' f‘ ‘ I’.'w r mt’ii' ,' ' ■ .’••• • '» !l 1 . •< ’. ■' -"i t;,. ■ •'<. „•; '4' 1 i '4 i 4 V 1 It n Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums Natural History Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Volume 19 Part 1 30th J anuary 1994 \ 1 'I 1 jUH 2 6 Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums j at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series, Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the collection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in cormection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahamstown 6140. Editor Dr F. W. GESS Assistant Editor Dr S. K. GESS Die Gattung Sphinginopalpus Pic (Coleoptera: Malachiidae) im siidlichen Afrika (36. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afrikas) von W. WITTMER (Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Schweiz) INHALT Seite Abstract 3 Material und Verdankungen 3 Einfiihrung 4 Incertae sedis 6 Bestimmungstabelle fiir die Arten der Gattung Sphinginopalpus Pic 8 Beschreibungen (Taxonomic) und Kommentare 16 Sphinginopalpus (Untergattung Sphinginafricanus) 1. S. (S.) atripennis Champion 18 2. S. (S.) pallidicornis sp. nov 19 3. S. (S.) delicatulus sp. nov 21 4. S. (S.) bilineaticeps Pic 22 5. S. (S.) reavelli sp. nov 24 6. S. (S.) complicatus sp. nov 25 7. S. (S.) nerinaensis sp. nov 27 8. S. (S.) endroedyi sp.nov 29 9. S. (S.) tergalis sp. nov 31 10. S. (S.) bimaculiceps sp. nov 33 11.5. (S.) isidengensis sj^.noy 34 12. 5. (S.) martini Pic 36 13. 5. (S.) consimilis sp. nov 37 14. 5. (S.) formicarius (Gorham) 38 15. 5. (S.) recurvus sp. nov 39 16. 5. (S.) recurvus planicornis ssp. nov 40 17. 5. (S.) repandus sp.nov 41 18. 5. (S.) emarginatus sp. nov 43 19. 5. (S.) reductosetosus sp. nov 45 20. 5. (S.) tubulatus sp. nov 46 21.5. (S.) natalensis sp. nov 48 22. 5. (S.) obtusodentatus sp. nov 50 23 5. (S.) unisetosus sp.nov 51 1 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Sphinginopalpus (Untergattung Sphinginopalpus) 24. S. s. str. pallidipalpis sp. nov 53 25.5. s. str. /Zav'omargmato Champion 55 26. 5. s. str. triangulatus sp. nov 57 27. 5. s. str. orientalis sp. nov 58 28. 5. s. str. lesothoensis sp. nov 60 29. 5. s. str. orangensis sp. nov 62 30. 5. s. str. tetrastigma Champion 64 31.5. s. six. hanglipensis sp.noy 66 32. 5. s. str. rufithorax sp. nov 67 33. 5. s. str. nigrithorax sp. nov 69 34.5. s. str. sp. nov 71 35.5. s. six. dentifrons sip. no\ 73 36. 5. s. str. variceps sp. nov 76 37.5. s. str. (Boheman) 77 38. 5. s. str. complexus sp. nov 80 39. 5. s. str. politipennis sp. nov 82 40. 5. s. str. trispinopsis sp. nov 83 41. 5. s. str. oneili Pic 85 42. 5. s. str. leiicosideae sp. nov 86 43. 5. s. str. amatolensis sp. nov 88 44. 5. s. str. nelshoogtensis sp. nov 90 45. 5. s. str. nelshoogtensis transformatus spp. nov 93 46. 5. s. str. quadratipalpus sp. nov 93 47. 5. s. str. trimaculatus sp. nov 95 48. 5. s. str. tridensmimus sp. nov 97 49. 5. s. str. longidens Champion 99 50. 5. s. str. bidens Champion 100 51.5. s. str. sp. nov. 102 52. 5. s. str. nigriceps sp. nov 105 53. 5. s. str. uitsoekensis sp. nov 106 54. 5. s. str. ciin’ispinus sp. nov 109 55. 5. s. str. acutispiniis sp. nov 110 56. 5. s. str. majeri sp. nov 112 57. 5. s. str. expansits sp. nov 114 58. 5. s. str. oculimacidatus sp. nov 114 59. 5. s. str. Zulu sp. nov 117 60. 5. s. six. politus sp. nov 118 61. 5. s. str. levemaculatus sp. nov 120 62. 5. s. str. trispinus sp. nov 123 63. 5. s. str. productus sp. nov 125 64. 5. s. str. nidehecki Wittmer 127 65. 5. s. str. wezaensis sp. nov 129 66. 5. s. str. dentatus sp. nov 131 2 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) 67. S. s. str. bedfordensis sp. nov 132 68. S. s. str. zimbabwensis sp. nov 134 69. S. s. str. basutolandicus sp. nov 137 70. S. s. str. breytenbachae sp. nov 139 71. 5. s. str. elongatidens sp. nov 140 72. S. s. str. karkloofensis sp. nov 142 73. S. s. str. nylsvleyensis sp. nov 144 74. S. s. str. tridens sp. nov 146 Literatur 147 ABSTRACT The species of the genus Sphinginopalpus Pic occurring in southern Africa are revised. From a total of 13 species placed by Champion (1922) in the genus 11 remain in Sphinginopalpus. The subgenus Sphinginafricanus is described to include all species in which the third segment of the maxillary palps is elongate in the female, namely atripennis Champion, bilineaticeps Pic, martini Pic, formicarius (Gorham) and the new species pallidicornis, delicatulus, reavelli, complicatiis, nerinaensis, endroedyi, tergalis, bimaculiceps, indengensis, consimilis, recurviis, recw-viis ssp. planicornis, repandus, emarginatus, reductosetosus, tiibulaliis, natalensis, obtusodentatiis and unisetosus. The following species remain in Sphinginopapalpus s.str.: flavomarginatus Champion, tetrastigma Champion, albilabris (Boheman), oneili Pic, longidens Champion, bidens Champion, rudebecki Wittmer, and the new species described: pallidipalpis, triangulatus, orientalis, lesothoensis, orangensis, hanglipensis, mfithorax, nigrithorax, capensis, dentifrons, variceps, complexus, politipennis, trispinopsis, leucosideae, amatolensis, nelshoogtensis, nelshoogtensis ssp. transformatus, qiiadratipalpiis, trimaculatus, tridensmimus, dwesaensis, nigriceps, uitsoekensis, curvispinus, acutispinus, majeri, expansus, oculimacidatiis, zidii, politus, levemaculatiis, trispinus, productus, wezaensis, bedfordensis, zimbabwensis, basutolandicus, breytenbachae, elongatidens, karkloofensis, nylsvleyensis and tridens. Some species described as females had to be placed under incertae sedis: Chalicorus collaris Boheman (Sphinginopalpus subgen. Sphinginafricanus), Sphinginopalpus barkeri Pic (Sphinginafricanus), Chalicorus myrmecodes Boheman (Sphinginopalpus s. str.), Chalicorus albifrons Boheman (Sphinginopalpus s. str.). MATERIAL UNO VERDANKUNGEN Fur die Bearbeitung lag mir u. a. das ausserordentlich reichhaltige Material des Transvaal Museums, Pretoria, zur Verfiigung, das fast ausschliesslich durch meinen lieben Freund Dr. Sebastian Endrody-Younga zusammengetragen wurde. Ihm und den vielen anderen Kollegen die mir Material und Typen zum Studium zur Verfiigung stellten, sei hier herzlichst gedankt. Meinen besonderen Dank spreche ich auch Herrn Prof. Dr. R. Guggenheim und seinen Mitarbeitern R. Colombo und Evi Zuberbiihler vom Labor fiir Rasterelektronenmikroskopie der Universitat Basel aus, fiir die vielen Aufnahmen die ich dort machen durfte. Ebenso gilt mein Dank Herrn Karel Majer fiir die zahlreichen mit grosser Geduld und Sachkenntnis ausgefiihrten Strichzeichnungen. 3 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Verwendete Abkiirzungen; AMG = Albany Museum, Grahamstown, Dr. F. W. Gess BM = British Museum (The Natural History Museum), London, Mr. D. Kempster MP = Museum de Paris, Mr. J. J. Menier NCI = National Collection of Insects, Pretoria, Mr. R. Oberprieler NHMB = Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Dr. M. Brancucci NMB = National Museum, Bloemfontein, Prof. Dr. S. Louw RS = Rijksmuseum, Stockholm, Dr. P. Lindskog SAM = South African Museum, Cape Town, Mrs. M. Cochrane TMP = Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, Dr. S. Endrody-Younga ZML = Zoological Museum, Lund, Dr. R. Danielsson EINFUHRUNG Champion (1922) revidierte die Vertreter der Gattung Sphinginopalpus Pic aus dem siidlichen Afrika. Er zahlte 13 Arten auf und beschrieb die Untergattung Chalicorophasis mit der Art rajfrayi. Diese Untergattung stellt eine eigene Gattung dar and muss won Sphinginopalpus getrennt werden. Sie steht den mit Colotes verwandten Gattungen nahe und hat wie diese 4-gliedrige Vordertarsen bei den S , nebst weiteren Merkmalen, auf die in einer separaten Publikation eingetreten wird. Die von Pic als Sphinginopalpus formicoides nach 1 ? beschriebene Art, gehdrt nicht in diese Gattung und wird provisorisch zu Chalicorophasis comb. nov. gestellt. Bei der Bearbeitung der Arten ergab sich, dass sie in zwei gut differenzierte Gruppen aufgeteilt werden konnen. Als Typus-Art von Sphinginopalpus hat oneili Pic, 1903, zu gelten. Die Arten von Sphinginopalpus s. str. zeichnen sich alle durch einen mehr parallelen Korper aus. Insbesondere die Fliigeldecken (Abb. D, E) sind in beiden Geschlechtern weniger aufgewolbt. Bei 6 und ? sind die Schulterbeulen normal ausgebildet. Als besonderes Merkmal der ? (Abb. F) ist das breite, beilformige letzte Glied der Maxillarpalpen anzusehen. Die Maxillarpalpen der S sind stark vergrossert und vielformig gebildet und geben sehr brauchbare Merkmale fiir die Unterscheidung der Arten ab. Fiir die zweite Gruppe von Arten errichte ich die Untergattung Sphinginafricanus subgen. nov. mit der Typus-Art recurvus sp. nov. Diese Untergattung hat einige Merkmale mit Sphinginopalpus s. str. gemeinsam, so z. B. den Bau des Kopfes, der meistens breiter ist als der Halsschild, die vergrosserten Maxillarpalpen bei den 6 , den meistens langer als breiten Halsschild, dessen vorderer Teil stark aufgewolbt, zur Basis verengt und abgeflacht ist, sowie die 5- gliedrigen Vordertarsen bei 6 und ?. Als besonderes Unterscheidungsmerkmal der neuen Untergattung ist die Form der Fliigeldecken zu betrachten, die breit oval und stark aufgewolbt sind (Abb. A, B); Schulterbeulen bei den 6 vorhanden, manchmal mit kurzem angedeutetem Langswulst dahinter. Bei den $ , die meistens fliigellos sind, sind die Schulterbeulen stark zuriickgebildet und fehlen ganz, Oder nur als kleines spitzes Gebilde vorhanden. Das Endglied der Maxillarpalpen ist schmal und lang (Abb. A, C) und nicht beilformig wie bei Sphinginopalpus s. str. (Abb. F). Die Fiihler sind meistens langer, oder so lang wie die Fliigeldecken, bei Sphinginopalpus s. str. meistens um 1/4 bis 1/5 kiirzer als diese. Der Halsschild ist seitlich, auf dem abgeflachten Teil, bei Sphinginafricanus weniger deutlich eingedriickt (Abb. G) als bei Sphinginopalpus s. str. (Abb. H). Bei beiden Gruppen bilden die Eindriicke eine kurze Langsrippe an ihrem Innemande, die bei Sphinginopalpus s. str. deutlicher ist als bei der Untergattung. 4 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) F Abb. A-F. A-C. Sphinginopalpus (Sphingmafricanus) recurvus sp. nov. 9 : A, Gesamtansicht (xl7); B, idem fast im Profil (xl7); C, Maxillarpalpus. D-E. Sphinginopalpus s. str. albilabris (Boheman) 9 (x25): D, Gesamtansicht; E, idem fast im Profil. F. Sphinginopalpus s. str. orangensis sp. nov. 9, Maxillarpalpus. 5 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb. G-H. Basis des Halsschildes 9 (xl70); G, Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) recurvus sp. nov.; H, Sphinginopalpus s. str. albilabris (Boheman). Ein paar Aiten die nur nach S beschrieben werden, stelle ich provisorisch zu Sphinginopalpus s. str. bis die dazugehorigen 2 aufgefunden werden. Damit die letzten Abdominalsegmente etc. untersucht und gezeichnet werden konnten, wurde das Abdomen in einer Lbsung von 15- 20% KOH mit Wasser wahrend 1 bis 2 Minuten aufgekocht. Dabei war es besonders bei Sternit 8 nicht zu vermeiden, dass dieses, wenn es ganz oder teilweise im rechten Winkel zu Sternit 7 stand, flachgelegt werden musste, um ein Zeichnen zu ermoglichen. Dies ist zu beriicksichtigen, wenn das Sternit 8 am Abdomen mit den Zeichnungen verglichen wird, ohne es separat auszubreiten. Das Tergit 8 ist apikal mehr oder weniger breit nach itmen umgeschlagen, auf den Zeichnungen ist diese Stelle mit einer punktierten Linie oder einer dunklen Stelle eingezeichnet. Die in den Beschreibungen vorkommenden Zahlen in Klammern (zum Beispiel: 17x15) zeigen das Verhaltnis der Lange zur Breite an oder umgekehrt; sie wurden bei einer Vergrosserung von 32x gemessen. INCERTAE SEDIS Verschiedene Arten sind nach $ beschrieben worden. Es ist momentan unmoglich sie zu bestimmen, oder den Arten zuzuordnen, die nach 6 beschrieben wurden, oder gar zu synonymisieren, wie es Champion (1922) versucht hat. Es miissten Merkmale gefunden werden, die es erlauben, die $ zu unterscheiden. Dies ist bisher nicht mbglich gewesen und wir miissen diese Arten vorlaufig unter “incertae sedis’’ auffiihren. 6 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA; MALACHIIDAE) Abb. I-K. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) recurvus sp. nov. 6 : I, Gesamtansicht (xl7); K, Kopf und Halsschild fast im Profil (x75). 7 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) collaris (Boheman) Chalicorus collaris Boheman, 1851: 478. Sphinginopalpus collaris (Boheman) - Champion, 1922: 331. Holotypus $ im RS. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) barkeri Pic Sphinginopalpus barkeri Pic, 1904: 65. - 1911: 175. - Champion, 1922:330. Holotypus $ im MP. Sphinginopalpus s. str. myrmecodes (Boheman) Chalicorus myrmecodes Boheman, 1851: 475. Sphinginopalpus myrmecodes (Boheman) - Champion, 1922: 330. Holotypus 2 im RS. Die von Champion, 1922, als myrmecodes bestimmten und beschriebenen S 2 Exemplare mit Fundorten “mouth of Umkomaas River” und “Seymour” gehoren zu amatolensis Wittmer. Die verbleibenden 2 von anderen Fundorten sind unbestimmbar. Sphinginopalpus s. str. albifrons (Boheman) Chalicorus albifrons Boheman, 1851: 476. Sphinginopalpus albip'ons (Boheman) - Champion, 1922: 330. Der Holotypus dieser Art war trotz eifrigem Suchen im RS nicht aufzufinden, sodass auch sie unter “incertae sedis ” aufgefiihrt wird. Der Farbung nach konnte es sich um 1 3 handeln, was auch Champion, 1922, vermutete. BESTIMMUNGSTABELLE FUR DIE ARTEN DER GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC 1. Letztes Glied der Maxillarpalpen bei den 2 schmal (Abb.C) Sphinginafricanus subgen. nov 2 - Letztes Glied der Maxillarpalpen bei den 2 stark verbreitert, beilformig (Abb. F) Sphinginopalpus s. str 24 2. Fiihlerglied 1 bei den 3 einfach, ohne Zahn 3 - Fiihlerglied 1 bei den 3 gezahnt 5 3. Spitzen von Sternit 8 nach irmen gebogen 4 - Spitzen von Sternit 8 nach aussen gebogen (Abb. 6) 1. 5. (S.) atripennis Champion 4. Apex von Tergit 8 mit je einer kurzen Spitze seitlich und einer langen mittleren Spitze (Abb. 12). Fliigeldecken an den Seiten hell gesaumt 2. S. (S.) pallidicornis sp. nov. - Apex von Tergit 8 gerunded, fast halbkreisformig, in der Mitte schwach ausgerandet (Abb. 18). 8 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Fliigeldecken einfarbig schwarz 3. S. (S.) delicatulus sp. nov. 5. Wenigstens 1 Fiihlerglied zwischen 3 und 7 mehi oder weniger verbreitert (*) 6 - Keines der Fiihlerglieder 3 bis 7 verbreitert 8 6. Fiihlerglieder 3 oder 4 am breitesten. Apex von Tergit 8 in der Mitte nicht in 2 kleine, kurze Fortsatze ausgezogen 7 - Fiihlerglied 5 am breitesten (Abb. 24). Apex von Tergit 8 fast gerade abgestutzt, in der Mitte in 2 kleine, kurze Fortsatze ausgezogen (Abb. 25) 4. 5. (S.) bilineaticeps Pic 7. Fiihlerglied 3 am breitesten (Abb. 30). Tergit 8 schwach, breit ausgerandet, in der Mitte kurz, schmal nach innen gefaltet (Abb. 31). Spitzen von Sternit 8 lang, nach aussen gebogen (Abb. 32) 5. S. (S.) reave Hi sp. nov. - Fiihlerglieder 3 und 4 am breitesten (Abb. 103). Tergit 8 am Apex jederseits breit gerundet, Mitte schwach ausgerandet, mit / ccrvmrx iibereinstimmend (Abb. 97). Spitzen von Sternit 8 kraftig, nach innen gebogen (Abb. 98) 16. S. (S.) recun’us planicornis n.ssp. 8. Apex von Tergit 8 in der Mitte vorstehend 9 - Apex von Tergit 8 gerade bis mehr Oder weniger tief ausgerandet 11 9. Apex von Sternit 8 aus breiten Teilen bestehend 10 - Apex von Sternit 8 aus schmalen, langen Fortsatzen bestehend, die an der Spitze nach innen oder nach aussen verlangert sind (Abb. 38) 6. S. (S.) complicatus sp. nov. 10. Tergit 8 gegen die Spitze verschmiilert, diese in einen kleinen abgesetzten Fortsatz ausgezogen (Abb. 43). Sternit 8 zur Spitze verschmalert, aber nicht in eine scharfe Spitze ausgezogen (Abb. 44). Fiihlerglied 1 mit einem scharfen Zahn nach der Mitte (Abb. 42), davor nicht ausgerandet. Fliigeldecken einfarbig schwarz 7. S. (S.) nerinaensis sp. nov. - Tergit 8 zur Spitze breiter, Spitze stumpf, wenig vorstehend (Abb. 50). Sternit 8 in 2 scharfe nach innen gebogene Spitzen ausgezogen (Abb. 51). Fiihlerglied 1 mit einem Zahn an der Basis, davor ausgerandet (Abb. 49). Fliigeldecken schmal gelblichweiss gesaumt 8. S. (S.) endroedyi sp. nov. 11. Zwischen der Ausrandung von Tergit 8 befinden sich keine zusatzliche, lange, schmale Fortsatze 12 - Zwischen der Ausrandung von Tergit 8 befinden sich 2 lange, schmale Fortsatze (Abb. 57) 9. S. (S.) tergalis sp. nov. 12. Spitzen von Sternit 8 nach innen gebogen 13 - Spitzen von Sternit 8 nach aussen gebogen 19 (*) Hierher gehort auch S. (S.) reductosetosus Wittmer, desscn Fiihlerglied 5 auch, jedoch nur sehr wenig verbreitert ist (in dieser Tabelle unter 19. aufgefiihrt). Von bilineaticeps Pic durch die sehr verschiedenen Terminalia etc. zu unterscheiden, vergleiche mit Abb. 116-123. 9 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 13. Einschnitt am Apex von Tergit 8 ca. 1/3 der Lange erreichend (in der Mitte gemessen) 14 - Einschnitt am Apex von Tergit 8 deutlich kiiizer als 1/3 der Lange 17 14. Innensack des Aedeagus mit mehreren, oder ohne stark sklerotisierte Hornchen. Spitze von Fiihlerglied 1 nach itmen gerichtet 15 - Irmensack des Aedeagus mit nur 1 stark sklerotisierten Hornchen (Abb. 67-68). Spitze von Fiihlerglied 1 nach aussen gerichtet (Abb. 62) 10. S. (S.) bimaciiliceps sp. nov. 15. St emit 8 jederseits mit 2 kurzen Borsten 16 - Sternit 8 jederseits mit nur 1 langen Borste (Abb. 73) 11.5. (S.) isidengensis sp. nov. 16. Innensack des Aedeagus mit 2 oder mehreren stark sklerotisierten Hornchen (Abb. 82) 12. S. (S.) martini Pic - Innensack des Aedeagus ohne stark sklerotisierte Hornchen (Abb. 85) 13. S. (S.) consimilis sp. nov. 17. Aedeagus mit stark sklerotisierten Hornchen 18 - Aedeagus ohne stark sklerotisierte Hornchen (Abb. 92-93) 14. S. (S.) formicarius (Gorham) 18. Tergit 8 am Apex wenig tief eckig eingeschnitten (Abb. 96) 15. S. (S.) recun’us sp.nov. - Tergit 8 am Apex zuerst nach irmen abgeschragt, dann kurz eingeschnitten (Abb. 107) 17. S. (S.) repandus sp. nov. 19. Sternit 8 mit 1 oder 2 langen Borsten jederseits 20 - Sternit 8 ohne Borsten (Abb. 114) 18. 5. (S.) emarginatus sp. nov. 20. Sternit 8 mit 2 langen Borsten jederseits 21 - Sternit 8 mit 1 langen Borste jederseits 23 21. Die Spitzen am Apex von Sternit 8 sind lang, fast gerade, oder nur leicht nach aussen gebogen 22 - Die Spitzen am Apex von Sternit 8 sind sehr kurz, hakenartig nach innen gebogen (Abb. 121) 19. S. (S.) reductosetosiis sp. nov. 22. Ausser den beiden nur leicht nach aussen gebogenen Spitzen am Apex von Sternit 8, sind 2 scharfe nach vorne gerichtete Spitzen vorhanden (Abb. 128) 20. S. (S.) tubidatus sp. nov. - Nur 2 leicht nach aussen gebogene Spitzen am Apex von Sternit 8 vorhanden, die beiden nach vorne gerichteten Spitzen fehlen (Abb. 134) 21. S. (S.) natalensis sp. nov. 10 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA; MALACHIIDAE) 23. Sternit 8 lang, beide Teilstxicke vollstandig getrennt (Abb. 142). Tergit 8 dreieckig, ziemlich tief eingeschnitten (Abb. 141) 22. S. (S.) obtusodentatus sp. nov. - Sternit 8 kiirzer, die beiden Teilstiicke in der Mitte durch feines Gewebe verbunden (Abb. 148) Tergit 8 schwach, breit ausgerandet (Abb. 147) 23. 5. (S.) unisetosus sp. nov. 24. Fiihlerglied 1 bei den S ohne Zahn 25 - Fiihlerglied 1 bei den S nach der Basis ausgerandet und mit Zahn versehen 27 25. Fiihlerglied 1 schmal, nirgends stark verbreitert 26 - Fiihlerglied 1 gegen die Mitte stark verbreitert und gegen die Spitze wieder ein wenig verschmalert (Abb. 152) 24. S. s. str. pallidipalpis sp. nov. 26. Apex von Tergit 8 drei Spitzen bildend, die mittlere am grossten und langsten (Abb. 160) 25. S. s. six. flavomarginatus Champion Apex von Tergit 8 drei Spitzen bildend, die mittlere ist kleiner und kiirzer als die seitlichen (Abb. 167) 26. 5. s. str. triangulatus sp. nov. 27. Halsschild rotbraun oder orange, selten mit einem dunklen Flecken in der Mitte 28 - Halsschild schwarz, abgesetzte Basis mehr oder weniger breit hell, selten ist der ganze Halsschild schwarz 33 28. Apex von Tergit 8 etwas eingeschnitten oder ausgerandet, oder in zackiger Linie verlaufend 29 - Apex von Tergit 8 gerundet, ohne Einschnitt (Abb. 178) 27. 5. s. str. orientalis sp. nov. 29. Apex von Sternit 8 mit nach innen gekriimmten Spitzen 30 - Apex von Sternit 8 mit nach aussen gebogenen Spitzen 31 30. Apex von Tergit 8 gerundet eingeschnitten (Abb. 180) 28. S. s. str. lesothoensis sp. nov. - Apex von Tergit 8 in zackiger Linie verlaufend (Abb. 186) 29. S. s. str. orangensis sp. nov. 31. Die beiden Seiten von Sternit 8 stellenweise zusammen-gewachsen 32 - Die beiden Seiten von Sternit 8 vollstandig voneinander getrennt (Abb. 192) 30. S. s. str. tetrastigma Champion 32. Kopulationsapparat in einen langen, schmalen Fortsatz ausgezogen, dessen Spitze ventralwarts gebogen ist (Abb. 195- 196) 31. S. s. str. hanglipensis sp. nov. Kopulationsapparat normal gebaut, ohne langen, schmalen Fortsatz (Abb. 207) 32. S. s. str. nifithorax sp. nov. 11 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 33. Fliigeldecken mil einem durchgehenden weisslichen oder gelblichen Querband vor der Mitte 34 - Fliigeldecken anders gezeichnet 35 34. Halsschild einfarbig schwarz. Apex von Sternit 8 mil 2 grossen spitzen Zahnen (Abb. 212) 33. 5. s. sir. nigrithorax sp. nov. - Halsschild schwarz mil heller Basis. Apex von Sternit 8 mit 2 kleinen hakenartigen Zahnen (Abb. 218) 34. 5. s. str. capensis sp. nov. 35. Apex von Sternit 8 jederseits in mehr oder weniger lange, meist schmale Fortsatze ausgezogen, Oder nach innen gerichtete Spitzen bildend 48 - Apex von Sternit 8 jederseits eine mehr oder weniger grosse, breite Flache, nicht in schmale Fortsatze ausgezogen, apikal keine Spitzen bildend 36 36. Vorderstirne flach, ohne spitzen Zahn in der Mitte 37 - Vorderstirne mit einem kleinen, spitzen Zahn in der Mitte (Abb. 222) 35. S. s. str. dentifrons sp. nov. 37. Apex von Tergit 8 in der Mitte mehr oder weniger tief eingeschnitten, manchmal ist der Einschnitt schwer sichtbar, z. B. bei albilabris 38 - Apex von Tergit 8 in der Mitte mehr oder weniger vorstehend, bis fast gerade, nicht eingeschnitten 40 38. Die beiden Teile von Sternit 8 sind nicht durch loses Gewebe miteinander verbunden 39 - Die beiden Teile von Sternit 8 sind durch loses Gewebe miteinander verbunden (Abb. 231) 36. S. s. str. variceps sp. nov. 39. Apex von Tergit 8 in der Mitte kaum merklich eingeschnitten (Abb. 236). Sternit 8 weniger komplex gebaut (Abb. 237) 37. S. s. str. albilabris (Boheman) - Apex von Tergit 8 in der Mitte zuerst breit und dann ziemlich tief eingeschnitten (Abb. 243). Sternit 8 sehr komplex gebaut (Abb. 244) 38. S. s. str. complexus sp. nov. 40. Apikalrand von Tergit 8 in der Mitte eckig vorstehend 41 - Apikalrand von Tergit 8 in der Mitte, wenn vorstehend, datm nur wenig, nicht eckig, sondern gerundet oder fast gerade 43 41. Apikalrand von Tergit 8 in der Mitte in spitzem Winkel vorstehend, nicht eingeschnitten ....42 - Apikalrand von Tergit 8 in der Mitte vorstehend und kurz eingeschnitten (Abb. 249) 39. S. s. str. politipennis sp. nov. 42. Fiihlerglied 1 fast parallel, schmal mit kraftigem Basalzahn und langem, schmalem Zahn (Abb. 252). Tergit 8 breit (Abb. 253) 40. 5. s. str. trispinopsis sp. nov. 12 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) - Fiihlergiied 1 fast dreieckig, nicht parallel, der Basalzahn fehJt, der vordere Zahn breit, ausgehbhlt (Abb. 258). Tergit 8 schmal (Abb. 259) 41. 5. s. str. oneiii Pic 43. Die beiden Seitenteiie von Sternit 8 hangen lose zusammen 44 - Die beiden Seitenteiie von Sternit 8 hangen nicht zusammen, sie sind vollstMdig frei 45 44. Fiihlergiied 1 fast parallel, an der Basis kurz ausgehohlt, Zahn kaum angedeutet (Abb. 268) 42. S. s. str. leucosideae sp. nov. - Fiihlergiied 1 nicht parallel, an der Basis langlich ausgehohlt, Zahn sehr klein, deutlich (Abb. 274) 43. S. s. str. amatolensis sp. nov. 45. Die Aushohlung an der Basis von Fiihlergiied 1 befindet sich vor der Mitte 46 - Die Aushohlung von Fiihlergiied 1 erreicht die Mitte oder iiberragt sie sogar, an Stelle eines Zahnes ist dieser Teil breit nach unten verlangert (Abb. 280) 44. S. s. str. nelshoogtensis sp. nov. 46. Zahn von Fiihlergiied 1 mehr dreieckig, an der Basis nicht eingeschniirt 47 - Zahn von Fiihlergiied 1 nicht dreieckig, nach der Basis eingeschniirt (Abb. 287) 45. S. s. str. quadratipalpus sp. nov. 47. Zahn von Fiihlergiied 1 breiter (Abb. 284) 45. S. s. str. nelshoogtensis transformatus ssp. nov. - Zahn von Fiihlergiied 1 zierlicher (Abb. 293) 47. S. s. str. trimaculatus sp. nov. 48. Die Fortsatze von Sternit 8 sind nach aussen gebogen 49 - Die Fortsatze von Sternit 8 sind nach irmen gebogen und spitz 53 49. Jeder Seitenteil von Sternit 8 ausser den Fortsatzen am Apex mit einem zusatzlichen spitzen Fortsatz auf der Innenseite 50 - Jeder Seitenteil von Sternit 8 ohne zusatzlichen spitzen Fortsatz auf der Innenseite 51 50. Der zusatzliche Fortsatz von Sternit 8 auf der Innenseite ist sehr lang, an der Basis sehr breit (Abb. 302) 48. S. s. str. tridensmimus sp. nov. - Der zusatzliche Fortsatz von Sternit 8 ist auf der Innenseite sehr kurz, an der Basis schmal, dornformig (Abb. 308) 49. S. s. str. longidens Champion 51. Fiihlergiied 1 an der Basis ohne zusatzlichen Zahn 52 - Fiihlergiied 1 an der Basis mit einem breiten zusatzlichen Zahn (Abb. 313) 50. S. s. str. bidens Champion 52. Zahn auf Fiihlergiied 1 gross, er bildet einen schwachen spitzen Winkel (Abb. 321) 51. S. s. str. dwesaensis sp. nov. 13 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 - Zahn auf Fiihlerglied 1 nicht spitz, sondern breit gerundet, nur an der Basis befindet sich eine kurze Spitze (Abb. 327) 52. S. s. str. nigriceps sp. nov. 53. Sternit 8 ohne lange, nach innen gerichtete Borsten 54 - Sternit 8 mit 1 oder 2 langen, nach innen gerichteten Borsten 64 54. Sternit 8 ohne langen, nach hinten gerichteten Fortsatz 55 - Sternit 8 mit langem, nach hinten gerichtetem, spitzem Fortsatz, der fast parallel mit dem Seitenteil verlauft (Abb. 335) 53. S. s. str. uitsoekensis sp. nov. 55. Sternit 8 zur Spitze nicht verbreitert, dahinter nicht eingeschniirt 57 - Sternit 8 zur Spitze verbreitert, dahinter eingeschniirt 56 56. Apikaler Teil von Sternit 8 fast parallelseitig, daim jederseits mit einem dorsalwarts gerichteten, leicht gekriimmmten, spitzen Fortsatz (Abb. 340) 54. S. s. str. curvispinus sp. nov. - Apikaler Teil von Sternit 8 nicht fast parallel, sondern zur Spitze verbreitert, ohne dorsal gerichteten spitzen Fortsatz (Abb. 346) 55. 5. s. str. acutispinus sp. nov. 57. Sternit 8 nicht leierformig geformt 61 - Sternit 8 fast leierformig (Abb. 352, 363, 369) 58 58. died 3 der Maxillarpalpen 2 mal so lang oder noch langer als der Vorderrand dieses Gliedes 59 - died 3 der Maxillarpalpen weniger als 2 mal so lang wie der Vorderrand dieses Gliedes 60 59. Glied 2 der Maxillarpalpen eine breite Lamelle mit fast geradem Distalrand (Abb. 348) 56. S. s. str. majeri sp. nov. - Glied 2 der Maxillarpalpen distal nicht breit, das Glied ist schmal, etwas gebogen (Abb. 356) 57. 5. s. str. expansus sp. nov. 60. Glied 3 der Maxillarpalpen apikal kaum verschmalert, breit gerundet (Abb. 359) 58. 5. s. str. oculimaculatus sp. nov. - Glied 3 der Maxillarpalpen apikal verschmalert, ausgerandet (Abb. 365) 59. S. s. str. Zulu sp. nov. 61 . Die beiden Seitenteile von Sternit 8 hangen in der Mitte nicht lose zusammen, sie sind vollstandig getrermt. Tergit 8 apikal in der Mitte spitz vorstehend 62 - Die beiden Seitenteile von Sternit 8 hangen in der Mitte zusammen (Abb. 375). Tergit 8 apikal gerundet 60. 5. s. str. politus sp. nov. 62. Spitzen von Sternit 8 stark nach innen gebogen 63 - Spitzen von Sternit 8 schwach nach innen gebogen (Abb. 382) 61. S. s. str. levemaculalus sp. nov. 14 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) 63. Fiihierglied 3 ein wenig verbreitert (Abb. 386). Die nach irnien gerichteten Spitzen von Sternit 8 befinden sich kurz vor der Spitze (Abb. 388) 62. S. s. str. trispinus sp. nov. - Fiihierglied 3 nicht verbreitert (Abb. 392). Die nach innen gerichteten Spitzen von Sternit 8 beginnen an der Spitze (Abb. 394) 63. S. s. str. productus sp. nov. 64. Sternit 8 jederseits mit 1 langen nach innen gerichteten Borste 65 - Sternit 8 jederseits mit 2 langen nach innen gerichteten Borsten, ofters erscheinen diese beiden Borsten wie zusammengeklebt 68 65. Die beiden Seitenteile von Sternit 8 sind miteinander durch loses Gewebe verbunden 66 - Die beiden Seitenteile von Sternit 8 sind vollstandig getrennt 67 66. Fiihierglied 1 bis ungefahr zur Mitte tief ausgehdhlt (Abb. 398). Tergit 8 apikal gerundet mit einem kleinen Fortsatz in der Mitte (Abb. 399) 64. S. s. str. rudebecki sp. nov. - Fiihierglied 1 nur an der Basis kurz ausgehdhlt (Abb. 405). Tergit 8 apikal in Wellenlinie, in der Mitte ein wenig mehr vorstehend als an der Seiten (Abb. 406) 65. S. s. str. wezaensis sp. nov. 67. Fiihierglied 1 fast dreieckig mit einem grossen, langen Zahn in der Mitte und einem viel kleineren an der Basis (Abb. 411) 66. S. s. str. dentatus sp. nov. Fiihierglied 1 langlich, nicht dreieckig, mit nur 1 Zahn nach der Aushdhlung (Abb. 418) 67. S. s. str. bedfordensis sp. nov. 68. Fiihierglied 1 vor dem Zahn ein wenig ausgehdhlt, aber an der Basis nicht verdickt 69 - Fiihierglied 1 an der Basis verdickt und hier manchmal mit 1 Zahn 70 69. Fiihierglied 1 fast parallel, Aushdhlung klein, Zahn kaum angedeutet (Abb. 424). Tergit 8 apikal in der Mitte stumpfwinklig vorstehend (Abb. 425) 68. S. s. str. zimbabwensis sp. nov. - Fiihierglied 1 langlich dreieckig mit kraftigem Zahn (Abb. 430). Tergit 8 apikal regelmassig gerundet (Abb. 431) 69. S. s. str. basutolandicus sp. nov. 70. Fiihierglied 1 an der Basis mit 1 Zahn oder mit 1 stumpfen Hdcker 71 - Fiihierglied 1 an der Basis ohne Zahn oder Hdcker, hier nur ausgehdhlt, diese Stelle einen stumpfen Winkel bildend (Abb. 436) 70. S. s. str. breytenbachae sp. nov. 71. Fiihierglied 1 mit einem Zahn an der Basis 72 - Fiihierglied 1 mit einem Hdcker an der Basis, Zahn besonders lang, etwas verdreht (Abb. 442) 71. S. s. str. elo?igatidens sp. nov. 15 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 72. Fiihlerglied 1 an der breitesten Stelle spitz vorstehend 73 - Fiihlerglied 1 an der breitesten Stelle einen leicht stumpfen Winkel bildend (Abb. 448) 72. S. s. str. karkloofensis sp. nov. 73. Die beiden Seitenteile von Sternit 8 sind getrennt (Abb. 455). Fiihlerglied 1 mit einer kurzen Querleiste neben der Aushohlung (Abb. 453) 73. S. s. str. nylsvleyensis sp. nov. - Die beiden Seitenteile von Sternit 8 hangen zusammen (Abb. 460). Fiihlerglied 1 mit einem kleinen zusatzlichen Zahn neben der Aushohlung (Abb. 458) 74. S. s. str. tridens sp. nov. BESCHREIBUNGEN (TAXONOMIE) UND KOMMENTARE 1. Sphinginopalpus (Sphitiginafricanus) atripennis Champion Abb. 1-8 Sphinginopalpus atripennis Champion, 1922: 333. Fiir die Abb. 1 und 2 der Maxillarpalpen diente der Holotypus im BM and fiir die Abb. 3-7 ein S von Badplaas. Fiihlerglieder 1 bis 4 Abb. 3. Tergit 8 Abb. 4. Sternite 7 und 8 Abb. 5 und 6. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 7. Die Art ist auffallig durch das einfache, ungezahnte Fiihlerglied 1 beim S . Die S kommen gefliigelt und ungefliigelt vor. Die gefliigelten S besitzen normal entwickelte Schulterbeulen, bei den ungefliigelten Exemplaren treten die Schultern spitz vor. Die Art is weit verbreitet. Abb. 1-2. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) atripennis Champion d : 1- 2, Maxillarpalpen (x220) (1 von oben, 2 von unten). UNTERSUCHTES MATERIAL: Natal: St Lucia, 10 m, 23-25. x. 1981 (J. & S. Klapperich) (NHMB). Transvaal: Waterval Boven, 24. xi. 1981 (J. & S. Klapperich) (NHMB); Nelspruit Nat. Res., groundtraps banana bait and grass netting, 23. ix. & 19.xii. 1986, E- Y:2287, 2402 (S. Endrody- Younga) (TMP); 16 km N Barberton, 25°42'S, 30°57'E, 24.ix.1986 and 10.ii.l987, ground traps banana bait, E-Y:2287 & 2438 (S. Endrody- Younga) (TMP & NHMB); Berlin Forest Station, 1500 m, 7.xii.l986, E-Y:2360 (S. Endrody- Younga) (TMP & NHMB); Uitsoek Forest Station, 1100 m. 16 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 3-8. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) atripennis Champion S : 3, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 4, Tergit 8; 5, Sternit 7; 6, Sternit 8; 7-8, Kopulationsapparat (7, dorsal; 8, Profil). Massstab von 4 auch fiir 5-8. 12.xii.l986, E-Y:2379 (S. Endrody-Younga) (TMP); Nelshoogte Devil’s Knuckles, grass netting, 4.xii.l986, E-Y:2350 (S. Endrody- Younga) (TMP); Nelshoogte Forest Station, grass netting, l.xii.l986, E-Y:2336 (S. Endrody-Younga) (TMP); Soutpansberg Hanglip, 23°02"S, 29°47'E, grass netting, 14. hi. 1973, E-Y:46 (S. Endrody-Younga) (TMP). Transkei: Fraser Gorge, grass tussocks, 31°24'S, 29°42'E, E-Y:2584 (S. Endrody-Younga) (TMP). Zululand; Lake Bhangasi, grass netting, 28°07'S, 32°31'E, 18.xii.l976 (S. Endrody-Younga) (TMP). 17 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 2. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) pallidicornis sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 9-14). Lange 1,8 - 2 mm. Kopf schwarz, Vorderkopf mil einem mehr oder weniger grossen gelben Flecken, der bis zur Mitte der Augen reichen kaim, ohne sie zu beriihren, manchmal auch ein Teil der Wangen hell; Maxillarpalpen orange, Oberseite des vorletzten Gliedes dunkelbraun, Spitze des letzten sehr oft schwach gebraunt; Fiihler orange, Spitze des lezten Gliedes oft leicht angedunkelt; Halsschild schwarz, abgeflachter Teil an der Basis orange; Schildchen orange; Fliigeldecken schwarz, Seiten begitmend an der Basis bis und mit Spitzen schmal gelb; Hinterschenkel schwarz. Basis breit aufgehellt, Hintertibien an der Basis schmal hell, alle Tarsen orange, 4 Vorderbeine orange, jedoch Schenkel teils angedunkelt. Kopf mit den Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache glatt. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 9-10. Fiihler (Abb. 11) auffallig durch das ungezahnte Glied 1, 3 nur wenig langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (17x14); Oberflache glatt, auf dem basalen Teil neben dem Seitenrand schmal chagriniert, der Seitenrand hier schwach krenuliert, Fliigeldecken oval, Schulterbeulen schwach gerundet Oder spitz vortretend; falsche Epipleuren nur ganz schwach krenuliert; Punktreihen deutlich, Punkte erst nach der Mitte an Tiefe verlierend, Spitze fast unpunktiert. Abb. 9-10. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) pallidicornis sp. nov. cj : 9- TergitS Abb. 12. Stemit 7 Abb. 13, 10, Maxillarpalpen (x200) (9, von oben; 10, von unten). Sternit 8 Abb. 14. Weibchen. Wie das S gefarbt, nur Kopf und Maxillarpalpen einfarbig schwarz. Schulterbeulen spitz vortretend. Holotypus S und 4 Paratypen (NHMB), 2 Paratypen S $ (TMP), 2 Paratypen S $ (AMG): South Africa, Natal: 7 km NO Ladysmith, 21. xi. 1987 (W. Wittmer). Neben S. (S.) atripennis Champion zu stellen. Die neue Art unterscheidet sich durch die hellen Fiihler und die gelben Seiten der Fliigeldecken, sowie durch die verschieden gebauten Terminalia. Es ist bis jetzt die einzige Art dieser Untergattung deren Tergit 8 in drei Spitzen auslauft, sie hat 18 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) deshalb grosse Ahnlichkeit mil S. s. sU.flavomarginatus Champion, doch ist das Sternit 8 verschieden gebaut. Abb. 11-14. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) pallidicornis sp. nov. S: 11, Fuhlerglieder 1-4; 12, Tergit 8; 13, Stemit 7; 14, Sternit 8. Massstab von 11 auch fiir 14 und 12 auch fiir 13. 3. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) delicatulus sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 15-21). Lange 2,2 mm. Kopf schwarz; Maxillarpalpen gelb, Spitze des letzten Gliedes schmal angedunkelt; Fiihler gelb, letzte 3 bis 4 Glieder dunkel; aufgewolbter Teil des Halsschildes schwarz, abgeflachte Basis gelblich; Schildchen, Fliigeldecken und Hinterbeine schwarz, Hintertarsen leicht aufgehellt, 4 Vorderbeine und Tarsen gelb, Schenkel teils angedunkelt. Kopf mit Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt, Oberflache glatt. Maxillarpalpen (Abb. 15-16) besonders schlank, letztes Glied apikal zugespitzt. Fiihler (Abb. 17) mit Glied 1 einfach (ungezahnt), 3 kaum merklich langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (16x13,5), Seiten Abb. 15-16. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) delicatulus sp. nov. S : 15-16, Maxillarpalpen (x200). 19 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 von der Mitte an schwach gerundet; Oberflache glatt, nur neben dem Seitenrand an der Basis des abgeflachten Teils auf kurzer Strecke runzlig gewirkt. Fliigeldecken langoval, Schulterbeulen normal; Punkte in den Reihen ziemlich tief, nicht ganz regelmassig; falsche Epipleuren ca. 45% der Lange einnehmend, nicht krenuliert; gefliigelt. Tergit 8 Abb. 18. Sternit 8 Abb. 19. Kopulationsapparat Abb.20 dorsal, Abb. 21 Profil. 02 Abb. 17-21. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) delicatulus sp. nov. 6. 17, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 18, Tergit 8; 19, Sternit 8; 20-21, Kopulationsapparat (20, dorsal; 21, Profil). Massstab von 17 auch fur 19-21. 20 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA; MALACHIIDAE) Weibchen unbekaimt. Holotypus (TMP): South Africa, E. Transvaal; Nelshoogte Forest Station, 1400 m, grassnetting, 2.xii.l986, E-Y:2345, S. Endrody- Younga. Obwohl von dieser Art keine 9 vorliegen, stelle ich sie in die Untergattung Sphinginafricanus, weil sie so nahe mit atripennis Champion verwandt ist. Sie unterscheidet sich von ihr durch die sehr schmalen Maxillarpalpen, die Terminalia und den Kopulationsapparat. 4. Sphinginopalpus (Sphingina frican us) bilineaticeps Pic Sphinginopalpus bilineaticeps Pic, 1929: 2. Die Art ist aus Natal beschrieben: Weenen, xii.1923, H. Abb. 22-23. Sphinginopalpus (Sphinginafricanus) bilineaticeps Pic b. n2-il6. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. onentalii sp . nov. 6 :172, Fuhlerglieder 1-4; 173,Tcrgit8; 174, Sterna 8; 175, Spiculum; 176, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 172 auch fiir 173-176. 28. Sphinginopalpus s. str. lesothoensis sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 177-182). Lange 2, 1-2,3 mm. Kopf und Maxillarpalpen schwarz; Fiihler schwarzlich, erste 5 Glieder gelb; Halsschild braun; Schildchen schwarz; Fliigeldecken braun mil einem queren schwarzen Flecken an der Basis, die Seiten nicht erreichend, an der Naht gegen das Schildchen schwach aufgehellt und je einem langlichen, isolierten schwarzen Flecken hinter der Mitte; Schenkel schwarz, Tibien und Tarsen braun. Kopf mit den Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache glatt. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 177-178. Fiihler (Abb. 179) um fast 1/4 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, Glied 3 deutlich langer als 4. Halsschild kaum langer als breit (14,5x14), Seiten vorne gerundet, gegen die Basis verengt; vorderer Teil nicht sehr stark aufgewolbt; Oberflache glatt. Fliigeldecken langoval; falsche Epipleuren ca. 70% der Lange einnehmend, Krenulierung fehlt; Punkte weit auseinander stehend, meistens in Reihen. Tergit 8 Abb. 180. Sternit 8 Abb. 181. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 182 dorsal. 60 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA; MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 177-178. Sphinginopalpus s. str. lesoihoensis sp. nov. 3 : 177-178, Maxillarpalpen (x200) (177, von oben; 178, von iinicn). Abb. 179-182. Sphinginopalpus s. str. lesothoensis sp. nov. 3 : 179, Fuhlerglieder 1-4; 180, Tergit 8; 181, Sternil 8; 182, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal), Massstab von 179 auch fiir 181, 182. 61 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Weibchen. Wie das S gefarbt, Fiihlerglied 1 einfach. Holotypus 6 und 1 Paratypus ? (TMP): South Africa, Lesotho: Hodson’s Peak, 3000 m, 28°37'S, 29°1TE, ll.iii.l976, E-Y:1068, S. Endrody-Younga. Neben tetrastictus Champion und rufithorax Wittmer zu stellen. Die neue Art unterscheidet sich durch die Form der Fiihlerglieder 1 und 2 und die verschieden gebauten Terminalia. 29. Sphinginopalpus s. str. orangensis sp. nov. Mannchen (Abb. 183-188). Lange 2, 2-2,5 mm. Kopfbasis orange, Stirne zwischen dem oberen Teil der Augen mit einer breiteren dunkleren Makel, die die Augen oft beriihrt, Vorderkopf mit den Maxillarpalpen gelb; Fiihler bis died 6 gelb, Oberseite von 2 und Basis von 3 leicht angedunkelt, 7 bis 11 dunkelbraun bis schwarz; Halsschild mit schmaler, fast gelber Basis, daim quer schmal dunkler, seitlich, manchmal bis zum Vorderrand dunkler, Mitte bis Vorderrand braunlich; Schildchen dunkel, manchmal braunlich aufgehellt; Fliigeldecken braun bis gelblich, jede Decke mit 2 hintereinander liegenden, ringsum isolierten braunen bis dunkelbraunen Langsmakeln; Beine gelblich bis braunlich, besonders die Hintertibien ein wenig dunkler. Abb. 183-184. Sphinginopalpus s. str. orangensis sp. nov. 3 : 183-184, Maxillarpalpen (xl85) (183, von oben; 184, von unten). 62 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA; MALACHIIDAE) 1 88 Abb. 185-188. Sphinginopalpus s. str. orangensis sp. nov. 6 : 185, Fuhlerglieder 1-4; 186, Tergit 8; 187, Sternit 8; 188, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 186 auch fiir 187-188. Kopf mit den Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; feinstens chagriniert. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 183-184. Fiihler (Abb. 185) ungefahr 10% kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, died 1 mit einer kurzen Kerbe an der Basis und einem kleinen spitzwinkligen Zahn an der Kerbe, 4 und einige folgende deutlich breiter als 3. Halsschild langer als breit (16x14), Seiten zuerst fast parallel, daim allmahlich eingeschniirt; aufgewolbter Teil fast glatt bis feinstens chagriniert, dann gegen die Basis starker chagriniert, matt. Fliigeldecken ca. 2,6 mal langer als der Halsschild, nach hinten etwas verbreitert, Punktierung grob, in Reihen bis etwa 2/3 der Lange, dann weniger tief und zerstreut. Hinterschienen ein wenig gekriimmt, gegen die Spitze allmahlich schwach verbreitert. Tergit 8 Abb. 186. Sternit 8 Abb. 187. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 188 dorsal. WeibcHEN (Abb. F). Kopf und Halsschild meistens etwas blasser als beim S . Letztes died der Maxillarpalpen beilformig (Abb. F). Fuhlerglieder 4 und folgende nur ganz unmerklich breiter als 2 und 3, die dunkle 63 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Farbung an 2 und 3 nur angedeutet oder ganz fehlend. Halsschild langer (18/19x15). Holotypus und 34 Paratypen (NHMB): South Africa, Richtersveld: Alexander Bay, river, 28°32'S, 16°33'E, 6.-7.ix.l987; idem E-Y: 2478, S. Endrody-Younga, 56 Paratypen (TMP), 4 Paratypen (AMG). Von den iibrigen Arten mit braunem bis orangenem Halsschild unterscheidet sich diese Art durch den mehr oder weniger stark leicht dunkel gefleckten Halsschild, das Fiihlerglied 1 und dieTerminalia. 30. Sphinginopalpus s.str. tetrastigma Champion Sphinginopalpus tetrastigma Champion, 1922: 333. MAnnchen (Abb. 189-194). Der Holotypus befindet sich im BM, er wurde fiir die Abbildungen verwendet. Das letzte Glied der Maxillarpalpen (Abb. 189) ist vorne viel starker verbreitert als bei den folgenden 2 Arten und der Aussenrand verlauft in gerader Linie nach hinten, bei den anderen Arten ist er gerundet ausgeschnitten. Fiihlerglieder 1 bis 4 (Abb. 190). Tergit 8 Abb. 191. Sternit 8 Abb. 192. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 193 dorsal. Abb. 194 Profil. Abb. 189. Sphinginopalpus s. str. tetrastigma Champion cJ : 189, Maxillarpalpus (x220). 64 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 190-194. Sphinginopalpus s. str. leirastigma Champion 6 : 190, Fuhlerglicder 1-4; 191, Tergit 8; 192, Sternit 8; 193- 194, Kopulationsapparat (193, dorsal; 194, Profil). Massstab von 190 auch fiir 192 und 191 auch fiir 193, 194. 65 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 31. Sphinginopalpus s. str. hanglipensis sp. nov. Mannchen (Abb. 195-201). Lange 2mm. Kopf orange, Stirne angedunkelt, die dunkle Farbung zieht sich schmal nach vorne, bis zur Halfte neben den Augen und Wangen orange; Maxillarpalpen, Halsschild, Schildchen und Beine orange bis hellbraun; Fliigeldecken hellbraun, jede Decke mit einem basalen dunkelbraunen Flecken, beim Schildchen praktisch an die Naht anstossend, die Seiten unter den Schultern nicht erreichend und einem weiteren, langlichen, isolierten Flecken jederseits hinter der Mitte. Kopf mit den Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache glatt, fein, massig dicht punktiert. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 195-196. Fiihler (Abb. 197) um 1/5 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, Glied 1 nach dem basalen Einschnitt am breitesten, gegen die Spitze regelmassig verschmalert, 3 nur wenig langer als 4, 2 bis 10 zur Spitze nur schwach verbreitert. Halsschild kaum langer als breit (15,5x14,5), vorderer Teil wenig aufgewolbt, abgeflachter Teil ebenfalls schwach gewolbt; Seiten ungefahr in der Mitte am breitesten, Randung wie bei capensis; ganze Oberflache glatt, Punkte wie auf dem Kopfe. Fliigeldecken langoval; falsche Epipleuren sehr lang, fast 90% der Lange eirmehmend, keine Krenulierung; Punkte sehr gross, nicht sehr tief, in regelmassigen Punktreihen angeordnet; die aufrechtstehenden Haare Abb. 195-196. Sphinginopalpus Maxillarpalpen (x230). s. sir. hanglipensis sp. nov. S : 195-196, besonders lang. Tergit 8 Abb. 198. Sternite 7 und 8 Abb. 199. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 200 dorsal. Abb. 201 Profil. Holotypus(TMP): South Africa, N Transvaal: Soutpansberg, Hanglip, grassnetting, summit, 30°00"S, 29°54'E, 18.iii.l973, E-Y:68, S. Endrody-Younga. Eine mit tetrastigma Champion nahe verwandte Art, Unterschiede vergleiche Abbildungen. 66 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 197-201. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. hanglipensis sp. nov. cJ ; 197, Fuhlcrglictler 1-4, 198, Tcrgii 8; 199, Slcrnii 7 und 8, 200- 201, Kopulationsapparat (200, dorsal; 201, Profil). Massstab von 197 auch fiir 199-201. 32. Sphinginopalpus s. str. rufithorax sp. nov. MANNCHEN (Abb. 202-207). Lange 2,2 mm. Kopf schwarz, von ca. der Mitte der Augen nach vorne gelb; Maxillarpalpen braun, teilweise angedunkelt; Fiihler gelb, ab Glied 5 oder 6 zunehmend dunkel; Halsschild orangebraun; Schildchen schwarz; Fliigeldecken vorwiegend gelb bis gelbbraun. Basis bis iiber die Schultern schwarzlich. 67 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 jedoch Seiten darunter hell, jederseits je ein ovaler isolierter Flecken beginnt kurz vor der Mitte und lasst die Spitzen breit hell, Oder die dunkle Farbung ist starker ausgebreitet, die ovalen Flecken grosser, sie verschmelzen an der Naht und sind schmaler werdend mit der dunkeln Basis verbunden, Spitzen breit hell; Schenkel mehr Oder weniger angedunkelt, ebenso die hinteren Schienen, 4 Vorderschienen Kopf mit den Augen nur wenig breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache glatt, glanzend. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 202- 203. Fiihler (Abb. 204) ca. 1/4 kurzer als die Fliigeldecken, Glieder 3 bis 10 nur ganz wenig zur Spitze verbreitert, 3 ein wenig langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (17x15), mit capensis iibereinstimmend, jedoch vorderer Teil weniger stark aufgewolbt und Oberflache glatt, glanzend, nur der abgeflachte Teil chagriniert. Fliigeldecken langoval, ungefahr in der Mitte am breitesten, Schulterbeulen normal; falsche Epipleuren ca. 50% der Lange der Decken einnehmend, nicht krenuliert; Punktierung ahnlich wie bei capensis. Behaarung staubartig, auf den Fliigeldecken nur ganz vereinzelte, langere, helle, aufstehende Haare. Tergit 8 Abb. 205. Sternit 8 Abb. 206. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 207 dorsal. Holotypus und 9 Paratypen (TMP), 5 Paratypen (NHMB), 1 Paratypus (AMG): South Africa, Transvaal: Waterberg, Haakdoringboom farm, flood debris, Mogo IR, 24°11'S, 27°50'E, 13. ii. 1976, E-Y:1039, A. Strydom; Onderstepoort (Pretoria), iv.l987, 1. Pajor, 2 Paratypen (NHMB); Nelspruit Nature Reserve, rivulet vail., grassnetting, 19.xii.l986, 25°29'S, 30°55'E, E-Y:2402, S. Endrody- Younga, 1 Paratypus (TMP), 1 Paratypus (NHMB). Diese neue Art ist neben lesothoensis Wittmer zu stellen, mit der sie den schwarzen Kopf gemeinsam hat, Unterschiede zeigt das Fiihlerglied 1 und die Terminalia, siehe Abbildungen. gelb, ebenso alle Tarsen. Abb. 202-203 . Sphinginopalpus s. str. rufithoraxsY>. nov. S : 202- 203, Maxillarpalpen (xl25) (202, von oben; 203, von unten) Weibchen. Wie das S gefarbt; Maxillarpalpen einfach. 68 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 204-207. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. rufithorax sp. nov. 6 \ 204, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 205, Tergit 8; 206, Sternit 8; 207, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 204 auch fiir 206, 207. 33. Sphinginopalpus s. str. nigrithorax sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 208-213). Lange 2,3 mm. Kopf schwarz, von der Mitte der Augen nach vorne gelb, liber dem Clypeus ein kleiner, verschwommener, dunkler Flecken; Maxillarpalpen dunkel, teils aufgehellt; Fiihler dunkel, erste 5 Glieder gelb, 1 und 2 auf der Oberseite schwach dunkel; Halsschild, Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere mil einem schmalen, weissen Querband vor der Mitte, das an der Naht schmal unterbrochen 1st; Hinterbeine schwarz, Hintertibien kaum merklich aufgehellt; 4 vordere Schenkel und Tibien dunkel, Knie und Spitzen der Tibien etwas aufgehellt, 4 vordere Tarsen ziemlich hell. Kopf mit den Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewdlbt; Oberflache glatt. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 208-209. Fiihler (Abb. 210) um ca. 1/5 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, Glieder 3 bis 10 fast parallel, 3 deutlich langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (17x14), wie bei capensis, jedoch aufgewolbter Teil glatt, abgeflachter Teil chagriniert. Fliigeldecken lang, zur Spitze etwas verbreitert, Schulterbeulen normal; falsche Epipleuren kurz, ca. 30% der Lange einnehmend, wenig 69 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb. 208-209. Sphinginopalpus s. str, nigrithorax sp. nov. 6 : Maxillarpalpen (x200) (208, von oben; 209, von unten). vorstehend, ganz fein krenuliert; Punkte ein wenig grosser als bei capensis; Oberflache glatt. Tergit 8 Abb. 211. Sternit 8 Abb. 212. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 213 dorsal. Holotypus (NHMB): South Africa, Cape Prov.; 2 km E Suurfontein, 22. ix. 1986, W. Wittmer, M. Macpherson. Bisher die einzige aus Siidafrika bekarmtgewordene Art mit einfarbig schwarzem Halsschild. 70 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 210-213. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. nigriihorax sp. nov. 6 : 210, Fuhlerglieder 1-4, 211, Tergit 8; 212, Stcrnil 8; 213, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 210 auch fur 212, 213. 34. Sphinginopalpus s. str. capensis sp. nov. Mannchen (Abb. 214-219). Lange 1, 9-2,1 mm. Kopf schwarz mil einem breiten gelben Flecken am Vorderkopf, der selten bis zu den Augen reicht, Wangen meistens teils bis ganz gelb; Maxillarpalpen meistens gelb, seltener braun bis dunkelbraun; Fuhlerglieder 1 bis 5 gelb, seltener 5 teils dunkel, restliche schwarz; Halsschild schwarz, an der Basis schmal aufgehellt; Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere mit einem schmalen, gelben, durchgehenden Querband vor der Mitte; Beine schwarz, Spitzen der Vordertibien seltener. 71 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb. 214-215. Sphinginopalpus s. str. capensis sp. nov. 3: 214-215, Maxillarpalpen (x200) (214, von oben; 215, von unten). Vordertarsen fast immer ganz aufgehellt. Kopf mit den Augen kaum merklich breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache fein chagriniert. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 214-215. Fiihler (Abb. 216) urn ca. 1/5 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, died 1 mit einem kleinen Zahn an der Basis oben und einem grosseren auf der Unterseite, 3 ein wenig langer als 4. Halsschild Linger als breit (16x14), vorderer Teil stark aufgewdlbt, Basis abgeflacht; Seiten gerundet, in der Mitte am breitesten, nach vorne kaum verschmalert, gegen die Basis stark verengt; Basalrand deutlicher als die Seitenrander, die kurz vor der Basis erloschen; Oberflache fein chagriniert. Fliigeldecken langoval, nach der Mitte am breitesten; Schulterbeulen normal; falsche Epipleuren ca. 40% der Lange der Decken einnehmend, nur angedeutet krenuliert; Punktierung bis zur Mitte, oder dariiber hinaus ziemlich grob, in Punktreihen, nach hinten erloschend, verworren. Behaarung des Korpers fein staubartig, die Fliigeldecken mit einzelnen langen, hellen, aufstehenden Haaren. Tergit 8 Abb. 217. Sternit 8 Abb. 218. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 219 dorsal. Weibchen. Kopf einfarbig schwarz, sonst wie das S gefarbt. Holotypus und 6 Paratypen (NHMB): South Africa, SW Cape Prov. ; 3 km S Lamberts Bay, 22.ix. 1984, W. Wittmer; 50 km S Kleinsee, 30°10'S, 17°14'E, 10.ix.l987, W. Wittmer, 6 Paratypen (NHMB); 20 km N Sout Pan, 12.ix.l985, W. Wittmer, 1 Paratypus (NHMB); near Strandfontein, 31°45'S, 18°14"E, 16. ix. 1986, W. Wittmer, R. Oberprieler, 28 Paratypen (NHMB), 15 Paratypen (NCI), 4 Paratypen (AMG);Papendorp dunes, 31°38'S, 18°12'E, 22. viii. 1981, E-Y: 1827, S. Endrody-Younga, Paratypen (TMP); Seweputs coast, 31°39'S, 18°17'E, E-Y:1836, S. Endrody-Younga, 8 Paratypen (TMP); Hondeklipbaai, 30°19"S, 17°17"E, 14.ix.l986, W. Wittmer, R. Oberprieler, 10 Paratypen (NHMB); 5 km E Port Nolloth, 29°17^S, 16°55^E, 9.ix.l986, W. Wittmer, R. Oberprieler, 20 Paratypen (NHMB), 3 Paratypen (NCI). Diese neue Art ist neben pallidipalpis Wittmer zu stellen. 72 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA; MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 216-219. Sphinginopalpus s. str. capensis sp. nov. 6 : 216, Fuhlcrglicder 1-4; 217, Tergit 8; 218, Slernit 8; 219, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 216 auch fiir 218, 219. 35. Sphinginopalpus s. str. dentifrons sp. nov. MANNCHEN (Abb. 220-226). Lange 2,5 mm. Kopf schwarz, von der Mitte der Augen nach vorne zuerst braun aufgeheilt, dann inMusive Wangen gelb; Halsschild schwarz, Maxillarpalpen gelbbraun; Fiihler schwarzlich, Glieder 1 und 2 gelb, 3 bis 5 hellbraun; Halsschild schwarz, ungefahr die Halfte des abgesetzten Teils an der Basis gelbbraun; Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere mil einem weisslichen, antimedianen, dreieckigen Seitenflecken, der sich etwas mehr nach hinten als nach vorne verlangert und die Naht nicht erreicht; Hinterbeine schwarz, Mittelbeine dunkelbraun, Mitteltarsen ein wenig heller. 73 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb. 22Q-221. Sphinginopalpus s. str. dentifrons sp. nov. tj : 220-221, Maxillarpalpen (xl70) (220, von oben; 221, von unten). Vorderschenkel dunkel, bei den Knien heller, Vordertibien und Tarsen hellbraun. Kopf (Abb. 222) mil den Augen breiter als der Halsschild; Vorderstirne mil einem kleinen, spitzen Zahn in der Mitte; Oberflache glatt. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 220-221. Fiihler (Abb. 223) urn ca. 15% kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, died 3 deutlich langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (20x18); Seiten nach vorne kaum merklich verengt; Oberflache vorne glatt, abgeflachter Teil zum grossten Teil chagriniert. Fliigeldecken langoval; falsche Epipleuren ca. 70% der Lange einnehmend, nicht krenuliert; 2 Punktreihen neben der Naht auf 1/3 der Lange regelmassig, nach hinten nehmen die Punkte an Tiefe und Dichte ab. Tergit 8 Abb. 224. Sternit 8 Abb. 225. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 226 dorsal. Holotypus (TMP): South Africa, Natal: Indumeni For., Bergville Distr., humus, x.1960, N. Leleup. Die einzige bis jetzt bekanntgewordene Art, deren Vorderstirne mit einem kleinen, spitzen Zahn bewehrt ist. 74 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 222-226. Sphinginopalpus s. str. dentifrons sp. nov. d ; 222, Kopf; 223 Fuhlerglieder 1-4; 224, Tergit 8; 225, Stemil 8; 226, Kopulalionsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 223 auch fiir 225, 226. 75 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Kopf schwarz, Vorderkopf mil den Wangen variabel gelb bis orange gefarbt, manchmal beginnend am Vorderrand der Augen, Oder etwas weiter vorne ein dunkles gebogenes Querband, beginnend am Vorderrand der Fiihlerwurzel, in alien Fallen sind die Wangen hell; Maxillarpalpen gelb; Fiihler gelb, die letzten 5 bis 6 Glieder zunehmend dunkel, bei einem Exemplar ein dunkler Langswisch auf 1 basal; Halsschild schwarz, grbsster Teil der abgeflachten Basis hell; Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere jederseits vor der Mitte mil einem kleinen, weisslichen Flecken; Hinterbeine schwarz, Hintertibien manchmal leicht aufgehellt, 4 Vorderbeine gelb, Schenkel bis kurz vor den Knien schwarz, alle 6 Tarsen gelb. Kopf mil den Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache glatt, einige zerstreute, feine Haarpunkte sichtbar. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 227-228. Fiihler (Abb. 229) fast um 1/3 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, Glieder 3 bis 10 gegen die Spitze kaum erweitert, 3 so lang oder ein wenig langer als 4. Halsschild ungefahr so lang wie breit, sonst wie bei capensis, jedoch Oberflache glatt, nur die abgeflachte Basis chagriniert. Fliigeldecken langoval, wie bei capensis, aber starker punktiert, falsche Epipleuren ca. 50% der Lange einnehmend, praktisch nicht krenuliert. Tergit 8 Abb. 230. Sternit8Abb. 231. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 232 dorsal. Weibchen. Kopf einfarbig schwarz, ebenso die Maxillarpalpen, sonst wie das 6 gefarbt. Holotypus und 14 Paratypen (TMP), 9 Paratypen (NHMB), 2 Paratypen (AMG): South Africa, E Transvaal: Nelshoogte Forest Station, 1.- 7.xii.l986, 8.iv.l987, 25°47'S, 30°49"E, grassnetting, E- Y:2335, 2338, 2350, 2360, 2456, S. Endrody-Younga; Cycas Farm, grassnetting, 5.xi.l985, E-Y: 2262, S. Endrody-Younga, 1 Paratypus (NHMB). Natal: Richards Bay, dense grass, 28°50'S, 32°05"E, 13.x. 1984, P. E. Reavell, 1 Paratypus (TMP). Diese neue Art ist neben albilabris (Boheman) zu stellen. Sie ist von gleicher Farbung (ausgenommen der Kopf) und Korperform, das Fiihlerglied 1 ist etwas verschieden gebaut, weitere grosse Unterschiede zeigen die Terminalia, vergleiche Abbildungen. 36. Sphinginopalpus s. str. variceps sp. nov. Mannchen (Abb. 227-232). Lange 2 mm. 227 228 Abb. 227-228. Sphinginopalpus s. str. variceps sp. nov. 6 : 227- 228, Maxillarp^pen (x200) (227, von oben; 228, von unten). 76 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 229-232. Sphinginopalpus s. str. variceps sp. nov. <5: 229, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 230, Tergit 8, 231, Sternit 8; 232, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 229 auch liir 231, 232. 37. Sphinginopalpus s. str. albilabris (Boheman) Chalicorus albilabris Boheman, 1851: 477. Sphinginopalpus albilabis Boheman - Champion 1922: 332, parte. MANNCHEN (Abb. 233-239). Der Holotypus ( c? ) stimmt mit Exemplaren iiberein, die mir von mehreren Fundorten vorliegen. Fiir die Abbildungen wurde 1 Ex. von Weza, Impetyene, E- Y :2680, verwendet: Maxillarpalpen Abb. 233-234. Fiihler Abb. 235. Tergit 8 Abb. 236. Sternit 8 Abb. 237. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 238 dorsal, Abb. 239 Profil. 77 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb, 233-234. Sphing'mopalpus s. str. albilabris (Boheman) <3: 233-234, Maxillarpalpen (233, von oben, x300; 234, von unten, x260). Weibchen (Abb. D, E, H). Ausserdem verweise ich auf die Gesamptaufnahme eines $ von Nelshoogte, E-Y:2350, Abb. D, E und die Basis des Halsschildes Abb. H. Eingesehenes MATERIAL: South Africa, Natal: Frere, ix. und x.1892, G. A. K. Marshall, 3 $ (BM), det. G. C. Champion; Weza, Impetyene grassveld, flowering grass, grass tussocks and intersept, trap 12 days, 30°37'S, 29°42'E, 16.-21.xi.l989, E-Y:2680, 2709, 2712, 2718, S. Endrody-Younga, I. Klimaszewski, 8 Ex. (TMP), 5 Ex. (NHMB). Transkei: Fraser Gorge, grass tussocks, 31°24'S, 29°42'E, 27. xi. 1988, E-Y:2584, S. Endrody-Younga, 10 Ex. (TMP), 5 Ex. (NHMB). E Transvaal: Uitsoek Forest Station, 1100 m, grassveld, 12.xii.l986, 6. v. 1987, E-Y:2379, 2426, 25°18'S, 30°55^E, S. Endrody-Younga, 39 Ex. (TMP), 11 Ex. (NHMB); Gods Window, grassnetting, 24°35"S, 30°5HE, 12.xi.l980, E-Y:1734, S. Endrody-Younga, 14 Ex. (TMP). Die von Champion (1922) als albilabris bestimmten Exemplare aus Salisbury (jetzt Harare) (Zimbabwe) gehoren einer neuen Art an, die ich hier als majeri Wittmer beschreibe. 78 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 235-239. Sphinginopalpus s. str. albilabris (Boheman) S : 235, Ftihlerglieder 1-4; 236, Tergit 8; 237, Stemit 8; 238-239, Kopulationsapparat (238, dorsal; 239, Profil). Massstab von 235 auch fiir 237-239. 79 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 38. Sphinginopalpus s. str. complexus sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 240-245). Lange 2 mm. Eine in Korperform und Farbung mil albilabris (Boheman) iibereinstimmende Art. Sie unterscheidet sich durch die Form der Maxillarpalpen (Abb. 240-241), die zum grossten Teil gelb sind, nur died 1 ist teils leicht angedunkelt, Fiihler Abb. 242, Tergit 8 Abb. 243, Sternit 8 Abb. 244, Kopulationsapparat Abb. 245 dorsal, vergleiche mit den Abbildungen 233-239. Holotypus und 28 Paratypen (NHMB), 2 Paratypen (TMP), 2 Paratypen (AMG): South Africa, Transvaal; Bothasnek, 1450 m, 23. xi. 1987, W. Wittmer. Diese neue Art is neben albilabris (Boheman) zu stellen, von der sie sich durch die verschiedenen Terminalia unterscheidet. Die Maxillarpalpen (Abb. 240-241) gleichen sehr albilabris. Abb. 240-241. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. complexus sp. nov. 6 ■ 240-241, Maxillaq>alpen (x250) (240, von oben; 241, von unten). 80 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 242-245. Sphinginopalpus s. str. complexus sp. nov. 6 : 242, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 243, Tergit 8; 244, Sternit 8; 245, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 242 auch fiir 244, 245. 81 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 39. Sphinginopalpus s. str. politipennis sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 246-251). Lange fast 2,5 mm. Kopf schwarz, von der Mitte der Augen nach vorne, inklusive der Wangen, gelb; Maxillarpalpen Schwarz; Fiihler gelb, die letzten 4 bis 5 Glieder schwarzlich; Halsschild schwarz, ein Teil der abgesetzten Basis gelbbraun; Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere jederseits mit einem schmalen, kurzen, antemedianen weisslichen Flecken; Hinterschenkel schwarz, Hintertibien schwarzlich, an der Basis kurz aufgehellt, Hintertarsen braun, 4 Vorderschenkel schwarz, an den Knien kurz heller, 4 vordere Schienen und Tarsen gelb. Kopf mit den Augen breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache glatt. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 246-247. Fiihler (Abb. 248) um ca. 1/5 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, Zahn an Glied 1 mit sehr langer undschmaler Spitze, 3 nur wenig langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (15,5x14), sonst wie bei oculimaculatus, jedoch Chagrinierung an der abgeflachten Basis feiner. Fliigeldecken langoval, die falschen Epipleuren konnten nicht gemessen werden, weil die Decken beidseitig eingerollt sind; Oberflache glatt, Abb. 246-247. Sphinginopalpus s. str. politipennis sp. nov. 6 : 246-247, Punktierung Sehr spiirlich. Tergit Maxillarpalpen (xl70) (246, von oben; 247, von unten). g Abb. 249. Stemit 8 Abb. 250. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 251. Holotypus (TMP), 1 Paratypus (NHMB): South Africa, E Transvaal: Nelshoogte, Devils Knuckle, grassnetting, 25°47"S, 30°49'E, 4.xii.l986, E-Y:2350, S. Endrody-Younga. Die stark glanzenden Fliigeldecken mit den verhaltnismassig wenig weit nach hinten reichenden Punkten, nebst den Terminalia, unterscheiden diese Art von den vielen ahnlich gefarbten. 82 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 248-251. Sphinginopalpus s. str. poUtipennis sp. nov. S : 248, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 249, Tergit 8; 250, Stemit 8; 251, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 248 auch fiir 250, 251. 40. Sphinginopalpus s. str. trispinopsis sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 252-255). Lange 2,2 mm. Line in der Farbung und Kdrperform mil trispimis Wittmer iibereinstimmende Art, nur bei den Fiihlern fehlt der kleine schwarze Flecken auf Glied 3, dafiir ist 4 bereits angedunkelt, bei trispimis gelb. 83 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Fiihler Abb. 252. Die Maxillarpalpen sind denen von trispinus sehr ahnlich und werden deshalb nicht abgebildet. Tergit 8 Abb. 253. Sternit 8 (Abb. 254) und der Kopulationsapparat (Abb. 255) zeigen grossere Unterschiede. Weibchen. Fiihlerglieder 1 bis 5 gelb, nur 1 an der Basis ganz wenig dunkel, sonst wie das 6 gefarbt; ungefliigelt. Holotypus 6 und 1 Paratypus $ (TMP), 1 Paratypus $ (NHMB); South Africa, E Transvaal: Gods Window, grassnetting, 24°35'S, 30°51'E, 12. xi. 1980, E-Y:1734, S. Endrody-Younga. Diese neue Art gehort zu einer kleinen Gruppe deren Fuhlerglied 1 mit drei Zahnen bewehrt ist (tridens, tridensmimus). Abb. 252-255. Sphinginopalpus s. str. trispinopsis sp. nov. S : 252, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 253, Tergit 8; 254, Stemit 8; 255, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 252 auch fiir 254, 255. 84 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) 41. Sphinginopalpus s. str. oneili Pic. Sphinginopalpus oneili Pic, 1903: 164. - 1904: 13. - Champion, 1922: 328, T. 5, Fig. 21, parte. MANNCHEN (Abb. 256-264). Im MP befindet sich der Lectotypus und 7 Paralectotypen, im BM 4 Paralectotypen, im SAM 3 Paralectotypen, im NHMB 1 Paralectotypus. Originalfundort : Dunbrody (Cape Prov.), 33°28'S, 25°33'E. Ftir die verschiedenen Abbildungen diente der Lectotypus. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 256-257. Fiihler Abb. 258. Tergit 8 Abb. 259. Sternit 8 Abb. 260. Spiculum Abb. 261. Tegmen Abb. 262. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 263 dorsal. Abb. 264 Profil. Abb. 256-257. Sphinginopalpus s. str. oneili Pic 6 : 256-257, Maxillarpalpen (xl55) (256, von oben; 257, von unten). Weibchen (Abb. 265). Champion (1922) stellte eine Anzahl von Exemplaren von Salisbury (jetzt Harare) (Zimbabwe) zu oneili, die einer anderen, neuen Art angehoren, die ich hier als majeri Wittmer beschreibe. 85 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb. 258-265. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. oneili Pic 6 : 258, Fuhlerglicdcr 1-4; 259, Tcrgit 8; 260, Sterna 8; 261, Spiculum; 262, Tegmen; 263-264, Kopulationsapparat (263, dorsal; 264, Profil); 265, Sphinginopalpus s. str. oneili Pic $ : Maxillarpalpus. Massstab von 258 auch fiir 265 und 259 auch fur 261-264. 42. Sphinginopalpus s. str. leucosideae sp. nov, MANNCHEN (Abb. 266-271). Lange 2 mm. Kopf schwarz, ein gelber Flecken auf dem Vorderkopt, zwischen den Fiihlerwurzeln, die Augen und Wangen nicht erreichend; Maxillarpalpen schwarzbraun, teils schwach aufgehellt; Fiihler dunkel, die Glieder 1 bis 5 gelb, Basis von 1 schwarz und mil einem schwarzen Langswisch auf der Oberseite; Halsschild schwarz, die ganze abgeflachle Basis gelbbraun; Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere mil einem weisslichen, antimedianen, dreieckigen Seitenflecken, der sich etwas mehr nach hinten als nach vorne hinzieht, die Naht wird nicht erreicht; Hinterbeine schwarz, Hintertarsen leicht aufgehellt, 4 vordere Schenkel schwarz, 4 vordere Tibien und Tarsen gelb. Kopf mit den Augen ein wenig breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewolbt; Oberflache glatt. 