length to the other five, trun cate in front and rounded behind. The spines beneath the abdomen, or "abdominal epiinera," are acute, the second a little more slender than the first, and extending not quite to the posterior angle of the fourth ab dominal segment. The internal plate of the caudal stylets is oval and obliquely truncate, shorter than the external, which is narrow, ovate, acute behind, extending about half its length beyond the tip of the ab domen and longer than the preceding segment of the stylet. Claws of the anterior feet strongly hooked, those of the posterior feet feebly so. Color, in alcohol, brown, with two narrow dorsal bands of lighter color. Length, 15lum ; breadth, 7mm. This species is allied to N. bivitlata, but differs from that species as figured by Milne Edwards, (Atlas du Begne animal de Cuvier, Crust., Plate 66, fig. 5,) in the shortness of three posterior epimera, the regularly rounded terminal segment of the abdomen, and the shape of the caudal stylets. A single specimen was obtained on the dorsal fin of Ceratacanthus au- rantiacus. CONILERA CONCIIARUM Harger. (p. 459.) jEga concharum Stimpson, Marine Invert. Grand Manan, p. 42, 1853. Vineyard Sound ; Charleston, South Carolina. LIVONEOA OVALIS Harger. Plate VI, fig. 29. (p. 457.) Cymothoa ovalis Say loc. cit., p. 394, 1818. These animals are usually distorted, and not, as represented in the figure, symmetrical on the two sides. The specimen figured was taken from a blue-fish near the gill. ANTHURA BRUNNEA Harger, sp. nov. (p. 426.) Nearly uniform in size throughout, but slightly narrower anteriorly. Antennulae and antennae nearly equal in length, scarcely longer than the head. Front projecting between and each side of the bases of the anten- nula3 into prominent angles. Eyes small and situated in the sides of the lateral prominences. Thoracic segments smooth and shining above ; the third with a slight semicircular depression on the middle of the anterior margin. This depression is still more strongly marked on the three fol lowing segments. First segment slightly longer and narrower than the others ; second to fifth about equal ; sixth and seventh considerably shorter ; the seventh about three-fourths the leugth of the sixth; all the segments carinated below. Dorsal surface of the basal portion of the abdomen similar to the posterior segment of the thorax, showing no indication of segments. Terminal portion flat, smooth, and narrowly ovate at tip. Appendages of the penultimate segment lamelliform, similar in form to the terminal plate but not quite equaling it. First pair of feet short and thickened. All the feet slightly hairy. £573] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 279 Iii life whitish mottled with dull, purplish brown above. Eyes black, retaining their color in alcohol. Length, 14-15mm. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, and Vineyard Sound. ANTHURA BRACHIATA Stimpson. (p. 511.) Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manau, p. 43, 1853. This species is greatly constricted at the articulations of the second thoracic segment, and by that character is easily distinguished from A. brunnea. Bay of Fundy to Vineyard Sound. TAN ATS FIL.UM Stimpson. (p. 381.) Marino Invertebrata of Grand Manan, p. 43, 1853. Bay of Fundy to Vineyard Sound. OEPON DiSTORTUS Leidy. (p. 557.) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. iii, p. 149, PI. 11, figs. 26-32, 1855. Branchial cavity of Gelasimus pugilator, Atlantic City, New Jersey. ENTOMOSTKACA. The Ostracoda and the minute Copeopoda of our coast have not yet been sufficiently studied by any one for us to attempt to enumerate even the more common species. COPEOPODA. SAPPHIRINA, species. Plate VII, fig. 33. (p. 439.) A beautiful species of this remarkable genus was taken off Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, September 2 and 8. PHYLLOPODA. ARTEMIA GRACILIS Verrill. Amer. Jour. Sci., 2d series, vol. xlviii, p. 248, 1869 ; Proceedings Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., vol. xviii, p. 235, tigs. 1 and 2, 1870. In tubs of concentrated sea-water at New Haven, Connecticut; Charles- town, Massachusetts ; and in salt- vats at Falrnouth, Massachusetts. SIPHONOSTOMA. ERGA.SILUS LABRACES Kroyer. (p. 459.) Nat. Tidsskrift, 1863-'64, p. 303, PI. 11, fig. 2, (teste Zoological Record for 1865.) According to Kroyer, found upon the striped bass (Roccus lineatus) from Baltimore, and liable, therefore, to occur on the coast of New England. ARGKULUS CATOSTOMI Dana and Herrick. (p. 459.) Amer. Jour. Sci., 1st series, vol. xxx, p. 383, 1836, and vol. xxxi, p. 297, plate, - 1837. Parasitic on the "sucker" (Catostomus) in Mill River, near New Haven, Connecticut. 280 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [574] ARGULUS LATICAUDA Smith, sp. nov. (p. 452.) Carapax orbicular, longer than broad; antero-lateral margin with a deep sinus from which a deep sulcus extends to the center of the cara pax; sinus of the posterior margin about twice as deep as broad, extending a little less than a third of the length of the carapax. Eyes large. Body scarcely projecting beyond the posterior margin of the carapax. Tail orbicular, slightly longer than broad, its posterior sinus narrow, extending scarcely a fourth the length. Antennulre and antennae much as in A. Catostomi, to which the species bears considerable resem blance. The squaruiform appendage upon the base of the prehensile legs expands into a broad posterior margin, which is divided into three broad, closely approximated lobes, of which the extremities are broad, truncated, and slightly and irregularly excavated; the terminal portion of the leg is much as in A. Gatostomi, the ultimate segment longer than the penultimate and armed at the tip with two claws. Natatory legs short, the anterior ones not projecting beyond the carapax. In alcoholic specimens most of the carapax is opaque and black with a thick deposit of pigment. Length of entire animal, in the largest specimen, 51U1" ; length of carapax, 3.7; breadth of carapax, 3.2; length of tail, 1.3; breadth of tail, 1.1. Found among algo3 in Vineyard Sound. A small specimen taken at surface early in September had the opaque portions of the carapax dark brown in life, and in alcohol it retains about the same color. ARGULUS LATUS Smith, sp. nov. (p. 452.) Carapax large, orbicular, broader than long; the antero-lateral border with a broad shallow sinus; the sinus of the posterior margin not- deeper than broad, its depth scarcely more than a fifth of the length of the carapax. Body projecting considerably beyond the posterior margin of the carapax. Tail a third as long as the carapax, about two-thirds as broad as long, the lateral margins slightly curved and nearly parallel, the sinus very broad and extending more than a third of the whole length. Disks of the sucking legs about a fourth as wide as the carapax. Squamiform appendage upon the base of the prehensile legs with a pap- pilose area upon the expanded distal portion, the posterior margin without teeth or lobes, but the outer margin of the expanded portion armed with numerous very small teeth ; ultimate segment longer than the penultimate, and apparently without any hooks at the tip. Natatory legs all long, even the anterior projecting beyond the sides of the carapax. Color of alcoholic specimens yellowish white. Length, 3.0mm; length of carapax, 2.2; breadth of carapax, 2.5; length of tail, 0.7; breadth of tail, 0.45. Taken at the surface, in Vineyard Sound, July 1. [575] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 281 ARGULUS MEGALOPS Smith, sp. nov. (p. 452.) Carapax subelliptical, longer than broad ; the antero-lateral margin with a deep sinus; the posterior lobes of the carapax, each side of the shallow and narrow sinus, broady rounded. Eyes very large, their diameter a tenth as great as the breadth of the carapax. Body pro jecting much beyond the posterior margin of the carapax. Tail some what ovate, about two-thirds as broad as long, the sinus only a small notch, extending not more than a tenth of the length. Natatory legs very long, all projecting beyond the carapax. Squamiform appendages upon the bases of the prehensile legs, with a pappilose area upon the expanded portion, and the posterior margin armed with three rather slender teeth, separated by broad spaces; the terminal segment of the leg armed with two small hooks. Color of alcoholic specimens, yellowish white. Length, 2.2mm ; length of carapax, 1.3; breadth of carapax, 1.0 ; length of tail, 0.7; breadth of tail, 0.47. Vineyard Sound, taken at the surface, July 8. ARGULUS ALOS^E Gould, (p. 459.) Invertebrata of Massachusetts, p. 340, 1841. Parasitic upon the alewife in Massachusetts Bay, according to Gould. OALIGUS CURTUS Miiller. (p. 459.) Eutomostraca,p. 130, PI. 21, figs. 1,2, 1785 ; Kroyer, Nat. Tidsskrift, vol. i, p. 619, PI. 6, fig. 2, 1837. CaUym M'dlleri Leach, Encycl. Brit., Suppl., vol. i, p. 405, PL 20, figs. 1-8, 1816, (teste Baird et al. ;) Baird, British Entoniostraca, p. 271, PI. 32, tigs. 4, 5. Caligits Amerlcanus Pickering and Dana, Arner. Jour. Sci., vol. xxxiv, p. '225, PI. 3-5, 1838 ; Dana, U. S. Expl. Expd., Crust., PL 93. Abundant upon tbe cod-fish of our coast and of Europe. It is prob ably the Caliym pi acinus of Gould and other American writers. CALIGUS RAPAX Edwards, (p. 457.) Hist. nat. des Crust., tome iii, p. 453, PL 38, fig. 9-12, 1840 ; Baird, op. cit.,p. 270, pi. 32, figs. 2, 3; Steenstrup and Liitken, Bidrag til Kundskab om det aabue Havs Snyltekrebse og Lermeer, p. 359, PL 2, fig. 4, 1861. Vineyard Sound, on the stingray, (Trygon centroura,) and small speci mens, both male and female, taken at the surface at Wood's Hole, Sep tember 3, in the evening. These specimens from the surface, according to Professor Verrill's notes, were light flesh color, thickly speckled with minute brown spots, the eyes bright red. LEPEOPHTHEIRUS, species, (p. 459.) A species with a long tail, and somewhat like the L. gracilis, (Van Benaden sp.,) was found upon the stingray (Trygon centroura) taken in Vineyard Sound. LEPEOPHTHEIRUS, species, (p. 459.) A species with a very short tail, and approaching Heller's genus Anu- retes. South shore of Long Island, upon a flounder, (Chcmopsetta ocel- laris.) 282 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES.' [576] The Lepeophtlieirus salmonis Kroyer, is found upon the salmon of the northern coast of New England. ECHTHROG-ALEUS COLEOPTRATUS Steeiistrup and Liitken. (p. 459.) Op. cit., 380. Dinematura coleoptrata Gue"rin, Icnographie du Regne animal, Crnst. PI. 35, fig. 6. Dincmoura alta Baird, British Entomostraca, p. 285, PI. 33, ligs. 6,7. Vineyard Sound, September 19, from the back fin of the mackerel- shark, (Lamna punctata.) It has been found upon the English coast and oif the Azores. ECHTHROG-ALEUS DENTICULATUS Smith, sp. nov. (p. 459.) Carapax broader than long, with a very slight median emargi nation in the outline of the front. Posterior portion of the body scarcely longer and not quite as wide as the carapax. Dorsal plates, or elytra, covering much more than half the genital segment, their inner and posterior margins armed with a regular series of small teeth. The posterior lobes of the genital segment somewhat triangular and each terminated by a stout spine. Dorsal plate of the tail elongated, obtusely rounded at the ex tremity, and exposed from above by the very broad sinus in the genital segment. The tail itself broad, somewhat rectangular, but narrowed dis- tally and not projecting behind the dorsal plate ; the terminal lamella} nearly as long as the tail, narrow, linear, nearly three times as long as broad, and armed at the tip with several setae. Length, 9mm ; breadth of carapax, 5.1 ; length of elytra along the inner margin, 2.5. Vineyard Sound, on Atwood's shark, (CarcJiarias Atwoodi.} ?PANDARUS CRANCIIII Leach, (p. 459.) Diet, des Sci. nat., tome xiv, p. 535, 1819, (teste Edwards et al.;) Edwards, Rogue animal do Cuvier, 3me cd.. Crust., PI. 73, fig. 2 ; Steeiistrup and Liitkeu, op. cit., PL 11, fig. 22. A number of specimens of a Pandarus, taken from a dusky shark (Eulamia obscura) on the south side of Long Island in 1870, differ only very slightly from the figures and descriptions of P. Cranchii quoted above. PANDARUS, species. Plate VII, fig. 31. (p. 457.) Vineyard Sound, on Atwood's shark, (CarcJiarias Atwoodi.} It is, per haps, only a variety of the last species, but differs considerably from it, wanting almost wholly the series of spines upon the posterior margin of the carapax, having the caudal appendages shorter and obtuse, besides some slight differences in the natatory legs. NOGAGUS LATREILLII Leach. Plate VII, fig. 32. (p. 457.) Diet. des. Sci. nat., tome xiv, p. 536, 1819, (teste Edwards et al. ;) Regne animal cle Cuvier, Crust., PI. 79, fig. 3 ; Hist. nat. des Crust., tome iii, p. 459 ; Steen- strup and Liitken, op. cit., p. 384, PI. 9, fig. 18. Vineyard Sound, in company with the last species, on Atwood's shark. All the species of Nogagus are males of the allied genera, Pandarus, [577] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 283 EchtlirogaleuSj &c., and are only provisionally retained in a separate group, until it can be determined to wkicli of these genera the different species really belong. This species is probably a Pandarus, and very likely the male of the last species. Our specimens differ slightly from the figures given by Steenstrup and LUtken, the dentiform prominences on the sides of the genital segment in our specimens being much smaller than represented in their figures, the segments of the tail somewhat shorter and broader, and the terminal lamellae also shorter and broader, while in other respects they agree well. Steenstrup and Liitken's specimens were taken from sharks caught in latitude 31° north, longitude 76° west, (in the Gulf Stream, off the South Carolina coast,) and in latitude 40° south, longitude 31° west, while Leach's came from latitude 1° south, longitude 4° east. • NOGAGUS TENAX Steenstrup and LUtken. (p. 457.) Op. cit., pp. 384, 388, PJ. 10, fig. 20, 1861. Vineyard Sound, with the last species, upon AtwootVs shark. It has nearly as extended a range as the last species. It is very different from the last species, having the branches of the posterior pair of natatory legs each composed of a single segment, and the tail also composed of a single segment, which is broader than long, and has the short, truncate caudal lamellre attached to its obliquely truncated posterior angles. Length, 4.omm. This species probably belongs to a different genus from the last, and is perhaps the male of Eckthrogalens denticulatus, with which it was asso ciated. Both species of Nogagus, the Pandarns and Eohthrogaleus denticu- latiiSj were, however, all found on the same specimen of the shark, so that the association of males and females in one or two instances is not very good proof of their identity. S SINUATUS Say. (p. 459.) LOG. cit., p. 436, 1818. This species is apparently, as far as can be judged from Say's descrip tion, allied to P. licolor Leach, a European species, which is probably not congeneric with the species which we have previously mentioned. CEOROPS LATREILLII Leach, (p. 459.) Encyl. Brit., Suppl., vol. i, p. 405, PL 20, 1816, (teste Edwards et al. ;) Edwards, Hist. nat. des Crust., tome iii, p. 475; Baird, op. cit., p. 293, PI. 34, figs. 1, 2. According to Gould, (op. cit., p. 341,) this species has been found upon the sun-fish (Orthagorlscus mola) taken on the coast of Massachusetts. ANTHOSOMA CRASSUM Steenstrup and LUtken. (p. 4GO.) Op. cit., p. 367, PI. 12, fig. 24, 1861. CaUgus crassus Abildgaard, (teste Steen strup and LUtken,) Naturh. Selsk. Skr., Bind iii, p. 49, pi. 5, [1794 ?] (teste Kroyer.) Anthpsoma Smithii Leach, Eucycl. Brit., Snppl., vol. i, p. 406, PI. 20, 1816, (teste Edwards et al. ;) Kroyer, Nat. Tidsskrift, vol. i, p. 295, PI. 2, fig. 2, 1836 ; Edwards, Hist. nat. des Crust., tome iii, 493, PI. 39, fig. 5 ; Regne ani mal de Cuvier, Crust., PI. 79, fig. 3 ; Baird, op. cit., p. 299, PI. 33, fig. 9. According to Gould, (op. cit., p. 341,) Anthosoma Smithii has been 20 v 284 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [578] found upon the mackerel- shark (Lamna punctata) taken on the coast of Massachuset t s. LERIOEA BRANCHIALIS Liniie. (p. 460.) System a Naturae; Edwards, Hist. nat. des Crust., tome iii, p. 528; Steenstrup and Liitken, op. cit., p. 403, PI. 13, fig. 28. Found attached to the gills of the cod in the Bay of Fundy, and, undoubtedly, extends as far south as that fish. It is common in Xorth- ern Europe. PENELLA PLUMOSA DeKay. (p. 460.) Op. cit.,. p. 60, 1844. Found, according to ".DeKay, upon Diodon pilosus, and a species of Rhombus. ANCHORELLA UNCINATA Nordmann. (p. 460.)' Mikrographische Beit-rage, Heft ii, p. 102, PL 8, figs. 8-12, PL 10, figs. 1-5, 1832; Baird, op. cit., p. 337, PL 35, fig. 9. Lerncea untinala Miiller, Zoologia Danica, vol. i, PL 33, fig. 2, 1788, (teste Nordmarm el al. ;) Van Benaden, Poissous des cotes de Belgique, Memoires Acad. Royale Belgique, tome xxxiii, PL 2, fig. 7, 1871. Found upon cod-fish taken at Xew London, Connecticut. It is a com mon European species. LERNEONEMA RADIATA Stp. and Ltk. Plate VII, fig. 30. . (p. 458.) Op. cit., p. 400, 1861. Lerneoccra radiata Leseur, Journal Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila delphia, vol. iii, p. 288, PL 11, fig. 1, 1824. At Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, and in Vineyard Sound and Buz zard's Bay, very common upon the menhaden, (Brevoortia Menhaden.) LERNEONEMA ?, species, (p. 460.) A species belonging to this, or a closely-allied genus, was found upon a species of Carangus taken in Vineyard Sound. According to Gould, (op. cit., p. 341,) Penella filosa Cuvier, (Guerin, op. cit., Zoophytes, PI. 9. fig. 3 ; Edwards, Hist. nat. des Crust., tome iii, p. 525,) has been found upon Orthayoriscus mola, and might, there fore, occasionally occur south of Cape Cod. The same author also men tions (p. 341) Chondr acanthus conuitus Cuvier, (Xordmann, op. cit., p. Ill, PI. 9, figs. 5-10; Edwards, Hist. nat. des Crust., tome iii, p. 500, PL 40, figs. 18-22,) and BranchieUa Thynnl Cuvier. (Edwards, op. cit., tome iii, p. 512 ; Steenstrnp and Liitken, op. cit., p. 420, PL 15, fig. 36,) as occurring upon the coast of Massachusetts. CIRRIPEDIA. BALANUS AMPIIITRITE Darwin, (p. 381.) Monograph of the Cirripedia, pp. 240, 614, PL 5, fig. 2, 1854. Found upon the bottoms of ships, but probably does not live long after arriving upon our coast. It is found in all the tropical and warmer temperate seas. Balanus tintimuibulum Liune, (Darwin, op. cit., pp. 194, 611, PL 1, 2? [579] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 285 fig. 1,) occurs with the last species, but has not been noticed living. It has about the same range as the J5. ampliltrite. BALANUS EBURNETJS Gould, (p. 381.) Op. cit., p. 15, PL 1, fig. 6, 1841, Darwin, op. cit., pp. 248, 614, PI. 5, fig. 4. From Massachusetts Bay to Florida and the West Indies. It sometimes occurs in brackish or even fresh water. Professor J. Wyman found it living about 50 miles up the St. John's River, Florida, where the water was fresh enough to drink, and the specimens lived well when trans ferred to a vessel of perfectly fresh water. BALANUS IMPROVISUS Darwin. Op. cit., pp. 250, G14, PI. 6, fig. 1. Darwin gives this species as occurring in England, Nova Scotia, United States. West Indies, and South America, so that it undoubtedly occurs upon the coast of New England. BALANUS CRENATUS Bruguiere. (p. 381.) Encyclop. Method., 1798, (teste Darwin;) Darwin, op. cit., pp. 261, 615, PL 6, fig. 6. Balanas rugosus Gould, op. cit.,*p. 16, PL 1, fig. 10. Dredged abundantly in Vineyard Sound. It ranges from the arctic regions of the Atlantic to the Cape of Good Hope and the West Indies. BALANUS BALANOIDES Stimpson. (p. 305.) Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, p. 39, 1853 ; Darwin, op. cit., pp. 267, 615 PL 7, fig. 2. Lepas lalanoides Linne, Systema Naturae, 1767, (teste Darwin.) Balanus ovularis and elongatus Gould, op. cit., pp. 17, 18, PL 1, figs. 7, 8. Extremely abundant between tides. It inhabits the whole North Atlantic. CORONULA DIADEMA De Blainville. (p. 460.) Diet, des Sci. nat., 1824, (teste, Darwin ;) Gould, op. cit., p. 12; Darwin, op. cit., pp. 417, 623, PL 15, fig. 3, PL 16, figs. 1, 2, 7. Lepas diadema Linne, Systema Natime, 1767, (teste Darwin.) Attached to whales taken on the coast, both north and south of Cape Cod. It is found throughout the whole North Atlantic. LEPAS FASCICULARIS Ellis and Solander. Plate VII, fig. 34. (p. 382.) Zoophytes, 1786, (teste Darwin;) Darwin, op. cit., p. 92, PL 1, fig. 6. Found in vast numbers in Vineyard Sound, in June and July, and frequently taken in the Bay of Fundy in August. LEPAS PECTINATA Spengler. (p. 382.) Darwin, op. cit., p. 85. PL 1, fig. 3. Anatifa dentata Gould, op. cit., p. 21, PL 1, fig. 11. Attached to ships' bottoms, but probably does not live long after arriving on our coast. It lives throughout the warmer parts of the Atlantic. 286 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [5SO] LEPAS ANATIFERA Linne. (p. 382.) Systema Naturae, 1767, (teste Darwin ;) Darwiii, op. cit., p. 73, PL 1, fig. 1. Occurs in the same way as the last species. It is common to the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, and the Mediterranean. LEPAS ANSERIFERA Linne. (p. 382.) Systema Naturae, 1767, (teste Darwin ;) Darwin, op. cit., p. 81, PL 1, fig. 4. Anatifa striata Gould, op. cit., p. 20. This species probably occurs in the same way as the last. It has the CONCHODERMA AURITA OlferS. (p. 392.) Darwin, op. cit., p. 141, PL 3, fig. 4. Lepas aurita Linue, Systema Natime, 1767, (teste Darwin.) Otion Cuvieri Gould, op. cit., p. 23. On ships' bottoms, &c. It ranges through all the seas. CONCHODERMA YIRGATA Olfers. (p. 392.) • Darwin, op. cit., p. 146, PL 3, fig. 2. Lepas virgata Spengler, 1790, (teste Darwin. ) Cineras vittala Gould, op. cit., p. 22. Occurs in the same way, and has the same range as the last species. XIPHOSURA. LIMTILUS POLYPHEMUS Latreille. (p. 340.) Hist, des Crust., (teste Edwrards,) Hist. uat. des Crust., tome iii, p. 549; Say, loc. cit., p. 433 ; Gould, op. cit., p. 339 ; Packard, Memoirs Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 155, PL 3-5, 1872, (on the development ;) A. Milne Edwards, Anuales des Sci. nat., 5e ser., tome xvii, nos. 1 et 2, Dec., 1872, PL 5-16, (on the anatomy.) Monoculus Polyphemus Linne", Systema Naturre ; Polyphemus occidenialis Lamark, Hist, des Anim. sans vert.; De Kay, op. cit., p. 55, PL 11, fig. 50. Limuliis aiistrdlls Say, loc. cit.. p. 436. Xiphosura Polyphemus White, List of Crust, in British Mus., p. 121, 1847. Casco Bay, on the coast of Maine, to Florida. ANNELIDA. POLYCILETA. APIIRODITA ACULEATA Linn. (p. 507.) Systema Naturae, ed. xii, vol. i, p. 1084, 1767; Malmgren, O'fvers. af Kong. Yet.- Akad. Forhandlingar, 1865, p. 52; Johnston, Catalogue of British Non-Par asitical Worms, p. 101, PL 9, 1865 ; Quatrefages, Histoire naturelle des Au- netes, vol. i, p. 191, 1865. Off Gay Head in 15 to 19 fathoms, mud; Bay of Fundy, 10 to 106 fathoms, mud; St. George's Bank, 50 fathoms; northward to Labra dor. Northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain and Mediterranean. [581] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 287 * LEPIDONOTUS SQUAMATUS Leach. Plate X, figs. 40, 41. (p. 320.) Aplirodita squamata Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 665 ; ed. xii, p. 1084. Polynoe squamata Savigny, Syst. Annel., 20 (t. Quatr.) ; Quatr., op. cit., p. 218. Aphro- dita punctata Mu'll., Zool. Dan. Prod., p. 218 (t. Malnigren). Lepidonotus squamatns Malmgren, op. cit., p. 56; Johnston, op. cit., p. 109, PI. 7, fig. 1. Lepidonote armadillo Leidy, Marine Invert, of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 16, PI. 11, fig. 54. Polynoe dasypus Quatr., op. cit., vol. i, p. 226. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey ; New Haven ; Watch Hill, Rhode Island 5 Vineyard Sound, &c. Very common north of Cape Cod to Labrador and Iceland; -northern coasts of Europe; Great Britain; France. In the Bay of Fundy it occurs abundantly from above low-water mark to the depth of 80 fathoms. LEPIDONOTUS SUBLEVIS Yerrill, sp. nov. Plate X, tig. 42. (p. 320.) Body oblong, somewhat narrowed toward each end, entirely covered by twelve pairs of large scales, or " elytra,'7 which, with the exception of the first and last pairs, are broad oval, evenly rounded posteriorly, the outer lateral edge with a fine fringe ; the posterior margin smooth. Their surface is iridescent and nearly smooth throughout, and destitute of tubercles, but has minute rounded granules, and appears punctate under a lens. The scales of the last pair are elongated, with the inner edge curved inward, but without a distinct emargination, such as is seen in the preceding species. Setae numerous, slender but stiff, amber-yellow. Scales usually reddish or greenish brown, finely specked with dark brown. Length up to 30mm ; breadth, 8mm. This species is easily distinguished from the last by its nearly smooth scales, the form of the last pair, and the lighter- colored and more slender seta3. Savin Eock, near New Haven ; Vineyard Sound. LEPIDONOTUS ANGKJSTUS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 494.) Body elongated, narrow, of nearly uniform width throughout, convex above. Twelve pairs of elytra, which are only slightly imbricated and hardly* cover the back completely, there being often a narrow naked dorsal space, but when the elytra are closely appressed the back is nearly covered. The elytra are rather small, regularly oval, except those of the terminal pairs ; outer edge irregularly fringed ; surface covered with small, slightly prominent, roundish granules. Posterior elytra with a deep emargination on the inner margin. Head larger and rela tively broader than in L. squamatus, convex, with well-rounded sides, 'eyes larger and farther apart. Antennae rather short. Setae shorter than in either of the preceding species, of nearly uniform length, rather rigid, light amber-colored, forming short dense fascicles. Color varia ble; in one specimen the scales were yellowish gray and brownish, varied with dark specks, and with a central subcircular or somewhat crescent-shaped white spot, surrounded by a circle of dark brown specks. 288 REPOET OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [582] which form an irregular dark spot on the inner border of the pale central spot. Eeefs off Watch Hill, Khode Island, in 4 or 5 fathoms, among rocks and algae. HARMOTHOE IMBRICATA Malmgren. (p. 321.) Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, op. cit., p. 67, 1865, PI. 9, fig. 8. A-E. Aplirodtta inibri- cata Linn., Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1084, 1767. Aphrodita cirrata Miiller, Prodr- Zool. Dan., No. 2644 (t. Malmgren); Fabricius, Fauna Grcenlaudica, p. 308, PI. 1, fig. 70. Lepidonote cirrata CErsted, Gron. Ann. Dorsib., 1843, p. 14, PL l,figs. 1, 5, 6, 11, 14, 15; Stimpson, Invertebrata of Grand Man an, p. 36, 1853. Folynoe cirrata Sars, Arcb. fiir. Naturg., vol. xi, 1845, p. 11, PI. 1, figs. 12-21 (embry ology). New Haven ; Watch Hill, Rhode Island ; Vineyard Sound ; Massa chusetts Bay ; Bay of Fundy and northward to Greenland ; Iceland ; and Spitsbergen. Northern coasts of Europe ; Scotland. In the Bay of Fundy it is common from above low-water mark to 60 fathoms ; in Vineyard Sound, from low-water mark to 15 fathoms; 25 fathoms off Buzzard's Bay. STHENELAIS PICTA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 348.) (?) Sigalion Mathilda' Leidy, Marine Invert. Fauna of tbe Coasts of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 16, PL 11, f. 53, from Journal Philadelphia Acad., series ii, vol. iii, 1855 (non And. and Edw.) (?) Stlienelais Leidyi Quatr., op. cit., vol. i, p. 278 (no description). Body depressed, much elongated, nearly uniform in breadth through out; back convex; ventral surface flat. The whole dorsal surface is closely covered by the imbricated scales, of which there are more than 150 pairs. These, with the exception of the anterior and posterior pairs, are broadly lunate, with a deep emargination in the center of the ante rior edge; the posterior and lateral margins are broadly rounded ; the outer lateral edge is laciuiately fringed; the posterior edge is smooth; the whole surface of the anterior scales is covered with minute, slightly elevated granules ; farther back, the exposed portion of the surface of the scales is smooth, and the microscopic granules are restricted to the anterior and inner portions. The scales of the anterior pair are oval, and have their entire outer and anterior margins minutely but irregularly denticulate. The head is small, rounded, contracted behind the posterior eyes and in front of the anterior ones ; the eyes are near together, in a quadran gle ; those in the anterior pair are a little farther apart, and lateral. The head is prolonged anteriorly into a narrow elliptical or oval portion, which forms the base of the median antenna ; close to and below each of the anterior eyes a prominent, membranous, ciliated process arises. The feet of the first pair, which are directed forward, are elongated, and bear a pair of slender, elongated, dorsal cirri, which are nearly as long- as the antennoe; a much shorter, slender cirrus from the lower lobe, with a small, thin, membraneous process below ; and a large fascicle of long, [583] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 289 slender setse, as long as the median antennae. The palpi are slender, longer than the antenna? ; lateral feet prominent, projecting beyond the scales ; setse light yellow. Color variable, generally light gray, with a dark brown median dorsal band, each scale often bordered on the posterior and inner edges with brown, which is connected with a blackish angular spot near the ante rior margin, the rest of the scale being transparent and whitish ; head dark brown, with a red central spot and a round whitish spot on each side. Length up to 150mm ; breadth usually about 4mm. Vineyard Sound, low-water mark to 14 fathoms ; off Martha's Vine yard, 21 fathoms, sand; off New Haven, 4 to 5 fathoms, shelly. Great Egg Harbor (Leidy). This species differs considerably in the form of the head, antennae, &c., from the figure given by Leidy. His description is insufficient to determine whether he observed the same species. NEPHTHYS INGENS Stimpson. Plate XII, figs. 59, GO. (p. 431.) Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, p. 33, in Smithsonian Contributions, 1853. Long Island Sound, off New Haven, 3 to 8 fathoms, mud, common ; off Block Island, in 29 fathoms; Bay of Fundy, 10 to GO fathoms. This species is readily distinguished by the form of the head and position of the small antennae; by the large median dorsal papilla on the proboscis, and the smaller ventral one; by the very prominent and widely separated rami of the posterior feet; and the dark color of the setaB. It grows to the length of 130mm or more. NEPHTHYS PICTA Ehlers. Plate XII, fig. 57. (p. 348.) Die Borstenwiirmer, vol. i, p. 632, PI. 23, figs. 9, 35, 1868. Vineyard Sound, low- water mark to 8 fathoms, muddy and shelly. JSTahant; Charleston (Ehlers). NEPHTHYS BUCERA Ehlers. Plate XII, fig. 58. (p. 41G.) Die Borstenwiirmer, vol. i, p. 617, PI. 23, fig. 8. Vineyard Sound, 8 to 10 fathoms, shelly ; Watch Hill, Rhode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, among rocks and sand. Massachusetts Bay (Ehlers). This species is remarkable both for the form of the head and the length of the setre, which often exceed the diameter of the body. NEPHTHYS CILIATA Kathke. Beitriige zur Fauna Norwegens, p. 170,1843; Malmgren, op. cit., p. 104, PL 12, figs. 17, A-C, 1865; Quatrefages, op. cit., p. 429 (Nephtys); Ehlers, Borsteuwiirmer, vol. i, p. 629, PI. 23, fig. 38, 1868. Nereis ciliata Muller, Zoolog. Danica, vol. iii, p. 17, PI. 89, figs. 1-4 (t. Ehlers). Neplithys borealis CErsted, Annnlat. Danicor. cousp., p. 32, 1843 (t. Malnigren). Ehlers gives Edgartown as a locality for this species. It is a northern form, found at Iceland, Greenland, Spitzbergen, and along the northern coasts of Europe and Great Britain. Stimpson records it from the 290 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [584 J Bay of Fundy, in 40 fathoms, inud. It was dredged near St. George's Bank in 85, 110, and 150 fathoms, mud, by Dr. A. S. Packard, on the "Bache," 1872. EUMIDIA AMERICANA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 494.) Body long and slender. Head triangular, subcordate, broad and slightly eniargmate posteriorly, the sides rapidly converging, the front end narrow and rounded, with four slender antennae, which are as long as the head ; odd median antenna long and slender, tapering, as long as or longer than the head. Eyes moderately large, round, convex, near the posterior margin of the head. Tentacular cirri long and slender ; crowded. Proboscis elongated, subclavate, enlarging to the end, which is surrounded by about fourteen triangular papillae ; the basal two-thirds covered with small, slender, prominent papillae, which are not crowded, but arranged in longitudinal rows; this part of the proboscis is, in the preserved specimens, longitudinally ridged and transversely wrinkled 5 the terminal third is nearly smooth, but usually minutely granulous. The lateral lamellae, or branchiae, are ovate-lanceolate, leaf-like, with curved tips ; posteriorly they are larger and more acute. Length up to 50mm ; breadth, 1.5mm. Vineyard Sound, 8 to 12 fathoms, among compound ascidians. EUMIDIA VIYIDA Yerrill, sp. nov. Head relatively a little longer than in the preceding species, with the sides more convex, and the front rounded ; antennae long and slender. Eyes brownish, very large, about twice as large as in the preceding species. Proboscis long, slender, clavate, nearly smooth, but with a few minute, distant papillae 5 the terminal orifice surrounded by about eighteen very small papilliforni deuticulations. Branchiae of the ante rior segments long and narrow lanceolate ; of the middle segments ovate. Length up to 45mm ; breadth, 1.5mm. Vineyard Sound, 8 to 12 fathoms, among ascidians. EUMIDIA TAPILLOSA Verrill, sp. nov. Head short, rounded, convex, emarginate posteriorly, the sides convex ; antennae not very slender ; median odd one stout, tapering, acute, as long as the head. Eyes large ; brown. Tentacular cirri rather stout, those of the two posterior pairs more than twice as long as the others. Proboscis long, clavate, densely covered with short, rounded papillae, and with a circle of minute papillae at the orifice. Length up to 40mm ; breadth, 2mm. Vineyard Sound, G to 10 fathoms, among compound ascidians. EULALIA PISTACIA Verrill, sp. nov. Body moderately slender, depressed. Head convex, shorter than broad 5 in preserved specimens, sides wTell rounded, posterior margin slightly emarginate ; median odd antenna small, slender, considerably [585] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. '291 shorter than the head. Eyes large, brown. Tentacular cirri moder ately long 5 the four posterior ones considerably longer than the others. Branchiae narrow lanceolate anteriorly; ovate and leaf-like on the middle segments ; longer and lanceolate posteriorly. Proboscis long, more or less clavate, smooth, but often showing longitudinal striations, and sometimes with a few very minute scattered papilla toward the end ; the orifice surrounded by a circle of numerous minute papillae. Color bright yellowish green (epidote-green or pistachio-green), often with obscure darker markings posteriorly, and at the base of the append ages. Length up to 40mnj ; breadth, 1.5mm. Vineyard Sound, G to 12 fathoms, among compound ascidiaus ; off Xew Haven, 4 to 5 fathoms, among hydroids. EULALIA GRANULOSA Yerrill, sp. nov. Body not very slender, considerably stouter than in the preceding species, and less tapering anteriorly. Head short cordate, decidedly eniarginate behind, broader than long; sides prominently rounded; front small, rounded. Antenae short; odd one slender, originating between the eyes, more than half the length of the head. Eyes large, round, convex, dark brown. Proboscis long, clavate, thickly covered throughout with round, scarcely prominent, crowded, rather large granules, each of which has a dark central spot ; orifice surrounded by a circle of small papillae. Tentacular cirri slender, acute, the two poste rior pairs long, reaching the eighth segment. Lateral appendages large and prominent for the genus. Branchiae of upper ramus rather large, ovate, leaf-like anteriorly; larger and obliquely ovate, with acuminate tips, farther back ; branchiae of lower ramus similar in form and nearly as large. Color bright grass-green. Length 55mm, or more ; breadtb, 2mm; length of proboscis, 6imn. Off New Haven, 4 to 5 fathoms, among hydroids. EULALIA ANNULATA Yerrill, sp. iiov. Body moderately slender, convex, tapering to both ends. Head longer than broad, somewhat oblong, truncate behind, the sides but little convex, narrowing but little to the obtusely rounded front. Pro boscis covered with small prominent papillae. Eyes two, large, dark brown or blackish, rather near together. Odd median antenna slender, more than half as long as the head, placed far in advance of the eyes; frontal antennae rather large, about the same in length, but much stouter than the median one, with slender tips. Tentacular cirri very unequal, the two upper pairs much longer than the others, not very slender, reaching to the seventh or eighth segment in preserved speci mens; the two lower pairs not more than one-third as long. Dorsal branchiae narrow and acute throughout ; the anterior ones are narrow lanceolate, with subacute tips; those farther back become still more elongated, narrow lanceolate, or almost linear lanceolate, with acuminate 292f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [5361 tips, and in length equal to half the diameter of the body ; posteriorly they become somewhat wider, with acute, curved tips. Caudal cirri small, narrow lanceolate, about as long as the posterior lateral lamellae, or branchiae Color of preserved specimens pale greenish or bluish gray, with narrow aunulations of golden brown, and iridescent. Length 50mm, or more ; breadth about 1.25mm. Vineyard Sound, 4 to 12 fathoms, among ascidians. EULALIA GrRACiLis Verrill, 'sp. nov. Body very long and slender, with the segments deeply incised ; pos terior segments elongated. Head small, elongated, truncate behind ; posterior angles not prominent, oblong, tapering but little toward the front, which is obtusely rounded ; sides not swollen. Eyes of moderate size, brown, situated close to the posterior margin of the head. The four frontal antennas are more than half as large as the head, rather stout, tapering, and the head is slightly constricted behind them ; odd median one, small, slender, inconspicuous, about one-third the length of the head, placed considerably in advance of the eyes. Tentacular cirri rather stout, the two upper ones longest, rather more than twice as long as the head ; the posterior pair, when extended backward, reaches the fifth setigerous segment in preserved, specimens ; the two lower ones are considerably stouter and smaller, nearly equal, and are somewhat longer than the head in alcoholic specimens. BranchiaB of the anterior segments short, oval, obtuse at the tip ; posteriorly larger, elongated oval, leaf-like. Color light greenish brown or olive, with a row of dark brown spots along each side of the dorsal surface of the body. Length up to 65mm; breadth about lmm. Vineyard Sound, G to 14 fathoms, among ascidiaus and hydroids. This species is very active in its motions. In general appearance it resembles certain species of Phyllodoce, for which it might easily be mistaken, owing to the small size and translucency of the odd median antenna, which is not easily observed, especially with living specimens. The position of the tentacular cirri is, however, sufficient to distinguish the genus from Phyllodoce and Eumidia. The form of the head is quite peculiar, but somewhat resembles that of Phyllodoce gracilis, and also the preceding species. One specimen of the Eiilalla gracilis was found in which fissiparity was apparently about to take place. In this, one of the segments was larger than the rest, and had developed a distinct pair of eyes. The specimen unfortunately died before the separation took place. PHYLLODOCE GRACILIS Verrill, sp. uov. PL XI, fig. 56. (p. 494.) (?) Phyllodoce maculata A. Agassiz, Annals Lyceum New York, vol. viii, p. 333, fig. 53, 1866 (non Miiller, nee CErsted). Body very long and slender. Head longer than broad, decidedly cordate behind, with the posterior angles well rounded; the sides swell- [587] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. '293 ing out opposite the eyes, then narrowing to near the antenna;, where there is a slight constriction, and expanding slightly at the end, which is obtusely rounded. Eyes very large, brown, wide apart, and sub-lateral, connected by a curved band of brown specks; antenna) rather large and long, about one-third as long as the head. Tentacular cirri large, the two posterior much the longest, reaching to about the eighth setigerous seg ment. Branchke of anterior segments broad oval or sub-circular, rounded at the end ; posterior ones larger, broad oval, narrowed to the end. Pro boscis with a large, swollen, basal portion, on which are twelve longi tudinal rows of large, prominent, obtuse papilla?, about seven in each row ; and a terminal smooth portion, which is somewhat longer, and about as broad at the end as the basal portion, but considerably narrower at its commencement; the orifice is surrounded by a circle of large, rounded papilla?. Color greenish, with a median dorsal row of dark brown spots, and another less conspicuous row along each side of the back, at the base of the lateral appendages. Length up to 75mm; breadth, 1 to 1.25mm. Watch Hill, Ehode Island, in 4 or 5 fathoms, rocky bottom. The figure (56) copied from one of those given by Mr. Agassiz does not agree perfectly with the specimens described, but probably represents the same species. The head, as figured, is more oblong and the eyes nearer together than in niy specimens ; the tentacular cirri are less crowded. The anterior ones, in the preserved specimens at least, appear to arise from beneath the base of the head. Some of these differences may be due to the different states of extension and contraction ; for the species in this family are all quite changeable in form during life, and usually contract very much in alcohol. PHYLLODOCE OATENULA Yerrill, sp. nov. (p. 404.) Head somewhat longer than broad, slightly cordate posteriorly, with the posterior angles well rounded, and the sides full and convex ; front broadly rounded, a.ud with a slight emargination in the middle. Eyes large, dark brown, placed on the dorsal surface of the head; antennoe rather long, slender. Tentacular cirri long and slender, the two posterior much longer than the others. Branchiae of anterior segments broad ovate, with rounded tips ; farther back larger and longer, ovate, leaf-like, with acuminate tips. Proboscis with twelve rows of papillae on the basal portion, which are prominent, somewhat elongated, obtuse, seven or eight in the lateral rows, those in each row close together. Color of body and branchia3 pale green, with a median dorsal row of dark brown spots, one to each segment; and two lateral rows, in which there is a spot at the base of each " foot f head pale, or greenish white. Length up to 75mm; breadth about 1.5mi". Watch Hill, Ehode Island, in 4 to 0 fathoms, among rocks and alga?-, and in tide-pools; Wood's Hole, at surface, evening, July 3. Very common in the Bay of Fundy, from low-water to 50 fathoms. 294 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [588] This species is closely allied to P. pulchella Malmgren, from Northern. Europe, but differs somewhat iii the form of the head, which is shorter and rounder in the latter ; the branchiae also differ in form. It is a very active species, and secretes a large quantity of mucus. ETEONE ROBUST A Yerrill, sp. noy. (p. 488.) Body large, stout, depressed, broadest in the middle, tapering gradu ally to each end. Head small, about as long as wide, convex, with a me dian depression 5 the sides rounded; front obtusely rounded. The four frontal antennae are very small, short, obtuse, less than half the diameter of the head. Eyes very small, black. Tentacles very small and short? tapering, their length about one-half the diameter of the head, the two pairs about equal. BranehiaB small, sessile, anteriorly very small, oval, obtuse; in the middle region rounded, sub-oval. Color dark green, with the anterior portion somewhat paler, and with light green transverse bands between the segments; lateral appendages pale green. Length, 125mm; breadth in middle, 5mm; length of head, 0.6mm. Watch Hill, Rhode Island, under stones, between tides, April 12, 1873. ETEONE LIMICOLA Yen-ill, sp. nov. (p. 349.) Body very long and slender, tapering gradually to both ends; depressed, and with deeply incised, elongated segments posteriorly; less depressed and with shorter and less distinct segments anteriorly. Head small, about as broad as long, the posterior angles well rounded, the sides with a slight constriction in advance of the eyes, narrowing rapidly; front narrow, convex ; antennae slender, about half the length of the head. Eyes minute, inconspicuous. Tentacular cirri about equal to the length of the head. Lateral appendages small on the anterior segments, becom ing much more prominent farther back; anterior branchiae very small, ovate, sessile; those farther back much larger, and narrow ovate. Color, when living, light green throughout. Length about S0mm ; breadth, including appendages, 1.5mm. Great Egg Harbor, Xew Jersey, in mud at low- water. ETEONE SETOSA Yen-ill, sp. nov. Body long and slender, resembling the preceding in form, but some what less slender. Head shorter and broader, the posterior angles prominently rounded ; two slight notches or emarginations on the posterior margin, the middle portion extending farther back than the lateral; sides rapidly tapering; front narrow. Antennae less than half the length of the head. Eyes small, but quite distinct. Tentacular cirri scarcely as long as the head. Lateral appendages a little promi nent on the anterior segments, but much less so than farther back; setae numerous. The branchiae are small, sessile, and inconspicuous anteriorly ; larger and ovate farther back. Length up to 75mm ; breadth about 2mm. Yineyard Sound, 6 to 12 fathoms, among ascidians. [589] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 295 ETEONE, species undetermined. A small and slender species was dredged off Gay Head, in 19 fathoms, soft mud. Another very peculiar species of Eteone was obtained at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. In this the head is depressed and elongated, tapering, with short antennae. The anterior part of the body is round and with the lateral appendages very small, closely appressed, and not at all prominent, giving to this part of the body a smooth appearance 5 on this part of the body the branchia3 are very small, lunate, sessile, closely appressed; farther back they become much larger, and rounded or ovate, while the setigerous lobe becomes prominent, and the setae much longer and more numerous. PODARKE OBSCURA Yerrill, sp. nov. PI. XII, fig. 61. (p. 319.) Body convex above, flat below, with the segments deeply incised at the sides, moderately slender in fall extension, but capable of great con traction, tapering gradually to the caudal extremity, and less toward the head. Head small, broader than long, emarginate in front, sides forming rounded angles; posterior margin nearly straight. Antennae five, sub- equal, the outer pair articulated upon a short, thick basal segment; the odd median one is somewhat shorter, articulated upon a small basal segment, which arises in front of the anterior pair of eyes. Tentacular cirri long, slender, six on each side, two arising from each of the first three annulations, on each side; those on the middle are longest, those on the first shortest. Eyes four, small, red; those on each side close together, but those of the anterior pair are farthest apart. Proboscis with a large, swollen basal portion, and a smaller cylindrical terminal portion, the surface nearly smooth. Lateral appendages, or "feet," elongated, biramous. The upper branch is short, conical, bearing at its extremity a long, slender dorsal cirrus, nearly as long as the breadth of the body, or even exceeding it, and having a short basal joint; the setae of the upper ramus are very few and small. The lower branch is much larger and longer, thick at base, tapering somewhat to the obtuse end, from which a small, terminal, obtuse, papillilbrm process arises; the short, acute, ventral cirrus arises from about the terminal third, and is less than half as long as the dorsal cirrus; the setae are numerous and long, forming a broad, fan-shaped fascicle, in which the middle setae are' 'considerably longer than the upper and lower ones, and in length about equal to the setigerous lobe ; these setae are all compound, the middle ones having a very long, slender, acute terminal joint, and the shorter ones beneath having a much shorter terminal joint. Last segment small, rounded, bearing two long, slender anal cirri, much longer than the dorsal cirri. Color variable, most commonly very dark brown or blackish ; sometimes dark brown with transverse bauds of light flesh- color between the segments, and two intermediate transverse whitish lines on each segment. 296 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [590] Length up to 40mm when extended ; breadth, including setae, 3mm. Wood's Hole, among eel-grass and at the surface, very abundant, especially at night, in July and August ; also under stones, between tides. AUTOLYTUS CORNUTUS A. Agassiz. PL XIII, figs. 65, 66. (p. 397.) Journal Boston Society of Natural History, vol. vii, p. 392, Plates 9-11, 1863. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; New Haven; Watch Hill; Vineyard Sound; Massachusetts Bay ; Eastport, Maine. Low-water mark to 15 fathoms. AUTOLYTUS, species undetermined, (p. 398.) Off New Haven, 4 to 6 fathoms, shelly, among hydroids. AUTOLYTUS, species undetermined. Females, filled with eggs, of a large species of this genus were taken at the surface of Vineyard Sound, April 30, by Mr. V. N. Edwards. These were about 40111111 in length, as preserved in alcohol, and rather stout, tapering to each end. The head is small, short, rounded in front. The eyes are small, and the two pairs are near together. The odd median antenna is more than twice as long as the breadth of the head; the lateral ones are about half as long ; the first six setigerous segments have short seta?; the following ones have a fascicle of long, slender ones, equal to the breadth of the body. SYLLIS, species undetermined, (p. 453.) A single specimen from Vineyard Sound. The body is about 12mm long; the antenna? are not very long; the palpi short; the dorsal cirri are rather long, and, like the antenna^, regularly beaded ; the ventral cirri are small, tapering; the seta? are numerous, rather short. GATTIOLA, species undetermined, (p. 453.) Young specimens were taken several times in Vineyard Sound, at the surface. Adult specimens of a fine species of this genus were dredged in the Bay of Fundy in 1872, in 80 fathoms. NEREIS VIRENS Sars. PL XI, figs. 47-50. (p. 317.) Beskrivelser og lakttagelser, etc., p. 58, PL 10, fig. 27, a, b, c, 1835 (t, Malmgren). Nereis grandis Stimpson, Invertebrata of Grand Manan, p. 34, fjg. 24, 1853. Nereis TanUana Quatrefages, Hist, des Anuelds, i, p. 553, PL 17, figs. 7, 8 1865; Alittavirens Malmgren, op. cit., p. 183; Anuulata polychreta, p. 56, PL 3, figs. 19, A-E, 1867. New Haven, at low water ; Watch Hill ; Vineyard Sound ; Massachu setts Bay; Eastport, Maine; northward to Labrador. Northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. NEREIS LIMBATA Ehlers. PL XI, fig. 51. (p. 318.) Die Borsten warmer, vol. i. p. 567, 1868. Charleston, South Carolina, to Massachusetts Bay ; half-tide mark to 4 to G fathoms in Long Island Sound. [591] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 297 KEREIS PELAGIOA Linn. PI. XI, figs. 52-55. (p. 310.) Systema naturae, ed. x, p. 654 ; ed. xii, p. 1086; Malragren, Annulata polychaeta p. 47, PL 5, figs. 35, A-D, 1867 ; Ehlers, op. cit., p. 511, PI. 20, figs. 11-20, 1868. Heteronerds grandifolia Malmgren, Nordiska Hafs-Aniiulater, p. 108, PI. 11, figs. 15, 16, B, Bl, C ; Ann. polychoeta, p. 60, PI. 5, figs. 31, A-D; Heteronereis arctica CErsted, Greenland's Annul, dorsibr., p. 27, PL 4, figs. 50*, 51, 60, PL 5, figs. 65, 68 70*, male (t. Ehlers); Heteronereis assimilis CErsted, op. cit., p. 28, PL 4, figs. 54, 61, PL 5, fig. 72, female (t. Ehlers). Off New Haven ;• Watch Hill; Vineyard Sound ; northward to Labra dor. Greenland; Iceland; Spitsbergen ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. In the Bay of Fundy from low-water mark to 106 fathoms, common. NEREIS- FUCATA And. and Edwards, (p. 494.) Histoire nat. litt. de la France, vol. ii, p. 188 (teste Malmgreu) ; Lycoris fucaia Savigny, Syst. des Annelides, p. 31, 1820 (t. Ehlers) ; Descr. de 1'Egypte, ed. 2, xxi, p. 357 (t. Malmgren); Nereilepas fucata Malmgren, Aunulata polychaeta, p. 53, PL 3, figs. 18-18 E ; Johnston, Catalogue, p. 158, fig. 30, 1865. Hetero nereis ylaucopis Malmgren, Nordiska Hafs-Aimulater, Ofvers. af Kongl. Vet. Akad. Forb., 1865, p. 181, PL 11, figs. 16, 16 A; Annulata polychseta, p. 60, PL 4, figs. 26, 27, 1867. Nereis fucata Ehlers, Borstenwiirmer, vol. i, p. 546, PL 21, figs. 41-44. A specimen was dredged at Watch Hill, Rhode Island, in 4 to G fath oms, among rocks and algae, which agrees well with Malmgreu's descrip tion and figure of Heteronereis glaucopis. Ehlers regards the latter as the heteronereis-form of N. fucata. NEREIS, species undetermined. Head sub-conical; antenna? small, slender; palpi small, shorter, and thicker; two upper pairs of tentacular cirri moderately elongated, sub- equal, lower ones very small. Posterior eyes elongated and on the upper side of the head; anterior pair small, lateral. Feet terminated by four small papillae; dorsal and ventral cirri small, slender. The only specimen observed is preserved in alcohol ; it is a female filled with eggs. Vineyard Sound, 0 to 8 fathoms. NECTONEREIS Verrill, genus nov. Head prominent, depressed, oval, rounded in front, bearing two pairs of large eyes on the upper and lateral surfaces, and a pair of small antenna beneath; palpi small or rudimentary. Tentacular cirri four on each side, as in Nereis. Proboscis small, similar to that of Nereis, but more simple; furnished with a pair of terminal hooks ; with two anterior clusters of denticles on the upper side, and with five small clusters be low, in a ring extending nearly half-way around it. Anterior part of body fusiform, consisting of about fourteen segments, on which the feet are divided into small, rounded lobes, with small ventral cirri; and with long dorsal cirri, those on the first seven segments swollen and gibbous toward the end, with a small acute terminal portion. Posterior part of 298 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [592] the body composed of numerous short segments, on which the feet are furnished with lamelliform appendages. This remarkable annelid bears some resemblance, in the structure of the body and " feet," to Heteronereis, and there is probably another form to which it bears the same relation that Reteronereis bears to Nereis ; but the structure of the head is very unlike that of any known genus, and, indeed, would not allow it to be placed in the family of Nereides without modifying the family-characters. There are are no large palpi, corre sponding to those of Nereis, and nothing to represent them, unless two small lobes close to the mouth be considered rudimentary palpi. NEOTONEREIS MEGALOPS Yerrill, sp. nov. Plate XII, figs. G2, G3. (p. 440.) Body slender, consisting of two parts; the anterior portion, contain ing fourteen setigerous segments, is broadest in the middle, tapering both ways, and separated from the posterior portion by a distinct con striction ; the posterior portion is much longer and more slender, taper ing gradually to the end, and consists of very numerous short segments, which are furnished with complex lateral appendages, with thin lamellae and compound bladed setre. Head broad oval, somewhat convex, and very smooth above ; the lateral margins a little convex ; the front obtusely rounded. Eyes very large, convex ; the anterior ones largest, lateral and partially dorsal, oval ; in contact with the posterior ones, which are somewhat smaller and more dorsal. T\vo small decurved antennae, with swollen bases, are on the ventral side of the head ; two small, rounded processes in front of the mouth. Tentacular cirri slender, the upper pair much the longest ; the rather short lower pair arising near the mouth; the two intermediate pairs arise behind and close to the anterior eyes ; all are slightly annulated. The " feet" on the first seven segments have a large dorsal cirrus, increasing in length from the first to the seventh, narrow at base, swollen and gibbous toward the end, with a slender, oblique, terminal portion ; on the seven following segments the dorsal cirri are smaller, , slender, tapering; the ventral cirri are small, with swollen bases on the first five seg ments, slender and tapering on the rest ; the intermediate lobes of the feet are small and rounded, but more elongated on the first five seg ments. Seta? of different forms, many of them with a slender, often curved, acute terminal piece. The lateral appendages of the posterior region have, on the upper ramus, a long, slender dorsal cirrus, strongly creuulate-lobed on the lower side; a small, rounded lamelliform process above its base; and a long, lanceolate process arising just below it, and in length equaling the cirrus ; an ovate setigerous lobe, bearing a broad fan-shaped fascicle of compound seta3, extending about to the end of the dorsal cirrus ; and a lower ovate-lanceolate lamelliform process, with the base expanded and extending backward, the tip reaching to about the outer third of 299 the cirrus ; a single strong black spine supports the setigerous lobe. The lower ramus has a rounded setigerous lobe, and a large broadly- rounded lamelliform process, nearly as long as the longest one of the upper ramus and much broader ; the setigerous lobe bears a broad fan- shaped fascicle of compound setae, similar to those of the upper ramus, but a little shorter, and a single black basal spine; the ventral cirrus is slender, and there is a broad, rounded ventral lamella at its base. The setae are rather stout, with a broad, thin, blade-like, terminal piece, which is generally lanceolate, with a rounded point, and often some what curved, but more commonly straight. A few setc'e have a slender acute terminal piece. Anal segment with numerous small slender papil- liform processes on each side, forming a circle. Length up to 35mm ; breadth about 2.5mm. Vineyard Sound, swimming actively at the surface, both in the even ing and in the brightest sunshine, in the middle of the day ; July 3 to August 11. r DIOPATRA CUPREA Claparede. Plate XIII, figs. 67, 68. (p. 346.) Aunelides ch6topodes du golfe de Naples, in Memoires de la Societe' de Physiques et d'Hist. Nat. de Geneve, vol. xix, p. 432, 1863. Nereis ouprea Bosc, Hist. nat. des Vers, vol. i, p. 143 (t. Claparede). Charleston, South Carolina, to Long Island Sound and Vineyard Sound. MARPHYSA LEIDYI Quatrefages. Plate XII, fig. 64. (p. 319.) Histoire nat. des Anneles, vol. i, p. 337, 1865 (M. Leidii}. Eunice saiigninea Leidy, Mar. Inv. Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 15, 1855 (non Montagu). Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to Long Island Sound and Vineyard Sound. Low-water mark to 10 fathoms. LYCIDICE AMERICANA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 508.) Body depressed, slender, narrowed toward each end; segments well- marked. Head much depressed, oblong, narrowed somewhat toward the front, which is truncate and somewhat emarginate in the middle ; lower side bilobed, the lobes well rounded. The two eyes are lateral, just outside the bases of the lateral antennae. The three antenna are subequal, nearly as long as the diameter of the head; the odd median one is apparently a little longer than the lateral, and placed slightly farther back. The dorsal cirri are long and slender, exceeding the diameter of the body in living specimens; they have a small lobe near the base. Anal cirri four ; the two lower exceeding the diameter of the body ; the two upper ones less than half as long. Color light red, with a bright red dorsal vessel and dark brown intestines, showing through in the middle ; eyes dark red. Length, while living, about 40mra ; greatest diameter, 1.5mm. Off Gay Head, in 19 fathoms, soft mud. 21 v 300 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [594] NEMATONEREIS, species undetermined, (p. 508.) A species, apparently belonging to this genus, was dredged in 29 fathoms, east of Block Island. The specimens have been lost or mis laid. In life the head was small, rounded, with one median dorsal antenna, about as long as the diameter of the head. Eyes two, small but conspicuous, dark brown. Dorsal cirri slender. LlTMBRICONEREIS FRAGILTS (Ersted. (p. 507.) Conspec. Ann. Dan., p. 15, figs. 1, 2, 1843 (t. Malmgren). Luminous fragilis Miiller, Prod. Zool. Dan., p. 216; Zool. Dan., vol. i, p. 22, PL 22, figs. 1-3, 1788, (t. Malmgren). Lumlrinereis fragilis Malmgren, Annulata polychaita, p. 633 PI. 14, figs. 83-83, D. Mouth of Vineyard Sound and deeper waters outside; northward to Nova Scotia and Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Northern coasts of Europe. From low-water mark, in the Bay of Ftindy, to 430 fathoms, off Saint George's Bank. LUMBRICONEREIS OPALINA Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XIII, figs. 69, 70. (p. 342.) Lumlriconereis splcndida Leidy., op. cit., p. 15 (non Blainville). Body cylindrical, much elongated, largest in the middle, tapering gradually toward the head, which is comparatively small; segments well, marked. Head conoidal, obtuse, changing much in form during life; in extension considerably longer than broad, and more acute than in the figure. Eyes four, in a transverse row, the two middle ones larger and a little in advance of the others. The lateral appendages, or "feet," consist of a short, obtusely-rounded basal papilla, which bears the setas ; from the posterior and ventral end of this a prominent elon gated lobe arises, which is some whot curved and obtuse. These appen dages are longer in the middle of the body than anteriorly. Seta3 five to nine in each fascicle, and of several forms ; one or two in each fascicle usually have a long, slender, flexible capillar}T point, Color reddish or brownish, with brilliant iridescence. Length up to 400mm; diameter in middle, 3mm. New Haven to Vineyard Sound; low- water mark to 14 fathoms. LUMBRICONEREIS TENTHS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 342.) Body very long, slender, filiform, of nearly uniform diameter through out, capable of great extension ; segments very numerous, well marked. Head a little narrower than buccal segment, depressed, obtusely pointed or rounded in front, without eyes. In the first to ninth pairs the late ral appendages have about six slender lanceolate seta?; those of the ninth pair have two slender spatulate setae, with about six or seven lanceolate ones ; at the sixteenth pair they begin to have recurved spatulate setae, with two or three hook-like denticles at the end, while two or three lanceolate ones remain; posterior to the twenty-third or twenty-fourth pair only one of the long, slender, acute setre remains, accompanied by [595] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 301 two or three of the spatulate hooks; the latter are about half as long as the former, slender toward the base, but gradually becoming broader toward the end, which is twice as broad, obtusely rounded, and curved back from about the middle ; the hooks are nearly terminal on one side, the thin margin projecting beyond them. The basal lobe of the "feet" is very small; the posterior lobe is small but prominent. Color light red to dark red, somewhat iridescent. Length up to 350mm ; diameter, 0.05mm to lmm. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to New Haven and Vineyard Sound. NINOE NIGKRIPES Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 508.) Body elongated, slender, broadest a short distance behind the head, at the middle of the branchiferous segments. Head depressed, elongated, conical, blunt at end, about twice as long as broad. The branchiae are represented on the first two setigerous segments by a short, flattened lobe, arising from the outer and posterior face of the setigerous lobe. On the two following segments the lobe is divided into two or three parts; on the fifth there are usually three, more elongated, round, and more slender branchiae, which increase in number and length on the suc ceeding segments until there are five, six, or more long, slender branchial filaments, which arise from the posterior face of the setigerous lobe, and diverge, forming a somewhat fan-shaped or digitate group ; about the twenty-fourth segment the number rapidly diminishes, and after the twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth there remains but one small branchial process. The setigerous lobe is prominent, obtuse, turned forward. The seta3 are numerous on the branchial segments, and rather long, of various shapes, but mostly bent, with an acute lanceolate point; posteriorly they are shorter and fewer, and mostly slender, margined setae, with hooks at the spatulate end. Body flesh-color ; the setae dark, often blackish ; branchiae bright red. Length of broken specimens, 20mm ; breadth anteriorly, 2mm. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, and waters outside ; in 8 to 29 fathoms, mud. STAUROCEPHALUS PALLIDUS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 348.) Body rather slender, convex above, flattened below, largest in the middle, tapering slightly toward each end, composed of about seventy seg ments. Head small, depressed, rounded in front; antennae four, slen der, longer than the breadth of body, the two upper ones longer and more slender than the lower ones, strongly annulated or beaded ; lower ones stouter, smooth, tapering. Eyes four, dark red; the posterior pair very small, placed between the bases of the upper antennae; the anterior pair farther apart, placed between the bases of the upper and lower antennae. Anal cirri four, the upper pair slender and about twice as long as the lower ones. Dorsal cirri elongated, slender, more than twice as long as the setigerous lobe, absent on the first setigerous segment, very small on the 302 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [596 J second, but well developed on the third. Setae rather long and slender. Color pale yellow, with red blood-vessels showing through anteriorly. Length, 50mm ; breadth, 2mm. This species moves like a Nereis. Near New Haven light-house, in sand, at low-water mark. , • EHYNCHOBOLUS AMERICANUS Yen-ill. Plate X, figs. 45, 46. (p. 342.) Glycera Americana Leidy, op. cit., p. 15, PL 11, figs. 49,50, 1855; Ehlers, Borsten- wiirrner, vol. i-, p. 668, PL 23, figs. 43-46, 1868. Charleston, South Carolina, to Long Island Sound and Yiueyard Sound. Low-water mark to 10 fathoms. I follow Claparede in adopting Rhynchobolus for those species of the old genus Glycera which have the proboscis armed at the end with four hooks or faugs. * KHYNCHOBOLUS DIBRANCHIATUS Yerrill. Plate X, figs. 43, 44. (p. 341.) Glycera dilrancldata Ehlers, op. cit., pp. 670-702, PL 24, figs. 10-28, 1868. