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Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Volume 14 Parts 1-8 1981-83 Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series. Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the collection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in con- nection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahams- town 6140. Editor DrF.W.GESS: 1978- LIST OF CONTENTS 1. Some aspects of an ethological study of the aculeate wasps and the bees of a karroid area in the vicinity of Grahamstown, South Africa. F. W. Gess 1 2. A selected bibliography of literature on Odonata from Africa and adjacent islands. Part 2. B. C. Wilmot and L. P. Wilmot 81 3. On the taxonomic status of Heleophryne regis Hewitt, 1909 (Anura: Lepto- dactylidae). Richard Boycott 89 4. Three new species and a new genus of tripterygiid fishes (Blennioidei) from the Indo- West Pacific Ocean. Wouter Holleman 109 5. Some aspects of the ethology of Chalybion (Hemichalybion) spinolae (Lepe- letier) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Sphecinae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. F. W. Gess, S. K. Gess and A. J. S. Weaving 139 6. Ethological studies of Isodontia simoni (du Buysson), I. pelopoeiformis (Dahl- bom) and 1. stanleyi (Kohl) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Sphecinae) in the East- ern Cape Province of South Africa. F. W. Gess and S. K. Gess 151 7. Historical atlas of the diurnal raptors of the Cape Province (Aves: Falconi- formes). A. F. Boshoff, C. J. Vernon and R. K. Brooke 173 8. On the Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) of Southern Africa with keys to African genera of imagos, larvae and pupae and species lists. K. M. F. Scott . . 299 INDEX TO AUTHORS BOSHOFF, A. F., C. J. VERNON and R. K. BROOKE. Historical atlas of the diurnal raptors of the Cape Province. (Aves: Falconiformes) (7) Febr. 1983 . 173-297 BOYCOTT. RICHARD. On the taxonomic status of Heleophryne regis Hewitt, 1909 (Anura: Leptodactylidae). (3) July 1982 . 89-108 BROOKE, R. K. see BOSHOFF, A. F., C. J. VERNON and R. K. BROOKE. GESS.F. W. Some aspects of an ethological study of the aculeate wasps and the bees of a karroid area in the vicinity of Grahamstown, South Africa. (1) Oct. 1981 1-80 GESS, F. W. and S. K. GESS. Ethological studies of Isodontia simoni (du Buysson), I. pelopoeiformis (Dahlbom) and I. stanleyi (Kohl) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Sphecinae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. (6) Nov. 1982 151-171 GESS, F. W., S. K. GESS and A. J. S. WEAVING. Some aspects of the ethology of Chalybion (Hemichalybion) spinolae (Lepeletier) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Sphecinae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. (5) Oct. 1982 139-149 GESS. S. K. see GESS, F. W. and S. K. GESS. GESS, S. K. see GESS, F. W., S. K. GESS and A. J. S. WEAVING. HOLLEMAN, WOUTER. Three new species and a new genus of tripterygiid fishes (Blennioidei) from the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. (4) Oct. 1982 109-137 SCOTT, K. M. F. On the Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) of Southern Africa with keys to African genera of imagos, larvae and pupae and species lists. (8) June 1983 299-422 VERNON, C. J. see BOSHOFF, A. F., C. J. VERNON and R. K. BROOKE. WEAVING, A. J. S. see GESS, F. W.,S. K. GESS and A. J. S. WEAVING. WILMOT, B. C. and L. P. WILMOT. A selected bibliography of literature on Odonata from Africa and adjacent islands. Part 2. (2) July 1982 81-87 WILMOT, L. P. see WILMOT, B. C. and L. P. WILMOT. NEW NAMES PROPOSED IN THIS VOLUME GENERA Cremnochorites (Pisces, Tripterygiidae) Holleman, 1982 125 SPECIES clarkae (Eimeapterygius) Holleman, 1982 121 fuscopinna (Helcogramma) Holleman, 1982 115 ventermaculus (Enneapterygius) Holleman, 1982 123 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAYOUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted in triplicate, typed on A4 size paper, double- spaced, on one side of the paper only and with wide margins all round. Only generic and specific names should be underlined to indicate italics. All other mark- ing up should be left to the editor. Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible. All measurements should be metric. Systematic papers should follow the rules of the International code of zoological nomen- clature or the International code of botanical nomenclature , as applicable. ILLUSTRATIONS should bear the author’s name, title of paper and number in soft pencil on the reverse side. Diagrams, line drawings and photographs are all regarded as figures, should be termed as such and should be numbered in a single series. In addition to the original illustrations a photocopy of each should be submitted. Diagrams and line drawings should be reducible to a size not exceeding 14 x 16 cm (17,5 cm including caption). Photographs for half-tone blocks should be final size, of high contrast and printed on glossy paper. Colour illustrations are only printed under special circumstances and their financing must be arranged by the author. A scale should appear with all illustrations or the magnification should be given in the caption. A list of captions should be typed on a separate sheet. TABLES should be typed on separate sheets. Foldouts and tables printed sideways should be avoided. REFERENCES should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. Abbreviations of periodical titles should conform with those in the World list of scientific periodicals (4th ed.). Layout must be as follows: Alexander, J. 1969. The indirect evidence for domestication. In: Ucko, P. J. and G. W. Dimbleby eds , The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals. London: Duckworth, pp. 123-129. De Winter, B. 1969. Plant taxonomy today. S.Afr.J.Sci. 65 (8): 229-242. Jubb, R. A. 1967. Freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Cape Town: Balkema. GALLEY PROOFS are sent (when practicable) to authors for checking printer’s errors. Adjustments of language, style and punctuation and any other amendments of the original manuscript, if made at this stage, may be charged to authors. AUTHOR’S COPIES (50) are issued free of charge. When more than one author is involved the fifty free copies will be sent to the senior author. Additional copies ordered before printing are supplied at a reduced cost. BD5276 — CTP Book Printers, Cape Am •'»’ nti fa. "r Cape Prov . •.v«iroiwTvmvtrofm74Tm7S7m7n,ff47TOwiHT«m««n y. *.* ». yfvy;/" KmOWiU-WI'SiWW ^r~-Y'S“ mtwmwm Jlmt inmi 1 *«* *** «H iftv PUBLISHED jd|iMY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT' THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN . SOUTH' AFRICA . ]MM I fillll I lii 1 1 Si 111 fj ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) \R o 198 -ifiRARitS VOLUME 14 • PART 1 20th OCTOBER 1981 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD9S36 Some aspects of an ethological study of the aculeate wasps and the bees of a karroid area in the vicinity of Grahamstown, South Africa by F. W. GESS (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Aspects of the ecology of the study area Location and topography 3 Geology and soil types 5 Climate 7 Vegetation 8 Forage plants 9 Seasonal cycles of wasps and bees 9 A classification of the aculeate wasps and of the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology 9 Annotated list of the aculeate wasps and of the bees of the study area, arranged accord- ing to the classification based on their ethology 16 Discussion 36 Acknowledgements 78 References 79 ABSTRACT The present paper is based upon a survey of the aculeate wasps and the bees of a karroid area in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The location, topography, geology, climate and vegetation of the study area are outlined. An annotated list of 241 species arranged on the basis of their ethology is given. There follows a discussion of the nesting behaviour of the community as a whole showing how the diversity of the ethology of such a large number of sympatric species results in their ecological displacement and giving some indication of the phylogenetic pattern leading to this diversity. From a dissertation approved for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Rhodes University. 1 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 INTRODUCTION During the eleven year period 1970-1980, the aculeate Hymenoptera occurring at Hilton, a farm situated near Grahamstown, South Africa, were the subjects of extensive study by the author and his wife and frequent co-author, S. K. Gess. The choice of Hilton for the study followed the sampling of insect populations in areas of various differing vegetation types in the vicinity of Grahamstown. From this survey it was concluded that a karroid area showed the greatest promise with respect to potentially interest- ing species. Fieldwork at Hilton embraced the formation of extensive collections in the form of fre- quent samples taken of the populations associated with various ecological situations. Methods of sampling, besides the use of hand nets, included the use of Malaise traps and trap-nests. Concomitant with the sampling of the populations, field studies of the nesting of many indi- vidual species belonging to a range of families of both wasps and bees were pursued. An outcome of this work was the publication between 1974 and 1980 of a number of papers deal- ing with the ethology of certain species of solitary wasps (Gess, 1978, 1980a and 1980b; Gess and Gess, 1974, 1975, 1976a, 1976b, 1980a, 1980b, 1980c and 1980d). Further publications of a similar nature are in preparation. Among the species already reported upon in the above listed publications are two species of Dichragenia, D. pulchricoma (Arnold) and D. neavei (Kohl) which are of particular interest as, in the Pompilidae, they bridge the gap between fossorial nesters and mud-using aerial nes- ters. Similarly, in two species of Bembecinus, B. cinguliger (Smith) and B. oxydorcus (Hand- lirsch), the use of water in the excavation of the nest and the construction of a mud entrance turret appears to represent a nest type previously unknown in the Sphecidae. Parachilus insig- nis (Saussure) is shown to sub-divide the cell into an egg compartment and a pantry compart- ment in which way it differs in behaviour from other species of Eumenidae. The ethological account of the three species of Ceramius (Masaridae) clarifies some uncertainties and serious misconceptions, most notably showing that C. lichtensteinii (Klug) is a mass provisioner and not as was previously believed a progressive provisioner. The accounts of the nesting of Para- chilus insignis (Saussure) (Eumenidae), Jugurtia confusa Richards (Masaridae) and Kohliella alaris Brauns (Sphecidae) are the first for the three genera to which these species belong. That of Holotachysphex turned (Arnold) (Sphecidae) greatly augments what little was previously known of the ethology of its genus. Of particular interest with respect to Dasyproctus wester - manni (Dahlbom) (Sphecidae) is the orientation of the pupae which appears to be governed by gravity rather than by the position of the nest entrance which is usually the rule. For the genus Cerceris (Sphecidae) twelve new prey associations give weight to the author’s hypothesis that Cerceris is an Old World genus, that its original prey was hymenopterous and that the taking of Coleoptera is derived. The present paper represents the hitherto unpublished portion of a dissertation submitted to Rhodes University and approved for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Other than in the omission of the above listed previously published papers as well as three further papers of a supporting nature (all bound into the dissertation) the present paper deviates from the dis- sertation only in the following respects: in the substitution of an abstract for the original sum- mary; in the present expanded introduction; in the modified list of references (omitting refer- ences listed in and pertaining to the published papers); in the omission of an appendix listing plant species characterizing the vegetation communities of Hilton. The study is the first attempt in southern Africa to consider an entire community of acule- ate wasps and bees and their interactions with their environment as manifested by their etholo- gy. As far as the author has been able to ascertain it is in fact the most comprehensive of its kind to have been undertaken anywhere. The only comparable account, that of Evans (1970), 2 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES is more restricted in its scope as it is mainly concerned with fossorial species and their associ- ates. It moreover deals with a fauna already fairly well known whereas the present study deals with a fauna which is largely unstudied ethologically. By its nature, the present paper serves also to place in correct context within the community of which they are members those species concerning which ethological studies have already been published and provides a matrix within which the subjects of further, yet to be published, ethological studies may be fitted. All the material, including voucher specimens, amassed during the course of the study is housed in the collection of the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, in which institution are depo- sited also all relevant fieldnotes. ASPECTS OF THE ECOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA Location and topography The farm Hilton, the site of the present study, is situated 18 kilometres WNW of Grahams- town (33° 19'S., 26° 32'E.) in the Albany Division of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa very close to the midpoint of a straight line connecting the village of Riebeek East and Grahamstown (Figs 1 and 2). Fig. 1. Map of southern Africa showing position of study area. 3 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 2. Topographical map showing position of study area. Situated on the course of the New Year’s River, Hilton at a minimum altitude of 1 550 -1 650 feet (472-503 m) above sea level occupies low-lying land more or less surrounded by rising ground forming the lower slopes of a series of sub-parallel mountain ranges running roughly ESE. Within a radius of 25 kilometres of Hilton these ranges consist of an unnamed range passing through the trigonometrical point Grootfontein at 3 058 feet (932 m) just to the 4 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES north of Riebeek East; another range, the Swartwatersberg, just south of Riebeek East which rises to a height of 3 010 feet (917 m) at the beacon Riebeek; a third which passes just south of Grahamstown and which, near Highlands at a point roughly 13 kilometres SSW of Hilton, attains 2 727 feet (831 m) and finally Botha’s Hill ridge to the north of Grahamstown which rises to 2 780 feet (847 m) at Driver’s Hill. South of the range through Highlands the topogra- phy consists of a series of dissected peneplains gradually dropping in elevation southwards towards the coast, 58 kilometres due S of Hilton. As will be shown below, the climate of Hilton and especially the rainfall is influenced to a marked extent by the surrounding topogra- phy, the ranges immediately to the south being of particular importance. At Hilton itself the altitude of the study area varies from a minimum of just less than 1 550 feet (472 m) in the river bed at the foot of the cliff to the west to a maximum of about 1 850 feet (564 m) on the slopes of the E-W ridge to the south. Most of the study area, however, is situated at an altitude of between 1 550 and 1 650 feet (472 and 503 m) (Fig. 3.) The New Year’s River which rises just north of Grahamstown enters the study area from the north-east and after a markedly meandering course across the low-lying flat area of Hilton leaves the study area in the south-west shortly before winding through precipitous gorges on its way to Alicedale where it joins the Bushman’s River. Along its course through Hilton the river is impounded at two points by stone weirs with the result that upstream from these weirs water is present at all seasons in two reaches of considerable length (1 300-1 500 m). Below the weirs the river breaks up into isolated pools during the dry seasons. Several small seasonal tributaries in wide shallow valleys join the New Year’s River along its course through Hilton. Of particular importance with respect to the present study is a tributary, marked as the Iron Put River on the Geological Survey Cape Sheet No. 9, which enters the study area from the south-east, flows more or less parallel to the rising ground in the south and joins the river about 450 m upstream of the lower weir. Arising in the mountains (the third range listed above) and draining an area S to SE of Hilton in the vicinity of Atherstone, this tributory (the Iron Put R.) falls in altitude by 700 feet (213 m) over the distance of about 8 kilometres from its sources to its confluence with the New Year’s River at the point indicated above. After an initial rapid rate of descent the rate decreases progressively and over the last 2Vz kilometres before the confluence the fall is of the order of 90 feet (27 m). In the study area its course is over only very slightly sloping ground and is in the form of shallowly incised meanders cut into its flood plain. Frequently it is completely dry or at most holds a few pools but following heavy rain in its catchment area comes down in flood, overflowing its banks and spreading over its flood- plain. About 2 kilometres above its confluence with the New Year’s River a dam across the course of this tributary provides water for a furrow running below the 1 600 foot contour across the central part of the study area. Also in this part of the study area is a shallow earth dam fed after rain by run-off from slightly sloping ground to the east and partly by water overflowing from a break in the above furrow, the lower course of which passes immediately to the north of the dam. In both the dam and the furrow water is seasonal and temporary. Water generally flows in the furrow for some time after good rains have fallen in the catchment area but as the dry season advances the water shrinks to stagnant pools and then dries up completely. Geology and soil types Geologically Hilton is situated upon three conformable strata: from south to north these are the Lower Witteberg Quartzites, the Upper Witteberg Shales (both belonging to the Cape Supergroup) and Dwyka Tillite (the oldest stratum of the overlying Karroo Supergroup). The contact between the strata of the Cape and the Karroo Supergroups is situated im- mediately outside the study area to the north more or less in line with the road to Riebeek 5 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 6 Fig. 3. Map of study area. GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES East where this passes the turn-off to the Hilton homestead. Strata within the study area are thus limited to the two Witteberg formations. The pale grey Witteberg Quartzites form the ridge at the south of the study area and indeed are the materials of the entire series of previously listed sub-parallel mountain ranges of which the ridge is a part. The rather dark coloured Witteberg Shales on the other hand form the lower-lying land between the ridge in the south and the Dwyka Tillite in the north. The cliff at the west of the study area is cut across this shale formation (Fig. 9) which is exposed also in the river bed below the lower weir and at a point where the farm road crosses the 1 600 foot contour on the rise north of the earth dam. On this rise are also found blocks of a dark sandstone derived from a band of this material in the shale. Upon weathering the Witteberg Quartzites give rise to a light grey sandy soil whereas the Witteberg Shales (as also the Dwyka Tillite) give rise to brownish and reddish clayey soils. As the entire study area, excepting the ridge in the south, is situated upon Witteberg Shales it follows that the reddish clayey soil derived from this formation is basically the domi- nant soil of the area. Whereas the clayey soil is somewhat thin in places on slopes such as those of the rising ground north-east and east of the earth dam where the bedrock may be barely covered, considerable thicknesses of this soil are present in lower-lying areas such as that below the 1 600 foot contour east of the earth dam (Fig. 6) At this juncture it may be noted that in describing the clayey soil of this particular locality within the study areas Gess and Gess (1974: 192 and 1975: 24) stated that it was derived from the Dwyka Series. This identification was consequent upon the use of the older geological classification which regarded the shales in question as belonging to the Lower Dwyka rather than to the Upper Witteberg. In the southern half of the study area light coloured sandy soil occurs overlying the clayey soil and is in places intermixed with it. This sandy soil derived from the weathering of the Witteberg Quartzite has two separate origins. On the higher ground in the south of the study area the overlying sand is derived from the ridge and has been transported downhill by sheet erosion. In thickness this sand tails off downslope (i.e. northwards). On the lower ground below the 1 600 foot contour a wide band of similar sand but of alluvial origin has been depo- sited upon its flood plain by the tributary of the New Year’s River previously referred to as the Iron Put River. Near the middle of the flood plain near the present incised course of the tributary the depth of alluvial sand is of the order of several feet, sufficiently deep for the establishment of a pit (Fig. 5) for the removal of building sand and for the excavation by aardvarks (Orycteropus afer) of their deep burrows. Climate The Albany Division, situated between the winter and summer rainfall regions, receives rain in moderate amounts throughout the year, the wettest periods being spring and autumn, the driest mid-winter. The overall rainfall pattern for the region has been indicated by Dyer (1937: 33-34) who showed the marked effect of topography upon precipitation. That author showed that rain clouds from the coast on coming into contact with higher altitudes precipitate moisture either in the form of rain or mist but that they pass uninterruptedly over lower valley levels which are therefore drier. Specifically, regions of greater rainfall were shown to be the previously de- scribed series of sub-parallel ESE running mountain ranges and further north the Fish River Rand whereas the low, broad Fish River Valley, situated between these two belts of higher ground, was shown to be a region of low rainfall. The distribution of rainfall at Hilton and its more immediate surroundings fits well into the overall pattern. This may be illustrated by means of average annual rainfall figures for several localities in the area concerned. At Clifton at 1 276 feet (389 m) above sea level on the 7 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 peneplain near Seven Fountains, 22 km S of Hilton on the coastal side of the ESE ranges the average annual rainfall is 575 mm (22,6") (Weather Bureau, 1965). Proceeding northwards the rainfall figures rise with increasing altitude till the crest of the ESE range is reached where it is assumed the rainfall is highest. Unfortunately records for the crest are mostly unobtainable for, as Dyer (1937) has pointed out, homesteads, the site of most rainfall stations, are general- ly placed in more protected positions. Thus of four recording stations on the relevant part of the range only one. Faraway near Coldsprings, is on the crest whereas the other three are below the crest on the inland (drier) side. Proceeding along the range from west to east, Atherstone at 2 263 feet (690 m) has an average annual rainfall of 573 mm (22,55") (Dyer, 1937); Slaaikraal at 1 949 feet (594 m) has 652 mm (25,7") (Weather Bureau, 1965): Faraway at slightly above 2 400 feet (732 m) has circa 864 mm (34") (pers. comm. C. F. Jacot Guillarmod, Oct., 1978), and Grahamstown at 1 768 feet (539 m) has 688 mm (27,1") (Weather Bureau, 1965). The average annual rainfall figure for Hilton: circa 356 mm (14") (pers. comm. T. C. White, Febr., 1973) is in marked contrast to the above rainfall figures for localities on the ranges. The low rainfall at Hilton is clearly attributable to the nature of the topography for at 1 600 feet (488 m) the study area lies 700-1 100 feet (213-335 m) below the crests of the ESE ranges only 7-12 kilometres distant to the SW, S and SE and is therefore situated in a rain shadow area similar to that of the Fish River Valley to the north. The low rainfall in the rain shadow at Hilton raises to considerable ecological importance the fact that the catchment areas of the water courses passing through the study area are in regions of greater rainfall on higher ground. The introduction of water from outside the rain shadow area results in the presence of semi-permanent to permanent water (apart from in- pounded water such as in the earth dam) even when the study area itself is very dry. Vegetation From a consideration of “Veld Types of South Africa” (Acocks, 1953) and the accom- panying map the study area is seen to lie on the tongue of False Karroid Broken Veld which extends eastwards towards Grahamstown, principally along the valley of the New Year’s River. As the land rises to the north and south there is a transition to Valley Bushveld merging into Eastern Province Thornveld in the south-east. False Macchia is present in the highest areas. The study area is characterized by dwarf karroo scrub with, where sufficient water and bare earth are available, an addition of thorn scrub and along the river banks an admixture of small trees. The sandy foot of the E-W ridge in the south is characterized by grassveld which gives way to scattered succulents, notably Aloe ferox, and xerophytic bushes on the dry, rocky north-facing slope (Fig. 13). To the west of the study area the valleys become narrower and steeper and are characterized by Valley Bushveld which gives way as the land rises in the south-west to False Macchia. Further to the south-east and rising from the low-lying study area there is a transition to Eastern Province Thornveld. The dwarf karroo scrub may be divided into three main communities. These are: (1) Pentzia incana Scrub which characterizes clayey soil which has not been disturbed by cultivation (Gess, 1980b: Fig. 1). (2) Pentzia incana — Chrysocoma tenuifolia Scrub which characterizes previously cultivated clayey soils in the area extending from above the furrow to the New Year’s River below the earth dam (Fig. 6). (3) Chrysocoma tenuifolia Scrub which characterizes the previously cultivated sand flats of the flood plain of the Iron Put River and extends across to its confluence with the New Year’s River (Fig. 5). All three of these communities are subject to trampling and grazing by sheep and cattle. 8 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES The thorn scrub which is characterized by Acacia karroo occurs within the dwarf karroo scrub area in places where the soil has been exposed and where in addition the available amount of water in the soil is greater than elsewhere in the area (Fig. 12). Such sites are those where there is seepage from the furrow and earth dam and where the water run-off over eroded land causes the formation of temporary standing water in erosion gullies and low-lying areas. The rivers represent older and more permanent water erosion gullies and their banks therefore support the same species as are present in the thorn scrub community except that the conditions being more favourable the vegetation no longer falls into the classification of scrub but rather of small trees (Fig. 8 and Gess and Gess, 1975: Plate 3). Along the New Year’s River where permanent and semi-permanent water bodies occur in natural pools and for considerable reaches above the two weirs the water is fringed by beds of Phragmites australis , “Common Reed” (Fig. 14). These reeds are also present in the earth dam immediately within the retaining wall (Fig. 15). Sedges which characterize marshy ground are present in clumps along the river banks, along the course of the furrow and fringe and earth dam (Gess and Gess, 1974: Plate 2). Forage plants A large number of flowering plants in the study area are visited by aculeate wasps and by bees of both sexes for the purpose of obtaining their own nutriment. Little specificity is shown, the requirement generally appearing to be the availability of nectar, short tubed or open flow- ers being favoured. Nearness to nesting sites is also of importance, suitable flowering plants growing at any considerable distance from nesting sites not being visited. Particularly attractive to a large number of species are the flowers of Maytenus linearis (Celastraceae) and flowers and sticky young growth of Acacia karroo (Leguminosae). How- ever, many species visiting these plants will also forage on low-growing plants, for example Selago corymbosa (Selaginaceae), Melolobium candicans (Leguminosae), Senecio spp. and Lasiospermum bipinnatum (both Compositae). Composites are often favoured at the begin- ning of the summer when Acacia karroo and Maytenus linearis are not yet in flower. When plants are used as a source of provision for the young, or as a source of nesting materials, or their tissue is used as a subtrate in which to excavate a nesting gallery more specificity is shown. These associations are given in the annotated list. Seasonal cycles of wasps and bees The majority of the aculeate wasps and the bees of the study area show marked seasons of activity and quiescence. In these species the period of quiescence extends from the end of the nesting season in the summer until the following spring or summer when activity recommences with the emergence of the adults from the nests in which they have remained in the pre-pupal or pupal stage throughout the cold, usually dry winter months. In most of these species there appears to be one generation per year but in some species such as Ampulex sp. near cyanura there may be two generations — a non-diapausing first generation and a diapausing second gen- eration. The minority of species such as the carpenter bees and the social wasps (Vespidae) which emerge as adults before the end of the summer overwinter as adults (both males and females in the bees, fertilized females in the vespids) and may show a certain limited activity on warm days during the winter months. A CLASSIFICATION OF THE ACULEATE WASPS AND OF THE BEES OF THE STUDY AREA ON THE BASIS OF THEIR ETHOLOGY The aculeate wasps and the bees collected in the study area are grouped on the basis of three ethological characters, situation of the nest (I, II, III, IV) subdivided into IN and ON 9 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 (A, B), nature of substrate (a, b, c) and degree of participation in construction of nest (i, ii, iii) (Fig. 4). This grouping results in the formation of twenty-seven categories numbered 1, 2, 3 . . . 27. I. NESTING IN THE GROUND (Figs 5 and 6) (a) In non-friable soils. (Typically compacted clayey soils.) (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 1 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 2 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 3 (b) In friable soils. (Typically sandy soils, exceptionally disturbed and therefore non-compacted clayey soils.) (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 4 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 5 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 6 II. NESTING IN OR ON VERTICAL BANKS (Figs 7, 8 and 9) A. IN VERTICAL BANKS (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 7 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 8 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 9 B. ON VERTICAL BANKS (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 10 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 11 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 12 III. NESTING ON STONES (Figs 10 and 11) (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 13 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 14 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 15 IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS (Figs 12, 13, 14 and 15) A. IN PLANTS (a) Within woody stems. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 16 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 17 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 18 (b) Within pithy stems. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 19 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 20 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 21 (c) Within hollow stems. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 22 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 23 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 24 B. ON PLANTS (Irrespective of whether plants are woody, pithy or hollow- stemmed.) (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. 25 (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. 26 (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 27 10 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES In the annotated list which follows those species for which nesting was definately con- firmed are listed with the symbol***. Those species which were observed searching for nesting sites or transporting nesting materials or nest provision but for which no nests were discovered are listed with the sym- bol**. The remaining species listed with the symbol* have been allocated on the basis of where they were collected in conjunction with morphological features and known biology of related Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representation of the classification of the aculeate wasps and the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology. The numbers (i, ii, iii) in the outermost ring correspond to the same numbers in the classification, (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. The magnitude of the segments is in proportion to the number of species involved. 11 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 5. Area of friable soil: the sandpit Fig. 6. Area of non-friable soil: below furrow. 12 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Figs 7, 8 and 9. Vertical banks along course of New Year’s River: sand (Fig. 7), “sandstone” (Fig. 8) and shale (Fig. 9). 13 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 10. Stone lying loose on ground and bearing nest of Auplopus rossi. Fig. 11. Stone embedded in ground and bearing nest of Hoplitis jansei. 14 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 12. Woody stemmed plant: Acacia karroo on bank of watercourse. Fig. 13. Pithy stemmed plant: Aloe ferox on north-facing slope. Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Figs 14 and 15. Hollow stemmed plant: Phragmites australis fringing New Year’s River (Fig. 14). in earth dam (Fig. 15). 15 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 ANNOTATED LIST OF THE ACULEATE WASPS AND OF THE BEES OF THE STUDY AREA, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION BASED ON THEIR ETHOLOGY. Category 1. I. NESTING IN THE GROUND (a) In non-friable soils. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. POMPILIDAE *** Dichragenia neavei (Kohl). Uncommon. Nov. -Apr. Constructs turreted multicellular nest; each cell provisioned with a single lycosid or sparassid spider. Nesting described by Gess and Gess (1976b). *** Dichragenia pulchricoma (Arnold). Common. Oct. -Apr. Constructs turreted multicellular nest; each cell provisioned with a single lycosid, pisaurid, sparassid or salticid spider. Nesting described by Gess and Gess (1974). EUMENIDAE *** Antepipona scutellaris G. Soika. Common. Oct. -March. Constructs turreted one- or two-celled nest; each cell provisioned with about 12 small pyralidid caterpillars. *** Parachilus insignis (Saussure). Common. Oct.-Febr. Constructs one- or two-celled nest; each cell provisioned with 8-17 psychid caterpillars. Nesting described by Gess and Gess (1976a). *** Parachilus capensis (Saussure). Rare. Oct. -Jan. Constructs turreted one- or two-celled nest; each cell provisioned with about 11 psychid caterpillars. *** Pseudepipona erythrospila (Cameron). Rare. Oct. -March. Constructs collared one-celled nest; cell provisioned with pyralidid caterpillars. *** Eumenid sp. G. Rare. Jan. Constructs turreted one-(? or two-) celled nest; cell provisioned with chrysomelid larvae. *** Eumenid sp. (minute, black). Rare. MASARIDAE *** Ceramius capicola Brauns. Common. Nov. -March. Constructs turreted multicellular nest; each cell provisioned with a mixture of pollen and nectar derived from Mesembryanthemaceae. *** Ceramius lichtensteinii (Klug). Common. Oct. -April. Constructs turreted multicellular nest; each cell provisioned with a mixture of pollen and nectar derived from Mesembryanthemaceae. Nests perennial. *** Ceramius linearis (Klug). Rare. Oct. -Jan. Constructs turreted multicellular nest; each cell pro- visioned with a mixture of pollen and nectar derived from Mesembryanthemaceae. * Jugurtia braunsiella (von Schulthess). Rare. Sept. -Dec. *** Jugurtia confusa (Richards). Common. Sept.-Febr. Constructs turreted multicellular nest; each cell provisioned with a mixture of pollen and nectar derived from Mesembryanthemaceae. Nesting of above Masaridae described by Gess & Gess (1980c). SPHECIDAE *** Bembecinus cinguliger (Smith). Very common. Nov. -March. Constructs turreted one- or two-celled nest; each cell provisioned with numerous Cicadellidae (and also Fulgoroidea). Nesting described by Gess & Gess (1975). *** Bembecinus oxydorous (Handlirsch). Common. Jan. -Apr. Constructs turreted one- or two-celled nest; each cell provisioned with numerous Cicadellidae. Nesting described by Gess & Gess (1975). 16 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Category 2. I. NESTING IN THE GROUND (a) In non-friable soils. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. EUMENIDAE *** Eumenid sp. Very rare. March. One record. Curved, lacy turret constructed surmounting turret of empty burrow of Bembecinus oxydorcus. (Gess & Gess, 1975: 40). SPHECIDAE * Ampulex mutilloides Kohl. Very rare. Jan. One record. Circumstantial evidence suggests that nesting may be in ground burrow of cockroach, Pilema sp. *** Prionyx kirbii (Van der Linden). Common. Nov. -May. Nesting in old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis (Fig. 24). Single cell provisioned with 1-2 grasshoppers (Acrididae: Acrotylus, Aiolopus, Anaeolopus, Calliptamulus and other genera). * Tachysphex modestus Arnold. Rare. Dec. *** Tachysphex sp. near modestus Arnold. Rare. Dec. -Jan. Nesting in old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis (Fig. 25). Single cell provisioned with 2 grasshoppers (Lentulidae). ** Pison allonymum Schultz. Rare. Oct. -May. Strong circumstantial evidence suggesting that nesting is in old or abandoned burrows of Bembecinus cinguliger and B. oxydorcus. Prey consists of small spiders (e.g. Salticidae). In Gess & Gess (1975: 40) incorrectly referred to as Pison ?montanum Cam. ME GA CHI LI DA E ** Megachile (Eutricharaea) aliceae Cockerell. Rare. Oct. -Dec. Nesting in old burrows of Parachilus insignis. Cells constructed of ?leaves. (Gess & Gess, 1976a: 98). *** Megachile (Eutricharaea) meadewaldoi Brauns. Uncommon. Sept. -March. Nesting in old or aban- doned burrows of Bembecinus oxydorcus, Parachilus insignis and Antepipona scutellaris. Cells con- structed of petals from low-growing flowers (Oxalis sp., Wahlenbergia sp.). (Gess & Gess, 1975: 40 and 1976a: 98). ** Megachile ( Eutricharaea ) semiflava Cockerell. Common. Sept. -March. Nesting in old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis. Cells constructed of leaves. (Gess & Gess, 1976a: 98). *** Megachile ( Eutricharaea ) stellarum Cockerell. Common. Sept. -March. Nesting in old or abandoned burrows of Dichragenia pulchricoma, Parachilus insignis and Ceramius lichtensteinii. Cells con- structed of leaves. (Gess & Gess, 1974: 204-206, Fig. 8; 1976a: 98; 1980c: 78). *** Creightoniella dorsata (Smith). Common. Nov. -March. Nesting in old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis. Cells constructed of leaves. (Gess & Gess, 1976a: 98). ANTHOPHORIDAE * Tetralonia minuta Friese. Uncommon. Nov. -Dec. Nesting in old or abandoned burrows of Bembeci- nus cinguliger and Parachilus insignis. (Gess & Gess, 1975: 40 and 1976a: 98). For account of nesting see also Rozen (1969a). 17 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Category 3. I. NESTING IN THE GROUND (a) In non-friable soils. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. CHRYSIDIDAE *** Allocoelia bidens Edney. Common. Nov. Parasitic in the nests of Jugurtia confusa. (Gess & Gess, 1980c: 76) Allocoelia capensis Smith. Not yet recorded from Hilton but highly likely to occur there. Parasitic in the nests of Ceramins lichtensteinii. (Gess & Gess, 1980c: 76). Allocoelia latinota Edney. Not yet recorded from Hilton but highly likely to occur there. Parasitic in the nests of Ceramius capicola and Ceramius linearis. (Gess & Gess, 1980c: 76). *** Octochrysis vansoni (Brauns). Common. Nov. -Jan. Parasitic in the nests of Parachilus insignis. (Gess & Gess, 1976a: 97). *** Pseudospinolia arderis (Mocsary). Uncommon. Nov. -Dec. Parasitic in the nests of Parachilus insig- nis. (Gess & Gess, 1976a: 97). MUTILLIDAE * Brachymutilla gynandromorpha Andre. Rare. Oct. Found in nesting area of Jugurtia confusa. * Dasylabris stimulatrix (Smith). Rare. Nov.-Febr. Found in nesting areas of Jugurtia confusa and Parachilus insignis. (Also found in association with friable soils.) *** Dasylabroides caffra (Kohl). Common. Oct. -May. Found in nesting areas of Dichragenia pulchrico- ma, Parachilus insignis, Bembecinus oxydorcus, Jugurtia confusa and Ceramius lichtensteinii. Reared from the cells of C. lichtensteinii in which parasitic. (Gess & Gess, 1980c: 76). (Rarely found in association with friable soils and vertical banks.) * Glossotilla speculatrix (Smith). Rare. March. Found in nesting area of Bembecinus oxydorcus. (Very commonly found in association with friable soils.) * Mutilla scabrofoveolata Sichel & Radoszkowski. Rare. Nov. -April. Found in nesting areas of Dichragenia pulchricoma and Parachilus insignis. (Also rarely found in association with vertical banks.) * Smicromyrme sp. Rare. Found in nesting area of Jugurtia confusa. * Smicromyrme hecuba (Peringuey). Common. Dec. -April. Found in nesting areas of Parachilus insig- nis and Bembecinus cinguliger and B. oxydorcus. Circumstantial evidence strongly indicates that parasitic in the nests of Bembecinus spp. (Common also in association with friable soils.) POMPILIDAE *** Ceropales punctulatus Cameron. Rare. Nov. -March. Parasitic in the nests of Dichragenia pulchrico- ma. (Gess & Gess, 1974: 202, 204.) MEGA CHILIDAE ** Coelioxys (Liothyrapis) lativentroides Brauns. Rare. Dec. Circumstantial evidence very strongly indi- cates that this species is parasitic in the nests of Megachilidae ( Megachile and Creightoniella spp.) nesting in old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis. 18 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Category 4. I. NESTING IN THE GROUND (b) In friable soils. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. POMPILIDAE ** Batozonellus fuliginosus sepulchralis (Smith). Uncommon. Nov. -Apr. Observed searching for prey on Acacia karroo and dragging prey, Caerostris sp., across sandpit. Known to dig shallow, sloping one-celled nest and to provision cell with a single large argiopid spider. Araneus sp. or Caerostris sp. (Gess & Gess, 1980b). ** Cyphononyx flavicornis antennatus Smith. Common. Nov. -Mar. Observed dragging prey, Palystes sp. (Sparassidae) across ground. * Tachypompilus ignitus (Smith). Uncommon. Nov.-Febr. Known to dig nest in dry sand in sheltered situation and to provision cell with a single large sparassid spider, Palystes natalius Karsch (Gess & Gess, 1980b). SPHECIDAE *** Prionyx kirbii (Van der Linden). Common. Nov. -May. In friable soils this species appears to dig its own nest. (In non-friable soils nests in old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis.) *** Podalonia canescens (Dahlbom). Common. Aug. -May. Digs simple one-celled nest; cell provisioned with a single hairless caterpillar of the cutworm type (Noctuidae). *** Ammophila beniniensis (Palisot de Beauvois). Common. Oct. -Apr. Nesting in disturbed, loose and crumbly clayey soil. * Ammophila bonaespei Lepeletier. Rare. Dec., Mar. Known to provision with hairless caterpillars (Geometridae). * Ammophila conifera (Arnold). Uncommon. Nov. -Mar. *** Ammophila ferrugineipes Lepeletier. Very common. Oct. -May. Nesting in fine but consolidated sand. Digs a simple burrow terminating in single cell; cell provisioned with several hairless caterpil- lars (Geometridae) carried to nest in flight. Parasitized by Stylopidae (Strepsiptera). * Ammophila insignis litoralis (Arnold). Uncommon. Febr.-Apr. * Ammophila vulcania du Buysson. Rare. Nov. and Dec. * Diodontus sp. Rare. Oct. and Nov. Species of this genus are known to nest in soil and to provision with aphids. (Bohart & Menke, 1976: 178). *** Astata fnscistigma Cameron. Rare. Nov. -Apr. Nesting in compacted sand. Astata species are known to provision with bugs, especially Pentatomidae (Bohart & Menke, 1976: 211-212). * Dryudella fiavoundata (Arnold). Rare. Dec. Prey known to be a “small heteropteran” (Arnold, 1924: 38). * Liris spp. (Some species may belong here, others may belong in category 2). Known to provision with crickets (Gryllidae). * Tachytella aureopilosa Brauns. Rare. Jan. Only species in genus; biology unknown. Presence in female of foretarsal rake and of pygidial plate indicative of sand-nesting. Provisioning likely to be with Orthoptera (sensu lato). * Tachysphex aethiopicus Arnold. Rare. Jan. *** Tachysphex albocinctus (Lucas). Common. Dec. -Mar. Digs simple one- or two-celled nest, each cell provisioned with 1-3 mantids (Mantidae), usually nymphs. *** Tachysphex fugax (Radoszkowski). Common. Sept. -May. Digs simple two-celled nest; each cell pro- visioned with several grasshoppers (Lentulidae), adults and nymphs. * Tachysphex karroensis Arnold. Uncommon. Dec.-Febr. 19 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 *** Tachysphex panzeri pentheri Cameron. (= caliban Arnold). Common. Oct. -Mar. Digs simple two- celled nest; sealed cell examined contained two prey; grasshopper nymphs (Acrididae). * Tachysphex schoenlandi Cameron. Common. Dec. -Mar. Known to provision with nymphal mantids (Mantidae). * Tachysphex sericeus (Smith). Uncommon. Nov. -May. * Parapiagetia vernalis Brauns. Rare. Nov. Biology of genus largely unknown. Presence in female of foretarsal rake and of pygidial plate indicative of sand-nesting. Immature Acrydiidae recorded as prey of the Madagascan P. longicornis Arnold (Arnold, 1945: 94). *** Kohliella alaris Brauns. Common. Dec. -Mar. Digs shallow nest with one to several cells; each cell provisioned with several nymphs of the Tree Cricket, Oecanthus capensis Saussure (Gryllidae: Oecanthinae). Nesting described by Gess & Gess (1980a). *** Palarus latifrons Kohl. Common. Nov. -Mar. Unicellular nest dug in firm sand overlain by a layer of loose sand. Provisions with honey bees. Apis mellifera L. (Apidae). Brauns (1911: 117) in addition to honey bees recorded the following prey: Mesa cf (cited as Elis) (Tiphiidae), Ceramius capicola Brauns (Masaridae) and small bees. In South Africa known as the Banded Bee Pirate and is a nuisance to beekeepers (Mally, 1908: 206-213; Brain, 1929: 396; Taylor, 1939: 103; and Smit, 1964: 356). * Palarus oneili Brauns. Rare. Jan. and Febr. Prey known to include Meria $ (cited as Myzine) (Tiphiidae) and small bees (Brauns, 1911: 117). * Oxybelus acutissimus propinquus Arnold. Rare. Nov. -Mar. * Oxybelus aethiopicus Cameron. Rare. Jan. * Oxybelus imperialis Gerstaecker. Rare. Nov. *** Oxybelus lingula Gerstaecker. Common. Nov. -Mar. Nesting in loose sand. Like ail Oxybelus spp. provisions with adult Diptera. Prey recorded at Hilton: Stomorhina lunata (F.) (Calliphoridae) and Musca sp. (Muscidae). Other prey known for this species: Sarcophaga sp. (Calliphoridae). * Oxybelus peringueyi Saussure. Rare. Oct., Nov. and Mar. * Oxybelus rubrocaudatus Arnold. Uncommon. Oct. -Jan. * Oxybelus ruficaudis Cameron. Uncommon. Oct., Nov. and Jan. * Dienoplus vicarius karrooensis (Brauns). Uncommon. Nov. -Mar. Species of the genus are known to dig simple nests in sandy soil. There may be from 2-15 cells per nest; cells are provisioned with Cicadellidae and Cercopidae (Bohart & Menke, 1976: 495). * Oryttus kraepelini (Brauns). Uncommon. Dec. and Mar. The well developed foretarsal rake in the female is indicative of nesting in friable soil. Species of the genus are known to provision with Cicadellidae and Fulgoridae (Bohart & Menke, 1976: 507). ** Hoplisoides aglaia (Handlirsch). Uncommon. Oct. -Mar. Associated with sandy soil. Provisions with Membracidae. * Hoplisoides thalia (Handlirsch). Uncommon. Dec., Jan. and Apr. * Stizus imperialis Handlirsch. Rare. Dec., Jan. Stizus species are known to provision mostly with grasshoppers. *** Bembecinus braunsii (Handlirsch). Very common. Oct. -Apr. Nesting in loose dry fine sand. Digs one- or two-celled nest; each cell provisioned with numerous Cicadellidae (incl. Macropsis octo- punctatus China and Macropsis chinai Metcalf), exceptionally with one or two Fulgoroidea in addi- tion. * Bembecinus dentiventris (Handlirsch). Very rare. Nov., Dec. *** Bembecinus haemorrhoidalis (Handlirsch). Very common. Oct. -Apr. Nesting in loose dry fine sand. Digs one- or two-celled nest; each cell provisioned with numerous Cicadellidae (inch Coloborrhis corticina Germar, Exitianus nanus (Distant), Macropsis octopunctata China, Macropsis chinai Met- calf, Macropsis sp. nov., Idioscopus sp. and Batracomorphus subolivaceus (Stal)), exceptionally with one or two Fulgoroidea or Membracidae in addition. 20 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES *** Bembix albofasciata Smith. Common. Nov.-Febr. Digs a one-celled nest in sandy soil; cell pro- visioned progressively with adult Diptera belonging to the following families: Stratiomyidae, Tabanidae ( Chrysops obliquefasciata Macq.), Bombyliidae (several spp., inch Lomatia pictipennis Wied.), Asilidae (several spp. inch Stenopogon dilutus Walker), Conopidae ( Conops sp.), Muscidae (2 spp. inch Musca lusoria Wied.), Calliphoridae (inch Sarcophaga sp. and Chrysomyia sp.) and Tachinidae. * Bembix cameronis Handlirsch. Uncommon. Nov. -Jan. * Bembix capensis Lepeletier. Uncommon. Dec., Jan. Single prey obtained was an adult fly (Tachin- idae). * Bembix fusciipennis Lepeletier. Rare. Mar. *** Bembix melanopa Handlirsch. Uncommon. Dec.-Febr. Both nests located were in steeply sloping firm and compacted sand. Known to provision with adult Diptera (incl. Muscidae). * Bembix sibilans Handlirsch. Uncommon. Nov. -Mar. * Philanthus loefflingi Dahlbom. Rare. Nov., Dec. *** Philanthus triangulum Fabricius. Uncommon. Oct. -Jan. Nesting in clayey yet friable soil. Provision- ing with honey bees. Apis mellifera L. (Apidae) captured at their foraging flowers. *** Cerceris sp. A. Rare. Dec. Nest excavated in disturbed clayey soil. Shallow multicellular nest; each cell provisioned with numerous Pteromalidae. * Cerceris amakosa Brauns. Rare. Dec. -Mar. Associated with sandy soil. * Cerceris armaticeps caffrariae Empey. Very rare. Febr. * Cerceris diodonta diodonta Schletterer. Rare. Dec. * Cerceris discrepans discrepans Brauns. Very rare. Nov. * Cerceris dominicana Brauns. Very rare. Nov., Dec. * Cerceris erythrosoma Schletterer. Very rare. Dec. Associated with sandy soil. Known to provision with Curculionidae. *** Cerceris holconota holconota Cameron. Common. Nov. -Apr. Nesting in sandy soil; provisioning cells with Hymenoptera of various families (Braconidae, Bethylidae, Tiphiidae, Mutillidae, Formi- cidae and Halictidae). * Cerceris hypocritica Brauns. Rare. Dec.-Febr. Associated with sandy soil. *** Cerceris languida languida Cameron. Very common. Oct. -Apr. Nesting in sandy soil; provisioning cells with Phalacridae (Olibrus sp.). *** Cerceris latifrons latifrons Bingham. Very common. Nov. -Mar. Nesting in sandy soil in very deep nests; provisioning cells with Scarabaeidae (Melolonthinae: Hopliini). *** Cerceris lunigera Dahlbom. Uncommon. Dec. -Mar. Nest excavated in disturbed clayey soil; pro- visioning cells with Halictidae. * Cerceris nasidens obscura Schletterer. Uncommon. Nov., Dec., Mar. and Apr. Associated with sandy soil. Known to provision its cells with Scarabaeidae (Melolonthinae). * Cerceris nigrifrons nigrifrons Smith. Uncommon. Nov.-Febr. Associated with sandy soil. Known to provision its cells with Buprestidae (Brauns, 1926a: 320). *** Cerceris oraniensis Brauns. Uncommon. Dec. -Mar. Nesting in sandy soil in deep nests; provisioning with Curculionidae (Protostrophus sp.) (Fig. 17). * Cerceris pearstonensis pearstonensis Cameron. Common. Dec. -Apr. Nest excavated in disturbed clayey soil. Known to provision its cells with Curculionidae. * Cerceris pictifacies Brauns. Rare. Dec. *** Cerceris ruficauda ruficauda Cameron. Uncommon. Oct. -Apr. Nesting in disturbed clayey soil; pro- visioning with Chrysomelidae. *** Cerceris rufocincta polychroma Gribodo. Very common. Nov. -Apr. Nesting in sandy soil; provision- ing with Tiphiidae and Mutillidae. *** Cerceris spinicaudata spinicaudata Cameron. Common. Nov. -Mar. Nesting in sandy soil; provision- ing with Halictidae. 21 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Ethological notes concerning above Cerceris spp. given in Gess (1980a). COLLETIDAE * Colletes sp. Uncommon. HALICTIDAE * Halictus sp. A. Common. Oct. -Apr. Associated with sandy soils. * Halictus sp. B. Common. Nov. -Mar. Associated with sandy soils. * Lasioglossum spp. Uncommon. Associated with sandy soils. *** Nomiodes ?halictoides Bliithgen. Common. Oct. -Mar. Nesting in sandy soil. *** Nomia sp. Common. Nov.-Febr. Nesting in sandy soil. Category 5. I. NESTING IN THE GROUND (b) In friable soils. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. SPHECIDAE * Liris sp. Uncommon. May belong here or in category 4. Known to provision with crickets (Gryll- idae). *** Megachile (Eutricharaea) semiflava Cockerell. Common. Sept. -Mar. Frequently seen flying low over the ground in the sandpit carrying green leaf-discs; on several occasions seen to be nesting in holes on the floor of the sandpit. Identity of original excavator of holes not established. Category 6. I. NESTING IN THE GROUND (b) In friable soils. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by nester. CHRYSIDIDAE A total of seven species was recorded in association with sandy soils — in the sandpit. Of these, six species (Chrysidea africana Mocsary, Hedychrum coelestinum Spinola, H. gonomaculatum Edney, Octochrysis laminata (Mocsary), O. mucronifera (Mocsary) and Pyriachrysis stilboides (Spinola)) were rare and were mostly more commonly found associated with vertical banks. One species, however, was both restricted to and common in the sandpit, namely: Hedychrum sp. (near comptum Edney). Nov. -Mar. Associated with the nests of Bembecinus braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis and believed to be parasitic in them. TI PH II DAE A total of seventeen species was recorded in areas of friable, mostly sandy soil in and around the sandpit. Sixteen of these species (Anthobosca sp., Meria spp. (10), Mesa spp. (2) and Tiphia spp. (3)) are believed to be predaceous upon soil-inhabiting larvae of Scarabaeidae. The remaining species was: Methocha mosutoana Peringuey. Rare. Jan. Methocha spp. are known to be predaceous upon the burrow-inhabiting larvae of tiger-beetles (Cicindelidae). The prey of the present species is certain to be Cicindela brevicollis Wied., adults of which are present in very large numbers in the sandpit throughout the summer months and well into the autumn or even early winter. 22 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES MUTILLIDAE Fourteen species of Mutillidae were collected in association with the friable sandy soil of the sandpit. The most common species by far was Glossotilla speculatrix (Smith) (46 females and 67 males col- lected) followed by Smicromyrme hecuba (Peringuey) (29 females and 11 males collected), Mimeco- mutilla renominanda Bischoff, Dasylabris sp. nr. danae (Peringuey) and Dasylabris mephitis (Smith). Also recorded but uncommon were Antennotilla phoebe (Peringuey), Dasylabris sp. nr. bassutorum (Andre), Dasylabris sp. nr. cryentocincta Andre, Dasylabris stimulatrix (Smith), Dasylabris thais (Peringuey), Dasylabroides caffra (Kohl), Labidomulilla tauriceps (Kohl), Psammotherma flabellata (Fabricius) and Viereckia sp. With the exception of Dasylabroides caffra which is a species characteristic of clayey rather than sandy areas and Smicromyrme hecuba which is common in both sandy and clayey areas, all the above listed species, with the exception of Antennotilla phoebe, were more common in the sandy areas than elsewhere and many appeared restricted to such areas. Glossotilla speculatrix is highly characteristic of the sandy areas and in contrast to the larger numbers caught in the sandpit only two specimens were collected in bare patches in clayey areas. Though not reared from any nests circumstantial evidence indicates that the species is parasitic in the nests of Bembecinus species though other species nesting in the same situations are doubtless also parasitized. Its flight period is from December to April. Smicromyrme hecuba appears like Glossotilla speculatrix to be associated with Bembecinus spe- cies and the two species of mutillid are usually found together within the areas occupied by Bembeci- nus pseudocolonies in the sandpit. Its flight period is similarly from December to April. SCOLIIDAE Eleven species of Scoliidae, believed to be associated with friable soils, were collected, many on flowers. By far the most common species was Cathimeris capensis (Saussure) (28 males and 13 females collected) which was present in the sandpit from September to May. Less common or rare were Campsomeriella sp., Micromeriella spp. (2), and Scolia spp. (7). All are believed to be pre- daceous upon soil-inhabiting larvae of Scarabaeidae. SPHECIDAE * Nysson braunsi Handlirsch. Rare. Nov. -Jan. Species of Nysson are known to be cleptoparasitic in the nests of various gorytin genera including Oryttus, Dienoplus and Hoplisoides (Bohart & Menke, 1976: 468). Representatives of these genera associated with friable soils at Hilton are O. kraepe- lini , D. vicarius karrooensis, H. thalia and H. aglaia and it may be assumed that the present species of Nysson is associated with one or more of these potential host species. HALICTIDAE *** Sphecodes sp. Common. Sept.