ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM CAPE TOWN INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS 1. MATERIAL should be original and not published elsewhere, in whole or in part. 2. LAYOUT should be as follows: (a) Centred masthead to consist of Title: informative but concise, without abbreviations and not including the names of new genera or species Author’s(s’) name(s) Address(es) of author(s) (institution where work was carried out) Number of illustrations (figures, enumerated maps and tables, in this order) (b) Abstract of not more than 200 words, intelligible to the reader without reference to the text (c) Table of contents giving hierarchy of headings and subheadings (d) Introduction , (e) Subject-matter of the paper, divided into sections to correspond with those given in table of contents (f) Summary, if paper is lengthy (g) Acknowledgements (h) References (i) Abbreviations, where these are numerous 3. MANUSCRIPT, to be submitted in triplicate, should be typewritten and neat, double spaced with 2,5 cm margins all round. First lines of paragraphs should be indented. Tables and a list of legends for illustrations should be typed separately, their positions indicated in the text. All pages should be numbered consecutively. Major headings of the paper are centred capitals; first subheadings are shouldered small capitals; second subheadings are shouldered italics; third subheadings are indented, shouldered italics. Further subdivisions should be avoided, as also enumeration (never roman numerals) of headings and abbreviations. Footnotes should be avoided unless they are short and essential. Only generic and specific names should be underlined to indicate italics; all other marking up should be left to editor and publisher. 4. ILLUSTRATIONS should be reducible to a size not exceeding 12 x 18 cm (19 cm including legend); the reduction or enlargement required should be indicated; originals larger than 35 x 47 cm should not be submitted; photographs should be rectangular in shape and final size. A metric scale should appear with all illustrations, otherwise magnification or reduction should be given in the legend; if the latter, then the final reduction or enlargement should be taken into consideration. All illustrations, whether line drawings or photographs, should be termed figures (plates are. not printed; half-tones will appear in their proper place in the text) and numbered in a single series. Items of composite figures should be designated by capital letters; lettering of figures is not set in type and should be in lower-case letters. The number of the figure should be lightly marked in pencil on the back of each illustration. 5. REFERENCES cited in text and synonymies should all be included in the list at the end of the paper, using the Harvard System (ibid., idem, loc. cit., op. cit. are not acceptable): (a) Author’s name and year of publication given in text, e.g.: ‘Smith (1969) describes .. .’ “Smith (1969: 36, fig. 16) describes...’ ‘As described (Smith 1969a, 19695; Jones 1971)’ ‘As described (Haughton & Broom 1927)...’ ‘As described (Haughton et al. 1927)... Note: no comma separating name and year Pagination indicated by colon, not p. names of joint authors connected by ampersand - et al. in text for more than two joint authors, but names of all authors given in list of references. (b) Full references at the end of the paper, arranged alphabetically by names, chronologically within each name, with suffixes a, b, etc. to the year for more than one paper by the same author in that year, e.g. Smith (1969a, 19694) and not Smith (1969, 1969a). For books give title in italics, edition, volume number, place of publication, publisher. For journal article give title of article, title of journal in italics (abbreviated according to the World list o, Scientific periodicals. 4th ed. London: Butterworths, 1963), series in parentheses, volume number, part number (only if independently paged) in parentheses, pagination (first and last pages of article). Examples (note capitalization and punctuation) BULLOUGH, W. S. 1960. Practical invertebrate anatomy. 2nd ed. London: Macmillan. FISCHER, P.—H. 1948. Données sur la résistance et de le vitalité des mollusques. J. Conch., Paris 88: 100-140. FIscHER, P.-H., DuvAL, M. & Rarry, A. 1933. Etudes sur les échanges respiratoires des littorines. Archs Zool. exp. gén. 74: 627-634. Konn, A. J. 1960a. Ecological notes on Conus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Trincomalee region of Ceylon. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (13) 2: 309-320. Konn, A. J. 19605. Spawning behaviour, egg masses and larval development in Conus from the Indian Ocean. Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll. 17 (4): 1-51. THIELE, J. 1910. Mollusca: B. Polyplacophora, Gastropoda marina, Bivalvia. In: SCHULTZE, L. Zoologische und anthropologische Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise im westlichen und zentralen Siid-Afrika 4: 269-270. Jena: Fischer. Denkschr. med.-naturw. Ges. Jena 16: 269-270. (continued inside back cover) ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM ANNALE VAN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE MUSEUM Volume 89 Band June 1982 Junie Part 4 Deel INTERPRETATION OF TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE IN STHENOTEUTHIS OUALANIENSIS (LESSON, 1830) AND OMMASTREPHES BARTRAMII (LESUEUR, 1821) (CEPHALOPODA, OMMASTREPHIDAE) By MARTINA A. ROELEVELD Cape Town Kaapstad The ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM are issued in parts at irregular intervals as material becomes available Obtainable from the South African Museum, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town 8000 Die ANNALE VAN DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE MUSEUM word uitgegee in dele op ongereelde tye na gelang van die beskikbaarheid van stof Verkrygbaar van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum, Posbus 61, Kaapstad 8000 OUT OF PRINT/UIT DRUK 1 213525 =8) 3 (1258 eps) =Sh one)» yy), HOD), 1, Ds 0CS)). 