«L ifi :/(■ c < vvs_M BE cr « < « <■ • ’4^:1 C +>-1 4 c dL C c 1 ( ■ di l c • r c dV. < CL V * mu' V < 1 v . V •L c ' V V' 4 «w 4L 4LT c. dL L V 4S^' d. v CL * c c dU v C « cv bl . ^ c «: - t t rv ^ ds. ! i r BL <1 BL V. v 2rt ^ \ SS s B-r i< 5^ < C bl_ J1,-- < ,v > 1 c _ A -c r 4w! 5~- y s v- «.» c ^>- V. C c. « r tf-./j 41*/, V C v' C^r" v f ; ^ V f % ? i ^ a - 4 S ^ > 4v ^ - ■ 41 . 1 **/ f €t^ « ,«&4T V r ^ K- < VAVr <-< Kv. i «L V fLT Cv r W- _ < , (. VI «Tv r- c 4. . v . rr rv u 4*: -kr ■ r- :,: m ^ y *S£L ? - ' «C -4*. U( « , ^ F’^ - » • < «t % » i v ; 3- v v < < < C dL (44 1C1 c^ «V n < c < VVl_M .^bl •«* «r ft < « «gksr u «ml «». . 4 «4KT ’C <5: vc c c 4i 1 cc. r r cc r ( *1 ^-c(-‘«: < CL 4T itC 1 •r cv c c Bl 4 V C V V < 4V . *-. ( < BT 4 cr V. fttLC 1 C mi <1 c ‘c f_ c C i 4ft ccc -dc - c 1 c *v <4 . 1 «c 4V_ L ' CL- *' < L V V < 1 . L 4. 4T l ; Si ANNALS 7/ Vyvv€- % OF THE TRANSVAAL MUSEUM Index to Vol. II. f*T % ^ : 1 ^ - .2.4-1 63 I ai MEDEDELINGEN VAN HET TRANSVAAL MUSEUM Bladwijzer van Deel II. PRETORIA: BUCKLEY & VAN DUYN, PRINTERS m INDEX TO VOL. II. A abdominale (Farasiysson) 143 ablabophis 57 Ablepharus 40, 56, 62, 63, 64, 90 Abrostomus 251 acanthocercoides (Leydigia) 255 Acanthodon ... ... 74 Aciptilus 3 Acoenitini 180, 181 Acontias 38, 63, 66, 67, 70 Acronus 180 aculeata (Agama) 59 acutiangulatus (Pom pi Jus) 125 acutilabris (EVIabwia) 62, 90, 100 Adaina 219 adamasta (Tinea) 27 ADELIOAE ... 28, 239 adspersa (Rana) 57 adumbratus (Pterophorus) 3 aegyptiaca (Simaethis) 26 aegyptium (Sceliphron) 136 aenea (Chamaesaura) ... 34, 37, 56, 71 afer (Rhoptropus) 58, 81, 88 affins (Pachydactylus) 87 africana (Leydigia) 255 africana (Oedura) 78, 86 africanum (Rhynchium) 163 africanus (ApasiteSes) 206, 207 africanus (Yetradactylus) 62, 103, 105, 106 Agama 39, 56, 57, 59, 67, 70 AGAMIDAE ... ... ... 59 aganopa (SViendesia) 234 aganopis (Prosarotra) 23 AGATHID1NAE ... ... 205 Agdistis ... ... ... 4 Agenia ... ... ... ... 127 agria (Melasina) ... ... ... ... 27 alaris (Discolia) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 120 albigularis (Varamig) ... 60 albilabris (SVIesostenus) ... ... ... 177, 178 albisectus (Sphex, Parasphex) 138 albopilosella (Astata) ... 130 Alriada ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 176, 177 Alucita ... 3 ALYSIINAE ... ... ... ... ... ... 212 ambigua (Prosymna) ... ... ... ... 73 ambitiosus (Pterophorus) 220 ammonias (Pterophorus) ... 3 Ammophila 133 Amorphota 185 Amphisbaena ... 38, 60, 69 AMPHISBAENSDAE ... 60 Ampulex 140 Anacampsis ... ... 11, 14 Anaplasma ... 55 anchiala (Gephyristis) 27 anchietae (ChamaeEeoin) 67 anchietae (EVionopeltis) 60 Ancylis 6 ancyloneurus (Pompilus) 123 Androna ... 185, 186 ANELYTROPIDAE 63 angolensis (Rana) 57 anguina (Chamaesaura) 34, 37 anguina (Herpetosaura) 63, 97, 98 angulifer (Ghondrodactydus) 77, 82, 85 annulata (Lienefla) 179 annulicornis (IVSacrocentrus) 211 anomalus (Gordaianthus) ... 169 antennata (Microschismus) 222 anulatum (Piroplasma) ... ... 53 Apanteles ... 206 Aporus 128 appendiculatus (Rhipicephalus) ... ... 50 arenicola (Herpetosaura) 63, 102 areolata (Gasterotheca) 202 Arge ... ... .. 173 argentata (Ammophila) 136 argenteovestita (Tachytes) ... 130 argillosa (Fhyllobrostis) 237 Argyroploce 9, 228 Argyrotoxa ... 224 arietans (Bstis) ... ... ... 57 Aristotelia 229 armata (Agama) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 afmaticeps (Gerceris) ... 149 arofcraea (Brachmia) ... 14 ASGLEPIADAGEAE ... 47 assecula (Pharmacis) 5, 223 assimilis (Helioryctes) 143 Astata ... 130 ater (Melanoseps) ... 63, 92, 102 aterrima (Larrada) ... ... ... ... 130 aterrima (Notogonia) Athalia atomosa (Marasmarcha) ... atra (Agama) Atractaspis atricollis (Agama) 56, aulotes (Pselnophorus) aurantiacus (Typhlosaurus) 63, auriferella (Stathmopoda) auritus (Gerrhosaurus) 103, 104, auropilosus (Gratocenis us) australis (Leydigia) B Babesia Bactra 8, Bacuma 194, barathrodes (Paristhmia) Barbaroscardia barbitias (Epicephala) 24, basiornata (Androna) 186, Bassini ... Bassus Batrachedra Bedellia bellatulus (Odynerus) belli (IVIoina) bellicosa (Opostega) ... Belonogaster Bembex ... bergi (Gerrhosaurus) betschuanicus (Hadogenes) bibroni (Atractaspis) bibroni (Pachydactylus) ... 58, 62, 79, bibroni (Typhiops) bicolor (Hadogenes) bicolor (Sceiotes) ... 63, 92, 97, bigeminum (Piroplasma) 49, 50, 53, 54, bigeminum (Pirosoma) ... bimaculata (IMinanga) bipes (Sceiotes) 63, 91, 98, 101, bitaeniatus (CHamaeleon) Bitis bjerkandrella (Chore utis) BLAGINAE Elacus Boodon Boophilus Bosmina bottegi (Gerrhosaurus) bovis (Piroplasma) Braehmia ... ... 13, 14, brachyura (Agama) Bracon 192, BRAGONIDAE 192, 206 BRACQNSNAE 192 braconnieri (Rhoptropus) 81, 85, 88 BRANCHIOP0DA 253 bretoni (Pompilus) 123 brevibasana (Argyroploce) 9 brevicarinata (Notogonia) 131 breyeri (Tetradactylus) 62, 103, 105 Brookesia 68 broomi (Zethus) 156 Broteas 253 brunniceps (Pseudogenia) 128 Bucculatrix 237 bucolica (Gnorimoscherrta) 13 Bufo 57 burchelli (Eremias) ... 61, 107, 110, 114 C caecus (Typhlosaurus) 63 caeruleornata (Ammophila) 135 caffer (Ghamaeleon) ... 63, 70 caffer (Sceiotes) 63, 91, 98, 101 calcaria (Phyllobrostis) 237 calida (Synagris) 160 calliarma (Eucosma) 8 Campoplegini 183, 190 Campoplex 183 cana (Pseudaspis) 57 canis (Piroplasma) 50, 54 capense (Lycophidium) 57 capensis (Ammophila) ... 136 capensis (Bembex) 144, 145 capensis (Chaicis) 215 capensis (Dielis) 121 capensis (Eremias) 61, 107, 110, 111, 114 capensis (Eurytoma) 216 capensis (Icaria) 155 capensis (Ichnotropis) ... ... 58, 61, 108, 112, 114 capensis (Lygodactylus) 56, 58, 70, 79, 82, 86 capensis (SVlonopeltis) 60, 69 i capensis (Osprynchotus) 176 capensis (Pachydactylus) 56, 80, 83, 84, 87 j capensis (Platysaurus) 31, 38 | capensis (Sceiotes) 63, 91, 101 capensis (Zonurus) 33, 36, 60 captiva(Cnephasia) 224 Caralluma 47 carens (Bufo) 57 carinifrons (Paracollyria) 181 carolinae (Ghydorus) 255 Cassina 57 cataphractus (Zonurus) 33, 36 130 174 220 59 57 59 219 70 232 105 213 255 241 227 195 13 27 234 189 192 192 235 237 167 253 236 155 144 62 42 57 87 57 42 102 55 53 202 106 64 57 26 209 209 5# 54 253 62 54 232 59 194 3 cathareuta (Bedellia) Causus ... ... celyphodes (Sitotroga) Cerceris Ceriodaphnia ... Ceromitia certifica (Orneodus) CHALCIDIDAE Chalcis chalybeum (Sceliphron) Chamaeleon 38, 56, 63, 64, 67 CHAMAELEONTIDAE Ch&maesaura ... 34, 40, 56, 60, chelias (Laspeyresia) CHELON1NAE chelonitis (Elachista) Chelonus ... ... chimbana (Mabuia) 90, Chirindia 38, 61, chloristis (Tineola) Chlorophis ... Chondrodactylus 39, 58, 59, 77 Choreutis Chydorus cincta (Icaria) .. ... ... cinctipes (Opisthopatus) cirrhacma (Opostega) Cladocera claviculata (Trichotaphe) clypeatus (Pison) commodus (Pompilus) Cnephasia Coelalysia coeruleus (Elanus) Coleophora colonorum (Agama) Colopus 39, 58, 59, 69, colubratus (Pterophorus) cometa (Scythris) congrualis (Trichoptilus) 1, conica (Spilonota) Copepoda Copobathra Cordaianthus ... Cordaispermum ... Cordaites Cordylosaurus 40, 62, 65, 69, cordylus (Zonurus) 31, 32, 33, 60, 71, COS MO PTE RYG I DAE 18 Cosmopteryx Crabro ... Crassomicrodus Cratocentrus cregoi (Typhlosaurus) 63, erepuscularis (Marasmarcha) ... crepuscularis (Pterophorus) GRYPTINAE 176 ! Cryptini 176, 177 Cryptolechia ... 233 crystallista (Epiphthora) 229 ctenias (Microschismus) 222 Ctenochares ... 176 ctenodactyla (Scapteira) ... 61, 109, 115 euneirostris (Scapteira) 61, 109, 115 curvicarinata (Phanerotoma) 204 curvimaculata (Phanerotoma) 203 curvimaculatus (Chelonus) 201 curvinervis (Crassomicrodus) 205 Cyclocormus 209 Cyclops ... 253 cylindricus (Labeo) 251 GYPRtNIDAE 251 Cypris 253 Cystignathid 45 CYSTIGN ATHI D AE 45 CYSTIGNATHINAE 45 D Dactychilikion ... ... 85 Dactylethra 231 damaranus (Chamaeleon) 64, 70 Daphnia 253 Dasypeltis 57 decoloratus (Boophilus) 54 dedjas (Salius) 122 delalandi (Rana) 57 delalandi (Nucras) 61, 108, 111, 112, 114 Demobrotis 27 densepilosella (Amorphota) 185 denticeps (Pison) 153 denticollis (Dolichurus) 141 depressa (Mabuia) 62, 93, 99 | depressa (Scapteira) 61, 109, 115 | Depressaria 22 desidiosus (Pompilus) 124 | determinatus (Odynerus) 163 dewitzii (Stizus) 144 Diaptomus 253 didactyla (Ghamaesaura) 34, 37 Didactylota ... ... 229 Dielis 120 dilepis (Chamaeleon) 64, 67 Diocosma 22 Diplodactylus 65, 67, 70 dirce (Arge) ... 174 direptalis (Platyptilia) 218 Discolia ... 119 Disophrys 205 Dispholidus 57 distanti (Glauconia) 57 ditiorana (Glyphipteryx) 26 237 57 10 148 253 239 4 213 214 137 69 63 65 229 200 25 200 100 70 238 57 82 26 253 155 44 237 253 17 153 125 224 212 ,248 235 57 81 3 21 218 225 253 238 169 169 169 103 37 232 18 151 205 213 70 219 4 4 dolichocephala ( Ammophila) ... ... ... Dolichurus dorsalis (Homorelaps) ... ... ... ... ... Doryctini 199, durbanensis (Iphianlax) ... ... ... ... E Ebenavia ... ... ... ... ... Eccopsis Elachista ... ... 25, ELACHBSTIDAE ... ... ... ... 25, Elanus ... Elasmodactylus 39, 58, 59, encaeria (Lithocoiletis) Encolpotis ... Enieospilus Epermenia 25, Epicephala 24, Epichorista 5, 6, Epiphthora Epithectis equi (Piroplasma) ... erebus (Sphex) ... Eremias 40, 56, 61, 67, 69, Eretmocera eretmota (Limnoecia) ergastularis (Gnephasia) erythraspis (Stizus) erythropus (Disophrys) ... erythrospila (Oerceris) ... erythropyga (Diseolia) erythrostomus (Myzine) erythrostomus (Rhogas) 195, erythrourus (Anoplius, Pompilogastra) erythrourus (Pompilus) Estheria Eucosma 6, EUCOSMIDAE 6, Eukoebelea ... 216, Eumenes ... ... EUMENIDAE ... Euplocamus ... Euprepes ... eurydoxa (Polyhymno) eurygaster (Apanteles) 206, euryspilus (Odynerus) Eurytoma EURYTOMBNAE evertsi (Rhipicephalus) Exothecini exstincta (Geiechia) F facilis (Bucculatrix) fallax (Rhynchium) 162 fasciata (Barbaroscardia) ... ... ... ... 27 fasciata (Ran a) ... ... ... 57 fasciatus (Pachydactylus) ... ... 79, 83, 87 favillaceus (Zettius) ... ... ... 156 ferrugineipes (Ammophila) ... 133 flaviceps (Androna) ... ... 186, 187 flavigularis (Gerrhosaurus) 56, 57, 62, 66, 67, 103, 105 flavolineatus (Philanthus) ... ... ... ... 147 flavo-orbitalis (Androna) ... 186, 189 flavo-orbitalis (Pimplomorpha) 188 flavo-ornata (Raphiglossa) ... 156 florifera (Eretmocera) ... ... 21 fluida (Nepticula) 236 Foersteria 204, 205 formosus (Pachydactylus) ... ... 80, 84, 87 fortis (BVIacrembola 5 frangulella (Bucculatrix) 237 Frogs ... ... 57 fuelleborni (Ohamaeleon) 64 fumipennis (Bacuma) ... 195 furcatus (Psammophis) 57 furfurosus (Pterophorus) ... 220 furtiva (Tortrix) 223 fuscicornis (Androna) 186, 188 fuscinervis (Apanteles) 206, 207 G garrulus (Ptenopus) 58, 70, 78, 85 Gastrotheca 201 GEGK0M1DAE 58, 65, 77 Geiechia 12, 231 GELECHIADAE ... ... ... ... 10, 229 gentilis (Adaina) 219 Gephyristis 27 geraeas (Epichorista) 5 GERRH0SAIJRSOAE 62, 77, 102 Gerrhosaurus 39, 56, 57, 62, 65, 66, 67, 102 giganteus (Zonurus) 33, 35, 60 Glaucoma 57 Glossopteris ... ... 169 Gnorimoschema 12 Gorytes 143 GRAGSLARSADAE 24, 234 gracilis (Ohamaeleon) 67 gracilis (Hadogenes) ... 41, 42 gracilis (Typhlacontias) 63, 92, 102 grammica (Sepsina) 63, 92, 102 grandinosa (Nepticula) ... 236 grandis (Gerrhosaurus) ... ... ... ... 62, 104 granosa (Batrachedra) 235 granti (fVBonopeltis) 60 granulatus (Hadogenes) 42 grisea (Belonogaster) ... ... ... 155 135 141 57 200 192 59 9 233 233 248 81 234 13 182 236 234 224 229 230 50 139 106 21 20 225 144 205 148 120 117 196 124 124 253 226 225 217 156 156 239 99 15 207 166 215 215 242 200 231 237 5 gruetzneri (HVSabuia) 62, 89, 94, guentheri(SceI©tes; . , 63, 91, 98, gunningi (Hadogenes) 41, gutbieri (Cordaisperrnum) ... guttatus (PSatysaurus) ... 29, 30, 31, gutturalis (Chamaeleon) Gymnobracon gymnoplea (Copepoda) gypsophila (ESachista) ... H Hadogenes ... ... 41, haemachates (Sepedon) ... ... haemorrhoidalis (Liris) Haemoproteus haie (Naia) halisparta (Ancylis) haimodes (Coleophora) halmyris (Laspeyresia) ... ... Harpactids Harpactopus ... havelandi (Ipfaianlax) hebetata (Bactra) ... hectaea (Argyrotoxa) Hednophora Heleophryne Helioryctes ... ... Hemidactylus 39, 58, 64, hemionana (Epiehorista) ... Hemitelini ... ... Heniscospilus Herpetosaura 38, 63, 70, 92, 97, heterospila (Cerceris) ... heterotrichia (Discolia) Hieroxestis hilaris (Salius) ... bimantopus (Athalia) ... hirsutus (Salius) ... ... ... hispida (Agama) ... ... 59, hispida, var. distant! (Agama) ... 56, hoeflingii (Philanthus) ... Holcichneumon Holcochalcis ... ... ... ... holubi (Agama) ... homalocephala (Mafouia) 62, 71, 89, 93, 95, Homalosoma Homonotus Homopholis ... 39, 58, 59, 65, 67, 70, 79, Homorelaps hoplogaster (Chlorophis) H0RSVH I N AE ... ... ... ... ... ... Hormius hotamboeia (Leptodira) ... ... Huebneri Hypercallia ... ... I Icaria 155 Ichneumon ... 174 1CHNEUMONIDAE ... ... ... ... ... ... 174 Ichneumonini 174 Ichnotropis ... 40, 56, 61, 67, 108 Idarnes 217 I D ARMS N AE ... ... ... 216 immaculatus (SVIyzine) ... ... 117 incultana (Polychrosis) ... ... 228 indecorus (Odynerus) ... 166 inornata (Eremias) 61, 107, 109, 113 inornatus (Scelotes) ... 63, 91, 97, 98, 102 insolens (Eucosma) 7 intermedius (Platysaurus) 30 invidiosus (Pterophorus) ... 220 iocoma (Epiehorista) 6 ionephela (Epichorista) 6, 224 iospila (Paltodora) 10 Iphianlax 192 irenensis (Salius) 122 ironica (Trschotaphe) ... ... 17 ischhozona (Palaetheta) 24 Isodonta 139 isogramma (Eucosma) ... 8 ivensii (Mabusa) 62 J jacksoni (GhamaeSeon) ... 64 jamisieri (Salius) 122 Jansea 129 Jansei (Ampulex) ... 140 jansei (Gerceris) 149, 150 jansei (Potnpilus) ... 124 jansei (Sphex isodonta) ... 139 janseii (Eumenes) . 157 jonesii(Zonurus) 31, 32, 33, 36, 56 juncea (Belonogaster) ... 156 justifica (Scythris) 233 K kirki (Agama) ... 59, 70, 71 klugii (Ammophila) ... ... ... ... 136 knoxii (Scapteira) 61, 108, 115 L Labeo 251 LAGER? I DAE ... ... 61, 77, 106 laetatorius (Bassus) ... 192 laevigatum (Sceliphron) ... 137 laevigatus (Paehydactyius) ......... 79, 87 laevia (Xenopus) . ... 57 99 102 42 169 38 64 200 253 233 42 57 133 249 57 6 235 9 253 139 192 227 224 232 45 142 78 5 178 181 99 150 119 26 122 174 122 67 59 146 175 215 59 99 57 127 82 57 57 195 195 57 222 22 6 Lamblia ... ... 248, lamprostoma (B rachitis a) Laspeyresia 9, laterale (Rhynchium) lateralis (Chamaeleon) lathridia (Telphusa) latimaculata (Androna) 186, latisulcatus (Macrocentrus) 210, laureata (Ceromitia) Lecithocera ... Leendertziae (Garalluma) leendertziae (Stapelia) lepeletieri (Eumenes) leptacanthius (Pompilus) Leptodira ... Leucoptera leucotrichius (Aporus) levilabris (Sphex) Leydigia 253, libraria (Orneodes) libropis (Nemophora) Lienella lienigianus (Pterophorus) Lievella ... Limnoecia 20, lineaticollis (Salius) lineatus (Acantias) 63, 91, 96, lineatus var. grayi (Acantias) ... 91, lineatus (Boodon) lineatus (PhyHodactylus) ... 58, 78, lineatus (Typhlosaurus) 63, 69, lineocellata (Eremias) 56, 61, 107, 109, 110, liochra (Melasina) Liris ... lissonotum (Trypoxylon) lissonotus (Mesostenus) lissostoma (Oncochalcis) Listrodromini Lithocolletis Lizards 56, longalis (Stenoptilia) longicandis (Vipio) ... ... ... ... longicornis (Silavoga) longihirtus (Pompilus) longipes (Ichnotropis) 61, 108, longirostris (Bosmina) longirostris (Bosmina) var. africana australis, longitarsis (Jansea) longiventris (Sphex) lucasia (Eumenes) 156, ludovicus (Ammophila) lugubris (Eremias) el, 106, luminata (Stathmopoda) lutea (Coelalysia) ... ... luteipennis (Sphex) 137 luteus (Cyclocormus) 209 I luteus (Macrocentrus) 210, 211 lutrix (Homaiosoma) 57 Lycophidium 57 Lygodactylus 39, 56, 58, 59, 65, 78 Lygosoma 40, 56, 62, 63, 64, 90 mabouia (Hemidactylus) ... 58, 70, 78, 86 Mabuia ... 40, 56, 57, 62, 63, 69, 88 ... ~ J W ? J f maceratus (Trichoptilus) 2 Macrembola 5 MAGROGENTRINAE 210 Macrocentrus 210, 211 macrolepis (Ghamaesaura) ... 34, 37, 60 macrolepis (Homopholis) ... 79, 82, 86 Macrothrix 253 maculata (Brachmia) 13 maculata (Lecithocera) 13 maculatus (Pachydactylus) ... 80, 84, 87 maculifrons (Ammophiia) 134 maculinoda (Eumenes) 156 maeulipennis (Polistes) 155 maculiventris (Bocuma) 195 madeirae (Psammophila) 136 major (Gerrhosaurus) ... 62, 102, 104, 105 major A.Dum var. grandis Boul (Gerrhosaurus) 102, 105 malacodes (Eucosma) 226 malacogramma (Brachmia) 14, 232 malitiosa (Agdistis) 4 Marasmarcha 219 marginale (Anaplasma) 55 marginalis (Polistes) 155 marginea (Tischeria) ... 238 marginiscutis (Rhynchium) 162, 163 mariquensis (Pachydactylus) ... 81, 85, 87 marmara (Eucosma) 8 marmoratus (PhyHodactylus) 58, 86 marshalli (Rhampholeon) 64 maxillosa (Eumenes) 156 Meira 117 melananthae (Caralluma) 47 melanaria (Discolia) ... •. 120 melanarius (Acronus) 180 melanatracta (Paltodora) 10 melanocephalus (Chamaeleon) 64 melanocera (Gastrotheca) 201 melanoctis (Paniscus) 190, 191 melanopus (Vipio) 193 melanopyrus (Helioryctes) 143 Melanoseps 38, 63, 65, 66, 67, 70, 92 melanospila (Cerceris) 150 melanospilus (Rhogas) 196, 197 249 14 229 163 67 . 11 188 212 239 13 47 168 158 126 57 26 128 137 255 221 28 179 221 178 232 121 101 96 57 81 70 113 27 132 152 178 215 176 234 63 221 133 190 125 115 253 254 129 137 160 133 113 232 212 7 Melasina 27, 239 meleagris (Acontias) 63, 91, 96, 101 Mendesia 234 menodora (Copobathra) 238 mentomarginatus (Pachydactylus) 80, 84, 87 meruensis (Eumenes) 153 meruensis (Isodonta) 139 mesacta (Gelechia) 12 Mesostenini ... 177 metallica (Sphex) 139 Metzneria 231 meyeri (Rhynchium) 163 microdactyla (Adaina) 219 Microgaster 207 SVIICROGASTERINAE 206 microlepidotus (Pseudocordylus) 34, 37, 71 raicroschismus ... 222 Mimeseoptilus 2 Minanga 202 mira (Herpetosaura) 63, 92, 102 mirabilis (Synagris) 160 Moina 253 molopias (Platyptilia) 2, 218 Mompha 21 monitrix (Eucosma) 7 Monopeltis 38, 60, 69, 70 montana (Tropidosaura) 108, 114 mossambica (Agama) 59, 70 muris (Lamblia) 249 rautans (Babesia) 241, 245 mutans (Piroplasma) ... 49, 50, 241 SVIYZlINiDAE ... ... ... ... ... H7 Myzine 117 . N Naia 57 namaquensis (Eiasmodactylus) ... 81, 88 namaquensis (Eremias) ... 61, 113, 107, 109 namaquensis (Chamaeleon) 64, 67, 69, 70 nasuta (Ammophila) 136 natalensis (Chlorophis) 57 natalensis (Eurytoma) 216 natalensis (vPaniscus) 191 natalensis (Phrynobatrachus) 57 natalensis (Rana) 57 nebulosa (Ampulex) ...• 141 Nemophora • 28 Nephrurus 59 Nepticula 236 nerteria (Anacampsis) 11 nesiastis (Tineola) 239 neurogramma (Limnoecia) 20 nigellus (Stasimopus) 75 niger (A cron us) 180 nigroeandis (Paniscus) 191 nigrolineatus (Gerrhosaurus) 103 nigro-ornatus (IVIacrocentrus) 211 nigro-ornata (Pimplomorpha) 184 nigropilosellus (Liris) 132 niloticus (Varanus) 56, 57, 60 nitida (Foersteria) ... 204 nitidisentis (Valoga) 178 nivaria (Oedura) 78, 86 nobilis (Stapelia) 168 Nothris 16 Notogonia 130 Nucras 40, 56, 61, 67, 107, 111 nymphaea (Elachista) 233 O occidentalis (Mabuia) ... 62, 69, 89, 94, 99 ocellatus (Lygodactylus) ... 58, 79, 82, 86 ocellatus (Pachydactylus) ... 58, 81, 85, 88 ocellatus (Rhoptropus) 58, 81, 88 ochrantha (Scythris) 22 ochrocosma (Epithectis) 230 Odynerus 163 GECOPHORIDAE 22, 232 Oedura ... 39, 58, 59, 66, 78 olivata (Bembex) 144 Oncochalcis 215 O’Neili (Gerceris) 150 Onycophora 44 operosa (Paltodora) 10 OPHIONINAE ... 181, 190 Ophionini 181 Opisthopatus 44 Opogona ... 26, 238 Opostega 236 opsarias (Cnephasia) 224 ornaticollis (Agenia) 128 ornativentris (Eumenes) 157 Orneodes : 4, 221 ORNEOOSOAE 4, 221 orthacta (Argyroploce) 228 oshaughnessyi (Pachydactylus) 80, 84, 87 Osmophila 200 Osprynchotus ... 176 ©STRAGQDA ,. 253 ovata (Stenoma) 24 ovulata (Thriophora) 231 oxyglossa (Cosmopteryx) 18 oxypora (Procometis) 23 Oxyptilus 218 P Pachydactylus 39, 56, 58, 59, 62, 65, 67, 79 pacifica (Marasmarcha) ... 220 pacificatrix (Plesia) 118 § Palaetheta ... palinorsa (Polyhymtio) ... ... ... pallidiceps (Heniscospilus) ... pallidipalpis (Rhogas) 196, pallidipes (Pha&isrotoma) ... pallidipilosella (OiscoSia) ... pallidistigmas (SVIacroeentrus) ... 210, palliditarsis (Eurytoma) pallidiventris (Vipio) ... ... ... Palmatogecko 38, 58, 59, 69, Paltodora panchlora (Brachmia) Paniscini Paniscus ... ... paracma (Polyhymtio) ... ... ... Paracollyria Parapsectris Paranysson ... Parasphex Parexaula ... Paristhmia parva (Babesia) parva (Theileria) 52, 241, 242, 244, 245, parvum (Piroplasma) 49, 50, 53, Passaloecus ... ... pausimacha (Polyhymtio) pavida (HVIarasmai'cha) pelochyta (Scythns) pelopiiformis (Sphex) Pelopoeus ... 136, penetratus (Odynerus) Pepsis perfidiosum (Rhytichium) PERILASV1PSBAE ... ... ... ... Perilampus peringueyi NSabuia) 62, 89, 93, peronectis (Oelechia) ... ... ... phaeochalca (Hieroxestis) phalacra (Sfagmatophora) PHALONI AD AE ... ... ... 5, Phanerotoma pharetrata (Tortrix) ... ... ... ... ... ... Pharmacis 5, Phasgonophora Phelsuma ... ... ... ... ... 58, 59, Philanthus Photodotis phragmitella (Listinoeeia) Phrynobatrachus Phvllobrostis Phyllodactylus ... 39, 58, 59, 66, phyrsima (Geromitia) Pictus (Belotiogaster) pictus (Bracoti) pictus (Iphianlax) Pimplomorpha ... ... ... ... 184, 186 Piroplasma 49, 241 Pirosoma 53 Pison 152 planiceps (Agama) 59 Platypholis 65, 67, 70 Platyptilia ... 2, 218 Platysaurus 29, 31, 40, 60 plebeia (Polistes) 155 Plesia 118 pleurilineatus (Rhogas) 196, 197 Pleurcmeurophion 183 piumbeus (Acontias) ... 63, 70, 91, 96, 101 PLUTELLJDAE ... 25, 235 Podoplea (Copepoda) 253 Polistes 155 Polychrosis 9, 228 Polyhymno 14 Polyzonus (Zonurus) 33, 36 POMP8LIOAE ... 121 Pompilus 122, 123, 129 porphyreus (Phyllodactylus) 58, 78, 85 porthmis (Bucculatrix) 26 praefumata (Epermenia) 236 praematura (Hieroxestis) 26 pretoriae (Acanthodon) 74 pretoriaensis (Arge) 173 pretoriaensis (Iphianlax) 192 pretoriaensis (Notogonia) ... 132 primaria (Polychrosis) 9 Proactica 229 probata (Telphusa) 11 prochalina (Photodotis) 229 Procometis ... 23 prona (Tortrix) ... ... 223 propinqua (Leydigia) 255 Prosarotra ... 23 Proselena ... 6 Prosymna ... 73 proximatus (Pompilus) 126 pruinosus (PSeuroneurophion) 183 Psammophila ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 136 Psammophis 57 Pselnophorus . . ... 219 Pseudagenia 128 pseudaspis 57 Pseudocordylus 34, 39, 60 psoricodes (Tortrix) ... ... 223 Ptenopus 39, 58, 59, 69, 70, 78 PTER0PHOR! DAE ... ... 218 Pterophorus 3, 219 pulchella (Agama) ... ... ... ... 59 pulchella (Eremias) 61, 106, 109, 110, 113 pulchricollis (Ammophila) ... ... 133 pulchripennis (Eumenes) 158, 160 pumilus (OHamaeieon) ... ... ... 64 23 15 181 198 203 120 212 216 194 82 10 232 190 190 15 181 231 143 138 23 13 241 246 241 151 14 219 22 137 137 164 122 161 214 214 99 12 26 20 223 203 6 223 215 66 145 229 232 57 237 78 239 155 192 192 9 punctatus (Pachydactylus) 58, 81, 85, purcelli (Heleophryne) , pustulatus (Zonurus) ... ... 33, pycnodes (Nothris) ... ... ... ... pyritis (Hednophora) ... ... pyrrhanthes (Gnorimoschema) ... ... pyrrhogastra (Epicephala) ... Python ... ... pythonia (Bactra) ... ... ... ... Q quadrangularis (Leydigia) 253, quadridentatus (Helioryctes) ... ... quadrifrons (Amphisbaena) 60, quilensis (GhamaeSeon) ... ... 56, 64, quinquecristata (Mompha) quinquetaeniata (Mabuia) 57, 62, 70, 89, 94, R Rana ... ... ... ... rangei (Palmatogecko) ... 82, RANIDAE Raphiglossa ... regis (HeSeophryne) ... regularis (Bufo) reticulata (Plesia) Rhacophorus \ Rhampholeon ... ... ... 38, 63, 64, 68, Rhipicephalus ... ... ... ... 50, RHOGABINAE Rhogas ... ... ... ... ... ... ... rhombeatus (Gausus) rhombeatus (Tnmerorhinus) ... ... ... Rhoptropus ... 39, 58, 59, 65, 69, 81, rhothia (Spilonota) Rhynchium ... rhyodes (Nothris) ... ... .. riciniata (Eueosma) ... Robertsi (Stasimopus) ... Rohitichthys ... ... ... ... rosae (Labeo) ... ... ... ... ... rotundata (Oncochalcis) rotundistriatus (Pieuroneurophion) rufa (Bacuma) ... ... rufa (Disophrys) ruficeps (Osprynchotus) ruficollis (Paracollyria) ... ruficornis F. (Discoiia) ... ruficornis, var. melanaria, Gribodo ... (Discofia) rufipennis (Belonogaster) ... rufipennis (Sphex) rufolineata (Eumenes) rufoscapus (Chelonus) rufus (Enieospilus) ... ... ... 183 rufus (Xenolobus) ... ... 200 rufulus (Ablabophis) ... 57 rugosus (Pachydactylus) 80, 84 S Sabia (Platyptilia) ... ... ... ... ... 2 sabius (Mimeseoptilus) 2 Salius ... ... 121 sanguinis (Latnblia) ... 248, 249, 250 sarcopa (Prosarotra) ... ... ... ... 23 saurota (Batrachedra) ... 236 scabra (Dasypeltis) ... 57 scaleuta (Coleophora) 235 scaligera (Gosmopteryx) 18 scammatias (Leucoptera) 26 Scapteira ... 40, 61, 67, 69, 70, 108 scatospila Eretmocera) 21 sceletias (SVlicroschismus) ... 222 Sceliphron 136 Scelotes 38, 63, 91, 97 scenica(Eucosma) 227 SGINGSDAE 62, 65, 77, 88 sclerodes (Stagmatophora) ... 19 SGOL8IDAE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 119 scripticeps (Gdynerus) ... ... 167 scrupulosa (Bactra) ... ... ... 227 SGYTHRI D AE ... 21, 233 Scythris 21, 233 sebae (Python) 57 secutor (Oxyptilus) 218 semiannulatus (Tarbophis) 57 Semodictis ... ... ... 16 senegalensis (Gassina) ... ... ... 57 Sepedon ... ... ... ... ... 57 Sepophis ... ... 67 seps (Tetradactylus) 62, 103, 105 Sepsina ... ... 38, 63, 65, 66, 67 serripes (Scapteira) 61, 109, 115 sibilans (Psammophis) ... ... 57 siccella (Bactra) ... ... 8 S1GALPHINAE ... 204 Sigalphus ... ... 205 signiferum (Rynchium) ... 160 Silavoga ... ... ... ... ... 190 Simaethis ... ... 26 simillimus (Grabro) ... ... ... ... 151 Simosa ... 253 sincera (Hypercallia) ... 22 sistrata (Argyroploce) ... ... 228 Sitotroga 10 smithii (Euprepes) ... ... 99 smithii (Polistes) 155 Snakes ... ... 57 I somnulentella (Bedellia) 238 88 45 36 17 233 13 234 57 9 255 142 69 70 21 99 57 88 45 156 45 57 118 45 70 242 195 195 57 57 85 226 160 16 226 74 251 251 215 183 194 205 176 181 120 120 156 137 156 200 10 spectrum (Mygnimia) spectrum (Saisus) ... SPHEGIDAE Sphenophyllum ... sphenorhynchus (SVionopeltss) 60, Sphex ... ... spicifera (Orneodes) spilaspis (Philanthus) 145, spoliatus (Odynerus) • spilocera (Eumenes) 159, spilocephala (Alriada) ... Spilonota spilopus (Androna) 186, spinolae (PeSopoeus) spinolae, var. rufo-pictus (Pelopoeus) spinolae (Sceliphron) spirifex (Pelopoeus) ... spirifex (Sceliphron) Spirochaeta spissana (Polychrosis) spodochtha (Stagmatophora) Spoliatus (Homonotus) squamulosa (Ichnotropis) 61, 67, 108, Stagmatophora stangeri (Mabuia) ... 62, Stapelia ... ... ... ••• Stasimopus •• Stathmopoda 21, Stegasta Stenodactylus Stenoma ... STENOMIOAE ... ... ... ... ... Stenoptilia • stigmatica (Pharmacis) ... stironotum (Rhychium) ... ... ... ... Stizus •• Streptocephalus Striata (BVSabuia) 56, 62, 70, 90, 94, 95, striatifrons (Passaloecus) ... ... ... ... striatifrons (Rhogas) ... ... 196, stupea (Wfelasitia) ... suborbitalis (Eremias) ... ... 61, 107, subtessellatus (Cordylosaurus) ... ... 103, 105, sulcata (Mabuia) ... ... ... 62, 90, 94, sundervalli (Lygosoma) ... ... ... ... ... 56, 62, 70, 90, 95, symbola (Eucosma) ... ... ... ... Symphanes Sunagris ••• synecta (Gnorimoschema) T taeniobronchus (Ghamaeleon) ... ... ... Tachytes ... Tarbophis ... taschenbergi (Sphex) ... 139 tegularis (Odynerus) 164 Telphusa ... ... 11 Temelucha ... 25 tempeli (Ghamaeleon) 64 TENTHREDIMIDAE 173 tephrodes (Ypsolophus) 18 tessellata (Cordylosaurus) 62 tessellata (Nucras) 56, 61, 107, 111, 112, 114 testaceicauda (Bembex) 144 testaceipes (Eukoebelea) ... 216 testaceitarsis (Perilampus) ... ... 214 testaceiventris (Apanteles) 206, 208 testaceolineatus (Apanteles) 206, 208, 209 testaceus (Holcichneumon) 175 I testaceus (Hormius) 195 Tetradactylus 40, 62, 65 tetradactylus (Tetradactylus) 62, 103, 106 Tetragonaspis ... 216, 217 tetraptila (Semodictus) 16 jdieileri (Spirochaeta) ... 55 Theileria 52, 241 tholaea (Parapsectris) ... ... ... 231 thoracica F. var. aureicollis (Dielis) 120 Thriophora 231 tigrina (Argyrotoxa) ... ... ... ... ... ... 225 tigris (Ghamaeleon) ... ... ... ... ... 64, 67 timidus (Pterophorus) ... ... ... 219 tinctor (Eumenes) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156 Tinea 27 Ti NEE DAE ... ... ... ... ... 26, 236 Tineola ... ... ... ... 238 Tiphia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 T I P H 1 1 D A E ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 116- Tischeria ... ... 238 torquatus (Platysaurus) 31, 38, 60 TORTRIGIDAE ... ... ... ... ... ... 5, 223 Tortrix 5, 6, 223 transvaalense (Rhynchium) ... ... 162, 163 transvaalensis (Ammophila) ... ... ... 134 transvaalensis (Apanteles) ... ... 206, 208 transvaalensis (Arge) ... 174 transvaalensis (Gampoplex) ... 183 transvaalensis (Ghalcis) ... ... 214 transvaalensis (Dielis) ... ... ... ... ... 121 transvaalensis (Enieospilus) 182, 183 transvaalensis (Eurytoma) ... 215 transvaalensis (Gorytes) ... ... ... ... ... 143 transvaalensis (Ichneumon) 174 transvaalensis (Labeo) ... ... ... 251 transvaalensis (Notogonia) 131 transvaalensis (Pison) ... 152 transvaalensis (Plesia) ... 119 transvaalensis (Pleuroneurophion) ... 183 transvaalensis (Prosymna) ... ... • . 73 122 122 130 169 70 137 221 146 165 160 177 225 187. 136 136 136 136 136 55 9 19 127 115 19 99 168 75 232 12 59 24 23 4 5 161 144 253 100 151 199 239 113 106 100 100 7 212 160 12 64 .130 57 11 transvaalensis (Rhogas) 196, transvaalensis (Sphex, Isodonta) transvaalensis (Tiphia) ... ... ... ... ... transvaalensis (Vipio) ... ... ... ... ... transversus (Philanthus) ... ... Tremula (Eucosma) ... ... ... ... ... ... triangulum F. var. diadema (Philanthus) triatomea (Elachista) ... ... ... ... ... trichiocephalus (Philanthus) ... ... ... trichionotus (Sphex, Parasphex) trichodora (Stathmopoda) ... Trichoptilus Trichotaphe ... ... tricycla (Dioccsma) ... ... ... ... tridactylus (Scelotes) ... 63, 91, 98, triflua (Goleophora) ... Trigonvura ... trilineata (PimpSomorpha) trimaculata (Gastrotheca) ... trimenella (Depressaria) ... Trimerorhinus ... ... trispinosa (Leydigia) tritaeniatus (Trimerorhinus) trivittata (iVSabuia) ... ... ... 56, 62, 69, 71, 89, 93, 94, trivittatus (Cordylosaurus) ... ... ... 62, 103, 105, troglodytes (Hadogenes) ... ... ... ... Tropidosaura 40, 61, TRYPHONIDAE ... ... ... ... ... Trypoxylon ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... tydei (Ammophila, Psammophila) Tylognathus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Typhlacontias ... ... ... ... 38, 63, 65, 67, Typhlops ... ... Typhlosaurus 38, 63, 69, typicus (Gerrhosaurus) ... ... 62, 103, typns (Dispholidus) ... tvr annus (Sphex, Harpactopus) U umbrosus (Sphex) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Uncochalcis ... ... ... ... undata (Eremias) ... ... ... ... 61, 106, undulata (Melasina) ... ... ... ¥ validus (Gerrhosaurus) 62, 103, 104, Valoga ... ... ... ... ... ... VARANS DAE ... ... ... ... ... ... Varanus ... 39, 56, 57, varia (Mabuia) ... 56, 02, 89, 93, 95, variana (Stegasta) ... 12 varicarinatus (Rhogas) 196, 198 varinervis (Rhogas) ... ... 196, 198 varipalpis (Agenia) 127 varipalpis (Iphianlax) 193 varius (Trichoptilus) 2 variventris (Androna) ... 186 veneranda (Epscephala) 24 ventralis (Ohamaeleon) 64 verax (Marasmarcha) 219 verax (Pterophorus) 3 vermis (Typhlosaurus) 63 VESPSDAE ... ... 155 violacea (Amphisbaena) .60, 70 violaceipennis (SVlyzine) ... 118 Yipio 193, 194 vittifer (Zonurus) 31, 33, 37, 56 vivax (Trichoptilus) 1 vulgaris (Ghamaeleon) 68 W wahlbergi (Goiopus) ... 81, 88 wahlbergi (Homopholis) 79, 82, 86 wahlbergiana ( ArgyropSoce) 9 wahlbergii (Ablepharus) ... ... ... ... 56, 62, 63, 70, 90, 95, 100 warreni (Zonorus) 33, 36, 60 weberi (Pachydactylus) ... ... 80, 83, 87 weberi (Sepsina) ... ... ... ... 63, 102 weiri (Ghondrodactylus) 78, 82, 85 wilhelmi (Platysaurys) ... 29, 30, 31, 38 X xanthomelas (Gtenochares) ... ... ... 176 xanthoria (Encolpotis) ... ... 13 xanthura (Synagris) ... ... ... ... 160 Xenolobus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 Xenopus ... ... ... 57 xeropa (Temelucha) ... ... ... ... ... ... 25 XYLORYGT1DAE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 Y Ypsolophus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 Z Zamites ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 169 zestica (Tischeria) ... ... ... 238 Zethus ... 156 ZONURIDAE ... ... ... ... ... 29, 34, 35 Zonurus ... ... ... ... ... 31, 40, 56, 60, 65 zophodactyla (Stenoptilia) ... ... 4 zymotis (Telphusa) ... ... ... ... 11 zulu (Geiechia) ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 199 140 116 193 147 6 145 234 146 138 21 1 17 22 101 235 215 184 201 22 57 255 57 99 106 42 108 192 152 136 251 92 57 70 105 57 139 139 215 113 239 105 178 60 60 100 ANNALS OF THE TRANSVAAL MUSEUM NOVEMBER, 1909 V St r A 10 U PRETORIA : The Government Printing and Stationery Office, 593—1/2/10—500 ANNALS OF J’he J'ransvaal Museum. 9 Yol. II. NOVEMBER, 1909. No. 1. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRANSVAAL MICRO=lEPIDOPTERA. By E. Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S. The specimens here described are mainly from Pretoria and the surrounding district, and were collected by Mr. A. J. T. Janse, except where otherwise indicated. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Janse for the opportunity of studying this interesting material. The types are all in Mr. Janse’s collection. PTEROPHORIDAE. Trichoptiltjs congrljalis Walk. Pretoria, in February. Trichoptiltjs vivax, n. sp. (Plate I, fig. 1). Male, 15 mm. Head and thorax ochreous-brown. Palpi yellow- brownish, towards base suffused with white, second joint suffused with dark fuscous beneath a white apical ring, terminal joint dark fuscous with tip white. Antennae white, lined with black. (Abdomen broken.) Forewings cleft from somewhat before middle, segments linear ; ochreous-brownish, costal third and both segments suffused with blackish irroration ; a black dot in disk at J, followed by a small spot of white suffusion ; strong white bars on first segment at i and § of its length, and some white suffusion on second segment indicating continuation of these; some wthite scales towards apex of both segments; cilia ochreous-brown becoming dark fuscous towards tips, white towards base of cleft, on lower margin of first segment with two white bars posteriorly, second preceded by a slender black scale-projcetion, on upper margin of second segment somewhat mixed with white and black posteriorly, on dorsum with five small black scale-projections, and patches of white suffusion beyond each of these except third. Hindwings cleft firstly from J, secondly almost from base; dark fuscous; cilia grey, on dorsum with a small well-marked black scale-projection slightly beyond middle fof third segment. Pretoria, in March; one specimen. Annals op the Transvaal Museum. Trichoptilus varius, n. sp. (Plate I, fig. 2). Female, 9 mm. Head and thorax whitish irrorated with fuscous, thorax posteriorly white. Palpi white, apex of second joint fuscous. Abdomen reddish-fuscous mixed with white, towards base suffused with white. Forewings cleft from before middle, segments linear ; light reddish fuscous sprinkled with darker, somewhat whitish-tinged anteriorly; a blackish dot in disk at J, and one above cleft ; a broad band of white suffusion on first segment at J, and a narrow one at |, first continued less broadly on second segment; cilia greyish, with irregularly scattered black scales, with patches of white suffusion on first band and towards tips of segments. Hind- wings grey sprinkled with dark fuscous ; cilia grey, on dorsum with a moderate projection of black scales at f of third segment. Pretoria, in January; one specimen. Trichoptilus maceratus, n. sp. (Plate I, fig. 3). Male, 12 mm. Head and thorax pale greyish-ochreous. Palpi greyish banded with white. Abdomen ochreous-grey mixed with white. Forewings cleft from before middle, segments linear;; ochreous grey ; minute black dots near base and in disk before | ;; a blackish dot above cleft ; very indistinct narrow bars of whitish suffusion on first segment at J and § of its length ; cilia oclireous- grey irregularly mixed with white scales, on lower marg'in of first segment with a large patch of black scales in middle and a small black scale-projection before apex, on upper margin of second segment with projecting black scales from before middle to near apex, on dorsum with a small projection of black and white scales before cleft, a moderate projection of blackish scales at J of segment and a small one towards apex. Hindwings cleft firstly from J, secondly from near base ; grey irrorated with dark fuscous ; cilia fuscous, on dorsum with a well-marked small triangular black scale- projection beyond middle, and one or two black scales before apex. N.E. Pretoria District (Rietfontein No. 54), in September; one specimen. Platyptilia molopias Meyr. N.E. Pretoria District, in January; also Camperdown and Howick, Natal, in March and April (Leigh); and Nairobi, British East Africa, in August. African specimens are sometimes rather large, ranging up to 22 mm., but otherwise not different from Indian and Ceylon examples. Platyptilia sabia Feld (Plate II, fig. 1). (Mimeseoptilus sabius Feld. Reis. Nov. pi. CXL, 60.) Male, 28 mm. Head ochreous-whitish, frontal tuft moderate.. Palpi long, fuscous, above white. Thorax whitish-ochreous.. Abdomen whitish-ochreous, with dark fuscous lateral stripe. Fore- wings cleft from before f, segments broad, first acutely pointed,, second with termen slightly sinuate, rather strongly oblique ; light brown ; a streak of darker suffusion along costa, containing a slender streak of blackish irroration with a few whitish scales from base to beyond middle ; a few black specks placed longitudinally in disk at £; a black diskal dot near before cleft; cilia pale-brownish, on termen with an interrupted blackish antemedian shade, round base4 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 3 of cleft with some black specks, on dorsum with two or three undefined groups of blackish specks. Hindwings cleft firstly from before middle, secondly from J; pale fuscous, thinly and irregularly sprinkled with dark fuscous ; cilia pale-brownish, round apex of segments with an antemedian line of dark fuscous points, on dorsum with a thick sub-basal shade of fuscous black-tipped scales from base becoming gradually thinner to §, thence little marked to apex. Bultfontein, JsT.E. Pretoria District, in January; one specimen. I have described this, as no proper description of the species has been published, and Felder’s figure is very coarse and poor; I have no doubt, however, of its correct identification. Pterophorus colubratus, n. sp. (Plate I, fig. 4). Male, 19 mm. Head fuscous, between antennae white. Palpi very short, slender, white. Thorax yellowish-wdiite. Abdomen whitish-yellowish, longitudinally streaked with white. Forewings cleft from beyond middle, segments acutely pointed, first moderate, second narrower ; white ; a faint streak of pale yellowish suffusion beneath costa from base to cleft, and a similar sub-dorsal streak from base to J, a blackish dot in disk at J, and another on base of cleft, connected by an indistinct fuscous line; some pale brownish suffusion beginning from first dot and gradually expanded so as to cover all first segment except a narrow costal streak not reaching apex, and a streak along upper margin of second segment, latter marked with a line of dark fuscous scales ; minute blackish dots on extremities of veins 2, 3, and 7 ; cilia whitish. Hindwings cleft firstly from |, secondly from 5, segments narrow; rather dark grey; cilia light ochreous-grey. Pretoria, in March; one specimen. Yery similar to adumbratus Wals., described as an Aciptilus ( Alucita ), but doubtless also a Pterophorus ; differs by dark streak along upper margin of second segment and absence of dark spot on costa beyond cleft, besides other details. Pterophorus verax, n. sp. (Plate I, fig. 5). Male, 20 mm. Head pale whitish-ochreous. Palpi moderate, white, lined with dark fuscous. Thorax whitish-yellow. Abdomen white, longitudinally streaked with pale yellow, with fuscous lines on sides. Forewings cleft from before f, segments moderate, pointed, ochreous-wdiitish ; costal edge fuscous, suffused beneath with brownish, from J to cleft, the brownish colour extending more or less widely over disk ; a rather broad subdorsal streak of brownish suffusion from base to J, becoming dorsal towards base ; first segment suffused with reddish brown except a whitish streak near its lo^er margin becoming more distinct and terminal towards apex ; lower half of second segment suffused with reddish-brown ; cilia brownish with a white bar at apex of each segment. Hindwings cleft firstly from middle, secondly from before J, segments moderate ; fuscous, third segment dorsally tinged with whitish towards middle; cilia whitish-grey tinged with reddish. Tweefontein, N.E. Pretoria District, in January; two specimens. Pterophorus ammonias., n. sp. (Plate I, fig. 6). Female, 18 mm. Head and thorax white mixed with reddish fuscous. Palpi rather long, white, with a reddish fuscous lateral 4 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. line. Abdomen brownisli-ochreous mixed with white, with a fine dark fuscous line on each side of back. Forewings cleft from §, segments moderate, pointed ; rather light reddish fuscous, sprinkled with darker towards apex of segments ; costa rather broadly suffused with white from about to f ; some white irroration towards apex of first segment ; a narrow white subdorsal streak from J of wing to base of second segment, thence continued along upper margin of second segment to its tip ; cilia pale red-brownish, on dorsum ochreous-wliitish anteriorly to cleft. Hindwings cleft firstly from 2/5, secondly from 1/5, segments narrow; rather dark grey; cilia rosy- grey-whitish. Bultfontein, N.E. Pretoria District, in January; one specimen. Pterqphortts crepuscularis, ii. sp. (Plate II, fig. 2). Male, 21 mm. Head and thorax whitish irrorated with fuscous. Palpi moderate, whitish, with lateral line of fuscous irroration. Abdomen ochreous-whitish irrorated with fuscous, streaked on sides with dark fuscous. Forewings cleft from J, segments pointed, first moderately broad, second narrower ; grey, towards base with a few black specks ; a dot of black irroration in disk at | , and a patch of darker suffusion sprinkled with black before cleft ; cilia light fuscous, base whitish, on dorsum with six groups of two or three blackish scales each. Hindwings cleft firstly from f, secondly from J, segments narrow; rather dark grey; cilia grey towards base of dorsum with several scattered hair-scales with black points. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District, in December; one specimen. Stenoptilia zophodactyla Dup. Pretoria, in March; one specimen. Agdistis malitiosa, n. sp. (Plate II, fig. 3). Male, female, 25-27 mm. Head and thorax fuscous irrorated with whitish, forehead with very short cone. Palpi rather short, rough-scaled, fuscous mixed with white and dark fuscous. Abdomen fuscous suffused with wdiitish and sprinkled with black. Forewings with apex somewhat pointed, termen faintly sinuate beneath apex, rather strongly oblique; fuscous, irrorated with dark fuscous, slightly sprinkled with whitish on costal and dorsal areas ; a small suffused dark fuscous spot at inverted apex of triangular area, and others beneath its lower margin at § and midway between this and first ; cilia fuscous, basal half mixed alternately with whitish and dark fuscous. Hindwings fuscous, towards tornus mixed with whitish and dark fuscous ; cilia as in forewings. Pretoria, in February, one specimen; and five others from Nairobi, British East Africa, in August. ORNEODIDAE. Orneodus certifica, il. sp. (Plate II, fig. 4). Female, 10 mm. Head and thorax white. Palpi long, porrected, terminal joint minute, concealed in scales of second, white, on lower half tinged with fuscous and sprinkled with dark fuscous. Abdomen whitish. Forewings white; markings whitish fuscous, sprinkled Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 5 with dark fuscous and edged with blackish irroration ; three small semi-oval spots on anterior half of costa ; a moderately broad straight fascia beyond middle, suddenly contracted to a narrow spot on first segment ; a small quadrate spot on first segment at J ; a rather narrow straight subterminal fascia ; a black dot at apex of each segment ; cilia white, on fasciae tinged with fuscous. Hindwings white; post- median and subterminal fasciae faintly tinged wdth fuscous and edged with fuscous irroration on first five segments, obsolete on sixth, first moderately broad, second narrow, broader on first segment; apical dots and cilia as in forewings. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District, in March; one specimen. Macrembola fortis Wals. Pretoria, in January; one specimen. The genus Macrembola is characterized by the forewings cleft only to middle, and very long palpi. PHALONIADAE. Pharmacis stigmatica Meyr. Pretoria, in January and March. Pharmacis assecula, n. sp. (Plate II, fig. 5). Female, 18 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax deep yellow. Abdomen pale grey. Forewings elongate, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen slightly rounded, oblique; deep yellow, strewn with small silvery-glistening paler spots ; a suffused deep ferruginous- brown streak along costa from base to 5 , and extreme costal edge beyond this spotted with dark fuscous irroration ; an elongate deep ferruginous-brown spot beneath disk before middle, and some slight ferruginous suffusion extending from this to tornus, the silvery spots in or adjacent to these partially edged or marked with purplish fuscous ; some dark fuscous scales about transverse vein ; a ferruginous-browm line along lower § of termen, interrupted with silvery; cilia light ferruginous, towards base tinged with whitish. Hindwings light grey, extreme apex whitish ; cilia yellow- whitish, with a sub-basal line of dark grey points. Pretoria, in December; one specimen. TORTEICIDAE. Epichorista Meyr. * This genus, described in a paper now in process of publication in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, is distinguished from Tortrix by the separation of veins 3 and 4 of hindwings ; veins 6 and 7 of hindwings are sometimes stalked. Type E. liemionana, from New Zealand. Epichorista geraeas, n. sp. (Plate II, fig. 6). Male, 19 mm. ; female, 23 nun. Head, palpi, and anterior margin of thorax grey irrorated with blackish and whitish, rest of thorax light ochreous-yellowish. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa hardly arched, in male without fold ; apex tolerably pointed, termen faintly sinuate, very oblique ; light 6 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. ochreous-yellowdsh ; cilia concolorous. Hindwings with 6 and 7 stalked; dark grey; cilia whitish-yellowish, with grey sub-basal shade. Pretoria, in October and November; two specimens. Epichorista iocoma Meyr. This species, described as a Tortrix , is correctly referred here. Epichorista ionephela Meyr. Pretoria District, in December ; one large male, 22mm. Described as a Proselena , in which genus Epichorista has hitherto been included. Tortrix pfiaretrata, n. sp. (Plate II, fig. 7). Female, 17 mm. Head whitish-ochreous, tinged on crown with light browmish. Palpi whitish-ochreous, slightly browmish tinged towards middle. Thorax light ochreous-yellowish. Abdomen whitish-grey. Eorewings elongate, costa gently arched near base, thence straight, apex round-pointed, termen slightly sinuate, rather strongly oblique ; light ochreous-yellowish ; costa slenderly white from base to § ; a short sub-costal streak of ferruginous suffusion from base ; veins in disk and posteriorly slightly indicated by scattered ferruginous-brownish and dark fuscous scales, especially vein 8 and anterior half of 7 ; a brown dot mixed with dark fuscous on lower angle of cell ; cilia pale ochreous-yellowish, between apex and tornus suffused with light ferruginous. Hindwings pale grey; cilia grey- whitish. Pretoria, in December; one specimen. EUCOSMIDAE. Ancylis halisparta, n. sp. (Plate II, fig. 8). Female, 16 mm. Head grey- whitish, face suffused with brownish-ochreous. Palpi whitish-grey with two grey bands. Thorax brownish-ochreous, patagia grey irrorated with whitish. Abdomen fuscous. Forewings elongate, costa gently arched, apex falcate ; ochreous-grey finely irrorated with wdiite and sprinkled with dark fuscous ; costa shortly strigulated with white and blackish ; a broad streak beneath costa from base to | suffused with white, marked with fine dark lines on veins, and somewhat mixed with fuscous posteriorly ; some black scales tending to form longitudinal streaks on veins in disk, especially on submedian fold ; apical projec- tion dark, edged anteriorly by a blackish mark ; dorsum somewhat marked with blackish ; cilia white on termen, towards tornus mixed with grey. Hindwings with 3 and 4 stalked ; fuscous darker posteriorly; cilia grey- whitish with grey sub-basal shade. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District, in December; one specimen. Eucosma tremula, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 1). Female, 10 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax grey irrorated with whitish. Abdomen light grey. Eorewings elongate, rather narrow, somewhat dilated posteriorly, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen straight, oblique; grey, with tips of all scales whitish, appearing finely striated ; costa marked with short fine blackish strigulae; basal patch ochreous-tinged, limited by an angulated Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 7 fascia of ochreous suffusion ; central fascia moderate, oblique, ochreous, very narrow on costa, posterior margin angularly indented below middle ; ocellus narrow, ochreous, margined laterally by two silvery streaks, and containing two round black dots ; apical area beyond this ochreous, containing a transverse silvery mark before apex, margined with a few black scales ; cilia grey mixed with white, basal third sprinkled with black points. Hindwings with 3 and 4 stalked; light grey; cilia grey-whitish. Pretoria, in October; one specimen. Eucosma monitrix, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 2). Male, 12 mm. Head grey, collar grey- whitish, forehead black. Palpi white. Thorax pale ochreous, anterior third dark fuscous, behind middle with a grey- whitish band. Abdomen dark grey. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, posteriorly slightly dilated, costa slightly arched, without fold, apex obtuse, termen oblique, slightly retuse above middle ; dark fuscous, towards dorsum and posteriorly with tips of scales pale yellowish, forming fine striae ; basal patch marked by three leaden striae partially edged with whitish ; central fascia formed by two thick oblique blue-leaden striae rising from pairs of small whitish costal strigulae, becoming broader and confluent below middle, suddenly reduced to small spots on dorsum ; a thick silvery metallic erect streak from tornus reaching half across wing, edged anteriorly with a white line and posteriorly by an irregular white streak containing three or four variable black dots ; three small whitish costal strigulae beyond middle, central one sending a blue- leaden oblique striga to apex of tornal streak; three more conspicuous white costal strigulae about f, whence a blue-leaden striga runs to near termen beneath apex ; cilia grey mixed with -white, especially towards tornus, round apex and upper part of termen pale ochreous with a thick dark grey sub-basal line and tips blackish. Hindwings with 3 and 4 stalked ; light grey, thinly scaled towards base, termen suffused with dark fuscous, more broadly towards apex ; cilia grey- whitish, with grey sub-basal shade. Pretoria, in October; one specimen. Eucosma insolens Meyr. Pretoria, in December ; one specimen. Eucosma symbola, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 3). Male, 12 mm. Head and thorax dark fuscous. