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CD O Ngvpcjx " o Xgvot^ 2 5 ISTITUTION NOIXnXIXSNI^NVINOSHXIWS^Sa lava all JLIB RAR I ES^ SMITHSON WN^INSTITUTIO 5 r~ .*> 2 r° z "" CD 33 fS > k\ 33 Vi m '" W g XjvAsv^ m xtgsz&y - m x aiavaan librari es Smithsonian iNSTiTUTiON^NoixnxixsNtXviNOSHXiws^sa lavaai 5 ■•« S’ _ Z * 00 Z X 3 if) ^ z — c/> UIXSNI NVINOSHXIWS S3ldVdan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION,- NOIXfUUSNI NV z CO Z »*.. to 2 “ rf!:- 2* ^UsvaTX ^ X to o 5 > *W~' 2E ^ > X^QjixS^X 2 AR I ESWSMITHSONIANZ INSTITUTION NOIlDlllSNI NVINOSHXIWS^SS I d Vd a lt_ Ll 8 RAR * ES ,.SM o> ~ w 5 ..... w z UIXSNI^NVIN0SHXIl/\IS^S3 I d Vd a II^LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIANJNSTITUTION^NOliniliSNI^NV AR I ES~ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION" NOlilUllSNI _NVIN0SHXIWS._S3 I dVd 8 IT ZLI B RAR 1 ESwSr/ UI1SNI NVINOSHXIWS S3 I d Vd 8 IT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ANOIifUliSNI_N\! if) o _ :AR I ES SMITHSONIANJ|NSTITUTION3NOIinilJLSNI~,NVINOSHi.lWS3:S3 IdVdaiT LIB RAR I ES SH 2^ f— ^ r° 2 ~ <- *^OV/X o . ~ O m «. ® CO 2 v\ r / >■ Xw r- 03 r* w * m v> rn w ^ (/) ^ ^ ^ b C/j niliSNI NV1N0SHX1WS S3ldVdan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION,. NOUIUIXSNI W z ^ C/> Z jp, to z .v, w < S /. 2$ ~ ^ <*5^^ v* 0 1 '«r s \ g .= X 2 • eo ? AR I ES°'SMITHSONIAN^ INSTITUTION''MOIXnXIXSNI NVINOSHXIKIS S3 I dVd 8 H__ L 1 B RAR 1 Es ,„sf en = tn w ^ixiiS^X Q flXIXSNI^NVINOSHXIWS^SS I dVd a l"l~LI B RAR l ESZSMITHSONIAN-INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI Nl f-“ c== 2 “ O ~iS^> O ? b fig-'aa ? /a \ S * /a s * yk.jy s y s) * y _ __ m ^ ? AR I ES^SMITHSONIAN- INSTITUTION^NOIlflXIlSNI- NVIN0SH1IINS S3 I dVd 3 I T _LI B RAR I ES SI w z » w z z €/> s Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemi'L, p.643. Partim . Thrifts Linne; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):216. Partim. [Thrifts (Thrifts)] section Gymnopterae Haliday, 1852. in Walker List Homopt. Ins. Brit. Mus., 4:1107. [Physopus Uzel = Frankliniella Karny]. An ap ho thrift s Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 29, 35, 44, 51, 142. Anaphothrips Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):36,42. Partim . 520 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [ Physopus Reuter = Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, pp. 285, 290. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:629. Anaphothrips Uzel; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:133,160. [ Physopus Del Guercio = F rankliniella Karny]. Sericothrip s Haliday; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):42, 43, 49. [ Physopus Buffa = Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville], Anaphothrips Uzel; Reh, 1909. in Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., 3:226. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Shull, 1909. Ent. News, 20(5):224. [Physopus Trybom = Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Anaphothrips Uzel; Trybom, 1911. Res. Swed. Zool. Exp. Egypt White Nile 1901, 4(19): 1. Anaphothrips Uzel; Trybom, 1911. Ark. Zool., 7(22):2. [Physapus Trybom, 1911 = Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville]. Sericothrip s Haliday; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11,14,24. Partim. Anaphothrips Uzel; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:12,16,28. Anaphothrips Uzel; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l): 14. Partim . Anaphothrips Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr., Frankfurt, 25(45):237. (sep. p. 15). Physapus (Geer) Serville; Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:330. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:332. [Type: Euthrips obscura\ . Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Karny, 1912. Marcellia, 11(2-3):115. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Bagnall, 1912. Journ. Econ. Biol., 7(4): 189. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Karny, 1913. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, (2)10:55 (footnote). Anaphothrip s Uzel; Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1):35, 36, Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 189. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. , 10(8-9):293. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):355. Partim . Euthrips Targioni- Tozzetti; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Ko'nigsberg, (1916)57:52. Euthrips (Targioni-Tozzetti) Karny; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):49. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:270. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 121. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(9):89. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber, oberbsterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4): 71. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Britton, 1920. Bull. State Conn., State Geol. nat. Hist. Surv., 31:44. 521 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrip s Uzel; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4): 216, 242. Anaphothrips Uzel; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 2(1):80, figs. 35-39. Anapho thrips Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):27. Anaphothrips Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens . Haarlem, 3(9):98. Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien., (1)132(1-3): 14. Anaphothrips Uzel; Knechtel, 1923. Bull. Agric., Bucuresti, 3(7-9):77, 112. Anapho thrip s Uzel; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:14,45. Partim. Anapho thrips Uzel; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2): 17. Anaphothrips Uzel; F aure, 1925. S. African Journ. nat. Hist. , 5:150. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konow ia, 4(3-4): 144. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):265. Partim. Anaphothrips Uzel; Anapho thrips Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrips Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrips Uzel; Anapho thrips Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anapho thrips Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anapho thrips Uzel; Anaphothrips Uzel; Anapho thrips Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Karny, 1926. Treubia, 9(l-3):6, PI. II. Priesne r, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 120, 121, 178, 181. [Described]. [European species monographed with key]. Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.):50, 53. [key to larvae II]. Moulton, 1926. Pan-Pacific Ent., 3(1):22. Ahlberg, 1926. Svens k Insektfauna , 6:24, 33. Priesner, 1927. in Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8): 5, 8. Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:466. Watson, 1927. Florida Ent. , 11(3):42. Partim . [key to North American species]. Karny, 1927. Tropische Natuur., 1927(4):62, fig. 6. Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta. , 101:68. Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):168. Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dept. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):246, 268. Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung. , 25:62. Richter, 1928. F auna Arctica, 5(3):838, 841, 850. Priesner, 1928. in Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 149, 175. [described]. John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp. 24, 32. Partim . [key to species], Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:120. [Key to species from Baltic Amber]. Damme rman, 1929. Agric. Zool. Malay Archipelago, p. 217. van Eecke, 1931. in Boschma: F auna Nederland, 5:28, 29, 30, 53, 54. [described]. Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 73:74. Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):456. Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks fauna, 37:29, 31, 32, 50. [Described; Danish species monographed with key]. 522 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrips Uzel; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 107. [Described; South American species with key]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Mon. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 21. Anaphothrips Uzel; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 117. [Described; Italian species described]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France. 104:316. Anaphothrips Usel [Sic!]; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. Partim . Anaphothrips Uzel; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):228. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:96. ? Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner & Quievreux, 1936. Bull. Soc. geol. France, (1935) (5)5:472. Anaphothrips Uzel; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:41. Anaphothrips Uzel; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. N.C., N.C. Dept. Agric., Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 55. Anaphothrips Uzel; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:8. Partim . Anaphothrips Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:157. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Shumsher Singh 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 122. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):268. Anaphothrips Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Anaphothrips Uzel; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:157, 160. [key to subgenera]. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:400,402. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Soc. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6):382. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:59, 61, 119. Anapthothrip s Shtsherb; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:119. Euthrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:130. Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1): 398. Partim. Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):68, 96. [Described with key to Rumanian species]. Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. von Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:23. [also as Anaphothothrip s]. Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):309. [Partim]. Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Sur., 4(5):148, 149, 150, 159. [Key to subgenera]. Pelikan, 1957. in Kratochvil Klfc Zvireny CSR., 2:18. Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Anaphothrips Uzel; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):47 ■), 493 Anaphothrip s Uzel; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. African, 23(2):327. Anaphothrips Uzel; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.): 189. Anaphothrips Uzel; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append .):361. [Italian species described]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:73, 75. [Described]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964, Wetensch. Mededel,, 51:25,26,32. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrips Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrips Uzel; Anaphothrips Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; Anaphothrip s Uzel; 523 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrip s Uzel; Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(13):330. Anaphothrips Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1( 1 ) : 96 . Anaphothrips Uzel; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):78, 94, 101. Anaphothrips Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 123, 124, 128, 162. [Described; European USSR species monographed with key]. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:35,37,48. [Described; key to European species]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:855, 859. [Key to species from European part of USSR]. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:212, 260, 261, 262, 263. [Described; key to subgenera and allied genera. Egyptian species monographed and keyed]. Anaphorthrip s [Sic!] Uzel; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 200. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):9, 11, 16. [Key to species from Central Europe]. Anaphothrip s Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):99. Anaphothrip s Uzel; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:74. Anaphothrips Uzel; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:21, 62. Anaphothrips Uzel; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:22. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):274, 275. [Described; Illinois species monographed]. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:28, fig. 3. Anaphothrips Uzel; zur strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 18, 42. Anaphothrips Uzel; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:28,75,88,89, 125. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.) 17(3):450, 451. Type-species: A. virgo Uzel = Thrips obscura Miiller, 1776. Zool. Dan. Prodom., p. 96, (Europe); designated from six species by Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1):36. Anaphothrip s subgenus AGALMOTHRIPS Priesner, 1964. Agalmothrips Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. nom. nud. Anaphothrips subg. Agalmothrips Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:213,262,264. Type-species: Anaphothrips parviceps Priesner, (Egypte); designated and monobasic. Anaphothrips (Agalmothrips) parviceps Priesner, 1964. ?. Anaphothrips (Agalmothrip s) parviceps Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:265. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. 524 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: EGYPT: Gebel Elba. Type locality: EGYPT: Gebel Elba. Habitat: Compositae. Anaphothrip s subgenus ANAPHOTHRIPS Uzel, 1895. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):242. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:14. [ Anaphothrips ] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [ Anaphothrips ] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:181, 183. [European species monographed]. [Anaphothrip s\ subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleurop. , 4(8):8. [Anaphothrip s\ subgen. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. [Anaphothrip s\ subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3): 850. [Anaphothrip s\ subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:51. [Key to Danish species]. [Anaphothrip s subgen. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Shumsher, 1942 = Anaphothrip s subgen. N eophysopus Schmutz]. Anaphothrip s subgen. Pseudoarticulella Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent. , 4(2): 1 12, 123. [Type-species: Anaphothrips ( Pseudoarticulella ) obscurus (Muller) ]. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 33. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Zimmermann, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:402,404. [Anaphothrips Uzel; Morison, 1948 = Anaphothrip s subgen. N eophysopus Schmutz]. Pseudoarticulella Shumsher Singh; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp.42, 46,51. Pseudoarticulella Shumsher Singh; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. Pseudoarticulella Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:145. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv. , 4(5): 160. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:49. [Key to European species]. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:859. Anaphothrip s subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert. Egypte, (1960)13:212, 262, 266. [Egyptian species monographed]. Anaphothrip s subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 16. [Key to Central Eurgpean species]. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Anaphothrips Uzel; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):276. 525 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Anaphothrip s subgen.] Anaphothrip s Uzel; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:28. Type-species: Same as for Genus. [All species not referred to their respective subgenera have been included here, although many may belong to other sub-genera]. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) addendus Savenko, 1944. ft Anaphothrips addendus Savenko, 1944. Soob. Akad. Nauk. GSSR., 5(10): 1004, 1010. ft Anaphothrips addendus; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR., 7:21. Anaphothrip s addendus Savenko; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 163, 165. ft Anaphothrip s addendus Savenko; Djadetshko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):556. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: USSR: GEORGIA: Tbilisi; ARMENIA: Kirovakan; UKRAINE: Kilija. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Euphorbia segneriana . Anaphothrips africanus Moulton = Synaptothrips africanus (Moulton). Anaphothrips albus Jones = Scirtothrips albus (Jones). Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) amoenus Hood, 1940. ft Anaphothrips amoenus Hood, 1940. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, ll(l-2):555. ft Anaphothrips amoenus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 19. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: St. Lawrence Co., New York. Type locality: U.S. A.: near Wanakena, St. Lawrence County, New York. Habitat: Grass. Anaphothrip s andreae Karny - Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood. Anaphothrips angustipennis Reuter = Dendrothrips saltator Uzel. Anaphothrips antilope Priesner = Ascirtothrips (Antilopothrips) antilope (Priesner). Anaphothrips apteris (Daniel) = Apterothrips secticornis (Trybom). Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) arcanus Priesner, 1929. ft Anaphothrips arcanus Priesner, 1929. Andr£e Bernstein-Forsch., 1:120,121. ft Location of type: Fritsch collection, No. 61. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Anaphothrip s arizonensis Morgan = Baileyothrips arizonensis (Morgan). Anaphothrip s armatus Uzel = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) armatus Uzel. Anaphothrip s articulosus Priesner = Hemianaphothrips articulosus (Priesner). 526 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Physapus ater De Geer= Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom). Anaphothrip s atroapterus Priesner = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) atroapterus Priesner. Anaphothrips aureus Moulton = Chaetanaphothrips aureus (Moulton). Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) badius (Williams, 1913). Euthrips badius Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):221, 224, fig. 1. Euthrips ( Anaphothrips ) badius Williams; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):234. Euthrips badius Williams; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12): 358. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Priesner, 1920. Jahresb. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:53. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Priesner, 1921. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)130(6-7): 215. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(4-5): 177. Anaphothrips badius var. pectens Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:57. [Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrip s)} badius (Williams); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrips ) badius\ var. pectens Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):145. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:181,188. 9*. Anaphothrips badius var. pectens Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:189. Anaphothrip s badius (Williams); Maltbaek, 1928. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1928:11. A Anaphothrip s] badius (Williams); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 172. A.[naphothrip s\ badius (Williams); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 32. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):90. A.[naphothrip s\ badius (Williams); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:51,53. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:157, 183, 186, 210, fig. 13. [Anaphothrip s ( Anaphothrips )] badius (Williams); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. [Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrips ) badius ] v. pectens Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. P .[seudo articulella] badius (Williams); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 51, 52. ?. [Pseudo articulella] badius (Williams); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 174, 179, 182. Pseudo articulella badius (Williams); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon, 1951-56:21. Anaphothrip s badius (Williams); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin, (1957) (C) 12(8): 1 17, 120, 123, 129. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skjodowska Lublin, (1957) (C) 12(9): 137, fig. 5. 527 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Euthrips badius; Williams, 1961. Entomol., 94:129. [Anaphothrip s] (s.str.) badius (Williams); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierweld, 2:406. Anaphothrip s badius (Williams); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin, (1959) (C) 14(3): 55. [Anaphothrip s] badius (Williams); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. [Anaphothrip s\ badius (Williams); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:49. Anaphothrip s badius (Williams); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1):62. Anaphothrip s badius (Williams); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 163, 167. ¥,< [Anaphothrip s ( Anaphothrips )] badius (Williams); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt. Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 16. Anaphothrips badius (Williams); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr. , 45(3): 556. Anaphothrip s badius (Williams); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11: 19. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of pectens: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: England; Austria; Denmark; Switzerland; Germany; Estonia; Poland; Siberia; Ukraine. Type locality: ENGLAND: Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire; of pectens : ENGLAND: Weston-on-the-Green, Oxford. Habitat: Carex; grass; Phragmites communis; oat seedlings. Anaphothrips bicinctus Hood = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) bicinctus Hood. Anaphothrip s bicolor Morgan = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sudanensis (Trybom). Anaphothrip s bicolor Moulton = Anaphothrips (Proscirtothrips) enceliae Moulton. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) cameroni (Bagnall, 1919). 9,^ Euthrips cameroni Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:271. 9,°? Euthrips cameroni Bagnall; Gibson & Criddle, 1920. 50th ann. Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1919:133. Anaphothrips cameroni (Bagnall); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:45,46. Anaphothrip s (Euthrips) cameroni (Bagnall); Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):84. [ Anaphothrips ] cameroni ( Bagnall); Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 11(3):43. Anaphothrip s ripicola Hood, 1940. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, ll(l-2):553. 9,^ [ Anaphothrips ] ripicola Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 49(1): 19. Anaphothrips cameroni (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl.* 11:20. Anaphothrip s ( Anaphothrips ) cameroni (Bagnall); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 276, 277. 9,^! Anaphothrips cameroni (Bagnall); Homing, 1969. Ent. News, 80(12):326, fig. 3. A.[naphothrip s] cameroni (Bagnall); Peterson & Vea, 1971. Journ. econ. Ent., 64(1):249. 528 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of ripicola: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: CANADA: east to Saskachuan; U.S. A.: New York; Illinois; Alaska; Minnesota; North Dakota. Type locality: CANADA: Semans, Saskachuan; of ripicola: U.S. A.: near Wanakena, St. Lawrence County, New York. Habitat: Wheat stems; grass; prairie grass. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) carlylei Girault, 1928. An.[aphothrip s\ carlylei Girault, 1928. Prodig. Disc. Wild Animals. p.fl’J. [sex not stated]. Anaphothrip s carlylei Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 22. Anaphothrips carlylei Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.) 7:169. Location of type: Queensland Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Norman Park, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Norman Park, Queensland. Habitat: Dianella coerulea. Anaphothrip s catawba Hood = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) catawba Hood. Anaphothrip s cecile Girault = Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) obscurus (Muller). Anaphothrips cingulatus Karny = Scirtothrips cingulatus (Karny). Luthrips citricinctus Bagnall = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sudanensis (Try bom). Anaphothrips corbetti Priesner = Dichromothrips corbetti (Priesner). Anaphothrips crassicornis Moulton = Pseudothrips inequalis (Beach). Anaphothrip s crawfordi (Priesner) = Anaphothrips (Proscirtothrips) longipennis Crawford. Anaphothrip s cuthbertsoni Moulton = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) curthbertsoni Moulton. Anaphothrips aebilis Bagnall = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) gracilimus Priesner. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) decolor Hood, 1925. ?. Anaphothrips decolor Hood, 1925. Ent. News, 36:101. £. [ Anaphothrips ] dicolor [Sid] Hood; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 11(3):42. [Anaphothrips] decolor Hood) Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Colorado. Type locality: U.S. A.: Colorado. Habitat: Unknown. 529 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrip s deformans Karny = Chaetanaphothrips deformans (Karny). Anaphothrips discrepans Bagnall = Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrips) obscurus (Muller). Anaphothrip s dorsalis (Hood) = Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood. Anaphothrips enceliae Moulton = Anaphothrips (Odontanaphothrips) enceliae Moulton. Anaphothrips euphorbiae Uzel = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) euphorbiae Uzel. Anaphothrips euryae (Karny) = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) euryae (Karny). Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) eversi zur Strassen, 1965. ?. Anaphothrips eversi zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6): 25. ?. Anaphothrips eversi; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):42, 68. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum. Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS, FUERTEVENTURA: Puerto del Rosario; Matorral; Morro del Jable/Jandia. Type locality: CANARY ISLANDS: Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura. Habitat: Traganum moquini; Suaeda fruticosa. Anaphothrips fasciatus Moulton = Chaetanaphothrips fasciatus (Moulton). Anaphothrip s ferrugineus Uzel = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) ferrugineus Uzel. Anaphothrips figuratus zur Strassen = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) figuratus zur Strassen. Anaphothrips flavicinctus Karny = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sudanensis (Trybom). Anaphothrip s flavidus Hood = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) flavidus Hood. Anaphothrips floralis Karny = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) floralis Karny. Anaphothrip s fungivora Ramakrishna = Euphysothrips fungivora (Ramakrishna). Anaphothrips gracilimus Priesner = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) gracilimus Priesner. Anaphothrips graminum Priesner = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) graminum Priesner. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) grandioculus (Watson, 1921). ?. Euthrips grandioculus Watson, 1921. Florida Ent. , 4(3):36. ?. Anaphothrip s grandioculus (Watson); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:45,46. Anaphothrips grandioculus (Watson); Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):21. [Anaphothrip s\ grandioculus (Watson); Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 11(3):42. 530 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Euthrips grandioculus Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3): 22. Location of type: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: U.S.A.: Moore Haven, Florida. Type locality: U.S.A.: Moore Haven, Florida. Habitat: Grass. Anaphothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu) = Exothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu). Anaphothrips hesperus Moulton = Anaphothrips (Proscirtothrips) zeae Moulton. Anaphothrips ineptus (Ahlberg) = Apterothrips secticornis (Try bom). Anaphothrips innoxius (Karny) = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) innoxius (Karny). Anaphothrips involvens (Karny) = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) involvens (Karny). Anaphothrips johni Bagnall = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) gracilimus Priesner. Anaphothrips keatsi Girault = Heterothrips keatsi Girault. Anaphothrips kisselevi Djadetshko, 1962. Anaphothrips kisselevi Djadetshko, 1962. A.[naphothrip s] kisselevi; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p.163. Location of type: Unknown to author. Distribution: USSR: Type locality: USSR: Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) latis Bhatti, 1967. 9. Anaphothrip s latis Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 15. 9. Anaphothrips latis Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:125. Location of type: ? Bhatti collection. Distribution: INDIA: Malabar Hill, Bombay. Type locality: INDIA: Malabar Hill, Bombay. Habitat: Grass. Anaphothrips launaeae zur Strassen = Hemianaphothrips dubius (Priesner). Euthrips leeuweni Karny = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) leeuweni (Karny). Anaphothrip s limbatus Hood = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) limbatus Hood. i Anaphothrip s litoralis Reuter part = Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); part = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) ferrugineus Uzel. Anaphothrip s loennbergi Try bom = Scirtothrips loennbergi (Trybom). Anaphothrip s longipennis Crawford = Anaphothrips (Proscirtothrips) zeae (Moulton). 531 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrips) lundbecki Richter, 1928. ?. Anaphothrips lundbecki Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):850. ?. Anaphothrip s lundbecki Richter; Maltbaek, 1938. Zool. Iceland, 3(40):5. Location of type: Unknown to author. Distribution: Western Greenland. Type locality: GREENLAND: Kagiarsuk, Igaliko-Fjord. Habitat: Unknown. Ana'phothri'p s maculatus Hukkinen = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) gracilimus Priesner. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) magniceps Priesner, 1929. ?. Anaphothrips magniceps Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:120, 122.?. Location of type: Fritsch collection. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) marginemtorquens (Karny, 1914). 9. Euthrips marginemtorquens Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):357, 362. 9. Euthrips marginemtorquens Karny; Karny & Doctors v. Leeuwen-Reijvaan, 1916. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 12:195,199. Anaphothrips marginemtorquens (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl. ):62. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: JAVA: Getasan bei Salatiga. Type locality: JAVA: Getasan bei Salatiga. Habitat: Curled leaves of Elato stemma se squifolium, Anaphothrips medioflavus (Schmutz) = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sudanensis. Anaphothrip s minutus Moulton = Baileyothrips arizonensis (Morgan). Anaphothrip s mohelensis Pelikan = Anaphothrips (Thermothrips) mohelensis Pelikan. Anaphothrip s monotropae Watson = Pseudothrips monotropae (Watson). Anaphothrips nanus Hood = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) nanus Hood. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) newmani Moulton, 1935. 9,^. Anaphothrips newmani Moulton; Newman, 1935. Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Australia, 21:96. nom. nud. Anaphothrips newmani Moulton, 1935. Journ. Roy. Soc. W. Australia, 21:99. [ Anaphothrips ] (Anaphothrips) newmani Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 1 19. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Claremont. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Claremont. Habitat: Acacid sp. 532 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) nigriventris Priesner, 1966. ?. Anaphothrips (Anaphothr ip s ') nigriventris Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5): 68. 9. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: TURKEY: Camliyala. Type locality: TURKEY: Camliyala. Habitat: Umbeliferae. Anaphothrips nubicus Karny = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) nubicus Karny. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) obscurus (Muller, 1776). Th.[rips\ obscura Muller, 1776. Zool. Danicae Prod. Anim., p.96. [Thrips\ obscura Muller; Goeze, 1778. Ent. Beytrage, 2:351. [Thrips] obscura Muller, Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 13, 1(4):2223. [Thrips] obscura Muller; Stephens, 1829. Syst. Catal. British Ins., p.363. Thr.[ips] obscura Muller; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:447. £. Thr.[ips ] obscura Muller; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):415. Thrips obscura Muller; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. P .[hysapus] obscurus (Muller); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 643. Thrips obscura Muller; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):217. Thrips obscura Muller; Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1107, PI. VI, fig. 8; PI. VII, fig. 26. ?. Limothrip s poaphagus Comstock, 1875. Syllabus of Courses of Lectures at Cornell, Ithaca, p. 120. E.[uthrips ] obscura (Muller); Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric., Roma, 34:133. Limothrips poaghagus Comstock; Lintner, 1882. Rep. New York agr. Soc., 1881-82. T.[hrips\ obscura Muller; Pergande, 1882. Entomol., 15:95. Thrips striata Osborn, 1883. Canadian Ent., 15(8):155. ?. Limothrip s poaphagus Comstock; Fernald, 1885. Grasses of Maine, p. 42. Limothrip s poaphagus Comstock; Lintner, 1887. 3rd Rep. Ins. New York, pp. 96-98. Thrips o b scura Muller; Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 47(4):568, 599, 600. Limothrip s poaphagus; Comstock, 1888. Introd. to Ent., p. 127. Limothrips poaphagus; Comstock, 1888. American Nat., 22(1):261. Thrips striatus Osborn; Packard, 1888. Ent. for Beginners, p.73. Thrips striatus Osborn; Fletcher, 1888. Ent. Amer., 4:152. Thrips striatus Osborn; Howard, 1888. Ent. Amer., 4:152. Limothrips poaphagus Comstock; Osborn, 1888. Ins. Life, 1(5):141. [ Thrips striata; Osborn, 1888 = Thrips tabaci Lindeman]. Thrips striatus Osborn; Packard, 1888. Stand, nat. Hist. 2nd Ed., .2, append. Thrips striatus Osborn; Fletcher, 1888. 19th Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, p. 11. Thrips striatus Osborn; Fletcher, 1888. Ann. Rep. Exp. Farms, pp. 59-62. Limothrip s poaphagus Comstock; Lintner, 1888. Rep. New York agr. Soc., 1888. Phloeothrips poaphagus (Comstock); Fletcher, 1889. 20th Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, pp. 2, 22. Phloeothrips poaphagus (Comstock); Brodie, 1889. 20th Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, p.8. 533 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST,) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Limothrips poaphagus Comstock; Lintner, 1889. 5th Rep. New York State Ent., pp. 153,304. Physopus obscurus (Muller); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent, Canada, 3:332. Limothrips poaphagus Comstock; Osborn, 1891. Canadian Ent., 23:93, 96. Limothrips poaphagus Comstock; Fletcher, 1892. Ann. Rep. Exp. Farms, p. 3. Limothrips poaphagus; Comstock, 1895. Man. Study Ins., p. 120. Anaphothrips virgo Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 35, 52, 148. PI. II, fig. 11; PI. VI, figs. 75-77. ?. Thrips striata Osborn; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 220. Limothrip s poaphagus Comstock; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p.279. Thrips obscura Muller; Trybom, 1896. Ent. Tidskr., 17(2):88. Thrips striata Osborn; Hopkins-Rumsey, 1896. Bull. W. Virginia agr. Exp. Sta., 44:270,271. Thrips striata Osborn; Smith, 1896. Econ. Ent., p. 102. Thrips obscura Haliday [Sic!]; Trybom, 1896. Ofv. K. vetensk.-Akad. Forh., 53(8):618. [larva and pupa]. Thrips (Euthrips) striata O.sborn; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:219, 223. Thrips obscura Haliday; Trybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:222,225,227, 228. Anaphothrips virgo Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abh. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):472. Thrips striata Osborn; Putnam, 1898. N.E. Farmer. Physapus obscurus (Muller); Jablonowski, 1899. Faun. Regn. Hung., p. 18. Anaphothrips obscura Haliday; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):42, 43. Anaphothrip s striata (Osborn); Hinds, 1899. 37th Ann. Rep. Massachusetts Agr. Coll., 1899:81-105, 4 pis., 33 figs. Anaphothrips striata (Osborn); Fernald & Hinds, 1900. Bull. Hatch. Exp. Sta., Massachusetts agr. Coll., 67:1-9, figs. 1-6. Anaphothrips virgo Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:630,644. ?. An.[aphothrip s] virgo Uzel; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 290. ?. Anaphothrips obscura (Haliday); Reuter, 1902. Landbr. Meddel., 39:58. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:161, PI. V, figs. 49-51. ?. [described plus life history]. Anaphothrip s striatus (Osborn); Comstock, 1902. Tropenflanzen, 6:286. Anaphothrip s obscura (Haliday); Reuter, 1902. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr., 12(6):337. Anaph.[o thrips] striata (Osborn); Reuter, 1902. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr., 12(6):337 (footnote). Anaphothrips striata (Osborn); Carv, 1902. Bull. Maine agr. Exp. Sta., 83:97-128, Pis. I- VII. ?, . Larva, pupa. A Anaphothrip s] virgo Uzel; Schille, 1904. Sprawozd. kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 12. Anaphothrips virgo Uzel; Buffa, 1907. Proc. Soc. Tosc. Sc. nat., AnaphothrXips] striatus (Osborn); Reh, 1909. in Sorauer Handb. Pflanzenkr. 3rd Ed., 3:226. Anaphothrip s striatus (Osborn); Shull, 1909. Ent. News, 20(5):224. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Bagnall, 1911. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, (1910) 54:461. [Synonymy]. A. [napho thrips} obscurus (Muller); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. 534 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrip s striatus (Osborn); Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:16, 28. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Shull, 1911. Publ. Michigan geol. biol. Surv., 4:184,187,206,210. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Hewitt, 1911. Annual Rep. exp. Farms 1910-11, Otawa, pp. 226-227 . Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l): 14. Anaphothrips virgo Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(45):237. (sep. p. 16). Euthrips obscurus (Muller); Kamy, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:333. Thrips striata Osborn; Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:334. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Hewitt, 1912. 42nd ann. Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1911:63-65, fig. 29. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:42. Euthrips (Anaphothrip s) obscurus (Muller); Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):220, 223. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Hewitt, 1913. Annual Rep. exp. Farms 1911-12, Ottawa, p. 178. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Shull, 1914. American Nat., 48(567):163, 165, 168, 172, 173, 176. Partim. [*]. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Shull, 1914. American Nat., 48(568):239, 240, 241, 243,245,246. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn): Hewitt, 1914. Journ. econ. Ent., 7(2): 21 1-218, PI. 7, textfig. 19. Euthrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 189. Euthrips obscurus (Muller); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):358. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Peterson, 1915. Ann. ent. Soc. America 8(1):24. [mouth parts]. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Hewitt, 1915. Rep. Div. Ent. Year end. March 1914 Dorn. Canada Dep. Agr. Dorn. exp. Farm, p. 864. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Borden, 1915. Journ. econ. Ent., 8(3):354, 355. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Hood, 1917. Insec, Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):58. Euthrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-bkon. Ges. Konigsberg (1916)57:52. Euthrips obscurus (Muller); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidsckr., 38(1):49. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 121. Anaphothrips obscurus (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(9):89. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Froggatt, 1920. Agr. Gaz. New South Wales, 31:502-506, figs. 1-7. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Britton, 1920. Ins. Connecticut, Bull. Connecticut State Geol. nat. Hist. Surv., 31:44. Anaphothrips obsurus [Sic!] (Muller); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:53. [Anaphothrips obsurus [£^c/]] f. hemimacroptera Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. Oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:53. 535 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrip s obscurus (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:171. Anaphothrips obscurus (Haliday); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver Wien, 6(6): 28. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutsch- lands, 2(29): 5, 6, 8, 9. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1923. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)132(1-3): 14, fig. 5. [larva II]. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:45, 46. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):84. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. [ Anaphothrip s ] obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. Anaphothrips angustipennis Reuter; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1): 22. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):22. [Anaphothrip s ( Anaphothrip s)] obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [Anaphothrip s (Anaphothrips) obscurus ] f. collaris Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. nom. nud. [Anaphothrip s\ obscurus (Muller); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr. , 46:156. A.(naphothrip s\ obscurus (Miiller); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):265. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:181, 183, 186. 9,^, larva, pupa. Anaphothrips obscurus f. collaris Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:185. ?. Anaphothrips obscurus f. grisea Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:185.' ?. A.[naphothrip s] obscurus (Muller); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:33. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Essig, 1926. Ins. North America, p. 188. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Tillyard, 1926. Ins. Australia & New Zealand, p. 139. [ Anaphothrips ] obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierw. Mitteleur., 4(8):8. A.[naphothrips\ obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:466 [larva]. [Anaphothrips] obscurus (Muller); Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 11(3):42. [Anaphothrip s] obscurus f. brachyptera Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. [Anaphothrip s] obscurus f. macroptera Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111, IV. A.[naphothrip s] obscurus (Muller); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:68. A.[naphothrips] obscurus (Muller); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 172. An.[aphothrips\ cecili Girault, 1928. Prodig. Disc. Wild Animals, p. [ 1 ]• Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Priesner, 1928. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 56:65. [Anaphothrip s\ ( Anaphothrip s) obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. 536 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) obscurus\ f. collaris; Pries ner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. A.[naphothrip s\ obscurus (Muller); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins USSR., p. 32, fig. 17. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 1 6(7) : 371. [Anaphothrip s obscurus ] f. collaris Priesner; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):371. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Knechtel, 1929. Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad. Roumaine, 12(3):2. Limothrip s poephagus [Sic!] Hinds; Handlirsch, 1930. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool., 4( 1) : 77 9 , fig. 823. [Anaphothrip s] obscurus (Muller); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma: Fauna Nederland, 5:55. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):90. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Hukkinen, 1932. Notul. Ent., 12:22, 24,25. A.[naphothrips\ obscurus (Muller); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:51,52, figs. 28-29. ?,* [Anaphothrip s obscurus\ f. collaris Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:53. Anaphothrip s discrepans Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)11:651. ¥. A.[naphothrip s ] obscurus (Muller); Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)11:652. Anaphothrip s striata (Osborn); Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2):185, 190. [anatomy]. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 21. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 21. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 117. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6:141,144,149. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:37. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hybnteist. Aikak, , 1(3):88, 93. [Anaphothrips obscurus ] f. collaris Priesner; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyon eh t Aikak., 1(3):88,93. Anaphothrips discrepans Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:316. Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:316. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Felt & Chamberlain, 1935. Circ. New York State Mus., 17:12. Limothrips poephagus [Sid] Comstock; Lameere, 1935. Precis de Zoologie, 4:368, fig. 398. A Anaphothrips] obscurus (Muller); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. 537 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrips o bscurus (Muller); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3): 228. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:96. Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2):7. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1-2):91. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:208. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Everly, 1938. Ohio Journ. Sci., 38(6): 315. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, 346:70. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, 346:72. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:90. Anaphothrips striatus (Osborn); Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(2):93. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1941. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 8(11:51. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:157, 183, 185, 186, 189, 191, 210, fig. 40. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(11):560, 582, 600, figs. 22, 45e. [larva]. Anap ho thr ip s obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beih., 9:116, fig. 7. [ Anaphothrips obscurus] f. collaris Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beih. ,9:117. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. [Anaphothrip s obscurus] f. collaris Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen. Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen. Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4):238. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):96. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3): 254. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Dudich et at, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Miiller); Oettingen; 1944. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 11(1):7. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 282. [Anaphothrip s (Anaphothrips)] obscurus (Muller); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:670. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:10. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):92, PI. XII, fig. 211. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6):382. 538 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrips obscurus f. brachyptera subf. collaris Priesner; Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. Sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6):383. Thrips striata Osborn; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):47. Anaphothrips (Anap ho thrip s) ob scums (Muller); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:404. P .[seudoarticulella] obscurus (Muller); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 51. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):7Q1, 702. Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Bailey & Knowlton. 1949t Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 5 1(5): 231. [ Pseudoarticulella ] obscurus (Muller); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. A .[nap ho thrip s] obscurus (Muller); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):398. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Janssens, 1950. Manuel du Chasseur d’Insectes ed. 2, p. 15, fig. 19. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Kurosawa, 1950. Icon. Ins. Japon., p. 173, fig. 438. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Sborn. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 11:346. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):53. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):157, 163, 166, 170,171,182. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):96,98, fig. 64. 9*. Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Tanaka, 1951. Oyo-kontyu, 7(3): 130. [ Anaphothrips ] obscurus (Muller); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):597. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:23, fig. 14. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Evans, 1952. Injurious Ins. British Common- wealth, p. 72. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 140. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):75. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31:266. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):299, 309. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 160, 161, PI. 21, fig. 37. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 112(1):271. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvfl Kli£ Zvireny CSR., 2:18, figs. 48, 54. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):492, fig. 14. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska Lublin, (1957) (C)12(8): 1 17, 118, 120, 123, 125, 127, 129. 539 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anapho thrip s obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin, (1956) (C)ll(7): 185, 191, 193, 197, 200, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 214, 218, 221. Anapho thrip s obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfodowska Lublin, (1958) (C)13(7): 129. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Mantel, 1960. Ent. Bericht., 20(5): 100. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238, 240, 243. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska & Litwin, 1960. Polskie Pismo Ent., (B)10(l-2):64, 65, 67. [as Aeolothrips obscurus on p . 64]. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):362, 366, figs. CLXXI, CLXXII. ¥,<3', larva, pupa. [ Anaphothrips ] cecili Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7 : 169. [ Anaphothrips ] striatus (Osborn); De Santis, 1961, Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 169. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 142. A. \naphothrip s\ obscurus (Muller); Lewis, 1961, Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):90. [ Anapho thrip s] (s. str.) onscurus (Muller); Frans & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:407. Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller) f. macroptera Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):579, 585, 591. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skjodowska Lublin, (1959) (C)14(3):55, 58, 61. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Holtmann, 1962. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 51(1):7, 10. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol. 50(2): 303. Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 106. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(17):9. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Franssen’& Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 12. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:32, PI. IX, fig. 4. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 255. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1): 96. [ Anaphothrip s] discrepans Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:49. [ Anaphothrips \ obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:49,119, PI. V, fig. 8; textfig. 52. [ Anaphothrips obscurus] f. collaris ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:49. 540 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1):62. Ana'phothri'ps obscurus (Muller); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 128, 163, 167. 9* Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4):157. Anaphothrips obscurus (Miiller); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. A.[naphothrip s] obscurus (Muller); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:859, fig. 341(3). Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte (1960)13:263, 266. 9,^ larva, pupa. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl. 54(3):42. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); zur Strassen, 1965. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal, 19(80):51. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):152. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:16,30, 196. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. A.[naphorthrip s Sic!] obscurus (Muller); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):200. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Morison &> Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29, 30, 33, 35, 36. [as Anaplothrip s obscurus on p. 36]. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59 (3): 7 33. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin, (1965) (C)20(3):28. [ Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips)] obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 16, fig. 33. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):556. A Anaphothrips] obscurus (Muller); zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2): 100. A Anaphothrip s] obscurus (Muller); Watts & Bellotti, 1967. Journ. econ. Ent., 60(4):962. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31-43. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin, (1966) (C)21(4): 55. Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrips ) obscurus (Muller); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:75, 120. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:22, 62, 67, 68, 70, 75, PI. IV, fig. 33. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus., (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:20. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) obscurus (Miiller); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 239, 277, 278, figs. 72, 99. 9. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. ed. 2,4(2)2/19:24,28. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):976. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Koppa, 1969. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 35(2):67, fig. 2. 541 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 42, 43, 68. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.) 21(2): 133. Anaphothrip s obscurus (Muller); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 11(2):52, 83, 84, 85, 86. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim.nocent.) 8(33): 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Graves & Graves, 1970. Ann. ent. Soc. America 63(1):97. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 51(5-6): 370. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Zawirska, 1970. Biul. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 47:307,310,312,313. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(3):450, 459. Anaphothrips obscurus (Muller); Peterson & Vea, 1971. Journ. econ. Ent., 64(1): 249. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of Limothrips poaphagus: unknown, probably lost; of striata : unknown to writer; of virgo: ? Vienna; of collaris & grisea: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of cecili: ? Queensland Museum; of discrepans : British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Denmark; Great Britain; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Finland. Italy; Poland; Austria; Sweden; Albania; Russia; Serbia; Sardinia; Hungary; Rumania; Holland; Siberia; France; Switzerland; Lithuania; Albania; Estonia; Yugoslavia; Azores; Egypt; Southern Morocco; Transcaucasia. AUSTRALIA: New South Wales; Victoria. NEW ZEALAND. CANADA: Nova Scotia to British Columbia. U.S.A.: Arizona; California; Connecticut; Idaho; Illinois; Idiana; Iowa; Kansas; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Montana; Nebraska; New Jersey; New York; North Carolina; New Mexico; North Dakota; Ohio; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Tennessee; Utah; Virginia; West Virginia; Hawaiian Islands. JAPAN. Type locality: Denmark; of Limothrips poaphagus : U.S.A.: not stated; of striata : U.S.A.: Ames, Iowa; of virgo: BOHEMIA: not stated; of collaris: AUSTRIA: not stated; of grisea: not stated; of cecili: AUSTRALIA: not stated; of discrepans: FRANCE: Arcachon, mouth of the Teste. Habitat: Various grasses e.g. Poa spp., Agrostis spp., Festuca spp., Panicum spp., Phleum sp., Elymus spp., Bromus spp., Avena spp., Agropyrum sp., Arrhenatherum sp., Lolium sp. and Hordeum sp.,; Various cereals as wheat, rye, barley. Also on various other plants but primarily a Graminaceous species. Anaphothrips oligochaetus Karny = Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood. 542 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrip s omissus Priesner = Anaphothrips (Dictyothrips) betae (Uzel). Anaphothrips orchidaceus Bagnall = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) orchidaceus Bagnall. Anaphothrips orchidearum Bondar = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) orchidaceus orchidearum Bondar. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton) = Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton). Anaphothrips pannonicus Priesner = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) pannonicus Priesner. Anaphothrips piercei Moulton = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) piercei Moulton. Anaphothrips plynopygus Karny = Sericothrips plynopygus (Karny). Anaphothrips pomeroyi (Moulton) = Chilothrips pomeroyi (Moulton). Anaphothrips priesneri Moulton = Psilothrips priesneri (Moulton). Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) quinqueguttatus Girault, 1927. Anaphothrips 5-guttatus Girault, 1927. Some new Wild Animals from Queensland, p.[2]. [sex not stated]. Anaphothrip s quinque- guttatus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.21. [Anaphothrip s\ 5-guttatus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. )7 : 169. Location of type: ? Queensland Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Gympie, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Gympie, Queensland. Habitat: Jungle. Anaphothrip s ramakrishnai Karny = Taeniothrips traegardhi (Try bom). Anaphothrips regalis Girault = Hemianaphothrips tersus (Morison). Anaphothrips retamae Priesner = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) retamae Priesner. Anaphothrip s reticulatus Moulton = Prosopoanaphothrips reticulatus (Moulton). Anaphothrip s ripicola Hood = Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) cameroni (Bagnall). Anaphothrips ruthveni (Shull) - Scirtothrips ruthveni Shull. Anaphothrips sacchari Moulton = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sacchari Moulton. Anaphothrips sacchari (Shumsher) = Dantabahuthrips sacchari (Shumsher Singh). Anaphothrip s sakimurai Ananthakrishnan = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sakimurai Ananthakrishnan. 543 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrips) sandersoni Stannard, 1957. 9,^. Anaphothrips striatus ( Osborn); Shull, 1914. American Nat., 48(567): 168. . Partim. Anaphothrips ( Anaphothrips ) sandersoni Stannard, 1957. Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci., (1956)49:172, fig. 1. Anaphothrip s (Anaphothrips) sandersoni; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):237, 277, 279, 280, figs. 43, frontispiece. 9,^. Location of type: Illinois Natural History Survey. Distribution: U.S.A.: Illinois; Kansas. Type locality: U.S.A.: Kinmundy, Marion Co., Illinois. Habitat: Polygonum; Andropogon; Spartina; grasses; willows. Anaphothrips secticornis Trybom = Apterothrips secticornis (Trybom). Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) sexguttus Girault,. 1928. Anaphothrips '' luttus Girault, 1928. Prodig. Discourse Wild Animals, p.[l]. [sex not stated]. Anaphothrips 6-guttatus [/Sic/] Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 22. [Anaphothrips] 6-guttus Girauit; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7 : 169. Location of type: ? Queensland Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Samsonvale, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Samsonvale, Queensland. Habitat: Forest. Anaphothrips shirabudinensis Yakhontov = Ascirtothrips ( Antilopothrips) shirabudinensis (Yakhontov). Anaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall) = Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall). Anaphothrips silvarum Priesner = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) silvarum Priesner. Anaphothrips similis Uzel = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) similis Uzel. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) spartina Hood, 1939. 9,^. Anaphothrips spartina Hood, 1939. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 10(3):562. [Anaphothrips] spartina Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 19. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Palacios, Texas. Type locality: U.S. A.: Palacios, Texas. Habitat: Spartina sp. Anaphothrips speciosus Hood = Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sudanensis Trybom. Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) stanfordii (Moulton, 1907). 9,S7c/] rufus (Gmelin); John, 1925 = Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom]. Aptenothrip s [Sic!] nitidulus (Haliday); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1): 22. [ Aptinothrip s ] rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. [Aptinothrips rufus] f. intermedia; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. [Aptinothrips] nitidulus (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. A.[ptinothrips] rufus var. connaticomis Uzel; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:867. [Aptinothrips] rufus (Gmelin); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. [Aptinothrip s mfus] f. connaticomis Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. A Aptinothrip s] rufus (Gmelin); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. , 4(1):266. [Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Hukkinen, 1925 = Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom]. U zeliella lubbocki Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:123 (footnote). Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:156, PI. Ill, fig. 38. ?/, larva, pupa. Apt.[inothrips] rufus f. intermedia; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:158. [sex not stated]. Aptinothrip s niti duties { Haliday); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, 1:156, 162. A Aptinothrip s] rufus (Gmelin); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:30. [Aptinothrips 'rufus] f. connati corni s Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insektfauna, 6: 19 (footnote), 31. 2,^* Aptinothrip s refits [Sic!] (Gmelin); Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:281. Aptinothrips nitidula (Haliday); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:644. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p. 185. [Aptinothrips] nitidulus (Haliday), Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt. Mitteieur., 4(8):8. [Aptinothrips] rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt. Mitteieur., 4(8):8. AAptinothrip s] rufus (Gmelin); Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:567. [Aptinothrip s] nitidulus (Haliday):, Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:567. [Aptinothrips] rufus (Gmelin); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent, Serb., 2:14. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111, IV, XI. A Aptinothrips] rufus (Gmelin); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem, Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:68. AAptinothrips] rufus (Gmelin); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. MeddeL, 16(3): 167. 600 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aptinothrip s nitidulus (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:708. 2, larva. Aptinothrips ruficornis var. connaticornis Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7): 267. \Aptinothrips\ rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3): 840, 850. [Aptinothrip s\ nitidulus (Haliday); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):850. Aptinothrip s nitidulus f. qroenlandica Richter, 1928. Fa^na Arctica, 5(3): 850. ?. Aptenothrips [Sic!] nitidulus (Haliday); John, 1928. Ann. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique, 68: 139. A.[ptenothrips] [Sic!] rufus rufus (Gmelin); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 29, fig. 14a. A.[ptenothrip s] [Sic!] rufus intermedius Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 30. A.[ptenothrip s] [Sid] nitidulus (Haliday); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 29. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Korting, 1928. Nachrichtenbl. Deutschen. Pflanzenschutz. , 2:14. Aptinothrips connaticornis Uzel; Radulesco, 1930. Rev. Path. veg. Ent. agr. 17(2): 27-28. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chil. Hist, nat., 34:274. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Pussard-Radulesco, 1930. Ann. Epiphyties, 16(3-4): 106, 112, 143, figs. 11-18. [biology and cytology]. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Korting, 1930. Zeitschr, angew. Ent., 16(3):480, 489, fig. 12. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Mallbaek, 1931. Ent. Meddel., 17:371. [Aptinothrip s] nitidulus (Haliday); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:49. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:49, 153, fig. 14. ?,d! Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Sharga, 1932. Parasitology, 24(2):268-279, fig. 23. [new parasite], A.[ptinothrip s] rufus (Gmelin); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:44,45, fig. 24B. ?,°! Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1932. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkrank. Pflanzenschutz., 42(6):277. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent, Rio de Janeiro, '3(1): 100. Aptenothrip s [Sic!] rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 184. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Sharga, 1933. Ann. appl. Biol., 2Q(2):317. [biology, life history]. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 185-202, Pl.X, figs. 1-3; Pl.Xil, figs. 1-3, 6, 7; Pl.XIV, figs. 1-3, 6, 7; PI. XV, figs. 1, 2; PI. XVI, fig.7; PI. XVII, figs. 1-4. [Anatomy]. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Cappelletto, 1934. Bull. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 108. ¥,t7. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Sharga, 1934. Current. Sci., 3(4): 161, fig. 1. pre-pupa. 601 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Sharga, 1935. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 37(4):964, Pis. I, II. [Teratology]. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):87, 91, fig. 3. Aptinothrip s nitidulus (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Speyer, 1935. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 83(4):486, 488, 489, 493, 496, 500, 501, 503, 505, 507, textfigs. 1-11, 12a, 13, 14c, 18-26, 29a; PI. XIV, figs. 1-3, 8, 9. Aptinothrip s nitidula (Haliday); Speyer, 1935. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 83(4):486, 487, 488. [syn. of rufus]. A.[ptinothrip s] rufus (Gmelin); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 165. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll, journ. Sci., 10(3):227. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Speyer, 1936. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A) ll(6-12): 120, fig. 1. larvae. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:93. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:45. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1-2): 92. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Speyer, 1937. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 6(5):89, 90, 91, fig. 1. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Maltbaek, 1937. Zool. Faroes, 2(1) (art. 35): 1-2. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):68. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Speyer, 1938. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)7(l): 1. larva. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Maltbaek, 1938. Zool. Iceland, 3(40): 2. Aptinothrip s nitidulus f. groenlandica Richter; Maltbaek, 1938. Zool. Iceland, 3(40):5. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:208. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1938. Ark. Zool., 30B(9):1. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina. Raleigh Div. Ent. North Carolina Dep. Agr., p. 55. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):70. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:91. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., (1938)22:119. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1939. Broteria, (Ser. trim. )8(3): 104. [Aptinothrips] rufus var. connaticorni s Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:26. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:153, 183, 185, 186, 188, 189, 210, figs. 7, 35. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(11):560, 582, 595, figs, le, 2d, 19, 45d. larva. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:112, fig. 6. Aptinothrips stylifer v ar. intermedia Priesner, Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., . ‘ 9:112. 602 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1 ): 36. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):96. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):254. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1944. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 1 1( 1): 7. Aptinothrip s rufus var. connaticornis Uzel; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):282. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 32. Aptinothrip s nitidulus (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:670. A.[ptinothrips\ rufus var. connaticornis Uzel; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:155. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:9. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):92, PI. XII, fig. 210. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR., 7:20. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:407. A.[ptinothrip s\ rufus (Gmelin); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 51. A .[p tino thrip s\ nitidulus (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 51. 9f* Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):701., 703. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 5 1(5): 231. [Aptinothrip s] rufus (Gmelin); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. [Aptinothrip s] nitidulus (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. A. [p tino thrip s\ rufus (Gmelin); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):393. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Pelikan, 1951. Prirody, 42(l-2):8, 10, 1 fig. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):47. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 156, 163, 166,^170, 171, 182. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Knechtel, 1951. Faun Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 83, figs. 51, 52. [ Aptinothrips ] rufus (Gmelin); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6): 588. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Melin, 1952. Redia, 37(append.):XIX. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:20, figs. 12, 13. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Sakimura, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):6. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 139. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Hartwig, 1954. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 17(1): 138 Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Titschack, 1955. Bombus, l(86-87):366. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):75. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold nat. Fid. CL, 31:266. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Melis, 1955. 40(append.):iv. 603 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Doull, 1956. New Zealand Journ. Sci. & Technol., (A)38(l ): 52 , 53 . Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):297, 308, PI. 40, fig. lb. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Smith, 1956. Ent. mon. Mag., 92:350. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 166, Pi. 21, figs. 33, 34. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:15, fig. 17. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):268. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:21 Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):479,491, fig. 13. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); De Santis, 1957. Rev. Facult. Agron., (3)33(2): 176. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):298. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfodowska Lublin, (1957) (C)12(8): 1 17, 118, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 128. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 14. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skjodowska Lublin, (1956) (C)l 1(7): 185, 191, 193, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 203, 207. Aptinothrips mfus (Gmelin); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skjodo wska Lublin, (1958) (C)13(7): 129. [Aptinothrip s] rufus (Gmelin); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):327. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3): 559. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Metis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):325, fig. CLXII. larva, pupa. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238, 240,243,244,245. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8):142. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):90. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):421, 422, 423. [Aptinothrips] rufus (Gmelin); f. typ. Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwel t. , 2:405. [Aptinothrips] rufus v. intermedins Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spjegel Landtierwelt., 2:405. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):585, 591. Ap tin# th rips rufus (Gmelin); Knechtel, 1961. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 1 1(1 1): 1327. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skjodowsk a Lublin, (1959) (C) 14(3): 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 68, 70. 604 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol., 50(2):299-306, textfig. 1. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 107. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Bournier, 1962. Biol.' Amdrique Australe, 1:234. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Qnderz., 68(17):9. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 12. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):371. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3): 281-317. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:32. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk^odowsk a Lublin, (1963) (C)18(6): 137. [ Afttinothrift s ] nitidulus (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. [Afttinothrift s\ rufus (Gmelin); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Healey, 1964. Entom., 97:258-263. [Afttinothrift s\ rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:46, fig. 49. [Afttinothrift s rufus\ f. nitidula (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:46. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Gromadska, 1964. Vie et Milieu, 15(3):690, Table 2. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR. , p. 151. Afttinothrifts nitidulus (Haliday); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 151, 152. ?. A.[ftithrift s\ intermedius Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 154, fig. 31. ?. Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Dierk. Dresden, 1964(4): 157, Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 94, 101. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Rev. roumaine Biol. Ser. Zooh, 9(5):355-363. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964, Stud, cercet. Biol. (Zool.)16(5):445, 446, 447. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Wetzel, 1964, Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. A.[ft tin o thrifts] rufus (Gmelin); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:858. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):42 Afttinothrifts rufus (Gmelin); Bailey & Campos-S, 1965. Pan-Pacific Ent., 41(2):1Q4. 605 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:279. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Pelikan, 1965. Beitr. Ent., 15(5-6):762. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); zur Strassen, 1965. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal, 19(80):51, 53. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 152. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Vappula, 1965. Acta. ent. Fennica, 19:30 (footnote), 196. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):200. A.[ptinothrip s] rufus var. connaticornis Uzel; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 200. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Morison & Tanasijevfc, 1966. Entom., 99:29,30,36. [Aptinothrip s\ rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 15, fig. 18. [Aptinothrips] rufus f. nitidula (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt. Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):15. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr. , 45(3): 555. Aptino thrip s nitidulus (Haliday); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):555. Aptinothrips (Apothrips) intermedius Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):555. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):68. A. [pt moth rip s] rufus (Gmelin): zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2): 100. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin, (1966) (C)21(4): 55. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:85, 120. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:23. Aptino thrip s rufus (Gmelin); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):281, figs. 73, 74, 100, 101. Partim. Aptino thrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. ed. 2, 4(2)2/19:5,23,24,28. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 6 1(4): 976. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1967) (C)22(8): 1 13. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):45, 69. Aptino thrip s rufus (Gmelin); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 11(2):83, 84, 85, 86. Aptino th rip s rufa (Gmelin); Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim. nocent.) 8(33): 1, 3, 4, 5. A .[p tino thrip s] rufus (Gmelin); Ananthakrishn an, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:13, 93, 94, 107, 126, fig. 7(11). Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin), Zawirska, 1970. Polskie Pismo Ent., 46(3):518, Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin), zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol.. 606 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Zawirska, 1970. Biul. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 47:308, 309,312,313. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(3):451, 452, 459, figs. 6-10. 9. Aptino thrips rufus (Gmelin); Heming, 1971. Canadian Journ. Zool., 49(1):91. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Peterson & Vea, 1971. Journ. econ. Ent., 64(1):249. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Heming, 1971. Canadian Journ. Zool., 4 9(1 ): 91 . Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); zur Strassen, 1971. Senckenbergiana biol., 52(3-5):252. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 3 0 (3 ) : 1 2 7 . Location of type: ? PI. in von Gleichen’s work; of nitidula: ? British Museum (Natural History); of connaticornis: ? Vienna Museum; of lubbocki: British Museum (Natural History); of intermedius : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of groenlandica: unknown to writer. Distribution: England; Scotland; Ireland; Russia; Finland; Sweden; Ukraine; Germany; Italy; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Denmark; Austria; Rumania; Yugoslavia; Albania; France; Serbia; Hungary; Holland; Switzerland; Lithuania; Georgian SSR; Cyprus; Turkey; Azores; Madeira; Canary Islands; Faroes; Iceland; Greenland; Illinois; Massachusetts; New York; New Jersey; North Carolina; Maryland; Virginia; Iowa; Indiana; Utah; Michigan; Nebraska; California; Washington; Argentina; Chile; Hawaiian Islands; New Zealand; India; Egypt; Morocco; South Africa; Colombia. Type locality: Europe; for nitidula: England; for connaticornis: not specified; for lubbocki: ENGLAND: Whitley Bay, Northumberland; lot intermedius: AUSTRIA: Linz; for groenlandica: WEST GREENLAND: Kagiarsuk, Igaliko-Fjord. Habitat: A predominantly Gramineae inhabiting species. aptinothrips stylifer Try bom, 1894. 9,^. Aptinothrips stylifera Trybom, 1894. Ent. Tidskr., 15(1):43, 44, 51, 52. Aptinothrip s rufa (Gmelin); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 35, 52, 152, PI. II, fig. 17; PI. VI, figs. 78, 79. ¥,< Aptinothrip s stylifera; Trybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:219. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):472. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Reuter, 1899, Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica, 17(2):41. Aptinothrip s rufa (Gmelin); E. Reuter, 1900. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica, 19:92-120. Ap.[tino thrips] rufa (Gmelin); Tumpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, pp, 284, 290. 9,^. Partim. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); E. Reuter, 1902. Landtbr. Meddel., 39:22-24,28,30, 32, 34-38, 40-42, 44-48, 58. Aptinothrip s rufa (Gmelin); Reuter, 1902. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkrank. , 12(6):331, 335, 337. 607 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:166, PI. V, figs. 52-53. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Schille, 1904. Spraw. kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. krakowie, 38: 12. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); E. Reuter, 1905. Landtbr. Meddel., 50:1. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Buffa, 1906. Atti. Acad. Veneto-trentinoistriana Padova, (1)3(1):100. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:276,284. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 135. A Aptinothrips] rufus (Gmelin); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:25. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Shull, 1911. Pubh Michigan geol. biol. Surv., 4:184,187,205,210. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Knechtel, 1911. Biblio. Rev. Viata Agr., 1911:15, 3 figs. Aptinothrip s rufa (Gmelin); Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(45):237. (sep. p. 16). Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):224. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):234. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 189. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. konigsberg, (1916)57:52. Aptinothrips rufa (Gmelin); Hukkinen, 1917. Meddel. Landtman, 50:5, fig. 7. AAptinothrip s] rufa stylifera Trybom; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):50. Aptinothrips rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:171. Aptinothrip s rufus var. stylifer Trybom; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52. Aptinothrip s rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1921. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1921:162,163,164,165,166. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(5): 2 1. Antinothrip s [Sid] rufus (Gmelin); John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1):9. Aptinothrip s rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(4-5): 177. Aptinothrip s rufa (Gmelin); van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verb. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):102, 117. [Aptinothrip s mfus] f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):8. [Aptinothrip s rufus] var. stylifer T rybom; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 112. Aptinothrips mfa (Gmelin); Morison, 1924. Scottish Nat., 1924(Sept.-Oct. ): 163. Aptenothrips [Sic!] rufus [ Gmelin); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):22. [Aptinothrips rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:165. [Aptinothrips mfus] f. stylifera Trybom; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. [Aptinothrip s rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. Aptinothrip s rufus (Gmelin); Hukkinen, 1925. Maatalouskoelaitos Tieteelisia Julkaisuja, 25:19, 138, 156. 608 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Afttinothrift s rufus var. stylifer Trybom; Hood, 1926. Bull. Lloyd Libr. ent. Ser., 5:94. Aft t. Vino th rift s\ rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:158. PI. Ill, fig. 40. [ Aft tino thrift s rufus ] f. stylifera Trybom; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:30. [ Aft tino thrift s rufus ] f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8) : 8 . A.[fttinothrift s\ var. stylifera Trybom; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev. Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111, IV. A.[ft tino thrift s] rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:68. [ Ap tino thrift s rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. MeddeL, 16(3): 167. [ Aft tino thrift s rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. Afttinothrift s rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):841, 850. A.[ft teno thrift s Sid] rufus stylifer Trybom; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 29. Aftteno thrift s [Sid] rufus stylifer Trybom; John, 1930, Rev. Russe Ent., 24(1-2): 111. Afttinothrift s rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):90. A. [ft tino th rift s] rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Maltbaek, 1931. Ent. Meddel., 17:372. [Afttinothrift s] rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:44, 45, fig. 24C. Afttinothrift s rufus (Gmelin); Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6:141, 142, 144, 145, 151. Afttinothrift s rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc, ent. Belgique, 75:32, 37. [Afttinothrift s rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3): 87, 91. Afttinothrift s rufus f. stylifer Trybom; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. Afttinothrift s stylifer Trybom; Speyer, 1935. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 83(4):485, 493, 498, 500, 502, 507, textfigs. 12c, 15, .27, 28, 29b; PL XIV, figs. 5, 6, 10. Afttinothrift s rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):8L Afttinothrifts stylifer Trybom; Speyer, 1936. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A) ll(6-12): 121. Afttinothrift s stylifer Trybom; Speyer, 1937. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B) 6(5):89, 90,91, fig. 4. Afttinothrift s stylifera Trybom; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):68. Afttinothrifts stylifer Trybom; Speyer, 1938. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)7(l): 1. [Afttinothrift s rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Maltbaek, 1938. Zool. Iceland, 3(40):2. Afttinothrift s stylifer Trybom; Hukkinen, 1938. Valtion Maatalousk. Tiedonant., 133:6. Afttinothrift s rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:153, 183, 186, 195, 210, fig. 36. 609 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(11):560, 582, 597. larva. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:111. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hydnteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hydnteist. Aikak., 8(3-4): 2 38 . Aptinothrips rufus f. stylifera Trybom; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kbzlem., 39(6): 17. Apt.[inothrip s] stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):96. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):254. [ Aptinothrip s] stylifer Trybom; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 32. A.[ptino thrip s] stylifer Trybom; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:10. A.[ptinothrip s] stylifer Trybom; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 51, [Aptinothrips] stylifer Trybom; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 114. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Sborn. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 11:346. A .[p tino thrip s\ stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1): 47, 52. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 156, 174, 182. [Aptinothrip s rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):83, 84, fig. 53. Aptinothrip s rufus stylifera Trybom; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3):177. [Aptinothrips] stylifer Trybom; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588. A. [p tino thrip s] stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biiche rei, 89:20. Ap t.[inothrip s] stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4):139. A.[ptino thrip s] stylifer Trybom; Titschack, 1955. Bombus, 1(86-87): 366. Ap t.[ino thrip s] stylifer Trybom; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):75, 79. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31:266. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):308. Aptinothrip s rufus stylifera Trybom; Bailey, 19^7. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 166. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Priesner, 1957. Sitzungsb. Osterr. Akad. Wiss. math.-nat. Kl., (1)166(5-6): 249. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):268. A.[p tino th rip s] stylifer Trybom; Smith, 1957. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon, 1951-56:21. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kli£ Zvifeny CSR.,2:15. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):479, 492. Aptinothrips styliferus Trybom; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:690s Aptinothrip s stylifera Trybom; Mantel, 1960. Ent. Bericht., 20(5): 100. [Aptinothrip s rufus] f. stylifera Trybom; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append. ); 327. 610 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238, 241, 243. Aytinothriys stylifera Trybom; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 2 1(8): 1 42 . A.[ptinothrip s\ stylifer Trybom; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):90. [Aptinothrip s\ stylifer Trybom; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:405. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfbdowska Lublin, (1959) (C)14(3):55, 58, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 108. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 12. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):371, 376. A.[ptinothrip s] stylifer Trybom; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:32. [Aptinothrip s\ >stylifer Trybom; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Mus., 11(1):96. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Healey, 1964. Entom., 97:258-263. [Aptinothrip s\ stylifer Try bom; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:47, fig. 50. Apothrip s stylifera (Trybom); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 153. ?. Aptinothrips stylifer Try bom; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. A.[ptinothrip s\ stylifer Trybom; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:858. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):153. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:16,30,31, 196. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. [Aptinothrip s] stylifer Trybom; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 15. Aptinothrips (Apothrip s) styliferus Trybom; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 555. A.[ptinothrip s] stylifer Trybom; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck, biol., 48(2):101. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31-43. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skjodowska Lublin, (1966) (C)21(4):55. [as stylyfer in table 1], Aptinothrips rufus f. stylifer Trybom; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):282, fig. 73. ?. A .[p tino thrip s\ stylifer Trybom; Ahring & Howell, 1968. journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):976. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 11(2):83, 84, 85,86. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim. nocent.) 8(33): 1, 3, 4, 5. 611 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Zawirska, 1970. Polskie Pismo Ent., 40(3):518. Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom; Zawirska, 1970. Biul. Ins. Ochr. Roslin, 47:307, 308, 309, 312,313. Aptinothrip s stylifer Trybom; Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(3):452, 459, fig. 11. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Finland; England; Scotland; Russia; Siberia; Germany; Denmark; Sweden; Czechoslovakia; Poland; Italy; Austria; Yugoslavia; Holland; Rumania; Hungary; France; Switzerland; Lithuania; Spain; Iceland; New York; Massachusetts; Michigan; Illinois; Nebraska; California. Type locality: Finland. Habitat: Predominantly found on Gramineae. Aptinothrips sp. Aptinothrip s sp. Weber, 1950. Trans. American ent. Soc., 76(3):172. Distribution: ALASKA: Anaktuvuk Pass. Habitat: Tundra of valley floor. Genus ARPEDIOTHRIPS Hood, 1927. Arpediothrip s Hood, 1927. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 40:197. Arp ediothrip s Hood; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. Arp ediothrip s Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Arp ediothrip s Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:48,53, 59,120. Arpediothrip s Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 166. Arp ediothrip s Hood; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Type-species: Arp ediothrips mojave Hood, (California); designated and monobasic. Arp ediothrips mexicanus Watson, 1939. Arpediothrip s mexicanus Watson, 1939. Florida Ent., 22(2):19, fig. 3. Arpediothrip s mexicanus Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):22. Location of type: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: MEXICO: State of Neuvo Leon. Type locality: MEXICO: north of Monterey, State of Neuvo Leon. Habitat: Under leaf sheaths of Yucca sp. Arpediothrips mojave Hood, 1927. . Arp ediothrip s mojave Hood, 1927. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 40:198. ?, . A. \rp ediothrip s\ mojave Hood; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 166. [Arpediothrip s] mojave Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 19. Arpediothrips mojave Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 167, PI. 22, fig. 46. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A., CALIFORNIA: Mojave Desert; Kern Co.; San Bernardi Co.; Los Angeles Co. Type locality: U.S. A.: Mojave Desert, California. Habitat: Base of leaves of Yucca brevifolia. 612 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Genus ASCIRTOTHRIPS Priesner, 1964. Ascirtothrip s Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. nom. nud. Ascirto thrift s; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:34,35,36, 54. Ascirtothri'p s; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Ins. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:201, 204, 252. A s cirto thrip s Priesner; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:73. Ascirtothrip s Priesner; Ananthakrishn an, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:66,88, 126. Type-species: Ascirtothrip s efflatouni Priesner, (Egypte); by Original designation from three species. [This appears to be a correct type designation although it may be interpreted that antilope is the type species as efflatouni was not mentioned in the first two references.] Ascirtothrip s subgenus ANTILOPOTHRIPS Priesner, 1964. [Ascirtothrip s} subgen. Antil op othrips Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:253. Type-species: Scirtothrip s antilope (Priesner) [= Anapho thrip s antilope Priesner ]; (Egypte); original designation from two species. Ascirtothrips ( Antilopothrips) antilope (Priesner, 1923). Anapho thrip s antilope Priesner, 1923. Ent. mitt., 12(1):63. Anapho thrip s antilope ; Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(2):120, figs. 1, 2. Scirtothrip s antilop e (P riesner); Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 143, 150, 152. Scirtothrip s antilope (Priesner); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad. ler. Ent., (1938)22:119. Scirtothrip s antilope (Priesner); O’Neill, 1955. Ent. News, 66(9):242. Scirtothrip s antilope (Priesner); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 165 (footnote), [referred to Ascirtothrip s ]. Scirtothrip s antilope (Priesner); Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(13):333. [Ascirtothrips] antilope (Priesner); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:55, PL III, fig. 3. Ascirtothrip s (Antilopothrips) antilope (Priesner); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:253, 255. Ascirtothrip s antilope (Priesner); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:73,120. A.[ s cirto thrip s\ antilope (Priesner); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:8,126. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Egypt; Sudan; Morocco; Cyprus; Palestine; India. Type locality: EGYPT: Nilufer bei Madi. Habitat: Leafless Composite; Alhagi camelorum ; Alhagi maurorum; Aerva tomentosa; Iphiona mucronata; Pulicaria crispa; Zygophyllum spp.; Zygophyllum gaetulum ; Zilla spinosa; Zilla macroptera; Pituranthus chloranthus; Tamarix boveana; Tamarix articulata ; Nitraria retusa; Ephedra alata alenda; Pergularia tomentosa; Anvillea radiata. 613 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Ascirtothrips (Antilopothrips) shirabudinensis (Yakhontov, 1929). 9,^1 Anaphothrip s (H emianaphothrip s) Shirabudinensis Jakhontov, 1929. Trudy Shirabudinskoj Op. Selsko- Khozyaj. Stancii, 2(2):8, 10, fig. 2. Anaphothrip s shirabudinensis; Yakhontov, 1937. Acta Univ. Asiae med., 8a(Zool.49): 4. A.[naphothrips\ (H emianaphothrip s) shirabudinensis Yakhontov; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed.5, 4(1):399. A.[naphothrips] shirabudinensis Jakhontov; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 163. Anaphothrips shirabudinensis Yakhontov; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:55. Anaphothrip s shirabudinensis Yakhontov; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:256. [referred to Ascirtothrip s (Antilopothrips)] . Ascirtothrip s shirabudinensis (Jakhontov); Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. Ascirtothrip s shirabudinensis (Yakhontov); Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt, zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. Location of type: Zoological Museum, Academy of Science, Leningrad. Distribution: Usbekistan; Mongolia. Type locality: Neighbourhood of the Old Boukhara. Habitat: Cotton; Cynomorium; Orobanche, Ascirtothrips (Antilopothrips) varius Bhatti, 1967. 9,^1 Ascirtothrip s varius Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 13. 9,^ AXscirtothrip s\ Varius Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:126. Location of type: ? Bhatti collection. Distribution: INDIA: New Delhi. Type locality: INDIA: New Delhi. Habitat: Saueda sp. Ascirtothrip s subgenus ASCIRTOTHRIPS Priesner, 1964. [Ascirtothrips] subgen. Ascirtothrip s Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:253. Type-species: See under genus. Ascirtothrips (Ascirtothrips) efflatouni Priesner, 1964. 9,^ Ascirtothrips efflatouni Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:253. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EGYPT: Alexandria, Abukir. Type locality: EGYPT: Alexandria, Abukir. Habitat: Flowers of Halocnemon strobilaceum. Genus BAILEYOTHRIPS Kono & O’Neill, 1964. Anaphothrips Uzel; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:14, 45. Partim . 614 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 1 1(3): 42 . Partim. [Anaphothrip s\ subgen. N eophy sopus Schmutz; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 165. Baileyothrip s Kono & O’Neill, 1964. Occ. Pap. California Dep. Agr., 6:1. Type-species: Baileyothrips arizonensis (Morgan), (Arizona); designated and monobasic. Baileyothrips arizonensis (Morgan, 1913). Anaphothrip s arizonensis Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:12, figs. 23-26. «. Euthrips arizonensis { Morgan); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):356. Anaphothrip s arizonensis Morgan; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:45,46. Anaphothrips arizonensis Morgan; Essig, 1926. Ins. West North America, p. 188. [Anaphothrip s\ arizonensis Morgan; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 11(3):43. Anapho th rip s minutus Moulton, 1929. Pan-Pacific Ent., 5(3):127. ■?. N .[ eophy sopus\ minutus Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935) 11(4): 165. Anaphothrip s arizonensis Morgan; Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Anaphothrips arizonensis Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):45. [Anaphothrip s\ minutus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 119. Anaphothrip s minutus Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 160, 161. Baileyothrips arizonensis (Morgan); Kono & O’Neill, 1964. Occ. Pap. California Dep. Agr., 6:2, Pis. I, II. ¥,t?. Location of type: U.S. National Museum; of minutus: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S. A.: Arizona; California; ? Texas; SOMALIA: Mogadiscio. Type locality: U.S. A. Yuma, Arizona; for minutus: U.S. A.: Porterville, Califo rnia. Habitat: Snakeweed; Euphorbia albomarginata; Rosa sp.; Dalea mollis; grapefruit; cotton. Anaphothrips minutus Moulton = Baileyothrips arizonensis (Morgan). Genus BANDAMIA zur Strassen, 1965. Bandamia zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):16» Bandamia; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):18,45. Type-species: Aptinothrip s melanophthalmus Bagnall, (France); designated and monobasic. Bandamia melanophthalmus (Bagnall, 1927). ?. Aptinothrip s melanophthalmus Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:567. £. Aptinothrip s (?) melanophthalmus Bagnall; Speyer, 1935. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 83(4):493, 498, 499, 502, fig. 17. Aptinothrip s melanophthalmus Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:314. A.[ptino thrip s\ melanophthalmus Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:47. 615 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Bandamia melanophthalmus (Bagnall); zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):17, figs. 11-13. £. Bandamia melanophthalmus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.,) Ent., Suppl. 11:27. Bandamia melanophthalmus (Bagnall); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 3 1(5): 45, 69, map. 10. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: FRANCE: l’Estaque near Marseille; CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Canaria. Type locality: FRANCE: l’Estaque near Marseille. Habitat: Hyparrhenia hirta; Androp og on sp.; short grass; Crucifer (casual). Genus BELOTHRIPS Haliday, 1836. [ Thrips ] subgen. Belothrips Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:444,450. [ Thrips subgen.] Belothrips Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):416. [ Thrips ] subgen. Belothrips Haliday; Curtis, 1839. British Ent., 7: PI. 748. [ Thrips ] subgen. Belothrip s Haliday ; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins. 2(Synop.): 46. Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:216. Partim. B elothrip s Haliday; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 645. Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):216. Partim. [ Thrips ] subgen. B elothrip s; Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1095, 1104, 1115. [ Thrips (B elothrip s Haliday ); Reuter, 1879 = Oxythrips Uzel]. B elothrips Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Fauna ent. Canada, 3:334. [Belothrip s Haliday; Trybom, 1895 = Oxythrips Uzel]. Belothrips Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp . 28, 35, 43, 52, 154. Belothrips Haliday; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:215. Belothrip s Haliday; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):36,45. B elo thrip s Haliday; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, pp. 285, 291. B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrips Haliday; Belothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6):X90. Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):50. Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberdsterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:53. Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):217, 243. van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):98. B elothrip s Haliday; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:14. Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):145. Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1: 1 19, 120, 208. Belothrips Haliday; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insektfauna, 6:24,34. Belothrips Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 5. Belothrip s Haliday; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3):172. B elothrips Haliday; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp. 24, 34. B elothrip s Haliday; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:29. Belothrips Haliday; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29,32,56. 616 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. B elothrip s Haliday; Belothrips Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; Belothrips Haliday; Belothrips Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; Belothrips Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; B elothrip s Haliday; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:316. Priesner, 1938. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 5(3): 214, 220. Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., pp. 33. Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 42, 45, 46, 53. Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:63, 122. Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1): 54. Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klfd Zvileny CSR., 2:18. Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:34, 52. Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 124, 177. Belothrip s Haliday ; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:855, 859. B elothrip s Haliday; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:203. B elothrip s Haliday; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):9, 18. Type-species: Thrip s (B elothrip s) acuminata Hali day , (Britain); monobasic. belothrips acuminatus (Haliday, 1836). Thr.[ips] B .[elothrip s] acuminata Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:450. Thr.[ips\ acuminata Haliday ; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):416. Thrip s acuminata Haliday ; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. Th.[rips (B elothrip sj] acuminata Haliday; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop.): 46. B.[elothrips\ acuminata (Haliday); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. H6mipt., p . 645. Thrips acuminata Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):217. Belothrip s acuminata (Haliday); Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1115. B elothrip s acuminata (Haliday); Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. B elothrip s acuminata (Haliday); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:334. Belothrip s acuminata (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Qrd. Thysanop., pp. 35, 52, 155, PI. II, fig. 10; PI. VI, fig. 80. B .[elothrip s] acuminata (Haliday); Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 291. B .[elothrip s\ acuminatus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. B .[elothrip s\ acuminatus (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):50. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr, Musealver. Linz, 78:53. [ Belothrips ] acuminatus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. [ Belothrip s ] acuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):145. [Belothrip s acuminatus\ f. tenuicomis Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. nom. nud. 617 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Belothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:208 PI. Ill, fig. 48. B elothrips acuminatus f. tenuicomis Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:210. B .[elothrip s] acuminatus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insektfauna, 6:34. B .[elothrip s] acuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 5. & B .[elothrip s] acuminatus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 172. B .[elothrip s\ acuminatus acuminatus (Haliday); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 34. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):91. B .[elothrip s] acuminatus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:56, fig. 30. Belothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):88, 94, fig. 4. [B elothrip s acuminatus f. adusta Hukkinen, 1935 = Belothrips morio Reuter], B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:316. Belothrip s accuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1938. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 5(3): 214, 215. 2,^ Belothrips acuminatus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 16(2-3):96. [ Belothrips ] acuminatus (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. B .[elothrip s\ acuminatus (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 53. £, . [Belothrips] acuminatus (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p.115. Belothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1949. Ent, listy, 12:28. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):54, fig. 2. [B elothrip s acuminatus] f. tenuicomis Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1): 54. [B elothrip s] acuminatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 140. Belothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):79. Belothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Franz & Priesner, 1961, in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:407. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfodowska Lublin (1959) (C)14(3):55, 58, 61, 62, 63, 65, 69. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. [B elothrip s] acuminatus (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. [Belothrips] acuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:52, PI. II, fig. 18; PI. Ill, fig. 1. Belothrips acuminatus (Haliday); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 177. ?,c*! JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [B elothrip s acuminatus\ f. tenuicomis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 178. B .[elothrip s] acuminatus (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:860. \B elothrip s\ acuminatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 18, fig. 21. B elothrip s acuminatus (Hali day); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):557. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. B elothrip s acuminatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin (1966) (C)21(4): table 4. B elothrip s acuminatus (Halid ay); Morison, 1969. Entom., 102:165-172, figs. 1-2. larva II. Location of type: ? British Museum (Natural History); of tenuicomis : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: England; Scotland; Ireland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Sweden; Denmark; Siberia; Finland; France; Lithuania; Germany; Poland; Rumania; Ukraine. Type locality: Britain; of tenuicomis: unknown. Habitat: Rosa spinosissima; grass; turf; oats; Galium verum; Galium aparine; Galium saxatile; Galium boreale; ' Festuca sp.; Anthyllis vulnararia; Salvia nemorosa; Vida sepium; Vidasativa; Trifolium pratense; Lotus comiculatus; Vlex europaeus; Stellaria holostea; Rhinanthus minor stenophyllus; Euphrasia sp.; Achillea millefolium; T araxacum officinale; Dactylis glomerata; the larval host is Galium verum . Belothrip s bicolor Reuter = Oxythrips bicolor (Reuter). Belothrip s brevistylis Trybom = Oxythrips bicolor (Reuter). Belothrips longistylosus Priesner, 1920. Belothrip s acuminatus ab. longistylo sus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78: 53. £. [Belothrip s acuminatus\ f. longistylo sa; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. Belothrip s acuminatus f. longistylo sa; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:209, Pl.III, fig. 49. ?,< B elothrip s acuminatus longistylosus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 34. Belothrips longistylosus; Priesner, 1938. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 5(3): 215, 216. [ Belothrips ] longistylo sus Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):54. Belothrips acuminatus f. longistylo sa Priesner; Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1956) (C)ll(8): 224. Belothrip s longistylo sus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:408. [Belothrip s] longistylosus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:52, PI. II, fig. 17. [B elothrip s acuminatus\ f. longistylo sa Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 178. 619 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [B elothrip s] longistylo sus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 18. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Poland. Type locality: AUSTRIA: Klaus, Oberosterreich. Habitat: Turf. Belothrips mori Niwa = Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa). Belothrips morio O.M. Reuter, 1899. ?. Belothrips mono Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):45. B .[elothrip s\ morio Reuter; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):50. [B elothrip s\ morio Reuter; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. [B elothrip s] morio Reuter; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. Belothrips morio Reuter; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt.l:208. B .[elothrip s\ morio Reuter; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:34. £. B .[elothrip s] morio Reuter; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 34, fig. 18. B elothrip s morio Reuter; Priesner, 1930. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1930:41. [B elothrip s acuminatus ] f. morio Reuter; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:56. [B elothrip s acuminatus ] f. morio Reuter; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):88, 94. [B elothrip s acuminatus ] f. adusta Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(3):88, 95. B elothrip s morio Reuter; Priesner, 1938. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 5(3):215, 218. ft B elothrip s morio Reuter; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. [B elothrip s morio ] f. adusta; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. [B elothrip s\ morio Reuter; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. Belothrip s morio Reuter; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:18, fig. 53. Beolothrips [£zc/] morio Reuter; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk/odowska Lublin, (1957) (C)12(8): 117, 118, 120, 123, 129. B elothrip s morio Reuter; Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):240, 243. [as Beolothrip s morio on p. 243]. B elothrip s morio Reuter; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Cu rie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (1959) (C)14(3):55, 58, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69. B elothrip s morio Reuter; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:53. B elothrip s morio Reuter; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 177, 178. ft B .[elothrip s] morio Reuter; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:860. [Belothrips\ morio Reuter;, Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 18. B elothrip s morio Reuter; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, 11966) (C)21(4):table 4. Location of type: Helsinki Museum; of adusta: Unknown to writer. 620 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: Finland; Sweden; Latvia; Czechoslovakia; Poland. Type locality: Not specified; for adusta: FINLAND: Siuntio, Uusimaa. Habitat: Galium boreale; Galium verum; Holcus lanatus; Cytisus nigrians. Belothrips pillichi Priesner, 1938. 2,^. B el o thrip s pilli chi Priesner, 1938. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 5(3): 215, 218, fig. 1. Q Cf • B elothrip s pillichi Priesner; Pillich* 1940. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 47:73. [B elothrip s] pillichi Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1( 1) : 54. [B elothrip s] pilichi [Sic!] Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zpol. Ent. listy, L190. B elothrip s pillichi Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvfreny CSR., 2:18. [B elothrip s] pillichi; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:50, 53, 118, PI. II, fig. 19. [B elothrip s] pillichi; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):18. B elothrip s pillichi P riesner; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6): 476. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: HUNGARY: Simontornya; CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Moravia. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Habitat: Asperula glauca. Genus BREGMATOTHRIPS Hood, 1912. Bregmatothrips Hood, 1912. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 25:66. [Type: Bregmatothrips venustus Hood]. 0 xythrip s Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(9):89. Partim. Bregmatothrips Hood; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4): 217, 243. Bregmatothrips Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:14,46. Bregmatothrips Hood; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Partim. Bregmatothrips Hood; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:867. Bregmatothrips Hood; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 122, 221. Limocercyothrip s Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(1):9. [Type: L imo c ercyo thrip s bicolor Watson]. Bregm atoth rip s Hood; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:267. Partim. Bregmatothrips Hood; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):246, 267. Bregmatothrips Hood; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals Det. Ins. USSR., pp. 25, 39. Partim. Bregmatothrips Hood; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:31,60. Bregmatothrips Hood; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Bregmatothrips Hood; Bailey. 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(2):90. Bregmatothrips Hood; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. sci., (2)3:43. Bregmatothrips Hood; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:27. N eolimo thrip s Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 118. [Type: N eolimo thrip s brachy eephalu s Shumsher Singh]. N eolimo thrip s; Shumsher Singh, 1944. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)13(ll-12): 139. 621 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Limothrip s subgen. N eolimothrip s; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:153,154. Bregmatothrips Hood; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian journ. Ent., 7:157,163. Limocercyothrips Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3): 23. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:408,413. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 19. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33 :52, 64, 122. Limocercyothrips Watson; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:135. /V eolimothrip s Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:58,139. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1): 40 6. Partim. N eolimothrip s Shumsher Singh; Mukerji & jotwani, 19 55. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1):66. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Stannard, 1956. Ent. News, 67(3): 71. N eolimothrip s Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz., 156(1- 2):31. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):149, 167. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. N eolimothrip s Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Bregmatothrip s Hood; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):328. N eolimothrip s Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):423. N eolimothrip s Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, ( 1963)26(2):82, 92, 106. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:37,55. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 125,206. Partim. {.Bregmatothrip s Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966 = Iridothrips Priesner]. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:28. Bregmatothrip s Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):275, 284, 320. /V eolimothrip s Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:7,25,90,123. Type-species: Bregmatothrip s venustus Hood, (North America); designated from two species; of Limo cercyothrip s: Limocercyothrips bicolor Watson; (Florida); designated and monobasic; of N eolimothrip s: N eolimothrip s brachycephalus Shumsher Singh, (India); designated and monobasic. Limo cercyothrip s bicolor Watson = Bregmatothrips gracilis Hood & Williams. Bregmatothrips binervis (Kobus, 1892). ?,d! Thrips binervis Kobus, 1892. Meded. Proefsta. Qost-java, (1)1892(43):589, 590, fig. 4. ?,dI Oxythrips binervis (Kobus); van Deventer, 1906. Handb. Suikerr.-Cult. Rietsuik.- Fabr. Java, 2:276, 278, PI. 37, fig. 2. 9,* 622 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Oxythrip s binervis (Kobus); Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 3, 3:225. Thrips binervis Kobus; Hood, 1912. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 25:67. [referred to Bregmatothrip s]. Oxythrip.s binervis (Kobus); van Deventer, 1912. Handb. Suikerr. -Guilt. Rietsuik.- Fabr. Java, 2:287, 288, PI. XXXVIII, fig. 2, ?/. B re gmato thrips ramakrishnae Bagnall, 1923. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)12:625. 9,^. Bregmatothrip s Ramakrishnae Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ, Madras agr. Students Union, 13(10):6. B .[re gmato th rip s\ Ramakrishnae Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:867. Bregmatothrip s binervis (Kobus); Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep, Agr. India ent. Ser. , 9(6):205, PI. XIX, figs. 2, 3. Bregmatothrip s binervis (Kobus); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem, Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):267. Bregmatothrip s binervis (Kobus); Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 29(1):79. Bregmatothrip s binervis (Kobus); Ramakrishna, 1932. Agr, Livestock India, 2(4):397, PI. XVIII, fig. 4. [Bregmatothrip s\ binervis (Kobus); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:27. [Bregmatothrip s\ ramakrishnae Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:27. Limothrip s (TV eolimothrip s) saccharivora Shumsher Singh, 1944. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (8)13(11-12): 140, 141, [Limothrip s (N eolimothrip sj] saccharivora; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian journ. Ent., 7:154. B bregmatothrip s\ binervis (Kobus); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:163. B bregmatothrip s\ ramakrishnae Bagnall; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):407. N eolimothrip s saccharivora (Shumsher Singh); Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. An z., 156(l-2):30. N eolimothrip s saccharivora (Shumsher Singh); Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):421, 422, 423. N eolimothrip s binervis (Kobus); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 106. N eolimothrip s binervis (Kobus); Ananthakrishnan, 1966. Bull. Ent. Madras, 7:30, figs. 3B, 3b. 9/. Bregmatothrip s ramakrishnae Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:28, fig. 12. N .[eolimothrip s] binervis (Kobus); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:119, 123. N eolimothrips binervis (Kobus); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 124, 125, 130, 132. Location of type: Unknown to writer (probably lost); of ramakrishnae : British Museum (Natural History); of saccharivora: ? Indian Zoological Survey. Distribution: java; India. Type locality: Java; for ramakrishnae: INDIA: Palur, South Arcot; for saccharivora: INDIA: Coimbatore. 623 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Habitat: Sugarcane; grass; Andropogon pertusus ; Chloris barbata. Bregmatothrips brachycephalus (Shumsher Singh, 1942) comb. nov. Neolimothrips brachycephalus Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 118. Limothrip s (TV ealimothrip s) brachycephalus (Shumsher Singh); Shumsher Singh, 1944. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)13(l 1-12):139, 141. [Limothrip s ( Neolimothrips )] brachycephalus (Shumsher Singh); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:154. Limothrip s (TV eolimothrip s) brachycephalus (Shumsher Singh); Shumsher Singh, 1949. Rec. Indian Mus., 45(2-3):201. N eolimothrip s brachycephalus Shumsher Singh; Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian journ. Ent., 1 7(1 ): 66 , 73, fig. il. [^genitalia]. N eolimothrip s brachycephalus Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 106. N eolimothrip s brachycephalus Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1966. Bull. Ent. Madras, 7:31, figs. 3A, 3a. A/ .[ eolimothrip s\ brachycephalus Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:123. Location of type: Imperial Pusa Collection, New Delhi. Distribution: INDIA: Ambala Cantonment; Coimbatore; Madras; Periayar. Type locality: INDIA: Ambala Cantonment. Habitat: Pennisetum typhoideum; Bambusa arundinacea; grass. Bregmatothrips dimorphus (Priesner, 1919). Oxythrips dimorphus Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(9):89, 96, figs. 2-3. 9/. [Bregmatothrip s1] dimorphus (Priesner); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Bregmatothrips dimorphus (Priesner); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:268, 271, fig. 59. ?,dI Bregmatothrip s dimorphus (Priesner); Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9) 20:573. B bregmatothrip s\ dimorphus (Priesner); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 39. B bregmatothrip s\ dimorphus (Priesner); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Bregmatothrips dimorphus (Priesner); Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10) 17:499. Bregmatothrips dimorphus (Priesner); J acot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:43. [Bregmatothrip s] dimorphus (Priesner); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):328. [Bregmatothrip s] dimorphus (Priesner); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:55,79, fig. 69. Bregmatothrip s dimorphus (Priesner); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 206, 207. . Bregmatothrips dimorphus (Priesner); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EUROPE: Yugoslavia; France; SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Province; Ukraine . 624 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: DALMATIA: Ragusa. Habitat: Turf; short grass. Bregmatothrips gracilis Hood & Williams, 1915. B re gmato thrift s gracilis Hood & Williams, 1915. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 23(2): 122, PI. VIII, figs. 5,6. Bregmato thrift s gracilis Hood & Williams; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)~2(1):70. Bregmato thrift s gracilis Hood & Williams; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:46. L imocercyo thrift s bicolor Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(1):1Q. Bregmato thrift s gracilis Hood & Williams; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):21. Limo cercyo thrift s bicolor Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):23. [Bregmato thrift s] gracilis Hood & Williams; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 19. [Bregmato thrift s] gracilis Hood & Williams; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California las. Surv., 4(5): 167. Bregmato thrift s gracilis Hood & Williams; De Santis, 1957. Rev. Facult. Agron., (3)33(2): 176. B. [re gmato thrift s] gracilis Hood & Williams; De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.)8(Zool.58):45. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of bicolor : Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: U.S. A.: Orlando and Gainesville, Florida; ARGENTINA: La Plata; Melchor Romero (Prov. de Buenos Aires). Type locality: U.S. A.: Orlando, Florida; for bicolor : U.S. A.: Gainesville, Florida. Habitat: Grass; Japanese cane; Napier grass. Br egmato thrift s iridis Watson = Iridothrips iridis (Watson). B re gmato thrift s ramakrishnae Bagnall = Bregmatothrips binervis (Kobus). Bregmatothrips saccharicola Bagnall, 1923. ?. Br egmato thrift s saccharicola Bagnall, 1923. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)12:626. B r egmato thrift s saccharicola Bagnall; Priesner, 1930. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1930(1):8. Bre gmato thrift s saccharicola Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:29. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: SUDAN: Khartoum. Type locality: SUDAN: Khartoum. Habitat: Green sugar cane. N eolimo thrift s saccharivora Shumsher Singh = Bregmatothrips binervis (Kobus). Bregmatothrips sonorensis Stannard, 1956. B r egmato thrift s sp. Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(2):90. Br egmato thrift s sonorensis Stannard, 1956. Ent. News, 67(3):71, fig. 1. . Br egmato thrift s sonorensis; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):275, fig. 97. 625 ANN. CAPE PROV, MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Location of type: Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana. Distribution: U.S. A.: Arizona; California. Type locality: U.S.A.: Yuma, Arizona. Habitat: Bermuda grass. Bregmatothrips theifloris Karny, 1921. Bregmatothrips theifloris Karny, 1921. Treubia, 2(1):66, figs. 22-24. Bregmatothrips theifloris; Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2): 105, fig. 3. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Java. Type locality: JAVA: Salakgebiet zwischen Tjidahoe und Perbakti. Habitat: Tea flowers. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood, 1912. 2,^? Bregmatothri'ps venustus Hood, 1912. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 25:67, Pi. IV; textfig. 2. ?. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:42. Bregmato thrip s venustus Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:46. Bregmato thrip s venustus Hood; Moulton, 1929. Florida Ent., 13(4):61. Bre gmato thrip s venustus Hood; Bianchi, 1941. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 11(1):38. Br e gmato thrip s venustus Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:413, fig. 222C. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):704. [B re gmato thrip s] venustus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3):177. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 167, PI. 20, fig. 24. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; Watts, 1963. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 56(3):378. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.)8(Zool.58):45. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3): 73 3. Bregmatothrips venustus Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):284, figs. 40, 102. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Texas; Kansas; Illinois; Tennessee; New Mexico; California; MEXICO: Matamoras; Morelos; CUBA: ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires; La Pampa; Santa Fe; La Rioja; HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Oahu. Type locality: U.S. A. Brownsville, Texas. Habitat: Grass; Panicum bar binode ; Panicum maximum; Echinochloa cm sg alii; Bermuda grass; Atriplex hracteo sa; onion; cotton; coffee fern. Genus CAPRITHRIPS Faure, 1933. C aprithrip s Faure, 1933. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 28(1):12. [Type: C aprithrip s analis Faure]. 626 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. C aprithrip s Faure; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Hist., (2)3:42. C aprithrip s Faure; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ier Ent., 33:61, 123. C aprithrip s Faure; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. C aprithrip s Faure; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):329. C aprithrip s Faure; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):423, 426. C aprithrip s Faure; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 94, 102. C aprithrip s Faure; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:262. Caprithrips Faure; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:7,26,126. Type-species: C aprithrip s analis Faure, (Transvaal); designated and monobasic. Caprithrips analis Faure, 1933. C aprithrip s analis Faure, 1933. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 28(1): 13, PI. II, figs. 13, 14. ?. C aprithrip s analis Faure; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Hist., (2)3:42. [ C aprithrip s ] analis Faure; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):329. C aprithrip s analis Faure; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 58(2):422, 423, 426. C aprithrip s analis Faure: Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 94, 102. C '[aprithrip s\ analis Faure; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:126. Location of type: National collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal; INDIA. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Pretoria, Transvaal. Habitat: Tall grass; Eragrostis sp. Caprithrips decorus Faure, 1940. Caprithrips decorus Faure, 1940. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 3:170, figs. 8, 9. [C aprithrip s\ decorus Faure; zur Strassen, 1960. journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):329. Location of type: National collection of Insects, Pretoria. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Gordons Bay, Cape Province. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Gordons Bay, Cape Province. Habitat: Elegia parviflora. Genus Catina Faure = EX OT 31 RIPS Priesner Genus CERCYOTHRIPS Morgan, 1925. C ercyothrip s Morgan, 1925. Florida Ent., 9(1): 1. Cercyothrips Morgan; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(1):10. C ercyothrip s Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):45. C ercyothrip s Morgan; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:61, 124. C ercyothrip s Morgan; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. 627 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 C ercyothrip s Morgan; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:63. Type-species: C ercyothrip s striatus Morgan, (Puerto Rico); monobasic. Cercyothrips galbinus Hood, 1957. ?. C ercyothrip s galbinus Hood, 1957. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)26(7-8): 140, fig. 1. £. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: TRINIDAD: El Tucuche. Type locality: TRINIDAD: El Tucuche. Habitat: Unknown. Cercyothrips striatus Morgan, 1925. ?. Cercyothrips striatus Morgan, 1925. Florida Ent., 9(1): 1. ?. C ercyothrips striatus Morgan; Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1): 100. C ercyothrips striatus Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):45. Cercyothrips Morgan; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:63. ?. Location of type: U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PUERTO RICO: Rio Piedras. Type locality: PUERTO RICO: Rio Piedras. Habitat: Climbing bush or vine. Genus CHAETANAPHOTHRIPS Priesner, 1925. Euthrip s Targioni-Tozzetti; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):42, 43, 52. Partim. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. Partim . Euthrip s Targioni-Tozzetti; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:12,15,26. Partim. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l): 10. Partim . Physothrips; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):364. Partim . Phy sothrip s Karny; Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4):71. Partim. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verb. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):98, 101. Partim . [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [No description; one species included]. Anaphothrips Uzel; Blunek, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):265. Partim. [Anaphothrip s\ subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:179, 181, 183,204. [described]. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insektfauna, 6:34. [Anaphothrip s\ subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Richter, 1928. F auna Arctica, 5(3):850. Anaphothrips Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp. 24, 32. Partim . Anaphothrip s (Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:54. 628 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:51. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s P riesner; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 166. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:316. Scirtothrip s Shull; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:6. Partim. Anaphothrip s subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2):112, 124. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. [Anaphothrip s] subgen. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:402,403. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 45, 61. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Chaetanaphothrip s; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 3:51,54, 124. Anaphothrip s Uzel; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):398. Partim. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. [Anaphothrip s subgen.] Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 160. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klid Zvireny CSR., 2:20. Chaetanaphothrip s; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):479. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:73,76. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Mitri & Stannard, 1962. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 55:383. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Sakimura & Ananthakrishnan, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:48. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 96, 102. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. Chaetanaphothrip s; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:37, 53. Chaetanaphothrip s; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:206,263. Chaetanaphothrip s; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 11. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, suppl. 4:2 1, 22, 62. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):274, 291. [described]. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:85, 90, 126. Chaetanaphothrip s Priesner; Kud6, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(3): 451. Type-species: Euthrips orchidii Moulton, (California); monobasic. 629 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT, 3 Chaetanaphothrips aureus (Moulton, 1936). Anaphothrips (Chaetanophothrip s) [Sic!] aureus Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):266. [ Anaphothrips ] (Chaetanaphothrip s) aureus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 118. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Manila. Type locality: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Manila. Habitat: Tomato. Euthrips biguttati corpus Girault = Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall). Chaetanaphothrips clarus (Moulton, 1942). 9,^. Scirtothrips clarus Moulton, 1942. Bull. Bishop Mus., 172:8. £ [Scirto thrips] clarus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 123. Chaetanaphothrip s clarus (Moulton); Mitri & Stannard, 1962. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 55:383, figs. 1-3, 7-11, 14. 9, larva. Chaetanaphothrip s clarus (Moulton); Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(13):333. Chaetanaphothrip s clarus (Moulton); Ananthakrishnan, 1967. Oriental Insects, 1(1-2):116. d'. Chaetanaphothrips clarus (Moulton); De Almeida, 1969. Bol. Inst. Invest, cient. Angola, 6(1):47. C Ahae t anaphothrips] clarus (Moulton); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:126. Chaetanaphothrips clarus (Moulton); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. journ. sci. & industr. Res., 36(3):125. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: Guam; Marshall Islands; INDIA: Madras. Type locality: GUAM: Orote Point. Habitat: Predaceous on red spider; Ipomoea; grass. Chaetanaphothrips deformans (Karny, 1913). 9,^. Euthrips deformans Karny, 1913. Bull. jard. bot. Buitenzorg, (2)10:58, figs. 38-41. Euthrips deformans; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool. -bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):9. Euthrips deformans; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. Wiss. Insektenbiol., 16(10-12):356. Euthrips deformans Karny; Karny & v. Leeuwen, 1916. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten- biol., 12:197. Anaphothrips deformans (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.):53, 56, Pl.V. fig. 11. larva, prepupa, pupa. Chaetanaphothrip s deformans (Karny); O’Neill, 1966. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 68(3):274. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Djerakah. Type locality: JAVA: Djerakah. Habitat: Galls on Hygrophila salicifolia. Chaetanaphothrips fasciatus (Moulton, 1940). comb. nov. 9. Anaphothrips (Chaetanaphothrips) fas ciatus Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):245. 9. 630 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Ana? ho thrifts] (Chaetanaft ho thrifts) fasciatus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3) : 1 1 9. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Distribution: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Type locality: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Habitat: Sedge leaves. Anaftho thrift s (C haet an aft ho thrift s) fugivora Ramakrishna, = Euphysothrips fungivora (Ramakrishna). Anafthothrifts (Chaetanaft ho thrifts) hemavama (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu)= Exothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu). Chaetanphothrips machili Hood, 1954. ?. Anafthothrifts ( Chaetanaft ho thrifts) orchidi [Sic!] (Moulton); Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):291 , 324. Anafthothrift s orchidi [S7c/] (Moulton); Takahashi, 1934. Bot. & Zool. Tokyo, 2:1834. Anafthothrifts orchidii (Moulton); Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):430. Chaetanaft ho thrifts machili Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:215, figs. 1,2. £, larva, pupa. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: FORMOSA: Chikushiko; Sozan near Taihoku. Type locality: FORMOSA: Chikushiko. Habitat: Machilus sp.; galls. Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton, 1907). Euthrifts orchidii Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):43, 52, PI. II, figs. 15-18. Euthrifts orchidii Moulton; Bagnall, 1909. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 53:172. Euthrifts orchidii Moulton; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):36. [Physoftus] orchidii (Moulton); Try bom , 1910. Sjostedt wiss. Erg. Schwed. zool. Exp. Kilimandjaro Meru 1905-6. 3(16):2. EAuthrifts] orchidii Moulton; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. Euthrifts orchidii; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:15,26. Euthrifts orchidii Moulton; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):10. Physothrifts orchidii (Moulton); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:339. [Physothrip s] orchidii (Moulton); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1):39. Physothrifts orchidii (Moulton); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. , 10(10-12):368. P .[hy so thrifts] orchardi [Sic!] (Moulton); Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4):71 . Euthrifts orchidii Moulton; van Eecke, 1921. Ent. Bericht., 5(118):313, 314. T aeniothrips orchidii (Moulton); van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):101 , 114. T aeniothrips (Physothrifts) orchidi (Moulton); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:41,42. 631 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Anaphothrips ( Chaetanapho thrip s)] orchidii (Moulton); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. A .[napho thrip s] orchidii (Moulton); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzen- krank., 4(1):265. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:183, 204. $. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 273. C Ahae tan ap ho thrip s] orchidii (Moulton); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:34. Chaet anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:648. Anaphothrips ( Chaetanapho thrip s) orchidii (Moulton); Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1):1Q7, 132. [Anaphothrips ( Chaetanapho thrip s) orchidi (Moulton); Moulton, 1928 = C haet anap ho thrip s machili Hood]. A. [napho thrip s\ orchidii (Moulton); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 34. Anaphothrip s orchidii (Moulton); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland 5:55, 153, fig. 16. ?. A. [napho thrip s\ orchidii (Moulton); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:51,55.?. C .[Anaphothrip s orchidi [Sid] (Moulton); Takahashi, 1934 = Chaet anaphothrips machili Hood]. C . [haet anaphothrips] orchidii (Moulton); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:316. C .