11(1-2, 5, 7, t--p.i.), 15(4-5), 24(2), 27, 31(1-3), 32(5), 33, 36(2), 45(1) EDITOR/REDAKTRISE Ione Rudner Copyright enquiries to the South African Museum Kopieregnavrae aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum ISBN 0 86813 033 8 Printed in South Africa by In Suid-Afrika gedruk deur The Rustica Press, Pty., Ltd., Die Rustica-pers, Edms., Bpk., Court Road, Wynberg, Cape Courtweg, Wynberg, Kaap INTERPRETATION OF TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE IN STHENOTEUTHIS OUALANIENSIS (LESSON, 1830) AND OMMASTREPHES BARTRAMII (LESUEUR, 1821) (CEPHALOPODA, OMMASTREPHIDAE) By MARTINA A. ROELEVELD South African Museum, Cape Town (With 6 figures) [MS accepted 25 February 1982] ABSTRACT The club structure in the family Ommastrephidae is shown to be more easily interpreted if the first dactyl row is taken to be that row in which the ventrolateral sucker is equal to, or larger than, the ventromedial and the carpus is considered to be restricted to the region bearing biserial suckers. All the proximal suckers that may be considered to be quadriserially arranged are taken to pertain to the manus, even when subequal in size. Using these definitions, the club structure in ommastrephids is found to be remarkably uniform. In the subfamily Ommastrephinae the position of the fixing apparatus is found to be constant within a species if it is defined by the position of the first smooth ringed sucker; its position in Ommastrephes bartramii is clearly different to that in Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and other species. It is shown that the sucker arrangement of the clubs may be related to their function of capturing prey. CONTENTS PAGE METER AUCTION er eee ee ee ee a eee eee ese inte 249 ISTONICAlITE VIE Werner AS eto ees 250 Proposed interpretation of club structure............. 253 DISCUSSION MES eek eet eee ie ken Be ich eee a DEE Peed tools 261 Acknowled cements) mertyaccuseci ui aehin examen eae 263 References y, tet ie Ate eee ee cheer een ps ee 263 INTRODUCTION Squids (order Teuthoidea) are primarily active predators feeding mainly on fish, crustaceans, and other squids. Prey is captured and held by the circumoral appendages, which consist of eight sessile arms and two tentacles. The sessile arms usually bear suckers or hooks over most of their length and are used to hold the prey while it is being eaten. The function of the tentacles is to capture the prey and bring it within reach of the arms. The tentacles differ from the arms in that they usually have a bare stalk that is very extensible, the length of the tentacle depending on the degree of contraction of the longitudinal muscles. The distal end of the tentacle is expanded to form a club that bears toothed suckers or hooks. 249 Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 89 (4), 1982: 249-264, 6 figs. 250 ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM Young & Roper (1968: 197-202) have given a comparative evaluation of the familial characters in the suborder Oegopsida, which includes twenty-three of the twenty-five families of squids. They have pointed out that the structure of the tentacular club is one of the more stable characters used in classification at the familial level and that an understanding of club structure and variation throughout the suborder is essential for the establishment of a coherent classification. Furthermore, the club is not only of primary importance in defining families but is often diagnostic at the generic and specific levels as well. The above authors cite the Ommastrephidae (except ///ex) as one of the groups possessing the basic or typical club, which occupies a relatively small portion of the tentacle, is at least somewhat expanded and flattened, and is divisible into three distinct areas: the carpus, the expanded manus possessing marginal trabeculate membranes and four rows of suckers, and the narrow dactylus where the suckers become greatly reduced in size (the dactylus also has four rows of suckers in all the ommastrephids except ///ex, which has eight rows of suckers on the dactylus). In addition, the typical club usually exhibits a more or less distinct pattern of small suckers and knobs that, when held together, form a locking device, the carpal structure or fixing apparatus. The basic structure of the ommastrephid club, as outlined above, has long been recognized. ‘The precise definitions of the three regions and of a trans- verse row are less clearly agreed upon, however, and have varied from author to author or have been ignored. HISTORICAL REVIEW One of the earliest descriptions of ommastrephid club structure was given by Pfeffer (1912: 374-376), who suggested that the carpus, manus, and dactylus may only be delineated by careful analysis, and pointed out that the suckers of the three regions differ in size and dentition. Pfeffer found that the suckers on the dactylus are significantly smaller than the rachial (median) suckers of the manus and that in each transverse dactyl row the two ventral suckers are generally larger than the two dorsal ones. This relationship becomes unclear only near the tip of the club and proximally, in transition to the manus region: in the second dactyl row