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to Long Island Sound ; Yiueyard Sound ; and Massachusetts Bay. Low- water mark to 8 fathoms. Ehlers has given a very full anatomical description of this species. EONE GRACILIS Yerrill, sp. nov. (p. 508.) Body very slender, terete ; surface iridescent. Head elon gated, acutely conical, composed of eight distinct, rounded annulations, the basal one with a pair of minute reddish eyes ; antennae four, slender. Feet prom inent, elongated, more than equal to half the diameter of the body ; they are uniramous on about thirty-two segments of the anterior part of the body, and bilobed, with a small obtuse dorsal cirrus ; the upper lobe is prominent, more elongated than the lower one, both cylindrical,obtusely pointed; seta3 compound, in two small fascicles^ long, the free part ex ceeding the entire length of the foot. On the posterior half of the body there is a small, slightly elevated, mammilliform upper rainus, above the base of the lower ramus, and entirely separate from it, containing two or more small, acute, dark setae, which project but slightly ; the lower ramus is deeply bilobed, the lobes elongated, round, the upper one longest, the lower one acute; on the posterior side of the base of the upper lobe there is a minute, rounded setigerous lobe, and at the junc tion of the two lobes, on the posterior face, there is another small setig erous lobe ; the setse are long and slender, acute, many of them curved, arranged in small fascicles. Length, 20mm ; diameter less than lmm. Off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, in soft mud. ARICIA ORNATA Yerrill, sp. nov. (p. 344.) Body rather stout, composed of numerous very short segments, much depressed and flattened anteriorly, strongly convex beneath in the .mid dle region, flattened above throughout; breadth nearly the same [597] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 303 through a large part of the length, narrowed slightly and gradually toward the posterior end, and abruptly narrowed anteriorly close to the head, which is very small, short, conical, and acute at the tip. On the anterior thirty-two setigerous segments the feet consist of a small upper ramus, having a small, tapering dorsal cirrus and a minute setigerous lobe, bearing a small fascicle of slender and short set»3, and a lower ra mus, separated by a narrow space, and consisting of a small upper papilla, and a long transverse row of minute, rounded papilla, which surmount a narrow, somewhat elevated, crest-like ridge; the first twelve or thirteen segments having shorter rows, so as to leave a broad, naked ventral space, but those farther back having rows of papillae that nearly meet beneath, and thus entirely covering the sides and ventral surface for a short distance; these crest-like ridges bear close rows of minute, hooked setae. The branchioe commence on the upper surface of the fifth setigerous segment, in the form of elongated papillae, which become more elongated and narrow ligulate farther back. Posterior to the thirty-second segment the papilliform crests of the lower ramus disap pear, and the lower ramus consists of an elongated papilliform, and finally cirriform, upper process, with a minute setigerous lobe at its base, bearing fine inconspicuous setae ; and an elongated membranous basal portion, decurrent down on the lateral surface of the segment; the up per ramus is connected at the base by a membranous web with the lower one, and consists of an elongated dorsal cirrus, similar in size and shape to the branchia, and a very small setigerous lobe, bearing a small fas cicle of fine setae. The branchia3 are connected by a slight web-like basal ridge with the dorsal cirri. Thus there are three parallel rows of cirriform or slender ligulate processes along each side of the back, leav ing a broad, central, naked space all along the back. Length up to 60mm or more; breadth, 4llim. Savin Rock, burrowing in sand at low-water mark, May, 1872. ANTHOSTOMA ROBUSTUM Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XIV, fig. 76. (p. 343.) Body large, long, stout, thickest and rounded, or but slightly depressed, anteriorly; tapering rapidly to the head; posterior portion very long, narrowing gradually to the posterior end, flatter or concave above, well rounded below, higher than wide, with three rows of long, erect, ligu late, or narrow lanceolate processes along each side of the back, the four inner rows largest; and a pair of foliaceous processes on the sides of each segment. Head short, conical, acute. Proboscis large, broad, di vided into about eighteen long, narrow, digitate, and sulcated lobes, with convoluted margins, broadest at the end, and free for a large part of their length, but united at the base by a membranous web; or it might be described as divided into a lower, two lateral, and two upper main lobes, each of which is again divided into three or four digitations. During life these are all continually changing in form and length, and generally only a few of the processes are protruded at one time. Branchiae com- 304 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [598] meuce on the twenty-sixth setigerous segment as minute papillae; on the twenty-eighth they become prominent and acute-conical ; farther back they become long, lanceolate, thin, foliaceous, as long as the diame ter of the body. On the twenty-three anterior setigerous segments the " feet" are rep resented by two short, dense, fan-sbaped fascicles of seta? on each side- On the twenty-fourth segment a small papilliform lobe, or ventral cirrus, appears below the lower ramus, which rapidly becomes larger on the succeeding segments, becoming quite conspicuous on the twenty-ninth segment; at about the twenty-eighth it becomes broader, and divided into three small lobes, the lowest broadest and thinnest, and a bilobed setigerous lobe is developed. At the thirtieth the ventral lobe becomes broader, somewhat foliaceous, with a rounded outline; farther back this becomes still larger and more foliaceous, with a broadly-rounded fiexuous outer border, and the upper branch of the setigerous lobe be comes an elongated ligulate process, directed upward, and similar in form to the branchia3, though smaller and more slender, but the lower branch remains small and rounded ; a small fascicle of long, slender setse arises from between them. On the twenty-seventh segment an upper cirrus appears on both the upper and lower rami, in the form of a small papilla, which becomes somewhat elongated and tapering at the twenty-ninth ; that of the lower ramus continues small throughout, and much shorter than the setigerous or ventral lobes, but that of the upper ramus becomes rapidly larger, longer, and more ligulate, corresponding nearly with the branchia3 in size, form, and rate of increase. On the middle and posterior regions the upper ramus consists of this long, thin, lanceolate cirrus and a fascicle of long, slender setae, arising from the anterior face of its base, and in length considerably exceeding the cirrus; the setas are pale yellow. Those of the upper ramus are short anteriorly, and become decidedly longer at the twenty -eighth segment, and on the thirty-second and subsequent segments they form a long, divergent, fan-shaped fascicle; color, when living, ocher-yellow, orange- yellow, to 3Tellowish brown, generally brighter yellow posteriorly. Usu ally there are two rows of brown spots along the back, and posteriorly there is a dorsal red or reddish brown line ; branchia3 blood-red. Length of large specimens up to 375mm or more; breadth, 10mm; ordi nary specimens are about 300mm long and 7mm broad. Owing to the facility with which it breaks up when disturbed, it is difficult to obtain entire specimens of large size. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; Xew Haven; Wood's Hole; in sand, at low-water. ANTHOSTOMA FRAGILE Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 344.) Body long and slender, composed of very numerous segments, very fragile, and prone to divide spontaneously when disturbed; thickest and sub-cylindrical anteriorly, tapering rapidly to the head; posterior part [599] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 305 very long and slender, tapering gradually, flattened dorsally. Head distinctly annulated, elongated conical, very acute, with the tip slender and translucent ; proboscis short and broad, not extending far beyond the tip of the head, with six or more broad, convoluted, changeable lobes, which are united at the base by a broad membranous expansion. The dorsal branchiae first appear on the sixteenth setigerous segment as small papillae ; they become well developed and long ligulate at about the twentieth, increasing somewhat in length on the segments farther back. On the first thirteen segments behind the buccal the "feet" are represented by a very small, slightly-elevated lobe, above and below, each bearing a dense fascicle, that of the lower ram us widest, but the length of the setae about equal in both. On the fourteenth segment a small tubercle appears on both rami ; on the sixteenth these become elongated and somewhat cirriform, and the setae become considerably longer on the fifteenth segment. At about the seventeenth segment the lower ramus becomes distinctly tri-lobed, and at the twentieth four- lobed, with the setigerous lobe bifid, and the two lower lateral lobes conical, acute, and swollen at the base ; while the upper ramus is long and ligulate, like the branchiae, and the setae are long and slender, the lower fascicle smallest. Farther back the lobes of the lower ramus be come still more developed, but keep their acute conical form, and the upper ramus and setae continue to elongate until, on the posterior part of the body, they exceed in length the diameter of the body. Anal seg ment oblong, sub-cylindrical, smooth, with two long filiform, cirri on the upper side; color, when living, brownish orange, dull yellow, ocher, light reddish, or flesh-color, with a red median dorsal line, and some times with the dorsal surface tinged with red posteriorly : a narrow, light ventral line, bordered with reddish. Sometimes the upper surface is maculate with fine polygonal, whitish spots, due, perhaps, to ova contained within the body; there are sometimes two obscure brownish spots on the upper side of the head. Length up to 125mm; diameter, 3mm. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey ; New Haven; Watch Hill; Wood's Hole ; in sand, between tides, and gregarious. ANTIIOSTOMA ACUTUM Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 501.) Body long and quite slender, tapering most toward the head, and very gradually posteriorly. Head very acutely pointed, with two rather indistinct reddish spots above, resembling imperfect ocelli. The branchiae commence at the eleventh setigerous segment as small dorsal papillae, and become prominent on the thirteenth ; on the succeeding segments they become long and ligulate. Anteriorly the feet are rep resented by an upper ramus, consisting of a very small tuft of setae, with a very small papilliform lobe above it, and a lower ramus, consist ing of a small prominent papilla, with a fascicle of slender setae, much larger than the upper one. On the fourteenth and succeeding segments 306 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [600] the dorsal cirrus of the upper ramus becomes longer, more slender, and ligulate. On the fifteenth segment a small, short, rounded ventral cirrus appears on the lower ramus, and farther back it becomes larger and more prominent, and the setigerous lobe becomes bilobed. Anal segment rounded, obtuse ; cirri long and slender. Color light red. Length up to 40mm; diameter, 2.5mm. Off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, soft mud; also from the deeper parts of Vineyard Sound. ANTHOSTOMA, species undetermined, (p. 508.) Another species, not well studied, was dredged in the deeper waters off Gay Head and Buzzard's Bay. It differs from all the preceding in having eighteen anterior segments without branchiae. NERINE AGILIS Yei'iill, sp. nov. (p. 346.) Body long and rather slender, anteriorly flattened, posteriorly more rounded. Head long conical, with a slender acute tip; mouth a trans verse fissure beneath; eyes four, placed in frout of the bases of the two large antennae, small, black, the anterior ones a little farther apart ; anteuua3 long, slender, with thickened bases, placed on the dorsal surface of the head, with their bases contiguous. The branchiae are slender, ligulate, and exist on all the segments except the first. On the first segment the "feet" are represented on each side by two small rounded lobes, bearing very small setae, and placed just below the bases of the antennae; on the succeeding twenty segments the lower ramus consists of a larger, somewhat semicircular lobe, bearing a broad cluster of slender, acute seta3, and separate from the upper ramus, which consists of a thin foliaceous process joined to the branchial cirrus, but with a free terminal portion, and bearing a broad, comb-like cluster of long acute set*, nearly as long as the bran chiae, and much longer than those of the ventral ramus. On the twenty-first setigerous segment a small papilliform ventral cirrus ap pears on the lower ramus, and farther back it becomes more prominent and separate from the setigerous lobe. In the middle and posterior region the free portion of the cirriform lobe of the upper ramus is longer. Color reddish or brownish green anteriorly, light green on the sides; branchia3 bright red. Length up to 60mm ; breadth, 2mm; length of antennae, 12mm. Great Egg Harbor, ^ew Jersej-, on the outer beach, burrowing in sand, at low-water mark. SCOLECOLEPIS VIRIDIS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 345.) Body long, slender, depressed; both the upper and lower surfaces flattened, of nearly uniform breadth throughout most of the length, abruptly narrowed at each end, and somewhat tapering and more rounded posteriorly. Head with the central plate longer than broad, i.601] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 307 forming an acute angle behind, anteriorly suddenly expanding into a wide transverse frontal lobe, broadly rounded in front, with a slight emargination in the middle, the lateral angles prominent and slightly aurieulate or recurved. Eyes four, distant, the two pairs nearly parallel. Proboscis small, smooth, rounded. Antennae slender, twice as long as the breadth of the body. The branchiae are slender and ligulate an teriorly, and meet over the middle of the back; but farther back they gradually decrease in length, and disappear at about the anterior third. The upper rainus of the feet consists of a broad, thin, foliaceous upper ramus, rounded outwardly, connected, for most of its length, with the branchia, the upper end a little prominent ; and a broad cluster of setae, consisting of a small upper fascicle of slender aciculae, scarcely as long as the branchia, and a comb-like group of shorter and somewhat stouter bent and acute setaa. The lower ramus consists of a small, thin, rounded process, bearing a transverse row of acute bent seta3, and a ventral tuft of longer and more slender ones. Posteriorly the slender setae in the dorsal and ventral tufts are considerably longer ; and several stouter, recurved, two-hooked, uncinate setae appear in the transverse rows of acute setae, both in the upper and lower rami. Anal segment short, truncate or suburceolate, somewhat bilobed ; the margin of the orifice crenulated with small rounded lobes, and with four small conical papillae on the upper side. Color olive-green or bright green, darker posteriorly ; branchiae bright red; antennae light green, with a row of black specks, Length up to 100mm ; breadth, 3mm. Great Egg Harbor; New Haven; Watch Hill; Wood's Hole; burrow ing in sand, at low- water. SCOLECOLEPIS TENUIS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 345.) Body very long and slender, depressed, especially anteriorly, gradually tapering posteriorly. Head short and broad, slightly three-lobed in front, the central lobe broadly rounded, the lateral ones also rounded, somewhat smaller. Antennae long and slender. The branchiae are small, ligulate, and exist only on the anterior segments. The setae of the dor sal fascicle are long and slender ; but those of the first three segments are longer than the others, forming large fan-shaped fascicles directed upward and forward; those of the first segment longest, about twice as long as the breadth of the head. Farther back the setae of the upper ramus become shorter, the upper ones slender, capillary, the lower ones stouter, somewhat bent, mostly acute, some uncinate. Those of the lower ramus are shorter, setiforrn, forming large fascicles anteriorly. Farther back the upper ones are partly stouter, somewhat bent, and acute, and partly uncinate, while a small ventral fascicle of slender ones still remains. Posteriorly the setigerous lobes of the feet become very small. Color light green ; branchiae red, tinged with green ; antennae whitish, with a red central line. Length, 80mm ; breadth, 1.25inm. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; burrowing in sand, at low- water. 308 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [602] SCOLECOLEPIS CIKRATA Malmgren. (p. 501.) Annnlata polychaeta, p. 91, PI. 9, figs. 54 A-54 D. Nerine cirrata Sars, Nyt. Mag., vol. vi, p. 207 (teste Malmgren). This is a larger and stouter species than either of the preceding. The front of the head is broadly rounded, with prominent, rounded, lateral angles ; the foliaceous lateral appendages are larger and much wider. Off Block Island, in 29 fathoms, and in the deepest parts of Vine yard Sound, near the mouth; off Saint George's Bank, in 110 and 150 fathoms. Northern coasts of Europe; Spitzbergen; Greenland. In 20- 250 fathoms. (Malmgren). SPIO SETOSA Yerrill, sp. nov. Plate XIV, fig. 77. (p. 344.) Nerine coniocephala ? A. Agassiz, Annals Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of New York, vol.' viii, p. 333, PL x, figs. 39-45, 1866, (now Johnston.) Body long, moderately slender, flattened dorsally, convex below, obtuse anteriorly, slightly tapered toward the posterior end. Head with a prominent median lobe, which is sub-truncate and a little turned up at the front end, with the corners a little prominent and rounded ; lateral lobes shorter than the median; on the posterior part of the vertex there is a small median, conical prominence. Eyes four, on the vertex, the posterior pair nearest together; antennae long. Branchiae moder ately long, slender, ligulate, largest on the anterior segments. On the first three or four segments the upper ram us ot the feet has a slender dorsal cirrus, which disappears farther back. The setae of the upper ram us are long, acute, and form a broad fascicle, in which the upper ones are much longer and more slender, divergent; the lower stouter and more or less bent; they are longest on the first four or five segments, the upper ones considerably exceeding the branchiae. The lower ramus is small and but slightly elevated; on the anterior segments it bears a small fascicle of short, acute, bent setae, much shorter than those of the upper ramus, and closely crowded together in two or more rows, with a small ventral tuft of longer and more slender setae; farther back the acute bent setae begin to be replaced by uncinate setae, which, at about the tenth segment, form a complete transverse row, parallel with a row of slightly longer, pointed setae, wrhile the small ventral tuft of longer acute setae still remains, and all the setae in the broad fascicle of the upper ramus are acute and much longer. In the middle region of the body, the uncini of the lower ramus form a close row, containing fifteen to twenty; they are strongly recurved near the end and margined. Length up to 80mm; diameter about 2.5mm. New Haven : Wood's Hole ; and Naushou Island ; in sand, at low- water. This species appears to be the same as the one studied by Mr. Agassiz, though it differs slightly from his figures, one of which 1 have copied. [603] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 309 SPIO ROBTJSTA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 345.) Body stout, broadest anteriorly, tapering posteriorly, but little de pressed except anteriorly, very convex beneath, flattened above. Head broad., somewbat angular 5 the median lobe truncated and slightty emar- ginate in front ; lateral lobes a little shorter, wide, obtuse in front, slightly augulated laterally ; a small median, conical elevation on the posterior part of the head. Antennae long, rather stout. Branchiae long, narrow, tapering. Upper rani us of the feet with a small, obtuse setigerous lobe, bearing a small fascicle of short setae, considerably shorter than the branchiae, even on the anterior segments, and a foli aceous process arising behind the setrgerous lobe, broadly rounded on its thin outer edge ; the upper end free and obtusely pointed ; farther back the setae are shorter and the foliaceous process smaller and less prominent. The lower ram us on the anterior segments has a small, prominent, semicircular foliaceous process and a small, dense fascicle of short seta3, crowded in several transverse rows ; on the eighth and sub sequent segments the foliaceous processes become larger and wider, and the setae more numerous, crowded, and partly unemate ; still farther back the setae are nearly all uncinate, except a very small ventral tuft of slender ones, and form long, double, transverse rows, projecting but little beyond the surface. Color greenish. Length, 50mm, or more ; breadth, 3mm to 3.5mm. Wood's Hole and Naushon Island 5 in sand, at low-water mark. POLYDORA CILIATUM Claparede(?). Plate XIY, fig. 78. (p. 345.) A. Agassiz, On the Young Stages of a Few Annelids, in Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist, of New York, vol. viii, pp. 323-330, figs. 26-38, 1866 (embryology). Naushon Island and Massachusetts Bay; in muddy sand, at about half- tide (A. Agassiz). The adults of this species were not found by us. The young were frequently taken in the towing-uets. A young Polydora, belonging perhaps to a different species, was dredged off New Haven, in 4 to 6 fathoms, shelly bottom. It was about 12mm long. The color was pale yellow, with small black spots along the sides between the fascicles of setae ; a red dorsal vessel ; antennae white. OPHELIA SIMPLEX Leidy. (p. 319.) Marine Invert. Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 16, 1855. Body short, smooth, iridescent, well rounded above, flat below ; usually found coiled up, so that the extremities meet, or nearly so, and resembling in "general form the larvae of certain beetles and flies. Head very acute conical 5 the buccal segment suddenly enlarges ; mouth be neath, with thick evertile lips, the lower one generally protruded as a large rounded lobe. Posterior end terminated by about ten unequal, round, blunt, fleshy, simple papillae, of which the two ventral ones 310 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES [604] are considerably longest. The setae commence opposite the mouth and extend to the posterior end ; they form two fan-shaped fascicles on each side of each segment, closely approximate at their origin, bat strongly divergent, the upper ones directed upward, the lower ones downward ; the setae are very long aud slender on the middle segments, those of the upper fascicles longest, and exceeding half the diameter of the body ; anteriorly they are considerably shorter ; they are somewhat expanded toward the base, but have long and very slender tips. Dorsal cirri rather long and stout, transparent and wrinkled, blunt at tip, thickened at base; in length nearly equaling a third of the diameter of the body. Color yellowish white, tinged with brownish on the sides. Length, 8mm to 10mm; diameter, 1.5mm. Savin Rock, at half-tide. Point Judith, Khode Island, below low- water mark (Leidy). The specimen above described was found under stones at Savin Eock, near New Haven, May 5. Its body was completely filled, from one end to the other, with comparatively large yellowish white eggs, which show through the transparent integument of the dorsal side very distinctly. TRAVISIA CARNEA Yerill, sp. nov. (p. 508.) Body with twenty-four setigerous segments, oblong or fusiform, very changeable, round, usually tapering abruptly to each end. Head small, conical, acute; posterior end terminated by a small, bluntly rounded, or slightly clavate papilla; setae small and slender. Branchiae short, slender, commencing on the third setigerous segment and ceasing at the twentieth ; longest about one-fourth as long as the diameter of the body. Segments of middle region tri-annulated. Color light red or deep flesh-color ; branchiae bright red. Length, in extension, about 25mm; 3inm to 4mm in diameter. It can contract to 12mm or less in length. Off Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, in 19 fathoms, soft mud. AMMOTRYPANE FIMBRIATA Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XV, fig. 79. (p. 508.) Body elongated, slender, smooth, thickest in advance of the middle, tapering gradually to both ends, convex, and well rounded above ; lower surface with a median sulcus and rounded margins, separated from the upper surface by a deep groove. Head very acute. Eyes two, small, black. Proboscis small, sub-globular, smooth. Branchiae long aud slender. Caudal appendage spoon-shaped, deeply concave, transversely striated ; the outer margin fringed with a row of small, slender papillae; a pair of slender cirriform processes, about half its length, arises at its ventral base, and a longer single median one is generally concealed in its cavity. Setae of the anterior segments long and slender, more than half the diameter of the body, shorter farther back. Color, when living, purplish flesh-color, shining and iridescent [605] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 311 on the dorsal surface; a row of elongated .dark spots on each side be tween the fascicles of set«3 ; the seta? dark gray. Length, 75mm ; diameter, 3mm. Off Buzzard's Bay, in 25 fathoms, mud; Bay of Fundy, 10 to 90 fathoms, mud; near Saint George's Bank, 110 and 150 fathoms, mud. SCALIBREGrMA BREVICAUDA Verrill, Sp. I10V. (p. 410.) Body rather short, with a narrow, tapering anterior portion ; a swollen middle region ; and a narrow, tapering caudal portion ; lower surface with a very narrow, smooth median area, divided transversely into a series of small rounded prominences by slight depressions. Head small, transverse, truncate or slightly concave in front, the angles produced and prominent. On the anterior region four segments bear short, tufted branchiae, close to the base of the upper fascicles of setae, which are rather long and slender; each of these segments also has a dorsal transverse row of rather large and conspicuous blackish granules on its posterior margin, and also a black spot on the sides below the branchiae. The surface of all the anterior segments is regularly and rather finely granulous, the granules in transverse rows. The middle region, com posed of about ten segments, is thicker, and sometimes much swollen, and the feet are represented only by small fascicles of slender seta3. The caudal region is less than one-half the entire length in preserved specimens, and is rather slender and tapering, composed of about sixteen segments; the rarai of the feet consist .of a prominent, obtuse papilla, both above and below, with a blackish spot at the end, and bearing a fascicle of slender setae, in length rather exceeding half the diameter of this part of the body. Color, when living, dark brownish red, tinged with yellow at both ends. Length, 32mm; diameter, 2.5mm. Off New Haven, 4 to 0 fathoms, shelly bottom. TROPHONIA AFFINIS Verrill. PL XIV, fig. 75. (p. 507.) Siphonostomum affine Leidy, op. cit., p. 16 (148), 1855. Body rather slender and elongated for the genus ; skin irregularly rugose, granulous, anteriorly covered with small papillae. The eight branchia3 are cylindrical, thick, blunt, unequal; two tentacles stouter than the branchiae, sulcate beneath. On the four anterior segments the upper and lower fascicles of seta3 are much elongated and directed for ward. On the fifth and following segments those in the upper fascicles are capillary, divergent, six to ten in each fascicle ; in the lower fascicles there are about three stout, slightly curved, acute, deep yellow setaB. On the third and fourth segments the seta3 of the upper fascicles are longer and larger than those in the lower ones ; posteriorly the lower seta3 become longer, stouter, and more curved at the tip, the lowest one becoming hook-like. Length, 60mm ; diameter. 3.5mm. 312 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [606] Off Block Island, 29 fathoms; off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms, mud. Great Egg Harbor (Leidy). BRADA SETOSA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 508.) Body short, oblong, sub-cylindrical, flattened below, tapering a little toward both ends, which are obtuse; composed of seventeen setigerous segments. Skin covered with small, prominent, acute papillae. Upper fascicles of seta3 long, slender, light colored; lower fascicles larger, com posed of stouter, long, dark colored setae, surrounded at base by small cirriforrn appendages. Ventral cirrus small. Length of preserved specimen, 10mm; diameter, 2.5mm. Off Gay Head, 8 to 10 fathoms, among muscles, &c. STERNASPIS FOSSOR Stimpson, Plate XIV, fig. 74. (p. 507.) Marine Invertebrata of Graud Manan, p. 29, fig. 19, 1853. Off' Gay Head, 19 fathoms, soft mud; common in the Bay of Fundy in 10 to 90 fathoms, mud; near Saint George's Bank, 110 fathoms, sandy mud ; Casco Bay, 20 fathoms. CIRRATULUS GRANDIS Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XV, figs. 80, 81. (p. 319). Body large and stout, anteriorly subcylindrical, somewhat flattened and tapering slightly posteriorly, and rather abruptly tapered anteriorly. Head small, acute, with obscure brownish spots above, but apparently without distinct ocelli. Posterior end obtuse, the orifice surrounded by a thickened, slightly crenulated border. Posterior to the mouth there are about seven rather indistinct annuli (perhaps four biannulated segments) destitute of appendages; the two next segments bear two fascicles of small seta3 on each side, and two crowded dorsal clusters of long slender branchial cirri ; these clusters nearly meet on the dorsal line, leaving only a narrow naked, space, and contain a large number of cirri, usually of various lengths, closely crowded together. Farther back the " feet77 consist of small and slightly prominent upper and lower rami, connected by a slightly raised, transverse ridge ; each ram us bears a small fascicle of short, slender, acute setae, in a transverse row ; and a few stouter curved spinule>, which project but little from the surface ; posteriorly the spinules are more numerous and the slender setae fewer and a little longer, but they are scarcely equal to one-tenth of the diam eter of the body. Along nearly the whole length of the body long- slender branchial cirri arise from above most of the upper rami, but many of these are generally broken off in preserved specimens. In alcohol the lower surface of the body is generally flat or concave ; the "feet77 occupy an elevated lateral ridge, often separated from both the ventral and dorsal surface by a deep groove ; and the dorsal surface is moderately convex. The annotations are short, very numerous, and distinct. Color, when living, dull yellow, yellowish green, yellowish orange, greenish orange to orange-brown, darkest anteriorly, and often [607] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 313 iridescent beneath 5 sides often with dark brown specks ; anterior branchial cirri usually bright orange, with a red central line ; lateral ones darker yellow or orange, generally with a central line of bright red, due to the blood-vessels showing through. Length up to 150mm; diameter, 5mm to 7mm; length of branchial cirri, 60mm to 100mm. New Haven to Vineyard Sound; low- water to 6 fathoms, in sand and gravel; common. CIRRATULUS TENTHS Yerrill, sp. nov. (p. 41G.) Body slender, elongated, strongly ammlated. Head conical, de pressed, acute. The first four rings behind the mouth are longer than the rest, and destitute of appendages. The branchiaB and seta3 com mence at the fifth segment ; the branchia3 form a cluster on each side, and are long and filiform ; farther back and on the middle region there is usually a pair of branchial cirri on each segment, but posteriorly they become distant and irregular. Setse long and slender in each ramus, the upper ones exceeding in length the diameter of the body on the anterior and middle regions, but becoming much shorter posteriorly. In alcohol the integument is iridescent. No eyes were detected. Length, 40mm; diameter, 1.25mm. Vineyard Sound, 6 to 12 fathoms, among compound ascidians ; 23 fathoms off Martha's Vineyard. CIRRHINEREIS FRAGiLis Quatrefages. (p. 397.) Histoire naturelle des Auricles, vol. i, p. 464. Cirrhatulus fragilis Leidy, op. cit., p. 147 (15), Plate 11, figs. 39-43, 1855. Point Judith, Rhode Island, under stones at low water (Leidy). Specimens, apparently of this species, were dredged in Vineyard Sound. NARAOANSETA CORALII Leidy. (p. 494.) Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 12 (144), PI. 11, figs. 46-48, 1855; Quatrefages, op. cit., vol. i, p. 468. New Haven ; Watch Hill ; Point Judith ; in Astrangia Dance. Our largest specimen had ten pairs of cirri ; the first three pairs orig inate from one segment, the lowest being stouter and lighter colored than the rest. DODECACEREA, species undetermined, (p. 422.) A species, belonging apparently to this genus, was dredged off Xew Haven Harbor, in shallow water, but the specimens are too young for accurate determination. CLYMENELLA Verrill, gen. nov. Body elongated, composed of about twenty-two segments exclusive of the cephalic and anal segments. All the segments, except the buccal and three anteanal, setigerous ; they bear fascicles of slender setaB above 314 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. ]608] and series of hooks below. The anterior margin of the fourth setiger- ous segment is prolonged into a thin membranous collar. Proboscis swollen, longitudinally ribbed. Head with a prominent convex median plate, and with a raised border on each side and behind, the lateral and posterior lobes separated by notches. Anal segment funnel-shaped, the edge surrounded by papillae. / CLYMENELLA TORQUATA Verrill. Plate XIV, figs. 71-73. (p. 343). Clymene torqnatus Leidy, op. cit., p. 14 (146), 1855. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; New Haven; Vineyard Sound; Bay of Fundy ; Saint George's Bank, &c. Low- water to GO fathoms. NICOMACHE DISPAR Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 512.) Body elongated, with eighteen setigerous segments. Head elongated, sub-conical, with a small central plate, and a depressed point in front, and with low, narrow, lateral and posterior marginal lobes, separated by slight notches ; on the anterior part of each lateral border there is a cluster of small, reddish brown, ocelli-like specks. Buecal lobe coal- escent with the cephalic above. Proboscis swollen and plicate. The lirst two setigerous segments have small fascicles of slender, short setae above, and a single nucinate seta or hook below on each side. The third seg ment has much longer seta3 in the upper fascicles and two hooks in the lower ones. The fourth has still longer, slender setae in the upper fasci cles, and about eight hooks in each of the lower ones. In the following segments the hooks become much more numerous. There is one short, biannulated, anteanal segment, destitute of seta3. Anal segment subur- ceolate, as long as broad, cylindrical toward its border, which is fur nished on the ventral side with one long, slender cirrus, often as long as the diameter of the anal segment, and two short lateral ones ; the rest of the border has a few, mostly very small, distant, unequal, obtuse papillae or den tic illations. The anal orifice is situated at the summit of a small cone, which rises from the bottom of the funnel. The last setig erous segment is longer than the anteanal, and a little longer than any of the ten that precede it, which are all short and subequal, broader than long, those toward the posterior end deeply incised at the intervals be tween them. The three anterior setigerous segments are shorter than broad ; the fourth is twice as long ; the fifth is three times as long ; the sixth is five times as long. The color, when living, was light red, trans lucent, with conspicuous bright red blood- vessels, and with a bright red band at about the anterior third. The largest specimen obtained was 5()mm jong amj 2.5mm in diameter after preservation in alcohol. In this specimen the anal segment is long, funnel-shaped, flaring but little toward the margin, and with four or five slight transverse annulations. The buccal segment has two transverse reddish lines on each side. Oft' Buzzard's Bay in 25 fathoms ; fifteen miles east of Block Island in 29 fathoms, sandy mud. It forms rough tubes of sand, which are not very firm. [609] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 315 MALDANE ELONOATA Yerrill, sp. nov. (p. 343.) Body large and mucli elongated, cylindrical, obliquely truncated at both ends ; with nineteen setigerous segments, those of the middle region elongated ; head depressed, with its dorsal surface very oblique ; median lobe low, convex, obtusely rounded in front ; lateral marginal lobes, or folds, low, rounded, thickened, separated by a shallow emargination from the posterior transverse fold, which is also thickened, little elevated, and divided into two parts by a slight sulcus ; from the notch between the lateral and posterior lobes of the head, a lateral oblique sulcus curves downward and backward, and joins the first of the two trans verse sulci, which are strongly marked on the ventral side of the buccal segment. Anterior setigerous segments strongly biannulated ; the first two are short, the length about equal to the diameter; the next two are considerably longer ; and those farther back become very much elongated ; the last setigerous segment is short. The segments are considerably swollen where the setse arise, especially in the middle region. The upper setae are long and slender, mostly about half the diameter of the body, and form rather large fascicles on most of the segments. The last segment is obliquely truncated, its posterior border surrounding the base of the large anal process, which is obliquely placed, foliaceous, obovate, with the posterior edge broadly rounded, the upper surface concave, and the margin entire. Color dark umber-brown, or reddish brown, iridescent ; the swollen parts of the rings are lighter yellowish brown, or grayish brown, the dark red blood-vessels often showing through ; near the bases of the setse there are usually small dark colored specks ; head and buccal lobe thickly specked with dark brown or blackish. Length of largest specimens, 300mm; diameter, 4mm to 5mm; more fre quently about half this size. Savin Rock, near New Haven ; in sandy mud at low- water mark, form ing thick tubes composed of fine mud. EHODINE ATTENUATA Yen-ill, sp. nov. (p. 508.) Body slender, elongated, with the segments strongly marked, and the first setigerous segment very long. Head elongated, depressed, ob tusely rounded in front; median lobe, or ridge, broad and but little elevated, except near the front of the head, where it becomes suddenly narrowed, more convex, with well marked foveae on each side ; lateral lobes rudimentary, scarcely apparent ; on the posterior part of the head there is a prominent transverse elevation. Buccal lobe confluent with the cephalic. First setigerous segment swollen anteriorly and about as broad as the head at its anterior end where the setae arise, but nar rowed and gradually attenuated backward, its total length being about eight times its diameter ; second and third setigerous segments about equal, nearly twice as long as broad, swollen in the middle, the front margin of each prolonged into a sheath-like collar; the three next 22 v 316 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. segments are short and rounded, about as long as broad, much narrowed ^ at each end, and swollen in the middle ; next two about twice as long as broad; succeeding segments more elongated. Anal segment wanting in the specimens examined. Length about 50mm ; diameter about lmm. Off Gay Head, 6 to 8 fathoms; fifteen miles east of Block Island, in 29 fathoms, sandy mud. The Clymene urceolata Leidy, from Great Egg Harbor, will probably be found on the Xew England coast, but we have not met with it. It is peculiar in having an urceolate anal segment, with a smooth margin. AMMOCHARES, species undetermined, (p. 508.) A species which constructs slender, flexible tubes, covered with grains of sand, regularly and curiously attached by one end in an imbricated manner, was dredged fifteen miles east of Block Island, in 29 fathoms sandy niud, and in 23 fathoms off Martha's Vineyard. The worm is very slender, flesh-color, with a red dorsal vessel, and two small, redr ocelli-like spots. , KOTOMASTUS LURIDUS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 342.) Body long and rather large, composed of numerous segments, nearly cylindrical when living, and tapering but little, except close to the ends. In preserved specimens the anterior region, including about ten segments, is often a little swollen and slightly larger than the rest of the body; at other times it is even more slender than the posterior region. Head small, acute. Proboscis short and broad, swollen; in full expansion nearly twice the diameter of the body, nearly smooth, dark blood-red. The segments of the anterior region are longer than broad, in extension nearly twice as long, biannulated, and each of the annuli is again annulated with several transverse, more or less irregu lar sulci or furrows ; ten of these segments bear fascicles of slender seta3 both above and below, the fascicles on the first two setigerous segments being very small, and containing few setre. The segments following the tenth setigerous one have a small transverse row of slender uncinate seta3 above, and a longer lateral transverse row of the same kind of setae on each side; the "feet," or setigerous lobes, are but little prominent, the upper ones being dorsal and much smaller than the lateral ones. The surface of the body is transversely wrinkled, and covered with minute, irregular reticulations, giving it a slightly granulous appearance. Color, when living, dark purplish brown, with a bluish iridescence anteriorly, and a darker median dorsal line pos teriorly ; minute, white, raised spots, or slight papillae, are scattered over the surface. Length, 150mm or more; diameter, 2ram. Savin Bock, near New Haven; in muddy sand, at low- water mark. [611] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 317 NOTOMASTUS FILIFORMIS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 342.) Body very long and slender, filiform, composed of very numerous short segments. Head very changeable in form, usually long, conical, and very acutely pointed. Proboscis smooth, obovate, or trumpet- shaped, when extended, and bright red. In the anterior region there are eleven setigerous segments, which bear small fascicles of slender seta3 in both rami, those in the first five longer and acutely pointed ; these segments are short, biannulate; the lower fascicles of seta3 are largest and fan-shaped. In the middle region the segments are about as long as broad. Color, pale red to bright red, often mottled with whitish, and more or less yellowish posteriorly. Length, 100mm; diameter, lmm. Great Egg Harbor, low-water to one fathom, in sandy mud; New Haven; Watch Hill; Vineyard Sound. SABELLARIA VULGARIS Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XVII, figs. 88, SSa. (p. 321.) Body rather stout, thickest anteriorly, tapering backward to the base of the long, slender caudal appendage. Two slender, red, oral tentacles arise near the mouth, between the bases of the operculigerous lobes, and, when extended, reach beyond the bases of the opercula. A single median lanceolate process also arises between the operculigerous lobes. A deep emargination exists on the ventral side, back of the mouth; on each side of this the front margin of the segment is prolonged into a trideutate lobe, the teeth or lobes being unequal, the inner ones largest, the middle ones more slender and acute, the outer one smallest and shortest; beyond these, toward the sides, there is another small acute process; two conical processes also project forward from the lateral margins, and also a fascicle of setae. The ciliated prehensile cirri, or tentacles, are long and slender when extended, and reach considerably beyond the opercula. The setae composing the opercula are golden yel low; the outer circle white at base. A row of small conical papillae surrounds the bases of the opercula. Branchiae long, lanceolate, acute, longer than the diameter of the body. Color of body yellowish flesh- color, or pale reddish, often with two rows of brown spots along the ventral surface; operculigerous lobes whitish or grayish, specked with blackish; branchiae reddish or yellowish, with a red central line, often with a greenish tinge, or red centered with green ; tentacles pale flesh- color, sometimes purplish; opercula blackish or grayish on the anterior surface, golden yellow on the sides, white at base ; caudal process pale red or flesh-color. Length about 25mm, exclusive of caudal process: 2mm to 2.5mm in diam eter. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to New Haven and Vineyard Sound ; low-water to ten fathoms ; very common. Eggs are laid in May and June. 318 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [612] CISTENIDES GOULDII Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XVII, figs. 87, S7a. (p. / 323). Pectinaria Belgica Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, Isted., p. 7, Plate 1, fig. 1 (tube), 1841 (not of European writers). Pectinaria auricoma Leicly, op. cit.? p. 14 (146), 1855 (not of European writers). Body rather stout, little curved. Head with the dorsal surface obliquely truncated, its posterior marginal fold with a smooth border. Antennae long, tapering, acute; frontal membrane or veil semicircular, its edge divided into rather long, slender, acute papillae, about twenty- eight in number. Cephalic setae in two broad groups, each containing about fifteen light golden setae, which are somewhat curved upward, with long, slender, very acute tips, those in the middle of each group much the longest. Tentacles stout, obtuse, flattened, and folded up so as to form a groove beneath. Color light red or flesh-color, handsomely mot tled with dark red and blue. Length up to 40mm; diameter, 7mui. Great Egg Harbor to New Havea and Cape Cod ; low-water to 10 fathoms. This species can easily be distinguished from C. granulatus, which is common in the Bay of Fundy, by the cephalic setae or spines, which are fewer, much stouter, obtuse, and darker colored in the latter. AMPH ARETE GKRACILIS Malmgren. Plate XVI, fig. 83. (p. 508). Nordiska Hafs-Anuulater, Ofvers. af kongl. vet. Akad. Fork., 1865, p. 365, Plate 26, figs. 75-75D. Body flesh-colored, greenish posteriorly, with a conspicuous red median vessel ; branchiae light sea-green. Length, 25mm to35mm; diameter, 2.5mu) to 3mm; length of branchiae, 6mm to 9mm. Off Gay Head, 10 fathoms ; off Martha's Vineyard, 23 fathoms; east of Block Island in 29 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy, 10 to 90 fathoms ; north, ern coasts of Europe, Bahusia, at Koster Island, in 130 fathoms. Our specimens differ slightly from the description and figures of Dr. Malm gren, especially in usually having but twelve uncigerous segments in the posterior region, instead of thirteen, found by him in the European specimens. This may be due to difference of age or sex. There are, however, thirteen in one of our specimens. AMPHARETE SETOSA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 416.) Body rather thick anteriorly, tapering rapidly backward. Cephalic lobe acute, with a much shorter, small, lateral lobe on each side. Bran chiae eight, transversely wrinkled, rather short ; in preserved specimens about equal to the breadth of the body. Palmulae, or cephalic fascicles of setae, short and broad, rounded, fan-shaped, the setae being nearly equals the ventral ones a little longer than the lateral. Fourteen seg ments bear small fascicles of long setae, supported by prominent lobes at the base. The posterior region consists of about ten uncigerous seg- [613] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 319 rnents. Anal segments sin all, with two long slender cirri. Color of body translucent, light yellowish green ; the anterior part of the body tinged with bright blood-red, due to the circulating fluid, showing through the integument ; branchiae greenish, with a central series of white spots ; setae of the palinulse, deep yellow. Length about 20mm; diameter, 2.5mm to 3mm. Off New Haven, low-water mark to 6 fathoms, shelly. It makes rough tubes about an inch long, covered with coarse sand and mud. AMAOE PUSILLA Verrill, sp. nov. Body rather slender. Head obtusely rounded in front ; the middle lobe small, and but little larger than the lateral. Eight slender branchiae, about twice as long as the diameter of the body, arranged in a crowded group ; two farther back than the rest ; and with no apparent naked median space. Twelve of the setigerous segments bear long fascicles of slender setae. No " palmulae," or cephalic setae. Tentacles numerous and slender. Two small, slender anal cirri. Length, 12mm ; diameter, 1.5mm. Off New Haven, 5 to 6 fathoms; shelly bottom. MELINNA CRISTATA Malmgren. (p. 432.) Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, loc. cit., p. 371, Plate 5iO, figs. 50-50D. Sdbellldes cristata Sars, Fauna littoralis Norvegise, vol. ii, pp. 19, 24, PL 2, figs. 1-7, 1856. Mouth of Vineyard Sound, on muddy bottoms, in the deepest water; Bay of Fundy, on muddy bottoms, in 10 to 90 fathoms ; near Saint George's Bank, in 110 and 150 fathoms, mud. Off the Scandinavian coast in 40 to 200 fathoms ; Greenland ; Spitzbergen. The tube is soft, flexible, slender, and covered with fine mud. TEREBELLIDES STROEMI Sars. (p. 507.) Beskriv. og lakttag., p. 43, Plate 13, figs. 31, a-d (teste Malragren) ; Malmgren, Nordiska Hafs-Annulater, loc. cit., p. 396, Plate 43-43D, 1865. East of Block Island, in 29 fathtfms, sandy mud ; Bay of Fundy, 10 to 90 fathoms, muddy ; near Saint George's Bank, 85 to 150 fathoms. Greenland, 10 to 250 fathoms ; Iceland ; Spitzbergen ; northern coasts of Europe ; Adriatic Sea. AMPHITRITE ORNATA Verrill. PI. XVI, fig. 82. (p. 320). Terebella ornata Leidy, Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, loc. cit., p. 14 (146), Plate 11, figs. 44, 45 (setae), 1855. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to New Haven and Vineyard Sound 5 common in sand and gravel at low- water mark. NICOLEA SIMPLEX Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 321.) Body elongated, swollen anteriorly, especially above, attenuated posteriorly. Head with a rather large, well rounded, or nearly circu lar frontal membrane, which has a smooth margin ; mouth with a small 320 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [614] posterior fold. Tentacles very numerous, crowded, long, and slender. Branchiae four, rather small ; those of the anterior pair somewhat the larger ; those of both pairs are repeatedly dichotomously divided from close to the base. The divisions are short and not very numerous, and diverge at a wide angle. Fifteen segments bear small fascicles of slender setae, commencing at the next behind the last brauchiferous segment. The third and fourth setigerous segments of the male bear small, slender lateral cirri. Ventral shields about thirteen ; the first six transversely oblong, and nearly equal in width ; the last seven narrowing rapidly to the last, which is acutely triangular. Color, when living, light red, or flesh-color. Length, 35mm ; diameter, 3mm to 4mm. New Haven to Vineyard Sound, from low- water to 6 fathoms; off Watch Hill, 4 to 6 fathoms, in tubes composed of bits of shells and grains of sand, attached to Laminaricv. SCIONOPSIS Verrill, gen. uov. Body composed of numerous segments, of which 17, following the third, bear fascicles of slender setas, and the following ones have only small uncigerous lobes ; second and third segments bear branchiae, and have their anterior margins prolonged into membranous, collar-like expansions; that of the second forming broad, lateral lobes behind the tentacles ; that of the third forming behind the branchiae a dorsal col lar or sheath, beneath which they can be retracted. Branchiae typically four. Those of the first pair usually larger, but generally one or more are absent, and frequently the anterior ones are smallest, or those of the same pair may be unequal, owing probably to the facility with which they may break off and be reproduced ; they are palmately branched and supported on elongated pedicels. Tentacles numerous and crowded. This genus is allied more closely to Pista than to any other yet de scribed, but differs in the structure of the branchiae and character of the collar formed by the third segment. SCIONOPSIS PALMATA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 321.) Body elongated ; rather slender ; thickened but not distinctly swollen anteriorly, tapering gradually to the posterior end. The setigerous feet commence at the fourth segment, or next behind the branchial collar, and are all quite prominent, the first three or four being a little smaller' than the rest ; the setae are rather long. The uncigerous feet commence on the second setigerous segment. Behind the last setigerous segment the uncigerous feet are smaller, somewhat prominent, and extend to the anal segment. Ventral shields about 20 ; the most anterior ones are trans versely oblong ; the succeeding ones squarish, gradually tapering to the last, which are very narrow. Anal segment tapering ; its orifice with a crenulated margin. Branchias large, with numerous palmate divisions ;[615] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 32 1 arising from the summit of the stout and rather long pedicels.* There are usually five or more main divisions in good-sized specimens, these spread outward from one point, are recurved at the ends, and flexuous and bipinnately branched, the lower pinnae being longest each time, and the ultimate divisions very numerous, fine, slender, and acute. The branchiae of the posterior pair, in normal specimens, are consider ably smaller, with the divisions less numerous, and the ramuli longer and more delicate. The pedicels of the anterior branchia3 are about as long as the diameter of the body, and are very contractile, as well as the branches, so that the gills can be contracted into a small compass and withdrawn under the dorsal collar, beneath which the pedicels arise. This branchial collar is formed by the prolongation of the margin of the third segment ; on each side "of the median line above, it is divided into two narrow, lanceolate processes directed forward ; exterior to these there are two other wider and usually less prominent angles or lobes ; laterally, the collar is prominent, with a broadly rounded, thin margin, which forms another angle on. each side beneath ; on the ventral side its edge recedes and is but little raised. The tentacular collar, formed by the second 'segment, expands into a broad, rounded, prominent lobe on each side 5 and on the ventral surface becomes narrower, though still promi nent, and recedes in a broad, rounded sinus behind the posterior lobe of the mouth. The cephalic segment is bordered by a rather broad frontal membrane, emarginate above, and broadly rounded laterally. Tentacles very numerous, long, and slender. Color, light red, brownish red to dark reddish brown ; the annulations often darker ; the upper surface is usually more or less specked with flake- white ; along each side, below, there is usually a row of squarish spots, brighter red than the rest of the body, each pair connected by a narrow, transverse line of red between the ventral shields, which are dull yellowish red 5 the segments along the sides are often bordered with red ; branchiae usually green, specked on the outer sides of the branches with flake- white, and with internal blood-red vessels, showing distinctly in all the divisions ; the pedicel is usually bright red ; tentacles, flesh -color. Length up to 70mm ; diameter, 3mm. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Vineyard Sound ; low-water mark to one fathom. LEPR.EA RUBRA Yerrill, sp. nov. (p. 382.) Body elongated, somewhat swollen anteriorly, rapidly tapering to the very long, slender, posterior portion. All the segments posterior to the branchiae bear small fascicles of slender setae, as well as uncini ; pos terior to the twenty-fifth setigerous segment the uncigerous feet become *In mentioning this species, on page 321, it was stated that it has but three gills, -and, in fact, this is the most frequent number. Among the numerous examples exam ined, I have only recently found a specimen with both pairs of gills in their normal • condition. 322 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [616] much narrower and more prominent ; anteriorly they are very broad. Ventral plates rather broad anteriorly, those posterior to the seventh or eighth suddenly narrowed. Branchiae in three pairs, small, finely arborescently divided, the divisions numerous ; posterior pair consider ably smaller than the others. Cephalic lobe with a somewhat prolonged frontal border, broadly rounded in front, with an entire margin. Color bright red ; tentacles flesh-color. Length, 50mm or more ; diameter, 2.5mm to 3mm. Vineyard Sound; Wood's Hole on piles of wharves just below low- water mark. POLYCIRRUS EXIMITJS Verrill. Plate XVI, fig. 85. (p. 320). Torquea eximia Leiily, op. cit, p. 14 (146), Plate 11, figs. 51, 52 (setae), 1855. In this species there are twenty-five setigerous segments, bearing small fascicles of long, slender setre ; about seventy posterior segments bear uncini only ; anteriorly the uncini commence on the eighth setig erous segment. There are nine ventral shields, divided by a median ventral sulcus. The frontal lobe of the head is large, elongated oval or elliptical. The posterior lobe of the mouth is large, rounded. Body and tentacles bright blood-red ; the body is often more or less yellowish posteriorly. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Vineyard Sound ; low-water to 10 fathoms. A species of this genus was also dredged in 19 fathoms off Gay Head, but its identity with the above is uncertain. Another species, remarkable for its brilliant blue phosphorescence, is common in the Bay of Fundy. The P. eximius does not appear to be phosphorescent. CH^TOBRANCHUS Verrill, genus nov. Allied to Polyclrrus and, like the latter, destitute of blood-vessels. Body much elongated, composed of very numerous segments, nearly all of which bear fascicles of setse. Segments of the middle region bear simple, or more or less branched, branchial cirri, each of their divisions tipped with slender seta3; these cirri are wanting on the anterior and posterior segments, the first and last ones being smaller and more simple than the rest. The cephalic segment expands into a broad, tentacular or frontal lobe, which is rounded or emarginate anteriorly, and often more or less scolloped laterally. Tentacles crowded, very numerous, long and slender in extension, capable of being distended by the blood, as in Polycirrus, &c. CH^ETOBRANCHUS SANGUINEUS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 320.) Body greatly elongated, much attenuated posteriorly, more or less- swollen anteriorly, but narrowed toward the head, the thickest portion being usually between the tenth and fifteenth segments. The branchial cirri commence at about the ninth segment, those of the first pair being short, simple cirri; those on the next segment are once forked ; those on [617 J INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 323 the next have three or four branches ; farther back they divide dichotom- ously above the base into numerous branches, all of which are supported upon a short basal pedicel, which may be a little elongated in expansion, the total length of the branchiae being then greater than the diameter of the body ; the branches are clustered, slender, delicate, and elongated, and each one is terminated by a small fascicle of slender, sharp, serrate setae two to four or more in a group, so that the entire appendage may be regarded as a very remarkable enlargement and modification of the setigerous lobes of the "feet." On the segments anterior to the ninth the setigerous lobes of the feet are short, conical, swollen at base, and bear a small fascicle of setse ; the ventral surface of the anterior segment is somewhat raised, and divided by a series of sulci or wrinkles into several lobes or crenulations, which are somewhat prominent and papilliforrn at the posterior margin of each segment, and have a granulous surface. There is a distinct median ven tral sulcus. Between the adjacent branchial cirri anteriorly there are, on each side, four or more thickened, somewhat raised, squarish organs, with a granulous and apparently glandular structure ; farther back these are reduced to two, then to one, and finally disappear on the segments of the posterior region, which is very long, slender, attenuated, composed of very numerous short segments, with only rudimentary appendages $ after the branchial cirri become reduced to simple processes they still con tinue, on about forty segments, gradually decreasing in length and size :, beyond this small setre still exist on the segments, till near the end of the body. Anal segment small and simple, the orifice with slightly crenu- lated margins. Frontal membrane large and broad, versatile in formr often with a deep emargination in front, each lateral lobe divided into two or three subordinate lobes, or unequal scollops, the edges undulated ; at other times the front edge and sides are broadly rounded and entire. The mouth is furnished with a large elongated ovate lobe, which is rounded, free, and prominent posteriorly. Tentacles very long, much crowded, and very numerous ; in extension usually as long as the body. Color of body, anteriorly, deep blood-red ; posteriorly, more or less mot tled or centered with yellow, owing to the internal organs showing through the integument ; tentacles and branchial cirri bright blood-red. Length up to 350mm ; diameter 5mm to 7mm or more anteriorly ; length of tentacles, in extension, 400mm or more. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Vineyard Sound ; common at low-water mark, in mud. POTAMILLA OCULIFEBA Verrill. Plate XVII, fig. 86. (p. 322). Sdbella oculifera Leidy, op. cit., p. 13 (145), Plate 11, figs. 55-61, 1855. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven ; Vineyard Sound, low-water mark to 25 fathoms, off Buzzard's Bay. In the Bay of Fundy from low-water mark to 60 fathoms. Closely related to P. reniformis of Northern Europe, and possibly iden tical with it. 324 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [618] SABELLA MIOROPHTHALMA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 323.) Body rather short arid stout, narrowed slightly anteriorly, tapering rap idly close to the posterior end, composed of about sixty segment, de pressed, moderately con vex above, flat below, especially when preserved in alcohol ; anterior region composed of eight setigerous segments, hav ing moderately long fascicles of setae ; posterior region composed of about fifty short segments, bearing very small fascicles of setae ; anal segment small, simple, with two very small ocelli-like spots ; ventral shields of the anterior segments short, transversely narrow, oblong ; median sulcus very distinct in the posterior region, dividing the ventral shields into two nearly rectangular parts, which are broader than long. Branchiae numerous and long, often half as long as the body, connected by a slight web close to the base; the stalks smooth, with numerous minute ocelli, in two irregular rows; pinnae numerous, long and slender; tips of the branchiae without pinnae. Collar broadly interrupted above, flar ing and reflexed at the sides, with rounded upper angles, erect and sin uous at the latero- ventral margins, reflexed below, forming two short, rounded lobes, separated by a narrow but deep central sinus, within which there is a short bilobed organ. Tentacles thin, lanceolate, acute, in preserved specimens not so long as the diameter of the body. The anterior segment is divided by a deep dorsal sulcus, which is not con spicuous on the succeeding segments. Color of body greenish yellow, dull olive-green, or greenish brown ; branchiae pale yellowish, greenish, or flesh-color, often with numerous transverse bauds of lighter and darker green, which extend to the pinnae, and sometimes blotched with brown; collar translucent, specked with flake- white; ocelli dark red dish brown. Specimens, apparently belonging to this species, were taken from wood bored by Teredo, near New Haven. These had the body olive-green, specked with flake-white anteriorly, on the ventral side, especially on the first two segments ; branchiae mottled with greenish brown and white and specked with flake-white ; ocelli brown, numerous. Length, 30mm; diameter, 2.5mm to 3mm. Preserved specimens are about 20mm long, 2.5mm broad. New Haven to Vineyard Sound ; low- water mark to 5 fathoms. EUCHONE ELEGANS Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XVI, fig. 84. (p. 432). Body rounded, slender, gradually tapered backward; the anterior region, which forms about one-half of the entire length, consists of eight setigerous segments; these are biannulated and divided by a dorsal, longitudinal sulcus, and by a lateral sulcus on each side be low the uncigerous lobes. The middle region consists of thirteen shorter biannulated segments, which bear small fascicles of setae on the lower rarni ; these are divided by a ventral sulcus, and also by the lateral ones. The caudal region consists of about ten very short seg ments ; all of which, except the last, bear small fascicles of setae. These :segments are margined by a rather broad membrane, wider and rounded £619] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 325 anteriorly, narrowing to the end. Collar broad, with, a nearly even margin, often somewhat sinuous at the sides, divided above and below, the lobes rounded at the angles. The collar is a little broader below than above. Branchiae long, slender, recurved in expansion, connected by a broad and very thin membrane, continued as thin borders of the branchiae to their tips, which are destitute of pinnae for some distance. Body pale flesh-color, with a darker median line, reddish anteriorly, darker greenish or brownish, posteriorly ; branchiae pale yellowish or greenish, each with a flake-white spot near the base outside. Other specimens were greenish gray, with green branchiae. Some were flesh, color, with a bright-red dorsal vessel; the branchiae flesh-color, without the white spots at the base. • Length, in extension, about 20mm ; diameter of body, 1.5mm. Deep water off the mouth of Vineyard Sound; off Martha's Vineyard, in 21 and 23 fathoms ; off Block Island, in 29 fathoms, sandy mud, abundant. Cosco Bay, 7 to 20 fathoms. This species makes slender tubes, covered with flue sand. FABRICIA LEIDYI Verrill, sp. nov/ (p. 323.) Body very small and slender, tapering a little to both ends, in exten sion considerably exsert from the slender tube ; eleven segments bear fascicles of setae; the segments are about as long as broad, slightly con stricted at the articulations, with the anterior margin a little promi nent; anal segment small, tapered to a blunt point, bearing two small, dark ocelli. Branchiae six, subequal, forming three symmetrical pairs, each one with five to seven slender pinnae on each side ; the basal pinnae are about as long as the main stem, the others successively shorter, so that all reach to about the same level. Tentacles short, thick, bluntly rounded at the end, strongly ciliated. At the base of the branchiae, on each side, is a red, pulsating vesicle, the pulsations alternating in the two; just back of these, on the first segment, are two brown ocelli; a little farther back, and near together, on the dorsal side, are two auditory vesicles, each with a round central corpuscle. The fourth and eleven succeeding segments bear small fascicles of acute, bent setae, about as long as half the diameter of the body ; on the middle segment there are about four or five setae in a fascicle ; on the ninth, three ; on the tenth, two ; on the eleventh, one or two, in the specimens examined. Intestine rather wide, but narrowed at the eighth setigerous segment, and after that slender, bordered by a red blood-vessel on each side. In the fourth setigerous segment there are three globular granulated organs, color, yellowish white, tinged with red by the circulating fluid. Length about 3mm; diameter about 0.25mm; expanse of branchiae, 0.8mm. The specimens measured may be immature. New Haven to Vineyard Sound, common at and below low- water mark ; Cisco Bay. 326 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [620 J SERPULA DIANTHUS Yerrill, sp. nov. (p. 322.) Body elongated, gradually attenuated to the posterior end ; the pos terior region considerably flattened; dorsal surface covered with minute papillae and having a finely pubescent appearance under a lens. Collar broad and long, in living specimens sometimes one-third as long as the body; the posterior portion free dorsally, and in expansion about as long as the attached portion, extending backward and gradually narrow, ing to the end; the margins thin and undulated ; the anterior border is di vided into a broad revolute dorsal lobe, with an undulated margin, and tvro narrower lateral lobes, which are broadly revolute laterally, with the margin rounded and nearly even. Seven segments bear rather large fascicles of long, acute setae. The first fascicle is remote from the next, and directed downward and forward, with the setae longer than in the others ; the six folio wing fascicles are broad, and are directed downward and backward. The uncinate setae form long transverse rows anteriorly, but toward the posterior end they form short rows. Operculuin funnel- shaped, longitudinally striated externally, with a long, slender pedicel ; the upper surface is concave, with abput thirty small, acute denticles around the margin; an inner circle of about twelve long, slender papillae, incurved at tips and united at base, arises from the upper surface of the operculum. On the left side is a small rudimentary oper- culum, club-shaped at the end, with a short pedicel. Branchiae are long rather slender, united close to the base, about eighteen on each side, in mature specimens, those toward the ventral border considerably longer, than the upper ones ; tips naked for a short distance, slender, and acute ; pinnae very numerous, slender. Colors quite variable, especially those of the branchiae; the branchiae are frequently purplish brown, trans versely banded with flake-white, alternating with yellowish green, the pinnae usually having the same color as the portion from which they arise ; on the exterior of the branchiae the purple bands are often divided by a narrow longitudinal line of whitish ; operculum brownish green on the outer surface, purplish on the sides, with white longitudinal lines toward the margin, greenish white at base ; pedicel purplish, banded with white ; collar pale translucent greenish, veined with darker green ; body deep greenish yellow, the dorsal surface light yellow. Many other styles of coloration occur, some of which are described on page 322. Length up to 75mra ; diameter about 3mm. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Cape Cod ; low-water mark to 8 fathoms. The tubes are long, variously crooked, and often contorted, sometimes solitary, frequently aggregated into masses four or five inches in diame ter. They are nearly cylindrical, with irregular lines of growth, and sometimes with faint carinations. SERPULA DIANTHUS, var. CITRINA Yerrill. (p. 322.) I have applied this 'name to a very marked color- variety, in which the [621] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 327 branchiae are lemon-yellow or orange-yellow, without bands, but usually with a reddish central line; the operculum is usually yellow ; collar and base of branchia3 bright yellow ; body light yellow. Found with the preceding, and often in the same cluster of tubes. YERMILIA (?), species undetermined, (p. 416.) The species thus indicated forms slender, more or less crooked, angu lar tubes, with two distinct cariuations on the upper surface ; they are about half an inch long, attached firmly by one side along their whole length. The branchiae form a wreath, with about six on each side ; pinnae long and slender ; two or more of the branchiae bear pink, sack-like appendages. The branchiae are reddish brown, annulated with narrow bands of white. Diameter of tubes, about 1.25mm ; of expanded branchiae, 4mm. The specimens have been lost, and no observations were recorded concerning the operculum, so that the genus is still uncertain. Long Island Sound, off New Haven, in 4 to 6 fathoms, on shells. . SPIRORBIS BOREALIS Daudin (?). Rec. des m6m. de mollusques, 1800. Serpala spirorbis Liune, System a Naturae , ed. xii, p. 1265. (?) Spirorbis spirillum Gould, luvertebrata of Mass., ed. i, p. 8? 