86 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 266-267. Sphinginopalpus s. str. leucosideae sp. nov. cj : 266-267, Maxillarpalpen (xl70) (266, von oben; 267, von unten). Maxillarpalpen Abb. 266-267. Fiihler (Abb. 268) um fast 1/4 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, died 3 ein wenig langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (18x15), Oberflache glatt, abgeflachter Teil chagriniert, sonst wie elongatidens. Fliigeldecken langoval; falsche Epipleuren ca. 70% der Lange einnehmend, nicht krenuliert; Punkte grob, in Reihen angeordnet, nach der Mitte wenig tief, verworren, sparlicher und fast ganz erloschend. Tergit 8 Abb. 269. Sternit 8 Abb. 270. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 271 dorsal. Weibchen. Kopf einfarbig schwarz; Fiihlerglied 1 gelb, nur die Basis kurz schwarz, Schulterbeulen stark ruduziert, wahrscheinlich ungefliigelt. Holotypus (NMB): South Africa, Orange Free State: Golden Gate Highlands National Park, SE 28 28 BC, 13.-14.xi.l985, ex Leucosidea sericea, Mus. staff. Natal: Nyala Reserve, 10 km inland of Empangeni, in Acacia veld, 10.ii.l985, P. E. Reavell, 1 Paratypus (NHMB); Ukulu River, swept in grass, floodplain, P. E. Reavell, 1 Paratypus (NHMB); 4 km S Wasbank, R 621, 1030 m, 21. xi. 1987, W. Wittmer, 4 Paratypen (NHMB). Diese neue Art scheint weit verbreitet zu sein, sie ist leicht erkennbar an dem ziemlich parallelen Fiihlerglied 1 sowie an den Terminalia. 87 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb. 268-271, Sphinginopalpus s. str. leucosideae sp. nov. d; 268, Fiihlerglieder 1-4; 269, Tergit 8; 270, Stemit 8; 271, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 268 auch fiir 270-271. 43. Sphinginopalpus s. str. amatolensis sp. nov. Mannchen (Abb. 272-277). Lange 2,5 mm. Kopf mil den Wangen schwarz, zwischen den Fiihlerwurzeln gelb und einem kleinen gelblichen Flecken neben jedem Auge, der auch fehlen kann; Maxillarpalpen schwarziich, Glied 1 aufgehellt; Fiihler schwarz, Glieder 1 bis 5 gelb, Oberseite von 1 schwarz; Halsschild schwarz, abgeflachte Basis schmal gelbbraun; Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere mit einem weisslichen, antimedianen Querband, das an der Naht unterbrochen und seitlich verlangert ist; Hinterbeine 88 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) schwarz, Tarsen teils aufgehellt, 4 Vorderbeine schwarz bis schwarzlich, 4 Vordertarsen gelb. Kopf mit den Augen ein wenig breiter als der Halsschild, Stirne leicht gewdlbt; Oberflache chagriniert. Maxillarpalpen Abb. 272-273. Fiihler (Abb. 274) um nicht ganz 1/5 kiirzer als die Fliigeldecken, Glied 1 mit sehr kleinem, feinem Zahn, 3 kaum merklich langer als 4. Halsschild langer als breit (18x16), aufgewolbter Teil weniger stark chagriniert als der Kopf, abgeflachter Teil chagriniert, sonst wie elongatidens. Fliigeldecken langoval; falsche Epipleuren ca. 70% der Lange einnehmend, ganz schwach krenuliert; Punktierung ahnlich wie bei elongatidens. Tergit 8 Abb. 275. Sternit 8 Abb. 276. Kopulationsapparat Abb. 277 dorsal. Abb. 272-273. Sphinginopalpus s. str. amatolensis sp. nov. S : 272-273, Maxillarpalpen (xl70) (111, von oben; 273, von unten). Weibchen. Kopf einfarbig schwarz, sonst wie das S gefarbt. Schulterbeulen nur angedeutet; falsche Epipleuren fein krenuliert; ungefliigelt. Holotypus und 20 Paratypen (TMP), 10 Paratypen (NHMB), 2 Paratypen (AMG): South Africa, Cape Prov.: Amatole, Isidenge Forest Station, grass tussocks, 32°4LS, 27°15'E, 18.xi.l987, E-Y:2524, S. Endrody- Younga. Natal: Mouth of Umkomaas River, ix.l897, G. A. K. Marshall, 1 Paratypus (BM), von Champion als myrmecodeslalbifrons bestimmt. Diese neue Art ist neben trimaculatus Wittmer zu stellen. Die von Champion (1922) als myrmecodes Boheman bestimmten und beschriebenen 3 2 mit Fundorten “mouth of Umkomaas River” und Seymour” gehdren zu amatolensis. 89 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 1 30 JANUARY 1994 Abb. 274-277. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. amatolensis sp. nov. 21 A, Fuhlcrglieiler 1-4; 275, Tergit 8; 276, Sternit 8; 277, Kopulationsapparat (dorsal). Massstab von 274 auch fiir 276, 277. 44. Sphinginopalpus s. str. nelshoogtensis sp. nov. MAnnchen (Abb. 278-283). Lange 2,8 mm. Kopf mil den Wangen schwarz, neben jedem Auge ein ganz kleiner, verschwommener heller Flecken; Maxillarpalpen schwarzlich; Fiihler dunkel, died 1 auf der Unterseite und 2 bis 5 ganz hell; Halsschild schwarz, Basis nicht ganz bis zur Halfte der abgeflachten Basis gelbbraun; Schildchen und Fliigeldecken schwarz, letztere mil einem gelblichweissen, antimedianen Querband, das an der Naht unterbrochen ist, seitlich beidseitig ein wenig verliingert; die 4 hinteren Beine schwarz, Tarsen schwach aufgehellt, Vorderbeine dunkel, Schenkel gegen das Knie und Tarsen aufgehellt. 90 DIE GATTUNG SPHINGINOPALPUS PIC (COLEOPTERA: MALACHIIDAE) Abb. 278-279. Sphinginopalpus s. sir. nelsiwogiensis sp. nov. 80 mm FL) began to erupt in May. The tubercles were found to erupt through the worn tubercle bases of the previous season. Some tubercles were well formed by August and the first signs of wear occurred in November which coincided with the spawning season. In P. burchelli the wearing and/or sloughing off of the tubercles continued until April when only the bases of the tubercles were visible. Cambray and Stuart (1985) suggested that this seasonal cycle of tubercle formation and wear added support to the hypothesis that the tubercles were associated with reproduction in redfin minnows (Skelton, 1980). It was proposed by Cambray and Stuart (1985) that the wearing as the season progressed suggested that the tubercles are used when defending a territory. The keratin caps get worn off as the breeding season progresses. The lifetime reproductive success of individuals may be influenced by the individual variation in tubercle number and/or size. In male P. afer the head tubercles were both volumetrically larger and more numerous than those of P. asper. That would suggest that in the clear water habitat of P. afer size and number of tubercles were important for reproductive success and may have influenced mate choice. The presence of tubercles may signal information about the genetic quality of the bearer, or it may only be that the presence of large tubercles and bright red coloration makes the bearer more likely to be chosen by a potential mate. The ultimate factors which have lead to the evolution of the secondary sexual characters, such as tubercles, are still a subject of debate (Wootton, 1990). In New World cyprinids, sexual differences are usually more pronounced in those species that are highly territorial, have some form of parental care, or carry out their life cycles in high-gradient and clear rivers (Mayden, 1991). There is no known parental care in Pseudobarbus species but most of the species, such as P. afer and P. burchelli, inhabit clear water systems. Quantitative differences in secondary sexual characters of a species may play a role in mate discrimination by reinforcing speciation once populations that had diverged in allopatry came back into contact (Dobzhansky, 1940). The noted differences in secondary sexual characters of P. afer and P. asper males may reinforce speciation in the Groot River as there is no physical barrier separating these two species (Cambray, 1992). Pseudobarbus afer, P. asper and P. quathlambae (Cambray and Meyer, 1988; Cambray, 1991; Cambray, 1992) all spawned after an increase in river flow and their spawning habitat was mid- channel amongst boulders. Ozarkian minnows which were very active spawners or which spawned in rapidly flowing waters were found to have more extensively developed, scattered tubercles than sedentary species which had tubercles in lines (Branson, 1962). Cyprinids with unspecialized breeding habits usually have small tubercles distributed over the head in no particular pattern (Lachner and Jenkins, 1971). This may indicate that in the Pseudobarbus species with large tubercles, such as P. afer and P. burchelli, there may be more specialized breeding habits compared to species such as P. asper and especially P. phlegethon which have smaller or vestigial tubercles. This difference requires further investigation. It is suggested that in P. afer and P. asper males large head tubercles are used for display prior to breeding, whereas during breeding the tubercles on the scales and fin rays maintain contact with females, as do the larger pectoral fins of the males, in the riffle spawning habitat. The occurrence of fewer and smaller tubercles on P. asper males may be because in turbid waters visual characters have 168 CAMBRAY; NUPTIAL TUBERCLES IN PSEUDOBARBUS: SEASONAL OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION less of a selective advantage than in a clear mountain stream (Table 13). That the head tubercles are still relatively large in P. asper may be a phylogenetic constraint within the sister species pair. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Eve Cambray helped in the field and also made suggestions on a number of drafts of this paper. Professors Mike Bruton and Tom Hecht made many useful comments on a draft of this work. Garth and Conrad Cambray helped in the field. This work was made possible by a research grant from the Foundation for Research Development. The Director of the Albany Museum permitted me to undertake this work. A grant from the Anglo American and De Beers Chairman’s Fund enabled me to present this paper at an international conference. REFERENCES Banarescu, P.andCoAD, B. W. 1991. Cyprinids of Eurasia. In: Winfield, I. J. and J. S. Nelson eds, Cyprinid fishes systematics, biology and exploitation. London: Chapman & Hall, pp. 127-155. Barnard, K. H. 1943. Revision of the indigenous freshwater fishes of the S.W. Cape region. Ann. S. Afr. Mas. 36(2): 101-262. 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Skelton, P. H. 1980. Systematics and biogeography of the redfin Barbus species (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from southern Africa. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. Skelton, P. H. 1988. A taxonomic revision of the redfin minnows (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from southern Africa. A«n. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) 16(10): 201-307. Vladykov, V. D., Renaud, C. B. and Laeramboise, S. 1985. Breeding tubercles in three species of Gadus (Cods). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42: 608-615. Wiley, M. L. and Collette, B. B. 1970. Breeding tubercles and contact organs in fishes: their occurrence, structure and significance. Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. 143(3):143-216. WiTKOWSKi, A. and Rogowska, M. 1991. Breeding tubercles in some European cyprinid fishes (Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierd. Dresden 46(9): 131-156. WooTTON, R. J. 1985. Energetics of reproduction. In: Tytler, P. and P. Calow eds, Fish energetics new perspectives. London: Croom Helm, pp. 231-254. Wootton, R. j. 1990. Ecology ofTeleost fishes. London: Chapman & Hall. Zar, j. H. 1984. Biostatistical analysis. 2nd edn. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 170 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAYOUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted on floppy disk accompanied by three print-outs (spacing 1!4 or 2). In exceptional cases typed manuscripts will be accepted. These should be submitted in triplicate, typed on A4 size paper, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and with wide margins all round. Only generic and specific names should be underlined to indicate italics. All other marking up should be left to the editor. Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible. All measurements should be metric. Systematic papers should follow the rules of the International code of zoological nomenclature or Xht International code of botanical nomenclature, as applicable. 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M ol3 ISSN 0570-1880 Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums Natural History Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Volume 19 Part 3 28th February 1995 I ■ f JUM 26 1995 Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series, Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the collection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in connection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahamstown 6140. Editor Dr F. W. GESS Assistant Editor Dr S. K. GESS A new subspecies of the freshwater halacarid mite Lobohalacarus weberi (Romijn and Viets) (Halacaridae, Acari) from a Southern Atlantic Ocean island by ILSE BARTSCH (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Notkestrasse 31, 22607 Hamburg, Germany) ABSTRACT Lobohalacarus weberi tristanensis subsp. nov., found on Inaccessible, Tristan da Cunha Islands, is described and compared with populations of L. weberi weberi (Romijn and Viets) from Europe. Representatives of the Lobohalacarus weberi complex primarily inhabit subterranean waters. A short survey of species and subspecies of the L. weberi complex is given and means of dispersal to Inaccessible Island are discussed. INTRODUCTION Although comprising mostly marine species, the superfamily Halacaroidea includes several fresh water species. At present, about 700 marine and 50 limnic species are described. The freshwater halacarid species differ from marine species in having external genital acetabula. The freshwater species can be assigned to several halacarid subfamilies. AREA OF INVESTIGATION, MATERIAL AND ABBREVIATIONS The Tristan da Cunha island group lies about midway between South Africa and South America, in a belt with prevailing westerly winds and easterly water currents (Baker et al., 1964). The islands, of volcanic origin, are located east of the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Inaccessible, the most westerly island, has an area of about 10 km and reaches a height of 550 m (Baker, 1973). The island is resting on an older eroded volcanic cone, about 18 million years old (Baker et al., 1964; Chevallier et al., 1992). The halacarid specimens were collected on the west side of Inaccessible Island, from a small, narrow freshwater stream bordered by Spartina arundinacea. The sampling site is less than 1 km from the underground source of the stream; the water is clear, pH 7.0 (Barber-James, in prep). Abbreviations used in the descriptions are: AD, anterior dorsal plate; AE, anterior epimeral plate; br, bristle; GA, genitoanal plate; GO, genital opening; OC, ocular plate(s); P, palp, P-2, 2nd palpal segment; pas, parambulacral setae; PD, posterior dorsal plate; PE, posterior epimeral plate; sp, spine. Legs are numbered I to IV, leg segments 1 to 6 (I-l, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6 = trochanter, basifemur, telofemur, genu, tibia and tarsus on leg I). The type material is deposited in the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa. TAXONOMY Lobohalacarus weberi tristanensis subsp. nov. Material One holotype female, Albany Museum, Grahamstown, TDC II H; Inaccessible Island, from 171 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 3 28 FEBRUARY 1995 narrow freshwater stream; collected by H.M. Barber-James, 23 October 1989. Three paratype females, one larva, Albany Museum, Grahamstown, TDC I G; type locality. Two females, author’s halacarid collection, type locality. Description Holotype feifiale. Idiosoma 310 pm long. Integument of dorsal plates foveate and delicately punctate. Anterior rounded idiosoma formed by dorsal portion of AE which is fused in midline. Anterior AD contiguous but not broadly joined with that area. AD 92 pm long; with an area like an inverted Y slightly raised (Fig. 1). AD with 18-20 foveae in width and 17 foveae in length. OC elongate, 75 pm long; no cornea present. PD 184 pm long, with two slightly raised longitudinal costae; transversely about 20-22 foveae wide, longitudinally with 27-29 foveae. Dorsal idiosomatic setae small; one pair of setae inserted anterior to the AD, one pair on the AD on a level with insertion of leg I, one pair each in anterolateral edge and near medial edge of OC. PD with three pairs of setae, one of them on a level with insertion of leg III, one on that of leg IV, and one pair of setae in posterior PD. Ventral shield (fused anterior epimeral plate, posterior epimeral plate and genitoanal plate) delicately foveate and punctate. Area corresponding to AE with three pairs of long ventral setae and one pair of epimeral pores (Fig. 2); area of PE with one dorsal, one long lateral and one ventral seta. GO 70 pm long; genital sclerites with two pairs of acetabula. These acetabula in size and morphology similar to epimeral pores. Area of GA with two and four perigenital setae (asymmetrically ). Ovipositor short, in rest hardly extending beyond the GO. Gnathosoma 108 pm long, with rostrum and gnathosoma base similar in length. Both pairs of maxillary setae inserted near the rostral base. Palps 4-segmented; P-2 with one long dorsal seta; P-3 with medial spine; P-4 with three basal setae (Fig. 3). Leg I stouter than posterior legs. All legs with basifemora and telofemora subequal in length. Genu 1 slightly longer than telofemur I (Fig. 5), II-4 slightly shorter than II-3 (Fig. 6), and genua on legs III and IV longer than telofemora, respectively (Figs 7 and 8). All tibiae longer than genua. Number of setae, from trochanter to tarsus (pas and solenidion included): leg I, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11; leg II, 1, 4, 4, 6, 7, 7; leg III, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6; leg IV, 0, 1,2, 3, 6, 5. Genu I ventrally with two short spines, 1-5 with basal pair of short spines and distal pair of bristles. Tibiae II and IV with one slender ventral bristle and two short and pectinate bristles; tibia III with one seta and one pectinate bristle. Tarsus I with one ventromedial spine, two short ventral setae and three long dorsal setae, tip of tarsus with seta-like dorsolateral solenidion, conspicuously large lateral membrane (Fig. 4) and doubled lateral and medial pas. Solenidion on tarsus II hollow, dorsomedial in position (Fig. 9). Number of dorsal/ventral setae on tarsi II to IV: 3/1 , 3-4/0- 1 (asymmetrically), 3/0; posterior tarsi with a pair of single pas. Pair of claws on tarsus I smaller than on posterior tarsi; claws with accessory process but without long pecten. Claws on tarsi II to IV with pectens bearing long tines. Male. Unknown. Juveniles. Deutonymph and protonymph unknown. Larva 185 pm long. Dorsal plates foveate. Anterior margin of idiosoma truncate. Number of dorsal setae same as in adults but first pair of setae in anterior margin of idiosoma, and third pair of setae inserted within the striated integument anterior to the OC. PD much smaller than in the female. Ventral plates separate. Genital plate lacking. Larva with three pairs of 5-segmented legs. Genu and tibia I each with a pair of spines but no ventral bristles. 172 BARTSCH: A NEW SUBSPECIES OF THE HALACARID MITE LOBOHALACARUS WEBERl Figs 1-10. Lobohalacarus weberi trisianensis subsp. nov., female; 1. idiosoma, dorsal; 2. idiosoma, ventral; 3. gnathosoma, lateral; 4. tarsus I, lateral (medial setae and claw omitted); 5. leg 1. medial; 6. basifemur to tarsus II, medial; 7. basifemur to tarsus III, medial; 8. basifemur to tarsus IV, medial; 9. posterior tibia and tarsus II, medial (lateral claw omitted); 10. tarsus III, medial (lateral claw omitted). 1-9, holotype female; 10, paratype female. (AD, anterior dorsal plate; AE, anterior epimeral plate; ds, dorsal setae; ds(PE), dorsal seta on PE; ep, epimeral pore; gac, genital acetabula; im, lateral membrane; Is, lateral seta; OC, ocular plate; pas, parambulacral setae; pgs, perigenital setae; PD, posterior dorsal plate; PE, posterior epimeral plate; so, solenidion; vs, ventral seta) 173 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 3 28 FEBRUARY 1995 Variability Length of females 310-341 |am (with frontal spine included) or 301-314 pm (frontal spine excluded). The females proved to be highly variable in external characters. Three of the specimens have an elongate and spine-like anteromedian idiosomatic extension (Fig. 1 1 ), one specimen has a short and rounded frontal hood (Fig. 1 2), and in two of the females, the anterior idiosoma is rounded (Fig. 13). The number of perigenital setae varies from two to four setae and the number of genital acetabula from one to two on either side. In the majority of species, the PE have one dorsal, one lateral and one ventral seta, but the dorsal seta may be lacking (Fig. 12). Bilateral asymmetry in the leg chaetotaxy is fairly common, e.g., in four specimens both genua I have a pair of ventral spines; in one specimen both genua I bear a long and slender ventrolateral seta and a short ventromedial spine; another specimen has a pair of spines on the left genu but a ventromedial spine and a ventrolateral seta on the right genu. Tibiae II each bear one seta-like ventral bristle, and either one ( 1 specimen, unilaterally) or two wide and bipectinate bristles; tibiae III have one ventral seta-like bristle plus one (5 specimens) or two ( 1 specimen) wide and pectinate bristles; tibiae IV all have ventrally one seta- like and two pectinate bristles. Tarsi III generally bear four dorsal setae (Fig. 10), though, in the holotype, one tarsus has no more than three dorsal setae. One specimen has a ventral seta on both tarsi III, the other five specimens demonstrate asymmetry with either one or no ventral setae. Figs 11-13. Lobohalacarus weberi tristanensis subsp. nov., female, dorsal variants of idiosoma; 11. with frontal spine; 12. with frontal hood (idiosoma with left lateral seta on PE); 13. anteriorly rounded (idiosoma with lateral setae on PE). (Is, lateral seta) Scale bars = 50 pm. The specimens from Inaccessible Island undoubtedly belong to the Lobohalacarus weberi complex, a group of closely allied species and subspecies with records from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South and North America. The specimens from Inaccessible are given the rank of a subspecies, viz., Lobohalacarus weberi tristanensis. The population demonstrates a much higher tendency to variability than found in the nominate form L. weberi weberi (Romijn and Viets) in Europe. Most remarkable is the anterior idiosoma, arch-like, with small rounded tip or with long spine-like projection. In contrast, specimens from Europe, as well as species and subspecies from other geographical regions, always have a spine- Remarks 174 BARTSCH: A NEW SUBSPECIES OF THE HALACARID MITE LOBOHALACARUS WEBERI like process. Telofeniora III and tarsi IV have two and three dorsal but no ventral setae whereas in the European L. w. weberi these segments bear ventral setae. GEOGRAPHICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SURVEY The genus Lohohalacariis is world-wide in distribution. It includes species and subspecies which are closely allied and belong to a single natural complex, the Lobohakicanis weberi group. L. weberi was described on the basis of a specimen collected in The Netherlands (Romijn and Viets, 1924). The species proved to be widely distributed in Europe, Africa, North America and the Hawaiian Islands (Viets, 1950; Imamura, 1981; and unpublished records), generally inhabiting hypogean (hyporheic) and epigean waters fed by groundwater. L. biicliarensis Jankovskaja, known from juveniles only, was found in groundwater in Middle Asia (Jankovskaja, 1967, 1972). L. himurong Harvey is a hyporheic Australian species (Harvey, 1988), and L. hiimmeliucki Viets was taken on the bank of a river in Venezuela (Viets, 1940). L. processifer (Walter) is known from a juvenile from a lake in the Andes, at 5000 m (Walter, 1919), and L. weberi gofoeusis Imamura is a stygobiontic species from lava caves, Japan (Imamura, 1970). L. weberi tristanensis was collected from a small stream, together with the oribatid mite Trimalocouothrus sp. (Barber-James, in prep.). Lobohakicanis primarily inhabits subterranean waters and areas where hypogean waters meet the surface. Lobohakicarus vi’. weberi prefers darkness (unpublished experiments). The specimens generally live in constantly waterlogged substrates, but they are known to survive in moist sand, within the water-film, for more than a month (Teschner, 1961 ). L. w. weberi can withstand marine conditions for a couple of hours, and brackish water with a salinity of 20 or 10 ppt for about one or two to three weeks respectively (unpublished preliminary experiments with a population from northern Germany, from a pond with Sphagnum fed by groundwater). Lobohalacanis weberi is thought to be primarily parthenogenetic (Bartsch, 1981 ). The fecundity is low, probably a single generation per year and no more than 10 eggs per female (Teschner, 1963). The eggs are carefully deposited in the substrate, e.g., sand (Teschner, 1963). They are not conspicuously thick-walled, but still they may be more tolerant to both desiccation and higher salinities than are adults. MORPHOLOGICAL VARIANTS AND CHARACTERISTICS IN LOBOHALACARUS Representatives of the genus Lobohakicanis are characterized by : Idiosoma with seven pairs of dorsal setae (adanal setae included, dorsal seta on PE excluded); genital sclerites with acetabula; palps four-segmented; third palpal segment with median spine; slender fourth palpal segment with three setae in the basal whorl; genu I nearly as long as telofemur or tibia I; tarsus 1 with three dorsal seta, dorsolateral solenidion, one ventromedial spinelet or seta, pair of ventral setae, and pair of apical parambulacral setae; lateral membrane of claw fossa enlarged. Lobohalacanis differs from the majority of halacarids in having seven pairs of dorsal idiosomatic setae but no gland pores. All closely related marine and freshwater genera, and the majority of halacarid genera in general, have six pairs of dorsal setae and one to five pairs of gland pores. Five pairs are thought to be the original number of pores. The first pair of pores are almost always present, while the other pores may be greatly reduced, absent or replaced by setae. Substitution by setae is found in the majority of species of the genus Rhombogiiathides and Metarhombognathus (Bartsch, 1 992), and in at least one species of Lohmannella (Bartsch, 1993). In species of the L. weberi complex, the anterior pair of setae is believed to correspond with the first pair of dorsal setae regularly present in 175 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 3 28 FEBRUARY 1995 halacarid mites, whereas the pair of setae in the lateral margin of AD may originate from gland pores. The author’s halacarid collection includes more than a hundred specimens of Lobohalacarus weberi, from Europe (northern Baltic, northern Germany, Spain), northeastern America (Rhode Island), and the Hawaiian Archipelago; the specimens were collected from various substrates such as groundwater wells, ponds and small streams with mosses and pH as low as 4. 5-5.0, and fine sand, more or less rich on organic material, pH-values of 6. 0-7. 8, and also slightly influenced by brackish water. Variability was studied on populations from Europe and the United States, viz., 20 specimens each from two sites in Germany, and a small number of specimens from northern Baltic, Spain, Rhode Island (Table 1 ) and Hawaiian Islands. Characters known to vary in Lobohalacarus are; Frontal spine. The nominate species L. w. weberi always has a frontal spine. Genital acetabiila. The majority of subterranean living species have two pairs of genital acetabula whereas specimens from epigean waters, such as lakes, ditches, and habitats influenced by slightly brackish waters, have three pairs of genital acetabula. But, generally, within a population (sample) both variants are present, asymmetry is fairly common. In populations from northern Germany, 77- 97 % of the specimens had genital sclerites with two acetabula. Specimens with a small, primordial acetabulum beside the one or two well developed genital acetabula are present, too. Number of perigenital setae. The most common variant in European populations are five pgs on either side. About 15-25 % of the specimens in a given population, from both Europe and America, have four pairs of setae. The combinations 2/4 (two setae on one side, four setae on the other side), as well as 6/5 have been found in a population from Germany. Genu I. The majority of specimens have the combination sp/br, that is ventromedially a spine and ventrolaterally a bristle. In the two populations from Northern Germany, 2-6 % had spines both ventromedially and ventrolaterally, asymmetrically or on both legs. Exceptionally, the spine or seta is lacking. Tibia II. Most specimens have one ventral seta and two wide, pectinate ventromedial bristles. A single bipectinate bristle (aside from the ventral seta) is found in 0-20 % of the specimens in a given population. One specimen from the Northern Baltic had two pectinate bristles and two smooth and slender setae. Tibia III. Most abundant are two ventral bristles, one short and bipectinate, the other longer, seta- like and very faintly plumose. Though, in populations from northern Germany and northeast America, 30-40 % of the specimens had three ventral bristles, with two of them being wide and coarsely pectinate. Tibia IV. They generally have three ventral bristles, one of them is seta-like and slender, two are wide and pectinate. Exceptions, viz., tibiae with two ventral bristles, one wide and pectinate, the other slender, seta-like and delicately plumose, are very rare. Telofemur III. The specimens from the northern Baltic and northern Germany all have the chaetotaxal combination 2/1 (two dorsal and one ventral setae), whereas specimens from Spain and from eastern America either had 2/1 or 2/0 setae. Telofemur IV. Both combinations 2/1 and 2/0 are commonly represented. Tarsus III. Eour dorsal and one ventral seta is the most common variant, other combinations are found, though only unilaterally. Tarsus IV. Generally, 3/1 (three dorsal and one ventral) setae are present. The combination 3/0 has been found, unilaterally, in two specimens from northeastern America. Specimens with two ventral setae, instead of one, have been seen in European and northern American populations. 176 BARTSCH: A NEW SUBSPECIES OF THE HALACARID MITE LOBOHALACARUS WEBERl Table 1. Lobohalacams weheri, variants of characters and, in brackets, percentage of variants in populations from: Northern Germany, population A (groundwater well), population B (bog with Sphagmim)\ Northern Baltic (muddy sand, brackish water); Rhode Island (ri verities with Sphagmimy, Inaccessible Island (river with Spartma). (br = bristle; d/v = dorsal/ventral; sp = spine) Populations \from Character Northern Germany A B Anterior AD spine (100) spine (100) Number of 2(97) 3(19) genital 1 1/2(3) 2 1/2 (3) acetabula 2 (77) Number of 5 (68) 6(4) perigenital 4(26) 5(77) setae 3 (6) 4(15) 2(4) 1-4, combination sp/br(96) sp/br (94) of sp and br sp/sp (2) 0/br(2 sp/sp (6) II-5, number 2(100) 2(87) of pectinate bristles 1 (13) II-5, number 1 (100) 1 (58) of pectinate bristles 2(42) IV-5, number 2(92) 2(100) of pectinate bristles 1 (8) III-3, number of d/v setae 2/1 (100) 2/1 (100) IV-3, number 2/1 (34) 2/1 (25) of d/v setae 2/0 (66) 2/0(75) III-6, number of d/v setae 4/1 (100) 4/1 (100) IV-6, number 3/1 (97) 3/1 (100) of d/v setae 3/2(3) Northern Baltic Rhode Island Inaccessible Island spine (100) spine (100) spine (50) hood (17) rounded (33) 3(71) 3(5) 2(83) 2 (29) 2(95) 1 (17) 5 (94) 5 (74) 4(42) 4(6) 4(26) 3 (42) 2(16 sp/br ( 100) sp/br (100) sp/br (25) sp/sp (75) 2 (100) 2 (80) 2 (92) 1 (20) 1 (8) 2 (100) 1 (67) 1 (83) 2 (33) 2(17) 2 (100) 2 (100) 2(83) 1 (17) 2/1 (100) 2/1 (90) 2/0(10) 2/0(100) 2/1 (61) 2/1 (48) 2/0(100) 2/0 (39) 2/0 (52) 4/1 (82) 4/1 (100) 4/1 (50) 3/2 (9) 4/0 (42) 2/1 (9) 3/1 (8) 3/1 (100) 3/1 (90) 3/2(5) 3/0(5) 3/0(100) 177 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19. PT. 3 28 FEBRUARY 1995 Basifemur IV. Both variants, with one or no ventral setae, are represented in the material studied. The Lobohalacarus weberi complex includes species and subspecies which are extremely similar in their general facies. Descriptions and discrimination of Lobohalacarus, and halacarids in general, are based on external morphological characters. Ultrastructural investigations or data from karyological or molecular genetic studies are lacking until now. Studies in invertebrate taxonomy, using such techniques, proved a number of moiphologically almost identical populations to represent complexes of subspecies or species (Grassle and Grassle, 1 976; Pietsch and Westheide, 1 985 ; Schlegel et ah, 1991; Wood and Backus, 1992; Schmidt and Westheide, 1994). The external characters in the population of Lobohalacarus weberi on Inaccessible Island show some overlap with those of L. weberi from the northern hemisphere. Differences in the leg chaetotaxy, the unusual high degree of variability in the Inaccessible population, the geographical distance between northern Europe (with L. weberi weberi) and the South Atlantic island in view of low dispersal ability of Lobohalacarus, are reasons to distinguish between the populations and to give the specimens from Inaccessible Island the rank of a separate subspecies. DISPERSAL AND COLONIZATION OE OCEAN ISLANDS Because of the subsurface way of life and wide geographical distribution of the Lobohalacarus weberi complex (records exist from all continents except for Antarctica which has not been studied), one may speculate that these freshwater halacarids belong to an ancient taxon which had already invaded the freshwater of the supercontinent Pangea ( Bartsch, 1 982). However, the Tristan da Cunha island group and the Hawaiian Islands, both of which have records of Lobohalacarus, are of more recent origin. Multiple invasion of a formerly marine ancestor and subsequent spcciation and adaption to fresh water is unlikely; thus, Lobohalacarus must have been transported to these islands. Marine, brackish as well as terrestrial species can be spread over long distances through rafting, but Lobohalacarus, unable to live but a few hours in seawater, would certainly not survive a transport, drenched with seawater and salt spray, to a distant oceanic island. As documented by Maguire ( 1963), small aquatic organisms can be dispersed by large animals. Lobohalacarus weberi, which can survive in a moist substrate for weeks (Teschner, 1961), may have colonized Inaccessible Island via air, attached to birds or insects which visited continental wells, banks of rivers or groundwater-fed epigean ponds and later rested on Inaccessible Island. Recent geological investigations by Christie et al. (1992) showed that seamounts along submarine ridges once had been islands raised above sea level. These eroded and drowned islands, being considerably older than the present-day volcanic islands in the Galapagos and Hawaiian archipelago, may have been stepping stones for the biota now found on these archipelagos (Christie et al., 1992; Carson, 1992). It is tempting to suppose that the Walvis Ridge provided similar stepping stones and thus eased the colonization of Inaccessible Island. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 am most grateful to H.M. Barber-James, Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa, and Dr D.R. Cook, Detroit, USA, for giving me the opportunity to study these freshwater halacarid specimens, and 1 acknowledge valuable comments from referees and Dr E.W. Gess, Editor of the Annals of the Cape Provincial Museum. The expedition to Inaccessible Island was organized by the Percy Eitzpatrick Institute for African Ornithology, University of Cape Town. 178 BARTSCH: A NEW SUBSPECIES OF THE HALACARID MITE LOBOHALACARUS WEBERl REFERENCES Baker, P.E. 1973. Islands of the South Atlantic. In: Nairn, A.E.M. and F.G. Stehli, eels. The Ocean Basins ami Margins. Vol. I. The South Allantic. Chapter 13: 493-353. Baker, P.E., Gas, I.G., Harris, P.G. and Le Maitre, R.W. 1964. The volcanological report of the Royal Society Expedition to Tristan da Cunha 1962. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. London A, 256: 439-578. Barber-James, H, Freshwater fauna of the South Atlantic island. Inaccessible. In prep. Bartsch, I. 1981. Meeresmilben der Umgebung von Hamburg (Arach.: Acari: Halacaridae). Verhandliingen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 24: 5-18. Bartsch, I. 1982. Halacaridae (Acari) im SiiBwasser von Rhode Island, USA, mit einer Diskussion liber Verbreitung und Abstammung der Halacaridae. Gewdsser und Ahwas-ter 6SI69: 41-58. Bartsch, I. 1992. Lohnwnnella dictyota n. sp. und L. africana n. sp. von der Stidhalbkugel (Arachnida: Acari: Halacaridae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 72: 457-464, Bartsch, I. 1993. Synopsis of the Antarctic Halacaroidea (Acari). In: Wiigele, J.W. and J. Sieg, eds, Synop.ds of the Antarctic Benthos. Vol. 4, 176 pp, Koenigstein: Koeltz Scientific Books. Carson, H.L. 1992, The Galapagos that were. Nature {London) 355: 202-203. Chevallier, L., Rex, D.C. and Verwoerd, W.J. 1992. Geology and geochronology of Inaccessible Island, South Atlantic. Geological Magazine 129: 1-16. Christie, D.M., Duncan, R.A., Mcbirney, A.R., Richards, M.A., White, W.M., Harpp, K.S. and Fox, C.G. 1992. Drowned islands downstream from the Galapagos hotspot imply extended speciation times. Nature {London) 355: 246-248. Grassle, J.P. and Grassle, J.F. 1976. Sibling species in the marine pollution indicator Capitella (Polychaeta). Science 192: 567-569. Harvey, M.S. 1988. A new species of Lobohalacarus from Australia (Chelicerata: Acarina: Halacaridae). Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 49: 363-365. Imamura, T, 1970, The fauna of the insular lava caves in West Japan. Bidletin of the national Science Museum. Tokyo 13: 455-458. Imamura, T. 1981. Fresh-water halacarid mites from Oahu Island, \\d,sNtm. Annotcitiones Zoologicae Japonensis 54: 287-292. Jankovskaja, a. I. 1967. On the fauna of ground-waters in Middle Asia. I. Hydracarina of the fam. Porohalacaridae (Acari) in the ground-waters in the wells in Kizylkum desert. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Leningrad 43: 109-1 17. (in Russian) Jankovskaja, A. I. 1972. Phreatic and spring fauna of Northern Tien Sha and Southern Kisilkum. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Leningrad 51: 5-56. (in Russian) Maguire, B. 1963. The passive dispersal of small aquatic organisms and their colonization of isolated bodies of water. Ecological Monographs 33: 161-185. PiETSCH, A. and Westheide, W. 1985. Flltrastructural investigations of presumed photoreceptors as a means of discrimination and identification of closely related species of the genus Microphthalmus ( Polychaeta, Hesionidae ). Zoomorphology 105: 265-276, Romijn, G, and Viets, K. 1924. Neue Milben. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte 90: 215-225. SCHLEGEL, M., Steinbruck, G., Kramer, M. and Brockmeyer, B. 1991. Restriction fragment pattern as molecular markers for species identification and phylogenetic analysis in the genus Enchytraeus (Oligochaeta). Zeitschrift fiir zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 29: 362-372. Schmidt, H. and Westheide, W. 1994, Isozymes and general protein patterns as taxonomic markers in the taxon Nephtyidae (Annelida Polychaeta). Marine Biology 119: 31-38. Teschner, D. 1961. Biologische Beobachtungen an Grundwassermilben. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Bonn 1960: 402-409. 179 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 3 28 FEBRUARY 1995 Teschner, D. 1963. Die Biologic, Verbreitung und Okologie der Grundwassermilbe Lobohalacarus weberi quadriporus (Walter 1947), Limnohalacaridae Acari. Archiv fur Hydwbiologie 59: 71-102. ViETS, K. 1940. Zwei neue Porohalacaridae (Acari) aus Siidamerika. (Reise des Herrn P. Wagenaar Hummelinck 1936-37 nach den “Benedenwindsche Eilanden”). Zoologischer Anzeiger 130: 191-201. Walter, C. 1919. Hydracarinen aus den peruanischen Anden und aus Brasilien. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 27: 19-59. Wood, T.S. and Backus, B.T. 1992. Differentiation of North American and European forms of Fredericella sultana (Blumenbach) (Ectoprocta: Phylactolaemata). Hydrobiologia 237: 185-193. 180 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAYOUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted on floppy disk accompanied by three print-outs (spacing I'A or 2). In exceptional cases typed manuscripts will be accepted. 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Cape Town: Balkema. GALLEY PROOFS are sent (when practicable) to authors for checking printer’s errors. Adjustments of language, style and punctuation and any other amendments of the original manuscript, if made at this stage, may be charged to authors. AUTHOR’S COPIES (50) are issued free of charge. When more than one author is involved the fifty free copies will be sent to the senior author. Additional copies ordered before printing are supplied at a reduced cost. CADAR, P E -K887 K. /■ / i -f ■t ^ [ it- I id I y? V ■i •• • I. • J H ISSN 0570-1880 Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums Natural History Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Volume 19 Part 4 28th April 1995 FEB 2 7 1996 I Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series, Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the collection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in connection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahamstown 6140. Editor Dr F. W. GESS Assistant Editor Dr S. K. GESS A comparison of nesting success and nesting habits in some Afrotropical aculeate wasps, with particular reference to nest parasites (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Eumenidae) by A. J. S. WEAVING (Albany Museum, Grahamstown) ABSTRACT Nest structure, nesting behaviour, nesting success and nest mortality factors of eleven species of aculeate wasps were compared. Seven species nest in pre-existing cavities: Auplopus femoralis (Arnold) and A. vitripennis Smith (Pompilidae), Chalybion laevigatum (Kohl), Isodontia pelopoeiformis (Dahlbom) and I. stanleyi (Kohl) (Sphecidae), Tricarinodynerus guerinii (Saussure) and Proepipona meadewaldoi Bequaert (Eumenidae). These were studied using trap-nests. Four species construct aerial mud-nests: Afreumenes aethiopicus (Saussure), Delta hottentottum concinnum (Saussure) and Synagris analis Saussure (Eumenidae) and Sceliphron spirifex (L.) (Sphecidae). Study sites were in Natal and the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Overall nesting success, as measured by the proportions of successful cells, differed in only one of the species. In some cases interspecific success rates differed significantly but inconsistently between localities, due mostly to varying levels of nest parasitism and other mortality factors. The most important identifiable causes of nest/cell failure were attacks by Miltogramminae (Diptera), Chrysididae and Eulophidae {Melittobia sp.) (Hymenoptera) with the addition of Osprynchotus sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in aerial mud-nests. Ceropales punctiilatus Cameron (Pompilidae) and Leucospidae were very host specific and therefore not of general importance. A number of other taxa including Stenarella sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) and Bombyliidae (Diptera) caused mostly low mortality. Endogenous mortality, caused by a combination of unidentifiable factors, was also important. Chalybion laevigatum and T. guerinii were particularly susceptible to parasitism by Miltogramminae and Chrysididae respectively. Possible effects of nesting characteristics on nest parasitism are considered in the light of the evidence obtained. Certain characteristics of aerial mud-nests and their influence on parasitism are discussed with reference to nests of S. spirifex. It was concluded that nesting success depended largely on the activities of parasites. The unique nesting habits of each aculeate species provided protection only against specific types of parasites and success was therefore affected by the interaction between nesting habits and the size and species composition of parasite populations. INTRODUCTION The enormous diversity in nest structure and nesting behaviour found amongst the aculeate Hymenoptera is extensively documented. However, data on nesting success remain sparse. Success rates, here understood to be the proportions of successful cells, are reported in 11 papers (Rau & Rau, 1916; Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1976; Freeman, 1973, 1977 and 1982; Smith, 1979; Coville & Coville, 1980; Brooke, 1981; Coville & Griswold, 1983 and 1984; Rosenheim, 1987a), and are deducible with varying degrees of certainty from a further 27 out of a selection (not necessarily exhaustive) of 38 papers containing quantitative data; success rates vary between 25 and 100%, averaging 69.1% (Appendix A). However, each of these papers deals with a single species or group of closely related, often congeneric, species. 181 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Thus, direct interspecific comparisons of nesting success are either not available or are limited to closely related species, severely restricting any evaluation of whether nesting habits affect nesting success. Much of the reported mortality (mean 68.4%, range 30.2 to 98.8%) in nests of aculeate wasps is due to nest parasites and predators (Freeman & Parnell, 1973; Freeman, 1973 and 1982; Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1976; Peckham, 1977; Krombein, 1978; Smith, 1979; Coville & Coville, 1980; Kurczewski &Peckham, 1982; Coville & Griswold, 1983 and 1984; Parker, 1984;Spoffordef«/., 1986; Rosenheim & Grace, 1987; Rosenheim, 1987a; Weaving, 1989). Many aspects of nesting behaviour and nest structure are therefore interpreted as being antiparasite in function, although this is based on scant supporting data (Rosenheim, 1987a). Relevant literature is listed (not exhaustively) in Appendix A. If these interpretations are correct, nesting success must be governed largely by interactions between nesting characteristics of aculeates and their predominant parasites. Such interactions have been described for a number of species, mostly ground-nesters from the genera Aitunophila (Brockmann, 1985; Hager & Kurczewski, 1985; Rosenheim, 1987a and \9S9), Anoptiiis (Aim & Kurczewski, 1984),5e/H6ed/;ns(Gess&Gess, 1975), 5e/«6u(Evans, 1957, 1966a and \911),Centris (Vinson et al., 1987), Cerceris (Linsley & MacSwain, 1956; Evans & Hook, 1982a and 1982b), Crahro (Matthews et ah, 1979; Evans et al., 1980), Episyron (Endo, 1980), Odynerus (Hungcrford & Williams, 1912), Oxybelus (Peckham et al., 1973; Peckham, 1977; Hook & Matthews, 1980), Paralastor (Smith, 1978), Philantluis (Evans & Lin, 1959; Simonthomas & Simonthomas, 1972; Alcock, 1975; Gwynne, 1981; Evans & O’Neill, 1988), Podalonia (O’Brien & Kurczewski, 1982), Spliex (Tsuneki, 1963; Brockmann, 1985), Stictia (Sheehan, 1 984) and Tachysphex (Spofford et al., 1986), with a few aerial mud-nesters, Auplopus (Wcislo et al., 1988), Eumenes (Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1976) and Sceliphron (Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1976; Freeman, 1982) and species that use pre-existing cavities, Pacliodynerus (Jayasingh, in Taffe & Ittyeippe, 1976), Trypargiliim (Krombein, 1979), Trypoxylon (Coville & Coville, 1980; Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1993), and bees (Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1993). However, there have been no published attempts to compare nesting success and levels of associated parasitism in a variety of species differing in their nesting habits. The results of such a comparison are reported here. It was my intention at the outset to include aerial mud-nesting species, those that nest in pre-existing cavities and those that dig burrows in the soil. Unfortunately no ground-nesters were found in sufficient numbers at any locality, so that comparison was of necessity confined to aerial mud-nesters and species that used trap-nests. METHODS, STUDY PERIOD AND LOCALITIES Determining causes of cell failure Nest parasites often emerged in the field before nests were collected. Their identification was achieved by comparing residues remaining in the cells with those in cells from which parasites had been reared. Empty puparia and a characteristic “fouling” of cell walls (readily visible in trap-nests) were due to Miltogramminae (Fig. lA). The cocoons of Chrysididae (Fig. IB), Mutillidae (Fig. 1C), Osprynchotus (Ichneumon idae) (Fig. 1 C-D) and Ceropales (Pompilidae) (Fig. 1 E) were disti nguished by means of their appearance, method of emergence by the adult and stage of the cell’s development at which they were spun. Large numbers of pupal exuviae more-or-less filling cells or cocoons were characteristic of parasitism by Melittohia (2A-B). Adult Leucospidae were the only parasites that drilled their way out directly through the side walls of the trap-nests (2C). Such retrospective techniques have been used elsewhere both for aerial mud-nests (Freeman, 1973; Freeman & Parnell, 1973; Taffe «& Ittyeipe, 1976) and nests in stem cavities (Danks 1971). 182 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Fig. 1. A - Chalybion laevigatum cell parasitised by Miltogramminae, with empty puparia and fouling of cell wails; B - Trkarinodynerus guerinii cell with chrysidid cocoon; C - Sceliphron spirifex cocoons opened to show i nner cocoons of mutiliid (upper) and Osprynchotus (lower); D -S. spirifex cell with Osprynchotus cocoon (parasitism during larval stage); E - Ceropales cocoon with characteristic opening made by adult \n Auplopus vitripcnnis cell. 183 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Fig. 2. A - Tricarinodynerus giicrinii cell and B - Sccliphron spirifcx cocoon filled with pupal exuviae of Mclittobia\ C - leucospid emergence holes drilled through wall of trap-nest; D - observation trap-nest with cover of one section drawn back to expose window. Aerial mud-nests Disused nests, collected mostly from buildings and road culverts, were dissected to establish the fate of the various cells. Active nests were marked for collection at a future date in order to avoid interfering with parasites and other mortality factors. Observations on behaviour were made whenever possible at active nests. CAVITY-NESTING SPECIES Trap-nests, consisting of bundles of three to eight lengths of cane, were suspended from bushes and trees up to 1.8 m above ground and from roof beams of outbuildings with at least one side permanently open. Cavities offered varied from 1 1 to 245 mm in length and 6 to 21 mm in diameter. More complex trap-nests (Fig. 2D) were also used to allow examination of their contents without 184 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS disturbance. Used trap-nests were replaced with new ones at six month intervals at which times observations were made on behaviour at currently active nests. Nests from which the occupants had emerged were opened to record their fate. Nests still occupied were stored and opened at intervals. The times elapsed since completion were not known but nests were categorised according to the stage at which they were opened and whether or not this was followed by further incubation, as follows. Category 1 - contents emerged or about to emerge; no storage period. Category 2 - contents consisting of adults and/or pupae; subsequent storage. Category 3 - contents consisting of various immature stages; subsequent storage. Category 4 - stored without being opened until emergence. In the many instances of parasitism by Miltogramminae, Chrysididae, Mutillidae and Leucospidae that were recorded on the basis of remains left behind after their emergence, it was not possible to identify actual species except where dead adult parasites were present. However, as discussed above, the evidence for the different parasite types (i.e. families) was unmistakeable. Consequently no differentiation between species in the above families was made in the analyses of levels of parasitism on the assumption that modes of attack were similar within families. In both the Miltogramminae and Chrysididae there was one dominant species, so that any errors due to differences in behaviour must be negligible. The study started in March 1990 and the final samples were collected in May 1992. Localities and habitats In the Eastern Cape, aerial mud-nests were collected from a road culvert (Table Farm 33°15’S,26°26’E), the inner walls of a disused fort (Double Drift 33°06’S,26°47’E), below wooden floors of houses on stilts (Riet River 33°33’S,27°01’E) and within a suburban house (Grahamstown 33°18’S,26°31’E). Trap-nests were set up in trees and bushes along watercourses (usually dry) at Thursford (33° 1 1 ’S,26°24’E) and Hilton (33°16’S,26°21’E) and beside a disused sandpit at Hilton. In Natal, aerial mud-nests were collected from roof beams of buildings at Umlalazi Nature Reserve (28°57’S,31°47’E), Hluhluwe Game Reserve (28°07’S,32°03E), Mkuzi Game Reserve (27°37’S,32°14’E), Fanies Island (28°06’S,32°26’E) and False Bay Park(27°58’S,32°23’E). At Cape Vidal (28°07’S,32°33’E) they were collected from underneath houses on stilts as well as from roof beams. Trap-nests were attached to external roof beams of the same buildings at the above localities except for Umlalazi Nature Reserve and Cape Vidal. They were also set up in bushes and trees in woodland at Fanies Island, woodland and savannah habitats at Mkuzi Game Reserve and False Bay Park, and forest at False Bay Park and Lake Sibaya (27°23’S,32°41 ’E). SPECIES AND NEST TYPES Aerial mud-nesters Afreumenes aethiopicus (Saussure). Nests were single-celled solitary mud pots, 12-14 mm in diameter with walls approximately 1 mm thick, attached to roof beams, walls and roofing thatch, usually on vertical surfaces (Fig. 3-2). Oviposition was carried out in the empty nest, followed by mass-provisioning with caterpillars. The nest remained open during provisioning and was finally 185 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Fig. 3. Sections through nests of the four aerial mud-nesting species. 1 - Delta liotlenlottum, 1 - Afreumenes aethiopicus, 3b & c - Synagris analis, 4a & b - Sceliphron spirifex, indicating cell positions (B-basal, 0-outer, l-inner). 3a - frontal view of Synagris analis nest. 186 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS plugged with mud. The lip around the entrance was not destroyed and there was no additional daubing of the exterior with mud. Females were never observed guarding or otherwise caring for their nests. Delta hottentoltum concitiniun (Saussure). Nests were two-celled mud pots, 1 5- 1 8 mm in diameter with walls approximately 2 mm thick, with broad areas of basal attachment to the substrate (Fig. 3- 1). Nests were similarly sited to those of A. aethiopiciis, also being found on sheltered parts of tree trunks. Oviposition took place immediately on completion of the cell and was followed by mass- provisioning with 2-7 caterpillars. The entrance remained open during provisioning and was finally plugged with mud, some of which was generated by breaking down the surrounding lip using regurgitated water. On completion of the second cell, further mud was collected and applied to the whole nest surface, especially around the base. One timed wasp took 40 min. to build the second cell, 45 min. to provision it with two caterpillars and 75 min. to daub the nest surface. On completion the female abandoned the nest. All nests of this species found in Natal were of the above structure. In the Eastern Cape, most nests (14/18) were single-celled, often in pairs with the extra daubing covering both cells and making them contiguous. They were usually sited in grooves between bricks on buildings. Synagris analis Saussure. The substantial mud-nests of this species were multi-celled, sometimes exceeding 0.5 kg in weight, and were attached to roof beams, walls and branches of trees. The structure of a typical nest is shown in Fig. 3-3a-c. A maximum of 1 7 cells per nest was recorded. Initially thick walls followed by extensive daubing resulted in exceptionally thick cell walls and seals, 12.2 mm (n=30, range 5-22 mm) and 10.3 mm (n=15, range 7-16 mm) respectively. Cells were added progressively upwards, each new cell being fully incorporated into the overall matrix of the nest by daubing before provisioning started. Provisioning with caterpillars was progressive and the cell was sealed once the larva was fully grown, whereupon the next cell was started. Cell entrances were never temporarily sealed and females were always found inside their cells facing outwards, except when away hunting or feeding. Scelipliron spirifex (L.). The large multi-celled mud-nests of this species (Fig. 3-4a & b) were similarly sited to those of S. analis. A maximum of 41 cells in a nest was recorded. Cells were built one by one, each being mass provisioned with spiders before the next was started. Extensive daubing was usually carried out but, in contrast to S. analis, only on completed nests. Wall thickness was variable due to an absence of daubing on some nests, which were probably not completed. The thickness of the outer walls of a typical daubed nest ranged from 2.4-4. 9 mm (n=7) and the seals 2.9 to 4.9 mm (n=8). No time was spent inside cells by females and entrances remained open during the day until provisioning was complete. Cells were temporarily sealed with mud if provisioning was incomplete at nightfall and were re-opened the following morning. Trap-nesters Details of nest structure and aspects of nesting behaviour of Chalybion laevigatum (Kohl), Proepipona meadewaldoi Bequaert, Tricarinodynenis guerinii (Saussure), Aiiplopus vitripennis Smith and A. femoralis (Arnold) have already been described (Weaving, 1994a and 1994b). Main nest and behavioural characteristics of these species are summarised alongside the additional species described in Table 1. Isodontia pelopoeiformis (Dahlbom) and /. stanleyi (Kohl). Nest structure and nesting behaviour in these species has been reported from the Eastern Cape by Gess & Gess (1982) and no notable differences were observed in this study. These wasps utilised trap-nests sited in vegetation, and the former species was also found in metal pipes and hollow canes situated horizontally and vertically. 187 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 and also in cavities in branches of trees. In nests of /. pc/opoe/for/Hw partitions were 17.5 mm (n=114, range 5-35 mm) and end seals 65.6 mm (n=71, range 5-125 mm) in thickness. In /. stanleyi these measurements were 10.8 mm (n=23, range 5-25 mm) and 54.9 mm (n=13, range 33-102 mm) respectively. Table 1 . Summary of main nest and behavioural characteristics of species of aerial mud-nesters and trap-nesters studied. Aerial mud- nesters Trap-nesters Af Dh Sy Ss Cl Pm Tg Av IP Is Auf Nest type SP DP MC MC L L L L L L DM No. of cells 1 2 n n n n n n n n n Daubing - -t- ++ + - Partition m* m m M V V End seal M* M M VC VL VL Cell lined - - + - - - Vestibular cell - + + -1- - - Superstructure - - - - - - + - - - - Cocoon F F F D D F F D D D D Provisioning M M P M M M/P M/P S M M S Temporary plug - - - - - - - - -1- -1- - Guarding - - + - - + + + - + + Nest sharing - - - - - - - - - - Legend:- Species Nest type No. of cells Daubing Partition End seal Coccoon Provisioning Other characteristics Af = Afreiimenes aethiopicus, Auf = Auplopiis femoralis, Av = Auplopus vitripennis, Cl = Chalybion laevigatum, Dh = Delta hottentottum, Ip= Isodontia pelopoeiformis, Is = Isodontia stanleyi, Pm = Proepipona meadewaldoi, Ss = Sceliphron spirifex, Sy = Synagris analis, Tg = Tricarinodynerus guerinii. DP = 2-celled mud pots, DM = discrete mud cells in cavity, L = linearly arranged cells in cavity, MC = multicellular composite mud nests, SP = 1 -celled mud pots, n = several. - = nil, + = moderate, -i-H = thick. m = thin mud, M = thick mud, V = thick vegetable loose. M = mud, VC = cemented vegetable, VL = loose vegetable. D = discrete, F = fills cell as lining. M = mass, P = progressive, S = single. * coated with uric acid ex bird faeces. - = negative, + = affirmative. 188 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Table 2. Effect of sampling procedure (stage nest opened) on per cent successful emergence of six trap-nesting species, Tricarin odynerus guerinii (Tg), Chalybion laevigatum (Cl), Auplopus vitripennis (Av), Proepipona meadewaldoi (Pm) and Isodontia pelopoeiformis (Ip). Species Tg Cl Av Pm Ip n=5363 n=918 n: =574 n=417 n=364 Stage % Stage % Stage % Stage % Stage % 2 67.4’ 2 51.8" 3 83.4" 2 72.0" 4 77.2" 4 57.]” 3 45.0"” 2 82.1" 3 51.2" 2 75.0" 3 47 .0‘ 4 44.0” 1 58.9” 1 34.6” 3 61.1" 1 39.2^ 1 36.6” 4 54.8” 4 18.7” 1 26.6” Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. Table 3. Effect of sampling procedure (stage) on endogenous mortality and inability of adults to emerge in trap-nests of Tricarinodynerus guerinii, Clialybion laevigatuin and Auplopus vitripennis. Endogenous mortality Blocked emergence T. guerinii C. laevigatum A. vitripennis C. laevigatum Stage % Stage % Stage % Stage % 3 28.6" 3 15.8" 4 12.2" 2 8.9" 4 15.7" 2 14.3" 1 6.0” 3 2.3” 1 7.2” 1 8.5” 3 0.0” 4 0.0” 2 6.1” 4 6.9” 2 0.0” 1 0.0” Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. EXAMINATION OF THE DATA Sampling procedure Chi-square tests were used for each species to assess whether success rates and levels of the various mortality factors were affected by the sampling procedures categorized above (Table 2). Lowest success rates were shown in nests of T. guerinii and /. pelopoeiformis in category 1 and in nests of C. laevigatuin, A. vitripennis and P. meadewaldoi in both categories 1 and 4. Success rates differed between all categories of nests of T. guerinii and C. kievigatum, although in the latter the differences were less clear cut. Mortality factors likely to be affected by the sampling procedure were endogenous mortality (due to possible changes in the microclimate in cells), inability to emerge (due to fracturing of cell partitions during opening), and parasitism by Melittobia sp. It was found that this parasite can attack at any stage of development. Mortality from Mutillidae, Ichneumonidae, psocids and mites was too low to influence results, whether affected by the sampling procedure or not. Parasitism by 189 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Tablet. Effect of sampling procedure (stage) on mortality caused by Melittobia in trap-nests of Tricar inodynerus guerinii, Chalybion laevigatum and Proepipona nieadewaldoi. T. guerinii C. laevigatum P. meadewaldoi Stage % Stage % Stage % 1 29.8^ 1 9.5“ 4 15.6“ 3 9.9” 3 3.6” 1 6.5“ 4 6.3” 4 3.4” 3 6.2“ 2 6.2” 2 2.7” 2 0.0“ Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. Table 5. Utilisation of data for analysis of success rates and mortality factors. Species Data used Per cent of Per cent of (stage) whole sample sample due to stage 4 T. guerinii 1 46.6 0.0 C. laevigatum 1+4 63.3 3.2 A. vitripennis 1+4 75.0 20.0 P. nieadewaldoi 1+4 63.1 7.7 /. pelopoeiforniis 1 43.3 0.0 Miltogramminae and Chrysididae is achieved prior to the completion of nests or their sampling and would not therefore have been affected by the sampling. Endogenous mortality, overall, was not affected by the sampling although there were significant differences between certain categories in nests of 7. guerinii andC. laevigatum (Table 3). The inability of adults to emerge from their cells was significantly affected only in nests of A. vitripennis and C. laevigatum (Table 3). Mortality caused by Melittobia sp. was highest in nests from category 1 of T. guerinii and C. laevigatum (Table 4). Analysis of success rates was therefore confined to data from category 1 samples which could not be affected by the sampling procedure. Where no significant differences occurred between categories 1 and 4, as with C. laevigatum, A. vitripennis and P. meadewaldoi, the data from these two samples were combined (Table 5). Although .some of the individual mortal ity factors were affected differently in these two categories, category 4 represented only a small proportion of the samples, except in A. vitripennis (20%), and would have a negligible effect on success rates. Even with this species, inclusion of data from category 4, with its associated higher mortality due to inability to emerge, merely reduces the success rate from 58.9% for category 1 alone to 57.7% for categories 1 +4. Distribution of sample size Success rates, levels of nest parasitism and dominance of the different parasites inevitably differed 190 WEAVING; A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS between localities. It was important therefore to investigate the consistency of interspecific differences between localities by making species comparisons within each locality. Wide variation in sample sizes for species, localities and sample periods limited the range of species that could be compared at each locality. Sample sizes of less than 20 cells were considered unreliable and were discarded. Species using trap-nes^s situated in or on buildings were mostly distinct from those in bush sites. Proepipona meadewaldoi and the four aerial mud-nesters were largely confined to buildings while both species of Isodontia and both auplopines were limited to bush sites, except for a few nests of I. pelopoeifonnis. Although C. laevigatiun and T. giierinii were primarily found in building sites, numbers using bush trap-nests were sufficiently high for making compari.sons between bush sites and building sites. RESULTS Nesting success - species comparisons within localities Results of Chi-square tests on success rates within localities (Table 6) showed significant differences between species at seven of 12 sites in/on buildings. Significant differences between trap- Table 6. Per cent success rates of adequately sampled species at sites in buildings compared within localities. FBA FBG FBR FI FIC Cl 60.3“ Sy 45.9“ Cl 41.5“ Dh 49.5“ Af 63.5“ Tg 53.6’ Tg 28.6“ Tg 34.4“ Ss 29.9“ Tg 62.8“ Pm 51.4“ Cl 20.1“ Pm 30.7“ Af 25.0“ Pm 20.0“ Af 30.0“ Ss 5.0’ Ss 16.4“ FIG MK MKB HL UL Tg 65.9“ Af 37.9“ Tg 38.0“ Af 52.8“ Af 81.2“ Pm 46.1“ Ss 26.7“ Cl 31.0“ Ss 48.9“ Sy 74.2“ Cl 0.0“ Dh 45.2“ Dh 26.7“ Ss 14.7“ CV GT (Cape) Ss 89.6“ Ss 61.0“ Af 57.1“ Dh 26.3“ Species abbreviations as in Table 1 . Locality abbreviations as follows:- FBA/FBG/FBR - ablution block/garage/rustic huts at False Bay Park; FI/FIC/FIG - rest huts/ablution block/garage at Fanies Island; MK/MKB - various outbuildings/field offices at Muzi Game Reserve; HL/UL/CV - outbuildings at Hluhluwe Game Reserve/Umlalazi Nature Reserve/Cape Vidal; GT - Grahamstown suburban house. Possession of common superscripts signifies no significant difference. Species in bold are aerial mud-nesters. 