-Febr. In the sandpit frequently observed inspecting holes in the ground and entering them. Found associated with Nomia sp. which species is believed to have been the excavator of the nests concerned and thus to be the host of this Sphecodes sp. The genus Sphecodes is known to be cleptoparasitic in the nests of other Halictidae (Halictus and Lasioglos- sum) (Michener, 1944: 250) and also certain Andrenidae and Colletidae (Krombein et. al. 1979: 1974). MEGACHILIDAE * Coelioxys ( Lyothyrapis ) bruneipes Pasteels. Very rare. Jan. Possibly parasitic in the nests of Megachile (Eutricharaea) semiflava Cockerell. ANTHOPHOR1DAE * Epeolus amabilis Gerstaecker. Uncommon. Oct. -Apr. The species of Epeolus are known to be para- sitic in the nests of Colletes (Michener, 1944: 279) and of Tetralonia and Colletes (Arnold, 1947: 218). Mostly collected in the sandpit where it probably parasitizes the Colletes sp. * Thyreus sp. A. Uncommon in sandpit, more usually found associated with “sandstone” bank. In sandpit female observed inspecting holes in the ground. 23 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Category 7. II. NESTING IN OR ON VERTICAL BANKS A. IN VERTICAL BANKS (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. POMPILIDAE ** Dichragenia jacob (Arnold). Uncommon. Apr. -May. Nine females, three with prey caught, at the “sandstone” bank with which this species, which was not found elsewhere, was definately associ- ated. No nests located but females seemed to be coming and going to and from a small cave so situated on the bank that it could not be reached by the author. Assumed to construct its nest itself as do other Dichragenia species. Prey: lycosid spiders. SPHECIDAE *** Chalybion (Hemichalybion) spinolae (Lepeletier). Rare. Nov. -May. Nesting in the “sandstone” bank, circumstantial evidence indicates that the wasp excavates cavities itself, rather than utilizing pre-existing ones. Nesting cavity mud-lined. Prey: known to be small spiders. MEGACHILIDAE *** Hoplitis anthodemnion Michener. Common. Nov. -Feb. Nesting in the “sandstone” bank. Nest con- sists of excavated inclined burrow terminated by a single excavated cell containing a cell con- structed from discs cut from petals (including those of Barleria pungens). Nest closure, occupying space between provisioned cell and nest entrance, consists of tightly packed sand. Nesting described in detail by Michener (1968). ANTHOPHORIDAE *** Anthophora sp. Common. Oct., Nov. and Mar. Nesting in sand bank and “sandstone” bank. Prob- ably the most common species at the “sandstone” bank, and its old and abandoned nests are probably those used most often by species nesting in this situation in pre-existing cavities (that is species of category 8). Category 8. II. NESTING IN OR ON VERTICAL BANKS A. IN VERTICAL BANKS (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. POMPILIDAE * Auplopns carinigena Cameron. Rare. Apr. -May. * Auplopus ferruginea (Magretti). Rare. Apr. -May. ** Auplopus personata ornaticollis (Cameron). Uncommon. Apr. Prey known to consist of errant spiders of the families Clubionidae, Salticidae and Sparassidae. All three species were collected on the face of the “sandstone” bank. A. personata was observed hunting, boldly entering and searching crevices containing spider-spinnings, at times pushing its way through veils of spinnings at the entrance of the spiders’ lairs; a prey-carrying female was furthermore seen entering a pre-existing cavity and it is consequently believed that this species (and the other two) may nest in such cavities. Support for this belief comes from Taylor (1968:72) who recorded Auplopus mazoensis (Arnold) nesting in a trap-nest and using mud to form cell partitions. 24 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES EUMENIDAE A number of species, collected in association with vertical banks, is included in the present section, some having been observed nesting in pre-existing cavities, others being suspected of doing so. The species include: *** Eumenid A. Uncommon. Nov. Nesting in pre-existing cavities in the “sandstone” bank, in cracks within and between the layers of the near-horizontally bedded shale of the shale bank, and in trap-nests inserted into larger crevices in the latter. Nest entrance furnished with a lacy down- turned mud turret, nest a linear series of cells separated by mud partitions, each cell provisioned with numerous small bright green caterpillars (Pyralididae). * Anterhynchium natalense (Saussure). Rare. At “sandstone" bank. * Antodynerus radialis oogaster (Gribodo). Rare. Feb. -Apr. At “sandstone” bank. * Euodynerus euryspilns (Cameron). Rare. Nov. -Feb. At “sandstone” bank. Recorded in a later category (17) nesting in trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo. *** Rynchium marginellum sabulosum (Saussure). Uncommon. Feb. Nesting in trap-nests inserted into crevices in the “sandstone” bank and thus highly likely to be nesting in pre-existing cavities in the bank itself. Nest a linear series of cells separated by mud partitions; each cell provisioned with several (4-13) caterpillars (Pyralididae). Known in Grahamstown to nest in cut culms of Arundo dortax used for vegetable frames. *** Tricarinodynerus guerinii (Saussure). Uncommon. Jan. and Feb. Nesting in pre-existing cavities in sandbank, “sandstone” bank and shale bank as also in a trap-nest inserted into a larger crevice in the latter. Nest entrance furnished with a downturned mud turret (Fig. 28), nest a linear series of cells separated by mud partitions; each cell provisioned with several caterpillars, probably Tortric- idae. Anthrax ?tetraspilus Hesse (Bombyliidae) reared from cells. SPHECIDAE * Chalybion ( Chalybion ) tibiale (Fabricius). Rare. Nov. -Apr. Circumstantial evidence strong that this species nests in pre-existing cavities in the “sandstone” bank. Nesting described in a later category (17). * Pison allonymum Schultz. Uncommon. Dec. -May. Nesting recorded and described in previous category (2). * Pison montanum Cameron. Rare. Oct. -Mar. Nesting recorded and described in a later category (17). * Trypoxylon sp. Rare. Oct. -Mar. Nesting recorded and described in later category (17). MEGACHILIDAE *** Anthidiellum (Pygnanthidiellum) kimberleyanum Friese. Uncommon. Oct. and Nov. Nesting in “sandstone” bank. *** Branthidium braunsii (Friese). Uncommon. Oct., Nov. and Apr. Nesting in “sandstone” bank. *** Chalicodoma ( Pseudomegachile ) schulthessi (Friese). Uncommon. Sept, and Oct. Nesting in “sand- stone” bank. Nest entrance furnished with a small mud collar, nest a linear series of cells separated by mud partitions, final closure also of mud. * Heriades ?freygessneri Schletterer. Uncommon. Nov., Dec., Apr. and May. Thought to nest in “sandstone” bank. H. freygessneri is known to nest readily in trap-nests (Taylor, 1962b, 1965 and 1968). *** Immanthidium junodi (Friese). Common. Nov. -Apr. Nesting in “sandstone” bank. A carder bee. Nesting described by Michener (1968), Skaife (1950) and Taylor (1962a). *** Megachile ( Eutricharaea ) gratiosa Gerstaecker. Uncommon. Oct. -Mar. Nesting in trap-nests inserted into crevices in the shale bank and presumably also in cracks within and between layers of the shale. Nest a linear series of cells constructed of pieces cut from green leaves. Parasitized by Zonitoschema eborina (Fabr.) (Meloidae). Nesting described by Taylor (1963, 1965 and 1968). 25 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 *** Megachile (Paracella) spinarum Cockerell. Uncommon. Oct. -Apr. Nesting in “sandstone” bank and also in trap-nest inserted into crevice in the above. Nest a linear series of cells constructed of pieces cut from green leaves of Maytenus heterophylla. Category 9. II. NESTING IN OR ON VERTICAL BANKS A. IN VERTICAL BANKS (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. CHRYSIDIDAE Seven of the eight species of cuckoo wasps collected on the vertical banks are believed to be associ- ated with wasps nesting in the banks. The seven species, none of which was common, are: Chrysidea africana (Mocsary), Chrysidea ghiliani Gribodo, Chrysis antiqua Brauns, Chrysis capitalis Dahlbom, Hedychrum coelestinum Spinola, Octochrysis laminata (Mocsary), and Octochrysis mucronifera (Mocsary). Hosts are known for two species: * Chrysidea africana Mocsary. Known to be parasitic in the nests of Trypoxylon (see category 18). *** Octochrysis laminata (Mocsary). Reared from the nests of Tricarinodynerus guerinii (Saussure) (2 specimens). MUTILLIDAE Six species of Mutillidae were collected on the vertical banks, namely Antennotilla phoebe (Pering- uey), Dasylabroides caffra (Kohl), Mimecomutilla renominanda Bischoff, Mutilla scabrofoveolata Sichel & Radoszkowski, Ronisia trispilota (Radoszkowski) and Stenomutilla sp. No species was com- mon and no species can be said to be typical of this situation. One species only was definitely associ- ated with a wasp nesting in the bank, namely *** Stenomutilla sp. Reared from the nest of Eumenid A. constructed within open crack in shale bank. (1 specimen). SAPYGIDAE * Sapyga (Sapygina) simillima Arnold. Uncommon. Oct., Nov. and Apr. Known to be parasitic in the nests of Heriades sp. (see category 18. Possibly to be associated with Heriades ?freygessneri Schletterer nesting in “sandstone” bank. * Sapyga (Sapygina) undulata Gerst. Rare. Apr. MEGACHILIDAE ** Euaspis abdominalis (Fabricius). Very rare. Nov. Circumstantial evidence indicates that this parasitic bee may be associated with the nests of Chalicodoma schulthessi (Friese) in the “sandstone” bank. * Coelioxys (Coelioxys) lucidicauda Cockerell. Very rare. Febr. * Coelioxys (Lyothyrapis) bruneipes Pasteels. Very rare. Nov. Possibly parasitic in the nests of Megachile (Paracella) spinarum Cockerell. ** Coelioxys (Lyothyrapis) lativentris Friese. Rare. Oct., Nov. Recorded as associated with an Anthophora sp. and as probably parasitic in its nest (Rozen, 1969b: 55). In the present community thus probably also associated with Anthophora. ** Coelioxys ( Lyothyrapis ) lativentroides Brauns. Rare. Oct.-Dec. Seen entering and leaving nests of Chalicodoma schulthessi (Friese) and therefore believed to be parasitic in the nests of this species. Supporting evidence for this belief supplied by Brauns (1930) who recorded this species as a para- site of Chalicodoma latitarsis Friese. ANTHOPHORIDAE * Thyreus sp. Common. Nov. -May. A species of Thyreus was recorded as parasitic in the nests of an Anthophora species (Rozen, 1969b) and the same association may exist in the present community. 26 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Category 10. II NESTING IN OR ON VERTICAL BANKS B. ON VERTICAL BANKS (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. EUMENIDAE * Synagris abyssinica Guerin. Rare. Feb. and Apr. Flying about in front of “sandstone” bank. Known to make aerial nests of mud and to provision with caterpillars. * Synagris analis H. de Saussure. Rare. Mar. and Apr. As above. *** Eumenes lucasius Saussure. Rare. Dec. & Apr. Urn-shaped mud cells found in sheltered positions on shale bank. Prey: caterpillars. Parasite: Osprynchotus violator (Thunberg) (Ichneumonidae). VESPIDAE *** Ropalidia sp. A. Rare. One nest with foundress female found (Jan.) in a fist-sized cavity in the sand bank. Nest aerial, constructed of wood pulp (“wasp paper”) and in the form of a naked paper comb suspended from the roof of the cavity by a short pedicel. Social species: larvae fed directly on macerated insects and nectar. SPHEC1DAE *** Sceliphron spirifex (L.) One nest with female found (Apr.) in a fist-sized cavity in the “sandstone” bank and several found on shale bank. Nest aerial, constructed of mud and consisting of several cells arranged parallel to one another and covered with a common envelope of mud applied after the last cell has been sealed. Each cell provisioned with numerous small spiders. Parasite: Ospryn- chotus violator (Thunberg) (Ichneumonidae). Category 11. II. NESTING IN OR ON VERTICAL BANKS B. ON VERTICAL BANKS (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. EUMENIDAE *** Eumenid A. Rare. Nov. Nesting in old urn-shaped mud cells of Eumenes lucasius Saussure found in sheltered positions on the shale bank. Prey: Pyralididae (caterpillars). Category 12. II. NESTING IN OR ON VERTICAL BANKS B. ON VERTICAL BANKS (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. CHRYSIDIDAE *** Chrysis sp. One specimen reared from the urn-shaped mud cell of Eumenes lucasius Saussure found in a sheltered position on the shale bank. MUTILLIDAE * Stenomutilla sp. Rare. Known to be parasitic in the nests of Eumenid A. (see category 9). 27 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Category 13. III. NESTING ON STONES (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. POMPILIDAE *** Auplopus rossi nigricomis (Arnold). Rare. One nest was found, consisting of nine contiguous mud cells attached to the underside of a large flat stone where there was a shallow space between it and the ground on which it rested. One of the cells when opened was found to have been provisioned with a single spider of the family Lycosidae. Two male wasps and a female emerged from the cells during Sept. -Oct. MEGA CHILIDAE *** Hoplitis jansei (Brauns). Uncommon. Nests constructed upon the exposed portions of partially buried quartzite stones and boulders. Nests consist of independent cells closely grouped together and constructed of small, irregularly shaped pebbles of quartzite cemented in a matrix of resin. Emergence of adult bees from Aug. -Nov. Brauns (1926b: 220) recorded the species foraging on low composites at Willowmore. Category 14. III. NESTING ON STONES (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. MEGACHILIDAE *** Megachile (Eutricharaea) gratiosa Gerstaecker. On one occasion was found to have utilized old open cells of Hoplitis jansei (Brauns) for purposes of nesting. Old Hoplitis cells each contained a single M. gratiosa cell constructed of pieces cut from green leaves. A male reared from such a cell emerged during Nov. M. gratiosa nests more commonly in pre-existing cavities associated with vertical banks and with woody plants (categories 8 & 17). Category 15. III. NESTING ON STONES (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. MUTILLIDAE *** Antennotilla phoebe (Peringuey). Rare. Parasitoids in the cells of Auplopus rossi nigricomis (Arnold). Three males reared from these cells emerged during early November. 28 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Category 16. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (a) Within woody stems. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. ANTHOPHORIDAE * Xylocopa caffra L. Rare and all sightings confined to the riverine bush. Old abandoned galleries found in dead trunks and branches of Rhus and Pinus located in the riverine bush believed to have been those of this species. Known to nest in dead branches and structural timbers of Pinus spp. * Xylocopa divisa Klug. Rare and all sightings confined to riverine bush. Known to nest in dead bran- ches. Category 17. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (a) Within woody stems. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. EUMENIDAE *** Euodynerus euryspilus (Cameron). Rare. Found nesting (Nov., Febr.) in four trap-nests tied to Aca- cia karroo. Nest a linear series of cells, cell partitions and closing plug composed of mud. Each cell provisioned with 7-13 caterpillars of family Pyralididae, in two nests Loxostege frustalis Zeller, the Karroo Caterpillar, a pest of Pentzia incana. SPHECIDAE *** Ampulex sp. (near cyanura Kohl) (Fig. 36). Uncommon. Found nesting (Nov. -March) in thirty trap- nests tied to Acacia karroo. Examination of dead finger-thick branches of this shrub or small tree revealed that the natural pre-existing cavities used by this wasp were abandoned larval galleries of Ceroplesis hottentota (Fabricius) (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) (Fig. 35). In both natural and arti- ficial nesting cavities nest consists of a single cell plugged with loosely compacted detritus. Each cell provisioned with a single large nymph or apterous female of Bantua dispar (Burmeister) (Blat- tidae) (Fig. 36). *** Ampulex denticollis Cameron. Rare. Found nesting (Febr.) in one trap-nest tied to Acacia karroo. Nest single-celled, plugged with detritus and provisioned with a single blattid nymph. *** Chalybion (Chalybion) tibiale (Fabricius). Rare. Found nesting (Jan. and Febr.) in three trap-nests tied to dead tree-stump in riverine bush. Nest a linear series of cells; cell partitions and closing plug composed of mud; outer surfaces of partitions and closing plug whitened with uric acid from bird droppings. Each cell provisioned with 14-34 small spiders of the families Argiopidae (Araneus, Argiope, Caerostris, Cyclosa, Isoxya and Nephila). Thiridiidae (Rhomphaea) and Zodari- idae. Nesting described by Gess & Gess (1980d). *** Isodontia pelopoeiformis (Dahlbom). Common. Found nesting (Jan. -Feb.) in over eighty trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo, Maytenus linearis and Rhus lancea in thorn scrub and riverine bush. Nest a linear series of cells; cell partitions constructed of plant “fluff” derived from fruiting inflorescences of Lasiospermum bipinnatum and Senecio spp.; preliminary plugs and closing plugs of the above 29 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 materials as well as clods of earth and debris (Fig. 32). Each cell provisioned with several katy- dids—'Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae (Terpnistria zebrata nymphs, Eurycorypha prasinata nymphs, and Phaneroptera spp. — nymphs and adults). Nesting of this species in Rhodesia de- scribed in Smithers (1958). * Isodontia simoni (du Buysson). Rare. Nov. & Dec. Not found nesting. *** Isodontia stanleyi (Kohl). Uncommon. Found nesting (Dec.-Febr.) in eighteen trap-nests similarly situated to those of I. pelopoeiformis . Nest a linear series of cells; cell partitions constructed of short lengths of grass leaf blades transversely arranged; preliminary plugs and closing plugs of grass inflorescences, transversely coiled and longitudinally arranged respectively (Fig. 33). Grasses used; Danthonia curva, Diplachne fusca, Eragrostis sp. (probably E. curvula ), Melica racemosa and Sporobolas sp. (probably S. fimbriatus). Each cell provisioned with several katydids, apparently the same species taken by I. pelopoeiformis but smaller (younger) individuals. One cell in addition contained two tree crickets (Oecanthus capensis Saussure (Gryllidae: Oecanthinae)). *** Holotachysphex turneri (Arnold). Rare. Found nesting (Dec.-Febr.) in five trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo and Salix mucronata. Nest a linear series of cells; cell partitions constructed of coarse detritus and clayey earth; closing plug of coarse detritus. Each cell provisioned with a variable number (4-32) of ?Pyrgomorphella sp. nymphs (Pyrgomorphidae, Acridoidea). Nesting described by Gess (1978). *** Pison montanum Cameron. Rare. Found nesting (Dec.-Febr.) in eight trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo and Maytenus linearis. Nest a linear series of cells; cell partitions and closing plug con- structed of mud. Each cell provisioned with a variable number (7-47) of small spiders of the family Argiopidae. *** Trypoxylon sp. Common. Found nesting (Oct.-Febr.) in twenty-five trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo and Rhus lancea. Nest a linear series of cells; cell partitions and closing plug constructed of mud. Each cell provisioned with a variable number (5-11) of small spiders of the following families: Lycosidae (incl. Hippasa sp.), Pisauridae ( Euphrosthenops sp.), and Argiopidae (inch Araneus spp., Larinia sp.). COLLETIDAE *** Hylaeus braunsi (Alfken). Rare. Dec. Found nesting in two trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo. Nest a linear series of cells; cell partitions and nest closure of very shiny and thin transparent “cel- lophane"-like material. * Hylaeus spp. (at least two others). ME GA CHI LI DA E *** Immanthidium junodi (Friese). Common. Nov. -May. Commonly found nesting in trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo. A carder bee constructing cell partitions and closing plug of cottonwool-like mate- rial. Nesting of this species described or commented upon by Skaife (1950), Taylor (1962a) and Michener (1968). *** Heriades sp. Rare. Oct. Found nesting in one trap-nest tied to Maytenus linearis. *** Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) fulva (Smith). Rare. Found nesting (Dec.) in two trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo. Nest a linear series of mud cells. *** Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) sinuata (Friese). Rare. Found nesting (Jan., Febr.) in three trap- nests tied to Acacia karroo. Nest a linear series of mud cells. Parasitized by Zonitoschema eborina (Fabr.) (Meloidae). *** Megachile (Eutricharaea) gratiosa Gerst. Common. Found nesting (Dec. -Feb.) in trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo. Nest a linear series of cells constructed of pieces cut from green leaves. Parasitized by Zonitoschema eborina (Fabr.) (Meloidae). *** Megachile (Paracella) spinarum Cockerell. Common. Found nesting in many trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo. Nest a linear series of cells constructed of pieces cut from green leaves of Maytenus hetero- phylla. 30 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Category 18. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (a) Within woody stems. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. CHRYSIDIDAE *** Chrysidea africana Mocsary. Uncommon. Parasitic in the nests of Trypoxylon sp. nesting in trap- nests. (Seven females reared.) *** Chrysis sp. (near purpuripyga Edney). Uncommon. Parasitic in the nests of Trypoxylon sp. nesting in trap-nests. (Nine individuals reared.) *** Chrysis inops Gribodo. Rare. Parasitic in the nests of Pison montanum Cameron nesting in trap- nests. (Three males and a female reared.) Previously recorded as parasitic in the nests of Pison transvaalensis Cameron in Natal (Taylor, 1968). *** Octochrysis hoplites (Mocsary). Rare. Parasitic in the nests of Euodynerus euryspilus (Cameron) nesting in trap-nests. (Six individuals reared.) SAPYGIDAE *** Sapyga (Sapygina) simillima Arnold. Rare. Parasitic in the nest of Heriades sp. nesting in a trap-nest. (One individual reared.) ME GA CHI LID A E *** Coelioxys (Coelioxys) penetratrix Smith. Rare. Parasitic in the nests of Megachile (Paracella) spina- rum Cockerell nesting in trap-nests. (2 females and one male reared.) Category 19. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (b) Within pithy stems. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. EUMENIDAE * Raphiglossa natalensis Smith. Very rare. March. Not found nesting. Recorded at Willowmore (as R. flavo-ornata Cameron) as excavating its cells in dry pithy stems (chiefly those of Liliaceae) and provisioning its cells with small caterpillars (Lepidoptera) (Meade-Waldo, 1913: 45 and Bequaert, 1918: 29-30). SPHECIDAE * Dasyproctus bipunctatus Lep. & Brulle (inch the colour forms bipunctatus Lep., lugubris (Arnold) and simillimus (Smith)). Flight period: Oct. -March. Common. Known to nest in the inflorescence stems of Amaryllidaceae, Iridaceae and Liliaceae (Bowden, 1964: 425-437) and to provision with adult Diptera. * Dasyproctus dubiosus (Arnold). Very rare. Dec., Jan. * Dasyproctus immitis (Saussure). Rare. Oct. -March. * Dasyproctus ruficaudis (Arnold). Rare. Dec.-Febr. *** Dasyproctus westermanni (Dahlbom). Common. Oct. -March. Found nesting during Dec. and Jan. in inflorescence stems of Urginea altissima (Liliaceae); nest a linear series of cells in an ascending and 31 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 a descending gallery; cells provisioned with numerous small adult Diptera (Simuliidae, Stra- tiomyidae, Bombyliidae, Empididae, Syrphidae, Otitidae, Chamaemyiidae). Parasites: Perilampus sp. (Perilampidae, Chalcidoidea, Hymenoptera) and Phoridae (Diptera). Evidence of nesting by Dasyproctus spp. (unidentified) also in inflorescence stems of Gasteria spp. (Liliaceae) and in stems of Berkheya decurrens Compositae). Nesting of Dasyproctus spp. (especially D. westermanni) described by Gess (1980b). ANTHOPHORIDAE *** Xylocopa (Gnathoxylocopa) sicheli Vachal. Common. At Hilton found nesting exclusively in dry but still attached inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox (Liliaceae) (Fig. 30). Nest consists of a descending gallery and an ascending gallery, both unbranched and subdivided serially into a number of cells each sealed with a pithy plug made of material rasped from the gallery walls. Bees are present throughout the year; nesting takes place during the summer. Parasite: Coelopencyrtus sp. (Encyrt- idae, Chalcidoidea). Cleptoparasites: Gasteruption robustum Kieffer (Gasteruptionidae) and Synhoria hottentota Peringuey (Meloidae). *** Ceratina sp. A. Common. Commonly found nesting in the thinner branches of dry but still attached inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox (Liliaceae), less commonly nesting in the stems of Gasteria spp. (Liliaceae) and infrequently in stems of Datura stramonium (Solanaceae). Nest plan like that of X. sicheli but all dimensions much smaller. Bees are present throughout the year; nesting takes place during the summer. *** Ceratina sp. B. Eleven further species known to occur at Hilton. C. sp. B found nesting in inflores- cence stem of Aloe ferox (1 nest); One male of C. sp. C found sheltering in bored dry stem of Berkheya decurrens (Compositae); one female and two males of C. sp. D. found sheltering in bored dry inflorescence stem of Apicra sp. (Liliaceae). Category 20. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (b) Within pithy stems. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. SPHECIDAE *** Isodontia stanleyi (Kohl). Three nests found within old galleries of Xylocopa sicheli in inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox (Fig. 38). (For details of nesting of this wasp see previous entry for this species in category 17.) *** Trypoxylon sp. Nests found within old galleries of Ceratina sp. A. in inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox, within old galleries of Ceratina and Dasyproctus spp. in inflorescence stems of Gasteria sp., and within galleries of Dasyproctus westermanni in inflorescence stems of Urginea altissima (Gess, 1980b). (For details of nesting of Trypoxylon see previous entry for Trypoxylon sp. in category 17.) ANTHOPHORIDAE *** Allodape rufogastra Lep. & Serv. OR Allodape exoloma Strand. Nests found within old galleries of Dasyproctus sp. in stems of Berkheya decurrens. Bee nest characterized by lack of cell partitions and by the eggs being cemented to the gallery wall. MEGACHI LI DAE *** Capanthidium capicola (Friese). Two nests found within old galleries of Ceratina sp. A. in inflores- cence stem of Aloe ferox. A carder bee constructing cell partitions of cotton-wool-like material. 32 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES *** Immanthidium junodi (Friese). Nests found within old galleries of Ceratina sp. A. in inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox, within old galleries of Ceratina and Dasyproctus spp. in inflorescence stems of Gasteria sp., and within old galleries of Ceratina sp. in stems of Datura sp. (For details of nesting of this bee see previous entry for this species in category 17.) *** Heriades spiniscutis (Cameron). Two nests found within old galleries of (?) Dasyproctus sp. in stems of Berkheya decurrens and one nest found within old gallery of Dasyproctus sp. in inflorescence stem of Gasteria sp. Nest in linear series of cells; cell partitions (when present) and closing plug of dark resin-like substance. Cell provisioned with bright yellow, rather dry pollen. The nesting of H. spiniscutis has been described in detail by Michener (1968). *** Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) sinuata (Friese). Six nests found within old abandoned galleries of Xylocopa sicheli in inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox (Fig. 40). Nest in linear series of mud cells. *** Megachile (Paracella) spinarum Cockerell. Six nests found within old abandoned galleries of Xyloco- pa sicheli in inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox (Fig. 39). Nest a linear series of cells constructed of pieces cut from green leaves of Maytenus heterophylla. Parasites: Leucospis africana Cameron (Leucospidae) (three females reared from above nests) and a species of Cleridae (ITrichodes au- licus Klug) (one larva found in one of the above nests). Also Coelioxys (Coelioxys) penetratrix Smith (see below). Category 21. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (b) Within pithy stems. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. No species were recorded in this category from the above nests within pithy stems and branches of non-woody plants. However, parasites recorded from the nests of species nesting in trap-nests may be expected to occur also in the nests of the same host species nesting in pithy stems and branches. The following species are thus listed on the strength of this assumption: CHRYSIDIDAE Chrysidea africana Mocsary. Parasitic in the nests of Trypoxylon sp. Chrysis sp. (near purpuripyga Edney). As above. ME GA CHI LI DA E Coelioxys ( Coelioxys ) penetratrix Smith. Parasitic in the nests of Megachile (Paracella) spinarum Cockerell. Category 22. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (c) Within hollow stems. (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. ANTHOPHORIDAE *** Xylocopa caffrariae Enderlein. Common. Nesting exclusively in dry but still attached hollow culms of Phragmites australis (Gramineae), “Common Reed”, growing along the course of the New Year’s River and immediately within the retaining wall of the earthen dam. Nest consists of a descending 33 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 and an ascending gallery subdivided serially into a number of cells each sealed with a pithy plug made of material rasped from the gallery walls. Access to the hollow internode is through an entrance hole cut by the bee through the 1 mm thick side wall of the culm (Fig. 31). Bees are present throughout the year; nesting takes place during the summer. Cleptoparasite; Gasteruption robustum Kieffer (Gasteruptionidae). Category 23. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (c) Within hollow stems. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. SPHECIDAE *** Isodontia stanleyi (Kohl.) Two nests found within old galleries of Xylocopa caffrariae in bored hollow culms of OHHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS. (For details of nesting of this wasp see previous entry for this species in category 17). *** Holotachysphex turneri (Arnold). Two nests found within old galleries of Xylocopa caffrariae in bored hollow culms oe Phragmites australis. (For details of nesting of this wasp see previous entry for this species in category 17, Gess (1978) and Gess & Gess (1980a: 52)). *** Trypoxylon sp. A few nests found within old galleries of Xylocopa caffrariae in bored hollow culms of Phragmites australis, a few others found in hollow culms of the same plant bored by lepidopter- ous larvae. (For details of nesting of Trypoxylon see previous entry for Trypoxylon sp. in category 17). MEGACHILIDAE *** Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachile) sinuata (Friese). One nest found within old gallery of Xylocopa caffrariae in bored hollow culm of Phragmites australis. Nest a linear series of mud cells. Category 24. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS A. IN PLANTS (c) Within hollow stems. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. No species were recorded in this category from the above nests within hollow stems of hollow- stemmed plants. However, parasites recorded from the nests of species nesting in trap-nests may be expected to occur also in the nests of the same host species nesting in hollow stems. The following species are thus listed on the strength of this assumption: CHR YS1DIDA E Chrysidea africana Mocsary. Parasitic in the nests of Trypoxylon. Chrysis sp. (near purpuripyga Edney). As above. 34 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Category 25. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS B. ON PLANTS (Irrespective of whether woody, pithy or hollow-stemmed), (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. EUMENIDAE *** Eumenes lucasius Saussure. Rare. Urn-shaped aerial mud cell found under loose bark of fallen tree. Provisioned with caterpillars. A few other aerial mud nests constructed by Eumenidae were found but in all cases they were old, the wasps having already emerged, and identification of the species involved was not possible. MASARIDAE * Celonites capensis Brauns. A rare species at Hilton; not found nesting. Known to construct small aerial mud cells. Provisions with a mixture of pollen and nectar. VESPIDAE *** Polistes smithii Saussure. One nest (with foundress female) found (Nov.) attached to branches of Lycium overhanging “sandstone” bank. Nest aerial, constructed of wood pulp (“wasp paper”) and in the form of a naked paper comb suspended from the branch by a short pedicel. Social species; larvae fed directly on macerated insects and nectar. Adult males occasionally stylopized. *** Ropalidia sp. B. One nest (with foundress female) found (Nov.) attached to branches of Cadaba aphylla overhanging “sandstone” bank. Form of nest similar to that of Polistes smithii. Adult males likewise occasionally stylopized. SPHECIDAE * Sceliphron quartinae (Gribodo). Rare. Nov., Febr. Not found nesting at Hilton. Known to construct its cells of cow dung or clayey mud and to attach them singly or in twos to grass culms or other plant stems at some height above the ground. Provisioning is with small spiders. (Brauns, 1911; 119 and Jacot Guillarmod, pers.comm.) At Hilton found at puddles, presumably collecting mud for nest-building purposes. Category 26. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS B. ON PLANTS (Irrespective of whether woody, pithy or hollow-stemmed.) (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. No representatives recorded for this category. Category 27. IV. NESTING IN OR ON PLANTS B. ON PLANTS (Irrespective of whether woody, pithy or hollow-stemmed.) (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. No representatives recorded for this category. 35 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 DISCUSSION Evaluation of the completeness and representativeness of the sample The classification of the aculeate wasps and of the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology encompasses an annotated list of a total of 241 species. The strengths of the specific representation of the families involved are shown in Table 1. Table 1. The strengths of the specific representation of the families included in the annotated list. Family No. of spp. Family No. of spp. Chrysididae 19 Vespidae 3 Tiphiidae 17 Pompilidae 11 Mutillidae 20 Sphecidae 91 Scoliidae 11 Colletidae 3 Sapygidae 2 Halictidae 6 Masaridae 6 Megachilidae 25 Eumenidae 16 Anthophoridae 11 It is inevitable that in a survey of the present kind not all the species present in a given area (in the present instance, the farm Hilton) will be collected and identified and that it will not be possible to allocate to any particular nesting association those species for which etholo- gical information is lacking. It is axiomatic, however, that in any area, the most common species are the most likely to be noticed and recorded — that is most likely to be collected and most likely to be found nest- ing or at least intimately associated with a particular nesting association (e.g. a particular type of soil) in which nesting may be assumed to take place. It may therefore be expected that the present account of the ethology of the aculeate wasps and the bees of Hilton includes amongst the 241 species listed most if not all of the common and therefore most important species occurring there. Judged on the basis of the inclusion in the sample of these common and important species the sample may therefore be considered as representative of the entire com- munity of the above defined insects. Although further study of the whole area of Hilton would undoubtedly swell the lists of some if not all the various categories of the present classification with further species, it is believed that this quantitative change would not be accompanied by a qualitative change of any real importance. For some families at least it is possible to obtain some indication of how representative the number of species listed above is of the total number of species occurring at Hilton. For example, with respect to the Sphecidae, the predominant family of the sample, the 91 species listed are believed to represent 80-90% of the total number of species of the family present at Hilton, and the five and six species listed respectively for the Vespidae and the Masaridae are believed to represent 60% and 100% of their total numbers, however) the nineteen listed species of Chrysididae are believed to represent only 45% of their total number. An evaluation of the classification of the aculeate wasps and the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology. In the classification of the aculeate wasps and the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology 27 categories are recognized. When the 241 species are allocated to these cate- 36 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES gories it is found that 209 species occur in only one category each and 32 in more than one category each. If, however, those species which construct their nests entirely by themselves are considered, it is found that of the 118 species in this category only one (0,85%) occurs in two categories, both of which offer the species in question, Eumenes lucasius , an aerial nester, a support for its nest. The species which modify pre-existing cavities and therefore do not have to excavate their cavities themselves show, as one would expect, less specificity. Of the 44 species involved 13 species (29,5%) occur in more than one category. Of these 13 species 10 nest only above the ground either in vertical banks or in plants and of these three were restricted to plants. One species. Megachile semiflava , was restricted to cavities in the ground regardless of the nature of the soil. Of the 79 species which nest in pre-existing cavities which they do not themselves modify 17 (21,5%) occur in more than one category, however, these species, belonging to the Chrysi- didae, Mutillidae, Sapygidae and Megachilidae such as Coelioxys , are “parasitic” in one way or another and the categories in which they occur are therefore determined by those of their hosts. These species are therefore 100% restricted on the basis of host. It is clear that each community determined by habitat is characterized by those species which construct their nests entirely by themselves but that there is, not surprisingly, overlap in species using pre-existing cavities and a resultant overlap in species which are hosted by the latter. Having established the validity of the ethological classification nesting in the four main habitat categories; ground, vertical banks, stones and plants; will be discussed. Discussion of nesting in the four main habitat categories. The Ground Soils may be divided into two different types — friable and non-friable. By definition, the word “friable” means easily crumbled and a friable soil therefore is one in which it is easy to dig, the individual particles being relatively loosely aggregated and not difficult to part from one another. “Non-friable” means not easily crumbled and a non-friable soil is therefore one in which it is difficult to dig, the individual soil particles being closely aggregated and difficult to part from one another. The character of a non-friable soil may, however, vary greatly with the amount of moisture which it contains, a wet non-friable soil being more easily worked than a dry one. At Hilton the friable soil is mostly sandy in nature and is derived from the weathering of Witteberg Quartzite and the non-friable soil is clayey in nature and is derived from the weath- ering of Witteberg Shale. In certain small areas recent disturbance during farming activities has broken down the structure of the clayey soil and has temporarily rendered it partially friable. At Hilton, the number of species recorded as nesting in the ground exceeds the number recorded from the three other situations combined: 167 species as against 74. Of the 167 spe- cies recorded from the ground, 126 (75,5%) were associated only with friable soil, 35 (21%) were associated only with non-friable soil and 6 (3,5%) were associated with both friable and non-friable soils. On account of the species which were recorded in both soil types, the number of species/ substrate associations exceeds the actual number of species by 6 and therefore totals 173. An analysis of this figure according to the degree of participation of species of wasps and of bees in the construction of their nests is given in Table 2 and is shown graphically and in greater detail in the Pie-diagram (Fig. 16). 37 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Table 2. Number of species of aculeate wasps and of bees nesting in the ground. In nests con- structed entirely In modified In unmodified by the nesters pre-existing pre-existing themselves cavities cavities In non-friable soils 15 12 14 In friable soils 76 2 54 It may be seen immediately that with respect to those species which excavate their nests themselves there are many more (76 as against 15) that do so in friable soils than in non-friable soils. It should be noted that this marked difference in the numbers of species nesting in the two soil types is not a reflection of the extent of the availability of these soils for nesting, the density of nesting in areas of friable soil being far greater than in areas of non-friable soil with readily available water sources. Furthermore this discrepancy is not a peculiarity of the Hilton population but bears out the picture which emerges from a consideration of ground-nesting aculeate wasps as a whole. It can be clearly seen from the Pie-diagram (Fig. 16) that, at Hilton, at the family level the composition of the communities of species which construct their nests themselves are strikingly different in friable and non-friable soils. Whereas in friable soils the vast majority of species, 67 (88%), are members of the family Sphecidae in non-friable soils this family is only repre- sented by two (13%) of the species. The majority of species, 11 (74%), in non-friable soils are members of the Vespoidea, five species of Masaridae and six species of Eumenidae. There are no representatives of the Vespoidea nesting in friable soils. Species of Pompilidae excavate their nests in both soil types. Whereas the two species of Dichragenia appear to be the only pompilids associated in this way with non-friable soils, the number of species, 3, recorded for friable soils is in all probability too low. Bees represented, albeit poorly, amongst the nest excavators in friable soil are absent amongst those in non-friable soil. The construction of nests in the two very different soil types clearly demands different excavation techniques and therefore differences in the structure and behaviour of the wasps involved. Characteristic of the species excavating nests in friable soil is that there is no modification of the physical nature of the substrate by the addition of water. Excavation of the nests is by digging, the organs involved being the mandibles, the fore-legs and in some species the pygi- dium. Initial loosening of the soil at the working face of the excavation is frequently done with the mandibles. These may be used simply to bite away the soil but in some species nesting in compacted soil they are aided in their work by the wasp’s manipulation of its flight mechanisms which produces vibrations transmitted by the mandibles to the substrate. Evidence of this method of loosening the soil was the very noticeable buzzing sound that could frequently be heard being made by excavating females of the sphecids Podalonia canescens and Ammophila ferrugineipes. Frequently this buzzing sound emanating from the ground was the first indica- tion that nest excavation by one of these species was under way in the immediate vicinity. Removal of the loosened soil may be effected in several ways, on the basis of which Olberg (1959) divided the digger wasps into “rakers”, “pullers”, “carriers” and “pushers”. A 38 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 16. Diagram showing the structure of the communities of the aculeate wasps and the bees nesting in the ground in the study area. Numbers accompanying the family names represent numbers of species. The numbers (i, ii, iii) in the outermost ring correspond to the same numbers in the classification of the aculeate wasps and the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology, (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. good account of the different modes of digging based upon the above division is given by Evans and Eberhard (1970) and will only be briefly outlined here, with the addition of exam- ples drawn from the present study. 39 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 The “rakers”, constituting the majority of the fossorial wasps, are characterized by having a strongly developed series of stout spines on the front tarsus, forming the so-called “tarsal comb” or “sandrake”. In digging, the fore tarsi which are bent towards the midline of the body are moved repeatedly backwards and forward, each backstroke throwing back a load of soil which passes beneath the upheld abdomen to behind the body. By walking backwards whilst so raking, loose soil can rapidly be swept from the excavation. Many of the species observed nesting in friable soil at Hilton are included in the “rakers”, for example Bato- zonellus fuliginosus (Pompilidae) (Gess and Gess, 1980b), Tachyphex spp., Kohliella alaris (Gess and Gess, 1980a), Palarus latifrons, Bembecinus braunsii, Bembecinus haemorrhoidalis and Bembix albofaciata (Sphecidae). In some species the two front legs move alternately (e.g. Batozonellus), in other species synchronously (e.g. Bembix). By virtue of the fact that it is not possible to rake or sweep loose sand vertically upwards, all the burrows of “rakers” examined at Hilton were found to be inclined, often at a fairly small angle with the horizontal (for example see nest plans of Kohliella alaris — Gess and Gess, 1980a: Figs 4 and 5). The “pullers” like the “rakers” use the fore legs to remove the loosened soil from the excavation. However, instead of raking out the soil, the latter is gathered together to form a load held between the underside of the head and prothorax and the basal parts of the fore legs and, the wasp walking backwards, this soil is then pulled out of the excavation and deposited at its entrance. At Hilton a common “puller” is Podalonia canescens. However, this wasp does also act as a “raker” for the small heap of excavated soil pulled to the nest entrance is from time to time dispersed by raking. Raking of soil is also practised in nest closure. Soil pulling unlike soil raking does not necessarily require the burrow to be inclined and the burrow of Podalonia canescens is frequently subvertical, at least initially. The “carriers” are like the “pullers” in their mode of removing the loosened soil from the excavation. However, unlike the “pullers” they do not deposit the soil at the nest entrance but drop it at a distance from the nest entrance, having transported it there either on foot or in flight. At Hilton the most common carrier nesting in friable soil is Ammophila ferrugineipes which carries the soil to a distance of 1-1,5 m from the nest before dropping it. Generally each load of soil is dropped in the same area, mostly into a low bush. Despite the fact that each load is dropped in the same place, the discarded sand is not noticeable for, being dropped from a height into a bush by a wasp which is moving in flight, it is well scattered and concealed. Like the burrow of Podalonia canescens , the burrow of Ammophila ferrugineipes is initially subver- tical. The “pushers” differ from the “rakers”, “pullers” and “carriers” in their use of the end of the abdomen in clearing soil from their excavations. Soil loosened by the mandibles and fore legs is moved back by the legs to behind the wasp which then backs up its burrow pushing the soil before it, in an action comparable to that of a piston in its cylinder. The common “pushers” in friable soil at Hilton are the many species of Cerceris which for the purpose of pushing soil with the end of the abdomen have a well developed pygidial plate. Characteristic of Cerceris burrows is that they are vertical or subvertical and that the excavated soil in the form of “sand sausages” forms a conical heap surrounding and surmounting the nest entrance (Fig. 17). The length of the “sand sausage” indicates that this method of nest excavation allows a great amount of loosened material to be brought to the surface at any one time — more than can be moved at any one time by a “puller”. It is therefore an efficient and time-saving method of excavation and allows the construction of nests of great depth. At Hilton, Cerceris latifrons, for example, constructs a burrow far deeper than that of any other species examined there — at a depth of 600 mm, the reach of the excavator’s arm, the burrow still continues downwards. Characteristic of those species constructing original nests in non-friable soils is that ex- cavation of the nest is affected by the use of water used to soften the soil thus rendering it workable. The water, collected by the nesting female from a water source, usually a pool or 40 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 17. Nest entrance of Cerceris oraniensis showing excavated soil in the form of “sand sausages”, (x 1) puddle in the vicinity of the chosen nesting site, is carried to the nesting site in the crop. The mechanics of excavation consist of the regurgitation of a droplet of water from the crop onto the working face of the excavation, the working of this water into the soil by the mandibles, and the formation of the resultant mud into a pellet which is carried from the excavation by means of the mouthparts. Several such pellets may be formed from a single crop-full of water: when the supply is depleted the wasp returns to the water source for a further crop-full. Whilst the above outlined method of softening the soil is unique to those wasps nesting in non-friable soils, the use of the mandibles for carrying out the pellets of mud from the excavation involves the same behaviour as shown by many nesters in friable soils which may use their mandibles for carrying out pebbles and other objects from their excavations though their digging is other- wise done by raking or pulling the soil. Another facet of behaviour shared by certain excava- tors in both friable and non-friable soils is the use of vibrations generated by the manipulation of the flight mechanisms and transmitted by the mandibles to the substrate for the purpose of loosening the latter. Recorded above with respect to the sphecids Podalortia canescens and Ammophila ferrugineipes (“pullers” and “carriers” respectively), it is a feature also of the excavating behaviour of the sphecid Bembecinus cinguliger (and probably also Bembecinus oxydorcus) . The use of water for nest excavation has been described in detail for several species of wasps nesting in clayey soils at Hilton: Dichragenia pulchricoma (Arnold) (Gess and Gess, 1974) and Dichragenia neavei (Kohl) (Gess and Gess, 1976b) (both Pompilidae); Parachilus insignis (Saussure) (Gess and Gess, 1976a) (Eumenidae); Ceramius capicola Brauns, Cera- mius lichtensteinii (Klug), Ceramius linearis Klug and Jurgurtia confusa Richards (Gess and Gess, 1980c) (all Masaridae); Bembecinus cinguliger (Smith) and Bembecinus oxydorcus 41 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 (Handlirsch) (Gess and Gess, 1975) (both Sphecidae). In addition to these species a further five species, all Eumenidae, have been recorded using this method of nest excavation: included are Antepipona scutellaris Giordani Soika, Parachilus capensis (Saussure) and Pseudepipona erythrospila (Cameron). The above species, in marked contrast to those excavating their nests in friable soils, make no use of the fore-legs in manipulating the nesting substrate and these limbs are consequently devoid of any modifications such as “sandrakes” used for digging. This is particularly striking with respect to the sphecid genus Bembecinus , represented at Hilton by four very common species, B. braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis nesting in friable soil (in the sandpit) and B. cinguliger and B. oxydorcus nesting in non-friable, clayey soil. Typically the members of this large cosmopolitan genus are sand-raking and have the fore-tarsi furnished with long spines for this purpose as in B. braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis. In B. cinguliger and B. oxydorcus , by contrast, these spines forming the “sandrake” are totally absent, the fore-tarsi having instead a dense row of short spines (Figs 18 and 19). Fig. 19. Left fore-tarsus of Bembecinus haemorrhoidalis showing long spines forming “sandrake". (x 32) Fig. 18. Left fore-tarsus of Bembecinus cinguli- ger showing dense row of short spines, (x 32) Within the Pompilidae, the unmodified fore-tarsi of the two species of Dichragenia nesting in non-friable soil may similarly be contrasted with the modified fore-tarsi of Batozonellus fuliginosus nesting in friable soil (Figs 20 & 21). It might be expected with respect to the clay-nesters that as all work associated with the manipulation of the substrate and of the excavated material (mud pellets) is performed by the mouthparts, principally the mandibles, some modifications associated with these organs might be present. This does indeed appear to be the case in the two Dichragenia species, females of which possess a brush of long, stiff, forwardly directed bristles emitted from the base of the 42 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 20. Left fore-tarsus of Dichragenia pulchricoma Fig. 21. Left fore-tarsus (distal four joints only) of showing very short spines not forming a “sand- Batozonellus fuliginosus showing long spines form- rake”. (x 28) ing “sandrake”. (x 24) mentum (Figs 22 & 23 and Arnold, 1934: Figs 1, la), it is believed that these bristles may by supporting it from below aid the mandibles in holding and manipulating a mud pellet. Support for this belief may be drawn from two auplopodine genera closely allied to Dichragenia — Phanagenia and Auplopus which possess similar brushes of mental bristles and which use mud pellets to construct aerial mud cells. 43 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 22. Underside of head of Dichragenia pulchricoma showing stiff, forwardly directed bristles emitted from the base of the mentum. (x 56) Fig. 23. Underside of head of Batozonellus fuliginosus showing absence of forwardly directed bristles, (x 24) In the brief outline given above of the excavating methods used by nesters in friable soils, it was shown that whereas soil raking allowed the construction only of inclined burrows, soil pulling and the development of soil pulling — soil carrying — allowed the construction of vertical burrows. As the species excavating their nests in non-friable soils all remove the excavation spoils in the form of mud pellets held by the mandiblss it follows that they may be considered soil carriers and it is not surprising that the nests excavated are without exception vertical or subvertical (Gess and Gess, 1974: Figs 2-5; 1975; Figs 10-17; 1976a: Figs 1-4; 1976b: Figs 1-2; 1980c: Figs 1-5). The genus Bembecinus may once again be used as an illustration, in this instance to show the differences in the nest plan resulting from different excavation techniques employed in the two substrates. Thus, whereas the nest of several sandraking species has been described by Evans (1966: 137-138) as being without exception oblique, a description also fitting the nests of B. braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis , the nest of the mud pelletcarrying B. cinguliger and B. oxydorcus is vertical or subvertical. The distinction can be clearly seen by comparison between Evans (1966: Fig. 76) and Gess and Gess (1975: Figs 10-17). The same picture emerges from a comparison of the nest plan of Batozonellus fuliginosus (Gess and Gess, 1980b: 5) with those of the two Dichragenia species. Characteristic of all the species recorded excavating their nests in non-friable clayey soil is that at least some of the excavated material — in the form of mud pellets — is used to build an aerial superstructure encircling and surmounting the nest entrance. Among the species in- volved, the two Dichragenia species are unique in that all the pellets removed from their burrows are added to the superstructures. All other species stop adding pellets to the super- structure once this has attained a certain size, and further pellets are discarded at varying distances from the nest, depending upon the species. 