yyv^ ^yyyy^ — ^ '>^ yyy '>'^yy\^ys^yy\-\''\'s s'^x'v'vvv c>c>v>c>>6^>>6^;->>>>>>>^)^"- ' /y^^//yyy^^y'>''yyy/ /yyV/yyyyyyyyyy y^'Vy\'' '• ' - ' ' ' •■ '■ r^m^if^ i^^^P:rv^!- 'a/('if.nc£- c^c^zi. hifH/fv . .^'^^■^r\.'S ".I iiiui;^M.i^ "Ask now the beasts, and they shall tkach thee ; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: " Or speak to THE EARTH, AND IT SHALL TEACH THKE ; AND THE FISHES OF THE SEA SHALL DECLARE UNTO THEE. " Who K^owETH not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought THIS." Job, xii. 7, 8, 9. ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY CONSIDERED WITH REFERENCE TO NATURAL THEOLOGY BY. PETER MARK ROGET, M.D. SlXlil.TARY or THK ROYAL SOCIKTY, VICE 1'RF.SIUK^T OF THE SOCIF.TY OF ARTS, MEMnKR OF THF. SENATF. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, AND HXAMINER IN PHYSIOLOGY A N IJ COMPAR'VTIVE ANATOMY IN THAT UNIVERSITY, FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PIIVSIOIANS, OONStlLTINC PHYSICIAN TO (JiaU'N CHARLOTTE'S LYING IN HOSPITAL, AND TO THE NORTHERN DISPENSARY, ETC. ETC. VOL I THIRD EDITION WITH NUMEROirS ADDITIONS AND EMENDATIONS LONDON WILLIAM PICKERING 1840 /3L /B5S u.s: fit J C. WHITTINGIIAM, TOdKS COURT, CHANCF.RY LANE. TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK, DUKE OF SUSSEX, K. G. LATE PRESIDENT 0 1 ' THE ROYAL SOCIETY, &.C. &C. &C. &C. THIS TREATISE IS, WITH PERMISSION, HUMBLY DEDICATED, AS A TRIBUTE OF PROFOUND RESPECT AND GRATITUDE FOR THE BENEFITS RESULTING TO SCIENCE AND ITS CULTIVATORS, FROM HIS ILLUSTRIOUS PATRONAGE, BY HIS DEVOTi.D, HUMBLE SERVANT, P. M. ROGET. ADVERTISEMENT. Since the publication of the first edition of this Work, a great number of vahiable additions have been made to our knowledge of Physiology in its various departments. Tliese I have in- serted in their proper places in the present edition ; in which I have also made several alterations necessary to adapt it to the present advanced state of the science. P. M. R. Bernard Street, Russell Square, August 1st, 1840. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION I PROBABLY never should have ventured to engage in the composition and publication of a work like the present, had not that task been assigned me by my nomination as one of the writers of the series of Bridgewater Treatises, and had I not deeply felt the honour done me by that appointment, as well as the importance of the duty which it imposed. The hope, in which I have indulged, that my labours might eventually be useful, has been my chief sup- port in this arduous undertaking ; the progress of which has throughout been seriously im- peded by the various interruptions incident to my profession, by long protracted anxieties and afflictions, and by the almost overwhelming- pressure of domestic calamity. The o])ject of this treatise is to enforce the great truths of Natural Theology, by adducing PREFACE. those evidences of the power, wisdom, {iiid goodness of God, which are manifested in the livino- creation. The scientific knowledge of the phenomena of life, as they are exhibited under the infinitely varied forms of organiza- tion, constitutes what is usnally termed Phy- siology ; a science of vast and almost bound- less extent, since it comprehends within its range all the animal and vegetable beings on the globe. This ample field of inquiry has, of late years, been cultivated with extraordinary diligence and success by the naturalists of every country ; and from their collective la- bours there has now been amassed an immense store of facts, and a rich harvest of valuable discoveries. But in the execution of my task this exuberance of materials was rather a source of difficulty ; for it created the necessity of more careful selection, and of a more ex- tended plan. In conformity with the original purpose of the work, which I have all along endeavoured to keep steadily in view, I have excluded from it all those particulars of the natural history both of animals and of plants, and all descrip- tion of those structures, of which the relation to final causes cannot be distinctly traced ; PREFACE. XI and have admitted only such facts as afford manifest evidences of design. These facts I have studied to arrange in that methodized order, and to unite in those comprehensive generalizations, which not only conduce to their more ready acquisition and retention in the memory, but tend also to enlarge our views of their mutual connexions, and of their sub- ordination to the general plan of creation. My endeavours have been directed to give to the subject that unity of design, and that scientific form, which are generally wanting in books professedly treating of Natural Theo- logy, published prior to the present series ; not excepting even the unrivalled and immortal work of Paley. By furnishing those general principles, on which all accurate and extensive knowledge must substantially be founded, I am not without a hope that this compendium may prove a useful introduction to the study of Natural History ; the pursuit of which will be found not only to supply inexhaustible sources of intellectual gratification, but also to lurnish, to contemplative minds, a rich fountain of religious instruction. To render these bene- fits generally accessible, I have confined myself to such subjects as are adapted to every class Xll PREFACE. of readers ; and, avoiding all unnecessary ex- tension of the field of inquiry, have wholly abstained from entering into historical ac- counts of the progress of discovery ; content- ing myself with an exposition of the present state of the science. I have also scrupulously refrained from treading in the paths, which have been prescribed to the other authors of these treatises ; and have accordingly omitted all consideration of the hand, the voice, the chemical theory of digestion, the habits and instincts of animals, and the structures of ante- diluvian races ; the extent of the field which remained, and which, with these few excep- tions, embraces nearly the whole of the phy- siology of the two kingdoms of nature, already aftbrding ample occupation for a single la- bourer. The catalogue of authors whose works have furnished me with the principal facts detailed in these volumes, is too long for insertion in this place. I have not encumbered the pages of the work by continual citations of authori- ties ; but have given references to them only when they appeared to be particularly requi- site, either as bearing testimony to facts not generally known, or as pointing out sources rREFACE. Xlll of more copious information. It may liowever be proper to mention, that I liave more espe- cially availed myself of the ample materials on Comparative Anatomy and Physiology con- tained in the works of Cuvier, Blumenbacli, Cams, Home, Meckel, De Blainville, Ln- treille, and St. Hilaire, and in the volumes of the Philosophical Transactions, of the M6- moires and Annales du Museum, and of the Annales des Sciences Naturelles. I should be uno;rateful vrere I not also to acknowledge the instruction I have derived from my attend- ance on the lectures at the Royal College of Surgeons, delivered successively, during many years, by the late Sir Everard Home, Sir Astley Cooper, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Green, and Sir Charles Bell ; and also from those of Professor Grant, at the Uni- versity of London . I have likewise to return my tlianks for the liberal manner in which the Board of Curators of the Hunterian Museum gave me permission to take such drawings of the preparations it contains, as I might want for the illustration of this work ; and to Mr. Clift, the conserva- tor, and Mr. Owen, the assistant conservator of the museum, for their obliging assistance on XIV PREFACE. this occasion. Mere verbal description can never convey distinct ideas of the form and structure of parts, unless aided by figures ; and these I have accordingly introduced very extensively in the course of the work.* Being compelled, from the nature of my subject, and in order to avoid tedious and fatiguing circumlocution, to employ many terms of science, I have been careful to ex- plain the meaning of each when first intro- duced : but as it might frequently happen that, on a subsequent occurrence, their signification may have been forgotten, the reader will gene- rally find in the index, which I have, with this view, made very copious, a reference to the passage where the term is explained. I beg, in this place, to express my deep sense of the obligation conferred on me by Mr. Davies Gilbert, the late president of the Royal Society, to whose kindness I owe my being appointed to write this treatise. 1 also take this opportunity of conveying my best thanks to my friend and colleague, * All the wood engravings have been executed by Mr. Byfield, and the drawings for them were, for the most part, made by Miss Catlow, whose assistance on this occasion has been most valuable to me. PREFACE. XV Mr. Cliildreii, of the British Museum, for liis kind assistance in revising the sheets while the work was printing, and for liis many valua])le suggestions during its progress through the press. A catalogue of the wood engravings has been subjoined ; and also a tabular view of the classification of animals adopted by Cuvier in his " Regne Animal," with familiar examples of animals included under each division ; both of which I conceived might prove useful for purposes of reference. The latter table is reprinted from that which I have given in my " Introductory Lecture on Human and Com- parative Physiology," published in 1826, with only such alterations as were required to make it correspond with the second and improved edition of Cuvier's work. Bernard Street, Russell Square, May 1, 1834. NOTICE. The series of Treatises, of whicli the present is one, is published under the following circumstances: The Right Honourable and Revereno Francis Henry, Earl of Bridgewater, died in the month of February, 1829 ; and by his last Will and Testament, bearing- date the 25th of February, 1825, he directed certain Trustees therein named to invest in the public funds the sum of Eight thousand pounds sterling; this sum, with the accruing divi- dends thereon, to be held at the disposal of the President, for the time being, of the Royal Society of London, to be paid to the person or persons nominated by him. The Testator further directed, that the person or persons selected by the said President should be appointed to write, print, and publish one thousand copies of a work O/i the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation ; illustrating such work by all reasonable arguments, as for instance the variety and formation of God's creatures in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms ; the effect of digestion, and thereby of conversion ; the construction of the hand of man, and an, infinite variety of other arguments ; as also by dis- coveries ancient and modern, in arts, sciences, and the tvhole extent of literature. He desired, moreover, that the profits arising from the sale of the works so published should be paid to the authors of the works. The late President of the Royal Society, Davies Gilbert, Esq. requested the assistance of his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury and of the Bishop of London, in determining upon the best mode of carrying into effect the intentions of the Testator. Acting with their advice, and with the concurrence of a nobleman immediately connected with the deceased, Mr. Davies Gilbert appointed the following eight gentlemen VOL. I. b XVIU to write separate Treatises on the different branches of the subject as here stated : THE REV. THOMAS CHALMERS, D.D. PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. ON THE POWER, WISDOM, AND GOODNESS OF GOD AS MANIFESTED IN THE ADAPTATION OF EXTERNAL NATURE TO THE MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL CONSTITUTION OF MAN. JOHN KIDD, M.D. F.R.S. REGIUS PROFESSOR OP MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. ON THE ADAPTATION OF EXTERNAL NATURE TO THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF MAN. THE REV. WILLIAM WPIEWELL, M.A. F.R.S. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. ASTRONOMY AND GENERAL PHYSICS CONSIDERED WITH REFERENCE TO NATURAL THEOLOGY. SIR CHARLES BELL, K.G.H. E.R.S. L. & E. THE HAND: ITS MECHANISM AND VITAL ENDOWMENTS AS EVINCING DESIGN. PETER MARK ROGET, M.D. FELLOW AND SECRETARY OP THE ROYAL SOCIETY. ON ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY, CONSIDERED WITH REFERENCE TO NATURAL THEOLOGY. THE REV. WILLIAM BUCKLAND, D.D. F.R.S. CANON OF CHRIST CHURCH, AND PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. ON GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. THE REV. WILLIAM KIRBY, M.A. F.R.S. ON THE HISTORY, HABITS, AND INSTINCTS OF ANIMALS. WILLIAM PROUT, M.D. F.R.S. CHEMISTRY, METEOROLOGY, AND THE FUNCTION OF DIGESTION, CONSIDERED WITH REFERENCE TO NATURAL THEOLOGY. CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. INTRODUCTION. Page Chapter I. — Final Causes 1 II. — The Functions of Life 28 PART I.— THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. Chapter I. — Organic Mechanism 50 § 1 . Organization in general 50 2. Vegetable Organization 55 3. Developement of Vegetables 72 4. Animal Organization 83 5. Muscular Power 112 Chapter II. — The Mechanical Functions in Zoophytes 131 § 1. General Observations 131 2. Sponges 1 35 3. Polypifera 146 4. Infusoria 1 66 5. Acalepbae 175 6. Echinodermata 181 Chapter III. — Mollusca 193 § 1 . Mollusca in general 193 2. Acephala 195 3. Gasteropoda 204 4. Structure and formation of the Shells of Mollusca 206 5. Pteropoda 230 6. Cephalopoda 231 Chapter IV,— Articulata 240 § 1 . Articulated animals in general 240 2. Annelida 242 3. Arachnida 252 4. Crustacea 257 XX CONTENtS. Page Chapter V. — Insects 265 § 1 . Aptera 265 2. Insecta alata 268 3. Developement of Insects 270 4. Aquatic Larvae 277 5. Terrestrial Larvoe 278 6. Imago, or perfect Insect 283 7. Aquatic Insects 299 8. Progressive motion of Insects on land 302 9. Flight of Insects 308 Chapter VI. — Vertebrata 322 § 1. Vertebrated Animals in general 322 2. Structure and Composition of the Osseous Fabric 326 3. Formation and Developement of Bone 335 4. Skeleton of the Vertebrata 345 Chapter VII. — Fishes 363 Chapter VIII.— Reptilia 387 § 1. Terrestrial Vertebrata in general 387 2. Batrachia 388 3. Ophidia 398 4. Sauria 406 5. Chelonia 411 Chapter IX. — Mammalia 423 § 1 . Mammalia in general 423 2. Cetacea 427 3. Amphibia 431 4. Mammiferous Quadrupeds in general 432 5. Ruminantia 442 6. Solipeda 456 7. Pachydermata 458 8. Rodentia 462 9. Insectivora 464 10. Carnivora 467 1 1 . Quadrumana 470 12. Man 473 Chapter X. — Vertebrata capable of flying 481 § 1. Vertebrata without feathers, formed for flying .... 481 2. Birds 489 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. VOLUME I. Fig. Page 1 Rotifer redivivus, (from Muller) 53 2 Vibrio fritici, (Bauer) 53 3 Simple vegetable cells, (Slack) 58 4 Fucus vesiculosus, transverse section, (De Candolle) .... 58 5 Ditto, longitudinal section, (id.) 58 6 Compressed cells of vegetables, (Slack) 58 7 Hexagonal and elongated cells, (id.) 58 8 Elongated cells, (id.) 58 9 Fibrous cells, (id.) 58 10 Reticulated cells, (id.) 58 1 2 Junction of cells to form a tube 64 1 3 Beaded vessels 64 14 Spiral vessels, or Tracheae 64 1 5 Annular vessels 64 16 Punctuated vessels 64 17 Transitions of vessels from one class to another 64 18 Woody fibres 64 19 Nervures of a leaf 64 20 Cells composing the cuticle, (De Candolle) 69 21 Stomata magnified, (Amici) 69 22 Arrangement of stomata in Cuticle, (De Candolle) 69 23 Roots terminated by spongioles, (id.) 69 24 Cells composing a spongiole, (id.) 69 25 Animal cellular substance 86 26 Blood vessels 90 27 Section of blood vessel, with the valves open 90 28 Ditto, with the valves closed 90 28* Perpendicular section of the layers of the skin, (Breschet) 101 XXU LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. Fig. Page 29 Striated surface of the scale of the Cyprinus alburnus, (Heisinger) 1 05 30 Ditto of the Perca Jluviatilis, (Carus) 105 31 Imbricated arrangement of the scales of fishes (Heisinger). . 105 32 Section of the bulbs of hair, magnified 106 33 Quill of Porcupine, (F. Cuvier) 109 34 Transverse section of the same, (id.) 109 35 Longitudinal section of the root of ditto, (id.) 109 36 Capsule of bulb of ditto laid open, (id.) 109 36* Groups of vibrating cilia in action, (Farre) 116 37 Muscle in a state of relaxation 120 38 The same muscle contracted 120 39 Diagram illustrating the action of obhque muscles 120 40 Semi-penniform muscle 120 41 Penniform muscle 120 42 Complex muscle 120 43 Tendon of muscle 120 44 Trapezius muscle 120 45 Muscular structure of the Ear-drum, (Home) 125 46 Orbicular muscle of the Eye-lids, (Albinus) 125 47 Muscular structure of the Iris, (Home) 125 48 Muscular fibres of a sucking disk 125 49 Longitudinal muscular fibres of a blood- vessel . . , 127 50 Transverse muscular fibres of ditto 127 51 Muscular fibres of the human stomach, (Cooper) 127 52 Muscular fibres of the Heart, (id.) 127 53 Magnified view of a Sponge, (Grant) 136 54 Spicula in the texture of a Sponge, (id.) 136 55 Gemmule of a Sponge, (id.) 136 56 Lobularia. Alcyoniu7n jyelasgica, {J)eter\i\\e) 147 57 Detached polype of ditto, (id.) 147 58 Zoanthus, (Actinia sociata), (Ellis) 147 59 Hydra viridis, (Trembley) 147 60 Sertularia pelasgica, (Deterville) 149 6 1 Tubipora musica, (EUis) 149 62 Section and polypes of ditto, magnified, (id.) 149 63 Flustra carbasea, (id.) 149 64 Cells of ditto, magnified, (id.) 149 65 Corallium rubruni, (id. ) 150 66 Polypes of ditto, magnified, (id.) 150 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. XXllI Fig. Page 67 Section of Gorgonia Btiareus, (id.) 150 68 Isis hippuris, (id.) 1 50 69 Polype of Flustra carbasea, (Grant) 155 70 Tentaculum of ditto, magnified, (id.) 155 71 Penjiatula phosphnrea, (Ellis) 157 72 Magnified view of the polypes of ditto, (id) 157 73 to 76 Mode of progression of tlie Hydra viridis, (Trembley) 160 77 Vorticella cyathina, (Muller) 165 78 Am ceba dijiuens, (id.) 170 79 Volvox (jlobator, (id.) 170 80 Bracldonus urceolaris, (id.) 172 81 Medusa pulmo, (Macri) 175 82 Beroe ovatus, (Bruguiere) 177 83 Beroe pileus, (id.) 177 84 Velella limbosa, (Guerin) 177 85 Physalia atlantica, (id.) 177 86 Actinia rufa, (original) 180 87 Ditto expanded, (original) 180 88 Asterias serrulata, (Bruguiere) 182 89 Asterias regularis, (id.) 182 90 Echinus Ananchites ovata, (id.) 182 91 Clypeaster rosaceus, (id.) 182 92 Ophiura lacertosa, (id.) 1 82 93 Euryale muricatum, (id.) 182 94 Pentacrinus eurojJCBus, (Thomson) 182 95 Ambulacra, and feet of Asterias, viewed from the under side (Reaumur) 183 96 Ditto, viewed from the upper side, (id.) 183 97 Vesicles appended to the feet of the Asterias 183 98 Polygonal pieces composing the test of the Echinus 185 99 Structure of a detached piece of ditto 185 1 00 Spine of the Cidaris, (Cams) 185 101 Shell of Unio batava, (Goldfuss) 195 102 Adductor muscle of Oyster, (Hunterian Museum) 196 103 Shell of Pholas Candida, with abductor muscle, (Osier). . 198 104 Foot of Cardium edule, (Reaumur) 199 105 Planorbus cornutus, (Cuvier) 204 106 Magnified view of the striae on the surface of Mother of Pearl, (Herschel) 208 107 Directions of the fibres in the component strata of shells . 210 \X1V LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. Fig. Page 108 Shell of Achatina zebra, (De Blainville) 217 109 Longitudinal section of ditto, (id.) , 217 110 Shell of Pterocerus scoi-pio, at an early stage of growth, (id.) 220 111 Shell of the same when completely formed, (id.) 220 112 Shell of CyprcEa exanthema at an early period of growth, (id.) 220 1 1 3 Shell of the same animal, when completed, (id.) 220 114 Transverse section of the shell of the Cyprcea exanthema, (Hunterian Museum) 22 1 1 15 Shell of Conus 224 116 Longitudinal section of the same, (original) 224 117 Transverse section of the same, (Bruguiere) 224 118 Inner surface of the Epiphragma of the Turbo, (De Blain- ville) 22(5 1 19 Outer surface of the same, (id.) 226 120 Clio borealis, (Cuvier) 231 121 Sepia loligo, (De Blainville) 232 122 Suckers of the same, (id.) 232 123 Bone or internal shell of the same, (id.) 232 123* Suckers of the Octopus, (original) 233 124 Shell of Sinrula australis, (De Blainville) 237 125 Longitudinal section of the same, (id.) 237 126 Shell of Nautilus pompllius, (id.) 237 127 Longitudinal section of the same (id.) 237 128 Pontobdella muricata, (Bruguiere) 243 129 Nereis, (id) 243 130 Erpobdella vulgaris (Lam.) Hirudo hyalina 243 131 Diagram illustrating the rings and muscles of Annelida, (original) 243 1 32 Gordius aquations 247 1 33 Serpula ojjercularia 247 1 34 Terebella concliilega, (De Blainville) 247 135 Arenicola piscatorum, or Lumbricus marinus 247 136 Aranca diadema, (Roesel) 253 137 Divisions of the limb of a Crustaceous animal 258 138 Mandible and palpus of My sis Fabricii, (Bruguiere) .... 258 139 to 141 Feet-jaws belonging to the first, second, and third pairs, (id.) 258 142 True foot belonging to the first pair, (id.) 258 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. XXV Fig. I^age 143 Julus terrestris 268 144 Muscles of the trunk of the Melolontha vulgaris, (Straus Durckhehn) 269 145 Eggs of Bombyx rnori 273 146 Larva of the same 27 3 147 Pupa of the same 273 148 Imago of the same 273 148* A Caterpillar of the Fhalena striaria, (Hubner) 281 B The same in a rigid position, (Lyonet) 281 149 Calosoma Sycophanta, (Kirby and Spence) 286 150 Analysis of skeleton of the same, (Carus) 287 151 Hind view of the segment of the head in the same, (id.). . 287 152 Suckers on the foot of the Musca vomitoria, expanded; magnified view, (Bauer) 297 153 Cushions on the foot of the Cimbex lutea, magnified, (id.) 297 154 Suckers on the under side of the foot of a male Dytiscus marginalis, (id.) 297 155 Cushions and sucker of the Acridium biguttulum, Latr. (id.) 297 156 Dytiscus marginalis, upper side, (Roesel) 300 157 Lower side of the same insect, (id.) 300 158 Notonecta glauca, (RcEsel) 301 1 58* Fore leg of Gryllotalpa, (Kidd) 307 159 Wing of Gryllus riasutus. Orthoptera 313 \Q0 Vf lag o{ Libellula grandis. Neuroptera 313 161 Wing of Ichneumon per suasorius. Hymenoptera 313 1 62 Wing of Tipula oleracea. Diptera 313 163 Sting of Anthophora retusa, (original) 315 1 64 Separate scales of the wing of Hesperia Sloanus, (original) 318 165 Arrangement of the scales in the wing of the same 318 172 Longitudinal section of the thigh-bone to show the can- cellated structure, (Cheselden) 333 1 73 Longitudinal section of the humerus, (id.) 333 174 Ossification of the parietal bone, (id.) 338 175 Early stage of ossification of the bones of the skull, (Cloquet) 338 176 The same in the adult, showing the sutures 338 177 Dorsal vertebra, human 346 1 78 Junction of vertebrae forming the spinal column 346 179 Longitudinal section of the same, showing the spinal canal 346 XXVI LIST Ol ENGRAVINGS. Fig. Page 180 Elements of Structure of the vertebra, (Carus) 351 181 Skeleton of Hog, (Pander and D'Alton) 353 182 Sternum, clavicle, and scapula ; human , 353 184 Skeleton of Cyprinus carpio, (Bonnaterre) 366 185 Diagram illustrating the progressive motion of Fishes. . . . 367 185* Path of the centre of gravity of a fish in swimming .... 369 186 Front view of the vertebra of a Cod, {Gadus morrhua) . . 370 1 87 Side view of the same 370 188 Vertical and longitudinal section of a part of the spinal column in the same 370 189 A similar section, showing the gradation of structure. . . . 370 190 Similar section in the Squalus centrina, (Carus) 370 191 Bones of the shoulder of the Lophiiis piscatorius, (id.) . . 376 192 Pectoral fin of the Raia clavata, (id.) 376 193 Belt of bones of the shoulder of a Ray, (id.) 377 194 Muscular system of Cyprinus alburnus, (id.) 379 195 Air bladder of Cyprinus carpio, (Blasius) 382 1 96 Eggs of the Frog 389 197 Side view of the Tadpole magnified, (Rusconi) 389 198 Upper view of the same, (id.) 389 199 Adult Frog 389 200 Skeleton of Frog, (Cheselden) 393 201 Skeleton of the Viper 398 202 Ribs and spine of Boa constrictor (Home) 401 203 Bones of the foot of the same, (Mayer) 399 204 Muscles moving the claw of the same, (id.) 399 205 Rudimental bones of the foot of the Tortryx scytale, {k\.) 399 206 of the Tortryx corallinus, (id.) 399 207 of the Anguis fragilis, (id.) 399 208 of the Amphisbcena alba, (id.) 399 209 of the Coluber jmllutatus, (id.) 399 210 Chalcides pentadactylus, (Bonnaterre) 399 21 1 Under surface of the foot of the Lacerta gecko, magnified four times, (Bauer) 410 212 Side view of a longitudinal section of the same, (id.) .... 410 213 Skeleton of Tortoise, (Carus) 413 214 Section of the thigh bone of the same, (id.) 413 215 Hind view of skull of Testudo my das, (id.) 417 216 Bones sustaining the fin of the Delphinus phocoena, (Pan- der and D'Alton) 431 LIST Ol' ENGRAVINGS. XXVll Fig. Page 217 Fore part of the Skeleton of an Ox with the Ligamentum nuchcE, (original) 444 218 Skeleton of the Stag, (Cheselden) 449 218*A. Longitudinal section of the horn of an Ox, (original). . 455 B. Ditto, of an Antelope, (original) 455 c. Extremity of the same, (original) 455 219 Subcutaneous muscles of the Hedge-hog, relaxed, (Carus) 466 220 The same muscles contracted, and drawn over the body, (Cuvier) 466 221 Skeleton of the Lion, (Pander and D'Alton) 468 222 Skeleton of Draco volans, (Tiedemann) 485 223 Skeleton of Vespertilio molossus, (Temmink) 487 224 Skeleton of the Swan, (Cheselden) 493 225 Longitudinal section of the cervical vertebra of the Ostrich, (original) 496 226 Fibrils of the vane of a feather, magnified, (original). . . . 502 227 Edges of the fibres, magnified, (original) 502 228 Feather, showing its structure, (F. Cuvier) 507 229 Capsule, or Matrix of the feather, (id.) 507 230 View of the parts enclosed in the Capsule, when laid open, (id.) 507 231 Section of the stem, while growing, exhibiting the series of conical membranes, (id.) 507 233 Extensor muscles of the foot and toes of a bird, (Borelli) 520 234 Position of a bird in roosting, (id.) 520 XXVlll LIST OF KNGUAVIXGS. VOLUME ir. Fig. Page 239 Rotation, or partial circulation in the cells of the Cau- linia fragilis, magnified, (Amici) 45 240 The same in the jointed hair of the Tradescantia virginica (Slack) 45 241 Section of the Hydra viridis, magnified, (Trembley) ... 