191 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 nesting species occurred only at FIG where C. laevigatiim achieved zero success. Where trap-nesters and aerial mud-nesters occurred together, S. spirifex was the least successful (at FBR and FBG) and S. aiialis the most successful (at FBG). Synagris aiialis was again more successful than S. spirifex at UL. Delta hottentottum was either more or similarly successful compared with S. spirifex at three Natal sites, but was significantly less successful at GT in the Cape. At four of six localities where S. spirifex and A. aethiopiciis could be compared, the latter was more successful, significantly so at two. Flowever, at Cape Vidal the reverse was true. Table 7. Per cent success rates of adequately sampled species from bush sites compared within localities. FBT FIP MKH MKM MKN Auf 75.3= Auf 69.7= Av 82.9“ Av 67.1" Cl 69.2= Av Cl 55.5^ 42.8^ Av 61.1= IP Auf 76.9= 44.8'’ Auf 41.7*’ Tg 63.4“ Av 58.8= MKO SIB H (Cape) Auf 67.6= Av 71.4“ Is 57.9= Ip 56.0=*' Ip 9.8*’ Ip 0.0*’ Tg 36.4*” Av 31.6^ Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Locality abbreviations as follows:- FBT/FIP - False Bay Park/Fanies Island woodland; MKH/MKM/MKN/MKO - savannah/woodland/forest/woodland at Mkuzi Game Reserve; SIB - Lake Sibaya forest; H (Cape) - trees/bushes bordering sandpit and watercourse. Possession of common superscripts signifies no significant difference. Similar tests on data from bush sites (Table 7) showed significant differences between species at six of eight sites. However, no consistent trends were discernible for any species. For instance, A. vitripennis was most successful at MKM and SIB but among the least so at MKO and FBT; A. feinoralis was more successful than A. vitripennis at FBT and MKO but less so at MKH and MKM. Thus, intra-locality success rates differed significantly at thirteen of the 20 localities with adequately sized samples (Tables 6 and 7). Whilst there were certain trends in relative success rates, actual levels for individual species showed much heterogeneity between localities (Fig. 4). Collectively, trap-nesting species were more successful in bush sites than in buildings, 54.8 and 38.3% respectively (t=3.83 df=7 p<0.01 with arcsin transformation). Trap-nesters in buildings did not differ significantly from aerial mud-nesters in their collective success rates, 38.3 and 43.3% respectively (t=1.53 df=8 p>0.10 with arcsin transformation). Nesting success and main mortality factors INTER-LOCAIJTY COMPARISONS OF TRAP-NESTING SPECIES A simultaneous assessment of host species and localities in relation to overall nesting success 192 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Bush sites Sites in/on buildings Fig. 4. Interlocality variation in nesting success in six trap-nesting and four aerial mud-nesting wasps. Mean success is shown with solid squares. or mortality due to particular parasites was not possible since locality sets differed for each host as a result of indequate sample sizes. Instead, data from sites with samples exceeding 20 cells were compared separately for each species using Chi-square tests. Localities marked with * in Tables 8 and 9 had relatively small samples (<50 cells) which are therefore less reliable. Chalybion laevigatum. Nesting success varied from zero to 69.2% depending largely on levels of parasitism by Miltogramminae and Melittobia (Table 8, Fig. 5). Exceptionally high endogenous mortality contributed to the zero success at FIG but in this case the sample size was minimal. The high levels of attack by Miltogramminae and Melittobia, and resultant low success rate at FBG, are probably attributable to the long-standing presence at this locality of a large population of T. guerinii, with its associated parasites, nesting in a cane partition . Tricar inody nevus guerinii. A wide range in nesting success was again demonstrated, attributable in this case mainly to varying levels of parasitism by Chrysididae, Melittobia and unknown factors (Table 8, Fig. 5). It is noteworthy that, again, success was lowest and parasitism by Melittobia highest at FBG. Proepipona meadewaldoi. Varying success rates appeared to be linked to levels of endogenous mortality and parasitism by Chrysididae (Table 8, Fig. 5). Parasitism by Miltogramminae was high 193 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Table 8. Success rates and mortality factors in trap-nesters mostly in/on buildings. Per cent success and parasitism Site n SE EM DP CH MU OS IC MT ?F Chalybion laevigatwn MKN 52 69.2“ 1.9 9.6 13.5 0.0 3.8 0.0 0.0 1.9 FBA 73 60.3“ 5.5 24.6 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.7 FBT 21 42.8“*' 4.8 33.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 0.0 0.0 FBR 147 41.5^ 8.2 28.6 6.8 0.7 2.0 0.7 2.7 3.4 MKB* 29 31.0'" 6.9 41.4 0.0 3.4 0.0 0.0 13.8 3.4 MKO* 36 30.5^- 8.3 16.7 27.8 2.8 2.8 0.0 0.0 2.8 FBG 184 20.T 8.1 47.3 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5 21.2 0.0 FIG* 21 0.0“ 33.3 19.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 33.3 4.8 Tricarinodynerus FIG 129 giierinii 65.9“ 4.6 0.0 10.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.3 4.6 MKN 82 63.4“" 3.6 2.4 20.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.5 1.2 FIC 113 62.8“" 6.2 0.9 19.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.9 FBA 420 53.6" 5.0 3.6 24.5 0.9 0.0 0.0 9.8 1.7 MKB 450 38.0‘ 6.0 0.2 22.2 0.4 0.0 0.4 24.7 3.8 MKO* 22 36.4““ 4.5 0.0 36.4 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.6 FBR 61 34.4““ 3.3 11.5 32.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 FBG 1197 28.6“ 7.8 6.3 6.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 47.4 0.7 Proepipona meadewaldoi FBA* 35 51.4“ 5.7 22.9 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 FIG* 36 41.6“" 25.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 8.3 FBR 133 28.6" 25.6 18.8 7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.5 3.8 FBG* 38 18.4" 28.9 2.6 10.5 0.0 0.0 5.3 10.5 2.6 Site abbreviations as in Tables 6 and 7, bush sites in bold. SE - successful cells; EM - endogenous mortality; DP - miltogramminae; CH - Chrysididae; MU - Mutillidae; OS - Osprynchotus sp.; IC - Stenarella sp.; MT - Melittobia\ ?F - fate unknown. Localities in bold are in bush sites. Localities marked * are inadequately sampled (<50 cells). Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. at FBA and FBR but the impact was reduced by low or zero levels of the above two factors at FBA. Lowest success rates again occurred at FBG. Aiiplopiis vitripennis. Endogenous mortality was the most consistent factor affecting nesting success (Table 9, Fig 5). Levels of attack by the various nest parasites varied erratically between localities but higher mortality from unknown causes, Leucospidae and/or Ceropales was responsible for the significantly reduced success rates at FBT and MKO. 194 Per cent Per cent WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS 60 40 20 0 Sy At Dh SsN SsC Tg Pm Cl Aerial mud-nesters Trap-nesters B ^ Av Auf Tg Cl Ip Fig. 5. Relative impact of five main mortality factors on nesting success in A - trap-nesters and aerial mud-nesters in/on buildings and B - trap-nesters in bush sites. 195 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Table 9. Success rates and mortality factors in trap-nesters confined to bush sites. Per cent success and parasitism Site n SE EM DP CH MU LE CE 1C MT ?F Aiiplopus vitripennis FBM* 21 90.5“ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MKH* 35 82.9“ 11.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.9 SIB* 21 71.4“” 14.3 14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MKM 79 67.1“” 19.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 FIP 140 6I.4“” 10.0 0.0 1.4 2.1 2.2 6.5 0.0 0.7 7.1 MKN* 34 58.8” 14.7 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 0.0 FBT* 45 55.5” 8.9 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 15.5 MKO 79 31.6“ 15.2 1.3 0.0 2.5 13.9 11.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 Isodontia pelopoeifonnis MKH* 26 76.9“ 7.7 15.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MKO* 25 56.0“ 4.0 24.0 8.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SIB* 41 9.8” 2.4 2.4 9.8 9.9 68.3 0.0 0.0 2.4 4.9 TCape* 23 4.3” 26.1 17.4 8.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.8 HCape* 43 0.0” 18.6 37.2 20.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.3 Isodontia stanleyi FIP + MKH* 18 83.3“ 5.5 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 HCape* 19 57.9“ 15.8 5.3 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 Auplopus femora Us FBT 77 75.3“ 10.4 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1 MKN* 17 70.6“” 23.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 FIP* 33 69.7“” 12.1 0.0 0.0 9.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1 MKO* 34 67.6“” 29.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 MKH* 29 44.8” 24.1 0.0 0.0 17.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3 0.0 MKM* 36 41.8” 22.2 0.0 5.5 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.7 2.8 Site abbreviations as in Tables 6 and 7. SE - successful cells; EM - endogenous mortality; DP - miltogramminae; CH - Chrysididae; MU - Mutillidae; LE - Leucospidae; CE - Ceropales; IC - Stenarella sp.; MT - Melittobia; ?F - fate unknown. Localities marked * are inadequately sampled (<50 cells). Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. Isodontia pelopoeifonnis. Leucospidae were responsible for a substantial and significant reduction in nesting success at one locality in Natal (Table 9). Otherwise the main mortality factor was Miltogramminae (Fig. 5). Very low success rates were also recorded at both Cape sites due to high levels of endogenous mortality, Miltogramminae, Chrysididae and/or unknown factors. 196 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Isodontia stanleyi. This species was sampled at only two of the sites in Natal and sample sizes were well below the minimum of 20 cells. However, at site H in the Cape it was 19. A comparison was therefore made of the combined Natal sample (18 cells) with the Cape sample. There was no significant difference in nesting success between the two areas (Table 9). Endogenous mortality and parasitism by Chrysididae appeared to be greater at the Cape site but much larger samples are required for this species. Auplopus femoralis. Success rates were relatively high at four of six localities but only one of these (FBT) differed significantly from the remaining two less successful ones, MKH and MKM (Table 9). There were no records of parasitism by Miltogramminae, Leucospidae or Ichneumonidae. Endogenous mortality was the main cause of failure at all localities (Fig. 5). Mutillidae, Melittobia and unknown factors reduced success only at some localities. INTER-LOCALITY COMPARISONS OF AERIAI. MUD-NESTING SPECIES Afreumenes aethiopicus. Success rates in Natal varied from 25.0 to 81.2% largely due to fluctuating levels of attack by the three main nest parasites, Miltogramminae, Chrysididae and the ichneumonid Osprynchotus sp. and, to a lesser extent, endogenous mortality (Table 10, Fig. 5). Mutillidae were important at only one locality. Data from a well separated locality, Malindi in East Africa, showed similar trends to those from South Africa. Delta hottentottum concinnum. Nesting success at four Natal localities was significantly lower than at FlC due mainly to increased levels of attack by the two principal nest parasites, Chrysididae and Melittobia (Table 10, Fig. 5). Endogenous mortality was again a consistent cause of failure. Mortality factors and success rates at GT in the Cape did not differ from those in Natal except for FlC. Sceliplnon spirifex. The multi-celled aerial mud-nests of this species may contain up to 40 or more cells. Consequently interlocality comparisons were limited to those localities with samples from an arbitrary minimum of 10 nests to increase the reliability of the results. Nesting success varied from 11.8 to 48.9% (Table 10). Very high levels of parasitism by Melittobia (Fig 5) were responsible for the success rates being significantly lowest at RR and MKB. Varying combinations of endogenous mortality, Miltogramminae, Chrysididae, Osprynchotus, Melittobia and mortality from unknown causes also significantly reduced success at a further three localities compared with that at HE. All factors with the exception of Mutillidae and Stenarella were responsible for significant (>10%) mortality at one or more of the localities. Data from Malindi (East Africa) showed no notable deviations from the pattern observed in Natal and Eastern Cape. Sample size was, however, inadequate for inclusion in the analysis. Synagris analis. Sample sizes were small for this species and it was not possible to apply the minimum of 10 nests for interlocality comparisons. Chi-square tests were therefore carried out using data from localities with more than one nest, namely FBG, FIG and UL with 9, 4 and 4 nests respectively, in order to provide some comparison with S. spirifex. Nesting success was significantly reduced at FBG due to Miltogramminae and Melittobia which were not recorded from nests of this species at the other sites, and to a relatively high level of attack by Mutillidae (Table 10). Thus, apart from FBG where success rates may have been affected by an abnormally high parasite population emanating from nests of T. guerinii, S. analis appeared to enjoy a high level of nesting success, Mutillidae being the main parasite. OVERAIJ. NESTING SUCCESS Differing pressures from the various mortality factors between localities were primarily 197 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Table 10. Success rates and mortality factors in aerial mud- nesting species. Per cent success and parasitism Site n SE EM DP CH MU OS 1C MT ?F Afreiimenes aethiopiciis UL* 16 81.2“ 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.2 0.0 6.2 0.0 CV 175 57.1“*’ 6.8 1.1 18.3 0.6 6.3 0.0 2.8 5.1 HL* 36 52.8“*" 11.1 5.5 2.8 13.9 11.1 0.0 0.0 2.8 FIG* 17 35. 3*"' 0.0 5.9 41.2 5.9 5.9 0.0 0.0 5.9 FBR 70 30.0^ 7.1 21.4 0.0 4.3 27.1 0.0 1.4 8.6 FI* 16 25. 0‘ 12.5 12.5 31.2 0.0 12.5 0.0 0.0 6.2 Ml# 30 66.7 0.0 0.0 10.0 3.3 10.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 Delta holtentottiim FlC 74 63.5“ 14.9 0.0 8.1 1.3 5.4 0.0 1.3 4.0 MKE* 22 54.5“*“ 13.6 4.5 0.0 18.2 4.5 0.0 0.0 4.5 FI 103 49.5“*’ 14.6 1.0 10.7 2.9 7.8 0.0 1.0 7.8 HL* 42 45.2“^ 7.1 7.1 2.4 4.8 7.1 0.0 23.8 2.4 FBG* 48 41.7" 6.2 4.2 10.4 4.2 2.1 0.0 16.7 10.4 MK 58 37.9" 13.8 6.9 6.9 1.7 6.9 0.0 13.8 10.3 FIG* 18 27.8" 27.8 5.5 22.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 UL* 30 26.7" 13.3 0.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.7 3.3 GT* 19 26.3" 21.0 0.0 36.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.5 5.3 Sceliphron spirifex HL 309 48.9“ 8.1 4.5 10.0 1.3 14.6 0.0 4.8 6.1 FI 163 29.9" 15.6 16.9 3.9 0.6 10.4 0.0 13.0 2.6 DD 153 29.4" 17.6 0.0 9.1 0.0 20.9 0.0 0.6 17.0 TF 220 27.7" 9.1 2.3 19.1 0.4 5.9 0.0 18.2 10.9 MKB 178 16.3" 10.1 1.1 1.7 5.1 6.2 0.0 41.6 12.9 RR 279 11.8" 3.6 0.4 1.8 0.0 13.3 0.0 63.1 4.7 Ml# 41 12.2 12.2 9.7 9.7 0.0 19.5 0.0 7.3 24.4 Synagris analis FIG* 18 77.8“ 5.5 0.0 0.0 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 UL* 31 74.2“ 25.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FBG* 61 45.9" 16.4 8.2 0.0 14.7 0.0 0.0 4.9 8.2 Locality abbreviations as in Tables 6 and 7. Success and parasite abbreviations as in Tables 8 and 9. Ml# Data from Malindi not included in analysis. Localities marked * are inadequately sampled (<50 cells or <10 multi-celled nests). Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. 198 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Table 11. Results of t-tests on overall per cent success rates using arcsin transformation. Species Nest type Mean % success (arcsin) Sites in/on buildings: Synagris analis AM 54.6“ Afreumenes aethiopicus AM 43.5“ Tricar inodynenis guerinii TN 43.3“ Delta hottentotturn AM 41.2“ Proepipona meadewaldoi TN 35.9“ Sceliphron spirifex (N) AM 33.8“ Chalybion laevigatum TN 31.5“ Bush sites: Auplopus vitripennis TN 54.3“ Auplopus femoralis TN 51.9“ Tricarinodynerus guerinii TN 44.9“ Chalybion laevigatum TN 43.5“ Isodontia pelopoeiformis (N) TN 42.7“ Cape sites: Sceliphron spirifex (C) AM/B 28.2“ Isodontia pelopoeiformis (C) TN/0 7.6” AM = aerial mud nest; TN = trap-nest; B = in/on buildings; O = bush sites; (C) = Cape sites; (N) = Natal sites. Possession of common superscripts within columns signifies no significant difference. Results of certain species analyses are indicated in superscript columns c, d and e. responsible for the intra-specific variations in nesting success. In order to assess whether there were overall differences in interspecific success rates, data from the relevant localities were combined and subjected to t-tests (Table 11). No species in either bush or building sites in Natal differed significantly from any other. At Cape sites, /. pelopoeiformis was significantly less successful than S. spirifex. Species common to both Cape and Natal sites (5. spirifex and I. pelopoeiformis) and those common to sites in buildings and bush sites in Natal (T. guerinii and C. laevigatum) also showed no significant differences in success rate. Thus, with the one exception at Cape sites, species did not differ overall in nesting success when considered over the range covered by the study. While recognising the need for more data from localities from as many parts of each species’ distribution as possible, the present data indicate that differences in nest structure and nesting behaviour do not result in consistent differences in nesting success. They may, however, affect levels of attack by specific nest parasites and mortality due to other factors as indicated in Table 12. The relative importance of the various mortality factors varies markedly between species (Fig. 5). Effects of nest and behavioural characteristics on mortality factors The main nest structural and behavioural characteristics of the species studied are summarised 199 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 TABLE 12. Interspecific comparisons of mean success rates and mortality factors. Per cent success and parasitism Species SE EM DP CH MU LE CE OS IC MT ?F Trap-nests in bush sites Is 70.6 10.6 5.4 5.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 2.6 Av 64.9 11.7 3.0 0.2 1.6 2.0 2.2 0.0 0.3 1.3 3.3 Auf 61.6 20.3 0.0 1.1 5.8 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 4.5 4.5 Tg 49.9 4.0 1.2 28.5 2 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 7.4 Cl 47.5 3.3 21.4 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 9.5 0.0 0.9 JP 29.4 11.8 19.3 9.5 2.0 15.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 9.8 Trap-nests in/on buildings Tg 47.2 5.5 3.7 19.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 16.5 4.9 Pm 35.0 21.3 11.8 4.5 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 6.6 4.4 Cl 30.6 12.4 32.2 2.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.2 14.2 2.9 Aerial mud-nests in/on buildings Sy 66.0 15.9 2.7 0.0 8.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 4.6 Af 49.7 7.3 7.7 15.6 4.1 0.0 0.0 11.5 0.0 1.7 1.7 Dh 41.4 14.7 3.2 13.0 3.7 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0 11.5 5.9 Ss(N) 31.7 11.3 7.5 5.2 2.3 0.0 0.0 10.4 0.0 19.8 7.2 Ss(C) 23.0 10.1 0.9 10.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 13.4 0.0 27.3 10.9 Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Success and parasite abbreviations as in Tables 8 and 9. in Table 1 for comparison with the impact of nest parasites on their hosts. The more important parasites and their recorded hosts are listed in Table 13. Mil togramminae Amobia africa Curran was the most commonly recorded species. Senotainia albifrons occurred in much lower numbers, and any error resulting from grouping the two species together in the analyses will be negligible. The discussion below therefore refers mainly to A. africa. The apparently more restricted range of hosts of S. albifrons (Table 13) may be at least partly due to the small sample. However, these records are of particular interest since this species has apparently never been reared from an Afrotropical host, and Palaearctic records are from soil-nesting sphecids (Pape, pers. comm.) compared with trap-nesting species parasitised in this study. Bush sites. Levels of parasitism were compared using t-tests. Data from all samples were used on the assumption that attack by Miltogramminae was not affected by the stage at which trap-nests were sampled. At Natal sites C. laevigatum suffered significantly higher mortality than A. vitripennis, T. giierinii and A. fenioralis (Table 14). Parasitism of C. laevigatum and /. pelopoeiformis (at both Natal and Cape sites) did not differ significantly. These species differ in several nesting characteristics (Table 1) but composition of cell partitions and end seals, cell linings, the presence or absence of vestibular cells and cocoon types are probably irrelevant, since larviposition by Miltogramminae occurs during cell provisioning. The composition of cell partitions could, however, affect migration of maggots between cells. 200 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Table 13. Host selection by species of principal parasites Parasite Av Bush sites Auf Ip Is Cl* Tg* Sites in buildings Pm Af Dh Ss Sy MILTOGRAMMINAE Amobia africa + - + +! + + - - Senotainia albifrons - + + +! - - - - CHRYSIDIDAE Chrysis sp. wahlbergi grp + + +! ■¥ + - + + + oculata grp - - - - - -i- - - lincea grp - - - - - . + - smaragdula grp - - - - - - - - succincta grp - + + - - - - - Stilbum cyanururn - - - - - + + - - Primeuchroeus sp. ghilianii grp - + - - - - - - MUTILLIDAE Stenomutilla syrinx - - - +! -1- + - + + + Dolichomutilla sycorax - - - - + ! . + + D. heterodonta - + - - +l -1- - - Antennotilla sp. + + + - - - - - - ICHNEUMONIDAE Osprynchotus sp. - - - + - + + + + - Stenarella sp. + - - + +! - - - LEUCOSPIDAE Leucospis varicollis + - - - + - - - L. ornata - - - - + - - - L. fuelleborniana - -i- - - - - - - POMPILIDAE Ceropales punctidatus - - - - - - - EULOPHIDAE Melittobia sp. -1- -1- + +! + + + -r + + Species abbreviations as in Table 1. *C. laevigatum and T. guerinii used trap-nests in both bush and building sites. ! indicates parasitism recorded only from building sites. 201 Per cent parastism by Chrysididae Per cent parastism by Miltogramminae ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Fig. 6. Relation.ship between number of prey per cell and levels of parasitism by Miltogramminae and Chrysididae. Characteristics that could influence attack by Miltogramminae are the use of temporary nest plugs, nest guarding and methods of provisioning. The time required to provision a cell completely will in many cases be longer in speciesusinggreater numbers of prey. This, combined with the greater number of visits made to respective nests, provides more opportunities for larviposition by Miltogramminae. However, the correlation between levels of parasitism and mean numbers of prey .202 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Table 14. Results of t-tests on levels of parasitism due to Miltogramminae. Species % parasitism (arcsin) Species pair t-tests Prey per cell t df P mean range n Trap-nesters in bush sites: lp(C) 31. T Cl/Av 3.31 9 <0.01 5.1 2 - 14 13 Cl 25.8= Ip(C)/Ip(N) 1.17 3 >0.1 11.8 4-27 34 Ip(N) 20.4=” Ip(N)A'g 1.66 3 >0.1 Av 7.3” lp(N)/Av 2.22 9 >0.05 1.0 Tg 7.3” 16.8 5-35 55 Auf 0.0' 1.0 Trap-nesters and aerial mud-nesters in/on buildings: Cl 34.3= Tg/Pm 1.67 8 >0.05 11.8 4-27 34 Pm 18.0” Cl/Pm 2.74 7 <0.05 no data Af 14.8” Ss(C)/(N) 1.74 4 >0.05 no data Ss(N) 14.1” 9.5 4-30 30 Db 9.8” no data Sy 9.3” no data Tg 8.5” 16.8 5-35 55 Ss(C) 3.7 Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. Species in bold are aerial mud-nesters per cell was not significant (Fig. 6). Any existing correlation may therefore have been masked by other factors. The data suggest the following alternative explanations for the different levels of parasitism observed. Chalybion laevigatum - many prey per cell with correspondingly longer times to complete provisioning, the absence of a temporary plug during the day and no guarding of the nest may all have contributed to higher levels of parasitism. It was observed that the relatively thin cell partitions also resulted in the invasion of neighbouring cells by miltogrammine maggots, which may account for this species suffering the highest mortality due to this parasite. Auplopus vitripennis and A. femoralis - significantly lower parasitism in both species may partly be due to the use of only one prey per cell. Also, extremely hard and relatively thick partitions in the former species probably reduce invasion of neighbouring cells while extensive guarding in the latter species seems to have eliminated Miltogramminae. Tricarinodynerus giierinii - parasitism was low in spite of prey per cell being significantly higher than in C. laevigatum (t=3.47 df=89 p<0.001). Extensive nest guarding occurs in this species, provisioning in some instances being progressive. Also, it is the only one with a nest turret at the entrance, though the effect of this on Miltogramminae is not known. Sites in buildings. Similar tests were carried out on data from trap-nesters and aerial mud-nesters 203 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 from buildings (Table 14). Chalybion laevigatum again suffered the highest level of parasitism by Miltogramminae compared with all the other species including aerial mud-nesters. Parasitism of the four aerial mud-nesters in Natal did not differ significantly (Table 14), a surprising result since S. analis provisions progressively and guards its nest extensively, the remainder mass-provisioning and leaving their nests open and unattended for considerable periods. Other unidentified factors must have been playing a role. In general, only three species, C. laevigatum, /. pelopoeiformis and to a lesser degree P. meadewaldoi, were relatively heavily parasitised by Miltogramminae (Tables 12 and 14). Species common both to sites in buildings and bush sites showed the same trends, high levels of parasitism in C. laevigatum and low levels in T. guerinii, indicating a genuine difference in these species’ susceptibility to Miltogramminae rather than being due to habitat effects. ClIRYSIDIDAE Again, there was one predominant species, Chrysis sp. wahlbergi group, which showed a wide host range but excluded the trap-nesting fsodontia spp. and aerial mud-nester A. aethiopicus. This species of Chrysis was apparently replaced by another of the succincta group in Isodontia nests, possibly a reflection of the vegetable cell partitions and plugs compared with the mud partitions used by other species. Stilbum cyanurum (Forster) was apparently confined to the single- or two-celled aerial mud-nests of A. aethiopicus and D. hottentottum respectively. The remaining species were uncommon and it is doubtful if their host selection indicated in Table 13 is comprehensive. For the analysis, it was assumed that modes of attack were similar for all the chrysidids, i.e. during provisioning. Bush sites. Data from all samples were subjected to t-tests on the assumption that parasitism was not influenced by the sampling. Tricarinodynerus guerinii and C. laevigatum were significantly more heavily parasitised than A. femoralis and A. vitripennis (Table 15). Isodontia pelopoeiformis was significantly more heavily parasitised than A. vitripennis but did not differ from any of the other species. As with Miltogramminae, the composition of cell partitions and end seals, cell linings, presence or absence of vestibular cells or cocoon type are unlikely to affect parasitism by Chrysididae. Nest guarding by T. guerinii which apparently reduced parasitism by Miltogramminae seemed not to be effective against Chrysididae. However, in this case there was a significant correlation between numbers of prey per cell and levels of attack (Table 1 5)(Fig. 6). Minimal opportunities for oviposition occurred in nests of A. vitripennis and A. femoralis (one prey per cell), coinciding with the lowest levels of parasitism. With the latter species, nest guarding is likely to be an important factor as well. Parasitism of I. pelopoeiformis in Natal did not differ significantly from that in the Cape (Table 15). Sites in buildings. Trap-nesting species in building sites all used several prey per cell and differences in this characteristic cannot explain the significantly lower parasitism in nests of P. meadewaldoi and C. laevigatum compared with T. guerinii. Except for C. laevigatum they all guarded their nests and showed evidence of progressive-provisioning. Therefore, neither of these characteristics were effective against Chrysididae. The lower level of parasitism in C. laevigatum compared with T. guerinii is interestingly reflected in bush sites, albeit not significantly. However, the reason for the difference is not known. Synagris analis was the only aerial mud-nester not to be affected by Chrysididae (Table 15), presumably because of progressive-provisioning and extensive nest guarding. The remaining three species showed similar levels of parasitism, but only S. spirifex and D. hottentottum were significantly less parasitised than T. guerinii which seemed to be particularly susceptible to chrysidid attack. 204 WEAVING; A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Although the trend was not significant, parasitism rates appeared to decrease as cells per nest increased in spite of the learning capabilities known for chrysidids (Rosenheim, 1987b). This could be another instance of the “selfish herd” mechanism (Wcislo, 1984) where cell is substituted for nest, but more data are required. As with I. pelopoeiformis in bush sites, parasitism of nests of S. spirifex did not differ significantly between the Cape and Natal sites. Table 15. Results of t-tests on levels of parasitism due to Chrysididae. Species % parasitism (arcsin) Species pair t-tests Prey per cell t df P mean range n Trap-nesters in bush sites: Tg 32.1“ Tg/Auf 7.31 6 <0.001 16.8 5-35 55 Cl 19.9“ Tg/Av 10.18 9 <0.001 11.8 4-27 34 Ip(N) 13.4“'’ Av/lp 3.62 9 <0.01 5.1 2-14 13 Auf 6.8'" Cl/Auf 2.48 7 <0.05 1.0 Av 3.T 1.0 Ip(C) 22.1“ Ip(N) 13.4“ Trap-nesters and aerial mud-nesters in/on buildings: Tg 25.6“ Tg/Dh 2.50 12 <0.05 Af 19.3“” Tg/Ss 2.71 7 <0.05 Dh 16.0'’ Tg/Pm 2.50 12 <0.05 Ss(N) 11.9'’ Tg/CI 4.18 9 <0.01 Pm 10.7'’ Af/CI 1.55 9 >0.10 Cl 8.0'’ Sy 0.0 Ss(C) 16.5“ Ss(N) 11.9“ Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Possession of common superscripts signifies no significant difference. Species in bold are aerial mud-nesters. Chrysididae were therefore more important in aerial mud-nests, parasitising 3 of 4 species at Natal sites at relatively high levels compared with 1 or 2 of 7 trap-nesting species (Table 12). Tricarinodynerus giierinii was particularly susceptible both in building sites and bush sites, again indicating a true species susceptibility (Table 12). Mutillidae Four species were recorded, one of which, Antennolilla sp., occurred only in trap-nests in bush sites (Table 13). The remainder were mostly confined to sites in/on buildings where populations of 205 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 hosts tend to be greater and the location of nests by the wingless females easier. Dolichomutilla sycorax (Smith), one of the most commonly recorded species, appeared to specialise mostly on large multi-celled aerial mud-nests, occasionally parasitising trap-nesters such as 7. guerinii that occurred in close proximity to their main hosts. Stenomiitilla syrinx (Peringuey) appeared to have a wider range of hosts, but again mostly in building sites. Table 16. Results of t-tests on levels of parasitism due to Mutillidae and Osprynchotiis sp. Species % parasitism (arcsin) Species pair t t-tests df P Mutillidae - trap-nests in bush sites: Auf 11.6“ Auf/Cl 1.42 7 >0.10 lp(N) 9.9“ Av 7.6“ Tg 6.T Cl 3.4“ ls(N) 0.0 Ip(C) 0.0 Mutillidae - trap-nests and aerial mud-nests in/on buildings: Sy 15.5“ Sy/Ss(N) 1.27 4 >0.10 At 10.9“ Sy/Cl 2.51 6 <0.05 Dh 10.6“ Sy/Tg 3.72 7 <0.01 Ss(N) 7.6“ Ss(N)/Tg 2.84 7 <0.05 Pm 4.3“'“ Sy/Pm 0.99 9 >0.10 Cl 3.4^ Tg 1.3*’ Ss(N) 7.6“ Ss(N)/Ss(C) 2.31 4 >0.05 Ss(C) 0.8“ Osprynchotus sp. - trap-nests and aerial mud-nests in/on buildings: Af 19.1“ Ss(N)/Dh 2.43 9 <0.05 Ss(N) 18.6“ Dh/Cl 3.21 11 <0.01 Dh 11.5'“ Cl 3.9^ Tg/Pm/Sy 0.0 Ss(C) 20.9“ Ss(N) 18.6“ Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. Species in bold are aerial mud-nesters. 206 WEAVING; A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Bush sites. Bartlett’s correction (Snedecor & Cochran, 1967) was applied to small samples (n<50) showing zero parasitism before using the arcsin transformation. The highest level of parasitism by Mutillidae was 6.7% in A. femoralis, though this did not differ significantly from that in any of the other species (Table 16). There is therefore no indication that any of the nesting characteristics listed in Table 1 for trap-nesters affected parasitism by Mutillidae. It is noteworthy, however, that A. femoralis was the only trap-nesting species that constructed discrete mud cells all of which were accessible without having to pass through other cells first. Sites in buildings. Mortality due to Mutillidae was notably grouped according to nest type, aerial mud-nests suffering significantly higher levels (=>2.3%) than trap-nests (=<0.9%) with the exception of P. meadewaldoi (Tables 12 and 16). Aerial mud-nests were therefore apparently more susceptible than trap-nests to attack by Mutillidae. Thickness of daubing seemed to have no influence on levels of parasitism, suggesting that Mutillidae either are not deterred by thick nest walls or invade nests while they are still open. If the latter is the case, progressive-provisioning and nest guarding by S. analis was not effective against Mutillidae. ICHNEUMONIDAE: Osprynchotus sp. Bush sites. Attacks in bush sites were confined to nests of C. laevigatiim, though at low levels (1 .9%) (Table 1 2). This species did not incorporate vestibular cells into its nests and it is significant that only outer terminal cells were parasitised, a result of the observed fact that Osprynchotus drills through end seals with its ovipositor. Nests of/, pelopoeiformis and I. stanleyi also had no vestibular cells, but their very thick end plugs consisting of vegetable materials would deter such methods of oviposition. Sites in buildings. All the aerial mud-nesters except S. analis were parasitised by Osprynchotus sp., A. aethiopicus and S. spirifex at levels significantly higher than D. hottentottum (Table 16). The exceptionally thick walls and seals of S. analis nests appeared to prevent oviposition. The high level of parasitism of the single-celled nests of A. aethiopicus was probably partly due to their thin mud walls facilitating oviposition. The thicker walls of nests of S. spirifex might be expected to have reduced levels of Osprynchotus. However, many smaller nests were without additional daubing; their multi-celled construction may also have counteracted any protection by increasing the rate of parasitisation of cells compared to that in the more widely dispersed single-cell nests of A. aethiopicus. The 2-celled nests of D. hottentottum were similarly dispersed to those of A. aethiopicus-, however, their thicker walls may have provided some protection. It is noteworthy that only 1 1.5% (n=26) of nests attacked by Osprynchotus had both cells parasitised, suggesting that the cryptic design of these nests reduced such parasitism compared with that of A. aethiopicus through the failure of Osprynchotus to detect the presence of two cells. Chalybion laevigatum was again the only trap-nester to be parasitised, albeit at a level significantly below those of the aerial mud-nesters (Table 16). Levels of parasitism of 5. spirifex did not differ significantly between Cape and Natal sites. ICHNEUMONIDAE: Stenarella sp. Bush sites. Attacks by this ichneumonid were confined to nests of C. laevigatum and A. vitripennis (Table 12). A meaningful analysis of the results was not possible due to the high proportion of localities with zero parasitism (Table 8). Sites in buildings. In contrast to Osprynchotus, this ichneumonid parasitised trap-nesters only 207 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 1 9, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1 995 (Table 12). Again, a meaningful analysis was not possible, but none of the hosts appeared to be particularly susceptible. Thus, the hosts of Osprynchotiis sp. were all aerial mud-nesters with the single exception of the trap-nesting C. laevigahim. On the other hand, parasitism by Stenarella sp. was confined to trap- nesters. The range of hosts, C. laevigatiim, P. meadewaldoi, T. guerinii and A. vitripennis, includes species that incorporate vestibular cells in their nests (Table 1), indicating that this nest characteristic does not prevent parasitism by Stenarella. Also, with C. laevigatiim, a species that does not use vestibular cells, parasitism by Stenarella was not confined to the terminal cells as it was with Osprynchotiis. Of the 15 nests affected, inner cells were parasitised in nine, outer cells in four and all cells in two of them. Stenarella must therefore either enter nests prior to final sealing to oviposit through the most recently completed partition or directly on the cell contents of an unsealed cell, or drill through the side walls of the nest with its ovipositor. The available evidence supports the former possibility. The immunity to Stenarella shown by /. pelopoeiforniis and I. stanleyi might appear to contradict this. However, in these species the thick cell partitions and temporary plugs of vegetable material are likely to impede oviposition and entry respectively. At the same time, this absence of parasitism strongly suggests that Stenarella does not oviposit through the side walls. Contrary to expectation, guarding, as observed in P. meadewaldoi and T. guerinii, apparently did not prevent parasitisation by Stenarella. However, this does not necessarily support the possibility of oviposition through the side walls. The occurrence of mass-provisioning and its attendant lack of guarding in some nests of these species is the most likely explanation. EulophidaE: Melittobui sp. Due to the influence of storage on infestation levels (Table 4), analysis was confined to data from sample category I. In buildings, A. aethiopiciis nests suffered significantly lower parasitism than those of S. spirifex (Table 17). The single-celled mud pots of A. aethiopiciis each have to be located anew by searching parasites whereas all the cells in a nest of S. spirifex are readily found once the nest itself has been located. The similarly low levels of parasitism in S. analis nests compared with S. spirifex, although statistically insignificant (t=l .96 df=4), suggest that particularly thick walls may reduce entry by Melittobia. Parasitism of trap-nesters appeared to be higher in buildings (Table 17), but none of the species that were common to bush sites and buildings differed significantly (t for T. guerinii =0.85 df=6; t for C. laevigatiim =1.81 df=6). Table 17. Per cent (arcsin) parasitism of cells by Melittobia in trap-nesting and aerial mud-nesting species. Trap-nests Trap-nests Aerial mud-nests (bush) (buildings) (buildings) (Tg 1 1 .40 Tg 20.9“ Ss 24.6“ Auf 9.8“ Cl 18.8“ Dh 17.T‘> (Ip 6.80 Pm 13.0“ sy 8.0“" Av 6.2“ Af 8.1" (Cl 3.40 Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Species in parentheses inadequately sampled. Possession of common superscripts within each column signifies no significant difference determined via t-tests. 208 WEAVING; A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS All species were therefore susceptible to Melittobia regardless of nest type and behaviour. The data fail to demonstrate any significant differences in susceptibility except between single-celled and multi-celled aerial mud-nests i.e. nests of A. aethiopicus and S. spirifex respectively (Table 17). The possibility that S. analis nests are less susceptible than those of S. spirifex suggests that single-celled nests and thick-walled multi-celled nests may offer two alternative ways of reducing mortality from Melittobia, though more data are required to confirm this. Table 18. Results of t-tests on parasitism of trap-nests by Leucospidae and Pompilidae: Ceropales. Parasite Host % parasitism (arcsin) t-tests species t df p Leucospidae Ip 26.0- Ip/Av 2.07 9 >0.05 Av 6.7- Ceropales Auf 6.7 no t-test Av 7.8 insufficient samples Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. Leucospidae and Pompilidae: Ceropales pimctulatus Attack by either of these parasites would not be affected by the different sample categories and thus all data were used in analysing the results (Table 18). Leucospidae. No conclusions can be drawn with respect to the influence of nest structure or nesting behaviour on levels of parasitism. Only two species were host to Leucospidae, /. pelopoeiformis and A. vitripennis. Apart from both being trap-nesters in bush sites, they showed little in common. Type of prey, amount of provision per cell and materials used for partitions and seals differed markedly (Table 1). Since oviposition by Leucospidae is probably achieved by drilling through the side wall of the nest, the nesting characteristics considered here are unlikely to protect hosts from parasitism. Leucospidae are therefore potentially important agents in reducing nesting success in the few hosts that they select. Ceropales pimctulatus Cameron. Nests only of the pompilids A. femoralis and A. vitripennis were affected and, since oviposition occurs on the prey before it is taken into the nest, none of the nesting characteristics considered could influence levels of parasitism. Even prey cleaning would be ineffective against this type of parasite since Ceropales inserts its egg into one of the spider’s book- lungs where it is i naccessible to the wasp. No observations were available on other aspects of behaviour during prey transportation. Specialisation on pompilid hosts means that Ceropales is not an important factor in nesting success of aculeate wasps in general. Insufficient data were obtained to show how important Ceropales may be to pompilids but levels of parasitism recorded were mostly low (Tables 9 and 12). Endogenous mortality Bush sites. Due to the effects of opening and storage of nests, analysis was confined to data from sample categories 1 and 4 as discussed in ‘Examination of the Data’. Endogenous mortality is due 209 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 to a variety of mostly unknown factors, and the reasons for any differences cannot be established from the data obtained. Auplopiis femoralis and A. vitripennis suffered the highest mortality of this type amongst trap-nesters (Table 19). It is not known whether there is any significance in the fact that they are both Pompilidae. Building sites. Endogenous mortality amongst trap-nesting species was significantly higher in P. meadewaldoi compared with T. giierinii (Table 19). Amongst aerial mud-nesters, A. aethiopicus suffered significantly lower endogenous mortality than 5. analisovD. hottentottiun. Tricarinodynenis guerinii was the only trap-nesting species that differed significantly from aerial mud-nesters, showing lower mortality than S. analis or D. Iiottentottum. Endogenous mortality accounted for significant levels of mortality in all species. Individual component factors would first need to be identified before being considered in relation to nest structure and nesting behaviour. Table 19. Results of t-testson endogenous mortality in trap-nesting and aerial mud-nesting species. Species % mortality (arcsin) t-tests species pair t df P Trap-nesters in bush sites: Auf 26.4» Auf/Av 2.43 11 <0.05 A'' 19.4'’ Av/Cl 2.24 9 c.0.05 Cl 12.T IP 12.P Tg 11.5^ Trap-nesters and aerial mud-nesters in/on buildings: Pm 26.7“ Pm/Tg 4.26 8 <0.01 Sy 22.7“ SyATg 2.69 7 <0.05 Dh 21.4“ Dh/Tg 3.48 12 <0.01 Ss 19.4“'’ Cl 19.4'"’ Af 14.4" Tg 13.4" Species abbreviations as in Table 1. Possession of common superscripts indicates no significant difference. Species in bold are aerial mud-nesters Other mortality factors The several other factors recorded were mostly unimportant, causing only low mortality except for sporadic higher levels at certain localities. Levels were also too low for interspecific comparison. Mean levels of attack are given in Table 20. Bombyliidae were recorded from nests of T. guerinii, P. meadewaldoi and A. vitripennis and it is of interest that the presence of a turret {T. guerinii) did not prevent parasitism by this type of parasite. Bombyliids are known to oviposit in open holes of various kinds (Evans, 1966a; Evans & O’Neill, 1988) and to flip their eggs into nest entrances of trap-nesters while hovering in front of them (Krombein, 1 967). The turret of T. guerinii might be expected to prevent the latter method; presumably 210 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Table 20. Mortality due to various parasites and predators of minor importance averaged for all species. Parasite/predator Mean % mortality Range Bombyliidae 1.6 0.1 - 4.6 Unknown parasites 2.6 0.1 - 9.6 Mites* 2.0 0.1 - 11.5 Psocids* 4.9 0.1 - 20.5 Ants 7.7 1.3- 45.0 (2.4) (1.3- 4.5) * - uncertain whether actually caused mortality. a different technique for oviposition was used by the species concerned {Anthrax pitliecius Fabricius). Unknown parasites collectively caused similar levels of mortality. Mortality (presumed) from mites was relatively high at only one locality (11.5%), but being associated with a small sample of only 26 cells of C. laevigatiim from a bush site is of doubtful significance. Psocids invaded significant proportions of cells of P. meadewaldoi at two building sites (11.4 and 20.5%), but these figures were based on small samples (39 and 44 cells). Only 1.1% mortality was recorded at a third site where the sample was substantial (267 cells); otherwise they occurred at similar levels to those of the other factors considered in this section. It was not definitely established whether mites and psocids had actually caused the mortality or had invaded cells after the death of their occupants. Ants were recorded invading nests only in bush sites with one exception from a building. Mortality was low except for one site where they caused 45.0% failure of T. guerinii cells, again associated with a very small sample of 20 cells. However, there was evidence that ants were particularly active at this site. It was not possible to demonstrate any species’ particular susceptibility to any of these factors and therefore no links with particular nesting characteristics can be suggested. Effects of certain characteristics of aerial mud-nests on levels of parasitism Sceliphron spirifex was the only species sufficiently well sampled to provide data on the effects on parasites of certain characteristics of multi-celled aerial mud-nests. Numbers of cells in nests (nest size), the relative positions of cells within nests and the degree of daubing have been found, or have been expected, to influence parasitism especially by Melittobia in other species of Sceliphron (Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1976; Freeman, 1982). Daubing could also be expected to reduce successful oviposition by parasites that need to drill through cell walls with their ovipositors, such as Osprynchotus. Using the data from all localities, a stepwise discriminant analysis of success, with nest size, presence or absence of daubing and cell position as independent variables, showed all three variables to influence success significantly. Nest size was the most important (F=22.258 df=l/1301 p<0.0001) followed by daubing (F=11.103 df=l/1300 p=0.0009) and cell position (F=9.165 df=4/1299 p<0.000 1 ). A 60.6% correct prediction of successes and failures shows that there are other unidentified factors also regulating success. The significant effects of size, daubing and cell position were 211 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 confirmed by logistic regression and loglinear analyses. The latter further indicated significant interactions between daubing and nest size (Chi-square=214.05 df=54 p<0.0001) and nest size and cell position (Chi-square=126.54 df=99 p=0.0324), but none between daubing and cell position (Chi- square=3.55 df=4 p=0.4701). 1-4 5-10 11-22 >22 Number of cells per nest Fig. 7. Effect of nest size (cells per nest) on success rate and mortality factors in A - undaubed and B daubed nests of Sccliphron spirifex. + - Melittobia, □ - Mutillidae, ▲ - Osprynchotiis, * - Chrysididae, ■ - endogenous mortality. Shaded bars - success rate. 212 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Table 21. Effect of daubing on success rates and parasitism of nests of Sceliphron spirifex. Size (cells/nest) 1-4 Daubed 5-10 11-22 >22 1-4 Undaubed 5-10 11-22 >22 n (nests) 36 41 39 10 39 19 5 1 n (cells) 101 298 577 288 107 170 65 24 Per cent: Success 10.9 13.1 33.3 19.8 14.0 25.9 41.5 29.2 Endogenous mortality 10.9 7.4 4.2 8.0 11.2 2.3 4.6 0.0 Melittobia 26.7 25.5 28.8 23.3 4.7 22.9 40.0 50.0 Chrysididae 8.9 12.7 3.8 6.9 10.2 5.3 0.0 0.0 Mutillidae 3.0 3.0 0.7 8.3 0.9 3.5 3.1 16.7 Osprynchotus 15.8 12.4 9.3 13.2 14.0 7.0 0.0 4.2 Miltogramminae 4.9 5.7 1.0 6.2 1.9 4.1 1.5 0.0 Chi-squared tests showed that success rates in both daubed and undaubed nests increased significantly with nest size except in the largest nests (>22 ceils) (Table 21, Fig. 7). While undaubed nests appeared to be more successful than daubed nests, this was significant only in the 5-10 cell size category (Chi-squared = 13.83 df=l). Thus, the presence of daubing appeared to have no positive effect on overall success and, if anything, tended to result in reduced success. However, sample sizes for large undaubed nests were much smaller than those for daubed nests and additional data are required to confirm these conclusions. Endogenous mortality decreased significantly with increasing nest size but did not differ in daubed and undaubed nests, except those in the 5-10 cell size category in which it was significantly higher in daubed nests (Chi-squared = 5.31 df=l). Endogenous mortality was therefore more dependent on nest size than on the presence or absence of daubing. Parasitism by Melittobia, the most important mortality factor, depended on both nest size and daubing. Levels of parasitism were not significantly affected by size in daubed nests (Chi-squared = 2.36 df=3) but increased significantly in larger undaubed nests (Table 21, Fig. 7) (Chi-squared = 32.03 df=3). Large undaubed nests were therefore particularly susceptible to Melittobia, presumably due to easier penetration of the thinner walls combined with the enhanced opportunity for population increase in large nests. However, this conclusion requires confirmation with larger samples of undaubed nests, especially in the >22 cell size category. The reason for the low levels of parasitism in small undaubed nests compared with their daubed counterparts is unknown. Parasitism by Chrysididae was significantly higher in smaller nests in both daubed and undaubed nests. Daubing appeared to result in higher chrysidid attack as well, as indicated by the significant effect in nests of 5-10 cells (Chi-squared = 6.55 df=l) though the reason for this is not known. Daubing had no significant effect on levels of attack by Mutillidae. However, the largest nests suffered significantly higher rates of parasitism (Table 21, Fig. 7), but again this is subject to confirmation from larger samples. Size had no significant effect on parasitism by Osprynchotiis in daubed nests. However, there was a significant decline in parasitism with increasing size of larger undaubed nests. Therefore, contrary to expectation, daubing does not seem to deter oviposition by such parasites. Generally, then, mortality due to the more important factors declines with increasing nest size until a certain size is reached after which this trend appears to be reversed, indicating that there is an 213 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 optimum size, probably within the 1 1 -22 cell size category . The most important exception isMelittobia which increases dramatically with nest size in undaubed nests; although daubing appears to prevent this effect, it does not prevent a relatively high level of parasitism in all size classes. Success of cells also varied according to their positions in nests (Table 22). Cells were classified according to the diagram in Fig. 3-4a. Outer cells, including those in contact with the substrate (basal outer) were significantly less successful than inner cel Is. Parasitism by Ospry/zcZ/o/tcv was significantly higher in these cells. Melittohia appeared to be less prevalent in outer cells, but significance was marginal. However, there was no evidence that cells further from the sub.strate (outer cells) were less affected by Melittobia than those adjacent to it (basal inner + basal outer cells) as reported by Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1976. None of the other main mortality factors were affected by cell position. Smaller nests will tend to have an increasingly large proportion of outer cells until below a certain size the entire nest consists only of such cells. This could be one factor that helps to explain reduced success in smaller nests. Table 22. Effect of cell position on success rates and parasitism of nests of Sceliphron spirifex. Basal inner Inner Basal outer Outer Chi- square P n (cells) 380 226 348 465 Per cent successful cells 30.5 29.2 20.1 20.6 13.38 <0.01 Per cent failure due to:- Endogenous mortality 6.8 4.9 6.9 6.4 0.99 >0.80 Melittobia 30.5 31.9 22.7 23.4 8.06 <0.05 Osprynchotiis 6.8 4.4 14.6 15.9 28.72 <0.001 Chrysididae 5.3 5.3 8.6 8.6 5.30 >0.10 Mutillidae 1.6 4.9 4.9 3.4 6.98 >0.05 DISCUSSION Extensive and apparently random variation in nesting success in individual species is one of the most obvious findings of this study (Fig. 4). Apart from a trend at certain localities for Synagris aiialis to achieve greater success and Sceliphron spirifex the least success (Tables 6, 1 1 and 12), there is little support forthe hypothesis that overall nesting success varies according to nesting habit. However, interlocality variation may have obscured any more subtle interspecific differences. Such variation has been reported for several species, including Delta maxillosiun (Chapman, 1959), Sceliphron laetinn (Smith, 1979), Trypoxylon tenoctitlan (Coville & Coville, 1980), Cra6rort/'gu5/m/5'( Matthews etal., 1979), Tachysphex ter niinatus {Spof ford etal., 1986) and OAy6c/»5 5'cnct?u5( Hook & Matthews, 1980), attributable in each instance to varying levels of attack by certain nest parasites or differences in types of parasites present. This study, as well as reports in the literature (Freeman & Parnell, 1973; Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1976; Peckham, 1977; Freeman, 1982; Spofford et al., 1986; Rosenheim & Grace, 1987), show that nest parasites and predators are indeed the major cause of nest/cell failure. Mean mortality due to natural 214 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS enemies for a mixture of host species, expressed as a percentage of total mortality, calculated from 12 papers with suitable data (Appendix A), is 69.2% (range 37.8-98.8%). Figures from the current study are very similar, 62.5% (range 31.0-94.1%). It seems likely that similar sets of figures would be obtained wherever such studies are conducted. Nesting success must therefore depend largely on factors that affect levels and types of parasitism whether or not they are connected with nesting habits. They fall under three headings, “external” factors not related to nesting habits, nest structure and nesting behaviour. External factors. These are particularly prone to variation between localities. Environmental/ climatic conditions (Rau, 1916; Matthews et al., 1979) prior to, during and after nesting are likely to affect nesting success, but such parameters have never been measured (Rosenheim, 1989). Characteristics of the nesting site/substrate and vegetational cover (Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1976; Freeman, 1982; Rosenheim, 1988) may also affect success rates and parasitism. However, contributions from such factors towards observed variations in parasitism and/or nesting success in this study cannot be assessed because of the lack of data. It would in any event be very difficult to separate the effects of each factor in the absence of experimental manipulation. Parasite populations may also depend on the density and extent of the population of the host species in question (Freeman & Parnell, 1973; Matthews et al., 1979; Wcislo, 1984), which is at least partly a function of the length of time that the site has been used. Populations of other species at the same site prior to and during nesting of the host species, especially if they are poorly protected (Evans, 1987) , may also cause a build up of parasites and determine which species are dominant (Spofford et al., 1986). Such was the case at FBG where there was a long-established, substantial population of T. guerinii. This species together with others that utilised trap-nests at this site, C. laevigatum and P. meadewaldoi, as well as the aerial mud-nester S. analis, showed consistently low success and relatively high levels of attack by Melittobia, Miltogramminae, Mutillidae and/or Chrysididae compared with other localities (Tables 8 and 10). Nesting behaviour. Various features connected either with nest structure or nesting behaviour during nesting have been suggested as factors that affect nest parasitism and, therefore, nesting success. Most studies deal with ground-nesting species (40/52), only six being concerned with trap- nesters and six with aerial mud-nesters. Very few, however, are supported by quantitative data. Behavioural features include diversionary flights by provisioning adults in response to the presence of parasites (Linsley & MacSwain, 1956; Evans & Lin, 1959; Alcock, 1974 and 1975; Matthews et al., 1979; Evans et al., 1980; Gwynne, 1981; Hager & Kurczewski, 1985; Evans & O’Neill, 1988; Kurczewski & Spofford, 1986; McCorquodale 1986, Spofford et al. 1986, Spofford & Kurczewski, 1 992), nest cleaning in response to parasite presence (Simonthomas & Simomthomas, 1972; Gwynne, 1981; Sheehan, 1984; Hager & Kurczewski, 1985; Rosenheim, 1987a; Evans & O’Neill 1988, Spofford & Kurczewski 1992), prey cleaning (Linsley & MacSwain, 1956; McCorquodale, 1986; Spofford etal., 1986; Spofford & Kurczewski, 1992), nest guarding (Peckham et al., 1973; Peckham, 1977; Coville & Coville, 1980; Hook & Matthews, 1980; Krombein, 1979; Evans & Hook, 1982a and 1982b; Coville & Griswold, 1984; Wcislo et al., 1988; Spofford & Kurczewski, 1992), progressive- provisioning (Evans, 1966b and 1977; Evans & Eberhard, 1970; Krombein, 1978; Hager & Kurczewski, 1985; Gess & Gess, 1989; Weaving, 1989), delayed provisioning (Rosenheim, 1987b) and method of transporting prey (Evans, 1962; Evans & O’Neill, 1988) . Nest guarding and progressive-provisioning were the only two of the above behavioural features for which observations were obtained in this study. In S. analis, the only species that consistently provisioned progressively, guarding was the outcome of the females’ almost continual presence in 215 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 unsealed cells containing larvae. Nest guarding in A. fenioralis was not associated with progressive- provisioning but with nest sharing. It is likely that these species’ relatively high success rates are at least partly attributable to these behaviours. The possible existence of alternate provisioning strategies in T. giierinii and P. rneadewaldoi is of particular interest but requires further investigation, as no data were obtained to compare success rates and levels of parasitism in progressively-provisioned and mass-provisioned nests of these species. The adaptive significance of alternate provisioning strategies as displayed by T. guerinii and P. rneadewaldoi has been discussed elsewhere (Weaving, 1994a). The occurrence of (slow) progressive-provisioning individuals nesting side by side with those that were (fast) mass-provisioners suggests that neither strategy is necessarily adopted by a nesting population as a whole but by individuals according to parasite pressures experienced at particular nest sites. This view is supported by the fact that individuals seemed to be able to switch from one strategy to the other (Weaving, 1994a). Nest structure. Structural features of nests reported to affect parasitism include accessory burrows (Tsuneki, 1963; Evans, 1966a, 1966b, 1966c; Sheehan, 1984; Vinson et aL, 1987; Evans & O’Neill, 1988; Evans & Eberhard, 1970), burrow profile (Evans & Lin, 1959; Evans & O’Neill, 1988), nest closure (Linsley & MacSwain, 1956; Evans, 1966b; Brockmann, 1985; Hager & Kurczewski, 1985; Rosenheim, 1987a), temporary nest closure (Evans & Lin, 1959; Simonthomas & Simonthomas, 1972; Gess & Gess, 1975; Peckham, 1977; Brockmann, 1985; Spofford etal., 1986; Evans & O’Neill, 1988), levelled or conspicuous tumuli (Evans & Lin, 1959; Wcislo, 1984; Hager & Kurczewski, 1985; Rosenheim, 1987a; Evans & O’Neill, 1988), daubing the outer surfaces of aerial mud nests with extra mud (Freeman, 1982), building multicellular nests (Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1976; Evans, 1977), differences in nest substrates (Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1975; Freeman, 1982), numbers of cells comprising individual nests (Medler, 1964; Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1975; Evans, 1977; Freeman, 1977; Brooke, 1981; Evans & O’Neill 1988) and the inclusion of vestibular or empty cells (Evans & Eberhard, 1970; Tepedino et ai, 1979; Coville & Griswold, 1984; Freeman & Ittyeipe, 1993). The species included in this study differed markedly in their overall nest structures, the thickness and materials used in construction of cell partitions and nest closures, the extent of daubing on mud nests, use of temporary closures and the inclusion of vestibular cells. However, because of the lack of significant interspecific differences in nesting success, there are no indications of links between nest structure and success except with regard to numbers of cells comprising multi-celled nests. Results indicate that there may be an optimum size at which success is maximised; for S. spirifex this falls within the range of 11-22 cells per nest. However, the fact that the single- and two-celled nests of A. aethiopicus and D. hottentottum respectively achieved higher levels of success suggests that the optimum number of cells in aerial mud-nests varies with species. It is also likely that such an optimum will vary even within a species according to population and types of parasites present, since the effect of nest size in S. spirifex differed with different parasites. Hostiparasite interactions. Significant differences in susceptibility to particular nest parasites were recorded for certain species (Tables 14-18). However, in most cases these differences cannot be definitely attributed to specific structures or behaviours because of the lack of direct observations of interactions between nesting habits and parasites. Furthermore, levels of parasitism are the outcome of the combined effects of several factors most of whose individual contributions cannot be reliably assessed from the available data. Nevertheless, there were certain trends that should be followed up experimentally or by direct observation. Thick cell partitions of A. vitripennis with their very hard surfaces were associated with reduced miltogrammine parasitism; the much thinner cell partitions of C. laevigatum&Wowed invasion 216 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS of neighbouring cells by maggots which did not occur in A. vitripennis nests. However, this difference in susceptibility could equally well be ascribed to numbers of prey per cell. Cells of A. vitripennis are supplied with only one prey and are then immediately sealed, reducing the opportunity for larviposition by flies. In contrast, C. laevigatiini cells remain open and unguarded for extended periods whilst the females hunt for the many prey required. Further observations are needed to determine which interpretation is correct. Perhaps both factors play a role. Progressive-provisioning accompanied by nest guarding in 5. analis is the most likely explanation for this species’ lack of parasitism by Chrysididae. Yet T. giierinii, which also employs extensive nest guarding, suffers high levels of attack. At the same time, both species similarly suffered low levels of parasitism by Miltogramminae which could also be attributed to nest guarding. Detailed observations of how such parasitism is achieved are required to explain these apparent anomalies. Osprynchotiis parasitised cells by ovipositing through the end seals of trap-nests or mud walls of aerial mud-nests. It was obvious in the case of trap-nests, as with nests of C. laevigatiini in which parasitism was confined to terminal cells, that mortality from such parasites was due to the absence of vestibular cells. It also seems likely that very thick wal Is in aerial mud-nests prevent such parasitism, as demonstrated by nests of S. analis compared with the progressively thinner-walled nests of S. spirifex, D. hottentottiim and A. aethiopiciis (Table 16). A different pattern of parasitism by the apparently very similar Stenarella emphasises the importance of making observations on modes of attack. None were obtained for this species during this study, but this ichneumonid clearly uses a different strategy from that of Osprynchotiis. While natural enemies are considered to have controlled the development of many aspects of nest structure and nesting behaviour (Wcislo et al., 1985; Spofford et al, 1986; Rosenheim, 1987a and 1989), including the early steps leading to sociality (Rosenheim, 1989), the overall direction of evolution of nesting behaviour and nest structure is in the end determined by complex interactions between numerous factors (Wcislo et al, 1985). This makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to assess the roles of individual factors,. including, of course, individual types of parasites, in isolation. A further complication that does not appear to have been considered in the literature is how representative the results obtained from a particular site are in relation to the species’ overall distribution. This is of particular importance in comparative studies such as the present one. The sites used in this study represent only a minute portion of each species’ incompletely known overall distribution. It is often not known whether the sites are in a marginal or more central part of each species’ range, nor how nesting success varies in different parts. In conclusion, the present results indicate that the activities of parasites are a major factor in regulating nesting success in solitary wasps. Since no species is equally protected against each type of parasite, the extensive variation in nesting success that does occur is a reflection of the size and species composition of parasite populations present at each site at the time of nesting. A high level of success will be due either to low populations of nest parasites at the locality in question, regardless of nesting behaviour, or to the fact that the species concerned is well protected, by virtue of certain nesting habits, against the dominant parasite that is present. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to the Director of Natal Parks, Game and Fish Preservation Board for issuing permits for carrying out research in areas under his control; to Mr T.C. White for allowing free access to his farm Hilton; to Prof. D. Brothers of University of Natal for identifying the Mutillidae; to Dr Thomas Pape of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen for identifying the 217 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Miltogramminae; to Dr F.W. Gess of Albany Museum for confirming the identity of Proepipona meadewaldoi and for identifying the Chrysididae; to Dr J.M. Carpenter of the American Museum of Natural History and Dr A. Giordani Soika of Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia for identifying some Eumenidae; to Dr Jay Rosenheim of University of California, Dr Chris Starr of University of the West Indies and Dr Bill Wcislo of Cornell University for kindly criticizing early drafts of the manuscript; to Mrs Sarah Radloff of Department of Mathematical Statistics of Rhodes University for conducting the loglinear, logistic regression and stepwise discriminant analyses; to Albany Museum for providing funds in support of this project. REFERENCES Alcock, J. 1974. The behaviour of Philanlhus crabroniformis (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Journal of Zoology, London 173: 233-246. Alcock, J. 1975. The nesting behavior of PhUanthus nmltimacidatiis Cameron (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae)./lw7cncfl/; Midland Naturalist 93: 222-226. Alm, S.R. and Kurczewski, F.E. 1984. Ethology of Anoplius tcncbrosus (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 86: 110-119. Brockmann, H.J. 1985. 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Journal of Insect Behavior 1: 247-260. WEAVtNG, A.J.S. 1989. Nesting strategies in some southern African species of Ammophila (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae).yot/r;m/ of Natural History 23: 1-16. Weaving, A.J.S. 1994a. Nesting behaviour in three Afrotropical trap-nesti ng wasps, Chalybion laevigatum ( Kohl ), Proepipona meadcwaldoi Bequaert and Tricarinodynerus guerinii (Saussure) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Eumenidae). The Entomologist \\3: 183-197. Weaving, A.J.S. 1994b. Notes on nesting behaviour in two Afrotropical auplopine wasps, Auplopus vitripennis Smith and/\. femoralis (Arnold) (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). The Entomologist 113: 140-153. 221 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Appendix A. Success rates and mortality factors extracted from published accounts. Per cent success and parasitism Sp SE EM DP CH MU OS MT AERIAL MUD-NESTS Auplopus esmeralda (Kimsey, 1980) (72.5) Delta maxillosum (Chapman, 1959) (62.0) 38,0(22-51) Eumenes alluaudi (Brooke, 1981) 65.9 8.2 73.0 (sealed cells) 5.0 (unsealed cells) 62.0 (c.3 cells/nest) 90.0 (16-26 cells/nest) Eumenes colona (Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1976) 57.7 10.3 70.0 14.1 Pachodynerus nasidens (Jayasingh, in Taffe & Ittyeipe, 1976) Paraleptomenes mephitis (Krombein, 1978) (85.0) 11.5 DP+HY Sceliphron asiaticum (Freeman, 1982) 1.5 TRAP-NESTERS Ancistrocerus antilope (Medler, 1964) (39.5) Euodynerus foraminatus (Medler, 1964) (55.7) Isodontia pelopoeiformis (Gess & Gess, 1982) (75.0) 16.7 5.5 /. stanleyi (Gess & Gess, 1982) (82.3) 11.8 Ody nevus erythrogaster 1984) (78.0) 7.1 0.1 95(1 nest) 234 2.7 large 1268 21.1 rocks 0.4 roots 27.5 substrate 0.0 hanging 181 56.2 4.3 1.5 0,1 2.6 32.6 1280 S. assimile (Freeman, 1977 and 1973) 61.1 28.6 17059 59.9 8.3 0.1 30.6 2290 S.fistularium (Freeman, 1982) 64.4 6.6 5.4 0.3 1.5 19.7 1966 S. laetum (Smith, 1979) 61.8 21.0 7.9 7.9 1006 Trypoxylon albitarsis (Rau & Rau, 1916) 76.0 17.0 2.0 1282 159 260 144 17 222 2.2 712 WEAVING: A COMPARISON OF NESTING SUCCESS IN SOME AFROTROPICAL ACULEATE WASPS Appendix A. (continued) Sp SE EM DP CH MU OS MT Trypargilum oryzabense (Coville, 1979) (58.0) 23.0 17 T. superbum (Coville & Griswold, 1984) 57.1 29.0 91 T. xanthandrum (Coville & Griswold, 1983) 77.7 11.1 5.5 36 Trypoxylon tenoctitlau (Coville & Coville, 1980) 56.0 7.0 36.0 144 GROUND-NESTERS Ammophila dysmica (Rosenheim, 1987a) 48.0 9.1 3.3 25.1 0.0 275 A. ferrugiueipes (Weaving, 1989) (93.6) 3.2 37 A. insignis (Weaving, 1989) (69.3) 3.1 65 A. harti (Hager & Kurczewski, 1985) (80.0-96.0) 4.0 245 Bembecinus cinguUger (Gess & Gess, 1 975) (97.4) 39 B. oxydorcus (Gess & Gess, 1975) (100.0) 16 Centris flavofasciata (Vinson et ai, 1987) (41.0) 22 Cerceris fumipennis (Evans, 1971) (78.8) 9.6 11.5 52 Crabro advena Evans et al., 1980) (14.0-100) 7/26/31 3 nests C. cribrellifer (Evans et al., 1980) (48.6) 51.4 72 C. monticola (Evans et al., 1980) (90.7) 1.9 9.3 107 C. argusinus (Matthews et al., 1979) (83.3-100) ? C. hilaris (Matthews et al., 1979) (73.3) 26.7 <40 C. cribrellifer (Wcislo et al., 1985; Wcislo, 1984) (69.2) 30.8 C.155 (74.9) 25.1 20 Lyroda subita (Kurczewsi & Peckham, 1982) (38.4) 4.5 47.6 21 Oxybelus sericeus (Hook & Matthews, 1980) (72.0) 14.5 75 (60.3) 36.0 3.7 107 223 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 4 28 APRIL 1995 Appendix A. (continued) Sp SE EM DP CH MU OS MT O. subulatus (Peckham, 1977) (57.1) 0.5 19.4 - 33(5-47) no males 361 18(4-33) -f males Parachilus insigitis (Gess & Gess, 1976) (73.0) 8.0 38 Philanthus bicinctus (Gwynne, 1981) (92.5) l.S 40 P. gibbosus (Evans & Lin, 1959) (100.0) 12 P. politus (Evans & Lin, 1959) (100.0) 18 P. sotivagus (Evans & Lin, 1959) (97.5) 2.5 40 Podalonia luctuosa (O’Brien & Kurczewski, 1982) (50.0) 10 P. occidentalis (Evans, 1987) (25.1) 74.9 12 Tachysphex terminatus (Spofford et al., 1986) (42.1- 57.9- 76 69.4) 30.6 98 T. acutus (Kurczewski, 1989) (79.0) (21.0) 14/4/1 Tflc/ijto parvMS (Kurczewski & Spofford, 1986) (89.5) 10.5 19 PLANT/WOOD-BURROWERS Dasyproctus westermanni (Gess, 1980) (39.0) 38.0 100 Mimumesa mixta (Rosenheim & Grace, 1987) (41.0) (50.0) 548 Abbreviations for column headings:- SE - successful cells; EM - endogenous mortality; DP - miltogramminae; CH - Chrysididae; MU - Mutillidae; OS - Osprynchotus sp.; MT - Melittobia. 224 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAYOUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted on floppy disk accompanied by three print-outs (spacing lYz or 2). In exceptional cases typed manuscripts will be accepted. These should be submitted in triplicate, typed on A4 size paper, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and with wide margins all round. Only generic and specific names should be underlined to indicate italics. All other marking up should be left to the editor. Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible. All measurements should be metric. Systematic papers should follow the rules of the International code of zoological nomenclature or the International code of botanical nomenclature, as applicable. ILLUSTRATIONS should bear the author’s name, title of paper and number in soft pencil on the reverse side. Diagrams, line drawings and photographs are all regarded as figures, should be termed as such and should be numbered in a single series. In addition to the original illustrations a photocopy of each should be submitted. Diagrams and line drawings should be reducible to a size not exceeding 14 x 16 cm (17,5 cm including captions). Photographs for half-tone blocks should be final size, of high contrast and printed on glossy paper. Colour illustrations are only printed under special circumstances and their financing must be arranged by the author. A scale should appear with all illustrations or the magnification should be given in the caption. A list of captions should be submitted on a separate sheet. TABLES should be submitted on separate sheets. Foldouts and tables printed sideways should be avoided. REFERENCES should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. Abbreviations of periodical titles should conform with those in the World list of periodicals (4th ed.). Layouts must be as follows; Alexander, J. 1969. The indirect evidence for domestication. In: Ucko, P. J. and G. W. Dimbleby eds, The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals. London: Duckworth, pp. 123-129. De Winter, B. 1969. Plant taxonomy today. S.AfrJ.Sci. 65 (8): 229-242. JuBB, R. A. 1967. Freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Cape Town: Balkema. GALLEY PROOFS are sent (when practicable) to authors for checking printer’s errors. Adjustments of language, style and punctuation and any other amendments of the original manuscript, if made at this stage, may be charged to authors. AUTHOR’S COPIES (50) are issued free of charge. When more than one author is involved the fifty free copies will be sent to the senior author. Additional copies ordered before printing are supplied at a reduced cost. CADAR. P.E.-KS87 » /ft 'u.-f ;lj' ■ f \ *. ' > ' Jl'i. r 1.| t >t :'>/p illlVltOn •' ■• ••hh ViJ'Mi . g. S .Q'il qt. ‘ Iiiui'lt'? .‘V’ ■■»►' '■ ' ^ ■, I, ill iij) . Ill 'll >i) "■tlbi'iil ii 1 i|-i ■'•^1 i( \ iw-i I'.li. ijiii . .11. ..(..mI 'M1« U'lUi icatri.\ Anderson and Anderson; D. Arcliacosi^illaria Kidson. 257 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 27A-E. Haplostigina irregularis (Schwarz) Seward: A. From black shale; B-E. From mud chip conglomerate lens. 258 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OE FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 28A-G; A-F. Palaeostigma rohusta Anderson and Anderson; G. ? Palacostigma 259 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Haplostigma irregularis (Schwarz (1906)) Seward (1932) has been recovered from the black shale (Fig. 27A) as well as from the mud-chip lens (Fig. 27B-E). In the lens it is associated closely, and exclusively, with the stems and subaerial portions of young Leptopliloeum australe. Plumstead Fig. 29A-E: A-C. ? Leptopliloeum australe (McCoy) Walton cones; D. ? AiTorescent lycopsid cone; E. ? Trinierophyte reproductive material. 260 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA ( 1 967) commented on the frequent association of these two axial types and suggested that Haplostigma may represent younger twigs of Leplophloeum. However, the material described here contains a rhombically scarred axis narrower than many of the Haplostigma axes associated with it (Fig. 22D). In addition, fine twigs of L. australe reported from Australia (White 1990, p.76), do not possess round scars, but rather resemble the specimen figured in Plumstead ( 1967, pi. XIV-8). The authors believe that the Haplostigma material in their collection probably represents the roots of L. australe. The authors also assume that their associated Haplostigma material all belongs to the same species, despite the similarity of some specimens to H. A'OH’/envA (Plumstead (1967)) Anderson and Anderson (1985). Palaeostigma robusta Anderson and Anderson (1985) from the site (Fig. 28A-F) is nearly identical in morphology and preservation to material recorded from the Howison’s Poort site. Various long, narrow, cone-like structures (Fig. 29A-C) are presumed to represent the reproductive structures of an arborescent lycopsid, possibly L. australe. cf Trimerophytopsida (Fig. 29E) A single, possibly reproductive specimen has a gross morphology that suggests trimerophyte affinities (Fig. 29E). Seven centimetres of a terminating axis are preserved displaying alternate branching. The first branch arises after 3.2 cm and the next after a further 1 cm. The branches divide a further two to three times before terminating in expansions. Class indeterminate cf. Calamophyton (Fig. 30A-C) A reproductive truss believed to be from a plant of the Calamophyton type (Fig. 30A) has been recovered. It is not associated with any sterile material, but we believe that some axes from the site that display short lateral extensions could belong to this plant (Fig. 30B-C). Progymnospermopsida (Figs 30D-H, 31-38) Of the large amount of material collected that probably is assignable to this group, most can be assigned to four species. Additional material of note includes arborescent axes (Fig. 30H) that as yet have not been unequivocally correlated with finer axes. Some of this material possesses outgrowths containing a central vascular strand that may represent roots (Fig. 41F). Various isolated leaf-like structures have also been collected (Fig. 30D-G). Archaeopteris sp. (species description by Anderson etai, in press) occurs in both the main shale horizon and a thin shale interbedded with the sandstone a little lower in the sequence (Fig. 2A). It is noteworthy as the first confirmed Archaeopteris from southern Africa. The material (Figs 31-33) consists predominantly of infertile axes, fronds and frond fragments, but one fertile specimen has been found (Fig. 32C). “Pinnules” are quite variable (Fig. 33), and occur attached to both “rachises” (Fig. 32B) and “pinnae” (Fig. 33D). Towards the base of the “rachis” “rachial pinnules” are modified into small bract-like structures (Fig. 31, top right). Material that may represent another species o^ Archaeopteris is present, but consists purely of non-fertile material (Fig. 34). This consists of specimens interpreted as “pinnae” and one (Fig. 34E) in which putative “pinnae”, up to 90 mm long and 2 mm wide, are connected to a portion of an apparent “rachis”, 65 mm long and 4mm wide. The putative “pinnules” are up to 10 mm long, are unwebbed and divide as many as three times, once proximally, again at about mid-length, and finally near the tip. A possible third species is represented by only two specimens (Fig. 41 A). 261 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 30A-H: A. cf. Cakunophxton reproductive head; B-C. cf. CaUmwphyton axes; D-G. Lsolated leaves; H. Progymnosperm type arborescent axis. The second well represented species (Figs 35-37) has fertile material which (Figs 36A-B, F-G; 37A) is very like that of Chaiileria. It consi.sts of small branches that bifurcate twice to produce four recurved terminal axes, each bearing a small double pendulous structure. These structures were described from the Howison's Poort site as Dutoitia luaraisia by Plumstead (1967), who believed them to be psilophytes. The discovery of these structures associated with several orders of woody branching has led the authors to believe that this species should be excluded from Dutoitia. The higher order axes found (Figs 35; 36A) are generally 5-9 mm across and show preserved lengths up to 500 262 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AERICA mm. An apparent striation may represent impressions of internal vascular material. The parallel arrangement of these axes in our most complete specimen (Fig. 35) suggests that they branched off a yet larger axis. These axes give rise at irregular intervals to “secondary axes” that are borne in fans of at least five arranged around a bud-like structure (Fig. 36C-E). Such fans may be spirally arranged on the “primary axis”. The “secondary axes” are 2-5 mm across and show preserved lengths of up to 200 mm. “Tertiary axes” give rise to further branchlets that bear the fertile organs (Fig. 36F). Associated with some specimens of this species we have found axes bearing tuft-like structures that may represent terminal (Fig. 37B) or adaxial (Fig. 37C) growth points. Other branches carry small leaf-like structures comprising very fine axes that bifurcate twice. These lack sporangia and may represent the non-fertile material of this species (Fig. 37D). Axes described by Anderson and Anderson (1985) from Howison's Poort as Praenmumciiliis alteriKitirainus are almost certainly of the “secondary axis” type described above. McLoughlin and Fig. 31. Specimen of Arcliaeopteris new species from a thin shale interhed, showing a "frond" tip, bract-like basal "rachial pinnae" (top right), and normal “rachial pinnae" (bottom right). 263 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Long ( 1 994) have recorded this form species from Antarctica, in association with Haplostigma li)ieare, Mahmzniiia sp. and Arcluieosigillaria cf. A. caespitosa. Comparison with their fragment would, however, be liazardous. F5g. ,t2A-C. Archaeopteris new species: A. Near complete ''frond" from the main black shale; B. ''Pinnae" and "piniinles" attached to a "rachls", from the thin shale interbed; C. Piece of "rachis" with "rachial pinnules" and fertile material from the main black shale. 264 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA The final type of putative progymnospermous material is less well represented than the previous two. It consists of thin axes, about 1 mm across, that alternately bifurcate unequally at intervals of about 40 mm (Fig. 38A). The thinner of the two daughter branches averages about 50 mm in length and subdivides profusely before terminating in small expanded tips. Arranged around the point of unequal bifurcation are other fine axes that terminate in the same way (Fig. 38A. B, D). Fig. 33A-D. Anhaeopteris new species: A-C. Isolated "pinnae” from the main black shale; D. Isolated “pinnule" from the main black shale. 265 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 34A-E. 1 Avchaeopteris sp.: A-D. ? “Pinnules”; E. ? “Pinnules" associated with portion of “rachis". 266 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 35. "Diiloitia" maniisia. 267 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 36A-G. "Dutoitia" mamisia: A. Reconstruction of branching system; B. Reconstruction of fertile structure; C-E. Examples of "fan-like" branching; F. Fertile material attached to "quaternary branch"; G. Detail of a fertile structure in F. 268 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 37A-D: A-C. "Dutoitia" maniisiu: A. Detail of fertile structLire. B. Terminal tuft-like growth point, C. Adaxial tuft-like growth point; D. Probable leaves of "Dutoitia" maniisiu. 269 ANN. CAPE PROV, MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Incertae sedis A large number of other reproduetive and vegetative specimens from the site cannot be Fig. ,t8A-D. Pmbable progyiniiospenn: A. Axis with two unequal bif urcations alternately arranged; B. Detail of A showing fine axes terminating in expanded tips; C. Thinner branch arising from point ol bifurcation; D. Axis showing unequal bifurcation. 270 GESS AND HILLER; CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S, AFRICA unequivocally assigned to any particular algal or plant group at present. A selection of these is illustrated in Figs 39-4 1 . Fig. 39. Incertae sedi.s. 271 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19. PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 40. Incertae sedis. 272 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 41. Incertae sedis. 273 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 ANIMALS Arthropoda (Figs 42-44) The largest arthropod remains that have been recovered consist of occasional fragments of eurypterid. The fragments were seemingly in a poor state prior to burial, perhaps reflecting the action of scavengers and/or the relatively thin exoskeleton of eurypterids. Specimens include a possible posterior limb (Fig. 42C), other limb fragments (Fig. 42D-E), a gnathostome (Fig. 42F), and several fragmentary remains of body segments (Figs 43A, B). The only previously-reported eurypterids from the Witteberg Group are Hastimima sp. from the Weltevrede Formation (Seward, 1909; Woodward, 1909) and Cyrtoctemis wittebergensis Waterston et ai, 1985 from the Waaipoort Formation. Given the state of preservation, it is very difficult to say to which, if either, of these forms the present material belongs. The former comes from older strata while the latter was found in younger rocks and it may be that the new Witpoort Formation remains represent a different taxon. Fairly common at the site, although often poorly preserved, are the remains of a large conchostracan (Fig. 43D-G), which reaches up to 15 mm in width and 25 mm in length. Very small specimens may represent a separate species. The material may belong to Palaeestlieria sp., described by Rennie (1934), in association with plant fragments including Haplostigmo, from the somewhat older black shale at Port Alfred. The type material of this species is, however, not well enough preserved to allow thorough comparison. Several species of ostracod have also been found. Most of the specimens have unornamented carapaces (Fig. 44) but a single much smaller specimen, a mere 0.8 mm long, displays an interestingly sculptured shell with two protrusions on each valve, a short distance from the hinge line (Fig. 43C). Pisces Fish material from the Grahamstown site can be assigned to several groups including acanthodians, placoderrns, chondrichthyans, crossopterygians, and dipnoans (Anderson etal., 1994). Of these, the placoderrns are the most common. A series of more in depth papers on the fish material is to be prepared in conjunction with Dr J.A. Long and Dr M.E. Anderson. Placoderms (Pigs 45-55) The placoderms are represented by arthrodires and antiarchs. The arthrodire material includes three main types, the most common of which (Figs 45C, 46-49) is known from small juveniles (Fig. 49A) to large adults (Fig. 48A-B), and is assignable to the genus Groeiilandaspis (pers. comm. A. Ritchie, September 1993). It is characterised by an unusually high anterior lateral plate (Figs 47G, 48C,E, 49D). Most plates of this species have been found dissociated (Fig. 49B-D). Another possible Groeiilandaspis (Figs 50A-B, E-G, I-J, 5 1 ) has a lower anterior lateral plate (Pig. 50E) and a longer, more tapering spinal plate (Figs 50A, B, I, 5 ID). A third groenlandaspidid arthrodire (Fig. 52A-D) that may belong to a different genus was recognised among our specimens by Dr J.A. Long (September 1994). It has an extremely high median dorsal plate (Fig. 52A-D) but is represented at present by only a few Isolated plates. Other arthrodire material (Fig. 45 A, B) consisting of two plates bearing a distinctive ornament cannot at present be further identified. 274 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA The only antiarch as yet recovered belongs to the genus Botin iolepis and is well represented by both juvenile (Fig. 53) and large adult (Figs 54, 55A-D) specimens. This is probably a new species (pers. comm. J.A. Long. September 1994). As with the arthrodires, small individuals are fairly well articulated but the larger adult forms are mostly disarticulated. Fig. 42A-F. Eurypterida: A-B. Body pails (to same scale); C. Possible posterior limb; D. Limb tragmeiU; E. Portion of limb; F. Gnathostome. 275 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 43A-G: A-B. Pieces of eurypterid body segments; C. Ornamented ostracod; D-G. Conchostracans (? Palaeestlieria sp.) (to same scale). 276 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OE EOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 44A-D. Various imornamented ostracods (A. 1.83mm long, B. 2.08mm long, C. 1.83mm long). 277 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 45A-C. Artlirodire placodenii I'isli remains: B. Possible Anterior Ventrolateral plate; C. Articulated Crocnhuukispis sp. head and trunk plates (pers. comm. John Long. Septemher 1994). 278 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 46 A-E. Groenlandaspis sp.: A. Dissociated Groenlandaspis sp. head and trunk plates, Anterior Ventrolateral (trunk) plate at bottom right; B-E. Details of specimen in A (to scale): B. Nuchal at left, right Paranuchal at bottom right, right Central at top right (head plates), C. Pineal (head) plate at bottom, D. Suborbital (head) plate, E. Postorbital (head) plate. 279 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 47 A-H. Groenlandaspis sp. : A. Dissociated Groenlandaspis sp. head and trunk plates (B-D to scale, E-H to scale); B- H. Details of specimen in A: B. Paranuchal (head) plate at top. Nuchal (head) plate at bottom, C. Central (head) plate, D. Possible superagnathal bone, E. Median Dorsal (trunk) plate, F. Posterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plate, G. Anterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plate, H. Spinal plate. 280 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 48A-E. Groenlandaspis sp.: A. Semiarticulated head and trunk plates; head at top; B. Anterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plate of specimen in A (most anterior ventral point at top right); C-D. Anterior Lateral, and Posterior Median Ventral (trunk) plates of largest specimen found; E. Anterior Lateral (trunk) plate of small individual. 281 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 3 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 49A-D. Gi'oentandaspis sp.: A. Partially articulated juvenile left trunk; B. Preliminary reconstruction of right central head shield plates, clockwise from top left - Nuchal plate. Pineal plate. Central plate and Paranuchal plate; C. Preliminary reconstruction of ventral trunk plates, clockwise from top - Posterior Median Ventral plate, left Interolateral plate, left Anterior Ventrolateral plate; D. Preliminary reconstruction of right dorsolateral trunk plates, clockwise from top - Median Dorsal plate. Anterior Dorsolateral plate. Anterior Lateral plate. Spinal plate and Posterior Dorsolateral plate. (B-D as in Anderson et al. 1994). 282 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE. S, AFRICA Fig. 50A-J: A-B. Head and trunk plates of small articulated type two groenlandaspidids; C. Groenlaiidaspidid Anterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plate; D. '? Type three groenlandaspidid Posterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plate; E. Type two groenlandaspidid Anterior Lateral (trunk) plate; F. Type two groenlandaspidid plate; G. Type two groenlandaspidid ? Median Dorsal (trunk) plate; H. Groenlandaspidid trunk plate; I. Type two groenlandaspidid Spinal (trunk) plate; J. Type two groenlandaspidid ? Rostral (head) plate. 283 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 5 1 A-D. Specimen of type two groenlandaspidid: A. Line drawing of head shield showing canals (Median Dorsal (trunk) plate obscuring anterior margin); B-C. Specimen and counter specimen of head (Median Dorsal plate obscuring anterior in C); D. Head, Anterior Lateral (trunk) plate, and Spinal (trunk) plate. 284 021 Oil 001 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 52A-F: A. High Median Dorsal (trunk) plate with associated Anterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plate (right) of type three groenlandaspidid; B. Detail of Anterior Dorsolateral plate in A; C. Semi-articulated type three groenlandaspidid trunk plates. Median Dorsal plate (top). Anterior Dorsolateral plate (bottom right). Posterior Dorsolateral plate (bottom left); D. Counter specimen to specimen in C; E-F. Possible other high groenlandaspidid Median Dorsal (trunk) plates. 285 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 3 28 MAY 1995 Fig. 53A-E. Botkriolepis sp. juveniles: A. Articulated ventral trunk plates; B. Specimen with both pectoral appendages; C. Part ol'dorsal trunk. Anterior Dorsolateral plate (top left). Anterior Median Dorsal plate (top centre). Posterior Median Dorsal plate (bottom centre); D-E. Pectoral appendages. 286 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 54A-C. Bothriolepis sp., assemblage of adiill plates: A. Anterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plate (top left), Mixilateral (trunk) plate (top centre), upper pectoral appendage (top right). Posterior Median Ventral (trunk) plate (centre); B. Near complete head, (piece of trunk at top left); C. Counter specimen of Mixilateral (top) and Anterior Dorsolateral (trunk) plates. 287 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Acanthodians (Fig. 56) The acanthodian material in our collection comprises a single isolated spine (Fig. 56E) and an Fig. .55A-E: A-D. Bothriolepis sp. adult trunk plates; A-B. Pectoral appendages attached to Anterior Ventrolateral plates; C. Posterior Ventrolateral plate (at left); D. Counter speciman of A; E. Indeterminate piscean body scales. 288 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA assemblage of about 12 closely associated spines (Fig. 56A-D). The assemblage includes left and right spines and may well be derived from a single individual, possibly belonging to the Gyracanthidae (Anderson cf «/., 1994). Fig. 56A-E: Acanthodian spines: A-D. Part of assemblage of twelve spines (to scale); E. Isolated spine with counter specimen. 289 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Chondrichthyans (Figs 57,58) Several specimens attributable to this group of fishes have been found at the Grahamstown site. Pig. 57A and B: A. Whole (lodied puraseiachioinorpli speeimen showing (at left, top to bottom) high dorsal tin spine, spinal eoltimn (extending right), scapnlocoracoid with attached pectoral tin. ;ind displaced toothless lower jaws. A partial caudal fin impression is visible at the far right; B. Counter specimen to speciman in A. in which an apparent synarcual is visible at the base of the dorsal fin spine. 290 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 58A-D: A. Enlargement of anterior of specimen in Fig. 57B; B. Possible reconstruction of the paraselachiomorph; C. Enlargement of tail denticles of specimen in Fig. 57A; D. Dorsal fin spine of another individual with partial fin impression. 291 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Three of these belong to a single previously unknown species. One specimen consists of a long dorsal spine with associated fin impressions (Fig. 58D), a second consists of an isolated lower jaw, and the Fig. 59A-E: A. Whole bodied specimen of a juvenile coelocanih; B. Provisional interpretation of specimen in A (outline shortened and broadened through decay); C-D. Dorsal and ventral aspects of associated urohyal bones; E. Specimen in D. 292 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA third is an almost complete individual (Figs 57, 58A-C). This possibly represents the oldest known whole-bodied specimen of the group leading to holocephalomorphs (the paraselachomorphs) (pers. comm. J.A. Long, September 1994). Fig. 60A-E. Juvenile coelocanth remains (.scale in mm): A. Probable gular plate; B. Scale; C. Cheek plate; D. Detail of caudal fin of specimen in .S9.A; E. First dorsal fin. 293 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Crossopterygians (Figs 59-62, 63A-C) The site has so far yielded the remains of about a dozen juvenile coelacanths (Figs 59, 60) (Anderson et cil.. 1994). Most are complete although faintly preserved (Fig. 59A) but others are repre,sented by disarticulated skull elements (Figs 59C-D, 60A, C). In addition, several isolated plates belonging to large individuals (pers. comm. J.A. Long, September 1994) have come to light (Fig. 62E-F). Fig. 6IC-E. Rliipidistian fin remains: A. Ulnare; B. Fin basal; C-E. Supports (note body scale at top in E). 294 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 62A-F: A. Rhipidistian lower jaw: B-C. Associated material; B. Crushed rhipidistiaii maxillary and possible palatoqtiadrate bones (anterior at top) (pers. comm, .loim Long); C. Rhipidistian ? cheek bone; D. Rhipidistian ? cleithriim part; E- F. Associated material of probable large coelocantb; E. Skull elements; F. ? Gular plate. The highly disarticulated remains of a large osteolepiform rhipidistian, probably a eusthenopterid, have been recovered from a number of horizons. These include fin bones and rays (Fig. 6 1 ) and skull components (Fig. 62A-D); other isolated elements (Fig. 63A-C) may belong with this species. 295 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Dipnoans (Fig. 63D) A single partial parasphenoid of a large lungfish is the sole representative of this group so far recovered from the site (Fig. 63D). It most closely resembles And reyeviclithys from Russia (Anderson etcd., 1994). Fig. 63A-D: A. ?Rliipidistian operculum; B. ?Rhipidi,stian bone; C. ?Rhipidistian quadrato-jugal (pers. comm. John Long); D. Lungfish parasphenoid. 296 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S, AFRICA Incertae sedis (Fig. 64) Among the other fish remains are elements that the authors cannot place within any of the above Fig. 64A-D. Incertae sedis; A. Poorly preserved specimen showing possible fin impression at left; B. Counter specimen of that in A showing possible dorsal spine; C. Outline of specimen in A; D. Isolated possible fin impression. 297 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 groups, including a poorly preserved specimen featuring a possible dorsal spine (Fig. 64A-C) and a possible isolated fin (Fig. 64D). The presence of adult and juvenile fish material at the site suggests the possible use of the area Fig. 65A-D. Possible pisceaii and/or eiirypterid coprolites: A. Elongate specimen; B-C. Typical specimens; D. Specimen with carbonised material removed. 298 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OE EOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA as a nursery by the fish in the manner of many extant fish species. Abundant carbonized helically spiral trace fossils (Fig. 65), some associated with fragmentary conchostracan and phaeophyte remains, are interpreted as the coprolites of fishes of a range of sizes. This would imply that at least some of the fish were living in the water column above the sediments and were not washed in after death from some other locality. Eurypterids are also known to have had spiral alimentary canals, and so it is possible that they may have been responsible for at least some of the apparent coprolites. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the input of, amongst others: Mary White (Sydney), Alexander Ritchie (The Australian Museum, Sydney) and Steve McLoughlin (University of Western Australia) for their useful discussions with Gess in Australia ( 1993); John Long (Western Australian Museum) for his input in Australia (1993) and whilst studying the material in South Africa (1994); Nicole Grambast (Laboratoire de Paleobotanique, Montpellier) and Richard Bateman (Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh) for their helpful correspondence; and Eric Anderson (J.L.B. Smith Institute, Grahamstown) and Fleidi Anderson (Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria) for their co-operation. We are grateful to Mary White for lending Gess a considerable collection of literature from her personal library and to Alex Ritchie for a gift to Gess of casts of GroenUiiiclaspis material from Mount Howitt, Australia. The referees Richard Bateman, Nichole Grambast, John Long, Alexander Ritchie, Mary White and a sixth anonymous referee are thanked for the time they spent in reading an early draft of this paper, for their criticisms and for their constructive suggestions. Elsevier Press is thanked for permission to reproduce the photographs here presented as Pig. 4 A, B, C, D and E, Pig. 5 A-D, and Pig. 6 A and B appearing in Hiller and Gess (in press) and Pig. I , Fig. 7 A-C and E, Pig. 8 A-E, Pigs 9 and 10, Pig. 1 I C and H, and Pig. 12 appearing in Gess and Hiller (in press). We are grateful to the Council of Rhodes University, Grahamstown for making funds available for this project. REPERENCES Anderson, H.M.. Hiller, N, and Gess, R.W. 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(Chelicerata: Furypterida), a large sweep-feeder from the Carboniferous of South Africa. Tran.sactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh If,: 339-358. White. M.E. 1990. The Elowering of Gondwana. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Woodward, H. 1909. Note on the genus Hastimima from Brazil and the Cape. Geological Magazine 6: 485-488. Young, G.C. 1989. The Aztec fish fauna (Devonian) of southern Victoria Land: evolutionary and birigeographic significance. In: Crame, J.A. ed.. Origins and Evolution of the Antarctic Biota. Geological Society Special Publication 47, pp.43-62. APPENDIX 1 - LIST OF FIGURED SPECIMENS All material illustrated was collected from the site on the N2 bypass outside Grahamstown and is being deposited in the Albany Museum, Grahamstown. Most specimens are accompanied by counter specimens. Fig. 3A-E: A. AM5264. R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5265, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5266, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5267, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM5292, R W. Gess, 1994. 300 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 4A-E: A. AM5224, R.W. Gess, 1 992; B. AM5225, R.W. Gess, 1 993; C. AM523 1 , R.W. Gess. 1 993; D. AM5229, R.W. Gess. 1993; E. AM5230. R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 5A-D; A. AM5227, R.W. Gess, 1994; B. AM4843, F. Taylor, 1991; C, AM5226, R.W. Gess, 1994; D. AM5232, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 6A-C: A. AM5233, R.W. Gess, 1993; B, AM5223, R.W. Gess. 1993; C. AM5268, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 7A-F: A. AM5218, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5219, R.W. Gess, 1994; C. AM5200, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5201, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM5220, R.W. Gess, 1994; F. AM5269, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 8A-E: A. AM4849, R.W. Gess and F. Taylor, 1991; B. AM5206, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5209, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5207, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM5208, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. IIA-G: A-E,H. AM5212, R.W. Gess, 1994; F. AM52I4, R.W. Gess, 1993; G. AM5215, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 12A-C: A. AM5270, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5271, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5272, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 13A-E: A. AM5273, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5274, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5277, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5276, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM5275, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 14A-D: A-C. AM5278, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5279, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 15A-D: A. AM5280, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5234, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5254, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5255, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 16A-C: A. AM5253, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM4854, F. Taylor, 1991; C. AM5281, R.W. Gess, 1994. Fig. 17A-F: A. AM5282, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5252, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM525 1 , R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5283, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM5284, R.W. Gess, 1993; F. AM5285, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 18A-F: A. AM5286, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5287, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5288, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5289, R.W. Gess, 1994; E. AM5290, R.W. Gess, 1993; F. AM5291, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 19A-I: A. AM5260. R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5300, N. Hiller, 1992; C. AM5299, R.W. Gess, 1989; D. AM5297, R.W. Gess, 1994; E.AM5298, R.W. Gess, 1994; F. AM5301, R.W. Gess, 1993; G, AM5302, R.W. Gess, 1993; H. AM5303, R.W. Gess, 1993; I. AM5304. R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 20A-E: A-B. AM5305, R.W. Ge.ss, 1993; C. AM5306, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5307, R.W. Gess, 1993; E, AM5308. R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 21A-D: A. AM5257, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM487I , G. Englebrecht, 1992; C. AM5258, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5259, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 22A-E: A. AM53 1 0. R.W. Gess, 1 994; B. AM53 1 2, A. Absalon, 1 992; C. AM4828, F. Taylor, 1 99 1 ; D. AM53 1 1 , R.W. Gess, 1994; E. AM4832, R.W. Ge.ss, 1988; Fig. 23A-H: A. AM5314, R.W. Gess, 1994; B. AM5315, R.W. Gess, 1994; C. AM5316, R.W. Gess, 1994; D. AM4828, F. Taylor, 1991;E. AM5313, R.W. Gess, 1994; F. AM5317, N. Hiller. 1992; G. AM53 18. R.W. Gess, 1993; H. AM4826. R.W. Gess, 1986. Fig. 24A-D: AM5310. R.W. Gess, 1994. Fig. 25A-H: A. AM4894(WMi029), R.W. Gess. 1993; B. AM53I9, R.W. Gess, 1994; C. AM4825. R.W. Gess, 1991; D-E. AM5320, R.W. Gess. 1994; F. AM4894(WM 1027), R.W. Gess. 1993; G. AM4894(WM 1025), R.W. Gess. 1993; H. AM4894, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 26 A-D: A. AM532!, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5322, R.W. Gess, 1994; C. AM4833, F, Taylor, 1991 ; I). AM5323, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 27A-E: A. AM5324, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5325. R.W. Gess, 1994; C-D. AM5326. R.W. Gess, 1994; E. AM53IO, R.W. Gess. 1994. Fig. 28A-F: A. AM5327, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5328, R.W. Gess, 1994; C. AM5329, R.W. Gess, 1993; I). AM5330. R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM533I. F, Taylor, 1991; F. AM5332, R.W. Gess. 1994. Fig. 29A-E: A. AM5262, R.W, Gess, 1993; B. AM4834. F. Taylor, 1991; C. AM5334, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5335, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM4837, R.W. Gess, 1991. Fig.30A-H: A. AM5263, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5336, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5337, R.W. Gess, 1993; I). AM5338, R.W. 301 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Gess, 1993; E. AM5339. R.W. Gess, 1993; F. AM5340, R.W. Gess. 1993; G. AM5341, R.W. Gess. 1993; H. AM5342, N. Hiller, 1992. Fig. 31; AM49 1 3. R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 32A-C: A. AM49l4-b. R.W. Gess. 1993; B. AM49I6, R.W. Gess. 1993; C. AM49I8, R.W. Ge.ss. 1993. Fig. 33A-D: A. AIVI492 1 -3a, R.W. Gess, 1 993; H. AM492 1 -4a. R.W, Gess, 1993; C. AM492 1 -2, R.W. Gess, 1 993; D. AM4923- I, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 34A-E: A. AM5294, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5295, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM4842, F. Taylor, 199 1 ; I). AM5296; R.W. Ge.ss, 1993; E. AM.3293, R.W. Gess. 1994. Fig. 35: AM5343, R.W. Gess and N. Hiller, 1993. Fig. 36C-G: AM5343, R.W. Gess and N. Hiller, 1993. Fig. 37A-I): A-C. AM5343. R.W. Gess and N. Hiller. 1993; D. AM.5.344. R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 38A-D: A-B. AM5345. R.W. Gess, 1994; C. AM5346, R.W. Gess, 1993; 1). AM5347. R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 39A-F: A. AM5.348. R.W. Gess, 1 993; B. AM5,349. R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM.535(). R.W. Gess, 1 993; 1). AM535 1 . R.W. Gess. 1993; E. AM53.52, R.W. Gess, 1993; F. AM.5353. R.W. Gess, 1988. Fig. 40A-G: A. AM.5354. R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM.5355. R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM.5356, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5358. R.W. Gess. 1993. E. AM53.57, R.W. Gess. 1993; F. AM5359, R.W. Gess. 1993; G. AM536(I, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 41A-F: A. AM,S36I, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM4837, F. Taylor, 1991 ; C. AM.5363. R.W. Gess, 1993; 1). AM5364. R.W. Gess. 1993; E. AM536.5. R.W. Gess. 1993; F. AM.5366, F. Taylor. 1991. Fig. 42A-F: A. AM5367, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5368, N. Hiller, 1992; C. AM,‘i26l , R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5369, R.W. Gess. 1993; E. AM.5370. R.W. Gess. 1993; F. AM.5371, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 43A-G: A. AM5373, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM54()ft, R.W. Gess. 1993; C. AM5374, R.W. Gess. 1993; D. AMS379, F. Taylor. 1991; F. AM.538(). R.W. Gess. 1993; F. AM.S381. R.W. Gess. 1993; G. AM5382, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 44A-D: A. AM.5375, R.W. Gess. 1993; B. AM,5376, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM.5377, R.W. Gess, 1993; I). AM3378, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 45A-C: A-B. AM5383. R.W. Ge.ss. 1993; C. AM48I8. R.W. Gess, 1989. Fig. 46A-E: AM4883, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 47A-H: AM49()2, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 48A-E: A-B. AM4898, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM4893, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AIV14886. R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM4895, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 49A: AM4875. R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 50A-J: A. AM48 1 9, R.W. Gess, 1991; B. AM4908. R.W. Ge.ss, 1 993; C. AM5387i, R.W. Gess, 1 994; D. AM5388, R.W. Gess. l994;E.AM3384.R,W.Gess, 1994; F. AM5385b. R.W. Gess, I994;G. AM5385a. R.W. Gess. 1994; H. AM4238, R.W. Ge.ss. 1994; I. AM4867, F. Taylor. R. Gess and M. Anderson, 1991 ; ,F. AM5386, R.W. Gess, 1994. Fig.5IB-D: AM4907. R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 52A-F; A-B. AM3247, R.W. Gess, 1993; C-D. AM.3246, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM5242; R.W. Gess, 1993; F. AM5240, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 53A-E: A. AM490I , R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM488.3, R.W. Gess, 1 993; C. AM488 1 , R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM4897. R.W. Gess. 1993; E. AM4900, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fdg. 54A-C: AM4816. F. Taylor, M. Anderson and R. Gess, 1991. Fig. 55A-E: A,D. AM4882, R.W. Gess. 1993; B. AM4888, R.W. Gess. 1993; C. AM4891, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM4889, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fig. 56A-E: A-D. AM4892, R.W. Gess, 1993; E. AM4880. R.W. Gess, 1993. F4g. 57A-B: AM48I7. R. Gess and M. Stonestreet, 1990. F4g. 58A, C and D: A and C. AM48I7. R. Gess and M. Stonestreet, 1990; D. AM4866, R.W. Gess, 1988. Fig. 59A, C and D: A. AM49l2(BPCrl005a), R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM491 2(BPCrl00l ). R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM49l2(BPCrl045), R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 60A-E: A-C and E. AM4912(BPCrl00l ), R.W. Gess. 1993; D. AM49l2(BPCrl005a), R.W. Gess, 1993. 302 GESS AND HILLER: CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS FROM A LATE DEVONIAN BLACK SHALE, S. AFRICA Fig. 61A-E: A. AM4868, R.W. Gess, 1989; B. AM5389b, R.W. Gess, 1994; C. AM5390, R.W. Gess, 1994; D. AM5389d. R.W. Gess, 1994, E. AM5389ei, R.W. Gess, 1994. Fig. 62A-F: A. AM5221, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5391ai, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5391bi, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5389a, R. W. Gess, 1993; E. AM5392aii, r!w. Gess, 1993; F. AM5392b, R.W. Gess, 1993. Fig. 63A-D: A. AM5393a, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5249, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5394a, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM4821, S. Coutouvides, 1989. Fig. 64A-D: A. AM5395a. R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5395b, R.W. Gess, 1993; D. AM5396, R.W. Gess. 1987. Fig. 65A-D: A. AM5397b, R.W. Gess, 1993; B. AM5398, R.W. Gess, 1993; C. AM5400. R.W. Gess, 1994; D. AM5399a, R.W. Gess. 1994. APPENDIX 2 - LIST OF ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS Rusophycos and Cruziana: AM5402A-Z, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM3403A-B, R.W. Gess, 1993. Spirophyton-Wke traces: AM5404A-E, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994 Hungerfordia sp.: AM4844, F. Taylor, 1991 ; AM4846, F. Taylor, 1991 ; AM5228, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5372AA-AZ, BA- BZ, CA-CU. R.W. Gess, 1985-1994; AM5405A-C, F. Taylor. 1991. cf. Yeaia sp.: AM5268. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM561 1-5612, R.W. Gess, 1993. Charophytes: new genus 1, new species 1: AM5193-5199, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994; AM52()5( 1 )-( 10). R.W. Gess, 1993- 1994; AM5346. R.W. Gess. 1994; AM5423, Hodgen Family, 1993; AM5424, R.W. Gess, 1993. Charophytes: new genus 1, new species 2 : AM5202-5203, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5204( 1 )-(4), R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5417- 5418, R.W. Gess. 1994; cf. AM5407-5416, R.W. Gess. 1992-1994. Charophytes: new genus 2, new species 1: AM5210, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM52 11(1 )-(20), R.W. Gess, 1992-1993; AM5419A- Z. R.W. Gess, 1 992- 1 994; AM5420A-N. R.W. Gess, 1 992- 1 994; AM542 1 A-D, F. Taylor. 1991; cf AM5422A-L. R.W. Gess, 1992-1994 Charophytes; new genus 2, new species 2: AM521 3, R.W. Gess. 1993; AM52 16, R.W. Gess. 1993; AM521 7( 1 )-(3). R.W. Gess. 1993. Waterweed: (cf Fig. 12): AM5425-5426, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994; AM5600, R.W. Ge.ss, 1994. Diitoitia alfreda: AM5427-5432. R.W. Gess. 1993-1994; AM5346, R.W, Gess, 1993. cf Fig. 14: AM5433-5437, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994; AM5438, F. Taylor, 1991 ; AM56 13-56 14, R.W. Gess, 1993. Zosterophyllopsida: with spheroids: AM5439-548 1 , R.W. Gess. 1993-1994; AM5476, F. Taylor, 1991 ; AM5482-5483. F. Taylor, 1991 ; AM550 1-5502, R.W. Gess, 1993. Zosterophyllopsida: cf Fig. 18F: AM5484-5486, R.W. Gess, 1993. ? Zosterophyllopsida: cf rhizomes: AM483 1 . F. Taylor, 1991; AM5488, F. Taylor, 1991; AM5489-5490. R.W. Gess, 1 993; AM549l(c;/:5253), R.W. Gess, 1994; AM5492-5500, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994. Lycopsida: cf Fig. 19: AM5503-5504. R.W. Gess, 1994; AM553I-5532, R.W. Gess, 1994. Lycopsida: cf Fig. 20: AM5309, R.W. Gess. 1993; AM5505-5507, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994, Lycopsida: cf Fig. 21: AM4838, F, Taylor, 1991; AM5508-55I6, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994; cf AM5517, R.W. Gess. 1993. Leptophloeiim aiistrale: steins and hark: AM53I3. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM55I8A-H, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM55I9A-F, R.W. Gess. 1993; AM5520A-B. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5524-5525, R.W. Gess. 1993; AM5526A-G. R.W. Gess. 1993-1994; AM5527-5529, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994. Leptophloeiim austale: rooting base: AM552I, R.W. Gess, 1993. Leptophloeiim aiistrale: ?rootlets: AM5522A-D, R.W. Gess, 1993. ? Leptophloeiim aiistrale - decortication rhombs: AM4894(BPWM1()09, R.W. Gess, 1993; BPI0I3-BPI0I6, BPI026, BP 1028. BPI030-I039). AM5530A-Q, R.W. Gess, 1994; AM5533. R.W, Gess, 1993; AM5615-56I6. R.W. Gess, 1994. Loiigicatrix sp.: AM5534, F. Taylor, 1991; AM5535, R.W. Gess, 1993. Haplostigma irregularis: AM5523A-C. R.W, Gess, 1993. 303 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 5 28 MAY 1995 Axes with leaf/root bases: AM5536. R.W. Gess. 1993; AM5537A-D, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5538A-C, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5539, H.M. Anderson, 1993; AM3617-5619, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994. Striated axes: cf. Fig. 30H, 41F: AM4856, F. Taylor. 1991 ; AM5543, F. Taylor, 1991 ; AM5544-5546, R.W. Gess; 1993. Archaeopteris new species: AM492 1 : 1 , 3-6. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM4923;2-3. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM4915, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM49I7. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM49 1 9-4922. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5547A-E. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5548A-H, R.W. Ge.ss, 1993; AM3349A-M. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5392, R.W. Gess, 1994; AM3620, R.W. Gess, 1993. ? Archaeopteris new species 2: cf. Fig. 34: AM484 1 . F. Taylor, 1991; AM3350, R.W. Gess, 1 993. Dutoitia maraisia: AM4836. F. Taylor, 1991; AM4875. F. Taylor, 1991 ; AM5343B-C. F-K. M-Z, AA-AD, R.W. Gess and N. Hiller, 1993; AM555I-3536. R.W. Gess. 1993; AM3367, R.W. Gess, 1993. ? Progymnospermopsida: cf. Fig. 38: AM4836. F. Taylor, 1991; AM5566, F. Taylor, 1991; AIVI5337-3563, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994; AM3568. R.W. Gess, 1993. Plant axis: cf Fig. 39C: AM5577, R.W. Gess, 1993. Plant axes: cf. Fig. 39F: AM3369-5576. R.W. Gess. 1993. Plant axes: cf Fig. 4IIC: AM5382-3583. R.W. Gess. 1993; AM5584, F. Taylor, 1991. Plant axes: cf Fig. 40F: AM3394-5597. R.W. Gess. 1993-1994. Plant axes: cf Fig. 40G: AM3398. F. Taylor. 1991 . Plant axes: cf Fig. 41 E: AM3601-36I0. R.W. Gess. 1993-1994. Plant axes with whorls: cf Fig. 40A-B: AM5378-5380, R.W. Ge.ss, 1993-1994; AM558I. F. Taylor, 1991. Plant axis: cf Fig. 41A: AM5399. R.W. Gess, 1993. Trilete spores: cf Fig. 40D: AM485I, F. Taylor. 1991; AM4853, F. Taylor, 1991; AM5386A-Z, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994; AM5387A-1, R.W. Gess. 1993-1994. Fertile capsules: cf. Fig. 40E: in whorls: AM5588-3589, R.W. Gess. 1993. Fertile capsules: cf Fig. 40E: AM5590-5593, R.W. Gess. 1993-1994. Eurypterid: limb fragments: AM562I -5622. R.W. Gess. 1993-1994. Eurypterid fragments: AIVI5623-5641, R.W. Gess. 1993-1994. Concho.stracon: AM3647A-Z, R.W. Gess. 1993- 1 994; AM5648A-Z, R.W. Gess. 1993- 1 994; AM5649A-Z, R.W. Gess. 1993- 1994. ^ Ostracod: AM5642-AM5646, R.W. Gess. 1993-1994; AM569I. R.W. Gess, 1994. Arthrodire: AM4879. R.W, Gess, 1993; AM4884, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM4886=4893, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM4890, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM4896, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM4899. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM4903-4906, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5235=5237, R.W. Gess. l993;AM5236,M.Stonestreet, l993;AM.524l=AM5248,R.W.Gess, 1993; AM5244, R.W. Gess. 1993; AM.S650- 5667, R.W. Gess. 1993-1994; AM5670. R.W. Gess, 1994; AM5686-5688, R.W. Gess, 1993-1994. Bothriolepis sp.: AM49I I. R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5239, N. Hiller. 1992; AM5668, R.W. Gess. 1994; AM5669, N. Hiller, 1992. Piscean spines: AM568I-5683. R.W. Gess. 1993-1994. Chondrichthyes: AM5243, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM5245. R.W. Gess, 1994. Actinistia: Juveniles: AM4912(BPCrlO()2-BPCrlO()4. BPCrl006, AMBPCrlOlO), R.W.Gess, 1993. Actinistia: adults: AM4909i(scale), R.W. Gess. 1989; AM5675-5676, R.W, Gess, 1994; AM5697A-0(,scales), R.W.Gess, 1993-1994. Rhipidistia: AM4909a-h, k-l (scales). R.W. Gess, 1989; AM5389f-z. aa-ag, R.W. Gess, 1992-1994; AM567I, N. Hiller, 1992; AM5672-3. R.W. Gess. 1993; AM5674A-L(scales), R.W. Gess, 1985-1994. Pisces: AM5677-5679, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM568()A-Q(.scales), R.W. Gess, 1993-1994; AM5684-5685, R.W. Gess, 1994; AM5689. R.W. Gess. 1994. ?Piscean coprolites: AM540IA-O, R.W. Gess. 1993-1994; AM569(). R.W. Gess, 1994. Other ?fecal material: AM5642-3643, R.W. Gess, 1993; AM569I-5695, R.W, Gess, 1994. 304 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAYOUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted on floppy disk accompanied by three print-outs (spacing I 'A or 2). In exceptional cases typed manuscripts will be accepted. 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Cape Town: Balkema. GALLEY PROOES are sent (when practicable) to authors for checking printer’s errors. Adjustments of language, style and punctuation and any other amendments of the original manuscript, if made at this stage, may be charged to authors. AUTHOR’S COPIES (50) are issued free of charge. When more than one author is involved the fifty free copies will be sent to the senior author. Additional copies ordered before printing are supplied at a reduced cost. CADAR, P.E.-K887 ISSN 0570-1880 0^ H I A(p\S J\j fl Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums Natural History Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Volume 19 Part 6 29th April 1996 M4Y 3 0 1997 Alien and translocated aquatic animals in southern Africa (excluding Zimbabwe and Mozambique) - revised checklist and analysis of distribution on a catchment basis I.J. DE MOOR and M.N. BRUTON Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series. Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the coliection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in connection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahamstown 6140. Editor Dr F. W. GESS Assistant Editor Dr S. K. GESS Alien and translocated aquatic animals in southern Africa (excluding Zimbabwe and Mozambique) - revised checklist and analysis of distribution on a catchment basis by I.J. DE MOOR and M.N. BRUTON* (J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, 6140 South Africa) ABSTRACT The distribution patterns of 44 alien and translocated freshwater aquatic animals in southern Africa (excluding Zimbabwe and Mozambique) are updated and re-assessed. A comparison with 1988 records indicates the presence of two alien species not previously recorded in natural waters. The distributions of five species, previously recorded in catchments outside their native ranges, have been extended into new catchments. The common carp Cypriuus carpio Linnaeus 1758 has invaded more catchments than any other species and its range has recently been extended into the Phongolo and upper Mkuze systems. The composition of alien species in each major catchment and the catchments invaded by individual alien species are documented. Results indicate a positive correlation between the number of alien species and water availability in catchments. Regions with the highest number of alien species are associated with major urban centres. Records suggest that high numbers of alien species are found in regions with a low diversity of indigenous species, however, this trend could not be statistically validated. In eight out of 19 catchments/waterbodies investigated more than half of the fish species were aliens. In the Kei catchment 1 1 out of 13 fish species are aliens. Certain waterbodies ofhigh conservation status (Okavango, Lake Sibaya and the Mkuze Swamps) in sub-tropical regions are free of alien fish. Temperatures in these waterbodies are likely to be within the tolerance range of most tropical species associated with the aquarium trade. It is recommended that special measures be taken to prevent introductions of alien species into these systems. The presence of Cypriuus carpio, Micropterus salinoides (Lacepede 1802) and Oreochromis mossainbicus ( Peters 1852) in the Omatako drainage raises the possibility of the future introduction of these species into the Okavango system. Potential introductions through interbasin transfer schemes are also discussed. CONTENTS page Introduction 306 Methods 308 Results 309 Discussion 3 1 1 Reclassification of distribution records 31 1 New species and range extensions of naturalised species 316 Degree of invasion of catchments 317 Invasive species 322 Future introductions 324 Interbasin transfers (IBTs) 324 Possible future introductions into the Okavango region 325 Conclusion 326 * Pre.sent address: Two Oceans Aquarium, P O Box 50603, Wateifront, 8002 South Africa. 305 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Acknowledgements 326 References 326 Appendix 1 : Major catchments and sub-catchments in the study area 333 Appendix 2: Checklist of alien species introduced into southern Africa 336 Appendix 3: Checklist of translocated indigenous species within the study area 339 Appendix 4: References associated with Appendices 2 and 3 341 Appendix 5: Existing and future interbasin transfer schemes 343 INTRODUCTION Numerous ecological problems have resulted from the introduction of alien aquatic animals into inland waters in many parts of the world (Welcomme, 1988). These include the degradation of the environment due to habitat alteration, the disruption of the host community through competition with and predation on indigenous species, deterioration of fish stocks (through stunting of the introduced population), genetic contamination of the host community, and the introduction of parasites and diseases. Serious economic and health problems have arisen as a result of some introductions. The recent introduction of the zebra mussel Dreisseiia polymorpha ( Pallas 1771) into the Laurentian Great Lakes in North America has caused widespread economic damage as a result of its prolific growth in the water pipes of electricity-generation and water-treatment facilities (Griffith et ah, 1991). The introduction of the malaria-vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae sensu lato Giles 1920 into South America resulted in a malaria epidemic causing the death of over 20 000 people (Soper and Wilson, 1943). Bruton ( 1986) noted that the life-history style adopted by introduced species was an important factor in determining the success or failure of the introduction. Preliminary distribution records suggested that altricial fish (which produce small, incompletely developed young and are generalists capable of surviving in an unstable, uncrowded environment), such as rainbow trout Oncorhynchiis mykiss (Walbaum 1792) and the common carp Cyprinus carpio, had successfully invaded species- poor, abiotically harsh environments. Precocial species (which produce large, well- developed young and are specialists adapted to survive in a stable, crowded environment), such as the largemouth bass Micropteriis sahnoides, swordtail Xiphophorns helleri Heckel 1 848, and the guppy Poecilia reticulata Peters 1859, tended to invade species-rich, biotically harsh environments. The present paper will attempt to evaluate some of these hypotheses. De Moor and Bruton ( 1988) reviewed the problem in southern Africa and found that 58 alien species had naturalised breeding populations in the southern African region (excluding Zimbabwe and Mozambique). Of these, 33 were from other countries and 25 were transfers of species into new catchments within southern Africa. Of the 58 species which were frequently recorded in natural habitats, 37 were considered to be detrimental, three to be beneficial and 18 to be equivocal (i.e. beneficial in some respects and detrimental in others). Detrimental impacts included the alteration of the habitat, predation of and competition with indigenous species, the introduction of parasites, and the threat of genetic contamination (de Moor and Bruton, 1988). Although such impacts can be regarded as being significant in terms of environmental effects, alien aquatic animals in southern Africa have not yet caused any major medical or economic impacts on the scale of other well-known disasters mentioned above. The aim of this paper is to provide an updated checklist of alien aquatic animals in southern Africa and to revise distribution records in terms of catchment distributions. This will enable conservation officials and other managers to rapidly assess the degree of invasion in each catchment 306 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA and to identify catchments which are susceptible to further invasions. Information from previous publications (Bruton, 1986; de Moor and Bruton, 1988) is also updated and re-assessed. It is hoped that the synthesis of distribution records presented in this paper will serve as a basis for further investigations into the biogeography and ecology of alien aquatic animals in southern Africa. It should be noted that the invasion of freshwater ecosystems is an ongoing process and the present review represents a “snapshot” picture of known distribution records at present. There are notable gaps in distribution records, particularly with respect to fish parasites and certain popular angling species (such as Cypriniis carpio, Microptenis salmoides, and Oreochromis mosscuuhicus) which have been illegally translocated into many catchments in southern Africa. With the exception of the grass carp Ctenophcuyjigodou /Jc/Zu (Valenciennes 1844) (a long-lived species which does not breed in natural waters in southern Africa) only naturalised alien species are included in this review. The regions covered include South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and Botswana. With the exception of the latter two countries, descriptions of major catchments (Fig. I ) follow the convention of the Department of Water Affairs (Anon, 1986). Appendix 1 describes the catchments and sub-catchments illustrated in Fig. 1, as well as the major rivers, impoundments and towns in each region. Certain categories of species listed in de Moor and Bruton ( 1988) have been excluded from this review. These include: marine species; threatened species translocated to regions close to their native range; species translocated within the same major catchment; and biocontrol agents which have a beneficial impact on the environment. A number of terms used in this publication are defined below. The study area. This is indicated in Figure 1. The area includes all catchments south of the Limpopo and Cunene rivers as well as the Okavango region which forms part of the upper Zambezi catchment. For political reasons distribution records from Zimbabwe and Mozambique were not available during the time when work on this project was being carried out. Natural and semi-natural habitats. For the purpose of this study this includes natural watercourses, large impoundments and small earthem impoundments either of which may overflow into natural waters during flood periods. Excluded from this definition are garden ponds, closed- system aquaculture installations and concrete farm reservoirs. Alien species. A species which has been translocated, either intentionally or unintentionally, by man into catchments beyond its native range. Translocated indigenous species. A species indigenous to the study area, which has been translocated by man into new catchments within the study area. Translocated species can be regarded as a special category of alien species. Invasive species. An alien species which has spread unaided within freshwater ecosystems. Naturalised species. An introduced species which has established self-sustaining populations in areas of natural or semi-natural vegetation or habitat. Detrimental impact. The introduction has had a harmful impact on the environment. Beneficial impact. The introduction has apparently had an advantageous impact on the environment. This term is confined to host-specific alien species introduced for the purpose of biocontrol, which successfully controlled the targeted host species. Major catchments. Catchments categorised by the Department of Water Affairs (Anon, 1986) as major and here designated by letters of the alphabet (Fig. 1 ). In most instances these catchments are discrete and separated from other catchments by watershed boundaries. Exceptions are the Olifants and the Vaal (catchments B & C, Eig. I ) which represent major tributaries of the Limpopo and Orange 307 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Fig. I : The study area, indicating major catchments and sub-catchments (refer to Appendix 1 for information on major rivers, waterbodies and place names in each catchment). rivers (catchments A & D, Fig. I ) respectively. In some instances a number of small discrete coastal catchments (within major catchments G, K, M, P, R, T, U and W: Fig. 1 ) are categorised together as a “major catchment area”. Snh-catchments. Catchments of tributaries within major catchments, designated by numbers in Fig. 1. Successful iutrocluctiou. An introduction is described as successful where an alien species has established a naturalised population in natural or semi-natural waters. Failed iutrocluctiou. An introduction is regarded as unsuccessful or failed where an alien species has not succeeded in establishing a naturalised population, despite repeated introductions into natural waters. METHODS Distribution records were obtained from: the Albany Museum and the J.L.B. Smith Institute of 308 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Ichthyology, Grahamstown (Appendices 2 and 3); literature records of species from accredited scientific journals and reports (Appendices 2, 3 and 4); and personal communications with nature conservation officials and other experts in the field (Appendices 2, 3 and 4). Distribution records were categorised as follows. S - Self-sustaining populations (=breeding populations). P - Probable presence. Where no formal record has been received of the presence of a widespread species in a particular catchment sub-division but where such a species is widespread in an adjacent catchment it is considered that the presence of the species is “probable” in the catchment concerned. R - Regularly stocked. Where the species is regularly stocked in a particular catchment but populations are probably not self-sustaining. M -Possibly stocked. Where there are no definite records of stocking but it is suspected that the species may be stocked somewhere in the catchment. It is unlikely that self-sustaining populations occur in these catchments. H - Historical. Where only isolated distribution records prior to 1985 exist so that it is not known whether self-sustaining populations are present. B - Boundary. Where a self-sustaining population is found in a region close to the watershed boundary and consequently the catchment to which the locality belongs is uncertain. * - New distribution record. Not recorded in de Moor and Bruton (1988). Latitude/longitude co-ordinates Vv'ere obtained from ordinance survey maps, the Times World Atlas or Skead (1973). The catchment associated with each record was then identified by reference to Fig. 1. In the case of certain species it was possible to estimate abundance in selected catchments by reference to literature or through personal communication with researchers. If only one record exists of the species, then it was either classified as rare (if a recent record) or as an historical record. If museum records indicated that the species had been collected in a number of localities in at least three tributaries, or in more than four localities in the mainstream of rivers, then the species was classified as widespread within the catchment or sub-catchment. Based on the above information, abundance Vv'as noted within certain sub-catchments and classified as follovv's (Tables 1 - 4). 