the two ventral suckers are about equal in size but in the first (most proximal) dactyl row the ventral rachial sucker is always larger than the ventral lateral sucker. The dactylus may then be delineated from the manus by the difference in size between the most distal rachial sucker of the manus and the most proximal one of the dactylus, this size difference being much more noticeable on the right club than on the left, since both clubs have an asymmetrical structure. The dactylus may also be separated from the manus by the dentition of the rachial suckers; the lateral manus suckers and the more proximal dactylus suckers resemble the more distal suckers of the arms, whereas the rachial suckers of the manus have a unique form of dentition (i.e. completely different to the dentition of any other sucker of the species). TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE, OMMASTREPHIDAE Dail Regarding the sizes of the carpal suckers, Pfeffer noted only that the rachial sucker is clearly larger than the lateral sucker in the distal carpal rows, but not more proximally. The dentition of the carpal suckers generally resem- bles that of the large arm suckers. Pfeffer considered an analysis of club structure to be important. because he believed that individual species could be distinguished by the number of quadriserial rows, particularly of the carpus and manus. Pfeffer’s concept of a transverse row was as follows: in each quadriserial row the lateral sucker is proximal to the rachial and the dorsal rachial sucker is somewhat proximal to the ventral rachial sucker. This suggests that Pfeffer interpreted an imaginary line passing through the centres of the suckers of one transverse row as forming an arc across the oral surface of the club, rather than an oblique, more or less straight line. Pfeffer also saw all the club suckers of ommastrephids (except J/lex) as quadriserially arranged, including those of the carpus, though he noted that on the left club the most proximal sucker is missing, so that the proximal quadriserial row of the carpus of the right tentacle corresponds to a triserial group on the left tentacle. Pfeffer considered that the ommastrephid fixing apparatus, consisting of a dorsal lateral row of alternating knobs and suckers, belongs primarily to the carpus, though continuing on to the manus in many species. He noted that the number of elements of the fixing apparatus varies but that its position is more constant and may be determined by counting the number of suckers proximal to the first (most proximal) knob. Pfeffer’s careful description of ommastrephid club structure is largely valid but his method of club analysis proved very difficult in practice, as he himself pointed out. Whilst delineation of the manus from the dactylus is satisfactory provided that the differences in size and dentition are clear, he relied entirely on dentition to distinguish carpal from manal suckers. But transitional condi- tions occur, and the dentition of the median (rachial) suckers gradually changes from the carpal to the unique median manus condition and from the latter to the dactyl condition, though the transition from manus to dactylus is more rapid (over about two to three transverse rows) than from carpus to manus. Similarly, the transition in sucker size from manus to dactylus is not always as distinct as indicated by Pfeffer; the transition in sucker size from carpus to manus is very gradual and does not permit the delineation of the two regions by the criterion of relative sucker size. Pfeffer has pointed out another disadvantage of using sucker dentition to delineate the regions of the club, namely the fact that sucker dentition is only rarely visible in situ, so that an investigation of dentition necessitates the dissection of a large number of suckers from several specimens. Clearly determination of the limits of the three club regions and of the number of transverse rows in each region using only the criteria of relative sucker size and arrangement, independent of dentition, would be a distinct advantage. 252, ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM Pfeffer, using his concept of the transverse row as outlined above, sug- gested that the number of rows of the manus and carpus may be determined, after the distal limit of the manus has been established, by tracing the rows, one by one, from the clearly quadriserial rows of the manus and proceeding proximally. This is not, however, always possible as the suckers may become displaced due to distortion. Pfeffer suggested that in these cases the total number of suckers on the manus plus carpus be counted and divided by four! Another difficulty in analysing the quadriserial rows of the carpus is due to the progressively wider separation of the more proximal suckers, so that they appear to have an irregular or scattered arrangement. The different interpretations of ommastrephid club structure by various subsequent authors may best be illustrated by citing some of their descriptions, with particular reference to the carpal region where the main disparities arise. Since these authors described different species, it is necessary to point out that, according to the interpretation of the present author, the species under discus- sion all have the same basic sucker arrangement but that the fixing apparatus varies as follows: in the subfamily Todarodinae the fixing apparatus is repre- sented by a series of knobs, which may be clearly or poorly defined, alternating with toothed suckers; in the subfamily Ommastrephinae (except in Ornithoteu- this spp.) the fixing apparatus consists of a variable number of