[hae tan ap ho thrip s] orchidii (Moulton); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4):166. Anaphothrip s orchidii (Moulton); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2):81. [Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Takahashi, 1936. = Chaetanapho thrip s machili Hood]. Anaphothrip s orchidii (Moulton); Syrjanen, 1937. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(3):165. Anaphothrip s orchidii (Moulton); Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):417. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Crawford, 1938. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 40(2):36. Anaphothrips (C haet anaphothrip s) orchidii (Moulton); Kurosawa, 1938. Kontyu, 12(4):121, figs. A, C. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1):135. Anaphothrips ( Chaet anap both rips ) orchidii (Moulton); Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(3):94, 100. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(4):151. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):36. Anaphothrips ( Chaetanapho thrip s) orchidii (Moulton); Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):125, 130. Anaphothrips ( Chaetanapho thrip s) orchidii (Moulton); Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):326, 329. 632 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Anaphothrip s ( C ha e tan cup ho thrifts) J orchidii (Moulton); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.33. Anaphothrips (Chaetanapho thrifts) orchidii (Moulton); Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1):96. Anaphothrips (Chaetanapho thrifts) orchidii (Moulton); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:403, fig. 220a. C .[haetanapho thrift s] orchidii (Moulton); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 58, 61. [ Euthrips ] orchidii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):120. [Chaetanapho thrifts] orchidii (Moulton); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Chaetanapho thrifts orchidii (Moulton); Pelikan, 1949. Ent. listy, 12:28. A. [nap ho thrift s] orchidii. (Moulton); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):399. [Chaetanapho thrifts] orchidii (Moulton); Pelikan, 1949. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. C ha et anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Pelikan, 1954. Zool. Ent. listy, 3(1 7):3-12, figs. 1-10. 9. larvae. C haetanapho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:216, figs. 3, 4. Partim. Chaetanapho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); Sakimura, 1955. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(3):597. Anaphothrip s orchidii (Moulton); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):160, 161. Anaphothrip s orchidii (Moulton); Griffiths & Thompson, 1957. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 591:64, fig. 61. C h. [a et anaphothrips] orchidii (Moulton); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvfl Klic Zvifeny CSR., 2:20, figs. 39, 41. Chaetanapho thrifts orchidii (Moulton); Stannard, 1957. Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci., (1956)49:175. Chaetanapho thrifts orchidii (Moulton); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):495, fig. 16. C haetanapho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:76. £. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 107. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:32. [C haetanapho thrift s] orchidii (Moulton); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. [C haetanapho thrift s] orchidii (Moulton); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Boden- fauna Europas, 2:53, 75, 124. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 164, 169. 9. C haetanapho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Bull. Ent. Madras, 6:26. Anaphothrips orchidii (Moulton); Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:168,196. C h. [a e tan apho thrift s] orchidii (Moulton); Priesner, 1966. T ierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):11. Anaphothrip s orchidii (Moulton); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):557. Chaetanapho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:22, 62, 69, 73, 75, Pl.V, fig. 34. 633 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 C ha et an asp ho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):239,291, fig. 96. ?. \_C hae t an apho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); De Almeida, 1969. = Chaetanap ho thrifts signipennis (Bagnall) ] . C .[hae tan ap ho thrift s\ orchidii (Moulton); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:93, 94, 126. Chaetanap ho thrifts orchidii (Moulton); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 3G(3):124, 125, 127, 130. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: California; Washington, D.C.; New York; Kentucky; Florida; Illinois; Louisiana; Surinam; Puerto Rico; Mexico; Scotland; Belgium; England; Holland; France; Norway; Sweden; Denmark; Finland; Czechoslovakia; India; Japan; Hawaiian Islands; Ukraine. Type locality: U.S.A.: Fruitvale, Alameda County, California. Habitat: Orchids; Palms; Chamaeodorea fragrans; Ficaria; Adiantum ; Iresine; Begonia; Amaranthus; C ommelina nudiflora; Anthurium; Pharbitis cathartica ; Passiflora sp.; Litchi chinensis; H eimerliodendrom brunonianum; Emilia sonchifolia; Chinchona; Bougainvillea; parsley; Citrus; sweet potato; grass; Tradescantia ; Cyclamen europaeum; Cyclamen indicum; Spatho glottis sp.; Epiphyllum; Hypoxis; Alternanthera sp.; C attleya labiata; Acer palmatum. Anaphothrips (C hae tanapho thrifts) ramakrishnai Karny = Taeniothrips traegardhi (T ry bom). Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall, 1914). Scirtothrips signipennis Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:22. ?. Euthrips biguttaticorpus Girault, 1924. Lese Majeste, new Insecta and Robbery, [P.i] ^ Euthrips biguttaticorpus; Girault, 1924. New Insecta from Queensland, p.[l] . Euthrips biguttaticorpus; Girault, 1925. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 13(l-3):34. S .[cirto thrifts] signipennis Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 3:865. Anaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall); Girault, 1925. Queensland agr. Journ., 23:474-516, fig. Anaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall); Girault, 1926. New pests from Australia III, p.[lb Anaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall); [Girault], 1926. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 14(7-9): 140. Anaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall); Froggatt, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 1927:67-72. Anaph. Vo thrifts] signipennis (Bagnall); Girault, 1931. A new habit in an old Insect, Homo pudieus and a new Eurytomidae, p.[3], Sc.Virtothrip s] signipennis • Bagnall; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3):151, 155. Scirtothrips signipennis Bagnall; Smith, 1934. Bull. Queensland Dep. Agr. Stock Div. Ent. Plant Path., (N.S.)9 : 1-41 , Pis. 1-2. JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. A. [napho thrift s] signipennis (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.21. P .[seudanapho thrift s\ musae Tryon; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 23. E .[uthrips] musae Tryon; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 24. S .[cirto thrift s] signipennis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 32. Scirtothrips signipennis Bagnall; Steele, 1935. Pamph. Counc. Sci. Industr. Res., 54:17. 9,**! [S cirto thrifts] signipennis Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940.Catal. Indian Ins., 25:6. \Anapho thrifts ( Scirtothrips )] signipennis (Bagnall); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:160. S. [cirto thrifts] signip ennis (Bagnall); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed.5, 4(1):396. Scirtothrips signipennis (Bagnall); Evans, 1952. Injurious Ins. British Common- wealth, p. 74. C haetanap ho thrift s orchidii (Moulton); Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:216. Partim . [Anap ho thrifts] signipennis Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zooi.)7:169. Euthrips biguttaticorpus (Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7:169, 170. C haetanap ho thrifts signipennis (Bagnall); Mitri & Stannard, 1962. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 55:384,385, figs. 4-6, 12-13. C haetanapho thrift s signipennis (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 96, 102. S .[cirto thrift s] signipennis Bagnall; Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(13):332. [Scirto thrift s] signipennis Bagnall; Titschack, 1964. Eos, 40(l-2):243. C haetanapho thrift s signipennis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968, Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:30. C .[haetanapho thrift s] orchidii (Moulton); De Almeida, 1969, Bol. Inst. Invest, cient. Angola, S(l):47. Scirtothrips signipennis Bagnall; De Almeida, 1969. Bol. Inst. Invest, cient. Angola, 6(1):48. C haetanapho thrift s signipennis (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :126 (footnote). C haetanapho thrifts signipennis (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3):126, 127, 134. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of biguttaticorpus : Brisbane Museum; oimusae: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Ceylon; India; Queensland, Australia; Fiji; Panama; Honduras. Type locality: CEYLON: Peradeniya; ion biguttaticorpus: AUSTRALIA: Gympie or Mary Valley; for musae: AUSTRALIA: Queensland. Habitat: A pest on bananas. Chaetanaphothrips sp. larva. C haetanapho thrifts sp. Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(11):560, 582, 603, figs. 23, 45 f. larva. 635 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Chaetanaphothrips sp. Speyer & Parr; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):495. Distribution: ENGLAND: Hertfordshire. Habitat: Cymbidium under glass. Chaetanaphothrips sp. Anaphothrips (Chaetanaphothrips) sp. Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):321. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: HalfWay Bridge, Kauai; Lower forests on Oahu. Habitat: Corn, parsley; Alpinia purpurata; H edychium flavum; Zingiber zurembet; Bougainvillea spectabilis parviflora; Paspalum orbicular e . Genus CHILOTHRIPS Hood, 1916. Chilothrip s Hood, Chilothrips Hood; Chilothrip s Hood; Chilothrips Hood; Chilothrips Hood; Chilothrips Hood; Chilothrip s Hood; 1916. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 29:119. [Type: Chilothrips pini Hood]. Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168: 14, 46. Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:53,63, 124. Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):15Q, 167. Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):275, 292, Type-species: Chilothrips pini Hood, Maryland; designated and monobasic. Chilothrips pini Hood, 1916. 9. Chilothrips pini Hood, 1916. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 29:120. 9. Chilothrips pini Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:46. [ Chilothrips ] pini Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):19. Chilothrips pini Hood, Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3):1 77. Chilothrips pini Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):168, PI. 22, fig. 45. Chilothrips pini Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):293, fig. 105. £ Chilothrips pini Hood; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):476. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Maryland, Virginia; Wisconsin; California. Type locality: U.S. A.: Bladensburg, Maryland. Habitat: Pinus virginiana; wild currant; dwarf ceanothus. Chilothrips pomeroyi (Moulton, 1930). 9. Scirtothrip s pomeroyi Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:199. 9. Sc .[irtothrip s] pomeroyi Moulton; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3):152, 154. 636 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [S cirto thrift s\ pomeroyi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 123. Chilo thrifts ftomeroyi (Moulton); Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(1 3 ): 334 . Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: GHANA: Yegi, Volta River, Northern Territory. Type locality: GOLD COAST: Yegi, Volta River, Northern Territory. Habitat: Leaf-buds of Vitex sp. Genus DANOTHRIPS Bhatti, 1971. Danothrips Bhatti, 1971. Oriental Ins., 5(3):337. Type-species: Danothrips setifer Bhatti, (India); designated and monobasic. Danothrips setifer Bhatti, 1971. 9. Danothrips setifer Bhatti, 1971. Oriental Ins., 5(3): 338, figs. 1-5, 9-15. 9. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: INDIA: Tamil Nadu; Kulathupuzha, Kerala. Type locality: INDIA: Tamil Nadu. Habitat: Grass. Genus Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh = EXOTHRIPS Priesner. Genus Dictyothrips Uzel = Anaphothrips subgenus DICTYOTHRIPS Uzel. Genus EREMIOTHRIPS Priesner, 1949. Eremiothrips Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:44, 45, 60, 61, 129. [Type: E. imitator Priesner] [in key to genera], Eremiothrips Priesner, 1950. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 34:28. [Described]. Eremiothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Eremiothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:212, 256. Type-species: Eremiothrips imitator Priesner, (Egypt; designated and monobasic. Eremiothrips imitator Priesner, 1949. 9. E.[remiothrips] imitator Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:129. [simply mentioned as type of genus]. Eremiothrips imitator Priesner, 1950. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 34:29, figs. 6, 7. 9. Eremiothrips imitator; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:257, PI. XII, figs. 56,57. 9. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EGYPT: Wadi Bahr-el-Bellama near Meadi. Type locality: EGYPT: Wadi Bahr-el-Bellama. Habitat: Haloxylon schweinfurthii (Probably not true host). Eremothrips John = Genus OXYTHRIPS Uzel. 637 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Genus EXOTHRIPS Priesner, 1939. Exothrips Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2): 162. [Type: E. monstrosus Priesner]. Oxythrips Uzel; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:9. Exothrips Priesner; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 4:83 [key]. Anaphothrips subgen. Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 1 12, 124. [Type: Anaphothrips (Dantabahuthrips) sacchari Shumsher Singh]. [Anaphothrips subgen.] Dantabahuthrips; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:160. [Anaphothrips subgen.] Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent, 33:60, 126. Exothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:45, 50, 55, 60, 130. Catina Faure, 1956. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 19(1): 100. [Type: Catina papyri Faure]. Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Exothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):166. Parexothrips Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. nom. nud. Exothrips Priesner; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):331. Exothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):424. Anaphothrips subgen .Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 95, 101. Exothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 94, 105. Exothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:205, 206, 212. Parexothrips Priesner, 1964. Publ. Ins. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:208, 285. [Type: Exothrips tenellus Priesner]. Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh; Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 15. P exothrips Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 15. [Type: P. anolis Bhatti]. Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh; Bhatti, 1969. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 66(1):66. Exothrips Priesner; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. Dantabahuthrips Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :27. Exothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :27, 79, 85, 90, 126. Parexothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:27, 127. Pexothrips Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:27, 130. Type-species: Exothrips monstrosus Priesner, (Congo); designated and monobasic; of Dantabahuthrips: Anaphothrips (Dantabahuthrips) sacchari Shumsher Singh, (India); designated and monobasic; of Catina : Catina papyri Faure, (Sudan); designated and monobasic; of Parexothrips: Exothrips tenellus Priesner, (Egypt); designated and monobasic; of Pexothrips: Pexothrips anolis Bhatti, (India); designated and monobasic. Exothrips anolis (Bhatti, 1967). Pexothrips anolis Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 15, figs. 11-12. 9, 6. [Exothrips] anolis (Bhatti); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. P.[exothrips] anolis Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:130. Location of type: Zoological Survey of India. Distribution: INDIA: Tewar village, Jabalpur district, M.P. Type locality: INDIA: Tewar village, Jabalpur district, M.P. Habitat: Grass. 638 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Exothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931). 9, <5. Oxythrips hemavarna Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1931. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 34(4): 1036. 9. [Oxythrips] hemavarna; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:10. Anaphothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 1 12, 128. [Anaphothrips ( Chaetanaphothrips)] hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:161. Exothrips madrasensis Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz., 157(7-8): 130, fig. 1. 9, 6. Exothrips madrasensis; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3):560. Exothrips madrasensis; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):422, 424. Exothrips madrasensis Ananthakrishnan; Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:46. Exothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Sakimura & Ananthakrishnan, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:53, figs. 4-13. 6, 9. Exothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 105. Exothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1967. Bull. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 34:371,374. [Exothrips] hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. E. [xothrips] hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:126. Location of type: Ramakrishna collection; of madrasensis: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore; Madras; Nilgiris. Type locality: INDIA: Coimbatore; for madrasensis: INDIA: Madras. Habitat: Mango leaves; Panicum maximum; Sorghum. Exothrips madrasensis Ananthakrishnan = Exothrips hemavarna (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu). Exothrips monstrosus Priesner, 1939. <5, 9. Exothrips monstrosus Priesner, 1939. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 32(2): 163, figs. 4, 5. 6, 9. [Exothrips] monstrosus Priesner; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 4:83, 84. Exothrips monstrosus Priesner; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. Location of type: Museum Royal Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Distribution: CONGO: Rutshuru. Type locality: CONGO BELGE: Rutshuru. Habitat: Gramineae. Exothrips navicularius Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. <3, 9. Exothrips navicularius Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 4:83, 84, 90, figs. 4-7. B,9. [Exothrips] navicularis [Sic!] Jacot-Guillarmod; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):331. Exothrips navicularius Jacot-Guillarmod; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. Location of type: Jacot-Guillarmod collection, Grahams town. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA, TRANSVAAL: Rustenburg; Pretoria; Middelburg. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Buffelspoort, Rustenburg, Transvaal. Habitat: Grass; acacia; dry pods of Terminalia sericea; citrus. 639 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Exothrips papyri (Faure, 1956). 9, 6. Catina papyri Faure, 1956. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 19(1): 101, figs. 1-5, 6, 9. Dantabahuthrips papyri (Faure); Bhatti, 1969. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 66(1 ): 67, 68. [Exothrips] papyri (Faure); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: UGANDA: Napoleon Gulf, Lake Victoria; SUDAN: Sudd Region. Type locality: SUDAN: Jonglei, Sudd Region. Habitat: Papyrus. Exothrips pulcher Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. d, 9. Exothrips pulcher Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 4:83, 84, 86, figs. 8-10. d, 9. [Exothrips] pulcher Jacot-Guillarmod; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):331. [Exothrips pulcher Jacot-Guillarmod ;”Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. Location of type: Jacot-Guillarmod collection, Grahamstown. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Hluhluwe, Natal; MOZAMBIQUE: Louren£0 Marques. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Hluhluwe, Zulul and, Natal. Habitat: Grass; Themeda triandra; Dactyloctenium sp. Exothrips sacchari (Shumsher Singh, 1942). 9, 6. Anaphothrips (Dantabahuthrips) sacchari Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 125, figs, a, b. 9, 6. [Anaphothrips (Dantabahuthrips )] sacchari; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:160. Anaphothrips (Dantabahuthrips) sacchari Shumsher Singh; Patel & Patel, 1953. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 51(3):598, 603. Neophysopus sacchari (Shumsher Singh); Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:47. Anaphothrips (D.[antabahuthrips]) sacchari Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia (1963)26(2):79, 101. Dantabahuthrips sacchari (Shumsher Singh); Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 23, fig. 10. Dantabahuthrips sacchari (Shumsher Singh); Bhatti, 1969. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 66(1):67. [Exothrips] sacchari (Shumsher Singh); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):376. A.[naphothrips] (Dantabahuthrips) sacchari Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:125. Exothrips sacchari (Shumsher Singh); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 131, 132. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: INDIA: Rupar, Punjab; Hoshiarpur, Punjab; Poona; Baroda. Type locality: INDIA: Rupar (Punjab). Habitat: Sugar cane; Arundo donax. Exothrips sakimurai (Ananthakrishnan, 1961). 9,6. Anaphothrips (Neophysopus) sakimurai Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):261 . 9, 6. Anaphothrips sakimurai; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):421. Anaphothrips sakimurai; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 101. Anaphothrips sakimurai; Ananthakrishnan, 1967. Bull. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 34:371, 374. Dantabahuthrips sakimurai (Ananthakrishnan); Bhatti, 1969. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 66(1):67, 68. Exothrips sakimurai (Ananthakrishnan); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):377. A.[naphothrips] (Neophysopus) sakimurai; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:125. 640 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Madras. Type locality: INDIA: Madras. Habitat: Apluda aristata. Exothrips setosus Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. 6, 9. Exothrips setosus Jacot-Guillarmod, 1941. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 4:83, 84, fig. 3. 6, 9. [Exothrips] setosus Jacot-Guillarmod; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):331. [Exothrips] setosus Jacot-Guillarmod; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 377. Location of type: Jacot-Guillarmod collection, Grahamstown. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Woodbush and Wonderkloof, Transvaal. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Woodbush, Pietersburg, Transvaal. Habitat: Unknown. Exothrips tenellus Priesner, 1950. 9, <5. Exothrips tenellus Priesner, 1950. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 34:30, figs. 8, 9. 9. Parexothrips tenellus (Priesner); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:286. 9, 6. [Parexothrips tenellus (Priesner); Ananthakrishnan, 1968 = Exothrips sp.] [Exothrips] tenellus Priesner; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 377. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EGYPT: Meadi. Type locality: EGYPT: Meadi. Habitat: Imperata cylindrica. Exothrips sp. Parexothrips tenellus (Priesner); Ananthakrishnan, Zool. Anz., 180(3-4):264. Parexothrips tenellus; Ananthakrishnan; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 3 77. P.[arexothrips] tenellus (Priesner); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 1 27. Distribution: INDIA: Tirupurankundram (Madura); Aravankad; Yercaud. Habitat: Grass. Genus HEMIANAPHOTHRIPS Priesner, 1925. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips Priesner, 1925. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver., 1 0( 1 ) : 5 . [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:181. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 168. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):850. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:50. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.23. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian. Ins., 25:9. Anaphothrips subgen. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Joum. Ent., 4(2): 112, 123. [Anaphothrips subgen.] Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:160. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. SuppL, pp. 42, 46. [Anaphothrips subgen.] Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:60, 132. Anaphothrips Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):309. Partim. [Anaphothrips subgen.] Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. 641 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 95, 101. Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:35, 53. [Anaphothrips] subgen. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:859. Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:212, 261. Hemianaphothrips; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):9. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):99. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 18, 41. Hemianaphothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zoolMonog., 1:27, 66, 126. [as Hemianophothrips on p. 27]. Type-species: Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner, (Hungary); monobasic. Hemianaphothrips annulicomis (zur Strassen, 1965). 9. Anaphothrips annulicornis zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):19, fig. 14. 9. Hemianaphothrips annulicornis (zur Strassen); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):41, 68. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS: Valle del Rincon (at Haria), Lanzarote. Type locality: CANARY ISLANDS: Valle del Rincon (at Haria), Lanzarote. Habitat: Grass. Hemianaphothrips articulosus (Priesner, 1925). 9, d. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner, 1925. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver., 10(1): 5. 9. [Anaphothrips (Hemianaphothrips)] articulosus; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [Anaphothrips] (Hemianaphothrips) articulosus; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:181. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Mai tbaek, 1927. Haderslev. katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:XIV. A.[naphothrips] articulosus Priesner; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 168. 9, d, all stages. Anaphothrips (Hemianaphothrips) articulosus /Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:709. 9, d, larva. [Anaphothrips] (Hemianaphothrips) articulosus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:62. A.[naphothrips] articulosus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 32. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Knechtel, 1932. Publ. Soc. Nat. Romania, 10:92. A.[naphothrips] articulosus Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:50, 51, 9, d. Anaphothrips articulosus; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):304, 306. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Fabian, 1938. Fragm. Faun, hung., 1 :94. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:116. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6):382. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):96, 97, fig. 63. 9, d. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):310. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8):120, 123, 128. Anaphothrips articulosus Briesner; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjbdowska Lublin, (1957)(C) 12(9): 137, fig. 4. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Lindner, 1960. Bombus, 2(20-2 1):78. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht, 21(8): 143. JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae C urie-Sk fodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):55. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 106. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :32, PI. IX, fig. 3. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Rev. roumaine Biol. Ser. Zool., 9(5) : 35 5-363. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)16(5):445, 447. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 163, 165, fig. 35. 9, 6. [Hem ianaphothrips ] articulosus (Priesner); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:54, 122, 124, 126, Pl.II, fig. 20. A. [naphothrips] articulosus Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:859. H. [emianaphothrips] articulosus (Priesner); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt. Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):9. Anaphothrips articulosus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 5 56. H. [emianaphothrips] articulosus (Priesner); zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol. 48(2):99. Hem ianapho thrips articulosus (Priesner); Pitkin, 1970. Ent. mon. Mag., 105:201. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Hungary; Denmark; Rumania; Germany; Poland; Holland; England; Ukraine. Type locality: HUNGARY : Simontornya. Habitat: Phragmites; Calamagrostis arundinacea; Glyceria aquatica; Glyceria fluitans; Glyceria maxima; Gramineae; fallen leaves of willow. Hemianaphothrips concinnus Morison, 1931. 9, 6. Hemianapho thrips (Anaphothrips) concinnus Morison, 1931. Bull. ent. Res., 22(2): 245, figs. 1, 2a, 3. 9, <5. H [em ianaphothrips ] concinnus Morison; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.23. Hem ianapho thrips (Anaphothrips) concinnus Morison; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., ed. 5, 4(1): 398. Hemianapho thrips concinnus Morison; Officers Vic. Plant Res. Inst., 1970. Journ. Agr. Melbourne, 68(1 1):336, 338. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Burnley, Victoria. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Burnley, Victoria. Habitat: Lycium horridum; tobacco. Hemianaphothrips dubius (Priesner, 1933). 9, 6. Scirtothrips ( Pro scirto thrips ) dubius Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 184. 9, 6. Scir to thrips dubius Priesner; Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(1 3): 335. Anaphothrips launaeae zur Strassen, 1965. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 28(6):22. 9, 6. Anaphothrips ( Hem ianapho th rips ) launaea; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:74, 120, map. 5. Hemianapho thrips dubius (Priesner); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31 (5) :41 , 68, 70. Location of type: Hamburg Museum (destroyed in war); of launaeae: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. 643 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS: Lanzarote; Fuerteventura; Gran Canaria. Type locality: CANARY ISLANDS: San Bartolome — Goimes, Lanzarote; for launaeae: CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Tarajal, Fuerteventura. Habitat: Launaea Spinosa; Launaea arbor esc ens; Tamarix balansae. Anaphothrips launaeae zur Strassen = Hemianaphothrips dubius (Priesner). Hemianaphothrips palmae Ramakrishna, 1934. $, 6. Hemianaphothrips palmae Ramakrishna, 1934. Rec. Indian Mus., 36(4):491, PI. IX, fig. 4a-b. 9, 6. [Hemianaphothrips] palmae Ramakrishna; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:9. Hemianaphothrips palmae Ramakrishna; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 1 12. Anaphothrips (Hemianaphothrips) palmae (Ramakrishna); Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 124. [Anaphothrips (Hemianaphothrips) ] palmae (Ramakrishna); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:160. Hemianaphothrips palmae Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia (1963) 26(2):79,95, 101. Hemianaphothrips palmae Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:126. Location of type: Ramakrishna Collection. Distribution: INDIA: Bellary District. Type locality: INDIA: Tungabhadra river at Tunga bhadra and Siruguppa, Bellary District. Habitat: Phoenix dactylifera flower heads. Hemianaphothrips postumus Richter, 1928. 9. Hemianaphothrips postumus Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):850. 9. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: WEST GREENLAND: Kagiarsuk; Kr-Iraab. Type locality: WEST GRONLAND: not specified. Habitat: Unknown. Hemianaphothrips tersus M orison = Othinanaphothrips tersus (Morison). Anaphothrips zeae Moulton = Anaphothrips (Proscirtothrips) zeae Moulton. Genus HOMOCHAETOTHRIPS Sakimura, 1968. Homochaetothrips Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:59. [Type: Pseudothrips parvus Bagnall]. Type-species: Pseudothrips parvus Bagnall, (Queensland); designated from seven species. Homochaetothrips frankstoni (Steele, 1940). 9, 6. Isochaetothrips frankstoni Steele, 1940. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia, 64(2): 325, figs, la-c, 2a-d. 9, 6. Homochaetothrips frankstoni (Steele); Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:60, 61. Location of type: South Australia Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Frankston, Victoria. 644 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Frankston, Victoria. Habitat: Acacia sp. Homochaetothrips melanurus (Steele, 1940). 9, 6. Isochaetothrips melanurus Steele, 1940. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia, 64(2):326, figs, lf-g, 2g-h. 9, 6. [Isochaetothrips] melanurus Steele; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Ins., 9(4):724. Homochaetothrips melanurus (Steele); Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:60, 61. Location of type: South Australia Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA, VICTORIA: Kalorama; Melbourne; Box Hill. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Kalorama, Victoria. Habitat: Acacia dealbata. Homochaetothrips pallidus (Steele, 1940). 9. Isochaetothrips pallidus Steele, 1940. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia, 64(2): 328, figs, ld-e, 2e-f. 9 Homochaetothrips pallidus (Steele); Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:60, 61. Location of type: South Australia Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Kalorama, Victoria. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Kalorama, Victoria. Habitat: Cassinia longifolia. Homochaetothrips pallipennis Sakimura, 1968. 9. Homochaetothrips pallipennis Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:60, 62. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Renmark, South Australia. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Renmark, South Australia. Habitat: Senecio sp.; yellow weed (burr); blue daisy. Homochaetothrips parvus (Bagnall, 1916). 9. Pseudo thrips parvus Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:222. 9. Glaucothrips parvus (Bagnall); Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. G.[lauco thrips] parvus (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 19. Pseudanap ho thrips panms (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:50. Homochaetothrips parvus (Bagnall); Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:60, 61. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Brandon, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Brandon, Queensland. Habitat: ? Helianthus sp. Homochaetothrips querci (Moulton, 1928). 9. Isochaetothrips querci Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):306, 329. 9. Isochaetothrips querci Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):441. [Isochaetothrips] querci Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Homochaetothrips querci (Moulton); Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:61. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: FORMOSA: Taihoku. Type locality: FORMOSA: Taihoku. Habitat: Quercus sp. 645 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Homochaetothrips uniformis (Bagnall, 1926). 9. Physothrips uniformis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:102. 9. P.[hysothrips] uniformis Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)2:227. [referred to Isochaetothrips). L[sochaetothrips ] uniformis (Bagnall); Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):307. P.[hysothrips] uniformis (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.25. /. [sochaetothrips] uniformis (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.74. Isochaetothrips uniformis (Bagnall); Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. Western Australia, 21 :95. Pseudanaphothrips uniformis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:50. Homochaetothrips uniformis (Bagnall); Sakimura, 1968. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 7:60, 61. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Healesville, Victoria; Perth, Western Australia. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Ben Cairn near Healesville, Victoria. Habitat: Senecio dryadeus. Genus IDOLIMOTHRIPS Priesner, 1920. Idolimothrips Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 29(1-2): 79. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52. Idolimothrips Priesner; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):241. Idolimothrips Priesner; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:13. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt.l : 1 1 8, 120, 136, 154. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 4. Idolimothrips Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp.24, 29. Idolimothrips Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:28, 40. Idolimothrips Priesner; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 19. Idolimothrips Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p.41. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:50, 56, 64, 133. Idolimothrips Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:189. Idolimothrips Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:34, 60. Idolimothrips Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 123, 138, 150. Idolimothrips Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:855, 858. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:202, 206. Idolimothrips; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 8. Type-species: Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner, (Australia); monobasic. Idolimothrips knoxi Girault, 1927. 9. Idolimothrips Knoxi Girault, 1927. A Discourse on Wild Animals, p.[2]. 9. I.[dolimothrips] knoxii Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 19. Idolimothrips knoxi Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7:170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. 646 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Alderley, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Alderley. Habitat: Xerotes. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner, 1920. 9. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)129(l-2):79, figs. 4, 5. 9. Idolimothrips paradoxus; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:52, 62(note 3). 9. [Idolimothrips] paradoxus; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 144. Idolimothrips paradoxus; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1: 154, PI. Ill, fig. 36. 9. I [dolimothrips] paradoxus Priesner; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):4. 9. I. [dolimothrips] paradoxus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p.29, fig. 13. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:159. [Idolimothrips] paradoxus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 189. I .[dolimothrips] paradoxus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR., 2:16. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 1 17, 120, 123, 128. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(9):137, fig. 1. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:405. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):55. [Idolimothrips] paradoxus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:60, PL II, fig. 14; PI. Ill, fig. 2. 9. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 150. 9. I.[dolimothrips] paradoxus Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:858. I [dolimothrips] paradoxus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):8. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):555. Idolimothrips paradoxus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):55. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Czechoslovakia; Poland; Ukraine. Type locality: AUSTRIA: Griinburg, Oberosterreich. Habitat: Meadow; bushes; turf. Genus INDUSIOTHRIPS Priesner, 1952. Indusiothrips Priesner, 1952. Indian Journ. Ent., 13(11): 183. [Type: Indusiothrips seshadrii Priesner]. Indusiothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Indusiothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 94, 105. Indusiothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :26, 83, 126. Type-species: Indusiothrips seshadrii Priesner, (India); designated and monobasic. 647 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Indusiothrips seshadrii Priesner, 1952. 9, 6. Indusiothrips seshadrii Priesner, 1952. Indian Journ. Ent., 13(1 1): 183, figs. la-d. 9, 6. Indusiothrips seshadrii Priesner; Priesner & Seshadri, 1952. Indian Journ. agr. Sci., 22(4):41 1. larva. Indusiothrips seshadrii Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):79, 94, 105. L [ndusiothrips] seshadrii Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:126. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: SOUTH INDIA: Valparia. Type locality: SOUTH INDIA: Valparia. Habitat: Fern sporangia. Genus KEMOTHRIPS Bhatti, 1967. Kemothrips Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p.14. Kemothrips Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 129. Type-species: Kemothrips mirus Bhatti, (India); designated and monobasic. Kemothrips minis Bhatti, 1967. 9. Kemothrips mirus Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 14. 9. K. [emothrips] mirus Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 129. Location of type: ? Bhatti collection. Distribution: INDIA: Malabar Hill, Bombay. Type locality: INDIA: Malabar Hill, Bombay. Habitat: Unknown. Genus KURTOMATHRIPS Moulton, 1927. Kurtomathrips Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4): 187. [Type: Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton]. Kurtomathrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Kurtomathrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:62, 135. Kurtomathrips Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 149, 182. Kurtomathrips Moulton; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Kurtomathrips Moulton; Bailey, 1961. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 63(4):257. [Described]. Type-species: Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton, (Arizona); designated and monobasic. Kurtomathrips brunneus (Watson, 1931). 9, 6. Prosopothrips brunneus Watson, 1931. Florida Ent., 15(3):51, 52. 9. Prosopothrips brunneus Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):24. Kurtomathrips unicolor Bailey, 1961. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 63(4):258, figs. 1-3, 6-7. 9,6. P[rosopothrips] brunneus Watson; Titschack, 1970. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 38 30 33 Kurtomathrips brunneus (Watson); O’Neill, 1970. Florida Ent., 53(3): 171. Location of type: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida; of unicolor: Bailey collection. Distribution: U.S.A.: Colorado; Texas; New Mexico; MEXICO. Type locality: U.S.A.: Rocky Ford, Colorado; for unicolor: Big Bend National Park, Castolon, Texas. Habitat: Barley; small yellow composite flowers; shrub with blue flowers; shipment of cacti, succulents and cycads. 648 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton, 1927. 9, 6. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4): 188, Pl.XI, fig. 1. 9. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 177. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Sakimura, 1956. Journ. econ. Ent., 49(4):562. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 183, PI. 20, fig. 28. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Bibby, 1958. Journ. econ. Ent., 51(4):451. Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Bailey, 1961. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 63(4):257, figs. 4, 5. 9, d Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton; Bianchi, 1965. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1964)19(1):69, fig. 1. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Arizona; California; Texas; Nevada; WEST INDIES: Jamaica; HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Oahu. Type locality: U.S.A.: Gila Bend, Arizona. Habitat: Cotton; Chrysanthemum ; Wyethia ovata; Pluchea odorata; bean; Jimpsonweed; lantana.; Lotus; Malva rotundifolia; snapdragon; sugarbeet; Wedelia. Kurtomathrips unicolor Bailey = Kurtomathrips brunneus (Watson). Genus Limocercyothrips Watson = BREGMATOTHRIPS Hood. Genus MACRUROTHRIPS Vuillet, 1914. Macrurothrips Vuillet, 1914. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1914(6): 189. [T y pe : Macruro thrips Normandi V uillet ] . Macrurothrips Vuillet; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):218, 244. Macrurothrips Vuillet; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:15. Macrurothrips Vuillet; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. comp, zool., 73:74. Macrurothrips Vuillet; Priesner, 1949. Rev. fran9aise Ent., 16(2):93. Macrurothrips Vuillet; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:53, 136. Macrurothrips Vuillet; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Macrurothrips Vuillet; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:207. Type-species: Macrurothrips Normandi Vuillet, (Tunisia); designated and monobasic. Macrurothrips normandi Vuillet, 1914. 9. Macrurothrips Normandi Vuillet, 1914. Bull Soc. ent. France, 1914(6): 189. 9. Macrurothrips Normandi Vuillet; Priesner, 1949. Rev. fran9aise Ent., 16(2):93, figs. 1-2. 9. Location of type: Museum d'Histoire Nature lie, Paris. Distribution: TUNISIA: Le Kef. Type locality: TUNISIA: Le Kef. Habitat: Unknown. Genus METAXYOTHRIPS Priesner, 1933. Metaxyothrips Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):316. [Type: Metaxyothrips exspectatus Priesner]. Metaxyothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:46, 58, 63, 137. 649 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Metaxyothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Type-species: Metaxyothrips exspectatus Priesner, (Sumatra); designated and monobasic. Metaxyothrips exspectatus Priesner, 1933. 9. Metaxyothrips exspectatus Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):317, fig. 22. 9. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: SOUTH SUMATRA: Wai Lima, Lampongs. Type locality: SOUTH SUMATRA: Wai Lima, Lampongs. Habitat: Young leaves of A mmomum Genus MONOTHRIPS Moulton, 1940. Monothrips Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24): 245. [Type: Monothrips flavus Moulton]. Monothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Monothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:52, 58, 138. Monothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):166. Type-species: Monothrips flavus Moulton, (New Britain); designated and monobasic. Monothrips flavus Moulton, 1940. 9. Monothrips flavus Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):246. 9. Monothrips flavus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: NEW BRITAIN: Rabaul. Type locality: NEW BRITAIN: Rabaul. Habitat: Saccharum spontaneum. Genus Neolimothrips Shumsher Singh = Genus BREGMATOTHRIPS Hood. Genus Neophysopus Schmutz = Anaphothrips subgenus NEOPHYSOPUS Schmutz. Genus Odontanaphothrips Moulton = Anaphothrips subgenus PROSCIRTOTHRIPS Karny. Genus OTHINAN APHOTHRIPS J.C. Crawford, 1943. Othinanaphothrips Crawford, 1943. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 45(6): 151. [Type: Othinanaphothrips spilled Crawford]. Othinanaphothrips Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. Othinanaphothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:60, 141. Othinanaphothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):166. Othinanaphothrips Crawford; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:261. Type-species: Othinanaphothrips spilled Crawford, (New Zealand); designated from two species. Othinanaphothrips regalis (Girault, 1928). 9. An. [ aphothdps ] regalis Girault, 1928. Prbdigeous Discourse on Wild Animals, p.[2] [Sex not stated]. 650 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Hemianapho thrips (A napho thrips ) tersus Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(1 ):9, fig. 1. 9. Anaphothrips tersus Mor. equals regalis; Girault, 1930. New Pests from Australia VIII, P.[ 1 ]. H. [emianaphothrips] tersus; Morison, 1931. Bull. ent. Res., 22(2): 246, fig. 2b. A. [napho thrips] regalis Girault ; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 22. H. [emianaphothrips] tersus Morison ; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 23. Othinanapho thrips tersus (Morison); Crawford, 1943. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 45(6): 151, 153. [A. [napho thrips] (Hem ianapho thrips ) tersus (Morison); Blunck&Neu, 1949 = Othinanapho thrips spilleri Crawford]. [Anaphothrips] regalis Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7 : 1 69. [Anaphothrips] tersus (Morison); De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7:169. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum; of tersus: British Museum (Natural History) Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Norman Park, Queensland; Adelaide and Glen Osmond, South Australia; Burnley, Victoria. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Norman Park; for tersus: AUSTRALIA: Adelaide Botanic Gardens, South Australia. Habitat: Senehiera; Cineraria; Malva parviflora; bean; Marrow; Lycium horridum. Othinanaphothrips spilleri J.C. Crawford, 1943. 9, 6. Othinanapho thrips spilleri Crawford, 1943. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 45(6): 152, fig. 1. 9, 6. Othinanaphothrips spilleri Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. A. [napho thrips] (Hemianapho thrips) tersus (Morison); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., ed. 5, 4(1):399. A. [napho thrips] (Othinanaphothrips) spilleri (Crawford); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):399. Othinanaphothrips spilleri Crawford; Spiller, 1951. New Zealand Journ. Sci. Tech., (B)33(2): 143. Othinanaphothrips spilleri Crawford; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Location of type: U.S. National Museum. Distribution: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland. Type locality: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland. Habitat: Nicotiana tabacum in greenhouses. Hemianapho thrips tersus Morison = Othinanaphothrips regalis (Girault). Genus OXYTHRDPS Uzel, 1895. [Thrips] subgen. Thrips Linne; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:444, 446. Partim. [Thrips subgen.] Thrips Linne; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):414. Partim. [Thrips] subgen. Limothrips Haliday; Curtis, 1839. British Ent., 7 :P1. 748. Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:216. Partim. Physapus De Geer; Amyot Sc Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 643. Partim. Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):216. Partim. Thrips (Thrips) section Homopterae Haliday, 1852. in Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1107, 1108. Partim. [Thrips] subgen. Belo thrips Haliday; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21:212, 213,221. Belothrips Haliday; Trybom, 1895. Ent. Tidskr., 16(3): 184. Oxythrips Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 29, 34, 44, 51, 133. Partim. 651 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Oscythrips [Sic!] Uzel; Coesfeld, 1899 = Ceratothrips Reuter]. Oxythrips Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):37, 46. Physopus De Geer; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):37, 48. Partim. Oxythrips Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:628. Oxyothrips [Sic!] Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Ent. mon. Mag., 44:5. Oxyothrips [SzW] Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Proc. ent. Soc. London, 1907:lxxxii. Oxythrips Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Joum. econ. Biol., 6(1):4, 10. Partim. Oxythryps [Sic!] Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(45):236 (sep. p. 13) Partim Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 35(5-6): 190. Partim. Oxythrips Uzel; Hood, 1916. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 4(4-6):37. [Type: Oxythrips ajugae Uzel designated]. [Key]. Oxythrips subgen. Oxythrips Uzel; Hood, 1916. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 4(4-6):37. Oxythrips Uzel; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):49. [Oxythrips Uzel;Priesner, 19 1 9 = Ceratothrips Reuter + Bregmatothrips Hood]. Oxythrips Uzel;Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:53. Oxythrips Uzel;Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4) : 2 1 7 , 243. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. Partim. Oxythrips Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 98. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 40(1-4): 1 16. Oxythrips Uzel;Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):75, 115. [Rumanian species]. Oxythrips Uzel; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:14, 46. Oxythrips Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 121, 179, 210. [European species monographed]. Eremothrips Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:217. nom. nud. Oxythrips Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insektfauna, 6:24, 35. [Swedish species]. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):5, 9. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. Oxythrips Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp.24, 34. Oxythrips Uzel; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):372. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:125. Oxythrips Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:30, 54, 57. [Netherland species]. Oxythrips Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29, 32, 56. [Danish species]. Oxythrips Uzel; Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)11:651. Oxythrips Uzel; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc., 15(1):55. Oxythrips Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:317. Oxythrips Uzel;Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:98. Oxythrips Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:158. Oxythrips Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p.33. Oxythrips Uzel;Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp.42, 45, 46, 53. Oxythrips Uzel;Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. Sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6):387. Oxythrips Uzel; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Oxythrips Uzel; Morison, 1949* London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 15. Oscythrips Schille; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:140. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:53, 54, 63, 141. Oxythrips Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):68, 105. [Rumanian species]. 652 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Oxythrips Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. Oxythrips Uzel; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:24. Oxythrips Uzel; Pelikan, 1955. Zool. Ent. listy, 4(1 8): 26. [key]. Oxythrips Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):310. Oxythrips Uzel; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 148, 150, 188. [California species]. Oxythrips Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klid Zvtfeny CSR., 2:20. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Oxythrips Uzel;Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.): 189. Oxythrips Uzel;Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):353,-361. [Italian species]. Oxythrips Uzel; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1(5-6):59 1 . Oxythrips Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:26, 32. Oxythrips Uzel; Bailey, 1964. Hilgardia, 35(1 3): 330. Oxythrips Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1):96. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:35, 37, 55. [key]. Oxythrips Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 123, 178. Oxythrips Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:855, 860. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:203, 208, 288. Oxythrips Uzel; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):203. Oxythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):9, 12, 18. Oxythrips Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senck. biol., 48(2):99. Oxythrips Uzel; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:63. Oxythrips Uzel; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):274, 275, 330. [Illinois species]. Partim. Oxythrips Uzel; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 18, 40. Oxythrips Uzel; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :29, 79, 88, 130. Oxythrips Uzel; Haga, 1971. Annual Rep. High-school Osaka Kyoiku Univ., 13:46, 47, 50, figs. 6, 7. Type-species: Oxythrips ajugae Uzel, (Bohemia); designated from five species by Hood, 1916. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 4(4-6): 37. Oxythrips subgenus OXYTHRIPS Uzel, 1895. Oxythrips (Oxythrips) agathidis Morison, 1941. 9, 6. Oxythrips agathidis Morison, 1941. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)10(10):204, figs. 1-3. 9, 6. larva. Location of type: Queensland Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Imbil, S.E. Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Imbil, S.E. Queensland. Habitat: Agathis robusta. Oxythrips (Oxythrips) ajugae Uzel, 1895. 9, 6. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 51, 136, PI. V, fig. 67. 6, 9. [Oxythrips ajugae] var. bicolor Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 136, 137. 9. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:629, 645. 0.[xythrips] ajugae var. bicolor Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:12. 653 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):9 1 3, 914. Oxyothrips [Sic!]ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Ent. mon. Mag., 44:5. Oxyothrips [Sic/] ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Proc. ent. Soc. London, 1907:lxxxii. O. [. xythrips ] ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):5, 10. Oxythrips ajugae var. bicolor Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(45):236. (sep. p. 14). Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1912. Journ. econ. Biol., 7(4): 191. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):220. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):234. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Hood, 1916. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 4(4-6):38, 41. [Synonymy]. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1916. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Durham Newcastle-Tyne, (N.S.)4(2):349, 355. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:171. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. [i Oxythrips ajugae] ab. bicolor Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel f. typica Priesner, 1923. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 40(1-4): 117. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel f. bicolor Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 40(1-4): 117. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):22. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):22. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:154, 156. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:211, 213, 9, 6. Oxythrips ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:211, 214. O. [xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insektfauna, 6:35. 9, <3. Oxythrips pernicis Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:283. 6. 0.[xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1926. Ent. mon. Mag., 62:283. 0. [xythrips] pernicis; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:642. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:648. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):9. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:716. Oxythrips flavus Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:160, fig. 1. 9. Oxythrips ajugae var. bicolor Uzel; Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 167, figs. 6, 7. larvae. O. [xythrips] ajugae ajugae Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 34. O. [xythrips] ajugae bicolor Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 34. Oxythrips ajugae bicolor Uzel; John, 1930. Rev. Russe Ent., 24(1-2): 111. Oxythrips ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):91. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Hood, 1931. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 26(4): 153. Oxythrips ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Maltbaek, 1931. Ent. Meddel., 17:369. O. [xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:58. 9, 6. [Oxythrips] ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:57, 58. 0.[xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1 1:651. 0.[xythrips] pernicis; Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)11:651. O. [xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:317. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Felt & Chamberlain, 1935. Circ. New York State Mus., 17:12. 0.[xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):24, 26. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):24, 26. 654 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:98. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:159, 183, 210. Oxythrips ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:159, 183, 186, 210. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:1 18. Oxythrips ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:118. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. [Oxythrips ajugae ] f. bicolor Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4):239. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. [Oxythrips] flavus Morison; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. [Oxythrips] pernicis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. 0.[xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 53, 54. 9, 6. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 53, 54. O. [xythrips] pernicis Bagnall; Uzel, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 53, 54. 6. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 14. [Oxythrips] pernicis Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. 0.[xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):52. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 160, 173, 182. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 1 90. 0.[xythrips] ajugae Uzel; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:24. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 140. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 140. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Pelikan, 1955. Zool. Ent. listy, 4(18):26. [Oxythrips] pernicis Bagnall; Pelikan, 1955. Zool. Ent. listy, 4(18):27. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):310. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):31 1. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirtemberg, J 12(1): 271. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil KliS Zvireny CSR., 2:20. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:21. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 102. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):358, 361. 9, <5. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:408. [Oxythrips ajugae] ab. bicolor Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:408. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:22. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 11(5-6):591. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 108. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 108. Oxythrips ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 12. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:32. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):96. [Oxythrips] pernicis Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:56, 117, PI. IV, fig. 1; P1.V, fig. 12. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 178, 180. 9, 6. [Oxythrips ajugae] f. bicolor Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p. 180. 655 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1 :860. 9, 6. 0.[xythrips ] ajugae f. bicolor Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR., 1:860. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 153. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Joum. New York ent. Soc., (1965)7 3(4): 2 10. [Oxythrips] ajugae Uzel;Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 19, fig. 34. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):557. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):69. O. [xythrips] ajugae Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):99. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel;Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :47. ‘Oxythrips flavus Morison’; Mound, 1971. Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106:186. Oxythrips ajugae Uzel; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (C)26(15):181. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of bicolor Uzel: ? Vienna Museum; of pernicis and flavus: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Italy; Poland; Russia; England; Scotland; Austria; Germany; Sweden; Denmark; France; Siberia; Finland; Holland; Switzerland; Turkey; Palestine; New York, U.S.A.; Ukraine. Type locality: Bohemia; for bicolor: Bohemia; for pernicis: ENGLAND: Leith Hill, Surrey; for flavus: SCOTLAND: Garlogie, Aberdeenshire. Habitat: Ajuga; Larix sp; Ajuga reptans; Pinus; Pinus silvestris; Picea excelsa; Betulaalba; Fraxinus ornus; Trollius europaeus; Fagus; Quercus; Quercus cerris; Quercus petraea; Euphorbia cyparissias; grass; cereals; turf; moss; Salix; Gentiana lutea; Polygonatum multiflorum; Valeriana dioeca; Ulex europaeus; Genista sp.; Vaccinium myrtillus; Sorbus aucuparia; Sorbus torminalis. Oxythrips bagnalli Priesner = Oxythrips (Protoxythrips) bagnalli Priesner. Oxythrips (Oxythrips) bicolor (Reuter, 1879). 9, 6. Thrips (Belothrips) bicolor Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21 :213, 221. [sex not stated]. Belothrips brevistylis Trybom, 1895. Ent. Tidskr., 16(3): 170, 185. 9. Oxythrips hastata Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 51, 134, Pl.V, figs. 66. 9. [Oxythrips hastata] var. bicolor Reuter; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. pp. 134, 135. 9, 6. Belothrips brevistylis Trybom; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 455, 456, [the same as Oxythrips hastata]. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):46. Oxythrips hastata Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:629, 645. Oxythrips hastata var. bicolor Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:12. Oxythrips bicolor subsp. hastatus Uzel; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):913, 914. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):5, 10. Oxythrips hastata v. bicolor Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(45):236 (sep.-p. 13). Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Bagnall, 1912. Joum. econ. Biol., 7(4): 191. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. [Oxythrips brevistylis] var. hastatus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. Oxythrips bicolor (Reuter); Hood, 1916. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 4(4-6):37, 38. 656 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Bagnall, 1916. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Durham. Newcastle-Tyne, (N.S.)4(2):355. O. [xythrips] brevistylis (Trybom); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):49. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:53. [Oxythrips brevistylis ] ab. hastatus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:53. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. [Oxythrips] brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner,* 1923. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 40(1-4): 1 17. [Oxythrips] brevistylis f. hastata Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 40(1-4): 1 17. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. Oxythrips brevistylis f. hastatus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):22. [Oxythrips] brevistylis (Trybom); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. [Oxythrips] brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. [Oxythrips brevistylis] f. hastata Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:211, 212. 9, 6. Oxythrips brevistylis f. hastata Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:211, 213. 9. 0.[xythrips] brevistylis (Trybom); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk. Insektfauna, 6:35. 9, 6. [Oxythrips] brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt. Mitteleur. 4(8):9. 9. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:716. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 169, fig. 8. larvae. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); John, 1928. Ezhedgod. Gos. Mus. Martyanova Minussinsk., 6:63. O. [xythrips] brevistylis brevistylis (Trybom); John, 1928. Thysanop. Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 35. 0.[xythrips] brevistylis hastatus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., p. 35. 0.[xythrips] brevistylis (Trybom); Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):372. [Oxythrips brevistylis] f. hastata Uzel; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):372. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):93. Oxythrips brevistylis (Trybom); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:57, 153, fig. 17. 9, dowska Lublin, (1 963)(C)18(6): 1 37. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 256. [. Frankliniella ] tenuicomis (Uzel); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins. 1 1(1 ):97. [. Frankliniella ] tenuicomis (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:62, 123. 9,6. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 1 3(1 ) :63. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 130,200. 9, 6. [Frankliniella tenuicomis] f. adusta (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 201. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 1 4(3-4) :432. F.[rankliniella] tenuicomis (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:862. F.[rankliniella] tenuicomis f. adusta (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:862. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 153. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:15, 30, 196. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. F.[rankliniella] tenuicomis (Uzel); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York Ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):202. Frankliniella nervosa (Uzel); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):210. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 38,40. F.[rankliniella] tenuicomis (Uzel);Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1965)(C)20(3):28. [. Frankliniella ] tenuicomis (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):22. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. F.[rankliniella] tenuicomis (Uzel); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):91. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31-43. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):56. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:30, 63, 67, 68, 73, 76, Pl. V, fig. 47. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):310, 314. 9,d. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Mantel, 1969. Landbouwvoorlichting, 26(1):36-41. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Koppa, 1969. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 35(2):67, fig. 2. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 11(2):52, 83, 84,85,86, 87. Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel); Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim. nocent.)8(33):l , 3, 5, 6. 822 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Frankliniella tenuicornis (Uzel);Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(3):456, 459. Frankliniella tenuicornis (Uzel); Koppa, 1970. Ann. agr. Fenniae, (Ser. Anim. nocent.42) 9:227, 251, figs. 21-26, 34, 36, tables 1, 30-38. Frankliniella tenuicornis (Uzel); Kudo, 1971. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.) 17(4):61 1. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of nervosa and adusta: ? Vienna Museum; of maidis: ? Ames, Iowa. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Germany; Finland; Italy; Poland; England; Scotland; Sweden; Denmark; Albania; Austria; Russia; Rumania; Siberia; Holland; Estonia; Serbia; Hungary; Uzbekistan; France; Switzerland; Yugoslavia; Lithuania; Georgian SSR; Turkey; Palestine; Ukraine; Chekiang, China; Mongolia; Japan; New Britain; Australia; CANADA: Ontario; U.S.A.: Iowa; Massachusetts; Tennessee; Maryland; District of Columbia; New York; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Virginia; North Carolina; Georgia; Indiana; Illinois; California. Type locality: BOHEMIA: not specified; for adusta: Bohemia; for nervosa: BOHEMIA: not specified; for maidis: U.S.A.: Ames, Iowa. Habitat: Cereals, various grasses and a number of flowers. Frankliniella terminalis Moulton, 1948. 9. Frankliniella terminalis Post (Manuscript) Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):87, 104. Frankliniella terminalis Post, 1961. Pan-Pacific Ent., 37(2): 138, figs. 4-6. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Bruce Station, eleven miles south of Corvallis Benton Co., Oregon. Type locality: U.S.A.: Bruce Station, eleven miles south of Corvallis Benton Co„ Oregon. Habitat: Moss on oak. Frankliniella tolucensis Watson, 1942. 9. Frankliniella tolucensis Watson, 1942. Florida Ent., 25(3):43, fig. 1. 9. [as tolucenensis in caption to fig.] Frankliniella tolucensis Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent, 30(3):22. [Frankliniella] tolucensis Watson; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(1-2): 72, 98. Location of type: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: MEXICO: Toluca. Type locality: MEXICO: near the top of the Volcano Nevado de Toluca, near the City of Toluca. Habitat: Heads of Eryngium. Frankliniella trehemei Morgan = Frankliniella cephalica (Pergande). Frankliniella tridacana Hood, 1937. 9, 6. Frankliniella tridacana Hood, 1937. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 7(1): 104, fig. 2c-f. 9, <5. [. Frankliniella ] tridacana Hood; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):70, 97. 6. [Frankliniella] tridacana Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):21. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. 823 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Type locality: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Habitat: Flowers of Tridax procumbens. Franklinieila trinidadensis Hood, 1942. 9. Frankliniella trinidadensis Hood, 1942. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, (1941)12(3):623. 9. [. Franklinieila ] trinidadensis Hood; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):64, 95. [Frankliniella] trinidadensis Hood; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 32(1 ):2 1 . Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: TRINIDAD: St. Clair. Type locality: TRINIDAD: St.Clair. Habitat: Grass. Frankliniella trisetosa Hood, 1942. 9. Frankliniella trisetosa Hood, 1942. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, (1941)12(3):656. 9. [Frankliniella] trisetosa Hood; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):62, 94. [Frankliniella] trisetosa Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ) :2 1 . Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PERU: vicinity of Celendin, Dept. Cajamarca. Type locality: PERU: vicinity of Celendin, Dept. Cajamarca. Habitat: Flowers of: Liabum verbasci folia; Pappobolus macranthus; Senecio sp.; unidentified bush. Frankliniella tristis Priesner, 1920. 9. Frankliniella tristis Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:56. 9, [Frankliniella] tristis; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. [Frankliniella] tristis; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 18, 19. Frankliniella tristis; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:247, 261, PI. IV, fig. 57. 9. F.[rankliniella] tristis Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 38. F.[rankliniella] tristis Priesner; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):75, 99. [Frankliniella] tristis Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:410. [Frankliniella] tristis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:62, PI. II, fig. 9; textfig. 66. 9. Frankliniella tristis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1):63. Frankliniella tristis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 200, 203. 9. F.[rankliniella] tristis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:862. [Frankliniella] tristis; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):22. Frankliniella tristis Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: AUSTRIA: Linz; ESTONIA; UKRAINE: Lvov. Type locality: AUSTRIA: Lichtenberg bei Linz, Oberosterreich. Habitat: Turf. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch, 1855). 9, 6. T. [hrips] tritici Fitch, 1855. Country Gentleman, 6(24):385, figs. a-f. [sex not stated]. Thrips Tritici; Fitch, 1856. Trans. New York State Agr. Soc. Albany, (1855)15:536, 539, figs. a-f. 824 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips tritici; Fitch, 1857. Rept. II, nox. Ins. New York, pp. 304-308. Thrips tritici Fitch; Ashmead, 1880. Orange Insects, p. 72. Thrips tritici Fitch; Osborn, 1883. Canadian Ent., 15(8): 152, 156. [redescription]. 6. Thrips tritici Fitch; Osborn, 1884. Trans. Iowa State Hort. Soc., 18:520-521. Thrips tritici Fitch; Osborn, 1885. Coll. Bull. Iowa agr. Coll., 2:96, 97. Thrips tritici (?) Fitch; Hubbard, 1885. Ins. affect. Orange, pp. 164, 165, PI. XI, fig. 5; textfig. 77. Thrips tritici Fitch; Forbes, 1887. Centralia, Illinois, Sentinel. Thrips tritici Fitch; Forbes, 1887. Prairie Farmer. Thrips tritici Fitch; Lintner, 1887. Cult. & Country Gentleman, 52:459. Thrips tritici Fitch; Weed, 1887. Prairie Farmer, 59:343. Thrips tritici Fitch; Weed, 1887. Trans. Illinois State hort. Soc., 1887:230-233. Thrips tritici Fitch; Osborn, 1888. Insect Life, 1(5): 141 . Thrips tritici Fitch; Weed, 1888. Popular Gardening, 3:176. Thrips sp. Comstock, 1889. Bull. Cornell agr. Exp. Sta., 11:131. Thrips tritici Fitch; May [Riley-Howard], 1889. Insect Life, 1(1 1):340. Thrips tritici Fitch; Forbes, 1890. 16th Rept. State Ent. Illinois, p. ix, PI. V, fig. 4. Thrips tritici Fitch; Forbes, 1891. 17th Rept. State Ent. Illinois, pp. xiii, xv. Thrips tritici Fitch; Weed, 1891. Ins. & Insecticides, p. 95. T.[hrips] tritici Fitch; Forbes, 1892. Insect Life, 5(2): 126. Thrips tritici Fitch; Webster, 1892. Bull. Ohio Exp. Sta., 45:207, 208. Thrips tritici Fitch; Townsend, 1892. Canadian Ent., 24:197. Thrips tritici Fitch; Bruner, 1893. Rept. Nebraska St. Bd. Agr., 1893:457, fig. 96. Thrips tritici Fitch; Trybom, 1894. Ent. Tidskr., 15(1):50. Thrips tritici Fitch; Bruner, 1894. Nebraska State Hort. Rept., 1894:163, 214, fig. 82. Thrips tritici Fitch; Ashmead, 1894. Insect Life, 7(1):27. Thrips tritici Fitch; Craw, 1894. 4th Biennial Rept. State Bd. Hort. California, 1893-94:88. Thrips tritici Fitch; Weed, 1895. Ins. & Insecticides, p. 146. Thrips tritici Osborn; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 220. Thrips tritici Fitch; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 278. Thrips tritici Fitch; Smith, 1896. Economic Ent., p. 102, fig. 73. Thrips (Euthrips) tritici Fitch; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:218, 219. Thrips tritici Fitch; Rolfs, 1897. 10th Annual Meet. Florida State hort. Soc., p. 97. Thrips tritici Fitch; Quaintance, 1897. Bull. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 42:552-564. Thrips tritici Fitch; Powers, 1897. Florida Farmer & Fruit Grower (editorial). Thrips tritici Fitch; Quaintance, 1898. Bull. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 46:77-103, figs. 1-9. Thrips tritici Fitch; Howard, 1898. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr., (N.S.)18:101 . Thrips tritici Fitch; Rolfs, 1898. 1 1th Annual Meet. Florida State Hort. Soc., pp. 34-38. Thrips tritici Osborn; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:643. Thrips tritici Fitch; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:643. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:148, PI. IV, figs. 36-39. 9, d, larva, nymph. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Cockerell, 1903. Canadian Ent., 35:262. [Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Daniel, 1904 = Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)]. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):41,57. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Hooker, 1907. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 65:12. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Franklin, 1908. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 33:719. 9, d. Ph.[ysopus] tritici (Fitch); Reh, 1908. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., ed. 3, 3:224. 825 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1 (4) : 1 20. [Physopus] tritici (Fitch); Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(16):2. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Jones & Horton, 1911. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 99(1):2. Thrips tritici Fitch; Trabut, 1911. Bull. Agr. Algerie et Tunisie, 17(7): 1 66. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21 :16, 28. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(2 1-24): 558. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Shull, 1911. Publ. Michigan geol. biol. Surv., 4:183, 187, 206, 208. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):12. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:335. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Russell, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(2):42. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):6. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:43. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch)?; Hood, 1913. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 1(1 2): 1 50. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bagnall, 1914. Rept. British Ass. Adv. Sci., 1913:531. [Frankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1):39. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Shull, 1914. American Ent., 48(567): 163, 165, 166, 172, 175. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Shull, 1914. American Ent., 48(568):239, 242, 243, 246. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Peterson, 1915. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 8(1):24, PI. Ill, fig. 21. [mouth parts]. (Euthrips) Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Foster & Jones, 1915. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr., 173:5. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Essig, 1915. Inj. & Ben. Ins. California, p. 50, fig. 44. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Borden, 1915. Journ. econ. Ent., 8(3):354, 359, 360, PI. 16. [mouth parts]. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Morrill, 1915. An. Rep. Arizona Comm. Agric. Hortic. 1915. 7:31,35. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6) :57. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1919. Florida Buggist, (191 8)2(3) : 1 02 . F.[rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1919. Florida Buggist, 3(1):6. Frankliniella varicome Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:268. 9, 6. Thrips tritici Fitch; Froggatt, 1920. Agr. Gaz. New South Wales, 31 :503. Euthrips tritici (Fitch); Britton, 1920. Bull. Connecticut State Geol. nat. Hist. Surv., 31 :44. Frankliniella varicome Bagnall; Gibson & Criddle, 1920. 50th Annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1919:133. Frankliniella bispinosus Watson; Peairs, 1921. Sanderson: Ins. Pests Farm, Gard., Orch., ed. 2, pp. 622, 625, fig. 536. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1922. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 162:27, 44. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3):35. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1923. Florida Ent., 7(1):9. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:37, 39. Frankliniella varicome Bagnall; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:37,39. Frankliniella varicome Bagnall; Treheme, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):83. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Treheme, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):83. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)133(10):527. [Frankliniella] varicome Bagnall; Morgan, 1925. Canadian Ent., 57:138, 147. [Frankliniella] varicomis Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 16, 19. [Frankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 17, 19. 826 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [. Frankliniella ] tritici f. maculata Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 15 (footnote), 17. F\rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):260. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Herrick, 1925. Manual injurious Insects, p. 289. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 1Q(2):22. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Ann and, 1926. American Nat., 60(667): 178, 179. Frankliniella tiitici (Fitch); Essig, 1926. Ins. western North America, p. 187, fig. 98. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Hood, 1926. Bull. Lloyd Libr. ent. Ser., 5:94. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Tilly ard, 1926. Ins. Australia & New Zealand, p. 139. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Dozier, 1927. Joum. Dep. Agr. Porto Rico, (1926)10:280. F.[rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:68. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Simmonds, Reed & McGregor, 1931. Circ. U.S. Dep. Agr., 157 :6, 66. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma biol. Surv., 3(4):339. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watson, 1933. Florida Ent., 1 6(4) : 6 1 . Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Watts, 1934. Journ. econ. Ent., 27:1 158-1 159. [life cycle]. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bailey, 1935. Joum. econ. Ent., 28(6):858, 860. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Felt & Chamberlain, 1935. Circ. New York State Mus., 17:12. [Frankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 170. Frankliniella fulvus Moulton, 1936. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 31(2):61. 9, 6.* Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 101. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):229. Frankliniella varicome Bagnall; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Joum. Sci., 10(3):229. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina, N.C. Dep. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 56. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, 346:72. F .[rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Crawford, 1939. Joum. New York ent. Soc., 47 ( 1 ) : 7 1 . Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47 :91 . [Frankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Kurosawa, 1931. Kontyu, 5(4): 188. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:149. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Smith, 1943 Common Insects of Kansas, p. 155, fig. 50. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1):98. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Frankliniella tritici varicorne Bagnall; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Fletcher, Gaines & Owen, 1947. Journ. econ. Ent., 40(4):594, tables 1-4. Thrips tritici Fitch; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):42. [Frankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):87, 104. fig. 33. 6. [Frankliniella] tritici f. clara Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):87. [Frankliniella] tritici f. maculata Priesner; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):87. [Frankliniella] tritici f. varicornis Bagnall; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):87, 89, 104. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Gaines, Dean & Wipprecht, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(3):5 10, tables 1-5. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Smith, Fulton & Lung, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(4):626. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(5):704. 827 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 5 1(5): 232. [Frankliniella] fulvus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 120. F.[rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., ed. 5, 4(1):405. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Gaines et al, 1952. Journ. econ. Ent., 45(5) :790. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Sakimura, 1953. Journ. econ. Ent., 46(5):915. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Taylor & Smith, 1955. Journ. econ. Ent., 48(6):767. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bibby, 1958. Journ. econ. Ent., 51(4):451. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Ferriere, 1958. Mitt. Schweizerischen ent. Ges., 31(3-4):320. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Hayward, 1960. Rev. Industr. y Agr. Tucuman, 42(1 ):81 . Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta., Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:35, 37, fig. 4C. 9, d. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); De Santis, 1965. Publ. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9:13,14. F.[rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):201. F.[rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Bournier, 1967. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)3(1):177. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :39. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):239, 310, 314, figs. 38, 111. 9, d. F.[rankliniella] tritici (Fitch); Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979, 980. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Messieha, 1969. Phytopathology, 59:943-944, tables 1,4. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:13. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Graves & Graves, 1970. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 63(1 ):97. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Webb et al, 1970. Journ. econ. Ent., 63(5): 1392-1394, fig. 1-5. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Beckham et al, 1971. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 86:10, fig. IB. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Burgess & Shamiyeh, 1971. Journ. econ. Ent., 64(2): 545-546, figs. 1,2. Frankliniella tritici (Fitch); Beime, 1972. Mem. ent. Soc. Canada, 85:65. Location of type: Unknown to writer [probably lost]; of varicorne: British Museum (Natural History); of fulvus: California Academy of Sciences; of maculata: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of clara: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: Wisconsin; Iowa; California; District of Columbia; Florida; Illinois; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; Michigan; Texas; Arizona; Maryland; Virginia; Kansas; Oklahoma; Connecticut; Georgia; Mississippi; Louisiana; Alabama; Washington; Tennessee; South Carolina; North Dakota; North Carolina; Indiana; Utah; Barbados; Puerto Rico; Cuba; CANADA: Saskatchewan; British Columbia; Ontario; MEXICO: Chapingo; ARGENTINA: regio ci tricola; Tucuman; AUSTRALIA. Type locality: U.S.A.: Geneva, Wisconsin; for varicorne: CANADA: Semans, Saskatchewan; for maculata: Canada; for clara: not specified. Habitat: A large number of plants; can be a pest species. Frankliniella tritici var. bispinosa (Morgan) = Frankliniella cephalica (Crawford). Frankliniella tritici var. californica (Moulton) = Frankliniella cephalica (Crawford). 828 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Frankliniella tritici var. moultoni Hood = Frankliniella cephalica (Crawford). Frankliniella tritici var. projectus Watson = Frankliniella cephalica (Crawford). Frankliniella trybomi Karny, 1920. 9. Frankliniella trybomi Karny, 1920. Cas. £s. Spol. ent., 17(l-4):36. [sex not stated]. Frankliniella trybomi; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):12, 48, PI. I, fig. 3. 9. [. Frankliniella ] trybomi Karny; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 1 7, 19. Frankliniella] trybomi Karny; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 20. [Frankliniella] trybomi Karny; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(1-2):81, 100, 101. Location of type: Stockholm Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Alice River, Queensland ; Cape York Penins., Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: not specified. Habitat: Flowers; grass. Frankliniella tuberosi Moulton, 1933. 9, <5. Frankliniella tuberosi Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 1 13, 120. 9, 6. [Frankliniella] tuberosi; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):79, 100. [Frankliniella] tuberosi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 121. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: ECUADOR: Guayaquil. Type locality: ECUADOR: Guayaquil. Habitat: Solanum tuberosum. Frankliniella tympanona Hood, 1915. 9,6. Frankliniella tympanona Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3(1-4):21. 9, 6. F.[rankliniella] tympanona Hood; Watson, 1919. Florida Buggist, 3(1):5. [Frankliniella] tympanona Hood; Morgan, 1925. Canadian Ent., 57:138, 147. [Frankliniella] tympanona Hood; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 18, 19. Frankliniella tympanona Hood; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 125. [Frankliniella] tympanona Hood; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):60, 93. [Frankliniella] tympanona Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ):2 1 . Frankliniella tympanona Hood; De Santis, 1966. Notas Comis. Invest. Cient. La Plata, 3(8): 12. Frankliniella tympanona Hood; Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)1/19:16, 28. Frankliniella tympanona Hood; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):478. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PERU: Chosica Canon; ARGENTINA: Pucara (provincia de Neuquen). Type locality: PERU: Chosica Canon. Habitat: A composite; Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Frankliniella umbrosa Moulton, 1948. F.[rankliniella] umbrosa Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):89, 105, fig. 36. [sex not stated]. [Frankliniella] umbrosa Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 121. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: El Paso County, Texas. Type locality: U.S.A.: El Paso County, Texas. Habitat: Grass. 829 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Frankliniella unicolor Morgan, 1925. 9, <5. Frankliniella unicolor Morgan, 1925. Canadian Ent., 57:138, 141. 9. F.[rankliniella\ unicolor Morgan; Watson, 1934. Annual Rep. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta. 1934, p. 51. Frankliniella andropogoni Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Joum. Sci., 10(3):223, 228, fig. 5. 9. [Frankliniella] unicolor Morgan; Watson, 1942. Florida Ent., 25(2):18. Frankliniella andropogoni Moulton & Andre; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):36. Frankliniella unicolor Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):46. [Frankliniella] unicolor Morgan; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent, Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):85, 102. Frankliniella andropogoni Moulton & Andre; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 120. Frankliniella unicoTot- Morgan; Ananthakrishnan, 1954. Journ. zool. Soc. India, 6(2) : 1 6 1 . Frankliniella unicolor Morgan; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):266. Frankliniella unicolor Morgan; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82. F.[rankliniella] unicolor Morgan; Moye, Stannard & Luckmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):734. Frankliniella unicolor Morgan; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):310, 316, fig. 45. 9,d. Location of type: U.S. National Museum; of andropogoni: ? California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Tennessee; Iowa; Illinois; Virginia; INDIA: Malabar. Type locality: U.S.A.: Clarksville, Tennesee; for andropogoni: U.S.A.: Waukon, Iowa. Habitat: Andropogon virginica; Andropogon furcatus; blue grass sod; Cassia pod. Isochaetothrips unicolor Moulton = Frankliniella oxyura B agnail. Frankliniella vaccinii Morgan, 1930. 9, <5. Frankliniella vaccinii Morgan, 1930. in Phipps: Bull. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta., 356:127. 9, <5. Frankliniella vaccinii Morgan; Phipps, 1930. Bull. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta., 356:125-128. [Frankliniella] vaccinii Morgan; Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Frankliniella vaccinii Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):46. [Frankliniella] vaccinii Morgan; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):62, 94, fig. 14. F.[rankliniella] vaccinii Morgan; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):406. Frankliniella vaccinii Morgan; Wood, 1960. Canadian Ent., 92(10):757, figs. 1, 3. Frankliniella vaccinii Morgan; O’Neill, 1967. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 60(4): 85 4. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: CANADA: Charlotte County, New Brunswick; Cumberland County, Nova Scotia; U.S.A.: Orono, Maine; Washington, D.C. Type locality: U.S.A.: Orono, Maine. Habitat: Vaccinium pennsylvanicum; Vaccinium vac il Ians; Vaccinium canadense; Lysimachia quadrifolia; Myrica asplenifolia. Frankliniella varicorne Bagnall = Frankliniella tritici (Fitch). Isochaetothrips varicornis Moulton = Frankliniella verbesinae Sakimura. Frankliniella varipes Moulton, 1933. 9. Frankliniella varipes Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 1 14, 118, fig. 9. 9. Frankliniella varipes Moulton; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Catal. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 113. 830 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Frankliniella] varipes; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):82, 101. [Frankliniella] varipes Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 121. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: BRAZIL: St. Theresa; Sao Paulo; Itatiaya. Type locality: BRAZIL: St. Theresa. Habitat: Inga marginata ; lemon; orange; unknown plant. Frankliniella varitibia Moulton, 1948. 9. F.[rankliniella] varitibia Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 1 9(1-2): 6 1 , 94, fig. 13a-c. [$]. [Frankliniella] varitibia Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):121. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: MEXICO. Type locality: MEXICO: intercepted at Brownsville, Texas. Habitat: Unknown. Frankliniella venusta Moulton = Frankliniella occidentals (Pergande). Frankliniella verbesinae Sakimura, 1967. 9. Isochaetothrips varicomis Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1 ): 1 27. 9. Isochaetothrips varicomis Moulton; Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Catal. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 113. [Isochaetothrips] varicomis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):122. Frankliniella verbesinae Sakimura, 1967. Florida Ent., 50(3): 168. [new name]. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: BRAZIL: St. Theresa. Type locality: BRAZIL: St. Theresa. Habitat : Verbesina glabrata. Frankliniella vemoniae Priesner = Frankliniella distinguenda Bagnall. Frankliniella vicina Karny, 1922. 9, 6. Frankliniella vicina Karny, 1922. Joum. Siam Soc., 16(2):94. 9, 6. F .[rankliniella] vicina; Karny, 1925. Bull. DeliProefst. Medan-Sumatra, 23:5, fig. 1. [Frankliniella] vicina Karny; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 1 6, 19. [Frankliniella] vicina Kamy; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):79, 99. 6. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: INDO-CHINA: Mour Man. Type locality: INDO-CHINA: Mour Man. Habitat: Flowers of Celosia argentea. Frankliniella vitata Schmutz = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Frankliniella watsoni Moulton = Frankliniella davidsoni (Moulton). Frankliniella welaka Hood, 1955. 9, 6. Frankliniella welaka Hood, 1955. Florida Ent., 38(2):71, figs. 1,2. 9, 6. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Welaka, Florida. Type locality: U.S.A.: Welaka, Florida. Habitat: Axils of cat-tails. 831 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Frankliniella williams i Hood ,1915. 9,6. Frankliniella williamsi Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3( 1-4) : 1 9 , PI. II, figs. 4, 5. 9, 6. Frankliniella williamsi; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4 -6): 64. F\rankliniella\ williamsi Hood; Watson, 1919. Florida Buggist, 3(1 ):6. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; [Wolcott], 1923. Journ. Dep. Agr. Porto Rico, 7(1):239. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:37,39. Fr.[an]kl.[iniella] williamsi Hood; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 33(1 0) :527. [Frankliniella] williamsi Hood; Morgan, 1925. Canadian Ent., 57:139, 147. [Frankliniella] williamsi Hood; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 15, 19. F.[rankliniella] williamsi Hood; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):260. Frankliniella flavens Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1):108, 132. 9, 6. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Watson, 1933. Florida Ent., 16(4):61. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Watson, 1934. Annual Rep. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 1934, p. 51. Frankliniella spinosus Moulton, 1936. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 31(2):61. 9, 6. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):229. Frankliniella flavens Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):417. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:92. [Frankliniella] williamsi Hood; Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1) : 1 35 . Frankliniella flavens Moulton; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):321 . Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1):97. [Frankliniella] williamsi Hood; Moulton, 1948. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):64, 67, 95. 6. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:410, 411. [Frankliniella] williamsi Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ):2 1 . [Frankliniella] flavens Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 120. [Frankliniella] spinosa Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 121. F.[rankliniella] flavens Moulton; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):401. F.[rankliniella] williamsi Hood; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):406. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:37,43. 9,6. F.[rankliniella] williamsi Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 202. [Frankliniella] williamsi Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):310. Frankliniella williamsi Hood; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):479. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of spinosus and flavens: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Virginia; District of Columbia; Tennessee; Florida; Iowa; New York; South Carolina; New Jersey; MEXICO: Chapingo; Cajeme; PUERTO RICO; CUBA; HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Oahu; Kauai; PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Type locality: U.S.A.: Washington, D.C.; for flavens: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS : Honolulu; for spinosus: MEXICO: Cajeme. Habitat: Indian com; sugarcane; blossoms of ragweed; flowers of aster; Asclepias tuberosa; Sorghum vulgare var.; Panicum purpurascens. 832 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Franklinieila xanthaner Hood, 1942. $, d. Frankliniella xanthaner Hood, 1942. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, (1941)12(3):644. 9, d. [Franklinieila] xanthaner Hood; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):79, 100. [Frankliniella] xanthaner Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ):21 . Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PERU: Celendin, Dept. Cajamarca; Chachapoyas, Dept. Amazonas; Shishmay and Conchamarca, Dept. Huanuco. Type locality: PERU: vicinity of Celendin, Dept. Cajamarca. Habitat: Flowers of: Satureia tomentosa; Rubus floribundus; Parosela boliviano; Cassia latipetiolata; Rhaphanus raphanistrum; Verbena littoralis; Chaptalia nutans; Spartium junceum. Frankliniella xanthomelaena Hood, 1937. 9. Frankliniella xanthomelaena Hood, 1937. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 7(4):492, fig. lb-c. 9. [Frankliniella] xanthomelaena Hood; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):82, 101. [Frankliniella] xanthomelaena Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):21. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PERU: Celendin, Departamento de Cajamarca. Type locality: PERU: Celendin, Departamento de Cajamarca. Habitat: Flowers of Rubus floribundus. Frankliniella yuccae Moulton, 1936. 9, d. Frankliniella yuccae Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 171. 9, d. [Frankliniella] yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(2):90. [Frankliniella] yuccae; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):66, 71, 96, fig. 18. d. [Frankliniella] yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 121. Frankliniella yuccae Moulton; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):232. [Frankliniella] yuccae Moulton; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3):177. Frankliniella yuccae Moulton; Bryan & Smith, 1956. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 10(6):406. Frankliniella yuccae Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 174, 176. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Willows, San Diego County, California; Utah. Type locality: U.S.A.: Willows, San Diego County, California. Habitat: Flowers of yucca. Frankliniella zeteki Hood, 1925. 9. Frankliniella zeteki Hood, 1925. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 2Q(2):75, PI. Ill, fig. 5. 9. [Frankliniella] zeteki Hood; Moulton, 1948. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 19(l-2):92, 108. [Frankliniella] zeteki Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ):2 1 . Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PANAMA: Chepigana (Darien). Type locality: PANAMA: Chepigana (Darien). Habitat: Unknown. Frankliniella sp. [Frankliniella] sp.? ; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:18. Distribution: SERBIA: Avala. Habitat: Tri folium pratense. 833 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella sp.; Squire & Briant, [1948 ?]. Tropical Agr., 14(1 2): 352. Distribution: WEST INDIES: St. Vincent. Habitat: Banana. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella sp.; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. Habitat: Peru. [in list of the Jones collection]. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella spec.; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 1 1 . Frankliniella spec.; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :32. Distribution: HOLLAND: Wageningen. Habitat: Asclepias tuberosa. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella sp.; Boumier, 1962. Biol. Amerique Australe, 1 :234, 235. Distribution: ARGENTINA: Lagune Sauce Grande, & Sierra de los Padres, Prov. Buenos Aires; Mendoza, Prov. Mendoza; Tuc, Prov. Tucu man. Frankliniella sp. larva II. Frankliniella sp.;Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. varterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 112(1):272. Distribution: GERMANY: Steige, Wurttemberg. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella n. sp.;Krauss, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1): 123. Distribution: CUBA: Havana. Habitat: Lantana flowers. Frankliniella 4 spp. (tritici group). Frankliniella 4 spp. in tritici group; Krauss, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1): 123. Distribution: CUBA: Havana. Habitat: Lan tana flowers. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella sp.; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1) :1 15, 120. Frankliniella sp.; Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):126, 130. Frankliniella sp.; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):329. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Maui; Molokai; Kauai. Habitat: Hisbiscus; Rubus penetrans; Ipomoea cairica var. lineariloba; Ipomoea congesta ; Ipomoea pes-caprae; Gossypium brasiliense ; Argemone alba var. glauca; Tribulus cistoides; Melaleuca leucadendron; Aster sp.; Momordica balsamina; Salvia leucantha; Crotalaria mucronata; Amaranthus hybridus; Sesbania grandiflora; Abutilon molle; Erigeron albidus; Leucaena glauca; Prosopis chilensis ; Buddleia japonica; pole beans; eggplant. 834 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella sp.; Fullaway & Krauss, 1945. Common. Ins. Hawaii, p. 31 , PI. I, fig. 4. Distribution: HAWAII: Saialua section. Habitat: Bush lima beans. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella sp.; Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3):5 14. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Keauhou, Kona, Hawaii. Habitat: Flowers of: Lantana; Hisbuscus; monkeypod. Frankliniella sp. Frankliniella sp.; De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.)8(Zool. 58):43. Distribution: Argentina. [Misidentifled as Frankliniella insularis]. Genus Fulmekiola Karny = BALIOTHRIPS Uzel. Genus GLAUCOTHRIPS Karny, 1921. [Pseudothrips] subgen. Glaucothrips Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):240. [Pseudothrips subgen.] Glaucothrips Karny; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:12. Glaucothrips Karny; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 18. Pseudothrips Hinds; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:39. [Pseudothrips subgen.] Glaucothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:54, 131. [Pseudothrips subgen.] Glaucothrips Karny; Priesner, 1957. Zook Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Pseudothrips Hinds; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. African, 23(2):337. Glaucothrips Karny; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :40. Glaucothrips Karny; zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):366. Type-species: Pseudothrips glaucus Bagnall, (South Africa); designated by Priesner, 1949. Glaucothrips auricorpus Girault, 1927. 9. Glaucothrips auricorpus Girault, 1927. Some new wild animals from Queensland, p.[ 1 ]. 9. G.[laucothrips] auricorpus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 18. 9. Glaucothrips auricorpus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7:169. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Beerw ah, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Beerwah, Queensland. Habitat: Forest. Glaucothrips glaucus (Bagnall, 1914). 9. Pseudothrips glaucus Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:23. 9. Pseudanaphothrips tumeri Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:498. 9. Pseudothrips glaucus Bagnall; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Hist., (2)3:39. Pseudanaphothrips turneri Moulton; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Hist., (2)3:41. 835 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Pseudanaphothrips turneri Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent, 32(3): 123. Pseudo thrips glaucus Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:131. [considered type of Glauco thrips]. [Pseudanaphothrips] turneri Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2) :336. [Pseudothrips] glaucus Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):337. Glauco thrips glaucus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :40, figs. 17, 18. 9. Glauco thrips glaucus (Bagnall); zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):366. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of turneri: British Museum (Natural Historia). Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA, CAPE PROVINCE: Cape Town; MosselBay; Rawson, Worcester dist. ; Stellenbosch; Betty’s Bay, Caledon dist. Type locality: Cape Town; for turneri: CAPE PROVINCE: MosselBay. Habitat: Sebaea; Flowers of: Protea barbigera; Leucadendron daphnoides; Leucospermum crinitum. Pseudothrips parvus Bagnall = Pseudanaphothrips parvus (Bagnall). Pseudanaphothrips turneri Moulton - Glaucothrips glaucus (Bagnall). Giaucothrips sp. Glaucothrips sp.; Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21 :96. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Perth. Habitat: Miscellaneous garden flowers. Genus GNOMON OTHRIPS Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):28. [Type: Gnomonothrips coimbatorensis ]. Gnomonothrips; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:27. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 132. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:153, 155. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:58, 131. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):166. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):265. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 105. Gnomonothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:25. Type-species: Gnomonothrips coimbatorensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, (India); designated and monobasic. Gnomonothrips coimbatorensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. 9. Gnomonothrips coimbatorensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):28. 9. 836 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Gnomonothrips] coimbatorensis; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:27. Gnomonothrips coimbatorensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2) : 1 12, 133. G.[nomonothrips] coimbatorensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:155. Gnomonothrips coimbatorensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):265, fig. 3b. 9. Gnomonothrips coimbatorensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 105. Location of type: Zoological Survey of India. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore. Type locality: INDIA: Coimbatore. Habitat: Cyperus bulbosus. Genus Homothrips Bagnall = SYNAPTOTHRIPS Trybom. Genus IRIDOTHRIPS Priesner, 1940. Bregmatothrips Hood; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Partim. Bregmatothrips Hood; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:261. Partim . Bregmatothrips Hood; Mai tbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel, 16(3): 174. Bregmatothrips Hood; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det Ins. USSR, pp. 25, 39. Partim . Bregmatothrips Hood; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29, 32, 68. Iridothrips Hukkinen, 1939. in Hukkinen & Syijanen: Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 5(1 ):35 . Iridothrips Priesner, 1940. Philippine Journ. ScL, 7!(4):403. [Type: Bregmatothrips iridis Watson]. Bregmatothrips Hood; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34, Iridothrips Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 41, 43, 44, 48. Iridothrips Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl, p. 1 14. Iridothrips;? riesner, 1949, Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:49, 52, 134. Bregmatothrips Hood; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):406. Partim . Irididothrips Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Irididothrips Priesner; Stannard, 1956. Ent. News, 67(3):7L Irididothrips Priesner; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):167 (footnote). Irididothrips Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvrl Khc Zvifeny CSR, 2:15. Irididothrips; Priesner, 1959. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Irididothrips Priesner; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):479, 480. Irididothrips Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 5 1 :27, 32. Irididothrips Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1):97. Irididothrips ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:35, 65. Iridothrips Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 124, 195. Bregmatothrips Hood; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 125, 206. Partim . Iridothrips; Priesner, 1964, Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:204, 207. Bregmatothrips Hood;Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Joum. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):200. Iridothrips; Priesner, 1966. Tienveit Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):10. 837 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Iridothrips Priesner; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):275, 320. Type-species: Bregmatothrips iridis Watson, (Holland); designated and monobasic. [It is considered that Hukkinen’s use of the name, being published after 1931 , does not comply with the requirements of the rules. If it is valid, the type-species will be the same but merely monobasic but not designated]. Iridothrips iridis (Watson, 1924). 9, 6. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:253. 9. [. Bregmatothrips ] iridis Watson; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:268, 9. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4): 194. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Maltbaek, 1928. Haderslev Katedraskoles Aarskrift, 1928:11. B.[regmatothrips] iridis Watson; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 174. B.[regmatothrips] iridis Watson; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 39. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):371, 374. 6, 9, larva II, prepupa, pupa. B.[regmatothrips ] iridis Watson; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:68. 9, 6. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Bagnall, 1933. Ent. mon. Mag., 69:120. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:492. B.[regmatothrips] iridis Watson; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Smith, 1937. Circ. U.S. Dep. Agr., 445:1-12, figs. 1-6. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Fabian, 1938. Fragm. Faun, hung., 1 :94. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 346:72. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Crawford, 1939. Joum. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):71. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Blanton, 1939. Joum. New York ent. Soc., 47:91. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Hukkinen, 1939. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen: Suomen Hyonteisi. Aikak., 5(1):34. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Priesner, 1940. Philippine Joum. Sci., 71(4):403. [made type of Iridothrips]. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Smith, 1943. Common Insects of Kansas, p. 155. [Bregmatothrips] iridis Watson; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):22. I[ridothrips] iridis (Watson); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 48. 9. [Irodithrips] iridis (Watson); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 14. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Pelikan, 1949. Ent. listy, 12:29. B.[regmatothrips] iridis Watson; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):406. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Pelikan, 1951. Prirody, 42(l-2):9, 1 fig. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 176. [Iridothrips] iridis (Watson); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Stannard, 1956. Ent. News, 67(3):73, fig. 2. [Bregmatothrips] iridis Watson; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 167. I. [ridothrips] iridis (Watson); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil KliS Zvifeny CSR, 2:15. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):491, fig. 12. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjbdowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 117, 120, 123, 129. 838 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(9):139. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:409. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):55. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :32. [ Iridothrips ] iridis (Watson); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. [. Iridothrips ] iridis (Watson); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:65, 119, fig. 93. 9, 6. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 206, 207. 9. I.[ridothrips] iridis Priesner [Sic!]; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 195. B.[regmatothrips] iridis Watson; Comegvs & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 200. I.[ridothrips] iridis (Watson); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 10. Bregmatothrips iridis Watson; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. Iridothrips iridis (Watson); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):321, fig. 98. 9, 6. Location of type: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: Holland; England; Scotland; Denmark; Finland; France; Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Poland; Austria; Ukraine; U.S.A.: Illinois; New York; New Hampshire; Massachusetts; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Maryland; Virginia; Ohio; Washington; Oregon; Kansas; CANADA: Montreal. Type locality: HOLLAND: Bassenheim. Habitat: A pest on iris; Iris kaempferi; Iris spp.; Iris pseudacorus; Iris germanica; Kniphofia uvaria; Tritonia uvaria. Iridothrips mariae Pelikan, 1961. 9, 6. Iridothrips mariae Pelikan, 1961. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 58(1):64, figs. 2, 3, 7. 9, 6. Iridothrips mariae Pelikan; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr.- Ent., 106(5):202. Iridothrips mariae Pelikan; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :32. [Iridothrips] mariae Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:65. 9, 6. Iridothrips moriae [Sic!] Pelikan; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 195, 196, fig. 39. 9, 6. [as maria on p. 195 and mariae fig. 39]. I.[ridothrips] mariae Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 10. Iridothrips mariae Pelikan; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. Iridothrips mariae Pelikan; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):475. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Bmo, Czechoslovakia. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA:' Lednice; HOLLAND: Venlop; RUMANIA; UKRAINE: Tchop. Type locality: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Lednice, Southern Moravia. Habitat: Typha lalifolia; Typha angustifolia. 839 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Genus ISOCHAETOTHRIPS Moulton, 1928. Physothrips Karny; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:101. Partim. Isochaetothrips Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)2:227. [Type: Physothrips seticollis Bagnall]. Isochaetothrips; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):456. Idsochaetothrips [Sic!]; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 1 27. Isochaetothrips Moulton; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Thysanop. Australia, p. 74. Isochaetothrips Moulton; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):27. Isochaetothrips Moulton; Steele, 1940. Trans. R. Soc. South Australia, 64(2):325. [Isochaetothrips Moulton; Crawford, 1945 = Chaetisothrips Priesner]. Isochaetothrips Moulton; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):273. Isochaetothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Idsochaetothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:134. Isochaetothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:52, 54, 134. Isochaetothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161, 166. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) Moulton; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Ent, 9(4):721. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) Moulton; Sakimura, 1968. Joum. Australian ent. Soc., 7:59. Type-species: Physothrips seticollis (Bagnall) [= Taeniothrips seticollis Bagnall], (Australia); designated from six species. Isochaetothrips bertelsi De Santis, 1967. 9. Isochaetothrips bertelsi De Santis, 1967. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.)lO(Zool. 72):2, figs. 1, 2. 9. Location of type: Museo de La Plata. Distribution: ARGENTINA: Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul). Type locality: ARGENTINA: Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul). Habitat: Unknown. Isochaetothrips bianchii (Sakimura, 1969). 9, 6. Isochaetothrips seticollis (Bagnall); Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):273. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) sp. 7. Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(4):723, 725. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) bianchii Sakimura, 1969. Pacific Insects, !1(1):77, figs. 12-16. 9,d. Location of type: H.S.P.A. - Bianchi collection. Distribution: NEW CALEDONIA: hills back of Noumea; Dothio near Thio; Noumea; Oua-Tom; Hienghene. Type locality: NEW CALEDONIA: hills back of Noumea. Habitat: Jasminum; Myrtaceae; croton; Acacia laurifolia; Melaleuca; flowering tree; Cerbera. Isochaetothrips chaetoneurus (Karny) = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Isochaetothrips dampfi Priesner = Chaetisothrips dampfi (Priesner). Isochaetothrips davidsoni Moulton = Frankliniella davidsoni (Moulton). Isochaetothrips franks toni Steele = Homochaetothrips frankstoni (Steele). Isochaetothrips fumosoides (Priesner, 1938). 9, 6. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) fumosoides Priesner, 1938. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 30(3): 349. 9,6. 1 J 840 J ACOT — GUI LL ARM OD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Isochaetothrips] fumosoides (Priesner); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. Isochaetothrips fumosoides (Priesner); Faure, 1959. Joum. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):382, figs. 26, 27, 32-37. 9, 6. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) fumosoides Priesner; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(4):723, 724. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) fumosoides Priesner; zur Strassen, 1972. Zoologica Scripta, 1:86. Location of type: Musee Royal de TAfrique Centrale. Distribution: CONGO: Nyamlagira, N’Gesho; Mahagi. Type locality: BELGIAN CONGO: N’Gesho, S. Kivu. Habitat: Unknown. Isochaetothrips gardeniae Crawford = Chaetisothrips gardeniae (Crawford). Isochaetothrips holmi (zur Strassen, 1972). 9. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) holmi zur Strassen, 1972. Zoologica Scripta, 1 :86, fig. 1 . 9. Location of type: Royal Natural History Museum, Stockholm. Distribution: KENYA: Mount Elgon. Type locality: KENYA: Mount Elgon, O-Seite, Suam Saw Mill, 2500 m. Habitat: Unknown. Isochaetothrips ignobilis (Bagnall) = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Isochaetothrips insignis Bianchi, 1945. 9. Isochaetothrips insignis Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 274. 9. [. Isochaetothrips ] insignis Bianchi; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) insignis (Bianchi); Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(4):723, 724. Location of type: Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association collection. Distribution: NEW CALEDONIA: Yahoue Valley. Type locality: NEW CALEDONIA: Yahoue Valley. Habitat: Unknown. Isochaetothrips longicaudatus (Bianchi, 1953). comb. nov. 9. Taeniothrips longicaudatus Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., !5(1):94, PL I, figs. A-C. 9. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) longicaudatus Bianchi; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(4):723, 724. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: SAMOA: Afiamalu, Upolu. Type locality: SAMOA: Afiamalu, Upolu. Habitat: Unknown. Isochaetothrips melanurus Steele = Homochaetothrips melanurus (Steele). Isochaetothrips myrsiniicola (Bagnall) = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). i, Isochaetothrips pallidus Steele = Homochaetothrips pallidus (Steele). Isochaetothrips querci Moulton = Homochaetothrips querci (Moulton). Isochaetothrips reticulatus (Crawford) = Chaetisothrips reticulatus (Crawford). 841 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Isochaetothrips scotti Moulton, 1928. 9. Isochaetothrips scotti Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)2:228. 9. [Isochaetothrips] scotti Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) scotti (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(4): 723, 724. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: ETHIOPIA: Mt. Chillalo. Type locality: ABYSSINIA: Mt. Chillalo. Habitat: In forest at elevation of 90002 Isochaetothrips seticollis (B agnail, 1915). 9. Taeniothrips seticollis Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:591. 9. Physothrips seticollis (Bagnall); Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:219. Physothrips seticollis (Bagnall); Kamy, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. Physothrips seticollis (Bagnall); Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)2:227. [made type of Isochaetothrips]. P.[hysothrips] seticollis (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 24. Taeniothrips deticollis Bagnall; Newman, 1935. Joum. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21 :95. [Isochaetothrips seticollis (Bagnall); Bianchi, 1945 = Isochaetothrips bianchi (Sakimura)]. [Isochaetothrips] seticollis (Bagnall); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) seticollis Bagnall; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Ins., 9(4):723, 724. Isochaetothrips seticollis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:42. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: WEST AUSTRALIA: Mundaring Weir, Darling Range, Perth. Type locality: WEST AUSTRALIA: Mundaring Weir, Darling Range, Perth. Habitat: Flowers of Acacia sp. (probably A baileyana ). Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall, 1916). 9, 6. Physothrips setipennis Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:399. [sex not stated]. Physothrips chaetoneurus Karny, 1920. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 17(1 -4): 37. [sex not stated]. Physothrips chaetoneurus; Kamy, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2): 12, 48. 9. Physothrips setipennis Bagnall; Kamy, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. Physothrips ignobilis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:101. 9. Physothrips setipennis; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:101, 102. Physothrips myrsiniicola Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:103. 6. P.[hysothrips] ignobilis Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)2:227. [referred to Isochaetothrips]. P.[hysothrips] myrsiniicola Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist, (10)2:227. [ re fe rre d to Isoch ae to thrips ] . P.[hysothrips] setipennis Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)2:227. [referred to Isochaetothrips]. [Taeniothrips] chaetoneurus (Karny); Stein weden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:293. P.[hy so thrips] setipennis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 24. P.[hy so thrips] ignobilis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 25. P.[hyso thrips] myrsiniicola Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 25. P.[hy so thrips] chaetoneurus Kamy; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 26. 842 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Isochaetothrips ignobilis (Bagnall); Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21:95. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) setipennis (Bagnall); Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(4):723, 724. [synonymy]. Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:42. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of chaetoneurus: Stockholm Museum; of ignobilis and myrsiniicola: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Healesville, Victoria; Ben Cairn near He ale sville; Mt. Tambourine, Queensland; Warburton, Victoria; Northam, West Australia. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Healesville, Victoria; for chaetoneurus: AUSTRALIA: Mt. Tambourine, Queensland; for ignobilis: AUSTRALIA: Warburton, Victoria; for myrsiniicola: AUSTRALIA: Warburton, Victoria. Habitat: Cultivated white briar; Myrsine variabilis; Sambucus gandichaudiana; Eucalyptus sp. Isochaetothrips striatus Hood = Chaetisothrips striatus (Hood). Isochaetothrips unicolor Moulton = Frankliniella oxyura Bagnall. Isochaetothrips uniformis Bagnall = Pseudanaphothrips uniformis (Bagnall). Isochaetothrips varicomis Moulton = Frankliniella verbesinae Sakimura. Taeniothrips (Isochaetothrips) sp. no. 7. Sakimura = Isochaetothrips bianchii (Sakimura). Genus ISONEUROTHRIPS Bagnall, 1915. Isoneurothrips Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:592. [Type: Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall]. Isoneurothrips; Bagnall, 1915. Sarawak Mus. Journ., 2(6): 268. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Kamy, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):241. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:13. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Kamy, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):15. Isononeurothrips [Sic I] Bagnall; Girault, 1926. New pests from Australia. III. p.[l]. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India Ent. Ser., 10(7): 246, 261. Anomalothrips Morgan, 1929. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 31 (1): 5. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Moulton & Steinweden, 1932. Bull. Bishop Mus., 98:165. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 30. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indie, 94(3):284. [in key to dark Indo-Malayan Thrips]. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:46. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1940. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 24:54 (footnote). [Thrips subgen .Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Shumsher Singh = Thrips subgen .Isothrips Priesner]. [Thrips] subgen. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 327. Anomalothrips Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):45. [Thrips] subgen. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 425. Anomalothrips Morgan; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:120. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:55, 134. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):419. 843 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 150, 182. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Joum. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2): 334. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. )7: 170. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:38, 103. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:208, 351. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(3):435. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:63. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:42. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent, 51 : 13. Isoneurothrips Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 17, 39. Type-species: Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall, (Australia); designated from two species; of Anomalothrips: Anomalothrips amygdali Morgan, (Australia); monobasic. Isoneurothrips addendus (Priesner) = Thrips (Isothrips) addendum Priesner. Anomalothrips amygdali Morgan = Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall. Isoneurothrips antennatus Moulton = Neurisothrips antennatus (Moulton). Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall, 1915. 9, 6. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat Hist, (8)15:592. 9. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Kamy, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. Thrips mediolineus Girault, 1926. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 14(1-3): 18. 9. Isoneurothrips australis; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist, (9)18: 113. Thrips mediolineus; Girault, 1926. New pests from Australia. III. [referred to Isononeuro thrips [Sfc/]X Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Priesner, 1928. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)137(9):645. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon, 11(4):306, 328. Anomalothrips amygdali Morgan, 1929. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 3 1 (1 ): 5 . 9. Isoneurothrips australis; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:49. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Moris on, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(1): 13. 6. I. Isoneurothrips] australis Bagnall ; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 30. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Newman, 1935. Joum. R. Soc. West Australia, 21 :93, 94, 95. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist, (10)17:500. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:46. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Moulton, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 9(3-4): 377. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Bianchi, 1940. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(3):375. Ison.[eurothrips] australis Bagnall; Priesner, 1940. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 24:54 (footnote). Thrips (Isoneurothrips) australis (Bagnall); Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1 ): 1 18, 121. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) australis (Bagnall); Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):129, 130. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) australis (Bagnall); Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3):513. Anomalothrips amygdali Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):45. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) australis (Bagnall); Zimmermann, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 426. I.[soneuro thrips] australis Bagnall; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4( 1 ) : 4 1 9 . 844 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Priesner, 1950. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 34:33. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Spiller, 1951. New Zealand Joum. Sci. Tech., (B)33(2):142. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 176. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 182, PI. 21, fig. 39. [. Isoneurothrips ] australis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):334. [Thrips] mediolineus Girault;De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7:170, 171. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Tits chack, 1964. Eos, 40(l-2):244. [. Isoneurothrips ] australis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:103. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, ( 1 960)1 3:35 1 . 9, <5, early stages. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):70. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(3):435. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:63, 120. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :42. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1968. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 31(2):367. [Thrips] mediolineus Girault ; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:71. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):39, 68. Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall; Laughlin, 1970. Ent. exp. & appl. 13(3):247-259, fig. 1-5. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of mediolineus: ? Brisbane Museum; of amygdali: U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Australia; Tasmania; Japan; Brazil; Hawaiian Islands; New Zealand; Egypt; Cyprus; Palestine; Spain; Turkey; Canary Islands; Morocco; Rhodesia; Malawi; Kenya; Madagascar; South Africa; California; Barbados; Uruguay; Brazil; Chile. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Mun daring Weir, Darling Range, Perth: for mediolineus: AUSTRALIA: Morn ingside, Queensland ; for amygdali: AUSTRALIA: Branxton, New South Wales. Habitat: Acacia sp.; Acacia pulchella: Acacia cyanophylla; Eucalyptus; Eucalyptus leucoxylon; Laurestina; dahlia; rose; Dryandra floribunda; Podocarpus macrophylla; Goodenia; arum lily; Indian tea; Psidium guayava ; Leucaena glauca; Buddleia japonica; Pittosporum undulatum; Metrosideros Reseda odorata; Linum usitatissimum; Prunus amygdalus; Tropaeolum majus; Sonchus congestus; Sonchus oleraceus; orange; blackberry; Adenostoma sparsifolium; Crataegus; Leucadendron daphnoides; Adenocarpus foliosus villosus; Pinus canariensis. Isoneurothrips brevicomis Moulton & Steinweden = Thrips (Isothrips) compressicomis Sakimura. Isoneurothrips carteri Moulton = Neurisothrips carteri (Moulton). Isoneurothrips dubautiae Moulton = Neurisothrips dubautiae (Moulton). Isoneurothrips fasciatus Moulton = Neurisothrips fasciatus (Moulton). Isoneurothrips fullawayi Moulton = Neurisothrips fullawayi (Moulton). 845 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Isoneurothrips jenseni Kamy = Thrips (Isothrips) parvispinus (Karny). honeurothrips malloti (Priesner) = Thrips (Isothrips) malloti Priesner. Thrips mediolineus Girault = Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall. Isoneurothrips multispinus (Bagnall) = Neurisothrips multispinus (Bagnall). Isoneurothrips obscuratus Crawford = Thrips (Isothrips) obscuratus (Crawford). Isoneurothrips orientalis Bagnall = Thrips (Isothrips) orientalis (Bagnall). Isoneurothrips pallipes Moulton = Thrips (Isothrips) taiwanus Takahashi. Isoneurothrips parvispinus Karny = Thrips (Isothrips) parvispinus (Karny). Isoneurothrips rapaensis Moulton = Thrips (Isothrips) rapaensis (Moulton). Isoneurothrips rosaceae Moulton - Thrips (Isothrips) addendus Priesner. Isoneurothrips setifer Karny = Thrips (Isothrips) setifer (Karny). Isoneurothrips setipennis Moulton - Thrips setipennis (Moulton). Isoneurothrips sumatrensis (Priesner) = Thrips sumatrensis Priesner. Isoneurothrips taiwanus (Takahashi) = Thrips (Isothrips) taiwanus Takahashi. Isoneurothrips williamsi Moulton = Neurisothrips williamsi (Moulton). Isoneurothrips sp. Isoneurothrips nov. spec. Kamy, 1922. Treubia, 3(1 ): 1 10. Distribution: Verlaten Island and Sebesy. Isoneurothrips spp. Isoneurothrips spp. (3 species) Sakimura, 1938. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 0(1 ) : 1 67-173. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kauai. Isoneurothrips sp. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sp. Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):1 18, 121 Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: near edge of Waikolu Valley, Molokai. Habitat: Broussaissia sp. flowers. Isoneurothrips sp. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sp. Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):1 18, 121 Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: near edge of Waikolu Valley, Molokai. Habitat: Raillardia molokaiensis flowers. 846 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Isoneurothrips sp. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sp. Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):329, 330. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Hualalai, Hawaii. Habitat: Styphelia sp. flowers. Isoneurothrips sp. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sp. Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):328, 330. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kilauea, Hawaii. Habitat: Vaccinium sp.; Urera sandwicensis; Sophora chry sophy Hum; Myoporum sandwicense; Rubus hawaiiensis; unidentified composite. Genus KAKOTHRIPS Williams, 1914. Physopus (Degeer) Amyot & Serville; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 29, 32, 44, 47, 94. Partim. Physopus (Degeer) Amyot & Serville; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:273, 282. Partim. Frankliniella Karny; Bagnall, 191 1. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):10. Partim. Physopus Degeer; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233. (sep. p. 12). Partim. Frankliniella Karny; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 192. Partim. Kakothrips Williams, 1914. Entomol., 47:248. [Type: Physopus robusta Uzel]. Kakothrips; Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., l(3-4):225. Frankliniella Karny; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Partim. Frankliniella Karny; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1 )1 28(2-3) : 1 24. Partim. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:56. Kakothrips Williams; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):240. Kakothrips Williams; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verb. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 99, 101. Kakothrips Williams; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9) :76, 146. Kakothrips Williams; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:12. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. Kakothrips Williams; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Kakothrips Williams; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):260. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 122, 220. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:243. Kakothrips Williams; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:24, 38. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 6. Kakothrips Williams; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. Kakothrips Williams; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 173. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. Kakothrips Williams; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 25, 37. Kakothrips Williams; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:31, 59, 65. Kakothrips Williams; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29, 33, 62. Kakothrips Williams; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 124. Kakothrips Williams; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. Kakothrips Williams; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:101. Kakothrips Williams; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:160. Kakothrips Williams; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. 