1 - Very rare. Only a single record exists. 2 - Isolated populations in small restricted region/regions. These may, however, be thriving populations. 3 - Widespread. Found throughout the upper and lower catchment or sub-catchment. 3u - Widespread in the upper catchment. 3 1 - Widespread in the lower catchment. It must be emphasised that records of abundance are incomplete, and have only been noted when the relevant information is available. This implies that the distribution of most alien species is greater than indicated by records summarised in Tables 1-4. RESULTS The checklists of alien and translocated indigenous species (Appendices 2 and 3 respectively) include brief notes on the native range, date of first introduction, impact, and abundance of each species, as well as code numbers indicating selected references (listed in Appendix 4). For further details see de Moor and Bruton (1988). 309 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Table 1 . Distribution records of alien aquatic animals present in catchments and sub-catchments A - G illustrated in Fig. 1 . Species Catchments Al A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 Cl C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E F G Ichthyophthirius inultifilis S S* S Bothriocephalus acheilognathi S S Trichodina acuta S S S S s Craspedacusta sowerhyi Argulus japonicits S S s Cherax tenidmanus Procamharus clarkii Phvsa acuta s s S S S 3 3 3 3 Helisoma duryi H Lvmnaea columella S s S S S S s S S S 3 3 3 3 3 3 Oncorhvnclius mykiss R M S R S/R S/R M M S S S S 2 2 3u 3u 2 2 Salmo trutta M M S M S S R S S 2 2 2 2 2 Carassius a u rat us S 1 S S Ctenopharyugodon idellus M R M Cyprinus carpio S P S P S S P S S S s s s S M s 3 2 3 3 3 3 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix* S* Tinea tinea S ! Gambusia affinis S* H S* S S* Poecilia reticulata s Xiphophorus helleri Lepomis macrochirus S S S P P s p S S 3 3 Micropterus dolomieu S S s P S P s P p p S S 3 3 Micropteriis punctulatus S* 1 H Micropterus salinoides s P s s S s s s S s s S S S 2 3 3 I 310 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AERICA Table 1. Continued. Species Catchments Al A2 A3 Bl B2 B3 Cl C2 C3 Dl D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E F G Perea fluviaiilis S S Oreochromis aureus H Oreochromis niloticus H Truchemys s. elegans S Code for distribution S - Self-sustaining populations P - Self-sustaining populations probable, but no definite records R - Regular stocking, probably not self-sustaining M - Maybe stocked somewhere in catchment, self-sustaining populations unlikely H - Historical. May or may not still be present U - Uncertain historical translocation * - New distribution record since de Moor & Bruton ( 1988) Code for abundance 1 - Very rare. Probably a single record 2 - Isolated population in small restricted region/s 3 - Widespread 3u- Widespread in upper catchment 3i - Widespread in lower catchment B - Boundary: Close to watershed between two catchments, so exact catchment is uncertain Table.s 1 and 2 summarise the distribution of alien and translocated indigenous species ( respectively ) in catchments A-G. Tables 3 and 4 summarise the distributions of alien and translocated indigenous species (respectively) in catchments H-Z. The number of species in each sub-catchment and major catchment is also noted. Tables 3 and 4 also indicate the number of catchments (from A- Z) invaded by each species. It should be noted that in calculating these totals, only the “S” (species survives) and “R” (regularly stocked) categories of distribution records are considered. Historical records are noted separately. DISCUSSION Reclassification of distribution records Species for which there were previously single distribution records (de Moor and Bruton, 1988) have now been classified as having “historical distributions” since no further reports have been received of their presence in natural waters (Tables 1 - 4). These species include two alien cichiids (Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner 1864) and O. nilolicus (Linnaeus 1758)) previously recorded in Natal and the Western Cape, one alien crayfish (Clierax lenuimauus (Smith 1912)) previously recorded in the Buffalo River (Eastern Cape), and four translocated indigenous cichiids ( Oreochromis andersouii (Castelnau 1861), Sargochromis codringtoui (Boulenger 1908), Serranochromis tlnimhergi (Castelnau 1861) and S. angusticeps (Boulenger 1907)) which were included in a group of species translocated into the Shashi impoundment from the Okavango region (Gilmore, 1978). It should be noted that the term “historical” does not imply that the species has definitely disappeared from the region in question. In the context of this publication “historical” indicates that no further records have been received in the past 10 years, and it is possible that the species may still be present in the region. 311 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS, (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Table 2. Distribution records of translocated indigenous aquatic animals present in catchments and sub-catchments A-G illustrated in Fig.l. Total numbers of alien species (including species listed in Table 1 ) in each catchment are also given. Species Catchments A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 Cl C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 E F G Barbus aeneus Barbus uiioplus Labeo capensis Labeo uinbratus S Clarias gariepinus S Chetia flaviventris S* Oreochroniis amlersoiiii H Oreochromis macrochir S Oreochroniis mossambicus S S 3i S s Sargocliroinis codringtoni H Serranochroinis tliuinbergl H Serranochromis r. jallae H H Serranochromis angusticeps H Tilapia r. swierstrae Tilapia sparnnanii S S* 3 Sandelia capensis s No. alien species in s-c 11 1 + 5H 7 -1- IH 9 10 7 3 1 1 5 2 6 3 2 3 3 9 0 15 + 5H No. alien species in m-c’s 14 15 13 10 9 0 15 s-c = sub-catchment m-c = major catchment Code for distribution S - Self-sustaining populations P - Self-sustaining populations probable, but no definite records R - Regular stocking, probably not self-sustaining M - Maybe stocked somewhere in catchment, self-sustaining populations unlikely H - Historical. May or may not still be present U - Uncertain historical translocation * - New distribution record since de Moor & Bruton ( 1988) Code for abundance 1 - Very rare. Probably a single record 2 - Isolated population in small restricted region/s 3 - Widespread 3li - Widespread in upper catchment 3i - Widespread in lower catchment B - Boundary: Close to watershed between two catchments, so exact catchment is uncertain 312 Table 3. Distribution records of alien aquatic animals present in catchments and sub-catchments H - Z illustrated in Fig.l. Total catchments (from A - Z) invaded by alien species is also given. DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 313 Table 3. Continued. ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Total No. Catch. 's In- vaded (A-Z) m-c m m X OO CO CO CO CO (N CO c/5 CO CO ro CO CO CN CO fo ac oa CO T3 * CO CO CO T2 * CO •vf CO CO * CO H CO Cu GO CO CO CO CO od CO CO * CO CO rt") CO o an * CO I 0- * CO CO — CO z a: S CO CO j * _ CO CO ro CO CO CO CO - 4f CO CO X CO CO ro CO ro Species Poecilia reticulata Xiphophorus helleri Lepomis macrochirus Micropterus dolomieu Micropterus pimctulatus Micropterus salmoides 1 Perea fliiviatilis 1 Oreochromis aureus 1 Oreochromis niloticus II Trachemys s. elegans M 2 .5 E E E D, ^ ^ O- T3 "O ^ (U (U (U cd *0 Cu O, G, i2 > s ^ ^ e ^ K D Z a: S I 5 314 Table 4. Distribution records of translocated indigenous aquatic animals present in catchments and sub-catchments H-Z illustrated in Fig.l. Total numbers of alien species (including species listed in Table 3) and total numbers of catchments (from A-Z) invaded by alien species are also given. DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Total No. Catch. ’s In- vaded (A-Z) m-c to (N rj 1 0-) - 0\ X o\ X n CD CN s-c (N (N - - OS 0-) ri Catchments N 00 CO TO CO lO Y2 CO fO 3 2B TO O X3 ir-i - cX O X oo W2 CO — r- OO W1 X 4 2H > * 00 X * CO * X ^ O X r^l o D X ■X- co CO oo X rr-, 00 T3 * oo CO * CO d- HI L H 00 lO', 00 00 Cl ri CO CO 00 Tt 't a OO CO CO CO 7 2H r- Cu 00 CO CO OS os z CO 00 ro CO 5 IH S 00 CO 00 00 CO lO-j -X- co OS Ov - oo CO SO SO 00 CO O o Species Barbus aeneus II Barbus anoplus II Labeo capensis Labeo wnbratus Clarias gariepinus Chetia flaviventris Oreochromis andersonii Oreochromis macrochir Oreochromis mossambicits Sargochromis codringtoni Serranochromis thimbergi Serranochromis r. jallae 1 Serranochromis angusticeps Tilapia r. swierstrae Tilapia sparrmanii 1 Sandelia capensis Total No. alien species in s-c Total No. in m-c’s 315 Legend. As for Table 1 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Table 5. Updated distribution records (compared to de Moor and Bruton, 1988). Species Range No. catchments Distribution extensions where new code (catchments) distributions (Fig. 1) recorded s-c m-c Species not previously recorded in study area Chetia flaviveutris B3 1 1 NR HypophthaUnichthys molitrix B2 1 1 NR Procamharus clarkii X2 1 1 NR New distributions of species previously recorded in study area Bothriocephaliis acheiloguatlii U,X1 2 2 RE Carassiiis aiiratus P,T3,U 3 3 CE Cteuopharyngodon idellus T2,W2 2 2 CE Cyprimis carpio W2 1 1 RE Poecilia reticulata T3 1 1 CE Lepomis macrochirus L,P,T2, 4 4 CE Micropteriis punctulatus D2,Q,R,T2, 4 4 CE Micropterus salmoides W2,X1 2 2 CE Perea fluviatilis T2 1 1 CE Barbus aeiieus V 1 1 RE Barbus anoplus T3 1 1 CE Labeo capensis V 1 1 RE Labeo umbratus V* 1 1 RE Tilapia r. swierstrae T3, U 1 1 CE Tilapia sparnuauii G,K,S,T1 4 4 CE s-c - sub-catchments m-c - major catchments NR - New records: alien species not previously recorded in natural waters in the study area. CE - Records which are probably the result of greater collection effort. Unlikely to represent a range extension of the species. RE - New distribution records which represent probable range extensions of existing alien species. * - Only a single specimen was collected: may not have established a population, so record is classified as historical (H) (Table 2) New species and range extensions of naturalised species. Table 5 summarises new records (NR) of three species (two alien and one translocated indigenous species) not previously recorded, as well as apparent range extensions (into new catchments or sub- catchments) of 15 alien species which were listed in de Moor and Bruton ( 1988). The latter records are classified as either new records as a result of greater collection effort (CE) or as probable range extensions (RE). 316 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AERICA The two recently-recorded alien species (Procambams clarkii (Girard 1852) and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes 1844)) were previously present in southern Africa but kept in captivity. Procambams clarkii was illegally imported through the aquarium trade, reports having been received of its presence in various retail outlets (Anon, 1987). It was first recorded from the Crocodile River (Nkomati system) in 1993 (Schoonbee, 1993). Hypophthalmichthys molitrix was widely distributed in aquaculture ponds but has not been previously recorded from natural waters. The new record of a translocated indigenous species, Chetia flaviventris Trewavas 1961 (the canary kurper) (Table 5), is probably the result of an unrecorded translocation. Its presence has recently been noted in the B3 catchment (Fig. 1) (Hoffman, pers. comm.). Of the new distribution records of previously-recorded alien species (Table 5), the apparent range extensions of ten species are probably the result of greater collection effort. In the case of five species {Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguthi 1934, Barbus aeneiis (Burchell 1822), Cyprinus carpio, Labeo capensis (Smith 1841) and L. umbratiis (Smith 1841 )) the records probably represent true range extensions (Table 5). Cyprinus carpio has recently been recorded for the first time in the Mkuze system (Albany Museum records) in the W2 catchment. Its range within the W 1 catchment has also been extended. Previously there was a single record of this species in the Phongolo floodplain at Tete Pan (de Moor and Bruton, 1988). It has now been recorded at numerous localities in this region (Merron, pers. comm.). Three other species (B. aeneiis, L. capensis and L. umbratiis) were recently recorded in the Kilbum Dam (Tugela system), the outlet of the Vaal-Tugela Interbasin transfer (IBT) scheme (Coke, pers. comm.). The new distribution records of B. acheilognathi and C. carpio are cause for concern. The spread of the former species, a fish parasite, is highly undesirable and its extension into four major catchments less than 20 years after its initial introduction into southern Africa (Brandt et ah, 1981 ) indicates that it is highly invasive. Cyprinus carpio has been in southern Africa for over 200 years (Bruton and van As, 1986) and has invaded most major catchments. The lowland region of northern Zululand (W1 and W2 catchments) was one of the few areas not yet invaded by this species. Carp has now extended its range into both of these catchments. Its presence in the upper Mkuze system (W2) is of particular concern, since it raises the possibility that this species may invade the Mkuze Swamps region which is a relatively pristine area (river conservation map associated with O’Keeffe, 1986). Degree of invasion of catchments The population size of alien species in comparison with that of indigenous species is probably the best estimate of the degree of invasion. The presence or absence of the alien species does not give a true reflection of the degree of invasion, since a small isolated population in a single locality would carry the same weighting as a species with a high population density throughout the catchment. Since information on population densities of alien species is not readily available for all catchments in the study area, discussion will be confined to certain trends. The total number of alien species in sub-catchments and small major catchments (in sequence from the highest to the lowest number) and the areas of the catchments are listed in Table 6. Based on these figures, catchments were categorised into four classes according to the number of alien species present (Fig. 2). Although Table 6 indicates that certain regions, such as the Okavango, are free of alien aquatic animals, this must be seen in the context of this study (which excludes successful biocontrol agents and threatened species translocated to sub-catchments close to their native range). Certain biocontrol agents (i.e. two species of aquatic weevils, Cyrtobagous salviniae Calder & Sands 1985 and C. singularis (Mustache 1929)) have established populations in the Okavango (Schlettwein, 317 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Table 6. Total number of alien species present in smaller catchments and in all sub-catchments (listed in sequence from the highest to the lowest number). Where figures are available*, the mean annual runoff (MAR), area of catchment, and MAR/unit area are also listed. Catdiment MAR p.a. (I0'’x m’) Area (kmh MAR/ unit area (10'‘xmV100kmh Total no. alien species U - Mgeni 3174 18 267 17.38 18 G - Berg - W. Cape 2158 25 415 8.49 15 R - Buffalo 601 7 984 7.53 14 S - Kei 1064 20 535 5.18 12 T3 - Natal S. coast 1932 8 876 21.77 1 1 A1 - Upper Limpopo 916 43 244 2.12 1 1 C2 - Vaal - middle 1494 69 504 2.15 11 V - Tugela 4589 28 966 15.84 10 B2 - Olifants (Limpopo) - Elands 409 20 939 1.95 10 H - Bree 1954 15 658 12.48 10 X2 - Nkomati - Crocodile 1238 10 455 1 1.84 10 Bl - Olifants (Limpopo)- upper 1438 2 1 354 6.73 9 E - Olifants (W. Cape) 1015 48 880 2.08 9 K - S. Coastal 1372 7 227 18.98 9 P - Bushmans/Kariega 102 5 569 1.83 9 M - Swartkops 129 2 536 5.09 8 A3 - Limpopo (Levuvhu) 1374 66 360 2.07 7 B3 - Olifants (Limpopo) - Letaba 1344 31 241 4.30 7 Q - Fish 529 30 245 1.75 7 T2 - Transkei 4008 23 522 17.04 7 W2 - Zululand 2349 27 912 8.42 7 D2 - Orange - Caledon & NE Cape 6465 64 931 9.96 6 J - Gouritz 539 45 028 1.20 6 C3 - Vaal - lower 705 88 234 0.80 5 L - Gamtoos 504 34 790 1.45 5 N - Sundays 200 21 056 0.95 5 Tl - Transkei - southern 2018 11 497 17.52 5 XI - Nkomati - Sabie 883 9 423 9.37 5 Z - Namibia - Swakop/Kuiseb - - - 5 W1 - Swaziland - Usuthu, Phongolo 3545 32 360 10.95 4 X3 - Nkomati - Komati 1443 11 279 12.79 5 Cl - Vaal - upper 2288 38 609 5.93 3 D3 - Orange - middle 585 107 393 0.54 3 D5 - Orange - N. arid tributaries 202 111 111 0.18 3 D6 - Orange - lower - - - 3 Y2 - Namibia - Omatako - - - 3 D 1 - Orange - upper - - - 2 D4 - Orange - s. tributaries 268 93 690 0.29 2 A2 - Limpopo - Botswana tributaries - - - 1 F - West coast (W. Cape) 1 10 28 629 0.38 0 Y I - Okavango - - - 0 * Department of Water Affairs statistics (Anon, 1986) 318 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Fig. 2: Map of catchment.s in the study area illustrating the total numbers of alien species in each catchment or sub-catchment. 1985; de Moor and Bruton, 1988). Regions with the highest number of alien species are associated with the major urban centres of the Pretoria-Witwatersrand region (catchments Al, C2), Cape Town (catchment G), Durban (catchment U ) and East London ( R ) (Fig. 2). Low numbers of alien species are associated with sparsely populated regions in the high-altitude upper catchments of the Vaal and Orange (Cl and D1 ) or with the sparsely populated, arid regions (middle and lower Orange, West Cape coast, Botswana and Namibia). There are two noticeable exceptions to this trend. The Kei catchment (S) and the Natal south coast catchment (T3) have high numbers of alien species present (12 and 1 1 respectively) and neither is associated with major urban centres. It could also be expected that the Port Elizabeth region (catchment M) would have a higher number of alien species. The number of alien species in the catchment (8) is, however, high in relation to the size of the catchment (Table 6). To test the relationship between the number of alien species present and water availability, a scattergram (based on data from Table 6 ) of the number of species present vs. mean annual runoff/unit area in 35 sub-catchments was constructed (Fig. 3). CoiTelation analysis (using Spearmann’s Rank 319 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT, HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 coiTelation test) indicates a positive relationship (n = 0.45) which is significant at the 0.01 level (P = 0.009; n = 35). A number of experts in the field of invasive ecology (Elton, 1958; Fox and Fox, 1986) have noted a general tendency for relatively pristine ecosystems with a high diversity of species to have a greater resistance to invasion than is the case for less diverse or disturbed ecosystems. Since information on Fig. 3: Scattergram analysis of the total ntimber of alien aquatic animal species pre.sent in individual catchments and sub- catchments vs. mean annual runoff (MAR) per unit area (million m'/iOOkmO in 35 catchments in southern Africa. the number of indigenous aquatic invertebrates is not readily available, analysis was confined to a comparison of fish species present in the study area. Information on the species composition of indigenous fish (excluding diadromous species) in 19 selected waterbodies and catchments was obtained from a number of sources (Crass, 1966; Scott and Hamman, 1984; Skelton et al., 1985; Skelton, 1988, 1993; Bruton, 1993; Skelton, pers. comm.) and compared to the number of alien fish species present in the catchments concerned (Table 7). Results indicate that in eight of these catchments/waterbodies alien species represented over 50% of the total number offish species present (Table 7). The Kei catchment, in which only two indigenous non-diadromous fish species have been found (Skelton, pers. comm.), had the greatest proportion of alien fish (84.6% of the total number of species) (Table 7). 320 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Examination of Table 7 suggests a trend in which catchments or waterbodies with a high diversity of indigenous species (e.g. the Okavango region, the Phongolo system, Mkuze and Lake Sibaya) have fewer alien species than those v/ith a low diversity of indigenous species (e.g. Kei, Great Fish, Sundays and Berg). In this context it should be noted that the two alien species recorded in the Phongolo system { Oncorhynchus mykiss and Cyprinus carpio) are relatively rare in the system. The former species is only found in a few small tributaries in the upper catchment and C. carpio has only been recorded in some isolated localities (Pongolapoort impoundment and in some regions of the Phongolo floodplain) where the population size is reported to be low (de Moor and Bruton, 1988; Merron, pers. comm.). Carp has, however, recently increased its range in this region (Merron, pers. comm.). Correlation analysis of the number of alien fish species vs. number of indigenous fish species within catchments indicates no significant relationship between these two variables (n = 0.28; P = 0.23; n = 19). These results are based on total numbers of species within major catchments, since data on species diversity of sub-catchments were not available. Should this information become Table 7. Comparison of the number of indigenous and alien fish species in selected catchments and waterbodies. River No. alien No. indigenous Alien fish species system fish species fish species* as % of total fish fauna A. & B. Limpopo 12 48 20.0% (inch Olifants) C/D. Orange/V aal 13 15 46.4% X. Incomati 6 49 10.9% Phongolo 2 43 4.4% Mkuze system 2 25 7.4% Lake Sibaya 0 19 0.0% U. Umgeni 13 8 61.9% V. Tugela 10 14 41.7% R. Buffalo/ 11 5 68.8% Keiskamma S. Kei 11 2 84.6% Q. Great Fish 6 4 60.0% N. Sundays 3 4 42.9% L. Gamtoos 5 6 45.5% J. Gouritz 6 6 50.0% H. Bree 9 4 69.2% Berg 9 4 69.2% E. Olifants 8 10 44.4% P. Bushmans/ 9 6 60.0% Kariega/Kowie Okavango Delta 0 80 0.0% * This figure excludes diadromous species 321 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 available, it would be possible to refine the resolution of the analysis. An increase in the number of samples would also improve the statistical validity of the correlation test and might produce a more significant result. Many factors influence the degree of invasion of catchments, such as the opportunity of species to invade, niche space and habitat availability in the target environment (Stauffer, 1984). The question of suscepibility of catchments to invasion is therefore extremely complex. Further analysis of this topic would require a multivariate analysis of the factors which influence the success or failure of invasions. This is beyond the scope of the present study. Invasive species The number of major catchments invaded by alien and translocated indigenous species is summarised in Tables 8 and 9 respectively. The number of sub-catchments where certain species are reported to have a widespread distribution (Tables 8 and 9) as well as the number of catchments within the study area which are beyond the native range of translocated indigenous species (Table 9) have also been noted. The latter was calculated by subtracting the number of catchments in the native range (after Skelton, 1993) from the total number of catchments in the study area. The species listed as widespread in certain catchments (C carpio, Microptenis salmoides, M. dolomieu Lacepede 1 802, Lymnaea columella Say 1817,0. mykiss, Lepomis macrochiriis Rafinesque 1819, Physa acuta Drapamaud 1805, Tilapia sparrmanii Smith 1840 and O. mossambicus) can all be regarded as “invasive” species, with the possible exception of O. mykiss which is regularly stocked in many catchments (Tables 8 and 9). Information on the abundance of species is incomplete and species have only been recorded as being “widespread” when sufficient information is available. Certain species, such as three of the fish parasites (Trichodina acuta Lorn 1961, Argulus japonicus Thiele 1900 and Ichthyophthirius multifdis Fouquet 1876), are likely to have a far wider distribution than those recorded in Tables 1 - 4. Other species (e.g. P. clarkii, B. acheilognathi and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822)) have been introduced into new catchments within the past 20 years and have not yet had the opportunity to invade many catchments but are likely to be invasive species. Among the fishes, the most widespread species include members of many reproductive guild categories, i.e. non-guarders (e.g. C. carpio), guarders (e.g. T. sparrmanii, L. macrochiriis and M. salmoides) and external bearers (O. mossambicus). This supports Bruton’s (1986) observation that it is not only the altricial species which become invasive. A closer analysis of distribution records of “widespread” species (Tables 1 - 4) indicates that C. carpio (a more “altricial” species) and M. salmoides (a more “precocial” species) do not conform to the expected distribution patterns (discussed in the introductory section) proposed by Bruton (1986). Both of these species are widespread in a number of relatively species-poor catchments. In some cases (such as in catchments G, U, Y2 and Z) both species are widespread within the same catchments. In other cases, there are differences in the distribution patterns but these can usually be ascribed to differences in habitat requirements. For example, C. carpio is widespread in certain turbid rivers such as the Vaal/Orange and the Fish River (catchments C, D and Q) whereas M. salmoides is rare in these systems (Tables 1 and 3). M. salmoides is widespread in the Olifants system (catchment E) where C. carpio has not been recorded. All of these rivers are relatively species-poor with respect to fish. On the other hand, neither carp nor bass have been successful in invading certain relatively species-rich catchments such as the Phongolo (Wl) and northern Zululand (W2) (Tables 1 and 3) or in the more diverse lowveld regions of the Incomati (X) and Limpopo systems (lower A3) (van der Waal, pers. comm.). M. salmoides has, however, been more successful than C. carpio in invading the upper Incomati system (Table 3), which 322 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Table 8. The degree of invasion of alien species in different catchments and sub-catchments. Species Total catchment number No. catchments invaded s-c m-c 41 24 No. sub-catchments in which the species is widespread Cyprinus carpio 32 22 12 Micropterus sahnoides 32 21 9 Lymnaea columella 24 16 9 Oncorhynchus mykiss 23 16 3 Lepomis macrochirus 19 16 6 Micropterus dolomieu 17 15 5 Salmo trutta 13 11 - Micropterus punctulatus 8 8 - Physa acuta 8 7 5 Carassius auratus 8 7 - Ctenopharyngodon idellus 6 5 - Ichthyophthirius rnultifilis 6 5 - Gambusia ajfmis 5 5 - Poecilia reticulata 5 5 - Bothriocephalus acheilognathi 5 4 - Trichodina acuta 6 4 - Perea fluviatilis 4 4 - Argulus japonicus 4 3 - Tinea tinea 3 3 - Xiphophorus helleri 3 3 - Trachemys scripta 2 2 - Hypophthalmichthys moUtrix ] 1 - Craspedacusta sowerbyi 1 1 - Procambarus clarkii 1 1 - s-c = sub-catchment m-c = major catchment = information not available lends some support to Bruton’ s ( 1 986) hypothesis. In order to further test this hypothesis, more records of the distribution and abundance of all the species mentioned (i.e. O. mykiss, C. carpio, C. gariephms, T. sparrmanii, M. sahnoides, L. macrochirus, O. mossambicus and P. reticulata) would have to be obtained and analysed. 323 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Table 9. The degree of invasion of translocated indigenous species. The number of catchments which are beyond the native range of each species is also given. Species No. catchments beyond native range* No. catchments invaded No. catch- ments where widespread Tilapia sparnnanii 17 15 5 Oreochromis mossambicus 11 9 4 Clarias gariepimis 16 5 - Barbus aeneus 22 5 - Laheo capeusis 22 2 - Serranochromis r. jallae 23 2 - Tilapia r. swierstrae 19 2 - Sandelia capeusis 18 2 - Barbus anopius 5 2 - Laheo umbratus 17 2 - Chetia fiaviveutris 23 1 - Oreochromis macrochi r 23 1 - * Information on native range obtained from Skelton (1993) - = information not available Future introductions Interbasin transfers (IBTs) There are at present seven completed interbasin transfer schemes in southern Africa (Pettijean and Davies, 1988), and five of these cross major catchment boundaries. A further six such schemes are either proposed or under construction in southern Africa (Pettijean and Davies, 1988) (Appendix 5). Although many hazards are encountered in most IBT’s, certain species are able to survive such hazards. For example, in order to survive the journey from Teebus (Orange River) to the Grassridge Dam (Fish River), fish (or their eggs) have to pass through grids of 6.5 cm width, baffles and pepper- pot valves, as well as high pressures within the take-off chamber (Pettijean and Davies, 1988). Despite this, seven species of Orange River fish survived the passage through the Orange-Fish tunnel and have been recorded in the Fish River. Of these, Laheo capeusis and Clarias gariepinus, which were previously not present in the Fish River, have established breeding populations (Cambray and Jubb, 1 977 a and b; Laurenson and Hocutt, 1986). This case illustrates the likelihood of future translocations (via IBT’s) into a number of major catchments (see Appendix 5). Following the completion of the Vaal-Tugela scheme, three Vaal River species {Barbus aeneiis, Laheo capeusis and L. iimbratiis) were recorded in Kilburn Dam (Tugela system) (Coke, pers. comm.). The two former species appear to have established populations in the recipient river system (Coke, pers. comm.). Skelton and Merron (1984) have completed a survey of the ichthyofauna in the donor (Okavango) and recipient rivers (Swakop and Omatako) of the Eastern National Water Camer scheme (Appendix 5) which is still under construction in Namibia. Sixty-two species were recorded in the Okavango 324 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA River whereas only five species were recorded in the von Bach Dam (Swakop system) and Omatako Dam (Omatako River). It was considered that most of the Okavango River species would be unlikely to survive in the recipient system. There were, however, twenty species with broader ecological tolerances which they considered might not survive well in the canals and pipelines but could populate the various systems along the route of the carrier. Possible future introductions into the Okavango region The widespread presence of three highly invasive alien species (C. carpio, M. salmoides and O. mossambicus) in small farm impoundments in the arid Omatako-Omarumba region (catchment Y 1 ) in Namibia (Schrader, 1985; de Moor and Bruton, 1988), raises the possibility that these species may find their way into the Okavango system in the future. During normal flow rates the water bodies in the Omatako region are not connected to the Okavango system. In the event of rare flash floods these rivers flow into the Okavango River providing the opportunity for these species to reach the Okavango Swamps (Schrader, 1985). Water temperatures in the Okavango region range from approximately 1 8 - 29°C (Reavell, 1980). This is within the tolerance range of the three species mentioned above (de Moor and Bruton, 1988) so it is probable that they will be able to survive in the region. The possible negative impacts of invasions by these species into the Okavango Swamps area are described below. Cyprimis carpio. Some workers have noted that this species uproots submerged vegetation (Crivelli, 1983) and disturbs bottom sediments. This has the overall effect of increasing the turbidity in the water. The altered environment then becomes less suitable for indigenous species (McCrimmon, 1968; Welcomme, 1984). There is, however, some dispute about the role of carp in causing these effects. Fletcher et al. (1985) found that there was no association between high carp densities and turbidity. They did however conclude that the presence of carp could cause a reduction in shallow- rooted, soft-leaved aquatic vegetation. Should carp succeed in establishing breeding populations in the Okavango, it could cause widespread ecological problems associated with the disturbance of bottom sediments. Oreochromis mo.ssambicus. This species could hybridise with indigenous cichlid species such as O. andersonii and O. inacrochi r (Bou\enger 1912) in the Okavango region (Skelton, pers. comm.). Such genetic contamination could decrease the biological fitness of indigenous fish stocks (Welcomme, 1988). Microptenis salmoides. This is a predatory species that has had major negative impacts in isolated river systems in the southern Cape, which have a high degree of endemism. Since a number of voracious indigenous predators (such as the tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau 1861 and the African pike, Hepsetiis odoe (Bloch 1794)) occur in the Okavango (Skelton et al., 1985), indigenous species may not be so vulnerable to predation as was the case in the Cape rivers, where no large specialist indigenous predatory species occurred prior to the introduction of trout and bass. It is difficult to predict with certainty whether the three alien species mentioned above would be successful in establishing populations in the Okavango which is a diverse ecosystem with approximately 80 species of fish (Skelton et al., 1985). Given the evidence that carp and bass have not succeeded in invading species-rich catchments in the eastern Transvaal lowveld, it seems unlikely that these species will succeed in the species-rich Okavango system so long as the condition of this system remains in a relatively pristine state. O. mossambicus, a “tropical” species with a precocial life-history style, seems more likely to succeed in invading the Okavango. The Okavango system, although still relatively pristine compared to many rivers in southern Africa, has been subjected to some major disturbances such as water abstraction, poor catchment 325 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 management, insecticide spraying, and channelisation (Skelton et al., 1985; Merron and Bruton, 1990). Fox and Fox (1986) found a direct correlation between the degree of disturbance and the susceptibility of a biotope to invasion by alien species. An increase in the levels of disturbance is therefore likely to increase the vulnerability of the Okavango region to invasion. For this reason, it would be unwise to adopt a complacent attitude towards the potential of alien species to invade the system. Conclusion Invasive aquatic animals disrupt ecological processes, threaten the genetic integrity of indigenous species, and alienate aquatic habitats. They therefore constitute a severe threat to aquatic ecosystems and need to be monitored and controlled. Distribution records of alien species are not complete, but these do indicate that the problem has reached alarming proportions. The threat posed by invasive species needs to receive as much attention in South Africa as water pollution and habitat deterioration because it contributes to both and causes additional negative repercussions. The importation and translocation of invasive species needs to be strictly controlled and quantitative studies need to be carried out on the impacts of widespread invasive species. It is recommended that special measures be taken to minimise the possibility of the introduction of alien species into certain waterbodies of high conservation status (the Okavango, Mkuze Swamps and Lake Sibaya) which have not as yet been invaded by alien fish. It is noted that these waterbodies are in tropical or sub-tropical regions where water temperatures are likely to be within the tolerance range of many species associated with the aquarium trade. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Dr P.H. Skelton, Dr J.A. Cambray, Mrs P. Black and Mrs J. Holiday for allowing them access to comprehensive museum distribution records; Dr Skelton for providing information on native ranges and fish species assemblages; Mrs S. Abraham and Mr O. West for their assistance in cartographic work; Mrs S. Radloff for her advice on the statistical analysis; and Mr J. Alletson, Mr M. Coke, Mr R. Crass, Mr J. Engelbrecht, Dr G. Merron, Mr A. Smith, Mr S. Thome, Dr B. van der Waal and numerous other workers in nature conservation departments for their help in compiling the distribution records. REFERENCES Alletson, D.J. 1985. Observations on some piscivorous birds in a trout fishing area of Natal. Lainmergeyer 35: 41-46. Anon 1944. Cape Provincial Administration. Inland Fisheries Department Report No. 1 : 1-5. Anon 1958. Large carp caught in Liesbeeck Lake. Piscator 43: 80. Anon 1959. Importation of carp. Piscator 46: 47. Anon 1960. Survey of dams in the northern Cape. CPA Department of Nature Conservation Report No. 17: 55-56. Anon 1962/1963. 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Region Major Rivers & tributaries Major waterbodies/impoundments Towns/places A - Limpopo Al -Crocodile, Jukskei, Marico Rietvlei Dam, Hartbeespoort Dam, N-Johannesburg, Pretoria (A10,A20,A30) Roodeplaat Dam, Marico-Bosveld Dam A2 Botswana tributaries: Shashi Dam Gaberone -Lotsani, Shashi, Metsemothlaba Gaberone Dam A3 -Levuvhu Nzhelele Dam, Albasina Dam, Pietersburg, Potgietersrus (A40,A50,A60,A70,A80,A90) Glen Alpine Dam, Hans Strydom Dam 333 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Appendix 1. Continued. Region Major Rivers & tributaries Major waterbodies/impoundments Towns/places B - Olifants B1 -Blyde, Treur, Steelpoort Bronkhorstspruit Dam, Bronkhorstspruit (B10,B20,B40,B60) Blyderivierspoort Dam B2 -Elands (B30.B50) Rust de Winter, Loskop Dam Marble Hall, Witbank B3 -Letaba (B70.B80.B90) Fanie Botha Dam, Ebeneezer Dam C - Vaal Cl -Klip, Wilge (CIO, C80) Grootdraai Dam, Sterkfontein Dam Bethlehem, Standerton C2 -Skoonspruit, Vet, Mooi, Vais Allemanskraal Dam, Boskop Dam S. Johannesburg, Klerksdorp, (C20,C40,C60,C70) Erfenis Dam, Vaal Dam Parys, Potchefstroom, C3 -Hartz, Modder, Riet Barberspan, Bloemhof Dam, Kalk- Bloemfontein, Kimberley (C30,C50,C90) fontein Dam, Spitzkop Dam D - Orange D1 - Malibamatso, Mokhotlong, Senqu Lesotho highlands D2 -Caledon, Kraai, Makeleng (D10,D20) Maseru D3 -Seekoei (D30,D60,D70) PK le Roux Dam, Verwoerd Dam Douglas, Upington D4 -Hartbees, Sak (D50) Rooidam D5 -Kuruinan, Malopo (D40) Kuruman Oog, Malopo Oog Kuruman D6 -Fish (D80-t-Fish R,) Hardap Dam Oranjemond E Olifants (Clanwilliam) Bulshoek Dam, Clanwilliam Dam Clanwilliam - Tankwa, Dol ing, Twee, Driehoek F Buffalo, Swartdoring G Berg, Bot, Eerste, Heuningnes, Paardevlei, Princessvlei, Cape Town, Somerset W., Klein, Palmiet Seekoeivlei Stellenbosch H Breede - Flex, Nuy, Riviersonderend Brandviei Dam, Theewaterskloof Riviersonderend J Gouritz Gamkapoort Dam Oudtshoorn - Garnka, Groot, Touwsrivier K South coastal Keurbooms, Kromme, Tsitsikama, Groenvlei, Rondevlei, Swartvlei Knysna, Plettenberg Bay L Gamtoos - Baviaanskloof, Groot, Wit Paul Sauer Dam Patensie M Baakens, Swartkops, Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage N Sundays de Hoop Dam, Lake Mentz, Kirkwood P Bushmans, Kariega, Kowie Howiesonspoort Dam Grahamstown, Port Alfred 334 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Appendix 1 . Continued. Region Major Rivers & tributaries Major waterbodies/impoundments Towns/places Q Fish Grassridge Darn, Lake Arthur Cradock R Buffalo, Keiskamma, Nahoon Bridle drift Dam, Maden Dam, East London, Rooikrans Dam Kingwilliamstown S Kei Gubu Dam, Lubisi Dam, Stutterheim - Kubusie, Swart Kei Nqora Dam, Xonxa Dam, T- S. Natal/Transkei TI Mngazi to Kobongaba: Mbashe Mngazi, Mtata (T10,T20,T70,T80) Mtata Dam Umtata T2 Mzamba to Mzimvubu (T30,T60) Mount Frere, Kokstad Mzimvubu - Mzimhlava, Tina, Tinana Port St. Johns T3 Mzimkulu (T40,T50) - Pholela, Mzimkulwana, Mtamvuna, - Ngwangwana Harding, Margate U Mgeni - Karkloof, Msindusi, Albert Falls Dam, Midmar Dam, Durban, Mkomazi - Mquatsheni, Loteni Nagle Dam Pietermaritzburg V Tugela - Buffalo, Mooi Chelmsford Dam, Spionkop Dam, Wagendrift Dam, Woodstock Dam Estcourt, Newcastle w- Zululand/Swaziland W1 Ngwavuma, Phongolo, Usuthu Jericho Dam, Kosi Bay, Mbabane (W40,W50,W60) Pongolapoort Dam, Westoe Dam Pongola W2 Mfolozi, Mhlatuze, Mkuze, (W10,W20,W30,W70) Mkuze Swamps, Lake Sibaya Richards Bay X- Nkomati XI Sabie (X30,X40) Sabie X2 Crocodile (X20) Nelspruit X3 Komati, Mbuluzi (XIO) Kafferskraal, Nooitgedacht N. Swaziland Y- Botswana/Namibia Yl Chobe, Okavango Makgadkgadi Pans, Okavango Swamps Maun Y2 Omataka Omarumba Z Swakop, Kuiseb von Bach Dam, Kuiseb Canyon Windhoek, Swakopmund - Indicates major tributaries of river indicated. * Code for sub-catchments according to Department of Water Affairs statistics (Anon, 1986). 335 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 APPENDIX 2 Checklist of alien species introduced into southern Africa together with selected bibliography (in numerical and alphabetical code, listed in Appendix 4). Scientific classification Native range Date of Impact' Distribution and common name first references introduction Ciliophora Possibly Uncertain PF(116) 116,149, Ichthyophthiriidae Asia (78) major 1 Ichthyophthirius midtifilis Fouquet 1 876 whitespot, ich (78) Oligohymenophorea Uncertain Possibly PF(116) 14, 149 TrichocUna acuta Lorn 1961 (116) 18th C. major trichodina (c) Cnidaria N. hemi- late LI 130 Limnomedusae sphere 1970’s (129, Craspedacusta sowerhyi Lankester 1880 Freshwater medusa (129) (130) 130) Platyhelminthes Asia 1975 PF(25) 18,25,148 Bothriocephalidae Bothriocephaliis achedognathi Yamaguthi 1934 fish tape worm (78) (25) major Arthropoda Possibly Prior to PF 104,149, Crustacea Asia 1983 (104) 1 Argulidae A rgidus japonicus Thiele 1900 fish louse (78) (104) major Parastacidae SW c. 1982 LI 160, Cherax tenidmanus Australia (23) ( 160) r (Smith 1912) (112) marron Cambaridae N. America c. 1992 Possibly 134 Procambarus clarkii (134) (134) HD (Girard 1852) red swamp crayfish (134) Mollusca Probably c. 1966 LI 27,57,128,154 Physidae N. America (57,151) 336 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Appendix 2. Continued. Scientific classification and common name Native range Date of first introduction Impact' Distribution references Physa acuta Draparnaud 1 805 26 physa snail Planorbidae N. America c. 1969 LI 1 1 Helisoma diiryi Weatherby 1879 (b) (b) (11) helisoma snail Lymnaeidae N. America c. 1944 VPL 29,1 15,127,128, Lymnaea columella Say 1817 (b) (28) 27,28 133,150,153,154 lymnaea snail major Chordata Western C.1897 p 39,40,41,42,45,47, Osteichthys N. America (2,43,46, major in 50,54,62,70,87, Salmonidae & E. Asia 64,71,76) some 108,123,139 Oncorhynchus mykiss (108,145) cases a,e,g,h,i,j,k,l, (Walbaum 1792) (36,103) m,n,o,p,x,y,z rainbow trout 1000, 2000 Sabno trutta Europe, Late P 40,41,50,54,65,66, Linnaeus 1758 W. Asia 19th C. (140) 67,69,75,80,81,94, brown trout & Morocco (2,6, major in 131,140,155 (161, J) 119) some cases h,k,t,y (123) 1000, 2000 Cyprinidae E. Europe, c. 1728 IP 39,40,60,72,77, Carassius aunitus central (142) 78 100, (Linnaeus 1758) Asia 8l P goldfish China ( 163) 1000, 2000 Ctenopliaryngoclon idellus Asia 1967 DAV, P (Valenciennes 1844) (83) (23) IP grass carp (25,120,122) Cyprinus carpio Asia & 18th IP, 3,5,9,15,17,24, Linnaeus 1758 E. Europe century DAV, HD 31,35,36,40,44,47, common carp (12,85) (4,142) (2,78,85, 51,56,58,62,74,75, 109,162, 77,81,95,100,101, 164,165) 103,105,106,109,1 124,132,139,143, i,q,s,w,y,aa 1000, 2000 Hypoph thahn icirthys China & 1975 unknown 1 moUtrix E. Siberia (163) 2000 (Valenciennes 1844) (163) silver carp 337 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Appendix 2. Continued. Scientific classification and common name Native range Date of first introduction Impact' Distribution references T’/ttcfl Linnaeus 1758 Europe & 1910 LI 8,24,97, tench W. Asia (162) (2) o,w Poeciliidae SE& 1936 C 152. Ganihusia afflnis (Baird & Girard 1854) gambusia, mosquitofish central N. America (108) (2) l.p.u PoecUia reticulata S. America 1912 C, f.v.w (Peters 1859) guppy north of Amazon R. (82) (61,136) 1000,2000 Xiphophorus helleri S. Mexico Before C, PEL 10 Heckel 1840 & Guatemala 1974 (96) w,x swordtail (146) (7,96) 1000.2000 Centrarchidae E & central 1938 C, PEL 20,22,35,39,40„5(), Lcponiis nuicroclunis N. America (61) major 58,81.94,1 1 1.139, Rafinesque 1819 bluegill sunfish (135) (49,85, 87) 152,155, d.ky.aa, 1000 Micropterus dohnnieu E. Canada 1937 P major 24,39,80,87,93,98, Lacepede 1 802 & USA (63) (9,35,49. 101,102,126,159 smallmoLith bass (108) 102,126, 140) e.k.y.ab 1000,2000 Micropterus pimctidatus SE of USA 1939 unknown e,g.m (Rafinesque 1819) spotted bass (108) (68) 1000,2000 Micropterus sahuoides N. America 1928 P major 13,15,21,37.40, (Lacepede 1802) largemouth bass (135) (2) 2,13,23. 35,87,140 44,,75,80, 81, 13,132, 139,143,144,152.157, e,g,h,y,z,aa,ab 1000,2000 Percidae Europe & 1927 LI P Perea fluviatilis Linnaeus 1758 perch Asia (79) (2) (23) 1000 Cichlidae Middle E c, 1965 LI 157 Oreochroiu is aureus & NE Africa (157) PH 338 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AERICA Appendix 2. Continued. Scientific classification Native range Date of Impact' Distribution and common name first intro. References (Steindachner 1864) Israeli tilapia (147) (31) Oreochromis niloticus Middle E. c. 1959 LI 156 (Linnaeus 1758) & NE Africa (156) PH Nile tilapia (147) (156) Reptilia SE of USA Before Poss. 1 14 Testudinae (38) 1984 VPM Trachemys scripta elegans (114) (114) (Schoepff 1792) red-eared terrapin Legend for impact of species. C - Competition with indigenous species DAV - Destruction of aquatic vegetation HD - Habitat destruction IP - Associated with the introduction of parasites PH - Possibility of hybridisation with congeneric indigenous species LI - Little impact P - Predator of indigenous species PF - Parasite of indigenous fish PFL - Predator of fish larvae and eggs VPL - Vector of parasites of livestock Major - Indicates major impact of species on the aquatic environment APPENDIX 3 Checklist of translocated indigenous species whose native range is within the study area together with selected bibliography (in numerical and alphabetical code, listed in Appendix 4). Scientific classification and common name Catchments* of native range Impact' Distribution references Cyprinidae C,D uncertain, 32,33,34,86, Barbus aeneus (Burchell 1822) (141) PH 92,107,137, smallmouth yellowfish (107) e,i, 1000 Barbus anoplus Weber 1897 chubbyhead barb A1,B1,C.D1,D2, D3,D4,D5,E,J, L,M,P,Q,R,S,T3= U=,V,W,X (141) uncertain 1,44 339 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Appendix 3. Continued. Scientific cla,ssification and common name Catchments* of native range Impact' Distribution references Labeo capensis (Smith 1841 ) Orange River labeo C,D(14I) C,PH 32,33,34,48,i, 1000 Labeo umhmtiis (Smith 1841) mud mullet C,D,J,L,N,P,Q (141) HD (88) 32,87,88,90, !41,i, 1000, 2000 Clariidae Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) sharptooth catfish A,B,C,D,V,W,X,Y (141) P.C expect major impact (107,110) 33,34,52,107, 1 10, 1000,2000 Cichlidae Chetia flaviventris Trewavas 1961 A (141) uncertain 1 Oreochromis andersonii (Castelnau 1861 ) three spot tilapia Y (1 17,141) PH 55 Oreochromis macrochir (Boulenger 1912) greenhead tilapia Y (141) PH 55,1 Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters 1851) Mozambique tilapia A,B,P,Q,R,S,T, U,V,W,X (141) C,PH, expect major impact (41,52,132) 17,41,44,51,91, 132,138,141,158 1000 Sargochromis codringtoiii (Boulenger 1908) green happy Y(117) PH 55 Serranochromis angusiiceps (Boulenger 1907) thinface largemouth Y (141) PH 55 Serranochromis robustus (Boulenger 1896) nembwe Y (141) PH 55,119,121, s Serranochromis thunbergi (Castelnau 1861) brownspot largemouth Y (141) PH 55 Tilapia rendalli Gilchrist & Thompson 1917 redbreast tilapia A.B.W.X.Y (141) DAV major impact (16,99,125) 19,30,119,122,125 1000,2000 340 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Appendix 3. Continued. Scientific classification Catchments* of Impact' Distribution and common name native range References Tilapia sparnnanii Smith 1 840 banded tilapia Anabantidae Sandelia capensis (Cuvier 1831) Cape rocky A,B,C,D3.D4,D5, D6,W,X,Y (141) G,H,J,K,L,M (141) C (49,140) C (59) * Ref. Fig. 1 & Appendix 1 for codes and description of catchments Legend for the impact of species as in Appendix 2 24,35,50,74,87, 140,155,1000,2000 ,59,x,1000 Although the native range includes most of the T and U catchments (Skelton 1993), Barbus anoplus is absent from the Mkomazi and Mzimkulu catchments within U and Tj( respectively. Although normally translocations within major catchments are beyond the scope of this paper, an exception is made here since these catchments are completely separated from others within the major catchments of U and T3, APPENDIX 4 References associated with Appendices 2 and 3 1. Alletson, 1985 2. Anon, 1944 3. Anon, 1958 4. Anon, 1959 5. Anon, I960 6. Anon. 1962/63 7. Anon, 1974 8. Anon, 1975/76 9. Anon, 1982 10. Appleton, 1974 II. Appleton, 1977 12. Balon, 1974 13. Barrow. 1971 14. Basson et al., 1983 15. Batchelor. 1974 16. Batchelor, 1978 17. Begg, 1976 18. Boomker et al., 1980 19. Bourquin, 1985 20. Bourquin and Mathias, 1984 21. Bourquin and Sowler, 1980 22. Bourquin and van Rensberg, 1984 23. Bourquin et al., 1984 24. Braack, 1981 25. Brandt et al.. 1981 26. Brown, 1967 27. Brown, 1978 28. Brown, 1980 29. Bruton and Appleton. 1975 30. Bruton and Kok, 1980 31. Bruton and van As, 1986 32. Cambray et al.. 1977 33. Cambrey and Jubb, 1977a 34. Cambray andJubb. 1977b 35. Cambray and Stuart, 1985 36. Cambray and Meyer, 1988 37. Coetzee. 1977 38. Conant. 1958 39. Crass, 1964 40. Crass, 1966 41. Crass, 1969a 42. Crass, 1969b 43. Day, 1932 44. Dixon and Blom, 1974 45. Donnelly, 1965 46. du Plessis, 1961 47. du Plessis and le Roux, 1965 48. Fogarty, 1980 49. Gaigher (C.M.), 1981 50. Gaigher (IG), 1975a 51. Gaigher. 1975b 52. Gaigher et al., 1980 53. George, 1976 54. Gephard, 1977 55. Gilmore, 1978 56. Goldner, 1967 57. Hamiiton-Attwell et al., 1970 58. Hamman. 1980 59. Hamman et al., 1984 60. Harrison, 1938 341 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 61. Harrison, 1939 64. Harrison, 1954 67. Harrison, 1964 70. Harrison, 1966/67 73, Heard and King, 1981 76. Hey, 1926 79. Holcik and Mihalik, 1968 82. Jacobs, 1971 85. Jubb. 1959 88. Jubb, 1966 91. Jubb. 1968 94. Jubb, 1972 97. Jubb, 1978 100. King and Bok, 1984 103. Kleynhans, 1984 106. La Hausse de Lalouviere. 1986 109. Marshall, 1972 112. Morrissy, 1978 1 15. Oberholzer and van Eeden. 1967 118. Pienaar, 1978 121. Pike, 1983 124. Plumstead et al.. 1985 127. Pretorius et al., 1975 130, Rayner, 1988 133. Schutte and Frank. 1964 136. Siegfried. 1962 139. Skelton, 1986 142. Skelton and Skead. 1984 145. Smith and Stearley, 1989 148. van Aset ah. 1981 151. van Bruggen. 1966 154. van Eeden et ah. 1980 157. van Schoor, 1969a 160. Walmsiey, 1988 163. Welcomme, 1988 Personal communication a- Alletson, D.J. b - Appleton, C.C. c - Basson, L. d - Benade, B. e - Bok, A. f - Bourquin, O. g - Cambray, J.A. h - Coetzee, A. i - Coke, M. j - Crass, R. 62. Harrison, 1948 65. Harrison. 1958 68. Harrison, 1964/65 71. Harrison. 1972/73 74. Heard and King, 1982 77. Hocutt and Skelton, 1983 80. Jackson, 1982 83. Jayaram. 1981 86. Jubb, 1963 89. Jubb, 1966/67 92. Jubb, 1971a 95. Jubb. 1973 98. Jubb, 1979 101. Koch and Schoonbee. 1980 104. Kruger, 1971 107. Laurenson and Hocutt, 1986 no. Mayekiso, 1986 113. Mulder, 1986 116. Paperna, 1980 119. Pike, 1980a 122. Pike, 1986 125. Potgieter, 1974 128. Pretorius et ah, 1980 131. Rondorf, 1976 134. Schoonbee. 1993 137. Skelton, 1972 140. Skelton, 1987 143. Smith. 1983 146. Sterba, 1962 149. van As and Basson, 1984 152. van der Merwe, 1970 155. van Rensburg. 1 966 158. van Schoor, 1969b 161. Welcomme, 1981 164. Crivelli, 1983 63. Harrison. 1953 66. Harrison. 1960/61 69. Harrison, 1966 72. Harrison and Lewis, 1968/69 75. Heeg, 1983 78. Hoffman and Schubert, 1984 8 1 . Jackson et ah. 1983 84. Joubert, 1984 87. Jubb. 1965 90. Jubb. 1967 93. Jubb, 1971b 96. Jubb, 1976/77 99. Junor, 1969 102. Kleynhans, 1983 105. Kruger et ah, 1983 108. Lee et ah, 1980 111. McVeigh. 1984 1 14. Newbery, 1984 1 17. Philippart and Ruwet. 1982 120, Pike. 1980b 123. Pike and Tedder, 1973 126. Pott, 1981 129. Rayner, 1981 132. Schrader, 1985 135. Scott and Crossman, 1973 138. Skelton, 1981 141. Skelton, 1993 144. Smith, 1984 147. Trewawas, 1983 150. van Bruggen, 1964 153. van Eeden and Brown, 1966 156. van Schoor, 1966 159. Viljoen and van As, 1985 162. Welcomme, 1984 165. Fletcher et ah, 1985 Natal Parks Board, Pietermaritzburg. Department of Zoology, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. Department of Zoology, University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, Cape Department of Nature Conservation, Kimberley. Cape Department of Nature Conservation, Port Elizabeth. Natal Parks Board, Pietermaritzburg. Albany Museum, Grahamstown. Fisheries Research Station, Marble Hall. Natal Parks Board, Pietermaritzburg. (formerly) Natal Parks Board, Pietermaritzburg. 342 DE MOOR AND BRUTON: ALIEN AND TRANSLOCATED AQUATIC ANIMALS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA k - Davies. M.T.T. I - Engelbreclit, J. m - Hamman, K.C.D. n - Hoffman, J. 0 - James, N.P.E. p - Kleynhans, C.J. q - Merron, G.S, r - Palmer, C. s - Pike, T. 1 - Pitt. R. u - Ratte, T. V - Reavell. P. w - Ribbink. A X - Skelton P.H. y - Smith, A. z - Thorne, S. aa - van der Waal, B. ab - van Loggerenberg, Museum records Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. Transvaal Nature Con.servation Division. Lydenberg. Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Bellevue, Cape Town. Fisheries Research Slalion, Marble Hall. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown. Water Research Commission, Pretoria. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown. Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University, Grahamstown. Natal Parks Board. Pietermaritzburg. Federation of South African Fly Fishers, Eastern Cape Chapter. Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Sedgefield. Lhiiversity of Zululand. Empangeni. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown. Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Stellenbosch. Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation, Stellenbosch. University of Venda, Sibasa. Transvaal Nature Conservation Division, Lydenburg. 1000 - Albany Museum record. 2000 - J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology record. APPENDIX 3 Existing and future interbasin transfer schemes between major catchments in southern Africa which could result in further translocations (after Pettijean and Davies, 1988). Scheme Status Donor catchment Recipient river(i & catchment Usuthu-Vaal Completed Vaal Steenkoolspruit (Cl) Olifants (B 1 ) Usuthu Vaal (Wl) (Cl) Tugela-Vaal Completed Tugela Vaal (V) (Cl) Orange project Sections completed Orange Fish (D3) (Q) Fish Sundays (Q) (N) Riviersonderend- Completed Breede Eerste Berg (H) (G) 343 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 6 29 APRIL 1996 Appendix 5. Continued. Scheme Status Donor catchment Recipient river(s) & catchment Ea.stern National Under construction Kavango Swakop Water Carrier (Y2) (Z) Lesotho Highlands Under construction Upper Vaal Orange ( D 1 ) (C2) Amatola Under construction Toise & Nahoon & Kubusie Yellowoods Kei (S) (R) Mooi-Mgeni Under construction Mooi (Tugela) Mpofana (Mgeni) (V) (LI) Mzinikulii-Mkomazi Linder construction Mkomazi Mgeni & lllovo (U) (U) Mzimkuiu Mkomazi (T3) (U) Zambezi ac|ueduct Proposed Zambezi Botswana & Vaal (YI.D5, C3) Addendum At the time of going to press the following two new distribution records were received: Gambusici ciffinis in the Fish River (catchment Q) (Ter Morshuizen pers. comm.) Oreochromis mossambicus in the Gouritz catchment (J) (Bok pers. comm.) 344 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAYOUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted on floppy disk accompanied by three print-outs (spacing I/2 or 2). In exceptional cases typed manuscripts will be accepted. These should be submitted in triplicate, typed on A4 size paper, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and with wide margins all round. Only generic and specific names should be underlined to indicate italics. All other marking up should be left to the editor. Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible. All measurements should be metric. Systematic papers should follow the rules of the International code of zoological nomenclature or the International code of botanical nomenclature, as applicable. ILLUSTRATIONS should bear the author’s name, title of paper and number in soft pencil on the reverse side. Diagrams, line drawings and photographs are all regarded as figures, should be termed as such and should be numbered in a single series. In addition to the original illustrations a photocopy of each should be submitted. 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De Winter, B. 1969. Plant taxonomy today. S.Afr.J.Sci. 65 (8): 229-242. Jlibb, R. a. 1967. Freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Cape Town: Balkema. GALLEY PROOES are sent (when practicable) to authors for checking printer’s errors. Adjustments of language, style and punctuation and any other amendments of the original manuscript, if made at this stage, may be charged to authors. AUTHOR’S COPIES (50) are issued free of charge. When more than one author is involved the fifty free copies will be sent to the senior author. Additional copies ordered before printing are supplied at a reduced cost. CADAR, P.E.-K887 , ISSN 0570-1880 NH Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums Natural History Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Volume 19 Part 7 29th April 1996 Nesting and flower visiting of some southern African Anthophorini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Apidae: Apinae) F.W. GESS and S.K. GESS m 3 0 1997 tlBRARlE-^ Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series. Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the collection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in connection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahamstown 6140. Editor Dr F. W. GESS Assistant Editor Dr S. K. GESS Nesting and flower visiting of some southern African Anthophorini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Apidae: Apinae) by F.W. GESS and S.K. GESS (Albany Museum, Grahamstown, 6140 South Africa) ABSTRACT Accounts are given of nesting in horizontal or gently sloping ground by two species of Ainegilla Friese, A. (Micrainegilla) atrocincta (Lepeletier) and A. (Zebramegilla) punclifrons (Walker). The burrow of A. (M.) atrocincta is excavated using water and the entrance is surmounted by a turret. Each shaft, of which there may be more than one per nest, is terminated by a single cell. Water is not used in excavation by A. (Z.) pimctifrons. Soil particles are extracted using the mandibles and are raked out of the burrow. Each shaft, of which there may be more than one per nest, is terminated by several cells in linear series. Notes are given on the nesting in vertical earthen banks by two species of Anthophora Latreille, A. ( Heliophila ) praecox Friese and A. ( ParamegiUa ) epichariformis Gribodo neither of which constructs an entrance turret. Evidence is given for possible associations between Thyreus alfkeni Brauns and Thyreus delumbatus (Vachal) and A. (Z.) punctifrons, and between Thyreus calceatiis (Vachal) and A. (H.) praecox. Flower visiting records, totalling 502, are given for 16 species of Ainegilla and 10 species of Anthophora. Analysis of these records shows that the differences in flower choice between genera and also between subgenera (despite the lack of distinction between pollen and nectar collection) indicate that the Anthophorini do not as a rule practise indiscriminate broad polylecty. INTRODUCTION Remarkably little has been published on the biology of the southern African species of Anthophora Latreille and Ainegilla Friese (Apoidea: Apidae: Apinae: Anthophorini). Brauns (1913) and Rozen (1969) gave life history notes on two species of Anthophora. Although some observations were made by the present authors from time to time over the past twenty years the difficulty experienced in determining the voucher specimens discouraged more intensive investigation. With the recent taxonomic revisions of the southern African species of these genera (Eardley and Brooks 1989, Eardley 1994) the identification of these bees has been greatly facilitated. It seems useful to present and discuss the available nesting observations and flower visiting records despite the fact that on the whole they are of a somewhat fragmentary nature. This may lay the foundation and provide the stimulus for further investigations. NESTING Ainegilla ( Micrainegilla ) atrocincta (Lepeletier) Geographic distribution Ainegilla (Micramegilla) atrocincta occurs throughout southern Africa, with the noticeable exception of the region incorporating southern Namibia, and the northern, central and western Cape Province (Eardley 1994). 347 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Nesting areas, nesting sites and nesting density’ Two nesting areas have been located on the farms Hilton (27.15S, 32.2 IE) and Clifton (27.1 IS, 32.24E), respectively 1 8 and 19 kilometres WNW Grahamstown in the southeastern extension of the Nama Karoo. The vegetation of Clifton, the more easterly farm, differs from that of Hilton in having a higher succulent element. The nesting sites were in bare areas of non-friable clayey soil in low scrub, all in close proximity to water. The surface of the ground chosen for nesting was in all instances horizontal to subhorizontal. During the eight years from 1973 to 1981 during which the authors were working intensively on the farm Hilton Ainegilla atrocincta was very rarely sighted. Only two single nests were found, one in 1973 and one in 1978. In some years Ainegilla atrocincta has been relatively commonly encountered on forage plants at Clifton; however, the nests have proved difficult to locate. No aggregations of nests were found, only single widely scattered nests. During the summer 1985/1986, when a deliberate effort was made to locate nests, only five nests were found. Brauns ( l913)commented that, at Willowmore, he found A. atrocincta (as Antliopliora plumipes) nesting in areas of hard level ground, the nest entrance generally covered by a stone. No nests so sited have been found by the authors. Flight period Collecting dates (collected records from Eardley 1 994, additional records from label data Albany Museum) throughout the range of A. atrocincta suggest that this bee is most commonly in flight from mid- to late-summer, December to March in the Cape Province. Certainly in the vicinity of Grahamstown, where the Gesses have collected throughout the year, this bee is most commonly encountered in January and February. To the north in the Transvaal, Zimbabwe and Namibia the flight period is more extended there being scattered records from September through to May. Flower visiting All plants in flower on Hilton and Clifton were sampled for flower visitors at intervals throughout the summer. It was found that males and females of Ainegilla atrocincta commonly visited the white flowers of Blepharis capensis (L.f.) Pers. ( Acanthaceae) at Clifton during January and February. An additional two males were taken on flowers of B. capensis at Waterford (33.07S, 25.01E). Though not sampled A. atrocincta was observed visiting the yellow flowers of Cotyledon campamilata Marloth (Crassulaceae) in addition to those of B. capensis during January 1986 when the nesting behaviour of the bees was being investigated on Clifton. No forage plants of these bees were located at Hilton. The only other flower visiting records available are of two females taken on the yellow flowers of Berkheya heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. (Asteraceae) between Lynton and Vlakwater (27.09S, 32.18E). Voucher specimens are listed in Appendix 1 under Grahamstown and Waterford. Provision The provision is in the form of a syrup on which the egg or larva floats. Pollen from the cells of two nests at Clifton was examined microscopically. Though mixed, the bulk of the pollen from both nests matched that of C. campannlata. No pollen matching that of B. capensis was found suggesting that this plant was principally visited for nectar. However, provision from a third nest, investigated 348 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI when the flowers of C. campamdata were almost over, contained an appreciable proportion of pollen matching that from B. capensis and Peristrophe cermia Nees (Acanthaceae) but very little pollen matching that from C. campamdata. The cells when opened gave off a marked odour which could be described as “meady” or “cheesy”. It was probably a combination of odours derived from the provision and the waxy Dufour’s gland secretion. Male behaviour At Clifton, in addition to feeding at the flowers of B. capensis males were frequently observed patrolling a patch of this plant growing in close proximity to nest sites. None was observed in the vicinity of nests. Sheltering and sleeping A nesting female was observed by the present authors sheltering head downwards in her nest. Males and un-mated, and therefore nestless, females were observed by Brauns (1913) spending the night on low plants, up to 10 bees in a row on a single twig, holding on firmly with their mandibles, and in smaller numbers under stones. Description of nest The nest consists of a subterranean burrow surmounted by a cylindrical erect or inclined tun-et constructed from mud and having an inner diameter of 9 mm and reaching lengths of up to 80 mm (Fig. 1). Individual applications of mud are visible on the outside of the turret but the inside is smoothed. The burrows of six of the seven nests investigated consisted of a single subvertical shaft, 8-9 mm in diameter. Four terminated in a single cell and two had not reached the stage of cell construction. The burrow of the sixth nest bifurcated just below the surface of the ground (Fig. 2). One shaft, apparently the first excavated, led directly downwards whereas the other at first sloped gently before continuing downwards parallel with the first shaft. Each shaft terminated in a single cell at an average depth of 172.4 mm (sample of five, range 130-208 mm). The sides of the cells were parallel and the base was rounded. The diameter of the cells was the same or marginally greater than that of the shafts. The lengths of the two cells measured were 20 and 23 mm. The walls were smooth and lined with v/hite wax. Each cell was closed with a mud and wax plug which was somewhat smoothed above but not below and which was slightly concave above and was either flat or somewhat concave below as the plug was sometimes deeper around its circumference than at its centre. Above each cell plug was a capping of mud. Above this a portion of shaft, slightly shorter than a cell, with smoothed walls formed a chamber. This chamber v/as full of mud pellets, and was sealed with a mud plate. The shaft above this chamber was full of loose earth and there was an additional mud plate at a variable height along its length. In one nest a mud plate sealed the shaft at ground level within the turret. Method of construction Water is required for the excavation of the burrow, construction of the tuiTet, smoothing of the cell walls and construction of the mud seals. Water is collected by the female from a nearby pool. Whilst taking in water she stands on the mud at the water’s edge. 349 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS, (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 •V ¥ 350 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI Fig. 2. Vertical plan of one of the nests of Amegilia (Micramegilla) atrocincta (Lepeletier) investigated on the farm Clifton (27.1 IS, 32.24E). Scale bar = 10 cm. 351 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Having selected a suitable nesting site and returned with a load of water the female initiates excavation. She regurgitates the water and mixes it with the soil to form mud which she passes back beneath herself, rotating steadily. The mud is positioned around the rim of the shaft initial to form the base of the turret. Further extracted mud is passed hack in the same manner and is positioned by the tip of the abdomen. The lengths of time spent away from the nest collecting water, actually imbibing water and working at the nest excavating mud and working on the construction of the nest were measured for one of the builders. She was found to take 20-34 seconds away from the nest to fetch water. 