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Ltd., Cape Town BD8154 Notes on the elevation of Rana fasciata montana FitzSimons, 1946 to specific rank, and on the identity of Rana fasciata sensu Burchell, 1824 (Anura: Ranidae) J. COMRIE GREIG Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Jonkershoek Nature Conservation Station, Stellenbosch, South Africa R. C. BOYCOTT Port Elizabeth Museum, Port Elizabeth, South Africa and A. L. DE VILLIERS Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Jonkershoek Nature Conservation Station, Stellenbosch, South Africa CONTENTS Page Abstract/Opsomming 2 Introduction 2 Differentiation between Rana fasciata and Rana montana stat. nov 2 Vocalisation 2 Morphological features 8 General 8 Length of snout 8 Extent of webbing 8 Length of foot 9 Length of first toe 10 Preorbital caruncle 10 Colour markings 11 Size and sexual dimorphism 13 Morphological separation from R. fasciata and R. grayii 13 Distribution 15 The type-localities 22 Life history notes 23 The name Rana montana 24 Taxonomic history of the name Rana fasciata 25 Acknowledgements 29 References 29 1 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 OPSOMMING Die Suid-Afrikaanse padda van die Attakwaberge wat in 1946 as Rana fasciata montana beskryf is, word hier tot spesifieke rang verhef. Die kenmerkende roep en morfologiese verskille onderskei Rana montana stat. nov. ongetwyfeld van Rana fasciata Smith. Simpatrie van die twee spesies by drie lokaliteite ondersteun die verandering van rang van die spesies. Aandag word gevestig op die feit dat die naam Rana fasciata Burchell, nou onderdruk, waarskynlik na Rana fuscigula Dumeril en Bibron verwys en nie na Rana grayii soos voorheen voorgestel nie. ABSTRACT The South African frog described from the Attakwa Mountains in 1946 as Rana fasciata montana is here raised to specific rank. Distinct call and morphological differences separate Rana montana stat. nov. unequivocally from Rana fasciata Smith. Sympatry of the two species at three localities confirms the species rank separation. It is pointed out that the name Rana fasciata Burchell, now suppressed, is probably referable to Rana fuscigula Dumeril and Bibron and not to Rana grayii as previously suggested. INTRODUCTION In 1946, the late V. F. M. FitzSimons described a new subspecies of Rana fasciata from the southern Cape Province, South Africa. The types were collected on the “upper slopes’ ’of the Attaqua Mountains and the Langeberge, and the subspecies was accordingly dubbed Rana fasciata montana. After examining series of specimens from all over southern Africa, Poynton (1964) assigned most south-west and southern Cape material to this subspecies, thus extending its altitudinal and geographical limits from the mountain slopes of the Jonkersberg to sea-level near Cape Town. In June 1976 the authors made a joint collecting expedition to Kleinmond near Cape Hangklip, an area of outstanding botanical and zoological interest, with the object of compiling a checklist of local anurans. One of us (J.C.G.) was familiar with the melodious piping call of Rana fasciata fasciata from the eastern Cape, and queried the identification by R.C.B. of a lower-pitched creaking call as the same species. When a male ‘R. fasciata montana” emitting this creaking call was eventually tracked down, it was apparent to both of us that eastern and western Cape forms were separable at species level, and that Rana fasciata montana would have to be elevated to full specific rank. This paper represents observations on both Rana fasciata and Rana montana stat. nov. DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN RANA FASCIATA AND RANA MONTANA STAT. NOV. VOCALISATION Mating calls in the Anura are generally recognised as being species-specific, their principal function being to guide gravid females to conspecific males (Blair 1958; Pengilley 1971). They are regarded as sensitive taxonomic tools which can be used with confidence in the separation of species, even the morphologically similar forms known as sibling species (Passmore 1977; Passmore and Carruthers 1975). The calls of the two species under discussion are totally dissimilar. Poynton (1964) describes the call of Rana fasciata Smith as a “clear, high-pitched ‘pip’ ... a familiar sound near streams on a frosty night.’’ Wager (1965) describes it as a “high-pitched, short, melodious whistle like ‘whip’, usually single or double and at long intervals, but sometimes repeated rapidly 2 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA a number of times, almost like a tinkle.” Stewart (1967) notes that the call of the subspecies fuelleborni in Malawi is a “loud, musical ‘put, put, put’, developing into a melodic chorus during the day or night during most of the year . . . The call may be single, or repeated several times as a musical ripple”. Unlike these authors, Walter Rose was based in the western Cape, the range of Rana montana. In his popular account of southern African herpetology (1962), there is evidence of confusion over the calls; he photographically illustrates both “Rana fasciata montana ” and R. fasciata fasciata, and describes the call of the “species” as follows: “The mating call is a high-pitched ‘Wheet, wheet’. At other times it now and again utters a slow ‘Chuck, chuck, chuck’.” The first description is clearly that of the call of Rana fasciata', the second is equally certainly of the call of Rana montana . The “chuck, chuck, chuck” could well be used as a verbal description of the call of Rana montana. It never develops into the aptly named “musical ripple” of the R. fasciata mating chorus. It is medium-pitched, relatively infrequently produced, and could be described as a short explosive creak. Onomatopoetic descriptions of frog calls, however, are notoriously subjective, and a “short explosive creak” to one observer could well be rendered by another as a “staccato belch”. The calls are therefore best graphically represented as oscillograms or sonograms (occasionally spelt “sonagram”) for objective comparison between species. The oscillograms and sonograms shown below were derived from recordings made in the field on a Uher 4400 Report Stereo 1C portable tape-recorder at a tape speed of 19 cm/s, using an AKG D900 directional microphone. The oscillograms were obtained using a Biomation Model 1015 Waveform Recorder and a Tektronix D12 Oscilloscope. The sonograms were obtained after analysis on a sound spectrograph (Kay model 7029A spectrum analyser). The frequency range was 80-8 000 Hz and a wide band filter (300 Hz) was used. The mating call of Rana montana is illustrated in the oscillograms in Figs 1, 2 and 3. These particular calls were recorded at Kleinmond (3419 AC Hermanus) on 25 July 1978. It can be clearly seen from Figs 1 and 2 that the call consists of a series of closely-grouped pulses. The call durations are respectively 80 ms and 60 ms (although we have found the duration may extend to 120 ms). Fig. 3 displays the detail of the first 2Vi pulses of the call shown in Fig. 2. Fig. l Rana montana oscillogram of single mating call (whole frame 200 ms) 3 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 Rana montana calls are produced slowly and deliberately, often several seconds separating each. From tape-recordings made at Kleinmond and Jonkersberg, we calculated the minimum call interval at 1,3 seconds, although this would slow down to 3 to 10 seconds between faster bouts of calling. One fast sequence was noted as 1,8; 2,3; 1,9; 1,6; 2,0; 2,0; 1,6; 1,3; 1,4; 1,6 seconds. Rana fasciata, however, produces calls which are almost pure tones with no subdivision into pulses. Fig. 4 shows a portion of a call sequence recorded on 26 July 1978 at Buffeljags- rivier (3420 BA Suurbraak) on the same scale as the montana calls in Figs 1 and 2. Call duration here is about 20 ms, the “pip”, “put”, or “whip” of earlier writers. When this 4 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA particular “ripple” of five calls is compressed on to one oscillogram (Fig. 5), it can be seen that the temporal separation of the calls is remarkably uniform, about 80-90 ms between each. A single call expanded to show structural detail is illustrated in Fig. 6; this is directly comparable in scale with Fig. 3 and shows the symmetrical nature of the single call. The sonogram of a single call of Rana montana is shown in Fig. 7; its duration is 75 ms, and its frequency range is 2,7 kFlz-3,25 kHz. This call was also recorded at Kleinmond (3419 AC Hermanus). 5 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT I, MAY 1979 Fig. 6 Rana fasciata enlargement of one call from “rip- ple” in Fig. 5 (whole frame 20 ms) Fig. 8 is a sonogram of two successive calls of Rana fasciata from Port Elizabeth (3325 DC Port Elizabeth); these calls are not part of a “ripple” sequence, and consequently have longer durations of 30 ms and 20 ms respectively, with a frequency range of 3,25 kHz-4,0 kHz. Eight calls from a “ripple” sequence of R. fasciata are shown in Fig. 9. They are more staccato than the single calls, lasting only 15-17 ms each, with a slightly contracted frequency range of 3,25 kHz-3,83 kHz. The gaps between the calls of the ripple vary between 90 and 115 ms. Fig. 7 Rana montana sonogram of single call using wide- band (300 Hz) filter 6 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASC1ATA MONTANA Rana fascicita sonogram of 8 calls in a “ripple” using wideband (300 Hz) filter 7 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 The calls of the two species are clearly distinctive as shown by both oscillograms and sonograms. Rana montana does not produce a rapid succession of calls, the frequency range is lower than in R. fasciata, and each call is subdivided into pulses, giving rise to a creaking effect. There can be no question but that the call difference alone can be used to separate the two species. MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES General The main features used by FitzSimons (1946) to distinguish the subspecies montana from fasciata were: (1) the longer, more pointed snout of montana (2) reduced webbing on feet of montana (3) proportionately shorter feet of montana (4) colour markings We do not consider that the snout can be demonstrated unequivocally to be longer or more pointed, nor that the foot can be shown to be proportionately shorter. We do, however, add two other diagnostic characters to replace those two of FitzSimons. (1) proportionately longer first toe of montana (2) presence of a preorbital caruncle in montana Length of snout FitzSimons (op. cit.) described the snout of montana as “sharply pointed and strongly projecting, its length at least twice diameter of eye (in typical fasciata , snout distinctly less than twice diameter of eye)”; he also stated that the snout length is not more than 2,1 times into the distance between snout and vent, as opposed to 2,2 to 2,3 times in fasciata. We do not agree that the snout of montana is obviously longer or more sharply pointed. In certain individuals it may be proportionately longer than in typical R. fasciata but in such cases extra length is in our view not quantifiable. The length of snout/diameter of eye ratio is not a valid point of difference, and we find it difficult to understand FitzSimons’ statement that the snout- vent length/snout length ratio is 2,1 in montana and 2,3 in fasciata, when this ratio is normally of the order of 5,4 to 6,1, and does not appear to us to present a clear-cut species difference. Extent of webbing FitzSimons stated that the webbing on the feet does not extend as far as the basal subarticular tubercles of the digits, while in R. fasciata the webbing extends as far as the basal tubercles. Loveridge (1953), discussing the validity of R. fasciata fuelleborni , examined 119 specimens of various races of the species (including an unspecified, but presumably very small number of "R. fasciata montana ”) and asserted that the extent of webbing on the toes was the same in all races, viz. from the first to the fifth, the free phalanges were 2, 2, 3, 4, and 3. Inger (1959) adduced this statement as additional evidence for the rejection of montana as a distinct subspecies. Poynton (1964), however, states that in montana, four phalanges of the fourth toe are free of web, compared with “3% to 4” in R. fasciata . In all 80 Rana montana specimens examined, we have found that the webbing does not reach the basal subarticular tubercle on the fourth toe; this means in effect that four phalanges of the fourth toe are free of web (Fig. 10a). In Rana fasciata the webbing in all specimens examined (from the S. and E. Cape) clearly extends beyond this tubercle, but not, however, as far 8 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA 5 Fig. 10b Left foot of R. montana showing extent of webbing Left foot of R. fasciata showing extent of webbing as half-way along the phalanx (Fig. 10b), thus perhaps contributing to the confusion concerning the extent of the webbing, which is normally expressed in units of whole or half phalanges. In some specimens the web just reaches the tubercle on the side adjacent to toe 3, but in these cases the web on the side adjacent to toe 5 still extends beyond the tubercle. Reduction in webbing is also apparent at the basal subarticular tubercle of toe 5; in montana the web reaches this tubercle, while in fasciata it extends beyond it. Another feature noticeable in fasciata but less so in montana is the continuation of the web to the tip of each toe in the form of a narrow flange. We define the web as commencing when the edge of the flange ceases to run parallel to the digit. As FitzSimons (1946) claimed, therefore, there is a slight but significant and consistent reduction in the extent of webbing on the feet of Rana montana in comparison with R. fasciata. Length of foot Again it is necessary to draw attention to an apparent contradiction in FitzSimons’ description. He states that montana has a proportionately shorter foot than fasciata , but goes on to say that the length of the foot of montana goes less than 1,1 times into the snout/ vent length, while in fasciata it is over 1,1 times. These statements are clearly contradictory. After measuring a number of specimens of both species, we conclude that there is no marked difference between the species in proportionate length of the feet. 9 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 Poynton (1964) compares foot length (distance from the proximal end of the metatarsal tubercle to the tip of the fourth toe) with the urostyle/tympanum or urostyle/eye length. Both R. fasciata and R. montana are variable in this character, and in both, the length of the foot is equal to the distance from the tip of the urostyle to the anterior margin of the tympanum or to the eye (this character may be used to compare these species with R. grayii where the foot length is equivalent to the distance between urostyle tip and the axilla, or rarely the posterior margin of the tympanum). Length of first toe When the first toe of Rana montana is adpressed parallel to the second toe, the tip of the toe normally reaches to the middle of the subarticular tubercle at the base of the second toe, and frequently to the distal end of the tubercle. In our largely eastern and southern Cape sample of R. fasciata , the tip of the first toe usually reaches only to the proximal end of the same tubercle, and frequently falls short of it. Preorbital caruncle At the anterior comer of the eye of Rana montana is a small fleshy lobe, which is absent in R. fasciata. Although the word “caruncle” is perhaps most commonly associated with hard or solid structures, its correct application is to small fleshy excrescences, and we therefore use the term “preorbital caruncle” to describe this character. In Rana fasciata , the skin over the top of the orbit (the upper eyelid) meets the skin of the snout at the anterior comer of the orbit in a fold or shallow groove. The fold presumably caters for expansion and contraction of the skin in movements of the eye (Fig. lib). There is a small notch in the fold next to the eye itself. Rana montana, on the other hand, possesses two folds about 0,5 mm apart. The skin tissue between the folds appears to be slightly swollen, hence the caruncle effect (Fig. 11a). The upper fold, which is analogous to the single fold of R. fasciata , is more deeply incised next to the eye, the incision being overlapped by the caruncle like a flap. The lower fold is also deeply incised but the two sides of the fold are adpressed together and do not overlap. In only one specimen, out of 80 examined, was there any doubt about the presence of the lower fold, but in that specimen the other preorbital caruncle was clearly visible. (The caruncle is also visible in Fig. 12). Fig. 11a Preorbital caruncle of R. montana 10 Fig. lib Preorbital groove of R. fasciata COMR1E GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA Colour markings The colour markings of Rana montana have been described in some detail by FitzSimons (1946). His description was based, however, on a small sample of six specimens and he did not explain clearly how montana differs from fasciata. The description which follows is based on 80 specimens, the majority of which were collected by officers of the Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation. The occurrence of colour pattern polymorphism in R. montana is here recorded for the first time. The colour markings of the dominant morph are illustrated in Fig. 12. A mesial vertebral stripe is always present, from behind the nostrils (rarely tip of snout or eyes) to the tip of the urostyle, either one third of the width between the two sacral hump projections, or rarely much broader (as wide as, or wider than the sacral hump), usually silver, yellow or orange-brown but often silver suffused mesially with orange-red. The narrow stripe morph has this stripe bounded by dark brown stripes of the same width, broken for the posterior third of their length, and rarely along their entire length. A silver dorsolateral stripe from the axilla to groin is bounded by shorter dark brown stripes above and below. The dorsal ground colour is usually light brown or olive-grey. Occasionally a rufous stripe may be present between the dark brown vertebral stripe and the upper dark brown dorsolateral stripe above the axilla, but this does not extend as far as the sacral hump. A few raised white spots are scattered over the flanks posteriorly. A rufous spot is occasionally present mesially to the anterior comer of the eye. The upper surface of the upper arm is often tinged with rufous. A dark brown stripe runs from the snout through the eye to the axilla, bounded below by a raised silver stripe which extends from the axilla to a point mid-way between the nostrils and the snout, but often less boldly from the anterior comer of the eye to the nostrils. Occasionally specimens may be encountered with all light-coloured areas on the upper surfaces of the limbs and dorsum suffused irregularly with blood-red pigment. The belly is immaculate silvery gold. The throat is also immaculate, but in females there is a deepening of the golden colour at the sides, while in males the gular area may be quite suffused with light brown or black especially between the edge of the lower jaw and the longitudinal folds at the sides of the vocal sac, and often between these folds. The latter are distinct and extend from the pectoral region to the anterior edge of the lower jaw. The under surface of each limb is dusky pink or brown. The upper surfaces of both femur and tibia are strongly banded transversely with brown or dark brown, the femur with 4-6 bands, the tibia with 3-6 bands. The main tibial and femoral bands match when the frog is at rest with folded limbs. The tarsus is also banded, the banding extending the length of the fourth toe. Rana montana is separable from R. fasciata on the leg banding alone, as pointed out by FitzSimons (1946) and Poynton (1964). R. fasciata never possesses tibial cross-bands (Fig. 13). Markings similar to cross-bands may occur in fasciata on the femur (which can, however, possess no recognisable markings at all), but if present, they are attenuated and longitudinally rather than laterally extended. Tibial markings never develop into transverse bands but are always longitudinally oriented and sometimes extend in one stripe almost the whole length of the tibia; such markings are usually weakly developed. The light coloured longitudinal vertebral stripe is usually about half the width between the sacral projections. The throat of Rana fasciata is immaculate and also suffused with gold. In males, however* the throat is a rich golden yellow. Like many anurans, R. montana is capable of colour change in response to environmental conditions (although Rose 1962 did not note “any appreciable power of colour change”). The dark phase is in our experience the most frequently encountered, and here the entire dorsal pattern is obscured except for the light vertebral and dorsolateral stripes and spots. Appropriate heat and light treatment can induce change to the light phase within a half-hour. The existence of colour pattern polymorphism in Rana montana is of considerable interest. R. fasciata apparently does not vary significantly from the basic pattern as portrayed by Poynton 11 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 Fig. 12. Male R. montana from Kleinmond (3419 AC Hermanus). (1964), Wager (1965), Stewart (1967) and Fig. 13, but R. montana exhibits two basic pattern morphs. The normal morph is that illustrated in Fig. 12, with a narrow light vertebral stripe, in width approximately one third of the distance between the two projections of the sacral hump. The other is the dorsoconcolor morph (Fig. 14a), so named by Lynch (1966) after a leptodactylid frog from Central America; this pattern variant consists of a broad unicoloured dorsal area, extending from the snout over the eyes, tapering to the tip of the urostyle. Sixteen of our sample of 80 specimens (i.e. 20%) showed the dorsoconcolor pattern but this figure is slightly biased. One collector of five specimens, three of which were dorsoconcolor morphs, believes that he selected the more attractive frogs out of a total of twenty frogs handled, these probably being dorsoconcolors (Herrington pers. comm.). If this sample is deleted from the total, the relevant proportions are 13 out of 75 (17,3%), and if sight records are added the percentage drops to 15%. Geographical distribution of the dorsoconcolor morph is not clear because of inadequate sampling. However, two came from Betty’s Bay (3418 BD), two from Kleinmond (3419 AC), eleven from the Muizenberg Mountains on the Cape Peninsula (3418 AB), and one from the Great Winterhoek Mountains (3319 AA). We have none as yet from the eastern range of the species. 12 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RANA FASCIATA MONTANA Fig. 13. Male R. fasciata from Theescombe, Port Elizabeth (3425 AB Uitenhage). The same form of polymorphism occurs in Phrynobatrachus (Stewart 1974), and in Rana grayii, which possesses “no stripe”, “thin stripe” and dorsoconcolor morphs. The dorsocon- color patterns of R. montana and R. grayii are compared in Figs 14a and 14b. Polymorphic pattern systems obviously play a role in protection from predators, especially in diurnal species; there is some evidence that Rana montana is at least partially diurnal (see life history notes). Size and sexual dimorphism Poynton (1964) gives snout/ vent lengths (of the flattened animal) for Rana fasciata as 50 mm, and for R. montana as 47,5 mm. There is probably, however, no significant size difference between the two species, as we have examined a large female R. montana of length 50 mm from Swartboschkioof, Jonkershoek State Forest (coll. R. A. Haynes; in the Department of Forestry collection). Females of R. montana attain a larger size than males, averaging 40-50 mm and 31-40 mm respectively. The males are recognisable when sexually mature by the presence of nuptial pads on the thumbs and the longitudinal fold at each side of the vocal sac, as in Rana fasciata . Morphological separation from R. fasciata and R. grayii The three species, R. montana, R. grayii, and R. fasciata, resemble each other in general conformation, are of approximately the same size, live in similar habitats, call in winter and are long-toed jumping frogs with reduced webbing. Identification may therefore present problems, 13 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 a. R. montana from Muizenberg Mtns. (3418 AB S imonstad/S i monsto wn ) . b. R. grayii from Muizenberg Mtns. (3418 AB Simonstad/Simonstown). Fig. 14. Dorsoconcolor pattern morphs especially with dorsoconcolor variants of R. montana and R. grayii which are often sympatric. Guidelines for separating them are provided below, but it should be noted that a hand-lens may be necessary for some characters. Rana montana (1) possesses preorbital caruncle. (2) webbing does not reach the basal subarticular tubercle on the fourth toe, and reaches basal tubercle on the fifth toe. (3) tip of first toe normally reaches to middle of basal subarticular tubercle of second toe or beyond. (4) femur and tibia distinctly cross-banded, the main bands corresponding when the femur and tibia are adpressed. Even in the case of the dorsoconcolor morph, the cross-bands are distinct and complete (see R. grayii). (5) length of foot equal to distance from tip of urostyle to anterior margin of tympanum or to the eye. (The length of the foot is taken to be the distance from the proximal end of the metatarsal tubercle to the end of the fourth toe.) Rana grayii (1) possesses single preorbital groove. (2) webbing does not extend beyond the basal subarticular tubercle on the fourth toe, but reaches perceptibly beyond basal tubercle on the fifth toe. (3) tip of first toe may fall short of basal subarticular tubercle of second toe or extends beyond it. A variable character in this species. (4) femur and tibia usually distinctly cross-banded, the bands corresponding when femur and tibia are adpressed. Femur and tibia in certain individuals (especially in the dorsoconcolor morph) may have cross-bands absent or incomplete, but never longitudi- nally oriented. (5) length of foot equal to distance from tip of urostyle to axilla (very rarely to posterior margin of tympanum). 14 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RANA FASCIATA MONTANA Rana fasciata (1) possesses single preorbital groove. (2) webbing (at least in E. and W. Cape specimens) reaches beyond basal subarticular tubercle of fourth toe and fifth toe (but only about one quarter way along the phalanx). (3) tip of first toe normally barely reaches the basal subarticular tubercle of the second toe, and frequently falls short of it. (4) femur and tibia not cross-banded. Femur may have attenuated patches of brown corresponding to the cross-bands of the other two species; tibia has no cross-bands, but may have longitudinally oriented streaks. (5) length of foot equal to distance from tip of urostyle to anterior margin of tympanum or to the eye. DISTRIBUTION Distribution localities given in this paper are cited according to the standard system for biogeographical mapping proposed by Greig and Boshoff (in prep.). The grid blocks on the accompanying maps are one quarter degree of latitude by one quarter degree of longitude “square” and each is known as a “locus”. Poynton (1964; Map 34) provides an accurate distribution map for Rana montana under the name Rana fasciata montana, correctly attributing all western Cape “fasciata” material to this form. It may be noted from his map that the “subspecies” montana and fasciata each overlap the other’s range in the southern Cape. This apparent overlap was one of the reasons why Inger (1959) suggested that Rana fasciata montana was a dubious subspecies. In 1950/51, the Lund University Expedition collected four specimens of Rana fasciata, from the Bloukrans River east of Plettenberg Bay (3323 DC Nature's Valley), Grootkop, Knysna (3423 AA Knysna), 16 miles north of Matatiele (3028 BB Lehlohonolo), and Barotta, 27 miles east of Louis Trichardt (2330 AB Levubu). In his assessment of this material, none of which of course differed from typical R. fasciata, Inger noted that FitzSimons’ localities for montana were interspersed with those he gave for fasciata in the southern Cape Province, and that the supposed preference of montana for higher elevations was shared by the Lund Expedition’s Matatiele fasciata specimen (given as 1905 m). The localities in question given by FitzSimons were Jonkersberg and Grootvadersbos ( = Grootvadersbosch) for montana , and Garcia and Still Bay for fasciata. If FitzSimons’ subspecies had been valid, the existence of a population of fasciata at Garcia would be difficult to explain, as this locality lies directly between Grootvadersbos and Jonkersberg, on the same mountain range as Grootvadersbos. The recognition of Rana montana as a species in its own right, however, resolves the problems of altitudinal and geographic overlap. Indeed, the overlap is more complete than Inger had believed; we re-visited each of FitzSimons’ southern Cape localities for Rana montana and Rana fasciata, and while confirming the validity of his collections, we found that in fact R. montana and R. fasciata exist more or less sympatrically at Grootvadersbos, Garcia and in the Outeniqua Mountains, while clearly maintaining their specific identities. “True” sympatry, in Mayr’s (1969) sense of the “existence of a population in breeding condition within the cruising range of individuals of another population”, would be difficult to prove and may not exist; nevertheless, at these three localities, calling males of both species could be heard simultaneously by an observer although from different locations and differing habitats. This observation constitutes the final proof, if such were required, of the specific distinction of the two forms. It was chance which led FitzSimons to collect only R. montana at Grootvadersbos and Jonkersberg, and only R. fasciata at Garcia; he could so easily have collected both species at each collecting station. 15 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 The question of altitude is not significant in itself. The determinant is habitat availability. Further detailed study is of course required, but/?, montana distribution is apparently tied to the “fynbos” vegetation type. It occurs from mountain top to the sea in the winter rainfall zone of the western Cape, but in the southern Cape, where the climate is transitional to a summer rainfall pattern, it is restricted to the mountains. In the mountains of the eastern Cape Province, and in the Natal Drakensberg, R. fasciata finds suitably moist grassy habitat at high altitude, as the Lund University Expedition found, and it extends down to sea-level all along the Natal and Cape coasts as far west as Still Bay; it does not occur in the coastal fynbos of the winter rainfall region of the S.W. Cape. Figs 15 and 16 show the distribution ranges of Rana montana and Rana fasciata respectively. They are based on Poynton’s map, with one or two corrections together with a number of additional localities from a survey by the Cape Department of Nature and Environ- mental Conservation from 1972 to 1978. The range of Rana fasciata is here shown to extend nearly 110 km further to the south-west than previously recorded (Garcia; see FitzSimons 1946; 16 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RANA FASCIATA MONTANA Fig. 16 Distribution of Rana fasciata Smith in southern Africa plotted on the latitude/longitude grid. Poynton 1964), to Bonnievale (3320 CC Montagu). Rana montana is shown to have a wider distribution range than previously noted; it occurs in the Cedarberg Mountains (3219 AC Wuppertal) and eastwards to the Outeniqua Pass (3322 CD George). Two nocturnal collecting trips have been made to Prince Alfred’ s Pass east of George (3323 CC Kruisvallei) where R. montana might also be expected to occur but it was not found, perhaps, because of unsuitable weather conditions. Rana montana is probably always found together with its relative R. grayii, but the latter is a much more abundant and ubiquitous frog. We have never found Rana montana specimens easy to acquire by night-collecting (see, however, life history notes), and it does not appear to form numerically strong localised choruses like Rana fasciata. A table of spot localities for known populations of R. montana is therefore provided below, which may prove useful to investigators of this species’ life history (Table 1). The locus name and number correspond with the South African 1:50 000 map series designation; these maps should be used for spot locality identifica- tion. 17 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 Fifty-four loci for Rana fasciata additional to those provided by Poynton {op. cit. ) are also tabulated (Table 2). Of particular interest are those from the same localities as Rana montana, so recorded in the column set aside for “notes”. Table 1. Spot localities for known Rana montana populations. Locus Locus Name Spot Locality Altitude (m) Notes 3219 AC Wuppertal 32° 28'22"S; 19° 09'30"E 1 220 Coll. R. Haynes in Cedarberg State Forest at Hoogvertoon. C.D.N.C. 4711 3319 AA Groot-Winterhoek 33° 03'16"S; 19° 04'47"E 33° 04'28"S; 19° 06'02"E 640 680 Coll. R. Haynes at Driebosfontein. C.D.N.C. 4706 Coll. D. Pepler at “De Tronk”, near “Groot-Winterhoek”, on 12/xii/1976 3319 AC Tulbagh 33° 24'45''S; 19° 07'19"E 450 Coll. R. Haynes at Kluitjieskraal 3319 AD Ceres 33° 29' IT'S; 19° 19'13"E 1 670 Coll. C. Gow at U.C.T. Mountain Club Hut, 1,5 km south of Waaihoek Peak, 25/iv/1965 3318 CD Kaapstad/Cape Town 33° 58'22"S; 18° 23'58"E 33° 58'43"S; 18° 24'54"E 760 745 Poynton’ s record based on S.A.M. specimen labelled “Table Mountain”. Confirmed by specimen in S.A.M. collected by C. Gow at the Mountain Club Hut on Table Mountain on 2/i/ 1 965 Coll. E. van Jaarsveld. In S.A.M. collection 3318 DC Bell ville Based on S.A.M. specimen labelled “Cape Flats”. Doubtfully present in this locus now, but specimen in any case could have been collected in 3318 CD Kaapstad/Cape Town 3318 DD Stellenbosch 33° 59'36"S; 18° 57'1T'E 395 Coll. R. Haynes, Swartboschkloof, Jonkershoek State Forest 3319 CC Franschhoek 33° 52' 14"S; 19° 02'49"E 33° 48'18"S; 19° 03'26''E 33° 57'20"S; 19° 10'35"E 185 595 380 C.D.N.C. 4410. Wemmershoekvlei Plateau to the north-west of Wemmershoek Dam. R. A. Haynes 1 9/x/ 1 977 “Purgatory" outspan at east end of Franschhoek Pass. C.D.N.C. 4719 3319 CD Villiersdorp 33° 57'01"S; 19° 18' 13"E 550 In the Elandsrivier Valley (tributary valley, the “Langkloof”) 4 km north of Villiersdorp 3320 DD Warmwaterberg 33° 59'29"S; 20° 51' 13"E 185 In a marsh at “Goede Hoop”, Grootvadersbos. C.D.N.C. 4623 3321 CC Muiskraal 33° 57'24"S; 21° 13'37"E 33° 57'49"S; 21° 13' 17"E c. 455 c. 425 Near the Vetrivier, Garcia’s Pass Near the Vetrivier, Garcia’s Pass 18 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RANA FASC1ATA MONTANA Altitude Locus Locus Name Spot Locality (m) Notes 3322 CC Jonkersberg 33° 56'02"S; 22° 13'39"E 305 In the valley beside Jonkersberg Forest Station 33° 55'43"S; 22° 13'34"E 410 C.D.N.C. 4612. Topotypical material 33° 55'44"S; 22° 1 3'41"E 410 C.D.N.C. 4613. Topotypical material 33° 51'44"S; 22° 02'39"E 610 North side of Robinson Pass, in the Moerasrivier valley. Rana fasciata also here 33° 51'52"S; 22° 01'49"E 745 North side of Robinson Pass 33° 55'09"S; 22° 01'27"E 455 South side of Robinson Pass 3322 CD George 33° 54,37"S; 22° 24'39"E 505 In Outeniqua Pass north of George 33° 54'20"S; 22° 24'27"E 550 In Outeniqua Pass north of George 33° 53' 19"S; 22° 24'06"E 655 Just below the top of the Outeniqua Pass on the south side 3418 AB Simonstad/Simonstown 34° 05'29"S; 18° 25'20"E 290 Montane marshy “fynbos”. C.D.N.C. 4621; 4708. Steenberg Plateau 34° 13'26"S; 18° 24' 15"E 75 Coll. H. Langley at Modderdam, Cape Point Nature Reserve. C.D.N.C. 4710 34° 1 4'46"S; 18° 23' 1 2"E 45 Coll. B. Rose and R. C. Boycott near Olifantsbos, Cape Point Nature Reserve. C.D.N.C. 4703 34° 06'26"S; 18° 26'56"E 410 Coll. D. Herrington at Nellie’s Pool on Muizenberg Mtns. C.D.N.C. 4709 3418 BB Somerset West 34° 09'06"S; 18° 56'23"E c. 395 To the east of Sir Lowry’s Pass, Hottentots Holland Mountains 3419 AA Grabouw 34° 09'19"S; 19° 08'28"E 670 Lebanon State Forest. C.D.N.C. 4702 34° 09'22"S; 19° 08'31"E 670 Lebanon State Forest. C.D.N.C. 4704 34° 10'09"S; 19° 09'51"E 655 Lebanon State Forest. C.D.N.C. 4712 34° 09'28"S; 19° 09'27"E 825 Lebanon State Forest. C.D.N.C. 4707 34° 08'50"S; 19° 08'23"E 885 Coll. J. W. Esterhuysen, Lebanon State Forest. 6/ii/ 1 974 34° 00'26"S; 19° 00'35"E 1 220 Coll. R. Haynes at Dwarsberg in Jonkershoek State Forest. C.D.N.C. 4705 34° 05'26"S; 19° 03'09"E 490 2V4 km due south of Nuweberg Forest Station in Viljoen’s Pass 34° 04' 19"S; 19° 03'59"E 490 0,5 km on north side of Viljoen’s Pass 10 km north of Grabouw 3419 AB Caledon 34° 1 3' 1 9"S; 19° 28'59"E 335 Above the farm “Voorhoede” east of Caledon, in the hills 3419 BA Greyton 34° 13'24"S; 19° 3 1 ' 1 6"E 275 In the hills near the national road 8V2 km east of Caledon 3420 BB Heidelberg (Kaap) 34° 00'06''S; 20° 51 '23"E 170 In a marsh on the farm ‘‘Goede Hoop” 3421 AA Groot-Kragga 34° 01'27"S; 21° 13'50"E 150 Vetrivier valley below Garcia Forest Station. Rana fasciata also here 34° 01 ' 1 5"S; 21° 13'54"E 150 In a marsh immediately to the west of Garcia Forest Station 3418 AD Simonstad/Simonstown 34° 18' 13"S; 18° 25' 19"E 80 Cape Point Nature Reserve, Klein Blouberg 19 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 Altitude Locus Locus Name Spot Locality (m) Notes 3418 BD Hangklip 34° 20'40"S; 18° 50'50"E 25 C.D.N.C. 4699; C.D.N.C. 4701 34° 16'38"S; 18° 59'52"E 110 Coll. B. Durand, Kogelberg State Forest. 26/viii/ 1975 3419 AC Hermanus 34° 20T1"S; 19° 03'30"E 15 Coll. C. Burgers. C.D.N.C. 4016 34° 19'18"S; 19° 09'38"E 40 Hills on east side of Botrivier 34° 20'00''S; 19° 03'10"E 15 C.D.N.C. 4594. Sonogram in this paper is from this specimen 34° 19'42"S; 19° 05'26''E 30 East of Lamloch at Kleinmond 34° 19'03"S; 19° 07'15"E 45 In hills to the west of Botrivier/Kleinmond road. Several localities along this road 3419 AD Stanford 34° 24'24"S; 19° 19' 13"E 10 Marsh next to sea at mouth of Voelgatrivier, 2 km east of Hermanus. C.D.N.C. 4700 34° 23'40"S; 19° 16'00"E 90 In Femkloof Nature Reserve, Hermanus 34° 19'00"S; 19° 24'37"E 245 South side of Shaw’s Mountain Pass, on the farm “Hartebeesrivier” 34° 1 9'24"S; 19° 22'05''E 200 Below Shaw’s Mountain Table 2. Loci for Rana fasciata populations not recorded by Poynton (1964) with altitudes of sampled populations Locus Locus Name Altitude (m) Notes 2530 BB Sabie 1 190 2929 CC Bushman’s Nek 3128 DC Elliotdale 670 3128 DD Mqanduli 670 3129 CC Coffee Bay 90 3226 AD Spring Valley 1 615 3226 BC Hackney 1 660 3226 BD Fairford 1 400 3226 CA Bedford 790 3226 DB Seymour 1 280 See text 3227 AB St. Marks 1 065 3227 AC Cathcart 1 415 3227 CA Keiskammahoek 1 435 See text 3227 CB Stutterheim 520 3227 CD King William’s Town 560 20 COMR1E GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA Locus Locus Name Altitude (m) Notes 3227 DD Cambridge 120 3228 BB The Haven 455 3228 BD Dwesa 15 3320 CC Montagu 215 3320 DD Warmwaterberg 200 Shared locality with R. montana 3322 CC Jonkersberg 355, 610 Shared locality with R. montana 3322 DC Wilderness 10 3322 DD Karatara 215 3323 CD The Crags 15, 230 3323 DC Nature’s Valley 15 3324 CB Akkerdal 305, 670 3325 BC Coemey 105 3325 CB Uitenhage (Noord) 120 3325 CD Uitenhage 180 3325 DC Port Elizabeth 90 3326 AA Riebeek-Oos 655 3326 BA Fort Brown 400 3326 BB Breakfast Vlei 170 3326 AD Salem 370 3326 BD Trappe’s Valley 400 3326 DA Boesmansriviermond 50, 270 3327 AC Prudhoe 185 3327 CA Great Fish Point 15 3420 AA Stormsvlei 105 3420 AB Swellendam 105, 120 3420 BA Suurbraak 75, 105 3420 BB Heidelberg (Kaap) 170, 365 3421 A A Groot-Kragga 135, 170 Shared locality with R. montana 3421 AB Riversdale 105, 425 Probable source of FitzSimons’ Garcia material 3421 BA Albertinia 200 3421 BB Herbertsdale 170 3422 AA Mosselbaai 15, 160 3422 AB Pacaltsdorp 170 3422 BA Wilderness 90 3422 BB Sedgefield 10 3423 AB Plettenbergbaai 215 3424 AB Clarkson 215 3424 BA Kruisfontein 170 3425 AB Uitenhage 135 21 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 It is probable that the locus given by Poynton (1964) for FitzSimons’ R. montana record from Grootvadersbos, 3320 CD Scheepersrus, is incorrectly cited (Poynton, pers. comm.). FitzSimons’ locality was “Langebergen, above Grootvadersbosch”, but Grootvadersbos is not indicated on the 1:500 000 map of the area, and the word “Langeberge” is printed on the locus 3320 CD. However, both the farm “Grootvadersbos” and the forest of the same name actually lie mainly in 3320 DD Warmwaterberg and 3420 BB Heidelberg (Kaap), and marginally in 3320 DC Barrydale and 3420 BA Suurbraak; no part of the estate lies in 3320 CD Scheepersrus. As stated below in the section dealing with the type-localities, we suggest that this record was obtained in 3320 DD Warmwaterberg. Although the locality “Cape Flats” is cited for R. montana by Poynton (from British Museum and South African Museum material), we have been unable to confirm its occurrence in the locus cited, viz. 3318 DC Bellville. This locus has therefore been deleted from figure 6 until such time as the species’ presence can be confirmed there. Old South African Museum specimens of R. montana are catalogued from “Rondebosch”, “Table Mountain” and “Cape Flats”. The latter specimen was collected in 1875 and accessioned only in 1896, which might suggest that the selection of a locality could have been somewhat arbitrary. The Cape Town suburb of Rondebosch lies partly on the Flats and partly on the lower slopes of Table Mountain; it lies in the locus 3318 CD Kaapstad/Cape Town. The Cape Flats proper, which lie largely in the loci 3318 DC Bellville and 3418 BA Strandfontein, have now been so altered by urbanisation, agriculture, and the uncontrolled spread of exotic vegetation, that any formerly suitable habitat for Rana montana has now all but disappeared. All other Rana montana loci cited on Poynton’ s map have been confirmed by recent collections. It will be noted from Fig. 16 that the locality given by Poynton {op. cit .) for the FitzSimons R. fasciata specimen from “Garcia” has been changed from 3321 CC Muiskraal to 3421 AB Riversdale. FitzSimons (1946) acknowledged the assistance of Mr H. J. Vockins who was the forester at Garcia in November 1940, and who now lives in retirement at George. We approached the latter for information as to FitzSimons’ collecting sites, and in his recollection, the site where the R. fasciata was collected was at the “Perdedam” in the Garcia Plantation. This locality was accordingly visited, and despite an initial impression of unsuitability of habitat, we found Rana fasciata calling in indigenous vegetation along a stream in a pine plantation at 10.30 a.m. at an altitude of 425 m. It is suggested that this locality be regarded as the source of Rana fasciata T.M. 20099. As a matter of interest, R. montana was heard calling in a marsh just below the Garcia Forest Office that same morning (3 August 1978) at an altitude of only 150 m, and only 300 m distant from another Rana fasciata population calling at an artifical pond. The locality given by Poynton for an Albany Museum R. fasciata specimen from “Hogsback”, 3227 CA Keiskammahoek, should perhaps have been cited as 3226 DB Seymour, as we interpret the label to mean the Hogsback holiday resort and township and not the mountain of the same name. R. fasciata is abundant in the forest glades nearby. We have, however, confirmed the species from both Hogsback township (3226 DB) and from below the Hogsback Mountain (3227 CA). THE TYPE-LOCALITIES The type-locality of Rana montana is “the upper slopes of the Jonkersberg, Attaqua Mountains” (FitzSimons 1946). FitzSimons used the Jonkersberg Forest Station as his base in November 1940 and it is reasonable to suppose that the type specimen was collected within the forest limits, above the forest offices. We have heard the species calling within 300 metres of the office complex, and caught two calling males in natural vegetation within the pine plantations 75 m in altitude above the station and 650 m to the north-east. FitzSimons claimed that all his 22 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE V1LLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA specimens (two from Jonkersberg and four from Grootvaderbos) were “taken in grass-covered marshy hollows on the higher mountain slopes, at an altitude of 3-4 000 ft.” (900-1 200 m). In both places he could have collected them within 500 m of his camp-sites on the lower slopes, but this would not conform to the stated altitudes. The type-locality may with confidence be restricted to the mountain slopes in the Jonkersberg State Forest (holotype T.M. 20223; 3322 CC Jonkersberg). The paratypes (T.M. 19966-9 and T.M. 20222) were collected respectively at Groot- vadersbos and Jonkersberg. As stated earlier, the Grootvadersbos estate lies in four loci, but marginally in two of these. The main section lies in the locus 3320 DD Warmwaterberg including the large section of indigenous forest and the State Forest plantations. A timber extraction track which existed in 1940 runs up the mountain from the forest station to the natural forest Boesmansbos, and passes through “grass-covered marshy hollows . . . at an altitude of 3-4 000 ft.”