1841; A. Agassiz, Annals Lyceum Nat. History of New York, vol. viii, p. 318, Plate 7, figs. 20-25 (embryology), 1866 (not of Linne" and other European writers). New Haven to Cape Cod, the Bay of Fundy, and northward; abun dant on Fucus, Chondrus crispus, and other algae, at low- water mark. Whether this, our most common species, be identical with the Euro pean species known by this name is still uncertain. The animals of the various species of Spirorbis are still very imper fectly known, and many species have been described from the tubes alone. Accurate descriptions or figures of the animals are necessary before the species can be determined satisfactorily. This species has nine branchiae, five on one side and four on the other with the operculum. The branchiae are large and broad with long pinnae, the basal ones shorter, the distal ones increasing in length to near the end, so that each branchial plume is somewhat obovate in outline ; the tips are naked only for a short distance. The branchial wreath, in full expansion, is about as broad as the entire shell. The operculum is oblique and one-sided, and supported on a long clavate pedicel, which is trans versely wrinkled, and expands gradually into the operculum at the end, the enlargement being chiefly on one side ; the outer surface is roughly granulous and usually covered with adhering dirt. The collar is broad, and has three fascicles of setae on each side. The branchiae are pale greenish white, centered with brighter green, due to the circulating fluid. This is the species mentioned in the early part of this report (p. 332) under the name of S. spirillum. The true spirillum of Linne as a trans lucent tube, and is found in deeper water, on hydroids, &c. 328 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [622] SPIRORBIS LUCIDUS Fleming. Edinburgh En cyclop., vol. vii, p. 68; Johnston, Catalogue of British Non-Parasiti cal Worms, p. 349 ; Malmgren, Annulata polycheeta, p. 123. Serpula lucida Mon tagu. Test. Brit., p. 506 (t. Johnston). Serpula porrccta Fabricius, Fauna Grcen- landica, p. 378 (non Miiller). Spirorlis sinistrorsa Montagu, op. cit., p. 504 : Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, ed. i, p. 9, Plate 1, fig. 4, 1841. Deeper parts of Vineyard Sound, near the month, in 10 to 12 fathoms, on hydroids and bryozoa ; off Gay Head, 10 fathoms ; off Buzzard's Bay, in 25 fathoms, on Cciberea Ellisii ; off Block Island, in 29 fathoms, on Cabe- rea ; Casco Bay, 6 to 20 fathoms, on alga3, &c. ; Bay of Fundy, 10 to 80 fathoms, on hydroids; Saint George's Bank, 30 to 60 fathoms. Green land ; northern coasts of Europe. This species forms small, translucent, glossy, reversed spiral tubes? coiled in an elevated spire, the last whorls usually turned up, or even erect and free. There are six branchiae, which are large and broad, with long, slender pinnae, which do not decrease in length till near the end ; the naked tips are short and acute. The operculum is sub-circular, somewhat obliquely attached to the slender pedicel, which is about half as long as the ex tended branchia3, and enlarges rather suddenly close to the operculum ;, the outer surface of the operculum appears nearly flat, and is covered with adherent dirt. The collar is broad, with undulated and revolute edges. The three fascicles of seta3 are long and slender. Ocelli twor conspicuous. The animal, in expansion, is usually much exsert from the tube. Anterior part of the body bright red ; branchiae pale green ish ; their bases and posterior part of the body bright epidote-green. It is the species catalogued as S. por recta (?) on pages 498 and 504. OLIGOCII^ETA. CLITELLIO IERORATA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 324.) Body very slender, the largest about G0mm long, 0.75mm in diameter, dis tinctly annulated. Head conical, a little elongated, subacute ; seta? commencing on the first segment ; those on the anterior segments in fascicles of two or three, very short, small, in length not one-third the diameter of the body, more or less curved like an italic /, obtusely pointed at the end; some of them are but slightly bent at the tip, others are strongly hooked ; farther back there are three or four setse in the fascicles, and they are somewhat longer, and two or more in many of the fascicles are forked, the others simple, spiuous, more or less curved; in the upper fascicles posteriorly, and sometimes throughout the whole length, there are two or three much longer, very slender, hair-like, flexi ble bristles, but these are often absent from most of the segments, perhaps accidentally. The intestine is voluminous, slightly con stricted at the articulations; two bright red blood-vessels, distinctly visible through the integuments, run along the intestine, one above and one below, following its flexures, without contractile lacuna?. [623] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 329 New Haven to Wood's Hole and Casco Bay, under stones in the upper part of the facus-zone, and nearly up to high-water mark. The above description was made from living specimens taken at Savin Kock, near New Haven. Some of the specimens obtained at Wood's Hole appear to differ some what from this description, but the differences may be chiefly due to their being taken in the breeding season. In these the anterior fasci cles consist of two short setre, which are slightly curved in the form of an italic/, and are subacute, notjbifid at tips. At the ninth to twelfth seti- gerous segments a thickening occurs, forming a clitellus ; on the ninth segment the setre are replaced by a small mammiform, bilobed organ ; on the tenth there is a pair of prominent obtuse papillae, swollen at base. On the posterior segments only two setre were observed in each of the four fascicles, but they were longer, more slender, and more curved at the tip than the anterior ones. In each of the segments slender caeca! tubes, forming about two loops on each side, were no ticed. Length, about 35mm. LUMBRICULTJS TENTHS Leidy. Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 16 (143), Plate 11, fig. 64, 1855. Point Judith, Rhode Island, abundant about the roots of grasses on the shore of a sound (Leidy). We did not obtain this species. HALODRILLUS Verrill, genus nov. Body long and slender. Blood white or colorless. Seta3 small, acute,, in four fan-shaped fascicles on each segment. The alimentary canal consists of a pyriform pharynx, followed by a portion from which sev eral (five to seven) rounded or pyriform crecal lobes, of different sizes,, arise on each side and project forward and outward ; these are followed by a large two-lobed portion, beyond which the intestine is constricted then thickened and convoluted, and covered with polygonal, greenish 9 glandular cells, which become fewer farther back, where the intestine becomes a long, narrow, convoluted tube. In the anterior part of the body, around the stomach and crecal lobes, there are numerous convo lutions of slender tubes. The blood-vessels running along the intes tine contain a colorless fluid. HALODRILLUS LITTORALIS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 324.) Body round, slender, moderately long, tapering to both ends, but thickest toward the anterior end, tapering more gradually posteriorly. Head small, conical, moderately acute, or obtuse, according to the state of contraction ; mouth a transverse, slightly sinuous slit beneath. The setae commence with four fascicles on the first segment behind the buc- cal ; the setae are slightly curved, forming rounded, fan-shaped fascicles of four to six setae, the middle setre being longer than the upper and lower ones ; posteriorly the setoa are less numerous. Caudal segment 330 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES [624] tapered, obtuse, or slightly ernarginate at the end, with a simple orifice. The "blood contains minute, oblong corpuscles. Color milk-white. Length, 25mm to 40mra ; diameter, 0.5ram to lmra. New Haven; Wood's Hole; Casco Bay, Maine; very common under dead sea- weeds and stones near high- water mark. ENCHYTR^EUS TRIVENTRALOPECTINATUS Minor. American Journal of Science, vol. xxxv, p. 36, 1863. In this species, according to Minor, there are three pairs of ventral fascicles of seta3 before the dorsal ones commence ; the pharynx extends to the fourth pair of ventral fascicles, from which a narrow oesophagus extends to a little back of the sixth pair ; here a gradual enlargement of the alimentary canal occurs, ending abruptly just back of the eighth in a narrow, twisted tube, and this gradually enlarges at the ninth ven tral fascicle into a moderate sized alimentary canal. No eyes. Length, about 10mm. New Haven, near high- water mark (Minor). BDELLODEA. Comparatively few leeches have hitherto been met with in this region. Many additional species, parasitic on fishes, undoubtedly remain to be discovered. BRANCIIIOBDELLA EAVENELII Diesing. Plate XVIII, fig. 89. (p. 458.) Sitzungsberichte der kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften, Wien, xxxiii, p. 482, 1859. Pkyllobranehus Eavenelii Girard, Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for 1850, vol. iv, p. 124, 1851. (?) Branchellion OrHniensis Quatrefages, Annals des sci. natur., sdr. 3, vol. xviii, pp. 279-325, Plate 6, figs. 1-13, PL 7-8, 1852 (anatomy). In describing this species Mr. Girard mistook the anterior for the posterior end, and described the large posterior sucker, or acetabulum, as the head. The color is dark brown, purplish, or dark violaceous, specked with white. Vineyard Sound, on a stingray (Myliobcitis Freminvillei), in several instances ; a number usually occurred together. Charleston, South Carolina, on a " skate,"- species unknown (Girard). Atlantic Ocean, on a torpedo (Quatrefages). CYSTOBRANCHUS VIVIDUS Verrill. (p. 458.) American Journal of Science and Arts, ser. 3, vol. iii, p. 126, fig. 1, 1872. New Haven, on the minnow (Fundulus pisculentus), both in fresh and brackish water ; November and December. ICHTHYOBDELLA FUNDTJLI VerrJll. (p. 458.) American Journal of Science and Arts, loc. cit., p. 126. New Haven, on Fundulus pisculentus, with the last. [625] INVERTEBRATE ANIMAL^ OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 331 PONTOBDELLA RAP AX Yerrill, sp. nov. Plate XVIII, fig. 91. (p. 458.) Body, in extension, long and slender, rounded, thickest behind the middle, attenuated anteriorly. Acetabulum nearly circular, not much wider than the body. Head small, obliquely truncated, rounded. Color dark olive, with a row of square or oblong white spots along each side; head and acetabulum whitish, tinged with green. The young are red dish brown. Length, 3()mm to 40nim ; diameter, 1.5nim to 2mm. Vineyard Sound, on the ocellated flounder, (CJtienopsetta ocellaris). PONTOBDELLA, species undetermined, (p. 458.) Body slender, cylindrical, strongly annulated ; the largest seen was about 12miu long and 0.75mm in diameter when extended. Head obliquely cauipanulate, attached by a narrow pedicel-like neck. Acetabulum oblique, round, only a little wider than the body. Color pale greenish or greenish white, with scattered microscopic specks of blackish. No distinct ocelli, but there are several dark stellate pigment-spots on the head, similar to those on the body. Perhaps all the specimens are immature. Savin Bock, .New Haven, on My sis Americanus, below low- water mark. MYZOBDELLA LUGTUBRIS Leidy. (p. 458.) Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 243, 1851 ; Diesing, op. cit, p. 489. Parasitic on the edible crab (Callinectes hastatus), attached about the bases of the legs. We have not obtained this species on the coast of New England, but it may be expected to occur here. MALACOBDELLA OBESA Yerrill, sp. nov. Plate XVIII, fig. 90. (p. 458.) Body stout, broad, thick, convex above, fiat below, broadest near the posterior end, narrowing somewhat anteriorly ; the front broadly rounded, with a median vertical slit, in which the mouth is situated. Acetabu lum large, rounded, about as broad as the body. Intestine convoluted posteriorly, visible throng the integument. Between the intestine and lateral margins, especially posteriorly, the skin is covered with small stellate spots, looking like openings, within and around which are large numbers of small round bodies, like ova. Color yellowish white. Length, 30llim to 40mm; breadth, 12mm to 15mm. Salem, Massachusetts ; Long Island Sound ; parasitic in the branchial cavity of the long clam (My a arenaria). MALACOBDELLA MEECENAEIA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 458.) MalacoMella grossa Leidy, Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 209 (non Blaiuville). Body, in extension, elongated, oblong, with nearly parallel sides, or tapering slightly anteriorly ; anterior end broad, obtusely rounded, 23 v 332 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [626] emargiuate in the center, but not deeply fissured. In contraction the body is broader posteriorly. Dorsal surface a little convex; lower side side flat. Acetabulum round, rather small, about half the diameter of the body in the contracted state, but nearly as broad when the body is fully extended. The intestine shows through the integument dis tinctly ; it is slender, and makes about seven turns or folds. Color pale yellow, with minute white specks beneath and on the upper sur face anteriorly, giving it a hoary appearance; middle of the dorsal surface irregularly marked with flake-white ; laterally reticulated with fine white lines. Length in extension, 25mm ; breadth, 4nim ; in partial contraction, I8lnm long; 5llim to Gmm wide. New Haven, parasitic in the branchial cavity of the round clani ( Venus mercenaria), October, 1871. Philadelphia, in the same clam (Leidy). GYMNOCOPA. TOMOPTERIS, species undetermined, (p. 453.) Young specimens of a species of this genus were taken in the even ing in Vineyard Sound. They are too i in mature for accurate identifica tion. A large and fine species of Tomopteris was taken by Mr. S. I. Smith, in Eastport harbor, in July, 1872. This was about 40""u in length. An excellent drawing of it was made by Mr. Emerton from the living specimens. It is, perhaps, the adult state of the Vineyard Sound species. CH2ETOGXATHA. SAGITTA ELEGANS Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 410.) Body slender, thickest in the middle, tapering slightly toward both ends. Head somewhat broader than the neck, and about equal to the body where thickest, slightly oblong, a little longer than broad, obtuse, rounded in front or sub-truncate, sometimes with a slightly prominent small central lobe or papilla; the anterior part of the head rises into a crest-like median lobe considerably higher than the posterior part; ocelli two, minute, widely separated, on the posterior half of the head ; the anterior lateral borders of the head are slightly creuulated. The fascicles of setae or spinules on the sides of the head each contain about eight setse, which are considerably curved, with acute tips, and reach as far as the anterior border of the head. Caudal fin ovate; its poste rior edge broadly rounded. The posterior lateral fins commence just in advance of the ovaries, and extend back considerably beyond thern^ so as to leave a naked space somewhat less than their length between their posterior ends and the caudal fin ; on this naked part, just in ad vance of the caudal fin, are two small, low, lateral papillae connected with the male organs; two other smaller papillae are situated at about the posterior third of the lateral fins. The median lateral fins are about equal in length to the posterior ones, and separated from them by a [627] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 333 naked space less than their own length; the distance from the anterior end of the middle fins to the anterior border of the head is equal to twice the length of the fins; the length of the latter is about one-sixth of the entire length of the body. The color is translucent whitish, nearly diaphanous. Length, about 16ram; diameter, about 0.9'lim. Wood's Hole and Vineyard Sound, at surface, July 1 ; off Gay Head, among Salpw, September 8, in the day-time. SAGITTA, species undetermined, (p. 440.) A much larger and stouter species than the preceding was taken in abundance by Mr. Vinal N. Edwards, in Vineyard Sound, at various dates, from January to May. Its length is generally 25""n to 30:nm. I have not seen it living. GEPHYREA or SirUNCULOIDS. PHASCOLOSOMA CLEMENT AEIUM. Verrill Plate XVIII, fig. 92. (p. 416.) Sipunculus cwmentarius Quatrefages, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 628, 1865. Phascolosoma Bernhardns Pourtales, Proceedings American Association for Adva iiceinent of Science for 1851, p. 41, 1852. iSipunculus Bernhardus Stimpson, Invertebrata of Grand Manan, p. 28 (non Forbes.) Beeper parts of Vineyard Sound, 10 to 15 fathoms ; off Block Island, 29 fathoms; Bay of Fuudy, 2 to 90 fathoms, abundant; near Saint George's Bank, 45 to 430 fathoms. PHASCOLOSOMA, species undetermined, (p. 353.) A species similar to the last in size and form, with a thick integu ment, thickly covered throughout with small rounded papillas or granules, but without the dark cliitinous hooks seen on the posterior part of the latter. Vineyard Sound. / PHASCOLOSOMA GOULDII Diesing. Plate XVIII, fig. 93. (p. 353.) Revision der Rhyngodeen, op. cit., p. 764, 1859. Sipunculus Gouldii Pourtales, Proceedings of American Association for the Advancement of Science for 1851, vol. v, p. 40, 1852 ; Kefersteih, Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie, vol. xv, p. 434, Plate 33, fig. 32, 1865, and vol. xvii, p. 54, 1867. New Haven to Massachusetts Bay, at Chelsea Beach ; common in sand and gravel at low-water mark. SCOLECIDA. TUKBELLAPJA. RHABDOCCELA or NEMERTEANS. ^ BALANOGLOSSUS AUKANTIACUS Verrill. (p. 351.) Stimpsonia aurantiaca Girard, Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences ot Phila delphia, vol. vi, p. 367, 1854. Balanoglossus KowalevsTcii A. Agassiz, Memoirs American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. ix, p. 421, Plates 1-3, 1873. Fort Macon, North Carolina, to Naushon Island. Charleston, South 334 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [623] Carolina (Girard). Newport, Khode Island, to Beverly, Massachusetts (A. Agassiz). In sand between tides. A reexamination of living specimens of tlie southern form will be necessary before their identity with the northern one can be positively established. I am unable to separate them with preserved specimens. See page 351 ; also American Journal of Science, ser. 3, vol. v, p. 235.) XEMERTES SOCIALIS Leidy. (p. 324.) Marine Invert. Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 11 (143), 1855. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Vineyard Sound. Very com mon under stones, between tides. NEMERTES VIRIDIS Diesing. Sitzungsberichte der kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften, vol. xlv, p. 305, 1862. Pla- nariaviridis Miiller, Zool.Dan. Prodromus, 2684, 1776 (t. Fab.) ; Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica, p. 324, 1780. Notospermua viridis Diesing, Syst. Helminth, vol. i, p. 260, 1850. Xemcrtes olivacea Johnston, Mag. of Zoology and Botany, vol. i, p. 536, PI. 18, fig. 1. Borlasia olivacea Johnston, Catalogue British Non-para sitical Worms, p. 21, PL 2b, fig. 1, 18G5. Nemertes obscura Desor, Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. vi, pp. 1 to 12, Plates 1 and 2, 1848. Polia olscura Girard in Stimpson's Marine Invertebrata of Grand Man an, p. 28, 1853. Body very changeable in form ; in full extension long and slender, sub-terete, tapering toward both ends, the length being sometimes 150mm to 200mm, while the diameter is 2mm to 3inm • in contraction the body becomes much shorter and stouter, more or less flattened, and obtuse at the ends, large specimens often being only 30mm or 4011UU long and 4mm to 5mm broad. The head is flattened, more or less bluntly rounded, and is furnished with a row of small dark ocelli on each side, which vary in number and size according to the age, the large specimens often having six or eight on each side, while the small ones have but three or four, and the very young ones have only a single pair. The lateral fossa3 of the%i head are long and deep, in the form of slits, and extend well forward to near the terminal pore. The latter in some states of contraction appears like a slight vertical slit or notch, but at other times appears circular; the proboscis is long, slender toward the base, clavate toward the end, the terminal portion transversely wrinkled. The ventral opening or mouth is situated opposite to or a little behind the posterior ends of the lateral fossa? $ it is ordinarily small and elliptical, with a distinct lighter colored border, but is capable of great dilation when the creature is engaged in swallowing some annelid nearly as large as itself. In alcoholic specimens the body is usually thickened and rounded anteriorly, more slender and somewhat flattened farther back, often acute at the posterior end; head obtusely rounded or sub-truncate, with a small terminal pore and two lateral fossa3, which are short and extend forward very near to the terminal pore; ventral opening or mouth small and round, situated slightly behind the posterior ends of the lat eral fossa? : ocelli not apparent. The color, when living, is very variable, [629] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. OOO most commonly dark olive-green or blackish green above, and somewhat lighter below, the head margined with lighter ; frequently the color is dark liver-brown or reddish brown, and the back is usually crossed by faint pale lines, placed at unequal distances. Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, under stones, between tides, and in 4 to 0 fathoms, rocky bottoms, very common; Casco Bay and Bay of Ftindy ; and northward to Labrador and Greenland. Also on the north ern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Abundant under stones between tides, and in shallow water. The specimens referred to on page 324 as probably belonging to Cere- bratulus, were most likely identical with this species. XEMEETES (!) species undetermined (a), (p. 498.) Body elongated, moderately stout ; head not distinct from the body. Color uniform bright brownish red. Length, 251!im. Off Watch Hill, Ilhode Island, among rocks, in 4 to 6 fathoms. A species, apparently the same, also occurred in 25 fathoms off Buzzard's Bay. This was red with two dark red spots anteriorly, No ocelli were detected. S, (?), species undetermined (&). • Body slender, sub-terete ; head not distinct from bod}r. Ocelli incon spicuous, apparently about three in a row on each side of front of head. Color of head and body, above, brownish red, with a whitish ring around the neck, which recedes in the middle, above. Length, 8mi". Off Watch Hill, with the preceding. This is, perhaps, a species of Cosmocephala. XEMERTES, species undetermined (c). Body slender; head not separated by a constriction. Ocelli very numerous, arranged in a long cluster on each side of the head. Color uniform olive-green above and below. Length, 35mm; breadth, 1.3mm to 2"1"1. New Haven Harbor, on the piles of a wharf, in brackish water. TETIIASTEHMA AKENICOLA Yerrill, sp. nov. Plate XIX, fig. 98. (p. 351.) Body sub-terete, long, slender, slightly depressed, of nearly uniform width ; the head is very versatile, usually sub-conical or lanceolate, flattened, occasionally becoming partially distinct from the body by a Blight constriction at the neck. Ocelli four, those in the anterior pair nearer together. The lateral fossae are long and deep slits on the sides of the head ; month or ventral pore small, often sub-triangular, situated just back of the posterior ends of the lateral fossaB. Body deep flesh- color or pale purplish. Length, about 100mm, in extension. 336 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [630] Savin Rock, near New Haven, in sand at low-water mark. This species is, perhaps, not a true Tctrastcmma. It is here only pro visionally referred to that genus. MECKELIA ING-ENS Leidy. Plate XIX, figs. 90, 9G«. (p. 3-19.) Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 11 (143), 1855. (?) Meckelia Pocohontas Girard, Proceedings of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. vi, p. 366, 1854. Fort Macon, North Carolina ; Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Vineyard Sound. Low-water mark to 8 fathoms. Charleston, South Carolina (Girard). MECKELIA LACTEA Leidy. (p. 350.) Proceedings of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 243, 1851. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Vineyard Sound. Low-water mark to 10 fathoms. Perhaps the young of the preceding species. MECKELIA ROSEA Leidy. (p. 350.) Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 244, 1851. Great Egg Harbor to New Haven and Vineyard Sound. Common in sand at low- water mark. MECKELIA LURID A Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 508.) Body long, large, stout, much depressed throughout, and thin poste riorly, somewhat thickened anteriorly. Head changeable in form, often acute ; lateral fosses long. Ventral opening large, elongated. Proboscis long, slender, emitted from a terminal pore. In some specimens there was a slender, acute, caudal papilla. Color deep chocolate-brown, with lighter margins. Length, 150mm to 250mm ; breadth up to 10nuu or more. Off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, soft mud; off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms; off Block Island, 29 fathoms, sandy mud ; Casco Bay, 10 to 68 fathoms. CEREBRATULUS (?), species undetermined (a), (p. 508.) This is a dark olive-green species, with paler margins, the anterior part darkest. Off Block Island, in 29 fathoms; off Gay Head, in 19 fathoms, soft mud. COSMOCEPHALA ociiRACEA Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XIX, figs. 95, (p. 325.) Body elongated, moderately slender, somewhat flattened but thick, and with the margins rounded, obtuse at both ends or subacute poste riorly ; broadest and often swollen anteriorly ; gradually and slightly tapering posteriorly ; the integument is translucent and the internal median organs show quite distinctly ; lateral organs voluminous, ex tending the whole length of the body along each side, and showing through as dull yellowish white mottlings. Head continuous with the [631] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. ,')37 body, obtuse ; a slight groove, usually appearing as a whitish line on each side, runs obliquely across the ventral and lateral surface of the head, diverging from the mouth and curving somewhat forward at the sides ; terminal pore small and inconspicuous ; mouth, or ventral pore, small. Ocelli numerous, arranged as in the figure, but varying some what in number. (See p. 325.) Color dull yellowish, or yellowish white, often tinged with deeper yellow or orange anteriorly, with the median line lighter ; a reddish internal organ shows through as an elongated red spot between the posterior ocelli. Length, 50»im to 70mm ; breadth, 2.5111"1 to 3nim. Xew Haven to Vineyard Sound ; under stones, between tides. POLINA GLUTINOSA Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XIX, fig. 97. (p. 324.) Body rather slender and elongated in extension, usually broadest in the middle and tapering to both ends, but quite versatile in form ; head not distinct, usually obtuse ; posterior end narrower, usually obtuse or slightly emarginate ; integument soft, secreting a large quantity of mu cus ; the lateral organs extend to the head. Ocelli numerous, variable in number, usually eight or ten on each side, arranged in three pairs of short, oblique, divergent rows, two to four in each ; terminal pore of the head moderately large ; no lateral fossa? could be detected. There ap pears to be a terminal opening at the posterior end. Color dull yellow or pale orange yellow, sometimes brighter orange, especially anteriorly ; posteriorly usually lighter, with a faintly marked dusky or greenish median line. Length, 25inm to 30mm in extension ; breadth, 1.3mm to 2ram. Great Egg Harbor to Xew Haven and Vineyard Sound; low- water mark to 6 fathoms. MONOCELIS AGILIS Leidy. (p. 325.) Marine Invert. Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 11 (143), 1855. Monops (?) agilis Diesing, Sitzungsbericbte der kais, Akad. der Wissenschaf- ten, vol. xlv, p. 2:>2, 1302 (non Monops acjilis Sckultzo, sp.) New Haven; Point Judith, IJliode Island, at low-water, creeping on Hytilus edulis (Leidy). ACELIS CRENULATA Diesing. Op. cit. p. 20G. Acmostomum crenulatum Scbmarda, Neuo wirbcll. Tb., vol. i, p. 1, 3, PI. I, fig. 2 (t. Hoboken, Xew Jersey, in brackish water (Schmarda). GENUS UNDETERMINED. Body very long and slender, almost filiform, slightly flattened, with rounded sides ; the flat sides are longitudinally striated, the narrower rounded sides are marked with numerous short, distinct, separate, trans verse lines or depressions, corresponding to opaque internal organs. In one of the smaller specimens one end is acute conical, terminated by a 338 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [632] slender incurved point; the other end is obtusely rounded, depressed and translucent at the end, apparently with a trans verse orifice beneath. The largest specimen, and one of the smaller, has one end correspond ing in form to that last described ; the other is rounded, a little enlarged, subtruncate, apparently with a terminal orifice. A yellowish internal organ, with transverse divisions, runs along each side internally. In life the color wag grayish white, with four very slender double longitudinal lines of dark slate -color. Length of largest specimens, in alcohol, SO"1"1; diameter, 0.7mm ; small est ones, 40mm ; diameter, 0.5mm. Wood's Hole, swimming very actively at the surface in the evening, June 29 and July 13, 1871. This species was taken by Mr. S. I. Smith, who recorded the color. I did not observe it myself in the living state. The above description was made from preserved specimens. Its characters cannot all be made out satisfactorily with alcoholic specimens, and its generic and family affinities are uncertain. In general appearance, when living and moving, it resembles Gordius and Rliamplioyordius. DENDROCCELA or PLANARIAXS. STYLOCHOPSiSLiTTORALisYerrill, sp. nov. Plate XIX, fig. 99. (p. 325.) Body flat with thin margins, very changeable in form, broad oval, elliptical or oblong, rounded or sub-truncate at the ends, often with the margins undulated. The tentacles are small, round, obtuse, translu cent, each containing an elongated group of about ten or twelve minute black ocelli on the anterior surface. The tentacles are situated at about the anterior fourth of the body, and are separated by about one-fourth of its breadth. Dorsal ocelli about eight, forming four groups of two each, in advance of the tentacles; marginal ocelli numerous, small, black, most conspicuous beneath, and most numerous on the anterior portion, arranged in two or more irregular rows near the margin, ex tending back to the middle of the sides or beyond. Color pale greenish or brownish yellow, veined or reticulated with lighter, and with a light median stripe posteriorly; beneath flesh-color, with a median elongated light spot, narrowest in the middle, due to internal organs. Length, 8mm; breadth, about 6inm. NCAV Haven to Vineyard Sound ; under stones, between tides. PLAXOCERA NEBULOSA Girard. Plate XIX, fig. 100. (p. 325.) Proceedings of the Academy of Xatural Sciences of Philadelphia for 1853, vol. vi, p. 367, 1854. Savin Rock near Xew Haven, under stones at low-water. Charleston, S. C. (Girard). LEPTOPLANA FOLIUM Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 487.) Body very flat, with the margin thin and undulated ; outline versatile, usually cordate or leaf-like, broadest and emarginate posteriorly, the 1 633] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 339 posterior borders well rounded, and the side a little convex, narrowing to an obtuse point at the anterior end; sometimes oblong or elliptical, and but little narrowed anteriorly ; the posterior einargination is usually very distinct, often deep, and sometimes in contraction has a small pro jecting angular point in the middle, but at times the emargination nearly disappears. Ocelli in four groups, near the anterior end ; the two posterior clusters are smaller than the anterior and wider apart ; the anterior clusters are very near the others, and close together, almost blending on the median line, and are composed of numerous very minute crowded ocelli, less distinct than those of the other clusters. Color pale yel lowish flesli-color, veined with dentritic lines of darker flesh color, or with whitish ; an indistinct pale reddish spot behind the anterior ocelli; an interrupted longitudinal whitish stripe in the middle, due to the internal organs, and a small median whitish stripe posteriorly. Length, 20inm to 25'nm; breadth, 10mm to 15mm. Off Watch Hill, 4 to 6 fathoms, among rocks and algre; off Block Island, in 29 fathoms; off Buzzard's Bay, in 25 fathoms. PLANARIA GRISEA Yen-ill, sp. nov. (p. 487.) Body elongated and usually oblong in extension, often long oval or somewhat elliptical, obtusely pointed or rounded posteriorly ; head sub- truncate in front, often a little prominent in the middle ; the angles are somewhat prominent, but not elongated. Ocelli two, black, each sur rounded by a reniforni, white spot. Color yellowish green or grayish, with a central whitish stripe in the middle of 'the back, surrounded by darker; head margined with whitish. Length, in extension, 12"im; breadth, 3""". Watch Hill, Khode Island, under stones, between tides. PROCERODES WIIEATLANDII Girard. (p. 323.) Proceedings Boston Soc. Natural History, vol. iii, p. 251, 1851; Stimpson, op. cit., p. 6, 1857. Planaria frequens Leidy, Marine Invert. Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 11, 1855. Proccrodes freqneiis, op. cit., p. 6 ; this Report, p. 325. New Haven to Casco Bay. Point Judith (Leidy). Manchester, Mas sachusetts (Girard). Abundant under stones, between tides. FOVIA WARRENII Girard. (p. 480.) Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. iv, p. 211, 1852; Stimpsou, Prodromus, p. 6, 1857. Vortex Warreni'i Girard, op. cit., vol. iii, pp. 284 aud3G3, 1851 ; Diesing, Op. cit., vol. xiv, p. 229, 1882. A small, narrow, oblong, red Planarian, apparently belonging to this species, was collected at Wood's Hole, among eel-grass, and also in Casco Bay. Chelsea, Massachusetts (Girard). 340 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [634] BDELLOURA CANDIDA Girard. (p. 460.) Proceedings Boston Society Natural History, vol. iv, p. 211,1852. Vortex Can dida Girard, op. cit., vol. iii, p. 264, (for 1850), 1851. Bdelloura parasiticaLiei&y, Proceedings Academy Natural Sciences of Philadelphia for 1851, vol. v, p. 242, 1852; Stimpson, Prodromns, p. 6, 1857. Great Egg Harbor; New Haven : Massachusetts Bay. Parasitic on the gills of the " horseshoe-crab" (Limulus Polyphemus). BDELLOURA TUJSTICA Leidy. Proceedings Acad. Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 2i-2, 1852; Stimpsou, Prodromus, p. 6, 1857. Great Egg Harbor, on Ulva latissima (Leidy). NEMATODES. PONTONEMA MARLNUM Leidy. Plate XVIII, fig. 94. (p. 325.) Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 12 (144), 1855. Great Egg Harbor to Xew Haven and Vineyard Sound; very abund ant from above low-water mark to 10 fathoms. VACILLATUM Leidy. (p. 32G.) Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Rhode Island and New Jersey, p. 12 (144). 1855. Great Egg Harbor to Vineyard Sound, with the preceding. Various other small, free Nematodes are frequently met with, but they have not been carefully examined. Numerous species are also parasitic in the stomach, intestine, muscles and other organs of fishes, Crustacea, worms, &c. (See page 456.) MOLLUSCA. CEPHALOPODA. DIBRANCHIATA. OMZMASTREPHES ILLECEBROSA. (p. 441.) Loligo illecebrosa Lesueur, Journal Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 95, Plate 10, 1821 ; Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, ed. i, p. 318. 1841 ; Dekay, Natural History of New York, Mollusca, p. 4, 1843. Ommaslrephes sayittatus Binuey.* in Gould's Invertebrata of Mass., ed. ii, p. 510, 1870, but •not Plate 25, fig. 339 (HOW Lamarck, sp.) A large specimen, taken at Eastport, Maine, was ten inches long, ex clusive of the arms. When preserved in alcohol the caudal-fin was rather more than one-third of the length of the head and body together ; its width was equal to about three-fourths of its length. The colors of this specimen were described on page 442. A small specimen from Xewport, I*. I., agrees in color and most other respects with the larger specimens, but differs somewhat in the proportions, especially of the caudal fin, probably owing to its immaturity. This specimen, in alcohol, * Binney's, Plate xxvi, Figs. 341-344, erroneously referred to Loligopsis pavo, appar ently represents this species. [G35] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 341 is SI11"11 long, exclusive of the arms ; the body is 72nim long, 15Ium broad ; the caudal tin is 25mm long and 3C"im broad. A fresh specimen, caught in Casco Bay, had the following propor tions : Length of head and body, not including the arms, 221Ium ; length of caudal fin, 86lum ; breadth of fin, 90lum ; diameter of body, 35lum ; length of upper arms, 80mm ; of second pair, 100mm ; of third pair, 100mm • of extensile arms, 182mra ; of the ventral pair, 90mm. Greenport, Long Island, (Sanderson Smith) ; Newport, Rhode Island ; Provincetown, Massachusetts ; Casco Bay ; Mount Desert, Maine ; Bay of Fuudy. Ommastrephes Bartramii (Lesueur, sp.) is found in the Gulf Stream off our coasts, and may sometimes occur accidentally on our shores. It is a more slender and elongated species than the preceding, with a rela tively shorter caudal fin. It is also darker colored. The figure given by Biuney in the last edition of Gould's Iiivertebrata of Massachusetts (Plate 25, fig. 340) does not represent this species. LOLIGO PEALII Lesueur. Plate XX, figs. 102-105. (p. 410.) Journal Acacl. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 92, PI. 8, 1821; Dekay, Natural History of New York, Mollusca, p. 4, PI. 33, fig. 354 (copied from Lesueur) ; Binney, in Gould's Iiivertebrata of Mass., ed. ii, p. 514 (PI. 25, fig. 340,) probably represents this species, certainly not 0. Bartramii.} South Carolina to Massachusetts Bay. Very common in Long Island Sound and Vineyard Sound. The young, from an inch to two inches in length, were taken from the middle of July to the last of August in great numbers, at the surface, in Vineyard Sound, by Mr. Vinal TST. Edwards. LOLIGO PUNCTATA Dekay. Natural History of New York, Mollusca, p. 3, PL I, fi^. 1, 1843; Binney, in Gould's Invertebrata of Mass., ed. ii, p. 513. This is probably identical with the preceding species. The slight differences noticed are probably sexual, but as I have not been able to fully satisfy myself in regard to this, I have not thought it proper to unite them at this time. Long Island Sound. LOLIGO PALLIDA Verrill, sp. nov. Plate XX, figs. 101, lOla. (p. 411.) Body stout, tapering rapidly backward. Anterior border of mantle with a prominent, obtusely rounded, median dorsal lobe, from which the margin recedes on each side ; on the lower side the margin is concave in the middle, with a projecting angle on each side. Caudal fin large, about as broad as long, more than half as long as the body. Siphon large and stout ; upper pair of arms considerably smaller and shorter than the others, slender at tips, margined along the inner dorsal ridge with a thin membrane. Second pair of arms stouter and longer, trique- tral, slightly margined on the outer angle. Third pair much stouter and considerably longer, with a membranous fold along the middle of the 342 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [636] outer surface, wliicli expands into a thin membrane toward the end. Tentacular arms long and slender, in extension longer than the body, the portion that bears suckers forming about one-third the whole length; in the female the larger suckers on the middle of this portion are not so large as the largest on the other arms, and are arranged" in about four rows; those near the tips of the arms are very small and crowded. In the male the principal suckers of the tentacular arms are very much larger than in the female, and considerably exceed those of the other arms; they form two alternating rows along the middle of the arm, and external to them there is a row of smaller suckers on each side, alternating with them; the suckers toward the tips are very numerous, small, and crowded ; outside of the suckers, on each side, there is a mar ginal membrane with a scolloped edge; another membranous fold runs along the outer surface and expands into a broad membrane near the end ; the arms of the ventral pair are intermediate in length between those of the second and third pairs. Ground-color of body, head, arms, and fins pale, translucent, yellowish white ; entire ventral surface pale, with small, distant, brownish circular spots, which are nearly obsolete on the siphon and arms; the upper surface is covered with pale brown, unequal, circular spots which are not crowded, having spaces of whitish between them ; the spots are more sparse on the head and arms, but somewhat clustered above the ej'es. The general appearance of the animal when fresh is unusually pale and gelatinous. The "pen" is broad, quill-shaped, translucent, and amber-colored. A medium-sized male specimen preserved in alcohol measures 145mmfrom the base of the dorsal arms to the posterior end of the body ; length of body, 120mm ; length of caudal fin, 70mm ; breadth of fiu, 75llim; length of first pair of arms, 42mm ; of second pair, 50mm ; of third, 60inm ; of tentacular arms, 150mm ; of ventral pair, 53mm. Long Island Sound. The Spirula Peronii Lamarck, (ISpirula fragilis in Binney's Gould, p. 516, fig. 755), is occasionally cast up, on the outer beaches of Nan tucket, but it probably does not occur alive in our waters. GASTROPODA. PECTINIBRANCHIATA. BELA IIAKPULARIA Adams. Plate XXI, fig. 108. (p. 508.) II. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 92, 1858 ; Gould's Inverte- ]>ruta of Mass., ed. ii, p. 352, fig. 191. Fusus harpulariuH Couthony, Boston Journal Natural History, vol. ii, p. 106, PL 1, fig. 10, 1838; Gould's Iiiverte- brata of Mass., ed. i, p. 291, fig. 191, 1841. Zlangelia harpularia Stinipsou, Shells of New England, page 48, 1851. Massachusetts Bay to Labrador and Greenland. Off Gay Head, 10 to 10 fathoms ; in the Bay of Fundy frequent in from 1 to 80 fathoms. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene "Leda-clays" of Labrador (Packard); and Canada (Dawson). [037] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 343 BEL A PLEUROTOMARIA Adams. H. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollnsca, vol. i, p. 92, 1858 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 355, fig. 625. Fusus pleurotomarlus Couthouy, Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. ii, p. 107, Plate 1, fig. 9, 1838. Fusus rufus Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 190, fig. 192 (non Montagu). Biiccinum pyramidale Strom, N. A. Dan. iii, p. 296, fig. 22 (t. Loven). Defrancia VahUi (Beck) Moller, 1842 (t. Loveu). Mancjdia pnjamidalis Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 49. Off the coast of Long Island, in 46 fathoms (Stimpson). Massachu setts Bay to Labrador ; in Casco Bay and the Bay of Tandy not uncom mon in 18 to 60 fathoms. Greenland (Moller). Finmark (Loven). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene deposits of Canada, Labrador, Great Britain, and Scandinavia. The identification of this species with the Buccinum pyramidale Strom, is somewhat uncertain ; if correct, the latter name has priority. BELA PLTCATA Adams. Plate XXI, fig. 107. (p. 383.) H. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollnsca, vol. i, p. 92, 1858. Pleurotoma pli- cata C. B. Adams, Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. iii, p. 318, Plate 3, fig. 6; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 282, fig. 187 ; ed. ii, p. 350, fig. 612. Pleurotoma plicosa C. B. Adams, Contributions to Conchology, vol. i, p. 54, 1850 ; Jay, Catalogue, ed. iv, p. 327. Pleurotoma brnnnea Perkins, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. History, vol. xiii, p. 121, 1869. Xear Xew Haven, rare. Huntington and Greenport, Long Island (Sanderson Smith). New York (Dekay). Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and Xew Bedford Harbor, in mud, (C. B. Adams). Beaufort, X. C. (Dr- E. Coues). Indian Pass, Florida (E. Jewett). MANGELIA CERINA. (p. 432.) Verrill, American Journal of Science, vol. iii, p. 210, 1872. Pleurotoma cerinnm Kurtz and Stimpson, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. iv, p. 115, 1851 ; Stimpsou, Shells of New England, p. 49, PI. 2, fig. 2, 1851. Shell elongated, fusiform, rather acute at apex, composed of about seven whorls ; apical whorls smooth, the others angulated in the middle and decidedly flattened just below the suture; suture distinct, but shallow, undulated ; the body whorl has about eleven prominent, longi tudinal, sub-acute plications or ribs, separated by w7ide, concave inter spaces. The ribs are most prominent at the angulation above the middle of the lower whorl, and do not extend on the flattened sub-sutural band. The whole surface is covered by fine, raised, revolving lines, often alternately larger and smaller, separated by wider stria?, and crossed by fine, distinct lines of growth, rendering them slightly nodulous. The revolving lines are most distinct on the sub-sutural band, and are often nearly obsolete over the summits of the ribs. Outer lip acute, with a decided angle at about the posterior fourth, where it recedes to form a decided, rounded notch, at and just above the angle; middle portion nearly straight, gradually curving and receding toward the anterior end; canal short, straight, and somewhat contracted. Color whitish, or slightly yellow ; inner surface light wax-yellow. Length, 6.5mm ; breadth, 3uim ; length of aperture, 3mm. 344 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [638] Vineyard Sound, 3 to 10 fathoms; near New Haven. New Bedford, Mass., and Charleston, S. C. (Stimpson). Staten Island ; Greenport and Huntington, Long Island, low water to 3 fathoms, (S. Smith). Beaufort, N. C. (Coues). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of South Carolina. PLEUROTOMA BICARINATUM Couthouy. Plate XXI, fig. 100. (p. 418.) Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. ii, p. 104, Plate 1, fig. 11, 1838; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 231, fig. 180 ; ed. ii, p. 349, fig. 618. Mangelia Mcarinata Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 49. Defrancia licarinata H. aucl A. Adams* Genera of Mollusca, vol. i, p. 95. Stoningtou, Conn. (Linsley). Vineyard Sound, 6 to 12 fathoms, rare ; Massachusetts Bay; Bay of Fundy. This is a rare and imperfectly known species. I have never had opportunities to examine the living animal. The generic relations of this and the t\vo preceding shells are still doubtful. BUCCINUM ITNDATUM Linne. Plate XXI, fig. 121. (p. 494.) Systema Natune, ed. xii, p. 1204. Gould, Invertebrata of Massachusetts, ed. i, p. 305; ed. ii, p. 3G6, fig. 634. Bticcinum undulatum Moller, in Kroyer's Tids- skrift, vol. iv, p. 84, 1842 (t. Stimpson). Stimpson, Review of the Northern Buccinums, in Canadian Naturalist, October, 1865. Bnceinum Labrador en se Reeve, Couch. Icon., vol. Hi, Buc. i. 5, 1846 (t. Stimpsou). Mouth of Vineyard Sound and off Gay Head, G to 19 fathoms. Off New Jersey, north latitude 40°, west longitude 73°, in 32 fathoms, sandy bottom, (Captain Gedney). Near Stonington, Conn. (Linsley) ; Montauk Point, Long Island, and Little Gull Island (S. Smith). Not common south of Cape Cod, except on the outer islands and in deep water ; common in Massachu setts Bay ; and very abundant on the coast of Maine, and northward to Greenland. On the European coast it occurs from Iceland and the North Cape to France, and from low water to 650 fathoms. In the Bay of Fundy it is abundant from above low-water mark to 100 fathoms. As a fossil it is common in the Post-Pliocene deposits of Maine, Can ada, Labrador, and Great Britain. Mr. Desor obtained it from the Post- Pliocene formation of Nantucket Island. The ordinary American specimens from shallow water differ consider ably in form from the typical European specimens, but the species is quite variable on both coasts, and I have examined large specimens from Saint George's Bank and La Have Bank, dredged by Mr. S. I. Smith, which differ very little from the common European form, and it is easy to form series connecting these with our common shore speci mens. I am, therefore, unable to agree with Dr. Stimpson, who con sidered our shell distinct from the European, and adopted the name undulatum for it. NEPTUNEA CURTA Verrill. Fusus corncus Say, Amer. Conch., iii, Plate 29, 1831 (non Liime, Pennant, etc.), Fusus Mandicus Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 284; ed. ii, p. 371, fig. 638 (non Chemnitz, Gmelin, etc.). Fusus curtus Jeffreys, British Conchology, vol. iv, p. 336, 1867. [639] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OK VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 345 Massachusetts Bay to Labrador. Casco Bay, C to 50 fathoms; com mon in the Bay of Fundy from low- water mark to 80 fathoms. Linsley reports it, as F. cornew, from fish-stomachs at Stonington, Connecticut. In the Yale Museum are dead shells of this species, which have been occupied by Eupacfuri, found on Fire Island Beach, on the south side of Long Island, by Mr. S. I. Smith. It probably inhabits the deep water off Block Island. The dentition of this species is decidedly buccinoid. The central plates are transversely oblong1, deeply concave above, with the lateral angles produced ; below armed with three small, nearly equal, short teeth, the central one largest, beyond which, on each side, it is concave, the outer angles being a little prominent. The lateral plates are large, with an outer, very strong, curved tooth, and two much smaller, slightly curved ones near the inner end, the innermost being slightly the largest. The dentition agrees very closely with that of N. cuitiqua, the type both of the genus Neptunea, Bolton, 1798, and CUrysodomus, Swainson, 1840, but it is very different from that of Sipho Bermclensis (S. Island- icus Trosch.), which Troschel refers to the Faciolaridse. The latter is evidently the type of a genus (Sipho) very distinct from Neptunea; but among the European species, gracilis, propinqua, buccinata, and the true Islandica (as described by Jeffreys) are closely related to curta, and be long to the genus Neptunea, in the family Buccinidoe. NEPTUNEA (Neptunella) PYGM.EA. Plate XXI, fig. 115. (p. 508.) Fastis Islandicus, var. pygmcms, Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 284, fig. 109, 1841. Tritoninm pygmcvum Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 46, 1851. Fn8H8 TrumluUii Liusley, Amer. Journal Science, ser. i, vol. xlviii, p. 28, fig. 1, 2, 1845 (non Gould, 1818). Fastis pygmyms Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 372, fig. 639. Neptunea (S'tplio) pygnuca, H. and A. Adams, Genera Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 81, 1858. Chnjsodomus pygnuvus Dall, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 242, 1870. Deep water off New London and Stonington, Connecticut, northward to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. East of Block Island, 29 fathoms, sandy mud • off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms ; off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, mud, abun dant and large; off Edgarton, 18 to 20 fathoms ;' Casco Bay, 10 to 40 fathoms, common ; Eastport, Maine, and Bay of Fundy, low water to 100 fathoms (A. E. Y.). Near Saint George's Bank, 40 to 150 fathoms ; east of Saint George's Bank, 430 fathoms ; and off Halifax (S. I. Smith). The odontophore in this species is long and slender • the dentition is buccinoid. The middle plate is small, transversely oblong, concave above, below convex, with one very small central tooth ; lateral plates relatively large and strong, with a large, curved outer tooth, and a smaller bifid inner tooth, widely separated from the outer one. The peculiarities in the dentition of this species, in connection with the singular wooly or velvety epidermis, indicate that this species should form the type of a sub-genus, or perhaps even a distinct genus. For the group I would propose the name Neptunella. 346 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [640] FULGUR CARICA Conrad. PI. XXII, fig. 127. (p. 355.) Proceedings of the Academy of Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. vi, p. 319, 1853 ; Gill, on the Genus Fulgur and its Allies, in American Journal of Con chology, vol. iii, p. 145, 1867. Murex carica Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3545, 1788. Fulgur eliceans (pars) Moutfort, Conch. Syst., vol. ii, p. 503, 1810, fig. (fc. Gill). Fyrula carica Lamarck, Auim. sans Vert., ed. i, vol. vii, p. 138, 1822 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i,p. 296. Busycon carica Gould, op. cit., ed. ii, p. 383, fig. 646 ; Stimpson, in American Journal of Conchology, vol. i, p. 61, 1865. Eastern coast of the United States ; northward to Cape Cod ; south ward to northern Florida, and west Florida. Abundant in Vineyard Sound, in 1 to 10 fathoms; also in Long Island Sound, near New Haven. Nantucket ( Adams); St. Augustine, Florida (H. S. Williams) ; west Florida (E. Jewett.) It occurs in the Miocene formation of Mary land and Virginia, and in the Post-Pliocene deposits of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. SYCOTYPUS CANALICULATUS Gill. (p. 355.) American Journal of Conchology, vol. iii, p. 149,1867. Mnrex canaliculatus Linnd, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1222. Pyrula canaliculata Lamarck, Anim. -sans Vert., vol. vii, p. 137, 1822 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 294, tig. 206. Busycon canaliculatuiu H. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 151, 1858 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. "ii, p. 380, fig. 645. Fulgur canaliculata Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, 1822 ; Conrad, Proc. PhiL Acad., vol. vi, p. 219, 1853. Eastern coast of the United States ; northward to Cape Cod and Nan- tucket $ southward to Georgia and Northern Florida, Western Florida, and northern shores of Gulf of Mexico. Abundant in Vineyard Sound, Long Island Sound, &c., in 1 to 8 fathoms. .St. Augustine, Florida (H. S. Williams). Found fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Northern Florida ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and Miocene of Maryland. NASSA VIBEX Say. Plate XXI, fig. 114. (p. 371). Journal Academy Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 231, 1822 ; Gould, Invertehrata of Mass., ed. ii, p. 365, fig. 633. Nassa fretensls Perkins, Pro ceedings Boston Soc. Nat. History, vol. xiii,p. 117, figure, 1869 (variety). Eastern coast of the United States $ northward to Vineyard Sound ; southward to Florida, and the Gulf of Mexico ; not abundant north of Cape Hatteras. In Vineyard Sound and Long Island Sound, found sparingly in shallow water among eel-grass. New Bedford (Adams). Lloyd's Harbor, Huntington, and North port, Long Island (S. Smith) ; Egmont Key, Florida (Jewett). It has been found in the Pliocene and Post-Pliocene of South Carolina. Some of Say's original specimens were from South Carolina, others from Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. At the latter locality I have also collected among eel-grass, in shallow water, the variety described by Dr. Perkins as N. frctensis, which is the most common, form in all the more northern localities. Specimens intermediate between these and the ordinary southern forms are, however, of frequent occurrence, and the typical form also occurred in Vineyard Sound, with the variety. [641] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 347 TBITIA TRIVITTATA Adams. Plate XXI, fig. 112. (p. 354.) H. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 122, 1858. Nassa trivittata Say, Journal Acad. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 231 ; Gould, Invert. of Mass., ed. ii, p. 364, fig. 632. Buccinum trivittatum Adams, Boston Journal of Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 265 ; Gould, op. cit., ed. i, p. 309, fig. 211. Gulf of Saint Lawrence to Northern Florida. Eastport, Maine, and Bay of Fundy, 3 to 30 fathoms, not abundant ; CascoBay, 1 to 40 fathoms, abundant; Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 0 to 14 fathoms, abundant; off Block Island, 29 fathoms; Long Island Sound, common. Gaspe, Canada (Dawson). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Point Shirley, Mass., Nan tucket (Desor), Gull Island (Smith), Virginia, South Carolina, and North Carolina ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and in the Miocene of Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. ILYANASSA OBSOLETA Stimpson. Place XXI, fig. 113. (p. 468.) American Journal of Conchology, vol. i, p. 61, Plate 9, figs. 11, 12, 1865. Nassa obsoleta Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 232, 1822 ; Bin- ney's Say, p. 77, 1858 ; Gould, Invertebrata of Mass., ed. ii, p. 362, fig. 631 ; Buc cinum obsoletum Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 308, fig. 210 ; Tritia obsoleta H. and A. Adams, Genera, p. 122, 1858. Eastern and southern coasts of the United States; northward to Casco Bay, Maine, and the mouth of the Kennebeck Kiver, and local in the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence; southward to Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Extremely abundant on the whole coast south of Cape Cod ; more local farther north, and mostly restricted to sheltered bays and harbors. It has not been found on the eastern part of the coast of Maine nor in the Bay of Fundy. An isolated colony of this species is found on the western and southern shores of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and Prince Edward's Island (Bell, Dawson). As a fossil it has been found in the Post-Pliocene deposits at Point Shirley, in Chelsea, Massachusetts (Stimpson) ; at Nantucket Island (Desor); Virginia; and South Carolina. It is also reported from the Pliocene of South Carolina. UROSALPINX OINEREA Stimpson. Plate XXI, fig. 116. (p. 306.) American Journal of Conchology, vol. i, p. 58, Plate 8, figs. 6 and 7, 1865. Fusus cinereus Say, Journal Academy Nat. Science, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 236, 1822; American Conchology, Plate 29, 1831. Buccinum plicosum Menke, Syn., ed. ii, p. 69, 1830, (t. Gould); Gould, Invertebrata of Mass., ed. i, p. 303, fig. 213. Buccinum cinereum Gould, op. cit., ed. ii, p. 370, fig. 637. Eastern coast of the United States; northward to Massachusetts Bay, and local farther north, to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence ; southward to Georgia and Northern Florida, and on the west coast of Florida, at Tampa Bay. Abundant in Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Long Island Sound, and along the coast of the Middle States, especially on oyster-beds. In Vineyard Sound it occurs from above low-water mark to 8 fathoms. It occurs in some of the shallow and sheltered branches 24 v 348 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. ' [642] of CascoBay, especially at the upper end of Quahog Bay, but has not been found on the islands, nor farther eastward along the coast of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fundy. A colony exists, however, in the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, associated with the pre ceding and other southern species. It is found fossil in the Post-Plio cene of Point Shirley, Massachusetts, Nantucket, Gardiner's Island, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina; and in the Miocene of Maryland. EUPLEURA CAUDATA H. and A. Adams. Plate XXI, fig. 117. (p. 371.) Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 107, 1858 ; Stimpson, Ainer. Journal of Conchology, vol. i, p. 58, Plate 8, fig. 5 (dentition), 1835. Ranella caudata Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 238, 1822 j Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 297, fig. 176 ; ed. ii, p. 386, fig. 648. Eastern coast of the United States ; northward to Nantucket and Cape Cod ; southward to northern Florida, and western Florida, at Tampa Bay. At Vineyard Sound it occurred living in considerable numbers in the shallow ditches on the marshes, as well as in the sound itself, in 1 to 8 fathoms ; off New Haven, in 1 to 5 fathoms, not abundant ; Great Egg Harbor, frequent among eel-grass in shallow water. Egrnont Key, Florida (Jewett). In the fossil state this species has been found in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Florida; in the Pliocene of South Carolina; and in the Miocene of Maryland and South Carolina. PURPURA LAPILLUS Lamarck. Plate XXI, figs. 118 to 120. (p. 306.) Anim. sans Vert., ed. i, vol. vi, 1822; ed. ii, vol. x, p. 79; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 301; ed. ii, p. 360, fig. 630. Buccinum lapillus Liniie", Syst. Naturse, ed. xii, p. 1202, 1767. Watch Hill, Rhode Island ; Montauk Point, Long Island ; Cuttyhuuk Island; shores of Vineyard Sound, at Nobsca Point; northward to the Arctic Ocean. On the European coast southward to Portugal. North eastern coast of Asia. Sitka ( Midden dorff). This species is local south of Cape Cod, and has not been found to the eastward of Stonington, Con. necticut, in Long Island Sound. It is extremely abundant along the northern coasts of New England and Nova Scotia, often nearly cover ing the surface of the rocks toward low-water mark, where they are en. crusted by Balanus balanoides, upon which it chiefly feeds, inserting its proboscis between the opercular valves of the barnacle. This shell has been found in the Post-Pliocene deposits at Water ville» Maine, and at Gardiner's Island, but is not a common fossil in this country. In England it is found in the Red- Crag and all later forma tions ; it also occurs in the Post-Pliocene deposits of Scandinavia. The fossils show the same variations that are seen in the recent shells. PTYCHATRACTUS LIG-ATUS Stimpson. American Journal of Conchology, vol. i, p. 59, plate 8, fig. 8 (dentition), 1885. Fasciolaria Ugata Mighels and Adams, Boston Journal of Nat. History, vol. iv, p. 51, Plate 4, fig. 17, 184}; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 385, fig. 647. Casco Bay, Maine; to Labrador. Stonington, Connecticut (Liusley). [643] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 349 Casco Bay, 20 to 40 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy, 15 to 60 fathoms. Halifax (Willis) 5 Gaspe (Whiteaves) ; Murray Bay (Dawson); Mingan (Foote). This shell occurs sparingly at all these localities. It has not been recorded from south of Cape Cod by any one except Linsley, and it must be regarded as a very doubtful member of the fauna of Southern New England until rediscovered. Dr. Dawson records one broken specimen from the Post-Pliocene of Montreal. ANACHIS AY AHA Perkins, (p. 306.) Proceedings, Boston Soc. Nat. History, vol. xiii, p. 113, 18(i9 (iu part). Colum- bella avara Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 230, 1822 ; (in part) Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 313; ed. ii, p. 356 (in part). Cape Cod to Northern Florida; Western Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Vineyard Sound, from 0 to 10 fathoms ; Long Island Sound ; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey ; Nantucket (Ad ams) ; Fort Macon (Cones) ; South Carolina (Gibbes); Georgia (Couper) ; Western Florida (Jewett). North of Cape Cod, it is local and rare ; Massachusetts Bay (Stimpson). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of North and South Carolina, and in the Pliocene of South Carolina. Among the shells usually referred to this species there are great va riations in form and sculpture, and the color is quite inconstant. The numerous specimens that I have examined from various localities can, however, be arranged in two groups, between which I have found no specimens that can be regarded as truly intermediate, although most of their distinctive characters are variable in each series. For the pres ent, therefore, I have with some hesitation followed Mr. Ravenel in re garding these two principal forms as distinct species. As these species (or varieties) have not been distinguished by most writers, it is probable that some of the northern localities given above should properly go under the next species, which is far more abundant in Vineyard Sound and Long Island Sound than the typical avara, while the latter predom inates in the collections from Fort Macou, North Carolina, and south ward. The figures given by Dr. Gould represent the ordinary northern form of the following species. In the first part of this report both forms are included under avara. From Fort Macon I have specimens that agree perfectly with Say's original description of avara. These are less elongated than the next species, and rather fusiform, the thickest part being but little below the middle, with the spire acute. The mature shells have ten flattened whorls; the first three or nuclear whorls are smooth ; some of the suc ceeding ones usually have numerous vertical costre ; the last whorl has 10 to 13 more or less prominent, smooth obtusely rounded, somewhat curved costre, separated by wider concave intervals, and gradually dis appearing below the middle; below the costa3 are numerous, well im- 350 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [644] pressed revolving grooves, of which 8 or 10 are wider and deeper than the rest j similar but finer grooves cross the spaces between the costa?, but are mostly obsolete on the costse ; the middle whorls usually have a similar number of costa3, which are less prominent, and often more or less obsolete, while the spaces between are crossed by numerous fine revolving striae The canal is short, broad, and nearly straight ; the outer lip well rounded, not incurved anteriorly, but with a decided emargination posteriorly. Length of mature shells, 13mm; diameter, 6nim, often smaller. Specimens of the same size and form from Vineyard Sound and New Haven agree closely with the above description in most respects, but have 14 or 15 costas on the last whorl, and about 20 on the preceding ones, where the costas are so crowded that the spaces between are often narrower than the costae. ANACHIS SIMILIS Verrill. Plate XXI, fig. 109. ColumMla similis Raveuel, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., 1861, p. 41. Columbella translirata Ravenel, op. cit., p. 42. Columbella avara (in part) Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 313, fig. 197 : ed. ii, p. 356, tig. 726. Massachusetts Bay to Georgia. Abundant in Vineyard Sound and Long Island Sound j Great Egg Harbor. Fort Macon (Dr. Yarrow.) This species is usually much more elongated than the preceding, with a more elevated spire, the broadest place being a little above the lower third of the length. Whorls, 10 ; flattened ; the nuclear whorls smooth The canal is longer, and usually distinctly excurved : the outer lip is more or less incurved anteriorly, so as to slightly narrow the canal ; the body- whorl has 18 to 20 or more rather regular, obtuse costse, sepa rated by spaces of about the same width, generally slightly nodular close to the suture; at some distance below the middle of the whorl they gradually disappear, but sometimes there are also smaller intermediate costce below the middle of the whorl (var. translirata) ; the lower part of the whorl is covered with numerous well-impressed, revolving grooves, which cross the lower ends of the costae, rendering them nodu lous ; on the upper part of the whorls the revolving grooves are larger and more distinct than in the preceding species, and usually continue over the costse ; the one next below the suture is usually larger than the rest, and thus produces the subsutural nodules ; the grooves are generally least distinct in the middle of the lower whorl, which is some times slightly angulated. On the middle whorls there are numerous (usually more than 25) regular costse, like those of the last one, and crossed by about 5 distinct revolving grooves, more conspicuous in the spaces between; the upper one largest, usually producing a distinct series of nodules on each whorl. Color exceedingly variable, generally dark reddish brown, chestnut, or light yellowish brown, more or less mottled and specked with whitish ; there is often a subsutural band of white, or the nodules are white, and also a band of white around the re id die [645] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD k SOUND, ETC. 351 of the last whorl, but these are frequently absent. Length of a rather large specimen, 17mm ; breadth, 7mra ; length of an average specimen, 13mm; breadth, 5mm ; length of a slender specimen, 15mm ; breadth, 5mm. ASTYRIS LUNATA Diill. Plate XXI, fig. 110. (p. 306.) Proceedings Boston Soc. Natural History, vol. xiii, p. 242, 1870. Nassa lunata Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 213, 1826. Buccinum lunatum Adams, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 226; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed i., p. 312, fig. 193. Colunibella lunata Gould, op. cit., ed. ii, p. 359, fig. 629. Fiims TrumbulH Gould, Amer. Journ. Science, vol. vi, p. 235, fig. 7, 1848, (non Linsley). Buccinum Wheatleyi Dekay, Nat. Hist, of New York, Mollusca, p. 132, Plate 7, fig. 162, 1843. Colunibella Gouldiana Ag. MSS. ; Stimp- son, Shells of New England, p. 48, 1851 ; Smith, Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist, of New York, vol. viii, p. 398, fig. 5, 1865. Astyris " Umata Say" aiidJ. "Turnbullii Liusl.," H. and A. Adams, Gsnera, vol. i, p. 187 (typographical errors). Massachusetts Bay to Northern Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico ; local and not abundant north of Cape Cod, at Prov- incetown, Nahant, and Swampscott, Massachusetts. Very abundant in Vineyard Sound, from low- water to 10 fathoms ; and in Long Island Sound ; Great South Bay, Long Island ; and Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; Fort Macoii, North Carolina, and southward. Estella Pass, Florida (Jewett) ; Georgia (Couper). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene deposits of South Carolina; and at Gardiner's Island, New York (S. Smith) ; and in the Pliocene of South Carolina. The color-variety, separated by several writers as C. Gouldiana, is identical with the Wheatleyi of Dekay. ASTYRIS ZONALIS Verrill. Plate XXI, fig. 111. (p. '399.) Buccinum zonalis Linsley, American Journal of Science, ser. i, vol. xlviii, p. 285, 1845 (no description); Gould, Amer. Journ. Science, series ii, vol. vi, p. 236, fig. 8, 1848. ColumbeUa dissimilis Stimpson, Proceedings Boston Soc. Nat. History, vol. iv, p. 114, 1851 ; Shells of New England, p. 47, 1851 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 358, fig. 628. Long Island Sound, near New Haven; Vineyard Sound ; Casco Bay ; Eastport, Maine, 10 to 60 fathoms. Grand Menan, New Brunswick, in 8 fathoms, sand, (Stimpson). Storiington (Linsley). ASTYRIS ROSACEA H. and A. Adams, (p. 508.) Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 187, 1858. Buccinum rosaccum Gould, Ameri can Journal of Science, xxxviii, p. 197, 1840; Invert, of Mass., ed. i, .p. 311, fig. 195, 1841. ColumbeUa rosacca Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 47, 1851; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 257, fig. 627. (^)Fusus Holbollii Moller, Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, vol. iv, p. 88, 1842. East of Block Island, 29 fathoms, fine sandy mud; Stonington, Con necticut (Linsley); Massachusetts Bay to Gulf of Saint Lawrence; Isles of Shoals, 20 fathoms, and West Isles, 10 fathoms (Stimpson) ; Casco Bay, 10 to 20 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy, 8 to 60 fathoms ; Sable Island, Nova Scotia (Willis) ; Grand Menan, in deep water, (Stimpson). 352 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [646] The identity of A. Holbolli\ from Greenland, with this species, is very doubtful, for it was described as smooth, with a firm corneus, fusco- luteus epidermis. LUNATIA HERDS Adams. Plate XXIII, figs. 133 to 136. (p. 353.) H. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 207, 1858 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 338, figs. 608, 609. Natica Jieros Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 248, 1822 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 231. Natica triseriata Say, op. cit., vol. v. p. 209 (color-variety) ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 233. Lunatia triseriata Gould, op. cit., ed. ii, p. 340, fig. 610. Georgia to Gulf of Saint Lawrence and southern coast of Labrador. Coast of New Jersey, near Great Egg Harbor, abundant and large, (A. E. Y.) ^southern side of Long Island, at Eire Island beach, abundant, (S. I. Smith) ; Long Island Sound, at New Haven, not common ; Vine yard Sound, abundant from low-water to 10 fathoms; Casco Bay, com mon ; Bay of Furidy, common from low- water to 40 fathoms; Saint George's Bank, common, (S. I. Smith); Gaspe (Dawson); Georgia (Couper). The variety triseriata has the same distribution, and is the more common form in the deeper waters, but is also found on the sand- flats at low-water. It is common in Casco Bay and Bay of Eundy, in 1 to 40 fathoms; off Martha's Vineyard, 10 to 20 fathoms ; and off New London, Connecticut, 10 fathoms. This species has been found fossil in the Miocene of Maryland, Vir ginia, and South Carolina ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and in the Post-Pliocene of Canada and South Carolina. LUNATIA IMMACULATA Adams. Plate XXIII, fig. 131. (p. 508.) H. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 207. Natica immaculata Totteu, American Journal of Science, ser. i, vol. xxviii, p. 351, fig. 6, 1835 ; Gould, Invertebrata, ed. i, p. 234, fig. 168, 1841. Mamma (?) immaculata Gould> ed. ii, p. 344, fig. 614. Stonington, Connecticut, and eastern end of Long Island, to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Off Martha's Vineyard, 20 fathoms ; east of Block Island, 29 fathoms. Stonington (Liusley); Off Napeague Point, Long Island (S. Smith); Newport, K. I. (Totteu). Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fuudy, 5 to 80 fathoms, common ; often found living at low-water mark in the Bay of Fuudy. NEVERITA DUPLICATA Stiinpson. Plate XXIII, fig. 130. (p. 354.) Smithsonian Check List, p. 5, 1860 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 345, fig. 615. Natica dupUcata Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 247, 1822 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 236, fig. 164, 1841. Lunatia dupUcata H. and A. Adams, Genera Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 207, 1858. Massachusetts Bay to Northern Florida; northwestern Florida to Yucatan. Local and not common north of Cape Cod. Abundant at Nantucket ; Vineyard Sound ; Long Island Sound ; southern coast of Long Island; New Jersey ; and southward. Saint Augustine, Florida (Williams). Tampa Bay, Florida, and Egmont Key, abundant, (Jew- ett). Texas (Schott). Near Vera Cruz, Mexico (coll. T. Salt). [647] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 353 Fossil in the Miocene of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Caro lina ; Pliocene of South Carolina ; and Post-Pliocene of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Saint John's Eiver, and Tampa Bay, Florida. NATICA PUSILLA Say. Plate XXIII, fig. 132. (p. 417.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 257, 1822 ; Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 43, 1851 ; Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. ii, p. 344, fig. 613, (not of ed. i) ; Sanderson Smith, in Annals Lye. Nat. History, New York, vol. ix, p. 396, fig. 4, 1870. Vineyard Sound to Northern Florida. In Vineyard Sound and Buz zard's Bay this species is common in 2 to 10 fathoms. Huntington and Gardiner's Bay, Long Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, (S. Smith). South Carolina (Kurtz). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). Georgia (Couper). Acrybia flava H. and A. Adams, = Naticaflava Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 239, fig. 162; Bulbus flavus Gould, op. cit, ed. ii, p. 347, fig. 610. This species was catalogued by Linsley (1845) as from the stomachs of had dock taken off Stonington, Connecticut. It has not been subsequently recorded from south of Cape Cod by any one. It is not improbable that there was some mistake, either in respect to the locality or the identity of the specimens referred to by Linsley. It is an arctic species, found in the Bay of Fundy and at Saint George's Bank ; northward to Greenland (Moller, as N. toana). Natim clausa Brod. and Sowerby, was erroneously given by Mr. Per kins (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 162) as from " Stonington, Connecticut, Linsley." It d6es not occur in Mr. Liusley's list, nor has it been found living, to my knowledge, south of Cape Cod. It occurs in Massachusetts Bay and northward to the Arctic Ocean. It is not uncommon in the Bay of Fundy from 6 to 109 fathoms ; and in Casco Bay from 9 to 60 fathoms. One small dead specimen was dredged by us in 19 fathoms, off Gay Head. CERITHIOPSIS GREENII Verrill. Plate XXIV, fig. 153. (p. 383.) Cerithium Grcenii C. B. Adams, Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. ii, p. 287, Plate 4, fig. 12, 1838; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 579, fig. 184. Bittium Grcenii H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. i, p. 287, 1858; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 322, fig. 591. Massachusetts Bay to South Carolina. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 3 to 10 fathoms ; Long Island Sound, near New Haven. Dartmouth Harbor (Adams) ; Boston Harbor (Stimpson) ; Long Island (S. Smith) ; Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). Also reported from Bermuda. Jeffreys (in Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., Oct., 1872, p. 244) regards this as identical with the European C .tubercular is, and gives it a north ern distribution. Both opinions appear to be incorrect. 354 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [648] CERITHIOPSIS EMERSONII Adams. Plate XXIY, fig. 151. (p. 417.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, p. 240, 1858 ; Gould, Invert., cd. ii, p. 387, fig. 649 Cerithium Emersonii C. B. Adams, op. cit., p. 284, Plate 4, fig. 10, 1838 j Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 275, fig. 180. Cape Cod to South Carolina. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 3 to 10 fathoms, shelly. Nantucket (Adams) ; Huntington and Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). Fossil in the Miocene of North Carolina, (Conrad). Jeffreys (in British Conchology, vol. iv, p. 257) regards this species as identical with Cerithium metula Loven, 1846, on the authority of Danielssen. This appears to be an erroneous identification. CERITHIOPSIS TEREBRALIS Adams. Plate XXIV, fig. 150. (p. 417.) II. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. i, p. 241, 1858; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 389, fig. 650. Cerithium terebraleC. B. Adams, Boston Journal Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p, 320, Plate 3, fig. 7, 1840 ; Gould, Invert,, ed. i, p. 276, fig. 181. Cerithium terebellum C. B. Adams, Catalogue Genera and Species of Recent Shells in Collection of C. B. A., p. 13, 1847. Cape Cod to South Carolina. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 2 to 12 fathoms, not uncommon. New Bedford, Massachusetts (Adams). Greenport and Huntington, Long Island (S. Smith). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). TRIFORIS NIGROCINCTUS Stimpson. Plate XXIV, fig. 152. (p. 305.) Smithsonian Check-List, p. 5, 1860 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 323, fig. 592. Cer ithium mgrocinctum C. B. Adams, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 286, Plate 4, fig. 11, 1838 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 277, fig. 182. Cape Cod to South Carolina. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, low-water to 10 fathoms, not uncommon ; near New Haven ; and Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Dartmouth, Massachusetts (Adams). Huut- ington arid Greeuport, Long Island (S. Smith). Fort Macon (Coues)- BITTIUM NIGRTJM Stimpson. Plate XXIV, fig. 154. (p. 305.) Smithsonian Check -List, p. 5, 1860 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 321, fig. 590. Pasr thea nigra Totten, American Jour, of Science, vol. xxvi, p. 369, Plate 1, fig. 7> 1834. Cerithium reliculatum Totten, op. cit., vol. xxviii, p. 352, fig. 8, 1835 (non Da Costa). Cerithium Sayi Menke (t. Gould); Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 278, fig. 183. Massachusetts Bay to §outh Carolina; local north of Cape Cod, in Boston Harbor (Totten), and in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, at Pictou and Prince Edward's Island (Dawson). It is not found on the coast of Maine nor in the Bay of Fundy. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, abundant, low- water to 8 fathoms, among algre and eel-grass ; Long Island Sound ; and Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, abundant. Fort Macon (Coues). The Bittium alternatum ( TurriteUa alter nata Say, 1822) is a very closely related species, and probably identical with this. TurriteUa erosa Couthouy, recorded, with a mark of doubt, by Lin- ley, as from the stomach of a cod, oft' Stonington, Conn., was perhaps [649] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 355 incorrectly identified. It may have been a worn Cerithiopsis terebralis. The true T. erosa is a decidedly northern species, common in Gasco Bay and the Bay of Fundy, and extending northward to the Arctic Ocean, and southward on the northern coasts of Europe, and on the North Pacific coast of America. It has not been recorded from south of Cape Cod by any one except Linsley. VERMETUS RADICULA Stimpson. Plate XXIY, fig. 157. (p. 417.) Shells of New England, p. 37, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed ii, p. 316, fig. 584. Ver- metus lumbricalis Gould, ed. i, p. 246, and various other American authors, (non Lamarck). Cape Cod to Florida. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 3 to 10 fathoms, not uncommon ; Long Island Sound. Fort Macon, North Carolina, common, (Coues). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of North Carolina. PULCHELLUM Stimpson. Plate XXIV, fig. 158. (p. 417.) Proceedings Boston Society of Natural History, vol. iv, p. 112, 1851; Shells of New England, p. 36, Plate 2, fig. 3, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 315, fig. 583. Vineyard Sound, 1 to 4 fathoms, and dead on shore at Nobsca Beach. New Bedford (Stimpson). Greenport, Long Island, 10 fathoms, sand, (S. Smith). Dead shells of this species readily lose the outer layer, in which the annulations are formed ; they then become white and smooth, without any trace of aunulations, and might be mistaken for a different species. COOPERI Smith. Sanderson Smith, Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist., New York, vol. vii, p. 154, 1860 ; op. cit., vol. ix, p. 393, fig. 3, 1870, (non Carpenter, 1864). Cceciim costatum Verrill, American Journal of Science, vol. iii, p. 283, 1872; this Report, p. 417. Vineyard Sound, 8 to 10 fathoms. Gardiner's Bay, Long Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, sand, (Smith). The first description of this species was formerly overlooked by me ; as it antedates the description of the Californian species to which Dr. Carpenter gave the same name, the present species must be called Cooperi. In the adolescent stage of growth this species enlarges rather rapidly, and has 12 or 13, distinct, elevated, rounded costre, narrower than the intervals between ; the circular grooves are numerous, unequal, inter rupted over the eostse, and broader toward the aperture. The aperture is rounded within ; its margin is stellated externally by the costre. CREPIDULA FORNICATA Lamarck. Plate XXIII, fig. 129. (p. 417.) Animaux sans Vert., vol. vii, p. 641 ; Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadel phia, vol. ii, p. 225, 1822; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 158, fig. 17; ed. ii, p. 271, fig. 532(?). Patella fornicata Liune", Syst, Nat., ed. xii, p. 1257. Casco Bay, Maine, to Florida, and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Local north of Massachusetts Bay j in the southern part of 356 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [650] the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, at Prince Edward's Island, &c. Halifax (Willis). Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). It is common in the shal low and sheltered parts of Casco Bay, but has not been found east of the Kennebeck River, on the coast of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fundy. Yery abundant in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, from low-water to 12 fathoms; in Long Island Sound, near New Haven, low- water to 6 fathoms; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; and everywhere southward. Egmont Key and Tampa Bay, Florida (E. Jewett). Fossil in the Miocene of Maryland, North and South Carolina ; Plio cene of South Carolina ; and Post-Pliocene of North and South Caro lina, Gardiner's Island, New York, and Nantucket Island. The fornicata of Linne was described as a Mediterranean species, and may not be identical with the American shell. CREPIDULA PLANA Say. Plate XXIII, fig. 127. Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 226, 1822; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 159, fig. 1C; ed. ii, p. 272, fig. 533. Crepidula unguiformis Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 307 1851 ; this Report, pp. 355, 417 (non Lamarck, 1822). Massachusetts Bay to Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Local and less abundant farther north, in Casco Bay, Maine ; Nova Scotia (Willis) ; Gulf of Saint Lawrence (Bell, Dawson) ; and Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Not found on the eastern part cf the coast of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fundy. Yery common in Vine- yard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and Long Island Sound, from low-water mark to 12 fathoms, on the outside of oysters, Limuli, and various dead shells, as well as on the inside of various dead univalve shells ; in all these situations frequently associated with the preceding species, but no intermediate forms have been observed. Fossil in the Miocene of North and South Carolina ; Pliocene of South Carolina; and in the Post-Pliocene of Gardiner's Island, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. The Mediterranean shell, C. unguiformis Lamarck, is a distinct species. CREPIDULA CONVEXA Say. Plate XXIII, fig. 128. (p. 355.) Journal Acad. ]XTat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 227, 1822 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 160, fig. 15; ed. ii, p. 273, fig. 534. Crepidula glanca Say, op. cit., p. 226; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 274, fig. 535; ed. i, p. 151, fig. 14. Crepidula acuta H. C. Lea, American Jour. Science, ser. i, vol. xlii, p. 108, Plate 1, fig. 4, 1842. Massachusetts Bay to Florida. Less .abundant and local farther north ; at Quahog Bay, Maine; Nova Scotia (Willis) ; and Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Yery common in Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Long Island Sound, shores of Long Island, and Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). Georgia (Couper). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia and South Carolina. The distribution of this species is probably identical with that of Eu- pagurus longicarpus and Ilyanassa obsoleta, with which it is nearly always [651] INYERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 357 associated. At Quabog Bay, Maine, this species occurs on the back of the dead shells of 1. obsoleta, which are occupied by the hermit-crab, just as in the waters of Southern New England ; and these, with numer ous other southern forms associated with them, constitute a genuine southern colony, occupying a warm, sheltered bay, surrounded on all sides by the northern fauna. The depressed variety (glauca) is found chiefly on broad and nearly flat surfaces of large bivalve shells, stones, &c. The very convex varie ties adhere mainly to the surfaces of small convex univalves. CRUCIBULUM STRIATUM Adams. Plate XXIII, figs. 125, 126. (p. 417.) H. and A. Adams, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. i, p. 366 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 275, fig. 536. Calyptrcea (Dispotcva) striata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 216, 1836. Crucibulum (Dispotcca} striata H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. i, p. 366, 1858. Bay of Fundy to New Jersey. Eastport Harbor and Bay of Fundy, low-water mark to 30 fathoms, common ; Frenchman's Bay and Mount Desert, Maine, 3 to 10 fathoms, common ; Casco Bay, Maine, 6 to 40 fathoms; Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 3 to 12 fathoms, not un common. Gardiner's Bay and Montauk Point, Long Island (S. Smith). Off New London, Conn. (coll. T. M. Pruddeu). Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Northern New Jersey (Say). LITTORINA IRRORATA Gray. (p. 372.) Zoology of Captain Beechey's Voyage, p. 138, Plate 38, fig. 1, 1839. Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 311, fig. 579. Turbo irroratus Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phil adelphia, vol. ii, p. 239, July, 1822; Binney's Say, p. 81. Phasianella sulcata Lamarck, Animaux sans Vert., ed. i, vol. vii, p. 54, Aug., 1822; ed. ii, vol. ix, p. 244. Littorina sulcata Deshayes, in Lamarck, op. cit., vol. ix, p. 203, 1843. Vineyard Sound to Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Vineyard Sound, sparingly; Long Island Sound, near New Haven, rare. Stratford, Connecticut, on high sedge (Linsley). Hunting- ton, Long Island (S. Smith). Comparatively rare and local north of Mary land; very abundant farther south. Many of the shells of this species found on our shores have undoubt edly been brought from Virginia and Maryland with the southern oys ters planted in our waters, but it is probably indigenous in certain localities. LITTORINA RUDIS. Plate XXIV, fig. 137. (p. 305.) Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 257, fig. 165, 1841 ; ed. ii, p. 304, fig. 575. Turbo rudis Maton, Nat. Hist, and Antiq. West. Count., vol. i, p. 277, 1797, (t. Jeffreys) ; Donovan, British Shells, vol. i, Plate 33, fig. 3, 1800, (t. Gould.) Turbo obligatus Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 241, 1822. Turbo vestitus Say, op. cit., p. 241, 1822 (variety tenebrosa). Littorina Gronlandica Moller, in Kroyer's Tidsskrift, vol. iv, p. 82, 1842. Turbo ten ebrosus Montagu, Test. Brit., p. 303, Plate 20, fig. 4, 1803 (variety). Littorina tenebrosa Gould, ed. i, p. 259, fig. 166 ; ed. ii, p. 306, fig. 576. Among the additional names that appear to have been applied to the various 358 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [652] states of this variable species are : L. saxatilis Johnson ; Turbo sulcatus Leach ; Turbo jugosus Montagu; L.patula(var.) Jeffreys; L. negleota Bsan ; T. vsntricosns Brown; L. marmorata Pfetffer; Neriia littorea Fabricius (non Linue") ; L. Gronlandica Moller, Love"n, Morch ; L. rudissima Bean; L. zonaria Bean ; L. ncglecta Bean, etc. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, northward to the Arctic Ocean ; Greenland ; Iceland ; Spitzbergen. Northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain and Spain. Local south of Long Island Sound ; abundant on all the rocky shores of Southern New England, from New York to Cape Cod, and at the eastern end of Long Island ; local at Great Egg Har bor, among Fucus, on the stones of an old pier. Extremely abundant on all the northern shores of New England and northward. Fossil in' the Post-Pliocene of Canada, Great Britain, and Scandinavia. LITTORINA PALLIATA. Plate XXIY, fig. 138. (p. 305.) Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 260, fig. 167, 1841 ; ed. ii, p. 309, fig. 578. Turbo palliatus Say, op. cit., p. 240, 1822. Littorina neritoidea Dekay, Mollusca New York, p. 105, Plate 6, figs. 109-111 (non Turbo neritoidea Linne). Littorina littoralis Stimpsori, Shells of New England, p. 33, (non Forbes and Hanley ; non Nerita littoralis Linne"). Turbo littoralis Fabricius, Fauna Groenlandica,. p. 402, 1780 (non Linne). Littorina arctica Moller, Kroyer's Tidsskrift, vol. iv, p. 82, 1842. (?) Littorina limata Lov<5n, Ofversigt af Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Forhandlingar, vol. iii, p. 154, 1846. Liltorina Peconica S. Smith, Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist., New York, vol. vii, p. 155, 1860. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to the Arctic Ocean ; Greenland, Spitzbergen, Einmark, and Norway. Very abundant from New York to Cape Cod and northward, wherever Fad grow on rocks between tides ; local and less abundant south of Long Island Sound. Eossil in the Post-Pliocene of Great Britain and Scandinavia. Should this species prove to be identical with L. obtusata (Liune, sp.) of Europe, as there is reason to anticipate, its range will be nearly coinci dent with that of L. rudis, with which it is always found associated on our coast. Several writers have already united the two forms, but no satisfactory comparisons of large series of specimens, from many local ities on both coasts, have been made. LACUNA VINCTA Turton. Plate XXIY, fig. 139. (p. 305.) Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 262, figs. 169, 178*, 1841 ; ed. ii, p. 302, fig. 573. Turbo vincla Montagu, Test. Brit., p. 307, Plate 20, fig. 3, (t. Gould). Trochus divarica- tus Fabricius, Fauna Gronlandica, p. 392, 1780 (non Linne"). Lacuna divaricata Love"n, op. cit., p. 155, 1846 ; Jeffreys, British Conchology, vol. iii, p. 346. According to Jeffreys, the following are among the synonyms or vari eties of this species : Turbo canalis Montagu ; T. quadrifasciata Mont.; Phasianella fasciata, P. bifasciata, P. cornea, and P. striata Brown ; La cuna solidula Loven; L. labiosa Loven ; L.frigida Loven. New York to the Arctic Ocean ; Greenland, Iceland, Lapland, Scan dinavia, Great Britain, France; on the Pacific coast of America south ward to Puget Sound. Long Island Sound, common, but rather local ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island, among algae, in 4 to 5 fathoms; Vineyard [653] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 359 Sound ; Buzzard's Bay. Very abundant north of Massachusetts Bay, in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, Labrador, etc. Staten Island and Long Island (S. Smith). • Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of northern Great Britain and Scandi navia. Lacuna neritoidea Gould. 9 American Journ. of Science, vol. xxxviii, p. 197, 1840; Invert., ed. i, p. 203, fig. 170 ; ed. ii, p. 303, fig. 574. This species is a very doubtful inhabitant of this region, having been recorded by no one except Linsley, 1845, who reports it from Long Island Sound (Oyster Eiver and Long Beach, Stratford, Connecticut). I have never been able to find it in the same region, nor has any one else had better success. Linsley's specimens may have been incorrectly named. It occurs in Massachusetts Bay; at Cape Elizabeth, Casco Bay ; Grand Menan Island, etc. ; northward to Greenland ; and on the northern shore of Europe. LITTORINELLA MiNUTA Stimpson. Plate XXIV, fig. 140. (p. 469.) Researches upon the Hydrobiinte and Allied Forms, p. 42, May, 1865, in the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Turbo mimitus Totten, American Journ. Science, ser. i, vol. xxvi, p. 369, fig. 6, 1834. Cingula minuta Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 265, fig. 171. Eissoa minuta Gould, op. cit.,-ed. ii, p. 298, fig. 566. EcroUa minuta (provisional name) Stimpson, op. cit., p. 42, 1865. f Cingula modesta Lea, Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. v, p. 238, Plate 24, fig. 5. The tentacles in this species are rather short, scarcely exceeding the breadth of the head, slightly tapering, blunt; the eyes are on low prom inences on the outer side of the bases of the tentacles ; rostrum large, stout, transversely wrinkled, longer than the tentacles, tapering some what, but divided at the end by a deep ernargination into two rounded lobes, which are often somewhat expanded. Foot short and broad, sub- truncate anteriorly, with the angles broad and but little produced, pos terior end broadly rounded. New Jersey to Nova Scotia and Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Abundant along the brackish and muddy shores of Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy. It is not confined to brackish waters, but often occurs also on the ocean shores, under stones between tides. LlTTORINELLA L^EVIS Verrill. Cingula Icucis Dekay, Natural History of New York, Mollusca, p. Ill, Plate 6, fig. 118 (poor), 1843. Odostomia limnoidea (Dekay, MSS.), Linsley, Amer. Journ. Science, ser. i, vol. xlviii, p. 284, 1845 (no description). (?)Ri88oa Sti7npsoni S. Smith, Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist., New York, vol. ix, p. 393, fig. 2, 1870. Long Island Sound, near New Haven. Stratford, Connecticut (Linsley); near New York (Dekay); Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). 360 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [654] RISSOA ACULEUS StimpsoD. Plate XXIV, fig. 141. (p. 30G.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 15, 1851 ; Shells of New England, p. 34 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 299, fi<£ 568. Cingula aculeus Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 266, fig. 172, 1841. Troclim striatellm Fabricius, Fauna Gronl., p. 393, (non Linne). (f)Hi88oa saxatilis Moller, Index Mollusca Groul., in Kroyer's Tids- skrift, vol. iv, p. 82, 1843. (f)Rissoa arctica Love~n, Ofversigt af Kongl., Vet.- Akad. Forhandlingar, vol. iii, p. 156, 1846. Long Island Sound to Greenland. Kew Haven, Connecticut, and vicin ity, common. Watch Hill, Rhode Island ; Vineyard Sound ; Stratford, Connecticut (Liusley); Gull Island (Smith). Common on the shores of Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy. Loven's E. arctica was from Finmark, and, to judge from the de scriptions, may not be identical with our species. Mr. Jeffreys regards it as a variety of E. striata of Europe. He also unites the American shell with R. striata^ thus : " The variety arctica (under the specific name aculeus given to it by Professor Stimpson) inhabits the northern sea-board of the United States." (See British Conchology, vol. iv, p. 38). It is natural to infer that a writer who does not appear to have seen the accurate description and figure of this species published in the well-known work of Dr. Gould, ten years previous to Dr. Stimpson's earliest publications, cannot have devoted much time or attention to the American shells, and therefore his opinions should not have too much weight in such cases. In reality, our shell differs widely from R. striata. It agrees more nearly with the English R. proxima (Alder, Forbes and Hanley), but apparently differs from it in the soft parts. The foot in our shell is broadly and slightly rounded anteriorly, with the angles only slightly produced, and tapers backward to a bluntly-rounded posterior end. The tentacles are long, slender, slightly tapering, with blunt tips. The eyes are situated near their bases on the dorso lateral aspect, and are scarcely elevated above the general surface. The snout is rather long, often a little expanded at the end, and divided by a deep emargination into two lobes, which often, in a dorsal view, show a slight emargina tion on their outer surface. No opercular cirrus was observed. This species belongs to the genus Onoba of H. and A. Adams. The R. saxatilis was described by Moller as having the whorls smooth, but he refers to T. 'striatellus of Fabricius, which had spiral striations, as in our species. RISSOA EXARATA Stimpson. (p. 495.) Proceedings Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 15, 1851; Shells of New England, p. 34, Plate 1, fig. 3, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 301, fig. 571. Cingula arenaria Mighels and Adams, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 49, Plate 4, fig. 24, 1842 (non Montagu, sp.). Eissoa Mighehii Stimpson, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 15, 1851 ; Shells of New England, p. 34 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 301, (but not figure 570, which is probably E. sulcosa). Stonington, Connecticut, to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Watch Hill, Ehode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, among rocks and alga*, (white variety) ; Casco Bay, [655] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 361 6 to 25 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy, 4 to 20 fathoms. Fossil in the Post- Pliocene of Canada. This species is usually brownish or chestnut-color, but is also frequently white. Eissoa eburnea Stimpson, has been recorded (as Rissoella(f) eburnea) by Dr. G. H. Perkins, from Long Island Sound, near New Haven, but I have seen no undoubted shells of this species from any locality south of Massachusetts Bay. The shell referred to by Dr. Perkins was beach- worn, and may have been some other species. The figure given in the second edition of Gould's Invertebrata (fig. 564, p. 297), does not rep resent this species. See the figure in Stimpson's Shells of New England, Plate 1, figs. 1, la. This shell appears to be a Jeffreysia. From Huutiugton, Long Island, I have seen a shell closely resembling Rissoa latior Stimpsou, (M. and Adams, sp.), if not identical with it. SKENEA PLANOEBIS. Plate XXIY, fig. 142. (p. 383.) Forbes and Hanley, British Mollusca, vol iii, p. 156, Plate 74, figs. 1-3, and Plate G. G, figs. 1 and la (animal) ; Stirnpson, Shells of New England, p. 35; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 296, fig. 563. Turbo planorbis Fabricius, Fauna Gronl., p. 394, 1780. Skenea serpuloides Gould, Invert., ed. i, 247, fig. 189. Long Island Sound to Greenland, Iceland, Spitzbergen, Scandinavia; and northern and eastern coasts of Europe generally, to England and France. Near New Haven, Connecticut, common; Watch Hill,Ehode Island ; Cuttyhunk Island. Yery common on all rocky shores in Massa chusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Scotland and Scandinavia. STYLIFER STIMPSONII Yerrill. (p. 460.) American Journal of Science, vol. iii, pp. 210 and 283, 1872. Shell white, short, swollen, broad oval ; spire short, rapidly enlarging. Whorls four or five, the last one forming a large part of the shell ; con vex, rounded, with the suture impressed, surface smooth, or with very faint striaB of growth; a slightly impressed revolving line just below the suture. Aperture large and broad. Length about .15 of an inch ; breadth, .12. Parasitic on the dorsal surface of Strongylocentrotus Drobachiensis, from oif New Jersey, in 35 fathoms (Captain Gedney); and Saint George's Bank, north latitude 41° 25', west longitude 65° 50', 3", in 60 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). EULIMA OLEACEA Kurtz and Stimpson. Plate XXIV, fig. 149. (p. 418.) Proceedings Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 115, 1851; Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 39, Plate 1, fig 6, 1851 j Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 332, fig. 603. Vineyard Sound to Beaufort, North Carolina. In Vineyard Sound it is not uncommon on Thyone Sria-reus, in 4 to 10 fathoms. Buzzard's Bay (Stimpson). 362 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [656] ODOSTOMIA PRODUCTA Gould. Plate XXIV, fig. 143. (p. 418.) Invert., ed. i, p. 270, fig. 175, 1841 ; ed. ii, p. 325, fig. 593. Jaminia producta Adams, Boston Journal Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 322, Plate 3, fig. 8, 1840. Vineyard Sound to New Jersey. ODOSTOMIA FUSCA Gould. Plate XXIV, fig. 144. (p. 307.) Invert., ed. i, p. 270, fig. 176 ; ed. ii, p. 325, fig. 594. Pyramis fasca Adams, op. cit., vol ii, p. 282, Plate 4, fig. 9, 1839. Cape Cod to New Jersey. This species is referred both to Turbonilla and Odostomia by H. and A. Adams, in the same work (Genera Moll., pp. 231, 232). ODOSTOMIA DEALBATA Stimpson. Smithsonian Check-List, p. 5, 1860; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 327, fig. 595. Chemnitzia dealbata Stimpson, Proc., Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 114, 1851; Shells of New England, p. 41. Long Island Sound to Boston Harbor. New Haven, Connecticut (Perkins). Boston (Stimpson). ODOSTOMIA BISUTURALIS Gould, (p. 307.) Invert., ed. ii, p. 327, (not fig. 597). Turritella Usuturalis Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 244, 1822. Chemnitzia bisuturalis Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 42. Jaminia exigua Couthouy, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, Plate 1, fig. 7, 1838. Odostomia exigua Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 272, fig. 177. New Jersey to Massachusetts Bay. Boston (Say); Chelsea (Couthouy) ; Staten Island ; Greenport, and Huntington, Long Island (S. Smith). Not uncommon in Long Island Sound, Vineyard Sound, and Buzzard's Bay. The figure (597) in the second edition of Gould's Invertebrata does not represent this species, but apparently a variety of 0. trifida. ODOSTOMIA TRIFIDA Gould. Plate XXIV, figs. 145, 146. (p. 307.) Invert., ed. i, p. 274, fig. 179, 1841 ; ed. ii, p. 328, fig. 598. Actceon trifidus Totten, Amer. Journ. Science, ser. i, vol. xxvi, p. 368, Plate 1, figs. 4, a, &, 1834. New Jersey to Massachusetts Bay. Staten Island (S. Smith) ; Lynn, Massachusetts (Haskell). Common in Long Island Sound, Vineyard Sound, and Buzzard's Bay. ODOSTOMIA IMPRESSA Stimpson. Plate XXIV, fig. 147. (p. 418.) American Journ. Science, vol. xxiv, p. 444, 1860; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 330, fig. 600. Odostomia insculpta Dekay, Nat. Hist. N. Y., Mollusca, p. 115, Plate 31, fig. 297, 1843. Turritella impressa Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadel phia, vol. ii, p. 244, 1822; Binney's Say, p. 84. Chemnitzia impressa Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 42, 1851. Ik Long Island Sound to South Carolina. Near New Haven, Connecticut, rare. East Eiver (Dekay) ; Maryland (Say) ; Beaufort, North Carolina (Stimpson, Coues). [057] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 363 ODOSTOMIA SEMINUDA Gould. Plate XXIV, fig. 148. (p. 418.) Invert., ed. i, p. 273, fig. 178, 1841; ed. ii, p. 329, fig. 599. Jaminia seminuda C. . B. Adams, Boston Journal Nat. Hist. vol. ii, p. 280, Plate 4, fig. 13, 1839. Chemnitzia scminudd Stirnpson, Shells of New England, p. 42, 1851. Turbo n ilia seminuda H. and A. Adams, Genera Moll., vol. i, p. 231. Massachusetts Bay to South Carolina. Common in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, in 2 to 10 fathoms 5 Long Island Sound, less common. Massachusetts Bay (Stimpson). Greenport and Huntington, Long Island (S. Smith). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Cones). TURBONILLA INTERRUPTA Adams, (p. 418.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. i, p. 231, 1858 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 231. fig. 601 (bad figure). Turritclla interrupta Totten, Amer. Jour. Science, ser. i, vol- xxviii, p. 352, fig. 7, 1835; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 268, fig. 173 (incorrect). Cape Cod to South Carolina. Quite common in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, in 3 to 10 fathoms; Long Island Sound, off Thimble Islands and New Haven, 3 to 5 fathoms, rather rare. Huntington and Greenport (S. Smith). Dartmouth, Massachusetts (Adams). New port, Ehode Island (Totten). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). I have received from Prof. E. S. Morse specimens of this shell ob tained from mud in the harbor of Portland, Maine, but they are dead and bleached. I am not aware that it has been found living so far north on our coast. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of South Carolina. Loven records this species as from the coast of Norway, but possibly his shell is a different species, or else a variety of T. rufa of Southern Europe, which is certainly very closely related to our species, and is con sidered the same by Jeffreys. If so, the name given by Totten has prece dence of rufa (Philippi, 1836). Farther and more extensive compari sons must be made before the identity of the two forms can be estab lished. The figure given in the first edition of Gould's Invertebrata, and copied in the second edition, does not correctly represent this shell, and was, perhaps, drawn from some other species, for it does not agree with Gould's description, which is accurate. The spire, as represented, is too acute and too rapidly tapered ; the last or body whorl is too large ; the aperture has not the right form ; and the peculiar sculpture is not brought out at all. Totten's figure, though somewhat coarse, is char acteristic. TURBONILLA ELEGANS Verrill. Plate XXIV, fig. 155. (p. 418.) American Journal of Science, ser. iii, vol. iii, pp. 210, 282, Plate G, iig. 4, 1872. Shell light yellowish, elongated, moderately slender, acute. Whorls ten or more, well rounded, not distinctly flattened ; suture rather deeply impressed ; surface somewhat lustrous, with numerous rounded vertical costa1, narrower than the concave interspaces, fading out below the middle of the last whorl; and with numerous fine revolv- 25 v 364 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [658 J ing grooves, which, are interrupted on the costo?, but distinct in the in tervals; on the upper whorls there are about five; and on the lower half of the last whorl usually five or six distinct and continuous o*nes. Aperture broad oval, anteriorly rounded and slightly effuse ; outer lip thin, sharp; columella nearly straight at base within, slightly revolute outwardly, regularly curved anteriorly where it joins the outer lip, and not forming an angle with it. The epidermis is thin, light yellow, sometimes with a darker, yellowish, revolving band on the middle of the last whorls, and also with the revolving striae darker. Vineyard Sound, 6 to 10 fathoms; Long Island Sound, near New Haven? 5 fathoms. TURBONILLA ABEOLATA Verrill, sp. nov. Shell small, slender, with eight or more whorls, slightly obelisk- shaped, owing to the more rapid narrowing of the upper whorls ; apical or nuclear whorl very small, reversed ; the other whorls are moderately convex, somewhat flattened in the middle, and crossed by numerous rather crowded, narrow, transverse costas, of wrhich there are twenty- five or more on the lower whorls ; interstices interrupted by numerous rather conspicuous, revolving, impressed lines, of which there are about six on the upper whorls; these divide the interstices into series of pretty regular, small, squarish pits, but do not cross the costie; the body- whorl is subangulated below the middle, where the costre disappear, below which the base is marked only by fine revolving lines; suture impressed. Aperture oval, acute posteriorly, rounded and slightly spreading anteriorly; outer lip sharp, thin, slightly angula4;ed below the middle, rounded and slightly effuse anteriorly; columella. smooth, somewThat curved, scarcely forming an angle at its junction with the outer lip. Length, 4nmi; breadth, 1.5miu. Long Island Sound, near New Haven. The crowded costa3 and numerous spiral lines produce a closely can cellated appearance, which is sufficient to distinguish this from the two preceding species. From the following it differs much in sculpture, form, shape of aperture, and columella, and especially in the minute size of the apical whori. TURBONILLA COSTULATA Verrill, sp. uov. Shell small, long conical, translucent, glossy white, banded faintly with pale brown, subacute, with a relatively large, smooth, reversed apical whorl ; the other whorls are six or more, flattened, and but slightly convex, enlarging regularly, crossed by numerous straight, smooth, rounded, transverse costa3, of which there are upward of twenty on the lower whorls ; interstices rather narrower than the costa3, deep, and interrupted by numerous very minute revolving lines, which are scarcely visible under an ordinary pocket-lens, and do not cross the costre ; suture impressed. The body-whorl is subangulated below the [659] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 365 middle, the costas vanishing at the angulation ; the base is covered with numerous microscopic revolving lines ; on the body-whorl there are two revolving bands of pale brown, one above and one below the angulation. Aperture long ovate, acute posteriorly, alittle angulated on the outer side, rounded and slightly prolonged anteriorly. Outer lip thin and sharp, round and slightly effuse anteriorly ; columella smooth, nearly straight, but scarcely forming an angle where it joins the outer lip. Length, 4mm . Breadth, 1.5mm. Somewhat resembles T. interrupta, but the costoi are more crowded, the spiral lines are very much finer and more numerous, and the auclear-whorl is much larger. Long Island Sound, near New Haven, Conn. TURBONILLA STRiCTA Verrill, sp. nov. Shell white, subulate, very acute, with a very minute reversed apical whorl; whorls ten, besides the nucleus, gradually and regularly enlarg ing, flattened or only very slightly convex, crossed by straight, obtuse, transverse costre, of which there are about sixteen or eighteen on the lower whorls.; the two upper whorls are nearly smooth; suture im pressed. Aperture irregularly oblong-ovate, acute posteriorly, rounded anteriorly ; outer lip flattened, thickened internally, in mature shells, and minutely crenulate within ; columella smooth, nearly straight, thickened, forming an angle where it joins the outer lip. Length, 4.5mm ; breadth, lmm. Long Island Sound, off New Haven, Connecticut. This is probably the shell recorded from this region as T. nivea(Stimip. sou, sp.) by Dr. G. H. Perkins. It differs from the nivea in the form of the aperture and lip, and in being smaller and much more acute, though having the same number of whorls. TUPJBONILLA EQUALIS Verrill. Turritella (cqualis Say, Journal Acacl. Nat. Sciences, vol. v, p. 208, 1826 ; Bin. ney's Say, p. 119. u Shell subulate, white ; volutions ten, each with about twenty-two, transverse, elevated, obtuse, equal lines, with interstitial grooves of the same diameter; suture distinct, impressed; aperture rounded at base, and destitute of any distinct emargination. Length one-fifth of an inch." (Say.) My specimens agree well with the above description. The shell is very slender and acute, with a small distinctly reversed apical whorl ; the remaining nine whorls are somewhat flattened, and all are crossed by obtuse, transverse costa3, which are a little oblique, especially at the upper ends, close to the sutures; on the body-whorl there are about twenty, but fewer on the upper ones; at the base of the body- whorl they vanish, leaving it smooth ; the interstices between the costse are deep and apparently smooth. The aperture is round ovate, well rounded or sub-circular anteriorly; the inner lip having a raised and thin 366 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [GGOJ margin. Length, 4.5lnm; breadth, 1.25mm. Vineyard Sound, G to 8 fathoms. Menestlio albula Moller (Fabricius, sp.), was recorded by Linsley (as Pyramis striatula Couth.) from the stomachs of ducks at Bridgeport, Connecticut. It has not been found south of Cape Cod by any one else, and as it is a rare deep-water shell on our northern coast, it is not likely to have been obtained by ducks. It is found in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, Bay of Fuudy, and northward to Greenland. Linsley's shell may have been Odostomia impressa. SCALA-RIA LINEATA Say. Plate XXI, fig. 123. (p. 418.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 242, 1822; Biuney's Say, pp. 83, 180, Plate 27, lower left figure ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 250 ; ed. ii, p. 312, fig. 580. Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and Long Island Sound; southward to South Carolina and Georgia. Fossil in the Post- Pliocene of North and South Carolina. SCALARIA MULTISTRIATA Say. Plate XXI, fig. 122. (p. 418.) Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 203, 1826 ; Amer. Conchology, iii, Plate 27; Biuney's Say, pp. 119, 180, Plate 27, lower right figure; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 313, fig. 581. Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay and Long Island Sound; southward to Florida. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of South Carolina. SCALARIA ANGULATA Say. American Conchology, iii, Plate 27, upper figures, 1831, as a variety of S. clathms ; Sowerby, Thes. Conch., part iv, p. 86, Plate 32, fig. 5, 1844. Scalarla Humphreys'^ Kiener, Iconographie des Coquilles Viv., p. 15, Plate 5, fig. 16, 1838-9. Connecticut to Florida. Stonington (Liusley) j Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). Outer beach at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey (A. E. V.) ; Fort Macon and Beaufort, North Carolina, common, (Stiinpson, Coues); South Carolina (Kiener). Eare and perhaps accidental north of New Jersey. SCALAUTA GRCENLANDICA Perry. Conch., 1811, (t. Morch); Sowerby, Thesaurus Conch., part iv, p. 101, Plate 34. figs. 105, 106, 1844 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 249, fig. 170* ; ed. ii, p. 314, fig, 582. Turlo clathms Grccnlandicus Chemnitz, Couch., xi, t. 1878, 1879 (t. Gould). Scalaria subul:ita Couthouy, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 93, Plate 3, fig. 4, 1838. Cape Cod to the Arctic Ocean, and northern coasts of Europe, south ward to Bergen. South Shoals, offNantucket (Agassiz, t. Stiinpson). Common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fuudy, from 10 to 109 fathoms. Fossil in the Post-Plicoeue of Nantucket, rare, (Desor) ; and in the Bed-Crag, Norwich-Crag, and later deposits in Great Britain. Janthina fragilis Lamarck ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 240; ed. ii, p. 277. This has been found cast ashore at Nantucket, but probably does not occur living so far north. It inhabits the Gulf Stream farther south. [661] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 367 RHIPIDOGLOSSA. MARGARITA OBSCURA Gould. Plate XXIV, fig. 156. (p. 508.) Invert, ed. i, p. 253, fig. 171*, 1841 ; ed. ii, p. 283, fig. 545. Turbo obacurua Cou- thouy, Boston Jonru. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 100, Plate 3, fig. 2, 1838. Stonington, Connecticut, to Labrador. Eare and confined to the outer waters south of Cape Cod ; off Martha's Vineyard, 20 to 25 fathoms. Stonington, from haddock's stomach, (Linsley). Common in Massachu setts Bay, Casco Bay, and in the Bay of Fundy, from extreme low- water mark to 100 fathoms. East of Saint George's Bank, in 430 fath oms, (S. I. Smith). Margarita ornata Dekay, N. Y. Mollusca, p. 107, Plate 6, fig. 104, 1843, was described as occurring in the vicinity of New York, but I have not met with it in Long Island Sound. DOCOGLOSSA. TESTUDINALIS Forbes and Hanley. Plate XXIV, figs. 159, (p. 307.) British Mollusca, vol. ii, p. 434, Plate 62, figs. 8, 9, and Plate A A, fig. 2; Car penter, Report of British Association for 1856, pp. 219, 366, 1857 ; Dall (sub- genus, Collisella Dall), American Journal of Couchology, vol. vi, p. 249,1871. Lottia testudinalis Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 153, fig. 12. Tectnra testudinalis Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 267, fig. 529. Patella testudinalis Miiller, Prodromus Zool. Danica, p. 227, 1776. Variety alveus. (fig. 159 a). Patella alveus Conrad, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. vi, Plate 11, fig. 20, 1831. Lottia alveus Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 154, fig. 13. Tectura alveus Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 269, fig. 530. Long Island Sound to the Arctic Ocean ; circnmpolar. It extends southward on the European coasts to Southern Sweden, England, and Ireland ; in the Xorth Pacific, southward to Sitka and the Island of Jesso, Japan. It is comparatively rare and local south of Cape Cod ; at New Haven, very rare ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island ; Martha's Vine yard, Cuttyhunk, and adjacent islands. Huntington and Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Labrador (Pack ard) ; Greenland, Scandinavia, and Great Britain. POLYPLACOPHORA. CflJETOPLEURA APICULATA Carpenter. Plate XXV, fig. 167. Chiton apiculatus Say, Amer. Conch., part vii, appendix, (?) 1834 ; Binney's Say, p. 231 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 146, fig. 20 ; ed. ii, p. 258, fig. 522. Lepto- chiton apiculatus, this Report, p. 399. Cape Cod to Eastern and Western Florida. Common in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, in 3 to 12 fathoms, shelly. Off New Lon don, Connecticut (coll. T. M. Pruddeu). Dr. P. P. Carpenter informs me that this species belongs to the genus Chcetopleura of Gray (non Adams). 368 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [662] TRACHYDERMON RUEER Carpenter. Plate XXV, fig. 1G6. Chiton ruler Lowe, Zool. Jonrn., vol. ii, p. 101, Plate 5, fig. 2 (t. Gould); Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 149, fig. 24 ; ed. ii, p. 260, fig. 523. Leptochiton ntber H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol i, p. 473 ; this Report, p. 399. Off New London, Connecticut, to the Arctic Ocean and northern coasts of Europe. Bare and local in the colder outer waters south of Cape Cod. Off Xew London, 8 fathoms ; off Watch Hill, 5 fathoms. Stonington (Linsley). Very common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, from low-water mark to 40 fathoms. Dr. Carpenter assures me that this species should be referred to Tracliydermon. Liusley records u Chiton fulminatus Couth." (= C. marmoreus Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 201, fig. 524) as from cod-fish taken off Stonington, Con necticut, but as it has not been confirmed from south of Cape Cod, this must be regarded as a doubtful identification. This species is found from Massachusetts Bay northward to the Arctic Ocean and northern coasts of Europe. It is common in the Bay of Fundy, from low-water mark to 40 fathoms, on "nullipore" (Lithothamnion). u Chiton albus" (= Tracliydermon albus, t. Carpenter) has been men tioned as from this region, but probably erroneously. White specimens of C. apiculatci are often mistaken for it, when superficially examined. The genuine albus is a northern species, with about the same distribution as the preceding. It is abundant in the Bay of Fundy, from low-water to 80 fathoms. PULMONATA. MELAMPUS BIDENTATUS Say. Plate XXV, figs. 169, 169a. (p. 463.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, A^ol. ii, p. 245, 1322 ; Gould. Invert., ed. ii, p. 467, fig. 721. Auricula bidentata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 117, fig. 131. Me- lampus comeus Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 51, 1851. Massachusetts Bay to Florida, and along the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico to Texas. Very common on the shores of Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Long Island, and Long Island Sound. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of South Carolina. ALEXIA MYOSOTIS Pfeiffer. Plate XXV, fig. 168. (p. 383.) Pfeiffer, Mou. Auric. Viv., p. 148, (t. Biuney) ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 463, figs. 718, 719. Auricula myosotls Draparnaud, Tabl. Moll. Fr., p. 5'3. Auricula den- ticulata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 199, fig. 129 (non Montfort). jSTew Jersey to Nova Scotia; also on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe. It is common at Eastport, Maine ; Portland, Maine; and at the mouth of West Eiver, near New Haven, Connecticut ; also near New York City. TECTTBRANCHIATA. BULLA SOLITARIA Say. Plate XXV, fig. 161. (p. 371.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 245, 1822; Biuuey's Say, p. 84 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 162, fig. 92 ; ed. ii, p. 222, fig. 513. Bulla insculpta Totten, American Journ. Science, vol. xxviii, p. 350, fig1. 4, 1835. Massachusetts Bay to South Carolina. Common in the muddy lagoons [663] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 369 aiid salt-ponds along the shores of Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and Long Island Sound. Abundant in a small pond near Holmes' Hole ; in New Haven Harbor, in ditches near Fort Hale. CYLIOHNA ORYZA Stimpson. Plato XXV, fig. 10 L (p. 4!3J.) Smithsonian Check List, p. 4, 1830 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 221, fig. 512. Bttlla oryza Totteu, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. xxviii, p. 350, fig. 5, 1835 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 163, fig. 93. Cape Cod to South Carolina. Not uncorn:uo:i in Vineyard Sound,. Buzzard's Bay, and Long Island Sound. This species was recorded as from Casco Bay by Dr. Mighels, but as this habitat has not been con firmed subsequently, it was probably based on an erroneous identifica tion. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada (Dawson). CYLICHNA ALBA Loven. Plate XXV, fig. 163. (p. 508.) Ofversigt af Kongl. Vet.-Akail. Forhaudlingar, vol. iii, p. 14), 1343; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 220, fig. 511. Volvaria alba Brown, 111. Conch. G. B., iii, p. 3, figs. 43, 44. Eidla tritloea Couthouy, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 83, Plate 2, fig. 8, 1833 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 165, fig. 93. Near Block Island, northward to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to Bergen ; and on the northwest coast of America, south to Sitka. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada and Great Britain. Most of the specimens of this shell dredged in the Bay of Fundy are opaque, yellowish brown or chestnut color, but those from Casco Bay are nearly all clear white and translucent, although of equal siz3. UTRIOULUS CANALICULATUS. Plate XXV, fig. 160. (p. 432.) Stimpsou, Smithsonian Check-List, p. 4, 1860; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 219, fig. 510. Volvaria canaUculata Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Scienc'es, Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 211, 1826; Binuey's Say, p. 121. Bull a canaUculata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 166, fig. 97. Tornatina canaUculata H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 13. Massachusetts Bay to South Carolina. Common in Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, in 2 to 8 fathoms ; less common in Long Island Sound. Fort Macon, North Carolina, abundant, (Dr. Yarrow). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of North and South Carolina ; and the Pliocene of South Carolina. AMPHISPHYRA DEBILIS Verrill. Plate XXV, fig. 1G2. (p. 432.) Bulla debilis Gould, Amer. Journ. Science, ser. i, vol. xxxviii, p. 196, 1840 ; In vert., ed. i, p. 164, fig. 95, 1841. Diaphana deUUs Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 216, fig. 507. Bulla pellucida Brown, 1844. Amphisplnjra pdlucida Lov6u, op. cit., p. 143, 1846. Bulla Injalina Turton, Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, p. 353, 1834, (t. Jeffreys), (non Gnielin). Cape Cod to the Arctic Ocean ; and on the northern coasts of Europe, southward to Great Britain, Madeira, etc. Stoniugton, Connecticut, from stomach of cod (Liusley). Not uncommon in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, and northward, in 6 to 50 fathoms. Very rare south of Cape Cod. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada, Great Britain, Norway, arid Sweden. 370 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [664] ACTION PUNCTO-STRIATA Stimpson. Plate XXV, fig. 165. Shells of New England, p. 51, 1851 ; H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 5. Tor- patella puncto-striaia C. B. Adams, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 323, Plate 3, fig. 9, 1840; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 245, tig. 188 ; ed. ii, p. 224, fig. 515. Cape Cod to South Carolina. Vineyard Sound, and Buzzard's Bay, not uncommon ; Long Island Sound, rare j Huntington and Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). DORIDELLA Verrill. Body smooth, oval, convex. Dorsal tentacles retractile, without sheaths. Head prominent, the lateral angles prolonged anteriorly as short oral palpi or tentacles. Foot broad, cordate. Branchiae tufted, situated near the posterior end, on the right side, in the groove between the mantle and foot. DORIDELLA OBSCURA Verrill. Plate XXAr, figs. 173 a, b. (p. 400.) American Journal of Science, vol. 1, p. 408, figs. 2, 3, November, 1870. Body broad oval, 7.5Ium long and 5nim broad ; back convex, smooth. Foot broad, cordate in front. Oral disk broad, emargiuate or with con cave outline in front ; the angles somewhat produced, forming short, obtusely pointed, tentacle-like organs, which in extension project beyond the front edge of the mantle. Dorsal tentacles small, stout, retractile. The branchiae consist of a tuft of slender filaments, usually concealed by the edge of the foot. Color of body dark brown, lighter toward the edge, as if covered with nearly confluent blackish or brown spots, the whitish ground-color showing between them; foot, oral disk, and dorsal tentacles white ; the central part of the body, beneath, with a three-lobed yellow spot due to the internal organs. Young specimens are flesh- color or yellowish brown above, specked with darker brown. Vineyard Sound and Long Island Sound to Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Savin Rock, at low-water, under stones; oif South End, 4 to 5 fathoms, shelly. NUDIBRANCHIATA. DORIS BIFIDA Verrill. Plate XXV, fig. 176. (page 307.) American Journal of Science, vol. 1, p. 406, 1870. 'Outline broad oval, widest anteriorly, about 25mm long by I2mm broad, in extension ; back very convex, mantle covered with numerous, scat tered, small but prominent, pointed papillae. Tentacles rather long, thickest in the middle, the outer half strongly plicated with about twenty folds, but with a smooth tip, the base surrounded by small papilla). Gills retractile into a single cavity, united together by a partial web, deeply frilled, much subdivided, bipinnate, the subdivisions fine and slender. Foot very broad, in extension projecting back beyond the mantle about a quarter of an inch, slightly tapering, rounded and slightly notched at the end. Oral disk or veil crescent-shaped, the front [665] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND. ETC. 371 a little prominent, the sides extended backward, and forming a curve continuous with that of the foot. Color purplish brown, sprinkled with white specks ; tentacles deep brown, specked with white, tips yellowish ; gilis purplish at base, the edges and tips usually yellow : toot similar in color to mantle, but lighter. Long Island Sound, at Savin Rock, near New Haven, to Eastport, Maine, under stones, at low-water mark. ONCHIDORIS PALLID A Verrill. (p. 495.) American Journal of Science, vol. 1, p. 403, 1870 ; vol. iii, p. 212, 1872. Doris pallida Ag. MSS. ; Stiinpsou, Invert, of Grand Manan, p. 25, 1853; Gould, In vert., ed. ii, p. 229, Plate 20, figs. 284, 287, 288, 291. Off Cuttyhunk Island ; Massachusetts Bay ; Casco Bay ; Bay of Fundy. In Eastport Harbor, not uncommon, from low- water mark to 30 fathoms. POLYCERA LESSONII D7Orbigny. (p. 400.) Magazine de Zool., vol. vii, p. 5, Plate 105 (t. Gould) ; Alder and Hancock, Brit. Nud. Moll., Fain, 1, Plate 24 ; Gould, Invert., eel. ii, p. 226, Plate 17, figs- 242-248. Doris illuminate Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 4, 1841. Long Island Sound to Labrador ; European coasts, from Sweden to France and. Great Britain. Savin Rock, near New Haven, Connecticut, at low-water, and off South End in 4 to 5 fathoms; Watch Hill, Rhode Island, 3 to 6 fathoms. Common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fuudy, from low- water mark to 20 fathoms. DENDRONOTUS ARBORESCENS Aid. and Hancock, (p. 495.) British Nad. Mull., Fam. 3, Plato 3, 1850 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 234, Plate 22, figs. 311-313. Doris arborescens Miiller, Zool. Dan. Prod., p. 229, 1776; Fabri- cius, Fauna Groul., p. 346, 1780. Tritonia arboresoens Cuvier ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 5. Tritonia Reynoldsii Couthouy, Boston Jouru. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p- 74, Plate 2, tigs. 1-4, 1838. Watch Hill, Rhode Island, in 4 to 5 fathoms, common on Laminaria among Obelice; northward to Greenland; on the European coasts south to Great Britain and France; Sitka (Middendorff). Very common in the Bay of Fundy and Casco Bay, from above low-water mark to 60 fathoms. Rare and local south of Massachusetts Bay. DOTO co BOX AT A L >v6 Q. Plate XXV, fig. 170. (p. 400.) Arch. Scand. Nat., p. 151 (t. Sti.mpson); Ofvers. af Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Forliand- lingar, vol. iii, p. 139,1846; Alder and Hancock, Brit. Nud. Moll., Fam. 3, Plate 6; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 236, Plate 16, figs. 233-237. Doris coronata Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3105. 1790. Xew Jersey to Labrador; on the northern European coasts, southward to Great Britain, Holland, and France. Great E gg Harbor, Xew Jersey, 1 fathom, (A. E. V. and S. I. Smith) ; Long Island Sound, near New Haven ; off Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard ; off Watch Hill, Rhode Isl and, 4 to 5 fathoms, on Obelia. Common in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, from low-water mark to 15 fathoms. 372 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [666] 2EOL1S PAPILLOSA Loven. (p. 495.) Ofvers. af Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Forli., vol. iii, p. 139, 1846 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 238, fig. 518, and Plate 18, figs. 257-263. Limax papiUosus Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. xii, vol. i, p. 1082, 1767. ^Eolls fannacea Gould, MSS. ; Stiuipsou, Invert. Grand Marian, p. 25, 1853. Rhode Island to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Eare south of Cape Cod; Watch Hill, among roots of Lamina/rice ; very common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, from above low-water mark to 20 fathoms. , OR MoNTAG-UA. Species undetermined, (p. 495.) A species about an inch long, with bright red, fusiform branchiae, ar ranged in seven or eight transverse clusters on each side. Foot with prominent and acute auricles anteriorly. Off Gay Head, 4 to 5 fathoms, rocks. MONTAGUA PILATA Verrill. (p. 383.) A£ J2Z-J J2o1i8 pilataGonld, Invert., ed. ii, p. 243, Plato 19, fig?. 270, 277, 279, 231, 1870. ^Eolidia pllata, this Report, p. 383. (See errata.) Long Island Sound to Massachusetts Bay. Abundant in New Haven Harbor, on piles of Long Wharf. MONTAG-UA VERMIFERA ¥emtt^l?u ^Eolls vermtfenis S. Smith, Annals Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., vol. ix, p. 391, 1870. Greenport, Long Island (Smith). Long Island Sound, off Thimble Islands, 4 to 5 fathoms, among rocks. The specimens from Thimble Islands differ somewhat from the original description. They were about half an inch long; moderately stout; the foot lanceolate, rapidly tapered posteriorly to a point, but not pro duced far beyond the branchiae, nor slender-pointed; anteriorly the angles are somewhat produced, triangular, and pointed, their length equal to about half the breadth of the foot. Head rounded ; tentacles rather stout, obtuse ; the oral longer than the dorsal ones ; the latter are transversely wrinkled. The branchial papilla) are fusiform, moder ately stout, obtuse, arranged in about twelve transverse rows on each side, forming six clusters, the two rows forming each cluster separated by a narrow elliptical naked space, narrower than the spaces between the clusters ; in each anterior row there are six or seven papillae, the upper ones larger, the lowest short and blunt. Foot translucent, white, with a flake-white streak on the upper side posteriorly ; body pale yellowish, minutely specked with greenish and flake- white ; back of the dorsal tentacles there is, on each side, an orange patch, and there are others along the back; papilla? dark brown internally, irregu larly specked with flake-white externally, forming toward the end an ill-defined white ring ; the extreme tips are white; tentacles similar in color to the body. [G67] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS uF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 373 MONTAGU A GOULDII Verrill, sp. HOV. Body elongated, rather slender ; foot with the anterior angles only slightly prominent, and obtusely rounded; posteriorly it tapers gradu ally to an. elongated slender point. Tentacles long, slender, not serrate, the dorsal ones a little longer than the oral ; eyes small, black j branchial papilla? fusiform, moderately stout, grouped in eight or more tranverse rows on each side, the rows being grouped two by two, so as to form transverse clusters, with two rows each, the rows of the clusters being separated by spaces narrower than those between the clusters. Color of body light yellow or tinged with pale orange; tentacles pale orange, with a flake-white stripe on the posterior surface ; branchial papillae dark brown or reddish brown internally, with a ring of opaque white close to the tips. Length about 20nmi. Oft' Thimble Island, in 4 to 5 fathoms, with the preceding species. This is nearly allied to M. Nananensis Stimpson, but the angles of the foot are less produced and not acute, and the proportions of the tenta cles are different. Dr. Gould seems to have confounded this species- with M. diversa (JEolis diver sa Couth.), and one of his figures (Plate 19, fig. 280) apparently represents this species ; but certainly does not represent M. diversa, which was originally described and figured as hav ing the oral tentacles longer than the dorsals (See Gould's figs. 267, 268, copied from Couthouy.) CORYPIIELLA GYMNOTA Verrill. Eolis ( Tergipcs) gymnota Couthouy, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 69, Plate 1. fig. 3, 1838; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 7; ed. ii, p. 249, Plate 16, tigs. 233-241. Montagna gymnota H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 74. Carolina gymnota. this Report, p. 383. (See errata.) Wood's Hole to Boston, Massachusetts. TEBGIPES DESPECTUS Adams, (p. 495.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 76, 1858. Eolldia dcapecta Johnston, Loud. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. viii. p. 378, fig. 35e. Eolis despecta Alder and Hancock, Brit. Nud. Moll., Fara. 3, Plate 37. JEolis (Tcrgipcs) dcspcct-a Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 248, Plate 16, figs. 222-225. Stonington, Connecticut, to Bay of Fumly and northward ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Off Watch Hill, 4 to 5 fathoms, on Laminaricii among hydroids. abundant ; Casco Bay ; Eastport .Harbor. HEIOL/EA CRUCIATA A. Agassiz, MSS. Plate 25., fig. 175. Gould, Invert,, ed. ii, p. 253, Plate 17, fig. 256. Naushon Island (A. Agassiz). ELYSIA OHLOROTICA Gould. Plate XXV, fig. 172. (p. 480.) Invert., ed. ii, p. 255, Plate 17, figs. 251-255, 1870. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, in pools on salt-marsh at lovy-water (A. E. V. and S. I. Smith). Cambridge, Massachusetts (Agassiz). 374 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [668] ELYSIELLA CATULUS Verrill. Plate XXV, fig. 171. (p. 480.) American Journ. Science, vol. iii, p. 284, Plate 7, figs. 5, 5a, 1872. Placobranchus catulus Agassiz, MSS. ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 256, Plate 17, rigs. 249, 250, J870. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to Massachusetts Bay. New Haven Harbor and Wood's Hole, among eel-grass, common. P T E R O P O D A . GYMNOSOMATA. CLIQUE PAPILLONACEA Pallas, (p. 444.) Spicil. Zool., x, p. 37, Plate 1, figs. 18, 19, (?) 1774. Clio Jhnacina Phipps, Voyage to North Pole, p. 195, 1774 (t. Gould). Clio rcttisa Miiller, Prod. Zool. Dan., 2742, 1776 (non Liune); Fabricius, Fauna Gronlandica, p. 334, 1780 (description ex cellent). Clio borealis Brugiere, Encyc. Metb., Vers., i, p. 502, 1792 (t. Gould). Clione borealis Gray, Brit. Mus. Pteropoda, p. 36, 1850 ; Stimpson, Sbells of New England, p. 27, 1851 ; H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. i, p. 62, Plate 7, fig. 7- Clione Umacina Stimpson, Sniitbsouiau Check-Lists, p. 4, I860; Binney in Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 507, fig. 754 (poor). Clio Miquelonensis Rang, Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. i, vol. v, p. 285, Plate 7, fig. 2, 1825. -New York to the Arctic Ocean; on the northern coasts of Europe south to- Great Britain. Off Stonington, Connecticut (A. E. V. and D- C. Eaton) ; Vineyard Sound (Y. N. Edwards) ; Portland, Maine (C. B. Fuller). The synonymy of this species has been greatly and unnecessarily con fused. The Clio retusa of Linue was a southern Pteropod, having a tri- quetral shell. In a foot-note on page 1094 of the twelfth edition of the Systema Naturae, he states that he had not seen the genus 0/io, but adopts it from Brown. He gives three species mentioned by Brown, all having shells. THECOSOMATA. STYLIOLA VITBEA Yen-ill. Plate XXY, fig. 178. (p. 443.) American Journ. Science, vol. iii, p. 284, Plate G, fig. 7, 1872. Shell smooth, polished, diaphanous, almost glassy, long conical, rather slender, slightly curved toward the acute apex; animal white ; locomo tive organs obovate, with the end broadly rounded, and bearing slender tapering tentacle-like processes near the middle of the anterior edge; intermediate lobe short, rounded in front. Length of shell, 11.5uim ; diameter, 2""". Taken among Salpcc, off Gay Head, Martha's Yineyard, in the after noon, September 9, 1871. Several other species of this and other related genera were taken by Messrs. S. I. Smith and Oscar Harger, off Saint George's Bank, in 1872, on the United States steamer Bache. These may occasionally occur also in the vicinity of Nantucket and Martha's Yineyard. [669] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 375 CAVOLINA TRIDENTATA. Plate XXV, fig. 177. (p. 444.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. i, p. 51, Plate 6, figs. 1, la ; Verrill, op. cit., p. 284. Anonua tridentata Forskal, Fauna Arab., p. 124, 1775 ; Icon., Plate 40, fig. b, (t. Lamarck). Hyahea cornea Lamarck, Syst. des Auim., p. 140, 1801. Hyalcea tridentata Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 415. Mediterranean Sea and the warmer parts of the Atlantic. The shells were dredged off Martha's Vineyard, at two localities, in 19 and 22 fathoms. DIACRIA TRisriNOSA Gray. (p. 444.) British Museum Pteropoda ; H. and A. Adams, Genera, i, p. 52, Plate 6, fig. 2a ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 504. Hyaltm trispinosa Lesueur, in Blainville, Diet, des Sci. Nat., vol. xxii, p. 82, 1824 ; Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., vol. ii, p. 380, Plate 5, fig. 3 ; Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 27. Gulf Stream and warmer parts of the Atlantic generally. Occa sionally cast ashore at Nantucket (Stimpson). SPIRIALIS GOULDIT Stimpson. (p. 443.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. [iv, p. 8, ]851 ; Shells of Ne\v England, p. 27 > Plate 1, fig. 4. Heterofmus balea and //. retroversus Biuney, in Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 505, Plate 27, figs. 345-349, (not of European writers). Spirialis Flemlng'd A. Agassiz, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 14, 1865, (not of Forbes). Heterofnsits Alexandra Verrill, Arner. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 281? 1*872 (young). Near Naushon Island and Nahaut, Massachusetts (A. Agassiz). Twenty miles off No Man's Land, in stomach of herring, (S. I. Smith). Off Saint George's Bank, in Gulf Stream, (S. I. Smith arid O. Harger). The identity of this species with the Lunacina balea Moller, of Green land, is very questionable. The description of the latter is brief, and no mention is made of the spiral sculpture, which is an important char acter of 8. Gouldii. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. DIMYARIA. ..TEREDO NAVALIS Linne. Plate XXVI, fig. 183. Plate XXVII, fig. 186. (pp. 384, 482.) Systema Naturae, ed. xii, p. 1267,1767; Tryon, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. xiv, p. 468, 1862; Gould, Invert., ed. ii. p. 23, fig. 355; Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., vol. iii, p. 171. Coast of United States, from Florida to Vineyard Sound ; coasts of Europe, from Sweden (Christiania) and Great Britain to Sicily; Algeria: and the Black Sea (Jeffreys) ; Senegal. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey ; New Haven Harbor, in piles of wharves; Wood's Hole, in piles of wharf; Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, in cedar buoj'S. This is the most abundant species on our Atlantic coast, south 01 Massachusetts Bay, where it also probably occurs. 376 EEPOKT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [670] TEREDO MEGOTARA Hanley. Plate XXVII, fig. 188. (p. 387.) Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Conch., vol. i,p. 77, Flate 1, figs. 1, 2; Plate 18, figs. 1, 2; vol. iv, p. 247; Tryon, op. cit., p. 466, 1862; Jeffreys op. cit., p. 176; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 30, fig. 357. Massachusetts Bay to South Carolina. Common in floating drift wood, in the North Atlantic ; north to Greenland, Iceland, and Spitz- bergen ; coasts of Scandinavia and Great Britain. Fossil in the Post- Pliocene of Scandinavia. TEREDO THOMSONII Tryon. Plate XXVII, fig. 187. (p. 387.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. xv, p. 28, Plate 2, figs. 3, 4, 5, 1863; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 31, fig. 358. Xew Bedford, Massachusetts, in cedar buoys (Tryon). Provincetown, Massachusetts, in whale-ship (Atwood). TEREDO DILATATA Stimpson. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 113, 1851 ; Shells of New England, p. 26 ; Tryon, op. cit., p. 464, 1882; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 32, tig. 359. Massachusetts to South Carolina (Tryon). Cape Ann, in buoys, (Stimpson). Provincetowu, Massachusetts (Gould). Greeuport, Long- Island (S. Smith). I have not met with this species south of Cape Cod. XYLOTRYA FIMBRIATA Jeffreys. Plate XXVII, fig. 189. (p. 387.) Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. iii, vol. vi, p. 126, 1860 ; Tryon, op. cit., p. 478, 1862 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 34, fig. 361. Teredo palmulata Forbes and Hauley, " Brit. Moll., vol. i. p. 86, Plate 2, figs. 9-11, (non Lamarck). Xyl- oirya palmulata Stimpson, Check-List, p. 3, 1860 ; Perkins, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xii, p. 141, 1869. Long Island Sound to Florida ; Pacific coast, at the Straits of Fuca ; Europe. In an old submerged wreck near New Haven. From the hull of the " Peterhoff," used in the blockade of the southern coast during the late war. Frequent in vessels from foreign ports. PHOLA.S TRUNCATA Say. Plate XXVII. fig. 200. (p. 372.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, ser. i, vol. ii, p. 321, 1822 ; Binuey's Say, p. 107 ; Hanley, Recent Shells, p. 6, Plate 9, fig. 26 ; Tryon, op. cit., p. 202 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 38, fig. 364. Vineyard Sound to Florida. Payta, Peru (Tryon). Common on the shores of Long Island Sound, near Xew Haven. The large specimens from Sable Island (Gould), mentioned by Tryon, were not this species, but Zi. crispata. PIIOLAS COSTATA Linne. (p. 433.) Systema Nature, ed. xii, p. 1111, 1762 ; Tryon, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Phila delphia, xiv. p. 201, 1862 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 37, fig. 363. Caribbean Sea to Buzzard's Bay. Southern Europe (Linne). New Bedford Harbor, living, (Gould); Wood's Hole, Massachusetts, dead [671] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 377 shells dredged, (A. E. Y.) ; Long Island Sound. Atlantic City, New Jersey (Tyron). Specimens Prom the east and west coasts of Florida; and from near Yera Cruz, Mexico (coll., Mr. Salt), are also in the museum of Yale College. ^EA CEISPATA Morch, 1853. (p. 433.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii,p. 327, Plate 89, figs. 5, 5a, 1853 ; Tryon, op. cit., p. 211, 1862. Pholas crispata Liiane, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1111,1767 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 27. Zirfcva crispata Gray, Figures of Moll. Anirn., Plate 338, fig. 5, and 339, fig. 5, 1857 ; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. ii, vol. viii, p. 385, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 39, fig. 365. Stonington, Connecticut, to Gulf of Saint Lawrence •; Iceland ; north ern coasts of Europe, south to France, and the southern coasts of Great Britain ; west coast of North America, south to California. Charles ton, South Carolina (Stimpson, t. Gould). New Jersey (t. Gould). Wood's Hole, dead shells dredged, (A. E. Y.). Common in Casco Bay, in 10 to 20 fathoms, perforating hard clay and sunken but sound wood ; also in the Bay of Fundy, in 8 to 70 fathoms, in hard clay. Mr. C. B. Fuller has obtained fine large specimens in submerged tree-stumps at extreme low-water mark on Jewell's Island, Casco Bay. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Maine, Scandinavia ; and in the Coralline and Bed Crags of Great Britain. Its occurrence at Charleston, South Carolina, needs confirmation. Martesia cuneiformis Gray, 1851; Tryon, op. cit.. p. 219. Pholas cunei- formis Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 322, 1822. This species was found by Mr. Perkins in oyster-shells, near New Haven, but it was probably brought from farther south (Maryland or Virginia) in the oysters. It inhabits the coasts of Florida and the West Indies. Diplothyra Smith-ii Tryon, op. cit., p. 450, 18G2. This species was described from specimens found in oyster-shells at Staten Island, where they were supposed to have lived. If really indig enous there, it may be expected to occur in Lang Island Sound. SAXICAVA AROTICA Deshays. Plate XXYII, fig. 192. (p. 309.) Elem. Conch.. Plate xii, figs. 8, 9 (t. Gould) ; Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., vol. i, p. 141, Plato 6, figs. 4-6; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 89, fig. 397. Mya arctica Liun6, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1113, 1767. Mytiltis rugosus Liuiid, Syst. Nat., eel. xii, p. 1156. Saxicava rugosa Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vi, p. 152 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 87 ; Jeffreys, Brit. Conch., vol. iii, p. 81. Mytilus 2>hola(Us Linne, Mant. Plant., p. 543. Saxicava plioladis Lamarck, op. cit., vol. vi, p. 152. (?) Saxicava distorta Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 318, 1822; Gould, ed. i, p. 62. Georgia and South Carolina to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to the Mediterranean : Pacific Coast of America, south to Santa Barbara, California. Yarious other parts of the world are given as locali ties by different authors. On our coast this shell is very common from Massachusetts Bay to Labrador, occurring from low-water mark to 50 378 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [672] fathoms or more. In Casco Bay it is extremely abundant in rocky, cav ernous pools, among the ledges at low- water mark, and mostly attached by a byssus, associated with Modiola modiolus. I also found specimens in 10 to 15 fathoms, perforating recent and sound shells of Cyprina Islandica. In the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, near Auticosti Island, where limestone abounds, I have found it burrowing in the limestone in large numbers. South of Cape Cod it is far less abundant, though not un common in Long Island Sound. Yar. distorta (Say) is common from Fort Macon to Georgia, and is possibly a distinct species. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Maine, New Brunswick, Canada, Auticosti, Labrador, Scandinavia, and Great Britain ; in the Coralline and Eed Crags of Eng land, etc. Yar. distorta is found in the Miocene of Maryland. . MYA ARENARIA Lin ne. Plate XXVI, fig. 179. (pp. 357, 463.) Systema Naturae, ed. xii, p. 1112, 1767 ; Gould, Invert, ed. i, pp. 40, 359 ; ed. ii, p. 55, fig. 375. Mya mercenaria and M. acuta Say, Journal Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila delphia, vol. ii, p. 313, 1822. South Carolina to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe, south to England and France 5 northeastern coast of Asia, south to China and Japan (Hakodadi). Sitka (Middendorff). South Carolina (Gibbs). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Dr. Yarrow). Comparatively scarce south of Cape Hatteras. Very abundant from New Jersey northward, both in brackish estuaries and on the open coasts. Particularly large and fine in Long Island Sound (see p. 463). Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, from half- tide mark to 40 fathoms, those dredged being all young. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Scandinavia, Greenland, Labrador, Canada, New England, Virginia, South Carolina, etc.; in the Red-Crag and all later formations in Great Britain ; and in the Miocene of Virginia. COHBULA CONTRACTA Say. Plate XXVII, fig. 191. (p. 418.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 312, 1822; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 43, iig. 37 j ed. ii, p. 60, fig. 377. Cape Cod to Florida. Common, living, in Vineyard Sound and Buz zard's Bay, in 5 to 19 fathoms ; Long Island Sound, near New Haven, not uncommon in shallow water. Georgia (Couper). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia, Northland South Carolina ; and in the Plio cene of South Carolina. A closely related species occurs in the Mio cene of Maryland. LYOXSIA HYALINA Conrad. Plate XXVII, fig. 194. (p. 358.) American Marine Conchology, p. 51, Plate 11, iig. 2, 1831 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 64, fig. 380. Mya hyalina Conrad, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. vi, p. 261, Plate 11, fig. 12, 1831. Osteodexma hyalina Couthouy, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 166, 1839 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 46, fig. 31. Florida to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Common in Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy ; low-water mark to 30 fathoms ; Beaufort, North Carolina (Coues). [073] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 379 CLIDIOPHOKA TRILINEATA Carpenter. Plate XXVII, fig. 193. (p. 418.) Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1864, p. 597 ; Mollusks of W. N. America, p. 226. Pan dora irllineata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 261, 1822 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 44 ; ed. ii, p. 62, fig. 379. Florida to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Common in Long Island Sound ; off Block Island, 29 fathoms 5 Buzzard's Bay; Vineyard Sound; Casco Bay; and Bay of Fundy ; low water mark to 30 fathoms; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, 1 fathom. Beaufort, North Carolina (Coues, Yar row). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia and South Carolina ; and in the Pliocene of South Carolina. A closely-related form, C. cmssidens (Conrad, sp.), occurs in the Miocene of Virginia. PERIPLOMA PAPYRACEA Yerrill. Plate XXVII, fig. 197. (p. 509.) Ainer. Journal Science, vol. iii, pp. 213, 285, Plate 7, figs. 1, la, lb (animal and hinge), 1872. Anatina papyratia Say, op. cit., p. 314, 1822. Anatin'a papyracea Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 47, fig. 28; ed. ii, p. 66, fig. 382. Anatina fragilis Totten (name provisional), Amer. Jonr. Science, vol. xxviii,p. 347, fig. 1, 1835- New Jersey to Labrador. Anticosti Island (A. E. V.) ; not uncommon in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, 10 to 100 fath oms. Less frequent south of Cape Cod ; off Block Island, in 29 fathoms, (A. S. Packard): Newport, Rhode Island (Totten); Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). Chateau Bay, Labrador (Packard). This species, when young, is liable to be confounded with Thracia myopsis Beck = T. Couthouyi Stimpsou (see Plate XXVII, fig. 196), but they are easily distinguished by the structure of the hinge. The latter occurs in Massachusetts Bay, Bay of Fundy, etc., northward to Green land, but has not been recorded from south of Cape Cod. COCIILODESMA LEANU3I Couthouy. Plate XXVII, fig. 198. (p. 418.) Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 170, 1839; Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 22 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 49, figs. 29, 30 ; ed. ii, p. 68, fig. 383. Anatina Leana Conrad, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sciences, vol. vi, p. 263, Plate 11, fig. 11, 1831. North Carolina to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Vineyard Sound and Long Island Sound, not uncommon in 3 to 10 fathoms; Casco Bay and Eastport, Maine, rarely obtained alive; banks off Nova Scotia (Willis) ; Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith and O. Harger). A related species, C. antiqiiatum (Per-iploma antiquata Conrad), occurs in the Miocene of THRACIA CONRADI Couthouy. (p. 426.) Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 153, Plate 4, fig. 2, 1839 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 50; ed. ii, p. 69, fig. 384. Thracia decUvis Conrad,. Amer. Mar. Conch., p. 44, Plate 9, fig. 2, 1831 (not of Pennant). Long Island to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Vineyard Sound, 6 to 8 fath oms; Casco Bay, 6 to 15 fathoms; Frenchman's Bay, near Mount Des ert, Maine, 3 to 8 fathoms. Eastport, Maine, in 6 fathoms, and Grand Menan (Stimpson) ; Nahant, Massachusetts (Haskell) ; Ehode Island 26 v 380 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [674] and Buzzard's Bay (Gould) ; Labrador (Packard). Fossil in the Post- Pliocene (Leda-clay) at Saco, Maine (Fuller). This species burrows so deeply in the mud or sand that it is seldom taken alive with the dredge. THRACIA TRUNCATA Miguels and Adams. Plate XXVII, fig.. 195. (p. 509.) Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 38, Plate 4, fig. 1, 1842; Gould, Invert., eel. ii, p. 72, fig. 386. Long Island to Greenland. Off Block Island, 29 fathoms; Casco Bay, 10 to 20 fathoms 5 Bay of Fuudy. Off Long Island, 37 fathoms, (Gould). Greenland, in GO fathoms, (Morcli). ENSATELLA AMERICANA Verrill. Plate XXVI, fig. 182 ; Plate XXXII, fig. 245. (p. 35C.) American Jour. Science, vol. iii, pp. 212, 284, 1872. Solen American us Gould, In vert. ? ed. ii, p. 42, 1870 (provisional name). Solen ensis Gould, op. cit., ed. i, p. 23 ; and ed. ii, p. 40 (non Linue) ; Dekay, Nat. Hist. New York, Moll., p. 242, Plate 33, fig. 313. Ensis Americana II. and A. Adams, Genera, vol ii, p. 342. Florida to Labrador. Common at Great Egg Harbor. New Jersey; Long Island Sound ; Buzzard's Bay ; Vineyard Sound ; Massachusetts Bay; Casco Bay; Bay of Fundy ; Gulf of Saint Lawrence; low-water mark to 20 fathoms, sandy. Fort Macoti, North Carolina, abundant, (Coues). Georgia (Couper). Labrador, rare (Packard). Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Portland, Maine ; Point Shirley, Massa chusetts; Nautucket; Virginia; and South Carolina ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and Miocene of Maryland ; North and South Caro lina. In this species the siphonal tubes, in mature shells, protrude about 35mm, and are united together for about half their length, beyond which they are round and divergent, subequal. Both orifices are surrounded by a similar circle of numerous papillae, of three sizes ; the larger ones are enlarged in the middle, acute at tips, with a large black spot on each side of the base ; alternate with these are somewhat smaller ones of the same form and with similar basal spots ; alternating with the primary and secondary ones are small tapering papillae, less than half the length of the longest ; numerous slender tapering papillae are also scattered irregularly over the sides of the free portions of both tubes, in some cases in irregular rows of four to six, while on the ventral side of the branchial tube two rows of alternating papillae extend along the whole length of the siphon. The mantle is closed ventrally for most of its length ; there is a posterior opening for the protrusion of the foot, and a small opening just in advance of it, and another opening near the middle of the ventral border ; the latter is fringed wTith small conical papilla?. Foot long; the end bulbous, obliquely truncated and beveled laterally. [675] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 381 Solen viridis Say. This species lias been recorded from the southern coast of New England by several writers (Stonington, Connecticut, Lins- ley : Ehode Island, Conrad), but I have myself met with no authentic New England specimens. It may, however, occur 'rarely and perhaps accidentally. It is not uncommon on the outer beach at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, and farther south, to Florida. SILIQUA COSTATA Adams. Plate XXXII. tig. 244. (p. 358.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 345, 1858. Solen contains Say, Jour. Acad. Nat, Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 315, 1822; Hanley, Recent Shells, p. 15, Plate 9, fig. 28 (non Leguminaria costata Sebum., 1817 = Slliqua radiafa Lhm£, sp.). Solen Sayii Gray, Griffith's Cuvier, xii, Plate 31, fig. 3 (t. Gould). Maclucra costata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 34, and fig. on p. 24, 1841 ; ed. ii, p. 47, fig. 370. Cape Hatteras to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Eare or local north of Casco Bay. Not observed in the Bay of Fundy. Common in Massa chusetts Bay; Vineyard Sound; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Comparatively rare in Long Island Sound, near New Haven ; Fire Island Beach, Long Island (S. I. Smith). Coney Island, etc. (S. Smith). Bimouski, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, common, (Bell). Banks off Nova Scotia (Willis). The earliest name for this genus appears to be Siliqua Muhlfeldt, 1811. It was named Leguminaria by Schumacher in 1817, and Maclmra by Gould, in 1841. The latter name is, moreover, preoccupied by Macliccra Cuvier, 1832. TAGELUS GIBBUS Gray. Plate XXVI, fig. 181 ; Plate XXX, fig. 217. (p. 373.) Proc. Zool. Soc., London, xv, 1847; D.ill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 251, 1870. Solen glVbm Spongier, Skrivt. Nat. Selks., vol. iii, p. 104, 1794 (t. Gould). Solen, Guinecnsis Chemnitz, Conch., xi, p. 202, Plate 198, fig. 1937, 1799. Solcn Car'ibcKUS Lamarck, Auim. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vi, p. 58. Solecurtua Caribcvus Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 30. Solccnrtas gibbus Forbes and Hauley, Brit. Moll., vol. i, p. 267 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 43, fig. 367. SiU- qnaria notata Schumacher, Essai d'un Nouv. Syst. des Habit, des Vers test., p. 129, Plate 7, figs. 2, 3, 1817 (not the genus SiUquaria Brug. ; Lamarck, 1801). Siliquaria 'gilba H. and A. Adams, Genera, p. 347, Plate 93, figs. 5, 5«, 1858. Caribbean Sea, West Indies, and Gulf of Mexico to Cape Cod. Simi lar if not identical species are found on the Pacific coast of Central America, and on the west coast of Africa. Vineyard Sound and Buz zard's Bay, not uncommon ; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, abundant. Fort Macon, North Carolina, very common (Coues). Alabama (Mighels). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia, South Carolina, and Florida ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and in the Miocene of North and South Carolina. The name, Siliquaria Schumacher, 1817, adopted for this genus by several recent writers cannot be retained, because preoccupied by Bru- giere, 1791, and by Lamarck (see Syst. des Anim., 1801, p. 98) for a genus of Vermetidce. This genus is widely different from the restricted genus Solecurtus 382 KEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [676] Blainv,, 1824,=J/«cAa Oken, 1835, and undoubtedly belongs to the Tellinidce, near Psammobia, as shown by the structure of the soft parts. (See page 373 and Plate xxvi, fig. 181). TAGELIJS DIVISUS. Plate XXX, fig. 218. (p. 435.) Dall, op. cit., p. 251, 1870. Solen divisus Spengler, op. cit., p. 96, 1794 (t. Gould). Solen lideits Chemnitz, op. cit., p. 203, Plate 198, fig. 1939, 1799. Solen fragilis Pulteney, Dorset Catal., p. 28, Plate 4, fig. 5, 1.799 (t. Gould). Solen centralis Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Pbilad., vol. ii, p. 316, 1822. Solccurtus Widens Forbes and Hanley, op. cit., vol. i, p. 266 ; Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 22. Solecurtus divisus Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 44, fig. 368. Macha divisa Gray, Catal. Brit. Moll., p. 160. Leguminaria Floridana Conrad, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. iv, p. 121, 1848. Mesopleura Mdentata Conrad, Catal. Solenidai, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. iii, Appendix, p. 23, 1867. Gulf of Mexico and West Indies to Cape Cod. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, not common. Ehode Island, rather common, (Gould). Fort Macon, North Carolina, common, (Coues). Tampa Bay, Florida, (Conrad, Jewett). MACOMA FRAGILIS Adams. Plate XXX, fig. 222. H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 400, 1858. Var. fusca == Hacoma fusca Adams, (p. 359.) Genera, vol. ii, p. 400 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 93, fig. 400. Psammobia Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. v, p. 220, 1826. Sangiiinolaria fusca Con rad, Amer. Mar. Conch., p. 34, Plate 7, fig. 1, 1831 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 66, fig. 42. Var. fragilis. Venus fragilis 0. Fahricius, Fauna Groulandica, p. 413, 1780. Tellina Gronlan- dica Beck, Lyell, in Trans. Geol. Soc., London, vol. v, p. 137, Plate 16, fig. 8, 1841. Macoma Gronlandica Packard, Mem. Boston Soc., vol. i, pp. 235, 243, etc.j 1866; Dawson, Notes on Post-Pliocene Geology of Canada, p. 72, from Cana dian Naturalist, vol. vi, 1872. Tellina Fcibricii Hanley; Sowerby, Thesaurus, p- 112, (t.Morch). Georgia to Greenland. Var. fusca is abundant on the entire coast of New England, Long Island, and New Jersey. Georgia (Say, Couper). Var. fragilis is abundant from Long Island Sound and Massachusetts Bay to Labrador. The two forms grade into one another insensibly. A closely related but apparently distinct species, M. Balthica (Linne, sp.), is abundant in the Baltic and elsewhere on the northern coasts of Europe, and has been regarded as identical by several writers. Another similar form, inconspicua (Sowerby), occurs on the northwest coast of America, but is regarded as distinct by Dr. P. P. Carpenter and others. As a fossil, var. fragilis is abundant in the Post-Pliocene deposits of Xew England, New Brunswick, Canada, Labrador, and Greenland; var. fusca occurs in the Post-Pliocene of New England, Virginia, North Caro lina, and South Carolina. [677] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 383 MACOMA SABULOSA Morch. TcU'tna (Macoma} sabulosa Morch, in Natnrh. Bidrag til Beskr. af Gronlaud, p_ 90, 1857. TelUna sabulosa Speugler, Skrivt. Nat., vol. iv, part 2, 1798. Tellina proximo, Gray, Zool. Beechey's Voyage, p. 154, Plate 44, fig. 4, 1839. TelUna sordida Coutbony, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 59, Plate 3, fig. 11, 1839. Sanguinolaria sordida Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 67, 1841. Tellina lata Loven, Ofvers. af Kongl. Vet.-Akad., Forhand., vol. xi, p. 195, 1846 (not Tellina lata Gmelin, 1790, which is a Thracia, t. Morch). Tellina calcarca Lyell, Phil. Trans., 1838 (not Chemnitz, 1782== a Mactra, t. Morch). Macoma proxima Gould,- ed. ii, p. 95, fig. 401 ; this Report, p. 503. Macoma cnlcirea Adams; Dawson, op. cit., p. 73. Connecticut to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe; North Pacific ; south on the coast of Asia to Hakodadi, Japan ; and, perhaps (as M. expansa, a doubtful variety), on the west coast of America south to Puget Sound. Off Block Island, in 29 fathoms, rare; Casco Bay, 3 to GO fathoms, not uncommon ; Quahog Bay, Maine, 3 to 5 fathoms, soft mud, large and abundant ; Bay of Fundy, 4 to 80 fathoms. Stonington and Stratford, Connecticut (Linsley) ; Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Maine, New Brunswick, Canada, Labrador, Scandinavia, and Great Britain. The TelUna tenera Leach, 1818 (non Say), has been regarded as a synonym of this species by most writers ; Morch considers it identical with M. fragilis. ANGULUS TENER. Plate XXVI, fig. 180 ; Plate XXX, fig. 223. (p. 358.) Tellina (Angulus) tenera H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 398, 1858. Angu- lu.s tener Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 290, Plate 6, figs. 1, la, 1872. Tellina tenera Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 303,1822; Hanley, Recent Shells, p. 65, Plate 9, fig. 38 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 68, fig. 44 ; ed. ii, p. 97, fig. 403. Florida to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Common on the coast of New Jersey, Long Island, Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts Bay ; less common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy. Gaspe, Canada (Dawson). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). A closely-allied form (A declivis = Tellina declivis Conrad, Journ. Acad. N. Sc., Phil., vol. vii, p. 131) occurs in the Miocene of Virginia. ANGULUS TENELLUS Verrill. Plate XXX, fig. 22-1. Angulus modestns Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, pp. 210, 285, Plate 6, figs. 2, 2a, 1872; this Report, p. 418, (non Carpenter, 1864). Shell smooth, shining, more or less iridescent, with very fine concen tric stria*. Form similar to that of A. tener, but more oblong, and with the anterior dorsal margin nearly straight, or even slightly concave ; the beaks are at about the posterior third, and scarcely prominent ; the posterior end slopes rapidly, and is. snbtruncate at the end 5 the ven tral margin is but slightly convex in the middle, and sub-parallel with the dorsal margin. The shell is often a little thickened, and firmer than in A. tcner, but is sometimes as thin. Color, pink, light straw-color, or 384 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [678] white 5 often banded concentrically with these colors. The hinge-mar gin is stouter and the teeth stronger than in A. tener, and different in relative size and proportions; the ligament-plate is also longer. Long Island Sound and Vineyard Sound ; 4 to 10 fathoms, mud and sand. TELLINA TENT A Say. Plate XXX, fig. 223. (p. 432.) American Concliology, Part vii, Plate 65, fig. 3,' 1837; Binney's Say, p. 228 ; Han- ley, Recent Shells, p. 65, Plate 14, fig. 10 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 68, fig. 43 ; ed. ii, p. 96, fig. 402. Tellina (Peroncm} tenta H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 499, 1858. Cape Cod to South Carolina. Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 2 to 10 fathoms, mud, common ; Long Island Sound ; Great Egg Harbor. Greeuport, Long Island (S. Smith) ; .Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues)j South Carolina (Say). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of South Carolina Tellina versicolor Cozzens. Jay, Catalogue Shells, ed. ii, p. 12, 1833 ; Dekay, Nat. Hist. New York, Moll., p. 208, Plate 26, fig. 272. Glass House Point, near Xew York (Cozzeus); Stratford, Connecticut (Linsley). I have met with no shells corresponding precisely with the descrip tion of this species. GASTBANELLA Verrill. American Journal of Science, vol. iii, p. 286, 1872. " Shell oblong, more or less irregular, and sometimes with the ven tral margin inflexed; pallia! sinus large ; ligament external, elongated. Eight valve with two small cardinal teeth ; the posterior one thin, directed obliquely backward. Left valve with two cardinal teeth ; the posterior one stout, bilobed ; the anterior one smaller. ]STo distinct lat eral teeth. Animal with long, slender, separate siphonal tubes, with a simple circle of papillae at the ends ; mantle well open anteriorly ; foot ligulate. The curious little shell for which this genus is constituted apparently resembles Gastrana more than any other described genus." GASTRANELLA TUMLDA Verrill. Plate XXVII, fig. 190. (p. 418.) American Jour. Sci., vol. iii, pp. 210, 286, Plate 6, figs, 3, 3rt, 1872. Shell small, variable in form, swollen above, more or less elongated oval, or oblong, with rounded ends, compressed posteriorly. The beaks are rounded, somewhat prominent, incurved but not approximate, and directed somewhat forward ; the anterior dorsal margin is deeply concave in front of the beaks, but without a distinct lunule, at the anterior end regularly rounded or a little prolonged, compressed 5 ventral margin slightly convex, or nearly straight and sub-parallel with the dorsal mar gin, or incurved, in the different specimens ; posterior end broadly rounded in some, decidedly prolonged in others; dorsal posterior mar- [679] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 385 gin usually nearly straight for at least naif its length, sometimes a little convex and gradually sloping throughout. Surface with fine, somewhat irregular, concentric stride, slightly iridescent. Color white, with the umbos purple. Length, 4mm ; height, 2.5mm. Long Island Sound, near New Haven, 4 to G fathoms, shelly and grav elly bottom, among hydroids and sponges (A. E. V.). Abra cuqualis Say. American Conch., Part iii, Plate 28 ; outer figures, 1331 ; Binney's Say, p. 182, same plate; Stimpson, Check-List, p. 3, 1860. Aniphidcsma wqualls Say, Jouru. Acad.Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 307, 1822 ; American Conch., Part iii, Plate 28; Binuey's Say, pp. 100,182. Semele equalis Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 210, 1872. Florida and Gulf of Mexico to Cape Hatteras ; rare and local farther north. Stonington, Connecticut, from cod-stomachs (Linsley). Fort Macon, North Carolina, abundant (Coues, Yarrow). Texas (Rcemer). Charleston, South Carolina (Say). The occurrence of this southern species at Stonington needs confirm* ation. I have seen no specimens from north of Cape Hatteras. Fossil in the Miocene of North and South Carolina. CiniiNGiA TELLINOLDES Conrad. Plate XXX, fig. 221. (p. 418.) Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. vii, p. 234, 1837; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 56, fig. 36; ed. ii, p. 79, fig. 390. Mactra tellinoidcs Conrad, Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. vi, p. 258, Plate 9, figs. 2,3, 1831. Cape Cod to Florida. Common in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 3 to 12 fathoms ; Long Island Sound, less common. Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues, Yarrow). Florida (Conrad), Fossil in the Post- Pliocene of Nantucket Island, South Carolina, and North Carolina; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and in the Miocene of Virginia and South Carolina. CERONIA ARCTATA Adams, (p. 426.) II. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 414, 1858; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 80, fig. 391. Mactra arctata Conrad, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. vi, p. 257, Plate 11, fig. 1, 1831. Mcsodeama arctata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 57, fig. 39. Long Island to Kiver Saint Lawrence. Stonington. Connecticut (Linsley). East Hampton and Montauk, Long Island (S. Smith). Nan- tucket (Gould). Common in Massachusetts Bay ; Casco Bay, and East, port, Maine, rare. Nova Scotia (Willis). Donax fotssor Say. Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 306, 1822 ; Binuey's Say, pp. 99, 226, Plate 61, fig. 2. This species may possibly occur occasionally on the Southern New England coast, but I am not aware of any authentic instances. I have found it quite common living on the outer beach at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, and it has been found as far north as the southern side of Long Island. 386 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [680] MAOTRA SOLIDISSIMA Chemnitz. Plate XXVIII, fig. 202. (p. 358.) Conch., x, p. 350, Plate 170, fig. 1656, 1788 ; Gould, Invert., cd. i, p. 51 ; ed. ii, p. 73, fig. 387. Macira gigantea Lam., Anira. saris Vert., ed. ii, vol. vi, p. 97. Mac ira similis Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 309, 1822 ; Binney's Say, p. 101. Spisula soUdissima Gray, Charles worth's Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. i, p. 373, 1837 ; H. and A. Adams, vol. xi, p. 378. Hemimactra solidissima Conrad, Amor. Journ. Conch., vol. iii, appendix, p. 32 ; Perkins, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 346, 1889. Spisula Sayi Gray, op. cit., p. 373. Florida and Gulf of Mexico to Labrador. Very abundant on the outer beach at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; Long Island; Long Island Sound ; Vineyard Sound ; Cape Cod ; Massachusetts Bay ; Casco Bay; Bay of Fundy, low water-mark to 10 fathoms, sandy. Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues); Labrador (Packard); St. George's Bank (S. I. Smith) ; West Florida (Jewett) ; Texas (Roemer). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene at Point Shirley, Chelsea, Massachusetts (Stimpsou) ; and apparently in the Miocene of North and South Carolina (Conrad, as "IT. similis?"). MULINIA LATERALIS Gray. Plate XXVI, fig. 185, B. (p. 373.) Charlesworth's Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. i, p. 376, 1837 ; Meek, Smithsonian Check- Lists, Miocene, p. 11, 1864. Mactra lateral! s Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 309,1822; Gould, Invert,, ed. i, p. 54, figs. 34, 35; ed. ii, p. 77, fig. 389. Standella lateralls II. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 382, 1858; Conrad, Proc. Philad. Acad., vol. xiv, p. 573, 1862. Massachusetts Bay to Florida, and on the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico to Galveston, Texas. Very abundant in Long Island Sound; common in Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, 1 to 15 fath oms, mud. Boston and near Lynn, Massachusetts (Gould). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). Georgia (Couper). Texas (Rcemer). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina? and Florida (Saint John's River) ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and in the Miocene of Virginia, North and South Carolina. PETRICOLA PHOLADIFORMIS Lamarck. Plate XXVII, fig. 199. (p. 372.) Auim. sans Vert., ed. i, vol. v.. p. 505,1818; ed. ii, vol. vi, p. 159; Say, Aruer. Conch., Part vi, Plate 60, fig. 1, 1834 ; Binuey's Say, p. 222 (same plate) ; Han- ley, Recent Shells, p. 52, Plate 13, fig. 49 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 63 ; ed. ii, p. 90, figs. 398, 399. Pctricola fornicata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 319, 1822. Pelricola dactylus Say, Araer. Conch., Part vi, Plate 60, fig. 2 (MOM- Sowerby, Hanley, etc.); Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 65 : cd. ii,p. 92; fig. 41. Florida and Gulf of Mexico to Massachusetts Bay; local and more rare farther north, at Quahog Bay, Maine; and in the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, as at Prince Edward's Island (Dawson) ; Nova Scotia (Willis). Very common in Long Island Sound, near New Haven ; Buzzard's Bay ; Vineyard Sound (Lackey's Bay, etc.) ; and Massachusetts Bay (Chelsea, Nahant, etc.). Fort Macon (Coues) ; [681] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 387 Florida (Conrad) ; Texas (Rojmer) ; Cuba (D'Orbiguy). Fossil in the' Post-Pliocene of Virginia, South Carolina, and Florida 5 and in the Pliocene of South Carolina. A similar form, if not identical (P. Carolmensis Conrad), occurs in the Miocene of South Carolina. A species scarcely to be distinguished from this was sent to me in large numbers from La Paz, Gulf of California, by Captain Pederseu. VENUS MERCENARIA Linne. Plate XXVI, fig. 184 (animal), (p. 359.) Systema Natunc, ed. xii, p. 1131, 1767 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 85, fig. 67 ; ed. ii, p. 133, fig. 445. Mercenaria violacca Schumacher, Essai d'un Nouveau Syst., p. 135, Plate 10, fig. 3, 1817 ; Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 419. Mercenaria mercenaria Chenu, Man. Conch., vol. ii, p. 82, figs. 356-358, 1862. Crasstienus mcrcenaria Perkins, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 147, 1869. Venus notata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 271, 1822 (variety) ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 87, fig. 67 ; ed. ii, p. 135, fig. 446. Venus i>ra'parca Say, op. cit., p. 271, 1822 ; Binney's Say, p. 95. Florida to Massachusetts Bay ; more rare and local farther north, at Quahog Bay, Maine; Nova Scotia (Willis) ; and in the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, to the Bay of Cbaleur. It is not found on the coast of Maine, east of Kennebeck River, nor in the Bay of Fundy. Very common in Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Long Island Sound, and southward. Fort Macon (Cones) ; South Carolina (Gibbes) ; Georgia (Couper) ; Texas (Rcemer). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Point Shirley, Nautucket Island, Gardiner's Island, Virginia, and South Caro lina ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina : and in the Miocene of Mary land, Virginia, North and South Carolina. CALLISTA CONVEXA Adams. Plate XXX, fig. 219. (p. 432.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 425, 1858. Cythcrea convexaSay, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., vol. iv, p. 149, Plate 12, fig. 3, 1824 (fossil) ; Gould, Invert,, ed. i, p. 84, fig. 49 ; ed. ii, p. 131, fig. 444 (recent). Dione convexa Deshayes, Catal. Conch. Biv., British Museum, p. 71, 1853. Cytherea morrhuana Liusley, Ainer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlviii, p. 276, 1845 (no description) ; Gould, op. eit., ser. ii, vol. vi, p. 233, 1848 (young). Cythcrea Say an a Conrad, Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. i, vol. xxiii, p. 345, 1833 (recent) ; Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of the U. S., p. 13, Plate 7, fig. 3, 1838 (fossil). Cytherea JSayii Perkins, Proc., Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 147, 1869. Callista (Caryalin') convcxa Romer ; Verrill, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlix, p. 277, March, 1870. New Jersey to Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Fort Macon, North Carolina, dead valves on the beach, plenty, but perhaps fossil, (Cones, Yarrow). Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; Long Island Sound; Vineyard Sound, and Buzzard's Bay, 2 to 10 fathoms, mud, common ; Casco Bay, 3 to 8 fathoms, mud, adult, living; Eastport, Maine, rare. Nova Scotia (Willis); Prince Edward's Island (Dawson). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina; and in the Miocene of Maryland, North and South Carolina. The name Saijana given to this species in 1833 (loc. cit.) by Mr. Con- 388 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [682] rad, was accompanied by a short description of recent specimens from Rhode Island arid Xew Jersey. He gave G. convexa Say as a synonym, however, remarking that it " appears not to differ from the G. convexa of Say, but I have changed the name because M. Broguiart had pre viously applied it to a very dissimilar species." More recently, how ever, he has indicated his belief that the two are distinct (Catal. Miocene Shells, in Proc.,Phil. Acad., vol. xiv, p. 575, 1862), although he recog nizes the " Sayana" as a Miocene shell, but he has not pointed out the differences, if any exist, so far as known to me. Should the recent shell prove to be distinct from the fossil one described by Say, it should therefore bear the name Gallista Say ana. In this species the animal is white, or pale salmon-color. The border of the mantle sometimes protrudes considerably beyond the edge of the shell, and is delicately undulated or frilled ; the siphon tubes, in full expansion, are smooth and rather longer than the shell, and are united quite to the ends ; the orifices are simple, without apparent papillae, and the branchial is considerably larger than the other; a well-marked groove extends along the whole length of the siphon, indicating the partition between the tubes. TOTTEXIA GEMMA Perkins. Plate XXX, fig. 220. (p. 359.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, 1869 (in errata) ; by error, Totteniana (p. 148). Venus gemma Totten, Arner. Jour. Science, vol. xxvi, p. 367, figs. 2a, d, 1834. Gemma gemma Deshayes, Catal. Conch. Biv., British Museum, p. 113,. 1853 ; H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 419, Plate 107, fig. 3. Gemma Tottcni Stimpson, Check-List, p. 3, 1860. South Carolina to Labrador. Very abundant in Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, Nantucket, and Massachusetts Bay ; common in Casco Bay, and at Grand Men an Island. Nova Scotia ( Willis). Prince Edward's Island (Dawsou). Indian Harbor, Labrador (Packard). Port Macon, Xorth Carolina (Cones). An allied species (T.splucrica H. C. Lea, sp.) occurs in the Miocene of Virginia. TOTTEXIA MAXHATTEXSIS Verrill. Venus Manhattensis Prime, in Jay's Catalogue of Shells, ed. iv, supplement, p. 466,1852. Venus (Gemma} Manhattensis Prime, Annals Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vol. vii, p. 482 (figure), 1862. Gemma Manhattensis Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 138; fig. 449. North Carolina to Vineyard Sound. Hell Gate (Prime). Greenport and Huntington, Long Island (S. Smith). Near New Haven, rare. Fort Macon, Xortli Carolina (Yarrow). I have seen but few specimens of this shell, and am not fully satisfied that it is distinct from the preceding. Its color is not constant, some specimens being pale straw-color, others purplish. Mr. Prime originally described it as white. [683] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 389 CYPRINA ISLANDICA Lamarck. Plate XXVIII, fig. 201. (p. 508.) Aniinaux sans Vert., eel. ii, vol. vi, p. 290 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 82 ; ed. ii, p. 443. Venus Islandica Linue, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1131. Eastern end of Long Island to the Arctic Ocean ; on the northern European coasts southward to England. Off Block Island, 29 fathoms, sandy mud ; off Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, 19 fathoms, soft mud ; common in Casco Bay, 10 to 80 fathoms j Bay of Fun'dy, C to 90 fath oms ; Saint George's Bank, 45 fathoms; and Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Montauk, Long Island (S. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Scan dinavia, Scotland, England, Sicily, and other parts of Europe, In North America it appears not to have been found fossil hitherto, and it must, therefore, be rare in our northern Post- Pliocene or glacial de posits, if not altogether absent. OAKDIUM PINNULATUIVI Conrad. Plate XXIX, fig. 209. (p. 505.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, ser. i, vol. vi, p. 260, Plate 11, fig. 8, 1831; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 90, fig. 57 ; ed. ii, p. 141, fig. 452. Long Island Sound to Southern Labrador. Near New Haven, Connec ticut, rare ; Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, 4 to 12 fathoms, common ; very common in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, Bay of Eundy, and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, 2 to 80 iathoins. Labrador, south of Straits of Belle Isle (Packard). Huntington, Gardiner's and Peconic Bays, Long Island (S. Smith.) Off New London, Connecticut, (coll. T. M. Prudden). Eossii in the Post-Pliocene of New Brunswick. L^viCARDimi MORTONI. Plate XXIX, fig. 208. (p. 358.) Perkins, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 150, 1869. Cardlum Moiioni Con rad, op. cit., vol. vi, p. 259, Plate 10, figs. 5,6,7; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 91; Liovardiiim Morton i Stimpson, Check-List, p. 2, 1850 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 143, fig. 453. Florida and northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico to Cape Cod ; rare and local farther north. Common in Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, and about Nantucket. Dartmouth Lakes, Hal ifax, Nova Scotia (Willis, t. Gould). West Florida (Jewett). Fort Macon (Coues). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of South Carolina. Serripes Groiilandicm Beck (Aphrodite Gronlandica Stimpson ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 144, fig. 454). This species wasrecorded as from Storiing- ton, Connecticut, by Linsley, but has not since been found south of Cape Cod, and must, therefore, be regarded as a doubtful inhabitant of our waters. It occurs from Massachusetts Bay to the Arctic Ocean, but is rare south of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and Labrador. Casco Bay and Mount Desert, Maine, 8 to 30 fathoms, rare, (A. E. V.). CYCLOCARDIA BOREALIS Conrad. Plate XXIX, fig. 210. (p. 418.) Ainer. Jouru. Concliology, vol. iii, p. 191, 1867. Cardita ~borcalis Conrad, Amer. Mar. Conch., p. 39, Plate 8, fig. 1, 1831 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 94, fig. 59 ; ed. ii, p. 146, fig. 455. Actinoboliis lorcalis H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 487, 1858. 390 • EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [6S4] (?) Venericardia crlbraria Say, Arner. Condi., Part v, cover, 1832 ; Binney's Say, p. '205. (?) Venericardia granulata Say, Jour. A. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. iv, p. 142, Plate 12, fig. 1. Cardita granulata Conrad, Fossils of Medial Tert. of U. S., p. 13, Plate 7, fig. 1. Xew Jersey to Labrador. Common in the deeper parts of Vineyard Sound, near its month, and off Gay Head and Buzzard's Bay, 10 to 25 fathoms; off Block Island, 29 fathoms ; very common in Casco Bay, Bay of Fuudy, and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, 3 to 80 fathoms. Sandy Hook, and Montauk, Long Island (S. Smith). Off Xew London, Connecticut (T. M. Pradden). Saint George's Bank, 25 to 65 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). Straits of Belle Isle, 50 fathoms; Chateau Bay, 50 fathoms ; Long Island, Labrador, 15 fathoms, (Packard). A species,. regarded as identical by Dr. Carpenter, occurs on the North Pacific coast of America as far south as Catalina Island, and on the northeast coast of Asia. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Gardiner's Island; IsTantucket and Point Shirley, Massachusetts ; and Labrador. The Miocene form, C. granu lata (Say, sp.) is very closely allied to this, if not identical. It is found in Virginia and Maryland. CYCLOCARDIA XOYANGLI^G Morse. Plate XXIX, fig. 215. (p. 418.) Actinobolus (Cyclocardia) Nova-anglice Morse, First Annual Report of Trustees of Peabody Acad. of Science, Salem, p. 76, cut, 1889. Cyclocardia Nomng- lice Verrill, Amer. Journ. Science, vol. iii, p. 211, 1872. Connecticut to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Mouth of Vineyard Sound and off Gay Head, 10 to 25 fathoms ; Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, 3 to 40 fathoms, not uncommon. Off New London, Connecticut (T. M. Prudden). ASTARTE UNDATA Gould. Plate XXIX, fig. 203. (p. 508.) Invert., ed. i, p. 80, fig. 46, 1841 (provisional name); Philippi, Abbildungen uud Beschr. neuer oder wenig gek. Conch., vol. ii, p. 1, Plate l,fig. 1, 1850; Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 213, 1872. Crasina latisulca Hanley, Recent Shells, p. 87, Plate 14, fig. 35, 1843. Astarte sulcata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 78, fig. 46, 1841 (not of European writers) ; ed. ii, p. 119, fig. 432 (poor figure; from an old, deformed shell). Var. lutea= Astarte lutea Perkins, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 150, figure, 1869. Long Island Sound to the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Law rence. Off Gay Head and Buzzard's Bay, and in the deeper parts of Vineyard Sound, 8 to 25 fathoms, common ; off Block Island, 29 fath oms: very common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, 5 to 100 fathoms; Saint George's Bank, 20 to 85 fathoms. Off New London, Connecticut, (T. M. Prudden). Southern part of Gulf of Saint Lawrence (Whit- eaves). Var. lutea occurs rarely near New Haven (Perkins) ; and more frequently off Gay Head and in Vineyard Sound, 8 to 19 fathoms, with the ordinary varieties. It resembles the European sulcata more than the common or typical varieties do, but passes insensibly into the ordinary forms. The shells referred to undata, by Dawson and Whiteaves, from [685] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 391 Gaspe, Canada, are not this species, but a short variety of A. clliptica. The latter is a much more northern shell, and I have dredged but one specimen on the STew England coast (off Casco Bay, 65 fathoms). Fossil at Point Shirley, Massachusetts, in the Post-Pliocene, (Stimp- sou, as A. sulcata) ; and at Gardiner's Island (S. Smith). ASTARTE CASTANEA Say. Plate XXIX, fig. 204. (p. 432.) American Conchology, Part i, 1830, Plate 1 ; Biimey's Say, p. 150, Plate 1 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 76, fig. 45; ed. ii, p. 117, fig. 431. Venus castanea Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 273, 1822 j Binuey's Say, p. 98. Crassina castanea Lamarck, Aninl. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vi, p. 258 ; Hanley, Recent Shells, p. 88, Plate 9, fig. 27. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to Nova Scotia. Common on the shores of Long Island, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and Cape Cod ; Long Island Sound, not very common ; Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 5 to 20 fathoms, frequent 5 Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, 5 to 20 fathoms, not common. Massachusetts Bay, abundant, (t. Gould). Saint George's Bank, 25 to 40 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). Halifax and Sable Island, Nova Scotia (Willis). Off Cape Sable, Nova Scotia (A. E. V.)- Oft' New London, Connecticut (T. M. Prudden). Fossil in the Post- Pliocene at Nantucket and Point Shirley, Massachusetts. ASTARTE QUADRANS Gould. Plate XXIX, fig. 205. (p. 509.) Invert., ed. i, p. 81. fig. 48, 1841; ed. ii, p. 123, fig. 434 ; Verrill, Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. iii, p. 287, 1872. Astarte Portlandica Miguels, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, pp. 320, 345, Plate 16, fig. 2, 1843 (variety) ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 127, fig. 441. Stonington, Connecticut, to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Mouth of Vine yard Sound, and off Martha's Vineyard, 19 to 25 fathoms, rare ; Massa chusetts Bay; Casco Bay; Bay of Fundy, in G to 40 fathoms, not un common. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Gulf of Saint Lawrence (Whiteaves). Var. Portlandica occurs, with intermediate forms, in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, 10 to 25 fathoms, not common. GOULDIA MACTRACEA Gould. Plate XXIX, figs. 20G, 207. (p. 418.) Invert., ed. ii, p. 128, fig. 442, 1870. Astarte mactracea Linsley, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlviii, p. 275 (figure), 1845 ; Gould, op. cit., ser. ii, vol. vi, p. 233, figs. 1. 2, 1848. (?) Astarte lunulata Conrad, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad., vol. vii, p. 151, 1837 ; Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of the U. S., p. 45, Plate 21, fig. 8, 1840; Gouldia lunulata Conrad, Catal. of Miocene Shells, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. xiv, p. 578, 1862. Florida and northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico to Cape Cod. Common, living, and of large size, in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, especially at Wood's Hole, 3 to 10 fathoms. Stonington, in stomach of cod (Linsley). Huntington and Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). Off New London, Connecticut (coll. T. M. Prudden). Fort Macon (Cones). South Carolina (Kurtz). West Florida (E.. Jewett). Tampa Bay (Conrad). 392 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [686] Fossil (G. lunulata] in the Post-Pliocene of North and South Carolina; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and in the Miocene of Maryland and Virginia. The fossil shell is probably identical with the recent one, but I have not had suitable specimens of the former for comparison; if identical, the species should be called G. lunulata. LUCINA FILOSA Stimpson. Plate XXIX, fig. 212. (p. 509.) Shells of New England, p. 17, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 98, fig. 404. Lu- cina radula Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 69 (non Montagu, sp.). ? Luc'ina contracta, Say, Jour. Acad.Nat. Sciences, Philad., vol. iv, p. 145, Plate 10, fig. 8 ; Conrad, Fossils of the Medial Tertiary of U. S., p. 40, Plate 20, fig. 5, 1840. Stonington, Connecticut, to Maine. Off Block Island, 29 fathoms, sandy mud ; off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, soft mud ; Casco Bay and Portland Harbor. Stonington (Linsley). Boston Harbor (Stimpson). Phillip's Beach (Holder). Rhode Island (Conrad, as L. contracta). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Gardiner's Island (S. Smith). L. con tracta occurs in the Miocene of Virginia ; it was formerly regarded by Conrad as identical with the recent shell from Rhode Island, but is probably a distinct, though closely-allied species. Mr. Jeffreys identi fied this species with L. borcalis (Linue) of Europe; the latter is also found on the Pacific coast at Vancouver Island and Catalina Island (Cooper and P. P. Carpenter). CYCLAS DENTATA. Plate XXIX, fig. 211. (p. 418.) Lucina dentata Wood, General Couchology, p. 195, Plate 46, fig. 7, 1815 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 99, fig. 45. Lucina divaricata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 70, (non Linn6, sp). Lucina strigilla Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 17, 1851. Brazil and West Indies to Cape Cod. Not uncommon, dead, but rarely obtained living, in Vineyard Sound, 6 to 14 fathoms. Coney Island (S. Smith). Nantucket (Gould). St. George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Fort Ma- con, North Carolina, abundant, (Cones, Yarrow). Georgia (Couper). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida; and in the Pliocene of South Carolina. The same, or a closely- related species, (L. Gonradi D'Orb., Prod., iii, p. 117, 2194, t. Conrad, in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil., 18G2, p. 577=Z. divaricata Conrad, Fossils of Med. Tert., p. 38, Plate 20, fig. 3) occurs in the Miocene of Virginia. CRYPTODON GOULDII Adams. Plate XXIX, fig. 213. (p. 509.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 470, 1858 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 100, fig. 406. Lucina Gouldii Philippi, Zeitscb. f. Malak., 1845, p. 74 (t. Gould). Thyasira Gouldli Stimpson, Shells of New Eng., p. 17, 1851. Lucina flexuosa Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 71, fig. 52 (non Montagu, sp.). Stonington, Connecticut, to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Off Block Island, 29 fathoms ; Buzzard's Bay, C fathoms, mud ; common in Mas sachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, 5 to GO fathoms, muddy and sandy. Nova Scotia (Willis). Gaspe, Canada (Whiteaves). Mur ray Bay (Dawsou). Gulf of Saint Lawrence, 20 to 300 fathoms (White- [637] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 393 aves). Greenland (Morch). Labrador, 15 to 50 fathoms, (Packard). Fos sil iu the Post-Pliocene at Montreal, rare, (Dawson) ; Brunswick, Maine (Packard). Possibly some of the Gnlf of Saint Lawrence specimens may belong to the following species. CRYPTODON OBESUS Yerrill. Plate XXIX, fig. 214. (p. 509.) American Journ. Science, vol. iii, pp. 211, 237, Plate 7, fig. 2, 1872. Shell white, irregularly and rather coarsely concentrically striated, much swollen in the middle; the transverse diameter nearly equal to the length 5 the height considerably exceeding the length. The beaks are prolonged and turned strongly to the anterior side. The lunular area is rather large and sunken, somewhat flat, in some cases separated by a slight ridge into an inner and an outer portion. Anterior border with a prominent rounded angle ; ventral margin prolonged and round ed in the middle ; posterior side with two strongly-developed flexures, separated by deep grooves. Interior of shell with radiating grooves, most conspicuous toward the ventral edge. Length of the largest specimen, 15mm; height, 18inm ; thickness, 13mm. The smaller specimens have about the same proportions. Six single valves, some of them quite fresh, were obtained off Xo- m an's Laud at different localities. They were all right valves, and the smallest was 12.5mm of an inch in height. The specimen from Labrador agrees nearly in form and structure, and is only 5.75imu in height and 5mm in length. This species appears to be more nearly related to C. flexuosus of Eu rope than to C. Gouldii. The European species is nearly intermediate between the two American shells in form; but judging from the speci mens that I have had opportunities to examine, the three forms ought to be kept distinct, C. Gouldii is a thinner and more delicate shell, more rounded, relatively much longer, and is seldom more than 6min to 7mm in breadth. Block Island to Labrador. East of Block Island, in 29 fathoms, fine sandy mud ; off' Gay Head, 19 fathoms, mud; Casco Bay, GO fathoms, mud. Labrador (Packard). East of Saint George's Bank, 430 fath oms (S. I. Smith). Turtonia minuta Stimpson. Sbells of New England, p. 16, 1851 (uon Alder, Forbes and Hauley, etc.); Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 85, fig. 395. Venus minuta Fabricins, Fauna Gronlandica, p. 412, 1780. Tarionia nitida Verrill, Anier. Journ. of Sci. vol. iii, p. 286, Plate 7, figs. 4, 4rc, 1872. Massachusetts Bay to Greenland. Common under stones and in rocky pools at low-water, in Massachusetts Bay and Casco Bay. Although this species has not yet been found south of Cape Cod, so far as I am aware, it will probably be found hereafter on the more exposed rocky shores, as at Point Judith, Watch Hill, or on some of the outer islands- 394 KEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [688] The American specimens of this shell differ so widely in form, and especially in the structure of the hinge, from all the European speci mens with which I have compared them, as well as from the descrip tions and figures, that I cannot regard them as identical. Dr. Gould has well defined the form and external characters of our shell. I have seen no European specimens so elongated in form as the American examples seen by me invariably are, but depend less on the external form than on the structure of the hinge for distinguishing them. (See the greatly en larged figure in the Anier. Journal of Science). Having had opportunities to study northern specimens of this shell, since I gave it the name nitida, I have become fully satisfied that the original shell described by Eabricius is identical with the American species, rather than with the European. His description corresponds well with our best specimens. The European species, if, as I believe, distinct from ours, should, therefore, retain the name T. purpurea (Mon tagu, sp. )j and minuta should be restored to the American form. KELLIA PLANULATA Stimpson. Plate XXX, fig. 22G. (p. 310.) Shells of 'New England, p. 17, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 83, fig, 393. A'eUia ndn-a Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 60, (non Montagu, sp.). Long Island Sound to Greenland. Near New Haven, Connecticut, rare $ Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 1 to 8 fathoms, not common $ Casco Bay ; Eastport, Maine, 8 to 15 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy. Montauk and Greeuport, Long Island, low-water to G fathoms, mud 5 and Gull Island, low-water, under stones, (S. Smith). Boston Harbor, 5 fathoms, shelly, (Stimpson). Sable Island, Nova Scotia (Willis). Greenland (Morch). MONTACUTA ELEVATA Stimpson. (p. 418.) Shells of New England, p. 16, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii. p. 86, tig. 393. Mon- tacuta l)ideniata Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 59, 1841 (non Montagu, sp., 1803). Long Island Sound to Massachusetts Bay. Savin Rock, near New Haven, rare; Naushon Island, Vineyard Sound, rare. Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). New Bedford (Gould). Chelsea Beach (Stimpson). LEPTON FABAGELLA Conrad. Marine Conchology, p. 53, Plate 11, fig. 3,1831; Dekay, Nat. History of New York, Mollusca, p. 243, Plate 32, fig. 307, A, B. Khode Island (Conrad). I have not seen specimens of this shell. It seems to be rare and little known. A closely-related species (L. mactroides Conrad, Fossils Medial Tert., p. 19, Plate X, fig. 5, 1839) is found in the Miocene of Maryland. . SOLENOMYA VELUM Say. Plate XXIX, fig. 210. (p. 360.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Pliilad., vol. ii, p. 317, 1822 (Solemya); Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 35 : ed. ii, p. 48, fig. 371. North Carolina to Nova Scotia. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey ; Long Island Sound, near New Haven, low-water to 6 fathoms, not uncommon ; [689] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 395 very common in Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, 1 to 5 fathoms, especially in soft mud, in coves ; Chelsea Beach, etc., Massachusetts Bay, common ; Casco Bay, rare. Nova Scotia (Willis). Huntington and Greenport, Long Island, rare, (S. Smith). SOLENOMYA BOREALIS Totten. Amer. Jour. Science, vol. xxvi, p. 306, fig. 1, h, i, 1834 (Solemya borealis); Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 36 ; ed. ii, p. 50, fig. 372. Connecticut to Nova Scotia. Newport, Rhode Island (Totten). Chelsea and Nahant, Massachusetts (Gould). Casco Bay and Portland Harbor rare ; Vineyard Sound, at Cnttyhunk Island, rare. Stoningtou, Connec ticut (Linsley). This species may prove to be only the mature state of the preceding, but I have never seen specimens intermediate in character. YOLDIA LIMATULA Stiinpson. Plate XXX, fig. 232. (p. 432). Shells of New England, p. 9, 1851 ; H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 548, Plate 126, figs. 5, 56, 1858; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 154, fig. 462. Nitcula limatula Say, Amer. Conch., ii, Plate 12, middle figures, 1831 ; Gould, Invert., p. 98, fig. 62. Leda limatula Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 10, 1851. North Carolina to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Common in Long Island Sound 5 Buzzard's Bay; Vineyard Sound; Casco Bay, in 2 to 12 fathoms, soft mud ; less common in the Bay of Fundy, 4 to 30 fathoms. Beaufort, North Carolina (Stimpson, Cones). Huntiugton and Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). Nova Scotia (Willis). The specimens from Long Island Sound are as large and fine as the northern ones. Fossil iii the Post-Pliocene of Canada, Virginia, North and South Carolina; and in the Pliocene of South Carolina. An allied species ( Y Icevis Say, sp., Conrad) occurs in the Miocene of Maryland and Sonth Carolina. Yoldia myalls Stimpson ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 1GO, fig. 4C7 ; Nuculci myalls Couthouy, 1838. This is often confounded with Y. limatida, though quite distinct. It is a more arctic species, ranging from Massachusetts Bay to the Arctic Ocean and Spitzbergeu, but it has not been found south of Cape Cod, so far as known to me. The shells reported as such, that I have seen, are Y. limatula. Gould reports the latter as from Nord- land (McAndrew), but we suspect that Y. myalls or Y. sapotilla may have been, in this case, mistaken for Y. limatula. YOLDIA SAPOTILLA Stimpson, 1851. Plate XXX, fig. 231. (p. 509.) . H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 548; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 159, fig. 466. Nucula sapotilla Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 100, fig. 61, 1841 ; Hanley, Eecent Shells, p. 170, Plate 20, fig. 3. Leda ( Yoldia) sapotilla Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 10, 1851. Yoldia arctica Morch, op. cit., p. 93, 1857 (t. Dawson, from specimen ; non Y. arctica Sars). Long Island to the Arctic Ocean, comparatively rare and local, chiefly in deep water, south of Cape Cod. Off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, soft mud ; off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms, sand; east of Block Island, 29 fathoms, 27 V 39 G EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [690] fine sandy mud; common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fuudy, 4 to 100 fathoms, mud. Greenport, Long Island (S. Smith). Massachusetts Bay (Gould). Nova Scotia (Willis). Labrador (Packard). Greenland (Morch). This species seems to be unknown among our Post-Pliocene shells. Having examined several hundred specimens from many different local ities and depths, I am satisfied that it is perfectly distinct from Y. lima- tula, with which certain writers are inclined to unite it. Yoldia Gouldii. Nncula Gonldii DeKay, Nat. Hist. New York, Mollusca, p. 180, Plate 13, fig. •221, 1843. This was originally described by Dekay as from Long Island Sound. I have seen no specimens corresponding with the description in all respects. It is, perhaps, a short variety of Y. sapotilla. YOLDIA OBESA Stimpson, 1851. (p. 509.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 548, 1858 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p, 155, fig. 463. Leda obesa Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 13, 1851 ; Shells of New England, p. 10, Plate 2, fig. 1, 1851. Nncula navicularis Mighels, Boston Journal Nat. History, p. 323, 1843 (non Couthouy, Gould). Block Island to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. East of Block Island, 29 fathoms, rare ; Casco Bay and off Cape Elizabeth, 30 to 95 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy, 40 to 100 fathoms, rare ; near Saint George's Bank, 110 and 150 fathoms (Packard). Massachusetts Bay (Stimpson). YOLDIA THRACIFORMTS Stimpson, 1851. (p. 509.) Smithsonian Check-List, p. 2, 1860; H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 548, 1858 (thracifeformis) ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 157, fig. 465 ; Morch, op. cit., p. 21, 1857. Nucula thracicrformis Storer, Boston Jour. Nat. History, vol. ii, p. 122, figure, 1838; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 97, fig. 66. Leda thracAccformis Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 9, 1851. Nucula navicularis Couthouy, Boston Journ. Nat. History, vol. ii, p. 178, Plate 4, fig. 4, 1839, (young) ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 103. Yoldia angularis Moller, op. cit., p. 92, 1842 (t. Morch). Long Island to Greenland. Off Fire Island, south of Long Island, in 10 fathoms; and off Eace Point, Cape Cod, in 30 fathoms, (Stimpsou). Not uncommon, and of large size, in Casco Bay, 15 to 95 fathoms; and Bay of Fundy, 10 to 100 fathoms ; near Saint George's Bank, 85 fath oms (Packard). LEDA TENUISULCATA Stimpson. (p. 509.) Shells of New England, p. 10, 1851 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 161, fig. 468. Nucula tenuisulcata Couthouy, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 64, Plate 3, fig. 8, 1838. Nucula minuta Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 101, 1841 (non Fabricius, sp). Rhode Island to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Common in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, G to 80 fathoms. Nova Scotia (Willis). Newport, Rhode Island (t. S. Smith). Southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence ( Whiteaves). Particularly abundant in Eastport Harbor, 10 to 30 fathoms ; Saint George's Bank and vicinity, 40 to 150 [691] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 397 fathoms (Smith, Packard). Fossil in. the Post-Pliocene at Saco and Portland, Maine (Packard) 5 ? Canada (Dawson, as L.pemitla, var). NUCULA PROXIMA Say. Plate XXX, fig. 230. (p. 418.) Jonrn. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philacl., vol. ii, p. 270, 1822; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 103, fig. 63 ; ed. ii, p. 150, fig. 458. South Carolina to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Common in Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and Vineyard Sound, 2 to 19 fathoms ; off Buz zard's Bay and Block Island, 25 to 29 fathoms 5 common in Massachu setts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, 4 to 80 fathoms ; very abun dant in Trenton Bay, Mount Desert, Maine, 10 fathoms, soft mud. Nova Scotia (Willis). Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Cones). Long Island, abundant, (S. Smith). Fossil in the Post -Pliocene of North and South Carolina; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ; and in the Miocene of Maryland and South Carolina. NUCULA DELPHINODONTA Mighels. Plate XXX, fig. 229. (p. 509.) Boston Journal Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 40, Plate 4, fig. 5, 1842 ; Gould, Invert., ed. 11, p. 153, fig. 461. Nucula corticata Moller, Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, vol. iv> p. 90, 1842. ? Xucula radiata Dekay, Nat. Hist. New York, Moll., p. 179, Plate 12, fig. 216, 1843. Ehode Island to Greenland. East of Block Island, 29 fathoms ; off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, soft mud; Massachusetts Bay, common; Casco Bay, 6 to 95 fathoms, common ; Frenchman's Bay, Mount Desert, com mon; Bay of Fundy and Eastport Harbor, 10 to 100 fathoms, mud, common ; Nova Scotia (Willis) ; Gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves). Greenland (Moller, Morch). Northern Europe (t. Jeffreys). Nucula tennis Turtou (Montagu, sp.) Gould, Invert., ed. i., p. 105, fig. 64; ed. ii, p. 149, fig. 457. This species was recorded as from cod-stomachs, at Stonington, Con necticut, but was not met with by us. Its occurrence south of Cape Cod needs confirmation. It is an arctic species ; common in Casco Bay and the Bay of Fundy, in 10 to 100 fathoms, mud ; and northward to the Arctic Ocean. Also on the northern coasts of Europe, south to Great Britain. It is also found in the Post-Pliocene of New England and Canada. SCAPHARCA TRANSVERSA. Plate XXX, fig. 228. (p. 309.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 533, 1858. Area transversa Say, Jour. Acad . Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. ii, p. 269, 1822; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 98; ed. ii, p. 148, fig. 456a. Florida to Cape Cod. Long Island Sound, near New Haven, low-water to 8 fathoms; Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, 2 to 10 fathoms; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, 1 fathom. Nautucket (Gould). Long Island, abundant; Greenport, 3 to 10 fathoms (S. Smith). Fprt Macon, North Carolina (Cones). South Carolina (Kurtz). Georgia (Conper). 398 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [692] Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Nan tucket, Gardiner's Island, Virginia, North and South Carolina; and in the Miocene of Virginia and North Carolina. According to Gould, found fossil at Provincetown, Massa chusetts, in an artesian boring, 120 to 200 feet beneath the surface, (Post-Pliocene ?) ARGINA PEXATA Gray. Plate XXX, fig. 227. (p. 309.) Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1847; H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 540, Plate 125, figs. 7, la, 1858. ArcapexataSa,y, Jour. Aoad. Nat. Sciences, Philad., vol. ii 1). 268, 1822 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 95, fig. 60 ; ed. ii, p. 147, fig. 456. Florida and northern shores of Gulf of Mexico to Cape Cod; rare and local farther north, in Massachusetts Bay. Very common in Long Island Sound, low-water to 10 fathoms ; Buzzard's Bay ; Vineyard Sound ; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. On beach at Provincetown, Massachusetts (S. 1. Smith). Staten Island and Long Island, abun dant (S. Smith). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Yarrow). Georgia .(Couper). West Florida (Jewett). Texas (Roemer). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Gardiner's Island (!) (S. Smith) ; in the Miocene of South Carolina. ARCA PONDEROSA Say. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 267, 1822; Binney's Say, p. 92. This species occurs on the beach at Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, associated with the other common sand-dwelling shells of that region. The valves are apparently tolerably fresh, though worn, and no fossil shells have been found in that vicinity. It occurs in the same way on *the southern side of Long Island, near Fire Island (S. I. Smith and S- Smith). But I am not aware that it has been found living north of Cape Hatteras ; nevertheless, it may occur locally in shallow water off shore. The specimens found may possiblyhave been washed out from submerged Post-Pliocene deposits. It is found living at Fort Macon, North Carolina, and southward to the Gulf of Mexico. HETEROMYARIA. MYTILUS EDULIS Linne. Plate XXXI, fig. 234. (pp. 307, 432.) Systema Nature, ed. xii, p. 1157, 1767 ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 121, fig. 82 ; ed. ii. p. 183, figs. 483, 484. Mytilus borealis Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 46; Dekay, Nat. Hist. N. Y.,Moll., p. 182, Plate 13, fig. 222, Plate 24, fig. 256. Mytilus pellucidus Pennant, Brit. Zool., vol. iv, p. 237, Plate 66, fig. 3, (t. Gould) = variety pellucidus Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 184, fig. 484. Mytilus notatus Dekay, op. cit., p. 182, Plate 13, fig. 223, 1843. 'Circumpolar : Arctic Ocean south to North Carolina, on the American •coast; south to Great Britain, France, and the Mediterranean and Black Seas, on the European coast ; south to Monterey and San Fran cisco, on the North Pacific coast; south to China and Japan, on the Asiatic coast. Very abundant in Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, Long [693] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 399 Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy (littoral to 50 fathoms), and northward. Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues), Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Greenland, Labrador, Canada, Lake Champlain, Maine, New Brunswick, Point Shirley, Massachusetts, and Saint John's River, Florida ; in the Post-Pliocene of Scandinavia, Bussia, and Great Britain 5 in the Bed Crag and all later formations in England. MODIOLA MODIOLTJS Turton. Plate XXXI, fig. 237. (p. 309.) British Bivalves, p. 199, Plate 15, fig. 3, 1822; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 123; eel. ii, p. 186, fig. 485 ; Dekay, op. cit., p. 185, Plate 24, fig. 257. Mytilns modiolus Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1158. (f)Modiola papuana Lamarck, Anim.sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 17 ; Say, Amer. Conch., Plate 45. Circumpolar : Greenland southward to New Jersey ; on the European coast from Spitsbergen southward to Great Britain and France ; in the North Pacific southward to Monterey, California, on the American coast ; and southward to Northern Japan on the Asiatic coast. Long Island Sound, not very common ; Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, not abundant 5 common in Massachusetts Bay ; abundant in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 80 fathoms. Stateu Island and Long Island (S. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Point Shirley, Massa chusetts, Montreal, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, Sicily, etc. ; in the Cor- aliue Crag, Bed Crag, and later formations in England. MODIOLA PLICATULA Lamarck. Plate XXXI, fig. 238. (p. 307.) Anim. sans Vert., ed. i, 1819 ; ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 22 ; Gould, ed. i, p. 125, fig. 81 ; ed. ii, p. 188, fig. 486 ; Dekay, op. cit., p. 184, Plate 14, fig. 253 ; Hauley, Recent Shells, p. 240. Mytilns plicatus Deshayes, Encyclop. Meth., Plate 220, fig. 5 ; Stimpsou, Shells of New England, p. 12. Modiola semicosta Conrad, Jonr. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. vii, p. 244, Plate 20, fig. 7, (t. Gould). Mytilus demissus Dillyn, Catal. Recent Shells, vol. i, p. 314 ft. Gould). Braoliydonies plicatiilus H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 517 ; Perkins, op. cit., p. 156. Georgia, to Casco Bay, Maine ; more rare and local farther north ; in the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and on the coast of Nova Scotia ; nor observed on the coast of Maine east of the Kennebeck Eiver, nor in the Bay of Fundy. Very abundant at Egg Harbor, New Jersey, Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and Vineyard Sound ; less abundant in Massachusetts Bay, near Salem, Massachusetts, etc.; local in sheltered muddy coves about Casco Bay and Quahog Bay, Maine. Mouth of the Kennebeck Eiver (C. B. Fuller). Prince Edward's Island (Daw- son). Nova Scotia (Willis). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Coues). Georgia (Couper). MODIOLA IIAMATUS Yerrill. (pp. 374. 475.) American Journ. Science, vol. iii, p. 211, Plate 7, fig. 3, 1872. Mylihis hamatns Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. ii, p. 265, 1822; American Con- chology, Plate 50; Binney's Say, pp. 91, 204, Plate 50. Aulacomya Jiamatus Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 513. Bracliydontes hamatus Perkins, op. cit., p. 156, 1869. Long Island Sound to Florida, and the shores of the Gulf of Mexico 400 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [694] to VeraCruz. New Haven, common on oysters, lining, but perhaps intro duced from Virginia. New York Harbor, on oysters, (S. Smith). Fort Macon, North Carolina (Yarrow). Georgia (Couper). Tampa Bay, Flor ida (Conrad, Jewett). Texas (Rosmer). Near Vera Cruz (coll. T. Salt, in Yale museum). MODIOLARIA NIGRA Loven. Plate XXXI, fig. 236. (p. 433.) 6'fvers. af Eongl. Vet.-Akacl., Forhandl., vol. iii, p. 187, 1846 ; Morch, Naturhist. Bidrag, Grouland, p. 93, 1857; H. and A.Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 515, 1858 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 190, figs. 487, 488. Modiola nigra Gray, Appendix to Parry's Voyage, p. 244, 1824 ; Hanley, Recent Shells, p. 242. Mytilus discrepans Stirapson, Shells of New England, p. 12, 1851 (not of European authors). Modiola nexa Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 128, fig. 86 (young). Circumpolar : Greenland, southward to Long Island ; Spitzbergen, southward to Great Britain and Holland; Behring's Straits, southward to Okhotsk. Not uncommon and of good size in Vineyard Sound, 10 to 15 fathoms, off Gay Head, etc. ; common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, of large size, low- water to 60 fathoms ; Stouiugton, Connecticut, in stomach of cod, (Linsley). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Maine, Canada, Labrador, and Northern Europe. MODIOLARIA DISCORS Beck. Love"n, Ofvers. af Kongl.Vet.-Akad. Forhandl., vol. iii, p. 187, 1846 ; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 83, figs. 489, 490. Mytilus discors Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. xii,p. 1159; Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 12, (wow Gould, ed. i). Mytilus discrepans Montagu, Test. Brit., p. 169. Modiola discrepans Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 23; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 129, fig. 83. Modiola laevigata Gray, Appendix to Parry's Second Voyage, p. 245. Mytilus lemgatus Stiinpson, Shells of New England,, p. 12. Modiolaria Icevigata Loven, op. cit., p. 187, 1846; Stiinp- son, Check-List, p. 2, 1860 ; this Report, p. 509. Circumpolar: Greenland, southward to Long Island; Einmark, southward to Great Britain; Behring's Straits, southward to Puget Sound. Very common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 100 fathoms; not uncommon in Massachusetts Bay; rare and local south of Cape Cod. Saint George's Bank and vicinity, common, (S. I. Smith, Packard). Gardiner's Bay, Long Island, rare, (S. Smith). North of Hebrides, in 530 fathoms, (t. Jeffreys). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada, Greenland, and Northern Europe. I am unable to separate M. Iccvigata, as a species, from the ordinary New England form, usually referred to M. discors, the differ ences being due chiefly to age. The common European form of discors shows more differences, but is probably only a dwarf variety of the same species. MODIOLARIA CORRUGATA Morch. Plate XXXI, fig. 235. (p. 509.) Op. cit., p. 94, 1857; Stimpson, Check-List, Smithsonian lust., p. 2, 1860; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 193, fig. 491. Mytilus corrugatus Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 12, 1851. Mytilus discors Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 130, fig. 84 (non Linu6, sp.). Long Island to Greenland and Northern Europe. Off Martha's Vine- [695] INYERTEBKATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 401 yard and Buzzard's Bay, 20 to 25 fathoms, rare; Casco Bay, 15 to 95 fathoms, Dot common ; Bay of Fundy, 10 to 100 fathoms, frequent. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith, A. S. Packard). Gardiner's Bay, 5 fathoms, one specimen, (S. Smith). Off New London, Connecticut (T. M. Prudden). Gulf of Saint Lawrence (Whiteaves). Murray Bay (Dawson). Nova Scotia (Willis). Labrador (Packard). Arctic Ocean, near Behring's Straits, 30 fathoms, (Stimpson, N. P. Expl. Exp., t. Gould). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada (Dawson). CRENELLA GLANDULA Adams. Plate XXXI, fig. 233. (p. 418.) H. and A. Adams, Genera, vol. ii, p. 515, 1858; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 194, fig. 492. Modlola (jlandula Totten, American Journal Science, ser. i, vol. xxvi, p. 367, figs. 3, e, f, g, 1834; Gonld, Invert., ed. i, p. 131, fig. 87 (pars). Mijtilus decussatus Stimpson, Shells of New England, p. 11, 1851, (non Montagu, sp.) ; Dekay, op. cit., p. 186, Plate 22, fig. 248. Connecticut to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, 5 to 15 fathoms, not uncommon ; off Gay Head, 19 fathoms, soft mud ; off Block Island, 29 fathoms, sandy mud ; common in Massa chusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, 3 to 60 fathoms. Halifax (Willis). Gulf of Saint Lawrence, at Gaspe (Whiteaves). Gardiner's Bay, Long Island (S. Smith). Stonington (Linsley). Off New London, Connecticut (T. M. Prudden). Sandy Hook, New Jersey (Fergu son). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene at Montreal, Canada (Dawson). A related species, C. cequilaterata Conrad (H. C. Lea, sp.) occurs in the Miocene of Virginia. This species was undoubtedly confounded with C. decussata (Montagu, sp.) by both Gould and Stimpson. The genuine decussata is quite com mon in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and is usually associated in those waters with C. glandula. It is a northern, and common European species, and is also recorded from the North Pacific coast of America by Dr. P. P. Carpenter. It also occurs in Greenland (Morch). MONOMYARIA. PECTEN IRRADIANS Lamarck. Plate XXXII, fig. 238. (p. 374.) Anim. sans Vert., ed. i, 1819 ; ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 143; Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 199, fig. 496. Pecten concentricus Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philacl., vol. ii, p. 259,1822; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 134, fig. 88; Dekay, op. cit., p. 172, Plate 9, fig. 205. Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico to Cape Coxl ; rare and local farther north in Massachusetts Bay ; and Nova Scotia (Willis). Very common in Vineyard Sound, Buzzard's Bay, shores of Long Island and Connecticut, New Jersey, and southward. Tampa Bay, Florida (Conrad, E. Jewett). Texas (Kcerner). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of North Carolina and Tampa Bay, Florida ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina; and in the Miocene of 402 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [696] Maryland. Dug up from beneath the mud in the harbor of Portland, Maine, in a semi fossil state by the mud-dredging machines (Fuller). PECTEN ISLANDICUS Chemnitz. Conch., vii, p. 304, Plate 65, figs. 615, 616, 17S4, (t. Gould) ; Lamarck, op. cit., ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 145; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 133, fig. 87; ed. ii, p. 198, fig. 495. Oslrca Mandica Miiller, Zool. Dan. Prod., No. 2990, 1776 ; Fabricius, Fauna, Gronl., p. 415, 1780. Pecten Pealii Conrad, Amer. Mar. Conch., p. 12, Plate 2, fig. 2, 1831. Arctic Ocean south to Cape Cod, local and rare farther south; on the northern European coasts, south to Bergen, Norway, and Great Britain. Not uncommon and of good size in Casco Bay, 20 to 70 fathoms ; com mon in the Bay of Fuudy, low-water to 100 fathoms. Saint George's Bank, 40 to 65 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). More common farther north. Stonington, Connecticut, in an eel-pot, (Linsley). I am not aware that any one except Linsley has recorded it from the southern coast of New England. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Maine (abundant), New Brunswick, Canada, Labrador, Greenland, Scandinavia, Denmark, Scotland, etc. Naples (Jeffreys). Mr. Sanderson Smith reports fragments from Gard. iner's Island. PECTEN TENUICOSTATUS Mighels. (p. 509.) Mighels and Adams, Proceedings Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, p. 49, 1841 ; Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. iv, p. 41, Plate 4, fig. 7, 1842 (young); Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 196, fig. 494. Pecten Magellanicus Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 134 (? non Gmeliii, sp.) ; Hauley, Recent Shells, p. 274 ; Gould, In vert., ed. i, p. 132. Pecten fusciis Linsley, Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. i, vol. xlviii, p. 278, 1845; Gould, ser. ii,vol. vi, p. 235, fig. 6,1848 (young). Pecten brunneiis Stimpson, Shells of New England, in errata, 1851. New Jersey to Labrador. Eare and local south of Cape Cod. Not uncommon in Massachusetts Bay and Casco Bay, 4 to 80 fathoms; abundant in Frenchman's Bay, Mount Desert, Maine, in 3 to 10 fathoms ; common in Passamaquoddy Bay and Bay of Fundy, 1 to 109 fathoms. Saint George's Bank, 45 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). Nova Scotia (Willis). Labrador, 2 to 15 fathoms, (Packard). Off Block Island (Gould). Stoii- ington, Connecticut, in cod stomachs, (Linsley, as P. fuscus). Coney Island and Sandy Hook. New York (S. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene near Saint John, New Brunswick, and Gardiner's Island, New York. A closely related species occurs in the Miocene of Virginia. ANOMIA GLABRA Yerrill. Plate XXXII, figs. 241, 242, 242a. (p. 311.) American Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 213, 1872. Anomia ephippium (pars) Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1150; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 138; ed. ii, p. 204, fig. 497. Anomia clectrica Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 140; ed. ii, p. 205, fig. 499, adult, [non Linnd.) Anomia squamula Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 140 ; ed. ii, p. 206, youug> (non Linnd.) Florida to Cape Cod ; rare and local farther north, in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and on the southern coast of Nova Scotia, off Cape [G97] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 403 Sable, S fathoms. Not observed on the eastern part of the coast of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fuudy. Very common in Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound; along both shores of Long Island; New Jersey, and southward ; low-water to 12 fathoms. Southern part of Saint George's Bank, 2(1 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of North and South Carolina ; and in the Pliocene of South Carolina. Linue gave " Pennsylvania" as one of the localities for his A. ephippi- unij and, therefore, probably confounded our shell with the European species, as most subsequent writers have done. Gould has \vell described our species in its different states, under the names quoted above, fig ures 499 of the second edition (our figures 241, 242), represent the ordi nary adult form, which is everywhere abundant on the southern shores of New England. The specimens from Eastport, Maine, referred to A. cphippium by Gould, were undoubtedly the smooth or squamose variety of the following species. ANOMIA ACTJLEATA Gmeliu. Plate XXXII, figs. 239, 240, 240a. (p. 495.) Syst. Nat., p. 3346, 1790 ; Gould, Invert., eel. i, p. 139, fig. 90 ; ed. ii, p. 204, fig. 498. Long Island to Labrador, and northern coasts of Europe. Off Ston- iugtou, Connecticut, 4 to 5 fathoms rocky ; off Gay Head, 10 fathoms, scarce ; very common in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, and northward, low- water to 80 fathoms. Greenport and Montauk, Long Island (S. Smith). Varieties of this species occur frequently in the Bay of Fundy and Casco Bay, in which the aculeate scales are more or less abortive, or even entirely absent, leaving the surface either nearly smooth or irregu larly squamose, but such varieties are easily distinguished from the young of the preceding species. This may possibly be a variety of the true epMppium of Europe, as supposed by many writers, but 1 believe it to be perfectly distinct from A. glabra. OSTREA VIKGINIANA Lister, (pp. 310, 472.) Favaime, Couch., Plate 41, fig C 2, 1780 (t. Gould) ; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 136 ; ed. ii, p. 202; Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 213, 1872. Ostrea Virgin- lea Graelin, Syst. Nat, p. 3336, 1790 ; Lamarck, Aniin. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. vii, p. 225. Ostrca borealis Lamarck, op. cit., p. 220; Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 137; ed. ii, p. 203; Dekay, op. cit., p. 169, Plate 10, figs. 203, 204. Ostrea Canadensis Brngniere, Encycl. Meth., Plate 180, figs. 1-3 ; Lamarck, op. cit., p. 226 ; Han- ley, Recent Shells, p. 299. Florida and the northen shores of the Gulf of Mexico to Massachu setts Bay; local farther north, off Damariscotta, Maine, and in the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, at Prince Edward Island, in Northumberland Straits, and Bay of Chaleur. Not found along the eastern shores of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fundy. Abundant 404 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [698] in tbe ancient Indian shell-heaps on the coast of Massachusetts, on the islands in Casco Bay, and at Damariseotta. The shells, in a semi-fossil state, have been dug up from deep beneath the mud in the harbor of Portland, Maine, in large quantities, but native oysters appear to be entirely extinct in Casco Bay. Very abundant in Long Island Sound ; in the upper part of Buzzard's Bay ; rare and local in Vineyard Sound ; very abundant on the shores of Maryland and Virginia. Mouth of Saint John's Eiver, and in Tampa Bay, Florida (Conrad). Texas (llcemer). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene at Point Shirley, Massachusetts, Nan- tucket Island (abundant), Gardiner's Island ; in the Pliocene of South Carolina ;" and in the Miocene of Virginia and South Carolina. The occurrence of large quantities of oyster-shells beneath the har bor mud at Portland, associated with Venus mereenaria, Pecten irradians, Turbonilla interrupt^ and other southern species, now extinct in that locality, and the occurrence of the first two species in the ancient In dian shell-heaps, on some of the islands in Casco Bay, though not now found living among the islands, indicates that the temperature of those waters was higher at a former period than at present. These facts also point to the most satisfactory explanation of the existence of numerous southern shells, associated with the oyster and Venus mercenaria in the southern part of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, though not now found in the intermediate waters, along the coast of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fuudy. All the various forms of this species, upon which the several nominal species, united above, have been based by Lamarck and others, often occur together in the same beds in Long Island Sound, and may easily be connected together by all sorts of intermediate forms. Even the same specimen will often have the form of borealis in one stage of its growth, and then will suddenly change to the Virginiana style, and, perhaps, later still, will return to the form of borealis. Or these differ ent forms may be assumed in reverse order. Great variations in the number and size of the costa3 and undulations of the lower valve occur, .both in different specimens from the same locality, and even in the same specimen, at different stages of growth. All these variations occur in precisely the same way in the shells taken from the ancient In dian shell-heaps along our entire coast, from Florida to Maine. TUN1CATA. SACCOBRANGXHIA. CiCXXA TENELLA Verrill. (p. 419.) American Journal Science, ser. iii, vol. i, p. 99, figs. 12, 13, 1871. Ascidla tcnella Stirnpson, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, p. 228, 1853 ; luv. of Grand Manan, p. 20,1853; Binuey, in Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 24,1870. f Ascidia ocellata Ag., Proc. Arner. Assoc. for Adv. Sci., ii, p. 159, 1850 (description insufficient) ; Bin- ney, in Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 24, Plate 24, fig. 332, 1870. Cape Cod to Gulf of Saint Lawrence ; rare and local south of Cape [699] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 405 Cod. Common in Casco Bay and Bay of Furidy, low-water to 100 fathoms. New Bedford, Massachusetts (L. Agassiz). MOLGULA MANHATTENSIS Yerrill. Plate XXXIII, fig. 250. (pp. 311, 445.) Amer. Jour. Science, vol. i, p. 54, Jan., 1871; Tellkainpf, Annals Lye. Nat. Hist., New York, vol. x, p. 83, 1872. Ascidia Manhattensis Dekay, Report on the Nat ural History of New York, Mollusca, p. 259, 1843 ; Binney, in Gould's Inverte- brata of Massachusetts, ecL ii, p. 25, 1870 (copied from Dekay). Ascidia amphora Ag., MSS. ; Binney, op. cit., p. 25, Plate 24, fig. 333. North Carolina to Casco Bay, Maine. Very common in Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, Vineyard Sound, and Massachusetts Bay. Less common in Casco Bay. Great South Bay, Long Island, abundant, (S. I. Smith). MOLGULA PELLUCID A Verrill. (p. 426.) Ainer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 289, Plate 8, fig. 2, 1872. Body subglobular with a smooth, thin, pellucid test. Tubes termi nal, contiguous, much swollen at base, long, divergent, tapering, reticu lated within by longitudinal and circular white lines (muscular fibers). Branchial aperture with six papilla. Intestine conspicuously visible through the test ; stomach covered by deep orange-colored hepatic glands. Ovaries large, whitish. Color of test, pale hyaline bluish 5 tubes toward the ends, dull neutral tint. Diameter of the largest specimens about 25mm. North Carolina to Massachusetts Bay. Massachusetts Bay (L. Agas siz). Long Island (Coll. Peabody Academy of Science). Bird Shoal near Beaufort, North Carolina (Dr. H. C. Yarrow). Mr. Biuney has published (Plate 22, figs. 315, 316) characteristic col ored figures of this species under the name of M. producta (Stimpson), which is a very different, sand-covered species. MOLGULA PRODUCTA Stimpson. (p. 502.) Proc. Boston Society Natural History, vol. iv, p. 229, 1852 ; Verrill, op. cit., p. 289, Plate 8, fig. 6, 1872; Binney, in Gould, p. 21 (not the figures, which are M. pellucida). Off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms, sandy. Massachusetts Bay, low- water to 6 fathoms, (Stimpson). MOLGULA ARENATA Stimpson. Plate XXXIII, fig. 251. (p. 419.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 230, 1852 ; Biuney, in Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 21 ; Verrill, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. iii, Plate 8, fig. 5, 1872. Long Island Sound, near New Haven, 3 fathoms, sand ; Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 5 to 15 fathoms, sand and gravel. Nan- tucket (Stimpson). MOLGULA PAPILLOSA Verrill. (p. 495.) Amer. Jour. Science, vol. i, p. 57, fig. 4, b, 1871 ; op. cit., vol. iii, p. 211, Plate 8, fig. 4, 1872. Body free, nearly globular, or transversely suboval, usually slightly 406 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [700] compressed laterally. Integument rather thin, translucent, the surface, both of the tubes and body, entirely covered by particles of sand, broken shells, foraminifera, etc., which adhere firmly. When cleaned the whole surface is thickly covered with prominent granule-like papillaB and numerous slender fibrous processes; the granules are most con spicuous on the tubes, where they usually have a rusty color. The tubes are long, subequal, and their bases are separated by a space usually greater than their diameters ; they are quite divergent, both of them, curving outward, the anal tube most abruptly. The branchial tube is cylindrical, somewhat longer than the. anal, equal to or exceeding the diameter of the body, the orifice surrounded by six rather long and slender, conical, divergent papillaB. The anal tube often bends suddenly outward, tapers slightly, and has a small square aperture, surrounded by a circle of dull reddish brown. In contraction the tubes are not re tracted, but are usually shortened to about one-half their length. In life the body, when cleaned, is pale grayish, with an almost transparent integument, through which the convolutions of the dark intestine are conspicuous. The largest specimens are about 10mm in diameter. Off Martha's Vineyard, 10 fathoms, stony; Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, 10 to 20 fathoms. EUOYRA PILULARIS Yerrill. Plate XXXIII, fig. 240. (p. 500.) Amer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 211, Plate 8, tig. 3; 1872. Molgula pilularis Verrill, op. cit., vol. i, p. 56, fig. 4, c, 1871. Body unattached, globular, covered with a thin layer of mud, and, when the tubes are retracted, looking like a small soft ball. Integu ment of the body, when cleaned, very thin, soft, nearly transparent, thickly covered with minute granules, and minutely fibrous, usually concealed by the adhering particles of mud and fine sand, but this can be easily removed. The tubes are naked, smooth, nearly transparent, subconical, slender, as long as the diameter of the body, originating close together, and but slightly divergent, both of them nearly straight; they can be wholly retracted, and their bases are surrounded and con nected by a narrow, naked, oval or oblong band, which is usually con spicuous when the tubes are withdrawn: -in partial contraction, the tubes are conical, subpellucid, reticulated with white lines. The branchial tube is a little shorter than the anal, the aperture surrounded by six acute, conical papillae, and twelve small, dark, brownish spots. Anal tube a little smaller, slightly longer, a little tapering, with a small square aperture, surrounded by four small lobes and four small, reddish brown eye-spots. In life the body, when cleaned, is transparent grayish, the dark in testine showing through very distinctly ; tubes greenish at base. Diameter usually about 5nim, seldom more than 6mm or 8mm. Off Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, 10 fathoms, soft mud ; Casco Bay, [701] INVERTEBRATE ANJMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 407 10 to 20 fathoms 5 Bay of Fundy, off Grand Menan, Eastport Harbor, and South Bay, 6 to 20 fathoms, soft mad. Gulf of Saint Lawrence (Whiteaves). GLANDULA AKENICOLA Verrill. (p. 502.) Amer. Jour. Science, ser. iii, vol. iii, pp. 211, 283, 1872. Body subglobular, rather higher than broad, the whole surface cov ered with grains of sand, forming a continuous layer. When the sand is removed the surface of the test is reticulately wrinkled and pitted, Dot furnished with fibers, except at base, where there are a few long, slender, thread-like white ones. Tubes terminal, near together, in the alcoholic specimens short, forming low verrucse, swollen at base, the ends a little prominent and naked. Apertures square, with four small lobes. The test is tough and opaque. Height, about 12mm; breadth, lO™111 ; often larger. Murray Bay, Gulf of Saint Lawrence (Dr. J. W. Dawson). Saint George's Bank, 28 fathoms, sand, abundant, (S. I. Smith). Off Cutty- hunk Island and Buzzard's Bay (T. H. Prudden). GLANDULA. Species undetermined, (p. 502.) Vineyard Sound and off Martha's Vineyard, 10 to 20 fathoms, sand. f CYNTHIA PARTITA Stimpson. Plate XXXIII. fig. 246. (p. 311.) Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. History, vol. iv, p. 231, 1852; Binney, op. cit., p. 18 : Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. iii, p. 213, 1872. (?) Cynthia rugosa Agassiz, Proc. Amer. Assoc., vol. ii, p. 159, 1850 (description inadequate) ; Binney, op. cit., p. 20 (copied from the preceding). Cynthia stelUfera Verrill (var.), Amer. Jour. Science, vol. i, p. 93, figs. 5, 6, a, b, 1871. North Carolina to Massachusetts Bay. Common in Long Island Sound, Vineyard Sound, and Buzzard's Bay, low-water to 15 fathoms. Boston Harbor, 4 fathoms (Stimpson). Off New London, Connecticut (T. M. Pruddeu). CYNTHIA CAKNEA Verrill. Plate XXXI LI, figs. 247, 248. • (p. 495.) American Jour. Science, ser. iii, vol. i, p. 94, figs. 7,8,9,1871. Ascidia carnca Agassiz, Proc. American Assoc. for Adv. Sci., ii, p. 159, 1850 (description insuffi cient) ; Binney, in Gould's Invertebrata of Mass., ed. ii, p. 25,. Plate 24, figs. 334, 335, 1870 (young), (f ) Cynthia f/utta Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol . iv, p. 231, 1852 (young) ; Binney, op. cit., p. 19, 1870. Cynthia placenta (pars) Packard, Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, p. 277, 1867 ; Biuney, op. cit., p. 19, Plate 23, figs. 322, 1870 ; Verrill, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. xlix, p. 424, 1870. Martha's Vineyard to Labrador. Off Gay Head, 10 fathoms, stony ; common in Eastport Harbor and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 109 fathoms; Casco Bay, less common, 10 to 40 fathoms. Massachusetts Bay (Stimpson). Labrador (Packard). This species is closely allied to C. rustica (Linue, sp.) from Iceland, and may eventually prove to be identical. 408 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [702] CYNTHIA ECHINATA Stimpson. (p. 495.) Invert, of Grand Menan, p. 20, 1854; Bianey, op. cit., p. 18, Plate 23, fig. 326; Verrill, Ainer. Jour. Science, vol. i, p. 96, 1871; vol. iii, p. 213, 1872. Cynthia lilrsnta (young) Agassiz, op. cit., 1850; Binney, in Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 20, Plate 24, fig. 336. Ascidia echinata Linn6, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1087, 1767. Ascidia ecliinata Fabr., Fauna Groeul., p. 331, 1780 ; Rathke, Zoologica Dauica, vol. iv, p. 10, Plate 130, fig. i, 1806 ; Moller, Index Mollusc. Grcenl., in Kroyer's Nat. Tidsskrift, vol. iv, p. 95. Martha's Vineyard to Greenland, Iceland, and northern coasts of Europe. Off Martha's Vineyard, 10 fathoms, stony, rare; common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 109 fathoms, attached to stones, shells, and other ascidiaus. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Banks of Newfoundland (T. M. Coffin). Labrador (Packard). J3OLTENIA. Species undetermined. Boltenia reniformis Dekay, Nat. Hist. New York, Mollusca, p. 260, Plate 34, fig. 324 (non Macleay). New York Harbor (t. Dekay.) The description and figure of the single poor specimen seen by Dekay are insufficient for its determination. I have not met with the genus south of Cape Cod, and the locality given may possibly be incorrect. PEROPHORA VIRIDIS Verrill. (p. 388.) American Jour. Science, ser. iii, vol. ii, p. 359, 1871. Colonies composed of numerous nearly sessile individuals, which are small, about 2.5mm to 3mm high, connected by slender stolons, and thickly covering the surfaces over which they creep. Test compressed, seen from the side, scarcely higher than broad, oval, elliptical, or sub- circular, often one-sided or distorted, with a short pedicle, or subsessile at base. Branchial orifice large, terminal ; anal lateral or subterminal, both a little prominent, with about 16 angular lobes, alternately larger and smaller. Test transparent; mantle beautifully reticulated with bright yellowish green ; intestine yellow. Vineyard Sound, 2 to 12 fathoms, on alg»3 and ascidians, common ; Little Harbor, Wood's Hole, on piles of wharves, at and below low- water mark, very abundant. r BOTRYLLUS GOULDII Verrill. Plate XXXIII, figs. 252, 253. (p. 375.) Ainer. Jour. Science, ser. iii, vol. i, figs. 14, 19, 1871. Botryllus stcllatus Gould, Rep. on Inv. of Mass., 1st ed., p. 320,1841 (non Pallas). Botryllus Schlosseri Bin ney, in Gould, Inv. Mass., ed. ii, p. 3, Plate 23, fig. 319, 1870 (non Pallas) ; Dall, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xiii, p. 255,1870. This species commonly forms thick, fleshy, translucent incrustations on sea-weeds and zoophytes, the form which it assumes depending upon the shape of the object. The masses are often several inches in length and half an inch or more in widt^h. The animals are short oval, as seen at the surface, and form circular or elliptical groups, of from five to six teen or more, surrounding circular or elliptical cloaca! orifices. The " marginal tubes7' or buds are numerous in all parts of the common [703] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 409 tissue, the enlarged ends appearing as oval or pyriform spots, lighter than the ground-color. The branchial openings are small and circular, surrounded by a light halo. The animals differ considerably in form, according to the state of contraction. The color is extremely^variable; several of the color-varieties have been named and described on pages 375, 376. Brooklyn, Kew York, to Boston, Massachusetts. Very abundant at Wood's Hole, Waquoit Pond, and other similar localities along the shores of Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay; abundant at the mouth of Charles Kiver, near Boston. Watch Hill, Rhode Island, and Brook lyn, New York (D. 0. Eaton). AMARCECIUM PELLUCIDUM Yerrill. (p. 401.) Amouroucium pellucidnm Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, ser. iii, vol. i, p. 290, 1871 ; vol. iii, 13. 211. Alcyomdium f pellnddum Leidy, Jour. Acad. Nat. Science, Philad., ser. ii, vol. iii, 1855, p. 142, Plate 10, fig. 25, (mutilated zooid). Colonies large, complex, consisting of a large number of small, elong ated, clavate colonies, arising from a common base, and more or less separate laterally and at summit, thus forming large aggregated hemi spherical or irregular masses, often six inches in diameter, the surface generally covered thickly with adhering sand, but frequently naked over the summits of the colonies, or even over large surfaces of the masses, when, as often happens, the central colonies coalesce ; when naked, the tissue is smooth, translucent, gelatinous-looking, and soft. The small side-colonies are long, with a slender stolon-like base, curv ing outward and ascending, enlarging gradually to the summit, which is more or less convex, usually with a single central cloacal orifice, sur rounded by an irregular circle of individual zooids, varying in number according to the size or age of the colony to which they belong. The zooids, when mature, are long and slender, varying greatly in length in each colony, according to the state of development of the post-abdomen ;• the largest are often 20mm to 25mm in length. The stomach is bright orange-red, and quite conspicuous ; the slender post-abdomen exceeds in length the rest of the body, but is not more than half the diameter of the thorax, and is slightly constricted at base. In young individuals, not half grown, the post-abdomen forms nearly half the whole length, and is very slender. The branchial aperture has six, short, round papil lae ; the anal is situated a short distance from the end of the body, and has short inconspicuous lower lobes, with an elongated, pointed lobe above. The branchial sac is oblong, with numerous longitudinal and transverse vessels and a broad ventral duct. The stomach is about as broad as long, subglobular, with the ends truncated and the surface covered with numerous, interrupted, longitudinal, glandular ridges. The post-abdomen is nearly filled by the large, elongated ovary, which extends nearly to the posterior end on the dorsal or atrial side, and con tains numerous closely-packed ovules of comparatively large size, and 410 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [704] the conspicuous male organs, extending through the whole length on the ventral or branchial side, in the form of a slightly-convoluted duct. The posterior end terminates in a small, obtuse papilla. The atrium, or cloacal cavity, often contain eggs in which the embryos are well devel oped, and, in some cases, the free, tadpole-shaped larvre. The tunic is specked with numerous, minute, purplish brown pigment-cells. One of the zooids measured 7.5mra in length ; thorax, 2mm ; abdomen, 1.5'mn; post-abdomen, 4imn; diameter of thorax, .8mm to .9min; of abdomen, about the same; of post-abdomen, .375mm to .5mm. North Carolina to Vineyard Sound. Very abundant in Vineyard Sound, in 0 to 12 fathoms. , AMAECECIU3I STELLATU3I Verrill. (p. 402.) Amouroucium stellatiini Verrill, Amer. Journal of Science, ser. iii, vol. i, p. 291, 1871. Masses large, variable in form, often in the form of thick vertical plates, or erect crest-like lobes, frequently irregular; surface nearly smooth, naked ; tissue firm and cartilage-like externally, somewhat translucent, generally pale yellow or flesh-color by transmitted light.. The fronds are often six inches or more in breadth and height, and from half an inch to an inch thick. The zooids are grouped in more or less regular, and generally simple, circular, stellate clusters, scattered over the whole surface, and usually containing from six to twenty individuals, arranged around a central, sub-circular cloacal orifice ; in contraction the position of each individual is indicated by an oval spot, more trans parent than the common tissue, with a small flake-white spot around the branchial orifice. The individual zooids are elongated and slender ; the post-abdomen more slender, usually considerably exceeding in length the rest of the body, and but slightly constricted proximally ; the thorax and abdomen are shorter and stouter than in the preceding species ; branchial sac with about twelve transverse vessels ; stomach oblong- oval, with numerous longitudinal glandular folds, which are bright orange-red in life ; intestine large, light orange or yellow. Branchial tube elongated, bright orange; the orifice with six prominent rounded lobes. Anal orifice subterrninal, with a prominent ligulate process above, and several small lobes below. North Carolina to Cape Cod. Very abundant in Vineyard Sound, in 5 to 15 fathoms, on gravelly and shelly bottoms. Fort Macou, North Carolina (Dr. Yarrow). AMARCEOIUM CONSTELLATUM Verrill. (pp. 388, 403.) American Journal of Science, ser. iii, vol. ii, p. 359, 1871 (Amouroucium). Masses thick, turbiuate, often incrusting, surface usually convex, smooth ; substance firm, gelatinous, translucent, but softer than in A. stellatum. Groups stellate, circular, oval or elliptical, often narrow and elongated, or irregular and complex; zooids much elongated; slender ; the branchial tube short, with six rounded lobes. Branchial sac eloug- [705] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 411 atecl. Color of the masses usually light orange-red, varying to yellowish and pale flesh-color; the branchial orifices with six radiating white lines. Anal orifices often surrounded by a pale or whitish border ; zooids generally orange-yellow ; the orifices and tubes with upper part of the man tie bright orange, or lemon-yellow ; branchial sac usually flesh- color or pale yellow, sometimes bright orange; stomach with bright orange-red longitudinal glandular ribs ; intestine light orange; mantle with minute opaque white specks. In some specimens the cloacal cham ber or u atrium" contained three or four bright purple tadpole-shaped larvae. Vineyard Sound, 4 to 12 fathoms, frequent ; Wood's Hole, on piles of wharf; off' Stouington, Connecticut, 4-5 fathoms. AMARCECIUM PALLIDUM Yerrill. (p. 496.) American Journal of Science, ser. iii, vol. i, p. 289, 1871 (Amouroucitim). Masses sessile, hemispherical or sub-globular, usually attached by a large base. Surface generally evenly rounded, sometimes irregular iu large specimens, smoothish, but thinly covered with minute, firmly ad herent particles of fine sand, which are imbedded iu the surface of the common tissue and scattered throughout its substance. The cloacal openings are few in number and irregularly placed, except in small specimens, which usually have but one large central opening. The ani mals are much smaller and more numerous than in the preceding species, often forming somewhat circular groups of six or eight individuals around the cloacal openings ; outside of the circular groups they are usually irregularly scattered, but sometimes form linear series of eight or ten, and in young specimens with but one central opening they often form a larger outer circle, which is near the margin, more or less irregu lar, and composed of numerous individuals. The post-abdomen, in all the numerous examples examined, was small, thick, obtuse, and decid edly shorter than the abdomen and thorax taken together ; it often ter minates in two slender papilhe. Color of the masses pale yellowish or grayish ; stomach dull orange-yellow ; ovaries yellowish white. The larger specimens of this species are 15mm to 25mm in diameter; the largest zooids are 3mrn to 4mm long, by .75mm to 1.2 jmm in diameter; but many are much smaller. Martha's Vineyard to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms, gravel ; south of Gay Head, 10 fathoms, stony ; Casco Bay, 8 to 40 fathoms; Eastport Harbor and Bay of Fuudy, low- water to 80 fathoms. LEPTOCLINUM ALBIDUM Verrill. (p. 403.) American Journal of Science, ser. iii, vol.i, p. 446, 1872. Colonies incrusting stones, dead shells, ascidians, etc., forming broad, thin, irregular, coriaceous crusts, with an uneven surface, filled with minute, white, spherical, calcareous grains or corpuscles, which, under 28 V 412 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [706] the miscroscope, have tbe surface covered with projecting points. Sur face of the crusts covered with small, irregular, scattered prominences, in which the branchial orifices are situated. Cloacal orifices few and distantly scattered. Systems irregular, the zooids scattered, but often arranged in rather indistinct concentric groups around the cloaca! open ings, and connected with them by cloacal ducts, which are variously branched, often showing through the integument as dark dendritic lines? converging toward the cloacal orifices from different directions. Color white, the zooids light yellowish. The colonies often become 200mm to 300mm across ; thickness seldom more than 2.5mm, commonly about 1.25 mm ; zooids ,5mm to .75mm long ; diameter .25mm to .30mm. Long Island Sound to Labrador. Thimble Islands, near New Haven, 4 to 6 fathoms, rocky; off Stouingtou, 4 fathoms, rocky; common in Vine yard Sound, 8 to 15 fathoms ; abundant in Casco Bay, 6 to 40 fathoms ; abundant in the Bay of Fundy, low- water to 80 fathoms. Banks of Newfoundland (T. M. Coffin). Mingau Islands, 10 fathoms (A. E. V.). Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). LEPTOCLINUM LUTEOLUM Yerrill. (p. 403.) American Jour. Science, loc. cit., p. 440, 1872. This species forms thin, coriaceous crusts, like the preceding, filled in the same way with similar spherical corpuscles. The branchial orifices open at the summits of low verrucas. The cloacal orifices are small, with four to six lobes, and distantly scattered. Color deep salmon, or somewhat rosy. The crusts are of all sizes up to 300mm or more in diameter, and are usually somewhat thicker than in the preceding species, with larger and darker colored zooids. Connecticut to Bay of Fundy ; off Stouiugton, Connecticut, 4 fathoms, rocky 5 Vineyard Sound, 6 to 14 fathoms, common ; Casco Bay, 10 to 40 fathoms, common 5 Bay of Fundy, low-water to 80 fathoms, common. TJ5NIOBRANCHIA. SALPA CABOTI Desor. Plate XXXIII, figs. 254, 255. (p. 445.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. History, vol. iii, p. 75, 1848 (not described) ; A. Agassiz, op. cit., vol. xi, p. 17, figs. 1 to 5, 1866 ; Binney, in Gould, Invert., ed. ii, p. 6, figs. 350 to 354, 1870 (description and figures copied from A. Agassiz). In the typical variety, as described by Mr. Agassiz, the color is pale pink or rosy; the nucleus deep chestnut. Long Island Sound to Saint George's Bank. Common in Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound. Off Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Var. cyanea. (p. 44G.) Nucleus and the borders of the mantle are bright Prussian-blue j sur face of the latter delicately reticulated with fine blue lines. Vineyard Sound, especially off Gay Head, in September, [707] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 413 DOLTOLUM (species undetermined), (p. 446.) Vineyard Sound (A. Agassiz). LARVALIA. APPENDICULARIA (species undetermined, a). (p. 446.) Allied to A. longicauda (t. A. Agassiz), op. cit., p. 23, 1866 ; Binney, op.cit., p. 13 (copied from A. Agassiz). Long Island Sound to Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz). APPENDICULARIA (species undetermined, b). (p. 446.) Allied to A. furcata (t. A. Agassiz), op. cit., p. 23, 1866 ; Binney, op. cit., p. 13 (copied). Long Island Sound to Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz). BEYOZOA OE POLYZOA. PHYLACTOL^MATA. PEDICELLINA AMERICANA Leidy. (p. 405.) Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, ser. ii, vol. iii, p. 143, Plate X, fig. 25, 1855. "Sew Haven, Connecticut, to Vineyard Sound. Point Judith, Ehode Island (Leidy). GYMNOL^MATA. CYCLOSTOMATA. ORISIA EBURNEA Larnouroux. Plate XXXIV, figs. 260, 261. (p. 311,) Polyp, flex., p. 138, 1816 ; Exp. methodique, p. 6 ; Johnston, British Zoophytes, ed. i, p. 262, Plate 30, figs. 3, 4 ; ed. ii, p. 283, fig. 62, and Plate 50, figs. 3, 4 ; Smitt, Kritisk fort, ofver Skaudiuaviens Hafs-Bryozoer, in Ofvers. af Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl., 1865, p. 117, Plate 16, figs. 7 to 19. Sertularia eburnea Linne, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 810 ; ed. xii, p. 1316. Long Island Sound to the Arctic Ocean ; Spitzbergen to the Mediter ranean (t. Smitt); California (t. Johnston). Common near New Haven, and at Thimble Islands, 1 to 6 fathoms, rocky, and in tide-pools ; off Watch Hill, Ehode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, on algae ; common in Vine yard Sound, 4 to 15 fathoms ; very common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 80 fathoms. DIASTOPORA PATINA Smitt. (p. 405.) Smitt, op. cit., p. 397, Plate 8, figs. 13 to 15. Tubulipora patina Lamarck, Animaux sans Vert., ed. i, vol. ii, p. 163; ed. ji, vol. ii, p. 244; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed ii, p. 266, Plate 47, figs. 1 to 3. Long Island Sound to the Arctic Ocean : northern coast of Europe, from Finrnark to Great Britain. Near New Haven, at Thimble Islands, 1 to 5 fathoms; Watch Hill, Ehode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms; Vineyard Sound, off Holmes' Hole, 3 to 4 fathoms; very common in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, and northward. 414 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [706] TUBULIPORA FLABELLARIS Slllitt. (p. 405.) Op. cit., p. 401, Plate 9, figs. 6 to 8. TuUpora fldbellaris Fabricius, Fauna Grosnl., p. 430, 1780 (non Johnston, sp.). TubuUpora phalangea Johnston, Brit. Zooph.., ed. ii, p. 273, Plate 46, tigs. 1, 2. Long Island Sound to Greenland ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Common at Thimble Islands, 1 to 5 fathoms, on alga3, hydroids, etc.; Watch Hill, Khode Island; Vineyard Sound; Casco Bay ; Bay of Fundy, and northward. CTENOSTOMATA. ALCYONIDIUM RAMOSUM Verrill. Plate XXXIV, fig. 257. (p. 404.) American Journal of Science, vol. iii, p. 289, Plate 8, fig. 10, 1872. Much branched, when full-grown; the branches round, irregularly dichotomus, usually crooked. Surface glabrous, smooth, or nearly so, the cells rather small and crowded, their margins not elevated; zooids with sixteen slender tentacles. Color ashy brown, or dull rusty brown. Diameter of branches, mostly 5mm to 6.5mm. Height, .250mm to .375mm. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to Vineyard Sound ; common in Long island Sound, near New Haven, in 1 to 5 fathoms ; Thimble Islands; Watch Hill, Ehode Island, etc. ALCYONIDIUM HIRSUTUM Johnston, (p. 404.) British Zooph., ed. i, p. 303, Plate 42, figs. 1, 2 ; ed. ii, p. 360, Plate 69, figs. 1,2: Smitt, op. cit., p. 496, Plate 12, figs. 3 to 8. Alcyonium hirsutum Fleming, Brit. Aiiim., p. 517. Long Island Sound to the Arctic Ocean ; Spitzbergen ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Savin Kock, near New Haven, low- water ; Thimble Islands, in tide-pools, on Fucus, Pliyllopliora, etc. ; ' Vineyard Sound ; and Casco Bay. ALCYONIDIUM HISPIDUM Smitt. (p. 404.) Op. cit., p. 499, Plate 12, figs. 22 to 27, 1866. Flmtra Uspida Fabricius, Fauna GrosnL, p. 438, 1780 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii., p. 363, Plate 66, fig. 5. Flustrella hispida Gray, Brit. Mus. Catal., part i, p. 108. Long Island Sound to Greenland ; Fiumark to Great Britain. Very common at Savin Eock, near New Haven, at low water, encrusting stones, Fucus, etc. ; Thimble Islands ; Watch Hill, Rhode Island ; Vine yard Sound ; Casco Bay ; Bay of Fundy, etc. ALCYONIDIUM PARASITICUM Johnston, (p. 404.) British Zooph., ed. i, p. 304, Plate 41, figs. 4, 5 ; ed. ii, p. 362, Plate 68, figs. 4, 5 ; Smitt, op. cit., p. 499, Plate 12, figs. 14-19. Alcyonium parasiticum Fleming, Brit. Anim., p. 518. Ehode Island to Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Vineyard Sound, on Phyllophora. [709] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 415 (?) ALCYONIDIUM G-ELATINOSUM Johnston, (p. 496.) Brit. Zooph., ed. i, p. 300, Plate 41, figs. 1-3; ed. ii, p. 358, Plate 68, figs. 1-3; Sinitt, op. cit., p. 497, Plate 12, figs. 9-13. Alcyonium gdatinosum Linne", Fauna Suec., ed. ii, p. 538 ; Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1295. Gulf of Saint Lawrence ; Spitzbergen to Great Britain . A few small specimens, apparently belonging to this species, were dredged in the deeper parts of Vineyard Sound. VESICULARIA CUSCUTA Thompson, (p. 404.) Zool. Res., mem. v, p. 97, Plate 2, figs. 1-4 ; Sinitt, op. cit., p. 501, Plate 13, figs. 28, 34, 35. SertuJaria cuscuta Linne", ed. xii, p. 1311. Falkeria cuscuta Flem ing, Brit. Anim., p. 550 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. i, p. 252 ; ed. ii, p. 374. New Jersey, northward ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. In Vineyard Sound it was found on hydroids attached to floating eel-grass, and was also dredged in 6 to 8 fathoms, on algaB, Sertularia argentea, and other hydroids ; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, low water, on Ser~ tularia pumila ; Casco Bay, on piles of wharf. VESICULARIA GRACILIS Verrill. (p. 389.) Bowerbanlria gracilis Leidy, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad., ser. ii, vol. iii p. 142, Plate 11, fig. 38, 1855. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to Vineyard Sound. Point Judith, Rhode Island (Leidy). Vineyard Sound, 6 to 8 fathoms, on hydroids. VESICULARIA DICHOTOMA Verrill, new sp. (p. 404.) Stems clustered, csespitose, usually one or two inches high, slender, flexible, white, and repeatedly forking. The branches stand in differ ent planes, so as often to produce miniature tree-like or shrub-like forms, -many of which generally arise close together, forming crowd-ed tufts upon rocks, oyster-shells, or algaB. When the stem or a branch divides, there is a joint formed at the base of each of the forks, by the inter position of a very short segment of a dark brownish, opaque substance, which contrasts strongly with the white translucent substance of the rest of the stern. Zooids arranged closely in two subspiral rows of six to twelve each, just below each fork of the stem and branches, and not occupying half the length of the iuternodes. which are naked and smooth below the crowded clusters of the zooids; these are smooth, greenish brown, broad oval or obovate in contraction, subcylindrical or elliptical in expansion, entirely sessile, and but little narrowed at the base, and so crowded as to appear imbricated. The tentacles are eight, long and slender, in expansion usually more than half the length of the cell. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, on oysters 5 Savin Bock, at low- water ; off New Haven Light, 4 to 6 fathoms, shelly and rocky ; Thim ble Islands, in rocky tide-pools; Norwalk, Connecticut, on oysters. This is probably the species recorded by Dr. Leidy from Great Egg Harbor under the name of ValJceria pwtulosa, which is an allied Eu ropean species. 416 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [710] VESICULARIA ARMATA Verrill, new sp. (p. 405.) Cells stout, oval, broad at base, with a short and narrow pedicel, at tached either singly or in pairs along slender, filiform, creeping stems, which often anastomose, the branches being mostly opposite. Distal end of cells prolonged into four conical processes, each of which, when perfect, supports a long slender spinule, nearly half as long as the cell. Tentacles not seen. Cells yellowish horn-color, with an oval, dark brown internal organ, visible in most of the cells. Vineyard Sound, on floating sea-weeds attached to Sertularice, Hale- oium gracile, etc. ; also in 6 to 10 fathoms, rocky, on Sertularia argentea. VESICULARIA FUSCA Smitt. (p. 420.) Op. cit., p. 502, Plate 13, figs. 37-39, 1866. Avenella fusca (?) Dalyell, Rare and Rem. Anim. of Scotland, vol. ii, p. 65 ; vol. i, Plate 12, fig. 11, (t. Smitt). Long Island Sound northward ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Off South End, near New Haven, 3 to 5 fathoms, on Alcyon- idium ramosum. FARRELLA FAMILIARIS. (p. 487.) Vesicularia (Farrella) familiaris Smitt, op. cit., p. 502, Plate 13, fig. 36, 1866. Plumatella familiaris Gros, Bulletin Soc. Imp. Mascou, vol. xxii, p. 567, Plate 6, G. figs. 1-10 (t. Smitt). Farrella pedicellata Alder, Catal., p. 68, Plate 6, figs. 1-3 ; Quart. Jour. Miscrosc. Soc., vol. v, p. 24, Plate 14, figs. 1-3. Long Island Sound to Vineyard Sound and northward ; coasts of Scandinavia and Great Britain. Thimble Islands, near New Haven, in tide-pools, on algae ; Casco Bay. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). CHILOSTOMATA. Cellularina. ^ETEA ANGUINA Lamotiroux. (p. 405.) Soc. Phil., 1812, p. 184 (t. Smitt) ; Polyp, flex., p. 153, Plate 3, fig. 6 ; Expos. Metkodique, p. 9, Plate 65, fig. 15 ; Smitt, op. cit., p. 280, Plate 16, figs. 2-4, 1867. Sertularia angnina Linne, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1317. Anguinaria spat- ulata Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 290, Plate 50, figs. 7, 8. Long. Island Sound, northward ; coasts of Scandinavia and Great Britain. In Vineyard Sound it was common at low-water mark and in 6 to 14 fathoms, on Phylloplwra and hydroids. Off New Haven, 4 to 6 fathoms, on Halecium gracile. EUCRATEA CHELATA Lamouroux. (p. 405.) Polyp. Corall. flex., p. 149, Plate 3, fig. 5, 1816 ; Expos. Meth., p. 8, Plate, 65, fig. 10 ; Smitt, op. cit., 1865, Plate 5, fig. 3 ; 1867, p. 281, Plate 16, figs. 7-9 ; Johns ton, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 288, fig. 64. Sertularia chelata Linne", Systema Nat., ed. x, p. 816. Cellularia chelata Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 25, 1766. Martha's Vineyard northward; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Off Gay Head, 10 fathoms, on hydroids and ascidians. Our specimens differ somewhat from the figures of the European form ; the [711] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND. ETC. 417 cells are simple, more slender, and in ore el on gated; aperture of primary cells somewhat bilabiate ; of lateral cells simple and scarcely raised ; no processes were observed on the front of any of the cells ; the primary cells taper below into a slender, often crooked pedicel, which is about one-third as long as the cell. (!) CELLULARIA TERNATA Johnston, (p. 496.) British Zooph., ed. ii, p. 335, Plate 59, 1848; Smitt, op. cit., 1867, p. 282, Plato 16, figs. 10 to 26. Cellaria ternata Ellis and Solander, Zooph., p. 30. Menipca ternata Busk, op. cit., p. 21, Plate 20, figs. 3 to 5. (?) Cellularia densa Desor, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 66, 1848 (description inadequate). Cape Cod to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Off Gay Head, 10 to 20 fathoms ; common in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, and at Saint George's Bank, 6 to 100 fathoms. South Shoals? 22 fathoms, (Desor). CABEREA ELLISII Smitt. (p. 420.) Op. cit., 1867, p. 237, Plate 17, figs. 55, 56. Flmtra Ellisii Fleming, Mem. Wern. Soc., vol. ii, p. 251, Plate 17, figs. 1 to 3 (t. Smitt). Flmtra setacea Fleming, Brit. Anim., p. 536 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 346. Cellularia Hookeri Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 338, Plate 60, figs. 1, 2. Cdberea Hoolceri Busk, op. cit., p. 39, Plate 37, fig. 2. Martha's Vineyard, northward to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe, from Finmark to Great Britain. Mouth of Vineyard Sound, off Gay Head, 8 to 12 fathoms ; off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms ; very common in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, and Saint George's Bank, 6 to 100 fathoms. Labrador (Packard). BUGULA MURRAY ANA Busk. (p. 496.) Catal. Mar. Polyzoa, Brit. Mus., part i, p. 46, Plate 59 ; Smitt, op. cit., 1867, p. 292, Plate 18, figs. 19 to 27. Flustra Murrayana Bean Mss., Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. i, p. 347, Plate 63, figs. 5, 6. Flustra truncata Desor, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 66 (non Linne). Martha's Vineyard to Spitzbergen; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Off Gay Head, 10 to 20 fathoms; very common in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, 1 to 100 fathoms. Saint George's Bank, 20 to Go fathoms, (S. I Smith). Labra dor (Packard). / BUGULA FLABELLATA Busk. (p. 389.) Catal. Marine Polyzoa, Brit. Mus., part i, p. 43, Plates 51, 52. Bu-gida avicularia, forma flabellata, Smitt, op. cit., 1867, p. 290, Plate 18, fig. 11. Flustra ariculana Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. i, p. 286, Plate 36, figs. 3, 4 ; ed. ii, p. 346, Plate 03, figs. 3, 4. Vineyard Sound, 6 to 8 fathoms ; Wood's Hole, abundant on the piles of wharves. Coasts of Great Britain and Belgium. 418 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [712] • BUGULA TURBITA Verrill. Plate XXXIY, figs. 258, 259. (p. 311.) Cellularia turrita Desor, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 66, 1848. Cel- lularia fastiglata Leidy, op. cit., p. 142 (non Liune", sp.). North Carolina to Casco Bay. Very abundant in Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; Long Island Sound; Buzzard's Bay; and Vineyard Sound, low-water to 15 fathoms; Portland, Maine, on piles of wharf. Flustrina. * MEMBRANIPOKA PILOSA Farre. Plate XXXIV, figs. 2G2, 263. (p. 496.) Phil. Trans., 1837, p. 412, Plate 27, figs. 1 to 5 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. i, p. 280, Plate 34, figs. 10, 12, 1838; ed. ii, p. 327, Plate 56, fig. 6, 1847; Sinitt, op. cit., 1867, p. 368, Plate 20, fig. 49. Fluslra pilosa Linne", Fauna Suec., ed. ii, p. 53'J (t. Smitt). Eschara pilosa Pallas, Eleuch, Zooph., p. 50, 1766. Hippotlioa rugosa Stimpson, Invert. Grand Manau p. 18 (variety catenularia). Tubipora catenularia Jameson, Wern. Mem., vol. i, p. 561 (t. Smitt). Long Island Sound to the Arctic Ocean ; Finmark to the Mediter ranean. Very abundant near New Haven, at Savin Eock, Thimble Islands, etc., in 1 to 6 fathoms, and in tide-pools, on Chondrus crispus, Phyllophora and other algre, stones, etc. ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, on algse, abundant; Vineyard Sound; Massachusetts Bay : Gasco Bay; Bay of Fuudy, and northward. The variety catenularia is common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, from above low- water mark to 50 fathoms. It occurs on the coasts of Northern Europe at various depths down to 300 fathoms. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada and Labrador (Dawsou). MEMBRANIPOKA LINEATA Busk. (p. 406.) Catal. Mar. Polyzoa, part ii, p. 58, Plate 61, fig. 1 ; Smitt, op. cit., 1867, p. 363, Plato 20, figs. 23 to 31. Flmtra lineata Linne", System a Nat., ed. xii, p. 1301 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 349, Plate 66, fig. 4. Escharina lineata Leidy, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad., eer. ii, vol. iii, p. 141, Plate 10, fig. 22, 1855. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, to the Arctic Ocean; Spitzbergen to Great Britain, low-water mark to 50 fathoms. Common near New Haven, from low-water mark to 6 fathoms, on stones, oysters, alga3, etc.; Watch Hill; Ehode Island; Vineyard Sound; Casco Bay; Bay of Fuudy, and northward. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada. MEMBRANIPORA TENUIS Desor. (p. 420.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 66, 1848. Long Island Sound to Cape Cod. Common near New Haven and in Vineyard Sound, low-water to 10 fathoms. Muskeget Channel, in 5 fathoms, (Desor). [713] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 419 JEscharina. ESCHARIPORA PUNCTATA Smitt. (p. 424.) Op. cit., for 1867, Appendix, p. 4, (separate copies, p. 4), Plate 24, figs. 4-7, 1368. Lepralia punclata Hassal, Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, p. 368. Plate 9, fig. 7 ; vol. ix, p. 407 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, pp. 312 and 478, Plate 55, fig. 1. Vineyard Sound, northward ; northern coasts of Europe to Southern Norway and Great Britain. Vineyard Sound, 6 to 12 fathoms, on shells, etc., common. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). (I) Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada (Dawson). ESCHAHELLA VARiABiLis Verrill. Plate XXXIII, fig. 256. (p. 419.) Escliarina variaUlis Leidy, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, ser. ii, vol. iii, p. 142, Plate 11, fig. 37. Lepralia variolosa Desor, op. cit., p. 66, 1848 (not of Johnston). South Carolina to Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bay. Very abundant in Great Egg Harbor ; Long Island Sound ; Buzzard's Bay ; Vineyard Sound ; Nantucket Harbor ; low- water to 25 fathoms. Saint George's Bank, 20 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). Fort Macon, North Carolina (coll. Dr. Yarrow). HYALINA Smitt. Plate XXXIV, fig. 264. (p. 420.) Op. cit., for 1867, Ap., p. 16, (separate copies, p. 16), Plate 25, figs. 84-87, 1868. Cel- lepora hyalina, Liiine", Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1286. Lepralia hyalina Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 301, Plate 54, fig. 1. Ctllepora nitida Fabricius, Fauna Groenl.,p. 435, 1780. Long Island Sound to Greenland; Spitzbergen to Great Britain. Common near New Haven and at Thimble Island, in tide-pools and from 1 to 6 fathoms, on algse ; Watch Hill, Rhode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms; Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, abundant; Casco Bay; Bay of Fundy, and northward. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada (Daw- son). (?) LEPRALIA PALLASIANA Busk. (p. 496.) Catal. Mar.Polyzoa, Brit. Mus., part ii, p. 81, Plate 83, figs. 1, 2 ; Smitt, op. cit-> for 1867, Ap., p. 19, (separate copies, p. 19), Plate 26, fig. 93, 1868. Eschara Pal- lasiana Moll, die Seerinde, p. 64, Plate 3, fig. 13 (t. Smitt). Lepralia pediostoma Hassal, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii, p. 368, Plate 9, fig. 4 ; vol. ix, p. 407 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 315, Plate 55, fig. 7. Escliarina pediostoma Leidy, op. cit., p. 141, Plate 10, fig. 23, 1855. Khode Island, northward ; northern coasts of Europe to Southern Norway and Great Britain. Watch Hill, Rhode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, on algae; Vineyard Sound, 6 to 14 fathoms, on Pliyllopliora and other algse, shells, etc. Our specimens do not agree perfectly with the European form. Close to the proximal border of the aperture there is a large, but not very prominent, broad-based spine, or subconical process, which is not conspicuous in a view from above, but is prominent in a side-view. In 420 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [714] some specimens a few of the cells have several slender spines around the margin of the aperture. This may prove to be a species distinct from 8. Pallasiana, but at present I regard it as a variety. (?) DISCOPORA OOCCINEA Smitt. (p. 496.) Op. cit., for 1867, Ap., p. 26, (separate copies, p. 26), Plate 27, figs. 162-176. (?) CeUe- pora coccinea Abildgard, Zool. Dan., vol. iv, p. 30, Plate 146, figs. 1, 2 (t. Smitt). Lepralia Peaclrii Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 315, Plate 55, figs. 5, 6. Long Island Sound, northward; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Watch Hill, Ehode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, on red algae ; Vine yard Sound and Quick's Hole, on alga3, etc., in 4 to 12 fathoms. Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Canada (Dawson as L. Peachii). The specimens from our coast, referred to the above species, differ considerably from the typical European forms, and may eventually prove to be a distinct species when a careful direct comparison with a large series of European specimens can be made. The aperture is usually surrounded by a circle of stout, conical or elongated spinules, variable in number, the one nearest the angle of the aperture, on each side, often stouter; but the spines are often absent. A small semicircular avicularium is often seen near one side of the cell, and distant from the aperture. The tooth or spine at the proximal edge of the cell is elongated and more or less bifid at the end. Celleporina. CELJ/EPORA SOABRA Smitt. (p. 419.) Op. cit., for 1867, Ap., p. 30, (separate copies, p. 30), Plate 28, figs. 183 to 197, 1868. Eschara scabra Fabricius, Nye Zool. Bidr., Vid. Selsk. Phys. Skr., Haunise, vol. i, p. 29 (t. Smitt). Millepora reticulata Fabricius, Fauna Grceul., p. 433, 1780 (non Linne'). Vineyard Sound to Greenland ; Spitsbergen ; northern coasts of Europe. Vineyard Sound and Quick's Hole, 5 to 10 fathoms, on Phyl- lopliora, etc., not uncommon. CELLEPORA RAMULOSA Linne. (p. 312.) Syst. Nature, ed. xii, p. 1285, 1767 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 296, Plate 52, figs. 4, 5 ; Smitt, op. cit., for 1867, Ap.,p. 31, (separate copies, p. 31), Plate 23, figs. 198-210. Cellepora verrucosa Fabricius, Fauna Grcenl., p. 434 (variety) Cclleporapumicosa(pars}~L\\m6, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1286; (?) Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 295, Plate 52, figs. 1-3 (variety). Long Island Sound to Greenland ; Spitsbergen ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Very common near New Haven, off South End, at Thimble Islands, and Faulkner's Island, in large tide-pools, low-water to 8 fathoms, chiefly on Sertulariw and other hydroids, and slender red algae, (mostly the variety tuberosa, or verrucosa) ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms ; Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, 1 to 15 fathoms, on hydroids, common ; abundant in Casco Bay; Bay of Fundy; and at Saint George's Bank; low- water to 145 fathoms. [715] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 421 RADIATA. ECHINODERMATA. HOLOTHURIOIDEA. THYONE BRIAREUS Selenka. (p. 362.) Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, vol. xvii, p. 353, 1867. Holothuria J3riareu8~Lesn&nr, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, ser. i, vol. iv, p. 161, 1824. Sclerodactyla Briareus Ayres, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, pp. 6, 7, 101-3, 1851 ; Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 342, 1866. Ana perus Bryareus Pourtales, Proceedings American Assoc. for Adv. of Science, for 1851, p. 10, 1852. Anaperus Carolinus Troschel, Miiller's Arch, fiir Auat., 1846, p. 62 ; Pourtales, op. cit., p. 10. Texas to Cape God. Long Island Sound, at West Haven, Connecti cut, Thimble Islands, etc., not common ; Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 1 to 10 fathoms, not uncommon; Gardiner's Bay, Long Island; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey; Fort Macon, North Carolina, common (coll. Dr. Yarrow) ; West Florida (coll. E. Jewett). STEREODERMA UNISEMITA Ayres. (p. 503.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 46, 1851 ; Selenka, op. cit., p. 344, Plate 19, figs. 96, 97. Anaperus unisemita Stimpson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 8, 1851 ; Verrill, op. cit., vol. x, p. 357, 1866. Cucunmria fusiformis Desor, Proc. Boston- Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 67 (non Forbes). Off Martha's Vineyard, 22 fathoms, sand ; Banks of Newfoundland (Stimpson). South Shoals of Nantucket, 22 fathoms, (Desor). PENTAMERA PULCHERRIMA Ayres. (p. 420.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 207, 1852; Selenka, op. cit., p. 346. South Carolina to Vineyard Sound. Off Holmes's Hole, 4 to 5 fathoms ; Nobsca Beach, after storms, abundant ; Fort Macou, North Carolina (coll. Dr. Yarrow). Fort Johnson, South Carolina (Stimpsou). ? MOLPADIA OOLITICA Selenka. (p. 510.) Op. cit., p. 257 (in part), 1867. Chirodota oolitica Pourtales, Proc. Amer. Assoc. for 1851, p. 13, 1852. E nib ol us pauper Selenka, op. cit., p. 359, Plate 20, fig. 132 1867. Off Block Island, 29 fathoms, sandy mud : off Boon Island, 95 fathoms, muddy, (A. S. Packard). Massachusetts Bay, in fish stomachs, (Pour- tales). Selenka gives " Cape Palmas (!) " as the 'locality for his " Em balm pauper? which was based on specimens sent from the Museum of Comparative Zoology — perhaps the original ones described by Pour- tales ; the locality given is evidently erroneous. The single specimen from off Block Island is small and imperfect, and may not be this species. CAUDINA ARENATA Stimpson. (p. 362.) Marine Invert, of Grand Manan, p. 17, 1853 ; Selenka, op. cit., p. 358, Plate 20, figs. 129-131 ; Clark, Mind in Nature, p. 187, figs. 114-116; A. and E. C. Agassiz. 