13-14 seconds to tank up, and for each water load 2-3 minutes excavating, adding two loads of mud to the tuiret and smoothing it on the inside. On her return flights to the nest she circled above the nest and then flew straight in. In one instance a shaft passed through a patch of weakly structured soil. The walls of this section of the shaft had been shored up by cementing with mud. The excavated cell walls were smoothed apparently with the use of water. There was no constructed mud cell within the excavated cell. The wax lining of the cell forms a distinct layer which can be separated from the earthen wall. The wax coating of the cell wall extends into the mouth of the cell. The mud and wax plug sealing the ceil is constructed within the mouth of the cell fitting like a stopper into the neck of ajar. The mud is laid down spirally; however, the spiral is not continuous as each load of mud is added without matching the end of the previous spiral which is little more than a ring with overlapping ends. Five such broken rings could be counted on one of the plugs. The central remaining aperture is crudely plugged with a final load of mud which may project on the lower surface as a rough knob. The manner in which the wax is applied is not clear. As the lower surface of the plug including the knob has a visible white coating it is thought that the wax is probably added with the mud. The upper surface is roughly smoothed and given a light wax coating. An additional mud capping is added above the stopper and this bonds with the walls of the shaft above the cell. The mud capping added above the cell plug, unlike the plug shows no patterning. It is, apparently, simply a layer of mud spread over the plug and onto the walls at the base of the chamber above the cell. Its function appears to be to completely seal the cell, as the plug is not firmly attached to the cell wails there being a layer of wax between the earthen walls and the plug. No wax is added to this capping or to the walls of the chamber above the cell. The function of the wax appears to be to waterproof the cell, the provision being fluid. Associated insects Of the seven nests two were found to have been “parasitised”. One nest had been usurped by a megachilid. This nest contained one A. atrocincta cell which had been lined with wax and partly provisioned. The cell and the shaft above it had been filled with gravel to a height of 30 mm above the cell. The megachilid bee had then constructed a petal cell sealed above with a petal disc. The sealing disc was identified as being cut from a white petal of B. capensis. The remainder of the shaft had been filled with gravel. Pollen from the provision was examined and found to be of two forms, one of which matched that of P. cernua (Acanthaceae) and the other Pentzia incana (Thunb.) Kuntze (Asteraceae). In the other nest eight non-phoretic triungulin larvae of a meloid beetle were found in the single sealed cell. 352 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI Amegilla (Zebramegilla) piinctifrom (Walker) Geographic distribution Amegilla {Zebramegilla} piinctifrons is widespread in subsaharan Africa, and apparently occurs throughout the subcontinent, except that it is noticeably absent from the western, southwestern, central and northern Cape Province, and from the southern half of Namibia (Eardley 1994). Nesting areas, nesting sites and nesting density Brauns (1913) noted that A. (Z.) piinctifrons (as Anthophora circulata) nests in extensive aggregations in bare level places in the vicinity of Willowmore. The present authors have located two further nesting areas. One in the eastern Nama Karoo on the neighbouring farms of Clifton (27.1 IS, 32.24E) and Thursford, WNW of Grahamstown, and the other in the southern Great Karoo at the interface between the Succulent Karoo and the Nama Karoo on the farm Tierberg (33. OSS, 22. 1 6E), to the east of Prince Albert. The sites of nesting aggregations in these areas are bare patches of horizontal to gently sloping clayey ground in karroid scrub with a strong succulent element. In all instances, although there was an abundance of similar bare areas and although the bare areas selected were extensive, even in small aggregations, the nests were crowded together, new nests being added around the fringes of the aggregations. Flight period Collecting dates (collected records from Eardley 1994 and additional records from Albany Museum) suggest that A. (Z.) piinctifrons is in flight in the southern and eastern Cape from early summer, October, through to late summer, March. To the north in the northern Transvaal and Zimbabwe it is possible that it flies through the winter as it has been collected from June to August. Flower visiting On the farm Clifton females and males of A. (Z.) piinctifrons regularly forage together with A. ( M. ) atrocincta on the white flowers of Blepharis ct7/?£’/!5/.v ( Acanthaceae) in January and Eebruary. In addition in October early flying males were taken on the same flowers at Clifton and on yellowish- white flowers of a “mesem” (Mesembryanthemaceae) on Verdun (33.10S, 25.50E) in the Kommadagga District to the north west of Clifton. Voucher specimens are listed under Grahamstown and Kommadagga in Appendix 1 . No forage plants of A. (Z.) piinctifrons were located on Tierberg. Provision Provision from the cells of nests excavated on Tierberg was a very wet mixture of pollen and nectar. Some of the pollen was examined microscopially and was found to be of two types, one relatively large and oval and the other relatively small and spherical, both smooth walled as seen with the light microscope. Though comparisons with pollen from plants in flower were made it was not possible to identify the pollen with any certainty. 353 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Sheltering and sleeping Sleeping by A. (Z. j punctifrons has not been observed by the present authors but has been recorded at Willowmore by Brauns (1913). He found sleeping clusters of males and females mixed, up to 30, on low bushes, the bees being firmly clamped onto the stems by means of their mandibles. More rarely, males were found sheltering together with males of Amegilla niveata (Friese) (as Anthophora niveata) in hollow stems, lying on the ground, and in dry open seed capsules of Datura. Actively nesting females appeared to retire to their nests at night. Description of the nest Access to all nests was direct. In no instance was there any form of nest entrance turret. Three nests of a nesting aggregation on Tierberg were excavated. The shaft, 6- 6.5 mm in diameter, in all three nests initially sloped gently downwards before continuing subvertically at a constant diameter to a depth of 95-105 mm below which it ended in one to three subvertical to sloping cells in linear series (Fig. 3). In two of the nests there were secondary shafts in addition to the main shaft, in one a single secondary shaft and in the other two and the initial of a third. The secondary shafts in turn each Fig. 3. Vertical plans of the nests of Amegilla (Zehnmiegilla) punctifrons (Walker) investigated on the farm Tierberg (33. 088, 22.I6E). Scale bar = 10 cm. 354 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI ended in a linear series of cells. Between the last completed cell in each series and the opening to the next excavated shaft the shaft had been filled with earth and sealed off from the main shaft with a mud-plate. Twelve cells in all were obtained. Each was 10 mm long and 7-7.5 mm in diameter at mid-length. The walls were cemented and smoothed, and coated with wax. Method of construction Water is not used in nest excavation. A burrow is initiated at a shallow angle to the ground surface. Soil is extracted using the mandibles, the bee continuously turning on its long axis. The spoils of excavation are raked out of the nest and accumulate to one side of the nest. In densely populated nesting aggregations there are no distinct tumuli, the entire surface of the compacted clayey ground becoming covered with destructured soil. An entrance to a well established nest is concealed with loose earth through which the bee digs when entering. Associated insects During the nesting season female Thyreus have repeatedly been observed in attendance at and digging through closures of nests of A. (Z.) punctifrons on the farms Thursford and Clifton strongly suggesting a parasitic association. A sample of eight was constituted of seven Thyreus alfkeni (Brauns), three from Thursford and four from Clifton, and one Thyreus delumbutus (Vachal) from Clifton. Brauns (1913) recorded that the latter (as Crocisa hraunsiana Friese) was present in large numbers in association with the nesting aggregations of A. (Z.) punctifrons (as Anthophora circulata) at Willowmore and, though he gives no further evidence, refers to it as a regular parasite. It is of interest that T. delumbatus was collected in company with its putative host visiting Bowers of B. copensis on Clifton. A single female mutillid was observed digging through the loose earth closure of a nest on Thursford suggesting a parasitic association. Anthophora (Heliophila) praecox Friese Geographic distribution Anthophora ( Heliophila ) praecox Friese has been recorded from the western, southern and eastern Cape Province, from the eastern Orange Free State and Lesotho (Eardley and Brooks 1989, Fig. 108). Nesting areas, nest sites and density Two nesting areas of A.(H.) praecox have been located, Hilton Farm (27.I5S, 32.2 IE), Grahamstown and Tierberg Farm (33.08S, 22.I6E), Prince Albert. Nesting sites in both areas were water cut vertical banks, in the former a river bank and in the latter the bank of an erosion gully. On Tierberg the bee was also found nesting in an artificial vertical bank, the mud wall of a ruined building. Nesting in the walls of buildings was previously noted by Brauns (1913) who observed that A. (H.) praecox (as A. wartmanni var. praecox Friese) in Willowmore was often found nesting in large numbers close together in walls constructed of unbaked bricks. The nests on Hilton and Tierberg were also similarly crowded together. 355 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19. PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Flower visiting and provision Anthophora (H.) praeco.x has been collected on the yellow flowers of Berkheya species ( Asteraceae) from the Olifants River Valley in the west to Hilton Farm, Grahamstown in the east. In addition it has been collected on flowers of Sphalmanthns sp. (Mesembryanthemaceae) at Klein Doom River, 10 km E Lemoenshoek, and on the blue flowers of Anchiisa capensis Thunberg (Boraginaceae) on Hilton Farm. Voucher specimens are listed in Appendix 1. This bee was not collected on flowers on Tierberg farm but pollen from provision from nest cells was compared microscopically with that of plants growing in the vicinity of the nests and was found to match that of Pentzia incana (Asteraceae). The cells from the Hilton nests had been provisioned with a very wet but not fluid orange pollen and nectar mixture which filled the cells to within 5 mm of the seal. The surface of the provision was smooth. Description of the nest The nest, which is sited in a vertical compacted earthen bank, is a single-celled to multi-celled burrow, in some instances with at least two cells in linear series. Access to the burrow is by a simple entrance hole without any form of entrance turret. The cells are smoothed on the inside, lined with a “varnish” like substance, and closed with a mud seal coated on both surfaces with the same substance as is used for lining the cells. Method of construction of the nest and oviposition Nest initiation has not been observed. It was not clear whether the burrows were self-excavated or pre-existing. Those at Hilton were in reddish “sandstone” and the cells had been lined with mud clearly introduced into the nest, suggesting that the burrows might have been pre-existing. No such difference between the substrate and the cell lining was observed in the Tierberg burrows. The burrows in the erosion gulley were crowded together and apparently interlinked sharing more than one entrance and a single entrance being entered by more than one female, suggesting nest sharing. A single egg was obtained from a horizontally positioned cell from a Hilton nest. It was white, curved, 3.5 mm long and 0.75 mm wide at mid-length and had been laid onto the vertical surface of the provision. It was only attached by the upper end, the rest of the egg hanging free from the provision. Associated insects No direct evidence for nest parasitism was obtained; however, Thyreus calceatus (Vachal) was commonly in attendance at the nests in the river bank at Hilton. Anthophora (Parantegilla) epichariformis Gribodo Geographic distribution Anthophora (Paraniegilla) epichariformis Gribodo has been recorded from the southwestern Cape (Eardley and Brooks 1 989). A nesting female and a male collected on the farm Tierberg (33. 088, 22.16E) to the east of Prince Albert in the southern Great Karoo (26.xi.-5.xii. 1987, F.W., S.K. and 356 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI R.W.Gess) extends the known distribution eastwards. Nesting area and nest site One nest ofA.(P-) epichariformis was located on the farm Tierberg. It was situated near the base of a high, subvertical, south-facing bank of the Tierberg River and sited beneath an overhang. The river bank is constituted of a grey poorly sorted unconsolidated modern alluvium. Flower visiting and provision There appear to be no flower visiting records; however, pollen taken from the provision of the three cells obtained from the excavated nest was all of one kind and matched that of a Pteronia species (Asteraceae) growing in the vicinity of the nest. The provision was a moist pollen and nectar mass. Description of the nest and egg The single nest obtained consisted of a burrow excavated in the river bank. There was no entrance turret. The shaft penetrated the bank horizontally for 2 cm and then turned at right angles to run subvertically downwards more-or-less parallel to the surface of the bank to a depth of 10 cm terminating in three cells in linear series each sealed with mud. The walls of the cells were cemented and lined with a waxy coating. The egg, which is laid onto the surface of the provision, is curved, yellow and 4.5 mm long from tip to tip across the arc. Method of construction of the nest Water did not appear to have been used for the excavation of the burrow. The nature of the bonding agent used for cementing the walls of the cell and sealing the cells was not identified. DISCUSSION OF NESTING BY AMEGILLA AND TWO SUBGENERA 0¥ ANTHOPHORA, HELIOPHILA AND PARAMEGILLA The most detailed description of the nesting of an AmegiUa is that of Houston (1991) for the Australian AmegiUa (Asaropoda) daw son i (Rayment). Eurther nesting accounts for Australian AmegiUa species are for AmegiUa (Asaropoda) sp. 2 (Houston 1991 ), AmegiUa (Asaropoda) sp. ( ?bomhiformis, Cardale \ 96Sh), AmegiUa (Asaropoda) sp. (Maynard \992), AmegiUa (Zonamegilla) pidchra (Smith) (Michener I960, as A. salteri (Rayment); Cardale 1968a as AmegiUa (AmegiUa) pulchra (Smith)). Eragmentary notes on several Australian species are given in Rayment ( 1935, 1951) and on a Palaearctic species in Ferton (1920). Nesting in aggregations as recorded ior A.(Zebr.) pnnctifrons seems to be a common feature of AmegiUa. Single widely scattered nests as recorded for A. (M.) atrocincta is less common. However, the nests of A. (A.) daw son i though they do occur singly and widely scattered are also found in aggregations of up to 10 000. This raises the question of whether there are areas where populations of A. (M.) atrocincta are large and whether in such areas this species may also nest in aggregations. Excavation by AmegiUa may either be with (for example A. (M.) atrocincta and A. (A.) dawsoni) 357 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 or without the use of a wetting agent (for example A. (Zehr.) punctifrons) . Whereas water collection by A. (M.) (itrocincta has been regularly observed, Houston states that no Australian solitary bees are known to visit water. He suggests that nectar may be the wetting agent used in excavation and construction by A. (A.) dawsoni. Unfortunately he did not test his hypothesis by analysing the mud used in the construction of the turrets. T urrets are constructed by some but not all Australian Amegilla. The turrets of A. (M. j atrocincta, A. (A.) dawsoni t/nd Maynard’s A. (A.) sp. at least, apart from the probable difference in the bonding agent, are initially similarly constructed. However, whereas turrets of up to 80 mm appear to be the norm for A. (M.) atrocincta, 15-20 mm is usual for A. (A.) dawsoni and 10 mm for Maynard’s A. (A.) sp.. Associated with the turret of A. (A.) dawsoni is a pronounced annular tumulus whereas there were no visible deposits of discarded soil in the vicinty of the nests of A. (M.) atrocincta. Deposits of discarded soil are, however, characteristic of A. (Zebr.) punctifrons which does not construct a turret but keeps the nest entrance closed with loose material excavated from the shaft. Multicellular burrows seem to be characteristic for Amegilla but the arrangement of secondary shafts and cells differs markedly between species. The single-celled burrows of A. (M.) atrocincta, A. (A.) dawsoni and Houston’s species 2 are similar in that they all terminate in a vertical cell with a double seal above which is a soil filled antechamber. However, burrows with more than one cell are markedly distinct. If the single two-celled nest of A. (M.j atrocincta is taken as typical for the species then the secondary shaft in nests of this species diverges from the main shaft immediately within the entrance, extends laterally and then downwards ending in a cell at approximately the same depth as the first cell. However, the main shafts of A. (A.) dawsoni and Houston’s species 2 remain unbranched until immediately above the antechamber at which point there is a lateral and downward extension leading to a second cell. As each successive cell of A. (A.) dawsoni is deeper than that preceeding it the main shaft appears to continue downward in steps. However, succeeding cells of species 2 form a group all at the same depth. Whereas cells in linear series have not been recorded for A. (M.) atrocincta and species 2 they seem to be usual for A. (Zon.) pulchra and A. {Zebr.) punctifrons and occasionally two cells in sequence are constructed by A. (A.) dawsoni. Lining of the cells with wax which is presumed to be derived from the Dufour’s gland secretion seems to be general in the Anthophorini. A. (M.) atrocincta and A. (Asaropoda) species waterproof the cell seal with wax. The way in which this is achieved appears to differ but this may reflect a difference in interpretation. Houston considers the mud seal of A. (A.) dawsoni to be constructed spirally and to be waxed on the lower surface just before the central aperture is finally sealed with mud. From the small sample of A. {M.) atrocincta seals, all completed, available to the present authors it appears that this species applies the wax together with the mud as the wax on the lower surface extends across the final central application of mud and is also present on the upper surface. Both species construct a second unwaxed seal above the first seal, fill the antechamber with soil and then construct a third seal. A knowledge of the nesting of more species is required before it will be possible to distinguish between subgeneric and specific differences. The notes on the nesting of Anthopliora (Heliophila) praecox and Anthophora (Paramegilla) epichariformis presented here though scanty are of interest when considered together with the other published observations for the two subgenera to which they belong. Nesting in turretless burrows in aggregations in vertical to subvertical earthen banks has, in addition to Anthophora (H.) praecox, been recorded for Anthophora (Heliophila) braunsiana Friese (Rozen 1969) and Anthophora (Heliophila) rufolanata Dours (Rozen 1969 as Anthophora krehsi Friese) in the eastern Cape Province, South Africa, and Anthophora f Heliophila) flexipes Cresson 358 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI (Torchio and Youssef 1968 as Anthophora (Micrcmthophora) flexipes Cresson) and Anthophora (Heliophila) peritomae Cockerell (Torchio 197! as Anthophora ( Micranthophora) peritoniae Cockerell) in Utah, U.S.A. A sixth species of Anthophora (Heliophila), Anthophora (H.) vestita Smith, has been recorded nesting in vertical earthen surfaces, walls built of unbaked, sundried clay bricks (Brauns 1913). Unfortunately no details of the nests are given. Entrance sharing as observed for A. (H.) praecox, has been recorded by Torchio ( 1971 ) for A. (H.) peritomae Cockerell, similarly nesting in a bank honeycombed with burrows. Instances of at least two cells arranged in linear series have been recorded for all but A. (H.) rnfoianata. As this practice is variable it is possible that instances may be found to occur for this species in addition. Little seems to have been recorded on the nesting of Anthophora (Parainegilla). Ferton ( 1902, 1920) gives notes on the nesting of A. (Parainegilla) halneorinn Lepeletier and A. (Parainegilla) ferriiginea Lepeletier in France. Both, like A. (P.) epicharifonnis excavate turretless, multicellular nests. A. (P.) ferriiginea unlike the other two species seemingly nests in horizontal ground rather than in vertical banks. As only a single nest of A. (P.) epicharifonnis is known it could not be established whether or not the linear arrangement of the cells is the rule. In Ferton’s nests of A. (P.) ferriiginea only some of the cells were arranged in linear sequence. It would therefore appear that even within single nests of A. (Parainegilla) as in A. (Heliophila) this is a variable character. Brooks (1988) mentions that Marikovskaya ( 1970) has described nests of two Eurasian species of A. (Parainegilla) but gives no details. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF FLOWER VISITING BY SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI The Anthophorini, that i^Ainegilla and Anthophora, are regarded as polylectic [collecting pollen from a wide range of families] as a general rule, narrow oligolecty [collection of pollen from flowers of a single family or even genus] being considered unusual (Brooks 1988). Most collectors when recording flowers visited do not distinguish between pollen and nectar collection. The data for southern African Anthophorini available to the authors in the present discussion should therefore be seen as encompassing both types of visit indiscriminately. They are assembled from label data in the Albany Museum collection (F.W., S.K., D.W., H.W. and R.W.Gess - 339 records, and C.F.Jacot Guillarmod - 54 records) and from label data of other collectors (a total of 109 records) listed by Eardley and Brooks ( 1989) and Eardley ( 1994). Records are available for 16 of the 31 species of Aniegilla and 10 of the 3 1 species of Anthophora represented in southern Africa. Twenty four dicot families and three monocot families in total have been recorded as visited. Tables 1 and 2 indicate the families known to be visited by each of the species. Immediately apparent are some interesting differences between Aniegilla and Anthophora, and between the two subgenera ( Heliophila and Pyganthophora) of Anthophora for which records are available. Taking the 16 species of Aniegilla together, Acanthaceae appears to be markedly favoured being recorded for 12 (75.00%) of the species as compared with one (10.00%) of the ten species of Anthophora. By contrast seven (70. 00%) of the ten species of Anthophora were recorded from Boraginaceae whereas of the 16 species of Aniegilla only one (6.25%) was recorded from this plant family. Furthermore five (50.00%) of the ten species of Anthophora were recorded from Asteraceae and from Sterculiaceae whereas of the 16 species of Aniegilla only six (37.50%) and two ( 12.50%) respectively were recorded from these plant families. However, Asteraceae together with the equally ranked Lamiaceae does come second as being most favoured after Acanthaceae by Aniegilla as a whole. 359 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Table 1 . Flower families recorded as visited by 16 AmegiUa spp. together with the number and percentage of these species visiting each flower family (the species here represented by numbers correspond to the species listed by number in Appendix I ). Flower families Amegilla species no. % of spp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 Acanthaceae + + + + + + + - - + + - - + + + 12 75.00 Asteraceae - - + - - + + - - + + - - - - + 6 37.50 Boraginaceae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 6,25 Campanulaceae - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - 2 12.50 Capparaceae - - - - - - + + - - - - - - - 3 18.75 Convolvulaceae - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 6.25 Elatinaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - 1 6.25 Geraniaceae - - - - - - + + - - - - - - - + 3 18.75 Hydrophyllaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - 1 6.25 Lamiaceae - - + + - - + - - - -i- - + - - + 6 37.50 Malvaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - 1 6.25 Melastomataceae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 6.25 Mesembryanthemaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - - + + 4 25.00 Mimosaceae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 2 12.50 Moringaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - 1 6,25 Papilionaceae - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - + 2 12.50 Pedaliaceae - -f - - - - + - - - - - - - - + 3 18.75 Plumbaginaceae - - - - + - - - - - + - - - - + 3 18.75 Proteaceae + 1 6,25 Rosaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - 1 6.25 Scrophulariaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - 1 6.25 Selaginaceae - - + + 2 12.50 Solanaceae + 1 6.25 StercLiliaceae - - - - - - + - - - - - + - - - 2 12.50 Zygophyllaceae - - - - - - + - - - - + - - - 3 18.75 Liliaceae - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - + 2 12.50 no. of flower fams for each bee sp. 1 2 6 0 2 2 15 3 1 2 5 1 4 1 2 14 The records for the subgenera Helioplula and Pyganthopbora suggest differences in forage flower choice. For example, sampling of flower visitors to Asteraceae has yielded five species of Helioplula but no Pyganthopbora. On the other hand sampling of Zygophyllaceae has yielded four species of Pyganthopbora but no Heliopbila. The association with Asteraceae exhibited by these five Heliopbila species of the Old World Vestita Species Group taken together with the comment of Brooks ( 1988), reviewing the accounts of Torchio and Youssef ( 1968) and Torchio (1971), that there is a definite preference by the New World Estebana Species Group for Asteraceae, strengthens an association between the subgenus Heliopbila and Asteraceae. 360 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI Table 2. Flower families recorded as visited by 1 0 Antliophora spp., 5 each of the subgenera Heliophila and Pygimthophora. together with the number and percentage of these species visiting each flower family (the species here represented by numbers correspond to the species listed by number in Appendix I ). Flower families Antliophora species no. of spp. % of spp. Heliophila Pyganthophora H P H+P 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Acanthaceae - - - + - - - - 1 0 1 10.00 Asteraceae + + + + + - - - 5 0 5 50.00 Boraginaceae - -E + + + - + + + 4 3 7 70.00 Campanulaceae - - - - + - - - 1 0 1 10.00 Lamiaceae -E - - + - - - - 2 0 2 20.00 Mesembryanthemaceae - - - - - + + + - 0 3 3 30.00 Sterculiaceae - - - - + + + + 1 4 5 50.00 Solanaceae - - - - - - - 0 1 1 10.00 Zygophyllaceae - - - - - -E + + 0 4 4 40.00 Haemodoraceae - _ _ - 4- - - - 1 0 1 10.00 Iridaceae - - - - + - - - 1 0 1 10.00 no. of flower fams for each bee sp. 2 2 2 4 6 2 2 4 4 3 Clearly there are too few records available to draw any firm conclusions. However, the differences in flower choice between genera and also between subgenera (despite the lack of distinction between pollen and nectar collection) indicate that the southern African Anthophorini do not as a rule practise indiscriminate broad polylecty. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank: Messrs D.W., H.W. and R.W.Gess for assistance in the field; Mr T.C. White of the farm Hilton, MrE.Norton of the farm Clifton and Mr J.Willets of the farm Thursford, all Grahamstown district, and Mr A.C.Truter of the farm Verdun, Kommadagga district for allowing them access to their land; Mr K. van Zyl of the Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation for permission to work in the Goegap Nature Reserve, Springbok; Mr P. Gordon of the National Parks Board for permission to work in the Richtersveld National Park; and Dr S. Milton and Dr R.Dean of the Karoo Biome Research Station at Tierberg, near Prince Albert for their hospitality. Appreciative thanks are given to Dr R.W. Brooks of Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence and Dr J.G.Rozen of the American Museum of Natural History, New York for reading and commenting on a earlier draft of the manuscript. Gratitude is expressed to the Foundation for Research Development for a running expenses grant to F.W.Gess. REFERENCES Brauns, H. 1913. Biologie sudafrikanischer Apiden. Zeitschiift fiir wissenschaftUche hisektenhiologie 9(4): I 16-120 and (6/7): 190-193. 361 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Brooks. R.W. 1988. Systematics and phylogeny of anthophorine bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae: Anthophorini). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin 53(9): 436-575. Cardale, J. 1968a. Nests and nesting behaviour of Amegilla (Ainegllla) pulchra (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophorinae). Australian Journal of Zoology 16: 689-707. Cardale. J. 1968b. Observations on nests and nesting behaviour of Amegilla (Asarapoda) sp. (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophorinae). Australian Journal of Zoology 16: 709-7 1 3. Cardale. J. 1968c. Parasites and other organisms associated with nests of Amegilla Friese (Hymenoptera: Anthophorinae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society!: 29-34. Eardley. C.D. and Brooks. R.W. 1989. The genus Anthophora Latreille in southern Africa (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae l.CntD/nD/Dgy Memoir. Department of Agricultural Development. Republic of South Africa No. 76: 1-55. Eardley. C.D. 1994. The genus Amegilla Friese (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) in southern Africa. Entomology Memoir. Department of Agricultural Development. Republic of South Africa No. 91 : 1-67. Ferton. C. 1902. Notes detachees sur i'instinct des Hymenopteres melliferes et ravisseurs (2me Serie) avec la description d'une nouvelle espece. Annales de la Societe entomologitiue de France 71: 499-53 1 . Ferton. C. 1920. Notes detachees sur I'instinct des Hymenopteres melliferes et ravisseurs (9e Serie) avec la description de deux espece nouvelle espece. Annales de hi Societe entomologU/ue de France 89: 329-375. Houston. T.F. 1991. Ecology and behaviour of the bee Amegilla lAsaropoda) dawsoni (Rayment) with notes on a related species (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 15(3): 591-609. Marikovskaya. T.P. 1970. Contribution to the study of the social bees of the Alma-Alta Preserve. Trudy Alma-Atin.skovo Cosndarstveanovo Zapovednika 9: 21 I- 216 (in Russian). Maynard. G. 1992. Notes on nests of Amegilla (Asaropoda) sp. (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Australian Entomological Magazine 19( I ): 33-35. MiOiENER.C.D. 1 960. Observations on the behaviour of a burrowing bee (Amegilla) near Brisbane. Queensland (Hymenoptera. Anthophorinae). Queensland Naturalist 16: 63-68. Rayment. T. 1935. A Cluster of Bees. Sydney: Endeavour Press. Payment. T. 195 1 . A critical revision of species in the genus Asaropoda by new characters. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria No. 17: 65-80. Rozen. J.G. 1969. The biology and description of a new species of African Thyreus. with life history notes on two species of Anthophora ( Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 77( I ): 51 -60. Torchio. P.F. 1971. The biology of Anthophora (Micranthophora) peritomae Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apoidea. Anthophoridae). Los Angeles County Museum Contributions in Science 206: 1-14. Torc'IIIO. P.F. and You.SSEF. N.N. 1968. The biology of Anthophora (Micranthophora) fle.xipes und its cleptoparasite. Zuco.v/u/u macuUita. including a description of the immature stages of the parasite (Hymenoptera: Apoidea. Anthophoridae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 41(3): 289-302. Appendix 1 Catalogue of flower visiting records for the Anthophorini (all records Albany Museum collection except those marked * which are taken from Eardley and Brooks 1989 and Eardley 1994). abbreviations - colours: B = blue: BV = bluish violet; G = green; O = orange; Pi = pink; PiV = pinkish violet; Pu = purple; PuV = purplish violet; V = violet; W = white; WY = cream; Y = yellow; sex; F = female; M = male. areas; CP = Cape Province; Nam. = Namibia; Nat. = Natal; Tvl = Transvaal; Richtersveld N Park = Richtersveld National Park. 362 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI Anthophorini Ainegilla Friese 1. Ainegilla (Ackinonopsis) mimadvena (Cockerell) Acanthaceae Isoglossa Derst. */. sp 2. Ainegilla (Aframegilla) nubica (Lepeletier) Acanthaceae Monechma Hochst. M. moUissimiim (Nees) P.G.Mey. Pedaliaceae Sesamiim L. *S. sp. 3. Ainegilla (Ainegilla) capensis (Friese) Acanthaceae Asteraceae (Compositae) Othonna L. *0. sp. Geigeria Griesselich *G. sp. Convolvulaceae Convolvulus L. *C. sp. Lamiaceae Plectrantlnis L’ Merit. *P. sp. Melastomataceae Dissotis Benth. sp. Selaginaceae Walafrida E.Mey. *VF. sp. 4. Ainegilla (Ainegilla) natalensis (Friese) Acanthaceae Lamiaceae 5. Ainegilla (Megainegilla) acraensis (Fabricius) Acanthaceae Blepliaris Juss. B. capensis (L. /. ) Pers. B. capensis (L. /. ) Pers. - - - ? Durban, Nat.; Cockerell, 1930 F 1 Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW,SK&RWGess, 24.ix.95 - M 1 S Leonardoville, Nam.; VBWhitehead, 1 1 .ii.84 - - - Wolkberg, Tvl; RHWatmough, -.iv.74 ; Cockerell, 1908 ; Cockerell, 1908 - F 1 Angola; Cockerell, 1907 - F 2 Katberg Pass, CP; VBWhitehead, 25.xi.85 Wolkberg, Tvl; RHWatmough, -.iv.74 - F 2 Chimanimani Mts, Moz.; RHWatmough, 3. iv. 72 - F I NEdenburg,Tvl;MJohannsmeier,-.-.- Wolkberg, Tvl; RHWatmough, -.iv.74 Wolkberg, Tvl; RHWatmough, -.iv.74 W F 1 Grahamstown, CP; DWGess, 3.ii.81 W M 3 Grahamstown. CP; DWGess, 3. ii. 81 363 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Plumbaginaceae *' Limoniwn Mill. 6. AmegiUa (Micramegilla) atrocincta (Lepeletier) Acanthaceae - M 1 Bredasdorp. CP; CDEardley. 15.xi.82 Blepharis Juss. B. capensis (L. /.) Pers. W M 1 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 5.i.79 B. capensis (L./.) Pers. W F 6 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 7.i.79 B. capensis (L. /i) Pers. w M 8 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 7.i.79 B. capensis (L. /.) Pers. w F 2 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, I5.i,81 B. capensis (L./.) Pers. w F 4 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 3.ii.8l B. capensis (L. /'. ) Pers. w F 5 Grahamstown, CP; FW.DW&RWGess, 8.ii.81 B. capensis (L. /.) Pers. w F 2 Waterford, CP; RWGess, 25.xi.87 Asteraceae (Conipositae) Berkheya Ehrh. B. helerophylla {Th.) O.Hoifm. Y M 1 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 20.xi.90 7. Aniegilla (Micraniegilla) iiiveata (Frie,se) Acanthaceae Blepharis Juss. B. capensis iL.f.) Pens. Monechma Hochst. M. inollissiimini (Nees) P.G.Mey. Pi F 5 W F I Waterford, CP; RWGess, 25.xi.87 M. mollissinmm (Nees) P.G.Mey. Pi M I *M. ,sp. *M. sp. Peri.stophe Nees P. cernua Nees Petalidium Nees *P. sp. “acanth" F M Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW,SK,&RWGess, 18-24.ix.95 Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW.SK.&RWGess, l8-24.ix.95 Usakos, Nam.; RHWatmough. 5.vii.75 Usakos, Nam.; RHWatmough, 5.vii.75 V F 1 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 3. xii. 81 - F 2 Ou Lutzputz, CP; VBWhitehead, 3l.vii.84 W M 2 Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW,SK,&RWGess, 24.ix.95 Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema (Mesembryanthemaceae) MesenihrYanthennim L. *M. cry.stalinum Hook.f. *M. sp. *M. sp. *M. sp. "mesem” "mesem” Asteraceae (Conipositae) Berkheya Ehrh. B. carHmfoUa (DC.) Roessler *6. rigida (Thunb.) H.Bol. & Wolley-Dod ex Adamson & Salter W F 3 SW Kakamas, CP; VBWhitehead, 6.ii.84 - F I Jakkalsputs, CP; VBWhitehead, 21. xi.75 W F I Klinghardtberge, Nam.; RHWatmough, 19.x. 74 O F 2 Aurusberg, Nam.; RHWatmough, 23.x. 74 W F 3 Montagu/Matroosberg, CP;SK&RWGess, 4.xii.86 W F 2 Matroosberg, CP; RWGess, 4. xii. 86 Y M 1 ENE Ceres. CP; HWGess, 29-30.xi.89 Y F 2 SE Hopefield, CP; JGRozen er«/. , I5.X.72 364 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI Senecio L. S. rosmarinifolius L. / Boraginaceae Anchusa L. A. capensis Thunb. -4. capensis Thunb. Lohostemon Lehm. L. sp. Y F 2 B F 1 B F 1 B F 4 Capparaceae Cleome L. C. paxii (Schinz) Gilg & Ben. Y F 1 Maeriia Forssk. M. schinzii Pax W M 1 Elatinaceae Bergia L. B. glomerata L.f. G F 1 Geraniaceae Geranium L. *G. sp. -FI *C. sp. - M 1 Hydrophyllaceae Codon L. C. royenii L. W F 1 Lamiaceae (Labiatae) “labiate” V F 2 “labiate” B F I ^“labiate” B F I Malvaceae -FI Mimosaceae Acacia Mill. A. caffra (Thunb.) Willd. WY M I Moringaceae Moringa Adans. *M. ovalifoUa Dinter & Berger - F I Pedaliaceae Harpagophvtum DC. ex Meissn. *H. procumhens mmch.)DC. - F 1 ex Meissn. Sesanuim L. triphrlluin Welw. ex Aschers, - F 1 Oudtshoorn, CP; FW&RWGess, 7-8.xii.86 Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKGess, 9.x. 94 Kamieskroon, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 28.ix.95 Clanwilliam/Graafwater, CP; FW&SKGess, 4.x. 90 Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW,SK&RWGess, 16.ix.95 Vioolsdrif, CP; FW&SKGess, 3.X.85 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 20.xi.90 Aussenkehr, Nam.; VBWhitehead. 16.ix.83 Aussenkehr, Nam.; VBWhitehead, I6.ix.83 Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW,SK&RWGess, I9.ix.95 O LI berg Pass, Montagu, CP; FWGess, 3.xii.86 Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 3-8.X.89 Aurusberg, Nam.; RHWatmough, 23.x. 74 Klinghardtberge, Nam.; RHWatmough, I9.X.74 Oudtshoorn, CP; RWGess, 9-l2.xii.86 Gobabeb, Nam.; MLPenrith&SLouw, 18.ii.- 20.iii,83 E Kimberley, CP; VBWhitehead, I9.i.84 Derm, Nam.; VBWhitehead, I0.ii.84 365 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 *5. sp. -FI *S. sp. -FI Rosaceae Neitnulopsis Brem. & Oberm. */V. sp. - F 2 Scrophulariaceae Aptosimum Burch. A. indivisum Burch, ex Benth. BV F I A. spinescens (Thunb.) Weber PuV F I Peliostonmm Benth. P. leiicorrhizuni E.Mey. V F I ex Benth. W Boshoff, CP; VBWhitehead, I9.i.84 Harmonie, CP; VBWhitehead, 25.ii.80 Leonardville, Nam.; VBWhitehead, I5.iv.8l Springbok, CP; FW&SKGess, 8.x. 94 Springbok. CP; SKGess, I5-2I.X.87 Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, I9.ix.95 Sterculiaceae Hermannia L. H. diseniiifolia Jacq. H. diseniiifolia Jacq. Zygophyllaceae Tribulus L. Y F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 29.ix.94 Y F I Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKGess, 1 0.X.94 M *T. sp. *T. sp. *T. sp. Zygophylhim L. Z. sp. Aniegilla (Micrimiegilla) veliilina (Friese) Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema (Mesembryantheniaceae) Psilocinilon N.E.Br. N Kakamas, CP; VBWhitehead, 7.ii.84 N Kakamas, CP; VBWhitehead, 7.ii.84 W Mariental, Nam.; RGOberprieler, 22.iii.8.J Y F I Nieuwoudtville. CP; FW&SKGess, 2.X.89 *P. sp. *P. sp. 'IStoeheria sp. Capparaceae Cleoine L. C. paxii (Schinz) Gilg & Ben. - F I Noordoewer, Nam.; VBWhitehead, 7.iii.80 -M3 Noordoewer, Nam.; VBWhitehead, 7. iii. 80 W F 4 Richtersveld N Park. CP; FW.SK&RWGess. I6.ix.95 Y F 13 Richtersveld N Park, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, I6.ix.95 Geraniaceae Cenmiiim L. *C. sp. *G. sp. 9. Amegilla {Zehnmiegilla} hee/nianensis (Cockerell) Capparaceae Cleoine L. *C. aiigiistifolia Forssk. W. Amegilla (Zcbraiiiegilla) caleiis (Lepeletier) Acanthaceae Blepliai is Juss. B. cupensis (L./. ) Pers. - F I Aussenkehr. Nam.; VBWhitehead, 16. ix. 83 - M 2 Aussenkehr, Nam.; VBWhitehead. 16. ix. 83 - F 1 nr Vivo, Tvl; CDEardley. 3.ii.84 W F 1 Grahumstown, CP; FWGess, 7.i.79 366 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI *B. diversispina (Nees) C.B.CI, Justicia L. *J.flava (Vahl.) Vahl, Asteraceae (Compositae) Zinnia L. *Z. sp. I \ . Amegilla (Zehramegilla) fallax (Smith) Acanthaceae “acanth” *?_ Asteraceae (Compositae) Vernonia Schreb. V. fastigiata Oliv. & Hiern Campanulaceae Lobelia L. L. sp. Lamiaceae Plectranthus L’ Merit. P. sp. H=7. *7_ *7. Plumbaginaceae Limonimn Mill. *L. sp. \2. Amegilla (Zehramegilla) langi (Cockerell) Zygophyllaceae Tribidus L. *T. sp. 1 3. Amegilla (Zehramegilla) ohsciiriceps (Friese) Lamiaceae "labiate” Liliaceae Trachyandra *T. muricata (L/.) Kunth Papilionaceae Melolohliim Ecklon & Zeyher M. sp. Sterculiaceae Hermannia L. *H. sp. \4. Amegilla (Zehramegilla) penicida Eardley Acanthaceae Blepharis Juss. F - Langjan Nat. Res.,Tvl.; CDEardley, 2.ii.84 F - Langjan Nat. Res., Tvl.; CDEardley, 2. ii. 84 F I Lobito Bay, Angola; Cockerell, 1932 Pi F I Morgan Bay,CP; FW&SKGess, 30.iii.-4.iv.89 - - Wolkberg, Tvl; RHWatmough, - M I Blyderivierspoort Dam, Tvl; CDEardley, 25-26.X.84 B M I Cape Peninsula, CP; FW,SK&DWGess, 7.iii.93 - F 1 Katberg, CP; VBWhitehead, 25.xi.85 B F 3 nr Loskop Dam, Tvl; RHWatmough, B M I nr Loskop Dam, Tvl; RHWatmough, - - Wolkberg, Tvl; RHWatmough, - M I Bredasdorp, CP; CDEardley, 15. xi. 82 - F I KoopanSuid, CP; VBWhitehead, 1 3.ii.84 B F 3 Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 3-8. X. 89 F I Clanwilliam, CP; VBWhitehead, 23.viii.84 WY M I Grahamstown. CP; FWGess, I2.X.77 F I Beaufort West, CP; VBWhitehead, 24.xi.85 367 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 B. capensis (L./ ) Pers. W F 8 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 7.i.79 B. capensis (L./) Pers. w M 1 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 7.i.79 B. capensis (L.f.) Pers. w F 1 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 8.ii.8l B. capensis (L.f) Pers. w F 2 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess. I0.ii.86 \5. Ainegilla (Zebramegilla) punctifrons (Walker) Acanthaceae Blepharis Juss. B. capensis (L./.) Pers. W M 2 Grahamstown. CP; FW&SKGess, 27.x. 72 B. capensis (L.f) Pers. W F 1 Grahamstown, CP; DWGess, 3.i.79 B. capensis (L./.) Pers. W F 1 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 7.i.79 B. capensis (L.f.) Pers. w M 7 Grahamstown. CP; FW&DWGess, 7.i.79 B. capensis (L.f.) Pers. w F 6 Grahamstown, CP; DW&RWGess, I5.i.81 B. capensis (L.f.) Pers. w F 3 Grahamstown. CP; DWGess, 3.ii.81 B. capensis (L.f) Pers. w F 3 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 8.ii.8l Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema (Mesembryanthemaceae) ''mesein” WYM I Kommadagga, CP; FW&SKGe.ss, 23.X.83 \6. Ainegilla {Zebramegilla} spUostoma (Cameron) Acanthaceae Blepluirls Ju.s.s, B. capensis {L.f.) Peru. W M 2 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGe.ss, 27.x. 72 Aizoaceae; Mesembryanthema (Mesembryanthemaceae) Mesemhryanthemwn L. *M. cry.rtaliiuim Hook./i Psilocaiilon N.E.Br. P. acutisepahtm (Berger) N.E.Br. WF I Onrusrivier, CP; VBWhitehead, I7.i.76 WPi F 2 Heerenlogement. CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 8.X.93 P. cf. subnodosum (Berger) N.E.Br. “mesem" Asteraceae (Compositae) Senecio L. S. linifoliits L. S. UnifoUus L. S. UnifoUiis L. S. Ilnifolliis L. S. UnifoUus L. Campanulaceae Cypliia Berg. C. sp. Geraniaceae Pelargonium L' Herit P. myrrhifoUum Ait. P. myrrhifoUum Ait. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Acrotome Benth. A. inflata Benth. A. inflata Benth. Pi F 1 Graafwater, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 6.X.95 W F I Montagu/Matroosberg, CP; FWGess, 4.xii.86 Y F 2 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 27.i.75 Y M 2 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuiliarmod, 27.i.75 Y M 3 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 31. i. 73 Y F I Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 2. ii. 73 Y M 3 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 2.ii.75 PiV M I Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 21. iii. 78 - F I Oudtshoorn, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 10. X. 72 - M I Oudtshoorn. CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 10.x. 72 BV M 5 Grahamstown, CP; SKGess, 17. iii. 78 BV M I Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 21. iii. 78 368 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI Salvia dentata Ait. B F 2 *S. sp. -Ml Liliaceae Aloe sp. Y F I Miniosaceae Acacia Mill. A. cajfra (Thunb.) Willd. WY F I A. karroo Hayne Y F I Papilionaceae (Fabaceae) Aspalathus L. A. chortophila Ecklon & Zeyher Y F 1 Psoralea L. P. pinnata L. B M 2 P. pinnata L. B F 2 P. pinnata L. B M 3 Pedaliaceae Sesannnn L. *5. sp. -FI Plumbaginaceae Limoni lint Mill. Claiiwilliam, CP; FW&SKGess, 4.x. 90 Queenstown, CP; VBWhitehead, 29.xii.83 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 6.i.8l Oudtshoorn, CP; RWGess, 9-l2.xii.86 Colesberg. CP; DWGess, I9.i.85 Riebeek East, CP; FW&SKGess, I4.xi.92 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 2.ii.75 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod. 9.ii.75 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 9.ii.75 W Boshoff, CP; VBWhitehead, 19.iii.84 *L. sp. Proteaceae Paranonnis Salisb. P. hracteokirus Salisb. ex Knight Solanaceae Lyciiim L. L. sp. Zygophyllaceae Zygophylhiin L. Z. sp. - F I Bredasdorp, CP; CDEardley, I5.xi.82 Pi F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 30.ix.90 V M I Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 29.ix.77 - F I Queenstown, CP; VBWhitehead, -.i.64 Y M 3 Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 28.ix.90 Anthophora Latreille M . Anthophora (Heliophila) labrosa Friese Asteraceae (Compositae) Berkheya Ehrh. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B, heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. sp. Y F 2 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 1 2.x. 72 Y F 1 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 16.x. 72 Y M 1 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, I6.X.72 Y F 1 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 25.x. 72 Y M 2 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 15. xi. 77 Y F 2 Riebeek East, CP; FW&SKGess, 22.xi.82 Y M I Riebeek East, CP; FW&SKGess, 22.xi.82 YM I RiebeekEast, CP; FW&SKGess, I6.X.83 Y F I Clanwilliam, CP; FW&SKGess, 9.x. 90 369 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 Senecio L. S. linifoliiis L. S. linifoliiis L. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) "labiate" \S. Anthopliora (Heliophilaj praeco.x Frie.se Asteraceae (Compositae) Berkheya Ehrh. B. carUnifoHa (DC.) Roessler B. heterophyllci (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. sp. Pentzia Thunb. P. incana (Thunb.) Kuntze Boraginaceae Anchusa L. A. capensis Thunb. A. capensis Thunb. A. capensis Thunb. \9.Anthophora (Heliophila) nifolanala Dours Asteraceae (Compositae) Berkheya Ehrh. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. Pteronia L. P. incana (Burm.) DC P. Incana (Burm.) DC Senecio L. S. linifoliiis L. S. linifoliiis L. S. linifoliiis L. S. linifoliiis L. S. linifoliiis L. Boraginaceae Anchusa L. A. capensis Thunb. A. capensis Thunb. 20. Anthophora (Heliophila) vestita Smith Acanthaceae Peristrophe Nees P. cermia Nees “acanth" Y F I Grahamstown. CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 25.i.75 Y F I Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuiilarmod. 2.ii.75 VMS Ouberg Pass. Montagu. CP; FWGess, 3. xii. 86 Y M I Theronsberg Pass.Ceres, CP; FWGess, 29-30.xi.89 Y F 1 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 15. xi. 77 Y F 4 Riebeek East, CP; FW&SKGess, 22.xi.82 YM I RiebeekEast. CP; FW&SKGess, 16.X.83 Y F I Clanwilliam, CP; FW&SKGess, 9.X.90 Y F p Prince Albert, CP; SKGess, 26. xi. -3. xii. 87 B F I Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 1 8.xi.77 B M 2 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 1 8. xi. 77 B M 1 Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKGess, I l.x.94 Y F 2 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 1 2.x. 72 Y M 4 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 1 2.x. 72 Y F 5 Grahamstown, CP; FW&DWGess, 1 6.X.72 Y M 1 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 1 6.x. 72 Y M 3 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 25.X.72 Y F 1 RiebeekEast, CP; FW&SKGess, 1 6.X.83 Y F 2 Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKGess, 1 7.ix.92 Y M I Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKGess, 17.ix.92 Y F 10 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 25.i.75 Y F 1 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 27.i.75 Y M I Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 27.i.75 Y F 2 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 31. i. 75 Y F 4 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGuillarmod, 2.ii.75 B M I Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 18.xi.77 B M 1 Leliefontein. CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 2.X.95 V F 1 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 3. xii. 8 1 Pi F 6 Morgan Bay, CP; FW&SKGess, 30.iii.-4.iv.89 370 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI Asteraceae (Compositae) Berkheya Ehrh. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.HolTm. Cirsium Mill, emend. Scop. C. vidi’are (Savi) Ten. C. viilgare (Savi) Ten. Senecio L. S. linifolhis L. S. liuifolhts L. S. linifolhis L. S. linifolins L. S. linifolins L. S. linifolins L. S. linifolins L. 5. sp. Boraginaceae Anchnsa L. A. capensis Thunb. A. capensis Thunb. Lamiaceae (Labiatae) Acrotome Benth. A. inflala Benth. /I. inflata Benth. 21 . Anthophora ( Heliophila) wartmunni Friese Asteraceae (Compositae) Arctotis L. A. /rter/.v Thunb. Berkheya Ehrh. 6. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. B. heterophylla (Th.) O.Hoffm. Melalaslu R. Br. M. mnricuta (L.) D.Don M. ninricata (L.) D.Don Pteronia L. P. sp. B P. sp. B Senecio L. Y F 8 Grahamstown. CPtFWGess, I2.X.72 Y M I Giahamstowii. CP; FWGess, I2.X.72 Y F 3 Grahamstown, CP;FW&DWGess, I6.X.72 Y F 3 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 23. X.72 Y F I Graham.stown, CP;FW&SKGess, I3.xi.77 YM I Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 1 3.xi.77 Y F I RiebeekEast,CP;FW,SK&DWGess,22.xi.82 Y M I RiebeekEast,CP;FW,SK&DWGess,22.xi.82 Y F 2 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 20.ix.90 Y M 3 Grahamstown, CP; FW&SKGess, 20. ix. 90 Pu F I Grahamstown, CP; SKGess, 9.iii.78 Pu M 2 Grahamstown, CP; SKGess, 9. iii. 78 Y F 3 Grahamstown. CP; CFJacotGiiillarmod, 23. i. 73 Y M I Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGiiillarmod, 23. i. 73 Y F I Grahamstown. CP; CFJucotGuillarmod, 27.1.73 Y F 2 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGmIlarmod, 3 1.1.73 Y M I Grahatnstown, CP; CFJacotGiiillarmod. 3 1 .1.73 Y F 2 Grahamstown, CP; CFJacolGiiillarmod,2.ii. 73 Y M I Grahamstown, CP; CFJacotGiiillarmod. 2.ii.73 Y F I Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 28. xii. 86 B F 3 Grahamstown. CP; FWGess. 1 8. xi. 77 B M 7 Grahamstown, CP; FWGe.ss. 1 8.xi.77 BV M I Grahamstown. CP; FWGess, 3. iii. 78 BV M 2 Grahamstown, CP; SKGess, I 7. iii. 78 Y F I Clanwilliam, CP; FW&SKGess, 3.x. 90 YM I Grahamstown, CP; FWGess. 1 2.X.72 Y M 2 Grahamstown. CP; FWGess, 1 6. x.72 Pi F I Nieuwoudtville. CP; FW&SKGess, 29. ix. 90 Pi F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 25. ix. 94 Y F I Nababeep, CP; FWGess, 12-1 3.X.89 Y M I Nababeep. CP; FWGess, 1 2- 1 3.x, 89 371 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 7 29 APRIL 1996 S. linifhlius L. S. linifoUiis L. S. linifolius L. Boraginaceae Anchusa L. A. capensis Thunb. A. capensis Tluinb. Campainilaceae Wahleuhergia Schrad. ex Roth W. sp. Haemodoi'aceae Wacheiulorfia Bunn. W. sp. Iridaceae HoinerUi Vent. Y M I Grahanistown.CPiCFJacotGuillarmod, 25.i.75 Y F I Grahamstown.CP;CFJacotGiiillamiod, 3l.i.75 Y F I Grahamstown, CP; CFiacotGuillarmod, 2.H.75 B M 1 Kamieskroon,CP;FW,SK&RWGess,28.ix.95 B M I Leliefontein. CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 2.X.95 V F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, .30.ix.90 Y F 2 NieuwoLidtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 29.ix.90 7/. sp. Y F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 28.ix.90 Scrophulariaceae Oftia Adans. O. fl/nanifl (L.) Bocq. W F 1 Graafwater, CP; FW&SKGess, 2 1 .ix.92 22. Anthophoni ( Pyganihophom) ahrochia Eardley & Brooks Aizoaceae; Mesembryanthema (Mesembryanthemaceae) Herrea Schwant. H. sp. H. sp. H. sp. Sterculiaceae Hennannia L. H. disermifoUa Jacq. H. disermifoUa Jacq. H. disermifoUa Jacq. H. disermifoUa Jacq. H. disermifoUa Jacq. 22. Anthophora {Pyganthophora) hraunsiana Friese Solanaceae Lyciiim L. Y F 2 Leliefontein, CP; FW&SKGess, 13.ix.92 Y F 1 Springbok. CP; FW&SKGess, 8.X.94 Y F 3 Springbok, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 27.ix.95 Y F 2 Springbok, CP; FW&SKGess, 8-1 0.ix.92 Y F 1 Springbok. CP; FW&SKGess, 3.X.94 Y F 3 Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKGess, 10-11. x.94 Y F 2 Kamieskroon. CP; FW.SK&RWGess. 28.ix.95 Y F 3 Kamieskroon, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 3.X.95 V M 2 Grahamstown, CP; FWGess, 9.iii.78 Leliefontein, CP; FW&SKGess, 13. ix.92 L. sp. Zygophyllaceae Zygophylhim L. Z. divaricatwn Ecklon & Zeyher Y F I 24. Anthophora (Pyganthophora) diversipes Friese Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema (Mesembryanthemaceae) Herrea Schwant. W, sp. Y F 4 Leliefontein, CP; FW&SKGess, 1 3. ix.92 Boraginaceae Anchusa L. A. capensis Thunb. B M 1 Leliefontein, CP; FW,SK&RWGess, 2.x. 95 Loboslemott Lehm. 372 GESS AND GESS: NESTING AND FLOWER VISITING OF SOME SOUTHERN AFRICAN ANTHOPHORINI L. trichotomus DC. B F 1 E Pakhuis Pass, CP; DWGess, 3.X.9I L trichotomus DC. B M 2 E Pakhuis Pass, CP; DWGess, 3.x. 91 L. sp. B F 1 Clanwilliam, CP; FW&SKGess, 3.X.90 Sterculiaceae Herniannia L. H. disennifolia Jacq. Y F 1 Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKGess, 1 l.x.94 H. disennifolia Jacq. Y F 1 Kamieskroon. CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 28. ix.95 H. disennifolia Jacq. Y F 1 Kamieskroon, CP; FW.SK&RWGess. 3.X.95 H. sp. Y F 2 Graafwater, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 8.X.95 Zygophyllaceae Zygophylliim L. Z. divaricatiim Ecklon & Zeyher Y F 1 Leliefontein, CP; FW&SKGess. I3.ix.92 25. Anthophora (Pyganthophora) krugeri Eardley & Brooks Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthema {Mesembryanthemaceae) Herrea Schwant. H. sp. H. sp. H. sp. Boraginaceae Anchusa L. A. capensis Thunb. Sterciiliaceae Henmumia L. H. disennifolia Jacq. H. diseriiufolia Jacq. H. vestita Thunb. H. sp. Zygophyllaceae Zygopliylliiin L. Z. divaricatiim Ecklon & Zeyher 26. Anthophora (Pygcinthophora) scludtzei Friese Boraginaceae ILohostemon Lehin. Y F 2 Leliefontein, CP; FW&SKGess, 1 3.ix.92 Y F 4 Springbok, CP; FW&SKGess, 4-8.X.94 Y F 4 Springbok, CP; FW,SK&RWGess. 27.ix.95 B F 3 Leliefontein. CP; FW.SK&RWGess.2.x.95 Y F 4 Springbok, CP; FW&SKGess, 4-8.X.94 Y F 2 Springbok, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 27. ix.95 Y F I Ladismith. CP; FW&SKGess, 21. viii.95 Y F 1 Graafwater, CP; FW.SK&RWGess, 7.X.95 Y F 1 Leliefontein. CP; FW&SKGess, 13. ix. 92 ?L. sp. Sterciiliaceae Henminnia L. H. cf. ameifoUu Jacq. H. disennifolia Jacq. Zygophyllaceae Zygophylliim L. Z. cf morgsana L. Z. cf morgsana L. WV F I Nieuwoudtville. CP; FW&SKGess, 25.ix.94 Y F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 30. ix. 94 Y F I Nieuwoudtville. CP; FW&SKGess, 25.ix.94 Y F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGe.ss, 24.ix.94 Y F I Nieuwoudtville, CP; FW&SKGess, 26. ix. 94 Anthophora ( Panmiegilla) leonis Cockerell Boraginaceae Anchusa L. A. capensis Thunb. B M I Kamieskroon, CP; FW&SKG. IO.x.94 373 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAYOUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted on floppy disk accompanied by three print-outs (spacing VA or 2). In exceptional cases typed manuscripts will be accepted. These should be submitted in triplicate, typed on A4 size paper, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and with wide margins all round. Only generic and specific names should be underlined to indicate italics. All other marking up should be left to the editor. Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible. All measurements should be metric. Systematic papers should follow the rules of the International code of zoological nomenclature or the International code of botanical nomenclature, as applicable. ILLUSTRATIONS should bear the author’s name, title of paper and number in soft pencil on the reverse side. Diagrams, line drawings and photographs are all regarded as figures, should be termed as such and should be numbered in a single series. In addition to the original illustrations a photocopy of each should be submitted. Diagrams and line drawings should be reducible to a size not exceeding 14 x 16 cm (17,5 cm including captions). Photographs for half-tone blocks should be final size, of high contrast and printed on glossy paper. Colour illustrations are only printed under special circumstances and their financing must be arranged by the author. A scale should appear with all illustrations or the magnification should be given in the caption. A list of captions should be submitted on a separate sheet. TABLES should be submitted on separate sheets. Foldouts and tables printed sideways should be avoided. REFERENCES should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper. Abbreviations of periodical titles should conform with those in the World list of periodicals (4th ed.). Layouts must be as follows: Alexander, J. 1969. The indirect evidence for domestication. In: Ucko, P. J. and G. W. Dimbleby eds. The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals. London: Duckworth, pp. 123-129. De Winter, B. 1969. Plant taxonomy today. S.Afr.J.Sci. 65 (8): 229-242. JuBB, R. A. 1967. Freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Cape Town: Balkema. GALLEY PROOFS are sent (when practicable) to authors for checking printer’s errors. Adjustments of language, style and punctuation and any other amendments of the original manuscript, if made at this stage, may be charged to authors. AUTHOR’S COPIES (50) are issued free of charge. When more than one author is involved the fifty free copies will be sent to the senior author. Additional copies ordered before printing are supplied at a reduced cost. CADAR, P.E.-K887 '■‘jiy-'-x'slV T m- >-• la^ ;^5 .5* (51-1 : /\^13 ISSN 0570-1880 Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums Natural History Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) \Volume 19 Part 8 20th August 1997 Two small Orthocladiinae (Chironomidae, Diptera) from the Western Cape Province, South Africa I A.D. HARRISON Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series, Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the collection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in connection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahamstown 6140. Editor Dr F. W. GESS Assistant Editor Dr S. K. GESS Two Small Orthocladinae (Chironomidae, Diptera) from the Western Cape Province, South Africa by A. D. HARRISON (Freshwater Research Unit, Zoology Department, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700 South Africa.) ABSTRACT All life stages of two small Orthocladiinae from mountain streams and rivers in the Western Cape Province are described. Notocladius capicola, new genus and species, is very abundant and is able to feed on very small particles scraped off the substratum and must play an important part in the food chain; Parakiefferiella biloba Freeman, here described in detail for the first time, is far less abundant and its gut is packed with diatom frustules. INTRODUCTION The Chironomidae form an important part of freshwater communities, with many of their larvae feeding on algae and making available the energy from primary production to larger invertebrates and vertebrates. Workers in the field of freshwater research also find chironomid communities useful as indicators of ecological changes taking place in the environment; this makes their correct identification, specially of their larvae and pupae very important. This paper deals with all life stages of two small members of the sub-family Orthocladiinae, one is very common in mountain streams and rivers and its larva feeds on very small particles scraped from the rocks. Nevertheless, the adult has not been seen before and shows such peculiar features that a new genus and species has had to be created for it. METHODS Adults were caught by sweeping vegetation near streams and rivers; larvae and pupae were caught in nets with fine mesh (< 0.5 mm). All specimens were preserved in 70% or 80% alcohol and mounted in Canada Balsam dissolved in cellosolve. Measurements were made with an eyepiece micrometer and all drawings with a drawing tube on the microscope. Sources of generic definitions for Parakiefferiella are given in the text. Morphological terminology is from Sasther (1980). Abbreviations used in this paper are; AR = antennal ratio. Ratio of length of apical flagellomere to combined length of basal flagellomeres. LR = leg ratio. Ratio of length of tarsomere 1 to length of tibia. SV = ‘Schenkel-Schiene-Verhaltnis’. Ratio of femur plus tibiae to tarsomere 1. BV = ‘Beinverhaltnisse’. Combined length of femur, tibia and tarsomere 1 divided by length of tarsomeres 2 to 5. 375 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 8 20 AUGUST 1997 DESCRIPTIONS Notocladius Gen, nov. Definition Adult male. Small midge with wing length of about 1.00 nun. Head: antenna with 10 flagellomeres, groove beginning at antennomere 3, apex without large subapical seta. No frontal tubercles. Eye hairy, without dorsomesal extension; one outer vertical seta. Tentorium widest at basal half; clypeus normal, palp segment 3 with at least one subterminal sensillum.Thorax: antepronotal lobes separated by a shallow notch, no scutal tubercle; acrostichals absent; dorsocentrals erect, uniserial; 3 prealars; 2 scutellars. Wing: membrane without setae, very transparent, punctuation very fine; no anal lobe; R1 and R2+3, later joined by R4+5, fusing with costa to form clavus which terminates before half the wing length; costa not extended; weak false vein from RM to wing tip; Cu straight; wing veins without setae except costa; squama bare. Legs: spurs and comb normal, no pseudospurs; no sensilla chaetica on tarsomere 1 of mid and hind leg; tarsomere 4 short and slightly cordiform; no pulvillae. Hypopygium: no anal point, virga absent; no superior or inferior volsellae; gonostylus simple without crista dorsalis. Adult female. Wing length about 1 . 1 mm. Head: antenna with 5 flagellomeres, apex without large subapical seta. Eye similar to male, 1 outer vertical seta, no frontal tubercles. Palp similar to male except that segments 2 and 3 are fused. Thorax similar to male. Wings similar to male but clavus comparably longer extending more than halfway to wing tip. Legs similar to male but sensilla chaetica present on tarsomere 1 of mid and hind leg. Genitalia: gonopophysis VIII simple, not divided into ventro-lateral and dorso-medial lobes; gonocoxapodeme of VIII and coxostemapodeme of IX prominent; gonocoxite IX closely applied to body with one seta; postgenital plate of X triangular. Seminal capsules with short necks, ducts convoluted with common opening. Cerci small. Pupa. Small (1.4 - 1.6 mm). Cephalothorax; setae - frontal setae absent, 2 antepronotals, 3 small precomeals, 2 widely spaced dorsocentrals. No thoracic horn. Abdomen: posterior single row of small hooks on tergites III - V and on stemites V - VII. Shagreen of small posteriorly pointing spines, none on tergite I, sparse on tergites II - IV, denser on V - VIII forming broad anterior bands; segmental setae small, anal lobe with 3 short macrosetae and no fringe, small lateral denticles present. Larva. Small, up to 1.5 mm. long. Antenna: 4 segmented, blade extending to apex of segment 2, Lauterbom organs small, style small. Labmm: seta SI bifid, remaining setae simple; no labial lamella; pecten epipharyngis of 3 subequal scales; some chaetulae lateralis enlarged and filmy with ciliary fringe; premandible with 2 teeth, one thin and pointed, the other broad and blunt; no bmsh. Mandible: apical tooth with 4 inner teeth, seta subdentalis small, seta interna small but with many branches. Mentum: 1 median and 6 pairs of lateral teeth, ventromental plate distinct but small, no beard. Maxilla: palpiger normal, chaetulae small, no pecten galearis, lacinal chaetae large, antaxial seta present. Body: parapods normal; procercus about as high as wide with strong setae. 