. We have in fact a record of/?. montana from Helderfontein above Boesmansbos at 3 900 ft (1 190 m). It is almost certain that these paratypes were collected in 3320 DD Warmwaterberg. Rana fasciata is interpreted by reference to the lectotype B.M. with the locality “Africa”, collected by Sir Andrew Smith. The type-locality may never be ascertained with accuracy. UFE HISTORY NOTES Very little is known of the life history of Rana montana, although much of the detail provided by Rose (1962, and in the 1950 edition of the same book) under the name of R. fasciata, in fact refers to R. montana. We present the following incomplete notes with some diffidence. Both species are confined to areas of high rainfall (over 500 mm per annum), and are rarely found far from permanent water. R. fasciata, however, appears to prefer long grass and reeds adjacent to streams, ditches and dams with relatively deep water; relatively deep that is, when compared with R. montana which is associated with marshy areas and seepage zones with shallow trickles of water. A normal R. fasciata chorus consists of many males closely spaced, often only half a metre apart, while calling montana males are usually at least two or three metres apart. This is of course attributable to the difference in breeding site; the “coastline” of a marsh is much longer than that of a pond, and the montana males are not forced to jostle for a water’s edge territory. Both species appear to be winter breeders. It is our impression that Rana fasciata benefits by man’s agricultural activities. It is commonly found around well-vegetated farm dams, in damp areas near irrigation canals, and in town gardens; it is often found in exotic vegetation. Rana montana, on the other hand, is probably intolerant of disturbance; we have never found it in anything other than natural veld, and it does not seem to occur for example in Hermanus or Kleinmond, although these towns have been built on what is presumed to have been formerly R montana habitat. This may be because garden simulation of a fasciata breeding site is a simpler matter than that of a montana breeding site. Frog collections are often made at night, when calling males can be tracked down by ear and captured. This is especially easy if the frogs concentrate around a circumscribed breeding site as in the case of R. fasciata, but difficult in the case of R. montana whose calling males are dispersed over a wide area. Consequently, specimens of R. montana are not numerous in museum collections. Specimens collected for our survey by colleagues and Forestry Department personnel were largely obtained during the day, suggesting that/?, montana is at least partially diurnal. One of us (A. L. de V.) collected eighteen specimens in just over one hour in an 80 m X 40 m area of damp ericoid-restioid fynbos on the Steenberg Plateau (10/ix/1978), and twenty in 45 minutes in a 70 m 23 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 x 35 m area near Nellie’s Pool a week later (both 3418 AB Simonstad/Simonstown), in the late afternoon. A similar number was collected by D. Herrington under similar conditions in July 1976. The frogs were found jumping through short (V2 metre) vegetation on disturbance, in damp seepage zones. The positions adopted by calling males of R. fasciata and R. montana are similar, depending upon the cover. If tall reeds or rushes are present, fasciata males will clamber up to two metres above water level and call from a spread-eagled position clasping two or even three separate stalks; if the water’s edge is surrounded by tussocks of grass, the males will call at water level, crouching on the ground below grass cover, or in the open. R. montana males have been found calling from the crouching position at water level below an overhanging tussock of a short restioid sedge 8 cm high in a marsh at Grootvadersbos. In the Jonkersberg State Forest they called from within a dense mat of interlaced ferns about IV2 metres deep, overhanging a runnel of water below a road embankment. At Kleinmond they called from a roadside ditch 10-20 cm above ground level spread-eagled between tall grass stems. The eggs of Rana montana are probably laid, like those of grayii, not far from the water’s edge, but not in water. At the Jonkersberg State Forest we found a batch of 39 eggs on a waterlogged moss/earth substrate about 6 cm from a shallow runnel of water at the edge of a level road below a bank overhung with ferns. These eggs were lying singly, or in groups of up to six or seven attached in rows. The only frog found here was R. montana and the assumption is that these were montana eggs. Rose (1962) also states for fasciata ( = montana ) that he found some “capsule” eggs by the side of an upland trickle, which could never have reached to them; from these eggs he reared fasciata ( = montana) froglets. The Jonkersberg egg capsules averaged 7 mm in diameter (6, 0-7, 6 mm). It is interesting to note that although Rana fasciata is generally supposed to lay its eggs in water (Wager 1965), Stewart (1967) records that the subspecies fuelleborni lays its eggs out of water on sedge blades above the water, or on moist earth an inch above water level. Stewart erroneously attributes Rose’s remarks on ‘ Rana fasciata montana ” to Rana fasciata fasciata. A single trombiculid mite was found on an adult male R. montana from Jonkersberg State Forest (specimen C.D.N.C. 4613, see table 1). It was visible as a minute reddish speck on the sole of the left foot in soft tissue immediately below the webbing between the second and third toes. The frog was placed in formalin before the mite was noticed, rendering the latter unsuitable for identification. Such mites should be preserved directly in 70% ethanol taking care not to damage the mouthparts when removing them from the host. THE NAME RANA MONTANA The elevation of FitzSimons’ subspecies to species level is straightforward, "montana” is a species-group name and was applied by FitzSimons with due regard to the dangers of synonymy. In other words, there is no evidence of previous usage of the name montana in the genus Rana , and there is thus no impediment in the way of its employment despite the fact that the species is not necessarily montane in its habitat preference. The full citation, if desired, should read Rana montana FitzSimons, 1946. Tschudi in 1838 proposed the genus Strongylopus for his concept of Boie’s Rana fasciata , as Strongylopus fasciatus . Steindachner (1867) employed the same genus for Rana grayii. Parker and Ride (1962) of course showed that Boie’s "Rana fasciata” was probably what we now know as R. grayii (see section dealing with the taxonomic history of the name Rana fasciata). Although Poynton (1964) and the majority of his predecessors placed the species fasciata and grayii in the genus Rana, Van Dijk (1966, 1971) revived Strongylopus as a genus and used it for R. fasciata , R. grayii, R. wageri and R. hymenopus, without however, publishing the diagnostic characters justifying the separation of the two genera. Parker and Ride (1962) in fact 24 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RANA FASCIATA MONTANA suggested that Strongylopus might be found useful as a subgenus of Rana ; this suggestion appears to us to have some merit, at least in respect of R. fasciata, R. grayii and R. montana. Strongylopus as used by Tschudi is masculine in gender. If used as a generic name for the species fasciata, montana and grayii, therefore, the former two names would become fasciatus and montanus. If Strongylopus is used as a subgenus, however, no alteration in the specific name is required, as the specific name agrees in gender with the generic name, e.g. Rana ( Stron- gylopus) montana. The citation “Strongylopus (Rana)’’ as used by Van Dijk (1971; 1977) to indicate equivalence of the two genera is incorrect. By convention, subgenera are cited in parenthesis between the generic and specific names. It is best to indicate an alternative generic name by the use of an “equals” sign, e.g. Strongylopus ( = Rana) grayii. The choice of a vernacular name for Rana montana is not straightforward. If the specific epithet is anglicised, the resulting name would be the “montane frog” or “mountain frog” which would be misleading in view of its occurrence in coastal marshes. R. fasciata has been anglicised in this way and has been called the “striped rana”, “striped frog”, “striped grass-frog” and “long- toed grass frog”. Despite the fact that sedges of the family Restionaceae rather than true grasses dominate the habitat of R. montana, we feel that “grass frog” fulfils a useful role as a vernacular “generic” name for fasciata and montana, and we therefore tentatively suggest that they could be called respectively the “striped grass frog” and the “Cape grass frog”. TAXONOMIC HISTORY OF THE NAME RANA FASCIATA The history of the name Rana fasciata is marked by confusion over authorship and mistaken identity. Authorship has been variously ascribed to Tschudi (FitzSimons 1946), Boie (Hewitt 1911), and Smith (Poynton 1964). Parker and Ride (1962), however, pointed out that the name was first proposed by Burchell (1824). The background to this confused state of affairs was succinctly presented by Parker and Ride (op. cit.) in an application to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. They claimed, apparently correctly, that the names Rana fasciata and Rana grayii* were popularly assigned to the wrong frogs, and that if the law of priority were to be strictly enforced, the species now known as R. grayii would have to become R. fasciata, while the species now referred to as R. fasciata would require a new name altogether. In the interests of stability in nomenclature, therefore, they proposed that the currently used names should be retained by the exercise of the Commission’s plenary powers, and they further requested the Commission’s blessing for a proposed neotype for R. fasciata and a lectotype for R. grayii. This application was supported by Poynton (1963). The matter was settled finally by Opinion 713 of the Commission (China 1964). As Parker and Ride were of course ignorant of the existence of Rana montana , which bears a superficial resemblance to R. fasciata sensu Smith, and as they based part of their submission regarding the true identity of Burchell’s Rana fasciata on what appears to be faulty reasoning, a brief summary of their 1962 application and the Commission’s subsequent findings is provided here. (1) The case concerned Rana fasciata Burchell, 1824, and Rana grayii Smith, 1849. (2) Burchell (1824) described a new species of frog, Rana fasciata, from 30°Q5'S; 23°28'E. It was “a very pretty and new species of frog of a green colour, and marked *Note: This species was described by Smith (1849), who used the spelling “grayii” . All subsequent authors except FitzSimons have “corrected” this to “ grayi ”. The “correct original spelling”, however, is “ Rana grayii” (Article 32, International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1964), which spelling should henceforth be used. It should be noted too that the same stricture applies to four other southern African frogs. These are Tomopterna ( = Pyxicephalus) delalandii, Hyperolius horstockii, Kassina wealii and Leptopelis bocagii , where the specific epithet variants delalandei, delalandi, horstocki, wealei and bocagei are no longer acceptable. 25 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 by a longitudinal yellow stripe on its back, and by transverse stripes of brown on its hind legs”. He also stated that it was a silent frog which croaked very seldom. It was found on the 3rd March 1812. No type-specimen has been traced and no sketch or figure exists (see below). (3) Boie (1832) stated that he collected Rana fasciata Burchell near Muizenberg on the Cape Peninsula. (4) Tschudi (1838), unaware of Burchell’ s work, proposed a new genus Strongylopus , with Rana fasciata as type-species, citing Boie incorrectly as author. (5) Dumeril and Bibron (1841) described four varieties of Tschudi’s Strongylopus fas- ciatus ( = Boie’ s Rana fasciata). (6) Andrew Smith (1849) realised that Dumeril and Bibron had more than one species in their four varieties, and named one of them Rana grayii. He also described and figured “Rana fasciata Boie” corresponding to variety D of Dumeril and Bibron. Since 1849 the name Rana fasciata has been consistently applied to the from illustrated under that name by Smith. (7) Parker and Ride examined the specimens used by Dumeril and Bibron and confirmed that Smith was correct in dividing them into two species. They also confirmed that “variety D” corresponded with Smith’s figure of R. fasciata. Dumeril and Bibron believed this variety to include the Leiden Museum specimens labelled R. fasciata by Boie, and Boie of course believed these to belong to the species described by Burchell. Parker and Ride therefore deemed it correct to use the name “ Rana fasciata Burchell” for the species known popularly until 1962 as “ Rana fasciata Boie” or “ Rana fasciata (Tschudi)”. (8) Unfortunately Boie’s two surviving specimens at Leiden are both referable to Smith’s R. grayii. (9) Therefore the current concept of Rana fasciata is based on Smith’s acceptance of variety D of Dumeril and Bibron as Rana fasciata; these authors in turn believed their variety D corresponded to Boie’s Leiden specimens labelled R. fasciata, which Boie of course believed to correspond to Burchell’ s Rana fasciata, but which correspond in fact to Smith’s Rana grayii . (10) This meant that if Boie correctly applied Burchell’s name, the species now known as R. grayii would have to be known as R. fasciata, and the species now known as R. fasciata would require a new name. (11) Parker and Ride then selected a neotype for Rana fasciata Burchell ( sensu Smith) from Smith's material in the British Museum (locality “Africa”), and a lectotype for Rana grayii Smith also from Smith’s collection, and requested that the Commission preserve stability of nomenclature by using its plenary powers to direct that Rana fasciata Burchell, 1824 be interpreted by reference to that neotype, and that Rana grayii Smith, 1849 be interpreted by reference to that lectotype. Poynton (1963) supported the application, pointing out that Burchell’ s description was inadequate and that it could not be demonstrated unequivocally that R. fasciata Burchell is R. grayii of later authors. Professor Hobart Smith agreed with the need to preserve the name Rana fasciata in its accustomed sense (i.e. sensu A. Smith), but proposed an alternative means of achieving this, viz. by suppressing the name Rana fasciata Burchell, 1824, together with all other uses of the same name prior to that by Andrew Smith in 1849, and that the proposed neotype for Burchell’s species selected by Parker and Ride (one of Smith’s specimens) should be designated as a lectotype of Rana fasciata A. Smith, 1849. The Commissioners voted to suppress the name Rana fasciata Burchell, 1824, and all other 26 COMRIE GREIG, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA uses of the specific name fasciata in the combination Rana fasciata prior to that by Smith, 1849. They also voted to accept both the Rana grayii lectotype designated by Parker and Ride, and the specimen designated by them as neotype of Rana fasciata as the lectotype of R. fasciata Smith, 1849 (China 1964). As the lectotype of Rana fasciata Smith, 1849 in the British Museum bears no more precise locality on its label than “Africa”, two pertinent questions arise from the melange of misconcep- tions described above. (a) does the recognition of Rana montana as a species in its own right in any way affect the selection of the Rana fasciata lectotype by Parker and Ride? (b) what was the species which Burchell named Rana fasciata ? Firstly, let us take the case of the Rana fasciata lectotype whose type-locality, “Africa”, could hardly be more vague. Fortunately, Smith published an illustration of his concept of Rana fasciata, and Parker and Ride (1962) and Poynton (1963) believed that the selected lectotype (B.M. may well have been the one used in the preparation of this illustration (Smith, 1849, pi. 78, fig. 1). This plate is reproduced here (Fig. 17). As has been pointed out earlier (in section dealing with colour markings), Rana montana possesses well-marked trans- verse bands on the tibia while R. fasciata has longitudinal tibia! markings; Smith’s plate clearly shows a frog with the tibial markings of Rana fasciata . Thus the lectotype of Rana fasciata in the British Museum was correctly selected, and the separation of Rana montana as a distinct species causes no upset in existing taxonomic arrangements. The second problem is that of the identity of Burchell’s Rana fasciata. This was collected at 30° 05' S; 23° 28 E, i.e. in the locus 3023 AB Good Hope, in the heart of the Karoo. Reference Fig. 17. Smith's (1849) illustration of Rana fasciata on which the selection of the lectotype was based. 27 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 to Poynton’s (1964) distribution maps, and to figures 6 and 7 in this paper, shows that this frog could scarcely have been Rana fasciata Smith, 1849, which in the Cape is confined to the wetter coastal regions. It is also very unlikely to have been Rana grayii, although Poynton did examine a specimen of this species apparently collected at Vosburg (3022 DB Vosburg) approximately 80 km to the south-west in the collection of the Department of Zoology, University of the Orange Free State. Van Dijk (1971) draws attention to the fact that Rana grayii has adapted well to living in poplar plantations and points out that Karoo farms often possess such poplar groves maintained by borehole water. In Burchell’s day this was of course not the case. Parker and Ride, who were not familiar with South African conditions, enlisted the aid of the South African herpetologist, the late Walter Rose of Cape Town, to find a solution. It may be presumed that they gave Rose the alternatives as R. grayii and R. fasciata , together with Burchell’s descriptive notes (i.e. a green frog, with a single longitudinal yellow dorsal stripe, transverse brown stripes on its hind legs, a short small body and of a taciturn nature). Rose correctly replied that R. fasciata Smith, 1849 is never green “though this is the prevalent colour of R. grayi” , that it has the more powerful call of the two species, and a markedly long and slender body. Quite apart from the fact that the Cape Town-based Rose was almost certainly describing R. montana ( vide Rose 1962) rather than R. fasciata Smith, it is arguable that Rana grayii is not a noticeably green frog, but is perhaps better described as pale olive as Wager (1965) states; green and yellow are certainly not the first chromatic adjectives which spring to mind in regard to Rana grayii. It is difficult to see why the loudness of the call should be regarded as significant by Parker and Ride, as Burchell said only that “it was further distinguished by its silence, or at least by croaking very seldom”. In any case a subjective decision on the relative power of the calls of R. montana, R. grayii and R. fasciata is hardly relevant. On the other hand it could be postulated that Rana fasciata Burchell was in fact Rana fuscigula Dumeril and Bibron, 1841. This frog is often bright green, often bears a single yellow vertebral stripe, has a short body, is not a particularly vocal species and might easily have been silent on 2nd March 1812 at the end of a hot dry Karoo summer. The locus 3023 AB Good Hope is clearly within the range of Rana fuscigula which has in fact been collected in the neighbouring locus 3023 AA Sodium. If Burchell’s Rana fasciata was indeed Rana fuscigula of Dumeril and Bibron, then Rana fuscigula would have become a junior synonym of Rana fasciata , and Rana fasciata Smith would have required a new name. However, the action of the International Commission in suppressing Rana fasciata Burchell, 1824 has fortunately obviated this situation. Many of Burchell's sketches still survive. They were held in the library of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, but later transferred to the Africana Museum, Johannesburg Public Library. The Johannesburg Africana Museum Catalogue of Pictures, vol. 6, contains reproductions of these sketches but the only amphibian illustrated by Burchell in 1812 was clearly a toad (B1941, number 17, sketch-book 3 of 1812). The compiler of the book implies in a descriptive note to B1941 that the toad is Burchell’s Rana fasciata, but the date — 4 September 1812 — is too late for the collection date of R. fasciata , and the sequence of dates indicates that a frog collected in March would have been in sketch-book 1 or 2 of 1812. (Note: The abbreviations used are as follows: T.M. (Transvaal Museum); S.A.M. (South African Museum); C.D.N.C. (Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation.) The majority of the Rana montana specimens on which this paper is based are to be lodged in the collection of the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa. Others collected by the staff of the Department of Forestry, are lodged in their collection at Jonkershoek Forest Station, Stellenbosch, South Africa.) 28 COMRIE GRE1G, BOYCOTT & DE VILLIERS: ELEVATION OF RAN A FASCIATA MONTANA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Department of Forestry and in particular Mr P. G. Reyneke (D.F.O., Langeberge), Mr L. M. Francis (Regional Director, Southern Cape), R. A. Flaynes and B. J. Durand of Jonkershoek, J. G. M. Rossouw of Garcia, H. N. van Rhyn of Jonkersberg, and J. W. Esterhuysen of Lebanon. H. J. Vockins, formerly of Garcia Forest, was most helpful, as also D. Pepler of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Stellenbosch. Mr and Mrs J. P. Wilson of “Snelsetter”, Grootvadersbos, and Mr and Mrs A. L. Searle of Great Brak River are thanked for their hospitality. Mr C. Jacot-Guillarmod, former Director of the Albany Museum, provided advice on nomenclatorial matters. Dr A. Semmelink of the Central Acoustics Laboratory, University of Cape Town, produced the oscillograms for us; we thank him for giving us so much of his time. Dr N. I. Passmore of the Department of Zoology, University of the Witwatersrand processed our sonograms and was also generous with advice. Dr J. C. Poynton of the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Natal, Durban, is also thanked for critically reading the manuscript, as are Dr C. J. Loedolff, Dr I. G. Gaigher, C. J. Burgers, P. M. Norton and C. W. Heyl of the Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation. Mr C. T. Stuart also of the same department is especially thanked for his assistance. Lastly we wish to thank the Director of Nature and Environmental Conservation of the Cape Province and the Director of the Port Elizabeth Museum for permission to undertake this work. REFERENCES Blair, W. F. 1958. Mating call and speciation of anuran amphibians. Am. Nat. 92: 7-51. Boie, H. 1832. Briefe von Heinrich Boie geschrieben aus Ostindien und auf der Reise dahin. Neues Staatsbiirgerliches Magazin 1: 126-218. Burchell, W. J. 1824. Travels in the interior of southern A frica . Vo) 2. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. China, W. E. 1964. Opinion 713. Rana fasciata Smith, 1849 (Amphibia): added to the Official List with suppression of Rana fasciata Burchell, 1824, under the plenary powers. Bull. zool. Nomencl. 21(5): 352-354. Dumeril, A. M. C. and Bibron, G. 1841. Erpetologie generate ou histoire naturelle complete des reptiles. 8. Pans. FitzSimons, V. F. M. 1946 An account of the reptiles and amphibians collected on an expedition to the Cape Province, October to December, 1940. Ann. Tvl. Mus. 20(4): 351-377. Greig, J. C. and Boshoff, A. F. Biological distribution mapping in southern Africa: the methodology of locality designation using the latitude/longitude system, (in prep.). Hewitt, J. 1911. A key to the species of the South African Batrachia together with some notes on the specific characters and a synopsis of the known facts of their distribution. Rec. Albany Mus. 2: 189-228. Inger, R. F. 1959. Amphibia. In: Hanstrom et at. eds, South African animal life, Vol. 6. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, pp. 510-553. Loveridge, A. 1953. Zoological results of a fifth expedition to East Africa. IV. Amphibians from Nyasaland and Tete. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 1 10(4): 325-406. Lynch, J. D. 1966. Multiple morphotypy and parallel polymorphism in some neotropical frogs. Syst. Zool. 15(1): 18-23. Mayr, E. 1969. Principles of systematic zoology . New York: McGraw-Hill. Parker, H. W. and Ride, W. D. L. 1962. Rana fasciata Burchell, 1824 (Amphibia); proposed designation of a neotype under the plenary powers. Z.N.(S.) 1253. Bull. zool. Nomencl. 19(5): 290-292. Passmore, N. I. 1977. Mating calls and other vocalisations of five species of Ptvchadena (Anura: Ramdae). S. Afr. J. Sci. 73: 212-214. Passmore, N. I. and Carruthers, V. C. 1975. A new species of Tomopterna (Anura: Ranidae) from the Kruger National Park, with notes on related species. Koedoe 18: 31-50. Pengilley, R. K. 1971. Calling and associated behaviour of some species of Pseudophryne (Anura: Leptodactylidae). J. Zool , Lond. 163: 73-92. Poynton, J. C. 1963. Letter to the editor. Bull. zool. Nomencl. 20: 255. Poynton, J. C. 1964. The Amphibia of southern Africa: a faunal study. Ann. Natal Mus. 17: 1-334. Rose, W. 1962. The reptiles and amphibians of southern Africa . Cape Town: Maskew Miller. Smith, A. 1849. Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa; Reptilia. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 29 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 1, MAY 1979 Steindachner, F. 1867. Reise der Osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoologischer Theil. 1. Amphibien. Vienna: Staatsdruckerei. Stewart, M. M. 1967. Amphibians of Malawi. New York: State University of New York Press. Stewart, M. M. 1974. Parallel pattern polymorphism in the genus Phrvnobatrachus (Amphibia: Ranidae). Copeia 1974 (4): 823-832. Tschudi, J. J. 1838. Classification der Batrachier, mit Beriicksichtigung der fossilen Thiere. Mem. Soc. Sci. nat. Neuchatel 2. Van Dijk, D. E. 1966. Systematic and field keys to the families, genera and described species of southern African anuran tadpoles. Ann. Natal Mus. 18(2): 231-286. Van Dijk, D. E. 1971. The zoocartographic approach to anuran ecology. Zool. afr. 6(1): 85-117. Van Dijk, D. E. 1977. Habitats and dispersal of southern African Anura. Zool. afr. 12(1): 169-181. Wager, V. A. 1965. The frogs of South Africa . Johannesburg: Purnell. Manuscript accepted for publication 15 December 1978. 30 L yi ' / fir 3 (3 ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 8th MAY 1979 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town BD8196 Note on the type-locality, distribution and juvenile coloration of Naja nigricollis woodi (Serpentes: Elapidae) and an account of the colour-pattern variation in intergrade populations by RICHARD C. BOYCOTT (Port Elizabeth Museum) and W. D. HAACKE (Transvaal Museum) INTRODUCTION The western black spitting cobra, Naja nigricollis woodi Pringle, 1955, occurs in southern South West Africa (Namibia) from the vicinity of the Namib Desert Park east of Walvis Bay, southwards through Great and Little Namaqualand to Porterville, and east to Prieska on the southern bank of the Orange River. The Port Elizabeth Snake Park recently acquired a juvenile specimen of this little-known subspecies. As its coloration differs so markedly from that of fully-grown specimens, a description is provided here, along with an assessment of past distribution records for the subspecies and a redefinition of its type-locality. Naja nigricollis woodi integrades with Naja nigricollis nigricincta Bogert in western and central South West Africa. The change in colour-pattern from typical woodi to typical nigricincta within this region is also discussed. THE TYPE-LOCALITY The original description of Naja nigricollis woodi was based on three adult specimens collected near Citrusdal in the western Cape Province, South Africa (Pringle, 1955). The subspecies was named for its collector Mr John Wood of the South African Snake Farm, Fish Hoek, near Cape Town. A precise locality was not given in the original description nor has one been provided in any subsequent publication. However, Mr John Wood has confirmed that the type-specimens were in fact collected on the farm “Keerom” which is situated 29 km SSE of Citrusdal on the upper reaches of the Olifants River. It is suggested, therefore, that this farm should be accepted as the type-locality. Following the locality citation system laid down by Greig and Boshoff (in prep.) the locus (15' X 15' square) in which this farm falls is 3219 CC Keerom. (It is coincidental that the farm name should be the same as the locus name.) COLORATION NOTES AND DESCRIPTION One of the diagnostic characters used by Pringle (1955) to distinguish this subspecies was the black dorsal and ventral coloration in the specimens he examined. Attention has been drawn to this uniform coloration by various authors (FitzSimons, 1962, 1970; Broadley, 1968; Isemonger, 1968; and Visser and Chapman, 1978). 31 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 2, MAY 1979 Fig. 1. Naja nigricollis woodi Pringle — juvenile specimen from Aninauspas, Little Namaqualand (PEM 152120). The description provided by Mertens (1971) was based on an adult specimen (SMF 66021) from the farm Plateau and, although he stated that this adult female showed signs of grey colouring on the ventral surface, his description does not differ markedly from that provided by other authors. He questioned the locality data of SMF 21085 and commented on its atypical characteristics. Consequently this record has been excluded from the present account. Broadley (1974) drew attention to the difference in coloration between juveniles and adults, pointing out that juveniles between 550 and 700 mm in total length are “grey with the head and neck black”. The following more detailed description is based on a juvenile specimen (PEM 152120) collected near Steinkopf (2917 BA KOSIES. 29° 12'30"S; 17° 37'39"E. Altitude 775 m) on the road to Port Nolloth by Mr S. de Ridder of Springbok during April 1978 (Fig. 1). The vegetation type is classed by Acocks (1975) as Namaqualand Broken Veld. Dimensions : 486 (407 + 79) mm. Sex and age : Juvenile female. Scales : The dorsal scales number 21 rows at midbody and 23 in the neck region. Ventral scales total 225 and subcaudals 65 using the method proposed by Dowling (1951). Anal scale entire, the first 6 subcaudals entire the remainder divided. Head shields : Intemasals 2, prefrontals 2, supraocular 1, parietals 2 with 9 bordering scales (i.e. temporals and nuchals). Each nasal shield divided medially by nostril, preoculars 2, postoculars 3, supralabials 6 the 3rd entering orbit, infralabials 8 the first three in contact with anterior sublinguals. Coloration : Each ventral scale has a narrow margin of grey on its posterior edge which is absent in the first 30 ventrals. With this exception the entire ventral surface is black and the 32 BOYCOTT & HAACKE: LOCALITY, DISTRIBUTION AND COLORATION OF NAJA NIGRICOLLIS WOODI throat is devoid of bands or stripes. The head, the sides and back of the neck are black; the rest of the dorsal surface and the sides are grey. At the base of each grey dorsal and lateral scale there is a margin of black; the overall effect is that of a fine reticulate pattern. This is further emphasized when the skin is distended, as the black interstitial skin is thereby exposed. Proceeding posteriorly from the neck region each body scale shows more grey, the black colouring diminishing until the overall grey colouring becomes completely dominant (subjectively around 20 scales from the parietals). A juvenile specimen from Porterville in the Transvaal Museum (TM 32784) conforms to this description. DISTRIBUTION The range limits of this subspecies have confounded herpetologists for many years, partly because of taxonomic uncertainty. Mertens (1955) mentions some specimens from the vicinity of Aus and Narudas Slid, considering them to be melanistic individuals of N. nigricollis mossambica Peters. FitzSimons (1962) believing it to represent a colour variety placed Naja mossambica Fig. 2. • Naja nigricollis nigricollis Reinhardt, □ Naja nigricollis nigricincta Bogert, ■ Naja nigricollis woodi Pringle, k Indicates nigricincta /woodi intergrade populations. 33 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 2, MAY 1979 Peters as a synonym under Naja nigricoilis Reinhardt and recognised nigricincta Bogert and woodi as subspecies of the latter. Broadley (1968) separated N. mossambica and N. nigricoilis and provisionally placed nigricincta and woodi as subspecies of N. mossambica to which Mertens (1971) agreed. After examining a larger series of specimens from south-western Africa, Broadley (1974) placed nigricincta and woodi as subspecies of N. nigricoilis. Amongst the 15 specimens of Naja nigricoilis woodi examined by him, he recorded that some showed signs of intergradation with Naja nigricoilis nigricincta . Since Broadley’s publication the Transvaal Museum has acquired additional specimens, some of which are intergrades. All in all sixteen specimens, eleven in the Transvaal Museum (TM 30172, TM 30462, TM 36603, TM 36881, TM 37183, TM 39962, TM 48166, TM 49786, TM 50675, TM 52154, TM 52155), four in the collection of the Namib Desert Research Station (NDRS R124, 125, 126, 127) and one in the State Museum (SM R1640), which are representative of nine distribution records (Fig. 2) appear to be Naja n. nigricincta /woodi intergrades. The intergrade zone between these two forms appears to be in western and central South West Africa between the latitudes 22°S and 25°S (Fig. 2). The distribution of Naja nigricoilis nigricincta extends from southern central South West Africa northwards throughout the northern half of the country, excluding the Kungveld and Kavango-Caprivi area, to south-western Angola where it intergrades with Naja nigricoilis nigricoilis. The distribution records for Naja n. nigricincta (Fig. 2) have been taken from FitzSimons (1962), Broadley (1974) and newer additions to the Transvaal Museum collection. The records for Naja nigricoilis nigricoilis in south-western Angola and Zambia have been taken from Broadley (1974). The specimen illustrated (Fig. 3) is an intergrade between Naja n. Fig. 3. Naja nigricoilis nigricincta /woodi — juvenile specimen from Gobabeb, Namib Desert Park (TM 36881). 34 BOYCOTT & HAACKE: LOCALITY, DISTRIBUTION AND COLORATION OF NAJA NIGRICOLLIS WOODI nigricincta and Naja n. woodi, collected at Gobabeb in the Namib Desert Park (TM 36881) and is typical for juveniles of that area. Other juveniles of similar appearance have been collected, at the same locality (NORS R127) and although without specific data, probably from the same general area (TM 52155). The juvenile (TM 36603) from Hardap Dam, N. n. nigricincta according to Broadley (1974), is actually considerably darker than the juveniles from the Kuiseb River and the dorsal, white crossbands are even less distinct, for which reasons it must also be considered to be an intergrade. Adults of intergrade populations show some consistency within a population. Along the Kuiseb as far as the Desert Research Station, Gobabeb, they are dorsally more or less pitch black with a black collar which usually covers the first 18 or 19 ventrals, followed by one or two salmon pink to orange ventral scales (fading to white in preservative) and then irregularly alternating dark grey and white ventrals with black flecks scattered over both background colours. The whitish ventral markings in adults are best developed on the anterior third while the rear of the ventrum tends to be more uniform grey with flecks. This pattern is also found on TM 49786 from Kraaipoort, TM 48166 from Mooirivier and a specimen which was photographed in detail at close range by the junior author between Homeb and Hudaob in the Kuiseb River. A second specimen from Mooirivier (TM 39962) indeed gives the impression of a hybrid with Naja nivea as described by Broadley (1974). A new specimen from Voigtskub (TM 52154), a flat skin, is very close to a typical N. n. woodi, with a black dorsum and collar but the right tip of ventral 18 is white. This is equivalent to the salmon pink collar of the other dorsally black intergrades. The adult specimens from Rostock (TM 30462), Onanesberg (NDRS R124) and Rossing (TM 50675) have a ventral pattern similar to that described above but dorsally on a black background indications of thin incomplete white transverse lines occur indicating their closer position to N. n. nigricincta than the lower Kuiseb population. This fits in with the clinal character of the intergrade zone, since the specimens from the Hakos Mountains (TM 24350, TM 34925) which are the closest true nigricincta, are rather dark specimens with comparatively poorly developed white transverse bands. The nigricincta pattern is at its brightest in the Kaokoveld and south western Angola. Unfortunately only one intergrade specimen (MBL 1965, Quissange) has been described (Broadley, 1974) from the intergrade zone between the banded N. n. nigricincta and typical nigricollis, which is uniform black above with a black throat and a grey black speckled ventrum. The change from one subspecies to another in Naja nigricollis through intergrade zones, is apparently correllated with a clinal change in the number of ventrals (Broadley, pers. comm.). Since further population analyses are pending by Broadley, this paper concentrated on clearing up some of the distribution record errors of N. n. woodi, to add new records and to provide more information on the change in pattern of populations of the intergrade zone between woodi and nigricincta without presenting any scale count data. A list of localities is provided in Table 1. Ten of the localities post-date those provided by Broadley (1974). Locus citation follows Greig and Boshoff (in prep.). As the spelling of southern African place names is notoriously variable, the locality names are spelt according to the latest editions of the 1:50 000 Topographical series of South Africa and South West Africa. GENERAL The specimen figured by FitzSimons (1962) as Naja nigricollis nigricollis Reinhardt (TM 24653) from Que Que is in fact Naja mossambica Peters. In the field notes of Naja nigricollis (referring to mossambica as well) FitzSimons (1962) stated that they will usually “spit” from the reared position and also from ground level, without raising the head. N. mossambica is less inclined to rear and spread its hood than other cobras (Visser and Chapman, 1978). From 30 observations in the Port Elizabeth Snake Park during which both species were approached, Naja nigricollis woodi reared and elevated its head on all occasions. Naja mossambica raised its head 35 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 2, MAY 1979 on only 3 occasions, and then only when directly threatened. Thus a distinct behavioural difference appears to exist between the two species. In captivity N. n. woodi has been known to eat toads, Bufo sp. (Wood, pers. comm.); the Port Elizabeth Snake Park specimen accepted laboratory mice. MUSEUM ABBREVIATIONS MBL NDRS NM PEM SAM SM SMF TM WNM = Museum Bocage, Lisbon, Portugal. = Namib Desert Research Station, Gobabeb, South West Africa (Namibia). = Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. = Port Elizabeth Museum, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. = South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa. = State Museum, Windhoek, South West Africa (Namibia). = Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, West Germany. = Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa. = Wiesbaden Naturhistorisches Museum, Wiesbaden, West Germany. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to express their gratitude to the following for providing valuable information: Dr D. G. Broadley (Umtali Museum), Dr J. A. Pringle (Natal Museum), Dr G. R. McLachlan (South African Museum), Miss R. M. Tietz (McGregor Museum), and Mr M. Penrith (State Museum). Mr S. de Ridder of Springbok is thanked for supplying the juvenile specimen and Mr John Wood of the South African Snake Farm, Fish Hoek, for furnishing details regarding the type-locality. John Greig (Herpetologist, Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation) is thanked for supplying information concerning the localities. The Board of Trustees of the Port Elizabeth Museum and the Director, Dr John Wallace are thanked for permission to publish this paper. Dr J. A. Pringle, John Greig and Allan Batchelor read the manuscript and provided useful suggestions. REFERENCES Acocks, J. P. H. 1975. Veld types of South Africa. Mem. bot. Surv. S. Afr. 40: 1-128. Broadley, D. G. 1968. A review of the African cobras of the genus Naja (Serpentes: Elapinae). Arnoldia Rhod. 3(29): 1-14. Broadley, D. G. 1974. A review of the cobras of the Naja nigricollis complex in south western Africa (Serpentes: Elapidae). Cimbebasia (A). 2(14): 155-162. Dowling, H. G. 1951. A proposed standard system of counting ventrals in snakes. Br. J. Herp. 1(5): 97-98. FitzSimons, V. F. M. 1962. Snakes of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Purnell. FitzSimons, V. F. M. 1970. A field guide to the snakes of Southern Africa. London: Collins. Greig, J. C. and Boshoff, A. F. (in prep.). Biological distribution mapping in southern Africa: the methodology of locality designation using the latitude/longitude grid system. Isemonger, R. M. 1968. Snakes of Africa. Cape Town: Books of Africa. Lampe, E. 1911. Erster Nachtrag zum Katalog der Reptilien- und Amphibien — Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums der Stadt Wiesbaden. Jahrb. Nass. Ver. Naturk 64: 137-236. Mertens, R. 1955. Die Amphibien und Reptilien Siidwestafrikas. Aus den Ergebnissen einer im Jahre 1952 ausgefiihrten Reise. Abh. Senckb. Naturf. Ges. 490: 1-172. Mertens, R. 1971. Die Herpetofauna Siidwest-Afrikas. Abh. Senckb. Naturf. Ges. 529: 1-110. Pringle, J. A. 1955. A new subspecies of the spitting cobra Naja nigricollis Reinhardt from the Cape Province. Ann. Natal Mus. 13(2): 253-254. Visser, J. and Chapman, D. S. 1978. Snakes and Snakebite . Cape Town: Purnell. Manuscript accepted for publication 29 January 1979. 36 Table 1. Details of past and present distribution records for Naja nigricollis woodi Pringle and N. n. nigricincta /woodi intergrades BOYCOTT & HAACKE: LOCALITY, DISTRIBUTION AND COLORATION OF NAJA NIGRICOLLIS WOODI 37 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 2, MAY 1979 U < «< -o i> c: JS ; -o E ! -a “ c c § u 2 OB E o £ 5 = «"U-S « x u-i 73 I I ,„vo2 « JS o-^ xi ~ o «n«2" ? \0 -*> 3 XJ >> a: co o ON ^ — h o S w2 M 3 2 C O >,Z E Ji • — • — 73 b <*> c5 w ^ CQ £ I 1 “ o ^ (J O os P .s: x ^ C U ^ ■ m ,c>0 O '-5 5 = £ si o ,-4. jv a 03 s: 2 *Q CQ C "O 03 6) x ^ ^ a) s: • *”■ T“ Q . b k^J c/5 .®C ^ ^ s S ? c O uz^ B cJ t> 73 p S ^ . .g H uj ^ . C/5 C>C U'-B S S £ si o > o o c* § d Z on s . d oo X) . 0) M ■s S X CL, O ^ o ^ 2 •- 03 x . :0 >, CC I CQ 38 frit 3 d P ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 3 28th SEPTEMBER 1979 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town BD 8373 Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town BD8373 A new species of Megerlina (Brachiopoda) from the Pleistocene of Zululand, South Africa by NORTON HILLER Department of Geology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa (with 3 figures) ABSTRACT A new fossil species of the Terebratulacean brachiopod, Megerlina, is described from late Pleistocene limestones in the False Bay area of Lake St Lucia, Zululand. It is designated Megerlina levis sp. nov. CONTENTS Page Introduction 39 Systematic description 40 Acknowledgements 44 References 44 INTRODUCTION The present specimens were collected by Dr D. K. Hobday who sent them to the author for identification. They occurred, in local concentrations, within limestones of late Pleistocene (Eemian) age exposed in small outcrops at Lister’s Point and Picnic Point on the western shores of the False Bay area of the Lake St Lucia lagoonal complex on the Zululand coastal plain (Fig. 1). Associated with the brachiopods were a variety of corals, gastropods, bivalves and cirripeds as well as echinoderm and sponge fragments and possible crab remains. Vertical tubes with horizontal branches of the ichnogenera Thalassinoides and Ophiomorpha were also present. The overall fauna and lithology of the enclosing sediments indicate an unrestricted, high energy, shallow marine environment not far from shore, with water temperatures slightly warmer than at present (Hobday, 1976: 103-105). 39 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 3, SEPTEMBER 1979 Fig. 1. Map showing location and geology of the Lake St Lucia lagoonal complex (After Hobday 1976). SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION Class ARTICULATA Superfamily Terebratulacea King, 1850 Family Kraussinidae Dali, 1870 Genus Megerlina Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1884 Type-species: Kraussia lamarckiana Davidson, 1852: 80 by original designation. Megerlina levis sp. nov. (Figs. 2, 3) Type material Holotype: AM-4778 Paratype 1: AM-4779 Paratype 2: AM -4780 Paratype 3: AM-4781 The specimens are housed in the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa. 40 NORTON HILLER: NEW SPECIES OF MEGERLINA (BRACHIOPODA) Diagnosis Subpentagonal Megerlina with carinate pedicle valve and sulcate brachial valve, and lacking any radial ornamentation. Material and horizon Fourteen pairs of conjoined valves and fragments of several other pedicle and brachial valves from late Pleistocene deposits on the Zululand coast. Description Small ventribiconvex shells of subpentagonal to transversely subcircular outline; maximum width about midvalve; hinge-line width about three-quarters of maximum width; postero-lateral margins (beak ridges) straight, subtending an angle of about 120° at the umbo. Pedicle valve over nine-tenths as long as wide and just over one-third as deep as long. Lateral profile evenly convex; anterior profile convex with narrow, round-topped median fold extending from umbo and separating flat to very gently convex flanks; profile of younger forms more evenly convex, fold not as pronounced. Umbo suberect; pedicle opening subinesothyridid. Small, but conspicuous, triangular palintropes developed on either side of delthyrium; deltidial plates narrow. A Fig. 2. A. Diagram of the cardinalia of Megerlina levis sp. nov. b — buttress; c.p. — cardinal process; f.p. — fulcral plate; s — socket; s.r. — socket ridge; About 5,5 times natural size. B. C. D. Posterior, ventral and lateral views of brachidium. About 12 times natural size. 41 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST ) VOL. 13 PT 3, SEPTEMBER 1979 Brachial valve about four-fifths as long as wide and a little over one-fifth as deep as long. Lateral profile gently convex with maximum convexity near umbo; anterior profile gently convex but with narrow median sulcus which arises at 2 mm growth stage and expands and deepens gradually towards anterior margin. Sulcus of young forms shallower than in adults. Ornamentation of faint concentric growth lines and single prominent growth lamella near anterior margin of some specimens; otherwise shells are smooth. Punctae well seen over whole of shell surface, with density of 120-180 per sq. mm. Ventral interior with stout hinge teeth without supporting dental plates; pedicle collar very slightly excavate anteriorly. Dorsal interior largely obscured by infilling sediment but one specimen shows weakly developed, elliptical, knob-like cardinal process between strong, widely divergent socket ridges. These are buttressed on their inner sides by a pair of short plates which converge on to valve floor to define notothyrial cavity (Fig. 2A). About mid-valve a low median septum supports a pair of anteroventrally directed diverging plates, which are slightly concave towards one another; each bears a blunt point at the distal end which reaches almost to the floor of the opposite valve and a curved accessory ledge is present on the outside of each plate. From about two-thirds to three-quarters the way up the posterior edge of each plate, a slightly curved prong protrudes (Fig. 2B-D). These prongs have been interpreted as elements of a rudimentary transverse band in the case of the closely related genus Kraussina (Elliot 1949: 541) but Thomson (1927: 225), Jackson (1952: 30) and Cooper (1973: 22) think they represent the anterior ends of the descending branches of a loop. However, the posterior ends of such branches have not been described. Details of the musculature are obscured. Dimensions Holotype: pair of conjoined valves length 13,5 mm width 15,3 mm Paratype 1: pair of conjoined valves 12,2 mm 13,2 mm Paratype 2: fragment of brachial valve — — Paratype 3: fragment of conjoined valves — — Discussion The present specimens of Megerlina can immediately be distinguished from M. lamarckiana (Davidson), from the shallow waters around the south-east coast of Australia, M. davidsoni (Velain) from St Paul Island, and from M. capensis (Adams & Reeve) and M. striata Jackson, both of which occur off the south-west coast of Cape Province. These modem forms are < all distinctly ribbed, although this ribbing may develop upon a smooth early growth stage. Another form which occurs off the South African coast is M. pisurn (Lamarck) which is described by Jackson (1952: 30) as being nearly smooth but with faint traces of costation; the new species shows no traces of costation and can be further distinguished by its narrower, deeper sulcus. Jackson (1952: 33) ends his discussion of M. pisum by noting that the internal characters of the type specimens from Mauritius were unknown to him and that his description was based on i South African specimens which he identified by their outward appearance only. He states that if il further specimens from Mauritius should prove to differ in their cardinalia and brachidium then the South African shells should be known as M. natalensis. However, Cooper (1973: 22) described a M. natalensis (Krauss) from the south-east coast of Cape Province, a locality also quoted by Jackson for his M. pisum. In synonymy with M. natalensis. Cooper places Terebratula natalensis Krauss 1844 and Terebratula algoensis Sowerby 1847, two forms which are also included in the synonymy list given by Jackson for M. pisum. There appears to be a certain amount of confusion over the identity of these two forms but the shells described by Cooper are quite distinctly ribbed and must be separate from M. pisum as well as the specimens described herein. 42 NORTON HILLER: NEW SPECIES OF MEGERLINA (BRACHIOPODA) Smith (1901: 1 16) records Kraussina atkinsoni (Woods) from Algoa Bay but Jackson (1952: 32, 33) regards the specimens as juvenile forms of M. pisum, an identification he also gives to a small, smooth sulcate shell with strong growth lamellae, that was dredged off Durban and originally identified as K. atkinsoni by G. B. Sowerby. The superficial resemblance of these juvenile forms to Megerlina levis sp. nov. tempts one to speculate that the Zululand species may be ancestral to M. pisum. Fig. 3. Megerlina levis sp. nov. A, B, C, D. Dorsal, lateral, anterior and ventral views of conjoined valves, Holotype , (AM-4778). Respectively x 2,5, X 2,7, x 2,8, x 2,5. E. Dorsal view of conjoined valves, (AM-4779) x 2,7. F, G. Ventral and lateral views of a broken brachial valve interior, (AM-4780). Respectively x 2,7, X 4,1. H. Posterolateral view of brachidium, (AM-4781) x 2,2. 43 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 3, SEPTEMBER 1979 In discussing the generic position of K. atkinsoni, Jackson (1952: 32, 33) says that he does not consider it a true Kraussina and that it should be removed from that genus. Although it resembled M. lamarckiana, Jackson was doubtful whether the species should be included in Megerlina without further investigation. However, Hatai (1965: H834) gives the time range for Megerlina as Neogene (Tasmania)- Recent and the type specimens of K. atkinsoni are from Miocene deposits in southern Tasmania. Thus it seems that K. atkinsoni has indeed been transferred to Megerlina and, apart from the present specimens, is the only other fossil form of the genus so far recorded. It is a ribbed form and is therefore distinct from M. levis sp. nov. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is indebted to Dr Hobday for providing the specimens for study, and to Mr W. Holleman, of the Albany Museum, for his assistance with the photography. REFERENCES Cooper, G. A. 1973. Verna’s Brachiopoda (Recent). Smithson. Contr. Paleobiol. 17: 1—51. Elliot, G. F. 1949. The brachial development of Kraussina (Brachiopoda). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12) 2: 538-546. Hatai, K. 1965. Kraussinidae. In: Williams, A. et al. in Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, ed. R. C. Moore, Part H, [ Vol. 2, Brachiopoda. University of Kansas Press, 927 pp. Hobday, D. K. 1976. Quartemary sedimentation and development of the lagoonal complex. Lake St Lucia, Zululand. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 71: 93-113. Jackson, J. W. 1952. A revision of some South African Brachiopoda, with descriptions of new species. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 41 (1): 1-40. Smith, E. A. 1901. On South African marine shells, with descriptions of new species. J. Conch., Loud. 10: 104-116. Thomson, J. A. 1927. Brachiopod morphology and genera ( Recent and Tertiary). Wellington, N.Z.: Dominion Museum. (New Zealand Board of Science and Art. Manual 7), 338 pp. Manuscript accepted for publication 28 May 1979. /'i- (p / A i-t ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 4 11th JANUARY 1980 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town BD 8594 Ethological notes on Kohliella alaris Brauns (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Larrinae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa by F. W. GESS (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) and S. K. GESS INTRODUCTION The genus Kohliella Brauns, 1910 is endemic to southern Africa and includes two species poorly represented in collections. Kohliella alaris Brauns, the type species, black and ranging in length from 6- 1 1 mm, was described from Willowmore (Cape Province) (Brauns, 1910: 669) and was subsequently recorded from Hex River (Cape Province) and Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) (Arnold, 1924: 43) and from two localities on the Cape Peninsula (Beaumont, 1967: 510). In the Albany Museum collection it is represented by specimens collected by the authors at New Year’s Dam, Alicedale and on Hilton, Grahamstown (both Cape Province). K. stevensoni Arnold, the second species, was described from Sawmills (Zimbabwe) (Arnold, 1924: 42). It has been pointed out by Bohart and Menke (1976: 286) that, although Kohliella is similar to Tachysphex in general facies, only a few features such as the form of the collar, the male forefemoral notch, and the bare pygidial plate are common to both, and that Kohliella is probably best regarded as a specialized relic. Nothing has hitherto been published regarding the biology of the genus. The present paper is the sixth of a series of publications dealing with the ethology of certain solitary wasps occurring at Hilton, a farm situated 18 kilometres WNW. of Grahamstown (33° 19' S, 26° 32' E) in the Albany Division of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. An account of the climate and vegetation of Hilton has previously been given (Gess and Gess, 1974: 191-192). THE NESTING OF KOHLIELLA ALARIS BRAUNS Description of the nesting sites At Hilton Kohliella alaris nests in sand on the floor of a sandpit and in close proximity to the sandpit in places where the vegetation has been removed leaving the sand bare or with very sparse plant cover (Figs 1 and 2). The sand, light coloured and fine grained, is derived from the weathering of Witteberg Quartzite and is of alluvial origin having been deposited upon its flood plain by a seasonal tributary of the New Year’s River. K. alaris tends to nest in pseudo-colonies making use of only small areas within nesting sites which appear to offer suitable conditions for nesting throughout. 45 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 4, JANUARY 1980 Fig. 1. Hilton, 12.i. 1978. Portion of sand pit with figure marking a nesting site of Kohliella alaris. Fig. 2. Hilton, 12. i. 1978. Entrance to a nest of Kohliella alaris in nesting site shown in Fig. 1. 46 GESS & GESS: NOTES ON KOHLIELLA ALARIS BRAUNS Flight period Males and females of K. alaris have been collected at Hilton from early December to early March and nesting takes place throughout this period. During the summer of 1977-78, which was a particularly successful season for this species, nesting was at its height in mid- January. Whereas most of the sphecids nesting in the sandpit commence their daily nesting activities before the hottest time of day and continue them into the early afternoon or on the hottest days cease activity before noon, K. alaris never appears before noon and rather commences its activities after noon, when the heat of the day is past its peak, and on the hottest days may delay its nesting activities until as late as 4. 15 p.m., with the peak of nesting activity half an hour later. Males are present in the nesting area and have been seen to attempt to mate with females in close proximity to the nests. Plants visited by adult wasps There are no records of K. alaris visiting plants. However, trees and shrubs must be visited by the females when hunting for it is in such situations that the prey occurs. It is probable that the wasps visit a belt of shrubs and small trees which occurs along the banks of the seasonal tributary near the sandpit. Although K. alaris was not observed in this situation, both males and females were caught in a Malaise trap erected between shrubs on the edge of this belt. Identification of the prey Twenty-six prey were recovered from K. alaris or its nests and without exception were nymphs of the Tree Cricket Oecanthus capensis Saussure (Gryllidae: Oecanthinae). Adult O. capensis in the Albany Museum were collected at Brak Kloof, a farm adjoining Hilton, during the months February to April. Details of the prey and of their captors are given in Tables 1 and 2. It will be seen that the prey is mutilated by the wasp in that the antennae are cut off short (Fig. 3). Mutilation must take place immediately after prey capture as prey being transported to the nest are already in the “dressed” condition. Fig. 3. Contents of the cell of nest 1 1 (see Table 1) consisting of three tree crickets, Oecanthus capensis, the third from the left bearing the egg of the nest builder shown on right, (x 2,8) 47 Table 1. Details pertaining to Kohliella alaris females, their prey and eggs associated in nests. GESS & GESS: NOTES ON KOHLIELLA ALARIS BRAUNS Table 2. Details pertaining to Kohliella alaris females and their prey associated during prey transport. Date Prey sex & developmen- tal stage Prey weight (mg) Prey length (mm) Mutilations to prey Wasp weight (mg) Wasp length (mm) 16.ii.76 female nymph 43 12,5 Both antennae shortened 18 9,3 16.ii.76 male nymph 21 8,3 Both antennae shortened 24 9,5 9.xii.77 male nymph — 11,0 Both antennae shortened — — 20.xii.77 nymph — 6,3 Both antennae shortened — 10,0 1 7. i.78 female nymph 46 14,5 Both antennae shortened — c. 10 1 7. i.78 male nymph 26 11,0 Both antennae shortened Right hind leg missing 25 10,0 Description of the nest (Figs 4a and b, 5a and b) The nest of K. alaris consists of a short trench, approximately 10 mm long, leading to a subcircular entrance hole, slightly wider than high, average width 4,3 mm (sample of 12), from which a shallow entrance passage of similar diameter extends from 20-35 mm (sample of 9) and reaches an average depth of 1 3 mm (sample of 7) below the surface of the ground. From this shallow burrow one to several secondary branches of a steeper gradient lead off, some of which end in a more or less horizontal single cell at an average depth of 35 mm (range 16-70 mm, sample of 15). Some passages appear to remain unused and are free from sand whereas the passages which end in a cell are filled with loose sand. A secondary passage may be excavated in the same direction as the entrance passage or it may make a sharply acute to obtuse angle with it. Similarly, a cell may have its long axis following the same direction as the secondary passage or ' it may be at an angle to it. Such secondary passages which terminate in a cell are 15-60 mm long ; (sample of 1 1) and 4-5 mm in diameter and the cells have an average length of 16 mm (sample of 8) and an average diameter of 6,6 mm (sample of 9), therefore being of a slightly larger bore than that of the secondary passages. ’ Method of construction of the nest, provisioning and oviposition K. alaris is a sand raker. After the wasp has selected a nesting site, nest construction is immediately initiated by her digging and raking away the soil. When the sand which is excavated in the construction of the nest begins to accumulate forming a pile, the wasp spreads it from side to side using a light dancing motion. Any particles which are too big to be extracted from the excavation by raking are carried out by the wasp in her mandibles. At the start of nest excavation the wasp is easily distracted by passing insects such as ants but makes no attempt to chase them. However, as nest construction becomes more advanced she becomes more determined and aggressive making attempts to drive away passing insects. Hunting takes place after a cell has been excavated and the nest temporarily sealed with sand. The wasp having located, captured, stung and mutilated her prey she flies with it to the nest holding it beneath her with its head facing the direction of travel. She alights close to the 49 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 4, JANUARY 1980 100m m 50 GESS & GESS: NOTES ON KOHLIELLA ALARIS BRAUNS Fig. 5a and b. Plans of nests 1 and 7 of Kohliella alaris . 51 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 4, JANUARY 1980 entrance to the nest, puts down the prey, rakes the sand out of the nest entrance, enters, turns around within, and draws the prey in head first. Fourteen nests were excavated from which the contents of ten provisioned or partially provisioned cells were obtained (see Table 1) and were found to consist of twenty prey, seven of which bore wasp eggs. In a cell several prey are positioned venter up facing the inner end of the cell and parallel to each other but with every prey slightly in advance of that succeeding it. The prey are incompletely paralysed and exhibit occasional trembling movements of the palps and continuous pumping respiratory movements of the abdomen. The egg of K. alaris is slightly curved, pearly white and 2,6 mm long (average of 5) and 0,5 mm wide at its mid length. It is attached by its anterior end to the underside of the prothorax of one of the prey, posterior to either the right or left prothoracic coxa, and extends transversely across the venter of the prey (Fig. 3). For six of the eggs it was possible to establish the order of introduction into the cell of the prey to which they were attached. Three eggs were on the first prey, two on the second prey and one was on the fourth prey. In the instance of the fourth prey being selected for oviposition it was the only one of any considerable size weighing 37 mg whereas the first three weighed only 5, 4,5 and 7,0 mg respectively. It is therefore likely that if the first prey to be captured are very small oviposition is postponed until one of a suitable size is obtained. The secondary passage leading to a cell is usually filled with loose sand whereas the entrance passage is left clear. When leaving the nest the wasp closes the entrance. She stands inside the burrow and rakes sand in towards herself and through underneath to behind herself, gradually advancing out of the nest. When only a small depression is left she rakes sand over it from all directions until it is completely obscured. Three nests which had been seen to be closed in this way were excavated and were found to have as yet incompletely provisioned cells. It is therefore clear that the wasp closes her nest between visits. Parasites Five miltogrammine sarcophagids were reared from maggot infested prey recovered from a i cell excavated on 1 8. i. 1978. The flies emerged from their puparia on 6.ii. 1978. DISCUSSION Kohliella with Parapiagetia, Holotachysphex and Prosopigastra may be grouped around lj Tachysphex, one of the dominant sphecid genera and one of the most highly evolved members of (. the tribe Larrini (Bohart and Menke, 1976: 269). As these five genera together form a distinct tj evolutionary branch within the subtribe Tachytina and as nothing has hitherto been published I concerning the biology of Kohliella it is of interest to compare the five genera with respect to )j various aspects of nesting ethology. A considerable number of papers on the biology of Tachysphex species have appeared, important ones being listed by Bohart and Menke (1976: 270). A useful summary of the known i biology of the Palaearctic species has been provided by Pulawski (1971: 16-20). In contrast little has been published on the biology of Prosopigastra and almost nothing on that of Parapiagetia. For both genera the known biology has been reviewed by Bohart and Menke (1976: 285 and 281 i respectively) and for Prosopigastra additional data have been presented by Pulawski (1979) who has also summarized the life history of the genus. An account of the nesting of a species of lj Holotachysphex, H. turneri (Arnold) in trap-nests has been published by Gess (1978: 209-215). In addition, since the publication of this account, natural nests of H. turneri have been found by the authors at Hilton in old abandoned galleries of the carpenter bee, Xylocopa caffrariae Enderlein in the hollow intemodes of dry culms of Phragmites australis, a reed fringing permanent and semi-permanent water bodies. 52 GESS & GESS: NOTES ON KOHLIELLA ALARIS BRAUNS The nests of Kohliella like those of Tachysphex and Prosopigastra are situated in the ground, in friable soil; however, Holotachysphex by contrast nests up off the ground in hollow plant stems. The nests of Parapiagetia have not as yet been located but the presence in the female of fore-tarsal sand rakes and of a pygidial plate indicates that this genus like Kohliella is ground nesting. Kohliella like almost all species of Tachysphex excavates its nest itself whereas Pro- sopigastra, Holotachysphex and the exceptional species of Tachysphex modify pre-existing cavities, frequently the galleries of other aculeate Hymenoptera. The nests of Kohliella that were investigated were all still under construction; eight contained a single provisioned or partially provisioned cell and one contained two cells. It is therefore not known whether the number of cells constructed ever exceeds two. Tachysphex nests may be one- or two-celled or multicellular, those of Prosopigastra are multicellular and Holotachysphex turneri nests have been found with one, two and three cells. Thus it appears that all four genera show a tendency to construct more than one cell per nest. Kohliella unlike Prosopigastra and Holotachysphex which leave the nest entrance open during provisioning maintains a temporary closure during this period. Tachysphex displays variability in its behaviour in this respect. As Kohliella maintains a temporary closure it may be assumed that like Tachysphex, Prosopigastra and Holotachysphex it constructs a final closure. Kohliella like Holotachysphex, Parapiagetia and some species of Tachysphex preys upon Qrthoptera. Other species of Tachysphex, however, prey upon Dictyoptera and Prosopigastra preys upon Hemiptera. In all genera nymphs are generally taken. The report that an unknown Parapiagetia species was seen transporting a caterpillar should, it is considered, be treated with great caution. Kohliella like Tachysphex transports its prey held beneath its body and facing the direction of travel. Kohliella, Tachysphex and Prosopigastra are known to carry their prey in flight and judging from the small size of its prey and the situation of its nest Holotachysphex probably also transports its prey in flight. When the prey is large and heavy relative to the wasp, Tachysphex is known to transport it along the ground in short hopping flights. Kohliella like some species of Tachysphex deposits the prey on the ground at the nest entrance, opens and enters the nest, turns around within it and then draws in the prey unlike Prosopigastra and some other species of Tachysphex which enter the nest directly. Kohliella like Holotachysphex and Prosopigastra provisions each cell with several prey, however, Tachysphex when large prey are taken may provision with a single prey. In all four genera paralysis of the prey is incomplete. Kohliella like Holotachysphex and those Tachysphex species which provision their nests with Acrididae positions its egg attached immediately posterior to one of the prothoracic coxae and extending transversely across the venter of the prey. From the above comparison of various aspects of the nesting ethology of the five genera it is evident that the latter form a fairly close-knit group. Tachysphex, the species-rich dominant genus around which the other genera are grouped shows a considerable ethological latitude or plasticity whereas the ethology of the other genera appears more circumscribed. However, this is likely to be merely an expression of the fact that the other genera have far fewer species and that data concerning these are limited. Among those ethological aspects considered Kohliella does not manifest any character which is unique to itself and which is not found also in the genus Tachysphex seen as a whole (though of course if compared with individual species of Tachy- sphex various differences do become apparent). On the other hand the ethology of Kohliella differs in several aspects from that of both Holotachysphex and Prosopigastra. (Not enough is known of the ethology of Parapiagetia to allow comparison.) Ethologically Kohliella therefore has the greatest affinity with Tachysphex, the affinity being greater than that shown by either Holotachysphex or Prosopigastra with that genus. 53 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 4, JANUARY 1980 SUMMARY Some aspects of the ethology of Kohliella alaris Brauns (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Larrinae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa are described. In the study which was based upon a series of nests excavated in sand attention is given to the description of the nesting sites, flight period, plants visited by adult wasps, identification of the prey, description of the nest and method of its construction, provisioning and oviposition. The nesting of Kohliella is compared with that of the genera Parapiagetia, Holotachysphex, Prosopigastra and Tachysphex and is found to be very similar to that of the last named. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Mr T. C. White of the farm Hilton for his much appreciated kindness over the years in allowing them free access to his land. The senior author is grateful to the C.S.I.R. for a running expenses grant for field-work during the course of which the present observations were made. REFERENCES Arnold, G. 1924. The Sphegidae of South Africa Part 5. Ann. Transv. Mus. 11 (1): 1-73. Beaumont, J. de 1967. Hymenoptera: Sphecidae. In Hanstrom et al. eds, South African animal life. Vol. 13. Stockholm: Swedish Natural Science Research Council, pp. 502-512. Bohart, R. M. and Menke, A. S. 1976. Sphecid wasps of the world: a generic revision. Berkeley: University of California Press. Brauns, H. 1910. Neue Sphegiden aus Siidafrika Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr. 1910: 666-670. Gess, F. W. 1978. Ethological notes on Holotachysphex turneri (Arnold) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Larrinae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 11 (11): 209-215. Gess, F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1974. An ethological study of Dichragenia pulchricoma (Arnold) (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), a southern African spider-hunting wasp which builds a turreted, subterranean nest. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 9 (11): 187-214. Pulawski, W. 1971. Les Tachysphex de la region palearcticjue occidentale et centrale. Wroclaw: Zaklad Zool. SysL, Polskiej Akad. Nauk. Pulawski, W. 1979. A revision of the world Prosopigastra Costa (Hymenoptera Sphecidae). Polskie Pismo Ent. 49: 3-134. Manuscript accepted for publication 21 September 1979. 54 0 then the specimen is a Lemniscomys roseveari ; if K<0 it is a species of the L. griselda ■< species-group. The chance of an erroneous determination is 6,8%. In the material examined two (> Lemniscomys roseveari and eight L. rosalia (from the Transvaal and Namibia) were misidentified ij with this function. If the eighteen available factors are used for a discriminant function, this percentage drops to 4,9. The second discriminant function, using three factors, makes it possible to differentiate Lemniscomys roseveari from the adjacent L. griselda. It gives a 1,9% chance of an erroneous determination. K = 14,074 x PRCO - 14,581 x HEBA - 10,880 x PAF + 21,85 Specimens of Lemniscomys griselda give negative values for K whereas specimens of L. roseveari give positive ones. VAN DER STRAETEN: NEW SPECIES OF LEMNISCOMYS FROM ZAMBIA SPIN SAB CAL ROSA PHAE GRIS ROS LIN Fig. 2. Dendrogram, based on a matrix of generalized distances of Mahalanobis, generated by the U.P.G.M.A. clustering methods; spin: Lemniscomys rosalia (cf. spinalis), sab: L. rosalia (cf. sabidata), cal: L. rosalia (cf. calidior ), rosa: L. rosalia (cf. rosalia), phae: L. rosalia (cf. macculosus ), gris: L. griselda, ros: L. roseveari , lin: L. Hindus. 61 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 5, JUNE 1980 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank his colleague Mr. P. Swanepoel for allowing him to study the material in the collections of the Kaffrarian Museum and for the loan of some specimens. REFERENCES Sneath, P. H. A. and Sokal, R. R. 1973. Numerical taxonomy. San Francisco. Freeman & Co. Van der Straeten, E. 1979. Etude biometrique de Lemniscomys linulus (Afrique occidentale, Mammalia, Muridae). In press. Van der Straeten, E. and Van der Straeten-Harrie, B. 1977. Etude de la biometrie cranienne et de la repartition d'Apodemus sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) et d 'Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) en Belgique. ActaZool. & Pathol. Antverp. 69: 169-182. Van der Straeten, E. and Verheyen, W. N. 1978. Taxonomical notes on the West-African Myomys with the description of Myomys derooi (Mammalia, Muridae). Z. Saugetierk. 43: 31-41. Manuscript accepted for publication 20 February 1980. 62 I frto/3 n 14 • ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mas. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 6 24th JUNE 1980 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD8908 Ethological studies of Jugurtia confusa Richards, Ceramius capicola Brauns, C. linearis Klug and C. lichtensteinii (Klug) (Hymenoptera: Masaridae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa by F. W. GESS and S. K. GESS (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) CONTENTS Page Abstract 63 Introduction 63 Description of the nesting sites 64 Flight seasons, daily flight period, location of mating and of sheltering 64 Plants visited by adult wasps and composition of provision 65 Description of the nest 66 Method of construction of the nest, oviposition and provisioning 67 Life history 74 Parasites and other associated insects 76 Discussion 78 Acknowledgements 82 References 82 ABSTRACT Some aspects of the ethology of Jugurtia confusa Richards, Ceramius capicola Brauns, C. linearis Klug and C. lichtensteinii (Klug) (Hymenoptera: Masaridae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa are described. The account of the ethology of J. confusa is the first published for Jugurtia. Those of the three Ceramius species clarify some uncertainties and misconceptions in the literature and add to the overall picture of the ethology of the genus. INTRODUCTION The two Old World genera Ceramius Latreille and Jugurtia Saussure each encompass about twenty-five described species the greatest concentration of which is found in southern Africa, particularly in the Cape Province. The remaining species are scattered over Africa north of the Sahara, southern Europe, Turkey, Armenia, and in the case of Jugurtia North-West Africa (Northern Nigeria, Upper Volta, Gambia and Senegal), Yemen and Persia. Nothing has hitherto been published concerning the ethology of any Jugurtia species. With respect to Ceramius species a general outline of the ethology may be assembled from the publications of Fonscolombe (1835), Giraud (1871), Ferton (1901), Brauns (1910) and Gess (1965, 1968 and 1973). However, despite the number of publications dealing with the nesting of Ceramius species certain aspects have never been described. On the other hand incorrect interpretation of observed facts has led to the presence in the literature of uncertainties or misconceptions, chiefly connected with the form of cell provisioning practised. 63 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 The present paper is based upon field work carried out over a period of years at Hilton, a j farm situated 18 kilometres WNW. of Grahamstown (33° 19'S., 26° 32'E.) in the Albany Division of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and as such is the seventh of a series of publications dealing with the ethology of certain solitary wasps occurring at that locality. The account is augmented as indicated in the text by a few observations made at Clifton, a farm situated 7 kilometres NNE. of Hilton. An account of the climate and vegetation of Hilton and Clifton has previously been given (Gess and Gess, 1974: 191-192). DESCRIPTION OF THE NESTING SITES The sites chosen for nesting by Jugurtia confusa Richards, Ceramius capicola Brauns, C. linearis Klug and C. lichtensteinii (Klug) on Hilton lie within the area utilized by Dichragenia pulchricoma (Arnold), Bembecinus cinguliger (Smith) and Parachilus insignis (Saussure) and described for these species (Gess and Gess, 1974, 1975 and 1976) as localized patches of bare clay earth occurring in low-lying areas, sparsely covered by small low-growing shrubs, largely Pentzia incana (Compositae), and situated close to temporary sources of water. Pentzia incana only is mentioned as being the dominant plant. For the purpose of this study it must, however, also be mentioned that the second most dominant plant is Chrysocoma tenuifolia (Compositae) and that there is in addition a lesser scattering of low-growing Mesembryanthemaceae including Drosanthemum parvifolium, Drosanthemum floribundum and Ruschia species. The nesting of the i four species of masarids appears to be very localized as, although an extensive search was made, they were found to make use of only a few of the available apparently similar bare areas and to utilize the same sites each year. The chosen sites lie on both sides of a water furrow mentioned in Gess and Gess (1974, 1975 and 1976) and on a flat area between the furrow and a small shallow earthen dam situated below the former. Water is provided in shallow rainwater pools in the ! furrow in which water only flows for short periods after rain. J. confusa and C. capicola nest in pseudo-colonies on level bare patches caused by sheet erosion or by the presence of a road or path and it seems probable from the situation of the single nest of C. linearis discovered that this species selects similar areas. J. confusa and C. capicola i have not been found nesting in close proximity either to each other or to any of the other :j ground-nesting wasps with the exception of Bembecinus cinguliger although this was more in the r nature of a fringe overlap in time and space. A single nest of J. confusa was found also in a pocket of clayey soil on a horizontal ledge of a raised river bank at some distance from the main i1 nesting area. A second species of Jugurtia, J. braunsiella (von Schulthess) has occasionally been collected at Hilton but its nests have not as yet been located. C. lichtensteinii differs from the ij other three species of masarids under consideration in that it favours raised bare ground for nesting purposes, the nests located having been either on raised earth around a shrublet in an i eroded area or else on artificially constructed banks of a furrow and of small drainage channels. Similarly, on the farm Clifton, C. lichtensteinii nests on raised banks of bare clayey soil on the sides of a donga (erosion gulley). At Clifton where C. lichtensteinii is more common than at d Hilton, it has been found to nest in populous pseudo-colonies, thirty nests having been counted within an area of about a square metre. FLIGHT SEASONS, DAILY FLIGHT PERIOD, LOCATION OF MATING AND OF SHELTERING i The flight periods for the masarids under consideration, like those of all clay-nesting wasps, are variable according to the climatic conditions prevailing in a particular year. Certain generalisations may, however, be made. The species sighted earliest are J. confusa and J. braunsiella which have been collected at Hilton as early as late September. The most abundant nesting observed for J. confusa was in the summer of 1976-77 when the greatest activity was 64 GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) from early November to mid-December after which there was no activity till mid-February to early April when there was a second but insignificant flush. In other years when the rain has been late there has been a shift in activity to January-February but this was less successful than in the years when nesting was early in the summer. C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii are normally reaching their peak after the high-point of activity of J. confusa is over. Again the intensity of activity and the extent in time is governed by the climatic conditions in any particular year, however, early December to early January seems to be the most favourable time for these two species. A nesting date for C. linearis is only known from one nest found on 10. xii. 1974, however, from collecting dates for this species in the area it seems to be flying most commonly in November-December and therefore its greatest activity is probably somewhere between that of J. confusa on the one hand and C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii on the other. The males appear in numbers shortly before the females and are present for most of the flight period, becoming scarce as the season advances. The hottest part of the day shows the greatest activity and this is the time favoured for nesting activities. J. confusa males were observed to fly low, 5-8 cm above the ground, particularly skirting bushes at the periphery of the nesting site and also alighting on the ground within the nesting area where they sun themselves and rise up to chase the females and each other. They are seen to descend rapidly upon the females and although mating was not observed it seems likely that it takes place within the vicinity of the nesting area. The females were always seen alone at the water where they stand on the mud at the edge of the water to fill their crops. Two females of J. braunsiella were collected whilst similarly engaged. In the three species of Ceramius on the other hand both males and females were observed together at the water and the females filled their crops whilst standing on the surface of the water. In C. capicola, the only species present in large numbers at Hilton, both sexes were frequently observed flying up and down the length of a puddle. They flew over the water 5-8 cm above the surface. The females frequently alighted on the water surface, the legs being held wide-spread. While thus resting on the water surface and gently drifting, the males were seen to alight on top of the females, when both would take off and fly away together, the male above the female grasping her. This was presumably followed by mating. The behaviour of C. linearis and C. lichtensteinii at the water and preparatory to mating was observed at Hilton and more particularly at Clifton to be identical to that of C. capicola as described above. When the sun was obscured by cloud or when a breeze got up females of J. confusa, C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii were found to be sheltering in their nests. Those of J. confusa were seen backing down their burrows into the sheltering position, head uppermost about 5 mm below the opening of the shaft. PLANTS VISITED BY ADULT WASPS AND COMPOSITION OF PROVISION Records of Jugurtia species visiting flowers are few in number: at Hilton J. confusa was found on Drosanthemum parvifolium (Mesembryanthemaceae) (1 male, 8. xii. 1976) and on Acacia karroo (Leguminosae) (1 male, lO.ii. 1977) and J. braunsiella was found on Lasiosper- mum bipinnatum (Compositae) (1 male, 12.x. 1977); at Clifton J. braunsiella was found on Pteronia paniculum (Compositae) (1 female, 27.x. 1972). A female J. confusa caught in flight was found to be carrying an abundance of pollen on the fore-tibiae and tarsi which are covered with dense hairs, on the swollen antennae, and on the labrum and front of the clypeus. I Flower-visiting records pertaining to Ceramius species at Hilton are likewise few in number: C. linearis on Drosanthemum floribundum (Mesembryanthemaceae) (1 male, 29.xi. 1976) and C. lichtensteinii on a ‘purple mesem’ (Mesembryanthemaceae) (1 male, 26.x. 1977) and on Senecio pterophorus (Compositae) (1 female and 2 males, 29.xi. 1979; 1 female, 1. xii. 1979; 2 males, 2. xii. 1979). However, both males and females of C. capicola, C. 65 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 linearis and C. lichtensteinii have previously been recorded in the Grahamstown district on various species of Mesembryanthemaceae (Gess, 1973: 115-116). The provision supplied by J. confusa, C. capicola, C. linearis and C. lichtensteinii for the nourishment of their young is pollen bound together with nectar to form a loaf which partially fills the cell. This pollen bread varies in consistancy from dry and firm in C. linearis and C. lichtensteinii to moist and sticky in J. confusa and C. capicola. A sample of pollen loaves was examined microscopically for each species, the pollen of the provision being compared with that of flowers found in the vicinity of the nesting area, including species of Mesembryanthemaceae and Compositae. In all cases it was found that the pollen used was that of Mesembryanthemaceae. With respect to the species of Mesembryanthemaceae present in the vicinity of the nesting areas an attempt was made to match the pollen by size with that used in the formation of the pollen loaves. In the case of J. confusa five pollen loaves were examined and one pollen size was found to be common to all and was matched with that of Drosanthemum parvifolium. However, some loaves contained in addition one or two other pollen sizes but these were not successfully matched. C. capicola loaves contained only one size of pollen which was matched with that of Drosanthemum floribundum. The C. linearis loaf on the other hand contained pollen of three sizes one of which matched with that of Drosanthemum floribundum. C. lichtensteinii was found to be using pollen of the same size as that of several I species of Ruschia. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEST The nests of J. confusa, C. capicola, C. linearis and C. lichtensteinii all consist of a subterranean burrow surmounted by a cylindrical mud turret constructed from mud pellets cemented together; in J. confusa loosely so that in some cases the turret has a lacy appearance; in C. capicola, C. linearis and C. lichtensteinii closely and smoothed on the inside so that open interstices are extremely rare except near the free end in turrets of C. lichtensteinii . In all four i species the turret is initially vertical to sub-vertical but, if of any considerable length, curves over becoming horizontal as in C. lichtensteinii or curves downwards and then, sometimes, continues in a horizontal plane close to the ground but always free from it as in C. capicola. In J. confusa more than a short vertical turret is extremely rare and may be considered aberrant. The subterranean burrow of a newly-constructed nest consists of a vertical shaft which is either of constant diameter along its length as in J. confusa or has in the upper third a short bulbous portion as in C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii and from which at its lower end there t branches a subhorizontal secondary shaft terminating in an excavated-cell within which is a constructed mud-cell in J. confusa and C. lichtensteinii but not in C. capicola and C. linearis. In nests at a more advanced stage of construction further secondary shafts each terminating i in a cell are present. In J. confusa and C. lichtensteinii a secondary shaft including its cell is barely longer than the cell itself whereas in C. capicola and C. linearis it is considerably longer than the cell. C. linearis differs from the other three species in that, in the single nest excavated, the cells all lay at a similar depth below the lower end of the main shaft whereas of those in the other three species only the deepest cell lies below the lower end of the main shaft, the other cells li being at varying depths above it. In C. lichtensteinii the cells are arranged in loose whorls, one or two whorls being constructed in a single year. Additional whorls are constructed in succeeding years. These nests are therefore perennial in nature as probably are those of J. confusa. All completed cells are sealed with a mud-plug which, in constructed mud-cells, takes the form of a stopper fitting into the neck of a cell like a cork into a bottle. The section of a secondary shaft between the sealed cell and the main shaft is filled with tightly packed earth and its opening to the main shaft sealed with a mud-plug. 66 GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) Figs 1-3. Vertical plans of the turrets and underground workings of the nests of three species of Masaridae at Hilton. Lettering of cells as in key. Figs la and b. Two nests of Jugurtia confusa Richards, investigated on 8.xi. 1976 and 27. ix. 1978 respectively. Figs 2a, b and c. Three nests of Ceramius capicola Brauns, investigated on 7.xii. 1976, 9.xii.l976 and 1 1 . i. 1 977 respectively. Fig. 3. Single nest of Ceramius linearis Klug, investigated on lO.xii. 1974. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEST, OVIPOS1TION AND PROVISIONING The four species studied differ considerably in their size and as body size has a profound effect upon the dimensions of the nest built by each species, total body length and greatest body width (measured across the mesothorax) of average females of each species are given here. J. • confusa is the smallest species, 10 mm long and 2,7 mm wide; the Ceramius species range from C. capicola, 12 mm long and 2,9 mm wide, through C. linearis, 15 mm long and 3,4 mm wide to C. lichtensteinii , 20 mm long and 5,6 mm wide. Males are generally slightly smaller than the females. 67 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 Figs 4a, b and c. Vertical plans of the turrets and underground workings of three nests of Ceramius lichtensteinii (Klug) at Hilton, investigated on 29.xii. 1976, 31.xii. 1973 and 3. i. 1977 respectively. Lettering of cells as in key. GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) Figs 5a and b. Vertical plans of the turrets and underground workings of two nests of Ceramius lichtensteinii (Klug) at Hilton, both investigated on 3. i. 1977. Lettering of cells as in key. 69 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 Water is required for nest construction and is collected by a female from a nearby puddle. Whilst filling her crop with water J. confusa stands on the mud at the edge of the water whereas the three species of Ceramius alight on the water surface. Nest excavation is initiated by the female’s regurgitating water from her crop onto the ground. Using her mandibles she works this water into the earth to form mud from which she forms a pellet. A number of pellets are formed in this way from each crop-full of water. The first pellets excavated from the shaft-initial may be discarded. The shaft-initial is circular in cross section due to the female’s rotating evenly, not altering the direction of rotation without first completing a circle. At the commencement of turret construction, the pellets, instead of being discarded, are laid down in a circle around the shaft-initial in such a way that the inner diameter of the turret will be the same as that of the shaft; in J. confusa 3 mm (average of sample of 13 measurements), in C. capicola 3,2 mm (average of sample of 10 measurements), in C. linearis 1 3,5 mm (one measurement) and in C. lichtensteinii 6,2 mm (average of sample of 7 measure- ments). In the construction of a vertical cylindrical turret pellets are added regularly whereas in a sloping or curved turret more pellets are added to what will be the upper side than to what will be the lower side. It is noticeable that in turrets of C. capicola the upper edge of the turret opening projects further than the lower edge. The method of placement of pellets by C. capicola was observed most clearly. The wasp backs up the shaft with a pellet held in her mandibles and reaching the turret opening holds the sides of the turret with her legs whilst placing the pellet in position and smoothing it on the inner surface with her mouthparts and supporting it on the outer surface with the tip of the ventral surface of her abdomen which is curved around for this purpose (Fig. 8). As many as twelve pellets may be added to the turret per water load. If the turret is destroyed by rain or mechanical means, the wasp will build a new one of similar design and dimensions to the original one. In C. lichtensteinii and probably also in J. confusa , if a newly emerged female instead of initiating a new nest expands a maternal nest, a turret is still constructed at the commencement of nesting. In this case the mud required is obtained from the bottom of the main shaft. Whilst turret construction is in progress the shaft increases in depth. The diameter of the shaft of J. confusa is maintained constant whereas the diameters of the shafts of C. capicola and lj C. lichtensteinii after the shafts have reached average depths of 35 mm (sample of 7) and 85 mm (sample of 5) respectively increase to 5,4 mm (average of 7 measurements) and 11,5 mm (average of 5 measurements) after which they decrease to their original measurements. The resultant bulbous portions of the shafts are 10 mm and 24-30 mm long. As the only nest of C. linearis excavated was in difficult ground it is not known whether or not this species constructs a ‘bulb’. After completion of the turret the wasp continues to excavate the shaft but the pellets then extracted are discarded. J. confusa has no clearly defined pellet-dropping area, however, the wasp does confine her arrivals and departures from the nest to a set quarter segment. Like J. confusa, C. lichtensteinii has no set pellet-dropping area but discards pellets in bushes at the edge i1 of the clearing in which her nest is situated with the result that the distance from the nest is variable; 60-90 cm in one instance and about 300 cm in another. However, C. capicola has a clearly defined pellet-dropping area a few centimetres from and to one side of the turret. When i discarding a pellet, a female C. capicola backs out from her nest until her head is free from her turret, flies sideways and slightly forwards just above the surface of the ground to the 1 1 pellet-dropping area, drops the pellet and still orientated parallel to the turret flies in reverse sideways motion back to the nest entrance which she is then facing and enters (Fig. 6). In this way the pellet-dropping operation takes up the minimum of time and exertion and differs from that of most mud-excavating wasps including J. confusa and C. lichtensteinii which fly up in a wide circle when dropping pellets. At this stage in nest construction C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii females when leaving the GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) O o o Backs out of turret onto ground in front of turret opening. O o o Flies up, moves to pellet dropping area, drops pellet. U °°e00o o o o o Moves back to in front of turret opening, alights. Walks f or w a rd s, ste ps up into turret and disappears down its length. Fig. 6. Sequence showing, in diagrammatic form, the method of pellet deposition after turret construction by Ceramius capicola Brauns. 71 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 nest to fetch water emerge from the turret head first whereas those of J. confusa still continue to emerge backwards. It is probable that the C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii females turn around in the newly constructed bulbous portion of the nest shaft. Cycles of water carriage and pellet extraction were timed for J. confusa, C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii and were found to be performed rapidly and without interruption during active nest excavation. Water carriage took 1-2 minutes depending upon the distance from the nest to the water source and pellet extraction took 2-4 minutes depending on the dryness and hardness of the soil. Similarly, the number of pellets extracted per water load varied according to the dryness of the soil. Thus at the outset of nest excavation after rain when the surface layers of the soil only were damp wasps were observed to carry out a far larger number of pellets and more rapidly than they did once they had reached a lower level in the soil where the rain had not penetrated. The shaft is sunk vertically to depths of 37-52 mm (average 43 mm, sample of 18) in J. confusa, 75-100 mm (average 89 mm, sample of 10) in C. capicola, 135-170 mm (average 150 mm, sample of 7) in C. lichtensteinii and 90 mm in C. linearis (single nest). From the bottom of the shaft a secondary shaft of the same diameter as the main shaft is constructed in a subhorizontal plane so that the distal end lies deeper than the bottom of the main shaft and is enlarged to form a cell. The average lengths of secondary shafts and of cells of the four species are: J. confusa 17 mm (sample of 7) and 15,6 mm (sample of 5); C. capicola 24 mm (sample of 10, range 10-45 mm) and 11 mm (sample of 10, range 10—1 2 mm); C. lichtensteinii 33 mm and 29 mm (sample of 10) and C. linearis 30 mm and approximately 12 mm (sample of one). The average diameters of cells are: J. confusa 5 mm (sample of 5); C. capicola 6 mm (sample of 10); C. lichtensteinii 1 1 mm (sample of 7); and C. linearis approximately 6 mm. After cell excavation has been completed the cells of C. capicola and C. linearis are ready for oviposition whereas in J. confusa and C. lichtensteinii a mud-cell is first constructed within each excavated-cell. Mud for the construction of these cells must be quarried within the nest as these wasps do not fetch mud from elsewhere. In nests of J. confusa in which a mud-cell has been constructed there is an enlarged ‘heel’ at the bottom of the shaft. It is thought probable that at least part of the mud used in constructing the mud-cell is excavated from this source and that the mud used by C. lichtensteinii is similarly obtained by a deepening of the lower end of the main shaft. The mud-cells are easily separable from the walls of the excavated-cells. They have a rough outer surface on which the separate applications of mud are discemable. The inner surface, however, is carefully smoothed. The average thickness of the walls is 0,7 mm in J. confusa and 0,9 mm in C. lichtensteinii. Oviposition takes place before the commencement of provisioning. The eggs are strongly curved, white in J. confusa and C. capicola, whitish- yellow to pale yellow in C. lichtensteinii, and are of average dimensions 2,51 mm by 0,76 mm (sample of one), 3,55 mm by 0,89 mm (sample of 8) and 6,24 mm by 1,42 mm (sample of 7) respectively. The cell is then rapidly provisioned and sealed before the egg hatches. Exceptionally, open cells of C. lichtensteinii were found containing a young larva and little or no pollen bread. Thus, at Hilton during the period 12-3 l.xii. 1973, of nine open cells in which oviposition had taken place seven contained eggs only and no provision, one contained a newly hatched larva (5 mm in length) and no provision, and one contained a small larva (6 mm in length) and a small amount of provision. However, of ten newly sealed cells, one contained an as yet unhatched egg and a complete pollen loaf and nine contained larvae of various sizes ranging from newly hatched (5,5 and 6 mm in length) to large with varying amounts of as yet unconsumed provision in inverse proportion to larval size. It therefore appears that under favourable conditions the cell is fully provisioned and sealed before the egg hatches but that, exceptionally, under unfavourable conditions such as bad weather, when ‘mesem’ flowers stay closed and wasps do not readily fly, or such as a scarcity of forage flowers the beginning of provisioning may be preceded by the hatching of the egg. 72 GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) Fig. 7. Hilton, lO.xi. 1976. Sequence showing shaft sinking and turret building by Jugurtia confitsa Richards. (x2,4) 73 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 After a cell has been sealed the remaining section of the secondary shaft is filled with earth and sealed off from the vertical shaft with mud which is smoothed so that the entrance to a secondary shaft, once it is sealed, is no longer visible on the surface of the main shaft. C. capicola and C. linearis do not introduce earth into the nest from elsewhere and so the earth for filling a secondary shaft must be obtained within the nest and can only come from the excavation of another secondary shaft. Succeeding cells are constructed in the same manner, the number probably being dependent on the availability of water for nest construction and pollen and nectar for cell provisioning. Twenty newly-constructed nests of J. confusa were excavated in the summer of 1976-77 and of these eleven contained one cell each (Fig. la) and nine were still at the stage of shaft excavation. Due to the drying out of the water supply nesting in the pseudo-colony to which these nests pertained ceased at this stage. However, the single nest found on the river bank and excavated in September, 1978, a year after it had first been noted contained eleven cells (Fig. lb). This nest had a shaft 81 mm in depth with the cells radiating out from the shaft at depths of from 35-79 mm. Eight cells were open, empty and parchment-lined and were therefore cells from which the occupants had already emerged. Three cells were sealed, one containing an adult female ready to emerge and the other two each a prepupa. In addition one adult female was coming into and out of the nest and one male was sunning itself on the ground next to the nest. It seems highly probable that this nest may have been a perennial one. Sixteen nests of C. capicola were excavated in the summer of 1976-77 and of these seven were one-celled (Fig. 2a), three two-celled (Fig. 2b), one four-celled (Fig. 2c) and the remaining five nests had not reached the stage of cell excavation. The single nest of C. linearis excavated in the summer of 1974 contained four cells (Fig. 3). Nineteen nests of C. lichtensteinii were excavated in the summer of 1973-74 and of these six were newly constructed (Fig. 4b) and thirteen had been initiated one or two years previously. A further five nests were excavated in the summer of 1976-77. Of these one nest was newly constructed (Fig. 4a) and the remaining four nests had been initiated one or two years previously. These four nests contained eleven (Fig. 4c), fifteen, twenty (Fig. 5a) and twenty-one (Fig. 5b) cells arranged in whorls of three to seven or more cells. As there seems to have been a low percentage of emergence of C. lichtensteinii at Hilton during the years when observations were made the infrequency of occurrence of newly constructed nests is not surprising. Little information was gathered concerning the immature stages of the four masarid species. Hatching of the larva of C. lichtensteinii appears to take place about three days after oviposition