44 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Each species builds a superstructure of definite form so that the identity of the builder may readily be established from the style of its architecture. The largest and most striking superstructures are constructed by the two Pompilidae: that of Dichragenia pulchricoma is retort-shaped (Gess and Gess, 1974: 195-196, Pis 5-8 and 1976b: Fig. 3) whereas that of D. neavei is funnel-shaped (Gess and Gess, 1976b: PI. 1 and Figs 1 and 2). The nest superstructures of the Eumenidae are all of a single basic type or developments thereof: a low collar encircling the nest entrance in Parachiius insignis (Gess and Gess, 1976a: 88, Fig. 1 and Pis 3-8) and in Pseudepipona erythrospila; a very low turret with a downwardly recurved lip in Eumenid sp. G; a short vertical flared tube in Antepipona scutellaris ; and a vertical funnel-shaped turret in Parachiius capensis. The four Masaridae studied all construct nest superstructures in the form of cylindrical turrets. That of Jugurtia confusa is characteristically very short (Gess and Gess, 1980c: 66, Figs 1 and 7) whereas those of the three species of Ceramius are longer: those of C. linearis (Gess and Gess, 1980c: 66, Fig. 3) and C. lichtensteinii (Gess, 1973: 117, PI. 2; and Gess and Gess, 1980c: 66, Figs 4, 5 and 9) are initially vertical or subvertical but may, if of any considerable length, curve over and that of C. capicola (Gess, 1973: 117, PI. 1; and Gess and Gess, 1980c: 66, Figs 2 and 8) is always downcurved and may continue in a horizontal plane close to the ground but always free from it. The nest superstructures of the two Specidae though superficially very different are on closer examination dearly of similar plan and may readily be homologized (Gess and Gess, 1975: 33): that of Bembecinus cinguliger is elongated and is applied to the surface of the ground (Gess and Gess, 1975: Figs 6-9 and Pis 5 and 6) whereas that of B. oxydorcus is shortened and raised above the ground (Gess and Gess, 1975: Figs 2-5 and Pis 7-13). A feature common to the nest superstructures of the Pompilidae, Eumenidae and Masar- idae enumerated above is that of radial symmetry, at least in the initial stages of their construc- tion. Whereas radial symmetry is characteristic of the completed superstructures of all the Eumenidae and of Jugurtia confusa as well as of large superstructures of Dichragenia neavei, it is lost in those of the Ceramius species and in large superstructures of D. pulchricoma. The nest superstructures of the two species of Bembecinus (Sphecidae), however, are never radially symmetrical even initially. In Ceramius lichtensteinii at least, it has been established (Gess, 1973: 117) that ex- perimental removal of a completed nest turret is followed by its replacement by the nesting w'asp with a new one of similar design to and size as the first. The response by D. pulchricoma to a damaged nest superstructure is different and has been described in detail by Gess and Gess (1974: 196). That the possession of an aerial superstructure surmounting the nest entrance is of surviv- al value to species excavating their nests in non-friable clayey soils is evident by the fact that all the species listed as belonging to this category of ground nesters construct such superstruc- tures. This is all the more striking when it is considered that the species involved belong to four different families and that the technique of nesting in clay has evolved independently in the Pompilidae, Eumenidae-Masaridae, and Sphecidae. Ways in which these superstructures may be of value to the wasps constructing them will be discussed later. All the species of wasps excavating their nests in the ground exhibit the same behavioural elements. Differences in the nesting behaviour result from differences in the sequence in which these behavioural elements are performed and from the repetition in some species of the per- formance of one or more of the behavioural elements within the sequence. The basic and most primitive ethologica! type found in nest-excavating wasps is character- ized by the sequence: Hunting — Paralysis of the prey (by stinging) — Transportation of the prey — Excavation of 45 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 the nest (consisting of an entrance burrow and a cell) — Oviposition — Closing of the cell and of the nest. This basic type is found amongst species excavating their nests in friable soils and is typical of the vast majority of Pompilidae, examples at Hilton being Batozonellus fuliginosus and prob- ably Tachypompilus ignitus (Gess and Gess, 1980b). A few Sphecidae such as the noctuid- caterpillar-hunting Podalonia canescens also exhibit this primitive nesting type. The wasp after transporting the prey into the vicinity of the chosen nesting site, often close to the point of prey capture, is forced temporarily to deposit the former on the ground or in some place of concealment — frequently under a leaf or in a small weed — while a shallow burrow for its reception is rapidly excavated. Despite the fact that the wasp may frequently interrupt her digging to check upon the prey, the latter is subject to misadventure and may either be carried away by other insects such as ants or may be oviposited upon by cleptoparasit- ic insects such as the pompilid Ceropales. Excavation of the cell having been completed the wasp retrieves the prey, transports it into the cell, oviposits upon it and then closes the cell by filling the burrow leading to it with some of the previously excavated soil. In the behaviour of the wasps belonging to this basic ethological type characterized by the fact that hunting precedes nest excavation there is never any repetition of a behavioural ele- ment within' a single sequence and it therefore follows that not only is a cell provisioned with only a single prey but each nest consists of only a single cell. With the closure of the cell the association with the nest is ended and capture of a further prey by the wasp is followed by the excavation of a new nest. More specialized ethological types found amongst species excavating their nests in the ground are all characterized by the fact that hunting and nest excavation have been transposed in the sequence in which the behavioural elements are performed — that is nest excavation now precedes hunting. Of immediate benefit to all wasps having this more advanced sequence is that the prey may be taken directly into the cell with greatly reduced risks of its being stolen or furnished with an egg by a cleptoparasite. Nest excavation preceding hunting is the sequence common to the majority of those wasps recorded at Hilton as excavating their nests in friable soil and is characteristic of all those species excavating their nests in the non-friable clayey soil. As has been noted above, wasps which hunt before excavating nests construct these close to the site of capture of the prey. With the adoption of the new sequence of nest excavation before hunting, the nest site is not chosen as a matter of expediency but on the basis of its overall suitability and as a consequence there is a tendency for successive nests excavated by a wasp to be localized in one area which may moreover be removed from the hunting area. The grouping by a wasp of successive nests in the same nesting area is clearly pre-adaptive for a labour and time saving shortcut in which there is a substitution of a smaller number of nests with two or more cells for a larger number of nests each with a single cell. This change from single-celled to two-celled or multi-celled nests is brought about within the new sequence of nest excavation before hunting by a delay in carrying out the final element of the se- quence— that of nest closure (as opposed to cell closure) and by a repetition after cell closure of all the preceding elements in the sequence other than the initial one — the excavation of the entrance burrow. The amended sequence may be expressed as: Excavation of the nest entrance burrow — [Excavation of the cell — Hunting — Paralysis of the prey — Transportation of the prey — Oviposition — Cell closure ]n — Nest closure. (The portion of the sequence in square brackets is that subject to repetition “n” times.) At Hilton, examples of wasps belonging to this ethological type are the two pompilids excavating their nests in clayey soils — Dichragenia pulchricoma and D. neavei (Gess and Gess, 46 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES 1974 and 1976b, respectively). In both these species the final nest closure has never been found to occur and it therefore seems that it is not only delayed but is omitted altogether. The sequence of nest excavation preceding hunting is pre-adaptive for the substitution in the provisioning of a cell of several smaller prey for a single large one. This is clearly of advantage with respect to prey transport, it being easier to transport several small prey, one at a time, than a single large prey. The advantage can easily be seen with respect to wasps provisioning their cells with spiders (Table 3). Like all Pompilidae, Batozonellus fuliginosus and Tachypompilus igniius (Gess and Gess, 1980b) provision each cell with a single spider, which on account of its weight relative to that of the wasp transporting it — up to around eight times — cannot be transported other than by being dragged laboriously over the ground. Fre- quently the wasp has difficulty in overcoming the obstacles on the way to the nest. By contrast, in the Sphecidae Chalybion tibiale (Gess and Gess, 1980d) and Pison montanum provision each cell with numerous small spiders, which on account of their light weight — for each indi- vidual a mere fraction (about one-third) of that of the wasp — are able to be transported effort- lessly, rapidly and directly to the nest by the wasp in flight. Table 3 The relationship for some species of Pompilidae and Sphecidae between the weight of the spider or spiders forming the provision of a cell and the weight of the female wasp provisioning the cell. Wasp No. of No. of Provision weight Provision weight Individual prey wt. family & species Size of sample prey/cell (range) prey/cell (average) wasp wt. (range) wasp wt. (average) wasp wt. (average) POMPILIDAE Batozonellus fuliginosus 2 1 1 2,25-7,61 4,93 4,93 Tachypompilus ignitus 16 1 1 1,00-8,52 4,2 4,2 SPHECIDAE Chalybion tibiale 3 15-21 17,4 4,65-6,52 5,87 0,37 Pison montanum 20 7-23 14,5 2, 5-7,0 4,9 0,33 The substitution of several smaller prey for a single large one, like the substitution of two-celled or multi-celled nests for single-celled nests discussed above, is achieved by repeti- tion of some of the elements of the behavioural sequence — in this case the elements concerned with hunting, paralysis of the prey, and transport of the latter to the nest. It is clear that though the number of prey introduced as provision into a single cell may be increased from one to several or many, oviposition within the cell must be limited to a single egg and cannot automatically follow the introduction of each prey into the cell. However, whereas multiple oviposition is universally suppressed, there is variation in the point in time during the provisioning of a cell when oviposition of the single egg occurs. Oviposition may be fixed to be either on the first prey to be introduced into the cell or may be on the last (as in Cerceris species) or it may not be determined by order of prey introduction at all but rather by the size or some other particular attribute of one of the prey. This appears to be the case in the sand-nesting sphecid Kohliella alaris for which size of prey appears to be a factor in the deter- mination of the prey chosen for oviposition (Gess and Gess, 1980a: 52). Oviposition upon the first prey to be introduced into a cell may be followed by two dis- tinct forms of provisioning differing in the time span during which the subsequent provisioning (that is introduction of additional prey) is performed. Thus, if rapidly performed, the cell may 47 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 be fully provisioned and sealed before the larva hatches from the egg (= mass provisioning). However, if subsequent provisioning is delayed, the larva may hatch before provisioning is completed. Whereas this may be the consequence of a shortage of prey or of weather un- favourable for hunting, some wasps habitually practise delayed provisioning even under opti- mal conditions. In this case, introduction of the second prey into the cell is delayed until the young larva has at least partially consumed the first (on which the egg was laid) and subse- quent prey are similarly introduced only when the larva is ready to consume them (= progres- sive provisioning). Such is the case in the nesting of Bembix albofasciata , at Hilton excavating its one-celled nests in sandy soil. Whereas oviposition in all the ethological types hitherto discussed has been upon the provision and has thus followed the introduction of one or more prey into the cell, some of the more specialized wasps exhibit transposition of hunting and oviposition and oviposit into an empty cell. This behaviour is uncommon in the Sphecidae but is known in the genus Bembecinus , amongst others, and at Hilton has been described for B. cinguliger and B. oxydorcus (Gess and Gess, 1975). Oviposition into an empty cell is, however, typical of all Vespoidea and amongst the ground nesting wasps of Hilton has been described for the eumenid Parachilus insignis (Gess and Gess, 1976a) and for masarids of the genera Jugurtia and Ceramius (Gess and Gess, 1980c). Oviposition into an empty cell, like oviposition onto the first prey to be introduced into a cell, allows either mass or progressive provisioning. Both options are shown by the above wasps. The two Bembecinus species practise progressive provisioning at least initially (Gess and Gess, 1975: 38-39) whereas Parachilus insignis practises mass provisioning. Mass pro- visioning is the method used by the Masaridae studied. The contrary belief held by some authors in the past that one of these species ( Ceramius lichtensteinii ) practises progressive provisioning has been exhaustively discussed and shown (Gess and Gess, 1980c: 80-81) to have been based upon incorrect interpretation of delayed provisioning due to external causes. In passing it may be mentioned that the Masaridae are unique amongst the wasps in that (with the exception of one genus) all provision not with insect or spider prey but with a mixture of pollen and nectar. In this facet of their behaviour the Masaridae therefore parallel the bees. The nesting of the solitary bees recorded excavating their nests in the ground: Colletes (Colletidae), Halictus, Lasioglossum, Nomioides and Nomia (Halictidae) is similar in many respects to that of the more specialized wasps and follows a sequence of behaviour found also amongst the latter. Nesting is initiated by the excavation of an entrance burrow and of a cell. Provisioning of the cell (with a mixture of pollen and nectar) follows and is completed before oviposition on or near the provision takes place; thereafter the cell is sealed and the next cell is excavated. It will be noted that the relative order of provisioning and ovipositioning in these bees and in the pollen and nectar provisioning wasps (Masaridae) is reversed. When the nesting of the relevant species of wasps recorded at Hilton is considered with respect to the foregoing account of the ethological types represented in the nesting of the wasps and bees excavating original nests in the soil, an interesting distinction between those species associated with friable and non-friable soils may be discerned. Whereas a wide range of etholo- gical types from the most basic (hunting before nest excavation) to the most advanced is found amongst those species associated with friable soils, only the more advanced types are found amongst those species associated with non-friable soils. Illustrative of this is that in all the species associated with non-friable soils hunting is preceded by nest excavation and that two- celled or multi-celled nests are the rule (though Bembecinus and Parachilus may occasionally fail to excavate the second cell). Furthermore that in all the species, with the exception of the two Dichragenia species, provisioning of each cell is with numerous prey and that oviposition in the empty cell is practised. 48 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES It must therefore be postulated that, amongst the wasps and bees excavating their nests in the soil, the association with friable soil is the original one and is primitive and that the asso- ciation with non-friable soil is secondary and is derived and advanced. Certainly, the difficulties attendant upon the excavation of nests in non-friable soil pre- cludes those species doing so from possessing the sequence of behavioural elements (hunting before nest excavation) characteristic of the basic or primitive ethological nesting type. On the other hand, the more advanced ethological nesting types seen amongst the species nesting in friable soil are pre-adaptive in overcoming the difficulties imposed by nesting in non-friable soil. With respect to the relative sequence in which hunting and nest excavation are performed, the primitive sequence (hunting preceding nest excavation) is possible only if the delay in the introduction into the nest of the prey, already at hand and waiting, can be kept to a minimum. This is possible if the nest is being excavated in friable soil in which digging is easy and there- fore rapid. However, in non-friable soil where excavation is difficult and therefore slow and furthermore involves the periodic absence of the wasp from the site when fetching water the prey would be exposed for a longer period which would increase the possibility of desiccation, theft or parasitism. Nest excavation preceding hunting is therefore a prerequisite for nesting in non-friable soils. The change from single-celled to two-celled or multi-celled nests sharing a single entrance burrow common to both or all the cells, though in terms of saved energy and time advan- tageous to nesters in friable soils, is of even greater advantage to nesters in the more difficult non-friable soils, and must be considered pre-adaptive to nesting in the latter substrate. Similarly, the substitution in the provisioning of each cell of several smaller prey for a single large one, besides being of importance with respect to ease of transport, must be seen as bringing about a saving in energy and time expended in nest excavation in that the bore of the entrance burrow and the overall size of the cell can thereby be reduced. This again is of greatest advantage to excavators in non-friable soil and can be seen as pre-adaptive to nesting in this substrate. A comparative reduction in the bore of the entrance burrow and in the size of the excav- ated cell is achieved also by the two species of Dichragenia despite the fact that, like in all Pompilidae, provisioning of each cell is with but a single large spider. In this case reduction of the dimensions of the nest is made possible by the amputation of the legs of the prey. This habit of amputation of the legs of the prey, characteristic of the pompilid tribe Auplopodini, like the change seen in more highly evolved wasps from a single large prey to several smaller ones per provisioned cell, probably serves the primary purpose of greater ease of prey trans- port but is also pre-adaptive for nesting in non-friable soils. A prime requisite for the nesting of all nest-excavating wasps, whether nesting in friable or non-friable soils, is the presence of areas of soil partially or totally denuded of plant cover. Thus, at Hilton the most favoured areas for ground-nesting are those which have been modi- fied by man’s activities and take the form of paths, car-tracks, a sand-pit, and tracts once denuded of their original plant cover (by ploughing and cultivation) and subsequently only partially covered by mostly pioneer species. Over the decade during which the nesting of wasps and bees has been studied at Hilton, it has been noticeable that available nesting sites both in friable and in non-friable soils have shrunk due to an increase of plant cover, a trend which, if it continues, will eventually lead to a marked reduction in the size of the nesting communities. It is obvious that the nest-excavating species associated with friable, sandy soil are able to excavate their nests in this substrate where ever bare patches of it occur within a given area. Species associated with non-friable, clayey soil, however, have no such freedom but are res- tricted to bare patches of this substrate in those parts of a given area that lie within a certain 49 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 maximum distance of a source of water required for soil softening. This distance, which may vary from one species to another, is determined by how far it is economical, in terms of expenditure of energy and time, for a wasp to have to fly to collect this water. In effect, it has been observed at Hilton to limit the nesting areas of the species concerned to tracts of clayey soil in fairly close proximity to water sources (Gess and Gess, 1974: 192; 1975: 24; 1976a: 86; 1976b: 131; 1980c: 64). Other tracts of bare clayey soil, apparently identical in all respects to the above but further removed from water sources are notable for the absence of any nesting wasps. The water sources most commonly used at Hilton by excavators in non-friable clayey soils are temporary in nature and consist of pools formed after rain in small depressions, in erosion gullies and in a man-made furrow flanking the chief nesting area (Gess and Gess, 1974: Pis 1-4). Infrequent use is made of small puddles left in the river bed but the larger and more permanent water bodies, the dams, are unused. It follows therefore that nesting is dependent upon the occurrence of rain and of run-off filled water holes and that it can continue only for as long as the water supply lasts. In contrast therefore to those wasps excavating their nests in friable sandy soil, which as a community may be found in any one year to nest continuously over a long period, from early spring to late autumn, the wasps excavating their nests in non-friable clayey soil and requiring water for nest excavation are as a community in any one year frequently restricted to a very much shorter nesting period, or have an interrupted nesting period, determined by the time and abundance of rainfall and by the availability of water in temporary pools. Though these wasps individually and as a community have the potential for a long nesting period, like that seen in the sand nesters, it is frequently not realized and in several summer seasons it has been seen to have been arrested at or near its height by the failure of the water supply. This is particularly noticeable with respect to Bembecinus cinguli- ger. In the light of the physical difficulties attendant upon the excavation of nests in non-friable clayey soils and the spatial and temporal restrictions imposed upon nesting in such soils due to the requirement that water be available to the wasps where and when nesting is undertaken, it must be asked what led certain groups of wasps to leave a friable substrate in favour of a non-friable one. The answer must be postulated to lie on the one hand in a response to the pressure of interspecific competition for available nesting sites and prey with respect to one substrate and on the other hand in a response to the existence of another, unexploited substrate with its associated community of unexploited potential prey species. The ability of certain wasps to adapt to excavating nests in the previously unexploited non-friable clayey soils allowed the spread of ground-nesting wasps into tracts of country which had such soils and from which the latter had hitherto been debarred. Moreover, in situations as at Hilton where both soil types occur in close proximity a given area including both soil types can support a greater number of soil-excavating species than could the same area if only one soil type were included. The presence at Hilton of both soil types must be seen as the key to the co-existence there of large nesting populations of four species of Bembecinus , two, B. cinguliger and B. oxydor- cus , associated with non-friable soil and two, B. braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis , associated with friable soils. Whereas it is immediately apparent that there is no competition between the two pairs of species for nesting sites, there is likewise no competition for prey. Examination of the prey recovered from the cells of the four wasps shows that whereas provisioning by all the species is with numerous species of (mostly) Cicadellidae and that both nymphs and adults, males and females, large and small individuals are utilized, the specific composition of the prey of the two pairs of Bembecinus species is completely different though within a pair of species it is similar. This situation is a reflection of the observed fact that the two soil types support 50 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES different plant communities which in turn have feeding upon them different complexes of Cicadellidae and furthermore that the Bembecinus species do not hunt at any great distance from their nests and therefore exploit those prey found on vegetation growing on the soil type to which they (the wasps) are themselves restricted. Whereas the use for nest excavation of non-friable soils appears to have been adopted only very rarely and sporadically by the Pompilidae and the Sphecidae, it is typical of almost all the ground-nesting Eumenidae and of all the ground-nesting species of the allied Masar- idae. This has in effect freed the Vespoidea from competing with the vast majority of the Pompilidae and Sphecidae for nesting sites in the ground. Of interest are those Eumenidae which, atypically, do excavate their nests in friable, sandy soil — species of Pterocheilus , divided by Bohart (1940) into a number of subgenera. These sand-nesting Eumenidae, unlike the sand-nesting Pompilidae and Specidae, do not possess sandrakes on the fore-legs, which limbs do not differ in structure from those of the clay-nesting and water-utilizing Parachilus insignis. Instead, for the removal from the burrow of the sandy material loosened by the mandibles, the wasp possesses a “sand basket" formed by long hairs fringing the outer edges of the mandibles and by others fringing the second and third segments of the long pendulous labial palps (Evans and Eberhard, 1970: Fig. 55). It must be postulated that the Vespoidea evolved from forms associated with friable soils, that at an early stage in their evolution they forsook nesting in that soil type in favour of nesting in non-friable soil and that forms such as Pterocheilus now found nesting in friable soil secondarily returned to that substrate. Flowever, the Eumenidae having as a group earlier lost any fore-tarsal digging organs, removal of excavation spoils by the sand-nesting species is by means of the mouthparts as in the pellet-carrying, water-utilizing, clay-nesting species from which the sand-nesters are probably derived. It has been shown above that the substitution in the provisioning of each cell of several smaller prey for a single large one was advantageous in terms of greater ease of transport of the prey and greater economy of labour consequent upon the construction of nests of smaller dimensions. However, a disadvantage introduced with the substitution is that cell closure has to be delayed until after the last of several or many prey has been placed in the cell and that the partially provisioned cell is left unattended by the wasp during the time the latter is away hunting for additional prey. During this time, the open, partially provisioned cell is in danger of attention by parasites of one sort or another unless some means are employed to exclude them. This exclusion of at least a certain proportion of parasites is effected by many of the species excavating their nests within friable soil by the maintenance of a temporary closure at the nest entrance. In the present study, this is described for the sphecid Kohliella alaris (Gess and Gess, 1980a: 52) which rakes sand respectively into or out of the nest entrance each time it leaves or returns to the nest. So easy and quick a way of closing and opening a nest is clearly possible only in friable soil and it must be asked how those wasps nesting in non-friable soil have solved the matter of the exclusion of parasites. The answer may be sought in a comparative study of certain aspects of the nesting of a genus including both sand- and clay-nesters — in the present instance the genus Bembecinus. All four species of Bembecinus studied at Hilton construct temporary nest closures but the frequency with which these are fashioned differs between the sand-nesting and clay-nesting species. In the sand-nesting B. braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis temporary nest closures are main- tained throughout the wasps' working day whenever the wasps are not within their nests. In the clay-nesting B. cinguliger and B. oxydorcus, however, temporary closures, in the form of mud plugs sited in the entrance shafts (and in B. oxydorcus at the turret opening as well) (Gess 51 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 and Gess, 1975: Figs 11 and 16), are constructed only at the end of each working day and the first action by the wasps on returning to the nesting sites at the beginning of the following working day is to remove these mud plugs. Therefore, whereas the nests of B. braunsii and B. haemorrhoidalis are open only for short periods during which the wasps are introducing prey, those of B. cinguliger and B. oxydorcus are open for the full duration of the wasps’ working day, whether the wasps are present in the nests or not. As it is not an unreasonable assumption that parasite pressure on Bembecinus should be similar in the two nesting sub- strates— indeed at Hilton species of Mutillidae, notably Smicromyrme Hecuba, are commonly found associated with all four species — the lack of a temporary closure during the working day of B. cinguliger and B. oxydorcus must be compensated for by some other factor. In the absence at the time of cell provisioning of any other behavioural difference between the two pairs of species, the factor can only be an additional difference in the physical nature of the nest, namely the presence in those species omitting the temporary closure of the mud super- structures surmounting the nest entrances. The hypothesis is therefore put forward that in Bembecinus at least, the mud superstructures serve as a protection against the entry of para- sites into the nest. Possibly a similar role may be assigned to the nest superstructures built by at least some of the other species. Oldroyd (1964: 132) has pointed out that Bombyliidae seen hovering close to the ground are not always looking for flowers but may be actively egg laying, the egg being dropped near the burrow of a solitary bee or wasp. Furthermore, Painter (1932, as reported by Clausen, 1940: 377) recorded experiments in inducing oviposition by a hombyliid. Villa sp., which develops in the cells of solitary bees. The eggs were reported to be “readily projected into glass vials buried in the soil to simulate the nest openings of the host”. It would appear that the stimulus to oviposit by the hovering fly is visual and consists of the sight of a small, dark, round hole in the ground. It does not seem unreasonable therefore to suggest that the removal of the stimulus to oviposit by the concealment of the dark hole in the ground would be of survival value to those wasps which leave their nest entrances open — that is, those wasps that nest in clayey soils. In many of these wasps concealment from above of the burrow en- trances is effectively achieved by covering them with curved turrets and it is therefore post- ulated that these superstructures are a defence against parasitization by Bombyliidae. It is perhaps significant that the only bombyliid larva found during the course of the excavation of very many nests of a variety of species nesting in clayey soils was in a cell of Parachilus insignis (Gess and Gess, 1976a: 97), a species which surmounts its nest entrance not with a curved turret but with a low collar which does not conceal the “dark, round hole”. In addition to the probable value of at least some nest superstructures in excluding certain categories of parasites, it is certain that all superstructures, even those consisting only of a low collar surrounding the nest entrance serve to prevent loose, powdery clay soil and other fine wind-blown debris from entering the nest shafts. This may well be of value to wasps which lack both the physical equipment (tarsal sand rakes) and the behaviour requisite for the removal of fine, loose material from their burrows. Finally, the more extensive of the superstructures covering nest entrances serve to protect the nests against flooding for upon being well wetted by rain or surface run-off the superstruc- tures collapse upon the nest entrances, effectively blocking them. The nest collar of Parachilus insignis is clearly too small to serve this function. However, as described in detail by Gess and Gess (1976a: 99) the wasp nevertheless protects its nest from flooding by blocking the nest shaft with its own body and by allowing a plug of water-borne mud to form above it. Among the 167 species of ground-nesting wasps and bees recorded during the survey at Hilton, thirteen species were found to nest not in burrows of their own excavation but in pre-existing cavities which they, however, modify by the construction within them of a cell or cells. The thirteen species concerned are listed in the annotated list of species under categories 52 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES 2 and 5. Four families were represented: Eumenidae (1 species), Sphecidae (6 species), Megachilidae (5 species) and Anthophoridae (1 species). A necessary pre-condition for the nesting of these species is the presence in the ground of pre-existing cavities of a bore suited to their individual requirements. The pre-existing cavities most often used are burrows excavated for nesting purposes by other, nest excavating, acule- ates. Usually these burrows are no longer being used by their excavators but are newly excav- ated burrows that have been abandoned for some reason or another (such as the death of the builder) or are old burrows, excavated in a previous nesting season, from which the wasps that developed within them have emerged. There is very little evidence that competition for bur- rows occurs between the original burrow excavators and the users of pre-existing cavities — that is, burrows do not appear to be usurped if still in use. It will be seen from Table 2 and from the Pie-diagram (Fig. 16) that, whereas in non- friable soil the number of species nesting in modified pre-existing cavities approximates the number of species excavating original nests, in friable soil the number nesting in modified pre-existing cavities is very low indeed. This is all the more striking on account of the far greater number of species excavating original nests in friable soil than in non-friable soil. The reason for the difference which is clearly substrate-determined is probably due largely to the fact that a burrow excavated in non-friable clayey soil is stable and long-lasting whereas one excavated in friable sandy soil tends if it is not maintained to collapse or fill with loose material after even a short time. This is of particular relevance to old burrows from which wasps or bees have emerged. With respect to newly excavated but abandoned burrow's, it must be remembered that wasps excavating in friable soil frequently maintain a temporary closure at the nest entrance which would render such burrows inaccessible to seekers of pre-existing cavities even when the original “owners” of such nests had suffered some misadventure during hunting or foraging. The opposite w'ould pertain to burrows excavated in non-friable soil parti- cularly where the clay next superstructures are incomplete or broken. It appears that the thirteen species recorded as making use of pre-existing cavities (bur- rows) in the ground may be divided into those for which such behaviour is obligatory and those for which it is facultative. Among the former are the five megachilid bees belonging to the genera Megashile and Creightoniella. One of these bees. Megachile semiflava, has been recorded as making use of pre-existing burrows in both the non-friable clayey soil and the friable sandy soil and there seems no reason why the other species should not show a similar lack of restriction to a par- ticular soil type. All five species construct their cells within the pre-existing cavities with foreign materials — green leaves or in the case of M. meadewaldoi the petals of low-growing flowers. Other species for which nesting in pre-existing cavities is obligatory are the sphecid Pison allonymum and an unidentified eumenid known only by its turret which it had constructed surmounting that of Bembecinus oxydorcus, the burrow of which species it was using. Both species are probably derived from forms which used water to excavate nests in non-friable soils. Though the ability to excavate nests has been lost, both species remain associated with clayey soils due to their use of mud in modifying the burrows in which they nest. The nesting of all the above species involves the modification of the chosen pre-existing cavities by the introduction into them of foreign materials for cell construction prior to the gathering and introduction of provision. Very primitive in comparison is the presumed nesting behaviour of Ampulex mutilloides which though not actually found nesting is included in the present category on considerable circumstantial evidence. Ferruginous and metallic blue and thus atypical in colouration, this Ampulex looks very mutillid-like (as attested by its specific epithet), a similarity that is enhanced by the fact that in 53 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 the experience of those who have seen the species in the field (the present author and the late C. F. Jacot-Guillarmod — pers. com.) it is only met with on the ground. The fact that the Hilton specimen, a freshly emerged female, had clayey soil adhering to her head strengthens the view that this species nests in the ground. Probable prey is Pilema thoracica , a cockroach excavating burrows in clayey soils in the area in which the wasp was found walking on the ground. In common with other species of Ampulex , nesting would be commenced with hunting which would be followed by the introduction of the single prey into an unmodified pre-existing cavity which would then be closed with detritus. If the above interpretation of the nesting of A. mutilloides is correct, this wasp would be restricted to nesting in clayey soils as it is there that its prey occurs. Furthermore, it is possible that the pre-existing cavities used by the wasp are the burrows excavated in the soil by the cockroach. Species for which nesting in pre-existing cavities in the ground appears to be facultative and determined by the nature of the substrate are Prionyx kirbii, Tachysphex sp. near mo- destus and possibly Tachysphex modestus itself (all Sphecidae) and Tetralonia minuta (Anthophoridae). Prionyx kirbii and Tachysphex sp. near modestus both have well developed tarsal sand rakes and may therefore be expected to excavate original burrows in friable soil. This indeed is the case with the common P. kirbii which has been observed at Hilton to excavate original burrows in the sandpit. Tetralonia minuta also is probably capable of excavating original bur- rows. Though this is not actually stated it may be inferred from the account of the nesting of this bee given by Rozen (1969a). What are these species doing then in pre-existing cavities? The only explanation is that these species have some plasticity of behaviour and that, in non-friable soil, burrow excavation is intitiated not at the surface of the soil but at the bottom of a pre-existing cavity: the old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis in the case of P. kirbii and T. sp. near modestus', the old or abandoned burrows of Parachilus insignis or of Bembecinus cinguliger in the case of T. minuta. In some instances at least (as with P. kirbii and T. sp. near modestus ) the pre- existing cavity may already approximate in dimensions the burrow excavated in friable soil so that little additional excavation need be done. With respect to T. minuta which appears to make deeper and more complex nests than do the two sphecids it is probable that the initial use of a pre-existing cavity enables the bee to start its own excavation at a depth at which the soil may be moister and consequently softer and where it is therefore easier to excavate. In all cases, the use of pre-existing cavities as a starting point for nest excavation allows these species to extend their distribution into areas of non-friable soil where nesting in the manner normal to them would be precluded or would at best be very difficult. That the use of pre-existing cavities by these species is simply a short cut in nest excavation adopted in hard clayey soil and does not represent any radical change of behaviour is shown by the fact that both P. kirbii and T. sp. near modestus do remove considerable quantities of soil from the bottom of the pre-existing cavity. P. kirbii arranges the material removed from the cavity in a circle around the burrow opening (Fig. 24); T. sp. near modestus places it only to one side of the opening (Fig. 25). Both species prepare the burrow before hunting and P. kirbii carefully positions three or four small clods of earth as a temporary closure at the entrance of the modified pre-existing cavity before she leaves to hunt. Sixty-four of the 167 species of ground-nesting wasps and bees recorded during the survey at Hilton are listed, under categories 3 and 6, as developing within pre-existing cavities which they do not themselves modify. Ten species were recorded from non-friable soils, 50 species were recorded from friable soils and four species, all Mutillidae, were recorded from both friable and non-friable soils. It must be pointed out, however, that the above figures pertaining to the two soil types are not directly comparable for, whereas all 14 species listed for non- 54 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES St » Fig. 24 Fig. 25 Figs 24 and 25. Entrances of old burrows of Parachilus insignis used for nesting by Prionyx kirbii (Fig. 24) and by Tachysphex sp. near modestus (Fig. 25), showing arrangement of material removed from the pre-existing cavities by these wasps, (x 0,7) 55 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 friable soils are “parasitic” in one way or another in what are to them pre-existing cavities — cells constructed and provisioned by other wasps and bees and occupied by the eggs or imma- ture stages of these species, this is true of only 26 of the 54 species listed for friable soils. The remaining 28 species listed for friable soils are associated with the larvae of Coleoptera, with one exception (Methocha mosutoana) those of Scarabaeidae, which are sought for and attack- ed in their burrows, often deep in the ground, where, after they have been oviposited upon, they are usually left in situ. Those species which are “parasitic” in the cells of other aculeate Hymenoptera and are therefore dependent upon the occurrence of the latter for their own presence belong primarily to the families Chrysididae (12 species) and Mutillidae (17 species). A few other families are represented as well, namely Pompilidae (Ceropales punctulatus) , Sphecidae (Nysson braunsi), Halictidae ( Sphedes sp.), Megachilidae (Coelioxys bruneipes and C. lativentroides) and Anthophoridae ( Epeolus amabilis and Thy reus sp.). Table 4. Secondarily cleptoparasitic ground-nesting species and their established or presumed hosts. (For authorities see annotated list.) CLEPTOPARASITE HOST Genus & Species Family Genus & Species Family Ceropales punctulatus Pompilidae Dichragenia pulchri- coma Pompilidae Nysson braunsi Sphecidae Nyssoninae Oryttus kraepelini OR Dienoplus vicarius karrooensis OR Hoplisoides aglaia OR Hoplisoides thalia Sphecidae Nyssoninae Specidae Nyssoninae Sphecidae Nyssoninae Sphecidae Nyssoninae Sphecodes sp. Halictidae Nomia sp. Halictidae Coelioxys bruneipes Megachilidae Megachile semiflava Megachilidae Coelioxys lativentroides Megachilidae Megachile sp. OR Creightoniella sp. Megachilidae Megachilidae Epeolus amabilis Anthophoridae Colletes sp. Colletidae Thy reus sp. Anthophoridae ? ? 56 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Ethologically the species belonging to families other than Chrysididae and Mutillidae are possibly the most interesting for all are derived from non-parasitic forms and the cleptoparasit- ism now practised by them is therefore secondary or derived. As may be seen from Table 4 most of the species are related to their hosts and in each case host and cleptoparasite must therefore have a common origin. In all cases the cleptoparasitic way of nesting has been arrived at by a reduction in the number of elements in the behavioural sequence performed by the parasite, the “missing” elements being supplied by the host. For example, the pompiiid Ceropales punctulatus , re- corded as cleptoparasitic in the nests of Dichragenia pulchricoma (Gess & Gess, 1974: 202, 204) and assumed to behave like other species of its genus, restricts its nesting activity to hunting and oviposition. Hunting, however, is not for a free active spider but for one already captured and stung by the host pompiiid and oviposition (inside the booklungs) takes place before the host has installed the spider in its cell. There the Ceropales egg hatches before that of its host and the young foreign larva after destroying the latter feeds upon the spider. In the case of Ceropales most of the labour involved with nesting is therefore supplied by its host, Dichragenia , namely construction of the cell, hunting of the spider prey, stinging of the prey, transport of the prey to the cell, and closure of the cell. The cleptoparasitic bees behave similarly in so far that all the labour involved in nest construction and provisioning is supplied by their hosts. Concomitant with the adoption of a cleptoparasitic way of life has been the secondary loss of the pollen-collecting apparatus and therefore the ability to provision cells. The search for cells already provisioned with a mixture of pollen and nectar by the host bees therefore replaces the search for flowers from which to obtain these substances and flower-visiting by cleptoparasitic bees is therefore restricted to the purpose of obtaining their own nutriment. In contrast to the above discussed species, the species of Chrysididae and Mutillidae, all of which are “parasitic”, are not related to their hosts. The Chrysididae show similarities in their ethology to the cleptoparasitic Pompilidae, Sphecidae and Apoidea in so far that the majority of species develop on the provision stored by their hosts, the egg being introduced into the cell while this is being provisioned. Such appears to be the case with respect to Octochrysis vansoni which was recorded (Gess & Gess, 1976a: 97) as attending the open nests of Parachilus insignis , inspecting these when they were left unguarded and occasionally entering them, presumably in order to oviposit in the cells. In behaviour O. vansoni is therefore clearly cleptoparasitic. The Mutillidae on the other hand do not develop on the stored provision but limit their attack to fully fed, diapausing larvae or pupae, the female mutillid breaking into a cell contain- ing a cocoon into which she introduces her egg. Feeding upon the host within its cocoon is followed by the mutillid larva spinning its own cocoon within that of its host, as recorded (Gess & Gess, 1980c: 76) for Dasylabroides caffra in the cells of Ceramius lichtensteinii. In behaviour D. caffra, like other Mutillidae, is therefore clearly a parasitoid. This term has been used (Evans & Eberhard, 1970: 9) with respect to a species which cannot be considered a true parasite (because it kills its host) nor a true predator (because it is confined to a single prey individual). The remaining 28 species listed as developing within pre-existing cavities which they do not themselves modify are species of Tiphiidae and Scoliidae. As already stated all are associ- ated with the larvae of Coleoptera, the majority with those of Scarabaeidae. All were found in association with friable soil for it is only in such soil that the beetle larvae and the female wasps hunting them are able to dig. In no case was the nesting investigated and only one species was associated with its prey: Methocha mosutoana (Tiphiidae) with Cicindela brevicollis (Cicindelidae). 57 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Vertical banks The vertical banks studied at Hilton are situated at the sandpit and in places along the course of the New Year’s River. At the former locality the banks are man-made and constitute the actual walls of the sandpit whereas in the other localities they have been cut by the river and constitute the banks thereof. Mostly the latter are situated at a height above the river bed reached by water only during times of flood. The banks of the sandpit and a section of the river bank near the confluence of the Iron Put River with the New Year’s River are composed of firmly compacted very fine sand. Going downstream along the course of the latter river the physical nature of the banks changes, increasing amounts of clay being mixed with the sand. In places the mixture of sand and clay has apparently been affected by recent mineralization and has assumed the character of a weak and crumbly sandstone-like material. Still further downstream the western bank of the river is formed by the face of a low cliff cutting across roughly horizontally bedded shale. Though the sand and shale banks clearly constitute very different substrates, those banks composed of mixtures of sand and clay and including both mineralized and unmineralized portions, cannot, on account of their variability, be placed in a single class. It seems preferable therefore not to attempt to further classify the banks on the basis of the physical nature of the materials of which they are composed but to deal with all banks together. However, where it is relevant, attention will be drawn to substrate-determined differences in the nesting of the wasps and bees concerned. Wasps and bees which nest in association with vertical banks may be divided into those which nest within the banks and those which nest on the banks and use the latter solely as a raised support to which to attach their aerial nests. At Hilton the number of species recorded as nesting in association with vertical banks totals 51, made up of 43 species nesting within the banks, 6 nesting in aerial nests on the banks and 2 nesting both in the banks and in aerial nests on the banks. On account of the latter species the number of species/substrate associations exceeds the actual number of species by 2 and therefore stands at 53. An analysis of this figure according to the degree of participation of species of wasps and of bees in the construction of their nests is given in Table 5 and is shown graphically in the Pie-diagram (Fig. 26). Table 5. Number of species of aculeate wasps and of bees nesting in or on vertical banks. In nests con- structed entirely In modified In unmodified by the nesters pre-existing pre-existing themselves cavities cavities In vertical banks 4 20 21 On vertical banks 5 1 2 With regard to the nesting of wasps and bees a vertical bank resembles level ground with respect to the nature of the substrate which it offers but differs with respect to the angle at which this substrate is presented. 58 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 26. Diagram showing the structure of the communities of the aculeate wasps and the bees nesting in or on vertical banks in the study area. Numbers accompanying the family names represent numbers of species. The numbers (i, ii, iii) in the outermost ring correspond to the same numbers in the classification of the aculeate wasps and the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology, (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. The difference in the angle of presentation of the soil surface — vertical as opposed to horizontal — has a very profound influence upon nesting. Illustrative of this is that, with the possible exception of Pison allonymum, there is no sharing of species between level ground and vertical banks. Indeed, both nesting situations are characterized by communities of species 59 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 unique to themselves. It is furthermore very noticeable that in the two nesting situations there is a marked difference between the proportion of species excavating their nests and those modifying pre-existing cavities. In level ground as has already been shown, nest excavators greatly outnumber nest modifiers (91 as against 14) whereas in vertical banks the opposite is true, nest excavators being outnumbered by nest modifiers (4 as against 20). In view of the great dissimilarity between the communities nesting in vertical banks and in level ground, it is of interest that some points of similarity exist between the former commun- ity and that nesting within plant tissue, at least with respect to those species which do not excavate or hollow out their nests themselves but modify pre-existing cavities. Thus at Hilton at least seven species nesting in pre-existing cavities are shared between vertical banks and plant tissue, namely Euodynerus euryspilus (Eumenidae), Chalybion (Chalybion) tibiale, Pison montanum and Trypoxylon sp. (Sphecidae), and Immanthidium junodi, Megachile gratiosa and Megachile spinarum (Megachilidae). Rynchium marginellum sabulosum (Eumenidae) at Hilton found nesting in trap-nests inserted into crevices in the “sandstone” bank but known in Gra- hamstown to nest in cut culms of the reed Arundo donax used for vegetable frames may probably be added to the above listed species. Furthermore, the preponderance of nest-modifiers over nest excavators characteristic of the vertical banks is evident also with respect to plant tissue. Characteristic of the community nesting within the vertical banks studied is the dominant role played by bees, both in terms of number of species and number of individuals. Thus, of the four species of wasps and bees listed as excavating their nests in the vertical banks, only the two bees, Hoplitis anthodemnion (Megachilidae) and Anthophora sp. (Anthophoridae) are of any real importance. Common to the degree of being by far the most noticeable species, their presence is fundamental to the existance of a large part of the rest of the community as a whole, for it is their abandoned galleries that constitute the pre-existing cavities which are sought for and modified by a much larger number of diverse species of wasps and bees which do not excavate their nests themselves (Fig. 27). Furthermore, among the latter cavity- Fig. 27. Small portion of the surface of the “sandstone” bank showing the abundance of old nesting galleries available to nesters in pre-existing cavities. 