376 HARRISON: TWO SMALL ORTHOCLADIINAE (CHIRONOMIDAE, DIPTERA) FROM SOUTH AFRICA Notocladius capicola spec. nov. This species is based on a large number of males and females, numerous pupae, some with pharate males, and numerous larvae caught with the pupae and assumed to belong to this species. Adult male (N=5 mounted and many unmounted) As per generic definition. Body length, up to 1.2 mm. Wing length. 1.0 mm. Colour. Head and antennae brown; thorax: background creamy yellow, scutal stripes separate and dark brown, setal pits large and light, preepistemum dark brown, legs brown, wings very transparent and colourless; abdomen: tergites I-V dark brown, VI and VII with a narrow brown anterior stripe and the rest yellowish, VIII and hypopygium brown. Head (Fig. I). AR0.25, lOflagellomeres, apical flagellomere somewhat swollen (Fig. 2), terminal setae small and colourless, mostly sensilla chaetica; eyes hairy; clypeus not swollen; palp segments 16, 12, 28, 62, 102, pm; 1 subapical sensilla on segment 3. Thorax. Setation: antepronotals 0-1, dorsocentrals 9-11, prealars 3, 1 scutellar per side. Wings (Fig 3). Anal lobe absent, squama bare, length of clavus/winglength (including brachiolum) 0.3. A false vein from clavus almost to wing tip and a second between this and M]+2- Setation: brachiolum 1, no setae on R or M veins. Legs. Tarsomere 4 short and slightly cordiform (Fig 4). LR fore 0.85, mid 0.63, hind 0.68; SV fore 2.5 , BV fore 4.0 . No sensilla chaetica on tarsomeres. Hypopygium (Figs 5, 6 and 7). Anal point absent but 6 anal setae present (Fig. 5). Inferior volsella absent but with row of strong setae in the position where it normally appears in other Orthocladinae (Fig. 6). Gonostylus comparatively small but with large megaseta. Fig. 7 shows the apodemes. Adult female (N=6 mounted, many unmounted) As per generic definition. Body length. 1.0 mm. Wing length. 1.1 mm. Colour. Similar to male but abdominal tergites unifonnly brown. Head. AR 0.4, 5 flagellomeres. Head setae: 1 outer vertical per side. Palps: segments 2 and 3 are fused but can still be distinguished, 3 has a small terminal projection, lengths 28, 25, 59, 53, 93 pm. 1 subapical sensilla on 3. Thorax. No scutal tubercle. Setation: lateral antepronotals nil, dorsocentrals 10, posterior prealars 3, scutellars 2 per side. Wings. Similar to male but clavus longer, length of clavus/wing length (including brachiolum) 0.48, extending more than half-way to wing tip. Legs. General structure similar to male including tarsomeres 4. LR fore 0.7, mid 0.6, hind 0.7. Sensilla chaetica on tarsomere 1, midleg 12, hindleg 7. Genitalia (Figs 8-10). Gonocoxite not divided into ventrolateral and dorsomedial lobes, but apodeme lobe appears to be present (Fig. 8A); gonocoxapodeme (8B) is dark and slightly curved; coxostemapodeme of IX (8C) dark, prominent and strongly bent; gonocoxite IX closely applied to body with one seta (Figs 8 and 9); coxae small; tergite X with 2 low posterior protruberances each with a long seta (Fig. 9). Seminal capsules oval, light brown, with short necks, ducts convoluted with common opening (Fig. 10). 377 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 8 20 AUGUST 1997 Pupa (numerous specimens mounted some with pharate males or females) As per generic description. Colour. Greenish in life but occurs in small tent-like light grey tube or cocoon. Exuviae are very light and transparent. Cephalothorax. Dorsal surface covered with small tubercles; no thoracic horn. Setation: no frontal setae, 2 antepronotals, 3 small subequal precomeals, two widely spaced dorsocentrals probably representing one member each of the Dl,2 and D3,4 pairs. Abdomen (Figs 1 1 and 12). Fine shagreen on tergites II-IV and denser, broad anterior bands on V-VIII, no shagreen in conjunctives. Setation as in Fig. 11. Posterior hook rows on tergites III to V and stemites V to VIII. Anal lobe with 3 short macrosetae subterminal and 2 terminal setae, no fringe (Fig. 12). Larva (numerous larvae mounted and unmounted) Similar to generic definition Colour. Dark green in life with head capsule and posterior claws appearing black. Body length. Up to 1.5 mm, but difficult to measure as preserved larvae are invariably curved. Head capsule. 300-312 pm. Antenna (Fig. 13). AR 0.6, ring organ in basal third of segment 1, blade reaching nearly to base of segment 3, Lauterbom organs and style small. Labruni (Fig. 14). SI bifid but branches usually closely applied making this difficult to see, pecten epipharynx with 3 subequal teeth, first pair of chaetulae lateralis scalelike, but others large and filmy, fringed with ciliary projections forming part of a filtering apparatus with the modified prementohypopharyngeal complex. Premandible (Fig. 15) with one thin pointed tooth and one broad blunt tooth, without bmsh. Mandible (Fig. 16).Teeth dark brown, seta subdentalis pointed, seta interna small with many fine branches. Mentum (Fig. 17). Somewhat elongate, teeth brown, median tooth slightly shorter than first pair of lateral teeth in unworn specimen, ventromental plate distinct but narrow. Maxilla (Fig 18). As in generic definition. Body. Claws of anterior parapod serrated towards tip, postparapod claws simple, small and dark brown, setae of procercus dark brown, only one pair of small setae in anal region. Body setae appear to be absent. Specimens examined. Adults: numerous males and females were netted in the evening or caught in light traps beside the Elands River (33°44'S, 19°06'S), 27. iv. 1996, and netted drowned in the Elands River and in the mountain zone of the Riviersonderend (34°03"S, 19°04'E) during ecological work in 1994-95. Numerous pupae and larvae were available from R.Tharme’s ecological work in the Elandsrivers, the Dutoitsldoof (33°56'S, 19°10'E), the Molenaars (33°43'S, 19°10'E), in the Dutoitskloof Mountains and the mountain zone of the Riviersonderend during 1994-95, all in the Western Cape Province. Holotype and paratype males, paratype female and pupal and larval material, all mounted on slides, deposited in the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape Province. Comments. This genus resembles species in the Corynoneura-gxoup by the presence of a clavus in the wings of both sexes. According to Saether and Kristoffersen (1996) there is a distinct sexual dimorphism in the formation of the clavus in the Corynoneura-growp. In males R4+5 plays no part in 378 HARRISON: TWO SMALL ORTHOCLADUNAE (CHIRONOMIDAE, DIPTERA) FROM SOUTH AERICA Figs 1- 8. Notocladius capicola. Adult male: 1. head; 2. antenna, apical flagellomere; 3. wing; 4. tarsomeres 3, 4, 5; 5. anal segment; 6. hypopygium; 7. apodemes. Adult female. 8. genitalia, ventral, A apodeme lobe, B gonocoxapodeme, C coxostemapodeme. 379 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 8 20 AUGUST 1997 Figs 9 - 18. Notocladius capicola. Adult female; 9. genitalia, lateral; 10. seminal capsules and ducts. Pupa: 11. abdomen; 12. anal lobe. Larva: 13. antenna; 14. labrum; 15. premandible; 16. mandible; 17. mentum; 18. maxilla. 380 HARRISON: TWO SMALL ORTHOCLADIINAE (CHIRONOMIDAE, DIPTERA) FROM SOUTH AFRICA its formation but in certain females the base of this combined vein is thickened and in some it is fused to the clavus, as in both sexes of Notocladius. These authors consider that the “false vein” arising from the thickened base of R4+5 is in reality the extension of this vein and that the additional “false vein” between R4^5 and M may represent a vestige of Mj. Their interpretation can be applied to the wing of Notocladius but it is not suggested that this genus falls into the Corynoneura-grou^. This type of wing structure appears to be associated with small body size. Neglecting wing structure, Notocladius keys to somewhere near Lopescladius in the key of Cranston et al. (1989). The pupae do not fit in anywhere in the key in Coffman et al. (1986) but the larvae key into the Orthocladius-Cricotopus group in Cranston etal. (1983) because of the bifid seta S I and the structure of the mentum. Of course, for practical reasons, keys are based on apomorphic characters which have been developed as a result of ecological specialisation. Ecology. The tiny larvae and pupae often occur in large numbers on the surface of stones and rocks in the fast current in second or third order mountain streams and rivers in the Western Cape Province. The dark green bodies and almost black head capsules of the free-living larvae make their comma- like appearance most distinctive. They appear to be scrapers but their gut contains very few diatoms, mostly amorphous matter; the filter-like mechanism of their mouth parts should help to gather very small particles scraped off the surface, making them an important part of the food chain. On pupation the larvae make tent-like cases mostly of silk-like fibres incorporating very little detritus, one end is broader than the other and open and presumably faces downstream; no larval remains were found in any of the large number of pupal cases examined. Adult males swarm at dusk which proved to be a good time to net both males and females; both were also caught in light traps. So far N. capicola has only been found in the soft acid waters of the Table Mountain Sandstone system of the Western Cape Province. Parakiefferiella biloba Freeman Eukiejferiella (Parakiefferiella) biloba. Freeman 1953 Nanocladius biloba. Freeman 1956 Parakiefferiella biloba. Freeman and Cranston 1980 The material studied consists of males, females, pupae, one with mature pharate female, and larvae. Most specimens came from a small mountain stream on the Cape Peninsula which was reduced to a trickle during the dry summer season. The fauna of the stream was very depauperate with very few orthoclad species (including only one species of Parakiefferiella, P. biloba) being present. It was therefore considered safe to assume that the only larvae of this genus present in a large numbers of samples must be of this species. Freeman (1953, 1956) describes the male but a more detailed description is given here. Adult male (N = 5 mounted, numerous species unmounted) Differs somewhat from the generic definition in Cranston et al. (1989). Body length. 2.00 mm. Wing length. 1.00 mm. Colour. Unmounted specimens head, antennae and palps light brown; thorax; scutal stripes and pre-epistemum light brown, background and legs yellowish, wings very light brown; abdomen and 381 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 8 20 AUGUST 1997 hypopygium fairly uniform light brown. Head. AR 0.17,12 flagellomeres, 1-3 wider than the rest except for 1 1 and 12 which form a club, which appears bilobed because of its irregular shape and the prominent groove (Fig. 19), numerous sensilla chaetica on apical flagellomere; no frontal tubercles; eyes bare, small with no dorsal extension, tentorium (Fig. 20) wider ventrally. Head setation: 3 postorbital setae; palp segments 16, 22, 34, 47, 59 pm, 2 subapical sensillae on segment 3, no segment with apical extension. Thorax. Scutal tuft of microtrichia, diagnostic for the genus, is weak and lies in a small pale patch, but also includes two very small acrostichal setae. Setation: lateral antepronotals absent, dorsocentrals 9, posterior pre-alars 3, scutellars 2 per side. Wings (Fig. 21). Similar to Freeman’s figures but he does not show that the retracted costa and R veins are thickened; the costa is produced beyond R4+5; R2+3 runs close to R4+5 and does not end clearly in the costa. Setation: R 1, Ri nil, R4^j 1 at tip. There is no anal lobe and one squamal setae (Freeman’s specimens had 0-2 squamal setae). Legs. All tarsomeres cylindrical. LR fore 0.9, mid 0.4, hind 0.5. SV fore 2.6, BV fore 2.8. No sensilla chaetica on tarsomeres 1 of midleg and hindleg. Hypopygium (Figs 22, 23 and 24). Similar to Freeman’s figures but he has not shown the virga that is also found in most species of this genus; the small anal point has a large seta on either side (Fig. 22), the inferior volsella is digitiform; the gonostylus (Fig. 23) is not as curved as that illustrated by Freeman but its shape is largely a matter of aspect. The apodemes are shown in Fig. 24. Adult female (N = 5 mounted, many unmounted) Similar to generic definition in Saether (1977), except for structure of gonopophysis VIII. Body length. 1.3 mm. Wing length. 1 mm. Colour. Similar to male. Head. AR 0.5, 5 flagellomeres, last somewhat swollen; no frontal tubercles; eyes similar to male; setation 2 outer verticals, 2 postorbitals. Palp segments 16, 22, 34, 47, 62 pm; 2 subapical sensillae on segment 3. Thorax. Scutal patch smaller than that of the male but also with 2 small acrostichal bristles; setation: lateral antepronotals nil, dorsocentrals 8, posterior pre-alars 3, scutellars 1 or 2 per side. Wings. Similar to male; setation: brachiolum 1, R 5, Rj 1, R4+g 2, Squama 1 or 2. Legs. LR fore 0.7, mid 0.4, hind 0.5. No sensilla chaetica on any tarsomeres. Genitalia (Figs 25, 26 and 27). Gonopophysis VIII divided into a small dorsomesal lobe (Fig. 25 A) and a much larger ventrolateral lobe (Fig. 25 B); the small structure below the dorsomesal lobe in the figure may be an apodeme lobe; gonocoxapodemes light in colour and joined (Fig. 25 C), coxostemapodemes light but prominent (Fig. 25 D); tergite IX with two small posterior protrusions each with one seta; gonocoxite IX welldeveloped with two long and two short setae (Figs 25 and 26), segment X normal, postgenital plate small and rounded, cerci large. Seminal capsules ovoid, brown but with a clearly demarcated light area at junction with spermathecal ducts which are long and convoluted and open close to each other (Fig. 27). Pupa (N = 3 mounted) Does not follow generic definition of Coffman et al. (1986) in all respects. Colour. Exuviae are fairly uniform light yellow, shagreen on abdomen darker. 382 HARRISON: TWO SMALL ORTHOCLADIINAE (CHIRONOMIDAE, DIPTERA) FROM SOUTH AFRICA Cephalothorax. Dorsal surface finely pebbled with sculpturing becoming progressively finer laterally. Frontal setae long, not on tubercles (Fig. 28), 2 median antepronotals, 3 small, short subequal precorneal, 3 dorsocentrals, 1 anterior, and pair posterior; thoracic horn with a few terminal and subterminal spines (Fig. 29). Abdomen (Fig. 30). Shagreen on tergites I-VII of small posteriorly pointing spines with larger spines forming anterior band and much larger spines forming narrow posterior band, fine, anteriorly pointing spines in conjunctives 11-111 to VI-VIl (Fig. 31) ; no hook row on II; some short spines on stemites IV-VII. No pedes spurii A or B. Abdominal setation as in Fig. 30, no fringe of taeniate setae on any segment. Anal lobe truncated at apex, not tapering as in other species of this genus; 3 anal macrosetae. Larva (N = 5 mounted, many unmounted) Similar to generic definition in Cranston et al. (1983) but differs in some respects Colour. Head capsule light brown, claws very light, body yellowish when preserved. Body length. \. 5 2.0 mm. Head capsule length. 169 195 pm. Antenna (Fig 32). AR 0.8; 6-segmented, segment 6 hair-like; blade reaching to base of segment 3 which is very short ( 1 .9 pm) and completely surrounded by large Lauterbom organs, style could not be detected. Labruni (Fig. 33). SI with 3 branches, remaining S setae simple; no labral lamella; pecten epipharynx of 3 subequal scales; premandible with 2 apical teeth (Fig. 34). Mandible (Fig. 35). Teeth brown, short apical tooth and 4 inner teeth; seta subdentalis and seta interna both present. Mentiim (Fig. 36, unworn specimen). Teeth brown, 2 median teeth and 5 lateral teeth, there is a sign of an additional lateral tooth adpressed to each median tooth; ventromental plate very small. Maxilla (Fig 37). Palpiger normal with numerous small lamellae at base, mostly behind the palpiger in the figure; a pecten galearis could not be detected; the base of an antaxial seta present but no seta; seta maxillaris simple. Body. Parapods normal; procercus 2x as long as wide with 8 long setae; some simple body setae up to 62 pm long; anal tubules shorter than parapod and somewhat conical in shape. Specimens examined. Adults: numerous males and females from small waterfall, tributary of Silvermine River, Cape Peninsula, 10 and ll.xi.l995, 24. ii. 1995, l.xii.l995, 9.1.1996; 1 female, Kalk Bay waterfall. Cape Peninsula, 20.xii.l994; numerous males and females. Elands River, Du Toil’s Kloof (33°44"S, 19°06'E), 27. iv. 1996; 1 male upper Riviersonderend (34°03'S, 19°04'E), 8.iv.l995. Pupae: small waterfall, tributary of Silvermine River 2 exuviae 24. xi. 1995, 1 pupa with pharate female l.xii.l995. Larvae: numerous from the tributary of Silveraiine River at dates above. Comments. The adult male, pupa and larva all differ from the generic definitions to some extent; the male in that it has small acrostichal setae in the thoracic tuft of microsetae, the squama of the wing is not bare; the pupa in that the anal lobes are truncated at the apex and not extended into tails; the larvae in that the Lauterbom organs of the antennae are large and not small and the antennal style is absent or much reduced and not strong. There are a few other minor differences, but none seem to warrant a new genus being erected. It should be noted that neither the male nor the female adult has the apical projection on palp segments as seen in the African species discussed by Ferrington and Saether (1995). 383 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 8 20 AUGUST 1997 Figs 19- 28. Parakiefferiella biloba. Adult male: 19. flagellomeres 1 1 and 12; 20. tentorium; 21. wing; 22. anal point; 23 hypopygium; 24 apodemes. Adult female. 25. genitalia, ventral, A dorsomesal lobe, B ventrolateral lobe. C gonocoxapodeme, D coxostemapodeme; 26 genitalia, lateral; 27. seminal capsules and ducts. Pupa: 28.frontal setae. 384 HARRISON: TWO SMALL ORTHOCLADIINAE (CHIRONOMIDAE, DIPTERA) FROM SOUTH AFRICA Figs 29 - 31 .Parakiefferiella biloba. Pupa: 29 thoracic horn; 30. abdomen; 31. conjuctive II-III. Larva. 32. antenna; 33. labrum; 34.premandible; 35. mandible; 36. mentum; 37. maxilla. 385 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 8 20 AUGUST 1997 Ecology. P. biloba is found in first or second order mountain streams and small rivers. The larvae from the small waterfall were inhabiting the moss and Scirpus digitatus in the water flow. Distribution. Cape Peninsula mountains. Western Cape Province Fold Belt Mountains and source streams of the Tugela River, Drakensberg Mountains, KwazuluNatal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Miss Rebecca Tharme, Water Research Unit, University of Cape Town, for help in collecting specimens. REFERENCES Coffman, W.P., Cranston, P.S., Oliver, D.R. and S,ether, O. A. 1986. The pupae of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region keys and diagnoses. In: Wiederholm T. ed. Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 2. Pupae. Ent. scand. Suppl. 28 pp. 147-296. Cranston, P.S.. Oliver, D.R. and S.€THER, O.A. 1983. The larvae of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region keys and diagnoses. In: Wiederholm T. ed. Chironomidae of the Holarctic region, Part 1. Larvae. Ent. scand. Suppl. 19 pp. 149-291 Cranston, P.S., Oliver, D.R. and SyCTHER, O. A. 1989. The adult males of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) of the Holarctic region keys and diagnoses. In. Wiederholm, T. ed. Chironomidae of the Holarctic region. Part 3. Adult males. Ent. scand. Suppl. 34 pp. 165-352. Ferrington, L.C. and S.«ther, O.A. 1995. Afrotropical species of Parakiefferiella Thienemann, with a review of species with palpal projections. In: Cranston, P. ed. Chironomids: from genes to ecosystems CSIRO Australia. Pp 369-379. Freeman. P. 1953. Chironomidae from Western Cape Province II. Proc. r. Entomol. Soc. bond. (B) 22: 201-213. Freeman, P. 1956. A study of the Chironomidae (Diptera) of Africa south of the Sahara, Part 2. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent. 4: 287-368. Freeman, P. and Cranston, P.S. 1980.Family Chironomidae. In: Crosskey, R.W. ed.. Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. London: British Museum (Natural History), pp. 175-202. S.ETHER, O. A. 1977. Female genitalia in Chironomidae and other Nematocera. Bull Fish. Res. Bd Canada 197: 1-209. S/Ether. O. a. 1980. Glossary of chironomid morphology terminology (Diptera: Chironomidae). Ent. Scan. Suppl. 14: 1-51. S/ETUER, O. A. and Kristofferson , L. 1996. Chironomids with “M-fork”. A re-evaluation of the wing venation of the Corynoneura-group (Insecta, Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana 19: 229-232. 386 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS LAY OUT of recent issues should be examined for details of acceptable style and format. MANUSCRIPTS should be submitted on floppy disk accompanied by three print-outs (spacing VA or 2). In exceptional cases typed manuscripts will be accepted. These should be submitted in triplicate, typed on A4 size paper, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only and with wide margins all round. Only generic and specific names should be underlined to indicate italics. All other marking up should be left to the editor. Footnotes should be avoided as far as possible. All measurements should be metric. Systematic papers should follow the rules of the International code of zoological nomenclature or the International code of botanical nomenclature, as applicable. 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CADAR, P.E.-K887 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 3 9088 01429 5703 ISSN 0570-1880 I I I ! Annals of the I Cape Provincial Museums Natural History 'Ann. Cape Prov. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Volume 19 Part 9 20th September 1997 Phylogenetic Systematics of the Family Teloganodidae (Ephemeroptera: Pannota) W. P. MCCAFFERTY and T. Q. WANG Published jointly by the Cape Provincial Museums at the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa ANNALS OF THE CAPE PROVINCIAL MUSEUMS These Annals are published in two series. Natural History and Human Sciences, the latter series covering cultural history, ethnology, anthropology and archaeology. They are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available. The primary objective of these Annals is to disseminate the results of research work undertaken by staff members of the Cape Provincial Museums. However, a manuscript by any author is eligible for publication provided it is based wholly or partly on the collection/s of one or more of these museums or if the material on which the work is based is wholly or partly deposited in one of these museums. Parts are obtainable from the Librarian of the Albany Museum. Correspondence in connection with these Annals should be addressed to the Editor, Albany Museum, Grahamstown 6140. Editor Dr F. W. GESS Assistant Editor Dr S. K. GESS Phylogenetic Systematics of the Family Teloganodidae (Ephemeroptera: Pannota) by W. P. MCCAFFERTY and T. Q. WANG (Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA) ABSTRACT Teloganodidae stat. nov. is recognized at the family rank and shown to be a sister group to Ephemerellidae. Cladistic analysis of monophyletic species groups was performed, and the most parsimonious cladogram is presented and discussed in terms of evolutionary trends and instances of homoplasy. There are two major clades; these are recognized as the subfamilies Austremerellinae subfam. nov. and Teloganodinae. Genera are defined cladistically by autapomorphies, and sequencing conventions within the context of a strictly phylogenetic classification allow their recognition at this rank. Two genera are recognized in Austremerellinae: Austremerella from Australia and Vietnamella from southeastern Asia. Six genera are recognized in the Teloganodinae: Ephemerellina, Nadinella gen. nov., Lithogloea, and Lestagella from southern Africa, and Macafertiella and Teloganodes from southern Asia. Previous interpretations of Austremerella and Lithogloea as subgenera of Ephemerellina were based on symplesiomorphies and are untenable. Each genus is distinctive in both larval and adult stages, and a stage-correlated key is provided. Descriptive and geographic accounts for each higher taxon are given, and known species listed. The new genus Nadinella contains two nominal species: N. crassi (Allen and Edmunds) comb. nov. and N. brincki (Demoulin) comb. nov. Australian and South African genera are shown to be archaic phylogenetic relicts with origins in Gondwanaland prior to the initial breakup of that landmass. It is hypothesized that the presence of Oriental lineages has resulted from Australasian interchange in the case of Austremerellinae, and Africa to Asia transport via the Indian subcontinent in the case of Teloganodinae. INTRODUCTION The family Teloganodidae stat. nov. is a group of pannote mayflies (McCafferty and Edmunds 1979) known from South Africa, the Orient, and Austrdia. These mayflies have not been generally well known in the past, and incomplete and sometimes erroneous information has resulted in a history of divergent interpretations. There are only 15 species currently described in the Teloganodidae. This may in part be attributed to the relict nature of the older Gondwanan element of the family; however, we anticipate that several more will be described from the more recent Oriental fauna within the family. For example, we know of at least five undescribed species from southeast Asia at this time. The ecology of Teloganodidae is poorly known. Available collecting data, however, indicate that larvae of all genera are restricted to mountain streams and rivers where they occur on stones or vegetation in mostly swift currents. Our collecting records from South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Borneo indicate that teloganodid larvae are commonly found on the vertical substrates of waterfalls. Thus, an appropriate vernacular name for the family would be “the waterfall mayflies.” Harrison and Agnew (1962) found that certain of the South African teloganodids were restricted to acid waters and gave 387 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 some additional ecological data. The only gut sample study (Tshemova 1972) indicates that the larvae of the Oriental Vietnamella Tshemova are periphyton feeders. Differences we have found in development of filtering setae on mouthparts of different genera, however, suggest that teloganodid larvae may also be fine detritus collectors to various degrees. McShaffrey and McCafferty (1990a, 1990b) found a considerable range of feeding behavior in certain members of the related family Ephemerellidae. The fact that Barnard (1932) has also reported teloganodid larvae from under stones suggests detritus deposit feeding. According to Barnard (1932), some teloganodid larvae crawl out of the water prior to emerging to the subimago, although it is not known if this is facultative or obligatory behavior, or if it is widespread among species. Edmunds and McCafferty (1988) noted that such behavior is predominant in primitive extant mayflies. We will show that the Teloganodidae is a monophyletic lineage, and is a sister group to the larger, generally more well known, and more apotypic Holarctic and Oriental family Ephemerellidae, within which it was previously considered a subfamily (Allen 1965). Our conclusions are based on the phylogenetic data we present herein. Furthermore, our linear higher classification of Teloganodidae into subfamilies and genera is completely congruent with our cladistics data, in that it is strictly phylogenetic and permits reproduction of the deduced cladogram of the taxa, as was advocated by McCafferty (1991a). The original concept of the family Ephemerellidae dates to Eaton (1883-88) with his Section 6 of Ephemerella, which included the Holarctic and Oriental genus Ephemerella Walsh and Oriental genus Teloganodes Eaton, as they were known at that time. Klapalek (1909) first used the family rank designation, but included only Ephemerella. Ulmer (1920) added the South American genus Melanemerella Ulmer to the family, and Lestage ( 1 924) added the South African genus EphemerelUna Lestage. Various other genera were described in the family up to the time that Edmunds and Traver (1954), in their outline of higher reclassification, included the following world genera in the Ephemerellidae: Ephemerella, EphemerelUna, Lithogloea Barnard (South Africa), Melanemerella, Teloganella Ulmer (Oriental), Teloganodes, and Teloganopsis Ulmer (Oriental). Demoulin (1955) removed Melanemerella from the family Ephemerellidae and placed it in a new subfamily Melanemerellinae of Tricorythidae, and Edmunds et al. (1963) recognized this subfamily but returned it to Ephemerellidae. Wang and McCafferty (1996a) recently removed Melanemerella from Ephemerellidae by demonstrating that it is not a member of the Pannota but probably an aberrant member of Leptophlebiidae. Allen (1965) erected the subfamily Teloganodinae within the Ephemerellidae and included in it the genera Teloganodes and EphemerelUna. He considered Austremerella Riek, from Australia, to be synonymous with EphemerelUna', he did not mention Lithogloea. Demoulin (1970) described the South African genus Lestagella Demoulin in the Ephemerellidae, but did not place it any subfamily. He also placed Lithogloea as a subgenus of EphemerelUna. Tshemova (1972) described the Oriental genus Vietnamella in the family Ephemerellidae, and although Allen (1980, 1984) placed this genus in the Ephemerellinae, Edmunds and Murvosh (1995) correctly recognized that it belonged to the Teloganodinae. Furthermore, Wang and McCafferty (1995) showed that those Oriental species placed in EphemerelUna (Allen and Edmunds 1963a, Tshemova 1972) are in actuality species of Vietnamella. Allen (1973) described the genus Manohyphella Allen from Madagascar and added it to the Teloganodinae along with Teloganella. Although never stated by Allen, Lestagella was also, by default, considered in the subfamily Teloganodinae, because he did not include it in Ephemerellinae (Allen 1980, 1984). 388 McCAFFERTY and WANG; PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) In 1990, Hubbard listed the following genera in Teloganodinae: Ephemerellina, Lestagella, Manohyphella, Teloganella, and Teloganodes. Since then, Wang et al. (1995) have removed Teloganella from the Teloganodinae and Ephemerellidae, showing that it is instead a member of the family Tricorythidae. Its classification previously had been argued by Edmunds and Polhemus ( 1 990) and Peters and Peters (1993), but neither paper offered any supporting data. McCafferty and Wang (1995) have also removed Manohyphella from Ephemerellidae and Teloganodinae, showing that it also is a member of the Tricorythidae. McCafferty and de Moor (1995) re-established the genus Lithogloea, thus adding it to the Teloganodinae. As mentioned above, Vietnamella was shown to be a member of Teloganodinae (Edmunds and Murvosh 1995). Einally, the Sri Lankan genus Macafertiella Wang was recently described in Teloganodinae by Wang and McCafferty (1996b). Taking into account the complex history of the group, and the results of our cladistic analysis, we recognize herein the following genera in the family Teloganodiddif. Aiistremerella, Ephemerellina, Lestagella, Macafertiella, Nadinella gen. nov. from South Africa, Teloganodes, and Vietnamella. The entire higher classification is shown in Table 1. We will show that the previous synonymies of Austremerella with Ephemerellina, and Lithogloea with Ephemerellina were essentially based on symplesiomorphies. Table 1 . Higher classification and general distribution of the Teloganodidae Family Teloganodidae Subfamily Austremerellinae subfam. nov. Genus Austremerella (Australian) Genus Vietnamella (Oriental) Subfamily Teloganodinae Genus Ephemerellina (Southern Afrotropical) Genus Nadinella gen. nov. (Southern Afrotropical) Genus Lithogloea (Southern Afrotropical) Genus Lestagella (Southern Afrotropical) Genus Macafertiella (Oriental) Genus Teloganodes (Oriental) The extensive material that we have been able to bring together for comparative analysis has been of vital importance in unravelling the systematics of this group. In particular, this has included Oriental material donated from the George E. Edmunds, Jr. collection (including a recent gift from T. Soldan from Vietnam), previously held at the University of Utah and now held in the Purdue Entomological Research Collection (PERC herein). West Lafayette, Indiana; Australian material loaned and donated by the Australian CSIRO (Australian National Collection, or ANC herein); South African material loaned by the Albany Museum (AM herein); and the extensive material collected in South Africa by the first author and Nadine McCafferty in 1990. The latter and donated material resides in PERC. Resolving the generic classification and assignment of species and stages in southern Africa (where we recognize four endemic genera) was especially challenging. This was due to numerous factors. Many species were originally incompletely described or characteristics were not described accurately. Some species were subsequently misidentified in the literature, and larval and adult stages were not always associated correctly. Some geographic records attributed to African teloganodines proved to be misidentifications of tricorythid mayflies. We were able to recognize erroneous stage correlations by employing a method discovered and used by McCafferty and Wang ( 1994) wherein it was shown that the position and relative development of larval structures, such as tubercles, other 389 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 cuticular processes, and gills, can be represented in the adult stage by recognizable vestiges or associated vestiges (e.g., gill socket vestiges). As an example, we demonstrate that adults assigned to Ephemerellina bamardi Lestage by Barnard (1940) were misidentified and do not match adults correctly assigned by him to this species earlier (Barnard 1932). Moreover, the misidentified adults can be associated with larvae originally described as Ephemerellina crassi Allen and Edmunds (1963a), which is the type of our new genus Nadinella. True larvae of E. bamardi were part of the original series of larvae that had been incorrectly associated by Barnard (1932) with Lithogloea harrisoni Barnard. Although our higher classification of the Teloganodidae (Table 1) is based on results of our phylogenetic research, which is essentially represented by a cladogram of species groups, we present the cladistic methods, analysis, and discussion following presentation of the taxonomic keys and systematic accounts of the taxa. The Key to Genera we present is a stage-associated key, meaning that larvae and adults of each genus ideally are keyed together at the same place and in the same sequence in the key. For each genus in the Accounts of Taxa, we give a generic synonymy and type species, descriptions of larval and adult stages, diagnostic information, species included with specific synonymies, distribution, material examined, and remarks regarding systematics and ecology. In addition, 90 morphological figures, including a dorsal whole larval habitus of each genus, are included. ACCOUNTS OF TAXA Family Teloganodidae stat. nov. Description of Mature Larvae Eyes dorsal or dorsolateral (Figs 2-10), those of males (Figs 4, 10) divided into two distinct parts. Mouthparts more or less prognathous, with branched, hairlike setae present, with variously sized setules (e.g., Figs 47-64); labium relatively small. Forewingpads (Figs 2-10) fused with mesonotum for most of their length, not juxtaposed posteriorly; posterior margin of mesonotum between apices of wingpads with well-developed submedial lobes and medial V-shaped emargination. Hindwingpads present. Simple, filamentous gills absent or present laterally on abdominal segment 1 ; lamellate gills (Figs 2-10) dorsal and present on abdominal segments 2-5, 2-6, or 2-7; gills on abdominal segment 2 operculate (Figs 7-10), semi-operculate (Figs 4-6), or not operculate (Figs 2, 3); when gills on abdominal segment 2 operculate or semi-operculate, then such gills more or less elongate-rounded and always well separated from each other. Median caudal filament developed (three tailed) (Figs 2- 7) or reduced and rudimentary (two tailed) (Figs 8-10). Description of adult Eyes of male each divided into two distinct parts. Forewings (Figs 80-87) usually with many short, detached, marginal intercalaries (Figs 80, 83-87) or sometimes with most short intercalaiies attached (often to crossveins) (Figs 81, 82); one to four main CuA intercalaries present. Hindwings present. Abdominal segment 2 with gill socket vestiges (Fig. 89). Male genitalia (Figs 90, 91) with three segmented forceps; forceps segment 1 relatively long, more than twice as long as wide. Median caudal filament developed (three tailed) or reduced (two tailed). 390 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Diagnosis of the family The Teloganodidae is distinct from other families of pannote mayflies. Larvae are distinguished from the Ephemerellidae by the presence of gills on abdominal segment 2. They differ from other families of Pannota with gills on abdominal segment 2 (e.g., Leptohyphidae, Tricorythidae, Caenidae) by the posterior aspect of the mesonotum that has submedian lobes and a V-shaped median notch, and by the subdivided eyes of the mature (pharate) males. Adults of Teloganodidae share generalized, ancestral wing venation and derived divided male eyes with the Ephemerellidae, but differ from them with respect to their distinctly more elongate basal segment of the male genital forceps. All adults of Teloganodidae can be told from all adults of Ephemerellidae by possession of gill socket vestiges on abdominal segment 2. The adults can be told from other pannote mayflies by their general cubital venation, and, with the exception of Ephemerythus (Tricorythidae), by the presence of short marginal intercalaries along the outer margin of the forewings. Key to Genera (Couplets 2-4 pertain to genera known from Australia and the Orient; couplets 5-7 pertain to genera known form southern Africa) 1. 2. 3. 4. Larva: Gills present on abdominal segment 7; gills on abdominal segment 2 not operculate or semi-operculate (Figs 2, 3). Adult: Forewings (Figs 80-82) with stigmatic costal interspace divided by secondary longitudinal vein into upper and lower series of many cellules. Subfamily Austremerellinae, 2 Larva: Gills absent on abdominal segment 7; gills on abdominal segment 2 operculate or semi-operculate (Figs 4-10). Adult: Forewings (Figs 83-87) with stigmatic costal interspace not divided into upper and lower series of many cellules. Subfamily Teloganodinae, 3 Larva: Head (Fig. 3) with pair of prominent, elongate, anteriorly directed cephalic horns originating anterior to eyes; forefemora (Fig. 3) very broad and denticulate anteriorly. Adult: Mesothorax without pair of long membranous processes posteriorly; head with cephalic horn vestiges; forewings (Figs 81, 82) with most marginal intercalaries basally attached. Genus Vietnamella Larva: Head (Fig. 2) without pair of cephalic horns; forefemora (Fig. 2) not as above. Adult: Mesothorax (Fig. 88) ending posteriorly with pair of narrow-elongate, membranous processes; head without cephalic horn vestiges; forewings (Fig. 80) with most marginal intercalaries not attached basally. Genus Austremerella Larva: Two tailed, with median caudal filament reduced (Figs 8-10). Adult: Two tailed, with median caudal filament reduced. 4 Larva: Three tailed, with well-developed median caudal filament (Figs 4-7). Adult: Three tailed, with well-developed median caudal filament. 5 Larva: Gills present on abdominal segment 6; median row of dorsal abdominal tubercles well developed (Fig. 8), with tubercle on tergum 10 longer than that of tergum 3. Adult: Unknown; distribution may be limited to Sri Lanka. Genus Macafertiella 391 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 — Larva: Gills absent on abdominal segment 6; median row of tubercles absent (Fig. 10) or only poorly developed (Fig. 9), with tubercle on tergum 10, when present, shorter (Figs 9, 10) or longer than that of tergum 3. Adult: Not comparable because adult of Macafertiella unknown; generally distributed in Southeast Asia from India to Philippines. Genus Teloganodes 5. Larva: Lamellate gills present on abdominal segments 2-5; claws (Fig. 71) with two rows of denticles; abdomen with pairs of dorsal tubercles (Figs 5, 74, 76) or broad, straight-margined or slightly bifurcated posteromedial protuberances (Figs 75, 76) on at least some terga. Adult: Abdominal terga 2-5 with gill socket vestiges; terga 3-5 each with small, broad thickening medially, usually with two minute tubercles, or without apparent tubercle vestiges; if tubercle vestiges absent, then IMP of forewings longer than MPj and both directly attached to each other (Fig. 84). Genus Nadinella gen. nov. — Larva: Lamellate gills on abdominal segments 2-4 or 2-6; claws (Figs 70, 72, 73) with one row of denticles; abdomen (Figs 4, 6, 7) without paired or broad, straight-margined or bi-lobular, posteromedial dorsal tubercles or protuberances. Adult: Abdominal terga 2-4 or 2-6 with gill socket vestiges; terga 3-5 (or more) with no dorsal tubercle vestiges or with only single median tubercle vestige; if tubercle vestiges absent, then IMP of forewings shorter than MP^ and basally detached from MP2 (Fig. 86). ' 6 6. Larva: Head (Fig. 7) margined with long setae anteriorly; gills on abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 7) operculate. Adult: Abdominal segment 5 without gill socket vestiges; IMP of forewings shorter than MP2 (Fig. 86). Genus Lestagella — Larva: Head (Figs 4, 6) not margined with long setae; gills on abdominal segment 2 (Figs 4, 6) semi-operculate, with part of following gill pair exposed. Adult: Abdominal segment 5 with gill socket vestiges; IMP of forewings shorter (Fig. 85) or longer (Fig. 83) than MP2. 7 7. Larva: Abdomen (Fig. 4) with median dorsal row of sharp tubercles; Gills absent on abdominal segment 1 . Adult: Abdominal terga 3-6 (Fig. 89) each with small, median tubercle vestige; IMP of forewings longer than MP2, and MP, attached directly to IMP (Fig. 83). Genus Ephemerellina — Larva: Abdomen (Fig. 6) with single median row of dorsal tubercles represented by broad- based and attenuated extensions of the posterior tergal margins; Gills present on abdominal segment 1. Adult: Abdominal terga 3-6 without tubercles; IMP of forewings shorter than MPj and detached from it (Fig. 85). Genus Lithogloea Subfamily Austremerellinae subfam. nov. Diagnosis Larvae of the Austremerellinae may be told from those of the Teloganodinae by the presence of gills on abdominal segment 7 (Figs 2, 3). Gills on abdominal segment 2 are not operculate or semi- 392 McCAFFERTY and WANG; PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) operculate in Austremerellinae (Figs 2, 3). The inner margins of the cerci have elongate, relatively dense, and sometimes forked, hairlike setae along the medial margin (Figs 77, 78). Larvae of Austremerellinae also possess a double row of small, sharp tubercles on abdominal terga (Figs 2, 3), whereas only in the South African genus Nadinella gen. nov. can a double row of tubercles be found in the Teloganodinae, and these tend to be blunt. Adults of Austremerellinae possess forewings with a complex stigmatic area, being longitudinally subdivided by a secondary vein into extensive upper and lower rows of cellules between the Costa and Subcosta (Figs 80-82). Forewings of Austremerellinae also have more elongate intercalary veins in that area between IMP and CuA, and have three or more CuA intercalary attachments to CuA. Adults also possess gill socket vestiges on abdominal segment 7, although they may be difficult to discern. Genus Austremerella Riek (Figs 2, 1 1, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 77, 80, 88) Austremerella Riek, 1963:50. (Larva and adult) Type: Austremerella picta Riek, by original designation. EphemerelUna {sxxhgems Austremerella), Allen, 1965:264. Description of mature larva Head (Fig. 2) without cephalic horns. Labrum (Fig. 1 1 ) subquadrate, approximately twice as broad as long, with short, scattered setae over entire dorsal surface. Mandibles (Figs 20, 29) robust; incisors oriented distally; medioapical setal patch of setae developed on left mandible (Fig. 29). Maxillae (Fig. 38) with palpi absent. Superlinguae of hypopharynx (Fig. 47) moderately developed, slightly concave laterally and not extending beyond lingua distally; apical margin of lingua convex. Labium (Fig. 56) with well-divided and apically narrowed glossae and paraglossae; palpal segment 3 longer than width of segment 2. Pronotum (Fig. 2) short, more than twice as broad as long, not produced anterolaterally. Forefemora (Fig. 2) moderately broad. Tarsal claws with one row of denticles. Simple filamentous gills absent on abdominal segment 1; lamellate gills present on abdominal segments 2-7; gills on abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 2) not operculate or semi-operculate. Paired dorsal abdominal tubercles present (Fig. 2). Caudal filaments not banded; median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Description of adult Head without pair of cephalic horn vestiges. Mesothorax ending posteriorly with pair of elongate membranous processes (Fig. 88). Forewings (Fig. 80) with IMP longer than MP2; MP2 attached directly to IMP; most marginal intercalaries free, not attached. Abdominal segments 2-7 with gill socket vestiges. Median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Diagnosis The larvae of Austremerella can be distinguished from those of Vietnamella by their lack of cephalic horns, maxillary palpi, and gills on abdominal segment 1. Furthermore, segment 3 of the labial palpi are much longer; the mandibles are not modified apically as in Vietnamella (Figs 21, 30); and the labrum of Austremerella has short setae scattered over the entire dorsal surface, whereas in Vietnamella, the setae are confined to the distal half of the dorsal surface of the labrum. The adults 393 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 of Austremerella have a unique pair of membranous filaments as described above, and most marginal intercalary veins in the forewings are typical of the family and also Ephemerellidae, in that they are unattached. Most short marginal intercalaries of the forewings of Vietnamella are attached to other veins. Species included Austremerella picta Riek Austremerella picta Riek, 1963:50. Ephemerellina picta (Riek), Allen, 1965:264. Distribution Australia: Queensland. Material examined Austremerella picta: AUSTRALIA: Larvae, Queensland, Flaggy Cr., Mistake Mtns. via Laidley, S. E. Old, 11-11-1973, S. R. Monteith, ANC, PERC. Female adult paratype, Queensland, Lamington Natl. Park, VIII- 11-1942, E. F. Riek, PERC. Remarks This monotypic genus is defined by the following autapomorphies (see also Phylogenetics, below): the elongation of labial palpal segment 3, and the presence of unusual mesothoracic processes in the adults. Within the subfamily Austremerellinae, they are further defined by loss of the gills on abdominal segment 1 and the loss of maxillary palpi. Otherwise, the genus appears to be the most plesiotypic genus within the family (with the possible exception of Ephemerellina of the subfamily Teloganodinae), retaining a preponderance of plesiomorphic character states. Riek (1963) did not notice the pair of gills on abdominal segment 7 of the larvae, and this led to some historical confusion about the integrity of the genus. Allen (1965) incorrectly considered it a subgenus of Ephemerellina. The male adults of A. picta remain unknown. Above, we provide new collecting data associated with the larvae. Unfortunately, the only ecology known of Austremerella is that larvae have been found in mountain streams. Genus Vietnamella Tshernova (Figs 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 69, 78, 81, 82) Vietnamella Tshernova, 1972:366. (Larva) Type: Vietnamella thani Tshernova, by original designation. Vietnamella, You and Su, 1987:176. (Adult). Vietnamella, Wang and McCafferty, 1995:193. (Revision). Description of mature larva Head (Fig. 3) with prominent, anteriorly directed cephalic horns anterior to eyes. Labrum (Fig. 12) with lateral margins convergent distally, approximately twice as broad as long, with scattered 394 McCAFFERTY and WANG; PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) moderately long setae in distal half dorsally. Mandibles (Figs 21, 30) narrow basally, broad apically; incisors fused and oriented more or less laterally; medioapical patch of setae developed on left mandible. Maxillae (Fig. 39) with three-segmented palpi. Superlinguae of hypopharynx (Fig. 48) moderately developed, rounded laterally, and slightly shorter than lingua; apical margin of lingua straight. Labium (Fig. 57) with short and broad, apically truncate glossae and paraglossae; palpal segment 3 very short, with length less than width of segment 2. Pronotum (Fig. 3) about 1.5 times as broad as long, anterolateral comers produced into processes. Tarsal claws (Fig. 69) with one denticle. Simple, filamentous gills present on abdominal segment 1; lamellate gills present on abdominal segments 2-7; gills on abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 3) not operculate or semi-operculate. Paired dorsal abdominal tubercles present (Fig. 3). Caudal filaments not banded; median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Description of adult Head with pair of cephalic horn vestiges. Mesothorax without pair of elongate membranous processes. Forewings (Figs 81, 82) with IMP nearly as long as MP2; MP2 attached to IMP near base; most short marginal intercalaries are attached to crossveins or longitudinal veins. Abdominal segments 2-7 with gill socket vestiges. Median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Diagnosis The larvae of Vietnamella can be distinguished from those of Austremerella by the presence of cephalic horns, restricted setae on the labmm, fused and laterally oriented incisors on the mandibles, maxillary palpi, the shorter terminal labial palpal segments, the truncate glossae and paraglossae, the longer prothorax, the single denticle of the tarsal claws, and gills on abdominal segment 1 . The adults of Vietnamella have vestiges of the larval cephalic horns on the head, and they do not have the specialized mesothoracic filaments present in Austremerella. Species included Vietnamella dabieshanensis You and Su Vietnamella dabieshanensis You and Su, 1987:176. Vietnamella guadunensis Zhou and Su, 1995:48. Vietnamella omata (Tshemova) Ephemerellina omata Tshemova, 1972:368. Vietnamella omata (Tshemova), Wang and McCafferty, 1995. Vietnamella qingyuanensis Zhou and Su, 1995:47. Vietnamella sinensis (Hsu) Ephemerella sinensis Hsu, 1936:325. Ephemerellina sinensis (Hsu), Allen and Edmunds, 1963a: 15. Vietnamella sinensis (Hsu), Wang and McCafferty, 1995:193. Vietnamella thani Tshemova Vietnamella thani Tshemova, 1972:367. Distribution The genus is known from Vietnam and southern and southeastern China (Yunnan, Anhui, Fujian, Jiang Xi, and Zhejiang Provinces). 395 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Material examined Vietnamella thani: VIETNAM: Larvae, VinhPhuProv., R. Dan, Tran Dao, X- 17-1 984, T. Soldan, PERC. Remarks This genus is defined by the following autapomorphies (see also Phylogenetics, below): the presence of cephalic horns in the larvae (including their vestiges in the adults), the laterally oriented, fused mandibular incisors, the apically truncate paraglossae, the single claw denticle, and the fact that most short marginal intercalaries in the forewings are attached either to crossveins or longitudinal veins. The relatively large number of autapomorphies of Vietnamella shows that it is a relatively apotypic genus within an old subfamily. It is phonetically so different from other teloganodids that we consider it aberrant. It is not surprising that all workers previous to Edmunds and Murvosh ( 1995) considered it in Ephemerellidae (Ephemerellinae) . Wang and McCafferty (1995) showed that all Oriental species that were previously known as adults and that were called Ephemerellina were in fact Vietnamella. The taxonomy of species is somewhat dubious at the present because species have not been adequately compared with each other. Eor example, the known alate forms of V. omata (unknown as larvae) may prove to be associated with the larvae of V. thani (unknown in alate stages). In addition, V. sinensis and V. dabieshanensis have been taken from the same general area in the Dabie Mountains of southeastern China, and they might prove to be synonymous, and Zhou (pers. comm.) has indicated that he believes that V. guadunensis and V. qingyuanensis are actually immature V. dabieshanensis. Little is known of the habitat or habits of this genus, although Tshemova (1972) indicated that the larvae of V. thani were periphyton feeders. Adaptive convergences in mouthpart structure found in Vietnamella and the genera Lestagella and Teloganodes of the subfamily Teloganodinae (reduced mandibles, and well-developed filtering setae marginally on the labrum, on short superlinguae, and on paraglossae and somewhat fused glossae) suggest that there are close feeding similarities, including filtering ability in the three genera. Subfamily Teloganodinae Diagnosis Larvae of the Teloganodinae may be distinguished from those of the Austremerellinae by the absence of gills on abdominal segment 7, by the presence of either operculate (Figs 7-10) or semi- operculate (Figs 4-6) gills on abdominal segment 2, and their shorter and more sparsely setaceous cerci (Fig. 79). All larvae lack maxillary palpi (Figs 40-46) and tubercles or horns on the head (Figs 4-10). Also, larvae either possess a double row of blunt tubercles (Figs 5, 74-76), a single row of sharp or blunt tubercles (Figs 4, 6, 8, 9), or no dorsal tubercles (Figs 7, 10) on the abdominal terga. Adults of Teloganodinae do not have a forewing stigmatic area that is divided by a secondary longitudinal vein into two rows of several cellules, and there are fewer intercalary veins between IMP and CuP (Figs 83-87). They also lack gill socket vestiges on abdominal segment 7 (Fig. 89). 396 McCAFFERTY and WANG; PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Genus Ephemerellina Lestage (Figs 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 65, 70, 79, 83, 89) Ephemerellina Lestage, 1924:346. (Adult). Type: Ephemerellina barnardi Lestage, by original designation. Ephemerellina, Barnard, 1932:251. (Larva). Ephemerellina, Allen, 1965:293. (Incl. Austremerella). Ephemerellina, Demoulin, 1970:123. (Incl. Lithogloea). Ephemerellina, McCafferty and de Moor, 1995:472. (Excl. Lithogloea). Ephemerellina, Wang and McCafferty, 1995:193. (Revision). Description of Mature Larva Head (Fig. 4) without well-developed marginal fringe of setae. Labrum (Fig. 13) broadly subquadrate, apical width approximately three times length, with scattered short setae over entire dorsal surface; apical margin broadly and gradually emarginate. Mandibles (Figs 22, 31) broadly robust; inner and outer incisors divergent; long mediolateral seta absent; outer incisor with at least one sharp denticle and apicomedial patch of setae developed on left mandible (Fig. 31). Maxillae as in Fig. 40. Superlinguae of hypopharynx extended distally beyond apices of lingua [Fig. 49, Fig. 12g of Demoulin (1970)], lateral margins nearly straight; lingua convex apically. Labium (Fig. 58) with well-demarcated glossae and paraglossae; paraglossae somewhat bluntly pointed medioapically. Prostemum (Fig. 65) with bi-lobular, spinous process medially. Forefemora (Fig. 4) relatively narrow. Tarsal claws (Fig. 70) with single row of denticles. Simple, filamentous gills absent on abdominal segment 1 ; lamellate gills present on abdominal segments 2-6; gills on abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 4) semi-operculate. Abdomen (Fig. 4) with single row of relatively narrow-elongate and sharp tubercles dorsally; posterolateral processes only poorly developed and approximate to base of following segment. Caudal filaments banded; median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Description of adult Forewings (Fig. 83) with IMP longer than MPj and both veins directly attached to each other in basal half of wing. Abdominal segments 2-6 (Fig. 89) with gill socket vestiges; abdominal terga 3-5 (sometimes others also) each with small, conical, medial tubercle vestige (Fig. 89). Median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Diagnosis The larvae of Ephemerellina are distinguished from those of other genera of Teloganodinae by their possession of a unique, spinous and bi-lobular, prostemal process, and by their possession of a labrum (Fig. 13) that is subquadrate, relatively broad, covered by short setae over nearly its entire dorsal surface, and somewhat emarginate along the apical margin. Larvae may be further distinguished from other African genera of Teloganodinae by their single row of relatively narrow-elongate dorsal abdominal tubercles. A combination of characteristics must be used to diagnose the adults of Ephemerellina from those of other Teloganodinae (see Key to Genera, above). They differ from other African genera of Teloganodinae by the presence of a single median row of conical tubercle vestiges on the abdominal terga. 397 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Species Included Ephemerellina bamardi Lestage, 1924:348. Ephemerellina sp. Allen and Edmunds, 1963a: 15. Distribution South Africa: Western Cape Province. Material examined Ephemerellina barnardi: SOUTH AFRICA: Male and female adults, Gt. Winterhoek Mts., 4500 ft., XI- 19 16, AM. Larva, Gt. Winterhoek Mts., IX, XI- 1932, K. H. Barnard, AM. Larva, Cedarbergen, 1-1930, K. H. Barnard, AM. Larvae, West Cape, Jonkershoek Mts., waterfall of 2nd trib. Eerste R., IX-28-1990, W. P. andN. McCafferty, PERC. Larva, Great Berg R., Lower forest reserve, Driefontein Bridge, VII- 19- 1950, AM. Larva, Viljoen’s Pass, Elgin, S side, X-29-1931, K. H. Barnard, AM. Remarks This monotypic genus is defined by the autapomorphic spinous, bi-lobular, prostemal process in the larvae (see also Phylogenetics, below). It can be viewed as the most plesiotypic genus of the Teloganodinae, in that it retains the greatest number of plesiomorphic character states. It also rivals Austremerella of the Austremerellinae as the most plesiotypic genus of the entire family. There have been various attempts to place representatives of other lineages in this genus. Allen (1965) considered Austremerella a subgenus of Ephemerellina. Demoulin (1970) considered Lithogloea a subgenus of Ephemerellina, and also placed species, either as subgenus Ephemerellina or subgenus unknown in Ephemerellina that actually belong to Nadinella gen. nov. Prom our cladistic analysis, it is now clear that symplesiomorphy was the basis of all of the above interpretations. Allen and Edmunds (1963a) and Tshemova (1972) placed certain species, now known to belong to Vietnamella, in the genus Ephemerellina. This latter situation was resolved by Wang and McCafferty (1995), and the historically confused taxonomy of African Teloganodidae is resolved herein. In Lestage’s (1924) original description of the adults, he incorrectly reported two terminal segments of the male genital forceps. This was corrected by Barnard (1932), who at the same time, provided description of the larval stage. Ephemerellina is known from temperate mountain streams in the extreme southwest of the African continent. We consider it a temperate Gondwanaland relict (see Biogeography discussion under Phylogenetics, below). The first author and N. McCafferty collected larvae in abundance from moss on vertical rock faces of waterfalls of small mountain tributaries of the Eerste River near Stellenbosch. Based on data from small tributaries and waterfalls, it appears that the habitat is similar to that of Nadinella gen. nov. (see below). King (1981) reported some spatial and temporal data for E. bamardi in the Eerste River. She found larvae throughout the year and most commonly from stones in the upper reaches of the river. Barber-James and de Moor (pers. comm.) indicated that larvae have been found on the straplike leaves (ca. 1 mm width) of Isolepis (Cyperaceae), where this plant occurs in mats in swift current of acidic streams of the Western Cape. 398 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Genus Nadinella gen. nov. (Figs 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 66, 71, 74-76, 84, 90) Type species Ephemerellina crassi Allen and Edmunds. Description of mature larva Head (Fig. 5) without well-developed marginal fringe of setae. Labrum (Fig. 14) subquadrate and relatively narrow, with apical width only approximately 1.5 times length; setae in transverse medial third of dorsum; apical margin deeply notched medially. Mandibles (Figs 23, 32) somewhat narrow in basal half and gradually broadening apically; incisors separated but not divergent; left mandible with outer incisor with three semi-blunt poorly demarcated denticles and without medioapical setal patch (Fig. 32). Maxillae as in Fig. 41. Superlinguae of hypopharynx (Fig. 50) moderately developed, rounded laterally, and subequal in length to lingua; lingua with apical margin nearly straight. Labium (Fig. 59) with well-divided glossae and paraglossae; glossae rounded apically; paraglossae bluntly pointed apically. Prostemum (Fig. 66) without medial spinous process. Forefemora (Fig. 5) relatively narrow. Tarsal claws (Fig. 71) with two rows of denticles. Simple, filamentous gills present or absent on abdominal segment 1; lamellate gills present on 2-5; gills on abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 5) semi-operculate. Abdomen (Fig. 5) with two rows of blunt dorsal tubercles, sometimes coalescing on some segments into short and broad, apically straight-margined or rounded processes (Figs 74-76); posterolateral processes poorly developed and approximate to base of following segment. Caudal filaments banded; median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Description of adult Forewings (Fig. 84) with IMP longer than MPj, and both veins directly attached to each other in basal half of wing. Abdominal segment 2-5 with gill socket vestiges; abdominal terga 3-5 (sometimes others also) with small transverse thickening medially, each bearing two small, conical tubercle vestiges [see Figs 8c, 8d of Barnard (1940)]; tubercle vestiges may not be evident in some specimens. Male genitalia as shown in Fig. 89. Median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Diagnosis The larvae of Nadinella can be distinguished from larvae of all other genera of Teloganodinae by the presence of two rows of denticles on the claws, the relatively narrow and deeply notched labrum, and the double row of dorsal abdominal tubercles. Among the African genera of Teloganodidae, it can further be differentiated by the presence of lamellate gills on abdominal segments 2-5. Ephemerellina and Lithogloea larvae have lamellate gills on abdominal segments 2- 6, and Lestagella larvae have lamellate gills on abdominal segments 2-4. Some Nadinella larvae have the double tubercles coalesced into a single, broad, posteromedian protuberance. Lithogloea larvae have single, somewhat broad, medial tubercles that may be blunt or sharp apically. In those Nadinella larvae in which the paired tubercles have become coalesced into a broad protuberance. 