alternating knobs and smooth ringed suckers situated along the dorsal edge of the club in the proximal region. Berry (1918: 236-237) described the club of Nototodarus gouldi (McCoy) (Todarodinae) as bearing suckers in four rows, the eight large pairs of median manus suckers succeeded by three pairs of evenly diminishing suckers that, with the marginal series, passed imperceptibly into two rows of very small suckers (some four to six pairs) on the carpus. He saw the carpal suckers as tending to occur in alternating but only slightly differentiated sizes, the larger evidently a continuation of the two central rows of the club, the smaller of the marginal rows. The fixing apparatus was sometimes so obscure as to be practically indistinguishable, but where best preserved it found its proximal beginning after the third sucker of the dorsomarginal row and comprised first a small pad, then three large ones in regular alternation with the suckers of this row on the basal portion of the club. Sasaki (1929), in his monograph on the Cephalopoda of Japanese and adjacent waters, described six species of the Ommastrephidae. He recognized that the most proximal suckers of the carpus could not readily be considered as forming transverse rows of four but did not offer a single alternative interpreta- tion. Thus for Ommastrephes sloani pacificus (= Todarodes pacificus Steen- strup) (Todarodinae) he described the eight to eleven carpal suckers as small nearly uniform suckers arranged in three or four rows of 1, 3, 4 or 2, 3, 4 or 3, 4, 4 or 1, 2, 3, 4 in each (Sasaki 1929: 279). In his figure (text-fig. 134B) he illustrated the 2, 3, 4 interpretation. Adam (1952: 108-109) stated that at the base of the club of Ommastrephes TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE, OMMASTREPHIDAE 253 pteropus [= Sthenoteuthis pteropus* (Steenstrup)] (Ommastrephinae), on the dorsal side, there were three to five rounded papillae alternating with as many small suckers that had smooth horny rings. Proximal to the first papilla there were none to two small suckers, also with smooth rings. At the base of the club the suckers were at first placed in pairs, then in rows of four, followed by the rows of four suckers of the principal part of the club (the manus). Adam found it impossible to establish clear limits for the three groups of tentacular suckers, which comprised two to four rows of four carpal suckers, eight to ten principal and twenty to thirty distal rows. Voss (1963: 131-132) described the club of Nototodarus sloani philippinen- sis Voss (Todarodinae) as occupying about three-fourths of the total tentacle length. The indistinct carpal section bore about eleven suckers, differentiated by their dentition, that might compose the carpal cluster. Five of these were not in regular order but consisted of a proximal pair, followed by three others in an irregular row. Beyond these the next four were also irregular. The suckers of the manus were in four rows. Young (1972: 29-30), in describing the club of Ommastrephes bartramii (Ommastrephinae), saw the suckers proximal to the manus as irregularly aligned and extending on to the tentacular stalk for a short distance. He described the fixing apparatus as consisting of two to four smooth-ringed carpal suckers alternating with two to four pads, lying at the proximal end of the manus along the ventral margin (clearly a /apsus calami for dorsal margin). Proximal to the fixing apparatus there were five to six toothed suckers. Wormuth (1976), in his revision of the Pacific ommastrephids, saw the club suckers as arranged in longitudinal columns rather than in transverse rows. He described (p. 26) the club of Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis (= Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) (Ommastrephinae) as having a carpal region with a differentiated fixing apparatus consisting of three to five knobs alternating with suckers having smooth rings on the dorsal oral surface of the club; the fixing apparatus started basally with a smooth ringed sucker and usually ended distally with a knob. There were three small, slightly dentate suckers on the ventral oral surface of the carpus. PROPOSED INTERPRETATION OF CLUB STRUCTURE In the course of examining over 130 specimens of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis and numerous others of the remaining ommastrephid species with a view to a systematic revision of the family, it has been found that the arrangement of suckers and knobs on the tentacular clubs is far more regular than indicated by the above descriptions by previous authors, and that club structure may readily be compared from species to species if the basic ground-plan of sucker arrangement is recognized. * Ommastrephes pteropus and Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis were united in the genus Sthe- noteuthis by Zuev et al. (1975: 1475). Symplectoteuthis Pfeffer, 1900 (type species Loligo oualaniensis Lesson, 1830), thus becomes a junior synonym of Sthenoteuthis Verrill, 1880 (type species Architeuthis megaptera Verrill, 1878 = Ommatostrephes pteropus Steenstrup, 1855). 254 ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM Fig. 1. Semidiagrammatic representation of the tentacular clubs of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, mature male, mantle length 126 mm, Galathea sta. 420, 10°24'N 126°40’E. C,, C-—first and second rows of carpus, d—dorsal, D,—first row of dactylus, k—knob of fixing apparatus, M,, M.