6Q 242 Hydra viridis seizing a worm, (id.) 68 243 The same after swallowing a minnow, (id.) 68 244 A Hydra which has swallowed another of its own species, (id.) 68 245 Compound Hydra, with seven heads, (id.) . . . ., 68 246 Veretilla lutea, showing the communicating vessels of Polypes, (Quoy et Gaimard) 74 247 Nutrient vessels of the Tcknia solium, (Chiaje) 74 248 Tcenia ylobosa, or Hydatid of the Hog, (Goeze) ...... 74 249 Horizontal section of the Rhizostoma Cuvieri, Peron, (Eysenhardt) 78 250 Geronia hexaphylla, Peron, Medusa proboscidalis, (Forskal) 78 251 Vascular network in margin of the disk of the Rhizos- toma Cuvieri, (Eysenhardt) 78 252 Vertical Section of the Rhizostoma Cuvieri, (id.) 79 253 Transverse section of one of the arms of the same, (id.). . 79 254 Transverse section of the extremity of a tentaculum of the same, (id.) 79 255 XeMcopArapa/wZa, highly magnified, (Ehrenberg) 85 256 Alimentary canal and caeca of the same, viewed sepa- rately, (id.) S5 151 Vertical section of the Actinia coriacea, (Spix) 89 258 Digestive organs of the Asterias, (Tiedemann) 90 259 Stomachs of the Nais vermicularis, (Roesel) 91 260 Stomachs of the Hirudo medicbialis, (original) 92 261 Mouth of the same, showing the three semicircular teeth, (original) 92 262 Tooth of the same, detached, (original) 92 263 Glossopora tuber culata i Hirudo complanata, Lin. (John- son) 93 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. XXIX Fig. Page 264 The same seen from the under side, showing the digestive organs, (id.) 93 295 Diagram showing the arrangement and connexions of the organs of the vital functions in the Vertebrata, (ori- ginal) 95 266 Spiral probosces of Papilio urticce, (Griffith) 102 267 Trophi of Locus ta viridissima, (Goldfuss) 109 268 Filaments composing the rostrum, or proboscis, of the Cimex nigricomis, (Savigny) Ill 269 Sheath of the proboscis of the same insect, (id.) Ill 270 Toothed cartilage of the Helix pomatia, (Cuvier) 113 271 Mechanism for projecting and retracting the tongue of the Woodpecker, (original) 119 272 Laminae of Whalebone descending from the palate of the Balcena mysticetus, (Bonnaterre) 123 273 Teeth of the Delphinus phocoena, (Cloquet) 127 274 Skull of Tiger, (Cuvier) 130 275 Skull of Antelope, (Pander and D'Alton) 131 276 Skull of Rat, (id.) 132 277 Longitudinal section of simple tooth, (Rosseau) 134 278 Surface of a grinding tooth of a Horse, (Home) 134 279 Surface of the grinding tooth of a Sheep, (id.) 134 280 Longitudinal section of the incisor tooth of the Rodentia.. 134 281 Vertical section of the grinding tooth of the Elephant, (Home) 138 282 Grinding tooth of the African Elephant, (id.) 138 283 Grinding tooth of the Asiatic Elephant, (id.) 138 284 Succession of teeth in the Crocodile, (Cams) 146 285 Venomous fang of the Coluber naia, (Smith) 148 286 Transverse section of the same, (id.) 148 287 The same tooth at an earlier period of growth, (id.) 148 288 The same, still less advanced in its growth, (id.) 148 289 Base of the former, (id.) ! 148 290 Base of the latter, (id.) 148 291 Transverse section of the young fang, about its middle, (id.) 148 292 A section, similar to the last, of another species of serpent, (id.) 148 293 Squalus pristis. b. Under side of its snout, (Latham). . 149 294 Interior of the Stomach of a Lobster, (original) 150 295 Gastric teeth of Bullcea aperta, (Cuvier) 1 50 XXX LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. Fig. Page 298 Gizzard of the Swan (Home) 151 299 Crop and gizzard of the Parrot, (id.) 100 300 Crop of the Pigeon, (id.) 160 301 Human Stomach, (id) 162 302 Interior of the stomach of the African Ostrich, (id.) .... 165 303 Gastric glands of the same, (id.) 165 304 Gastric glands of the American Ostrich, (id.) 165 305 Longitudinal section of the gastric glands of the Beaver, (id.) 165 306 Stomach of Dormouse, (id.) 170 307 Stomach of Hyrax capensis, (Cuvier) 170 308 Stomach of Porcupine, (id.) 170 309 Stomach of Kaufjuroo, (id.) 170 310 Stomach of Delphinus phoccena, (id.) 170 311 Cardiac valve of the Horse, (Gurlt) 170 312 The four stomachs of a Sheep, (Carus) 172 313 Inner surface of the honey-comb stomach, (Home) 172 314 Inner surface of the many-plies stomach of an Ox, (id.). . 172 315 Interior cellular surface of the second stomach of the Camel, (id.) 172 316 Spiral valve in the intestine of the Shark, (Blasius) .... 182 317 Digestive organs of the Mantis religiosa, (Marcel de Serres) 187 318 Melolo7itha vulgaris, (Leon Dufour) 188 319 Cicindela campestris, (id.) 188 320 Portion of a hepatic vessel of the Melolontha, highly magnified, (Straus Durckheim) 189 321 Alimentary canal of the Acrida aptera, (original) 190 322 Interior of the gizzard of the same magnified, (original). . 190 323 Row of large teeth in the same, still more magnified, (original) 190 324 Profile of one of those teeth still more highly magnified, (original) 190 325 Base of the same tooth seen from below, (original) 190 326 Alimentary canal of the Larva of the Sphinx Ligustri, (original) 192 327 of the Pupa of the same, (original) 192 328 of the Imago of the same, (original) 192 329 of the Patella, (Cuvier) 194 330 Stomachs of the Pleurobranchus Peronii, (id.) 195 LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. XXXI Fig. Page 331 Pyloric appendices in the Salmon, (id.) 196 332 Plan of double circulation 208 333 Detached Dorsal vessel of Melolontha vulgaris, (Straus Durckheim) 219 334 The same with its ligamentous and muscular attachments, (id.) 219 335 Side view of the anterior extremity of the same vessel, (id.) 219 336 Section of the dorsal vessel to show its valves, (id.) .... 219 337 Circulation in the antenna of the Semblis viridis, (Cams) 222 338 Course of circulation in the same insect, (id.) 222 339 Dorsal vessel of the Caterpillar of the Sphinx ligustri, side view, (original) 224 340 The same in the Chrysalis (original) 224 341 The same in the Moth, (original) , 224 342 The same viewed from above, (original) 224 343 Magnified lateral view of the anterior extremity of the dorsal vessel, (original) 224 344 Magnified dorsal view of the same, (original) 224 345 Structure of the valves of the dorsal vessel, (original) . . 224 346 Heart and vessels of the Aranea domestica, (Treviranus) . 229 346*Circulation in the Planaria nigra, (Duges) 230 347 Course of circulation in the Erpobdella vulgaris (Morren) 232 348 Vessels in abdominal surface of the same, (id.) 232 349 Vascular dilatations, or hearts of the Lumbricus ter- restris, (Morren) 235 350 Cavities and great vessels of the Heart 238 351 The Heart laid open to show its Valves 239 353 Plan of circulation in Reptiles 247 354 Branchial circulation in Maia Squinadn, (Audouin) .... 237 355 Organs of circulation in the Loligo sagittata, (id.) 243 356 Plan of circulation in Fishes 245 357 Plan of circulation in Batrachia 248 359 Plan of double, or warm-blooded circulation 252 360 Heart of the Dugong, (Home) 252 365 Valves of the Veins, (Cloquet) 262 366 Heart, branchial artery and gills of a fish, (Blasius) .... 273 367 Branchial apertures in the Squnlus glaucus, (Bonnaterre) 273 368 Branchial apertures in the Petromyzon marinus, (id.) .. 273 369 Internal structure of the branchiae of the same, (Home). . 273 XXXU LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. Fig. Page 370 Stigmata in the abdominal surface of the Dijfiscus mar- ginalis, (Leon Dufour) 28 1 371 Stigmata of Cera/rti?/x /§ 4. Structure and Formation of the Shells of Mollusca. The structure and formation of the shells of mollus- cous animals is a subject of much interest in com- parative physiology, as presenting many beautiful illustrations of the laws by which the inorganic parts of the living system are increased in their dimensions. * Osier, Pliil. Trans, for 1826, p. 352. STRUCTURE OF SHELLS. 207 All shells are composed of two portions, the one consisting of particles of carbonate of lime, the other having the character of an animal substance, and corresponding in its chemical properties either to albumen or to gelatine. The mode in which these two constituent parts are united, as well as the nature of the animal portion, differs much in different kinds of shell ; and it is chiefly in refer- ence to these circumstances that shells have been divided into two classes, namely, the membranous and the porcellaneous shells. In shells belonging to the first of these classes, the carbonate of lime is united with a membranous substance deposited in layers, which may be sepa- rated from one another, either by mechanical divi- sion with a sharp instrument, or by the slow actions of air, water, or other decomposing chemical agents. The shells of the limpet, of the oyster, and of almost all the larger bivalve mollusca which reside in the ocean are of this kind. They are usually covered with a thick outer skin, or epidermis; and their texture is of a coarser grain than that of other shells. If a shell of this description be immersed in an acid capable of dissolving carbonate of lime, such as the muriatic or nitric acids properly diluted, at first a brisk effervescence is produced ; but this soon slackens, and the carbonate of lime contained in the shell is slowly dissolved ; the membranous layers being left entire, and sufficiently coherent to retain the figure of the shell ; but, having lost the earthy material which gave them hardness, they assume their natural form of soft and flexible plates. Many membranous shells exhibit, on several parts of their internal surface, a glistening, silvery, 208 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. or iridescent appearance.* This appearance is caused by the peculiar thinness, transparency, and regularity of arrangement of the outer layers of the membrane, which, in conjunction with the particles of carbonate of lime, enter into the formation of that part of the surface of the shell. The surface, which has thus acquired a pearly lustre, was formerly be- lieved to be a peculiar substance, and was dignified with the appellation of mother of pearl, from the notion that was entertained of its being the material of which pearls are formed. It is true, indeed, that pearls are actually composed of the same materials, and have the same laminated structure as the mem- branous shells ; being formed by very thin con- centric plates of membrane and carbonate of lime, i(^)g disposed alternately, and often surrounding a central body, or nucleus: but Sir David Brewster has satisfactorily shown that the iridescent colours exhibited by these surfaces are wholly the ef- ^x^iy^'^tN^^^ feet of the parallel grooves con- ^^^^Aj^^y sequent upon the regularity of ^^^^ °* arrangement in the successive deposits of shell. | The appearance of these grooves or striae when highly magnified is shown in Fig. 106.J; This iridescent property may be com- municated to shell lac, sealing wax, gum Arabic, * Examples of this nacreous structure, as it is termed, occur in the shells of the Haliotis, or Sea-ear, and of the Anodon, or fresli water muscle. t Philosophical Transactions for 1814, p. 397. X See also a paper on this subject by Sir John Herschel in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, ii. 114, from which the annexed figure is taken. STRUCTURE OF SHELLS. 209 balsam of Toln, or fusible metal, by taking an ac- curate cast or impression of the surface of mother of pearl with any one of these substances.* Porcellaneous shells have a more uniform and compact texture than those of the former class. The animal matter which unites the carbonate of lime is less in quantity, and not so evidently dis- posed in layers; but it is more equally blended with the earthy particles, with respect to which it appears to perform the office of a cement, binding them strongly together, although it has of itself but little cohesive strength. The Cyprcea and the Volute are examples of i)orcellaneous shells. In shells of this kind, the carbonate of lime as- sumes more or less of a crystalline arrangement ; the minute crystals being sometimes in the form of rhombs, and sometimes in that of prisms. In the former case they are composed of three distinct layers, as may be seen by making sections of any of the spiral univalve shells, or simply by breaking them in various directions. Each layer is composed of very thin plates, marked by oblique lines, which show the direction of the crystalline fibres. The direction of the layers and fibres is also rendered manifest by the planes of cleavage, when they are broken into fragments. The plates of the outer and inner layers are always directed from the apex of the cone to its base, so as to follow the * When these shells decay and fall to pieces, they separate into numerous thin scales of a pearly lustre. The fine scales thus ob- tained from the Placuna, or window oyster, are employed by the Chinese in their water-colour drawings to produce the effect of silver. Some of this powder has been brought to England and used for this purpose. (Gray; Phil. Trans, for 1833, p. 794.) VOL. L P 210 THI2 MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. direction of the spire : while, on the contrary, those J07 of the intermediate plate form con- centric rings round the cone pa- rallel to its base. Thus the fibres of each layer are at right angles to those of the layer which is con- tiguous to it ; an arrangement admirably calculated for giving strength to the shell, by opposing a considerable cohesive resistance to all forces tending to break it, in whatever direc- tion they may be applied.* We here find that a prin- ciple, which has only of late years been recognised and applied to the building of ships, namely, that of the diagonal arrangement of the framework, and the oblique position of the timbers, is identical with that which, from the beginning of creation, has been acted upon by nature in the construction of shells. When the form of the crystals is prismatic, the fibres are short, their direction is perpendicular to the surface, and the prisms are generally hexagonal. This structure is observable in the Teredo gigautea from Sumatra,! and also in many bivalves, such as those belonging to the genera Avicula and Pinna. * The lines indicating the direction of the fibres are shown in the diagram, Fig. 107, which represents a longitudinal section of a shell of this kind. A is the outer layer, of which the fibres pass obliquely downwards. B is the middle layer, having fibres placed at right angles with the former. C is the third, or inner layer, the fibres of which have a direction similar to the outer layer. Within this layer, there is frequently found a deposit of a hard, transparent, and appa- rently homogeneous calcareous material, D. Of this latter substance I shall afterwards have occasion to speak. t In this shell the crystalline appearance is so perfect, that when some fragments were sent to England, they were mistaken for a mineral production. (Home ; Lectures, i. .53.) STRUCTURE OF SHELLS. 211 When porcellaneous shells are subjected to the solvent action of acids, the animal matter in their composition offering but little resistance, there is a considerable and long continued effervescence. The solution of the carbonate of lime proceeds rapidly, in consequence of the speedy disintegration of the animal substance, which is broken up, and partly dissolved. The remainder is reduced to minute fragments, which subside in the form of flakes or scales to the bottom of the fluid.* The difference between the textures of these two kinds of shell is farther illustrated by the impres- siop made upon them by tire. Porcellaneous shells, when exposed to a red heat, give out neither smell nor smoke : they lose, indeed, their colour, but re- tain their figure unaltered. Membranous shells, on the contrary, emit a strong fetid odour, and become black; after which the plates separate, and the structure falls to pieces. This variety in the composition and structure of different kinds of shell is accompanied by corre- sponding modifications of their mechanical proper- ties. The toughness of the fibrous basis of mem- branous shells imparts to them greater strength than is possessed by the porcellaneous shells, which, in consequence of the tenuity and uniform intermix- ture of the animal cement with the calcareous particles, present a harder and more transparent, but at the same time more brittle compound. It is these qualities, together with their smooth enamelled surface, often beautifully variegated with brilliant * Poll has given a minute and elaborate description of the ap- pearances of these fragments of membrane, when seen under the microscope. See his folio work on the Testacea of the Two Sicilies. 212 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. colours, and presenting altogether a close resem- blance to porcelain, that have procured them the name they bear. When the transparency and brittleness of these shells are very great, they have been considered as forming another class, and they have been termed Vitreous shells, from their making a nearer approach to glass. Some shells present intermediate textures between the membranous and the porcellaneous. All those surfaces of the shell on its outer side which are not in contact with any part of the animal, are originally covered with an epidermis:* which, however, is frequently rubbed off by friction. The process employed by nature for the formation and enlargement of the shells of the mollusca was very imperfectly understood prior to the investiga- tions of Reaumur, who may be considered as having laid the first solid foundations of the theory of this branch of comparative physiology, t His experi- mental inquiries have fully established the two following general facts ; first, that the growth of a shell is simply the result of successive additions made to its surface ; and secondly, that the ma- terials constituting each layer, so added, are fur- nished by the organized fleshy substance, which he termed the skin of the animal, but which is now known by the name of the mantle, and not by any vessels or other kind of organization belonging to the shell itself If a portion of the shell of a living snail, for in- stance, be removed, which can be done without injury to the animal, since it adheres to the flesh * This membrane has been termed the Periostrac^tm. t Mem. de I'Acad. des Sc. 1709, p. 367, and 1716, p. 30.3. FORMATION OF SHELLS. 21^ only in one point, there is formed, in the course of twenty-four hours, a fine pelUcle, resembling a spi- der's web, which is extended across the vacant space and constitutes the first stratum of the new shell. This web, in a few days, is found to have increased in thickness, by the addition of other layers to its inner surface ; and this process goes on until, in about ten or twelve days, the new portion of shell has acquired nearly the same thickness as that which it has replaced. Its situation, however, is not exactly the same, for it is beneath the level of the adjacent parts of the shell. The fractured edges of the latter remain unaltered, and have evi- dently no share in the formation of the new shell, of which the materials have been supplied ex- clusively by the mantle. This Reaumur proved by introducing through the aperture a piece of leather underneath the broken edges, all round their cir- cumference, so as to lie between the old shell and the mantle ; the result was that no shell was formed on the outside of the leather ; while, on the other hand, its inner side was lined with shell. The calcareous matter which exudes from the mantle in this process is at first fluid and glutinous ; but it soon hardens, and consolidates into the dense substance of the shell. The particles of carbonate of lime are either agglutinated together by a liquid animal cement, which unites them into a dense and hard substance, resembling porcelain ; or they are deposited in a bed of membranous texture, having already the properties of a solid and elastic plate. This explains the laminated structure possessed by many shells of this class, such as that of the oyster, of which the layers are easily separable, being 214 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. merely agglutinated together like the component leaves of a sheet of pasteboard. It has long been the prevailing opinion among naturalists that no portion of a shell which has been once deposited, and has become consolidated, is capable of afterwards undergoing any altera- tion by the powers of the animal that formed it. Very conclusive evidence has, in my opinion, been adduced against the truth of this theory, by Mr. Gray.* From a variety of facts, it appears certain that on some occasions the molluscous animal effects the removal of large portions of its shell, when they interfere with its own growth, or are otherwise productive of inconvenience. We should at the same time regard these cases in the light of exceptions to the ordinary rule that a portion of shell once formed remains ever after un- changed, while it continues to be connected with the animal which produced it. In a general way, indeed, we may consider the connexion between the animal and the shell as mechanical, rather than vital ; and the shell itself as an extraneous inor- ganic body, forming no part of the living system : for whatever share of vitality it may have possessed at the moment of its deposition, all trace of that property is soon lost. Accordingly we find that the holes made in shells by parasitic worms are never filled up, nor the apertures of the cavities so made covered over, unless the living flesh of the animal be wounded ; in which case an exudation of cal- careous matter takes place, and a pearly deposit is produced. The worn edges of shells, and the frac- tures, and other accidents which befall them, are * Philos. Transactions for 1833, p. 796, et seq. FORMATION OF SHELLS. 215 never repaired, except as far as such repairs can be made by the addition of materials from the secreting surfaces of the mantle. It is found that shells may be impregnated with poisonous metallic salts, such as those of copper, without any detriment to the animals they enclose. The power of secreting the materials of shell does not usually extend to the whole of the surface of the mantle, but is generally confined to the parts near the margin, composing what is termed the collar. The calcareous substance is always poured out underneath the epidermis,* that is, between this outermost layer of integument, and the subja- cent corium, which is incorporated with the mantle, and may be regarded as forming one aud the same organ, t The shape of the shell depends altogether on the extent and particular form and position of the secreting organ. The animal, on its exclusion from the egg, has already a small portion of shell formed ; and the simplest case is that in which this rudi- ment of shell is a concave disk. We may conceive the animal, covered by its mantle, to expand the border of this organ, and extend it beyond the * Mr. Gray considers the external membrane of the sliell, or epidermis, as formed by the outer edge of the plates of animal sub- stance, which have scarcely any calcareous matter in their compo- sition, and which are soldered together into a membranous coat. t A secreting power is also, in some instances, possessed by the foot, as is exemplified in some of the Gasteropoda, where it forms an operculum, or calcareous covering to the mouth of the shell. Mr. Gray ascertained that in the Cymbia, the Oliva, and the Ancillaria, shell is deposited, and most probably secreted by the upper surface of the foot, which is very large, and not by the mantle, which is small, and does not extend beyond the edge of the mouth. (Phil. Trans, for 1833, p. 805.) "216 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. edge of the shell, where it then forms a new layer of shell; which new layer is parti}' applied to the inner or concave surface of the original shell, and partly extends a little way beyond its circum- ference. The same happens with the succeeding layers, each of which, being broader than the pre- ceding, projects in a circle beyond it ; and the whole series of these conical layers, of increasing diameters, forms a compound cone, of which the outer surface exhibits transverse lines, showing the successive additions made to the shell in the pro- gress of its increase. The Patella, or limpet, is an example of this form of structure. But in by far the greater number of mollusca which inhabit univalve shells, the formation and deposition of the earthy material does not, as in the preceding instance, proceed equally on all sides. If the increase take place in front only, that is, in the fore part of the mantle, the continual deflection thence arising necessarily gives the shell a spiral form, the coils of which are all in the same plane ; constituting what is called a discoid shell. This is the case in the Planorbis (Fig. 105, p. 204), the Spirula, and the Nautilus. Most com- monly, however, as in the Buccinum, and Ac/iatina (Fig. 108), the deposit of shell takes place late- rally, and more on one side than on the other ; hence the coils produced descend as they advance, giving rise to a curve, which is continually chang- ing its plane, being converted from a spiral into a helix, a term of Geometry borrowed from the Latin name of the common snail, which, as is well known, has a shell of this form. These are called turbi- nated shells. Fig. 108, which represents the shell FORMATION OF SHELLS. 217 of the Achatina zebra, and of which Fig. 109 shows a longitudinal section, may serve as an example of a turbinated shell. The axis of revolution is termed the Columella, and the turns of the spiral are de- nominated whorls. In consequence of the situation of the heart and great blood-vessels relatively to the shell, the left side of the mantle is usually more active than the right side ; so that the lateral turns are made in the contrary direction, that is, towards the right.* There are a few species, how- ever, where, in consequence of the heart being placed on the right side, the turns of the spiral are made to the left. Such shells have been termed sinistral, or reversed shells : but this left-handed convolution seldom occurs among the shells of land or fresh-water mollusca. It results from this mode of formation that the apex, both of the simple and of the spiral cone, is the part which was formed the earliest, and which protected the young animal at the moment of its exclusion from the egg. This portion may gene- rally be distinguished by its colour and appearance * The terms right and left have reference to the position of the animal when resting on its foot ; the head being of course in front. See Gray, Zoological Journal, i. 207. 