for of four eggs obtained from unprovisioned open cells excavated on 3 1 . xii. 1973, one hatched on 2.i. 1974 and three hatched on 3. i. 1974. After consuming the stored provision the then mature larva spins its cocoon which in C. lichtensteinii is parchment-like, brittle, brown in colour and in intimate contact with the inner end and the walls of the mud-cell from which its detachment is difficult. The posterior end of the cocoon — that is the end towards the inner end of the cell is rounded, whereas the anterior end of the cocoon — that is the end towards the mud-plug closing the mud-cell is truncate and is in the i{ form of a flat circular plate separated from the mud-plug by an empty space. Cocoons of C. lichtensteinii measured from 19,0-21,5 mm in length, from 7, 3-9,0 mm in width at their middle (where widest) and from 6,3-7, 0 mm in width at their truncate end. The empty space between the truncate end of the cocoon and the inner surface of the mud-plug was from 4-8 mm long. Having spun the parchment cocoon the larva changes into a prepupa characterised by its hunch-backed and flaccid appearance. Diapause takes place in the prepupal stage and may last until the following spring or may be extended over longer periods. Development after pupation in the spring appears to be rapid. LIFE HISTORY 74 GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) Fig. 8. Hilton, 6. xii. 1976. Sequence showing turret building by Ceramius capicola Brauns. (x2,5) 75 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 PARASITES AND OTHER ASSOCIATED INSECTS Parasites of Masaridae recorded at Hilton consist of species of Chrysididae, Mutillidae and Meloidae. The genus Allocoelia (Chrysididae), the species of which as far as is known are all parasitic in the cells of Masaridae, was found to be represented at Hilton by A. bidens Edney. During the period 8-19.xi. 1976 seven females of this small species were caught resting on the ground in the nesting area of J. confusa which without doubt constitutes its host. The appearance of the chrysidid coincided with the beginning of the nesting period of its host. Though not yet collected at Hilton there seems to be no reason why other species of Allocoelia, namely A. latinota Edney and A. capensis Smith should not also occur there as both species have been collected in nearby vicinities. Thus ,4. latinota has been found associated with nesting C. capicola at Strowan and at Grahamstown (Cradock Dam), with Ceramius species (capicola, lichtensteinii and linearis) at Alicedale and with C. linearis at Kenton-on-Sea (Gess, 1973: 118-119). A. capensis was found associated with an extensive pseudo-colony of C. lichtensteinii on the farm Clifton on 7. i. 1979 (D. W. Gess) and was recorded by Brauns (1910; 446) as parasitic in the cells of this wasp at Willowmore. The relative smallness of the nesting aggregations of Ceramius species at Hilton compared with the large pseudo-colonies of C. capicola and C. lichtensteinii located at Strowan and at Clifton respectively is the probable reason why the Allocoelia species parasitic in the nests of these wasps have not yet been collected at the former locality. Three C. lichtensteinii cells that showed clear evidence of parasitism by Mutillidae were found in a nest excavated on 25. i. 1973. In each instance there was an emergence hole sited in or near the mud-plug sealing the mud-cell and another in the truncate, disc-like anterior end of the parchment-like C. lichtensteinii cocoon within. The mutillid emergence hole in the truncate cocoon end was situated in the centre of the disc and left the edges of the latter attached to the sides of the cocoon. By contrast, C. lichtensteinii itself when emerging from its cocoon removes the disc entirely. Within each of the three C. lichtensteinii cocoons was found the smaller, very tough and leathery cocoon of the parasite, the space between the two cocoons being almost I completely filled with very extensive, tough, brown silken spinnings. Also found in the space between the two cocoons was in one case the dry shrivelled remains of the mature larva or i prepupa of the host and in the other two cases the remains of the host pupae. The mutillid cocoon, orientated the same way as the host’s cocoon, had at its hind end an extensive deposit of I meconium. In the same nest was found a live female Dasylabroides caffra (Kohl). The fine state of the vestiture and the completely unworn mandibles indicated that this individual had just emerged, doubtless from one of the three parasitized cells. Subsequently six adults of D. caffra were reared from C. lichtensteinii cells excavated at Hilton and kept in Petri dishes in the laboratory. Three cells excavated on 5.xii. 1973 yielded a male (on 17. i. 1974) and two females (on 28. ii. 1974 and 31. i. 1975) and three cells excavated on 27. xii. 1973 yielded three females (on 17.iii. 1974, during January, 1975, and on 3 l.i. 1975 respectively). Examination of the mud-cells and cocoons vacated by the parasites confirmed the earlier findings. It is probable, however, that D. caffra is not species-specific as regards its host and that C. lichtensteinii is therefore only one of a range of species parasitized. Two adult specimens of a species of Meloidae, Ceroctis groendali (Billb.) were found in the nests of C. lichtensteinii . In addition, six meloid larvae in various stages of development were found associated with the cells of this wasp. Though none of these larvae was reared through to the adult stage and proof of the larvae’s identity is thus not available, it is nevertheless believed that they were conspecific with the adults. On this assumption it may be stated that C. groendali is a fairly common cleptoparasite or predator in the nests of C. lichtensteinii where in its larval stage it feeds either upon the stored pollen loaf after first destroying the egg or newly hatched larva of the wasp or upon the fully grown larva itself. The eight individuals of the meloid found GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) Figs 9a, b and c. Hilton, 3.i. 1977. Nesi turrets of Ceramius lichtensteinii (Klug) Fig. 9a (x0,4); Figs 9b and c (xl, 85) 77 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 in association with C. lichtensteinii nests are dealt with in an order determined by their developmental stage when found. A (riungulin larva with darkly pigmented body and with well developed long legs and long slender cerci was found in a sealed cell on 1 2. xii. 1973, situated on the pollen loaf next to the C. lichtensteinii egg the hatching of which appeared to be imminent. Kept in a gelatin capsule this triungulin larva moulted to give rise to the second (caraboid) instar before dying. A small larva, probably early third (first scarabaeoid) instar was found on 31. xii. 1973 in a sealed cell containing a pollen loaf and a small, dead C. lichtensteinii larva. On the same date another sealed cell was found to contain a somewhat larger larva and a pollen loaf considerably reduced in size. This larva, kept in a gelatin capsule, continued to feed for some time on the pollen loaf but died as a large fourth (second scarabaeoid) instar larva. A small larva, probably early third (first scarabaeoid) instar was found on 3. i. 1977 in a sealed cell containing a large pre-spinning C. lichtensteinii larva and no pollen. The two larvae were transferred to a gelatin capsule and when next examined on 6. i. 1977 the beetle larva was found to have grown considerably and to have eaten a hole into the wasp larva which it had thereby killed. The beetle larva moulted on 7. i. 1977 and again between this date and 12. i. 1977 when it was fully grown, having eaten all of the C. lichtensteinii larva except its skin. Transferred onto damp sand in a Petri-dish it moulted to the coarctate resting larval stage on the surface of the sand after a period of restless tunnelling through the sand. At the time of writing (March, 1980) the larva was still in a state of diapause. A fully developed fourth (second scarabaeoid) instar larva (circa 10 mm long) was found associated with a C. lichtensteinii cell on 27. xii. 1973 as was a coarctate resting larva (8 mm long). The two adult beetles found in the C. lichtensteinii nests were both dead. The first was found on 25. i. 1973, the second on 5. xii. 1973. C. groendali appears to be widespread in its distribution, Peringuey (1909: 218) recording it from “Cape Colony (Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown, East London), the whole of Orange River Colony, Natal, and the Transvaal”. As this distribution is far more extensive than that of C. lichtensteinii (see Richards, 1962: 102; Gess, 1965: 224, 1968: 10 and 1973: 113) it is clear that C. groendali cannot be restricted to this wasp but must have other hosts as well, possibly j ground-nesting solitary bees. It is of interest that Brauns (1910: 446) recorded finding the coarctate larvae or the pupae ij (“Puppen”) of a meloid in the cells of C. lichtensteinii at Willowmore. Specific identification ij was impossible as he was unable to rear them through to the adult stage. It seems possible, however, that the same species, C. groendali, was involved. It is probable that nests of C. lichtensteinii may on occasion be utilized for nesting by Megachile (Eutricharaea) stellarum Cockerell. A female of this species was on 3. i. 1977 seen r entering and afterwards leaving a turreted nest of the wasp and on at least one occasion the remains of an old megachilid leaf nest were found in a turreted nest. Nesting of M. stellarum has previously been recorded in abandoned and incomplete burrows of Dichragenia pulchricoma (Arnold) (Gess and Gess, 1974: 204-206) and the females of this bee have also been observed leaving old burrows of Parachilus insignis (Saussure) (Gess and Gess, 1976: 98). As M. stellarum nests in pre-existing cavities in the ground it is likely that it will make use of any burrows of suitable size regardless of the identity of their excavators. DISCUSSION The earliest published accounts of the nesting of Ceramius species concerned two Palaearc- tic species observed in southern France: C. fonscolombei Latreille at Aix (Fonscolombe, 1835: 426-427) and C. tuberculifer Saussure (cited as C. lusitanicus Klug — see Richards, 1962: 29 78 GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) and 112-115) in the area of Hautes-Alpes and in the valley of the Vallouise near Brian^on (Giraud, 1871: 375-379) and at Montlouis and Cerdagne (Ferton, 1901: 137-139). More recent published accounts bearing upon the nesting of Ceramius have all been concerned with southern African species observed in the Cape Province: C. beyeri Brauns, C. bicolor (Thunberg) (cited as C. karrooensis Brauns), C. capicola Brauns, C. cerceriformis Saussure (cited as C. schulthessi Brauns), C. linearis Klug (cited as C.fumipennis Brauns) and C. lichtensteinii (Klug) near Willowmore (Brauns, 1910; 387, 445-446), C. bicolor (Thunberg) on the banks of the Olifants River between Klawer and Clanwilliam (Gess, 1968: 13), and C. capicola Brauns and C. lichtensteinii (Klug) on Strowan near Grahamstown (Gess, 1973: 117-119). Some details at least have therefore been published concerning the nesting of a total of eight Ceramius species, three of which, C. capicola Brauns, C. lichtensteinii (Klug) and C. linearis Klug, are the subjects also of the present studies. In order to obtain an overall picture of the ethology of Ceramius it is the intention in the present discussion to draw together and compare the various published accounts augmented by the present studies which latter furthermore enable some uncertainties and misconceptions present in the literature to be examined and corrected. At the same time the nesting of i. confusa Richards, the first Jugurtia species to be examined with respect to its ethology, is compared with that of species of Ceramius. All the species of Ceramius enumerated above as also J. confusa have been recorded as nesting in the ground, the nests being surmounted by variously shaped mud turrets. The nature of the ground, when recorded, has been given as clayey and hard, bare or at most covered by sparse vegetation (Giraud, 1871; Ferton, 1901; Gess, 1968 and 1973; present paper). Nesting on slightly raised banks has been recorded for C. fonscolombei (Fonscolombe, 1835) and for C. lichtensteinii (present paper) whereas nesting on level ground has been recorded for C. capicola, C. linearis and J. confusa (present paper). The formation of pseudo-colonies appears to be common and has been recorded for C. tuberculifer (Giraud, 1871; Ferton, 1901), C. bicolor (Brauns, 1910), C. lichtensteinii (Brauns, 1910; present paper), C. capicola (Gess, 1973; present paper) as well as fori, confusa (present paper). The nearness of nesting sites to water is either stated or is implied by all authors and all the species are recorded as visiting this water. In the present paper it has been shown that with respect to the four species studied the purpose of visiting pools is to fill the crop with water which when regurgitated upon the clayey nesting substrate makes the latter more easily worked and thus makes nest construction possible. For C. capicola, C. linearis, C. lichtensteinii and J. confusa no evidence was ever obtained by the present authors either during the course of the present study itself or on any of the many occasions on which the species were collected at pools that the wasps were collecting anything but water. Similarly, Ferton (1901) with respect to the pool-visiting of C. tuberculifer made it abundantly clear that what the wasp collects is water, not mud, and stated that when captured on her way from a pool a female disgorged into his net her stored liquid (“son liquide”). However, other authors have claimed that some species at least collect not water but mud. Fonscolombe (1835) stated that C. fonscolombei went to ponds to collect sodden earth (“terre delayee”) but later in his account appears to have been uncertain for he stated that the turret was constructed of pellets derived from the excavation of the nest (which would indicate the collection of water, not mud) or of pellets carried to the nest from without (which would support his earlier contention). Similarly, Brauns (1910) stated that whereas C. beyeri, C. lichtensteinii and C. linearis settle on the water surface at the middle of the pool and collect water, C. cerceriformis, C. bicolor and C. capicola alight at the edge of the pool and collect mud in little pellets which he maintained are used by them for the construction of their cells and turrets. 79 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 With respect to C. capicola at least, the present study has shown Brauns to have been mistaken. C. capicola differs from C. lichtensteinii and C. linearis neither with respect to the part of the pool alighted upon nor with respect to what is collected at the pool: water. It seems hightly likely that Brauns was mistaken also with respect to the other two alleged mud-collectors, C. cerceriformis and C. bicolor. It is of significance to note that alighting at the edge of the pool does not prove that mud, not water, is being collected there. As noted in the present study, J. confusa stands on the mud at the edge of the water but fills her crop with water like the three species of Ceramius which alight on the actual water surface. The construction of a mud-cell within the excavated-cell has been reported for C. tuber culifer (Giraud, 1871; Ferton, 1901) and for C. lichtensteinii (Brauns, 1910). In the present study the construction of such a mud-cell by C. lichtensteinii has been confirmed and has been established also for J. confusa. However, no mud-cells could be demonstrated for either C. capicola or C. linearis and these species therefore differ from C. tuberculifer and C. lichtensteinii in what appears to be an important behavioural character. In the tentative grouping of the species of Ceramius given by Richards (1962: 83) C. capicola and C. linearis are placed in the same species-group together with C. bicolor and C. socius Turner which may therefore be expected also to omit the construction of a mud-cell. The mud-cell constructed by C. lichtensteinii within the excavated-cell bears a close resemblance to the aerial cell constructed by Pseudomasaris edwardsii (Cresson) as described and illustrated by Torchio (1970). It is possible therefore to regard the construction of a mud-cell within an excavated-cell as in C. tuberculifer, C. lichtensteinii and J. confusa as being behaviourally intermediate between the excavation only of a cell as in C. capicola and C. linearis and the presumably more advanced construction of an aerial mud cell as in the genera Gay el la, Masaris, Pseudomasaris and Celonites. With respect to the four species of the present study it is interesting that a correlation exists between the type of cell and the length of the secondary shaft. Thus in C. capicola and C. linearis the simple excavated-cells terminate long secondary shafts whereas in C. lichtensteinii and J. confusa the excavated-cells containing the constructed-cells terminate very short secon- dary shafts. Oviposition into the empty cell follows the pattern common to all Vespoidea and has been recorded for C. tuberculifer (Giraud, 1871; Ferton, 1901), C. lichtensteinii (Brauns, 1910; present paper), C. capicola and J. confusa (present paper). However, with respect to the latter three species no evidence was found during the present study that the egg was in any way attached to the cell wall being always found lying loose on the floor of the cell at its inner end. This is in contrast to the suspension of the egg by a filament from the top or side of the cell as in many Eumenidae or the glueing of the egg to a cell wall as in the Vespidae. The egg of Pseudomasaris edwardsii (Cresson) (Masaridae) is reported to be normally anchored by its narrowed posterior tip to the cell wall near its base (Torchio, 1970: 7) but it is not stated how this attachment is effected. According to Ferton (1901) the egg of C. tuberculifer is deposited only provisionally at the bottom of the cell and after the cell has been provisioned with a firm pollen loaf of characteristic retort-like shape (see Ferton, 1901: Plate 1, Fig. 10) the mother moves the egg onto the neck of the “retort”, in which position the little larva is alleged to begin feeding. Much as been made of Ferton’ s assertions by Malyshev (1968: 263) who, in his chapter on the genesis of bees, has based his “Secondary Bee Phase of Vespoid Type” upon them. The present authors cannot accept Ferton’ s assertions concerning the transfer of the egg by the female wasp from a provisional site of deposition to a pollen loaf specially shaped for its reception. In the cells of C. lichtensteinii of which a large number were examined over the years, the egg was left where first deposited and the larva upon hatching found its own way onto the 80 GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) nearby pollen loaf. There is no reason to suppose C. tuberculifer to be different in this respect. Moreover, it is difficult to visualise how it would be physically possible for the female wasp to reposition her egg onto the pollen loaf as the latter would be situated between her and the egg. It is believed that the retort-shape of the pollen loaf described by Ferton was not the result of any moulding by the female wasp but was simply an artifact of the larva’s feeding, that Ferton drew the wrong conclusions, and that Malyshev’s hypothesis is therefore based upon false premises. Some confusion exists in the literature as to whether Ceramius species practise mass provisioning or progressive provisioning. Giraud (1871) recorded open C. tuberculifer cells each with a larva that either had no provision at all, had varying amounts of provision, or were almost full. The impression gained from the above is that mass provisioning is probably practised. However, somewhat later in his paper Giraud made a statement which may easily be taken ambiguously, namely that it appeared to him evident that the female wasp continues to carry in nourishment after the hatching of the larva, as was demonstrated by the insufficiency of the provision deposited in the cell of the young larva and by the presence of the female in the galleries leading to the cells. Ferton (1901) with respect to the same species, and as already discussed above, described and figured a pollen loaf which by its completeness dearly indicates mass provisioning rather than progressive provisioning. Brauns (1910; 445) with respect to C. lichtensteinii claimed that he had never found stored pollen and nectar masses in the cells with the larvae, even when the latter were still small and stated that it was certain that the wasp feeds its larvae until such time that they are full-grown, the provision being nectar (“Sicher ist, dass die Wespe ihre Larven solange fiittert, bis dieselben erwachsen sind, und zwar mit Blumenhonig.”). Brauns’ contention that C. lichtensteinii practises progressive provisioning has been men- tioned by Richards (1962: 29) who did not comment other than to state that this was not recorded for the European species studied. Torchio (1970: 31), presumably on the strength of Brauns’ assertion, has listed the genus Ceramius as practising progressive provisioning in contrast to the genera Euparagia, Gayella, Paragia, Pseudomasaris and Celonites which he lists as not provisioning progressively. Malyshev (1968: 259) not only accepted Brauns’ statement but elaborated upon it, writing that: “This method of progressive feeding of the larvae on honey (sic !), provided when it is needed and only given directly into the larva’s mouth, is bound to reflect the moment . . . when the instincts of the wasp were transformed into those of the bee”. Malyshev’s hypothesis once again is based on false premises for in C. lichtensteinii provisioning is not progressive. As was established in the present study and as has been dealt with in some detail earlier in the present publication C. lichtensteinii (as also C. capicola, C. linearis and/, confusa) practises mass provisioning, and, under optimal conditions of favourable weather and an abundance of forage flowers, provisioning and sealing of the cell is completed by the female before the egg hatches. Under less favourable conditions the rate of provisioning is slowed down leading to the finding of unsealed cells containing larvae and varying amounts of provision as recorded by Giraud, and under really unfavourable conditions the situation as reported by Brauns results. There is certainly no shred of evidence that Ceramius differs in any way in its method of provisioning from the other genera for which this facit of behaviour is known. Brauns (1910: 445) stated with respect to C. lichtensteinii that several females appeared to work in a single nest as he frequently saw several females disappearing one after the other down the same turret. The present authors found no evidence that more than a single female nests in a nest at any one time either with respect to C. lichtensteinii or with respect to C. capicola, C. linearis and J. confusa. However, as already stated earlier in the present publication, C. lichtensteinii (as also J. confusa ) has perennial nests resulting from the reuse of the nest in successive nesting seasons by females produced in the nest. The present authors believe Brauns’ 81 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13, PT 6, JUNE 1980 misconception may readily be explained by what appears to be the likely sequence of events in a perennial nest at the beginning of the flight season. Thus, at that time it seems probable that the several wasps, both males and females that have emerged from their cells in the nest should initially remain associated with the nest for shelter, returning to it at night or when the weather is unfavourable. It seems likely also that this co-existence in the nest should persist until such time when one of the females, possibly the first-emerged and therefore the most advanced, has reached the stage of maturity when her nesting urges begin, when she takes over the nest and drives out from it the males and the other females which latter have to emigrate and initiate new nests. That both sexes of species of Ceramius do for the greater part retire to the nests for the night is recorded by Brauns (1910: 446). Similarly, in the present study, females of C. lichtensteinii, C. capicola and J. confusa were found to shelter in their nests during periods of unfavourable weather. It is therefore believed that Brauns’ observation of several females entering a single nest was made during the post-emergence — pre-nesting period at the beginning of the flight season and that the females concerned were sheltering rather than nesting. Brauns’ further observation ij that sometimes both sexes may be found at night perched upon plants (1910: 446) most probably pertains to individuals which have been evicted from the nest in which they developed, the females amongst them not yet having initiated new nests. Summing up, the picture of the ethology of Ceramius and Jugurtia which emerges from the studies to date is as follows: 1. Nesting is in the ground. 2. There is a tendency towards the formation of pseudo-colonies. 3. Water is required for the excavation of the nest and is collected from a pool by the female, in Ceramius standing on the surface of the water and in Jugurtia at the edge of the water. 4. The nest consists of a main shaft and secondary shafts each terminating in an excavated-cell and is surmounted by a turret constructed of mud pellets. 5. C. lichtensteinii , C. tuberculifer and J. confusa in addition construct a mud-cell within each excavated-cell but such constructed mud-cells are absent in nests of C. capicola i and C. linearis. 6. The mud for constructing turrets and mud-cells is obtained entirely from within nest excavations. 7. The egg is laid free within the empty cell. 8. Mass provisioning is practised and the provision is in the form of a pollen loaf. 9. Each nest is worked upon by a single female in any one season. 10. In C. lichtensteinii and J. confusa there is reuse of nests in successive years. 11. Ceramius and Jugurtia are in their ethology very similar. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Mr T. C. White of the farm Hilton for his much appreciated kindness over the years in allowing them free access to his land. Similarly, thanks are due also to the late Mr H. H. Norton of the farm Clifton for permission to investigate insects there. Dr D. J. Brothers of Natal University is thanked for determining the Mutillidae found associated with the nests of C. lichtensteinii . The senior author is grateful to the C.S.I.R. for a running expenses it: grant for field work during the course of which the present observations were made. REFERENCES Brauns, H. 1910. Biologisches iiber sudafrikanische Hymenopteren. Z. wiss. Insekt Biol. 6: 384-387, 445-447. Ferton, C. 1901. Notes detachees sur l’instinct des Hymenopteres melliferes et ravisseurs avec la description de quelques especes. Ann. Soc. ent. France 70: 83-148. Fonscolombe, H. Boyer de 1835. Description du Ceramius fonscolombii (Latr.). Ann. Soc. ent. France 4: 421-427. 82 GESS AND GESS: ETHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF JUGURTIA CONFUSA RICHARDS, ETC. (HYMENOPTERA) Gess, F. W. 1965. Contribution to the knowledge of the South African species of the genus Ceramius Latreille (Hymenoptera: Masaridae). Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 48 (11): 219-231. Gess, F. W. 1968. Further contribution to the knowledge of the South African species of the genus Ceramius Latreille (Hymenoptera: Masaridae). Novos Taxa ent. 57: 1-14. Gess, F. W. 1973. Third contribution to the knowledge of the South African species of the genus Ceramius Latreille (Hymenoptera: Masaridae). Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 9 (7): 109-122. Gess, F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1974. An ethological study of Dichragenia pulchricoma (Arnold) (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), a southern African spider-hunting wasp which builds a turreted, subterranean nest. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 9 (11): 187-214. Gess, F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1975. Ethological studies of Bembecinus cinguliger (Smith) and B. oxydorcus (Handl.) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), two southern African turret-building wasps. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 11 (2): 21-46. Gess, F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1976. An ethological study of Parachilus insignis (Saussure) (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 11 (5): 83-102. Giraud, J. 1871. Miscellanees hymenopterologiques. Ann. Soc. ent. France (5) 1: 375-419. Malyshev, S. I. 1968. Genesis of the Hymenoptera and the phases of their evolution. (Translated from the Russian; edited by O. W. Richards and B. Uvarov.) London. Methuen. Peringuey, L. 1909. Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa: Family Meloidae. Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 1 (1): 165-297. Richards, O. W. 1962. A revisional study of the Masarid wasps ( Hymenoptera , Vespoidea). London. British Museum (Natural History). Torchio, P. F. 1970. The ethology of the wasp, Pseudomasaris edwardsii (Cresson), and a description of its immature forms (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea, Masaridae). Los Angeles County Museum Contr. in Science 202: 1-32. Manuscript accepted for publication 18 March 1980. KEY TO LETTERING OF CELLS IN FIGS 1 -5. A. Cell open, containing old cocoon from which adult wasp has emerged. B. Cell closed, containing pupa in cocoon. C. Cell dosed, containing prepupa in cocoon. D. Cell closed, containing mature larva spinning cocoon. E. Cell dosed, containing mature larva prior to cocoon spinning. F. Cell either open or closed, containing still feeding immature larva. G. Ceil either open or closed, containing egg with provision. H. Cell open, containing egg without provision. I. Cell open, empty. X. Cell either open or closed, development of young aborted. 83 ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann . Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 7 9th JULY 1980 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Prey and nesting sites of some sympatrk species of Cerceris (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) with a review and discussion of the prey diversity of the genus by F. W. GESS (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) CONTENTS Page Abstract 85 Introduction 85 The Cerceris species present at Hilton and the relative frequency of their occurrence .... 86 Identification of the nesting sites 86 Identification of the prey 87 Provenance of the prey 89 Discussion of the nesting sites and the prey in relation to ecological displacement 90 Review and discussion of the prey diversity of the genus Cerceris 91 Acknowledgements 93 References 93 ABSTRACT Nineteen sympatric Cerceris species are examined in relation to frequency of occurrence, nature of nesting sites and of prey. Their nesting sites and prey are discussed in relation to their ecological displacement. There follows a review and discussion of the prey diversity of the genus Cerceris which puts forward the hypothesis that Cerceris is an Old World genus and that its original prey was hymenopterous. Prey records of a total of twenty Afrotropical species are included of which twelve are new associations and three confirm previously published records. INTRODUCTION The genus Cerceris Latreille is cosmopolitan in its distribution and with over 850 known species is the largest genus of the Sphecidae. All species are ground-nesting and provision their young with insect prey. The present paper is based upon observations of sympatric Cerceris species made over a period of seven years at Hilton, a farm situated 18 kilometres WNW. of Grahamstown (33°19’S., 26°32’E. ) in the Albany Division of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. In view of the large overall number of species and the frequency with which considerable numbers of species often occur together, both spatially and temporally, the ecological displace- ment of the species — that is the different ways in which the species exploit their habitat — is of great interest. Clearly of importance in such ecological displacement is specificity in such basic ethological factors as the choice of nesting site, and more particularly the choice of prey. It is 85 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 7, JULY 1980 these aspects of the ethology of the Cerceris species at Hilton which are set forth in the present account. This is the eighth of a series of publications covering some aspects of the ethology of solitary wasps occurring at Hilton, the climate and vegetation of which have been previously described (Gess and Gess, 1974: 191-192). Prey records, both published and unpublished, from localities other than Hilton have been included in the account in an attempt to draw together information on the chosen prey of as many Afrotropical Cerceris species as possible, little having hitherto been published on the subject. THE CERCERIS SPECIES PRESENT AT HILTON AND THE RELATIVE FREQUENCY OF THEIR OCCURRENCE Nineteen species of Cerceris have been recorded from Hilton. Arranged in alphabetical order these are: C. amakosa Brauns, C. armaticeps cajfrariae Empey, C. diodonta diodonta Schlet- terer, C. discrepans discrepans Brauns, C. dominicana Brauns, C. erythrosoma Schletterer, C. holconota holconota Cameron, C. hypocritica Brauns, C. languida languida Cameron, C. latifrons latifrons Bingham, C. / uni g era Dahlbom, C. nasi dens obscura Schletterer, C. nigri- frons nigrifrons Smith, C. oraniensis Brauns, C. pearstonensis pearstonensis Cameron, C. pictifacies Brauns, C. ruficauda ruficauda Cameron, C. rufocincta polychroma Gribodo and C. spinicaudata spinicaudata Cameron. The species varied greatly in the frequency of occurrence, as reflected by catches and sightings. The most commonly met with species, in decreasing order, were C. latifrons, C. languida and C. rufocincta polychroma, C. holconota, C. spinicaudata and C. pearstonensis. Less commonly met with species were C. nigrifrons and C. ruficauda, C. lunigera, C. nasidens | obscura and C. oraniensis. Rare were C. hypocritica, C. amakosa, C. diodonta and C. pictifacies, C. dominicana and C. erythrosoma, C. discrepans and C. armaticeps. The flight periods of all the Cerceris species at Hilton fall between mid-October and mid- April. IDENTIFICATION OF THE NESTING SITES Nests belonging to ten species were located at Hilton. All were constructed in level or nearly level bare ground which was sufficiently friable to allow the females to excavate their burrows using their mandibles and legs but no water. The ground was firm though in sandy situations the firm underlying sand was sometimes overlain by a layer of loose material. Six species were found to nest in sandy soil, two sites being particularly favoured: a sandpit (see Gess and Gess, 1980: Fig. 1) and the area adjacent to it, and a very gently sloping bank margining a car track where the latter crosses the bed of a seasonal tributary of the New Year’s River. The sand, light coloured and fine grained, is derived from the weathering of Witteberg Quartzite and is of alluvial origin having been deposited upon its flood plain by the above seasonal water course. The species found nesting in these sites were: C. holconota (seven nests; both in the sandpit and on the gently sloping bank where it nested in company with Bembix albofasciata)', C. languida (many nests; in the sandpit in very fine sand where it nested in company with Bembecinus braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis)', C. latifrons (many nests; as for C. holconota)', C. oraniensis (4 nests; on level ground immediately above and below the lip of the sandpit); C. rufocincta (several nests; in the sandpit where it sometimes nested in company with Bembecinus braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis)', and C. spinicaudata (three nests; as for C. holconota). Four species were found to nest in disturbed clayey soil immediately adjacent to a water furrow (see Gess and Gess, 1976: Plate 2). The clayey soil, reddish-brown in colour, is derived 86 PREY AND NESTING SITES OF SOME SPECIES OF CERCERIS from the weathering of Upper Witteberg Shales previously known as Lower Dwyka Shales and referred to as such by Gess and Gess (1974: 192 and 1975: 24). Though less compacted than undisturbed clayey soil the substrate nested in by the four species was nevertheless less friable than the soil in sandy areas. The species concerned were: C. lunigera (1 nest); C. pearstonensis (1 nest); C. ruficauda (1 nest) and Cerceris sp. A (1 nest). The last listed species is unidentified owing to the unfortunate escape during the opening up of the nest of the female nest builder. Whereas it is very probable that the species was one of the nineteen recorded from Hilton, it is clear, knowing its chosen nesting substrate and prey, that it was not one of the named species recorded above as having been found nesting. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREY The identity of the prey of thirteen of the nineteen species of Cerceris recorded from Hilton is known. Prey identifications for nine of these species were made at Hilton, seven of the associations having been previously unknown and the other two confirming previously recorded associations. For four of the ten species for which prey identifications were not made at Hilton information as to the nature of the prey taken is available from other sources. The Cerceris species are dealt with individually below. Cerceris sp. A. In a nest excavated on 6.xii. 1974 and containing forty-one uneaten prey this species was found to have provisioned its cells solely with a 3, 5-4,0 mm long metallic-green species of PTEROMALIDAE (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Cerceris erythrosoma Schletterer This species was not associated with its prey at Hilton but is known to provision with beetles of the family CURCULION1DAE. Brauns (1911: 239 and 1926: 278) recorded the prey as a species of Tanymecus. Similarly, prey associated with females collected by Jacot Guillarmod at Mamathes in Lesotho and now in the collections of the Albany Museum consist in one instance of a 10 mm long specimen of Tanymecus makkaliensis Fhs. (det. G. A. K. Marshall) and in five instances of 6, 8-7, 6 mm long specimens of Protostrophus sp. near sceleratus H. v. S. (det. R. T. Thompson). Cerceris holconota holconota Cameron Six females seen transporting prey were captured, four after they had revealed their nests which were subsequently excavated to recover the prey stored in the caches. The thirteen prey obtained were representative of six families of Hymenoptera as detailed below: BRACONIOAE, ?Genus & sp. (1 female, 13. i. 1975); BETHYLIDAE, ?Genus & sp. (1 female, 20.xii. 1974); TIPHIIDAE, Anthobosca sp. (1 male, 13. i. 1975), Braunsomeria sp. (4 males, 13. i. 1975 and 1 male, 16.xi. 1977), Mesa incisa (Cameron) (2 females, 20.xii. 1974); MUTILLIDAE, Dasylabris eunyce (Peringuey) (1 male, 13. i. 1975); FORMICIDAE, ICamponotus sp. (1 winged male, ll.xii. 1975); HALICTIDAE, Lasioglosswn sp. (1 female, 20.xii. 1974). Cerceris languida languida Cameron A female transporting prey was captured on each of the following three dates: 24.xi. 1977, lO.i. 1978 and 23. ii. 1978. The first female was allowed to enter her nest which was subsequently excavated and yielded 32 prey from the cache. All 34 prey obtained from the three females were beetles of the family PHALACRIBAE and represented a single, 1,7 mm long, black Olibrus sp. Cerceris latifrons latifrons Bingham Females transporting prey were captured on 19.xi. 1973 (1), 20.xii.1974 (1), lO.i. 1975 (1), 87 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 7, JULY 1980 9.xii. 1975 (4), 2. xii. 1 977 (3) and 2. i. 1978 (1). All eleven prey obtained were beetles of the tribe Hopliini, SCARABAEIDAE: MELOLONTHINAE. Two 4, 4-4,7 mm long species were rep- resented. The prey taken at Hilton agrees with that recorded by Arnold (1940: 106) for the subspecies C. latifrons sedula Arnold from Rhodesia, namely “an unidentified species of beetle (Hoplinae)”. Cerceris lunigera Dahlbom One female seen transporting prey on 6. xii. 1974 was captured after revealing her nest. The two prey obtained from the cache in the excavated nest were bees of the family HALICTIDAE, namely Halictus sp. (female) and Lasioglossum sp. (female). Cerceris nasidens obscura Schletterer This species was not associated with its prey at Hilton but according to E. McC. Callan (pers. comm.) it has been found provisioning nests in Grahamstown with “small melolonthid beetles”, SCARABAEIDAE: MELOLONTHINAE. The tribe to which the beetles belong is apparently not Hopliini. Cerceris nigrifrons nigrifrons Smith This species was not associated with its prey at Hilton. However, Brauns (1926: 320) reported the prey to be beetles of the family BUPRESTIDAE, for instance Sphenoptera sp. in Rhodesia. Cerceris oraniensis Brauns Four females, each carrying a single prey, were captured at or near their nest entrances on 16.ii. 1978. A fifth prey was obtained from the cache of a nest excavated on the same day. All the prey were beetles of the family CURCULIONEDAE and represented a single, 7, 0-7, 4 mm long Protostrophus species. Cerceris pearstonensis pearstonensis Cameron This species was not associated with its prey at Hilton but was found at other localities to provision with beetles of the family CURCULIONIDAE. At Strowan, near Grahamstown, on 30. xi. 1970, a female was caught when flying with a 4,6 mm long Protostrophus sp. Prey ji associated with two females collected by Jacot Guillarmod at Mamathes, Lesotho, and now in the collections of the Albany Museum are likewise small weevils. The larger of the two, 4,4 mm long, is a Protostrophus sp., the smaller, 4,2 mm long, belongs to some other genus. Cerceris ruficauda ruficauda Cameron A nest of this species excavated on 10. xii. 1974 was found to contain twenty-six uneaten prey, beetles of the family CHRYSOMELIDAE: CRIOCERINAE. A single 3,4 mm long blackish- bronze species was represented. Cerceris rufocincta polychroma Gribodo Eight females seen transporting prey were captured, one after it had revealed its nest which was subsequently excavated to recover the prey stored in the cache. The ten prey obtained were representative of two families of Hymenoptera as detailed below: TIPHIIDAE, Anthobosca rufithorax (Cameron) (1 female, 2. i. 1978), Tiphia sp. (1 male, 13. xii. 1977 and 1 male, 2. i. 1978); MUTILLIDAE, Chrestomutilla sp. (1 male, 24. i. 1978), Dasylabroides caffra (Kohl) (1 female !!, 13.xii. 1977; 1 male, 17.i. 1978; 2 males, 24.i. 1978), Psammotherma flabellata (F.) (1 male, 20. xii. 1974; 1 male, 13.U975). Cerceris spinicaudata spinicaudata Cameron Three females seen transporting prey were captured after revealing their nests which were subsequently excavated to recover the prey stored in the caches. The nine prey obtained were all 88 PREY AND NESTING SITES OF SOME SPECIES OF CERCERIS small bees of the family HALICTIDAE. Species of two genera were represented: Lasioglossum spp. (4 females representative of 3 species, 20.xii. 1974; 1 female, lO.i. 1975) an&Nomioides sp. (probably N. halictoides Bliithgen) (4 females, 20.xii. 1974). Prey associated with two females collected by Jacot Guillarmod, one at Strowan, near Grahamstown (27. ii. 1972) and the other at Mamathes, Lesotho, and now in the collections of the Albany Museum are likewise females of species of Lasioglossum. The present records confirm the association given by Brauns (1926: 337) who wrote: “I found it carrying Halictus sp. for larval food”. It should be noted that, though the genus Halictus occurs in southern Africa, most species at one time allocated to it are now included in the closely related genus Lasioglossum. Brauns’ record may thus apply to either Halictus or Lasioglossum. PROVENANCE OF THE PREY For some species at least it was established where the prey taken by them was to be found, therefore allowing the situation to be identified in which the wasps hunt and respond to prey of certain size and behaviour. For other species it is possible to speculate concerning the identity of the situation by using circumstantial evidence. Olibrus sp. (Phalacridae) the sole prey of C. languida was found to be very common in the flowers of Lasiospermum bipinnatum (Compositae), an annual herb growing in the sandpit and elsewhere. Recorded from this plant in October and November during the first weeks of the wasp’s flight period, the beetle was undoubtedly present both then and later in the summer in the flowers of other herbaceous composites as well. The flowers of species of Senecio, a genus of common occurrence at Hilton, were found by H. Andreae (pers . comm. ) to be frequented by three Olibrus species at the Cape. The beetle is associated throughout its life with its host plant, the egg being laid in the flower and the larva feeding in the capitulum until full-grown when it bores down the stem to pupate in the ground. In European species there may be six generations in the year (Imms, 1957: 801). From the above it is apparent that C. languida must hunt for its prey in the flowers of Compositae, probably all small annuals likeL. bipinnatum . The commonness of such plants and the large number of generations of Olibrus probably developing upon them makes possible the extended flight and nesting period — continuously from the first half of October to the beginning of March — established at Hilton for C. languida. The Hopliini (Scarabaeidae) which constitute the prey of C. latifrons are as a tribe characteris- tically found in the flowers of Compositae so that this wasp may be expected to hunt in a similar though not necessarily the same situation as that pertaining to C. languida. The Protostrophus sp. (Curculionidae) found to be the prey of C. oraniensis was common on the foliage of the annual herbaceous weed Conyza bonariensis (Compositae) during the only period, mid-February, during which this wasp was observed nesting. The beetle infested plants, growing in the sandpit, were in close proximity to the nests. Protostrophus, recently monographed by Van Schalkwyk (1968) is a very commonly met with genus, the majority of the 136 recognized species being found in South Africa. The species are inconspicuous, mostly dull coloured and are unable to fly. In body length they range from 3-9mm. The beetles are apparently not restricted to any particular plants, the eggs being dropped to the ground where ever the females are feeding. The larvae lead a subterranean life, probably feeding upon decaying vegetable matter. Mass emergences of thousands of adults have been recorded when great damage may be done by their feeding on the foliage of many different plants including seedling trees. From the observed presence at Hilton of Protostrophus sp. on the foliage of Conyza and the known biology of the weevil genus it would appear that C. oraniensis hunts for its prey amongst foliage at no great height above the ground. It is probable that the 89 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 7, JULY 1980 other two Cerceris species known to prey at least partly upon Protostrophus and occurring at Hilton, C. erythrosoma and C. pearstonensis hunt in similar situations. The species of Criocerinae (Chrysomelidae), the sole recorded prey of C. ruficaudci may be expected to occur on foliage as is characteristic for the subfamily and it is there that the wasp undoubtedly does its hunting. For the species of Cerceris which hunt Hymenoptera two possible hunting situations im- mediately present themselves: at flowers and young growth visited by the prey for purposes of foraging for nectar or glandular exudates, or at the nests of the prey. It was noted at the time when the nest of C. lunigera and those of C. spinicaudata were excavated that they were situated in close proximity to the nests of various small bees some of which at least were those of species represented amongst the prey of the wasps. This was particularly striking with respect to C. spinicaudata and Nomioides sp. (probably N. halictoides) which nested next to one another in the sand. It therefore seems possible that the hunting of these two Cerceris species may take place at or near the nest entrances of their prey and in close proximity to the entrances of their own nests. The fact that only female bees are recorded as prey would lend support to this hypothesis. The latter would be in accord with the findings of Marchal (1887) as reported by Hamm and Richards (1930: 106) on the behaviour of C. rybyensis (L.) ( = C. ornata Fabr.) in France. That wasp nested in a garden path in close proximity to innumerable nests of Andrena and Hal ictus on which species it was preying. The Cerceris was reported to circle round the nests, every now and then dropping to the ground, or even entering a burrow. Only bees returning home laden with pollen were attacked, and these were knocked down and stung as they hovered over their nests before entering. With respect to C. holconota and C. rufocincta polychroma on the other hand, the wide range of unrelated prey of both sexes and of very diverse habits and behaviour makes it likely that the only situation in which these Cerceris species in hunting would meet all the prey species would be at flowers and young growth to which the latter would go for foraging purposes. In the areas in which the two Cerceris species nested — in and near the sandpit — the flowering plants known n to have been visited by a mixed company of Braconidae, Tiphiidae, Mutillidae and others were i, Selago corymbosa (Selaginaceae) and various low-growing Compositae including Helichrysum and Lasiospermum. It therefore appears that C. holconota and C. rufocincta polychroma hunt for their prey on and around flowers of low-growing herbaceous plants. DISCUSSION OF THE NESTING SITES AND THE PREY IN RELATION TO ECOLOGICAL DISPLACEMENT. The existence at Hilton of two basically very different soil types, one clayey and the other sandy, and the specificity shown by the wasps in their choice of nesting substrate has resulted in ij the Cerceris species of that locality being divided for the purposes of nesting into two distinct non-competitive groups, indicating that an area with more than one type of friable soil can |i support a larger number of Cerceris species than one with a uniform soil type. Other factors, for example the depth of the friable soil, will be limiting. The species nesting in sand place their caches at depths ranging from 60 ± mm in C. rufocincta to 500 + mm in C. latifrons. Therefore, whereas C. latifrons can only nest in relatively deep sand C. rufocincta and other shallow-nesters are less restricted. Hunting by Cerceris species at Hilton appears to take place at no great distance from the nest. This being so, competition for prey between species such as for example the clay-nesting C. lunigera on the one hand and the sand-nesting C. spinicaudata on the other is avoided as, although both hunt halictine bees, their hunting areas are distinct. This is especially true for these species which are believed to prey upon bees nesting in close proximity to their own nests. All the species are highly prey specific with the exception of C. rufocincta and more 90 PREY AND NESTING SITES OF SOME SPECIES OF CERCERIS particularly C. holconota which, with their recorded prey representing respectively two and six families of Hymenoptera, appear to be catholic in their choice. With the high prey specificity generally shown competition for prey is effectively avoided despite the fact that a number of species nesting in the same soil type may hunt in very similar situations. The most commonly taken prey recorded or known for Cerceris species occurring at Hilton are species of Halictidae and Curculionidae, notably Protostrophus species. With respect to the three species hunting Protostrophus weevils, differences in preferred size range of prey either alone or in conjunction with differences in substrate-determined nest situation are likely factors of importance in the avoidance of competition. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF THE PREY DIVERSITY OF THE GENUS CERCERIS The most interesting aspect of the behaviour of Cerceris concerns the diversity of insects taken as prey by the genus and the specificity shown by individual species. Provisioning is with adult Coleoptera or Hymenoptera, depending upon the Cerceris species. From data presented by Bohart and Menke (1976: 576) and by Iwata (1976: 150-151) it appears that eleven families of Coleoptera have so far been recorded as prey: Anthribidae, Bruchidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae, Curculionidae, Nitidulidae, Phalacri- dae, Scarabaeidae and Tenebrionidae. Published records of Hymenoptera taken as prey mostly concern Apoidea. Coleoptera appear to be the more commonly taken order and have been recorded as prey of Cerceris from many parts of the world. North American species of Cerceris provision exclu- sively with Coleoptera and the few records pertaining to South America concern prey of the same order. The few prey records for Australian Cerceris similarly concern Coleoptera. In the ! Palaearctic, Oriental and Afrotropical Regions of the Old World, however, there are, in addition I to species provisioning with Coleoptera, a minority of species that utilize Hymenoptera. Thus the Palaearctic C. rybyensis (L. ), C. hortivaga Kohl and C. sabulosa (Panzer) and the Oriental C. pictiventris Dahlbom provision with Apoidea, especially Halictidae and some in addition with Colletidae and Andrenidae. Though Apoidea appear to be the most commonly taken non-coleopterous prey, four records of the use of Hymenoptera other than bees have been published (see Bohart and Menke, 1976: 576). In the Palaearctic, C. stratiotes Schletterer is believed to prey only on the chalcid, Stilbula cynipiformis (Rossi), a Cerceris species provisioning with halictid and andrenid bees was found to have also in its brood cells a species of Psen (Sphecidae), and a female C. pekingensis Tsuneki was reported to have taken a species of Pison (Sphecidae) into her burrow. The fourth record concerns the Oriental C. langkasukae Pagden which was reported carrying a species of Hingstoniola (Sphecidae) although her regular prey were buprestids. The prey of eight Afrotropical Cerceris species has been recorded in print. On the African mainland, Curculionidae are taken by C. chirindensis Arnold (Arnold, 1932: 13), C. emeryana varilineata Cameron (Brauns, 1926: 322, as C. varilineata Cam.) and C. erythrosoma Schletterer (Brauns, 1911: 239 and 1926: 278); Buprestidae are taken by C. nigrifrons Smith (Brauns, 1926: 320); and Scarabaeidae are taken by C. latifrons sedula Arnold (Arnold, 1940: 106, as C. sedula Arnold). On Malagasy, Curculionidae are taken by C. clypearis Saussure; Chrysomelidae and Buprestidae by C. albotegula Arnold; and nomiine bees (Halictidae) by C. nenitra Saussure (all Arnold, 1945: 23, 41 and 42 respectively). Additional records (all C. F. Jacot Guillarmod’s and unpublished) obtained from the Albany Museum collections concern C. bothavillensis Brauns and C. emeryana multicolor Arnold (both from Mamathes, Lesotho) and C. multipicta fuscifacies Empey (from the Transvaal Lowveld) all of which took Curculionidae, in the case of the first named species, Leurops sublineata Marshall. With the addition of the records from Hilton, the prey of a total of 20 (i.e. 10,6%) of the 189 91 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 7, JULY 1980 Afrotropical species of Cerceris recognized by Empey (1969) is known. The corresponding figures for America north of Mexico are 21 (i.e. 27%) of 78 species (see Scullen, 1965 and Evans, 1971: 509). Of the twenty Afrotropical species concerned, fourteen species prey upon \ Coleoptera and six upon Hymenoptera whereas, as previously noted, all North American prey recorded comprised Coleoptera. With respect to both regions the most commonly taken prey are species of Curculionidae, 40% and 48% of the species for which prey is known taking this family in the Afrotropical Region and in America north of Mexico respectively. Cerceris is most unusual though not unique (see Bembix) in the Sphecidae in provisioning with prey belonging to more than one order, with, as has been shown, a majority of species utilizing Coleoptera and a minority utilizing Hymenoptera. It is therefore of interest to examine which of these two orders constitutes the original prey taken by the genus. Suggested relationships within the subfamily Philanthinae based entirely upon consideration and evaluation of morphological characters of presumed phylogenetic value have been discussed by Bohart and Menke (1976: 557-558) and shown by them in a dendrogram (Fig. 183). On the basis of the number of advanced characters appearing in each genus, Cerceris is seen as a highly advanced genus, surpassed only by the North American Eucerceris. If on Bohart and Menke’s dendrogram are entered details of the prey for each of the included ! genera (unknown for Eremiasphecium, Odontosphex and Philanthinus) it is seen that the species of Philanthinae prey pre-eminently upon Hymenoptera and that only Cerceris (partly) and Eucerceris (wholly) prey upon Coleoptera. It therefore appears that within the Philanthinae the use of Hymenoptera as prey is primitive or unspecialized and that the use of Coleoptera is advanced or derived. In this case Cerceris in its prey selection represents the transitional stage between the less advanced condition and that shown by Eucerceris. In this connection Pagden’s record (see Bohart and Menke, 1976: 576) of C. langkasukae carrying a hymenopteran although her regular prey were Buprestidae may represent atavistic behaviour in time of shortage of the coleopterous prey. The change from Hymenoptera to Coleoptera by Cerceris can be shown to have been advantageous for two reasons. Firstly, it enabled that fraction which made the change to avoid If! competition with related genera (e.g. Philanthus ) and possibly others (e.g. Palarus) for i1 hymenopterous prey, and secondly, it made available to Cerceris as potential prey vast numbers of species of many families belonging to an order which at least in its adult stage was not being exploited by any other wasps. The vast possibilities opened up by the adoption of the new prey may be considered to have led to an outburst of speciation in the fraction of Cerceris concerned, leading to the pre- dominance of Coleoptera-preying species over Hymenoptera-preying species and to the overall magnitude of the genus Cerceris, which with a total of over 850 known species (Bohart and Menke, 1976: 575) is the largest genus of the Sphecidae. Within the range of Coleoptera preyed upon, the most commonly taken by Cerceris appear to be species of Curculionidae and species of this family constitute the sole prey of Eucerceris. The preference for weevils may be attributable to the overwhelmingly greater number of species in i the Curculionidae than in other families. With respect of those Philanthinae which utilize Hymenoptera as prey, some interesting trends relevant to the prey taken by the various genera are apparent. Thus the sole recorded prey for Pseudoscolia and the most characteristic prey of Trachypus, Philanthus and the Hymenoptera- preying species of Cerceris are species of Halictidae though species of all three latter genera may also utilize other families of bees as well as wasps of several aculeate and non-aculeate families. On the other hand prey taken by three of the four genera of the Aphilanthopsini (prey is not known for the fourth genus) consists in each case of a single genus of Formicidae. It is clear that the genera of the Aphilanthopsini are greatly specialized in their choice of prey (as is indicated also by the presence in Clypeadon and Listropygia of an “ant clamp” formed of 92 PREY AND NESTING SITES OF SOME SPECIES OF CERCERIS the pygidial plate and the hypopygium) whereas the other genera represent the more un- specialized or primitive condition. In those species which utilize a wide spectrum of prey, the prey taken at any locality or time is probably dependant upon its abundance in the area and upon its size relative to the provisioning wasp. The frequency with which Halictidae are taken by species of Trachypus, Philanthus and the Hymenoptera-preying Cerceris species is undoubtedly due to the commonness of species and individuals of this bee family. There does, however, appear to be a tendency towards restriction in the range of prey taken. This may be seen in those of the Hymenoptera-preying Cerceris occurring at Hilton for which a number of prey records is available. Thus, in contrast to C. holconota for which six families including Halictidae are recorded as prey, C. spinicaudata appears to be restricted to Halictidae and C. rufocincta polychroma appears to specialize in Tiphiidae and Mutillidae. Finally, from the fact that both Hymenoptera- and Coleoptera-preying species of Cerceris occur in the Old World but only Coleoptera-preying forms occur in the New World it may be speculated that Cerceris was originally an Old World Genus. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Mr T. C. White of the farm Hilton for his much appreciated kindness over the years in allowing him free access to his land. Gratitude is expressed to the C.S.I.R. for a running expenses grant for field-work during the course of which the present observations were made. REFERENCES Arnold, G. 1932. New species of Ethiopian Sphegidae. Occ. Pap. Rhod. Mus. 1(1): 1-31. Arnold, G. 1940. New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 4. Ann. Transv. Mus. 20(2): 101-143. Arnold, G. 1945. The Sphecidae of Madagascar. Bulawayo. National Museum of Southern Rhodesia. Bohart, R. M. and Menke, A. S. 1976. Sphecid wasps of the world: a generic revision. Berkeley: University of California Press. Brauns, H. 1911. Biologisches liber siidafrikanische Hymenopteren. Z. wiss. Insekt Biol. 7: 238-240. Brauns, H. 1926. The Ethiopian Cerceris species. Ann. Transv. Mus. 11(4): 268-337. Empey, H. N. 1969. Revision of the Ethiopian species of Cerceris Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). 1. A synonymical checklist of the described species. J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 32(2): 297-331. Evans, H. E. 1971. Observations on the nesting behavior of wasps of the tribe Cercerini (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). J. Kans. ent. Soc. 44: 500-523. Gess, F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1974. An ethological study of Dichragenia pulchricoma (Arnold) (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), a southern African spider-hunting wasp which builds a turreted, subterranean nest. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 9(11): 187-214. Gess, F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1975. Ethological studies of Bembecinus cinguliger (Smith) and B. oxydorcus (Handl.) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), two southern African turret-building wasps. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 11(2): 2 1 — 46. Gess. F. W. and Gess. S. K. 1976. An ethological study of Parachilus insignis (Saussure) (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 11(5): 83-102. Gess. F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1980. Ethological notes on Kohliella alaris Brauns (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Larrinae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 13(4): 45-54. Hamm, A. H. and Richards, O. W. 1930. The biology of the British fossorial wasps of the families Mellinidae, Gorytidae, Philanthidae, Oxybelidae, and Trypoxylonidae. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 78(1): 95-132. Imms, A. D. 1957. A general textbook of entomology. (9th ed. revised by O. W. Richards and R. G. Davies). London: Methuen. Iwata, K. 1976. Evolution of instinct : comparative ethology of Hymenoptera. New Delhi: Amerind Publishing Co. for Smithsonian Institution and National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Marchal, P. 1887. Etude sur l’instinct du Cerceris ornata. Archs Zool. exp. gen. (2)5: 27-60. Scullen, H. A. 1965. Review of the genus Cerceris in America north of Mexico (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Proc. U. S. natn.Mus. 116: 333-548. Van Schalkwyk, H. A. D. 1968. A monograph of the genus Protostrophus Marshall (Col: Curcuiionidae, Brachyderinae). Entomology Mem. Dep. agric. tech. sen*. Repub. S. Afr. 15: 1-173. Manuscript accepted for publication 10 April 1980. 93 Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD8933 46/J f\l i-i ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 8 18th JULY 1980 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Some aspects of the ethology of Dasyproctus westermanni {Dahlbom) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Crabroninae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa by F. W. GESS (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) CONTENTS Page Abstract 95 Introduction 95 Description of nesting sites 96 Flight period 96 Flowers and young growth visited by adult wasps 96 Identification of the prey 97 Description of the nest 98 Method of construction of the nest, oviposition and provisioning 99 Life history 101 Parasites and other associated insects; mould 102 Review and discussion of the ethology of the genus Dasyproctus 103 Acknowledgements 105 References 106 ABSTRACT Some aspects of the ethology of Dasyproctus westennanni (Dahlbom) are described. Of particular note is the orientation of the pupae which appears to be governed by gravity rather than the position of the nest entrance. Foraging records are given for D. bipunctatus Lep. & Brulle, D. dubiosus (Arnold), D. immitis (Saussure), D. ruficaudis (Arnold) and D. westermanni (Dahlbom). The ethology of the genus Dasyproctus is reviewed and discussed. INTRODUCTION Sixty-seven species of the genus Dasyproctus Lepeletier and Brulle (Sphecidae: Crab- roninae) are listed by Bohart and Menke (1976:419) of which just over half occur in the Afrotropical Region. The remainder are known from the Oriental and Australasian Regions. Published biological accounts varying from fragmentary to fairly extensive pertain to six species: 95 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 8, JULY 1980 D. agilis (F. Smith) and D. buddha (Cameron) from the Oriental Region and D. barkeri (Arnold), D. bipunctatus Lep. & Brulle, D. kibonotensis Cameron and D. stevensoni (Arnold) from the Afrotropical Region. The present paper is an account of some aspects of the ethology of a seventh species, D. westermanni (Dahlbom) and is the ninth in a series of publications dealing with the ethology of certain solitary wasps occurring at Hilton, a farm situated 18 kilometres WNW. of Grahamstown (33° 19'S., 26° 32'E.) in the Albany Division of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. In all, five species of Dasyproctus have been recorded from Hilton. These are: D. bipunctatus Lep. & Brulle, D. dubiosus (Arnold), D. immitis (Saussure), D. ruficaudis (Arnold) and D. westermanni (Dahlbom). With respect to D. bipunctatus three colour forms are present which by some authors (e.g. Leclercq, 1958) are accorded subspecific rank: D. b. bipunctatus Lep. & Brulle, D. b. lugubris (Arnold) and D. b. simillimus (Smith). D. b. simillimus (Smith) is listed as a good species by Bohart and Menke (1976). Foraging records are given for all five species. DESCRIPTION OF NESTING SITES Of the five species only D. westermanni was observed engaged in nesting activities. Nests were situated up off the ground within galleries hollowed out by the wasp in green subvertical i pithy inflorescence stems of Urginea altissima (Liliaceae) growing on rising clayey ground immediately to the east of the New Year’s River in dwarf karroo scrub characterised by Pentzia incana (Compositae) (Fig. 1). Evidence of nesting by Dasyproctus was also found in the inflorescence stems of two species of Gasteria (Liliaceae) and in the stems of Berkheya decurrens (Compositae), all I growing on clayey soil in various situations within thorn scrub. As the nests examined in these plants were all old ones from which the wasps had emerged it was not possible to establish the identity of the builders. It is possible, however, that these were the nests of one or more of the other species of Dasyproctus . FLIGHT PERIOD The flight periods of all five species at Hilton and elsewhere in the vicinity of Grahamstown fall largely between the beginning of October and the end of March though isolated individuals have been found both earlier and later in the summer. D. westermanni is known from November to mid March and was found nesting in Urginea at Hilton during December and January. FLOWERS AND YOUNG GROWTH VISITED BY ADULT WASPS At Hilton two species of Dasyproctus were collected on the yellow flowers of Acacia karroo (Leguminosae): D. b. bipunctatus (6. i. 1 977, 1 female and 13. i. 1977, 1 male) and D. dubiosus (29.xii. 1976, 2 males and 6. i. 1 977, 1 male). The young foliage of A. karroo was i! visited by D. westermanni (6.xii. 1976, 1 female). At Strowan, a farm lying between Hilton and Grahamstown, the yellow flowers of Berkheya heterophylla (Compositae) were visited by D. b. bipunctatus (12.x. 1972, 4 females, 16.x. 1972, 4 females, and 25.x. 1972, 7 females) and by D. b. simillimus (16.x. 1972, 1 female); at Belmont Valley, lying 25 kilometres SE. of Hilton, the yellow flowers of Foeniculum vulgar e (Umbel- liferae) were visited by D. b. bipunctatus (26. i. 1970, 1 female), by D. b. simillimus (26. i. 1970, 1 female, 5.ii. 1970, 1 female, 28.iv.1970, 1 female), by D. dubiosus (20.L1970, 1 male), by D. immitis (25. i. 1970, 1 female) and by D. ruficaudis (20.i. 1970, 1 female); at the Koonap River 96 ASPECTS OF ETHOLOGY OF DASYPROCTUS WESTERMANNI | Fig. 1. Hilton, 4.i. 1978. Inflorescences of Urgenea altissima (Liliaceae) in dwarf karroo scrub characterised by Pentzia incana . near Adelaide, 70 kilometres N. of Hilton, the greenish-yellow flowers of Zizyphus mucronata (Rhamnaceae) were visited by D. b. bipunctatus (1 female) and by D. immitis (1 male) (both 20-22. xii. 1972). IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREY Prey was obtained only from D. westermanni and as in all species of Dasyproctus consisted of small flies. It appears that D. westermanni is an opportunist with respect to the flies it utilizes as prey and may take any suitably sized fly which it finds in its hunting area. All cells in which | prey flies were in a condition allowing identification were found to have been provisioned with several species of flies though in some the preponderance of one or other species indicated that | the wasp may, upon finding a ready supply of that species, have concentrated upon it or upon its source. 97 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 8, JULY 1980 Seven dipterous families were represented amongst the prey found in nests examined during January, 1978. Details are listed below. Simuliidae Simulium sp. 2,0 mm long 13 females, 4 males Stratiomyidae 1 sp. 5,2 mm long 10 specimens Bombyliidae Bombylius delicatus Wied. 4,0 mm long 1 female, 1 male 1 sp. of Cyrtosiinae 1,4 mm long 3 specimens 1 sp. other 3-4 mm long 1 female, 1 male Empididae 1 sp. 3,0 mm long 1 male Syrphidae 1 sp. 3,6 mm long 1 specimen Otitidae species A 2,2 mm long 3 females, 10 males species B 2,4 mm long 1 male Chamaemyiidae 1 sp. 3,4 mm long 3 specimens The presence amongst the prey of flies such as the Simuliidae and Stratiomyidae and possibly also the Otitidae may indicate that the chief hunting area of D. westermanni was in fairly close proximity to the nests, namely in the riverine vegetation fringing the New Year’s River. Other flies such as the less commonly taken Bombyliidae were probably captured in the i tract of open dwarf scrub nearer the nests and between the latter and the riverine vegetation. DESCRIPTION OF THE NEST The completed nest of D. westermanni consists of a circular entrance hole of 4 mm diameter bitten through the side of the green inflorescence stem of Urginea altissima (Fig. 2) and giving ; access to an ascending and a descending gallery of 4-4,5 mm bore hollowed out of the pithy centre of the stem. Both galleries are divided serially into a number of cells (Figs 3a, b, c and d). A total of twenty-two nests of D. westermanni within nineteen subvertical stems was examined. Seventeen of the utilized stems each contained a single nest, one stem contained two nests and another contained three nests. The entrance hole to the nest was situated from 500-1 070 mm (average 770 mm) above the ground and in all but one instance was sited below the level of the lowermost elements of the cylindrical raceme which occupies the terminal two-fifths of the inflorescence stem. Heights above the ground of the bottom and the top of the raceme ranged from 820-1 360 mm (average 1 040) and from 1 550-2 100 mm (average 1 800 mm) respectively. Of the twenty-two nests, twenty had completed ascending galleries and of this latter number nine had in addition completed descending galleries. The ascending galleries ranged in length from 42-114 mm (average 86 mm) and the descending galleries ranged in length from 78-122 mm (average 91 mm). In length the serially arranged cells including the pithy plug sealing each ranged from 8-14 mm (average of 71: 11,2 mm), the thickness of the plugs or cell partitions being 1, 5-2,0 mm. The number of cells in fully utilized ascending galleries ranged from five to eight; the only fully utilized descending gallery found contained seven cells. The maximum number of cells found in any one nest (the only one which had both galleries fully utilized and intact) was fourteen. 98 ASPECTS OF ETHOLOGY OF DASYPROCTUS WESTERMANNI Fig. 2. Hilton, 4. i. 1978. Portion of inflorescence stem of Urgenea altissima (Liliaceae) showing entrance hole of nest of Dasyproctus westermanni (x circa 0,5). Neither gallery is filled with cells right up to the level of the entrance hole, the plug of the outermost cell in each case being some distance removed from it. In the above fourteen-celled completely utilized nest a vestibular space, 16 mm in length, was left between the two outermost cells. The nest entrance opening into this vestibule was not sealed. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEST, OVIPOSITION AND PROVISIONING A nest entrance hole having been bitten through the wall of the inflorescence stem and the pith centre having been reached, the wasp hollows out its galleries by biting off and removing the pith. Some at least of this pithy material appears, however, to be retained within the nest for the purpose of constructing the cell partitions. 99 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 8, JULY 1980 The ascending gallery is invariably the first to be hollowed out and only after the full number of cells destined for this gallery has been constructed within it is a start made with the hollowing out of the descending gallery (Figs 3a, b, c and d). Each cell is provisioned with a relatively large number of prey which are closely packed and are orientated to face the inner (i.e. blind) end of the cell. The prey is alive but partially paralysed. Two fully provisioned and sealed cells, the contents of which had neither been consumed nor had become mouldy, contained fourteen and twenty-six flies respectively. It is not clear on which prey, in order of provisioning, oviposition takes place but it appears not to be on the first. A D. westermanni egg was found in each of the above two cells — in the first it was attached to a Bombylius delicatus Wied. (4 mm long male), one of the first three prey VJ If TZZZZ2 50mm ^2222= Pigs 3a, b, c, and d. Plans of nests of Dasyproctus westermanni in inflorescence stems of Urginea altissima in longitudinal section. 100 ASPECTS OF ETHOLOGY OF DASYPROCTUS WESTERMANNI to be introduced into the cell; in the second it was attached to an Otitid (2,4 mm long male) situated about in the middle of the cell. Two partially provisioned and still open cells containing three and ten prey respectively were found in which no egg had yet been laid. The egg of D. westermanni is white, very strongly curved and 1,9 mm in length. It is glued to the underside of the prothorax of the fly anterior to the legs — that is more or less in the neck region, the fly’s head being pushed forwards to accommodate the anterior end of the egg in the space between the prothorax and the underside of the head. The egg extends laterally or postero-laterally across the ventral surface of the fly to either left or right. The newly hatched larva is orientated in the same way (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representation of bombyliid fly showing position of newly hatched feeding larva of Dasyproctus westermanni . LIFE HISTORY Due to the fact that in the nests examined all but two of the completed cells contained either provision and wasp young that had gone mouldy or cocoons containing spinning larvae or pupae, little information concerning the life history of the species could be obtained. The two eggs found on prey on 4. i. 1978 and lO.i. 1978 hatched on 5. i. 1978 and 14. i. 1978 respectively. Neither larva survived. All twenty-six male and thirteen female wasps reared from the examined nests emerged during the period 10-27. i. 1978. Development from egg to adult appears to be very rapid in the generation reared in Urginea stems, probably owing to the short time during which these stems are suitable for the nesting of Dasyproctus . It is probable that there is at least one other annual generation of the species but its nesting site has not been identified. The silken cocoon of D. westermanni is brown and papery, 9 mm long and with a maximum width of 3,4 mm. Its anterior end is rounded whilst the posterior end has incorporated in it the 101 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 8, JULY 1980 dark brown meconium voided by the post-spinning larva. Adhering to the meconium at the hind end of the cocoon are the prey remains — wings, legs and other uneaten fragments which the mature larva on cleaning the cell prior to the start of cocoon spinning has concentrated behind it at one end of the cell. The orientation of the cocoons and of the pupae within them is unusual and of interest in D. westermanni in that it appears to be governed by gravity rather than by the position of the nest opening as indicated to the spinning larva by the curvature of the cell partitions. Thus in all cells, whether constructed in ascending or descending galleries, the anterior end of each cocoon is orientated upwards, facing away from the ground. Thus in the first-constructed ascending gallery the anterior end of each cocoon is directed away from the nest entrance and the meconium and prey remains are between each wasp and the outer partition of its cell. In the later-constructed descending gallery, however, the orientation normally practised by wasps nesting serially in tubes is present — the anterior end of each cocoon is directed towards the nest entrance and the meconium and prey remains are between each wasp and the inner or blind end of its cell. PARASITES AND OTHER ASSOCIATED INSECTS; MOULD Three distinct categories of associated insects occur in D. westermanni nests: a parasitoid of D. westermanni itself, a species cleptoparasitic with respect to the stored provision, and at least one species possibly cleptoparasitic with respect to the nest galleries. A 4,2 mm long dark metallic green and reddish bronze Perilampus sp. (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Perilampidae) was found to be a parasitoid in nine cells distributed over five nests studied during January, 1978. Previously, during the summer of 1974 two specimens of the parasite were reared from the same host. The D. westermanni larva is attacked after it has spun its cocoon in the normal manner but before it has changed into a pupa. Each parasitized D. westermanni cocoon yields a single perilampid. The emergence of the adult parasitoid from the host cocoon is timed to coincide within a few days with the emergence of adult D. westermanni from adjacent cells in the nest. A 2,6 mm long yellowish-brown species of Phoridae (Diptera) was found to be a cleptoparasite in one nest. When opened on 18. i. 1978 it was found that in both the ascending and descending galleries all the cell partitions, bar those sealing the two outermost cells (i.e. those closest to the nest entrance), had been broken down and that the provision stored in the breached cells had been almost completely devoured. In the ascending (older) gallery the cleptoparasites had already pupated, thirteen puparia being cemented in a group to the gallery wall at the end nearer the nest entrance. In the descending (newer) gallery were twenty-four as yet unpupated maggots. These were transferred to a glass vial where they pupated on 20. i. 1978. Flies from both li galleries emerged from their puparia towards the end of February. A species of Trypoxylon (Sphecidae) which utilizes pre-existing cavities for its nesting was found in three instances to have taken over the galleries excavated by D. westermanni. Though it i| cannot with certainty be stated that actual competition for the excavated galleries took place between Trypoxylon sp. and D. westermanni it does appear that this may have been the case and ill that the galleries taken over by the former were ones being used by the builder, not abandoned ones. Thus all three D. westermanni galleries (which were ascending ones) were either in the process of being hollowed out or of being provisioned. One of the galleries had not yet reached its final length as evidenced by the fact that its blind end had not yet been rounded off as is the case with completed galleries; the second gallery had been completed but nesting by D. westermanni had not yet commenced; the third gallery had had three cells completed by D. westermanni , the point of succession being during the provisioning of the fourth cell. Other insects found in D. westermanni galleries were females of Heriades ?spiniscutis (Cameron) (Megachilidae) (three instances) and a female of Allodapula variegata (Smith) (Anthophoridae) (one instance). The D. westermanni galleries used by these bees were clearly ASPECTS OF ETHOLOGY OF DASYPROCTUS WESTERMANNI abandoned ones, no recently provisioned cells being present. It is possible that the bees were merely sheltering in the galleries but it cannot be ruled out that they might have commenced nesting had they been left undisturbed. If they had, they would clearly not have been competitors for the galleries as it appears that Trypoxylon sp. may have been. The previously mentioned old nesting galleries of Dasyproctus sp. in Gasteria inflorescence stems were found to have been utilized for nesting by Trypoxylon sp., Heriades ?spiniscutis (Cameron) and Allodapula variegata (Smith) whereas the galleries in Berkheya decurrens stems had been utilized by Heriades ?spiniscutis (Cameron) and A llodape sp. ( rufogastra Lep. & Serv. or exoloma Strand) (Anthophoridae). Mould attacking the stored provision is of common occurrence in the cells of D. westermanni and effects a larger number of cells than do parasitoids and predators together. Details are given in Table 1 of the nesting success and mortality rate due to various causes in one hundred completed cells examined. Table 1. Nesting success and mortality rate due to various causes in one hundred completed cells of D. westermanni examined. Total No. of completed cells* No. of cells attacked by mould No. of cells attacked by Peri- lampidae No. of cells attacked by Phoridae No. of cells attacked by other insects No. of cells in which pupae died for un- known reasons No. of cells from which D. westermanni adults emerged 100 30 9 13 1 8 39 ♦Excluding two cells containing newly hatched larvae which did not survive examination. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF THE ETHOLOGY OF THE GENUS DASYPROCTUS As already noted, published biological accounts varying from fragmentary to fairly exten- sive pertain to six species: D. agilis (F. Smith) and D. buddha (Cameron) from the Oriental Region and D. barkeri (Arnold), D. bipunctatus Lep. & Brulle, D. kibonotensis Cameron and D. stevenson i (Arnold) from the Afrotropical Region. D. agilis and D. buddha were both recorded nesting in stems of Gramineae (sorghum and solid dead stems of Coelorrachis respectively) in which their cells were provisioned with Otitidae (mainly), Muscidae and Syrphidae and with Chloropidae and Otitidae respectively (see Bohart and Menke, 1976: 419). Of the African species, D. bipunctatus Lep & Brulle (including its colour forms simillimus (Smith) and lichtenburgensis (Arnold)) is the best known. The species has been found by several observers to be restricted in its nesting to the inflorescence stems of the monocotyledonous families Amaryllidaceae, Iridaeceae and Liliaceae. The most comprehensive account of the nesting of this species ( D . bipunctatus sensu stricto) is that by Bowden (1964: 425-437) who found it nesting near Kampala (Uganda) in the flowering stems of Kniphofia and Aloe spp. (Liliaceae), Gladiolus sp. (Iridaceae) and Hippeastrum (an American genus) (Amaryllidaceae). Six families of Diptera were represented amongst the prey, namely Chloropidae, Lonchaeidae, Muscidae, Simuliidae, Sphaeroceridae and Trypetidae. Most prey were Atherigona species (Muscidae: Coenosiinae). On the basis of the prey taken Bowden theorized that D. bipunctatus forages primarily over grass. D. bipunctatus was also found nesting in gladiolus stems near 103 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 8, JULY 1980 Salisbury (Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe) by Cuthbertson (1937: 28-31). That author listed the prey as belonging to the Anthomyiidae, Sarcophagidae, Sapromyzidae, Syrphidae and Tachinidae. D. bipunctatus simillimus, in the Western Cape Province at least, appears to nest by preference in the green flowering stems of Watsonici sp. (Iridaceae). The present author found it nesting commonly in such stems at Kirstenbosch (Cape Peninsula) on 22. xi. 1964 and A. J. Hesse of the South African Museum (unpublished notes) recorded its prey found in Watsonia stems at an unnamed locality as Otitidae. It seems that the “watsonia wasp” described by Skaife (1953: 338) is referrable to D. bipunctatus simillimus (Smith) and that the name, Dasyproctus capensis Skaife, given it in the above publication may be considered a hitherto overlooked and therefore new synonym of the former. In the new (1979) edition of Skaife’s book the revisers have come to the same conclusion concerning the identity of the wasp in question and have substituted the name Dasyproctus bipunctatus for Dasyproctus capensis. D. bipunctatus lichtenburgensis at Tanga on the East African coast was found to provision its cells in stems (unspecified) almost entirely with Otitidae (= Ortalidae) and to be subject to parasitization by a species of Mutillidae (Carpenter, 1942: 48). In contrast with the above considered species with respect to the stems utilized for nesting ii are D. barkeri, D. kibonotensis and D. stevensoni all of which utilize dicotyledonous plants. D. barkeri, described from Durban, Umgeni and Malvern in Natal, was recorded by Arnold ll (1927: 127) as “nesting in dry stems of the Kaffir-boom” ( Erythrina sp.) (Leguminosae). D. kibonotensis, studied as was D. bipunctatus at Kampala (Uganda), was found by Bowden (1964: 425-437) to be restricted to the stems of Rubus sp. (Rosaceae) for the excavation 1 of its nests. The prey encompassed five families, namely Lonchaeidae, Muscidae, Platystomidae, Tachinidae and Trypetidae. Most prey were Trirhithrum coffeae Bezzi (Trypetidae), a dominant j of the dipterous fauna of robusta coffee. On the basis of the prey taken Bowden theorized that this species forages in understory shrubs. Recorded parasites were Miltogramminae. D. stevensoni in West Cameroon was found nesting in a stem of Conyza bonariensis j (Compositae) in which the cells were provisioned with Milichiidae (Michener, 1971: 407). As far as can be established from a consideration of so relatively few species, the nesting of Dasyproctus appears to present great uniformity in its basic features and the nesting of D. westermanni at Hilton here described appears, with the possible exception of pupa orientation tl to be dealt with below, to be very similar to the general pattern. All the species nest up off the ground in galleries which they themselves excavate in the pith li of usually live green plant stems. The serially arranged cells are separated by pith partitions and ij: are provisioned with numerous small adult Diptera. In D. bipunctatus , D. kibonotensis and D. westermanni the nest entrance is on the side of the stem and the nest galleries proceed in both directions through the stem, the gallery directed i| towards the stem apex (that is the ascending gallery) being completed first in all three species. Details of the nest plans of the two Oriental species and of D. barkeri are not available. With respect to D. stevensoni it is stated that the only nest examined was damaged in its collection but that apparently the entrance was at the broken end of the stem, rather than in the side of the stem. Confirmation of this apparently unusual nest form is required. It is in the orientation, within the galleries, of the cocoons and of the pupae within them that D. westermanni differs from the other two species for which the orientation has been recorded. Thus Bowden (1964: 429 and 430) recorded both D. bipunctatus and D. kibonotensis larvae as pupating with their heads towards the entrance hole of the nest. In D. westermanni , as already described, all pupae are orientated with their heads away from the ground and towards the apex of the flower stalk, so that only those larvae in the descending gallery have their heads towards the nest entrance. Using the trends shown by the reviewed species some speculation is possible concerning the 104 ASPECTS OF ETHOLOGY OF DASYPROCTUS WESTERMANNI identity of the builders of the old Dasyproctus nests found at Hilton in the inflorescence stems of Gasteria spp. (Liliaceae) and in the stems of Berkheya decurrens (Compositae). All the nests concerned had side entrances and both ascending and descending galleries. In the case of the nests in Gasteria it is not impossible that these were the work of D. westermanni but the fact that these plants were in a vegetation type different from that in which occurred the Urginea frequently utilized by D. westermanni may indicate the involvement of a different species. The nature of the inflorescence stalk utilized may indicate that D. bipunctatus might have been the species concerned. In the case of the nests in Berkheya decurrens it is probably correct to consider that they were the work of neither D. westermanni nor D. bipunctatus as all records indicate that these two species are restricted to monocotyledonous inflorescence stalks and that no species nests in both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. The nests in Berkheya are thus probably those of one of the other three Dasyproctus species recorded from Hilton, namely D. dubiosus, D. immitis and D. ruficaudis. It is clearly of survival value to all species of Dasyproctus if the herbaceous plant stems in which they make their nests are protected in some manner or other from being eaten by large herbivores. With respect to those plants found to be utilized by Dasyproctus at Hilton it can be shown that all are so protected at least from the herbivores now common there, namely cattle, sheep and goats. Thus Urginea altissima, which grows freely exposed in the dwarf karroo scrub and which is very conspicuous when flowering on account of the long inflorescence stalks, is avoided by the above animals. This is undoubtedly due to the plant’s toxicity to stock resulting from the presence in all parts of the plant of a glucoside having a digitalis action (see Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962: 717-718). It has furthermore been observed by the author that Urginea altissima is also left untouched under the more natural conditions of the Addo National Elephant j Park where the herbivores in the portion of the park examined are buffalo, eland, hartebeest and a variety of smaller buck. The Gasteria spp. at Hilton appear to be innocuous to herbivores, no indication to the contrary being found in Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk. However, these plants are found at Hilton only in the shelter of thorny shrubs such as Acacia karroo where they are thus physically protected from stock. Berkheya decurrens on the other hand grows in the open, often on disturbed ground, but is well protected from herbivores by the spinose projections of the leaves and involucral bracts. Stems utilized elsewhere by Dasyproctus species may at least in some instances also be shown to be immune from destruction by herbivores. Thus the trailing stems of Rubus sp. (used by D. kibonotensis) are undoubtedly protected by the sharp prickles with which they are armed, j With respect to Watsonia spp. (used by D. bipunctatus ) it has been observed near Grahamstown that buck readily eat the actual flowers but not the inflorescence stalks (Jacot-Guillarmod, pers. i com. ). It is apparent therefore that there is no consistency in the nature of the protection offered by j the plants in which Dasyproctus nests as it may be due to their physiological or morphological nature or to their protected habitat. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Mr T. C. White of the farm Hilton for his much appreciated kindness over the years in allowing him free access to his land. Thanks are due also to Dr G. L. Prinsloo of the Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria for his help with respect to the identity of the Perilampidae. Gratitude is expressed to the C.S.I.R. for a running expenses grant for field work during the course of which the present observations were made. 105 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 8, JULY 1980 REFERENCES Arnold, G. 1927. The Sphegidae of South Africa. Part 8. Ann. Transv. Mus. 12 (2): 55-131. Bohart, R. M. and Menke, A. S. 1976. Sphecid wasps of the world: a generic revision. Berkeley: University of California Press. Bowden, J. 1964. Notes on the biology of two species of Dasyproctus Lep. and Br. in Uganda (Hymenoptera: Sphegidae). J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 26 (2): 425-435. Carpenter, G. D. H. 1942. Note on the bionomics of the sphegid wasp Dasyproctus bipunctatus Lepeletier (Hym.). Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (A) 17 (4—6): 48. Cuthbertson, A. 1937. Biological notes on some diptera in Southern Rhodesia. Proc. Trans. Rhod. scient. Ass. 35 (1): 16-34. Leclercq, J. 1958. Hymenoptera Sphecoidea (Sphecidae II. Subfam. Crabroninae). Explor. Parc. natn. Upemba Miss. G. F. de Witte Fascicule 45: 1-114. Michener, C. D. 1971. Notes on crabronine wasp nests. J. Kans. ent. Soc. 44 (3): 405-407. Skaife, S. H. 1953. African insect life. Cape Town: Longmans Green & Co. Skaife, S. H. 1979. African insect life. (2nd ed. revised by J. Ledger and A. Bannister.) Cape Town: Struik. Watt, J. M. and Breyer-Brandwijk, M. G. 1962. The medicinal and poisonous plants of southern and eastern Africa. Edinburgh: Livingstone. Manuscript accepted for publication 18 April 1980. Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD8966 /? & / 3 NH ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus . (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 9 8th OCTOBER 1980 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD9014 The distribution and status of some eagles in the Cape Province by A. F. BOSHOFF (The Lakes Nature Conservation Station, Private Bag X6546, George, 6530) and C. J. VERNON (East London Museum, 319 Oxford Street, East London, 5201) CONTENTS Page Uittreksel 107 Abstract 108 Introduction 108 Survey methods 108 Evaluation of the information obtained from the survey 110 Distribution and abundance of the eagles Black Eagle 112 Crowned Eagle 117 Martial Eagle 120 Fish Eagle 123 Tawny Eagle 127 Bateleur 129 Long-crested Eagle 129 Black-breasted Snake Eagle and Bearded Vulture 130 Discussion 130 Conclusion 131 Acknowledgements 131 References 132 UITTREKSEL ’n Studie van die verspreiding en digtheid van verskeie arend spesies in die Kaapprovinsie, gebaseer op ’n posopname gevolg deur ’n veldwaarheidsopname (“ground-truth survey”), word beskryf. Ondanks sekere tekortkominge verbonde aan so ’n opriame, en die groot gebied wat gedek is, was dit moontlik om ’n geldige prent van die verspreiding van die betrokke spesies, so wel as realistiese beramings van hulle digtheid, te verkry. Dit was nie moontlik om verklarings te kon maak nie oor enige neigings wat miskien teenwoordig is, maar die opname het getoon dat, van die nege arend spesies wat in die Kaapprovinsie broei, is daar vyf wat blykbaar lewensvat- 107 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 bare, alhoewel klein, bevolkings het terwyl ’n sesde spesies moontlik besig is om tot uitroeiing te daal. ABSTRACT A study of the distribution and abundance of some eagles in the Cape Province, based on a postal survey followed by a ground-truth survey, is described. Despite certain disadvantages attached to such a survey, and the vast area covered, it was possible to obtain a valid picture of the distribution of the species involved, as well as realistic estimates of their abundance. It was not possible to make statements on any trends that may exist but the survey indicated that, of the nine species of eagles that are known to breed in the Cape Province, five appear to have viable, albeit small, populations while a sixth species may be declining to extirpation. INTRODUCTION Recently raptors have become a source of international concern as they are at the top of various food chains and consequently are important environmental indicators. The status of eagles in the Cape Province is given in general terms in Skead (1967), Winterbottom (1968) and McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). The factual basis for the statements by these authors is meagre, primarily because of the paucity of observers in a vast province. Virtually nothing is known of the status of eagles in the Cape Province and most of the work concerning eagles has been in the form of random roadside counts (Rudebeck 1963; Rowan 1964; Siegfried 1966, 1968; Cade 1969; Maclean 1970; Dean 1975a). Despite the lack of precise information it is common knowledge that some eagles have declined in numbers and range and five species occurring in the Cape Province are considered to be vulnerable to extirpation. The decline has been attributed to decreasing food supplies, loss of habitat due to agricultural and urban development and to direct persecution (Siegfried 1963, 1968; Skead 1967; Heyl 1972; Winterbottom 1972; Siegfried et al. 1976; Vernon 1978; Boshoff & Vernon in prep.). For many years farmers have persecuted eagles for taking their stock. At one period, bounties were paid on eagles in the Cape Province, and there are records of nearly 5 000 I bounties paid between 1930 and 1955 (Boshoff & Vernon in prep.). For example, over a seven year period, 1947 to 1953, an average of 74 bounties was paid per year in the Bedford district. In the Laingsburg district 150 Black Eagles were killed in one year (Siegfried 1963). The effects of r this persecution are not known but the present authors suspect that in some areas it has caused the extirpation of the eagles. In 1976 a survey was initiated by the Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation (CDNEC) to determine the distribution and abundance of some of the eagles in the Cape Province. Eight species were included in the survey namely Black Eagle Aquila verreauxi, Crowned Eagle Spizaetus coronatus. Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus, Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax. Long-crested Eagle Lophaetus occipitalis. Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer, Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus and Black-breasted Snake Eagle Circaetus pectoralis. Three species, two of which are rare and are not known to breed in the Cape Province, were omitted. An additional aim of the 1976 Survey was to obtain information on alleged stock predation by eagles (Boshoff & Vernon in prep.). SURVEY METHODS In 1976 a questionnaire was sent by the Department of Nature and Environmental Conserva- tion of the Cape Province (CDNEC) to all farmers and landowners in the province. The questionnaire requested information about the presence, breeding and feeding of certain eagles and vultures. It was accompanied by a coloured illustration depicting those eagles and vultures, 108 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES together with a covering letter explaining the aims of the survey, and a stamped and addressed reply envelope. The information gleaned from the returned questionnaires was placed on computer and printouts of this information were made available to members of the CDNEC for the ensuing ground-truth survey. This survey was considered necessary in order to evaluate the results of the postal survey and farmers/landowners throughout the province were visited. The detailed objectives were to establish whether the species that the farmers had reported actually occurred or bred in the recorded area. Due to logistical problems it was not possible to conduct the ground-truth survey on a totally systematic basis and farms to be visited were chosen on a random basis according to proximity to the route followed. Attempts were made to include all the major physiographic regions of the Cape Province. For convenience of discussion the province was divided into six zones namely South-Western Cape (S.W. Cape), Southern Cape (S. Cape), Karoo, North-Western Cape (N.W. Cape), Northern Cape (N. Cape) and Eastern Cape (E. Cape). The boundaries of these zones are shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Regions of the Cape Province and number of questionnaires returned per locus in the CDNEC 1976 Postal Survey. 109 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 The records of presence, which include breeding reports, of the various species of eagles and vultures were plotted according to the total number of returns per query per locus (locus = one quarter-degree square; approximately 630 sq. km). The information was arranged in four ways: presence and breeding reports or breeding reports alone, with records uncorrected or corrected. In order to compensate for misidentifications it was arbitrarily decided to reject all records of only one report per locus; this represents the “corrected” state. The authors decided that a record was most likely to be incorrect if only one farmer in a locus reported the species, taking into consideration that this may have resulted in a bias against particularly astute observers. This factor may also have favoured loci from which were received a large number of replies to the 1976 questionnaire as opposed to those loci from which there were few replies. Thus all maps reflecting the results of the 1976 Survey represent only the corrected data. The results of this survey were compared with all records that could be gathered from other sources. These include the observations of the members of the ground-truth survey and all published and unpublished records from 1970 onwards. The abundance of four species of eagles was estimated from the breeding reports of the 1976 Survey. The actual number of reports was multiplied by the proportion of those reports that were investigated by the ground-truth survey and found to be correct. This figure was then multiplied li by the reciprocal of the percentage poll to give an estimate of the total number of breeding pairs of each species in the Cape. The confidence limits, at the 95% level, based on the proportion of correct reports, were taken from tables in Diem & Lentner (1970). Comparative estimates of abundance of the four eagle species were made from the ground- truth survey. These were based upon the tabulation of nests seen during the 1976 Survey, or found independently of the farmers, together with estimates of the numbers of potential pairs in the areas of the Cape Province not visited by members of the ground-truth survey. The above methods of assessing abundance were made for the Cape as a whole and for each i degree square (16 loci — approximately 10 000 sq. km). In the E. Cape, where several degree squares were thoroughly covered by the ground-truth survey, it was possible to make detailed comparisons between the results of the 1976 Survey and the ground-truth survey. j EVALUATION OF THE INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SURVEY Distribution of farmers A total of 30 487 farmers/landowners was sent questionnaires of which 14 761 were com- pleted and returned to give a poll of 48,4%. The distribution of farmers replying to the 1976 Survey is shown in Fig. 1. This map reflects the actual distribution of the farmers as the blank areas represent either non-farming areas, regions where the density of farmers per locus is low, or African states/homelands which were not covered by the survey. The average number of farmers replying to the 1976 Survey per locus was about 12, but in some loci there were none and in the intensively farmed areas there were frequently more than 50. The density was lowest in the Karoo and N.W. Cape and greatest in the S.W. Cape and S. Cape. Identification of the eagles Although the farmers, not unexpectedly, had problems with the identification of the various eagles and vultures, the authors consider that, for persons not specifically interested in bird watching, they were very competent. Problems arose through the variety of vernacular names, the difficulties of identifying species and the pictures accompanying the questionnaires. The vernacu- lar names caused considerable confusion, especially those linking the Black Eagle and the Bateleur, the Black Eagle and the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus, and the Martial Eagle and the Bearded Vulture. This problem is discussed in Boshoff (1979). 110 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES The differences between the adult and immature plumages of the eagles also provided a source of confusion. Only adult birds were illustrated in the questionnaire, and some farmers identified immatures of commoner eagles such as the Black Eagle and Martial Eagle as the Bearded Vulture, Black-Breasted Snake-Eagle or Tawny Eagle. As a result in this paper the Bearded Vulture data have been included with that for the eagles. The inclusion in the illustrations of the Bateleur but the omission of the Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus meant that farmers reported the Bateleur instead of the more common Jackal Buzzard. This was compounded by the fact that in some areas the buzzard is called the Bateleur. There were consistent patterns of misidentification. The common species were more frequently correctly identified than the rarer species. The farmers’ identifications and the likely species they were reporting are shown in Table 1. There was no significant difference between the rate of correct identification of the Black, Crowned, Martial and Fish Eagles, and a common correction factor is used for these species. Table 1 Identification of the eagles and the Bearded Vulture in the CDNEC 1976 Survey Species identification by the farmers Likely identification* BE. C.E. T.E. L.E. F.E. BAT. ME. S.E. B.V. Black Eagle (B.E.) 107 26 22 Crowned Eagle (C.E.) Tawny Eagle (T.E.) Long-crested Eagle (L.E. ) 1 27 14 3 1 1 Fish Eagle (F.E.) Bateleur (BAT.) 22 6 Martial Eagle (M.E.) 2 2 7 2 47 2 34 Snake Eagle (S.E.) Bearded Vulture (B.V.) 2 Jackal Buzzard 1 2 Unknown 25 3 19 2 4 18 21 7 12 Number of nest reports investigated 135 32 41 5 26 55 69 9 70 % correct 79 84 33 60 85 11 67 0 3 Upper c.l. (95%) 86 95 50 95 96 22 78 34 12 Lower c.l. (95%) 71 67 20 15 65 4 55 0 1 ♦According to the ground-truth survey. Reports of Presence and Breeding The ground-truth survey proved that it was not possible to devise a method of assessing the accuracy of reports of the presence of any eagle species on individual farms. Thus while distribution maps based on these reports are given, no proper estimate can be made of their accuracy, other than the “percentage correct” data given in Table 1. The authors consider that both the presence reports and the breeding reports suffered from the above inaccuracies, but that there was a greater degree of inaccuracy in the presence reports than in the breeding reports. However, the results of the 1976 Survey pertaining to the Cape Vulture Gyps copr other es indicated that the farmers reported the presence of the vultures if they had seen them on the farm at some time during their lifetime (Boshoff & Vemon 1980). Thus any distribution map based on presence records may reflect the pattern over the last generation; say twenty-five years. In contrast to the presence reports, the breeding reports are considered to reflect the present 111 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 day situation. In addition the members of the ground-truth survey were able to assess the accuracy of breeding reports as a nest is a static object. Three classes of accuracy were established: correct, possibly correct and incorrect. The “possibly correct” records are those where the farmer could not locate the nest reported but the member of the ground-truth survey considered that there could easily have been a nest on the farm. Only the “correct” reports are used in the estimates of the abundance of individual species of eagles. i DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE OF THE EAGLES Black Eagle Distribution The 1976 Survey indicated that the Black Eagle is widespread in the Cape Province. The distribution of farmers reporting the species on their farms is shown in Fig. 2 and indicates that Fig. 2. The distribution of farmers reporting the presence of Black Eagles on their farms in the CDNEC 1976 Survey. Circled digits represent totals per locus. 112 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES the Black Eagle is widespread throughout the S.W., S., and E. Cape but is localised in the other three regions. The pattern of distribution of farmers reporting that Black Eagles bred on their farms is shown in Fig. 3. This map shows the same pattern as Fig. 2 but intensifies the trends to suggest that even in the southern regions the species may be absent from some areas. Fig. 3 tends to reflect the distribution of mountainous and hilly terrain, which constitutes the known habitat preference of this eagle, and compares favourably with the distribution of Black Eagle sightings obtained from other sources for the period 1970 to 1979 (Fig. 4). It should be mentioned that the concentration of reports from portions of degree squares 28 22, 29 22 and 29 23 (Fig. 3) was not investigated during the ground-truth survey ( vide Fig. 4). Fig. 3. The distribution of farmers reporting breeding by Black Eagles on their farms in the CDNEC 1976 Survey. Circled digits represent totals per locus. 113 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 114 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES The authors consider that the 1976 Survey provides an accurate picture of the distribution of the Black Eagle in the Cape Province. Abundance From the 1976 Survey it would appear that the Black Eagle is the most abundant eagle species in the Cape Province. There are an estimated 487 breeding pairs, and the potential range of this estimate is from 280 to 730 pairs (Table 2). The estimate of 487 pairs is considered to be reasonable as the ground-truth survey gave an estimate of a minimum of 400 pairs. These figures suggest that in the Cape Province as a whole the Black Eagle is about seven times more abundant than any other eagle. Table 2 Estimates of the numbers of breeding pairs of four species of eagles in the Cape Province, based on the results of the CDNEC 1976 Survey and the ground-truth survey Eagle species Black Crowned Martial Fish Total Farmers — 30 487 % replying — 48,4 Number reporting eagles breeding 1 766 83 351 236 Number of breeding reports investigated . . Number of occupied nests found (excluding 135 (7,6%) 32(38,6%) 70(19,9%) 26(1 1,0%) “possibly occupied”) 18 10 5 3 % investigated that were correct 95% confidence limits 13 31 7 12 — upper 20 50 16 30 — lower 8 16 2 2 Estimated number of breeding pairs* 95% c.l. on estimate 487 54 52 56 — upper 730 86 116 146 — lower 280 28 17 12 Estimated number of breeding pairs extra- polated from ground-truth survey data .... 400-500 50 ? 45 *Calculation of estimated number of pairs based on: e.g. Black Eagle x KM v 48,4 1 766 1 The breeding density of the Black Eagle varies throughout the Cape Province (Fig. 5) and the birds are most abundant in parts of the N.W. Cape and the E. Cape. The greatest density is found in the degree square 32 26, which is the area between Adelaide, Bedford, Cradock and Tarkastad. Within this area V. L. Pringle reported 14 eyries of the Black Eagle in the area of one locus (circa 630 sq. km). 115 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 ! 116 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES Crowned Eagle Distribution The 1976 Survey indicated that the Crowned Eagle is mainly found in the S. Cape and the E. Cape (Fig. 6) although there were isolated reports from all other regions. These records do not appear in the map of the distribution of breeding Crowned Eagles (Fig. 7). This map compares favourably with that of Crowned Eagle sightings made by observers other than farmers (Fig. 8) and the authors consider that the 1976 Survey provides a valid assessment of the distribution of the Crowned Eagle. 117 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 118 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES Fig. 8. The distribution of the Crowned Eagle according to published and unpublished records (ex CDNEC 1976 Postal Survey data) between 1970 and 1979. Abundance Estimates from the 1976 Survey suggest that there are 54 pairs of Crowned Eagles in the Cape Province. The range of this estimate is between 28 and 86 pairs (Table 2). The ground-truth survey tabulated 50 eyries of the Crowned Eagle but not all of these were checked during the 1970s to see if they were still occupied. It is considered that the number of these that have been abandoned may be compensated for by eyries that have not been located, and that 50 breeding pairs is a reasonable estimate. The density of Crowned Eagles is variable within the E. Cape and the 1976 Survey correctly identifies the areas of greatest density. Crowned Eagles are known from the ground-truth survey to be most numerous in the degree squares 32 26, 32 27 and 33 27 indicated in Fig. 7; these are the Bedford, Komga and Grahamstown districts. 119 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 Martial Eagle Distribution The 1976 Survey indicated that the Martial Eagle is widespread in the Cape Province (Fig. 9). This eagle is found throughout the E. Cape but is more localised in other regions. The extent of the localisation is emphasised in the map of the breeding distribution of the Martial Eagle (Fig. 10). These results compare favourably with the distribution of Martial Eagle records made by other observers (Fig. 11). Fig. 9. The distribution of farmers reporting the presence of Martial Eagles on their farms in the CDNEC 1976 Survey. Circled digits represent totals per locus. 120 BOSHOFF & VERNON. DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES 121 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 Fig. 11. The distribution of the Martial Eagle according to published and unpublished records (ex CDNEC 1976 Postal Survey data) between 1970 and 1979. A bundance The Martial Eagle is represented in the Cape Province by an estimated 52 pairs. This is an average of less than one pair per degree square. The range of the estimate is between 17 and 1 16 pairs (Table 2) and therefore even at the upper estimate there is less than one pair of Martial Eagles per 5 000 sq. km. If a pair of Martial Eagles has a home range of 400 sq. km., which is double the estimate for birds in the Kruger National Park (Snelling 1969), there must be considerable areas of the Cape where there are no resident pairs. It is not possible to provide a comparative estimate of the abundance of the Martial Eagle in the Cape Province. There were 30 eyries tabulated by the ground-truth survey. The density of Martial Eagles is greatest in the E. Cape and even within that region they are localised. The 1976 Survey indicates that the degree squares 32 26 and 32 27 contain a greater density than other squares; this is the area between Bedford and Komga. The ground-truth survey also found the species to be most numerous in that area. 122 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES The Abundance of the Black, Crowned and Martial Eagles, estimated from the 1976 Survey, can be compared with estimates from the ground-truth survey for the E. Cape south of 32° S. The totals for all three species for seven degree squares are given in Table 3. It is concluded that, for this zone at least, the 1976 Survey provided a reasonable estimate of the numbers of breeding pairs of these three eagles. Table 3 Estimates of the numbers of breeding pairs of three species of eagle in part of the Eastern Cape, based on the results of the CDNEC 1976 Survey and the ground-truth survey Degree Square Black Eagle Crowned Eagle Martial Eagle Total 1976* G-T** 1976 G-T 1976 G-T 1976 G-T 32 25 27 12 1 2 3 4 31 18 32 26 19 17 5 13 8 6 i 32 36 32 27 12 7 3 8 6 6 21 21 32 28 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 7 33 25 10 7 1 2 3 4 14 13 33 26 7 4 5 17 3 4 15 26 33 27 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 *1976 Survey. **Ground-truth survey. Fish Eagle Distribution The 1976 Survey indicated that the Fish Eagle is found along the coast and along the Orange River and that it avoids the arid western part of the Cape Province (Fig. 12). The breeding distribution of the Fish Eagle is even more restricted (Fig. 13). The results of the 1976 Survey are similar to the distribution pattern obtained from other sources (Fig. 14). The Fish Eagle was the species most frequently correctly identified by the farmers. Accord- ingly the authors consider that many of the reports of the presence of the Fish Eagle are valid. Thus Fig. 12 is interpreted to mean that the species wanders widely from its permanent breeding grounds to areas offering a suitable though temporary habitat. Abundance There are an estimated 56 pairs of Fish Eagles in the Cape. The confidence limits of this estimate range between 12 and 146 pairs (Table 2). A comparable estimate of 45 pairs was made by the ground-truth survey through tabulation of known eyries and extrapolation to areas not covered by the ground-truth survey. 123 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 124 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES Fig. 13. The distribution of farmers reporting breeding by Fish Eagles on their farms in the CDNEC 1976 Survey. Circled digits represent totals per locus. 125 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 126 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES Tawny Eagle Distribution The reports of the presence of the Tawny Eagle in the Cape Province are mapped in Fig. 15. This map has little reliability because of the high frequency with which the Tawny Eagle was misidentified (Table 1). The map of the breeding distribution of the Tawny Eagle (Fig. 16) shows that it occurs mainly in the N. Cape. Most, if not all of the few reports from the E. Cape are considered to be misidentifications. The distribution data obtained from other sources (Fig. 17) confirm the pattern of distribution seen in Fig. 16. The concentration of records from the Colesberg-Venterstad districts (portions of degree squares 30 24 and 30 25) is due to the Fig. 15. The distribution of farmers reporting the presence of Tawny Eagles on their farms in the CDNEC 1976 Survey. Circled digits represent totals per locus. 127 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 Fig. 16. The distribution of farmers reporting breeding by Tawny Eagles on their farms in the CDNEC 1976 Survey. Circled digits represent totals per locus. concerted efforts of R. C. Rous to locate eagle nests in these areas. Within this limited zone there are six breeding records for the past three years. Consequently it is possible that this species occurs more frequently in the nothem parts of the E. Cape and the north-western Karoo than was thought. During the past nine years there have been a further six sight records from the E. Cape. Abundance No estimate could be made from the 1976 Survey. All the correct identifications of this eagle came from the N. Cape and the Tawny Eagle may be as numerous there as the Black Eagle or the Martial Eagle. 128 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES Fig. 17. The distribution of the Tawny Eagle according to published and unpublished records (ex CDNEC 1976 Postal Survey data) between 1970 and 1979. Bateleur The confusion of this eagle with other species in the 1976 Survey prevents any reasonable conclusions from being made about the distribution and abundance of the Bateleur. The six correct identifications confirmed by the ground-truth survey were all made by farmers in the N. Cape. This was also the only region where Bateleurs were seen by the ground-truth survey. There are a few isolated sight records of the Bateleur from the Karoo and E. Cape, made during the 1970s by other observers. The findings of the 1976 Survey are restricted to the statement that the Bateleur may still breed in the N. Cape but elsewhere in the Cape it is absent or a rare vagrant. Long-Crested Eagle Little of value was detected by the 1976 Survey about the distribution and abundance of the Long-crested Eagle. The breeding records (not illustrated) are confined to four, two from the 129 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 E. Cape and two from the S.W. Cape. The Long-crested Eagle was not observed by the ground-truth survey and very few sight records were made during the 1970s. The paucity of information resulting from the 1976 Survey is a valid indication of the rarity of this species in the Cape Province. Black-Breasted Snake Eagle and Bearded Vulture The 1976 Survey did not reveal any worthwhile information about these two species. Both species are rare in the Cape Province and most, if not all, reports by the farmers were based upon misidentifications. The present distribution of the Bearded Vulture is confined to the north- eastern Cape (Boshoff et al. 1978). DISCUSSION The 1976 Survey yielded a valid picture of the status of eagles in the Cape Province. It showed that there are only four species which are present in any numbers. These are the Black Eagle, Crowned Eagle, Martial Eagle and Fish Eagle. The inclusion of the Fish Eagle negates the possibility that the farmers were only reporting the species that affected their stock. As the farmers have a favourable attitude towards the Fish Eagle they were also reporting in general about the eagles of which they were aware. This suggests that the remaining species of eagles that occur in the province are scarce, unobtrusive or localised. The Tawny Eagle and Long-crested Eagle represent localised species, ! the Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus is unobtrusive and the Bateleur, Black-breasted Snake Eagle and Long-crested Eagle are rare. The Booted Eagle was not included in the questionnaire, ; and the ground-truth survey indicated that the farmers were unaware of its presence or identity. | This is surprising as farmers in general were aware of the small raptors, which were not included in the questionnaire, such as the Jackal Buzzard, Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus and Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus. It is unlikely that the same knowledge of the status of eagles in the entire province could have been obtained in any other way for the same expenditure of time, manpower and finance. A hidden advantage of the survey was that all farmers were reached and that contact was made with many genuinely interested in eagles and conservation. Over such a vast area it might otherwise have been difficult to reach these potential opinion leaders. The survey presents a picture of the status of eagles in the Cape Province in the 1970s. It is a static sample and does not reveal any trends. Thus no conclusions can be made as to whether the eagles are increasing or decreasing in numbers, or holding their own. Temporal trends could only be established if the survey were to be repeated sometime in the future. As farmers’ reports of raptors were often drawn from their lifetimes’ experiences, it will be necessary to re-phrase the questionnaires before repeating the survey. Although the 1976 Survey does not show trends in the status of eagles, deductions can be made if the information is considered in conjunction with all past and present records of eagles (Boshoff et al. in prep.) and an evaluation of the relationship between stock farmers and eagles (Boshoff & Vernon in prep.). The authors consider that the Black Eagle and the Crowned Eagle still have viable populations. Though persecuted, several factors allow them to persist. The nature of their habitats, mountains and forests respectively, make these eagles relatively inaccessible. Their natural prey, dassies and monkeys, are still relatively numerous permitting pairs of breeding eagles to survive without encroaching on domestic stock. Birds that take stock tend to be juveniles which have dispersed from their natal areas and consequently the number of these eagles removed by farmers appears to be less than the breeding increment. There is no reason why such a situation cannot persist indefinitely. 130 BOSHOFF & VERNON: DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME EAGLES Little comment can be made about the status and conservation of the Fish Eagle in the Cape Province. There is no indication that farming has affected the population of this species in any adverse way. The species may, however, be declining due to human disturbance (Siegfried et al. 1976). The main causes of the decline are probably pollution and urban development around estuaries. However, the many artificial water impoundments created in recent times appear to have benefited the population by the provision of additional permanent food sources as well as breeding sites such as partially drowned trees. The Martial Eagle population may be in jeopardy and certainly gives cause for concern. The species is rightly listed as vulnerable in the South African Red Data Book — Aves (Siegfried et al. 1976). The population is small and widely dispersed. Even if there were 100 pairs, each with a territory of 10 km. radius, there would be no Martial Eagles breeding in nine-tenths of the Cape Province. The species is not liked by farmers in general, even those who are favourably disposed towards other eagles. It is testimony to the resilience of the Martial Eagle that it still exists in the province. As with the Fish Eagle the Martial Eagle has capitalized to a large extent on man’s activities in that it readily nests on power pylons (Dean 1975b; A. Daneel pers. comm.', pers. rec.) and in exotic trees, such as pines, eucalypts and poplars, often introduced to farms (R. Martin pers. comm. ; pers. rec. ). In the Karoo, where suitable nest trees are scarce, two nests of this species on cliffs are known (M. H. Currie, pers. comm.). Similarly the Tawny Eagle is also known to nest in exotic trees in the Colesberg district (R. C. Rous pers. comm. ). As biologists the authors wonder how a species such as the Martial Eagle, which occurs at low density and under such pressure, is able to persist. As conservationists they are alarmed at the level of persecution. Other than the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, there are no large reserves 1 in the Cape Province, where a viable population of these eagles might persist. Consequently the responsibility for the conservation of eagles in the province depends upon the farmers. There appear to be several socio-economic factors associated with eagles and the stock problem which need further elucidation (Boshoff & Vernon in prep.). CONCLUSION Useful and valid information was obtained about the distribution and abundance of four species of eagles in the Cape Province. The findings are applicable to the entire province. Despite certain disadvantages, the method employed seems to be the only way of obtaining such complete coverage. Although the results do not reveal trends, certain deductions can be made if these data are linked with ancillary information. There are nine species of eagles known to breed \ in the province and five — Black Eagle, Tawny Eagle, Crowned Eagle, Fish Eagle and Booted Eagle — appear to have viable, if small, populations. A sixth species, the Martial Eagle may be declining to extirpation. The 1976 Survey was valuable in that it presented a broad review of the status of eagles and gave pointers for more intensive investigations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to those farmers/landowners who completed and returned their questionnaires and, in many cases, provided additional information and hospitality during the field survey. They are also indebted to those members of the CDNEC who , assisted with the survey, both in the office and in the field, and to Mrs H. Glover and Mr A. Bastiaans of the Cape Provincial Administration Computer Section who assisted with the databanking and map production. The authors also thank Mr R. K. Brooke, operating on a CSIR grant at the FitzPatrick Institute, University of Cape Town, and Drs R. C. Rous and M. J. F. Jarvis for providing information, as did numerous other observers. The Director of the CDNEC is thanked for permitting the authors to undertake and publish the results of the 1976 Survey. 131 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 9, OCTOBER 1980 REFERENCES Boshoff, A. F. 1979. Variation in the Afrikaans vernacular for some eagles in the Cape Province. Bokmakierie 31 (1): 22-23. Boshoff, A. F., Brooke, R. K. and Crowe, T. M. 1978. A computerised distribution mapping scheme for vertebrates in southern Africa, illustrated by a range decrease in the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus (Linn.). SAfr. J. Wild!. Res. 8 (4): 145-149. Boshoff, A. F. and Vernon, C. J. 1980. The past and present distribution and status of the Cape Vulture in the Cape Province. Ostrich 51 (In press). Brown, L. H. 1970. African birds of prey. London: Collins. Brown, L. H. 1976. Eagles of the world. Cape Town: Purnell. Cade, T. J. 1969. The status of the Peregrine and other falconiforms in Africa. In Hickey, J. J. ed. , Peregrine falcon populations: their biology and decline. London: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, pp. 289-381. Dean, W. R. J. 1975j*. Dry season roadside raptor counts in the N. Cape, South West Africa and Angola. J. sth. Afr. Wildl. Mgmt Ass. 5 (2): 99-102. Dean, W. R. J. 1975b. Martial Eagles ( Polemaetus bellicosus) nesting on high tension pylons. Ostrich 46 (1): 1 16-1 17. Diem, K. and Lentner, C. 1970. (Eds.). Scientific tables. Basle: Ciba-Geigy. Heyl, C. W. 1972. Ondersoek van roofvoel probleme in die Kuruman-distrik, Noord-kaap. Ongepubl. versl.. Dept. Nat. Omg. Bew. Kaap. Maclean, G. L. 1970. An analysis of the avifauna of the southern Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Zool. afr. 5 (2): 249-273. McLachlan, G. R. and Liversidge, R. 1978. Roberts birds of South Africa. Johannesburg: Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund. Murphy, J. R. 1976. Eagles and livestock — some management considerations. In Chancellor, R. D. ed. , World Conference on Birds of Prey, Vienna, 1975 . London: ICBP, Report on proceedings, pp. 307-313. Noble, J. 1886. Official handbook of the Cape of Good Hope . Cape Town: Solomon. Rowan, M. K. 1964. Relative abundance of raptorial birds in the Cape Province. Ostrich 35 (3): 224-227. Rudebeck, G. 1963. Studies on some palaearctic and arctic birds in their winter quarters in South Africa: 4. Birds of prey (Falconiformes). In Hanstrom et al. eds. South African animal life. Vol. 9. Stockholm: Swedish Natural Science Research Council, pp. 418-516. Siegfried, W. R. 1963. A preliminary report on Black and Martial Eagles in the Laingsburg and Philipstown divisions. Cape Dept. Nat. Cons. Invest. Rep. No. 5. Siegfried, W. R. 1966. Relative abundance of raptorial birds in the south-western Cape Province. Ostrich 37 (1): 42-44. l! Siegfried, W. R. 1968. Relative abundance of birds of prey in the Cape Province. Ostrich 39 (4): 253-258. Siegfried, W. R., Frost, P. G. H., Cooper, J. and Kemp, A. C. 1976. South African Red Data Book: Aves. (S. Afr. r National Scientific Programmes, Rep. No. 7). Pretoria: CSIR. Skead, C. J. 1967. Ecology of birds in the Eastern Cape Province. Ostrich Suppi. No. 7. Snelling, J. C. 1969. A raptor study in the Kruger National Park. Bokmakierie 21 (3). Suppi.: vii-xi. Vernon, C. J. [1978], A review of the status of raptors in the Eastern Cape. In A symposium on African predatory birds. ii Pretoria: Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society, pp. 87-95. Wiley, R. W. and Bolen, E. G. 1971. Eagle-livestock relationships: livestock carcass census and wound characteristics. Southwestern Nat. 16: 151-169. Winterbottom, J. M. 1968. A checklist of the land and fresh-water birds of the Western Cape Province. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 53: 1-276. Winterbottom, J. M. 1972. The ecological distribution of birds in southern Africa. Percy FitzPatrick Inst. Afr. Ornith. Monogr. No. 1. Manuscript accepted for publication 26 May 1 980. Q )“F **"* ANNALS. OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 10 30th APRIL 1981 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD9446 Early names and records of two small Hieraaetus eagles (Aves: Accipitridae) in the Cape Province of South Africa by R, K. BROOKE (FitzPatrick Institute, University of Cape Town) and C. J. VERNON (East London Museum) ABSTRACT Names and records of Ayres’s Hawkeagle and the Booted Eagle, chiefly in the Cape Province of South Africa are discussed. Morphinus dubius Smith was said by Roberts to be the first name applied to Ayres’s Hawkeagle and as a result the species is universally called either Hieraaetus dubius or Aquila dubia. Smith’s type may not have survived but his description lacks reference to any character diagnostic of Ayres’s Hawkeagle whereas it is a straightfor- ward description of a pale phase Booted Eagle H. pennatus. Thus M. dubius is a junior synonym of H. pennatus and the first available name for Ayres’s Hawkeagle is Spizaetus ayresii Gurney. The type locality of M. dubius is in the Vredendal District of the western Cape hundreds of kilometres from the woodlands and forests which H. ayresii frequents. There is no satisfactory evidence for the occurrence of H. ayresii in the western Cape and all records are rejected. In the eastern Cape some records are acceptable but all are of wandering immature birds. The most southerly record of an adult is from the northern Transkei. Most misidentifica- tions are of H. pennatus which is now known to be relatively common in the Cape Province. A Zambezi valley record of H. ayresii is validated. WHAT IS MORPHINUS DUBIUS? The name Morphinus dubius Smith (1830a) (full citations of names will be found in Appendix 1) lay unused for over 100 years because it was believed to be indeterminate. Roberts (1936: 321) argued that M. dubius was the first description of Ayres’s Hawkeagle Spizaetus ayresii Gurney (1862). There has been no further discussion of Roberts’s view but it has been universally accepted and for over 40 years Ayres’s Hawkeagle has been referred to as Hieraaetus dubius or Aquila dubia according to taxonomic taste. Smith (1830a) used the generic name Morphinus and attributed it (p. 115) to Cuvier. In Smith (1834) he corrected the name to Morphnus (p. 276) still attributing it to Cuvier. As Friedmann (1950: 421) makes clear, Morphinus is an unjustified emendation by Fleming in 1822 of Dumont’s, 1816, Morphnus which Dumont attributed to Cuvier, presumably in MS. 133 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 10, APRIL 1981 In the course of C.J.V.’s investigations into the past and present distribution of eagles in the Cape Province it has emerged that Ayres’s Hawkeagle is a rare vagrant and that several of the claimed records are unacceptable. A critical reading of Smith (1830a) does not permit agreement with Roberts’s (1936) findings on M. dubius. There are no characters in the descrip- tion which apply it unequivocally to Ayres's Hawkeagle: it lacks any reference to an occipital crest, an evenly barred tail or ginger coloured underparts, the three plumage characters that separate juvenile Ayres’s Hawkeagle from the similarly sized Booted Eagle H. pennatus (Gmelin) 1788. Smith’s (1830a) text is a good description of a pale phase H. pennatus “plumage above . . . the shafts of the feathers and a portion of the vanes adjoining being always darkest; . . . chin, throat, and centre of breat chiefly white, with some brown shades in the form of longitu- dinal streaks that include the shafts of the feathers; belly white, here and there variegated with clouds of light reddish-brown or with dark brown narrow streaks, produced by the shafts being that colour. Several of the long feathers on the flanks more or less distinctly crossed with reddish-brown, and those on the outside of the thighs also slightly marked in the same way, only with a lighter shade, the rest of the feathers of the legs pure white . . . insides of shoul- ders white , with a few blackish-brown spots or blotches. Tail nearly even, the feathers blackish- brown, variegated with narrow waved irregular bands of a darker tint,” (italics added). The type of M. dubius may not have survived and this is true of several of the types of animals described by Andrew Smith while still in South Africa. However, Smith (1834) synonymized his M. dubius with his newly proposed Butaetes lessonii of which the type sur- vives in the British Museum (Natural History) under reg. no. The register, but not the label, states that the specimen is Buteo (sic) lessonii and the entry lies among a batch of Andrew Smith’s types registered at the same time (C. W. Benson in litt. 1978 to R.K.B.). The specimen is, as the description would lead one to expect and did lead Hartert (1914) to find, an undoubted pale phase H. pennatus. This view of what is meant by M. dubius is supported by Smith’s (1834) revision coupled with the identity of the surviving second type. The view taken of the relationship between M. dubius and B. lessonii in the preceding i paragraph is not the only possible one in the light of known taxonomic practice in the early XIX century. It is quite possible, indeed very likely, that Smith regarded B. lessonii as a redescription of M. dubius in a more appropriate genus and with a less inappropriate specific epithet. This is borne out by the fact that the description of B. lessonii is a shortened version of that of M. dubius and does not differ from it positively in any respect. If this suggestion is truly the case, then specimen no. BM(NH) is the type not only of B. lessonii as argued above but also of M. dubius. This suggestion could be disproved by critically comparing the specimen with the description of M. dubius. CONSEQUENCES OF FINDING What follows from this finding? In the first place, as set out in Appendix 1, the name dubius of Smith cannot be applied to Ayres’s Hawkeagle and workers must revert to calling the species ayresii of Gurney in whatever generic combination seems warranted: preferably Hieraaetus ayresii, cf. Brooke (1974). Smith’s M. dubius must be placed in and Butaetes lesso- nii must be restored to the synonymy of H. pennatus (Gmelin) as Hartert (1914) held and contra Brooke (1974). If the South African breeding population of H. pennatus proves taxono- mically separable from west Palaearctic breeding populations (this does not seem likely to be the case), M. dubius is the first name applied to South African birds and would form their subspecific epithet. Heerenlogement, the type locality of M. dubius, must be restored to the list of localities in the Cape Province at which H. pennatus has been collected since its rejec- tion by Brooke (1974) has been shown to be unwarranted. Likewise, the sight and breeding records at Franschhoek and east of Klaver made in 1917 by Roberts (1936: 322) attributed to EARLY NAMES AND RECORDS OF TWO SMALL HIERAAETUS EAGLES H. ayresii must be transferred to H. pennatus which is now known to be a widespread breeding species in the Cape Province south of the Orange River (Brooke et al. 1980). OTHER RECORDS REVIEWED Morphinus albescens Smith (1830a) was transferred by Brooke (1974) to the synonymy of Spizaetus coronatus (L.), 1766, from that of H. pennatus where Hartert (1914) had provisional- ly placed it. In his 1834 revision Smith admitted S. coronatus sub nom. Aquila coronata to the South African avifauna (p. 273) but did not realise that his M. albescens was only its juvenile. Roberts (1936: 294) seems to have made a reciprocal error in dealing with Smith’s MS entry under M. ornatus. Roberts did not publish the lengthy descriptions that Smith wrote so it is not practicable to check what Smith was describing: one may accept Roberts’s view that they apply to S. coronatus. Nonetheless, the notes that Roberts (1936) did publish, including the refer- ence to a specimen shot at the Heerenlogementsberg in January 1829, only make sense when applied to H. pennatus. Smith’s bird had a “Bill towards cere bluish . . . cere and feet a sort of greenish yellow” whereas S. coronatus has a black bill with dark cere. The habitat is an arid scrubcovered mountain rising out of a semidesert plain which is appropriate for H. pennatus (Brooke et al. 1980) but not for H. ayresii and S. coronatus which are eagles of forest and woodland. And Smith (Roberts 1936) said his species was “very common”. Roberts (1936: 322) mentions a specimen of H. ayresii which he examined in the South African Museum, Cape Town. R.K.B. has recently re-examined it and it is an undoubted H. ayresii as Roberts said. It is a small adult male with hardly any markings on the underparts. The label, written in the last century, says “Cape District — purchased” and there is no in- formation given on who collected it or sold it to the museum. The unsatisfactory wording of 1 the label is not proof that H. ayresii has occurred in the western Cape (west of 25°E and south of 29°S) in recorded history in the absence of any other records which might be called analo- gously in its support. In addition to the adult male specimen of uncertain provenance just discussed there are three or four specimen records of H. ayresii from the eastern Cape which are acceptable. The earliest was collected c. 1820 by Mundt and Le Maire, two Prussian botanists (ffolliott & | Liversidge 1971), somewhere on the Sundays River: it is a juvenile female in the Humboldt Museum, Berlin (Stresemann 1924). There is an unsexed juvenile from Grahamstown taken in I 1910 in the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, which is also mentioned by Finch-Davies (1919) S and another unsexed juvenile without date in the East London Museum merely labelled “east- , ern Cape Province”. The label, at least, must have been written in or after 1910 when the Cape Colony became the Cape Province. This is probably not the juvenile female from near Port Elizabeth mentioned by Finch-Davies (1919). Layard (1867) placed the Buse Gantee of Levaillant (1796) in the synonymy of H. penna- tus. This is clearly incorrect. Smith (1830b) pointed out that European workers had placed it as a synonym of the Roughlegged Buzzard Buteo lagopus (Pontoppidan, 1763, Danske Atlas p. i 616: Denmark) which is clearly the species of the picture and much of the description. But the species does not occur in the Cape Province: the most southerly recorded localities in Vaurie ! (1965) are Cyprus and Malta. What was the specific identity of the Outeniqua forests speci- men, shot by Levaillant, which was so like B. lagopus that he failed to distinguish it? After discussion between R.K.B. and Dr L. H. Brown it seems nearly certain that the specimen was a subadult H. ayresii. Living solitarily in forested country is appropriate and so are the heavily . blotched tarsal feathers reaching to the toes with their long thin, “plus effilees”, claws. R. Martin (pers. comm, to R.K.B.) who has a good knowledge of the forested country of George and Knysna, the Outeniqua forests of early writers, has never seen H. pennatus there despite search. And it would seem less easy to muddle the European H. pennatus with B. lagopus than 135 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 10, APRIL 1981 the then unknown H. ayresii in immature plumage. Thus Levaillant’s Buse Gantee is almost certainly the first record of a vagrant immature H. ayresii in the eastern Cape. Skead (1967) gives three other records of H. ayresii from the eastern Cape. Those from Golden Valley and King Williams Town in 1966 have been re-examined and they prove to be specimens of H. pennatus. The 1962 record from King Williams Town is a MS sight record by G. Ranger and C. J. Skead at Kei Road on 7 April 1962 of a juvenile H. ayresii described as having an “unmistakable crest”. This record seems acceptable, not least because of the lengthy field experience of both observers. It will be noted that all indubitable records from the Cape Province (not the extralimital Transkei) are of juvenile or immature birds. The only adults are the South African Museum specimen whose provenance is uncertain and one which was shot in Pondoland, Transkei, in February 1909 but which was not preserved (Finch-Davies 1919). H. ayresii was recorded by Winterbottom (1971: 60) from Goodhouse on the Orange River where it forms the frontier between the Cape Province and Namibia but the source of this record is not known (Dr J. M. Winterbottom pers. comm, to R.K.B.). In the absence of supporting details this record of a forest and woodland eagle in the desert is unacceptable and H. ayresii should not be admitted to the Namibian list on the strength of this record. Sclater (1905) and Stoehr & Sclater (1906: 109) recorded the collection of H. spilogaster on 25 February 1904 from George’s Ferry at 15° 40'S, 30° 18'E on the Zambian bank of the Zambezi (Benson et al. 1970: 55) a few kilometres upstream from Feira at the junction of the Luangwa and Zambezi Rivers. Finch-Davies (1919) redetermined this specimen as H. ayresii and even provided a coloured portrait of it to illustrate his paper. This redetermination was overlooked by Benson et al. (1971) who stated that H. ayresii had not yet been recorded in the Zambezi and Luangwa valleys. The specimen has been demounted but is still preserved in the South African Museum where R.K.B. has recently examined it and found it to be, as Finch- Davies (1919) said, an adult female H. ayresii. As a result of the foregoing findings Map 101 for H. ayresii in Snow (1978) needs to be amended by the deletion of the four symbols in the western Cape and by the addition of one at the Luangwa/Zambezi confluence. Brooke (1974) was written before he had seen the South African Museum material of H. pennatus. Table 1 may be regarded as a continuation of Table 1 in Brooke (1974) in that it provides analogous data on the South African Museum specimens. The Wynberg specimen which was formerly mounted was collected by Dr H. Exton, cf. Winterbottom (1955). Table 1 Data on specimens of Hieraaetus pennatus pennatus examined in the South African Museum, i1 Cape Town. All measurements in mm. Date Place Sex Age Wing length Culmen length Hind Claw length Phase c 1870 Wynberg, C.P. cf ad. 350 19,8 20,7 dark c. 1880 — Cf ad. 355 21,5 22,5 pale c. 1900 — ? imm. 385 22,3 26,2 pale 4.10.1910 Robertson, C.P. 9 imm. 370 21 + 26,2 pale 24.11.1910 Lynedoch, C.P. cf ad. 360 20,5 22,0 pale 136 EARLY NAMES AND RECORDS OF TWO SMALL HIERAAETUS EAGLES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was carried out while R.K.B. was employed under the South African National Programme for Environmental Sciences (C.S.I.R.). R.K.B. is obliged to Dr T. H. Barry, Director of the South African Museum, Cape Town, for study facilities. REFERENCES Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. and Irwin, M. P. S. 1970. Notes on the birds of Zambia: Part V. Arnoldia ( Rhodesia ) 4 (40): 1-59. Benson, C. W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R. J. and Irwin, M. P. S. 1971. The birds of Zambia. London: Collins. Brooke, R. K. 1974. On the material evidence of Hieraaetus pennaius in southern Africa. Bull. Br. Orn. Club 94: 152-158. Brooke, R. K., Martin, R., Martin, J. and Martin, E.1980. The Booted Eagle, Hieraaetus pennatus , as a breeding species in South Africa. Gerfaut 70: 297-304. i Ffolliott, P. and Liversidge, R. 1971. Ludwig Krebs. Cape Town: Balkema. Finch-Davies, C. G. 1919. Some notes on Hieraaetus ayresii Gurney Sen. (Lophotriorchis lucani Sharpe et auctorum). Ibis (11) 1: 167-179. ' Friedmann, H. 1950. The birds of north and middle America. Bull, U.S. natn. Mus. 50 (XI). Gurney, J. H. 1862. A fourth additional list of birds received from Natal. Ibis 4: 149-158. Hartert, E. 1914. Die Vogel der paldarktischen Fauna 2. Berlin: Fncdlandcr. Layard, E. L. 1867. The birds oj South Africa. Cape Town: Juta. Levaillant, F. 1796. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d'Afrique 1. Paris: Jansen. Roberts, A. 1936. Some unpublished field notes made by Dr (Sir) Andrew Smith. Ann. Transv. Mus. 18: 271-323. Sclater, P. L. 1905. An exhibition of a specimen of Dubus’ Hawk-Eagle. Bull. Br. Orn. Club 15: 67-68. Skead, C. J. 1967. Ecology of birds in the eastern Cape Province. Ostrich suppl. 