—first and second rows of manus, OS—odd (unpaired) suckers of carpus, ss—smooth ringed suckers of fixing apparatus, v—ventral. TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE, OMMASTREPHIDAE UES Fig. 2. Semidiagrammatic representation of the tentacular clubs of Ommastrephes bartramii, SAM-S241, immature male, mantle length 182 mm, Meiring Naude sta. SM 171J, 33°20,0’S 28°12,7'E. Abbreviations as for Figure 1. 256 ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM In S. oualaniensis (Fig. 1), for example, most of the club is taken up by the manus where the median suckers are much larger than the lateral ones, though the median suckers gradually reduce in size distally and proximally. On the dactylus, on the other hand, the sucker size reduces gradually from proximal to distal (except at the extreme tip where the suckers are subequal in size) and also from ventral to dorsal, i.e. the ventrolateral, ventromedial, dorsomedial, and dorsolateral suckers of one transverse row is each a little smaller than the last. As pointed out by Pfeffer (1912: 374) there is often a distinct difference in size between the median suckers of the manus and those of the dactylus, but in many cases this size difference is not so clear and it is difficult to determine the border between the two regions. It has, therefore, been found convenient to define the first dactyl row as that row in which the ventral lateral sucker is equal to, or larger in size than, the ventral median sucker. In well-preserved specimens the suckers of the dactylus may easily be seen as being arranged in oblique transverse rows in which the dorsolateral, dorso- medial, ventromedial, and ventrolateral sucker is each situated a little more distally than the last, i.e. an imaginary line through the centres of the suckers forms an oblique, more or less straight line across the oral face of the club, with the dorsal end of the line being more proximal than the ventral end (Fig. 1). This arrangement continues almost to the distal tip of the club where the last one or two transverse rows may have only two or three suckers in each. This interpretation of a transverse row may also be applied to the suckers of the manus and may be traced proximally even to the region where the suckers become more subequal in size. Ultimately, however, there remain a few proximal suckers that appear to have a general biserial rather than quadriserial arrangement and their number is remarkably constant, being five suckers on the right club and four on the left. These may be interpreted as constituting two pairs plus one odd (distal) sucker on the right club and one pair plus two odd (one proximal and one distal) suckers on the left, if the orientation of the biserial rows is to be the same as that of the quadriserial rOWS. The distinction of the proximal group of biserial suckers from the quadri- serial suckers is particularly clear in well-preserved specimens of moderate size (e.g. Fig. 3D); in very large specimens (and also in smaller specimens in a flaccid condition) the carpal region is frequently stretched, resulting in the irregular or scattered condition mentioned by Pfeffer (1912: 374). It has been found convenient to consider the biserial suckers as carpals and the quadriserial suckers, even when more or less subequal in size, as manus suckers. Though the median suckers of the first manus row are, indeed, not much bigger than the laterals, there is usually a discernible difference in size, which rapidly increases distally, and the quadriserial arrangement of the first manus row can always be traced by the position of the origin of the sucker stalks, even in cases where the suckers have been displaced. Despite the very different descriptions of the carpal region by the authors TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE, OMMASTREPHIDAE MSI} F Fig. 3. Semidiagrammatic representation of the carpal region of various ommastrephid tentacu- lar clubs, superimposed by the present interpretation of sucker arrangement. A. Nototodarus gouldi, left club of female, mantle length 218 mm (after Berry 1918). B. Sasaki’s interpretation, and C. present interpretation of the right club of Todarodes pacificus, male, mantle length 255 mm (B and C after Sasaki 1929). D. Sthenoteuthis pteropus, right club of female, mantle length 365 mm (after Adam 1952). E. Nototodarus sloani philippinensis, left club of female, mantle length 180 mm (holotype) (after Voss 1963). F. Ommastrephes bartramii, left club of male, mantle length 303 mm (after Young 1972). Abbreviations as for Figure 1; stars indicate missing suckers. 258 ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM cited above, an examination of their illustrations (Fig. 3) shows agreement with the basic ground-plan of sucker arrangement just described. Berry’s (1918, pl. 66 (fig. 2)) figure of Nototodarus gouldi illustrates the confusion that may arise when the proximal region of the club is stretched so that the subequal suckers of the first few manus rows appear to be more or less biserial. Nevertheless, their quadriserial origins may be traced (Fig. 3A), leaving four truly biserial carpal suckers since this is a left club. Sasaki (1929) offered several alternative interpretations for the grouping of the proximal club suckers of Todarodes pacificus and illustrated the 2, 3, 4 interpretation (Fig. 3B). Of all his alternatives this is the closest to the present interpretation (Fig. 3C) of 2, 2, 1, 4 for the right club, though the row of four is here considered to pertain to the manus and not to the carpus. Adam’s (1952, fig. 47C) illustration of the carpal region of Sthenoteuthis pteropus shows the clear distinction between the biserial carpal and quadriserial manus suckers (Fig. 3D) and fully agrees with the ground-plan outlined