60 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES modifying species, twenty in number, the Megachilidae with seven species is the best repre- sented family. Involved are Anthidiellum kimberleyanum, Branthidium braunsii, Chalicodoma schulthessi, Heriades ?freygessneri, Immanthidium junodi, Megachile gratiosa and M. spinar- um. Though in terms of numbers almost equally by the Eumenidae the bee family nevertheless considerably surpasses the latter in number of individuals. Bees are well represented also amongst those species which nest parasitically in the nests of other species, five Megachilidae, namely Euaspis abdominalis, Coelioxys lucidicauda, C. bruneipes, C. lativentris and C. lativentroides , and one species of Anthophoridae, Thyreus sp., being listed. Taken altogether, bees represent 33% (15 out of 45) of the total number of species listed as nesting within vertical banks. Comparative figures for nesters within level ground and with- in plant tissue are 10% (17 out of 167) and 46% (18 out of 39) respectively. It may be seen that, gauged with respect to the relative numerical representation of species of bees and wasps in the different nesting substrates, vertical banks once again appear to have more in common with plant tissue than with level ground. With regard to the different substrates offered by vertical banks at Hilton, that consisting of recently mineralized mixtures of sand and clay and referred to as “sandstone” supports the largest community, both in terms of number of species and number of individuals. This is on account of the fact that it is in this sandstone-like material that the principal nest excavators, Anthophora sp. and Hoplitis anthodemnion, are most active; indeed H. anthodemnion appears to be restricted to this substrate. Anthophora sp. on the other hand also nests in sand banks but not as commonly. Clearly no nest-excavators are able to nest in the shale bank. Whereas many of the wasps and bees nesting in modified pre-existing cavities are re- stricted to the sand and in particular to the “sandstone” banks, probably on account of their dependence upon the presence of old abandoned galleries of the above two nest-excavating bees, a few species have in addition colonized the shale bank where they make use of pre- existing cavities in the form of open cracks between and within individual layers of the shale. Such is the case with respect to Eumenid A and Tricarinodynerus guerinii (both Eumenidae) and probably also Megachile gratiosa. At Hilton T. guernii has been found nesting in vertical banks presenting all three major substrates and is possibly the most characteristic species of vertical banks (Fig. 28). Its nest which is furnished with a downturned mud turret is invariably sited in a protected situation such as under an overhang where it is protected from the weather and particularly from rain. Protected situations are sought also by those species which nest not within banks but construct aerial nests upon them, as was demonstrated by the location of recorded nests: a naked comb made of “wasp paper” by Ropalidia sp. A. was sited in a fist-sized cavity in a sand bank; a mud nest of Sceliphron spirifex was built in a similarly sized cavity in the “sandstone” bank; and urn-shaped mud cells of Eumenes lucasius were found attached to the face of the shale bank under overhangs. On stones lying upon the ground At Hilton, stones lying upon the ground were found to represent the least used of all four nesting situations with only four of the 241 species included in the annotated list associated with it. It is clear therefore that this nesting situation is of very little importance with respect to the nesting of the community as a whole. However, it must be taken into consideration that all nests associated with stones are aerial in nature and that a true assessment of the status of this nesting situation can therefore only be arrived at by comparison with the status of aerial nest- ing associated with other nesting situations. Thus it may be seen that the number of species (2) constructing original nests on stones though smaller is nevertheless comparable to the numbers of species constructing original nests on vertical banks (5) and on plants (5). 61 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 28. Section through “sandstone" bank showing pre-existing cavity modified for nesting and furnished with a down- turned mud turret by Tricarinodynerus guerinii. ( X 1,6) The two species constructing original nests on stones differ in the placement of their cells. Whereas Auplopus rossi (Pompilidae) builds its cells in a sheltered position on the underside of large stones lying loose upon the ground (Fig. 10), Hoplitis jansei (Megachilidae) builds its cells fully exposed on the upper surface of partially buried stones and boulders (Fig. 11). In the case of the former species a sheltered position for the placement of the cells is essential as these are made of dried mud, are thin-walled and fragile, and would consequently melt and collapse if exposed to rain. The cells of Hoplitis , by contrast, are made of plant resin in which are set numerous small pebbles and are consequently waterproof and of great mechanical strength. The cells of Hoplitis being fully exposed on the upper surface of stones and boulders, are clearly potentially subject to extremes of temperature, both high and low, which might well be detrimental to the bee young within them. There may therefore be a good reason with respect to survival why the bee builds only on those stones which are partially buried in the ground for these stones by virtue of the fact that heat can be exchanged between them and the ground would not become as hot or as cold as similar stones lying loose upon the ground with as a consequence a reduced capacity for heat exchange. The nesting of Auplopus rossi in aerial mud cells which though separate are built in close proximity to one another is of the most advanced and specialized ethological type exhibited by the Pompilidae. It has been shown by Evans (1953: 161) that this ethological type may be derived from that exhibited by those ground-nesting Pompilidae which prepare the cell before hunting. This advanced sequence of behaviour has already been discussed with reference to the two turret-constructing, clay-soil nesting Dichragenia species occurring at Hilton. The ma- stery of the technique of using water to work clayey soils shown by species such as the latter may be seen as presaging the eventual abandonment by some species of the ground as a nest- ing substrate in favour of nesting aerially. There is thus a change from mud being merely a 62 GESS. ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES by-product of nest excavation to be used in turret construction to mud being purposively mixed to provide the material used for cell construction. Only one species was found to modify pre-existing cavities associated with stones on the ground: Megachile gratiosa (Megachilidae) which constructed its own cells, made of pieces of leaves, within old, abandoned and therefore open resin and pebble cells of Hoplitis jansei. Antennotilla phoebe (Mutillidae), a parasite, was reared from the unmodified cells of its host, Auplopus rossi. Plants Wasps and bees which nest in association with plants may be divided into those which nest within plants, in galleries within plant tissue, and those which nest on plants and use the latter solely as a raised support to which to attach their aerial nests. With respect to those species which nest within plant tissue, it is necessary that the parts of the plants concerned should be thick enough to contain the nesting galleries and that the hollow parts should retain their physical structure for at least as long as it takes the species nesting within them to complete their development from egg to adult and to emerge from the nest. Parts of plants fulfilling these requirements are certain stems and, in the case of larger shrubs and trees, branches. Just as soils are divisible on the basis of whether they are sandy or clayey, so plant stems may be divided on the basis of their internal cellular development and may be classified as woody, pithy or hollow. The nature of each stem determines which species may be able to prepare galleries within it and each of the three stem types therefore has associated with it species peculiar to itself. The internal nature of a stem or branch, however, has no direct bearing upon those wasps and bees using plants merely as sites to which to attach aerial nests. Therefore, whereas the nesting of those species nesting within plant tissue is dealt with with reference to the nature of the stems, the nesting of those species attaching aerial nests onto plants is dealt with irrespective of the natures of the plants concerned. At Hilton, the number of species recorded as nesting in or on plants totals 44, made up of 39 nesting within plant tissue and 5 nesting in aerial nests on plants. Of those nesting within plant tissue, 17 (43,5%) were associated only with woody stems, 12 (31%) were associated only with pithy stems, and 1 (2,5%) was associated only with hollow stems. Nine species (23%) were associated with two or all three stem types. On account of the species which were recorded in two or three stem types, the number of species/substrate associations exceeds the actual number of species by 14. The number of spe- cies/substrate associations with respect to those species nesting in plant tissue is therefore 53 and the total number of species/substrate associations for both those species nesting within and on plants is 58. An analysis of this figure according to the degree of participation of species of wasps and of bees in the construction of their nests is given in Table 6 and is shown graphically in the Pie-diagram (Fig. 29). With respect to those species which themselves prepare galleries in plant stems there is complete specificity as regards stem type. Pithy stems are by far the most commonly utilized and the number of species recorded (nine) could probably be more than doubled. Besides the two species of Ceratina listed, approximately another ten species belonging to the genus are known to occur at Hilton. Species preparing their galleries themselves belong chiefly to the Anthophoridae ( Xyloco - pa and Ceratina ; large and small carpenter bees, respectively) and the Sphecidae (Dasyproctus). Raphiglossa natalensis of the Eumenidae, known to occur at Hilton but to date not found nesting, is included among the gallery-excavators on the authority of Meade-Waldo (1913) and Bequaert (1918). 63 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Table 6. Number of species of aculeate wasps and of bees nesting in or on plants. In nests con- structed entirely by the nesters themselves In modified pre-existing cavities In unmodified pre-existing cavities In woody stems 2 18 6 In pithy stems 9 8 3 In hollow stems 1 4 2 On plants 5 — — In their choice of nesting substrates it appears that these bees and wasps exhibit marked ecological displacement. In the present study this can best be illustrated with reference to the nesting of the four species of large carpenter bees recorded at Hilton: Xylocopa caffra, X. caffrariae, X. divisa and X. sicheli. X. caffra and X. divisa have been observed to be confined to thick riverine bush where as far as can be established they make their nests in dead, dry, woody branches of the trees occurring in that situation. As the two species are very different in size it is likely that each is confined for its nesting to branches of a certain thickness and interspecific competition between the two for nesting sites is therefore unlikely despite the fact that they occur in the same habitat. X. caffrariae is also a riverine species but occurs not in thick bush but in open tracts along the banks of permanent and semi-permanent water bodies where it nests exclusively in the dry culms of Phragmites australis, a reed forming beds in such situation (Figs 14 & 15). X. sicheli, by contrast is found only in open country and is associated with Aloe ferox growing on higher ground, especially on the north facing slope of the E-W ridge to the south of the study area. Nesting is restricted to the old, dry but still attached, inflorescence stems of this plant (Figs 13 & 30). The small carpenter bees, Ceratina species, appear also to show considerable ecological displacement. One of these species, Ceratina sp. A. is most commonly found nesting with X. sicheli in Aloe ferox inflorescence stems. Though galleries of both bees frequently occur in the same inflorescence stems they never occupy the same parts: X. sicheli galleries are restricted to the thicker basal parts above and below the point where the inflorescence branches whereas Ceratina sp. A. galleries are restricted to the thinner terminal portions of the branches them- selves. Maximum use is therefore made of the nesting substrate offered by the inflorescence stem without any interspecific competition for gallery space arising. With respect to species of Dasyproctus it may be seen from the review of their known ethology (Gess, 1980b) that considerable specificity exists in their choice of pithy stems in which to nest. At Hilton D. westermanni was found to nest exclusively in galleries hollowed out within green inflorescence stems of Urginea altissima, which stems were, however, not utilized by any of the other four Dasyproctus species. Evidence of the nesting of the latter was, however, found in the form of old galleries in inflorescence stems of Gasteria species and in stems of Berkheya decurrens (Gess, 1980b). 64 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 29. Diagram showing the structure of the communities of the aculeate wasps and the bees nesting in or on plants in the study area. Numbers accompanying the family names represent numbers of species. The numbers (i, ii. iii) in the outermost ring correspond to the same numbers in the classification of the aculeate wasps and the bees of the study area on the basis of their ethology, (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. Xylocopa, Ceratina and Dasyproctus share certain characteristics with respect to their nesting: all initiate nesting with the preparation of galleries within plant tissue, all construct multicellular nests the cells of which are serially arranged and mass provisoned, and all con- struct the cell partitions of materials derived from within the plant stem — plant tissue rasped 65 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 from the walls of the gallery. In no case is foreign nesting material introduced into a gallery from without. Xylocopa caffrariae differs from the other species in that it does not itself hollow out a nesting gallery but makes use of the naturally formed hollow internode of Phragmites . The bee must nevertheless be classed with the nest constructors and not the tube renters in that it does not seek out broken off reeds in order to enter the internodes at an open end but habitually cuts an entrance hole through the hard wall of the culm and thus gains access to an intact internode from the side (Fig. 31). Once through the culm wall, however, it is spared the trouble of hollowing out a gallery as this already exists due to the natural breakdown and disappearance of the pith concurrent with the maturing of the culm. The nesting by the genera Xylocopa , Ceratina and Dasyproctus in galleries constructed by themselves within plant tissue must be seen as advanced and derived from nesting in the ground. Supporting this view is the fact that most nest-constructing (that is, non-parasitic) Anthophoridae are ground-nesting (Krombein et alia , 1979: 2082) as are many of the more primitive genera of the Crabronini (the sphecid tribe of which Dasyproctus is an advanced genus) (Bohart and Menke, 1976: 371). These genera therefore substituted the excavation of galleries in plant tissue for the more basic excavation of burrows in friable soil, thereby both freeing themselves from competition for nesting sites in the soil and, more importantly, gaining the ability to invade previously unutilized habitats. Dasyproctus differs from the Anthophoridae in so far that it hollows out its galleries in green plant tissue whereas this is not the case with respect to the two genera of bees. The statement by Brauns (1913: 117-118) repeated by Hurd and Moure (1963: 15 and 185) and by Hurd (1978: 1) to the effect that Xylocopa sicheli excavates its galleries in Aloe inflorescences which are still green and juicy could not be substantiated by the field work of the present author and must be recognized as being incorrect. A danger inherent in nesting in green plant stems is that these stems with any nests con- tained within them may be ingested by browsing herbivores. The ways in which the nests of several Dasyproctus species, including that of D. westermanni in Urginea altissima, are pro- tected by physiological or morphological attributes of the stems or by the protected habitats of the latter is discussed by Gess (1980b: 105). Among the 39 species recorded at Hilton as nesting within plant tissue, 21 were found to nest not in galleries of their own excavation but in pre-existing cavities which they, however, modified by the construction within them of a cell or cells. The species concerned are listed in the annotated list of species under categories 17, 20 and 23. Four families were represented: Eumenidae (1 species), Sphecidae (9 species), Colletidae (2 species) and Megachilidae (9 spe- cies). There seems little restriction by these insects to any one particular stem type, three of the species (Holotachysphex turneri, Immanthidium junodi and Megachile spinarum) having been recorded in two stem types each and another three species (Isodontia stanleyi, Trypoxylon sp. and Chalicodoma sinuata) in all three stem types each. Further field work would doubtless augment the number of species recorded in more than one stem type, all the more so as many of these species are not even restricted to plant stems but are found nesting also in pre-existing cavities in vertical banks (Euodynerus euryspilus , Chalybion tibiale, Pison montanum, Try- poxylon sp., Immanthidium junodi, Megachile gratiosa and Megachile spinarum). Due to the catholicity which these wasps and bees exhibit with respect to the nature of the material in which the pre-existing cavities utilized by them occur, it is not surprising that they should readily accept trap-nests of the types described by Krombein (1967 and 1970). With the exception of one species (Isodontia simoni), all the wasps and bees listed in category 17 as nesting in woody stems were in fact nesting in trap-nests tied to woody branches of trees such as Acacia karroo, Maytenus linearis and Rhus lancea. The fact that these trap- 66 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 31. Dry culm of Phragmites australis showing nest en- trance hole cut by Xylocopa caffrariae. Fig. 30. Downcurved dry inflorescence stem of Aloe ferox showing nest entrance hole cut by Xylocopa sicheli. Fig. 32. Completed nests of Isodontia pelopoeiformis in trap-nests, showing prey, nesting materials and immature stages of wasp, (x 0,65) Fig. 33. Completed nest of Isodontia stanleyi in trap-nest, showing prey, nesting materials and immature stages of wasp. (x 0,52) 67 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 nests were so readily and frequently made use of (for example, over a period of three summer seasons 85 trap-nests were occupied by Isodontia pelopoeiformis alone) shows that the woody branches to which they were attached were in fact being carefully searched for the presence of pre-existing cavities by the wasps and bees concerned. The inclusion of the trap-nests as exten- sions of the trees themselves is therefore validated. Further proof of the validity of the approach is furnished by the nesting of Ampulex sp. near cyanura. It having been noticed that the wasp nested only in those trap-nests tied to Acacia karroo , a careful physical investigation was made of this tree species which culminated in the discovery within its branches of nests constructed within naturally occurring pre-existing cavities. All nests consisting of cells built within pre-existing cavities may immediately be recog- nized as such and may readily be distinguished from nests consisting of cells built within a gallery prepared by the nesting wasp or bee itself. This is possible due to the fact that all users of pre-existing cavities in plant tissue introduce foreign materials into the former for the con- struction of cell partitions and nest closures, whereas, as already noted above, species hollow- ing out galleries themselves utilize materials rasped from the gallery walls. Of all the species nesting in pre-existing cavities in plant tissue at Hilton, the two species of Ampulex , A. sp. near cyanura and A. denticollis exhibit the most primitive behaviour. Nest- ing in both species is commenced with hunting. After the introduction of the single large prey (a cockroach) into the pre-existing cavity, oviposition onto the prey takes place after which the cavity is sealed with detritus. It follows that neither Ampulex ever introduces foreign nesting material into a cavity prior to the introduction of the prey. Preliminary plugs, as found at or near the blind ends of cavities used for nesting by many of the behaviourally more advanced wasps, are therefore unknown in the Ampulex nests. Furthermore, each nest consists of a single cell and where two or more cells are found within a single cavity these represent as many separate nests, not necessarily even made by the same female. The great majority of species, however, are behaviourally advanced and commence nest- ing with the search for a suitable pre-existing cavity. Thereafter some foreign nesting material is frequently introduced in connection with cell construction. In the wasps, a preliminary plug at or near the inner end of the cavity may or may not be constructed to form the inner end- wall of the first cell as shown for Holotachysphex turneri (Gess, 1978: Fig. 1) and for Chalybion tibiale (Gess and Gess, 1980d: Fig. 1) and additional material may be used to form a tempor- ary cell closure as in species of Isodontia. In at least some of the bees the introduced foreign materials may be used to fashion not merely an inner end-wall of a cell but a complete cylin- drical cell within the walls of the cavity. Such is the case with the leaf-cutter bees. Megachile gratiosa and M. spinarum , and the mason-bees, Chalicodoma fulva and C. sinuata. Only after some form of cell preparation has been undertaken does provisioning commence. If the pre-existing cavity is of a length that allows it, several serially arranged cells are constructed. Successive provisioned cells are separated one from another by partitions of foreign material, the outer end-wall (i.e. the cell closure) of one cell forming the inner end- wall of that immediately succeeding it. Frequently the nest is completed by the construction near the cavity opening of a closing plug as shown for Holotachyphex turneri (Gess, 1978: Fig. 1). Exceptionally no foreign nesting materials are introduced into the pre-existing cavity and there is therefore a complete absence of any cell partitions. Such is the case in the nests of Allodape sp. ( rufogastra or exoloma) found at Hilton within old Dasyproctus galleries in Berk- heya decurrens stems. This bee is unusual also in that it practises progressive provisioning of the larvae whereas all the other bees recorded at Hilton as nesting in modified pre-existing cavities in plant tissue practise mass provisioning of the cells, an egg being laid on the provi- sion of each cell prior to the closure of the latter. The biology of species of Allodape and of related genera has been reported in detail by Michener (1971b). 68 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES The nesting of the species modifying pre-existing cavities in plant tissue, like that of the species excavating original galleries in this substrate may be seen as being derived from nesting in the ground. At Hilton this derivation is clearly reflected in those species for which the foreign material introduced into the pre-existing cavities in plant tissue consists wholly or par- tially of earth. The earth used is in all cases of a clayey nature and may be introduced into the cavity either in the form of mud or in the form of dry clods. In the latter instance small pieces of twig, bark and other detritus found lying upon the surface of the ground are utilized in addition. Such is the case with Holotachysphex turneri, found nesting both in trap-nests tied to woody trees (Gess, 1978: 209) and in old abandoned galleries of Xylocopa caffrariae in the dry culms of Phragmites (Gess and Gess, 1980a: 52), which, as has been discussed by Gess (1978: 212-214), may be considered to have developed from a Tachysphex- like form. The species differs ethologically from typical Tachysphex species in that excavation of a nest in friable soil has been abandoned in favour of the utilization for nesting of a pre-existing cavity in plant tissue. Concomitant with this ethological change has been the secondary loss of both the fore- tarsal rake and the pygidial plate. The nesting of Tachysphex sp. near modestus in pre-existing cavities (abandoned wasp burrows) in non-friable clayey soil, discovered since the publication of the account of the nesting of Holotachysphex turned but described in some detail earlier in the present discussion, may be seen to represent an intermediate but very important pre-adaptive step that will have had to have been taken by the progenitor of H. turned. Clearly, once the basic change had been made from the excavation of a nest in friable soil to the facultative use of a pre-existing cavity in non-friable soil (as in Tachysphex sp. near modestus) the way was open to a change to obligatory use of such a pre-existing cavity in the ground and for its eventual abandonment in favour of a pre-existing cavity above the ground in plant tissue. The use by Holotachysphex turneri of dry clods of clayey earth and pieces of detritus collected on the ground must there- fore be interpreted as relict behaviour envolved in response to nesting in pre-existing cavities in non-friable clayey soils. Dry clods of clayey earth and pieces of detritus (including bits of stick, vetch burs, insect remains and small mammal droppings) picked up off the ground are also the main foreign nesting materials introduced into pre-existing cavities in plant tissue by Isodontia pelopoeifor- mis , according to Bohart and Menke (1976: 121) one of the more structurally primitive species of the genus Isodontia. The same interpretation as that given to the use of these nesting mate- rials by Holotachysphex turneri may be applied to their use by Isodontia pelopoeiformis which therefore is seen similarly as having evolved from a nester in pre-existing cavities in non-friable soils. It is therefore of interest that amongst the nesting situations recorded for species of Isodontia by Bohart and Menke (1976: 121) there should be that of abandoned bee burrows in the ground. Isodontia pelopoeiformis , however, in addition to the above foreign nesting materials uses “fluffy” plant material, at Hilton derived from the fruiting inflorescences of the Composites Lasiospermum bipinnatum and Senecio species (including S. leptophyllus ) (Fig. 32). Cell parti- tions are almost exclusively constructed of this material whereas preliminary plugs and nest closing plugs are constructed of earth, detritus and “fluff” in distinct layers. The “fluffy” plant material which is collected directly from the plant inflorescences represents “new” nesting material as opposed to the earth and the detritus which as has been shown to represent “old” or “relict” materials. Presumeably pieces of this “fluff” were initially picked up off the ground like any other detritus but as the use of this particular nesting material became more estab- lished the wasp took to collecting it from its source. Isodontia stanleyi, a structurally more advanced species, is also ethologically more ad- vanced for it has abandoned the legacy of its past in the form of “old” or “relict” nesting 69 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 materials and uses only ‘'new” materials (Fig. 33). These consist of short lengths of grass leaf blades and longer lengths cut from grass inflorescences including lengths of unbranched culm and the branched portions including the flower heads. The cell partitions are constructed of short lengths of grass leaf blades, transversely arranged; preliminary plugs and the inner parts of the closing plugs are composed of the longer lengths of grass inflorescences, transversely coiled; and the outer parts of the closing plugs are formed of the latter material arranged longitudinally, the stems lying parallel and projecting from the nest entrance as a broom-like tuft. That the use of grass by I. stanleyi is homologous with the use of Composite “fluff” by I. pelopoeiformis is evident from the very occasional and exceptional use of lengths of very soft grass leaf blades by the latter species when its usual “new” nesting material is not available. An interesting piece of behaviour practised by both I. pelopoeiformis and I. stanleyi is that of “buzzing” in the nesting cavity in order to consolidate the introduced materials forming the preliminary plug and the cell partitions. The “buzzing” is the same as that already commented upon in connection with other Sphecidae, the ground-nesting Padalonia canescens and Ammophila ferrugineipes which use it to loosen soil in the course of the excavation of their burrows. This behaviour may be seen as additonal evidence for deriving the plant-nesting Isodontia species from ground-nesting, possibly nest-excavating, forms. Earth in the form of mud for the construction of cell partitions and nest closures is intro- duced into pre-existing cavities in plant tissue by Euodynerus euryspilus (Eumenidae) and Chalybion tibiale, Pison montanum and Trypoxylon sp. (all Sphecidae). The use of mud as the nesting material suggests that these wasps are derived from species which employed water to aid them in the excavation of original nests in non-friable clayey soils in the manner already described for other species of Eumenidae ( Parachilus , Pseudepipona and Antepipona) and Sphecidae (Bembecinus) . From the excavation of original nests in the ground to the use of pre-existing cavities in plant tissue two changes of behaviour would have been required — firstly the abandonment of the excavation of an original nest in the ground in favour of the use of pre-existing cavity in the same substrate, secondly the abandonment of nesting in this pre-existing cavity in the ground in favour of nesting in a similar pre-existing cavity above ground in plant tissue (or for that matter in a vertical bank). The use of mud for cell partitions and nest closures, initially a consequence of using water in nest excavation, is retained by those species nesting in pre-existing cavities and provides a continuous thread linking the three nesting types. The three nesting types outlined above as necessary to the derivation may all be found to occur within the genus Pison. Thus, excavation with the aid of regurgitated water of an origin- al burrow in non-friable soil has been reported for the South American Pison chilense (Janvier, 1928, as reported by Bohart and Menke, 1976: 335). Use of pre-existing cavities (abandoned burrows of bees and wasps) in clayey soils has been reported for the Micronesian Pison nigel- lum (Krombein, 1950: 139) and is recorded in the present account for Pison allonymum at Hilton. Use of pre-existing cavities in plant tissue has been reported for several species (see Bohart and Menke, 1976: 335) and is the habit at Hilton of Pison montanum , one of the species presently being discussed. Great specificity is shown in the nature of the foreign materials introduced into pre- existing cavities in plant tissue by various pollen-collecting (that is, non-parasitic) bees. In the family Megachilidae, Megachile gratiosa and Megachile spinarum construct their cells of pieces of green leaves cut to definite shapes and sizes and arranged overlappingly (Fig. 39). Leaves of only one plant species are used by these two bees at Hilton, namely those of Maytenus hetero- phylla (Celastraceae) which would appear therefore to be those best suited for the purpose at that locality. Elsewhere M. gratiosa has been found to use not only green leaves but, less commonly, flower petals also (Taylor, 1963, 1965 and 1968). Other bees of the same family, 70 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Capanthidium capicola and Immanthidium junodi , both so-called carder bees, use cotton wool- like plant down, Heriades species use plant resin, and Chalicodoma fulva and Chalicodoma sinuata use mud (Fig. 40). Hylaeus species including Hylaeus braunsi (family Colletidae), by contrast, construct their cells not of materials which they have collected but of a cellophane-like material secreted by their salivary glands. The construction by many of the bees of complete cells within the pre-existing nesting galleries as opposed to the construction only of cell end walls (that is cell partitions) as by the wasps is clearly linked to the nature of the provision. The damp nature of the pollen and nectar mixture clearly requires that it be protected not only from desiccation through loss of moisture to the nesting substrate but also that it be protected from contamination from the nesting substrate. The cell walls be they of leaves, plant down or mud thus serve to isolate the provision from the nesting substrate. This is of particular importance in the Hylaeus species the nectar-pollen mixture of which is very liquid and can only be protected and contained by the impermeability of the cellophane-like “bags” forming the cells. On the other hand the pollen stored by Heriades species, including H. spiniscutis at Hilton nesting in old Dasyproctus galler- ies in Berkheya and Gasteria stems, is very dry which may account for the fact that no cell walls are constructed and that the introduced nesting material, resin, is used only for the construction of cell partitions and nest closures. It may be accepted that foreign materials for the construction of cells within pre-existing burrows were used already by the ground-nesting antecedents of the bees now nesting above ground and that the change in nesting situation was not accompanied by any change in the nature of the nesting materials. Certainly, there is no difference in the nature of the leaf cells constructed at Hilton by, on the one hand, the ground-nesting Megachile semiflava and M. stellarum and, on the other hand, the above-ground-nesting M. gratiosa and M. spinarum. In passing it may be remarked that the apparently successful co-existence at Hilton of six species of Megachile must be due at least in part to the fact that the search for suitable pre- existing cavities in which to nest is not restricted to one situation but is divided between the ground (M. aliceae, M. meadewaldoi, M. semiflava and M. stellarum) and situations above the ground (M. gratiosa and M. spinarum). Within each of the two major nesting situations com- petition is probably further reduced by the fact that the species concerned are of different sizes and therefore seek pre-existing cavities of commensurate bore. For example, with respect to the two species nesting above the ground and thus found also in trap-nests, the 8 mm long M. gratiosa was found to be restricted to small bore (6,4 mm) trap-nests whereas the 13 mm long M. spinarum was found to use mostly larger bore (9,5 and 12,7 mm) trap-nests. Six of the thirty-nine species recorded at Hilton as nesting within plant tissue were found doing so in pre-existing cavities which they themselves had not in any way modified. AH were reared from cells constructed by other aculeate Hymenoptera and all may be classed as clepto- parasites as they feed upon the provision stored by their hosts. Three families were involved, namely Chrysididae, Sapygidae and Megachilidae. The four cuckoo wasps and their hosts were: Chrysidea africana and Chrysis sp. (near purpuripyga), both in the cells of Trypoxylon; Chrysis inops in the cells if Pison montanum ; and Octochrysis hoplites in the cells of Euodynerus euryspilus. Sapyga simillima (Sapygidae) and Coelioxys penetratrix (Megachilidae) developed in the cells of Heriades sp. and Megachile spinarum re- spectively. All the above cleptoparasitic species ahear to be highly host specific with regard to the nests in which they develop and their occurrence is therefore linked with that of their hosts. Chrysidea africana , besides being reared from Trypoxylon cells in trap-nests tied to bushes and trees, was found also in association with Trypoxylon nests in cavities in vertical banks. On the 71 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 face of the latter the cuckoo wasp was frequently seen walking about inspecting holes, then flying up and settling elsewhere after which the inspection of holes was resumed. With respect to the association of Coelioxys with Megachile it is of interest that the two genera are closely related. It appears that both are probably derived from the same nest- constructing and pollen-collecting forms and that the cleptoparasitic behaviour of Coelioxys is secondary and specialized, being arrived at by the abandonment by this genus of nest construc- tion and pollen collection in favour of the utilization for nesting of the nest constructed and provisioned by Megachile. Five species, all wasps, were listed at Hilton as constructing aerial nests on plants, namely Eumenes lucasius (Eumenidae), Celonites capensis (Masaridae), Polistes smithii and Ropalidia sp. B. (Vespidae), and Sceliphron quartinae (Sphecidae). The nesting of all these species, like those species constructing nests above ground but within plant tissue, may be seen as derived from nesting in the ground. In contrast to those species which nest within plant tissue and which in their nesting therefore are subject to the constraints imposed either by the availability of plant tissue suitable for gallery excavation or by the availability of pre-existing cavities of suitable dimensions, the species nesting on plants are free of such limitations and for their nesting require only that the plant should offer mecha- nical support for the nest. Despite this freedom with regard to the surface to which the nest may be attached, the species cannot nest anywhere for all are dependent upon the presence of water for the construction of their cells. With respect to the four Vespoidea, water, collected in the crop and regurgitated from there, is required to transform dry clayey earth into mud and dry rasped-off wood fibres into wood pulp, materials used for cell building by Eumenes and Celonites and by Polistes and Ropalidia respectively. Sceliphron quartinae, in contrast to the above two water-collecting, mud-mixing species, probably behaves like the mud-daubing Sceliphron spirifex and related species which gather already existing mud from beside pools and puddles. Nesting is therefore restricted to within a certain distance of water, and furthermore, in the case of those species making mud cells, to areas of clayey soils. However, Sceliphron quartinae, which has been reported by Brauns (1911: 119) to make its cells either of clayey mud or cow dung, will by its use of the latter material (when fresh and wet) be able to nest in areas where mud suitable for cell construction is unavailable, either because the soil is not of a clayey nature or because pools and puddles are absent, or both. With respect to wasps and bees nesting within plant tissue, two associations between some species and certain plants are of particular interest. These associations will be dealt with in further detail in order to illustrate the primary role played by the plant in question and to show the chains of dependence existing amongst the insects constituting a community upon such a plant. It is obvious that such chains of dependence within a community are not the monopoly of those species nesting within plant tissue but are a feature of all communities whatever their nesting substrates and nesting situations. The present two examples are chosen as they have the added interest of having as the nesting substrate an additional living organism, the plant. The first example pertains to a complex of three insect species associated with and re- stricted to the shrub or small tree. Acacia karroo , and concerns the nesting of the sphecid, Ampulex sp. near cyanura, listed in category 17 of the annotated list as being a modifier of pre-existing cavities in woody stems. As will be seen in Fig. 34 in which the association under discussion is diagrammatically portrayed the other two insects concerned are Ceroplesis hotten- tota (Cerambycidae) and Bantua dispar (Blattidae) (Figs 35 & 36). First in the three-linked chain is the beetle, C. hottentota , the larvae of which in the course of their feeding bore galleries in finger-thick branches of A. karroo. The consequences of the activity of these larvae are three-fold and make possible the existence of the other two species in the chain. Firstly, damage to the living branches of the tree results in a copious amount of 72 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 34. Diagram showing the structure of a complex of three insect species, Ceroplesis hottentota (Cerambycidae), Bantua dispar (Blattidae) and Ampulex sp. near cyanura (Sphecidae) associated with and restricted to the shrub or small tree Acacia karroo (Leguminosae). gum being exuded from the wounds. Secondly, and at a later stage, the bored branches die with the result that their bark separates from the wood. Thirdly, after the beetles have com- pleted their larval feeding, have pupated and have metamorphosed into adults, they break out and abandon their galleries with the result that the latter become available for the use of other insects which cannot themselves hollow out such cavities. 73 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 35. Ceroplesis hottentota , the larvae of which bore galleries in finger-thick branches of Acacia karroo. (X 3) Fig. 36. Bantua dispar and Ampulex sp. near cyanura. The wasp having subdued the cockroach has cut off the end of an antenna (seen lying at bottom right-hand corner of photograph) and is malaxating prior to leading prey to nesting gallery, (x 3) 74 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Second in the chain of species is the cockroach, B. dispar , which appears to be restricted to those A. karroo shrubs and trees harbouring C. hottentota. A nocturnal species, it spends the day in hiding in old abandoned beetle galleries and under the loosened bark of dead branches and comes out at night to feed upon the gum exuding from living branches being bored by the beetle. Third and last in the chain is the wasp, Ampulex sp., which preys exclusively upon B. dispar for which it may be seen hunting on foot on the branches of the tree. Having flushed a B. dispar from its hiding place, the wasp stings it and then, holding the subdued cockroach by one of its antennae, leads it to an old C. hottentota gallery (Fig. 36). Once arrived there the wasp installs the cockroach within the cavity, oviposits on it and then seals the gallery with detritus collected on or immediately under the tree. The existence of Ampulex sp. near cyanura within any locality is therefore inextricably linked with the presence of not only its prey but also with that of the beetle and ultimately with that of Acacia karroo. As the wasp was never collected anywhere other than on A. karroo it would appear that its entire life is spent on this plant. The second example, presented diagrammatically in Fig. 37, pertains to a community of species referable to categories 19, 20 and 21 of the annotated list and associated with the dry inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox. The community differs from the complex of three species concerned in the first example in that the species at the core of the community are hymenopterous, not coleopterous. Fur- thermore, species are included that exhibit all three degrees of participation in nest construc- tion: those which construct their nests entirely by themselves, those which modify pre-existing cavities (Figs 38, 39 & 40) and those which nest parasitically in pre-existing cavities which they do not themselves modify. Most strikingly different, however, is the far looser association with the plant, only the two gallery excavators at the core of the community, Xylocopa sicheli and Ceratina sp. A. being apparently restricted to the aloes. However, even these species are dependent upon these plants only in so far that they offer a suitable pithy substrate in which nesting galleries may be excavated and in areas where A. ferox does not occur, inflorescence stems of other species of Aloe are known to be used. Foraging for pollen and nectar with which to provision the cells within the galleries takes place on other plants for at the time of nesting the aloes are not in flower. At the level of those species which modify pre-existing cavities and are recorded as using the abandoned borings of the two gallery excavating bees there is no dependence on the pre- sence of aloes at all nor on the presence of the bees. As has been shown species like Isodontia stanleyi, Trypoxylon sp., Megachile spinarum, Chalicodoma sinuata and Immanthidium junodi will nest in a variety of pre-existing cavities provided these are situated up above the ground. It is clear, however, that if these species are to nest in Aloe inflorescence stems then they can do so only in the presence of old Xylocopa and Ceratina borings. At the level of those species which do not modify pre-existing cavities but nest parasitical- ly the association is clearly with their hosts only and the occurrence of these species is there- fore determined by that of their hosts. Communities of loosely associated species of wasps and bees, as exemplified by the com- munity nesting in Aloe ferox inflorescences, may be seen to exist in all four nesting situations — the ground, vertical banks, stones and plants and in the subdivisions of these primary nesting situations. It may therefore be concluded that the picture that emerges of the interaction of species of wasps and bees in a community such as that described above is typical of the entire population of these insects at Hilton. Within any community individual species, as exemplified by Ampulex sp. near cyanura of the community nesting in Acacia karroo stems, may be associated not with other species of 75 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 37. Diagram showing the structure of a community of insects associated with the dry inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox (Liliaceae). With respect to the aculeate wasps and the bees the degree of participation in the construction of their nests is indicated by the numbers (i, ii, iii) as in the classification of these insects on the basis of their ethology, (i) In nest constructed entirely by the nester. (ii) In pre-existing cavity modified by the nester. (iii) In pre-existing cavity not modified by the nester. 76 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES Fig. 39 Fig. 38 Figs 38 and 39. Dry inflorescence stems of Aloe ferox cut longitudinally to show old galleries bored by Xylocopa sicheli and containing nests of Isodontia stanleyi (Fig. 38) and Megachile spinarum (Fig. 39). wasps or with bees, except perhaps peripherally (e.g. in competition for pre-existing cavities), but may rather be part of the community by virtue of their association with non- hymenopterous species. The circumscribed association of Ampulex sp. near cyanura with the beetle and the cock- roach making up the three-species complex on Acacia karroo appears to be exceptional and no similar example was found during the course of the present study at Hilton. 77 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 1, OCTOBER 1981 Fig. 40. Dry inflorescence stem of Aloe ferox cut longitudinally to show old gallery bored by Xylocopa sicheli and containing nest of Chalicodoma sinuata. The study of nesting ethology of the aculeate wasps and the bees of Hilton has apart from adding considerably to the knowledge of these groups in Africa provided a clear illustration of their remarkable propensity for behavioural adaptability which has led to the formation of communities of large numbers of sympatric species showing marked ecological displacement. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Mr T. C. White of the farm Hilton for his much appreciated kindness over the years in allowing him free access to his land. Thanks for identification of material are due to the following: Mrs E. Brink and Miss G. 78 GESS: ASPECTS OF STUDY OF ACULEATE WASPS AND THE BEES V. Britten of the Albany Museum Herbarium — Plants; Dr D. J. Brothers of Natal University, Pietermaritzburg — Mutiilidae; Mr C. F. Jacot-Guillarmod, lately of the Albany Museum, Gra- hamstown — Scoliidae and Tiphiidae; Dr J. G. Theron of the University of Stellenbosch — Cicadellidae. Thanks are due also to Mr R. H. M. Cross and Mr A. G. Bruton of the Electron Microscopy Unit, Rhodes University, for producing the scanning electron micrographs repro- duced in Figs 18-23. The author is grateful to Dr G. B. Whitehead of Rhodes University for his encourage- ment. Sarah Gess who has acted as the author’s research assistant during the past eleven years is thanked for her invaluable support and encouragement. Gratitude is expressed to the C.S.I.R. for running expenses grants for field work during the course of which the present study was made. REFERENCES Acocks, J. P. H. 1953. Veld types of South Africa. Mem. bot. Surv. S. Afr. 29: i-iv, 1-192. Arnold, G. 1924. The Sphegidae of South Africa. Part 5. Ann. Transv. Mus. 11 (1): 1-73. Arnold. G. 1934. The Psammocharidae of the Ethiopian Region. Part 3. Ann. Transv. Mus. 15: 283-400. Arnold, G. 1945. The Sphecidae of Madagascar. Bulawayo. National Museum of Southern Rhodesia. Arnold, G. 1947. A key to the African genera of the Apidae. J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr . 9: 193-218. Bequaert, J. 1918. A revision of the Vespidae of the Belgian Congo based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, with a list of Ethiopian Diplopterous wasps. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 39: 1-384. Bohart, R. M. 1940. A revision of the North American species of Pterocheilus and notes on related genera (Hymenop- tera, Vespidae). Ann. ent. Soc. 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Ethological studies of Jugurtia confusa Richards, Ceramius capicola Brauns, C. linearis Klug and C. lichtensteinii (Klug) (Hymenoptera: Masaridae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 13 ( 6): 63-83. Gess, F. W. and Gess, S. K. 1980d. The whited sepulchre — the nesting of Chalybion tibiale (Fabr.). The Eastern Cape Naturalist 70: 11-14. Hurd, P. D. 1978. An annotated catalog of the carpenter bees (Genus Xylocopa Latreille) of the Western Hemisphere (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Washington, D. C. Smithsonian Institution Press. Hurd, P. D. and Moure, J. S. 1963. A classification of the large carpenter bees (Xylocopini) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Univ. California Pub. Entomol. 29: 1-365. Janvier, H. 1928. Recherches biologiques sur les predateurs du Chili. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. (10) 11: 67-207. Krombein. K. V. 1950. The aculeate Hymenoptera of Micronesia. II. Colletidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae, and Apidae. Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 14: 101-142. 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Biologies of African allodapine bees (Hymenoptera, Xylocopinae). Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 145 (3): 219-301. Olberg, G. 1959. Das Verhalten der solitdren Wespen Mitteleuropas (Vespidae, Pompilidae, Sphecidae). Berlin. Deut- scher Verlag der Wissenschaften. Oldroyd, H. 1964. The Natural History of Flies. London. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Painter, R. H. 1932. The Bombyliidae of China and nearby regions. Lingnan Sci. Jour. 11: 341-374. Rozen, J. G. 1969a. Biological notes on the bee Tetralonia minuta and its cleptoparasite, Morgania histrio transvaalensis (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 71 (1): 102-107. Rozen, J. G. 1969b. The biology and description of a new species of African Thyreus, with life history notes on two species of Anthophora (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). J. New York ent. Soc. 77: 51-60. Skaife, S. H. 1950. Some South African solitary bees. S. Afr. J. Sci. 46: 183-187. Smit, B. 1964. Insects in southern Africa: how to control them. Cape Town. Oxford University Press. Smithers, C. N. 1958. Notes on the life history of Sphex ( Isodontia ) pelopoeiformis Dhlb. in Southern Rhodesia. Entomologist’s mon. Mag. 94: 193-197. South Africa (Republic) Dept, of Transport. Weather Bureau. Climatology Branch. 1965. Climate of South Africa. Part 9. Average monthly and annual rainfall and number of rain-days up to the end of 1960. Pretoria. Government Printer. Taylor, F. 1939. Beekeeping for the beginner. Union of South Africa Dept. Agric. and Forestry Bulletin 199. Taylor, J. S. 1962a. A note on the carder bee Anthidium junodi melanosomum Cameron. Pan-Pacif. Ent. 38: 241-243. Taylor, J. S. 1962b. Notes on Heriades freygessneri Schletterer (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 25: 133-139. Taylor, J. S. 1963. Notes on the Leaf-cutter Bee Megachile (Eutricharaea) gratiosa Gerstaecker (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). Pan-Pacif. Ent. 39 (2): 129-134. Taylor, J. S. 1965. Notes on some South African bees (Hymenoptera: Colletidae, Megachilidae). Pan-Pacif. Ent. 41 (3): 173-179. Taylor, J. S. 1968. Notes on some South African bees and wasps. Entomologist's Record 80: 69-72. 80 art i Ml3 MH ANNALS, OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 26th JULY 1982 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA A selected bibliography of literature on Odomata from Africa and adjacent islands Part 2 by B. C. WILMOT and L. F. WILMOT (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) This bibliography, like the first compiled by Wilmot & Wilmot (1978), is intended to supplement that of Pinhey (1962) which included mostly systematic references to African Odo- nata up to December 1959. Though the vast majority of articles included in the present bib- liography were published subsequent to 1959 a few earlier non-systematic references omitted by Pinhey and previously overlooked by the compilers have been included. All articles in which reference is made to Odonata have been included, whether of a systematic, ecological, zoogeographical, biological or bibliographical nature. The geographical coverage of articles is indicated by a code letter or letters placed after each reference. The code letters and their meanings, after Scott & Scott (1969), are as follows: N. North Africa, i.e. Africa north of the Sahara, including oases. C. Africa south of the Sahara but north of the Zambesi. This is the largest area, includ- ing all the central African countries from the Sudan to Zambia and Senegal to Soma- lia. S. Southern Africa, i.e. Africa south of the Zambesi. This includes South Africa, Nami- bia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana and the southern part of Mozambi- que. I. Islands off the coast of Africa with the exception of those in the Mediterranean Sea which are excluded. A. This indicates Africa as a whole and means that the article concerned covers the continent in general. The relative importance of an article is indicated by the number of asterisks placed after the geographical code of that reference. Following Davies & Davies (1976) the ratings are as follows: * only passing reference made to Odonata; ** a part of the article deals with Odonata; *** the article deals exclusively with Odonata. An article dealing exclusively with Odonata but with only passing reference to the African fauna is rated as single asterisk. The abbreviations of publication titles cited follow the World List of Scientific Periodicals (1963-1965). Titles of publications for which there are no acceptable abbreviations are written out in full. 81 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. HPT 2, JULY 1982 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aguesse, P. 1968. Faune de I'Europe et du Bassin Mediterraneen. 4. Les odonates de I'Europe occidental, du Nord de I'Afrique et des ties atlantiques. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Masson et Cie, Paris, pp. 1-255, 106 figs, 7 plates, 6 tables, 10 maps. N J. ** Allanson, B. R. et al. 1966. An estuarine fauna in a freshwater lake in South Africa. Nature 209(5022):532-533. S. * Bailey, R. G., S. Churchfield and R. Pimm 1978. Observation on the zooplankton and littoral macroinvertebrates of Nyumba ya Mungu reservoir, Tanzania. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 10:93-107. C. * Balirwa, J. S. 1979. A contribution to the study of the food of six cyprinid fishes in three areas of the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa. Hydrobiologia 66(l):65-72. C. * Bell-Cross, G. 1973. The fish fauna of the Buzi River System in Rhodesia and Mozambique. Arnoldia Rhod. 6(5): 1-14. S. * Bell-Crqss, G. 1974. A fisheries survey of the Upper Zambezi River System. Occas. pap. Natl. Mas. Rhod., B., Nat. sci. 5(5):279— 338. S,C. * Belyshev, B. F. and A. Yu. Haritonov 1978. The distribution of the cosmopolitan genus Anax Leach and its probable origin (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). Odonatologica 7(2) : 1 15— 121 . A. ** Belyshev, B. F. and A. Yu. Haritonov 1980. [On the latest faunistic contacts of Ethiopian and Australian regions in Odonata.] [Russian with English summary] Ent. Obozr. S9(l):89— 91. S. ** Belyshev, B. F. and A. Yu. Kharitonov 1979. On the Atlantic Gap in the ranges of dragonflies (Odonata) in the south parts of Africa and America. Zool. Zh. 58(4):610-611. S. ** Blake, B. F. 1977. Food and feeding of the mormyrid fishes of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, with special reference to seasonal variation and interspecific differences. J. Fish. Biol. 11:315-328. C. * Boon von OchssSe, G. A. 1979. Dragonflies in the diet of the teleostean fish in the Comoe River, Upper Volta, West Africa. Notul. odonatol. 1(3) :46— 47 . C. *** Boyes, J. W., J. M. van Brink and B. Kiauta 1980. Sixteen dragonfly karyotypes from the Republic of South Africa and Swaziland, with evidence on the possible hybrid nature of Orthetrum julia falsum Longfield (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 9(2):131-153. S. *** Bruton, M. N. 1979a. The breeding biology and early development of Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) in Lake Sibaya, South Africa, with a review of breeding in species of the subgenus Clarias (Clarias). Trans zool. Soc. Lond. 35:1-45. S. * Bruton, M. N. 1979b. The food and feeding behaviour of Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae) in Lake Sibaya, South Africa, with emphasis on its role as a predator of cichlids. Trans zool. Soc. Lond. 35:47-114. S. * Bruton, M. N. 1979c. The fishes of Lake Sibaya. In: Allanson, B. R. ed.. Lake Sibaya. Monographiae biol. 36:162- 245. S. * Bruton, M. N. and H. M. Kok 1980. The freshwater fishes of Maputoland. In: Bruton, M. N. and K. H. Cooper eds, Studies on the Ecology of Maputoland. Rhodes University, Grahamstown and Natal Branch of the Wildlife Society of Southern Africa, pp. 210-244. S. * Burton, G. J. and T. M. McRae 1972. Phoretic attachment of Simulium larvae and pupae to mayfly and dragonfly nymphs. Mosquito News 32(3):436-443. C. ** Buxton, D. R. 1937. Insects of the Lake Rudolf Rift Valley Expedition, 1934. - 1. Orders other than Coleoptera. Ann. Mag. not. Hist., Ser. 10, 20:579-588. C. * Cammaerts, R. 1978. Mission entomologique de Musee Royale de I'Afrique Centrale aux Monts Uluguru, Tanzanie (L. Berger, L. Leleup et J. Debecker, V-VIII. 1971). 