218 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. from that which is formed subsequently. The suc- ceeding turns made by the shell in the progress of its growth, enlarging in diameter as they descend from the apex, form by degrees a wider base.* During the growth of the animal, as the body ex- tends towards the mouth of the shell, its posterior end often quits the first turn of the spire, and occupies a situation different from that which it had originally. In these cases the cavity at the apex of the spire is filled up with solid calcareous matter of a hardness not inferior to that of marble. Such is the general form of turbinated shells. It sometimes happens, however, as in the Conus, that the upper surface of the spiral scarcely des- cends below the level of the original portion of the shell, which, in the former disposition of its parts, would have been the apex : while the lower por- tions of the spiral turns shoot downwards, so as to form a pointed process ; thus the whole is still a cone, but reversed from the former, the parts last formed being the outer surface of the cone, and tiie circumference of the apparent base, or flat surface ; while the central portion of this base is the part which was first formed. * Mr. Moseley has shown that the increase in tlie size of the whorls, and also of the distance between adjacent whorls, takes place according to a geometrical progression ; and that, as conse- quences of the observance of this law, the form of the curves gene- rated is in all cases that of a logarithmic spiral, and the angle at which the curve intersects the radius vector is constant. He has verified the accuracy of this law by actual admeasurement in a great number of cases, both of turbinated and of discoid shells, and has deduced from it some interesting conclusions relative to the increase in the powers of vitality as the animal advances in growth. See Philosophical Transactions for 1838, p. 351. FORMATION OF SHELLS. 219 Various causes may occur to disturb the regu- larity of the process of deposition, by which the shell is enlarged in its dimensions ; at one time accelerating, and at another retarding, or totally arresting its growth. These irregularities are pro- ductive of corresponding inequalities in the surface of the shell, such as transverse lines, or sttice. Whenever an exuberance of materials has occa- sioned a sudden expansion of growth, M'hich has again soon subsided, a projecting ridge is pro- duced at the place where the margin of the mantle was situated at the time this happened. This en- largement generally recurs at regular periods, so that these ridges, or ribs, as they are often called, succeed one another at equal distances along the course of the spiral turns. It not unfrequently happens that, at different periods, a sudden developement takes place in par- ticular parts of the mantle, which become in conse- quence rapidly enlarged, shooting out into long slender processes. Every part of the surface of these processes has the power of secreting and forming shell, so that the portion of shell they con- struct, being consolidated around each fleshy pro- cess, must necessarily have at first the shape of a tube closed at the extremity. As fresh deposits are made by the secreting surface, which are in the interior of the tube, the internal space is gradually filled up by these deposits ; the process of the mantle retiring to make way for their advance towards the axis of the tube. In course of time, every part of the cavity is obliterated, the process of the shell becoming entirely solid. Such is the origin of the many curious projecting cones or spines 220 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. which several shells exhibit, and which have arisen periodically during their growth from their outer surface. In the Murex these processes are often exceedingly numerous, and occur at regular inter- vals, frequently shooting out into various anomalous forms. In many shells of the genus Stromhus the spines are of great length, and are arranged round the circumference of the base, being at first tubu- lar, and afterwards solid, according to the period of growth. This is exemplified in the Pterocera Scorpio (Lamarck), of which Fig. 110 shows the early, and Fig. Ill the later period of growth. A limit has been assigned by nature to the growth of molluscous animals, and to the shells which they form ; and there is a certain epoch of their exist- ence, when considerable changes take place in the disposition of the mantle, and in its powers of secre- tion. Often we find it suddenly expanding into a broad surface, and adding to the shell what may be termed a large lip. Sometimes no sooner has this been accomplished than the same part again shrinks, and the mantle retires a little way within the shell, still continuing to deposit calcareous layers, which give greater thickness to the adja- FORMATION OF SHELLS. 221 cent part of the shell ; and at the same time narrow its aperture, and materially alter its general shape and aspect. Thus it happens that the shells of the young and of the old individuals of the same species are very different, and would not be recog- nised as belonging to the same tribe of mollusca. This is remarkably the case with the shell of the CyprcBa, or Cowrie, which, in the early stage of its growth (Fig. 112), has the ordinary form of an oblong turbinated shell : but, from the process just described taking place at a certain period, the mouth of the shell (as shown in Fig. 113), becomes exceedingly narrow, and the edges of the aperture are marked by indentations, moulded on corres- ponding processes of the mantle.* But in this in- stance the change does not stop here ; for both edges of the mantle next take a wider expansion, turning over the outer surface of the shell, and passing on till they meet at the upper convex part, or back of the shell, forming what has been termed the dorsal line. They deposit, as they proceed, a dense and highly polished porcellaneous shell, beau- tifully variegated with coloured spots, which corre- jj^^ spond exactly with the coloured parts of the mantle that deposits them. The additional plate, thus deposited, completely envelopes the original shell, giving it a new covering, and disguising its former character. A transverse section (Fig. 1 14) at once shows * Similar changes occur in the shells of the Ovula (spindles), Erato (tear-shells), and Marginella, (dates). Gray, Phil. Trans, for 1833, p. 792. 222 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. the real steps by which these changes have taken place.* Changes equally remarkable are observed to occur in the interior of the shell at diflferent stages of its growth. On the inner surface of the 3Iitra, the Volute, and other shells of a similar kind, there is deposited a layer of a hard semi-transparent cal- careous material, having a vitreous appearanccl' The thickness of the layer, which thus lines the cavity of the shell, is greater as it approaches the apex ; and where the spire is much elongated, or Inrrited, as it is called, \ this deposit entirely fills the upper part, which, in the early condition of the shell, was a hollow space with thin sides. The purpose answered by this deposit is evidently to give solidity and strength to a part which, by re- maining in its original state, would have been ex- tremely liable to be broken off by the action of the sea. In other cases a different expedient is adopted. The animal, instead of fortifying the interior of the apex by a lining of hard shell, suddenly withdraws its body from that part, and builds a new wall or partition across the cavity, so as to protect the sur- face thus withdrawn. That portion of the shell, * According to Bruguiere, there is reason to believe that the ani- mal of the Cijprcea, after having completed its shell, in the manner above described, still continuing to grow, and being incommoded for want of space, quits its shell altogether, and sets about forming a new one, better suited to its enlarged dimensions. It is stated, also, that the same individual is even capable of forming in succes- sion several shells. De Blainville, however, considers it impossible that the living animal can ever quit its shell. Malacologie, p. 94. t This is the substance represented at d, Fig. 107, p, 210. X As in the genera Turritella, Terebra, Cerithiuin, and Fas- ciolaria. FORMATION OF SHELLS. 223 which is thus abandoned, being very thin and brittle, and having no support internally, soon breaks off, leaving what is termed a decollated shell ; examples of this occur in the Cerithium decollatinu, the ]3n- Ihmis decollatus, &c. The young of the genus Magilus has a very thin shell of a crystalline tex- ture ; but when it has attained its full size, and has formed for itself a lodgment in a coral, it fills up the cavity of the shell with a glassy deposit, leav- ing only a small conical space for its body ; and it continues to accumulate layers of this material, so as to maintain its body at a level with the top of the coral to which it is attached, until the original shell is quite buried in this vitreous substance. The forms of the Cone and Olive shells are such as to allow but a small space for the convolutions of the body of the animal, which accordingly be- comes, in the progress of its enlargement, exces- sively cramped. In order to obtain more space, and at the same time to lighten the shell, the whole of the two exterior layers of the inner whorls of the shell are removed, leaving only the interior layer, which is consequently very thin when compared with the other whorl, that envelopes the whole, and which, retaining its original thickness, is of suffi- cient strength to give full protection to the animal. That this change has actually been effected is very distinctly seen in the Conus (Fig. 115) by exa- mining a vertical section of that shell, as is repre- sented in Fig. 11(3. All the inner partitions of the cavity thus laid open are found to be extremely thin and transparent, and to consist only of the innermost lamina of the original shell ; as will appear on tracing them up to that outer portion of 224 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. the section (b b), which lies on each side of the proper apex of the shell, and which forms the ap- 117 parent base. The lines on this part of the section indicate the thickness which each successive whorl had originally, and when it was itself the outer- most whorl. The section also shows the vitreous deposit which lines the upper parts of the cavity, and which completely fills up the smaller turns of the spire, near the apex.* There are, indeed, instances among shells of the total removal of the interior whorls. This is found to occur in that of the genus Auricula, which are mol- luscous animals, respiring by means of pulmonary organs. In the young shell of this tribe, the parti- tions which separate the cavities of the whorls are incomplete, and twine parallel to each other; but they wholly disappear as the animal approaches to maturity. In other cases, the animal is found to remove exterior portions of shell formerly deposited, when they lie in the way of its further growth, and * Fig. 117, which is a transverse section of the same shell, shows the spiral convolutions, and the comparative thinness of the inner portions. It also forms a striking contrast with a similar section of tlie shell of the Cyprsea, Fig. 114; p. 221. FORMATION OF SHELLS. 225 when the mouth of the spire is advancing over the irregular surface of the preceding whorls. Thus we often tind that the ridges, ribs, or processes which had been deposited on the surface of the shells of the Triton., Murex, &c. are removed to make way for the succeeding turn of the spire. In other cases, however, no such power of destroying portions of shell previously deposited seems to exist ; and each successive whorl is moulded upon the one which it covers. It may also be observed, that some mollusca have the means of excavating the shells of other animals on which they may choose to fix, for the purpose of forming a convenient lodgement for themselves. The Pileopsis, or fool's cap, has this faculty in a remarkable degree ; and it is also met with occa- sionally in Siphonarice and Patellce. The common Patella, or limpet of our own coasts, often, indeed, forms for itself, by some unknown process, a deep cavity out of a calcareous rock. When the animal which inhabits a spiral shell retires within it, the only part of its body that is ex- posed to injury is that which is situated at the mouth of the shell. With a view to its protection, it con- structs, in many instances, a separate plate of shell, adapted to the aperture, and denominated an Oper- culum. This piece is constructed by a process similar to that by which the rest of the shell is formed ; that is, by the deposition of successive layers on the internal surface, sometimes in an an- nular, and sometimes in a spiral form.* Fig. 118 * The curves exhibited in the operculum are logarithmic spirals, like those of divided shells. See the paper of Mr. Moseley above referred to in the note at page 218. VOL. I. Q 226 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. exhibits the lines which appear on the inner side of the operculum of the Turbo, and which indicate the succession of deposits by which it has been formed. The appearance of the outer side is shown in Fig. WJ. If an operculum were to be constructed of a considerable size, and were connected to the shell itself by a regular hinge, it would be entitled to be considered as a distinct valve. Here, therefore, we perceive, as was remarked by Adanson, a connecting link be- tween the univalve and the bivalve testacea. A Clausimn is another kind of covering, serving also for protection, and consisting of a thin spiral plate of shell, attached to the columella by an elastic spring, by which the plate is retracted when the animal retires into its shell. It thus corresponds exactly in its office to a door, opening and closing the entrance as occasion requires. An Epiphragma is a partition of a membranous or calcareous nature, which has no adhesion to any part of the animal that formed it, and is constructed merely for tempo- rary use. It is employed for closing the aperture of the shell during certain periods only, such as the winter season, or a long continued drought. It is remarkable in how short a time the Helix pomatia will construct this covering, when circum- stances occur to urge its completion. On the approach of winter, the animal prepares itself for passing that season in a state of torpidity ; first, by choosing a safe retreat ; and next, by retiring completely within its shell, and then barricading its entrance by constructing an epiphragma. This FORMATION OF SHELLS. 227 operation is described by Mr. T. Bell, who repeat- edly watched it, as being conducted in the following manner.* A large quantity of extremely viscid mucus is poured out on tlie under surface of the foot, to which a layer of earth or dried leaves readily adheres: this is turned on one side; and a fresh secretion being thrown out, the layer of earth agglutinated together by the mucus is left. The animal then takes another layer of earth on the bottom of the foot, turns it also to the part where he intends to form the wall of his habitation, and leaves it in the same manner ; repeating the process till the cavity is sutficiently large, and thus making the sides smooth, even, and compact. In constructing the arch, or dome of the form, a similar plan is followed, the foot collecting on its under surface a quantity of earth ; and the animal, turning it up- wards, leaves it by throwing out fresh mucus ; and this is repeated until a perfect roof is formed. In about an hour, or even less, after this roof is covered in, the whole surface of the collar of the mantle in- stantaneously pours out a considerable quantity of a calcareous secretion, which is at first as fluid as thick cream, but very soon acquires the consist- ence of bird-lime, and is exceedingly adhesive and tenacious : and in about an hour after it is poured out, it has become perfectly solid, thus forming a second barrier, situated more internally than the first, and at a little distance from it. If at any other season, while the snail is in full vigour, the experiment be made of surrounding it with a freezing mixture, it will immediately set about constructing a covering for its protection against the cold ; and * Zoological Journal, i. 94. 2*28 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. it works with siicli diligence, that in the course of an hour or two, it will have completed its task, and formed an entire epiphragma. When the genial warmth of returning spring has penetrated into the abode of the snail, the animal prepares for emerging from its prison, by secreting a small quan- tity of a mucous tiuid, which loosens the adhesion that had taken place between the epiphragma and the sides of the aperture ; and the former is, by the pressure of the foot of the snail, thrown off. The whole of this process of construction has to be re- newed, on every occasion when another covering is required.* One great use of these coverings is to prevent evaporation from the surface of the body of the animal. It is thus that Snails, Bulimi, &c. may be preserved for months, and even years in a torpid, but living state, ready to be restored to the active functions of life, when sufficient water is supplied.! The enlargement of bivalve shells is conducted on the same principles as that of univalves ; the augmentation of bulk taking place principally at the outer margin of each valve, and corresponding with the growth of the included animal. The order of succession in which the layers are deposited is clearly indicated by the lines on the surface, which frequently appear of different hues from the addi- tion of colouring particles secreted at particular periods by the mantle. * Gray, ibid. p. 214. t A remarkable instance of this apparent reviviscence of snails, which had lain for many years in a dormant state in a cabinet of shells, and which crawled out on being accidentally put into warm water, is recorded in the Philosophical Transactions for 1774, p. 432. FORMATION OF SHELLS. 229 The shells of Oysters and other acephalous mol- lusca which adhere to rocks, are often moulded, durmg their growth, to the surfaces to which they are applied. The mantle, being exceedingly flexi- ble, accommodates itself to all the inequalities it meets with, and depositing each successive layer of shell equally on every part, the figure of the surface is assumed, not only by the valve in contact with it, but also by the other valve, which is formed by the opposite surface of the mantle,* and which during its formation was immediately superposed on the thin edge of the other valve, while it was deflected by the irregular surface on which it grew. As the enlargement of the shell proceeds, it is necessary that the muscle, which closes the valves, and is attached to their inner surface, should be gradually removed to a greater distance from the hinge, so that it may preserve its relative situation with regard to the whole shell, and retain undimi- nished its power of acting upon the valves. For this purpose its adhesions are gradually transferred, by some unknown process, along the surface of the valves; and the jjrogress of the removal may gene- rally be distinctly traced by the marks which are left in the shell at the places before occupied by the attachments of the muscular fibres. The same process takes place when there are two or three muscles instead of one. A few genera of Mollusca, such as the Pholas^ have, in addition to the two principal valves, small supplementary pieces of shell. They have been accordingly comprised in the order of Miiltivalves, * Defrance, Annates des Sciences Naturelles, ii. 16. 230 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. which also comprehends Cuvier's order of Cirrho- poda, including the several kinds of Barnacles (the genus Lepas of Linnseus), which are furnished with a great number of jointed filaments, or cirrJii, and form an intermediate link of connexion between the Mollnsca and the Articidala* But the limits of this treatise will not allow me to dwell on the endless diversities of structure which this subject presents. § 5. Pteropoda. In the Mollnsca belonging to the two orders which have now passed under our review, namely, the Acepliala and Gasteropoda, the mantle, while it folds over the principal viscera of the body, leaves apertures for the admission of water to the gills, or organs of respiration. But there exist a few genera having the sac formed by the mantle closed on every side ; a structure which renders it neces- sary to adopt a different arrangement with regard to the gills, and to place them externally ; and we then find them spreading out like a pair of wings, on each side of the neck. Since this general clos- ing of the mantle precludes, also, the formation of any organ of progressive motion corresponding to a foot, advantage is taken of the projection of the gills to employ them as oars for the purpose of en- abling the animal to swim through the water. * The Cirrhopoda are now by most naturalists removed from the class Mollnsca, and transferred to that of Crustacea. Mr. J. V. Thompson has discovered that they undergo distinct metamorphoses. Zoological Researches, 1830. MOLLUSCA CEPHALOPODA. 231 MoUusca of this description are found in great abundance in the colder regions of the ocean sur- rounding both the north and south poles ; and other species are also met with, though in smaller num- bers, in the tropical seas. The Clio borealis, of which Fig. 1*20 is a representation, is the most per- fect specimen of this form of con- struction. It swarms in the Arctic seas, and constitutes the principal food of the whale. The position of its gills, which perform the office of oars or feet, at the same time that they resemble in their shape and action the wings of an insect, are characters which have sug- gested the title of Pterojmda, given by Cuvier to this order of Mollusca. The Cymbulia, which also belongs to this order, is found on the coast of Pro- vence, where it is called " le papillon de mer," from the resemblance of its large lateral oars to a butterfly's wings. § i). Cephalopodd. Following the progress of organic developement, we now arrive at a highly interesting family of Mollusca, denominated the Cephalopoda, and dis- tinguished above all the preceding orders by being endowed with a much more elaborate organization, and a far wider range of faculties. The Cephalo- poda have been so named from the position of cer- tain organs of progressive motion, which are situated on the head^' and like the tentacula of the Polypus, 232 THE MECHANICAL 1 UiNCTlONS. surround the opening of the mouth. (See Fig. 121.) These feet, or arms, or lentacnla, if we choose so to call them, are long, slender, and flexible processes, exceedingly irritable, and contractile in every part, and provided with numerous muscles, which are capable of moving and twisting them in all direc- tions with extraordinary quickness and precision. They are thus capable of being employed as instru- ments, not only of progressive motion, but also of pre- hension. For this latter purpose they are in many species peculiarly well adapted, because, being per- fectly flexible as well as highly muscular, they twine with ease round an object of any shape, and grasp it with prodigious force. In addition to these pro- perties they derive a remarkable power of adhesion to the surfaces of bodies from their being furnished along the whole of their inner sides with numerous suckers, or acetabula. Each of these suckers, as shown separately in Fig. 122, is usually supported on a narrow neck, or pedicle, and strengthened at its circumference by a ring of cartilage. Their internal mechanism is more artificial than the simple construction already described (p. 120): for when the surface of the disk is fully expanded, as MOLLUSCA CEPHALOPODA. 233 shown ill Fig. 1 23* b, we tind that it is formed of a great number of long slender pieces, resembling teeth closely set together, and extending from the inner margin of the cartilaginous ring, in the form of converging radii, to within a short distance of the centre, where they leave a circular aperture. In the flattened state of the sucker, this aperture is filled by the projecting part of a softer substance, which forms an interior portion, capable of being detached from the flat circle of teeth, when the sucker is in action, and of leaving an intervening cavity. The form of this cavity is exhibited in Fig. c, which represents a perpendicular section of the whole organ, and where the central portion, or principal mass of the sucker is drawn away from the circular disk, the inner margin of which appears like a row of teeth. It is evident that by this mechanism, which combines the properties of an accurate valve, with an extensive cavity for pro- ducing rarefaction, or the tendency to a vacuum, the power of adhesion is considerably augmented.* * The description I have here given is the result of my own ex- amination of a large Octopus, which I had lately an opportunity of dissecting: and the annexed figures 123*, a, b, c, are copied from drawings I made on that occasion, a represents the sucker in its usual form when not in action : b shows the sucking surface fully expanded : and c is a section of the whole, which had become some- what flattened by the operation of dividing it. 234 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. So great is the force with which the tentacula of the cuttle-fish adhere to bodies by means of this apparatus, that while their muscular fibres continue contracted, it is easier to tear away the substance of the limb, than to release it from its attachments. Even in the dead animal I have found that the suckers retain considerable power of adhesion to any smooth surface to which they may be applied. Our attention must first be directed to the re- markable family of Sepice, which comprehends three principal genera, namely, the Octopus, the Loligo, or Calamary, (depicted in Fig. 121), and the common Sepia, or Cuttle-fish. The first of these, the Octopus, which was the animal denomi- nated Polypus by Aristotle, has eight arms of equal length, and contains in its interior two very small rudimental shells, formed by the inner surface of the mantle. This shell becomes much more dis- tinct in the Loligo, where it is cartilaginous, and shaped like the blade of a sword. (Fig. 123.) The internal shell of the common Sepia is large and broad, and composed wholly of carbonate of lime : it is well known by the name of the cuttlejish bone. Its structure is extremely curious, and deserves particular attention, as establishing the universality of the principles which regulate the formation of shells, whether internal or external, and from which structures differing much in their outward appear- ance may result. It is composed of an immense number of thin calcareous plates, arranged parallel to one another, and connected by thousands of minute hollow pillars of the same calcareous mate- rial, passing perpendicularly between the adjacent surfaces. This shell is not adherent to any internal MOLLUSCA CEPHALOPODA. 