above, whereas the club of Nototodarus sloani philippinensis, as illustrated in Voss (1963, fig. 28C), seems to differ markedly. However, this specimen (the holo- type) has been re-examined and was found to have lost two suckers in the positions indicated in Figure 3E. Taking the missing suckers into consideration, it may be seen that the sucker arrangement of N. sloani philippinensis agrees with the above ground-plan, as does that of Ommastrephes bartramii (Fig. 3F) as illustrated in Young (1972, pl. 7M). Wormuth (1976) did not give illustra- tions of the tentacular clubs, but his description of the club of S. oualaniensis is applicable to Figure 1. The presence of five right and four left biserial carpal suckers has been observed to predominate in all species of ommastrephids, with the exception only of Hyaloteuthis pelagica (Bosc), which seems to have fewer carpals on the right club. Very few specimens of H. pelagica have been examined thus far, but in the four right clubs seen the number of carpal suckers varied from one to three; the only left club examined had the usual four carpal suckers. In the Ommastrephinae, the constant position of the fixing apparatus along the dorsal proximal margin of the club becomes even more clear if the fixing apparatus is considered as a unit consisting of alternating knobs and smooth ringed suckers. It has been found that the first (most proximal) element of the fixing apparatus may be either a knob or a smooth ringed sucker; most commonly, the fixing apparatus begins with a sucker on the right club and with a knob on the left club. It is, in fact, the position of the first smooth ringed sucker, rather than that of the first knob, that is constant. The smooth ringed suckers of the fixing apparatus are actually modified carpal and/or lateral manus suckers and as such they also form part of the regular sucker arrangement of the club. Thus in Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis the first smooth ringed sucker of the fixing apparatus is also the first dorsal carpal sucker (Fig. 1). As the number of suckers (and knobs) in the fixing apparatus varies, this may also involve the modification of the more proximal dorsal TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE, OMMASTREPHIDAE Jessy C Fig. 4. Three possible variations of the fixing apparatus on the right club of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis. A. First element of fixing appara- tus, a sucker; two suckers proximal to the first knob. B. First element of fixing apparatus, a sucker; one sucker proximal to first knob. C. First element of fixing apparatus, a knob; no suckers proximal to first knob. lateral suckers of the manus in specimens having a longer fixing apparatus, but the fixing apparatus always begins with the carpals in this species. The position of the first knob of the fixing apparatus may be either proximal or distal to the first smooth ringed sucker (Fig. 4) and this has led to confusion in the past. If the first knob is distal to the first smooth ringed sucker (Fig. 4A-B), the number of suckers (regardless of type of dentition) proximal to this knob will be one (Fig. 4B) or two (Fig. 4A), depending on the position of the knob relative to the position of the ventral carpal suckers. If, however, the first knob is proximal to the first smooth ringed sucker (Fig. 4C), there are 260 ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM Fig. 5. Aberrant carpal condition in the tentacular clubs of Sthenoteuthis pteropus (after Adam 1952). es—extra suckers, ?7k—knob presumably missing. no suckers proximal to the knob. Thus past authors have stated that there are none to two suckers proximal to the first knob in S. oualaniensis. But if the position of the fixing apparatus is considered to be determined by the position of the first smooth ringed sucker, and if only the suckers in the dorsal longitudinal column are considered (the ventral carpals being ignored), then it may be seen (Figs 1 and 4) that in §. oualaniensis there are no suckers proximal to the first smooth ringed sucker in the dorsal column. In the specimens examined, Sthenoteuthis pteropus and Dosidicus gigas (d’Orbigny) have the same type of club as S. oualaniensis, i.e. with the fixing apparatus beginning in the carpal region. There is, however, an aberrant condition (Fig. 5) that occasionally occurs. In these cases there appears to be a proliferation of the carpal suckers proximally and the regular arrangement is disrupted. Such a condition has been described and illustrated for S. pteropus by Adam (1952: 110, fig. 47F-G) and has been observed in several specimens of S. oualaniensis (Roeleveld unpublished). In Adam’s specimen of S. pteropus there are five extra suckers on the right club; the left club has seven extra carpal suckers and also appears to lack at least one knob. The number of extra carpal suckers varies considerably in these aberrant specimens, which are otherwise indistinguishable from their conspecifics. TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE, OMMASTREPHIDAE 261 The club of Ommastrephes bartramii (Fig. 2) differs from that of S. oualaniensis (Fig. 1) in that the fixing apparatus is somewhat more distally placed. On the right club of O. bartramii the first smooth ringed sucker of the fixing apparatus is also the dorsal lateral sucker of the first manus row; on the left club the first smooth ringed sucker of the fixing apparatus pertains to the second manus row. Thus on both left and right clubs of O. bartramii there are two (toothed) suckers proximal to the fixing apparatus in the dorsal longitudi- nal column; the smooth ringed