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, posteriorly slightly dilated, costa slightly arched, with short fold, apex obtuse, termen sinuate, somewhat oblique ; dark fuscous ; costa between J and apex, wuth five pairs of whitish strigulae, and two single ones ; and irregular acute triangular whitish blotch on dorsum beyond middle, reaching more than half across wing, containing two or three dark fuscous marks ; two oblique purplish-leaden strigae from first two pairs of costal strigulae to above apex of this blotch ; beyond an irregular zigzag line from beyond middle of costa to before tornus, the ground colour of posterior area is fulvous, with blackish costal strigulae between the others, crossed by two angulated bluish-leaden striae, from third and fifth pairs of strigulae, with a blackish parallel mark between them above middle, 8 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. and two or tliree short black dashes or dots in ocellus ; cilia leaden- grey, with a blackish basal line. Hindwings with four absent ; grey cilia pale grey with darker sub-basal shade. Van der Merwe Station, Pretoria District, in December; one specimen. Eucosma isogramma Meyr. Pretoria, in November and May; three specimens. Eucosma calliarma, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 5). Male, 14 mm. ; female, 16 mm. Plead white. Palpi white, with two fuscous spots. Thorax white with a blackish mark on each shoulder, and four small blackish spots posteriorly. Abdomen grey.. Forewings elongate, somewhat dilated posteriorly, costa slightly arched in' male without fold, apex obtuse, termen sinuate, oblique;; white ; costa with small spots and strigulae of black and ferruginous ; basal patch mixed with ferruginous, grey, and black, including a white dorsal spot, outer edge oblique, obtusely angulated in middle;; central fascia beyond middle, rather narrow, oblique, irregular, ferrugineous-ochreous edged with grey anteriorly and towards costa posteriorly, attenuated or somewhat interrupted above middle, with some black scales in middle ; ocellus edged laterally with pale leaden- grey and containing two black marks, posterior margin continued as a sinuate stria to costa and preceded by two or three other black marks ; apical space and terminal streak beyond this ferruginous,, including two short white costal strigulae ; cilia grey mixed with whitish, basal third bluish-shining, above apex with blackish sub- basal line. Hindwings 3 and 4 stalked; grey; cilia grey -whitish,, with g'rey sub-basal line. Pretoria; Camperdown, Natal (Leigh); in March, two specimens. Eucosma marmara, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 6). Male, 11-12 mm. Head and palpi whitish, sometimes partially tinged with pale grey. Thorax whitish, variably spotted with oclireous and fuscous. Abdomen light g'rey, anal tuft whitish.. Forewings elongate, posteriorly slightly dilated, costa gently arched without fold, apex obtuse, termen almost straight, oblique; ochreous- white ; basal patch covering more than J of wing, irregularly striated with fulvous and grey, and more or less marked with black, outer edge irregular, prominent below middle; space between basal patch and central fascia more or less strigulated with fulvous and grey on upper half but forming a clear white blotch on lower half, marked with one or two dark grey strigulae on dorsum ; mixed with leaden- grey on upper half and marked with black towards dorsum ; posterior area with irregular thick alternate leaden-grey and fulvous striae, with two or three short black marks in ocellus and some irregular black marking above this ; cilia whitish with a blackish sub-basal line, outer half pale fulvous spotted with grey. Hindwings with 3 and 4 connate or short-stalked ; grey, paler towards base ; cilia grey- whitish with dark grey sub-basal shade. Pretoria, from November to January; three specimens., Bactra siccella Walk. Pretoria District, in January and February.. Totals of the Teansvaal Museum, 9 Bactea pythonia, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 7). Female 13-15 mm. Head ochreous- whitish. Palpi 2j, densely haired, ochreous-wliitish, partially tinged with grey. Thorax ochreous- whitish, with some dark fuscous strigulae. Abdomen light- grey. Forewings elongate, somewhat dilated posteriorly, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen straight, oblique ; light greyish-ochreous, costa and dorsum strigulated with blackish and whitish irroration, outer edge sometimes tolerably defined, angulated in middle ; space between basal patch and central fascia more or less suffused with whitish and strigulated with dark grey ; central fascia darker, very undefined, oblique, narrow, posterior edge with acute prominences above and below middle, sprinkled with dark grey or blackish in disk; a large rounded patch of white suffusion following this in disk; some short black lines on veins towards termen, two in ocellus especially distinct, followed by a transverse leaden mark ; more or less grey irroration towards termen ; cilia greyish-ochreous irrorated with white and some blackish points. Hindwings grey; cilia whitish- grey, with darker sub-basal shade. Pretoria, in December and January; two specimens. jP OLYCHEO SIS SPISSANA Z. Pretoria District, in January. Polycheosis peimaeia, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 8). Female, 14 mm. Head, palpi, thorax, and abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, posteriorly slightly dilated, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen straight, somewhat oblique ; fuscous ; costa with about ten pairs of short whitish strigulae, separated by darker spots; basal patch mixed with dark fuscous, outer edge ill-defined, angulated in middle, indented near dorsum ; central fascia narrow, oblique, dark fuscous, anteriorly suffused, posterior edge well defined, very irregular; several obscure oblique leaden strigae from posterior half of costa ; ocellus margined by two thick leaden-metallic marks, containing three large black dots touching posterior margin ; cilia leaden-fuscous. Hindwings fuscous, darker posteriorly; cilia light fuscous, with dark fuscous sub-basal line. Tweefontein, Pretoria District, in January; one specimen. Aegyeoploce wahlbeegiana Z. Pretoria, in January. I do not maintain Eccopsis Z. as a distinct genus. • * Aegyeoploce beevibasana Wals. Pretoria, in November; three specimens showing some variability. Laspeyeesia halmyeis, n. sp. (Plate III, fig. 9). Male, 12 mm. Head and thorax light fuscous irrorated with whitish. Palpi fuscous-whitish. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, posteriorly somewhat dilated, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen slightly sinuate, little oblique ; fuscous, in disk and towards dorsum suffusedly striated with white, posteriorly irrorated with white ; costa dark fuscous, marked with ten pairs of white strigulae, third to eighth pairs emitting oblique blue-leaden strigae, third, fifth, and seventh interspaces prolonged into oblique dark 10 Annals or the Transvaal Museum. fuscous strigae ; ocellus margined laterally with leaden-metallic and containing three black dots ; cilia light grey irrorated with white, with dark fuscous sub-basal line. Hindwings with dorsal cilia thickened and somewhat curled; grey, darker posteriorly; cilia whitish-grey, with dark grey sub-basal line. Pretoria, in October; one specimen. GELECHIADAE. Paltodora melanatracta Meyr. Pretoria, in October ; one specimen. Paltodora operosa, n. sp. (Plate IV, fig. 1). Male, 18-22 mm. Head whitish-ochreous irrorated with fuscous. Palpi ochreous-whitish, second joint irrorated with dark fuscous, terminal joint with anterior edge dark fuscous. Thorax brownish irrorated with dark fuscous and whitish. Abdomen greyish irrorated with darker, apex whitish. Forewings elongate, very narrow, long- pointed, acute, termen slightly sinuate beneath apex ; brown, irrorated on margins and veins with dark fuscous and whitish, but this irroration sometimes extends over most of wing, except longi- tudinal streaks in disk and along fold, sometimes tinged with yellowish ; stigmata represented by small suffused dark fuscous spots, plical very obliquely before first diskal ; similar spots near base in middle, beneath costa at J and J, and on fold between these ; cilia brownish with two dark fuscous shades, towards base mixed with whitish and dark fuscous. Hindwings grey ; cilia whitish-ochreous dinged with grey. Pretoria, in December and March; two specimens. Paltodora iospila, n. sp. (Plate IV, fig. 2). Male, 16 mm. Head white. Palpi white, second joint externally ferruginous sprinkled with dark grey except apex, with short triangular tuft, terminal joint sprinkled with grey anteriorly. Thorax whitish partially tinged with ferruginous. Abdomen grey, sides dark grey posteriorly. Forewings elongate, very narrow, costa hardly arched, apex acute, termen faintly sinuate, extremely oblique ; whitish tinged with ferruginous ; ferruginous spots on costa at base and J, former connected beneath with a fuscous transverse mark ; two small ferruginous spots beneath fold rather obliquely beyond these respectively ; costa suffused with grey irroration from \ to § ; a small ferruginous spot beneath costa at J ; stigmata represented by small ferruginous spots, plical very obliquely before first diskal ; a suffused grey streak sprinkled with dark grey along fold beneath diskal stigmata ; a fascia of ferruginous suffusion along termen, preceded by some grey suffusion ; cilia whitish, basal half sprinkled with blackish-grey. Hindwings pale grey ; cilia pale whitish-ochreous finged with ferruginous. Albert Mine, Pretoria District, in January; one specimen. Sxtotroga celyphodes, n. sp. (Plate IV, fig. 3). Female, 12-13 mm. Head white. Palpi white, lower half of second joint fuscous. Thorax white, shoulders brownish. Abdomen whitish. Forewings narrow, costa hardly arched, apex pointed, Annals of the Transvial Museum. 11 termen extremely obliquely rounded ; white ; plical and second diskal stigmata blackish ; some ferruginous-brownish suffusion forming undefined patches above plical stigma and on costa at f, and an undefined fascia just before termen throughout, touching second diskal stigma beneath ; cilia whitish. Hindwings with 4 and 5 approximated towards base; whitish; cilia yellow- whitish. Yan der Merwe Station, Pretoria District, in December and .February; two specimens. Anacampsis nerteria Meyr. Pretoria, in May; one specimen. Common in India and Ceylon; the larva feeds on the ground nut ( Aracliis hypogaea). Telphusa probata, n. sp. (Plate XV, fig. 4). Male, female, 11-12 mm. Head and thorax blackish sprinkled with whitish. Palpi w'hite, second and terminal joints each with base and two bands black. Antennae blackish. Abdomen grey. Fore- wings elongate, narrow, costa slightly arched, apex round-pointed, Xermen extremely obliquely rounded ; dark fuscous ; a broad direct white fascia before middle, posterior edge rather convex, followed by two small indistinct blackish spots surrounded by brown, perhaps representing first diskal and plical stigmata ; second diskal stigma represented by a similar spot with an additional spot beneath it ; some brown suffusion and slight whitish sprinkling towards apex ; cilia fuscous, round apex sprinkled with blackish and whitish. Hindwings grey; cilia light grey tinged with ochreous. Pretoria, in November; two specimens. Telphusa lathridia, n. sp. (Plate XY, figs. 5-6). Male, female, X4-X6 mm. Head and thorax fuscous mixed with blackish, finely whitish-sprinkled. Palpi fuscous mixed with blackish, indistinctly banded with whitish irroration. Antennal ciliations in male, one. Abdomen in male pale whitish-ochreous, in female grey with some ochreous suffusion on segment 2. Fore wings elongate, narrow, costa gently arched, apex acute, termen extremely obliquely rounded ; dark fuscous, tips of scales finely whitish, more or less sprinkled with blackish ; in one specimen two ochreous dots near base ; a more or less marked irregular oblique transverse blackish streak about J, in male obsolete, in female sometimes posteriorly edged with whitish-ochreous suffusion on upper half, towards dorsum forming an irregular ridge of raised scales ; stigmata raised, blackish, in female more or less edged with pale brownish-ochreous, plical beneath first diskal, an additional dot beneath second diskal; in one -female some indistinct pale ochreous suffusion towards costa at § ; cilia fuscous finely sprinkled with whitish, towards base mixed with dark fuscous. Hindwings grey, paler towards base, especially in male ; cilia light greyish. Pretoria, in September and February; three specimens (one male, Xwo females). Telphusa zymotis, n. sp. (Plate IY, fig. T). X^emale, X5 mm. Head and thorax fuscous mixed with ferruginous-brownish and whitish-ochreous. Palpi whitish-ochreous irrorated with blackish, terminal joint shorter than second. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa gently arched, apex pointed, 12_ Annals of the Transvaal Museum. termen extremely obliquely rounded ; fuscous irregularly mixed with ferruginous-brownish and sprinkled with dark fuscous ; a blackish mark beneath base of costa, and one on fold towards base, each followed by longitudinal white-ochreous suffusion, latter streak extending to second diskal ; suffused white-ochreous oblique costal and dorsal opposite marks about f , not meeting ; cilia light fuscous ; towards base sprinkled with dark fuscous. Hind wings grey; cilia light grey. W armberg, Zoutpansberg District, in October and December; two specimens. Gelechia mesacta, n. sp. (Plate IV, fig. 8). Male, 16 mm. Head pale reddish-oclireous. Palpi dark fuscous sprinkled with blackish, apex of second and base of terminal joint wliitisli-ochreous. Antennae dark fuscous. Thorax pale reddish- ochreous, patagia dark fuscous. Abdomen ochreous-whitish, three basal segments light yellow. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa slightly arched, apex pointed, termen extremely obliquely rounded ; dark fuscous, suffused with reddish-brown towards dorsum ; a short streak of blackish suffusion on base of dorsum ; a blackish streak along fold from near base to beyond J ; diskal stigmata rather approximated, blackish, connected by red brownish suffusion, beneath which adjacent to each is an additional less defined group of blackish scales ; a narrow undefined slightly angulated red-brownish fascia about f ; cilia grey, on basal half suffused with pale rosy and mixed with dark fuscous. Hindwings and cilia light grey. Pretoria, in October; one specimen. Gelechia peronectis, n. sp. (Plate IV, fig. 9). Male, 26 mm. Head and thorax ochreous-whitish sprinkled with grey, shoulders suffused with dark fuscous. Palpi whitish, second joint rosy-tinged, basal and apical thirds of second and terminal joints suffused with dark fuscous irroration, terminal joint longer than second. Antennae dark grey, ciliations nearly one. Abdomen fuscous. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa hardly arched, apex obtuse-pointed, termen straight, rather strongly oblique ; fuscous sprinkled with dark fuscous and towards dorsum with whitish ;: some black and whitish scales on vein 12 ; a thick black medium longitudinal streak from base to end of cell, obliquely interrupted before middle of wing, both sections edged posteriorly with white ; streaks of blackish scales on veins 5 and 6, and some scattered blackish scales on other veins posteriorly ; cilia light fuscous sprinkled with darker. Hindwings grey; cilia light fuscous. Eersteling, Zoutpansberg District, in September; one specimen. Stegasta variana Meyr. Pretoria, in January and February; occurs in India and Australia. Gnorimoschema synecta, n. sp. (Plate IV, fig. 10). Male, female, 10-11 mm. Head white tinged with ochreous. Palpi whitish, second and terminal joints each with two wings of black irroration. Thorax whitish-ochreous, shoulders irrorated with dark fuscous. Abdomen grey- whitish. Forewings narrow, long- pointed, acute ; 7 and 8 out of 6 in male fuscous irrorated with Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 13 dark fuscous, in female whitish-ochreous irrorated with blackish ; pale ochreous spots beneath costa at J and J, between which are traces of an oblique bar of somewhat darker suffusion ; base of dorsum whitish-ochreous and some ochreous markings about fold towards base; stigmata dark fuscous surrounded with rather deep ochreous, plical rather obliquely before first diskal, second diskal somewhat below middle ; whitish-ochreous spots on tornus and costa opposite ; cilia pale whitish-ochreous sprinkled with black points. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale whitish-ochreous. Pretoria, in August and October; twT> specimens. Yery close to two Australian species, pyrrhanthes and bucolica , and intermediate between them, but differs from both by the stalking of 6 with 7 and 8 in forewings. Notwithstanding this structural distinction, the relationship is undoubtedly real and intimate. Paristhmia, n.g. Head with appressed scales; ocelli small; tongue developed. Antennae 5, in male shortly ciliated, basal joint moderate, without pecten. Labial palpi long, recurved, second joint thickened with dense appressed scales, terminal joint as long as second, slender, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform, appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae clothed with hairs above. Forewings with 2 and 3 stalked, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to apex, 11 from middle. Hindwings 1, trapezoidal, apex pointed, termen sinuate, oblique, cilia 1 ; 2 and 3 stalked from much before angle, 4 from angle, 5 somewhat approxi- mated at base, 6 and 7 stalked. Allied to Braclimia, from which it differs by the peculiar structure of veins 2 and 3 of hindwings ; this may perhaps be modified in female. Paristhmia barathrodes, n. sp. (Plate Y, fig. 1). Male, 12 mm. Head and thorax whitish-ochreous, face and sternum dark fuscous. Palpi whitish-ochreous, second joint dark fuscous except apex. Abdomen light grey. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen abliquely rounded ; whitish-ochreous tinged with brownish ; a black dot on base of costa and one on fold before J ; an oblong transverse blackish blotch in disk before middle representing plical and first diskal stigmata ; second diskal stigma black ; an undefined fascia of light fuscous suffusion just beyond this, extremities blackish; three or four undefined fuscous dots on termen ; cilia whitish-ochreous. Hindwings with a furrow beneath cell and vein 2 containing a grey hairpencil ; grey; cilia light grey, base ochreous-tinged. Pretoria, in January; one specimen. Encolpotis xanthoria Meyr. Pretoria, in February and April. Brachmia maculata Wals. (Lecithocera maculata Wals. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 276, pi. xi, fig. 18.) One male; antennae i (therefore not a Lecithocerai, thick, pale nchreous-yellowish ; forewings with 8 and 9 out of 7, 7 to apex; dark 14 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. purplish-fuscous ; stigmata whitish-ochreous surrounded with black,, plical beneath first diskal, both small, second diskal large. Hind- wings grey. Pretoria District, in January. Braciimxa lamprostoma Z. (G-elechia zulu Wals. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lon‘d. 1881, p. 261, pi. xii, fig. 30.) Afterwards identified by Lord Walsingham with lamprostoma Z., and referred to the genus Anacampsis ; it is, however, certainly a Bvachmia, having 2 and 3 of forewings stalked, and 7 and 8 stalked, 7 running to apex. It varies very much in development of white and ferruginous-brown markings ; one male has crown of head fuscous, forewings with median fascia not reaching costa, and no white scales on termen ; another has much more ferruginous-brown suffusion anteriorly,' diskal stigma large, white-edged. Pretoria, in March. Brachmia malacogramma, n. sp. (Plate V., fig. 2). Female, 14 mm. Head and thorax yellow-whitish, patagia brownish-tinged. Palpi yellowish-white, basal fuscous tinged. Antennae fuscous, beneath whitish. Abdomen whitish-ochreous. Eorewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex obtuse,, termen obliquely rounded ; 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to apex ; whitish- yellowish ; a rather broad brownish median stripe from base to apex, darker brown towards apex, including traces of a pale line on internal vein, and a more distinct one on vein 6 ; undefined narrow brownish streaks between veins towards costa and posteriorly; stigmata blackish, first diskal minute, indistinctly whitish-ringed, second diskal whitish- edged posteriorly, plical larger, obliquely before first diskal ; a suffused brownish spot beneath second diskal, touching median stripe : cilia wdiitish-yellowish, basal half faintly barred with pale brownish. Hindwings pale whitish-grey tinged with ochreous ; cilia pale whitish- ochreous. Pretoria, in January; one specimen. Allied to the Indian arotraea. Polyhymno pausimacha, n. sp. (Plate V, fig. 3). Female, 15 mm. Head pale shining grey, sides of crown whitish. Palpi dark fuscous, posteriorly white. Antennae dark fuscous. Thorax dark fuscous, patagia white except shoulders. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa hardly arched, apex falcate,, acute, termen oblique ; dark purplish-fuscous mixed with blackish ; a rather broad white median streak from base, broadly interrupted about middle, posterior extremity attenuated, not reaching termen ; beneath the posterior segment are a cloudy white streak on fold to* tornus, and an irregular cloudy white streak between these mixed with fuscous in middle and extending upwards to beyond apex of median streak ; a slender white oblique streak above apex of median a silvery-metallic acutely angmlated line from § of costa to tornus, passing round these; a brownish-ochreous streak running from near costa immediately beyond this to apex ; three white oblique wedge- shaped marks on costa towards apex ; a whitish terminal line not reaching apex or tornus ; cilia grey, on costa dark fuscous with Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 15* oblique white marks, oil central portion of termen with a patch of wdiite suffusion towards base containing' three black dots. Hindwings grey, darker posteriorly; cilia light greyish tinged with ochreous. Lekkerwater (Rietfontein No. TO), Zoutpansberg District, in September; one specimen. Polyhymno palinorsa, n. sp. (Plate V, fig. 4). Male, 13 mm. Head white. Palpi white, second joint with a fuscous lateral line except at apex, terminal joint with anterior edge dark fuscous. Antennae dark fuscous, towards base white above. Thorax white with four dark fuscous stripes. Abdomen grey, sides and apex whitish. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa slightly arched, apex falcate, acute, termen very oblique ; dark fuscous ; a moderate white median longitudinal streak from base to termen, becoming linear posteriorly ; a fine white line immediately beneath costa from near base to middle, thence running obliquely into median streak near termen ; a white sub-dorsal line from near base almost to tornus ; a white line along submedian fold posteriorly almost rising out of median streak ; a wdiite somewhat upwards- oblique streak lying between posterior half of this and median streak ; an oblique white line from costa about § to apex of median streak, extremity greyish ; a pale ochreous-yellowish streak running from above posterior portion of this to apex ; cilia grey, on costa white with several irregular dark fuscous bars, at apex with a dark fuscous bar, on upper part of termen with a patch of whitish suffusion containing a dark fuscous basal line and a black dot beyond this at each extremity. Hindwings grey ; cilia whitish-grey tinged with ochreous. Pretoria, in December; one specimen. Polyhymno paracma, n. sp. (Plate Y, fig. 5). Female, 13-14 mm. Head white. Palpi white, anterior edge of terminal joint dark fuscous. Antennae grey, towards base white. Thorax wrhite with three ochreous-fuscous stripes. Abdomen grey, segmental margins whitish. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa slightly arched, apex falcate, acute, termen very oblique; ochreous-fuscous; a broad shining white sharply-defined median streak from base to beyond apex acute, lowTer marg'in prominent beyond middle of wing and sending a fine branch along fold almost to tornus ; a narrow shining, white sub-dorsal streak from base to tornus ; a whitish line along costa from about J to middle, thence obliquely to above apex of median streak ; an oblique wdiite striga from costa about f to near termen, apex leaden-grey; a suffused leaden-grey mark along upper part of termen ; cilia grey, on costa white, with several irregular oblique dark fuscous bars, round apex mixed with blackish, on middle of termen with a basal patch of white suffusion, above which is a short black basal line. Hindwings grey ; cilia light grey. Pretoria, in November and December; two specimens. Polyhymno eurydoxa, n. sp. (Plate Y, fig. 6). Male, 13 mm. Head ochreous-white, crowm more ochreous- tinged. Palpi white, anterior edge of terminal joint dark fuscous. Antennae grey. Thorax pale shining whitish-ochreous, patagia 16 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. white. (Abdomen broken.) Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa slightly arched, apex very long-produced, acute-falcate, termen oblique; dark fuscous; a. broad shining white stripe covering median third from base to near termen, sharply defined above, beneath suffused into a pale yellow-brownish stripe which covers dorsal third extreme edge ; a fine suffused wdiitish-ochreous streak along costa from \ to |, sending a branch from middle to above apex of median stripe; an oblique dark fuscous line splitting apex of median stripe; five white wxedge-shaped marks on posterior third of costa, partly in cilia, first two more oblique and slender, first terminating in a short fine metallic mark ; apical area beneath these suffused with ferruginous-yellowish, which extends also along terminal area, except a leaden-metallic terminal streak ; cilia grey, on termen whitish with a dark fuscous sub-basal line and three black dots beyond it, beneath apex with two blackish hooks, on costa with dark fuscous bars between wdiite marks. Hindwings grey; cilia grey, round apex suffused with ochreous- whitish except towards base. Bultfontein, Pretoria District, in January; two specimens. Semodictis, n. g. Head with appressed scales ; ocelli present ; tongue developed. Antennae f, in male simple, basal joint elongate, without pecten. Labial palpi very long, recurved, second joint with double or single projecting tuft beneath, terminal joint longer than second, acute, with two scale-projections posteriorly. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform, appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae clothed with long hairs above. Forewings with 2 from towards angle, 6 to apex, 7 and 8 stalked, 11 from middle. Hindwings 1, elongate-trapezoidal apex obtuse, termen oblique, not sinuate, cilia almost 1 ; 3 and 4 approximated at base, 5 rather approximated, 6 and 7 stalked. Type S. tetraptila. To this genus is also referable Chelaria albogrisea Wals. Semodictis tetraptila, n. sp. (Plate Y, fig. 7). Male, female, 16-17 mm. Head and thorax pale grey mixed with whitish. Palpi grey irregularly mixed with dark grey and whitish, second joint with two separate tufts. Abdomen grey, suffused with ochreous-whitish towards base. Forewings elongate, narrow, widest at J, thence gradually narrowed, costa with scales rather prominent beyond middle, apex rounded, termen very obliquely rounded ; light grey mixed with wdiitish, with some scattered blackish scales ; several small blackish-grey spots on basal fourth ; a blackish- grey trapezoidal blotch in disk before middle, broadest beneath, preceded by some brownish suffusion ; an irregular dark fuscous spot extending along costa from J to middle almost confluent with this ; apical f of wing irregularly marked with grey, suffusedly mixed with blackish, with a more defined dark spot on costa at and a black mark at apex; cilia light greyish, irrorated with whitish, towards base indistinctly barred with blackish irroration. Hindwings grey, paler towards base; cilia light greyish. Kranspoort, Pretoria District, in December ; two specimens. Hothris rhyodes, n. sp. (Plate Y, fig. 8). Male, 17 mm. Head and thorax white, shoulders suffused with fuscous. Palpi white, second joint with very long dense triangular Annals of the Teansyaal Museum. 17 tuft, externally fuscous except along apex, terminal joint with anterior edge dark fuscous. Antennae dark fuscous. Abdomen grey- whitish. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa slightly arched, apex round-pointed, termen extremely obliquely rounded ; light fuscous, suffusedly mixed throughout with whitish ; veins in disk and two or three towards costa posteriorly partially indicated by series of scattered blackish scales ; similar series along termen and posterior part of costa; cilia ochreous-whitish, sprinkled with fuscous towards base. Hindwings light grey; cilia ochreous-whitish tinged with grey towards base. Rietfontein No. 57, Pretoria District, in September; one specimen. Notheis (P) pycnodes, n. sp. (Plate Y, fig. 9). Male, 21-22 mm. Head and thorax wdiitish-ochreous tinged with brownish, beneath wings with patches of flat expansible scales. Palpi whitish-ochreous irregularly mixed and suffused with fuscous, second joint with moderate rough rounded tuft beneath, terminal joint thickened with scales except on apex. Abdomen whitish- ochreous suffused with fuscous. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex rounded, termen obliquely rounded ; fuscous ; an indistinct blackish dot beneath costa near base, stigmata blackish, partially edged with light greyish-ochreous, plical larger, obliquely before first diskal ; costa somewhat suffused with pale greyish-ochreous towards middle ; a suffused pale greyish-ochreous spot on costa about f, with faint traces of a curved transverse line rising from it; cilia light greyish-ochreous suffused with fuscous. Hindwings grey, becoming paler and tinged with whitish-ochreous towards base ; cilia pale whitish-ochreous, with light fuscous sub- basal shade. Pretoria District, in January; two specimens. The thickening of terminal joint of palpi is an unusual character in the genus. Teichotaphe claviculata, n. sp. (Plate Y, fig. 10). Female, 16 mm. Head and thorax fuscous-grey, face whitish- fuscous. Palpi dark fuscous, second joint with dense expanded scales towards apex above and beneath, extreme apex whitish, terminal joint longer than second, whitish except anterior edge. Abdomen light fuscous. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen rounded, rather strongly oblique; glossy fuscous-grey, sprinkled with black, especially towards margins ; costal edge whitish-ochreous on anterior half, with a black basal dot ; a slightly curved slender black bar in disk at \ representing plical and first diskal stigmata ; a very small whitish-ochreous spot on costa at | ; cilia light grey. Hindwings grey ; cilia light grey. Pretoria; one specimen bred in July. [Only one caterpillar of 1 in. long, very thin, and of a green colour, was found feeding on the leaves of Combretum (A. J. T. J.)] Teichotaphe ieonica, n. sp. (Plate YI, fig. 1). Male, 15 mm. Head and thorax rather dark fuscous, sides of crown whitish-ochreous. Palpi dark, fuscous, second joint much thickened with appressed scales, above with expansible scales towards apex, apex _ ochreous-whitish, terminal joint longer than second, ochreous-whitish towards base. Antennae dark fuscous. Abdomen 18 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. grey. Forewings sub-oblong, rather narrow, costa gently arched,, apex obtuse, termen rather obliquely rounded ; dark purplish-fuscous ; stigmata cloudy, blackish, plical beneath first diskal, a similar less distinct spot midway between first diskal and base ; a cloudy pale ochreous dot on costa at § ; some blackish lunate marks on termen ; cilia fuscous, wfith basal spots of pale ochreous suffusion on these marks. Hindwings rather dark grey; cilia whitish-grey, with grey sub-basal shade. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District, in December : one specimen.. Ypsolophus tephrodes, n. sp. (Plate VI, fig. 2). Female, 17 mm. Head dark grey sprinkled with whitish. Palpi dark fuscous, scale of second joint expanded above and in a triangular apical tuft beneath, irrorated with white along apex, terminal joint white posteriorly. Thorax ochreous-brownish, centrally suffused with grey. Abdomen rather dark grey. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen obliquely rounded ; ochreous-brownish, more ochreous towards costa anteriorly; costal edge blackish towards base ; stigmata moderate, dark fuscous, diskal approximated, plical obliquely before first diskal ; posterior portion of wing slightly infuscated, with an indistinct curved transverse shade of ground colour about J ; cilia ochreous-brownish. Hind- wings rather dark grey ; cilia grey. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District, in March; one specimen. COSMOPTERYGIDAE. Cosmopteryx oxyglossa, ii. sp. (Plate YI, fig. 3). Male, 10 mm. Head blackish, crown with white central and lateral lines. Palpi white, lined with black. Antennae dark grey ringed with whitish (imperfect). Thorax black with three white lines. Abdomen light bronzy-ochreous. Forewings narrowly lanceolate,, apex very slenderly long-produced, caudate ; blackish ; a white sub- costal streak from base to near J ; a short white median line beneath extremity of this ; a white sub-dorsal line starting at \ and running into an acute orange median projection of band ; a broad orange band hardly beyond middle, anterior edge marked with two golden-metallic spots, upper followed by two or three black scales, lowTer somewhat posterior, posterior edge also marked with two golden-metallic opposite spots preceded by a few black scales, between which is a short orange projection, whence a sinuate white line proceeds along termen to apex; cilia dark grey. Hindwings and cilia grey. Pretoria, in December; one specimen. Cosmopteryx scaligera, n. sp. (Plate YI, fig. 4). Male, 14 mm. Head dark fuscous, crown with white central and lateral lines, face whitish-bronzy. Palpi white, lined with black. Antennae with basal half white lined with black, apical three joints whitish, then four dark fuscous, one white, one dark fuscous, rest white with dark fuscous apical rings. Thorax dark fuscous with three white! lines. (Abdomen broken.) Forewings narrowly lanceolate, apex very slenderly long-produced, caudate ; dark fuscous ; costal edge white from l to band ; fine white sub-costal, median, and sub-dorsal lines all reaching from base to band; tips pale yellowish; a moderate pale ochreous-yellow median band,, narroweff Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 19 towards dorsum, anterior edge marked with two pale golden-metallic spots, upper followed by a large black dot, lower markedly posterior, posteriorly edged by a pale golden-metallic entire streak, beyond which a streak at first pale yellow and broad but soon becoming narrow and white extends along termen to apex; cilia pale grey tinged with ochreous, on costa white. Hindwdngs light grey; cilia pale grey tinged with ochreous. Kranspoort, Pretoria District, in December; one specimen. Stagmatophora narcota, n. sp. (Plate VI, fig. 5). Female, 18 mm. Head white, with a light pinkish-fuscous stripe on crown. Palpi whitish, second joint pale brownish, terminal joint with fuscous line internally. Antennae whitish. Thorax light pinkish-fuscous, with a white stripe on each side of back. Abdomen ochreoijs-whitish. Forewings very narrow, apex slenderly long- pointed, acute, termen sinuate ; pinkish-fuscous, lighter posteriorly and towards dorsum ; costal edge whitish towards middle; two whitish streaks from base to tornus, first along fold, with a black dot beneath it in middle of wing, second almost dorsal ; an undefined line of dark grey suffusion from disk at J to apex ; a whitish line along termen throughout; cilia whitish-ochreous tinged wTith brownish. Hindwings grey ; cilia whitish-ochreous tinged with grey. Albert Mine, Pretoria District, in January; one specimen. Stagmatophora tripola, n. sp. (Plate VI, fig. 6). Male, 11-12 mm. Head ochreous-whitish, crown tinged with red-brownish. Palpi ochreous-whitish, second joint with basal and median bands, terminal joint with a median band of faint pale red- brownish suffusion and a black sub-apical ring. Antennae ochreous- whitish dotted with blackish. Thorax red-brownish, partly edged with ochreous-whitish. Abdomen blackish-grey, anal tuft ochreous- whitish. Forewings very narrow, widest near base, gradually narrowed, acute-pointed ; red-brownish ; a line of blackish and whitish irroration along fold from base to first fascia ; a slender ochreous- whitish almost straight direct transverse fascia at J, on costa enlarged and including a black sub-costal dot, anteriorly edged with black in disk, posteriorly edged with dark grey irroration which is also produced into a short streak above middle ; a narrow grey streak irrorated with blackish proceeding from dorsum in middle of wing obliquely outwards to costa, thence along costa to f ; a slender ochreous-whitish streak along termen, lower half irrorated with dark grey, upper half edged posteriorly with blackish, more or less tending to be connected in middle with posterior extremity of preceding ; cilia light red-brownish, towards tornus suffused with dark grey, at apex with two rather indistinct blackish hooks. Hindwings dark grey; cilia grey. Pretoria, in January and February; two specimens. Allied to spodochtha from Ceylon, but differing in details of marking and without the dark bands towards apex of antennae. Stagmatophora sclerodes, n. sp. (Plate VI, fig. T). Male, 8 mm. Head dark fuscous. Palpi fuscous, anterior edge blackish, apex of second joint whitish. Antennae dark fuscous, apical fourth white. Thorax blackish-fuscous, posterior extremity ochreous- whitish. Abdomen fuscous mixed with whitish. Forewings 20 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. lanceolate, acute ; blackish-fuscous ; markings ochreous-whitish ; a moderate fascia almost at base ; a roundish blotch in disk slightly beyond middle, almost touching dorsum ; a small costal spot about f , and a dorsal dot opposite ; cilia blackish-fuscous, towards tornus grey. Hindwings grey; cilia light grey. Pretoria, in October; one specimen. Stagmatophora phalacra, n. sp. (Plate VI, fig. 8). Female, 10 mm. Head dark grey, collar and back of crown whitish. Palpi rather stout, dark fuscous, very finely transversely ribbed with whitish. Antennae dark fuscous, becoming ochreous- whitish towards apex. Thorax glossy dark fuscous, shoulders narrowly whitish. Abdomen dark fuscous. Forewdngs rather broad lanceolate, acute ; glossy dark fuscous, faintly purplish-tinged ; cilia concolorous. Hindwings grey; cilia fuscous. Van der Merwe Station, Pretoria District, in December; one specimen. Limnoecia neurogramma, n. sp. (Plate VI, fig. 9). Female, 27 mm. Head whitish, crown with two dark fuscous stripes. Palpi dark fuscous mixed with white, especially towards middle of second joint, terminal joint with some loosely projecting scales towards apex posteriorly. Antennae fuscous. Thorax fuscous, suffused anteriorly with dark fuscous with a whitish stripe on each side of back. Abdomen fuscous. Forewings lanceolate; fuscous strongly streaked with blackish between veins; costal edge white from \ to | ; a white sub-costal streak from base to beyond middle ; a white streak almost along dorsum from base to tornus, thence continued along termen to apex ; margins of cell and internal vein marked with strong white streaks ; other veins partially indicated with whitish ; cilia light fuscous ; basal half mixed with blackish, at apex with a white bar. Hindwings rather dark fuscous; cilia light fuscous. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District, in December; one specimen. This, and the next species, which are obviously allied together, both show peculiarities in the scaling of the palpi, but the known species of Linnoecia already show much diversity in this respect. Limnoecia eretmota, n. sp. (Plate VI, fig. 10). Male, 20 mm. Head white, sides of face dark fuscous. Palpi white, second joint above with rough projecting scales diminishing to apex, beneath rough-scaled towards apex, externally mixed with dark fuscous, terminal joint slender, with anterior edge dark fuscous. Thorax white, shoulders and a narrow dorsal stripe becoming obsolete posteriorly dark fuscous. Abdomen whitish-yellowish. Fore wings lanceolate ; light fuscous, marked with dark fuscous lines between veins, and in cell mixed with dark fuscous ; costa narrowly white from near base to § ; costal area with suffused white streaks between the dark lines ; a narrow whitish streak along dorsum ; a strong white streak beneath middle from base to termen, posteriorly broken up into several branches beneath along veins ; cilia light fuscous mixed with whitish (imperfect). Hindwings grey; cilia pale whitish- ochreous. Pretoria, in January; one specimen. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 21 Mompha quinquecristata Wals. 20-22 mm. Palpi white with black bands. Forewings with a small white inwardly oblique mark on costa at f, and a white linear dot at extreme apex (these are indicated in Lord Walsingham’s figure but not in his description) ; the scale tufts, though not truly metallic, have yet in certain lights a strong golden iridescence. Pretoria, in December. Stathmopoda tricfiodora, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 1). Male, 16 mm. Head wdiitish-ochreous (partly defaced). Palpi whitish-ochreous. Antennae ciliations fasciculate 1-J, Thorax whitish-ochreous, spotted with dark fuscous. Abdomen whitish- ochreous banded with ferruginous, with lateral series of blackish spots, anal segment ochreous-orange with blackish apex. Posterior tibiae and basal joint of tarsi clothed with very long rough projecting blackish and whitish bristly scales. Forewings lanceolate, acute ; whitish-ochreous ; markings dark grey mixed with black ; a narrow costal streak from base to middle, with a short projection near base; an elongate spot on base of dorsum; an elongate blotch extending over costal half of wing from J to beyond middle, connected by moderate irregular fasciae with dorsum before middle and tornus, latter extended as a streak along termen to apex; a roundish spot in disk at ; two or three inwardly oblique marks on costa towards apex; cilia grey, above apex pale fulvous, beneath tornus tinged with fulvous. Hindwings fulvous irrorated with fuscous; cilia light grey tinged with fulvous. Waterfall, Zoutpansberg District, in November; one specimen, Eretmocera scatospila Z. Pretoria District, in April. Eretmocera florifera, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 2). Female, 12 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax dark bronzy-fuscous ; palpi whitish towards base ; thorax with a pale yellow spot on each side posteriorly. Antennae purple-blackish, median third with long rough projecting scales above. Abdomen bright deep yellow, with deep fuscous-purple dorsal spot extending over two basal segments, apical segment blackish except tip. Forewings lanceolate; purple- blackish ; a moderate roundish pale ochreous-yellow spot in disk at J ; a small wdiitish yellowish spot on tornus and one rather beyond it on costa; cilia purple-blackish. Hindwings bright deep yellow; a dark purplish-fuscous apical patch covering rather more than J, anterior edge with projections in disk and on termen ; cilia deep yellow, round apical patch dark fuscous. Under-surface of all wings deep yellow with dark fuscous apical patches. Pretoria, in December; one specimen. SCYTRIDAE. Scytpiris cometa, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 3). Female 13 mm. Head and thorax grey suffused with whitish. Palpi pale grey suffused with white towards base. Antennae dark grey. Abdomen grey, beneath whitish. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, apex produced, acute, termen sinuate, very oblique; grey, with a faint purplish gloss towards apex ; a moderately broad suffused 22 Aral's of the Transvaal Museum. whitish streak beneath middle from base to near termen, posteriorly tending to be trifurcate on veins ; a suffused whitish line along vein lb throughout, another along dorsum to tornus ; cilia grey, with slight bronzy gloss. Hindwings with 4 and 5 stalked; dark grey; cilia dark grey. Pretoria, in April; one specimen “ on Compositae ScYTHRIS OCHRANTHA, 11. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 4). Female, 22 mm. Head ochreous-yellow. Palpi pale ochreous- yellowish, anterior edge of terminal joint fuscous. Antennae blackish. Thorax pale ochreous. Abdomen ochreous-yellowish. Forewings lanceolate, acute ; 6 to close below apex ; pale ochreous, costa more yellowish ; cilia light ochreous-yellow. Hindwings f , all veins separate; dark grey; cilia light ochreous-yellow. Colenso, Natal, in March; one specimen. Scythris pelochyta, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 5). Male, female, 10-12 mm. Head yellow-ochreous. Palpi whitish- ochreous. Thorax pale bronzy ochreous. Abdomen light grey. Forewings lanceolate, acute; pale bronzy-ochreous, in one specimen tinged with grey; cilia concolorous. Hindwings 5, all veins separate; grey; cilia light grey tinged with ochreous. Pretoria, in August and November; three specimens. OECOPHORIDAE. Hypercallia sincera, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 6). Male, 24 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, and thorax ochreous- white; antennal ciliations 4. Abdomen pale whitish-ochreous. Fore- wiqgs elongate, costa gently arched, apex pointed, termen slightly sinuate, rather strongly oblique; ochreous-white; cilia white. Hind- wings and cilia ochreous-white. Bronkhorst Spruit, Pretoria District, in December; one specimen. Depress aria trimenella Wals. Pretoria District, in February; one specimen. Forewings with 2 and 3 stalked. Diocosma tricycla, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 7). Male 21 mm. Head yellowish- white. Palpi whitish, slightly crimson-tinged externally, second joint suffused with crimson towards apex. Antennae whitish-ochreous, basal joint crimson above with apex white. Thorax whitish-yellow, patagia with a crimson stripe becoming purplish at apex. Abdomen ochreous-whitish. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex round-pointed, termen very obliquely rounded ; light yellow ; a purplish-grey streak along dorsum and termen throughout, continued round apical third of costa where its anterior extremity is expanded, towards base of dorsum suffused with crimson ; two purple-grey blotches edged with deep crimson-ferruginous resting on this streak and reaching § across wing, first before middle, somewhat reniform, second beyond middle, circular, connected with first in disk ; some grey suffusion towards apex ; cilia light grey, on costa and round apex suffused with light crimson. Hindwings ochreous-whitish; cilia pale whitish-ochreous; Annals of the Transvaal Museum. •costal hair-pencil pale yellowish. Forewings beneath with patch of modified light yellowish-fuscous scales occupying cell and extending above it, lower margin of cell with fringe of hairs directed obliquely upwards. Lekkerwater (Rietfontein No. TO), Zoutpansberg District, in September; one specimen. Prosarotra, n. g. Head with loosely appressed hairs, side-tufts spreading ; ocelli present; tongue developed. Antennae f, in male simple, basal joint moderate, without pecten. Labial palpi very long, curved, ascending, second joint thickened with appressed scales, above with scales roughly spreading towards apex, terminal joint shorter than second, moderate, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae clothed with long hairs above. Forewings with 2 from towards angle, T and 8 stalked, T to termen, 11 from middle. Hindwings 1, elongate-ovate, cilia j-§, 3 and 4 connate, 5-7 parallel. Type ciganopis Meyr., from Ceylon. Prosarotra sarcopa, n. sp. (Plate YII, fig. 8). Female, 18 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax dull crimson. Abdomen grey. Forewings elongate, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, termen straight, oblique ; dull crimson ; costal edge grey towards base, thence obscurely whitish to middle ; a dark grey streak edged posteriorly with ochreous-yellow running from disk before J to dorsum beyond middle ; second diskal stigma blackish-grev : a short inwardly oblique whitish streak from tonus, edged anteriorly by a patch of dark grey suffusion; a few scattered dark grey scales posteriorly; cilia light crimson, base whitish-suffused. Hindwings light grey; cilia grey- whitish. Pretoria, in March; one specimen. XYLORYCTIDAE. Procometis oxypora Meyr. One male, 32 mm. ; one female, 42 mm. Forewings with costa suffused with white, especially in female. Hindwings in male rather dark grey, costal hair-pencil grey; in female grey, cilia whitish- ochreous. Pretoria District, in December and January. STENOMIDAE. Palaetheta, n. g. Head with appressed scales, side-tufts loosely spreading ; ocelli apparently absent; tongue developed. Antennae J, basal joint rather elongate, with pecten. Labial palpi long, recurved, second joint beneath with moderate tuft of projecting hairs towards apex, terminal joint as long as second, moderate, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform. Posterior tibiae clothed with rough hairs. Forewings with 2 and 3 stalked, * separate, to costa, 11 from middle. Hindwings 1, elongate-ovate, cilia 1 ; 3 and 4 connate, 5-7 tolerably parallel, 6 to apex. Allied to Parexaida . 