24. Odonata. Rev. Zool. Afr. 92( 1 ) : 1 1—36. C. *** Carlsson, G. 1968. Benthonic fauna in african watercourses, with special reference to black-fly populations. Scandina- vian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala, 13 pp. [only separatum seen] C. * Carmouze, J. -P. et al. 1972. Grandes zones ecologiques du lac Tchad. Cali. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser. Hydrobiol. 6(2):103- 169. C. * Coetzee, D. J. 1980. Zooplankton and environmental conditions in Groenvlei, Southern Cape, during 1976. J . Limnol. Soc. sth. Afr. 6(1) : 5— 1 1 . S. * Coetzer, A. 1978. The Invertebrate Fauna and Biotic Index Value of Water Quality of the Great Berg River, Western Cape. J. Limnol. Soc. sth. Afr. 4(1): 1-7. S. * Consiglio, C. 1978. Odonata collected in Ethiopia by the expeditions of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. 11. New and rare species of Notogomphus from Ethiopia (Odonata: Gomphidae). Problemi att. Sci. Cult. (Ill) 243:53-58. C. *** Corbet, P. S. 1974a. Entomological reflections. Bull. ent. Soc. Can. 6(3):70-75. C. * C [orbet], P. S. 1974b. Odonata. In: Encyclopedia Britannica (15th ed.). Hemingway Beuton, pp. 507-509. A. ** Corbet, P. S. 1976. A. E. Gardner, [obituary, includes bibliography] Odonatologica 5(4):387-390. I. * Corbet, P S. 1980. Biology of Odonata. Ann. Rev. Ent. 25:189-217. A. ** Corbet, Sarah A. 1977. Gomphids from Cameroon, West Africa (Anisoptera: Gomphidae). Odonatologica 6(2):55-68. Q * * * Dejoux, C. and J. M. Elouard 1977. Action de l’Abate sur les invertebres aquatiques. Cinetiquc de decrochement a court et moyen terme. Cab. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser. Hydrobiol. 1 1(3 ) :217— 230. C. * 82 WILMOT & WILMOT: BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ODONATA OF AFRICA: PART 2 Dejoux, C., L. Lauzanne and C. L6v£que 1971. Prospcction hydrobiologique du lac de Lere (Tchad) et des mares avoisinantes IV. - Faune benthique. Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser. Hydrobiol. 5(2): 179—188. C. * Dejoux, C. and L. Saint-Jean 1972. Etudes des communantes d’invertebres d’herbiers du lac Tchad: recherches preli- minaires. Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser. Hydrobiol. 6( 1):67— 83. C. * Dekeyser, P. L. and A. Villiers 1956. Contribution a l’etude du peuplement de la Mauritanie. Notations ecologiques et biogeographiqaes sur la faune de l’Adrar. Mem. Inst, franc. Afr. noire 44, 222 pp. N,C. * Dumont, H. J. 1976. Odonata from South Morocco, Rio de Oro and Mauretania, with biogeographical notes. Odonato- logica 5(2) : 107— 117. N. *** Dumont, H. J. 1977a. On migrations of Hemianax ephippiger (Burmeister) and Tramea basilaris (P. de Beauvois) in West and North-West Africa in the winter of 1975/1976 (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae, Libellulidae). Odonatologica 6(1):13— 17. C. *** Dumont, H. J. 1977b. Orthetrum abbotti Calvert, 1892, a new Ethiopian representative in the palaearctic fauna (Ani- soptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 6(3):199-203. C,S. ** Dumont, H. J. 1977c. Odonata from Mali, West Africa (Insecta). Rev. Zool. afr. 91 (3) :573— 586. C. *** Dumont, H. J. 1977d. An analysis of the Odonata of Tunisia. Bull. Ann. Soc. r. beige Ent. H3(l-3):63-94. N. *** Dumont, H. J. 1978a. On confusion about the identity of Pseudagrion acaciae Foerster, 1906, with the description of P. niloticum spec, nov., and on the identity of P.hamoni Fraser, 1955 (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonato- logica 7(2): 123-133. A. *** Dumont, H. J. 1978b. Odonata from Nigeria with special reference to the Air Mountains. Rev. Zool. afr. 92(2): 303-316. C. *** Dumont, H. J. 1978c. Additions a la faune des Odonates de Mauritanie. Bull. Ann. Soc. r. beige Ent. 1 14( 1— 3):29— 34. JiyJ £ * * * Dumont, H. J. 1978d. Odonates d’Algerie, principalement du Hoggar et d’ oasis du Sud. Bull. Ann. Soc. r. beige Ent. 114(4-6): 99- 106. N. *** Dumont, H. J. 1978e. Les odonates du Parc national du Niokolo-Koba et du lac de Guiers (Senegal) pendant la saison seche. Bull. Inst. fr. Afr. noire (A) 40(4):847-851. C. *** Dumont, H. J. 1978f. Neolithic hyperarid period preceded by the present climate of the Central Sahel. Nature 274(5669):356-358. N,C. ** Dumont, H. J. 1979. Limnologie van Sahara en Sahel: bijdrage tot een beter begrip van de klimaats-veranderingen van het laat-Pleistoceen en Holoceen. Fac. Sci., Univ. Ghent, Gent, 557 pp. N. ** Dumont, H. J. 1980. The dragonfly fauna of Egypt and the role of the Nile in its origin and composition. Water Supply & Manage. 4(l/2):29-34. N,C. *** El Rayah, M. 1975. Dragonfly nymphs as active predators of mosquito larvae. Mosquito News 35(2):229— 230. N. *** El Rayah, M. and F. T. Abu Shama 1977. The predatory capacity of nymphs of the dragonflies: Trithemis annulata scortecii Nielsen (Odonata: Anisoptera) and Ischnura senegalensis Rambur (Odonata: Zygoptera). Rev. Zool. afr. 91(2):381— 384. N. *** El Rayah, M. and F, T. Abu Shama 1978. Notes on morphology and bionomy of the dragonfly Trithemis annulata scortecii (Odonata, Anisoptera) as a predator on mosquito larvae. Z. angew. Ent. 85( 1 ):81— 86. N. *** Emsley, M. 1980. Insect Magic. Reader’s Digest (South African edition) 116 (February): 140-147. C. * Frith, D. W. 1979. A twelve month study of insect abundance and composition at various localities on Aldabra Atoll. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (B) 286(1011): 119-126. I. * Flint, O. S., Jr., A. S. Menke, F. C. Thompson and R. A. Ward [Eds.] 1976. The United States national entomological collections. Smithsonian Inst. Press, Washington, D.C., 48 pp. A. * Forbes, A. T. 1972. Biological survey of the Sundays River with reference to the macro-invertebrate fauna. In: Scott K. M. F., B R. Allanson and F. M. Chutter, Orange River Project Working Group for ORP hydrobiology of the Fish and Sundays Rivers. CSIR Res. Rep. 306:29-34. S. * Forge, P., C. Dejoux and J. M. Elouard 1977. Microdistribution des Invertebres d’un bief. I. le N’zi. Rapp. O.R.S.T.O.M., Bouake , no. 11, 60 pp. [mimeographed], C. * Fraser, F. C. 1962. Report on the Austrian Expedition to Madagascar, 1958. Order Odonata. Mem. Inst. sci. Madag., Tananarive 13:147-159, 10 figs. I. *** Fry, C. H. 1972. The biology of African bee-eaters. Living Bird 11:75-112. A. * Gambles, R. M. 1979a. Paulianagrion platystictoides Fraser and Pseudagrion risi Schmidt (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae). Odonatologica 8(3):215— 219. C. *** Gambles, R. M. 1979b. West African species of Macromia (Odonata: Corduliidae) belonging to the picta and sophia groups. Syst. Entomol. 4(4):389— 407. C. *** [Gambles, R. M.] 1980. Odonata. In: Medlar, J. T. ed.. Insects of Nigeria - checklist and bibliography. Mem. Am. ent. Inst. 30:24-28 excluding bibliography. C. *** Gardner, A. E. 1968. Notes on insects collected in Madeira in 1966. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal 22(102):35-37. I. *** Gee, J. M. 1969. A comparison of certain aspects of the biology of Lates niloticus (Linne) in endemic and introduced environments in East Africa. In: Obeng, L. E. ed.. Man-made Lakes: The Accra Symosium. Ghana Universi- ties Press, Accra, pp. 251-260. C. * Gee, J. M. 1975. The genus Xenoclarias (Pisces, Siluriformes) in Lake Victoria, with a redescription of Xenoclarias eupogon and notes on the biology of the species. J. Zool., Lond. 175:201-217. C. * 83 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT2, JULY 1982 Green, J. 1979. The fauna of Lake Sonfon, Sierre Leone. J. Zool., Lond. 187:113-133. C. * Green, J., A. I. el Moghraby and O. M. M. Ali 1979. Biological observations on the crater lakes of Jebel Marra, Sudan. ./. Zool., Lond. 189(4):493-502. C. * Greenwood, P. H. 1980. A new species of cichlid fish from the Malagarasi swamps and river (Tanzania, East Africa). Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.) 38(3): 159- 163. C. * Hammad, S. M. 1974. Additions to the insect fauna of Libya. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 58:207-211. N. * Haritonov, A. Yu. and B. F. Belyshev 1980. [The peculiarities in the geographic distribution of the genus Enallagma Charp., 1840 (Insecta, Odonata).] [Russian] Trudy biol. Inst. sib. Otdel. Akad. Sci. SSSR, Novosibirsk 40:80 -84. A. ** Harrison, A. D. 1978. Freshwater Invertebrates (except molluscs). In: Werger, M. J. A. ed., Biogeography and Ecol- ogy of Southern Africa Part 2. Junk, The Hague, pp. 1139-1152. S. ** Hassan, A. T. 1975. Studies on the larval development of Palpopleura lucia lucia, Acisoma panorpoides inflatum and Urothemis assignata (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) in a semi-natural environment. Nigerian J. Ent. 1(2):143-146. £ *** Hassan, A. T. 1976. Studies on the roosting behaviour of Palpopleura lucia lucia (Drury) and Acisoma panorpoides inflatum Selys (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 5(4):323— 329. C. *** Hassan, A. T. 1977a. Longevity of three libellulid dragonflies under semi-natural conditions (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 6(1): 1—5. C. *** Hassan, A. T. 1977b. The larval stages of Urothemis assignata (Selys) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 6(3): 151—161 . C. *** Hassan, A. T. 1978. Reproductive behaviour of Acisoma panorpoides inflatum Selys (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odo- natologica 7(3):237-245. C. *** Hey, D. 1945. The Establishment and Maintenance of Freshwater Fishes in South Africa. S.A. Forestry Association, Stellenbosch, 115 pp. S. * Holden, M. J. 1970. The feeding habits of Alestes baremose and Hydrocynus forskali (Pisces) in Lake Albert, East Africa. J. Zool., Lond. 161:137-144. C. * Howard-Williams, C. etal. 1972. Lake Chilwa, Malawi. Studies on a tropical freshwater ecosystem. 40pp. Report to the IBP/UNESCO Symposium on Synthesis of PF Results. 12-18 Sept. 1972 at Reading, England, [mimeographed] C. * Jacquemart, S. 1974. Resultats de la Mission anthropologique Beige au Niger. Collemboles nouveaux du Sahara. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg. (Ent.) 50(6):l-46, 9 plates. C. * Jocque, R. 1977. Une etude sur Clarias senegalensis Val. dans la region du Lac Kossou (Cote d’Ivoire). Hydrobiologia 54( 1):49— 65. C. * Kiauta, B. and G. A. Boon von Ochssee 1979. Some dragonfly karyotypes from the Voltaic Republic (Haute Volta), West Africa. Odonatologica 8( 1) :47— 54. C. *** Koch, S. 1979. Libellenfunde in Algerien and Tunisien (Odonata). Entomol. Z. 89(7):77-80. N. *** Lamoot, E. H. 1977. The food of the damselfly larvae of a temporary tropical pond (Zygoptera). Odonatologica 6( 1 ) :21— 26. C. *** Larochelle, A. 1977. [The life and work of Philip S. Corbet Odonatologist] [French] Cordulia 3(4):125-130. A. ** Lauzanne, L. 1973. Etude qualitative de la nutrition des Alestes baremoze (Pisces, Characidae). Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser. Hydrobiol. 7(1):3-15. C. * Lavoie, J., M. A. Ali and J.-S. Pilon 1981. Bibliographic analytique de la vision chez les odonates. Odonatologica 10(1) : 5— 28. A. * Legrand, J. 1975. Contribution a la Faune du Gabon. Odonates: Ire note. Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) ll(4):679-696. C. *** Legrand, J. 1976. A propos de Lestes simulans Martin, 1910: larve et imago (Zygoptera: Lestidae). Odonatologica 5(4):375— 381 . C. *** Legrand, J. 1977a. Deux Tetrathemis Brauer nouveaux du Gabon et la larve de l’un d'eux (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 6(4):245-251. C. *** Legrand, J. 1977b. Description des larves de quatre especes de Calopterygidae du Gabon (Odonata). Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. (N.S.) 13(3):453— 467. C. *** Legrand, J. 1979a. Morphologie, biologie et ecologie de Malgassophlebia aequatoris n.sp., nouveau Tetratheminae du Gabon (Odonata: Libellulidae). Rev. fr. Ent. (N.S.) 1(1 ):3— 12. C. *** Legrand, J. 1979b. Palpopleura albifrons n.sp., nouveau Diastatopidinae de la foret gabonaise (Odonata Libellulidae). Rev.fr. Ent. (N.S.) 1 (4 ) : 1 79- 18 1 . C. *** Legrand, J. 1980. Macromia hervei n.sp. precedemment confondue avec M. aequatorialis (Martin, 1906) (Odonata: Libellulidae). Rev. fr. Ent. (N.S.) 2(1):10-14. C. *** LUveque, C. et al. 1972. Recherches sur les biomasses et la productivite du Lac Tchad. In: Kajak, Z. and A. Hillbricht- Ilkowska eds, Productivity problems of freshwaters. Polish Sci. Publications, Warszawa - Krakow, pp. 165-181. C. * [Lieftinck, M. A.] 1979. Libellen (Odonata). In: Guldemond, J. A., R. Leys, J G. M. Notenboom and A. W. Wesselo eds, Biospeleologische Expeditie Algerije 1978. Biospeleologische Werkgroep, Wageningen. p. 108. N. ** 84 WILMOT & WILMOT: BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ODONATA OF AFRICA: PART 2 Lindley, R. P. 1976. A new species of Ethiopian Elailoneura Cowley, 1935 from the Central African Republic, and some notes on the genus (Zygoptera: Protoneuridae). Odonatologica 5(2) : 153— 164. C. *** Lindley, R. P. 1980. Macromia gamblesi spec. nov. from the Central African Republic (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). Odonatologica 9(2) : 189—195 . C. *** Lohmann, H. 1981. Zur Taxonomie einiger Crocothemis - Arten, nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art von Madagaskar (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica 10(2): 109— 1 16. I. ** Lounibos, L. P. 1980. Larval odonata in water-containing treeholes at the Kenya coast. Notul. odonatol. 1 (6) :99— 1 00. C. *** Machado, A. 1976. Catalogo preliminare de la bibliografia entomologica Canaria. Dept. Zool. Cienc. marinas, Fac. Ciencias, Univ. de la Laguna, Tenerife, X + 47 pp. I. * Magadza, C. H. D. 1978. Field observations on the environmental effect of large-scale aerial applications of endosulfan in the eradication of Glossina morsitans centralis Westw. in the Western Province of Zambia in 1968. Rhod. J. agric. Res. 16(2):2U-220. C. * Mamet, J. R. 1978. Contribution a la connaissance de la faune entomologique d' Agalega (Ocean Indien). Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 83(5-6) :97-107. I. * Marlier, G. 1979. Une mission hydrobiologique aux Seychelles. Naturalistes belg. 60(l):44-58. I. * Marshall, A. G. and R. M. Gambles 1977. Odonata from the Guinea Savanna Zone in Ghana. J. Zool., Lond. 183(2): 177-187. C. *** Marshall, B. E. 1978. Aspects of the ecology of benthic fauna in Lake Mcllwaine, Rhodesia. Freshwater Biol. 8:241- 249. S. * Matthes, H. 1964. Les poissons du lac Tumba et de la region d’lkela. Etude systematique et ecologique. Annls Mus. r. Afr. cent. Ser. 8vo. (Sciences zoologiques) 126:204 pp., 6 plates, 1 map. C. * McLachlan, A. J. 1965. The ecology of the bottom fauna of Lake Kariba. In: Record of a Kariba Research Symposium held at the Fisheries Research Institute on 8th-9th June 1965. Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Institute, Kariba, pp. 58-59. C,S. * McLachlan, A. J. 1975. The Role of Aquatic Macrophytes in the Recovery of the Benthic Fauna of a Tropical Lake after a Dry Phase. Limnol. Oceanogr. 20( 1 ):54— 63. C. * Mead, A. P. 1978. A rhabdocoele turbellarian predator on the aquatic stages of mosquitoes. Ann.trop . Med. Parasitol. 72(6):591— 594. C * Mok, M. 1975. Biometrie et biologie des Schilbe (Pisces, Siluriformes) du bassin Tchadien. He partie. Biologie com- paree des deux especes. Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M., ser. Hydrobiol. 9( 1 ) :33— 60. C. * Noble, R. G. and J. Hemens 1978. Inland water ecosystems in South Africa - a review of research needs. South African National Scientific Programmes Report No. 34, X + 50 pp.. S. * Obeng, L. E. 1965. Preliminary observations on the aquatic fauna of the Volta Basin. Ghana J.Sci. 5(3 & 4):273— 274. C. * Obeng, L. E. 1969. The invertebrate fauna of aquatic plants of the Volta Lake in relation to the spread of helminth parasites. In: Obeng, L.E. ed.. Man-made Lakes: The Accra Symposium. Ghana Universities Press, Accra, pp. 320-325. C. * Olatunde, A. A. 1978. The food and feeding habits of Eutropius niloticus (Ruppell), family Schilbeidae (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes) in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. Hydrobiologia 57(3 ) : 197—207 . C. * Parr, M. J. 1977a. A second species of Pentaphlebia Foerster (Zygoptera: Amphipterygidae), from the Nigerian- Cameroun border. Odonatologica 6(2):77-82. C. *** Parr, M. J. 1977b. The present status of Nesciothemis nigeriensis Gambles, 1966 (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) in Northern Nigeria. Odonatologica 6(4):271-276. C. *** Parr, M. J. 1980. Territorial behaviour of the African libellulid Orthetrum julia Kirby (Anisoptera). Odonatologica 9( 1 ) :75— 99. C. *** Parr, M. J. and R. P. Lindley 1980. To Mr Robert Gambles on his 70th Birthday. Odonatologica 9(4):279— 283. C. ** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1966. Odonata. Explor. Parc. natn. Garamba Miss. H de Saeger 45:1-114. C. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1973. Department of Entomology. Rhodesia Sci. News 7(10): 293 . S. ** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1974. Dragonfly collecting on Falcon College expeditions in the Okavango. Falcon, Rhod. 5(3):69— 70. S. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1975a. Dragonflies: Falcon College Expedition. Falcon, Rhod. 5(4 ) : 63 . S. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1975b. Insects at the water’s edge. Wild Rhodesia 8:21-23. S. * Pinhey, E. C. G. 1975c. The Insects. In: Phillipson, D. W. ed, Mosi-oa-Tunya. A handbook to the Victoria Falls region. Longman, Salisbury, pp. 201-218, 14 plates. C,S. * Pinhey, E. C. G. 1976a. Dragonfly (Odonata) of Botswana, with ecological notes. Occas.pap. Natl. Mus. Rhod., B , Nat. sci. 5( 10) :524— 601 . S. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1976b. Further notes on the Odonata of Mauritius. Arnoldia Rhod 8(9): 1—6. I. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1976c. The completion of a research project. Falcon, Rhod. 6( 1 ):71— 72. S. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1976d. Entomofauna from Cabora Bassa. Results of the Entomological Brigade of the IICM. II. Odonata. Garcia de Orta, Ser. Zool. Lisboa 5(2): 15—24. C, S. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1978a. A new species of Pseudagrion Selys, its separation and comparisons (Odonata: Coenagrioni- dae). Arnoldia Rhod. 8(22): 1 — 10. C,S. *** 85 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 2, JULY 1982 Pinhey, E. C. G. 1978b. Comparative notes on African species of Trithemis Brauer (Odonata: Libellulidae) and its cogeners. Arnoldia Rhod. 8(26): 1—8. C,S. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1978c. Odonata. In: Werger, M. J. A. and A. V. van Bruggen eds, Biogeography and Ecology of Southern Africa. Junk, The Hague, pp. 723-731. S. *** Pinhey, E. C. G. 1979a. Rediscovery of an elusive S.W. Cape dragonfly (Odonata). Arnoldia Rhod. 8(32):1— 3. g ** * Pinhey, E. C. G. 1979b. 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Press Nigeria, Ibadan, XVII + 208 pp. C. * ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to Mr P. B. N. Jackson of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, for allowing the authors to consult his reprint collection and to Dr F. W. Gess of the Albany Museum for assistance in resolving bibliographical problems. REFERENCES Davies, T. and B. R. Davies 1976. A bibliography of the Chironomidae (Diptera) of Africa and adjacent islands: Part I. Institute for Freshwater Studies, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, RSA, 15 pp. Pinhey, E. C. G. 1962. A descriptive catalogue of the Odonata of the African Continent (up to December 1959). Part I. Publcoes cult. Co. Diam. Angola 59:1-153, 5 plates. Scott, K. M. F. and Patricia E. Scott 1969. A bibliography of literature on Trichoptera from Africa and adjacent islands. J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr. 32(3) :399— 41 1 . Wilmot, B. C. and Leslie P. Wilmot 1978. A selected bibliography of literature on Odonata from Africa and adjacent islands. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 1 1( 10) : 195—208. World List of Scientific Periodicals published in the years 1900-1960. 4th ed. , Butterworth, London, 1963-1965, 1824 pp. 87 Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD0410 ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 14 • PART 3 26th JULY 1982 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA I ! CO On the taxonomic status of Heleophryne regis Hewitt, 1909 (Anura: Leptodactylidae) RICHARD BOYCOTT Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Jonkershoek Nature Conserva- tion Station, Stellenbosch, Cape Province, South Africa CONTENTS Page Abstract 89 Introduction 89 Vocalisation 90 Past taxonomic history of Heleophryne regis 93 Review of taxonomic characters 93 Webbing 94 Inner metatarsal tubercle 95 Banding on the hindlimbs 96 Relative body length 96 (a) Tibio-tarsal articulation 97 (b) Body length/hindlimb length ratio 98 Interorbital space 98 Size and sexual dimorphism 99 Habitat and distribution 101 Conclusion 105 Museum abbreviations 107 Acknowledgements 107 References 107 ABSTRACT Heleophryne regis, which has for some time been regarded as the eatern subspecies of the H. purcelli complex in the Cape Folded Mountain Belt, has a mating call distinct from typical H. purcelli and is therefore reinstated to specific rank. It is geographically isolated from other species in the southern Cape Province. An account of the species’ past taxonomic history is presented. Certain morphological characters hitherto employed to distinguish H. regis from its congeners do not withstand critical scrutiny. INTRODUCTION The genus Heleophryne, endemic to southern Africa, was described by Sclater in 1899. The description of the type-species, H. purcelli, was based on a single adult specimen. H. regis 89 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 was also described from one adult specimen by Hewitt in 1909. During the next seventeen years three further species were described by the same author, viz. H. natalensis, H. rosei and H. sylvestris (Hewitt, 1913, 1925, 1926). Du Toit (1934) in his revision of the genus recognized four species H. purcelli, H. rosei, H. regis and H. natalensis ; the last species incorporated Hewitt's H. sylvestris. Poynton (1964) suggested that H. regis could be merely the eastern sub- species of a purcelli gradient extending from the south-western Cape eastwards along the Cape Folded Mountain Belt to the vicinity of Humansdorp. Van Dijk (1966) pointed out that a number of H. p. regis tadpoles in the Transvaal Museum collection differed from more typical purcelli from the species’ western range and suggested that the relationships of purcelli and regis warranted re-examination. In 1972 the Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation initiated a pro- ject to establish the conservation status of Cape Province anurans. One member of the genus Heleophryne, H. rosei , was considered as a candidate for critical examination but its rela- tionship to other members of the genus had first to be determined. This investigation led to the findings reported in the present publication. VOCALISATION Unequivocal species of frogs are generally recognized by distinctive adult external mor- phology and unique male mating call, however, morphological distinctness is not an essential requisite and many anuran species are so similar in appearance that initial recognition was based solely on the mating call (Littlejohn, 1971). It is now accepted that mating calls in amphibians are species-specific and that the voice is the most diagnostic feature of any frog species (Blair, 1958; Pengilley, 1971; Passmore and Carruthers, 1975; Passmore and Car- ruthers, 1979). Often it is the only character that can be safely used to distinguish between cryptic species. Rose (1926) stated for H. rosei that “ . . .on one occasion a H. rosei was heard to give a chirp, but no other vocal sound has been heard . . .”. FitzSimons (1946) described the call of H. p. orientalis as “ . . .a somewhat high-pitched, short, clinking whistle (not unlike that of an Anvil Bat when heard at a distance) . . The call of H. natalensis has been described as “ . . . a soft melodious, high-pitched, bell-like ’ting’, repeated slowly about ten times, and sometimes prefaced by a ‘currick’ . . (Wager, 1965). That of H. p. purcelli has been de- scribed as “. . .a clear, high-pitched ringing note, produced at regular intervals of one per second . . .” (Passmore and Carruthers, 1979). It is this last call with which the present author is most familiar. It is heard from September to January in typical habitat of H. p. purcelli. During 1978 very different “creaking calls” were heard in typical habitat of H. p. regis in the southern Cape Province. In December 1979 the same calls were heard in the Kareedouw Mountains where they were emitted by breeding males. Typical calls of H. p. purcelli were not heard on these occasions. Because of the striking call difference between H. p. regis and H. p. purcelli the calls were, recorded for analysis and a series of specimens of both “subspecies” were collected to investigate possible morphological differences between them. The recordings were made in the field on a Philips Automatic N2203 portable cassette recorder. The recorded calls were analysed on a sound spectograph (KAY 7029A spectrum analyser) within the frequency range 80-8000 Hz using a wide-band (300 Hz) filter. Heleophryne purcelli regis (sensu Poynton) produces a harsh, low-pitched, creaking (almost rasping) call that differs markedly from the distinctive high-pitched ringing note of Heleophryne purcelli purcelli of the south-western Cape. The sonograms of the calls of H. p. purcelli and H. p. regis (Figs 1 to 4) show clearly that the call of the former species is distributed over a relatively narrow range of frequencies (2-2,5 kHz) whereas that of the latter species is distributed over a wider range (1-2,5 kHz). The 90 FREQUENCY (kHz) 3 FREQUENCY (kHz) BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 8- 6- 4- I I M E (seconds) 1. Heleophryne purcelli — sonogram of 3 successive calls using wideband (300 Hz) filter. (Locality: Donkerkloof, Klein Drakenstein Mountains). 8- 6- 4- 2 - * * Fig. 2. Heleophryne purcelli — sonogram of 2 successive calls using wideband (300 Hz) filter. (Locality: Uitkyk River, Cedarberg Mountains). 91 FREQUENCY (kHz) 3 FREQUENCY (kHz) ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 ;. 3. Heleophryne regis — sonogram of 2 successive calls using wideband (300 Hz) filter. (Locality: Near Wolfkop, Kareedouw Mountains). 92 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 background noise of rushing water has been left intact in Figs 1 and 2. There is no extensive background noise in the H. p. regis recordings presented here (Figs 3 and 4). The call of H. p. purcelli is of short duration. The resulting high-pitched bell-like call stands out clearly against the background noise of rushing water. In H. p. regis the call is of longer duration and has a wider frequency range. The call duration varies from 0,03 to 0,05 seconds in H. p. purcelli and from 0,08 to 0,11 seconds in H. p. regis. The interval between successive calls varies from 0,61 to 0,88 seconds in the former and from 0,93 to 1,10 seconds in the latter. H. p. purcelli calls are non-pulsatile whereas the calls of H. p. regis are divided into a series of pulses. In summary, the call of H. p. regis differs substantially from that of H. p. purcelli in duration, frequency structure and in being pulsatile. It appears therefore that H. p. regis must be reinstated to specific rank as Heleophryne regis Hewitt, 1909. The Heleophryne purcelli calls were recorded at Donkerkloof in the Klein Drakenstein Mountains (3319CC Franschhoek) on 21 October 1977 and at the Uitkyk River in the Cedar- berg Mountains (3219AC Wuppertal) on 2 November 1978 (Figs 1 and 2). The Heleophryne regis calls were recorded near Wolfkop in the Kareedouw Mountains (3424AB Clarkson) on 1 December 1979 and at Noghorakloof in the Tsitsikamma Mountains (3324CC Witelsbos) on 14 December 1979 (Figs 3 and 4). On 15 January 1982 a typical call of H. regis was recorded at the Perdeberg River in the Outeniqua Mountains (3322CC Jonkersberg) and was found to be no different from the calls recorded above. During an earlier fieldtrip on 30 October 1981 H. purcelli-\ike calls were heard (but not recorded) at Garcia Pass in the Langeberg Mountains (3321CC Muiskraal). Although slight differences between the calls of H.p. purcelli and H.p. orientalis may be detected by detailed analysis, differences between the calls of H.p. orientalis and H. regis are readily detected as they are vast. PAST TAXONOMIC HISTORY OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS The original diagnoses of H. purcelli (Sclater, 1899) and H. regis (Hewitt, 1909) have been condensed and presented in Table 1. In many of the characters used the two species are similar and it is therefore difficult to distinguish them on morphological grounds. Only three of the characters appear to distinguish the species from one another. These are italicized in Table 1. Of these, the webbing has received the most attention and was Hewitt’s chief diagnostic char- acter separating the two species (Hewitt, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1926). Du Toit (1934) who had more Heleophryne material at his disposal than did previous workers carried out the first revision of the genus. He clarified certain aspects but at the same time confused others. In his key to the genus, H. purcelli and H. regis show few differentiating characters. This is perhaps not surprising as more than half of du Toit’s regis material (exclud- ing tadpoles) is referable, in the present author’s opinion, to H. purcelli. Only one of du Toit’s H. regis localities, “Knysna”, falls into the range of H. regis as proposed in the present paper (15 of his 34 specimens came from this locality). No clear-cut morphological distinction be- tween the two forms is therefore likely to result from using du Toit’s key. Poynton (1964), who carried out the second revision of the genus, suggested that H. regis be considered the eastern subspecies of a H. purcelli dine consisting of, from west to east, H.p. purcelli, H.p. depressa FitzSimons, H.p. orientalis FitzSimons and H.p. regis. He concluded that “. . . The forms of Heleophryne occurring in the Cape Folded Range are very similar to one another, and further collecting in intermediate areas may well make it impossible to dis- tinguish between these forms . . .”. Poynton’s diagnoses of H.p. purcelli and H.p. regis are presented in Table 2. REVIEW OF TAXONOMIC CHARACTERS A series (n = 25) of adult specimens of H.p. purcelli was compared with a series (n = 25) of adult specimens of H.p. regis (sensu Poynton) in terms of characters held by Hewitt (1909), 93 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Table 1. A comparison of diagnoses for Heleophryne purcelli Sclater and Heleophryne regis Hewitt from the original descriptions. (The italicized characters are those which appear to hold most prom- ise for distinguishing the one form from the other). HELEOPHRYNE PURCELLI HELEOPHRYNE REGIS Based on SAM 1313 from Jonkershoek Snout obtuse Vomerine teeth in two linear groups Interorbital space a little broader than upper eyelid Tympanum not visible Fingers free - ending in broad, flat, somewhat truncate triangular expansions or discs Toes completely webbed Terminal discs on toes well developed but not as large or triangular as those on fingers Subarticular tubercles oval and fairly large Inner metatarsal tubercle oval and well de- veloped Outer metatarsal tubercle absent Tibio-tarsal joint reaches the end of snout Skin smooth above and granular below Colour purplish with darker round, faintly white edged spots of the same colour Hindlimbs cross-barred with darker purple bands Based on TM 10093 from Knysna Snout rounded Vomerine teeth in two transverse groups Interorbital space a trifle narrower than upper eyelid Tympanum indistinct Fingers free - ending in triangular discs Toes half-webbed Terminal discs not as large as those on fingers Subarticular tubercles oval and well- developed Inner metatarsal tubercle elliptic and of moder- ate size Outer metatarsal tubercle absent Tibio-tarsal joint reaches the end of snout Skin smooth above and granular below Colour purplish above with irregular dark spots Limbs with indistinct dark cross-bands Yellowish white below Yellowish white below du Toit (1934) and Poynton (1964) to be diagnostic of the two forms. The purcelli series originated from: Bain’s Kloof (Limietberge); Donkerkloof (Klein Drakenstein Mountains); Meerluskloof (Riviersonderend Mountains). Mus. cat. nos.: SAM 1313 (Holotype); AM A Nos. 469, 470, 480-483, 502, 505-509, 511, 513, 569-573, 584-588, 664. The regis series originated from: Perdeberg River, Deepwalls (Outeniqua Mountains); Lottering River, Heuningkloof, Sanddrif River, Witelsbos (Tsitsikamma Mountains); near Wolfkop (Kareedouw Mountains). Mus. cat. nos.: TM 10093 (Holotype); PEM A Nos. 455, 456; AM A Nos. 516, 517, 521-523, 602, 604-606, 608, 612, 616, 618, 619, 623, 627, 632-635, 652, 653, 700. Webbing In the purcelli series males (n = 15) had 2 to V-h (3 in subadults) phalanges of the fourth toe free of webbing and all females (n = 10) had 2 to 3 phalanges of the fourth toe free of 94 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 webbing. In adult males the webbing extends to the tip of the fifth toe or to a point within 1 phalanx of the tip (1 to IV2 in subadults). The females usually have 1 to 2 phalanges of the fifth toe free of webbing although in exceptional cases webbing may extend to within V2 a phalanx of the tip. It appears as if juvenile and subadult males have less webbing than adults. In the regis series all males (n = 15) had 2 to 3 phalanges (exceptionally 3lA) of the fourth toe free of webbing and females (n = 10) had 3 to 3V2 phalanges of the fourth toe free of webbing. In males the webbing extends to the tip of the fifth toe or to a point within V2, 1 or IV2 phalanges of the tip (a variable character in this species). The females had 1 to 2 phalanges of the fifth toe free of webbing. In both species the extent of webbing is greater in males than in females (although there is some overlap between the sexes). Although it is also true that the extent of webbing in H. purcelli tends to be greater than that in H. regis, it is necessary to point out that the holotypes of H. purcelli and H. regis are respectively an adult male and an adult female. This could explain why the extent of the webbing was Hewitt’s chief diagnostic character separating the two species. However, the overlap between the sexes and between the species renders the extent of webbing unreliable as a diagnostic character. Inner metatarsal tubercle Hewitt (1909) stated that the inner metatarsal tubercle was “oval and well-developed” in H. purcelli but “elliptical and of moderate size” in H. regis. Poynton (1964) considered the tubercle to be narrowly elliptical in both forms (Table 2) and made no mention of relative size. In the fifty specimens examined in the present study no difference in shape was found. The tubercle of H. regis is slightly smaller than that of H. purcelli, however, it is only a proportion- ate size difference as H. regis is smaller than H. purcelli. A subadult H. purcelli of the same size as an adult H. regis does not have a significantly larger inner metatarsal tubercle. The shape and size of this tubercle is not a clear-cut distinguishing character. Table 2. A comparison of Poynton’s (1964) diagnoses for Heleophryne purcelli purcelli Sclater and Heleophryne purcelli regis Hewitt. (Apparently significant distinguishing characters are empha- sized by italics). HELEOPHRYNE PURCELLI PURCELLI Based on specimens from: Stellenbosh, Frans- chhoek Pass, Bain’s Kloof, Rivierson- derend. HELEOPHRYNE PURCELLI REGIS Based on specimens from: Knysna, Deep- walls, Jonkersberg, Humansdorp district. Tibio-tarsal articulation not or only slightly extending beyond eye Outer metacarpal tubercle elliptical, long axis approximately continuous with axis of first finger Inner metatarsal tubercle narrowly elliptical 2 phalanges of 4th toe free of web Web reaching almost to tip of 5th toe Tibio-tarsal articulation reaching from eye to beyond nostril Outer and inner metacarpal tubercle elliptic- al, long axis approximately continuous with axis of first finger Inner metatarsal tubercle narrowly elliptical 2V. 2 to 3 phalanges of fourth toe free of web Last phalanx of 5th toe free to nearly free of web 95 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Banding on the hindlimbs Sclater (1899) describes the hindlimbs of H. purcelli as “cross-barred with darker purple bands”. In all but one of the H. purcelli specimens examined in the present study the cross- banding of the hindlimbs was distinct (Fig. 5). Hewitt (1909) states that the bands on the hindlimbs of H. regis are “indistinct” and FitzSimons (1946) describes the hindlimbs as “more Fig. 5. Heleophryne purcelli Sclater — adult male specimen (AM A 513) from Donkerkloof, Klein Drakenstein Moun- tains (3319CC Franschhoek). or less banded”. Poynton’s (1964) photograph of H.p. regis shows clearly defined transverse bands, contrasting sharply with Hewitt’s observation. In two of the H. regis specimens from the series of 25 banding was absent, in 10 it was reduced to blotches (Figs 6 and 8) and in the remaining 13 it was present (being noticeably more distinct in some than in others). Fig. 7 shows the rare, scarcely-banded pattern variant of H. purcelli and Fig. 8 shows a similarly unbanded H. regis. It is clear that the banding of the hindlimbs cannot be considered to be a reliable distinguishing character. Relative body length Two methods have been used to determine the ratio of body length to hindlimb length in Heleophryne . The first and more satisfactory method is to measure body length (snout/vent) and hindlimb length (vent/tibio-tarsal joint) independently. The second is to bend the hindlimb 96 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 Fig. 6. Heleophryne reeis Hewitt — adult male specimen (AM A 632) from near Wolfkop, Kareedouw Mountains (3424AB Clarkson). round until the tibio-tarsal joint is adpressed to the head region and to relate its position to the tympanum, eye, nostril or snout. Adpression of the hindlimb (“tibio-tarsal articulation” method) is the less accurate method since dislocation or breakage of the femur or tibia is not infrequent and different workers apply differing degrees of pressure. Furthermore, the dis- tances between tympanum, eye, nostril and snout are often very small. Sclater (1899), Hewitt (1909) and Poynton (1964) used the tibio-tarsal articulation method. Their data are therefore not directly comparable with those of du Toit (1934) and FitzSimons (1946) who used independent measurements of body and hindlimb length. (a) Tibio-tarsal articulation Both Sclater (1899) for H. purcelli and Hewitt (1909) for H. regis state that the tibio-tarsal joint of the adpressed hindlimb “reaches the end of the snout” (Table 1). For the 15 H. p. purcelli specimens examined by Poynton (1964) the tibio-tarsal joint is given as “not or only slightly extending beyond the eye” whereas for his 78 H. p. regis specimens it “reaches from the eye to beyond the nostril” (Table 2). The tibio-tarsal articulation of the adpressed hindlimb does not extend beyond the tip of the snout in any of the 25 H. purcelli and 25 H. regis specimens examined for this paper. In both species, irrespective of sex, the tibio-tarsal articulation may extend to the eye, to a point between the eye and the nostril, or to a point between the nostril and the tip of the snout. 97 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Fig. 7. Heleophryne purcelli Sclater — adult female specimen (AM A 546) from Donkerkloof, Klein Drakenstein Moun- tains. Note the absence of dorsal patches and limb-banding; this pattern morph is of rare occurrence in this species. (b) Body length / hindlimb length ratio Du Toit (1934) stated that H. purcelli has a proportionately greater snout/vent length than has H. regis. The present study contradicts his findings, however, it must be remembered that more than 50% of his “regis” material is in fact referable to H. purcelli. In the females of both species the body length was greater than, or equal to, the hindlimb length (SV/HL ratio 1,01-1,11 in purcelli; 1,00-1,16 in regis). In the males of both species, the body length was usually less than, or equal to, the hind- limb length (SV/HL ratio 0,93-1,05 in purcelli ; 0,95-1,03 in regis). There was no difference between the two species. However, there is obviously considerable varia- tion in this character particularly in immature specimens. The possibility that there is a clear-cut sexually dimorphic distinction is discussed in the section on size and sexual dimorphism below. Interorbital space Sclater (1899) states for H. purcelli that the interorbital space is “a little broader than” (presumably the breadth of) the upper eyelid. Hewitt (1909), in his description of H. regis, considers it to be “a trifle narrower than” the upper eyelid, whereas FitzSimons (1946) states that in H. regis the interorbital space is “broad, equal to or greater than breadth of upper 98 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 Fig. 8. Heleophryne regis Hewitt — adult female specimen (AM A 700) from Noghorakloof, Tsitsikamma Mountains. Note the absence of dorsal patches and limb-banding; this pattern morph appears to be more common in H regis than in H. purcelli. eyelid”. For H. p. depressa FitzSimons gives the interorbital space as “narrow, less than breadth of upper eyelid” and for H. p. orientalis “a little narrower than upper eyelid”. Sclater, Hewitt and FitzSimons did not describe the method employed to obtain these measurements. The interorbital distance (= space) could have been measured at the narrowest point between the orbits or alternatively at the anterior or posterior corners. The breadth of the upper eyelid has not been accurately defined. It is often difficult to determine exactly where the orbit merges into the dorsal surface of the head, especially in poorly preserved specimens such as the holotypes of H. purcelli and H. regis. In view of these problems the ratio of interorbital distance to eyelid breadth is of doubtful value as a diagnostic character. SIZE AND SEXUAL DIMORPHISM Poynton (1964) gives the maximum snout/vent length for H. p. purcelli as 53 mm and for H. p. regis as 47,5 mm. The largest specimens (both females) of H. purcelli and H. regis examined during the present study were 56,3 mm and 49,1 mm respectively. The largest male purcelli measured 47,3 mm and the largest male regis 42,6 mm. Females of both species attain a larger size than males (Table 3). 99 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Table 3. Comparison of the total length (snout to vent) and hindlimb length (vent to tibio-tarsal joint) measurements (mm) in Heleophryne purcelli Sclater and Heleophryne regis Hewitt. Species Sex N Total length Hindlimb length Range Mean S.D. Range Mean S.D. H. purcelli cfcf 15 36,6-47,3 42,60 3,72 35,0-46,4 42,27 3,82 9? 10 40,6-56,3 47,50 5,33 39,0-53,0 45,26 4,50 H. regis cfcf 15 36,2-42,6 38,40 1,93 36,2-43,0 39,22 1,95 99 10 43,2-49,1 46,72 1,83 40,2-49,2 44,82 2,95 The hindlimb length was expressed as a percentage of the snout/vent length and subjected to the t-test procedure for a comparison of two sample means (Steel and Torrie 1960). In both H. purcelli (P < 0,01) and H. regis (P < 0,001) females had proportionately shorter hindlimbs than males (respective values for both species: t = 3,03 and 4,62; df = 23 and 23). Although there is some overlap between the sexes it appears that the webbing between the toes of the hindfeet is more extensive in males than in females (see review of taxonomic characters). The males of H. purcelli and H. regis can be distinguished from the females by the presence of a fleshy “anal flap”. The cloacal orifice is ventrally directed in males and posterior- ly directed in females. During the breeding season both sexes develop secondary sexual characters which are more pronounced in males than in females. In males the forearms become thicker and swollen and bear elongated nuptial pads, dorsal skin folds develop and numerous asperities or spines appear on the surface of the skin. In some specimens asperities cover the entire dorsal surface. Asperities may develop on the skin in females but never to the same extent as in males. The number and stage of development of asperities varies considerably amongst individuals of the same population and is probably determined by the sexual maturity of each individual. At the termination of the breeding season a recession of the secondary sexual characters occurs. The distribution and concentration of asperities in breeding males may be of some use as a taxonomic character in distinguishing those species which differ markedly from one another (viz. H. rosei; H. natalensis; H. purcelli/ H. regis). In H. natalensis for example the spines are concentrated on the fingers and in the axilla (Passmore and Carruthers, 1979) whereas in H. purcelli and H. regis the asperities are more widely distributed and are concentrated along the margin of the lower jaw, on the inside surface of the forearms and on the central portion of the chest. H. purcelli and H. regis individuals at an advanced stage of development of secondary sexual characters possess concentrations of asperities around the vent and along the outer edges of the ventral surface between the fore- and hindlimbs. There is no difference in the distribution and concentration of asperities between H. purcelli and H. regis. In H. rosei the asperities are concentrated on the outside surfaces of the forearms, on the back and sides and on the dorsal surfaces of the hindlimbs. A few scattered asperities are situated along the supratympanic fold. A clearly defined dorsal patch, in which asperities are absent, extends posteriorly from the nasal region to the sacral region. In H. rosei the asperities on the outer edges of the upper and lower jaws are, when compared with those of H. purcelli, poorly developed and are most distinctive in the region between the eye, the angle of the jaw 100 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 and the edge of the upper jaw. These observations have been made on a limited number of individuals and further collections of adults in breeding condition will have to be made for confirmation. HABITAT AND DISTRIBUTION The Cape species of Heleophryne are restricted to mountainous terrain with high rainfall (600 to 3 000 mm p.a.) and clear, swift-flowing, perennial mountain streams. The length of the larval phase has never been determined for any species of Heleophryne. However, it has been suggested that it lasts up to two years (Wager, 1965) and from personal observations is certain- ly in excess of 12 months. The genus is therefore prevented from colonizing non-perennial streams. The rainfall patterns in the south-western and southern parts of the Cape Province differ considerably from west to east. The western species, H. purcelli, occurs in a predominantly winter rainfall region. In the southern Cape, H. regis habitats receive rain throughout the year. The range of H. purcelli (west of the 20° E line of longitude) has a rainfall peak in winter (June, July and August). The summers in this region are markedly dry. However, from Swel- lendam eastwards to the eastern limit of the Langeberg range, which corresponds approximate- ly with the range of H. p. orientals, rain falls throughout the year with peaks in spring and autumn. The range of H. regis is likewise subjected to year round rainfall with peaks in March/ April/May and August/September/October. The breeding seasons of H. purcelli and H. regis appear to be influenced by these rainfall peaks. Although H. purcelli normally breeds from October to January, a few individuals were heard calling at Dassieshoek (3319DB Koo) on 19 September 1980, which suggests that breed- ing may commence earlier. The southern Cape species, H. regis , usually breeds from Decem- ber to February. The breeding season of this species may also start earlier as a single individual was heard calling in Noghorakloof (3324CC Witelsbos) on 3 November 1980. H. regis breeds when southern Cape streams are almost at their lowest level. This ensures survival of larvae as any stream that has water at this time will certainly be perennial. Furthermore the survival of eggs and young tadpoles would be greater when river flow is reduced. In the south-western and southern Cape Province the genus Heleophryne is confined to the Macchia, False Macchia and Knysna Forest veld types (Acocks, 1975). The distribution range of H. purcelli is included in the Macchia and False Macchia veld types. Although H. regis may occur marginally in False Macchia the river courses throughout its range are essentially dense- ly-forested. There may be a greater tendency towards forest-dwelling in H. regis than in H. purcelli , however, H. p. orientalis does occur in heavily forested gorges and ravines on the southern slopes of the Langeberg range (e.g. at Swellendam and Grootvadersbosch). All H. regis material collected to date (from 21 localities) has originated from forested areas. Typical habitat of H. regis is shown in Fig. 9. Poynton (1964) lists five localities for H. p. regis. One of these is based on a C.N.D. (Cape Nature Conservation Department) specimen from “Humansdorp district” and Poynton places this in the locus 3424BB Humansdorp. The only suitable habitat in the Humansdorp district for Heleophryne is in the Kromrivier Forest Reserve in the Kareedouw Mountains (3424AB Clark- son) approximately 45 km west of the town. It can therefore be assumed that the C.N.D. specimen, in fact, originated from the Kromrivier Forest Reserve. This specimen was never lodged in a museum and has since been lost (Poynton in litt.). Nevertheless, the presence of Heleophryne in the Kromrivier Forest Reserve has been confirmed by the recent collection of material from three localities in the Kareedouw Mountains (Table 4). The Kareedouw Moun- tains appear to be the eastern limit of H. regis (Fig. 10). The other four localities recorded by Poynton (Knysna, Deepwalls, Jonkersberg, Montagu Pass) are all acceptable for Heleophryne regis as understood in the present paper. 101 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Fig. 9. Habitat of Heleophryne regis — Noghorakloof, Tsitsikamma Mountains (3325CC Witelsbos). The western limit of H. p. regis is Jonkersberg (Poynton, 1964). This material is clearly assignable to H. regis as is material collected during the present study from the Perdeberg River (3322CC Jonkersberg) near the top of the Robinson Pass, approximately 20 km west of Jonkersberg (Table 4). The area between Robinson Pass and the Gourits River was surveyed during March 1980 and November and December 1981. Many of the localities visited appeared unsuitable for Heleophryne with the exception of the Huis River (3322CC Jonkersberg), Attakwaskloof Riv- er, the upper reaches of the Meul River, the Goliats River (3321DD Attakwaskloof), the Jakkals River and the Dwars River (3321DC Langeberg). Of these six localities all but the first provide suitable habitat along only certain stretches. The Huis River is situated approximately 2,5 km south-west of Ruitersbos Forest Station, the Attakwaskloof River on the northern side of the Attaqua Mountains, the Meul and Goliats Rivers respectively south and south-west of the Attaqua Mountains and the Jakkals and Dwars Rivers at the eastern extremity of the Langeberg Mountains. There is in this region a marked difference between the types of habitat available for Heleophryne. The streams in this region, excluding the Huis River, are not for- ested and appear more suitable for H. purcelli than for H. regis, if it is assumed that the latter is more of a forest-dwelling species than H. purcelli. The area between the Gourits River and the Attaqua Mountains has lower rainfall (500-700 mm p.a.) than the areas to the east and west which have rainfall figures in excess of 700 mm (800-1 000 mm p.a.). This could account 102 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 Table 4. Distribution records for Heleophryne regis Hewitt Locality Locus Mus. cat. No. Notes Knysna, Outeniqua Moun- tains. 3423 AA KNYSNA TM 10093 Type-locality Recorded by Poynton (1964) Forested stream north of George, Outeniqua Moun- tains. 3322CD GEORGE AM A 720 Collected 30/vii/1972 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Forested stream near Jonkers- berg Forest Station, Out- eniqua Mountains. 3322CD GEORGE AM A 436 Collected J. C. Greig 31/xii/1973 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Perdeberg River near Robin- son Pass, Outeniqua Moun- tains. 3322CC JONKERS- BERG AM A 516-525 AM A 703-709 AM A 727-730 Collected 3/i/1977 Collected 14, 15/xii/1981 Collected 15/i/1982 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Outeniqua Pass, Outeniqua Mountains. 3322CD GEORGE AM A 595 D.O.R. collected 7/viii/1979 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Montagu Pass, Outeniqua Mountains. 3322CD GEORGE AM A 596 AM A 712-715 Collected 7/viii/1979 Collected 18, 19/xii/1981 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Near Wolfkop, Kareedouw Mountains. 3424AB CLARK- SON AM A 597 AM A 632-635 Collected 28/viii/1979 Collected l/xii/1979 New distribution record The recording illustrated in Fig. 3 was obtained here. Tributaries of the Groot Riv- er, Tsitsikamma Mountains. 3324CC WITELS- BOS AM A 601-607 Collected 5, 6/x/1979 New distribution record Noghorakloof west of Witels- kop, Tsitsikamma Moun- tains. 3324CC WITELS- BOS PEM A 455, 456 AM A 608-613 AM A 647-650 AM A 700, 701 Collected 6/x/1979 Collected 6/x/1979 Collected 14/xii/1979 Collected 3/xi/1980 The recording illustrated in Fig. 4 was obtained here. Sanddrif River, Tsitsikamma Mountains. 3323DD JOUBER- TINA AM A 615-620 Collected 13/x/1979 New distribution record Lottering River, Tsitsikamma Mountains. 3323DC NA- TURE'S VAL- LEY AM A 623 Collected 26/x/1979 New distribution record 103 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Locality Locus Mus. cat. No. Notes Heuningkloof, Tsitsikamma Mountains. 3323DD JOUBER- TINA AM A 624-627 Collected 27/x/1979 Jack-se-bos, Kareedouw Mountains. 3424AB CLARK- SON AM A 631 Collected 30/xi/1979 Forested stream north of Clarkson, Kareedouw Mountains. 3324CD KAREE- DOUW AM A 636-646 Collected 2/xii/1979 New distribution record Tierkloof, Outeniqua Moun- tains. 3322CD GEORGE SZC 311 Collected P. W. de Kock 27/xi/1979 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Plaat River near Karatara, Outeniqua Mountains. 3322DD KARA- TARA SZC 312, 313 Collected P. W. de Kock 5/xii/1979 New distribution record Groenkop near Saasveld, Out- eniqua Mountains. 3322DC WILDER- NESS SZC 36 Collected J. C. van Dalen 26/viii/1977 New distribution record Diepwal-se-Loop near Deep- walls Forest Station, Out- eniqua Mountains. 3323CC KRUIS- VALLEI AM A 652, 653 AM A 716-718, 721 -724 SAM 45192 SAM 45193 Collected N. I. Passmore 4/M980 Collected 19/xii/1981 Collected 19/xii/1981 Collected 12/i/1982 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Swart River near Saasveld, Outeniqua Mountains. 3322DC WILDER- NESS AM A 702 Collected P. J. Louwrens 24/viii/1981 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Huis River near Robinson Pass, Outeniqua Moun- tains. 3322CC JONKERS- BERG AM A 710, 711 Collected 16/xii/1981 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. Klein-Witelskloof near Keur- booms River Forest Sta- tion, Outeniqua Mountains. 3323CD THE CRAGS AM A 725 Collected ll/i/1982 New distribution record Watervalkloof near Jonkers- berg Forest Station, Out- eniqua Mountains. 3322CC JONKERS- BERG AM A 726 Collected 13/i/1982 Poynton (1964) records speci- mens from this locus. 