422 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [71C] Sea-Side Studies, p. 97, fig. 126. Chirodota arenata Gould, Invert, of Mass., ed. i, p. 346, (figure), 1841 ; Ayres, op. cit., p. 143 ; Pourtales, op. cit., p. 13. Caudina (Molpadia) arenata Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 345, 1866. Vineyard Sound to Chelsea, Massachusetts. Sometimes abundant on Chelsea Beach, after storms. Wood's Hole (H. E. Webster). Selenka gives "Grand Manan'' (J? from specimens in Mas. Comp. Zool.), but after very careful search during several excursions to that island, I have never been able to find it there, and believe this to be an error. Stimp- sou knew it only from Massachusetts Bay. , LEPTOSYNAPTA GIRARDII Verrill. Plate XXXV, figs. 265, 266. (p. 361.) Synapta Girardii Pourtales, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, for 1851, p. 14. Leptosynapta tennis Verrill, Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. i, p. 325. Synapta tennis Ayres, op. cit., p. 11, 1851, (non Quoy and Gaimard) ; A. and E. C. Agassiz, . Sea-Side Studies, p. 95, figs. 124, 125; Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 342. Synapta Ayresii Selenka, op. cit., p. 362, 1867. (f ) Synapta gracilis Selenka, op. cit., p. 363, Plate 20, figs. 123, 124. New Jersey to Massachusetts Bay. Common in Long Island Sound, at Savin Kock, and other localities near New Haven, in sand at low- water ; abundant in Vineyard Sound, on Naushon Island, etc. ; Cape Cod ; Chelsea Beach, Massachusetts. Sag Harbor, Long Island, (Ayres). Selenka erroneously gives "Cape Florida" as the locality for 8. Girardii. It was based on Massachusetts specimens. LEPTOSYNAPTA ROSEOLA Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 362.) Body long, slender: integument translucent, filled with numerous minute, scattered, opaque, light-red spots, oval or sub-circular in form ; perforated plates smaller than in the preceding species ; anchors rela tively much longer, with a very slender, elongated shank. General color, rosy or pale red, due to the minute red spots. Length 100mm to 15()mmj diameter about 5Inm to 6Q)m. Long Island Sound, at Savin Rock, near New Haven ; Vineyard Sound, at Naushou Island ; in sand at low-water mark. ECHINOIDEA. STTCOTVttVT.nflTCTVTRnTTTS T)R< DROBACHIENSIS A. Agassiz. Plate XXXV, figs. 368. (p. 406.) Revision of the Echini, Parts I and II, pp. 162, 277, Plate 4a, figs. 2-4, Plate 9, Plate 10, 1872. Echinus Drobachiensis Miiller, Zool. Dan. Prod., p. 235, 1776, Toxopneusles Drobachiensis Agassiz, Catal. Rais., in Annal. des Sci. Nat., vol. vi. p. 367, 1846. EuryecMnus Drobachiensis Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, vol. x, pp. 341, 352, 1866; Trans. Conn. Acad., vol. i, p. 304, 1867; American, Jour. Science, vol. xlix, p. 101. Echinus neglectus Lamarck, Anirn. sans vert., p. 49, 1816. Echinus granularis Say, Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., vol. v, p. 225, 1827 (non Lamarck). Echinus granulatus Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 344, 1841. Euryechinus granulatus Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc., vol. x, pp. 340, 352. Stronyylocentrotus chlorocentrotus Brandt, Prodr., p. 264, 1835. Circuinpolar : New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean $ Spitsbergen to Great [717] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 423 Britain ; Behring Straits to Gulf of Georgia ; Northern Siberia to Okhotsk Sea and De Castrie's Bay. Very abundant in the Bay of Fuudy, from low- water to 109 fathoms ; CascoBay; Massachusetts Bay ; mouth of Vineyard Sound and off Gay Head, 10 to 20 fathoms, common ; off Holmes's Hole ; off Watch Hill, Kliode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, not un common ; off New London, Connecticut, plenty, (coll. Prudden) ; Faulk ner's Island. Thimble Islands, and near New Haven, 4 to 8 fathoms, un common and small. Off New Jersey, on a bank, in 32 fathoms, (Captain Gedney). Off Saint George's Bank, 430 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). Fossil in the Post-Pliocene of Portland, Maine ; New Brunswick ; Canada 5 and Labrador. ARBACIA PUNCTULATA Gray. (p. 406.) Proc. Zool. Soc. of London, 1835, p. 58 ; A. Agassiz, Revision of the Echini, Parts I and II, pp. 91, 263, Plate 2, fig. 4, Plate 5, figs. I to 18, 1872. Echinus punc- tulatus Lamarck, Anim. sans vert., p. 47, 1816. Echinocidaris punctulata Des- rnoulin, Syn., p. 306, 1837. Echinocidaris Davisii A. Agassiz, Bulletin Mus, Comp. Zoology, vol. i,p. 20, 1863; Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 340, 1866. Vineyard Sound to the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico. Common at Wood's Hole, and in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, 1 to 12 fathoms; off Watc.h Hill, Rhode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms ; Long Island Sound, near New Haven, and at Charles Island, not common ; Fort Macon, North Carolina (coll. Dr. Yarrow). Off Tortugas, 13 to 125 fathoms, (Pour- tales). West Florida (E. Jewett). ECHINARACHNIUS PARMA Gray. Plate XXXV, fig. 2C7. (p. 362.) Ann. Phil., p. 6, 1825 ; A. Agassiz, Revision of Echini, Parts I and II, pp. 107, 316, Plates lld, figs. 4, 5, lle, figs. 4, 5, 12, figs. 1-13, 1872. Scutdla parma Lamarck, Anim. sans vert., p. 11, 1816. New Jersey to Labrador. According to Mr. A. Agassiz, it occurs in the North Pacific, on the west coast of America, from the Aleutian Islands to Vancouver Island, and on the coast of Asia at Kamtchatka, 30 to 70 fathoms ; and also at New Holland ; India; Indian Ocean; Ked Sea, etc. Common along the entire coast of New England and Long Island, irom low- water to 100 fathoms, sand. Off New Jersey, on a distant bank, in 32 fathoms, (Captain Gedney). Very abundant at Saint George's Bank and vicinity, 15 to 430 fathoms, (S. I. Smith). MELLITA PENTAPORA Liitken. Bidrag til Knndskab pm Echiniderne, p. 107, in Vidensk. Middelelser, 18G4 ; Ver rill, Trans. Connecticut Academy, vol. i, p. 345, 1867. Echinus pentaporus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3189, 1788. Encope pentapora Agassiz, Monog. Scut., Plate 3, 1841. Scutdla quinquefora Lamarck, Anim. sans vert., p. 9, 1816. Md- lita quinquefora Agassiz, Mon. Scut., p. 36, 1841 ; Catal. Rais.. in Ann. Sci., vol. vii, p. 138, 1847. Melllta testudinaria Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1851, p. 36 ; Verrill, this Report, pp. 427, 429, (see errata). Mellita testudinata Agassiz, Mon. Scut., p. 40, Plate 4a, figs. 7-9, 1841 ; A. Agassiz, Revision of the Echini, 424 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [718] pp. 141, 322, Plate 11, figs. 13-22, Plate 12a, Plate 12C, figs. 1, 2, (name adopted from Klein, 1734, accidentally binomial). New Jersey to Brazil ; very abundant along the whole eastern coast of the United States, south of Cape Hatteras, and along the entire coast of the Gulf of Mexico; rare and local north of Cape Hatteras. Vineyard Sound, 5 to 8 fathoms, rare and dead ; outer beach at Great Egg Harbor, Xew Jersey, dead. Nan tucket (Agassiz). ASTERIOIDEA. ASTERIAS ARENIOOLA Stinipson. Plate XXV, fig. 269. (p. 326.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. viii, p. 268, 1862 ; Verrill, vol. x, p. 339, 1866. Asteracanthion berylinus Ag. MSS., A. Agassiz, Embryology of Echinod., in Proc. Amer. Acad., 1863; Embryology of the Starfish, in Agassiz Contributions, vol. v, p. 3 ; Sea-Side Studies, p. 108, figs. 141-145, 1885* (t. Agassiz). Massachusetts Bay to Northern Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico ; rare and local, in sheltered localities, north of Mas sachusetts, as at Quah og Bay, east of Portland, Maine $ but not known from the eastern part of the coast of Maine, nor in the Bay of Fundy. Very common in Long Island Sound ; Buzzard's Bay ; Vineyard Sound; and along the shores of Long Island, from low- water to 15 fathoms. Not uncommon in Massachusetts Bay, at Nahant, Beverly, &c. I ASTERIAS FOKBESII Yerrill. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 345, 1866. Asteracanthion Forbesii Desor, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., vol. iii, p. 67, 1848. Buzzard's Bay to Beverly, Massachusetts. Vineyard Sound and off Gay Head, 6 to 14 fathoms ; Buzzard's Bay, 6 fathoms ; Chelsea and Beverly, Massachusetts, low-water. Vineyard Sound, 8 fathoms, (De sor). This is probably identical with the preceding species, the differences being, perhaps, chiefly sexual, but I have not yet had opportunities to satisfy myself fully in regard to this point, and, therefore, leave them, for the present, under separate names. Should they be united, the name Forbesii has the precedence over all others. ASTERIAS VULGARIS Stimpson, MSS. (p. 496.) Packard, in Canadian Naturalist and Geologist, Dec., 1863 (no description); Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 347. 1868 (description). Astera canthion pallid as Ag. MSS. ; A. Agassiz, Embryology, in Proc. Araer. Acad., 1863 (no description); Embryology of the Starfish; in Agassiz' Contributions, vol. v, p. 3. Asterias nibens Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 345 (non Linne"). Long Island Sound to Labrador, and (?) Greenland. Very abundant in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, from above low- water mark to 40 fathoms ; in the deeper parts of Vineyard Sound and off Gay Head, in 6 to 25 fathoms, not uncommon ; off Watch Hill, Ehode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms, cominon; Faulkner's Island, Connecticut, low- water, very rare. [719] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS UF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 425 LEPTASTERIAS OOMPTA Yerrill. Proc. Boston Soc., vol. x, p. 350, 1856. Asterias compta Stirapson, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. viii, p. 270, 1862 ; Verrill, op. cit,, p. 340. Off New Jersey, 32 fathoms, (Captain Geduey). Off Martha's Vine yard, 20 to 25 fathoms, rare ; off Casco Bay, 30 to 50 fathoms. CRIBRELLA SANGUINGLENTA Liitken. (p. 407.) Grcenl. Echinod., p. 31, 1859; Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat Hist., vol. x, p. 345, 1866. Asterias sanguinolenta Miiller, Zool. Dan. Prod., 2836, 1776. Asterias oculata Pennant, Brit. Zool., vol. iv, p. 61, Plate 30, fig. 56, 1777. Asterias spongiosa Fabricius, Fauna Gro3nl., p. 363, 1780. Linkia oculata Forbes, Wern. Mem., vol. viii, p. 120, 1839. Cribella oculata Forbes, British Starfishes, p. 100, (figure), 1841. Echinaster oculatus Miiller and Troschel, Syst. Asterid., p. 24, 1842. Linkia oculata Stimpsou, Invert, of Grand Manau, p. 14, 1853. Linkia pcrtusa Stinipson, op. cit., p. 14. Echinaster sanyuinolentus Sars, Fauna Litt. Norveg., i, p. 47, Plate 8, tigs. 3-6 ; Oversigt af Norges Echinoderaier, p. 84,1861. Connecticut to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain and France. Very common in the Bay of Fundy, Casco Bay, and on the entire coast of Maine, from low- water to 100 fathoms ; Massa chusetts Bay ; Vineyard Sound, 5 to 20 fathoms, not uncommon ; off Watch Hill, Khode Island, 3 to 5 fathoms; off New London, Connecti cut (coll. T. H. Prudden). OPHIUROIDEA. OPHIURA OLIVACEA Lyman. (p. 363.) 111. Catal. Mus. Cornp. Zoology, No. 1, Ophiuridae and Astrophytida3, p. 23, 1865; Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., vol. x, p. 339. Ophioderma olivaceum Ayres, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 134, 1852. Cape Cod to North Carolina. Wood's Hole, Buzzard's Bay, and Vine yard Sound, not common; shores of Long Island, frequent; Fort Macou, North Carolina, common, (Dr. Yarrow). OPHIOPHOLIS ACULEATA Gray. Plate XXXV, fig. 270. (p. 496.) List of British Animals in Coll. of Brit. Mus., Part I, Rad. Anim., p. 25, 1848 I LiitkeuAdditameutaadHist. Ophiuridarum, p. 60, Plate 2, figs. 15,a. b, 16, a, b, 1858; Verrill, op. cit., p. 344, 1866. Asterias aculeata Liune (pars), Syst. Nat., p. 1101 ; Retzius Vetersk.-Akad., vol. iv, p. 240, 1783 ; Miiller, Prod., 2841, 1776 ; Zool. Dan., vol. iii, p. 29, Plate 99, 1789. Ophiura bellis Fleming, Brit. Anim., p. 488, 1828. Ophioeoma bellis Forbes, Wern. Mem., vol. viii, p. 226 ; Brit. Star fishes, p. 53, figure. Opliiopholis bellis Lytuan, op. cit., p. 96, Plate 1, figs. 4-6. Opliiolepis scolopendrica Miiller and Troschel, Syst. Aster., p. 96, 1842. Ophiopli- olis scolopendrica Stimpson, Invert, of Grand Manan, p. 13, 1853. Rhode Island and New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean ; Iceland ; Spitz- bergen ; northern coasts of Europe, to the English Channel, Ireland, etc. Very abundant in the Bay of Fundy, Casco Bay, and along the whole coast of Maine, from low- water to 100 fathoms ; Massachusetts Bay ; off Gay Head, 6 to 8 fathoms, rare ; off Watch Hill, Ehode Island, in 4 to 5 fathoms, rocky. Off New Jersey, 30 to 38 fathoms, N. lat. 39° 54' ; W. long. 73° 15', (Josephine Exp., t. Ljungmann). A similar species, perhaps identical, occurs on the northwestern coasts of America. 426 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [720] AMTHIPHOLIS ELE&ANS Ljungruann. (p. 420.) Ophiuroidea viventia hue usque cognita, Ofvers. Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Forh., I860, p. 312. Opliiura clegans Leach, Zool. Miscell., iii. p. 57, 1815. Amphiura elegans Norman, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xv, p. 109, 1885. Ophiocoma neglecta Forbes, Brit. Starfishes, p. 30, 1841. Oplnolepis tennis Ayres, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 133, 1852. Amphiura tennis Lyman, Proc. B. S. N. H., vol. vii, p. 194, 1860. AmpliiplioUs tennis Ljuugmann, Ofvers. af Kongl. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 1871, p. 635. Amphiura squamata Lyman, Catalogue Ophinr. and • Astroph., p. 121. 1865 (now. Delle Chiage, t. Ljungtnann). Off New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to the English Channel. Common in Vineyard Sound, 4 to 15 fathoms ; Mas sachusetts Bay 5 CascoBay; Bay of Fundy, low-water to 60 fathoms. Greenland, 15 fathoms, (Ltitken, as A. neglecta). Off New Jersey, 36 to 38 fathoms, N. lat. 39° 54', W. long. 73° 15', (Josephine Exp., t. Ljung- mann). Mr. Ljungmann, in his latest paper, regards this species as distinct both from the Mediterranean species (Amphiura squamata}, and the English and Norwegian species (AmpMpholis elegans). The former I have here regarded as distinct, but consider the latter identical with the American form, the differences mentioned being slight and appar ently inconstant. AMPHIURA ABDITA Verrill. (p. 433.) AmpMpholiif abdita Verrill, Amer. Jour, of Science, ser. iii, vol. ii, p. 132, 1871 ; this Report, p. 433. (See errata). Body plump, pentagonal; the interradial margins concave, and the angles, at base of arms, incised ; margin thick, rounded ; upper surface of disk covered with very numerous, minute, crowded scales, which en croach more or less upon the radial shields and run up between them in a wedge-like area; lower surface thickly covered with still more minute, granule-like scales. Radial shields elongated, three or more times longer than wide, curved ; the outer end geniculate or bent downward, forming a prominent angle above; they are divergent, and separate for their whole length, or barely touch at the outer ends, and are more or less concealed laterally and proximally by the encroachment of the small scales. Arms or rays, 16 times as long as the diameter of the body, or even more, slender, flexible, gradually attenuated to the tips. Six mouth-papillae in each angle of the mouth, and two to four addi tional small rounded papillae, or tentacle-scales, near the extreme outer angle. Two of the mouth-papilla3, on each side, are placed close together, at about the middle of the edge of the jaw ; the outer of these, which is about twice as wide as the inner, is flat, scarcely longer than wide, with the end obtusely rounded or truncate; the inner one is scarcely wider than thick, oblong, rounded at the end ; in one case these two papilla are united together. The third mouth-papilla is stout and rounded, obtuse, larger and longer than either of the others, separated from them by a considerable interval, and brought close to the tooth at the end of the jaw, be3Tond which it projects inwardly and downwardly. [721] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 427 The mouth-shields are long-oval, or somewhat hexagonal, narrowed outwardly, the outer part of the lateral edges being nearly straight, the outer end rounded or sub-truncate, the inner end broadly rounded. Side mouth-shields triangular with the three edges concave, the inner ends not united, the surface finely granulated. The lower arm-plates are separated by the side plates ; the first two are longer than broad, pentagonal, the inner end forming an obtuse angle, the outer edge straight ; the next two are about as wide as long, squarish, with the corners rounded or truncate; the following ones are broader than long, somewhat octagonal, the outer and inner edges longest and nearly straight ; beyond the middle of the arm they are again pentagonal, with an inner angle. On the first five joints of one specimen there is only a single pair of tentacle-scales, which are small and rounded ; on the suc ceeding joints there are generally two pairs, one of them being consid erably smaller than the other; the largest specimen has two pairs of tentacle scales on all the joints. Arm-spines three, on each side of all the joints, except the first, which has but two ; they are thickened at base, gradually tapering, blunt at tip, sub-equal; the lower one a little curved downward; the upper one stoutest, flattened, scarcely tapering, obtuse; the middle one a little longer than the others, the length about equal to width of lower arm- plates. The upper arm-plates are transversely sub-elliptical, with the outer edge well rounded, the inner edge slightly prominent or angular in the middle, and a little concave to either side, so that the lateral por tions are somewhat narrowed ; the plates generally touch each other. Color, when living, brown above, the central area dark brown, a radiating band of the same extending to each interradial margin, and bordered like the central area with pale gray ; opposite the base of each arm is a squarish area or radial band of olive-brown ; radial plates yellowish brown, the space between them bright blue. In the center of the disk is a small darker brown spot, and five similar ones, correspond ing to the bases of the arms, form a circle around the center; five others, more distant, correspond to the interradial spaces ; other more minute dark spots are scattered over the disk. Upper arm-plates are mostly dark brown, edged with pale brown or whitish ; some of the plates are partially or wholly lighter, yellowish brown, and thus form transverse light bands, or mottliugs, consisting of one or more plates ; toward the tips these light bands become more numerous, and wider ; spines bright brown. Lower side of disk yellowish brown, with a tinge Of greenish ; plates around the mouth whitish ; each of the jaws with two brown spots; mouth- tentacles orange-yellow. Under arm-plates yellowish brown, with the edges paler, and with a distal median spot of whitish ; lower arm-spines yellowish brown. In some specimens the arms are dull "greenish above, instead of brown. Diameter of the disk, of the largest specimen, llmm; length of arms, t 29 v 428 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [722] Long Island Sound ; off New Haven, in 4 to 6 fathoms, mud ; off Thimble Islands, 3 to 8 fathoms, soft mud, rare. This species is, in some respects, intermediate between AmpJiipJiolis and Amphiura. With the former it agrees best in the number of the arm-spines and general appearance ; bat in the structure of the mouth- parts it agrees better with the latter. It will, however, not go into any of the sections or sub-sections established by Ljungmann. It appears to be more nearly allied to A. Eugenice Ljung., from La Plata, than to any other species hitherto described ; the latter has, however, four arm- spines instead of three. ASTROPHYTON AoAssizn Stimpson. Invertebrata of Grand Manan, p. 12, 1853 ; Lyman, Catalogue, p. 186. This species was first described from a specimen obtained " not far from the shoals of Nan tucket," by Governor John Winthrop, in 1670 and 1671 (Philosophical Transactions), under the name of " Basket- fish''' or u Net-fish." Crab Ledge, off Chatham, Massachusetts, (Y. N. Edwards.) It occurs on the banks east and north of Cape Cod, and on Saint George's Bank, and is very common in the Bay of Fundy, low-water to 110 fathoms ; and is especially abundant in Eastport Harbor, in 10 to 20 fathoms. According to Dr. Liitken it is also found at Greenland and Finmark. CRINOIDEA. Antedon dentatus Verrill. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 339, 1866. Alecio dentata Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, vol. v, p. 153, 1825. This species was described by Say, from a specimen obtained at Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. It may possibly occur on the southern coast of New England, but I am not aware that it has actually been found so far north. ACALEPH^E. CTENOPHOFLE. MNEMIOPSIS LEIDYI A. Agassiz. (p. 449.) Illustr. Catal. Mus. Comp. Zoology, North American Acalephas, p. 20, figs. 22-24, 1865. Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound ; Long Island Sound, off New Haven. LESUEURIA HYBOPTERA A. Agassiz. (p. 454.) Catal. North American AcalephaB, p. 23, figs. 25-28. Newport, Khode Island, to Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz). PLEUROBRACHIA RHODODACTYLA Agassiz. (p. 448.) Memoirs Arnev. Academy, vol. iv, p. 314, Plates 1 to 5, 1849 ; Contributions to Nat. Hist. U. S., vol. iii, pp. 203, 294, Plate 2a, 1860; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 30, figs. 38-51, 1865. Southern side of Long Island, to Greenland. Not uncommon in Long [723] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 429 Island Sound, near New Haven ; common in Vineyard Sound and Massa chusetts Bay ; very abundant in Casco Bay, Bay of Fundy, and Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Off Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Fire Island, Long Island (S. I. Smith). IDYIA ROSEOLA Agassiz. (p. 451.) Contributions to Nat. Hist. U. S., vol. iii, pp. 270-296, Plates 1, 2, 1860; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 36, figs. 52-62, 1865. Vineyard Sound to Labrador. Off Gay Head, riot common ; common in Massachusetts Bay and Casco Bay ; very abundant in Bay of Fuudy and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Labrador (Packard). ? Cesium Veneris Lesueur. Nouv. Ball. Soc. Phil., 1813, p. 281, Plate 5, fig. 1 ; Lesson, Zoophytes Acalephes, p. 70, Plate 1, fig. 1. Mr. S. I. Smith observed a species, apparently identical with this, at Saint George's Banks, and Mr. A. Agassiz has observed fragments of a similar species near Newport, Ehode Island. This is properly a more southern species, found in the warmer parts of the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean Sea. DISCOPHOR.E. AURELIA FLAVIDULA Peron and Lesueur. Plate XXXVI, fig. 271. (p. 449.) Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat., vol. xiv, p. 47, 1809; Lesson, op. cit., p. 376, 1843; Agassiz, Contributions to Nat. Hist. U. S., vol. iii, Plates 6-llb ; vol. iv, pp. 10, 160 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 42, figs. 65, 66. Aurelia aurita Stimpsou, Invert., of Grand Manan, p. 11, 1853. Buzzard's Bay to Greenland. Common in the upper part of Buzzard's Bay, in spring; off Gay Head and in Vineyard Sound, in August 5 abundant in Massachusetts Bay; Casco Bay; Frenchman's Bay ; Bay of Fundy ; and Gulf of Saint Lawrence. CYANEA ARCTIC A Peron and Lesueur. (p. 449.) Ann. Mus., vol. xiv, p. 51, 1809 ; Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iii, Plates 3, 4, 5, 5a, 10, 10a ; vol. iv, pp. 87, 162 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 44, fig. 67. Cyanea Pos- telsii Gould, Invert., ed. i, p. 347; Stinipson, op. cit., p. 11 (non BrandtJ. Long Island Sound to Greenland. Common near New Haven ; in Buzzard's Bay ; Vineyard Sound ; very abundant in Massachusetts Bay ; Casco Bay ; Bay of Fuudy ; and Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Fire Island, Long Island (S. I. Smith). Cyanea fulva Agassiz. Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 119, 162, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 46 (no de scription). Long Island Sound (L. Agassiz). Vineyard Sound (A. Agassiz). I have been unable to distinguish more than one species among the Cyanece of our waters, although they vary considerably in color, just as 430 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [724] they do farther north, as in the Bay of Fundy. This is • probably only a color- variety of C. arctica. DACTYLOMETRA QUINQUECIRRA Agassiz. Plate XXX VI, fig. 272. (p. 449.) Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 125, 166, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 48, fig. 69. Pelagia quinqueeirrha Desor, Proc. Boston Soc.Nat. History, vol. iii, p. 76, 1848. Bermudas to Cape Cod. Long Island Sound, near New Haven ; com mon in Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound. Pelagia cyanella Peron and Lesueur. Ann. du Mus. Hist. Nat., vol. xiv, p. 37, 1809; Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iii, Plates 12, 13, 13a ; vol. iv, pp. 128, 164 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 47, fig. 68. Oft' Saiut George's Bank (S. I. Smith). This species inhabits the Gulf of Mexico 5 Caribbean Sea; and coasts of Florida and North Carolina. It is carried northward by the Gulf Stream to the vicinity of Saint George's Bank, and is, therefore, like the two following, likely to occur occasionally at Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Stomolophus meleagris Agassiz. Contributions, vol. iii, Plate 14, 1860; vol. iv, pp. 138, 151, 1862; A. Agassiz, 'Catalogue, p. 40. Coast of Georgia (Agassiz). Off Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). ? Charybdea periphylla Peron and Lesueur. Ann. du Mus. Hist. Nat., vol. xiv, p. 332, 1809 ; Edwards in Cuvier, Regue Auim., PL 55, fig. 2 (from Lesueur) ; Lesson, op. cit., p. 265, 1843 ; Agassiz, Contribu tions, vol. iv, p. 173. This species was originally described and figured from mutilated specimens taken under the equator in the Atlantic Ocean, and seems not to have been seen by later writers. Mr. S. I. Smith has apparently rediscovered this interesting species off Saint George's Bank. The specimen obtained by him, while on the United States Coast- Survey steamer Bache, in 1872, is not quite perfect, but agrees pretty nearly with the descriptions and figure cited. The body in the alcoholic specimen is elevated, bell-shaped, rounded above, with a marked constriction toward the border ; transparent, the inner cavity showing through as a large, conical, dark reddish brown spot, with the apex slightly truncated. Border deeply divided into six teen long, flat lobes, which are of nearly uniform breadth throughout, and slightly rounded, or sub-truncate, at the end ; the edges and end thin and more or less frilled ; the inner side with two sub-marginal carinre. Eyes inconspicuous, but small bright red specks are scattered over the marginal lobes. The intervals between the lobes are narrow and generally smoothly rounded, without distinct evidence of the exist ence of tentacles, except that, in one of these intervals, there is a small and short papilliform process, with brown pigment at the base. The [725] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 431 ovaries are mostly wanting, but portions are to be seen as slightly con voluted organs in the marginal region, opposite the intervals between the lobes. TRACHYNEMA DIGITALE A. Agassiz. (p. 454.) Catalogue, p. 57, figs. 81-86, 1865. Medusa digitale Fabricius, Fauna Grcenl,, p. 366, 1780. Vineyard Sound to Greenland. Wood's Hole, July 1, young speci mens. Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz). HYDROIDEA. Sertularina. TIAROPSIS DIADEMATA Agassiz. (p. 454.) Memoirs Amer. Acad., vol. iv, p. 289, Plate 6, 1849 ; Contributions, vol. iii, p. 354, Plate 31, figs. 9-15 ; vol. iv, pp. 308, 311, figs. 45-48 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, . p. 69, figs. 91-93. Vineyard Sound to Bay of Fundy. Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz). Greenland (Morch). Wood's Hole, April, 1873. OCEANIA LANGUID A A. Agassiz. (p. 454.) In Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 353, 1862 ; Catalogue, p. 70, figs. 94-102, 1865. Buzzard's Bay to Bay of Fundy. Common in Vineyard Sound ; not uncommon in Eastport Harbor. EUCHEILOTA VENTRICULARIS McCready. (p. 454.) Gymnophthalmata of Charleston Harbor, in Proc. of Elliott Society of Nat History, vol. i, p. 187, Plates 11, figs. 1-3, 12, figs. 1, 2, 1857; Agassiz, Contr butions, vol. iv, p. 353, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 74, figs. 104, 105, 1865. Charleston. South Carolina, to Vineyard Sound. EUCHEILOTA DUODECIMALS A. Agassiz. (p. 454.) In Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 353, 1862 ; Catalogue, p. 75, figs. 106-107a. Buzzard's Bay, Naushon Island (A. Agassiz). CLYTIA JOHNSTONI Hincks. (p. 408.) Hist. British Hydroid Zoophytes, p. 143, Plate 24, fig. 1, 1868. Campanularia Johnstoni Alder, Northum. and Dur. Catal., in Trans. Tynes. F. C., vol. v, p. 126, Plate 4, fig. 8 (t. Hincks). Sertularia uniflora (pars) Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 121, 1766. Campanularia voluMlis Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, pp. 107, 108, fig. 18 (not of Liune" and Pallas). Clytia voluUHs Lamouroux, Expos. Meth., p. 15, Plate 4, figs. E, f, F, 1821. Clytia bicophora Agassiz, Con tributions, vol. iv, pp. 304, 354, Plate 27, figs. 8, 9; Plate 29, figs. 6-9, 1862; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 78, figs. 108-111. Long Island Sound to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain and France. Common near New Haven and at Thim ble Islands, in tide-pools and 2 to 6 fathoms ; Watch Hill, Rhode 432 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [726] Island, 3 to 5 fathoms; Buzzard's Bay ; Vineyard Sound, 1 to 14 fathoms, common; off Block Island, 29 fathoms; abundant in Casco Bay and Bay of Fuiidy, low-water to 40 fathoms. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). This species is undoubtedly the one described by Pallas, and accord ing to the strict rules of priority it should be called Clytia uniflora. CLYTIA INTERMEDIA Agassiz. (p. 408.) Contributions, vol. iv, p. 305, Plate 29, figs. 10, 11, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 77 (no description). Vineyard Sound, 6 to 8 fathoms, on Phyllophora. Massachusetts Bay (Agassiz). PLATYPYXIS CYLINDRICA Agassiz. (p. 408.) Clytia (Platypyxis) cyUndrica Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 306, 354, figs. 42-44 (not 41, nor Plate 27, figs. 8, 9), 1862. Platypyxis cyUndrica A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 80, figs. 112-114. Campanularia volubilis Leidy, Jour. Phil. Acad. Nat. Sciences, ser. ii, vol. iii, p. 138, 1855 (not Liuu6, sp.). Long Island Sound to Massachusetts Bay. Near New Haven, 4 to 6 fathoms, on Halecium ; Thimble Islands ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island ; Vineyard Sound ; off Buzzard's Bay, 25 fathoms. ORTHOPYXIS CALIOULATA Verrill. (p. 408.) Campanularia caliculata Hincks, in Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. ii, vol. xi, p. 178, Plate 5, B, 1853; Brit. Hydroid Zooph., p. 1(<4, Plate 31, figs. 2-2d Clytia (Orthopyxis) poterium Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 297, 302, fig. 40 Plate 28, Plate 29, figs. 1-5, 1862. Orthopyxis poterium A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 81, 1865. Vineyard Sound to Labrador ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Off Gay Head and in Vineyard Sound, 4 to 15 fathoms ; com mon in Massachusetts Bay ; Casco Bay ; and Bay of Fundy, low water to 30 fathoms. Mingan Islands, Labrador, 6 fathoms, (A. E. V). Henley Harbor, Labrador, 20 to 30 fathoms (A. S. Packard, as Clyiia volubilis). CAMPANULARIA VOLUBILIS Alder, (p. 408.) Catal. Zooph. Northumb. and Durham, in Trans. Tynes. F. C., vol. iii, p. 125, Plate 4, fig. 7, 1857 (not of Johnston) ; Hiucks, Brit. Hyd. Zooph., p. 160, Plate 24, fig. 2. Sertularia volubilis Liund (pars), Syst. Nat., ed. x, sp. 19; ed. xii, p. 1311 ; Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 122, 1766. Clytia volubilis A. Agassiz, Cata logue, p. 77 (not of Larnouroux). Vineyard Sound to Greenland and Iceland; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain ; low- water to 100 fathoms. Common in the Bay of Fundy, low-water to 60 fathoms. CAMPANULAHIA FLEXUOSA Hiucks. (p. 327.) Brit. Hyd. Zooph., p. 168, Plate 33. Laomedeaflexuosa Hincks, Devon, and Corn wall Catalogue, in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. iii, vol. viii, p. 260, 1861. [727] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 433 Laomedea amphora Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 311, 314, fig. 50, p. 352, Plate 30, Plate 31, figs. 1-8, 1882 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 93. Long Island Sound to Gulf of Saint Lawrence; northern coasts of Europe, Isle of Man. New Haven, on piles of Long Wharf; Thimble Islands, near New Haven ; Vineyard Sound, oif Gay Head ; abundant on the timbers of the wharves at Eastport, Maine. OBELIA DIAPHANA Yerrill. (p. 327.) Thaumantias diapliana Agassiz, Mem. Amer. Acad., voL.iv, p. 300, figs. 1, 2, 1849 (? non Morch). Europe diaphana (pars) Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, Plate 33, fig. 2, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 83, figs. 115-125. Long Island Sound to Massachusetts Bay. Abundant in New Haven Harbor and Vineyard Sound, on Zostera, Fucus, etc. OBELIA GENICULATA Allman. (p. 407.) Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, May, 1864 (t. Hincks) ; Hincks, Brit. Hyd- Zoophytes, p. 149, Plate 25, fig. 1, 1868. SertulariageniculataLi\nu6, Syst. Nat., ed. x, sp. 23 ; ed. xii, sp. 21, p. 1312 ; Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 117, 1766. Laomedea geniculata Lamouroux, Pol. Flex., p. 208; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 103, Plate 25, figs. 1, 2. Eueope diaphana (pars) Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 322, Plate 34, figs. 1-9, 1862. Eucope alternata A. Agassiz, Catalogue • p. 86, 1865. Long Island Sound to Labrador. Northern Europe, from North Cape to Great Britain. Common near New Haven ; at Thimble Islands ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island ; Vineyard Sound, 4 to 15 fathoms ; Massa chusetts Bay ; Casco Bay ; Bay of Fundy, and northward, low-water to 40 fathoms, on Laminaria, Rlwdymenia, etc. OBELIA POLYGENA Verrill. Eucope poli/gena A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 88, fig. 126, 1865. Off Gay Head, 4 to 5 fathoms, not common. Nahant, Massachusetts (A. Agassiz). OBELIA DIVARICATA Verrill. Laomedea divaricata McCready, op. cit., p. 195, 1859. Eucope ? divaricata A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 91, 1865. Charleston, South Carolina (McCready, Agassiz). A few specimens were found on floating alga3 in Vineyard Sound, which appear to belong to this species. It is closely allied to 0. fusiformis (A. Agassiz, sp.). OBELIA PYRIFORMIS Verrill. (p. 390.) Catalogue, p. 88, figs. 127-129, 1865. Laomedea gelatinosal^Qidy, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philad., ser. ii, vol. iii, p. 138, 1855 (not Pallas, sp.). Long Island Sound to Bay of Fundy. Very abundant on piles of wharves, etc., at Wood's Hole. This species is closely allied to the following ; in the latter the young inedusre have sixteen tentacles when set free, and the reproductive capsules differ slightly in form. 434 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [728] OBELIA DIOHOTOMA Hincks. (p. 407.) Brit. Hydroid Zoophytes, p. 156, Plate 28, fig. 1, 1868. Sertularia dichotoma Linn 6, Syst. Nat., ed. x, sp. 24 ; ed. xii, sp. 22, p. 1312. Laomedea dichotoma, var. a, Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 102, Plate 26, figs. 1, 2. Vineyard Sound, northward; northern eopr-t* of Europe to Great Britain. Off Gay Head, 8 to 10 fathoms, u a.scidians; Eastport, Maine. OBELIA LONGISSIMA Hincks. Brit. Hydroid Zooph., p. 154, Plate 27, 1868. Sertnl c.-ia iongissima Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 119, 1766 (excl. synonymy). Laomedea Iongissima Alder, Trans. Tynes. F. C., vol. iii, p. 121 (t. Hincks). Laomedea dichotoma, var. b, Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 102. Campanularia gelatinosa Van Beueden, Me'm. sur le Campan., p. 33, Plates 1, 2 (t. Hincks). Gay Head ; Cape Ann, Massachusetts ; Bay of Fundy. Coasts of Belgium and Great Britain. OBELIA FLABELLATA Hincks. (p. 390.) Brit. Hydroid Zooph., p. 157, Plate 29, 1868. Campanularia fldbellata Hincks, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. iii, vol. xviii, p. 297. Off Thimble Islands, 4 to 5 fathoms, on Astrangia ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island, on Laminaria ; Wood's Hole, on old wreck, in the passage. Coasts of Great Britain. The hydrarium of this species very closely resembles the Obelia com- missuralis of Agassiz, and may prove to be identical with it. But the original 0. commissuralis of McCready, from Charleston, South Carolina, is, perhaps, distinct from that described by Agassiz. OBELIA COMMISSURALIS McCready. Plate XXXYII, fig. 281. (p. 327.) Proc. Elliott Soc., vol. i, p. 197, Plate 11, figs. 5-7, 1859 ; (?) Agassiz, Contribu tions, vol. iv, pp. 315, 351, Plate 33 (except fig. 2), Plate 34, figs. 10-21, 1862 ; (?) A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 91, fig. 134. Laomedea dichotoma Leidy, op. cit., p, 138. Plate 11, fig. 36 (not Linn€, sp.). f Laomedea gelatinosa Stimpson, Invert, of Grand Manan, p. 8, 1853 (not Pallas, sp.). Charleston, South Carolina (McCready). New Jersey (Leidy). New port, Rhode Island, and Nahant, Massachusetts (A. Agassiz). New Haven Harbor, on piles ; Vineyard Sound, on floating alga?. Grand Manan (Mills, t. A. Agassiz). The northern specimens possibly belong to the preceding species. OBELTA GELATINOSA Hincks. (p. 391.) British Hydroid Zoophytes, p. 151, Plate 26, fig. 1, 1868. Sertularia gelatinosa Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 116, 1766. Laomedea gelatinosa Lamouroux, Polyp Flex., p. 92 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 104, Plate 27, fig. 1 (var. 6). Campanularia gelatinosa Lamarck, Auim. sans Vert., ed. ii, p. 134 (t. Hincks). Laomedea gigantea A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 86, 1865. New Jersey to Massachusetts Bay; northern coasts of Europe, from North Cape to Belgium and Great Britain ; low-water to 20 fathoms. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, on oysters ; New Haven, on piles of Long Wharf, abundant. Mouth of Charles Hiver, near Boston (H. J. Clark, t. A. Agassiz). [729] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 335 RHEOMATODES TENUIS A. Agassiz. (p. 454.) In Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 361, 1862 ; Catalogue, p. 95, figs. 136-133. Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound. ZYGODACTYLA GRCENLANDICA Agassiz. Plate XXXVII, fig. 275. (p. 449.) Contributions, vol. iv, p. 360, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 103, figs. 153-156. Mqnorea Grcenlandica Pe'ron and Lesueur, Ann. du Mus., vol. xiv, p. 27, 1809 (t. A. Agassiz). Buzzard's Bay to Greenland. Common in Vineyard Sound, in June and July. ^BQUOREA ALBIDA A. Agassiz. (p. 454.) In Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 359, 1862 ; Catalogue, p. 110, figs. 160-162. Buzzard's Bay (A. Agassiz). TIMA FORMOSA Agassiz. (p. 449.) Contributions, vol. iv, p. 362, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 113, figs. 164-172. Vineyard Sound, February and April. Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz). EUTIMA LiMPiDA A. Agassiz. (p. 454.) In Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 363, 1862; Catalogue, p. 116, figs. 173-178. Buzzard's Bay, Naushon (A. Agassiz). LAFOEA CALCARATA A. Agassiz. (p. 408.y Catalogue, p. 122, figs. 184-194. Lafoea cornuta Agassiz, Contr., vol. iv, p. 351 (not of Lamouroux). Laodicea calcarata A. Agassiz, in Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 350, 1862. Campanularia dmnosa Leidy, op. cit., p. 138, 1855 (not of Fleming). South Carolina to Vineyard Sound; Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound. The hydrarium was abundant on floating Zostera and algse in Vineyard Sound, creeping over Sertularia cornicina; also at low- water, and in 6 to 8 fathoms on Phyllophora ; Thimble Islands, in tide-pool, on Vesicnlaria. Charleston, South Carolina (McCready, described as a constituent part of his Dynamena cornicina). HALECIUM GR AGILE Verrill, sp. nov. (p. 328.) Stems slender, flexible, clustered, compound, consisting of many very slender, united tubes, light brown or yellowish, pinnately much branched ; branches alternate, ascending, long, slender, tapering, similar to the main stern, and usually similarly subdivided ; the branches and brauchlets mostly arise from opposite sides of the stem, so that they stand nearly in one plane ; ends of branches and the brauchlets simple, very slender, translucent, whitish, divided into rather long segments; the articula tions not very conspicuous, somewhat oblique ; each segment usually with a prominent cylindrical process, arising from near the upper end, which, on the older branches, bears the hydroid cell, but on the young branchlets are themselves hydroid cells, furnished with a thin, slightly 436 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [730] expanded border, having a circle of dots near the edge ; the older or secondary cells, arising from these, are rather elongated, narrow, cylin drical, with slightly expanded rim, more or less bent and crooked or geniculate at base, and usually with one or two irregular constrictions. Many of the older cells are much elongated, and have two or three old rims below, separated by distances equal to two or three times the diameter. The hydroids are long, slender, with numerous long tentacles, much exsert from the cells. The branchlets and gonothecse (reproduct ive capsules) arise in the axils of the hydroid cells, and, like the latter, the gonothecse are often secund on the branchlets. The male and female capsules are different in form. The male gouothecse are oblong, sub- fusiform, about three times as long as broad, obtusely rounded at the end, more gradually tapered to the base ; the female gouothecpe are broader, somewhat flattened, usually a little shorter, gradually expand ing from the narrow base to near the distal end, which is emargiuate ; the outer angle broadly rounded and slightly produced ; the inner angle prolonged into a short cylindrical hydroid cell, with the edge slightly everted, from which two hydroids usually protrude. Height, 75mm to 150mm ; diameter of stems, seldom more than lmm ; length of female gonotheca3, about lmm; breadth, 0.40mm to 0.45mm; length of male gono- thecse, lmm to 1.10mm ; breadth, 0.30mm to 0.40mm ; diameter of hydro- thecse, about 0.12mm. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, on oysters, just below low-water mark ; Long Island Sound, near New Haven, in 2 to 6 fathoms, abundant, and also in brackish water on floating timber ; Thimble Islands, 2 to 6 fathoms; Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound. This species is more nearly allied to H. lialecinum of Europe and Northern New England than to any other described species. It is a much more slender and delicate species, with longer joints, and narrower and more elongated hydrothecaB and polyps. The female gonothecre, although similar, differ in having the distal ends decidedly emarginate? with the outer angle somewhat produced, though much less so than in those of H. Beanii. ANTENNULAHIA ANTENNINA Fleming, (p. 497.) Brit. Anim., p. 546 ; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 86, Plate 19, figs. 1-3 ; Hincks, Brit. Hydr. Zooph., p. 280, Plate 61. Serlularia aniennina Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. x, 1758; ed. xii, p. 1310. Antennularia indivisa Lamarck, Anim. sans Vert., ed. ii, vol. ii, p. 156. Martha's Vineyard to Bay of Fundy ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain and France. Off Gay Head, 8 fathoms ; Casco Bay, 6 to 30 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy, 10 to 60 fathoms, not uncommon. AGLAOPHENIA ARBOREA Verrill. Plumularia arlorea Desor, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iii, p. 65, 1848 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 140. The original specimen of this species is still preserved in the collection [731] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 437 of the Boston Society. It consists of a large number of long, mostly simple, but occasionally forked stems, forming a dense plume-like cluster, united at base by an intricate mass of creeping stolons, which cover what looks like the dead axis of a Gorgonia, but is most probably a dried-up black alga, and is certainly not, as Desor supposed, a part of the hydroid. The stems are mostly 4 to 6 inches long, more or less re curved, composed of short joints, and densely covered with the secund pinnaB, which increase in length from the base toward the tips; the pinnae arise from every joint, and form two close alternating rows along the inner side of the stems ; they are directed upward, and more or less curved inward, toward each other, near the tips, and mostly 5mm to 8mm in length, composed of short, stout, oblique joints, not twice as long as broad. Hydra-cells deep, slightly flaring, rising at an angle of about 45°, attached only at base, the upper side less than half as high as the lower, border strongly dentate ; one slender median denticle on the up per edge; four lateral ones on each side, of which three are subequal, triangular, rather wide, obtuse, with rounded intervals ; the lower or outer lateral one is twice as long, rather acute ; the single odd median one, on the outer margin, is equally long and more slender, and usually bent upward. A single large tubular median nematophore is attached to the outer side of the cell, along most of its length, but separated at the end, which is obliquely truncate, with the aperture on the inner side, its tip nor extending beyond the long lateral denticles of the hydra- cell. Lateral nematophores small, sessile, not so long as the upper or inner side of the cells. The large, closed, oblong corbulaB are irregu larly scattered among the other pinnaB; they occupy the terminal part of the modified pinnae, but there are usually three or four unaltered hydra- cells on the basal portion, below the corbula ; the piunas bearing cor- bulae are somewhat shorter than the others. Shoals of Nantucket, ten miles east of Sancati Head, 14 fathoms, (Desor). PLUMULARIA TENELLA Verrill, sp. uov. (p. 407.) Stems clustered, simple, slender, 1 to 2 inches high, horn -colored ; branches alternate, very slender, not very long, mostly unbranched, placed toward one face of the stem, inclining forward, and ascending at an angle of about 45°, and originating from the alternate joints of the stem, the internodes being longer than the joints that bear branches ; at one side of the base of each branch there is a hydrotheca and accom panying nematophores ; the internodes of the stem also bear one or two nematophores. The basal segment of each branch is short ; the rest are of three kinds ; every third one is usually stouter, and bears a hydro theca ; just in front of each hydrotheca there is usually a very short segment, scarcely longer than broad, and sometimes indistinct, destitute of nematophores; then follows a much longer, slender segment, five or six times as long as broad, articulated by a very oblique joint at its dis- 438 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [732] tal end with the thicker and shorter polypiferous segment, and bearing one or two nematophores on the median line, which may be either near the middle or toward the proximal end. Hydrothecse broad, sub- cylindrical, a little longer than broad, with a slightly flaring, even rim ; the axis forms an angle of about 45° with the branches; the free part of the distal side is about half the length of the proximal side. Ne- matophores relatively large, usually three with each hydrotheca: one on each side, shorter than the hydrotheca, trumpet-shaped, with a round, cup-like opening, narrowed below, nearly sessile ; another, similar in form, placed toward the proximal end of the segment, inclined forward, and nearly reaching the base of the hydrotheca. Gonothecas not ob served. Off Gay Head, 8 to 10 fathoms, among ascidians; Vineyard Sound, 8 fathoms. This species is related to P. Catharince Johnston and P cornucopicc Hiucks, from the English coast. The former differs in having opposite branches, smaller and more elongated nematophores, etc. ; the latter agrees in having alternate branches, but the nematophores are smaller, longer, and more slender, and the joints of the branches are different. This is the first genuine species of Plumularia that has been discov ered on the New England coast. SERTULARIA ARGENTEA Ellis and Solander. Plate XXXVII, fig. 280. (p. 408.) Zoophytes, p. 38 ; Johnston, Brit. Zoopb., ed. ii, p. 79, Plate 14, fig. 3, Plate 15» figs. 1-3 ; Hincks, Brit. Hydr. Zooph., p. 268, Plate 56 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 144. New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean; northern shores of Europe to Great Britain and France ; low-water to 110 fathoms. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, in April ; common and of large size in Long Island Sound, near New Haven, Thimble Islands, and at Faulkner's Island, 1 to 8 fathoms ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island ; Vineyard Sound, 1 to 15 fathoms, very common ; abundant in Casco Bay ; Bay of Fundy ; Nova Scotia coast ; and Gulf of Saint Lawrence, low-water to 110 fathoms. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). SERTULARIA CUPRESSINA Linne. (p. 408.) Syst. Naturae, ed. x, 1758; ed. xii, p. 1308; Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 142, 1766; Johnston, op. cit., p. 80, Plate 16, figs. 1, 2; Hiucks, op. cit., p. 270, Plate 57 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 143. New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean ; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain and France. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, with reproductive capsules, in April ; Vineyard Sound, not common ; Massachusetts Bay ; Casco Bay ; Bay of Fundy, in tide-pools and from 1 to 110 fathoms, common. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Absecom Beach, New Jersey (Leidy). SERTULARIA PUMILA Linne. Plate XXXVII, fig. 279. (p. 327.) Syst. Naturae, ed. x, 1758 ; ed. xii, p. 1306 ; Pallas, Elench. Zooph., p. 130 ; Johnston, op. cit., p. 66, Plate 11, figs. 3, 4 ; Hincks, Brit. Hydr. Zooph., p. 260, Plate 53, [733] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 439 fig. 1. Dynamena pumila Lamouroux, Bulletin Soc. Phil., vol. iii, p. 184. 1812 ; Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 326, 355, Plate 32, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Cata logue, p. 141, figs. 225, 226. New Jersey to the Arctic Ocean ; Finmark to Great Britain and France. Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey, on Fucus ; abundant on the shores of Long Island Sound, Vineyard Sound, and northward, between tides. SERTULARIA CORNICINA Verrill. (p. 408.) Dynamena cornicina (pars) McCready, op. cit., p. 204, 1859 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. J42, 1865. Charleston, South Carolina, to Vineyard Sound. Not uncommon in Vineyard Sound, 1 to 8 fathoms, often onHalecium gracile ; also on float ing Zostera, etc., and covered with Lafoea calcamta. This species somewhat resembles the preceding, but the hydra-cells are more distant, longer, more prominent, and freer, while the end is distinctly bent outward, making the lower side concave in the middle ; aperture strongly bilabiate, often appearing tridentate. HYDRALLMANIA FALCATA Hincks. (p. 408.) Brit. Hyd. Zooph., p. 273, Plate 58, 1868. Sertularia falcata Linn6, Syst. Nat., ed. x, 1758 ; ed. xii, p. 1309 ; Plumularia falcata Lamarck, Auim. sans Vert., ed. ii, p. 160; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., p. 90, Plate 21, figs. 1, 2. Sertularia ienenssima Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, p. 8, 1853. Long Island Sound to the Arctic Ocean ; northern shores of Europe to the British Channel. Common near New Haven, and off Thimble Islands, 4 to 8 fathoms ; Watch Hill, Ehode Island ; Vineyard Sound, and off Gay Head, 6 to 20 fathoms ; Massachusetts Bay, abundant; very abundant; in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, low-water to 110 fath oms; Mingan Islands, Labrador. Saint George's Bank, very abundant, 20 to 150 fathoms, (S. I. Smith, A. S. Packard). Tubularina. NEMOPSIS BACHEI Agassiz. (p. 454.) Mem. Amer. Acad., vol. iv, p. 289, figure, 1849 ; Contributions, vol. iv, p. 345 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 149, figs. 227-231. Nemopsis Gibbesi McCready, op. cit., p. 58, Plate 10, figs. 1-7, 1859. Charleston, South Carolina, to Nantucket. BOUGAINVILLIA SUPERCILIARIS Aggasiz. Plate XXXVII, fig. 276. (p. 328.) Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 289, 291, figs. 37-39, Plate 27, figs. 1-7, 1862 ; A. Agas siz, Catalogue, p. 153, figs. 232-240. Hippocrene siiperciliaris Agassiz, Mem. Amer. Acad., vol. iv, p. 250, Plates 1-3, 1849. Newport, Rhode Island, to Bay of Fundy ; ? Greenland. MAUGELTS CAROLINENSIS Agassiz. (p. 450.) Contributions, vol. iv, p. 344, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 156, figs. 241-248. Hippocrene Carolinensis McCready, op. cit., p. 164 (separate copies, p. 62), Plate 10, figs. 8-10. Charleston, South Carolina, to Vineyard Sound. Wood's Hole, at surface, evening. 440 EEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [734] EUDENDRIUM DISPAR AgaSSlZ. (p. 408.) Coutribntions, vol. iv, pp. 285, 289, 342, fig. 36, Plate 27, figs. 10-21, 1862 ; A Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 159, fig. 249. Vineyard Sound to .Bay of Fundy 5 1 to 20 fathoms. EUDENDRIUM TENUE A. Agassiz. Catalogue, p. 160, fig. 250, 1865. Buzzard's Bay to Bay of Fundy, low-water to 15 fathoms. This is closely allied to the English E. capillare Alder, but the latter seems to be a smaller and more delicate species. EUDENDRIUM RAMOSUM Ehrenberg. (p. 408.) Corall. roth. Meer, p. 72, 1834; Johnston, Brit. Zooph., ed. ii, p. 46, Plate 6, figs. 1-3 ; Hincks, Brit. Hydr. Zooph., p. 82, Plate 13 ; f A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 160. Tubularia ramosa Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1302. Martha's Vineyard to Labrador; northern coasts of Europe to Great Britain. Oft' Gay Head, 8 to 20 fathoms; Casco Bay, 10 to 60 fathoms ; Bay of Fundy. 6 to 100 fathoms. Off Saint George's Bank, 430 fathoms, (S. 1. Smith). DYSMORPHOSA FULGURANS A. Agassiz. (p. 448.) Catalogue, p. 163, figs. 259, 260, 1865. Buzzard's Bay, Naushou, and Massachusetts Bay (A. Agassiz). TURRITOPSIS NUTRICULA McCready. (p. 454.) Op. cit., pp. 55, 86, 127, Plates 4, 5, 8, fig. 1, 1857-9 ; Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 347 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 167, figs. 269, 270. Charleston, South Carolina, to Vineyard Sound. STOMOTOCA APICATA Agassiz. (p. 455.) Contributions, vol. iv, p. 347, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 168. SapJienia apicata McCready, op. cit., p. 129, Plate 8, figs. 2, 3, 1859. Charleston, South Carolina (McCready) ; Newport, Khode Island (A. Agassiz). CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA Agassiz. (p. 328.) Contributions, vol.. iv, pp. 218, 222, fig. 32, Plate 20, figs. ll-16a, Plate 21, figs. l-10a, 1862; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 170, fig. 274; Hiucks, op. cit., p. 6, Plate 2, fig. 1, 1868. Clara multicornis Stimpson, Invert. Grand Manan, p. 11, 1853 ; Leidy, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad., vol. iii, p. 135, Plate 11, figs. 33, 34, 1855 (not of Johnston). Long Island Sound to Labrador; coasts of Great Britain. Near New Haven Light 5 Thimble Islands, in tide-pools; Beverly, Massachusetts ; Casco Bay, on rocks and Fucus, abundant ; Eastport, Maine, on piles. Point Judith, Rhode Island (Leidy). Nahant, Massachusetts (Agassiz). Morecombe Bay (Hincks). CORDYLOPIIORA, species undetermined. Syncoryna, sp., Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 339 (no description). Newport Harbor, Rhode Island (Leidy, t. Agassiz). la 1860 I ob tained a species of this genus from the vicinity of Cambridge, Massa- r?35] INVERTEBRATE ANJMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 441 chusetts, in water that was fresh, or nearly so. It grew to the height of two inches or more, with long slender branches. WILLIA ORNATA McCready. (p. 455.) Op. cit., p. 149 (separate copies, p. 47), Plate 9, figs. 9-11, 1859 (Willsia) ; Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 346, 1862; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 171, figs. 274a, 275. Charleston, South Carolina (McCready). Buzzard's Bay (A. Agassiz). CORYNE MIRABILTS Agassiz. Contributions, vol. iii, Plate llc, figs. 14, 15, Plates 17-19 ; vol. iv, pp. 185-217, figs. 9-31, Plate 20, figs. 1-9, Plate 23% fig. 12 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 175, figs. 283-287. Sarsia mirabllis Agassiz, Mern. Araer. Acad., vol. iv, p. 224, Plates 4, 5, 1849. ? Tubularia stellifera Couthouy, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 56, 1839. Coryne gravata Wright, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., Apr., 1858, Plate 7, fig. 5 (t. Hincks). Syncoryne gravata Hincks, Brit. Hydr. Zooph., p. 53, Plate 10, fig. 1. The species described by Couthouy may, possibly, have been this ; but his species was described as unbranched, and as if it had two dis tinct circles of tentacles. Martha's Vineyard to Greenland. Common in Massachusetts Bay; Casco Bay; and Bay of Fuudy. Scotland (Hincks). DIPURENA CONICA A. Agassiz. (p. 455.) In Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 341, 1862; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 181, figs. 301-305. Buzzard's Bay, Naushon (A. Agassiz). GEMMARIA GEMMOSA McCready. (p. 455.) Op. cit., p. 151, Plate 8, figs. 4,5, 1859; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 184, fig. 308. Zanclea gemmosa McCready, op. cit., p. 151, 1849 ; Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 344. Charleston, South Carolina (McCready). Buzzard's Bay (A. Agassiz). PENNARIA TIARELLA McCready. Plate XXXVII, figs. 277, 278, (p. 327.) Op. cit., p. 153, 1859 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 187, figs. 311-315. GloUceps tia- rella Ayres, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 193, 1852. Eucoryne elegans Leidy, op. cit., p. 136, Plate 10, figs. 1-5, 1855. GloUceps tiarella Agassiz, Con tributions, vol. iv, p. 344, 1862. Charleston, South Carolina, to Massachusetts Bay. Great Egg Har bor, New Jersey ; near New Haven ; Vineyard Sound, common, low- water to 10 fathoms, and on floating algse. ECTOPLEURA OCHRACEA Agassiz. (p. 455.) In Agassiz, Contributions, vol. iv, p. 343, 1862; Catalogue, p. 191, figs. 320-323. Buzzard's Bay, Naushon (A. Agassiz). 442 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [736] CORYMORPHA PENDULA Agassiz. Plate XXXVI, fig. 273. (p. 510.) Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 276, 343, Plate 26, figs. 7-17, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Cata logue, p. 192, fig. 324. Corymorplia nutans Stirapson, Invert, of Grand Manan, p. 9, 1853. Block Island to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, 8 to 30 fathoms ; off Block Island, 29 fathoms. Off Cape Cod (A. S. Bickmore). HYBOCODON PROLIFER Agassiz. Plate XXXVIII, fig. 282. (p. 328.) Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 243, 343, Plate 23% figs. 10, 11, Plate 25, figs. 1-15, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 193, figs. 325-328. Vineyard Sound to Massachusetts Bay. PARYPHA CROOEA Agassiz. Plate XXXVI, fig. 274. (p. 390.) Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 249, 342, Plates 23, 23a, figs. 1-7, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Cata logue, p. 195. ? Tubitlaria cristata McCready, op. cit., p. 156, 1859= Par yplia cristata Ag., op. cit., p. 342. Brooklyn, New York, to Boston, Massachusetts. Very abundant near New Haven, on piles in harbor, and in 2 to 6 fathoms, off Thimble Islands; Wood's Hole, on piles, abundant. Warren Bridge, Boston (Agassiz). This is probably not distinct from P. cristata, which is abundant at Charleston, South Carolina, and Fort Macon, North Carolina. THAMNOONIDIA TENELLA Agassiz. (p. 407.) Contributions, vol. iv, pp. 275, 342, Plate 22, figs. 21-30, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Cata logue, p. 195. Rhode Island to Bay of Fun dy. Off Watch Hill, 4 to 5 fathoms; Vineyard Sound, 6 to 10 fathoms ; common in Casco Bay and Bay of Fundy, low- water to 40 fathoms. HYDRACTINIA POLYCLINA Agassiz. (p. 407.) Contributions, vol. iii, Plate 16; vol. iv, pp. 227, 339, figs. 33-35, Plate 26, fig. 18, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 193, figs. 329, 330. Hydmctinw ecliinata Leidy, op. cit., p. 135, Plate xi, fig. 35, 1855 (? not of Johnston). New Jersey to Labrador. Very abundant in Long Island Sound, Vineyard Sound, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy. low-water to 60 fath oms. Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Labrador (Packard). Green land (Morch). ? Charleston, South Carolina (McCready). The identity of this with the European species is somewhat doubtful, though united by Hincks and others. The latter extends southward on the European coasts to Great Britain and France. Physophorce. NANOMIA CARA A. Agassiz. (p. 455.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. ix, p. 181, 1863 ; Catalogue, p. 200, figs. 332-350. Newport, Khode Island ; Massachusetts Bay; Nahant (A. Agassiz). . [737] INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS OF VINEYARD SOUND, ETC. 443 Porpitce. + PHYSALIA PELAGICA Lamarck, (p. 450.) Syst. des Aiiim. sans Vert., p. 356, 1801 ; Lesson, Acaleplies, p. 545, 1843. Physalis pelagica Osbeck, Itin., p. 284, Plate 12, fig. 1, 1757 (t. Lesson). Holothuria physalis Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1090, 1767. Medusa caravella Miiller, Besch. der Berl. Naturf., vol. ii, p. 190, Plate 9, tig. 2 (t. Lesson) ; Ginelin, Syst. Nat., p. 3139, 1789. Physalia caravella Eschscholtz ; Lesson, Hist. Nat. des Zooph. Acaleplies, Plate 11 (explanation). Physalia arethusa Tiiesius, in Krusensterna Reise, vol. iii, p. 91, Plate 23, figs. 1-6, 1813 (t. Lesson) ; Agassiz, Contributions , vol. iv, pp. 335, 367, Plate 35, 1862 ; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 214, figs. 351-354 ; this Report, p. 450. Physalia aurigera McCready, op. cit., p. 176, 1859. Warmer parts of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, coming north ward in the Gulf Stream to the southern coast of New England and Long Island ; and off Saint George's Bank and Nova Scotia. Not un common, in good condition, in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay. Watch Hill, Rhode Island (D. C. Baton). East of Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). Fort Macon, North Carolina (coll- Dr. Yarrow). -- VELELLA MUTICA Lamarck, (p. 455.) Syst. des Anim. sans Vert., p. 355, 1801 ; Bosc, Hist. Nat. des Vers., vol. ii, p. 158; Lesson, la Coquille, Zool., vol. ii, pp. 2,52, Plate 6, figs. 1,2; Aca leplies, p. 571, Plate 12, figs. 1,2; A. Agassiz, Catalogue, p. 216, figs. 355-357. Medusa velella Linne", Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 1098. Tropical parts of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, coming northward in the Gulf Stream as far as Nantucket and off Saint George's Bank. Aspinwall (coll. F. H. Bradley) ; coasts of Florida (Agassiz) $, Long Is land Sound (A. Agassiz). POLYPI or ANTHOZOA. ALCYONARIA. I ALCYONIUM CARNEUM Agassiz. Plate XXXVIII, fig. 283. (p. 497.) Proc. American Association for Adv. of Science, 1850, p. 209; Verrill, Revision of Polyps of Eastern Coasfc U. S*, in Memoirs Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, p. 4, 1864 ; Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 343, 1866. Halcyonium carneum A. and E. C. Agassiz, Sea-Side Studies, p. 19, figs. 21-23, 1865. Khode Island to Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Off Watch Hill, Khode Island, 4 to 5 fathoms; off (Juttyhunk Island, 10 to 15 fathoms; off Gay Head, 8 to 10 fathoms ; common in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, Bay of Fundyr and coast of Nova Scotia, low- water to 80 fathoms. Gulf of Saint Law rence (Whiteaves). Saint George's Bank (S. I. Smith). . Leptogoryia tennis Verrill. Memoirs Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i,p. 8,1864. Gorgonia tennis Verrill, Proc. Boston Soc. N.H., vol. x, p. 339, 1866. Leptogorgia teres (error typ.) Verrill, Amer. Jour. Science, vol. xlviii, p. 420, 1869. "Bay of New York." Specimens in the museum of Yale College are supposed to have come from Long Island Sound, but the exact locality is not known. 30 v 444 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. [738] ACTINARIA. METRIDIUM MARGINATUM Milne-Edwards, (p. 329.) Hist. Nat. des Coralliaires, vol. i, p. 254, 1857; Verrill, Revision of Polyps., in Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, p. 22, 1864 ; Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 337, 186G ; American Naturalist, vol. ii, p. 252; Tenney, Natural History, p. 523, tigs. 515-517, 1865; A. and Mrs. E. C. Agassiz, Sea-Side Studies, p. 7, rigs. 2-7, 1865. Actinia marginata Lesueur, Journal Acad. Nat. Sciences, Philad., vol. i,p. 172,1817; Gould, Invert. Mass., ed. i, p. 349, 1841; Leidy, Journ. Acad. N. S., Philad., ser. ii, vol. iii, p. 140, 1855 Agassiz, Contri butions, vol. iii, p. 39, fig. 8, 1860. Actinia dianthiis Dawson, Canadian Nat uralist and Geologist, vol. iii, p. 402, figs. 1,2, 1858. New Jersey to Labrador. Common in Long Island Sound, Buzzard's Bay, and Vineyard Sound, but mostly smaller than further north; abundant in Massachusetts Bay, Casco Bay, and Bay of Fundy, low- water to 90 fathoms. SAGARTIA LEUCOLENA Verrill. Plate XXXVIII, fig. 284. (p. 329.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 336, 1866 ; American Naturalist, vol. ii, p. 261. North Carolina to Cape Cod. Common in Long Island Sound, Buz zard's Bay, and Vineyard Sound ; Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. Fort Macon, North Carolina (coll. Dr. Yarrow). SAGARTIA MODESTA Verrill. (p. 330.) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 337, 1863. Long Island Sound to Vineyard Sound. Savin Bock, near New Haven; Goose Island 5 Stony Creek ; Naushon Island ; low-water, buried in sand or gravel. PARACTIS RAPIFORMIS Milne-Edwards, (p. 3G3.) Hist. Nat. des Coralliaires, vol. i, p. 249, 1857; Verrill, American Journal of Science, vol. iii, p. 436, 1872; Dana, Corals and Coral Islands, p. 23, figure, (in 14 Blackrish 515 Bledius cordatus 543, 364, 462, 464 pallipennis 543, 364, 462, 464 species 335 Blood-drop 37 1 Bloody-clams 309 Blue-crab 367,468 Blue-fish 516,339 Blue-shark 521 Boliua alata 451 Boitenia reuiformis 70 J Bonito 516 Bopyrus 4C7 Borlasia olivacea 628 BotryllusGouldii..702, 375, 375, 378, 381), 39:5, 483 var. albida 3715 var. anuulata 37u var, atrox 376 var. bicolor 376 var. farinacea 376 var. Stella... 376 460 INDEX. Page. Botryllus var. variegata 376 Sclilosseri 702 stellatus 702 Bougainvillia superciliaris .. .733, 328, 334, 411,454 Bowerbankia gracilis 709 Brachydontes hamatus 693 plicatulus 693 Brackish waters, fauna of 460 Brackish waters, fauna of eel-grass. 478 Brackish waters, fauna of estuaries and harbors 460 Brackish waters, fauna of muddy shores and bottoms 465 Brackish waters, fauna of oyster- beds 472 Brackish waters, fauna of piles of wharves, bridges, floating timber, &c 481 Brackish waters, fauna of sandy shores and bottoms 462 Brackish waters, list of species of eel-grass 480 Brackish waters, list of species of muddy shores and bottoms 470 Brackish waters, list of species of oyster-beds 476 Brackish waters, list of species of piles of wharves, bridges, floating timber, &c 482 Brackish waters, list of species of sandy shores and bottoms 464 Brachyura 545 Brada setosa 606, 431, 434, 508 Branchellion Orbiuiensis 624 Branchiella Thyimi 578 Branchiobdella Ravenellii. . . 624, 458, 460 Brevoortia menhaden 520 Brittle star-fish 363 Bryozoa 707 Buccinum cinereum 641 Labradorense 638 lapillus 642 lunatum 645 obsoletum 641 plicosurn 641 pyramidale 637 rosaceum 645 trivittatum 641 undatum 638, 494, 508, 521 undulatum 638 Wheatleyi 645 zonale 645, 518 Bugula avicularia 711 Page. Bugula flabellata 711, 333, 389, 393, 411, 424, 489 Murrayana 711, 496 turrita.. 712, 311, 333, 361, 366, 389, 393, 411, 419, 424, 427, 429, 476 Bulbus flavus 647, 518 Bulla canaliculata 663 debilis 517,663 hyalina 663 insculpta 662 oryza 663 pellucida 663 solitaria. . .662, 371, 377, 435, 469, 520 triticea 663,518 Busycon caualiculatum 640 carica 640 Byblis serrata 561, 501, 511 Caberea Ellisii 711, 420, 424 Hookeri 711 Caecum Cooperi 649 costatum 649, 417, 423, 428 pulchellum 649, 417, 423, 428 Calcareous sponges 740 Caligus Americaims 575 cnrtus 575,459 crassus 577 Miilleri 575 rapax 575, 452, 457, 459 species 439 Callianassa lougimana 549 Stimpsoni. . . 549, 369, 377, 434. 530 Caliope laeviuscula 557 Calliopius Iseviusculos.. .557, 315, 331, 439, 452, 455, 519 Callinectes liastatns.548, 367, 377, 431, 434, 438, 451, 458, 468, 479, 516 Callista convexa 681, 432, 435, 470, 518 Calyptrsea striata 651 Catnpauularia caliculata 726 dumosa 729 flabellata 728 flexuosa. . 726, 327, 334, 393, 411 gelatinosa 728 Johnston! 725 volubilis. . 726, 334, 408, 411, 424 Cancer borealis . . 546, 745, 395, 409, 486, 493 granulatus 547 irroratus...546, 312, 331, 338, 364, 367, 377, 395, 409, 415, 422, 428, 434, 439, 451, 464, 486, 490, 493, 514,515,516,520,521,530 INDEX. 461 Page. Cancer ocellatus 547 Sayi 546 vocans 545 Caprella geouietrica 567, 409 species. 519, 316, 382, 392, 409, 422, 494 Carcinus granulatus.547, 312, 331, 338, 364 367,377,464,428,434,467 mojnas 547 Carclita borealis 683 granulata 684 Cardium Groenlaiidicum 518 Mortoni 683 pinniilatiim .... 683, 423, 435, 518 Caudina arenata 715, 362, 366, 427, 429 Cavoliua gyniuota 667, 383, 749 trideutata 669, 393, 444, 453 Cecrops Latreillii 577, 459 Cellaria ternata 711 Celleporina 714 Cellepora cocciuea 714 hyalina 713 nitida 713 puniicosa 714 ramulosa. 714, 312, 333, 405, 411, 424, 496 scabra 714, 419, 424 verrncosa 714 Cellularia chelata 710 densa 711 fastigiata 712 Hookeri 711 ternata 711,496 turrit a 712 Cellularina 710 Centropristis fusctis 514 Cephalopoda 634 Cepon distortus 573, 459 Cerapus fucicola 565 minax 565 rubricornis 565, 396, 409 Ceratacauthus aurantiacus 1 520 Cerebratulus, species.630, 324, 332, 382, 392, 410, 434 Cerithiopsis Emersonii . . 648, 410, 417, 423, 428 Greenii. 647, 333, 383, 393, 410, 417, 423 terebralis. . . 648, 393, 417, 423, 428 Cerithium Emersonii 648 Greenii 647 nigrocinctura 648 reticulatum 848 Page. Cerithium Sayi 648 terebrale 648 Ceronia arctata 679, 426, 429, 518 Cestodes 456 Cestum Veueris 723 Chsetiopsetta ocellatus 458, 519 Cluetobranchus sanguiueus . . 616, 320, 332, 371, 377, 434, 468 Chtetognatha 626 Chretopleura apiculata 661 Chalina arbuscula 742 oculata. .742, 391, 409, 412, 425, 497 Charybdea periphylla 724 Chemnitzia bisuturalis 656 dealbata 656 impressa 656 seminuda 657 Chernes oblongus 544,331 Chilostomata 710 Chirodota arenata 716 oolitica 715 Chiton apiculatus 661 fulmmatus 517 marmoreus 517, 399 ruber 662 Chironomus halophilus.. .539, 409, 415, 421 oceanicus.. . . 539, 331, 379, 392, 519 Chondracanthus cornutus 578 Chondrus crispus 404 Chrysodomus pygm?eus 639 Cicindela albohirta 364 dorsalis 541, 364 duodecimguttata 541 generosa 541, 336, 364 hirticollis 541, 364 larvre 464 " marginata 541 repanda 541 Cineras vittata 580 Cingula aculeus 654 arenaria 654, 517 laevis. ..-•.; 653 minuta 653 modesta 653 Ciona tenella 698, 419, 424 Cirratulus fragilis 607 grandis . .606, 319, 332, 348, 364, 371,377,422,468 tennis 607, 416, 422 Cirripedia 578 Cirrhinereis fragilis. .607, 332, 397, 410, 422 Cistenides Gouldii . . 