24 Annals of the Transvial Museum Palaetheta ischnozona, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 9). Female, 13-14 mm. Head white, crown with a central blotch of dark fuscous irroration. Palpi white, second, and terminal joints each with two dark fuscous bands. Thorax white, variably spotted with dark fuscous irroration. Abdomen white, segments banded with ferruginous. Forewings elongate, costa gently arched, apex, obtuse, termen very obliquely rounded ; white ; three narrow oblique fasciae of dark fuscous irroration partially suffused with brownish, first from middle of base to J of dorsum, second from middle of costa to tornus, narrowest in disk, dilated on tornus, third from f of costa to termen beneath apex, slender and interrupted ; plical stigma dark fuscous ; cilia white, near tips with a series of dark fuscous points. Hindwings light grey or whitish-grey; cilia ochreous-whitislu Pretoria, in December and February; two specimens. Stenoma ovata Wals. One male, 28 mm. Pretoria District, in September. If correctly identified, a true Stenoma, except that labial palpi are shorter than usual, with second joint more densely scaled. GRACILAPIADAE. Epicephala barbitias, n. sp. (Plate VII, fig. 10). Female, 12 mm. Head and thorax white, face with a blackish spot on each side, patagia fuscous. Palpi white, apex of second joint and a median band of terminal joint black. (Abdomen broken.) Forewings very narrow, tolerably pointed; light fuscous, towards costa sprinkled with black and grey-whitish ; three or four more or less marked fine longitudinal lines of black scales in disk from base to about f a moderate white dorsal streak from base to near apex,, somewhat mixed with fuscous, upper edge slightly sinuous and marked with some black scales in sinuations ; two oblique white strigulae from costa towards apex ; a black apical dot containing a very fine white V-shaped mark; cilia light fuscous, basal half barred, with whitish, outer half round apex and upper part of termen whitish with two black lines. Hindwings grey; cilia light ochreous-greyish.. Pretoria, in September; one specimen. Epicephala veneranda, n. sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 1). Female, 13-14 mm. Head white. Palpi wdnte, second joint light greyish-oclireous with very long' dense projecting tuft beneath. Antennae dark grey. Thorax white sprinkled with grey. Abdomen grey mixed with whitish. Forewings very narrow, shortly round- pointed ; grey, mixed with dark fuscous and sprinkled with whitish a moderate white streak along dorsum from base almost to apex, upper edge rather irregular, posterior portion cleft by a dark fuscous; vein; two silvery-metallic lines crossing wing* posteriorly, becoming white towards costa, first from beyond middle of costa to tornus,. angulated in disk, second about | direct, curved, enlarged at lower extremity; between these are one or two white interneural streaks above dorsal streak, and a dark fuscous streak beneath costa ; beyond second in middle is a small blackish suffused spot above which is a white dot ; cilia greyisli-ochreous, on costa fuscous with base whitish,, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 25' on upper part of termen white with blackish basal line. Hindwings rather dark grey; cilia ochreous-grey. Beynespoort, Pretoria District, in December and January; two specimens. Distinguished from all described species of the genus by the long tuft of palpi, but in all other characters quite typical. ELACHISTIDAE. Elachista chelonitis, n. sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 2). Male, 10 mm. Head white. Palpi white, tinged with ochreous towards base, second joint rather rough beneath. Antennae and thorax ochreous-whitish. Abdomen grey, sides and apex whitish- ochreous. Forewings rather broad-lanceolate; 4 absent, 8 absent; white ; markings light yellow-oclireous ; an elongate spot about fold before J, edged above and beneath with some blackish specks ; two moderate fasciae marked with costal spots and sub-dorsal dots of blackish irroration, first median, rather oblique, second beyond J, direct ; a transverse spot before apex ; an irregular streak of fine dark fuscous irroration runs in disk from first fascia to anteapical spot ; a blackish mark on termen between second fascia and anteapical spot ; cilia ochreous-whitish with some scattered black specks, especially round apex. Hindwings with 4 present; grey; cilia whitish-oclireous tinged with grey. Van der Merwe Station, Pretoria District, in December; one specimen. PLTTTELLID AE . Temelucha, n. g. Head with appressed scales; ocelli present; tongue developed. Antennae f, basal joint rather short, with dense anterior pecten of scales. Labial palpi moderate, sub-ascending, second joint thickened wuth dense appressed scales, terminal joint very short, loosely scaled, obtuse. Maxillary palpi rudimentary. Posterior tibiae with short bristly hairs above. Forewings with slight dorsal scale-teeth; 2 from angle, 6 and T stalked, T to costa, .11 from before middle. Hind- wings |, lanceolate, cilia 2\ ; 4 and 5 rather approximated to 6, 6 and 7 connate. Allied to Epermenia. Temelucha xeropa, n, sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 3). Female, 12 mm. Head and thorax white sprinkled with grey. Palpi white irrorated with blackish except apex of joints. Abdomen whitish. Forewings elongate, narrow, costa slightly arched, apex pointed, termen extremely obliquely rounded ; fuscous finely irrorated with whitish, with a few dark fuscous specks ; dorsum suffused with whitish ; a light brownish-ochreous sub-costal streak from base to § ; a transverse brownish-ochreous spot below fold at 1 ; a larger transverse brownish-ochreous dorsal spot before middle, reaching half across wing, from summit of which a partially interrupted light ochreous streak runs to apex ; black dots in disk at J, beyond middle, and beyond f, last somewhat larger and elongate; undefined small scale-projections of blackish irroration on dorsal spot and before tornus ; cilia pale whitish-oclireous, round apex fuscous-tinged and Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 26 irrorated witli blackish and whitish with a dark fuscous sub-apical line. Hindwings pale grey; cilia pale whitish-ochreous. Albert Mine, Pretoria District, in January; one specimen. SlMAETHIS AEGYPTIACA Z. Pretoria, in November; one specimen. Choreutis bjerkandrella Thnb. Pretoria, in October. Glyphipteryx ditiorana Walk (Plate III, fig. 4). Pretoria, in December. TINEIDAE. Leucoptera scammatxas, n. sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 4). Male, 4 mm. Head white, with small frontal tuft. Thorax white. Abdomen grey. Forewings lanceolate; white; two narrow slightly curved fuscous transverse fasciae irrorated with blackish, fi st beyond middle, second just before apex and partly in cilia ; cilia otherwise white. Hindwings grey; cilia white. Pretoria, in September; one specimen. The neuration of this small and distinct species is not clearly perceptible, but seems consistent. Bucculatrix portilmis Meyr. One male, 7 mm. ; in March. The dorsal blackish patch should be described as a transverse spot of raised scales. Hieroxestis praematura, n. sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 5). Male, female, 16-17 mm. Head bronzy-fuscous, face shining brassy- whitish-ochreous. Palpi whitish-ochreous, externally more or less infuscated. Antennae whitish-ochreous, infuscated above, basal joint very long, somewhat swollen and flattened, in male thickened above with very dense projecting scales diminishing to apex. Thorax dark bronzy-fuscous. Abdomen whitish-ochreous. Forewings lanceolate, acute; dull purplish-fuscous, variably more or less mixed with bronzy-shining whitish-ochreous ; always a suffused shining whitish-ochreous spot on dorsum before tornus, and usually one or two smaller spots on dorsum anteriorly; cilia whitish-ocherous mixed with dark fuscous towards base. Hindwings in male with long expansible hairs at base of costa and dorsum ; pale fuscous, with bronzy reflections, towards base paler and tinged with whitish- ochreous ; cilia whitish-ochreous. Pinetown, Natal; sixteen specimens in January (Leigh) and one in May (Janse). To this genus should also be referred phaeochalca Meyr, described from Peunion as an Opogona through overlooking the frontal tuft, which is, in this species, small and inconspicuous ; it is common at Pinetown with praematura , but always distinct, 12-14 mm., forewings without pale admixture or praetornal spot; hindwings and cilia grey (female) ; the male is peculiar in appearance, having a broad undefined median fascia of yellow-oehreous suffusion, and in the hindwings a median hyaline streak from base to near apex and a blackish apical patch. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 27 Gephyristis, n. g. Head roughly tufted above, hairs of face appressed in middle, shortly rough on sides; ocelli present; tongue obsolete. Antennae I ( ?), in male simple, basal joint moderate. Labial palpi moderate, straight, porrected, somewhat loosely scaled, second joint with two or three apical bristles, terminal joint shorter than second, hardly pointed. Maxillary palpi moderately long, filiform, folded. Posterior tibiae clothed with long hairs above. Forewings wdth 2 from angle, 3 absent, 4 absent, 5 out of 6 near base, 7 and 8 out of 6, 7 to costa, 11 from before middle. Hindwings f, lanceolate, cilia 4; 4 absent, 5 and 6 connate, 7 approximated to 6 at base. A development of Tinea , with reduced neuration, like Demohrotis. Gephyristis anchiala, n. sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 6). Male, 13 mm. Head and thorax whitish-ochreous, patagia dark fuscous. Palpi whitish-ochreous, terminal joint externally dark fuscous. Abdomen grey, apex ochreous-wrhitish. Forewings elongate- lanceolate, acute ; dark fuscous ; a rather broad whitish-ochreous dorsal stripe from base to apex, finely attenuated and irregular-edged posteriorly, with an oblique indentation opposite tornus ; cilia whitish- ochreous, on costa dark fuscous. Hindwings grey; cilia whitish-grey tinged with ochreous at base. Pretoria, in December; one specimen. Tinea adamasta, n. sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 7). Male, 19-24 mm. Head yellow. Palpi dark fuscous, maxillary rather short, three-jointed. Antennae whitish-ochreous, tinged with grey towards base. Thorax ligdit yellow, anterior margin dark fuscous. Abdomen ochreous-yellowish. Forewings elongate, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, terrnen very obliquely rounded ; ochreous-yellow ; costal edge dark fuscous towards base ; cilia ochreous- yellow. Hindwings and cilia whitish-ochreous yellowish. Kranspoort, Pretoria District, in December ; Camperdown and Pinetown, Natal, from January to April (Leigh); six specimens. Barbaroscardia fasciata Wals. Pretoria District, in October. "Mela sin a liochra Meyr. Female paler throughout than male, forewmgs pale whitish- ochreous, with grey diskal dot; hindwings grey with ochreous- whitish cilia ; but a male from Pietersburg is almost as pale with diskal dot little marked. Melasina agria, n. sp. (Plate VIII, fig. 8). Male 15 mm. Head light fuscous, faintly ochreous-tinged. Palpi moderate, densely scaled, fuscous. Antennal pectinations 2\. Thorax rather dark fuscous. Abdomen fuscous. Forewings elongate, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, terrnen obliquely rounded; all veins separate ; fuscous, sprinkled with darker ; indications of a line •iof dark fuscous scales from f of costa to tornus ; cilia fuscous 28 Annals. of the Teansyaal Museum. sprinkled with darker. Hindwings rather dark fuscous ; cilia as in forewings. Pretoria District, in October; one specimen. ADELIDAE. Nemophoea libeopis Meyr. Male, 20 mm. Head mixed with dark fuscous between antennae. Eorewings with 8 and 9 separate ; blackish scales rather numerous*, tending to form lines on veins. Pretoria, in March; one specimen. PI. I Janse del. 1. Trichoptilus vivax. 2. „ varius. 3. 9} maceratus. $ n. sp. 5 n. sp. $ n. sp. 4. Pterophorus colubratus. $ n. sp. 5. „ verax. $ n. sp. 6. 5J ammonias. $ n. sp. PL II. Janse del. 2 3 4 Platyptilia sabia. Feld. $ Pteropliorus crepuscularis. $ n. sp. Agdistis malitiosa. $ n. sp. Orneodes certifica. $ n. sp. 5. Pharmacis assecula. $ n sp. 6. Epichorista gerseas. $ n. sp. 7. Tortrix pharetrata. $ n. sp. 8. Ancylis halisparta. $ n. sp. PI. III. Janse del. 1. 2. 3- 4- 5- Eucosma tremula. $ n. sp. 6. Eucosma marmara. $ n. sp. „ monitrix. n. sp. 7- Baitra pythonia. ? n. sp. „ symbola. $ n. sp. 8. Polychrosis primaria. ? n. sp. Glyphipteryx ditiorana. $ Walk. Eucosma calliarma. £ n* sp. 9- Laspeyresia halmyris. $ n. sp. PI. IV Janse del. 1. Paltodora operosa. $ n. sp. 2. „ iospila. $ n. sp. 3. Sisotroga celyphodes. $ n. sp. 4. Telphusa probata. £ n. sp. 5. „ lathridia. $ n. sp. 6. Telphusa lathridia. § n. sp 7. „ zymotes. ? n. sp 8. Gelechia mesacta. $ n. sp 9. „ peronectis. $ n. sp 10. Gnorimoschema synecta. $ n. sp PI. V, Janse del. 1. Paristhmia barathrodes. $ n. sp 2. Brachmia malacogramma. 5 n. sp 3. Polyhymno pausimacha. $ n. sp 4. „ palinorsa. $ n. sp 5. „ paracma. $ n. sp 6. Polyhymno eurydoxa. $ n. sp. 7. Semodictis tretraptila. £ n. sp. 8. Nothris rhyodes. $ ~ n. sp. 9. „ ? pycnodes. $ n. sp. 10. Trichotaphe claviculata. $ n. sp. PI. VI. 1. Trichotaphe ironica. $ n. sp. 2. Ypsolophus tephrodes. $ n sp. 3 Cosmopteryx oxyglossa $ n. sp 4 „ scaligera. $ n. sp. 5 . Stagmatophora narcota. $ n. sp. 6. Stagmatophora tripola. 7. „ sclerodes. 8. „ phalacra. 9. Limnoecia neurogramma. 10. „ eretmota. * Mr. Meyrick must have overlooked the whitish streak along V3 of dorsum in In C. scaligera the spots on band are not golden but silvery. $ n. sp. $ n. sp. $ n. sp. ? n. sp. % n. sp. both species. TP1. VII. * Janse del. I. Stathmopoda trichodora. $ n.sp. 2. Eretmocera florifera. $ n. sp. 3- Scythris cometa. ? n. sp. 4- „ ochrantha. $ n. sp. 5- „ pelochyta. $ n.sp. 6. Hypercallia siricera. $ n. sp. 7. Diocosma tricycla. $ n. sp. 8. Prosarotra sarcopa. $ n.sp. 9. Palsetheta ischnozona. $ n. sp. 10. Epicephala barbitias. $ n. sp. PI. VIII. Janse del. 1. Epicephala veneranda. $ n. sp. 2. Elachista chelonitis. $ n. sp. 3. Temelucha xeropa. $ n. sp. 4. Leucoptera scammatias. $ n. sp. 5- Hieroxestis prsematura. 2 n. sp. 6. Gephyristis anchiala. $ n. sp. 7- Tinea adamasta. $ n. sp. 8. Melasina agria. $ s. np. Annals of the Tbansvaal Museum. 29 Description of a New Species of Platysaurus and Notes on the Specific Characters of certain Species of Zonuridae, together with Synoptical Keys to all the known South African Species and a resume of our Knowledge on their Distribution : and a Key to the known Genera of South African Lizards. By John Hewitt, B.A. (Cantab.), Assistant for Lower Vertebrates. Platysaurus wilhelmi, n. sp. Distinct from tbe other species of Platysaurus in the more heterogeneous lepidosis of the dorsal surface, in the character of its occipital scute, and in the shape of the head which is relatively broader than in P. guttatus . Occipital of moderate size reaching the interparietal and forming with it a comparatively broad suture in front ; a single row of enlarged gular, scales. Dorsal scales of the body varying considerably in size, being largest along the three white lines of the female and in corresponding areas in the male, but more especially in the posterior mid-dorsal region, the smaller scales of the intermediate areas being much intermixed with granules. Ventral scales in eighteen to twenty rows, not transversely elongated in the abdominal region or only slightly so. Lateral scales with rather prominent tubercles. Scales on arm, forearm, and anterior surface of thigh keeled, more strongly so on the leg. Coloration similar to that of P. guttatus, excepting that the pale lateral lines of the female are narrower and more clearly defined; also the white spots of the dorsal surface are less numerous and more regularly arranged, forming one or two rows on each side of the mid-dorsal line ; the entire ventral surface of the male is black and the dorsal surface is dull, tinged with green, and marked with ill-defined black spots, the tail being red. The types are a male and a female collected by Mr. Percy Wilhelm at Nelspruit, Barberton District, and presented to the Transvaal Museum, November, 1907. The male is 194 mm. in total length, the tail being 112 mm. ; the total length of the female is 184 mm., its tail being 118 mm. Length of head, in male 19*5 mm., in female 16 mm. ; breadth of head, in male 16'6 mm., in female 12' 7 mm. Since the above description was written I have seen three other specimens .of this species kindly sent to me by Dr. E. Warren, Director of Natal Government Museum; these come from Ubombo, Zululand, and they agree in all essential respects with the Nelspruit specimens. Platysaurus guttatus Smith. The Transvaal Museum has numerous specimens of a species of Platysaurus from Woodbush and from Dwas Biver, neighbouring 30 Annals of the Teansyaal Museum localities in tlie Zoutpansberg District. These no doubt belong to the species which was described (Zool. Jahrb, 1890, p. 605) as inter- medins by Matschie from specimens which were captured at Haenerts- burg, which is quite near to Woodbush. Mr. Boulenger now (P.Z.S., 1907, p. 484) reduces intermedins Matsch. as a synonym of P. guttatus Smith. It is very probable indeed that Smith’s specimens came from the same district, as his locality record is “the neighbourhood of the Limpopo River near the tropic of Capricorn”. Our Woodbush specimens agree with the description of the type specimen, a half-grown male, as given in the B.M. Catalogue for P. guttatus , but they do not agree so well with Smith’s original description, for he states that the nasal plates are contiguous, which is not the case in any of our specimens, and, moreover, he describes the third and fourth fingers as equal in length, whereas, in all our specimens, the fourth is distinctly longer than the third. These Zoutpansberg lizards, referable to the species P . guttatus, have the following characters, some of which are of diagnostic importance : — The occipital is usually small, triangular, subtriangular, or very small and oval, not reaching the interparietal ; occasionally there is, between the occipital and the interparietal an oblong or elongated triangular scute, and in one case only out of more than thirty specimens examined, the occipital itself (or more correctly a scute formed by the fusion of occipital with the intermediate scute found in other specimens) reaches the interparietal, forming with it a suture which, however, is very short. The ventral scutes are usually in sixteen longitudinal rows, but sometimes there are eighteen, and rarely as many as twenty ; these scutes are transversely elongated in the abdominal region, sometimes being twice as broad as long, but in juvenile specimens this may not be the case. The dorsal scales have in some slight degree a differentiation in size such as I have described for P . wilhelmi, but this is not so pronounced as in the latter species, nor is there such an intermingling of granules with the scales proper. The males have red tails, the throat and belly are of a deep blue colour, and the dorsal surface is uniformly dark with a blue tinge — in life the dorsal coloration is a handsome vivid green — the females have pale tails, the belly is pale with blue centre, the throat is white but striped with oblique black lines, whilst the dorsal surface is of the same ground colour as in the male, but has also numerous: small pale spots and usually also three pale longitudinal lines of which the two lateral lines are broader and often ill-defined ; rarely the male also has pale spots dorsally. Our largest examples of this species reach a length of 260 mm. Rhodesian specimens, as represented in the collections of the Rhodesian Museum, present a few points of difference from the Wood- bush series. The adult males from Khami River and Matopo Hills agree precisely, except that they are somewhat larger and the belly (but not the throat) is blackish ; the females differ from the Woodbush specimens in that the three dorsal lines are sharply defined and have no pale spots between them, but they agree in the dorsal scaling, and in one case only (out of ten) the elongated interparietal forms a comparatively wide suture with the occipital. In this latter case the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 31 species resembles tbe female of Wilhelmi, but is distinct therefrom by the dorsal scaling, by tbe greater elongation of tbe bead, and by its elongated interparietal scute. Tbe South African species of Platysaurus can be distinguished by aid of tbe following key : — Enlarged gular scales in a double row ... P. torquatus Pet. Enlarged gular scales in a single row, no occipital P . capensis Smith Occipital usually not reaching the interparietal ; dorsal lepidosis practically homogeneous ... P. guttatus Smith Occipital reaching the interparietal and forming with it a comparatively broad suture ; dorsal scales varying considerably in size in the same transverse line Pi wilhelmi n. sp. ZONBBTTS. The two commonest Transvaal species of Zonurus (Z. vittifer and Z. jonesii) were also described from insufficient material, and the ascribed specific characters demand some revision. Zonurus vittifer Beichenow. — Of this species the Transvaal Museum has numerous specimens, and it is probably the most abundant species in the Transvaal. The original description (Zool. Anz., 188T, p. 3T2) cites as the chief distinctive character: “ Eronto- nasals*very small and four-sided”; this, however, is not always nor even usually the case. The frontonasal is often five-sided and of moderate size or comparatively large ; if it is four-sided the prefrontals meet in the mid-line, but when it is five-sided there is usually a small square scute between the frontal and the frontonasal, thus separating the prefrontals, or the large pentagonal frontonasal itself may separate the prefrontals. The species closely resembles Z. cordylus, but differs in that the nasals form a comparatively long median suture and the frontonasal is small, or, if large, not transversely elongated, whilst in Z. cordylus the median suture of the nasals is short and the frontonasal is transversely elongated and large ; also the dorsal scutes of the second row posteriorly to the parietals are longitudinally elongated, which is not the case in Z. cordylus L. Dr. Jean Boux has proposed (Zool. Jahrb. Ab. Syst. XXV, p. 418) to sink this species as a variety of Z. cordylus L., but whilst admitting the close relationship of the two forms, I consider that the differences between them are really of specific importance ; for, firstly, the above-mentioned differences are structural and quite definite, that is to say, it is easy to distinguish between the two species by consideration of either of these two characters alone, and our long series have nothing whatever that can be regarded as inter- mediate ; and, secondly, they occupy different areas of distribution, Z. vittifer being found in the Transvaal and Xatal, whilst Z. cordylus is found in Cape Colony and ranges northwards along the western part of the sub-continent to tropical West Africa. Zonurus vittifer reaches- no great size, the length of the adult being about T inches. Zonurus jonesii Boul. is also abundant in the Transvaal. It was described (Ann. and Mag. X.H. 6, VII, p. 417) as having pentagonal frontonasals longer than broad, separating the prefrontals and 32 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. forming a suture with, the frontal ; our large series of this species shows that the frontonasal is more usually quadrangular and does not reach the frontal, so that the prefrontals generally form a suture. Sometimes there is no loreal, this scute having fused with the preocular. Occasionally, too, there are only five upper labials, and not infrequently the frontonasal reaches the rostral. A very distinctive character is furnished by the scaling of the flanks, these scales being somewhat smaller than the dorsals and separated from each other by granular intervals. Also a very constant character is the dark or black (in spirit specimens) lateral band which is specially marked in the shoulder region. However, after examining numerous specimens, I have come to the conclusion that the most reliable point of distinction from Z. covdylus is to be found in the shape of the head. The differences between these two species are as follows : — Z. cordylus has the head flattened from above and expanded laterally in the temporal region, and the relation of the greatest breadth to the length (from tip of snout to hind margin of the parietals) in a representative series of specimens is 20-20'7, 20*3-21*2, 20-21*8, 18-19*3, 21*3-23, 20-22, 19*9-20*5, the figures representing actual measurements in millimetres, whereas in Z. jonesii the head is not so much flattened, and is only slightly expanded in the temporal region, so that the ratio for this species is 15*8-18*4, 15*7-18*2, 16-18*3, 16*5-19, 15*6-18*8, 15-18*2. > Nevertheless this mode of differentiation is not altogether trust- worthy when dealing with half-grown specimens of Z. cordylus, as the following figures relating to this species show : 14*5-17, 15*1-17*9. And, indeed, though it is usually quite easy to distinguish between young cordylus and jonesii when the sum total of the characters is considered, yet rarely a specimen appears which combines together the characters of both species, and identification thereon becomes merely a matter of speculation from the locality data. Z. cordylus has the head scales smooth or irregularly rugose, whereas in jonesii the head scales, including the temporals, are finely and reticulately ribbed all over. The scales on the dorsal surface of the body are, in jonesii, strongly keeled and obliquely ribbed, whereas, in cordylus, these scales, at any rate in the mid-dorsal area, are almost or entirely smooth and not ribbed. The number of transverse rows of dorsal scales (counting from the parietal scutes to the base of the tail) varies in jonesii from twenty-three to twenty-six, and in cordylus from twenty-seven to twenty-nine. In typical specimens of the two species the lateral scaling of jonesii, or the transversely elongated frontonasal of cordylus, are good points of distinction, but, occasionally, such characters are misleading. For instance, a half-grown specimen from Selati (Zoutpansberg District), in most respects typically jonesii,' has large lateral scales strongly imbricated as in cordylus. A specimen from Uitenhage (Albany Mus. coll.) has the characteristic shape and general appearance of jonesii, but is aberrant in that the lateral scaling is just as in cordylus, the frontonasal is transversely elongated and the dorsal scales are in 27 rows. A specimen from Steynsburg, C.C. (Albany Museum coll.) agrees almost precisely with that from Uitenhage, but differs in that the ribbing of the dorsal scales is only very faintly developed. Annals op the Tkansvaal Museum. 33 These last two and a still more doubtful specimen without precise locality constitute the only records with which I am acquainted from eastern Cape Colony, and from the evidence of these aberrant forms it is reasonable to expect that a collection of this species in the same region, an intermediate area between the home of true cordylus and that of true jonesii, would bring to light a series of intermediates between the two species. Zonurus jonesii is a small species, usually about 5 inches long, and rarely exceeding 5J inches in length. The South African species of Zonurus may be recognized by the aid of the following key: — 1. Frontonasal in contact with the rostral. 2. Frontonasal separated from the rostral.- 3. 2. Head with large spines posteriorly, the dorsal surface (excluding the flanks) with 23-25 transverse rows of scales, about 12 in a row' ... ... ... Z. giganteus Smith Head with short spines posteriorly ; dorsal surface wdth about - 40 transverse rows of about 20 shields... Z. warreni Boul. 3. Flanks granular, about .10 scales in each transverse row dorsallv and 8 scales in each ventral row Z. capensis Smith Flanks not granular, having scales more or less like the , dorsals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 4. A supranasal present, nasal very small, low'er eyelid with a transparent disk ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Ho supranasal, nasal of moderate size, lower eyelid opaque 6 5. Dorsally 32-44 transverse series of scales from occiput to base of tail, the largest row containing 32-38 scales ; anterior gular scales flat, moderate... ... Z. polyzonus Smith 31 or 32 transverse rows of scales dorsally ; anterior gular scales almost granular ... ... Z. pustulatus Pet. 6. Hasal swollen, hemispherical, pierced in the centre; temporal spines present ; dorsal scales in 15 or 16 transverse rows Z. cataphractus Boie Hasal not swollen, no temporal spines. T. 7. Scales of the second row' immediately posterior to the parietals longitudinally elongated ; median suture of nasals long ... ... ... ... ... Z. vittifer Beich Scales of the second row immediately posterior to the parietals not longitudinally elongated. 8. 8. Head depressed and laterally expanded in the temporal region, the greatest breadth being almost equal to the length of the head (from tip of snout to parietals) ; frontonasal transversely elongated ; lateral scales as large as the dorsals and strongly imbricate ; dorsals in 27 to 29 trans- verse rows ... ... ... ... ...Z. cordylus L. Head not much depressed and not much expanded in the temporal region, the scutes all finely and reticulately ribbed ; lateral scales smaller than dorsals and separated from each other by granular intervals ; dorsals in 23 to 26 transverse rows ... ... ... ...Z. jonesii Boul * This character is not absolutely reliable : in jonesii , and I believe also in cordylus , a mall p ercentage of the individuals has the frontonasal in contact with the rostral. 34 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. CHAMAESAURA. The four South African species of this genus all occur in the- Transvaal, C . aenea being the commonest species. I suspect, however, that C. didactyla Boul (Proe. Zool. Soc., 1890, p. 82) will prove to he merely a variety or individual variation of C. anguina. According to the descriptions the chief difference lies in the fact that C . didactyla has tw~o tiny digits each with a claw, whilst C. anguina has only one digit with its small claw; a difference of colour is also recorded. Of these two species we have four specimens, of which one (from Irene, Taylor) is- typical anguina; another from the same locality, and sent by Mr. Taylor at the same time, is didactyla, and the two others are typically didactyla so far as the hands are concerned, but the foot in one specimen is didactyl on one side and monodactyl on the oilier, whilst in the other specimen the feet can hardly be called didactyl as the second digit and claw is so very minute. The colour of these specimens of C . didactyla is exactly that recorded for anguina. Dr. Jean Roux also records didactylism in a limb of a specimen of C. anguina. The question of the validity of C. didactyla must, however, remain sub judice until a good series of specimens can be examined.* The several species of Chamaesaura can be recognized by the aid of the following synopsis : — Fore limbs wanting; scales in 22 longitudinal and 37 or 38 transverse series to base of tail ... ... C. macrolepis Cope Both pairs of limbs pentadactyle, scales in 28 longitudinal and 42 transverse series ... ... ... C. aenea Wiegm. Both pairs of limbs styliform, scales in 26 longitudinal and 38 or 39 transverse series — (a) with two tiny digits each with a claw, the inner digit shortest ... ... ... ... ...C. didactyla BouL (b) a single digit clawed at the end ...C. anguina Linn. P seudocordylus microlepidotus Cuv. See characters of the genus. DISTRIBUTION OF THE ZONURIDAE. The exact distribution of the South African reptiles is still incompletely known, for although European workers have from time to time published lists of species obtained by travellers in South Africa, these lists have not been supplemented by local workers. In fact the only faunistic lists published in South Africa or by local workers are those of the Natal Government Museum and of Air. Chubb in Bulawayo. Records of special groups have been published by Dr. Gough, my predecessor, who dealt with snakes, and by Dr. Duerden, of the Albany Museum, who worked on tortoises. However, although it is not yet possible to precisely define the limits of distribution of some of the species here dealt with, yet I believe that sufficient data is now forthcoming to enable us to roughly indicate the specific areas of distribution. Material for this purpose has been furnished by the extensive collections of this museum, and for much additional information I am indebted to the authorities of all the other South African Museums who have kindly placed their material at my disposal. * Since this was written my suspicions have been confirmed on examining the collections of this species in the South African Museum, for specimens from the same localities show all degrees of variation between typical anguina and didactyla. Annals of tile Tkansvaal Museum. 35 Also I have made use of the records to be found in the literature referred to below : — Bocage. — Herpetology of Angola, 1895. Jornal de Sciencias Math. Phys., Lisboa, 2, 4, 1896. (Bechuanaland, Modder Biver, and W. Transvaal.) Boettger. — Ber. Senck. ges. Frankfort, 1886-1889. Boulenger. — B.M. Catalogue of Lizards, 1896; P.Z.S., 1897, 800 (N. Nyassaland) ; P.Z.S., 1902, 2 (Mashonaland) ; A.M.N.H., 7, 12, 1903 (Bichmond District, C.C.) ; P.Z.S., 1905, 248 (Capo Colony, Natal, Orange Biver Colony, and Transvaal); P.Z.S., 1907, 2, 483 (Transvaal and Portuguese East Africa) ; Annals Natal Government Museum, Yol. I, Part 3 (Zululand, Natal). Chubb.— P.Z.S., 1909, 590.; (Matabeleland.) Fischer. — Jahrb. Hamb. Wiss, Anst. 5, 1887. (German S.W. Africa.) Matschie. — Zool. Jahrb., 1890. (Transvaal.) Boux. — Zool. Jahrb., 1907, 25, 405. (Cape Colony, Natal, Trans- vaal.) Bevue Suisse Zool., 15, 1907. (Transvaal, Mozambique.) Smith. — Zoology of S. Africa, 1849. Tornier. — Zool. Jahrb. 13, 579. (German East Africa.) Werner. — Yerh. Zool. Ges. Wien. Bd. 43, 1894. (Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal.) In accordance with the usual custom, the northern limits of this sub-continent are taken from the Zambezi on the east to the Cunene Biver on the west, but this line certainly constitutes no natural boundary, for in the eastern portions, the Transvaal and Natal, the lizard fauna shows a preponderating tropical element accompanied by only a minority of forms which are confined to the area in question. On the other hand, Cape Colony has a very distinct and characteristic reptilian fauna which is strictly limited in its distribu- tion, and though in the same region there is to be found a much smaller assembly of reptiles which are also to be found in the Transvaal, yet the majority of these are widely distributed forms extending up to the equatorial region and beyond. At the same time, whilst we must regard the Cape Colony as the principal home of a fauna peculiarly South African, it should not be forgotten that there are a few groups, e.g. the Zonuridae, which as a whole are almost exclusively South African, and the species are more equally distributed in the several parts of the sub-continent, so that, after all, South Africa, as we understand it, has some claim to be regarded as a distinct zoological area whose northern limits are ill-defined because of a strong infiltration of tropical forms. In the following lists I have not thought it necessary to quote every record with which I am acquainted nor the authority for the record, except in special cases of unusual importance. Zonurus giganteus Smith. Smith’s specimens came from the rocky pinnacles of the Quathlamba Mountains. He suggested that the same species occurs on the mountains of Great Namaqualand, but I have seen no records to substantiate this. The Transvaal Museum has specimens from Bloemfontein, from Kroonstad (Orange Biver Colony), and from Yereeniging. The Bloemfontein Musuem has many specimens without locality. The 36 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. distribution of this species is probably Basutoland, Orange River Colony, and neighbouring portions of the high veld (Transvaal). ZONURUS WARRENI Boul. Recorded from TTbombo, Zululand. Zonurus capensis Smith. Taken by Smith on the Hottentot Holland Mountain near Cape- town. So far as I know, this species has never been taken since. Zonurus polyzonus Smith. A widely distributed species. Fischer records it from Walfish Bay, Angra Pequenna, and Orange River. The South African Museum has specimens from Steinkopf, Port Nolloth, Calvinia, and Clanwilliam, and as far south as Hoetjes Bay, Touws River, and Matjesfontein ; there are some specimens from Burghersdorp and the Middelburg Division in the eastern portion of the Cape Colony; Miss Wilman has taken it at Kimberley; the Albany Museum has a specimen from Steytlerville ; and there are a number of specimens without locality in the Bloemfontein Museum. The most northern record with which I am acquainted is Irene, near Pretoria (Taylor). The South African Museum has a single record from Natal; we have no specimen of this species from the eastern parts of the Transvaal. The distribution appears to be German S.W. Africa, Cape Colony (with the exception of the southern coastal districts), Basuto- land, and Orange River Colony, part of Natal and south-west Transvaal, and perhaps also — there are no records — British Bechuanaland. Zonurus pustulatus Pet. Recorded from Hereroland, German S.W. Africa. Zonurus cataphractus Boie. According to Smith this species is common on the west coast of Cape Colony. Jean Roux records it from Namaqualand, and the South African Museum has specimens from the Calvinia and Clanwilliam Districts, and from Matjesfontein. Zonurus jonesii Boul. This is the common species of the Pretoria District. It occurs also in the Zoutpansberg District, and the South African Museum lias specimens from the Matopo Hills (near Bulawayo) and from Palapye (Bechuanaland); it is found at Kimberley (Miss Wilman), and the Albany Museum has specimens which I refer to this species from Steynsburg and Hitenhage. It seems to have an extensive distribution in the central parts of South Africa, but there are no records from the coastal regions, the TTitenhage specimen excepted." * According to a note in the Zoological record the angola species Z. angolensis is really synonymous with jonesii. ERRATA. The records of Zonurus polyzonus, and Chamaesaura anguina from Irene are incorrect : the former should be Hanover C.C. and the latter Tokai C.C. ( Vide L. Taylor.) Page 36 (20 nurus polyzonus). Page 37 (Chamaesaura anguina). Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 37 ZONURUS CORDYLUS L. Very abundant in tbe coastal districts of Cape Colony; the most eastern record in the South African Museum is Tsomo, Transkei there are several records from some of the interior districts of Cape Colony, viz., Middleburg District, Bedford District, and Tulbagh District, but it does not reach so far as the central districts. This species is recorded from several localities on the west coast of Africa — Walfijft Bay, for instance — and Bocage records it from north Angola., where, he says, it occupies a littoral zone. It is not, however, confined to low-lying districts, as it occurs on the slopes of Table Mountain. Further, it is recorded by Tornier from German East Africa, by Boulenger from northern Nyassaland, and from the Pretoria District (Distants Naturalist in the Transvaal), and by Chubb from Matabeleland,* but I believe that the two latter records at any rate are incorrect, for the Pretoria record was published prior to the separation of vittifer as a species distinct from cordylus, and all the specimens in the Transvaal Museum which are related to this species really belong to vittifer or to jonesii, whilst all Matabeleland specimens now* in the South African Museum are referable to jonesii. Zonurus vittifer Reich. This is abundant in the Zoutpansberg District and occurs also in the Middelburg District, and on the north-w^est Rand. It is recorded from Ladysmith (Natal), from Reitvlei (TImvoti), from Zululand, and the Albany Museum has a specimen from Teafontein, about fifteen miles north-west of Graliamstowm. Apparently its principal home is in the low veld portions of the Transvaal extending south- wards into Natal and eastern Cape Colony and westwards for some distance on the high veld of the Transvaal. Pseudocordylus microlepidotus Smith occurs on the hills and mountains of the coastal districts of south and east Cape Colony ; it is recorded also from the Richmond District. It is found in Natal, in the Orange River Colony, and in the Transvaal (Wakkerstroom, Pretoria District, and Zoutpansberg District). I have seen no records of this species north of the Transvaal, and none from German S.W. Africa, nor from western Cape Colony. Chamaesaura aenea Fitz. is common in the Pretoria District, and it occurs also in the Zoutpansberg, Lydenburg, Middelburg, and Standerton Districts of the Transvaal. It is found in the Orange River Colony and in Natal. There are no records of this species from Cape Colony, nor from German S.W. Africa, and none north of the Transvaal. Chamaesaura anguina L. (including also didactyla Boul., which is not specifically distinct from anguina). This species is common in the coastal districts of south and east Cape Colony, extending up into Pondoland, Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal (Irene, Pretoria District, Taylor). The South African Museum has specimens from Namaqualand and from the Worcester Division of Cape Colony. Chamaesaura macrolepis Cope occurs in Natal and Zululand, and the Transvaal Museum has a specimen from White River (Lydenburg District) taken by Mr. A. T. Cooke. The Port Elizabeth Museum has a specimen from that neighbourhood. * I have recently seen the specimen and it proves to be jonesii. 38 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Bocage records this species from the high plateau of south Angola. Platysaurus capensis Smith was taken by Smith in the sandy deserts of Great Namaqualand. Platysaurus guttatus Smith occurs in the Zoutpansberg District of the Transvaal, in Matabeleland, and the South African Museum has specimens of this species from Mashonaland (near Salisbury) and as far south as Victoria West, C.C. Platysaurus wilhelmi, n. sp., was taken at Nelspruit, Barberton District; it occurs also in Zululand. Platysaurus torquatus Pet. described from Mozambique. Key to Genera of South African Lizards.* 1. Limbs present (sometimes much reduced) ... ... ... 10 Limbs none ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 3. Eyes concealed under the skin ... ... ... ... ... 3 Eyes not concealed under the skin ... ... ... ... 6 ,3. Nostril pierced in a separate nasal ... ... ... ... 4 Nostril pierced in the large rostral... ... Typhlosaurus. (An.) 4. Snout rounded or feebly compressed, no large pectoral segments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 Snout broadly projecting with cutting edge, pectoral shields enlarged ... ... ... ... ... Monopeltis. (Am.) 5. Preanal pores present; an ocular shield ... Amphisbaena. (Am.) No preanal pores and no ocular shield ... Chirindia. (Am.) 6. Nostril pierced in the large rostral shield, with the posterior border of which it is connected by a suture ... ... ... T Nostril pierced between the rostral and a very small nasal or first labial ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 7. No eyelids, a supranasal ... ... ... Typhlacontias. (S.) A transparent lower eyelid, no supranasal ... Acontias. (S.) 8. Palatine bones in contact on the median line ... Scelotes. (S.) Palatine bones not meeting on the median line ... ... 9 9. Nostril pierced between the rostral and a very small ring-shaped nasal which is situated between the rostral and the first labial Herpetosaura. (S.) Nostril pierced between the rostral, the supranasal, the postnasal, and the first labial .. . ... ... ... ... Sepsina. (S.) Nostril pierced between the rostral and first labial Melanoseps. (S.) 10. Head covered by symetrical plates ... ... ... ... 25 Head not covered by symetrical plates ... ... ... ... 11 11. Digits not arranged in two bundles froming gasping organs 13 Digits arranged in two bundles forming gasping organs ... 12 12. Claws simple, scales on soles smooth ... Chamaeleon. (C.) Claws bicuspid, scales on soles spinose ... Rhampholeon. (C.) 13. Digits interiorly modified into adhesive organs, i.e. with swellings on the articulations or lateral expansions of some or all of the phalanges ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Digits included in a thick web forming a broad palmar surface Palmetto gecko. (G.) Digits not modified into adhesive organs and not broadly webbed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 * This Key is a modified and enlarged reproduction of an original drawn up by Dr Gough. Annals oe the Transvaal Museum. 39 14. Pupil vertical ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Pupil round ; digits narrow at tlie base, the dilatation strong and discoid, the distal joint strongly curved, and the claw retractile Lygodactylus. (G.) 15. Digits with no rudiment of web ... ... ... ... . . 16 The dilated digits with a slight rudiment of a web and inferiorly with transverse undivided lamellae ... H omopholis . (G.) 16. Digits short, cylindrical, clawless, the skin swollen on the palmar surface and under the articulations, simulating pads Chondrodactylus (G.) Digits not as above... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 17. The distal phalanges laterally not compressed ... ... , . 18 The distal phalanges to some extent laterally compressed : the distal joint long, free, rising from within the extremity of the digital expansion ... ... ... i Hemidactylus. (G.) 18. Digits clawed, dilated at the apex, which is furnished inferiorly with two plates separated by a longitudinal groove ... 19 Digits not as above... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 19. Digits not dilated at the base, the distal expansion covered above with scales strongly differentiated from those of the basal part Phyllodactylus . (G.) Digits dilated also at the base, the basal expansion with two pairs of large plates at its extremity ... ... Oedura. (G.) ‘20. Digits with more than three transverse lamellae inferiorly ... 21 Digits with only two enlarged scales under their extremity and a nail-like scale above ... ... ... ... Col opus (G.) 21. Digits with minute and rather indistinct retractile claws ... 22 Digits clawless, a flat nail-like scale on the extremity above, below with undivided angular lamellae distally Pachydactylus. (G.) "22. Dpper surfaces covered with minute granular scales Rlioptropus. (G.) Dpper surfaces covered wflth granules and tubercules of unequal sizes ... ... ... ... ... Elasmodactylus . (G.) '23. Body covered with granular scales, digits clawed; toes strongly fringed laterally with long pointed scales . . .Ptenopus. (G.) Body covered with imbricate scales ... ... "... ... 24 24. Pupil round, head short, tongue thick, and not protractile Agama. (A.) Pupil vertical, head elongate, tongue very long, slender, and bifid ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Varanus (V .) 25. The rostral takes no part in forming the nostril ... ... 26 Nostril between the rostral and one or more labials (Scelotes Herpetosaura, and Sepsina) ... ... ... ... ... 8 26. Nostril between the first labial and one or more nasals ... 27 Labials take no part in forming the nostril ... ... ... 30 27. Dorsal scales forming regular longitudinal and transverse series, squarish, or rhomboidal with osteodermal plates ... ... 28 Dorsal scales roundish, soft, intermixed with granules Pseudocordylus. (Z.) 28. No praefrontals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 29 Praefrontals present, tongue with imbricate scale-like papillae above ... ... ... ... ... Gerrhosaurus. (Gr.) 40 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 29. Lower eyelid scaly (limbs sometimes rudimentary) ; tongue witli oblique plicae above ... ... ... Tetradactylus. (Gr.) Lower eyelid with a large transparent disk; tongue with imbricate scale-like papillae above ... ... ... Cordylosaurus. (Gr.) 30. Nostril in a single nasal ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 Nostril between two to four nasals ... ... ... ... 36 31. Dorsal scales granular, head and body strongly depressed, limbs well developed ... ... ... ... Flatysaurus. (Z.) Dorsal scales not granular, but comparatively large and imbricate ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 32. Dorsal scales lanceolate and strongly keeled; body serpent if orm Chamaesaura. (Z.) Dorsal scales not lanceolate but rhomboidal or cycloid- hexagonal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 33. Tail spinose ... ... ... ... ... Zonurus. (Z.) Tail not spinose ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 34. Eyelids well developed, movable... ... ... ... ... 35 Eyelid immovable, transparent, covering the eye Ablepharus. (S.) 35. Lower eyelid scaly ... ... ... ... . . .Lygosoma. (S.) Lower eyelid with an undivided, more or less transparent disk Mabuia. (S.) 36. Collar distinct ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 .N o collar ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 37. Digits distinctly keeled interiorly, headscales strongly keeled and striated ... ... ... ... ... Ichnotropis. (L.) Digits smooth or indistinctly keeled interiorly ; headscales smooth or merely finely ribbed .. . ... ... Tropidosaura. (L.)-- 38. Digits not fringed laterally ... ... ... ... ... 39 Digits fringed laterally sometimes, only feebly so Scapteira. (L.) 39. Digits smooth or indistinctly keeled interiorly ... Nuchas. (L.) Digits distinctly keeled interiorly ... ... ... Eremias. (L.) A. signifies Agamidae. V. signifies Varanidae. Gr. „ Geckonidae. Z. Zonuridae. Gr, ,, Gerrhosanridae. c. ,, Chamaeleontidae. L. „ Lacertidae. . An. ,, Anelytropidae. S. „ Scincidae. Am. Amphisbaenidae.- Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 41 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF HADOGENES AND OF THE MALE OF HADOGENES GUNNINGS PURC. By John Hewitt, B.A. (Cant.). HADOGENES GRACILIS, sp. nov. The scorpion here described was collected in April, 1910, for the Transvaal Museum by Mr. J. H. van Dam at De Kroon, Crocodile River, a station between the Pretoria and Rustenburg Districts. Its characters are as follows : — Female.- — Carapace very shallowly emarginate in front, about as broad as long, densely granular throughout, rather coarsely at the sides and just in front of the median eyes ; lateral eyes almost equal, the middle one distant about J-J of its diameter from the anterior eye and of its own diameter from the posterior eye (in one specimen there is on the left side only a small accessory eye between the middle and posterior eyes), superciliarj^ ridges of median eyes smooth. First tergite finely shagreened at the sides, the succeeding tergites smooth, but with some coarse pitting, the seventh tergite very finely shagreened. Seventh segment broader than long. Tail 4^ times the length of the cephalothorax, which is equal to the first caudal segment together with of the second. First caudal segment highest and widest posteriorly, the height exceeding the breadth, the superior keels practically smooth ; in succeeding segments superior keels are coarsely denticulate, and the terminal tooth is spiniform in segment 2, enlarged also in segment 3. Lateral keels smooth, most definite in the anterior half of segment 1, in the succeeding segments gradually becoming suppressed and quite wanting in the fifth segment. Inferior keels coarsely but irregularly denticulate in segment 2, more strongly so in segment 5, which has 7 to 10 larger teeth in each keel ; nearly smooth in segments 1 and 3, irregularly roughened in segment 4. Yesicle slightly compressed, a little broader than the hind end of segment 5 ; very finely shagreened dorsally and ventrally, the upper side almost straight. Pectines usually with 18 or 19 teeth, but varying between 15 and 20. Fingers of pedipalps lobed. Colour, light brown mingled with olive green ; the legs all pale, almost yellowish, as also is the vesicle laterally. Male. — Resembles the female, excepting in that all the dorsal tergites are shagreened excepting on the pair of small oval depressions situated just behind the anterior raised borders of each segment. The last abdomi- nal tergite very slightly longer than broad, narrowed behind, but not semicircularly rounded. Tail 8| times the length of cephalothorax. The first five segments all laterally compressed and much elongated. Inferior keels of caudal segments irregularly roughened, but not denticulate in any segment. Yesicle rather coarsely shagreened. Pectines usually with 19 or 20 teeth, but sometimes only 18. 42 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Me a surements. Female. Male. Total length ... ... 128 mm. 190 mm. Length of cephalothorax 15*75 mm. 15 mm. Breadth of cephalothorax 15*75 mm. 15 mm. Length of last abdominal tergite 10 mm. 11*5 mm. Breadth of last abdominal tergite ... 13*75 mm. 11 mm. Length of tail ... 68 mm. 128 mm. Length of first caudal segment 10*3 mm. 20 mm. 1st caudal segment, posterior height 3*8 mm. 3*9 mm. 1st caudal segment, anterior height... 2*25 mm. 2 mm. 1st caudal segment, posterior breadth 2*9 mm. 2*9 m. 1st caudal segment, anterior breadth 2*6 mm. 2*4 m. Length of 2nd caudal segment 12*25 m. 25 m. Length of 3rd caudal segment 12*25 m. 26m. Length of 4th caudal segment 13 m. 26*75 m. Length of 5th caudal segment 13 m. 23*5 m. Length of vesicle 9 m. 9*75m. Height of vesicle 3*25 m. 3 m. Breadth of vesicle 2*75 m. 2*75 m. Length of femur of pedipalp 14 m. 15*25 m. Width of upper surface of same ... 5*5 5 Width of anterior surface of same... 3*85 3*75 Length of hand 30 29 Width of hand 10*25 8*75 Length of hand back 16 15*5 Length of movable finger ... 