104 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 for the absence of forested habitat. H. regis has only been found in forested areas that receive 900-1 200 mm of rain per annum. Tadpoles and newly metamorphosed froglets from the Goliats and Jakkals Rivers and three adults from the Dwars River were collected in March 1980. In November 1981 three more adult females were collected from the Dwars River and one subadult from the Jakkals River. During December 1981 an adult female was collected from the Attakwaskloof River and a series of 10 tadpoles was collected from the Meul River. During the same fieldtrip tadpoles and newly metamorphosed froglets and a juvenile frog were collected from the Huis River. The eight adult specimens from the Dwars, Jakkals and Attakwaskloof Rivers have been tentatively identified as H. p. orientalis and the juvenile from the Huis River as H. regis. No adults have been collected from the Goliats River but is is likely that once they have been discovered they too will prove to be H. p. orientalis. Newly metamorphosed froglets of H. purcelli are usually found moving out of rivers and streams during March and April. H. regis froglets, on the other hand, have only been found leaving the river in November, December and January. If this behaviour pattern is characteristic of the two species, the finding of frog- lets in the Goliats and Jakkals Rivers would substantiate the assumption that these localities support H. p. orientalis populations. However, the final proof rests with the acquisition of tape-recordings of calls from these localities. Until then, the eastern limit of H. p. orientalis and the western limit of H. regis will remain speculative. At present H. regis calls have been acquired as far west as the Perdeberg River. H. regis is endemic to the southern Cape Province. Its known distribution range extends from the Huis and Perdeberg Rivers near Robinson Pass in west, eastwards along the Outeni- qua and Tsitsikamma mountain ranges to the Kareedouw Mountains in the east (Fig. 10). A list of collecting localities for H. regis is provided in Table 4. CONCLUSION The genus Heleophryne Sclater is confined to the mountain ranges of South Africa from the Cape Peninsula to the eastern Transvaal. One species, H. natalensis, occurs in the moun- tain streams of the Drakensberg and the plateau slopes in Natal and the Transvaal. In the Cape Province the isolated nature of the folded mountain belt on with the genus occurs has given rise to considerable taxonomic complexity (Poynton and Broadley, 1978). Considering topography, rainfall and other environmental factors it becomes apparent that ghost frogs are restricted to a specific type of habitat. As these mountains are not continuous, speciation in allopatry has occurred, giving rise to the four species recognized in the present paper. A new species is currently being described form the isolated Elandsberg range north-west of Port Elizabeth (Boycott, in prep.) and an isolated and possibly distinct form has recently been discovered in the Kammanassie Mountains. The morphological differences between the species are not conspicuous and the composition of the Cape species can be regarded as a complex of sibling species. On the various forms occurring in South Africa, H. rosei and H. natalensis are the most distinctive and are well separated geographically and morphologically from the H. purcelli / H. regis complex. H. rosei is separated from H. purcelli by the Cape Rats and H. natalensis is separated from the species in the southern Cape mountains by a swathe of unsuitable habitat in the eastern Cape Province. Although differences between the tadpoles of H. purcelli and H. regis have been suspected (van Dijk, 1966), definitive morphological and behavioural differ- ences between the two forms have yet to be detected. The disjunct distribution of ghost frogs in South Africa is probably a reflection of their specialised habitat requirements. The question posed by Watson, Loftus-Hills and Littlejohn (1971) as to whether disjunct allopatric forms would remain distinct, if their ranges came into contact, is also appropriate in this case. Telford and Passmore (1981) have demonstrated the 105 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Fig. 10. The distribution of Heleophryne Sclater in South Africa. # Heleophryne rosei Hewitt, □ Heleophryne purcelli Sclater, ■ Heleophryne regis Hewitt, O Heleophryne natalensis Hewitt. The distribution records for H. natalensis have been taken from Poynton (1964). importance of the male mating call as the basis for conspecific recognition. Because of their role in maintaining species distinctness, pre-mating isolating mechanisms are the most impor- tant taxonomic characters that a species possesses (Littlejohn, 1968). In H. purcelli and H. regis no substantial morphological differences are apparent. Littlejohn (1968) goes on to say, however, that this does not necessarily mean that they are not both good biological species since the distinction depends on their basic genetic differences and their failure to interbreed in nature. Morphological differences, unless associated with ethological isolation, are of secon- dary taxonomic importance at the species level (Littlejohn, 1968). The fact that H. purcelli and H. regis have little or no apparent morphological differences suggests that they be classified as sibling species. The call difference described in the present paper is at this stage the only reliable character separating them unequivocally from one another. 106 BOYCOTT: TAXONOMIC STATUS OF HELEOPHRYNE REGIS HEWITT, 1909 MUSEUM ABBREVIATIONS AM Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa. PEM Port Elizabeth Museum, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. SAM South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa. SZC Saasveld Zoological Collection, Saasveld Forest Research Station, George, South Afri- ca. TM Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to the Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation of the Cape Province for making this study possible. The assistance and co-operation of the Depart- ment of Forestry, especially the Regional Directors of the Tsitsikamma, Southern Cape and Western Cape regions, are also gratefully acknowledged. The Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation and the Board of Trustees of the Port Elizabeth Museum are thanked for financial support. The author is particularly indebted to John Greig (formerly Herpetologist, Cape Department of Nature Conservation). His frequent discussions were al- ways stimulating and his advice and guidance were of tremendous assistance in the writing of this paper. The author benefitted from discussions with W. R. Branch, C. J. Burgers, H. G. Cogger, A. L. de Villiers, R. A. Haynes, F. J. Kruger, M. J. Littlejohn, P. H. Lloyd, A. A. Martin, and M. J. Tyler. Messrs. W. Bond, C. Burgers, A. de Villiers, W. J. Frey, E. Groom- er, R. Haynes, D. Heard, A. Jones, C. McDowell, H. Swanevelder and J. van der Velden are thanked for assistance in the field. N. I. Passmore made the sonograms and was generous with advice. J. C. Greig and N. I. Passmore read earlier drafts of the manuscript. Finally the author would like to thank the Director of Nature and Environmental Conservation of the Cape Province for permission to publish this paper. REFERENCES Acocks, J. P. H. 1975. Veld types of South Africa. Mem. bol. Surv. S. Afr. 40: 1-128. Blair, W. F. 1958. Mating call and speciation of anuran amphibians. Am. Nat. 92: 7-51. Boycott, R. C. (in prep.). Description of a new species of Heleophryne Sclater, 1899 from the Cape Province, South Africa (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Du Toit, C. A. 1934. A revision of the genus Heleophryne. Ann. Univ. Stellenbosch 12: 1-26. FitzSimons, V. F. M. 1946. An account of the reptiles and amphibians collected on an expedition to the Cape Province, October to December, 1940. Ann. Transv. Mus. 20 (4): 351-377. Hewitt, J. 1909. Description of a new frog belonging to the genus Heleophryne and a note on the systematic position of the genus. Ann. Transv. Mus. 2: 45-46. Hewitt, J. 1911. A key to the species of the South African Batrachia together with some notes on the specific characters and a synopsis of the known facts of their distribution. Rec. Albany Mas. 2: 189-228. Hewitt, J. 1913. Description of Heleophryne natalensis , a new batrachian from Natal; and notes on several South African batrachians and reptiles. Ann. Natal Mus. 2: 475-484. Hewitt, J. 1925. On some new species of reptiles and amphibians from South Africa. Rec. Albany Mus. 3: 343-368. Hewitt, J. 1926. Descriptions of some new species of batrachians and lizards from S. Africa. Ann. Natal Mus. 5 (3): 435-448. Littlejohn, M. J. 1968. Frog calls and the species problem. Aust. Zoo!. 14 (3): 259-264. Littlejohn, M. J. 1971. Amphibians. In Amphibians and Reptiles of Victoria, pp. 1-11. Reprinted from the Victorian Year Book No. 85. Passmore, N. I. and Carruthers, V. C. 1975. A new species of Tomopterna (Anura: Ranidae) from the Kruger Nation- al Park, with notes on related species. Koedoe 18: 31-50. Passmore, N. 1. and Carruthers, V. C. 1979. South African Frogs. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. Pengilley, R. K. 1971. Calling and associated behaviour of some species of Pseudophryne (Anura: Leptodactylidae). J. Zool. Lond. 163: 73-92. Poynton, J. C. 1964. The Amphibia of southern Africa: a faunal study. Ann. Natal Mus. 17: 1-334. Poynton, J. C. and Broadley, D. G. 1978. In Herpetofauna. In Biogeography and Ecology of southern Africa, M. J. A. Werger, ed., pp 925-948. Dr W. Junk The Hague. 107 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 3, JULY 1982 Rose, W. 1926. Some field notes on the Batrachia of the Cape Peninsula. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 20: 433-450. Sclater, W. L. 1899. List of the reptiles and batrachians of South Africa, with descriptions of new species. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 1: 95-111. Steel, R. G. D. and Torrie, J. H. 1960. Principles and procedures of statistics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. Telford, S. R. and Passmore, N. I. 1981. Selective phonotaxis of four sympatric species of African reed frogs (Genus Hyperolius) . Herpetologica 37 (1): 29-32. Van Dijk, D. E. 1966. Systematic and field keys to the families, genera and described species of southern African anuran tadpoles. Ann. Natal Mus. 18 (2): 231-286. Wager, V. A. 1965. The frogs of South Africa. Johannesburg: Purnell. Watson, G. F., Loftus-Hills, J. J. and Littlejohn, M. J. 1971. The Litoria ewingi complex (Anura: Hylidae) in south-eastern Australia. 1. A new species from Victoria. Aust. J. Zool. 19: 401-416. 108 Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD0429 QH I ^ m ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. ( nat . Hist.) 29th OCTOBER 1982 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD0759 Three new species and a new genus of tripterygild fishes (Blennioidei) from the Indo-West Pacific Ocean by WOUTER HOLLEMAN Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa CONTENTS Page Abstract 109 Introduction 109 Methods 110 Description of species 115 Helcogramma McCulloch & Waite 115 Helcogramma fuscopinna sp. nov 115 Enneapterygius Riippell 120 Enneapterygius clarkae sp. nov 121 Enneapterygius ventermaculus sp. nov 123 Cremnochorites gen. nov 125 Cremnochorites capense (Gilchrist & Thompson) comb, nov 131 General Discussion 132 Acknowledgements 136 Literature Cited 137 ABSTRACT A new species of Helcogramma, H. fuscopinna, which ranges across the Indo-West Pacific (excluding the Red Sea) from as far south as Durban to southern Japan, is described. Two new species of Enneapterygius, E. clarkae from the western Indian Ocean including the Red Sea, and E. ventermaculus from Zululand, Aden and Pakistan, are described. The possibility that Enneapterygius may not be monophyletic is discussed. Gillias capensis (Gilchrist & Thompson) is assigned to a new genus, Cremnochorites , and the species is redescribed. Reference is made to certain osteological features of the family, particularly the presence of a free pterygiophore between the second and third dorsal fins and the occurrence of a septal bone in certain tripte- rygiid genera. INTRODUCTION Recent collecting of inshore fishes from the Zululand coast revealed the presence of sev- eral undescribed species in the family Tripterydiidae. These collections formed the basis for a revision of the South African species by Holleman (1978). With the exception of Clark’s (1979) revision of the Red Sea species and Holleman’s (1978) unpublished dissertation of the South African taxa, little is known of the taxonomy of the family. Confusion abounds, particularly in the assignation of nominal Indo-Pacific species and genera. Pending revisions of the two largest genera, Helcogramma and Enneapterygius which are currently in progress (by Hanson and Holleman respectively), the new species are here de- 109 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 4, OCTOBER 1982 scribed without providing keys to the species of each genus. Diagnoses are provided for the genera, and the species are distinguished from apparently closely related species. Comments are also made on the status of Enneapterygius since an investigation of the osteology of this genus (Holleman, 1978) casts some doubt on its monophyly. Gillias capensis (Gilchrist & Thompson) was placed in Gillias Everman & Marsh, 1899 by Barnard (1927). Rosenblatt (1960) synonynrised Gillias with Enneanectes but did not refer any of the South African or Australian species ascribed to Gillias to other genera. Gillias capensis is not referable to Enneanectes. The latter genus is reputedly endemic to the eastern Pacific Ocean and Caribbean (Rosenblatt, 1960). Enneanectes lacks the characteristic scalation of G. capensis. Clark (1979) suggests that G. capensis may be referable to Norfolkia Fowler. This is not the case, however, as the two genera differ considerably in osteology and scalation. A new genus, Cremnochorites , is thus proposed for G. capensis. Cremnochorites appears to be mono- typic and endemic to the southern coast of South Africa. METHODS The methods of taking measurements follow those outlined by Hubbs & Lagler (1958). All fin elements were counted following Rosenblatt (1960) and Springer (1968). The last dorsal and anal fin rays are almost without exception divided to the base and are counted as a single element. The caudal fin of tripterygiids, with the exception of the highly specialized Notoclinus which has ten principal rays, invariably has seven dorsal and six ventral segmented principal rays, with the upper- and lowermost rays unbranched and the remainder bifurcate. There is also a variable number of dorsal and ventral unsegmented procurrent rays. All species here considered have two undivided segmented rays and one short hidden spine in each pelvic fin. The rays are united by a membrane for part of their length. The inner ray is always the longest. The following measurements and counts are given in Tables 1-3: standard length (SL); head length; horizontal eye diameter; snout length; upper jaw length; snout angle (measured as shown in Fig. 1 — the “angle of head profile” of Zander & Heymer (1979)); counts for all fins except pelvic fins; number of caudal and precaudal vertebrae; lateral line counts; trans- verse scales, and total lateral scales. 110 HOLLEMAN: THREE NEW SPECIES AND NEW GENUS OF TRIPTERYGIID FISHES (BLENNIOIDEI) The numbers of caudal and precaudal vertebrae were determined from cleared and stained specimens and from radiographs. The choice as to which vertebra to count as the first caudal vertebra poses a problem. Springer (1968) considered the first vertebra bearing a well- developed haemal spine as the first caudal vertebra for Blenniidae, where the first proximal anal pterygiophore is associated with the first haemal spine. Certain authors consider the first vertebra with closed haemal arch as the first caudal vertebra. The first “well-developed” hae- mal spine of most tripterygiids is distally forked (Fig. 2) and the subsequent centrum has a con- ventional haemal spine (Fig. 2). The first two proximal anal pterygiophores fall between the forked haemal spine and the first proper haemal spine and the third pterygiophore is associated with the latter. The first closed haemal arch is usually coincident with the forked haemal spine but closure may occur in one or two preceding vertebrae. As closure of the haemal arch is ex- tremely difficult to determine from radiographs, it is expedient to consider the centrum with the forked haemal spine as the first caudal vertebra. This is most easily determined as the ver- tebra with a haemal spine immediately anterior to or in contact with the first anal pterygio- phore. This criterion for the first caudal vertebra is thus adopted here. Clark (1979) does not state which vertebra she considers the first caudal vertebra. Ver- tebral counts given by Clark and herein are therefore not necessarily comparable. Where the lateral line is divided into two portions, one of pored and one of notched scales, these are referred to as “anterior” and “posterior series”. Counts of total lateral scales were made from the first scale in the pectoral fin axil to the last scale on the caudal peduncle, not counting scales on the caudal fin. Transverse scale counts were taken along a diagonal from the first spine of the second dorsal fin to the base of the anal fin and the count is given as xly where x is the number of scales above the lateral line and y the number of scales below the lateral line. Osteological observations were made on specimens cleared and stained by the trypsin-ali- zarin technique of Taylor (1967). Abbreviations — BMNH = British Museum of Natural History; BPBM = Bernice P. Bishop Museum; LACM = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History; RlJSf = J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology; SAM = South African Museum; USNM = United States Nat- ional Museum of Natural History. Table 1 Frequency distribution of number of vertebrae. Precaudal Caudal vertebrae Species 9 10 11 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Helcogramma 12 3 8 1 fuscopinna Enneapterygins 10 2 8 clarkae E. ventemaculus 12 1 3 8 Cremnochorites 23 13 10 capense Ill Frequency distribution of meristic data. ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 4, OCTOBER 1982 Anal 22 < T—t Tf First Dorsal > 26 III 75 22 60 Helcogramma fuscopinna Enneapterygius clarkae E. ventemaculus Cremnochorites capense 0 24 — O ^ 23 27 m t-h m c — CD xi xi ef e 3 a 3 c £ c o !- "J U-> Q o3 - CQ X> 3 £> & E “ E ^3 U 3 J X3 2c|c5)^S^^ S’oSSSSS’oS-Saeu 3.S3M3«3mEuE2E ' ”” -C s'"^ C ^ ^ ' >v s ” c ^ < J PH W C/5 C/5 .’ob^ a c c c 03 x: o s s o 5 3 03 c b 'C o<2 a v> -a c £ . a3 .33 ^ J3 5 F? ;£ <*> os > a .52 c/5 OXI-TU * r; =y JCE S3 bf £ w ^ 03 E Os 52 O its c.S§ “o| oci-3 ^ c a: J 2 i- D JO 03 _b Os -1- + rx >__( Os o^hh C><34 a + S3 5aG x S E E« o ° -= £ i— o3 £ N ^ ■C O 1— I O T3 > IT) > r/3 S ^ 'sbaj g "S o3 5 03X Ssu Q 119 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 4, OCTOBER 1982 Etymology The name is derived from the combination of the Latin fuscus, dark coloured, and pinna , fin, referring to the dark dorsal and anal fins. It is to be treated as a noun in apposition. Distribution and variation Helcogramma fuscopinna appears to be a remarkably widely distributed species (Fig. 3). The only other tripterygiid which is apparently as nearly widely distributed is H. obtusirostre which has been recorded along the east coast of Africa from the Red Sea to the Transkei (Klunzinger, 1871; Clark et al., 1968; collected by J. L. B. & M. M. Smith in East Africa dur- ing the 1950’s; collected by the author in Zululand and on Natal Coast in 1976, 1977; collected by R. Winterbottom in Transkei in 1975). H. fuscopinna is not represented in recent collec- tions from Christmas Island (collection of G. R. Allen and R. G. Steene, 1978) and the Cocos- Keeling Islands (collection of W. Smith-Vaniz et al., 1974). It is also not one of the many trip- terygiids described by Fowler (1946) from the Ryu Kyu Islands. A few large specimens were, however, collected by Hanson in southern Japan in 1978. The specimens from Taiwan and Japan are considerably more heavily pigmented than those from the Indian Ocean. Five male specimens collected by Springer in the Philippine Is- lands also differ from the Indian Ocean specimens. Three of these (from Apo Islands) are very darkly pigmented, like those from Taiwan and Japan, and two (from Putic Island, Palawan Province) are considerably lighter. The three from Apo Island also have an unusually long first dorsal fin spine— in two specimens it is twice the length of the first spine of the second dorsal fin. Usually the difference in length is only about one third. The same three specimens also have a sharper snout (58°-64° versus 68°-73°). All five specimens have lower lateral-line counts, namely 20-23 (usually 24-25 in H. fuscopinna). In contrast the specimens from Taiwan have higher lateral-line counts, namely 26-33, except one with a count of 23. Comparable data are not available for the specimens from Japan. In all other respects the specimens from the Philippines conform to the description of the species and, until further material is available, are referred to H. fuscopinna. Genus Enneapterygius Riippell Enneapterygius Riippell 1835: 2 (Type species Enneapterygius pusillus Riippell, 1835, by original designation). Diagnosis First dorsal fin with three spines; anal fin with one spine. Lateral-line divided into an ante- rior series of pored scales which ends below the second dorsal fin and a posterior series of notched scales from \ to 2 scales below end of anterior series to base of caudal fin. Small, sim- ple orbital and anterior nasal tentacles present. Head and nape naked; body with ctenoid scales, except abdomen and pectoral fin bases which are usually naked but with cycloid scales in some species. Vomer with 1-3 rows of conical teeth, palatines edentate. Description (Characters in diagnosis not repeated). Dorsal fins III+XI— XIV+8— 11. Anal fin 1+17-22. Pectoral fin 13-16, lowermost 6-7 simple and thickened, uppermost 1-4 undivided, remainder bifurcate. Caudal fin with 7-8 dor- sal, 6-7 ventral procurrent rays. Lateral-line anterior series of 9-15 pored scales ending below second dorsal fin, posterior series of 21-28 notched scales from \ to 2 scale rows below end of anterior series to base of caudal fin. Mandibular sensory canals confluent, opening as single pore just posterior to lower jaw symphysis. Supratemporal sensory canal “U”-shaped, curving around base of dorsal fin, or crescentic (Fig. 13). Jaws with slightly recurved conical teeth in 120 HOLLEMAN: THREE NEW SPECIES AND NEW GENUS OF TRIPTERYGIID FISHES (BLENNIOIDEI) bands in front, decreasing to single rows at sides of jaws; teeth in outer rows enlarged; septal bone present; cephalic lateralis canals not covered by bone; ascending and articular processes of premaxilla partly or completely fused; hypural 5 present or absent; single epural; free ptery- giophore between second and third dorsal fins ossified or unossified (see General Discussion). Remarks The monophyly of the genus as described above is in doubt. The disparity in the form of the supratemporal sensory canal and associated structures, the ossification or non-ossification of a free pterygiophore between the second and third dorsal fins, the degree of fusion between the articular and ascending processes of the premaxilla and the presence or absence of hypural 5 suggests that the genus might potentially be divided into two. Pending a revision of the genus currently in progress, all the species below are referred to Enneapterygius . Enneapterygius clarkae sp. nov. Fig. 6 Enneapterygius n. sp. 2 Clark, 1979: 104. Diagnosis Abdomen scaled; single row of thin cycloid scales on pectoral fin base parallel to margin of branchiostegal membrane. Body with four conspicuous vertical dark bars which divide ven- trally and continue onto anal fin. Two less conspicuous bars under pectoral fin. Description (Except for colour pattern, characters in diagnosis not repeated). Dorsal fins III+XI-XII + 8-10, usually III + XII +9; anal fin 1+16-17, usually 16; pectoral fin 14-15, usually 15, with uppermost 1-3 undivided, lowermost 7 undivided and thickened, re- mainder bifurcate; caudal fin 6-8, 7+6, 5-6. Pelvic fin rays united by membrane for less than quarter of their length. Lateral-line anterior series 1 1—12, usually 12, pored scales, posterior series 20-22, usually 22, notched scales from one scale below end of anterior series, overlap- ping by 2-3 scales, to base of caudal fin; transverse scales 3/6; longitudinal scales 29-30. Verte- brae, 10 precaudal and 22-23 caudal. Head 3, 3-3, 6 in SL; eye 3, 0-3, 3, upper jaw 2, 5-4,0, snout 3, 8-4, 8 in head; snout angle 71°-73°. Supratemporal canal crescent shaped, free ptery- giophore between second and third dorsal fins present. Orbital tentacle of same length as nasal tentacle, about three times as wide, with serrated margin. Longest pectoral fin ray reaches first ray of third dorsal fin. Colour No live or freshly dead specimens have been seen. Side of body marked with four con- spicuous vertical dark bands, usually divided ventrally and continuing on to anal fin as 5-7 oblique bars. First band on body from middle of second dorsal fin, second from junction of second and third dorsal fins, third from posterior half of third dorsal fin and fourth on caudal peduncle. Last bar may be considerably darker than the others, particularly ventrally. Also one or two less distinct dusky vertical bands on body under pectoral fin. Black pre-anal mark present. Anterior half to two thirds of body and head dusted with melanophores. Abdomen unpigmented in females. Lower portion of the head and base of the pectoral fin with irregular bars. Pelvic fins unpigmented. First dorsal fin dusky, darker in males than females, with partial black margin in males. Faint, irregular dusky bars on third dorsal fin, lower half of pectoral fins and base of caudal fin. 121 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 4, OCTOBER 1982 i 10mm j Fig. 6. Enneapterygius clarkae sp.n. RUSI 14175. Holotype, male, 23,5 mm SL. Material examined Holotype — RUSI 14175, male, 23,6 mm SL; coral reef off Barreira Vermelha, Inhaca Is- land, Mozambique; 5 December, 1970; T. H. Fraser; field number THF-SA-14. Paratypes — RUSI 14174 (4, 18,9-24,0 mm SL); taken with holotype. RUSI 14176 (1, 21,9 mm SL); reef with coral, Sodwana Bay, Zululand, South Africa; depth 15 m; 25 July, 1976; R. Winterbottom et al.; field number RW 76-15. RUSI 7939 (2, 18,5 & 21,6 mm SL); Shimoni, Kenya; November, 1952; J. L. B. & M. M. Smith. RUSI 14177 (3, 11,3-24,9 mm SL); rock arch with coral and sponges over sand, Sodwana Bay, Zululand, South Africa; depth 13 m; 24 July, 1976; R. Winterbottom et al., field number RW 76-14. RUSI 7938 (1, 20,5 mm SL); reef with coral, sponges, Sodwana Bay, Zululand; depth 14-17 m; 18 June, 1977; M. S. Christensen et al., field number MSC 77-20. RUSI 9842 (2, 17,9 & 23,4 mm SL); reef with coral and sponges, Sodwana Bay, Zululand; depth 8-10 m; 19 May, 1979; P. C. Heemstra et al., field number PCH 79-23. RUSI 14629 (4, 17,4-25,2 mm SL); Malindi Marine Reserve, Malindi, Kenya; April, 1978; P. Wirtz. LACM 31617-27 (1, 24,5 mm SL); Manda Island, Kenya; 27 November, 1970; P. Saw. USNM 231380 (1, 20,4 mm SL); reef station. Chesterfield Island (16° 21'S, 43° 59'E); depth 5 m; 16 October, 1964; Anton Bruun Cruise No. 8, Station 408F, International Indian Ocean Expedition; field number LK 64-66. USNM 231378 (1, 23,1 mm SL); fossil coral rock patch with young corals, blind surge channel about 100 yards off Raphael on West side, St Brandon’s Shoals (16° 26'S, 59° 36'E); depth 0-8 m; 2 April, 1976; V. G. Springer et al.; field number VGS 76-6. USNM 231381 (1, 17,0 mm SL); coral reef off northwest shore, Albatross Island, St Bran- don’s Shoals (ca 16° 15'S, 59° 35'E); depth 0-18 m; 14 April 1976; V. G. Springer et al.; field number VGS 76-22. USNM 231379 (1, 23,4 mm SL); Red Sea (27° 16' 46"N, 33° 46' 25"E); depth 0-3 m; Inter- national Indian Ocean Expedition; 1 January 1965; L. Kornicker & H. A. Feldmann; field number HA 29. USNM 231382 (3, 13,5-21,7 mm SL); rock reef with live coral, channels, course sand bot- 122 HOLLEMAN: THREE NEW SPECIES AND NEW GENUS OF TRIPTERYGIID FISHES (BLENNIOIDEI) tom, off northern tip of St Brandon’s Shoals (16° 25'S, 59° 36'E); depth 6-10 m; 6 April 1976; V. G. Springer et al. ; field number VGS 76-10. The larger two specimens of RUSI 14177 were cleared and stained. Discussion and comparisons Clark (1979) described five specimens of a species from the Red Sea which most probably is E. clarkae. The specimens were lost prior to the publication of the description and the species was consequently not named. Clark was unsure whether these five specimens, described by her as Enneapterygius n.sp.2, represented a new species or were merely large adults of E. destai Clark, 1979. The South African specimens essentially agree with the description of Clark’s n.sp.2 and not with that of destai. The only meristic difference between the two species is the number of pored scales in the anterior lateral-line series (Table 5). However, Clark does not describe the scala- tion of either her n.sp.2 or destai. The abdomen of clarkae is entirely covered with ctenoid scales and there is a single row of cycloid scales on the pectoral fin base. Both these features are absent in destai (Springer, pers. comm.). The two species also differ in colour pattern. The body bars of clarkae and Clark’s n.sp.2 are vertical and very distinct, whereas those of destai , except the bar on the caudal peduncle, are faint and oblique. The peduncular bar of destai is dark and constricted in the centre giving the impression of an hour-glass. Another species with a very distinctive hour-glass-like peduncular is E. elegans (Peters, 1876). However, elegans has a scaled abdomen, 17 anal fin rays and 17+17 lateral line scales. Finally, this series of clarkae includes specimens smaller than the largest specimens of destai. The two species are thus clear- ly distinct. Etymology Eugenie Clark was aware of the South African specimens of her Enneapterygius n.sp.2 prior to publication of the Red Sea revision. She, however, very kindly consented that 1 name and describe the species. Eugenie Clark also provided me with a draft manuscript of her Red Sea revision in 1976. This was of invaluable assistance in a revision of the South African trip- terygiids which formed the basis of my Masters dissertation. It is thus fitting — and it gives me great pleasure — to name the species for her. Distribution The distribution of E. clarkae is shown in Fig. 3. Enneapterygius ventermaculus sp.nov. Fig. 7 Diagnosis Third dorsal fin usually with 10 rays; anal fin usually with 19 rays. Supratemporal sensory canal “U”-shaped. Row of 5-6 conspicuous black spots at base of anal fin and one anterior to vent. Description (Characters in diagnosis not repeated; characters for holotype in parenthesis). Dorsal fins III + XI-XIII+9 -10 (III+XII+9), usually III + X1I + 10; first dorsal fin height equal to second dorsal fin in females, slightly higher than second in males; anal fin 1 + 17-20 (1+18), usually 19 rays; pectoral fin rays 14, upper 1-3 undivided, lower 7 thickened and undi- vided, remainder bifurcate; caudal fin 7-8 7+6, 6—7 pelvic fin rays united by membrane for about half their length. Lateral-line anterior series 13-16 (13), usually 15 pored scales ending under last third of second dorsal fin; posterior series 21-25 (22), usually 23 notched scales from 123 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 4, OCTOBER 1982 two scale rows below end of anterior series, overlapping by 1-3 scales and continuing to base of caudal fin; transverse scales 2/6; lateral scales 32-34, usually 33. Precaudal vertebrae 10, caudal 24-26. Head 3, 4-4,0 in SL; eye 3,0-3, 7, upper jaw 2, 8-3, 3, snout 3, 0-3,4 in head; snout angle 76°-78°. Head and pectoral fin bases naked; body except abdomen from line be- tween upper angle of pectoral fin base to origin of anal fin with ctenoid scales. Free pterygio- phore between second and third dorsal fin cartilagenous; hypural 5 absent. Colour (in preservative) No live or freshly dead specimens have been seen. The body is irregularly pigmented with dark brown to black melanophores, the pigment normally occurring on the posterior margins of the scales. There is a row of irregular blotches along the lateral midline, the darkest forming a bar at the base of the caudal fin. This bar may be divided ventrally to form an inverted “Y”. The head is lightly spotted with small clusters of melanophores on the cheeks. The lower half of the pectoral fin bases have clusters of melanophores forming narrow bars. There is a dark blotch on either side of the midline on the throat and near the base of the brachiostegals. The abdomen is unpigmented except for a conspicuous black mark, frequently triangular in shape with apex anterior, which lies just anterior to the anus (Fig. 7b). This marie may also be round- ish or crescentic. The caudal and pectoral fins each have 4-5 irregular, faint dusky bars, with the pigmentation on the rays only, giving the fins a spotted appearance. There are 5-6 irregu- larly spaced dark spots at the anal fin base. These are continued as “bars” across the fin. Pig- mentation occurs only on the rays so that when the fin is extended these spots form a dotted line running obliquely forward from the basal spot. The first dorsal fin is irregularly dusky whereas the second may have four broad, irregular bars, and the third three broad irregular bars. There is considerable variation in the intensity of pigmentation in different individuals. However, all specimens have a spotted appearance with the distinct preanal mark. No sexual dichromatism is evident. Fig. 7. Enneapterygius ventermaculus sp.n., RUSI 7943, Holotype, female, 24,8 mm SL. Material examined Holotype — RUSI 7943, female (24,8 mm SL); rock pool about 10 km south of Sodwana Bay (27° 37' 30", 33° 40' 50"E), Zululand, South Africa; depth 0-3 m; July, 1976; R. Winter- bottom et al. ; field number RW-76-8. Paratypes— RUSI 7947 (1, 24,7 mm SL); from same collection as holotype. RUSI 7944 (4, 17,8 & 25,7 mm SL); rock pool at six mile reef, Zululand; depth 0-2 m; July 1976; R. Winterbottom et al.', field number RW-76-9. 124 HOLLEMAN: THREE NEW SPECIES AND NEW GENUS OF TRIPTERYGTID FISHES (BLENNIOIDEI) RUSI 7945 (1, 23,5 mm SL); reef with corals about 2 km offshore Sodwana Bay, Zulu- land; depth 8 m; June, 1877; M. S. Christensen et al. ; field number MSC-77-18. RUSI 7946 (1, 27,1 mm SL); reef with corals and sponges about f km offshore Sodwana Bay, Zululand; depth 11-13 m; June, 1977; M. S. Christensen et al.', field number MSC-77-17. LACM 38309-5 (6, 25,6-27,7 mm SL); tide pool with rock and algae, Beluji Point, Sind, Pakistan; depth 20-60 cm; 27 January, 1979; C. C. Swift et al.; field number CCS 79-20. LACM 38310-10 (43, 20,2-31,8 mm SL); tide pool with sand, rocky rubble and algae. Be- luji Point, Sind, Pakistan; depth 20-60 cm; 27 January, 1979; C. C. Swift et al.; field number CCS 79-21. LACM 38320-9 (2, 27,2 & 31,8 mm SL); small cove with boulders and algae, 4,8 km west of nuclear power plant, Karachi, Pakistan; depth 0-5 m; 13 February, 1979; C. C. Swift et al.; field number CCS 79-34. BMNH 1954.4.26.209-214 (6, 19,5-21,9 mm SL); rock pools, Aden; 1954; A. Fraser- Brunner. BMNH 1954.4.26.191-196 (6, 17,2-23,6 mm SL); rock pools, Mukalla, Aden; 1954; A. Fraser-Brunner. BMNH 1954.4.26.197-208 (12, 17,0-24,0 mm SL); tide pools, Alayu, Aden; 1954; A. Fraser-Brunner. Etymology The name is a combination of the Latin venter, meaning “belly” and maculus, a spot or a mark, and is given for the distinct black preanal mark. It is to be treated as a noun in apposi- tion. Distribution On the east coast of Africa this species has only been taken in Zululand but may also oc- cur further north. The species appears to be fairly common in Pakistan and there are a few specimens known from Aden. Comparisons The only species which approaches E. ventermaculus in overall appearance is E. clarkae. In the latter species the bars on the body are much more distinct; it has fewer scales in the an- terior lateral line series (11-12 vs. 13—16), fewer anal fin rays (16-17 vs. 18-19), a crescent- shaped supraoccipital sensory canal, and a scaled abdomen and pectoral fin base. The salient features of six Indian Ocean species of Enneapterygius are compared in Table 5. Genus Cremnochorites gen. nov. Type-species Tripterygium capense Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908 Diagnosis First dorsal fin with four spines; anal fin with two spines. Lateral line divided. Body heavi- ly scaled with ctenoid scales; head with denticle like scales; row of “ctenii” around perimeter of eye. Orbital tentacle large and multifid, nasal tentacle similar but smaller. Single row of con- ical teeth on vomer and palatines. Description Dorsal fins IV+XIV— XV+10-11; some rays may be bifurcate and the last is usually divi- ded to its base; first dorsal fin lower than second. Anal fin 11+21—22, the last ray usually divi- ded to its base. Pectoral fins with 16 rays, upper 8 bifurcate, lower 8 simple and thickened. 125 Comparison of selected characters of five species of Enneapterygius ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 4, OCTOBER 1982 a. £ o GO TD C/3 & jC H 126 South African specimens. (See methods). HOLLEMAN: THREE NEW SPECIES AND NEW GENUS OF TRIPTERYGIID FISHES (BLENNIOIDEI) Caudal fin 6 dorsal, 5 ventral procurrent rays. Lateral-line anterior series of 21-24 pored scales running to below anterior of third dorsal fin; posterior series of 17-20 notched scales extending from below end of anterior series onto caudal peduncle. Body heavily scaled, all scales with relatively large, irregular cteni (Fig. 8 A-D); scales on abdomen with few cteni. A few cycloid scales occur around vent and at base of pelvic fins. Scale rows somewhat irregular. Head and pectoral fin bases covered with ctenoid scales; those on posterior edge of opercle about half size of body scales, decreasing in size anteriorly to small denticle-like scales with few, large cte- ni below eye and on cheeks (Fig. 9A). Scales on head and particularly on cheeks appear to be situated on small pedestals, creating appearance of shark denticles. Small denticle-like spines on nape and interorbital area, apparently ankylosed to cranial bones. Perimeter of eye with ring of “cteni” (Fig. 9B); similar “cteni” on posterior end of maxilla. Skin of isthmus papillose with single “cteni” or spines embedded in papillae (Fig. 9C). Posterodorsal margin of post-temporal serrated; interorbital concave, with ridge over each orbit; transverse depression behind orbits. Head broad with rounded profile. Large multifid or- bital tentacle present; similar, small tentacles on posterior margin of anterior nostrils. Man- dibular sensory canals confluent, opening as single pore posterior to lower jaw symphysis. Both jaws with slightly recurved conical teeth, a patch in front grading to a single row at back of jaw. Teeth unequal in size on lower jaw; upper jaw with outer row of large teeth and inner band of small teeth. Vomer with single row of slightly recurved conical teeth which continues into palatines. Septal bone present; cephalic lateralis canals covered by bone. Caudal skeleton with large hypural 5 and two free epurals. DISCUSSION Cremnochorites capense was originally placed in Tripterygium (=Tripterygion) by Gilchrist & Thompson (1908). It was later transferred to Gillias Evermann & Marsh, 1899 by Barnard (1927) and retained there by Smith (1949). Rosenblatt (1960) placed Gillias in synonymy with Enneanectes Jordan & Evermann, 1895 (a genus restricted to the eastern tropical Pacific and the western tropical Atlantic). Rosenblatt (1960: 3) did not refer Indo-Pacific species in Gillias to any other genus but merely stated that “none of the Australian or South African species re- ferred to Gillias has anything to do with that genus”. Clark (1979) suggested that G. capense be referred to Norfolkia Fowler, 1953 for these taxa share four first dorsal fin spines, two anal fin spines and a scaled head. However, Cremnochorites differs from Norfolkia in a number of characters: palatine teeth are present in Cremnochorites and absent in Norfolkia\ lateral-line counts are reversed, 21-22 pored, 15-16 notched scales for the former compared with 13-17 pored, 21-23 notched scales for Norfolkia. The head scales of Cremnochorites are quite unlike those of any other tripterygiid examined (see Description). Body scales of the species in the two genera are also very different. Those of Cremnocho- rites (Fig. 8) are heavily ctenoid and the cteni are generally unequal in size. Pored lateral-line scales frequently have 2-3 rows of cteni in the centre of the row. Scale foci are close to the posterior edge of the scale and the radii are thus comparatively long. (Radii occur only in the anterior field). In Norfolkia (Fig. 10) cteni are smaller, more or less equal in size and always in a single row. Scale foci are further away from the posterior margin of the scale and the radii are consequently relatively shorter. Cremnochorites also possesses a septal bone ( sensu Springer & Freihofer, 1976; Fig. 16) which is absent in Norfolkia. Furthermore, the sensory canals in the infraorbitals and nasals of Cremnochorites are complete, as are those portions of the preopercle, posttemporal and pte- rotic which carry sensory canals. In Norfolkia these canals are open laterally, except the nasals which may be narrowly bridged. 127 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 4, OCTOBER 1982 Fig. 8. Examples of body scales (A, B) and pored lateral-line scales (C, D) of Cremnochorites capensis. 128 HOLLEMAN: THREE NEW SPECIES AND NEW GENUS OF TRIPTERYGIID FISHES (BLENNIOIDEI) S 2 o c r- c 03 O JD O Oh C S.O o3 *-> O — 0-H burrow (or other horizontal aspect. cavity) in preferably cavity) in a vertical non-friable soil of bank, horizontal aspect. Within this evolutionary sequence the nesting of I. simoni clearly belongs to the second step whereas that of all the other species here reviewed belongs to the third and fourth steps. On this basis the nesting of I. simoni must be seen as being more primitive than that of the other species. In view of the suggested primitiveness of the nesting of I. simoni it is of interest that Bohart and Menke (1976: 120 and 121) list this species, together with I. pelopoeiformis and two other species for which details of nesting are lacking, as among the least specialized, struc- turally primitive species. A structural character used by the above authors in assessing the degree of specialization of various species is the form of the female mandibular apex. They point out that there is a progression from the bidentate (primitive) to the tridentate (specialized) condition. As the form of the mandibular apex is determined by function it is relevant to examine the identity of the nesting materials that are manipulated by the mandibles during their collection, transport and incorporation into the structure of the nest. From the relatively scant data avail- able it would appear that the use of grass leaf blades and grass inflorescences is typical of those species with trifid mandibles, such as I. auripes , I. elegans , I. mexicana, I. nigella , I. splendidu- la and I. stanleyi , though the first three of these species as also I. hermandi are known to use also bark fibres. Moss is in addition used by I. hermandi and I. maidli. Plant fluff from the fruits of Compositae and Asclepiadaceae on the other hand is col- lected by those species with bifid mandibles such as I. simoni and I. pelopoeiformis though the latter is known very occasionally and exceptionally to use also very soft grass leaf blades, prob- ably when pappus is not available. With respect to I. paludosa which is recorded as using both Use of a pre-exist- ing burrow (or other cavity) asso- ciated with plants. 169 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14, PT. 6, NOVEMBER 1982 thistle pappus and grass inflorescences it is perhaps significant that the form of the mandibular apex is described by Bohart and Menke (1976: 120) as being more nearly bidentate that triden- tate and as illustrating the intermediate state. Recorded nesting materials of 1. costipennis are similarly asclepiadaceous or apocynaceous seed hairs: it would seem likely that this species has a bifid mandible but this could not be confirmed. On the basis of the correlation between the form of the mandibular apex and the nature of the plant-derived nesting materials it is apparent that the use of plant fluff is primitive and the use of grass is advanced. The primitiveness of the nesting of I. simoni suggested by the situa- tion of its nest is therefore confirmed by the nature of the plant material used for nest construc- tion. If, as is suggested, the nesting of Isodontia is to be derived from the fossorial type as ex- hibited by Sphex , then the use of clods of earth by the ground-nesting 1. simoni is hardly sur- prising and is clearly more primitive than its use of plant fluff. Similarly, the retention as nest- ing materials by I. pelopoeiformis of clods of earth and the use of other objects picked up off the ground can be seen as relict behaviour carried over from the original nesting site, a pre- existing cavity in the ground, to the derived nesting site, a pre-existing cavity raised above the ground. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Mr T. C. White of the farm Hilton for his much appreciated kindness over the years in allowing them free access to his land. Similarly, they wish to thank Mr G. J. H. C. Willetts of the farm Thursford for permission to investigate insects there. Thanks are also due to Mr C. D. Eardley of the Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria for furnishing the valid name for the carpenter bee nesting in Phragmites australis. Particular thanks and recognition are accorded to the authors' youngest son, Robert, for discovering and drawing attention to the nests of I. simoni and thereby ending what had been a fruitless search of several years duration. The senior author is grateful to the C.S.I.R. for a running expenses grant for field work during the course of which the present observations were made. REFERENCES Ainslie, C. N. 1924. Note on the nesting habits of Chlorion elegans. Can. Ent. 56: 269-270. Ashmead, W. H. 1894. The habits of the aculeate Hymenoptera. Parts 1-4. Psyche , Camb. 7: 19-26, 39-46, 59-66 and 75-79. Bequaert, J. 1930. Nesting habits of Isodontia , a subgenus of Chlorion (Hymenoptera). Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 25 (2): 122-123. 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Comparative studies on the nesting biology of the genus Sphex (s.l.) in East Asia (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Mem. Fac. lib. Arts Fukui Univ., Ser. II, Natural Science, No. 13 (2): 13-78. Tsuneki, K. 1964. Supplementary notes on the nesting biology of three species of Sphex (Isodontia) occurring in Japan (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Etizenial: 1-14. 171 A3 i ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mas. (nat. Hist.) VOLUME 14 • PART 7 28th FEBRUARY 1983 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA , -jSs3KK*i Printed by Cape & Transvaal Printers (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town BD0968 Historical atlas of the diurnal raptors of the Cape Province (Aves: Falconiformes) by A. F. BOSHOFF (The Lakes Nature Conservation Station, Private Bag X6546, George, 6530) C. J. VERNON (East London Museum, 319 Oxford Street, East London, 5201) and R. K. BROOKE (Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700) CONTENTS Page Abstract 174 Introduction 175 Survey methods 176 Distribution, habitat and status of individual taxa 180 Sagittarius serpentarius Secretary Bird 184 Gypohierax angolensis Palmnut Vulture 186 Gypaetus barbatus Lammergeyer 188 Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture 190 Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture 192 Gyps coprotheres Cape Vulture 194 Gyps africanus Whitebacked Vulture 196 Torgos tracheliotus Lappetfaced Vulture 198 Trigonoceps occipitalis Whiteheaded Vulture 200 Milvus migrans migrans Black Kite 202 Milvus migrans parasitus Yellowbilled Kite 204 Elanus caeruleus Blackshouldered Kite 206 Aviceda cuculoides Cuckoo Hawk 208 Pernis apivorus Honey Buzzard 210 Aquila verreauxii Black Eagle 212 173 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Page Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle 214 Aquila nipalensis Steppe Eagle 216 Aquila wahlbergi Wahlberg’s Eagle 218 Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle 220 Hieraaetus fasciatus Hawk Eagle 222 Hieraaetus ayresii Ayres’ Eagle 224 Lophaetus occipitalis Longcrested Eagle 226 Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle 228 Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned Eagle 230 Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake Eagle 232 Circaetus gallicus Blackbreasted Snake Eagle 234 Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur 236 Haliaeetus vocifer Fish Eagle 238 Buteo buteo Steppe Buzzard 240 Buteo tachardus Mountain Buzzard 242 Buteo rufofuscus Jackal Buzzard 244 Accipiter rufiventris Redbreasted Sparrowhawk 246 Accipiter ovampensis Ovambo Sparrowhawk 248 Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk 250 Accipiter melanoleucus Black Sparrowhawk 252 Accipiter badius Little Banded Goshawk 254 Accipiter tachiro African Goshawk 256 Micronisus gabar Gabar Goshawk 258 Melierax canorus Pale Chanting Goshawk 260 Circus ranivorus African Marsh Harrier 262 Circus pygargus Montagu’s Harrier 264 Circus macrourus Pallid Harrier 266 Circus maurus Black Harrier 268 Polyboroides typus Gymogene 270 Pandion haliaetus Osprey 272 Falco peregrinus Peregrine 274 Falco biarmicus Lanner 276 Falco subbuteo Hobby 278 Falco cuvierii African Hobby 280 Falco chicquera Rednecked Falcon 282 Falco amurensis Eastern Redfooted Kestrel 284 Falco tinnunculus Common Kestrel 286 Falco rupicoloides Greater Kestrel 288 Falco naumanni Lesser Kestrel 290 Polihierax semitorquatus Pygmy Falcon 292 Discussion 294 Acknowledgements 296 References 296 ABSTRACT Maps showing the past and present (1970s) distribution of 55 taxa of breeding and non- breeding diurnal raptor occurring in the Cape Province, South Africa, are presented. The corn- 174 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) pilation of the maps is such that any major range fluctuations which have taken place on a tem- poral basis are indicated. Almost a quarter of the taxa show a decrease, most show no change and only two indicate an increase. The value of this information for long-term monitoring stu- dies and for conservation purposes is mentioned. The limitations of the survey are discussed. UITTREKSEL Kaarte word vertoon wat die vorige en huidige (1970s) verspreiding van 55 soorte telende en nie-telende dags-aktiewe (diurnal) roofvoels wat in die Kaapprovinsie, Suid-Afrika, voor- kom, aandui. Die samestelling van die kaarte is sulks dat enige grootskaalse gebiedsverande- rings wat oor ’n tydperk plaasgevind het, aangedui word. Ongeveer ’n kwart van die soorte toon ’n afname, die meeste wys geen verandering en slegs twee het toegeneem. Die waarde van hierdie inligting vir lang-termyn monitorstudies en vir bewaringsdoeleindes word genoem. Die beperkings van die opname word bespreek. INTRODUCTION This paper documents the past and present distribution and status of the breeding and non-breeding diurnal raptors, all members of the Falconiformes, of the Cape Province. In terms of the conservation requirements of the breeding birds of any area, it is necessary to define and monitor their status. As a group raptors require detailed study as they are located at the ends of various food chains and reflect major fluctuations taking place along such chains. Thus they are considered to be reliable indicators of the state of the environment. There is little doubt that the various agricultural practices employed throughout the Cape Province (and elsewhere in southern Africa) have greatly altered the habitat and that this must have a mark- ed effect on raptor populations. Due to their predatory and, in the case of vultures, carrion eating habits, raptors suffer as a result of various forms of indirect persecution, e.g. poisoning and trapping for jackals, Canis mesomelas , and other mammalian “vermin”. Whereas pesticide levels appear to be low in southern African raptor populations, mortality caused by electrocu- tion is a recent and increasing factor. In addition many raptors are accused of causing death and damage to domestic livestock and poultry and as a result are directly persecuted by farm- ers. Whereas certain species may be able to adapt to these changes, viz. the “generalists”, others have become extinct or face extinction, viz. the “specialists”. Some of the changes that have already taken place in raptor populations in the eastern Cape Province have been de- scribed by Skead (1967) and Vernon (1978). A further indication of their parlous conservation state is the relatively large number of raptors included in the South African Red Data Book: Aves (Siegfried et al. 1976). It is hoped that an overall broad-based survey will allow for the ranking of the raptors of the Cape Province in terms of priority for detailed research and conservation action. In par- ticular the survey was seen as an attempt to update the two most frequently used works which present distribution maps for the diurnal raptors of the Cape Province, viz. McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). One way of determining the dynamic status of a taxon is to monitor its distribution ( = range). Here two categories could be applied. Firstly those with a drastically reduced range and therefore also a reduced total population. This situation can be caused by both direct and indirect persecution and in terms of conservation species in this category provide the most cause for concern. Secondly there are those taxa with an unchanged or slightly reduced range but with a reduced total population. This situation can be caused mainly by direct persecution although indirect persecution remains an important factor. In the cases where there is no re- duction in range and where population levels have remained stable there is little cause for con- cern at present. In other words, it is the authors’ contention that an unaltered range may rep- 175 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 resent a relatively stable population whereas a marked decrease in range may represent a real decrease in numbers. Whereas it may be possible to obtain some idea of distributional changes for certain taxa, it is virtually impossible to make any detailed statement on changes in popu- lation levels because of the lack of data. SURVEY METHODS All available published and unpublished sources containing references to raptors in the Cape Province were consulted, records were extracted and entered into the computer data- bank scheme outlined by Boshoff et al. (1978). Where possible the following information was coded: taxon, locality, date, relative and actual abundance, sex, age and breeding data. At- tempts were made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the databank, but it became clear that many records, from both published and unpublished sources, were suspect. Where poss- ible records were awarded a “reliability” category (cf. Boshoff et al. op cit.) but in many cases this was not possible. In the event of an obvious error the record concerned was rejected; often this was not easy and some subjective decisions were made. Taxa which had 50 or fewer records for the entire 1700 - 1979 period were particularly carefully scrutinised. Maps were prepared with symbols indicating presence per locus (= one “quarter-degree square”). On a map one symbol per locus may represent one or more records for the particular lo- cus. Where several records were made for one species in one locus for one period this has been Fig. 1 The Cape Province of South Africa, showing the various regions referred to in the text, and the Transkei. 176 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AYES: FALCONIFORMES) taken as a single observation. The term “resident”, as used in this paper, refers to a taxon liv- ing and breeding in the Province, however, confusion is possible where a taxon is not seden- tary but undergoes local migration or is nomadic. Degree of abundance has been limited to three subjective categories, viz. “common”, “scarce” and “rare”. The general regions of the Cape Province referred to in the text, viz. E. Cape, N. Cape, N.W. Cape, S. Cape, S.W. Cape and Karoo, are outlined in Fig. 1. These regions were named for convenience and coincide approximately with the major vegetation types of the Province (Fig. 2). In Fig. 2 the broad veld types shown incorporate the following veld types, as de- scribed by Acocks (1975): Forest Thornveld Bushveld Macchia Karoo Grassland Nos 1,2, 4 Nos 7, 21, 22, 23 Nos 16, 17 Nos 47, 69, 70 Nos 24 to 43 Nos 44,48,50,59,60 Although no fieldwork has been carried out by the Cape Department of Nature and En- vironmental Conservation in the Transkei since independence was granted to that territory in 177 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 1976, all available data from that area, as well as from the Ciskei and Bophuthatswana, have been included in the databank. This was done because much of the early ornithological work was carried out in the Transkei, then part of the Cape Province. Fig. 3. The number of published and unpublished raptor records (to nearest 100) for the Cape Province and Transkei, per decade, up to 1979. 1700 - 1899 taken as one decade. 178 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AYES: FALCONIFORMES) Table 1 The number of published and unpublished records of species of diurnal raptor per decade in the Cape Province and Transkei up to the 1970s. 1700 - 1899 taken as one decade. 