235 part of the animal which has produced it ; but is enclosed in a capsule, and appears like a foreign body, impacted in the midst of organs, with which at first sight, it would appear to have no relation. It, no doubt, is of use in giving mechanical support to the soft substance of the body, and especially to the surrounding muscular flesh ; and thus probably contributes to the high energy which the animal displays in all its movements. It has been re- garded as an internal skeleton ; but it certainly has no pretensions to such a designation ; for, although enveloped by the mantle, it is still formed by that organ, and the material of which it is composed is still carbonate of lime. On both these accounts it must be considered as a true shell, and classed among the productions of the integuments. It differs, indeed, altogether from bony structures, which are composed of a different kind of material, and formed on principles of growth totally dis- similar.* Besides tentacula, the Sepia is also furnished with a pair of fleshy fins, extending along the two sides of the body. The Loligo has similar organs of a smaller size, and situated only at the ex- tremity of the body which is opposite to the head. They have been regarded as the rudiments of tine fins, which are organs developed in fishes, and * Some analogies have, indeed, been attempted to be traced between the cartilaginous lamina of the Loligo, and the spinal column of the lowest order of cartilaginous fishes : these I shall have occasion to point out in the sequel. Several cartilaginous structures also exist in the interior of the body of the cephalopoda, which are considered by Meckel and Carus as indicating an approach to the formation of an internal skeleton, analogous to that of verte- brated animals. 236 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. Mhich are supported by slender bones, called rays; but no structure of this kind exists in the fins of tiie Cephalopoda. In swimming, the organs principally employed by cuttle-fish for giving an eff^ective impulse to the water, are the tentacula. These they employ as oars, striking with them from behind forwards ; so that their effect is to propel the hinder part of the body, which is thus made to advance foremost, the head following in the rear. They also use these organs as feet for moving along the bottom of the sea. In their progress, under these circumstances, the head is always turned downwards, and the body upwards, so that the animal may be considered as literally walking upon its head. The necessity of this position for the feet arises probably from the close investment of the mantle over the body ; for although the mantle leaves an aperture in the neck for the entrance of water to the respiratory organs, yet, in other respects, it forms a sac, closed in every part, except where the head, neck, and accompany- ing tentacula protrude. In the Calamary, as well as in the common Sepia, two of the arms are much longer than the rest, and terminate in a thick cylindrical portion, covered with numerous suckers, which may not unaptly be compared to a hand. These processes are employed by cuttle-fish as anchors for the purpose of fixing themselves firmly to rocks, dur- ing violent agitations of the sea ; and accordingly we find that it is only the extremities of these long tentacula that are provided with suckers, while the short ones have them along their whole length. The other genera of Cephalopodous Mollusca MOLLUSCA CEPHALOPODA. 237 are, like the Sepisp, provided with tentacula at- tached to the head. The shells of these animals are often found to contain partitions dividing them into a number of chambers ; hence they have been termed camerated, or mu/tilocular, or polytlialamous shells ; and sometimes the greater part of the shell is contained within the body. The Spirula (Fig. 124) has an internal shell of this description, of which the cellular structure and numerous par- titions are rendered visible by making a section through it (Fig. 125). The Nautilus Poynpilius is the inhabitant of an external polythalamous shell, (Fig. 126), the section of which is represented in Fig. 127: but the shell of the Paper Nautilus, or Argonaut, is unilocular, or monothalamous, being undivided by partitions. The shell of the Argonaut is exceedingly thin, and almost pellucid, probably for the sake of light- ness, for it is intended to be used as a boat. For the purpose of enabling the animal to avail itself of the impulses of the air, while it is thus floating on the waters, nature has furnished it with a thin membrane, which she has attached to two of the tentacula ; so that it can be spread out like a sail to catch the light winds which waft the animal forwards on its course. While its diminutive bark is thus scudding on the surface of the deep, the assiduous navigator does not neglect to ply its 238 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. tentacula as oars on either side, to direct, as well as accelerate its motion. No sooner does the breeze freshen, and the sea become ruffled, than the animal hastens to take down its sail, and quickly withdrawing its tentacida within its shell, by which means it renders itself specifically heavier than the water, sinks immediately into more tran- quil regions beneath the surface.* The Pearly Nautilus (N. Pompilius) is provided with a similar sailing apparatus. The formation of external polythalamous shells * The liabits of the Arg;onaut or Ocythoe, as it is sometimes called, are still very imperfectly known. Doubts have been enter- tained whether the shell it occupies is formed by the animal itself, or whether it is the production of some other, but unknown species of Mollusca, and is merely taken possession of by the Argonaut as a convenient habitation ; for it is now ascertained that the animal does not adhere to it in any part. It appears, however, to be satis- factorily determined by the recent inquiries of Professor Owen, that the shell is really formed by the Argonaut. There exists an extensive series of very minute, and even microscopic polythalamous shells, which were considered by M. D'Orbigny as having been constructed by Mollusca belonging to the family of Cephalopoda (Ann. Sc. Nat. VII., 96): but the more recent inquiries of M. Dujardin have shown that the supposed analogy is without foundation, and that the inhabitants of these shells really belong, not to the class Mollusca, but to that of Zoophyta. Professor Ehrenberg has lately discovered that limestone and chalk contain a vast multitude of microscopic, and hitherto un- known nautilites, or polythalamic shells, in size from the 3456th to the 288th of an inch, so that each cubic inch of chalk contains frequently a number of these shells, far exceeding a million. Many, and probably all the chalk rocks of Europe are the products of microscopic animalcules, some of which have formed calcareous, and others siliceous coverings, which, at subsequent periods, have been transformed into chalk and flint. See PoggendorfF's Annalen, 1839, No. 7: and Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, xxviii, 161. MOLLUSCA CEPHALOPODA. 239 presents very curious phenomena. The animal, at certain periods of its growth, tinding itself cramped in the narrow part of the spire, withdraws from it that portion of the mantle which had been lodged there, a vacant space being left. The surface of this part of the mantle immediately begins to secrete calcareous matter, which is deposited in the form of a partition, stretching across the area of the cavity. As the animal proceeds to increase in size, and to occupy a wider portion of the ex- ternal shell, the same necessity soon recurs, and the same expedient is resorted to. It again with- draws its mantle from the narrower into the wider part of the shell ; and then forms a second par- tition, at a little distance from the first, corres- ponding to the space left by the receding of the mantle. This process is repeated at regular in- tervals, and produces the multitude of chambers contained in polythalamous shells, of which the living animal occupies only the largest, or that which continues open ; all the other chambers probably contain air only.* The partitions are in general perforated either in the centre or at one side, for the purpose of giving passage to a tube, which extends as far as the apex of the shell. This tube is often surrounded, either entirely or par- tially, by shell, which forms what is denominated the syphon or siphuncle ; portions of which are seen in the section. Fig. 127. * This structure is exhibited in a great variety of fossil shells : some of which are spiral, such as the Cornu Ammonis, while others are straight cones, such as the Bacculite and Orthoceratite . In most of these the partitions are very numerous, and often have undu- lating surfaces. 240 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. It has been conjectured that this hydrostatic apparatus is provided for the express purpose of enabling the animal to descend or rise rapidly in the water; the former of which it might effect by injecting fluid into this extensible tube, so as to compress into a smaller bulk the air contained in each chamber, and thus increase the specific gra- vity of the whole mass ; and the latter, by the contrary action, of withdrawing fluid from the tube.* Chapter IV. ARTICULATA. ^ I. Articulated Animals in ge7ieral. From the Cephalopoda, the transition is easy to the lowest order of vertebrated animals. But pre- viously to pursuing the analogies which connect these two divisions of the animal kingdom, we have to pass in review a very extensive series of animal forms, constructed on a peculiar system, and oc- cupying, as well as the Mollusca, a place inter- mediate between Zoophytes and the more highly organized classes. We have seen that even in those Zoophytes which are distinguished from the rest by a more elaborate conformation of organs, the powers of progressive motion are always extremely limited. Nor are the Mollusca in general more highly * See Dr. Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise. ARTICULATA. 241 favoured with respect to the degree in which they enjoy this faculty. But the greater number of the animals composing the series we are now to examine are provided with a complete apparatus for motion, and endowed with extensive capacities for using and applying it in various ways. While Nature has preserved, in the construction of their vital organs, the simplicity which marks the primitive modes of organization, and has adhered to a defi- nite model in the formation of the different parts of the system, she has displayed the most boundless variety in the forms and combinations of the me- chanical instruments of prehension and of pro- gression . All the tribes of Zoophytes, and by far the greater number of Mollusca, are limited, by the constitution of their system, to an aquatic existence. But in following the series of Articulated animals, we very soon emerge from the waters, and find structures adapted to progression on land. For this we see that preparation is early made in the developement of the nascent structures. A further design, also, soon becomes manifest ; and instruments are given for elevating the body above the ground, and for traversing with rapidity the light and scarcely resisting air. This prospective design may be traced in the whole system of insects ; every part of which is framed with reference to the properties of the medium through which these movements are to be performed. VOL. I. 242 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. ^ 2. Annelida. The lowest division of articulated animals compre- hends those which have a vermiform shape, and which compose the class of Annelida, or Annulose animals ; of which the earth-worm may be taken as the type, and most familiar example. In the series of structures which constitute this division of the animal kingdom, we may trace remarkable gradations of developement, through which nature appears to pass in attaining the higher and more perfect conformations. It may be remarked that, in effecting the tran- sition from Zoophytes to the new model of con- struction here presented, nature seems to have wholly abandoned that radiated disposition of parts and those star-like forms, so characteristic of the beings which are placed on the confines of the animal kingdom, and which still retain an analogy with vegetable structures. She now adopts a more regular law of symmetry, by which all the parts are referable to one longitudinal axis, and also to a vertical plane passing through that axis, and which has been termed the mesial platie. As a direct consequence of this law, we shall find that in the forms which are hereafter to pass under our review, as far as the external organs and general outline of the body are concerned, all that exists on one side is an exact counterpart, like a reflected image, of what is found on the other side. While in the Star-fish, and Echinus, nothing in point of situation was definite, excepting the upper and the ANNELIDA. 24.-5 lower surface, and there was no side which could be exclusively denominated either the right or the left side, and no end which could be properly said to be the front, or the back, in Articulated, as well as in Vertebrated animals, all these distinctions are clearly marked and easily defined. In all the Annelida the firmest parts of the body, or those which give mechanical support to the rest, are external, and may be regarded either as appendages to the integuments, or as modifications of the integuments themselves. They consist of a framework, composed of a series of horny bands or rings ; their assemblage having more or less of a lengthened cylindric shape, and constituting a kind of external skeleton, which encloses all the other organs. This is exemplified in the Lumbriciis, or earth-worm; in the Pontohdella (Fig. 128), which is a species of leech ; and in the Nereis (Fig. 129). These rings give rise to the division of the body into as many different segments. In some cases, however, we find all these rings compressed into the form of a flat oval disk. This is the case in the Erpobdella, of which Fig. 130 is an enlarged representation. 244 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. In general, the first of the segments into which the body is divided, contains the principal organs of sense, and is sufficiently distinct from those which follow^ to entitle it to the appellation of the head; while the lengthened prolongation of the opposite extremity, when such a form is present, may be denominated the tail. The rings which encircle the body are connected laterally by a looser and more flexible portion of integument, and also by layers of muscular fibres, curiously collected into bands. The muscular flesh of insects and other animals of this class differs much from that of the larger animals, being soft and gelatinous in its texture, though endowed with a high degree of irritability, and contracting with great force. The fibres composing each band are all parallel to one another, and have seldom any tendinous attachments ; being generally in- serted directly on the parts they are destined to move. Thus the adjacent margins of the rings of worms (as shown in the diagiam, Fig. 131) are connected together by muscular bands of this des- cription, passing transversely from the one to the other, immediately under the skin, and parallel to the axis of the body. There are generally four distinct bands provided ; two running along the back, and two along the lower part of the body. The effects which result from the action of these muscles are such as might easily be anticipated. The lower set, when they contract, bring the rings nearer to one another at that lower part ; and when the whole series occupying that situation are exerted in concert, they raise the body in the form of an arch. An opposite curvature will be produced ANNELIDA. 245 by the contraction of the upper bands, which by raising both ends of the body bend the back down- M'ards. In proportion as the bands, situated on either side, act in concert, while the others are relaxed, the body will be bent laterally towards that side. When all the four muscular bands con- tract together equally, their joint effect will be to bring the rings near to each other, and to contract the length of the worm ; the skin being at the same time wrinkled, and swelled out between the rings. Other muscular bands, also attached to the rings, pass from the one to the other in oblique directions. By means of these muscles the rings may be made to recede at some points, while they approach at others; so that the body may be either twisted laterally on its axis, or wholly elongated, according as the actions of these oblique muscles are partially or generally exerted. The skin on the surface of the earth-worm is furnished, at the parts where it covers the rings, with very minute bristles, called set(S, by means of which the animal is enabled to fix those parts on the ground, while the other portions of its body are in motion. These hairs, both in the anterior and posterior segments, are directed towards the centre of the animal ; while those on the middle segments are perpendicular.* We almost con- stantly find, in animals belonging to the order of * As an instance of the extraordinary multiplicity of species ex- isting in every department of living nature, 1 may here notice, that of the common earth-worm, apparently so uniform in its shape, Savigny has lately, by a closer examination, been able to distinguish no less than twenty-two different species, among those found in the neighbourhood of Paris alone. 246 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. Annelida^ some provision of this kind, often con- sisting of tufts of hair regularly disposed in rows on each side of the under surface. In the Nereis (Fig. 129), a genus of sea- worms, there are often above a hundred pair of little tufts of strong bristles : and between these we find tentacula to prevent the animal from running against any thing by which it might be injured. They also raise the body from the ground, for effecting which, as they are used under w^ater, very little support is neces- sary.* Sometimes the whole body is covered with hair ; at other times, these appendages are in the form of hooks, which, of course, give greater power of clinging to the objects on which they fasten. In some, again, they assume more the nature of feet, of which they exercise, during progression, all the functions ; being furnished with several sets of muscles for adjusting and strengthening their actions. The mode by which an animal of this description advances along the ground is very simple. It first protrudes the head by the elongation of the fore- most segments of the body, while the other segments cling to the earth by means of the rings, and also of the bristles and other appendages to the integu- ments. The head is then applied to the ground, and made the fixed point, and the segments next to it which had been elongated, are now contracted by the action of their longitudinal muscles ; in doing which, equal portions of the succeeding segments are necessarily elongated : these are next contracted ; and so on, in succession, till the whole * Home; Lectures, &c. vol. i. p. 115. ANNELIDA. 247 is brought forwards to the head : after which the same series of actions is repeated, beginning with the advance of the head. Worms often reverse this motion, and are thus enabled to move backwards, or with the tail foremost.* Great variety exists in the forms of the animals referable to the type of Annelida. The Gordius, or hair-worm (Fig. 132), is that which exhibits the greatest developement in length, compared with the breadth of the body. It has the form of a very long and slender thread : the annular structure being indicated only by very slight transverse folds of the integuments. No external members, or even tentacula, have been given to this simplest of ver- miform animals. t Many of the animals of this class, being soft and defenceless, are obliged to consult their safety by retreating into holes and recesses, or by burrowing in the sand or mud. One genus alone, the Serpula (Fig. 133), forms for itself an external shell, which * See Home ; Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, vol. i. p. 11 4. t Jacobson suggests that the Gordius may be an ag-gregation of numerous individual animals enclosed in a longitudinal tubular envelope. (Ann. Sc. Nat. serie 2, i. 320.) 248 THE MKCHANICAL FUNCTIONS. is shaped into a spiral tube. Others, as the Sabella and the Terebella, accomplish the same object by collecting grains of sand, or fragments of decayed shells, or other substances, which they agglutinate together by means of a viscid exudation, so as to form a firm defensive covering, like a coat of mail. Fig. 134 shows this rude architecture in the Tere- bella conchilega. These coverings, however, com- posed as they are of extraneous materials, and not being organic productions of the animals them- selves, are structures wholly foreign to their systems. These inhabitants of tubes, the Tubicolcc of Cuvier, are generally furnished with tentacula, issuing from the head, which, when the rest of the body has retired within the tube, is the only part exposed. The expedient resorted to for progressive motion by the Lumbricus marimts of Linnaeus ( Arenicola piscatornni of Lamarck), is very remarkable. * This worm, depicted in Fig. 135, swarms on all sandy shores, and is dug up in great numbers as bait by the fishermen. It bores its way through the sand by means of the peculiar construction of the rings of its head, which, when elongated, has the shape of a regular cone. Each ring being so much smaller than the one behind it as to admit of being received within it, the whole head, when completely retracted, presents a flat surface. When this disk is applied to the sand, the animal, by gradually projecting the cone, and successively dilating the rings of which it is composed, opens for itself a passage through the sand, and then secures the sides of the passage from falling in by applying to them a glutinous * See the account given by Mr. Osier, Philosophical Transac- tions for 1 826, p. 342. ANNELIDA, 249 cement, which exudes from its skin, and which unites the particles of sand into a kind of wall, or coating. This covering does not adhere to the body, but forms a detached coherent tube, within which the animal moves with perfect freedom, and which it leaves behind it as it progressively ad- vances ; so that the passage is kept pervious throughout its whole length by means of this lining, which may be compared to the brick-work of the shaft of a mine, or tunnel. An apparatus of a more complex description is provided in the Terebella conchilega, belonging to a tribe of marine worms, which from the peculiar circumstances of their situation, inhabiting parts of the shore nearly midway between high and low water, are obliged often to prolong their tubes to a great length through the sand ; for, in consequence of the frequent shifting of the sands in storms, these animals are sometimes buried to a considerable depth, and at others have several inches of their tubes exposed. In the one case, they must work their way speedily to the surface ; in the other, they must dive deeper below it. The manoeuvres of the Terebella are best observed by taking it out of its tube, and placing it under water upon sand. It is then seen to unfold all the coils of its body, to extend its tentacula in every direction, often to a length exceeding an inch and a half, and to catch, by their means, small fragments of shells, and the larger particles of sand. These it drags towards its head, carrying them behind the scales which project from the anterior and lower part of the head, where they are immediately cemented by the glutinous matter which exudes from that part of •250 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. the surface. Bending the head alternately from side to side, while it continues to apply the mate- rials of its tube, the terebella has very soon formed a complete collar, which it sedulously employs itself to lengthen at every part of the circumference with an activity and perseverance highly inter- esting. For the purpose of fixing the different fragments compactly, it presses them into their places with the erected scales, at the same time re- tracting its body. Hence the fragments, being raised by the scales, are generally fixed by their posterior edges, and thus overlaying each other, often give the tube an imbricated appearance. Having formed a tube of half an inch, or an inch in length, the terebella proceeds to burrow ; for which purpose it directs its head against the sand, and contracting some of the posterior rings, effects a slight extension of the head, which thus slowly makes its way througli the mass before it, availing itself of the materials which it meets with in its course, and so continues to advance till the whole tube is completed. After this has been accom- plished, the animal turns itself within the tube, so that its head is next to the surface, ready to receive the water which brings it food, and is instrumental in its respiration. In summer the whole task is completed in four or five hours; but in cold weather, when the worm is more sluggish, and the gluten is secreted more scantily, its progress is considerably slower. Tentacula of various kinds are also met with in several of the more active and vivacious kinds of annelida, such as the Nereis (Fig. 1*29), proceeding from the margin of the mouth and other parts of ANNELIDA, 251 the head. This animal swims with great facility by rapid, undulating inflexions of its body; and by practising a similar succession of movements in the loose sand at the bottom of the water, it quickly buries itself, and even travels to considerable dis- tances through the sand ; first extending the an- terior rings, and then bringing up the posterior part of the body ; its progress being also much assisted by the action of its numerous bristly feet* Facilities for progression are also given by the addition of tubercles, arranged in pairs along the under side of the body, which serve the purposes of feet, and are often furnished with bristles or hooks. In the Amphitrite, and many other genera, tufts of hair occupy the place of feet on each side, and being moved by muscles specially provided for that purpose, serve as levers for efi^ecting pro- gressive motion. We find the same object accomplished by very different means in other animals of this class. The leech, for instance, having the rings which encircle its body very numerous and close to each other, could not well have advanced by the ordinary modes of vermiform progression. As a substitute, accordingly, it has been furnished with an appa- ratus for suction at the two extremities of the body, which are formed into disks for that purpose. By fixing alternately the one and the other, and con- tracting or elongating the body as the occasion requires, the leech can move at pleasure either for- wards or backwards. Thus, while the tail is fixed, the head may be advanced by lengthening the * Osier, Phil. Tmns. fur 1826, p. 342. 