17*5 16*25 The following species of Hadogenes are known to occur in the Transvaal : — H. gunningi Pure., Pretoria neighbourhood. H. granulatus Pure., Rustenburg District, male only known. H. bicolor Pure., Zoutpansberg District, female only. H. gracilis , sp. nov., with distribution as above. Also probably H. troglodytes Pet. and perhaps H. betschuanicus Pent, described from British Bechuanaland. The species are easily distinguished by the characters of the caudal segments. In H. gracilis the caudal segments are longer and more com- pressed from side to side than in any other species known to me. HADOGENES GUNNINGI PURC. This Transvaal species of Hadogenes was described by Dr. Purcell in the Annals of the South African Museum, 1899, vol. 1, p. 435, from several female specimens. The male resembles the female in colour and other general characters, but differs in that it is of more slender build, the tail in particular being considerably more elongated ; also the last abdominal tergite is relatively longer and narrower. Tail six times as long as the carapace, which is as long as the first together with one-fifth of the second caudal segment. Terminal tooth of superior crests enlarged and practically spiniform in caudal segments 2 and 3 (enlarged also in segment 4 of our largest specimen) ; the superior keels slightly denticulate in segments 2 and 3, more so in segments 4 and 5. Annals of tile Teansvaal Museum. 43 Inferior keels with rough irregularly disposed almost denticulate granules in segment 5 and to a less extent also in the preceding segments, where, however, the granules are not denticulate. Lateral keel stronger in segment 1 than in any of the other segments ; lateral surfaces not granular except in segment 5 and to a slight extent also in segment 4. Vesicle somewhat compressed ; upper side straight, below finely granular. Width of upper surface of femur of pedipalp and of hand [Considerably narrower than in the female. Pectines : 17-20. Total length: 118 mm. Length of carapace : 12'5 mm. Breadth : 13 mm. Length of last abdominal tergite : 8 mm. Breadth : 10 mm. Length of tail : 75 mm. Length of segment 1 : 10*5 mm. Length of segment 2 : 13*5 mm. Length of segment 3 : 13' 5 mm. Length of segment 4 : 15 mm. Length of segment 5 : 15 mm. Length of vesicle : 7’5 mm. Length of femur of pedipalp : 12 mm. Width of upper surface of same: 4 mm. Length of hand : 24 mm. Width of hand : 6'5 mm. Dr. Purcell, to whom I am indebted for much information on the subject of Transvaal Arachnida, considers the shape of the first caudal segment to be a character of considerable importance in the genus Hadogenes, and, accordingly, I give precise measurements of this segment in both male and female. Male. Female. Length of first caudal segment ... 10-5 m.m. 7 * 5 m.m. Greatest breadth (posteriorly) 2-75 „ ... 2 '75 7? Breadth anteriorly... 2-5 „ 2'65 Greatest height (posteriorly) 3-5 „ ... 3*4 •n Height anteriorly ... i-75 „ ... 1*9 V) Very young specimens of this species exhibit some of characteristic features of the species, but differ from the adults in their much abbreviated tails. 44 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. NOTE ON A TRANSVAAL SPECIES OF ONYCOPHORA (OPISTHOPATUS). By John Hewitt, B.A. (Cantab.). The species here recorded was collected by P. A. Krantz in the Lydenburg District some short time prior to the outbreak of the late war, and during the troublous times which ensued all the specimens with one exception were lost. This specimen, preserved in spirits, is a young female only 16 mm. long (antennae not included), and, judging* from the external characters, it agrees very closely with the Opisthopatus cinctipes Pure, of Natal and eastern Cape Colony. It has sixteen pairs of legs, the last pair being clawed and quite as large and well developed as the first pair; the papillae of the feet are arranged exactly as in the species just mentioned, and the papillae on the body also agree fairly well in shape. Coxal organs are not to be seen, but there are indications of pits which mark the apertures of such organs in a retracted condition. In colour it is brownish black, and this, Dr. Gunning informs me, was the case in living specimens ; there is a darker mid-dorsal line and a similar one on ‘either side just above the bases of the legs. Alternating bands on the ventral surfaces of the legs are not to be seen. The Transvaal species may, however, be distinct from Opisthopatus cinctipes Pure., for it appears to differ from that species in the following respects : — The proximal spinous pad of the sixteenth leg is well developed and entire, whereas in Cinctipes it is broken up (cp. Purcell in Annals of the South African Museum, 1900, 2, p. 68), and, secondly, the sexual orifice of the female is large and truly cruciform, the longitudinal slit being well developed. It is intended to deal more thoroughly with this species when sufficient material is available and when an external examination can be supplemented by dissections. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 45 Description of a new Frog belonging to the Genus Heleophryne and a note on the systematic position of the Genus. By John Hewitt, B.A. (Cantab.). In the Annals of the South African Magazine, Yol I, p. 110, a solitary tree frog, taken in the neighbourhood of Stellenbosch, C.C., was referred by Ylr. W. L. Sclater to a new genus of Ranidae, and it was said to be related to Rhacophorus. In the Zool. Anz., Bd. 28, p. 785, Dr. Jean Boux includes this genus in a section of Ranidae, wdiich have an intercalary bone between the two last phalanges of the digits. Quite recently the Transvaal Museum has received the second recorded specimen of this genus, and on examination of the osteo- logical characters of the specimen it now appears that the genus is altogether misplaced. Firstly, the terminal phalanges are T-shaped, and there is no intercalary bone between the two terminal phalanges of the digits. But it came as a distinct surprise to find that this is an Arciferous genus. The characters of the genus are as follows : — Shoulder girdle arciferous, upper jaw toothed but lower jaw not so, diapophyses of sacral vertebrae somewhat dilated but not strongly so, vertebrae proeoelous, no ribs (the diapophyses of body vertebrae somewhat elongated), sternum a rather large and broad cartilaginous plate entire behind and without bony style, omosternum absent (possibly present as a rudiment), outer metatarsals separated, toes webbed, fingers free, tips of fingers and toes with well- developed disks, terminal phalanges T-shaped, the two arms of the cross-piece of the T forming an obtuse angle of about 160 degrees with each other, tympanum not visible, pupil vertical, vomerine teeth present, tongue disk- shaped, rounded and nearly free behind. From this combination of characters it is evident that the genus belongs to the Cystignathidae and the sub-family Cystignathinae. If the character of the pupil is really of primary importance its relationship is with the Australian rather than the American genera. This is, so far as I know, the first record of the occurrence of a Cystignathid genus in South Africa. It is of interest as being an addition to our list of South African vertebrates with Australian affinities. Our specimen comes from Knysna, C.C. (J. H. Bex, collector), and it seems to present sufficiently distinct characters to justify my provisionally referring it to a new species with the following characters : — Heleophryne regis n. sp., distinct from H. purcelli Scl. in respect to the webbing of the feet; the feet are entirely webbed in purcelli, only about half w^ebbed in regis. Snout rounded, the gape wide, vomerine teeth in two transverse groups between the clioanae, interorbital space a trifle narrower than upper eyelid, tympanum indistinct, a slight fold from the eye to the 46 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. tympanic region ; fingers free, ending in triangular disks, fourth finger longer than the second ; toes half webbed, the first toe practically free, terminal disks not so large as those of the fingers ; subarticular tubercles well developed, oval, inner metatarsal tubercle elliptic of moderate size, the outer one wanting; tibio-tarsal joint of adpressed hind limb reaches end of snout ; skin smooth above, granular on the belly and under the thighs. Colour, purplish above with irregular dark spots, the limbs with indistinct dark cross bands ; ventral surfaces yellowfish white. Measurements, from snout to vent, 42 mm., breadth of gape IT mm., distance from ankle to tip of fourth toe 19’5 mm. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 47 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF CARALLUMA (ASCLEPIADACEAE). By N. E. Brown, A.L.S., Kew. Caralluma Leendertziae , N. E . Brown (Asclepiadaceae) ; affinis C . melananthae, Scliltr., seel pedicellis triplo longioribus, coronae exterioris lobis tridentatis et coronae interioris lobis lateraliter compressis apice biclentatis differt. Caules 8-10 cm. alti, 1*5-2 cm. (absque dentibus) crassi, 4-angulati, angulis grosse dentati, glabri ; dentes 0*6-1 cm. longi, validi, acuti, denticulo utrinque prope apicem instructi. Pedunculi ad medium caulem enati, 1-1*5 cm. longi, 5-8 mm. crassi, umbellatim 3-5 flori, glabri. Pedicelli 4-4*5 cm. longi, erecti, 3*5 mm. crassi, glabri. Sepala 9 mm. longa, 3*5 mm. lata, ovato-lanceolata, longe acuminata, glabra. Corolla 5 cm. diam., rotata, absque tubo, extra laevis, glabra, intra dense rugulosa et pilis minutis erectis conspersa, intense purpureo-atra, marginibus ad apicem pilis longis clavatis tremulis purpureis ornata ; discus planus ; lobi patentissimi, plani, 1‘6-1‘8 cm. longi, 1*3-1*4 cm. lati, deltoideo-ovati, acuti. Corona exterior 5-loba, glabra, fusco-purpurea ; lobi patentes, 4 mm. longi, 3 mm. lati, plani, basi subquadrati, supra leviter bicarinati, apice 3-dentati, dente intermedio ovato acuto marginibus subsinuato, dentibus lateralibus patent ibus acutis denticulatus. Coronae interioris lobi 4 mm. longi, antlieris duplo longiori, conniventi, lateraliter compressi, apice bidenti, dentibus superpositis, basi coronae exteriori adnati, concavo-emarginati, glabri, atropurpurei. Transvaal. Under trees near Potgieters Rust. Miss R. Leendertz, 1279. J. v7 ANNALS OF THE TRANSVAAL MUSEUM FEBRUARY, 101O •^soman instfrE^ PRETORIA The Government Printing and Stationery Office ) a! 3545—6/6/10—500 Supplement to the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Proceedings of the Transvaal Biological Society. ANNALS OF Jhe Jransvaal Museum. Vol. II. FEBRUARY, 1910. No. 2. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIROPLASMA IN THE DIFFERENT ORGANS. By Dr. R. Gonder. Since the investigations of R. Koch on East Coast fever of cattle in East Africa, the cause of this disease has formed the subject of much discussion. At present there exist two different views. Some investigators hold that East Coast fever is due to an invisible organism, others declare P. parvum to be the cause, but neither party has been able to prove to the satisfaction of the other that their investigations were free of errors. This is due to the fact that the cattle of Africa are, as a rule, infected with various parasites ; with P. bigeminum , and the more or less harmless parasite P. mutans , which, morphologically, is very difficult to distinguish from P. parvum. Moreover, there is much controversy on the so-called plasma granules or Koch’s bodies, also known as blue bodies, which are found in the organs of cattle suffering from East Coast fever. In this short publication, which will be succeeded by a more detailed one, I wish to communicate some investigations on the blue bodies of Koch which will throw some light on their nature. For the present I shall leave out details, neither can I enter into the literature on the subject, which will have to be considered in the more exhaustive report. Experiments were carried out since March of this year in the Transvaal Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory. The material used consisted in cattle whose origin we know, and in ticks whose history we were fully acquainted with ; accordingly, double infections could be excluded from the very start. The ticks placed on control cattle directly imported from England proved that they were exclusively infected with East Coast fever. In addition to this, Dr. Theiler gave me permission to utilise the cattle used in various experiments on East Coast fever which had been infected experimentally through the implantation and inoculation of different organs. For my zoological studies, therefore, a considerable amount of material was available. 1 50 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Before discussing the question of Koch’s bodies, I wish to make some remarks on P. parvum. Last year Ollwig, at the Congress of Micro- biologists, in Berlin, stated that P. parvum and P. mutans were identical. My experiments leave no doubt that P. parvum and mutans are two different organisms, which view has been held for a number of years by different authors. Blood containing P. parvum in extraordinarily large numbers was injected subcutaneously and into the organs of various animals, and in no instance was an infection transmitted. On the contrary, it was an easy matter to transmit P. mutans to a healthy beast. An emulsion of 1 c.c. red corpuscles in 10 c.c. saline solution was sufficient to do so. As a further proof, it may be stated that Rhipicephalus appendiculatus in the Transvaal transmit P. mutans only in exceptional cases. P. parvum and P. mutans are, therefore, ivith regard to their pathogenic effect, two different parasites, which also show differences in their cycle of development. Together with the daily blood examinations, systematic punctures of glands and spleen were made. On comparing preparations from cattle suffering from East Coast fever with those infected with P. mutans , no doubts can be left about the cause of East Coast fever. Shortly before the parasites appear in the blood, one will notice segmenting forms of Koch’s bodies which throw off a great number of parasites. For this investigation the large shoulder glands are the most suitable. Neither an infection with P. bigeminum nor one with P. mutans , P. equi, or P. canis, shows similar evolution forms, whereby it is proved that Koch’s bodies represent a stage in the development of P. parvum, as already Koch himself had surmized. Accordingly, the view of Martin Mayer that the so-called Koch’s granules are not specific for East Coast fever falls to the ground. The blue bodies represent indeed a certain stage in the cycle of P. parvum which corresponds to the shizogony in the cycle of the malarial and: other parasites. These bodies (fig. 1-2 and fig. 5 c-d) appear both intracellularly and extracellularly, more particularly in the lymphocytes. Quite exceptionally polynuclear leucocytes are found to be infected. The development takes place more or less in the following manner. In the blue body (Agamont) a nucleus is first formed ; this grows and becomes richer in chromatin and plasma ; subsequently it divides successively into a great number of smaller nuclei similarly to what occurs in the cycle of haemoproteus which takes place in the organs of the pigeon and padda. The cells thus formed break up into as many sub-divisions as there are nuclei (fig. 4 -5a). One encounters and but rarely a second one to which I will refer hereafter. The explanation of this fact may be that this shizogonous stage, which I call, with Hartmann, agamogony, repeats itself. Accordingly again etes, resulting from the agamogonous stage, would grow into agamonts. I have, however, not been able to completely follow up the further development of these latter forms. The second mode of multiplication ends with the segmentation into a great number of small parasites undoubtedly resulting from the agamo- gonous multiplication (fig. 3-5). The young parasites enter into the red corpuscles and represent now the forms known as P. parvum. Thus we have in the organs, particularly in the lymphatic glands and the spleen, two different phases, which morphologically are not difficult to distinguish from each other, The nuclei of the one phase (agamogonous) when young, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 51 show a loose structure and are irregularly shaped. The nuclei of the second phase, that is of the second generation or gamagonous, take the nuclear stains more deeply ; they undergo reductions and accordingly appear smaller. Before the segmentation of the nuclei has taken place, they are oval-shaped. One is struck by the fact that the extracellular segmenting forms of the gamogonous generation produce parasites in far smaller numbers (fig. 3) than those found in the cells themselves (fig. 4 — 55). I have not been able to give an explanation of this observation. In the blood no multiplication has as yet been seen, but my studies on these parasites are not yet concluded. Plasma granules were found in the blood, but this fact by no means necessitates a change of the above technology. It may also be possible that two agamogonous stages have to be distinguished, and the parasites which develop in the red corpuscles would have to be considered as the gamogonous generation. I am, however, of the opinion that the two stages in the cycle which I have called provisionally agamogony and gamogony, and which finally lead to the formation of the forms seen in the blood, succeed each other within the cell. Accordingly it is clear that the number of parasites increase as the disease develops. The forms which result from the segmentation of the last generation differ morpho- logically in no way from the parasites seen in the blood at the commence- ment of an infection. They possess, in proportion to the whole parasite, a large nucleus which contains a distinctive karyosome. In using Giemsa’s stain one can see differences due to the staining in the plasma of the bodies belonging to the agamogonous stage as well as of the gamogonous one. There are dark blue forms along with light blue ones containing larger alveli. It is possible that from the very start we have to deal with a sexual differentiation. The above nuclear phenomen can easily be studied in preparations stained according to the dry and moist methods of Giemsa, as well as in those stained with haemotoxylin. Microscopic examination of the various organs, particularly of the spleen, does not allow of definite conclusions. These organs represent a filter which retains the broken down parasites usually encountered in all protozoic diseases. When using the vital method I was never able to recognize the blue bodies, so that it is impossible for me to believe that these represent an assimulation product of the nuclei. The presence of Koch’s bodies in the kidneys is of second- ary importance. In East Coast Fever experimentally produced, either through the implantation of organs or in cases brought on by ticks, which finish rapidly with death, the formation of infarcts in the kidneys may not take place at all. My drawings of, *and the communication referring to Koch’s granules, concern fresh material obtained with a syringe from the lymphatic glands and the spleen. In cases of East Coast fever, where fever is present without parasites being present in the blood, the diagnosis can be made by examining juice from the spleen and lymphatic glands. If in the juice obtained from the puncture of the lymphatic glands or the spleen are seen Koch’s bodies containing only larger nuclei of a loose structure, and no forms of the second or gamogonous generation, it is possible that this latter does not take place at all, and no parasites are then found in the blood. Whether ticks which have been sucking the blood of such animals transmit the disease will be shown by later experiments. It remains to explain the fact that the blood of animals suffering from East Coast fever injected into healthy animals does not produce the disease. It is possible that the blood contains forms which can only develop in the tick, and which, injected into the animal, die. In the 52 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. transplantation of organs undertaken by Theiler and Meyer, Koch’s granules are directly transmitted. These represent, under natural condi- tions, the stages which are formed only after the tick has transmitted the disease. The infection of the various glands in the body of an animal takes place through the blood current and accordinglyit becomes feasible to expect that the inoculation of blood also ought to produce the disease. A suitable occasion would probably arise when the plasma granules are found in the blood. Experiments to elucidate this will be carried out as soon as opportunity occurs. In an animal which was infected by the transplantation of organs I found Koch’s granules in the blood. Dr. Meyer showed me blood smears sent in from the practice in which a great number of mononuclear leucocytes contained the plasma bodies. Concerning the place of the East Coast fever parasite in protozology, the proposition of Bettencourt and others to separate it from the piroplasms and to substitute a new name {Theiler ia par va) is justified. 53 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. ANAPLASMA MARGINALE. Dr. A. Theiler. In the Annual Report of the United States Department of Agriculture for the years 1891 and 1892, Smith and Kilborn published their investigations into the cause of Texas fever, which was found to be due to the presence of an endoglobular parasite and to which they gave, at that time, the name of Pirosoma bigeminum. They described two forms of the disease : the acute and the mild one, which latter they also called the autumnal form. The differentiation of these two diseases was based on the aspect the parasites took in the red corpuscles which, although differing in shape and size, were considered to belong to two phases in the cycle of development. Accordingly they distinguished the pear-shaped parasite now called Piroplctsma bigeminum and which they identified with the acute form of Texas fever, from the second form, the peripheral coccus- like body of the mild or autumnal form of Texas fever. Smith and Kilborn based on these observations the possible life cycle of P. bigeminum of which they described three stages : — 1st. The (hypothetical) swarming stage, the form of which, however, as they state, could not be traced. 2nd. The stage of the peripheral coccus-like bodies, which bodies they thought would develop into the 3rd. The spindle or pear-shaped stage. Smith and Kilborn already noticed that their third stage is the one which is usually met with in acute Texas fever. They had, therefore, to explain the absence of the coccus-like bodies in the acute stage, and their explanation was that the presence of the coccus-like bodies may be so ephemeral that they escape observation. Under the influence of the temperature of the autumn the second stage would remain as such and not develop into the third one. In this second stage they would cause the mild disease. To understand this explanation it may be stated here that Smith and Kilborn undertook their experiments usually in July, August, and Sep- tember, and it was during September, October, and November, that they met with the disease due to the coccus-like bodies. In subsequent obser- vations made in South America by Knuth, the same coccus-like bodies were seen again. This author did not support the view of Smith and Kilborn about the three different stages, yet, nevertheless, he considered them to belong to the life cycle of P. bigeminum. On the other hand, Djunkowsky and Luhs, who were studying the piroplasms in the Trans- causcus, came across the same parasite ; they had noticed the presence of P. bigeminum in that country, but they did not identify the coccus-like body with this disease, but with another one, which they called tropical piroplasmosis, and which is due to a small piroplasm called P. anulatum very likely identical with our P. parvum. In South Africa I have seen these parasites during a number of years. The American literature not being available to me at the beginning of my investigations, I described them as marginal points in my various reports. The observations which I made led me to think that these marginal points had nothing to do with P. bigeminum , but that they represented an 54 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. independent parasite genus of their own and that they were the cause of a definite disease, which had to be separated from redwater. I was, how- ever, until recently, unable to give this proof in such a way as would remove all doubts. Some years ago I sent ticks to England ( Boophilus decoloratus) which were infected with P. bigeminum. They produced the disease in London when placed on an ox, and this ox formed the starting point of many investigations and inocculation experiments undertaken in England. As a result of such investigations, Nuttall described the cycle of development of P. bigeminum in the blood, and according to this author, it is a simple division, as in the case of P. cams. He does not mention any forms corresponding to the coccus-like or marginal points mentioned . before. In Germany the disease haemoglobinuria of cattle was also investi- gated during the last few years : it was found to be due to a piroplasm which, owing to some slight difference, is considered to be a species of its own, and is called P. bovis , but it is very closely allied to P. bigeminum. No parasites resembling the peripheral coccus-like bodies were noticed in the life cycle of this parasite. Stockman and myself have carried out experiments for a number of years to immunize English cattle. The cattle were inoculated in England against South African redwater with the strain of redwater for- warded by means by the already mentioned ticks ; after the inoculation the animals were sent to the Transvaal to be exposed here. In the first lot of cattle exposed, I noticed the appearance of marginal points in the blood of two animals, which succumbed to the disease. A second lot of ten heifers, which were all immunized in the same way in London, were not exposed to natural infection after their arrival, but inoculated a second time in the Transvaal with blood containing P. bigeminum. The result was that this inoculation did not break the immunity against redwater. After a certain period, varying in length from twenty-seven to thirty-two days, a typical fever reaction commenced which was initiated and accompanied by the presence of marginal points. Of ten animals injected, five died. It was evident that P. bigeminum was* not responsible for this disease. With the inoculation of the blood two different parasites had been injected — P. bigeminum , against which the animals were immune, and another one, the marginal points, which caused the disease. If this conclusion was right, it had to be expected that it would be possible to separate these two parasites, at least to isolate the one with the shorter incubation time. It was, indeed, possible to do so with P. bigeminum , whose incubation period is the shorter one. A pure infection resulted after injections of blood, taken at the beginning of the acute attack of redwater, into a susceptible beast. When this animal, at a later period, was infected with marginal points it promptly reacted to this infection. The reverse experiment was not so easy, because wherever we had an infection with marginal points it was complicated with P. bigeminum , so that the inoculation of such blood would constantly cause redwater in the first instance. An observation I had made showed that animals imported from Aliwal North, although promptly reacting to redwater, did not do so to the injection of blood containing marginal points. I concluded, there- fore, that these animals are immune against this latter parasite. It had to be expected that when blood of such animals was injected into susceptible animals only marginal points would appear. This has been done in several instances, and in every one, after a typical long incubation time, marginal points alone appeared. After recovery, the animals were injected Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 55 with P. bigeminum of a pure infection ; the result was that they showed this parasite after the usual period of incubation. Thus the independence of marginal points to the cycle of P. bigeminum was demonstrated in the reverse order. Accordingly, no doubt can any longer be left that these peripheral bodies represent a genus of their own which produces a specific disease in cattle. I have proposed to give the name Anctplasma marginale to this parasite. This anaplasma is transmitted by ticks, and it is a noteworthy fact that the incubation time by tick transmission is much longer than that after inoculation of the animals with blood ; in the experiments carried out by me it varied from fifty-five to seventy-five days. Accordingly, we understand the results of experiments of the Americans, which were started in the summer. They exposed cattle to tick infection ; they noticed the appearance of P. bigeminum first, having a shorter incubation time, and only later in the year, after the long incubation time, they noticed the appearance of Anaplasma marginale. It has already been indicated that blood of an immune animal is infective ; such an animal forms the reservoir of the virus. This is a peculiarity of the piroplasma diseases, to which group anaplasmosis also belongs. It may be of interest to state my opinion that anaplasmosis is probably the disease which the farmer has hitherto called gall-sickness. Up to the present time we know of three different parasites in South Africa which are found in the blood of immune cattle — P. bigeminum , P. mutans , and Spirochaeta tlieileri— and to these will now be added anaplasma marginale ; they can all be transmitted by the inoculation of blood and by ticks. 56 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. THE ZOOLOGICAL REGION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA AS DEDUCED FROM THE COMPOSITION OF ITS LACERTILIA. By John Hewitt, B.A. (Cantab.), Assistant for Lower Vertebrates in the Transvaal Museum. For purposes of convenience, zoological systematists have defined the northern boundary of the South African sub-continent in a variety of ways, and the dividing line now most generally accepted — from the Zambesi on the east to the Cunene River on the west — has no claim to be considered as a rigid natural boundary, for there is an extensive overlapping of the South African and tropical faunas. At the same time, as I hope to show in this paper, there certainly is in the southern portion of Africa a fauna sufficiently peculiar to justify our regarding this region as a definite zoological area ; and, for example, its fauna is much more distinct from that of the rest of Africa than is the Bornean fauna from that of the Malay Peninsula, though in this case the land areas are separated by several hundred miles .of sea. Further, the distribution records show that the area in question resolves itself into several zoological sub-regions, a fact which was pointed out by Professor Max Weber ( Zool . Jahrb., bd. 10, 136) from consideration of the fresh- water fish fauna. During the earlier part of this paper the term South Africa will be employed in its orthodox sense, i.e. Africa south of the Zambesi and Cunene Rivers, but later on I shall bring forward evidence to show that a more natural region is Africa south of the equator, the Congo basin excluded ; the term tropical as applied to a genus or species will here imply nothing more than that it occurs in Equatorial Africa, or north of the equator, but is not endemic in SouthiAfrica, though it may occur here. The dual nature of our reptilian fauna, consequent on the overlapping of the tropical species, is very obvious in the northern portions of the sub-continent, and is not prominent in south-west Cape Colony ; indeed, in passing southwards from the Zambesi to Cape Colony, there is a gradual and successive disappearance of the widely-distributed tropical forms simultaneous with the appearance of an increasingly greater proportion of peculiarly South African species. As an introduction to this subject, it will be profitable to consider the fauna of this immediate neighbourhood, and the following is a list of the reptilia and amphibia of Pretoria, an asterisk denoting forms which occur also in tropical Africa* — Lizards. Pachydactylus capensis Smith. Lygodactytus capensis Smith. Agama Ivispida var. distanti Boul. Agama atricollis Smith. Zonurus jonesii Boul. (also in Angola). Zonurus vittifer Reich. Ghamaesaura aenea Fitz. Var anus niloticus Linn. Nucras tessellata Smith. Eremias lineocellata D. B. Ichnotropis capensis Smith (occur- ring also in Angola). * Gerrhosaurus flavigularis Wieg. Mabuia trivittata Cuv. * Mabuia striata Pet. * Mabuia varia Pet. * Lygosoma sunder valli Smith. * Ablepharus ivahlbergii Smith. * Ghamaeleon quilensis Boc. Antals of the Transvaal Museum. Snakes. Glaucoma distanti Bonl. Typhlops bibroni Smith. Ablabophis rufulus Licht. * Boodon lineatus D. B Pseudaspis cana Linn. * Leptodira hotamboeia Laur. * Lycophidium capense Smith Chlorophis natalensis Smith. * Chlorophis hoplogaster Giintli. * Naia haie Linn. Sepedon haemachates Lacep. Homorelaps dorsalis Smith. * Homalosoma lutrix Linn. * Dispholidus typus Smith. * Psammophis sibilans Linn. Psammophis furcatus Pet. * Primer orhinus tritaeniatus Giinth. Tr imer orhinus rhombeatus Linn. (also in Angola). * Tarbophis semiannulatus Smith. * * Dasypeltis scabra Linn. Causus rhombeatus Licht. Atractaspis bibroni Smith, (also in Angola). * Bitis arietans Merr. * Python sebae Gmel. Frogs. * Bana angolensis Boct Rana fasciata Tschudi. Bana natalensis Smith. * Rana adspersa Tschudi. * Rana delalandi Tschudi * Phrynobatrachus natalensis Smith. * Cassina senegalensis D. B. * Bufo regular is Reuss. * Bufo carens Smith. * Xenopus laevis Daud. A number of these asterisked species belong to the tropical fauna, but some are really South African species which have extended north- wards. The preponder ence of tropical forms in any single locality is considerably greater than is the case when a large area is comprised, for whilst the tropical fauna in South Africa is on the whole a heterogeneous assembly of unrelated species which are widely distributed over large areas, the endemic fauna is composed of sets of closely related species which are more strictly localized in distribution, and the areas occupied by such species do not much overlap. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to give a list of the Capetown fauna for comparison with the preceding, and for the present it must suffice to say that the majority of the tropical species have their southern limit in some part of Eastern Cape Colony, whilst only a very small per- centage reaches as far as Capetown. The following statistics irelate to this question of overlapping of faunas :: — South Africa has about 136 species of lacertilia, of which forty-four are found beyond the northern boundary; in Angola, Bocage recorded sixty-two species of lacertilia, of which thirty-one occur also in South Africa; in German East Africa, Tornier ( Zool . Jahrb ., 1900, p. 579) records sixty-five species of lacertilia, twenty-three of which also occur in South Africa ; Mr. Boulenger’s list of the Whyte Collection from North Nyassaland (P. Z. S. 1897, p. 800) comprises fourteen species of lacertilia, of which eleven occur also in South Africa ; in Somaliland [Boulenger, Annal. Mus. Civico. storia. Nat. Genova Serie 2a, vol. XVII (XXXVII)], seventy species of lacertilia are recorded, of which ten occur also in South Africa ; in Egypt, the only lizards also to be found in South Africa are four species, as follows : — Varanus niloticus , Mabuia quinquetaeniata , Gerrhosaurus flavigularis , and Agama colonorum , which last-mentioned doubtfully occurs in South Africa. We may now- turn to a general consideration of the lizard fauna of South Africa, from point of view of the distribution of the species and their relationships. The lacertilia of South Africa are composed as Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 58 follows : — Geckonidae twenty-seven species, Agamidae about ten species, Lacertidae twenty species, Zonuridae sixteen species, Gerrhosauridae ten or eleven species, Scincidae thirty species, Varanidae two species, and Chamae- leontidae ten species. Geckonidae . Eleven genera are known, of which a good proportion are charac- teristically South African. Palmatogecko, Chrondrodactylus and Colopus are, so far as is known, confined to South Africa ; they are restricted to the western portion of the sub-continent and are probably all monotypic genera. The genus Homopholis has one (or two) species in the eastern portion of South Africa, a species is recorded from Abyssinia, and another, species occurs in Madagascar. The genus Oedura, which is otherwise known only from Australia, has tAvo representatives in South Africa, and the genus does not occur in any other part of Africa. The genus Pachydactylus, comprising thirteen or fourteen species, all confined to Africa south of the Equator, has twelve species in the South African region. P. bibroni has a very wide distribution ranging north- wards into Tropical Africa, but it should be regarded as truly South African, as it belongs to a section of seven recorded species of which all the other members are confined to South Africa. P. ocellalus is common in western Cape Colony, and is also recorded from Benguella and from Ascension Island. This genus reaches its greatest development in Cape Colony and the western portion of the sub-continent ; only one species, P. punctatus , is confined to the eastern portion (Mozambique, Zoutpans- berg District) of our region. Rhoptropus, a genus of three (or two) species, is only known from the western portion of southern Africa. P. ocellatus occurs in western Cape Colony, and R. afer is known from German South-West Africa and Angola. According to Dr. Jean Roux, however, this genus is identical with Phelsuma, a genus of eight or nine species occurring in East Africa, Mada- gascar, Comoro, Zanzibar, Mauritius, Bourbon, Rodriquez, Seychelles, and Andaman Islands. The genus Elasmodactylus has one species in British Namaqualand {fide Sclater) and another in the lower Congo region. Lygodactylus, a genus occurring in tropical and South Africa, and in Madagascar, has two representatives in South Africa. One of them, L. capensis • closely related to a Madagascar species, occurs in the tropics and extends south Avar ds into eastern Cape Colony ; the other species, L. ocellatus Roux, is only known from the Transvaal. Ptenopus gar ruins Smith, the only species of the genus, is known from German -South-West Africa and north-west Cape Colony. Phyllodactylus, a large genus recorded from the tropics of America, Australia, and Africa, has two species in South Africa, of which the better known P. porphyreus , occurs also in the Congo region, Madagascar, and Australia (assuming the identity of this species with P. m,armoratus of Australia) ; the only locality known to me for P. lineatus is Laingsburg, C.C. (Roux). Hemidactylus is almost a world- wide genus within the tropics. Only one species occurs within our area, and this H. mabouia is common to tropical Africa, Madagascar, West Indies, and South America. It is evident that the gecko fauna of South Africa is very characteristic and with a good proportion of endemic genera is Avell marked off from the tropical gecko fauna (which is comparatively poor in number of species Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 59 and has no peculiar genera), though one or two representatives of the latter extend southward into the sub-continent. The affinities of these endemic genera are as follows : the isolated genus Chondrodactylus is closely allied to the Nephrurus of Australia ; Phyllodactylus is very near the Madagascar genus Ebenavia, and in the same group with these is Oedura, which is Australian and South African, and two other genera belonging to Australia and Southern India respectively. The genera Pachydactylus, Colopus, Rhoptropus, Elasmodactylus, and Phelsuma (which, perhaps, includes Rhoptropus), constitute a distinct group of genera, the three former being South African, the fourth belonging to Lower Congo and British Namaqualand, whilst Phelsuma belongs to East Africa, Madagascar, and other islands of the Indian Ocean. Homopholis, belonging to South Africa, Abyssinia, and Madagascar, has generic relationships in Madagascar. The genus Lygodactylus, which has several species in tropical West Africa and in Madagascar, but only one species peculiar to South Africa, has its nearest ally in another Madagascar genus ; apparently the West African forms constitute a section of the genus distinct from that which includes the South African and Madagascar species. The genus Ptenopus has its nearest relative in Stenodactylus, a genus belonging to North Africa and South-West Asia. The isolated Palmatogecko is considered by the describer of this genus to be related to Ptenopus. It should be mentioned that the affinities above cited are taken from the classification employed by Mr. Boulenger in the B. M. catalogue, and this is based upon characters which are largely adaptative. I believe, however, that these relationships are for the most part quite true, for otherwise we should have to suppose that a process of convergent evolution has taken place in the case of a number of pairs of genera belonging to South Africa and Madagascar. And, again, it is a well known fact that geckos are particularly well adapted for accidental transportation over great distances, as they occur on many oceanic islands, so that this might be a partial explanation of the occurrence of South African genera and allies in Madagascar ; but this supposition loses value when we remember that many of the geckoes of South Africa are rather localized in distribution, and that, whilst South Africa and Madagascar have each a rich gecko fauna, only very few representatives of these faunas are found north of the equator. Agamidae. This family is represented in South Africa by about nine or ten species of the genus Agama. There are only three genera in the whole African region, and Madagascar has no representatives whatever of this family. The South African species, A. hispida, , its variety distant/ , brachyura , aculeata , armata , pulchella , cvtra and holubi , constitute a structurally distinct association, the members of which are confined to South Africa, with the exception of armata , which extends up into Angola and German East Africa, and hispida , which is also known from German East Africa. A. kirki , mossambica , and planiceps found in the northern portions of the sub-continent and in tropical Africa belong to an association of tropical and North African species. A. atricollis , which occurs in German East Africa and Angola, extending southwards as far as Natal, has a near ally in Abyssinia and Arabia, and belongs to a section of species which are mostly found in Persia and North India. 60 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. In brief, the Agamoid fauna of South Africa has no peculiar genera and is not very distinctive ; it comprises six or seven endemic species and several species which belong to the overlapping tropical area. The genus Agama is principally African, and has representatives also in south Asia and south-east Europe. Zonuridae. This whole family is characteristically South African, being confined to Africa south of the equator, with an odd species in Madagascar. Mocquard doubts the latter record on the grounds that the only evidence is in Cope’s original description, which is not authenticated with the usual data, whereas it is now known that the species occurs in German East Africa ; at the same time the fact that the species of Zonurus are often exceedingly localized in their distribution may explain the former part of the argument whilst it does not preclude the possibility of a disconnected distribution at the present day. There are four genera, the largest, Zonurus, comprising about ten species, of which eight occur in South Africa and only two of these (Z. cordylus and jonesii) extend northward into the tropical region (fide Tornier and Bocage). The species of Zonurus distribute themselves all over the South African region, some of the species being probably very localized (cp. capensis , warreni , and giganteus). The monotypic genus Pseudocordylus occurs along the coastal strip of Cape Colony and extends northwards in the eastern portion of the sub- continent as far as the Zoutpansberg District. The genus Chamaesaura has three species in the eastern portion of the sub-continent : one of these C. macrolepis is also recorded from Angola. The tropical species of this genus occur in Uganda, British Central Africa, and German East Africa. The genus Platysaurus has four species of which three are distributed in South Africa, one western and two eastern, and the fourth species P. torquatus occurs in Mozambique (precise locality unknown). From these facts of distribution it would seem highly probable that the family has been evolved in Southern Africa. Varanidae. Only two species occur in South Africa of which one, Varanus niloticus is common to almost the whole of Africa whilst the other A. albi- gularis occurs also in South Angola and in Nyassaland. The genus occurs in Africa, India, Malay Archipelago, and Australia, but not in Madagascar. A mphisbaenidae. Three genera are known in South Africa, but they form no charac- teristically South African association of species. The genus Ampliisbaena represented by a number of species in the tropical portions of America and Africa has two species in South Africa : A. violcccea extends from Zululand to Mozambique and A. quadrifrons occurs in Hereroland and as far south as Kimberley. The genus Monopeltis has about four species in South Africa of which probably all extend north of the boundary line : M. capensis and anchietae are western species whilst sphenorbynchus and granti (this latter only known from Beira) are eastern. This is an African genus of about a dozen species ; its headquarters are West Africa. Annals of the Teansvaal Museum. 61 Chirindia is a monotypic genus known only from south-east Mashona- land. So far as I know Amphisbsenidae are not recorded from Cape Colony and the South African representatives are best regarded as outlying members of a tropical group. Lcicertidae. Five genera occur in South Africa, and one of them, the monotypic Tropidosaura, is peculiar to the region being known only from the coastal strip of south Cape Colony. The genus Eremias has nine species in South Africa, of which seven are western forms (< capensis , undata , lugubris , suborbitaUs , namaquensis, pulchella and inornata ), all of them being found in Namaqualand, and several extending into the Karroo region of Cape Colony, whilst lugubris and namaquensis also occur in Angola. E. burchelli appears to be confined to Cape Colony and lineocellata occurs in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony. The genus is not known to occur in Natal and Zululand. Eremias is a large genus, well developed in Africa, and occurring also in Asia. The South African species, for the most part, do not form a structurally distinct association, but their relationships are with the other African species ; a small more or less distinct natural group is constituted by the four species : pulchella , lineocellata , burchelli and capensis. The genus Nucras has only two species : N. delalandii occurs in the Eastern portion of the sub-continent, extending southward along the coastal strip of Cape Colony, and northwards perhaps as far as German East Africa, whilst N. tessellata is widely distributed over tropical Africa and South Africa, with the exception of southern Cape Colony. The genus Scapteira has five representatives in South Africa, one in Mossamedes and three in Central Asia. The South African species are all western forms with the exception of S. knoxii , which belongs to Cape Colony, extending eastwards at any rate as far as Kingwilliamstown, and is recorded (B. M. Cat.) from the Island of Johanna. The species knoxii , depressa , serripes , and the Angola species, form a distinct natural group, and the two remaining South African species, ctenodactyla and cuneirostris , constitute another distinct group. The disconnected distribution of the genus Scapteira is somewhat remarkable in view of the fact that both the Asiatic and the South African habitats are deserticolous, and that like conditions prevail in a great part of the intervening area ; and the presence of S. knoxii in Johanna Island seems to be inexplicable, especially as Madagascar has no Lacertidae. The genus Ichnotropis is confined to Africa south of the equator. I. squamulosd is a tropical species extending southwards about as far as the northern border of Cape Colony, whilst I. capensis occupies a wide strip of country from Natal in the east to Angola in the west ; longipes , which is very closely allied to capensis , is described from Mashonaland. The lacertid fauna of the sub-continent as a whole is not very distinct, though there is one peculiar genus, the monotypic Tropidosaura, which is closely related to the other African genera ; the South African representatives are, indeed, a part of the general Ethiopian lacertid fauna, and this family furnishes very little positive evidence in favour of the maintenance of the South African area as an absolutely distinct zoological region, 62 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Gerrhosau ridae. This family has its headquarters in South Africa and Madagascar. Of the five genera, three occur in our area and two are peculiar to Madagascar. The genus Gerrhosaurus has about five or six species, of which one species, typicus , is only known from north-west Cape Colony : flavigularis is found almost throughout tropical (not in West Africa) and South Africa ; validus occupies a strip of country from South Angola to the Zoutpansberg District ; and major is principally an eastern species ranging from East Africa to Natal. I regard the genus Gerrhosaurus as truly South African, though several of the species do extend beyond the northern boundary. Amongst the lizards it is a general rule that species of undoubted tropical relationship do not extend southward into south-west Cape Colony (cp. Mabuia striata , Lygosoma sundervalli , Ablepharus wahlbergi ). On the other hand, Gerrhosaurus flavigularis does occur in south-west Cape Colony, in spite of its extensive range within the tropics ; and this is the case also with Pachydactylus bibroni and other South African species of like distribution. Again, Gerrhosaurus major , until recently, was known only from Zanzibar Island, but has since been recorded from German East Africa, and from Togoland in West Africa. In 1907, Mr. Boulenger described grandis from Zululand, but from the evidence of material from the Barberton District I have reduced grandis as a synomyn of major. G. bergi of German East Africa appears to be very closely allied to major, and so also is G. bottegi\ described from Erithraea. The genera Tetradactylus and Cordylosaurus are characteristically South African. The former has four species : T. seps occupies the coastal strip of Cape Colony, T. tetradactylus is only known from south- west Cape Colony, T. breyeri is a Natal and Transvaal species and T. africanus is recorded from Natal, Namaqualand, and South Angola. Cordylosaurus trivittatus ranges from western Cape Colony as far as South Angola and C. tessellata , doubtfully distinct, is recorded from Namaqualand. Scincidae. Nine genera of Scincidae occur in South Africa. The large genus Mabuia which though principally African occurs all over the warmer parts of the world except Australia, has twelve species in South Africa but these do not constitute a peculiar group or groups : striata, varia , and quinquetaeniata are tropical forms which descend southwards as far as eastern Cape Colony : stangeri , occidental is, acutilabris, sulcata , and peringueyi are western species, none of them extending as far south as the southern coastal districts of the Cape Colony and all excepting the last mentioned occurring in South Angola : trivittata, apparently occurs throughout South Africa with the exception of Natal, Zululand, and Rhodesia, and this species belongs to a small section which includes also occidentadis and ivensii which are both western species : homcdocephala occupies the coastal strip of South Africa, depressa (possibly a synonym of homalocephala) is only known from Tette, and gruetzneri from Gerlachs- hoop (Transvaal). The very large genus Lygosoma, mainly Australian but almost cosmo- politan in the tropics except for Madagascar, has only five or six species in tropical Africa and but one, sundevalli , extends southwards into tlje sub- tropical parts of South Africa, Annals of the Transvial Museum. 