847 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Kakothrips Williams; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:397. Kakothrips Williams; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 42, 44, 69, 70. Kakothrips Williams; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 118. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:49, 134. Kakothrips Williams; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):400. Kakothrips Williams; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):69, 120. Kakothrips Williams; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy , 1 : 1 90. Kakothrips Williams; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:26. Kakothrips Williams; We itme ier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):31 1 . Kakothrips Williams; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Kli'6 Zvireny CSR, 2:22. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):166. Kakothrips Williams; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(1 6):480. Kakothrips Williams; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45( Append.): 189. Kakothrips Williams; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append.) :379. Kakothrips; Williams, 1961. Entomol., 94:129. Kakothrips Williams; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 11(5-6):591. Kakothrips Williams; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:27, 33. Kakothrips Williams; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:35, 64. Kakothrips Williams; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 125, 197. Kakothrips Williams; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1 :855, 861. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:204. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 10. Kakothrips Williams; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):90. Kakothrips Williams; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:43. Kakothrips Williams; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5, 28. Kakothrips Williams; Bournier, 1971. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)7(4):931. Type-species: K.[akothrips] robustus [= Physopus robusta Uzel], (Bohemia); designated and monobasic. Kakothrips dentatus Knechtel, 1939. 9,6. Kakothrips dentatus Knechtel, 1939. Compt. rend, seances Inst. sci. Roumaine, 3:322. Kakothrips dentatus; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:398. 9, 6. Kakothrips dentatus; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 120, 123, figs. 97, 98. 9, d. Kakothrips dentatus; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 1 5(3): 28 1-317. [. Kakothrips ] dentatus Knechtel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:64. 9, 6. Kakothrips dentatus Knechtel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 197, 198. 9,d. Kakothrips dentatus Knechtel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. Kakothrips dentatus Knechtel; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (C)26(15):181. [. Kakothrips ] dentatus Knechtel; Bournier, 1971. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)7(4):931 . Location of type: Knechtel collection. Distribution: RUMANIA: Sf&c&r (Prahova); B&neasa (Ilfov); Regiunea Babadag, Dobrogea; UKRAINE: Tcherpovcy; Izmail; POLAND: Lublin. Type locality: RUMANIA. Habitat: Carduus sp.; Carduus nutans; Carduus hamulosus. 848 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Kakothrips firmoides Priesner, 1932. 9, 6. Kakothrips firmoides Priesner, 1932. Stylops, 1(5): 109. 9, larva. Kakothrips firmoides Priesner; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:69 (footnote). Kakothrips firmoides Priesner; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. Kakothrips firmoides Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):383, figs. CLXXVIII, CLXXIX. 9, 6. [Kakothrips] firmoides; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:64. 9. Kakothrips firmoides Priesner; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:53, 120. 9, 6. Kakothrips firmoides Priesner; Bournier, 1971. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)7(4):930, 931, fig. 4e, 5b-c. 6. Location of type: Hamburg Museum (lost through military action). Distribution: SPAIN: Pyrenaen, Alp Urtg b. Puigcerda; ITALY: Sassari; MOROCCO: Unterlauf des Oued Noun (Cercle de Goulimine); FRANCE: Midi mediterraneen. Type locality: SPAIN: Pyrenaen, Ako Urtg b. Puigcerda. Habitat: Gorse flowers; flowers of Carduus; flowering vegetation; Genista sc orpius. Kakothrips pisivorus (Westwood, 1880). 9, 6. [no name] A. Muller, 1871 . Proc. ent. Soc. London, 1871 :xi. Thrips pisivora Westwood, 1880. Gardner’s Chronicle, (2)14:206. T.[hrips] pisivora Westwood; Pergande, 1882. Entomol., 15:95. Thrips cerealium Haliday ; Kirchner, 1890. Krankh. Beschad. Landw. Kulturpfl. Stuttgart, p. 71. Physopus robusta Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 32, 48, 104, PL V, figs. 55, 56, 9, 6. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Kirchner & Boltshauset, 1897. Atl. Krankh. Beschad. uns. Landw. Kulturpfl. Stuttgart, (2)17: Thrips physapus Linne; Schilling, 1898. Schadh d. Gemiisebaues, p. 53. Thrips cerealium Haliday; Ritzema Bos, 1899. Landbouwk. Tijdschr., 1899:11-113. Physopus robusta Uzel; Trybom, 1899. Ent. Tidskr., 20(4):270, 271, 272, 274. larva. Ph. [ysopus] robusta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:10. Physopus robusta Uzel; Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1):10L Thrips pisivora Westwood; Collinge, 1906. Rep. injur. Ins., p. 12. Thrips pisivora Westwood; Theobald, 1906. Rep. Orchard Fruit Plantations Wocestershire, p. 15. Thrips pisivora Westwood; Theobald, 1906. Journ. S.E. agr. Coll. Wye, pp. 84, 85. Physopus robusta Uzel; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:283. Physopus robusta Uzel; Theobald, 1907. Journ. S.E. agr. Coll. Wye, p. 110. Euthrips robusta (Uzel); Bagnall, 1908. Ent. mon. Mag., 44:4. Euthrips robusta (Uzel); Bagnall, 1908. Proc. ent. Soc. London, !907:lxxxii. Physopus robustus Uzel; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1):135. Thr.[ips]flavus Schrank; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 3, 3:231. Partim. Thr. [ip s] pisivorus Westwood; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 3, 3:231. Physopus pisivora (Westwood); Warburton, 1909. Journ. Agr. Soc. England, 69:321. Limothrips cerealium (Haliday); Grossen, 1910. Journ. Hortic. Vitic Suisse, 1910: F .[rankliniella] robustus (Uzel); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Thrips pisivora Westwood; Trabut, 191 1. Bull. Agr. Algerie et Tunisie, 1 7(7): 1 66. Physopus robusta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233 (sep. p. 12). Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:335. Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):219. Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Vuillet, 1914. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1914(5): 1 62. 849 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Priesner, Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 192. Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Vuillet, 1914. Rev. Sci., Paris, pp. 626-627 . K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Williams, 1914. Entomol., 47:247, 248, fig. la-c. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., 1(3-4): 225, figs. 1-12. 9, d Kakothrips pisivora (Westwood); Williams, 1916. Entomol., 49:275. Kakothrips pisivora (Westwood); Williams, 1916. Proc. S. London ent. & Nat. Hist. Soc., 1915-16:132. Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Physopus robusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1917. Meddel. Landtman, 50:9. F.[rankliniella\ robusta (Uzel); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):41. Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1 )1 28(2-3) : 1 24. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:56. Kakothrips robusta (Uzel); van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):46, 101, 117, PI. IV; textfigs. 14-15. 9, d Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):7. Kakothr.[ips] robustus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):146, PI. XIII. 9, d Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Kran cher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):20. [Kakothrips] robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. [Kakothrips] robustus (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1 925( 1 ) : 1 9. K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):261. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:243, PI. IV, fig. 53. 9, <5, egg, larva, pupa. K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:38, figs. 4F, 10F. 9, d K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 6. 9, d Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:467. larva. [Kakothrips] robustus (Uzel); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111, IV. K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 1 6(3) : 1 73. [Kakothrips] robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 37, fig. 21. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Pussard-Radulesco, 1930. Ann. Epiphyties, 1 6(3-4) : 1 7 1 . Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:65, 153, fig. 20. 9, d Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1932. Medd. Cent. Anst. Forsoks. Jordbr. Stockholm, 406:1-11, figs. K. [akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:62, fig. 32. 9, d Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Kutter & Winter, 1933. Landbv. Jb. Schweiz, 47:279-295, figs. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Rivnay, 1933. Hadar, 6(1 1):3. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2):185-202. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 124, PL XIV, fig. 45. 9, d Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Kutter, 1934. Mitt, schweizerischen ent. Ges., 15:7-10. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:38. K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):25, 28. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):82. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:101 . 850 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2):9. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:160, 183, 189, 210. Kakothrips pisivorus (Westwood); Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1 ) :5 60, 561 , 582, 583, 607, figs. Ig, 2g, 26, 27, 46b. Larva described. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:125. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. [Kakothrips] robustus (Uzel); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy , 10:10. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:397. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):94, PI. XII, fig. 219. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:22. K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 70. 9, 6. Frankliniella robusta (Uzel); Smith, 1948. Textbook agr. Ent. ed. 2, p. 24, fig. 3. 9, 6. [Kakothrips] robustus (Uzel); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 118. K.[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):4Q0. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):160, 174, 183. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 120, figs. 94-96. 9, 6. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1951. Prifody, 42(l-2):7, 10. [Kakothrips] robustus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 :190. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 591, 593, 597. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:26. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4):141. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):75. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold. Nat. Fid. CL, 31 :268. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):31 1. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1 12(1 ):27 1 . K. [akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvneny CSR, 2:22. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(1 6):509, fig. 30. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 102. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen, 1958. Landbouwvoorlichting, 15:271-279a, figs. 1-3. Kakothrips pisivorus (Westwood); Ferriere, 1958. Mitt. Schweizerischen ent. Ges., 31(3-4):320, 321. [parasites]. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1956) (C)l 1(7): 1 84, 185, 199. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.):15. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen, 1959. Techn. Bericht. Peulvrug. Stud. Comb., 81:1-6, 6 figs. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie -Skfadowska Lublin, (1958) (C)13(7):129. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen, 1960. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 66(4): 1-51, figs. 1-8; fotos 1-7. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):380. 9, 6, larvae, pupa. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):92. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:409. 851 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1961 . Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:22. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6): 585 , 588, 591. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 111. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(17):9. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Pelekassis, 1962. Ann. Inst, phytopath. Benaki, (N.S.)5(1):56. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 1 5(3):28 1-3 17. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33, 35. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfc)dowska Lublin, (1963)(C)18(6): 137. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Tijdschr. Ent., 107(6):341, PI. 27. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 255. [ Kakothrips ] robustus (Uzel); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen, 1964. Landbouwk. Tijdschr., 76(16):638. [. Kakothrips ] robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:64, 120, PI. IV, fig. 2; PI. V, fig. 6. 9, <5. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 129, 197, figs. 40, 41. 9, 6. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. K[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:861. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:37, 74, 196. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:6. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1965. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 62(5): 320, figs. 3,6,1 . Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40. K.[akothrips ] robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 10. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):70. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. K[akothrips] robustus (Uzel); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):90. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Bournier, 1967. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)3(1): 177. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):55. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd. ed., 4(2)2/19:5, 9, 28. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8): 1 13. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1 (2):4 1 , 42, 44, 45,46,65. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 13. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2): 243, 250, fig. 13. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Heming, 1971. Canadian Journ. Zool., 49(1 ):93. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJk)dowska Lublin, (C)26(l 5): 181 . [. Kakothrips ] robustus (Uzel); Bournier, 1971. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)7(4):932. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of robusta: ? Vienna Museum. Distribution: Britain; Ireland; Czechoslovakia; Holland; Poland; Italy; Austria; Germany; Sweden; Norway; Rumania; Russia; Caucasia; Georgian SSR; Siberia; Ukraine; Serbia; Denmark; Hungary; France; Finland; Switzerland; Lithuania; Greece; Yugoslavia; Turkey; Palestine. 852 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: Britain; for robustus: BOHEMIA: not specified. Habitat: Garden peas flowers and pods on which it may be of economic importance; various flowers especially of leguminous plants. Kakothrips priesneri Pelikan, 1965. 9, <5. Kakothrips priesneri Pelikan, 1965. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 62(5):319, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5. 9, 6. [. Kakothrips ] priesneri Pelikan; Bournier, 1971. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)7(4):932. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Distribution: ISRAEL: Et Tur; Kefar Giladi; Safed; Tabor Caduri; Rehobot. Type locality: ISRAEL: Et Tur. Habitat: Flowers of: Anthemis sp.; Cruciferae; Tri folium sp.; Prunus amygdalus; Vicia sativa. Kakothrips priesnerorum Bournier, 1971. 9. Kakothrips priesnerorum Bournier, 1971. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)7(4):926, 931, figs. 4a-d, 5a. 9. Location of type: Bournier collection. Distribution: FRANCE: Coulet near Montpellier. Type locality: FRANCE: sur Plateau Calcaire du Larzac pres du village du Coulet a 60 km au Nord Ouest de Montpellier. Habitat: Flowers of Cornu s mas. Kakothrips robustus (Uzel) = Kakothrips pisivora (Westwood). Genus LAPLOTHRIPS Bhatti, 1972. Laplothrips Bhatti, 1972. Oriental Ins., 6(4): 544. Type-species: Laplothrips bicolor Bhatti, (India); designated and monobasic. Laplothrips bicolor Bhatti, 1972. 9. Laplothrips bicolor Bhatti, 1972. Oriental Ins., 6(4): 545, figs. 24-26. 9. Location of type: Bhatti collection. Distribution: INDIA: Mussoorie, Uttar Pradesh. Type locality: INDIA: Mussoorie, around Municipal Gardens, Uttar Pradesh. Habitat: Fern. Genus LAROTHRIPS Pitkin, 1973. Larothrips Pitkin, 1973. Bull. ent. Res., 62:416. Type-species: Larothrips dentipes Pitkin, (Nigeria); designated and monobasic. Larothrips dentipes Pitkin, 1973. 9. Larothrips dentipes Pitkin, 1973. Bull. ent. Res., 62:417, figs. 1-6. 9. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: NIGERIA: Ibadan. Type locality: NIGERIA: Ibadan. Habitat: Yam flowers (Dioscorea cayenensis). Genus Limphysothrips Bagnall = SYNAPTOTHRIPS Try bom. I 853 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Genus MECOTHRIPS Karny, 1921. Mecothrips Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4): 285 . Mecothrips Karny; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:13. Mecothrips Karny; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 502. [Type: M. anomoceras Karny]. Mecothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:55, 56, 136. Mecothrips Karny; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Type-species: M. [ecothrips] anomoceras Karny, (Java); designated by Priesner, 1938, from two species. Mecothrips anomoceras Karny, 1921. 9, 6. Mecothrips anomoceras Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):289, figs. 8, 13, 14. 9, 6. Mecothrips anomoceras; Karny, 1927. Tropische Natuur, 1927(4):61, fig. 5. Mecothrips anomoceras Karny; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):503. 9, 6. Location of type: Cotype in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Tjibodas. Type locality: JAVA: Tjibodas. Habitat: Rolled leaves Anomum coccineum. Mecothrips nomoceras Karny = Taeniothrips nomoceras (Karny). Genus MEGALUROTHRIPS Bagnall, 1915. Megalurothrips Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:589. [Type: Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall]. Megalurothrips; Bagnall, 1915. Sarawak Mus. Journ., 2(6):268. Megalurothrips Bagnall; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4):21 7, 243. Megalurothrips Bagnall; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1926)168: 14. Megalurothrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier. Ent., 33:137. [ Taeniothrips ] sub gen. Pongamiothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1962. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)31(7-8):90. [Type: Taeniothrips peculiaris Bagnall]. [ Taeniothrips ] subgen .Pongamiothrips; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):85, 96, 112. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:53. Partim. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Lakshminarayana, 1968. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 65(2):355. Megalurothrips Bagnall; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3): 240. redefined. Megalurothrips Bagnall; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 377. [Complete synonymy not stated as full scope of genus still uncertain, a splinter group of Taeniothrips]. Type-species: Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall, (Sarawak); designated and monobasic. Taeniothrips centrispinosus Priesner = Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall. Megalurothrips distalis (Karny, 1913). 9,6. Taeniothrips distalis Karny, 1913. Arch. Naturgesch., (A)79(2): 122. [sex not stated]. Frankliniella vitata Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1019, 1023. 9. Taeniothrips vitata (Schmutz); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 10-1 2): 365 . JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Physothrips bmnneicornis Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:218. 9. Physothrips bmnneicornis; Bagnall, 1918. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)1 :206. ph.[ysothrips] bmnneicornis Bagnall; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):3Q5. P. [hysothrips] bmnneicornis Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. P. [hysothrips] ( Frankliniella) vitata (Schmutz); Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. [. Frankliniella ] vitata Schmutz; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 18, 19. Taeniothrips distalis; Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 196. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) bmnneicornis (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent.Ser., 10(7):256. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):256. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):297, 325. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) bmnneicornis (Bagnall); Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1(4):325. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):78. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:23. Toeniothrips [Sid] distalis Karny; Ramakrishna, 1932. Agr. Livestock India, 2(4):401. [ Taeniothrips ] distalis Karny; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:275. [ Taeniothrips ] bmnneicornis (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:275. T.[aeniothrips] distalis Karny; Wu, 1935. Ins. Sinensium, 1:342. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:69, 70, 72. Partim. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):267. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):432. Partim. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):346, 348. Partim. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):471, 511, 512, 525. 9. Taeniothrips morosus Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):476, 511, 526. 9, 6. [ Taeniothrips ] vitatus (Schmutz); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):526. Frankliniella vitata Schmutz; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):526. Taeniothrips distalis var. infernalis Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):472, 512, 526. 9. Taeniothrips bmnneicornis (Bagnall); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):24. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):25. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Kurosawa, 1940. Tenthredo, 3(1 ):57. [ Taeniothrips ] bmnneicornis (Bagnall); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:16. [ Taeniothrips ] distalis Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:16. [. Physothrips ] vittata [Sic!] (Schmutz); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:19. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) ] distalis Karny; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165,168.9. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) ] bmnneicornis (Bagnall); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165, 168. 9. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] vitata (Schmutz); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165. 9. T.[aeniothrips] distalis Karny; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed., 4(1):407. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Kurosawa, 1950. Icon. Ins. Japon., p. 171, fig. 473. 855 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Bianchi, 1953 = Megalurothrips rnucume (Priesner)]. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Kurosawa, 1954. Oyo-Kontyu Tokyo, 10(2): 134, 135. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Kurosawa, 1957. Botyu-Kagaku Kyoto, 22(1):95. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3):561. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):84, 110. Taeniothrips morosus Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):84, 110. Taeniothrips ditissimus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Indian Journ. Ent., 28(2):250, fig. 1 . 9, 6. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1967. Opusc. Ent., 32(1-2): 159, 165-170, fig. 2. 9, 6. Partim. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:25, 26, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, Pl.V, fig. 37. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 59, fig. 14. Partim. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Sakimura, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(2): 166. Partim . Megalurothrips distalis (Karny); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 33(3): 240. Partim. Megalurothrips morosus (Priesner); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3):242. T.[aeniothrips] distalis Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:6, 7, 12, 104, 1 19, 130. Partim. T.[aeniothrips\ ditissimus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:90, 104, 131. [Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Kudo, 1971 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 1 14, 123, 126, 130, 131. Megalurothrips distalis (Karny); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 123 (footnote), 131, 132, 133, 135, Pl.V, fig. 6. Megalurothrips distalis (Karny); Sakimura, 1972. Kontyu, 40(3): 189, figs. 1-6. 9, 6, larva, [synonymy; described]. Location of type: Berlin Museum; of vitata: Vienna Museum; of brunneicornis: British Museum (Natural History); of morosus and infernalis: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of ditissimus: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: Japan; Ceylon; India; China; Formosa; Philippine Islands; Java; Sumatra; Krakatau; Caroline Islands; Fiji; Korea. Type locality: JAPAN: Okayama; for vitata: CEYLON: Peradenya; for brunneicornis: JAPAN: Kobe; for morosus: JAVA: Prapat-Toba-See; for infernalis: SUMATRA: Sibajak; for ditissimus: SOUTH INDIA: Valparai, Anamalais. Habitat: Numerous flowers especially those of Leguminosae. Taeniothrips ditissimus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Megalurothrips formosae (Moulton, 1928). 9, <3. Taeniothrips formosae Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):298, 325, fig. 6. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] formosae Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:276. Taeniothrips formosae Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):433. T. [aeniothrips] formosae Moulton; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):346. [Taeniothrips] formosae Moulton; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):510, 511, 512, 525. [Taeniothrips] formosae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Megalurothrips formosae (Moulton); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3):241. 856 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T:[aeniothrips\ formosae Moulton; Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(3):455. Megalurothrips formosae (Moulton); Sakimura, 1972. Pacific Ins., 14(4):665, figs. 5-6. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: FORMOSA: Kotosho; SUMATRA: Prapat, Tobasee; JAVA: Buitenzorg. Type locality: FORMOSA: Kotosho. Habitat: Canavalia obtu si folia; Canavalia ensiformis. Megalurothrips kellyanus (Bagnall, 1916). 9, 6. Physothrips kellyanus Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:219. 9, 6. Physothrips kellyanus; Bagnall, 1918. Bull. ent. Res., 9(1):65, 66, 69, fig. 3. 9, 6. P. [hysothrips] kellyanus Bagnall, Edwards, 1919. Proc. S. London ent. & nat. Hist. Soc., 1918-19:43. [Physothrips] kellyanus Bagnall; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4): 3 05. Physothrips kellyanus Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool. 17A(2):48. Physothrips kellyanus; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:104. [Physothrips] kellyanus Bagnall; Girault, 1927. Some new wild Animals from Queensland, p.[2]. Physothrips kellyanus Bagnall; Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(1): 1 1 . [Taeniothrips] kellyanus (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. America ent. Soc., 59:280. P. [hysothrips] kellyanus Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 25. Taeniothrips kellyanus (Bagnall); Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):270. Taeniothrips kellyanus (Bagnall); Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Taeniothrips kellyanus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 58. Megalurothrips kellyanus (Bagnall); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3):241. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Brandon, Mapleton and Brisbane, Queensland; Hawthorn and Ballarat, Victoria; Melbourne; Urrbrae, South Australia; NEW ZEALAND: Helensville; Kumeu; Henderson; Auckland; Gisborne; NEW CALEDONIA: Noumea; Hienghene. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Brandon, Queensland. Habitat: ? Helianthus sp.; Acokanthera spectabilis; Hypochaeris radicata; Banksia aemula; Backhausia citriodora; Vitex negundo; Cerbera; lily; orange. Taeniothrips meridiana Moulton - Megalurothrips sjoestedti (Trybom). Megalurothrips morosus (Priesner, 1938) = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Megalurothrips mucunae (Priesner, 1938). 9. Taeniothrips mucunae Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4) :475, 510, 526. 9, larva. Taeniothrips mucunae var. fijiensis Moulton, 1944. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 17(22): 268. [Taeniothrips] mucunae var .fijiensis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):94. Megalurothrips mucunae (Priesner); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3): 242. Megalurothrips mucunae (Priesner); Sakimura, 1972. Pacific Ins., 14(4): 66.3, figs. 1-4. 9, 6. Location of type: Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt a. M.; of fijiensis: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: Java; Fiji; Western Samoa; American Samoa. Type locality: JAVA: Buitenzorg; for fijiensis: FLU: Sigatola [Singatoka], Viti Levu. Habitat: Mucuna flowers; Erythrina flowers. 857 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Megalurothrips peculiaris (Bagnall, 1918). 9, <5. Physothrips peculiaris Bagnall, 1918. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)1 :206. 6. Ph.\ysothrips\ peculiaris Bagnall; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):305. P.[hysothrips] peculiaris Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) peculiaris (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):258. Taeniothrips pingala Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 1 0(7): 245 , 260. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] peculiarus [Sic!] (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:273. [Taeniothrips] pingala Ramakrishna; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:275. Taeniothrips peculiaris (Bagnall); Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2): 267. Taeniothrips peculiaris (Bagnall); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):473, 511, 526. 6. [Physothrips] peculiaris Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:19. [Physothrips] pingala (Ramakrishna); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:19. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] pingala Ramakrishna; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165. 9. Taeniothrips (Pongamiothrips) peculiaris (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1962. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)31(7-8):91 , figs. 3, 4. Taeniothrips (Pongamiothrips) peculiaris (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):85, 96, 112. [as pecularis on p. 96]. Taeniothrips peculiaris (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 : 54, 59. Taeniothrips peculiaris (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1967. Opusc. Ent., 32(1-2): 161, 165-170, fig. 3. 9,6. Megalurothrips peculiaris (Bagnall); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3): 242. T.[aeniothrips] peculiaris (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIRzooL Monog., 1:90, 104, 131, figs. 23(3). Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of pingala: Ramakrishna collection. Distribution: INDIA: Pusa; Bangalore; Kallar; Madras; Delhi; Dehra Dun to Tamil Nadu; PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Laguna. Type locality: INDIA: Pusa, Bengal; for pingala: INDIA: Bangalore. Habitat: Lucerne; Pongamia glabra; legume; rose apple; Leptadenia sp. Megalurothrips setipennis Karny = Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall. Taeniothrips pingala Ramakrishna = Megalurothrips peculiaris (Bagnall). Megalurothrips sjoestedti (Trybom, 1910). 9, 6. Physopus Sjostedti Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt wiss. Erg. Schwed. zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Mem 1905-6. 3(16):3, 4, PI. 1, figs. 1-14; textfig. A. 9, d, larva. Physopus sjostedti; Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16:155. Physopus sjostedti; Trybom, 1911. Ark. Zool., 7(22):5. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:337. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica) Frankfurt, 2(7): 25. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Trybom, 1912. Ark. Zool., 7(33):2. Physothrips variabilis Bagnall, 1913. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)12:294. 9. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1914. Verh. K.K. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:53. Partim. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):366. Partim. 858 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Physothrips variabilis Bagnall; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):366. [Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1922 = Odontothrips karnyi Priesner]. Ph.[ysothrips] sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):304, fig. 56c. [Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1925 = Odontothrips karnyi Priesner]. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :234 (footnote), [identity of Karny’s species]. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:202. 9. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Priesner, 1932. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaine, 22(2): 193. [ Taeniothrips ] variabilis (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:273, 274. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:275, PI. XIX, fig. 1 1 . Taeniothrips meridiana Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:503. 9, 6. Taeniothrips meridiana f. tenuis Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:505. 9, 6. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria Nat. Sci., (2)3:44. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Harris, 1937. Bull. ent. Res., 28(3):484. [ Taeniothrips ] meridiana Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [ Taeniothrips ] meridiana f. tenuis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. T.[aeniothrips] (Physothrips) sjostedti (Trybom); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5 , 4(1 ):41 1 . Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Priesner, 1952. Bull. Inst. fransais Afrique Noire, 14(3): 879. 6,9. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:379. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(1):69. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 97. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Faure, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1 ):34, figs. 39-48. 9,c5. [ Taeniothrips ] sjostedti (Trybom); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. Africa, 23(2):341. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83(l-2):7. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:305, 306. 9, (5, larva. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:5. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Forsyth, 1966. Agric. Ins. Ghana, p. 97. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Okwakpam, 1967. Nigerian Ent. Mag., 1:45. Taeniothrips sjoestedti (Trybom); Mamet, 1967. Mauritius Inst. Bull., 6(2):66. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :54, 60. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Ingram, 1969. East African agr. forest. Journ., 34(4):482-484, tables I-IIl. Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3): 242. Taeniothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Bournier, 1970. Rev. Biol. Gabonica, 6(2): 167. Location of type: Royal Museum, Stockholm; of variabilis, meridiana and tenuis: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Sudan; Kenya; Tanzania; Ghana; Nigeria; Gambia; Gabon; Congo; Rhodesia; South West Africa; South Africa; Mauritius; Comoro Islands. Type locality: GERMAN EAST AFRICA: Kibonoto, Kilimandjaro; for variabilis: COMORO ISLANDS: Mayotte; tor meridiana: UGANDA: Kampala; for tenuis: Uganda. Habitat: Numerous plants especially Leguminosae; known as the bean thrips. May be vector of virus diseases. 859 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall, 1915. 9, 6. Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall, 1915. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)15:590, fig. 1. 9. Megalurothrips typicus; Bagnall, 1915. Sarawak Mus. Journ., 2(6):268, fig. 1. Megalurothrips setipennis Karny, 1925. Bull. Deli Proefst. Medan-Sumatra, 23:32, 54, fig. 11.9. Taeniothrips varicornis Moulton, 1928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98):292, PI. V, fig. 2. 9. Taeniothrips varicornis; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):326. Taeniothrips varicornis Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:276. Taeniothrips varicornis Moulton; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:72. Taeniothrips varicornis; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):267. Taeniothrips varicornis Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):432. Taeniothrips centrispinosus Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):474, 511, 525. 6. ['. Taeniothrips ] setipennis (Karny); Priesner, 1 938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 10, 511, 526. Taeniothrips setipennis (Karny); Moulton, 1942. Bull. Bishop Mus., 172:9. Taeniothrips setipennis (Karny); Bianchi, 1949. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 13(3):347. [ Taeniothrips ] varicornis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Taeniothrips setipennis (Karny); Bianchi, 1965. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 964)1 9( 1 ): 73 . Taeniothrips setipennis (Karny); Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1967. Opusc. Ent., 32(1-2): 162, 165-170, fig. 4. 9,6. Taeniothrips typicus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 : 54, 61, fig. 13. Taeniothrips varicornis Moulton; Sakimura, 1969. Pacific Ins., 11(1):8Q. Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3): 243. Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):377. T.[aeniothrips] setipennis (Karny); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :7, 94, 131. Taeniothrips setipennis (Karny); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3):135. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of setipennis: Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt a.M.; of varicornis: California Academy of Sciences; of centrispinosus: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Sarawak; Sumatra; Java; Formosa; Krakatau; Philippine Islands; Guam; Marianas; India. Type locality: SARAWAK: Mt. Matang; for setipennis: SUMATRA: Medan; for varicornis: FORMOSA: Kagi; for centrispinosus: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Habitat: Tobacco; Mangifera indica; Persea gratissima; grass; Luffa cylindrica; Tephrosia Candida; Desmodium umbellatum; Leucaena glauca; Pongamia glabra. j Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall, 1913). 9,6. Physothrips usitatus Bagnall, 1913. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)12:293. 9. Frankliniella nigricornis Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1018, 1020. 9,6. Frankliniella obscuricornis Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1019, 1022. 9. Physothrips usitatus Bagnall; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0(1 0-1 2): 365 . Frankliniella nigricornis Schmutz; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 1 0-1 2): 365 (footnote). [ Frankliniella ] obscuricornis Schmutz; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-12): 365 (footnote). Physothrips usitatus var. cinctipennis Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:217. [sex not stated]. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny, 1922. Treubia, 3(1): 110. nom. nud. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2):99, fig. 2. 9, 6. 860 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Ph. [ysothrips] usitatus Bagnall; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):304, fig. 56d. Physothrips usitatus cinctipennis Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. P. [hysothrips] usitatus Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:865. [synonymy]. [Frankliniella] nigricornis Schmutz; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 16, 19. [Frankliniella] obscuricornis Schmutz; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 18, 19. Taeniothrips longistylus; Karny, 1925. Bull. ent. Res., 16(2): 126. Odontothrips longistylus (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(suppl.): 122. Taeniothrips longistylus; Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 196, PI. XVII, figs. 3-4. 6. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):258, textfig. 17. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) usitatus (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):261. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4): 301 , 326. T. [aeniothrips] longistylus Karny ; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):78. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Moulton, 1929. Rec. Indian Mus., 31(2):95. T. [oeniothrips] longystylus [Sic!] Karny; Ramakrishna, 1932. Agric. Livestock India, 2(4): 401. [Taeniothrips] longistylus Karny; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:275. [Taeniothrips] usitatus (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:275. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Ramakrishna, 1934. Indian Forest Rec., (Ent. Ser.) 20(4): 4. P. [hysothrips] usitatus-cinctipennis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 24. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:69, 70, 72. Partim. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):267. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4): 432. Partim. [Taeniothrips distalis] f. longistylus Karny; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):433. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):346, 348. Partim. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):470, 473, 511, 526. 6. [synonymy]. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):25. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):251. [Taeniothrips] longistylus Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25: 17. [Taeniothrips] nigricornis (Schmutz); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:17. [Taeniothrips] usitatus (Bagnall); Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:17. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) nigricornis (Schmutz); Morison, 1941. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)10(1G):203. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] usitatus (Bagnall); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165, 167, 168. 9, d [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] longistylus Karny; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165,167,168.9,(5. T. [aeniothrips] longistylus Karny; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):407. T. [aeniothrips] usitatus var. cinctipennis (Bagnall); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):41 1. 861 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1951. Indian Journ. Ent., (1950)1 2(2): 238, 239. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1):93. Taeniothrips usitatus (Bagnall); Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1): 66, 68, fig. 2. 6 genitalia. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Ferriere, 1958. Mitt. Schweizerischen ent. Ges., 31(3-4):320. [parasites]. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Faure, Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(1):41, fig. 49. 9. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):85, 110. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); De Santis, 1965. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9:13. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Raizada, 1966. Zool. Anz., 176:290. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1967. Opusc. Ent., 32(1-2): 159, 165-170, fig. 2. 9,6. Partim. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 59, fig. 14. Partim. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Passlow, 1968. Queensland agr. Journ., 94(1 2): 762-763. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Lakshminarayana, 1968. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 65(2):355. Taeniothrips distalis Karny; Sakimura, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(2): 166. Partim. Megalurothrips distalis (Karny); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(3):240. Partim. T.[aeniothrips ] distalis Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:6, 7, 12, 104, 119,1 30. Partim. Taeniothrips longistylus Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:13. Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz); Rajasekhara & Chatterji, 1970. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 63(2): 364. Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall); Sakimura, Kontyu, 40(3): 192, figs. 7-10. 9, <5. described and synonymy. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of nigricornis and obscuricornis: Vienna Museum; of cinctipennis: British Museum (Natural History); of longistylus: unknown to writer. Distribution: India; Ceylon; Australia; Krakatau; Verlaten Island; Sebesy; Siam; Indo- China; Fiji; Formosa; Philippine Islands; Ponape Island; Java; Sumatra; China; New Guinea; Samoa; Japan. Type locality: INDIA: Allahabad; for nigricornis: CEYLON: Peradenya; for obscuricornis: CEYLON: Peradenya; for cinctipennis: AUSTRALIA: Brando, N. Queensland; for longistylus: not specified from five localities in Siam and Indo-China (Vietnam). Habitat: Numerous flowering plants especially Leguminosae. Physothrips variabilis Bagnall = Megalurothrips sjoestedti (Trybom). Taeniothrips varicornis Moulton = Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall. Genus MEG APH Y SOTHRIPS Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Megaphysothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41 (1 ) :25 . [Type: Megaphysothrips subramanii Ramakrishna & Margabandhu]. Megaphysothrips ; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:20. 862 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Euphysothrips Bagnall; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 129. Euphysothrips Bagnall; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:158, 162. Megaphysothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:51,53, 137. Megaphysothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):! 66. Euphysothrips subgen .Megaphysothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1959. Zool. Anz., 162(9-10):317. [. Euphysothrips ] subgen .Megaphysothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2) :8 1 , 97, 104. Megaphysothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Indian Journ. Ent., 28(2):255. Megaphysothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:32,70,85,129. Location of type: Megaphysothrips subramanii Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, (Indian); designated and monobasic. Megaphysothrips subramanii Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. 9. Megaphysothrips subramanii Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1) :25. 9. [Megaphysothrips] subramanii; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian. Ins., 25:20. Euphysothrips subramanii (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 130. [Euphysothrips] subramanii (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:162. Euphysothrips (Megaphysothrips) subramanii (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1959. Zool. Anz., 162(9-1 0):317, figs. 3, 4. 9. Euphysothrips ( M. [ egaphyso th rips ] ) subramanii (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):81 , 104. Megaphysothrips subramanii Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Indian Journ. Ent., 28(2) :25 5, fig. 3. 9. M. [egaphyso thr ip s] subramanii Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:5,7,77, 121, 129, figs. 7(7), 10(7), 15. Megaphysothrips subramanii Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3):126, 130, 134, PL III, fig. 3. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: INDIA: Dodhkhan Estate, Mysore; Valparai, Anamalais. Type locality: INDIA: Dodhkhan Estate, Mysore. Habitat: Coffee leaves; may be vector of rust on Coffea arabica. Genus MICOTHRIPS Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Micothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Bull. Ent. Madras, 6:18. [Type: Micothrips fasciatus Ananthakrishnan]. Micothrips; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:30, 129. Type-species: Micothrips fasciatus Ananthakrishnan, (India); designated and monobasic. Micothrips fasciatus Ananthakrishnan, 1965. 9, d Micothrips fasciatus Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Bull. Ent. Madras, 6:19, fig. 3. 9, d Micothrips fasciatus; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :7, 129 863 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Madras. Type locality: INDIA: Madras. Habitat: Ruellia flowers. Genus MICROCEPHALOTHRIPS Bagnall, 1926. Thrips Linne; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11, 14, 22. Partim. Thrips Linne; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:13, 42. Partim . Styiothrips Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:871. nom. nud Microcephalo thrips Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:113. [Type: Microcephalo thrips (Thrips) abdominalis (Crawford)]. Styiothrips Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India Ent. Ser., 9(6):205. Paraphysopus Girault, 1927. Some new Wild Animals from Queensland, p. [2]. [Type: Paraphysopus hurnsi Girault]. Paraphysopus; Girault, 1927. Insec. Insert. Menstr., 14(10-12):188. [Thrips] subgen. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:344,442. Ctenothripella Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:344, 442. [as synonym of Microcephalo thrips]. Styiothrips Karny; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India Ent., Ser., 10(7):246, 266. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Stein we den & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:27. Thrips Linne; Watson, 1931 . Publ. Univ. Oklahoma biol. Surv., 3(4):343. Partim . [Thrips] subgen . Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 11 6. Styiothrips Karny; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 20. [Thrips] subgen , Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:346. [Thrips] subgen. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 1 67. Thrips Linne; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):229. Partim . Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina, N.C. Dep. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 56. Styiothrips Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:28. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:157, 168. [Thrips] subgen. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:419, 421. Ctenothripella; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:125. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:56, 138. Paraphysopus Girault ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:141. Styiothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:149. Thrips (Microcephalo thrips) Bagnall; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):150, 202. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):166. Paraphysopus Girault; De Santis, 1961 . Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7:170. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:34, 50. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1 963)26(2) :82, 97, 105. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:38, 103. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:209, 356. Microcephalo thrips Bagnall; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965) 73(4):203. 864 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Aureothrips Raizada, 1966. Zool. Anz., 176:277 . [Type: Aureothrips marigoldae Raizada]. Microcephalothrips Bagnall; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:37, 63. Microcephalothrips Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:43. Microcephalothrips Bagnall; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 274, 326. Microcephalothrips Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:12, 14. Microcephalothrips Bagnall; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):377. Microcephalothrips Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:33, 129. Type-species: Microcephalothrips (Thrips) abdominalis (Crawford), (Mexico); designated and monobasic; of Stylothrips: Stylothrips brevipalpis Karny, (India); monobasic; of Paraphysopus: Paraphysopus burnsi Girault, (Australia); designated and monobasic; of Ctenothripella: Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford), (Mexico); by present designation from three species; of Aureothrips: Aureothrips marigoldae Raizada, (India); designated and monobasic. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (D.L. Crawford, 1910). 9, 6. Thrips abdominalis Crawford, 1910. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 2(1 ) : 1 57, fig. 65. 9. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Moulton, 1911 . Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21 : 1 4, 23. Thrips femoralis Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.) 23(1):4. 9. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. EnU, (Tech. Ser.) 23(1 ):4. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Hood, 1912. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 25:62. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Hood, 19i7. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):60. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, !(4)-2(l):66. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Watson, 1922, Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., 162:48. Thrips crenatus Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3): 35. 9. Thrips microcephalus Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(2): 1 16, fig. 7. 9. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(2): 117. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43,44. Thrips crenatus; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43, 44. Stylothrips brevipalpis Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:871. nom. nud. Thrips (Ctenothripella) gillettei Moulton, 1926. Trans. American ent. Soc., 52:126, figs. 14-17. 9. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat.' Hist., (9)18:1 14, Thrips microcephalis Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:1 14. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):22. Stylothrips brevipalpis Kamy, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India Ent. Ser,, 9(6):206, PI. XIX, fig. 4; textfig. 10. 9, 6. Paraphysopus burnsi Girault, 1927. Some new Wild Animals from Queensland, p.[2]. [sex not stated]. Paraphysopus burnsi; Girault, 1927. New Australian Animals so far overlooked by outsiders, p.[2]. [= Stylothrips brevipalpus Karny]. Neophysopus burnsi Girault, 1927. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 14(10-12): 188. 9. [Thrips (Microcephalothrips)] abdominalis Crawford; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:344 (footnote). [Thrips ( Microcephalothrips)] gillettei Moulton; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:344 (footnote). Thrips microcephalus; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:344, 443. 9. Thrips (Ctenothripella) abdominalis Crawford; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1):! 10, 132. 865 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Stylothrips brevipalpis Karny; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):266, textfig. 19. Paraphysopus burnsi ; Girault, 1928. Some Insecta and a new ali Highness, p.[3]. Thrips ( Microcephalothrips ) abdominalis Crawford; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4): 305 , 328. Stylothrips brevipalpis Karny; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):79. Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis Crawford; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4):236. 6. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien Christ. Univ., 3:27. Thrips oklahomae Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma biol. Surv., 3(4):342, 343, figs. 5,6. 9. [Thrips] crenatus; Watson, 1931 . Publ. Univ. Oklahoma biol. Surv., 3(4):343. [ Thrips ] abdominalis Crawford; Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma biol. Surv., 3(4):344. [Thrips (Microcephalothrips)] microcephalus Priesner; Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 11 6. Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis (Crawford); Newman, Andrewartha & O’Conner, 1933. Journ. Dep. Agr. W. Australia, 10(3):361, 373. S. [tylo thrips] brevipalpus Karny; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 21. T. [hrips] ( M.[icrocephalo thrips]) abdominalis Crawford; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1 :346. Microcephalothrips abdoninalis [57c/] (Crawford); Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21:95. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:70,73. Microcephalothrips] abdominalis (Crawford); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4) : 1 67. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Sakimura, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2) : 35 1 . Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3) :229. Thrips (Microcephalothrips ) abdominalis Crawford; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4) :440. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):272. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:48. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):89. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bailey, 1937. Canadian Ent., 69:121-126, figs. 1-2. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):418. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Sakimura, 1938. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(1 ): 1 67-173. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:209. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina, N.C. Dep. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 56. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 346:5, 69, figs. 38, 39. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1 ) :7 1 . Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis Crawford; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:93. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(2):93. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. [Stylothrips] brevipalpis Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:28. Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis Crawford; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):119, 121. 866 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:670. M.[icrocephalothrips] brevipalpis (Karny); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:168. Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis Crawford; Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3):5 14. Thrips crenatus Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3) :24. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1):98. Thrips abdominalis Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31 (2): 39. Thrips femoralis Jones; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):44. Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis Crawford; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:419, 421 , fig. 226a. [Thrips] (Ctenothripella) gillettei Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):124. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5) :232. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):419. Microcephalothrips brevipalpis (Karny); Patel & Patel, 1953. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 51(3):598, 606. Microcephalothrips brevipalpis vw.armatus Ananthakrishnan, 1956. Zool. Anz., 157(7-8): 133, fig. 2. Microcephalothrips abdoimalis [Sic!] (Crawford); Kurosawa, 1957. Botyu-Kagaku Kyoto, 22(1 ):95. Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis Crawford; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):202, PI. 22, fig. 41 . Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bibby, 1958. Journ. econ. Ent., 51(4):451. Thrips (Microcephalothrips) abdominalis Crawford; De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:92. [Paraphysopus] burnsi Girault; De Santis, 1961 . Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7 : 170. Stylothrips brevipalpus Karny; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7:170. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:50, fig. 3 E. 9. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. La Plata, (N.S.)8(Zool.5 8) :44. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 97, 105. [Microcephalothrips] abdominalis (Crawford); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Euro pas, 2:103. 9, 6. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:357. 9, 6. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bianchi, 1965. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1964)19(1):73. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:4. M. [icrocephalothrips] abdominalis (Crawford); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):203. Aureothrips marigoldae Raizada, 1966. Zool. Anz., 176:278, fig. 1 . 9,6. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Raizada, 1966. Zool. Anz., 176:290. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Stannard, 1967. Trans. Illinois St. Acad. Sci., 60(2): 132. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:37, 71, 75, 76, 77, PI. VI, fig. 56. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):327, fig. 117. 9,6. 867 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Ahring & Howell, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(4):979. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:14, 15, PI. 1, fig. 5; PI. 5, fig. 39. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. M.[icrocephalothrips\ abdominalis (Crawford); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:6,96,120,129. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Mound, 1970. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.)24(4):89. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Beckham et al, 1971. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 86:10, 12, fig. 1C. Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. &industr. Res., 30(3): 114, 122, 127, 130, 132, 135, PI. V, fig. 3. Location of type: Canadian National Collection; of femoralis: unknown to writer; of crenatus: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida; of microcephalus: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of gillettei: California Academy of Sciences; of brevipalpis: unknown to writer; of Paraphysopus burnsi: ? Brisbane Museum; of Neophysopus burnsi: ? Brisbane Museum; of oklahomae: ? Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida; of armatus: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras; of marigoldae: ? Raizada collection. Distribution: MEXICO: Georgia; Oklahoma; Florida; Virginia; Texas; Maryland; Kansas; Illinois; Colorado; California; Iowa; Washington; South Carolina; North Carolina; New Jersey; New York; Alabama; Colorado; Louisiana; Mississippi; Indiana; Utah; Arizona (all in U.S.A.); Canada; Cuba; Puerto Rico; Argentina; Egypt; India; Formosa; China; Japan; Fiji; Philippines; Indonesia; Australia; Solomon Islands; Palau; Guam; Hawaiian Islands. Type locality: MEXICO: Guadalajara; for femoralis: U.S.A.: Barnesville, Georgia; for crenatus: U.S.A.: Rabun County, Georgia; for microcephalus: EGYPT: Madi; for gillettei: U.S.A.: Fort Collins, Colorado; brevipalpis: INDIA: Coimbatore; for Paraphysopus burnsi: AUSTRALIA: Morningside; for Neophysopus burnsi: AUSTRALIA: Morningside, Queensland; fox oklahomae: U.S.A., OKLAHOMA: not specified; for armatus: India; for marigoldae: INDIA: Delhi. Habitat: A number of flowers especially Compositae. Stylothrips brevipalpis Karny = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). Paraphysopus burnsi Girault = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). Neophysopus burnsi Girault = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). Aureothrips marigoldae Raizada = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). Microcephalothrips microcephalus Priesner = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). 868 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Microcephalothrips sylvanus (Stannard, 1957). 9, 6. Thrips sylvanus Stannard, 1957. Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci., (1956)49:174. 9, 6. Thrips sylvanus; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 365, 366, 374. 9, 6. Microcephalothrips sylvanus (Stannard); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:14, 15, PI. I, figs. 3, 4; PI. 6, fig. 50. Location of type: Illinois Natural History Survey. Distribution: U.S.A.: Chimneys Camp Ground, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee; Valmeyer, Monroe Co., Illinois; Marshall, Clark Co., Illinois; Lamb (Blind Hollow), Hardin Co., Illinois. Type locality: U.S.A.: Chimneys Camp Ground, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee. Habitat; Sweeping in woods; wild hydrangea. Genus Microthrips Morgan = LEUCOTHRIPS Reuter. Genus Mycertothrips Trybom; Moulton = MYCTEROTHRIPS Try bom. Genus MYCTEROTHRIPS Trybom, 1910. Thrips subgen. Eu thrips; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1887. Bull. Soc. ent. Italiana, (1886)!8(4):425,426. Physopus (Deg) Amyot & Serville; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 29, 32, 44, 47, 94. Partim. Eu thrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Karny, 1910. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 8(2):45 (footnote). Mycterothrips Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16(4)(1):158. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti ; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):2, 3, 10. Partim. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech.Ser.) 23(1): 10. Partim. Physothrips Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:336. [Type: ulmifoliorum (Hal.)]. Physothrips Karny; Trybom, 1912. Ark. Zool., 7(33):2. Physothrips Karny; Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1):39. Physothrips Karny; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 191. Partim. Physothrips; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(8-9):293. Physothrips; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):364. Partim. Physothrips Karny; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):42. [Physothrips] funtumiae group Bagnall, 1918. Bull. ent. Res., 9(1):65. Physothrips Karny; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1Q):97. Partim. Physothrips Karny; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 122. Partim. Physothrips Karny; Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4):71. Partim. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville: Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. Oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54, 62. Partim. Physothrips Karny; Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4):71. Partim. ['. Taeniothrips ] subgen .Physothrips; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1 (4) : 2 1 5 , 241. Mycterothrips Trybom; Karny, 1921 . Treubia, 1(4): 21 6, 242. Thrips Linne; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. Partim. Taeniothrips subgen. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)131 (4-5 ) : 68 . Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1923. Schulze. Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 2. 869 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Physothrips] funtumiae - Gruppe Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):305. [ Taeniothrips ] subgen. Physothrips Karny; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:12, 41. Mycterothrips Trybom; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168: 13, 45. Physothrips Karny; Hood, 1925. Entomol., 58:132. Frankliniella Karny; Priesner, 1925. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1925(1): 14, 19. Partim. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Rhopalandrothrips ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 122, 124, 221. Physothrips Karny; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:101. Partim. Mycterothrips Trybom; Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 199. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:329. [European species]. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):6. Mycterothrips Trybom; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):246, 267. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp. 25, 39. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR., pp. 25, 26, 43. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:31, 33, 59, 61. Mycertothrips [Sic!] Trybom; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo 2(4):456. Mycterothrips Trybom; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(l-2):6. [Key to known species]. Mycterothrips Trybom; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. Ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 142. [Key to yellow species]. Physothrips Karny; Brues & Melander, 1932. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool., 73:74. Mycertothrips [Sic!] Trybom; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):228. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:269. Partim. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 65, 130. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 146. Physothrips Karny; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 24. Physothrips Karny; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. Mycterothrips Trybom; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:106. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:1 10. Mycterothrips Trybom; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:45. Physothrips Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1): 27. Physothrips Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:18. Partim. Mycterothrips Trybom; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:26. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Hukkinen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 1 17. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check list British Ins., p. 34. [Taeniothrips] subgen. Mycterothrips Trybom; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Joum. Ent., 7:163,164. [ Taeniothrips ] subgen. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:163,164. 870 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:403. [Taeniothrips] subgen. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 58. T.[aeniothrips subgen.] Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Mycertothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:138. Mycterothrips Trybom; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:53, 56, 62, 63, 138. Physothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:143. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:53, 59, 147. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1): 407. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):68, 155. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):312. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):314. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 150, 191. Taeniothrips (Mycterothrips Trybom); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 150, 200. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:23. Mycterothrips Trybom; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Physothrips Karny; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161, 166. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Physothrips Karny; Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 96. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(1): 39. [Key to known males]. Mycterothrips Trybom; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2): 335. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.): 189. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):399, 450. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):452, 457. Physothrips Karny; Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:36. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :27, 33. Physothrips Karny; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. Mycterothrips Trybom; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 82, 96, 105. Physothrips Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 96, 106. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):83, 96, 107. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1964. Bestim -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:37, 70. Mycterothrips Trybom; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:34, 71, 119. Physothrips Karny; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:37, 75, 77, 81. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 125,207. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 125, 126,225. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:855,863. Partim. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:855, 856, 865. Mycterothrips Trybom; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:203, 207, 209, 298. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:206, 207, 211. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):204. Partim. 871 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Physothrips Karny; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 12, 27. Rhopalandrothrips; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 11, 12, 27. Physothrips Karny; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):94. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2): 94. Mycterothrips Trybom; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:38. Oxythrips Uzel; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 330. Partim. Rophalondothrips [Sic!] Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8):113. Physothrips Karny; Mound & O’Neill, 1969. Bull. zool. Nomencl., 26(1): 51-53. Mycterothrips Trybom; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. [synonymy]. Mycterothrips Trybom; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:31, 72, 129. Physothrips Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:30, 130. Rhopalandrothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:31, 70, 130. Mycterothrips Trybom; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Ca^e Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.), 7(2):409. Mycterothrips Trybom; O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3): 276. [Nearctic species]. Type-species: Mycterothrips laticauda Trybom, (Kalahari); monobasic; of Physothrips: Thrips salicis Reuter, (Finland); proposed by Mound & O’Neill and placed before commission [ulmifoliorum designated originally by Karny is probably not of Haliday but of Uzel which is a synonym of salicis Reuter]; of Rhopalandrothrips: Thrips (Euthrips) consociata Targioni-Tozzetti, (Sicily); designated from two species by Priesner, 1925. Mycterothrips acaciae Priesner, 1932. 9, <3. [Mycterothrips] acaciae Priesner; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. Mycterothrips acaciae Priesner; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.), 7(2):410. Mycterothrips acaciae Priesner; Bhatti, 1972. Oriental Ins., 6(4): 547. N.B. Only additional references included here for previous references and rest of data see second reference above. Distribution: INDIA: Maharashtra; Jabalpur; Haryana. Habitat: Lantana ; Capparisdecid.ua flowers; grass. Mycterothrips albidicomis (Knechtel, 1923). 9. Taeniothrips albidicornis Knechtel, 1923. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 8(5-6):73. 9. Taeniothr.[ips] albidicornis; Knechtel, 1923. Bull. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 120, 123. 9. [Taeniothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. [Taeniothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Taeniothrips albidicornis Knechtel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271 , 273, 314. 9. [Taeniothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. T.[aeniothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.43. Taeniothrips albidicornis; Knechtel, 1932. Publ. Soc. Nat. Romania, 10:92. [Taeniothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:277. P.[hysothnps] albidicornis (Knechtel); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Taeniothrips albidicornis; Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:469. Taeniothrips albidicornis; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 151. 9. Taeniothrips albidicornis Knechtel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):313. [Taeniothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 137. [Physothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. Physothrips albidicornis (Knechtel); Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:413. 872 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Physothrips] albidicornis (Knechtel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:82. 9. Taeniothrips (physopus) albidicornis Knechtel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 208, 215. 9. [as albicornis on p. 208]. T.[aeniothrips] albidicornis Knechtel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863. Physothrips albidicornis (Knechtel); Pelikan, 1965. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 62(2): 99. Physothrips albidicornis (Knechtel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur Neubearb., 4(9):24, 27. Taeniothrips albidicornis Knechtel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. Ph. [ysothrips] albidicornis (Knechtel); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):94. [Mycterothrips] albidicornis (Knechtel); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. Physothrips albidicornis (Knechtel); zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 51(5-6):372. Location of type: Knechtel collection. Distribution: Rumania; Austria; Hungaria; France; Germany; Czechoslovakia; Ukraine; Transcaucasia. Type locality: RUMANIA: not specified. Habitat: Pirns communis; Acer tataricum; Acer camp estre; Ulmus glabra; Fraxinus excelsior; Crataegus oxyacantha; Achillea asplenifolia ; Scilla praecox; Quercus sessiliflora; Quercus pendunculata; Quercus petraea; Lonicera xylosteum; Fagus silvatica ; Juniperus communis. Mycterothrips albidus (Stannard) = Mycterothrips albus (Moulton). Mycterothrips albipennis (Moulton) = Mycterothrips albus (Moulton). Physothrips albipes Bagnall = Thrips albipes Bagnall. Mycterothrips albus (Moulton, 1911). 9. Euthrips albus Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:15, 26, 39, PI. Ill, figs. 20-22; PI. IV, fig. 30. 9. Euthrips albus Moulton; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):10. Euthrips costalis Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser)23(l): 10, 13, PI. IV, figs. 1-4. 9. [Physothrips] albus (Moulton); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:340. Euthrips costalis Jones; Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:344. [referred to Physothrips]. [Physothrips] albus (Moulton); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1): 39. [Physothrips] costalis (Jones); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1): 39. Physothrips albus (Moulton); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):368. Physothrips costalis (Jones); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):368. P.[hysothrips] costalis (Jones); Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4):71. P. [hysothrips] albus (Moulton); Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4):71. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) costalis (Jones); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:41, 42. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) albus (Moulton); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:41, 42. Taeniothrips albus (Moulton) Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):83. Scirtothrips albus (Moulton) Essig, 1926. Ins. Western North America, p. 189. Rhopalandrothrips corni Moulton, 1927. Pan-Pacific Ent., 4(1):34. 9, 6. Taeniothrips albipennis Moulton, 1929. Pan-Pacific Ent., 5(3): 129. 9. Taeniothrips albus (Moulton); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:277, PI. XIX, fig. 9. 873 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Taeniothrips] albipennis Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American, ent. Soc., 59:277. [Taeniothrips] costalis (Jones); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:277. Rfhopalandrothrips] corni Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)11(4): 166. T.[aeniothrips] albipennis Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. T. [aeniothrips] albus (Moulton); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. T. [aeniothrips] costalis (Jones); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. Taeniothrips costalis (Jones); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):90. Rhopalandrothrips corni Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:13. Taeniothrips costalis (Jones); Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:13. Euthrips costalis Jones; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):44. [Euthrips] albus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 120. Rhopalandrothrips corni Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 123. [ Taeniothrips ] albipennis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 123. Rhopalandrothrips corni Moulton; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):232. Rhopalandrothrips corni Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 191, PI. 23, figs. 54-56. Taeniothrips albipennis Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198. Taeniothrips albus (Moulton); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198. [Physothrips] albus (Moulton); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. [. Rhopalandrothrips ] corni Moulton; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(1): 39. Rhopalandrothrips corni Moulton; O’Neill & Bigelow 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1219, 1224. Taeniothrips albidus Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):359, 360. 9. [Mycterothrips] albidus (Stannard); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. [Mycterothrips] albipennis (Moulton); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. [Mycterothrips] albus (Moulton); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):378. [Mycterothrips] corni (Moulton); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. Mycterothrips albus (Moulton); O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3):278, 279, figs. 1,2. 9, d. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences; of costalis: Hood collection U.S. National Museum; of albipennis: California Academy of Sciences; of albidus: Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, Illinois; of corni: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: NORTH AMERICA: British Columbia to California to Idaho, Colorado and New Mexico; Illinois; South Carolina. Type locality: U.S.A.: Red Bluf, California; for costalis: San Jose, California; for albipennis: U.S.A.: Eel River, Shasta Co., California; for albidus: U.S. A.: Atlas, Pike Co., Illinois; for corni: U.S.A.: Big Trees, Calaveras Co., California. Habitat: Peach foliage; Aesculus calif ornica; Peach; Cornus sp.; under bark of white oak; forest litter; maple; Salix sp.; Bromus sp.; Amelanchier cusickii. Physothrips anatolicus Priesner = Taeniothrips anatolicus (Priesner). Physothrips andrewsi Bagnall = Taeniothrips andrewsi (Bagnall). 874 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Mycterothrips annulicornis (Uzel, 1895). 9, 6. [Physopus ulmifoliorum ] var. annulicornis Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. pp. 123, 124. 9. [Physothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 123 (footnote). Taeniothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. [Taeniothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1921. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 118. Thrips nigropilosus var. (d) clavicornis (Karny); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(7): 37. d. Taeniothrips (Rhopalandrothrips) annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)131(4-5):68. 9,6. [Physothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):305. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Rhopalandrothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:273, 330, 334, PI. IV, figs. 72, 73. 9,6. [Rhopalandrothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Rh.[opalandrothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 44, fig. 24. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Knechtel, 1929. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 12(3):2. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):91. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 116. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:127. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:57. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:403. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 155. 9,6. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 174, 183. [Rhopalandrothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):314. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Titschack, 1957. Jh. ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):273. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Kli£ Zvireny CSR, 2:23. [Rhopalandrothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(1):39. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):456, 457, fig. CCII. 9, 6. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:413. [Rhopalandrothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:71, 75, PI. II, fig. 5. 9,6. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 225, 226, 228, fig. 44. 9,6. Rh.[opalandrothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865, fig. 344(8). 9, 6. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 155. Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 24, 27. i 875 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Rhopalandrothrips annulicornis (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 561. Rophalondothrips [Sic!] annulicornis (Uzel); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8): 113. [Mycterothrips] annulicornis (Uzel); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. Rhopalondothrips [Sic!] annulicornis (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjodowska Lublin, (C)26(l 5): 1 82. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Austria; Poland; Hungary; Rumania; Germany; Finland; Siberia; Italy; Ukraine. Type locality: BOHEMIA: Hradec Kralove. Habitat: Turf; grass; oats; Calamintha pillichiana; Galium elatum. Physothrips antennatus Bagnall = Taeniothrips antennatus (Bagnall). Physothrips aureolus Girault = Taeniothrips aureolus (Girault). Mycterothrips aureus (Moulton, 1946). 9. Taeniothrips aureus Moulton, 1946. Pan-Pacific Ent., 22(2): 59. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] aureus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 123. Taeniothrips aureus Moulton; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 177. Taeniothrips aureus Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198, 199. Mycterothrips aureus (Moulton); O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3):278, 279, figs. 3, 4. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Echo Lake, El Dorado Co., California. Type locality: U.S.A.: Echo Lake, California. Habitat: Grass. Mycterothrips betulae (J.C. Crawford, 1939). 9, 6. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.)7(4):215. T\aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:68. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:720. Taeniothrips betulae Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):71 , 74. 9, 6. Taeniothrips betulae Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. [Physothrips] betulae (Crawford); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. Taeniothrips betulae Crawford; O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1226, 1232, figs. 13, 25, 42. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips] betulae Crawford; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):205. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):210. Taeniothrips betulae Crawford; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):238, 359, 361, figs. 135, 136. 9,d. [Mycterothrips] betulae (Crawford); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):378. Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford); O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3):278, figs. 5-6. 876 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: Illinois; New York; New Jersey; CANADA: Quebec. Type locality: U.S.A.: Fort Lee, New Jersey. Habitat: Betula populifolia; Salix cor data; Salix discolor; Salix sp. Physothrips brevicornis Bagnall = Taeniothrips frici (Uzel). Physothrips brunneicornis Bagnall = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Physothrips calcaratus Bagnall = Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel). Mycterothrips ceratopygus Karny. Mycterothrips ceratopygus Karny; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 7(2):410. N.B. For further references see above. Physothrips chaetoneurus Karny = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Physothrips usitatus var. cinctipennis Bagnall = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Physothrips citri (Moulton) = Scirtothrips citri (Moulton). Physothrips citric orpus Girault = Taeniothrips citricorpus (Girault). Physothrips citrilacteus Girault = Taeniothrips citrilacteus (Girault). Physothrips clavicornis Bagnall = Taeniothrips clavicornis (Bagnall). Mycertothrips [Sic!] claripennis Moulton = Aneristothrips claripennis (Moulton). Mycterothrips connaticornis (Bagnall, 1924) comb. nov. 9. Physothrips connaticornis Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:133. 9. Taeniothrips connaticornis (Bagnall)?; Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:130. Physothrips connaticornis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:159. Location of type: Unknown to writer, may be lost. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Mycterothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti, 1887). 9, 6. Thrips (Euthrips) consociata Targioni-Tozzetti, 1887. Bull. ent. Soc. Italiana, (1 886)1 8(4):425. d, 9. [Physopus ulmifoliorum ] var. obscura Uzel, 1845. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 123, 124. 9. Physopus ulmifoliorum var . gracilicornis Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):472. 9. [Physopus ulmifoliorum] var. obscura Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):52, 53. Ph.[ysopus] ulmifoliorum var. obscura Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 1 1. 877 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 100. Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. nat. Pisa, 23:276, 283. Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 135. Physopus ulmifoliorum Uzel; Schille, 1910. Spraw. Kom. flzyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 45(2):9, fig. 11. Thrips (Euthrips) consociata Targioni-Tozzetti; Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank. , (2)30(2 1 -24) : 5 5 6 . [Physothrips ulmifoliorum] v. obscura Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44): 233 (Sep. p. 13). Physothrips ulmifoliorum var. Schillei Priesner, 1914. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 27(45): 259. 9, 6. [Physothrips ulmifoliorum] var. obscurus (Uzel); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 192. [Physothrips ulmifoliorum] var. schillei; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 192. Physothrips Schillei; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 122 (footnote), 123. [Physothrips ulmifoliorum var. obscurus (Uzel); Priesner, 1919 = Mycterothrips salicis (Reuter)]. Taeniothrips schillei (Priesner); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. Oberosterr. Musealver. Linz., 78:54. [Taeniothrips salicis ab. obscurus (Uzel); Priesner, 1 920 = Mycterothrips salicis (Reuter)]. Physothrips consociata (Tartioni-Tozzetti); Bagnall, 1921 = Mycterothrips salicis (Reuter)]. [Taeniothrips] Schillei (Priesner); Priesner, 1921 . Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 117, 118. Taeniothrips (Rhopalandro thrips) obscurus (Uzel); Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)131(4-5):69, figs. 1-3. 9, larvae. Taeniothrips (Rhopalandrothrips) obscurus f. pallens Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)131(4-5):69. [sex not stated]. Taeniothrips (Rhopalandrothrips) obscurus f. trisetosa Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)131(4-5):69. [sex not stated]. Rhopalandrothrips obscurus (Uxel); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 3, fig. 1. Rhopalandrothrips obscurus (Uzel); Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:56. d, 9. [Physothrips] schillei Priesner; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):305. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Rhopalandrothrips consociatus] f. pallens (Priesner); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Rhopalandrothrips consociatus] f. trisetosa (Priesner); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. P. [hysothrips] obscurus (Uzel); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:104. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:273, 330, PI. IV, figs. 70, 71. 9, d, egg, larvae. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus f. curticornis Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:332. 9. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus f. pallens (Priesner); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:332. 9. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus f. trisetosa (Priesner); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2: 274, 332. 9. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 10. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:469. Larva. Rh.[opalandrothrips] consociatus consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.44. Rh.[opalandrothrips] consociatus trisetosus (Priesner); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 44. JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 146, PL XIV, fig. 51. 9, 6. R.[hopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Bagnall & John, 1934. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. ? Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 126. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1-2): 83. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:110. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Hukkinen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 11 7. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:127. ? Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check list British Ins., p. 34. [Rhopalandrothrips] obscurus (Uzel); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check list British Ins., p. 34. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:24. T.[aeniothrips] (R.[hopalandrothrips]) consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 58, 60, 61 . 9, 6. [Taeniothrips (Rhopalandrothrips)] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 156, 174, 177, 183. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 144. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):314. T.[aeniothrips] (Rhopalandrothrips) consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:22. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Klic Zvffeny CSR, 2:23, fig. 50. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.):15. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(1):39. [Rhopalandrothrips] obscurus (Uzel); Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(1): 39. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):452, 457, fig.CCI. 9,d. larvae. Taen.[iothrips] (Rhopalandrothrips) consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:413. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus v. curticornis Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:413. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus v. trisetosus (Priesner); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:413. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 112. 879 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Rhopalandrothrips obscurus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 13. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):201. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33, PI. IX, figs. 5, 6. Rhopalandrothrips consoziatus [Sic!] (Targioni-Tozzetti); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):352, 358. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:71, 77, 122, PI. II, figs. 4, 7. 9, 6. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 130, 225, 226, fig. 43. 9, <5. [Rhopalandrothrips consociatus] i. pallens (Priesner); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., p.226. [Rhopalandrothrips consociatus] subsp. trisetosus (Priesner); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 226. [Rhopalandrothrips consociatus] subsp. curticornis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 227. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4): 157. Rh.[opalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865. d, 9. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Mandbl., 54(3):42. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 155. T.[aeniothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2):57, fig. 1. [Rhopalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):27, fig. 30. Rhopalandrothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):561. Rh.[opalandrothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2): 94. [Mycterothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. [Mycterothrips] consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti); O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3): 277, fig. 7. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of obscura: ? Vienna Museum; of gracilicornis : Unknown to writer; of schillei, pallens, trisetosa and curticornis: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Italy; Sicily; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Albania; Germany; Poland; France; Spain; Holland; England; Sweden; Finland; Ukraine; Georgian SSR. Type locality: Sicilia; for obscura: Bohemia; for gracilicornis: GERMANY: Blumenthaler Geholz; for schillei: AUSTRIA: not specified; for pallens: not specified; for trisetosa: Austria; for curticornis: AUSTRIA: vicinity of Linz. Habitat: Corylus; Tilia; Salix; Betula; Quercus ; Alnus; Picea; Pinus; Robinia; Rubus; Ulex; Carpinus; Trifolium; Aster; Achillea; Erica; Calluna; Vitis; Eupatorium. 880 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Mycterothrips corni (Moulton) = Mycterothrips albus (Moulton). Physothrips costalis (Jones) = Mycterothrips albus (Moulton). Mycterothrips crotus Bhatti = Mycterothrips nigiriensis (Ananthakrishnan). Physothrips debilis Hood = Taeniothrips gowdeyi (Bagnall). Mycterothrips decoratus (Pelikan, 1965) comb. nov. 9, 6. Taeniothrips decoratus Pelikan, 1965. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 62(2):99, fig. 2-4. 9, 6. Taeniothrips decoratus Pelikan; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :49. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Borkovice, Bohemia. Type locality: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: State Natural Reservation, Borkovice, Southern Bohemia. Habitat: Low marshy plants. Mycterothrips echii Priesner, 1931 . 9, 6. “Mycterothrips” echii Priesner; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus.' (nat. Hist.), 7(2):41 1. For full bibliography and data see above reference. Physothrips emersoni Girault = Taeniothrips emersoni (Girault). Mycterothrips flavens Moulton = Mycterothrips laticauda Trybom. Physothrips flavidulus Bagnall = Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall). Physothrips flavidus Bagnall = Thrips flavus Schrank. Physothrips flavus Bagnall = Thrips flavus Schrank. Mycterothrips floridanus (Watson) = Sericothrips floridanus (Watson). Physothrips funtumiae Bagnall = Taeniothrips funtumiae (Bagnall). Mycterothrips fuscus Priesner = Craspedothrips hargreavesi (Karny). Physothrips gentianae Bagnall = Taeniothrips gentianae (Bagnall). Mycterothrips glycines (Okamoto, 1911). 9, 6. Euthrips glycines Okamoto, 1911. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 30(8):221 . 9, 6. Ph. \ysothrips] glycines (Okamoto); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:340(footnote). Physothrips glycines (Okamoto); Karny, 1913. Arch. Naturgesch., (A)79(2): 122 (footnote). Physothrips glycines (Okamoto); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 369. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) glycines (Okamoto); Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):326. [ Taeniothrips ] glycines (Okamoto); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:277. [Taeniothrips] gly cines (Okamoto); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 513, 525. [as glyzines on p. 525]. 881 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Taeniothrips glycines (Okamoto); Kurosawa, 1950. Icon. Ins. Japan., p. 174, fig. 441. [Physothrips] glycines (Okamoto); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. Taeniothrips glycines (Okamoto); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl.4:25, 27, 63, 70, 72, 74, 76, PI. V, fig. 39. [Mycterothrips] glycines (Okamoto); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. Taeniothrips glycines (Okamoto); Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(3):459. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: JAPAN: Honshu; Hokkaido. Type locality: JAPAN: Kamo (Echigo). Habitat: Glycine hispida; Glycine max; Phaseolus vulgaris; Morns bombycis; Gossypium indicum; Cucumis sativus. Physothrips gowdeyi Bagnall = Taeniothrips gowdeyi (Bagnall). Mycterothrips gracilicornis (Bagnall, 1924) comb. nov. 9. Physothrips gracilicornis Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60: 132. 9. [Taeniothrips] gracilicornis (Bagnall); Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:129. Physothrips gracilicornis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:159. Location of type: Unknown to writer, may be lost. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Physothrips hargreavesi Karny = Craspedothrips hargreavesi (Karny). Physothrips hispanicus Bagnall = Taeniothrips hispanicus (Bagnall). Physothrips ignobilis Bagnall = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Physothrips immsi Bagnall = Ernothrips immsi (Bagnall). Physothrips keatsi Girault = Taeniothrips keatsi (Girault). Physothrips kelly anus Bagnall = Megalurothrips kellyanus (Bagnall). Physothrips lacteicolor Girault = Taeniothrips lacteicorpus (Girault). Mycterothrips laticauda Try bom, 1910. 9. Mycterothrips flavens Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:206. 9. [Mycterothrips] flavens Moulton; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(l-2):6. [Mycterothrips] flavens Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. [Mycterothrips] flavens Moulton; zur Strassen, 1966. Senckenbergiana biol., 47(6):444 [close toM acaciae]. [Mycterothrips] laticauda Trybom; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):378. Mycterothrips laticauda Trybom; zur Strassen, 1971. Senckenbergiana biol., 52(3-5):253. Mycterothrips flavens Moulton; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.), 7(2):41 1. 882 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Mycterothrips laticauda Trybom; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.), 7(2):41 1. [for synonymy see Bhatti; for rest of references see last reference above]. Location of type: Berliner Zoologischen Museum; of flavens: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: GHANA: Yegi; SWAZILAND: Malkerns; SOUTH AFRICA: Kooa Pan, Cape Province. Type locality: KALAHARI: Pfanne kooa; for flavens: WEST AFRICA: Yegi, Gold Coast. Habitat: Acacia horrida; Acacia sieberniana. Mycterothrips latus (Bagnall), 1912). 9, 6. Physothrips latus Bagnall, 1912. Journ. econ. Biol., 7(4): 191. 9. Physothrips latus; Bagnall, 1913. Ent. Rec., 25(9): 226. Physothrips latus; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4): 234. Physothrips latus Bagnall; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 367. Physothrips latus Bagnall; Williams, 1916. Entomol., 49:280. 6. Physothrips latus; Bagnall, 1916. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Durham Newc.-Tyne, (N.S.)4(2):346. Physothrips propinquus Bagnall, 1921. Ent. mon. Mag., 57:62. 9. Physothrips latus; Bagnall, 1921. Ent. mon. Mag., 57:62. Physothrips latus Bagnall; Priesner, 1921. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 1 18(footnote). Physothrips propinquus; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:57. [Taeniothrips] latus var. propinquus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [ Taeniothrips ] latus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Taeniothrips latus] var. propinquus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 273, 315. 9, cJ, larva. Taeniothrips latus var. propinqua (Bagnall); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:317. 9, 6. Physothrips propinquus; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:650. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:470. larva. T.[aeniothrips] latus latus (Bagnall); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 42. T.[aeniothrips] latus propinquus (Bagnall); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 42. Phyothrips [Sic!] latus Bagnall; Morison, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:123. larva, prepupa, pupa. Physothrips latus; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65: 180, 181 . 9. Physothrips propinquus; Bagnall, 1 929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65 : 1 8 1 . 9. [Taeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:279. [Taeniothrips] latus var. propinqua (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:280. P. [hysothrips] propinquus Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. T.[aeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):25, 32. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15: 109. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Hukkinen & Syrjanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(1):8. 9. Taeniothrips latus var. propinqua (Bagnall); Hukkinen & Syrjanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(1 ):8, fig. 9. 9. Taeniothrips latus var. propinqua (Bagnall); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch, Ges. Basel, 53:165, 183, 187, fig. 23. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. [Taeniothrips latus] var. propinqua (Bagnall); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. 883 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Taeniothrips latus var. propinqua (Bagnall); Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4): 242. [ Taeniothrips ] latus (Bagnall); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins. p. 34. [ Taeniothrips ] propinquus (Bagnall); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[aeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10: 1 1. T.[aeniothrips ] latus (Bagnall); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 60. T.[aeniothrips] propinquus (Bagnall); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 59, 60. [ Taeniothrips ] latus (Bagnall); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. [ Taeniothrips ] propinquus (Bagnall); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 16. T.[aeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy 14:30, fig. 22. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 11:346. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 174, 183. [Taeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy 1:191. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):313. [Taeniothrips latus] var. propinqua (Bagnall); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):313. [Taeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 137. T.[aeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon. 1951-56:22. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:23. Taeniothrips propinquus (Bagnall); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr Ent., 105(4): 116. Taeniothrips propinquus (Bagnall); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. [Taeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):96. [Taeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:75. 9. [Taeniothrips] propinquus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:75, 76, 81. [as Physothrips propinquus on p. 124] 9, 6. [Taeniothrips propinquus] i. foliorum; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:76. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131,208,213. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips latus] subsp. propingua [Sic!] (Bagnall); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 214. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4):155, 156, 157. [variation]. T.[aeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 148, 155. Taeniothrips latus propinquus foliorum (Bagnall); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 155. Taeniothrips propinquus f. foliorum Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. T.[aeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 1 7(2): 58, fig. 5. [Taeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):24. [Taeniothrips] propinquus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):24, 25,27. [Taeniothrips] propinquus f. foliorum; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):25. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):560. T.[aeniothrips] latus (Bagnall); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):93. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall); Titschack, 1967. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)14(3-4):21 3-236, figs. 1,2. 9, 6. [Described, distribution]. Physothrips latus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:48. [Mycterothrips] latus (Bagnall); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):378. 884 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of propinquus: British Museum (Natural History); of foliomm: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: England; Scotland; Austria; France; Finland; Poland; Switzerland, Czechoslovakia; Germany; Holland; Denmark; Ukraine; USSR. Type locality: ENGLAND: Ninebanks, nr. Whitfield, Northumberland; for propinquus: ENGLAND: Oxford; for foliorum: not specified. Habitat: Scabiosa ; Pinus; Alnus; Calamagrostis ; Corylus; Platanthera; Echium; Betula; Tilia; Trifolium; Cistus; Epilobium; Ribes; Endymion; Ulex; grasses; cereals; Vicia; Quercus. Physothrips lefroyi Bagnall = Ceratothrips lefroyi (Bagnall). Physothrips livii Girault = Taeniothrips livii (Girault). Physothrips longiceps Bagnall = Taeniothrips longiceps (Bagnall). Mycterothrips longirostrum (Jones) = Taeniothrips longirostrum (Jones). Physothrips marii Girault = Taeniothrips marii (Girault). Physothrips marshalli Bagnall = Ceratothripoides brunneus Bagnall. Physothrips minor Bagnall = Craspedothrips minor (Bagnall). Physothrips montanus Girault = Taeniothrips montanus (Girault). Mycterothrips moultoni Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan = Taeniothrips claratris Shumsher Singh. Physothrips myrsiniicola Bagnall = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Physothrips nativus Girault = Taeniothrips nativus (Girault). Physothrips navasi Bagnall = Taeniothrips discolor (Karny). Physothrips neavei Karny = Taeniothrips gowdeyi (Bagnall). Mycterothrips nilgiriensis (Ananthakrishnan, 1960). 9, 6. Rhopalandrothrips nilgiriensis Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(1):37, 2 figs. 9, 6. Rhopalandrothrips orchidii Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):263, fig. 2. 6. Physothrips crotus Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:37. 9. Physothrips crotus Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 83, 106. Rhopalandrothrips nilgiriensis; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):83, 107. Rhopalandrothrips orchidii; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):83, 107. [Mycterothrips] nilgiriensis (Ananthakrishnan); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. [Synonymy]. P.[hysothrips] crotus Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:130. R.[hopalandrothrips] nilgiriensis; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:130. R.[hopalandrothrips] orchidii; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:69, 130, figs. 9a. Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras; of orchidii : Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras; of crotus: ? Bhatti collection. 885 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Distribution: INDIA: Coonoor; Kodaikanal; Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Type locality: INDIA: Pomological Station, Coonoor; for orchidii: INDIA: Shembaganur, Kodaikanal; for crotus; INDIA: Mandi Grounds, Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Habitat: Pear leaves; Cymbidium bicolor flower; Cassia sp. flowers. Mycterothrips nimbus Ananthakrishnan, 1965. 9. Mycterothrips nimbus Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Bull. Ent. Madras, 6:20. 9. M.[ycterothrips] nimbus; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:129. Mycterothrips nimbus Ananthakrishnan; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.),7(2):412. Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Hyderabad. Type locality: INDIA: Hyderbad. Habitat: Lantana. Rhopalandrothrips obscurus (Uzel) = Mycterothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti). Rhopalandrothrips orchidii Ananthakrishnan = Mycterothrips nilgiriensis (Ananthakrishnan). Physothrips pallipes Bagnall = Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan). Physothrips peculiars Bagnall = Megalurothrips peculiaris (Bagnall). Physothrips propinquus Bagnall = Mycterothrips latus (Bagnall). Mycterothrips pseudosetiprivus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu = Tusothrips pseudosetiprivus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu). Physothrips quadrisetae Girault = Taeniothrips quadrisetae (Girault) Mycterothrips ricini (Shumsher, Singh, 1946). 9, c5. Taeniothrips (Rhopalandrothrips) ricini Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ Ent., 7:164,176.9,6. [. Rhopalandrothrips ] ricini (Shumsher Singh); Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Pan-Pacific Ent., 36(1 ):39. Rhopalandrothrips ricini (Shumsher Singh); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):83, 107. R.[hopalandrothrips] ricini (Shumsher Singh); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 225. [Mycterothrips] ricini (Shumsher Singh); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. R.[hopalandrothrips] ricini (Shumsher Singh); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:130. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: INDIA: Delhi. Type locality: INDIA: Delhi. Habitat: Leaves of Ricinus communis. (Probably predator on eggs of white fly). JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Mycterothrips salicis (O.M. Reuter, 1879). 9, 6. Thrips (Thrips) Salicis Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21:212, 220. [sex not stated]. Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 50, 122, PI. V, fig. 63. 9, 6. [Physopus ulmifoliorum] var. bicolor Uzel, 1*845. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 123, 124. 9. [Physopus ulmifoliorum] var. salicis (Reuter); Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):52, 54. [Physopus (Thrips)] ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Trybom, 1899. Ent. Tidskr., 20(2-3): 195. [Physopus (Thrips) ulmifoliorum] var. bicolor Uzel; Trybom, 1899. Ent. Tidskr., 20(2-3): 195. Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:627, 645. 9, 6. Ph.[ysopus] ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Tumpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 289. 9, 6. Ph.[ysopus] ulmifoliorum var. bicolor Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:11. [Euthrips] ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9-10):280. Physopus ulmifoliorum Uzel; Schille, 1910. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 45:9, PI. 1, fig. 11. Physopus ulmifoliorum (var. salicis) (Reuter); Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(21-24):556. Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Knechtel, 1911. Biblio. Rev. Viata Agr., 1911:12, 4 figs. Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44): 233; (47): 246, fig. 1 1 (Sep. pp. 13, 27). [Physopus ulmifoliorum] v. bicolor Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44): 233. (sep. p. 13). Physothrips ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:340. Physothrips ulmifoliorum (Haliday) Karny; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):234. Physothrips ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 192. Physothrips sp.? probably consociata (Targioni-Tozzetti); Williams, 1916. Entomol., 49:280(footnote). Ph. [ysothrips] ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):47. Physothrips ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1 )1 28(2-3): 1 22, 123. Physothrips ulmifoliorum var. obscurus (Uzel); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 122 (footnote), 123. Physothrips ulmifol.[iorum] var. salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 122. Physothrips ulmifoliorum var. obscurus (Uzel); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. ent. Ver. Wien, 4(11): 104. Physothrips ulmifoliorum var. salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(11): 104. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. [Taeniothrips salicis] ab. obscurus (Uxel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. [Taeniothrips salicis] ab. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. Physothrips consociata (Targioni-Tozzetti); Bagnall, 1921. Ent. mon. Mag., 57:63. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1921. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 11 8. Taeniothrips salicis f. fusca Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)131(4-5):69 (footnote). 9. 887 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)131(4-5):72, figs. 4-7. larva, prepupa, pupa. Physothrips salicis (Reuter); Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:56. Taeniothr.[ips] salicis (Reuter); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 120, 124. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. typica Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. fusca; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3^1): 148. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. fusca; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Taeniothrips] ulmifoliorum (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 273, 309, PI. IV, figs. 67, 68. 9, <5, larva, prepupa, pupa. Taeniothrips salicis f. adusta Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:311. [sex not stated]. Taeniothrips salicis f. fusca; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:31 1 . 9. Taeniothrips salicis var. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:311. Physothrips ulmifoliorum Karny; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2: 309 (footnote), [distinct from salicis]. [Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Hood, 1927 = Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford)]. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur, 4(8): 10. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:469. larva. [Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Hood & Herrick, 1928 -Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford)]. [Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1928 = Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford)]. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. adusta; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. nat. Hung., 25:64. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. fusca; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. ulmifoliorum; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. T.[aeniothrips] salicis salicis (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 43. T.[aeniothrips] salicis adustus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 43. T.[aeniothrips] salicis fuscus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 43. T.[aeniothrips] salicis ulmifoliorum (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 43. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):372. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):91. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:73. Taeniothrips salicis var. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Knechtel, 1932. Publ. Soc. Nat. Romania, 10:93. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:69, 73. 9, d. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. adusta Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:74. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. fusca Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:74. [Taeniothrips salicis] var. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:74. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:278, 279, PI. XIX, fig. 4. [as salicus in caption to fig.]. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(S9):63, 139, PI. XIV, fig. 50. 9, 6. P. [hysothrips] salicis var. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):25, 31. [Taeniothrips salicis] i.pulchra Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):25, 31, fig. 4. 9. 888 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Metis, 1936. Redia, 22:93. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:108. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Hukkinen & Syijanen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 119. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:165, 183, 186, fig. 22. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. [Taeniothrips salicis] f.pulchra; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. [Taeniothrips salicis] f. adusta Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. [Taeniothrips salicis] f.fusca Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. [Taeniothrips salicis] var. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 ): 37. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sect. Sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:468. [Taeniothrips salicis] f.fusca Priesner; Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:468. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check list British Ins., p. 34. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:23. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 59, 60. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 16. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:32, fig. 18. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):46. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 149, fig. 112. 9, d. Taeniothrips salicis f.fusca Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins. 8(1): 150. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):313. [Taeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 137.^ Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:24. Ph.[ysothrips] salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161, fig. 2. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Titschack, 1957. Bombus, l(97-98):407. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44( Append.): 15. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):434, 450, fig. CIIC(3). 9, d, larvae, prepupa, pupa. [Physothrips] salicis (Reuter) f. typ. ; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:413. [Physothrips] salicis var. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:413. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 11(5-6):591. Physothrips salicis (Reuter); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4): 252, 256. [Physothrips] salicis (Reuter); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1226, 1232. 9, d. [Physothrips] salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:81, 82, 123, Pl. II, fig. 6; textfig. 72. 9, d. [Physothrips] ulmifoliorum (Uzel nec Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:82. 9, [syn. populi Priesner i.l .]. Taeniothrips (physopus) salicis (Reuter); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 130, 208, 214, fig. 42. 9, d. [Taeniothrips (physopus) salicis] f. adusta Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 214. 889 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Taeniothrips (physopus) salicis] f.fusca Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 214. [Taeniothrips (physopus) salicis] f. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 215. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863. T. [aeniothrips] ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863. Physothrips salicis (Reuter); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. Physothrips ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. [ Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Comegys & Schmitt; 1966 = Mycterothrips betulae (Crawford)]. T.[aeniothrips] salicis (Reuter); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2):56, 57, fig. 8. Physothrips salicis (Reuter); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 25, 27. Physothrips salicis ssp. ulmifoliorum (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 24, 27. Taeniothrips salicis (Reuter); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):560. Ph. [ysothrips] salicis (Reuter); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):94. [Mycterothrips] salicis (Reuter); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):378. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of bicolor: ? Vienna Museum; of fusca and adusta: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of pulchra: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Finland; Sweden; Denmark; England; Austria; Sicily; Italy; Poland; Rumania; Albania; Germany; Hungary; Yugoslavia; France; Switzerland; Lithuania; Czechoslovakia; Siberia; Ukraine; Georgian SSR. Type locality: FINLAND: Dirfall, Stortrervo Island; for bicolor: BOHEMIA: Hradec Kralove; for fusca: not specified; for adusta: not specified; for pulchra: FINLAND: Heinola, Elela-Hame. Habitat: Salt c; Populus; Betula; Larix; Fagus; olive; Humulus; Platanthera; Carpinus; Quercus ; Corylus; Alnus; Tilia; Berberea; Phragmites. [Especially on Salix spp. and Populus spp.]. *■ Physothrips seticollis (Bagnall) = Isochaetothrips seticollis (Bagnall). Physothrips setipennis Bagnall = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Mycterothrips setiprivus Karny = Tusothrips setiprivus (Karny). Mycterothrips setiventris (Bagnall, 1918). 9, d. Physothrips setiventris Bagnall, 1918. Bull. ent. Res., 9(1):61, fig. 1. 9, 6. Ph. [ysothrips] setiventris Bagnall; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):305, fig. 56e. P.[hysothrips] setiventris Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. T. [aeniothrips] (Physothrips) setiventris (Bagnall); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):262. Physothrips setiventris Bagnall; Andrews, 1925. Quart. Journ. Indian Tea Ass. Sci. Dep. 1925:60-105. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) setiventris (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Serv., 1 0(7): 261 . T.[aeniothrips] setiventris (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1): 78. [Taeniothrips] setiventris (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:278. [Taeniothrips] setiventris (Bagnall); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):514, 526. 890 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Physothrips] setiventris Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. India Ins., 25:19. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] setiventris (Bagnall); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165, 168. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips] (Physothrips) setiventris (Bagnall); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):409. Taen.[iothrips] setiventris (Bagnall); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. [. Physothrips ] setiventris Bagnall; Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:37. Physothrips setiventris Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):83, 106. Physothrips setiventris Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:49. [Mycterothrips] setiventris (Bagnall); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):378. P[hysothrips] setiventris Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:130. Physothrips setiventris Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. Journ. sci. & industr. Res. 30(3): 124, 125,130,134. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: INDIA: Rington, T.E. Darjeeling Dist.; Lebong; Pusa. Type locality: INDIA: Ringtong, Darjeeling. Habitat: Pest on tea. Physothrips silvae Girault = Taeniothrips silvae (Girault) Physothrips spiranthidis Bagnall = Taeniothrips spiranthidis (Bagnall). Mycterothrips succineus (Bagnall, 1924). comb. nov. Physothrips succineus Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:132. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] succineus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:130. Physothrips succineus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:159. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. | Mycterothrips tschirkunae (Yakhontov, 1961). comb. nov. 9, 6. Rhopalandrothrips tschirkunae Yakhontov, 1961 . Zool. Zhurn., 40: 1473, 1477. 9, 6. Rhopalandrothrips tschirkunae Yakhontov; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 225, 226, 227. 9,6. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: USSR: Tashkent. Type locality: Krym[?], Tashkent, Usbekistan. Habitat: ? Physopus ulmifoliorum (Haliday) Uzel = Mycterothrips salicis (Reuter). Physothrips uniformis Bagnall = Homochaetothrips uniformis (Bagnall). Physothrips usitatus Bagnall = Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall). Physothrips veriabilis Bagnall = Megalurothrips sjoestedti (Trybom). Physothrips ventralis Hood = Ceratothripoides brunneus Bagnall. Physothrips vuilleti Bagnall = Taeniothrips vuilleti (Bagnall). 891 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Mycterothrips sp. [Mycterothrips] n.sp.ined. Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(l-2):6. Mycterothrips sp., Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.), 7(2):413. Distribution: India. Mycterothrips sp. Mycterothrips species O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3):281. Distribution: CANADA: Caribou Mts., Alberta. Habitat: Sedge. Genus NEOCORYNOTHRIPS Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1 ) :2 1 . [Type: Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu]. Neocorynothrips; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:4. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 114. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:153,154. Neocorynothrips subg. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:154. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:54, 138. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):265. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 92, 106. Neocorynothrips Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:25,62,129. Type-species: Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, (India); designated and monobasic. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. 9, 6. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):22. 9. [. Neocorynothrips ] asiaticus; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:4. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 114. 9. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:154. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1961 . Zool. Anz., 167(7-8):264, fig. 3A, a. 9. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Bull. Ent. Madras, 5:52. 6. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 92, 106. 892 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Neocorynothrips asiaticus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 1 29. Location of type: Zoological Survey of India. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore; Chalakudi. Type locality: INDIA: Coimbatore. Habitat: Garden Croton; bamboo spindles. Genus NEURISOTHRIPS Sakimura, 1967. Neurisothrips Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3):419. Type-species: Thrips multispinus Bagnall, (Hawaii); designated from seven species. Neurisothrips antennatus (Moulton, 1928). 9, 6. Isoneuro thrips antennatus Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1): 112, 132. 6. Isoneurothrips antennatus Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):419. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) antennatus (Moulton); Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):328,330. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) antennatus (Moulton); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 425. Isoneurothrips antennatus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Neurisothrips antennatus (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3):420, 422. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Oahu; Molokai; Maui; Hawaii; Kauai; Lanai. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Mt. Tantalus, Oahu. Habitat: Metrosideros polymorpha; Vaccinium sp.; Astelia menziesiana; Broussaisia. Neurisothrips carteri (Moulton, 1937). 9. Isoneurothrips carteri Moulton, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3) :41 1 . 9. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) carteri (Moulton); Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 2(3) :5 13. [. Isoneurothrips ] carteri (Moulton); Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Neurisothrips carteri (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3):420, 422. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Oahu; Molokai; Hawaii. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kipapa, Oahu. Habitat: Associated with rust on Acacia koa. Neurisothrips dubautiae (Moulton, 1928). 9,6. Isoneurothrips dubautiae Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1 927)7(1):1 1 3, 132. 9, 6. Isoneurothrips dubautiae Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):419. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) dubautiae (Moulton); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 428. [ Isoneurothrips ] dubautiae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Neurisothrips dubautiae (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3) :420, 422. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Mt. Tantalus, Oahu; Hawaii. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Mt. Tantalus, Oahu. Habitat: Dubautia sp.; Delonix regia. 893 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Neurisothrips fasciatus (Moulton, 1937). 9. Isoneurothrips fasciatus Moulton, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):410. 9. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) fasciatus (Moulton); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 428. [Isoneurothrips] fasciatus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Neurisothrips fasciatus (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3):420, 423. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kipapa, Oahu. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kipapa, Oahu. Habitat: Unknown (from wind trap). Neurisothrips fullawayi (Moulton, 1928). 9, 6. Thrips multispinus Bagnall, 1910. Fauna Hawaiiensis, 3:699. 9. Partim. Isoneurothrips fullawayi Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1): 114, 132, fig. 2. 9, 6. Isoneurothrips fullawayi Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):419. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) fullawayi (Moulton); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 4:420, 428, figs. 225,226b. [Isoneurothrips] fullawayi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Neurisothrips fullawayi (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3):420, 422. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kauai; Oahu; Molokai; Hawaii. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Pauoa Valley, Oahu, T.H. Habitat: Broussonetia papyrifera; Ipomoea indica; Broussaisia arguta; Pip turns. Neurisothrips multispinus (Bagnall, 1910). 9, 6. Thrips multispinus Bagnall, 1910. Fauna Hawaiiensis, 3:699, PI. XVII, figs. 15-20. 9, 6. Partim. Thrips multispinus Bagnall; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):334. [referred to Isoneurothrips]. Thrips multispinus Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zook, 17A(2):16. Isoneurothrips multispinus (Bagnall); Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1): 116, 132. 9, 6. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) multispinus Bagnall; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):121. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) multispinus Bagnall; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 3 30. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) multispinus Bagnall; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:419, 428. Neurisothrips multispinus (Bagnall); Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3):421. 9, 6. Isoneurothrips multispinus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :43. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kilauea, Hawaii; Kauai, high plateau Mts.; Oahu. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kilauea, Hawaii. Habitat: Unknown. Neurisothrips williamsi (Moulton, 1928). 9. Isoneurothrips williamsi Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1): 11 5, 133. 9. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) williamsi (Moulton); Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):323, 328,330. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) williamsi (Moulton); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 429. [Isoneurothrips] williamsi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. 894 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Neurisothrips williamsi (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 19(3):420, 422. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kauai; Oahu; Hawaii. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Mts. Tantalus, Oahu. Habitat: Sophora chrysophylla; Myopomm sandwicense; Acacia koa. Genus ODONTOTHRIPIELLA Bagnall, 1929. Odontothripiella Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:47. [Type: O. fasciatipennis Bagnall]. Odontothripoides Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:48. [Type: Odontothripoides morisoni Bagnall]. Odontothripiella Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 32. Odontothripoides Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 33. Odomtothripiella Newman; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:139. Odontothripiella Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:50, 139. Odontothripoides Bagnall; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:50, 140. Odontothripiella Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Odontothripoides Bagnall; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Odontothripiella Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :44. Odontothripoides Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:45. Odontothripiella Bagnall; Pitkin, 1972. Joum. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :266, 267. [revised; synonymy]. Type-species: O.[dontothripiella\ fasciatipennis (Bagnall), (Australia); designated from four species; of Odontothripoides: Odontothripoides morisoni Bagnall, (Australia); designated and monobasic. Odontothripiella aloba Pitkin, 1972. 6, 9 Odontothripiella aloba Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :269, 270, fig. 30. 6, 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Sydney, Pennant Hills, New South Wales; possibly Nambour, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Sydney, Pennant Hills, New South Wales. Habitat: ? Pittosporum; Pultenaea elliptica; possibly Medicago sativa. Odontothripiella andrewarthae Pitkin, 1972. <5, 9. Odontothripiella andrewarthae Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:269, 271, figs. 13, 17,24. 6, 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 70 miles NNW of Rawlinna. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 70 miles NNW of Rawlinna. Habitat: White everlasting (Compositae). Odontothripiella australis (Bagnall, 1918). 9, 6. Odontothrips australis Bagnall, 1918. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)1 :204. 9, 6. Odontothrips australis Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. Odontothripiella gracilis Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:48. 9. Odontothripiella australis (Bagnall); Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:48. O.[dontothripiella] australis (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 32. 895 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 0.[dontothripiella\ gracilis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 32. Odontothripiella australis (Bagnall); Steele, 1935. Pamph. Counc. Sci. Industr. Res., 54:27, figs. 14, 15. 9,d. Odontothrips australis Bagnall; Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21 :93. Odomtothripiella [Sic!] australis (Bagnall); Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21 :95. Odontothripiella australis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppi. 11:44. Odontothripiella australis (Bagnall); Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:269, 271, figs. 1,6, 26,36. d,9. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of gracilis: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Perth; Mundaring; Mt. Barker; Bedforddale; Bridgetown; Mai da Vale; West Swan; Cannington; Guildford; Gnangara; Kelmscott; SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Adelaide; Renmark; VICTORIA: Melbourne; Kalorama; Surrey Hills; Ringwood; NEW SOUTH WALES: Roseville; Bateman’s Bay; QUEENSLAND: nr. Brisbane; TASMANIA: Powranna. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Perth, Mundaring, Weir, Darling Range; for gracilis: SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Hotel Gardens, Renmark. Habitat: Papilionaceous red flowers; sweet alyssum ; gorse; Daviesia; Daviesia pectinata; Acacia podalyriae folia; Acacia cyanophylla; Acacia baileyana; Acacia pilchella; Hovea trisperma; Hovea spp.; Comptonia ; Kennedya prostata; Hardenbergia; Oxylobium capitatum; Oxylobium cuneatum; Banksia menziesii ; Raphanus raphanistrum; miscellaneous wild and garden flowers; ? Jacksonia spinosa; Pultenaea; Pultenaea daphnoides; Pultenaea stipularis; Pultenaea humilis; Genista maderensis; Bossidea heterophylla. Odontothripiella bispinosa (Bagnall, 1918). 9. Odontothrips bispinosus Bagnall, 1918. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)1 :203, fig. 2. 9. Odontothrips bispinosus Bagnall; Karnv, 1924. Ark. Zool., !7A(2):48. [i Odontothripiella ] bispinosus (Bagnall); Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:48. 0.[dontothripiella] bispinosus (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 32. Odontothripiella bispinosa (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppi. 11:44. Odontothripiella bispinosa (Bagnall); Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :269, 273. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: W. AUSTRALIA: Perth, Mundaring Weir. Type locality: W. AUSTRALIA: Perth, Mundaring Weir, Darling Range. Habitat: Red papilionaceous flower. Odontothripiella buloba Pitkin, 1972. c5, 9. Odontothripiella buloba Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :269, 275, figs. 29, 38. 6, 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Brown Mt., New South Wales. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Brown Mt., New South Wales. Habitat: Grass. 896 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothripiella compta Pitkin, 1972. 6, 9. Odontothripiella compta Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :268, 275, figs. 7, 9-12, 18,22,35. 6,9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA, NEW SOUTH WALES: Graman; Cooma; Nowra; Trangie; Kurrajong Heights; QUEENSLAND: Samford; AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Black Mt.; TASMANIA: Rosny Point. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Graman, New South Wales. Habitat: Stipa aristogluma; Stipa stuposa; Themeda australis; Pultenaea flexilis; grasses; weeds; grass tussock. Odontothripiella concolorata Pitkin, 1972. 9. Odontothripiella concolorata Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1:269, 278. 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: near Meckering, 70 miles E of Perth. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: near Meckering, 70 miles E of Perth. Habitat: Pink everlasting (Compositae). Odontothripiella divaricata Pitkin, 1972. 6, 9. Odontothripiella divaricata Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:269, 278, fig. 32. 6, 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Bilpin District, New South Wales. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Bilpin District, New South Wales. Habitat: Unknown. Odontothripiella fasciatipennis (Bagnall, 1916). 9,6. Odontothrips fasciatipennis Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:217. 9. Odontothrips fasciatipennis Bagnall; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. [Odontothripiella] fasciatipennis (Bagnall); Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:48. 0.[dontothripiella] fasciatipennis (Bagnall); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 32. Odontothripiella fasciatipennis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:44. Odontothripiella fasciatipennis (Bagnall); Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:268, 279, figs. 3, 21. 6,9. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Adelaide; Murrey Bridge; Lake Alexandria. Type locality: SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Outer Harbour, Adelaide. Habitat: Mesembryanthemum flowers; Carpobrotus aequilaterus; Dishphyma australe. Odontothripiella gracilis Bagnall = Odontothripiella australis (Bagnall). Odontothripiella hopei Pitkin, 1972. 6,9. Odontothripiella hopei Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:269, 281, figs. 19, 34. 6, 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 2 miles S of Mt. Barker. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 2 miles S of Mt. Barker. Habitat: ? Jacksonia spinosa. 