1700 - 1899 1900 - 1909 1910 - 1919 1920 - 1929 1930 - 1939 1940 - 1949 1950 - 1959 1960 - 1969 1970 - 1979 Total Secretary Bird 36 16 33 18 25 19 71 60 351 629 Palmnut Vulture — — — — 2 1 i 3 2 9 Lammergeyer 22 7 4 6 3 4 15 64 53 178 Egyptian Vulture 29 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 4 46 Hooded Vulture 3 1 — 1 — — 3 — 1 9 Cape Vulture 41 15 13 21 51 25 91 207 483 947 Whitebacked Vulture 1 — — — — 1 5 16 50 73 Lappetfaced Vulture 13 2 1 1 2 — 13 9 25 66 Whiteheaded Vulture 4 — — 1 — — — 3 4 12 Black Kite 1 — — — 1 — 5 2 31 40 Yellowbilled Kite 13 8 45 39 73 25 88 43 500 834 Blackshouldered Kite 65 46 105 59 87 67 96 132 1 799 2 456 Cuckoo Hawk 3 6 14 5 2 4 3 10 20 67 Honey Buzzard — — 2 1 1 1 — 3 — 8 Black Eagle 41 12 10 10 8 13 82 108 666 950 Tawny Eagle 18 5 5 1 3 2 11 14 65 124 Steppe Eagle — — — — — 1 — — 4 5 Wahlberg's Eagle 1 — — — 1 — 2 3 5 12 Booted Eagle 13 5 5 3 5 — 4 38 470 543 Hawk Eagle 1 — — — — — 1 — 1 3 Ayres’ Eagle 2 2 1 — — — — 1 — 6 Longcrested Eagle 21 8 33 2 2 1 6 3 16 92 Martial Eagle 30 15 18 20 22 18 38 59 303 523 Crowned Eagle 36 15 13 13 16 14 35 57 251 450 Brown Snake Eagle 3 — — 1 — — 3 1 8 16 Blackbreasted Snake Eagle 17 3 2 1 1 1 21 6 39 91 Bateleur 12 5 23 6 2 3 8 10 41 110 Fish Eagle 30 9 6 4 8 26 56 88 328 555 Steppe Buzzard 28 19 45 31 30 22 62 57 786 1 080 Mountain Buzzard 1 7 1 1 1 2 4 14 74 105 Jackal Buzzard 54 37 56 20 34 35 74 74 1 169 1 553 Redbreasted Sparrowhawk 38 15 21 2 4 10 23 13 82 208 Ovambo Sparrowhawk — — — — — — 1 — 1 2 Little Sparrowhawk 22 15 19 8 8 9 18 13 31 143 Black Sparrowhawk 15 4 4 1 — 6 4 26 27 87 Little Banded Goshawk 2 — 1 — 1 — 1 — 4 9 African Goshawk 47 34 20 24 10 21 43 48 155 402 Gabar Goshawk 16 3 2 6 2 4 14 12 32 91 Pale Chanting Goshawk 26 17 14 12 5 3 55 38 850 1020 African Marsh Harrier 25 7 10 5 9 16 88 60 297 517 Montagu’s Harrier 8 1 4 1 3 — 7 2 2 28 Pallid Harrier 12 3 14 18 27 7 5 6 6 98 Black Harrier 31 6 3 2 3 3 26 47 470 591 Gymnogene 18 11 13 5 6 4 28 33 151 269 Osprey 6 1 5 7 7 17 27 19 116 205 Peregrine 23 6 2 4 3 2 19 15 86 160 Lanner 27 23 18 10 9 17 52 48 318 522 Hobby 9 — — 2 — 1 4 8 9 33 African Hobby 1 — — 1 — — — t 1 2 5 Rednecked Falcon 2 — — — — — 5 5 4 16 Eastern Redfooted Kestrel 4 — 20 1 3 — 1 6 7 42 Common Kestrel 52 60 51 43 77 63 80 61 1 481 1 968 Greater Kestrel 10 12 4 16 2 2 35 24 169 274 Lesser Kestrel 2 3 64 29 25 28 52 24 221 448 Pygmy Falcon 10 — - — 1 — 7 35 41 94 Total 945 466 726 464 586 499 1 396 1631 12 111 18 824 179 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 It should be emphasised that the concept of the present atlas was actively promoted only from early 1978 and therefore field surveys connected with other projects prior to this date did not involve the recording of distributional data for all raptor taxa. Thus on certain field surveys prior to 1978 the very common taxa were not recorded in the field. Attention is drawn to this in the relevant taxon accounts. Nomenclature and order of taxa follow Clancey (1980). As much of the data interpreta- tion methodology was decided on a post hoc basis this aspect is discussed below. DISTRIBUTION, HABITAT AND STATUS OF INDIVIDUAL TAXA In total some 18 824 records of 55 taxa were obtained from the various sources with the 1970s having 1,8 times the number of records as for the entire pre-1970s period (Table 1 and Fig. 3). Of the 55 taxa surveyed, some 34 are considered to breed in the Province. On a post hoc basis it was decided to present two maps for each taxon. These maps show, respectively, the pre- 1970s and 1970s distribution of each taxon in the Cape Province and part of the Trans- kei; Transkei records east of 29° E are not mapped here. On the pre-1970s maps three periods Fig. 4. Loci in the Cape Province and part of the Transkei where raptors were recorded between 1700 and 1969. 180 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AYES: FALCONIFORMES) Fig. 5. Loci in the Cape Province and part of the Transkei where raptors were recorded between 1970 and 1979. “X" denotes loci visited (once) but where no raptors were recorded. fire differentiated, viz. 1700 - 1899 (open triangle), 1900 - 1949 (open circle), 1950 - 1969 (open square). On the 1970s maps a solid square symbol is used to denote presence of a taxon. Here 1949/1950 was taken as a cut-off point due to the general increase in the number of re- cords in the 1950s and which carried through to the 1970s (Fig. 3). The coverage obtained by the survey in terms of loci from which raptors were recorded for the pre-1970s and 1970s is shown in Figs 4 and 5 respectively and in Table 2. A comparison of the coverage between the two periods is also made (Table 2). For both periods the percentage coverage for the S.W. Cape, S. Cape and E. Cape is markedly greater than that for the N.W. Cape, N. Cape and Karoo. However, Table 2 and Figs 4 and 5 should only be referred to in terms of the constraints mentioned in the discussion. The general range trend of each of the 55 taxa between the two periods is listed in Table 3. Individual taxon accounts follow. 181 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Table 2 Number of loci in the Cape Province in which raptors were recorded in the 1700 - 1969 and 1970 - 1979 periods Region Total N. Cape N.W. Cape Karoo S.W. Cape S. Cape E. Cape Total number of loci 285 101 379 92 82 163 1 102 1700 - 1969 Loci where raptors recorded 52 43 109 70 54 141 469 % coverage 18 43 29 76 67 87 43 1970 - 1979 Loci where raptors recorded 159 46 252 87 79 154 775 % coverage 56 46 66 95 96 94 70 Trend or Change ♦ * * ♦ * * * * * * * *** substantial increase ** marked increase * small increase Table 3 General range trend of the diurnal raptors of the Cape Province between the periods 1700 - 1969 and 1970 - 1979. Species No change Some increase Some decrease Marked decrease Secretary Bird * Palmnut Vulture Lammergeyer * Egyptian Vulture * Hooded Vulture * Cape Vulture * Whitebacked Vul- ture * Lappetfaced Vul- ture Whiteheaded Vul- ture * Black Kite * Yellowbilled Kite * Blackshouldered Kite * Cuckoo Hawk * Honey Buzzard * Black Eagle * Tawny Eagle Steppe Eagle Wahlberg’s Eagle * Booted Eagle ? Hawk Eagle * 182 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AYES: FALCONIFORMES) Species No change Some increase Some decrease Marked decrease Ayres’ Eagle * Longcrested Eagle * Martial Eagle * Crowned Eagle * Brown Snake Eagle * Blackbreasted Snake Eagle * Bateleur * Fish Eagle * Steppe Buzzard * Mountain Buzzard * Jackal Buzzard * Redbreasted Spar- rowhawk * Ovambo Sparrow- hawk * Little Sparrowhawk * Black Sparrowhawk * Little Banded Gos- hawk * African Goshawk * Gabar Goshawk * Pale Chanting Gos- hawk * African Marsh Har- rier * Montagu’s Harrier * Pallid Harrier * Black Harrier * Gymnogene * Osprey * Peregrine * Lanner Hobby * African Hobby * Rednecked Falcon * Eastern Redfooted Kestrel * Common Kestrel * Greater Kestrel * Lesser Kestrel *? Pygmy Falcon * Total (N = 55) 40 2 6 7 (72,7%) (3,6%) (10,9%) (12,7%) 183 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Secretary Bird Sagittarius serpentarius Distribution (Figs 6 and 7) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat All veld types, except forest. Fig. 6. Distribution of the Secretary Bird, 1700 - 1969. 184 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A scarce resident species which shows no change in range in the Province between the two periods. The large number of records from the south-eastern part of the N. Cape in the 1970s is due to increased sampling. Some decrease in numbers may have taken place in the N.W, Cape and Karoo. S. serpentarius is sensitive to habitat degradation due to overgrazing. Fig. 7. Distribution of the Secretary Bird, 1970 - 1979. 185 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Palmnut Vulture Gypohierax angolensis Distribution (Figs 8 and 9) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat There is no suitable habitat for this species in the Cape Province. Elsewhere in Africa the species is associated with palm trees, especially oil palms, Elaeis. Fig. 8. Distribution of the Palmnut Vulture, 1700 - 1969. 186 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A rare vagrant for which there are only nine records over a 50 year period, from 1931 on- wards. The birds recorded in the Cape Province were most often immatures and were presum- ably dispersing birds from the breeding populations in Zululand (Natal) and Mozambique. G. angolensis is peripheral in the Cape Province and Transkei. This species is listed as “vulnerable” in South Africa by Siegfried et al. (1976). There are few records from the Trans- kei and E. Cape from the 1970s but it is not known to what extent this reflects the status of the southern African breeding populations. G. angolensis is not considered to have undergone a change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 9. Distribution of the Palmnut Vulture. 1970 - 1979. 187 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Lammergeyer Gypaetus barbatus Distribution (Figs 10 and 11) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Mountainous grassland areas. Previously extending down to the coast but now restricted to above 1 700 m above sea level. Fig. 10. Distribution of the Lammergeyer, 1700 - 1969. 188 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status G. barbatus has undergone a drastic decrease in range in the Province between the two periods. Little is known of the biology of this species in South Africa and the reasons for this decrease are therefore not understood. There is a small resident population of about 120 pairs in the Drakensberg in Lesotho and outliers in Natal, Cape Province and Transkei (Brown 1977). G. barbatus is classified as “rare and threatened” in South Africa by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 11. Distribution of the Lammergeyer, 1970 - 1979. 189 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus Distribution (Figs 12 and 13) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). It is noteworthy that 29 of the 42 records for this period are between 1700 and 1900 (cf. Table 1). 1970-1979: McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) do not present a distribution map but list the species as “now very rare in our area (South Africa)”. Habitat Highveld open grassland and mountainous areas; also arid and semi-arid areas. Fig. 12. Distribution of the Egyptian Vulture. 1700 - 1969. 190 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status Reported to have bred at several localities in the Cape Province and Transkei in the past; last breeding record 1923, in the Transkei. N. percnopterus occurred throughout the Cape Province before 1900 but since then the number of records has decreased considerably with only four observations from the 1970s (Table 1). Snow (1978) states that “there is some evi- dence that the species spread south, colonizing South Africa between 1810 and the 1860s, and then after maintaining itself began to disappear after the turn of the century”. The status of N. percnopterus in southern Africa has been documented in detail by Mundy (1978), who consid- ers that there may be a viable relict breeding population in the Transkei. The species is extinct in the Cape Province or occurs only as a rare vagrant. Brooke (1979) and Mundy (op cit.) have discussed the reasons for the decrease in range and numbers of this vulture. Siegfried et al. (1976) list N. percnopterus as “endangered and possibly no longer a part of the South African (avi)fauna”. Fig. 13. Distribution of the Egyptian Vulture, 1970 - 1979. 191 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus Distribution (Figs 14 and 15) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). 1970-1979: Mills (1976) records this species as a vagrant in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park during the early 1970s. The 1970s distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (op cit.) Habitat Bushveld in the Cape Province. Elsewhere in Africa in savanna and both open and dense woodland; well wooded moist lowveld areas. Commensal with man north of the equator. Fig. 14. Distribution of the Hooded Vulture, 1700 - 1969. 192 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status Overall there is a decrease in the frequency with which the narrow-billed N. monachus was recorded in the 1970s as compared to the pre-1970 period. The lack of suitable habitat in the Province has prevented N. monachus from becoming a breeding resident. The species was, and still is, peripherally represented in the Cape Province and its range is allopatric with the other thin-billed vulture Neophron percnopterus , which is an ecological equivalent in so far as feeding is concerned. The paucity of records for Necrosyrtes monachus from the Province in the 1970s may indicate a decrease in range; the species is considered rare in the Cape Province. Fig. 15. Distribution of the Hooded Vulture, 1970 - 1979. 193 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres Distribution (Figs 16 and 17) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: Similar to the 1700 - 1969 period but more restricted in the Karoo. This range is more limited than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Breeds and roosts on cliffs. Forages over country with few trees; mainly grassland, thorn- veld, macchia and also the karoo at the ecotone with grassland. Fig. 16. Distribution of the Cape Vulture, 1700 - 1969. 194 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status The past and present distribution and status of G. coprotheres in the Cape Province is dealt with in detail by Boshoff & Vernon (1980a). This resident species has undergone several fluctuations in range and numbers during the past 150 years and at the present time the popu- lation has stabilised at a low level which reflects the existing food supply. Additional mortality factors posing a threat to the population are drowning, electrocution and indirect poisoning. In 1979 there were only 65 breeding pairs in the Province and G. coprotheres is considered a scarce species in the Province. G. coprotheres is rightly listed as “threatened and vulnerable” in the South African Red Data Book: Aves (Siegfried et al. 1976). Fig. 17. Distribution of the Cape Vulture, 1970 - 1979. 195 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Whitebacked Vulture Gyps africanus Distribution (Figs 18 and 19) In view of the number of records from the 1970s, the paucity of records from the pre- 1970s is noteworthy. This is due to the area being opened to farmers and travellers as late as the 1930s and 1940s, and also as a result of incorrect nomenclature (as G. rueppelli). The dis- tribution of G. africanus for the pre-1970 and the 1970 to 1979 periods accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat Bush veld in the Cape Province. Elsewhere in Africa in tropical and sub-tropical savanna and woodland. Breeds and roosts in trees. Fig. 18. Distribution of the Whitebacked Vulture, 1700 - 1969. 196 BOSHOFF ET AL. : HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status G. Africanus was undoubtedly more widespread in the N. Cape than the map for the 1700 - 1969 period suggests. At present it is the commonest vulture species in that area but it is not known whether a decrease in numbers has taken place; if so this would be due mainly to reduction in available carrion. A breeding population remains in the Kalahari Gemsbok Nat- ional Park, where carrion is still freely available. The species also breeds near Kimberley (at least 75 pairs in 1979) and there is a group of unknown size which nests N.W. of Vryburg (P. J. Mundy in lift.). Within the Province the distribution of G. africanus is closely linked to that of the camelthorn Acacia erioloba which it finds very suitable for nesting in. There has been no change in range in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 19. Distribution of the Whitebacked Vulture, 1970 - 1979. 197 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Lappetfaced Vulture Torgos tracheliotus Distribution (Figs 20 and 21) 1700-1969: Recorded as a breeding species from the S.W. Cape, S. Cape, Karoo, E. Cape and N. Cape during the 19th century. This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Bushveld in the Cape Province. Elsewhere in Africa in tropical and sub-tropical savanna and open woodland. Particularly adapted to arid and semi-arid areas. Breeds and roosts in trees. Fig. 20. Distribution of the Lappetfaced Vulture, 1700 - 1969. 198 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status T. tracheliotus , a former breeding species over most of the Cape Province, has exhibited a major decrease in range and is now absent from the Province except for the N. Cape where it is a scarce but still resident species. The reasons for this decrease are not understood but may be linked to the extirpation of the indigenous game herds. Breeding is recorded from the 1970s in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and near Schmidtsdrif (P. J. Mundy in litt.) and also near Kimberley (AFB pers. rec.; R. Liversidge pers. comm.). T. tracheliotus should be includ- ed in a revised South African Red Data Book: Aves. Fig. 21. Distribution of the Lappetfaced Vuiture, 1970 - 1979. 199 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST. ) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Whiteheaded Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis Distribution (Figs 22 and 23) McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978) exclude T. occipitalis from the Cape Province. Habitat Bushveld in the Cape Province. Elsewhere in Africa in tropical savanna and woodland. Fig. 22. Distribution of the Whiteheaded Vulture, 1700 - 1969. 200 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status T. occipitalis is, and probably always has been, rare in the Cape Province, which is on the periphery of its range. The most southerly breeding records for South Africa are from Zulu- land, Natal. Little is known of the movements of the species in the southern parts of its range but it is considered a rare vagrant in the N. Cape, outside of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park where adults do occur. The habitat in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park does not suit breeding. There is, however, a record of an adult on a nest in July 1964 (Broekhuysen et al ., 1968). There are only 12 records from 1700 to 1969 and only four from the 1970s (Table 1). There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 23. Distribution of the Whiteheaded Vulture, 1970 - 1979. 201 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Black Kite Milvus migrans tnigrans Distribution (Figs 24 and 25) The present range (1970s) is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Snow (1978) does not separate M. migrans and M. migrans parasitus. Habitat Wide variety of habitat, with preference for open wooded country in vicinity of water. Fig. 24. Distribution of the Black Kite, 1700 - 1969. 202 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A scarce non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer. There has been no change in status in the Province between the two periods. The E. Cape and Transkei records are mapped here, however, there is a strong possibility that in these areas there have been some misidentifications as juvenile M. m. parasitus. Fig. 25. Distribution of the Black Kite. 1970 - 1979. 203 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Yellowbilled Kite Milvus migrans parasitus Distribution (Figs 26 and 27) 1700-1969: This distribution corresponds with that given by Snow (1978) for M. migrans. 1970-1979: This distribution is far more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) sub nom. M. aegyptius. Habitat In the E. Cape M. m. parasitus is found in all habitats and breeds in forests and planta- tions. In the S.W. Cape this taxon is found in areas of open macchia and cereal crops. In both regions the taxon is frequently associated with habitation. Fig. 26. Distribution of the Yellowbilled Kite, 1700 - 1969. 204 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A common breeding summer migrant which overwinters in equatorial Africa. The status of M. m. parasitus remained unchanged in the Province between the two periods. This study demonstrates the presence of two populations in the Cape Province. Fig. 27. Distribution of the Yellowbilled Kite, 1970 - 1979. 205 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Blackshouidered Kite Elanus caeruleus Distribution (Figs 28 and 29) Although the species may occur anywhere in the Province, it is not as evenly distributed as shown by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). The distribution for both the pre-1970 and 1970- 1979 periods accords with that given by Snow (1978). Known to occur in the N.W. Cape; not considered during a 1977 field survey in this region. Habitat Primarily grassland but found in all habitats except forest. Partial to Pinus and Eucalyptus spp. for roosting and breeding. Often found in man-made habitats, more especially croplands and town commonages. Fig. 28. Distribution of the Blackshouldered Kite, 1700 - 1969. 206 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A nomadic species which moves into suitable environments and remains there for as long as conditions are favourable. E. caeruleus is resident in optimal areas, however, such areas represent only a small portion of its range in the Province. There has been no apparent change in status. E. caeruleus is the common and most frequently recorded raptor in the Province. Fig. 29. Distribution of the Blackshouidered Kite, 1970 - 1979. 207 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Cuckoo Hawk Aviceda cuculoides Distribution (Figs 30 and 31) The distribution for both the pre-1970s and the 1970s accords with that given by Snow (1978), whereas the 1970s distribution is somewhat more restricted than that given by McLach- lan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Forest and Eucalyptus plantations. Fig. 30. Distribution of the Cuckoo Hawk, 1700 - 1969. 208 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status Resident. Although there are several records of sub-adult birds there is no definite evi- dence that A. cuculoides breeds in the Province. The species is, and always has been, rare and is assigned this status by Siegfried et al. (1976). A. cuculoides may have decreased in numbers in the Province as there are fewer records for the 1970s than for the earlier period; there has been no apparent change in range in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 31. Distribution of the Cuckoo Hawk, 1970 - 1979. 209 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus Distribution (Fig. 32) There are no records from the 1970s and this situation accords basically with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat No information for the Cape Province. Elsewhere in open woodland. Fig. 32. Distribution of the Honey Buzzard, 1700 - 1969. 210 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer. Extreme- ly rare in the Cape Province; probably restricted to the E. Cape region. It is noteworthy that six of the eight records for P. apivorus are from specimens. The present authors interpret this to suggest that the species may not have undergone a decrease but simply that few ornithol- ogists are able to identify the birds in the field. This contention is supported somewhat by the fact that Cramp & Simmons (1980) consider that P. apivorus has increased in numbers in its western Palaearctic range. 211 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Black Eagle Aquila verreauxii Distribution (Figs 33 and 34) The 1970s distribution accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat Associated with mountains and gorges where there are cliffs for eyries and abundant Pro- cavia capensis prey. In the forests of the E. Cape where such conditions occur the Black Eagle is replaced by the Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus. Precluded from the N. Cape through lack of suitable habitat. Fig. 33. Distribution of the Black Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 212 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status Resident. Despite persecution by small-stock farmers A. verreauxii shows no change in status between the two periods. This species is the most numerous and widespread of the large eagles in the Cape Province ( vide Boshoff & Vernon 1980b). Fig. 34. Distribution of the Black Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 213 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax Distribution (Figs 35 and 36) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Bushveld, karoo and grassland. In habitats devoid of indigenous trees the species breeds in exotic trees, e.g. Pinus spp., and on powerline pylons. Fig. 35. Distribution of the Tawny Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 214 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status Resident but scarce; the species has decreased in range in the Province. A. rapax is perse cuted by small-stock farmers and outside the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park the total popu lation may be relatively low (vide Boshoff & Vernon 1980b). Fig. 36. Distribution of the Tawny Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 215 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis Distribution (Figs 37 and 38) McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) do not present a distribution map and only list one re- cord, from about 1940, from Tarkastad in the E. Cape (vide Brooke 1974). Habitat Bushveld and karoo. Fig. 37. Distribution of the Steppe Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 216 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A non-breeding Palaearctic migrant, which may occur in relatively large numbers in the northern parts of the N. Cape during the austral summer. To the south of this area it is a rare vagrant. The Cape Province is on the periphery of the range of this species. There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 38. Distribution of the Steppe Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 217 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Wahlberg’s Eagle Aquila wahlbergi Distribution (Figs 39 and 40) The 1970s distribution is similar to that given by Snow (1978) but the S. Cape record mapped by Snow (op cit.) is not accepted by the present authors due to lack of substantiating evidence and atypical habitat. The distribution map given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) virtually excludes A. wahlbergi from the Cape Province. Habitat Bushveld in the Cape Province. Elsewhere in Africa A. wahlbergi is a woodland species. Where it occurs in savannas it utilises large trees along water courses. Fig. 39. Distribution of the Wahlberg’s Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 218 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status The status of A. wahlbergi in the Province is equivocal and at best can be considered a rare vagrant. It is a breeding summer migrant in southern Africa and the N. Cape is at the southern periphery of its range. There are 12 records of this species in the Province, most of them from the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. However, none of these are substantiated and there is a possibility that misidentifications may have occurred. Fig. 40. Distribution of the Wahlberg's Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 219 ANN. CAPEPROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus Distribution (Figs 41 and 42) The maps given for the distribution of H. pennatus by both McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978) are inadequate. Habitat Karoo, macchia and grassland, especially at their ecotones. Specifically the species is found in kloofs and gorges where it breeds on cliffs, however, birds do hunt in open country well away from such sites. Fig. 41. Distribution of the Booted Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 220 BOSHOFF ET AL : HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status H. pennatus is a breeding summer migrant with nesting confined to the karoo — macchia and karoo — grassland ecotone. Non-breeding Palaearctic migrants supplement the southern African population (Brooke et al. 1980). Birds breeding in the southern parts of the Province move to areas north of 29° S during winter. The species was long thought to be a rare migrant and is listed as “rare and vulnerable” by Siegfried et al. (1976). However, recent studies have shown H. pennatus to be a common eagle in the Province (Brooke et al. op cit.). There is con- troversy as to whether the species has increased in recent years (Benson 1979), or has always been present but was overlooked and misidentified (Brooke et al. op cit.). Fig. 42. Distribution of the Booted Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 221 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Hawk Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus Distribution (Figs 43 and 44) The distribution maps presented by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978) are inadequate as none of the published records for the S.W. Cape, S. Cape and E. Cape is ac- cepted by the present authors (see “Status”). Habitat No information for the Cape Province but apparently bushveld. Elsewhere in Africa in woodland associated with hilly terrain. Fig. 43. Distribution of the Hawk Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 222 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status With only three records for the entire 1700 - 1979 period, H. fasciatus is an extremely rare vagrant in the northern Cape Province, which is on the southern periphery of its range. In South Africa the furthest records to the south are from Greytown in Natal (approx. 29° S) (Cy- rus & Robson 1980). There is no apparent change in the status in the Province between the two periods. The record of a former specimen of H. fasciatus from the Wynberg district near Cape Town (Layard 1867) is not accepted here due to lack of substantiating data and atypical habi- tat. Similarly the published records of this species from the E. Cape and S. Cape (one) are not accepted due to incorrect labelling of specimens (two) and unconfirmed sight records (three). Fig. 44. Distribution of the Hawk Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 223 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Ayres’ Eagle Hieraaetus ayresii Distribution (Fig. 45) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). The S.W. Cape and N.W. Cape records given by Snow (1978) sub nom. H. dubius are rejected (Brooke & Vernon 1981). 1970-1979: No records. Habitat Forest and thornveld in the Cape Province. Woodland in normal range of the species. Fig. 45. Distribution of Ayres’ Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 224 BOSHOFFET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A rare vagrant, well south of its normal range in Mocambique and Zimbabwe. Five of the six records from the 1700 - 1969 period are of immature birds. The earlier assumption that this species was resident in the Cape Province was based on misidentifications (Brooke & Vernon op cit.). Status trend in the Province indeterminate but may have ceased to occur. Siegfried et al. (1976) list H. ayresii as “rare and vulnerable” in South Africa. 225 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Longcrested Eagle Lophaetus occipitalis % Distribution (Figs 46 and 47) 1700-1969: The Karoo record is of a specimen from Nieu Bethesda early in the last century. This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978) except for one S.W. Cape record mapped by that author. 1970-1979: The map in McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) fails to indicate any records for the Cape Province. Habitat Grassland, especially marshy areas or on the edge of forests or plantations. Fig. 46. Distribution of the Longcrested Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 226 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCON IFORMES) Status L. occipitalis has decreased in range in the Cape Province. At present its status is uncer- tain and at best there is only a small resident population; there are no breeding records from the Province, individuals sighted seldom remain long in the same area. The decrease is attribu- ted to the destruction and misutilisation of suitable habitat. The Nieu Bethesda record is con- sidered feasible as wooded kloofs were present in the area in the past. L. occipitalis is listed as “rare and vulnerable” in South Africa by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 47. Distribution of the Longcrested Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 227 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST. ) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus Distribution (Figs 48 and 49) The distribution for the pre- 1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat May be found in all habitats but more regularly in open country; seldom in forested and mountain areas. Fig. 48. Distribution of the Martial Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 228 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A scarce resident which shows no change in overall range in the Province between the two periods. P. bellicosus is severely persecuted by small-stock farmers (Boshoff & Vernon 1980b) but, although a decrease in numbers is considered to have taken place, there is little reliable published evidence to that effect. This species has adapted to man’s activities and breeds in exotic trees, windmills and powerline pylons. P. bellicosus is rightly listed as “vulnerable” by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 49. Distribution of the Martial Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 229 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus Distribution (Figs 50 and 51) The pre-1970 and 1970s distribution of the species accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978) but does not extend into the Karoo pace McLachlan & Liversidge (op. cit.). The early record (breeding) from the S.W. Cape is questionable. Habitat Forest and also thornveld, even where such habitat is restricted to kloofs and gorges in otherwise open country. Fig. 50. Distribution of the Crowned Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 230 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A relatively scarce resident species. S. coronatus is directly persecuted by small-stock farmers but still has a viable population in the Province ( vide Boshoff & Vernon 1980b). There has been no major change in range in the Province between the two periods but there may have been a disappearance from the fringes of the Karoo where the species inhabited densely wooded kloofs and ravines. The kloof vegetation was largely destroyed through misutilisation by man. Fig. 51. Distribution of the Crowned Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 231 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Brown Snake Eagle Circaetus cinereus Distribution (Figs 52 and 53) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat No information is available from the Cape Province. Elsewhere in Africa it is a woodland species. Fig. 52. Distribution of the Brown Snake Eagie, 1700 - 1969. 232 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status C. cinereus is a rare vagrant to the Province and is well south of its normal range in Bot- swana, Transvaal, Zululand and further north. There has been no change in range in the Prov- ince between the two periods. A pre-1900 record from the Berg River is not accepted here due to lack of supporting evidence and atypical habitat. Fig. 53. Distribution of the Brown Snake Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 233 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Blackbreasted Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus Distribution (Figs 54 and 55) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat All habitats, except forest and mountain areas but most often in open country. Fig. 54. Distribution of the Blackbreasted Snake Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 234 BGSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A resident species which is, and has always been, rare. Although there are five breeding records from the Province, the majority of the birds recorded may be vagrants from Botswana, Namibia and the Transvaal. C. gallicus does not exhibit any change in range in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 55. Distribution of the Blackbreasted Snake Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 235 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus Distribution (Figs 56 and 57) 1700-1969: This distribution accords to some extent with that given by Snow (1978), except that two records from the Karoo are given by this author. 1970-1979: This distribution is far more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Bushveld in the N. Cape and open country in the E. Cape. Elsewhere in its range in Afri- ca the species is found in woodland and savanna. Fig. 56. Distribution of the Bateleur. 1700 - 1969. 236 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status There is no satisfactory evidence that T. ecaudatus ever bred in the Province and so may always have been a rare vagrant. A record of a nestling from Nieu Bethesda in the early part of the last century is not accepted by the present authors. Reasons for this are given as atypical breeding habitat and the fact that it is the only breeding record of T. ecaudatus from the entire Province. These aspects raise suspicions of incorrect labelling or a transported captive bird. The species may be resident in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park where regular sightings are made. Recent sight records from the S. Cape and S.W. Cape require confirmation due to possible confusion with Buteo rufofuscus. T. ecaudatus exhibits a decreased range in the Prov- ince between the two periods. The species is actively persecuted by small-stock farmers in the N. Cape. The species should be included in a revised South African Red Data Book: Aves. Fig. 57. Distribution of the Bateleur. 1970 - 1979. 237 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer Distribution (Figs 58 and 59) The distribution for the pre- 1970s and 1970s accords with that given by Snow (1978) but is not as widespread as that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Perennial rivers, lakes, dams and estuaries. Fig. 58. Distribution of the Fish Eagle, 1700 - 1969. 238 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A common resident species which shows no change in status in the Province between the two periods ( vide Boshoff & Vernon 1980b). Although listed as “vulnerable” in South Africa by Siegfried et. al. (1976), due to loss of natural habitats, this has been largely balanced by new habitats created by means of artificial water impoundments. Fig. 59. Distribution of the Fish Eagle, 1970 - 1979. 239 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo Distribution (Figs 60 and 61) The distribution for the 1970s is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liver- sidge (1978). Habitat Grassland, macchia and to some extent thornveld; particularly croplands and road verges. Fig. 60. Distribution of the Steppe Buzzard, 1700 - 1969. 240 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A common non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer. The species exhibits an unchanged overall status in the Province between the two periods. B. buteo may, however, have adjusted its distribution in the Province in accordance with changes in farming activities. Fig. 61. Distribution of the Steppe Buzzard. 1970 - 1979. 241 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Mountain Buzzard Buteo tachardus Distribution (Figs 62 and 63) The distribution for the pre- 1970s and 1970s accords with that given by Snow (1978) but is more extensive (into the S.W. Cape) than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Forest and plantations of exotic species, e.g. Pinus spp. Despite its common name B. tachardus is rarely associated with mountains and, where this does occur, the birds are in or near densely wooded ravines in the footslopes. Fig. 62. Distribution of the Mountain Buzzard, 1700 - 1969. 242 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A relatively scarce resident species which shows no change in range in the Province be- tween the two periods. In fact the species may have been overlooked in the past due to mis- identification and so acquired rarity status. Although listed as “vulnerable” by Siegfried et al. (1976) B. tachardus appears to have a viable, albeit small, population in the Province. The species has adapted to plantations. Fig. 63. Distribution of the Mountain Buzzard, 1970 - 1979. 243 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus Distribution (Figs 64 and 65) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Found in all habitats, except bushveld, where there are cliffs and gorges. Appears to pre- fer open habitats e.g. macchia, grassland and karoo. Fig. 64. Distribution of the Jackal Buzzard, 1700 - 1969. 244 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A common resident which is the third most frequently recorded raptor in the Province. There has been no apparant change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 65. Distribution of the Jackal Buzzard, 1970 - 1979. 245 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Redbreasted Sparrowhawk Accipiter rufiventris Distribution (Figs 66 and 67) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat Forests, plantations and groves of exotic trees in grasslands. In the E. Cape and S. Cape the species is absent from coastal forests. Fig. 66. Distribution of the Redbreasted Sparrowhawk, 1700 - 1969. 246 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A relatively scarce resident species, A. rufiventris extended its range into the grassland (treeless areas) of the E. Cape as exotic trees were planted and is now found around home- steads in country where it would not previously have occurred. This range increase is not ob- vious from a comparison of the maps for the two periods. Fig. 67. Distribution of the Redbreasted Sparrowhawk, 1970 - 1979. 247 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Ovambo Sparrowhawk Accipter ovampensis Distribution (Figs 68 and 69) McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) do not record this species from the Cape Province. Habitat Bushveld; usually Acacia trees along water courses. Fig. 68. Distribution of the Ovambo Sparrowhawk, 1700 - 1969. 248 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status An extremely rare vagrant to the northern part of the N. Cape; the two records for the Province are far south of the normal range in northern Namibia, northern Botswana, northern Transvaal and Zimbabwe. Siegfried et al. (1976) consider that A. ovampensis might be includ- ed in a revised South African Red Data Book: Aves. Fig. 69. Distribution of the Ovambo Sparrowhawk, 1970 - 1979. 249 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Little Sparrowhawk Accipiter minullus Distribution (Figs 70 and 71) 1700-1969: This distribution accords' with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) except that the species does not extend into the Karoo as shown by these authors. Habitat Forest and occasionally groves of exotic trees. Fig. 70. Distribution of the Little Sparrowhawk. 1700 - 1969. 250 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AYES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A scarce resident which shows no change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 71. Distribution of the Little Sparrowhawk, 1970 - 1979. 251 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus Distribution (Figs 72 and 73) 1700-1969: This distribution coincides with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: The distributions map given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) does not record the species in the S.W. Cape and includes the southern part of the Karoo in the range. Habitat Forest and plantations. Fig. 72. Distribution of the Black Sparrowhawk, 1700 - 1969. 252 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A scarce resident which because it is unobtrusive may be commoner than thought. There has been no major change in the status of A. melanoleucus in the Province between the two periods, except an apparent disappearance from the Karoo. This is no doubt linked to the de- struction of wooded kloof habitat. The species is recorded as “threatened at least in part of its range” in South Africa by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 73. Distribution of the Black Sparrowhawk, 1970 - 1979. 253 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Little Banded Goshawk Accipiter badius Distribution (Figs 74 and 75) The distribution for the pre- 1970s and 1970s is more restricted than that given by both Mc- Lachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). There are reported sightings from the E. Cape (Skead 1967) and Courtenay-Latimer (1964) lists the species as “resident” in the East London area. There are two reported sightings from the E. Cape from the 1970s. However, no speci- mens of A. badius have ever been taken from the E. Cape and the occurrence of the species there needs confirmation. Habitat No information from the Cape Province but apparently bushveld. Elsewhere in Africa in savanna woodland . Fig. 74. Distribution of the Little Banded Goshawk, 1700 - 1969. 254 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A rare vagrant in the Province; the species normally occurs in Zululand, Transvaal, Nami- bia and northwards. There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 75. Distribution of the Little Banded Goshawk, 1970 - 1979. 255 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 African Goshawk Accipiter tachiro Distribution (Figs 76 and 77) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat Forest and wooded kloofs. Fig. 76. Distribution of the African Goshawk, 1700 - 1969. 256 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A. tachiro , a resident species, is the commonest accipiter in the E. Cape and S. Cape. However, this species has decreased in the southern and eastern Karoo due to destruction and misutilisation of suitable habitat by man. Fig. 77. Distribution ol the African Goshawk, 1970 - 1979. 257 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7. FEBRUARY 1983 Gabar Goshawk Micronisus gabar Distribution (Figs 78 and 79) The pre-1970s and 1970s distribution differs from that given by McLachian & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978) in that the species is recorded from the S.W. Cape, albeit only one re- cord from the early period. Habitat Bushveld and thornveld, more especially Acacia karroo trees along watercourses. The species has adapted to thornveld in overgrazed areas and to trees around homesteads in arid areas. Fig. 78. Distribution of the Gabar Goshawk, 1700- 1969. 258 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A scarce resident in most of the Province. M. gabar is, however, more numerous in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods and the lack of records from the Karoo in the pre- 1970s may be due to inadequate sampling. Fig. 79. Distribution of the Gabar Goshawk, 1970- 1979. 259 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Pale Chanting Goshawk Melierax canorus Distribution (Figs 80 and 81) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Known to occur over most of the N.W. Cape; not consid- ered during a 1977 field survey in this region. Habitat Karoo, bushveld, and less frequently macchia, thornveld and grassland. Fig. 80. Distribution of the Pale Chanting Goshawk, 1700 - 1969. 260 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status M. canorus is a common resident species in the karoo and bushveld but is subject to local movements and so may not be permanently resident in any locality and may move temporarily into the peripheral macchia, thornveld and grassland. The species shows no change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 81. Distribution of the Pale Chanting Goshawk, 1970 - 1979. 261 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 African Marsh Harrier Circus ranivorus Distribution (Figs 82 and 83) 1700-1969: This distribution is similar to that given by Snow (1978) except that this author also records the species in the N. Cape. 1970-1979: The increase in records from the N. Cape is due to improved mapping coverage. This distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Marshy areas along rivers, around dams, lakes and estuaries and vleis. Fig. 82. Distribution of the African Marsh Harrier, 1700 - 1969. 262 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A scarce resident which shows no overall change in range in the Province between the two periods, although there may be some disappearance from the central Karoo. The large number of records from the N. Cape from the 1970s is due to increased sampling in that region. Much habitat has been lost, e.g. in the Karoo, due to modification for agricultural purposes and the overall population has decreased in size. As C. ranivorus is vulnerable to extirpation in the Province it should be included in a revised South African Red Data Book: Aves. Fig. 83. Distribution of the African Marsh Harrier, 1970 - 1979. 263 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 P^ 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus Distribution (Figs 84 and 85) The 1970s distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat No information for the Cape Province but elsewhere in grassland and open country. Fig. 84. Distribution of the Montagu’s Harrier, 1700 - 1969. 264 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A rare non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer The decrease in records and range in the Province may reflect a decrease in the breeding grounds of this species in the Palaearctic (Cramp & Simmons 1980). Fig. 85. Distribution of the Montagu’s Harrier, 1970 - 1979. 265 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Pallid Harrier Circus macroiirus Distribution (Figs 86 and 87) Apart from the S.W. Cape record, the 1970s distribution is similar to that given by Mc- Lachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat No information for the Cape Province but elsewhere in grassland and open country. Fig. 86. Distribution of the Pallid Harrier, 1700 - 1969. 266 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer. The species is, and always has been, rare in the Province. There has been no change in range in the Province between the two periods but infrequently recorded in the 1970s, particularly from the Karoo. This is surprising in view of the population increase in the western Palaearctic (Cramp & Simmons 1980). Fig. 87. Distribution of the Pallid Harrier, 1970 - 1979. 267 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Black Harrier Circus maurus Distribution (Figs 88 and 89) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Grassland, karoo and macchia. In open country but not necessarily dose to water. The species has adapted to cultivated lands. Fig. 88. Distribution of the Black Harrier, 1700 - 1969. 268 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status C. maurus is a scarce resident species in the Cape Province. Breeding takes place primar- ily in late winter and early spring in the Province south of 31° S. The birds undergo a norther- ly migration during the non-breeding season (mainly June to July) to the northern parts of the Province and adjacent provinces and territories (Van der Merwe 1981). Due to various pub- lished statements there is controversy regarding the past and present status of C. maurus ; the species was considered by some to have decreased to near extinction but subsequently numbers were said to have increased again. Van der Merwe (op cit.) has assessed the situation and con- tends that, on available evidence, the population in South Africa has remained largely un- changed in recent times. C. maurus does not warrant inclusion in a revised South African Red Data Book: Aves; the species is included in a supplementary list by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 89. Distribution of the Black Harrier, 1970 - 1979. 269 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Gymnogene Polyboroides typus Distribution (Figs 90 and 91) 1700-1969: This distribution largely accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution is somewhat more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Wooded kloofs and gorges. Fig. 90. Distribution of the Gymnogene, 1700 - 1969. 270 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A relatively scarce resident. There has been no change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 91. Distribution of the Gymnogene, 1970 - 1979. 271 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Osprey Pandion haliaetus Distribution (Figs 92 and 93) The 1970s distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). The single record given by Snow (1978) is a breeding record from the S.W. Cape which is now discounted. Habitat Mainly estuaries and coastal lakes but also large dams in the interior. 272 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A rare non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which occurs mainly during the austral summer; a few birds are recorded during the winter (Boshoff & Palmer in prep). There has been no change in status in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 93. Distribution of the Osprey, 1970 - 1979. 273 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Peregrine Falco peregrinus Distribution (Figs 94 and 95) The distribution given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) is too generalised, whereas the range given by Snow (1978) is limited mainly to the S.W. Cape and E. Cape. Habitat Mountainous and broken terrain where there are suitable cliffs for roosting and breeding. The distribution maps suggest that the species may prefer the coastal areas and adjacent in- terior. Fig. 94. Distribution of the Peregrine, 1700 - 1969. 274 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS ( AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status Two races of F. peregrinus occur in the Cape Province, viz. F.p. minor , which is resident, and F.p. calidus , which is a non-breeding Palaearctic migrant. No distinction between the races is made here. They overlap in range as the migrant race has been collected as far south as Port Elizabeth. It is possible that the Karoo and N. Cape records refer to F.p. calidus and that the resident race is confined to the coastal areas. F. peregrinus is rare in the Cape Province and ap- parently has always been rare; there has been no apparent change in status in the Province be- tween the two periods. The species is listed as “possibly threatened” by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 95. Distribution of the Peregrine, 1970 - 1979. 275 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Lanner Falco biarmicus Distribution (Figs 96 and 97) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by Snow (1978) and McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Usually associated with cliffs suitable for breeding but may nest in trees. Birds range wide- ly and can be found in all habitats except forest. 276 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A relatively scarce resident species. There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods. 277 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT HIST. ) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Hobby Falco subbuteo Distribution (Figs 98 and 99) The 1970s distribution differs markedly from that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat No information for the Cape Province but apparently preferably thornveld and macchia. 278 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCON 1FORMES) Status A rare non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer. There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods, although not recorded from the interior of the Province during the 1970s. 279 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 African Hobby Falco cuvierii Distribution (Figs 100 and 101) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: This distribution is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat No information from the Cape Province but apparently thornveld. Fig. 100. Distribution of the African Hobby, 1700 - 1969. 280 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status There are only five records for the entire 1700- 1979 period. F. cuvierii is considered a rare vagrant in the Province; a breeding record from Idutywa (Transkei) in 1924 is considered equivocal (W. R. J. Dean in litt. per A. C. Kemp). There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods. F. cuvierii is listed as “rare and endangered” in South Africa by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 101. Distribution of the African Hobby, 1970 - 1979. 281 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOT. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Rednecked Falcon Falco chicquera Distribution (Figs 102 and 103) The distribution for the pre- 1970s and 1970s largely accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Habitat Bushveld. Often associated with Borassus palms, e.g. in northern N.W. Cape. Fig 102. Distribution of the Rednecked Falcon, 1700 - 1969. 282 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A rare species in the Cape Province, which is on the periphery of its range. Although there are no breeding records from the Province F. chicquera may be resident as there is suit- able habitat available. There has been no apparent change in status in the Province between the two periods. The species is listed as “vulnerable” in South Africa by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 103. Distribution of the Rednecked Falcon, 1970 - 1979. 283 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Eastern Redfooted Kestrel Falco amurensis Distribution (Figs 104 and 105) The 1970s distribution is similar to that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat No information from the Cape Province but apparently thornveld and possibly macchia. Fig. 104. Distribution of the Eastern Redfooted Kestrel, 1700 - 1969. 284 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A rare non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer. There has been no change in range in the Province between the two periods. Fig. 105. Distribution of the Eastern Redfooted Kestrel, 1970 - 1979. 285 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Distribution (Figs 106 and 107) The distribution for the pre-1970s and 1970s accords with that given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Known to occur over most of the N.W. Cape; not consid- ered during a 1977 field survey in that region. Habitat All habitats except forest. Breeds mainly on cliffs but is not confined to them and may be found in flat open country. Fig. 106. Distribution of the Common Kestrel, 1700 - 1969. 