252 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. whole body, and when the head is fixed, the hinder sucker can be brought forwards by the contraction of the body, and applied to the ground near to the head, and preparation may thus be made for taking another step. 0 THK IMECHAMCAL FUNtTIONS. The head being limited in its range of motion by its approximation to the trunk, the month cannot be applied directly to seize the food : and some means were therefore to be provided for bringing the food to the mouth. For this purpose a peculiar organ, the proboscis, has been constructed : it con- sists of a cylinder, perfectly flexible, and of a length sufficient to reach the ground, when the elephant is standing. The animal has the power of moving it in all possible directions by means of a prodigious number of muscular fibres, which are collected in small bands, some passing transversely, and radia- ting from the interior towards the circumference, others situated more obliquely, and a third set run- ning longitudinally, and forming an exterior layer; but tliey are all variously interlaced together so as to compose a very complicated arrangement. The extremity of the proboscis, which is endowed with great sensibility, is furnished with an appendix, resembling a finger, most of the functions of which, indeed, it is capable of performing. For the formation of this admirable member it lias not been necessary to deviate from the ordinary laws of developement by the creation of a new organ ; the same end being accomplished by the extension of a structure already belonging to the type of mammiferous animals. In several of the pachydermata the nostrils are already considerably advanced, so as to form a moveable snout : this is observable in a certain degree in the Hog; it is still more remarkably seen in the Tapir, which has a snout so lengthened and so moveable as very much to resemble, though on a small scale, the proboscis of the elephant. This latter organ, then, MAMMALIA FACH Y 1)EUM/\TA. 4(> 1 may he considered as merely an elon^^ation of the nostrils, which have heen drawn ont to suit a special purpose, very different from the function to which that part is usually sul)servient.* While tleetness and elasticity are the results of the mechanical conformation of the horse, solidity and strength are the objects chiefly aimed at in the construction of the Pachydermata. The limbs have a great weight to sustain, in consequence of the huge size of the body ; and hence the several bones which compose the pillars for its support, are ar- ranged nearly in vertical lines. The joints of the elbow and knee are placed low from the body; the ulna in the fore legs, and the iibula in the hinder, are fully developed, and are distinct from the radius and the tibia. The number of the toes, instead of being reduced to one, as in the horse, or to two, as in ruminants, is here increased to five ; though, in consequence of their being very short, and of the skin which covers and surrounds them being very thick, they hardly appear externally, and are distinctly recognised only in the skeleton. It would carry me far beyond the limits of the present work, were I to engage in a detailed exa- mination of all the varieties of forms and structures which occur in the mechanism of the different tribes of mammalia, in reference to the purposes they are intended to serve, and to the peculiar cir- cumstances of the animal to which they belong. I * A defective developement of the bones of the nasal cavity, wliiie the natural growth of the soft parts has continued, has often, in the case of the human foetus, given rise to a monstrosity very much re- sembling the trunk of the tapir or of the elephant. (See Geoffrey St. Hilaire.) 462 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. must necessarily pass over a multitude of instances of express adaptation, which are suited only to par- ticular cases, and are, consequently, of minor im- portance as regards the general plans of organiza- tion. In the sort of bird's-eye view that I am taking of the endless modifications of structure which have been executed in conformity with those plans, I am only able particularly to notice such as are most remarkable. § 8. Rodent ia. As the tribes of mammalia we have hitherto ex- amined employ the anterior extremities for the purposes of progression only, they are destitute of a clavicle. In most of those which follow, and where a greater developement of the limb confers more extensive and more varied powers of motion, appli- cable to a greater range of objects, this bone is found. In the greater number, however, it is merely in a rudimental state ; that is, developed only to a certain extent, one portion being bony, and the rest cartilaginous ; as if the ossification had been arrested at an early stage. These imper- fect clavicles are too short to connect the scapula with the sternum ; the rest of the space being eked out by cartilage, and by ligaments : but still they are of great use in affording points of attachment to the muscles of the limb, and giving them the advantage of acting by a rigid lever. The carni- vorous tribes, which make considerable use of their fore paws in striking and seizing their prey, have clavicles of this description. Those quadrupeds RODENTIA. 4C/.1 which have to execute still more complex actions with their fore feet, have perfect clavicles, extend- ing from the shoulder to the chest, and connecting the bones of the anterior extremity with the general framework of the skeleton. This is the case in a large proportion of the family of Rodentia, such as the Squirrel, which employs its paws for holding- objects; and the Beaver, which likewise makes great use of its fore feet, which might almost be termed hands, in building its habitation. Animals that dwell in trees, and require to grasp with force the branches in moving along them, such as the Sloth, have also distinct clavicles. Animals which rake or dig the ground, as the Mole, the Ant-eater, and the Hedge-hog are all provided with these bones, which, by keeping the shoulders at the same constant distance from the trunk, and afford- ing a tirm axis for the rotatory motions of the limb, materially assist them in the performance of these actions. The beaver presents a singular moditication in the structure of the tail, which is expanded into a flattened oval disk, covered by a skin beset with scales ; and which is used by the animal as a paddle for supporting itself on the water, or for quickly diving to the bottom. There does not appear to be any truth in the opinion commonly entertained, that the Beaver employs its tail as a trowel for plastering the mud walls of its dwelling. 404 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. § 9. Insectivora. In the tribe of Insectivorous quadrupeds we meet with several races which present singular confor- mations. In none are these anomalies more re- markable than in the 31ole, an animal which nature has formed for subterranean residence, and whose limbs are constructed with a view to the rapid excavation of passages under ground. The hands of the mole, for its fore paws almost deserve that appellation, are turned upwards and back- wards for scooping the soil, while the feet are em- ployed to throw it out with great quickness. These mining operations are aided by the motions of the head, which is lifted with great power, so as to loosen the ground above, and overcome the resist- ances that may be opposed to the progress of the animal. That no impediment might be offered to these motions of the head, the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae have not been suffered to extend upwards. Large muscles are provided for bending the head backwards upon the neck ; and they are assisted by a cervical ligament of great strength, which is generally in part ossified. The muscles of the fore extremities are also of extraor- dinary power. The scapula is a long and slender bone, more resembling a humerus in its shape than an ordinary scapula : the humerus, on the con- trary, is thick and square, and the clavicle is short and broad. The radius and the ulna are distinct from each other ; the hand is very large and ex- panded; the palms being turned outwards and backwards, and its lower margin being fashioned INSECTIVOROUS MAMMALIA. 465 into a sharp cutting edge. The carpal bones and the phalanges of the fingers are very much com- pressed ; but they are furnished with large nails, which compose more than half the hands ; and they are expressly constructed for digging, being long, broad, and sharp at the extremities. The sternum has a large middle crest, and is prolonged at its extremity into a sharp process, having the figure of a ploughshare, thus affording an extensive surface of attachment for the large pectoral muscles, from which the limb derives its principal force. The head terminates in front by a pointed nose, which is armed at its extremity with a small bone, intended to assist in penetrating through the ground. While all this attention has been paid to the de- velopement of the anterior part of the body to which these instruments specially contrived for burrowing are affixed, the hinder part is comparatively feeble, and appears stinted in its growth, and curtailed of its fair proportions. The pelvis is exceedingly diminutive, being reduced to a slender sacrum ; and it is thrown far back from the abdomen, to which it could give no effectual protection. Hence the animal, when above ground, walks very awk- wardly, and is unable to advance but by an irre- gular and vacillating pace. The only quadrupeds which resemble the mole in the perfect adaptation of their structure to the pur- poses of burrowing, are the Wombat and the Koala, which are among the many extraordinary animals inhabiting the continent of Australia. Their hind legs are constructed in a manner very much re- sembling the human fore-arm.* * See Home, Lectures, &c. i. 134. VOL. I. H H 466 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. We have seen that there is a tribe of fishes armed externally with sharp spines, which they are capable of erecting when in danger of attack. The Porcupine and the Hedgehogs which belong to the family of insectivorons quadrupeds, are fur- nished with a similar kind of defensive armour. For the purpose of erecting these bristles, when the animal is irritated or alarmed, there is provided a peculiar set of muscular bands, which forms part of the usual subcutaneous layer, termed the pamii- culus carnosns. In the hedgehog these muscles are very complicated, and give the animal the power of rolling itself into a ball. A minute description of these muscles has been given by Cuvier, who found that the whole body is enveloped in a large muscular bag, or mantle, lying immediately under the integuments ; and capable, by the contraction of different portions of its fibres, of carrying the skin over a great extent of surface. In the usual state of the animal, this broad muscle appears on the back (as represented in Fig. 219), contracted into a thick oval disk, of which the fibres are much accumulated at the circumference. From the edges of this disk there pass down auxiliary muscles towards the lower parts of the body ; the action of which muscles tends to draw the skin downwards, and to coil it over the head and paws, in the manner shown in Fig. 220, like the closing of the mouth of a "reat ba«. CARNIVOROUS MAMMALIA. 467 § 10. Carnivora. The type of the Mammalia may be considered as having attained its full developement in the carni- vorous tribes, which comprehend the larger beasts of prey. As their food is animal, they require a less complicated apparatus for digestion than herbi- vorous quadrupeds, possess greater activity and strength, and enjoy a greater range of sensitive and intellectual faculties. In accordance with these conditions we may notice the greater expansion of their brain, the superior acuteness of their senses, and their enormous muscular power. The trunk of the body is lighter than that of vegetable feeders, especially in the abdominal region, and is com- pressed laterally : the spine is more pliant and elastic,* the limbs have greater freedom of motion, the extremities are more subdivided, and they are armed with formidable weapons of offence and destruction. Great mechanical power was required for raising the head, not only on account of the force to be exerted in tearing flesh, but also that these animals might be enabled to carry away their prey in their mouths. Hence we find that in the Lion, of which the skeleton is represented in its relations to the outline of the body in Fig. 221, the first vertebra of the neck, or atlas, has very widely expanded transverse processes, while the second * The suppleness of the spine might at once be inferred, on the simple inspection of the skeleton, from the circumstance that the vertebrae of the neck and loins have a comparatively small devolope- ment of their spinous processes. 4G8 THF, MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. vertebra has a largely developed spinous process, for supplying levers for the muscles which have to perform these and other actions in which the head is concerned. The whole of the remaining part of the skeleton of these animals is constructed with reference to their predatory nature. The sudden springs with which they pounce upon their prey must impart to the whole osseous frame the most violent concus- sion. The first stroke with which they attempt the destruction of their victims is given with the fore leg : so that had the limb been rigidly connected with the sternum by means of an entire clavicle, its motions would have been too limited, and danger of fracture would have been incurred. The scapula is broad, and the humerus of great length, com- pared with the same bones in ruminants ; and the latter has besides a large surface for its articulation with the former of these bones, thus allowing of a great range of motion : the radius and ulna are perfectly distinct, and play extensively on each other. CARNIVOROUS MAMiMALIA. 469 The lore feet rest on the ground by means of tlie second of the three joints of which each toe is com- posed. The hist phahmges are raised at right angles to the former, for the purpose of supporting the claws in an erect position. It has been consi- dered of such importance to preserve these formid- able instruments constantly sharp, and in a condi- tion fitted for immediate use, that an express contrivance has been resorted to for this purpose. It consists in a sheath, within which the claws, when not employed, are kept retracted, by means of an elastic ligament, which constantly tends to with- draw them within the sheath : and they are at the same time so connected with the tendons of the flexor muscles of the toes, that the moment these muscles are thrown into action, which is the case when the animal aims a stroke with its paw, the claws are instantly drawn out and combine in in- flicting the severest lacerations.* Connected with the superior strength of the hind extremities, we find the pelvis extending farther backwards, and more in a perpendicular line with the femur. This latter bone is longer and more slender than in the horse, but it is more com- pact in its form, and its processes are more strongly developed : the fibula is a separate bone from the tibia. The muscles, in general, are more divided into portions, and are thus capable of greater di- * In consequence of a different arrangement of the ligaments of the claws in the fore and hind feet, those of the former are capable of being more completely retracted than those of the latter. There exists, concealed in the tuft of hair, at the extremity of the lion's tail, a small conical and slightly curved claw which is attached to the skin only, and not to the last caudal vertebra : its use is probably to increase the effect of blows given with tlie tail. 470 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. versity of action, at the same time that they have greater power than those of herbivorous quadru- peds. The articular surfaces are of greater extent, and are hibricated with a more copious supply of synovia ; their ligaments are more delicate and more numerous ; and thejoints, in general, adapted to a greater variety of movements. All these pro- visions are evidently directed to confer great free- dom and facility of motion, and to enlarge the sphere of action of the body generally, as well as of the limbs. § 11. Quadrumana. We may trace in the series of quadrupeds which have come under our review a gradual increase in the developement of the hind feet ; beginning from the horse, which is single hoofed, or solipede ; next to which rank the cloven-footed ruminants, a tribe which includes the Camel, whose foot is widely expanded for the purpose of treading securely on sand ; then come the Rhinoceros, which has three hoofed toes ; the Hippopotamus, which has four, and the Elephant, which has live. To these suc- ceed another series, where nails, or claws, are sub- stituted for hoofs, as is the case with all the Carni- vora, which, standing on the extremities of their toes, have been termed Dioitio-rades. Then follow the Plantigrade quadrupeds, such as the Bear, the Badger, the Hedgehog, and the Mole, which rest with the whole foot on the ground, and are in con- sequence able to make great use of their fore paws. These conduct us to the family of the Quadrumana, MAMMALIA QUADRUMANA. 471 coiiipreliending the Monkey and the Lemur tribes, which are characterized by having the inner toe quite distinct from the others, like the human thumb, and which appear, therefore, as if they had four hands. The Quadrumana present the nearest approxi- mation to the human structure : they are naturally inhabitants of the forest, and their conformation is adapted to the actions of climbing upon trees, of grasping the branches, and of springing from the one to the other, with precision and agility. It is here that they are at home ; it is here that they gather the food which is most suited to their nature ; it is here that they engage in successful combats with serpents and other enemies ; retain- ing their positions in perfect security on the moving branches, or sportively swinging by their extremi- ties in the air. Both the feet and the hands are formed for this species of prehension ; and many are farther provided with a strongly prehensile tail, which is an instrument admirably adapted to all these purposes. Hence the attitude most natural to these animals is neither the horizontal one of quadrupeds, nor the erect posture of man, but an intermediate or semi-erect position. This view of the living habits of the quadru- mana will afford the key to most of the peculia- rities of structure they present to our observation. The head, being no longer suspended at the end of a horizontal, or recurved neck, is, in the usual atti- tude of the animal, supported chielly by the cer- vical vertebrae. The greater developement of the brain, and more especially of its posterior lobes, creates a necessity for an extension of the occipital 472 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. bone in that direction ; a portion of the weight to be sustained by the atlas is accordingly thrown behind the centre of motion, which is at its articu- lation with the latter bone ; and this weight tends, therefore, to balance that of the anterior part of the head. Hence there is no need of the strong cervical ligament, which is so universally met with in quadrupeds ; and although this ligament exists in the monkey, it is very slender, and of no very great extent. Great mobility has been conferred on the spine by the form of its articulations ; and the caudal vertebrae are generally greatly multiplied to form a tail of considerable length, which in the Ateles, or spider monkey of America, is moved by power- ful muscles, and is an organ of great flexibility and strength. Monkeys possess a distinct clavicle, a lengthened humerus and femur, a radius and ulna moveable upon each other, and a hand nearly approaching to the human construction. But the thumb is less developed, and its muscles are much weaker than in man. The bones of the pelvis, as well as those of the leg, are elongated, for the purpose of giving greater length to the muscles which are to move their several parts; by this means, although the force with which they act may be somewhat les- sened, yet the velocity of the motion they produce is increased in the same proportion. The fibula is here a bone of more importance than in quadru- peds ; for it performs a motion of rotation round the tibia, analogous to that of the radius upon the ulna, giving a great extent of action to the foot, and con- verting the leg into an arm, as we have already MAMMALIA QUADRUMANA. 473 seen that the foot itself is transformed into a hand. A small inclination is given to the articulation of the tarsus with these last mentioned bones, which imparts a degree of twist to the feet, throwing the sole inwards, and causing the monkey while walk- ing to rest chiefly on its outer edge. This seeming defect gives a slight appearance of awkwardness to the gait : it is not, however, to be viewed as an im- perfection ; for it is evidently designed to assist the animal in climbing trees, which is its most usual action ; the oblique position of the foot en- abling it most effectually to lay hold of the branches. Monkeys are evidently not formed to excel in swiftness; for the heel, in these animals, presents no large projection, as in other orders of mam- malia ; nor are the muscles which are inserted into the heel particularly powerful : they hardly, in- deed, can be said to compose a calf as in the human leo;. -'o" § 12. Blan. The series of structures modelled on the charac- teristic type of the Mammalia, after having ex- hibited the successive developement of all its elements, attains the highest perfection in the human fabric : for even independently of those prerogatives of intellect and of sensibility, by which Man is so far exalted above the level of the brute creation, both his physical structure and his phy- siological constitution place him incontestably at the summit of the scale of terrestrial beings. Con- sidered zoologically, indeed, the human species must rank among the Mammalia, and it even 474 THE MKCHANUAL FUNCTIONS. makes a near approach to the Quadrumana ; yet there exist many peculiarities of structure, which entitle Man to be placed in a separate order, where disclaiming any close alliance with inferior crea- tures, he proudly stands alone, towering far above them all. It is not, however, on a pre-eminence in any single physical quality or function that this title to superiority can be founded ; for in each of these endowments man is excelled in turn by particular races of the lower animals ; but the chief perfection of his frame consists in its general adaptation to an incomparably greater variety of objects, and an infinitely more expanded sphere of action. As the beauty of an edifice depends not on the elaborate finishing of any one portion, but results from the general suitableness of the whole to the purposes for which it was constructed, so the excellence of the human fabric is to be estimated by the exquisite proportion and harmony subsisting among all its parts, and pervading the whole system of its func- tions. The design of its structure and economy embraces widely different, and far higher aims than those contemplated in the organization of any of the inferior animals. Destined to possess an in- tellectual, a social, and a moral existence, Man has had every part of his organization modified with an express relation to these great objects of his forma- tion. This will best appear when we come to exa- mine the organs which are subservient to the sen- sitive and active faculties ; but even here, where our views must, for the present, be limited to the mechanical circumstances of his structure, the proofs are sufficiently numerous to warrant this general conclusion. THE HUMAN I'lJAIMIC. 475 Man presents the only instance among the mam- malia of a conformation by which the erect posture can be permanently maintained, and in which the office of supporting the trunk of the body is con- signed exclusively to the lower extremities. To this intention the form and arrangement of all the parts of the osseous fabric, and the position and adjustments of the organs of sense have a well marked reference. In most quadrupeds, as we have seen, the thorax is deep in the direction from the sternum to the spine, but is compressed laterally, for the evident purpose of bringing the fore limbs nearer to each other, that they might more effectually support the anterior part of the trunk. In Man, on the con- trary, the thorax is flattened anteriorly, and extends more in width than in depth ; thus throwing out the shoulders, and allowing an extensive range of motion to the arms. The lower limbs are qualified to be the efficient instruments of progression by their greater length and muscularity, compared with the generality of quadrupeds. The only exceptions to this rule occur in those mammalia which are constructed expressly for leaping, such as the Kanguroo and Jerboa, where, however, the hind legs are employed almost solely for that mode of progression. The Quad- rumana, which come nearer to the human form than any of the other tribes, have the lower limbs comparatively weak. In almost all other quadru- peds the disproportion is still greater, the thigh being short, and almost concealed by the muscles of the trunk, and the remainder of the limb being- slender, and not surrounded by any considerable mass of muscles. 