897 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Odontothripiella innominata Pitkin, 1972. 6. Odontothripiella innominata Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :270, 281, fig. 31 . 6. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Bilpin District, New South Wales. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Bilpin District, New South Wales. Habitat: Unknown. Odontothripiella magna Pitkin, 1972. 9. Odontothripiella magna Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:269, 282. 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 80 miles N of Rawlinna. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 80 miles N of Rawlinna. Habitat: Yellow composite. Odontothripiella morisoni (Bagnall, 1929). 9, 6. Odontothripoides morisoni Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:49. 9, 6. 0.[dontothripoides\ morisoni Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 33. Odontothripoides morisoni Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:45. Odontothripiella morisoni (Bagnall); Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:268, 282, figs. 5, 33. <3,9. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Clare. Type locality: SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Clare. Habitat: Goodenia. Odontothripiella moundi Pitkin, 1972. d, 9. Odontothripiella moundi Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :268, 284, figs. 4, 20, 37. d, 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: near Pinjarra. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: near Pinjarra. Habitat: Leptospermum leaves. Odontothripiella passalaina Pitkin, 1972. <3, 9. Odontothripiella passalaina Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:269, 270, 285, figs. 14, 27. <3,9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: near Manjimup. Type locality: WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 13 miles S of Manjimup. Habitat: Hovea sp. flowers; Bossiaea webbi flowers; Burtonia scabra flowers; Gompholobium sp. flowers. Odontothripiella reedi Pitkin, 1972. c 3. Odontothripiella reedi Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:269, 286, figs. 16, 23. <3. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Cooma, and Nourra, New South Wales. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Cooma, New South Wales. Habitat: Themeda australis; grasses; weeds. 898 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothripiella sica Pitkin, 1972. 6, 9. Odontothripiella sica Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1:269, 286, fig. 28. 6, 9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA, NEW SOUTH WALES: Caringbah; Woodford; Kurrajong Heights; Roseville. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Caringbah, New South Wales. Habitat: Dylwinnia erici folia; Indigiofera australis; Pultenaea stipularis. Odontothripiella unidentata Pitkin, 1972. d, 9. Odontothripiella unidentata Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 1 1 :268, 287, figs. 2, 8, 15,25. 6,9. Location of type: Australian National Insect Collection. Distribution: AUSTRALIA, NEW SOUTH WALES: Graman; Cooma; Nourra; Hillston; AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Black Mt.; SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 30 miles N of Adelaide; Yacka, Rocky River; 1 1 miles N of Wilmington; WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 80 miles N of Rawlinna. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Graman, New South Wales. Habitat: Stip'a aristogluma; Themeda australis; Hordeum leporinum; grasses; weeds; grass tussock; barley; barley grass; reeds. Genus Odontothripoides Bagnall = ODONTOTHRIPIELLA Bagnall. Genus ODONTOTHRIPS Amyot & Serville, 1843. [Thrips] subgen. Thrips Linne; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:444, 446. Partim. [Thrips subgen.] Thrips Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):414. Partim . Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:216. Partim. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 642. Thrips Linne; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1 ):2 16. Partim. Thrips Linne; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:130. Thrips (Thrips) sect. Eudactyli Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1107. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207. Thrips subgen. Thrips Haliday; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21 :211, 212, 219. Partim. Heliothrips Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric., Roma, 34:130. Partim. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Pro van cher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:332. Physopus (Degeer) Amyot & Serville; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 29, 32, 44, 47, 94. Partim. Physopus (Degeer) Amyot & Serville; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):37, 48. Partim. Physopus Degeer; Leonardi, 1901.1ns. Nocivi, 4:625. Partim. Physopus Serville; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, pp. 285, 288. Partim. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):42, 43, 52. Partim. Physopus (Degeer) Amyot & Serville, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. nat. Pisa, 23:273, 275, 282. Partim. ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:45. [Type: O. phalerata]. Physopus (Degeer) Amyot & Serville; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:2. Partim. Physopus (Degeer, Amyot & Serville) Uzel; Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(1 6): 1 . Partim. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1 ):3, 10. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:12, 15, 26. Partim. Euthrips Targioni-Tozzetti; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):10. Partim. Physopus Degeer; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233. (sep. p. 12). Partim. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:329. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 1 6(1 ):39. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 191. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:52. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):41. Odontothrips Haliday [Sic!]; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 122. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4):71. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):242. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1):7. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 98, 101. Partim. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):3. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):77, 145. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:13,45. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 121, 220, 222. [European species monographed]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:24, 36. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):6, 9. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville ; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 1 6(3) : 1 73. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):838, 841. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 25, 35. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:47. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Enderlein, 1929. Zool. Anz., 86(l-2):42. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:30, 59, 60, 61. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Maltbaek, 1932. Dan marks Fauna, 37:29, 32, 58. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 32. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):65, 120. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Rungs, 1935,. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 1 5(1 ) :55 . Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:317. JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 1 66. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1 ):26. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:99. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 1 12. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Kurosawa, 1941. Kontyu, 15(3):36, 43. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Boder, 1941 . Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:159. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:392. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 42, 44, 55, 56. [key to British species]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Louad Ler Ent., 33:49, 140. [Type: Thrips ulicis Haliday]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):399. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:357. [key to known species]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Knechtel, 1951. Laun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1):68, 111. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy , 1 : 1 90. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:25. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):311. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 148, 149, 186. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil KlfiS Zvireny CSR, 2:20. [key to Czechoslovakian species]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8):166. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):189. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):368, 379. [Italian species]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6) :59 1 . Odontothrips Amyot & Serville ; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :26, 33. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:36, 65. [key to European species]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Djadetshko, 1964. Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 125, 184. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:855,860. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Ins. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:205, 318. [Egyptian species]. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):203. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 10, 20. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):91 . Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:45. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):274, 328. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/ 19:21 , 28. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 17, 34. Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):373, 379. [Key to and revision of species]. 901 Odontothrips Amyot & Serville; Pitkin, 1972. Journ. Australian ent. Soc., 11:267. Type-species: O. [dontothrips] phalerata [=Thrips phalerata Haliday], (Britain); designated by Karny, 1907, from two species. [In 1949 Priesner designated Thrips ulicis Haliday which cannot stand as type-species already designated]. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner, 1924. 9, 6. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 145. nom nud. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner, 1924. Konowia, 3(1): 1 . [sex not stated]. [i Odontothrips ] aemulans; Priesner, 1925. Konowia , '3(3-4): 146. Odontothrips aemulans; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :223, 236. 9. [Odontothrips] aemulans Priesner; Kasakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. Odontothrips aemulans; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:718. 6. [Odontothrips] aemulans; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. O. [dontothrips] aemulans Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 36. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:395. [Odontothrips] aemulans; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:359. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1 ) : 1 12, 117, figs. 89,90. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] aemulans Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 1 90. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 12(1):271 . Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Klid Zvireny CSR, 2:22. [Odontothrips] aemulans; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:69. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 185, 189. 9, d. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. [Odontothrips] aemulans; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteur. Neubearb., 4(9):21. Odontothrips spec. aff. aemulans; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):69. Odontothrips aemulans [Sic!] Priesner: Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. Odontothrips aemulans Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 382, 383, map 5. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Rumania; Hungary; Serbia; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Jugoslavia; ? Turkey; Ukraine; USSR. Type locality: RUMANIA: Visan (Iasi) [Visau (Jassy)]. Habitat: Turf; flowers of Vicia cracca. Odontothrips anisomerus Bagnall = Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday). Odontothrips anthyllidis Bagnall = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Odontothrips australis Bagnall = Odontothripiella australis (Bagnall). Odontothrips basicornis (Reuter) = Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel). Odontothrips bispinosus Bagnall = Odontothripiella bispinosus (Bagnall). 902 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothrips biuncus John, 1921 . 9,6. Odontothrips biuncus John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1):7. 9, 6. Odontothrips uzeli ; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:272. Odontothrips biuncus; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1 ) :22. [Odontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4) : 1 45 . Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :222, 225. 9, 6. 0.[dontothrips ] uzeli Bagnall; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:36, 37. 9, 6. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:468. larva. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:717. larva. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):841. 0.[dontothrips] biuncus; John, 1928. Ann. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique, 68:138. O. [dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 173. O. [dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 35. Physopus ulicis (Haliday) O.M. Reuter; Priesner, 1930. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1930:41 . 9. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 1 0( 1 ) : 9 1 . 0.[dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:59, 60. 9, 6. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:32. O .[dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:317. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):24, 28. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):68. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1) :37. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Oettingen,a1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:119. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. O. [dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 56, 57. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. [Odontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 12(4):357. O. [dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):53. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 1 1 1,112. 9, 6. O. [dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 141. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Klic Zvifeny CSR, 2:21. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8):143. [Odontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:409. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Lindner, 1961 . Bombus, 2(27): 105. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4):1 12. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. [Odontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):98. [Odontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:66, 121, PI. IV, fig. 8; PI. V, fig. 5. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR., pp. 129, 185, 192. 9, 6. O. [dontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1 :861 . Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):154. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Pelikan, 1965. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 62(2):99. [Odontothrips] uzeli Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 20, fig. 27. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. O. [dontothrips] biuncus John; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):91. Odontothrips biuncus John; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:45. Odontothrips biuncus John; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 381, 383, figs. 4, 5, 19, map 1. 903 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Some of the above references may belong partly or totally to o. loti, this can only be verified by a study of the relevant specimens]. Location of type: ? Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. Distribution: Russia; Siberia; England; Scotland; Norway; Sweden; Denmark; Finland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; France; Germany; Rumania; Hungary; Holland. Type locality: RUSSIA: Tzarskoje Selo, Petrograd. Habitat: Vicia cracca; probably casually on other plants. Odontothrips brevipes Bagnalf = Odontothrips loti (Haliday) Odontothrips brevis Bagnall = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Odontothrips californicus Moulton = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Odontothrips confusus Priesner, 1926. 9, 6. Odontothrips confusus Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :223, 237. [sex not stated]. [i Odontothrips ] confusus; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):9. [i Odontothrips ] confusus Priesner; Kazakov, 1927. Acta ent. Serb., 2:15. [Odontothrips] confusus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. Ofdontothrips] confusus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 37. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:491 . 0.[dontothrips] confusus Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:122. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):96, 98. fig. 7. <5. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:57. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:395. 9, 6. Odontothrips confusum Priesner; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:21. [Odontothrips] confusus; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:359. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:159, 161 . Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):50, 51. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 155, 163, 174, 182. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1 ) : 1 12, 118, fig. 91. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] confusus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 1 90. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 597. 0.[dontothrips] confusus Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:25, fig. 15a. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):31 1 . Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvffeny (SR, 2:22, fig. 60. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1956) (C)l 1(7) : 1 85 . Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:408. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Lindner, 1961. Bomb us, 2(27): 106. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):579, 583, 584, 585, 586 588,591. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Bournier, 1963. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 68:28-30, figs. a-c. [Odontothrips] confusus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:68, PI. IV. fig. 12. 904 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 185,188. 9. 0.[dontothrips] confusus Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:860. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Boumier & Khochbav, 1965. Ann. Epiphyties, 1 6(1 ) :5 3, figs. 1-8. 9, 6 and all stages. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom., 99:29, 31 , 38. [Odontothrips] confusus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteur. Neubearb., 4(9) :21 . Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. 0.[dontothrips] confusus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):91 . Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2):243, fig. 9d. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Cairaschi, 1971. Proc. XIII internat. Congr. Ent. Moscow 1968,2:319. Odontothrips confusus Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 382, 384, figs. 8, 20, map 5. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Hungary; Serbia; Jugoslavia; France; Germany; Lithuania; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Rumania; Georgian SSR; Ukraine; Turkey; Mongolia; Austria; Yugoslavia; Switzerland. Type locality: HUNGARY: not specified. Habitat: Flowers of: Medicago falcata; Medicago sativa; Medicago media; also from Tri folium rubens; Trifolium pratense; Cytisus laburnum; Sorbus torminalis; Eryngium campestre; Helichrysum stoechas; grass. Odontothrips cytisi Morison, 1928. 9, 6. Odontothrips cytisi Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:38, figs. 1-3. 6. Odontothrips cytisii Morison; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:488. [Odontothrips] cytisi Morison; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. O.[dontothrips] cytisi; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 55, 57. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] cytisi; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 15 [Odontothrips] cytisi Morison; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:358. Odontothrips cytisi Morison; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91. Odontothrips cytisi Morison; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):201 , 202. Odontothrips cytisi Morison; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33, PI. X, fig. 3. [Odontothrips] cytisi Morison; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. [Odontothrips] cytisi Morison; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas,*2:68, 121, PI. IV, fig. 16. O.[dontothrips] cytisii Morison; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 186. Odontothrips cytisi Morison; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. [Odontothrips] cytisi Morison; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):21. Odontothrips cytisi Morison; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 382, 385, figs. 26, 27, map 3. 905 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Scotland; England; Holland; France; Germany. Type locality: SCOTLAND: not specified. Habitat: Sarothamnus scoparius ; Sarothamnus vulgaris; also on grass; Anemone nemorosa; Vaccinium myrtillus; Ulex europaeus ; Betula sp.; Typha latifolia; Sorbus aucuparia; C allunasp. Odontothrips dorycnii Priesner, 1951. 9. Odontothrips dorycnii Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:355, 359. 9. [Odontothrips] dorycnii; Priesner, 1964. Best im. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:69. 0.[dontothrips] dorycnii Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 186. [i Odontothrips ] dorycnii; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):21. Odontothrips dorycnii Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 382, 387, map 5. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: FRANCE: Camargue (Bouches du Rhone). Type locality: FRANCE: Camargue (Bouches du Rhone). Habitat: Dorycnium jordani. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner, 1926. 9. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:223, 238. 9. 0.[dontothrips] edentulus Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:96. 9. [Odontothrips] edentulus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. 0.[dontothrips] edentulus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 37. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 1 5(1 ):55. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:122. [Odontothrips] edentulus; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:359. [Odontothrips] edentulus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:22. [Odontothrips] edentulus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:69. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 185, 187. 9. [Odontothrips] edentulus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):21. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 558. Odontothrips edentulus Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):382, 387. [Rung’s record may be misidentification of O. karnyi]. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Hungary; Germany; Czechoslovakia; Ukraine; ? Morocco. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Habitat: Tilia cordata (probably not food plant). Odontothrips elbaensis Priesner, 1933. 9. Odontothrips elbaensis Priesner, 1933. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1933(l-3):6. 9. [Odontothrips] elbaensis; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:359. Odontothrips elbaensis; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:319, 320. 9. Odontothrips elbaensis Priesner; Pitkin,* 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9): 383, 387, map 5. 906 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt. Distribution: EGYPT: Wadi Rabdeht, Elba Mountains. Type locality: EGYPT: Wadi Rabdeht, Elba Mountains. Habitat: Weeds. Odontothrips fasciatipennis Bagnall = Odontothripiella fasciatipennis (Bagnall). Odontothrips ignobiiis Bagnall, 1919. 9, 6. Odontothrips ignobiiis Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:262. 9. Odontothrips mutabilis Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:271. 9. O.[dontothrips] ignobiiis; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:271. [i Odontothrips ] ignobiiis Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. Odontothrips ignobiiis Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:223, 230. Odontothrips mutabilis Bagnall; Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:44. (?) Odontothrips ignobiiis Bagnall; Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:45. Odontothrips inermis Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:95. 6. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:97. Partim. [synonymy of O. ignobiiis ]. Odontothrips mutabilis; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:97. 0.[dontothrips] ignobiiis Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 36. Odontothrips mutabilis; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:488. 0\dontothrips ] mutabilis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. I Odontothrips ] ignobiiis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. [Odontothrips] inermis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. [i Odontothrips ] mutabilis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. 0.[dontothrips] inermis Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 56, 57. 6. [Odontothrips] inermis Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. [Odontothrips] mutabilis Bagnall; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:357. 0.[dontothrips] mutabilis Bagnall; Priesner, 1961. Polskie Pismo Ent., 31(3):54. [Odontothrips] inermis Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):97. 0.[dontothrips] ignobiiis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:67. [Odontothrips] mutabilis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:67. 9. 0.[dontothrips] ignobiiis Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 186. 0.[dontothrips] mutabilis Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 186. [Odontothrips] mutabilis Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):20. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., suppl. 1 1 :46. [Synonymy of ignobiiis and mutabilis]. Odontothrips mutabilis Bagnall; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):475. Odontothrips ignobiiis Bagnall; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9): 375, 382, 387, figs. 14, 15, map 2. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of mutabilis and inermis: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: England, Channel Islands; France; Spain; Portugal; Italy. Type locality: SPAIN: Ortigosa (Logrosa); for mutabilis: ENGLAND: Bournemouth, Hampshire; for inermis: ENGLAND: Delamere, Cheshire. Habitat: Ulex ; Melilotus; Sarothamnus; Genista; known to breed on Ulex gallii and Ulex minor. 907 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Odontothrips inermis Bagnall = Odontothrips ignobilis Bagnall. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel, 1895). 9, 6. Physopus intermedia Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 33, 49, 114. 9, 6. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:329. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):21. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:153, 156. [i Odontothrips ] intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :223, 235. 9, 6. O .[dontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:36, 37. 9, 6. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:468. larva. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:717. larva. [i Odontothrips ] intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. O.[dontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 36. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Bagnall, 1930. Ent. mon. Mag., 66:50. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Knechtel, 1932. Publ. Soc. Nat. Romania, 10:93. 0.[dontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:59, 62. O. [dontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):25, 28. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. [Odontothrips] intermedius (Uzel);Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:394. 0.[dontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 55, 57. 9. [i Odontothrips ] intermedius (Uzel); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. [Odontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:359. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1 ): 1 12, 116, figs. 87,88. 9, <5. [Odontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy , 1 :190. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:21 . [Odontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:408. [Odontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 !(1):97. [Odontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:68, 121, PI. IV, fig. 11. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 185, 187. 9, 6. 0.[dontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:860. [Odontothrips] intermedius (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):21. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. Odontothrips intermedius (Uzel); Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9): 375, 382, 389, fig. 2, map 4. i Location of type: ? Vienna Museum. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Russia; Sweden; Finland; Hungary; Austria; Scotland; Rumania; Ukraine. Type locality: Bohemia. Habitat: Orobus tuberosus; Orbus niger; Lathy rus montanus; Lathy rus prat ensis; Lathyrus niger. 908 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothrips karnyi Priesner, 1924. 9, 6. Ph. [ysothrips] sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1920. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 57(2) : 27. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1922. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math, naturw. Klasse, 98:117. Odontothrips karnyi Priesner, 1924. Konowia, 3(1): 1 . [sex not stated]. [Odontothrips] karnyi; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. Physothrips sjostedti (Trybom); Karny, 1925. Bull. ent. Res., 16(2): 126, fig. 2. Odontothrips karnyi; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:223, 232. 9, 6. [Odontothrips karnyi Priesner; Enderlein, 1929 = Odontothrips retamae Priesner]. Odontothrips karnyi var. rivnayi Priesner, 1933. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1933(1-3):81. 9, 6. [Odontothrips karnyi var. retamae Priesner, 1933 = Odontothrips retamae Priesner]. [Odontothrips] karnyi var. karnyi; Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 193. Odontothrips karnyi var. rivnayi; Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 193. Odontothrips karnyi rivnayi Priesner; Rivnay, 1933. Hadar, 6(1 1):4. Odontothrips karnyi Priesner; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:69(footnote). Odontothrips karnyi; Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte. 1937:209. Odontothrips karnyi; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., (1938)22:120. Odontothrips Karnyi Priesner; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. 0.[dontothrips] karnyi rivnayi Priesner; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):399. [Odontothrips] karnyi; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:357. [Odontothrips karnyi var. retamae; Priesner, 1951 = Odontothrips retamae Priesner]. [Odontothrips] karnyi var. rivnayi; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:357. Odontothrips karnyi Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):374, 379, figs. CLXXVI, CLXXVII. 9, dowska Lublin, (1 957) (C)l 2(8) : 1 17, 120, 123, 127, 129. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.):15. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1956) (C)l 1(7): 1 85 . Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append.): 368, 379. 9, <5, larvae. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):375, 379. 9, 6. [i Odontothrips ] loti (Haliday); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:408. [Odontothrips loti] var. adustus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:408. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Lindner, 1961. Bombus, 2(27): 106. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., ll(5-6):579, 585, 588, 591. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):55, 58, 59, 60, 61 , 63, 65, 69, 70, 71. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 1 1 . Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Obrtel, 1963. Zool. listy, 12(2): 1 39, Pis. XI-XII; textfigs. 1-3. [various nymphs and cocoon described]. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):371. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(1 2): 1055. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :3 3, PL IV, fig. 4; PL IX, fig. 10. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfadowska Lublin, (1 963) (C) 1 8(6) : 1 37 . [Odontothrips] loti (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1 ):97. [Odontothrips] loti (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:66, 121 , PI. IV, fig. 9. 0.[dontothrips] brevipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:67. 6. Odontothrips (?) loti (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet biol. Seer., 13(1 ) :63. 0.[dontothrips] quadrimanus Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR,p. 186. 0.[dontothrips] thoracius [Sic!] Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR,p. 186. 0.[dontothrips] anthyllidis Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 186. Odontothrips brevis Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 185, 189. 9, 6. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 129, 185, 190. 9, 6. [Odontothrips loti] f. adusta Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 190. [Odontothrips loti] f. fasciatus Priesner, Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 190. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. 913 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 0.[dontothrips] loti (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1 :861 , fig. 344(3). Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. 0.[dontothrips ] loti (Haliday); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):203. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom., 99:29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1965)(C)20(3):28. [Odontothrips] loti (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):20, figs. 23, 28. Odontothrips brevis Bagnall; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. 0.[dontothrips] loti (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):91. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2) :271. Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):55. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:45. Thrips loti (Haliday); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):328. 9, 6. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skjbdowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8):1 13. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1(2):5 2, 59. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 11(2):87. Taeniothrips ref. distalis Karny; Kudo, 1970. Joum. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6Zool.)17(3):453, figs. 12-17. 9. Taeniothrips ref. distalis Karny; Kudo, 1971. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool)17(4):61 1, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 619, 626, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6, table 1. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Kudo, 1971. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6 Zool.)17(4):627. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJ'odowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 181 . Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJ'odowska Lublin, (C) 26(15): 181. Odontothrips loti (Haliday); Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 381, 391, figs. 9, 10, map 1. [for many references to O. uzeli see under O. biuncus some of which may belong to the present species]. Location of type: ? British Museum (Natural History; of calif omicus: California Academy of Sciences; of fasciata and adustus: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of uzeli, anthyllidis, thoracicus, quadrimanus and brevipes (brevis): British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: England; Scotland; Ireland; Czechoslovakia; Italy; Poland; Austria; Hungary; Germany; Holland; Rumania; Sweden; Denmark; Finland; Serbia; France; Russia; Siberia; Switzerland; Lithuania; Jugoslavia; Georgian SSR; Ukraine; Estonia; Mongolia; U.S.A.: California; Colorado; Virginia; Iowa; New Jersey; Utah; Washington; Japan. Type locality: Not specified; fox calif omicus: U.S.A.: Wrights Station, Santa Clara County, 914 JACOTt-GUILLARMOD: thysanoptera catalogue. California; for adustus: AUSTRIA: Linz, Steie rm ark; for uzeli: Bohemia; for fasciata: Austria; for anthyllidis: SCOTLAND: Aberdeen; for thoracicus: ENGLAND: W. Grimstead, near Salisbury; for quadrimanus: ENGLAND: Tankerton, Kent; for brevipes (also brevis): SWITZERLAND: Lugano. Habitat: Various Leguminosae; casually on other flowers. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner, 1951. 9, <5. Odontothrips meridionalis ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :232. Partim. [larva only]. Odontothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:468. larva. [Odontothrips] meliloti Priesner, 195 1 . Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:358. [sex not stated]. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 158, 163, 174, 179, 183. [Odontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 1 90. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 590. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:26. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Titschack, 1953. Bombus, l(76-77):328/ Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:21 . Odontothrips melioti [Sic/] Priesner; Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. ent. Cech., 55(3):286, fig. 10. [as meliloti in discussion]. Odontothrips meliloti; Priesner, 1961. Polskie Pismo Ent., 31(3):52, fig. 2. [Odontothrips] meliloti Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:409. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Lindner, 1961 . Bombus, 2(27): 106. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):202. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. [Odontothrips] meliloti; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:67, 121, textfig. 62. 9, 6. 0.[dontothrips] meliloti Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 186. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. [Odontothrips] meliloti; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):21, fig. 29. 0.[dontothrips] meliloti Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):92. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):271. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Pitkin, 1970. Ent. mon. Mag., 105:202. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 5 1(5-6): 372. Odontothrips meliloti Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9): 37 5, 382, 392, figs. 16, 17, map. 2. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Germany; Czechoslovakia; Turkey; Austria; Holland; Mongolia; England; France; Transcaucasia. Type locality: GERMANY: Escheburg. Habitat: Melilotus albus; Melilotus officinalis; Melilotus sulcatus; Cynanchyium vincetoximum; clover; lucerne; Ononis repens. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner, 1919. 9, 6. Odontothrips ulicis var. meridionalis Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 122. 9, d. 915 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Odontothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. Odontothr.[ips] meridionalis Priesner; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 145. [Odontothrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. Odontothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:223, 231, PI. Ill, fig. 50. 9, 6. Partim. [excluding larva]. [Odontothrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):9. [Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Eur. = Odontothrips meliloti Priesner]. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:97. Partim. [Odontothrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. [Odontothrips meridionalis] f. adusta Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. nom. nud. 0.[dontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 36. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:488. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc., 15(1): 5 5. [probably this refers to O. karnyi]. 0.[dontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturfursch. Ges. Basel, 53: 160, 183, 189. [Odontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:393. 0.[dontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 56, 57. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Morison, 1949: London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. [Odontothrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:358. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 1 12, 114, fig. 86. 9, 6. [Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Pelikan, 1952 = Odontothrips meliloti Priesner]. 0.[dontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:21. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 102. [Odontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. ent. Cech., 55(3):286. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):377, 379. 9, 6 , larva. 0\dontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91. Odontothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1961. Polskie Pismo Ent., 31(3):52, 53, 54, fig. 3. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Knechtel, 1961. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 11(1 1): 1327. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Anim., 1 5(3): 281-3 17. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 256. [Odontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1( 1): 98. [Odontothrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:67, PI. IV, fig. 13; textflg. 63. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 129, 185, 191, fig. 38. 9, <$. 0.[dontothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:861. [Odontothrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 20. Odontothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5): 69. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 558. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:120. 916 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:46. Partim. Odontothrips meridionalis Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 381, 393, fig. 18, map 2. [probably many of these references belong, wholy or partly O. ignobilis]. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Albania; Spain; Austria; Rumania; England; Hungary; France; Italy; Switzerland; Turkey; Cyprus; Ukraine; ? Morocco. Type locality: ALBANIA: Durazzo [Durresi]. Habitat: Spartium junceum; Spartium sp.; Lathyrus sativus; Medicago saliva; Robinia pseudacacia. Odontothrips moerens Priesner, 1927. 9. Odontothrips moerens Priesner, 1927. Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agr. Portici, 21:64. 9. Odontothrips moerens Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):381, 393. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: WEST AFRICA: Camayenne, French Guinea. Type locality: WEST AFRICA: Camayenne, Grench Guinea. Habitat: Unknown. Odontothrips morgani Bagnall = Odontothrips pictipennis Hood. Odontothrips mutabilis Bagnall = Odontothrips ignobilis Bagnall. Odontothrips ononidis Bagnall, 1934. 9. Odontothrips ononidis Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:490. 9. 0.[dontothrips] ononidis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:67. Odontothrips ononilis [Sic! ] Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR,pp. 185,188. 9. Odontothrips ononidis Bagnall; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. Odontothrips ononidis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:46. Odontothrips ononidis Bagnall; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 381 (footnote), 395, map 2. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: FRANCE: St. Georges-de-Didonne; Meschere, Charante-Inferieure; UKRAINE: Vilkovo. Type locality: FRANCE: St. Georges-de-Didonne. Habitat: Ononis natrix; Ononis sp. Odontothrips paraconfusus Pelikan, 1958. 9, 6. Odontothrips paraconfusus Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. Ent. tech., 55(3):284, figs. 7-9. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] paraconfusus Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:67. [Odontothrips] paraconfusus Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):20. Odontothrips paraconfusus Pelikan; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):381, 395. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno. Czechoslovakia. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Cejd, Siidmahren. Type locality: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Cej <5, Siidmahren. Habitat: Xerotherm vegetation in turf. 917 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday, 1836). 9, d. Thr.[ips] phalerata Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:447. d, 9. Thr. [ips] phalerata; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 4: 146. larva. Th.\rips\ phalerata Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):414. Thrips phalerata Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. 0.[dontothrips] phalerata (Haliday); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 643. Thrips phalerata Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):217. Thrips phalerata; Haliday, 1852. in Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1 108. Thr. [zps] phalerata Haliday; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8: 132, PI. XIX. Thrips (Thrips) basalis Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Ventensk.-Soc. Forh., 21 :212, 219. [sex not stated]. T.[hrips] phalerata Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34: 134. T.[hrips] phalerata Haliday; Pergande, 1882.Entom., 15:95. Odontothrips phalerata (Haliday); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:332. Physopus phalerata (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 33, 48, 112, PI. I, fig. 5; PI. V, figs. 58-60. 9, d. Physopus phalerata (Haliday); Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):472. 9. Physopus ulicis (Haliday); Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):49, 52. Physopus phalerata (Haliday); Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):66. Ph. \ysopus] phalerata (Haliday); Tumpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 288. d, 9. Ph. [ysopus] phalerata (Haliday); Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:11. Physopus phalerata (Haliday); Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. Veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 101. Physopus phalerata (Haliday); Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. nat. Pisa, 23:276, 283. Physopus phalerata (Haliday); Buffa, 1907. Proc. Verb. Soc. Tosc. Sci. nat. Pisa, 16(5):58. Physopus phaleratus (Haliday); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 135. PhAysopus] phalerata (Haliday); Trybom, 1910. Siostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(16): 1. 0.\dontothrips\ phaleratus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Physopus phalerata (Haliday); Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233. (sep. p. 13). Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:329. [Euthrips phalerata (Haliday); Morgan, 1913 = Odontothrips pictipennis Hood]. [Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Hood, 1914 = Odontothrips pictipennis Hood]. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 191. 0.[donto thrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):41. [Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Watson, 1918 = Odontothrips pictipennis Hood]. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:172. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. Odontothrips phaleratus f. adustus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:56. [sex not stated]. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. [Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Watson, 1924 - Odontothrips pictipennis Hood]. Odontothrips anisomerus Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:271. 9. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46: 156. [Odontothrips] anisomerus Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. [Odontothrips phaleratus] f. adusta; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. Odontothrips anisomerus Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :223, 230. 918 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :223, 234. 9, 6. Odontothrips phaleratus f. adusta ; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :235. 9. [Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Watson, 1926 = Odontothrips pictipennis Hood]. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:36, 37. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):9. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:15. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:44. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:97. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:63. O. [dontothrips] anisomerus Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 36. O. [dontothrips] phaleratus phaleratus (Haliday); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 36. O. [don to thrips ] phaleratus adustus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 36. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):372. Thrips basalis Reuter; Priesner, 1930. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1930:41. [synonym]. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:62. O. [don to thrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:59, 61. 9, 6. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 63, 123. 9, 6. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:38. 0.[don to thrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. O. [don to thrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1): 25, 28. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz Chor Roslin, 15:100. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Hukkinen & Syrjanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(4):208. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:160, 183, 194,210. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:119, 121, figs. 8, 9. larva. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37, 0.[donto thrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):96. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 33. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Ins. GSSR, 7:21 O. [dontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 55, 57. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. O .[dontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):399, [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:359. O. [dontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):53. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 158, 170, 183. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 1 12, 115. 6. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 595. O. [dontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 141. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):79. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31 :267. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):31 1 . Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1 1 2( 1 ): 27 1 . 919 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Odontothrips phaleratiis (Haliday); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:21. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 118, 125. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk^odowska Lublin, (1956)(C)1 1(7): 185. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1958)(C)13(7): 129. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):372, 379, fig. CLXXVI. 9, 6. [i Odontothrips ] phaleratus (Haliday); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:409. [Odontothrips phaleratus ] v. adustus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:409. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Lindner, 1961. Bombus, 2(27): 106. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):202. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):281-317. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident/British Ins., 11(1):98. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:68, 121, PI. IV, fig. 14. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom Evrop. SSSR, p. 185, 186. 9, 6. [Odontothrips phaleratus] f. adusta Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 186. Odontothrips anisomerus Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 185, 191. 9. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. 0.[dontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:860. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 154. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom., 99:29, 31, 36. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):21. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. Odontothrips anisomerus Bagnall; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. 0.[dontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):92. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:46. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 11(2):52. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (C)26(l 5): 181. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 382, 395, figs. 1 1-13, map 4. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of basalis: Helsinki Museum, Finland; of adustus: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of anisomerus: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: England; Austria; Finland; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Poland; Italy; Sweden; 920 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Scotland; Hungary; Serbia; Switzerland; France; Spain; Denmark; Siberia; Lithuania; Georgian SSR; Ukraine; Rumania; Holland; Jugoslavia. Type locality: England; for basalis: FINLAND: Pargas; for adustus: AUSTRIA: Klaus, Oberosterreich; for anisomerus: BRITAIN: not specified. Habitat: Lathy rus palustris; Lathyrus prat ensis; Vicia sativa; Vicia cracca; Vicia septum; Spartium; Lotus corniculatus; Cytisus leucotrichus; Trifolium pratense; Medicago sativa ; Pisum sativum; and some non-Leguminosae including grass. Odontothrips phaseoli Kurosawa, 1941. 6. Odontothrips phaseoli Kurosawa, 194L Kontyu, 15(3):36, 43, fig. 1A-B. 6. Odontothrips phadeoli Kurosawa; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.), 26(9):381 (footnote), 396. Location of type: National Institute of Agricultural Science, Tokyo. Distribution: CHINA: Manchuria. Type locality: MANCHURIA: K-o-shan. Habitat: Flowers of red bean. Odontothrips phlomidinus Priesner, 1954. 9. Odontothrips phlomidinus Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:50. 9. Odontothrips phlomidinus Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):383, 396, map 5. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: PERSIA: Ardekan Mountains, Northern Fars (Kuh Barm-i-Firuz). Type locality: PERSIA: Ardekan Mountains, Northern Fars (Kuh Barm-i-Firuz). Habitat: Flowers of a yellow Phlomis sp. Odontothrips pictipennis Hood, 1917. 9, 6. Euthrips phalerata (Haliday); Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:1, figs. 1-4. 9. [Odontothrips] phaleratus (Haliday); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, !6(1):4Q. Odontothrips pictipennis Hood, 1916. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 29: 117, PI. Ill, fig. 3. 9. Odontothrips pictipennis; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):64. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, !(4)-2(!):67. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:45. Odontothrips pictipennis Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:45. Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday); Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):21. Odontothrips morgani Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:49. [9]. Odontothrips pictipennis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 23. Odontothrips morgani Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:46. Odontothrips pictipennis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):328, 329, figs. 78, 118. 9,6. Odontothrips pictipennis Hood; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):381, 396, figs. 1,3. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of morgani: ? U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Florida; Virginia; Illinois; New York. Type locality: U.S. A.: Great Falls, Virginia; for morgani: U.S. A. Quincy, Florida. 921 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Habitat: Plantago virginica; Azalea nudi flora; herbs such as violets and wild strawberries. Odontothrips quadrimanus Bagnall = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Odontothrips retamae Priesner, 1933. 9. Odontothrips Karnyi Priesner; Enderlein, 1929. Zool. Anz., 86(l-2):42, figs. 7, 8. Odontothrips karnyi var. retamae Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 192. 9, larva. [Odontothrips karnyi ] var. retamae; Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:357. Odontothrips karnyi Priesner; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):34, 68, 70. Odontothrips retamae Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.)26(9):375, 381, 397, figs. 22, 23. Location of type: ? Hamburg Museum, [if so then lost due to military action]. Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Canaria; Tenerife; Lanzarote; Fuerteventura; Lobos; Palma; Gomera; MOROCCO: Aknoul. Type locality: CANARY ISLANDS: not specified. Habitat: Carpobrotus ; L inaria; Heliotropium; Ononis; Suaeda; Melilotus; Gymnocarpos; Cheiranthus; Sisymbrium; Cytisus; Retama; Spartocytisus; Greenovia; Lotus; Lupinus; Ornithopus; Salvia; Spartium; Cistus. Odontothrips thoracicus Bagnall = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday, 1836). 9, 6. Thr.[ips] Ulicis Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:446. d, 9. Th.[rips] Ulicis Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):414. Thrips ulicis Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. 0.[dontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 643. Thrips ulicis Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1):217. Thr.[ips] Ulicis Haliday; Heeger, 1852. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 8:130, PL XVIIL Thrips Ulicis; Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Hompt. Ins. British Mus., 4: 1108, PI. VII, figs. 43, 44. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207. H.[elio thrips] ulicis (Haliday); Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:130. Thrips ulicis Haliday; Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. Odontothrips ilicis [Sic!] (Haliday); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:332. Physopus ulicis (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 33, 49, 115, PI. V, fig. 61. 9, 6. Partim. [Physopus ulicis (Haliday); Reuter, 1899 = Odon to th rips phaleratus (Haliday)]. [Thrips ulicis Haliday; Jablonowski, 1899 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. Ph.[ysopus] ulicis (Haliday); Tiimpel, 1901 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. [Physopus ulicis (Haliday); Karny, 1909 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. 0.[donto thrips] ulicis (Haliday); Bagnall, 191 1. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. [Physopus ulicis (Haliday); Schille, 1912 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Karny, 1912 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:53. [Odontothrips ulicis] (Haliday); Priesner, 1914 - Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1917 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. 0.[don to thrips] ulicis (Haliday); Tuilgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1 ):41. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:262. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1920 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. 922 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1): 7. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1921 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); van Eecke, 1922 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Knechtel, 1923 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Treherne, 1924 = Odontothrips loti (Haliday)]. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1 ):21. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 145. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:222, 224. 0.[dontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:36. 9, 6. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:570. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Morison, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:37. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:717. larva. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Richter, 1928. Fauna arctica, 5(3):841. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); John, 1928. Ann. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique, 68:138. 0.[dontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 35. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:62. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 185-202, PI. V, fig. 3; PI. XVIII, fig. 1-5. [anatomy]. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:487. 0.[dontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:317. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:99. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Insects, p. 33. [Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Pelikan, 1946 = Odontothrips confusus Priesner]. 0.[dontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 55, 57. 9, 6. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 115. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:358. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon, 1951-56:21. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):299. 0.[dontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):98. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:68, 121, PI. IV, fig. 15. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); IJjadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop., SSSR, pp. 186, 192. 9. [Odontothrips] ulicis (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):21. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); E)jadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 558. Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday); Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 382, 399, figs. 2, 24, 25, map 3. [some of the above reference may belong to O. loti]. Location of type: Apparently lost. Distribution: England; Scotland; Austria; Italy; Sardinia; Sweden; Russia; France; Poland; Ireland; Ukraine. Type locality: Britain. Habitat: Ulex europaeus. [records from other plants are apparently misidentifications]. Odontothrips ulicis var. adusta Priesner = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Odontothrips ulicis var. californicus Moulton = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). 923 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Odontothrips ulicis var. meridiomlis Priesner = Odontothrips meridionalis (Priesner). Odontothrips uzeli Bagnall = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Odontothrips viciae Priesner, 1951. 9. Odontothrips viciae Priesner, 1951. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)4:356, 359. 9. [Odontothrips] viciae; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:68. Odontothrips viciae Priesner; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 382,400. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: PALESTINE: Zichron. Type locality: PALESTINE: Zichron. Habitat: Vida sp. Odontothrips vuilleti Bagnall, 1934. 9. Odontothrips vuilleti Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:489. 9. Odontothrips vuilleti Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 185, 188. 9. Odontothrips vuilleti Bagnall; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):558. Odontothrips vuilleti Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:47. Odontothrips vuilletia Bagnall; Pitkin, 1972. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26(9):375, 381 (footnote), 400, map 2. Location of type: Apparently lost. Distribution: FRANCE: Cauterets, Pyrenees; UKRAINE: Rachov. Type locality: FRANCE: Cauterets, Pyrenees. Habitat : Astragalus monspessulanus. Odontothrips sp. Odontothrips spec.; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:468. larva. Genus ORGANOTHRIPS Hood, 1940. Organothrips Hood, 1940. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(3):423. [Type: Organothrips bianchii Hood]. Organothrips Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:408, 411. Organothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Organothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:50, 140. Organothrips Hood; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):384. Organothrips Hood ; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Type-species: Organothrips bianchii Hood, (Hawaiian Islands); designated and monobasic. Organothrips bianchii Hood, 1940. 9, 6. Organothrips bianchii Hood; Bianchi, 1940. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(3):375(footnote). Organothrips bianchii Hood, 1940. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(3):423, PI. XXIV. 9, 6. Organothrips bianchii Hood; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1): 1 13, 120. Organothrips bianchii Hood; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 320, 329. 924 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Organothrips bianchii Hood ; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:411, fig. 221. [Organothrips] bianchii Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ): 23. 0.[rgano thrips] bianchii Hood; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(4): 384. Organothrips bianchii Hood; Bianchi, 1965. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1964)19(1):73. Organothrips bianchii Hood; Titschack, 1969. Bombus, 2(45): 177. Organothrips bianchii Hood; Titschack, 1969. Anz. Schadlingsk. Pflanzenschutz, 42(1): 1-6, fig. 1-3. Organothrips bianchii Hood; Titschack, 1971. Proc. XIII internat. Congr. Ent. 1968 Moscow, 1:568-569. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Hawaiian Islands; Palau Islands; Samoa; GERMANY: Miinchen-Planegg. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Kailua, Oahu. Habitat: Colocasia antiquorum ; Colocasia esculenta; Cryptocoryne sp. Genus Omothrips Ananthakrishnan = PLESIOTHRIPS Hood. Genus OXYRRHINOTHRIPS Priesner, 1933. Nov. gen. (Rhamphothripinae) Karny, 1922. Treubia, 3(1 ): 1 10. Thrips subgen. Oxyrrhinothrips Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):312. [Type: Oxyrrhinothrips scolopax Priesner]. Oxyrrhinothrips Priesner; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:25. [Thrips subgen.] Oxyrrhinothrips Priesner; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:169. Oxyrrhinothrips ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:63, 141. Oxyrrhinothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. [As subgenus of Thrips ]. Thrips subgen. Oxyrrhinothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1961. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 58(2):425. [Thrips] subgen. Oxyrrhinothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):86, 97, 114. Thrips subgen. Oxyrrhinothrips Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:13. [Thrips] subgen. Oxyrrhinothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:33, 132. Type-species: Oxyrrhinothrips scolopax Priesner, (Sebesie; Krakatau); designated and monobasic. Thrips (Oxyrrhinothrips) bambusae Patel & Patel = Baliothrips bambusae (Shumsher Singh). Oxyrrhinothrips beharensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. 9, 6. Oxyrrhinothrips beharensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1 ):29. 9. Oxyrrhinothrips rostrata Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1 ):30. 9. [Oxyrrhinothrips] beharensis; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:25. [Oxyrrhinothrips] rostrata; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:25. Thrips (Oxyrrhinothrips) beharensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1942. Indian Journ. Ent., 4(2): 112, 130. [Thrips (Oxyrrhinothrips)] beharensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:169. 925 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Thrips ( Oxyrrhinothrips ) beharemis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1953. Indian Journ. Ent., (1952)14(3): 199. 6. Thrips (0.[xyrrhino thrips]) beharensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):86, 114. [Thrips] (Oxyrrhinothrips) beharensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:63. [Thrips] (Oxyrrhinothrips) rostratus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:76. 0.[xyrrhino thrips] beharensis (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR Zook Monog., 1: 132. Location of type: Ramakrishna collection ; of rostratus: Ramakrishna collection. Distribution: INDIA: Pusa; Coimbatore; Madras. Type locality: INDIA: Pusa; for rostratus: INDIA: Coimbatore. Habitat: Mango; cotton; flowers of Portlandia grandiflora. Thrips (Oxyrrhinothrips) oryzae Williams = Baliothrips biformis (Bagnall). Oxyrrhinothrips rostratus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu = Oxyrrhinothrips beharensis Ramakrishna & Margabandhu. Oxyrrhinothrips schusterianus (Patel & Patel) = Baliothrips indicus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu). Oxyrrhinothrips scolopax Priesner, 1933. 9, 6. Oxyrrhinothrips scolopax Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4): 3 12, fig. 20. 9, 6. [Thrips] (Oxyrrhinothrips) scolopax (Priesner); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:76. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: Sebesie; Krakatau. Type locality: Sebesie; Krakatau, [not specified which]. Habitat: Macaranga tanarius flowers. Genus PALLEUCOTHRIPS Hood, 1956. Palleucothrips Hood, 1956. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 69:216. Type-species: Palleucothrips musae Hood, (Ecuador); designated and monobasic. Palleucothrips musae Hood, 1956. 9, 6. Palleucothrips musae Hood, 1956. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 69:216. 9, 6. Palleucothrips musae Hood; De Almeida, 1969. Bol. Inst. Invest, cient. Angola, 6(1):47. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: ECUADOR: Quevedo. Type locality: ECUADOR: Quevedo. Habitat: Injuring banana fruit. Genus PARABALIOTHRIPS Priesner, 1935. Parabaliothrips Priesner, 1935. Stylops, 4(6): 125. [Type: Parabalio thrips takahashii Priesner]. Parabalio thrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:52, 141. 926 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Parabaliothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Type-species: Parabaliothrips takahashii Priesner, (Formosa); designated from two species. Parabaliothrips grandiceps Priesner, 1935. 9. Parabaliothrips grandiceps Priesner, 1935. Stylops, 4(6): 126. 9. Parabaliothrips grandiceps Priesner; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):441. Parabaliothrips grandiceps Priesner; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):349, 350. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: FORMOSA: Reimei, Hassensan, Taichu Prefecture. Type locality: FORMOSA: Reimei. Habitat: Quercus sp. Parabaliothrips takahashii Priesner, 1935. 9, <5. Parabaliothrips takahashii Priesner, 1935. Stylops, 4(6): 125. 9, <5. Parabaliothrips takahashii Priesner; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4): 441. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: FORMOSA: Kanko near Shinten. Type locality: FORMOSA: Kankoo. Habitat: Liquidambar formosana. Genus PARASCOLOTHRIPS Mound, 1967. Parascolothrips Mound, 1967. Bull. ent. Res., 57(2):315. Type-species: Parascolothrips priesneri Mound, (Iraq); designated and monobasic. Parascolothrips priesneri Mound, 1967. 9. Parascolothrips priesneri Mound, 1967. Bull. ent. Res., 57(2): 3 17, figs. 1-6. 9. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: IRAQ: Baghdad; Baghdad, Abu Ghraib. Type locality: IRAQ: Baghdad. Habitat: Apple trees, predatory on Tetranychus atlanticus. Genus PARAFRANKLINIELLA Priesner, 1920. Parafrankliniella Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ( 1 )1 29( 1-2): 73. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:56. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):239. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):76, 158. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168: 12. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:270 Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 122, 220. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:262. [described]. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):6. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Parafrankliniella Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 38. Parafrankliniella Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:31, 60. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. 927 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Parafrankliniella Priesner; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:162. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:402. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 42, 44, 69, 70. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 18. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:49, 141. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 69, 130. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:190. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Wietmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):312. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny tSR, 2:22. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):480. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.): 189. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):397. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. MededeL, 51:27, 33. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1 ( 1 ): 97. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:36, 63. Parafrankliniella Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964/Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 124,204, Parafrankliniella Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:856, 862. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:204. Parafrankliniella; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 10. Parafrankliniella Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):91. Parafrankliniella Priesner; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 17, 33. Parafrankliniella Priesner; zur Strassen, 1971. Senckenbergiana biol., 52(3-5):25Q. Type-species: Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner, (Austria); monobasic, Parafrankliniella fasciatus Kurosawa = Ayyaria chaetophora Karny. Parafrankliniella fiorum Priesner, 1933. 9, 6. Parafrankliniella fiorum Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 196. 9, 6, larva. Parafrankliniella fiorum Priesner; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):33, 68, map. 7. Location of type: Hamburg Museum (lost through military action). Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS: Gran Canaria; Tenerife; Gomera; La Palma. Type locality: CANARY ISLANDS: Palma, Cumbre Nueva. Habitat: From a number of plants and trees. Parafrankliniella nigripes Girault = Frankliniella schultzei (Try bom). Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner, 1920. 9,6. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 29(l-2):73, % 1.9, 6. Parafrankliniella verbasci; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz., 78:56. Parafrankliniella verbasci; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):2, 3. Para frank, [liniella] verbasci Priesner; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 158, PI. XV. 9, 6. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:270. [. Parafrankliniella ] verbasci; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. 928 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Parafrankliniella verbasci; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:262. 9, 6, larva. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:652. P[arafrankliniella\ verbasci; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):6. 9. Parafrankliniella verbasci; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:472. larva. [. Parafrankliniella ] verbasci; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Parafrankliniella verbasci ] f. adusta Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. nom. nud Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; John, 1928. Ann. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique, 68: 139. P.[arafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 38, fig. 22. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; John, 1929. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1929(12):203. P[arafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:318. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):82. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:162, 183, 193, 210, fig. 17. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:125. [Parafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Knechtel, 1947. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 29:402. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR. 7:22. P. [arafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 70. 9, 6. [Parafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 118. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 130, figs. 103, 104. 9, 6. [as Frankliniella verbasci for fig. 103]. [Parafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 :190. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Titschack, 1954. Bombus, 1(80-81): 344. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Wietmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):312. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 1 2( 1 ): 272. P. [arafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:22. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):508, fig. 29. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 102. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2): 301. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):397. 9, d, larva. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:410. Parafrankliniella verbasci; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:22. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 112. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Sud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 1 5(3): 28 1-317. [As Frankliniella verbasci on p. 297]. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 : 33. [Parafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1):97. [. Parafrankliniella ] verbasci; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:64, 126, fig. 64. 9, d. Parafrankliniella verbaski [Sic!] Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 132, 204. 9, 6. [As verbasci on p. 132]. P .[arafrankliniella] verbasci Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:862, fig. 344(5). 929 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 P.[arafrankliniella] verbasci; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 10, fig. 25. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):559. P.[arafrankliniella ] verbasci Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):91. Parafrankliniella verbasci Priesner; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):478. Location of type: Priesner collection, Austria; of adusta: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Rumania; England; Hungary; Poland; Switzerland; France; Spain; Italy; Russia; Corsica; Holland; Germany; Goergian SSR; Czechoslovakia; Turkey; Ukraine. Type locality: AUSTRIA: ? Sarleinsbach, Oberosterreich [Linz is also mentioned]; for adusta: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Habitat: Verbascum thapsus; Verbascum nigrum; Verbascum phlomoides; Verbascum sp.; Verbascum lychnitis; Verbascum phoeniceum; Verbascum austriacum; Verbascum orientale; Verbascum thapsiforme; occasionally found on other plants. Genus Paraphysopus Girault = MICROCEPHALOTHRIPS Bagnall. Genus Parathrips Karny = THRIPS Linne. Genus Paulus Solowiow = THRIPS Linne. Genus PELADOTHRIPS Priesner, 1940. Peladothrips Priesner, 1940. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 24:54. [Type: Peladothrips biunculatus Priesner]. Peladothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:55, 142. Peladothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Peladothrips; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:38, 104. Peladothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:208. Peladothrips Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:13. Type-species: Peladothrips biunculatus Priesner, (Palestine); designated and monobasic. Peladothrips biunculatus Priesner, 1940. 9. Peladothrips biunculatus Priesner, 1940. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 24:55. 9. [. Peladothrips ] biunculatus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:104. 9. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria, Distribution: PALESTINE: Zichron Yakouv. Type locality: PALESTINE: Zichron Yakouv. Habitat: Flowers of: Silene atocion; Cyclamen sp.; Silene sp.; Senecio vernalis. Genus Pellothrips Ananthakrishnan = SORGHOTHRIPS Priesner. Genus PEZOTHRIPS Karny, 1907. Pezothrips Karny, 1907. Berliner Ent. Zeitschr., 52:45. [Type: Physopus frontalis Uzel]. Pezothrips Karny; Bagnall, 1911. Journ econ. Biol., 6(1):3. 930 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Pezothrips Karny; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. Pezothrips Karny; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(10):97. [Taeniothrips] subgen. Pezothrips; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4): 215, 241. [Taeniothrips] subgen. Pezothrips Karny; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168: 1 3. Pezothrips ; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):12. Taeniothrips Amyot & Serville; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:269 Partim. Pezothrips Karny; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33: 142. Pezothrips Karny; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 379. Type-species: Physopus frontalis Uzel, (Bohemia); designated and monobasic. [Bhatti’s interpretation is followed here without full synonymy as scope not yet certain]. Pezothrips aureus Girault = Taeniothrips aureus (Girault). Pezothrips dianthi (Priesner, 1921). 9, 6. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr Musealver. Linz, 78:54. Partim. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner, 1921. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 1 16, 1 17. 9. Taeniothrips dianthi; Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 3 1(4-5): 74. larvae. Taen[iothrips] dianthi; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):3. [Taeniothrips] dianthi; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Taeniothrips dianthi; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 272, 307. 9, larva. Physothrips dianthi (Priesner); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:650. Taeniothrips dianthi; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:470. larva. [Taeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. T.[aeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manual det. Ins. USSR, p. 42. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4): 234. Physothrips dianthi (Priesner); Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)11:655. <3. [Taeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:279, 280. Physothrips dianthi (Priesner); Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:493. P.[hysothrips] dianthi (Priesner); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3): 229. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:93. Taeniothrips dianthi; Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:210. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:149. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:127. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Cahizo, 1944. Eos, 20: 105 (footnote). Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Knechtel, 1945. Bull. sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:466. 9, 6. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:24. [Taeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. soc. Washington, 50(3): 53. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Pelikan, 1949. Ent. listy, 12:28. T.[aeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):407. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:5-38, 60, figs. 1-16. 9, 6. life history. [Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Oettingen, 1951 = Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt)]. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Knechtel, 1951 . Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 148. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. T.[aeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:28. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Jenser, 1955. Fol. Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)8(9): 132, 133. 931 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 [Taeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(1 9): 137. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kli<* Zvtfeny CSR, 2:24, fig. 55. Taeniothrips dianthus Priesner; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):498. [Taeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1226, 1228, 1230, figs. 9, 11,23,35,44. 9, d [Taeniothrips] dianthi; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:77, 80, 124. 9, d Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom Evrop. USSR, pp. 131, 209, 218. 9, d [as dianti on p. 218]. T.[aeniothrips] dianthi Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863, figs. 242(7), 344(6). Taeniothrips dianthi; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:305, 316. 9, d, larva. [Taeniothrips] dianthi; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):25, 26. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:120. T.[aeniothrips] dianthi; Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5, 29. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; zur Strassen, 1969. in Grzimeks Tierleben, 2:169. [Pezothrips] dianthi (Priesner); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):379. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2):243, 247, 257, fig. 10. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Yugoslavia; France; Spain; Serbia; Czechoslovakia; Italy; Germany; Rumania; Poland; Hungary; Egypt; Morocco; Georgian SSR; Ukraine; Wyoming, U.S.A.; Iowa, U.S.A.; North Dakota, U.S.A.; British Columbia, Canada; Central America; Santa Fe, Argentina. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Dianthus spp., especially Dianthus carthusianorum on which it is a pest. Pezothrips frontalis (Uzel, 1895). 9, d. Physopus frontalis Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 50, 128, PI. V, fig. 64. 9. P.[ezothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:45. Ph. [ysopus] frontalis Uzel; Trybom, 1910. in Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(16):2. Pezothrips frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. [Pezothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(10): 97 (footnote). Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. 9. Partim. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 117. Taeniothrips (s. lat.) frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1 (l-2):90. d. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1922. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)131(4-5):74. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 272, 282. 9, d. Phy so thrips frontalis (Uzel); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:649. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 10. [Taeniothrips] frontalis f. brachyptera (Uzel); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37: 181. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Taeniothrips frontalis] f. adusta Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. nom. nud. 932 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T.[aeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 42, 43. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:273, 278, 293, PI. XIX, fig. 8. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Hukkinen: in Hukkinen & Syijanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3( 1 ): 7, fig. 7. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Hukkinen & Syrjanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(4):209. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Hukkinen & Syijanen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 121. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:125. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:456. T.[aeniothrips\ frontalis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:30. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Knechtel, 1 95 1 . Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 135, figs. 107, 108. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 137. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:24. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Titschack, 1957. Bombus, l(97-98):407. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 117, 120, 123, 129. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk|odowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(9): 139, fig. 6. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):55. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:77, 79, 80, PI. II, fig. 2. 9,6. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 209,210,217. 9,6. [Taeniothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):25, 26. Taeniothrips frontalis (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. [Pezothrips] frontalis (Uzel); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):379. Teniothrips [Sic!] frontalis (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJ'odowska Lublin, (C)26(l 5): 182. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum. Distribution: Finland; Norway; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Serbia; Austria; Hungary; Rumania; Ukraine. Type locality: BOHEMIA: Hradec Kralove or Hradec. Habitat: Turf; Veronica chamaedrys; Vicia cracca; Galium; Tanacetum ; grass; Dianthus spp.; Dianthus carthusianorum. Genus Physapus Amyot & Serville (nec Sulzer) = ANAPHOTHRIPS Uzel. Genus Physothrips Karny = MY CTEROTHRIPS Trybom. Genus PLATYTHRIPS Uzel, 1895. Thrips (Thrips) section Brachyderi Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1107, 1115. 933 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Platythrips Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 29, 39, 44, 57, 214. Platythrips Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora *Fenn., 17(2): 37, 60. Platythrips Uzel; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, pp. 284, 293. Platythrips Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 11. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. Platythrips Uzel; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1): 59. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. Platythrips Uzel; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):214, 238. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(7):37. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 1. Platythrips Uzel; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:10. Platythrips Uzel; John, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)13: 1.44. Platythrips Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:155. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 151. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1:119, 123, 221. Platythrips Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:25, 51. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 7. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:455. [described]. Bolacothrips Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:462. Partim. Platythrips Uzel; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 177. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:66. Platythrips Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 26, 51. Platythrips Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:32, 61. Platythrips Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:29, 31, 93. Platythrips Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:322. Platythrips Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:172. Platythrips Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 35. Platythrips Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 42, 45, 69. Platythrips Uzel; Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6): 379. Platythrips Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 118. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 33:56, 57, 143. Platythrips Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 69, 193. Platythrips Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:192. Platythrips Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):318. Platythrips Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil KliiC Zvireny tSR, 2:28. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Platythrips Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:28, 33. Platythrips Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1): 97. Platythrips Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1 1 (3): 3 1 1 . Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:38, 107. Platythrips Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 126, 234. Platythrips Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:856, 868. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:209, 210. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 12. Platythrips Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):98. Platythrips Uzel; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5, 15, 28. Platythrips Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:12. Type-species: Thrips tunicata Haliday, (Europe); monobasic. Platythrips badius John = Baliothrips dispar (Haliday). 934 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Bolacothrips nigricornis Bagnall = Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday). Platythrips sibiricus (Trybom) = Baliothrips dispar (Haliday). Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday, 1852). 9, 6. Thrips tunicata Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4: 1 115. 9. [Thrips] tunicata Haliday; Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 47(4): 600. Platythrips tunicata (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 39, 57, 214, PI. Ill, fig. 21. 9. Thrips (Platythrips) tunicata Haliday; Trybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:220. Platythrips tunicata (Haliday); Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):61. [Platythrips tunicata] var. obscura Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1 7(2): 6 1 . [sex not stated]. P. [laty thrips] tunicata (Haliday); Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 293. 9. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):41. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 1 1 . Bolacothrips nigricornis Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):238, 239. 6. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4): 240. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):59. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus var. obscurus Reuter; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1): 59. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. 9. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(7):37. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):8. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); John, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)13:144. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1924. Scottish Nat., 1924:163. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:152, 155. [Platythrips tunicatus] var. obscurus Reuter; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:152, 155. [Platythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 151. [Platythrips tunicatus] f. obscura Reuter; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 151. [Bolacothrips] nigricornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 151. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:51. 9. [Platythrips tunicatus] var. obscurus Reuter; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:51. 9. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1927. Ent. mon. Mag., 63: 104, figs. 1, 2. 9, 6, pupa. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):7. 9. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:455, 469. 9, larvae, prepupa, pupa. [Platythrips tunicatus] f. obscura Reuter; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:456. 9. Bolacothrips nigricornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:462, 464. 6. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 177. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Pnesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:721. d, pupa. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 130. [Platythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:66. [Platythrips tunicatus] f. obscura Reuter; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:66. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus tunicatus (Haliday); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 51. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus obscurus Reuter; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 51. B. [olacothrips] nigricornis Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 52. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1932. Ent. mon. Mag., 68:36, 38. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:93. 9, d. 935 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 P.[latythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:322. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 125, 132. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Syijanen, 1938. in Hukkinen & Syijanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 4(3): 183. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Hukkinen & Syijanen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 121. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:172, 184, 194, 211. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 39. [. Platythrips ] tunicatus (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 35. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1945. Ent. listy, 8:118. P.[latythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 69. 9, d. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sect. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6): 379. [Platythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 118. Thrips discolor Haliday; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2):164, 174, 183. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 193. 9. [Platythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:192. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):318. P. [laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:28. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:692. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJk>dowska Lublin, (1957)(C)1 2(8): 117, 120, 123, 130. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1957) (C)12(9):139, fig. 7. Platythrips tunicatus f. aptera (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Syodowska Lublin, (1958)(C)13(7):129. Platythrips tunicatus f. aptera (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):239, 242. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:417. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):56, 58, 61, 64. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 112. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. [Platythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)11(3):31 1. [Platythrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:93, 107, 122,textfig. 102. [Platythrips tunicatus] f. obscura Reuter; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:107. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1):64. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 130, 234, fig. 46. 9, 6. B\olacothrips] nigricornis Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p.238. P.[laty thrips] tunicatus (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:868. P.[laty thrips] tunicatus var. obscurus Reuter; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:868. Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 147, 154. 936 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. P.[latythrips] tunicatus (Haiiday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 12. Platythrips tunicatus (Haiiday); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):561 . P.[latythrips] tunicatus (Haiiday); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2): 98. Platythrips tunicatus (Haiiday); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):56. Platythrips tunicatus (Haiiday); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:49. P[latythrips] tunicatus (Haiiday); Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,28. Platythrips tunicatus (Haiiday); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, ( 1 967) (C)22(8): 1 13. Location of type: ? British Museum (Natural History); of obscura: ? Helsinki Museum, Finland; of nigricornis: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: England; Scotland; Germany; Czechoslovakia; Finland; Sweden; Austria; Hungary; Denmark; Latvia; France; Switzerland; Rumania; Poland; Holland; Estonia; Ukraine. Type locality: not specified; for obscura: SWEDEN: not specified; for nigricornis: ENGLAND: Weston-on-the-Green, Oxon. Habitat: Galium mollugo; Galium palustre; Galium saxatile; Galium datum; Galium verum; Galium silvaticum; also Stellaria uliginosa; Mercurialis perennis; Vaccinium; Ulex; heather; sedge-stack; grass. Genus PLESIOPSOTHRIPS Hood, 1956. Plesiopsothrips Hood, 1956. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)25(3-4):64. Plesiopsothrips Hood; Wilson, 1972. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 65(1):50. Type-species: Plesiopsothrips trinidadensis Hood, (Trinidad); designated and monobasic. Plesiopsothrips barrai Bournier, 1970. 9, 6. Plesiopsothrips barrai Bournier, 1970. Rev. Biol. Gabonica, 6(2): 151, fig. 1. 9, 6. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: GABON: Makokou. Type locality: GABON: Makokou, (lie au Singes, dans la riviere Ivindo, 10 km en aval de Makokou). Habitat: Mosses and epiphytes. Plesiopsothrips trinidadensis Hood, 1956. 9. Plesiopsothrips trinidadensis Hood, 1956. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)25(3-4):64, figs. 1,2. 9. P. [lesiopsothrips] trinidadensis Hood; Wilson, 1972. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 65(1): 54. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: TRINIDAD: El Tucuche. Type locality: TRINIDAD: El Tucuche. Habitat: Dead branch. Genus PLESiOTHRIPS Hood, 1915. Sericothrips Haiiday; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:215, 216. Thrips Linne; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:133, 178. Partim. Thrips Linne; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:11, 14, 22. Partim. 937 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Plesiothrips Hood, 1915. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 17(3): 129. [Type: Sericothrips ? perplexa Beach]. Thrips Linne; Britton, 1920. Bull. Connecticut State Geol. nat. Hist. Surv., 31:44. Partim. Plesiothrips Hood; Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4):241. Plesiothrips Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:13, 42. Fulmekiola equals Plesiothrips Hood; Girault, 1929. New Pests from Australia VI, p.[ 1 ]. Plesiothrips Hood; Moulton, 1932. Rev. Ent. Sao Paulo, 2(4):456. Plesiothrips Hood; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2): 227. Plesiothrips Hood; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 19. Plesiothrips Hood; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):230. Plesiothrips Hood; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:408, 419. Plesiothrips Hood; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 42, 44, 45. Plesiothrips Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ):23. Plesiothrips Hood; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:55, 143. Plesiothrips Hood; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 148, 149, 150, 189. Plesiothrips Hood; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Plesiothrips Hood; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. )7: 170. Plesiothrips Hood; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:34, 52. Ornothrips Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Bull. Ent. Madras, 6: 17. [Type: Thrips panicus Moulton]. Plesiothrips Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 203. Plesiothrips Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):274, 333. Plesiothrips Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:13. Plesiothrips Hood; Wilson, 1972. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 65(1): 50. Type-species: Sericothrips ? perplexa Beach, (Iowa, U.S.A.); designated and monobasic; of Ornothrips: Thrips panicus Moulton, (Hawaii); designated from two species. Plesiothrips aczeli De Santis, 1959. 9. Plesiothrips aczeli De Santis, 1959. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 17:90, PI. I, fig. 3. 9. Location of type: Museo de La Plata. Distribution: ARGENTINA: La Plata (Prov. de Buenos Aires). Type locality: ARGENTINA: La Plata (Prov. de Buenos Aires). Habitat: Simply stated as vegetation. Plesiothrips ambly cauda Hood, 1925. 9. Plesiothrips ambly cauda Hood, 1925. Psyche, 32(1):53. 9. Plesiothrips amblycauda Hood; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):228. Plesiothrips ambly cauda; Hood, 1936. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 6(2):257, fig. 2f. 9. Plesiothrips amblycauda Hood; Moulton, 1941. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 12(1-2):318. [Plesiothrips] amblycauda Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Trinidad; Panama; Brazil. Type locality: Trinidad, B.W.I. Habitat: Leaf of arum lily; banana leaves; rice foliage. Plesiothrips andropogoni Watts, 1934. 9. Plesiothrips andropogoni Watts, 1934. Florida Ent., 18(2):24, figs. 1-3. 9. Plesiothrips andropogonis [Sic!] var. watsoni Watts, 1934. Florida Ent., 18(2): 26. 9. Plesiothrips andropogoni Watts; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):49. Plesiothrips andropogonis [Sic!] var. Watsoni Watts; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):49. 938 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Plesiothrips andropogoni Watts; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):333, 334, fig. 121. 9. Plesiothrips andropogoni Watts; Wilson, 1972. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 65(1 ): 54. Location of type: Watts collection; of watsoni: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: U.S.A.: South Carolina; Florida; Illinois. Type locality: U.S.A.: South Carolina (not specified); fox watsoni: U.S.A.: Gainesville, Florida. Habitat: Andropogon sp.; Andropogon virginicus. Plesiothrips ayarsi Stannard, 1957. 9, 6. Plesiothrips ayarsi Stannard, 1957. Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci., (1956)49: 173, fig. 2. 9, 6. Plesiothrips ayarsi; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):333, 334, fig. 122. 9, <3. Location of type: Illinois Natural History Survey. Distribution: U.S.A.: Illinois (various localities). Type locality: U.S.A.: Fountain Bluff, Gorham, Jackson County, Illinois. Habitat: Prairie grass, hill and sand prairies. Plesiothrips brunneus Hood, 1936. 9, 6. Plesiothrips brunneus Hood, 1936. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 6(2):252, fig. 2a-b. 9, 6. Plesiothrips fawcetti Morison, 1937. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)19:469, 1 fig. 9. Plesiothrips fawcetti Morison; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9:150. [Plesiothrips] brunneus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Plesiothrips fawcetti Morison; Hayward, 1960. Rev. Industr. y Agr. Tucuman, 42(1 ): 8 1 . Plesiothrips fawcetti Morison; De Santis, 1967. Rev. Facult. Agron. La Plata, (3)43(2): 253. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of fawcetti: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Panama; Tobago; Grenada; Tucuman, Argentina. Type locality: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone; for fawcetti: ARGENTINA: Agr. Exp. Station, Tucuman. Habitat: Axonopus compressus; sheaths of rice. [the above synonymy is indicated in ink on separata received from Morison]. Plesiothrips fawcetti Morison = Plesiothrips brunneus Hood. Plesiothrips frequens (Moulton, 1938). 9. Thrips frequens Moulton, 1938. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 9(3-4): 377. 9. [Thrips] frequens Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Plesiothrips frequens (Moulton); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:13. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: BRAZIL: Vigosa, Minas Geraes. Type locality: BRAZIL: Vigosa, Minas Geraes. Habitat: Unknown. Ornothrips fuscus Ananthakrishnan = Sorghothrips fuscus (Ananthakrishnan). Plesiothrips longicollis Hood, 1954. 9. Plesiothrips longicollis Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67: 18. 9. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. 939 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS; (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 3 Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat: Grasses. Plesiothrips maculosus Hood, 1954. 9. Plesiothrips maculosus Hood, 1954. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 67:212. 9. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Type locality: BRAZIL: Nova Teutonia, S.C. Habitat: Unknown. Plesiothrips o Girault, 1929. 9. Plesiothrips o Girault, 1929. New Pests from Australia VI, p. [1]. [Plesiothrips] o Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7:17Q. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Salisbury. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Salisbury. Habitat: Forest grass. Plesiothrips octarthrus Hood, 1925. 9. Plesiothrips octarthrus Hood, 1925. Psyche, 32(1):52. 9. Plesiothrips octarthrus Hood; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(2):228. Plesiothrips octarthrus; Hood, 1936. Rev.Jmt. Rio de Janeiro, 6(2):256, fig. 2c-e. 9. Plesiothrips octarthrus Hood; Moulton, 1941. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 1 2(1-2): 3 1 8. [Plesiothrips] octarthrus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: TRINIDAD; PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone; BRAZIL: Minas Geraes. Type locality: Trinidad. Habitat: Rice. Plesiothrips pallidipennis Hood, 1957. 9, 6. Plesiothrips pallidipennis Hood, 1957. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 70:54. 9, 6 . Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: Chiricahua Mts., Arizona; Peloncillo Mts., New Mexico. Type locality: U.S.A.: Chiricahua Mts., Arizona. Habitat: Grasses; Lepidium thurberi. Plesiothrips panicus (Moulton) = Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach). Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach, 1896). 9, 6. Sericothrips ? perplexa Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:216. 6 [rect. 9]. 'Ihrips perplexus (Beach); Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:179, 184, PI. VI, figs. 66-68. 9. Thrips perplexus (Beach); Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14, 23. Ihrips perplexus (Beach); Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):14. Thrips perplexus (Beach); Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Hood, 1915. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 17(3): 129, PI. XV. 9, 6. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6): 60. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):66. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Britton, 1920. Bull. Connecticut State geol. nat. Hist. Surv., 31:44. 940 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:42, Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Karny, 1925. Bull. ent. Res., 16(2): 130. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):21. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Girault, 1927. Some new wild Animals from Queensland, p. [1]. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Girault, 1927. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 14(10-12): 189. Thrips panicus Moulton, 1929. Florida Ent., 13(4): 61. 9. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Watson, 1933. Florida Ent., 16(4): 62. Plesiothrips] perplexus (Beach); Kelly &Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 19. Thrips panicus; Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2): 184. Thrips panicus Moulton; Sakimura, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2):351. Plesiothrips panicus (Moulton); Hood, 1936. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 6(2):258. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3): 230. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1-2): 92. Thrips panicus Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):419. Thrips panicus Moulton; Sakimura, 1938. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(1): 167-173. Thrips perplexus (Beach); Bailey, 1939. Pan-Pacific Ent., 15(2):93. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Plesiothrips panicus (Moulton); Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 2(1): 121. Plesiothrips panicus (Moulton); Sakinura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 2( 1 ): 1 29, 130. Plesiothrips panicus (Moulton); Bianchi, 1947. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 3(1 ):42. Sericothrips ? perplexa Beach; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):37. Plesiothrips panicus (Moulton); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:419. Thrips panicus Moulton; Bianchi, 1949. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 13(3): 347, [Thrips] panicus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Thr.[ips] panicus Moulton; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4( 1 ) : 4 1 5 . Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 177. Plesiothrips panicus (Moulton); Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 5(1 ):99. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 189, PI. 19, fig. 16; PL 20, fig. 25; PI. 21, fig. 36. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Hood, 1957. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 70:54(footnote). [synonymy]. [Plesiothrips] perplexus (Beach); De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7:17Q. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:52. 9. Thrips panicus Moulton; Ananthakrishnan, 1965. Bull. Ent. Madras, 6:17. [made type of Ornothrips]. P. [lesiothrips] perplexus (Beach); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 203. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Moye, Stannard & Luckman, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3): 733. Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 333, 334, 335, figs. 41,70, 123. 9, sopus] atrata ( Haliday); Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 289. 9, 6. Ph.[ysopus] atrata (Haliday); Schille, 1904. Spraw. Korn, fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:10. Ph. [ysopus] atrata var. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 1 1 . Physopus atratus (Haliday); Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31 (26): 913, 914. Euthrips atrata (Haliday); Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:45. [Euthrips] atrata (Haliday); Karny, 1 908. Wiener ent. Zeitung., 27(9-1 0): 280. Euthrips atrata (Haliday); Karny, 1909. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 7( 1 0): 272, 273. Physopus atrata (Haliday); Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:3. Ph. [ysopus] atrata (Haliday); Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(1 6): 3. E. [ uthrips ] atratus (Haliday); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6( 1 ): 1 0. Physopus atrata (Haliday); Grevillius, 1910. Marcellia, 9: 1 63. Physopus atratus (Haliday); Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(21 -24): 557, 558. Physopus atrata (Haliday); Knechtel, 1911. Biblio. Rev. Viata Agr., 1 91 1 : 1 0, 5 figs. Physopus atrata (Haliday); Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233 (sep. p. 12). [Physopus atrata] var .adusta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233 (sep. p. T2). Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:337. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63( 1 -2): 6. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Bagnall. 1914. Rept. British Ass. Adv. Sci., 1913:531. Ceratothrips britteni Bagnall, 1914. Journ. econ. Biol., 9(1): 2, fig. 9. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 191. [Physothrips atratus] var .adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 191. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 1 0- 1 2): 364. Physopus atratus (Haliday); Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-1 2): 1 36. 989 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Phvsopus atratus var. adustus Uzel; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. [Physothrips] atrata (Haliday); Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., 1(3-4): 241. Ph.[ysothrips] atrata (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):42. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:52. Physothrips atratus var. adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:52. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4( 10): 97. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 1 22. Physothrips atratus var. adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 122. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29: 172. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55, 62. Taeuiothrips atratus ab. adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. Ccratothrips britteni Bagnall; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:62. [same as monst. T. atratus]. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); John, 1921. Laun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1): 8. Physothrips atratus ab. adustus (Uzel); John, 1921. Laun. Petropol. Catal., 2( 1):9. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. Physothrips atratus var. adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1921 . Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6): 28. Physothrips atratus var. Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. Taeniothrips atrata (Haliday); van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verb. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 101, 116. 9, d. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):9. Physothrips annulatus (Karny); Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:57. Taeniothr.[ips] atratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 121, 132, PI. XI; textfigs. 21-23. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips atratus] ab. adustus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 139. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 31 (1 -2): 4 1 . Physothrips (Euthrips) atrata (Haliday); Morison, 1924. Scottish Nat., 1924: 164. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25: 158. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:165. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 1 4(1): 20. [ Taeniothrips ] atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46: 155. T .[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4( 1 ): 261 . Ceratothrips britteni Bagnall; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :82(footnote). [probably an abnormal T. atratus]. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 275, 303. 9, <3, larvae. [Described]. Taeniothrips atratus f. adusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:304. 9, 6. Taeniothrips atratus f. longicornis Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:305, PI. IV, fig. 66. [sex not stated]. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:41 , 42. 9, 6. 990 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Muller, 1927. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 130( l-2):253, textfig. 24. [biology, anatomy, histology]. [ Taeniothrips ] atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 10, fig. 9. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:472. larva. [ Taeniothrips ] atratus (Haliday); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2: 16. [ Taeniothrips ] atratus f. adusta (Uzel); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2: 16. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskraft, 1927:111, XI. T.[aeniothrips\ atratus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 174. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 175. Physothrips montanus Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:98. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3): 844. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37: 181 . [ Taeniothrips ] atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) atratus (Haliday); John, 1928. Ezhedgod. Gos. Muz. Martyanova Minussinsk, 6:62. T.[aeniothrips] atratus atratus (Haliday); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 40. T '.[aeniothrips] atratus adustus (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 40. Physothrips atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65: 120. prepupa, pupa. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7): 371. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); John, 1930. Rev. Russe Ent., 24(1-2): 1 12. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Scalon, 1931 . Konowia, 10(1): 92. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:74, 78, 153, fig. 25. 9, 6. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:70, 72, fig. 3B. 9, 6. [described]. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna 37:73. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:290. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 1 85-202, PI. XIX, fig. 1. [anatomy]. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6: 144. Thaeniothrips [57c/] atratus (Haliday); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:32. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:39. P. [hysothrips] atratus (Haliday); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1): 25, 31. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1):25, 31 Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:69, 94, figs. I-XV, XXII (1), XXIII, XXIV. 9, d, larvae I, II. [described]. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 1 9(1 -2): 82. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15: 107, PI. I, fig. 6. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Syrjanen, 1937. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(1):5. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2): 7. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 111. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):70. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., (1938)22:120. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Syrjanen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 128. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1941. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 8(1):50, 51. 991 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:165, 183, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 211, fig. 21. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Melis, 1941 . Redia, 27:25. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 9 1 ( 1 1 ) : 5 60, 561,583,584, 613, fig. 30. larva. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:126. [ Taeniothrips atratus ] f. adusta (Uzel); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 127. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4): 242. T.[aeniothrips ] atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3): 97. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3): 256. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. Taeniothrips tffrafr^Haliday); Oettingen, 1944. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 1 1( 1):7. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Roumaine, 27:463. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:464,466. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Watson, 1946. Florida Ent., 28(3):53. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10: 1 1 . Taeniothrips atratus atratus (Haliday); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:23. Taeniothrips atratus adustus (Uzel); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:23. Taeniothrips annu/atus (Karny); Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 30(6):377. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 58, 60. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Blunck& Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):407. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1951 . Ent. listy, 14:29. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Speyer, 1951. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)20(5-6):56, 58, figs. 2,3b, 5,6b. 9, 6. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1): 46. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent.. 1(2): 157, 170. 171, 183. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Smith, 1951. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 4(2):45. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 133, 144, fig. 111. 9. 6. Taeniothrips atratus f. adusta (Uzel); Knechtel. 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8( 1 ) : 1 46 . Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1951 . Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Karje Opava, 1 1 :346. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. listy, 1:191. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6): 588, 597. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:27. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 142. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Smith, 1956. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 5(3): 109. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5( 1-2) : 76. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31 : 267. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Titschack, 1956. Bombus, 1(92-94): 386, fig. 3b. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5): 298, 312, PI. 41, fig. 2a. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Smith, 1956. Ent. mon. Mag., 92:350. 992 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: TH YSANOPT ERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 12(1): 272. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:22. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:23. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):496, fig. 19. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2):102. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2): 299. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent., 1956, 2:691, 692, 693. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skj'odowska Lublin, ( 1 957)(C)1 2(8): 1 17, 118, 120, 123, 127, 130. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:276. Taeniothrips atratus adustus (Uzel); Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:276. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, ( 1 958)(C)1 1(7): 1 85, 191, 193, 198-200, 202, 204-207, 209, 214, 215, 218, 220, 221. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skl'odowska Lublin, ( 1 958)(C)1 3(7): 1 29. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Bournier, 1960. Vie et Milieu. 11(1): 88. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238, 243. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska & Lit win, 1960. Polskie Pismo Ent., ( B ) 1 0( 1-2): 64, 65. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append.): 401 ,452. figs. CLXXXI V-CVIIC. 9, d, larvae I, II. Taen.[iothrips\ atratus (Haliday); Lewis, 1961 . Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91 . Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:410. [Taeniothrips atratus ] v. longicornis Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost- Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:410. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1961 . Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:22. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1(5-6): 579, 583, 584, 585, 586,588,591. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjodowska Lublin, ( 1 959)(C)1 4(3): 56, 58, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Holtmann, 1962. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 51(1): 7, 10. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 14. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(1 7):9. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 12. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):372. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1 055, Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):281-317. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2): 26. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk^odowska Lublin, (1963)(C)18(6): 137. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Pelikan, 1^64. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 257. 993 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. ldent. British Ins., 11(1): 96. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1226, 1228, 1237, figs. 1,5, 16, 19,31,36. 9,6. [ Taeniothrips ] atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:75, 80, 126, PI. I; textfig. 74. 9, 6. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1): 63. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 132, 208,212. 9,6. [Taeniothrips atratus f.adusta (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p.212. [Taeniothrips atratus] subsp. longicornis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 212. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4): 157. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtei & Vasiliu, 1964. Rev. Roumaine Biol. Ser. Zook, 9(5):355-363. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Knechtei & Vasiliu, 1964. Studii cercet. Biol., (Zool.)l 6( 5): 445 , 446, 447, 449, 450. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. T.[aeniothrips] atratus f. longicornis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:847, fig. 341(5). T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbh, 54(3):42. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1965. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal, 1 9( 80) : 5 1 . Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 155. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica,. 19:74, 168, 196. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 204. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29, 31 , 33, 37, 40, 41,42. Taeniothrips annulatus (Karny); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2):55. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz.. 1 7(2): 5 5, 56, 60. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjodowska Lublin, (1965)(C)20(3):28. [Taeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt. Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4( 9): 23 , 26. T.[aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):69. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Titschack, 1967. Verb. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 37:32. T. [aeniothrips] atratus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48( 2): 92. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Bournier, 1967. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)3( 1 ): 1 77. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31 . Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjbdowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):56. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Munchen, 11:192-223, 225-234, figs. 1A, 2A, 6A, 7A, 13, 20, 21. 9, 6. [described, synonymy]. 994 J ACOT — GU ILLA RMOD : THYSANOPTLRA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. adusta (Uzel); Titschack, 1968. Veroff, zool. Staatssamml. Munchen, 11:234. Taeniothrips atratus f. longicornis Priesner; Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Munchen, 1 1 : 234. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54,55. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Skfadowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8): 1 13. T.[aeniothrips ] atratus (Haliday); Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenif, 13(12):42. [Thrips] atratus Haliday; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)21(2): 133. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1 (2): 69, 85. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim. nocent.)8(33): 1, 4, 5. T.[aeniothrips\ atratus (Haliday); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CS1R zool. Monog., 1:13. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol . , 51(5-6):372. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Morison, 1971 . Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106:62. Taeniothrips atratus (Haliday); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (C)26( 1 5): 181 . [Taeniothrips ( Similothrips )\ atratus (Haliday); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25( 1 4): 274, fig. 1. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of adusta: ? Vienna Museum; of longicornis: apparently lost; of britteni: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Finland; Sweden; Denmark; Scotland; Ireland; England; Germany; Poland; Russia; Siberia; Estonia; Lithuania; Serbia; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Hungary; Holland; France; Switzerland; Rumania; Yugoslavia; Italy; Spain; Azores; Cyprus; Corfu; Albania; Turkey; Ukraine; Georgian SSR; CANADA: Ontario; British Columbia; U.S.A.: Maine; New York; New Jersey; Washington. Type locality: Britain; for adusta: not specified; for longicornis: not specified, either in Italy or Austria; for britteni: ENGLAND: Great Salkeld, Cumber- land. Habitat: Numerous species of flowers especially those of Caryophyllaceae, Labiatae and Compositae. Taeniothrips atratus montanus (Priesner) = Mycterothrips montanus (Priesner). Euthrips atrata pallidicornis Karny = Ceratothrips frici (Uzel). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) aureolus (Girault, 1928). comb. nov. Physothrips aureolus Girault, 1928. Some Insecta and a new all Highness, p.[3]. [sex not stated]. P. [hysothrips] aureolus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 27. [Physothrips] aureolus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Box Hill, Victoria. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Box Hill, Vic. Habitat: Shasta Daisy. 995 ANN. CAPi; PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PI . 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) aureus (Girault, 1929). comb. nov. Pezothrips aureus Girault, 1929. Description of a case of lunacy in Homo and of new six- legged Articulates, p .[ 2 ] . (sex not stated]. Pezothrips aureus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Mt. Cootha, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Mt. Cootha. Habitat: Forest grasses. Taeniothrips aureus Moulton = Mycterothrips aureus (Moulton). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) bactrianus Pelikan, 1968. 9, 6. Taeniothrips bactrianus Pelikan, 1968. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 65(3): 2 19, figs. 3,4,6. 9, 6. Location of type: Pelikan collection. Distribution: USSR, TADZHIKISTAN: Hissar-Mts., Varzob valley. Type locality: USSR, TADZHIKISTAN (CENTRAL ASIA): Hissar-Mts., Varzob valley. Habitat: Low herbage. Taeniothrips balsaminae Priesner = Craspedothrips minor (Bagnall). Physopus basieornis Reuter = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) firmus (Uzel). Taeniothrips betulae J.C. Crawford = Mycterothrips betulae ( J.C. Crawford). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) bilongilineatus (Girault, 1925). Euthrips bilongilineatus Girault, 1925. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 13(1-3): 34. [sex not stated]. Euthrips bilongilineatus; Girault, 1926. New pests from Australia III, p.[l]. [is Taeniothrips], Phvsothrips bilongilineatus (Girault), 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:394. [Physothrips bilongilineatus (Girault)]; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:328. E.[uthrips] bilongilineatus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 24. T.[aeniothrips] bilongilineatus (Girault); Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 20. Physiothrips [S7c7] bilongilineatus (Girault); De Almeida. 1969. Bol. Inst. Invest. Cient. Angola, 6(1):48. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Gympie, Queensland; Innisfail, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Gympie, Queensland. Habitat: Pseudostem of banana. Physothrips blacki Watson = Ceratothrips frici (Uzel). Taeniothrips brevieollis (Bagnall) = Ceratothrips ericae (Haliday). Taeniothrips brevieornis (Haliday) = Baliothrips dispar (Haliday). Taeniothrips brevieornis Bagnall = Ceratothrips frici (Uzel). 996 JACGT — GUILLARMOD: I H YSANOFT KR A CAT A LOG U L. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) brevis Bournier, 1969. 9, 6. Taeniothrips brevis Bournier, 1969. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)5(2):338, 342, figs. 2c, d, 3c, d, 5c, 7. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] brevis Bournier; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. 1 lungarica, (N.S.)25( 1 4): 274. Location of type: ? Bournier collection. Distribution: FRANCE: Mouzere (Flerault). Type locality: FRANCE: Mouzere (Flerault). Habitat : Ononis viscosa. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) brevistylus Priesner, 1938. 9. [Taeniothrips] brevistylus Priesner, 1 935. Stylops, 4(6): 1 29. nom. nud. Taeniothrips brevistylus Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):496, 523, 525. 9. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas. Type locality: JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas. Habitat: Flowers of Corymbis veratrifolia. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) brodskii Yakhontov, 1937. 9. Taeniothrips brodskii Yakhontov, 1937. Acta Univ. Asiae med., 8a(Zool.49):4, figs. 9. [Taeniothrips] brodskii Yakhontov; Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 138. T. [aeniothrips] brodskii Yakhontov; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 210. Taeniothrips brodskii; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:847, fig. 341(4). Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: CENTRAL ASIA. Type locality: CENTRAL ASIA. Habitat: Soil. Taeniothrips brwmeicornis (Bagnall) = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Physothrips ealcaratus Bagnall = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) inconsequens (Uzel). Taeniothrips cameroni Priesner = Ceratothripoides cameroni (Priesner). Taeniothrips canavaliae Moulton = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) vitticornis Karny. Taeniothrips cardamomi Ramakrishna = Sciothrips cardamomi (Ramakrishna). Taeniothrips carteri Moulton = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) alliorum (Priesner). Taeniothrips centrispinosus Priesner = Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) cereus Pelikan, 1964. 9. Taeniothrips cereus Pelikan, 1964. Cas. Cs. Spot, ent., 61 (3): 234, figs. 7, 13. 9. Location of type: Pelikan collection. Distribution: USSR, CENTRAL ASIA: near Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Type locality: USSR, CENTRAL ASIA: about 40 km SE from Samarkand (Uzbek Republic) in the vicinity of Aman-Kutan village, Zeravshan Mts., about 1300 m. Habitat: Stony slope with poor vegetation. 997 ANN, CAFE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) chaetogastra Ramakrishna, 1934. 9. Taeniothrips chaetogastra Ramakrishna, 1934. Rec. Indian Mus., 36(4): 494, PI. IX, fig. 2a-b. 9. [Taeniothrips] chaetogastra Ramakrishna; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 514, 525. [Taeniothrips] chaetogastra Ramakrishna; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25: 16. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] chaetogastra Ramakrishna; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7: 1 66. Taeniothrips chaetogastra Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 84, 110. T. [aeniothrips] chaetogastra Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:130. Location of type: ? Ramakrishna collection. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore. Type locality: INDIA: Coimbatore. Habitat: Flowers of Persian Nim. Taeniothrips chaetoneurus (Karny) = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) cibiniensis Knechtel, 1965. 9, 6. Taeniothrips cibiniensis Knechtel, 1965. Rev. Roumaine Biol., (Zool.)10(3): 133. 9, 6. Location of type: Knechtel collection. Distribution: RUMANIA: Tili^ca (Rayon Sibiu, Region Brasov). Type locality: RUMANIA: Tili^ca (Rayon Sibiu, Region Brasov). Habitat: Flowers. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) citricorpus (Girault, 1927) comb. nov. Physothrips citricorpus Girault, 1927. A Discourse on wild Animals, p.[ 1 ]. [sex not stated]. P. [hysothrips] citricorpus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, P- 27. [Physothrips] citricorpus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool. )7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Redlynch, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Redlynch. Habitat: Banana. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) citrilacteus (Girault, 1928) comb. nov. Physothrips citrilacteus Girault, 1928. A prodigeous Discourse on wild animals, p.[ 1 ] . [sex not stated]. P.[hysothrips] citrilacteus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, P- 25. [Physothrips] citrilacteus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Innisfail, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Innisfail. Habitat: Flowers of conjevoy. Taeniothrips claratris Shumsher Singh = Ceratothripoides claratris (Shumsher Singh). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) clarus Moulton, 1928. 9. Taeniothrips clarus Moulton, 1928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98): 287. 9. Taeniothrips clarus; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1(4):325. 998 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips clarus Moulton; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:22. [Taeniothrips] clarus Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:281 . T.[aeniothrips] clarus Moulton; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Shinensium, 1:342. Taeniothrips clarus Moulton; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:72. Taeniothrips clarus Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4) :433. Taeniothrips clarus Moulton; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 15 (footnote), 517, 525. [Taeniothrips] clarus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: FORMOSA: Taihoku; CHINA: Foochow. Type locality: FORMOSA: Taihoku. Habitat: Raphanus sp.; Raphanus acanthi formis; Gardenia angusta; wild raspberry. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) clavicomis (Bagnall, 1924). 9. Physothrips clavicomis Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60: 133. 9. Taeniothrips clavicomis (Bagnall) (?); Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1 : 130. 9. [described]. Taeniothrips clavicomis (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bui. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:160. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber, IB 422. Habitat: Fossil. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) cognaticeps Priesner, 1935. 9. Taeniothrips cognaticeps Priesner, 1935. Stylops, 4(6): 127. 9. Taeniothrips cognaticeps Priesner; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4): 434. Taeniothrips cognaticeps Priesner; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):349. [Taeniothrips] cognaticeps; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 521, 525. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Lormosa; Loochoo. Type locality: LORMOSA: Shinten. Habitat: Torenia concolor; Languas sp.; Melastoma sp. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) concaviceps Priesner, 1938. 9. Taeniothrips concaviceps Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):481, 515,519, 525. 9. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Lrankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: G. Pangrango. Type locality: JAVA: G. Pangrango. Habitat: Rolled leaves of Pleopeltis superficialis. Taeniothrips connaticornis (Bagnall) = Mycterothrips connaticornis (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) consobrinus Priesner, 1929. Taeniothrips consobrinus Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:130, 131. [sex not stated]. Location of type: Not know to writer. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. 999 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Physothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti) = Mycterothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti). Taeniothrips corymbicola Priesner, 1938. [Taeniothrips] corymbicola Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 523 (footnote). This name appears to be a misstatement for T. brevistylus as the footnote refers to that species which occurs on Corymbis. Taeniothrips costalis (Jones) = Mycterothrips aibus (Moulton). Taeniothrips crassiconus Moulton = Craspedothrips hargreavesi (Karny). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) crispator (Karny, 1914). 9. Physothrips crispator Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 369. Physothrips crispator Karny, 1915. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 1(1 -2): 35, fig. 15B. 9. [description]. Physothrips crispator Karny; Karny & Docters v. Leeuwen-Reijnvaan, 1916. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 12:197, 199. [ Taeniothrips ] crispator (Karny); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:274. [: Taeniothrips ] crispator (Karny); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4) : 5 1 6, 525. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Getasa bei Salatiga. Type locality: JAVA: Getasa bei Salatiga. Habitat: Leaf galls on Cyrtandra repens. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) croceicoliis (Costa, 1883). 9, <5. Thrips croceicoliis Costa, 1883. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Matem. Napoli, (2)1 :71 . Thrips croceicoliis Costa; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 279. Thrips croceicoliis Costa (?); Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 100. Thrips croceicoliis Costa; Buffa, 1907. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sc. Nat., 23:20, 30. Thrips croceicoliis Costa; Krausse, 1914. Arch. Nat., 79( 1 2): 144. Pezothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:51. [described]. Pezothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(10):97. [ Taeniothrips ] croceicoliis (Costa); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271 , 284. 9. [described]. T.[aeniothrips] croceicoliis (Costa); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 43. [' Taeniothrips ] croceicoliis (Costa); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:293. Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zook Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 63, 131. 9. ? Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 1 5( 1): 56. P.[hy so thrips] croceicoliis (Costa); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:92. Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:117, 120. 6. T '.[aeniothrips] crocicollis [Sic!] (Costa); Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 104. Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44( Append.): 15. Taeniothrips croceicoliis (Costa); Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):41 1 , 450. 9, 6. [described]. 1000 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips] croceicollis (Costa); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:79,80. 9,6. Taeniothrips croceicollis (Costa); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 209, 224. 9. T. [aeniothrips] croceicollis (Costa); Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5): 69. Taeniothrips croceicollis (Costa); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obosr., 45(3):561. Taeniothrips croceicollis (Costa); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:45, 120. Taeniothrips croceicollis (Costa); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):34, 68. [Taeniothrips ( Taeniothrips )] croceicollis (Costa); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Sardinia; Dalmatia; France; Cyprus; Turkey; Ukraine; Morocco; Canary Islands. Type locality: Sardinia. Habitat: Turf; grass; flower of Picris sp.; Scilla; A sphodelus microcarpus; Asphodelus ramosus. Taeniothrips cuscutae Priesner = Ceratothrips cuscutae (Priesner). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) cyperaceae Bianchi, 1945. 9. Taeniothrips cyperaceae Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):283, PI. XVII, figs. D, E. 9. Taeniothrips cyperaceae; Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3): 5 14. Taeniothrips cyperaceae Bianchi; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:413, 414, fig. 223D-E. Taeniothrips cypraceae [Sic!] Bianchi; Poinar, 1964. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1963)1 8(3):422. Location of type: Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association, Honolulu. Distribution: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Honolulu, Oahu; Waislua Plantation, Oahu; Hawaii National Park, Hawaii. Type locality: HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Experiment Station, H.S.P.A., Honolulu, Oahu. Habitat: Cyperus rotundus; Solanum nigrum; Vinca major. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) cyrtandrae Priesner, 1938. 9, 6. Cricothrips nov. spec. Karny, 1922. Treubia, 3(1): 1 10. Taeniothrips cyrtandrae Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):479, 518, 525. 9, 6 . Taeniothrips curtandrae f. amphorifer Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):481, 525. 9, 6. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M.; of amphorifer: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: KRAKATAU; SUMATRA: Sibolangit, East coast; JAVA: Buitenzorg; Tjibodas; Salak-Gebirge. Type locality: Krakatau or in Sumatra, not specified; for amphorifer: JAVA: not specified. Habitat: Cyrtandra sulcata; Didymocarpus horsfieldi; Gastrodia javanica; Cyrtandra picta; Cyrtandra ? repens. Euthrips dalmatica Karny = Ceratothrips frici (Uzel). Physothrips mjobergi d’arci Girault = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) mjoebergi (Karny). 1001 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) dealatus Priesner, 1928. 9. Taeniothrips dealatus Priesner, 1928. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 56:43, fig. 1 9. [Taeniothrips] dealatus; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 525. Location of type: Hamburg Museum [lost through military action]. Distribution: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Type locality: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Habitat: Unknown. Physothrips debilis Hood = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) gowdeyi (Bagnall). Taeniothrips decora (Haliday) = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) picipes (Zetterstedt). Taeniothrips decoratus Pelikan = Mycterothrips decoratus (Pelikan). Taeniothrips devii Arora & Bhatti - Ceratothrips cuscutae (Priesner). Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner = Pezothrips dianthi (Priesner). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) dilutus Hood, 1925. 9. Taeniothrips dilutus Hood, Entomol., 58: 1 38. 9. [Taeniothrips] dilutus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 24. Taeniothrips zillarum Priesner, 1950. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 34:32. 9. [Taeniothrips] zillarum Priesner; Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 137. Taeniothrips zillarum; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:305, 313. 9. [described]. Taeniothrips dilutus Hood; Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65; 6. Taeniothrips dilutus Hood; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:46, 120. [synonymy]. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of zillarum: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Tanzania; Egypt; Southern Morocco. Type locality: EAST AFRICA: near the Rufigi River; for zillarum: EGYPT: Meadi. Habitat: Flowers of “false ebony”; of Zilla spinosa; of Acacia cyanophylla; of Argania spinosa; Nitraria retusa. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) discolor (Karny, 1907). 9, d. Euthrips discolor Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:46. [sex not stated]. Euthrips lythri Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:46. [sex not stated]. Dendrothrips florum Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:21, 47, fig. 3. [sex not stated]. [Euthrips] discolor; Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9- 10): 280. Euthrips lythri; Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9-10): 280. Physothrips discolor (Karny); Karny, 1912. Zook Ann., 4:338. Physothrips lythri (Karny); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:339. Physothrips discolor (Karny); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-1 2):367. Physothrips lythri (Karny); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10( 10-1 2): 367.. Physothrips discolor (Karny); Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Physothrips lythri (Karny); Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-1 2): 136. Physothrips Frici var. discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 124. 1002 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Physothrips Frici var. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 124. Partim. Physothrips Frici var. discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(11): 104. Physothrips Frici var. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(11): 105. Physothrips navasi Bagnall, 1921 . Ent. mon. Mag., 57:64. 9, 6. Dendrothrips florum Karny; Priesner, 1921 . Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 115 (footnote), [referred to Taeniothrips ]. [Taeniothrips frici] var. lythri (Karny); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 128. [ Taeniothrips ] discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. [Taeniothrips discolor ] f. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 274, 292, PI. IV, fig. 62. 9. [described]. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:273, 293. 9,d. [ Taeniothrips ] discolor (Karny); Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2: 16. T.[aeniothrips] discolor discolor (Karny); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 41 . T.[aeniothrips ] discolor lythri (Karny); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.41. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); John, 1929. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1929(1 2): 203. T.[aeniothrips\ discolor lythri (Karny); John, 1929. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1929(1 2): 203. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 142. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 142. Oxythrips forticornis Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1 1:650. 9. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Rivnay, 1933. Hadar, 6(1 1 ): 4. [ Taeniothrips ] discolor (Karny); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:285. [ Taeniothrips ] discolor f. lythri (Karny); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:285 (footnote). Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 133. 9, 6. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:38. O. [xythrips] forticornis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:317. P. [hysothrips] discolor (Karny); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:80, 94, figs. XV(2), XXXI(2). 9. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:210. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:210. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22: 120. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:120. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 126. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Oettingen, Ent. Beihef., 9: 126. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:459. [Taeniothrips discolor ] f. lythri (Karny); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:459. Taeniothrips discolor lythri (Karny); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:24. T.[aeniothrips\ discolor (Karny); Blunck& Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1): 407. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 1 33, 139. 9,6. [Taeniothrips discolor ] f. lythri (Karny); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 133, 140. 1003 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Oxythrips] forticornis Bagnall; Pelikan, 1955. Zool. Ent. listy, 4( 1 8): 27. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 104. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 104. Taeniothrips discolor f. Ivthri (Karny); Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, '26:277. Taeniothrips discolor f. lythri (Karny); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Dendrothrips flora m Karny; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44( Append.): 1 5. Dendrothrips florum Karny; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):350, 351. [described]. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append. ):41 8, 451, fig. CVIC(4). 9, 6. [described]. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4): 252, 257. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Gromadska, 1964. Vie et Milieu, 15(3): 690, table 2. [Oxythrips] forticornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:59. [ Taeniothrips ] discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:78, 81. 9,6. [Taeniothrips discolor ] f. Ivthri (Karny); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:75,78. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 209, 223. 9, 6. [ Taeniothrips discolor ] f. lythrips [S/c/] (Karny); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 223. T.[aeniothrips] discolor (Karny); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863,864. T. [aeniothrips] discolor var. Ivthri (Karny); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:305, 315. 9,6. [described]. [ Taeniothrips ] discolor f. Ivthri (Karny); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:305,315.9. [Oxythrips] forticornis Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):20. [Taeniothrips] discolor f. lythri (Karny); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 24. [Taeniothrips] discolor (Karny); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 25, 27. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45( 3): 56 1 . Taeniothrips discolor ( Karny); Titschack, 1967. Verb. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 37:1, 14, fig. 7B. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:47,120. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54,55. [synonymy]. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5):34, 35,68. Taeniothrips discolor (Karny); Bournier, 1969. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)5(2):342. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] discolor (Karny); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of lythri and florum: unknown to writer; of navasi: British Museum (Natural History); of forticornis: British Museum (Natural History), [slide of navasi blackened]. Distribution: Germany; Siberia; Rumania; Serbia; Dalmatia; Albania; Italy; France; Corsica; Spain; Cyprus; Greece; Turkey; Ukraine; Transcaucasia; Palestine; Egypt; Sahara; south Morocco; Canary Islands. 1004 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Cattaro; for lythri: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Cattaro; for florum: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Pola [all three localities in Yugoslavia today]; for rnvasi: SPAIN: Arnes (Tarragona); for forticornis : FRANCE: Arcachon, Mouth of Teste. Habitat: A large number of flowers. Taeniothrips dispar (Haliday) = Baliothrips dispar (Haliday). Taeniothrips distalis Karny = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Taeniothrips distinctus (Uzel) = Ctenothrips distinctus (Uzel). Taeniothrips ditissimus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) ehrhornii (Moulton, 1907). 9, 6. Euthrips ehrhornii Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):44, 52, PI. Ill, figs. 25,26. 9. [Physopus] ehrhornii (Moulton); Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3( 1 6): 2. Euthrips ehrhornii; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21: 15, 26. Euthrips ehrhornii Moulton; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l): 1 1 , 12. <5,9. Physothrips ehrhornii (Moulton); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:338. [Physothrips] ehrhornii (Moulton); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 1 6( 1 ): 39. Physothrips ehrhornii (Moulton); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 366. P.[hysothrips] ehrhornii (Moulton); Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist, 3(4): 7 1 . Taeniothrips (Physothrips) ehrhronii (Moulton); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:41,42. Physothrips ehrhorni [Sic!] (Moulton); Essig, 1926. Ins. west. North America, p. 1 89. [ Taeniothrips ] ehrhorni [Sic!] (Moulton); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:292. T.[aeniothrips] ehrhorni [Sic!] (Moulton); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. T.[aenwthrips] ehrhornii (Moulton); Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:46. [Euthrips] ehrhornii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 120. Taeniothrips ehrhornii (Moulton); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198, 199. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S. A., CALIFORNIA: Humboldt County; Santa Clara County; Solano County. Type locality: U.S. A.: Alum Rock Canyon, Santa Clara County, California. Habitat: Grass; prune trees; prennial lupine; Chaenactis glabriuscula; purple Ceanothus; laurel. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) emersoni (Girault, 1927), comb. nov. Physothrips emersoni Girault, 1927. Some new wild Animals from Queensland, p.[2]. [sex not stated]. P. [hysothrips] emersoni Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 27. [Physothrips] emersoni Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Mapleton, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Mapleton, Queensland. Habitat: Orange blossoms. 1005 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips ericae (Haliday) = Ceratothrips ericae (Haliday). Taeniothrips ericicola (Bagnall) = Ceratothrips ericicola (Bagnall). Taeniothrips eriobotryae Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) eucharii (Whetzel, 1923). 9, d. Physothrips eucharii Morgan; Whetzel, 1923. [Bermuda] Repts. Board & Dept. Agric. 1922, pp. 30-37. [never described by Morgan]. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton, i928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98): 289, PI. V, fig. 1.9, d. Taeniothrips ficicola Fulmek = Pli tonothrips ficicola (Fulmek). Taeniothrips fijiensis Moulton = Megalurothrips mucunae (Priesner). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) firmus (Uzel, 1895). 9, d. Oxy thrips firma Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 51 , 138, PI. V, fig. 68; PI. VI, fig. 71.9, d. 0.[xy thrips] firma Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:12. [forma macroptera]. Physopus basicornis E. Reuter, 1909. Marcellia, 8:35, figs. a-b. 9. Physopus basicornis Reuter; Grevillius & Niessen, 1909. Begleitwort zu Zoocecidia et Cecidozoa, (1908)4(76-100): 17. Physopus basicornis Reuter; Grevillius, 1909. Marcellia, 8:39, figs. 1-4. [Oxy thrips] firmus Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Ent., 6(1): 5. Physopus basicornis Reuter; Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(21-24):558. Oxy thrips firma Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(45): 236 (sep. p. 14). Physothrips basicornis (E. Reuter); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:337. Physothrips basicornis (Reuter); Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):6. Physothrips basicornis (Reuter); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 365. Oxy thrips firmus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. Oxythrips firmus Uzel; Hood, 1916. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 4(4-6): 38, 41. [placed in subgenus Caenothrips]. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. Taenioth.[rips] firmus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 120, 121. 9, d. [Odontothrips] basicornis (E. Reuter); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. [Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 272, 274, 279, PI. IV, fig. 60. 9, d, larva, [described]. Taeniothrips (?) basicornis (E. Reuter); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:275, 329. 9. [description]. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:468. larva. Taeniothrips firmus f. adusta Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:718. 9. [Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. T.[aeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 41, 43. [Taeniothrips] basicornis (Reuter); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:288. [Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:289, 291, 292. ? T.[aeniothrips] basicornis (E. Reuter); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1): 25, 32. 1006 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19( 1-2): 82, 86. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15: 106. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Syrjanen, 1939. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen: Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 5(1): 36. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53: 166, 183, 189, 21 1. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1 942. Ent. Beihef., 9:125. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. ? Taeniothrips basicornis (E. Reuter); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8 ( 1 ) : 3 7 . T. [aeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morp. taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Wahlgren, 1944. Opusc. Ent. Lund, 9: 13. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:455. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:23. T. [aeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:29, fig. 23. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 ( 1 ): 5 2. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 134, figs. 105, 106. 9, d [Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):312. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vater. Naturk. Wurttenberg, 1 1 2( 1 ): 272. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic ZviYeny f SR, 2: 23. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins SSR, 26:277. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 143. [ Taeniothrips ] firmus (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1 . Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 115. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededeh, 51:33. [Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:78, 79, 80, 121, PI. Ill, fig. 6; PI. IV, fig. 4; PI. V, fig. 2. 9, 6. T. [aeniothrips] basicornis (Reuter); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 210. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 129, 209, 210, 222. 9, 6. T. [aeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:863,864,865. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 155. [Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 25, 26, fig. 35. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 561. [ Taeniothrips ( Firm othrips)] firm u s (Uzel); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14): 274, fig. 1. Taeniothrips gracilis; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1(4):326. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukein Christ. Univ., 3:23. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Matsumura, 1931. 6000 illustr. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 1326, 1 fig. [Taeniothrips] gracilis Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:272, 283. T. [aeniothrips] gracilis Moulton; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:342. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):433. Taeniothrips rohdeae Kurosawa, 1937. Kontyu, 11 (3): 273, PI. I, figs. 5-7. 9, 6. Taeniothrips gracilis; Moulton, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):410. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3): 41 7. [Taeniothrips] gracilis Moulton; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 19, 520, 521, 526. 1007 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Tacniothrips] rohdeae Kurosawa; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):520, 521 (footnote), 526. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3): 5 14. Physothrips eucharii Morgan ms; Sakimura, 1947. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 13(1):68. Tacniothrips gracilis Moulton; Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3): 54, 57. Tacniothrips gracilis Moulton; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:414, 415. [Tacniothrips] gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Tacniothrips eucharii (Whetzel); O’Neill, 1963. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 56(3):399. 9. [described and discussed]. Tacniothrips eucharii (Whetzel); O’Neill, 1966. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 68(1): 5. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:26, 28, 63, 72, 77. Taeniothrips rohdeae; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:26, 28, 63, 68, PI. V, fig. 42. Taeniothrips eucharii (Whetzel); Woo, 1972. Korean Journ. Plant Protect., 1 1 ( 2): 46, fig. 3. Location of type: U.S. National Museum; of gracilis: California Academy of Sciences; of rohdeae: Kurosawa collection. Distribution: Japan; Formosa; China; Hawaii; Korea; Bermuda; intercepted in U.S. A. from Holland and Hong Kong. Type locality: Bermuda; for gracilis: JAPAN: Osaka; {ox rohdeae; JAPAN: Tokyo. Habitat: Helichry sum bract eatum; bean; Lamium albrwn; Teucrum sp.; broadbean; Rohdea japonica; Hymenocallis declinata; Crinum sp.; Amaryllis; Freesia; carnation; easter lily; Lycoris; Narcissus; L ilium ; Dianthus; Hibiscus syriacus; Antirrhinum majus. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) euophthalmos Moulton, 1940. 9, 6. Taeniothrips euophthalmos Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24): 248. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] euophthalmos Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Type locality: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Habitat: Zingiberaceae. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fallax Priesner, 1936. 9, 6. Taeniothrips fallax Priesner, 1936. Treubia, 15(3): 326. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips fallax] var . paridus Priesner, 1936. Treubia, 1 5(3) : 3 27 . 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] fallax; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4) : 5 1 5 , 519, 525. [Taeniothrips] fallax var. paridus; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 16, 525. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M.; of paridus: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: W. JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas; Tjibodas; SUMATRA: east coast, Badar Baroe. Type locality: W. JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas; for paridus: SUMATRA: Ostkuste, Baroe. Habitat: Saurauja sp.; Saurauja leprosa. Taeniothrips falsus Priesner = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) vuilleti (Bagnall). Taeniothrips fasciatus Moulton = Ceratothrips fasciatus (Moulton). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fedorovi Priesner, 1933. 9, 3. Taeniothrips fedorovi Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4): 301. 9, 6. Taeniothrips federovi [57c/]; Priesner, 1935. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1935:319, fig. 5. ;:V: 1008 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T.[aeniothrips] fedorovi Priesner; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4( 1): 407. [Taeniothrips] fedorovi; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:74. Taeniothrips fedorovi Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 208,212. 9,6. T.[aeniothrips\ fedorovi Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865. Taeniothrips fedorovi Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. T. [aeniothrips\ fedorovi Priesner; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenif, 13(1 2) :42. [Taeniothrips ( Similothrips)] fedorovi Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Crimea; Ukraine. Type locality: CRIMEA: Nikita, Botany Garden. Habitat: Salvia sclarea; Salvia. Location of type: Vienna Museum; of basicornis: unknown to writer; of adusta: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Poland; Germany; Austria; Rumania; Hungary; Finland; Holland; Switzerland; Lithuania; Ukraine; Transcaucasia. Type locality: BOHEMIA: Hradce Kralove; for basicornis: not stated; for adusta: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Habitat: Turf; deformed leaved of Vicia cracca; grass; Ajuga rep tans; Ajuga laxmanni; Dictamnus albus; Taraxacum officinale; clover; mixed plants. Physothrips flavidulus Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Physothrips flavidus Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Physothrips flavus Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Physothrips florum (Karny) = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) discolor (Karny). Taeniothrips formosae Moulton = Megalurothrips formosae (Moulton). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fraudulentus Priesner, 1954. 9,6. Taeniothrips fraudulentus Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:52. 9, 6. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: PERSIA: Comehr (near Ardekan, N. Fars); Ardekan Mountains. Type locality: PERSIA: Comehr (near Ardekan, N. Fars). Habitat: Flowers of Althaea and Phlomis sp. Taeniothrips frici (Uzel) = Ceratothrips frici (Uzel). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fulmeki Priesner, 1938. 9. Taeniothrips fulmeki Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):497, 512, 525. 9. Location of type: 9 Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: SUMATRA: Medan (S.O.K.), Sibajak. Type locality: SUMATRA: Medan (S.O.K.), Sibajak. Habitat: Unknown. 1009 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fulvus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1969. 9, 6. Taeniothrips fulvus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1969. Zool. Anz., 182(1-2): 1 14, fig. 1. 9, <5. T.[aeniothrips) fulvus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Thoppur ghats. Type locality: INDIA: Thoppur ghats. Habitat: Pennisetum sp. Taeniothrips fumosoides (Priesner) = Isochaetothrips fumosoides (Priesner). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fumosus (Trybom, 1910). 9, 6. Phvsopus fumosa Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(16):3, 7, PI. 2, figs. 21-27; textfig. D. 9, d. Physapus fumosa; Trybom, 191 1. Ark. Zool., 7(22):6. Phvsothrips fumosus (Trybom); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:336. Phvsothrips fumosus (Trybom); Karny, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica) Frankfurt, 2(7): 25. Phvsothrips fumosus (Trybom); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 10-12): 364. [Taeniothrips] fumosa (Trybom); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:289. Taeniothrips fumosus (Trybom); Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83(l-2):6, figs. 4, 5, 9-12. 9, 6. [additional characters]. Location of type: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. Distribution: TANZANIA: Meru; KENYA: Escarpment. Type locality: GERMAN EAST AFRICA: Rain forest of Meru. Habitat: Unknown flower; flowers of yellow Svnanthere. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) funestus (Hood, 1915). 9. Phvsothrips funestus Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3(l-4):24, PL II, figs. 6, 7. 9. [Phvsothrips] funestus Hood; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):305. Taeniothrips (Phvsothrips) funestris [S7W] (Hood); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:41, 42. [Taeniothrips] funestus (Hood); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:279. Taeniothrips (? funestus Hood; an n. sp.?); Paoli 1934. Firenze 1st agric. colon. Ital., (1931-33) 50. Physothrips funestus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 23. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Brownsville, Texas; ? Italian Somaliland. Type locality: U.S. A.: Brownsville, Texas. Habitat: Unidentified plant; ? “Fagioli”. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) funtumiae (Bagnall, 1913). 9, 6. Physothrips funtumiae Bagnall, 1913. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)12:292. 9, 6. Physothrips funtumiae Bagnall; Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 10-12) : 369. Physothrips funtumiae; Bagnall, 1918. Bull. ent. Res., 9(1):66, 68, fig. 2. 9, 6. [described], Physothrips funtumiae Bagnall; Edwards, 1919. Proc. S. London ent. & nat. Hist. Soc., 1918-19:43. [Taeniothrips] funtumiae (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:280. Taenfiothrips] funtumiae (Bagnall); Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 161. 1010 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : TH YSANOPTKR A CATALOGUM. Taeniothrips funtumiae (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54,56. Physothrips funtumiae Bagnall; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):473. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: Uganda; Southern Nigeria. Type locality: UGANDA: Entebbe. Habitat: Funtumia elastica. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) garriguae Bournier, 1962. 9, <5. Taeniothrips garriguae Bournier, 1962. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 67:41. 9, 6. [: Taeniothrips ] garriguae Bournier; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:76, 81. 9, 6. Taeniothrips garriguae; Bournier, 1969. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)5(2):329, 342, figs. 1, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b. 9, <3. [fully described]. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] garriguae Bournier; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: ? Bournier collection, Montpelier. Distribution: Southern France. Type locality: FRANCE: Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert (Herault). Habitat: Teucrium aureum. Physothrips gentianae Bagnall = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) try bo mi (Karny). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) ghesquierei Priesner, 1937. 9. Taeniothrips ghesquierei Priesner, 1937. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 29(2):202. 9. Taeniothrips ghesquierei Priesner; Faure, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2):376. figs. 16-20. 9. [characters]. Location of type: Musee Royal de PAfrique Centrale, Tervuren. Distribution: CONGO: Rutshuru. Type locality: BELGIAN CONGO: Rutshuru. Habitat: Coffea. Taeniothrips ghoshi Bhatti = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) andrewsi (Bagnall). Taeniothrips gladiolicola Pussard = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) simplex (Morison). Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) simplex (Morison). Taeniothrips glycines (Okamoto) = Mycterothrips glycines (Okamoto). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) gowdeyi (Bagnall, 1919). 9. Ceratothrips gowdeyi Bagnall, 1919. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)4:254. 9. Taeniothrips debilis Hood, 1925. Entomol., 58: 136. 9. Physothrips neavei Karny, 1925. Bull. ent. Res., 16(2): 129, fig. 5. 9. Physothrips gowdeyi Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18: 105. 9. [as a new species]. [ Taeniothrips ] neavei (Karny); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:281 (footnote). [ Taeniothrips ] gowdeyi (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:287. [ Taeniothrips ] debilis Hood; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:287. [Taeniothrips] debilis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. Taeniothrips debilis Hood; Morison, 1958. Journ. Linnean Soc. London, (Zool.)43:588. 1011 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips neavei (Karny); Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 96. Taeniothrips gowdeyi (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:57. [synonymy]. Taeniothrips gowdeyi (Bagnall); zur Strassen, 1972. Zoologica Scripta, 1:86. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London; of debilis: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of neavei: British Museum (Natural History); of gowdeyi ( Physothrips ): British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: UGANDA: Kampala; KENYA: Mount Elgon; SOUTHERN NIGERIA: Ibadan; WESTERN ADEN PROTECTORATE: Jebel Harir. Type locality: UGANDA: Kampala; for debilis: SOUTHERN NIGERIA: Ibadan; for neavei: UGANDA: Kampala; for gowdeyi (Physothrips): UGANDA: Kampala. Habitat: Tree tomato (Solanum); Melia azederach; Ipomea hildebrandtei; Jasminum officinale. Physothrips gracilicornis Bagnall = Mycterothrips gracilicomis (Bagnall). Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) eucharii (Whetzel). Taeniothrips hargreavesi (Karny) = Craspedothrips hargreavesi (Karny). Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) = Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan). Taeniothrips hildeae Titschack = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) linariae Priesner. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) hispanicus (Bagnall, 1921). 9, 6. Physothrips Frici var. croceicollis Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 124. 9. [nec Costa]. Physothrips hispanicus Bagnall, 1921. Ent. mon. Mag., 57:63. 9, <5. [Taeniothrips frici ] var. croceicollis (Priesner); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 128. [Taeniothrips frici ] var. croceicollis (Priesner); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips frici var. croceicollis (Priesner); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:290. 9, <5. T.[aeniothrips] frici croceicollis (Priesner); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 42. Tfaeniothrips] Frici croceicollis (Priesner); John, 1929. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1929(1 2): 203. [Taeniothrips frici ] f. croceicollis (Priesner); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:456,459. Taeniothrips frici (Uzel); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Partini [Taeniothrips frici] f. croceicollis (Priesner); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 138. [described]. [Taeniothrips] hispanicus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:52. Taeniothrips hispanicus (Bagnall); Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 1 5(3): 281-317. [ecology]. Taeniothrips hispanicus (Bagnall); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4): 252, 257. [Taeniothrips] frici (Uzel); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):96. Partim. [Taeniothrips] hispanicus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:78. 9. 1012 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips frici] f. croceillis [Sic!] Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 224. Taeniothrips hispanicus (Bagnall); Titschack, 1967. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 37:14, fig. 7D. Taeniothrips hispanicus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:57. Taeniothrips hispanicus (Bagnall); Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)21(2): 133. Taeniothrips hispanicus (Bagnall); zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 51(5-6):372. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] hispanicus (Bagnall); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: of croceicollis: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of hispanicus: British Museum (Natural History), London, slide of this latter blackened. Distribution: Albania; Spain; Rumania; Hungary; Corsica; Italy; Transcaucasia. Type locality: for croceicollis: ALBANIA: not specified; for hispanicus: SPAIN: Arnes, Tarragona. Habitat: Crepis rhaeatifolia; Hieracium sp.; a composite; Taraxacum sp.; Cichorium intybus; Crepis sp.; short grass. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) hissaricus Pelikan, 1964. 9, 6. Taeniothrips hissaricus Pelikan, 1964. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 61(3): 231, figs. 6, 9-10. 9, 6. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno. Distribution: USSR, CENTRAL ASIA: Hissar Mts. (Tadzhikistan). Type locality: USSR, CENTRAL ASIA: Hissar Mts. (Tadzhikistan), about 30 km N of Dushambe (former Stalinabad), in the botanical reservation on Kondara Brook, elevation about 15 00- 1800 m. Habitat: Low herbage on stony slopes. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) hospes (Karny, 1914). 9. Physothrips hospes Karny, 1914. Zeitscht. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 369. Physothrips hospes Karny, 1915. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 1(1-2): 36, fig. 15C. 9. [description]. Taeniothrips hospes (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(Suppl.):66. larva II. [ Taeniothrips ] hospes (Karny); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:274. Taeniothrips hospes (Karny); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):499, 516, 526. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: JAVA: Getasan bei Salatiga. Type locality: JAVA: Getasan bei Salatiga. Habitat: Leaf-edge curl of Elatostemma sesquifolium. Taeniothrips distalis var. infernalis Priesner = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Physothrips ignobilis Bagnall = Isochaetothrips ignobilis (Bagnall). Taeniothrips immsi (Bagnall) = Ernothrips lobatus (Bhatti). Physothrips inaequalis Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) major Uzel. Taeniothrips ineerta Moulton = Synaptothrips incertus (Moulton). 1013 ANN. CAFE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) inclusus Priesner, 1929. 9. Taeniothrips inclusus Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1: 130, 131. 9. Location of type: ? Fritsch collection. Distribution: Baltic amber. Type locality: Baltic amber. Habitat: Fossil. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) inconsequens (Uzel, 1895). 9, 6. Physopus inconsequens Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 50, 117. 9.,- [Physapus] inconsequens Uzel; Jablonowski, 1900. Fauna Regni Hungariae, 3(6): 18. Physopus inconsequens Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:628, 645. Euthrips pyri Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15:294. 9. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Moulton, 1905. State hortic. Commission, Sacramento, pp. 1-17, figs. 1-8. 9, all stages. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):43, 53, PI. HI, figs. 19-24. 9. [described], Physopus inconsequens Uzel; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:276, 284. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Moulton, 1907. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 68(1): 1,11, Pis. I, II; textfigs. 1-6. 9, all stages. Physopus inconsequens Uzel; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5( 1): 135. Ph.[\'Sopus] pyri (Daniel); Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., 3:225, fig. 159. . Euthrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4( 2): 36 . Euthrips pyri Daniel; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2): 37. 6. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Moulton, 1909. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 80(4): 5 1-66, Pis. IV-VI; textfigs. 13-17. [control]. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Moulton, 1909. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 68( 1) (revised): 1, 11, Pis. I-II: textfigs. 1-8. 9, all stages. [Physopus] inconsequens Uzel; Trybom, 1910. in Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(16): 2. [Physopus] pyri (Daniel); Trybom, 1910. in Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(1 6): 2. E. [uthrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Bagnall, 191 1. Journ. econ. Biol. 6(1): 10. E.[uthrips] pyri Daniel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6( 1): 10. Thrips pyri (Daniel); Trabut, 191 1. Bull. Agr. Algerie et Tunisie, 17(7): 166, fig. 98. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Foster & Jones, 1911. Circ. U.S. Dep. Agr. Ent., 131:1 -24, figs. 1-14. [control]. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Parrott, 191 1. Science, 34(864):94. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Theobald, 1911. Journ. S.E. Agr. Coll., Wye, 91 . E. [uthrips] ( Ph.[\’sopus ]) pyri Daniel; Karny, 191 1. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(21 -24): 559. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Moulton, 191 1 . Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:15, 26. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser)23( 1): 10. Physopus inconsequ ens Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233. (sep. p. 13). Euthrips pyri Daniel; Parrott, 1912. Bull. New York agr. Exp. Sta. Geneva, 343:1-28, frontispiece; Pis. I -IV; textfigs. 1-5. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Parrott, 1912. Journ. econ. Ent., 5:184-187. Physothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:337. Physothrips pyri (Daniel); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:338. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Morris, 1912. Bull. Univ. California agr. Exp. Sta., 228:367, figs. 1-4. [new control methods]. 1014 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Baldwin, 1912. 5th ann. Rep. St. Ent. Indiana 191 1-12, p. 95, 2 figs, [described; control]. Physopus inconsequens Uzel; Mokrzecki, 1913. Rep. injur. Ins. Governm. Taur. Simferopol, pp. 1-23. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Parrott, 1913. Journ. econ. Ent., 6(1): 62. Ph.[ysothrips] pyri (Daniel); Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(1 -2): 6. Physothrips pyri (Daniel); Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4): 220. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Felt, 1913. Univ. State New York Bull., 547:70-74, Pis. 1-3. 9. [Taeniothrips] pyri (Daniel); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 1 6( 1 ): 39. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Shull, 1914. American Ent., 48(568):242. Physothrips alpinus Karny; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 191. Physothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 366. Physothrips (Euthrips) pyri (Daniel); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 366. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Scott, 1914. Journ. econ. Ent., 7(6):478-479. Physopus inconsequens Uzel; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. (Euthrips) Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Foster & Jones, 1915. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr., 173: 1-52, figs. 1-14; tables I-XHI. [life history]. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Borden, 1915. Journ. econ. Ent., 8(3): 354, 359, 360. [mouth parts and feeding habits]. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Hewitt, 1915. Agr. Gaz. Canada, 2(8): 735-737, figs. 3, 4. Physothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bagnall, 1915. Vasculum, 1(4): 127. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Essig, 1915. Inj. & Ben. Ins. California, p. 56, fig. 49. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:216. Physothrips calcaratus Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:221. 9. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:278. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Cameron, Treherne & White, 1916. Agr. Gaz. Canada, 3( 1 1 ): 946-952, figs. 1-3. [life history; control], Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Hewitt, 1916. 46th ann. Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1915:120. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Felt, 1916. New York State Mus. Bull., 186:9, 79-81. Ph. [ysothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):44. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Cameron & Treherne, 1918. Bull. Dom. Canada Dep. Agr. ent. Branch, 15: 1-5 1, figs. 1-22, tables I-X. 9, 6, all stages [described; biology]. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Felt, 1918. New York State Mus. Bull., 198:56-59. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Treherne, 1919. Canadian Ent., 51(8-9): 185, PI. XVII. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. [Taeniothrips inconsequens ] ab. adustus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. [9], Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Ross & Caesar, 1920. 50th ann. Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1919:99. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Peairs, 1922. Sanderson: Ins. Pests Farm, Gard. Orch., 2nd ed., p. 568, fig. 503. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Watson, 1922. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 162:41. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 6. Taeniothr.[ips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 121, 139. PI. XII. 9. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:41. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):83. 1015 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:271. 6. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1): 20. T.[aeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1): 261, fig. 139. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [ Taeniothrips ] calearatus (Baganll); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Taeniothrips inconsequens ] f. adusta; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46: 155. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Herrick, 1925. Manual injurious Insects, p. 146, figs. 102, 103. T. [aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:41, 43. 9, 6. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Annand, 1926. American Nat., 60(667): 178, 179. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Essig, 1926. Ins. west. North America, p. 189, fig. 99. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 275, 318, PI. IV, fig. 69. 9, 6, all stages. Taeniothrips inconsequens f. adusta; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:321. Taeniothrips calearatus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:275, 324. 9. [Taeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 10. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:468. T. [aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:68. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 175. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 149, 151, 178, figs. 67, 68. 9, 6, all stages. [Taeniothrips inconsequens] f. adusta; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., p. 179. [Taeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uxel); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3): 844, 850. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens inconsequens (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 40. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens adustus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 40. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Pussard-Radulesco, 1930. Ann. Epiphyties, 16(3-4): 106, 1 14, 150, 176, figs. 20-27. [cytology]. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Moulton, 1931. Journ. econ. Ent., 24(5): 1034, 1035. [Taeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:74. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel); Simmons, Reed & McGregor, 1931. Circ. U.S. Dep. Agr., 157:66. T. [aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:70, 74, fig. 33. 9, d. [Taeniothrips inconsequens ] f. adusta Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:74. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 130. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:271, PI. XIX, figs. 1,2, 5. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Smith, 1933. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, 562: 1-16, figs. 1-3, tables 1-7. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 63, 141, PI. XIV, fig. 46. 9, d. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1934. Journ. econ. Ent., 27(5): 879-884. P. [hysothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1935. Journ. econ. Ent., 28(6): 860, 861. T\aeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. 1016 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Blanchard, 1936. Physis, 12:105, 109, figs, lb, 2b, 3b. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1936. Canadian Ent., 68:97. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Da Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Catal. Ins. Viv. Plant Brasil, p. 114. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 99. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:81 , 95, figs. XVIII(l), XIX, XX. 9, 6, all stages. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1 -2): 83. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Ros'lin, 15: 109. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1 -2): 92. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:46. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609: 13. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 346:5, 1 1, figs. 1-9. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Da Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1 :445, figs. 214b, 215b, 216b. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22: 120. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Kurosawa, 1939. Kontyu, 13(4): 140, figs. 1-2. 9. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1940. Pan-Pacific Ent., 16(2): 78. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53: 166, 183, 186, 187, 189, 195, 210, fig. 24. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); De Santis, 1941 . Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9: 149. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1 ): 560, 561, 582, 584, 614, figs. 31, 32, 46d. larva, [described]. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:127. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Smith, 1943. Common Insects of Kansas, p. 155. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1944. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 687: 1-55, figs. 1-32. [described; life history; control etc.]. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Jones, 1945. Journ. econ. Ent., 38(1): 122. [control]. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:470. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:57. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):93, PI. XII, figs. 212, 213. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:23. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3):53. Euthrips pyri Daniel; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):41. T.[aeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 58, 60. 9, 6. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51 (5): 232. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 115. T.[aeniothrips\ inconsequens (Uzel); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1): 408, figs. 200, 210. T.[aeniothrips\ inconsequens (Uzel); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:29, figs. 20, 24. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 151 , fig. 113. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. T.[aeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:28. 1017 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Evans, 1952. Injurious Ins. British Commonwealth, p. 74. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 143. Toeniothrips [Sic!] inconsequens (Uzel); Bournier, 1956. Arch. Zool. exp. gen. Paris, 93(3): 293, figs. ID, II, XX. Toeniothrips [Sic! ] inconsequens (Uzel); Bournier & Blache, 1956. Rev. Zool. agr. appl., (1)1956(1-3): 1,3, figs. 1,2. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198, 200, PI. 23, fig. 57. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:21. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:23. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Ferriere, 1958. Mitt. Schweizerischen ent. Ges., 31(3-4): 320. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins SSR, 26:277. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Melis, 1960. Redia, 45(Append.):237, fig. CXXXVII. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):440, 452, figs. CVIC(2), CIIC(l), CIC(2-3),CC. 9, 6, all stages. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bournier, 1961. Verh. XI Intern. Kongr. Ent. Wien 1960, 1:354. [Taeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1 . Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:22. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 15. Taeniothrips sp. Pelekassis, 1962. Ann. Inst, phytopath. Benaki, (N.S.)5(1):56. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Indent. British Ins., 11(1): 96. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1226, 1234, figs. 12,26,41. 9,6. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:76,81, 121, PI. V, fig. 1. 9,6. T.[aeniothrips\ calcaratus (Bagnall); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 210. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 129,208, 210. 9,6. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:864, fig. 344(7). Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 155. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); De Santis, 1965. Publ. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9:13, fig. 28. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Curran, 1965. Collier’s Encyclopedia, 22:295. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4): 2 10. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entomol., 99:29, 31, 34. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2):60, fig. 4. [ Taeniothrips ] inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb. 4(9):24, 27, fig. 37. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):560. T.[aeniothrips] inconsequens (Uzel); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(9):92. 1018 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:47,120. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:25, 27, 63. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54,58. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):359, 361. 9. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,9,21,23,24, 29. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenif, 13(1 2): 42. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); zur Strassen, 1969. in Grzimeks Tierleben, 2: 166, figs. a-f. [Thrips] inconsequens (Uzel); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Paradis, 1969. Ann. ent. Soc. Quebec, 14(2-3): 83-84. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2):243, 253, 257, fig. 15c-d. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjodowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 181. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Heming, 1971. Canadian Journ. Zool., 49(1):93. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Woo, 1972. Korean Journ. Plant Protect., 1 1 (2):47, fig. 5. Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel); Maksymov, 1972. Anz. Schadlingsk. Pflanzenschutz, 45(4):53. [ Taeniothrips ( Taeniothrips )] inconsequens (Uzel); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of calcaratus: British Museum (Natural History); of adusta: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of pyri: unknown to writer. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Hungary; Italy; England; Poland; Austria; Sweden; Rumania; Scotland; Russia; Norway; Germany; Crimea; Denmark; France; Holland; Cyprus; Switzerland; Transcaucasia; Turkey; Greece; Yugoslavia; Ukraine; Morocco; Japan; Korea; Greenland; CANADA: British Columbia; Ontario; Quebec; U.S.A.: California; Oregon; Washington; Utah; Kansas; New York; New Jersey; Maryland; Pennsylvania; Connecticut; ARGENTINA; BRAZIL. Type locality: BOHEMIA: not specified; for pyri: U.S.A.: San Leandro, California; {or calcaratus: Bohemia; for adusta: EUROPA: not specified. Habitat: Large number of plants and trees; has proved of economic importance on pears and other deciduous trees. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) innocens Priesner, 1922. 9, 6. Physopus pilosa Uzel; Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 50, 129, PI. V, fig. 65. 6 only. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. macroptera. Partim. [ Taeniothrips ] pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1921 . Wiener ent. Zeitung. 38(4-8): 117. Taeniothrips (sens, lat.) innocens Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(1 -2): 88, fig. 1. 9, d, larva. [ Taeniothrips ] innocens ; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:158. [ Taeniothrips ] innocens; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips innocens; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 272, 287. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips] innocens Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 42,43. [ Taeniothrips ] innocens Priesner; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:276, 292. Taeniothrips innocens Priesner; Pelikan, 1946. Ent. listy, 9:57. 1019 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 T.[aeniothrips\ innocens Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:32. [ Taeniothrips ] innocens Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. [ Taeniothrips ] innocens Priesner; Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(1 9): 138. Taeniothrips innocens Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:24. [Taeniothrips] innocens Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1 . [Taeniothrips] innocens; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:76, 79, 81.9 ,6. Taeniothrips innocens Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 132, 208, 210,217. 9,6. [Taeniothrips] innocens; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 24, 26, 27. Taeniothrips innocens Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] innocens Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Austria; Ukraine. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Turf. Taeniothrips ins ignis (Bianchi) = Isochaetothrips insignis Bianchi. Taeniothrips italicus (Bagnall) = Taniothrips (Taeniothrips) annulatus (Karny). Taeniothrips jonnaphila Ramakrishna = Ramakrishnothrips jonnaphila (Ramakrishna). Taniothrips (Taeniothrips) karafutensis Ishida, 1931 . 9. Taeniothrips karafutensis Ishida, 1931. Insecta Matsumurana, 6(1): 36, fig. 4. 9. Tfaeniothrips] karafutensis Ishida; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):526. [not a Taeniothrips and may be a Sericothrips according to Priesner]. Location of type: Entomological Museum, Hokkaido Imperial University. Distribution: JAPAN: Konuma, Saghalien. Type locality: JAPAN: Konuma, Saghalien. Habitat: Flowers of clover and meadow-grasses. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) keatsi (Girault, 1928), comb. nov. Physothrips keatsi Girault, 1928. Some Insecta and a new all Highness, p.[3]. [sex not stated]. Pfhysothrips] keatsi Girault; Kelly and Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 24. [Physothrips] keatsi Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Gympie, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Gympie, Queensland. Habitat: Forest flowers. Taeniothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) = Megalurothrips kellyanus (Bagnall). Taeniothrips konumensis Ishida = Odontothrips konumensis (Ishida). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) kotoshoi Moulton, 1928. 9. Taeniothrips kotoshoi Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):300, 326. 9. [Taeniothrips] kotoshoi Moulton; Steinwede, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:284. 1020 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips kotoshoi Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):433. T.[aeniothrips ] kotoshoi Moulton; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1 (3): 346. [ Taeniothrips ] kotoshoi Moulton; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 523, 526. Taeniothrips kotoshoi; Moulton, 1944. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 17(22):27Q. [ Taeniothrips ] kotoshoi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: FORMOSA: Kotosho, Botel Tobago; FIJI: Singatoka, Viti Levu. Type locality: FORMOSA: Kotosho. Habitat: Canavalia obtusi folia. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) kratochvili Pelikan, 1947. 9. Taeniothrips Kratochvili Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:10, 12, figs. 1-7. 9. T.[aeniothrips] kratochvili; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:29. Taeniothrips kratochvili; Pelikan, 1951. Plirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje, Opava, 1 1 :346, 353. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] kratochvili; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Taeniothrips kratochvili; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvifeny CSR, 2:23. Taeniothrips kratochvili Pelikan; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):202. Taeniothrips kratochvili Pelikan; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. [ Taeniothrips ] kratochvili Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:79. 9. T. [aeniothrips] kratochvili Pelikan; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 210. [ Taeniothrips ] kratochvili Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):26. [ Taeniothrips ( Firmothrips )] kratochwili [Sic!] Pelikan; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Vicinity of Re jviz; Skrftek; HOLLAND: Wolvega. Type locality: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: environs de Rejviz dans le massif montagneux de Jesenfky (Moravie septentrional). Habitat: Swamp vegetation, probably grasses. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) kraussi J.C. Crawford, 1948. 9, 6. Taeniothrips kraussi Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3): 53, 54, fig. 1. 9, 6. Location of type: U.S. National Museum, no. 58656. Distribution: MEXICO: Mexico City. Type locality: MEXICO: Mexico City. Habitat: Unknown. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) lacteicolor (Girault, 1928), comb. nov. 6. Physothrips lacteicolor Girault, 1928. A prodigeous Discourse on wild Animals, p.[ 1 ] . 6. P. [hysothhps] lacteicolor Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 27. [Physothrips] lacteicolor Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 1 70. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Queensland. Type locality: Australia. Habitat: Lantana flowers. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) lagoenacollus Moulton, 1933. 9 , <3. Taeniothrips lagoenacollus Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 130, fig. 15. 9, 6. Taeniothrips lagoenacollus Moulton; Da Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Catal. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 114. 1021 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Taeniothrips] lagoenacollis [Sic/] Moulton; Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3): 53. [Taeniothrips] lagoenacollus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: BRAZIL: St. Theresa. Type locality: BRAZIL: St. Theresa. Habitat: Casearia sylvestris. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) lagoenifer Priesner, 1938. 9. Taeniothrips lagoenifer Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):478, 518, 526. 9. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Salak-Gebirge. Type locality: JAVA: Salak-Gebirge. Flowers of Cyrtandra (? repens). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky, 1942. 9, 6. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky, 1942. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 29(2): 190, 191, 192, 193, 198, 201,204, 206, 211,212, 213, figs. 1-19. 9, d, egg, larvae, prepupa, pupa. Taeniothrips laricivorus f. pallidicornis Kratochvil & Farsky, 1942. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 29(2): 195 Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Prell, 1942. Tharandt. Forstl. Jahrb., 93:587-614. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Nageli, 1944. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Forstwesen, 95:175-180. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Kapuscinski, 1948. Las Polski, 5: 156-160. T .[aeniothrips] laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):409. T. [aeniothrips] laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. Listy, 14:32, fig. 19. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Nolte, 1951. Nachrichtenbl. Deutsch. Pflanzens- chutzd. Berlin, 5:52-54. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Nolte, 1951 . Zool. Anz., 146: 187-191 . Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Nolte, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 110, figs. 1-12. (morphology, biology]. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Pelikan, 1951. Prfrody, 42(l-2):9. [Taeniothrips] laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1: 191 . T. [aeniothrips] laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:28. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Vite, 1952. Holz-Zentralbl., 78(144): 1983-4, figs. 1-6. 9, 6, larvae. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Nolte, 1953. Dt. Entomologentag in Hamburg, pp. 163-167. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Vite, 1953. Schrift. forst. Fakult. Univ. Gottingen, 5:1-65, figs. 1-34. 9, 6, larvae, prepupa, pupa. [ecology; control]. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Gauss, 1953. Naturw. Mschr. “Aus der Heimat”, 61:295-298. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Vite, 1953. Holz-Zentralbl., 79(101): 1087, figs. 1-5. [control]. Larchenblasenfuss; Vite, 1954. Holz-Zentralbl., 80(83): 1007. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Vite, 1954. Anz. Schadlingskunde, 27(11): 161, figs. 1-5. [taxonomy; control]. 1022 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Vite, 1954. Zeitschr. Forstgen. Forstpflanzenziich., 3(4): 86. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil& Farsky; Mudrich, 1954. Zeitschr. Forstgen. Forstpflan- zenziich., 3(4): 87. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Titschack, 1955. Bombus, 1(88-89): 375. [compared with T. pini]. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):314. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Vite, 1956. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 38(4):417, figs. 1-18. [population studies]. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klid Zvireny CSR, 2:24. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Klee, 1958. Waldhygiene, 2: 166-181 . [biology]. T.[aeniothrips\ laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1236. [; Taeniothrips ] laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:73, 124. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Zethner-M011er, 1965. Oikos, 1 6(1-2): 58. [ Taeniothrips ] laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 23. T.[aeniothrips] laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):93. Taeniothrips pini laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky ; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed„ 4(2)2/19:8, 29. Taeniothrips laricivorus Kratochvil & Farsky; Maksymov, 1972. Anz. Schadlingsk. Pflanzen- schutz, 45(4): 53-56, figs. 1,2, table 1. [parthenogenesis.]. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of pallidicornis: unknown to writer. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Germany; Switzerland; East Carpathians; France; Denmark; Yugoslavia; Italy; Austria; Sweden. Type locality: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: not specified; for pallidicornis: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: not specified. Habitat: Serious pest on Larix; Larix europaea; Larix leptolepis; Larix hybrida; Larix decidua; also on Picea abies. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) latoides Pelikan, 1968. 9, 6. Taeniothrips latoides Pelikan, 1968. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 65(3):216, figs. 1, 2, 5. 9, 6. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno. Distribution: USSR, TADZHIKISTAN (central Asia): “Tiger reservation” at the Afghan frontier; Kolchozabad near Kurgan-Tjube. Type locality: USSR: “Tiger reservation” at the Afghan frontier, Tadzhikistan (Central Asia). Habitat: Grass; blossoms of Yucca sp. Taeniothrips latus (Bagnall) = Mycterothrips latus (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) leeuweni Priesner, 1938. 9. Taeniothrips leeuweni Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):498, 523, 526. 9. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: MALAYA: Singapore. Type locality: MALAYA: Singapore. Habitat: Flowers of a Rubiaceae. 1023 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips lefroyi (Bagnall) = Ceratothrips lefroyi (Bagnall). Taeniothrips lemanis Treherne = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) vulgatissimus (Haliday). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) leptospteron Moulton, 1940. 9. Taeniothrips leptospteron Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24): 250. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] leptospteron Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Type locality: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Habitat: Sedge leaves. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) linariae Priesner, 1927. 9, 6. Taeniothrips linariae Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:472. larva in key. Taeniothrips linariae Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:718. 9, 6, larva. [ Taeniothrips ] linariae; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Taeniothrips linariae; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 111. Taeniothrips linariae Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:30, 159. [ Taeniothrips ] linariae Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 191 . Taeniothrips Hildeae Titschack, 1956. Bombus, l(92-94):385, figs. 1-9. 9. Taeniothrips linariae Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:23. Taeniothrips linariae Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1 964. Wetensch. Mededeh, 51:33. [ Taeniothrips ] linariae; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:74, 80, 126. 9,6. [ Taeniothrips ] hildeae Titschack; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:75. 9. T.[aeniothrips] linarie [Sic!] Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 210. Taeniothrips hildeae; Titschack, 1966. Bombus, 2(38-39): 156. [ Taeniothrips ] linariae; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 23, 26. [ Taeniothrips ] hildeae Titschack; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):23. Taeniothrips linariae Priesner; Titschack, 1967. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 37:29, figs. 1-3. 9,6. [described]. Taeniothrips hildeae; Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Munchen, 1 1 : 192-223, 237, Figs. IE, 2E. 9. Taeniothrips linariae Priesner; Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Munchen, 11:192-223, 237-238, figs. 1D-2D, 6D, 7D, 15. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips (Similothrips)] Linariae Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of hildeae: Hamburg Zoological Museum. Distribution: Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Holland. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya; for hildeae: GERMANY: Pevestorf, Krs. Dannenberg. Habitat: Linaria vulgaris flowers; turf. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) livii (Girault, 1930) comb. nov. Physothrips livii Girault, 1930. New Pests from Australia VII, p.[ 2]- [sex not stated]. [ Physothrips ] livii Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Indooroopilly, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Indooroopilly. Habitat: Unknown. 1024 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOCtUE. Taeniothrips longicaudatus (Bianchi) = Isochaetothrips longicaudatus Bianchi. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) longiceps (Bagnall, 1916). 9, 6. Physothrips longiceps Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:220. 9, 6. P. [hysothrips] longiceps Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) longiceps (Bagnall); Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):258. [ Taeniothrips ] longiceps (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:283. [Taeniothrips] longiceps (Bagnall); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):522, 526. [. Physothrips ] longiceps Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:19. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] longiceps (Bagnall); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:166,167. Taeniothrips longiceps (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 84, 1 12. Taeniothrips longiceps (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54,58. [Thrips] longiceps (Bagnall); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. T.[aeniothrips] longiceps (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: INDIA: Kulhara, Garhwal. Type locality: INDIA: Kulhara, Garhwal, 11700 feet. Habitat: Flowers of rhododendron. Physothrips longipennis (Bagnall) = Scirtothrips longipennis (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) longirostrum (Jones, 1912). 9. Euthrips longirostrum Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l): 10, 11, 12, PI. Ill, figs. 6-9. 9. Euthrips longirostrum Jones; Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:344. [ref. to Physothrips]. [Physothrips] longirostrum (Jones); Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1): 39. Physothrips (? ) longirostrum (Jones); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 367. P.[hysothrips] longirostrum (Jones); Watson, 1920. Florida Buggist., 3(4):71. (?) Mycterothrips longirostrum (Jones); Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:41,45. M.[ycterothrips] longirostrum (Jones); Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 199. [Mycterothrips] longirostrum (Jones); Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(l-2):6. [Taeniothrips] longirostrum (Jones); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:291. M. [ycterothrips] longirostrum (Jones); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. Mycterothrips longirostrum (Jones); Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1 -2): 89. Euthrips longirostrum Jones; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):44. Taeniothrips (Mycterothrips) longirostrum (Jones); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198, 200, PI. 22, fig. 47. “Mycterothrips” longirostrum (Jones); Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.), 7(2):412. Taeniothrips longirostrum (Jones); O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3): 276. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: U.S. A.: California. Type locality: U.S.A.: Los Gatos, California. Habitat: Perennial lupine; oak. 1025 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips longistylus Karny = Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall). Taeniothrips luteus Oettingen = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Physothrips lythri (Karny) = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) discolor (Karny). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) maculicollis (Hood, 1918). 9. Physothrips maculicollis Hood, 1918. Mem. Queensland Mus., 6:122. 9. Physothrips maculicollis Hood; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zook, 17A(2):48. [ Taeniothrips ] maculicollis (Hood); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:284. P.[hy so thrips] maculicollis Hood; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 26. [Physothrips] maculicollis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):23. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Nelson, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Nelson, North Queensland. Habitat: Forest. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) major Bagnall, 1916. 9. Taeniothrips major Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:216. 9. T[aeniothrips] major Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:865. Taeniothrips Major Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):258. [Taeniothrips] major Bagnall; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American, ent. Soc., 59:272. Taeniothrips major Bagnall; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):490, 522, 526. 9. [Taeniothrips] major Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:17. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] major Bagnall; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:165. 9. Taeniothrips major Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1946. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 84, 111. Taeniothrips major Bagnall, Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 59. [Thrips] ciliatus Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. [new name for major Bagnall nee. Thrips major Uzel]. T.[aeniothrips ] major Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CS1R zool. Monog., 1: 131. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: INDIA: Kulhara, Garhwal. Type locality: INDIA: Kulhara, Garhwal, 1 1 700 feet. Habitat: Flowers of rhododendron. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) marii (Girault, 1928), comb. nov. Physothrips marii Girault, 1928. Notice of a curious Professor and of native wasps and wood lice, p.[2]. [sex not stated]. P.[hysothrips ] marii Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 28. [Physothrips] marii [Sic!] Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool)7: 1 70. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Gold Creek, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Gold Creek, Queensland. Habitat: Scrub. Physothrips marshalli Bagnall = Ceratothripoides brunneus Bagnall. 1026 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) martorellorum Medina Gaud, 1961. 9. Taeniothrips martorellorum Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:47, 48, fig. 3(1). 9. Location of type: Rio Piedras Agr. Exp. Sta. Insect Collection. Distribution: PUERTO RICO: on the Ciales-Villalba Road, K.28. Type locality: PUERTO RICO: on the Ciales-Villalba, K.28. Habitat: Inflorescence of Blechum pyramidatum. Taeniothrips melanicornis Shumsher Singh = Bathrips melanicornis (Shumsher Singh). Taeniothrips meridiana Moulton = Megalurothrips sjoestedti (Trybom). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) meridionalis Priesner, 1926. 9, 6. Physothrips vulgatissimus (Haliday); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1 ): 1 04. [Taeniothrips vulgatissimus meridionalis Priesner; Treherne, 1924 = Taeniothrips vulgatissimus (Haliday) ]. [Taeniothrips vulgatissimus var. meridionalis Priesner; Watson, 1924 = Taeniothrips vulgatissimus (Haliday)]. [Taeniothrips vulgatissimus ] var. meridiomlis Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. nom. nud. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271 , 274, 301, PI. IV, fig. 65. 9,6. T.[aeniothrips\ meridionalis Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 40. Taeniothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4): 303. 6. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Rivnay, 1933. Hadar, 6(1 1):4. [ Taeniothrips ] vulgatissimus (Haliday); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:284. Partim. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 63, 138, PI. XIV, fig. 47. 9, 6. P.[hysothrips] meridionalis Karny [Sic!]; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:77, 94, figs. XVIII(2), XXI(1, 5). 9. Taeniothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22: 120. T.[aeniothrips] meridionalis Priesner; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. T.[aeniothrips ] meridionalis Priesner; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):409. Taeniothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:53. Toeniothrips [Sic!] meridionalis Priesner; Bournier & Blache, 1956. Rev. Zool. agr. appl., (1)1 956( 1 -3): 4, fig. 2. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 103. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:277. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):428, 451, figs. CVC(2), CIVC(3), CIIC(2). 9. Taeniothrips meridionalis; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:22. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 257. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Gromadska, 1964. Vie et Milieu, 15(3):689, 690, tables 1-2. [Taeniothrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:73, 80, 125, PI. II, fig. 3. 9,6. 1027 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 209,220. 9, d. T.[aeniothrips\ meridionalis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:864. [ Taeniothrips ] meridionalis; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:304. [ Taeniothrips ] meridionalis; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):23, 26. T.[aeniotkrips] meridionalis; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):69. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 5 60. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Titschack, 1967. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch., 37:11, 14, figs. 5B, 7E. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Vasiliu, 1967. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)19(l):7, fig. 2. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenif, 1 3( 1 2): 42. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2): 247, 252, figs. 9c, 14, 15b. Taeniothrips meridionalis Priesner; Bournier, 1970. Phytoma, 221 :4 pp., figs. 1-3. [Taeniothrips ( Similothrips )] meridionalis Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Yugoslavia; Italy; Cyprus; Crimea; Palestine; France; Persia; Turkey; Georgia, USSR; Albania; Central Asia; Rumania; Greece; Irak; Libanon; African Mediterranean coast. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat \ Erica ver ticillat a; Compositae; Cruciferae; Citrus; Iris germanica; Scilla; Ulex; S inapis; Tamarix; Achillea; Prangos ferulacea; Raphanus; Brassica; Viburnum; Fraximus ornus; Gramineae; A triplex portulacoides; Frankenia laevis ; Anthemis maritima; Helichrysum arenarium; Matthiola sinuata; Fontanesia phillyreoides; Rosa sp.; Sty rax officinalis; Sambucus ebulus; Robinia pseudoacacia. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) meruensis (Trybom, 1910). 9, 6. Physopus meruensis Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimanj. Meru 1905-6, 3(1 6): 3, 6, PL 2, figs. 15-20; textfig. B, C. 9, 6. Physothrips meruensis (Trybom); Kamy, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:337. Physothrips meruensis (Trybom); Kamy, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica) Frankfurt, 2(7): 25. [?] Physothrips meruensis (Trybom); Karny, 1914. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:53. Physothrips meruensis (Trybom); Kamy, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-1 2): 364. Physothrips meruensis (Trybom); Kamy, 1920. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 57(2):27. Physothrips meruensis (Trybom); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 1 :233 (footnote). [Kamy, 1914 is not the same]. [: Taeniothrips ] meruensis (Trybom); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:290. Taeniothrips meruensis (Trybom); Morison, 1958. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, (Zool. )43: 588. Taeniothrips meruensis (Trybom); Faure, 1962. Ent. Tidskr., 83( 1 -2): 5, figs. 1-3, 6-8. 9, 6. Location of type: Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm. Distribution: TANZANIA: Meru; ETHIOPIA: Simien. [Malta probably another species]. Type locality: GERMAN EAST AFRICA: rain forest, Meru, 3000 m. Habitat: Flowers of an orchid; flowering ? Senecio farinaceus. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) mexicanus Priesner, 1933. 9. Taeniothrips mexicanus Priesner, 1933. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 50(1-2): 54. 9. 1028 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips] mexicanus Priesner; Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3): 5 3. Location of type: ? Berlin Museum. Distribution: MEXICO: Chapingo; Penon viejo; Desierto de los leones. Type locality: MEXICO: Not specified. Habitat: Alfalfa field; flowering Schinus molle; branches. Taeniothrips minor (Bagnall) = Craspedothrips minor (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) miorhizae Priesner, 1938. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] miorrhizae Priesner, 1935. Stylops, 4(6): 129. nom. nud. Taeniothrips miorhizae Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):490, 519, 522, 526. 9, 6. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Tjibodas; ? Semarang. Type locality: JAVA: Tjibodas. Habitat: Flowers of; Miorhiza longiflora; Cyrtandra picta; ? Leucaena glauca. Taeniothrips mirabilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1969. nom. nud. T.[aeniothrips] mirabilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1969. Zool. Anz., 182(1-2): 1 13. nom. nud. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) mischocarpi (Zimmermann, 1900). 9, 6. Physopus Mischocarpi Zimmermann, 1900. Bull. Inst. bot. Buitenzorg, 7:8, fig. 1. 9, 6. Ph.[ysopus] Mischocarpi Zimmerman; Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru. 1905-6, 3(1 6): 2. Physothrips mischocarpi (Zimmerman); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:340. Physothrips mischocarpi (Zimmerman); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 1 0- 1 2): 368. [ Taeniothrips ] mischocarpi (Zimmermann); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:288. [ Taeniothrips ] mischocarpi (Zimmermann); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 518, 526. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Type locality: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Habitat: Leaves of Mischocarpus fuscens. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) mjoebergi (Karny, 1920). 9. Physothrips mjobergi Karny, 1920. Cas. Cs. Spol. ent., 17(1 -4): 37. [sex not stated]. Physothrips mjobergi; Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4): 305. 9. [described]. Physothrips mjobergi; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):13, 48. [Physothrips] mjobergi Karny; Girault, 1927. Some new wild Animals from Queensland, p.[2]. Physothrips mjobergi Karny; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 27:404. Physothrips mjobergi Karny; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 28:349. Physothrips mjobergi Karny; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:392. Physothrips mjobergi darci Girault, 1930. New pests from Australis, VIII, p.[ 1 ]. sex not stated. [Taeniothrips] mjobergi (Karny); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:275. P.[hysothrips] mjobergi Karny; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 26. [Physothrips] mjobergi darci Girault; De Santis, 1961 . Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: Stockholm Museum; of darci: ? Brisbane Museum. 1029 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Distribution: AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND: Mt. Tambourine; Mapleton; Nelson; Gympie; Brisbane; Norman Park; Mayne Junction; Taringa; Gayndah; Byrnestown. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Mt. Tambourine, Queensland; for d’arci: AUSTRALIA: Nelson. Habitat: Orange blossoms; Murray a exotica; Rieinus communis ; Solanum ; jungle; lantana; tree solanum; paw paw; granadilla; loquat; Convolvulus erubescens; Plumaria rubra; roses. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) modestus Hood, 1925. 9, <5. Taeniothrips modestus Hood, 1925. Entomol., 58:134. 9, 6. [ Taeniothrips ] modestus Hood; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:287. [Taeniothrips] modestus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):24. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Kamerun. Type locality: Kamerun. Habitat: Flowers of shrubs. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) montanus (Girault, 1927), comb. nov. 9. Physothrips montanus Girault, 1927. New Australian Animals so far overlooked by Outsiders, p.[l]. 9. P. [hysothrips] montanus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 25. [Physothrips] montanus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Stanthorpe, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Stanthorpe, Queensland. Habitat: Forest. [If this species is a true Taeniothrips it will need a new name as it is preoccupied by T. montanus Priesner, 1920, unless a synonym of another species]. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) montanus Priesner, 1920. 9, <5. [Taeniothrips atratus] var. montanus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. 9, 6. Physothrips atratus var. Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6): 28. [Taeniothrips atratus] var. montanus Priesner; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agr. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 138. [Taeniothrips atratus] var. montanus; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Taeniothrips atratus (var.) montanus; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:275, 305. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips atratus] var. montanus; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 10. [Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Bagnall, 1928 = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) atratus (Haliday)]. T .[aeniothrips] atratus f. montana; Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37: 181. T.[aeniothrips] atratus montanus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 40. [Taeniothrips atratus] var. montana Priesner; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7): 371. [Taeniothrips] atratus var. montana Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:70, 73. P. [hysothrips] montanus (Priesner); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:319. Taeniothrips montanus; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 111. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Hukkinen, 1939. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 5(1): 38. 1030 JACOT — GUI LLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips atratus] var. montanus Priesner; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:165, 183, 185, 188, 190, 193, 194,211. [Taeniothrips atratus ] var. montanus Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 127. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1 ): 37. [Taeniothrips atratus] f. (var.) montana Priesner; Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:464, 466. [Taeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[aeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 58, 60. [Taeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 16. [Taeniothrips atratus] var. montanus Priesner; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1): 407. T.[aeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy , 14:30. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 133, 147. 9. [Taeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1: 191. T.[aeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Titschack, 1956. Bombus, I (92-94): 386, fig. 3c. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR., 2:23. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:691, 692, 693. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:276. [Taeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1 . Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4): 372, 376. T.[aeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(1 2): 105 5. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4): 252, 257. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. [Taeniothrips] montanus Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1): 96. [Taeniothrips] montanus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:75, 80. 9, 6. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 208, 211. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips] atratus var. montanus Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2): 56. [Taeniothrips] montanus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 23, 26. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. Taeniothrips montanus Priesner; Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Miinchen, 11:192-223, 238-241, figs. IB, 2B, 6B, 7B, 14, 17, 18,22. 9,6. [synonymy, measurements etc.]. [Thrips] montanus (Priesner); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. [Taeniothrips (Similothrips)] montanus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Rumania; Denmark; France; Finland; Switzerland; Germany; England; Czechoslovakia; Albania; Crimea; Ukraine; Georgia; Transcaucasia. Type locality: AUSTRIA, UPPER AUSTRIA: not specified. Habitat: Mainly from flowers; Coronilla; Trifolium pratense; Melilotus sp.; Thymus sp.; Hieracium sp.; Scabiosa ochroleuca; Anthemis fussii; Silene inflata; Rhinanthus; Helleborus foetidus ; Verbascum thapsus; Campanula 1031 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 scheuchzeri; Puimomria officinalis; Acer camp estre; Geranium phaeum; Larix decidua; Gladiolus; Centaur ea sp.; Ranunculus Cerastium purpurascens; Ziziphora puschkinii; Lotus corniculatus; Cerastium arvense; Behen vulgaris; Rhinanthus minor; Gentiana bulgarica; Alopecurus pratensis; Lolium perenne. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) montivagus Priesner, 1938. 9, <3. [ Taeniothrips \ montivagus Priesner, 1935. Styiops, 6(6): 129. nom. nud. T.[aeniothrips ] montivagus Priesner, 1935. Philippine Journ. Sci., 57(3):355, 356. nom. nud. Taeniothrips montivagus Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):487, 522, 526. 9, 6. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Pangrango-Gipfel; Pangrango; Tjibodas; Goen. Lawoe; GipfelTjikorai. Type locality: JAVA: not specified. Habitat: flowers of; Hypericum hookerianum; Polygonum chinense. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) moravicus Pelikan, 1951. 9. Taeniothrips moravicus Pelikan, 1951. Ent. iisty, 15:60, figs. 1-3. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] moravicus; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. Iisty, 1: 191. [Taeniothrips] moravicus; Pelikan, 1956. Zool. Iisty, 5(19): 137. Taeniothrips moravicus ; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:24. [Taeniothrips] moravicus Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas,2:77. 9 T.[aeniothrips] moravicus Pelikan; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR,p. 210. [ Taeniothrips ] moravicus Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):25. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] moravicus Pelikan; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Pouzdrany, South Moravia. Type locality: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Pouzdrany, South Moravia. Habitat: Xerothermic vegetation. Taeniothrips morosus Priesner = Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Taeniothrips moultoni Seshadri & Ananthakrishnan = Ceratothripoides claratris (Shumsher Singh). Taeniothrips mucunae Priesner = Megalurothrips mucunae (Priesner). Physothrips myrsiniicola Bagnall = Isochaetothrips myrsiniicola (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) nativus (Girault, 1929), comb. nov. Physothrips nativus Girault, 1929. North American Hymenoptera Mymaridae, p. 29. [sex not stated]. P.[hysothrips] nativus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p.27. [Physothrips] nativus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Brisbane. Habitat: Unknown. Physothrips navasi Bagnall = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) discolor (Karny). 1032 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Physothrips neavei Karny = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) gowdeyi (Bagnall). Taeniothrips nigricornis (Schmutz) = Megalurothrips usitatus (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) nigriventris Pelikan, 1956. 9. Taeniothrips nigriventris Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 135, 137, PI. IX, figs. 1-4. 9. Taeniothrips nigriventris ; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:24. [ Taeniothrips ] nigriventris Pelikan; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierweit, 2:41 1. ['. Taeniothrips ] nigriventris Pelikan; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:77. 9. T.[aeniothrips] nigriventris Pelikan; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p.210. [Taeniothrips] nigriventris Pelikan; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):25. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Pouzdrany, Siidmahren; Zadiel, siidslowakischen Karstgebiet; AUSTRIA: Frauenstein bei Modling. Type locality: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Pouzdrany, Siidmahren. Habitat: Flowering Papilionaceae; dry turf. Taeniothrips niloticus Priesner = FSorithrips traegardhi (Trybom). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) nomoceras (Karny, 1921). 9. Mecothrips nomoceras Karny, 1921. Treubia, 1(4): 287, figs. 9-12. 9. Taeniothrips nomoceras (Karny); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 485, 521, 525. 9. [described]. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Tjibodas. Type locality: JAVA: Tjibodas. Habitat: Young still rolled up leaves of Amomum coccineum. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) novocaledonensis Bianchi, 1945. 9, 6. Taeniothrips novocaledonensis Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 270, PI. XIV, fig.D. 9,d. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: NEW CALEDONIA: Noumea; Yahoue Valley; La Foa. Type locality: NEW CALEDONIA: Not specified. Habitat: Rose; Lantana sellowiana; Lantana camara; nasturtium. Taeniothrips obscurus (Uzel) = Mycterothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti). Taeniothrips obscurus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish = Ceratothrips obscurus (Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) oneillae Titschack, 1968. 9, c5. Taeniothrips oneillae Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Miinchen, 1 1 : 177-223, figs. 1G, 2G, 3-5, 6F, 7F, 8-10. 9, 6. [Thrips] oneillae (Titschack); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. Taeniothrips oneillae Titschack; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):476. [Taeniothrips (Similo thrips)] oneilli [Sic/] Titschack; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14): 274. 1033 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Location of type: Titschack collection, Hamburg, Distribution: SPAIN: near Valencia. Type locality: SPAIN: Sanddiinen von Saler (12 Km sudl. von Valencia). Habitat: Alkanna tinctoria. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) ononidis Bournier, 1962. 9. Taeniothrips ononidis Bournier, 1962. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 67:41. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] ononidis Bournier; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:76, 78. 9. Taeniothrips ononidis Bournier; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:47,120. . Taeniothrips ononidis; Bournier, 1969. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (NrS.)5(2):335, 342, figs. 2a, 3a, 5a, 6. 9. [full description]. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)} ononidis Bournier; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: ? Bournier collection. Distribution: FRANCE: Herault; Alpes-Maritimes; mediterranean Languedoc; SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Oued El-Hamra (Prov. Tarfaya). Type locality: FRANCE: Farene dolomitique de Moureze (Herault). Habitat: Ononis minutissima ; Teucrinm chardonianum. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) orchidi Ananthakrishnan, 1968. 9, 6. Taeniothrips orchidi Ananthakrishnan, 1968. Zool. Anz., 180(3-4):261, fig. 3. 9, 6. [Thrips] orchidii (Ananthakrishnan); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):380. Taeniothrips orchidis; Ananthakrishnan, 1971 . Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 135. Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Nainital (U.P.). Type locality: INDIA: Nainital (U.P.) 6000 to 7000'. Habitat: Orchid flowers; Cymbidium bicolor. Euthrips orchidii Moulton = Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) oreophilus Priesner, 1935. 9. Taeniothrips oreophilus Priesner, 1935. Philippine Journ. Sci., 57(3):355. 9. Taeniothrips oreophilus Priesner; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4): 434. Taeniothrips oreophilus Priesner; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredp, 1(3):348, 350. [ Taeniothrips ] oreophilus; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 19. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: FORMOSA: Mount Ari; Koyo; Arisan; Murorafu; Matsumine, Taichu-Shu; Rarasan; Taiheisan; Arisan; JAPAN: Ubasa, Oita Prefecture. Type locality: FORMOSA: Mount Ari. Habitat: Torenia concolor; flowers of various plants. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) orionis Treherne, 1924. 9, 6. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4): 86,- 1 fig. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips\ orionis Treherne; Watson, 1924. Florida Ent., 8(2): 29. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; Herrick, 1925. Ent. News, 36: 180. Taeniothrips tahoei Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4): 190, PI. XI, fig. 2. 6. Taeniothrips pingreei Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4): 191, PI. XI, fig. 3. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] orionis Treherne; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:284. 1034 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips] pingreei Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:284. [probably syn. of ononis]. [Taeniothrips] tahoei Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:284. [probably syn. of orionis]. T.[aeniothrips] tahoei Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):49. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; Bailey, 1949. Canadian Ent., 81(6): 154, figs. 1, 7, 10, 1 1, 15. [ Taeniothrips ] pingreei Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [Taeniothrips] tahoei Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 5 1 (5): 232. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41 (3): 177. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198, 201. [synonymy]. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; Washburn, 1958. Journ. econ. Ent., 51:274. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1226, 1235, figs. 8, 10, 27, 33, 39. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips] orionis (Treherne); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. Taeniothrips orionis Treherne; O’Neill, 1972. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 74(3): 279. Location of type: Canadian National Collection, Ottawa; of tahoei and pingreei: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: CANADA: British Columbia; U.S.A.: Alaska; California; Colorado; Wyoming; Washington; Montana; Utah. Type locality: CANADA: Mt. McLean, Lillooet, British Columbia; for tahoei: U.S.A.: Lake Tahoe, California; fox pingreei: U.S.A. : Pingree Park, Colorado. Habitat : Various flowers at high altitudes; injuring cabbage, lettuce and potatoes. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) pallidivestis Priesner, 1926. 9, <5. Taeniothrips frici var. pallidivestis Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:291. 9. [Taeniothrips Frici] f. pallidivestis; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Physothrips pallidivestis (Priesner); Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:493. Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner, Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:88, 94, figs. XVII(l), XXI(3,4). 9, <5. Taeniothrips pallidivestis; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22: 120. T.[aeniothrips] pallidivestis Priesner; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:25. [Taeniothrips] pallidivestis; Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:52. Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 104. Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner; Bournier, 1960. Vie et Milieu, 1 1(1): 88. Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):419, 451, figs. CVC(l), CVC(3), CIIIC(l). 9, <5. [Taeniothrips] pallidivestis Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1 . Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):281-317. [Taeniothrips] pallidivestis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:79, 81, 123, 126, figs. 73, 75. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips frici] subsp. pallidivestris [Sic!] Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 224. T.[aeniothrips] frici var .pallidivestis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:864. 1035 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [ Taeniothrips ] palli divest is; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):26, 27. T.[aeniothrips) pallidivestis; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5): 69. Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner; Titschack, 1967. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 37: 1 , 14, fig. 7B. Taeniothrips pallidivestis; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:29, fig. 19b. Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner; Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)21(2): 133. Taeniothrips pallidivestis Priesner; zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 51(5-6):373. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] pallidivestis Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Hungary; France; Italy; Cyprus; Turkey; Rumania; Spain; Greece; Georgia, USSR. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Habitat: Large number of flowers, principally Compositae. Physopus pallidipennis Uzel = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) vuigatissimus (Haliday). Physothrips pallipes Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Physothrips parvus Moulton = Scirtothrips longipennis Bagnall. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) pavettae Priesner, 1938. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pavettae Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):493, 523, 526. 9, 6. Location of type: Seckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: SUMATRA: Sibolangit. Type locality: SUMATRA: Sibolangit. Habitat: Flowers of Pavetta indica. Taeniothrips pearsalli Moulton = Frankliniella achaeta Hood. Taeniothrips peculiaris (Bagnall) = Megalurothrips peculiaris (Bagnall). Pezothrips pedestris Karny = Chirothrips pedestris (Karny). . Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) persimilis Priesner, 1954. 9, 6. Taeniothrips persimilis Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:51, 52. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips\ persimilis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:79, 81 . 9, 6. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: PERSIA: Ardekan (Comehr); Fahrs (Comehr). Type locality: PERSIA: not specified. Habitat: Flowers of Verbascum and Althaea. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) picipes (Zetterstedt, 1828). 9, <3. Thr.[ips] picipes Zetterstedt, 1828. Faun. Ins. Lapp., p. 561. Thr.[ips] Primulae Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:449. 6, 9. Thr.[ips] decora Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:449. Thr. [ip s] Primulae Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):4 1 5. Thr.[ips] decora Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2) : 4 1 6 . 1036 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips decora Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. Thrips Primulae Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:218. Thr.[ips] picipes; Zetterstedt, 1840. Ins. Lapponica, p. 313. T.[aeniothrips\ primulae (Haliday); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 644. T.[aeniothrips] decora (Haliday); Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins., Hemipt., p. 644. Thrips decora Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Inst., 3(1): 217. Thrips Primulae Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1): 2 18. Thrips Primulae: Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4: 1 109. <5, 9. Thrips decora; Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4: 1 109. 9. Faeniothrips [Sid] primulae (Haliday); Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207. Thr. [ips] picipes Zetterstedt; Siebke, 1874. Enum. Ins. Norveg., 1 :50. Th.[rips] primulae Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34: 134. T. [hrips] primulae Haliday; Pergande, 1882. Entomol., 15:95. T. [hrips] decora Haliday; Girard, 1885. Les Ins. Traite elem. Ent., 3: 1074. Thrips Primulae Haliday; Uzel, 1889. Vesrnir, 18(21):259. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:333. Taeniothrips decora (Haliday); Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:333. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 33, 49, 1 19, PI. V, fig. 62. 9,d. [described], [. Physopus primulae ] var. adusta Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 120, 121. 9. Thrips picipes Zetterstedt; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 277. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):472. [Physopus primulae ] var. adusta Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3): 472. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):50, 53. Physopus Primulae (Haliday); Leonardi, 1901 . Ins. Nocivi, 4:628, 645. Ph. [ysopus] primulae (Haliday); Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 289. [9], 6. Physopus Primulae (Haliday); Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. agr. Firenze, (1)5:14. Ph. [ysopus] Primulae (Haliday); Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:11. Ph. [ysopus] Primulae var. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 1 1 . Physopus primulae (Haliday); Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 100, 101. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):913, 914. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti. Soc. Tosc. Sci. nat. Pisa, 23:276, 283, fig. 4. Physopus primulae ? (Haliday); Buffa, 1908. Redia, 4(2): 383. Euthrips alpina Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9-10): 279. [sex not stated]. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 135. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Cobelli, 1909. Verb. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:3. Thrips decora Haliday; Guenaux, 1909. Ent. Parasit. agr. ed. 2, p. 137. Ph. [ysopus] primulae (Haliday); Trybom, 1910. Sjbstedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(1 6): 2. E.[uthrips] primulae (Haliday); Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Physopus primulae (Haliday); Schille, 1912. ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44): 233 (sep. p. 13). [Physopus primulae] v. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44):233 (sep. p. 13). 1037 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Physothrips alpinus (Karny); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:340. Taeniotlirips primulae (Haliday); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:343. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Bagnal), 1912. Journ. econ. Biol., 7(4): 189. Taeniotlirips primulae (Haliday); Bagnall, 1914. Rep. British Ass. Adv. Sci., 1913:531. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. [Taeniothrips primulae ] var. adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. [Physothrips alpinus (Karny); Priesner, 1914 = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) inconsequens (Uzel)]. Physothrips alpinus (Karny); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 1 0- 1 2) : 3 6 8 . Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Williams, 1916. Entomol., 49:277. T.[aeniothrips] primulae (Haliday); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):48. Thrips picipes Zetterstedt; Ahlberg, 1918. Ent. Tidskr., 39(2): 140-142. [same as Taeniothrips primulae ]. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29: 172. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. [Taeniothrips primulae ] ab. adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. [Taeniothrips primulae ] f. brevicornis Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. [sex not stated]. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catah, 2( 1 ): 9. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. Taeniothrips primulae var. adustus (Uzel); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Ahlberg, 1921 . Ent. Tidskr., 42: 111. Taenioth. [rips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 120, 142, PI. XII; textfig. 24. 9, 6. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 1 4( 1 ): 20. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46: 155. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Taeniothrips picipes] f. adusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Taeniothrips picipes] f. brevicornis; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 274, 324. 9, 6, egg, pupa. Taeniothrips picipes f. adusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:326. 9, 6. Taeniothrips picipes f. brevicornis; Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:327. 9. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:41. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 10. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:470, 417. larva. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Kazakov, 1927. Acta ent. Serb., 2: 16. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddeh, 16(3): 175. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3): 844. 9, 6. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:182. [Taeniothrips picipes] f. adusta (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37: 182. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Hung., 25:64. T.[aeniothrips] picipes picipes (Zetterstedt); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 41. T.[aeniothrips] picipes adustus (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 41. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); John, 1930. Rev. Russe Ent., 24(1-2): 112. 1038 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:74. T.[aeniothrips\ picipes (Zetterstedt); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:69, 75. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips picipes ] f. adusta (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:75. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:272, 283, 287. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 143. 9,6. Thaeniothrips [Sic!] picipes (Zetterstedt); Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:32. P. [hy so thrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2( 1 ): 25 , 32. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:93, fig. XXII(3). Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19( 1 -2) : 83 . Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15: 1 10. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):68. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53: 166, 183, 186, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 211, fig. 25. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Melis, 1941 . Redia, 27:26. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Speyer & Parr, 1941 . Trans. R. ent. Soc. Fondon, 91(1 1 ): 5 60, 561 , 583, 584, 61 1 , figs. 28, 46c. larva described. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:127. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1 ) : 37. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4): 243. T.[aeniothrips] picipes Haliday [Sicf]\ Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:471. [described]. [Taeniothrips picipes] f. adusta (Uzel); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:471 . [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check Fist British Ins., p. 34. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Morison, 1948. Fondon Nat. Supph, pp. 58, 60. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Supph, p. 115. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:32. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Pelikan, 1951 . Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 1 1 :346. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1): 46 . Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 ( 1 ) : 5 1 . Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 (2): 155, 156, 174, 183. Taeniothrips dianthi Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 155, 178, 183. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 133, 153. 9, 6. Taeniothrips picipes f. adusta (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 154. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 143. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31:267. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):313. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Smith, 1956. Ent. mon. Mag., 92:350. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 11 2(1): 272. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:21. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:24. 1039 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, I09(16):496, fig. 18. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th inter. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:690, 691,692,693. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44( Append.): 15. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):446, 451. 9, 6, larva II. [ Taeniothrips ] picipes (Zetterstedt); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:41 1 . Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 115. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4): 373, 376, fig. 2. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2): 26. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4): 252, 258. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1): 96. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:77,80, 123, 125, fig. 92. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips picipes] f. brevicornis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:77. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1):63. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 132, 209, 218, 9, 6. [Taeniothrips picipes] f. adusta (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 219. [Taeniothrips picipes] subsp. brevicornis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 219. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:864. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 147, 155. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2): 60, fig. 6. [Taeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):25, 27. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. T.[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):93. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Bournier, 1967. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)3(1): 177. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:25, 28, 63, 68, 71 , PI. V, fig. 41. [Thrips] picipes Zetterstedt; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):380. T[aeniothrips] picipes (Zetterstedt); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:13. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Bernaux & Bournier, 1971. Proc. XIII internat. Congr. Ent. Moscow 1968, 2:313. Taeniothrips picipes (Zetterstedt); Woo, 1972. Korea Journ. Plant Protect., 11(2):48, fig. 7. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] picipes (Zetterstedt); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of primulae: unknown to writer; decora: unknown to writer; of adusta: ? Vienna Museum; of alpina: unknown to writer; of brevicornis: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. 1040 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: Sweden; Norway; Denmark; Finland; England; Austria; Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Germany; France; Poland; Russia; Italy; Rumania; Siberia; Holland; Scotland; Switzerland; Ireland; Spain; Yugos- lavia; Albania; Estonia; Ukraine; Japan; Korea. Type locality: Not specified; for primulae: Britain; for decora: Britain; for adusta: not specified; for alpina: AUSTRIA: Aflenz, Steiermark; for brevicornis: AUSTRIA: Oberosterreich. Habitat: Common in a large number of flowers. Taeniothrips pictus Hood = Ceratothrips pictus (Hood). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) pilosus (Uzel, 1895). 9, 6. Physopus pilosa Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 50, 129. Partim. 9 (nee 6). Thr.[ips] (Physopus) pilosus (Uzel); Trybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:222. Physopus pilosa Uzel; Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 101. [Physopus] pilosa Uzel; Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(16): 2. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. 9. Partim. [Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1921 = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) innocens Priesner]. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(1 -2): 89, fig. 2. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 5. [Taeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25: 158. [Taeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 272, 285. 9, < 5. [described]. [Taeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. T.[aeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 43. [Taeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:281, 292. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 63, 132. 9,6. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Melis, 1936. Redia, 22:93. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Syrjanen, 1937. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen: Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3( 1 ): 7, fig. 8. T.[aeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:126. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 37. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1945. Ent. listy, 8:117. T.[aeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:32. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., *1 (2): 174, 183. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 136. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Savenko, 1951. Trudy Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk Gruzii. SSSR, 10:235. [Taeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Titschack, 1955. Bombus, l(88-89):375. Taen.[iothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(1-2): 76. [Taeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1956. Zool. listy, 5(19): 138. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvd Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:24. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:27&. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. 1041 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46( Append. ):41 3, 450. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] pilosus (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:412. [ Taeniothrips ] pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:76, 79, 81. 9, <3. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 208, 210, 216. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 155. [ Taeniothrips ] pilosus (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 24, 26, 27. Taeniothrips pilosus (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] pilosus (Uzel); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25( 14): 274 Location of type: ? Vienna Museum. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Austria; Hungary; Finland; Germany; Rumania; France; Italy; Ukraine; Georgian USSR. Type locality: BOHEMIA: Hradec Kralove. Habitat: Turf; Gentiana clusii; Taraxacum sp.; Eryngium coeruleum; Galium. Taeniothrips pingala Ramakrishna = Megalurothrips peculiaris (Bagnall). Taeniothrips pingreei Moulton = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) orionis Treherne. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) pini (Uzel, 1895). 9, <3. Physopus pini Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 33, 50, 125. 9. Thrips (Physopus) pini (Uzel); Trybom, 1896. Ent. Tidskr., 17(2): 88, 97. Physopus pini Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1 7(2): 5 1 , 53. Pysopus [Sic!] Pini Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:628, 645. Ph. [\>sopus] pini Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Korn, fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:1 1. Physopus pini Uzel; Knechtel, 1911. Biblio. Rev. Viata Agr., 1911:13, 3 figs. Physothrips pini (Uzel); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:338. Physopus pini Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(44): 233 (sep. p. 13). Physothrips pini (Uzel); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(1 0-1 2): 366. Physothrips pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 192. Ph. [ysothrips] pini (Uzel); Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):47. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. 6. [described]. Physothrips pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6): 28. Physothrips pini (Uzel); Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:57. Taeniothr. [/ps] pini (Uzel); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 121, 128, PI. X. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46: 155. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 274, 294. 9, 6. [described]. T .[aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:41, 44. 9, 6. Physothrips pini (Uzel); Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:649. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1. T. [aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. T.[aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 174. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):843. 9, 6. 1042 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. F.[Sicf] [ aeniothrips ] pini (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 41 . Anaphothrips litoralis Reuter; Priesner, 1930. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1930:40. [part of type series is pini]. [ Taeniothrips ] pini (Uzel); van Eecke, 1931 . Bo.schma Fauna Nederland, 5:74. T.[aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:70, 71 . 9, <3. [ Taeniothrips ] pini (Uzel); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:286. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 134. 9,<3. T. [aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(1): 25, 30. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15: 106. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Hood, 1937. Ent. News, 48(3): 74, figs, a, b. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Maltbaek, 1938. Zool. Iceland, 3(40): 3. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1 ): 37. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4):240. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27:460. [ Taeniothrips ] pini (Uzel); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check Fist British Ins., p. 34. T. [aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 59, 60. [ Taeniothrips ] pini (Uzel); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. T. [aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:33, fig. 21. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 ( 1 ) : 5 2 . Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 1 33, 140. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. T. [aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 143. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kli'i Zvifeny CSR, 2:25. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th inter. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:690. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Melis, 1959. Redia, 44( Append.): 15. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append. ):421 , 45 1 , fig. CIC(l). 9, d. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:412. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4): 376. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Richards, 1964. Trans. Soc. British Ent., 16(1): 28. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1): 96. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1226, 1228, 1235, fig. 6. 9, 6. [described]. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:73, 80. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 209, 219. 9,6. T .[aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:864. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 147, 155. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2): 56, 60, fig. 7. [Taeniothrips] pini (Uzel); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):23, 26. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 560. T .[aeniothrips] pini (Uzel); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):93. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. Taeniothrips pini (Uzel); Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJ'odowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 181 . [Taeniothrips (Similothrips)] pini (Uzel); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274, fig. 1. 1043 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Location of type: ? Vienna Museum. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Finland; Sweden; Poland; Rumania; Austria; Scotland; Germany; Norway; Switzerland; Denmark; Italy; Iceland; Hungary; England; Ukraine; CANADA: Ontario; U.S.A.: Minnesota; Colorado. Type locality: BOHEMIA: not specified. Habitat: Abies; Pinus austriaca; Pinus strobus; Pinus silvestris; Picea excelsa; Picea maria na; Larix sp.; Picea pungens; Sorbus scoparia; also casually on non conifers. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) pretiosus Priesner, 1938. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pretiosus Priesner, 1938. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 30(3): 347. 9, <3. Taeniothrips pretiosus Priesner; Faure, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2): 367, figs. 1-7. 9, 6. [Thrips] pretiosus (Priesner); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 38 1 . Location of type: Musee Royal de PAfrique Centrale. Tervuren. Distribution: CONGO: Nyamlagira; Tshibinda; Mahagi. Type locality: BELGIAN CONGO: Nyamlagira. Habitat: Quinquina. Taeniothrips primulae (Haliday) = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) picipes (Zetterstdet). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) prior Priesner, 1929. 9. Taeniothrips qprior Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:130, 132. 9. Location of type: Klebs collection no. X. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Taeniothrips propinquus (Bagnall) = Mycterothrips latus (Bagnall). Phy so thrips pteridicola Karny = Pteridothrips pteridicola (Karny). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) pulchellus Moulton, 1936. 9. Taeniothrips pulcella Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2): 268. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] pulchella Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Victorias, Occidental Negros. Type locality: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Victorias, Occidental Negros. Habitat: Gossypium brasiliense. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) purus Moulton, 1936. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pura Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17: 505. 9, 6. Taeniothrips pura Moulton; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:44. [ Taeniothrips ] pura Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [Taeniothrips] pura Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):341. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Mossel Bay, Cape Province. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Mossel Bay, Cape Province. Habitat: Unknown. 1044 JACOT — GU ILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips pyri (Daniel) = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) inconsequens (Uzel). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) quadrisetae (Girault, 1927) comb. nov. Physothrips quadrisetae Girault, 1927. A Discourse on wild Animals, p.[l ]. [sex not stated]. Physothrips quadrisetae; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:394. P. [hysothrips] quadrisetae Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 25. [Physothrips] quadriseto Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plate (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Berners Creek, Queensland; Innisfail, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Berner’s Creek. Habitat: Flowers of conjevoy (Alocasia macrorrhiza). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) quinani Moulton, 1936. 9, 6. Taeniothrips quinani Moulton, 1936. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)17:506. 9, <5. Taeniothrips quinani Moulton; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Hist., (2)3:44. [ Taeniothrips ] quinani Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [ Taeniothrips ] quinani Moulton; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):341 . Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Somerset West, Cape Province; Mossel Bay, Cape Province. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Somerset West, Cape Province. Habitat: Late bloom of Hanab Turki vine. Taeniothrips ramakrishnai (Karny) = Florithrips traegardhi (Trybom). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) reichardti Priesner, 1926. 9, 6. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) frici (Uzel); John, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(1): 8. Taeniothrips frici (Uzel); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14( 1): 21 . [Taeniothrips fridi] var. reichardti (John); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. nom. nud. Taeniothrips frici var. reichardti (John); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:292. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips] frici reichardti (John); Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 42. [ Taeniothrips ] reichardti; Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:52. [ Taeniothrips ] reichardti; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:79, 81. 9, 6. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: USSR: Omsk, Siberia. Type locality: SIBERIA: Omsk. Habitat: Flowers of Mulgedium tataricum. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) repositus Priesner, 1924. 9, 6. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) repositus Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5): 142, PI. I, figs. 14, 15. 9, 6. Taeniothrips repositus; Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1 : 130, 132. sex not stated, [described]. [Taeniothrips repositus ] f. sedecimsetis Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1: 133. 9. Location of type: Fritsch collection; of sedecimsetis: Klebs collection. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. 1045 ANN. CAPE FROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, FT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) resinae Priesner, 1924. 9. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) resinae Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5): 144. 9. Taeniothrips resinae; Priesner, 1 929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:130, 132. 9. Location of type: Fritsch collection. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat : Fossil. Taeniothrips revela tits Priesner = Ceratothripoides brunneus Bagnall. Taeniothrips rhodomyrti Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Taeniothrips rliopalantennalis Shumsher Singh = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Taeniothrips rieini Shumsher Singh = Mycterothrips ricini (Shumsher Singh). Taeniothrips rohdeae Kurosawa = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) eucharii (Whetzel). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) rufescens Hood, 1925. 9. Taeniothrips rufescens Hood, 1925. Entomol., 58: 137. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] rufescens Hood; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:287. [Taeniothrips] refeseens [57c7] Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: TANZANIA: near the Rufigi River. Type locality: EAST AFRICA: near the Rufigi River. Habitat: Flowers of an epiphyte growing on an undetermined tree. Taeniothrips salieis (Reuter) = Mycterothrips salicis (Reuter). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) samoaensis Moulton, 1944. 9. Taeniothrips samoaensis Moulton, 1944. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 17(22): 268, fig. la. 9. [Taeniothrips] samoaensis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Taeniothrips samoaensis Moulton; Bianchi, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1): 94. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: SAMOA: Pago Pago, Tutuila; Vailoatai, Tutuila; Afiamalu, Upolu; Molifanua, Upolu. Type locality: SAMOA: Pago Pago, Tutuila. Habitat: Cordyline flowers; corn tassels. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) saussureae Ishida, 1936. 9. Taeniothrips saussureae Ishida, 1936. Ins. Matsuinurana, 1 1(1 -2): 70, fig. 2. 9. Location of type: Entomological Museum, Hokkaido Imperial University. Distribution: JAPAN: Tokana, Urup, Chishima (Kurile islands). Type locality: JAPAN: Tokana, Urup, Chishima (Kurile islands). Habitat: Flowers of Saussurea riederi. Taeniothrips schillei Priesner = Mycterothrips obscurus (Uzel). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) scindapsi Priesner, 1936. 9. Taeniothrips schindapsi Priesner, 1936. Treubia, 15(3):324. 9. 1046 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Taeniothrips] scindapsi; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 516, 526. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: SUMATRA: G. Sibajak. Type locality: SUMATRA: G. Sibajak. Habitat: Scindapsus sp. Taeniothrips scotti (Moulton) = Isochaetothrips scotti Moulton. Physothrips seticollis Bagnall = Isochaetothrips seticollis (Bagnall). Physothrips setipennis Bagnall = Isochaetothrips setipennis (Bagnall). Taeniothrips setipennis (Karny) = Megalurothrips typicus Bagnall. Taeniothrips setiventris (Bagnall) = Mycterothrips setiventris (Bagnall). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) sexnotatus (Zehntner, 1 897). 9, 6. Physopus sexnotatus Zehntner, 1897. Arch. Java Suikerind., 10 pp. [cf. 1898. Zool. Centralbl., p. 803]. Physopus sexnotatus Zehntner; van Deventer, 1906. Handb. Suikerr.-Cult. Rietsuik. Fabr. Java, 2:276,277. 9, 6. Physopus sexnotatus Zehntner; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., 3:225. Physopus sexnotatus Zehntner; van Deventer, 1912. Handb. Suikerr.-Cult. Rietsuik. Fabr. Java, 2:287, 288. Taeniothrips sexnotatus (Zehntner); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:343. [ Taeniothrips ] sexnotatus (Zehntner); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 526. [probably not a Taeniothrips], Location of type: Unknown to writer, probably lost. Distribution: Java. Type locality: Java. Habitat: Sugarcane leafsheaths. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) silvae (Girault, 1928), comb. nov. Physothrips silvae Girault, 1928. Some Insecta and a new all Highness, p.[ 3] . [sex not stated]. P. [hysothrips] silvae Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 28. [Physothrips] silvae Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Wynnum, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Wynnum, Queensland. Habitat: Forest. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) silvestris Hood, 1935. 9,6. Taeniothrips silvestris Hood, 1935. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 48:83, PI. IV, figs. 1, 2. 9, 6. [ Taeniothrips ] silvestris Hood; Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3):53. [Taeniothrips] silvestris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Type locality: PANAMA: Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. Habitat: Flowers of: Dichorisandra hexandra; Xiphidium caeruleum. 1047 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) simplex (Morison, 1930). 9, 6. Physothrips simplex Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(1): 12. 9. Physothrips simplex Morison; Girault, 1930. New pests from Australia, VIII, p.[ 1 ]. [= spiranthidis Bagnall]. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden, 1931. Canadian Ent., 63(1): 20, fig. 1. 9, 6. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:289, PI. XIX, fig. 7. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Herr, 1934. Bull. Ohio agr. Exp. Sta., 537:1-64, figs. 1-12. [described; life history; control]. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Hamilton, 1934. Circ. New Jersey agr. Exp. Sta., 333:1-4. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Watson, 1934. Ann. Rep. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 1933:75. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Watson & Wilson, 1934. Ann. Rep. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 1934:55. P. [hysothrips] simplex Morison; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 26. Gladiolus thrips; McLeod, 1934. Rep. Cornell Agric. Exp. Sta., 46: 1 12. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; List, 1935. Circ. Office State Ent. Colorado St. Coll., 64: 1-15, figs. 1-5. [life history; injury; control]. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) simplex (Morison); Steele, 1935. Pamph. Counc. Sci. Industr. Res., 54:33. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21:95. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bailey, 1935. Journ. econ. Ent., 28(6): 858. T.[aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 166. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Blanchard, 1936. Physis, 12:103, 109, figs. la-3a,4. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2): 184. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):229. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:45. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); anonymous, 1937. Rep. Waite agr. Inst. 1933-1936, p. 63. T.\aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:47. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3): 4 1 8. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Andre, 1937. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 12:104, 105. [Taeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):525. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina. Dep. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 56. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, 346:5, 50, figs. 28, 29. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Da Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1:446, figs. 214a-216a. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47( 1): 7 1 . Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:93. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1 (3): 39. Taeniothrips simplex, (Morison); Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 135. [Taeniothrips] gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:17. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Hattingh, 1940. Sci. Bull. Union S. Africa Dep. Agr. Forst., (ent. ser. 4)221:1-16, figs. 1-3 + 1. 1048 J ACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Stout, 1940. Journ. New York bot. Gard., 41(490):244. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Wilson, 1941 . Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 357:3-22, Figs. 1-6. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Anonymous, 1941. Picture Sheet Bur. Ent. Plant Quar. U.S. Dep. Agr., No. 6: 1 p., 1 col. PI. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Watson, 1941. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 357:23. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bailey, 1941. Journ. econ. Ent., 34(3): 355. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); De Santis, 1941 . Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9: 149. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); McKeown, 1941. Australian Mus. Mag., 1941:386. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Smith, 1943. Common Insects of Kansas, p. 155. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Canizo, 1944. Eos, 20: 105 (footnote). Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Sakimura & Krauss, 1 944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1): 116, 120. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):127,130. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):326, 330. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Fullaway & Krauss, 1 945. Common Ins. Hawaii, p. 30, PI. 1, fig. 5. [Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips)] gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7: 164, 167. 9, 6. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Taeniothrips gladiolicola Pussard, 1946. C.R. Acad. Agr. France, 32:774. Gladiolus thrips; Dustan, 1947. Div. Ent., processed Publ., 69: 1-6. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32(1):99. [ Taeniothrips ] simulex [Sic!] (Morison); Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3): 5 3. Taeniothrips gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):49. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:414, 417, fig. 222d. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Smith, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41 (6): 955, tables 1-3. [Taeniothrips] gladioli Moulton & Steinweden; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Pelikan, 1949. Ent. listy, 12:28. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5): 232. T.[aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):410. T.[aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:30, fig. 17. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Pelikan, 1951. Prirody, 42(l-2):7, 1 fig. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Morison, 1951. Trans. R. Highl. Agr. Soc. Scotland, (5)63:27, figs. 1-4. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Speyer & Parr, 1951. Rep. Exp. Res. Sta. Cheshunt, 1950:35, 63, Pis. III,IV. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Speyer, 1951 . Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)20(5-6):53, figs. 1 , 3a, 6a, 7c. 9, 6. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Spiller, 1951. New Zealand Journ. Sci. Tech., (B)33(2): 143. [Taeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Titschack, 1952. Bombus, l(74-75):320. T.[aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:27. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Evans, 1952. Injurious Ins. British Commonwealth, p. 74. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31:267. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Jenser, 1955. Fol. Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)8(9): 131 , 133. 1049 ANN. CAPK PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Titschack, 1956. Bombus, l(92-94):386, fig. 3a. Toeniothrips [S/W] simplex (Morison); Bournier, 1956. Arch. Zool. exp. gen. Paris, 93(3):268, PI. Ill, textfigs. IA, XIV-XVI. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2:12. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 198, 201. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:23. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Faure, 1957. S. African Anim. Life, 4:379. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):499, fig. 20. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Ferriere, 1958. Mitt. Schweizerischen ent. Ges., 31(3-4): 320. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 97. [Taeniothrips] simplex (Morison); zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2): 341. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Hayward, 1960. Rev. Industr. y Agr. Tucuman, 42(1): 81. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3): 561. [Physothrips] simplex Morison; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:47. 9, 6. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bournier, 1961. Verb. XI intern. Kongr. Ent. Wien 1960. 1:354. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 16. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); De Santis, 1962. Fitosanitarias La Plata, 1(4): 5-6. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison): Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 85, 1 12. [Taeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1): 96. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); O’Neill & Bigelow, 1964. Canadian Ent., 96(9): 1228, 1237, figs. 7, 17,20,30,37. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:74, 80, 124. 9,d. T. [aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Djadefshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 210. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:304, 308. 9, d, larva II. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 156. T. [aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):205. T. [aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2): 60, fig. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] simplex (Morison); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 23. T. [aeniothrips] simplex (Morison); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):93. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bournier, 1967. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)3(1): 177. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Mamet, 1967. Mauritius Inst. Bull., 6(2): 66. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish. 1967. Opusc. Ent., 32(1-2): 162, 165-170. 9, 6. Taeniothrips gladiolicola Pussard; Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Miinchen, 11 :236. [a syn. of T. simplex]. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Titschack, 1968. Veroff. zool. Staatssamml. Miinchen, 11:192-223, 241-245, figs. IF, 2F, 6E,7E, 11, 12, 16. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4): 238, 259, 362, figs. 130, 132, 137. 9,d. [described]. 1050 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5,23,24,29. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); zur Strassen, 1969. Grzimeks Tierleben, 2: 169. [Thrips] simplex (Morison); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 380. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1(2): 52, 87. T.[aeniothrips ] simplex (Morison); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:13, 120, 131. Gladiolus thrips; Entomology Branch, 1970. Agr. Gaz. New South Wales, 81(9):5 19-521, 5 figs. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Officers Vic. Plant Res. Inst., 1970. Journ. Agr. Melbourne, 68(1 1):336, 337. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2): 243, 247, 257, figs. 9a, 16a. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); McEwen & Goble, 1971. Journ. econ. Ent., 64(6): 1572, table 1. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 114, 122, 127, 135. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Heming, 1972. Canadian Journ. Zook, 50(6): 751, 758. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Ortiz, 1972. Rev. Per. Entom., 15(1):85, 87. 9, 6. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison) ;Moseera, 1972. Zashchita Rastenii, 8:42-43. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Maksymov, 1972. Anz. Schadlingsk. Ptlanzenschutz, 45(4) :5 3. [Taeniothrips (Similo thrips)] simplex (Morison); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Taeniothrips simplex (Morison); Ortiz, 1973. Rev. Peruana Ent., 16(1): 1 13. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London; of gladioli: Canadian National Collection; of gladiolicola: unknown to writer. Distribution: Europe; U.S.A.; Canada; West Indies; Peru; Brazil; Argentina; Australia; New Zealand; Hawaiian Island; India; Mauritius; Egypt; Kenya; Rhodesia; South Africa; Lesotho. Type locality: SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Urrbrae; for gladioli: CANADA: Vineland Station, Ontario; for gladiolicola: FRANCE: Antibes. Habitat: A major pest of cultivated gladioli; other iridaceous plants. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) sinaiticus Priesner, 1935. 9. Taeniothrips sinaiticus Priesner, 1935. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1935:318, figs. 3, 4. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] sinaiticus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:74. Taeniothrips sinaiticus; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:305, 310. 9. [described]. [Taeniothrips (Similothrips)] sinaiticus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Coll. W. Wittmer (Mus. Duino). Distribution: EGYPT: Sinai, St. Katherine Monastery. Type locality: EGYPT: Sinai, St. Katherine Monastery. Habitat: Flowers of Alcanna orientalis. Taeniothrips sjoestedti (Trybom) = Megalurothrips sjoestedti (Trybom). 1051 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) skottsbergi (Ahlberg, 1922) comb. nov. 9. Physothrips Skottsbergi Ahlberg, 1922. Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez & Easter Island, 3(2): 274, fig. 2. 9. Physothrips Skottsbergi Ahlberg; Porter, 1924. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., 28: 150. Location of type: Swedish State Museum of Natural History. Distribution: CHILE: Juan Fernandez and Easter Islands. Type locality: CHILE: not specified. Habitat: Unknown. Taeniothrips smithi (Zimmerman) = Dichromothrips smithi (Zimmerman). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) sodalis Bagnall, 1926. 9, <5. Taeniothrips sodalis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:651. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] sodalis Bagnall; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:288. T. [aeniothrips] sodalis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:74. Taeniothrips sodalis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1:54, 60. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: ITALY: Protici (Napoli). Type locality: ITALY: Portici (Napoli). Habitat: Foliage of Ficus and Genista. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) spiranthidis (Bagnall), 1926). 9. Physothrips spiranthidis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18: 104. 9. Physothrips spiranthidis plurisetae Girault, 1933. Some beauties inhabitant not of the Boudoirs of Commerce but of nature’s bosom - new Insects, p.[2]. [sex not stated]. [Taeniothrips] spiranthidis (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:288. P.[hysothrips] spiranthidis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 26. [Physothrips] spiranthidis Bagnall; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 170. [Physothrips] spiranthidis plurisetae Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7: 1 70. Taeniothrips spiranthidis ( Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1:54, 60. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London; of plurisetae: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Healesville, Victoria; Ashgrove, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Mt. Yule, Healesville, Victoria; for plurisetae: AUSTRALIA: Ashgrove. Habitat: Spiranthes australis; Gladiolus. Taeniothrips succineus (Bagnall) = Mycterothrips succineus (Bagnall). Taeniothrips sulfuratus Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) taeniatus Karny, 1923. 9. Taeniothrips taeniatus Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4):301, PL XX, fig. 3; textfigs. 54, 55. 9. [Taeniothrips] taeniatus Karny; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:273. [Taeniothrips] taeniatus Karny; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 514, 526. 1052 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Saleier Island. Type locality: Saleier Island. Habitat: Ficus retusa in leaf galls of Gynaikothrips uzeli. Taeniothrips tahoei Moulton = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) orionis (Treherne). Taeniothrips tahvanus Hukkinen = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) vulgatissimus (Haliday). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) tenebricosus Priesner, 1938. 9, 6. Taeniothrips tenebricosus Priesner, 1938. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 30(3): 345. 9. Taeniothrips tenebricosus Priesner; Faure, 1959. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 22(2): 376, figs. 21-25, 28-31 . 9 ,6. [described]. [Thrips] tenebricosus (Priesner); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):381. Location of type: Musee Royal de 1’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren. Distribution: CONGO: N’Gesho, S. Kivu; Mahagi; Tshibinda. Type locality: CONGO BELGE: N’Gesho, S. Kivu. Habitat: Quinquina. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) tenerrimus Priesner, 1936. 9. Taeniothrips tenerrimus Priesner, 1936. Treubia, 15(3): 325. 9. [: Taeniothrips ] tenerrimus; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 16, 526. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: SOUTH SUMATRA: Lampongs, Wai Lima. Type locality: SOUTH SUMATRA: Lampongs, Wai Lima. Habitat: Leaf roll on Gordonia. Taeniothrips meridiana f. tenuis Moulton = Megalurothrips sjoestedti (Trybom). Taeniothrips theiphilus Priesner = Ceratothrips theiphilus (Priesner). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) thunbergiae (Karny, 1923). 9. Physothrips thunbergiae Karny, 1923. Treubia, 3(3-4): 302, fig. 56a. 9. [' Taeniothrips ] thunbergiae (Karny); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:274. [Taeniothrips] thunbergiae (Karny); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 13, 526. [Priesner suggests that it is probably the same as T. minor Bagnall, in that case it is not a Taeniothrips but a Craspedothrips]. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Saleier Island. Type locality: Saleier Island. Habitat: Leaf-galls on Thunbergia fragrans. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) tibialis J.C. Crawford, 1948. 9. Taeniothrips tibialis Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3): 53, 56. 9. Location of type: U.S. National Museum. Distribution: MEXICO: Cuernavaca Rd., 60 km on Mexico City. Type locality: MEXICO: Cuernavaca Rd., 60km on Mexico City. Habitat: Unknown. Taeniothrips traegardhi (Trybom) = Florithrips traegardhi (Trybom). 1053 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) trifasciatus Priesner, 1936. 9. Taeniothrips trifasciatus Priesner, 1936. Treubia, 15(3): 323. 9. [ Taeniothrips ] trifasciatus ; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4): 5 14, 526. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt- a.M. Distribution: SOUTH SUMATRA: Wai Lima, Lampongs. Type locality: SOUTH SUMATRA: Wai Lima, Lampongs. Habitat: Costus. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) tristis Priesner, 1938. 9, 6. Taeniothrips tristis Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):494, 523, 526. 9, 6. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: G. Lande; Buitenzorg. Type locality: JAVA: G. Lande. Habitat: Flowers of Vaccinium varingifolium. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) trybomi (Karny, 1908). 9, 6. Euthrips Trybomi Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9-10):279. [sex not stated]. Physothrips trybomi (Karny); Karny, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:339. Physothrips trybomi (Karny); Karny, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 1 0( 1 0- 1 2) : 3 6 7 . [Taeniothrips vulgatissimum] var. trybomi (Karny); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:55. 6. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) ? trybomi (Karny); John, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(1): 8. Taeniothrips (?) trybomi (Karny); John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14( 1): 21 . [Taeniothrips vulgatissimus] var. trybomi (Karny); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips vulgatissimus var. trybomi (Karny); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:273, 298, PI. IV, fig. 64. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips vulgatissimus ] var. trybomi (Karny); Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 11. [Taeniothrips trybomi (Karny); Bagnall, 1928 = Thrips (Thrips) alni Uzel]. T.[aeniothrips ] vulgatissimus trybomi (Karny); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 40. Physothrips gentianae Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1 1:653. 9, 6. Taeniothrips vulgatissimus var. trybomi (Karny); Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 137, PI. XIV, fig. 49. 9, nQX, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. [Thrips flavus] f. obscuricornis Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. nom. nud. [Thrips] ochraceus Westwood [Sic!]; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. P.[hysothrips] flavidulus Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Thr.[ips] flavus Schrank; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):263. T. [hrips] flavus Schrank; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 48. 9, <3. Thrips flavus Schrank; Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.)7(4):220. Thrips flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt.3:349, 351, 421, 471. 9, 6, egg, larva, [described]. Thrips flavus f. flavosetosa; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt.3:423. 9. Thrips flavus f. obscuricornis Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt.3:423. 9. Thrips ochraceus Westwood; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt.3:446. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 12. 9. 1115 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 - T.[hrips] flavus Schrank;Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101 :69. Thrips flavus Schrank;Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 4:721. Physothrips flavus Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:98. 9, 6. Thrips flavus Schrank; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:132. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) flavidulus (Bagnall); Ramakrishnan, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent.Ser., 10(7):256. Thrips clams Moulton, 1928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98):294. 9, 6. Thrips flavidus Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):327. Thrips flavidus var. kyotoi Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):302, 327. 9. Thrips clarus; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4) : 327. Thrips flavus Schrank ;Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 149, 151, 183, figs. 73-75. 9, 6, egg, larva II. [Thrips flavus ] f .flavosetosa; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., p. 183. Thrips flavus Schrank; John, 1928. Ezhedgod. Gos. Muz. Martyanova Minussinsk, 6:63. Thrips flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:182.. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips flavus] f. obscuricornis; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr. [ips] flavus flavus Schrank; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 48. Thr.[ips] flavus flavosetosus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 48. Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Moulton, 1929. Rec. Indian Mus., 31(2):95. Thrips flavus Schrank; Jakhontov, 1929. Trudy Shirabudin. Op. Selsko-Khozyaj. Stanch, 2(2): 12. Thrips flavus Schrank; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:24. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):92. Thrips flavus Schrank; Maltbaek, 1931. Ent. Meddel., 17:370. Thrips flavus Schrank; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:86, 100, 154, fig. 32. 9,6. Th. [rips] flavus Schrank; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:81, 90. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] flavidus (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:281. [Taeniothrips] flavus (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:281. [Taeniothrips] flavidulus (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:282. Thrips flavus Schrank; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 126, 143, 144, 148, figs. 2d, 8c, 9c; PI. VI, fig. 4; PI. VII, fig. 8. Thrips flavus Schrank; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 157. 9,6. Thrips flavus Schrank; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:33, 75, 40. Thrips flavus f. obscuricornis Priesner; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:40. Tfhrips] (Tfhrips]) flavus Schrank; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1 :343. Taeniothrips sulfuratus Priesner, 1935. Philippine Journ. Sci., 57(3):358. 9. Thrips flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1935. Philippine Journ. Sci., 57(3):358(footnote). [Thrips flavus] i.biarticulata Priesner, 1935. Philippine Journ. Sci., 57(3):358(footnote). [same as Physothrips flavus Bagnall]. Thrips flavus Schrank; Bailey, 1935. Journ. econ. Ent., 28(6):856, 859. [vector of bean mosaic virus]. Tfhrips] flavus Schrank; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. Thrips clams Moulton; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:70, 72. Taeniothrips luteus Oettingen, 1935. Konowia, 14:183, 2 figs. [9]. Taeniothrips sulfuratus Priesner; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):434. Thrips clarus Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4) :439. 1116 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T.[hrips] flavus Schrank; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3):125, 131. [Thrips flavus] f.flavosetosa Priesner; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 131. Thrips clarus; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):269. Thrips flavus Schrank; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1 -2):84. Thrips flavus Schrank; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:1 19. Thrips clarus Moulton; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):348. Taeniothrips sulfuratus Priesner; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):349. Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):71 . [Taeniothrips] flavidulus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 5 1 5 , 525. Thrips flavidus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 5 1 5 , 525. [Taeniothrips] flavidus (Bagnall); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):525. Thrips flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4): 515, 526. Thrips flavus f. lutea ( biarticulata Pr.) (Oettmgen); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):526. [Taeniothrips] sulfuratus; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 1 6(4) : 5 1 5 , 526. Thrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, !4(3):94, 100. Thrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(4): 151. [Physothrips] flavidulus Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25: 18. Thrips flavus Schrank; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:171, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 211. Thrips flavus f. obscuricomis Priesner; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:171, 183, 194. Tfhrips] flavus Schrank; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. Thrips flavus Schrank; Speyer & Parr, 1941 . Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1):560, 561, 583, 584, 627, figs. 41,47c. Thaeniothrips [Sic!] luteus; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:127. Thrips flavus Schrank; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:132. Thrips flavus Schrank; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 ):38. [Thrips flavus] f.flavosetosa Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 ): 38 . Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Bioh, 30(3):257. T.[hrips] flavus Schrank; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. Thrips flavus Schrank; Oettingen, 1944. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 11(1): 44 , fig. 3. 6. Thrips flavus Fabricius [Sic!]; Canizo, 1944. Eos, 20: 105 (footnote). [Taeniothrips] flavus (Bagnall); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Taeniothrips rhopalantennalis Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:166, 168, 181. 9, 6. Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:166, 168, 185. 9, <5. Thrips flavus Schrank; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:580. T.[hrips] flavus Schrank; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:11. Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Supph, p. 31, fig. 6. Thrips flavus Schrank; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:25. T.[aeniothrips] flavus (Bagnall); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Supph, pp. 58, 60. T.[hrips] flavus Schrank; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Supph, pp. 64, 68. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] flavus (Bagnall); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Supph, p. 115. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Supph, p. 117. [Thrips] clarus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [Thrips] flavidus var. kyotoi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Thr.[ips] clarus Moulton; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):413. Thr.[ips] flavus Schrank; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1 ):41 3. Thrips flavus Schrank; Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Sbom. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 1 1 :346. 1117 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips flavus Schrank; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):45, 46. Thrips flavus Schrank; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 1 57, 163, 164, 170, 171, 172, 183. Thrips flavus Schrank; Smith, 1951. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 4(2):45, 46. Thrips flavus Schrank; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 181. 9,6. [described]. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 192. Thrips flavus Schrank; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588. Thrips flavus Schrank; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:49, textfig. 21. 9, 6, egg, larva. Thrips flavus Schrank; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:29. [Thrips flavus] f. biarticulata Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:29. Taeniothrips rhopaloantennalis [Sic!] Shumsher Singh; Mukeiji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1):66,68, fig. 1. 6. Thrips flavus Schrank; Smith, 1955. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 5(3): 109. Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31 :268. Th.[rips] flavus Schrank; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):76. Thrips flavus Schrank; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):316. Thrips flavus Schrank; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 12(1 ):278. Thrips flavus Schrank; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:27. Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(1 6):505, fig. 26. Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):300. Thrips flavus Schrank; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th inter. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:691, 692, 693. Thrips flavus Schrank; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:280. Trips [Sic!] flavus Schrank; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44( Append.): 15. T.[aeniothrips] flavidulus (Bagnall); Arora & Bhatti, 1960. Res. Bull. Panjab Univ., (N.S.)l 1(1-2): 144. T.[aeniothrips] rhopalantennalis Shumsher Singh; Arora & Bhatti, 1960. Res. Bull. Panjab Univ., (N.S.)l 1(1-2): 144. Thrips flavus Schrank; Bournier, 1960. Vie et Milieu, 1 1(1 ):88. Thrips flavus Schrank; Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46( Append. ):497, 524, 525. 9, 6, larva. Thrips flavus Schrank; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 143. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:414. Thrips flavus Schrank; Schliephake, 1961 . Beitr. Ent., 1 1(5-6):579, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588, 591. Taeniothrips sulfur atus Priesner; Bhatti, 1962. Bull. Ent. Madras, 3:38. Thrips flavus Schrank; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 17. [Thrips flavus] f. lutea Oettingen; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 17. Thrips flavus Schrank; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52( 1 ): 1 3 . Thrips flavus Schrank; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):375. Th.[rips] flavus Schrank; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Thrips flavus Schrank; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):28 1-317. Thrips flavus Schrank; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Thrips flavus Schrank; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33, PI. Ill, fig. 3. [Taeniothrips] flavus (Bagnall); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):96. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1 ):97. Partim. Thrips flavus Schrank; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)11(3):220, 253, 302-310, 314, fig. 9, map 6. d. Th.[rips] flavus f. biarticulata Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):31 1 . [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Blicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:72, 89, 99, 125. 9, 6. 1118 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips flavus ] f. obscuricornis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:88. Thrips flavus Schrank; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 242, 246, 266. 9, 6. [as flaus on p. 242]. [Thrips flavus ] f.flavosetosa Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 266. [Thrips flavus] f. obscuricornis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 266. Thrips flavus Schrank; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Th.[rips] flavus Schrank; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1 : 865 , 867. Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):84, 111. Taeniothrips rhopalantennalis Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):85, 111. Taeniothrips sulfuratus Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 85, 111. Thrips flavus Schrank; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips flavus Schrank; zur Strassen, 1965. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal, 19(80):52. Thrips flavus Schrank; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 156. Thrips flavus Schrank; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):210. Taeniothrips flavus (Bagnall); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 1 7(2) : 55 . [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9) :30, 34. Thrips flavus Schrank; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):563. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 18. Th. [rips] flavus Schrank; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):95. Thrips flavus Schrank; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):76. Thrips flavus Schrank; Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. Thrips flavus Schrank; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjfodowska Lublin, (1966) (021(41:56. Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:26, 29, 63, 71, 73, PI. V, fig. 45. Thrips flavus Schrank; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:32, 36, 63, 71 , 77, PI. VI, fig. 54. Thrips flavidus Bagnall; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:37, 63. Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 56. Thrips flavidus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :54, 64. Thrips flavus Schrank; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :64. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):366. Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1968. Entom., 101 :207. Thrips flavus Schrank; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:20, 24, 30, 66, PI. 3, fig. 19; PI. 5, fig. 36. 9, <5. [Thrips] flavidus (Bagnall); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :66. Thrips flavus Schrank; Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8): 113. Thrips flavus Schrank; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):381. [synonymy]. Thrips flavus Schrank; Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1(2):42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 72, 87. Thrips flavus Schrank; Bournier & Couilloud, 1969. Coton et Fibres tropicales, 24(2): 2 12, 213, fig. 2a. T.[aeniothrips] rhopalantennalis Shumsher Singh; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. 1119 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Tfaenio thrips] sulfuratus Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 :7, 131. Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(3):455, 459. Taeniothrips flavidulus (Bagnall); Kudo, 1971. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(4):61 1, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6, table 1 . Thrips flavus Schrank; Morison, 1971. Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106:163. Thrips flavus Schrank; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 182. Taeniothrips sulfuratus Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 132. Taeniothrips flavidulus Bagnall; Woo, 1972. Korean Journ. Plant Protect., 11(2):47, fig. 4. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276, fig. 1. Thrips flavus Schrank; Kudo, 1972. Kontyu, 40(4): 239. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of melanopa: unknown to writer; of ochraceus: unknown to writer; of flavidus: British Museum (Natural History); of flavidus (Phy so thrips): British Museum (Natural History); of flavosetosus: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of flavidulus: British Museum (Natural History); of obscuricomis: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of Physothrips flavus: British Museum (Natural History); of clams: California Academy of Sciences; of kyotoi: California Academy of Sciences; of sulfuratus: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of biarticulata: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of luteus: Unknown to writer; of rhopalantennalis: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Austria; Finland; Germany; Czechoslovakia; Hungary; Italy; Azores; Poland; Sweden; Holland; Rumania; Yugoslavia; Denmark; France; England; Scotland; Switzerland; Wales; Ireland; Russia; Siberia; Transcaucasia; Turkestan; Uzbekistan; India; China; Korea; Japan; Formosa; Philippine Islands; Malawi; New York, U.S.A. Type locality: Austria; for melanopa: Austria; for ochraceus: BRITAIN: Gardens of Horticultural Society; for Physothrips flavidus: JAPAN: Kobe; for Thrips flavidus: JAPAN: Kobe; for flavosetosus: AUSTRIA: Innsbruck (Kranebitten, Hotting), Tirol; for flavidulus: INDIA: Dehra Dun, U.P.; for obscuricomis: not specified; fox Physothrips flavus: ENGLAND: not specified; for clarus: FORMOSA: Taihoku; for kyotoi: JAPAN: University Botanical Gardens, Kyoto; for sulfuratus: FORMOSA: not specified; for biarticulata: not specified; for luteus: GERMANY: Warthebruch bei Landsberg a.W.; fox rhopalantennalis: INDIA: Dehra Dun. Habitat: A very large number of plants. Thrips flavus var. brevicomis Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) brevicornis Priesner. Thrips flavus v ar. microchaetus Kamy = Thrips (Thrips) microchaetus Kamy. Thrips flavus var. obsoletus Uzel = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman. 1120 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips (Thrips) floreus Kurosawa, 1968. 9. Thrips floreus Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:32, 63, 69, 74, 80, PI. VI, fig. 48. 9. Location of type: National Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Distribution: JAPAN: Zushi, Kanagawa-ken. Type locality: JAPAN: Zushi, Kanagawa-ken. Habitat: Iris sanguinea; Rhododendron spp. Euthrips floridensis Morgan = Frankliniella stylosa Hood. Thrips florum Schmutz = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) formicoides Oustalet, 1873. Thrips formicoides Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:26. [perhaps a Phloeothrips}. Thrips (s.l.) formicoides Oustalet; Handlirsch, 1908. Foss. Ins., p. 692. Location of type: Heer collection. Distribution: FRANCE: Aix en Provence. [Lower Oligocoene]. Type locality: FRANCE: marnes gypseuses d’Aix en Provence. Habitat: Fossil. Thrips (Thrips) formosanus Priesner, 1934. 9. Thrips for mo sanus Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):283, 290. 9. Thrips formosanus Priesner; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Joum. Sci., 60(4):437. Thrips formosanus Priesner; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):348, 350. [Thrips] formosanus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :66. Location of type: 9 Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: FORMOSA: Taito Prefecture; Takao Prefecture; Taichu Prefecture; Karenko Prefecture; Taihoku Prefecture. Type locality: FORMOSA: Mt. Niitaka. Habitat: Flowers of: Viola; Lilium; Polygonum; Compositae and others. Thrips fortis Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) imaginis Bagnall. Thrips frankeniae Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman. Thrips frechi (Schlechtendal) = (?) Hemithrips frechi (Schlechtendal). Thrips frequens Moulton = Plesiothrips frequens (Moulton). Thrips (Thrips) frosti Moulton, 1936. 9, 6. Thrips frosti Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 107. 9, 6. [Thrips] frosti Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Thrips frosti Moulton; St annard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):366. 9, <5. Thrips frosti Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 19, 25, 31, 67, PI. 4, fig. 27. 9,6. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Sherborn, Massachusetts; CANADA: Quetico Provincial Park, Ontario. Type locality: U.S.A.: Sherborn, Massachusetts. Habitat: Unknown. 1121 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips frumentarius Beling = Haplothrips (Haplothrips) aculeatus (Fabricius). Thrips f Isothrips) fullawayi (Moulton) = Neurisothrips fullawayi (Moulton). Thrips (Thrips) fulvipes Bagnall, 1923. 9, d. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:59. 9. Thrips fulvipes; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 60:274 [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:346, 378. 9. [described]. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Maltbaek, 1928. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1928:11. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 4:720. d, larva. Thrips fulvipes; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:131. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] fulvipes Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 46. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):372. Th.[rips] fulvipes Bagnall; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 84. 9, d. T.[hrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:168, 183, 190. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:571. T.[hrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., p. 63, 66. 9, d. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 17. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 1 59, 172. 9. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 1 9 1 . Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Titschack, 1953. Bombus, l(76-77):328. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):316. T.[hrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:23. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvfl Klic Zvifeny CSR, 2:26. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:414. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1 ) :97. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, 256, 302-310, 314, map 9. d. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:95, 96, 100. 9,d. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 241, 255. 9, d. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2):157. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):32. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):562. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 18. Thrips fulvipes Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 64. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:67. [Thrips] fulvipes Bagnall; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: England; Hungary; Scotland; Denmark; France; Switzerland; Rumania; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Austria; Transcaucasia. Type locality: ENGLAND: Shotover, Oxfordshire. Habitat: Mercurialis perennis [breeding host]; Brachypodium sylvaticum; Corylus sp. 1122 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips (Thrips) funebris Bagnall, 1924. 9. Thrips funebris Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon Mag., 60:274. 9. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips funebris Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:349, 380. 9. Thr.[ips] funebris Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 50. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 34. T. [hrips] funebris Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 62, 64, 67. 9. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 17. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1): 97. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, map 12. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:98. 9. T. [hrips] funebris Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 244. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):34. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 20. Thrips funebris Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 64. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:67. [Thrips] funebris Bagnall; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: England; Germany. Type locality: ENGLAND: Hengistbury, Hampshire. Habitat: Carex vulpina; Triglo chin mar itima. Thrips fungi Zetterstedt = Hoplothrips (Hoplothrips) fungi (Zetterstedt). Thrips fusca Muller = Thrips (Thrips) physapus Linne. Thrips f us cus Sulzer = Melanthrips (Melanthrips) fuscus (Sulzer). Thrips (Thrips) fuscicornis Ishida, 1936. 9, 6. Thrips fuscicornis Ishida, 1936. Insecta Matsumurana, 11(1 -2):70, fig. 3. 6, 9. [Thrips] fuscicornis Ishida; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:67. Location of type: Entomological Museum, Hokkaido Imperial University. Distribution: JAPAN: Tokotan, Urup, Chishima (Kurile Islands). Type locality: JAPAN: Tokotan, Urup, Chishima (Kurile Islands). Habitat: Flowers of Saussurea riederi. Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday, 1836. 9, 6. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:448. 9. Thrfips] fuscipennis Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):415. Thrips Fuscipennis Haliday; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. T. [hrips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 644. Thrips Fuscipennis Haliday; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3( 1 ) : 2 1 7 . Thrips fuscipennis; Haliday, 1852. in Walker: List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4: 1 1 1 1. 9, 6. Th. [rips] fuscipennis Haliday; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:134. T. [hrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:333. Thrips salicaria Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 54, 182. 9. Partim. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 56, 204. Thrips salicaria Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. 1123 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips meledensis Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:48. nom. nud. Thrips meledensis Karny, 1908. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 6(8) : 1 10, 113. [sex not stated]. Tfhrips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Thrips saliearia Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 18). Partim. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Karny, 1913. Zool. Anz. 43(3): 135. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Karny, 1914. Verh.k.k.zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:53. Thrips sambuci Uzel; Karny, 1914. Verh.k.k.zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 64:54. [Thrips major ] var. salicarius Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday ; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Thrips major var. salicarius Uzel; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. [Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Tullgren, 1917 = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman]. Thrips major var. (? = meledensis Karny); Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 126. Thrips major var. meledensis Karny (?); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1): 105. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Karny, 1913; Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akd. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 29( 1 -2) : 75 (footnote) . [discussed]. T.[hrips] meledensis Karny; Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ( 1)1 29(1 -2) :75 (footnote). Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. Thrips fiiscipennis Haliday ; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(7): 37. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(4-5): 180. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 102, 123. 9, 6. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis Haliday; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9) : 165, 168, PL PI. XVII. 9. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday ; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 31(1 -2): 4 1 . Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Ahlberg, 1924. Medd. Centralanst. fors.-vas. Jordbruk., 263(Ent. adv.42):3, 16, 17,textfigs. 1,2, 10-12, 14, 15; 1 Col. PI. [larva and nymph]. Thrips salicarius Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1):21. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):149. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):263. Tfhrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 47, fig. 10G. 9, 6. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.)7(4):220. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:346, 351, 366, 470. Thrips fuscipennis f. typica; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 367, PI. V, fig. 75. 9, <$, larva, prepupa, pupa. Thrips fuscipennis f.drabae Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 369. 9. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. Tfhrips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift. 1927:111. Tfhrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:69. 1124 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Th.[rips] fuscipennis Haliday; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 176. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 4:720. Thrips fuscipennis f. drabae; Priesner. 1928. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 4:720. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. drabae ; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis fuscipennis Haliday ; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 44, fig. 25. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:85, 91, 154, fig. 29. 9, 6. Thfrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 82, fig. 17. 9, <5. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Knechtel, 1932. Publ. Soc. Nat. Romania, 10:93. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 1 2(3-4) :303, 304, fig. 2. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 129, 137, 141, 143, 144, 147, PI. VI, fig. 2; PL Vli, fig. 6; textfigs. la, 2b, 3a, 8b, 9b. [described and discussed]. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):247, 248, 251, 252. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6:144. T. [hrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. T. [hrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 128. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 1 9( 1 -2) : 83 . Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Keier, 1936. Prace Wydz, Chor. Roslin, 15:113, 151-154. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Speyer, 1937. Proc. R, ent. Soc. London, (B)6(2):37, fig. 2. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 111. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):70 Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1941. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 8(1): 50. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:168, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 211. T. [hrips] fuscipennis Haliday ;Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(11): 560, 561, 583, 584, 624, figs. 21, 38, 39, 48a, b, e, f. larva [described]. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:130. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4) :243. Th.[rips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):257. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1944. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 1 1 ( 1 ) : 7 . [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 34. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:567. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. drabae Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:568. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):94, PI. XII, fig. 221. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p. 30, fig. 5. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:25. Tfhrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 61, 62, 66. 9, d. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis Haliday; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):413. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 11:346. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):46. 1125 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 1 59, 170, 183. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Smith, 1951. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 4(2):45. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 166, figs. 120a-b. 9,6. [described]. [Thrips fuscipennis ] f.drabae Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 168. [ Thrips ] fuscipennis Haliday; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips fuscipennis f. typica Haliday; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:38, textfig. 17. 9. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:30. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 144. T.[hrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Smith, 1955. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 5(3): 109. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31:267. Th.[rips\ fuscipennis Haliday; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):76. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):300, 314. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday ;Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 112(1):273. T.[hrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:22. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 1 09( 1 6): 50 1 , fig. 22. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2) : 1 05 . Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):300. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Lublin, ( 1 957)(C)1 2(8) : 1 17, 120, 123, 127, 130. Thrips fuscipennis fuscipennis Haliday; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:278. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday ; Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, ( 1 956)(C)1 1 (7) : 1 85 , 207, 209, 214, 218, 221. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1958)(C)13(7):129. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238, 240, 241, 243. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska & Litwin, 1960. Polskie Pismo Ent., (B)10(l-2):64, 65, 66, 67. Thrips fuscipennis f. typica Haliday; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append.) :486, 523, 525, fig. CCX. 9, 6. T.[hrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91 . [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6) : 579, 585, 588, 591. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol., 50(2): 305. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday ; Seczkowska, 1961 . Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14(3):56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 17. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(17):9. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 13. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday ; Boumier, 1963. Rev. Pathol, veg. Ent. agric. France, 42(2): 120. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. MededeL, 51:33, PI. VI, fig. 2. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1963)(C)18(6): 137. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 258. 1126 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1 ) :97 . Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, 259, 302-3 10, 314, fig. 9, map 4. 6. [described]. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:97, 100, 125, textfig. 86. 9,6. [Thrips fuscipennis] f.drabae; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:97. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1) :63 . Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 130, 239,248. 9, 6. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1 964( 4) : 1 5 7 . Th. [rips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:866,867. Thfrips] fuscispinus [Sic!] Haliday ; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:867. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 157. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:87, 168, 175, 196. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., ( 1 965)73(4) :2 1 0 . Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk(odowska Lublin, (1965) (C)20(3 ) : 28 . [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):33, 35, fig. 40. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):562. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1):20, fig. 3. Th. [rips] fuscipennis Haliday; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):95. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Ressl, 1967. Nach.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):77. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (1966) (C)21(4):56. limps fuscipennis Haliday; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):366, 367. 9, 6. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:21, 25, 32, 67, PI. 4, fig. 29; PI. 6, fig. 48. 9,6. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sk(odowska Lublin, (1 967)(C)22(8): 1 13. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1 (2):44-5 1 , 54-56,58-62,64,71,85,87. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2):247, fig. 9b. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Morison, 1971. Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106:63. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Mound, 1971. Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106:186. [gynandromorph noted]. Thrips fuscipennis Haliday; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJk>dowska Lublin, (C)26( 1 5 ) : 1 82 . T.[hrips] fuscipennis Haliday; Carl, 1972. Anz. Schadlingsk. Pflanzenschutz, 45(12): 180. [Thrips] fuscipennis Haliday ; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: unknown to writer; of meledensis: unknown to writer; of drabae: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. 1127 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Distribution: England; Scotland; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Yugoslavia; Poland; Sardinia; Austria; Hungary; Albania; Holland; Rumania; Estonia; Russia; Sweden; Serbia; Denmark; France; Switzerland; Finland; Ireland; Lithuania; Wales; Italy; Turkey; Transcaucasia; China; CANADA: Quebec; British Columbia; Northwest Territory; U.S.A.: New York; Illinois; Utah; Oregon. Type locality: Britain; for meledensis: DALMATIA: Prozura; for drabae: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Habitat: Plants of various families. Thrips fuscus Moulton, 1936 = Thrips (Thrips) salvus Moulton. Eutlirips fuscus Hinds = Frankliniella fusca (Hinds). Thrips georgicus Pelikan, 1973. 9. Thrips georgicus Pelikan, 1973. Acta ent. Bohemoslov., 70:38, figs. 3-4, 10. 9. Location of type: Pelikan collection, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Distribution: TRANSCAUCASIA: Ccheti village, near Tbilisi. Type locality: TRANSCAUCASIA: Ccheti villiage, near Tbilisi. Habitat: Flowering vegetation. Thrips gillettei Moulton = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). Thrips gilmorei Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) pallicornis Hood. Thrips gladiolicola Pussard = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) simplex (Morison). Euthrips glycines Okamota = Mycterothrips glycines (Okamoto). Thrips (Thrips) gossypicola Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Thrips gossypicola Priesner; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1 (3) :4 1 . [Thrips] gossypicola Priesner; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:22. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore; Sholinghur, North Arcot Dt. Type locality: INDIA: not specified. Habitat: Gingelly; a papilionaceous flower. [The above name appears to be a manuscript one of Priesner and used by Ramakrishna and Margabandhu but never published by Priesner]. Euthrips gossypii Morgan = Frankliniella gossypiana Hood. Euthrips gossypii Shiraki = Frankliniella gossypii (Shiraki). Thrips (Thrips) gossypii Yakhontov, 1929. 9. Thrips gosypii [Sic/] Jakhontov, 1929. Trudy Shirabudin. Op. Selsko-Khozyaj . Stancii, 2(2): 1 3. 9. [also as gossypii in discussion]. 1128 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips gossypii Yakhontov; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):402. T.[hrips] gossypii Jakhontov; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 242. [Thrips] gossypii Yakhontov; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :67. Location of type: Zoology Museum, Academy of Science, Leningrad. Distribution: UZBEKISTAN: Old Boukhara. Type locality : UZBEKISTAN: Old Boukhara. Habitat: Cotton. Thrips (Thrips) gracilis Moulton, 1936. 9. Thrips gracilis Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 105. 9. [Thrips] gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):124. Thrips gracilis Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:20,25, 34, 67, PI. 1 , fig. 6. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: CANADA: Aweme, Manitoba. Type locality: CANADA: Aweme, Manitoba. Habitat: Lathyrus venosus. Thrips gracilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish = Thrips (Thrips) palmi Karny. Thrips (Thrips) gracilis (Solowiow, 1924), comb. nov. 6. Paulus gracilis Solowiow, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 38( 12-1 3):25 , 1 fig. 9 [actually a 6 from fig.] Paulas gracilis Solowiow; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 38(16-17):34. [probably a species of Thrips, a 6 not a 9]. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: RUSSIA: Gorki. Type locality : RUSSIA: Gorki. Habitat: Blossoming weeds. [If this species is a true Thrips sp. then Moulton’s T. gracilis will need a new name unless it has a synonym as yet unrecognised]. Thrips (Thrips) gramineae Moulton, 1936. 9. Thrips gramineae Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 1 2(3) : 1 06. 9. [Thrips] gramineae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 1 25 . Thrips gramineae Moulton; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 177. Thrips gramineae Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Survey, 4(5):202, 203. Thrips gramineae Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:19, 25, 34, 67. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Calaveras Valley, Alameda County, California. Type locality: U.S.A.: Calaveras Valley, Alameda County, California. Habitat: Grass. Euthrips grandioculus Watson = Anaphothrips grandioculus (Watson). 1129 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) griseus Bagnall, 1916. 9. Thrips griseus Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)1 7:403. 9. Thrips griseus Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4) :327. [Thrips] griseus Bagnall; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlansch-Indie, 94(3):290. Thrips griseus Bagnall; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:37, 63. Thrips griseus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.), Suppl. 11:54, 65. [Thrips] griseus Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :67. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: JAPAN: Kobe. Type locality : JAPAN: Kobe. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913). 9, 6. Euthrips hawaiiensis Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:3, figs. 5-8. 9. Thrips florum Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1001 , 1002. 9. Thrips magnipes Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 22(7) : 1 00 1 , 1006, PI. I, fig. 6. 9. Thrips Rhodamniae Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 22(7): 1001 , 1008. 9. Thrips longalata Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 22(7 ) : 1 002 , 1009. 9, 6. Tfirips nigriflava Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1002, 1012. 9. Thrips Per adenyae Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1002, 1015. 9. Thrips pallida Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 22(7 ) : 1 0 1 5 (sep. p. 25). 9. [the name used in the reprint for Peradenyae in the original]. Thrips albipes Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:25. 9. Physoth.[rips] hawaiiensis (Morgan); Kamy, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-1 2): 367 . Physothrips pallipes Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:400. 9. Physothrips albipes Bagnall, 1916. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)17:401 . 9. Thrips florum Schmutz; Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2): 109. Thrips florum Schmutz; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):13. [synonymy]. T. [hrips] florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. T. [hrips] longalata Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. T.[hrips] nigriflava Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Tfhrips] pallida Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Thrips versicolor Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:108. 9. Thrips albipes; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18: 1 10. Thrips pallipes Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:110. 9. Thrips florum Schmutz; Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 198, PI. XVIII, figs. 2,3. [additional characters]. 9,3. Thrips albipes; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:576. Thrips albipes ; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 131. [short description]. Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1 ): 1 10, 132. 6. [described]. Thrips albipes Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 1 0( 7) : 26 1 . Thrips florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 1 0(7): 261, PI. XXXII, figs. 2,3. Taeniothrips (Physothrips) albipes (Bagnall); Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4): 325 . Taeniothrips eriobotryae Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4) :297, 325, fig. 5. 9. Taeniothrips pallipes Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4):302, 326. Thrips albipes Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1(4):302, 327. 1130 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips pallipes Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):303, 328. Thrips florum Schmutz; Priesner, 1928. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 56:65. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):79. Thrips florum Schmutz; Moulton, 1929. Rec. Indian Mus., 3 1 (2):98 . Taeniothrips pallipes Bagnall; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3 :23. Thrips albipes Bagnall; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:24. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1932. Agric. Livestock India, 2(4):401 . Thrips florum Schmutz; Moulton, 1933. Indian Forest Rees., 19(1 ):1. [ Taeniothrips ] hawaiiensis (Morgan); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:286. [syn.: albipes (Bagn ), pallipes (Bagn.)] [ Taeniothrips ] eriobotryae Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:286. T.[hrips] florum Schmutz; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 28. Thrips florum Schmutz; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):261 , 286. [synonymy]. Thrips florum var. dunbariae Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):261, 286. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):266, 287. Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):267, 286. [sex not stated], [syn. Taeniothrips albipes Bagnall]. [Thrips] pallipes Bagnall; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):290. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1934. Indian Forest Rec., (ent. Ser.)20(4):5. Tlmps florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1934. Rec. Indian Mus., 36(4) :493. T.[aeniothrips] pallipes Bagnall; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1 :343. T. [hrips] (T. [hrips]) albipes Bagnall; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:343. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:67, 68, 69, 70,71,73. Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1 (4) : 1 69 . Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Sakimura, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2):351. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):438. Thrips florum Schmutz; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4):439. Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):267. Thrips pallipes Bagnall; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):269. Thrips albipes Bagnall; Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2):269. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3): 348. Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):418. Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Sakimura, 1938. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(1): 167-173. Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):520, 525, 526. Taeniothrips pallipes (Bagnall); Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):489, 520, 526. [Taeniothrips pallipes] var . florinatus Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):489, 524, 526. [sex not stated]. Taeniothrips rhodomyrti Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):492, 520, 524, 526. 9, 6. [Taeniothrips] eriobotryae Moulton; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):524, 525. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1 ):28. Thrips albipes Bagnall; Moulton, 1939. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(1 2): 142. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1(3):40. Thrips rhodamniae Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1(3):41 . 1131 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):251. Thrips florum Schmutz; Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):253. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 1 5(24) :25 3 . Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(3):94, 100. Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(4): 1 5 1 . Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Bianchi, 1940. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(3) :376. [Thrips] albipes Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:21. [Thrips] flomm Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:21. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Bianchi, 1941. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 1(1):37. Thrips leucaenae Moulton, 1942. Bull. B.P. Bishop Mus., 172:9. 9. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Holdaway & Look, 1942. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 1(2) :256. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1): 116, 120. Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):116,121. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1): 128, 130. T. [hrips] hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1):128, 130. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 2(2) : 322, 326,330,331. T.[hrips] hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):322, 326,330, 331. [Thrips] albipes Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 35. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Fullaway & Krauss, 1945. Common Ins. Hawaii, p. 31, PI. I, fig. 10. [Thrips (Thrips)] albipes Bagnall; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:170. 9. [Thrips (Thrips)] flomm Schmutz; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:170, 172. 9, 6. Euthrips hawaiiensis Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):45. Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:414, 415. T.[hrips] hawaiiensis (Morgan); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 63, 67. Thrips leucaenae Moulton; Bianchi, 1949. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 13(3):347. [Thrips] hawaiiensis (Morgan); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 17. [Taeniothrips] eribotryae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):124. [Thrips] leucaenae Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 1 25. Thr.[ips] florum Schmutz; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4( 1 ): 4 1 3 . Thr.[ips] hawaiiensis (Morgan); Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):414. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Kurosawa, 1950. Icon. Ins. Japon., p. 174, fig. 443. Thrips flomm Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1953. Indian Journ. Ent., (1952)14(3):200. Thrips flomm Schmutz; Rakshpal, 1954. Indian Journ. Ent., 16(3):250, figs. 1-2. [description of 6 and 9 genitalia]. Thrips florum Schmutz; Mukeiji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1): 66, 70, fig. 6. [6 genitalia described]. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Kurosawa, 1957. Botyu-Kagaku, Kyoto, 22(1):95. Thrips flomm Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3):565. [Thrips] hawaiiensis (Morgan); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1):97. Taeniothrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); St annard, 1964. Pacific Insects Monograph, 7:235. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):85, 113. 1132 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, ( 1 963)26(2) : 86, 113. Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 1 11, 113. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:86. 9. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Indian Journ. Ent., 28(2):257. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Ent. Tidskr., 87(l-2):85, fig. 1. Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Ent. Tidskr., 87(l-2):87. [Thrips] albipes Bagnall; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 17. Taeniothrips eryobotryae Moulton; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:26, 29, 63, 71. Taeniothrips pallipes (Bagnall); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:26, 29, 63, 72, 77, PI. V, fig. 44. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:32, 34, 63, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, PI. VI, fig. 51. Thrips hawaiiensis f. imitator Priesner; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:32, 35, 63, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, PI. VI, fig. 52. Thrips pallipes Bagnall; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:37, 63. Thrips albipes Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54,61, fig. 20. [synonymy]. [Thrips] florum Schmutz; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:66. [Thrips florum] f. dunbariae Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:66. [Thrips] hawaiiensis (Morgan); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:68. [Thrips] leucaenae Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:70. [Thrips] pallipes Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:73. [Thrips] versicolor Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :79. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Sakimura, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(2):166. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):381. [synonymy]. Thrips florum Schmutz; De Almeida, 1969. Bol. Inst. Invest, cient. Angola, 6(1):48. T.[hrips] florum Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:6,7, 118, 119, 131. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(3):457, 459. Thrips florum Schmutz; Swaine, 1971. Queensland agr. Journ., 97(1):34, 1 fig. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Kudo, 1971. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(4):61 1, 612. Thrips florum Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 114, 123, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, PI. V, fig. 5. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 1 1 (footnote). Thrips hawaiiensis (Morison) [57c/]; Mitchell, 1972. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1971)21(2): 147. Taeniothrips pallipes (Bagnall); Woo, 1972. Korean Journ. Plant Protect., 1 1 (2):47 , fig. 6. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Woo, 1972. Korean Journ. Plant. Protect., 1 1 (2):48 , fig. 9. Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan); Kudo, 1972. Kontyu, 40(4):240. Location of type: U.S. National Museum; florum, magnipes, rhodamniae, longalata, nigriflava and peradenyae (or pallida)-, k.k. Naturhistorische Hofmuseum, Wien; albipes: British Museum (Natural History); Phy so thrips albipes, Thrips pallipes, Physothrips pallipes and versicolor: British Museum (Natural History); of dunbariae: Senckenberg Museum; of eriobotryae: California Academy of Sciences; of imitator: ? Priesner collection, Linz; of florinatus: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of rhodomyrti: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of leucaenae: California Academy of Sciences. 1133 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Distribution: Ceylon; India; Indonesia; New Guinea; Australia; Fiji; Philippines; Formosa; Japan; Korea; China; England; Hawaiian Islands; Henderson Island; Magareva Island; Tahiti; Hao Island; Rapa Island; Midway Island; Marianas; Campbell Island. Type locality: HAWAII: Honolulu; for florum, rhodamnia, longalata, nigriflava , peradenyae (ox pallida)'. CEYLON: Peradenya; for magnipes: Ceylon; for Thrips albipes: JAPAN: Okinawa, Luchu Island; for Physoth rips pallipes: JAPAN: Kobe,Harada; for Phy so thrips albipes: Okinawa, Luchu Island; for Thrips pallipes : JAPAN: Kobe, Harada; for eriobotryae: JAPAN: Nakasaki; for dunbariae: JAVA: Tjandi b. Semarang; for imitator: not specified; fox florinatus: CHINA: Kashing, Che-Kiang Prov.; for rhodomyrti: RIOUW ARCHIPELAGO: Doerian; for leucaenae: GUAM: Piti; for versicolor: FIJI: Tamavui. Habitat: Large number of plants. Thrips haemorrhoidalis Bouche = Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouche). Euthrips helianthi Moulton = Frankiiniella occidentals (Pergande). Thrips (Thrips) helianthi Morgan, 1913. 9, 6. Thrips helianthi Morgan, 1913. Pore. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:23, figs. 44, 47-49. 9. Thrips helianthi Morgan; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43. T.[hrips] helianthi Morgan; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. Thrips walteri Crawford, 1938. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 46(2):37. 9. Thrips helianthi Morgan; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina, N.C. Dep. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 56. T.[hrips] walteri; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47( 1 ) : 7 1 . Thrips walteri Crawford; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2) :41 . Thrips helianthi Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):46. T.[hrips] helianthi Morgan; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):206. Thrips helianthi Morgan; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):365, 368. 9. [described]. Thrips helianthi Morgan; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:18, 24, 34, 68, PI. 4, fig. 28; PI. 7, fig. 55. 9,d. Location of type: U.S. National Museum; of walteri: U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Tennessee; District of Columbia; North Carolina; New Jersey; Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Clarksville, Tennessee; for walteri: U.S. A.: Mount Hamilton, District of Columbia. Habitat: Helianthus sp.; Eupatorium purpurewn; ground litter. Thrips heraclei Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) nigropilosus Uzel. Thrips (Thrips) herricki Bagnall, 1926. 9, 6. Thrips sp., Herrick, 1925. Ent. News, 36:183. Thrips herricki Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:545. 9. Thrips herricki; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:652. Thrips veratri Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.)7(4):218, PI. XX, fig. 2. 9. 1134 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips veratri Herrick, 1927. Ent. News, 38:276, fig. 1. 9. [as a new species]. T.[hrips] veratri Herrick; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101 :69. Thrips herricki Bagnall; Hood, 1931. Pan-Pacific Ent., 7(4): 171. [synonymy]. T.[hrips] herricki Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. Thrips veratri Herrick; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):43. [Thrips] veratri Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1) :25. Thrips herricki Bagnall; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klid Zvifeny CSR, 2:26. Thrips herricki Bagnall; Pelikan, 1958. Acta Soc. Ent. Cech., 55(3):286. Thrips herricki Bagnall; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, 263, 302-310, 313, 314, fig. 8, map 10. 6. [described]. [Thrips] herricki Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:96. 9. Thrips veratri Hood;Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):210. [Thrips] herricki Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):32. Thrips herricki Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 65. Thrips herricki Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:18, 24, 35, 68, PL 5, fig. 40. 9, 6. [Thrips] herricki Bagnall; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276 Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of veratri Hood: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of veratri Herrick: ? U.S. National Museum. Distribution: France; Czechoslovakia; Spain; U.S.A.: New York; New Jersey. Habitat : Veratrum viride; Veratrum album. Thrips herricki var. impatientis Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) impar Hood. Thrips hirtiventris Hood = Thrips (Thrips) acaciae Trybom. Thrips (Thrips) hispidipennis Hood, 1932. 9, 6. Thrips hispidipennis Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 1 19, 120, 122, PI. Ill, figs. 1-5. 9, 6. [Thrips] hispidipennis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. [Thrips] hispidipennis Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:68. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: TANZANIA: Dar-es-Salaam. Type locality: TANGANYIKA TERRITORY: Dar-es-Salam. Habitat: Flowers of Jasmine. Thrips (Thrips) hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. 9. Thrips hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Ent. Tidskr., 87(l-2):88, fig. 2. 9. [Thrips] hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:80. T. [hrips] hispidus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. Location of type: ? Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Shencottah — Quilon border, ghat section 2000'. Type locality: INDIA: Shencottah — Quilon border, ghat section 2000'. Habitat: Acacia sp. Thrips hololeucus Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Linde man. 1135 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips holorphnus Karny = Baliothrips biformis (Bagnall). Thrips (Thrips) hoodi Priesner, 1938. 9. Thrips hoodi Priesner, 1938. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 30(3) :352. 9. Thrips hoodi Priesner; Faure, 1964. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 70(l-2):76, figs. 30, 34-36, 40-42. [discussed]. [Thrips] hoodi Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:68. Location of type: Musee Royal de PAfrique Centrale, Tervuren, Belgium. Distribution: CONGO: Lubero. Type locality: BELGISCHER CONGO: Lubero. Habitat : Unknown. Thrips hukkineni Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) trehernei Priesner. Thrips (Thrips) ignobilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1969. 9. Thrips ignobilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1969. Zool. Anz., 182(1-2): 1 16, fig. 4. 9. T.[hrips] ignobilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. Location of type: ? Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Adichanallur, Kerala; Kulatupuzha, Kerala. Type locality: INDIA: Kerala. Not specified further. Habitat: Cowpea; grass. Thrips illicii Hood = Thrips (Thrips) alysii Hood. Thrips (Thrips) imaginis Bagnall, 1926. 9,3. Thrips fortis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:109. 9. Thrips imaginis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:1 11. 9, 6. [Thrips imaginis] var. apicalis Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18: 111. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Girault, 1926. New pests from Australia, IV, p.[ 1 ]. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Girault, 1927. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 1 4( 1 0- 1 2) : 1 89 . Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 27:403. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 28:348. Thrips fortis Bagnall; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. lourn., 28:352. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:391. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:325. Thrips fortis Bagnall; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:327. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Priesner, 1928. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien., (1)137(9): 645 . Thrips imaginis; Bagnall, 1929. Ent. mon. Mag., 65:49. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(1): 14. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Morison, 1931. Bull. ent. Res., 22(2):248. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Evans, 1932. Pamph. Counc. sci. & industr. Res. Australia, 30:48 pp., figs, [bionomics]. Tfhrips] fortis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 28. T.[hrips] imaginis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 28. T.[hrips] apicalis Bagnall; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Anonymous, 1934. Rep. Waite agr. Inst. 1925 — 1932, pp. 62—64. 1136 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Steele, 1935. Pamph. Counc. sci. & industr. Res. 54:42-46, figs. 3, 4, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 32. 9, <3, immatures. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Newman, 1935. Joum. R. Soc. W. Australia, 21 :93, 94. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Bailey, 1935. Journ. econ. Ent., 28(6) :858 . Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Bailey, 1936. Canadian Ent., 68:96. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1 -2) :92 . Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:29. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; McKeown, 1941. Australian Mus. Mag., 1941 :386, fig. T. [hrips] imaginis Bagnall; McKeown, 1942. Australian Ins., p. 77, fig. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 278. Thr.[ips] imaginis Bagnall; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4( 1 ): 4 1 4. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 176. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Evans, 1952. Injurious Ins. British Commonwealth, p. 74. [Thrips] imaginis Bagnall; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7: 17 1 . [Thrips] imaginis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:87. 9. [Thrips] imaginis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:336. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :54, 65. [synonymy]. [Thrips] fortis Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:66. [Thrips] imaginis Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:68. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Officers Vic. Plant Res. Inst., 1970. Joum. Agr. Melbourne, 68(1 1 ) : 336. Thrips imaginis Bagnall; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2):250. [Thrips] imaginis Bagnall; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of fortis and apicalis: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Victoria; South Australia; Queensland; New South Wales; Western Australia; Tasmania; NEW CALEDONIA; ENGLAND. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: not specified; for fortis: AUSTRALIA: Melbourne Botanic Gardens; for apicalis: AUSTRALIA: not specified. Habitat: Large number of plants. Thrips immsi Bagnall = Emothrips lobatus (Bhatti). Thrips (Thrips) impar Hood, 1915. 9,6. Thrips impar Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3(1-4) :25. 9,6. Thrips impar; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6):59. Thrips impar Hood; Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3): 35. Thrips impar Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43. Thrips impar; Hood, 1926. Bull. Lloyd Libr. ent. Ser., 5:94. T. [hrips] impar Hood; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101 :69. Thrips impar Hood; Watson, 1933. Florida Ent., 16(4): 62. Thrips herricki var. impatientis Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 109. 9. Thrips impar Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1):71. [Thrips] impar Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1) :25 . [Thrips] herricki var. impatientis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3):125. T. [hrips] impar Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):206. 1137 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips impar Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):238, 366, 368, fig. 49. 9,6. [described]. Thrips impar Hood;Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:18, 25, 36, 68, PI. 1, fig. 11; PI. 5, fig. 43. 9, 6. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of impatientis: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Maryland; Illinois; Georgia; New York; Tennessee; Massachusetts; New Jersey; Arkansas; Indiana; Ohio; Virginia. Type locality: U.S.A.: Plummer’s Island, Maryland; for impatientis: U.S.A.: Atwater, Illinois. Habitat: Abundant on Impatiens spp.; other plants probably casual. Thrips inaequalis Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) major Uzel. Thrips (Thrips) incognitus Priesner, 1914. 9,6. Thrips incognitus Priesner, 1914. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 27(45):259, fig. 2. 9. Thrips incognitus; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. [Thrips] incognitus; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips incognitus; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 349, 352, 407, 470, PI. V, fig. 82. 9, 6, larva, [described]. [Thrips] incognitus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] incognitus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 50. TJmps incognitus Priesner; Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 3Q(6):378. Thrips incognitus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 178, fig. 124. 9, 6. [Thrips] incognitus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listv. 1 : 1 92. Thrips incognitus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvffeny CSR, 2:27 , fig. 56. Thrips incognitus Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, 266, 302-310, 31 1,315, map 10. 6. [Thrips] incognitus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:89, 97, 101, 124, textfig. 83. 9,6. Thrips incognitus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 244,273. 9, 6. [Thrips] incognitus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):29, 33, 35. Thrips incognitus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):564. [Thrips] incognitus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:69. Thrips incognitus Priesner; Seczkowska, 1971 . Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk(odowska Lublin, (C)26(15):182. [Thrips] ? incognitus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Hungary; Rumania; Czechoslovakia; Poland; Ukraine. Type locality: AUSTRIA: Umgebung Graz (Steiermark). Habitat: Grass; Galium cru datum. Thrips incompletus Oettingen = Bolacothrips jordani Uzel. Thrips indicus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu = Baliothrips indicus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu). 1138 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips (Thrips) indigenus Girault, 1929. Thrips indigenus Girault, 1929. North American Hymenoptera Mymaridae, p. 29. [sex not stated]. T.[hrips ] indigenus Girault ; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. [Thrips] indigenus Girault;De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7:171. [Thrips] indigenus Kelly & Mayne [Sicf]\ Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:69. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Brisbane. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips inequalis Beach = Pseudothrips inequalis (Beach). Thrips (Thrips) inopinatus zur Strassen, 1963. 9, 6. Thrips inopinatus zur Strassen, 1963. Senckenbergiana biol., 44(6): 52 3, figs. 1-2. 9, 6. Thrips inopinatus zur Strassen; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips inopinatus zur Strassen; Mantel, 1965. Ent. Bericht., 25:1 13. Th.[rips] inopinatus; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2) :95. [Thrips] inopinatus zur Strassen; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:69. Thrips inopinatus zur Strassen; Morison, 1971. Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106:162, figs. 1, 2. larvae I & II. [described]. [Thrips] inopinatus zur Strassen; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25( 14):276. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: Germany; Holland; England. Type locality: GERMANY: Frankfurt am Main, Sandgebiet von Schwanheim. Habitat: Solarium dulcamara. Euthrips insularis Franklin = Frankliniella insularis (Franklin). Thrips intonsa Trybom = Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom). Euthrips involvens Karny = Anaphothrips involvens (Karny). Thrips (Thrips) io Girault, 1927. 6. Thrips io Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 28:35 1 . 6. Thrips io; Girault, 1928. Some Insecta and a new all Highness, p.[3 ]. Thrips io; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:394. Thrips io; Girault, 1930. New pests from Australia, VIII, p.[l ]. [is Physothrips]. T.[hrips] io Girault ; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. [Thrips] io Girault; De Santis, 1961 . Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7: 170, 171. [Thrips] io Girault; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:69. Location of type: 9 Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND: Mapleton; Roma; Gayndah. Type locality: AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND: not specified. Habitat: Flowers of orange; loquat. 1139 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) iranicus Yakhontov, 1951. 9. Thrips iranicus Yakhontov, 1951. Ent. Obozr., 3 1 (3-4) :5 16. 9. T.[hrips] iranicus Jakhontov; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p.241. [Thrips] iranicus Yakhontov; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:69. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: IRAN: Kasvin. Type locality : IRAN: Kasvin. Habitat: Flowers of Pistacia. Thrips japonicus Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) coloratus Schmutz. Thrips (Thrips) javanicus Priesner, 1934. 9, 6. Thrips javanicus Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlansch-Indie, 94(3) :272, 288. 9, 6. [Thrips] javanicus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :69. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas. Type locality: JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas. Habitat: Flowers of Corymbis veratrifolia. Thrips jenseni (Karny) = Thrips (Isothrips) parvispinus (Karny). Thrips junipericola Morison = Thrips (Thrips) juniperinus Linne. Thrips (Thrips) juniperinus Linne, 1758. 9, <5. Physapus fuscus, aiis albicantibus De Geer, 1744. K. Swenska Wetensk. Acad. Handl., 5:3, PI. I, fig. 2. Thrips elytris niveis, corpore fusco Linne, 1746. Fauna Svecica, p. 221. [Thrips] Juniperina Linne, 1758. Syst. Naturae 10th Ed., 1:457. Thrips Juniperina; Linne, 1761 . Fauna Svecica, p. 267. [Thrips] Juniperina; Linne, 1767. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, 1(2):743. Trips [*S7c/] (Juniperina) Linne; De Geer, 1773. Mem. Hist. Ins., 3:10, PI. 1 , figs. 5-7. [Thrips] iuniperina [Sic!] Linne; Fab ricius, 1775. Syst. Ent., p. 745. [Thrips] Juniperina Linne; Goeze, 1778. Entom. Beytrage, 2:348. Trips [Sic!] (Juniperina) Linne; Goze, 1780. Degeer Abhandl. Geschichte Ins., 3:7, PI. I, figs. 5-7. Thrips Juniperina Linne; Schrank, 1781 . Enum. Ins. Austr. Indig., p. 299. [Thrips] iuniperina [Sic!] Linne; Fabricius, 1781. Spec. Ins., 2:396. Thrips juniperina Linne; Barbut, 1781 . Les genres des insectes de Linne, p. 158, PI. IX. [figure is of a Tubulifera]. [Thrips] iuniperina [Sic!] Linne; Fabricius, 1787. Mant. Ins., 2:320. Thrips juniperina Linne; Berkenhout, 1789. Synopsis nat. Hist. Gr. Britain & Ireland, p. 122. Thrips juniperina Linne; de Villers, 1789. Caroli Linnaei Ent., 1 :565, 567. [Thrips] juniperina Linne; Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 13, 1(4):2223. [Thrips] juniperina Linne; Fabricius, 1794. Ent. Syst., 4:228. Thrips juniperina Linne; Steward, 1802. Elements of nat. Hist., p. 114. [Thrips] juniperina Linne; Fabricius, 1803. Syst. Rhyngotorum, pp. 20, 313. Thrips juniperina Linne; Latreille, 1804. Hist. nat. Crust. Ins., 12:351 . Thrips juniperina Linne; Turton, 1806. A general System of Nature, p. 716. [Thrips] juniperina Linne; Samouelle, 1819. Ent. Use. Compend., p. 395. 1140 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T.[hrips] juniperina Fabricius [Sic/]; Le Peletier & Serville, 1828. Encycl. Method., 10:642. Thrips juniperina Linne; Guerin, 1828. in Tigny: Hist. nat. Ins., Ed. 3, 6:232. [Thrips] Juniperina Linne; Stephens, 1829. Syst. catal. British Ins., p. 363. Thrips juniperina Linne; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:451 . T.[hrips] juniperina Latreille [Sic!]; Boitard, 1843. Nouv. Manuel Ent., 3:93. T.[hrips] juniperina Linne; Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. Thrips juniperina Linne; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 274. Thrips juniperina Linne; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Flora Fauna Fenn., 1 7(2) : 3 1 . Thrips juniperina Linne; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):39. [described]. Thrips alb opilosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1):6, 10. T.[hrips\ juniperina Linne; Bagnall, 191 1. Journ. econ. Biol., 6( 1 ) : 6, 10. Thrips albopilosus Uzel; Bagnall, 1913. Scottish Nat., 1913:38. Thrips juniperina Linne; Bagnall, 1913. Scottish Nat., 1913:38. Thrips juniperina Linne; Bagnall, 1916. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Durham Newc.-Tyne, (N.S.)4(2):354. [Thrips] juniperinus Linne: Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips juniperinus Linne: Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:352, 377. 9. [described]. Thr.[ips] juniperinus Linne: Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p.45. [ Thrips ] ? juniperinus Linne: Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Thrips juniperinus Linne: Bagnall; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:570. T.[hrips] junipericola Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 63, 66. 9, 6. [new name for T. juniperinus Bagnall nec Linne]. Thrips carpathicus Knechtel, 1948. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Rep. Pop. Roumaine, 30(8):480. [9]. [Thrips] junipericola; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Thrips carpathicus; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 158, 170. 9. Thrips junipericola Morison; Knechtel, 195 1 . Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1 ):159, 171. 9. Thrips carpathicus Knechtel; Pelikan, 1954. Zool. Ent. listy, 3(3):202. Thrips carpathicus Knechtel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:26. [Thrips] junipericola Morison; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1 ) :97 . [Thrips] carpathicus Knechtel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, 312, map 1 1 . Thrips junipericola Morison; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, 267, 302-310, 311,312,314, map 1 1 . 6. [described]. [Thrips] carpathicus Knechtel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:9 1 , 96, 100, 123, 125. 9, 6. [Thrips] junipericola Morison: Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:91, 96. 9. Thrips carpathicus Knechtel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 239,248. 9. Thrips junipericola Linne [Sic!]; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 240, 252. 9. [Thrips] carpathicus Knechtel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):31, 33. Thrips carpathicus Knechtel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):562. Thrips junipericola Linne [Sic!]; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):562. [Thrips] juniperinus Linne; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1):21. Th. [rips] junipericola Morison; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2): 96. Thrips carpathicus Knechtel; Ressl, 1967. Nach.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):77. Thrips juniperina Linne; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :65. [Thrips] junipericolus Morison; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:69, 80. [Thrips] juniperinus Linne; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. 1141 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Location of type: Unknown to writer (probably lost); of junipericola: unknown to writer; of carpathicus: unknown to writer. Distribution: Austria; England; Scotland; France; Rumania; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Transcaucasia. Type locality : Not specified; {ox junipericola: not specified; fox carpathicus: RUMANIA: Sinaia (Prahova). Habitat: Juniperus; Juniperus communis; Juniperus nana. Thrips kallarcnsis (Ananthakrishnan) = Ramaswamiahiella kallarensis Ananthakrishnan Thrips (Thrips) karnyianus Priesner, 1934. 9. Thrips karnyianus Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3) :282, 289. 9. Thrips karnyianus Priesner; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4) :437. [Thrips] karnyianus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:70. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Tjibodas; FORMOSA: Naii (Takao Prefecture). Type locality: ? JAVA: Tjibodas. Habitat: Bambusa ? ; also probably on sugar cane. Thrips kerschneri Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) pillichi Priesner. Thrips (Thrips) kikuyuensis Trybom, 1911. 9,6. Thrips kikuyuensis Trybom, 1911. Ark. Zook, 7(22):6. 9, 6. [Thrips kikuyuensis Trybom; Karny, 1925 = Thrips (Thrips) exilicornis Hood]. [Thrips (Thrips)] kikuyuensis Trybom; Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 11 7, 118. Thrips spadix var. brevipes Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 119, 121, 134, PI. VIII, figs. 1-5. 9. Thrips kikuyuensis Trybom; Priesner, 1938. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 30(3):355. [synonymy]. [Thrips] spadix var. brevipes Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 25. Thrips kikuyuensis Trybom; Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 97. Thrips kikuyuensis Trybom; Harris, 1937. Bull. ent. Res., 28(3):484. Thrips spadix var. brevipes Hood; Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:7. [Thrips] spadix var. brevipes Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. [Thrips] kikuyuensis Trybom; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :70. Location of type: Stockholm Museum; of brevipes: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Tanzania; Cameroons; Congo; Kenya; Uganda. Type locality: BRITISH EAST AFRICA: Escarpment; {ox brevipes: Cameroons. Habitat: Yellow Eupatorium-like flowers; small thistle ; Coffea; Coffea arabica; Lablab niger; Ipomoea batatas; Mangifera indica; Musa sapientum; plantain. Thrips kikuyuensis var. brevisetosa Trybom = Thrips (Athrips) brevisetosus Trybom. Thrips (Thrips) klapaleki Uzel, 1895. 9, 6. Thrips Klapaleki Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 38, 56, 203, PI. VI, fig. 107. 9. Thrips Klapaleki Uzel;Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 133, 135. Bagnallia klapaleki (Uzel); Bagnall, 1912. Journ. econ. Biol., 7(4): 193. Bagnallia klapaleki (Uzel); Bagnall, 1913. Ent. Rec., 25(9):226. 1142 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Bagnallia klapaleki (Uzel); B agnail, 1916. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. Durham Newc.- Tyne, (N.S.)4(2):347, 354. [Thrips Klapaleki Uzel;Priesner, 1916 = Baliothrips kroli (Schille)]. Thrips alpinus Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 29( 1 -2) : 78 , fig. 3. 9. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:60. Thrips Klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 38(4-8): 120 (footnote). Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien., (1)130(6-7):215, figs. 1-6. 9, 6, larvae, prepupa, pupa, egg. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutlands, 2(29) :3. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:345, 352, 385, 471. 9, 6, larvae, pupa, egg. [described]. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 12. 9. Thr.[ips] klapaleki Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det Ins. USSR, pp. 49, 50. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; B agnail, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:493. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 151. 9, 6. T.[hrips] klapaleki Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321 . Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1 -2) :84, 86. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Syrjanen, 1937. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(4):204. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Hukkinen & Syrjanen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 120. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[hrips] klapaleki Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 62, 67. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Morison, London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 17. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Pelikan, 195 1 . Ent. listy, 14:1 60 . [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Th.[rips] klapaleki Uzel; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(1-2) :76 , 78. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kli'c Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Trips [Sic!] klapaleki Uzel;Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Thrips klapaleki Uzel;Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):501 , 522, 525. 9, d, egg, larvae I, II, pupae, [described]. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 1 05(4) : 1 18. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1) :97 . Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):221 , 268, 302-310, 31 1, 314, map 5. 6. [described]. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim .-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:94, 101 , 126, PL II, fig. 15. 9, 6. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 132, 244,272. 9, 6. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 157. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 32, 35. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):564. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1):19. Thrips klapaleki Uzel; Morison, 1968. Entom., 101 :265. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :70. [Thrips] klapaleki Uzel; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. 1143 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of alpinus: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Italy; England; Scotland; Austria; Belgium; France; Holland; Finland; Germany; Transcaucasia. Type locality: Bohemia; for alpinus: AUSTRIA: Klaus, Oberosterreich. Habitat: Orchis sambucina; Orchis incamata; Orchis maculata; Orchis morio; Gymnadena conopsea; Dactylorchis incamata incamata; Dactylorchis fuchsii fuchsii ; Dactylorchis maculata ericetorum. Appears to breed only on orchids although found on other plants probably casually. Thrips (Th rips) kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. 9, 6. Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Ent. Tidskr., 87(l-2):89, fig. 3. 9. [Thrips] kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:80. Thrips exhuberans Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1968. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.F.)15(4-5):360, fig. 2A. 9,6. Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Lakshminarayana, 1968. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 65(2):356. T. [/trips] exhuberans Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:118,131. T.[hrips] kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. Thrips kodaikanalensis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 38 1 . [synonymy]. Location of type: ? Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras; of exhuberans: ? Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: near road to Observatory, Kodaikanal; Dodabetta, Nilgiris; Kotagiri; Munnar. Type locality: INDIA: near road to Observatory, Kodaikanal; fox exhuberans: INDIA: not specified. Habitat: Flowers of: Ulex sp.; Cytissus sp.; Datura suaveolens; Tibouchina semidecandra. Thrips (Thrips) koitakii Moulton, 1940. 9. Thrips koitakii Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):253. 9. [Thrips] koitakii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. [Thrips] koitakii Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :70. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Type locality: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Habitat: Sacchanim spontaneum. Thrips kollari Heeger = Limothrips denticomis (Haliday). Thrips kroli Schille = Baliothrips kroli (Schille). Thrips lactucae Beach = Thrips (Thrips) nigropilosus Uzel. Thrips (Thrips) lacteicorpus Girault, 1926. 9, 6. Thrips lacteicorpus Girault, 1926. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 1 4( 1 -3): 1 7 . 6, 9. Thrips lacteicorpus; Girault, 1927. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 14(1 0-1 2): 189. 1144 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips lacteicorpus; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 27 :404. Tlvrips lacteicorpus; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 28:349. Thrips lacteicorpus; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:392. Thrips lacteicorpus; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:326. T.[hrips] lacteicorpus Girault ; Kelly & May ne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. [Thrips] lacteicorpus Girault ; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :70. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Queensland. Type locality : AUSTRALIA: Morningside, Queensland. Habitat : A number of plants. Thrips (Thrips) laevicollis Blanchard, 1851 . Thrips laevicollis Blanchard, 1851. Gay Hist. fis. pol. Chile, (Zool.)6:15 1 . Thrips laevicollis Blanchard; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 218. T.[hrips] laevicollis Blanchard; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist . nat ., (191 9)23(4-6) : 6 1 . [Thrips] laevicollis Blanchard; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 133. Thrips laevicollis Blanchard; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:52, 79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: CHILE: San Carlos. Type locality : CHILE: San Carlos. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips lathyri Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) brevipilosus Moulton. Thrips (Thrips) latis Bhatti, 1967. 9, 6. Thrips latis Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 17. 9, 6. [Thrips] latis Bhatti; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :80. T. [hrips] latis Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. Location of type: ? Bhatti collection. Distribution: INDIA: Sibpore. Type locality: INDIA: Sibpore. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips (Thrips) leucadophilus Priesner, 1936. 9. Thrips leucadophilus Priesner, 1936. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1936:91 . 9. [Thrips] leucadophilus; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:337. [Thrips] leucadophilus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :70. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: SUDAN: Ghubshan. Type locality: SUDAN: Ghubshan. Habitat : Buds of Leucas nubica. Thrips leucaenae Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips linaria Uzel = Thrips (Thrips) lini Ladureau. Thrips (Thrips) lini Ladureau, 1878. 9, 6. Thrips lini Ladureau, 1878. Compt. Rend. Ass. Lra^aise Anvance. Sci., (1877)6:953, fig. 99. Thrips lini Ladureau; Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 47(4):600. 1145 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips linaria Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 54, 192. 9. Thrips lini Ladureau; Uzel. 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 279. Thrips linaria Uzel; Lindner, 1897. Osterr. Landw. Wochenbl., 1897:234. Thrips linaria Uzel; Leonardi, 1901 . Ins. Nocivi, 4:636, 646. Thrips Lini Ladureau; Leonardi, 1901 . Ins. Nocivi, 4:643. 6. Thrips lini Ladureau; Sharp, 1901 . Cambridge nat. Hist., 6(2) :5 3 1 . Th.[rips] linaria Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Korn, fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:15, PI. I, fig. 6. 6. Thr.[ips] linarius Uzel; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 3, 3:228. Thr.[ips] lini Ladureau; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 3, 3:229. [Thrips linaria Uzel; Schille, 1912 = Thrips (Epithrips) euphorbiae Knechtel]. [Thrips linarius Uzel; Priesner, 1920 = Thrips (Thrips) dubius Priesner]. Thrips linaria Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 102, 122. 9. Thrips linarius Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1 ):21. [Thrips] linarius Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips] lini Ladureau; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Thr.[ips] linarius Uzel; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):263. Thrips linarius Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:344, 363. 9. [described]. Thrips lini Ladureau; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:446. [ Thrips ] linarius Uzel; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. Thr.[ips] linarius Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 47. Thrips lini Ladureau; Pussard-Radulesco, 1930. Ann. Epiphyties, 16(3-4): 173. Thrips linarius Uzel; van Eecke, 1931 . Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:84, 90, 153. 9. Thrips linarius Uzel; Speyer, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1) :45 . Thrips linarius Uzel; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1 -2):83 . Thrips linarius Uzel; Pillich, 1940. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 47:73. Thrips linarius Uzel; Oettingen, 1941 . Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 8(l):49-54. 9, <3, larva. Thrips lini Ladureau; Knechtel, 1943. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaines, 25:19, fig. 1. 9. [synonymy]. Thrips lini Ladureau; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaines, 28:566. Thrips lini Ladureau; Bailey, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 41 (5) :70 1 , 702, 705. Thr.[ips] linarius Uzel; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):414. Thrips lini Ladureau; Knechtel, 195 1 . Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8( 1 ) : 1 59 , 165. 9. [Thrips] linarius Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 1 9 1 . Thrips lini Ladureau; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Bucherei, 89:30. Thrips linarius Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kli£ Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen & Huisman, 1958. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 64.10:12, figs. 1,3,4, 5. Thrips lini Ladureau; Bonnemaison & Bournier, 1958. Comptes Rendus Acad. Agr. France, 44:828. Thrips linarius Uzel; Bei-Bienko & Skorikova, 1958. Laboratomye Zanyatya po Entomologii, pp. 137, 143-144. Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen, 1959. Hofchen-Briefe, 1 :1 . Thrips lini Ladureau; Franssen & Mantel, 1960. Ent. Bericht., 20(2):30-33. Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1960. Ent. Bericht., 20(2):30-33. Thrips linarius Uzel; Ozols, 1960. Latvijas Ent., 1 :60, 61. Thrips linarius Uzel; Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):485, 522. 9. [described]. Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1961 . Tijdschr. Plantenziekten, 67 : 39-5 1 , figs. 1-5. 1146 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips lini Ladureau; Franssen & Mantel, 1961 . Tijdschr. Plantenziekten, 67:39. Thrips lini Ladureau; Schliephake, 1961 . Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6) :59 1 . Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tidschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 18. Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(1 7): 8-73, figs. 4, 9. Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33, 36. Thrips linarius Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3):22 1 , 268, 302-310, 313, map 2. 6. [described]. Thrips linarius Uzel; Bonnemaison & Bournier, 1964. Ann. Epiphyties, 1 5(2): 117, 131, 141, 147, 155, figs. 21-24,29-33,38. 9,d, larva. [described; biology; control, etc.]. [Thrips] linarius Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:92, 93, 96, 127. 9. [as linarus on p. 92]. T.[hrips] lini Ladureau; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:96 (footnote). Thrips lini Ladureau; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 241, 259. 9, 6. Th.[rips] linarius Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:866. Thrips lini Haliday [Sic!]; Jones & Jones, 1964. Pests of field crops, p. 43. Thrips linarius Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 157. Thrips linarius Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:6. [Thrips] linarius Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb, 4(9) :3 1 , 33. Thrips lini Ladureau; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):563. Thrips linarius Uzel; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5, 9, 29. [Thrips] linarius Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :70. Th. [rips] linarius Uzel; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenil, 13(1 2) :42 . Thrips linarius Uzel; Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1 ( 2) : 5 2 . Thrips linarius Uzel; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2):243. Thrips linarius Uzel; Woo, 1972. Korean Journ. Plant Protect., 1 1 (2) :49, fig. 10. Thrips linarius Uzel; Maksymov, 1972. Anz. Schadlingsk. Pflanzenschutz, 45(4):53. [Thrips] linarius Uzel; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Unknown to writer (probably lost); of linarius: ? Vienna Museum. Distribution: France; Czechoslovakia; Italy; Poland; Holland; Russia; Serbia; Austria; Hungary; Germany; Rumania; Ukraine; North Africa; Korea. Type locality: FRANCE: for linarius: BOHEMIA: not specified. Habitat: of economic importance on Linum usitatissimum; occasionally on other plants. Euthrips litoralis Reuter = Anaphothrips litoralis (Reuter). Thrips (Thrips) lividus Haliday, 1836. Thr.[ips] livida Haliday, 1936. Ent. Mag., 3:449. [sex not stated]. Thr.[ips] livida Haliday; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):415. Thrips Livida Haliday ; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:218. T. [hrips] livida Haliday; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 644. Thrips Livida Haliday ; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3( 1) :2 1 8. T.[hrips] livida Haliday; Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. Thrips livida Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 277. [Thrips] lividus Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):150. Thrips lividus Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:446. T.[hrips] lividus Haliday ; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:79. 1 147 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Britain. Type locality: Britain. Habitat: Flowers of Ulex europaea. Achaetothrips loboptera Karny = Thrips (Thrips) angusticeps Uzel. Thrips longalata Schmutz = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips longicollis Uzel = Thrips (Thrips) validus Uzel. Euthrips longipennis Bagnall = Scirtothrips longipennis (Bagnall). Thrips longipennis Burmeister = Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday). Euthrips iongirostrum Jones = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) longirostrum (Jones). Thrips longistyla Trybom - Sorghothrips longistylus (Trybom). Thrips longula Schlechtendal = (?) Hemithrips longulus (Schlechtendal). Thrips loti Haliday = Odontothrips loti (Haliday). Euthrips lythri Karny = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) discolor (Karny). Thrips (Thrips) madronii Moulton, 1907. 9, d. Thrips madronii Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):44, 57, PI. IV, figs. 34-36. 9, 6. Thrips madronii Moulton; Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Joum. Ent., 1(4): 120. Thrips madronii; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14, 22. Thrips madronii Moulton; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):3. Thrips madronii Moulton; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Thrips madroni [Sic/] Moulton; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43. Thrips madronii Moulton; Annand, 1926. American Nat., 60(667): 178, 179. Thrips madroni [Sic!] Moulton; Essig, 1926. Ins. West. North America, p. 182. Thrips sambucifloris Hood, 1934. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1933)9(4): 177, Cut 3, figs. 1-4. 9, 6. T.[hrips] madroni [Sic!] Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. Thrips madroni [Sic!] Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(l-2):92. T.[hrips] madronii Moulton; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:48. [Thrips] sambucifloris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(i):25. [Thrips] madronii Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Thrips madronii Moulton; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5): 232. Thrips madronii Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):202, 203. Thrips madronii Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:21, 22, 37, 70, PI. 5, fig. 37. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences; of sambucifloris: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. 1148 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: U.S.A.: California; Oregon; Kentucky; Utah; Washington; CANADA: British Columbia. Type locality: U.S.A.: Santa Clara Valley, California. [Lectotype: Wrights Station]. for sambucifloris: U.S.A.: Korbel, California. Habitat: Madroha; California laurel; California lilac; Umbellaria; Ceanothus; Sambucus glauca; Ceanothus thyrsi florus; Umbellularia californica; Solanum umbelliferum; Arbutus menziesii; Rhododendron occidentale; lemon; dandelion; Sambucus racemosa; gladiolus; hawthorn; lupine; cow parsnip; wild snapdragon; wild sunflower; monkey flower; avocado; willow; grape; elderberry; hibiscus; broom flowers; Heteromeles arbuti folia; daisies; oak; apple; manzanita; buckeye. Thrips magnipes Schmutz j Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) magnus Moulton, 1911. 9, <5. Thrips magnus Moulton, 191 1. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21 : 14, 23, 36, PI. II, figs. 10, 11. 9,d. Thrips magnus Moulton; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):3. Thrips magnus Moulton; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:42, 43. Thrips magnus Moulton; Annand, 1926. American Nat., 60(667): 178. Thrips magnus Moulton; Essig, 1926. Ins. western North America, p. 183. T. [hrips] magnus Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. [Thrips] magnus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Thrips magnus Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):202, 204. Thrips magnus Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:21, 23, 38, 70, PI. 5, fig. 42. 9, 6. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S. A.: California. Type locality: U.S. A.: Visalia, California. Habitat: Mimulus sp.; grass; snapdragon. Thrips (Euthrips) maidis Beach = Frankliniella tenuicomis (Uzel). Thrips (Thrips) major Uzel, 1895. 9, 6. Thrips major Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 36, 54, 179. 9, <5. Thrips major var.adusta Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 180. 9. Thrips major var. gracilicornis Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 180, 181. 9. [Thrips] major Uzel;Trybom, 1896. Ent. Tidskr., 17(2): 101 . Th. [rips] major Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:14. Th.[rips] major var. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:14. Th. [rips] major var. gracilicornis Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 14. Thrips major Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Ent. mon. Mag., 44:7. Thrips major Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Proc. ent. Soc. London, 1907:lxxxii. Thrips major Uzel; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:4. T. [hrips] major Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. 1 149 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips major Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 18). [Thrips major ] v. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 18). [Thrips major ] v . gracilicomis Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 18). Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. [ Thrips major ] var .adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-6kon.Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Thrips major var. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Th. [rips] major Uzel; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):55. Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 126. Thrips major Uzel var.; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 126. Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1): 105. Thrips major var. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1): 105. T.[hrips] major Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 29( 1 -2) : 7 5 (footnote). Thrips major Uzel var.; Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:172. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. major Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57,62. [Thrips fuscipennis] ab .adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. [Thrips fuscipennis] var .gracilicomis Uzel (?); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. Thrips fuscipennis var. major Uzel; Priesner, 1921 . Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(7): 37. Thrips major Uzel; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2( 1): 10. Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1921 . Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ( 1)1 30(6-7) :2 16. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. major Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 123, 124. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. adusta Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 124. [Thrips fuscipennis] var . gracilicomis Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 124. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. major Uzel; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):170. Thrips fuscipennis var. major Uzel; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 31(1 -2) :4 1 . [Thrips] fuscipennis var. major Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Thrips] fuscipennis f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Thrips] fuscipennis f. corticina Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:1 59. Thrips major Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1) : 2 1 . [Thrips fuscipennis] var. major Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. corticina Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips fuscipennis] f . gracilicomis Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):149. [Thrips fuscipennis] i.sarothamni Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. nom. nud. [Thrips] major Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. T.[hrips] major Uzel; Ahlb erg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 46. ?,d. Thrips fuscipennis f. corticina; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 369. [short description]. Thrips fuscipennis f. aut var . gracilicomis Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 369. [short description]. 1150 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips fuscipennis f. major Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:345, 366, 369, 373. 9. [described]. Thrips fuscipennis major f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 370. 9. Thrips fuscipennis var. banatica Knechtel (i. litt .) ; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 370, PI. V, fig. 77. 9. [Thrips fuscipennis war. banatica] i. dorsimaculata Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 371. 9. [Thrips fuscipennis var. banatica] f. ustulata Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:366, 371. 9. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. major Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1. T. [hrips] major Uzel; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. major Uzel; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 176. Physothrips inaequalis Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:98. Thrips fuscipennis f. major Uzel; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3): 845. 9. Thrips major Uzel; John, 1928. Ezhedgod Gos. Muz. Martyanova Minussinsk, 6:63. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus.Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. banatica Knechtel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips fuscipennis var. banatica] f. dorsimaculata; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips fuscipennis var. banatica] f. ustulata ; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Mus., 25:65. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. corticina; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. major Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis adustus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. Thr. [ips ] fuscipennis gracilicornis Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis major Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. Thrips fuscipennis major Uzel; John, 1930. Rev. Russe Ent., 24(1-2): 1 12. [Thrips] fuscipennis f. major Uzel;Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 1 0( 1 ) : 9 2 . Th. [rips] major Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 83. 9, 6. [Thrips major] f. adusta Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37 :83. [Taenio thrips] inaequalis (Bagnall); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:285. Thrips fuscipennis var. gracilicornis Uzel (?); Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 199. 9. Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):303, 304, fig. 1. 6. Thrips major banaiicus [Sic!] Karny [Sic!] ; Rivnay, 1933. Hadar, 6( 1 1):5. Thrips major Uzel; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 121 -123, 139, 143, 144, 148, textfigs. 2c, 3b; PI. VI, fig. 3; PI. VII, fig. 7. [described and discussed]. Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):247, 248, 252. T. [hrips] banaticus Knechtel; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):248. Thrips fuscipennis f. major Uzel;Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:33, 39. T.[hrips] major Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3):124, 128. Thrips major Uzel; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin panstw. Inst. Nauk Gosp. Bydgoszczy., 15:151-154. Thrips major Uzel ; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 1 6(2) : 1 1 1 . Thrips major var . gracilicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1938. Ark. Zook, 30B(9):2. Thryps [Sic!] major var. gracilicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1939. Broteria, Cien. nat., (Ser. trim.)8(3): 105. Thrips major var . gracilicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:120. Thrips major var . gracilicornis f.; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:120. [probably identical with f. dorsimaculata and adusta]. Thrips major f. adusta Uzel; Syrjanen, 1940. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 6(4): 128. T. [hrips] major Uzel;Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. 1151 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 T.[hrips] major f . dorsimaculata Priesner; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. Thrips major Uzel; Speyer, 1941 . Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1):560, 561, 583, 584, 626, figs. 48c-d. larva [described]. Thrips major Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:130. Thrips major {.adusta Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 130. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. corticina Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:130. Thrips major Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 38. [Thrips major ] f. adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. Thrips major Uzel; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4):243. Th.[rips] major Uzel; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Thrips major Uzel; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3) :257. [Taeniothrips] inaequalis (Bagnall); Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. [Thrips] major Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 34. Thrips major Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:569. [Thrips major ] f. adusta Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:569. [Thrips major ] var. banatica; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:569. Tfhrips] major Uzel; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:1 1. T.[aeniothrips] inaequalis (Bagnall); Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 59, 60. T.[hrips] major Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 62, 66. 9, d. [Taeniothrips] inaequalis (Bagnall); Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. [Thrips] major Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Thr.[ips] major Uzel; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):414. T.[hrips] major Uzel; Speyer, 1951. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)20(5-6):56. Thrips major Uzel; Priesner, 1951. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. Pflanzenschutz, 58(7-8):257. Th.[rips] major Uzel; Oettingen, 1 95 1 . Beitr. Ent., 1(1) :46. Thrips major Uzel; Smith, 1951. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 4(2):45, 46. Thrips major Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 1 59, 168, fig. 121. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips major] f. adusta Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 169. [Thrips major] var. banatica; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 169. Thrips major Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 1 70, 183. [Thrips] major Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips fuscipennis f. major Uzel; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:40, textfig. 18. 9, 6. Th.[rips] major Uzel; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 145. Tfhrips] major Uzel; Smith, 1955. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 5(3): 109. Th.[rips] major Uzel; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(1 -2): 76. Thrips major Uzel; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31 :267. Thrips major Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):315. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. adusta Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):31 5. T.[hrips] major Uzel; Smith, 1956. Ent. mon. Mag., 92:350. T.[hrips] major Uzel; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:22. Thrips major Uzel; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109( 1 6) : 502 , fig. 23. Thrips major Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Kli'c Zvifeny CSR, 2:26. Thrips major Uzel; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 105. Thrips major adustus Uzel; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 106. Thrips major dorsimaculata Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 106. Thrips major Uzel; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):300. Thrips fuscipennis major Uzel; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:278. Thrips fuscipennis adustus Uzel; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:278. 1152 JACOT— GUILLARMOD': THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips fuscipennis f. major Uzel;Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):488, 522, fig. CCX1. 9, 6, larvae I, II, prepupa, pupa. Thrips major Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1961 . Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 143. T. [hrips] major Uzel; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91 . [Thrips] major Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. [Thrips major ] f. adusta Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. Thrips major Uzel; Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol., 50(2):305. Thrips major Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tidschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 1 8. Thrips major Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68( 17): 9. Thrips major Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1): 13. Thrips major Uzel; Bournier, 1963. Rev. Pathol, veg. Ent. agric. France, 42(2): 1 19, figs. 1-2, 5, 6. 9, 6, egg, larva, pupae. Thrips major Uzel; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3): 28 1-317. Thrips major Uzel; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Thrips major Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Thrips major Uzel; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 258. [Taeniothrips] inaequalis (Bagnall); Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1) :96. [Thrips] major Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1( 1 ) : 97 . Thrips major Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3): 22 1 , 271 , 302-310, 313, map 4. 6. [described]. Thrips major Uzel; Titschack, 1964. Eos, 40(1 -2): 23 5. [Thrips] major Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:86, 91, 95, 100, 123, textfig. 87. 9, cd. [Thrips major] f. banatica Knechtel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:94, textfig. 81 . [Thrips major] f. dorsimaculata; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:94. [Thrips major] f. gracilicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:94. [Thrips] major f. corticina; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:95, 96. Thrips major Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 239, 247. 9, 6. [Thrips major] f. adustus Priesner [Sic!]-, Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR. p. 247. [Thrips fuscipennis] f. gracilicornis Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 248. Thrips major Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4): 157. Th.[rips] fuscipennis f. major Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:867. Th.[rips] fuscipennis var. banaticus Knechtel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:867. Thrips major Uzel; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips major Uzel; Mantel, 1965. Ent. Bericht., 25: 1 13. Thrips major Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 157. Thrips major Uzel; Vappula, Acta ent. Fennica, 19:87, 196. Thrips major Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. Trips [Sic!] major Uzel; Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. 1153 ANN. CAPK PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips inaequalis (Bagnall); Mound, 1966. Ent. Gaz., 17(2):56. [referred to Thrips major as synonym]. [Thrips] major Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9) : 3 1 , 32, 33, 34, fig. 41. [Thrips] major f. corticina; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9) : 33 . T.[hrips] major banaticus Knechtel; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):70. Thrips major Uzel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):562. [Thrips] major Uzel; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1):21 , figs. 4, 7. Th. [rips] major Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):96. Thrips major Uzel; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8): 77. Thrips major banaticus Knechtel, Priesner; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):262, 271. Thrips major Uzel;Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31 . Thrips major Uzel; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:54, 120. Thrips major Uzel; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 66. Thrips major Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:21, 23, 38, 71, PI. 3, fig. 23; PI. 4, fig. 31. 9, d. Partim. Thrips major Uzel; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 3 1 (5) : 36, 37, 68. Thrips major Uzel; Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1(2) :42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 72, 87. Thrips major Uzel; Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim. nocent.)8(33): 1, 4, 5. Thrips major Priesner [Sid] ; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2):253, fig. 15a. Thrips major Uzel; zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 5 1( 5-6) :373. Thrips major Uzel; Morison, 1971 . Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106: 163. [Thrips] major Uzel; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of adusta: ? Vienna Museum; of gracilicomis: ? Vienna Museum; of corticina: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; sarothamni: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of banatica: unknown to writer; dorsimaculata: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; ustnlata: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of inaequalis: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Poland; England; Ireland; Italy; Austria; Hungary; Germany; Sweden; Albania; Rumania; Estonia; Russia; Dalmatia; Denmark; Siberia; Finland; Lithuania; Wales; Scotland; Holland; Palestine; Turkey; Cyprus; Transcaucasia; Algeria; Morocco; Mallorca; Madeira; Canary Islands; Mongolia. Type locality; BOHEMIA: not specified; for adusta: Bohemia; for gracilicomis: BOHEMIA: not specified; for corticina: not specified; {ox banatica: not specified; for dorsimaculata: Hungary; for ustulata: not specified; {ox inaequalis: ENGLAND: Tadcaster, Yorkshire. Habitat: Various flowers. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) malloti Priesner = Thrips (Isothrips) malloti Priesner. Thrips (Thrips) mancosetosus (Maltbaek, 1928). 9. Priesneria mancosetosa Maltbaek, 1928. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift., 1928:11. nom. nud. Thrips mancosetosus (Maltbaek); Titschack, 1954. Bombus, 1(80-81):344 [Thrips] mancosetosus (Maltbaek); Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. [Thrips] mancosetosus (Maltbaek); Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr.,(N.S.)l 1 (3) :22 1 , map 1 . 1154 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips] mancosetosus (Maltbaek) ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Euro pas, 2:88, PL III, fig. 11. 9. [Thrips] mancosetosus (Maltbaek); Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):29. Th. [rips] mancosetosus (Maltbaek); zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):96. Thrips mancosetosus Maltbaek; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8): 76. [Thrips] mancosetosus (Maltbaek); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:71. [Thrips] mancosetosus (Maltbaek); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Denmark; Germany; Austria. Type locality: ? DENMARK: Haderslev. Habitat: Cirsium oleraceum; Gentiana germanica. [Maltbaek’s name appears to be a nomen nudum , thus the name probably has to be attributed to some one else]. Thrips manicata Haliday = Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday). Euthrips manihoti Bondar = Scirtothrips manihoti (Bondar). Thrips (Thrips) mareoticus (Priesner, 1932). 9, 6. Stenothrips mareoticus Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(1-2): 10, fig. 5. 9, d, larva II. Thrips quadrisetosus Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 1 18, 120, 124, PI. IV, figs. 1-5. 9. Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Speyer, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1):49, figs. 2, 4, 6, 8. Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 1 5(1) :56. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner); Speyer, 1937. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)6:35, figs. 1, 3, 4. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner); Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:210. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner); Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:121. T.[hrips] mareoticus (Priesner); Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. [Thrips] quadrisetosus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner); Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 106. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner); Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):516„ 523, 525, figs. CCXIILCCXIV. 9, d. Thrips quadrisetosus Hood; Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):52Q, fig. CCXV. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner); Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3) :22 1 , 274, 302-310, 311,312, map 9. d. [described]. [Thrips] mareoticus (Priesner); Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:88. 9. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner) ; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:337, 341. 9, d. Thrips mareoticus (Priesner); zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:54, 120. [Thrips] mareoticus (Priesner); Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:71. [Thrips] mareoticus (Priesner); Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of quadrisetosus: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Egypt; Morocco; Cyprus; Palestine; Turkey; Italy. Type locality: EGYPT: Mariut; for quadrisetosus: EGYPT: Behig. Habitat: Achillea santolina; Chrysanthemum coronarium; yellow marigold; Chrysanthemum segetum; orange; Reichardia tingitana; Plantago sp.; Matricaria sp.; olive; peach; Ferula communis ty pica; Chrysanthemum macrocarpum aureum. 1155 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) mariae Cotte, 1924. 9. Thrips mariae Cotte, 1924. Mem. Soc. Linn. Provence, 3:2, PI. I, figs. 1-5. 9, larva. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: FRANCE: Cimiez (Nice), Maritime Alps. Type locality : FRANCE: Cimiez (Nice). Habitat: Causes distortion of terminal leaves of Celtis australis. Thrips (Thrips) medialis Oettingen, 1951. 9. Thrips medialis Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):55. 9. Thrips medialis Oettingen; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:87 (footnote). [Thrips] medialis Oettingen; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:71. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: POLAND: Gorzow Wielkopolski (formerly Landsberg); LITHUANIA: Babtai. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Meadows. Thrips mediolineus Girault - Isoneurothrips australis Bagnall. Thrips (Thrips) mediterrane us Priesner, 1934. 9. Thrips mediterraneus Priesner, 1934. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1934(l-2):276. 9. Thrips mediterraneus; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:336, 337. 9. [Thrips] mediterraneus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:71. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EGYPT: Hammam, Mariout; Salloum. Type locality: EGYPT: not specified. Habitat: Flowers of Phlom is floccosa; barley. Thrips melanopa Schrank = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Thrips melanurus Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) coloratus Schmutz. Thrips (Thrips) melastomae Priesner, 1934. 9, 6. Thrips japonicus Bagnall ;Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2): 108. Thrips japonicus Bagnall; Kamy, 1925. Bull. Deli Proefst. Medan-Sumatra, 23:17, 53. 9. [short description]. Thrips melastomae Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):262, 286. 9, 6. [Thrips] japonicus Karny [Sic!]\De Santis, 1961 . Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7:171. [Thrips] melastomae Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:71. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: Java; Riouw Archipelago; Sumatra; Siam. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Melastoma malabathricum; Rhodomyrtus tomentosa; tobacco. Thrips meledensis Karny = Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday. Thrips meliaefloris Hood = Thrips (Thrips) pusillus Bagnall. 1156 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips (Thrips) menyanthidis Bagnall, 1923. 9. Thrips palustris Reuter; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 126. Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:58. 9. Thrips palustris O.M. Reuter ?; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 31(1 -2) :4 1 . [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips] paluster Reuter; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips paluster Reuter; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:344, 365. 9. Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:344, 393. 9. [Thrips] paluster Reuter; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] menyanthidis Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 49. Thrips paludivagus Priesner, 1930. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1930:42. [new name for Thrips paluster as identified by Priesner]. Thrips paluster Reuter (of Priesner); Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 1 2(3-4) :303. T.[hrips] paluster Reuter; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3):124, 127. Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall; Hukkinen, 1937. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(4):205. Thrips paluster Reuter; Kratochvil, 1939. Ent. listy, 2:66. Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 ):38. Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4):244. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[hrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 62, 66. 9. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 17. [Thrips] paludivagus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips paludivagus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 259. [synonymy]. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):97. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):221 , map 10. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:94,97. 9. T.[hrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 244. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):32, 33. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Mound; 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1):20. Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :54, 66. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :72. [Thrips] menyanthidis Bagnall; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of paludivagus: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Albania; England; Estonia; Hungary; Finland; Czechoslovakia. Type locality: ENGLAND: Patterdale, Westmorland; fox paludivagus: not specified. Habitat: Mostly in flowers of Menyanthes trifoliata; also from Pas si flora; Pedicularis palustris; meadows. Thrips microcephalus Priesner = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). 1157 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) microchaetus Karny, 1920. 9, 6. Thrips flavus var. microchaetus Kamy, 1920. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 57(2):27. [sex not stated]. Thrips flavus var. microchaetus; Karny, 1922. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math, naturw. Klasse, 98:1 18, figs. 3-4. 9,6. [described]. Thrips microchaetus Karny ; Priesner, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(2): 11 6. Thrips microchaetus Karny; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:348, 349, 424. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips microchaetus Karny; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3):142. [Thrips (Thrips)] microchaetus Kamy; Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 1 19. Thrips microchaetus Karny; Priesner, 1934. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1934(l-2):276. Thrips microchaetus Karny; Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 97. Thrips microchaetus Karny; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:336, 344. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips] microchaetus Karny; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :72. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: SUDAN: Kororak; EGYPT: Cairo region; Elba Mountains; KENYA. Type locality: ANGLO-EGYPTI AN SUDAN: Kororak. Habitat: Large, pale, cupshaped wooly flowers of a tree; yellow composites; Triumfetta flavescens; Coffea arabica; grapevine; Aerva tomentosa; Nitraria; Pulicaria crispa. Thrips minima Schlechtendal = Hemithrips minimus (Schlechtendal). Thrips (Thrips) minutissimus Linne, 1758. 