suckers of the fixing apparatus are all modified lateral manus suckers and the carpal suckers do not participate in the fixing apparatus. In S. oualaniensis, on the other hand, the fixing apparatus always begins with the carpus and the lateral manus suckers are involved only if the fixing apparatus includes more than one (left club) or two (right club) smooth ringed suckers. Put another way, if the dorsal longitudinal column of suckers alone is considered, there are two dorsal suckers proximal to the fixing apparatus in O. bartramii and none in S. oualaniensis. The aberrant clubs occasionally found in S. oualaniensis and S. pteropus cannot be confused with those of O. bartramii, as in the aberrant condition the fixing apparatus usually begins in the carpal region, and the extra carpal suckers have smooth rings. In O. bartramii the carpal suckers are not involved in the fixing apparatus and have teeth on the distal part of the ring. DISCUSSION Since the primary function of the tentacular clubs is to capture active prey, any particular arrangement of the suckers presumably has a functional advan- tage. As the left and right clubs act together, the sucker arrangement of the two clubs may be seen in relation to each other if the mirror image of one is superimposed on the direct representation of the other (Fig. 6). When seen in this mutual relationship, the sucker arrangements present a number of interest- ing points. As first noted by Steenstrup (1857: 120) the knobs of the fixing apparatus of one club lie opposite the smooth ringed suckers of the other. Secondly, the carpal suckers not involved in the fixing apparatus, and hence with toothed rings, lie opposite the spaces between the suckers of the opposing club. Thirdly, the toothed suckers of the manus do not lie exactly opposite each other but are staggered, so that it is less likely that a sucker of one club will adhere to a sucker of the other club, as would happen if they were exactly opposite each other. The firm grip of two exactly opposed toothed suckers would presumably be difficult to release and would hamper the true function of the clubs, which is to grasp prey. On the basis of this mutual relationship of the opposing club suckers, a reconstruction of the function of the ommastrephid clubs may be attempted. When the tentacles are extended to seize prey they would presumably be joined along the dorsal proximal edge of the clubs by the fixing apparatus, ensuring that both tentacles are extended to the same length and reach the prey at the 262 ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM Fig. 6. Diagrammatic representation of sucker relationships in the proximal region when the left and right clubs of Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis are placed face to face. Circles represent suckers, crosses represent knobs; suckers and knobs of left club dotted, those of right club entire. same time. The prey may then be captured by a tong-like action of the joined clubs, as has been recorded photographically (Baker 1957, fig. 3a). Lane (1960: 38) has suggested that the united strength of the tentacles may then be used to drag in the prey. This more efficient use would then presum- ably enable the capture of larger or more active prey than if the tentacles were less co-ordinated. Kristensen (1981 pers. comm.) does not agree with Lane’s suggestion and believes that if the clubs were still joined together on retraction it would hamper the regular contraction of the tentacular stalks. Kristensen (1981 pers. comm.) has suggested that the fixing apparatus may also be used to hold the clubs within the cone formed by the circumoral appendages (arms plus tentacles) for streamlining while swimming. The development of teeth on the horny rings of the suckers is considered to be an advanced condition and would be a distinct advantage in fast swimming squids feeding on active prey, since the teeth of the sucker rings ensure a firm grasp as they dig into the tissues of the prey. With the develop- ment of the fixing apparatus, however, a number of suckers are set aside to grasp not the prey but the knobs on the opposing tentacle of the squid itself. It would then be an advantage if the sucker rings were smooth and not toothed. Thus the smooth ringed suckers of the fixing apparatus have undergone a secondary loss of teeth, so that in the region where the clubs adhere to each other the possibility of self-inflicted damage is eliminated. Further adhesion of the clubs to each other is minimized by the staggered positions of the toothed suckers. Once the prey has been captured, the fixing apparatuses of the clubs may be rapidly separated by release of the vacuum in the sucker chambers. TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE, OMMASTREPHIDAE 263 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study is based upon material in the South African Museum and from numerous other institutions whose personnel provided access to material and facilities for study. I should like to thank G. L. Voss, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami; J. H. Wormuth, Department of Oceanography, Texas A & M University; C. F. E. Roper and M. J. Sweeney, Division of Mollusks, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.; C. C. Lu, previously of the Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland and now at the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia; M. R. Clarke, Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K., Plymouth; P. M. David, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley, U.K. and N. MacLeod, previously of that institution; J. Knudsen, Zoological Museum, Copenhagen and T. K. Kristen- sen, previously of that museum and now at the Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory, Charlottenlund; P. Bouchet and F. Danrigal, Laboratory of Malacology, National Museum of Natural History, Paris; J. M. Rosada and M. E. Cunha, Department of Pollution and the Environment, National Institute of Fisheries Investigation, Lisbon; W. Adam and J. van Goethem, Department of Recent Invertebrates, Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium, Brussels; and F. C. Naggs, Mollusca Section, British Museum (Natural History), London. My sincere thanks go to M. A. Cluver and V. B. Whitehead of the South African Museum and G. M. Branch of the University of Cape Town for reading the manuscript and for their useful comments and criticisms. 