476 THE MECHANICy\L FUNCTIONS. The articular surfaces of the knee joint are broader, and admit of greater extent of motion in man than in quadrupeds : hence the leg can be brought into the same line with the thigh, and form with it a straight and firm column of support to the trunk ; and the long neck of the thigh bone allows of more complete rotation. The widely spread basin of the pelvis effectually sustains the weight of the digestive organs, and they rest more particularly on the broad expansion of the iliac bones ; in qua- drupeds, these bones, having no such weight to support, are much narrower. The base on which the whole body is supported in the erect position is constituted by the toes and by the heel, the bone of which projects backwards at right angles to the leg. Between these points the sole of the foot has a concavity in two direc- tions, the one longitudinal, the other transverse, constituting a double arch. This construction, besides conferring strength and elasticity, provides room for the convenient passage of the tendons of the toes, which proceed downwards from the larger muscles of the leg; and also for the lodgement of smaller muscles affixed to each individual joint, and for the protection of the various nerves and blood vessels distributed to all these parts. The con- cavity of the foot adapts it, also, to retain a firmer hold of the inequalities of the ground on which we tread. The muscles which raise the heel, and compose the calf of the leg, are of great size and strength, and derive a considerable increase of power from the projection of the bone of the heel, into which their united tendons are inserted. In all these respects the human structure possesses THE HUATAN FRAME. 477 decided advantages over that of the monkey, with reference to the specific objects of its formation. It is impossible to doubt that nature intended man to assume the erect attitude, when we advert to the mode in which the head is placed on the spinal column. The enormous developement of the brain, and of the bones which invest it, increases so considerably the weight of that part of the head, which is situated behind its articulation with the vertebrae of the neck, that the balance of the whole is much more equal than it is in the monkey, where the weight of the fore part greatly preponderates. The muscles which bend the head back upon the neck, and retain it in its natural position, are there- fore not required to be so powerful as they must be in quadrupeds, especially in those M'hich graze, and in which the mouth and eyes must frequently be directed downwards for the purpose of procuring food. In man this attitude would, if continued, be extremely fatiguing, from the weakness of those muscles, and the absence of that strong ligament which sustains the weight of the head in the ordi- nary horizontal attitude of quadrupeds. " Pronaque cum spectant animalia ceetera terram, Os homini sublime dedit, CKlumque tueri Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus." — Ovid. The space comprehended by the two feet is ex- tremely narrow, when compared with the extended base on which the quadruped is supported : hence the stability of the body must be considerably less. The statue of an elephant placed on a level surface, would stand without danger of oversetting ; but the statue of a man resting on the feet, in the usual atti- 478 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. tilde of standing, would be thrown down by a very small impulse. It is evident, indeed, that in the living body, if the centre of gravity were at any moment to pass beyond the base, no muscular effort which could then be made would avail to prevent the bod}^ from falling. But the actions of the muscles are continually exerted to prevent the yielding of the joints under the weight of the body, which tends to bend them. In quadrupeds less exertion is requisite for that purpose ; and standing is in them, as we have seen, a posture of compara- tive repose : in man it requires nearly as great an expenditure of muscular power as the act of walk- ing. Soldiers on parade experience more fatigue by remaining in the attitude of standing, than they would by marching during an equal time. Strictly speaking, indeed, it is impossible for even the strongest man to remain on his legs, in precisely the same position, for any considerable length of time. The muscles in action soon become fatigued, and require to be relieved by varying the points of support, so as to bring other muscles into play. Hence the weight of the body is transferred alter- nately from one foot to the other. The action of standing consists, in fact, of a series of small and imperceptible motions, by which the centre of gravity is perpetually shifted from one part of the base to another ; the tendency to fall to any one side being quickly counteracted by an insensible movement in a contrary direction. Long habit has rendered us unconscious of these exertions, which we are, nevertheless, continually making ; but a child learning to walk finds it difficult to accom- ])lish them successfully. It is one among those arts THE HUMAN FRAME. 479 which he has to acquire, and which costs him in the apprenticeship many painful efforts, and many discouraging falls. But whenever nature is the teacher, the scholar makes rapid progress in learning; and no sooner have the muscles acquired the necessary strength, than the child becomes an adept in balancing its body in various attitudes, and in a very short time is unconscious that these actions require exertion. In walking, the first effort that is made consists in tranferring the whole weight of the body upon one foot, with a view to fix it on the ground ; and then the other foot, being at liberty, is brought forwards. By this action the centre of gravity is made to advance, till it passes beyond the base of the foot : in this situation the body, being unsup- ported, falls through a certain space, and would continue its descent, were it not that it is received on the other foot, which, by this time has been set upon the ground. This falling of the body would, if not immediately checked, become very sensible ; as happens when, on walking inattentively, the foot we had advanced comes down to a lower level than we were prepared for ; in which case the body, having acquired a certain velocity by its greater descent, receives a sudden shock when that velocity is checked, and thus a disagreeable jar is given to the whole frame. While the weight of the body is thus transferred alternately from one foot to the other, the centre of gravity not only rises and falls, so as to describe at every step a small arch, but also vibrates from side to side, so that the series of curves it describes are souiewhat complicated in their form. This un- 480 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. dulation of the body from one foot to the other would scarcely ever be performed with perfect equality on both sides, if we trusted wholly to the sensations communicated by the muscles, and if we were not guided by the sense of sight, or some other substitute. Thus a person blindfolded can- not walk far in a straight line ; for, even on a level plane, he will incline unconsciously either to the right or to the left. In all quadrupeds, and even also in the quadru- mana, the fore extremities more or less contribute to the support and progression of the body : it is only in man that they are wholly exempted from these offices, and are at liberty to be applied to other purposes, and employed as instruments of prehension and of touch. In the power of exe- cuting an infinite variety of movements and of actions, requiring either strength, delicacy, or pre- cision, the human arm and hand, considered in their mechanism alone, are structures of unrivalled excellence ; and, when viewed in relation to the intellectual energies to which they are subservient, plainly reveal to us the divine source from which have emanated this exquisite workmanship, and these admirable adjustments, so fitted to excite in our breasts the deepest veneration, and to fill us with never ceasing wonder. To specify all the details of express contrivance in the mechanical conformation of the hand would alone fill a separate treatise : but I must refrain from pursuing this interesting subject, as, fortu- nately, the task has devolved upon one far more able than myself to do it justice. 401 Chapter X. VERTRBRATA CAPABLE OF FLYING. § 1. Vertehrata without Feathers, formed for JJi/'utg. Feav problems in mechanic art present greater practical difficulties than that of raising from the ground, and of sustaining and moving rapidly- through the air an animal body, composed as it must be of many ponderous organs, which are re- quisite for the performance of the higher functions of life; yet Nature has achieved all this, not only in endless tribes of the more diminutive inverte- brate animals, but also in the more solid and mas- sive organizations which are modelled on the ver- tebrate type. These objects have been accom- plished, in all cases, without the employment of any other than the ordinary elements of those orga- nizations; modified, indeed, to suit the particular purpose in view ; but yet essentially the same, and regulated by the same laws of developement which prevail throughout the whole animal system. The adaptation of these elements to the construc- tion of an apparatus of so refined a nature, as that which is required for flying, implies the deepest foresight, the most extensive plan, and the most artificial combination of means. The foundations for these peculiar forms of mechanism are laid in the primeval constitution of the embryo ; and a long and curious series of preparatory changes take place before the completion of the finished VOL. 1. II 482 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. Structures. Of this we have already had a remark- able example in the metamorphoses of insects, which exhibit, in their last stage of developement, the highest degree of perfection compatible with the articulate type. Birds, in like manner, pre- sent us with the highest refinement of mechanical conformation, which can be attained by the deve- lopement of a vertebrate structure. The power of flying is derived altogether from the resistance which the air opposes to bodies moving through it, or acting upon it by mecha- nical impulse. In the ordinary movements of our own bodies, this resistance is scarcely sensible, and hardly ever attracts notice ; but it increases in pro- portion to the surface which acts upon the air, and still more according to the velocity of the moving body ; for the increase is not merely in the simple ratio of the velocity, but as its square, or perhaps even a higher power. In order that an animal may be able to fly, therefore, two principal conditions are required : there must, first, be a considerable extent of surface in the wings, or instruments which act upon the air ; and there must, secondly, be sufficient muscular power to give these instruments a very great velocity. Both these advantages are found combined in the anterior extremities of birds, and no animals belonging to any other class pos- sess them in the same perfection. No quadruped, except the Bat, has sufficient muscular power in its limbs, however aided by an expansion of sur- face, to strike the air with the force requisite for flight. No refinement of mechanic ingenuity has ever placed the Daedalian art of flying within the reach of human power ; for even if the lightest POWER OF FLYING. 483 possible wings could be so artificially adapted to the body as to receive the full force of the actions of the limbs, however these actions might be com- bined, they would fall very far short of the exer- tion necessary for raising the body from the ground. Examples, however, occur in every one of the classes of vertebrated animals, where an approach is made to this faculty. In the Exocetns, or flying- fish, the pectoral fins have been enormously ex- panded, evidently for the purpose of enabling the animal to leap out of the water, and support itself for a short interval in the air ; but its utmost efforts are inadequate to sustain it beyond a few moments in that element, and it scarcely ever rises more than five or six feet above the surface of the water. A species of lizard, called the Draco Volans, has a singularly constructed apparatus, which appears like two wings, affixed to the sides of the back, and quite independent of either the fore or the hind ex- tremities. By the aid of these moveable flaps, the animal is able to descend from the tops of trees, or flutter lightly from branch to branch ; but this is the utmost that it can accomplish by means of these imperfect organs. The construction of these anoma- lous members is highly curious in a physiological point of view; as showing how Nature, in effecting a new purpose, is inclined to resort to the modifica- tion of structures already established as constituent parts of the frame, in preference to creating new organs, or such as have no prototype in the model of its formation. Frequent illustrations of this law, indeed, are afforded by the comparative examina- tion of the anatomy of the organs of progressive motion. The ribs, in particular, are often the 484 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS, subject of this conversion to uses very different from their ordinary function, which is that of as- sisting in respiration. Tims we have seen that in the Tortoise they are expanded to form the cara- pace ; uniting with corresponding dilatations of the sternum, and sterno-costal appendages, in com- posing a general osseous encasement to the body. In Serpents, again, the ribs are employed as organs of progressive motion ; performing the functions of legs, and having, affixed to their extremities, the abdominal scuta, by way of feet. The cervical ribs of the Cobva de Capello, or hooded snake of the East Indies, are employed for the mechanical pur- pose of supporting an expansion of the skin of the neck, which forms a kind of hood, capable of being raised or depressed at the pleasure of the animal.* These ribs are entirely unconnected with the respi- ration of the serpent. In the Draco volans, which was to be furnished with instruments for assisting it in its distant leaps through the air, it is again the ribs which are re- sorted to for furnishing the basis of such an appa- ratus. On each side of the dorsal vertebrae, as is seen in the skeleton of this animal (Fig. 222), the eight posterior ribs on each side, instead of having the usual curvature inwards, and instead of being continued round to encircle the body, are extended outwards and elongated, and are covered with a thin cuticle, derived from the common integuments. The ordinary muscles which move the ribs still remain, but with greatly increased power, and serve to flap these strangely formed wings at the * Phil. Trans, for 1804, p. 346, FLYING LIZAKD. 485 pleasure of tlie animal, during its short aerial ex- cursions. Among the mammalia we meet with a few spe- cies, which have a broad membrane, formed of a 222 duplicature of the skin, extended like a cloak from the fore to the hind extremities, and enabling the animal to flutter in the air, and to break its fall during its descent from the branches of trees. Structures of this kind are possessed by the Sciurus volans, or flying squirrel, and also by some other species of the same genus. They are seen on a still larger scale in the Lemur volajis, or Galeopi- tliecus. The resistance which these broad expan- sions of skin oppose to the air, when the limbs are spread out, enables the animal to descend in perfect safety through that medium from very considerable 486 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. heights ; but these appendages to the body are mere parachutes, not wings ; and none of the animals which possess them can, by their means, and with the utmost efforts which their muscles are capable of exerting, ever rise from the ground, or even sus- pend themselves for a moment in the air. The only quadruped that can properly be said to be endowed with the power of flying is the Bat. In this animal the portions of the skeleton (f, Fig. 223) which correspond to the phalanges of the fingers, are extended to an enormous length ; and the pectoral muscles, which move the anterior ex- tremities, are of extraordinary size and power. In the larger species, each wing is at least two feet in length. The fine membrane, which is spread be- tween these lengthened fingers, has its origin in the sides of the neck, and reaches all along the body to the extremities of the hinder legs, which it en- closes in its folds. Thus, not only is the surface, by which it acts upon the air, sufficiently extensive, but the muscular power, by which its motions are effected, is adequate to give it those quick and sudden impulses which are requisite for flying ; and thus, although its structure is totally different from that of birds, it yet performs fully the office of a real w ing. The bat flies with perfect ease, even while carrying along with it one or two of its young : it is not, however, fitted for very long flights. The conformation of the skeleton is adapted to this new and important function. The chest is broad and capacious, to admit of free respiration while the animal is flying, and to afford ample space for the attachment of the large muscles BAT. 487 which have become necessary. The scapulae (s) are large, and of a singular form, and they are kept at a considerable distance asunder by the expanded chest : their coracoid processes are also large, and extend in the direction of the sternum. The clavicles (c) are of enormous size and length, being larger than either the scapula or the sternum, and remark- ably curved in their shape. The sternum is much developed, extending laterally, and having a pro- tecting crest along the middle of its lower surface. The humerus (h) is strong, but short ; apparently in order to avoid the danger of its being snapped asunder by the violent actions of the pectoral muscles, had it been longer. As the leading object of the structure is to give power to the wing, there was no necessity for the rotatory motion of the bones of the fore-arm ; and accordingly we find them consolidated into one (r) ; or rather no part of the ulna is developed, except the process of the olecranon, or elbow, which has become soldered to the radius. These advantages in the construction of the fore extremities are obtained at the expense of the hinder, which are too feeble to support the weight of the body in the upright position required for 4HH THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. walking, in consequence of the centre of gravity being between the wings. On a level plane, in- deed, the bat can advance only by a kind of crawl- ing or hopping motion. The whole anterior half of the trunk is much more fully developed than the posterior half, which appears as if its growth had been arrested. The pelvis (p) is of diminutive size, compared v, ith the rest of the skeleton : the pubic bones are lengthened backwards, and are joined merely at a small point. The Vi^hole posterior limb is short, the femur (f) comparatively long, and the fibula is a very slender bone, yet quite distinct from the tibia (t). The slight degree of motion which is thus allowed between them is useful to the bat, in enabling the feet to lay hold of cornices, or other projecting parts of the roofs of buildings, on which the animal fastens itself, and hangs with the head downwards. It is probably with the in- tention of facilitating this action that the toes are turned completely backwards; and that they are of a curved shape, and generally armed with sharp claws. A bony appendix (a) projects outwards from the heel, for the purpose of supporting the hinder prolongation of the membrane, which often extends between the hind feet, and is farther sus- tained by the tail, in those species which have the spine prolonged to form one. Bats are also provided with another instrument for suspending themselves to projecting objects, formed by the thumb (b), which is, apparently for this express purpose, detached from the fingers that support the wing, and is terminated by a strong claw, which projects, even when the wings are folded, and is useful in progression, by serving as a point of support. BIRDS. 489 § 2. Birds. It is in Birds alone that we find the most perfect adaptation of structure to the purposes of rapid and extensive flight : in them the frame of the skeleton, the figure, position, and structure of the wings, the size of the muscles, the peculiar nature of their irritability, and even the outward form of the body have all a direct and beautiful relation to the properties of the element in which Nature has intended them to move. In their formation a new, and in as far as relates to the organs of progressive motion, a more developed type is adopted ; still preserving a conformity with the general plan of the vertebral organization, and with the general laws of its developement. The skeleton of birds has the same constituent parts as that of other vertebrated classes: the bones of the anterior extremity, though destined exclu- sively to support the wing, retain the same divi- sions, and are composed of the usual elements; and the general form of the body is that best calculated to glide through the air with the least resistance. As birds swallow their food entire, there is no ne- cessity for any part of the bulky apparatus of hard and solid teeth, large muscles and heavy jaws, which are required by most quadrupeds : hence the head admits of being greatly reduced in its dimen- sions ; and the form of the beak, which is drawn to a point, and cuts the opposing air, tends to facili- tate the progress of the bird in its flight. In the conformation of the body, also, every cir- 490 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. cumstaiice Avhich could contribute to give it light- ness has been sedulously provided. The general size of birds is considerably smaller than quadru- peds of corresponding habits. No where has Nature attempted to endow a huge ponderous animal, like the fabled Pegasus, with the power of flight. Great condensation has been given to the osseous sub- stance,* in order that the greatest degree of strength might be procured with the same weight of solid materials; and the mechanical advantage derived from their being disposed in the circumference, rather than in central masses, has been obtained to ihe utmost extent The horny material, of which the stems of the feathers are constructed, are, in like manner, formed into hollow cylinders, which, compared with their weight, are exceedingly strong. A similar shape has been given to the cylindrical bones, which are fashioned into tubes with dense but thin sides : most of the other bones have like- wise been made hollow ; and instead of their cavities being filled with marrow, they contain only air.f Thus the whole skeleton is rendered remarkably light : that, for instance, of the Pelicmms onocro- tahis, or white Pelican, which is five feet in length, was found by the Parisian Academicians to weigh only twenty-three ounces, while the entire bird weighed nearly tw enty-five pounds.J The cavities * Ossification not only proceeds more rapidly, but is also carried to a greater extent in this class of animals than in any other ; as a proof of which, the tendons, especially those of the muscles of the legs, are frequently ossified. t 111 the Bat there is no provision of this kind for hghtening the bones; and we find them containing marrow, as in other mammalia, and not air. t The dry skeleton of the Carrion Crow {Corvus corone) weighs only twenty-five grains. Jaquemin, An. Sc. Nat. seiie 2, ii. 278. BIRDS. 491 in the bones communicate with large air cells, which are distributed in various parts of the body, and which contribute still farther to diminish its specific gravity ; and by means of canals which open into the air passages of the lungs, this air finds a ready outlet when it becomes rarefied by the ascent of the bird into the higher regions of the atmosphere. This air, being contained in the in- terior of the body, which preserves a very elevated temperature, must be constantly in a state of greater rarefaction than the cooler external air; a condition which must contribute, in some slight degree, to render the whole bodv lighter than it would other- wise have been. It appears to me, however, that considerably greater importance has been attached to this circumstance than it really possesses. Many have gone so far as to represent the condition of a bird as approaching to that of a balloon, filled with a lighter gas than atmospheric air; and have been lavish in their expressions of admiration at the beauty of a contrivance, which thus converted a living structure into an aerostatic machine. A little sober consideration will suffice to show that the amount of the supposed advantages resulting to the bird from the diminution of weight, occasioned by the difterence of temperature between the air included in its body and the external atmosphere, is perfectly insignificant. Any one who will take the trouble to calculate the real diminution of weight arising from this cause, under the most favourable cirumstances, will find that, even in the case of the largest bird, it can never amount to more than a few grains. The conditions in which birds are placed with regard to the density of the surrounding medium, 41)2 THK MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. as well as their mode of progression, are so opposite to those of fishes, that we should expect to find great corresponding differences in their conforma- tion. These two classes of vertebrata, accordingly, are remarkably contrasted with respect to the struc- ture of their skeletons. In fishes we have seen that the chest and all the viscera are carried as far forwards as possible ; the respiratory organs and the centre of circulation being close to the head, the neck having disappeared, and the trunk being continued into the lengthened tail, in which the chief bulk of the muscles are situated. In birds, on the contrary, the ribs, and the viscera which they protect, are placed as far back along the spinal column as possible ; and a long and flexible neck extends from the trunk to the head, which is thus carried considerably forwards. These circum- stances are very apparent in the skeleton of the Swan, represented in Fig. 224. In a fish, pro- gressive motion is effected principally by the move- ments of the tail, which impels the body alternately from side to side: in a bird, the only instruments of motion are the wings, which are affixed to the fore part of the trunk, and are moved by muscles situated in that region. In the fish, the spine is flexible nearly throughout its whole extent ; in the bird, it is rigid and immoveable in the trunk, and is capable of extensive motion only in the neck. In order that the body may be exactly balanced while the bird is flying, its centre of gravity must be brought precisely under the line connecting the articulations of the wings with the trunk, for it is at these points that the resistance of the air causes it to be supported by the wings. When the bird is BIRDS. 