612, 323, 332, 349, 365, 371, 377, 422, 428, 434 462 INDEX. Page. Clam, bloody 309 long ..463,357,309 maninose 464 quahog 359 round 359 sea 358 soft-shell 464 surf 358 Clam-worms 319 Clava leptostyla 734, 328, 334 multicoruis 734 Clidiophora trilineata.. .673, 418, 423, 429, 432, 435 Clio borealis „ 668 limacina 668 Miquelonensis 668 Clioua retusa 668 Clioiie borealis 668 limacina , 668 papillonacea 668, 444, 453 sulphurea 744, 430, 409, 412, 421, 425, 427 Clitellio irrorata 623, 324, 332, 365, 463 Clupea elongata 520 Clytia bicopbora 725 cyliudrica 726 intermedia 726, 408, 411 Jobustoni 725, 334, 408, 411 poteriurn 726 uniflora 726 volubilis 726,725 Clymenella 607 torquata 608 Clymenetorquatus. . .608, 343, 365, 422, 428 urceolata - 610 Cocklodesina Leanum. . . .673, 418, 423, 429 Cod 516 Cod-fish, rnollusks found in 517 Cold waters of tbe ocean sbores, fauna of 484 Coleoptera 540,335 Collisella Dalli 661 Columbella avara 643 dissimilis 645 Gouldiana 645 • lunata 645 rosacea 645 trauslirata 644 Common muscle 307, 361 Common prawn . , 339 Common skate 521 Coucboderma aurita 580,392 virgata 580,392 Conilera concbarum .572, 746, 426, 428, 459, 521 Page. Copeopoda 573, 455 Copepods, free 451, 452 Coralliua officinalis 316 Corbula contracta 672, 418, 423, 429 Cordylopbora, species 734 Coronula diadema 579, 460 Coropbiunicylindricum. .566, 392, 382, 377, 370, 434, 422, 415 Corymorpba nutans 736 pendula 736, 510 Corynactis albida 738 Coryue gravata 735 mirabilis 735 Corypbella gymnota 667 Cosmocepbala ocbracea. .630, 325, 332, 365, 410, 423, 434 Crab, blue 367 edible 367,458 fiddler 336,367 green 312 hermit 313, 339, 368, 415 horseshoe 340, 370 lady 338 land 337 mud 312 oyster 367 rock 312, 415 sand 338 soft-shelled 368 spider 339, 368, 395 Crangon boreas 400 septemspinosus 550 vulgaris. . - . 550, 339, 364, 369, 377, 395, 400, 409, 415, 422, 428, 434, 451, 455, 463, 464, 479, 490, 493, 501, 514, 515, 516, 518, 519, 520, 521, 529 Crassina castanea 685 latisulca 684 Crassivenus mercenaria 681 Crenella glandula. . . 695, 418, 424, 435, 518, 519 Crepidula acuta 650 convexa...650, 333, 355, 365, 371, 377, 423, 429, 435, 463, 479 fornicata..649, 333, 355, 365, 410, 412, 414, 417, 423, 429, 435, 475, 515 glauca 650 plana 650 unguiformis. ..650, 333, 355, 365, 410, 417, 423, 429, 435, 475, 515 Cribella oculata 719 Cribrella sanguinolenta.719, 407, 411, 420, 424, 433, 447, 485, 496 INDEX. 463 Page. Crinoidea ... 722 Crisia oburuea. .707, 311, 333, 393, 405, 411, 419, 424, 496, 515 Crucibnlum striatum.651, 399, 410, 417, 423 Crustacea - 545 Cryptodon Gouldii 686, 509 obesns 637, 509 Cryptopodia granulata 548 Ctenophorae 722 Ctenolabrus burgall 521 Ctenostomata 708 Cuenmaria fusiformis 715 Culex, species 539, 466 Cumacea 452, 554 Cumin giatellinoides.679, 374, 378, 418, 423, 435 Cyaneaarctica . -723, 440, 447, 449, 450, 454, 455, 739 fnlva 723 Postelsii 723 Cyclas dentata 686, 418, 423, 429 Cycloeardia borealis..683, 418, 423, 435, 508 Cyclocardia NovangliaB..681, 418, 423, 435, 508 Cyclostomata 707 Cyliclma alba - 663, 508, 518 oryza 663, 426, 429, 432, 435 Cyllene furciger 533 lignorum 571 Cymothoa ovalis 572 Cynoscion regalis 515 Cynthia carnea 701 , 495 echinata 702,495 gutta... 701 hirsuta 702 partita .701, 311, 333, 388, 393, 401, 411, 424, 435, 515 placenta 701 riignsa 701 stellifera 701 Cyprina Islandica 633, 397, 508, 518 Cystobranclnis vividus. 624, 458, 460 Cy therea convexa 681 morrhnana 681, 518 Sayana 681 Sayii 681 Dactylometra quinqnecirra . .724. 449, 454, 495 Darwinia compressa*- 557 Defrancia bicarinata 638 Vahlii 637 Delesseriasinuosa 492, 496 Dendrocccla 632 Dendronotus arborescens 665 Diacria trispiuosa 669, 444. 453 Page. Diaphana debilis 663 Diastopora patina 707,405,411 Diastylis abbreviata 554 qnadrispinosa 554, 511, 507 scnlpta 554 Dibranchiata 634 Dinematura coleoptrata 576 Dinemoura alta 576 Dimyaria 669 Diodon pilosus 460,578 Dione convexa 681 Diopatra cuprea.593, 346, 364, 371, 377, 422, 431, 434 Diptera 539,335 Dipurnea conica 735, 455 Dieoophorae - 723 Discopora coccinea 714, 333, 424, 496 Docoglossa 661 Dodecacerea, species 607,397,422 Dog-fish 521 Doliolura, species 707,446,454 Donax fossor 679 Doridella obscura .. .664, 307, 333, 400, 410, 423 Doris arborescens — 665 bifida 664,307,333 coronata 665 illuminata 665 pallida 665 Doto coronata . . .665, 400, 410, 423, 480, 495 Drill 306,399 Dusky shark 520 Dynamena cornicina 733, 729 puraila 733 Dysmorphosa fulgurans 734, 448, 454 Echinarachnius parma. . .717, 362, 366, 427, 429, 490, 503, 515, 578, 520 Echinaster oculatus 719 sanguinoleutus - 719 Echinocidaris Davisii 717 punctulata 717 Echinodermata 715 Echinoidea 716 Echinus Drobachiensis 716 granularis - 716 granulatus 716 neglectus 716 pentaporns 717 punctulatus 717 Echthrogaleus coleoptratus - - 576, 459, 749 denticnlatns 576, 459 Ecrobia minuta 653 Ectopleura ochracea 735, 455 Edible crab 357, 458 Etlwardsia elegaus 451 464 INDEX. Page. Ed wardsia farinacea 739, 451, 510 liueata 739, 421, 425, 497 Eel-grass 460 in brackish water, animals inhabiting 478 list of species inhabiting the 480 Elysia chlorotica 667, 480 Elysiella catulus 668, 480 Embolus panper 715 Euchy tra3us triventralopectinatus . . 624 Eugraulis vittatns 516 Eusatella Americaua.674, 356, 365, 426, 429, 490, 521 Ensis Americana 674 Entouiostraca-...422, 434, 573, 331, 337, 409 Eolidia despecta 667 Eolis despecta 667 gymnota 667 Eone gracilis 596 Epelys montosus-571, 316, 331, 370, 377, 434 trilobus ..571, 370, 377, 422, 428, 434, 452, 464 Ephydra, species .540, 464, 466 Epizoauthns Araericanus 740, 510 Ergasilus labraces 573, 459 Erichsouia attennata 570, 370, 377, 479 nliformis.570, 316, 331, 409, 422, 452, 494 Eristalis, species 540 Eschara Pallasiana 713 pilosa 712 scabra 714 Escharella variabilis 713, 312, 333, 361, 366, 389, 393; 403, 411, 419, 424, 427, 429, 476 Escharina 713 liueata 712 pediostoma 713 variabilis 713 Escharipora punctata 713, 403, 411, 424 Eteone limicola 588 robnsta 588, 746 setosa 588 species- . .589, 349, 364, 397, 428, 452 Eucheilota duodecimals 725, 454 veutricularis 725, 454 Euchone elegaus 618, 432, 434, 508 species 422, 392, 416 Eucope alteruata 727 diaphana 727 pentapora Tltf polygeua 727 Eucoryne elegans 735 Eucratea chelata 710, 405. 411, 424, 749 Eudendriurn dispar 734, 408, 411, 425 Page. Eudendrium ramosum 734, 408, 411 tenue 734 Eudorella hispida 555 pusilla 554 Eugomphodus littoralis 521 Eugy ra pilularis 700, 509 Eulalia anuulata 585 gracilis 586 grauulosa 585 species . .452, 332, 349, 392, 397, 410, 422, 434 Eulamia Milberti 521 obscura 520, 576 Eulima oleacea . . 655, 418, 420, 423, 427, 460 Euiuidia Americana 584, 494 papillosa 584 pistacia 584 species 452, 332, 349, 392, 397, 410,422,452 vivida 584 Eunice sanguiuea 593 Eupagurus Bernhardus 548, 501 Iarva3 451, lougicarpus . .549, 313, 331, 339, 364, 368, 395, 377, 409, 415, 422, 426, 428, 434, 463, 464, 479, 515, pollicaris.548, 313, 331, 364, 368, 377, 395, 409, 415, 417, 422, 426, 428, 434, 515, 521 pubescens 549 Eupleura caudata. . .642, 332, 371, 377, 423, 428, 435 Euryechinus Drobachiensis 716 granulatus 716. Euthora cristata 492 Eutima limpida 729, 454 Fabricia Leidyi..619, 323, 332, 397, 410, 422 False scorpion 331 Farrella familiaris 710, 487 pedicellata 710 Fasciolaria ligata 642, 517 Fiddler crabs 336, 457, 467 File-fish 520,327 Fishes, food of 514 list of external parasites ob served on 459 parasites of 455 Flounder, ocellated, or summer. ..519, 339 spotted 520 winter 520 Flustra avieuhiria 711 Ellisii 711 hispida 708 liueata 712 Murrayana 711 INDEX. 465 Page. Flustra pilosa 712 setacea 711 truncata 711 Flustrella bispida 708 Flustrina 712 Fog-fish 521 Food of fishes 514 Foramiuifera 745, 425, 430, 412 Fovia Warrenii 633 Free swimming and surface animals 436 Fringed sea-anemone 329 Frost-fish 519 Fucus uodosus 303 vesiculosus 303, 487 Fulgur canalicnlata 640 carica . . .640, 313, 332, 355, 365, 399, 410, 417, 423, 428 eliceans 640 Fundulus pisculentus 520, 458 Fusus ciuereus 641 corneus 638,517 curtus 638 harpularius 636 Holbolli 645 Islaudicus 638 pleurotomarius 637 pygmaeus 639 rufus 637 Trumbullii 639, 645, 518 Gad us niorrhua 516 Galerocerdo tigrina 521 Gammaracanthus mucronatus 559 Gammarus aunulatus 553, 314, 331, 586 519 locusta 557 ruarmus 559, 314, 331, 486 mucronatus.. 559, 370, 377, 466, 479, 519, 520 natator.. 558, 439, 452, 455, 518, 519, 520 ornatus. . 557, 514, 331, 382, 392, 455, 486, 519 pulex 557 Gastranella tunrida 678, 418, 423 Gastropoda 636 Gattiola, species 590. 453 Gebia affiuis . . -549, 368, 377, 451, 468, 519, 520, 530 Gelasinms minax 545, 337 pugilator. 545, 336, 364, 462, 464, 467 pugnax . . . 545, 367, 377, 466, 468 vocans 545 Gemellaria loricata 747 loriculata 747 Gemma Totteni 682 Page. Gemma Manhattensis 682 Gemmaria Americana 740 gemmosa 735 Geopinus incrassatus 541, 364 Glandula arenicola 701, 502 Globiceps tiarella 735 Glycera Americana 596 dibranchiata 596 Goose-barnacles 381 Goose-fish 516 Gorgouia tennis 737, 457 Gouldia lunulata 685 mactracea . . .685, 418, 423, 429, 518 Grautia botryoides 741 ciliata. . 740, 330, 334, 391, 394, 412, 425 coronata 741 Gravelly and sandy bottoms off the open coast, list of species inhabit ing 504 Gravelly and shelly bottoms of bays and sounds, fauna of the 412 Gravelly bottoms off the open coast, fauna of . . . , 500 Green-crab 312 Gribble 381 Gymnocopa 626 Gy mnosomata 668 Gymnolsemata 707 Haddock, mollusks taken from stomachs of 518 Halcampa albida 738 Halcyonium carneuin 737 Halecium gracile. . ..729, 328, 334, 376, 378, 391,393,411,425,476 Halichondria oculata 742 panicea 743, 749 species 743 Halisarca, species 744 Halocarnpa producta.738, 330, 334, 363, 366 Halodrillus littoralis.623, 324, 332, 338, 365, •463 Harbors, fauna of the 460 Harger, Oscar, on Isopod Crusta cea 545, 567 Harmothoe imbricata 582, 321, 332, 392, 397, 410, 422 Hemimactra solidissima 680 Hermit-crabs 313, 339, 368, 371 Hermaea cruciata 667 Heterocerns undatus 543, 364, 464 Heterocrypta granulata 548, 415, 422 Heteromyaria 692 Heteromysis forrnosa 553, 396, 409, 415, 422, 452 Heterouereis arctica 59 466 INDEX. Heteronereis assimilis ... glaucopis .. grandifolia Heterofusus Alexaudri .. balea... Page. 591 591 591 689 669 Hickory shad 520 Hippa talpoida.,548, 338, 364, 428, 451, 490, 530 Hippocrene Carolineusis 733 superciliaris 733 Hippolyte pusiola. . . 550, 395, 409, 422, 457, 493, 511^ Hippothoa rugosa 712 Holothuria Briareus 715 physalis 737 Holothurioidea 715 Hornarus Americanus 549, 313, 331, 395, 409, 415, 422, 426, 428, 451, 492, 515, 520, 521, 745 Horseshoe-crab 340, 468 Horse-mackerel 516 Horse-muscle 309 Hy as coarctatus 548 Hy alaea cornea 669 tridentata 669 trispinosa 669 Hyale littoralis 556,315,331,392,486 Hybocodon prolifer 736, 328, 334 Hydractinia echinata 736 poiyclina. . . 736, 328, 334, 363, 376, 378, 407, 411, 425, 427, 429 Hydrallmania falcata . . . .733, 408, 411, 425 Hydroidea 725 Hydrophilus quadristriatus .541, 466 Hymeuiacidoii 743 suberea 744 Hyperia, species 567, 439, 452, 459 Ichthyobdella Ftmduli 624, 458, 460 Idotea creca 569,340,364,428 irrorata .569, 316, 331, 340, 364, 370, 377, 392, 439, 452, 479, 486, 494, 514 tnontosa 571 phosphorea. .569, 316, 331, 392, 409, 422, 452 rolmsta 569, 439, 452 triloba 571 Tnftsii 569, 340, 364, 501 Tdyia roseola 723, 448, 451, 454 Ilyaiiassa obsoleta. . 641, 313, 339, 354, 355, 365,368,371,377,383, 392, 428,435, 463, 469, 479, 516 Infusoria, ciliated 455 Insecta.. 539 Page. Invertebrate animals, habits and dis tribution of the 294 Imphimedia vulgaris 557 Irish moss 404 Isodictya palmata 742 species 742 Isopoda 567 Ivory-barnacle 381 Jaera copiosa... 571,315,331,382,392,486 nivalis 571 Jaminia exigua 656 producta 656 . semiuuda 657 Janthina fragilis 660 Jingle-shell 311 Kellia planulata.688, 310, 333, 374, 378, 418, 423, 435 rubra 688 King-crab 340 King-fish 515,339 Lacuna divaricata 652 frigida 652 labiosa 652 neritoidea 653, 495 solidula 652 vincta . . 652, 305, 333, 355, 365, 372, 377, 410, 417, 423, 485 Lady-crab 338, 426 La3vicardium Mortoni . . . 683, 358, 3G5, 4:26,, 429 Lafosa calcarata.729, 334, 408, 411, 425, 454 coruuta - 729 Lamellibranchiata 669 Laminarin digitata 492. longicrura 492 saccharina 492 Laodicea calcarata 729 Laomedea amphora 727 dichotoma 728 divaricata 727 flexuosa 726 gelatiuosa 728, 727 geniculata 727 gigantea 728 longissima ,= . . 728 Laphystitia stnrionis 557,457,459 Larva} of balanus 455 Larvalia 707 Larval imicroura 452 Leda limatula 689 obesa -. 690 sapotilla 689 tenuisulcata 690, 509, 519 thraciajformis 690 INDEX. 467 Leguminaria Floridana. Lepas anatifera aurita anserifera balauoides . . Page. 67fi .580,382,392 580 .588, 382, 392 579 diadema 579 fascicularis 579, 382, 452 pectiuata 579, 382, 392 virgata 580 Lepeophtheirus salmonis 576 species 575, 459 Lepidactylis dytiscus 556, 339, 364, 409; 42-2, 428 Lepidonote armadillo 581 cirrata 582 Lepidouotus angustus 581,494 sublevis.. .581, 320, 332, 397, 410, 422 squamatus 581, 320, 332, 392, 397, 410, 422 Lepiwa rubra 615, 382, 392, 453 Lepralia hyalina 713 Pallasiana 713, 420 Peachii 714 pediostoma 713 punctata 713 species 496, 424, 333 variolosa 713 Leptasterias compta 719 Leptochiton apiculatus . . 661, 423, 399, 410, 749 r nber.. .662, 399, 410, 495, 749 Leptoclinum albidum.. .705, 403, 411, 424, 515 luteolum. . .706, 403, 411, 424 Leptogorgia tennis 737 teres „ 737 Lepton fabagella 688 Leptoplana folium 632, 487 Leptosynapta Girardii. . .716, 366, 361, 490 roseola 716, 366, 302 tennis ., 716 Leruioa branchialis 578, 460 nncinata 578 Lerneocera radiata 578 Lerneonema radiata 578, 458, 465 Lesueuria hyboptera 722, 454 Lencosolenia botryoides.,741, 334, 391, 394 thamnoides 741 Libinia canaliculata.548, 339, 364, 368, 377, 431,434,511,521 dnbia 548, 368, 377, 431, 434 Limacina balea 669 Limax papillosus 666 Page. Limnoria lignoruui . . 571, 360, 377, 379, 392, 482 terebrans 571 Limpet 306 Limnlus australis 580 Polyphemus .... 580, 340, 355, 364, 370, 377, 423, 431, 434, 452, 464, 468 Linkia oculata 719 pertusa 719 Liocardinni Mortoni 683 Lissa fissirostra 548 Lists of species found in the stomachs of fishes 514 List of parasites observed on fishes. 459 List of species inhabiting eel-grass in brackish waters 480 List of species inhabiting gravelly bottoms of the outer waters 504 List of species inhabiting gravelly and shelly bottoms of the bays and sounds 421 List of species inhabiting muddy bottoms of bays and sounds 434 List of species inhabiting muddy bottoms of brackish waters 470 List of species inhabiting sandy or soft muddy bottoms of outer wa ters 511 List of species commonly found on muddy shores of bays and sounds 377 List of species inhabiting muddy shores and bottoms of brackish waters 470 List of species inhabiting oyster- beds in brackish waters . . . 476 List of species inhabiting piles of wharves and bridges, buoys, bot toms of vessels, &c., in bays and sounds 392 List of species inhabiting piles of wharves, floating timbers, &.c., in brackish waters 432 List of species inhabiting rocky bot toms of the bays and sounds 409 List of species inhabiting rocky bot toms of the outer wat ers 498 List of species inhabiting the rocky shores of the bays and sounds 331 List of species found on the rocky shores of the outer coast 487 List of species inhabiting sandy bot toms of bays and sounds 428 468 INDEX. Page. List of species inhabiting sandy bot toms of estuaries 464 List of species inhabiting sandy bot toms of outer waters 504 List of species inhabiting sandy shores of bays and sounds 364 List of species inhabiting sandy shores and bottoms of estuaries.. 464 List of species inhabiting sandy shores of the outer coast 490 List of species inhabiting surface waters 451 List of species inhabiting surface waters in winter 455 Lithodomus 309 Lithothamnion poly morplmm. 399, 492, 495 Littorina arctica 652 Grceulandica 651 irrorata 651,372,377 lirnata '.. 652 littoralis 652 marmorata 652 neglecta 652 neritoidea 652 palliata 652, 305, 333, 383 393, 485 Peconica 652 rudissima 652 rudis. . 651, 305, 333, 383, 393, 485 saxatilis 652 sulcata 651 tenebrosa 651 zoua.ria* 652 Littorinella Ia3vis 653 minuta 383, 392, 469, 653, Livoneca ovalis 572, 459 Lizzia grata 448 Lobster and other Crustacea, meta morphoses of. By S. I. Smith . . . 522 Lobster, habits 395, 492, 745 Loligo illecebrosa 634 pallida 635, 441, 453, 514 Pealii . . 635, 416, 423, 440, 453, 515 516, 520, 521 punctata 635 Long clam 309, 357, 458, 490 Long-tailed, sting-ray 521 Lophius Americanus 516, 457 Lophopsetta maculata 520 Lophothuria Fabric!! 519 Lottia testudinalis 661 Lucina contracta 686 dentata 686 di varicata 686 filosa 686, 509 flexuosa . . 686 Page. Lucina Gouldii ggg radula 686 strigilla 686 Lumbriconereis fragilis 594, 501, 507 opalina . 594, 320, 352, 342, 364, 371, 377, 397, 410, 422, 428, 43^, 468 splendida 594 tennis . . 594, 320, 332, 342, 364, 371, 377, 422, 463 Lumbriculus tennis 623 Lumbricus fragilis 594 Lumbrinereis fragilis 594 Luuatia triseriata 646, 365 heros . 646, 313, 353, 354, 365, 423, 426, 429, 490, 417, 521 immaculata 646, 508, 517 Lupa diacantha 548 hastata 548 Lycidice Americana 593, 508 Lycoris fucata 591 Lyonsia hyalina 672, 358, 365, 423, 426, 429, 435 Lysianassa, species 556, 434, 452 Ly sianassinse 431 Macha divisa 676 Macliflera costata 675 Mackerel 442, 516 Macoma calcarea 677 fragilis 676 fusca. . .676, 359, 365, 372, 378, 429, 435, 463, 469, 508 Grceulandica 676 proxima 677 sabulosa 677 Macroura 549 Mactra arctata 679 gigantea 680 lateralis 680 similis 680 solidissiina.. 680, 358, 365, 412, 418 423, 426, 429, 490 tellinoides 679 Madreporaria 740 Malacobdella grossa 625 mercenaria - . „ . 625, 458, 460 obesa 625, 458, 460 Maldane elongata. . . 609, 343, 365, 371, 377 Mamma immaculata 646 Marnmaria Manhattensis 445 Mangelia bicarinata 638 ceriua 637,432,435 harpularia 636 pyramidalis 637 Margarita Gixenlaudica 519 INDEX. 469 Page. Margarita obscura 661, 508, 518 oriiata 661 Margelis Carolinensis ... 733, 334, 450, 454 Marpbysa Leidyi . . . 593, 319, 332, 347, 364, 410, 422, 434, 517 Marshes, fauna of the 460 Martesia cuneiformis 671 Meckelia ingens . 630, 324, 332, 349, 365, 423, 428, 432, 434, 453 lactea 630,350,365 lurida 630,502,508 Pocahontas 630 rosea. . 630, 324, 332, 350, 365, 428 Medusa digitale 725 earavella 737 velella 737 Megalops and zoea - 451 Melampus bideutatns . . . 662, 4G3, 469, 520 Melanogramnms seglifmus 518 Melinua cristata 613, 432, 434, 507 Melitanitida.560, 314, 331, 382, 392, 434, 479 Mellita pentapora 717 quinquefora 717 testudiuaria 717, 427, 429, 749 testudinata 717 Membrauipora lineata . . 712, 333, 406, 411, 424, 427, 429 pilosa.... 712,333,393,406, 411, 424, 496 tennis 712,420,424 Menestho albula 670 Menhaden 520 Menipea ternata 711 Menticirrus nebulosns 515 Mercenaria mercenaria 681 violacea 681 Mesodesma arctata 679, 518 Mesopienra bidentata 676 Metamorphoses of the lobster and other Crustacea. By S. I. Smith . 522 Metridiuni marginatum. 738, 329, 334, 391, 393, 412, 425 Microciona prolifera 745, 741 Microdeutopus miuax 562, 479, 519 Microgadus toin-codus 519 Millepora reticulata 714 Minnow 520 Mnemiopsis Leidyi. . .722, 449, 450, 454, 457 Modeeria, species 454 Modiola discrepans 694 glandula 695, 518 hamatus 693, 374, 378, 472, 475 laivigata 694 modiolus. . . 693, 309, 333, 401, 410, 418, 424, 495, 515 Page. Modiola nexa 694, 518 nigra papuana 693 plicatula . . . .693, 307, 333, 374,378 469, 475 semicosta 693 Modiolaria corrugata 694, 509, discors 649 Isevigata 694, 509, 749 nigra.694, 418, 424, 433, 435, 518 Mcera levis. .559, 315, 331, 409, 422, 452, 51g Molanna, species 543, 379, 392 Molgula areuata-699, 419, 424, 426, 429, 502 Manhattensis . . 699, 311, 333, 361, 366, 378, 388, 393, 375, 401, 411,424,427,429,435,445 papillosa 699, 495 pellucid a 699, 426, 429 pilularis 700 producta 699, 502, 510 Mollia hyaliua 713, 405, 411, 420, 424 Mollusca 634 Mollusks found in stomach of cod fish 517 Mollusks found in stomach of had dock '. 518 Molpadia oolitica 715, 510 Mouocelis agilis 631 325, 332 Monoculodes, species 556, 452, 455 Moiioculus Polyphemus 580 Mouops agilis 631 Moutacuta bidentata 688, 518 elevata . . .688, 418, 423, 435, 518 Montagua Gouldii 667 gymnota 667 pilata ...._'. 666 vermifera 666 Monomyaria 695 Morone Americana 514 Mud-crabs 468 Muddy bottoms of bays and sounds, list of species inhabiting. 434 Muddy bottoms of the open coast, fauna of 506 Muddy shores and bottoms of brack ish waters, fauna of 465 Mulinia lateralis. . . . 680, 373, 378, 423, 429, 432, 435, 470 Murex caualiculatus 640 carica - - 640 MnscidsB -- 540 Iarva3 364,421,464 Muscle, common 432 horse 432 ribbed 432 470 INDEX. Page. Mustelus canis 521 My a acuta 672 arctica 671 arenaria . . . 672, 309, 333, 357, 359, 365, 372, 378, 410, 423, 429, 435, 458, 463,469,490,515,521 byalina 672 mercenaria 672 Myliobatis Fremiuvilloi 521, 624 Mysis Americana. . . 552, 370, 377, 396, 409, 415, 422, 431, 434, 452, 455, 458, 479, 519, 520 stenolepis 551. 370, 377, 479 vulgaris 552 Mytilus borealis 692 corrngatus 694 decnssatus 695 demissus 693 discors . , 694 discrepans 694 edulis . . 692, 307, 333, 361, 365, 372, 378, 388, 393, 401, 410, 418, 424, 426, 429, 432, 435, 453, 470, 475, 515, 546 levigatus 694 lugubris 460 modiolus 693 notatns 692 pellncidus 692 pholadis , 671 plicatus 693 rugosns 671 Myzobdella lugubris 625 Nanomia cara 736, 455 Naraganseta coralii . . 607, 397, 410, 422, 494 Natica clausa 1 647, 519 dnplicata 646 flava 518 lieros 646 immaculata 646, 517 pusilla 647, 417, 423, 426, 429 triseriata 646 Nassa fretensis 640 liraata 645 obsoleta 641 tri vittata 641 vibex 640, 371, 377, 479 Nectonereis megalops 592, 440, 453 Nematodes 634, 453, 455, 456 Nomatonereis 594, 508 Nemerteans 627, 324 Nemertes obscura 628 olivacea 628 species 629 Page. Nemertes socialis 628, 324, 332, 392 viridis 628 Nemopsis Bacbei 733, 454 Gibbesi 733 Nephtbys borealis 583 bucera 583, 416, 422 ciliata 583 pieta 583, 348, 364, 422, 428 ingens 583, 431, 434, 507, 521 Neptunea curta 638 pygmasa 639, 508, 518 Nereilepas fncata 591 Nereis ciliata 583 cnprea 593 fucata 591, 494 grandis 590 limbata..590 318, 332, 341, 364, 371, 377, 382, 392, 422, 440, 453, 463, 516 pelagica 591, 319, 332, 397, 410, 422, 428, 434, 453 virens . . .590, 317, 332, 341, 364, 367, 371, 377, 440, 453, 455, 463, 468, 487, 514, 519 Yankiana 590 Nerine agilis 600, 346, 365, 490 cirrata 602 coniocepliala 602 Nerocila nmnda 571, 459 Nenroptera 543 Neverita duplieata ..646, 354, 365, 426, 429, 490 Nicoraacbe .dispar 608, 508 Nicolea simplex 613, 321, 332, 382, 392, 397, 410, 422, 453, 494 Ninoe nigripes 595, 508 Nogagus Latroillei 576, 457, 459 tenax 577, 457, 459 Notomastus filiformis.611, 342, 365, 371, 377 luridus. . 610, 342, 365, 371, 377 Notospernms viridis 628 Nucula corticata 691 delphinodouta 691, 509 Gouldii 690 limatula 689,518 niinuta 690 navicularis 690 proxima 691, 418, 424, 432, 435, 515, 518, 519, 520 radiata 691 sapotilla 689,518 tennis ....691,518,519 tenuisulcata 690 thraciaeformis 690 tbraciformis .690, 749 INDEX. 471 Page. Nudibranchiata 664 Obelia commissuralis 728, 327, 334, 393, 407, 411, 425 diaphana 727, 327, 334, 429 dichotoma 728, 407, 411, 425 divaricata - - - 727 flabellata 728, 390, 393, 497 fusiformis 407,411,424 gelatinosa 728, 391, 393, 482 geniculata - - -727, 334, 393, 407, 411, 424, 487, 494, 495, 496 longissinia 728 polygena 727 pyriformis 727, 334, 390, 393 species 476, 363, 376, 447, 454 Oceania languida 725, 454 Ocean shores and outer cold waters, fauna of ------ 484 Ocellated flounder 519 Ocypoda arenaria . . .545, 745, 336, 337, 364, 534 Ocypode pugilator 545 Odostomia bisuturalis . . .656, 307, 333, 383, 393, 423 dealbata 656 exigua 656 fnsca .656, 307, 333, 393, 423, 435 impressa..660, 656, 333, 418, 423 iiisculpta 656 limuoidea • 653 prod n ota 656, 333, 418, 423 seminnda -657, 418, 423, 428, 435 trifida 656, 307, 333, 393, 418, 423 OligochcBta - . 622 Ommastrepbes Bartrauiii 635 illecebrosa 634, 441, 453 sagittatus 634 Onchidoris pallida 665, 495 Oniscus 399 Open coast, fauna of gravelly bot toms 50( Open coast, fauna of muddy bot toms 506 Open coast, fauna of rocky bot toms 491 Open coast, fauna of sandy bot toms 50( Open coast, fauna of rocky shores.. 48t Open coast, fauna of sandy shores.. 48 Ophelia simplex 603, 319, 332, 41 Ophidium marginatum 33 Ophiocoma bellis 71 neglecta 72 Ophioderma olivuceum 71 Ophiolepis scolopendrica 71 Page. phiolepis tennis 720 phiopholis aculeata 719, 400, 496, 517 bellis 719,400 scolopendrica 719 )phiura bellis 719 elegans 720 olivacea 719, 363, 366, 427, 429 )phiuroidea 719 )rchestia agilis .555, 314, 331, 336, 364, 462, 464, 486 longicornis 556 megalophthalma 556 palustris 555, 468 Orcyuus thunuina 516 )rthagoriscu8 mola 578 Drthopyxis caliculata . . . 726, 334, 408, 411, 424 poteriurn 726 3steodesma hyaliua 672 Dstrea borealis 697 Cauadeusis 697 Islaudica 698 Virgiuiana . . .697, 748, 310, 333, 374, 378, 388, 393, 401, 410, 424, 435, 453 Virginica 697 Otion Cuvieri 580 Outer coast, fauna of, on rocky shores 485 Outer coast, fauna of, on sam'.y shores 489 Outer coast, fauna of, ou gravelly bottoms 500 Outer coast, fauna of, on rocky bottoms 491 Outer coast, fauna of, on sandy bottoms 500 Outer coast, list of species of muddy bottoms 511 Outer coast, list of species of rocky bottoms 498 Outer coast, list of species of rocky shores 487 Outer coast, list of species of sandy and gravelly bottoms 504 Outer coast, list of species of sandy shores 490 Oyster 472, 355 Oyster-beds in brackish waters, animals inhabiting 472 Oyster-beds in brackish waters, list of species inhabiting 476 Oyster-crab 367 Pagurus Bernhardus 548 lougicarpus 549 pollicaris 548 472 INDEX. Page. Pagurus pnbeseens 549 Palseniou vnlgaris 550 Palamionetes vulgaris .. .550, 339, 364, 389, 377, 452, 463, 464, 466, 479, 516, 519, 520, 529 Palinurichtbys perciformis 515 Pallene, species 544, 409, 421 Pandalus anntilicornis ...550,493,511,519 Paudarus, species 457, 459 brancliii 576, 459 sinuatus 577, 459 Pandora trilmeata 673 Panopeus deprcssus .547, 312, 331, 367, 377, 382, 392, 395, 409, 415, 422, 431, 434, 468, 479, 514, 515 Harrisii 547, 313, 331, 468 Herbstii 547,472 Saji . .547, 312, 331, 367, 377, 382, 392, 395, 409, 415, 422, 431, 434, 468, 479, 514, 515, 516, 749 Parasites, external, observed on fishes, &c 459, 455 Paractis rapiformis 738, 363, 366, 430 Parypba cristata 736 crocea 736, 390, 393, 482 Pasithea nigra 648 Patella alveus 661 fornicata 649 testudinalis 661 Peacbia parasitica 739 Peaked-nosed skate 521 Pec ten brnnneus 696 concentricns 695 fnscns 696, 518 irradians .... 695, 361, 365, 372, 374, 378,418,424,426,429,515 Islandicus 696 Magellan! ens 696 Pealii 696 tenuicostatns 696, 397, 509, 518 Pectin aria auricoma 612 Belgica 612 Pectinibrancbiata 636 Pedicellina AmeFicaua. ..707, 333, 405, 411, 424 Pelagia cyanella 724 quinquecirrha 724 Pelia mntica 548, 395, 409, 415, 422, 515 Pensons Brasiliensis 551 Penella filosa 578 plnmosa • 578, 460 Pennaria tiarella 735, 327, 334, 393, 411, 425, 455, 520 Pentamera pulcberrima..715, 420, 424, 427, 429 Page. Periploma papyracea.673, 429, 435, 509, 517 Perophora viridis 702, 388, 393, 401, 411, 424 Petricola dactylus 680 fornicata 680 £ holadiformis . . 680, 372, 378, 435, 470, 515 Phaleria testacea ,543, 464 Pbascolosoma Bernhardus 627 csenientarium 627, 422, 428, 434 Gouldii . . . .627, 353, 428, 521 Pbasianella bifasciata 652 cornea 652 fasciata 652 striata 652 sulcata 651 Pbilbydrus perplexus 542 refl exipennis 542 Pbiloscia vittata 569 Pbolas costata 670, 433, 435 crispata 671 cuneiformis 671, 517 truneata..670, 372, 378, 433, 435, 470 Phoxicbilidiuni maxillare 544, 415, 421 Pboxus Kroyeri 556, 434, 501, 511 Phronima, species 567, 439, 452 Pbylactolaemata 707 Phyllobrancbns Ravenelii 824 Phyllodoce catennla 587, 494 gracilis 586, 494 .inaculata 586 species . . . 332, 349, 382, 397, 410, 422, 434, 452 Phyllopoda 573 Phyllophora Brodiaei 492, 496 ineinbranifolia . . 492, 496, 404 Phy salia aretbnsa 737, 450, 455 aurigera 737 caravella 737 pelagica 737 Physalis pelagica 737 Physophorre 736 Phy tosus Balticus 542 littoralis 542, 364, 46.4 Pill-bug 399 Pilumnns Harrisii 547 Piimixia cylindrica 546,367,377,520 Pinnotheres maoulatus. . .546, 309, 434, 459 ostremn 546, 309, 317, 377, 434, 438, 451, 459 Pisa mntica 548 Placobrancbus catulus 668 Planaria freqnens 633 grisea 633 INDEX. 473 Page. Planaria species : . . - 487 Plauaria viridis 628 Planarians 632 Planocera nebulosa 632, 325, 332 Platy carcinus irroratus 546 Sayi 546 Platyonichusocellatus.547,338;364,426,428, 438, 457, 490, 501, 515, 516, 533 Platypyxiscylindrica.726, 334, 408, 411, 424 Pleurobracbia rhododactyla 722,444,448, 450 , 454, 455 Pleurotoma bicarinatum 638. 418, 423 brunnea 637 cerinuin 637 plicata 637 plicosa 637 Plumatella familiaria 710 Pluniularia arborea 730 Catharines 732 cornucopias 732 falcata 733 species 407,411 tenella 731 Podarke obscura ...589,319, 332, 382, 392, 410, 440, 453 Podocerus cylindricus 566 fucicola 561,493 Polia obscura 628 Poliuiaglutinosa..631, 324, 332, 382, 392, 410, 423 Polycera Lessonii . . .665, 333, 400, 410, 423, Polycbseta 580 Polycirrus eximius. 616, 320, 332, 371, 377, 382, 392, 410, 422; 434, 453, 468 Polycystina * 451 Polydora ciliatum 603, 345, 364, 453 species 428,416,422 Polymastia robnsta 744 Polyuoe cirrata 582 dasypus 581 squaraata 581 Polyphemus occidentalis 580 Polypi 737 Polyplacopbora 661 Polyzoa 707 Pom atom us salt atrix 516 Pomolobus mediocris 520 Ponds, brackish, fauna of 460 Pontobdella rapax 625, 458, 460 Pontogeneia inermis 557, 452, 455, 519 Pontonema marinum.. 634, 325, 332, 434, 453, 455 vacillatnm . .634, 326, 332, 434 Porgee 514 Porifera 740 Poronotus triacanthus 449 Porpitao 737 Portunus pictus 547 Potamilla podophtbalmia 382 oculifera .617, 322, 332, 382, 392 397, 410, 422, 476 Prawn, common 339 Prionotus Carolinus 516 Procerodes frequens 633, 325, 332, Wheatlandii 633 Protomedia pinguis 561 Protozoa 740 Psammobia fasca 676 Pseudopleurouectes Americanus ... 520 Psolus phantapns 519 Pteropoda 668 Ptilota elegaus 492 Ptilocheirus pinguis .561, 431, 434, 501, 507, 519 Ptychatractus ligatus 642, 517 Pulmouata 662 Purpura lapillus 642, 306, 332, 485 Py cnogonidea 544 Pyrula caualiculata 640 carica 640 Pyramis fusca 656 Quahog-clam 359, 463 Rabbit-fish 521 Radiata 715 Raia diaphana 521 laevis 521 Rauella caudata 642 Razor-shell 356, 490 Reuiera, species 744, 334. 394 Rhabdocrela 627 Rbegmatodes tennis 729, 454 Rhipidoglossa 661 Rhodiue attenuata 609, 508 Rhodymeuia palmata 496, 492 Rhyuchobolus Americanus ..596, 332, 342 364, 371, 377, 428, 434, 453, 463 dibranchiatus~-596, 332, 341, 364, 371, 377, 428, 431, 434, 463, Rbynchoprobolus papillosus 746 Rhynchoscolex papillosus 746 Rissoa aculens 654, 306, 333, 383, 392 arctica 654 exarata 654, 495, 517 Mighelsil 654 minuta 653 Stimpsoui 653 Roccus liueatns 514 Rock.. ... 514 474 INDEX. Page. Rock-barnacle 304 Rock-crab 312 Rock-fish 514 Rock-weeds 303 Rocky bottoms of the bays and sounds, fauna of 394 Rocky bottoms of the open coast, fauna of 491 Rocky bottoms of bays and sounds, list of species of 409 Rocky bottoms of outer waters, list of species 498 Rocky shores on open coast, fauna of. 485 Rocky shores on bays and sounds, fauna of 303 Rocky shores of bays and sounds, list of species of 331 Rocky shores on the outer coast, list of species 487 Round clam 359, 458, 469 Rudder-fish 515 Sabella oculifera 617 microphthalma . .618, 323, 332, 392, 397, 410, 422 Sabellaria vulgaris.611, 321,332, 349, 365, 392, 397, 4 10, 422, 428, 426, 476 Sabellides cristata 613 Saccobraiichia ~ 698 Sagartia leucoleua. .738, 329, 334, 3G3, 366, 391,393,412 modesta .738, 330, 334. 365, 366, 425 Sagitta elegans 626, 440, 453 species . .453, 455, 456, 457 Salpa 507,430,436 Caboti 706, 43*, 439, 445, 454 var. cyanea 706 Samytha 416, 422 Sand-crab 338 Sand-dollar 362,427 Sand-shark 521 Sand-shrimp 339 Sandy bottoms in bays and sounds, fauna of 425 Sandy bottoms in brackish waters, fauna of 462 Sandy bottoms in outer waters, fauna of 500 Sandy bottoms in bays and sounds, list of species 428 Sandy bottoms in brackish waters, list of species 464 Saudy bottoms in outer waters, list of species 504 Sandy shores in bays and sounds, fauna of . . 334 Sandy shores in outer waters, fauna of 462 Sandy shores in outer waters, fauna of 489 Sandy shores of bays and sounds, list of species 364 Sandy shores of brackish waters, list of species 464 Sandy shores of outer waters, list of species 490 Sauguinolaria fusca '. 676 sordida 677 Saphenia apicaia 734 Sapphiriua, species 573, 439, 452 Sarda pelaniys 516 Sarsia ruirabilis 775 Saxicavaarctica.. 671, 309, 333, 401, 410, 423 distorta 671 pholadis 671 rugosa 671 Scalaria angulata 660 clathrus 660 Groenlandica 660 Humphreys!! 660 lineata 660, 418, 423, 435 multistriata 660, 418, 423, 435 subulata 660 Scalibregma brevicanda 605, 416, 422 Scapharca transversa 691, 309, 333, 401, 410, 408, 424 Scionopsis palinata..G14, 321, 332, 397, 410, 476 Sclerodactyla Briareus 715 Scolecida ^ 627 Scolecolepis cirrata. -602, 416, 422, 428, 501, 507 tennis 601,345,364 viridis . .600, 345, 364, 453, 463 Scolex 457 Scollop 361,374 Scomber vernalis 516 Scup 514 Scutella parma 717 quinquefora 717 Scyphacella areiiicola . . . .568, 543, 337, 364 species 567 Scy phax 567 Sea-anemones 329 Sea-bass 514 Sea-cabbage 303 Sea-clam 358 Sea-herring 520 Sea-pork 402,419 Sea-robin.. 516 INDEX. 475 Page, Sea-urchin 326,438,447 Semele equalis 679, 518 Serpula dianthus. . . .620, 322, 332, 392, 397, 410, 416, 422, 426, 428, 476 porrecta 622 lucida 622 spirorbis 621 Serripes Grcenlandicus 518 Sertularia anguina 710 antennina 730 argentea. .732, 334, 408, 411 , 425 chelata 710 cornicina 733, 729, 408, 411 cuscuta 709 cupressina 732, 408, 411, 425 dichotoraa 728 eburnea 707 falcata 733 gelatinosa 728 geniculata 727 loiigissima 728 loricata 747 pumila . . .732, 327, 334, 391, 393, 408, 487 tenerissima 733 uniflora 725 volubilis 726 Sertularina 725 Sesarma reticulata 546, 367, 377, 467 Shad 520 Ship-worm 379,383 Shrimp, common 369 sand 339 Sigalion Mathilda 582 Silicea 741 Siliqua costata 675, 358, 365, 426, 429 Siliquaria gibba 675 notata 675 Sipho Islandicus 517 Siphoncecetes cuspidatus 566, 501, 511 Siphonostoma 573 Siphonostomum affine 605 Sipuuculoids 627,353 Sipimcnlus Bernhardus 627 c:ementarius 627 Gouldii 627 Skate, common 521 Skenea planorbis 655, 333, 383 serpuloides 655 Small tunny 516 Smith, S. I. Catalogue of Crustacea . 545 Smith, S. I. Metamorphoses of the lobster and other Crustacea 522 Soft-shelled crabs 367 Solecurtus bidens .'. 676 32 v Page. \ Solecurtus Caribous 675 divisus 676 iragilis 518 gibbus 675 Solemya borealis 689 Solen Americanus 674 bidens 676 Caribceus 675 centralis 676 costatus 675 divisus 676 eusis 674 fragilis 676 gibbus 675 Guineensis 675 Say ii 675 viridis 675 Solenomya borealis 689 velum .... 688, 360, 365, 429, 435, 470 Sphoeroma quadrideutata 569,315,331 Spider-crab 339,368 Spio robusta 603, 345, 365 setosa 602, 344, 365, 453 Spirialis Flemingii 669 Gouldii 669, 443, 453, 516 Spirorbis borealis 621 lucidus 622 sinistrorsa 622 species 397, 323, 410, 453 spirillum 621, 332, 392, 422 Spirula Peronii 636 Spisula Sayii 580 solidissima 680 Sponge, massive siliceous 430 red 412 Spongia botryoides 741 ciliata 740 coronata 741 prolifera 741 oculata 742 panicea 743 sulphurea 744 urceolata 745 Spongire 740 Springtails 331 Squeteague 515 Squid 440,441 Squilla empusa. . 551, 369, 377, 434, 439, 452, 468, 515, 536 Squilloidea 551 Standella lateralis 680 Staphylinidre 335 Star-fish 438 Stanrocephalus pallidus 595, 348, 364 476 INDEX. Page. Steuosonia irrorata 569 filiformis 570 Stereoderma unisemita 715, 503 Sternaspis fossor 606, 507 Steuotomus argyrops 514 Stimpsonia aurantiaca 627, 352 Stheuelais Leidyi 582 picta 582, 348, 364, 422, 428, 501 Sting-ray....... 521,458 Stomachs of fishes, species found in. 514 Stomolophus meleagris 724 Stomotoca apicata 734 , 455 Striped bass 514, 339 Strqngylocentrottis chlorocentrotus. 716 Diobachiensis 716, 326, 406,411,420,424,438, 454, 486, 496, 447 Stylifer Stimpsouii 655, 460 Styliola vitrea 668, 443, 453 Stylochopsis littoralis 632, 325, 332 Suberites compacta 744 suberea 744 Surface and free swimming animals 436 Surface species in winter 455 Surf-clam 358,490 Summer flounder 458, 519 Summer skate 521 Sycandra ciliata 740 Sycotypus caualiculatus .640,332/355,3655 399, 410, 417, 423, 428 Syllis, species 590,453 Sy ncoryua 734 Synapta Ayresii 716 Girardii 716 gracilis 716 tenuis 716 Syucoryne gravata 735 Syuguathus Peckianus 516 T.eniobranchia 706 Tagelus divisus 676, 435, 518 gibbus 675, 373, 378, 435, 470 Talitrus longicornis 556 quadrifi dus 556 Talorchestia longicornis .556, 336, 364, 462, 464, 489, 543 megalophthalma 556, 336, 364, 462, 464, 490 Tamils iilnin 573, 381, 392, 452 Tape-worms 456 Tan tog 515 Tautoga onitis 515 Tectibranchiata - 662 Tectura alveus 661 testudiualis 661 Tedauia, species. 743, 334, 391, 394, 412, 425, 498, 749 Tellina calcarea 677 Fabricii 676 Gro3nlandica 676 lata 676 proxirua 677 tenera 677 tenta 678, 429, 432, 435, 470 sabulosa 677 sordida 677 versicolor 678 Temperature of water 298, 299, 436, 485, 506 Terebella ornata 613 Terebellides Stroemi 613, 507 Teredo 378,380,383 dilatata 670 navalis 669, 384, 393, 453, 482 megotara 670, 387, 393 palmulata 670 Thomsonii 670, 387, 393 Tergipes despectus 667, 495 Tetrastemma arenicola 629, 351, 365 Thamnocnidia tenella 736,407,411,425 Thaumantias diaphana 727 Thecosomata 668 Themisto, species 745 Thracia Conradi 673, 426, 429 truncata 674, 509, 517 Thyasira Gouldii 686 Thyoue Briareus715, 362, 366, 376, 378, 418, 420, 424, 427, 429, 433, 435 Thyropus, species 567 Thysanopoda, species 554, 452, 516 Tiaropsis diademata 725, 454 Tiger-beetles 335 Tiger-shark 521 Tima formosa 729, 448, 454, 455 Toad-fish 516 Tom-cod 519,331 Tomopteris, species 626, 453 Tornaria 352 Tornatella puncto-striata 664, 518 Tornatina canaliculata 663 Torquea eximia 616 Tottenia gemma. 682, 359, 365, 426, 429, 445 Manhattensis 682 Toxopneustes Drobachiensis 716, 447 Trachydermou niber 662 Trachynema digitale 725, 454 Travisia carnea 604, 431, 434, 508 Trematodes 456 Trichina 456 Triforis nigrocinctus.648, 305, 333, 372, 377, 383, 393, 410, 417, 423, 428, 515 Tritia obsoleta 641 trivittata.641, 332, 354, 365, 283, 392, 410, 423, 428, 435, 463, 515, 519 INDEX. 477 Page. Tritonia arborescens 665 Reynolds!! 665 Tritonium pygmamm 639 Trochus divaricatus 652 striatellus 654 Trombidium 331 Trombidium, species 544 Trophonia affinis 605, 432, 434, 507 Trumbull, J. H., mollusks found in stomach of cod-fish 517 Trumbull, J. H., mollusks found in stomach of haddock 518 Trygon centroura 521 Tubipora eaten ularia 712 Tubnlarina 733 Tubularia cristata 736 ramosa 734 stellifera 735 Tubnlipora flabellaris . . .708, 333, 405, 41 1, 425, 496 phalaugea 708 patina 707 Tunicata 698 Tunny, small 516 Turbellaria 627 Turbo caualis 652 irroratus 651 jugosus 652 littoralis 652 miuutus 653 obligatus 651 obscurus 661 palliatus 652 planorbis 655 quadrifasciata 652 rudis 651 sulcatus 652 tenebrosus 651 ventricosus 652 vestitus 651 vincta 652 Turbonilla areolata . 658 costulata 658 elegans ...657,418,423,432,435 equalis 659 interrupta . . .657, 418, 423, 428, 432, 435, 517 seminuda 657 stricta 659 Turritella sequalis 659 erosa 517 bisuturalis , 656 impressa 656 iuterrupta 657, 517 Turritopsis mitricula 734, 454 Page. Turtouia inhmta 687 nitida 687 Ul va latissima 303, 315 Unciola irrorata 567, 340, 364, 370, 377, 409, 415, 422, 426, 428, 431, 434, 493, 501, 507, 514, 749 Urosalpinx cinerea ..641, 306, 332, 372, 377, 383, 392, 399, 410, 423, 428, 476 Urothoe, species 556, 452 Utriculus canaliculatus 663 Valkeria cuscuta 709 pustnlosa 709 Velella mutica 737, 455 Venericardia cribraria 684 granulata 684 Venus castanea 685 fragilis C76 gemma 682 Islandica 683 Manhattensis 682 mercenaria . .681, 359, 365, 372, 378, 429,435, 458, 463, 469 minuta 687 notata 681 praaparca 681 Vernietus lubricalis 649 radicula 649 Verm ilia, species 621,416,422 Vesicnlaria armata 710, 405, 411, 424 cuscuta .709, 333, 389, 393, 404^ 411, 424 dichotoina . . 709, 333, 389, 393, 404, 411, 419, 424, 476 familiaris 710 fusca 710,420,424 gracilis .709, 333, 389, 393, 411, 424 Virbius pleuracanthus 550 zostericola. .550, 369, 377, 396, 452, 479, 519, 530 Volvaria alba 663 caualiculata 663 Vortex Candida 634 Warrenii 633 Weak-fish 515, 339 White-armed anemone 329 White perch 339, 514 Willia ornata 735,455 Winter fiouuder 520 Xiphosura *...,.. 580 Polyphemus 580 Xylotrya fimbriata 670, 379, 387, 393 palmulata 670 Yoldia angularis 690 arctica 689 478 INDEX. Paa crispata 671 Zoanthus Americanns 740 parasiticus 740 Zoea and megalops 451 Zostera marina 460 Zygodactyla Grcenlandica. . ..729 449, 454 EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. FIGURE 1. — Pinnixa cylindrica Say, (p. 546;) male, enlarged four diameters. 2. — Pinnotheres ostreurn Say, (p. 546 ;) male, enlarged four diameters. 3. — Panopeus depressus Smith, (p. 547 ;) male, natural size. 4. — Platyonichus ocellatus Latreille, (p. 547 ;) male, slightly reduced in size. (All the figures were drawn by J". H. Eraerton.) Plate I. Fig. 1. No. 501 Fig. 3. Fig. 2. No. 502 Fig. 4. iNb. 504 EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. FIGURE 5. — Hippa talpoida Say, (p. 548;) dorsal view, enlarged about two diameters. 6. — Pandalus armulicornis Leach, (p. 550 ;) dorsal view, slightly reduced in size. 7.— Gebia affinis Say, (p. 549;) female; lateral view, slightly enlarged. 8. — Callianassa Stimpsoni Smith, (p. 549 ;) larger cheliped ; outside, natural size. 9.— Palaemonetes vulgaris Stimpson, (p. 550;) male; lateral view, enlarged one and one-half diameters. (All tLe figures were drawn by J. H. Emerton.) Plate II. Fiji. 5. Ft.;.-, ti. Jfo. 515 Fig. 7. 508 Fig-. EXPLANATION OF PLATE III. FIGURE 10. — Crangon vulgaris Fabr., (p. 550 ;) male : dorsal view, natural size. 11. — Virbius Zostericola Smith, (p. 550 ;) female ; lateral view, slightly en larged. 12. — Mysis stenolepis Smith, (p. 551;) young female; lateral .view, enlarged four diameters. The anterior margin of the carapax is not well repre sented in this figure ; see description. 13. — Diastylis quadrispinosa G. O. Sara, (.p. 554 ;) lateral view, enlarged seven diameters. (All the figures were drawn by J. H. Eruertoii.) Plate III. Kip. 10. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. !No. 520 EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. FIGURE 14.— Orchestia agilis Smith, (p. 555;) male; lateral view, enlarged five di ameters. 15. — Gammarus ornatus Edwards, (p. 557;) male; lateral view, enlarged two diameters. 16. — Amphithoe maculata Stimpson, (p. 563 ;) male ; lateral view, enlarged two diameters. 17. — Ampelisca sp., (p. 561 ;) lateral view, enlarged five diameters. 18. — Cerapus rubricornis Stimpson, (p. 565 ;) female ; lateral view, enlarged five diameters; and hand of th'e second pair of legs of the male, en larged the same amount. 19.— Unciola irrorata Say, (p. 567;) male; dorsal view, enlarged six diameters. (All ttie figures were drawn by J. H. Emerton and S. I. Smith.) Plate IV. EXPLANATION OF PL ATE 'V. FIGURE 20. — Caprella geometrica Say, (p. 567;) lateral view, enlarged about three diameters. 21. — Sphseroma quadridentata Say, (p. 569 ;) dorsal view, enlarged five diam eters. 22. — Idotea cseca Say, (p. 569 ;) male ; dorsal view, enlarged three diameters. 23.— Idotea irrorata Edwards, (p. 569;) male; dorsal view, enlarged two diameters. 24.— Idotea robusta Kroyer, (p. 569;) male; dorsal view, enlarged two diam eters. (rig-ores 20, 21, 23, and 24, were dravrn by J. H. Emerton ; iignre 22 by O. Harger.) Plate V. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VI. .FIGURE 25. — Liinnoria lignorum White, (p. 571;) dorsal view, enlarged ten diameters 26. — Erichsonia filiformis Harger, (p. 570 ;) dorsal view, enlarged five., diain eters. 27.— Erichsonia attenuata Harger, (p. 570 ;) dorsal view, enlarged three diam eters* 28. — Epelys trilobus Smith, (p. 571 ;)^dorsal view, enlarged ten diameters. 29.— Livoneca ovalis Harger, (p. 572 ;) dorsal view, enlarged three diameters (Figure 25 was drawn by S. I. Smith ; 26 and 23 by 0. ILarger ; 27 and 29 by J. H. En ertori.) Plate VI. Fig. 26. Fig. 27 No. 535 Fig. 28. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VII. FIGURE 30.— Lerueonema radiata Steenstrup and Liitken, (p. 578 ;) female, enlarged two diameters. 31. — Pandarus, (p. 576 ;) female ; dorsal view, enlarged five diameters. 32.— Nogagiis Latreillit, (p. 576;) male; dorsal^view, enlarged five diameters 33. — Sapphirina, (p. 573 ;)• male ; dorsal view, enlarged ten diameters. 34. — Lepas fascicularis Ellis and Solander, (p. 579;) lateral view of a single animal from a large cluster, slightly enlarged. 35.— Phoxichilidium maxillare Stimpson, (p. 544;) male ; dorsal view, enlarged two diameters. (Figure 33 was drawn by S. I. Sraitli : all the others by J. H. Emerton.) Fig. 30. Plate VII. Fig. 31 Fig. 33. INo. 53C Fig. 35. Fig. 34 ISTu. 5-10 EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIII. FIGURE 36.— Squilla empusa Say, (p. 536;) lateral view of the free-swimming larvao in one of its later stages, enlarged ten diameters. 37. — Zoea of the common crab, Cancer irroratus, (p. 530 ;) in the last stage just before it changes to the megalops condition ; lateral view, enlarged seventeen diameters. 38. — Megalops stage of the same, just after the change from the zoea condi tion ; dorsal view, enlarged thirteen diameters. (All the figures were drawn by J. H. Eraerton.) Plate VIII. Fie. 36. Ub. 519 Fig. 37. :NO. .005 Fig. 37 a. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. Larval young of the Lobster, Homarus Amcricanus Edwards, (p. 522.) FIGURE 38. — A. Lateral view of the larval young in the first stage observed, enlarged seven diameters. B. The same in a dorsal view, the abdomen held horizontally. C. Antennula, enlarged fourteen diameters. D. One of the thoracic legs of the second pair, enlarged fourteen diam eters ; a, exopodus ; &, epipodus ; c, branchiae. 39. — E. Lateral view of the larval young in the third stage, enlarged five and one-half diameters. F. Terminal portion of the abdomen seen from above, enlarged ten diam eters ; a, one of the small spines of the posterior margin of the terminal segment, enlarged fifty diameters. G. Basal portion of one of the legs of the second pair, showing the epip odus and branchias, enlarged fourteen diameters. (All the figures were dra\vu from alcoholic specimens, by S. I. Smith.) Plate IX. Fig. 3 No. 512 EXPLANATION OF PLATE X. FIGURE 40. — Lepidonotus squarnatus, (p. 581;) anterior part of the body, head, and proboscis ; dorsal view. 41. — The same; end of the-" proboscis ; front view, showing the jaws and papillae. 42. — Lepidonotus sublevis, (p. 581.;) dorsal view. 43. — Rhynchobolus dibranchiatus, (p. 596;) anterior part of body, mouth and head ; lower side. 44. — The same; lateral appendage, showing the dorsal cirrus, the upper and lower branchiae and the setigerous lobes between them. 45.— Rhynchobolus Americanus, (p. 596;) anterior part of the body and ex tended proboscis ; dorsal view. 46.— The same; lateral appendages, showing the dorsal cirrus, the branched gill, the setigerous lobes, and the ventral cirrus. (Figures 40, 41, 42, 45, were drawn from nature by J. H. Emerton; 44 by A. E. Verrill; 43 and 46 •were copied from Ehlers.) Plate X. Fig. 40. Fig. 43. Fig. 45. Fig-. 42. No. 543 Fig. 41. No. 545 Fig. 44. No. 558 Fig. 46. No. 559 . 560 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XL FIGURE 47. — Nereis virens, (p. 590;) Lead little more than natural size ; dorsal view. 48. — The same ; extended proboscis ; dorsal view. 49. — The same ; probosci ; sventral view. 50. — The same ; lateral appendage. 51. — Nereis liinbata, male, (p. 590;) a few segments of the middle region of the body, anterior region, head and extended proboscis ; dorsal view. 52. — Nereis pelagica, female, (p. 591 ;) natural size ; dorsal view. 53. — The same ; male, natural size ; dorsal view. 54. — The same ; head more enlarged ; dorsal view. 55. — The same ; proboscis ; ventral view. 56. — Phyllodoce gracilis?, (p. 586;) head ; dorsal view. (Figure 51 was drawn from nature by J. H. Emerton; 47, 43, 49, 50, 52, 53, wore copied from Ehlers; 54, 55, from Malrugren; 56, from A. Agassiz.) Plate XI. Fig. 47. Fig. 51. Fig. 53. Fig. 52. Fig. 48. Fig. STo. 552 'Fig. 50. Fig. 54. No. 518 Fig. 55. 565 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XII. FIGURE 57.— Nephthys picta, (p. 583 ;) anterior part of body and head, ranch enlarged dorsal view. 58. — Nephthys bucera, (p. 583 ;) anterior part of body and head, enlarged ; ven tral view. 59. — Nephthys iugeus, (p. 583;) anterior part of body and extended proboscis ventral view. * 60. — The same ; dorsal view. 61. — Podarke obscura, (p. 589 ;) dorsal view, from a specimen preserved ir alchohol and much contracted in length. 62. — Nectonereis megalops, (p. 592;) ventral view. 63. — The same ; anterior region of body and head ; dorsal view. 64. — Marphysa Leidyi, (p. 593;) anterior part of body and head, enlarged abou three diameters ; dorsal view. (figures 57 and 58 were copied from Elilers ; all the rest were drawn from nature l>y J. H. Emerton Plate XII. Fig. 61. Fig. 57. Fig. 5*. No. ;>06 Fig. 63. F 62. Ho. 567 No. 564 Fig. 64. Fig. 60. No. 779 No. 563 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIII. FIGURE 65. — Autolytus cornutus, (p. 590;) an asexual individual, from which a male is about to separate ; dorsal view, enlarged about six diameters ; A, A, A, antenna? of the former; C, C, C, C, two tentacles and one tentacular cirrus on each side, followed by the dorsal cirri ; F, the intestine ; d, the long setoB and dorsal cirri of the male. 66. — The same ; anterior part of a female, more enlarged ; the letters as before ; &, the eyes; c, the eggs; /, the intestine ; 3, one of the appendages of the anterior region of the body ; c, the dorsal cirrus ; h, the setigerous tubercle, supporting hooked setse. 67.— Diopatra cuprea, (p. 593 ;) head and anterior part of body, showing part of the branchiee ; side view. 68. — The same ; ventral view, showing the mouth open and jaws thrown back. 69. — Lumbriconereis opalina, (p. 594 ;) anterior part of body ; dorsal view. 70. — The same ; lateral appendage and setse. (Figures 65 and 66 were copied from A. Agassiz ; 67, 68, 69 were drawn from nature by J. H. Emer- ton ; 70, by A. E. Verrill.) Plate XIII. Fig. 65. :NTo.777 Fig. 70. ^o. 556 Fig. 68. Fig. 67. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIV. FIGTJKE 71. — Clymenella torquata, (p. 608;) natural size; lateral view. 72. — The same; head and extended proboscis^' front view. 73. — The same ; posterior and caudal segments ; dorsal view. 74. — Sternaspis fossor, (p. 606 ;) dorsal view. 75. — Trophonia affinis, (p. 605 ;) anterior portion ; dorsal view. 76. — Anthostoma robustum, (p. 597 ;) anterior portion of. body, head, and ex tended proboscis ; dorsal view, natural size. 77. — Spio setosa, (p. 602;) anterior segments and head; side view; only one of the two large tentacles is represented. 78. — Polydora ciliatum, (p. 603;) anterior and posterior parts ; dorsal view. (Figures 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, were dr'awn from nature by J. H. Eincrton ; 74, by A. E. Yerrill ; 77, 78, were copied from A. Agassiz.) Plate XIV. Fie. 71. Fig. 72. Fiji. 74. If o. 378 Fig. 73. No. 579 Fig. 75. stag? 570 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XV. FIGURE 79.— Ammotrypane fimbriata, (p. 604;) ventral view. 80. — Cirratulus grandis, (p. 606;) natural size, from a living specimen ; lateral view. 81. — The same ; natural size, from a preserved specimen ; dorsal view. (Figures 79 and 81 were drawn from nature by J. H..Emerton ; flgnre 80, by A. E. Yerrill.) Plate XV, Fig. 79. Fig. 80. Xo. 571 573 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVI. FIGURE 82. — Amphitrite ornata, (p. 613 ;) lateral view, somewhat reduced, from a living specimen. 83. — Ampharete gracilis, (p. 612 ;) lateral view. 84. — Euchone elegans, (p. 618 ;) lateral view. 85. — Polycirrus eximius, (p. 616;) dorsal view of a living specimen creeping by means of its tentacles ; natural size. (Figures 82, 84, 85, were drawn from nature "by A. E. Verrill ; 83, by J- H. Ernerton.) Plate XVI. Fig. 82- .No. 586 Jib. ">65 Fig. 83. Fig. 85. . 587 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVII. FIGURE 86.— Potamilla oculifera, (p. 617 ;) in its tube, with branchiae fully expanded, from a living specimen, found at Eastport, Maine. 87. — Cistenides Gouldii, (p. 612 ;) lateral view. 87 a. — The same ; head and branchiae, dorsal view. 88. — Sabellaria vulgaris, (p. 611 ;) lateral view. 88a. — The same ; view of the operculi lum and tentacles, from above. (Figures 84, 88, 88« were drawn from nature, by J. H. Emerton ; 87, 87a by A. E. Yerrill.) Plate XVII. FiR. 86. Fig. 87. Uo. 581 Fig. 88a. No. 583 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVIII. FIGURE 89. — Branchiobdella Ravenelii, (p. (524 ;) dorsal view, natural size. 90. — Malacobdella obesa, (p. 625;) dorsal view. 91. — Pontolxlella rapax, (p. 625 ;) dorsal view. 92. — Phascolosoma ccementarinm, (p. 627;) lateral view. 93. — P. Gouldii, (p. 627 ;) lateral view, reduced one-half. 94. — Pontonema inarinum, (p. 634;) female, lateral view, enlarged 15 diam eters; Oj eggs; v, genital orifice. (Figure 94 was drawn from a living specimen, by A. E. Verrill ; all f\e others were drawn from pre served specimens, by J. H. Emerton.) I Plate XVIII. Fig. 89. Fig. 90. Fig. 91. No. 781 Fig. 92. Fig. 93. . 596 Fig. 94. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIX. FIGURE 95.— Cosmocephala ochracea, (p. 630 ;) anterior portion, enlarged nearly three diameters, dorsal view. 95a. — The same ; ventral view. 96. — Meckelia iugens, (p. 630 ;) anterior portion of a specimen not full grown, natural size. 96a. — The same; ventral view of the anterior portion and head of a larger specimen, in a different state of contraction, natural size. 97. — Polinia glutinosa, (p. 631 ;) dorsal view, enlarged two diameters. 98. — Tetrastemma arenicola, (p. 629 ;) dorsal view. 99. — Stylochopsis littoralis, (p. 632 ;) dorsal view. 100. — Planocera nebulosa, (p. 632;) dorsal view. (All the figures were drawn from living specimens, by A. E. Verrill.) Plate XIX. Fig. 96. Fig. 98. Fig. 95. € Fig. 97. Fig. 93a. / ' Fig. 96a. Fig. 99. !No. 096 Fir. 100. No. 595 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XX. FIGURE 101. — Loligo pallida, (p. 635 ;) dorsal view, about one-third natural size. 101«. — The same ; the "pen " dorsal side. 102.— Loligo Pealii ?, (p. 635 ;) a cluster of the eggs. 103. — The same; an embryo just before hatching, much enlarged; a', a", a1", a"', the right "arms'7 belonging to four pairs; c, the side of the head; e, the eye ; /, the caudal lins; h, the heart ; ?«, the mantle in which color-vesicles are already developed and capable of changing their colors ; o, the internal cavity of the ears ; s, the siphon ; i/, the portion of the yolk not yet absorbed. 104. — The same; an embryo in an earlier stage of development, more highly magnified ; the letters are the same as before. 105. — The same; a young specimen, recently hatched, found swimming at the surface, dorsal view. (Figures 103, 104 are camera-lucida drawings made from the living specimens, by A. E. Yerrill; all the others were drawn from preserved specimens, by J. II. Emertou.) Plate XX, Fig. 103. Fig. 101. "So. 622 Fig. 102. Fig. 101a. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXI. FIGUIIE 106. — Pleurotoma bicarinaturu, (p. 638;) natural size. 107. — Bela plicata, (p. 637 ;) natural size. 108. — Bela harpularia, (p. 636;) natural size. 109. — Auacliis similis, (p. 644 ;) natural size. 110.— Astyris lunata, (p. .645;) enlarged. 111. — Astyris zonalis, (p. 645 ;) enlarged. 112.— Tritia trivittata, (p. 641;) natural size. 113. — Ilyauassa obsoleta, (p. 641 ;) natural size. 114. — Nassa vibex, (p. 640 ;) natural size. 115. — Neptunea pygmrca, (p. 639 ;) natural size. 116. — Urosalpiux cinerea, (p. 641 ;) natural size. 117. — Eupleura caudata, (p. 642 ;) natural size. 118. — Purpura lapillus, (p. 642;) natural size. 119. — The same ; banded variety. 120. — The same; egg-capsules, enlarged one-third. 121. — Buccinum undatum, (p. 638 ;) natural size. 122. — Scalaria multistriata, (p. 660;) enlarged. 123. — Scalaria lineata, (p. 660;) enlarged. (Figure 120 was drawn from nature by J. II. Emerton ; the rest are from Binney's Gould, drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXI. Fig. 107. Fig. 106. Fig. 109. Fig. 111. Fig. 110. * Fig. 112. Fig. 114. Fto. 113. Fig. 118. Fig. 119. Fig. 120. Fig. 115. No. 78.0 vis. in. Fig. 116. I Fig. 132. Fig. 1-J3. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXII FIGURE 124.— Fulgur carica, (p. 640 ;) natural size. (From Binney's Gould, drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXII. Fig. 124. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIII. FIGURE 1*25.— Crucibulum striatnui, (p. 651 ;) natural size. 126. — The same ; side view. 127. — Crepidula plana, (p. 650 ;) natural size. 128. — C. convexa, (p. 650 ;) natural size. 129.— C. fornicata, (p. 649;) natural size. 129a. — The same; young specimen. 130.— Xeverita duplicate, (p. 646 ;) natural size. 131. — Lnuatia immaculata, (p. 646 ;) natural size. 132.—- Natica pnsilla, (p. 647 ;) slightly enlarged. 133.— Luuatia heros, (p. 646;) natural size. 134. — The same; with the animal extended, as in crawling; dorsal view. 135. — The same, variety triseriata, (p. 354;) young, natural size. 136. — The same variety ; natural size, lower side. (From Binney's Gonlil, drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXIII. Fig. 125. Fig. 126. Fig. 127. Fig. 128. Fig. 129. Fig. 130. Fig. 13"). Fig. 131) Fig. 134. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIV. FIGUIIE 137. — Littorina rudis, (p. 651 ;) natural size. 138. — Littorina palliata, (p. 652 ;) natural size. 139. — Lacuna vincta, (p. 652;) enlarged. 140. — Littorinella miuuta, (p. 653 ;) enlarged. 141. — Rissoa aculeus, (p. 654 ;) enlarged. 142. — Skenea plauorbis, (p. 655;) enlarged. 143. — Odostoinia producta, (p. 656;) enlarged. 144. — O. fusca, (p. 656;) enlarged. 145. — O. trifida, (p. 656 ;) enlarged. 146.— O. trifida, var., (p. 656 ;) enlarged. 147. — O. inipressa, (p. 656;) enlarged. 148.— O. semimida, (p. 657;) enlarged. 149. — Eulima oleacea, (p. 655;) natural size. 150. — Cerithiopsis terebralis, (p. 648 ;) enlarged. 151. — C. Emersouii, (p. 648;) enlarged. 152. — Triforis nigrocinctus, (p. 648 ;) enlarged. 153. — Cerithiopsis Greeuii, (p. 647;) enlarged. 154. — Bittiura nigruni, (p. 648;) enlarged. 155. — Turbouilla elegans, (p. 657;) much enlarged. 156. — Margarita obscura, (p. 661 ;) natural size. 157. — Vermetus radicula, (p. 649;) natural size. 158. — Caecum pulchellum, (p. 649 ;) natural size and enlarged. 159. — Acnuea testudinalis, (p. 661 :) natural size. 159a. — The same ; lower side, 1596. — The same, variety alveus ; natural size. (Figure 155 was drawn from nature, by A. E. Verrill ; the others are from Binney's Gould, mostly drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXIV. Fig. 137. Fig. 138. Fig. 139. Fig. 140. Fig. 141. Fig. 142. Fig. 143. Fig. 144. Fig. 145. Fig. 146. Fig. 147. Fig. 148. Fig. 149. Fig. 150. Fig. 151. Fig. 152. Fig. 153. Fig. 154. Fig. 155. Fig. 156. Fig. 157. Fig. 158. Fig. 159. Fig. 159&. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXV. FIGURE 160. — Utriculus canaliculatus, (p. 663 ;) enlarged. 161. — Bulla solitaria, (p. 662;) natural size. 162. — Ampliisphyra debilis, (p. 663;) enlarged. 163.— Cyliclma alba, (p. 664 ;) natural size. 164. — Cylichna oryza, (p. 664 ;) enlarged. 165. — Action puncto-striata, (p. 664;) enlarged. 166.— Trachydermon ruber, (p. 662 ;) natural size. 167. — Cheetopleura apiculata, (p. 661 ;) natural size. 168. — Alexia myosotis, (p. 662;) natural size. 169. — Melampus bidentatus, (p. 662 ;) natural size. 169a. — The same; banded variety, (p. 662;) natural size. 170.— Doto coronata, (p. 665;) a, dorsal view, enlarged; I, liead, from above; c, one of the branchiae 171.— Elysiella catulus, (p. 6(58;) enlarged three diameters. 172. — Elysia clilorotica, (p. 667 ;) enlarged two diameters. 173. — Doridella obscura. (p. 664 ;) o, dorsal view ; &, ventral view, enlarged. 174.— Montagua pilata, (p. 666;) natural size. 175. — Henna? a cruciata, (p. 667;) enlarged. 176. — Doris bifida, (p. 664 ;) enlarged three diameters. 177. — Cavoliua tridentata, (p. 669;) natural size. 178. — gtyliola vitrea, (p. 668;) enlarged three diameters. (Figures 171, 172, 173, 174, 178 were drawn from nature, by A. E. Verrill: 1G9«, 170 by E. S. Morse ; 175 by A. Agassiz; 17(>, by J. IT. Emerton ; 177 was copied from Cuvier. (last ill. ed.). The rest are from Binney's Gould, mostly by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXV. Fig. 160. Fig. 161. Fig. 162. Fig. 163. Fig. 164. Fig. 165. Fig. 166. Fig. 170. Fig. 168. ig. 169. Fig. 169a. Fig. 167. Fig. 172. Fig. 171. Fig. 177. Fig. 178. Fig. 176. Fig. 175. :NO. 770 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXVI. FIGURE 179.— Mya areuaria, (p. 672;) with animal in extension, reduced to one-half the natural size. 180. — Augulus tener, (p. 677;) animal reduced one-half. 181.— Tagelus gibbus, (p. 675;) with animal, the siphons not fully extended, one-half natural size. 182. — Ensatella Americana, (p. 674;) •with animal extended, one-half natural size. The figure at the right shows some of the terminal papillte en larged. 183. — Teredo navalis, (p. 669;) enlarged two diameters. 184, A. — Venus mercenaria, (p. 681 ;) natural size. 184, 13. — Mulinia lateralis, (p, 680;) natural size. (The figures were all drawn from nature, by A. E. Yerrill.) Fig. 179. Fig. 183. Fig. 2. Fig. 4 Plate XXVI. No. 705 lsro. ass Fig. 183. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXVII. FIGURE 186.— Teredo navalis, (p. 669;) shell and pallets. 187.— Teredo Thomsoni, (p. 670;) shell and pallets. 188. — Teredo megotara, (p. 670;) shell and pallets. 189.— Xylotrya fimbriata, (p. 670;) shell and pallets. 190. — Gastranella tumida, (p. 678;) shell, enlarged six diameters. 191.— Corbula contracta, (p. 672;) natural size. 192. — Saxicava arctica, (p. 671 ;) natural size. 193. — Clidiophora trilineata, (p. 673;) natural size, with animal. 194. — Lyonsia hyalina, (p. 672;) natural size. 195. — Thracia truncata, (p. 674 ;) natural size. 196. — Thracia myopsis, (p. 673;) natural size. 197.— Peri ploma papyracea, (p. 673;) natural size. 198. — Cochlodesma Leanum, (p. 673 ;) natural size. 199. — Petricola pholadiformis, (p. 680 ;) natural size. 200.— Pholas truncata, (p. 670 j) natural size. (Figure 190 was drawn by A. E. YerriU : all the rest are from Binney's Gould, mostly drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXVII. Fig. 186. Fig. 188. Fig. 187. Fig. TO. Fig. 192. Fig. 189. Fig. 191. Fig. 195. Fig. 193. Fijr. 194. Fig. 196. Fig. 200. Fig. 198. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXVIII. FIGUKE 201.— Cyprina Islandica, (p. 063;) natural size. 202.— Mactra solidissima, (p. 680;) natural size. (The figures are both from Binney's Gould, drawn liy E. S. Morse.) Plate XXVIII. 201. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIX. FIGURE 203. — Astarte uudata, (p. 084;) somewhat reduced. 204. — Astarte castanea, (p. 685 ;) natural size. 205. — Astarte quadraus, (p. 685;) natural size. 206. — Gouldia mactracea, (p. 685;) natural size. 207. — The same, inside of one valve, enlarged. 208. — Loevicardium Mortoni, (p. 683;) natural size, with animal. 209. — Cardium pinnulatum, (p. 683 ;) natural size. 210. — Solenomya velum, (p, 688;) natural size. 211. — Cyclas dentata, (p. 686 ;) natural size. 212. — Lucina filosa, (p. 686;) natural size. 213. — Cryptodon Gouldii, (p. 686;) enlarged two diameters. 214. — Cryptodon obesus, (p. 687;) enlarged three diameters. 215. — Cyclocardia Nbvanglice, (p. 684;) natural size. 216. — Cyclocardia borealis, (p. 683;) natural size. (Figures 203, 207, 214 "were drawn by A. E. Ten-ill : 215 by E. S. Morse ; the rest from Binney's Gould, and mostly drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXIX. Fig. 203. Fig. 208. Fig. SlO. Fig. 204. Fig. 205. Fig. 209. Fig. 211. Fig. Fig. 206. Fig. 212. Fig. 213. Fig. 210. Fig. 214. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXX. 7. — Tagelus gibbus, (p. 675;) natural size. 218. — Tagelus divisus, (p. 676;) natural size. 219. — Callista couvexa, (p. 681 ;) natural size. 220.— Totteiiia gemma, (p. 682;) enlarged. 221. — Cumingia tellinoides, (p. 67J;) natural size. 222.— Macoma fragilis, var. fusca, (p. 676 ;) natural size. 223. — Angulus teuer, (p. 677 ;) natural size. 224. — Augulus tenellus, (p. 677 ;) natural size. 225. — Tellina tenta, (p. 678 ;) natural size. 226. — Kellia planulata, (p. 688;) enlarged. 227. — Argina pexata, (p. 692:) natural size. 228.— Scapharca transversa, (p. 691 ;) natural si/e. 229. — Xueula delphinodonta, (p. 691 ;) enlarged. 230. — Nucula proxima, (p. 691 ;) natural size. 231.— Yoldia sapotilla, (p. 6*9 ;) natural size. 232. — Yoldia limatula, (p. 689;) natural size. (Figure 22i \ diM-,v:i l»y A. E. V.M-rill ; tin rost are fi:r\\ IVuni \v'.s G >;iM. by E.S. Mors?.) Plate XXX. Fig 217. Fig. 218. Fig. 219. Fig. 220. Fig. 221 Fig. 222. Fig. 224. is. 223. Fig. 227. Fig. 228. Fig. 232. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXI. FIGURE 233.— Crenella glaudula, (p. 695.) 234._Mytilu8 edulis, (p. 692.) 235.— Modiolaria corrugate, (p. 694.) 236.— Modiolaria nigra, (p. 694.) 237.— Modiola modiolus, (p. 693.) 238.— Modiola plicatula, (p. 693.) (All the fissures are of natural size, and from Binney's Gould, drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXXI. Fiji 2:14. Fig. 235. Kig. 236. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXII. FIOVKE -m-Anomia aculeata, (p. 097 ;) lower side, natural size, 040. — The same, upper side. •>40a.— The same, portions of the upper side magnified. •Ml — Anomia glabra, (p. (596;) profile view, natural size. ;>42 —The same, (p. 696 ;) lower side. 242a.— The same, (p. 696;) young, natural size. 243.— Pecten irradiaus, (p. 695;) natural size. 244.— Silimia costata, (p. 675 ;) natural size. 245.--Ensatella Americana, (p. 674 ;) natural size. (The figures -are from Humpy's Gould, drawn l.y E. S. Morse.) Plate XXXII. Fig. 239. Fig. 240. Fig. 241. Fig. 242a. Fig. 240a. Fig. 242. Fig. 245. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXIII. FIGURE 246.— Cynthia partita, variety stellifera, (p. 701;) natural size. 247. — Cynthia caruea, (p. 701 ;) natural size. 248. — The same, (p. 701 ;) younger specimens, natural size. 249. — Eugyra pilnlaris, (p. 700 ;) natural size. 250. — Molgula Manhatteusis, (p. 699;) smooth variety, natural size. 251. — Molgula areuata, (p. 699;) natural size. 252.— Botryllus Gouldii, (p. 702 ;) colony incrusting the stem of Tubularia, somewhat enlarged. 253. — The same ; one of the zooids, enlarged ten diameters ; a, anal tube and ori fice; s, somach ; g, groove and vessels along the edge of the branchial sac, inside ; o, left ovary : &, bud, attached by a slender stolon. 254. — Salpa Cabotti, (p. 706 ;) solitary individual, from the dorsal side, enlarged ; h, heart; s, small chain of salpu3 budding within the old one. 255. — The same ; one of the individuals from a mature chain, three-quarter view enlarged ; a, posterior or anal opening; &, anterior or branchial opening; c, processes by which the individuals of the chain were united ; h, heart ; n, nervous ganglion ; o, nucleus ; r, gill. 256. — Escharella variabilis, (p. 713 ;) few of the cells, much enlarged. (Figure 2515 was drawn by A. Hyatt ; 254 and 25,1 were copied from A. Agassiz ; the others were drawn by A. E. Verrill.) Plate XXXIII. Fig. 246. Fig. 254. Fig. 249. Fig. 251. 750 Fig. 252. 751 - EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXIV. FIGURE 257. — Alcyonidium ramosum, (p. 703 ;) a young unbranched specimen, enlarged two diameters. 258. — Bugula turrita, (p. 712;) extremity of a branch, enlarged. 259. — The same ; a branchlet more highly magnified. 259a. — The same ; a branchlet bearing ovicells. 260. — Crisia eburnea, (p. 707;) a cluster of branches, enlarged. 261. — The same ; a branch bearing an ovicell, more highly magnified. 262. — Membranipora pilosa, (p. 712 ;) a few of the cells, seen from above, magnified. 262a. — The same ; a single cell, seen in profile. 263. — The same ; one of the zooids expanded. 264.— Mollia hyalina, (p. 713 ;) one of the zooids in expansion, highly magnified. (Figures 257, 259, 259a -were dravn by A. E. Yerrill ; the rest were furnished by A. Hyatt.) Plate XXXIV. Fig. -258. Fig. 259. Fig. 2o9a. Fig. 2fil. :No. 766 INb. 769 Fig. 257. Fig. 262. Fig. 2«2a. Fig. 264. 754 No. 763 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXV. FIGURE 265. — Leptosynapta Girardii, (p. 71C ;) anterior part of the body, enlarged one- lialf. 266. — The same ; perforated plates from 'the skin, and the " anchors," highly magnified. 267.— Echinarachnius parma, (p. 717 ;) upper surface with the spines partly removed, natural size; a, arnbulacral zones; &, interambulacral zones. 263. — Strongylocentrotus Drobachiensis, (p. 716 ;) side view, natural size. 269. — Asterias arenicola, (p. 718 ;) dorsal view, somewhat reduced. 270. — Ophiopholis aculeata, (p. 719;) dorsal view, about one-half natural size (Figures 265, 266 wore drawn "by A. E. Yen-ill ; 267, 269 were copied from A. Agassiz; 268, 270 were drawn by E. S. Morse.) Plate XXXV. Fig. 207. Fig. 270. :No. 615 617 Fig. 269. Fig. 265. C.16 Fig. 266. Fig. 268. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXVI. FIGURE 271. — Aurelia flavidula, (p. 723;) upper side, albout one-fourth the natural size. 272. — Dactylometra quinquecirra, (p. 724 ;) lateral view, one-fourth the natural size. 273.— Corymorpha pendula, (p. 736;) natural size. 274. — Parypha crocea, (p. 736;) natural size. (Figure 272 was copied from A. Agassiz, Catalogue Acalephs; the others were copied from L. Agassiz, Contributions to Natural History of United States.) Plate XXXVI. Fig. 271. :No. 613 No. 608 Fig. 274. .No. 607 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXVII. FIGURE 075.— Zygodactyla Grceulandica, (p. 729;) profile view, one-half natural size, 276.— Bougainvillia superciliaris, (p. 733 ;) a branch, much enlarged. 277.— Pennaria tiarella, (p. 735 ;) a branch, natural size. 278.— The same ; one of the hydroids, with medusa}, buds developing at the base of the proboscis. 279.— Sertularia pumila, (p. 732 ;) part of a colony on a frond of sea- weed natural size. 280.— Sertularia argentea, (p. 732 ;) a branch bearing reproductive capsules (gonothec«,) with the soft parts removed, much enlarged. 281.— Obelia commissuralis, (p. 728;) a branch bearing hydroids and one female gonotheca, much enlarged. (Figures 275 and 279 were copied from A. Agassiz ; 276 and 281 from L. Agassiz ; 278 from J. Leidy ; 77 and 230 were drawn by A. E. Verrill.) Plate XXXVII. Fig. 275. Fin. 276. Fig. 279. Fig. 280. 2*0.605 No. 610 ^ EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXVIII. FIGUEE 282. — Hybocodon prolifer, (p. 736 ;) natural size, the head seen from the back side. 283.— Alcyonium carneum, (p. 737 ;) three of the polyps fully expanded, much enlarged. 284.— Sagartia leucolena, (p. 738 ;) natural size, in expansion, but the tentacles are not fully extended ; the * indicates the long odd tentacle. 285. — Halocampa producta, (p. 738 ;) natural size, well expanded, but the body may be much more elongated. 286. — Epizoanthus Americanus, (p. 740 ;) a colony which had completely cov ered and absorbed a shell occupied by a hermit-crab, (Eupagurus pubescens,) which still lived \vithin the cavity; the polyps are not expanded, natural size. 287. — The same ; one of the polyps in full expansion, natural size. (Figure 282 was copied from L. Apnssiz ; 28G is from the American Naturalist, drawn by E. S. Morse; the rest were drawn by A. E. Verrill.) Plate XXXVIII. Fig. 283. Fig. 282. INo. 598 Fig. 285. 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