399 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 some bifurcation will usually still be evident on at least some of the segments. If no bifurcation is evident, then often some, if not most, of the protuberances will be very broad and straight along their apical margin [Figs 75, 76, Fig. 131 in Demoulin (1970)]. In any case, it would be prudent not to rely solely on the presence of the double row of tubercles for identifying Nadinella. The adults of most Nadinella are distinct among the Teloganodinae, in that they have short, broad medial processes, with small paired tubercle vestiges evident on at least abdominal terga 3-5. They may be differentiated among the African genera of Teloganodidae by the presence of gill socket vestiges on abdominal segments 2-5 . The former characteristic may not be evident on adults associated with those few larvae that have coalesced tubercles (see discussion, above), and the latter character can be difficult to see in some specimens. Because Nadinella has a relatively elongate IMP that is directly attached with MP2, it cannot be confused with Lithogloea or Lestagella, even though the dorsal abdominal tubercle vestiges may not be evident in any of these genera. The male genitalia of N. crassi and L. harrisoni are also distinctive, particularly with regard to the shape of the penes (Figs 90, 91). Etymology Nadinella is named for Nadine McCafferty, who was instrumental in carrying out the field work in South Africa that facilitated the study of Teloganodidae. Species included Nadinella brincki (Demoulin) comb. nov. Ephemerellina brincki Demoulin, 1970:125. Nadinella crassi (Allen and Edmunds) comb. nov. Ephemerellina crassi Allen and Edmunds, 1963a: 12. Distribution South Africa: Western Cape Province. Material examined Nadinella crassi: SOUTH AFRICA: Holotype larva, paratype larvae and male subimago. Great Berg R., French Hoek Reserve, XI-20, 21-1950, A. D. Harrison, PERC. Larva, Gt. Winterhoek, IX,XI-1932, K. H. Barnard, PERC. Larvae, West Cape, Jonkershoek Mts., waterfall of 2nd trib. Eerste R., IX-28-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Larvae, West Cape, Jonkershoek Mts., waterfall of 1st trib. Eerste R., IX-28-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Larvae, West Cape, Jonkershoek St. Forest, rivulet trib. Eerste R. IX-28-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Larvae, West Cape, Jonkershoek Mt. Reserve, Eerste R. near bridge at end of dirt road, IX-28-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Subimago with larval exuviae. Great Berg R., railway bridge above Groot Drakenstein, XI-1 1-1953, AM. Nadinella brincki: SOUTH AFRICA: Larva, Eerste Stellenbosch, X-25-1930, AM (incorrectly labeled by K. H. Barnard as Lithogloea harrisoni). Nadinella sp.: SOUTH AFRICA: Kruig R., ni-8-1960, AM. 400 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Remarks This genus is defined by the autapomorphic double row of denticles on the tarsal claws (see also Phylogenetics, below). The deeply notched condition of the labrum also appears to be autapomorphic within the Teloganodidae, but we do not know how consistent it will prove to be on a generic level. Demoulin (1970) originally considered N. crassi as “Ephemerellina (subg.?).” He also described at that time what he termed as the “simplex” form of N. brincki and placed it in Ephemerellina (subgenus Ephemerellina). This latter species, however, clearly belongs to Nadinella, having the double row of claw denticles, lamellate gills on abdominal segments 2-5, etc. It is atypical of most of the individuals we have seen of Nadinella, in that the usual double row of dorsal abdominal tubercles has coalesced into a single broad and straight-margined tubercle, or protuberance. We do not know if this represents a variation of N. brincki or perhaps another species. Presumably, it lacks the simple gills on abdominal segment 1, although this is not clear from Demoulin’ s account. We have seen variations of N. crassi (a species with simple gills on abdominal segment 1) with similar, and even more extreme, tubercle variation (Figs 74-76). Barnard (1940) included an adult of Nadinella as part of a series of Ephemerellina barnardi Lestage. The presence of a double row of tubercle vestiges on the terga of that specimen [Figs 8c, 8d of Barnard (1940)] clearly excludes it from Ephemerellina. Nadinella is restricted to temperate mountain streams in the extreme southwest of the African continent. We consider it a temperate Gondwanaland relict (see Biogeography discussion under Phylogenetics, below). The first author collected larvae in abundance from moss growing on the rock faces of waterfalls of tributaries of the Eerste River near Stellenbosch, as well as from habitats with less gradient. We have also seen collecting labels for Nadinella larvae that specifically noted that they had been taken in Wardia moss on rocks. Genus Lithogloea Barnard (Figs 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 67, 72, 85, 91) Lithogloea Barnard, 1932:252. (Larva and adult). Type: Lithogloea harrisoni Barnard, by monotypy. Ephemerellina (subgenus Lithogloea), Demoulin, 1970:128. Lithogloea, McCafferty and de Moor, 1995:472. Description of mature larva Head (Fig. 6) without well-developed marginal fringe of setae. Labrum (Fig. 15) with apical margin nearly straight and lateral margins slightly convergent apically; dorsal surface with irregular transverse rows of setae at midlength and apical fourth; basal width approximately twice length. Mandibles (Figs 24, 33) narrowed, slightly broader apically; inner and outer incisors divergent; long mediolateral seta absent; left mandible with outer incisor with at least one sharp denticle and without apicomedial patch of setae (Fig. 33). Maxillae as in Fig. 42. Superlinguae of hypopharynx (Fig. 51) with apical margins approximately subequal with that of lingua, lateral margins rounded; lingua convex apically. Labium (Fig. 60) with well-divided glossae and paraglossae; paraglossae somewhat bluntly pointed medioapically. Prostemum (Fig. 67) without bi-lobular, spinous process. Forefemora (Fig. 6) relatively narrow. Tarsal claws with single row of denticles. Simple filamentous gills present on abdominal segment 1; lamellate gills on abdominal segments 2-6; gills on abdominal segment 2 401 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 (Fig. 6) semi-operculate. Abdomen (Fig. 6) with single row of poorly developed, short, usually broad- based tubercles dorsally; posterolateral processes well developed, elongate-subtriangular, sharply attenuated, and well separated from base of following segment; middle segments with short lateral setae (Fig. 6). Caudal filaments banded; median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Description of adult Forewings (Fig. 85) with IMP shorter than MPj and detached from it. Abdominal segments 2- 6 with gill socket vestiges; abdominal terga without tubercle vestiges. Male genitalia as shown in Fig. 91. Median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Diagnosis The larvae of Lithogloea are distinguished from those of other genera of the Teloganodinae by their well-developed, elongate, and remote abdominal posterolateral processes, which are widely separated from the base of the following segment. At least one species of the Oriental genus Teloganodes also has posterolateral processes nearly as developed as those of the Lithogloea, and Lestagella has moderately developed posterolateral processes. In the latter genera, however, gills are absent on abdominal segment 6, there is a well-developed setal fringe on the head, and lateral abdominal setae are much longer. With respect to dorsal abdominal tubercles, there are some aberrant forms of Nadinella that could be confused with Lithogloea. This situation is discussed in the Diagnosis of Nadinella, above. Adults of Lithogloea are distinguished from those of other genera of Teloganodinae by the combination of an IMP in the forewings that is much shorter than MP2 and detached from it, and the presence of gill socket vestiges on abdominal segments 2-6. The nearly apically truncate penes (Fig. 91) of Lithogloea should also be of some aid in differentiating the adult in Africa. Species included Lithogloea harrisoni Barnard, 1932:253. Ephemerellina harrisoni (Barnard), Demoulin, 1970:129. Lithogloea harrisoni Barnard, McCafferty and de Moor, 1995:472. Distribution South Africa: Western Cape. There are unconfirmed records of Lithogloea from the Eastern Cape Prov. and Kwazulu-Natal Prov., South Africa (Crass 1947), Swaziland (Stander 1963), and the Northern Transvaal Prov., South Africa and Malawi (Harrison and Agnew 1962). We have seen material labeled Lithogloea spp. in the Albany Museum from the Crocodile River (Eastern Transvaal), Schageni, Karino, the Itawa River (ZambiaX Usutu River (Swaziland), and Malawi all collected in the 1950’s and 60’ s. These all represent misidentified material of Ephemerythus Gillies (Tricorythidae). Ephemerythus was not described until 1960 (Gillies 1960), and up to that time had been known as “ephemerellid genus ?” (e.g., Kimmins 1955). It remains poorly known by non- specialists. A record of Lithogloea from Zaire by Marlier (1954) is most likely attributable to the baetid genus Acanthiops Waltz and McCafferty (see Barber- James and McCafferty 1997). Whereas it is possible that Lithogloea eventually may be confirmed from temperate and mountainous areas of the Eastern Cape and Kwazulu-Natal provinces of South Africa, we have been unable to substantiate 402 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) such a distribution at this time, and a more northern range in Africa can neither be substantiated nor is it predicted by the general biogeography of Teloganodidae (see Biogeography under Phylogenetics, below). In fact, the only materials of actual teloganodines that we have examined from outside the Western Cape are Lestagella from the Eastern Cape, misidentified and mislabeled as Lithogloea, and all of what Crass referred to as Lithogloea may be attributable to Lestagella. This is understandable because Lestagella was not known until 1970 (Demoulin 1970) and was not generally recognized after that. From all of the above we must assume that Lithogloea is restricted to the Western Cape of South Africa. Material examined Lithogloea harrisonv. SOUTH AFRICA: Male and female adults, Gt. Winterhoek, XI- 1932, K. H. Barnard, AM. Subimagos, Gt. Drakenstein. Larva, West Cape, Jonkershoek Mts., Eerste R. nr bridge at end of dirt rd, IX-28-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Remarks This genus is defined by the autapomorphic well-developed, elongate abdominal posterolateral processes (see also Phylogenetics, below). The bluntly fused and pointed maxillae that lack denticles also appear to be unique within the family; the maxillae of Lestagella are also reduced, but differently. Barnard (1932) originally described Lithogloea based on L. harrisoni. Later he (Barnard 1940) recognized part of the material he had considered as L. harrisoni as another species L. penicillata, which was later recognized as another genus, Lestagella, by Demoulin (1970). Little is known of the ecology of this species. It was not taken from waterfalls in the Jonkershoek Mountains by the first author as was Nadinella and Ephemerellina, but was found cohabiting with them in other habitats with less gradient. King (1981) and King et al. (1988) provided some spatial and temporal data with respect to L. harrisoni in the Jonkershoek mountain reaches of the Eerste and Long rivers. Larvae have recently been taken on the 1 mm wide leaves of Isolepis (Cyperaceae), where this plant occurs in mats in swift currents of certain streams in the Western Cape (Barber- James and de Moor, pers. comm.). The range of Lithogloea is somewhat dubious at this time (see Distribution, above), and records other than those from the Western Cape need to be authenticated with further study of material. Such records are likely attributable to Lestagella, because that genus was not recognized as a separate genus until after the questionable records appeared. Since workers were presumably using Barnard ( 1 940) for identification, they would have easily confused Lithogloea and Lestagella. Genus Lestagella Demoulin (Figs 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 68, 72, 86) Lestagella Demoulin, 1970:130. (Larva and adult). Type: Lithogloea penicillata Barnard, by original designation. Description of mature larva Head (Fig. 7) with well-developed marginal fringe of setae, long anteriorly, shorter laterally. Labrum (Fig. 16) with rounded lateral margins and slightly emarginate apical margin; dorsum with 403 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 medial transverse row of setae; basal width nearly three times length. Mandibles (Figs 25, 34) narrow throughout and atrophied apically; mediolateral elongate seta present, not bristlelike, sometimes broken or missing; left mandible without apicomedial setal patch (Fig. 34). Maxillae as in Fig. 43. Superlinguae of hypopharynx (Fig. 52) shorter than lingua, with straight lateral margins; apical margin of lingua with small notch medially. Labium (Fig. 61) with poorly divided glossae and paraglossae; paraglossae rounded apically. Prostemum (Fig. 68) without bi-lobular, spinous process medially. Forefemora (Fig. 7) broad. Tarsal claws (Fig. 73) with single row of denticles. Simple filamentous gills present on abdominal segment 1; lamellate gills present on abdominal segments 2-4; gill on abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 7) fully operculate. Abdomen (Fig. 7) without dorsal abdominal tubercles; posterolateral processes subtriangular and moderately developed, not elongate and sharply attenuated, and moderately separated from base of following segment; middle segments with long lateral setae (Fig. 7). Caudal filaments banded; median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Description of adult Forewings (Fig. 86) with IMP shorter than MP2 and detached from it. Abdominal segments 2- 4 with gill socket vestiges; abdominal terga without dorsal abdominal tubercle vestiges. Median caudal filament well developed (three tailed). Diagnosis Lestagella larvae can be told from larvae of other Teloganodinae by the reduced and atrophied mandibles, the modified apices of the maxillae, and the medial notch of the lingua of the hypopharynx. Other than these mouthpart characteristics, which will require slide mounting to examine efficiently and may possibly prove to be species specific, the combination of the three tails and the well-developed marginal fringe of setae on the head will distinguish the larvae of Lestagella from all others. The adults of Lestagella can be told from those of all other teloganodines by the combination of three tails, the relatively short and detached IMP in the forewings, and the presence of gill socket vestiges only on abdominal segments 2-4. Species included Lestagella penicillata (Barnard). Lithogloea penicillata Barnard, 1940:637. Distribution South Africa: Western Cape and Eastern Cape. Unusual specimens from the Amatola Mountains of the Eastern Cape were tentatively identified as Lithogloea harrisoni by Crass (1947). Although we could not find that material, we maintain that the record is attributable to either Lestagella or Ephemerythus (family Tricorythidae). Other materials we have seen labeled as Lithogloea are actually Lestagella. The latter two genera have been commonly misidentified as Lithogloea (see Distribution, under Lestagella). 404 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Material examined Lestagella penicillata\ SOUTH AFRICA: Larvae, South Cape, Wit R., IX- 1 8- 1989, AM. Larvae, West Cape, JonLershoek Mts., waterfall of 2nd trib. Eerste R., IX-28-1990. W. P. andN. McCafferty, PERC. Larva, West Cape, Jonkershoek Mts., waterfall of 1st trib. Eerste R., IX-28-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Larvae, West Cape, Jonkershoek Mts. Reserve, Eerste R., nr bridge at end of dirt rd, IX-28-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Larvae, West Cape, upper Kirstenbosch NatT. Bot. Card., Skeleton Gorge Stream, X-1-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Larvae, West Cape, Kirstenbosch NatT. Bot. Gard., Window Stream at rd, IX-29-1990, W. P. and N. McCafferty, PERC. Larva, Eastern Cape, Madonna and Child, X-7-1989, AM. Subimago and larvae, Tweck’s Pont, IX-1933, K. H. Barnard, AM. Larvae, Gt. Winterhoek Mts., IX-1 1-1932, K. H. Barnard, AM. Remarks This genus is defined by the autapomorphic atrophy of the apical mandibular armature (see also Phylogenetics, below). The notched lingua of the hypopharynx also appears unique among the Teloganodidae. Lestagella belongs to a clade that also includes the Oriental genera Macafertiella and Teloganodes. As such, it represents a transition between the archaic African fauna and the Oriental teloganodines (see Biogeography under Phylogenetics, below). Barnard (1940) originally considered this genus as part of Lithogloea; however, Demoulin (1970) recognized its distinctiveness and established the genus. Although Lestagella is known from a number of mountain streams in the Western and Eastern Cape, little is known of its ecology. Genus Macafertiella Wang (Figs 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62) Macafertiella Wang (in Wang and McCafferty), 1996:15. (Larva). Type: Macafertiella insignis Wang and McCafferty, by original designation. Description of mature larva Head (Fig. 8) with well-developed marginal fringe of setae, setae longest posterior to antennae. Labrum (Fig. 17) with distally convergent lateral margins and slightly emarginate apical margin; dense transverse row of long filtering setae located at approximately 3/4 distance from base and curved laterally, following marginal shape of labrum; basal width approximately three times length. Mandibles (Figs 26, 35) narrow throughout, slightly broader apically; long mediolateral seta present, bristlelike; left mandible with outer incisors blunt and not divergent, and with sparse medioapical patch of setae (Fig. 35). Maxillae as Fig. 44. Superlinguae of hypopharynx (Fig. 53) extending beyond lingua, with straight lateral margins; apical margin of lingua straight with slightly produced area medially. Labium (Fig. 62) with poorly divided glossae and paraglossae; glossae nearly completely fused medially; paraglossae rounded apically. Prostemum without bi-lobular, spinous process medially. Forefemora (Fig. 8) relatively narrow. Tarsal claws with single row of denticles. Simple filamentous gills absent on abdominal segment 1; lamellate gills present on abdominal segments 2-6; gill on abdominal segment 2 (Fig. 8) fully operculate. Abdomen (Fig. 8) with single row of sharp medial tubercles dorsally; posterolateral processes poorly developed and approximate 405 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 to base of following segment. Cerci not banded. Median caudal filament vestigial (two tailed). Adult unknown Diagnosis Larvae of Macafertiella are distinguished from those of other Teloganodinae by the unique labrum, but also by the combination of being two tailed and having gills on abdominal segment 6. Although initially Wang and McCafferty (1996b) indicated there were size differences between the abdominal tubercles of Macafertiella and Teloganodes, the range in size of Teloganodes tubercles has since been found to include the size of those of Macafertiella. The adults are unknown, but assuredly will have a reduced median caudal filament as well as larva-associated vestiges of the median row of dorsal abdominal tubercles and gill socket vestiges on abdominal segment 2-6. Together, these should allow recognition of the unknown adult and prevent confusion with the genus Teloganodes, which may be taken sympatrically and is similarly two tailed, but which has no gill socket vestiges on abdominal segment 6. Species included Macafertiella insignis Wang and McCafferty, 1996:16. Distribution Sri Lanka. Material examined Macafertiella insignis: SRI LANKA: Larval holotype and paratype, Belihuloya Region, Veli- Oya, trib. of Walawe-Ganga, 700 m, XII-8-1970, F. Starmiihlner, PERC. Larva paratype, Kitilgala Region, Rambukpoth-Oya, nr Pitawela, trib. Kelani-Ganga, 650 m, XII-27-1970, F. Starmiihlner, PERC. Remarks This genus is defined by the apomorphic labrum and labral setation (see also Phylogenetics, below). Although Macafertiella is clearly a sister group of Teloganodes and a member of a rather distinctive clade consisting also of Lestagella, it is somewhat aberrant, particularly with respect to mouthparts and legs. It has been found cohabiting with undescribed species of Teloganodes as well as T. tristis in Sri Lanka. There remains the possibility that the larvae of M. insignis is associated with an adult from Sri Lanka that was named Teloganodes major by Eaton (1884). If this proves to be true, then T major would become the type of Macafertiella. Virtually nothing is known of the ecology of Macafertiella. Genus Teloganodes Eaton (Figs 9, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36, 37, 45, 46, 54, 55, 63, 64, 87) Teloganodes Eaton, 1882:208. (Adult). Type: Cloe tristis Hagen, by original designation. Teloganodes, Ulmer, 1939:627. (Larva). 406 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Description of mature larva Head (Figs 9, 10) with well-developed marginal fringe of setae, longer setae posterior to antennae (Fig. 9) or over entire margin (Fig. 10). Labrum (Figs 18, 19) with tapering lateral margins, and slightly emarginate apical margin; dorsum with transverse area of setae at midlength area or slightly beyond midlength; basal width approximately 2.5 times length. Mandibles (Figs 27, 28, 36, 37) narrow; long mediolateral seta present and bristlelike; left mandible with incisors separate and juxtaposed with denticles of outer incisor blunt (Fig. 36), or with denticles of outer incisor fused and blunt (Fig. 37). Maxillae (Figs 45, 46) often with small lateral nodules. Superlinguae of hypopharynx (Figs 54, 55 ) shorter than lingua, with lateral margins slightly concave; apical margin of lingua convex. Labium (Figs 63, 64) with glossae and paraglossae very poorly divided, glossae nearly completely fused medially; paraglossae rounded apically. Prostemum without bi-lobular, spinous process medially. Forefemora (Figs 9, 10) relatively broad. Tarsal claws with single row of denticles. Simple, filamentous gills on abdominal segment 1 absent; lamellate gills present on abdominal segments 2- 4 or 2-5; gills on abdominal segment 2 (Figs 9, 10) fully operculate. Abdomen with single row of poorly to well-developed dorsal tubercles (Fig. 9) or without dorsal tubercles (Fig. 10); posterolateral processes poorly (Fig. 9) to moderately developed (Fig. 10), if moderately developed, then posterolateral processes slightly upturned and middle segments with long lateral setae (Fig. 10). Cerci not banded. Median caudal filament reduced (two tailed). Description of adult Forewings (Fig. 87) with IMP shorter than MP2 and detached from it. Abdominal segments 2- 4 or 2-5 with gill socket vestiges; abdominal terga with or without median row of tubercle vestiges. Median caudal filament reduced. Diagnosis The larvae of Teloganodes are distinguished from those of other Teloganodinae by the combination of being two tailed and having no gills on abdominal segment 6. The adults of Teloganodinae can be told from those of other Teloganodinae by the combination of the two-tailed condition and the absence of gill socket vestiges on abdominal segment 6. Species included Teloganodes dentata Navas, 1931:19. Teloganodes lugens Navas, 1933:17. Teloganodes major Eaton, 1884: 136. Teloganodes tristis (Hagen). Cloe tristis Hagen, 1858:476. Teloganodes tristis (Hagen), Eaton, 1884:135. Distribution Southern Asia: China: Zhejiang Province (Navas 1933); Hong Kong (Dudgeon 1990); India: Maharashtra Province (Navas 1931); Indonesia: Borneo, Celebes, Java (Ulmer 1939), Lombok, Sumatra (Ulmer 1939); Malaysia: Sabah, West Malaysia; Philippines; Sri Lanka. 407 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Material examined (All material deposited in PERC; all material larvae, except where noted). Teloganodes tristis: MALAYSIA (EAST): Sabah, Sungai Moyog, 3 mi E of Penampung, IX- 27-29-1978, G. F and C. Edmunds. Sabah, Sungai Moyog at trib. 8 mi E Penampung, X-1-1978, G. F. and C. Edmunds. MALAYSIA (WEST): Larvae and male subimagos, Selangor, large trib. Sungai Selangor, 6 mi NE Kota Kuba Baharu (Mile 44), XI- 1-1987, G. F. and C. Edmunds. SRI LANKA: Male adults and larva, Ceylon, Newara Eliya Dist., Bakers Falls nr Farr’s Inn, Horton Plains, 7000', VIII-28-1968. Teloganodes spp: INDONESIA (BORNEO): Kalimantan Timur Prov., Waterfall and stream, 1 1 km NE of Samarinda, VIII-27-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. INDONESIA (CELEBES): Sulawesi Selatan Prov., Pattunuang R., 7 km SW of Bantimurung, X-13-1985, 0-100 m, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Sulawesi Tengah Prov., stream 10 km SE Kamarora, Lore Lindu Nat. Park, 830 m, X-8- 1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Sulawesi Utara Prov., Toraut R., Dumoga-Bone Nat. Park 0°34'N, 123°53-54'E, IX-3-5-1985, D. A. Polhemus. Sulawesi Utara Prov., upper Metelanga R., 10 km S. of Doloduo, IX-4-7-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Sulawesi Utara Prov., forest stream S. of Lake Mala, 1200 m, IX-1 1-1985, D. A. Polhemus. INDONESIA (LOMBOK): Nusa Tenggara Barat Prov., Aik Jut R., 1 km N of Sesaot, 30 km NE Mataram, X-23-1985, 350 m, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. MALAYSIA (EAST): Sabah, Sungai Moyog at tributary 8 mi E of Penampung, X-1-1987, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Sabah, Sungai Moyog, 3 mi E of Penampung, IX-27-29-1987, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Sabah, Sungai Tuaran, Tamparuli, X-3-1987, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Sabah, Liwagu, Moyog, N of Kundassan, 915 m, VIII-16-17-1972, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Sabah, Liwagu R. at bridge, Ranau, 335 m, VIII-1 1-16-1972, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Pahang, Fraser Hill, Jeriau Falls (20°C), VIII-30- 1978, G. F. and C. Edmunds. MALAYSIA (WEST): Perak, Sungai Jor: Cameron Highlands Road, 19 Prov., IX-22-23-1978, G. F. and C. H. Edmunds. Larvae, male and female subimagos, Selangor, large trib. Sungai Selangor, 5-10 mi. NE Kota Kuba Baharu (Mile 42, 43, 44, 48), 31-VIII-78, IX- 1-13-1978, G. F. and C. Edmunds (24°C). Selangor, Sungai Tua, 2-6 mi. N. Batu Caves, IX- 14- 15-1978, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Selangor, trib. of Sungai Gombak, 16 mi., 27-VIII-78, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Selangor, Sungai Kanching, Templer Park, VIII-28-1978, G. F. and C. Edmunds. Trengganu, Kampong Sungai Tong, IX-9-1978, G. F. and C. Edmunds. PHILIPPINES: Leyte, Leyte Prov., Lusig R. at Hilusig, VII-15-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Leyte, Leyte Prov., Pangusungan R., N. of Baybay, CL 1988, VII-17-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Luzon, Benguet Prov., 7 km, Asia Hot Springs Rd., VII-7-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Luzon, Benguet Prov., stream below Camp John, Hay hydro, nr. Tuba mines, VII-8-1985, 900 m, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Luzon, Pangasinan Prov., Bayaling R., 100 m, 15 km E. of Bauang, VII-6-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Luzon, Quezon Prov. Nat. Botanic Gardens, Llavac, VII-1 1-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Mindanao, South Cotabato Prov., Lahit R., nr. Lake Sebu, VII-19-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Mindanao, Zamboanga del Sur Prov., Bituti R., 7 km NW of Zamboanga City, 100 m, VII-22-1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. Larva, female adult, Mindoro, Mindoro Oriental Prov., Apararai Cr., 22 km SW of Calapan, VII- 13- 1985, J. T. and D. A. Polhemus. SRI LANKA: Deniyaya Region, Meda- dola trib. of Gin-Ganga R., Sinharaja Range 1000 m, XI-9-1971, F. Starmiihlner. Deniyaya Region, Nagahaketa-Dola trib. of Nilwala-Ganga R. 500 m, XI-13-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Deniyaya Region, Campden Hill Dola trib. of Gin-Gana R., 700 m, XI-9-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Deniyaya Region, Nagahaketa-Dola trib. of Nilwala-Ganga R., 500 m, XI-13-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Deniyaya Region, Campden Hill Dola trib. of Gin-gana R., 700 m, XI-1 1-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Kitulgala Region, 408 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Ambukpoth-Oya, near Pitawela, trib. of Kelani-Ganga, 650 m, XII-26-27-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Kitulgala Region, Kelani Ganga near resthouse by Kitulgala, XII-28- 1970, F. Starmiihlner. Kitulgala Region, Hal-Oya near Ginigathhena, trib. of Kelani-Ganga 700 m, XII-27-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Maskeliya Region, Gartmore Dola 2000 m, at waterfall XI-29-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Maskeliya Region, backwaters of Gartmore Dola waterfall, 1800 m, Xl-30-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Maskeliya Region, Mocha R., trib. of Maskeliya R., dam by Adam’s Peak estate, 1800 m, Xl-28-1970, F. Starmiihlner, PERC. Maskeliya Region, Maskeliya R. at base of Adam’s Peak, about 1 km above Maskeliya impoundment 1800 m, Xll-7-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Maskeliya Region, Hakgala-Dola brook above Hakgala, near Nuwara Eliya 2000 m, Xll-2-1970, E. Starmiihlner. Ratnapura Region, Ira-Handha-Pana-Ela, right bank fork trib. of Kalu-Ganga R., 100 m, Xl-23-1970, F. Starmiihlner. Remarks This genus is defined by the loss of gills on abdominal segment 6 within the Macafertiella + Teloganodes lineage (see also Phylogenetics, below). It is a relatively diverse and highly apotypic genus, showing some variability in characters that are stable in other genera of Teloganodidae. Eaton ( 1 882) named the genus for Sri Lankan adults that had previously been described under the genus Cloe by Hagen (1858). Eaton (1884) added an additional species from Sri Lanka, T. major, also known only from the adult, and figured a forewing of an unnamed species from West Malaysia. We can assume that Eaton’s generic placement of these additional species was correct, since he was aware of the fact that Teloganodes lacks a middle tail. Nonetheless, his T. major could eventually prove to be the adult of Macafertiella, which is also known from Sri Lanka. Ulmer (1924) provided the first male adult description. Navas (1931) described a species from India, T. dentata, and one from China, T. lugens, both based only on adults. Ulmer (1940) described the larval stage of Teloganodes for the first time as T. tristis, from Sumatra and Java. We have examined larvae from Sri Lanka that are almost identical to those described by Ulmer, and therefore consider his species identification correct. Hubbard and Pescador (1978) reported T. tristis from the Philippines. Very little is known of the ecology of the genus Teloganodes. Hubbard and Peters (1984), however, indicated that, in Sri Lanka, larvae were taken from 90-2100 m, always on stones in swift currents in small to large streams (sometimes at waterfalls), with water temperatures ranging from 14°C to about 26°C. Our records also show that Teloganodes is common in waterfalls, also having been taken from waterfalls in Borneo by J. T. and D. A. Polhemus and from waterfalls in Sri Lanka by F. Starmiihlner (see Material examined, above). These data are in general agreement with data available on the African Teloganodinae, resulting from collections by the first author and N. McCafferty of Ephemerellina and Nadinella in abundance at waterfalls. PHYLOGENETICS Cladistics Cladistic methodology for deducing phylogeny is after Ross (1937, 1974) and Hennig (1950, 1966). Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) analyzed consisted of eight distinctive species groups (Fig. 1) that each appeared monophyletic, based on their possession of unique or specialized characteristics (cladistic analysis substantiated monophyly for each OTU). The outgroup for determining character state polarity consisted of all other pannote mayflies. Thirty comparative characters with different character states distributed among the OTUs were used in the analysis, and these are presented in terms of their apomorphic and plesiomorphic states in Table 2. Among the cladistic characters, 20 have only one apomorphy expressed in the 409 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Teloganodinae; three are phenoclinal within the Teloganodidae in that there are two stepwise apomorphies, the first of which is transitional to the next (see apomorphies 12 and 24; 21 and 26; 22 and 27); and two are bi-directional, in that the two apomorphies cited are different and independent (see apomorphies 6 and 23; 8 and 17). Results of the cladistic analysis are given in the form of a most parsimonious cladogram (Fig. 1) deduced from our data. Numbers in Figure 1 refer to all synapomorphies that define the particular clade or lineage where they appear and correspond to those listed in Table 2. Some of these character states are given in abbreviated form in the table, but details can be found in the text and figures. Character Evolution The deduced cladogram (Fig. 1 ) represents the most parsimonious arrangement that could be generated from our data; it is not, however, the only alternative. Thus, in accepting the parsimonious cladogram, convergences with respect to some character states must also be accepted. Below, we present an interpretation of character state evolution, particularly in regard to homoplasy, that must be accounted for in light of the deduced phylogeny of the Teloganodidae. Multistate phenoelinal characters are often highly indicative of phylogenetic relationships (Ross 1974). We interpret that this is also the case in the Teloganodidae. One phenocline involves the relative operculate nature of the gills on abdominal segment 2 [see apomorphies 12 and 24 (Fig. 1, Table 2)], in which the semi-operculate condition (12) is intermediate to the full operculate condition (24). A parallel transition is seen in the phylogeny of the Timpanoga complex (Ephemerellidae) (McCafferty and Wang 1994). The second phenocline involves the development of the long mediolateral seta on the mandibles [see apomorphies 21 and 26 (Fig. 1, Table 2)], in which the appearance of a long hairlike seta (21) is intermediate to that seta becoming bristlelike (26). Such a bristlelike seta has been independently derived in the Prosopistomatidae . The third phenocline involves the degree of fusion of the glossae [see apomorphies 22 and 27 (Fig. 1, Table 2)], in which the poorly divided condition (22) is intermediate to the nearly completely fused condition (27). Numerous other synapomorphies express the same branching sequence as demonstrated by these phenoclines. Lestagella, Nadinella, Ephemerellina, and Lithogloea all possess distinctive black bands on the larval caudal filaments, and this characteristic might very likely represent an apomorphy. Nonetheless, the most apotypic members (Macafertiella and Teloganodes) of the clade that also includes these four (Fig. 1) do not have the black banding. Because of the distinctive synapomorphies that define the entire large clade [apomorphies 1 1-12 (Fig. 1, Table 2), we hypothesize that the black banding was secondarily lost in the ancestor of Macafertiella and Teloganodes, both of which also lost the developed middle tail. The appearance of the black banding in various members of the family Ephemerellidae and Neoephemeridae, for example, indicates that this is probably an adaptive characteristic. From the parsimonious cladogram (Fig. 1), it appears that the loss of certain gill pairs occurs independently, and therefore must either not be used, or used with caution, for deducing phylogeny. In the case of the Teloganodidae larvae, the loss of the already reduced gills on abdominal segment 1 is one example of not being usable. The loss of this gill pair evidently has occurred independently in three different lineages; Austremerella, Ephemerellina, one species of Nadinella, and in the Macafertiella + Teloganodes lineage. Although the absence of these simple filamentous gills may help distinguish individual lineages, the character must be discounted for phylogenetic deduction. 410 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Table 2. Character states used to hypothesize phylogenetic relationships of the higher taxa of Teloganodidae [numbered apomorphies are cited on the cladogram (Fig. 1 )] Apomorphy Plesiomorphy 1. Male forceps segment 1 elongate (Figs 90, 91). 2. Forewing stigmatic area subdivided into rows of cellules (Figs 80-82). 3. Cerci medially with long and dense setae (Figs 77, 78). 4. Cephalic horns present (Fig. 3). 5. Mandibular incisors laterally oriented (Figs 21, 30). 6. Paraglossae apically truncate (Fig. 57). | [see 23] 7. Forewings with most short intercalaries attached basally (Figs 81, 82). 8. Larval claws with single basal denticle. (Fig. 69). t [see 17] 9. Labial palpal segment 3 elongated (Fig. 56). 10. Adult mesothorax with posterior processes (Fig. 88). 1 1 . Gills on abdominal segment 7 absent. 12. Gills on abdominal segment 2 covering large portion of following gills (Figs 4-10).* [see 24] 13. Larval prostemum with spinous bi-lobular process (Fig. 65). 14. Labrum with dorsal setae in medial rows (Figs 14-19) 15. Mandibles narrowed (Figs 23-28). 16. Left mandibles with medioapical setal patch reduced (Figs 32-36). 17. Larval claws with two rows of denticles (Fig.71).t [see 8] 18. Forewings with IMP shorter than, and detached from, MP2 (Figs 85-87). 19. Larval abdominal posterolateral processes elongate-triangular and widely separated from base of following segment (Fig. 6) 20. Larval cephalic setal fringe well developed, at least anterior to eyes (Figs 7-10). 21. Mandibles with elongate mediolateral seta (Figs 34-37).* [see 26] 22. Glossae and paraglossae poorly divided (Figs 61-64).* [see 27] 23. Paraglossae rounded apically (Figs 61-64). t [see 6] 24. Gills on abdominal segment 2 fully operculate (Figs 7-10).* [see 12] 25. Incisors and molae of mandibles atrophied (Figs 25, 34). 26. Mandible with long mediolateral seta well developed and bristlelike (Figs 35-37).* [see 21] 27. Glossae nearly fused (Figs 62-64).* [see 22] 28. Median caudal filament reduced in both adults and larvae (Figs 8-10). 29. Labrum with dense, curved row of long filtering setae dorsally (Fig. 17). 30. Gills 6 absent. * One of two phenoclinal apomorphies of the character, t One of two bi-directional apomorphies of the character. I Forceps segment 1 short. 2'. Stigmatic area not modified as such (Figs 83-87). 3^ Cerci without such long and dense setae (Fig. 79). a' . Cephalic horns absent. 5 . Incisors distally oriented (e.g.. Figs 20, 29). 6' . Paraglossae somewhat pointed (e.g.. Figs 56, 58). 1'. Most marginal intercalaries free (e.g.. Figs 80, 83). 8 . Claws with single row of denticles (Figs 70, 72, 73). 9'. Segment short (e.g.. Figs 77, 78). 10^. Mesothorax not modified. I I Gills 7 present. 12^. Gills 2 not covering more than half of following gill (Figs 2, 3) 13^. Prostemum without process (Figs 66-68). 14^. Labrum with scattered setae dorsally (Figs II, 13). 15^. Mandibles robust (Figs 20, 22). 16 . Left medioapical setal patch developed (Figs 29-31). 17'. Claws with one row of denticles (Figs 70, 72-73). 18 '. IMP long and directly attached with MPj (Figs 80-84). 19'. Posterolateral processes moderately developed and approximate (Figs 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9). 20'. Setal fringe not developed (Figs 2, 4-6). 21'. Mandibles without such such seta (Figs 29-33). 22 '. Glossae and paraglossae deep divided (Figs 56-60). 23'. Paraglossae somewhat pointed (Figs 56, 58-60). 24'. Gills 2 semi-operculate (Fip4-6). 25 '. Incisors and molae not reduced. 26'. Seta not bristlelike (Fig. 34). 27'. Glossae poorly divided (Fig. 61). 28'. Three tailed (Figs 2-7). 29'. Setae not as developed (Figs 14-16, 18, 19). 30'. Gills 6 present. 411 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 because only in the case of the common ancestry of Macafertiella and Teloganodes would it have served as a supplementary defining synapomorphy. The loss of gills on abdominal segment 6 is an example of an apomorphy that must be used with caution. It cannot be used to deduce common ancestry of lineages, because, based on parsimony, it evidently occurred convergently in Nadinella, Lestagella and Teloganodes. It does serve, however, as a defining autapomorphy for the Teloganodes lineage, and as such is critical to defining Teloganodes as a monophyletic genus distinct from its sister Macafertiella lineage. There are certainly instances when the loss of gills on particular abdominal segments is of importance for deducing common ancestry. The loss of gills on abdominal segment 2, for example, is a synapomorphy that defines the entire family Ephemerellidae, and the loss of gills on abdominal segment 7 in Teloganodidae is a synapomorphy that helps define one of two major, most basal clades within the family [see apomorphy 1 1 (Fig. 1, Table 2)] that we consider a separate subfamily (see below). It might be argued that the reduction of the median caudal filament is so widespread in disparate lineages in Ephemeroptera, and thus so highly subject to homoplasy, that it is of little or no use in deducing phylogeny. It is, moreover, highly probable that in certain lineages the median caudal filament becomes secondarily re-developed and lengthened from the reduced condition (see McCafferty 1979). Nonetheless, loss of the middle tail in certain individual monophyletic groups of mayflies recognized at the family level, such as among Teloganodidae or Heptageniidae larvae, is an obvious independent evolutionary event that provides cladistic information. The common ancestry of Macafertiella and Teloganodes was deduced in part by using the only instance of this loss in the Teloganodidae. Furthermore, this common ancestry is supported by two other synapomorphies [see apomorphies 26-28 (Fig.l and Table 2)]. On the other hand, if one were developing a cladogram of the entire family Baetidae, the innumerable instances of reduction of the middle tail would obviously constitute misleading information for deducing major lineages. Dorsal abdominal tubercles are developed on the larval abdomens of many mayflies, but are probably most common among the Ephemerellidae and Teloganodidae. Such tubercles have certainly developed as independent apomorphies in such groups as the genus Acanthiops of the family Baetidae (see Waltz and McCafferty 1987, Barber-James and McCafferty 1997), and the genus Anepeorus of the family Heptageniidae (as Spinadis in Edmunds and Jensen 1974, Edmunds et al. 1976). As first suggested by Demoulin (1967), the general habitus of the larvae of certain Acanthiops are amazingly similar to some Teloganodidae, but this is especially true for the recently discovered Macafertiella because of its single row of tubercles and two-tailed condition. Such tubercles are even found independently developed in other aquatic insect orders, such as certain stoneflies (see e.g., lilies 1961, Hynes 1970). With respect to the current study, we hypothesize that dorsal abdominal tubercles were present in the immediate common ancestor of the Teloganodidae and Ephemerellidae because of their relative pervasiveness in these groups. We also infer that ancestrally they occurred in two rows on the abdominal terga. This inference derives from the fact that the double row condition is found throughout the Ephemerellidae and in three lineages of Teloganodidae. Based on other data, the teloganodids lineages with double rows represent one of the two basally derived clades within the Teloganodidae (Austremerella -t- Vietnamella), and the somewhat plesiotypic Nadinella of the latter’s sister group. In other Teloganodidae, the double tubercle rows have either become a single median row, or tubercles are secondarily lost. A glimpse of how this evolution has perhaps easily occurred is seen in the variation of tubercles found in individual larvae of Nadinella (Figs 5, 74-76), where on various terga, the tubercles of a pair can be broadened and juxtaposed medially, coalesced into a single broad 412 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) protuberance, and sometimes appear as a single median tubercle. In other teloganodids, there is either a single row of dorsal abdominal tubercles (Ephemerellina, Lithogloea, Macafertiella, and plesiotypic species of Teloganodes) or such tubercles have entirely disappeared (Lestagella and apotypic species of Teloganodes). Considering the cladogram, the single row condition appears to have preceded the loss of tubercles which has occurred independently in Lestagella and within Teloganodes. A distinctive setal fringe is developed on the entire cephalic margin of the Lestagella + Macafertiella + Teloganodes clade. It is independently developed, but only laterally in Vietnamella. Other cases of homoplasy are found in other families of mayflies, e.g., Haplohyphes in the Leptohyphidae (see Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty 1995), Dicercomyzon in the Tricorythidae [present but not figured by Demoulin (1954a)], and Epeorus in the family Heptageniidae (see e.g., Edmunds et al. 1963). Abdominal posterolateral processes are well developed in many different lineages of Ephemerellidae [to the extreme in Timpanoga (see McCafferty and Wang 1994)] and some other families of mayflies. They are also well developed independently in Lithogloea, somewhat in Lestagella, and in at least one species of Teloganodes within the Teloganodidae. In Lithogloea, the processes are sharply attenuated; in Lestagella and Teloganodes, they are not as attenuated. Although it is somewhat difficult to determine the exact plesiomorphic state of the mandibular incisors among teloganodids by using outgroup methodology, a generalized form of the armature of the more variable left mandible appears to be represented by the mandibles of Nadinella (Fig. 32) and most species of Teloganodes (Fig. 36), for which almost exact matches can be found among the Ephemerellidae (see e.g.. Fig. 40 of Allen and Edmunds (1963b)]. In these mandibles, the incisors are separate, only slightly divergent from each other, oriented distally, and the outer incisor has three blunt denticles. Only slight modifications of this plan are found in Ephemerellina, Lithogloea, and Macafertiella. However, in Lestagella (Figs 25, 34), the incisors are completely reduced; in Vietnamella (Figs 21, 30), the incisors are fused and laterally oriented; and in at least one species of Teloganodes (Figs 28, 37), the outer incisor is blunt and without denticles and the inner incisor is highly reduced. Differences in the incisors were of no use cladistically, possibly owing to the adaptive nature of such structures. Caution must always be used in assessing the condition of the incisors of mayfly mandibles, even for diagnostic use, because they can become worn in long-lived instars. There is also evidently some change in characteristics from young to older instar larvae, for example, see comparative mouthpart figures of Lestagella provided by Demoulin (1970, Fig. 15). Other characteristics of the mandibles did provide valuable cladistic information, including the phenoclinal development of the long mediolateral seta as discussed above. In addition, there has been a strong tendency for the body of the mandible to become narrowed in teloganodids [see apomorphy 15 (Fig. 1) (Table 2)]. This may be phenoclinal, but we cannot be sure. In the clade having the narrowed mandible, Nadinella is most apotypic and also has a mandible that does not appear as narrowed as others in the clade. Outside of this clade, Vietnamella also shows some narrowing of the mandibles, and while this may be viewed as generally convergent, it is different from that seen in the others because the mandibles are abruptly narrowed in the basal two-thirds, with the apices remaining broad. A small patch of setae occurs on the medial margin near the apices of the mandibles of Ephemerellidae and Teloganodidae; however, it is lost in the left mandible of the clade made up of Nadinella, Lithogloea, Lestagella, Macafertiella, and Teloganodes. The only incongruent character state distribution is that it occurs weakly developed in Macafertiella. Since so many other synapomorphies (Fig. 1) corroborate the phylogenetic placement of Macafertiella, we can only assume that the setal patch was re-developed subsequently in Macafertiella. 413 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Other characters of the mouthparts were of some value, but quite predictably were always subject to some degree of homoplasy. Dorsal setal patterns on the labrum evolved from generally scattered dorsal setae, similar to that found in Austremerella and Ephemerellina, which happen to be the most plesiotypic lineages in both of the major clades. Setae become restricted to irregular, transverse rows in the midregion of the labrum [see apomorphy 14 (Fig. 1, Table 2)]. The most ordered setal row is found in Macafertiella amongst those with this condition. In Vietnamella, the generally scattered setae have independently become absent from the basal half of the labrum, but remain relatively scattered throughout the distal half. As mentioned above the phenoclinal development of fusion in the glossae of the labium is instructive, but in addition to this, the apical shape of the paraglossae is important. The plesiomorphic condition is one in which the paraglossae are bluntly pointed apically, and sometimes this point is oriented medioapically. In the clade of Lestagella + Macafertiella + Teloganodes, the apices of the paraglossae have become narrowly rounded. A different apomorphy of this bi-directional character is seen in Vietnamella, in which the apices of the paraglossae have become flat and truncate [see apomorphies 6 and 23 (Fig. 1, Table 2)]. Maxillary palpi are absent in all but Vietnamella among the Teloganodidae, perhaps indicating that the palpi were lost independently in Austremerella and the common ancestor of the other major clade (Fig. 1 ). An alternative explanation for this would be that the palpi were absent in the common ancestor of the family Teloganodidae, but re-appeared in the aberrant Vietnamella lineage. Generally, structures are not expected to reappear (Ross 1974) but there are exceptions. Small nodule-like rudiments of the maxillary palpi are present on the maxillae of many Teloganodes. Finally, with respect to wing venation in the Teloganodidae, the appearance of a free, additional longitudinal vein in the stigmatic area of the forewing, with numerous small cells, or cellules, on either side of it (Figs 80-82) is an important synapomorphy for the Austremerella + Vietnamella lineage [see apomorphy 2 (Fig. 1, Table 2)]. Somewhat similar modifications of the forewing have evolved independently in some other mayflies. For example, in certain Heptageniidae genera, the stigmatic area contains a secondary longitudinal vein, but cellules are not as developed, and in certain genera of a number of families, stigmatic crossveins may be more or less anastomosed, sometimes giving the impression of cellules (see Edmunds et al. 1976). Within the Teloganodidae, in fact, the forewings of African genera of Teloganodinae show some slight reticulation or tendency for such in the stigmatic area (Figs 83-86). Although this cannot be confused with the Austremerella + Vietnamella synapomorphy, it does indicate that the common ancestor of the Teloganodidae probably had some slight reticulation in the stigmatic area. The shortening of IMP compared to MPj, and its detachment from MPt in the fore wings is a stable and important apomorphy for establishing Lithogloea in the Lithogloea -i- Lestagella + Macafertiella + Teloganodes clade [see apomorphy 18 (Fig. 1, Table 2)]. Phylogenetic Classification Although cladistic methods have recently been employed to hypothesize phylogeny in Ephemeroptera (e.g., McCafferty 1979, McCafferty and Edmunds 1979, Peters 1980, Savage and Peters 1983, Dominguez 1995), it is only more recently that phylogenetic classifications have been strictly derived from cladistic data, or cladograms (Bae and McCafferty 1991; McCafferty 1991a, 1991b; McCafferty and Wang 1994; Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty 1996; Barber-James and McCafferty 1997). Based on our cladistic analysis of the Teloganodidae, we also present a strictly phylogenetic classification as elaborated and endorsed in general by Wiley (1981) and in particular with respect 414 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OE TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) to Ephemeroptera by McCafferty (1991a). We also incorporate sequencing conventions (Nelson 1972, 1973), which were thoroughly discussed by McCafferty and Wang (1994) with respect to their application to the Timpanoga complex (Ephemerellidae). The strictly phylogenetic hierarchical classification of the Teloganodidae is given in Table I. As such, the cladogram (Fig. 1 ) is entirely reproducible from the linear classification. The most basal bifurcate branching in the cladogram (Fig. 1) is reflected in the classification as the subfamilial delineation. Within the subfamily Teloganodinae (Fig. 1), sequential branches of species group OTUs are recognized as separate genera by sequencing. All such genera are further defined by autapomorphies. This is both a phylogenetic and practical classification because all the genera as such are easily distinguishable in both the larval and adult stages (see the Key to Genera, above). It would be tempting to recognize some highly specialized species in Teloganodes as a separate taxon, either genus or subgenus; however, the remainder of Teloganodes would be left without an autapomorphy to define them, and thus would essentially become a non-allowable paraphyletic group. Biogeography The Teloganodidae can be viewed as a group of Old World Gondwanan origin based on its restricted distribution in the Orient, Australia and southern Africa. Its sister family Ephemerellidae is essentially Holarctic and Faurasian. Edmunds (1972, 1975, 1981, 1982), Bae and McCafferty (1991), and McCafferty et al. (1992) have argued that mayflies are ideal candidates for studying historical biogeography because of the order’s antiquity, restriction to freshwater as larvae, short- lived and fragile nature of alate stages, and conservative vagility. Such qualities may be expected to be particularly amenable to reflecting ancient patterns affected primarily by vicariance (Croizat et al. 1974), as could be expected by Southern Hemisphere lineages old enough to have participated in continental drift. By superimposing the distributions of the genera of Teloganodidae (Table 1) on the cladogram of the genera (Fig. 1), it is possible to hypothesize certain aspects of the historical biogeography of the various lineages (Ross 1974, Rosen 1975). We hypothesize a Gondwanan origin for the Teloganodidae prior to the initial breakup of Gondwanaland. The family’s restriction to the Old World Southern Hemisphere and tropical Asia would suggest this. We hypothesize that the subfamily Austremerellinae originated prior to the breakup of Gondwanaland, subsequently becoming isolated in Australia and more recently dispersing through Wallacea to the tropical Orient [most probably circa 25 to 17 mya (million years ago) (Raven and Axelrod 1974, Hamilton 1979)], where it is now represented by the relatively aberrant genus Vietnamella. The subfamily is represented in Australia by the phylogenetic relict Austremerella, with an ancestry that possibly dates to the Triassic. While dispersal from Australia to the Orient has been relatively uncommon and relatively recent (Raven and Axelrod 1972, Hamilton 1979), models of earth history [with Australia and the Orient at somewhat opposite ends of Pangaea (see e.g., Pielou 1979)], preclude other explanations at this time. We hypothesize that the subfamily Teloganodinae arose in Gondwanaland and subsequently became isolated in temperate South Africa. A considerable biota in temperate South Africa is regarded as Gondwanan in origin and has been referred to as the palaeogenic [not to be confused with the Paleogene period of Tertiary (see e.g., Stanley 1989)], or old, element in the Afrotropics (e.g., Brinck 1955a, 1955b; Stuckenberg 1962; Harrison 1965). Ephemerellina, Nadinella, and Lithogloea are restricted to the mountainous southern temperate area of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Lestagella apparently has a somewhat more extensive range that includes mountainous areas of 415 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 extreme southeastern Africa as well. We have been able to substantiate Eastern Cape records of Lestagella. Reports of Lithogloea outside of the Western Cape, however, are apparently erroneous (see especially Distribution undtx Lithogloea and Lestagella in the Account of Taxa, above). In any case, all African genera qualify as temperate Gondwanaland, phylogenetic relicts, the origin of which can be traced to 135 to 200 mya (see, e.g., Pielou 1979) and possibly much earlier. Harrison (1965) considered the leptophlebiid mayfly genera Aprionyx Barnard and Castanophlebia Barnard as South African representatives of an “old-element, palaeo-endemic” fauna because they were thought to have affinities with South American and Australasian Leptophlebiidae. Peters and Edmunds (1964) suggested that the South African leptophlebiid genera Aprionyx and Adenophlebia Eaton had Paleoantarctic affinities. Harrison (1965) included Ephemerellina and Lithogloea (the only South African genera of Teloganodidae recognized at that time) as only candidates for inclusion in his “old-element” category because their broader biogeographic affinities were not known outside of South Africa. Our phylogenetic data on the Teloganodidae substantiate the inclusion of African teloganodids in his biogeographic grouping. The African genus Lestagella and two, more apotypic. Oriental genera Macafertiella and Teloganodes make up the most derived clade in the subfamily Teloganodinae. We hypothesize that the origin of this clade was temperate South Africa, and that it originated relatively early. Whereas all other genera of African Teloganodidae are evidently restricted to the Western Cape, we have examined specimens of Lestagella from the Eastern Cape and also believe that other specimens from the Amatola Mountains, Eastern Cape, tentatively identified as Lithogloea harrisoni by Crass (1947) are either Lestagella or Ephemerythus (Tricorythidae). Harrison and Agnew (1962) noted that teloganodids had been seen from the Transvaal and as far north as Malawi, but those reports are attributable to Ephemerythus based on our examination of material (see Distribution midtr Lithogloea and Lestagella, in the Accounts of Taxa, above). Lestagella, therefore, appears to be both part of the temperate Gondwanaland element but also may be typical of many such groups in Africa in having become distributed eastward and sometimes northward along mountain chains (Harrison 1965). The geography of Lestagella would appear to be compatible with the transitional nature of this lineage depicted by its phylogenetic position (Fig. 1) and its hypothesized more recent participation as a faunistic link between the African and Oriental members of the subfamily Teloganodinae [the trans- Indian Ocean track (Craw 1988) as seen in the Teloganodidae]. The Macafertiella + Teloganodes lineage became isolated and radiated in tropical Asia. Given our hypothesis of a temperate southern Africa origin for the Teloganodinae, the trans-Indian Ocean track of this group could be explained by movement of the Indian subcontinent northward from southern Africa-Madagascar landmass [beginning circa 150 mya and culminating circa 45 mya (e.g., see Kummel 1970)]. Dispersal during pluvial periods through Asia Minor [perhaps circa 17 mya (Raven and Axelrod 1974)], as for example has been hypothesized for certain mayfly genera such as Afrornera (McCafferty and Gillies 1979) and Povilla (Hubbard 1984), does not appear to be a viable possiblity. This is because teloganodids are entirely absent from Asia Minor and east Africa, where they would be expected if there had been such a dispersal. There are examples of a strong Afro- Oriental affinity in many other lineages of mayflies, sometimes with genera distributed exclusively in southern Africa and the Orient (e.g., see Gillies 1957, Peters et al. 1964, McCafferty and Edmunds 1973, Edmunds 1979, Waltz and McCafferty 1994, Provonsha and McCafferty 1995). The Afro- Oriental relationship may be special among the teloganodids and some Leptophlebiidae because of their general restriction to mountain streams. Today, the Oriental teloganodid fauna apparently consists of two independently derived lineages of Teloganodidae, represented by the subfamilies Austremerellinae and Teloganodinae. 416 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Based on all of the above, one might expect Teloganodidae (esp. Teloganodinae) to be a reasonable candidate for distribution in Madagascar. However, as pointed out by Edmunds (pers. comm.), one should not always expect a uniform biota in all the divided parts of a former landmass, as for example is the case with Tricorythus Eaton (Tricorythidae), because few genera and species are widespread on the present landmasses. In the case of the Teloganodidae, Madagascar is evidently not represented in the trans-Indian Ocean track. On the other hand, in the case of the Teloganella complex of genera (Manohyphella, Provonshaka McCafferty and Wang, and Teloganella), which are currently regarded in the Tricorythidae (McCafferty and Wang 1995, Wang et al. 1995), it is Africa that is excluded from representation in their trans-Indian Ocean track. Consideration of the relict genera of Teloganodidae in South Africa and Australia indicates that they are typical of other known phylogenetic, or evolutionary, relicts among the Ephemeroptera in several respects. Interesting comparisons can be made with the Amphinotic families such as Ameletopsidae, Oniscigastridae, Nesameletidae-Rallidentidae, and Coloburiscidae that consist only of genera that are phylogenetic relicts of Transantarctica and are now found only in Australia, New Zealand, and southern temperate South America (see Edmunds 1975, McCafferty 1991a). The genera are small, with only one or very few species each, and they are highly distinctive but at the same time demonstrate some degree of convergence among relatives. These common characteristics of such taxa are predictable by their age and the decimation of related species (after Gould 1989). Such phylogenetic relicts should probably be referred to as “survivors” rather than relicts, as has been aptly pointed out by Udvardy (1969). Such archaic forms figuratively have outlived all other members of once possibly thriving taxa, and on a grand scale, they fit the final stage of the taxon cycle elaborated by Ricklefs and Cox (1972), in that descendant species have dwindled, leaving only a few perhaps fortuitous survivors. None of the Transantarctic, Amphinotic families of mayflies mentioned above are found in Africa (or Madagascar or the Indian subcontinent). On the other hand, no Teloganodidae show the Transantarctic pattern. In generally accepted models of the breakup of Gondwanaland (e.g., Wegener 1929, Kummel 1970, Colbert 1973), Africa separated from Transantarctica prior to the breakup of Transantarctica, respectively into West and East Gondwana. From this, one can conclude that the teloganodid lineages represented in South Africa and Australia can be traced to southern Pangaea, at least to 200 mya. This makes them as old or older than the strictly Amphinotic groups, which may have originated subsequently in West Gondwana, showing the classical patterns that are apparent in some more well known organisms, for example the flightless birds (see Cracraft 1973). This being the case, some adjustment may be required among ephemeropterists with respect to any “conventional wisdom” that extant pisciform mayflies are the oldest living mayflies. Unfortunately, scant Ephemeroptera fossil data are available from the Southern Hemisphere to shed additional light on these theories (see McCafferty 1990). Triassic mayfly fossils known from South Africa are not clearly related to any extant mayflies (Riek 1976, Hubbard and Riek 1977), and fossils from Australia are no older than the Lower Cretaceous (Jell and Duncan 1986). McCafferty (1997), however, has recently found an African fossil from Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber that belongs to a clade of Atalophlebiine Leptophlebiidae containing both Amphinotic and Afrotropical extant genera. That paleonological data undoubtedly substantiates the primitive position of the clade hypothesized from phylogeny by Peters and Edmunds (1970). The only ancient fossil that has been assigned to anything possibly remotely related to the Teloganodidae was a partial larva of Turfanerella tingi (Ping), from the Jurassic in China, which was placed in the Ephemerellidae by Demoulin ( 1954b). Edmunds (1972), however, noted that this fossil was probably a pisciform mayfly. Despite the dearth of paleontological information available, cladistics of the phylogenetic relicts of Ephemeroptera have provided rather compelling data for inferring historical biogeography of the Teloganodidae. 417 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We sincerely thank Peter Cranston (Canberra, New South Wales), Ferdy de Moor (Grahamstown, South Africa), and George Edmunds (Salt Lake City, Utah) for providing us with invaluable specimens for study. We also thank Arwin Provonsha (West Lafayette, Indiana), Bob Waltz (Indianapolis, Indiana), Michael Hubbard (Tallahassee, Florida) and George Edmunds for critically reading the manuscript, and Helen Barber-James (Grahamstown, South Africa) for providing valuable information. We especially thank Nadine McCafferty (West Lafayette, Indiana) for helping to collect teloganodids in South Africa, and Ferdy de Moor for generally facilitating field work and research in South Africa. Research was supported in part by the South African Foundation for Research Development. This paper has been assigned Purdue Agricultural Research Program Journal Number 15025, and partial funding for the publication of this monogragh has been provided by a separate grant from the South African Foundation for Research Development. 418 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) 4-8 Vietnamella 2-3 9-10 Austremerella 13 Ephemerellina 11-12 17 Nadinella 14-16 19 Lithosloea 18 25 Lestagella 20-24 29 Macafertiella 26-28 30 Telosanodes Fig. 1. Cladogram of monophyletic species groups of Teloganodidae. 419 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Fig. 2. Austremerella picta, larval habitus. 420 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Fig. 3. Vietnamella thani, larval habitus. 421 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Fig. 4. Ephemerellina bamardi, larval habitus. 422 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Fig. 5. Nadinella crassi, larval habitus. 423 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Fig. 6. Lithogloea harrisoni, larval habitus. 424 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Fig. 7. Leslagella penidllata, larval habitus. 425 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Fig.8. Macafertiella insignis, larval habitus. 426 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Fig. 9. Teloganodes tristis, larval habitus. 427 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Fig. 10. Teloganodes sp., larval habitus. 428 w McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Figs 11-28. Labrum and right mandible. 11-19. Labrum, dorsal. 11. Aiistremerella picta. 12. Vietnamella thani. 13. Ephemerellina barnardi. 14. Nadinella crassi. 15. Lithogloea harrisoni. 16. Lestagella penicillata. 17. Macafertiella insignis. 18. Teloganodes tristis. 19. Teloganodes sp. 20-28. Right mandible. 20. A. picta. 21. V. thani. 22. E. bamardi. 23. N. crassi. 24. L. harrisoni. 25. L. penicillata. 26. M. insignis. 27. T. tristis. 28. T. sp. 429 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Figs 29-46. Left mandible and right maxilla. 29-37. Left mandible. 29. Austremerella picta. 30. Vietnamella thani. 31. Ephemerellina barnardi. 32. Nadinella crassi. 33. Lithogloea harrisoni. 34. Lestagella penicillata. 35. Macafertiella insignis. 36. Teloganodes tristis. 37. Teloganodes sp. 38-46. Right maxilla. 38. A. picta. 39. V. thani. 40. E. bamardi. 41. N. crassi. 42. L. harrisoni. 43. L. penicillata. 44. M. insignis. 45. T. tristis. 46. T. sp. 430 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Figs 47-64. Hypopharynx and Labium. 47-55. Hypopharynx. 47. Austremerella picta. 48. Vietnamella thani. 49. Ephemerellina barnardi. 50. Nadinella crassi. 51. Litliogloea harrisoni. 52. Lestagella penicillata. 53. Macafertiella insignis. 54. Teloganodes tristis. 55. Teloganodes sp. 56-64. Labium. 56. A. picta. 57. V. thani. 58. E. bamardi. 59. L. harrisoni. 60. L. penicillata. 61. M. insignis. 62. T. tristis. 63. T. sp. 431 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 Figs 65-79. Larval structure. 65-68. Prosternum. 65. Ephemerellina barnardi. 66. Nadinella crassi. 67. Lithogloea harrisoni.6&. Lestagella penicillata. 69-73. Claw. 69. Vietnamella thani. 70. E. barnardi. 71. V crassi. 72. L. harrisoni. 73. L. penicillata. 74-76. N. crassi, dorsal abdominal tubercle variations. 77-79. cercus, middle segments (left: medial margin; right: outer margin). 77. Aiistremerella picta. 78. V. thani. 79. E. barnardi. 432 McCAFFERTY and WANG: PHYLOGENETICS OF TELOGANODIDAE (EPHEMEROPTERA) Figs 80-91. Adult structures. 80-87. Forewing. 80. Austremerella picta. 81. Vietnamella omata [redrawn from Tshemova (1972)]. 82. V. dabieshanensis [modified from You and Su (1987)]. 83. Ephemerellina baniardi. 84. Nadinella crassi. 85. Lithogloea harrisoni. 86. Lestagella peniciUata. 87. Tehganodes tristis. 88. Thoracic nota, A. picta (arrow: process). 89. Abdomen, lateral, E. bamardi (top arrows: tubercle vestiges; bottom arrows: gill socket vestiges). 90-91. Male genitalia. 90. N. crassi. 91. L. harrisoni. 433 ANN. CAPE PROV. MUS. (NAT. HIST.) VOL. 19, PT. 9 20 SEPTEMBER 1997 REFERENCES Allen, R. K. 1965. A review of the subfamilies of Ephemerellidae (Ephemeroptera). J. Kansas ent. Soc. 38: 262-266. Allen, R. K. 1973. New Ephemerellidae from Madagascar and Afghanistan. Pan-Pacif. Ent. 49: 160-164. Allen, R. K. 1980. Geographic distribution and reclassification of the sub-family Ephemerellinae (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae) In: Flannagan, J. F. and Marshall, K. E., eds., Advances in Ephemeroptera biology. New York: Plenum, pp. 71-91. Allen, R, K. 1984. A new classification of the subfamily Ephemerellinae and the description of a new genus. Pan-Pacif. Ent. 60: 245-247. Allen, R. 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