49'J resting on its legs, tlie centre of gravity imist, in like manner, be brought immediately over the base of support formed by the toes : it becomes neces- sary, therefore, to provide means for shifting the centre of gravity from one place to another, accord- ing to circumstances, and to adjust its position with considerable nicety ; otherwise there would be danger of the equilibrium being destroyed, and the body oversetting. The principal means of effecting these adjustments consist in the motions of the head and neck ; m hich last is, for that purpose, 494 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. rendered exceedingly long and flexible. The num- ber of cervical vertebrae is generally very consider- able ; in the mammalia, as we have seen, there are always seven, but in many birds there are more than twice that number. In the swan (Fig. 224), there are twenty-three; and they are joined to- gether by articulations, generally allowing free motion in all directions ; that is, laterally, as well as forwards and backwards. This unusual degree of mobility is conferred by a peculiar mechanism, which is not met with in the other classes of verte- brated animals. A cartilage is interposed between each of the vertebrae, to the surfaces of which these cartilages are curiously adapted, being enclosed between folds of the membrane lining the joint; so that each joint is in reality double, consisting of two cavities, with an intervening cartilage.* It is to be observed, however, that in conse- quence of the positions of the oblique processes, the upper vertebrae of the neck bend with more facility forwards than backwards; while those in the lower half of the neck bend more readily back- wards : hence, in a state of repose, the neck natu- rally assumes a double curvature, like that of the letter S, as is well seen in the graceful form of the swan's neck. By extending the neck in a straight line, the bird can, while flying, carry forwards the centre of gravity, so as to bring it under the wings ; and when resting on its feet, or floating on the water, it can transfer that centre backwards, so as to bring it towards the middle of the body, by merely bending back the neck into the curved * See Mr. Henry Earle's paper on this subject in the Philoso- phical Transactions for 1823, p. 277. BIRDS. 495 form which has just been described ; and thus the equilibrium is, under all circumstances, preserved by movements remarkable for their elegance and grace. The great mobility of the neck enables the bird to employ its beak as an organ of prehension for taking its food ; an object which was the more ne- cessary, in consequence of the conversion of the fore extremities into wings, of which the structure is incompatible with any prehensile power, such as is often possessed by the anterior extremity of a quadruped. Another advantage arising from the length and mobility of the neck is, that it facili- tates the application of the head to every part of the surface of the body. Birds require this power in order that they may be enabled to adjust their plumage, whenever it has by any accident become ruffled. In aquatic birds, it is necessary that every feather should be constantly anointed with an oily secretion, which preserves it from being M^etted, and which is copiously provided for that purpose by glands situated near the tail. The flexibility of the neck alone would have been insufficient for enabling the bird to bring its bill in contact with every feather, in order to distribute this fluid equally over them ; and there is, accordingly, a further provision made for the accomplishment of this object in the mode of articulation of the head with the neck. We have seen that in fishes, and in most reptiles, this articulation consists of a ball and socket joint ; a rounded tubercle of the occi- pital bone being received into a hemispherical de- pression in the first vertebra of the neck. In the mammalia the plan is changed, and there are two articular surfaces, one on each side of the spinal canal, formed on processes corresponding to the 490 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. leaves of the first cranial vertebra, and assimilat- ing it more to a hinge joint. In birds, however, where, as we have just seen, the most extensive lateral motions are required, the plan of the ball and socket joint is again resorted to; and the occi- pital bone is made to turn upon the atlas by a single pivot. So great is the freedom of motion in this joint, that the bird can readily turn its head completely back upon its neck, on either side. As spinous, or transverse processes of any length would have interfered with the flexions of the neck, we find scarcely a trace of these processes in the cervical vertebrae of birds. But another, and a still more important consideration was to be attended to in the construction of this part of the spine. It must be recollected that the spinal mar- row passes down along the canal formed by the arches of the vertebrae, and that any pressure ap- plied to its tender substance would instantly para- lyze the whole body, and speedily put an end to life. Some extraordinary provision was therefore required to be made, in order to guard against the possibility of this accident occurring during the many violent contortions into which the column is liable to be thrown. This is accomplished in the '^25 ms^ simplest and most effec- tual manner by enlarging the diameter of the canal at the upper and lower part of each vertebra, while at the middle it re- mains of the usual size ; so that the shape of the cavity, as is well seen in Fig. 225, which shows a BIRDS. 497 longitudinal section of one of the cervical vertebrae of the Ostrich, resembles that of an hour glass. Thus a wide space is left at the junction of each successive vertebra, allowing of very considerable flexion, without reducing the diameter of the canal beyond that of the narrow portion, and therefore without producing compression of the spinal mar- row. Mr. Earle found* that vertebrae united in this manner may be bent backwards to a right angle, and laterally to half a right angle, without injury to the enclosed nervous substance. The design of this structure is farther evident from its not existing in the dorsal and lumbar portions of the spine, which admit of no motion whatever, and where there is no variation in the diameter of the spinal canal. A plan entirely different is followed in the ver- tebra3 of the back and loins. For the purpose of ensuring the proper actions of the wings, the great object here is to prevent motion, and to give all possible strength and security ; and accordingly the whole of this portion of the spine, together witli the sacrum, is consolidated into one piece. All the processes are largely developed, and pass obliquely from one vertebra to the next, mutually locking them together; and in order most effectually to preclude the possibility of any flexion, the spinous processes, and sometimes even the bodies of the dorsal vertebrae are immoveably soldered together by ossific matter, so as to form one continuous bone. The sacrum (v, Fig. 224) consists of the union of a great number of vertebrae ; as many as twenty * In the paper already quoted, p. 278, VOL. I. K K 498 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. being anchylosed together for this purpose ; so that they form a bone of great length. The coccy- geal vertebrae (q) are also numerous ; but they are compressed into a small space, and enjoy great lati- tude of motion, being subservient to the movements of the tail. The ribs are numerous, and of considerable strength : they send out processes, which are di- rected backwards, passing over the next rib before they terminate, and giving very effectual support to the walls of the chest. The ribs are continued along the abdomen, and afford protection to the viscera in that cavity ; and some arise even from the sacrum, and from the iliac bones. Those which are in front are united to the sternum (s) by means of sternal appendices, which are ossified, and appear as the continuations of the ribs, or as if the ribs were jointed in the middle. The sternum is of enormous size, extending over a considerable part of the abdomen, and having a large perpendicular crest descending, like the keel of a ship, from its lower surface. The object of this great developement is to furnish extensive at- tachment to the large pectoral muscles employed to move the wings, and which, taken together, are generally heavier than the rest of the body. Con- sidered with reference to all the other muscles, and to the weight of the body itself, these pectoral muscles are of enormous strength. The flap of a swan's wing is capable of breaking a man's leg ; and a similar blow from an eagle has been known to be instantly flital. The bat is the only instance, among the mammalia, where the sternum presents this pecuViar car in a fed, or keel-like shape ; and the WINGS OF BIRDS. 499 purpose is evidently the same as in the bird. Not- withstanding the great modification which the sternum has received in the bird, when compared with its form in the tortoise and the quadruped, we may still trace the same nine elements entering into its composition, though delevoped in very different proportions. The scapula is generally a small and slender bone. The coracoid bone (k) is largely developed, and assumes much of the appearance of a clavicle.* But the real clavicles (c) are united below, where they join the fore part of the sternum, forming a single bone, which, from its forked shape, has been denominated the fur cular bone. In the fowl, it is commonly known by the name of the merry- thought. This bone, placed at the origin of the wings, and stretching from the one to the other, is of great importance as constituting a firm basis for their support, and for securing their steadiness of action ; and being, at the same time, very elastic, it tends to restore them to their proper situations, after they have been disturbed by any violent impulse. The wing of a bird does not, at first view, present much analogy with the fore extremity of a quadru- ped ; but on a closer examination we find it to contain all the principal bones of the latter, though somewhat altered in shape, and still more changed in their functions. Yet still the same unity of plan, and perfect harmony of execution may be discerned * Many have considered this bone as being the clavicle, and have regarded the furcular bone as a new bone, or supplementary clavicle; but all the analogies of position and of developement are in favour of the views stated in the text. 500 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. in the mechanism of this refined instrument of a higher mode of progression. The head of the humerus (h) has a compressed form ; and in order to obtain great extent of motion, it is made to play by a very small cylindrical sur- face upon the scapula ; thus admitting of the com- plete descent of the wing, unobstructed by any opposing process, but at the same time limiting its motion to one plane. It is connected below, by broad attachments, to the radius and ulna ; forming with them a hinge joint. These latter bones are separate, and of great length, but so firmly united together by ligament as scarcely to have any motion on one another. The carpus (w) consists of two bones only, the one articulated with the radius, the other with the ulna. They move together as one piece ; but contrary to what takes place in quadru- peds, the movements are made from side to side, instead of their consisting of flexion and extension ; this variation from the usual structure being for the purpose of folding down the joints of the wing, and bringing them close to the body. The metacarpus (m) consists originally of two bones, which soon become united into one at the upper part. On the radial side it has a process, derived perhaps from a third metacarpal bone, which is anchylosed at a still earlier period of ossification ; and to this pro- cess a small pointed bone is connected, correspond- ing to a rudimental thumb (t). There are generally two fingers, of which the first exhibits traces of having been originally two bones : the inner finger consists of two or three long phalanges, and the outer one of a single phalanx : there is sometimes also a rudimental bone corresponding to a little WINGS OF BIRDS. 501 finger. The degree of developement of these bones varies in different tribes of birds. Feathers are attached to all these divisions of the limb, namely, to the humerus, the fore arm, the hand, and occasionally to the single phalanx of the thumb. The structure of feathers is calculated in an eminent degree to combine the qualities of lightness and of strength, which we elsewhere rarely find united ; and they also furnish the warmest possible covering to the body. This latter property results from the great multitude of minute detached fibrils of which they are principally com- posed : as is more especially observable in the down which protects the chest of aquatic birds where such provision is particularly needed. The horny materials of which the stem of the quill is made are tough, pliant, and elastic ; and, as we have already seen, are disposed in the most advantageous mariner for resisting flexion by being formed into a hollow cylinder. But the vane of the feather is still more artificially constructed ; being composed of a number of flat threads, or filaments, so arranged as to oppose a much greater resistance to a force striking perpendicularly against their surface, than to one which is directed late- rally ; that is, in the plane of the stem. They derive this power of resistance from their flattened shape, which allows them to bend less easily in the direction of their flat surfaces than in any other ; in the same way that a slip of card cannot easily be bent by a force acting in its own plane, though it easily yields to one at right angles to it. Now it is exactly in the direction in which they do not bend that the filaments of the feather have to 502 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. encounter the resistance and impulse of the air. It is here that strength is wanted, and it is here that strength has been bestowed. On examining the assemblage of these laminated filaments still more minutely, we find that they appear to adhere to one another. As we cannot perceive that they are united by any glutinous matter, it is evident that their connexion must be eifected by some mechanism invisible to the unas- sisted eye. By the aid of the microscope the mystery is unravelled, and we discover the presence of a number of minute fibrils, arranged along the margin of the laminae, and fitted to catch upon and clasp one another, whenever the laminae are brought within a certain distance. The fibrils of a feather from the wing of a goose are represented magnified at a, a, b, b. Fig. 226, as they arise from the two sides of the edges of each lamina. They are ex- ceedingly numerous, above a thousand being con- tained in the space of an inch ; and they are of two kinds, each kind having a different form and curvature. Those marked a, a, which arise from the side next to the extremity of the feather, are branched or tufted, and bend downwards ; while FEATHERS OF BIRDS. 503 those marked b, b, proceeding from the other side of the lamina, or that nearest the root of the featlier, are shorter and firmer, and do not divide into branches, but are hooked at the extremities, and are directed upwards. When the two laminae are brought close to one another, the long, curved fibrils of the one being carried over the short and straight fibrils of the other, both sets become en- tangled together ; their crooked ends fastening into one another, just as the latch of a door falls into the cavity of the catch, which is fixed in the door-post to receive it. The way in which this takes place will be readily perceived by making a section of the vane of a feather across the laminae, and ex- amining with a good microscope their cut edges, while they are gently separated from one another. The appearance they then present is exhibited in Fig. 227, which shows distinctly the form, direction, and relative positions of each set of fibrils, and the manner in which they lay hold of one another. This mechanism is repeated over every part of the feather, and constitutes a closely reticulated surface of great extent, admirably calculated to prevent the passage of the air through it, and to create by its motion that degree of resistance which it is intended the wing should encounter.* In feathers not in- tended for flight, as in those of the ostrich, the fibrils are altogether wanting : in those of the pea- * A very clear account of the mechanism described in the text is given by Paley, in the 12th chapter of his " Natural Theology." Many of the minuter details I have supplied from my own observa- tions with the microscope. The branched form of the upper fibrils, and the reticulated structure of the laminae themselves, when viewed with a high magnifying power, are particularly beautiful microscopic objects. 504 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. cock s tail, the fibrils, though large, have not the construction which fits them for clasping those of the contiguous lamina ; and in other instances they do so very imperfectly. A construction so refined and artificial as the one I have been describing, and so perfectly adapted to the mechanical object which it is to answer, cannot be contemplated without the deepest feeling of ad- miration, and without the most eager curiosity to gain an insight into the elaborate processes, which, we cannot doubt, are employed by nature in the formation of a fabric so highly finished, and dis- playing such minute and curious workmanship. It is only very recently that we have been admitted to a close inspection of the complicated machinery, which is put in action in this branch of what may be called organic architecture; and certainly none is more fitted to call forth our profoundest wonder at the comprehensiveness of the vast scheme of divine providence, which extends its care equally to the perfect construction of the minutest and ap- parently most insignificant portions of the organized frame, whether it be the down of a thistle, the scales of a moth, or the fibrils of a feather, as well as to the completion of the larger and more important organs of vitality. Every bird, on quitting the egg, is found to be covered on all parts, except the under side, with a kind of down, consisting of minute filaments, col- lected in tufts, and resembling in their arrange- ment the fibres of a camel-hair pencil. Each tuft contains about ten or twelve filaments, growing from the upper ends of bulbous roots implanted in the skin, and which are the rudiments of the organs FEATHERS OF BIRDS. 505 that afterwards form the feathers, of which this down, serving the purpose of a first garment, hastily spread over the young bird, is bnt the precursor ; for the tufts generally soon fall off and disappear, except in the rapacious tribes, as the Eagle and the Vulture, where they remain attached to the feathers for a considerable time. While this temporary protection is given to the integument, extensive preparations are making underneath for furnishing a more effective raiment, adapted to the future wants of the bird. The apparatus by which the feathers are to be formed is gradually constructing ; and its rudiments are receiving the necessary supply of nutrient juices, and of vessels for their circulation, together with their usual complement of nerves and absorbents. When first visible, this organ has the form of a very minute cone, attached by a filament proceed- ing from its base to one of the papillae of the skin, and establishing its connexion with the living system. In the course of a few days, this cone has become elongated into a cylinder, with a pointed extremity, while its base is united to the skin by a more distinct bond of connexion, formed by the enlarged vessels, which are supplying it with nourishment. It is in the interior of this cylinder that all the parts of the feather are constructed ; their earliest rudiments being formed at the upper part, or apex of this organ ; and the materials of the several parts of the feather being successively deposited and fashioned into their proper shapes in different places : for while the first laminae are constructing in one portion of the cylinder, the next are only just beginning to be formed in 506 THE MKCHANICAL FUNCTIONS. another ; and while the outer covering of the stem is growing from one membrane, the interior spongy tissue is forming in other places, in various stages of softness or consolidation : so that the whole com- poses a system of operations, which may be said to resemble in its complication at least, although on a microscopic scale, an extensive manufactory. Hence will be readily understood how great must be the difficulty of tracing all the steps of these multifarious processes, which are carried on in so small a space : and this difficulty is much increased from the circumstance that the organ in which they take place is itself only developed as the work proceeds ; its different parts being produced suc- cessively in proportion as they are wanted, and their form and structure undergoing frequent varia- tion in the course of their developement. The most elaborate, and apparently accurate re- searches on this intricate subject, are those lately undertaken by M. Frederick Cuvier, from whose memoir* I have selected the following abridged statement of the principal results of his observa- tions. It will be necessary in order to obtain a clear idea of the several steps of the process to be described, to advert to the structure of a feather in its finished state. For this purpose we need only examine a common feather, such as that repre- sented in Fig. 228, where s is the posterior surface of the solid stem, which, it will be perceived, is divided into two parts by a longitudinal groove, and from either side of which proceed a series of laminae, composing, with their fibrils, what is * Memoires du Museum, xiii. 327 ; and Annales des Sciences Naturclles, ix. 113, FEATHERS OF BIRDS. 507 termed the vane of the feather (v.) The lines from which these laminae arise, approach one another at 228 229 230 231, the lower part of the stem, till they meet at a point, where the longitudinal groove terminates, and where there is a small orifice (o), leading to the interior of the quill. From this part the trans- parent tubular portion of the quill (t) commences; and at its lower extremity (l) there exists a second, or lower orifice. The entire organ which forms the feather, and which may be termed its matrLu, is represented in Fig. 229, when it has attained the cylindric form already described ; of which a is the apex, or coni- cal part that rises above the cuticle, and b the base, by which it is attached to the corium, or true 508 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. skin. A white line is seen running longitudinally the whole length of the cylinder, and another, ex- actly similar to it, is met with on the opposite side : the one corresponds in situation to the front, and the other to the back of the stem of the future feather. On laying open the matrix longitudinally, as is shown in Fig. 2'30, it is found to be composed of a sheath or capsule, and of a central pulpy mass, termed the bulb. The capsule consists of several membranous layers (c, e, s, i), which are more con- solidated near the apex, and become gradually softer and more delicate, as we trace them towards the base of the matrix, where their formation is only beginning to take place. The laminse and their fibrils, the assemblage of which constitutes the vane of the feather, are the parts which are first formed ; and their construc- tion is eftected in the space between the outer capsule (c), and the central bulb (b), in a mode which is exceedingly remarkable, and different from that of the formation of any other organic product wdth which we are acquainted. Instead of growing from a base, like hairs, and other pro- ductions of the integuments, by successive deposi- tions of layers, the materials which are to compose the laminae are cast in moulds, where they harden, and acquire the exact shape of the recipient cavi- ties. The next object of our curiosity, then, is to learn the way in which these moulds are con- structed ; and on careful examination they appear to be formed by two striated membranes, the exte- rior one (e) enveloping the other (i), or interior membrane. These membranes are separated by a series of partitions, which commence at the edges FEATHERS OF BIRDS. 