63 Ablepharus wahlbergi , the only representative in South Africa of a widely-distributed old world genus, has a very similar distribution : of this genus, four species occur in tropical Africa and one species which is nearly cosmopolitan occurs in Madagascar. The genus Acontias has about eight or nine species, and is known from South Africa, Madagascar, and Ceylon. A. meleagris occurs throughout South Africa, plumbeus is an eastern species ranging from East Cape Colony to Mozambique, and lineatus is a western species extending east- wardly across the Karroo. The genus Scelotes occurs in South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius, and out of a total of twelve or thirteen species, South Africa has six. The South African and Madagascar species range themselves into distinct groups, except that one of the Madagascar species has its nearest ally in S. capensis. The species capensis , bicolor , caffer , and tridccctylus are western or Karroo forms ; bipes is found in the coastal regions of Cape Colony and Natal, whilst guentheri and inornatus are eastern forms, occurring in Zululand and Natal. Herpetosaura is a South African genus of three species ; anguinct occurs in Kaffraria, mira is a Transvaal species, and ctrenicola occurs in Natal, Zululand, and Mozambique. The genus Sepsina has about ten or eleven species in Madagascar, tropical and South Africa. S. weber i is only known from Little Nama- qualand, and grammica is indefinitely located on the south-west coast of Africa. The genus Typhlacontias has two species, one in Mossamedes and the other, gracilis , in the Zambesi district. The genus Melanoseps, with only one species, ater , extends from German East Africa into Mozambique. I believe that the Scincidae of South Africa are for the most part of single origin, though at first sight this may not seem to be the case ; the vermiform genera, Acontias, Scelotes, and Herpetosaura, etc., certainly constitute part of the peculiarly South African fauna, Avhilst the species of Mabuia, Lygosoma, and Ablepharus genera, which are so widely distributed, may be more recent arrivals from elsewhere. But the species of Mabuia at any rate should be included in the endemic fauna, seeing that the genus is principally African and is well represented in South Africa and also in Madagascar ; the distribution of the genus may possibly be explained in the same way as that of the chamaeleons (see later) or perhaps on the grounds of its antiquity. Anelytropidae. This small family of worm-like lizards has a genus in each of the three areas Mexico, West Africa, and South Africa, but according to Gadow this is quite an artificial assembly of degenerates and no great importance is to be attached to the facts of distribution. The South African Typhlo- saurus has five species, of which lineatus and vermis are known from north-west Cape Colony, cregoi from the Zoutpansberg District, auran- tiacus from Zululand and Mozambique, whilst the precise locality of caecus is unknown. Ghamaeleontidae. Ten species of Chamaeleon and one Rhampholeon occur in South Africa, 64 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, The genus Chamaeleon has its headquarters in Madagascar and Africa, and there are one or two isolated species in Arabia, Ceylon, and Southern India. The species melanocephalus , taeniobronchus , gutturalis, caffer, pumilus , ventralis , and damaranus form a distinct and characteristic South African group : they are mostly Cape Colony forms, several extending into Natal, whilst damaranus ranges between Knysna (Cape Colony) and the Zoutpansberg District. Mocquard has recorded C. melanocephalus from Madagascar, but in his recent work on the Madagascar reptiles (Nouv. Archiv. du Museum d’Hist. Nat., Paris, 1909) this species has no place in the faunistic list. The nearest relatives of this South African group of Cliamaeleons are C. tig vis of the Seychelles (and Zanzibar Islands ?), fuelleborni from German East Africa, jacksoni from Uganda, bitaeniatus of East Africa, and tempeli of German East Africa (Werner, Zool. Jahrb. 1902, p. 295). C. namaquensis is a western species stretching from South Angola into western Cape Colony, the most eastern record being Kimberley : this species is quite isolated in the genus. The species dilepis and quilensis , referred by Tornier to one and the same species, are tropical forms occurring in West Africa and German East Africa and extending south- wards as far as the Orange River. Rhampholeon marshalli , the only representative in South Africa of a tropical genus, comes from the Chirinda forest in south-east Mashonaland. Having thus briefly surveyed the distribution of the various groups of South African lizards, the following facts present themselves : — (1) One family, the Zonuridae, is almost peculiar to the region, but may have a representative in Madagascar, and another family, the Gerrhosauridae, has its headquarters in South Africa and Madagascar. (2) In the Geckonidae and the Scincidae there are a good proportion of genera which do not occur in tropical Africa, some of them being peculiar to South Africa, whilst others are represented also in Madagascar, and several in Southern India and Australia. (3) Several large and widely-distributed genera occurring also in tropical or northern Africa are represented in South Africa by an associa- tion of species which is structurally separated from the other sections of the same genus, but in other cases the South African representatives do not form a distinct group. (4) In some families (Agamidae, Yaranidae, Scincidae, etc.) a number of tropical species have extended southwards into South Africa. And we may refer the lizard fauna of South Africa to three classes : — (1) The peculiar endemic fauna, comprising the Zonuridae, Gerrhosau- ridae, all the Geckonidae with the exception of Hemidactylus, and the Scincidae, with the possible exception of Lygosoma and Ablepharus. (2) The Chamaeleons, which are very characteristic of the whole Ethiopian region, but unlike other families which are well developed in Madagascar, they are not restricted to southern Africa, but occur through- out the whole of Africa. (3) The “ Ethiopian ” fauna, including the Agamidae, Lacertidae, Yaranidae, Hemidactylus in the Geckonidae, the Amphisbaenidae, and possibly the Scincoid genera, Lygosoma, and Ablepharus. This fauna is composed of genera which for the most part have a wide range through Africa and often through Southern Europe and Asia, but this whole assembly may not be of single origin, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 65 As we have already mentioned, a number of genera comprised in the peculiar fauna have relationships in Madagascar, and indeed this fauna as a whole has a very strong affinity with the whole Madagascar fauna. The lacertilia of Madagascar are composed of the following families : Geckoes, Skinks, Chamaeleons, Gerrhosauridae (Zonuridae probably), and a few Iguanidae, whilst the other families Agamidae, Varanidae, Lacertidae, Anguidae, and Amphisbaenidae are quite absent; leaving out of consideration the Iguanidae — the occurrence of which in Madagascar has not yet been satisfactorily explained — the Madagascar lizard fauna shows complete identity in its families and identity or close relationship in many of the genera with the peculiar fauna of South Africa, and the families which are lacking to Madagascar are those which constitute what I have termed the Ethiopian fauna of South Africa. It should be mentioned, however, that the identity of the faunas does not extend to the species, for probably there is not a single species of lizard common to Madagascar and South Africa, and further, Madagascar has a few peculiar genera which have no allies in South Africa. Again, this peculiar fauna is not strictly limited on the north by the Zambesi and Cunene Rivers, and as a matter of fact it is to be found tc some extent right up to the equator. In Tornier’s list of the lizards of German East Africa we find the following representatives of this fauna : — Geckonidae : Pachydactylus, 2 sp. ; Platypholis, 1 sp. ; Diplodactylus, 1 sp. Zonuridae : Zonurus, 2 sp. ; Chamaesaura, 1 sp. Gerrhosauridae : Gerrhosaurus, 1 sp. Scincidae : Sepsina, 1 sp. ; Melanoseps, 1 sp. And in Angola, according to Bocage, there are : — Geckonidae : Pachydactylus, 2 sp. ; Rhoptropus, 1 sp. ♦ Zonuridae : Zonurus, 2 sp. ; Chamaesaura, 1 sp. Gerrhosauridae : Gerrhosaurus, 2 sp. ; Tetradactylus, 1 sp. ; Cordylo- saurus, 1 sp. Scincidae : Sepsina, 3 sp. : Typhlacontias, 1 sp., but with very few exceptions — the genera Lygodactylus, Homopholis, and Gerrhosaurus — this fauna does not pass north of the Equator. The dual nature of the South African fauna and the general relation- ship of the one portion with that of Madagascar is no doubt to be explained by the following old theory : Madagascar, according to most authorities, was united with Southern Africa up to midtertiary times (Mocquard and others consider that the separation occurred in the secondary period) this large area constituting a continental island (see “ Wallace’s Island Life ”), and there was a common fauna which gave rise in South Africa to the peculiar endemic fauna of the present day. Then came the separation off of Madagascar, and subsequently the continent of Africa assumed its present shape and South Africa was invaded by a new assembly of lizards, Lacertidae. Agamidae, etc., which came from Europe and Asia via North Africa* It is not possible for me to deal with the problem of the primary origin of the peculiar fauna of South Africa and of Madagascar, for the affinities of such characteristic families as the Gerrhosauridae and the Zonuridae provide no very definite clue, nor is there any palaeontological evidence ; but as there seems to be no indication that this is derived from a European or Asiatic source, it may perhaps be regarded as the remains of a former southern hemisphere fauna, for it has some relationship (Scincidae, Geckonidae) with Ceylon, Southern India, and Australia (cp. distribution and relationship of 2 66 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. the genera Acontias, Sepsina, Melanoseps, Oedura, Phelsuma, and Phyllo- dactylus) ; and though the evidence of these few lizards is in itself hardly sufficient to warrant the hypothesis of the existence in the secondary period of a continent (Lemuria) stretching between South Africa, Mada- gascar, and southern India, it is of interest to note that similar relationships in these several areas have been found also in other groups of animals (mammals, birds), and certain geologists have advocated this theory on the evidence of a similarity between the fossil plants and reptiles of South Africa and India. The theory was strenuously opposed by Wallace, who, on account of the great depths of ocean which separate the extensive shoals and coral reefs now to be found in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and India, considered that there could not have been a continuous land surface during the secondary or tertiary periods, but admitted the former existence in those parts of several large islands, some of them not much inferior in size to Madagascar itself ; and these islands he supposed were stepping-stones for an interchange of faunas. Neverthe- less the Lemuria theory still has its champions, and, for instance, Major Alcock (A.M.N.H. 7.14.267) explains the distribution of the Coeciliidae and of some hermit crabs in terms of this same theory. Other writers, in order to explain a certain affinity between the land shells of Australia and those of southern Africa, have requisitioned the Antarctica theory, and Hedley indeed (A.M.N.H. 6.17.117) considers that there has been a direct or more probably indirect land connection through Antarctica between Australia and Africa ; and Gilchrist (“ Science in South Africa”, p. 192), referring to certain genera of marine fish common to the Antarctic region and to South African waters, says that the “ shore forms might be taken as additional evidence of the former existence of an Antarctic continent”, but guardedly adds “ an explanation postulating the existence or removal of continents is to be regarded as a last resource ”. However this may be, it appears that the affinities of the South African lizards with those of other regions are to be paralleled, not only amongst other groups of animals, but also in the plants of the present day, for Bolus (“ Science in South Africa”) says that, “the flora of the south-west Cape Colony presents striking marks of a similar origin to that of Australia”, and Wallace states that “the affinities of the Madagascar flora are largely African, whilst Bentham emphasizes the fact that “ the connection of the mascarene endemic compositae, especially those of Madagascar itself, are eminently with the southern and sub-tropical African races”. As regards the entity of the South African region as a zoological area, there can be no doubt but that the distinction between the peculiar endemic fauna of southern Africa and the fauna of tropical Africa is too pronounced to permit of our regarding the South African region as merely a province of the large Ethiopian area and indeed, but for the infiltration of tropical forms, no one would hesitate to unite South Africa with Mada- gascar as a region quite distinct from the more northern parts of Africa. But the question of the northern boundary of our area is quite another matter. It is obvious that under the circumstances the South African area must include all the southern African families and genera of Madagascar affinities, but as there are no strongly-marked natural boundaries, some few species, e.g. G-errhosaurus flavigularis, have extended far into tropical Africa. I do not think it necessary to attempt to include the remotest limits of every widely-distributed species unless a sufficient number of species belonging to different genera extend thus widely but it must comprise the majority of the species. To fulfil these conditions the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 67 South African zoological area should take in German East Africa (perhaps also British East Africa), British Central Africa, and Angola ; that is to say, roughly speaking, Africa south of the equator, the Congo basin excepted. We should thus include the whole of the Zonuridae, practically all the Gerrhosauridae — though G. flavigularis apparently extends into Southern Egypt — and in addition to the genera previously mentioned in the Geckonidae, all the species of Pachydactylus, the genera Diplodactylus (Australia, Madagascar, and German East Africa) and Platypholis (German East Africa), an ally of Homopliolis, in the Scincidae the allied genera Melanoseps and Sepsina which are related to Sepophis of Southern India, the genus Sepsina occurring also in Madagascar, and the genus Typhlacontias which is related to Acontias. The question may now be asked to what extent will the distribution of the other sections of the South African lizard fauna conform to the new arrangement. We have already seen that the families Agamidae, Lacertidae, Amphisbaenidae, and Varanidae form very few strongly-marked associations of species and still less of genera in the South African region as ordinarily defined, so that it could matter little if the distribution of these families should lend no support to this proposal for a greater South Africa. As a matter of fact, however, they are decidedly in agreement : in the case of a number of genera (Scapteira, Eremias, Nucras) certain representatives, either singly or in groups of species which occur in the western portion of the sub-continent, extend northwards into Angola and similarly genera in the eastern portion have species which are common to the Transvaal and German East Africa but not extending further north, or in these two areas are comprised all the species belonging to the same section of a large genus (cp. Ichnotropis squamulosa , the hispida section of Agama ) : and thus the proposed region would now include several additional genera peculiar to the area (Ichnotropis, Nucras) from which we may conclude that the com- paratively recent Ethiopian fauna has really been in South Africa for a long period seeing that in this area peculiar genera have been evolved. The present distribution of the Chamaeleons is somewhat puzzling, and, at first sight, difficult to explain in terms of the preceding hypotheses. According to Werner, the species constitute a number of structurally distinct groups, as follows : — The characteristic South African group goes along with a number of East African species and with the species common to the Seychelles and Zanzibar (Mocquard doubts the Zanzibar record for C. tigris ; this is a point of considerable importance, in view of the great isolation of the Seychelles Islands) : the distribution of the whole group almost coinciding with the larger South Africa. The species anchietae , of Angola, is considered by Mocquard (see Werner’s monograph) to be identical with lateralis of Madagascar. This (or these) species belongs to a group which comprises another Madagascar species and two species from East Africa. The Indian, Arabian, Socotran, Syrian, North African, and Mediterranean species are all comprised in the section of nine species, which includes one West African species and three species occurring north of the equator stretching from west to east, two of them also extending far southwards ( dilepis and gracilis'). Another whole section of fourteen species is made up entirely of Madagascar and Comoro species. A section of ten species is composed of- Madagascar and East African forms ; and another section of nine species divides itself between the same two areas. Another section of ten species is made up of five West African (Kamerun and Gabun) species and five from East Africa. G. namaquensis is a section in itself. 68 Annals op the Transvaal MusEtrM. The Chamaeleonidae have two other genera, Brookesia, confined to Madagascar, and Rhampholeon, of six species, which are distributed in East Africa from Mashonaland northwards to Somaliland. One species only extends from East Africa as far as Kamerun and Gabun in West Africa. The salient facts shown by the above are : South Africa, East Africa, and Madagascar have mutual relationships, and these areas contain the great majority of the species. The most widely-distributed African species extend north of the equator stretching from east to west, and are comprised in the same section as includes the single Indian species, the widely-distributed vulgaris of North Africa and the Mediterranean region, the two Arabian species — one of which is also recorded from the Nile — and the Socotran species. These facts seem to me not inconsistent with the hypothesis which so well explains the distribution and affinities of the other lizards, and we may, indeed, suppose the Chamaeleons had their home in the large island which comprised southern Africa and Madagascar. After the separation of Madagascar and the union of northern and southern Africa certain species which have special facilities for distribution spread northwards, penetrating into Europe, and one odd species passed, via North Africa or Arabia, even into India and Ceylon. The occurrence of Chamaeleons in all habitable parts of Africa and on numerous islands (Samo, Khio, Cyprus, Socotra, Comoro, Seychelles, Zanzibar, Mauritius, Bourbon, Canaries, and Fernando Po) undoubtedly points to the fact, which might not otherwise be suspected, that these creatures, have exceptionally good capacity for distribution, and in this respect they differ widely from the other endemic groups of southern Africa (Zonuridae, etc.), which, as I think, have remained content with the area which formed their ;original home. Chamaeleon remains have been reported from Eocene deposits in Wyoming, U.S.A., and from Oligocene strata at Quercy, France, which, no doubt, indicates that Chamaeleons are a comparatively old group, and had an extensive distribution in past ages. We need not, therefore, suppose that Chamaeleons actually originated in the Ethiopian island, but only that all the present day Chamaeleons had their ancestors in that area. According to Hollway (“ Science in South Africa ”), the northern boundary of South Africa, from a geographical point of view, is the great Congo-Zambesi divide, which stretches like a bridge from east to west across the continent from within a short distance of the Atlantic to the north end of LakeNyassa ; and I think it very probable that this boundary on the western half coincides with the northern boundary of the South African zoological area, but on the eastern side the highland area goes much further north, and so also does the South African fauna. Mr. W. L. Sclater has proposed ( Geog . Journal , 7, 282) to divide the Ethiopian region into four sub-regions, the Saharan, West African, Malagasy, and Cape sub-regions, and he then extended the Cape sub-region as far as the Congo watershed on the west and the Tana watershed on the east, which is entirely in agreement with my present conclusions ; but, later on, he found it “ increasingly difficult to draw any dividing line between the Saharan and Cape sub-regions ” (“ Science in South Africa ”, p. 150), and, limiting himself to the area south of the Zambesi and Cunene Rivers, he attempted to show that “ South Africa has not such a specialized fauna as was formerly attributed to it, and that it has comparatively little to distinguish it from the rest of the Ethiopian region ”. Now this generalization was based on the question of percentages of peculiar genera Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 69 amongst the South African (south of theiZambesi and Cunene Rivers) land vertebrates ; but a rigid statistical inquiry of this kind may often prove very misleading, for there are a number of genera (Zonurus, Gerrhosaurus, Pachydactylus) which have each many species the majority of which are confined to South Africa, but as one or two outlying species happen to have crossed the border the genus has no title to be called peculiar, and yet the evidence of such genera is clearly of considerable import ; and, again, the genera which occur only in South Africa and in Madagascar are also misplaced in such a simple statistical scheme. But, as a matter of fact, this method would have led to a more correct conclusion had the author adhered to the Cape region as previously defined by himself. It is not possible for me to say to what extent the distribution and affinities of the other South African land vertebrates is in accordance with the conclusions based only on the study of the lizards — but probably it will be found that every group of vertebrates resolves itself into two sections representing the ancient and the new faunas — and as for the invertebrates it is hardly to be expected that many groups distribute them- selves according to vertebrate regions. However, Mr. Distant, from consideration of the Rhopalocera, is disposed to accept Sclater’s Cape region, but suggests that Somaliland should also be included (A.M.N.H. 7.1.47). Zoological regions have no absolute value and apply only to certain groups, seeing that the facilities for distribution vary immensely in the animal kingdom and that different groups of animals have arisen during different geological periods, and since their origin have been subjected to a great diversity of changes : and indeed a zoological area is chiefly interesting to the zoologist as a datum bearing on the history of the groups which conform to that area. The Zoological Sub-regions of South Africa. The available data are still insufficient to deal at all thoroughly with this subject, but the broad facts of the matter are as follows : a western portion comprising Angola, German south-west Africa, west Cape Colony, and the Karroo, has a very characteristic fauna abounding in types which are structurally adapted for life in arid and sandy regions ; an eastern portion, including German East Africa, Portuguese East Africa, British Central Africa, Rhodesia, low veld Transvaal, Zululand, Natal, and the eastern portion of Cape Colony, together with a part of the southern coastal strip, has also a distinct fauna. Between these two areas are included the Orange River Colony and the high and middle veld portion of the Transvaal, the fauna of which is more nearly allied to the western area though it is very much poorer in deserticolous types than is any portion of that western area. I believe, therefore, that in the southern portion of our sub-continent that extensive range of high mountains, the Drakensberg, marks the boundary between the eastern and western sub- regions, but it should be clearly understood this is not an absolute boun- dary for every species ; northwards there is no natural boundary to separate the two areas but, nevertheless, Angola and German East Africa have faunas sufficiently distinct but no doubt with some overlapping. The more characteristic fauna of the western region is as follows : — All the South African species of Eremias, and of Scapteira, the South African group of six species of Mabuia, including trivittata , occidentalism etc., the geckonid genera Ptenopus, Palmatogecko, Chondrodactylus, Rhop- tropus, and Colopus, the genus Cordylosaurus, and the species Amphisbaena quadrifrons Monopeltis capensis , Typhlosaurus lineatus, and Chamcteleon 70 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. namaquensis. As already stated, this fauna is concentrated in German South-West Africa, western Cape Colony, and the Karroo, whilst only comparatively few elements extend to the high central plateau constituted by the Orange River Colony and high and middle veld portions of the Transvaal ; this central plateau, apart from the species which are un- doubtedly representatives of the western fauna, has very few species peculiar to the area, and the rest of its fauna is made up of widely- distributed species, so that I do not think that this area is entitled to stand as a sub-region distinct from the western and of equal importance to it. The headquarters of the typical western and eastern faunas are areas of widely different environment, the western portion being comparatively arid and rainless, whilst more genial conditions prevail in the eastern area. Consequently the western fauna shows to a considerable extent, structural adaptations with the surroundings, as for example in Typhlosaurus lineatus with its sharp cutting snout for burrowing in baked earth and burning sand; the species of Scapteira (Lacertidae) and the gecko Ptenopus garrulus , with their broadly-fringed digits, which allow of rapid movement over loose sand ; Ghamaeleon namaquensis , whose brown and sombre hues, assimilating with the desert colours, contrast strongly with the vivid greens of bush-frequenting chamaeleons. The more characteristic fauna of the eastern region includes the following genera and species : In the Scincidae the species of Herpetosaura and Melanoseps and Acontias plumbeus ; the geckonid genera Homopholis, Platypholis, and Diplodactylus ; the degraded Typhlosaurus aurantiacus and cregoi ; in the Amphisbaenidae three species, Amphisbaena violacea , Monopeltis sphenorhynchus , and the genus Chirindia ; two species of Agama, namely, kirki and mossambica ; the great majority of the species of Rhampholeon and probably Ghamaeleon damaranus and caffer. This eastern region extends along the southern coastal strip of Cape Colony for a considerable distance in a westerly direction, reaching as far as Knysna, though the most characteristic species of the region do not extend much further south than Zululand. In thus Refining the southern limits of the eastern areas I have been guided to some extent also by the distribution of the widely distributed tropical species which extend south- wards into our area. Such tropical species in all cases extend much further southwards on the eastern side than on the western side. In some cases, e.g. Mabiiia qiiinquetaeniata, the species extends from Angola to East Africa, but southwards it scarcely penetrates into German South-West Africa, and avoids the high central plateau, but extends in a southerly direction into low veld Transvaal, Zululand, Natal, and Werner records it from the Graliamstown neighbourhood. Lygosoma sundevcdli and Ablepharus wahlbergi have a similar distribution, but these species encroach somewhat further on the western side. Mabuia striata , the common house skink, occurs throughout the whole area with the exception of south-western Cape Colony. Much the same kind of distribution obtains amongst the tropical geckos. Hemidactylus mabouia appears to be altogether absent from German South-West Africa and the central plateau, but eastwards it extends into Barberton District and Zululand. Lygodac- tylus capensis again is absent from German South-West Africa, and from western Cape Colony, but occurs on the high plateau, extending as far south as Kimberley on the western side and Natal on the east side. Ghamaelon quilensis is found throughout the whole area with the exception of Cape Colony. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 71 It will be seen from the above facts that the two areas are by no means homogeneous throughout their length, inasmuch as the tropical fauna from the north gradually loses in intensity as it passes southwards, whilst a somewhat opposite state of affairs obtains with the peculiar South African fauna. The rivers of South Africa, no doubt, act as efficient barriers ag ainst the dispersal of a small proportion of the species. On the west side* the Orange River seems to be the southern boundary of a number of tropical species which enter the western sub-region, and, consequently, in western Cape Colony the peculiar fauna of South Africa is relatively most strongly developed. On the east side the Limpopo River is apparently an impassable barrier to such typical South African lizards as Mctbuia trivittata , Pseudocordylus microlepidotus , and Chamaesaura aenea ; and, on the other hand, such tropical species as Agama kirki are not to be found south of that river. It may be possible to further divide the western region, and, perhaps, also the eastern, into a number of zones according to altitude, but there is not sufficient data to determine this. It is known, however, that there are certain species (. Zonurus cordylus and Mabuia homalocephcila) which occur only on the coastal strip of South Africa. In conclusion, we may summarize as follows : — The South African zoological region is sub-divided into western and eastern sub-regions with the limits as above defined, but the separation, is not a very profound one, for some species and many genera are common to both sub-regions, and, though some genera and many species are absolutely confined to one of the regions only, this cannot be said of any natural group of genera nor of any family of lizards, whilst, lastly, the segregation is largely in accordance with different environmental conditions, seeing that the most characteristic elements of the western sub-region show many structural adaptations for a deserticolous habitat. (1) Female of Platysattrus gttttattis, Smith, from Woodbush. (2) Female of Pfatysaurtis wifhelmi, n. sp. Hadogenes gunningi Pure. Koch’s Bodies (free). (a) Agamogonous forms. (&) Gamogonous form. (a) Agamogonous forms (free). (/?) Gamogonous form before the segmentation. ( commencing at the apex of the radial cellule ; the nervures and stigma black ; the second cubital cellule large ; the second abscissa of the radius almost four times longer than the third ; the first recurrent nervure received in the apical fourth of the cellule ; the transverse basal nervure inter- stitial ; the accessory nervure in the hind wings received before the cubitus ; pronotum, head, and coxae covered with moderately long, the metanotum more densely with longer white hair ; hinder ocelli separated from the eyes by almost the same distance as they are from each other. Male. Length, 10 mm. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District. November. Very similar to P. longihirtus, but readily known by the white line on the pronotum, and by the difference in the alar neuration ; eyes almost incised on the inner side ; apex of clypeus broadly rounded ; the long spur of the hind tibiae two-thirds of the length of the metatarsus. Pompilus longihirtus, sp. n. Black ; the mandibles, except the teeth, and the underside of the basal three joints of the flagellum, dull-rufous ; the tibiae and tarsi brownish ; the spines brownish ; wings hyaline, a curved cloud beyond the radius ; the stigma and nervures black ; the second abscissa of the radius fully one-third longer than the third ; the transverse median nervure interstitial ; the first recurrent nervure received at the base of the apical third of the cellule, the second very shortly beyond the middle ; the second recurrent nervure broadly, roundly curved in the middle ; the first and third transverse cubital nervures broadly, roundly curved, the second straight, oblique ; the accessory nervure in the hind wings received before the cubitus ; head, thorax, and apices of the abdominal segments covered with a silvery pile, the head, pronotum, and metanotum with longish white hair, the hair on the metanotum longer than on the head or pronotum ; the eyes distinctly converge above ; the ocelli in a curve, the hinder separated from each other by a greater distance than they are from the eyes. Apex of clypeus broadly rounded ; the long spur of the hind tibiae almost three-fourths of the length of the metatarsus ; the claws sub-bifid. Female. Length, 11 mm. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District. March and November. Basal joint of fore tarsi with four long spines ; pygidium covered with depressed silvery pile. Pompilus acuticmgulatus, sp. n. Black ; the basal two abdominal segments and two large semicircular 126 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. marks on the basal half of the third, united at the base, reddish-orange ; the base of the first black ; a pale fuscous mark down the centre, united to a transverse narrower one on the apex ; in the centre of the third is a semicircular fuscous mark ; on the apex a broad transverse line, dilated in the middle, united to the basal central mark ; the basal two ventral segments paler orange ; wings fuscous-violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black ; the second cubital cellule shortly appendiculated ; the first and third transverse cubital nervures roundly curved, the second almost straight, obliquely sloped ; the transverse median nervure received very shortly beyond the transverse basal ; the first recurrent nervure received near the apex, the second in the middle of the cellule ; the anal nervure at the base is turned acutely downwards, forming a sharp angle ; radial cellule wide ; the basal two abscissae roundly curved, the third (which is shorter than the basal two united) straight, obliquely turned upwards ; accessory nervure in the hind wings interstitial. Female. • Length, 11 mm. Waterval No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. November. Face and clypeus covered with a grey silky pile ; the apex of clypeus transverse ; eyes distinctly converging above ; the hinder ocelli separated from each other by the same distance as they are from the eyes ; pronotum large, as long as the mesonotum ; metanotum more opaque than the mesonotum, its sides broadly rounded ; tibial and tarsal spines black ; the basal joint of the fore tarsi closely spinose below ; there is no furrow on the metanotum, but its apical slope is slightly depressed, nor is there a furrow on the pronotum ; the mandibles are broadly red in the middle. Allied to P. proximatus Sm. Pompilus leptacanthius, sp. n. Black ; the basal six or seven joints of the antennae, the apex of the clypeus and of the labrum, mandibles, except the teeth, and the legs, red ; the fore coxae behind, the middle, except broadly on the outer side, and the hinder, black ; palpi dark testaceous ; wings hyaline, distinctly tinged with violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black ; the apex from the end of the stigma clouded ; the second abscissa of the radius hardly one quarter shorter than the third ; the first transverse cubital nervure broadly, roundly, obliquely curved towards the fore part of the second, which is straight and oblique ; the first recurrent nervure received near the base of the apical third, the second in the middle ; the transverse basal nervure and the accessory interstitial. Female. Length, 11 mm. Pretoria. January. Eyes distinctly converging above, separated there by the length of the third antennal joint ; hinder ocelli separated from each other by the same distance as they are from the eyes ; apex of clypeus broadly rounded, as is also the apex of the pronotum ; there is a fine longitudinal furrow outside the middle of the mesonotum ; the apex of the metanotum forms a shallow, semicircular depression ; temples short, broadly rounded ; there are five long spines on the basal joint of the fore tarsi. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 127 Homonotus Dbm. Homonotus spoliatus, sp. n. Black ; a narrow but distinct line on the inner and outer eye orbits, the prothorax, mesonotum, scutellum, and tegulae, ferruginous ; the wings uniformly fuscous-violaceous ; the first abscissa of the radius longer than the third, which is half the length of the second ; the first and second transverse cubital nervures obliquely sloped, the first more rounded than the second ; the recurrent nervures received in the middle of the cellules ; the transverse basal interstitial ; the accessory nervure in the hind wing received very shortly before the cubitus ; temples almost obsolete, the occiput slightly rounded outwardly ; pronotum as long as the mesonotum and scutellum, the metanotum slightly longer than them ; the third joint of the antennae shorter than the fourth. Male. Length, 9 mm. Waterval No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. November. Metanotum as long as it is wide at the base ; its sides at the apex bluntly, triangularly projecting ; hinder ocelli in pits, separated from each other by a distinctly greater distance than they are from the eyes ; apex of clypeus broadly rounded, the top more bluntly rounded ; the long spur of the hind tibiae three-fourths of the length of the metatarsus ; claws unequally bifid. Agenia Schiodte. Agenia varipalpis, sp. n. Black ; the head and pronotum densely covered with longish fuscous pubescence ; smooth, shining ; the metanotum closely, not very strongly, transversely striated ; the basal five joints of the antennae, apical three- fourths of the mandibles, and the legs, red ; the coxae and trochanters black ; the apex of the second and the whole of the third joint of the maxillary palpi dark testaceous, the joints covered with a white pile ; wings uniformly fuscous-violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black ; the second abscissa of the radius fully one- quarter longer than the third ; the basal two transverse cubital nervures broadly, roundly curved ; the apical abscissa of the radius straight, obliquely turned upwards ; the first recurrent nervure received shortly before the base of the apical third of the cellule, the second broadly, roundly curved outwardly, received near the base of the basal third ; the transverse median nervure is received shortly beyond the transverse basal ; the accessory nervure in the hind wings shortly before the cubitus. Female. Length, 12 mm. Button’s Kop. October. Eyes slightly converging above, separated at the top by the length of the basal two joints of the flagellum ; hinder ocelli separated from each other by half the distance they are from the eyes ; temples sharply, roundly narrowed ; the occiput transverse ; clypeus wider than long, gradually narrowed to a point at the apex ; the apical margin smooth and shining, 128 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, more broadly so in the middle ; the tibiae and tarsi bear short black spines ; the apical joint of the latter blackish ; the long spur of the hinder calcaria does not reach to the middle of the metatarsus ; third joint of the antennae fully one-fourth longer than the fourth. Agenia ornaticollis, sp. n. Black ; the antennae, head, mandibles, palpi, prothorax, mesonoturm scutellums, the apex of the fourth and the whole of the following abdominal segments, and the legs, rufo-testaceous ; wings hyaline ; the stigma and nervures black ; the third abscissa of the radius hardly one-quarter longer than the second ; the first recurrent nervure received shortly beyond the middle, the second near the apex of the basal third of the cellule ; the transverse median nervure distinctly beyond the transverse basal ; the accessory nervure in the hind wings very shortly before the cubitus ; there is a semicircular black spot in the centre of the base of the pronotum, and a smaller, somewhat triangular one in the middle of the propleurae ; metanotum weakly, finely, transversely striated. Female. Length, 11 mm. Pretoria. November. Eyes converging above, separated there by the length of the second and third antennal joints ; hinder ocelli separated from each other by half the distance they are from the eyes ; temples roundly narrowed ; the occiput hardly transverse ; apex of clypeus narrowed to a blunt point ; the long spur of the hind tibiae is one- third of the length of the metatarsus ; the tarsi are more densely covered with short black spines than the tibiae ; the first transverse cubital nervure is oblique, slightly rounded, the second is straight, oblique. PSEJDAGENIA KOHL. Pseudagenia brunniceps Lucas. Die Hymen. Ost. Afrikas., Pompilidae, 60 ; Cameron, Sjostedt, D. Kilimandjaro, 259. Warmberg, Zoutpansberg District. September. Aporus Spin. Aporus leucotrichius, sp. n. Black ; the prothorax, except on the lower part, the mesonoturm and the tegulae, red ; the wings fuscous, darker tinted beyond the second transverse cubital nervure ; the stigma and nervures black ; the transverse median nervure roundly curved outwardly, received shortly beyond the transverse basal ; the two transverse cubital nervures broadly, roundly curved ; the first nervure more bent than the second ; the first recurrent nervure is received near the apex of the basal fourth of the cellule, the second slightly nearer the apex; the accessory nervure in the hind wings Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 129 is received shortly before the cubitus ; the inner eye orbits from the antennae to near the top are lined narrowly with pale yellow ; the hinder ocelli are separated from each other by almost the same distance as they are from the eyes ; temples almost obsolete, the occiput transverse ; clypeus, face, scutellums, and the parts bounding them, densely covered with white pile ; apical slope of metanotum densely covered with depressed white pubescence ; tibial and tarsal spines long and black ; the long spur of hind calcaria three-fourths of the length of the metatarsus. Male. Length, 7 mm. Petersburg. December. The eyes are curved on the inner side, and converge distinctly below ; the antennal scape is yellowish-white in the centre below ; the third antennal joint is nearly as long as the fourth. Jansea, gen. nov. Wings without a radial cellule ; there are two cubital cellules ; the two transverse cubital nervures are united to the stigma by a short pedicle, the second cubital cellule being narrowed to a point in front ; it receives both recurrent nervures ; there is no radius ; the cubitus does not extend to the apex of the wings; the dis oidal nervure is short ; in the hind wings the radial, cubital, and diskoidal nervures are present, and extend to the apex of the wings, but there is no transverse cubital nervure ; the accessory nervure is short; head, as in Pompilus, wider than the thorax ; there is no malar space ; tibiae spineless ; abdomen sessile ; claws simple ; ocelli in a wide triangle ; hind tarsi long, the basal two joints united as long as the tibiae ; the anal nervure is straight, not curved down at the base. The head and body are as in Pompilus. It is a genus easily recog- nized by the absence of a radius, and by the two transverse cubital nervures being united direct to the stigma. In the described genera they are united to the radius. Jansea longitarsis, sp. n. Black, shining, probably when fresh covered with a silvery pile 5 wings hyaline to the second transverse cubital nervure, fuscous beyond it ; the stigma and nervures black ; the first transverse cubital nervure is roundly, obliquely curved towards the cubitus ; the second is broadly rounded outwardly ; apex of clypeus transverse, with the sides at the apex rounded ; temples broad, rounded ; the occiput not transverse ; the third joint of the antennae about one-fourth longer than the fourth ; pronotum as long as the metanotum, and a little longer than the meso- notum with the scutellum. Male. Length, 6 mm. Pretoria. December. Palpi long and black ; the fore coxae are thicker and longer than the others ; apex of metanotum broadly rounded ; the first recurrent nervure is received close to the base, the second at double the distance from the apex. 130 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. SPHEGIDAE. Astata Latr. Astata albopilosella, sp. n. Black ; the first abdominal segment, except the basal slope, the second and third segments, red ; the apices of the others piceous ; the wings hyaline ; the stigma and the nervures beyond its base pallid testa- ceous ; the head, thorax, and base of abdomen densely covered with white pubescence ; the ventral surface of abdomen, the apices of dorsal segments, and the legs, more sparsely haired ; the hind tibiae and tarsi covered, but not thickly, with stiff black spines ; metanotum closely reticulated, the basal striae roundly curved ; the apical slope is more finely reticulated ; mesonotum and apical half of scutellum closely punctured ; the base of scutellum smooth and shining ; front closely punctured, a wide furrow, with obliquely sloped sides, down its centre ; the clypeus is more shining and closely punctured. Male. Length, 11 mm. Tachytes Panz. Tachytes cirgenteovestita, sp. n. Black ; densely covered with silvery white hair, the pygidial area with depressed golden pile ; the palpi and calcaria rufo-testaceous ; the tibial and tarsal spines of a paler rufous colour ; wings hyaline ; the stigma and nervures testaceous ; the radius thickened at the base, not much shorter than the second and third united ; the second one- third of the length of the third ; clypeus closely, distinctly punctured, the apical half more strongly than the basal ; mesonotum alutaceous, the scutellum closely, distinctly punctured. Female. Length, 14 mm. Pietersburg. December. The eyes converge above, separated there by the length of the basal two joints of the flagellum united. The silvery pile forms distinct bands on the apices of the abdominal segments. The middle of the clypeus is almost transverse ; there is no distinct puncturation on the front and vertex ; the first joint of the fore tarsi has six, the second and third two, the fourth one spine ; there is no clear appendicular cellule in the fore wings. Notogonia Costa. Notogonia aterrima Sm. Larrada aterrima Smith. — Cat. Hym. Ins., IV, 282, 27. Pietersburg. December. A distinct species. Characteristic is the clearly defined furrow down the basal half of the mesonotum. The wings have the apex clouded ; the first abscissa of the radius is nearly as long as the second and third united ; Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 131 the second about half the length of the third ; the radial cellule short and wide, extending to the apex of the cubitus ; the apical abscissa of the radius larger than usual, straight ; the appendicular cellule longer than usual ; there is a distinct, clearly defined furrow down the lower half of the front ; the first transverse cubital nervure is broadly, roundly curved. Notogonia transvaalensis , sp. n. Black ; densely covered with silvery pubescence, dense on the face, clypeus, and orbits ; wings hyaline, tinged with violaceous ; the apex with a fuscous margin ; the nervures black ; the second abscissa of the radius about one quarter shorter than the third ; the apex of radius straight, obliquely sloped ; the two recurrent nervures almost united at the cubitus, received at the apex of the basal third ; the lower part of the first transverse cubital nervure is straight, obliquely sloped ; the upper (and longer) is more sharply oblique, and slightly, broadly rounded ; mesonotum and scutellum finely, minutely punctured ; the metanotum with a fine keel down the basal half, the keel becoming finer towards the apex ; it is obscurely, finely, transversely striated, the striae stronger and more widely separated on the sides of the apical half ; the apical slope is more distinctly striated, the striae clearly separated and stronger on the sides; there is a closely striated belt on the centre of the basal half of the metapleurae, the striae longer on the middle ; pygidium covered with silvery pubescence, closely, rather strongly striated, the lateral striae curved. Female. Length, 12 mm. Rietfontein No. 24, Pretoria District. January. Tibial and tarsal spines stout, black ; the apex of the hind tibiae and the base of the outer hinder spur covered with pale golden pile. Notogonia brevicarinata , sp. n. Black ; covered with silvery pile ; the wings hyaline, distinctly tinged with violaceous ; the apical margin in both wings clouded ; the basal abscissa of the radius about one quarter shorter than the following two united ; the second half the length of the third ; the second recurrent nervure is received near the apex of the basal third ; the two recurrent nervures are separated by slightly more than half of the second abscissa of the radius ; the fore half of the first transverse cubital nervure is more obliquely bent than the posterior, and is slightly, roundly curved. On the centre of the basal fourth of the metanotum is a stout longitudinal keel, bordered by fine striae ; the apical slope bears fine, widely separated striae ; the lower apical part of the metapleurae irregularly, obliquely striated ; the third and fourth joints of the antennae are equal in length ; Jthe eyes at the top are separated by the length of the third and half the length of the second antennal joints united ; apex of clypeus broadly rounded ; the vertical and longitudinal furrows on the mesopleurae smooth ; pygidium twice longer than it is wide at the base. Female. Length, 12 mm. Pretoria. June. 132 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, Notogonia pretoriaensis, sp. n. Black ; covered with silvery pile, which forms broad bands on the apices of the abdominal segments ; wings hyaline, distinctly tinged with violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black ; the first abscissa of the radius as long as the following two united ; the second fully half the length of the third ; the two recurrent nervures are almost united, and are received very shortly beyond the apex of the basal third ; the first transverse cubital nervure is obliquely sloped, the anterior half slightly rounded, the posterior straight ; it is bullated near the radius and below the middle ; the base of the metanotum is weakly, the sides towards the apical slope more strongly striated ; there is a longitudinal keel down the centre of the basal half ; the apical slope is more strongly and regularly striated ; the metapleurae not striated ; the calcaria, tibial, and tarsal spines black ; the claws without a tooth. Female. Length, 14 mm. Pretoria. May. Base of mandibles densely covered with depressed white pile ; palpi black, covered with white pile ; the second and third joints united are as long as the scape ; the third is a little longer than the fourth ; the eyes at the top are separated by the length of the third antennal joint ; the furrow down the base of the mesopleurae is distinct and closely crenulated ; the longitudinal furrow is distinct and smooth ; apex of clypeus broadly rounded, depressed in the middle ; the wings are uniformly coloured ; the radial cellule moderately long and wide. Lmis Fab. Liris nigropilosellus, sp. n. Black ; densely covered with black pubescence, which is longer and denser on the metathorax ; wings uniformly fuscous-violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black ; palpi black ; the apices of the joints testa- ceous ; mesonotum and scutellum closely, distinctly punctured, the punctures distinct and clearly separated ; the punctures on the scutellum more widely separated than they are on the mesonotum ; the metanotum is more closely, regularly, and strongly punctured, as are also the pleurae ; the abdomen is finely and closely punctured ; the pile on the pygidium is black ; eyes distinctly converging above, separated there by less than the length of the second and third antennal j oints united ; the first abscissa of the radius as long as the third ; the second as long as the space bounded by the recurrent nervures, which is as long as the space bounded by the first transverse cubital and the first recurrent nervures ; the second recur- rent nervure is received shortly beyond the middle ; the first transverse cubital nervure is broadly, roundly curved behind ; the second at its junction with the cubitus is straight, forming an angle with the much larger anterior part ; tibial and tarsal spines black. Male. Length, 19 mm. Bietfontein, November. Annals op the Transvaal Museum:. 