7. Smith, A. 1830a. A description of the birds inhabiting the south of Africa. S. Afr. Q. Jl. 2: 105-120. Smith, A. 1830b. A description of the birds inhabiting the south of Africa. S. Afr. Q. JL 4: 380-392. : Smith, A. 1834. African zoology. S. Afr. Q. Jl. (2) 3: 273-288. Snow, D. W. 1978. An atlas of speciation in African non-passerine birds. London: Trustees Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Stoehr, F. E. (sic) and Sclater, W. L. 1906. Notes on a collection of birds made in north-east Rhodesia by Dr F. E. Stoehr. Jl. S. Afr. Orn. Un. 2: 83-114. 1 Stresemann, E. 1924. Uber Hieraaetus ayresii und Spizaetus africanus. Novit. zool. 31: 214-216. Vaurie, C. 1965. The birds of the palaearctic fauna 2. London: Witherby. Winterbottom, J. M. 1955. On the range of the Booted Eagle in South Africa. Ostrich 26: 136. Winterbottom, J. M. 1971. A preliminary checklist of the birds of South West Africa. Windhoek: S.W. Afr. Sci. Soc. Manuscript accepted for publication 30 May 1980. 137 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 10, APRIL 1981 APPENDIX 1 Citations and type localities of names accepted as valid or synonymous in this paper. The synonymies for H. pennatus and H. ayresii are believed to be complete. "Indicates original reference examined by R.K.B. HIERAAETUS Kaup Hieraaetus Kaup, 1844, Class. Saeug. Voegel p. 120. Genotype Falco pennatus Gmelin by original designation. Synonyms Eutolmaetus Blyth, 1845, J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 14: 174. Genotype Aquila fasciata Vieillot by original designation. * Anomalaetus Roberts, 1922, Ann Transv. Mas. 8: 208. Genotype Spizaetus ayresii Gurney by original designation and monotypy. HIERAAETUS PENNATUS (Gmelin) * Falco pennatus Gmelin, 1788, Syst. Nat. 1 (1): 272, no locality but restricted to France by Swann, 1922, Synopsis Accipitres p. 113. HIERAAETUS PENNATUS PENNATUS (Gmelin) Synonyms Aquila minuta Brehm, 1820, Beitr. Vogelkd. 1: 68, Orla River, western Poland. * Morphinus dubius Smith, 1830, S. Afr. Q. Jl. 1 (2): 177, Heerenlogement at 31° 58'S, 18° 34'E in the Vredendal District, western Cape Province, South Africa. *Butaetes lessonii Smith, 1834, S. Afr. Q. Jl. (2) 3 (3): 287, Heerenlogement. Aquila brehmii von Mueller, 1851, Naumannia 1 (4): 24, Melpes, Kordofan Province, Sudan. Aquila nudipes von Mueller, 1851, Naumannia 1 (4): 25, South Africa. Aquila paradoxa Brehm, 1853, J. Orn ., Lpz. 1: 204, northeastern Africa at 15°N. Aquila longicaudata Heuglin, 1855, Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 19: 258, Shereik, Northern Pro- vince, Sudan. Aquila gymnopus Heuglin, 1855, Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 19: 258, nom. nov. pro A. nudipes von Mueller. Aquila maculatirostris Brehm, 1856, Allg. dt. naturh. Ztg. p. 46, Sudan. Aquila pygmaea A. E. Brehm & C. L. Brehm, 1861, Ber. dt. Orn. Ges. p. 99, Madrid, Spain. Hieraetos (sic) pennatus major & medius A. E. Brehm, 1866, Verz. Samml. p. 2 are nom. nud. Aquila albipectus Severtsov. 1873, Turkest. Zhivotn. p. 63, Alma Ata, Kazakh S.S.R., U.S.S.R. HIERAAETUS PENNATUS MILVOIDES (Jerdon) Spizaetus milvoides Jerdon, 1839, Madras J. Lit. Sci. 10: 75, Tiruchchirappalli, Madras Pro- vince, India. Synonym Hieraaetus pennatus harterti Stegmann, 1935, Orn. Mber. 43: 151, Kyakhta, southwestern Transbaicalia, U.S.S.R. HIERAAETUS AYRESII (Gurney) *Spizaetus ayresii Gurney, 1862, Ibis 4: 149 and pi. 4, near the coast of Natal. Synonyms *Buse Gantee Levaillant, 1796, Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d'Afrique I: 79 and pi. 18, Out- eniqua. Cape Province, South Africa (partim). Lophotriorchis lucani Sharpe & Bouvier, 1877, Bull. Soc. zool. Fr. p. 471, Landana, Cabin da, Angola. 138 EARLY NAMES AND RECORDS OF TWO SMALL HIERAAETUS EAGLES HIERAAETUS SPILOGASTER (Bonaparte) Aquila spilogaster Bonaparte, 1850, Rev. Mag. Zool. p. 487, Ethiopia. SPIZAETUS Vieillot *Spizaetus Vieillot, 1816, Anal. Nouv. Orn. Elem. p. 24. Genotype Falco ornatus Daudin by subsequent designation by Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds p. 2. Synonym * Stephanoaetus W. L. Sclater, 1922, Bull. Br. Orn. Club 42: 75. Genotype by original designa- tion and monotypy Faleo coronatus Linnaeus. SPIZAETUS CORONATUS (Linnaeus) Falco coronatus Linnaeus, 1766, Systema Naturae, ed. 12, vol. 1: 124, Guinea coast of west Africa. Synonyms Falco albescens Daudin, 1800, Traite Orn. 2: 45, Outeniqua, Cape Province, South Africa. * Morphinus albescens Smith, 1830, S. Afr. Q. Jl. 1 (2): 155, Outeniqua, Cape Province, South Africa. 139 QU ft(el3 V t-f- ' ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 11 30th APRIL 1981 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD9447 An annotated checklist of the lizards of the Cape Province, South Africa by W. R. BRANCH (Port Elizabeth Museum, P.O. Box 13147, Humewood 6013, South Africa) CONTENTS Page Abstract 141 Introduction 141 Sauria Infraorder: Gekkota 142 Family: Gekkonidae 143 Infraorder: Anguimorpha 149 Family: Varanidae 149 Infraorder: Iguania 149 Family: Chamaeleonidae 149 Family: Agamidae 151 Infraorder: Scincomorpha 151 Family: Lacertidae 151 Family: Scincidae 154 Family: Cordylidae 159 Doubtful Records 164 Acknowledgements 165 References 165 ABSTRACT A checklist of the lizards of the Cape Province, South Africa is presented. A total of 143 species and subspecies is recognized. The taxonomic status of no less than 84 (59,1%) of these has changed since the last review of the Cape lizards by FitzSimons (1943). Comments on the distribution and taxonomic status of problematic groups are included. INTRODUCTION Recent years have seen a burgeoning interest in the small vertebrate fauna of the Cape Province. This is coupled with the awareness of the uniqueness and zoogeographic importance of the Fynbos Biome and adjacent regions (Kruger, 1978). Studies on the herpetofauna of the Fynbos Biome are minimal, and hampered by poor taxonomy. This is particularly acute for 141 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11. APRIL 1981 lizards, which present the greatest diversity among the reptiles. The suborder was last re- viewed by Dr V. F. M. FitzSimons (1943) in his monograph on the “Lizards of South Africa.” However, during the intervening 37 years numerous taxonomic changes at the familial, generic and specific level have occurred. This review originated as a checklist of the lizards inhabiting the Fynbos Biome, incorpor- ating all the diverse taxonomic changes that have occurred subsequent to FitzSimons’ mono- graph (1943). However, accurate distribution maps exist for very few lizards inhabiting the Cape Province and this makes it impossible to identify all those species that may inhabit the Fynbos Biome. The scope of the review has thus been expanded to cover the total lizard fauna of the Province. The eastern border of the Cape Province remains in a state of political flux. As currently recognized, it consists of a wavy line running from East London to Lesotho. The only lizard affected by this is Afroedura pondolia , that reaches its western limit at Kentani (3228 AD) and thus no longer qualifies for Cape residence. The taxonomy of a number of genera and species is now relatively well stabilized, but that of many remains confused. Some of these problem groups are currently under investigation, and the results of these studies will in due course affect this review. In addition the distribu- tions of most species are only poorly known and will alter as the region becomes better col- lected. Subject to these limitations, 143 species and subspecies of lizards are known to occur in the Cape Province (Table 1). No less than 84 (59,1%) of these have been affected by some form of taxonomic change since FitzSimons’ monograph (1943). However, only one new spe- cies and three new subspecies of lizard have been described from the Cape in this time, and it is evident that the alpha-phase of the taxonomy of South African lizards, in which new species are discovered, has all but passed. Future studies will, for the most part, refine our knowledge of the relationships of the known forms, and few new species can be expected. CLASS: REPTILIA ORDER: SQUAMATA SUBORDER: SAURIA There is still discussion concerning the ordinal classification of squamate reptiles. The extensive studies of Gans (see review 1978) have convincingly demonstrated that burrowing :j “worm lizards” differ from true lizards in many characteristics, and should be elevated to equivalent rank within the Squamata. The suborder Amphisbaenia is represented in southern Africa by only four genera; Monopeltis, Dalophia Chirindia and Zygaspis. The species Monopeltis capensis capensis, M. leonhardi , M. sphenorhynchus mauricei , Dalophia pistillum, and Zygaspis quadrifrons all range into the northern Cape Province in the vicinity of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and Kimberley. The taxonomy of all these forms has recent- ly been reviewed (Broadley, et al ., 1976; Saiff, 1970) but refinements can still be expected. Chromosome morphology indicates that Monopeltis capensis rhodesianus, at least, warrants specific recognition (Branch, unpublished observations). The osteological studies of McDowell and Bogert (1954) indicate that the Gerrhosauridae and Cordylidae are closely related, and best treated as subfamilies of the Cordylidae. The suborder Sauria is thus represented in southern Africa by only seven families out of the 17 families of Recent lizards currently recognized (Dowling and Duellman, 1978). INFRAORDER: GEKKOTA The Infraorder Gekkota contains two living families, Gekkonidae and Pygopodidae. The pygopodids are derived from geckos through elongation of the body and loss of limbs, and are restricted to the New Guinea — Australian region. 142 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Family: Gekkonklae An ancient and widespread family. Underwood (1954) proposed a division of gekkonid lizards into three families, based mainly on the shape of the pupil. Within the Gekkonidae, he placed the southern African genera Chondrodactylus , Colopus, Palmatogecko , Ptenopus, Rhotropella and Rhotropus into the subfamily Diplodactylinae, whilst all remaining South African geckos remained in the Gekkoninae. Kluge (1967) demonstrated that divisions based on pupil shape were unnatural and recognized only a single family with four subfamilies. He referred all South African geckos to the Gekkoninae, the Diplodactylinae being restricted to the Australian subregion. Haacke (1975, 1976a, 1976b, 1976c, 1976d) in a detailed study of the burrowing geckos of southern Africa (i.e. the first four genera listed above, plus the subse- quently described Kaokogecko , Steyn and Haacke, 1966), supported this arrangement. Russell (1976), moreover, has demonstrated that all these genera, with the exception of Ptenopus , are closely related and are derivatives of the Pachydactylus radiation in the subregion. Chondrodactylus Peters Haacke (1976c) has recently reviewed the taxonomy and biology of this large, nocturnal, terrestrial gecko. He recognizes a single species with two races. Chondrodactylus angulifer angulifer Peters Distributed through the northern, north-western, western and central Cape Province. The region coincides closely with the 300 mm average rainfall zone. Chondrodactylus angulifer namibensis Haacke X. C. a angulifer Peters. Basically restricted to Namibia in the Namib and Pro-Namib, intergrades between the two races are known from Brandkaross and Lekkersing in the extreme north-western Cape Pro- vince. Palmatogecko rangei Anderson The range of this well-known Namib gecko is known to extend into the Richtersveld (Brandkaross, Bloeddrif and Sendelingsdrif). The lower Orange River may occasionally run dry and thus is no effective barrier to psammophilous forms. Haacke (1976a) has reviewed the monotypic genus. Colopus Peters Haacke (1976b) has reviewed the taxonomy and biology of this monotypic genus of small, terrestrial, nocturnal geckos. He recognizes two races, both of which occur in the northern Cape Province. Colopus wahlbergii wahlbergii Peters The nominate race extends into the northern Cape Province at Vanzylsrus and Gemsbok, in association with the Kalahari. Colopus wahlbergii furcifer Haacke The type locality of this new subspecies is Twee Rivieren on the Nossob River, Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, northern Cape Province. It is found in association with the more arid “dune areas” of the south-western Kalahari. It is characterized by a different colour pattern and a more pointed, subtriangular head. Phelsuma ocellata (Boulenger) Originally described as a species of Rhotropus this diurnal gecko, which is restricted to Little Namaqualand, was transferred to the monotypic genus Rhotropella by Hewitt (1937). It 143 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 has generally been assumed, and the new generic name implied, that ocellata was closely re- lated to Rhotropiis. However, Russell (1977) has demonstrated that Schmidt (1934) was correct in placing ocellata in Phelsuma, even though this generates an apparent zoogeographic anomaly. Phelsuma is prevelant on Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands, although two species are also known from the East African coast. However, the south-west arid region of Madagas- car shows a number of faunal and floristic similarities to the Karoo. The expansion and con- traction of the Kalahari Desert has fragmented the ranges of a number of other genera and species of lizards, most notably that of Platysaurus (the species capensis is separated by 900 km from its nearest congener) and that of Cordylus vittifer (the subspecies machadoi Laurent from southern Angola is separated by nearly 1 000 km from the nominate race in the Transvaal). It may, in part, be responsible for the hiatus in the distribution of Phelsuma , that now results from the transfer of ocellata to the genus. Pachydactylus Wiegmann This is by far the largest genus of southern African lizards, and it has undergone an | extensive radiation in the arid western regions. Many of the smaller genera of the region, i.e. Palmatogecko, Colopus, Chondrodactylus, Kaokogecko and Rhotropiis are obviously derived from Pachydactylus- like ancestors, and illustrate the diverse habitats into which the group has radiated. The genus is undergoing active investigation by Dr G. McLachlan (South African Museum) and Mr W. Haacke (Transvaal Museum), and it will be some time before its tax- onomy is stabilized. There have been numerous important taxonomic changes in the Cape representatives since FitzSimons’ (1943) monograph, and these are summarized in Table 2. Pachydactylus austeni Hewitt A small, terrestrial gecko, the habits of which are very similar to those of Palmatogecko rangei (Haacke, 1976a). It is restricted to the coastal areas of Little Namaqualand, reaching as i far south as Darling. Pachydactylus mariquensis mariquensis A. Smith A medium-sized, terrestrial gecko that lives in holes in the ground in karroid situations. Extensively distributed in the inland areas of the Cape Province, from Uitenhage to Worces- ter, and north to the Orange Free State. Pachydactylus mariquensis latirostris Hewitt Treated as a race of mariquensis by Loveridge (1947) and occurring in the north western Cape Province from Victoria West to Pofadder. Pachydactylus mariquensis macrolepis FitzSimons Known from the northern parts of Little Namaqualand (type locality: Springbokfontein). Loveridge (1947) suggested it may be synonomous with P. amoenus , which is known from the same region. The status of macrolepis itself is doubtful (McLachlan, in litt.) Pachydactylus amoenus Werner Known only from the type collected at Kamaggas, Little Namaqualand. This area is now relatively well-collected, and the status of this form has still to be resolved, particularly its relationship to P. mariquensis macrolepis (see above). Pachydactylus geitje (Sparrman) A small, attractive, terrestrial gecko, previously referred to as P. ocellatus. Distributed through the southern and western Cape, from Graaff-Reinet and Perdepoort in the Klein Winterhoekberg to the Cape Peninsula, and north to the Bokkeveld Mountains. It is also found on Robben Island. 144 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Pachydactylus monticolus FitzSimons A poorly known species, described from the Fransch Hoek mountains. Loveridge (1947) though it may be synonomous with P. maculatus, but this is considered doubtful by McLach- lan (in litt.), who has collected rugose P. geitje to which P. monticolus is very similar. Whether the taxon deserves even subspecific recognition only further collecting will resolve. Pachydactylus maculatus maculatus Gray This widely-distributed terrestrial gecko has a confused taxonomy which is in need of revision. Loveridge (1947) synonomized P. microlepis , P. maculatus albomarginatus and P. capensis oculatus with P. maculatus. De Waal (1978) has agreed that oculatus is referable to maculatus and not capensis, but recognizes it as a northern race (albeit tentatively, pending a full revision of the species). The nominate race is distributed mainly in the eastern regions of the Cape but extends as far west as Matjesfontein (Visser, 1979) and Matroosberg (McLach- lan, in litt.) Pachydactylus maculatus oculatus Flewitt A north-eastern race that occurs from Tarkastad District to Colesberg and Norvalspont and into the south-western Orange Free State (de Waal, 1978). P. m. albomarginatus is a synonym of this race. Pachydactylus serval onscepensis Hewitt McLachlan and Spence (1966) reviewed the Pachydactylus weberi and P. serval groups. They placed montanus in the synonomy of serval, and treated onscepensis and purcelli as sub- species of serval. P. s. onscepensis is found only in the far northwest of the Cape Province along the lower Orange River from Onseepkans to the Richtersveld. Pachydactylus serval purcelli Boulenger A southern race of serval, that reaches as far south as Touwsrivier and Matjesfontein. Pachydactylus weberi weberi Roux Three races of these small, rupicolous geckos are recognized. Loveridge (1947) treated P. werneri (from northern Namibia) as a subspecies of weberi, but this was not followed by either Mertens (1955) or McLachlan and Spence (1966). However, McLachlan (in litt.) now agrees with this arrangement and also considers the southern race P. w. gariesensis Hewitt to be untenable as enormous variation exists in the number of tubercules in southern specimens. The nominate race thus extends into the northern Cape as far as the Calvinia-Clanwilliam districts but is replaced in southern Namibia by P. w. acuminatus FitzSimons. Pachydactylus punctatus amoenoides Hewitt Now known to enter the Cape in the region of the Richtersveld (De Hoop, Brandkarros, etc.) and the southern regions of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (Pianka, 1971). Mer- tens (1955) doubts the validity of this race, although Laurent (1964) considers amoenoides to be a full species. The group needs revision. Pachydactylus rugosus rugosus A. Smith The taxonomy of this species has recently been reviewed by Loveridge (1947), Mertens (1955) and McLachlan (1979b). Loveridge (1947) resurrected the Namibian race frater but this has not been accepted by either Mertens (1955) or McLachlan (1979b). The latter author has transferred two subspecies of P. capensis, i.e. P. c. formosus and P. c. barnardi, to rugosus on the basis of similar colouration and the structure of the dorsal tubercules. The nominate race extends into the northern parts of Little Namaqualand in the vicinity of Onseepkans, Kakamas and Rietfontein. 145 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Pachydactylus rugosus formosus A. Smith A southern race found in the western Cape Province from Ceres District to the southern parts of Little Namaqualand. McLachlan (1979b) has restricted the type locality to Vredendal. Pachydactylus rugosus barnardi FitzSimons A central race of rugosus that is distributed throughout Little Namaquland. It is sympat- ric with P. capensis labialis at Kamieskroon and Kleinsee. Broadley (1977b) has suggested that barnardi is a full species as its caudal scalation differs from that of capensis and formosus. He did not, however, compare its caudal scalation with typical rugosus. Pachydactylus capensis capensis A. Smith FitzSimons (1943) regarded P. capensis as polytypic with nine subspecies occurring in southern Africa, of which five entered the Cape Province. The studies of Loveridge (1947) and McLachlan (1979b), however, have reduced the number of Cape races to two. Broadley (1977b) has further reduced the number of races in the north-eastern range of P. capensis. A 1 revision of the southern forms is needed. The nominate race extends north from the central Cape Province through Botswana and the Orange Free State to southern Angola and the northern Transvaal. Pachydactylus capensis labialis FitzSimons This western race is recorded from Little Namaqualand and may deserve specific recogni- tion (McLachlan, in litt.) Pachydactylus mentalis Hewitt Known from the south-eastern Cape Province, from Graaff-Reinet to Tarkastad, this spe- cies was treated as a subspecies of P. capensis by Loveridge (1947). However, de Waal (1978) noted that the snout scales of mentalis differ from those of capensis and that its status requires investigation. Pachydactylus namaquensis (Sclater) A large rupicolous gecko that is closely related to the following two species. It is found in i Little Namaqualand and southwards into the western Karoo. A specimen (now in the Transvaal i Museum) recently collected from the Langeberg Mountains (3321 DC) is a considerable southern i extension (R. Boycott, pers. comm.). Pachydactylus bibroni A. Smith A wide-ranging large gecko, the range of which extends from the northern and western Cape Province to Angola and Tanzania. Loveridge (1947) recognized three subspecies, bibro- ni, turneri and pulitzerae, but these have not been accepted by Broadley (1966) or de Waal (1978). The problem requires further investigation. Pachydactylus laevigatus laevigatus Fischer A large gecko closely related to and often confused with the previous species. The nomi- nate race extends into the northern Cape reaching Marydale in the east and the vicinity of Prieska and Springbok in the south. It extends north through Namibia to southern Angola, being replaced by the race P. 1. fitzsimonsi (Loveridge, 1947) in Damaraland. Lygodactylus Gray An ancient genus that may be one of the few African lizards to have been directly affected by the upheavals of continental drift. It is well represented on Madagascar, whilst two species have also been recently described from South America. Although referred to a separate genus 146 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS (Vanzoia; Smith et al., 1977) these Neotropical representatives seem only doubtfully distinct from Lygodactylus (Broadley, in litt.). One species (L. capensis) has even been found embed- ded in amber (Kluge, 1967). The taxonomy of these small, diurnal geckos, notoriously dif- ficult, has been recently reviewed by Pasteur (1964). Lygodactylus bradfieldi Hewitt This species, described by Hewitt in 1932, was treated as a western race of L. capensis by FitzSimons (1943) but fared worse under Loveridge (1947) who placed it in the synonymy of the latter. Pasteur (1964) re-elevated it to a full species but difficulty is still experienced in separating the two forms. It is found at various localities in the northern and north-western Cape, from Kimberley to the Richtersveld. A specimen of L. capensis in the collection of the Addo Elephant National Park presum- ably represents a translocation, possibly in a game crate, from the Kruger National Park. Ptenopus Gray Previously considered to be monotypic, containing the single species garrulus (FitzSimons, 1943). Two further species (carpi and kochi) have subsequently been described from Namibia. The two subspecies of garrulus were synonomized by Brain (1962) but, more recently, Haacke (1975) has resurrected maculatus. Both races occur in the Cape Province. Ptenopus garrulus garrulus (A. Smith) This small, terrestrial, pad-less gecko is widely distributed in those areas of southern Afri- ca that are covered in Kalahari sand and receive less than 500 mm average rainfall. The range extends into the northern Cape Province, reaching as far as the Orange Free State border near Lemoenboord (de Waal, 1978). Ptenopus garrulus maculatus Gray A western form that extends through Namibia and the north-western Cape Province. Somewhat surprisingly, specimens were recently collected near Calitzdorp in the Little Karoo (Oelofsen and Kruger, 1976). This gecko may be more widespread in the central Cape Pro- vince than realized. Phyllodactylus Gray A wide ranging genus found in Tropical America, Mediterranean Europe, Africa and Australia. The taxonomy of the southern African forms remains confused. Phyllodactylus peringueyi Boulenger The status of this species remains problematic. The types, which remain the only known specimens, are labelled as from Little Namaqualand and Port Elizabeth. That labelled as from Little Namaqualand was accessioned with a Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia which was listed as coming from the same area. As the herald snake is not known from Little Namaqualand this locality must be in doubt (McLachlan, pers. comm.). However, the remaining locality (Chelsea Point, near Port Elizabeth) is in a coastal dune region with little emergent rock. It is now extensively invaded by exotic Australian Acacia and searches for this lizard at this spot by both McLachlan (pers. comm.) and the author have proved fruitless. Hewitt (1937) has suggested that the specimens are American. Their true identity, if not South African, remains unknown. Phyllodactylus porphyreus (Daudin) Known from the south and south-western Cape Province and extending east as far as Cape St Francis and north to Little Namaqualand. FitzSimons (1943) recognized three races. However, Loveridge (1947) synonomized the south coast form (cronwrighti — known from 147 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Knysna to Cape St Francis) with typical porphyreus. The status of the west coast race nama- quensis , which is known only from Little Namaqualand, is also in need of study. McLachlan (in lift.) doubts the validity of the Bitterfontein locality (from which the type of namaquensis comes). If correct, then Nieuwoudtville is the northern limit for the species. Phyllodactylus lineatus lineatus Gray A small, rupicolous gecko known from the south and central (Laingsburg) Cape Province and north along the west coast to Little Namaqualand. Phyllodactylus lineatus rupicolous FitzSimons The validity of this northern form is doubtful as it is described from some localities listed for typical lineatus (i.e. Springbok and Kamaggas). Haacke (1965) could also find no differences between Oranjemund specimens and the typical race. Phyllodactylus lineatus essexi Hewitt This eastern form seems well-defined. Its range is now known to extend further west s (Suurberg) than the type locality at Hounslow near Grahamstown. i Phyllodactylus microlepidotus FitzSimons This large, nocturnal gecko has, since its original description in 1939, only recently been rediscovered (McLachlan, 1979c; Visser, 1979). All known specimens come from the Cedar- berg, mostly at Pakhuis Pass. Afroedura Loveridge This genus was described by Loveridge (1944a) to accommodate African geckos previous- ly referred to the genus Oedura by FitzSimons (1943). Oedura is now restricted to Australia, ij Loveridge (1947) synonomized a number of the species listed in FitzSimons (1943). However, the taxonomy of the genus is still not stabilized and a much needed revision is presently in progress (Onderstall, 1975). Afroedura africana namaquensis (FitzSimons) Known only from Little Namaqualand. Treated by FitzSimons (1943) as a full species, this il form has been reduced to a subspecies of africana by Haacke (1965) who described a new sub- species, tirasensis , from Great Namaqualand, intermediate in characteristics between typical africana and namaquensis . Afroedura nivaria (Boulenger) Loveridge (1947) synonomized Oedura amatolica with Afroedura nivaria. The characters used by Hewitt to differentiate amatolica are quite minor. The distribution of A. nivaria thus closely parallels that of Pseudocordylus melanotus suhviridis being found in the Eastern Cape Province in the vicinity of the Katberg and Amatola Mountains and thence northwards along the Drakensberg escarpment. Afroedura tembulica (Hewitt) Known from the mountains of the south-eastern Cape Province, from Tembuland (from which the species derives its name) to the Queenstown District. The relationship of this species to nivaria and karroica requires investigation. Afroedura karroica karroica (Hewitt) Typical karroica was known to FitzSimons (1943) by only a poorly preserved type of vague locality (Albany District). Hewitt’s subspecies A. k. wilmoti was recognized by Fitz- 148 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Simons (1943) but was only dubiously separable from the nominate race due to the latter’s vague provenance. Loveridge (1947) synonomized both forms, and the nominate subspecies is now considered to range through the inner regions of the Eastern Cape Province, from Graaff- Reinet to Tarkastad. Afroedura karroica halli (Hewitt) Loveridge (1947) treated halli as a race of karroica although FitzSimons (1943), who treated the form as a full species in his monograph, considered it might only be a subspecies of nivaria. Like tembulica it is restricted to the mountainous regions of the north-east-ern Cape Province in the vicinity of Herschel. INFRAORDER: ANGUIMORPHA SUPERFAMILY: PLATYNOTA Family: Varamidae With the exception of the anguid genus Ophisaurus which ranges into North Africa, three species of Varanus are the only anguimorph lizards found on the African continent. Varanus griseus is restricted to Saharan Africa, whilst the remaining two species occur almost through- out the continent. Varanus niloticus niloticus (Linnaeus) The race ornatus replaces typical niloticus in the West African rain forests. Along the south-east coastal region the most westerly record of niloticus in the Cape Province appears to be Patensie in the Gamtoos River Valley. In the north it extends along the Orange River to Vioolsdrif ( pers . obser.) and possibly along its whole length, however, it is absent from the central and southwest Cape. Varanus exanthematicus albigularis (Daudin) Entering the Cape Province in the northern, central and eastern regions, its southern and western limits remain unknown. J. Greig (pers. comm.) has recorded the species from Beaufort West. INFRAORDER: IGUANIA A group of generalized, primarily arboreal lizards, some of which have become secondarily terrestrial or even semi-aquatic. None have become serpentiform, with elongate body or reduced limbs. Three living families are recognized. The Iguanidae are the most primitive and appear to have been the ancestoral stock for the Agamidae. The chamaeleons in turn may have been derived from the latter family. Iguanids are not now known from mainland Africa, although two genera occur on Madagascar. They have been displaced by their descendants, the agamids. Family: Chamaeleonidae The generic status of the dwarf viviparous chamaeleons of the south and east coast of southern Africa remains in a state of flux. Hillenius (1959) considered all the dwarf chamae- leons placed by FitzSimons (1943) in the genus Microsaura (including the Cape forms taenio- broncha, caffer, pumila, damarana , gutturalis and ventralis ) to be but subspecies of the wide- spread species Chamaeleo pumilus. However, Raw (1976, 1978) has re-elevated these forms to specific rank and revived the earlier generic name Bradypodion Fitzinger. This name has not been used in over 130 years and, although it possesses priority over Microsaura Gray, it could have been suppressed in favour of the more recently used and more widely known junior 149 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 synonym. These chamaeleons are usually found in allopatric populations and species limits are difficult to define. Raw’s (1976) proposal to elevate all forms to specific rank is followed here for convenience. However, it is probable that a number of these forms will prove to be but local races, or even synonyms, as their biology and distribution become more well known. Bradypodion taeniobronchum (A. Smith) Apparently confined to the area of Algoa Bay, but very rare. Searches at Schoenmaker’s Kop and Van Stadens River for further specimens have proved fruitless. Bradypodion damaranum (Boulenger) Perversely named as the species is only known from the coastal region around Knysna, Tsitsikama and George. Bradypodion pumilum (Daudin) Its distribution is centred in the Western Cape Province, from the Cape Peninsula north- wards to Clanwilliam and eastwards to Bredasdorp. Bradypodion occidental (Hewitt) Visser (1979) records this species from Melkbosstrand, 25 km north of Cape Town, a considerable southerly extension from its previous record in Little Namaqualand. Bradypodion ventrale (Gray) Recorded from the Eastern Cape Province from Port Elizabeth to Port Alfred and inland as far as Queenstown and the Katberg (FitzSimons, 1943). Visser’s (1979) record of this form from Fort Beaufort (an area from which FitzSimons records karroicum ) may validate the spe- cific status of the latter taxon, but this requires confirmation. Bradypodion karroicum (Methuen and Hewitt) As its name implies, extends through the karroid areas of the Cape Province from Fort Beaufort (see note under B. ventrale) to Grootvadersbosch and inland as far as Nieuwoudtville and Victoria West (Visser, 1979). Bradypodion gutturale (A. Smith) Poorly known and apparently confined to the Worcester and Robertson Districts. Chamaeleo Laurenti The genus is represented in the Cape Province by two species. Chamaeleo laevigularis Muller was described from East London, Cape Province, but FitzSimons (1943) could not refer it to any southern African forms and treated it as a “ species auctorum Hillenius (1963) has subsequently compared the type to C. johnstoni from the Congo and found them to be conspe- cific. Chamaeleo namaquensis A. Smith A large terrestrial chamaeleon that ranges into Little Namaqualand. The sexes are dichromatic (Robertson,, 1978). Chamaeleo dilepis dilepis Leach The flap-necked chamaeleon enters the Cape Province in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. It is known from a specimen collected at Nossob (Haacke pers. comm.)- De Waal (1978) records a specimen from Bloemhof Dam, on the Orange Free State border, and it may enter the Cape in this vicinity as well. Basically, though, its distribution extends north of the region under discussion through the savannah regions of southern and eastern Africa. Broadley (1966) 150 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS and Hillenius (1959) have discussed the taxonomy of the many described races of C. dilepis. All are of doubtful validity, with the exception of C. d. ruspolii Boettger from Somalia. Tri- nomials are thus retained. Family: Agamidae Represented in Africa by only two genera, Uromastix and Agama. Uromastix is terrestrial and restricted to Saharan Africa, whilst Agama has arboreal, rupicolous and terrestrial forms and ranges throughout most of the savannah regions of the continent. Agama Daudin Represented in the Cape Province by three species, although the taxonomy of one species, A. hispida, is chaotic and it may be polyphyletic. Agama atra atra Daudin One of the very few lizards the distribution of which encompasses the whole of the Cape Province. Trinomials are necessary as Mertens (1955) has transferred knobeli (known from Great Namaqualand) from anchietae to atra. Agama anchietae Bocage Similar in habits to atra, and extending from the north-western Cape Province into Nami- bia. Agama hispida (Linnaeus) FitzSimons (1943) recognized six subspecies of hispida, but many of these forms occur at the same localities. Broadley (1966) rejected all subspecies pending a full revision of the spe- cies. This is presently being undertaken by Dr G. McLachlan (South African Museum). It appears that aculeata is a full species and differs from hispida in having an enlarged ear hole. The relationship of the other forms to these two species requires further investigation (McLachlan, per. comm.). INFRAORDER: SCINCOMORPHA These lizards are almost cosmopolitan in distribution and diurnal in habit. The activity patterns of many fossorial forms, however, require investigation. Six families are included of which three families have representatives in southern Africa, i.e. the Lacertidae, Scincidae and Cordylidae. Family: Lacertidae A large family that is common in the Palaearctic region and is well represented in the arid and savannah areas of the Afro-tropical region. Six genera occur in the Cape Province. “Lacerta” australis Hewitt The rarest lizard in the Cape Province, known only from the type collected on the Mat- roosberg near Ceres. Arnold (1973) has suggested that this species and “ Lacerta ” rupicola FitzSimons from Lake Fundusi in the northern Transvaal are not congeneric with Palaearctic Lacerta sensu stricta. It is probable that a new genus will have to be erected to accommodate them. Their relationship to Tropidosaura is presently being investigated. Tropidosaura Fitzinger A small genus of terrestrial, montane lacertids that are endemic to southern Africa. Four species are currently recognized, two of which occur in the Cape Province. 151 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Tropidosaura gularis Hewitt A montane form that is now known to extend along the southern Cape Fold Mountains from Table Mountain to the Port Elizabeth District. Tropidosaura montana montana (Gray) A wide-ranging, but poorly-known lizard, with three recognized races. The typical race is distributed in the western and south-western Cape from Table Mountain north to the Cold Bokkeveld and east to Heidelberg. Tropidosaura montana rangeri Hewitt Known from the tops of the Katberg and Amatola Mountains down to the sea cliffs at Hamburg in the Eastern Cape Province. The large distribution gaps between this race and the typical form in the west and T. m. natalensis (described by FitzSimons from the Natal Drakensberg in 1947) in the east are probably due to poor collecting and zones of intergrada- tion (if any) have yet to be established. Nucras Gray Very secretive lacertids the taxonomy of which is confused due to the paucity of speci- mens and the great overlap in “diagnostic” characters in the genus. Broadley (1972) has re- viewed the tesselata group and placed great emphasis on colour pattern. Nucras lalandi (Milne-Edwards) A large Nucras with a thick tail. Widely distributed in the eastern regions from Knysna to Natal and the Transvaal. Incorrectly called N. delalandii by FitzSimons (1943). Nucras taeniolata taeniolata (A. Smith) Erected to full specific status by Broadley (1972). Restricted to a small isolated, possibly relic population centred around Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape Province. Nucras taeniolata ornata Gray A wide-ranging race that shows considerable regional variation. In the Cape Province it enters the Kimberley region and reaches as far south as Burgersdorp. Nucras intertexta holubi and N. i. damarana are synonyms of ornata (Broadley, 1972). Nucras intertexta (A. Smith) A Kalahari species that extends into the northern Cape Province in the Kimberley region. Nucras tessellata tessellata (A. Smith) A western Cape form that extends from Namibia to Worcester. A rufous-grey colour variety (var elegans ) occurs along the eastern border of this subspecies (i.e. Caledon, Mary- dale, Calvinia, etc.). A further colour variety (var. “T”) shows affinities in its dorsal colour pattern to taeniolata taeniolata of the eastern Cape. As it occurs in sympatry with typical tessel- lata at Klipfontein and Steinkopf it cannot be treated as a distinct subspecies. Broadley (1972) has treated this form as a variety of typical tessellata, although he notes it may be a distinct species or a western subspecies of taeniolata. The problem remains unsolved. Nucras tessellata livida (A. Smith) Inhabiting the Karoo areas of the Cape Province, from Matjesfontein to Port Elizabeth. It separates the typical races of tessellata and taeniolata and obscures the relationship of tessellata var “T” (see above). CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Eremias Wiegmann A very wide ranging genus previously considered to extend throughout Africa into south- eastern Europe and through western and central Asia to China and Korea. Boulenger (1921) in his Monograph of the Lacertidae divided Eremias s.l. into 5 “Sections” (Subgenera). Those relevant to southern Africa are Lampreremias (including lugubris ) and Mesalina (including namaquensis, undata , lineoocellata, laticeps and burchelli). Eremias s.s. is restricted to south- east Europe and Asia. Scherbach (1975) treats Boulenger’s “Sections” as full genera, belong- ing to the subfamily Eremiainae. Loveridge (1957) pointed out that the earliest available generic name for southern African “ Eremias ” is Heliobolus Fitzinger 1843 (type by original designation: Lacerta lugubris ). At present it seems best to recognize Heliobolus and Mesalina as subgenra of Eremias pending an investigation of their relationships (Broadley, pers. comm.). Eremias (Heliobolus) lugubris (A. Smith) Distributed throughout the Kalahari and neighbouring regions and recently recorded in the Cape Province from near Vryburg and Tweerivieren. Eremias (Mesalina) namaquensis Dumeril and Bibron Extending from Little Namaqualand across the northern regions of the Cape Province to Graaff-Reinet and Cradock in the eastern Cape. Eremias (Mesalina) laticeps A. Smith Extending across the karroid regions, from Graaff-Reinet to Little Namaqualand, and across the Orange River into Great Namaqualand. Mertens (1955) revived the name for Lacer- ta capensis (= Eremias capensis) as the name is preoccupied by Lacerta capensis Sparrmann 1783 (= Varanus n. niloticus). Eremias (Mesalina) undata undata (A. Smith) Closely related to E. namaquensis and mainly restricted to Namibia, although it ranges into Little Namaqualand and the northwest Cape Province. A colour variety inornata was recognized by FitzSimons (1943) in the southern part of the range of undata. However, it occurs in a scattered pattern through the range of undata and cannot be considered as a valid subspecies. Trinomials are required, nonetheless, as Mertens (1955) has described two subspe- cies ( rubens and gaerdesi) from the Waterberg and north-west regions of Namibia respectively. Eremias (Mesalina) burchelli Dumeril and Bibron A montane form that extends across the southern Cape from Cape Agulhas and the Cedarberg to Queenstown and on to the Natal Drakensberg. Eremias (Mesalina) lineoocellata lineoocellata Dumeril and Bibron A wide-ranging subspecies that enters the Cape Province in the northern regions around Kimberley. Eremias (Mesalina) lineoocellata pulchella Gray The main subspecies in the Cape Province, extending in a wide belt from Little Namaqua- land and the Western Cape Province, through the central and southern karroid areas to the Eastern Cape Province. Replaced in Great Namaqualand by the spot-less subspecies inocellata (Mertens, 1955). Ichnotropis Peters A small genus of rough-scaled, terrestrial lacertids, represented in southern Africa by three species. 153 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Ichnotropis squamulosa Peters Broadley (1976a) has shown that these lizards are very short-lived, hatching and growing to sexual maturity in six months and then dying soon after reproduction. I. capensis has a similar abbreviated life history, but the cycles of the two species are phased such that their eggs hatch at different times. This avoids competition for the same resources. Mainly distri- buted north of the Cape Province, it has recently been recorded from the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (Pianka, 1971). Meroles Gray Mertens (1955) demonstrated that Scaptira Wiegmann, to which FitzSimons (1943) refer- red the following species, is restricted to Central Asia. The next available generic name is that of Meroles Gray 1938. Six monotypic species are recognized, of which four range into the Cape Province. Meroles suborbitalis (Peters) Extending from the central Karoo west and north through Little Namaqualand and Gor- donia. Meroles knoxii (Milne-Edwards) A common lizard throughout its range which extends from the western Province north- wards through Little Namaqualand to Namibia (Liideritz). Haacke (1965) has demonstrated that the northern subspecies pequensis (Hewitt) is invalid. Meroles ctenodactylus (A. Smith) A larger, slower-moving species that extends from Little Namaqualand and the adjacent Karoo to just north of the Orange River. It reaches as far south as the Zout Rivier on the west coast (McLachlan, in litt. ). Meroles cuneirostris (Stauch) A psammophilous species well adapted to life in the Namib Desert, the range of which just extends into Little Namaqualand (Brandkaros, Holgat River Mouth, etc.). Family: Scincidae Greer (1970a) has revised the family on the basis of osteological characters. Four subfami- lies are recognized: Scincinae (with approximately 28+ genera, 182 species), Feylininae (2 genera, 4 species), Acontinae (3 genera, 16 species) and Lygosominae (40+ genera, 600+ I species). The Scincinae are considered to have independently given rise to all three other subfamilies. The Acontinae and Feylininae are both viviparous, burrowing groups, whilst the Lygosominae is composed of the most numerous, diverse and advanced skinks. All subfami- lies, with the exception of the Feylininae (which is restricted to west and central Africa), are found in the Cape Province. Acontinae Distributed throughout southern Africa, with an isolated population in south-east Kenya. Malagasy Acontias (holomelas and hildebrandti) were referred to the new scincine genus Mala- contias by Greer (1970a). Three genera are recognized in southern Africa; Acontias (7 spe- cies), Typhlosaurus (8 species) and the monotypic Acontophiops. Acontias Cuvier The genus was revised by Broadley and Greer (1969), who recognized seven species, all of which are found in the Cape Province. 154 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Acontias plumbeus Bianconi A very large burrowing skink that inhabits the tropical lowlands of south-eastern Africa. An isolated, possibly relic, population occurs in the eastern Cape, around East London. Acontias breviceps Essex Previously treated by FitzSimons as a subspecies of A. plumbeus. It has a discontinuous distribution at high altitudes along the eastern escarpment and occurs in the eastern Cape around the Hogsback and Katberg. Acontias gracilicauda gracilicauda Essex Treated as a subspecies of A. plumbeus by FitzSimons, but differs from it -in having a small post-temporal fenestra and a strongly tapering tail. Found in the eastern Cape as far south as Port Elizabeth, extending northwards into higher altitudes on the high veld of the Orange Free State and Transvaal and into the northern Cape as far as Kuruman. Acontias gracilicauda namaquensis Hewitt A poorly defined western race found in Little Namaqualand. It was also previously treated as a subspecies of A. plumbeus by FitzSimons (1943). Acontias percivali tasmani Hewitt Although previously treated as a race of A. plumbeus by FitzSimons (1943), tasmani dif- fers from this species in having no post-temporal fenestra. The species has a remarkable dis- continuous distribution and typical percivali is found in the vicinity of Voi in south-eastern Kenya. The race tasmani has a very restricted range in the Eastern Cape Province from Port Elizabeth to King William’s Town. Acontias meleagris meleagris Hewitt A very variable form that ranges along the south-west Cape coast from Cape Town to Knysna and inland as far as Fraserburg in the Karoo. Acontias meleagris orientalis Hewitt An eastern race that extends from Cape St Francis to the Transkei. FitzSimons recognized a separate race lineicauda from the Port Elizabeth — Grahamstown region. Broadley and Greer (1969) conservatively treated this form as a localized “morph” of orientalis but noted that it was smaller and more slender and inhabits the dry habitats of the Sundays River and Great Fish River valleys. Its status has still to be resolved. Acontias lineatus lineatus Peters Inhabiting the interior of the Western Cape Province from Matjesfontein north to Kaka- mas in the west and Hopetown in the east, then across the Orange River as far north as Liideritz and Keetmanshoop. The race orangensis Hewitt is a synonym of typical lineatus (Broadley and Greer, 1969). Acontias lineatus tristis Werner Restricted to Little Namaqualand. Treated as only a variety of lineatus by FitzSimons but elevated to subspecific level by Broadley and Greer (1969). Acontias lineatus grayi Boulenger A very localized race (known only from the type locality — Graafwater, between Clanwil- liam and Lambert’s Bay, south-western Cape), the status of which is still problematic. 