509 of the longitudinal white band, seen in Fig. 229, and wind obliquely upwards till they reach the opposite longitudinal band already described, w^iere they join a longitudinal partition which occupies a line answering to that posterior band. Thus they leave between them narrow spaces, which consti- tute so many compartments for the deposition, as in a mould, of the material of each lamina. The course of these channels, and their junction at the back of the matrix is seen at s, Fig. 230. It is exceedingly probable, though from the minuteness of the parts it is scarcely possible to obtain ocular demonstration of the fact, that the fibrils of the laminae are constructed in a similar manner, by being moulded in still more minute compartments, formed by transverse membranous partitions. The proper office of the bulb, after it has sup- plied the materials for the formation of the lamince, is to construct the stem of the feather, and unite the laminae to its sides. For this purpose the an- terior portion of the bulb deposits on its surface a plate of horny substance, while another plate is formed by the posterior part in the interior of the bulb. Thus the bulb becomes divided into two portions; one anterior, and the other posterior. The former of these, after having finished the external plate, proceeds to form the spongy sub- stance, which is to connect the two plates, and the posterior portion of the bulb embraces the inner plate, and gradually folds it inwards till its sides meet at the middle groove along the back of the stem. The anterior part of the bulb, during the process of filling up the stem, exhibits a series of conical shaped membranes, as is seen in tlie sec- olO THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. tion, Fig. 231 ; the points of the cones being di- rected upwards, and their intervals being occupied by the spongy substance in different stages of con- solidation, and more perfected in proportion as they are situated nearer the apex of the stem. While the construction of the feather, in its dif- ferent stages, is thus advancing from below, those parts which are completely formed are rising above the surface of the skin, still enveloped in the cap- sule which originally protected them, but the upper portions of which, from the action of the air, and the obliteration of the vessels that nourished them, now decaying, shrivel and fall off in shreds, allow- ing the successive portions of the feather to come forth, and the laminae to unfold themselves as they rise and assume their proper shapes. This succes- sive evolution proceeds until the principal parts of the stem and of the vane are completed ; and then a different kind of action takes place. The posterior part of the bulb now contracts itself, and bringing the edges of that surface of the stem closer together, at length unites them at the supe- rior orifice (o), Fig. 228 ; where the laminae, which follow these lines, also terminate. Having thus performed the office assigned to it, it ceases to be nourished, and is incapable any longer of deposit- ing a horny covering to the feather : all that re- mains of its substance is a thin membrane, which adheres to the outside of the tubular part, or bar- rel of the quill, and which must be scraped off before the latter can be used as a pen. The tubular part is the product of the anterior part of the bulb, which now ceases to deposit the spongy sub- stance, but forms a transparent horny material FEATHERS OF BIRDS. 511 over the whole of its external surface ; but as it retires towards the root, it leaves a succession of very thin pellucid membranes, in the form of cones, which, when dried, constitute what is termed the pith of the quill. The last remnant of the bulb is seen in the slender ligament which passes through the lower orifice, and preserves the attachment of the feather to the skin. In process of time, this also decays, and the whole feather is cast off, prepara- tory to the formation of another, which in due sea- son is to replace it. All the feathers are in general, moulted annually, or even at shorter periods ; and the same complicated process is again begun and completed, by a new matrix produced for the occa- sion, every time a new feather is to be formed. It is impossible, on reviewing these curious facts, not to be struck with the admirable art and fore- sight, which are implied in all this long and com- plicated series of operations. While the bird was yet nourished by the fluids of the egg, the ground had already been prepared for its future plumage, and for the formation of instruments of flight. A temporary investment of down is in readiness to shelter the tender chicken from the rude impres- sions of the air, and an apparatus is preparing for the construction of the most refined instruments for clothing and for motion : first the scaffolding, as it may be called, is erected, by the help of which each portion is built up in succession, and in proper order. Nature s next care is to construct the vane, which is the part of the feather most essential to its office : and then to form the shaft, to which the vane is to be affixed, and from which it receives its support: lastly, she forms the barrel of the 512 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. quill, which is prolonged for the purpose of con- verting it into a lever of sufficient length for the mechanical office it has to perform. In proportion as each structure is finished, she neglects not to remove the scaffi)ldings which had been set up as temporary structures ; the membranes, with all their partitions, are carried away, the vascular pulp of the bulb is absorbed, and its place supplied by air, thus securing the utmost lightness, without any diminution of strength. Is it possible for any rational mind, after meditating upon these facts, to arrive at the persuasion that they are all the mere results of chance ? Several circumstances remain to be noticed res- pecting the structure and actions of the wings of birds. If we attend to the mode of their articula- tion with the scapula, w^e find it producing a motion oblique with regard to the axis of the body, so that the stroke which they give to the air is directed both downwards and backwards ; and the bird, while moving forwards, is at the same time sup- ported in opposition to the force of gravity. The different portions of the wing are likewise so dis- posed as to be contracted and folded together when the wing is drawai up, but fully expanded when it descends in order to strike the air. It is obvious that, without this provision, a great part of the motion acquired by the resistance of the air against the wing in its descent would have been lost by a counteracting resistance during its ascent. The disposition of the great feathers is such that they strike the air with their flat sides, but present only their edges in rising : what is called feathering the FLIGHT OF BIRDS. 513 oar in rowing is a similar operation, performed with the same intention, and deriving its name from this resemblance. Independently of this cir- cumstance, however, the force exerted by the wing in its descent is considerably greater than that with which it rises ; and consequently the resistance and reaction of the air is greatest in the opposite direc- tion to the descent of the wing, which strikes obliquely backwards, as well as downwards: and the effect of the muscular action is, in consequence of that resistance and reaction, to raise the bird, and, at the same time, propel it forwards.* As the inclination of the wing is chiefly back- * Erroneous views have frequently been entertained respecting tlie theory of the progressive and other movements of animals, from mistaking the reaction of the ground, or medium against which pressure is made, for a moving or propelling force, analogous to that arising from elasticity : whereas it is merely a force, which, being equal and opposed to that pressure, only destroys or neutralizes its effect ; and thus enables the moving power from which the pres- sure is derived, to exert its full efficiency in exactly the opposite direction. This error, which will be found to vitiate many of the reasonings of Borelli, was clearly pointed out by Barthez, in his work entitled " Nouvelle Mechanique des Mouvemens de I'Homme et des Animaux," published in 1798. M. Navier has undertaken a very long and elaborate mathematical investigation of the dynamic conditions which obtain during the flight of birds, and the swimming of fishes, in the Memoires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences de I'lnstitut. de France, for 1832 ; Tome xi. p. Ixi — cxiii ; under the title of " Rapport sur un Memoire de M. Chabrier, concernant les moyens de voyager dans I'air, et de s'y diriger ; contenant una nouvelle theorie des mouvemens pro- gressifs." He asserts that a bird in flying folds its wings but little while raising them to give the effective stroke; and ascribes the effect of the movement of the wings to the greater velocity with which they are made to descend, compared with that of their eleva- tion. His calculations lead him to the startling conclusion, that a swallow, while simply sustaining itself in the air without either rising or advancing, must cause its wings to make 23 strokes in each VOL. I. L L •514 THE MRCHANKAL FUNCTIONS. wards, the greatest part of the effect produced by its action is to move the body forwards. Birds of prey have a great obliquity of wing, and are con- sequently better formed for horizontal progressive motion, which is what they chiefly practise in pur- suing their prey, than for a rapid perpendicular ascent. Those birds, on the contrary, which rise to great heights in a direction nearly vertical, such as the Quail and the Lark, have the wings so dis- posed as so strike directly downwards, without any obliquity whatsoever. For the same reason, birds rise better against the wind, which, acting upon the oblique surface presented by the wings during their flexion, contributes to the ascent of the body, on second of time, or 1380 beats per minute ! — a conclusion, of which the simplest observation of the actual motion of the wings is suffi- cient to show the fallacy. The following is among the most curious of the results of Navier's analytical researches. Assuming that a labourer when employed in turning a winch during eight hours a day, produces a mechanic effect equivalent to the raising of a weight of 6 kilogrammes, (or 13 avoirdupois pounds), to the height of one metre, (or 3.28 feet), in each second of time, which is about 43 pounds raised to the height of one English foot) ; and assuming the weight of the man so working to be 70 kilogrammes, (or 154 pounds), this me- chanic force, if employed to raise himself, would carry him to a height of 0.086 metres (or 3.366 inches) in each second of time. But the action exerted during each second by a bird, when only ho- vering in the air, is sufficient to raise its own weight to a height of 8 metres, (or 313 inches), which is 93 times greater than the height to which the corresponding exertion of a man would enable him to attain. It follows as a consequence, that if the human structure were such as to enable a man to employ his muscular power in the way best calculated to raise his body in the air, and that also he had the means of expending the whole of the force which he exerts during an ordinary day's labour of eight hours, in as short a space of time as he pleased, the concentrated effect of this labour would be no more than to sustain him in the air during five minutes. Ibid. p. Ixxii. FLIGHT OF BIRDS. 515 the same principle that a kite is carried up into the air when retained in an oblique position. This circumstance is particularly observable in the ascent of birds of prey, whose wings have a great obliquity, and, when fully expanded, present a very large extent of surface. The actions of the tail, which operates as a rudder, are useful chiefly in directing the flight. When the tail is short, this office is supplied by the legs, which are in that case generally very long; and being raised high and extended back- wards in a straight line, are of considerable assist- ance in the steerage of the animal. In many birds, as in the Woodpecker, the tail is much employed as a support to the body in climbing trees. The caudal vertebrae are often numerous, but are short and compressed together: they are remarkable for the great developement of their transverse pro- cesses, and for having spinous processes both on their lower and upper sides. The last vertebra, instead of being cylindrical, has a broad carinated spine for the insertion of large feathers. Birds could not, of course, be always on tlie wing ; for a great expenditure of muscular power is constantly going on while they support them- selves in the air. Occasional rest is necessary to them as w ell as to other animals ; and means are accordingly provided by nature for their mecha- nical support and progressive motion while on land. The anterior extremities having been exclu- sively appropriated to flight, and constructed with reference to the properties of the atmosphere, the offices of sustaining and of moving the body along the ground must be entrusted wholly to the hind •516 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. limbs. The centre of gravity, before sustained by the wings, must now be brought over the new basis of support formed by the feet ; or rather, as it is placed far forwards, the feet must be considerably advanced so as to be brought underneath that centre. But as the bones of the posterior extremity have their origin from tlie remote part of the pelvis, which is elongated backwards, at a considerable distance from the wings, it became necessary to lengthen some of their parts, and to bend their joints at very acute angles. We accordingly find that while nature, in the formation of the limb, has preserved an accordance with the vertebrate type, both as to the number of pieces which compose it, and as to their relative situations, she has deviated from the model of quadrupeds in giving much greater length to the division corresponding to the foot. At the same time that the foot is brought forwards, the toes are lengthened, and made to spread out so as to enclose a wide base, over which the centre of gravity is situated. The extent of this base is so considerable that a bird can, in general, support itself with ease upon a single foot, without danger of being overset by the unavoidable vacillations of its body. The femur is short compared with the tibia, which is generally large, especially in the order of GrallcB, or wading birds : the fibula is exceedingly slender, and always united, at its lower part, with the tibia ; and there is a total deficiency of tarsal bones, except in the Ostrich, where rudiments of them may be traced. Already we have seen, in ruminant quadrupeds, that these bones have dwindled to a very small size ; but here they have FEKT OF HIRDS. 517 wholly disappeared. The long bone which suc- ceeds to the tibia, though considered by some ana- tomists as the tarsus, is properly the metatarsal bone, and in the Grallae is of great length. At its lower end it has three articulations, shaped like pullies, for the attachment of the three toes : there is besides, in almost all birds, a small rudiment of another metatarsal bone, on which is situated the fourth toe. The number of bones which compose each respective toe appears to be regulated by a uniform law. The innermost toe, which may be compared to a thumb, consists invariably of two bones: that which is next to it in the order of sequence has always three; that which follows has four ; and the outermost toe has five bones : the claws in every case being affixed to the last joints, M^hich have therefore been termed the n/toiial bones. This remarkable numerical relation among the several bones of the toes exists quite independently of their length. There is one whole order of birds which are par- ticularly fitted for climbing and perching upon trees, having the two middle toes parallel to each other, and the inner and outer toes turned back, so as to be opposed to them in their action. They are thus enabled to grasp objects with the greatest facility ; having, in fact, two thumbs, which are opposable to the two fingers. They have been termed Scatisores, or Zygodactyli. Almost all other birds have three toes before, and one behind. From this enumeration it would appear as if Nature, in modifying the type of vertebrated ani- mals to suit the purposes required in the bird, had purposely omitted one of the toes, which are usually 518 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. five in number. But instances occur of birds, in Avliich we may trace the rudiment of a fifth toe In'gh upon the metatarsus, and upon its inner side. The spur of the cock may be regarded as having this origin. What confirms this view of the sub- ject is that in those birds which have only three toes, namely, in the JEmu, the Cassowary^ and the Rhea, it is again the inner toe which disappears, leaving only the three outer toes, namely, those which have respectively three, four, and five pha- langes. The Ostrich has only two toes, one having four, and the other five phalanges ; here, again, it is the innermost of the three former, that is, the one having three phalanges, which has been sup- pressed. The last bone of the outer toe of the ostrich is very small, and being usually lost in pre- paring the skeleton, has been overlooked by natu- ralists ; but Dr. Grant has ascertained, by the careful dissection of a recent specimen, the exist- ence of this fifth phalanx. A bird is capable of shifting the position of the centre of gravity of its body, according as circum- stances require it, simply by advancing or drawing- back its head. While flying, the neck is stretched forwards to the utmost, in order to bring the centre of gravity immediately under the origin of the wings, by which the body is then suspended. When birds stand upon their feet, they carry the head back as far as possible ; so as to balance the body on the base of support. When preparing to sleep, they bring the centre of gravity still lower, by turning the head round and placing it under the wing. These motions of the head are again resorted to when the bird walks ; and the centre FEET OF BIRDS. 519 of gravity is thus transferred alternately from one foot to the other : hence, in walking, the head of a bird is in constant motion ; whilst the duck and other birds, whose legs are ver}^ short, have a waddling gait. It may be observed that the more perfectly predaceous birds are not the best formed for w^alking ; because, were they to use their feet for that purpose, their talons, which are required to be kept sharp for seizing and tearing their prey, would be blunted ; and accordingly the Eagle, when moving along the ground, supports itself partly by the motion of its wings. In roosting, birds often support themselves on their perch by means of one leg only, the other being folded close to the body. They even main- tain this attitude with greater ease and security than if they rested upon both feet. The true expla- nation of this curious fact was long ago given by Borelli. On tracing the tendons (t, t, Fig. 233) of the muscles (m, m) which bend the claws, and enable them to grasp an object, we find them passing over the outer angles of each of the inter- vening joints, so that whenever these joints are bent, as shown in Fig. 234, those tendons are put upon the stretch, and mechanically, or without any action of the muscles, tend to close the foot. When the bird is on its perch, this effect is pro- duced by the mere weight of the body, which, of course, tends to bend all the joints of the limb on which it rests ; so that the greater that weight, the greater is the force with which the toes grasp the perch. All this takes place without muscular effort or volition on the part of the bird. It remains in this position with more security on one foot than it 520 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. would have done by resting upon both ; because in the latter case, the weight of the body, being divided between them, does not stretch the ten- dons sufficiently. In this position the bird not only sleeps in perfect security, but resists the im- pulse of the wind and the shaking of the bough. The great length of the toes of birds enables them to stand steadily on one leg ; and in this attitude many employ the other foot as a hand ; especially Parrots, whose head is too heavy to be readily brought to the ground. Some birds, which frequent the banks of rivers, are in the practice of holding a stone in one foot, while they rest upon the other : this contributes to increase their stabi- lity in two ways, first, it adds to the weight of the body, which is the force that stretches the ten- dons, and causes them to grasp the bough ; and, secondly, it also lowers the centre of gravity. The Stork, and some other birds belonging to the same order, which sleep standing on one foot, have a curious mechanical contrivance for locking the joint of the tarsus, and preserving the leg in a FEET OF BIRDS. 521 state of extension without any muscular effort. The mechanism is such as to withstand the effect of the ordinary oscillations of the body, wdien the bird is reposing ; but it is easily unlocked by a voluntary muscular exertion, when the limb is to be bent for progression. On these occasions the ball of the metatarsal bone is driven with some force into the socket of the tibia.'* I must content myself with this general view of the mechanism of birds ; as it would exceed the limits within which I must confine myself, to enter more fully into the peculiarities which dis- tinguish the different orders and families. Some of the more remarkable deviations from what may be considered as the standard conformation, may, however, for a moment arrest our attention. The Ostrich, of all birds, presents the greatest number of exceptions to the general rules which appear to regulate the conformation of birds, and in many of its peculiarities of structure it makes some approach to that which characterizes the quadruped. Though this bird is provided with wings, it was evidently never intended that they should be used for the purposes of flight. Hence the chief muscular power has been bestowed on the legs, which are remarkably thick and strong, and well fitted for rapid progression. The sternum is flat, and does not present the keel-like projection which is so remarkable in that of all other birds. * This mechanism is noticed by Dr. Macartney in the Transac- tions of tlie Royal Irish Academy, vol. xiii. p. 20, and is more fully described in Rees's Cyclopajdia, Art. Bird. He observes that botlt Cuvier and Dumeril have committed an error in referring this pecu- liarity of structure to the knee instead of the tarsal joint. o22 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. The clavicles do not reach the sternum, nor even meet at the anterior part of the chest to form the furciilar hone; for as the wings are not employed in flying, the usual office of that bone is not wanted. The form of the pelvis is different from the ordinary structure ; for the pubic bones, which in all other birds are separated by an interval, here unite as they do in quadrupeds. The feathers are unprovided with that elaborate apparatus of crotchets and fibres, which are uni- versally met with in birds that fly. The filaments of the ostrich's feathers, in consequence of having none of these fibrils, hang loose and detached from one another, forming the fine hair or down, which, however ornamental as an article of dress, must be viewed, when considered physiologically, as a species of degeneracy in the structure of feathers. The Penguin, in like manner, has a wing, which is, by its shortness, totally unfitted for raising the body in the air : it has, indeed, received a very different destination, being formed for swimming. In external form it resembles the anterior extremity of the turtle; but still we find it constructed on the model of the wings of birds; as if nature had bound herself by a law not to depart from the standard of organization, although the purpose of the structure is altogether changed. As penguins are intended for a maritime life, all their extremities are formed for swimming. Their legs are exceed- ingly short, and placed far backwards ; so that these birds are compelled, when resting on their feet on the shore, to raise their bodies in a perpen- dicular attitude, in order to place the centre of gravity immediately above the base of support; a MUSCULAR POWER IN BIRDS. 523 posture which gives them a strange and grotesque appearance. I have ah^eady alhided to the lengthened legs and feet of the waders, the utility of which to birds frequenting marshy places, and shallow waters, is very obvious. Their legs are not covered with feathers, which would have been injured by con- tinual exposure to wet. But birds of a truly aquatic nature, have their toes webbed, that is, united by a membrane ; a mechanism which qua- lifies them to act as oars, and indeed gives them a great advantage over all artificial oars that have been constructed by human ingenuity ; for as soon as the expanded foot has impelled the water behind it, the toes collapse ; and while it is drawn forward, it presents a very small surface to the opposing water. Their plumage is so constructed as to pre- vent the water from penetrating through it, and for the purpose of preserving it in this condition, these birds are provided with an oily fluid, which they carefully spread over the whole surface of their bodies. The swan, and many other water-fowls, employ their wings as sails, and are carried forwards on the water with considerable velocity, by the mere impulse of the wind. Birds excel all other vertebrated animals in the energy of their muscular powers. The promptitude, the force, and the activity they display in all their movements, and the unwearied vigour with which they persevere for hours and days in the violent exertions required for flight, far exceed those of any quadruped, and imply a liigher degree of irri- tability, dependent probably on the great extent of tlieir respiratory functions, than is possessed by 524 THE MECHANICAL FUNCTIONS. any other class of animals. Birds, in their annual migrations, are known to traverse whole seas and continents in the course of a very few days. Many continue for weeks constantly on the wing : Frigate- birds (Pelicanus aquilus, Linn.) are seen hovering over the sea, in search of their prey, at the greatest distances from land, without ever taking rest : and their lives may almost be said to be passed in one continued flight. END OF VOL. I. C. 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