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System and evolution of the squid genera Ommastrephes and Symplectoteuthis (Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae). Zool. Zh. 54: 1468-1479 (in Russian, with English abstract). » re : ty > wit i . : cn : : ; , i an Y oO aN re i i iD : ‘ fen x. G t eet uf ote to. : i t a : t ie V Naas vrok u i fl ' er yi ‘i ir 1 : 2 LY t i ‘ 7 , irs ; iy ~~ YW if i H > ? 7 i i + Noe? 1 + : i i t ; a : i x u Paes + i 3 2, : ; r ¥ ' he” if i = a 7 5 ' AY k p ‘ 5 hy nn i } eeu i 5 : ip Y “4 x is i y w) i ! i i . = ah : eo ee Hs ‘ ‘ \ r ; iy t ‘ Pa i a = f ii i ’ Ua) EE oy, \ ) i r " ’ vi hi r fon i a ae i ut r , i ra { 7 t Dh ie ’ t 5 : { Y G ‘ ? > ; I ul u i 7 1 i ! ~ f : -~ i ii ie ‘5 fF i" " v3) e i y is) f 1) { , : 2 f } 4 ; ; . : ' i * i 4 d } 1 i f i, ) pe f We ; i d j fs ; ; , : G % 2) ” 7 1 i r ¥ , , , ; ’ 6. SYSTEMATIC papers must conform to the Jnternational code of zoological nomenclature (particularly Articles 22 and 51). Names of new taxa, combinations, synonyms, etc., when used for the first time, must be followed by the appropriate Latin (not English) abbreviation, e.g. gen. nov., sp. nov., comb. nov., syn. nov., etc. An author’s name when cited must follow the name of the taxon without intervening punctuation and not be abbreviated; if the year is added, a comma must separate author’s name and year. The author’s name (and date, if cited) must be placed in parentheses if a species or subspecies is transferred from its original genus. The name of a subsequent user of a scientific name must be separated from the scientific name by a colon. Synonymy arrangement should be according to chronology of names, i.e. all published scientific names by which the species previously has been designated are listed in chronological order, with all references to that name following in chronological order, e.g.: Family Nuculanidae Nuculana (Lembulus) bicuspidata (Gould, 1845) Figs 14-15A Nucula (Leda) bicuspidata Gould, 1845: 37. Leda plicifera A. Adams, 1856: SO. Laeda bicuspidata Hanley, 1859: 118, pl. 228 (fig. 73). Sowerby, 1871: pl. 2 (fig. 8a—b). Nucula largillierti Philippi, 1861: 87. Leda bicuspidata: Nicklés, 1950: 163, fig. 301; 1955: 110. Barnard, 1964: 234, figs 8-9. Note punctuation in the above example: comma separates author’s name and year “semicolon separates more than one reference by the same author full stop separates references by different authors figures of plates are enclosed in parentheses to distinguish them from text-figures dash, not comma, separates consecutive numbers Synonymy arrangement according to chronology of bibliographic references, whereby the year is placed in front of each entry, and the synonym repeated in full for each entry, is not acceptable. In describing new species, one specimen must be designated as the holotype; other speci- mens mentioned in the original description are to be designated paratypes; additional material not regarded as paratypes should be listed separately. The complete data (registration number, depository, description of specimen, locality, collector, date) of the holotype and paratypes must be recorded, e.g.: Holotype SAM-—A13535 in the South African Museum, Cape Town. Adult female from mid-tide region, King’s Beach Port Elizabeth (33°51’S 25°39’E), collected by A. Smith, 15 January 1973. Note standard form of writing South African Museum registration numbers and date. 7. SPECIAL HOUSE RULES Capital initial letters (a) The Figures, Maps and Tables of the paper when referred to in the text e.g. ‘... the Figure depicting C. namacolus...’; *. . . in C. namacolus (Fig. 10)...’ (b) The prefixes of prefixed surnames in all languages, when used in the text, if not preceded by initials or full names e.g. Du Toit but A.L.du Toit; Von Huene but F. von Huene (c) Scientific names, but not their vernacular derivatives e.g. Therocephalia, but therocephalian Punctuation should be loose, omitting all not strictly necessary Reference to the author should be expressed in the third person Roman numerals should be converted to arabic, except when forming part of the title of a book or article, such as “Revision of the Crustacea. Part VIII. The Amphipoda.’ ee, Specific name must not stand alone, but be preceded by the generic name or its abbreviation to initial capital letter, provided the same generic name is used consecutively. : Name of new genus or species is not to be included in the title: it should be included in the abstract, counter to Recommendation 23 of the Code, to meet the requirements of Biological Abstracts. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES “WEEN 3 9088 01206 6841 MARTINA A. ROELEVELD INTERPRETATION OF TENTACULAR CLUB STRUCTURE IN STHENOTEUTHIS OUALANIENSIS (LESSON, 1830) AND OMMASTREPHES BARTRAMII (LESUEUR, 1821) (CEPHALOPODA, OMMASTREPHIDAE)