155 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Acontias litoralis Broadley and Greer A small species related to A. lineatus and restricted to the western Cape coastal strip from Daberas to Elandsbaai. I Typhlosaurus Wiegmann Highly specialized, limbless, fossorial skinks, of which FitzSimons (1943) recognized eight species. Haacke (1964) described a greatly attenuated species ( braini ) from the Namib Desert, whilst Broadley (1968) in revising the whole genus, placed plowesi in the synonymy of meyeri, and thus returned the total number of species in the genus to eight. The genus ranges across the northern regions of southern Africa, with five species occurring in the western Cape re- gion. Typhlosaurus lineatus lineatus Boulenger A Kalahari species that extends into the northern Cape Province in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and thence south to Witdraai and Vanzylsrus. Typhlosaurus gariepensis FitzSimons Related to lineatus and found in the northern Cape Province from Upington to the Kala- hari Gemsbok National Park. Typhosaurus meyeri Boettger An attenuated species that inhabits the coastal regions of southern Namibia, from Liider- i itz south to the Richtersveld and Little Namaqualand. Broadley (1968) synonomized T. plowesi FitzSimons with this species. Typhlosaurus caecus (Cuvier) Another attenuated species, the one that extends the furthest south. Distributed in the coastal areas of the Western Cape Province from Edgemead, Cape Town (Visser, 1979), northwards, possibly as far as Port Nolloth (where it is known from a single specimen), but certainly as far as Lambert’s Bay. Typhlosaurus vermis Boulenger Closely related to, and possibly conspecific with T. caecus. Extending from Alexander Bay south to the Spoegrivier and inland as far as Putsonderwater. Broadley’s (1968) reference to Lambert’s Bay is questioned by McLachlan (in lift.). ! Scincinae Basically Old World in distribution, with six genera occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. Only | Scelotes extends into the Cape Province. Scelotes Fitzinger A large group of semi-fossorial to fossorial small skinks. The genus shows an interesting progression from species with small but well-developed limbs to limbless species. It has under- gone extensive partitioning (Greer, 1970b) since FitzSimons’ monograph (1943). However, all the new genera are extralimital to this discussion. There has been no alteration in the tax- onomy of the Cape species since FitzSimons’ monograph (1943) and the genus remains in urgent need of revision. Scelotes anguina (Boulenger) Coastal areas of the Eastern Cape Province from Port Elizabeth to Peddie. 156 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Scelotes capensis (A. Smith) Known from Little and Great Namaqualand. Scelotes caffer (Peters) Apparently common in the Fish River Valley of the Eastern Cape Province and extending through the Karoo to Little Namaqualand. Scelotes kasneri FitzSimons Known only from the type locality, i.e. Lambert’s Bay, Clanwilliam District, Western Cape Province. Scelotes bipes bipes (Linnaeus) Restricted to the south-western Cape Province from Mossel Bay to the Cape Peninsula. Scelotes bipes sexlineatus (Harlan) Recorded from Port Nolloth and Kleinsee in Little Namaqualand and south to Clanwil- liam and Calvinia. Scelotes gronovii (Daudin) Inhabiting the coastal regions of the south-western Cape Province from Dassen Island to Lambert’s Bay. Scelotes bicolor (A. Smith) Although the type locality of this species is given as Little Namaqualand, no further speci- mens have been collected. FitzSimons (1943) questioned the validity of the species as no other legless Scelotes are known from the western Cape. It is very closely related to, and possibly conspecific with, S. arenicola which is known from Zululand and Mozambique. Lygosominae An extremely widespread group that is particularly well-represented in, and probably ori- ginated within, the Australasian region. In southern Africa it is represented by the genera Mabuya, Panaspis (= Ablepharus Fitzinger and Afroablephams Greer), Lygosoma (= Riopa) and Cryptoblepharus . Only the first occurs in the Cape Province. Mabuya Fitzinger A wide-ranging genus distributed throughout Africa and Madagascar and found also in south-eastern Asia, Central and South America and the Caribbean. The most common skinks in the Cape Province, with no less than nine recognized species, some of which have local races. Mabuya capensis (Gray) A large, thick-bodied skink that is distributed throughout the Cape Province, although it is rarer in the arid, western regions. It is now known to extend north of the Limpopo as far as Zambia. Mabuya occidentalis (Peters) Closely related to the previous species, but of generally lighter build. In the Cape it is restricted to karroid regions, from Cradock and Beaufort West, extending north-west through Little Namaqualand and Namibia to southern Angola. 157 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Mabuya homalocephala homalocephala (Wiegmann) The nominate race of this medium-sized, terrestrial species extends along the coastal re- gions and Cape Fold Mountains of the western and south-western Cape, from Little Namaqua- land to Knysna. Mabuya homalocephala peringueyi Boulenger A northern race found in Little Namaqualand. The record from Namibia is incorrect (McLachlan, in litt.). Mabuya homalocephala smithii (Gray) Extending along the eastern Cape coastal regions from Garcia Pass, Langeberg, to the Transkei. It is now known to extend inland as far as Rubidge Kloof, north of Graaff-Reinet. There appears to be a fairly extensive overlap with the nominate race from Knysna to Swellen- dam that requires investigation. Mabuya striata complex The taxonomy of this problematic group has recently been stabilized by Broadley’s revi- sion of the complex (1977a). Mertens (1955) split the previously monotypic striata (FitzSimons, 1943) into three races, i.e. nominate striata, sparsa and spilogaster. Sympatry between spilogas- ter and sparsa in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park was noted by Broadley (1969) who in his subsequent revision of the complex (1977a) recognized two further races of striata , i.e. wahlbergi and punctatissimus . Three of these taxa occur in the Cape Province. Mabuya striata punctatissimus (A. Smith) Extending just into the northern Cape in the vicinity of Mafeking and Aliwal North. Intergrades between this and the following race occur in the vicinity of Vanzylrus. Mabuya striata sparsa Mertens A robust, dark subspecies common in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and extending into neighbouring Namibia and Botswana. Mabuya spilogaster (Peters) A robust, speckled species that is commonly found on Acacia trees and is thus ecologically separated from sympatric striata. It extends from southern Angola through Namibia and west- ern Botswana into the northern Cape Province, reaching as far east as Kimberley. Mabuya sulcata sulcata (Peters) Considered monotypic by FitzSimons (1943). Mertens (1955) recognized a new race, nigra from Liideritz in Namibia, and resurrected Boulenger’s ansorgii as a separate race for Angolan material. Only the nominate race occurs in the Cape and is found throughout the Karoo and adjoining regions, from Little Namaqualand to Perdepoort in the Klein Winterhoekberg. Mabuya variegata variegata (Peters) The confused taxonomy of these small skinks is too lengthy to be dealt with here and, moreover, has been admirably reviewed by Broadley (1975). In summary the species dama- rana and varia have long been misidentified. Two forms occur and Mertens (1955) resurrected the name longiloba after demonstrating that the type of damarana was a synonym of varia. Subsequently Broadley (1975) has shown that longiloba is a synonym of Euprepes variegatus, and the name must change again. He also recognized a northern subspecies. The nominate race extends along the west coast of southern Africa south of the Cunene River to as far south as the Clanwilliam District in the western Cape. It also occurs eastwards through the Karoo to Kimberley and the Albany District. 158 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Mabuya variegata punctulata (Bocage) A northern and eastern race that extends into the northern Cape Province in the region of Mafeking and the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. In addition de Waal (1978) refers to this race specimens from Rietfontein on the border of the Orange Free State and the north-eastern Cape Province even though typical variegata occurs at Zastron. It is possible that punctulata and variegata are not conspecific. Mabuya varia (Peters) Due to confusion with damarana (= variegata , see above) this species now has a much more restricted range in southern Africa than that given in FitzSimons (1943). The species ranges southwards from Sudan and Somalia but only extends into the south-eastern corner of the Cape Province in the vicinity of Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth. Mabuya acutilabris (Peters) A small, well-defined western species that extends into the Cape Province only in the northern tip of Little Namaqualand. Family: Cordylidae The family now includes the plated lizards and related forms which were treated by Fitz- Simons (1943) as a separate family but should now be treated as a subfamily of the Cordylidae (McDowell and Bogert, 1954). The family is closely related to the Lacertidae but there is uncertainty as to whether it is ancestoral to, or derived from these lizards. The family is basi- cally distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa, although a number of Gerrhosaurines occur on Madagascar. Cordylinae Four genera are recognized, of which all occur in the Cape Province. Chamaesaura Schneider A group of elongate, serpentiform cordylids that show varying degrees of limb-reduction and which are amazingly conservative in morphology. Three species are recognized, of which two occur in the Cape Province. Chamaesaura aenea (Wiegmann) A montane form that reaches its southern limit in the vicinity of the Amatola Mountains near Cathcart and Tarkastad in the north-eastern Cape Province. Chamaesaura anguina anguina (Linnaeus) The most widespread Chamaesaura in the Cape Province, extending in a wide belt across the more humid regions of the southern Cape from Kei Mouth to Cape Town. It is separated by nearly a 1 000 km from the northern race C. a. tenuior (which was treated as a separate species by FitzSimons, 1943) found in East Africa. Platysaurus A. Smith These greatly flattened, highly specialized corylids have undergone rapid speciation in the rocky areas of south-eastern Africa, and have been extensively studied by Broadley (1978). A single, relic species occurs along the lower Orange River, 900 km from its nearest neighbour, Platysaurus g. guttatus , in the Limpopo River basin. 159 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Platysaurus capensis A. Smith Found along the lower Orange River, west of Aughrabies Falls, extending into Namibia along the Fish River Canyon and southwards to Garies in the Cape Province. Broadley (1978) has discussed the possibility that the population at Aughrabies Falls may deserve subspecies recognition. Pseudocordylus A. Smith There have been numerous alterations to the concept of Pseudocordylus since FitzSimons’ (1943) monograph and the status of the genus and its constituent species has still to be re- solved. Pseudocordylus is obviously closely related to Cordylus but the boundaries between the two genera are vague and they may indeed be congeneric. In addition, the species present- ly placed in Pseudocordylus may in fact be polyphyletic and their similarities due to conver- gence. A revision is long overdue but has been inhibited by the loss of Andrew Smith’s import- ant types and the lack of specimens from key areas. Field studies of the Cape forms have begun but it will be some time before sufficient material is collected for a thorough revision. FitzSimons (1943) recognized only two species, with a total of five subspecies. However, cur- rent concepts of the genus would include as many as six species, with up to 10-11 subspecies. Pseudocordylus microlepidotus microlepidotus (Cuvier) Although Loveridge (1944b) listed the range of this large lizard as being restricted to the Cape Peninsula mountains, FitzSimons (1943) knew it to extend as far as Prince Alfred’s Pass in the Outeniqua Mountains. Pseudocordylus microlepidotus namaquensis Hewitt Recorded by FitzSimons (1943) from the widely separated localities of Little Namaqua- 1 land and Beaufort West. The status of this subspecies needs investigation. Pseudocordylus microlepidotus fasciatus (A. Smith) Considered by Smith to be a full species, this race is restricted to the Eastern Cape Pro- vince from Graaff-Reinet north to Colesberg and east to Tsomo in the Transkei. Specimens i collected recently from the Port Elizabeth-Suurberg region may be referable to P. algoensis i A. Smith which has usually been considered a synonym of fasciatus (FitzSimons, 1943; Loveridge, 1944b). Pseudocordylus melanotus subviridis (A. Smith) Previously treated as P. s. subviridis by FitzSimons (1943), and known from the Katberg and Amatola Mountains in the Eastern Cape Province. The status of Pseudocordylus with elongate temporal scales has caused tremendous problems, and FitzSimons (1943), Loveridge (1944b), Broadley (1964) and de Waal (1978) have all held different views. The problem derives from the loss of Smith’s types of melanotus and subviridis, and differing interpretations of Smith’s illustrations of these types. As melanotus has paragraph preference over subviridis, de Waal (1978) has elevated melanotus to a full species and treated subviridis as a subspecies of it. Northern Cape specimens from near Herschel (Broadley, 1964) may be referable to the nominate race, P. m. melanotus. Loveridge (1944b) referred Pseudocordylus from the Amatola Mountains to his new species P. langi , but this species is restricted to the Natal Drakensberg at Mont-aux-Sources and Cathedral Peak (Broadley, 1964). Pseudocordylus capensis capensis (A. Smith) This species was transferred to Pseudocordylus from Cordylus by Loveridge (1944b). Although this species and the closely related robertsi (see below) share some characters with Pseudocordylus (i.e. the neck is covered with granules instead of scales and the dorsal scales 160 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS lack osteoderms), these may be due to convergence. It is known from the Hottentots Holland Mountains in the western Cape eastwards to Robinson’s Pass in the Attaqua Mountains. Specimens collected recently in the Kammanassieberg share features with this and the following subspecies. Pseudocordylus capensis robertsi (van Dam) Although FitzSimons (1943) treated this form as a subspecies of Cordylus capensis, Love- ridge (1944b) re-elevated it to specific status, whilst transferring it to Pseudocordylus. It is not found in sympatry with capensis and was previously known only from the Van Rhynsdorp- Klawer District. Specimens from Pakhuis Pass in the Cedarberg are intermediate between capensis and robertsi and the latter is here treated as only a race of capensis, pending a full revision of the genus. Cordylus Laurenti Perhaps the most typical lizard of the Cape Province, although in number of species it is surpassed by other genera, notably Pachydactylus and Mabuya. The genus is basically re- stricted to southern Africa, although one species reaches as far north as Ethiopia. The tax- onomy is chaotic and sorely in need of revision. Six, possibly seven, species occur in the Cape Province. Cordylus giganteus A. Smith This species is listed more in hope than in fact. Boulenger (1910) recorded a specimen from Colesberg. However, de Waal (1978) failed to find this species in the southern half of the Orange Free State and its presence in the northern Cape is therefore doubtful. If it did pre- viously exist in the northern Cape and is now extinct, it would be a worthy candidate for re introduction, as is now being done with the Python (Python sebae) in the eastern Cape. Cordylus cataphractus Boie A well-defined species that inhabits the Western Cape Province from Little Namaqualand to Matjesfontein. Cordylus coeruleopunctatus (Methuen and Hewitt) Another well defined species. It is the morphological antithesis of cataphractus, being elongate and finely-scaled. It has many resemblances to Pseudocordylus capensis and may be close to the ancestral form that gave rise to the latter radiation. Recorded from the southern slopes of the Attaqua and Outeniqua Mountains, from Mossel Bay to Witelsbos Forestry Sta- tion. Cordylus macropholis (Boulenger) A small species inhabiting the western Cape coastal belt from Little Namaqualand to near Ysterfontein (McLachlan, 1979a). Cordylus peersi (Hewitt) A melanistic form known only from the Little Namaqualand region. Cordylus cordylus cordylus (Linnaeus) This species, more than any other in southern Africa, is a taxonomist’s nightmare. Fitz- Simons (1943) recognized five subspecies, whilst Loveridge (1944b) increased this number to nine. The most obvious and pressing problem remains the status of the small, melanistic, rugose niger, that occurs on the Cape Peninsula but also at Saldanha Bay and the adjacent Islands. Loveridge (1944b) considered it to be a separate subspecies. However FitzSimons 161 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 (1943) treated it as a variety as isolated melanistic individuals occurred throughout the range of cordylus. Conservatively, FitzSimons’ (1943) views are followed here, although the problem is not settled. Visser (1971) has suggested that niger may be a subspecies of C. peersi. Such a relationship may be possible, although due to priority peersi would become a subspecies of niger. The identity of specimens from Van Rhynsdorp, considered by FitzSimons (1943) to be typical cordylus , but out of the ranges of any of Loveridge’s (1944) races of cordylus , may give some insight into the problem. With these provisos, the range of the nominate race is currently considered to extend in a wide belt across the Cape from Robben Island to Kokstad in East Pondoland. Cordylus cordylus minor FitzSimons As its name implies, a dwarf form, presently known only from the type locality at Matjes- fontein. Its relationship to the small rupicolous cordylids of Little and Great Namaqualand (i.e. lawrenci, pustulatus , namaquensis and campbelli) and to other similar cordylids recently collected from the Nieuweveldberg and Sneeuberg remains to be resolved. Cordylus lawrenci (FitzSimons) A small, rupicolous form that has been treated by Loveridge (1944b) as a race of cordylus but which shows affinities to minor (see previous discussion). Known only from the type local- ity (Lekkersing, Little Namaqualand) and from near Port Nolloth (Visser, 1979). Cordylus tasmani (Power) Although treated by both FitzSimons (1943) and Loveridge (1944b) as a subspecies of I cordylus , this form probably deserves specific recognition. Known from scattered localities in i the eastern Cape around Uitenhage, its full range has still to be determined. Cordylus polyzonus polyzonus (Parker) A wide ranging form found in a wide variety of colours. The Namibian form, jordani , that l[ was treated as a full species by FitzSimons (1943) has been reduced to a subspecies of polyzo- nus by Loveridge (1944b). The non nate race extends in a wide belt across the west, north and central Cape Province from Aliwal orth to Port Nolloth. It does not occur south of the Cape Fold Mountains. Gerrhosaurinae Represented by four genera in Africa and two on Madagascar. Three genera occur in the Cape Province. Gerrhosaurus Wiegmann The genus is very ancient and is the possible ancestor of most of the other cordylids. A fossil lizard from the Lower Miocene of Mfanganu Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya, has been referred to the extant species G. major (Estes, 1962). Two species occur in the Cape Province. Gerrhosaurus flavigularis Wiegmann Recorded from scattered localities throughout the Cape with the exception of the north- western region. The species is monotypic as Broadley (1966) has demonstrated that G. f. fitzsimonsi Loveridge from East Africa is not valid. Gerrhosaurus typicus (A. Smith) A rare species restricted to the western Cape from Ceres and Beaufort West (3122 CD) to Little Namaqualand. 162 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Table 1 Synopsis of the Lizards of the Cape Province Family Genera Species Species and Subspecies Taxonomic* changes Gekkonidae 9 28 42 26 Varanidae 1 2 2 2 Chamaeleonidae 2 9 9 7 Agamidae 1 3 3 3 Lacertidae 6 18 22 13 Scincidae 4 28 38 18 Cordylidae 7 20 27 15 Total 30 108 143 84 *Taxa affected by taxonomic revisions subsequent to FitzSimons (1943) Table 2 Changes in the Nomenclature of Cape Province Pachydactylus FitzSimons, 1943 Loveridge, 1947 Current status purcelli purcelli serval purcelli microlepis maculatus maculatus austeni austeni austeni latirostris mariquensis latirostris mariquensis latirostris mariquensis mariquensis mariquensis mariquensis mariquensis mariquensis mariquensis macrolepis mariquensis macrolepis mariquensis macrolepis ( = amoenu ocellatus geitje geitje amoenus amoenus amoenus (?) monticolus monticolus geitje (?) maculatus maculatus maculatus maculatus maculatus maculatus albomarginatus maculatus maculatus oculatus montanus onscepensis serval serval onscepensis weberi weberi weberi weberi weberi weberi weberi gariesensis weberi gariesensis weberi weberi punctatus amoenoides punctatus amoenoides punctatus amoenoides rugosus rugosus rugosus rugosus rugosus mentalis capensis capensis mentalis ? capensis capensis capensis capensis capensis capensis capensis labialis capensis labialis labialis ? capensis formosus capensis formosus rugosus formosus capensis barnardi capensis barnardi rugosus barnardi capensis oculatus maculatus maculatus oculatus namaquensis namaquensis namaeen s bibroni bibroni bibroni bibroni laevigatus laevigatus laevigatus laevigatus laevigatus 163 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Tetradactylus Merrem Considered by FitzSimons (1943) to be endemic to southern Africa but now known to reach as far north as Katanga, western and northern Zambia, and south-eastern Tanzania. Three species and five subspecies occur in the Cape Province. Tetradactylus seps seps (Linnaeus) Occurring in the south-western Cape and extending eastwards as far as Cape St Francis. Tetradactylus seps laevicauda Hewitt Known from Stutterheim and the Katberg in the north-eastern Cape and extending east- wards through the south-eastern Orange Free State to Natal. Tetradactylus tetradactylus tetradactylus (Lacepede) Restricted to the montane regions of the south-western Cape from Table Mountain to the Cedarberg and Swartberg. Tetradactylus tetradactylus bilineatus Hewitt A rare eastern race known only from the type locality at Burghersdorp in the eastern Cape. Tetradactylus tetradactylus fitzsimonsi Hewitt A similarly poorly known form apparently restricted to the southern Cape Province from George to Port Elizabeth. Cordylosaurus Gray A monotypic genus of small, beautifully coloured gerrhosaurids, restricted to the western i regions of southern Africa. Two species, one with two races, were recognized by FitzSimons (1943), although he noted that the only available type of subtesselatus was possibly synono- mous with trivittatus. More importantly it had priority. He retained the two species, however, even though he was aware that Loveridge (1942) had synonomized them. Even more surpri- singly, he still recognized the poorly-defined southern race C. trivittatus australis Hewitt (dis- tinguished by a fused interparietal and parietal, and narrow dorsal light bands), although ear- j lier Parker (1936) had shown these characters to be unreliable. Loveridge (1942) recognized only a single, variable species, and this has been subsequently accepted (Mertens, 1955, 1971). Cordylosaurus subtessellatus (A. Smith) A small (usually less than 150 mm) gerrhosaurid that has a bright blue posterior region (although the type lacks this). Ranging from southern Angola throughout the western regions of Namibia and Little Namaqualand and reaching its southern limit at Matjesfontein in the i Cape Province. DOUBTFUL RECORDS In 1913 Hewitt and Power reported on a collection of lizards from the McGregor Museum, Kimberley. Two species listed by them for the Cape are of doubtful occurrence. Lygosoma sundevalli sundevalli (A. Smith) This small, semi-fossorial skink (for long known by the name Riopa sundevalli) has recent- ly been transferred to the large Afro-Asian genus Lygosoma (Greer, 1977). It extends in a wide belt across the northern regions of southern Africa, being replaced along the Mozambi- que flood plain by the large, speckled species, L. afer (Broadley, 1966b). The Kyky record given by Hewitt and Power (1913) is based on a dried scrap purchased from a Botswana CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS bushman (who considered it a much-prized antidote for snake bite). The specimen may thus have been obtained further north. No confirmed records for the Cape exist, although Broadley (1967b) collected specimens only 20 miles north of the tip of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Cordylus tropidosternum jonesi (Boulenger) Listed by Hewitt and Power (1913) as occurring at Kimberley, but having been introduced during the diamond-rush with timber brought to the mining camps. No recent records confirm its continued existence. Broadley (1966a) treated jonesi as a southern race of tropidosternum. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author is grateful to Dr D. G. Broadley (Umtali Museum), Dr G. McLachlan (South African Museum) and Mr W. Haacke (Transvaal Museum) for very helpful discussions con- cerning the taxonomic status and distribution of certain Cape lizards. J. Greig and R. Boycott (Jonkershoek Research Station) both supplied new locality records. REFERENCES Arnold, E. N. 1973. Relationships of the Palaearctic lizards assigned to the genera Lacerta, Algyroides and Psammo- dromus (Reptilia: Lacertidae). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. Zoology 25 (8): 291-366. Boulenger, G. A. 1921. Monograph of the Lacertidae. Vol. 2. London: British Museum (Natural History). Brain, C. K. 1962. A review of the gecko genus Ptenopus with a description of a new species. Cimbebasia 1: 1-18. Broadley, D. G. 1964. A review of the crag lizards (Genus Pseudocordylus) of Natal. Ann. Natal Mus. 16: 99-110. Broadley, D. G. 1966a. The herpetology of South East Africa. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. Natal, Pietermaritzburg. Broadley, D. G. 1966b. A review of the Riopa sundevalli group (Sauria: Scincidae) in southern Africa. Amoldia, Rhod. 2 (34): 1-7. Broadley, D. G. 1967a. The life cycles of two sympatric species of Ichnotropis (Sauria: Lacertidae). Zool. Afr. 3 (1): 1-2. Broadley, D. G. 1967b. An expedition to the south-western Kalahari, January-March 1967. J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr. 2: 19-30. Broadley, D. G. 1968. A revision of the African genus Typhlosaurus Wiegmann (Sauria: Scincidae). Arnoldia. Rhod. 3 (36): 1-20. Broadley, D. G. 1969. Two sympatric species of the Mabuya striata complex (Sauria: Scincidae) in the southern Kalahari. Koedoe 12: 11-14. Broadley, D. G. 1972. A review of the Nucras tessellata group. (Sauria: Lacertidae). Amoldia. Rhod. 5 (20): 1-36. Broadley, D. G. 1975. A review of the Mabuva lacertiformis complex in southern Africa (Sauria: Scincidae). Arnoldia. Rhod. 7 (18): 1-16. Broadley, D. G. 1977a. A review of the north eastern forms of the Pachydactylus capensis complex (Sauria: Gekkoni- dae). Arnoldia, Rhod. 8 (18): 1-20. Broadley, D. G. 1977b. A review of the Mabuya striata complex in South East Africa. (Sauria: Scincidae). Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod. Ser. B. 6 (2): 44-79. Broadley, D. G. 1978. A revision of the genus Platvsaurus A. Smith (Sauria: Cordylidae). Occ. Pap. natn. Mus. Rhod. Ser. B. 6 (4): 130-185. Broadley, D. G. and Greer, A. E. 1969. A revision of the genus Acontias Cuvier (Sauria: Scincidae). Amoldia, Rhod. 4 (26): 1-29. Broadley, D. G., Gans, C. and Visser, J. 1975. Studies on Amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia: Reptilia) 6. The genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in southern Africa. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 157 (5): 341-485. De Waal, S. W. P. 1978. The Squamata (Reptilia) of the Orange Free State, South Africa. Mem. Nat. Mus. Bloemfon- tain. 1: 1-160. Dowling, H. G. and Duellman, W. E. 1978. Systematic Herpetology: A synopsis of families and higher categories. New York: HISS Publications. Estes, R. 1962. A fossil Gerrhosaur from the Miocene of Kenya (Reptilia: Cordylidae). Brevoria 58: 1-10. FitzSimons, V. F. M. 1943. The Lizards of South Africa. Transv. Mus. Mem. 1: 1-528. FitzSimons, V. F. M. 1947. Description of new species and subspecies of reptiles and amphibians from Natal, together with notes on some other little-known species. Ann. Natal Mus. 11: 111-137. Gans, C. 1978. The characteristics and affinities of the Amphisbaenia. Trans, zool. Soc. Lond. 34 (3): 346-416. Greer, A. E. 1970a. A subfamilial classification of scincid lizards. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 139: 151-183. Greer, A. E. 1970b. The systematics and evolution of sub-Saharan Africa, Seychelles and Mauritius scincine scincid lizards. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 140: 1-23. 165 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 11, APRIL 1981 Greer, A. E. 1977. The systematics and evolutionary relationships of the scincid lizard genus Lygosoma. Jnl. nat. Hist. 11: 515-540. Haacke, W. D. 1964. Descriptions of two new species of lizards and notes on Fitzsimonsia brevipes (FitzSimons) from the Central Namib Desert. Scient. Pap. Namib Des. Res. Stn. 25: 1-15. Haacke, W. D. 1965. Additional notes on the herpetology of South West Africa with descriptions of two new sub- species of geckos. Cimbebasia 11: 1-40. Haacke, W. D. 1975. The burrowing geckos of southern Africa, 1 (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Ann. Transv. Mus. 29 (12): 197-247. Haacke, W. D. 1976a. The burrowing geckos of southern Africa, 2 (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Ann. Transv. Mas. 30 (2): 13-28. Haacke, W. D. 1976b. The burrowing geckos of southern Africa, 3 Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Ann. Transv. Mus. 30 (3): 29-39. Haacke, W. D. 1976c. The burrowing geckos of southern Africa, 4 (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Ann. Transv. Mus. 30 (5): 52-70. Haacke, W. D. 1976d. The burrowing geckos of southern Africa, 5 (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Ann. Transv. Mus. 30 (6): 71-89. Hewitt, J. 1937. Descriptions of South African lizards. Ann. Natal Mus. 8 (2): 199-210. Hewitt, J. and Power, J. H. 1913. A list of South African Lacertilia, Ophidia, and Batrachia in the McGregor Museum, Kimberley; with field notes on various species. Trans. R. Soc. S. Afr. 3: 147-176. Hillenius, D. 1959. The differentiation within the genus Chamaeleo Laurenti 1768. Beaufortia 8 (89): 1-92. Hillenius, D. 1963. Notes on Chameleons II. Chamaeleo laevigularis (L. Muller, 1926), a synonym of Chamaeleo johnstoni (Boulenger, 1901). Beaufortia 10 (117): 44-47. Kluge, A. G. 1967. Higher taxonomic categories of Gekkonid lizards and their evolution. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 135 (1): 1-59. Kruger, F. 1978. A description of the Fynbos Biome Project. S. Afr. Nat. Sci. Program. Rept. No. 28: 1-23. Laurent, R. F. 1964. Reptiles et Amphibiens de 1’ Angola. Publgoes cult. Co. Diam. Angola 67: 11-165. Loveridge, A. 1942. Revision of the African lizards of the family Gerrhosauride. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 89 (11): 486-543. Loveridge, A. 1944a. New geckos of the genera Afroedura, new Genus, and Pachydactylus from Angola. Am. Mus. Novit. No. 1254: 1-4. Loveridge, A. 1944b. Revision of the African lizards of the family Cordylidae. Bull Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 95: 1-118. Loveridge, A. 1947. Revision of the African lizards of the family Gekkonidae. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 98 (1): 1-469. Loveridge, A. 1957. Checklist of the reptiles and amphibians of East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar). Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv. 117 (2): 153-362, i-xxxvi. McDowell, S. B.. and Bogert, C. M. 1954. The systematic position of Lanthanotus and the affinities of Anguiomor- phan lizards. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 105 (1): 1-142. McLachlan, G. R. 1979a. Distribution of Cordylus macropholis. J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr. 20: 5. McLachlan, G. R. 1979b. The taxonomy of Pachydactylus rugosus. J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr. 21: 4-8. McLachlan, G. R. 1979c. A second specimen of Phyllodactylus microlepidotus. J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr. 21: 9. McLachlan, G. R. and Spence, J. M. 1966. The genus Pachydactylus (Part 1). Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. 5: 149-156. Mertens, R. 1955. Die Amphibien und Reptilien Siidwest-afrikas. Abh. senckenb. naturforsch. Ges. 490: 1-172. Mertens, R. 1971. Die Herpetofauna Siidwest-afrikas. Abh. senckenb. naturforsch. Ges. 529: 1-110. Onderstall, D. 1975. Some taxonomic and zoogeographic aspects of the gecko genus Afroedura. Lecture presented at the Symposium on Herpetology and Ichthyology, Kruger National Park, September 1975. Oelofsen, B. and Vorster, W. 1976. A new record for Ptenopus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from Calitzdorp. Zool. Afr. 11 (1): 225. Parker, H. W. 1936. Dr Karl Jordan's Expedition to South West Africa and Angola: Herpetological collections. Novit. zool. 40: 115-146. Pasteur, G. 1964. Recherches sur 1’evolution des lygodactyles, lezards Afro-Malgaches actuels. Trav. Inst, scient. cherif. Ser. zool. 29: 1-132. Pianka, E. R. 1971. Lizard species density in the Kalahari Desert. Ecology 52 (6): 1024-1029. Raw, L. R. G. 1976. A survey of the dwarf chameleons of Natal, South Africa, with descriptions of three new species (Sauria: Chameleonidae). Durban Mus. Novit. 11 (7): 139-161. Raw, L. R. G. 1978. A further new dwarf chameleon from Natal, South Africa (Sauria: Chameleonidae). Durban Mus. Novit. 11 (15): 265-269. Robertson, M. D. 1978. Sexual dichromatism in the Namaqua chamaeleon, Chamaeleo namaquensis. Madoqua 11 (1): 81-83. Russell, A. P. 1976. Some comments concerning inter-relationships amongst gekkonine geckos. In Bellairs and Cox eds, Morphology and biology of reptiles. London: Academic Press, pp. 217-244. Russell, A. P. 1977. The genera Rhotropus and Phelsuma (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) in Southern Africa: A case of convergence and a reconsideration of the biogeography of Phelsuma. Zool. Afr. 12 (2): 393-408. 166 CHECKLIST OF CAPE LIZARDS Saiff, E. I. 1970. Georgraphical variation in the genus Zygaspis (Amphisbaenia: Reptilia). Herpetologica 26: 86-119. Scherbach, N. N. 1975. Catalogue of African Desert Lizards. Acad. Sci. Kiev, USSR. Schmidt, K. P. 1934. The reptiles of the Pulitzer Angola Expedition. Ann. Carneg. Mus. 22: 1-15. Smith, H. M., Martin, R. L. and Swain, T. A. 1977. A new genus and two new species of South American geckos (Reptilia: Lacertilia). Papeis Dep. Zool. S. Paulo 30 (14): 195-213. Steyn, W. and Haacke, W. D. 1966. A new web-footed Gekko (Kaokogecko vanzyli gen. et. sp. nov.) from the North-western South West Africa. Cimbebasia 18: 1-23. Underwood, G. 1954. On the classification and evolution of geckos. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 124: 469-472. Visser, J. 1971. Cordylus cordylus and its races in the Cape Province — A general discussion. J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr. 7: 18-20. Visser, J. 1979. New and re-confirmed records for the Cape Province with notes on some “rare" species. J. Herpetol. Assoc. Afr. 21: 40-48. Manuscript accepted for publication 12 September 1980. 167 \ !\ (o 13 N \A ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 13 • PART 12 30th APRIL 1981 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTGWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD9451 Collections of Recent mammals in southern Africa by LLOYD R. WINGATE Department of Zoology, University of Transkei, Private Bag X5092, Umtata and PIERRE SWANEPOEL Kaffrarian Museum, King William’s Town 5600 INTRODUCTION “Systematics collections are complex information acquisition, storage and retrieval sys- tems comprising specimen samples of organisms and associated information about them” (Irwin et al., 1973). “Systematics collections of plants and animals are the only permanent record of the earth’s biota, and the specialized libraries attached to these collections are the written record of the earth’s natural history” (National Research Council Committee on research in the life sciences, 1970). Although the need for general collections from all parts of the world has diminished through the advanced development of traditional mammalogy, the need for improving regional representation in museums continues. The main reason for this is the value of collections as the origin of ideas. Although it is often possible to assemble enough specimens from various museums to address a given problem, it is also true that the problem might not have been obvious in the first place without sufficient material of a taxon in any one museum to indicate that such a problem exists (Zusi, 1969). Few southern African institutions have Recent mammal collections of sufficient size to carry out an adequate systematic study of any one taxon. This is probably true for most museums the world over in all biological disciplines. Therefore, a very important function of a collection is to make study material available to any bona fide research worker. Collections are scattered worldwide and with the proliferation and growth of collections, locating material which one wishes to study has become a problem. The various mammal collections spread across southern Africa are obviously of great importance to workers on African, and especially on southern African mammals. If such workers do not know of the existence or whereabouts of all the available material of a taxon under review they may be unable to produce conclusive results. This would also be an indirect waste of time and money by both the systematist involved and the institutes which collected the unused material. An example in hand is the revision of the endemic African family Macroscelididae “based on the entire collection of the British Museum, amounting to about a thousand specimens, along with 169 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 12, APRIL 1981 smaller numbers received on loan or examined in other institutions” (Corbet and Hanks, | 1968). By these authors’ own admission most species could not be treated adequately at the subspecific level because “distribution and variation” were not better known. Fewer than 80 specimens were examined from collections in Africa, only 11 of these specimens being housed in southern African collections. At the time more than a thousand additional specimens of the family Macroscelididae were available for study in southern African mammal collections. The authors believe that the present paper will help workers on African mammals by focusing their attention on material which is available in collections from this area. No previous survey of southern African collections of Recent mammals and their uses has been conducted. Such surveys have regularly been undertaken in North America (Howell, 1923; Doutt et al., 1945; Anderson et al., 1963; Choate and Genoways, 1975; Genoways et al., 1976). At present a survey concerning mammal collections of the world is being conducted by Hugh H. Genoways and Duane A. Schlitter. Their survey, however, is not planned to be as extensive as those recently carried out for North America. (Choate and Genoways, 1975; Genoways et al., 1976), or the present study for southern Africa. The general method of conducting the present survey closely follows that of Choate and Genoways (1975). The authors’ objectives were to assess: (1) the size, scope, and location of the systematic resources of mammalogy in southern Africa; (2) the curatorial status of these collections; (3) the actual use of the collection by the systematics community and others; and (4) how to obtain the maximum use out of these collections. They hope the information obtained and presented here will permit the assessment of problems within the discipline, and generate some thought and discussion on how to correct these. For the purpose of this survey the authors considered southern Africa as the area south of the Cunene — Zambezi rivers, including the following countries: Bophuthatswana, Botswana (formerly Bechuanaland), Lesotho (formerly Basutoland), Mozambique, South Africa, South West Africa/Namibia, Swaziland, Transkei, Venda and Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia, South- ern Rhodesia). A questionnaire (Appendix 1) based on that of Choate and Genoways (1975) was drawn up requesting details about the status of collections of Recent mammals as on 1 June 1978. Questionnaires were mailed to: (a) museums; (b) other institutions and private individuals known to have or suspected of having collections of Recent mammals; (c) conservation and wildlife departments; (d) national parks; (e) forestry departments; (f) agricultural depart- ments; and (g) universities. A mailing list was included with each questionnaire and all reci- pients were requested to inform the authors if they were aware of any additional collections in southern Africa. Notices to this effect were also placed in the Bulletin of the Southern African Museums Association (SAMAB). Further questionnaires were sent in response to answered notices and to notifications of institutions or persons suspected of holding collections. Subsequently, letters were sent to the curators of the 15 collections reported to have 1 000 or more specimens, requesting the following information: When was the collection started? What was the size of the collection on 1 June 1918, 1 June 1938, 1 June 1958, 1 June 1968, 1 June 1973 and 1 June 1976? In response to the 121 questionnaires mailed, 91 (75%) replies were received, 41 of which reported collections of over 20 specimens (Table 1). Collections of fewer than 20 specimens were ignored for the purposes of this survey. Based on these replies, the 41 collections of Recent mammals known to exist in southern Africa, held a total of 174 073 specimens on 1 June 1978. No collections of Recent mammals were reported from the following countries: Bophuthatswana, Botswana (formerly Bechuanaland), Lesotho (formerly Basutoland), Swazi- land, Transkei, or Venda. Table 1 summarizes the numbers of collections and specimens housed in the remaining four countries, viz. , Mozambique, South Africa, South West Africa/ 170 COLLECTIONS OF RECENT MAMMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Table 1. — Numbers of Recent mammal specimens and of holotypes and other type specimens in southern African collections (Numbers in brackets refer to collection numbers used in text). Institution Total number of specimens Number of holotypes and other types National Museum of Rhodesia (37) 67 000 2 Transvaal Museum (30) 28 000 439 Kaffrarian Museum (10) 25 400 30 South African Museum (3) 9 200 13 Queen Victoria Museum (40) 8 030 0 State Museum (36) 7 800 0 S.W.A. Division of Nature Conservation and Tourism — Etosha Ecological Institute (34) 3 689 0 Albany Museum (7) 2 952 4 Natal Museum (22) 2 800 0 University of Rhodesia — Museum of Zoology (41) 2 136 0 Blair Research Laboratory (39) 2 000 0 Cape Provincial Department of Nature & Environmental Conservation — Vrolijkheid (13) 1 800 0 National Museum, Bloemfontein (25) 1 300 0 University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg (24) 1 216 0 Port Elizabeth Museum (12) 1 150 0 Cape Provincial Department of Nature and Environmen- tal Conservation — Jonkershoek (14) 880 0 Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (2) 836 0 University of the Witwatersrand — Bernard Price Institute (28) 700 0 University of Stellenbosch — John R. Ellerman Museum (16) 668 0 Durban Museum (19) 667 0 University of Cape Town (4) 650 0 Orange Free State Division of Nature Conservation (26) 600 0 N. G. Palmer collection (5) 600 0 S.W.A. Division of Nature Conservation and Tourism — Windhoek (35) 593 0 University of Pretoria (31 ) 478 0 South African Institute for Medical Research, Depart- ment of Epidemiology (27) 350 0 South African National Parks Board — Kruger National Park (32) 350 0 University of Stellenbosch — Department of Forestry (15) 300 0 L. R. Wingate collection (11) 284 0 McGregor Museum (9) 250 0 Natal Parks, Game and Fish Preservation Board — Hluhluwe (21) 241 0 Museu de Historia Natural (1) 208 0 171 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 13 PT 12, APRIL 1981 Institution Total number of specimens Number of holotypes and other types Natal Parks, Game and Fish Preservation Board — Pieter- maritzburg (23) 200 0 P. B. Fourie collection (29) 180 0 University of Natal, Durban (20) 173 0 Cape Provincial Department of Nature & Environmental Conservation — Rolfontein (18) 132 0 South African Department of Forestry — Saasveld Museum (6) 85 0 W. R. J. Dean collection (33) 60 0 Rhodes University (8) 45 0 Sable Park Museum (38) 40 0 South African National Parks Board — Tsitsikama National Park (17) 30 0 Namibia and Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia). Collections in Mopambique house 0,6 per cent (1 044 specimens) of the known material present in southern Africa, South Africa 47,0 per cent (81 741 specimens), South West Africa/Namibia 6,9 per cent (12 082 specimens), and Zimbabwe 45,5 per cent (79 206 specimens). The size increase since 1918 of 10 of the biggest collections is shown in Table 2. Ninety-five per cent (164 473 specimens) of this material is housed in 15 collections of 1 000 specimens or more, 69 per cent in three collections of over 20 000 specimens, and 39 per cent in the largest collection (National Museum of Rhodesia). Of the 15 collections holding over 1 000 specimens, four are situated in Zimbabwe, two in South West Africa/Namibia, and the rest in South Africa. Three of these 15 collections (Etosha Ecological Institute, University of Rhodesia, University of Natal at Pietermaritzburg) are essentially teaching collections, and one (Blair Research Laboratory) houses mainly cranial material. Five collections in southern Africa house all the holotypes and other types (488) known to be present in southern Africa. The majority (90%) of these are held by the Transvaal Museum. Only one publication listing holotypes and other types of mammals has been pub- lished in southern Africa (South African Museums’ Association, 1958). Holotypes and other types of Recent mammals present in only two southern African museums (Kaffrarian Museum, Transvaal Museum) were listed in this publication. For the Kaffrarian Museum, at least, many mistakes are present, and at the moment a revised and annotated list of holotypes and other types is being drawn up for the Kaffrarian Museum collection. The Umtali Museum in Zimbabwe, which houses a large herpetological collection, keeps only a small reference collection of mammals, not reported herein, and passes on all other mam- mal material to the National Museum in Bulawayo. Generally only a relatively small collection of mammals is held at Queen Victoria Museum, apart from material the curator may be study- ing. The bulk of the Zimbabwean mammal material is deposited in the National Museum. The East London Museum mammal collection (approximately 1 000 specimens) is now catalogued and housed on permanent loan in the Kaffrarian Museum. 172 Table 2. — Growth of the major collections of Recent mammals in southern Africa over the last 60 years. COLLECTIONS OF RECENT MAMMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 1978 9 200 1 150 25 400 1 800 2 800 1 300 28 000 7 800 67 000 2 000 O 04 O 0 3-00 »n o o NO r- O O O co o m ON o O i/l O' 3 r- o C3 «.2 c o 3 o rjJ s.s^> C o 3 to 2 03 __ r cl o 3 CO I 3 £ i U 3 - •K 0.2 > c3 cd cd w Z & c '5 c £ 6 0) o 5 S c 0> 5 C/3 3 G CL) ^ 3 „ 5 3 ^ 3 3-2 rt CO z z £ < e 3 E o 3 co m* 2 % m ^ •W5' m m ^“INSTITUTION^ NOIiniilSNl“NVINOSHimS S3 I H VH 9 ll“u B R AR I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 2 cn Z "y "* < AN'.- 2 .< 2«'y m )^>v 2 XjVA5>v*y m MS^Sl iaVHail”L!BRAR! ES SMITHSONIAN^INSTITUTlON^NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1MS S3 I aVH9 11 in z \ 52 _ . z \ (£ ’’’ \N INSTITUTION NO!inmSNI_NVINOSHllWS . S3 I H VH 3 11_ll B RAR I ES SMITHSONIAN JNSTITUTION O Z XSy o ^ 2 -1 Z _ ass saiavasn libraries Smithsonian institution NoiiniiiSNi^NViNOSHiiws^ss iavu as t- in AN = INSTITUT!ON05 NOlinillSNl"” NVINOSHillNS S3 I HVH 8 n“L! B RAR I ES SMITHSONIAN “INSTITUTION (n z C/> Z - U1 2 «r ^IsoSTx S < _ m ^ r ' p, g m R I ESWSMIIHSON!AN“lNST!TUIION^NOIiniSISNl”NVINOSHl!WS S3 I HVd a II J-* B RAR I ES SMITHSOf to z \ to z <£ Z ' E /^SS^v < -■ /^^Wk0-^ -p __ _ _ X CO O > i *NJJT “•" ' ' I 1' * ' - I1SNI NVINOSHlIINS^SS I dVdail^LIBRAR I ES^SMITHSQNIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUllSNI_NVINOSH 5 \ to — w zz ___ CO ^ 2 2^ CO ^ “ xg|jS|x W UJ CO 6 Q “ Z -I 2 J 2 RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUliSNI NVINQSHlllNS S3 I d VH 0 11 LI B R AR I ES SMITHSO z T ^ z r~ .. z . 5 L^X £ .• m xSx 9. x^E5"x m 4ft « 2 x^^STX ro m g x^oTTRS^ m 'Sft. ^ xiom^x m II1SN|—NVIN0SHIIINS S3 I d Vd 9 I "1 L S B R AR 1 ES^SMITHSONIAN “INSTITUTION NOIlfUliSNI NVINOSH • ./I S .,,/ dki ! ,4SS^ I Jk. S -v aA. ^ W > _ „ __ ^ ^ I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUliSNI NVINOSHlIIAIS^Sa I dVd 9 11 LIBRARIES SMITHSO m 5 in ” . to X „ ^ 01 i.i — >X _ VOJLLS^X O ItlSNl^NVINOSHillAIS^SB I dVd 0 ll^LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN”lNSTITUT!ON-NOIiniliSN! NVINOSH r- v z r~ 2 r* z r > iR I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUliSNI NVIN0SH1IIAIS S3ldVd9ll LIBRAR I ES SMITHSC CO _ 2 -- C/5 2 CO 2 N § i X * ^ S /«C2S\ 1 I X. , 1 /g® > 5 . 5 _ _ LIlSNI NVINOSHlIINS^Sa I dVd a ll\l B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ' NOIlfUliSNI _NVINOSE to . = CO “ to 2 § O o z o z J 2 _J 2 \R I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ^NOIlfUliSNI NVIN0SH1IINS S3 I d VH 9 11^ LI B R AR I ES^ SMITHS( % I ^ , >5 I /S^5s S .^5 % P , , / 03 P3 > ;□ V*T - Vr m «; ro 'sr, ^ x^uus^x m „ w £ co X „ to 1I1SNI NVINOSHlIINS S3ldVdail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlfUliSNI NVINOSf 2 CO z to 2 ,v.- to 2