9,6. [Thrips] minutissima Linne, 1758. Syst. Naturae 10th ed., 1 :457. [sex not stated]. Thrips minutissima; Linne, 1761 . Fauna Svecica, p. 267. [Thrips] minutissima; Linne, 1767. Syst. Naturae 12th ed., 1(2):743. Th.[rips] minutissima Linne; Muller, 1776. Zool. Danicae Prod. Anim., p. 96. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Fabricius, 1776 [1777]. Genera Insectorum, p. 304. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Goeze, 1778. Ent. Beytrage, 2:348. Thrips minutissima Linne; Schrank, 1781. Enum. Ins. Austr. Indig., pp. 297, 299. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Fabricius, 1781 . Spec. Ins., 2:396. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Fabricius, 1787. Mant. Ins., 2:320. Thrips minutissima Linne; de Villers, 1789. Caroli Linnaei Ent., 1 :565, 567. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Naturae 13th ed., 1(4):2222. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Fabricius, 1794. Ent. Syst., 4:229. Thrips minutissima Linne; Steward, 1802. Elements of nat. Hist., p. 1 14. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Fabricius, 1803. Syst. Rhyngotorum, pp. 20, 314. thrips minutissima Linne; Latreille, [1804]. Hist. nat. Crust. Ins., 12:352. Thrips minutissima Linne; Turton, 1806. General System of Nature, p. 717. Thrips minutissima Linne; Samoue lie, 1819. Ent. Use. Compend., p. 395. Thrips minutissima Linne; Guerin, 1828. in Tigny: Hist. nat. Ins. 3rd ed., 6:233. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Stephens, 1829. Syst. Catal. British Ins., p. 363. Thr.[ips] minutissima Linne; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:449. T.[hrips] minutissima Linne; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 644. Thrips minutissima Latreille [Sic!]; Boitard, 1843. Nouv. Manuel Ent., 3:94. [Thrips minutissima Linne; Curtis, 1845 = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman]. [Thrips minutissima Linne; Ruricola, 1846 = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman]. Thrips minutissima Linne; Haliday, 1852. in Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1 112. 9. Thrips minutissima Linne; Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, p. 139. 1158 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips minutissima Linne; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207. E.[uthrips ] minutissima (Linne); Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881 . Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:133. T.[hrips] minutissima Linne; Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. [Thrips minutissima Linne; Curtis, 1883 = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman]. Thrips minutissima Linne; Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 47(4): 606. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Osborn, 1888. Insect Life, 1(5): 141 . Thrips minutissima Linne; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 38, 55, 193, PI. VI, fig. 103. ?, <5. [described]. Thrips minutissima Linne; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. Thrips minutissima var. obscura Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. 9. Thrips minutissima Linne; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):66. [Thrips] minutissima Linne; Jablonowski, 1900. Fauna Regni Hungariae, 3(6): 18. Thrips minutissima Linne; Leonardi, 1901 . Ins. Nocivi, 4:635, 646. 9, 6. Th.[rips] minutissima Linne; Tiimpel, 1901 . Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 292. [9], 6. Th.[rips ] minutissima Linne; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:15. Thrips minutissima Linne; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:277, 289. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 135. T.[hrips ] minutissimus Linne; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Thrips minutissima Linne; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 20). Bagnallia variabilis Williams, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):227. 9. Th.[rips] minutissima Linne; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38( 1 ) : 58 . Thrips minutissimus Linne; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. [Thrips minutissimus] ab. obscurus Coesfeld; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. Thr.[ips] minutissimus Linne; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7 -9) : 1 65 ; 4( 10-1 2) : 193, PL XVIII. 9, d. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips minutissimus] f. obscura Coesfeld; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. T.[hrips] minutissimus Linne; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 48. 9, 6. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:348, 350, 395, 472, PI. V, fig. 80. 9,d, larva, [described]. Thrips minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 397. 9. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1 . 9. [Thrips minutissimus] f. obscura Coesfeld; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1 . [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. [Thrips] minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:17. T. [hrips] minutissimus Linne; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. Th.[rips] minutissimus Linne; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 1 6(3) : 1 76. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Flung., 25:65. [Thrips minutissimus] f. obscura Coesfeld; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] minutissimus minutissimus Linne; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. Thr. [zps] minutissimus obscurus Coesfeld; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; van Eecke, 1931 . Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:85. Th.[rips] minutissimus Linne; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 86. 9, 6. 1159 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Thrips] minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:79, 86. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1 ): 1 43 , 144. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:493. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. R. Univ. Torino, (3)44(59): 154. 9, 6. T.[hrips] minutissimus Linne; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321 . Thrips minutissimus Linne; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz.-Chor. Ros'lin, 15:116. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:121 . Thrips minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:121. Thrips minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Boder, 1941 . Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:169, 183, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193,211. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Oett ingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:131 . [Thrips minutissimus ] f. obscura Coesfeld; Oettingen, Ent. Beihef., 9:131 . Thrips minutissimus Linne; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3) :257. Thrips evestigatus Oettingen, 1944. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 11(1 ):41 . Partim. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:576. Thrips minutissimus minutissimus Linne; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:25. Thrips minutissimus obscurus Coesfeld; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:25. T.[hrips] minutissimus Linne; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 63, 68. 9, <5. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 17. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 159, 174, 177, 183. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 176. 9, 6. [Thrips minutissimus] f. obscura Coesfeld; Knechtel, 1951 . Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 177. [Thrips] minutissimus Uzel [Sic!]; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 1 92 . Thrips minutissimus Linne; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 597. Th.[rips] minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 145. Th.[rips] minutissimus Linne; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5( 1 -2) :76, 79. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):317. [Thrips minutissimus] f. obscura Coesfeld; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):3 17. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 1 2( 1 ):273. T.[hrips] minutissimus Linne; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:23. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:27. Thrips minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:690. Thrips minutissimus minutissimus Linne; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:278. Thrips minutissimus obscurus Coesfeld; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:279. Trips [Sfc/] minutissimus Linne; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.):15. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46(Append.):508, 524, 525. 9, d, larva II. [described]. Bagnallia variabilis; Williams, 1961 . Entom., 94:129. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415 . 1160 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips minutissimus] ab. obscurus Coesfeld; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Schliephake, 1961 . Beitr. Ent., 1 1(5-6): 585 , 591 . Thrips minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Schliephake, 1961 . Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6) :59 1 . Thrips minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52(1 ) : 1 3 . Thrips minutissimus Linne; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):375. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):28!-317. Thrips minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Tijdschr. Ent., 106(5):203. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Richards, 1964. Trans. Soc. British Ent., 16(1): 19. [ Thrips ] minutissimus Linne; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3):22 1 , 275, 302-310, 31 1 , 312, map 2. 6. [described]. [ Thrips ] evestigatus Oettingen; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:92 (footnote). Partim. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:84, 86, 98,101,127.9,6. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 132,239,245,249. 9,6. [Thrips minutissimus] f. obscura Coesfeld; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 250. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Th.[rips] minutissimus Linne; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1 :866, 867,868. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 1 57 . [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):28, 34, 35. [Thrips] minutissimus f. obscura Coesfeld; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):28. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 562. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 17, fig. 1. Th. [rips] minutissimus Linne; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):96. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):76. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :72. Thrips minutissimus Linne; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenii, 1 3(1 2):42. [Thrips] minutissimus Linne; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276, fig. 1. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of obscura: unknown to writer; of variabilis: British Museum (Natural History); of evestigatus: unknown to writer. Distribution: Austria; France; Italy; Germany; Czechoslovakia; Poland; England; Sweden; Rumania; Finland; Hungary; Serbia; Denmark; Switzerland; Scotland; Wales; Holland; Lithuania; Cyprus; Crimea; Palestine. Type locality: Europe; for variabilis: ENGLAND: Matley Bog, New Forest, Hampshire; for obscura: GERMANY: St. Magnus; for eves tigatus: Litauen, babtai. Habitat: Various flowers, buds and young leaves. Euthrips minutus Moulton = Frankliniella minuta (Moulton). Thrips minutus van Deventer = Baliothrips minutus (van Deventer). 1 161 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) monotropae Hood, 1927. 9, 3. Thrips monotropae Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.)7(4):217, PI. XX, fig. 1 ; PI. XXI, fig. 1. 9. Thrips flavicauda Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 11(2):28. nom. nud. Thrips flavicauda Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 11(3):43. 9, 3. T.[hrips] monotropae Hood; Watson, 1927. Florida Ent., 1 1 (3) :44. T.[hrips] monotropae Hood; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:69. Thrips monotropae; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina, N.C. Dep. Agr. Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 56. T. [hrips] monotropae Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47(1 ):71. Thrips flavicauda Watson; Bailey, 1947. Florida Ent., 30(3):24. [ Thrips ] monotropae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. T.[hrips] monotropae Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., ( 1 965)7 3(4) :205 . Thrips monotropae Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):238, 366, 369, figs. 5,139. 9. [described]. Thrips monotropae Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 18, 25, 40, 72, PI. 4, fig. 24. 9,3. Thrips monotropae Hood; Beshear, 1973. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 122:12, PI. VI, fig. 38. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of flavicauda: Watson collection, Gainesville, Florida. Distribution: U.S. A.: New York; New Jersey; North Carolina; Georgia; Florida; Illinois; Kentucky; South Carolina. Type locality: U.S.A.: Sodus Point, New York; for flavicauda: U.S. A.: north central Florida. Habitat: Monotropa uni flora; Monotropa sp. Thrips (Thrips) montanus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1968. 9, 3. Thrips montanus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1968. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.F.)l 5(4-5):363, fig. 2B. 9,3. Thrips tanicus Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):381 . (new name for Thrips montanus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish nec Taeniothrips montanus Priesner, as Taeniothrips a synonym of Thrips). Location of type: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDIA: Kotagiri, Nilgiris. Type locality: INDIA: Kotagiri (5000') (Nilgiris). Habitat: Flowers of Ulex sp. Thrips (Thrips) montivagus Priesner, 1923. 9,3. Thrips montivagus Priesner, 1923. Konowia, 2(l-2):83. 9, 3. [Thrips] montivagus; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Thrips montivagus; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:349, 35 1 , 427. 9, 3. [described]. Thr.[ips] montivagus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 48. Thrips montivagus Priesner; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 2 1(1): 126, 144. T.[hrips] montivagus; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):248, 251 . T.[hrips] montivagus Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321 . Thrips montivagus Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:580. 1162 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips montivagus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 182. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips montivagus Priesner; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:690, 691, 692,693. [Thrips] montivagus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. Thrips montivagus Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)11(3):221, 278, 302-310, 313, map 8. 6. [described]. [Thrips] montivagus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:87, 98. 9, 6. Thrips montivagus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 243, 245, 267. 9,6. [Thrips] montivagus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9) :29, 34. Thrips montivagus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):563. [Thrips] montivagus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :72. Thrips montivagus Priesner; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):475. [Thrips] montivagus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; France; Rumania; Switzerland; Ukraine. Type locality: UPPER AUSTRIA: Dachsteingebiet (nahe der Grobsteinhlitte). Habitat: An alpine species found in a number of flowers. Thrips (Thrips) morindae Priesner, 1934. 9, 6. Thrips morindae Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):275, 288. 9, 6. [Thrips] morindae Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :72. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: INDONESIA: Eiland Edam b. Batavia. Type locality: Eiland Edam b. Batavia. Habitat: Flowers of Morinda citrifolia. Thrips moultoni Ishida = Baliothrips serratus (Kobus). Thrips (Thrips) mucidus Moulton, 1936. 9. Thrips mucidus Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 105. 9. [Thrips] mucidus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3) : 1 25 . Thrips mucidus Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 19, 25, 41, 72. 9. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Hood River, Oregon. Type locality: U.S.A.: Hood River, Oregon. Habitat: Apple leaf mould. Thrips (Thrips) mucunae Ishida, 1934. 9, 6. Thrips mucunae Ishida, 1934. Insecta Matsumurana, 9(1 -2):57, fig. 2. 9, 6. [Thrips] mucunae Ishida; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:73. Location of type: Entomological Museum, Hokkaido Imperial University. Distribution: JAPAN: Nishibara near Naha, Okinawa. Type locality: JAPAN: Nishibara near Naha, Okinawa. Habitat : Flowers of Mucuna capitata. 1163 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips multispinus Bagnall = Neurisothrips multispinus (Bagnall). Euthrips musae Tryon = Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall). Thrips (Thrips) myriophylli Gistel, 1856. nom. nud. Thrips myriophylli Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, p. 146. nom. nud. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Unknown. Type locality: Unknown. Habitat: Myriophyllum spicatnm. Euthrips- nicotiame Hinds = Frankliniella fusca (Hinds). Thrips nigra Williams = Thrips (Thrips) sambuci Heeger. Thrips nigriflava Schmutz = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) nigropilosus Uzel, 1895. 9, 6. Thrips nigropilosa Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 55, 198, PI. VI, figs. 105, 1 06. 9, 6. Thrips nigropilosa var. laevior Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 199, 200. 9. Thrips lacrucae Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:219, 224. 9. Thrips nigropilosa UzefTrybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:222, 224. Thrips nigropilosa Uzel; Oudemans, [1900 ? ]. Nederland. Ins., p. 238, fig. 184. Th. [rips] nigropilosa Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:16. [f. macroptera & brachyptera]. T.[hrips] nigropilosa var. laevior Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 1 6. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 3 1 ( 26) :9 1 3, 9 1 4. [forma brachyptera Uz.]. Thrips nigropilosa Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 20). [Thrips nigropilosa ] v. laevior Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p.20). Thrips lactucae Beach; Hood, 1914. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 16(1 ):43. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6) : 1 9 3 . [: Thrips nigropilosus] var. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. Thrips aureus Hood, 1915. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 3(14):27. 9, 6. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:282. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ( 1 )1 28(2-3) : 1 28. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:59. [Thrips nigropilosus] var. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78; 59. [Thrips nigropilosus] ab. umbratus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:59. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(7):37. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1921 . Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 30(6-7) :2 1 6. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1): 1 1 . Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(1 -2) :9 1 . 6. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. typica; Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(1 -2) :9 1 , fig. 5. 9. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(1 -2) :92 . 9. 1164 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips nigropilosus ] f. umbrata; Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(1 -2) :92 . 9. Thrips nigropilosa Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 103, 125, textfig. 25. 9, <5. [Thrips nigropilosa ] var. laevior Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 125. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 1, 8. Thrips nigropilosus f. umbrata; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):8. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Zeitschr. Schad.-Bekamp., 1 : 1 7 , 20, figs. 1-3, 7, 10. larvae I, II. [described]. Thr.[ips] nigropilosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9):164; 4(10-12):200. 9. [described]. Thrips lactucae Beach; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43, 44. Thrips aureus Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43,44. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Ahlberg, 1924. Medd. Centralanst. Forsoks. Jordbruk. no. 263, Ent. Adv. 42:9, 16, 20, figs. 7, 8, 13, 14. [nymph described]. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [f. brachypterus , macropterus]. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata ; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1 ):21. T. [hrips] nigropilosus Uzel;Karny, 1925. Bull. Deli Proefst. Medan-Sumatra, 23: 1 1 , fig. 6f. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):149. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:1 56. Thr.[ips] nigropilosus Uzel; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):263. Thrips heraclei Moulton, 1926. Pan-Pacific Ent., 3(1):25. 9, 6. T.[hrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 47. 9, <5. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1926. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 52(2-3):267. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Hood, 1927. Ent. Americana, (N.S.)7(4):21 5. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 350, 352, 409, 470. 9, 6, larva, prepupa, pupa, [described]. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. macroptera umbrata; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt.3:410. 9. T. [hrips] nigropilosus f. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt.3:41 1 . 9. T. [hrips] nigropilosus f. brachyptera Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt . 3 : 4 1 1 . 9. T.[hrips] nigropilosus f. (brachyptera) umbrata; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:412. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8):12. 9, 6. T.[hrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101 :69. Th. [rips] nigropilosus Uzel; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 177. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 4:721. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr. [ips] nigropilosus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 47, 50. Thr. [ips] nigropilosus nigropilosus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 50. Thr. [ips] nigropilosus umbratus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 50. 1165 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thr.[ips] nigropilosus laevior Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 50. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; John, 1930. Rev. Russe Ent., 24(1-2): 1 12. [Thrips] aureus Hood; Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma Biol. Surv., 3(4):344. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:85, 86, 97, 154, fig. 31. 9,d. [described]. [Thrips nigropilosus f.] laevior Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:99. Th.[rips] nigropilosus Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:78, 81, 88. 9, 6. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 142. Thrips nigropilosus f. brachyptera Uzel; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:40. T.[hrips ] nigropilosus Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. T. [hrips] heraclei Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. T.[hrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. T.[hrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3) : 1 25 , 130. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):229. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1 -2) : 84. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:1 19. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:13. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Hukkinen & Syijanen, 1937. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(1):2. T.[hrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:47. T[hrips] nigropilosus f. brachyptera Uzel; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:47. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Moulton, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):410. Thrips nigropilosus f. brachyptera Uzel; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1:2):92. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Yakhontov, 1937. Acta Univ. Asiae med., 8a Zool.(49):6. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):418. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Andre, 1937. Iowa St. Coll. Journ. Sci., 12:105. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:21 1. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Sakimura, 1938. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(1): 167-173. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., Berkeley, 346:5,70. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:93. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel;Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1) : 1 35. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel;Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:170, 184, 189, 211. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1):560, 561, 582, 584, 628, figs. 42, 47d. Larva, [described]. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:131. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:131. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1) :38. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. Th.[rips] nigropilosus Uzel; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(1): 121. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Goodhue, Smith & Ditman, 1945. Journ. econ. Ent., 38(2): 180. [control in greenhouses]. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2):327, 330. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel;Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:578. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:579. 1166 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips nigropilosus Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:670. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., p. 28, fig. 3. 9. Thrips lactucae Beach; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):38. Thrips (Thrips) nigropilosus Uzel; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 421. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Smith, Fulton & Lung, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(4):625. [control in greenhouses]. T.[hrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 65, 68. 9. [Thrips] aureus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1) :25. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 117. Thr.[ips] nigropilosus Uzel; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4{1):415. [Thrips] heraclei Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1) : 54. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 163, 170, 183. Thrips origani Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 (2) : 1 56, 174, 177, 183. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 160, 179. 9, d [described]. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 180. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:192. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Sakimura, 1953. Journ. econ. Ent., 46(5) :91 6. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):317. Thrips heraclei Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):202, 203. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):202, 204. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Tischack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1 1 2( 1): 278. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klh* Zvrreny CSR, 2:27. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):505, fig. 27. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 106. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 143. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie -Skfodowska Lublin, (1959)(C)14{3):56, 58, 59, 61, 64. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4) : 1 19. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. laevior Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 1 19. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):375, 376. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4) :252, 259. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3): 221 , 278, 302-310, 311,314, 315, map 7. d [described]. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90, 91, 98, 101, 124, textfig. 89. 9,d [Thrips nigropilosus] f. laevior Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 242, 244, 245,263. 9, d [ Thrips nigropilosus] f. laevior Priesner [Sic!]; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 264. [Thrips nigropilosus ] f. brachyptera Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 264. 1167 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Thrips nigropilosus] f. umbrata Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 264. Th.[rips] nigropilosus Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1 : 865 , 867, 868. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:337, 345, PI. VII, figs. 32-33. 9, <5, larva II, prepupa, pupa, [described]. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2) : 1 48, 157. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:126, 164, 168, 196. T[hrips] aureus Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):205. T.[hrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):206. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):3Q, 31, 33, 35. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Qbozr., 45(3):563. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel: Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1):19. Th.[rips\ nigropilosus Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):96. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):77. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel;Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk|odowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):56. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:32, 36, 63, 70, PI. VI, fig. 55. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):366, 370. 9. [described]. Thrips aureus Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 1 7, 23, 26, 62, PI. 6, fig. 44. 9, 6. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:19, 24, 41, 73, PI. 2, figs. 15, 16; PI. 4, fig. 26; PI. 6, fig. 51. 9, 6. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjodowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8):1 13. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(3):457, 459. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 51(5-6):373. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Beckham et al, 1971, Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 86:11. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Kudo, 1971. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(4):612. [Thrips] nigropilosus Uzel; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Kudo, 1972. Kontyu, 40(4): 240. Thrips nigropilosus Uzel; Beasherj 1973. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. 122:12. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of laevior: ? Vienna Museum; of lactucae: Unknown to writer; of aureus: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of umbratus: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of heraclei: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Poland; Russia; Austria; England; Albania; Holland; Rumania; Sweden; Hungary; Denmark; Siberia; France; Finland; Switzerland; Scotland; Germany; Lithuania; Central Asia; Transcaucasie; Turkey; Egypt; Japan; Hawaiian Islands; Fiji Islands; Australia; U.S.A.: Iowa; Virginia; California; Illinois; South Dakota; New York; Washington; Indiana; New Jersey; Georgia. 1168 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: BOHEMIA: not specified; for laevior: not specified; for lactucae: U.S.A.: Ames, Iowa; {ox aureus: U.S.A.: near Alexandria, Virginia; for umbratus: AUSTRIA: Oberosterreich; for heraclei: U.S.A.: above Spring Valley Lakes near Belmont, California. Habitat: Various flowers, primarly those of Compositae. Thrips nilgiriensis Ramakrishna = Thrips (Thrips) palmi Karny. Thrips nitidula Haliday = Aptinothrips rufus (Goeze). Thrips nubilans Hood = Thrips (Thrips) discolor Haliday. Thrips obscura Miiller = Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) obscurus (Muller). Thrips obscura Gmelin = Thrips (Thrips) discolor Haliday. Thrips obscuratus (Crawford) = Thrips (Isothrips) obscuratus (Crawford). Thrips (Thrips) obscuricomis Priesner, 1920. 9. [Thrips physapus] ab. obscuricomis Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz., 78:57. Thrips physapus var. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1921. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ( 1)1 30(6-7) :2 1 6. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Thrips physapus f. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:356. 9. [described]. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1 . [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Thr. [z'ps] physopus obscuricomis Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 46. [Thrips physapus f.] obscuricomis Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:88. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:82. 9. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis Priesner; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 127. Thrips physapus f. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 1 1 1 . [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. T. [hrips] physapus f. obscuricomis Priesner; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:563. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis Priesner; Knechtel, 1951 . Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8( 1): 1 62. Thrips obscuricomis Priesner; Titschack, 1955. Bombus, 1(90-91):383. [Thrips physapus] obscuricomis Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 105. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 120. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricomis; Priesner, 1964. Best im. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:88. 1169 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [ Thrips physapus] f. obscuricornis Priesner; Diadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 254. Th.[rips] physapus var. obscuricornis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR. 1:866. [Thrips] obscuricornis Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :73. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Hungary; Denmark; Finland; Rumania; Germany; Holland; Turkey. Type locality: AUSTRIA, OBEROSTERREICH: not specified. Habitat: Orchis in car nat a; Grsium erysithales; Taraxacum officinale; Carlina vulgaris; Centaurea solstitialis; Centaurea sp. Thrips (Thrips) obscuripes Priesner, 1934. 9, c 5. Thrips obscuripes Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3) :278, 289. 9, 6. [Thrips] obscuripes Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :73. Thrips obscuripes Priesner; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):476. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: JAVA: Goen. Lawoe; Pangrango. Type locality: JAVA: not specified but probably Goen. Lawoe. Habitat: Flowers of Polygonum chinense. Thrips (Thrips) obsoletus Oustalet, 1873. Thrips obsoleta Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. Philomat. Paris, (6)10:25. [sex not stated]. Thrips (s. 1.) obsoleta Oustalet; Handlirsch, 1908. Foss. Ins., p. 692. Location of type: Heer collection. Distribution: FRANCE: marnes gypseuses d’Aix en Provence. Type locality: FRANCE: marnes gypseuses d’Aix en Provence. Habitat: Fossil. Thrips obsoletus Uzel = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman. Euthrips occidental is Pergande = Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). Thrips ochraceus Ruricola - Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank. Thrips (Thrips) oeningensis Heer, 18 Thrips oeningensis Heer, 18 (Thrips) oeningensis Heer; Handlirsch, 1908. Foss. Ins., p. 693. Location of type: Distribution: GERMANY: Oeningen in Baden (Upper Miocene). Type locality: Habitat: Fossil. Thrips (Thrips) oenotherae Blanchard, 1849. Thrips OEnotherae Blanchard, [183649]. in Audouin et al: Cuvier Regne Animal [ed. 3], 6:P1.99bis, fig. 3. Location of type: Unknown to writer, probably lost. Distribution: Unknown. Type locality: Unknown. Habitat: Unknown. This species is simply depicted in a figure with no further data. 1170 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips oklahomae Watson = Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford). Thrips oleae Costa = Liothrips oleae (Costa). Thrips olivarius Tamburin = Liothrips oleae (Costa). Euthrips orchidii Moulton = Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton). Thrips orientalis (Bagnall) = Thrips (Isothrips) orientalis (Bagnall). Thrips (Thrips) origani Priesner, 1926. 9. Thrips origani Priesner, 1926. Zool. Jahrb-. Abt. Syst., 52(2-3):272. 9. Thrips dyssochaetus Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:570. 9. Thrips origani; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 438. 9. [described]. Thrips origani Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:131. [synonymy]. [Thrips] origani; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:66. T.[hrips] origani Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. Thrips origani; Priesner, 1938. Ark. Zool., 30B(9):2. Thrips origani; Priesner, 1939. Broteria, Cien. nat., (Ser. trim.)8(3):105. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 35. T[hrips] origani Priesner; M orison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 65, 68. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 117. [Thrips origani Priesner; Oettingen, 1951 = Thrips (Thrips) nigropilosus Uze!]. Thrips origani Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):315. Thrips origani Priesner; Titschack, 1958. Bombus, 2(5-7) :24. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1):97. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l !(3):221, map 12. [Thrips] origani; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:85, 86, 89. 9. Thrips origani Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 241, 246. 9. Thrips origani Priesner; Pelikan, 1965. Acta ent. Bohemoslovaca, 62(2): 102. [Thrips] origani; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):28, 30. Thrips origani Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):561. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 17. Thrips origani Priesner; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :54, 66. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :73, 80. [Thrips] origani Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of dyssochaetus: British Museum (Natural History). Distribution: Hungary; England; France; Austria; Germany; Czechoslovakia; Madeira; Transcaucasia. Type locality: Hungary; for dyssochaetus: ENGLAND: Box Hill, Surrey [not as stated by Mound, 1968. FRANCE: Ax-les-Thermes. The former is specifically mentioned by Bagnall, 1927 in the original description as the type-locality]. Habitat: Flowers of Origanum vulgare. 1171 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips ononis (Treherne) = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) ononis Treherne. Thrips ornata Jablonowski = Dendrothrips omatus (Jablonowski). Thrips oryzae Williams = Baliothrips biformis (Bagnall). Thrips (Thrips) oryzophagus Rondani, 1871. Thrips oryzophaga Rondani, 1871. Boll. Comizio agr. Parm., 4(2): 29. Thrips oryzophaga Rondani; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:133. Thrips oryzophaga Rondani (?); Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 100. [Thrips] oryzophagus Rondani; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):150. Thrips oryzophagus Rondani; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:446. [probably refers to Haplothrips aculeatus]. T.[hrips] oryzophagus Rondani; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 .19. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Italy. Type locality: Italy. Habitat: Rice. Thrips pallens Haliday = Thrips (Thrips) discolor Haliday. Thrips (Thrips) pallicomis Hood, 1912. 9, 6. Thrips pallicomis Hood, 1912. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 14(3): 1 38, PI. V, figs. 5, 6. 9, 6. Thrips pallicomis Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43. Thrips gilmorei Moulton, 1929. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 24(4): 234. 9, 6. [Thrips] pallicomis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. [Thrips] gilmorei Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Thrips pallicomis Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):238, 365, 366, 371, fig. 48. 9,d. [described]. Thrips pallicomis Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:18, 22, 43, 73, PI. 5, fig. 41; PI. 7, fig. 54. 9,6. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum; of gilmorei: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: Illinois; Virginia. Type locality: U.S.A.: Parker, Illinois; for gilmorei: U.S.A.: Appomatox, Virginia. Habitat: Leaves of hickory; apple leaf. Thrips pallida Beach = Scolothrips pallidus (Beach). Thrips pallida Karny = Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom). Thrips pallida Schmutz = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) pallidicollis Hood, 1934. 9. Thrips pallidicollis Hood, 1934. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1933)9(4): 173, Cut 1, figs. 1-4. 9. [Thrips] pallidicollis Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 25. Thrips pallidicollis Hood ; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5):232. Thrips major Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:38. Partim. 1172 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: Grant, Colorado; Currant Creek, Utah. Type locality: U.S.A.: Grant, Colorado. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips (Thrips) pallidulus Bagnall, 1924. 9, 6. Thrips pallidulus Bagnall, 1924. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)13:424. 9, 6. T.[hrips] pallidulus Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Thrips pallidulus Bagnall; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7) :263. [Thrips] pallidulus Bagnall; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:23. [Thrips (Thrips)] pallidulus Bagnall; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:171. 9, 6. Thrips pallidulus Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):86, 112, 113. Thrips pallidulus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 66. [Thrips] pallidgus [Sic!] Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :73. T.[hrips] pallidulus Bagnall; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 1 32. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. Distribution: INDIA: Pusa, Bengal. Type locality: INDIA: Pusa, Bengal. Habitat: Unknown. k Thrips pallipes Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips pallipes (Moulton) = Thrips (Isothrips) taiwanus Takahashi. Thrips (Thrips) palmi Karny, 1925. 9, <5. Thrips palmi Karny, 1925. Bull. Deli Proefst. Medan-Sumatra, 23:10, 54, figs. 6b-d. 9, 6. Thrips palmi; Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 199. [Thrips palmi Karny; Ramakrishna, 1928 = Ramaswamiahiella subnudula Karny]. Thrips nilgiriensis Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):245, 262. 9, <5, larva. Thrips nilgiriensis; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):79. Thrips palmi Karny; Dammerman, 1929. Agric. Zool. Malay Archipelago, p. 217. [Thrips] nilgiriensis Ramakrishna; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:23. [Thrips (Thrips)] nilgriensis [Sic!] Ramakrishna; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:171,172.9,(5. [Thrips (Thrips)] palmi Karny; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:171, 172. 9, c5. Thrips palmi Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3):567. Thrips nilgiriensis Ramakrishna; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3):566. Thrips flavus Schrank; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):86, 113. Thrips palmi Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):86, 114. Thrips flavus Schrank; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Indian Journ. Ent., 28(2):256. Thrips flavus Schrank; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1966. Ent. Tidskr., 87(1 -2):9 1 , fig. 4. 9, 6. Chloethrips aureus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1967. Zool. Anz., 178:375, 381, 388, tig. 3c. 9. [Thrips] palmi Karny; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :73. Thrips gracilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1968. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.F.)15(4-5):361 , fig. 3B. 9,(5. Thrips palmi Karny; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4):381 [synonymy]. Thrips flavus Schrank; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1969. Zool. Anz., 182(1 -2): 1 18-120, 1173 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 table 1. M.[ictothrips] aureus (Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish); Ananthakrishnan, CSIR zool. Monog., 1:128. T.[hrips] flavus Schrank; Ananthakrishnan-, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:118, 119, 120, 131. T[hrips] gracilis Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:131. Thrips flavus Schrank; Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 124, 126, 127, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of nilgiriensis: ? Ramakrishna collection; of aureus: ? Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras; of gracilis: Ananthakrishnan collection, Madras. Distribution: INDONESIA: Sumatra; Java; INDIA: Coimbatore; Nilgiris; Kodaikanal; Anamalais; Mysore; Burliar; New Delhi. Type locality: [INDONESIA]: not specified; for nilgiriensis: INDIA: Runnymede, Nilgiris; for aureus: INDIA: Mysore; fox gracilis: INDIA: Burliar. Habitat: Tobacco; lab lab; orange; Lathyrus; Fabia vulgaris; peaches; plums; Habenaria; Cypripedium ; Dendrobium gratiosissimus; carnations; avocado; poppy; Goodlaea; tea; Striga sp.; Sesamum indicum ; Brassica juncea; Brassica campestris; Gossypium herbaceum ; Citrus medica; Pyrus malus; Camellia thea; Cymbidium bicolor. Thrips paludivagus Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) menyanthidis Bagnall. Thrips (Thrips) paludosus Bagnall, 1913. 9, 6. Thrips paludosus Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):235. 9, 6. [Thrips] paludosus Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4):149. Thrips paludosus Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 379. 9, 6. [described]. Thr.[ips] paludosus Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. [Thrips] ? paludosus Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 34. T.[hrips] paludosus Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 63, 66. 9, 6. [Thrips] paludosus Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 117. [Thrips] paludosus Bagnall; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips paludosus Bagnall; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:26. [Thrips] paludosus Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1 ):97. [Thrips] paludosus Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:91, 94. Thrips paludosus Bagnall; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 16. Thrips paludosus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :54, 66. [Thrips] paludosus Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :74. Thrips paludosus Bagnall; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie -Skjbdowska Lublin, (C)26( 1 5 ) : 1 82 . Location of type: British Museum (Natural History), London. [The type slides have turned black]. Distribution: England; Czechoslovakia; Poland. Type locality: ENGLAND: Weston-on-tne-Green, Oxfordshire. Habitat: Sedge; cruciferous plant; Erica tetralix; Fagus silvatica. Thrips (Thrips) paluster O.M. Reuter, 1899. 9. Thrips palustris Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):55, 58. 9. Thrips palustris Reuter; Bagnall, 1913. Journ. econ. Biol., 8(4):235. 1174 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips palustris Reuter; Bagnall, 1914. Rep. British Ass. Adv. Sci., 1913:531. [Thrips paluster Reuter; Priesner, 1919-1928 = Thrips (Thrips) menyanthidis Bagnall]. Thr.[ips] paluster Reuter; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 47. Thrips palustris Reuter; Priesner, 1930. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., 1930:42. Th. [rips] palustris Reuter; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 85. 9. Thrips paluster Reuter; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):303. Thrips paluster Reuter; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:32, 39. [ Thrips paluster Reuter; Hukkinen, 1936 = Thrips (Thrips) menyanthidis Bagnall]. [Thrips paluster Reuter; Kratochvil, 1939 = Thrips (Thrips) menyanthidis Bagnall]. Thrips paluster Reuter; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8 ( 1 ) : 3 8 . [Thrips] paluster Reuter; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[hrips] paluster Reuter; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 62, 67. 9. [Thrips] paluster Reuter; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 1 17. Thrips paluster Reuter; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 ( 1 ) : 5 5 . T.[hrips] paluster Reuter; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:23. [Thrips] palustris Reuter; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1 ):97. [Thrips] paluster Reuter; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3) :22 1 , map 1 1. [Thrips] paluster Reuter; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:97. 9. Thrips paluster Reuter; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 241 , 260. Thrips paluster Reuter; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):563. [Thrips] palustris Reuter; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 1 8 ( 1 ) : 1 9 . j Thrips ] palustris Reuter; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :74. [Thrips] paluster Reuter; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Helsinki Museum. Distribution: Finland; Norway; England; Siberia; Moravia; Ukraine. Type locality: FINLAND: Munduksa. Habitat: Pedicularis palustris. Also on some other marsh plants. Thrivs pandu Ramakrishna = Ramaswamiahiella subnudula (Karny). Thrips panicus Moulton = Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach). Thrips (Thrips) panousei zur Strassen, 1968. 9, <3. Thrips panousei zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:55, 120, figs. 18-20. 9,d Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Aouinet-Torkoz (Cercle de Goulimine); Assa (Cercle de Goulimine). Type locality: SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Aouinet-Torkoz (Cercle de Goulimine). Habitat: Ephedra ala ta alenda; Pituranthus chloranthus. Thrips (Thrips) paradoxus Linne, 1763. Thrips paradoxa Linne, 1763. Amoenitates academicae, 6:401. [Thrips] par adoxa; Linne, 1767. Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, 1(2):743. [Thrips] paradoxa Linne; Goeze, 1778. Ent. Beytrage, 2:347. Thrips paradoxa Linne; Schrank, 1781. Enum. Ins. Austr. Indig., p. 299. Thrips paradoxa Linne; de Villers, 1789. Caroli Linnaei Ent., 1 :567. [Thrips] paradoxa Linne; Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Nat. Ed. 13, 1(4):2222. 1175 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips paradoxa Linne; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysaiiop., p. 275. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: China. Type locality: China. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips (Thrips) partirufus Girault, 1927. 9. Thrips partirufus Girault, 1927. A Discourse on wild Animals, p.[l]. 9. Thrips partirufus; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:394. Thrips partirufus; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:328. T.[hrips] partirufus Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. [Thrips] partirufus Girault; De Santis, 1961 . Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7:171 . [77/rips] partirufus Girault; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :74. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: Queensland, Australia; Fiji; Sumatra. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Berner’s Cr., Innisfail. Habitat: Banana; Musa ban ksii; Alocasia macrorrhiza; lantana. Thrips panispinus (Karny) = Thrips (Isothrips) parvispinus (Kamy). Thrips (Thrips) parvulus Bohls, 1891. nom. nud. Thrips panrnla Jordan; Bohls, 1891. Die Mundwerkzeuge der Physopoden, Gottingen, p. 4. [ Thrips ] parvulus Jordan; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Thrips parvulus Jordan; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:446. T.[hrips] parvulus Jordan; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Unknown. Type locality: Unknown. Habitat: Unknown. [There is no mention of this name in Jordan, 1888. Is it perhaps a misstatement by Bohls for asperulae?]. Euthrips pari'us Moulton = Scirtothrips longipennis (Bagnall). Thrips (Thrips) parvus Schmutz, 1913. 9, <3. Thrips parva Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1001, 1004. 9. Thrips parva Schmutz; Kamy, 1924. Ark. Zool., 1 7 A(2) : 14. T.[hrips] pana Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. Thrips parvus Schmutz; Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 199. Thrips pari’us Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):265. Thrips pan^us Schmutz; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):268, 287. 9,d. [described]. [Thrips] parvus Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:24. [Thrips (Thrips)] parvus Schmutz; Shums her Singh, 1946. Indian Joum. Ent., 7:170. 9. Thrips parvus Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 57(3):565. Thrips parvus Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):86, 1 13. [Thrips] parvus Schmutz; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:74. T.[hrips] parvus Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 1 32. Location of type: k.k. Naturhistorisch en Hofmuseum, Vienna. Distribution: Ceylon; India; Sumatra; Java. Type locality: Ceylon. 1176 JACOT — GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Habitat: Gnamomum ; Caesalpinia pulcherrima; Thunbergia grandiflora; Dendrobium crumenatum; Bauhinia tomentosa; Elaeagnus latifolia; Beaumontia multiflora. Thrips (Thrips) paudsetosus Priesner, 1927. 9. | Thrips angusticeps] f. paucisetosa Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:344, 401. 9. | Thrips ] angusticeps f. paucisetosa Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 87. 9. [Thrips angusticeps ] f. paucisetosa Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. [Thrips] paudsetosus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:88. 9. [Thrips] angusticeps f. paucisetosa; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:336. [Thrips] paudsetosus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):29. [Thrips angusticeps] f. paucisetosa Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:62. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Denmark; Finland; Austria; Hungary; Czechoslovakia. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Flowers of Echium; flowers of Centaurea. Thrips pectinatus Hood = Thrips (Thrips) quinciensis Morgan. Thrips (Thrips) pectiniprivus Priesner, 1934. 9, 6. Thrips pectiniprivus Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):273, 288. 9, 6. [Thrips] pectiniprivus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :74. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: Krakatau Island. Type locality: Krakatau. Habitat: Flowers of Desmodium umbellatum. Thrips (Thrips) pelikani Titschack, 1962. 9, 6. Thrips pelikani Titschack, 1962. Bomb us, 2( ):24. Thrips pelikani Titschack; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)11(3):221, 279, 302-310, 312, map 1 . <5 [described]. [Thrips] pelikani Titschack; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:74. [Thrips] pelikani Titschack; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Distribution: Greece; Corfu. Type locality: GREECE: Habitat : Hieracium sp. Thrips (Thrips) pennatus zur Strassen, 1965. 9, 6. Thrips pennatus zur Strassen, 1965. Bocagiana, 10:2, figs. 1-2. 9, 6. [Thrips] pennatus zur Strassen; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :74. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: MADEIRA: Raba9al. Type locality: MADEIRA: Raba9al. Habitat: Flowers of Leontodon sp. Thrips pennifera Schlechtendal part = Hemithrips pennifera (Schlechtendal); part = Hemithrips thoradcus Bagnall. 1177 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips peradenyae Schmutz = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) permutatus zur Strassen, 1971. 9, <5. Thrips ponticus zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergianan biol., 5 1(5-6) : 374, figs. 1-3. 9, <3. Thrips permutatus zur Strassen, 1971. Senckenbergiana, biol., 52(3-5):249. [new name for Thrips ponticus zur Strassen nec Knechtel]. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: TRANSCAUCASIA, GEORGIA: Suchumi, am Schwarzen Meer. Type locality: TRANSCAUCASIA, GEORGIA: Suchumi, am Schwarzen Meer. Habitat: Flowering twigs of Sambucus ebulus. Thrips perplexus (Beach) = Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach). Thrips (Thrips) persicae Haliday, 1836. Thr.[ips] Persicae Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 4:146. larva. T.[hrips] persicae Haliday; Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. Thrips persicae Haliday; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 277. Thrips Persicae Haliday; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:643. [Thrips] persicae Haliday; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Thrips persicae Haliday; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:446. T.[hrips] persicae Haliday; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Britain. Type locality: Britain. Habitat: Diseased leaves of peach-tree. Thrips phalerata Haliday = Odontothrips phaleratus (Haliday). Thrips (Thrips) phylloxerae Riley, Thrips phylloxerae Riley, Thrips phylloxerae Riley ; Saunders, 1883. Insects injurious to Fruit, p. 238, fig. 244. Thrips phylloxerae Riley; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:79 , 1 18. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: U.S. A.: Type locality: U.S. A.: Habitat: Preys on Phylloxera of grape vines. [N.B.: To judge from the fig. this does not belong to the genus Thrips but is a member of the family Phalaeothripidae]. Thrips (Thrips) physapus Linne, 1758. 9,6. Thrips elytris glaucis, corpore atro Linne, 1746. Fauna Svecica, p. 220. [Thrips] Physapus De Geer; Linne, 1756. Syst. Nat., p. 67. [Thrips] Physapus Linne, 1758. Syst. Naturae 10th Ed., 1 :457. Thrips Physapus; Linne, 1761. Fauna Svecica, p. 266. Thrips Physapus Linne; Scopoli, 1763. Ent. Carniolica, p. 141. Thrips elytris glaucis, corpore atro; Geoffroy, 1764. Histoire abregee Ins., p. 385. [Thrips] Physapus; Linne, 1767. Syst. Naturae 12th Ed., 1(2):743. [Thrips physapus Linne; De Geer, 1773 = Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom)]. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Fabricius, 1775. Syst. Ent., p. 745. 1178 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips Physapus Linne; Fuessli ns, 1775. Verzeich. Schweiz. Ins., p. 27. Th.[rips] fusca Muller, 1776. Zool. Danicae Prod. Anim., p. 96. [Thrips physapus Linne; Muller, 1 776 = Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom)]. [Thrips] fusca Muller; Goeze, 1778. Ent. Beytrage, 2:351. [Thrips physapus Linne; Goeze, 1778 = Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom)]. [Thrips physapus Linne; Goze, 1780 = Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom)]. Thrips physapus Linne; Schaffer, 1780. Elementa entomologica, p. 127. Thrips Physapus Linne; Schrank, 1781. Enum. Ins. Austr. Indig., pp. 296, 297. [Thrips] Physapus Linne; Fabricius, 1781. Spec. Ins., 2:396. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Fabricius, 1787. Mant. Ins., 2:320. Thrips physapus Linne; Berkenhout, 1789. Synopsis nat. Hist. Great Britain & Ireland, p. 122. Thrips physapus Linne; de Villers, 1789. Caroli Linnaei Ent., 1 :564, 567. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Naturae Ed. 13, 1(4):2222. [Thrips] fusca Muller; Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Naturae Ed. 13, 1(4):2223. T. [hr ip s] Physapus Linne; Rossius, 1790. Fauna Etrusca, 2:267 . [Thrips] physapus Linne; Fabricius, 1794. Ent. Syst., 4:228. [Thrips physapus Linne; Kirby, 1796 = Limo thrips cerealium (Haliday)]. [Thrips physapus Linne; Marsham, 1797 & 1798 - Limothrips cerealium (Haliday)]. Thrips physapus Linne; Cederhielm, 1798. Faunae Ingricae Prodromus, p. 286. Thrips physapus Linne; Steward, 1802. Elements of nat. Hist., p. 114. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Fabricius, 1803. Syst. Rhyngotorum, pp. 20, 313. thrips physapus Linne; Latreille, [ 1804]. Hist. nat. Crust. Ins., 12:351. Thrips physapus Linne; Turton, 1806. A General System of Nature, p. 716. Thrips physapus Linne; Shaw, 1806. General Zoology, 6(1): 199, PI. 63. Thrips physapus Linne; Latreille, 1807. Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum, 3:171. T. [hrips] Physapus Linne ; Illiger, Rossius Fauna Etrusca, 2:415. Thrips physapus Fabricius [Sic!]', Latreille, 1810, Consider. Ord. nat. Crust. Arach. Ins., p. 434. Thrips Physapus Linne; Sam oue lie, 1819. Ent. Use. Compend., pp. 232, 380, PI. 5, fig. 12. Thrips physapus Linne; Wood, 1821. Illustr. Linn. Genera Ins., p. 118, PI. 42. [Thrips] Physapus Linne; Gore, 1825. in Blumenbach: Manual of Elements of natural History, p. 202. Thr.[ips] Physagus [Sic!] Linne; Zetterstedt, 1828. Faun. Ins. Lapp., p. 561. T.[hrips] physapus Latreille [57c/]; Le Peletier & Serville, 1828. Encycl. Method., 10:642. Thrips physapus Linne; Guerin, 1828. in Tigny: Hist. nat. Ins. 3rd Ed., 6:231. T. [hrips] physapus Latreille [S/c/]; Stark, 1828. Elements of natural History, 2:326. [Thrips] Physapus Linne; Stephens, 1829. Syst. Catal. British Ins., p. 363. [Thrips ? Phisaphus [Sic/] Linne; Passerini, 1834 = Liothrips oleae (Costa)]. Thrips physapus Linne; Deshayes & Milne Edwards, 1835. in Lamarck: Hist. nat. Anim. sans Vertebres, 4:123. Thr.[ips] physapus Linne; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:448. <3, 9. Thr. [ips] fusca Muller; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:451. Th.[rips] physapus Linne; Burmeister, 1838. Handb. Ent., 2(2):415. [Thrips Physapus Linne; Passerini, 1834 & 1842 = Liothrips oleae Costa]. Thrips physapus Linne; Curtis, 1839. British Enttomology, 7:P1. 748. Thr. [ips] Physapus Linne; Zetterstedt, 1840. Insecta Lapponica, p. 312. Thrips physapus Linne; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. Tfhrips (Thrips)] physapus Linne; Westwood, 1840. Introd. Mod. Class. Ins., 2(synop.):46. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Amyot & Serville, 1843. Hist. nat. Ins. Hemipt., p. 644. 6, 9. [Thrips phisapus [Sz'c/] Linne; Mazzarosa, 1846 = Liothrips oleae (Costa)]. 1179 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips physapus Linne; Blanchard, 1950. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1) :2 1 7. Thrips Physapus Linne; Haliday, 1852. in Walker List Homopt. Ins. British Mus., 4:1 1 1 1, PI. VI, figs. 7, 9, 1 1 ; PI. VII, fig. 9. 9. Thrips physapus Linne; Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, pp. 187, 217, 243, 272, 336. Thrips physopus [Sic!] Linne; Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, p. 315. Thrips physapus Linne; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, p. 207. Thrips physapus Linne; Uljanina, 1874. Izv. Imper. Ob. Ljub. Estest. Antrop. Etno., 10(2-j): 39-48. [embryology]. Thr.[ips] physapus Linne; Siebke, 1874. Enum. Ins. Norveg., 1:50. Thr.[ips ( Thrips)] physapus Linne; Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21:212. Thrips (Thrips) flavicornis Reuter, 1879. Ofv. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. Forh., 21 :2 1 2, 219. [sex not stated]. Th.[rips] physapus Linne ;Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:134. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Pergande, 1882.Entom., 15:95. Thr.[ips] physapus Linne; Ludwig, 1886. Leunis Synop. Thierk., p. 537. Thrips phyrapus [Szc/] de Geer; Uzel, 1889. Vesmir, 18(21): 259. Thrips physopus [Sic!] Linne; Provancher, 1890. Petite Faune ent. Canada, 3:333. Thrips physapus Linne ;Trybom, 1894. Ent. Tidskr., 1 5(1) :45 , 46. Thrips physapus Linne; Trybom, 1895. Ent. Tidskr., 1 6(3) : 1 59, 160, 161. Thrips physopus [Szc/] Linne; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 36, 53, 174, PI. VI, figs. 94-99; PI. X, Fig. 172. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips physopus var .adusta Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 175, 176. 9. Thrips flavicornis Reuter; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 219. [described]. Thrips physapus Linne;Trybom, 1896. Ent. Tidskr., 17(2):95, 97 (footnote). Thrips physapus Haliday [Sic!]; Trybom, 1896. Festskr. Lilljeborg, 1896:223, 228. Thrips physopus Linne; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. [Thrips physapus Linne; von Schilling, 1898 = Kako thrips pisivorus (Westwood)]. Thrips physopus Linne; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1 7(2) : 54, 58. Thrips physopus Linne; Trybom, 1899. Ent. Tidskr., 20(4) :269, 270, 272. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Jablonowski, 1900. Fauna Regni Hungariae, 3(6): 18. Thrips physopus Linne; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:634, 646. 9, 6. Th.[rips] physopus Linne;Tumpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 292, textfig. 91. 9, 6. Thrips physopus Linne; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:13, PI. I, fig. 4. Th.[rips] physopus var. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:13. Thrips physopus Linne; 1906. Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 101 . Thrips physopus Linne; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zook Anz., 31(26) :9 13, 914. Thrips physopus subsp. adustus Uzel; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):9 1 3, 914. Thrips physopus Linne; Buffa, 1907. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:277, 288. Thrips physapus Linne; Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:48. [Thrips physapus] f.annulata Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:48. [sex not stated]. Thrips physapus Linne;Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9-10):276, 279, Fig. 10. Thrips physopus Linne; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 135. Thr. [ips] physopus Linne; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd Ed., 3:228, fig. 164. Thrips physapus Linne;Karny, 1909. Mitt, naturwiss. Ver. Univ. Wien, 7(10):272, 273. Thrips physopus Linne; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k.zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:3. [Thrips physopus] var. adusta Uzel; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k.zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:4. T.[hrips] physopus Linne; Bagnall, 1911. Joum. econ. Biol., 6( 1 ) : 1 0. 1180 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips physapus Linne; Trybom, 1911. Res. Swed. Zool. Exp. Egypt & White Nile 1901, 4(19):10. Thrips physopus Linne; Shull, 1911. Publ. Michigan geol. biol. Surv., 4:184, 187, 206, 212. Thrips physopus Linne; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):240; 25(47):246, fig. 4 (sep. pp. 18, 27). [Thrips physopus ] var. adusta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46) :240 (sep. p. 18). Thrips physapus Linne; Karny, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica) Frankfurt, 2(7):25. Thrips physopus Linne; Shull, 1914. American Ent., 48(568):239, 240, 243. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6) : 1 92. Thrips physapus var. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 192. Thrips physopus Linne; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Thrips physapus Linne ; Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., 1(3-4):241. Thrips physapus Linne; Peterson, 1915. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 8(1):24, PI. I, figs. 3, 6; PI. Ill, fig. 14. [head and mouthparts]. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Thrips physapus var .adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Th.[rips] physopus Linne ;Tullgren, .1917. Ent.Tidskr., 38(1):51. Thrips physopus Zetterstedt; Ahlberg, 1918. Ent. Tidskr., 39(2): 142. [may not be the same as Linne species]. [Thrips physapus Linne; Tre he rne, 1919 = Thrips (Thrips) trehemei Priesner]. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 28(2-3) : 1 25 . Thrips physapus var. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ( 1 )1 28(2-3) : 1 25 . Thrips physapus var. flavescens Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 125. [not described]. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1) : 105 . Thrips physapus var. flavescens; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. 4(1 1 ) : 1 0 5 . [not described]. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29:172. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. [Thrips physapus ] ab. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. [Thrips physapus ] var .flavescens; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. Thrips physopus Linne; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1): 10. [Thrips physopus] ab. adustus Uzel; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1): 1 0. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. [Thrips physapus] f. flavescens Priesner, 1921 . Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):28. <5. [Original description]. Thrips physapus var. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):29. Thrips physapus Linne; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9) :57, 102, 121 , PI. V, figs. 6-1 1 . 9,d. [described; life history; damage]. [Thrips physapus] f. flavescens Priesner; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9) : 6 1 . 6. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 8, 9. [biology]. Thrips physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1923. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 8(7-8): 122. Thrips physapus var. quadrisetosus Priesner; Knechtel, 1923. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 1181 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 8(7-8): 125. Thr.[ips] physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 165, 166, PI. XVI. 9,d. [described]. Thrips physopus Linne; John, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 1 3(1) : 8. Thrips physapus Linne; Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4):84. [ Thrips physapus Linne; Watson, 1924 = Thrips (Thrips) trehernei Priesner]. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch. Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 31(1-2):41. Thrips physopus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 1 4( 1 ) : 2 1 . [ Thrips physopus ] f. adustus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1) :21. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159, 165. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Thrips physapus] f.adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. [Thrips physapus] f. flavescens; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. Thr.[ips] physapus Linne; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4(1):263. [Thrips] physopus Linne; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45. 9, 6. Thrips physopus Linne; Klocke, 1926. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., 1 28(1 ) :3, Pis. I-III; textfigs. 1-5. [anatomy & histology]. Thrips physapus Linne; Essig, 1926. Ins. west. North America, p. 182. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:344, 350, 352,472. 9, 6, egg, larva, [described]. Thrips physapus f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:355. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips physapus f. flavescens; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:351, 355. 6. [described]. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4:11, figs. 4, 8. 9, 6. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. Thrips physopus Linne; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101 :69. Th.[rips] physapus Linne; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 176. Thrips physapus Linne; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64:98. Thrips physapus Linne; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):845. 9, 6. Thrips physopus Linne; John, 1928. Ezhedgod. Gos. Muz. Martyanova Minussinsk, 6:63. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:182. Th.[rips] physapus f. flavescens; Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:182. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Thrips physapus] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Thrips physapus] f.flavescens; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Thr.[ips] physopus physopus Linne; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 46, fig- 26. Thr.[ips] physopus adustus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR. p. 46. Thrips physapus Linne; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):379, fig. 1A,C. Thrips physapus Linne; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1):92. Thrips physapus Linne; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:84, 86, 153, fig. 27. 9,6. [described]. [Thrips physapus f.] adusta Uzel; van Eecke, 1931 . Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:88. [Thrips physapus f .] flavescens Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:88. [Thrips (Thrips)] physapus Linne; Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1 932(3) : 1 17. Th.[rips] physapus Linne; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:79,81, figs. 3 A, 4, 6, 15. 1182 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips physapus] f.adusta Uzel; Maltbaek, Danmarks Fauna, 37:81. 9. Thrips physopus Klocke [Sic!]; Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 190. [internal anatomy]. Thrips physapus Linne; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 126, 140, 143, 144, 148, figs, lb, 4-7. [described]. Thrips physapus Linne; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 148. 9, 6. [described]. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):248. Thrips physapus Linne; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:39. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. Thrips physapus Linne; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 100. Thrips physapus f. brunnea Ishida, 1936. Insecta Matsumurana, 1 1(1-2) :67, fig. 1. 9, 6. Thrips physapus Linne; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 127. [ Thrips physapus ] f. adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 127. [Thrips physapus ] f .flavescens Priesner; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3):124, 127. Thrips physapus Linne; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):83. Thrips physapus Linne; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:111. Thrips physapus Linne; Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2):7. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 1 6(2) : 1 07 . 9, 6. [described]. Thrips physapus Linne; Hukkinen, 1938. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 4(3):178. 9,6. Thrips physapus Linne; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47 :94. Thrips physapus Linne ; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:167, 183, 184, 185, 186,187,188,189,190,191,192,194,195,211. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Melis, 1941 . Redia, 27 :26. Thrips physapus Linne; Speyer & Parr, 1941 . Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1):560, 561 , 583, 584, 616, figs. 33, 46e. larva, [described]. Thrips physapus Linne; Oett ingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:128, fig. 12. Thrips physapus Linne; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 ) :38 . [ Thrips physapus] f.adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 ):38. [Thrips physapus] f. flavescens Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. Thrips physapus Linne; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Thrips physapus Linne; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3):257. Thrips physapus Linne ; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 34. Thrips physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:562. [Thrips physapus] f. adusta Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:563. Thrips physapus Linne; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:11. 'Thrips physapus Linne; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 26, 27, figs. 1, 2. Thrips physopus Linne; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:24. T. [hrips] physapus Linne; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 61, 62, 64, 65. 9, 6. Thrips physapus Linne; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Washington, 51(5):23 2. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. Thr.[ips] physapus Linne; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5 , 4( 1 ) : 4 1 5 . Thrips physapus Linne; Pelikan, 1951 . Prirod. Sborn. Ostrav. Kraje. Opava, 1 1 :346. Thrips physapus Linne; Speyer, 1951. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)20(5-6):56. Thrips physapus Linne; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 ( 1 ):46, 53, 54. 1183 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips collinus ; Oettingen, 1951 . Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 155. Partim. Thrips physapus Linne; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 157, 164, 170, 183. Thrips physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 158, 160, figs. 117, 118. 6,9. [Thrips physapus] f. adust a Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 162. [Thrips physapus] f. flavescens Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman Ins., 8(1): 162. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips physapus Linne; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6): 588, 592. Thrips physapus Linne; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:32, textfig. 16. 9, 6, egg, larva II. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1954. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12)7:54. Th. [rips] physapus Linne; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 145. Th.[rips] physapus Linne; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5( 1 -2): 77 . Thrips physapus Linne; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):298, 315, PL 41 , fig. 2b. Thrips physapus Linne; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 12(1 ): 273. Thrips physapus Linne; Risler, 1957. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat., 76(2):251-302, figs. 1-45. [morphology of head described]. Thrips physapus Linne; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:25. Thrips physapus Linne; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 105. Thrips physapus Linne; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):299. Thrips physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th inter. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:690, 692. Thrips physapus Linne; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 1 17, 1 18, 1 19, 120, 121 , 123, 124, 125, 127, 130. Thrips physapus physapus Linne; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:279. Trips [5727] physapus Linne; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Thrips physapus Linne; Seczkowska, I960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):238, 240, 243. Thrips physapus Linne; Seczkowska & Litwin, 1960. Polskie Pismo Ent., (B)10( 1-2): 64, 65, 66. Thrips physapus Linne; Melis, 1961 . Redia, 46( Append. ):478, 522, 525, fig. CCIX. 9, 6, egg, larva II. [described]. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Lewis, 1961 . Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91 . Thrips physapus Linne; Franssen & Mantel, 1961 . Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 143. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. [Thrips physapus] v. adustus Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:23. Thrips physapus Linne; Schliephake, 1961 . Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6): 59 1 . Thrips physapus Linne; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfadowska (1959)(C)14(3):56, 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 69, 70, 71. Thrips physapus Linne; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 120. [Thrips physapus] f. flavescens Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105i4):120. Thrips physapus Linne; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68( 1 7 ) : 9 . Thrips physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 1 3(3-4) : 374. Thrips physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Thrips physapus Linne; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3): 28 1-3 17. Thrips physapus Linne; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2): 26. Thrips physapus Linne; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Thrips physapus Linne; Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skj'odowska Lublin, 1184 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. ( 1 963)(C)1 8(6): 137. Thrips physapus Linne; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 1 4(3-4): 252 , 259. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1 ( 1 ): 97 . Thrips physapus Linne; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3): 221 , 282, 302-310, 31 3, map 1 . 6. [described]. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:88, 100, PI. Ill, fig. 7; textfig. 96. '9,6. ? [Thrips validus] subsp .flavescens Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 251 . Thrips physapus Linne; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 132, 240, 245, 246, 253. 9, 6. [Thrips physapus] i.adusta Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 254. [Thrips physapus] f. flavescens Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 254. Thrips physapus Linne; Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4): 157. Thrips physapus Linne; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Th. [rips] physapus Linne; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:866, 867, 868, fig. 342(5,6). Thrips physapus Linne; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips physapus Linne; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 148, 1 57. T.[hrips] physapus Linne; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent.Soc., (1965)73(4): 205. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Priesner, 1 966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):29 , 35, figs. 4, 3 1 . Thrips physapus Linne; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Bozr., 45(3): 562. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 17. Thrips physapus Linne; Titschack, 1967. Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 37:1. Th. [rips] physapus Linne; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):97. Thrips physapus Linne; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):76. [Thrips physapus] f. obscuricornis Priesner; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 1 6( 7-8 ): 76. Thrips physapus Linne; Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31 . Thrips physapus Linne; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4): tables 1,4. Thrips physapus Linne; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:58, 120. Thrips physapus Linne; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):238, 365, 366, 371, fig. 140. 9,6. [described]. Thrips physapus Linne; Priesner, 1968. Kukenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd Ed., 4(2)2/19:29, figs. 10a, 16,23. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:74. [Thrips physapus] f. brunnea Ishida; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. [Thrips] collinus Oettingen; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:80. Thrips physapus Linne; Ward, 1968. Trans. R. eni. Soc. London, 1 20( 1 8): 395-4 1 6, figs. 1-12, tables I -XII. 9, 6, larvae 1, II. [morphometric separation from T. hukkineni]. Thrips physapus Linne; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenii, 13(12):42. Thrips physapus Linne; Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)21(2): 133. Thrips physapus Linne; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2): 242. 1185 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips physapus Linne; zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 51 (5-6): 374. Thrips physapus Linne; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Syodowska Lublin, (C)26( 1 5): 182. [Thrips] physapus Linne; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276, fig. 1. Thrips physapus Linne; Beshear, 1973. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 122:12. Thrips physapus Linne; Pelikan, 1973. Acta ent. Bohemoslov., 70:34. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of fusca: Unknown to writer; of flavicornis: ? Helsinki Museum; of adusta: ? Vienna Museum; of annulata: ? Berlin Museum; of flavescens: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of quadrisetosus: Unknown to writer; of brunnea: Entomological Museum, Hokkaido Imperial University; of collinus: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Yugoslavia; Switzerland; Austria; Denmark; Italy; Russia; France; Norway; Finland; Germany; Czechoslovakia; England; Poland; Hungary; Sweden; Albania; Holland; Rumania; Siberia; Estonia; Serbia; Scotland; Lithuania; Wales; Ireland; Greece; Turkey; Persia; Transcaucasia; Sudan; Morocco; Japan; CANADA: British Columbia; U.S.A.: Michigan; New York; New Jersey; Illinois; Utah. Type locality: Not specified; for fusca: presumably Denmark; for flavicornis : FINLAND: Pargas; for adusta: not specified; for annulata: AUSTRIA- HUNGARY: Cattaro or Pola; for flavescens: AUSTRIA: Innsbruck, Tirol; for quadrisetosa: RUMANIA: not specified; for brunnea: JAPAN: Tokotan, Urup; for: collinus: GERMANY: Mansfelder Land, Harzgebiet. Habitat: Numerous flowers especially those of Compositae. Thrips (Thrips) phytolaccae Priesner, 1951 . 9, 6. Thrips phytolaccae Priesner, 1951 . Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. Pflanzenschutz, 58(7-8):256. 9, 6. Thrips phytolaccae Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 106. Thrips phytolaccae Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):221 , 282, 302-310, 314, map 9. 6. [described]. [ Thrips ] phytolaccae; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:95, 100. 9, 6. [Thrips] phytolaccae Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. [Thrips] phytolaccae Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: TURKEY: Diizce; Gilmi bei Dtizce; Balikesir; Akhisar; Istanbul. Type locality: TURKEY: Diizce. Habitat: Phytolacca sp.; Phytolacca americana; Glycyrrhiza sp. Thrips piceicornis Reuter = Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday and = Ceratothrips ericae (Haliday). Thrips picipes Zetterstedt = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) picipes (Zetterstedt). Thrips (Thrips) pillichi Priesner, 1924. 9, 6. Thrips pillichi Priesner, 1924. Konowia, 3(1):2. 9,d. [Thrips pillichi] f.fallaciosa Priesner, 1924. Konowia, 3(1 ): 2. [9]. [Thrips] pillichi; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 1 50. [Thrips pillichi] f.fallaciosa; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips pillichi ] f. hiemalis Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. nom. nud. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:571 . Thrips pillichi; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:348, 351 , 428, 471 . 9, 6, larva, [described]. [Thrips] pillichi f. hiemalis Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:345, 429 (footnote). 9. Thrips pillichi f.fallaciosa; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:429. 9. Thrips kerschneri Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:345, 439. 9. [Thrips] pillichi; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 12. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 132. [Thrips pillichi] var. fallaciosa Priesner; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 132. [Thrips] Pillichi; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips Pillichi] f. fallaciosa; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips Pillichi] f. hiemalis; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] pillichi Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 48. Thrips kerschneri; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):303. Thrips pillichi; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4): 304. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 126, 144. [as a synonym of Thrips praeter missus]. Thrips ? kerschneri Priesner; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 144. [as a synonym of Thrips praeter missus]. T[hrips] pillichi; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4): 248, 251 . T.[hrips] pillichi Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321 . Thrips pillichi Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 132. [ Thrips pillichi] f. hiemalis Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 132. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:581 . [Thrips pillichi] f.fallaciosa Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:582. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 174, 183. Thrips kerschneri Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 155, 174, 183. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 183. 9,6. [Thrips pillichi] f.fallaciosa Priesner; Knechtel, 1951 . Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 184. [Thrips] pillichi Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy , 1 : 192. Th.[rips] kerschneri Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:29. Thrips pillichi f. Kerschneri Priesner; Titschack, 1954. Bombus, 1(80-81):344. Thrips pillichi f.fallaciosa Priesner; Titschack, 1955. Bombus, 1(90-91):383. 77z. [rips] pillichi Priesner; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(1 -2): 77. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):316. [Thrips pillichi] f.fallaciosa Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):316. [Thrips pillichi] f. hiemalis Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):316. Thrips pillichi f. kerschneri Priesner (?); Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 11 2(1): 273. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:27. [Thrips] pillichi Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. [Thrips pillichi] var. kerschneri Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 120. [Thrips pillichi] f. hiemalis Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 120. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Thrips pillichi Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3): 221 , 285, 302-310, 313, fig. 9, map 8. 6. [described]. 1187 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Thrips] piUichi; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:87, 100, 125, fig. 90. 9, 6. ( Thrips piUichi ] f. kerschneri; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:87. Thrips kerschneri Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 240, 252. 6. Thrips piUichi Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 243, 246, 269. 9,d. f Thrips piUichi] f. fallaciosa Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 269. Thrips piUichi Priesner; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Thrips piUichi Priesner; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3): 43. Thrips piUichi Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 157. Thrips piUichi f. kerschneri Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 157. [Thrips] piUichi; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 29, 35. Thrips kerschneri Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):562. Thrips piUichi Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):563. Th.[rips] piUichi Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):97. [Thrips] piUichi Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. Thrips piUichi Priesner; Schliephake & Gaedike, 1970. Beitr. Ent., 20(5-6):476. [Thrips] piUichi Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276, fig. 1 . Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of fallaciosa, hiemalis, and kerschneri: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Hungary; France; Austria; Germany; England; Spain; Rumania; Czechoslovakia; Holland; Turkey; Ukraine. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya; for fallaciosa: [HUNGARY: Simontornya]; for hiemalis: Hungary; for kerschneri: AUSTRIA: St. Martin bei Linz. Habitat: Tanacetum vulgar e; Anthemis arvensis; Senecio jacobaea; Chrysanthemum; Euphorbia cyparissias; Matricaria chamomilla; Medicago sativa; Euphorbia palustris; Cuscuta europaea; Achillea millefolium; Ranunculus sp.; Chrysanthemum vulgar e ; Camilla; Alopecurus pratensis; Arrhenatherum elatius; Sonchus palustris; Bidens tripartitus; Senecio sylvaticus; Cichorium intybus; Solidago virgaurea; Vicia cracca; Lotus corniculatus; Cerastium tomentosum Chrysanthemum leucanthemum; Hieracium umbellatum; Isatis tinctoria; Sorbus torminalis; Centaurea jacea f. pannonica. Thrips (Thrips) pilosissimus Priesner, 1922. 9. [Thrips nigropilosus] f . pilosissima Priesner, 1922. Konowia, 1(1 -2):92, fig. 3. [sex not stated]. [Thrips nigropilosus] f .pilosissima; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):8. [Thrips nigropilosus] f . pilosissima; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips nigropilosus] f. pilosissuna; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. Thrips ( nigropilosus var.) pilosissimus; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:349, 350, 414. 9. Thrips nigropilosus f . pilosissimus Priesner; Moulton, 1927. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 22(4): 193. [Thrips] pilosissimus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] nigropilosus pilosissimus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 50. 1188 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips pilosissimus Priesner; Oettingen, 1951 . Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 174, 183. [Thrips] pilosissimus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. [Thrips] pilosissimus Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)11(3):221, map 7. [Thrips] pilosissimus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:91 , 97, textfigs. 76, 88. 9. Thrips pilosissimus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 242,264. 9. [Thrips] pilosissimus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb , 4(9):31, 33. Thrips pilosissimus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):563. Thrips pilosissimus Priesner; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):77. [Thrips] pilosissimus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. [Thrips] pilosissimus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; Hungary; Germany; Ukraine; Colorado, U.S.A. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Hieracium pilo sella; turf; grass; chrysanthemums. Thrips (Thrips) pisi Kubler, Thrips pisi Kubler, Thrips pisi Kubler; Kirchner, 1 890. Thrips pisi Kubler; Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., 1(3-4): 241. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Type locality: Habitat: Thrips pisivora Westwood = Kakothrips pisivorus (Westwood). Thrips (Thrips) pistaciae Yakhontov, 1951 . 9. Thrips pistaciae Yakhontov, 1951. Ent. Obozr., 31(3-4): 515. 9. T.[hrips] pistaciae Jakhontov; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 239. [Thrips] pistaciae Yakhontov; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: IRAN: Kasvin. Type locality: IRAN: Kasvin. Hab^at: Flowers of Pistacia. Thrips (Thrips) ponticus Knechtel, 1 965. 9, 6. Thrips ponticus Knechtel, 1965. Rev. Roumaine Biol., (Zool.)10(3):134, fig. la-e. 9, 6. Location of type: Unknown to writer. [? Knechtel collection]. Distribution: RUMANIA: Gura Dobrogei (Rayon Medgidia, Region Dobrogea); Casian (Rayon Medgidia, Region Dobrogea). Type locality: RUMANIA: Rayon Medgidia, Region Dobrogea. [not specified further]. Habitat: Chrysanthemum millefolium; Achillea setacea; Marrubium peregrinum; Brassica rapa; Conium maculatum; Matricaria chamomilla; Carduus leiophyllus. Thrips ponticus zur Strassen = Thrips (Thrips) permutatus zur Strassen. 1189 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) porteri Brethes, 1916. 9. Thrips Porteri Brethes, 1916. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., 20(4-6): 109, fig. 9. [9]. Thrips Porteri Brethes; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., (191 9)23(4-6): 62 . Thrips porteri Brethes; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 133. Thrips porteri Brethes; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 52, 79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: CHILE: San Jose de Maipo. Type locality: CHILE: San Jose de Maipo. Habitat: Leaves of Cryptocaria peumus. Thrips (Thrips) poultoni Bagnall, 1933. 9, 6. Thrips poultoni Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., ( 1 0) 1 1 : 656. 9. Thrips canariensis Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 200. 9, 6. Thrips poultoni Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2: 85 (footnote), [synonymy]. Thrips poultoni Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:58, 120, map 3. Thrips poultoni Bagnall; Mound, 1 968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 1 1 :54, 67. [Thrips] poultoni Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. Thrips poultoni Bagnall; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 3 1 (5): 36, 37, 68. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of canariensis: Hamburg Museum [lost through military action]. Distribution: CANARY ISLANDS: Palma; Gomera; Tenerife; Gran Canaria; Fuerteventura; SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Gourizim (Cercle de Tiznit); Foum Assaka (Cercle de Goulimine). Type locality: CANARY ISLANDS: Las Palmas; for canariensis: CANARY ISLANDS: not specified. Habitat: Large number of plants. Thrips (Thrips) praetermissus Priesner, 1920. 9, 6. Thrips praetermissus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. 9, d. [Thrips] praetermissus: Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Thrips praetermissus: Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:348, 351 , 426, PI. V, fig. 87. 9, 6. [described]. Thr.[ips] praetermissus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 48. Thrips praetermissus Priesner; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 126, 143, 144. T.[hrips] praetermissus; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):248, 251. [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[hrips] praetermissus Priesner; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 62, 64, 65. 9, 6. [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1 : 192. Thrips praetermissus Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:27 . T.[hrips] praetermissus Priesner; Lewis, 1961 . Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, ( A)36(7-9L91 . [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1 ( 1 ) : 9 7 . Thrips praetermissus Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3): 22 1 , 288, 302-310, 313, map 8. 6. [described]. 1190 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips] praetermissus ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:85, 100, PI. Ill, fig. 8. 9,6. Trhips [Sic!] praetermissus Priesner; Ojadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 243, 246, 268. 9,6. Th.[rips ] praetermissus Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865,867. Thrips praetermissus Priesner; Pelikan, 1965. Ann. Hist.-nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici, 57(Zool.):230. [Thrips] praetermissus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):28, 35. Thrips praetermissus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 563. [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 17. Thrips praetermissus Priesner; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2): 27 1 . [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. [Thrips] praetermissus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Austria; England; Czechoslovakia; Ukraine; Mongolia. Type locality: AUSTRIA: Klaus, Oberdsterreich. Habitat: Forest turf; flowers, mainly Compositae. Thrips (Thrips) priesneri Hood, 1932. 9. Thrips priesneri Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 119, 122, 136, PI. X, figs. 1-5. 9. [Thrips] priesneri Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32( 1 ): 25 . Thrips priesneri Hood; Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:6. Thrips Priesneri Hood: Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:6. [Thrips] priesneri Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Cameroons; Nigeria. Type locality: Cameroons. Habitat: Flowers of a large shrub; Melia azedarach ; Coffea robusta. Thrips Primulae Haliday = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) picipes (Zetterstedt). Thrips (Thrips) pusillus Bagnall, 1926. 9. Thrips pusillus Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18: 112. 9. Thrips meliaefloris Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 119, 122, 138, PI. XI, figs. 1-5. 9. [Thrips] meliaefloris Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. Thrips meliaefloris Hood; Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:6. Thrips pusillus Bagnall; Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:6. Thrips pusillus Bagnall; Forsyth, 1966. Agric. Ins. Ghana, p. 97. Thrips pusillus Bagnall; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 67. [synonymy]. [Thrips] meliaefloris Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:72. [Thrips] pusillus Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. Location of type: British Museum (Natural History); of meliaefloris: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: GHANA: Aburi; NIGERIA: Ibadan. Type locality: W. AFRICA: Gold Coast, Aburi; for meliaefloris: S. NIGERIA: Ibadan. Habitat: Flowers of: Strophanthus gratus; Canna ; Melia azedarach; Coffea robusta; lemon. 1191 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips pygmaea Schlechtendal = Hemithrips pygmaeus (Schlechtendal). Euthrips pyri Daniel = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) inconsequens (Uzel). Thrips (Thrips) quadridentatus Try bom, 1910.' 6. Thrips quadridentata Trybom, 1910. Denkschr. Med. Naturw. Ges. Jena, 16(4)(1): 164, PI. IIIc, figs. 28, 29. 6. Thrips quadridentatus Trybom; Karny, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica) Frankfurt, 2(7):25. Tlirips quadridentata Trybom; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:45. [ Thrips ] quadridentata Trybom; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2): 342. [Thrips] quadridentatus Trybom; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:75. Location of type: ? Berlin Museum. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Kooa Pan, Cape Province. Type locality: KALAHARI: Pfanne Kooa. Habitat: Flowers of Acacia karroo. Thrips quadrisetosus Hood = Thrips (Thrips) mareoticus (Priesner). Thrips (Thrips) quinciensis Morgan, 1913. 9, 6. Thrips quinciensis Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:21, figs. 38-41. 9. Thrips quinciensis Morgan; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):66. Thrips quinciensis Morgan; Watson, 1922. Florida Ent., 6(3):34. Thrips quinciensis Morgan; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43,44. Thrips pectinatus Hood, 1932. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 34(3): 38, PI. 5. 9. Thrips quinciensis Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31 (2): 46. [Thrips] pectinatus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. Thrips quinciensis Morgan; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):366, 373. 9,6. [synonymy; described]. Thrips pectinatus Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:19, 25, 44, 74, PI. 1 , fig. 10. 9. Thrips quinciensis Morgan; Gentile & Bailey. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:20, 25, 44, 76, PI. 1, fig. 7. 9. Location of type: U.S. National Museum; of pectinatus: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: Quincy, Florida; Rabun County, Georgia; Plummer’s Island, Maryland; Barry, Pike County, Illinois; Michigan; Wisconsis; Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee. Type locality: U.S.A.: Quincy, Florida; for pectinatus: U.S.A.: Plummer’s Island, Maryland. Habitat: Pinckney a pub ens; Vemonia; Poly gala; under loose bark of living sycamore; leaves of Staphylea; forest leaf mould. Thrips (Thrips) ranunculi Schrank, 1781 . [without name] Scopoli, 1763. Entomologia Carnioloca, p. 141. Thrips Ranunculi Schrank, 1781. Enum. Ins. Austr. Indig., p. 299. Thrips ranunculi Schrank; de Villers, 1789. Caroli Linnaei Ent., 1:567. Thrips ranunculi Schrank; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 275. [Thrips] ranunculi Schrank; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. 1192 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips ranunculi Schrank; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:447. [original description repeated]. T.[hrips] ranunculi Schrank; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Austria. Type locality: Austria. Habitat: [presumably Ranunculus judging from the name]. Thrips rapaensis (Moulton) = Thrips (Isothrips) rapaensis (Moulton). Thrips (Thrips) reticulatus Moulton, 1940. 9, 6. Thrips reticulatus Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):254. 9, 6. [Thrips] reticulatus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. [Thrips] reticulatus Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Pubh Ent., 51:76. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii. Distribution: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Type locality: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips rhodamniae Schmutz = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) robustus Priesner, 1920. 9. Thrips robustus Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, ( 1 )1 29( 1 -2): 76, fig. 2. 9. Thrips robustus; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:59. Thrips robustus; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29):9. [Thrips] robustus; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips robustus Priesner; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:652. Thrips robustus var. pyrenaica Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:653. 9. Thrips robustus; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:345, 346, 383, 471 . 9, larva, [described]. Thrips robustus f. adusta Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:384. 9. Thr.[ips] robustus Priesner; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 46. Thrips robustus Priesner; Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)11:657. T.[hrips] robustus Priesner; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. [Thrips robustus] var. pyrenaica Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. Thrips robustus Priesner; Hukkinen, 1938. in Hukkinen & Syijanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 4(2): 117. Thrips robustus Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:130. Thrips robustus Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 38. Thripis [Sic!] robustus Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:573. Thrips robustus Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 158, 173. 9. [Thrips] robustus Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. [Thrips] robustus Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)11(3):221, map 5. [Thrips] robustus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:95, 98, 126. 9. [Thrips robustus] f. pyrenaica Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:95. 1193 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips robustus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 241,261.9. [Thrips robustus ] f. adusta Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 261. [Thrips] robustus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 32, 33. Thrips robustus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):563. Thrips robustus Priesner; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:54, 67. [ Thrips ] robustus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:76. [Thrips] robustus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of pyrenaica: no trace of it in British Museum (Natural History) where it should have been, thus appears lost. Distribution: Austria; France; Spain; Andorra; Italy; Finland; Rumania; Ukraine; ? Germany. Type locality: AUSTRIA: not specified; for pyrenaica: FRANCE: not specified. Habitat: A mountain form found on Gentiana kochiana; Gentiana clusii; Papaver alpinus; Gentiana pyrenaica; Gentiana lutea; Gentiana austriaca; Gentiana nana; Gentiana verna; Pedicularis palustris; Cerastium sp.; Campanula sp. Thrips (Thrips) roepkei Doeksen, 1953. 9. Thrips roepkei Doeksen, 1953. Tijdschr. Plziekt., 59: 169. 9. Thrips roepkei Doeksen; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 120. Thrips roepkei Doeksen; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Thrips roepkei Doeksen; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:94(footnote). Thrips roepkei Doeksen; Mantel, 1965. Ent. Bericht., 25:113. [Thrips] roepkei Doeksen; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:76. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: HOLLAND: Scheveningen. Type locality: HOLLAND: Scheveningen. Habitat: Solarium nigrum . Thrips (Thrips) rostratus Priesner, 1934. 9. Thrips rostratus Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):279, 289. 9. [Thrips] rostratus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Uniy. California Publ. Ent., 51:76. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: JAVA: Goen. Lawoe. Type locality: JAVA: Goen. Lawoe. Habitat : Galls on A naphalis javanica. Thrips rufa Sulzer = Aptinothrips rufus (Sulzer). Thrips (Thrips) rugicollis Blanchard, 1851 . Thrips rugicollis Blanchard, 1851. Gay Hist. fis. pol. Chile, Zoologia, 6:149. Thrips rugicollis Blanchard; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 217. T.[hrips] rugicollis Blanchard; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., (1919)23(4-6): 61 . [Thrips] rugicollis Blanchard; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 133. Thrips rugicollis Blanchard; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:52, 79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Chile. 1194 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: CIVILE: not specified. Habitat: Unknown. Euthrips runneri Morgan = Frankliniella runneri (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) sacchari Kruger, 1890. 9, 6. Thrips sacchari Kruger, 1890. Thrips Sacchari Kruger; Kobus, 1892. Meded. Proefsta. Oost-Java, (1 )1 892(43): 589. Thrips sacchari Kruger; van Deventer, 1906. Handb. Suikerr.-Cult. Rietsuik.-Fabr. Java, 2:276, 280, PI. 38, fig. 1. 9,6. [described]. Thr.[ips] sacchari Kruger; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd Ed., 3:229. Thrips sacchari Kruger; van Deventer, 1912. Handb. Suikerr.-Cult. Rietsuik.-Fabr. Java, 2:287, 290, PI. XXXIX, fig. 1. 9,6. [described]. Thrips sacchari Kobus [Sic!]; Karny, 1912. Marcellia, 11:119. 9. [described]. Th.[rips] sacchari Kobus; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(1 -2): 6. Thrips sacchari Kobus; Karny, 1913. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, (2)10:63. Thrips sacchari Kobus; Karny & Docters v. Leeuwen-Reijnvaan, 1916. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 12(7-8): 197. Thrips sacchari Kruger; Dammerman, 1929. Agric. Zool. Malay Archipelago, p. 216. [Thrips] sacchari Kruger; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:76. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Java; Malay Archipelago. Type locality: Java. Habitat: Rolled leaves of sugarcane. Thrips saccharicidus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu = Baliothrips saccharicidus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu). Thrips saccharoni Moulton = Baliothrips saccharoni (Moulton). Thrips salicaria Uzel = Thrips (Thrips) viminalis Uzel. Thrips salicicola Bagnall in lit.; Franz & Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) difficilis Priesner. Thrips salicis Reuter . = Mycterothrips salicis (Reuter). Thrips salvus Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) validus Uzel. Thrips (Thrips) sambuci Heeger, 1854. 9, 6. Thrips Sambuci Stephens; Heeger, 1854. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 14(3):369, PI. II. 9, 6, egg, larva, pupa. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Taschenberg, 1880. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, Pt. 4:215. Thrips sambuci Stephens; Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss. Zook, 47(4): 606, 609. Thrips Sambuci Heeger; Uzel, 1889. Vesmir, 18(21): 259, fig. 82. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 54, 181. 9, 6. Thrips sambuci Stephens; Try bom, 1896. Ent. Tidskr., 17(2):87, 91 , 97, 101. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Jablonowski, 1900. Fauna Regni Hungariae, 3(6): 18. Thrips Sambuci Heeger; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:637, 646. Th.[rips] sambuci Heeger; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 293. 9, 6. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Kirchner, 1906. Krankh.u.Beschad. ldw. Kulturpfl., pp. 129, 135, 137. 1195 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thr.[ips] sambuci Heeger; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd Ed., 3:230. [Thrips sambuci Heeger; Karny, 1914 = Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday]. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Thrips nigra Williams, 1916. Entom., 49:281. 9. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger, Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (l)129(l-2):75 (footnote). [Thrips fuscipennis] var. sambuci Uzel ( nec Heeger); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. sambuci Heeger; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 123, 124. [Thrips fuscipennis var.] sambuci Uzel {nec Heeger); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 171. Thrips sambucus Heeger; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 171 (footnote). [Thrips fuscipennis] var. sambuci Uzel {nec Heeger); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips fuscipennis ] f. nigra Williams; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:346, 374. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips sambuci f. nigra Williams; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:375. 9. [described]. [Thrips] sambuci Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 11. [Thrips fuscipennis] var. sambuci Uzel; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 176. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] fuscipennis sambuci Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. Thrips sambuci Heeger; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:85, 94, 154. 9, 6. [described]. Th.[rips] sambuci Heeger; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 84. Thrips sambuci Uzel; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 63, 150. 9, 6. [described]. T\hrips] sambuci Heeger; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 1 3(4): 25 1 . Tfhrips] sambucus [Sic!] Heeger; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1 -2):83. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:115. Thrips sambuci Uzel; Syijanen, 1939. in Hukkinen & Syijanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 5( 1 ): 38 . Thrips sambuci Heeger; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:168, 183, 194. Thrips sambuci Uzel; Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1 ) : 5 60 , 561, 583, 626, fig. 40. larva, [described]. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:130, 133. Thrips sambuci Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1 ): 38. Th.[rips] sambuci Heeger; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Tfhrips] sambuci Heeger; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Tfhrips] sambuci Heeger; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 62, 66. 9, 6. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 117. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1): 52. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 155, 174, 183. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips sambuci Uzel; Titschack, 1955. Bombus, 1(90-91):383. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):316. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 1 2( 1): 273. 1196 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil KKd Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Trips [Sic!] sambuci Uzel; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append.): 500, 523. 9, d [described]. Thrips nigra; Williams, 1961. Entom., 94: 130. [location of type]. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 120. Thrips sambuci Uzel; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 1 5(3): 28 1-317. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N:S.)1 1(3): 221 , 262, map 4. d [described].. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:93, 97. 9. [Thrips] sambuci f. nigra Williams; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:93, 97. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 239, 249. 9, d Th. [rips] sambuci Heeger; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:866, 867. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 1 58. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 33. [Thrips sambuci] f. nigra Williams; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 33. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 562. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 1 8(1 ): 20. Th. [rips] sambuci Heeger; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):97. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):77. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:76. Thrips sambuci Heeger; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae C ur ie - Sk Jk> d o wska Lublin, (C)26(15):182. [Thrips] sambuci Heeger; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of nigra : Albany Museum, Grahamstown. Distribution: Austria; Germany; Czechoslovakia; Hungary; Italy; England; Holland; Rumania; Denmark; France; Poland; Finland; Switzerland; Lithuania; Scotland; Ukraine. Type locality: Austria; for nigra: ENGLAND: Kensington, London. Habitat: Sambucus nigra; Sambucus racemosa; also Cornus sanguinea and casually on other plants. Thrips sambucifloris Hood = Thrips (Thrips) madromi Moulton. Thrips schottii Heeger = Elaphrothrips schottii (Heeger). Thrips schusteriana Patel & Patel = Baliothrips indicus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu) Thrips secalina Lindeman = Limothrips denticomis (Haliday). Thrips secticornis Trybom = Apterothrips secticornis (Trybom). Eu thrips seminigricornis Girault = Pseudanaphothrips seminigricomis (Girault). 1197 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) seminiveus Girault, 1926. Thrips seminiveus Girault, 1926. New pests from Australia, IV, p.[l]. [sex not stated]. Thrips seminiveus; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 27:405. T.[hrips] seminerveus [57c/] Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. [Thrips] seminiveus Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 171 . [Thrips] seminerveus Kelly & Mayne; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA: Morningside, Queensland; Norman Park, Queensland. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Morningside, Queensland. Habitat: Glycine; mango; rose; other cultivated flowers. Thrips (Thrips) sericatus Menge, 1856. Thrips serieata Menge, 1856. Programm offend. Prlifung Schuler Petrisch., Danzig, p. 12. [sex not stated]. Thrips serieata Menge; Oustalet, 1873. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, (6)10:27. (Thrips) serieata Menge; Handlirsch, 1908. Foss. Ins., p. 693. Thrips serieata Menge; Priesner, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 13(4-5): 130. Location of type: Unknown to writer. [? Scientific Society in Danzig]. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Thrips serratus Kobus = Baliothrips serratus (Kobus). Thrips setifer (Karny) = Thrips (Isothrips) setifer (Karny). Thrips (Thrips) setipennis (Moulton, 1928). 9. Isoneurothrips setipennis Moulton, 1928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98): 297, PI. V, fig. 3. 9. Isoneurothrips setipennis; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1(4): 329. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sumatrensis var. wedeliae Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):257, 285, 287. /. [soneurothrips] setipennis Moulton; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):285, 288. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) setipennis (Moulton); Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4): 440. Isoneurothrips setipennis Moulton; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):346. [Isoneurothrips] setipennis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 122. Thrips setipennis (Moulton); Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(3):434. [synonymy]. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences; of wedeliae: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: Formosa; Verlaten Island; Sebesi. Type locality: FORMOSA: Botel Tobago; for wedeliae: Verlaten Eiland. Habitat: Flowers of Wedelia bi flora. Thrips setipennis Steinweden & Moulton = Thrips (Isothrips) orientalis (Bagnall). 1198 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips (Thrips) setosus Moulton, 1928. 9. Thrips setosus Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1(4): 304, 328. 9. [Thrips] setosus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Thrips setosus Moulton; Kurosawa, 1957. Botyu-Kagaku Kyoto, 22(1):94. Thrips setosus Moulton; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:32, 36, 63, 72, 75, 76, PI. VI, fig. 53. [Thrips] setosus Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: Japan. Type locality: JAPAN: Osaka. Habitat: Aster indica; Glycine max; Phaseolus vulgaris; Pisum sativum; Mentha arvensis; Nicotiana tabacum; Sesamum indicum; Cucumis sativus. Thrips setosus Moulton, 1929 = Ramaswamiahiella subnudula Karny. Thrips 6-maculata Pergande = Scolothrips sexmaculatus (Pergande). Thrips (Thrips) shakespearei Girault, 1927. Thrips shakespearei Girault, 1927. Some new wild Animals from Queensland, p.[l]. [sex not stated], 77 trips shakespearei ; Girault, 1927. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 14(10-12): 190. Thrips aligherini Girault, 1927. New Australian Animals so far overlooked by Outsiders, p.[ 1 ]. [sex not stated]. Thrips shakespearei; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 27:406. [Thrips shakespearei] var. aligherini; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 28:350. Thrips shakespearei; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:393. Thrips shakespearei; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:327. Thrips aligherini; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:329. T.[hrips] shakespearei Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. T. [hrips] aligherini Girault; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 29. Thrips aligherini Girault;De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 171. [Thrips] shakespearei Girault; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.),(Zool.)7: 171. [Thrips] aligherini Girault; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:61. [Thrips] shakespearei Girault; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. Location of type: ? Brisbane Museum; of aligherini: ? Brisbane Museum. Distribution: AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND: Gympie; Brisbane; Innisfail. Type locality: AUSTRALIA: Gympie, Queensland; for aligherini: AUSTRALIA: Brisbane, Queensland. Habitat: Alocasia macrorrhiza; Ricinus communis; Tagetes glandulifera; jungle. Thrips sibirica Trybom = Baliothrips dispar (Haliday). Thrips (Thrips) sierrensis Gentile & Bailey, 1968. 9. Thrips sierrensis Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 18, 25, 45, 77, PL 1 , fig. 2; PI. 2, figs. 12, 13. 9. Location of type: University of California, Davis, collection. Distribution: U.S.A.: Yosemite Valley (4,000 ft, Sierra Transition), California. Type locality: U.S.A.: Yosemite Valley (4,000 ft, Sierra Transition), California. Habitat: Libocedrus decurrens; grass. 1199 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) sieversiae Hood, 1934. 9, 6. Thrips sieversiae Hood, 1934. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1933)9(4): 175, Cut 2, figs. 1-4. 9, <5. [Thrips] sieversiae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1): 25. Thrips major Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:38. Partim. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Grant, Colorado. Type locality: U.S.A.: Grant, Colorado. Habitat: Sieversia ciliata. Thrips solanaceorum (Widgalm) Portschinsky = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman. Thrips (Thrips) spadix Hood, 1932. 9, <3. Thrips spadix Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 119, 121, 131, PI. VII, figs. 1-5. 9, d. [Thrips spadix var. brevipes Hood = Thrips (Thrips) kikuyuensis Trybom]. Thrips spadix Hood; Priesner, 1938. Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines, 30(3): 355. [Thrips] spadix Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1):25. Thrips spadix Hood; Okwakpam, 1965. Memo. agr. Dep. Nigeria, 65:6. [Thrips] spadix Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: Cameroons; CONGO: Rutshuru. Type locality: Cameroons. Habitat: Shrub; small weed; small thistle. Thrips (Thrips) spinosus Morgan, 1913. 9, 6. Thrips spinosus Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:25, figs. 42-43, 45-46. 9, 6. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, l(4)-2( 1): 66. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Watson, 1922. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 162:48. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)1 68:43, 44. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Watson, 1926. Florida Ent., 10(2):22. [Thrips] spinosus Morgan; Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma Biol. Surv., 3(4): 344. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:670. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Bailey, 1948. Florida Ent., 31(2):47. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Ananthakrishnan, 1953. Indian Journ. Ent., (1952)14(3):200. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):366, 374, fig. 141 9, 6. [described]. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent.. 51:20, 23, 46, 1,1 , PL 1, fig. 9; PI. 2, fig. 14; PL 6, fig. 47; PI. 7, fig. 58. 9, 6. Thrips spinosus Morgan; Beshear, 1973. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 122: 12. Location of type: U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S.A.: Florida; Georgia; Indiana; INDIA: Madras. Type locality: U.S. A.: Quincy, Florida. Habitat: Magnolia grandiflorum; Magnolia glauca; Chlodectron rubricinctum; Tillandsia sp.; Koppia; corn. Thrips (Thrips) spoliatus Priesner, 1964. 9. Thrips spoliatus Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:98. 9. [Thrips] spoliatus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 34. 1200 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips] spoliatus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. [Thrips] ? spoliata Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya. Habitat: Forest turf. Thrips striata Osborn = Anaphothrips (Anaphothrips) obscurus (Muller). Thrips (Thrips) striaticeps Blanchard, 1851. Thrips striaticeps Blanchard, 1851. Gay Hist. fis. pol. Chile Zoologia, 6: 149. [sex not stated]. Thrips striaticeps Blanchard; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 216. Thrips striaticeps Blanchard; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., (1919)23(4-6): 61 . [Thrips \ striaticeps Blanchard; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 133. Thrips striaticeps Blanchard; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:52, 79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: CHILE: Ovalle. Type locality: CHILE: Ovalle. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips (Thrips) striatopennatus Schmutz, 1913. 9. Thrips striatopennata Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1001, 1002. 9. Thrips striatopennata Schmutz; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2): 13, 14. Thrips striatopennata Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. [Thrips] striatopennata Schmutz; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:24. [Thrips (Thrips)] striatopennata Schmutz; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:170. 9. Thrips striatopennata Schmutz; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 1 14. [Thrips] striatopennatus Schmutz; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. Location of type: k.k. Naturhistorische Hofmuseum, Vienna. Distribution: Ceylon. Type locality: CEYLON: Nuwara Eliga. Habitat: Short grass and plantago leaves. Thrips striatoptera Kobus - Caliothrips striatopterus (Kobus). Thrips subaptera Haliday = Tmetothrips subapterus (Haliday). Thrips subnudula Karny = Ramaswamiahiella subnudula (Karny). Thrips (Thrips) sulphureus Schmutz, 1913. 9. Thrips sulphurea Schmutz, 1913. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)122(7): 1002, 1011. 9. Thrips florum var. sulphurea Schmutz; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2): 13, 15. T. [hrips] sulphurea Schmutz; Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:866. [Thrips] sulphureus Schmutz; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:77. Location of type: k.k. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseum, Vienna. Distribution: CEYLON: Peradeniya. Type locality: CEYLON: Peradenya. Habitat: Cinnamomum flowers. 1201 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips (Thrips) sumatrensis Priesner, 1934. 9, <3. Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sumatrensis Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3):256, 285. 9, 6. [Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sumatrensis var. cinchonae Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) cinchonae Priesner]. [Thrips (Isoneurothrips) sumatrensis var. wedeliae Priesner = Thrips (Thrips) setipennis (Moulton)]. Thrips sumatrensis Priesner; Sakimura, 1967. Pacific Insects, 9(3): 434. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: SUMATRA: Fort de Kock; JAVA: Tjilatjap; Semarang. Type locality: JAVA: Tjilatjap. Habitat: Dahlia; Canna ; Jasminum sp.; Mangifera indica. Thrips sylvanus Stannard = Microcephalothrips sylvanus (Stannard). Thrips syriacus Mayet = Retithrips syriacus (Mayet). Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman, 1889. 9, 6. Thrips minutissima Linne; Curtis, 1845. Journ. R. agric. Soc., 6:499-503, 515. Thrips ochraceus Ruricola; Curtis, 1845. Journ. R. agric. Soc., 6:499-503, 515. Partim. Thrips minutissima Linne; Ruricola, 1846. Gardener’s Chron., 6:564, 4 figs. ? Limothrips tritici (Fitch); Packard, 1871. 19th Annual Rep. Secy. Massachusetts Bd. Agr., pp. 333-336, 2 figs. ? Limothrips tritici (Fitch); Packard, 1872. 2nd Rep. Ins. Massachusetts, pp. 5-8, 2 figs. ? Limothrips tritici (Fitch); Packard, 1875. 9th Annual Rep. U.S. geol. geogr. Surv. Territories 1875, pp. 742-744, PI. LXVII, figs. 3-5. limps Solanaceorum (Widgalm) Portschinsky, 1883. Rev. mens. Ent., l(3):44-53. Thrips minutissima Linne; Curtis, 1883. Farm Insects, pp. 287 (footnote), 431-432, PI. 0, figs. 14-17; textfigs. 38(1-4). Thrips solanaceorum Widgalm, 1886. Thrips species Shipley, 1887. Bull, miscel. Inform. R. Gard. Kew, 10:18. Thrips striatus; Osborn, 1888. Insect Life, 1(5): 141. Thrips tabaci Lindeman, 1889. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moskou, (1888)(N.S.)2(1):61, 72. 9, d, larva. Thrips sp. Thaxter, 1889. Annual Rep. Connecticut Exp. Sta. 1889, p. 180. Thrips [sp. n.] Coquillett, 1891. Insect Life, 4(1-2): 79. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ritzema Bos, 1891. Tiersche Schadlinge und Niitzlinge, pp. 577, 578. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1891. Animali ed Insetti del Tabacco in erba e del Tabacco sacco, pp. 222-224. Thrips sp. Lintner, 1892. Country Gentleman, 57:809. Limothrips sp. Baker, 1892. American Florist, 7: 168, fig. Thrips striatus Osborn; Gillette, 1893. 5th Annual Rep. Colorado Agr. Exp. Sta. 1892, p. 36. Thrips striatus Osborn; Gillette, 1893. Bull. Colorado Exp. Sta., 24:13-15, figs. 11, 12. Thrips striatus Osborn; Riley-Howard, 1893. Insect Life, 6( ):4-5; 6( ):343. Thrips striatus Osborn; Gillette, 1893. 6th Annual Rep. Colorado Agr. Exp. Sta. 1893, p. 55. [may be a n. sp. and suggests allii]. Onion thrips; Smith, 1894. Annual Rep. New Jersey Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta. 1893, p. 441. Limothrips tritici (Fitch); Webster, 1894. Insect Life, 7( ):206. 1202 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips allii Gillette; Sirrine & Lowe, 1894. Bull. New York Agr. Exp. Sta., (N.S.)83:680-683, PI. II. Thrips allii Gillette; Webster, 1894. Ohio Farmer, pp. 97, 157, 373. Thrips allii Gillette; Sirrine & Lowe, 1895. 13th Annual Rep. New York Agr. Exp. Sta. 1894, pp. 758-760, PI. Thrips allii Gillette; Osborn-Mally, 1895. Bull. Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta., 27:139-142. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pergande, 1895. Insect Life, 7(5): 392, 395. 9, 6, larva. Limothrips tritici (Fitch); Webster, 1895. Bull. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta., 58:XXXIII-XXXIV, fig. 3. Thrips communis Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 55, 176, PI. VI, fig. 100. 9, 6. Thrips communis var. annulicornis Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 177, 178. 9. Thrips communis var. pulla Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 177, 179. 9. Thrips f lava var. obsoleta Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 187, 188. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 447. [original description repeated]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Slingerland, 1896. Rural New Yorker, 55:561. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Frank, 1896. Die tierparasitaren Krankheiten der Pflanzen, p. 134. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Beach, 1896. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 3:219, 224. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Lintner. [1897], 1 1th Rep. injur. Ins. St. New York 1895, p. 241. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sirrine, 1897. 15th Annual Rep. New York St. Exp. Sta. 1896, pp. 612-613. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Lintner, 1897. 12th Rep. injur. Ins. St. New York 1896, p. 357. Thrips communis Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. [Thrips communis ] var. annulicornis Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. 9. [ Thrips communis ] var. pulla Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Quaintance, 1898. Bull. Florida Agr. Exp. Sta., 46: 103-1 14, figs. 10-12. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Howard, 1899. Yearbook U.S. Dep. Agr. 1898, pp. 142, 143, fig. 27. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pettit, 1899. Bull. Michigan Exp. Sta., 175:343-345, figs. 1, 2. Thrips communis Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2): 55, 59. Thrips communis Uzel;Trybom, 1899. Ent. Tidskr., 20(4):271, 272, 273. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Felt, 1900. Bull. New York State Mus., 8(37): 30. [Thrips] communis Uzel; Jablonowski, 1900. Fauna Regni Hungariae, 3(6): 18. [Thrips urticae] var. obsoleta Uzel; Jablonowski, 1900. Fauna Regni Hungariae, 3(6): 18. Thrips communis Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:636, 645. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:643. Th. [rips] communis Uzel; Tiimpel, 1901. Geradfl. Mitteleuropas, p. 293. 9, 6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Garman, 1901. Bull. Kentucky Exp. Sta., pp. 42-45. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Webster, 1901. Journ. Columbus Hort. Soc., 16(3): 1-7, 4 figs. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hinds, 1901. Proc. 17th Annual Conv. Soc. American Florists, pp. 90-92. Thrips communis Uzel; E. Reuter, 1902. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 28:78-81. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:179, PL VII, figs. 69-71 . 9, <5, egg, larvae, pupa, [described]. Limothrips tritici (Fitch) Packard; Hinds, 1902. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 26:208. Thrips communis Uzel; Ludwig, 1902. Allg. Zeitschr. Ent., 7:449. Thrips Tabaci Lindeman; Del Guercio, 1903. Nuove Relaz. R. Staz. Ent. agr. Firenze, (1)5:18, PI. XVI, fig. 3. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Daniel, 1904. Ent. News, 15:294. 1203 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Uzel, 1904. Zeitschr. Zuckerindustr. Bohm., 29: Th. [rips] communis Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 13. Th.[rips] communis var. annulicornis Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:14. 77/. [rips] communis var. pulla Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. fozyogr. Acad. Umiej. Karkowie, 38:14. 77/. [rips] flava var. obsoleta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fozyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:15. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Preissecker, 1905. Fachl. Mitt. ost. Tabakreg., 1 : 17-25. Thrips tabaci Lindeman (?); Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 100. Thrips communis Uzel; Buffa, 1906. Atti Accad. veneto-trent.-istr. Padova, (1)3(1): 101. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Froggatt, 1906. Agr. Gaz. New South Wales, 17(10): 1009, fig. 2. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hooker, 1907. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 65: 12. Thrips bremnerii Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):44, 59, PI. V, figs. 37-39. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1907. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)12(3):44, 59. Thrips solanaceorum Widgalm; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):914. Thrips solanaceorum Widgalm; Schugurow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 32(1):9. Thrips comunis [57c/] Uzel; Buffa. Mem. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 23:277, 289. Parathrips Uzel; Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:21, 48, fig. 4. [sex not stated]. Thrips bicolor Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:21, 49, fig. 5. [sex not stated]. Thrips communis Uzel; Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:49. [Thrips communis] f. annulicornis Uzel; Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:49. [Thrips communis] f. pulla Uzel; Karny, 1907. Berliner ent. Zeitschr., 52:49. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Froggatt, 1907. Australian Ins., PI. XXXVII, Fig. 2. Thrips communis Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Ent. mon. Mag., 44:7. Thrips communis Uzel; Bagnall, 1908. Proc. ent. Soc. London, 1907:lxxxii. Thrips comunis [57c/] ? Uzel; Buffa, 1908. Redia, 4(2):383. Thrips communis Uzel; Karny, 1908. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 27(9-10):276, 280. Thrips comunis [Sic!] Uzel; Buffa, 1909. Redia, 5(1): 135. Thr.[ips] tabaci Lindeman; Reh, 1909. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. 3rd ed., 3:229, fig. 165a-c. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2):41. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Crawford, 1909. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 1(4): 120. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bagnall, 1909. Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew, 1909(6): 255. Thrips communis Uzel; Cobelli, 1909. Verb, k.k.zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:4. [Thrips communis] var. pulla Uzel; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k.zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:4. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Grevillius, 1910. Marcellia, 9:163. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1910. Bui. Cult, tut., 5(24-25):51-54. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Thrips bremnerii; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14, 23. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1911. Tech. Ser. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., 21:14, 23. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Karny, 191 1. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(21-24):557, 558. Thrips flavus Schrank; Fulmek, 1911. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr., 21:276-280. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Shull, 191 1 . Publ. Michigan geol. biol. Surv., 4: 184, 187, 206, 211. Thrips communis Uzel; Knechtel, 1911. Biblio. Rev. Viata Agr., 1911 : 15, 9 figs. Thrips bremnerii Moulton; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):4. 1204 JACOT-GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips tabaci Lin deman; Jones, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(l):4. Tfirips communis Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46): 24 1 (sep. p. 18). [Thrips communis ] v. annulicornis Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241. (sep. p. 18). [Thrips communis ] v.pulla Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46): 241 (sep. p. 18). [Thrips flava] v. obsoleta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46): 241 (sep. p. 19). Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Russell, 1912. Misc. Pap. U.S. Dep. Agr. Bur. Ent., (Tech. Ser.)23(2):41 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Parrott, 1912. Journ. econ. Ent., 5(2): 187. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Baldwin, 1912. 5th annual Rep. St. Ent. Indiana 1911-12, p. 145, fig. [described]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Karny, 1913. Verh. k.k.zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morgan, 1913. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 46:44. Thrips communis Uzel; Buch, 1913. in Reuter: Lebensgew. Instinkte Ins., p. 14. Thrips hololeucus Bagnall, 1914. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)13:24. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Shull, 1914. American Ent., 48(568):239, 240, 242, 245, 247. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Fernald & Bourne, 1914. Journ. econ. Ent., 7(2): 196-200. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bagnall, 1914. Rep. British Ass. Adv. Sci., 1913:531. Thrips communis Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. [Thrips communis ] var. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. [Thrips communis ] var. pullus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. [Thrips flavus var. obsoletus Uzel; Priesner, 1914 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. Parathrips Uzeli Karny; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Thrips bicolor Karny; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Thrips flava var. obsoleta Uzel; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Thrips communis Uzel; Pongracz, 1914. Rovartani Lapok, 21(9-12): 136. Tluips tabaci Lindeman; Baldwin, 1914. 6th annual Rep. St. Ent. Indiana 1912-13, p. 1 17, % Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Williams, 1915. Ann. appl. Biol., 1 (3-4): 24 1 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Peterson, 1915. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 8(1):24. [morphology of head and mouth parts]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Essig, 1915. Inj. & Ben. Ins. California, p. 56. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Borden, 1915. Journ. econ. Ent., 8(3):354. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Cotte, 1916. Ann. Mus. Marseille, 1 5(2): 3 1 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6): 59. Thrips communis Uzel; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Thrips communis var. pullus Uzel; Priesner, 1917. Schrif. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, (1916)57:53. Th.[rips] communis Uzel; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38( 1 ): 53. Th. [rips] fuscipennis Haliday; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):55. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Gibson, 1917. Circ. Dom. Canada Dep. Agr. ent. Branch, 9: 15. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Noble, 1917. 47th annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1916:25. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ross, 1917. 47th annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1916:26. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1918. Florida Buggist, 1(4)-2(1):66. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 125. Thrips tabaci var. pullus Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 126. [Thrips obsoletus Uzel; Priesner, 1919 = Thrips (Thrips) albopilosus Uzel]. 1205 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1): 105. Thrips tabaci var. pullus Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1): 105. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Treherne, 1919. Canadian Ent., 51(8-9): 188. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Froggatt, 1920. Agr. Gaz. New South Wales, 31:502. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Britton, 1920. Bull. St. Connecticut Geol. nat. Hist. Surv., 31:44. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29: 172. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. [Thrips tabaci ] ab. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. [Thrips tabaci ] var. pullus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Porter, 1920. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat., (19 19)23(4-6): 70, textfig. 14. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ross & Caesar, 1920. 50th annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1919:102. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):29. Thrips tabaci var .pullus Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):29. Thrips solanaceorum Widhalm; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1): 10. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1921. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 30(6-7): 2 1 6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Peairs, 1921. Sanderson: Ins. Pests Farm, Gard. Orch. 2nd Ed., p. 372, fig. 314. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Caesar & Ross, 1921. 51st annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1920:39. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1922. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 162:48. Thrips tabaci pullus Uzel; Karny, 1922. Journ. Siam Soc., 16(2): 109. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ahlberg, 1922. Nat. Hist. Juan Fernand. & Easter Isl., 3(2): 275. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9):63, 103, 126, PI. VI. 9, 6. [Thrips tabaci ] var.pulla Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 64. Thrips flavus var. obsoletus Uzel; Priesner, 1922. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 39(1-4): 105. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ross & Caesar, 1922. 52nd annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1921:48. Thrips adamsoni Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:58. 9. Thrips debilis Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:60. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; John, 1923. Ent. Mitt., 12(5-6):230. Thr.[ips] tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 164, PI. XVII; 4(10-12): 179, figs. 25-27. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips solanaceorum Widgalm; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 4( 10-12): 183 (footnote), [has priority of 3 years over Thrips tabaci]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1923. Zeitschr. Schad.-Bekamp., 1:19, 20, figs. 6, 9, 11. larva, [described]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Wolcott, 1923. Journ. Dep. Agr. Porto Rico, 7(1): 240. Thrips communis Uzel; Raymond, 1923. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 70: 166, figs. IV-VIII. 9, 6. [described; anatomy of 6]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; van Heurn, 1923. Tijdschr. Ent., 8:119-128, figs. 1-3. [probable parasite described]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43, 44. Tltrips bremnerii Moulton; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43,44. Thrips solanaceorum Widhalm [Sic!]; John, 1924. Ent. Mitt., 1 3( 1 ): 8. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Treherne, 1924. Canadian Ent., 56(4): 84. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ahlberg, 1924. Meddel. 263, Centralanst. fors.-vas. jordbruksomr. Ent. Avd., 42:6, 16. 1206 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips tabaci var. pulla Uzel; Ahlberg, 1924. Meddel. 263, Centralanst. fors.-vas. jordbruksomr. Ent. Avd., 42: 1 6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 3 1 ( 1-2):41. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Naturforsch.-Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 31(1 -2): 4 1 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1924. Scottish Nat., 1924: 164. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Karny, 1924. Ark. Zook, !7A(2):48. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1924. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien., ( 1 ) 1 33( 1 0 ) : 5 27 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ross & Caesar, 1924. 54th annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1923:61. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25: 159. [ Thrips tabaci ] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25: 1 59. Thrips obsolctus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 1 4( 1 ) : 2 1 . Thrips solanaceorum Widhalm [57c/]; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14( 1 ):21. [Thrips] adamsoni Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips] debilis Bagnall; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 1 50. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 1 50. [ Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Thr.[ips] tabaci Lindeman; Blunck, 1925. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank., 4( 1 ): 263 . [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46: 1 56. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Herrick, 1925. Manual injurious Insects, pp. 268, 292, figs. 249-250. 77 mips tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1926. Llorida Ent., 10(2): 22. Thrips tabaci var . pullus Uzel; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18: 1 10. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; var. Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 199. 9. Thrips debilis; Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:653, fig. 6. 6. Thrips frankeniae Bagnall, 1926. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)18:654. 9. T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 48, fig. 1 1C. 9, 6. T.[hrips] tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 49. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Annand, 1926. American Nat., 60(667): 178. Thrips brenmeri Moulton; Essig, 1926. Ins. western North America, p. 182. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Essig, 1926. Ins. western North American, p. 182, fig. 93. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Tillyard, 1926. Ins. Australia & New Zealand, p. 139. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hudson, 1926. 56th annual Rep. ent. Soc. Ontario, 1925:1 1. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Girault, 1927. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 14( 10-12): 189. Thrips frankeniae ; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:570. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 27:403. Thrips adamsoni Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 404. 9. Thrips flava var. obsoleta Uzel; Priesner, 1 927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:423 (footnote). Thrips frankeniae Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 348, 432. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:348, 35 1 , 433, 47 1 , PL V, fig. 84. 9, 6, egg, larvae, pupa, [described] Thrips tabaci f. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:436. 9. Thrips tabaci f. irrorata Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:436. 9. Thrips tabaci f. nigricornis Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:347, 436. 9. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:346, 436. 9. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:346, 437. 9. Thrips debilis Bagnall; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:348, 440. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Girault, 1927. Queensland agr. Journ., 28:248. Thrips dorsalis Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:576. 9. 1207 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips frankeniae; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)20:576. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1, 12, fig. 19. 9. T [Imps] tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 11. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:17. [Thrips] tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2: 17. Tfhrips] communis Uzel; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Hood & Herrick, 1928. Mem. Cornell Univ. agr. Exp. Sta., 101:69. Th.[rips ] tabaci Lindeman; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 177. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 177. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 29:391. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1928. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., (1927)7(1): 1 1 1 , 132. Thrips dorsalis; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 153. Thrips frankeniae; Bagnall, 1928. Ent. mon. Mag., 64: 154. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7): 265. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:325. [ Thrips tabaci] var.pullus Uzel; Girault, 1928. Queensland agr. Journ., 30:325. Thrips hololeucus Bagnall; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4): 327. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1 1 (4): 305 , 328. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Richter, 1928. Fauna Arctica, 5(3):845, 846. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1928. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 37(9): 645. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., pp. 149, 151, 181, figs. 70-72. 9, d, egg, larva I, II, pupa, [described]. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., p. 182. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., p. 182. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Stellwaag: Weinbauins., p. 182. Thrips obsoletus Uzel; John, 1928. Ezhedgod. Gos. Muz. Martyanova Minussinsk, 6:63. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis ; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] tabaci tabaci Lindeman; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 47. Thr.[ips] tabaci annulicornis Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 47. Thr.[ips] tabaci pullus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 46, 47. Thr.[ips] debilis Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 48. Thr. [ips] adamsoni Bagnall; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 49. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ramakrishna, 1929. Bull. ent. Res., 20(1):78. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7): 371. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis Priesner; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7): 371. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; John, 1929. Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1929(1 2): 203. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Dammerman, 1929. Agric. Zool. Malay Archipelago, p. 216. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Jakhontov, 1929. Trudy Shirabudin. Op. Selsko-Khozyaj. Stancii, 2(2): 12. Thrips frankeniae Bagnall; Jakhontov, 1929. Trudy Shirabudin. Op. Selsko-Khozyaj. Stancii, 2(2): 13. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1930. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)5:206. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(1): 14. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pack & Smith, 1930. Bull. agr. Exp. Sta. Utah agr. Coll. Logan, 216:28. 1208 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1930. Rev. Chilena Hist, nat, 34:275. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Federov, 1930. Eos, 6:229-247, figs, [morphology; biology]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukien christ. Univ., 3:26. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1930. Bull. ent. Res., 21(4):453. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pussard-Radulesco, 1930. Ann. Epiphyties, 16(3-4): 172. Thrips communis Uzel; Pussard-Radulesco, 1930. Ann. Epiphyties, 16(3-4): 177. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Scalon, 1931. Konowia, 10(1): 92. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:83. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:85, 102, 154, fig. 33. 9, 6. | described]. [Thrips] tabaci f. pulla Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:83, 104. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Simmons, Reed & M’Gregor, 1931. Circ. U.S. Dep. Agr., 157:66. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; MacGill, 1931. Ann. appl. Biol., 18(4):574-583, figs. [life cycle in relation to temperature and humidity]. Tlmps tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1931. Bull. ent. Res., 22(2): 248. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1931. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 232:47, 68, 74, fig. 46. [life history and control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith, 1931. Nature, 127:852-853, figs. 1-3. [vector of virus on Solatium capsicastrum]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1931. Zeitschr. wiss. Ins.-biol., 26(4-6^: 149-151, fig. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1931. Journ. econ. Ent., 24(5): 1034, 1035. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1931. Publ. Univ. Oklahoma Biol. Surv., 3(4): 344. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Matsumura, 1931. 6000 illustr. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 1326, 1 fig. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1931. Kontyu, 5(4): 188. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ramakrishna, 1932. Agric. Livestock India, 2(4): 394, PI. XVI, figs. 1-3. [bionomics]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura, 1932. Journ. econ. Ent., 25(4):884-891 , fig. 55. [life history]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 142. Th. [rips] tabaci Lindeman; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:81, 90, fig. 35. 9, 6. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:91. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:91. [Thrips] tabaci f. nigricornis Priesner; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 91. [Thrips] tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:78, 91. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1933. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 3(1): 132. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 200. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 200. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 200. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata; Priesner, 1933. Stettiner ent. Zeitung, 94(2): 200. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):303, 304, fig. 2. [corrections; 6 separated from major & fuscipennis]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Rivnay, 1933. Hadar, 6(1 1) : 5 , fig. 2. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sharga, 1933. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 81(2): 185-202, PL XVI, fig. 4. [internal anatomy]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 121, 122, 126, 136, 142, 143, 144, 146, figs. 2a, 8a, 9a; PI. VI, fig. 1; PI. VII, fig. 5. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Kelly & Mayne, 1934. Monog. Ord. Thysanop. Australia, p. 28. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59):63, 159, PI. XIV, fig. 52. 9, 6. [described]. 1209 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips tabaci f. atricomis Priesner; Cappelletto, 1934. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino, (3)44(59): 63, 161. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1934. Mon. Bull. Dep. Agr. State California, 23(2-6): 149, . fig. 1. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Paoli, 1934. Firenze 1st. agric. colon. Ital., 1931-33:50. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Jones, Bailey & Emsweller, 1934. Hilgardia, 8(7): 21 5-232, figs. 1-4. Tnrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura & Carter, 1934. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 27(2):341-342. [artificial feeding]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watts, 1934. Journ. econ. Ent., 27:1158-1159. [life cycle]. T.[hrips] hololeucus Bagnall; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Naderlandsch-Indie, 94(3): 290. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Naderlandsch-Indie, 94(3): 290. Thrips tabaci Lindeman: Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4): 247, 252. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1934. Annual Rep. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., p. 55. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:40. Thrips adamsoni Bagnall; Speyer, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 15(1): 45. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Speyer, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 1 5(1): 50. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Rungs, 1935. Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc, 1 5( 1): 56. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sleesman, 1935. Bull. Ohio agr. Exp. Sta. Wooster, 548:41. T.[hrips ] (T. [hrips j] tabaci Lindeman; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:344. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Newman, 1935. Journ. R. Soc. West Australia, 21:93, 94. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1935. Journ. econ. Ent., 28(6):856, 857, 858, 859, 860. [vector of: spotted wilt, streak of pea, pineapple yellow spot and spinach mosaic virus]. T.[hrips] bremneri Moulton; Bailey, 1935. Journ. econ. Ent., 28(6): 860. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton, 1935. Ann. Soc. Cien. Argentina, 120(6):254. T. [hrips] debilis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. T. [hrips] dorsalis Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. T. [hrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bodenheimer, 1935. Animal Life in Palestine, pp. 329, 330. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Takahashi, 1935. Journ. Soc. trop. Agr. Formosa, 7:67, 68, 69, 70, 71,73,76. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. T.[hrips] bremneri Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Harris, Drake & Tate, 1936. Iowa St. Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(2): 155-171, Pis. I -III. [observations]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1936. Canadian Ent., 68:97. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Da Costa Lima, 1936. Terc. Catal. Ins. Viv. Plant. Brasil, p. 1 14. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3):97, 102, 103. Thrips dianthi Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 104. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Journ. Sci., 60(4): 437. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1936. Kontyu, 10(6):294. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Takahashi, 1936. Tenthredo, 1(2): 1 18. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 125, 131. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata Priesner; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 125, 132. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Priesner [Sic!]; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 125, 132. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Russo, 1936. Mem. Soc. ent. Italiana, 15(1): 44. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15: 120. 1210 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 10(3):229. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):84. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:46. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2): 7. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Keler, 1937. Fragm. faun. Mus. Zool. Polonici, 3(2): 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1937. Ent. News, 48:47. Tlmps tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1937. Pan-Pacific Ent., 13(1 -2): 92. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Takahashi, 1937. Tenthredo, 1(3):348. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1937. Bull. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 609:13,21. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):419. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura, 1937. Journ. econ. Ent., 30(5):799-802, fig. 1. [introduction of parasite to Hawaii]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Syijanen, 1937. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 3(1):5. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1937. Scottish Nat., 1937(225):70. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura, 1937. Kontyu, 1 1(5-6):370-424, figs. 1-7. [bionomics of parasite]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Yakhontov, 1937. Acta Univ. Asiae med., 8a Zool.(49):6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Andre, 1937. Iowa St. Coll. Journ. Sci., 12: 104, 105. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Maltbaek, 1938. Zool. Iceland, 3(40):4. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1938. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1937:21 1. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1938. Ark. Zool., 30B(9):2. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura, 1938. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 10(1): 167-173. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Chamberlain & Taylor, 1938. New Zealand Journ. Sci. Techn., 20(3A): 133A, 139A. [vector of spotted wilt]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hood, 1938. Brimley’s Ins. North Carolina, N.C. Dep. Agr., Raleigh Div. Ent., p. 56. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1938. Circ. Univ. California Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta. Berkeley, 346:5, 44, figs. 25-27. [described; biology]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Da Costa Lima, 1938. Ins. Brasil, 1 :446. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Rec. Indian Mus., 41(1):28. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47( 1 ): 7 1 . Tlmps tabaci Lindeman; Blanton, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47:93. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; MacGill, 1939. Ann. appl. Biol., 26(2): 309-3 17. [predator described]. Tlmps tabaci Lindeman; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1(3):41. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:120. Thrips tabaci i.pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1939. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., (1938)22:120. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1940. Journ. econ. Ent., 33(1): 134. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(3):94, 100. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1940. Tenthredo, 3( 1 ): 57. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1940. Kontyu, 14(4): 151. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:24. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hattingh, 1940. Sci. Bull. Union S. Africa Dep. Agr. & Forest., (ent. Ser. No. 4)221:7. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watson, 1941. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 357:23. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1941. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 8(1): 5 1 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bianchi, 1941. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 1(1): 37. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1941. Journ. econ. Ent., 34(3):355. 1211 ANN. CAPfc: PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1941. Kontyu, 1 5(3) : 40, 45. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 9 1 ( 1 1 ); 5 60, 561, 583, 584, 630, figs. 43, 47e. larva, [described]. T.[hrips] tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. T. [hrips] tabaci f.pulla Uzel; Melis, 1941. Redia, 27:26. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:171, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 211. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis Priesner; Boder, 1941. Verb. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53: 172, 184, 193. [ Thrips tabaci ] f.pulla Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:172, 184, 186, 187, 189, 192. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; De Santis, 1941. Anu. rur. Prov. Buenos Aires, 9: 150. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:132. [Thrips tabaci] f. amiulicornis Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 133. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 133. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 133. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Watson & Tissot, 1942. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., 370:78-80, fig. 46. [bionomics; control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Eloldaway & Look, 1942. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 11(2): 256. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1942. Joum. econ. Ent., 35(3):385. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1 ): 39. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1): 39. [Thrips tabaci] f.pulla Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1 ): 39. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4): 244. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4): 244. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; McKeown, 1942. Australian Ins., p. 77. Th.[rips] tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 1 0(2-3) : 97. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1943. Ann. appl. Biol., 30(3); 257. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; De Santis, 1943. Rev. Facult. Agron. La Plata, (3)25(1940):89. T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith, 1943. Common Insects of Kansas, p. 154, fig. 49. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Canizo, 1944. Eos, 20:105 (footnote). Thrips tabaci var. pullus Uzel; Caiiizo, 1944. Eos, 20: 105 (footnote). Thrips evestigatus Oettingen, 1944. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 1 1 ( 1 ): 4 1 . Partim. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura & Krauss, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12( 1 ): 1 18, 121. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura & Nishida, 1944. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12( 1); 128, 130. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Lever, 1944. Agric. Journ. (Suva, Fiji), 15:14. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith & Goodhue, 1945. Journ. econ. Ent., 38(2): 174. [control in greenhouses]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Goodhue, Smith & Ditman, 1945. Journ. econ. Ent., 38(2): 180, 181. [control in greenhouses]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith, Ditman & Goodhue, 1945. Journ. econ. Ent., 38(2): 189. [experiments with DDT aerosols]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura & Krauss, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(2): 323, 327, 330. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bianchi, 1945. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 1 2( 2) : 2 7 7 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Chapman, Fife & McGarr, 1945. Journ. econ. Ent., 38(5):608, table 1. [control with DDT]. 1212 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: TH YSANOPTKR A CATALOG U I ,. [Thrips\ tabaci Lindeman; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. [Thrips] dorsalis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List. British Ins., p. 34. [Thrips] debilis Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 35. [Thrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 35. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Fullaway & Krauss, 1945. Common Ins. Hawaii, p. 30, PI. I, fig. 2. [Thrips (Thrips)] tabaci Lindeman; Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Lnt., 7: 171 , 172. 9,c 5. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:669. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:582. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:582. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:583. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Rahman & Batra, 1946. Indian Journ. agr. Sci., (1944)14:308, tables 1 - S V . [life history; damage; control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Villiers, 1947. Nouvel Atlas Ent., 4(2):94, PI. XII, fig. 220. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Chapman, Richmond & Fife, 1947. Journ. econ. Ent., 40(4): 575, table 1. [toxicity of certain insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hoerner & Edmundson, 1947. Journ. econ. Ent., 40(4):603, tables 1-2. [control]. T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:1 1. Thrips tabaci tabaci Lindeman; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:25. Thrips tabaci pollus [Sicf ] Uzel; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:25. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Wolcott, 1948. Journ. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32( 1 ):99. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ghabn, 1948. Bull. Soc. Fouad ler Ent., 32:123-174. [contribution to biology in Egypt], Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ashdown & Watkins, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41 (3): 378, tables 1-4. [control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Fife, Chapman & Shiller, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(4):665. [toxicity of several insecticides]. Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 422, Figs. 224, 226c. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith, Fulton & Lung, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(4):625. [control in greenhouses]. T.[hrips] debilis Bagnall; Morison. 1948. London Nat. Supph, pp. 64, 68. 9. T. [hrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Supph, pp. 64, 68. 9. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Supph, pp. 63, 65, 67. 9, 6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Peay & Knowlton, 1948. Journ. econ. Ent., 41(6):989. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith, 1948. Textbook agr. Ent., ed. 2, p. 26. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Armand, 1948. Processed Publ. Ser. Ent., 106: 1-3. [description; life history; control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bianchi, 1949. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 13(3): 347. [Thrips] bremnerii Moulton; Bailey, Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [Thrips] dianthi Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Thrips bremneri Moulton; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5): 232. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 51(5): 232. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Elmore, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 42(5):756, figs. 1-4; tables 1-3. [injury to onions]. [Thrips] debilis Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Supph, p. 117. [Thrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Supph, p. 117. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Supph, p. 117. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Wilcox, Howland & Campbell, 1949. Journ. econ. Ent., 42(6):920. [insecticides for control]. 1213 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thr.[ips] tabaci Lindeman; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4( 1 ) : 4 1 5 . T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Speyer, 1951. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)20(5-6):56. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sloan & Rawlins, 1951. Journ. econ. Ent., 44(3):294. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Spiller, 1951. New Zealand Journ. Sci. & Tech., (B)33(2): 143. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., l(l):42-43, 45, fig. 1. Tfirips tabaci Lindeman; Shirck, 1951. Journ. econ. Ent., 44(6): 1020, fig. 1; table 1. [hibernation]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith, 1951. Journ. Soc. British Ent., 4(2):45, 46. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 184, fig. 125. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 159, 186. [short description]. [Thrips tabaci] f.pulla Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 157, 187. [short description]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1951. Pnrody, 42(1-2): 8. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1951. Pfirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 11:346. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 157, 170, 171, 183. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Richardson & Wene, 1952. Journ. econ. Ent., 45(2): 258. [control methods]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Harrison & Jacks, 1952. New Zealand Journ. Sci. & Tech., (A)34(4):335. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:192. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588, 590, 597. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:5, xix, Pis. I-IV; textfigs. 1-15. 9, 6, all immature stages, [described; biology; control]. Thrips tabaci i.atricornis Priesner; Melis, 1952. Redia, 37:17. 9. [short description]. Thrips tabaci i.pulla Uzel; Melis. 1952. Redia, 37:17. 9. [short description]. Th.[rips] tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1952. Neue Brehm-Biicherei, 89:29, fig. 1 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Evans, 1952. Injurious Ins. British Commonwealth, p. 75. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Richardson, 1953. Journ. econ. Ent., 46(1):92. [control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Krauss, 1953. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 15(1): 125. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Jacks & Harrison, 1953. New Zealand Journ. Sci. & Tech., (A)35(2): 164. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Patel & Patel, 1953. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 5 1(3): 598, 607. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Sakimura, 1953. Journ. econ. Ent., 46(5):916. [vector of spotted wilt virus]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Lange & Razvyazkina, 1953. Zool. Zhurn., 32:577-593, figs, [morphology of all stages]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Skaife, 1953. African Ins. Life, p. 91. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1954. Oyo-Kontyu Tokyo, 10(2): 134, 135. Th.[rips] tabaci Lindeman; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 145. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata Priesner; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 145. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis Priesner; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 145. Th.[rips] tabci [Sic!] Lindeman; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 51(1-2): 77. [ecology]. Thrips taZwczLindeman; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31:268. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Jenser, 1955. Fol. Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)8(9): 134. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Doull, 1956. New Zealand Journ. Sci. & Tech., (A)38(l):52, 54. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):315. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):315. 1214 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips tabaci\ f. pulla Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):31 5. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Abul-Nasr & El Nahal, 1956. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 41:577-589. [field tests on insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Smith & Brierley, 1956. Annual Rev. Ent., 1 :303, 309. [vector of tomato spotted wilt]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Spiller, 1956. New Zealand Ent., 2: 13. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1957. Botyu-Kagaku Kyoto, 22(1): 94. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5):202, 204, PI. 22, fig. 42. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1 12(1): 279. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1 1 2( 1) : 279. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 12(1): 279. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis intermediate to pulla; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1 1 2( 1 ): 279. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:23. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:27. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1957. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 109(16):502, fig. 24. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1958. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 21(1): 70. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 106. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 107. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 108. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bibby, 1958. Journ. econ. Ent., 5 1 (4): 45 1 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ferriere, 1958. Mitt. Schweizerischen ent. Ges., 31(3-4): 320. [parasites]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bonnemaison & Bournier, 1958. Comptes Rendus Acad. Agr. France, 44:828. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., !958(2):300. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1958. Proc. 10th intern. Congr. Ent. 1956, 2:690, 691, 692, 693. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pearson, 1958. Ins. pests cotton trop. Africa, p. 301. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1958. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1957)(C)12(8): 1 17, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127, 130. Thrips tabaci tabaci Lindeman; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:279. Thrips tabaci annulicornis Uzel; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:280. Tlmps tabaci nigricornis Priesner; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:280. Thrips tabaci pullus Uzel; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:280. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Stepanovicova-Hentzova, 1958. Acta Facult. Rer. nat. Univ. Comen. Zodogia, 2(7-9):535, 536, 537, 544, 546. 547. Trips [5zc/] tabaci Lindeman; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 15. Trips [Sic/] tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Melis, 1959. Redia, 44(Append.): 1 5. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1956)(C)1 1(7): 183. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (1956) (C)l 1(7): 1 84, 185, 191, 193, 197, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 214, 215, 218, 221. Tlmps tabaci Lindeman; Le Pelley, 1959. Agric. Ins. East Africa, p. 97. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kloft & Ehrhardt, 1959. Naturwiss., 46(20/2):586, fig. 1. 1215 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1959. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (195 8>(C) 1 3(7) : 1 29 . Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Mantel, 1960. Ent. Bericht., 20(5): 100. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Abul-Nasr, 1960. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 44: 145, table 1 . [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1960. Joum. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2):342. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ananthakrishnan, 1960. Journ. Bombay nat. Elist. Soc., 57(3): 566. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bournier, 1960. Vie et Milieu, 1 1( 1 ): 89. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ozols, 1960. Latvijas Ent., 1:61. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1960. Ekologia Polska, (B)6(3):239, 240, 243. Tlmps tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska & Litwin, 1960. Polskie Pismo Ent., ( B) 1 0( l-2):64, 65, 66. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append.):459, 524, 525, figs. CCIII-CCVI1I; Pis. IX-XIL 9, d, larvae I, II, egg, prepupa, pupa. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):477, 523. 9. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):477, 523. 9. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; De Santis, 1961. Rev. Mus. La Plata (N.S.), (Zool.)7: 1 71 . Thrips tabaci var. pulla Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 143. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Medina Gaud, 1961. Tech. Pap. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Puerto Rico, 32:51. 9, 6. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Franz & Priesner, 1961 . in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1961. Verb. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:23. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1961 . Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:23. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1(5-6): 579, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588, 591. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1961. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 11(1 1): 1326. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Jorgensen & Lindhardt, 1961. Tidsskr. Planteavl., 65( 1):36. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1961. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skjodowska Lublin, ( 1959)(C)14(3):56, 58, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Lewis & Navas, 1962. Ann. appl. Biol., 50(2): 303. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Annecke, 1962. South African Journ. agr. Sci., 5(2): 273. [parasite], Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 121. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 121. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; De Santis, 1962. Fitosanitarias La Plata, 1(4): 5-6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bournier, 1962. Biol. Amerique Australe, 1:233, 234. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pelekassis, 1962. Ann. Inst, phytopath. Benaki, (N.S.)5( 1): 56. Thrips tabaci var. pulla Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(1 7):9. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 52( 1 ) : 13. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4):375. Th.[rips] tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3): 281-3 17. Thrips tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 1 5(3): 282. Thrips tabaci f. negricornis [Sic!] Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3):282. 1216 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Bournier, 1963. Rev. Pathol, veg. Ent. agric. France, 42(2): 120, fig. 3. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Mantel, 1964. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 53(2):26. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 : 33 , 36. Thrips tabaci Findeman; Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Fublin, ( 1 963) (C)l 8(6) : 137. Thrips tabaci Findeman; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4): 252, 259. [Thrips] debilis Bagnall; Davies & Morison, 1964. Flandb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1):97. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1 ( 1 ). 97. Partim. [Thrips] tabaci Findeman; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 11(1): 97. [Thrips] debilis Bagnall; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3): 220, map 1 1. [Thrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):220, map 12. Thrips tabaci Findeman; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3):22 1 , 289. 302-310, 31 1, 312, 313, 314, map 6. 6. [described]. Thrips tabaci Findeman; Titschack, 1964. Eos, 4Q( 1-2): 235. Thrips tabaci Findeman; De Santis, 1964. Rev. Mus. Fa Plata, (N.S.)8(Zool. 58):43. TJuips tabaci Findeman; Gromadska, 1964. Vie et Milieu, 15(3):689, 690, tables 1-2. [Thrips] debilis Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90. [Thrips] tabaci Findeman; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90, 98, 100, 125, textfigs. 77, 84, 126. 9, 6. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90. [Thrips] tabaci f. atricornis; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90, 92. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis ; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90. [Thrips] tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:90, 92. [Thrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:91. 9. [Thrips] evestigatus Oettingen; Priesner, 1964. Bestim.-Biicher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:92 (footnote). Partim. T.[hrips] adamsoni Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 243. T.[hrips] debilis Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 243. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 241 , 245, 257, fig. 47. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. bvrop. SSSR, p. 258. [Thrips tabaci] f. articornis [Sid] Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 258. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 258. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p.258. [Thrips tabaci] f. pullus Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 258. Thrips frankeniae Bagnall; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 242, 262. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Schliephake, 1964. Faun. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, 1964(4): 157. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2): 86, 113. 1217 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Rev. Roumaine Biol. Ser. ZooL, 9(5): 355-363. [ecology]. Thrips tabaci f. nigricornis Priesner; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Rev. Roumaine Biol. Ser. ZooL, 9(5): 359. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Studii cercet. Biol., (Zool.)16(5):445, 446, 447, 450. Thrips tabaci f. nigricornis Priesner; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Studii cercet. Biol., (Zool.) 16(5): 446. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Th.[rips] tabaci Lindeman; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865, 867, fig. 342(2). Tit. [rips] tabaci f. annulicornis Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865. Th.[rips] tabaci f. atricornis Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:867. 77/. [rips] tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:867. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Jones & Jones, 1964. Pests of Field Crops, p. 43, fig. 3. 5A. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:337, 348. 9, 6 , larva, prepupa, pupa, [described]. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:349. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:349. [Thrips tabaci] f. irrorata; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:349. [Thrips tabaci] f. nigricornis; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:349. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:349. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bailey & Campos-S, 1965. Pan-Pacific Ent., 41(2): 104. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Mantel, 1965. Ent. Bericht., 25: 1 13. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1965. Beitr. Ent., 15(5-6): 762. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1965. Bol. Mus. Munic. Funchal, 19(80):52. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 158. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Vappula, 1965. Acta ent. Fennica, 19:72, 77, 164, 168, 196. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Vasiliu, 1965. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool. )1 7(2): 163. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; De Santis, 1965. Publ. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9: 14, 15, 16, 19, figs. 11,31. [vector of plant diseases]. Thrips tabaci f. pulla Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Neth. Journ. Plant Path., 71:67-71, figs. 1-6. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Curran, 1965. Collier’s Encyclopedia, 22:295. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):205. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; M orison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom., 99:29, 31, 37, 39, 40. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Moye, Stannard & Luchmann, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(3):733. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1966. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1965)(C)20(3):29. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Howland & Wilcox, 1966. Journ. econ. Ent., 59(4):969-971 , table 1. [insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Forsyth, 1966. Agric. Ins. Ghana, p. 97. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 30, 31, 34, 35. 1218 JACOT-GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):30. T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5): 70. [Thrips tabaci ] f. pulla Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5): 70. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Djadechko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 562. Thrips frankeniae Bagnall; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 563. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 19, figs. 2, 5. Th. [rips] tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2): 97. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):76. [Thrips tabaci] f. annulicornis Uzel; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):76. [Thrips tabaci] f. atricornis Priesner; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., !6(7-8):76. [Thrips tabaci] f. pulla Uzel; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., !6(7-8):76. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bournier, 1967. Ann. Soc. ent. France, (N.S.)3(1): 177. [parasites]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk(odowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):56. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Mamet, 1967. Mauritius Inst. Bull., 6(2):67. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:58, 120. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:32, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,72, 73, 75,76, 77, PI. II, fig. 7. Thrips hololeucus Bagnall; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:37, 63. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11 :54, 67. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):365, 366, 375. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Lall & Singh, 1968. Journ. econ. Ent., 61(3):676, figs. 1-2, tables 1-4. [biology and control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Priesner, 1968. Kiikenthal: Handb. Zool. 2nd ed., 4(2)2/19:5, 8, 9, 25,29. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:17, 22, 46, 77, PI. 3, figs. 17, 18; PI. 4, fig. 30; PI. 6, fig. 49. 9, d. [Thrips] debilis Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:64, 80. [Thrips] hololeucus Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:68. [Thrips] frankeniae Bagnall; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:66, 80. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska & Gawarecka, 1968. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk/odowska Lublin, (1967)(C)22(8): 113. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish, 1968. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.F.)15(4-5):360, fig. IB. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Stolyarov & Sugonyaev, 1968. Zashchita Rastenij, 13(6): 10. Th.[rips] tabaci Lindeman; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenii, 13(1 2):42. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; El-Nahal & Nasr, 1968. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 50: 139-147, figs. 1-11. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Messieha, 1969. Phytopathology, 59:943-945, tables 1-6. [transmission tests of tobacco ringspot virus]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1969. in Grzimeks Tierleben, 2:169. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1969. Comment. Biol. Soc. Sci. Fennica, 31(5): 36, 38, 68. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)21(2): 133. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1969. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk[odowska Lublin, (C)24(23):34 1-354, fig. 15, tables 1-5. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Inst. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1 (2) : 4 1 , 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61 , 62, 64, 70, 83, 85, 87. 1219 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim. nocent.)8(33): 1, 4, 5. [Thrips tabaci ] f.pulla Uzel; Koppa, 1969. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, (Anim. nocent.)8(33):5. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bournier & Couilloud, 1969. Coton et Fibres tropicales, 24(2): 2 1 3, 214, figs. 1, 2b, 3a. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1969. Acta ent. Mus. Nat. Pragae, 38: 147. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Gawaad & Shazli, 1969. Bull. ent. Soc. Egypt econ. Ser., 3:81-84, table 1. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:6, 11, 12, 13, 94, 118, 120, 121, 132, PI. X. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Mound, 1970. Bull. British Mus. nat. Hist., (Ent.)24(4):90. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kudo, 1970. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(3):457, 459. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Officers Vic. Plant Res. Inst., 1970. Journ. Agr. Melbourne, 68(1 1):336, 337. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Haga, 1970. Life of Mino-o, 3(5): 14. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Shazli & Wahab, 1970. Experimentia, 26(12): 1316, tables I -II. [effect of insecticide on hatchability of eggs]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Bournier, 1970. Ann. Zool. Ecol. anim., 2(2): 243, 247, 257, fig. 5. [type of damage]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; zur Strassen, 1970. Senckenbergiana biol., 51(5-6):377. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Beccari, 1970. Riv. Agric. subtrop. e trop., 64( 10-12): 275. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hassanein, Khalil & Eisa, 1970. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 54: 133-140. [resistance of cotton to attack]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Stefanov, 1970. Rasteniev’dni Nauki, 7(4): 143-150, figs. 1-2, tables 1-4. (efficiency of soil insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Beckham et al, 1971. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 86:11,12. T. [hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Kudo, 1971. Journ. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ., (6, Zool.)17(4):612, 614. Tlirips tabaci Lindeman; Morison, 1971. Ent. mon. Mag., (1970)106:163. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Gawaad & El-Shazli, 1971. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 68(l):90-94, tables 1-2. [soil insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Gawaad & Shazli, 1971. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 68(2): 150-1 53. [effect of soil insecticides on pupae]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 182. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Mound, 1971. Bull. ent. Res., 60:547, 548, PI. XVIII, figs. 5-6. [feeding apparatus]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ananthakrishnan, 1971. Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 1 14, 126, 127, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, PL III, fig. 1 ; PI. IV, figs. 2-3. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Gould, 1971. Plant Path., 20: 149, 151, 154, tables 1-4. [control program]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ismail & Swailem, 1971. Bull. ent. Soc. Egypt, (Econ. Ser.)5:213-21 7, tables I-II. [testing insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Passlow, 1971. Queensland Journ. agr. and anim. Sci., 28:137-151, figs. 1-2, tables 1-7. [insecticidal trials]. TJmps tabaci Lindeman; d’ Aguilar, 1971. Proc. XIII internat. Congr. Ent. Moscow 1968, 2:300. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pishnamazov, 1971. Proc. XIII internat. Congr. Ent. Moscow 1968, 2:375. 1220 JACOT — GUILLARMQD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Saxena, 1971. Indian Journ. Ent., 33( 1 ): 9 1 -92. [parasitised by Ceranisus sp.]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Faure, 1971. in Animal Life in southern Africa, p. 102, figs. A-F. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Heming, 1972. Leaflet Dep. Ent. Univ. Alberta, 387: [3]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Ortiz, 1972. Rev. Per. Entom., 1 5( 1 ): 85 , 88, figs. 4, 14, 17. 9. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kamm, 1972. Journ. econ. Ent., 65(4): 1050. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Beirne, 1972. Mem. ent. Soc. Canada, 85:66. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Abdel-Salam et al, 1972. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 70:170-173. [chemical control]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Maksymov, 1972. Anz. Schadlingsk. Pflanzenschutz, 45(4): 53. T.[hrips] tabaci Lindeman; Carl, 1972. Anz. Schadlingsk. Pflanzenschutz, 45(12): 180. [Thrips] tabaci Lindeman; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kudo, 1972. Kontyu, 40(4): 241 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Hosny & Shoeib, 1972. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 56:247-252, fig. 1 . [population fluctuations]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Shoeib & Hosny, 1972. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte, 56:267-271 , fig. 1, table I. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Kamel, Shoeib & Azim, 1972. Bull. ent. Soc. Egypt, (econ. Ser.) 6:53-55. [Insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Khalil & Rizk, 1972. Bull. ent. Soc. Egypt, (econ. Ser.)6:l 1 1-116, tables I -II. [insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; El-Boro llosy & Ismail, 1972. Bull. ent. Soc. Egypt, (econ. Ser.) 6:205-209, Tables I II. [Insecticides]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Beshear, 1973. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 122:12. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Pelikan, 1973. Acta ent. Bohemoslov., 70:41 . Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Getzin, 1973. Journ. econ. Ent., 66(4):975-977, tables 1-2. [soil treatment]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Abdel-Gawaad et al, 1973. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., 73(3):25 1-255, 1 table, [resistance in cotton]. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Nyiira, 1973. East African agric. forest. Journ., 39(2): 131, 134. Thrips tabaci Lindeman; Mound & Palmer, 1974. Ent. mon. Mag., 109:105. Location of type: Unknown to writer; of solanaceorum: unknown to writer; of allii: unknown to writer; of communis, annulicornis, pulla and obsoleta: ? Vienna Museum; of bremnerii: California Academy of Sciences; of uzeli: unknown to writer; of bicolor: unknown to writer; of hololeucus: British Museum (Natural History); of adamsoni and debilis: British Museum (Natural History); of frankeniae: British Museum (Natural History); of irrorata, atricornis, nigricornis and nigricornis: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of dorsalis: British Museum (Natural History); of dianthi: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: Cosmopolitan. Type locality: Basarabia; for solanaceorum: Basarabia; f or communis: not specified; for annulicornis: not specified; for pulla: not specified; for obsoleta: Bohemia; fox uzeli: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Cattaro; for bicolor: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Cattaro; for bremnerii: U.S.A.: Santa Clara Valley, California; for hololeucus: JAPAN: Kobe; for adamsoni: ENGLAND: Brockwell, Durham; fox debilis: ENGLAND: near Blackgang Chine, Isle of Wight; for frankeniae: 1221 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 FRANCE: Perpignan; for irrorata: Hungary; for nigricornis: Hungary; for atricornis: Hungary; for dorsalis: ENGLAND: Woldingham, Surrey; for dianthi: CANADA: Vernon, British Columbia. Habitat: From a large number of plants; pest on especially onion, tobacco and cotton; vector of tomato spotted wilt virus and allies. Hi rips (Isoneurothrips) taiwanus Takahashi = Thrips (Isothrips) taiwanus Takahashi. Euthrips tamicola Bagnail - Anaphothrips tamicola ( Bagnall). TJirips tanicus Bhatti = Thrips (Thrips) montanus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish. Thrips taraxaci Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) trehernei Priesner. Thrips (Thrips) taraxaci Yakhontov & Stovichek, 1953. 9,6. Thrips taraxaci Yakhontov & Stovichek, 1953. Zool. Zhurn., 32:904, figs. Thrips taraxaci Jakhontov; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 240,251. 9,6. Til. [rips] taraxaci; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:866. Thrips taraxaci Jakhontov; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 562. [Thrips] taraxaci Yakhontov & Stovichek; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:78. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Uzbekistan; Ukraine. Type locality: UZBEKISTAN: Tashkent. Habitat: Composites. j [preoccupied by Thrips taraxaci Moulton]. Thrips (Thrips) tarfayensis zur Strassen, 1968. 9 ,6. Thrips tarfayensis zur Strassen, 1968. Abb. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:59, 120, fig. 21. 9, 6. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Hassi Zehar (Prov. Tarfaya). Type locality: SOUTHERN MOROCCO: Hassi Zehar (Prov. Tarfaya). Habitat: Flowers of Pulicaria crispa. * Thrips temporatus Bailey = Ramaswamiahiella subnudula Karny. Thrips tenebricus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish = Baliothrips tenebricus Ananthakrishnan & Jagadish J Thrips (Thrips) tenellus Try bom, 1912. 9. Thrips alni subsp. tenella Trybom, 1912. Ark. Zool., 7 (33):6, PI. 1, fig. 5. 9. [Thrips (Thrips)] tenellus Trybom; Hood, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(3): 1 19. Thrips tenellus Trybom; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937. Publ. Univ. Pretoria nat. Sci., (2)3:45. [Thrips] tenellus Trybom; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23( 2) : 342. [Thrips] tenellus Trybom; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :78. Thrips tenellus Trybom; zur Strassen, 1973. Senckenbergiana biol., 54( 1-3): 146. [type redescribed; new series mentioned 9, 6], Location of type: Naturhistoriska Museum, Goteborg, Sweden. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Natal; eastern Transvaal. 1222 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Type locality: SOUTH AFRICA: Stanford [Sic!] Hill, Natal. Habitat: Under a stone; Nephelium litchi. Thrips (Thrips) tenuisetosus Knechtel, 1923. 9. Thr.[ips] tenuisetosus Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 165; 4(10-12):203. 9. [Thrips] tenuisetosus Knechtel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:344, 346, 403. 9. [described]. Thr. [ips] tenuisetosus Knechtel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. ins. USSR, p. 49. Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Bagnall, 1934. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)14:493. [Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Speyer, 1935 = Thrips (Thrips) mareoticus (Priesner)]. [Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Rungs, 1935 = Thrips (Thrips) mareoticus (Priesner)]. Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Speyer, 1937. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (B)6:38, fig. 7. Thrips tenuisetosus; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:577. Thrips tenuisetosus; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 158, 177. 9. Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 106. [Thrips] tenuisetosus Knechtel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3): 22 1 , map 2. [Thrips] tenuisetosus Knechtel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:93. 9. Thrips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 244, 271. 9. [Thrips] tenuisetosus Knechtel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):31. TJuips tenuisetosus Knechtel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):564. [77 irips] tenuisetosus Knechtel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:78. [Thrips] tenuisetosus Knechtel; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Knechtel collection. Distribution: Rumania; France; Turkey; Ukraine. Type locality: RUMANIA: Chisinau (Basarabia). Habitat: Cruciferae; Taraxacum dens-leonis; Senecio vulgaris; Lamium purpureum; Beilis perennis; Isatis glauca (or/, tinctoria); ? Bupleurum sp. Thrips terminalis Oettingen = Thrips (Thrips) conferticornis Priesner. Thrips (Thrips) thalictri Hood, 1931. 9, 6. Thrips thalictri Hood, 1931. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., 26(4): 154, PI. VII, figs. 1-4. 9, 6. T.[hrips] thalictri Hood; Crawford, 1939. Journ. New York ent. Soc., 47( 1): 7 1 . [Thrips] thalictri Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32( 1 ): 25 . T. [hrips] thalictri Hood; Comegys & Schmitt, 1966. Journ. New York ent. Soc., (1965)73(4):205. Thrips thalictri Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:17, 22, 48, 78, PI. 4, fig. 25. 9, (5. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Oswegatchie, New York; Demarest, New Jersey. Type locality: U.S. A.: Oswetatchie, New York. Habitat: Leaves of Thalictrum polyganum. Thrips tibialis Blanchard = Chirothrips tibialis (Blanchard). Thrips (Thrips) timidus Priesner, 1926. 9, 6. Thrips timidus Priesner, 1926. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 52(2-3): 267, fig. 1. 9,6. 1223 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips timidus; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:348, 350, 352, 430. 9, 6. [described]. [ Thrips ] timidus; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thrips timidus Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:132. Thrips timidus Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3): 22 1 , 292, 302-310, 31 1, 314, 315, map 7. 6. [described]. [Thrips] timidus; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:85, 98, 101, textfig. 80. 9, 6. Thrips timidus Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 243, 245,267. 9, 6. [Thrips] timidus; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):28, 34, 35. Thrips timidus Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obzr., 45(3): 5 63. [Thrips] timidus Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Umv. California Publ. Ent., 51:78. [Thrips] timidus Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Hungary; Germany; Ukraine. Type locality: HUNGARY: Simontornya Habitat: Turf; Stachys recta. Thrips (Thrips) trehernei Priesner, 1927. 9, 6. Thrips physapus Linne; Treherne, 1919. Canadian Ent., 51(8-9): 188. [Thrips physapus] ab. magnus Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:57. nom. nud. Thrips physapus Linne; Watson, 1924. Florida Ent., 8(2): 29. [Thrips physapus] f. magna Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 148. nom. nud. Thrips physapus f. magna Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:355. 9. Thrips trehernei Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:356 (footnote). [Thrips physapus] f. magna; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. [Thrips physapus f.] magna Priesner; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:88. Thrips trehernei Priesner; Moulton, 1936. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(2): 184. Thrips taraxaci Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 109. 9, 6. [Thrips physapus] f. magna Priesner; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 127. P \ Thrips treherni Priesner; Moulton & Andre, 1936. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci., 1 0(3) : 230. T.[hrips] trehernei Priesner, 1937. Ent. News, 48:47. Thrips trehernei Priesner; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3): 4 19. Thrips hukkineni Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 108. 9, 6. [new name for Thrips physapus magna Priesner]. Thrips trehernei; Priesner, 1937. Konowia, 16(2): 111. [perhaps var. of Thrips hukkineni Priesner]. Thrips treherni [Sic!] Priesner; Andre, 1937. Iowa St. Coll. Journ. Sci.. 12: 105. Thrips huKkineni Priesner; Hukkinen, 1938. in Hukkinen & Syijanen, Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 4(3): 177. 9, 6. Thrips Hukkineni Priesner; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:129. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 38. [Thrips hukkineni] f. adusta; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8( 1 ): 38. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Hukkinen & Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(3-4): 243. Th. [rips] hukkineni Priesner; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3): 97. Thrips trehernei Priesner; Blickenstaff, 1946. American Midi. Nat., 36:670. T.[hrips] Hukkineni Priesner; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10: 1 1. JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips (Thrips) trehernei Priesner; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:420, 425. [ Thrips ] taraxaci Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Thrips trehernei Priesner; Bailey & Knowlton, 1949. Proc. ent. Soo. Washington, 51(5): 232. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1 ( 1 ): 53. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 157, 163, 170, 183. Thrips trehernei Priesner; Bailey & Cott, 1952. Bull. Dep. Agr. St. California, 41(3): 177. [Thrips] hukkineni Priesner; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6): 588, 597. Thrips Hukkineni Priesner; Titschack, 1953. Bombus, 1(76-77): 328. Th. [rips] hukkineni Priesner; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 144. Th. [rips] hukkineni Priesner; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):76. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. Cl., 31:267. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):315. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 202, 203. [synonymy]. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wtirttemberg, 112(1):273. Bmps hukkineni Priesner; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:22. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klid Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Blunck, 1958. Beitr. Ent., 8(1-2): 105. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):299. Bmps hukkineni Priesner; Lewis, 1961. Proc. R. ent. Soc. London, (A)36(7-9):91. [Ttirips] hukkineni Priesner; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:415. Thrips hukkineni; Priesner, 1961. Verh. Ver. Heimatforsch. Hamburg, 35:23. Birips hukkineni Priesner; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6): 59 1 . Th. [rips] hukkineni Priesner; Knechtel, 1961. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 11(11): 1326. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 118. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4): 374, 376, figs. 3. 77?. [rips] hukkineni Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. 77 trips hukkineni Priesner; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 15(3): 28 1-3 17. [ecology]. 77 irips hukkineni Priesner; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33, PI. IV, fig. 1; PI. VI, fig. 3. [Thrips] hukkineni Priesner; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1 ( 1): 97. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3):202, 263, 302-310, 312, figs. 8, 10, 1 1, map 1. 6. [described]. [77 irips] hukkineni; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:88, 101, 127, PI. Ill, fig. 9. 9,3. 77 irips hukkineni Priesner; zur Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1): 63. [Thrips physapus] subsp. magna Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 254. Bmps hukkineni Priesner; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):432. Bmps hukkineni Priesner; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3): 43. 77 irips hukkineni Priesner; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 157. [77 irips] hukkineni; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 29, 35. T. [hrips] hukkineni; Priesner, 1966. Polskie Pismo Ent., 36(5):69. [Birips] hukkineni Priesner; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 17. Bi. [rips] hukkineni Priesner; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):95. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):76. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2): 262, 263, 271. 1225 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr. Fenniae, 6:31. 77 trips hukkineni Priesner; Ward, 1968. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 120(1 8): 395-4 16, figs. 1-12, tables I-XIL [morphometric separation from Thrips physapus]. Thrips trehernei Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:17, 21, 48, 78, PI. 1, fig. 1; PI. 5, fig. 35; PI. 7, fig. 57. 9, 3. [synonymy; discussed]. Thrips hukkineni Priesner; Zawirska, 1969. Prace Nauk. Ins. Ochr. Roslin, 1 1 (2): 6 1 . [llirips] hukkineni Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of magna and hukkineni: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria; of taraxaci: California Academy of Sciences; of adusta: unknown to writer. Distribution: Austria; Hungary; Finland; Germany; Lithuania; Estonia; Sweden; Czechoslovakia; England; Rumania; Holland; Greece; Poland; France; Russia; Turkey; Mongolia; CANADA: British Columbia; Ontario; U.S.A.: California; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Montana; New York; Utah; Wyoming; Washington; Hawaii. Type locality: Canada; for magna: AUSTRIA: Oberosterreich; for taraxaci: U.S.A.: Bozeman, Montana; for hukkineni: same as for magna; adusta: FINLAND: not specified. Habitat: Various flowers, especially Compositae. Thrips trifaseiatus Ashmead = Sericothrips trifasciatus (Ashmead). Thrips (Thrips) tripartitus Hood. 1940. 9, 3. Thrips tripartitus Hood, 1940. Rev. Ent. Rio de Janeiro, 1 1(1 -2): 562. 9, 3. [Thrips] tripartitus Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32( 1 ): 25 . Thrips tripartitus Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):366, 376. 9, 3. [described]. Thrips tripartitus Hood; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:18, 22, 50, 78, PI. 3, fig. 21; PI. 5, fig. 38. 9, 3. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Oswegatchie, New York; Volo Bog, Lake County, Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Oswegatchie, New York. Habitat: Grass; tamarack bog. Thrips tritici Fitch = Frankliniella tritici (Fitch). Euthrips trybomi Karny = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) trybomi (Karny). Thrips tunicata Haliday - Platythrips tunicatus (Haliday). Thrips (Thrips) tusca Moulton, 1936. 9, 3. Thrips tusca Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2): 270. 9, 3. [Thrips] fusca Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [corrected spelling]. [Thrips] fuscus Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:67. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Victorias, Occidental Negros. Type locality: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Victorias, Occidental Negros. Habitat: Seedling sugar cane. 1226 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips ulicis Haliday = Odontothrips ulicis (Haliday). Thrips ulmi Fabricius = Hoplothrips (Hoplothrips) ulmi (Fabricius). Thrips ulmifoliorum Haliday = Oxythrips (Oxythrips) ulmifoliorum (Haliday). Thrips unispinus Moulton = Thrips (Epithrips) unispinus Moulton. Thrips (Thrips) unonae Priesner, 1934. 9. Thrips unonae Priesner, 1934. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Nederlandsch-Indie, 94(3): 260, 286. 9. [Thrips] unonae Priesner; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 78. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Distribution: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Type locality: JAVA: Buitenzorg. Habitat: Flowers of Unona dasymachala. Thrips (Thrips) urticae Fabricius, 1781. 9, <3. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius, 1781. Spec. Ins., 2:397. [Thrips] Urticae; Fabricius, 1787. Mant. Ins., 2:320. [Thrips urticae Fabricius; de Villers, 1789 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. [Thrips urticae Fabricius; Gmelin, 1790 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. [Thrips] Urticae; Fabricius, 1794. Ent. Syst., 4:229. [Thrips] Urticae; Fabricius, 1803. Syst. Rhyngotorum, pp. 20, 313. thrips urticoe Fabricius; Latreille, [1804]. Hist. nat. Crust. Ins., 12:351. [Thrips urticae Fabricius; Turton, 1806 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank], Thrips urticae Fabricius; Guerin, 1828. in Tigny: Hist. nat. Ins. 3rd ed., 6:233. [Thrips] Urticae Fabricius; Stephens, 1829. Syst. Catal. British Ins., p. 363. Tluips urticae Fabricius; Blanchard, 1840. Hist. nat. Ins., 3:217. [Thrips Urticae Schrank [Sicf] \ Haliday = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. [Thrips Urticae Fabricius; Burmeister, 1838 fj Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank], [Thrips urticae Fabricius; Amyot & Serville, 1843 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. T.[hrips] urticae Latreille [Sic/]] Boitard, 1843. Nouv. Manuel Ent., 3:93. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Blanchard, 1850. Hist. nat. Ins., 3(1): 2 17. [Thrips Urticae Fabricius; Haliday, 1852 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank], Thrips urticae Fabricius; Gistel, 1856. Mysterien Ins. -Welt, pp. 79, 286. Tluips urticae Fabricius; Disconzi, 1865. Ent. Vicentina, pp. 207, 208. [Thrips urticae Fabricius; Reuter, 1879 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. T.[hrips] urticae Fabricius; Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881. Ann. Agric. Roma, 34:134. [Thrips urticae Fabricius; Pergande, 1882 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Portschinsky, 1883. Rev. mens. Ent., 1:44-53. [Tluips urticae Fabricius; Ludwig, 1886 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Jordan, 1888. Zeitschr. wiss. Zook, 47(4):581, 606, fig. 82. [Thrips Urticae Fabricius; Uzel, 1889 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. [Thrips urticae Fabricius; Provancher, 1890 = Thrips (Thrips) flavus Schrank]. Thrips flava Schrank; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 186. Partim. [Thrips urticae Fabricius; Jablonowski, 1900 = Thrips (Tluips) flavus Schrank]. [Thrips] fallax Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. nom. nud. [Thrips] flavus Schrank; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Partim. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Priesner, 1926. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., 52(2-3):271. 9. Tluips urticae Fabricius; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:349, 351, 416, 471. 9, d, larva, [described]. 1227 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [77 trips] urticae Fabricius; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 12. $. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Maltbaek, 1928. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1928:11. Th.[rips] urticae Fabricius; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. Meddel., 16(3): 177. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Th.[rips] urticae Fabricius; Maltbaek, 1929. Ent. Meddel., 16(7):370. Th.[rips] urticae Fabricius; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:81, 89. 9, 6. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Bagnall, 1933. Ent. mon. Mag., 69:120. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Bagnall, 1933. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (10)1 1:657. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Hukkinen, 1934. Maataloustiet. Aikakausk., 6:144. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Hukkinen, 1935. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 1(2):62. T.[hrips] urticae Fabricius; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. T\hrips ] urticae Fabricius; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 125, 131. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Kurosawa, 1941. Kontyu, 15(3):39, 44, fig. IF. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:171, 184, 187, 211. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 38. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. T.[hrips] urticae Fabricius; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 65, 68. 9. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 117. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 155, 174, 183. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Oettingen, 1952. Beitr. Ent., 2(6):588. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Pelikan, 1954. Zool. Ent. listy, 3(3): 202. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):317. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Khc Zvireny CSR, 2:27. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append. ):51 1, 524, 525. 9, d, larva II. [described]. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 122. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Richards, 1964. Trans. Soc. British Ent., 16(1): 35. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1):97. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1(3): 22 1, 293, 302-310, 314, map 6. 6. [described]. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:92, 99, 124. 9,d. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 243,274. 9, 6. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 158. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9): 3 1 , 34. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):564. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 18. Th.[rips] urticae Fabricius; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2): 97. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):77. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:19, 24, 50, 78, PI. 3, fig. 22. 9, <5. Partim. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 182. [Thrips] urticae Fabricius; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: Apparently lost; of fallax : Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. 1228 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Distribution: France; Italy; Bessarabia; Austria; Hungary; Germany; Denmark; England; Finland; Switzerland; Czechoslovakia; Holland; Rumania; Poland; Ukraine; Manchuria. Type locality: Not specified; for fallax: not specified. Habitat: Urtica dioica; other plants mentioned probably casual. Parathrips Uzeli Karny = Thrips (Thrips) tabaci Lindeman. Thrips (Thrips) validus Uzel, 1895. 9, 6. Thrips valida Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 54, 183. 9, 6. Thrips adusta Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 54, 185. 9, 6. Thrips adusta var. nigra Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 185, 186. 9. Thrips longicollis Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 38, 56, 197. 9. Thrips adusta Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898. Abhandl. naturwiss. Ver. Bremen, 14(3):473. Th. [rips] valida Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:14. Th.[rips] adusta Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38: 14. Th. [rips] adusta var. nigra Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:15. Thrips adustus Uzel; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):913, 914. Thrips validus Uzel; Schtscherbakow, 1907. Zool. Anz., 31(26):913, 914. Thrips adusta Uzel; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:4. [Thrips adusta] var. nigra Uzel; Cobelli, 1909. Verh. k.k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 59:4. Thrips validus Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Journ. econ. Biol., 6(1): 6, 10. Thrips valida Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46): 241 (sep. p. 18). Thrips adusta Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 19). [Thrips adusta] var. nigra Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 19). Thrips validus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 193. Th.[rips] validus Uzel; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):58. Thrips adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 29: 172. Thrips validus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. [ Thrips validus] ab. adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:58. Thrips validus Uzel; John, 1921. Faun. Petropol. Catal., 2(1): 10. Thrips adustus Uzel; Priesner, 1921. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 6(6):29. Thrips valida Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 102, 121. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips valida var. adusta Uzel; van Eecke, 1922. Natuurk. Verh. Hollandsche Maats. Wetens. Haarlem, 3(9): 122. Thrips adustus Uzel; Bagnall, 1923. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:60. Thr.[ips] validus Uzel; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 165; 4(10-12): 197, PL XVIII. 9, d. [described]. [Thrips validus ab.] adustus Uzel; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 4(10-12): 19*9- [Thrips] validus Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25:159. [Thrips validus] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Zeitschr., 1924/25:159. Thrips validus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 14(1): 21 . Thrips adustus Uzel; John, 1925. Ent. Mitt., 1 4(1): 2 1 . [Thrips] validus Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips validus] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips validus] f. longicollis Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. 1229 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Thrips] validus Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46: 156. T [hrips] validus Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 46. 9, 6. limps validus Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:345, 350, 358, PI. V, fig. 74. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips validus] f. nigra Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:359. 9. Thrips validus f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:359. 6, 9. Thrips validus f. longicollis Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:360. 9. [ Thrips ] validus Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 11. 9, d. [Thrips validus ] f. adusta Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 1 1 . [Thrips] validus Uzel; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. [Thrips] validus var. nigra Uzel; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. T.[hrips] validus Uzel; Maltbaek, 1927. Haderslev Katedralskoles Aarskrift, 1927:111. Th. [rips] validus Uzel; Maltbaek, 1928. Ent. MeddeL, 16(3): 176. Thrips validus Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 37:182. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. Thr.[ips] validus validus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. Thr.[ips] validus adustus Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 45. Thr\ips] validus longicollis Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 45, 49. Thrips validus Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschman Fauna Nederland, 5:85, 88, 153, fig. 28. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips validus f.] adusta Uzel; van Eecke, 1931. Boschma Fauna Nederland, 5:90. Th. [rips] validus Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 82, fig. 34. 9, 6. [Thrips validus] f. adusta Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:82. Thrips validus Uzel; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 126, 141, 143, 144, 148. [described]. T.[hrips] validus Uzel; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):248. Thrips validus Uzel; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:39. T.[hrips] validus Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:320. Thrips fuscus Moulton, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., 12(3): 108. 9, 6. T.[hrips] validus Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 127. [Thrips validus] f. nigra Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 127. Thrips validus Uzel; Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(1 -2): 83. Thrips validus Uzel; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:112. Thrips validus Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:167, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195,211. Thrips validus Uzel; Speyer & Parr, 1941 . Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(1 1):560. 561, 583, 584, 618, figs. 2h, 3c, 34, 35, 47a. larva, [described], Thrips validus Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9: 129. Thrips validus Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):38. [Thrips validus] f. nigra Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 38. [Thrips validus] f. adusta Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 38. Th.[rips] validus Uzel; Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3): 97. T. [hrips] validus Uzel; Dudich et al, 1943. Mat. Termesz. Kozlem., 39(6): 17. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Thrips salvus Moulton, 1946. Pan-Pacific Ent., 22(2):60. [new name for Thrips fuscus Moulton, 1936]. Thrips validus Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:565. [Thrips validus] f. adusta Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:565. T\hrips] validus Uzel; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10: 1 1. 1230 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips validus Uzel; Morison, 1947. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 32, 33, figs. 7, 8. [immatures figured]. Thrips validus longicollis Uzel; Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:24. T.[hrips] validus Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 61, 62, 65. 9, d. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 116. [Thrips] fuscus Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. [=salvus Moulton]. Thrips validus Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 158, 163. 9, <5. [described]. [Thrips validus] f. adusta Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 164. Thrips validus Uzel; Pelikan, 1951. Prirod. Shorn. Ostrav. Kraje Opava, 1 1:346. Th. [rips] validus Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1): 46. Thrips collinus; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 155. Partim. Thrips validus Uzel; Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(2): 157, 163, 170, 183. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Th. [rips] validus Uzel; Oettingen, 1954. Ent. Tidskr., 75(2-4): 146. Th.[rips] validus Uzel; Oettingen, 1955. Beitr. Ent., 5(l-2):77. Thrips validus Uzel; Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31:267. Thrips validus Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):30Q, 315. Thrips validus Uzel; Smith, 1956. Ent. mon. Mag., 92:350. Thrips validus Uzel; Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1 12(1): 273. T.[hrips] validus Uzel; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. nat. Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:22. Thrips validus Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zvireny CSR, 2:26. Thrips validus Uzel; Morison, 1958. Kew Bull., 1958(2):299. Thrips validus longicolis [Sic!] Uzel; Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:279. Thrips validus Uzel;Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):483, 522, 524. 9, d. [described]. Thrips validus f. adusta Uzel; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46(Append.):484, 522. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:416. Thrips validus Uzel; Schliephake, 1961. Beitr. Ent., 1 1 (5-6): 585 , 592. Thrips validus Uzel; Knechtel, 1961. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 11(11): 1327. Thrips validus Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 122. Thrips validus Uzel; Knechtel, 1963. Beitr. Ent., 13(3-4): 3 74, 376. Th. [rips] validus Uzel; Knechtel, 1963. Com. Acad. Rep. Pop. Rom., 13(12): 1055. Thrips validus Uzel; Knechtel, 1963. Stud. Cercet. Biol. Ser. Biol. Anim., 1 5(3):28 1-317. Thrips validus Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. Thrips validus Uzel; Seczkowska, 1964. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sk)odowska Lublin, (1963)(C)18(6): 137. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):97. Thrips validus Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3): 22 1 , 294, 302-310, 313, fig. 8, map 9. d. [described]. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:93, 100, 127, PI. II, fig. 16; textfig. 85. 9, d. Thrips validus Uzel; Strassen, 1964. Eesti NSV Tead. Akad. Toimet. biol. Seer., 13(1 ):63. Thrips validus Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 240. 243,245,251. 9, d. [Thrips validus] f. adusta Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, p. 251. [Thrips validus subsp .flavescens Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964 = ? Thrips (Thrips) physapus Linne]. 1231 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips validus Uzel; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Rev. Roumaine Biol. Ser. Zool., 9(5): 355-363. [ecology]. Thrips validus Uzel; Knechtel & Vasiliu, 1964. Studii cercet. Biol., (Zool.)16(5):445, 446, 447. Thrips validus Uzel; Wetzel, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4): 432. Th.[rips] validus Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:866, 867. Thrips validus Uzel; Mantel, 1965. Natuurhist. Maandbl., 54(3):43. Thrips validus Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 148, 158. Thrips validus Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1965. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 662:5. Thrips validus Uzel; Morison & Tanasijevic? 1966. Entom., 99:29, 32, 37. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):31, 35. Thrips validus Uzel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 562. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1): 19. Th. [rips] validus Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):97. Thrips validus Uzel; Ressl, 1967. Nachr.-Blatt Bayerischen Ent., 16(7-8):77. Thrips validus Uzel; Koppa, 1967. Ann. Agr Fenniae, 6:31. Thrips validus Uzel; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skfodowska Lublin, (1966)(C)21(4):table 4. Thrips validus Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 : 19, 23, 51, 79, PI. 1, fig. 8; PL 6, fig. 52; PI. 7, fig. 53. 9, 6. [synonymy]. Th.[rips] validus Uzel; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenii, 13(12):42. Thrips validus Uzel; Vasiliu, 1969. Stud, cercet. Biol., (Zool.)21(2): 134. Thrips validus Uzel; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie -Skfodowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 182. [Thrips] validus Uzel; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of adusta: ? Vienna Museum; of nigra: ? Vienna Museum; of longicollis: ? Vienna Museum; of fuscus: California Academy of Sciences; of salvus: same as for fuscus as it is a substitute name for that species; of collinus: unknown to writer. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Germany; Poland; Russia; Italy; England; Austria; Sweden; Holland; Rumania; Hungary; Serbia; Denmark; Siberia; Ukraine; France; Finland; Switzerland; Lithuania; Estonia; Yugoslavia; Idaho, U.S.A. Type locality: BOHEMIA: not specified; for adusta: BOHEMIA: not specified; for nigra: not specified; for longicollis: Bohemia; for fuscus ( salvus ) : U.S.A. : Idaho; for collinus: GERMANY: Mansfelder Land, Harzgebiet. Habitat: From flowers, especially Compositae. Thrips variabilis Beach = Sericothrips variabilis (Beach). Bagnallia variabilis Williams = Thrips (Thrips) minutissimus Linne. Thrips (Thrips) variegatus von Gleichen, 1764. Thrips variegata von Gleichen, 1764. Das Neueste aus dem Reiche de Pflanzen, p. 22, PI. 21, figs. 6, 7. [Thrips] variegata von Gleichen; Goeze, 1778. Ent. Beytrage, 2:352. [Thrips] variegata von Gleichen; Gmelin, 1790. Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 13, 1(4):2224. [Thrips] variegata Gmelin [Sic!]; Stephens, 1829. Syst. Catal. British Ins., p. 363. Thr.[ips] variegata von Gleichen; Haliday, 1836. Ent. Mag., 3:451. T.[hrips] variegata von Gleichen; Pergande, 1882. Entom., 15:95. Thrips variegata Gmelin [57c/]; Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., p. 275. 1232 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. [Thrips] variegatus von Gleichen; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 150. Thrips variegatus von Gleichen; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:447. [maybe synonym of Aeolothrips fasciatus]. T.[hrips] variegatus von Gleichen; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:79. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: Germany. Type locality: Not specified. Habitat: Linaria. Thrips (Thrips) varipes Hood, 1913. 9, 6. Thrips varipes Hood, 1913. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington, 26:161. 9. Thrips varipes; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 5(4-6): 59. Thrips varipes Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech. Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43. Thrips varipes Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(1 ):25. Thrips varipes Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bull. Illinois nat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):238, 366, 377, fig. 68. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips major Uzel; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:38. Partim. Thrips varipes Hood; Beshear, 1973. Res. Bull. Univ. Georgia Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta., 122:12. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum, Distribution: U.S.A.: Maryland; Illinois; Georgia. Type locality: U.S. A.: Plummer’s Island, Maryland. Habitat: Muscari racemosum; Erythronium sp.; Clematis viorna; Clematis sp. Thrips veratri Herrick = Thrips (Thrips) herricki Bagnall. Thrips veratri Hood = Thrips (Thrips) herricki Bagnall. Thrips versicolor Bagnall = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Thrips (Thrips) victoriensis Moulton, 1936. 9. Thrips victoriensis Moulton, 1936. Philippine Journ. Agr., 7(2): 270. 9. [ Thrips ] victoriensis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. [Thrips] victoriensis Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51 :79. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Victorias, Occidental Negros. Type locality: PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Victorias, Occidental Islands. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips (Thrips) viminaiis Uzel, 1895. 9, 6. Thrips salicaria Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 37, 54, 182. 9. Partim. Thrips viminaiis Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 38, 56, 196. 9, 6. Thrips viminaiis Uzel; Trybom, 1896. Ent. Tidskr., 17(2): 100. Thrips salicaria Uzel; Trybom, 1896. Ent. Tidskr., 17(2):92, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101 , i02, 103. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips salicaria Uzel; Coesfeld, 1898 = Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday]. Thrips salicaria, Uzel; Reuter, 1899. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 17(2):55, 58. Thrips salicaria Uzel; Trybom, 1899. Ent. Tidskr., 20(2-3): 194, 195. Thrips viminaiis Uzel; Leonardi, 1901. Ins. Nocivi, 4:637, 646. Tk. [rips] salicaria Uzel; Schiile, 1904. Spraw. Korn, fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:14. Thrips salicaria Uzel; Bagnall, 1909. Journ. econ. Biol., 4(2): 39. 1233 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips salicaria Uzel; Schille, 1910. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Akad. Umiej. Krakowie, 45(2): 6. 6. [described]. T.[hrips] salicarius Uzel; Bagnall, 191 1. Joum. econ. Biol., 6(1): 10. Thrips salicarius Uzel; Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(21-24):556. Tlirips vimimlis Uzel; Knechtel, 1911. Biblio. Rev. Viata Agr., 1911:16, 3 figs. Thrips salicaria Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(46):241 (sep. p. 18). Partim. 6 only [not 9]. [Thrips major var. salicarius Uzel; Priesner, 1914 = Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday]. [Thrips major var. salicarius Uzel; Priesner, 1916 = Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday]. Th.[rips] salicarius Uzel; Tullgren, 1917. Ent. Tidskr., 38(1):58. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1919. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)128(2-3): 126. Thrips salicarius Uzel (?); Priesner, 1919. Zeitschr. Osterr. Ent. Ver. Wien, 4(1 1): 105. [Thrips] salicaria Trybom [Sic!]; Priesner, 1920. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1)1 29(l-2):75 (footnote). Thrips viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:60. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1923. Schulze: Biol. Tiere Deutschlands, 2(29): 3. Thr.[ips] vimimlis Uzel; Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 165; 4(10-12):205. 9, <5. [described]. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Bagnall, 1924. Ent. mon. Mag., 59:58. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Krancher’s ent. Jahrb., 1924/25: 159. [Thrips salicarius Uzel; John, 1925 = Thrips (Thrips) fuscipennis Haliday]. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. [Thrips viminalis] f. decolor Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 149. nom. nud. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Ahlberg, 1925. Ent. Tidskr., 46:156. T.[hrips] viminalis Uzel; Ahlberg, 1926. Svensk Insektfauna, 6:45, 50. 9, <5. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Bagnall, 1927. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)19:571. Thrips vimimlis Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:345, 346, 350, 390, 471 . 9, 6, larvae, [described]. [Thrips viminalis] f. decolor Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, Pt. 3:391. 9. [Thrips] vimimlis Uzel; Priesner, 1927. Brohmer Tierwelt Mitteleur., 4(8): 12. 9. [Thrips] vimimlis Uzel; Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:16. [Thrips] vimimlis Uzel; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. [Thrips viminalis] f. decolor; Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:65. Thr.[ips] viminalis Uzel; John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, p. 49. Th. [rips] vimimlis Uzel; Maltbaek, 1932. Danmarks Fauna, 37:80, 84. Thrips vimimlis Uzel; Speyer, 1934. Ann. appl. Biol., 21(1): 143, 144. T. [hrips] viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1934. Konowia, 13(4):248. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Scalon, 1935. Bull. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique, 75:33. T. [hrips] viminalis Uzel; Bagnall & John, 1935. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 104:321. T.[hrips] viminalis Uzel; Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 2(3): 124, 130. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:115. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:169, 183, 186, 211. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Speyer & Parr, 1941. Trans. R. ent. Soc. London, 91(11 ): 560, 561, 583, 584, 622, figs. 37, 47b. larva, [described]. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:131. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1): 38. [Thrips] vimimlis Uzel; Kloet & Hincks, 1945. Check List British Ins., p. 34. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 28:575. [Thrips vimimlis] f. decolor Priesner; Knechtel, 1946. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Rournaine, 28:575. T.[hrips] viminalis Uzel; Pelikan, 1947. Ent. listy, 10:11. 1234 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. T.[hrips ] viminalis Uzel; Morison, 1948. London Nat. Suppl., pp. 61, 62, 66. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Morison, 1949. London Nat. Suppl., p. 117. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 158, 175. 9, 6. [described]. [Thrips viminalis ] f. decolor Priesner; Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 176. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Pelikan, 1952. Zool. Ent. listy, 1:191. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Titschack, 1955. Bombus, 1(90-91):383. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Weitmeier, 1956. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)3(5):317. T.[hrips] viminalis Uzel; Smith, 1957. Proc. Rep. Ashmol. naL Hist. Soc. Oxon., 1951-56:23. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Pelikan, 1957. Kratochvil Klic Zviheny CSR, 2:26. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Sokhadze, 1960. Soobsh. Akad. Nauk. Gruzins. SSR, 25(4):455. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Melis, 1961. Redia, 46( Append.): 505, 523, 524. 9, 6, larvae I, II. [described]. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Franz & Priesner, 1961. in Franz: Nordost-Alpen Spiegel Landtierwelt, 2:417. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Tijdschr. Ent., 105(4): 122. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1963. Natuurhist. MaandbL, 52(1): 13. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51:33. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Pelikan, 1964. Beitr. Ent., 14(3-4):252, 259. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Davies & Morison, 1964. Handb. Ident. British Ins., 1 1(1 ):97 . Thrips viminalis Uzel; Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)l 1 (3): 22 1 , 297 , 302-310, 311, 312, 313, map 4. <5. [described]. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:95, 96, 100, 126, textfig. 82. 9, 6. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 131, 245,273. 9,c5. Th.[rips] viminalis Uzel; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1 :866, 867. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Schliephake, 1965. Hercynia, 2(2): 158. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Priesner, 1966. Tierwelt Mitteleur. Neubearb., 4(9):33, 35. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3): 564. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Mound, 1967. Ent. Gaz., 18(1 ):21, figs. 8, 10. Th. [rips] viminalis Uzel; zur Strassen, 1967. Senckenbergiana biol., 48(2):98. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Seczkowska, 1967. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-SkJ'odowska Lublin, (1966) (C)21(4):56. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Gentile & Bailey. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:79. Thrips viminalis Uzel; Seczkowska, 1971. Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Skj'odowska Lublin, (C)26(15): 182. [Thrips] viminalis Uzel; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):276. Location of type: ? Vienna Museum; of salicaria: ? Vienna Museum; of decolor: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Czechoslovakia; Finland; Italy; Poland; England; Rumania; Sweden; Albania; Austria; Dalmatia; Hungary; France; Serbia; Siberia; Switzerland; Germany; Holland; Georgia, USSR; Ukraine. Type locality: BOHEMIA: not specified; for salicaria: BOHEMIA: Hradec Kralove; for decolor: Hungary. Habitat: Salix caprea; Salix fragilis; Salix ? pentandra; Salix repens; Salix nigricans; Salix viminalis; Salix purpurea; Salix amygdalina; Salix alba; Salix daphnoides; Salix spp.; also occasionally on other trees and shrubs. Thrips vulgatissima Haliday = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) vulgatissimus (Haliday). 1235 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Tlirips (Isothrips) williamsi (Moulton) = Neurisothrips williamsi (Moulton). Thrips walteri Crawford = Thrips (Thrips) helianthi Morgan. Thrips (Thrips) winnemanae Hood, 1913. 9, <5. [hs* , Thrips winnemanae Hood, 1913. Proc. biol. Soc /Wh^riiigton , 26:166. 9. Thrips winnemanae; Hood, 1917. Insec. Inscit. Mertstf., 5(4-6): 60. Thrips winnemanae Hood; Watson, 1924. Tech! Bull. Univ. Florida agr. Exp. Sta., (1923)168:43,44. [Tnrips] winnemanae Hood; Bailey, 1949. Florida Brtt 1, 3i2(l):25. Thrips winnemanae Hood; Stannard, 1967. Trans ; iMiiis St. Acad. Sci., 60(2): 132. Thrips winnemanae Hood; Stannard, 1968. Bulk Bfmoisnat. Hist. Surv., 29(4):238, 366, 377. 9, 6. [described]. Thrips urticae Fabricius; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., Sl:50. Partim. Location of type: Hood collection, U.S. National Museum. Distribution: U.S. A.: Maryland; Illinois. Type locality: U.S. A.: Plummer’s Island, Maryland. Habitat: Flower of Hydrophyllum virginicum; principal host may be Symphocarpos. Thrips sp. Willcocks, 1925 = Bolacidothrips graminis Priesner. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Osborn, 1888. Insect Life, 1(5): 141. Habitat : Leaves of hops. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Osborn, 1888. Insect Life, 1(5): 141. Habitat: Injurious to olive trees (Westwood). Thrips sp., Jensen, 1921 = Thrips (Isothrips) parvispinus (Kamy). Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Bagnall, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (9)7:266. 6. Distribution: SEYCHELLES: forest above Mare aux Cochons, Silhouette. Habitat: Unknown. Thrips sp. Froggatt, 1906. Thrips sp. Froggatt; Kamy, 1924. Ark. Zool., 17A(2):48. Distribution: Australia. Thrips sp. Thrips nov. spec. 1 Karny, 1922. Treubia, 3(1):1 10. Distribution: Krakatau. Thrips sp. Thrips nov. spec. 2 Karny 1922 Treubia, 3(1): 110. Distribution: Thrips sp.' Thrips sp,, Karny. 1926. Treubia, 8(3-4):315. Distribution: Rhio-Lingga. 1236 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips sp. Thrips species, Trybom, 1910. Sjostedt Wiss. Erg. Schwed. Zool. Exp. Kilimandj. Meru 1905-6, 3(1 6):9. d Thrips sp., Karny, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. (Fauna exotica) Frankfurt, 2(7): 25. Distribution: GERMAN EAST AFRICA: Kibonoto, Kilimandj aro. Habitat: Flowers of an herbaceous Papilionaceae. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Karny, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank., (2)30(2 1-24): 5 57. Habitat: Galls on Galium verum, Stellaria media and Veronica chamaedrys . Thrips sp. Thrips spec., Priesner, 1926. Treubia, 8(supp!.):68. 6, larva II. Distribution: JAVA: Mangkang bei Semarang. Habitat: 6 flowers of Macaranga tanarius . Thrips spp. Thrips spp., Hattingh, 1940. Sci. Bull. Union S. Africa Dep. Agr. Forest., (ent. Ser. No. 4)221 :7. Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal. Habitat: Delphinium spp. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Bailey, 1935. Journ. econ. Ent., 28(6):856, 859. Habitat: Transmits Capsicum mosaic virus. Thrips sp. TTznps-species Franssen & Mantel, 1962. Versl. landbouwk. Onderz., 68(1 7):9. Distribution: Netherlands. Habitat: Flax. Thrips sp. Thrips species Franssen & Mantel, 1961. Ent. Bericht., 21(8): 143. Distribution: HOLLAND: Bennekomse Meent. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Franssen & Mantel, 1964. Wetensch. Mededel., 51 :33. Distribution: Netherlands. Habitat: Gramineae. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Pelekassis, 1962. Ann. Inst, phytopath. Benaki, (N.S.)5(1):56. Distribution: Greece. Habitat: Injurious to Brassica oleracea v. botrytis and Brassica oleracea v. capitata. & Thrips sp. [Thrips] sp.? Kazakov, 1927. Acta Soc. ent. Serb., 2:18. Distribution: SERBIA: Arandelovac. Habitat: Taraxacum officinale . Thrips sp. Thrips sp.? Lintner, 1882. 1st Rep. injur. Ins. State New York, p. 332. Note: simply listed; Osborn, Psyche, iii, 369. 1237 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Lintner, 1891. 7th Rep. injur. Ins. State New York, p. 316. Habitat: Infected by a species of fungus. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Lintner, 1891 . 7th Rep. injur. Ins. State New York, pp. 366, 384. “black, shining thrips” Lintner, 1893. 9th Rep. injur. Ins. State New York, p. 377. Distribution: U.S.A., NEW YORK: Matteawan; Moriches. Habitat: Diseased pines. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Sokhadze, 1958. Trudy Inst. zool. Akad. Gruzins. SSR, 26:280. Distribution: GEORGIA, USSR: Ckhra-Ckaro. Habitat: Senecio sp.; Hesperis matronalis; Lapsana grandiflora; Achillea millefolium; Inula grandiflora; Cladochaeta candidissima; Tanacetum vulgare; Aster amelloides; Rubus sp.; Ranunculus caucasicus; Cichorium intybus; Tragopogon reticulatus. Thrips sp. Thrips sp. sp., Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morph, taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):98. Distribution: Lithuania. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Weber, 1950. Trans. American ent. Soc., 76(3): 171. Distribution: ALASKA: Pt. Barrow, Anaktuvuk Pass. Habitat: Galls on Salix and humus at base of Salix. Thrips sp. 9 ,16. Thrips sp.n., Morison, 1955. Proc. Cotteswold Nat. Fid. CL, 31 :267. 9, ?d. Distribution: ENGLAND: Falfield and Durdham Downs, Gloucestershire. Habitat: Solanum dulcamara. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Mukerji & Jotwani, 1955. Indian Journ. Ent., 17(1 ): 66, 71, fig. 7. 6. Distribution: India. Note: Description of male genitalia. Thrips sp. 6. Thrips sp. (simile timidus), Schliephake, 1964. Deutsche ent. Zeitschr., (N.S.)11(3):292. 6 [described]. Distribution: CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Doksy, Bohemia. Thrips sp. Thrips spec. aff. major; Schliephake & Klimt, 1967. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 43(2):262, 263. Distribution: MONGOLIA: Ulan-Bator. Habitat : Taraxacum. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:13. Habitat: Vine; parasitised by Pezomachus thripites. 1238 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:13. Habitat: Wheat; parasitised by Thripoctenus maculatus. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Ferriere, 1958. Mitt. Schweizerischen ent. Ges., 31 (3-4): 320. Distribution: Japan. Note: Parasitised by Thripoctenus bicoloratus. Thrips sp. Thrips spec., Titschack, 1957. Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1 12(1): 279. larva. Distribution: GERMANY: Schiessberg. Habitat: Achillea millefolium. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Titschack, 1964. Eos, 40(1 -2): 244. Distribution: SPAIN: in the Sierra de las Nieves, south-east of Ronda. Habitat: White flowered Crataegus bush. Thrips sp. [Thrips sp.] Titschack; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:88 (footnote). Thrips sp. ? Titschack; Morison & Tanasijevic, 1966. Entom., 99:29, 31 , 37, 40, 42. Distribution: Yugoslavia. Habitat: Triticum sativum; Trifolium pratense. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., De Santis, 1965. Publ. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9:figs. 14-17. Note: Simply figures copied from Morison. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., De Santis, 1965. Publ. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9: fig. 4. Note: Simply figure from Bonnemaison & Bournier. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., De Santis, 1965. Publ. Didact. Dep. Esp. Inst. Nac. Tech. Agropec., 9: fig. 24. Note: Simply figure from Hood. Thrips spp. Thrips sp. 1 and sp. 2, Kudo, 1972. Kontyu, 40(4):241. Distribution: MOSUTOMI (YAMANASHI), CENTRAL JAPAN: Kanajama. Habitat: sp. 1 from Cirsium; sp. 2 unknown. Thrips sp. Thrips sp., Nyiira, 1973. East African agric. forest. Journ., 39(2): 131, 134. Distribution: Uganda. Habitat: Capsicum f rut esc ens; Lactuca sativa. Genus TOXONOTHRIPS Moulton, 1927. Toxonothrips Moulton, 1927. Pan-Pacific Ent., 4(1):30. [Type: T. gramineae]. 1239 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Toxonothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. Toxonothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Toxonothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:56, 150. Toxonothrips Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Surv., 4(5): 149, 150, 205. [described]. Toxonothrips Moulton; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Toxonothrips Moulton; Bailey & Kono, Pan-Pacific Ent., 42(2): 141 . [Redescribed]. Toxonothrips Moulton; Gentile & Bailey, 1968. Univ. California Publ. Ent., 51:13. Type-species: T.[oxonothrips\ gramineae Moulton, (California); designated and monobasic. Toxonothrips gramineae Moulton, 1927. 9, 6. Toxonothrips gramineae Moulton, 1927. Pan-Pacific Ent., 4(1):30. 9, 6. [Toxonothrips] gramineae Moulton; Bailey, 1936. Pan-Pacific Ent., (1935)1 1(4): 167. Toxonothrips graminae [Sic/] Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 125. Toxonothrips gramineae Moulton; Bailey, 1957. Bull. California Ins. Sur., 4(5): 205, PI. 19, Tig. 22; PI. 22, fig. 40. Toxonothrips gramineae fuscus Post, 1961. Pan-Pacific Ent., 37(2): 141, fig. 7. 9. Toxonothrips gramineae Moulton; Bailey & Kono, 1966. Pan-Pacific Ent., 42(2): 141, figs. 1-6. 9, 6. [described; synonymy]. Location of type: California Academy of Sciences; of fuscus: California Academy of Sciences. Distribution: U.S.A.: California; Oregon; Alaska. Type locality: U.S.A.: Lake Tahoe, California; for fuscus: U.S.A.: one mile east of Tidewater, Lincoln County, Oregon. Habitat: Grass; Calamagrostis; Car ex; Carex nudata; dead flowers of Rumex aceto sella. Genus TOXOTHRIPS Bhatti, 1967. Toxothrips Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 16. [Type: T.ricinus]. Toxothrips Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1968. Zool. Anz., 180(3-4): 264. [described]. Toxothrips Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:31, 132. Type -species: T.[oxothrips] ricinus Bhatti, (India); designated and monobasic. Toxothrips ricinus Bhatti, 1967. 9, 6. Toxothrips ricinus Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 16. 6 , 9. Toxothrips ricinus Bhatti; Mound, 1968. Bull. British Mus. (nat. Hist.) Ent., Suppl. 11:32. [similar to Craspedothrips minor]. Toxothrips ricinus Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1968. Zool. Anz., 180(3-4):265, fig. 4. 9. [described]. T.[oxothrips] ricinus Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 132. Toxothrips ricini [Sic/] Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1971 . Journ. sci. & industr. Res., 30(3): 132. Location of type: ? Bhatti collection. Distribution: INDIA: New Delhi; Qutab, Delhi; Jabalpur, M.P.; Madras; Sibpore,West Bengal. Type locality: INDIA: not specified. Habitat: Ricinus communis; plants below castor bush; grass. 1240 JACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Genus TRICHROMOTHRIPS Priesner, 1930. Trichromothrips Priesner, 1930. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1930(1):9. [Type: Trichromothrips bellus]. Trichromothrips ; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:57, 151. Trichromothrips; Priesner, 1957. Zool. Anz., 159(7-8): 166. Trichromothrips Priesner; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2): 342. Trichromothrips; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:210, 296. [described] Trichromothrips Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:29, 77, 132. Type-species: Trichromothrips bellus Priesner, (Egypt); designated and monobasic. Trichromothrips alis Bhatti, 1967. 9. Trichromothrips alis Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 20. 9. T[richromothrips ] alis Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:132. Location of type: Zoological Survey of India collection. Distribution: INDIA: Patan village, Mandla district, M.P. Type locality: INDIA: Patan village (Stn. 3, Narbada Survey, 1963), Mandla district, M.P. Habitat: Unknown. Trichromothrips arorai Bhatti, 1967. 9, 6. Trichromothrips arorai Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 19. 9, 6. Trichromothrips arorai Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1968. Zool. Anz., 180(3-4):264, fig. 2B. 9. [described]. T.[richromothrips\ arorai Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:132. Location of type: Zoological Survey of India collection. Distribution: INDIA: Sibpore; Tambaram. Type locality: INDIA: Sibpore. Habitat: Grass. Trichromothrips bellus Priesner, 1930. 9, 6. Trichromothrips bellus Priesner, 1930. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1 930(1 ):9, figs. 4-6. d, 9. Trichromothrips bellus Priesner; Faure, 1956. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 19(1): 106, fig. 6. d, 9. [described]. [Trichromothrips] bellus Priesner; zur Strassen, 1960. Journ. ent. Soc. S. Africa, 23(2): 342. Trichromothrips bellus Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Bull. Ent. Madras, 5:54. 9. Trichromothrips bellus; Priesner, 1964. Publ. Inst. Desert Egypte, (1960)13:297. d, 9. [described]. T.[richromothrips] bellus Priesner; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:132. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: EGYPT: Giza; Kerdaza; Meadi; SUDAN: Jonglei, Sudd Region; RHODESIA: Victoria Falls; SOUTH AFRICA: Moordrift, near Potgietersrust, Transvaal; INDIA: Madras. Type locality: EGYPT: Giza. Habitat: Turf; grass; papyrus; Cyperus sp.; Cyperaceae; Grewia cana. Genus TUSOTHRIPS Bhatti, 1967. Tusothrips Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nov. Indica, p. 16. [Type: Mycterothrips pseudosetiprivus Ram. & Marg.]. Tusothrips; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. 1241 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Tusothrips Bhatti; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:32, 132. Type-species: Mycterothrips pseudosetiprivus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, (India); designated and monobasic. Tusothrips pseudosetiprivus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939). 9, 6. Mycterothrips psuedosetiprivus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1939. Indian Journ. Ent., 1(3):42. 9. [Mycterothrips] pseudosetiprivus; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:26. [Taeniothrips (Mycterothrips)] pseudosetiprivus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:164. Mycterothrips pseudosetiprivus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 105. Mycterothrips pseudosetiprivus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Raizada, 1966. Zool. Anz., 176:280, fig. 3. 9,6. [described]. Mycterothrips pseudosetiprivus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Bhatti, 1967. Thysanop. nova Indica, p. 16. [made type of Tusothrips]. Mycterothrips pseudosetiprivus Ramakrishna & Margabandhu; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. [mentioned as type of Tusothrips]. T.[usothrips] pseudosetiprivus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1:7, 132. Tusothrips pseudosetiprivus (Ramakrishna & Margabandhu); Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 7(2):413. Location of type: Unknown to writer. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore; Delhi. Type locality: INDIA: Coimbatore. Habitat: Brinjal; Go ssypium arbor eum; Gossypium herbaceum; some wild Malvaceae. Tusothrips setiprivus (Karny, 1926). 9. Mycterothrips setiprivus Ramakrishna, 1925. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 30:871 . nom. nud. Mycterothrips setiprivus Karny, 1926. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 9(6): 199, 200, PI. XVIII, fig. 4; textfig. 7. 9. Mycterothrips setiprivus Karny; Ramakrishna, 1928. Mem. Dep. Agr. India ent. Ser., 10(7):267, textfig. 20; PI. XXXII, fig. 4. [Mycterothrips] setiprivus Karny; Priesner, 1932. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1932(1-2): 6. [Mycterothrips] setiprivus Karny; Ramakrishna & Margabandhu, 1940. Catal. Indian Ins., 25:26. [Taeniothrips (Mycterothrips)] setiprivus (Karny); Shumsher Singh, 1946. Indian Journ. Ent., 7:164. Mycterothrips setiprivus Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1964. Treubia, (1963)26(2):82, 105. [Mycterothrips] setiprivus Karny; zur Strassen, 1968. Abh. senckenberg. naturforsch. Ges., 515:38. [belongs to some other genus]. M.[ycterothrips] setiprivus Karny; Ananthakrishnan, 1969. CSIR zool. Monog., 1 : 129. Mycterothrips setiprivus Karny; Bhatti, 1969. Oriental Ins., 3(4): 378. [simply referred to Tusothrips]. “Mycterothrips” setiprivus Karny; Jacot-Guillarmod, 1971. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.), 7(2): 41 3. 1242 JACOT — GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: INDIA: Coimbatore. Type locality: INDIA: Coimbatore. Habitat: Wild legume; Acacia suma. Genus Uzeliella Bagnall = Genus APTINOTHRIPS Haliday. Unplaced under Thripidae. Genus TELOTHRIPS Priesner, 1929. Telothrips Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:116. [Type: Telothrips klebsi]. Telothrips; Priesner, 1949. Bull. Soc. Fouad Ier Ent., 33:59 (footnote), 150. Type-species: Telothrips klebsi Priesner, (Baltic Amber); designated from two species. Telothrips klebsi Priesner, 1929. 9. Telothrips klebsi Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1 : 1 17, fig. 1 . 9. Location of type: Klebs collection. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. Telothrips minor Priesner, 1929. 9. Telothrips minor Priesner, 1929. Andree Bernstein-Forsch., 1:118, fig. 2. 9. Location of type: Klebs collection. Distribution: Baltic Amber. Type locality: Baltic Amber. Habitat: Fossil. 1243 J ACOT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE INDEX TO GENERA AND SUBGENERA OF TEREBRANTIA (synonyms in italics., main page in bold) Achaetothrips Karny 691, 1069, 1072, 1074 Achaetothrips Shumsher Singh 221,253 Acremonothrips 982 Adiheterothrips 212 Aduncothrips 78 Aeleothrips 95 Aeliothrips . . 227 Aelothrips 95 Aeolothripes 96 Aeolothrips .......... 36,87,94,165,166 Agalmothrips 524 Agerothrips ......519 Agriothrips 519 Agrostothrips 438 Alathrips 691 Albertothrips 438,491 Allelothrips 64, 165, 166 Amalothrips 520 Amblythrips 692, 726, 727, 982 Amorphothrips 228 Amphithrips 692 Amphorothrips 520 Anaphidothrips 692 Anaphorthrips 524 Anaphothothrips 523 Anaphothrips . . 326, 359, 414, 415, 436, 520, 525, 552, 553, 582, 586, 614, 615, 628, 629, 641, 684, 687, 754, 933, 980, 1070. Anaphotothrips. . 684 Anapthothrips 523 Anascirtothrips . 400 Andrewarthaia . 67 Aneristothrips 693 Aneurothrips 585 Anisopilothrips 228 Ankothrips 24, 25, 34 Anomalothrips 693 Antilopothrips 589,613 Antinothrips 590 Aoratothrips 229 Apithrips ....................... 585 Apollothrips ........................ 693 Apothrips Bhatti ......... ....... 6.94 Apothrips Djadetshko .......... ...... 585 1245 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Aptenothrips . . . Apterothrips . . . Aptinothrips . . . Arachisothrips . . . Arathrips .... Archaeolothrips . . Archaeomothrips Archaeothrips; Field . Archaeothrips Priesner Archankothrips . . Arcuthrips . . . Arhipidothrips . . Aroidothrips . . . Arpediothrips . . Ascirtothrips . . . Asp roth rips . . . Astern thrips . . . Astrothrips . . . Athrips .... Audio thrips . . . Auiacothrips . . . Aureothrips . . . Australothrips . . Ayyaria .... .... 591 ....... 584, 585 . . . . . 589, 723, 1244 . 229 ......... 694 68,69,165 . . . 69 1070, 1072 230,259 30 68 64, 165 694 ......... 612 ...... 589,613,614 325 694, 966 228, 230, 236, 259, 294, 299 1074 ....... 69, 74, 75 ......... 188 ....... 695,865 ....... 233,308 ....... 695, 723 Bagnallia . . Baileyothrips . Baliothrips . . Bandamia . . Bathrips . . Bdalsidothrips Belothrips Bhattithrips Bolacidothrips Bolacothrips . Bolbothrips Brachyrothrips Brachy inrips . Brachyurothrips Bradinothrips Bregmatothrips Brevithrips Bussothrips . . . 696, 1070, 1072 ....... 614 696, 737,753,835,972 ....... 61S ....... 718 ....... 674 . . . . . 616, 651 ....... 234 ....... 718 ....... 720 ....... 723 ....... 235 . . 358, 360/361, 363 ....... 235 ....... 236 . . 621,649,650,837 . 236 . . . . . 695,723 1246 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE Caenothrips 670,723,726,727,978 Caliothrips 237,294 Calothrips 173 Caprithrips 626 Carinopleum 590,593,723 Catina 627, 638 Catinathrips 723 Ceratothripoides 724 Ceratothrips 233, 652, 670, 692, 723, 726, 978, 982, 983, 1065 Cercyothrips 627 Cerothrips ....... 326,329,330 Cestrothrips 737 Chaetanaphothrips 548, 628 Chaetisothrips 400, 840 Chaetothrips 737, 956, 957, 958 Chaeturothrips 252 Charasothrips 402 Charientothrips 252 Cherothrips 439 Chilothrips 636 Chirothrips 439 Chirothrops 440 Chirtothrips 440,441 Chloethrips 699,700,737 Coleothrips .94,95,97,98,99,100,165 Collembolothrips 737 Copidothrips 252, 296 Coremothrips 738 Corynothripoides 86 Corynothrips 739 Craniothrips 31 Cranothrips 31 Craspedothrips 740 Cricothrips 741,982 Ctenidothrips 741 Ctenothripella 742,864,865 Ctenothrips 548, 742, 750 Dactuliothrips 32 Damerothrips 178 Danothrips 637 Dantabahuthrips 548,637,638 Dendro th ripiella 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 353, 354 Dendrothripoides 227, 253 Dendrothrips 326, 346, 352, 354, 356, 415 1247 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT, 4 Dentothrips . . Desmothrips . . Deu tero brack th rips Deu terobrachythrips Diarthrothrips Dichaetella Dichromothrips Dichropterothrips Dicranothrips Dictothrips . . Die tyoth rips . . Dinurothrips . . Docidothrips Dorcadothrips Dorythrips . . Drepanothrips ....... 744 68,69 ....... 283 . . 358,360,361,363 745 327, 328, 329, 330, 346 ....... 746 34,39 ..... 24, 25, 34 . . . .400,548,742 548, 637 . . . .255,266,267 . . . .748,944,945 ....... 748 ...... 34 403 Echinothrips . Ecplectothrips Edissa . . . Ekplectothrips Electrothrips Elixothrips Enneothripiella Enneothrips Ensiferothrips Eocephalothrips Eocranothrips Eothrips . . Ephedrothrips Epithrips . . Ereikethrips Eremiothrips Eremothrips . Emothrips Erotidothrips Erythrothrips Euceratothrips Euchaetothrips Eugeneothrips Eugeniothrips Euhydatothrips Euidothrips Euphysothrips 750 74 346 ....... 74 ....... 188 257 ..... 408 ...... 407 .... 409 ....... 189 ....... 35 1071 ....... 409 ...... .1075 489 ....... 637 . 637 752, 1077 ....... 178 69, 74 .165 697, 698, 699, 700, 753 . . . . . 753,983 753 258 . 259 ..... 754, 863 1248 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE Euthrips 326, 409, 414, 521 , 522, 523. 628, 758, 869, 899, 900, 978, 980, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073 Exophthalmothrips 755 Exothrips 637, 638, 673, 675 Faeniothrips 977 Fauriella 214 Firmothrips 983 Florithrips 756 Foliothrips 757 Frankliniella .... 87, 409, 520, 521, 758, 847, 870, 978, 979, 1069, 1070 Franklinothrips 87, 94, 96, 759 Fulmekiola 697, 698, 699, 700, 835, 938, 1072, 1082 Gamothrips 230, 259 Gelothrips 99, 100 Gerontothrips 230, 259 Glaucothrips 835, 947, 949 Gnomonothrips 8i36 Graphidothrips . 347 Haeliothrips 264 Halmathrips 347 Helionothrips 259 Heliothrips 79, 95, 174, 206, 230, 237, 238, 259, 264, 283, 284, . 285,299,308,548,899 Hemianaphothrips 551,641 Hemithrips 206,211,1069 Hercinothrips 260, 283 Hercothrips . 228, 237, 238, 259, 284, 285, 294 Heterothrips 189,206 Holaco thrips 720 Holarthrothrips 212 Homochaetothrips 644 Homothrips 837, 973 Hoodothripoides 294 Hoodothrips 294 Hoplandrothrips 590 Hyalopterothrips 551 Hydatothrips 358,360,361,362,363 1249 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Idolimothrips Idsochaeto th rips Indothrips Indusiothrips Iridothrips Isochaetothrips Isoneurothrips Isothrips . . .... 646 .... 840 .... 60 .... 647 . . 622, 837 . . 400, 840 693,843, 1077 . . . .1077 Kakothrips 847 Kemothrips 648 Kurtomathrips 648 Lamprothrips Laplothrips Larothrips Lefroyothrips Lefryothrips . Leucothrips Liassothrips Limnothrips . Limocercyothrips Limothrips Limphysothrips Lipsanothrips Lithadothrips 165 ..... 853 853 . . . 727, 983 727 . .348,352,865 ..... 174 489 . 621,622,649 438, 489,622,651 . . . 853,973 296 . . . .79,264 Macrurothrips Mecothrips . . Megalurothrips Megaphysothrips Melanothrips . . Melanthrips . . Merothrips . . Mesostenothrips Mesothrips . . Metaxyothrips Micothrips . . Microcephalothrips Microthrips . . Mictothrips . . Mitothrips . . Mitrothrips . . .649 ....... 854 354, 983 754, 862 36, 37, 38 36, 43, 59 178 252, 296 174 ....... 649 . 863 695,742,864,972, 1082 348,349,350,352,869 700 87, 88, 94 . 87 1250 JACGT— GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE Monilothrips 296 Monochaetella . . 327, 328, 329, 330, 352 Monothrips 650 Mycertothrips . 409, 410, 693, 869, 870 Mycterothrips 409, 869, 933, 955, 983 Mymarothrips 61 Neocorynothrips 892,971 Neohydatothrips 359 Neolimothrips 621,622,650 Neophyopus 553 Neophysopus 327,525,552,615,650 Neurisothrips 893 Noathrips 297 Octothrips 413 Odomtothripiella 896 Odontanaphothrips 578, 579, 650 Odontothripiella 895, 899 Odontothripoides 895, 899 Odontothrips 899, 1068 Oelothrips . 96, 264 Oligothrips 213 Opadothrips 214 Opisthothrips 215 Organothrips . 924 Ornothrips 925,938 Orothrips 80 Orthoaeolothrips 97 Orthomelanthrips 37, 38, 59 Oscythrips 652, 726 Osmanothrips 215 Othinanaphothrips . 650 Oxthrips 657 Oxyothrips 652 Oxyrrhinothrips 925, 1082 Oxythrips 638, 651, 726, 872, 977, 978 Oxythryps 652 ■ ' •' i Pachythrips 673, 687, 688 Pacythrips 687, 688 Palaeothrips 174 1251 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Palaethrips 174 Palleucothrips ..................... 926 Panchaetothrips 297 Parabaliothrips ..................... 926 Parafrankliniella .................... 927 Paraphysopus ................. .864,865,930 Parascolothrips 927 Parathrips .................. 1069, 1072, 1074 Parexothrips ................... 638, 673 Partenothrips 301 Parthenothrips .................. 230, 299, 1069 Pathythrips 688 Pautus 1071, 1072, 1074 Peladothrips 930 Pellothrips .................... 930,971 Perissothrips .................... 673,674 Permothrips ...................... 176 Pexothrips .................... 638, 675 Pezothrips .................... 930, 983 Phaosothrips . 348 Pharthenothrips .................... 300 Phibalothrips ...................... 307 Phiebothrips 352 Phyllothrips ................... 189, 190,206 Phyllothripsiolus ................. 189, 190,206 Phyothrips 883 Physapus Sulzer 94, 100 Physapus auctt . . . 520, 521, 651, 758, 933, 977, 978, 980, 1068, 1072 Physemothrips ..................... 675 Physopus .... 520,521,652,742,758,847,869,899,900,977,978,980 Physothrips .... .360,409,414,628,697,746,840,869,870,871,872, ....... .933,949,968,970,978,979,980,981,1070 Plagioaeolothrips . 97 Plagiomelanthrips 37, 38, 59 Platythrips 933 Plesiopsothrips ..................... 937 Plesiothrips 359, 937 Plutonothrips 943 Podaeolella .97,98,99,100,166 Poethrips . 943 Pongamiothrips 854, 983 Praedendrothrips 353 Praemerothrips 184 Priesneria .944, 1071, 1072, 1074 Priesneriola ..................... 676 1252 JACOT^GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE PRortothrips . . Prionojgthrips Pmcerothrip^ jyp • Pruj ectothripoides . Prqjecl$thrips . . Prpmelanthrips . . Prometheothrips Proscirotothrips Proscirtothrips . . Prosopoanaphothrips Prosopothrips . . Prosopothryps . . Prosothrips . . . Protemnothrips . . Protothrips . . . Protoxythrips . . Proxothrips . . . Pmthiella . . . . Psectrothrips . . Pseudaeolothrips Pseudanaphothrips Pseudoarticulella Pseudodendrothrips Pseudonaph o th rips Pseudothrips . . . Pseudoxythrips . . Psilothrips . . . Pteridothrips . . Pterothrips . . . Pyctothrips , . . Pygaeolella . . . Pysopus . . . . 28, 60 944 . 67b 353 . .748,944,972 60 946 579 436, 578, 650, 947 . . . 582,676 ..... 677 ..... 677 678 ..... 205 . . . 206,211 ..... 670 233 438,491,492,493 ..... 947 . . .64,65,166 683 . .525,582,684 ..... 354 683 ... 947, 949 ..... 671 . . . . 684, 687 949 . . . . 233, 308 ...... 686 97, 98,99, 100, 166 ...... 977 Ramakrishnothrips Ramaswamiahiella Raphidothrips Reticulothrips Retithrips . . . Rhabdothrips RRamphothrips . Rb iphidothrips . nothiips . . phidothrips thripiella i ripoides 950,971 ..... 950, 1082 ...... 953 307, 308 . . . . . 308,320 ....... 951 360, 361,737,952,955 ...... 953 ....... 955 ....... 82 .... ..,82; 167 ........ 166 1253 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Rhipidothrips ................. .83,167 RMpiphorothrips .................. 308,311 Rhopaiandrothrips ........... 869,870,871,872,955,983 Rhynchothrips . 952, 955 Rhytidothrips 359, 360, 362, 363 Riphidothrips 167 Rophalondothrips 872 Ropotamothrips 216 Saccharothrips 698, 700, 1082 Salpingothrips . . 686 Schistothrips 686 Scholothrips 957 Sciothrips 955 Scirtidothrips 414 Scirtothrips 356, 414, 436, 629 Scolothrips 737, 956 Seirtothrips 415 Selenothrips 266,283,314 Sempothrips 320 Sericopsothrips 436 Sericicothrips 361,362 Serico thripoides 356,415,416 Sericothrips 283, 358, 359, 521 Similothrips 983 Simyothrips 968 Sitothrips 694, 966 Smeringothrips 968 Sminyothrips 968 Smyniothrips 968 Solenothrips 314 Sorghothrips 930, 950, 970 Spathiothrips 87,88,173 Sphaeropothrips 698, 699, 70Q, 972 Sphaerothrips . . .... 698 Stannardia 687 Stenchaetothrips 697, 699, 700 972 Stenothrips ............. 696,697,698,699,700,972 Stenurothrips 211 Stomatothrips 83 Stulothrips . 944,945,972 Stylothrips Bondar 308,309,320 Stylothrips Karny .864,865,972 Synaptothrips .837,853,972 Systenothrips ...................... 976 1254 JACOT— GUILLARMOD : THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE. Taeniothrips 410, 521, 628, 696, 724, 726, 727, 742, 753, 854, ... .869,870,900,925,931,970,971,977,983,1069,1070 Tamaricothrips. . 582 Telothrips .1244 Tenothrips 727, 728, 1065 Thaeniothrips 978 Thamnothrips 684, 687 Thermothrips 583, 687 Thripis 1072 Thrips 36, 94, 95, 264, 299, 359, 403, 439, 489, 490, 520, 589, 616, 651, 687, 696, 697, 726, 752, 758, 864, 869, 899, 933, 937, 938, 944, 950, 977, 982, 1067, 1082 Thryps .1067 Tmetothrips 673, 687^ 1068 Toxonothrips 1240 Toxothrips 1241 Triphactothrips 320 Trichromothrips . .1242 Trips 94, 1067, 1073 Tryphactothrips 230, 253, 294, 320 Turkmenothrips 59 Tusothrips 1242 Uzeliella 590, 592, 593, 1244 Uzelothrips 216 Vicinechretella 329, 330, 356 Xestothrips 319 Xynothrips 700 Zaniothrips 322 Zonothrips 398 1255 ; S3iavnan libraries Smithsonian institution Noiinmsm nvinoshiiws S3iava z «“ ^ Z £ ^ Z __ f“ z o m 2 vra 2 y<»x Z jS&o O _ ^ . m l_ INSTITUTION W M0I1DXIJ.SNI NVINOSHXIWS S3 I U VH a I1_LI B R AR I ES^SMITHSONIAN-INSTITUl Z .V'. 03 2 ___ 03 2 03 2 ; saiavaan libraries Smithsonian institution noixdxixsni nvinoshxiws saiava <0 5 CO 5 - w — to O xS^gpS/ 2 ^pr 5 “ v^(^/ 5 l'J|NSTITUTI0N2N0linillSN|-JNVIN0SHlllNS:ZS3 I UVB 8 ll^LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUI Z _ r* N, z r- z r* i^saiavaan ubrarieswsmithsonian iNSTiTUTioN^Noixnxtxsm NviNOSHXiws^saiava 03 2 > g z x 03 2 03 X 03 o > i ! 5 xgyosft^ > INSTITUTION ^N0llfUllSNI_NVIN0SHilWS^S3 I 8 VH 8 Il\l B R AR I E S^SMITHSONIAN ^1 NSTITU1 ; 03 z X 03 5 03 yj Xr^Tirjx c/9 03 O >ti2yosvOj 2 S3 I 8V8 8 IT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI NVIN0SH1MS S3 I 8V8 x _ z (r 2 r- _ z Csiko m __ INSTITUTION^ NOIinillSNI~°NVINOSHlUNS S3 I 8V8 8 11 I B R AR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUp v go z _ _ o> z ».’• 03 z ,v. < S .< x^vJso^x 2 , < y 2 < a€v Ssk\. > Cto # X 03 o 2 2 ^ 2 v A > XfUixsgX 2 ^S3 I 8 VB 8 IT2 LIBRAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION^NOIiniliSNI NVIN0SH1IWS^S3 I 8V8 03 X _ 03 5 __ 03 — . 03 ^wx m w . os w ^ w >*sS • • ^%N o o'^sr — ^ x^iiis^x o ^INSTITUTION^ NOIXOXIXSNI~JNVINOSHXIIAIS S3 I ava 3 11 ~ ' L I B R AR I ES^ SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUI ~ Z i“ v Z r- z f <5?/+ b/3 /y ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 ERRATA Substitution for pages 1006-1009 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 Taeniothrips ericae (Haliday) = Ceratothrips ericae (Haliday). Taeniothrips ericicola (Bagnall) = Ceratothrips ericicola (Bagnall). Taeniothrips eriobotryae Moulton = Thrips (Thrips) hawaiiensis (Morgan). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) eucharii (Whetzel, 1923). 9, <£. Physothrips eucharii Morgan; Whetzel, 1923. [Bermuda] Repts. Board & Dept. Agric. 1922, pp. 30-37. [never described by Morgan]. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton, 1928. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 18(98):289, PI. V, fig. 1. 9,5. Taeniothrips gracilis: Moulton, 1928. Annot. Zool. Japon., 11(4):326. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Steinweden & Moulton, 1930. Proc. nat. Hist. Soc. Fukein Christ. Univ., 3:23. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Matsumura, 1931. 6 000 illustr. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 1326, 1 fig- [ Taeniothrips ] gracilis Moulton; Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:272, 283. T.[aeniothrips ] gracilis Moulton; Wu, 1935. Catal. Ins. Sinensium, 1:342. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Takahashi, 1936. Philippine Joum. Sci., 60(4):433. Taeniothrips rohdeae Kurosawa, 1937. Kontyu, 11(3):273, PI. I, figs. 5-7. 9, 5. Taeniothrips gracilis; Moulton, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):410. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Sakimura, 1937. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 9(3):417. [ Taeniothrips ] gracilis Moulton; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):519, 520, 521, 526. [ Taeniothrips ] rohdeae Kurosawa; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):520, 521 (footnote), 526. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Bianchi, 1946. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 12(3):514. Physothrips eucharii Morgan ms; Sakimura, 1947. Proc. Hawaiian ent. Soc., 13(1 ):68. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Crawford, 1948. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 50(3):54, 57. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Zimmerman, 1948. Ins. Hawaii, 2:414, 415. [ Taeniothrips ] gracilis Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Taeniothrips eucharii (Whetzel); O’Neill, 1963. Ann. ent. Soc. America, 56(3):399. $. [described and discussed]. Taeniothrips eucharii (Whetzel); O’Neill, 1966. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington, 68(1 ):5. Taeniothrips gracilis Moulton; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:26, 28, 63, 72, 77. Taeniothrips rohdeae; Kurosawa, 1968. Ins. Matsumurana, Suppl. 4:26, 28, 63, 68, PI. V, fig. 42. Taeniothrips eucharii (Whetzel); Woo, 1972. Korean Joum. Plant Protect., 11(2):46, fig. 3. Location of type: U.S. National Museum; of gracilis: California Academy of Sciences; of rohdeae: Kurosawa collection. Distribution: Japan; Formosa; China; Hawaii; Korea; Bermuda; intercepted in U.S. A. from Holland and Hong Kong. Type locality: Bermuda; for gracilis: JAPAN: Osaka; fox rohdeae; JAPAN: Tokyo. Habitat: Helichrysum bracteatum; bean; Lamium albrum; Teucrum sp.; broadbean; Rohdea japonica; Hymenocallis declinata; Crinum sp.; Amaryllis; Freesia; carna- tion; easter lily; Lycoris; Narcissus; Lilium; Dianthus; Hibiscus syriacus; Antirrhinum majus. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) euophthalmos Moulton, 1940. 9, <$. Taeniothrips euophthalmos Moulton, 1940. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 15(24):248. 9,5. £ Taeniothrips ] euophthalmos Moulton; Bailey, 1949. Florida Ent., 32(3): 124. Location of type: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Distribution: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. 1006 JACOT-GUILLARMOD: THYSANOPTERA CATALOGUE Type locality: NEW GUINEA: Koitaki. Habitat: Zingiberaceae. Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fallax Priesner, 1936. ?, S. Taeniothrips fallax Priesner, 1936. Treubia, 15(3):326. 9, S. [ Taeniothrips fallax ] var . pavidus Priesner, 1936. Treubia, 15(3):327. 9, [Taeniothrips] fallax; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):515, 519, 525. {Taeniothrips] fallax var. pavidus; Priesner, 1938. Treubia, 16(4):516, 525. Location of type: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M.; of pavidus: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt a.M. Distribution: W. JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas; Tjibodas; SUMATRA: east coast, Badar Baroe. Type locality: W. JAVA: G. Gedeh, Tjibodas; for pavidus: SUMATRA: Ostkiiste, Baroe. Habitat: Saurauja sp.; Saurauja leprosa. Taeniothrips falsus Priesner = Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) vuilleti (Bagnall). Taeniothrips fasciatus Moulton = Ceratothrips fasciatus (Moulton). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) fedorovi Priesner, 1933. 9, <$. Taeniothrips fedorovi Priesner, 1933. Konowia, 12(3-4):301. 9, 3. Taeniothrips federovi [Sic!]; Priesner, 1935. Bull. Soc. R. ent. Egypte, 1935:319, fig. 5. T.[aeniothrips] fedorovi Priesner; Blunck & Neu, 1949. Sorauers Handb. Pflanzenkrank. ed. 5, 4(1):407. {Taeniothrips] fedorovi; Priesner, 1964. Bestim. -Bucher Bodenfauna Europas, 2:74. Taeniothrips fedorovi Priesner; Djadetshko, 1964. Tripsy Bachrom. Nasekom. Evrop. SSSR, pp. 208, 212. 9, 6. T.[aeniothrips] fedorovi Priesner; Yakhontov, 1964. Opred. Nasekom. Evrop. Chasti USSR, 1:865. Taeniothrips fedorovi Priesner; Djadetchko, 1966. Ent. Obozr., 45(3):560. T .[aeniothrips] fedorovi Priesner; Yakhontov, 1968. Zashchita Rastenii, 13(12):42. [ Taeniothrips (Similothrips)] fedorovi Priesner; Schliephake, 1972. Folia Ent. Hungarica, (N.S.)25(14):274. Location of type: Priesner collection, Linz, Austria. Distribution: Crimea; Ukraine. Type locality: CRIMEA: Nikita, Botany Garden. Habitat: Salvia sclarea; Salvia. Taeniothrips ficicola Fulmek = Plutonothrips ficicola (Fulmek). Taeniothrips fijiensis Moulton = Megalurothrips mucunae (Priesner). Taeniothrips (Taeniothrips) firmus (Uzel, 1895). 9, S. Oxythrips firma Uzel, 1895. Monog. Ord. Thysanop., pp. 34, 51, 138, PI. V, fig. 68; PI. VI, fig. 71.9,3. O .[xythrips] firma Uzel; Schille, 1904. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Acad. Umiej. Krakowie, 38:12. [forma macroptera]. Physopus basicornis E. Reuter, 1909. Marcellia, 8:35, figs. a-b. $. Physopus basicornis Reuter; Grevillius & Niessen, 1909. Begleitwort zu Zoocedidia et Cecidozoa, (1908)4(76-100): 17. Physopus basicornis Reuter; Grevillius, 1909. Marcellia, 8:39, figs. 1-4. 1007 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 7, PT. 4 [Oxythrips] firmus Uzel; Bagnall, 1911. Joum. econ. Ent, 6(1):5. Physopus basicornis Reuter; Kamy, 1911. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Infektionkrank. , (2)30(2 1-24):558. Oxythrips firma Uzel; Schille, 1912. Ent. Zeitschr. Frankfurt, 25(45):236 (sep. p. 14). Physothrips basicornis (E. Reuter); Kamy, 1912. Zool. Ann., 4:337. Physothrips basicornis (Reuter); Kamy, 1913. Verb. k.k. zool.-bot Ges. Wien, 63(l-2):6. Physothrips basicornis (Reuter); Kamy, 1914. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol., 10(10-12):365. Oxythrips firmus Uzel; Priesner, 1914. Wiener ent. Zeitung, 33(5-6): 190. Oxythrips firmus Uzel; Hood, 1916. Insec. Inscit. Menstr., 4(4-6):38, 41. [placed in subgenus Caenothrips ]. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1920. Jahresber. oberosterr. Musealver. Linz, 78:54. Taenioth. [rips] firmus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1923. Bui. Agric. Bucuresti, 3(7-9): 120, 121. 9, <$. [Odontothrips] basicornis (E. Reuter); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 146. {Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1925. Konowia, 4(3-4): 147. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 2:271, 272, 274, 279, PL IV, fig. 60. $, 3, larva, [described]. Taeniothrips (?) basicornis (E. Reuter); Priesner, 1926. Thysanop. Europas, 2:275, 239. [description] . Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1927. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 3:468. larva. Taeniothrips firmus f. adusta Priesner, 1928. Thysanop. Europas, pt. 4:718. $. {Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Priesner, 1928. Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., 25:64. T. [aeniothr ip s] firmus (Uzel); John, 1928. Thysanop. in Manuals det. Ins. USSR, pp. 41, 43. [ Taeniothrips ] basicornis (Reuter); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:288. {Taeniothrips] firmus (Uzel); Steinweden, 1933. Trans. American ent. Soc., 59:289, 291, 292. ?T.[aeniothrips] basicornis (E. Reuter); Hukkinen, 1936. Suomen Hyonteist Aikak., 2(1):25, 32. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Doeksen, 1936. Zool. Meded., 19(l-2):82, 86. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Keler, 1936. Prace Wydz. Chor. Roslin, 15:106. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Syrjanen, 1939. in Hukkinen & Syrjanen: Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 5(1):36. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Boder, 1941. Verh. Naturforsch. Ges. Basel, 53:166,183, 189, 211. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1942. Ent. Beihef., 9:125. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. ?Taeniothrips basicornis (E. Reuter); Hukkinen, 1942. Suomen Hyonteist. Aikak., 8(1):37. T. [aeniothr ip s] firmus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1943. Arb. morp. taxon. Ent., 10(2-3):97. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Wahlgren, 1944. Opusc. Ent. Lund, 9:13. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1945. Bull. Sec. sci. Acad. Roumaine, 27 :455. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Savenko, 1947. Trudy zool. Inst. GSSR, 7:23. T. [aeniothr ip s] firmus (Uzel); Pelikan, 1951. Ent. listy, 14:29, fig. 23. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Oettingen, 1951. Beitr. Ent., 1(1):52. Taeniothrips firmus (Uzel); Knechtel, 1951. Faun. Rep. Pop. Roman. Ins., 8(1): 132, 134, figs. 105, 106. ?, 2 1 ** > 5 " ” ~ Z I BRAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTlTUTION^NOUfUllSNI NVINOSHilWS^SB laVHail^UB RAR I ES^SMl CO 2 ^ ^ m — 2 V m 2 _ CO 3v*so£rx UJ f f\ y^sotyX kJ XfaivAJX n; .<$&A o' sxl Xv^svXT's. ^ X^vasovTx (XI IlirUIlSNI^NVINOSHillNS^SBIBVBeM^LIBRARIES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION^NOlinillSNI NVi| ~ v z r- Z “ < b CO iti x^yosv^x^ ^ m x^yosv^x ^ »^jvas^x m BRAR I ES SMITHSONIAN^SNSTITUTION^NOIiniUSNS^NVINOSHimS^SH I dVH gn~L1BRAR 1 Es S < *■ g* „ z *“ “ ^lOi #|tt ^ CO - •'**' Z CO — )!ini!I$N!_NV!NOSHIIlN$ S3 I B VH 0 II LIB RAR I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlifUllSM_NV _____ \ CO __ zz co ~ m _____ '*y Z CO V-H'AS^^' O z BRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUIISNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3IUVH8I1 LIBRARIES SM m v^vdv^ w# x^Tnr^x m ^ xffiusgx m DllfUllSNI NVIN0SH1IIAIS S3 I B V0 8 1 1 L g BRAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION NOIlfUIISNI NV| CO Z *y • CO Z >\v CO Z E /SkllJ&v =i /* * z H S .JPk =5 . ✓ //i 2 > IT 2 * > S 2 BRARIES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION^NOIlfUllSNI NVIN0SH1IIN$^S3 I B VB 8 H LI B R AR I ES^SMI CO ^ CO ZZ CO 5 CO w CO w O _ XgjiusgX Q v ~ Xii^X O VIN0SHimS^S3 lavaan^LIBRARI ES^SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION^NOlinillSNI^NVi v z r* z 2 CD 3 %?