286 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A resident species which is, and appears to have always been, common i.e. there has been no change in status in the Province between the two periods. F. tinnunculus may have ben- efited from man’s activities as extensive use is made of telephone poles and powerline pylons as hunting perches and nest sites. The species is subject to local movements so that birds may be present in an area at one time and absent in another; these nomads appear to be the non- breeding dispersing segment of the population. Fig. 107. Distribution of the Common Kestrel, 1970 - 1979. 287 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Greater Kestrel Falco rupicoloides Distribution (Figs 108 and 109) 1700-1969: This distribution accords with that given by Snow (1978). 1970-1979: The distribution map given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) excludes the S.W. Cape from the species’ range but includes all other coastal areas. Habitat The arid and semi-arid interior, encompassing the karoo and bushveld and occasionally the grassland, thornveld and macchia. Fig. 108. Distribution of the Greater Kestrel, 1700 - 1969. 288 BOSHOFFET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A relatively common resident which is subject to nomadic movements so that it may be temporarily absent from the interior and temporarily present in the peripheral areas. This no- madism may be governed by climatic factors, specifically droughts, but the precise mechanisms are not known. Thus the absence of F. rupicoloides from the moister coastal areas of the E. Cape, S. Cape and S.W. Cape during the 1970s is probably a natural phenomenon. In the E. Cape the species is considered a rare vagrant with only one breeding record (from the Bedford district). There has been no apparent change in overall status in the Province between the two periods. F. rupicoloides makes extensive use of telephone poles and powerline pylons for hunt- ing perches and nest sites. Fig. 109. Distribution of the Greater Kestrel, 1970 - 1979 289 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni Distribution (Figs 110 and 111) The distribution for the 1970s is more restricted than that given by McLachlan & Liver- sidge (1978). Habitat Grassland primarily and secondarily macchia, karoo and thornveld. The birds forage over open country and roost communally in groves of trees; these groves are often exotic types such as Eucalyptus spp. and Populus spp. which are planted around farmsteads and in towns. Fig. 110. Distribution of the Lesser Kestrel, 1700 - 1969. 290 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A relatively common non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which is present during the austral summer. The species may have increased its range in the eastern Karoo while undergoing a de- crease in the southern regions. The increase may be due to the establishment of groves of exotic trees in the Karoo. Fig. 111. Distribution of the Lesser Kestrel, 1970 - 1979. 291 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 Pygmy Falcon Polihierax semitorquatus Distribution (Figs 112 and 113) The distribution for the pre-1970s accords with that given by Snow (1978) but, as with that for the 1970s, is more restricted than the distribution given by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978). Habitat Bushveld, especially where the camelthorn tree Acacia erioloba occurs; these trees are used as nest trees by the Social Weaver Philetarius socius , a species to which the distribution of Polihierax semitorquatus is closely linked since it usually nests in a chamber of a Social Weaver nest. Fig. 112. Distribution of the Pygmy Falcon, 1700 - 1969. 292 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) Status A resident species which is rare outside the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. There is no evidence of a change in range in the Province between the two periods. However, numbers may have decreased due to a decrease in camelthorn trees, and consequently Social Weaver nests, as a result of overfrequent veld burning by stock farmers. P. semitorquatus is listed as “vulnerable” in South Africa by Siegfried et al. (1976). Fig. 113. Distribution of the Pygmy Falcon, 1970 - 1979. 293 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 DISCUSSION The authors contend that the coverage obtained for the 1970s permits a relatively accurate assessment of the distribution of the diurnal raptors of the Cape Province for that decade and also permits a comparison with the pre-1970s period. Of the 55 taxa surveyed the majority (72,6%) show no change in their range. However, almost a quarter (23,6% ) of the taxa ex- hibit a decrease in range of varying degrees. In contrast only two taxa (3,6% ) show a small in- crease. Of the 13 taxa showing a decrease eight are resident in the Province and another for- merly bred in the Province. Many of the distribution maps presented here modify to a greater or lesser extent the maps given for certain taxa by McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) and Snow (1978). Particularly in the case of the latter publication no distinction is made between old and modern records and as a result the maps for certain taxa, e.g. Lappetfaced Vulture, Lammergeyer, Bateleur, are totally inadequate. It is perhaps relevant that all the taxa, shown by this survey to have decreased their range in the Province, can be classed as “specialists” in that they occupy narrow ecological niches. Such taxa are the first to disappear when habitats are degraded. For example five of the eight taxa of vulture (including the Lammergeyer) recorded in the Province exhibit a decreased range; the removal of the game herds and their replacement by well managed domestic stock has largely contributed to this decrease. Similarly four of the eight true forest taxa have exhibi- ted a decrease, having disappeared from the southern and/or eastern parts of the Karoo. The taxa concerned, viz. Longcrested Eagle, Crowned Eagle, Black Sparrowhawk and African Goshawk, used to inhabit thickly wooded kloofs and ravines in that area but man has now vir- tually totally destroyed the habitat through injudicious burning and use of the trees for build- ing and fencing material. On the other hand the “generalists” are able to persist, usually through adaptation. The data presented in this paper must be assessed in terms of the constraints imposed upon them. The extraction of data from published sources actually presented less of a problem than those from unpublished sources. This is due to the fact that, although often located in obscure publications, the published data were at least available, whereas there is undoubtedly much material still to be consulted but which is in the form of notes in personal, and thus un- published, notebooks of many professional and non-professional ornithologists. It is hoped that this paper will stimulate the release of additional unused data. Many valuable data, par- ticularly from the pre-1900 period, were excluded due to the omission of such basic informa- tion as date and locality. Furthermore, and this applies mainly to the early records, some of the localities given were so vague as to render the record useless, e.g. “Cape of Good Hope” or “Eastern Province”. It was not possible to substantiate all records on the file but for most taxa the incorrect records are in the minority and they are masked by the majority of (correct) records. There is little doubt that more records will come to light in the literature, particularly from obscure sources. For the 1970s, and to a lesser extent the 1950s and 1960s, the authors were able to use many unpublished records, whereas for the preceding period they had to rely almost entirely on published material. The authors consider that 95% of the literature records have been extracted. There are many variables pertaining to the study of the distribution of raptor populations and the type of data presented here does not lend itself to any form of statistical analysis. Con- sequently the maps give the data a higher degree of mathematical uniformity than they actually possess. The main factors precluding quantification of trends is the lack of any standardized method of data collection. For example in both the pre- 1970s and 1970s, particularly the for- mer period, there are many cases where only interesting or conspicuous taxa were recorded from a locus. Further the “degree of effort” per locus was not controlled, i.e. the time spent and the area covered within a locus shows large variation. Some loci were visited only once 294 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AVES: FALCONIFORMES) whereas others were visited many times. Many of the records were from roadside counts and the many biases involved in recording raptors from vehicles are well known. Certain taxa, e.g. kestrels, kites and buzzards, are prone to the use of telephone poles or powerline pylons as perches and are thus more conspicuous and therefore readily observed. Other taxa, by virtue of their habitat requirements, are inconspicuous and are therefore rarely observed, e.g. forest and mountain taxa. Interpretation of the maps is complicated by various factors. An important aspect is that of the number and distribution of observers throughout the entire period covered by the maps. Probably only since 1940, the year in which the first edition of Birds of South Africa (Roberts 1940) was published, has there been a marked increase in interest in South African birds. Through time there has also been an increase in the quantity (and quality) of observers. Fur- thermore, some parts of the Cape Province, e.g. N. Cape and N.W. Cape, are even today very isolated, with poor roads. Accordingly these areas have not been subjected to the same degree of observation as in the case of areas close to or including the cities or more settled parts where active birdwatching clubs may exist. Thus any gaps in distribution, in certain cases, could be at- tributed to lack of observation rather than the absence of the birds. However, the maps and graphs should be viewed only in terms of general temporal and spatial trends. For certain taxa the two periods selected were adequate to indicate major range fluctuations. However, for others several range fluctuations may have taken place during one or both periods. An ex- ample of the latter case is provided by the Cape Vulture population which was widespread and thriving at the time of the rinderpest epidemic in 1896 and the Anglo-Boer War at the turn of the century. The population then decreased in range and numbers during the first part of the present century. This was followed by an increase, particularly during the 1960s, and then an- other decrease in the 1970s (Boshoff & Vernon 1980a). However, space and the general qua- lity of the data precluded the presentation of one map per decade per taxon. A relevant criticism of the maps presented here is the fact that no distinction is made be- tween the types of record used, e.g. breeding records, records of regular occurrence and re- cords of vagrants. Mundy (1980) discusses this aspect of distribution surveys in some detail. In the present study it is purely a case of quality and quantity of data which precludes such a breakdown. For virtually all taxa there are too few breeding records available to be able to present a meaningful picture. Further, too little is known of nomadism and local migration to separate the breeding and non-breeding ranges of resident taxa. For most taxa it is generally accepted that the range given includes the breeding range, with the obvious exception of non- breeding Palaearctic migrants. Extralimitals and stragglers can be expected on the periphery of the range of a taxon. In addition there is a security risk attached to the pin-pointing of loci where rare and endangered raptors breed. A further problem in the interpretation of the survey data is that of the nomadism which several raptor species exhibit, e.g. Blackshouldered Kite, Pale Chanting Goshawk. The authors have little data to aid the understanding of this phenomenon but it appears to be re- lated to changing conditions, which in turn are regulated by climatic events, e.g. an east-west shift of populations according to droughts and floods in the E. Cape and Karoo. To further complicate the issue the natural trend is masked by man’s modifications of various habitats. Taxa undergoing local migrations, e.g. Black Harrier, Booted Eagle, present additional inter- pretation problems. The scope of this study and the type of data collected do not permit any statements on the dynamic numerical status of the taxa listed. However, it must be emphasized that a static range does not imply a static population in terms of abundance. The following resident taxa which show no range change in the Cape Province are subjectively considered to have undergone a decrease in numbers: Secretary Bird, Whitebacked Vulture, Cuckoo Hawk, Blackbreasted Snake Eagle, African Marsh Harrier, Pygmy Falcon. 295 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 7, FEBRUARY 1983 The conservation value of this survey is seen mainly as the provision of a set of data which can serve as a baseline for further monitoring of diurnal raptor populations, on a temporal and spatial basis, in the future. In addition the survey has indicated which taxa are most in need of urgent conservation attention, viz. the vultures, the large eagles and the forest species. Button & Clancey (1972), Brooke (1978) and Liversidge et al. (1981) have published re- ports of extremely rare taxa from the Cape Province and Transkei. However, as many of the taxa reported need confirmation and none can be considered as part of the Cape Province rap- tor avifauna they are not listed by this survey. Similarly there is only one acceptable record for the Western Redfooted Kestrel, Falco vespertinus , that of a specimen from the Beaufort West district collected in 1875. F. vespertinus is a non-breeding Palaearctic migrant which normally occurs in northern and central Namibia and the single record referred to is probably of a rare vagrant. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Directors, and where applicable the resident ornithologists, of the following museums are thanked for allowing access to their collections and for help in other ways: Albany Mu- seum, Grahamstown; Alexander McGregor Museum, Kimberley; Durban Museum; East Lon- don Museum; National Museum, Bloemfontein; Pietermaritzburg Museum; Port Elizabeth Museum; South African Museum, Cape Town; Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. The authors are obliged to the South African Ornithological Society for access to nest re- cord cards housed at the Percy FitzPatrick Institute for African Ornithology at the University of Cape Town and to P. Morant, of SAFRING at the time of the study, for making various data available. The project would not have been possible without the cooperation of the many profes- sional and non-professional ornithologists who provided unpublished records. To all of them the authors extend their grateful thanks, particularly to: P. Ashton, G. Bligh, M. H. Currie, J. H. Grobler, J. Kieser, P. S. Lockhart, M. Lorraine-Grews, I. A. W. and S. Macdonald, R., J. and E. Martin, P. J. Mundy, P. and M. Neatherway, N. G. Palmer, P. Steyn, C. T. Stuart, L. and G. Underhill, C. J. Uys. Messrs M. H. Currie and N. G. Palmer are thanked for assisting with the literature search and the coding of records, as are Mrs H. Glover and Messrs P. Green and A. Bastiaans of the Cape Provincial Administration Computer Centre for assistance with databanking and map production. During the course of this study R.K.B. was employed under the South African National Programme for Environmental Sciences (C.S.I.R., Pretoria). REFERENCES Acocks, J. P. H. 1975. Veld types of South Africa. Mem. bot. Surv. S. Afr. 40: i - iv, 1 - 128. Benson, C. W. 1979. Review of Snow, D. W. (ed.): An atlas of speciation in African non-passerine birds. Ibis 121: 529 - 531. Boshoff, A. F. and Vernon, C. J. 1980a. The past and present distribution and status of the Cape Vulture in the Cape Province. Ostrich 51: 230 - 250. Boshoff, A. F. and Vernon, C. J. 1980b. The distribution and status of some eagles in the Cape Province. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 13 (9): 107 - 132. Boshoff, A. F., Brooke, R. K. and Crowe, T. M. 1978. A computerized distribution mapping scheme for vertebrates in southern Africa, illustrated by a range decrease in the Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus (Linn.). S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 8: 145 - 149. Broekhuysen, G. J., Broekhuysen, M. R., Martin, J., Martin, E., Martin, R. and Morgan, H. K. 1968. Obser- vations on the birdlife of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 11: 145 - 160. Brooke. R. K. 1974. The African southern limits of the Steppe Eagle in winter. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club. 94: 62. 296 BOSHOFF ET AL.: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF DIURNAL RAPTORS (AYES: FALCONIFORMES) Brooke, R. K. 1978. Sooty Falcon in Transkei. The Bee-eater 29: 1 Brooke, R. K. 1979. Predation on Ostrich eggs by tool-using crows and Egyptian Vultures. Ostrich 50: 257 - 258 Brooke, R. K. and Vernon, C. J. 1981. Early names and records of two small Hieraaetus eagles (Aves: Accipitridae) in the Cape Province of South Africa. Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 13 (10): 133 - 139. Brooke, R. K., Martin, R., Martin, J. and Martin, E. 1980. The Booted Eagle, Hieraaetus pennatus, as a breeding species in South Africa. Gerfaut 70: 297 - 304. Brown, L. H. 1977 The status, population structure and breeding dates of the African Lammergeyer Gypaetus barba- tus meridionalis. Raptor Research 11: 49 - 58. Button, E. L. and Clancey, P. A. 1972. Some interesting records of wintering Palaearctic raptors from the Northern Cape. Durb. Mus. Novit. 9: 201 - 207. Clancey, P. A. (ed.). 1980. S.A.O.S. Checklist of southern African birds. Johannesburg. Southern African Ornithologi- cal Society. Courtenay-Latimer, M. 1964. Check list of the birds of the East London area. S. Afr. Avif. Series. No. 20. Cramp, S. and Simmons, K. E. L. 1980. The birds of the Western Palearctic. II. Oxford. Oxford University Press. Cyrus, D. and Robson, N. 1980. Bird atlas of Natal. Pietermaritzburg. University of Natal Press. Layard, E. L. 1867. The birds of South Africa. Cape Town. Juta. Liversidge, R., Richardson, P. and Gubb, A. 1981. The Sooty Falcon Falco concolor in the southern Kalahari. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club. 101: 268 - 270. McLachlan, G. R. and Liversidge. R. 1978. Roberts Birds of South Africa. Cape Town. Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund. Mills, M. G. L. 1976. A revised checklist of birds in Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 19: 49 - 62. Mundy, P. J. 1978. The Egyptian Vulture ( Neophron percnopterus ) in southern Africa. Biol. Cons. 14: 307 - 315. Mundy, P. J. 1980. The comparative biology of south African vultures. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis, University of Zimbabwe. Salisbury. Roberts, A. 1940 The Birds of South Africa. London. Witherby. Siegfried. W. R.. Frost, P. G. H., Cooper. J. and Kemp, A. 1976. South African Red Data Book: Aves. (South African National Scientific Programmes, Report No. 7.) Pretoria. CSIP. Skead, C. J. 1967. Ecology of birds in the Eastern Cape Province. Ostrich Suppl. No. 7. Snow, D. W. (ed.) 1978. An atlas of speciation in African non-Passerine birds. London Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). Van der Merwe, F. 1981. Review of the status and biology of the Black Harrier. Ostrich 52: 193 - 207. Vernon, C. J. 1978. A review of the status of raptors in the Eastern Cape. In A symposium on African predatory birds. Pretoria. Northern Transvaal Ornithological Society, pp. 87 - 95. 297 .3 i .ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS NATURAL HISTORY Ann. Cape Prov. Mas. (nat. Hist.) 24th JUNE 1983 PUBLISHED JOINTLY BY THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS AT THE ALBANY MUSEUM, GRAHAMSTOWN SOUTH AFRICA Printed by CTP Book Printers, Cape BD1289 On the Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) of Southern Africa with keys to African genera of images, larvae and pupae and species lists by K. M. F. SCOTT Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa CONTENTS Page Abstract 300 Introduction 300 Scales and abbreviations used 302 Keys to genera of Afrotropical Hydropsychidae (a) Imagos 303 (b) Larvae 305 (c) Pupae 308 Descriptions, discussion, biology and species lists Subfamily Hydropsychinae 311 Hydropsyche 311 Hydropsyche longifurca Kimmins 311 African species of Hydropsyche 321 Cheumatopsyche 324 Cheumatopsyche thomasseti (Ulmer) 324 African species of Cheumatopsyche 336 Hydromanicus 341 Hydromanicus seychellensis Ulmer 341 African species of Hydromanicus 342 Subfamily Diplectroninae 342 Sciadorus 342 Sciadorus obtusus Barnard 343 African species of Sciadorus (endemic genus) 351 Diplectronella 351 Diplectronella medialis Marlier 352 African species of Diplectronella 358 Diplectrona 358 Diplectrona felix McLachlan 359 African species of Diplectrona 359 Subfamily Macronematinae 360 Tribe Macronematini Macrostemum (replaces Macronema, see pp 360 & 368) (for change of name see p. 368) 360 Macrostemum capense (Walker) 360 African species of Macrostemum 370 Amphipsyche 371 Amphipsyche scottae Kimmins 372 African species of Amphipsyche 380 299 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 8, JUNE 1983 Protomacronema 381 Protomacronema pubescens Ulmer 382 African species of Protomacronema (endemic genus) 388 Leptonema 389 Leptonema natalense Mosely 389 African species of Leptonema 397 Tribe Polymorphanisini Polymorphanisus 398 Polymorphanisus bipunctatus (Brauer) 399 African species of Polymorphanisus 406 Aethaloptera 407 Aethaloptera maxima Ulmer 408 African species of Aethaloptera 415 Histograms (Fig. 214) showing larval instars of Cheumatopsyche , Macrostemum, Amphipsyche and Aethaloptera species 416 Acknowledgements 417 References 417 ABSTRACT The different stages of one species of each of the genera of Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera) found in Southern Africa (south of the Zambezi River), are described, figured and discussed as far as available material allows, the main emphasis being on the immature stages. The genera included are Hydropsyche , Cheumatopsyche, Sciadorus, Diplectronella, Macrostemum , Am- phipsyche, Protomacronema , Leptonema, Polymorphanisus and Aethaloptera. Of these, Di- plectronella, from Central Africa, has been included in case it should be found further south and for comparative purposes. Notes on Hydromanicus, from the Seychelles, and Diplectrona, from North Africa, have been included, and they have also been included in the keys. Illus- trated keys to imagos, larvae and pupae of African genera are given (“Africa” here means the Afrotropical Region, including Africa south of the Sahara and the Malagasy Subregion, to- gether with North Africa). In the case of each genus a list of the species recorded from Africa is appended, with references and distribution. Macrostemum natalense (Ulmer) is placed in the synonomy of M. capense (Walker), and Sciadorus sinuatus Marlier transferred to the genus Di- plectronella as D. sinuata (Marlier). INTRODUCTION This account of the Hydropsychidae of Southern Africa is based mainly on specimens in the Albany Museum Collection of Freshwater Invertebrates, which derives largely from collec- tions made by the staff of the National Institute for Water Research of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, during hydrobiological surveys of various river systems throughout South Africa. To these have been added several other collections, and sup- plementary material has been made available to me by various museums and other workers in the field (see Acknowledgements). The aim in the present paper has been to describe and illustrate as fully as possible the im- mature stages of the Southern African genera, including earlier larval instars wherever possible but giving only a very brief description of the adults, together with keys and necessary dis- cussion. References to the literature have been included, and generic diagnoses have been quoted or adapted from it as they are seldom accessible to field workers, yet are invaluable for checking identifications. In each genus the species recorded from Africa have been listed with 300 SCOTT: HYDROPSYCHIDAE (TRICHOPTERA) OF SOUTHERN AFRICA WITH KEYS comments, noting the known stages, but it has not been possible to check the validity of doubt- ful species. The genera fall into three of the four formerly recognized subfamilies of the Hydropsychi- dae, the Hydropsychinae, Diplectroninae and Macronematinae. The fourth is now usually raised to family status, as the Arctopsychidae, and does not occur in Africa, apparently being confined to the Northern Hemisphere. The procedure followed is outlined below. The keys, to imagos, mature larvae and pupae, are given first, each couplet being illustrated wherever necessary by reference to the text figures. These keys include all genera recorded from Africa. The term ‘Africa’ is here used to denote the Afrotropical Region (i.e. Africa south of the Sahara together with South-West Ara- bia, which formed the old Ethiopian Region, together with the Malagasy Subregion), plus North Africa. (See Crosskey & White, 1977, for the term ‘Afrotropical Region.) This seemed desirable for completeness and for use by workers in other parts of Africa. In point of fact, Hydromanicus Brauer, found in the Seychelles, Diplectrona Westwood, a Palaearctic genus extending into North Africa, and Diplectronella Ulmer from Central Africa, are probably the only valid genera included that do not occur in Southern Africa. Hydropsy- chodes Ulmer has been placed in the synonymy of Cheumatopsyche Wallengren (Kimmins 1963), Plesiopsyche Navas and Symphitopsyche Ulmer in that of Hydropsyche Pictet (see Ross & Unzicker 1977 and Schmid 1979); the genera Phanostoma Brauer and Amphipsyche McLachlan have been combined, and Chloropsyche McLachlan placed in the synonymy of Ae- thaloptera Brauer (Kimmins 1962a). Excepting in the cases of Protomacronema and Diplectro- nella, Southern African specimens have been used in making the drawings. The keys are followed by a descriptive section, forming the main body of the paper, in which is given as complete a coverage of the developmental stages of each genus as is possible from the material available, together with a brief account of the imagos, the latter mainly for recognition purposes. In writing these sections, and in building up the keys, reference was, of course, made to the not inconsiderable literature on the subject, and the keys, particularly those to imagos and pupae, owe much to the excellent papers produced by the late Dr Georg Ulmer (1951, 1957), as well as to those of many other workers in the field. Following Ulmer’s practice, the couplets have been expanded to enable further points to be checked and identifications made more cer- tain, particularly in cases where parts of a specimen are damaged or missing. Much use has also been made of the late Dr F. C. J. Fischer’s invaluable Trichopterorum Catalogus (volumes IV, 1963, and XIII, 1972); his nomenclature has in most cases been followed. A general treatment of African families of Trichoptera (Marlier’s “Genera des Tri- chopteres de l’Afrique”) appeared in 1962, but because this admirable work covers the entire Order, the descriptions are necessarily brief, not very fully illustrated, and include only final instar larvae. It was therefore felt that a much fuller treatment of the family was needed for the use of ecologists in Southern Africa, and for use by workers on any African material. The keys were produced prior to the appearance of Marlier's, being based primarily on the older litera- ture and on specimens in hand. They have, however, been checked against his and others and tested in use for some time. The genus Protomacronema , while mainly Central African, has also been recorded from Zululand (Kwazulu), from the Zambezi River in Mozambique and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and from its upper reaches and tributaries in Angola. Mature larvae were first described by Gibbs (1973), even then tentatively, from Ghanaian material, and the account in this paper is based on specimens generously sent to me by him, and compared with his own description. Statzner (in litt.) has confirmed this correlation. Marlier (1965/66) listed Protomacronema lar- vae as occurring in Angola, basing his identification on their occurrence in the same area as 301 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 8, JUNE 1983 Protomacronema imagos, together with their notable differences from known Hydropsychid larvae. I borrowed those specimens for study from the Museo do Dundo, but it transpired from Gibbs’ work that they were in fact Leptonema larvae, probably of L. normale Banks, Leptonema evidently being a genus showing a wide variation in certain larval characters, notably the procoxae, size of stridulatory files and shape of anal gills. The genus Diplectronella , first described from Ceylon (Ulmer 1928), has only been record- ed from Central Africa to date, but may yet be discovered in mountainous regions further south. It has been described from specimens kindly made available by Dr Decelle of the Musee Royale de l'Afrique Centrale at Tervuren, and compared with larvae determined for Dr E. J. Young, collected in Kenya. Comments on the material studied, particularly the larvae, are given under each genus, only one species being described in each case. Where possible, however, several species have been compared in an endeavour to ensure that characters used in the keys are of generic rather than specific value. Further localities are given from records in the Collection catalogues to supplement the known distribution of certain species. Except where otherwise specified, the specimens studied are in the Albany Museum. It should be noted that the keys which follow are not necessarily applicable in other parts of the world. Methods of study have been described by Barnard (1934), Ross (1944), Wiggins (1977) and may others. Terms used in this paper are illustrated in the earlier figures (cf. Figs 1-6, 10-12, 17, 19, 24) and occasionally in later ones where required. Most of the adult specimens studied have been in spirit; in these the setae, particularly of wings, may have been lost, though their bases may still be distinguishable. Pinned (dry) speci- mens are very fragile, and must be handled most carefully; they tend to lose antennae, legs or wings, rather than setae. Drawings have been made either from spirit material under a stereo- microscope (magnification from x8 to x216) or, in the case of genitalia, from material cleared in KOH and drawn in clove oil. In the case of larvae and pupae all were in spirit. Parts too small for convenient study under the stereomicroscope were mounted in glycerine, gum chloral or Euparal for drawing under a compound microscope (magnification used from Xl5 to x600). An Abbe Drawing Apparatus was used to ensure correct proportions. SCALES AND ABBREVIATIONS USED SCALES Scale lines represent 1,0 mm unless otherwise indicated. ABBREVIATIONS Wing notation: C, costa; Sc, subcosta; RS, Radial sector; Ri, R2, Rs, R-t, Rs, branches of radius; Mi, M2, M3, M4, branches of media, M; Cma, Cuib, Q12, branches of cubitus; 1A, 2A, 3A, anal veins; arc, arculus; dc, discoidal cell; he, humeral crossvein; me, median cell; m-cu, crossvein between media and cubitus; pt, pterostigma; r-m, crossvein between radius and media; sdc, subdiscoi- dal cell; tc, thyridial cell; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, apical forks; wf, wing fold; wh, wing-coupling hooks. Note corneous points in fork 2 and thyridial cell. Other abbreviations: ac, anteclypeus; ava, anterior ventral apotome; ant, antenna; ats, apical tibial spurs; co, coxa; ep, epimeron; fc, frontoclypeus; fca, frontoclypeal apotome; lp, labial palpus; mp, maxillary 302 SCOTT: HYDROPSYCHIDAE (TRICHOPTERA) OF SOUTHERN AFRICA WITH KEYS palpus; pe, pre-episternum (1st pleural sclerite); p2, second pleural sclerite; psw, posterior se- tose wart; pt, pterostigma; pts, pre-apical tibial spurs; sf, stridulatory file; st, stipes (plural = stipites); ve, vertex. KEYS TO GENERA OF AFROTROP1CAL HYDROPSYCHIDAE (a) IMAGOS This key in various forms has been in use for a long time. It owes much to keys and data given by Ulmer (1951), also by Barnard (1934) and Ross (1944); many other authorities have also been consulted, all have been included in the list of references. 1. in hind wing RS first forks at anastomosis (i.e. at level of main cross-veins, cf Figs 91 & 4), from a common base, forming a long subdiscoidal cell; Ri, generally with Sc, joins RS distal to anastomosis (in Polymorphcmisus by a cross-vein only. Fig. 180); discoidal cell open or absent, strongly curved macrotrichia on costal margin. In fore- wing discoidal cell closed, open or absent. Antennae 2 to 4 times length of forewing in c3, longer than forewing in 2, very slender, threadlike. Maxillary and labial palpi present or absent. Vertex of head generally with anterior setose warts larger than posterior ones (Figs 88, 116); smaller in Leptonema (Fig. 158) and 9 Protomacrone- ma (Fig. 144) Subfamily MACRONEMATINAE Ulmer 3 — In hind wing RS forks before anastomosis (Figs 4, 46), subdiscoidal cell absent, Ri and Sc do not joing RS apically; discoidal cell closed; strongly curved macrotrichia absent. In forewing discoidal cell closed. Antennae not much longer than forewings, often shorter, slender to fairly stout, not threadlike. Maxillary and labial palpi al- ways present. Vertex with paired posterior warts larger than anterior pair (Figs 1, 20,43,66) 2 2. In hind wing Sc and Ri join apically before joining costa. 5th abdominal sternum lacks paired filamentous appendages. Outer leg claws may be concealed by tuft of black setae. African genera with tibial spurs 2.4.4 or 0.4.4. Antennae smooth. 2 genitalia with sternal plates of VIII partly or completely separated; mid-tibiae and tarsi of 9 usually dilated. (See Figs 1-6 & 20-25) Subfamily HYDROPSYCHINAE Curtis 8 — In hind wing Sc and Ri remain separate to margin, 5th abdominal sternum with a pair of filamentous lateral appendages, each arising from an internal gland. Outer leg claws not concealed by tuft of setae. African genera with tibial spurs 2.4.4. An- tennae appear serratulate owing to setal arrangement and internal dilatation, 9 gen- italia with sternal plates of VIII separated to base, mid-tibiae and tarsi of 2 not di- lated. (See Figs 43-48) Subfamily D1PLECTRONINAE Ulmer 10 3. Palpi absent or rudimentary, medium-sized to very large species, wings usually glassy, middle tibiae with 2 or 3 spurs Tribe POLYMORPHANISINI Lestage 4 — Palpi always present, usually well developed, medium-sized species, wings glassy or hairy, middle tibiae with 4 spurs Tribe MACRONEMATINI Lestage 5 4. Tibial spurs 0.2.2 or 0.3.2. Forewing with discoidal cell present or absent, small false discal cell enclosing the corneous spot, median cell very large, quadrangular. Medi- um-sized (<3 forewing c. 10-18 mm, 2 smaller) (Figs 192-198) Aethaloptera Brauer (Syn. Chloropsyche McLachlan) — Tibial spurs 1.3.2, 1.3.3, or 2.3.3. Forewing with discoidal cell closed, median cell subtriangular. Very large (6 forewing up to 25 mm). Some African species have a pair of conspicuous dark spots on the mesoscutellum. (Figs (Figs 177-180) Polymorphcmisus Walker 303 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 8, JUNE 1983 5. Forewing with discoidal cell open or absent; palpi large or small. Tibial spurs 0.4.4, 1.4.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.2, 0.3.2 or 0.2.2. Wings glassy or hairy, hind wings very wide, triangular, much folded 6 — Forewing with discoidal cell closed; palpi well developed. Tibial spurs 0.4.4, 1.4.4 or 2.4.4. Wings usually hairy, hind wings normally shaped 7 6. Palpi present but poorly developed, forewing with false fork 5 between Cui & Cuz. Tibial spurs 1.4.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.2, 0.3.2 or 0.2.2. No stalked processes on 5th abdominal sternum. Wings glassy, 3 forewing c. 11-18 mm, $ smaller. (Figs 116-121) Amphipsyche McLachlan — Palpi well developed but slender, often inconspicuous in 3 , shorter in $ ; 3 fore- wing with forks, 1, 2, 3, 4 (no false fork 5, Cui, Q12 & 1A all ending in an anastomo- sis), 9 with forks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Tibial spurs 0.4.4. Pair of small knob-like processes, stalked, on 5th abdominal sternum in 3 . Wings hairy, 3 forewing c. 10—13 mm, 9 smaller. (Figs 137-144) Protomacronema Ulmer 7. Vertex with anterior warts smaller than posterior. Hind wing with fork 5 longer than fork 2. 2nd segment of maxillary palp longer than third. 5th sternum in both sexes with pair of fenestrae. Spurs 2.4.4 or 1.4.4. Wings usually hairy, a few species with clear wings. 3 forewing c. 10-17 mm. 9 usually larger. (Figs 158-163) Leptonema Guerin-Meneville — Vertex with anterior warts larger than posterior. Forewing with Sc joining Ri before reaching wing margin; hind wing with fork 5 shorter than fork 2. 2nd segment of maxillary palp shorter than 3rd. 5th sternum in 3 (not in 9) without fenestrae but with a pair of lateral processes. Spurs 2.4.4 or 1.4.4. Wings usually glassy, some- times hairy, often brightly patterned, 3 forewing c. 10-20 mm, 9 smaller. (Figs 88-93) Macrostemum Kolenati 8. Hind wing with fork 1 present (may be small), median cell closed or open; tibial spurs 2.4.4 9 — Hind wing usually with fork 1 absent (if present compare with couplet 9), median cell open, veins M & Cui usually well separated, cross-vein large. Spurs 2.4.4, rarely 0.4.4. 3 copulatory organ without long forked ventral process. 9 with sternal plates of VIII separated to base of segment; mid-tibiae and tarsi of 9 dilated. 3 forewing 6- 8 mm long, 9 slightly larger. (Figs 20-25) Cheumatopsyche Wallengren (Syn. Hydropsychodes Ulmer) 9. Median cell in hind wing closed, veins M & Cui usually very close together, cross- vein short. 3 copulatory organ with forked ventral process longer than the organ it- self (Afrotropical species & certain N. American species). 9 with sternal plates of VIII separated for only 2/3 distance to base of segment, mid-tibiae and tarsi strongly widened. 3 forewing 9-11 mm, 9 slightly larger. (Figs 1-6) Hydropsyche Pictet (Synonyms Plesiopsyche Navas & Symphitopsyche Ulmer) — Median cell in hind wing open, veins M & Cm well separated, crossvein clear. 3 copulatory organ without long forked ventral process, in this species terminal seg- ment of 3 claspers apically concave, blackened, with thick inner covering of black setae. 3 mid-leg not widened. 3 forewing 7-8 mm, 9 8-10 mm. (See Ulmer 1910a: 47-49, figs 11-14 for wings & 3 genitalia) Hydromanicus seychellensis Ulmer (Seychelles) 10. Fork 1 in hind wing present, obvious; hind wing with Sc & Ri sinuous, strongly bent upwards to meet costa apically. Vertex of head with two pairs large warts. 3 with 2 pairs large, rounded reticulated internal organs in abdomen (number depends on species, 2 pairs being most usual): processes on sternum of V very long. 3 forewing 7- 9 mm (in D. felix McLachlan,. the only known African species). (For figures see 304 SCOTT: HYDROPSYCHIDAE (TRICHOPTERA) OF SOUTHERN AFRICA WITH KEYS Mosely 1939, figs 411-415) Diplectrona Westwood (North Africa only) — Fork 1 in hind wing absent (if present then minute) , other characters various 11 11. Eyes rather small, sparsely pubescent; hind wing with Sc & Ri not strongly bent up- wards to meet costa, wing not deeply rounded posteriorly, fork 1 absent (occasional- ly present but minute). Vertex of head with narrow anterolateral warts, posterior warts very large. 8 abdomen with 2 pairs large, rounded reticulate internal organs, processes on abdomen V (c?, $) short, not extending beyond segment V. 8 fore- wing 5-9 mm. (Figs 43-48) Sciadorus Barnard — Eyes fairly large, strongly pubescent; hind wing with Sc & Ri sinuous, bowed to- wards costa basally & strongly bent up to meet costa apically; wing deeply rounded posteriorly, fork 1 always absent. Vertex of head with sinuous beanshaped antero- lateral warts, posterior warts fairly large (compare Figs 66 & 43). 8 abdomen with- out such large internal organs, processes on abdomen V very long, reaching end of abdomen in 8 , in $ to mid-VI or longer. 8 forewing 7-11. (Figs 66-72) Diplectronella Ulmer (b) LARVAE All Flydropsychid larvae are campodeiform, having long, two-jointed anal prolegs project- ing beyond and free from the membranous lobes of the tenth abdominal segment; all three thoracic terga are sclerotised, and tufted tracheal gills are present on the ventral surface of tho- rax and abdomen in all instars except the first and, in some Macronematine genera, the sec- ond. In counting gills it must be borne in mind that, as the abdomen enlarges in later instars, the double stems of certain gills may become quite widely separated. The larval head is oval to oblong, with eyes (grouped ocelli) placed below several cuticular lenses; antennae minute, situ- ated close to the bases of the large mandibles; maxillary palpi stout, sometimes very long, la- bial palpi very small, not easily seen. The ventral side of the head usually bears stridulatory files (except in the Polymorphanisini), the scrapers being situated on the forelegs. When pres- ent these organs are presumably used by a larva as a warning to other larvae trespassing on its “territory”, i.e. too close to its net (see Johnstone 1964), or actually invading it (Jansson & Vuoristo 1979), when stridulation often accompanied by fighting between the larvae has been observed. Abdominal terga I- VIII are without dorsal sclerites, though there may be one on IX; setose sternal plates may be present on VIII & IX, or IX only or absent. The larvae lack trans- portable cases but construct shelters and spin complex catching nets in which to trap food. These structures differ according to genus, and sometimes within a genus. Most genera may also sally forth at times to capture prey or, being very pugnacious, to repel invaders, or to es- cape unfavourable conditions (see Sattler 1963, Kaiser 1965, Edington 1965, Wallace 1975 and others). The larvae live on and under rocks or stones or amongst roots of aquatic macrophytes in running water or on wave-washed shores of large lakes. They often abound where food sup- plies are plentiful and flow is rapid, as may be the case below impoundments. Biological notes are given under each genus. In this family there appear to be either five or six larval instars, the Macronematinae hav- ing six, the other subfamilies five. The key which follows applies to mature larvae and cannot be used for first or second instar larvae in which neither gills nor pre-episterna (fore trochantin of Wiggins 1977) nor limb claws are as yet sufficiently developed. It must be used with caution in the case of third instar larvae. Fourth and fifth instars (the latter where there are six) are sufficiently like the mature larva for reasonably easy recognition, though the colour pattern may not as yet be fully developed. Early instars can, however, sometimes be recognized from characters mentioned in the text, particularly when collected together with later instars of the same species. AM— 2 305 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 8, JUNE 1983 Synonymy, given in the key to imagos under the genera concerned, is not repeated in the keys to larvae and pupae. Synonyms can, of course, also be found, with references, in the sec- tions on the genera which follow the keys. 1. Pre-episternum at base of foreleg forked (all African genera in this group) (Fig. 17); apex of submentum with deep median incision (Figs 12, 32); dorsal surface of head without carina, ventral surface with stridulatory files (Figs 12, 32); anteclypeus not sclerotised; left mandible with inner brush of setae (Fig. 14); branched tracheal gills on abdominal segments II-VI in four rows, small conical dorsolateral gills (“Zipfel- kiemen” of Ulmer) present ; setose ventral sclerites on VIII & IX HYDROPSYCHINAE Curtis 3 — Pre-episternum at base of foreleg not forked but simple (Figs 61, 105a, 132); apex of submentum entire (Figs 58, 131); dorsal surface of head with or without carina (Figs 100, 102, 57); stridulatory files present or absent, anteclypeus with or without scle- rites; left mandible with or without inner brush; branched tracheal gills on ab- dominal segments II-VI in two, four, six or eight rows, “Zipfelkiemen” present or absent 2 2. Meso- and metanotal shields with transverse sutures along which they break at ec- dysis (Fig. 59); head without carina; frontoclypeal apotome very broad, with deep indentations opposite eyes, behind which it is strongly expanded (Fig. 57); anterior and posterior ventral apotomes large (Figs 58, 81), stridulatory files present; left mandible with inner brush; tracheal gills in four or six rows, “Zipfelkiemen” pres- ent; setose ventral sclerites on segments VIII & IX DIPLECTRONINAE Ulmer 5 — Meso- and metanotal shields without transverse sutures, remaining whole at ecdysis (Figs 111, 207); head with or without carina, frontoclypeal apotome not widely ex- panded behind eyes (Fig. 100); anterior ventral apotome small, posterior ventral apotome minute or absent, stridulatory files present or absent; left mandible with or without inner brush; tracheal gills in two, six or eight rows, “Zipfelkiemen” absent; setose ventral sclerites on IX only (except in Leptonema) or absent MACRONEMATINAE Ulmer 7 3. Naked dorsal branch of pre-episternum about \\ times length of bristly branch and as wide basally; head and thorax with small, weak setae, mainly tapered, a few blunt or scale-like, glabrous in appearance; 3 metasternal gills, larvae up to 15 mm long. (Marlier 1978c, Figs 12-13.) Hydromanicus Brauer (Seychelles) — Naked dorsal branch of pre-episternum as long as or shorter than the bristly branch, basally narrower (Fig. 17); head and thorax strongly setose, rough in appearance 4 4. Most setae on head short, blunt, peglike; right mandible without setulae on upper apical tooth; anterior margin of frontoclypeal apotome smooth; large paired oval sclerites present on intersegmental fold posterior to prosternal shield; 2 pairs meta- sternal gills, four anal gills. Larva up to c. 15 mm long. (Figs 11-19, Table I) Hydropsyche Pictet — Setae on head tapered; right mandible with small tuft of setulae on upper apical tooth; anterior margin of frontoclypeal apotome often notched or crenulate; sclerites on intersegmental fold small, sometimes concealed or absent; 3 metasternal gills, four or five anal gills. Larvae up to c. 8 mm in length. (Figs 30-40, Table III) Cheumatopsyche Wallengren 5. Frontoclypeal apotome widest in centre, anterior and posterior ventral apotomes very large, together much longer than mid-ventral ecdysial line; no line of setulae on upper surface of mandibles; head & thoracic nota with many small sharply pointed setae 6 306 SCOTT: HYDROPSYCHIDAE (TRICHOPTERA) OF SOUTHERN AFRICA WITH KEYS — Frontoclypeal apotome at least as broad anteriorly as in middle or broader, anterior and posterior ventral apotomes fairly large, but together shorter than mid-ventral ecdysial line; a line of setulae on upper surface of each mandible; head and thoracic nota with many large setae, some of which are blunt much as in Hydropsyche ; basal seta on foreclaw slender, fairly long, on other claws stumpy; branched tracheal gills in four rows, no fan on anal prolegs. Length of larva c. 15-18 mm. (Figs 79-87, Table VII) Diplectronella Ulmer 6. Foreclaw and basal seta slender, pointed; branched tracheal gills in four rows; few apical setae on anal prolegs (see Wiggins 1977, fig. 6.4) Diplectrona Westwood (N. Africa) — Basal seta of foreclaw short, stumpy, spinelike, as is claw; branched tracheal gills in six rows; large fans on anal prolegs. Length of larva 13-14 mm. (Figs 56-65, Table V) Sciadorus Barnard 7. Stridulatory files absent; mandibles without lines of setulae or inner brush; pre-epi- sternum large, sharply pointed, either collarlike (Fig. 188) or dagger-shaped (Fig. 208); body glabrous, gills on abdominal segments II-VI in eight rows. (Early instars of both genera have the frontoclypeal apotome with characteristic triangular mar- gin.) Tribe POLYMORPHANISIN1 Lestage 8 — Stridulatory files present; mandibles with or without lines of setulae and inner brush; pre-episternum small, conical (Fig. 132); body glabrous or rough, gills on abdominal segments II-VI in two, six or eight rows Tribe MACRONEMAT1NI Lestage 9 8. Pre-episternum collar-like with sharp anterior points; head and thorax long, narrow, smooth, shining, much narrower than abdomen; frontoclypeal apotome narrow, lab- rum large, almost circular, lacking strong lateral brushes, maxillary palpi very long, slender, retractile; forelegs without brushes; setose plates on sterna of VIII, IX, ab- sent. Larvae large, up to 40 mm in length or more. (Figs 185-191, Table XVI) Polymorphanisus Walker — Pre-episternum narrow, dagger-shaped, as long as coxa; head relatively short & broad; thoracic segments broader than long, not strikingly narrower than abdomen; frontoclypeal apotome broadly triangular, broad labrum with strong lateral brushes, maxillary palpi small; forelegs with weak brushes on tibia and tarsus; setose plates present on sternum of IX. Larva medium-sized, 14-15 mm long. (Figs 203-213, Table XVIII) Aethaloptera Brauer 9. Plead with U- or horseshoe-shaped carina on dorsal surface, enclosing a broad, part- ly sunken area (Figs 100-102); mandibles without inner bristles or lines of setulae; foreleg with or without brush, fore femur with thumblike basal process (Fig. 132a); tracheal gills on abdominal segments II-VI in six or eight rows, body smooth 10 — Head without carina; inner brush on left mandible, line of setulae along upper tooth in both mandibles; forelegs without brushes, anterior femur without basal process but with stridulatory protuberance, fore coxae variously armed according to species; tracheal gills on abdominal segments II-VI in two rows, body rough, bristly (thickly clad with small scalelike setae). (Figs 168-176, Table XIV) Leptonerna Guerin-Meneville 10. Carina cuts off a triangular piece from apex of frontoclypeal apotome, head (known species) bright chestnut or orange-brown, smooth, with fringe of long, stiff setae bordering carina; anteclypeus with two sclerotized plates; prosternal plate with median sulcus; brushes on forelegs very strong; gills on abdominal segments II & III in eight rows, on IV-VI in six rows. (Figs 99-109, Table IX) Macrostemum Kolenati — Carina does not cut off a triangular piece from apex of frontoclypeal apotome, head (known species) dark brown or yellow with orange-brown or yellowish patterning; 307 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 14 PT 8, JUNE 1983 anteclypeus with four sclerotized plates; prosternal plate without median sulcus; brushes on forelegs weak; gills on abdominal segments II-VI in either six or eight rows 11 11. Carina runs through apex of frontoclypeal apotome exactly through point, head brown or yellow, usually with two conspicuous pale marks on frontoclypeal apotome and many setulae, no long curled setae on head; abdominal segments II-VI with gills in eight rows. (Figs 127-136, Table XI) Amphipsyche McLachlan — Carina runs along apex of frontoclypeal apotome outlining a triangle, head in only known species brown patterned with orange-brown, long curling secondary setae on frontoclypeal apotome and within border of carina; gills on abdominal segments II- VI in six rows. (Figs 148-157, Table XIII) Protomacronema Ulmer (correlated by Gibbs (1973), confirmed by Statzner, in litt. (6.ix.l980) & paper (1981) (c) PUPAE Hydropsychid pupae are easily recognizable by their branched, tufted abdominal gills and typical anal processes (Figs 7, 8, 49, 52 etc.). The ventral gills are very similar to those of the larvae, however, the lateral gills may have enlarged pouch-like bases or resemble conical pock- ets, several often being superimposed (Figs 49, 122). The paired anal processes are situated at the end of the abdomen and may be wide or narrow, usually terminating in finger-like, plate- like or bifurcated apices (Figs 95, 125, 75). In the male there are paired ventral pockets con- taining the genitalia. Presegmental hook-bearing plates occur on abdominal terga II/III to VI/ VII/VIII, varying according to genus, and postsegmental hook-bearing plates on terga III, III and IV or III, IV and V, at any rate in African species (Figs 7, 7a). The abdomen does not bear a long fringe of lateral setae, though the venter may be hairy and the dorsum may show lines or patches of setae or patches of shagreening (cuticular thickenings resembling those on sharkskin). The mid-legs, particularly of the female, are generally flattened, widened and fringed with setae to form oars. The final instar larva constructs a stout case of sand grains or rock frag- ments, sometimes with an admixutre of vegetable matter, in which to pupate. Within this case, which is anchored to the rock or stone adjacent to it, is a silken cocoon enclosing the pupa. The pupal case almost invariably has sieve plates at each end to allow free passage of water. At the anterior end is a cap of sand grains which, on emergence, is removed by the pupa (pharate imago) using its mandibles (Figs 27-29). The discarded larval sclerites are generally retained within the case, tucked into the posterior end. When still present they can be used to assist in identification of the species and in the correlation of larva, pupa and imago in the case of a ma- ture male pupa with undamaged genitalia. The pupa is exarate, leaving the case as a pharate adult, able to swim to the surface of the water and climb up any projecting object on which eclosion takes place and from which the perfect insect flies away. 1. Antennae short, stout, not more than If times body length at most in 8, usually little longer than body, often shorter, in 9 . Anal appendages with apices deeply forked (Figs 53, 75) or ending in two points with a concavity between them (Figs 8, 26a), or truncate (Seychelles genus only); mandibles and palpi always present; lat- eral gills conical, trachael gills branched 2 — Antennae very long, filiform, 2-4 times body length, coiled round or dorsal to pos- terior end of body in <3, in $ shorter, not coiled but recurved; anal appendages not apically forked or cup-shaped, but apices bluntly or sharply pointed (see Figs 95, 124, 145, 165, 184, 201); mandibles present or absent, if present with well-developed apical & lateral teeth (Fig. 97), palpi present or absent; presegmental dorsal plates 308 SCOTT: HYDROPSYCHIDAE (TRICHOPTERA) OF SOUTHERN AFRICA WITH KEYS on segments II/1II— VI/VI I/VIII , postsegmental on III or III & IV; lateral gills not conical but may have expanded pouch-like bases; tibial spurs various MACRONEMATINAE Ulmer 7 2. Anal appendages straight, narrow, apices deeply forked (Figs 53, 75); antennae as long as or shorter than body; sternum of V with pair of ventrolateral filiform pro- cesses; gills on segments II— VII, (Figs 49-79); presegmental dorsal plates on II— VII- /VIII, postsegmental on III & IV or III, IV, V; tibial spurs 2.4.4 DIPLECTRONINAE Ulmer 3 — Anal appendages curved dorsad, apices truncate or ending in two points with a con- cavity between them (Figs 8, 26a); antennae not more than If times body length, usually less, in 2 shorter than body; sternum of V without filiform processes; gills on segments II— IV/VII; presegmental dorsal plates on II/III— VIII, postsegmental on III & IV; tibial spurs 2.4.4 or 0.4.4 HYDROPSYCHINAE Curtis 5 3. Anal appendages with both branches of apical forks very long, dagger-shaped; inner surface of mandibles proximal to teeth smooth; presegmental dorsal plates on seg- ments II-VII, postsegmental on III & IV. (For figs see Ulmer 1957 pi. 30 figs 607-610) Diplectrona Westwood (North Africa) — Anal appendages with branches of apical fork shorter, not dagger-shaped (Figs 53, 75) 4 4. Anal appendages with both terminal points of apical fork subtriangular, pointed, strongly denticulate, particularly within fork; inner surface of mandibles proximal to teeth smooth; presegmental dorsal plates on segments II— VIII, postsegmental on III, IV and V. (Figs 49-53, Table VI) Sciadorus Barnard — Anal appendages with terminal points of apical fork broad, blunt; inner surface of mandibles proximal to teeth denticulate; presegmental dorsal plates on II-VII, post- segmental on III and IV. (Figs 73-77, Table VIII) Diplectronella Ulmer 5. Anal appendages with wide, blunt apices, finely crenate or serrated apically but not concave; presegmental places on III— VIII; mandibles with large apical teeth; ventral and lateral gills on segments II-VII; mid-legs of 6 & 2 not widened but tarsi fringed; antennae ( 30 m w 00 n^£uu^x m :z m C/> V, CO — CO — to R1ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH11WS S3iHVd8n LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAI CO z Sj- (S> Z _ CO z 2 .x^Tx < JR’ • 2 < s ^ Z > ^pr- 2 ‘^\ > X^msSX _ 00 z <0 z co v z I1SNI NVINOSH1IIAIS S3ldVdan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVINOSH1IW co 3^ co ~ co q o dcx — -•^r" O dsz _ O R I ES^SMITHSOmAN~*INSTITUTION NOliniliSNl^NyiNOSHlI WS S3ldVd8n LIBRARI ES^SMITHSONIA Z r* z r^»z r* Z o ~ O z^5Tin7>v _ xs. 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