133 Liris haemorrhoidalis F. Kohl, Verh., z-b., Ges. Wien., XXXIV, 256 ; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 209 ; Stadelmann, D. Hymen. Ost. Afr., 44. Kranspoort. December. Ammophila Kirby. Ammophila ludovicus Sm. Cat. Hym. Ins., Brit. Mus., IV., 212, 29 ; Kohl, Ann. Hof. Mns. Wien., IX, 251, 260, pi. IX, f. 44, 65, and 66 ; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), X, 218. • Kranspoort. December. One example of this well-marked large species. Ammophila ferrugineipes Lep. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., iii, 383 ; Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., IV, 212 ; Gribodo, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, XXI, 297 ; Gerstaker, Peter’s Reise, 481 ; Stadelmann, Die Hym. Ost. Afr., 45 ; Cameron, Sjostedts, Zool. Exp. d. Kilimand. ii. Meru., Hym., 268 ; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 218. Waterval No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. December. Ammophila pulchricollis, sp. n. Black, densely covered with silvery pile ; the antennal scape, the second joint, clypeus, mandibles to near the teeth, malar space, pronotum, except for a narrow line behind the middle, propleurae, tubercles, and tegulae, red ; the legs and the basal three segments of the abdomen of a more ferruginous red ; the hind coxae, except above, narrowly at the apex ; their sides, except for a triangular space at the base and the apex narrowly ; a broad line on the hind femora, commencing near the base, where it extends all round, and extending above to the base of the apical fourth, black ; the hind tarsi of a darker red colour ; the base of the second abdominal segment and its apex more broadly, the fourth and following segments, except narrowly at the apex, and the fourth to sixth ventral, black ; wings hyaline, slightly tinged with fulvous ; the nervures black ; the second abscissa of the radius as long as the first and twice the length of the third ; the third transverse cubital nervure broadly, roundly curved in a semicircle ; the second is slightly, roundly curved, and slopes a little from the front ; the first is obliquely sloped and broadly, roundly curved ; the first recurrent nervure is received shortly before the middle ; the second at the base of the apical fourth; mesonotum irregularly, trans- versely striated, the scutellum more finely and closely longitudinally striated ; the metanotum irregularly, weakly striated laterally. Male. Length, 22 mm. Masemola. Eyes slightly converging above; apex of clypeus broadly rounded, depressed, almost furrowed ; the clypeus is short and broad ; pronotum as long as the mesonotum ; the basal third narrowed. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 134 Ammophila transvaalensis, sp. n. Black ; the head and thorax densely covered with silvery pubescence and hair ; the antennal scape, mandibles except the teeth, prothorax except at the base narrowly, tubercles, tegulae, and the legs, red ; the anterior femora at the base behind, and the middle coxae, trochanters, femora, tibiae, and the hind legs behind, black ; wings hyaline, distinctly tinged with violaceous ; the nervures black ; the first abscissa as long as the second, the third one-quarter of their length ; the third transverse cubital nervure being obliquely curved from below the middle towards the top of the second ; the first recurrent nervure received near the apex of the basal third ; the second received half the distance from the second ; mesonotum obscurely, transversely striated ; the scutellum longitudinally, finely rugose, a distinct smooth furrow down its centre, the base of the furrow rounded, the apex acute ; post-scutellum rugosely punctured ; metanotum transversely, irregularly striated laterally ; the centre more finely reticu- lated ; there is no distinct central area ; pleurae closely, not very strongly, punctured, the puncturation hid by the dense white pubescence ; they are more densely pilose than the upper parts of the thorax. Male. Length, 24 mm. Eyes slightly converging below ; clypeus longer than wide, its apex slightly, widely incised, or at least not transverse ; there is a smooth tubercle in its centre ; third antennal joint about one-fourth shorter than the fourth and fifth united ; tarsal spines strong. Allied to A. ferrugineipes Lep. ; that species may be known from it by the basal five or six joints of the flagellum being red, by the clypeus being red, by the third transverse cubital nervure being more gradually rounded to the bottom, by the basal abscissa of the radius being about one-fourth longer than the second, and the hind tibiae and tarsi are red, not black, nor is there a distinct smooth furrow down the centre of the scutellum. Ammophila maculifrons, sp. n. Black ; the head red, except for a large mark on the front, wider than long, not extending to the lower edge, nor to the eyes, and above extending shortly behind and enclosing the ocelli ; below a line runs down the middle to the antennae ; the basal four joints of the antennae, the fifth except above, the raised apical part of the prothorax, tegulae, and tubercles, red ; the apical four segments of the abdomen blue ; the legs red ; the coxae, trochanters, and femora above, black ; the hinder femora more broadly and longly above, and also broadly below, black ; wings hyaline, the apex tinged with fuscous, the rest more slightly tinged with violaceous ; the nervures black ; the basal three abscissae of the radius of equal length ; the basal two transverse cubital nervures straight, oblique, converging in front ; the third converging in front from below the middle, the rest rounded ; the first recurrent nervure received near the apex of the basal fourth of the cellule, the second at half the distance from the apex ; pro- and mesonotum transversely striated, the metanotum closely reticulated in the middle, and closely, transversely striated ; pleurae obscurely punctured, the lower half obscurely, obliquely Antals of the Transvaal Museum. 135 striated ; apex of clypeus bluntly rounded, the middle almost transverse ; hinder ocelli separated from each other by almost half the distance they are from the eyes. M°le. Length, 18 mm. Berea Park. December. The third antennal joint almost as long as the following two united ; the metanotal area becomes gradually roundly narrowed to a sharp point from the spiracles. Ammophila caeruleornata, sp. n. Black ; the third and following segments of the abdomen blue ; the mandibles, except the teeth, the propleurae, the sides of the pronotum, the mark narrower than the central black part, and the tegulae, red ; the legs, with the coxae, four anterior trochanters, femora, and tibiae, of a darker red ; wings hyaline, tinged with violaceous ; the costa and nervures testaceous ; the basal two abscissae of the radius equal in length, the third very slightly longer ; the basal two transverse cubital nervures straight, oblique, converging in front, the third broadly, roundly curved ; the first recurrent nervure received at the apex of the basal fourth, the second nearer the apex of the cellule. Male. Length, 16 mm. Berea Park. December. The silvery pubescence dense ; the hair on the front, vertex, outer orbits, and pleurae long and dense ; eyes distinctly converging below ; the hind ocelli separated from the eyes by a distinctly greater distance than they are from each other; pro-, meso-, and metanotum somewhat strongly, transversely striated, the mesonotum not quite so strongly as the rest ; the scutellum more strongly and not quite so closely longitu- dinally striated ; the post-scutellum finely rugose, irregularly, longitu- dinally striated. Ammophila dolichocephala, sp. n. Black, densely covered with a silvery pile ; the under side of antennal scape, mandibles to the teeth, pronotum, and tegulae, red ; the first abdominal segment, the sides, ventral segment, and apex narrowly of the second, the third, the sides of the fourth and following segments and the ventral surface, the legs except the coxae, trochanters, and the femora to near the apex, of a more ferruginous red ; the apical three joints of the four anterior tarsi and the hinder, except the basal joint and the base of the second, black ; wings hyaline, slightly tinged with violaceous and fulvous ; the stigma and nervures black ; the first abscissa of the radius slightly longer than the second, which is four times longer than the third ; the first recurrent nervure is received at the apex of the basal fourth, the second nearer the apex than it ; the second transverse cubital nervure is straight ; the third roundly obliquely turned towards its fore part ; pro- notum smooth, a little longer than it is wide at the apex ; the narrowed basal part two-thirds of the length of the apical ; metanotum irregularly, not very strongly punctured ; a smooth space on either side of the apex ; the sides from the tegulae irregularly, transversely striated ; there is a narrow but distinct furrow down the centre, from the base to shortly beyond the 136 Annals os’ the Transvaal Museum. middle ; scutellum closely, finely, longitudinally striated, the base in the centre smooth and shining ; there is a smooth furrow down the middle, not extending to the base and apex ; post-scutellum stoutly striated ; pleurae sparsely punctured, the puncturation hid by the dense white pile. Male. Length, 24 mm. Pretoria. January. Eyes converging below ; there is no malar space ; clypeus distinctly longer than wide ; the part below the eyes longer than the part above their bottom ; the apex narrowed, depressed, and with a shallow incision at the end ; in the centre is a longitudinal keel, commencing shortly above the middle and reaching to near the top of the apical fourth ; the third antennal joint is fully one-fourth longer than the fourth, slightly shorter than the following two united ; there is no blue tint on the apical abdom- inal segments. Allied to A. nasuta Lep., from Oran., it having the longish clypeus of that species. Ammophila (Psammophila) tydei Guil. Le Guillon, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., X, 319 ; Kohl, Ann. Hof. Mus., XXI, 284 ; Cameron, Sjostedts, Zool. Exped. n. d. Kilimand. u. Meru., Hym., 268. Ammophila argentata Lep. — Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., iii, 368 ; Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur., iii, 85. Psammophila madeirae Dahlb. — Hym. Eur., i, 21 and 432. Ammophila capensis Lep. — Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., iii, 368. Ammophila Jclugii. — Andre, l.c. 85. Middelburg Town. December. Pietersburg. December. SCELIPHRON KlUG (PELOPOEUS AUCT.). Sceliphron spirifex Lin l Pelopoeus spirifex Smith. — Cat. Hym. Ins., IV, 227 ; Gribodo, Ann. d. Mus. Civic, di Genova, xvi, 224, 1 ; l.c . (2) i, 298 ; R. Accd. d. Scien. di Bologna, 1894, 136 ; Magretti, Ann. d. Mus. Civ. di Storia Nat. di Genova, i, 577. Sceliphron spirifex Bingham. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 217 ; Kohl, Denk. d. Mathe.-Natur. Klasse Kais. Akad. d. Wissen, 1906, 21. Sceliphron aegyptium Kirby. — Forbes Natur. Hist, of Sokotra and Abd- el-Kuri, 240. I have seen an example of this from the Transvaal. Sceliphron spinolae Lep. Pelopoeus spinolae Lep. — Hist. Nat. Ins. Hym., iii, 307 ; Gribodo, Ann. Mus. Civ. St. Nat. Genova, (2), i, 299. Pelopoelus spinolae , var. rufo-pictus Magretti. — Ann. Mus. Civ. St. Nat., Genova, (2a), i, 57. Sceliphron ■ spinolae Bingham. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 217. Lemana. October. Water va\ No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. January. Annals of the Teansvaal Museum. 137 This is probably a variable species in size and coloration ; the blue or violaceous tints vary in intensity ; the alar nervures may be black or testaceous ; only the basal (scape) joint of the antennae may be rufo- testaceous, or the basal six or seven may be so coloured. Saint Fargean calls the coloration of the basal antennal joints “ luteous ” ; in my examples they are distinctly rufo- testaceous ; the amount of the rufous coloration on the clypeus and mandibles varies, and it may be suffused with black. In one male the fore tarsi are luteous, with the base of the first joint black ; Magretti’s var. rufo-pictus has the oral region and the thorax red. Sceliphron chalybeum Smith. Cat. Hym. Ins., IV, 229 (Pelopoeus). Sceliphron laevigatum Kohl. — Denk. d. Math.-Natur. Klasse, Kais. Akad. d. Wissen., 1906, 21 ; Verh., z-b., ges. Wien, XXXVIII, 155 (Pole- poem). The antennal joints two to five may be red, or the first three only ; the mandibles are usually entirely red ; the blue body colour may be variegated with violet or green. Sphex L. Kohl. Sphex luteipennis Mosc. Moscary, Magy. Akad. Term. Ertek., xiii, 1, 33 ; Kohl, Ann. K. K« Hof. Mus., V, 225. Sphex rufipennis. — Andre, Spec. Hym. iii, 151. Pretoria. Sphex pelopiiformis Dbm. Kohl, Ann. K. K. Hof. Mus., V, 372 ; Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. Brit. Mus., IV, 245; Bingham, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 216; Cam., Sjostedts. Sphex longiventris Saus. — Reise Novara, ii, Hym., 37, pi. ii, 21 ; Gribodo, Ann. Mus. Civ., Genova, XXI, 300. Pretoria. Sphex levilabris , sp. n. Black ; the antennae reddish-brown below ; the four front tibiae tinged with brown ; the abdomen above distinctly tinged with blue- violaceous ; wings fuscous- violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black ; the second abscissa of the radius a little shorter than the first, and half the length of the third ; the second cubital cellule small, along the radius hardly half the length it is along the cubitus ; the first recurrent nervure received shortly before the middle, the second almost interstitial, received very shortly beyond the transverse cubital ; clypeus short, half longer than it is wide, about half the length of the labrum ; its apex transverse, depressed ; labrum smooth, shining, bare ; the apex of clypeus fringed with long hair ; apex of pronotum with a distinct rounded incision in the middle ; metanotum finely, closely striated, more strongly on the outer edge than on the centre ; the upper part of the metapleurae strongly, obliquely striated; abdominal petiole twice longer than wide. Female. 5 138 Annals of the T^nsvaal Museuit. Length, 23 mm. Kranspoort. 'December. Third antennal joint not quite twice the length of the fourth ; tarsal and tibial spines strong, brownish ; claws unidentate ; the mesopleurae are obscurely, obliquely striated below the furrow ; the lower basal part of the metapleurae finely, closely, obliquely striated ; the metapleurae are tinged with greenish-blue. Sphex (Parasphex) albisectus Lep. Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. Brit. Mus., IV, 267 ; Kohl, Ann. Hof. Mus. Wien., V, 1890, 334 . Kranspoort. November. Taken also at Dunbrody by the Rev. J. A. O’Neil. Sphex ( Parasphex ) trichionotus, sp. n. Black ; the head and thorax densely covered with long grey pubes- cence ; the third and following segments of the abdomen with a white pile; the seven basal joints of the antennae, the mandibles, except the teeth, the tegulae, the dilated apex of the first, the basal three-fourths of the second abdominal segment, and the legs, except the coxae, the hind trochanters above, and the upper half of the sides, the hind femora above and the sides to shortly below the middle, red ; the apex of the sixth and the seventh abdominal segment of a duller red colour ; wings hyaline, the basal half tinged with fulvous, the middle with violaceous, the apex from the end of the radial cellule clouded with fuscous violaceous ; the costa and the basal nervures rufo-testaceous ; the apical black ; the second cubital cellule in front one-fourth of the length of the posterior part ; the second abscissa of the radius two-thirds longer than the third ; the first transverse cubital nervure obliquely sloped, the posterior half rounded ; the anterior straight and more sharply oblique ; the recurrent nervures are received about the same distance from the transverse cubital. Male. Length, 19 mm. Pietersburg. January. The apex of the clypeus is red, and has a semicircular incision in the middle, with a couple of small depressions on either side ; eyes slightly converging below ; mandibles broadly bidentate ; scutellum flat, its centre impunctate ; metanotum closely, transversely striated ; in addition to the white hair, the head and thorax are covered with a silvery pile ; abdominal petiole as long as the hind femora ; the apices of the second to sixth segments are narrowly banded with obscure white ; the apical ventral segment is gradually narrowed from the base to the apex, which is bluntly rounded. This is a larger and stouter species than S. albisectus Lep. It is easily separated from it by the antennae, legs, and apex of abdomen being red, by the incised apex of clypeus, by the second abscissa of the cubitus being almost of the length of the third, while in albisectus it is only half the length, and the basal half of the wings is tinged with fulvous ; in albisectus hyaline like the apex, the nervures and stigma being black throughout in the latter. Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. 139 Sphex (Harpactopus) tyr annus Smith. Cat. Hym. Ins., Brit. Mus., IY, 264 ; Kohl, Ann. Hof. Mus., Wien., V, 349 ; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 216. Neighbourhood of Pretoria. February. Westfalia. December. Zoutpansberg District Sphex umbrosus Chr. Kohl, Ann. Naturh. Hof. Mus., Wien., V, 406 ; Denkschr. d. Mathe.-Naturwiss. Klasse d. Kaiser. Akad. d. Wissen, 1906, 31 ; Bingham, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 216. Sphex taschenbergi Magretti. — Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat., Genova, (2) 1, VI. Sphex metallica Taschenberg. — Zeits. f. d. g. Naturwiss. Halle, XXXIV, 414. Sphex erebus Kirby. — Bull. Liver. Mus. iii, 15, 5 ; Forbes, Nat. Hist, of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri, 240, 12, pi. XV, f. 2. Kranspoort. December. Both the forms metallica and taschenbergi occur in Cape Colony. Mr. Krauze’s example is the var. metallica — erebus. Sphex (Isodonta) jansei, sp. n. Black ; the head, thorax, and base of legs densely covered with longish pale-grey pubescence ; the abdomen with a grey pile ; mandibles, except the teeth, the apex of clypeus, the centre broadly (the red colour extending near to the middle in the centre), the sides narrowly, antennal scape, tegulae, and the legs, except the coxae, greater part of the trochanters, a streak on the basal outer half of the fore femora, the basal three-fourths of the middle behind, and the hinder with more than three-fourths, black ; wings hyaline ; the apex infuscated in front from the end of the radial cellule to the lower part of the third transverse cubital nervure, and the second transverse basal ; the hind wings have the apex slightly infus- cated ; the second transverse cubital cellule large, of equal width, the two transverse cubital nervures straight, oblique, parallel, the third roundly, broadly curved from the top ; the third abscissa of the radius as long as the first, about one-fourth as long as the second, less than the space bounded by the first recurrent and the second transverse cubital ; the first recurrent nervure received near the apical fourth, the second at the apex of the basal third, i.e., at a distinctly greater distance than is the second ; abdominal petiole fully four times longer than wide, about one-fourth longer than the hind coxae. Male. Length, 23 mm. Pretoria. February. Eyes slightly, but distinctly converging below ; clypeus clearly longer than wide, its apex transverse ; hinder ocelli separated from each other by a greater distance than they are from the eyes ; puncturation on the head and thorax sparse, minute ; the metanotum finely, weakly, trans- versely striated ; tibial and tarsal spines rufous ; apical abdominal seg- ment bluntly rounded above and below ; the penultimate transverse. Of the African species known to me the present comes nearest to L meruensis Cam., which may be known from it by the wings, costa, and 140 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. basal alar nervures being fulvous, the scuteliums rufous, as are also the basal six joints of the antennae ; the second cubital cellule is longer along the radius and cubitus than along the transverse cubitals, the third abscissa of the radius distinctly longer than the first, and about one-third of the length of the second, and the pleurae and the ventral surface of the abdomen are largely rufous. Sphex (I sodonta) transvaalensis , sp. n. Black ; the head, thorax, base of abdomen and of the legs densely covered with black hair ; the clypeus with a silvery pile ; wings fuscous- violaceous ; the nervures black ; the second cubital cellule large, oblique, of almost equal width ; the first and second transverse cubital nervures oblique, the first slightly curved below the middle, the anterior part straight ; the second straight, oblique ; the first recurrent nervure received near the apex of the cellule, the second near the apex of the basal third ; the second recurrent nervure is broadly curved outwardly with a short straight branch at its junction with the cubitus ; claws stoutly bidentate at the base ; the last ventral and dorsal segment broadly rounded, the latter with a fine keel down the middle at the apex ; the penultimate ventral segment with a large triangular incision extending to its base ; scutellum smooth in the centre, where there is a distinct shallow furrow ; metanotum alutaceous, the apical slope more strongly than the rest. Male. Length, 17 mm. V. d. Merwe. December. Mandibles bidentate, reddish to the teeth ; clypeus with the centre margined and transverse at the apex, the sides broadly rounded ; it is slightly longer than it is wide at the apex, the top is obscurely keeled in the middle ; eyes distinctly converging above ; ocelli separated from each other by a less distance than they are from the eyes ; a fine furrow leads down to them, and there is an oblique one running to the outer ; the centre of the inner orbits is bordered with silvery pubescence ; abdom- inal petiole three times longer than wide. Ampulex Jurine. Ampulex jansei, sp. n. Blue ; the head, pleurae, scutellum, apical segments of abdomen and legs, black, as are also the antennae ; the underside of antennal scape, apex of clypeal keel, and the mandibles, rufo-testaceous ; wings hyaline ; the nervures black ; a longish triangular cloud at the transverse median nervure, a shorter squarish one at the top of transverse basal touching the costa, one filling the basal third of the radial cellule, except in front, one in the apex of the first cubital cellule touching the transverse cubital nervure and filling the anterior three-fourths, the second cubital cellule entirely, this cloud extending into the discoidal, where it is twice its size ; the second cubital cellule is about one-fourth longer along the cubitus than along the radius ; apex of cubital cellule rounded ; the first recurrent nervure is received nearer the first transverse cubital than is the second from the second. Female. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 141 Length, 17 mm. Petersburg. November. A stout keel runs from near the centre of the front to the inner side of the antennae. There is a triangular and a shorter rounded tooth on either side of the centre of the clypeus ; the third joint of the antennae is almost as long as the following two united ; pronotum longer than it is wide at the apex, which becomes gradually raised in the middle into a bluntly rounded point ; the sides are bluntly margined ; the central keel on the metanotum runs to the base of the apical fourth ; the second con- verges roundly towards the apex ; the third and fourth are united at the base ; there is an irregular reticulated part at the apex of the first keel ; the rest of the metanotum is closely, transversely striated ; the apical slope is irregularly reticulated, the sides at the top projecting into stout, triangular teeth ; the upper part of the metapleurae is stoutly, irregularly, obliquely reticulated, the reticulated band gradually widened towards the apex ; the rest is smooth ; the first abdominal segment has a distinct, twice wider than long, petiole ; the second is of the same width at the base as it is at the apex, and has the sides rounded ; claws dilated to shortly beyond the middle, the apex narrowed, curved ; tarsi closely, strongly spinose ; spurs dark- testaceous ; on the depressed base of the pronotum are two stout, rounded keels ; the silvery pubescence is dense on apex of pronotum, post-scutellum, apex of mesopleurae and of metapleurae, and the apical abdominal segments ; the hair on the head, thorax, and legs is long and white. Allied to A. nebutosa Sm. Dolichurus Latr. Dolichurus denticollis , sp. n. Black ; the apex and centre of clypeus, mandibles, the antennae and tarsi, rufo-testaceous ; the apical joints of the antennae darker-coloured than the others ; wings hyaline ; the nervures and stigma black ; a fuscous cloud behind the submedian nervure, and a narrower one, narrowed in front, behind the posterior part of the transverse basal, one filling the radial cellule, one, obliquely narrowed behind, beyond the middle of the first cubital cellule, one almost filling the second, and a semicircular one in front of the second recurrent along its anterior three-fourths ; tegulae fuscous ; the head, thorax, and legs covered with white down. Female. Length, 6 mm. Head opaque, finely, closely punctured, the inner orbits with a narrow, irregularly stiiated band ; hind ocelli separated from each other by half the distance they are from the eyes ; pronotum alutaceous, the depressed sides thickly covered with depressed silvery pubescence ; the centre from the teeth furrowed, and bearing large, round, clearly separated punctures ; the apex transverse, furrowed ; the centre of mesonotum with a large, strongly punctured band, nearer the base than the apex ; the furrows are complete ; metanotum irregularly, transversely striated, with a central and three lateral longitudinal keels ; the central straight, the 142 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. second converging towards its middle, the outer two more irregular ; pro- and mesopleurae opaque, alutaceous, densely covered with white pubescence ; the metapleurae smooth, shining, bare, with a stout oblique keel above the middle on the basal half ; metanotal spines almost as long as they are wide at the base ; abdominal petiole almost twice longer than wide. Helioryctes Smith. Helioryctes quadridentatus, sp. n. Black ; the abdomen and the legs, except the coxae and trochanters, rufo- testaceous ; the palpi dark- testaceous ; the wings dark fuscous- violaceous ; the nervures and stigma black ; the clypeus with two short stumpy teeth on either side of the middle ; the coxal spine three-fourths of the length of the coxa, curved, narrowed towards the apex, which is testaceous ; the tibiae with three rows of spines, the central row being the longer ; the basal fourth bears no spines ; the tarsi thickly, stoutly spinose, the four anterior more thickly than the posterior ; the long spur of the hind tibiae extends shortly beyond the middle of the metatarsus the anterior tibiae with the spines shorter and sparser than on the others ; outer orbits, lower part of front and clypeus densely covered with silvery pubescence ; head and pro- and mesothorax closely, somewhat strongly punctured, the propleurae more weakly, the mesopleurae more strongly than the mesonotum, the latter with a deep, curved, crenulated furrow down the apex of the basal fourth ; there is a crenulated furrow between the scutellum and post-scutellum ; the depressions bordering the latter irregularly striated ; the large semicircular area on the base of metanotum has a longitudinally striated band on the base ; the rest is rather stoutly irregularly reticulated ; the outer side is more widely, longitudinally striated, the outer keel ending in a short tooth ; the apical slope is irregu- larly, transversely striated, the striae stronger on the outer edge; meta- pleurae rather strongly, closely, obliquely striated, the striae more widely separated above than below ; the abdomen becomes gradually narrowed towards the apex ; the basal two segments are weakly, the others more strongly punctured, the last more strongly than the penultimate, and with the sides keeled ; ocelli in a triangle, the hinder separated from each other by a slightly greater distance than they are from the eyes, to which they are united by a narrow, oblique furrow ; a smooth line runs down from them to the antennae. Female. Length, 15 mm. The first transverse cubital nervure is, below the pedicle, roundly curved backwards, the second is longer and obliquely sloped ; the third is less roundly, obliquely sloped ; mandibles closely, irregularly, obliquely striated. The generic description given by Smith is defective, in as much as he has omitted to state that there is a spine on the hind coxae. The genus is not mentioned by Kohl in his generic revision of the Fossores, beyond copying Smith’s .description (Ann. K. K. Hof. Mus., XI, 387). Bingham, in his description of the Indian species (Fauna of Brit. India, Hymen, i, Annals of the Transvaal Museum 143 271) states that Smith’s West African H. melanopyrus has a long coxal spine. He also states that in the British Museum there is another species which stands in the collection under the name of Paranysson abdominale Guer., the description of which is very slight. In the Indian species ( H . assimilis Bing.) the coxal spines are mere tubercles. There is no mention made by Smith of the four clypeal teeth found in my species, nor by Bingham in his Indian one. Gorytes Latr. Gorytes transvaalensis, sp. n. Black ; covered with a white primrose pile ; the antennal scape’ and the basal three or four joints of the antennae except on the top, the apex of the clvpeus, the sides more broadly than the centre, the basal half of the mandibles, almost the lower third of the inner orbits broadly, a line, widened laterally, on the apex of the pronotum, tubercles, tegulae, apical third of the scutellum, a narrow line dowm the apex of the pro- pleurae, a band, triangularly widened backwards to near the base on the apex of the first abdominal segment, a narrower one, slightly dilated laterally on the second, a still narrower one, not dilated, on the third, almost the apical half of the fourth, the whole of the fifth and sixth and the sixth ventral, an irregular spot on the mesopleurae close to the tuber- cles, the legs, except the femora above, the hind tibiae and the basal joint of the hind tarsi, rufo-testaceous ; wings hyaline, the radial cellule, except narrowly at the base, the second cubital cellule except narrowly behind, and the anterior fourth of the third, fuscous-violaceous ; the stigma testa- ceous; the transverse anal nervure in the hind wing interstitial. Female. Length, 6 mm. V. d. Merwe. December. Vertex from the posterior ocelli and the front bearing fine, but distinct punctures, which are larger and more numerous on the front than on the vertex ; eyes slightly converging above, the hinder separated from each other by a little greater distance than they are from the eyes ; mesonotum distinctly, but not very closely punctured ; scutellum with a few weak punctures in the centre ; metanotal area clearly defined and bearing about thirteen keels, the lateral and central reaching to the apex, the others to shortly beyond the middle ; the rest of the metanotum is punctured like the mesonotum, as is also the mesopleurae ; the propleural furrow is striated closely on lower half ; there is a curved punctured band on the base of the metapleurae, the rest bears fine, scattered punctures ; pygidial area smooth at the base, the centre somewhat strongly punctured, the apex more or less irregularly striated ; the dorsal segments of the abdomen are weakly, sparsely punctured ; the second ventral strongly punctured, the others more weakly punctured, except at the base ; there are four long spines on the basal joint of the fore tarsi, and one on the second and third ; the hind tibiae and tarsi are sparsely covered with whitish yellow spines ; apex of clypeus sinuated, depressed, clearly separated ; third autennal joint not quite double the length of the fourth- 144 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Stizus erythraspis, sp. n. Black ; the greater part of the head, of the pro thorax, scutellums, the apices of the third and following dorsal segments of the abdomen, a line down the middle of the fourth and following the greater part of the ventral surface, the antennae and legs, ferruginous ; the antennal scape, face, clypeus, except a ferruginous large mark on the top, roundly narrowed in the middle, labrum, mandibles, except the apex, a line on the apex of the pronotum, an oblique line, narrowed inwardly, in the centre of the first abdominal segment, on the outer third, and larger, wider spots, of almost equal width and rounded on the inner side in the centre of the second, third, fourth, and fifth, and similar spots on the sides of the third and fourth ventral segments, yellow ; head, thorax, and base of abdomen densely covered with longish white pubescence, the rest of abdomen with the pubescence shorter and sparser ; wings hyaline, largely tinged with fulvous, especially in front ; the first transverse cubital nervures straight, oblique, the second and third oblique, roundly curved ; the first recurrent nervure is received shortly before the middle ; the second is broadly, roundly curved outwardly on the front half, and is received close to the apex of the cellule ; the median cellule in hind wings emits two nervures. Female. Length, 22 mm. Waterval No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. November. Head distinctly narrower than the thorax ; clypeus wider than long, but not double ; eyes slightly converging below ; labrum wider than long, raised in the centre ; malar space very short ; the sides of the meso- notum, the top of mesopleurae narrowly, and the tubercles, are ferruginous ; tibiae and tarsi strongly spinose ; hinder ocelli separated from each other by double the distance they are from the eyes ; tegulae ferruginous in front, yellow behind ; mesonotum and scutellum finely and closely punctured ; the lower part of the occiput is black, the line widened in the middle. This species comes close in some respects to S. dewitzii Handl., a Cape species, but is larger ; the two may be separated thus : Antennae broadly black in the middle, head and prothorax for the greater part black? the scutellums and legs at the base black, the wings tinged with fuscous, the nervures black. Dewitzii , Hand. Antennae, head, and scutellums ferruginous, the legs not black at the base, the wings hyaline, tinged with fulvous, the nervures fulvous. Erythraspis. Bembex Oliv. Bernbex olivata Dbm. Handlirsch, Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien., cii (1893), 812, pi. ii, f. 17, pi. v, f. 23 ; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, X, 1902, 211. Olifants Biver. Bembex capensis Lep. Handlirsch, l.c. supra , 853, 94, T. iii, f. 4, 26. Olifants River. Bembex testaceicaudo,, sp. n. Black ; the head, thorax, and base of abdomen densely covered with longish white pubescence, the hair on the front and vertex whiter, more Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 145 silver in colour than the rest ; basal three-fourths of the mandibles, labrum, clypeus, a line on the lower inner orbits extending above to the ocelli, the line roundly incised in the middle and obliquely narrowed above, two small transverse lines of equal width below the ocelli, a line on the outer orbits, the upper half obliquely narrowed, the prothorax, except for an interrupted line on the pronotum and two or three small spots on the propleurae, a line along the sides of the mesopleurae, a narrower interrupted one on the sides and apex of the scutellum, a large irregular line on the middle of the mesopleurae, narrowed above, becoming gradually widened below at the base and apex, the basal projection longer than the apical, which is roundly incised above, the whole lower part being roundly, broadly incised ; the metapleurae yellow, with a large oblique mark on the basal half ; the lower part narrowed and roundly curved ; the yellow on the pleurae is tinged with rufous ; abdomen with pale olive-yellow bands on the apical half of the segments ; the last segment is entirely rufous ; the basal black bands on the second and third segments are dilated semi- circularly on either side of the middle ; the apical bands are dilated at the base in the centre, those on the third and fourth longer and more sharply so ; ventral surface black ; the first segment with a broad trans- verse yellow band on the outer edge, the second to fifth with smaller triangular ones, also on the outer side ; the last with the apical half rufous ; legs yellow ; the tibiae and tarsi tinged with rufous ; the coxae and trochanters more or less black behind, the fore knees slightly, the four hinder more distinctly, a line on centre of the fore femora behind on the lower part, a short one on its base, and a broader line on the posterior femora above, and the pulvillus, black ; antennal scape pale-yellow ; the flagellum rufous, black above ; wings clear hyaline ; the nervures black ; the centre of the clypeus is rufous, with two irregularly pyriform black spots on the upper half. This species is not unlike B. capensis Lep. That species may be known by the clypeus being for the greater part black, bv the mesopleurae being black, by the yellow on the abdomen not being pallid olive, and by the ventral segments having continuous yellow bands. Philanthus Latr. Philantlius triangulum F., v. diadema F. Bingham, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 212. Pretoria. January and November. Stellenbosch (Broom). The Stel- lenbosch example wants the central branch of the frontal mark. Philanthus spilaspis, sp. n. Black ; the clypeus, except its lower side, the face, the cheeks ; the mark on the latter sharply projecting upwards on the outerside and more shortly and broadly in the middle ; basal two-thirds of the mandibles ; a line on the lower half of the outer orbits, narrowed slightly and gradually below, broadly, bluntly bilobated above ; a line on the sides of the pro- notum, slightly narrower than the dividing central part, tegulae, a small squarish spot on the middle of the scutellum, and three small marks on 146 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. the lower part of the front ; the central broader and irregular ; the latteral more transverse and curved, pale yellow ; abdomen red ; the basal segment black, except at the apex broadly in the middle ; the black lateral apical part projecting inwardly at the apex ; the sides and ventral surface largely suffused with orange yellow ; legs yellow, suffused with rufous ; all the coxae and trochanters, the basal half of the fore femora, the middle to near the apex and the whole of the hinder, the hind tibiae, and the basal half of the basal joint of the hinder tarsi, black ; wings fuscous- violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black ; the first and third abscissae of the radius almost equal in length and about one-fourth longer than the second ; the first recurrent nervure is received shortly beyond the middle ; the second at less than half the length of the third abscissa of the radius from the second transverse cubital nervure ; the area on metanotum closely, somewhat strongly, transversely reticulated, with a stronger keel running down the centre ; it is triangular, and is as long as it is wide at the base ; the pubescence is pale and is longer on the metanotum and ventral surface of the abdomen than elsewhere ; the fine furrows bordering the clypeus are broadly rounded at the sides above and below ; apex of clypeus broadly rounded ; the sides not projecting. Female. Length 15 mm. Pretoria. January. Head, thorax, and abdomen at the base closely and somewhat strongly punctured ; the third and following segments of the abdomen with the puncturation weaker and becoming gradually weaker towards the apical. This species, of those known to me, comes nearest to P. loeflinqii Dbm., or what I make out that species to be. The main difference between them may be best shown in synoptical form. The yellow on the face projecting at the sides obliquely on to the front, which is immaculate ; the furrows bounding the clypeus forming acute angles ; the meta- notal area smooth and shining ; the yellow on the outer orbits ; a small oblique mark twice wider outwardly than it is along the eyes ; the mandibles with a small yellow mark ; the greater part of the scutellum and a line on the post-scutellum roundly narrowed behind and a longish mark on the upper half of the mesopleurae ; only the basal half of the first abdominal segment black, the black trilobate at the apex, the legs black, except for a line on the apical half of the fore femora and one on the middle tibiae below. Hoeflingii Dbm. The yellow on the face not projecting laterally on to the front, which bears three small yellow spots ; the furrows bordering the clypeus rounded at the angles ; more than the basal half of the mandibles yellow ; metanotal area reticulated, opaque, the outer orbits with a long broad yellow line ; scutellum with small squarish mark in the middle ; post-scutellum and mesopleurae immaculate ; the first abdominal segment black to near the apex ; the legs with the four front femora in part ; the four front tibiae and the greater part of the tarsi rufous-yellow. Spilaspis Cam. Philanthus trichiocephalus , sp. n. Black; the head densely and, to a less extent, the thorax covered with white pubescence, the hair on the metanotum longer and denser than it is on the rest of the thorax ; the clypeus, except for a small squarish mark on the centre of the apex, which is prolonged laterally into a curved line ; on the sides is a large mark, as long as it is wide above, the top with a rounded incision on the innerside ; it is narrowed below and is separated from the lateral projection by a narrow black line narrowed outwardly ; above the central mark on the face is a small mark, rounde,d Annals or the Transvaal Museum. 147 above, transverse below, and closely united to the clypeal mark — all pale yellow. On the lower half of the front is a large mark, gradually, roundly narrowed below from the top, and with an incision in the centre below, longer than wide and slightly narrowed below ; a narrow continuous line on the apex of the pronotum ; a narrow line on the post-scutellum ; a large transverse mark on the sides of the second abdominal segment, the apex roundly, irregularly narrowed from the outerside to the base, the two marks extending close to the middle of the segment ; a narrow line on the apex of the second ; a slightly broader one on the third ; a still broader one, dilated in the middle, and one of equal width, and twice wider than long, on the centre of the fourth — pale yellow. The basal three joints of the flagellum, the apical joint, a broad line on the outer orbits, roundly narrowed in front, commencing on the outer half of the vertex and extend- ing halfway down the eyes ; the mandibles, tegulae, and the basal and apical segments of the abdomen, red. Legs of a similar red colour, the coxae, trochanters, and the base of the femora narrowly and irregularly, black ; the outerside of the four hinder tibiae and the tarsi pale yellow ; the apices of the tarsal joints red. Wings fuscous- violaceous, the hinder pair paler ; the radial cellule darker tinted ; the stigma rufo-testaceous ; the second abscissa of the radius one-half of the length of the first, and hardly one-fourth of the length of the third ; the first recurrent nervure is received at the apex of the basal third, the second at the apex of the basal sixth of the cellule ; the cubital nervure in the hind wings inter- stitial. Male. Length 12 mm. Middelburg town. Head and thorax closely, rugosely punctured; the vertex more strongly than the front and the scutellum and metanotum more strongly than the mesonotum. Clypeus sparsely punctured. There is a narrow, distinct, roundly curved furrow shortly above the middle of the mesopleurae. Eyes converging above, separated there by the length of the basal three joints of the antennae ; they are margined on the innerside and have a slight incision above the middle. The affinities of this species are with P. flavolineatus Cam., from Kilimandjaro ; the two may be separated as follows : — Two short lines on the lower part of the front ; the flagellum entirely reddish below ; the clypeus immaculate ; the third abscissa of radius fully one-half the length of the third ; the first recurrent nervure received beyond the apex of the basal third ; a narrow yellow line on the apex of the second abdominal segment ; the line on the fifth not dilated broadly in the middle, not wider than on the fourth, that on the fifth small and rounded at the base ; the legs without yellow. Flavolineatus Cam. A large mark, widened above, on the lower part of the front ; the flagellum only reddish at the base ; the clypeus with a black mark in the centre below ;-the second abscissa of the radius one-fourth of the length of the third ; the first recurrent nervure received at the apex of the basal third ; no line on the apex of the second abdominal segment ; the line on the fifth widened and wider than on the fourth ; that on the fifth large and transverse at the base ; the legs largely yellow. Tricliiocephalus. Philanthus transversus, sp. n. Black ; the head in front below the antennae ; the yellow laterally continued upwards above the antennae ; the line obliquely narrowed 148 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, upwards, the top transverse ; a three-pronged mark above the face on the front, its base broad, large, the central line longer, narrower, and straighter than the others, the greater part of the scutellum, and post- scutellum, whitish-yellow ; a broad mark on the outer apical third of the first abdominal segment wider transversely than longitudinally ; the sides of the second, the mark narrowed to a small square at the base, clearly separated | from this it becomes gradually, roundly widened to the apex ; a broad transverse mark, rounded at the base, on the third and fourth, the third united by a narrow line along the apices of the segments ; the apical segments and the second and following ventral segments, except for brownish lines on the apices, bright orange-yellow ; the antennal scape below ; the malar space ; the outer orbits entirely below, more broadly above ; the line continued along the vertex to near the outer ocelli ; the line separated from the eyes on the upper half ; the tegulae, a narrow line on the apex of the first abdominal segment ; the second broadly in the middle, more narrowly on the outer side, where it separates the black in two, red; four front legs red, the middle tibiae yellow ; the hind coxae, trochanters, and femora black ; the tibiae yellow ; the tarsi pale red ; wings hyaline ; the apex narrowly and slightly smoky ; the costa, stigma, and nervures pale testaceous; the second abscissa of the radius shorter than the first and one-half the length of the third ; the first recurrent nervure is received very shortly before the middle of the cellule. Male. Length, 8-9 mm. Densely covered with a short white pile; closely, rather strongly, punctured, the clypeus much more weakly than the rest ; apex of clypeus transverse ; area on metanotum large, opaque, punctured like the other parts ; the bounding furrows weakly indicated, and there is a shallow, indistinct furrow down the middle ; base of metapleurae aciculated, the rest closely reticulated ; the head is less closely punctured than the thorax, and the abdomen not so closely as the latter. This species may be separated from the known South African forms by the transverse apex of the clypeus. Cerceris Latr. Cerceris erythrospila, sp. n. Black ; the underside of the antennal scape, a band on the apex of the third abdominal segment, narrowed in the middle, laterally occupying the half of the segment, and the sixth, except at the sides, yellow ; the underside of the antennal flagellum, mandibles except the teeth, tegulae, the sides and the apex, more widely of the first abdominal segment, and the greater part of the four hinder coxae, rufous ; the four front tibiae anteriority and the tarsi pale yellow ; the apical joints of the four anterior tarsi tinged with rufous ; the hinder tarsi black, except the basal three- fourths of the basal joint; wings hyaline; the apex with a smoky violaceous cloud at the apex of the radius and more broadly beyond the apex of the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 149 third transverse cubital nervure; metanotal area strongly, longitudinally striated ; pygidium strongly, irregularly punctured, the apex smooth, depressed. Male. Length, 8 mm. Face and clypeus densely covered with silvery pubescence ; the rest of the head and the thorax densely covered with white hair ; apex of clypeus in the centre almost trilobate ; the lateral lobes yellow ; punctura- tion strong and close, except on the ventral surface of the abdomen, where it is fine and sparse, the segments being also more or less aciculated ; first abdominal segment three times longer than wide; the hypopygium widely incised, the lateral margins longish, triangular; there is a semi- circular spot on the sides of the third ventral segment at the apex. Cerceris armaticeps, sp. n. Ferruginous ; the apical abdominal segments darker coloured, the antennal keel, a broad line, slightly narrowed towards the top, on the lower half of the inner orbits, the clypeus, except the central part all round and the inner half of the outer, a broad line on the inner half of the mandibles, a line on the apex of the pronotum, post-scutellum, a spot on the basal half of the tegulae, the sides of the first abdominal segment, the line gradually widened towards the apex, a line on the apex of the second, narrowed gradually inwardly, the centre of the segment with a row of dots, a broad band on the third, narrowed towards the centre, laterally extending to the apex of the basal fourth, the greater part of the second ventral and a broad line, narrowed inwardly, on the outer third of the third ; wings hyaline ; the radial cellule and the outer cubital fuscous- violaceous, the costa and stigma fulvous, the nervures blackish ; both the basal two transverse cubital nervures are roundly curved ; the first recurrent nervure is received at the apex of the basal third of the cellule. Female. Length, 12 mm. Warmberg. December. The central upper part of the clypeus armed with a distinct triangular tubercle or tooth ; tripartite, the upper part projecting outwardly, the lower (and larger) obliquely sloping inwardly ; the labrum semicircular, bordered by a stout clearly separated keel, the central part flat ; metanotal area stoutly, obliquely striated, except at the apex, where the striae are transverse ; head and thorax closely, rather strongly, punctured ; pro- pleurae with curved striae ; mesonotum longitudinally striated, the scutellum more strongly striated ; the upper basal part of the metapleurae with fine curved striae, the lower half aciculated ; abdomen strongly, closely punctured ; the pygidium about four times longer than wide, closely punctured, the centre finely, irregularly reticulated, the ventral incision wide, widened towards the apex, commencing shortly behind the middle; the sixth to the eleventh joints of the antennae are black above. Cerceris jansei, sp. n. Rufous ; the apical third of mandibles, the front, the mark extending as a small triangle behind and between the ocelli, a large mark on the outer 150 Annals of the Transvaal Muse-fm-. three-fourths of the outer orbits on the lower third, base of pronotum, mesonotum, the metanotal area except the outer basal half narrowly, a smaller triangular mark above it, the narrowed end above, the pro- pleurae except at the apex above, the mesopleurae except the tubercles and an oval mark immediately below them ; the mesosternum, meta- pleurae, a large irregular spot in the centre of the fourth and fifth segments ; the apex of the pygidium, a line, rounded at the base, on the apical two- thirds of the fourth ventral ; a large triangular one on the fifth and the greater part of the sixth, black ; the basal four dorsal segments are tinged with yellow; wings hyaline, distinctly tinged with fulvous; the costa, stigma, and nervures rufo-fulvous ; the first recurrent nervure is received shortly before the middle ; the apex of the wings, from the apical trans- verse nervures, fuscous-violaceous ; metanotal area at the base obliquely, at the apex transversely, striated. Male. Length, 15 mm. Waterval No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. November. The clypeus projects roundly and obliquely on the lower three-fourths ; the base is flat and is bordered above by a semicircular furrow ; it becomes narrowed towards the apex, which is transverse and depressed; the sides are densely covered with pale golden pile from the top of the face, which is sparsely, weakly punctured and tinged with yellow on the inner half; the head, except the oral region, is closely, strongly punctured ; the lower part of the outer orbits is more or less striated ; propleurae with a few longitudinal striae, the rest of the thorax closely, strongly punctured, the punctures on the pleurae running into reticulations ; abdomen sparsely punctured, the punctures becoming weaker towards the apex ; pygidium almost impunctate, the basal two-thirds becoming slightly narrowed, the apex more distinctly narrowed ; the incision in the hypopygium extends close to the middle ; it becomes slightly, gradually narrowed inwardly, the base being rounded. This species is nearly related to the Cape C. melanospila * Cam. ; they may be separated thus : — The black on the front extending behind the eyes ; the metathorax entirely black ; the metanotal area entirely, obliquely striated. Melanospila. The black on the front not extending to the end of the eyes ; the metanotum laterally red ; the metanotal area not entirely, obliquely striated. Jansei. Cerceris O’Neili Cam. Trans. South Afr. Phil. Soc., XV, 220. Pretoria. November. Cerceris heterospila, sp. n. Black ; the clypeus, a broad line extending from shortly above the middle of the eyes to the mandibles, the antennal tubercle, basal half of mandibles, a spot near the middle of the antennal scape, a transverse oval mark on the sides of the apex of the pronotum, tegulae, post- scutellum, an irregular spot on the base of the second abdominal segment, a larger transverse one on the sides at the apex, the three forming a triangle^ * Transactions South African Phil. Soc., XV, 221. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 151 a band on the apex of the third, narrowed in the middle, broadly, roundly dilated, laterally, the greater part of the sixth, the band rounded laterally, and a small spot on the sides of the second to fifth ventral segments, yellow ; legs black ; the greater part of the apical half of the fore femora, the apical fourth of the middle, and the tibiae and tarsi lemon-yellow ; the apical joints of the fourth front tarsi, and the apex of the basal joint of the hinder, rufous; the apical three-fourths of the second joint of the hinder tarsi and the whole of the others black ; wings hyaline ; the apex from the third transverse cubital nervure black ; the stigma and nervures black ; metanotal area rugosely reticulated, furrowed down the centre ; the third to eighth and the apical joint of the antennae rufo-fulvous. Female. Length, 8 mm. Strongly, closely punctured, densely covered with white pubescence ; clypeus longish bell-shaped, transverse below, minutely tuberculate in the middle ; first abdominal segment three times longer than wide ; basal two-thirds of the pygidium strongly, deeply punctured, the punctures distinctly separated ; following the punctures is an aciculated space, there being a row of punctures on the apex, which is transverse ; the sides and apex are bordered by a depression. The spot on the base of the second abdominal segment may be absent, and there may be narrow — more or less narrow — lines on the sides of the fourth and fifth segments. Crabro Fab. Crabro simillimus Sm. Cat. Hym. Ins. Brit. Mus., IV, 393, 7. Pretoria. March to July. Probably common. The species is a Rliopalum, and is no doubt variable as regards the yellow markings, e.g. there may be a transverse irregular line on the S3utellum, and the lines on the fourth and fifth segments may be absent ; there is a stoutly crenulated furrow at the base of the metanotum, which has an indistinct triangular area ; the sides are bordered by a furrow ; the area may be more or less striated ; the mandibles may be entirely black or have a reddish band near the apex ; ocelli in a triangle, the hinder placed opposite the end of the eyes ; they are separated from each other by about the same distance as they are from the eyes ; the pubescence on the head and thorax is dense. Passaloecus Shuck. Passaloerus striatijrons , sp. n. Black ; the antennal scape except above tubercles, the fore tibiae in front and the base of the four posterior pallid yellow ; wings hyaline ; the nervures and stigma black ; front slightly depressed, covered closely with roundly curved striae ; there is an irregular keel outside it, united to the eyes bv some weak transverse striae; the face, clypeus, and outer orbits covered with silvery pile ; on the apex of the clypeus, in the centre, is a short tubercle ; at the base of the scutellum is a wide, crenulated furrow, with a keel in its centre, dividing it into two ; metanotum, except 152 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. the apical slope, irregularly reticulated, the central and basal reticulations larger than the others; the apical slope opaque, surrounded by a stout keel, which forms a semicircular area ; abdominal petiole stout, as long as the dilated apical part of the segment, along the ventral part of which it is continued as a stout keel ; base of thorax transverse, stoutly keeled, the keel clearly separated behind ; ocelli in a curve, the hinder separated from each other by double the distance they are from the eyes. Female. Length, 4*5 mm. The first transverse cubital nervure is obliquely sloped, a little rounded ; the second is roundly curved outwardly ; the second recurrent nervure is received near the middle of the cellule. Parapsidal furrows complete. Trypoxylon Latr. Trypoxylon lissonotum, sp. n. Black; smooth, shining, the head, thorax, and femora covered with long, white pubescence ; the face and elypeus densely with depressed silvery pile ; wings hyaline, the nervures black ; base of metanotum bare, smooth, and shining; from its outer edge run two oblique keels, which unite at the apex, forming a longish triangular area ; a wide, smooth, not very deep, furrow commences at the end of the smooth part ; from the outerside of the triangular area runs a shallow oblique furrow, with some transverse keels, the two not uniting at the apex ; the space enclosed by them is irregularly, not very strongly, striated ; the apical slope is opaque, deeply, widely furrowed, the furrow widest above ; the sides are irregularly, obliquely striated ; metapleurae with a smooth, shallow furrow below ; above this it is somewhat strongly, closely, obliquely striated, the striae more or less intertwining ; upper half of front with distinct, shallow* round, clearly separated punctures, this part having a shallow furrow down the centre ; first abdominal segment as long as the thorax and not much shorter than the following three segments united. Female. Length, 10 mm. Pretoria. April. Palpi blackish, fus ous towards the apex ; the apex of the cubitus is roundly curved downwards ; the recurrent nervure being received at the base of this curve ; calcaria black. Pison Spin. Pison transvaalensis , sp. n. Black ; covered with silvery pubescence, dense on the elypeus and forming bands on the apices of the abdominal segments ; wings hyaline, the nervures black ; the second cubital cellule triangular ; the pedicle slightly longer than the lower branches ; the first broadly rounded ; the second straight, oblique ; the first recurrent nervure received shortly beyond the first transverse cubital ; the second interstitial ; the second abscissa of radius one-fourth of the length of the first ; the first and second united are hardly so long as the third ; the metanotal furrow with the basal and apical branches wide, the latter extending to the apex ; the basal branches strongly, the apical not quite so strongly, distinctly, and Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 153 more closely transversely striated ;. the triangular part separating the basal furrows is prolonged as a stout keel down the basal half of the apical furrow ; the rest of the basal part of the base is coarsely alutaceous, almost punctured, the apex irregularly, transversely striated; the apical slope is more strongly, transversely striated; the metapleurae closely, rather finely striated ; head, pro- and mesothorax closely, distinctly punctured ; the clypeus more finely than the front, its apex smooth and shining, broadly rounded ; the hinder ocelli are separated from each other by a less distance than they are from the anterior ; mandibles with a red band near the middle ; the third and fourth joints of the antennae are equal in length ; the abdomen is more finely and more closely punctured than the thorax ; the basal segments more distinctly than the apical. Male. Length, 7 mm. Pretoria. July and November. In one example the first recurrent nervure is received in the apex of the first cubital cellule. This species may be known from the others known to me from the Cape by the apex of the clypeus being broadly rounded, not pointed or toothed. Pison denticeps, sp. n. Black; covered with silvery pubescence; the apex of the clypeus with a distinct triangular tooth in the middle ; wings hyaline, the nervures black ; the first transverse cubital nervure roundly oblique ; the short second either entirely obliterated or indicated by a stump in front ; the first recurrent nervure received in the apex of the first cubital cellule ; the second interstitial broadly, roundly curved ; the second abscissa of the radius about one-fourth of the length of the first ; the metanotum has on either side of the base a strongly crenulated furrow, narrowed outwardly; the longitudinal furrow is wide, longish triangular, finely, closely, obliquely striated, and with a fine keel down the middle; the apical slope is more strongly, transversely striated ; the sides bordering the basal furrow are finely, closely, rugosely punctured and irregularly striated, especially on the basal half ; metapleurae finely, closely striated, the striae rounded at the base ; head, pro- and mesothorax finely, closely punctured ; the base of the abdomen is finely, closely punctured. Male. Length, 5 mm. Transvaal. The third and fourth joints of the antennae are equal in length ; the spurs are fuscous, at least at the base. Pison clypeatus, sp. n. Black ; covered with silvery pubescence ; the apical three or four joints of the tarsi rufo-testaceous ; the tegulae fuscous ; wings hyaline ; the stigma and nervures black ; the pedicle of the second cubital cellule shorter than the nervures, which are roundly curved, the first a little longer than the second ; the cellule is moderately large and is longer along the transverse cubitals than along the cubitus ; the first recurrent nervure is received very shortly before the transverse cubital ; the second is interstitial and broadly, roundly curved ; the first abscissa of the radius 6 154 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. is twice the length of the second ; base of metanotnm with a straight central and four or five irregular stout oblique striae ; the central furrow is about four times longer than wide and is aciculated ; the basal part of the metanotum is strongly aciculated, and the metapleurae strongly, closely, obliquely striated ; pro- and mesonotum finely, closely punctured ; their pleurae much more strongly punctured ; the longitudinal furrow on the mesopleurae wide, slightly curved, closely punctured ; there is a narrower furrow at its base, extending above and below it ; base of abdomen very finely, minutely punctured. Female. Length, 7 mm. Warmberg No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. October. Clypeus in the centre gradually narrowed to a sharp point ; the sides brc ^,dly , roundly curved inwardly / mandibles broadly red in the middle ; the third joint of the antennae is fully one-fourth longer than the fourth. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 155 DIPLOPTERA. VESPIDAE. ICARIA SAUSS. Icaria cincta Lep. Gerstacker, v. d. Decken’s Reise in Ost-Afr., 1873, p. 324 ; Bingham, Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist., (7), XII, 48 ; Schletterer, Ann. d. 1. Soc. Ent. de Belg., XXXV, 28 ; Magretti, Ann. d. Mus. Civ. di Storia Nat. di Genova, XIX, (2), 35 ; Stadelmann, Die Hym. Ost. Afrikas, 1897, 33, 17 ; Zavattari, Boll, di Zool. ed Anat. Comp. d. R. Univ. di Torino, XXII, 2. Warmberg No. 211, Zoutpansberg District. September. Icaria capensis Sanss. Stett. Ent. Zeit., XXIII, 139. Waterval. . December. Rietfontein. November. Zoutpansberg. POLISTES LaTR. Polistes maculipennis Saus. Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XII, 48. Mpah. Yele Poort. May. One Queen. Polistes marginalis Fab. Gerstacker, v. d. Decken’s Reise in Ost-Afr., 325 ; Gribodo, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, XVI, 328, i (2), 286; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XII, 48 ; Magretti, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, (2), XIX, 36 ; l.c. i, 607 ; Fox, Proc. Acad. Nat. Science, Phil., 1896, 555 ; Stadelmann, Die Hymen. Ost-Afr., 34, 22; Gribodo, Rassen. d. Imen. race. N. Mozambico, 1894, 127 ; Cameron, Sjostedts, Kilimandjaro-Meru, Exped., Hymen., 169. Polistes plebeia. — Gerstacker, v. d. Decken’s Reise, 325, 20. Pretoria. January. Rietf. Waterval. November. Three specimens all different in coloration, one being the form figured by Saussure, Vespides, i, pi. VI, f. 2 ; the second paler, more testaceous in colour, and almost without the apical alar cloud, the third chocolate coloured. Polistes smithii Saus. Gerstacker, Peter’s Reise N. Mozamb., Zool. V, 470; Gribodo, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, XXI, 287; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. XII, (7), 48; Schletterer, Ann. d. 1. Soc. Ent. de Belg., XXXV, 29; Stadelmann, Hym Ost-Afrikas, 34 ; Kohl, Mittheil. Nat. Mus. Hamb. X, 2 ; Cameron, Sjostedt’s Kilimand.-Meru Expedition, Hymen., 169. Rietfontein. December. Belonogaster Sauss. Belonogaster grisea Fab. Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XII, 47. B. pictus, Kohl. Ann. K. K. Hof. Mus. IX, 324. 156 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. B. rufipennis, Sauss. — Vespides, ii, 235 (non D.G.). Warmberg. September. Belonog aster juncea, Fab. Gerstacker, Peter’s Reise N. Mossamb. Zook, V, 468; Magretti, Ann. Mns. Civ. Genova, XXII, 599; Kohl, Ann. K. K. Hof. Mus., XI, 336; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XII, 48. Lemana. October. EUMENIDAE. Raphiglossa Sauss. Raphiglossa flavo-ornata Cam. Trans. S. Afr. Phil. Soc., XV, 231. Muckleneuk. Pretoria. November. Eumenes Latr. Eumenes maxillosa D.G. Bingham, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 219 ; Cam., Sjostedt’s Kilim, and Mern Exped., Hym., 177 ; Sanssnre, Grandid. Hist. Mag., XX, pt. i, 153 ; Fox, Proc. Acad. Science. Phil., 1896, 554. Eumenes tinetor, Gribodo. — Ann. Mus. Civic. Genova, XXI, 293; l.c. XVI, 241 ; Magretti, l.c. (2), i, 609 ; Schletterer, Ann. Soc. Ent. de Belg., XXXV, 19. Warmberg. March. Zebedela. Petersburg. February. Eumenes lucasia Sauss. Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 220 ; Cameron, Sjostedt’s Kilim, and Meru Exped., Hym., 178. Zethus favillaceus Walker. — Hist. Hymen., Egypt, 1871, 28. Zethus broomi Cam. — Records Albany Mus., i, 110. Eumenes rufolineata, Cam. Records of the Albany Mus., i, (4), 206 ; Sjostedt’s Kilimand. and Meru Exped., Hymen., 181. Pretoria. March. Warmberg. February. Eumenes maculinoda, sp. n. Black ; covered with white pile ; the clypeus, a small spot between the antennae, a short narrow line on the top of the outer orbits, antennal scape except above, a line on sides of pronotum, two short lines on post- scutellum, a line on the apex of first abdominal segment, and one on the second all round, light yellow ; the basal slope of pronotum and its centre above between the yellow lines, the underside of first abdominal segment, a large mark, obliquely narrowed at the base, on the sides above, and two irregular, roundish marks on the apex of the second ventral, red ; the third and fourth ventral of a paler red colour ; legs reddish ; the apex of the four anterior femora and the tibiae in front yellow ; wings hyaline ; Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. 157 the apical half of the radial cellule smoky ; the stigma and nervures black. Male. Total length, 7 mm. Pretoria. October. Underside of flagellum of antennae brownish, darker at the base, the hook being also brown ; head and thorax closely, strongly punctured ; post-scutellum opaque, alutaceous, bluntly, obliquely narrowed towards the apex ; apex of metanotum transverse, alutaceous ; the sides rounded, a narrow, clearly defined furrow down the centre ; metapleurae smooth, pruinose ; first abdominal segment about one-third longer than it is wide at the apex, the basal slope oblique, alutaceous ; the second segment about one-half longer than it is wide at the apex, narrowed at the base ; the apex more strongly punctured than the rest. Eumenes ornativentris, sp. n. Black ; densely covered with white pubescence, the antennal scape, the flagellum except above, mandibles, clypeus, except for a black line, narrowed below, in the centre of the upper three-fourths ; a minute spot between the antennae, a slightly larger one on the top of the outer orbits, prothoraax, tegulae, base of post-scutellum broadly, two spots close to each other and placed obliquely, on the sides of the metanotum ; near the top, the abdominal petiole, except its basal fourth, the black there not extending to the outer edge, the sides of the apical two-thirds broadly, the black central line narrowed towards the base, 'and sharply, obliquely at the apex, which does not reach the end of the segment ; a large semi- circular mark on the basal half of the second segment ; the red continued as a narrow line to the apex, the apices of the third, fourth, and fifth broadly, the whole of the sixth, of the basal ventral ; two marks on the base and apex of the second, and the greater part of the others, red ; a narrow yellow line on the top of the first and a broader one all round on the second ; legs red ; the hinder trochanters and the base of the femora black ; wings hyaline, streaked with violaceous in front ; the stigma and nervures black. Female. Total length, 11 mm. Waterval. November. Clypeus about one-third longer than wide, its centre punctured, the obliquely sloped sides more finely punctured, the apex depressed, broadly, but not deeply roundly incised ; the furrow on metanotum wide, becoming gradually widened towards the apex ; first abdominal segment thick, about three times longer than it is wide at the apex, the basal third narrowed ; the second is almost twice longer than it is wide at the apex ; the apex is slightly reflexed and is more strongly punctured than the rest ; the base is roundly narrowed. Eumenes janseii, sp. n. Black ; largely marked with red and yellow ; red are the basal six joints of the antennae, mandibles, tegulae, legs, the first abdominal segment, except the base, and a pyriform black mark in the centre of the apex; the second segment to near the middle, the greater part of th§ 158 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. penultimate, and the whole of the last ; yellow are the clypeus, a curved line on the lower part of the eye incision, a mark between the antennae, its lower part dilated laterally, the basal half of propleurae, its apex irregularly narrowed, a longish mark down the apex of the mesopleurae, narrowed below and with irregular edges, the base of the upper part rounded and with a shallow incision below, the centre of the scutellum broadly, the line of equal width, apical half of post-scutellum, the sides of the metanotum broadly, a transverse mark on the sides of the apex of first abdominal segment, having the black mark between them, a broad line on the apex of the basal fourth of the second segment, extending close to the middle, similar, but narrower, lines on the third and fourth, and narrow lines, narrowed in the middle, on the apices of the second to fourth ventral segments, pale yellow ; wings hyaline, broadly fulvous in front, the radial cellule fuscous- violaceous ; the costa and stigma fulvous. Female. Total length, 23 mm. Buttons Kop. October. Head and thorax closely, but not very strongly punctured, densely covered with white pubescence ; clypeus almost smooth, not one-quarter longer than wide, its apex broad, transverse ; apex of post-scutellum broadly, roundly narrowed ; furrow on metanotum shallow, not widened towards the apex ; it is distinct on the apical half only. Allied to E. lepelitieri Sauss. and E. merueusis Cam., from which it may be known by the base of the second abdominal segment being broadly red and without a black longitudinal line ; the yellow colour is paler, and the transverse black line on the second segment is broader and nearer the middle ; while the black line down the centre of the second ventral is absent from the two species mentioned. Eumenes lepeletieri Saus. Gerstacker, v. d. Decken,- Reise in Ost-Afr., 1873, 322; Gribodo, Ann. Mus. Civ., Genova, XXI, 292 ; Magretti, l.c., XXI, 611 ; Andre, Spec. Hym. Eur. ii, 632 ; Bingham, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), X, 219. Rietfontein. October. Eumenes pulchripennis, sp. n. Black ; the antennae except the apical joints above, mandibles except at the apex, clypeus, a narrow line on the eye incision, a wider one on the outer orbits, prothorax, tegulae, apical half of scutellum, post-scutellum, the metanotum except the edges and the central furrow broadly, the sides and the outer edges above of the apical three-fourths of first abdominal segment and the second segment narrowly all round, red ; the legs of a slighter lighter red, their hind tarsi fuscous; wings fuscous- violaceous ; the nervures and stigma black ; the second abscissa of the v radius one-fourth of the length of the third ; the second transverse cubital nervure broadly, roundly curved. Female. Total length, 17 mm. Kranspoort-. December. Antals of the Transvaal Museum. 159 Head and thorax closely, strongly punctured ; the head more closely and not quite so strongly punctured as the thorax, except the clypeus which is more strongly and less closely punctured than the front ; it is as wide as long and has the apex transverse ; base of thorax transverse, margined ; apex of post-scutellum smooth, gradually bluntly narrowed towards the centre at the apex ; sides of meta thorax broadly rounded, the central furrow wide, slightly widened towards the apex, where its sides are oblique and striated ; it is covered with white pubescence ; abdominal petiole as long as the head and thorax united, slightly narrowed at the base ; the base of the second segment is distinctly narrowed ; the second segment is bell-shaped and is longer than it is wide at the apex ; hinder ocelli separated from each other by about the same distance as they are from the eyes ; palpi reddish and bearing a few stiff longish hairs. Eumenes spilocera, sp. n. Black ; the antennae, except the scape above and the greater part of the sixth to ninth joints, the mandibles, clypeus, the greater part of the space between the antennae, a broad curved line in the centre of the eye incision, the prothorax, tegulae except near the base, scutellum except at the apex, post-scutellum except at the base, metanotum except in the centre, the black central line dilated at the base, a large mark on the mesopleurae, the part of it below the furrow smaller than that above it and narrowed obliquely below a longish mark below the hind wings, the first abdominal segment except for an irregular line on the apical fourth above, the line obliquely narrowed at the base and apex, the basal part longer than the apical, a large mark on the sides of the basal half of the second, the apical third except irregularly in the centre, and the sides and apex of the ventral surface broadly, irregularly, red ; wings hyaline, fulvous behind the costa ; the radial cellule fuscous- violaceous ; the nervures black ; the stigma testaceous ; the second abscissa of radius one- third of the length of the third, which is roundly curved towards the costa. Female. Length, 14 mm. Olifants Rivier. There is a broad yellow line on the inner eye orbits extending from the top of the clypeus to near the end of the lower part of the incision ; an irregular line on the face below the antennae ; a narrow line on the upper half of the outer orbits, not reaching to the top, and the keels at the sides of the scutellum, yellow ; clypeus clearly longer than wide, the apex broad, transverse ; it is sparsely, weakly punctured ; front and vertex closely, but not very strongly punctured ; a smooth space at the oeelli, the hinder of which are separated from each other by a slightly greater distance than they are from the eyes ; thorax densely punctured and covered, especially above, with white pubescence ; metanotal furrow hardly widened towards the apex, the sides broadly rounded ; abdominal petiole clearly longer than the head and thorax united ; apex of post- ^cutellrum bluntly, roundly narrowed, 160 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. The two black and red species described above are closely related to E. lucasia Sauss. The three may be separated thus : — A yellow line on the pronotum, and on the apices of the basal two abdominal segments) the four front legs streaked with yellow ; wings hyaline, except slightly along the fore margin ; the clypeus not transverse. Lucasia. Thorax and legs without yellow, the wings largely fulvous or violaceous, the clypeus transverse ; wings uniformly fuscous-violaceous, the clypeus strongly punctured, as wide as long ; tegulae strongly punctured ; stigma black. Pulchripe nn is. Wings fulvous, the apex fuscous, the stigma testaceous, the clypeus smooth, longer than wide, tegulae smooth. Svilocera. E. lucasia Sauss. has been taken by Mr. Janse in the Transvaal. It is one of the most widely distributed of the African species of Vespidae. Synagris Latr. Synagris mirabilis Guer. Bingham, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (7), XII, 47. Kranspoort. December. Groenvlei. January. Synagris xanthura Saus. Stadelmann, Die Hym. Ost-Afr., 29 and 39; Cameron, Sjostedt’s Kilimandjaro and Meru Exped., Vespidae, 183 ; Magretti, Ann. di Mus- Civ., Genova, (2), i, 613. Waterval. April. Synagris calida L. Zoutpansberg. Waterval. November. Rhynchium Spin. Rhynchium signiferum , sp. n. Rufous ; the underside of the antennal scape, clypeus, mandibles, face, a large spot on the lower half of the front, transverse above, but with four slight, rounded dilatations, gradually narrowed from the top to the bottom, where it is united to the yellow on the face, the mark being wider than long, a line on the lower edge of the eye incision and the mandibles, bright yellow ; a narrow line bordering the frontal yellow mark, a large mark on the front and vertex, extending laterally almost to the eyes, gradually narrowed to a point behind, united to the black occiput by a narrow line, mesonotum, basal three-fourths of the scutellum, a narrow line bordering the base of the metanotum, the mesopleurae except for a semicircular mark at the top above, and a longish line, narrowed above, on the lower apical three-fourths, mesosternum, basal slope of first abdominal segment, and the second, third, and fourth, the second largely tinged with rufous laterally, a longish triangle in the centre of the second ventral, and the whole of the third and fourth, black ; legs of a paler red, the four hinder coxae and femora black behind ; wings hyaline, suffused largely with fulvous in front ; the radial cellule violaceous ; the apical nervures black ; the posterior and stigma fulvous. Male, Length, 14 mm. Waterval. November. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 161 Front of the head weakly and sparsely, the outer orbits much more strongly and closely punctured ; the clypeus smooth, a little longer than it is wide ; the apex with a shallow, rounded incision ; thorax closely punctured, the metapleurae finely, closely, obliquely striated, except at the base ; there are some scattered punctures ; the first and second trans- verse cubital nervures approach closely in front ; head and thorax densely covered with white pubescence, which forms a longish fringe on the apex of the metanotum laterally ; there is a small triangular tooth on the centre of the hind coxae behind ; antennal spine, long, stout, and curved. Rhynchium perfidiosum , sp. n. Deep black ; the underside of the flagellum of the antennae dark red ; the second and following segments of the abdomen light, reddish brown ; wings uniformly fuscous- violaceous. Female. Length, 14 mm. Waterkloof. December. Clypeus a little longer than wide, sparsely, weakly punctured, the apex transverse ; the upper part of the head and the thorax closely punctured ; post-scutellum prominent, the apex bluntly striated ; the first abdominal segment is cup-shaped ; the second is as long as broad, smooth ; claws testaceous. The male has the clypeus yellow, tinged with testaceous ; it is as wide as long and has the apex transverse ; the antennae are reddish testaceous, dark fuscous above ; there is a large black mark, obliquely widened above, on the basal two-thirds of the second segment ; in both sexes there is a large, semicircular depression on the basal half of the second ventral segment, rounded, with a slight incision in the centre ; it becomes gradually narrowed from the top on the apical slope ; metanotum bluntly rounded ; the lower edge bears two blunt teeth, united below ; shortly beyond these is a stout keel ; the scutellums are alutaceous, impunctate ; the base and the apex more narrowly of the mesopleurae are smooth ; the centre is more deeply and closely punctured than the mesonotum ; the metanotum is more strongly, more rugosely punctured than the mesonotum ; the centre is closely, not very strongly punctured. Rhynchium stironoium, sp. n. Head and thorax dark ferruginous, a curved transverse line across the ocellar region, reaching to the eyes, roundly, bluntly, shortly dilated in the middle behind, and more longly and narrowdy in front ; the lower and larger part of the mesopleurae and the whole of the metapleurae, black ; abdomen orange-yellow ; antennae rufous, the apical two or three joints above ; legs dark red, the tarsi lighter coloured ; wings fuscous violaceous; the stigma and nervures biack. Female and male. Length, female 14 mm. ; male 13 mm. Waterfontein. November. Zoutpansberg. Clypeus, except above, strongly, but not closely punctured , the apex with a rounded incision, the outer edges forming triangular teeth ; the upper part of the head and the thorax closely, rather coarsely 162 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. punctured ; the mesopleurae more deeply and strongly punctured than the mesonotum ; the metanotum sparsely punctured at the base, more strongly and closely at the ape-x ; post-scutellum short above, crenulated, the apex with a steep slope and strongly punctured ; there are two keels down the centre of the mesonotum ; they converge towards the apex, and are more distant from the base than from the apex. The male is similarly coloured, except that the clypeus is yellow, is a little longer than wide and has a rounded incision ; there is a more distinct black mark on the base of the abdomen ; it is obliquely narrowed behind. Rhynchium fallax Saus. Vespides, iii, 175. Pretoria. January. Saussure says that the sides of the metathorax are armed with three spines, which is the case with the above recorded example ; but above the three are two shorter ones united at the base, followed by two short stumpy tubercles ; the upper two of the three are of the same size, but the second is thicker ; the lower one is shorter ; there is a slight depression on the apex of the scutellum in the centre ; apex of post-scutellum broadly rounded Rhynchium transvaalense, sp. n. Black ; the antennae, the head except the stemmaticum, an irregular mark below it, a spot outside the upper edge of the eye incision, prothorax, the sides and apex of the scutellum, post-scutellum, metathorax, the upper half and the lower third of the apex of mesopleurae, the last abdominal segment, the basal ventral, the tegulae and legs, red ; wings hyaline, slightly tinged with yellow in front to near the parastigma, fuscous- violaceous beyond. Female. Length, 17 mm. Waterval. January. Clypeus pyriform, slightly longer than wide ; the apex depressed, margined by keels, transverse, sparsely, weakly punctured ; prothorax distinctly punctured, the punctures clearly separated ; the basal half of the mesonotum weakly, sparsely punctured ; the rest and the scutellum smooth ; the base of the post-scutellum smooth ; the rest coarsely punctured, the apex with a steep slope ; the sides of the metanotum are smooth at the base, the rest rather strongly punctured, the punctures round and clearly separated, intermixed with striae on the innerside ; the apex on the outerside is armed with three short stout teeth ; meso- pleurae strongly, closely punctured, the metapleurae much more weakly and sparsely punctured ; abdomen punctured, the middle segments more strongly and closely than the others. Rhynchium marginiscutis , sp. n. Black ; the antennae except the apical three joints above, the head except a squarish mark incised in the middle below, and the occiput, the prothorax, tegulae, apical fourth of scutellum, post-scutellum, metathorax, upper half and apex of mesopleurae and legs, red ; the basal and apical segments of the abdomen and more or less of the ventral surface of a- Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 163 darker red ; wings hyaline, tinged with yellow, to near the parastigma, the rest fuscous- violaceous ; the costa and basal nervures fulvous, the stigma testaceous ; head and thorax covered with white pubescence, the abdomen with a white pruinose pile. Female. Length, 13 mm. Warmberg. December. Clypeus pyriform, as long as wide ; the apex depressed, shortly, but distinctly bidentate, strongly, closely punctured, the top and sides smooth ; front and vertex strongly, closely punctured, except behind the ocelli, where it is much more finely and sparsely punctured ; thorax strongly and closely punctured, except on the base of the metapleurae where it is smooth, the rest being sparsely and much less closely punctured ; the outer edges are serrate ; the apex of the scutellum is depressed, the depression crenulated and forming a distinct border ; apex of post-scutellum broadly rounded ; the second transverse cubital nervure is almost straight and is obliquely sloped. Apart from the differences in coloration and in size, this species may be known from R. transvaalensis by the strongly punctured meso- notum and scutellum ; by the crenulated border on the apex of the latter, and by the broader, more strongly punctured clypeus. A more closely allied species is R. meyeri Cam. from Meru, Massai Land ; it is larger, the clypeus is longer and is more finely and closely punctured ; the black mark on the vertex is transverse in front and is narrowed behind ; the mesopleurae are only red above the basal longitudinal furrow, there are three stout teeth on the sides of the metonotum ; the apical five joints of the antennae are black and the basal segment of the abdomen is black. The affinities of this species and transvaalense are with laterale F. (africanum Saus.) and meyeri Cam. The following table shows the salient points of distinction between them : — 1 (4) Thorax strongly punctured above. 2 (3) Black mark on vertex narrowed behind, transverse in front , apical five antennal joints black, metanotum with three lateral teeth, basal segment of abdomen black, length 16 m.m.— Meyeri Cam. 3 (2) Black spot on vertex not narrowed behind, incised in front ; apical three antennal joints black, metanotum untoothed ; basal segment of abdomen rufous, length 12 m.m. — marginiscutis . 4 (1) Thorax smooth above. 5 (6) Antennae with the apical joints not marked with black, the pleurae immaculate, sides of abdomen yellow. — Laterale F. 6 (5) Apical joints of antennae black above, pleurae largely black, the sides of abdomen not yellow. — Transvaalense. Odynerus Latr. Odynerus determinate, sp. n. Black ; the clypeus, a mark, twice longer than wide, widened and rounded above and with a minute point in the middle, on the lower half 164 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. of the front, a small spot behind the top of the eyes, the antennal scape and the first joint of the flagellum below, a line on the base of the thorax, narrowed in the middle, a narrow line on the apex of the first abdominal segment, with an oblique oval spot united to its base on the outer edge, a wider line on the second all round, the ventral one with two rounded incisions on the base, and lines on the sides of the third, fourth and fifth, yellow ; legs yellow ; the coxae and trochanters black behind ; the four front femora brownish behind at the base, the hind femora black ; wings hyaline ; the apical two-thirds of the radial cellule fuscous- violaceous ; the stigma and nervures black. Male. Length, 7 mm. Waterval. December. Clypeus sparsely, distinctly punctured ; the apex with an incision which becomes gradually narrowed from the apex to the base, i.e. almost triangular ; head and thorax closely punctured ; the base of the meta- pleurae with a smooth triangular space, sparsely punctured on the base, on the lower part ; sides of scutellum with a broad raised longitudinal keel on the sides ; the sides of the post-scutellum with a blunt tubercle ; the scutellum has an oblique slope ; in the middle of the apical two-thirds is a smooth line which becomes gradually widened towards the apex ; the apex of the post scutellum is bluntly rounded ; the first and second segments are finely, closely punctured ; the base of the second more sparsely than the rest ; there is a more strongly punctured band on the apex. Odynerus tegularis, sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the antennae darker coloured, a narrow line round the sides and base of the mesonotum, the scutellar depression and a triangular spot covering the depression, an irregular spot on the basal half of the second abdominal segment, and a line dilated at the base, on the basal half of the third, black ; wings fusoous- violaceous, the posterior paler. Female. Length, 10 mm. Saleka. February. Clypeus a little longer than wide, the apex broad, transverse, strongly punctured ; the puncturation on the head and thorax is strong and close ; the pubescence dense and white ; post-scutellum roundly, broadly depressed above, the sides projecting into teeth ; the first abdominal segment is cup-shaped, longer than it is wide at the apex, shortly pedun- culated ; the second is longer than wide, depressed in the centre of apical third ; there is a distinctly defined crenulated furrow near the apex, which is smooth and strongly reflexei ; the basal two segments are closely, strongly punctured ; almost the apical half of the third and fourth are finely punctured ; the second ventral segment is more strongly punctured, except for a large smooth space, furrowed down the centre on the basal half ; the tegulae are larger than usual and are strongly, closely punctured. Odynerus penelratus, sp. n. Black ; the clypeus, a spot, longish, rounded above, gradually narrowed below, above the antennae, a small spot in the eye incision, a short line Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 165 on the top of the outer orbits, the antennal scape and basal three of four joints of the flagellum, prothorax, tegulae, slightly more than the basal half of the scutellum, the mark with an incision in the centre or the apex, an interrupted line on the post-scutellum, the metathorax, except the central furrow, the tubercles, the first abdominal segment exoept at the base and apex, and a more obscure spot on the sides of the second, red ; a narrow line on the top of the first abdominal segment ; a wider one, dilated at the sides, on the second, and a triangular spot on the sides of the second ventral, yellow ; legs red ; wings fuscous-hyaline, suffused with a deeper violaceous tint in front. Female. Length, 9 mm. Rietfontein. August. Clypeus one-half longer than wide, sparsely, weakly punctured, the apex with a broad, rounded incision ; front, vertex, and thorax closely, strongly punctured ; base of thorax transverse, the apex broadly rounded, densely covered with a white woolly pile ; sides of post-scutellum tuber - culate at the base, the apex smooth, transverse ; first abdominal segment triangular, becoming gradually widened from the base to the apex, which is, as is also the apex of the second, weakly, sparsely punctured ; as are also, if any thing more strongly, the apices of the third and fourth. Ody nevus spoliatus , sp. n. Black ; red are the clypeus, mandibles except the inner edge, a large triangular mark, wider than long, its apex rounded and with a slight rounded incision, on the vertex, the lower part of the eye incision, broadly above, the outer orbits, the line above continued to the ocelli and obliquely narrowed, the pronotum to near the middle of the pleurae, tegulae, scutellums, the metanotum except in the centre, the red extending on to the pleurae, a spot on the mesopleurae between the tubercles and the furrow, its apex with two oblique slopes, the top one shorter than the lower ; immediately below it is a longer and narrower oblique line ; abdomen black ; on the sides of the first abdominal segment is a large oblique mark, transverse, narrower on the outer than on the inner side, a similar, but larger mark on the sides of the second, wider on the inner than on the outer side, the outer side being transverse, through reaching to the outer edge, the fourth and fifth are red, black at the base, the sixth is entirely red ; the ventral segments are red, except the base of the fourth and fifth ; the first segment narrowly and faintly above, the second and third all round are yellow ; wings fulvous hyaline ; the radial cellule smoky ; the costa and stigma fulvous ; the nervures black, the basal paler. Female. Length, 14 mm. Kranspoort. December. Clypeus as broad as it is long, its apex depressed in the middle, almost shortly bidentate, sparsely, weakly punctured ; the front, vertex, and thorax closely, somewhat strongly punctured ; apex of post-scutellum broadly rounded ; sides of metanotum broadly rounded and densely covered with longish white pubescence ; abdomen smooth, the basal segment is shortly pedunculated ; the second segment is as wide as long. 166 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. The male has the clypeus, a line on the lower side of the eye incision and the underside of the antennal scape bright yellow ; the yellow line on the apex of the third abdominal segment is widely interrupted ; the black marks on the basal two abdominal segments are shorter and at the apex do not extend to the outer edges ; there is only a narrow basal band on the metapleurae ; the yellow line on the apex of the second ventral is dilated twice in the middle and more largely triangularly at the outer edges. Odynerus indecor us, sp. n. Black, with the following parts red: the antennae except the apical six joints above, the mandibles except the inner edge, clypeus, a mark almost as wide as long, and slightly, roundly narrowed below, a broad line round the eye incision, the outer orbits, the line on them continued more narrowly round the outer edge of the vertex, prothorax, except the lower fourth, a broad curved line on the scuteilum, commencing laterally at the basal fourth ; the central apical part narrower, post-scutellum, the metanotum except the base and centre narrowly, an oblique wide conical spot on the upper basal part of the mesopleurae ; from its lower edge a line, widened towards the apex, runs obliquely to the lower edge of the pleurae ; outside this, near its centre, is a line about one-third of its length ; above its base is a shorter oblique line, three times longer than wide ; beyond the top of the last is a smaller spot. The abdomen is red with the following black marks : a large mark on the first, narrowed in the middle, the incision gradually narrowed towards the inner side, the basal black part narrower and broader than the apical, which has the branches sharply pointed, there is a large, somewhat similar mark in the centre of the second, the basal part clearly shorter and wider than the apical, both becoming gradually narrowed obliquely to the middle, a mark on the middle of the first ventral, narrowed at the base, becoming gradually widened towards the apex, the third to near the apex and the base of the fourth narrowly, black ; the apex of the first above, and the second and third all round, yellow ; wings fulvous-hyaline ; the apex fuscous- violaceous. Female. Length, 13 mm. Dunbrody. Clypeus as broad as long, closely, rather strongly punctured, the apex transverse ; the rest of the head more closely punctured and densely covered with white pubescence ; scuteilum flat ; the post-scutellum with a curved crenulated keel near the base, its apex broadly rounded ; sides of metanotum broadly rounded ; second abdominal segment hardly one-fourth longer than wide ; the abdominal segments are weakly, sparsely punctured. Odynerus euryspilus , sp. n. Black; the antennae, mandibles except on the inner side, clypeus, a broad mark on the centre of the lower half of the front, its upper part united to a line on the lower part of the eye incision by one of equal width, the enclosed black part being oblique, of equal width and longer than wide • the sides of the vertex behind, through the black on it being Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 167 obliquely narrowed, the outer orbits, prothorax, scutellums, metathorax, except the base of the pleurae to shortly beyond the middle ; the sides of the first abdominal segment slightly more broadly than the black central part, which is of equal width to near the apex, where it is slightly, roundly narrowed ; the apex projects laterally into a sharply pointed spine ; the apex narrowly, a large irregularly oval mark on the sides of the second segment ; the black mark at the base extends to the outer edge, at the apex it is prolonged as a wider one, not half the length of the basal ; its centre is roundly curved. Odynerus scripticeps, sp. n. Black ; with the following yellow or orange-yellow marks on the head and thorax : clypeus, mandibles except at the apex, a large triangular spot on the front, a broad line filling the eye incision, the mark projecting outwardly above, a broad line on the upper two-thirds of the outer orbits, obliquely narrowed above and gradually narrowed below, the antennae, prothorax, tegulae, scutellum, except at the base and apex, post-scutellum, two large marks on metanotum, extending on to the pleurae, slightly narrowed and obliquely truncated below, a large broad mark on the base of the mesopleurae, commencing near the top and reaching to the top of the lower fourth, the part below the furrow narrower and more obliquely sloped than the upper one ; the abdomen cloured yellow like the thorax, with the following black markings : a longitudinal line down the centre of the first abdominal segment, united to a broader transverse one at the apex, this apical line not reaching to the apex of the segment in the middle, on the second is a large mark somewhat like a reversed Y ; it becomes gradually narrowed from the base to the apical transverse branch ; this is roundly curved at the base ; the apex roundly dilated on either side of the centre ; there is a rounded mark on either side of the third segment ; the first ventral segment is entirely black ; there are two fuscous or black spots near the apex of the second ; the third to fifth have broad trilobate black lines ; legs of a paler yellow colour than the body, the coxae, base of four front trochanters, the whole of the hinder and the base of the hind coxae, black ; wings hyaline, suffused with fulvous in front ; the apex fuscous- violaceous ; the costa fulvous ; the stigma and nervures black. Female. Total length, 12 mm. Kranspoort. December. Clypeus wider than long, closely, strongly, punctured ; the apex with a shallow rounded incision ; the upper and outer parts of the head and the thorax closely, strongly punctured ; the apex of the post-scutellum smooth, transverse, and with a straight, oblique slope ; at the base it is continuous with the scutellum ; the sides of the metanotum are broadly rounded ; the first abdominal segment is distinctly pedunculated at the base, and is a little narrower than the second, which is about one-fourth longer than wide. I have a specimen of this species which was named for me by the late Mr. Frederick Smith, of the British Museum, 0. bellatulus Sauss. I can, however, see no great resemblance to Saussure’s figure, nor does it agree with his description 168 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF STAPELIA. By N. E. Brown, A.L.S., Kew. Stapelia leendertziae N. E. Brown. Cciules erecti, 7*5 - 10 cm. longi , 1-1*3 cm. crassly 4 angular es , velutino-puberuli, prope medium fto rentes et ramosi. Flores bini vel soli tarii. Pedicelli 2-2*3 cm. longi, 4-4*5 mm. crassi , velutini. Sepala 8-9 mm. long a, lanceolata vel ovata-lanceolata , acuta , velutina. Corolla magna , campanulata lobis patentibus extra puberula , intra. prof unde transversim rugosa et usque ad medium tubi pills longis purpureis conspersa , atropurpurea ; tubus 7*5-8 cm. long us , 8-10 cm. diam. ; lobi 5*5 -6*4 cm. longi , 3*8-4 cm. lati , elongcito-deltoidei , acuti. Coronae exterioris lobi 4 mm. longi , suberecti , prof unde bifid i , fusco-purpurei ; lobi interiores erecti, inaequaliter bipartiti, fusco-purpurei, segmentis exterioribus aliformibus oblongis 6 mm. longis, 4 mm. latis apice denticulatis, segmentis inter ioribus subulatis. Habit somewhat lax, with erect stems, decumbent at the base, 3-4 in. high, f - -g- in. square, with slightly concave sides, toothed at the angles, velvety-puberulous, flowering near the middle and usually branching near the place of flowering ; teeth not very prominent, tipped with a minute rudimentary leaf \ \ lin. long. Flowers usually two together, sometimes solitary. Pedicels J-l in. long, 2 - 24 lin. thick, velvety-puberulous. Sepals 4 - 4| lin. long, 1| - 2 lin. broad, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, velvety-puberulous. Corolla with a large cup-shaped tube and spreading lobes, puberulous all over the outside, inner surface everywhere rugose with very prominent transverse ridges, thinly covered with long dark purple hairs on the lower half of the cup, glabrous on the upper half and lobes, dark brownish-purple or blackish-purple ; tube about 3 in. long, 3 — 4 in. in diameter at the mouth ; lobes 2J - 2^ in. long, about 1^ in. broad at the base, whence they taper in a nearly straight line to the acute apex, not ciliate. Outer corona lobes about 2 lin. long, sub-erect, divided to below the middle into two subulate erectly-divergent acute segments, with or without a minute tooth in the notch between them, glabrous, purple-brown. Inner corona lobes erect, glabrous, blackish-purple, divided to the base into an outer oblong w7ing 3 lin. long and 2 lin. broad, irregularly toothed at the top, and an inner triquetrous-subulate horn slightly longer than the wing and slightly recurving over it. Follicles erect, parallel, 4|- 5^ in. long, about fin. thick, fusiform, softly puberulous, mottled with dark green or dull purple on a lighter ground. Transvaal : near Heidelberg, Miss B. Leeyidertz, 2464. Described from a living plant and a flower preserved in formalin, sent to Kew by Miss Leendertz, who discovered it in November of last year. The very long cup-shaped tube distinguishes this remarkable species from all the other known members of the genus, its nearest ally being A. nobilis N. E. Br., next to which it should be placed in accordance with the arrangement of the species in the Flora Capensis. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 169 V00RL0PIG BER1CHT OVER DE FOSSILE FLORA VAN HET DISTRIKT ERMELO. Door Dr. E. C. N. van Hoepen, M.I. In de maand Oktober is door de heer C. J. Swierstra fen mijzelf op enige plaatsen in het Distrikt Ermelo, nit zandsteen, behorende tot de Karroo- formatie, palaeontologies materiaal verkregen, waaromtrent ik hier enige mededelingen wil doen. In de eerste plaats bestaat het materiaal alleen uit planteresten ; fauna is niet gevonden. Het gesteente, waarin deze flora voorkomt, een grove, vooral op de laagvlakken zeer glimmerrijke, dikbankige, soms dungelaagde zandsteen, is zeer ongeschikt om de fijne nervatuur der planteresten op te nemen, zodat meestal slechts een algemene afdruk met kontourlijnen aanwezig is. De eerste indruk, die deze resten geven, is dat ze voor hun af getting aan een belangrijk water-transport zijn onderhevig geweest. Slechts zeer zelden vindt men b.v. een ongeschonde blad, terwijl de grote hoop nit gebroken en gescheurde fragmenten bestaat. Deze resten zijn m.a.w. afkomstig van plan ten, die op een andere plaats groeiden dan waar nu de resten gevonden worden. Het karakter dezer flora is zeer eigen aar dig. Het meest voorkomend fossiel is een blad met Zamites habitus. Het heeft een afgeronde top, van nervatuur is echter niets te zien ; duidelik is wel, dat een hoofdnerf ontbreekt. Onder de nu in dit Museum aanwezige stukken bevindt zich van deze vindplaats ook een fragment van een Cordaites blad met duidelike nerven. De Cordciitacce zijn bovendien vertegenwoordigd door talrijke zaden waarvan twee soorten zijn te onderscheiden. Deze zaden zijn in vorm zeer goed bewaard gebleven, alleen de oppervlakte is onduidelik. De ene soort komt in algemene vorm overeen met Cordaispermum Gutbieri , de andere met de zaden van Cordaiantlms cmomalus. Sphenophyllum is aanwezig in twee blaadjes van 13 tot 15 mm. lengte en een breedte van 6 mm. aan de top. In het midden zijn ze tot halverwege ingesneden. Bovendien is een fragment van een stamgedeelte van dit geslacht aanwezig met slechts een onduidelike knoop. Behalve de genoemden, zijn er nog vele andere, determineerbare bladen, waarvan echter niet direkt kon worden uitgemaakt tot welk geslacht ze behoren. Merkwaardig van deze flora is echter het totaal ontbreken van Glossopteris. Er is zelfs geen spoor van dit geslacht gevonden. Of dit aan toevallige omstandigheden moet worden toegeschreven of aan het werkelik ontbreken ervan kon nog niet worden uitgemaakt. Binnenkort hoop ik op deze plaats een nadere beschrijving dezer flora te kunnen geven. 7 170 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, AANTEKENINGEN OVER ENIGE WEINIG BEKENDE MUNTSTUKJES VAN ZUID-AFRIKA. Door Dr. J. W. B. Gunning. In 1892 kwam ik in de Yrijstaat in ’t bezit van drie kleine geldstukjes die hier afgebeeld zijn. Op de voorzijde ziet men een vliegende duif met een olijftak in de bek ; aan de keerzijde in een halve cirkel boven aan het woord Griqua, under het woord Town. Daartnssen de waarde J, \ en IIIII. Deze drie stukjes bevinden zich in de verzameling van het Transvaal Museum. Behalve deze drie bestaat er nog een van tien-pence, van hetzelfde type als de vijf-pence, behalve dat de waarde is uitgedrukt in arabiese cijfers 44 10” in plaats van romeinse cijfers “X”. De waarden van een kwart- en een halve-penny zijn geslagen in koper, die van vijf- en tien-pence in zilver. Of nog andere waarden hebben bestaan heb ik niet kunnen ontdekken. De enige afbeelding, die ik heb kunnen vinden, is van de waarde van tienpence.* Deze geldstukjes zijn klaarblijkelik zeer zeldzaam ;f ik vind de tien- en vijf-pence stukjes vermeld in Spink’s Numismatic Circular voor 1895, * The coins and tokens of the Possessions and Colonies of the British Empire. By James Atkins. London, 1889, p. 245. f Behalve het Transvaal Museum zijn er in Zuidafrikaanse Museums geen exemplaren voorhanden, behalve in Kaapstad, terwijl zelfs het Brits Museum in Londen alleen de waarden van ^ en \ bezit. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 171 p. 1074, waar zij gemerkt zijn R. R. R. (uiterst zehlzaam). Zij zijn niet geprijsd. In dezelfde Circular voor 1907, bladz. 9934, staan de half- en kwart-penny verineld, eveneens als R. R. R. en geprijsd respektievelik voor £4 en £4. 10s. De geschiedenis dezer munten is min of meer in duister gehuld. De eerste aantekening daaromtrent is van Rev. John Campbell, die in ’t begin van de vorige eeuw Zuid-Afrika bezocht voor het Londens Zendinggenoot- schap. Hij schrijft* sprekende van de vooruitgang in beschaving van de Griquas, “ It was likewise resolved, that as they (the Griquas) had no circulating medium amongst them, by which they could purchase any small article, such as knives, scissors, clothes, etc., supposing a shop to be established amongst them, which they were anxious that there should be, they should apply to the Missionary Society to get silver pieces of different value coined for them in England, which the missionaries would take for their allowance from the society having Griqua Town marked on them. It 'is probable that, if this were adopted, in a short time they would circulate among all the nations round about, and be a great convenience Wanneer dit voorstel van de Eerwaarde Heer Campbell tot uitvoering is gekomen kon niet worden uitgevonden, evenmin hoe groot de uitgave was, zelfs het Londen Zendingsgenootschap kon hier omtrent geen uitsluitsel geven. De Eerw. R. Wardlaw Thompson zegt in antwoord op een aan hem gericht schrijven : “Enige jaren geleden heb ik gehoord van “ tokens” die door het genootschap geslagen zijn toen de Griqualand Staat nog in Griqualand West was. Ik geloof dat deze “tokens” in die tijd in grote getale in gebruik waren, omdat andere pasmunt niet verkrijg- baar was. De duif en olijftak zijn het zinnebeeld van ons genootschap daarbij in gebruik van het begin zijner geschiedenis. De “ house flag ” van ons zendingschip “John Williams” en andere schepen is drie duiven in zilver op een purpere grond, en op al de uitgaven van ons genootschap zijn de duif en de olijftak, die een natuurlik symbool zijn van een genoot- schap, dat de verbreiding van het evangelic ten doel heeft. Het is jammer dat men in die tijd weinig gewicht hechtte aan het bewaren van zulke voorwerpen of zelfs van gedrukte boeken, die in verschillende delen van de wereld door het genootschap gedrukt waren. Hoewel er een Museum is over meer dan honderd jaren geschiedenis van dit genootschap, was er geen spoor te vinden van deze munten.” De enige andere aantekening hieromtrent vond ik in het werk van “Hofstede”.t “In 1812 werden zij (de Griquas) door Eerw. John Campbell bezocht, die een reeks van zeer wijze regulaties voor hen samenstelde, waardoor het Londens Genootschap en het godsdienstige publiek in Engeland zodanige gedachten kregen van de buitengewone vooruitgang der beschaving van de bastaards, dat zij werkelik de kosten en moeiten niet ontzagen om zilver en en koperen stukken gelds voor hen te doen munten in een tijd, toen die gekleurden niet het geringste denk- beeld hadden van het nut van een metalen standaard voor waarde, en toen hun gehele handel met de Kolonie niet zo hoog ging als tot 50 pond sterling in het jaar. Om de dwaasheid dezer menslievendheid nog te vergroten, was er een engelse inskriptie op, terwijl zelfs de kolonisten niets anders dan Hollands verstonden — engelse woorden, terwijl de enige taal, door de bastaards gebruikt en door hun zendelingen onderwezen, was de hollandse. * John Campbell: Travels in South Africa. London, 1815, bladz. 354. f H. J. Hofstede, Geschiedenis van de Oranje Vrijstaat, 1876, bladz. 89. 172 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Op de ene kant siond de waarde der munt, op de andere “ Griqua^ town ” en de voorstelling van een duif met een olijftak in haar bek. De duif des vredes vloog spoedig weg en het geld ging mee, waarvan nooit een enkele farthing in omloop was. En de wetten van dat volk ? lezers ! die zijn slechts te vinden in de beroemde reisbeschrijvingen van die eerwaarde beer zelf Bij de bovenaangehaalde afbeelding van het tien-pence sink in Atkins vinden wij het volgende knrieuse bijschrift : — u Griqna Town “Griqualand West, in de diamantvelden van Zuid-Afrika. Hetschijnt op de gewone manier in bezit te zijn gekomen ongeveer in 1850, toen het ongeveer vier honderd blanke inwoners had. Het was bij de britse bezittingen in November 1871 ingelijfd. “Bayne” veronderstelt, dat de volgende “ tokens ” uitgegeven zijn door het Londense ZendinggenooG schap voor de Griquas, een gemengd ras van Hollanders, Hottentot ten en Kaffers, die zich in de nabijheid van de Kolonie Natal gevestigd hadden, Ik heb getracht inlichtingen in te winnen bij de agenten van het genoot- schap, maar ben niets te weten gekomen dat deze veronderstelling zou rechtvaardigen ”. Het was aan de heer Atkins klaarblijkelik evenmin als aan de heer Bayne bekend, dat de Griqnas in het jaar 1861 overgebracht werden van Philippolis naar Griqnaland Oost, in die tijd Nomansland genoemd.* De volgende pnnten zijn derhalve nog niet opgelost : — In welk jaar zijn de munten geslagen ? Gedurende welke jaren zijn zij in gebruik geweest ? Tot welk bed rag is dit geld in omloop gebracht ? * In verband hiermede is het niet van belang ontbloot hier te vermelden dat door de Griquas toen zij van Griqualand West naar Griqualand Oost overgebracht waren een soort Republiek gevormd werd onder Adam Kok, met een bestuur, gelijkende op de republikeinse regeeringsvorm in de Oranje Vrijstaat. Dr. L. Peringuey, de geachte direkteur van het Zuidafrikaanse Museum te Kaapstad, zond mij ter inzage een noot van £1, waarvan een afbeelding hierbij gaat, die deze republiek in Griqualand Oost meende uit te geven. Het origineel dezer noot is tans in het Zuidafrikaanse Museum te Kaapstad. Dr. Theai, hierover ondervraagd, schrijft : — “ Toen Adam Kok van de Vrijstaat naar Griqualand Oost trok, ging zijn raad met hen?, mee, en deze nam de naam van “ Volksraad” en was een parodie van die in Bloemfontein”. De bovenvermelde noot, die te Mont Currey heet uitgegeven te zijn, is klaarblijkelik door deze “ HoogEd. Volksraad” uitgegeven. ^ n, OF THE VAN HET TRANSVAAL MUSEUM JANUARY, 1911 PRICE : 7s. 6d, PRETORIA The Government Printing and Stationery Office 1911 7529 — 22/1 1/1 0 — 500 ANNALS MEDEDEL1NGEN OF THE VAN" HET J’mnsvaal Museum. Vol. II. JANUARY, 1911. No. 4. ON THE PARASITIC HYMENOPTERA COLLECTED BY MR. A. J. T. JANSE, TRANSVAAL. By P. Cameron. Very little lias been written on the parasitic Hymenoptera of the Transvaal. The material collected so industriously by Mr. Janse (whose study is the Lepidoptera, not the Hymenoptera) forms a very welcome contribution towards our knowledge of that part of South Africa. In my paper on the parasitic Hymenoptera of the South African Museum, Capetown (Annals of the South African Museum, v, 17-186), I was only able to record, from the material in the museum’s collection, thirteen species from the Transvaal. I am very glad to be able to record, from the rearings of Mr. Janse, the larval hosts of a number of the species. TENTHREDINIDAE. Arge pretoriaensis, sp. n. Dark blue, densely covered with a white pile, the sides of the pronotum to shortly below the middle, the mark triangular, the narrowed end at the base, the tegulae, a large mark on the upper part of the mesopleurae, extending from the base to near the apex, the lower part obliquely narrowed to an acute point from the apex to the base ; the apex rounded, with an incision in the middle at the oblique furrow ; the antennae darker coloured than the body, densely covered with black pubescence. Wings hyaline, iridescent, the nervures and stigma blackish fuscous, the base of the stigma pale. Female. Length, 7 mm. Pretoria. January. Head hardly, if at all, dilated behind the eyes. Second abscissa of radius about one-fourth longer than the third, which is of the same length as the fourth ; the first transverse cubital nervure is fainter than the 174 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. others, the second is slightly roundly curved, the third much more dis- tinctly so ; the first recurrent nervure is received shortly behind the middle, the second near the base of the cellule ; the first transverse median nervure near the base of the apical third. Antennal fovea clearly defined, with sharp, projecting bounding keels, which approximate, but do not meet, below. The costal and basal alar nervures are paler than the apical. Arge transvaalensis, sp. n. Black, densely covered with a white pile, the upper part of the head and of the thorax with the black, tinged with blue ; the face, clypeus, except below, outer orbits, and the prothorax, except narrowly and irregularly below, yellowish testaceous ; the antennae, palpi, and man- dibles black ; the abdomen rufo-testaceous, a broad black band on the sides of the first, second, and fourth to seventh dorsal segments. Wings hyaline, tinged with yellow, the costa and nervures testaceous, except the basal two abscissae of the radius, the cubitus except the basal abscissa, the second transverse cubital and the anal nervure which are black ; the second abscissa of the radius is about one-fourth shorter than the third, the first transverse median nervure is received in the middle of the cellule. Temples distinctly roundly dilated behind the eyes ; there is no antennal area, only a keel on the inner side of the antennae. Legs with the coxae, trochanters, femora, base of tibiae narrowly, their apex more broadly, the apex of the basal two joints of the four front tarsi, the base and apex of the hinder pair and all the other joints black, the rest testaceous. There is a fuscous cloud, longer anteriorly than along the radius, in the base of the radial cellule, one in the apex of the first cubital of equal width at the base, the basal (and larger) hyaline part being triangular and this cloud is continued into the second cubital cellule where it is wider along the cubitus than along the radius. Allied to A. dirce , Kirby. Athalia himantopus, Klug. Jahrb. d. Insect I, 253, 7 ; Kirby, List of Hymen, I, 236 ; Konow, Wissen. Erbeg. d. Schwed., Zool. Exped. nach dem Kilimandjaro, etc., Tenthredidinae, 3. Waterval. November and December. Zusterstroom, September. ICHNEUMONIDAE. ICHNEUMONINI. Ichneumon transvaalensis , sp. n. Dark rufous, the central part of the propleurae, the apex of the meso- pleurae above and more narrowly below, the mesosternum and the base of the metapleurae, black ; the centre of the mesonotum and of the metanotum darker coloured than the sides ; legs coloured like the body, the four anterior tarsi darker coloured, the posterior black. The antennal scape rufous, the flagellum black, the ninth to eighteenth joints of the flagellum for the greater part yellowish- white. Wings hyaline, very iridescent, the stigma rufous, the costa and nervures black ; the disco- cubital nervure with a minute stump, the recurrent nervure angled above Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 175 the middle and with a short but distinct stump on the outer side of the angle ; it is received shortly beyond the middle of the areolet, which is narrowed in front, the nervures almost meeting there ; the transverse median nervure is received shortly beyond the transverse basal. Head, thorax (especially the upper part), and legs densely covered with white pubescence. The areola is clearly longer than wide, the base open, the apex rounded inwardly, the sides outwardly, the inside in the centre ■irregularly longitudinally, the sides irregularly transversely striated. Head and thorax strongly, closely punctured, the metathorax more strongly than the rest, the scutellum less closely than the mesonotum, with its base smooth. Female. Length, 11 mm. Fountains (Pretoria). April. Basal three segments of the abdomen closely punctured, the first more strongly than the second, the latter than the third, which is weakly punctured at the apex. Gastracoeli deep, strongly striated ; the part between them is more strongly striated than the rest of the segment. Holcichneumon, gen . nov. Clypeus transverse, armed in the centre with two small teeth or tubercles. Labrum prominent. Scutellum not raised above the meso- notum, its sides stoutly keeled, furrowed inside the keels ; both are separated at the apex. Metathorax broadly rounded, regularly areolated ; the areola longish, the basal half of equal width, the apical obliquely narrowed ; the basal area almost square, of equal width ; the spiracles longish, linear. Areolet four-angled, the transverse cubital nervures meeting in front ; disco-cubital nervure broken by a stump ; the transverse median nervure received shortly beyond the transverse basal. Post-petiole smooth ; it becomes gradually widened towards the apex ; gastracoeli moderately large and deep ; the seventh segment is as long as the sixth. Tarsi closely spinose beneath and with longer spines on the apex. Antennae dilated towards the apex. Ventral keel on segments 2-4. Characteristic of this genus are the transverse, bituberculate clypeus and the "scutellum deeply grooved laterally* Holcichneumon testaccus, sp. n. Testaceous, the orbits narrowly bordered with yellow, the face, clypeus, mandibles, malar space, and pleurae tinged with yellow ; the tips of man- dibles, stemmaticum and two broad lines on the mesonotum, commencing near the base and extending to the apex, black, the lines on the mesonotum bordered with pale yellow ; legs coloured like the body, the hind tibiae infuscated, their tarsi black. Flaggellum of antennae black, the apex infuscated, the eleventh to seventeenth joints white. Covered with a white pile ; the head and thorax closely punctured, the scutellums smooth ; the lateral furrows on the scutellum deep, bordered outwardly by stout keels which do not meet behind. Areola fully one-half longer than wide, the apical half narrowed, the base transverse, the apex rounded inwardly ; the basal area large, almost square, being of equal width. 176 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Basal segment of abdomen smooth, the others closely, weakly punctured. Gastracoeli large, striated outwardly, the inner side deep and smooth. Female. Length, 13 mm. The pubescence is short, sparse, and white. The face and upper part of the clypeus are strongly, but not closely, punctured ; the front smooth, the vertex punctured. Thorax closely punctured, the metanotum more strongly than the rest. Scutellum smooth, the base sparsely, weakly punctured, each puncture with a hair. The second and following abdominal segments are weakly closely punctured. The temples are short, obliquely rounded. Listrodromini. Ctenochares, Foer. Ctenochares xanthomelas, Be. Cf . Cameron, Annals of South African Museum, Y, 177. A single example of this widely distributed species. Cryptinae. Cryptini. Osprynchotus, Spin. Osprynchotos ruficeps, Cam. Annals of South African Museum, V, 142. Lemana (Zoutpansberg District). October. One example. Osprynchotus capensis, Guer. Cameron, Annals of South African Museum, Y, 142. Waterval (Zoutpansberg District). January. Bietfontein (Pretoria District). November. The male varies in length from 15 to 25 mm. Alriada, gen. nov. Areolet pentagonal, twice longer along the radius and cubitus than along the transverse cubital nervures, the recurrent nervure received in the middle ; transverse median nervure received behind the transverse basal ; transverse cubital nervure in hind wings broken shortly below the middle ; disco-cubital nervure broadly rounded, unbroken. Metanotum smooth, shining, with two complete keels, the basal farther removed from the base than is the apical from the apex ; the spiracles small, almost circular. Mesonotal furrows extending from the base to the apex. Lower half of face bordered by wide, deep furrows. Clypeus separated from the face, slightly, broadly depressed in the middle. Labrum prominent, rounded below. Mandibles depressed in the middle at the apex. Occiput margined, not transverse. Eyes large, converging below ; the malar space short. Abdominal petiole becoming gradually, but not much, widened from the base to the apex, smooth, the second and third segments closely distinctly punctured, the second raised at the base. Antennae much longer than the body, slender, slightly thickened towards the apex, Annals of the Teansvaal Museum. 177 near which, is a broad white ring. Legs slender, the fore tibiae more than twice the length of the tibiae. Claws short. Metaplenral keel complete, stout. Head wider than the thorax. The type of this genus is a slender, uniformly luteous species, with clear hyaline wings. I refer it to the Mesostenini from the form of the areolet, which, although larger than is usual with that tribe, has the second nervure faint and it is not narrowed in front as it is in the Cryptini. There • is no described genus with which it can be compared. Characteristic is the face with the sides deeply furrowed and the depressed clypeus. Alriada spilocephala, sp. n. Luteous, the flagellum of antennae, except the apex of the tenth and the eleventh to seventeenth joints which are clear white ; a mark on the centre of the vertex and upper half of the front, the mark narrowly dilated for a short distance along the keel on occiput and roundly narrowed below, the apex of mandibles and the apical fourth of the ovipositor, black. Wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures black, the second transverse cubital nervure and the disco-cubital nervure beyond the middle bul- lated. Female. Length, 7 mm. ; terebra, 3 mm. Smooth and shining, the second and third abdominal segments closely, rather strongly, the fourth weakly, punctured. There is a short, sparse, white pubescence. Mesostenus albilabris, sp. n. Black, shining ; the thorax red, the lower part of the propleurae, prosternum, the centre of mesosternum, a triangular mark along the apex of the furrow and the metasternum, black ; the apical half of the eighth and the ninth to fourteenth joints of the antennae and the labrum, white ; the clypeus tinged with brown, the palpi blackish-fuscous, the middle of basal abdominal segment dark rufous. Wings hyaline, the nervures black, the posterior part of the stigma fuscous, the disco-cubital nervure largely bullated at the base of the apical third, the recurrent nervure largely in the middle ; it is received at the base of the apical third of the areolet, which is twice longer than wide. Parapsidal furrows crenulated; the mesonotum smooth ; scutellum strongly but not very closely punctured. The centre of the basal part of the metanotum is smooth at the base and apex, the rest finely, closely, irregularly striated, with scattered punctures ; the outer part is strongly punctured, the punctures clearly separated, the basal two-thirds of the apical part strongly, closely, irregularly striated ; the apex less strongly, more regularly, striated, with the striae distinctly separated. Propleurae smooth, with a striated belt near the base. Meso- pleurae closely, irregularly reticulated, a closely, obliquely striated band below the tubercles, the apex smooth near the top. Metapleurae more strongly and closely punctured than the mesopleurae, the lower part near the centre more or less obliquely striated ; the parts beyond the apical furrow striated. Mesosternum more strongly and regularly punctured than the mesopleurae. First abdominal segment smooth, except narrowly at the base ; there is a conical depression near the base of post-petiole, and 178 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. along its sides a wide curved furrow ; the second and third segments are closely, rather strongly punctured, the others sparsely and weakly so. Female. Length, 10 mm. ; terebra, 14 mm. Lemana (Zoutpansberg District). November. Face closely, irregularly, longitudinally striated in the centre, the lower part of this striated part bordered by curved furrows ; the sides above with a few weak punctures. Clypeus and labrum smooth, shining, sparsely covered with white hair ; the front and vertex smooth, shining, punctured between the ocelli. Legs black, the four anterior femora and tibiae largely infuscated, the anterior more largely so than the middle ; the second, third, and base of fourth joint of the hinder tarsi white ; the tarsi covered with short white spines. This species, of those known to me, comes nearest to M. lissonotus, Cam. ; the following are the essential differences between the two Length, 17 mm. ; labrnm and base of first abdominal segment black, the third and fifth abdominal segments with the apices white ; base of metanotum strongly punctured throughout, a keel between the ocelli. lissonotus , Cam. Length, 10 mm. ; labrum white, base of first abdominal segment rufous, the third and fifth abdominal segments without white, base of metanotum striated and punctured only in the middle ; no keel between the ocelli. albilabris , Cam. Hemitelini. Valoga, gen. n. Metanotum closely, transversely striated ; there are two keels down the middle of the basal half ; the spiracles small, round. The only trans- verse cubital nervure is short, the radius and cubitus nearing each other at it ; the recurrent nervure is received four times its length beyond it ; transverse median nervure almost interstitial ; the disco-cubital nervure rounded, unbroken ; the transverse cubital nervure in hind wings broken shortly below the middle. Third joint of antennae longer than the fourth ; there are twenty-seven antennal joints. There is a raised tubercle in the centre of the face near the clypeus, which is not clearly separated from the former. Malar space furrowed, one-third of the length of the eyes. Ocelli in a curve, separated from the eyes by a slightly greater distance than they are from each other. Occiput margined. Scutellum raised, smooth, keeled laterally at the base. Basal three abdominal segments closely striated ; the first becomes gradually widened from the base to the apex ; the ovipositor is half the length of the abdomen. The wings are clouded. This genus may be known by the absence of areae on the metanotum. It is not unlike the South African genus Lievella , Cam., which wants also the first transverse cubital nervure, but it has the metanotum regularly areolated. * Yaloga nitidisentis, sp. n. Black, the pro- and mesothorax and the metapleurae red ; flagellum of antennae dark red, joints fourth to seventh and the twelfth and follow- ing, blackish ; the fore legs testaceous, the middle of a darker testaceous Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 179 colour, black at the base, the spurs dark testaceous. Head, thorax, and apical segments of abdomen covered with white pubescence. Wings hyaline, a wide pyriform cloud behind the transverse basal and transverse median nervures, the narrowed end in front, the posterior rounded ; it does not reach to the costa, but extends to the posterior edge of the wings ; there is a large, irregular pyriform cloud, narrowed in front extending from the anterior to the posterior part of the wing ; it commences at the base of the disco-cubital nervure ; the apex is clouded ; there is a fainter cloud in the front of the posterior wings beyond the middle at the transverse radial nervure. Head closely punctured, the face more strongly than the vertex, the clypeus smooth at the apex, as is also the malar space ; the temples shining, not very closely punctured. Mesonotum irregularly, rather strongly and closely transversely striated, the scutellum smooth ; the metanotum closely irregularly transversely striated. Pleurae closely, rugosely punctured, the puncturation strongest on the metapleurae. The striae on the basal three abdominal segments are strong and clearly defined. Female. Length, 4 mm. ; terebra, 2 mm. Pretoria. February. The tegulae are black ; the base of the costa is white. Outside the clouds the alar nervures are pale. Lienella annulata, sp. n. Black, shining ; covered with a white pubescence, which is longest and densest on the face and metanotum, shorter and denser on the legs than on the body ; the antennal scape, the basal three or four joints of the flagellum except above, mandibles, the four front legs and the posterior trochanters rufous ; the palpi long and white ; wings hyaline, the stigma, costa, and nervures black ; a dark fuscous cloud extends from the base of the radius to the end of the areolet, and posteriority near to the anal nervure, the cloud becoming slightly roundly narrowed behind ; the disco- cubital nervure broken by a minute stump, the transverse cubital nervure in the hind wings broken shortly below the middle. The base of hind tibiae annulated with pale yellow. Male. Length, 5 mm. Valdesia (Zoutpansberg District). November. Front depressed in the middle, closely transversely striated. Face opaque, the clypeus shining, sparsely punctured, the vertex more closely, the temples more sparsely and weakly punctured. Third and fourth joints of the antennae almost equal in length. Middle lobe of mesonotum somewhat strongly punctured, a furrow, bordered by smooth and shining spaces down the middle, the lateral lobes irregularly, obliquely or trans- versely striated, the centre smooth, the striae wide and deep ; those near the apex roundly curved. Depression at the base of scutellum wide, with two keels down the middle. Scutellum not very closely punctured, the sides keeled. Metanotum regularly areolated, the areola three times longer than wide, obliquely narrowed at the base, where it is united to a triangular area ; the other areae are coarsely, irregularly reticulated — striated. 180 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Proplenrae almost smooth, the apex stoutly striated, the striated band narrowed above. Mesopleurae closely punctured at the base above, the apex smooth, narrowly above, widely below, the rest irregularly striated. Metapleurae closely, rather strongly punctured. Base of first abdominal segment aciculated, the apex with a broad band of curved striae on either side ; the basal half of the second segment more strongly and regularly striated ; the other segments smooth. PIMPLINAE. Acoenitini. Acronus melanarius, sp. n. Black ; the sides of the clypeus broadly above to the commencement of the rounded apex, the mandibles except the teeth, and the apical seven or eight joints of the antennae, rufous ; wings, fuscous violaceous, highly iridescent, the nervures and stigma black. Antennae as long as the abdomen and longer than the head and thorax united, thirty- join ted, the pubescence microscopic, the third joint a little longer than the fourth. Transverse median nervure interstitial ; the disco-cubital broken by a distinct stump, the recurrent nervure with two bullae and received one- third of its length beyond the transverse cubital ; the transverse cubital nervure in hind wings broken near the bottom. Pubescence on metanotum dense, moderately long, black ; on the rest of the body it is sparse, except on the base of the abdomen. Male. Length, 25 mm. ; wing stretch, 57 mm. Waterval (Zoutpansberg District). November. Head finely, closely punctured ; a fine keel between the antennae, a broader, rounded one down the middle of the face, not reaching to its apex ; it is separated from the clypeus by a wide, not very clearly defined, furrow, which is wider and deeper on the sides. Apex of clypeus broadly rounded. The curved mandibles have the basal part striated, the striae becoming gradually stronger. Malar space half the length of the eyes. Apex of clypeus broadly rounded. Hinder ocelli separated from each other by half the distance they are from the eyes. Upper part of thorax opaque, alutaceous, the pleurae finely, closely punctured ; metanotum with two irregular keels down the middle, the sides bordered by a more distinct one ; the apical slope bordered by keels all round, the keels forming a closed area, roundly narrowed at the top, the upper keel waved ; on either side of this is another area, three times wider than long, commencing near the middle of the central area ; it is transverse at the apex and wider than long. Abdomen alutaceous ; on the sides of the basal segment is a keel, which curves round the inner side of the spiracles at the base. The head is not so wide as the thorax ; the temples are broadly, roundly dilated. Allied to A. niger , Enderl. Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. 181 ACOENITINX. Paracollyria carinifrons, sp. n. Black, smooth and shining ; the head, including the mandibles, except the apex narrowly, palpi, antennal scape, prothorax, and anterior legs, red ; the eighth to fourteenth joints of the flagellum except above and the fifteenth to eighteenth or nineteenth entirely yellowish- white ; wings .fuscous violaceous ; there is a tripartite cloud of irregular shape in the fore wings, it commences near the costa, half-way between the stigma and apex of the wings, outside the transverse cubital nervure, from which it is clearly separated and of the recurrent nervure which it almost touches and where it becomes widened ; disco-cubital nervure broken by a stump. Male. Length, 11 mm. Waterval (Zoutpansberg District). November. Face and clypeus sparsely, weakly punctured ; the latter depressed on either side of the apex. Front depressed, a narrow but distinct keel down the middle. Hinder ocelli separated from the eyes by the same distance as they are from each other. Malar space as long as the eyes, a narrow furrow down it. Parapsidal furrows deep, the base smooth, the rest stoutly crenulated. Base of post-scutellum with two large foveae, longer than wide, rounded at the apex. Middle of metanotum with two keels forming a deep channel, slightly widened and rounded at the apex ; the part on either side is smooth to near the middle, the rest closely, strongly reticulated, this part being bordered laterally and at the apex by a keel. The first abdominal segment is as long as the following two united. Antennae twenty-nine- jointed, the last joint thickened, the three behind it narrowed to a bluntly rounded point on the under side, clearly separated. There is a bulla on the disco-cubital nervure and two on the recurrent ; the recurrent nervure is separated from the transverse cubital by a slightly greater distance than its own length. There is an area, lengthened and narrowed on the outer side, on either side of the apical slope of the metanotum. Allied to P. ruficollis, Cam., from Rhodesia, of which only the female is known. OPHXONXNAE. Ophionini. Heniscospilus pallidiceps, sp. n. Pallid testaceous ; the head for the greater part pale yellow, the antennae rufous, the wings clear hyaline, highly iridiscent, the costa, stigma, apex of transverse basal nervure broadly and the basal abscissa of the radius testaceous, the other nervures black ; there are two horny points, both with long curved processes ; the basal one is wide, almost bilobate at the base, the sides rounded, it becomes gradually narrowed to 182 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. a point and is nearly as long as it is wide at the base ; the second point is not quite so long as the top of the posterior one, runs parallel with the radius, is slightly curved downwards at the base and is twice longer than wide ; the basal abscissa of the cubitus is slightly roundly curved, and is a little more than half the length of the recurrent nervure ; the transverse median nervure is received behind the transverse basal. Sides of scutellum keeled ; its apical slope strongly striated. Base of metanotum finely, closely punctured ; the base of the posterior part irregularly reticulated, the rest more strongly, roundly striated. Upper half of metapleurae finely, closely punctured, the lower closely, rather strongly, obliquely striated; the sternum, pro- and mesopleurae are almost smooth ; the sternum and abdomen (especially at the base) are more rufous in tint than the rest of the body. Female. Length, 24 mm. Bred. Sheath of ovipositor shortly projecting, black. First abdominal segment as long as the scutellum and metanotum united, a little longer than the second, its apex nodose, twice the width of the base. The disco- cubital nervure is roundly curved towards the horney points shortly before the middle. Tibiae spineless, the apices of the tarsal joints with short weak spines. Temples moderately long, obliquely roundly narrowed. Hind ocelli almost touching the eyes. Apex of clypeus bluntly rounded. Enieospilus transvaalensis, sp. n. Dark rufo-ferruginous ; the eye orbits narrowly lined with pale yellow? the line on the outer wider than the inner, but not half the width of the orbits, the line continued more narrowly behind the ocelli, the hinder of which touch the eyes. Base of metanotum finely, closely, distinctly punctured, the middle with some fine striae ; the rest is closely, somewhat strongly, reticulated. Propleurae finely, closely striated, the striae oblique, rounded above, the upper side at the base and the lower edge smooth. Mesopleurae for the greater part finely, closely, obliquely striated. Meta- pleurae more strongly obliquely striated, the striae becoming stronger below. Scutellum keeled laterally to beyond the middle, closely, dis- ' tinctly punctured, the apical slope irregularly striated. Wings hyaline, the costa and stigma sordid testaceous, the nervures black ; the horny points without processes ; the basal irregularly triangular, with the three angles rounded ; at the base it is as long as it is at the apex ; the second point is conical, rounded at the base and apex ; the lower part narrowed. The disco-cubital nervure is rounded backwards near the centre, the apical part straight, the angle at the junction rounded ; it is unbroken. As usual the apical abdominal segments are infuscated. Female. Length, 18 mm. Pretoria. September. The pubescence is dense, white, and short. The transverse keel on the base of the metanotum is distinct. Annals of the Tbansvaal Museum. 183 The relationship of this species is with E. rufus, Be. ; the two may be separated thus : The hind orbits entirely yellow, the yellow line on the inner broad, dilated in the middle below, the basal horny point oblique, conical, longer than it is wide in front ; the hind ocelli separated from the eyes, metanotum without a transverse keel on the top of the striated part. rufus Be. The inner and outer orbits only narrowly yellow, the inner line not dilated below, the basal horny point triangular, not longer than wide, the hinder ocelli not separated from the eyes, metanotum with a distinct basal transverse keel. transvaalensis Cam. Pleuroneurophion rotundistriatus , sp. n. Rufo- testaceous ; the apical abdominal segments infuscated, the wings hyaline, the costa and stigma ferruginous, the nervures blackish, the transverse basal nervure and the basal abscissa of the radius lighter coloured, tinged with ferruginous ; the outer orbits tinged with yellow. Sides of scutellum stoutly keeled on basal half ; the apical slope finely, closely striated. The extreme base of metanotum smooth, the rest of the basal part finely, closely striated, more strongly laterally than in the middle ; the upper part of the apical slope transversely striated, the rest more strongly striated, the striae roundly curved, running into reticulations on the sides. Propleurae punctured, the punctures large and clearly separated above, finer and closer below, the centre more or less striated. Mesopleurae more strongly punctured all over ; the metapleurae much more strongly, obliquely punctured, the punctures almost forming striae. Face closely, the clypeus less closely punctured ; the labrum closely and strongly punctured. Hinder ocelli almost touching the eyes. The pubescence dense and white. First abdominal segment distinctly longer than the scutellum and metanotum united ; the apex nodose, fully twice wider than the base. Female. Length, 24 mm. Kourulene (Zoutpansberg District). December. The transverse cubital nervure in the hind wings is broken at the top of the posterior fourth, where it is sharply angled ; the two abscissae are straight and obliquely sloped. Temples half the length of the top of the eyes. Parapsidal furrows weakly indicated on the basal slope of the mesonotum. This species is smaller than P. pruinosus, Cam. ; the following are the chief differences between the two : — The hinder orbits entirely clear whitish yellow : the scutellar keels white, densely covered with white pubescence, the costa black, apex of metanotum reticulated, the transverse cubitus in hind wings broken at the top of the apical third, the fore part rounded. pruinosus Cam. The hinder orbits with the inner half obscure yellow, the scutellar keels ferruginous,, not densely haired, apex of metanotum roundly transversely striated : the transverse cubitus in hind wings broken at the posterior fourth, the fore part straight. transraalensis Cam. Campopleghni. Campoplex transvaalensis, sp. n. Black, the head and thorax densely covered with white pubescence, the flagellum of antennae almost fuscous, the sides of the post-petiole, of 184 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. the second abdominal segment broadly below, the third, fourth, and fifth almost entirely, the sixth not so broadly and the seventh entirely, ferruginous ; the mandibles except the teeth and the palpi pale yellow ; the four front legs whitish, the coxae black, the femora darker coloured, the pale colour suffused with fuscous ; the hind legs black, the femora obscure dark rufous ; the tibiae with a broad pale band commencing near the base and extending to shortly beyond the middle ; the spurs white. Wings clear hyaline, the stigma and nervures black, the areolet four-angled, it being distinctly angled where the recurrent nervure is received at the apex of the basal fourth ; in front the transverse cubital nervures unite ; the transverse median nervure is received shortly beyond the transverse basal ; the apical longitudinal nervures in the hind wings are faint ; the cubitus is broken shortly below the middle. Female. Length, 10 mm. Warmberg (Zoutpansberg District). March. Eyes distinctly incised on the inner side. Face closely, somewhat strongly punctured, almost reticulated ; the vertex closely, but not quite so strongly, punctured. Thorax closely punctured, the puncturation on the metathorax closer ; on the mesopleurae the punctures are larger and more widely separated. There are no keels on the metanotum, the apical slope of which is widely furrowed, the apical half of the furrow being distinctly, transversely striated. The lower part of the propleurae is strongly obliquely striated. Pimplomorpha nigro-ornata , sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the antennae, tips of mandibles, ocellar region, three large marks on mesonotum, the central wider and shorter than the others, a minute spot on either side of the metanotum at the base, a conical spot on the base of mesopleurae below, a streak on mesosternum, an irregular spot at the base of the post-petiole, a distinct line on either side of the basal half of the second segment, two squarish spots on the base of the third, a semicircular mark on the sixth and the basal half of the first ventral, black ; wings hyaline, the nervures and stigma black. Female. Length, 11 mm. ; terebra, 9 mm. Van der Merwe (Pretoria District). November. The pubescence is short, dense, and white ; the puncturation on the head and thorax dense and close ; it is stronger on the metanotum, which has the apical slope rather strongly transversely striated in the middle ; there is an indistinct, longer than wide, areola, the posterior and apical keels of which are indistinct. The second abdominal segment is closely striated. The apical nervures in the hind wings are faint ; the transverse cubital nervure is broken shortly below the middle, the recurrent nervure is largely bullated at its junction with the cubitus. There are two fuscous spots on the occiput. The pleurae and scutellum are largely yellow. May be known from P. trilineata, Cam., the type of the genus (Annals of South African Museum, V, 96) by the base of the metanotum having only two small 'marks, not the basal half black, by the dorsal abdominal segments being marked with black lines and spots and by the second being striated. Antals of the Transvaal Museum. 185 Amorphota densepilosella , sp. n. Black ; densely covered with silvery pubescence, the antennal scape rufous, the mandibles, except the teeth, palpi, and tegulae, yellow ; the abdomen rufo-testaceous, the basal segment entirely, the second above except at the apex, the greater part of the basal half of the third, the mark roundly narrowed at the apex, a longish conical mark in the middle of the basal half of the fourth, a similar but smaller mark on the fifth, and the greater part of the apical, black ; the genital sheath black ; the second and third ventral segments yellow. Legs rufo-testaceous ; the hind coxae and basal joint of hind trochanters black, the four anterior coxae black at the base ; the four anterior trochanters and the apical joint of the posterior yellow ; the spurs pale, the hind tarsi blackish. Wings hyaline, the stigma testaceous, the nervures black ; the areolet with a pedicle longer than the branches, the outer of which is a little longer than the inner ; the recurrent nervure received near the centre ; the disco- cubital nervure is bullated widely beyond the middle, the recurrent nervure is still more widely bullated, the transverse median nervure interstitial ; the apical nervures in the hind wings are faint, almost obsolete. There is a short keel near the base of the metanotum ; from it a keel runs obliquely to the sides, its apex reaching to the apex of the basal fourth for the meta- notum ; an indistinct keel borders the outer edge and one runs from the spiracles to the coxae ; the spiracles are small, oval, twice longer than wide. Hind ocelli separated from each other by double the distance they are from the eyes. Male. Length, 6 mm. Pretoria. 27th February. Antennae slightly longer than the body, densely covered with a microscopic pile. Head and thorax closely punctured, the punctures on the scutellum more widely separated than they are on the mesonotum ; on the base of the metanotum they are weaker ; the apical slope of the latter is strongly alutaceous, impunctate, more or less transversely striated. The pubescence on the head and metanotum is denser than elsewhere. The post-scutellum is striated on the apical half. Androna, gen. nov. Wings without an areola, the recurrent nervure received beyond the transverse cubital ; the transverse median interstitial ; the transverse median nervure in hind wings unbroken, the apical longitudinal nervures being obliterated ; the stigma large, gradually narrowed to a point in the middle, angled where the transverse cubital nervure is received at the apex of the basal third ; the radius issues from the middle of the stigma. Metanotum regularly areola ted, with three central and three lateral areae ; the areola longer than it is wide at the apex ; it is closed at the base ; the spiracles are small, oval ; there is a large, wide spiracular area. Abdominal petiole clearly dilated at the apex ; the other segments are compressed, but stout ; the ovipositor in the known species is shorter than the abdomen. Head transverse, the temples short, roundly narrowed. Apex of clypeus 186 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. broadly rounded, not separated from tbe face in the middle ; the sides above with a distinct fovea, from which runs below a narrow furrow. Eyes large, parallel; there is a short, but distinct, malar space. The hind metatarsus is more than one-third of the length of the tibiae ; the spurs of normal length ; the claws simple ; antennae shorter than the body. The scutellum is flat, or at least not much raised above the mesonotum, which has no indications of furrows. The affinities of this genus are clearly with Pimplamorpha , Cam. ; that genus may be known from it by the apex of the first abdominal segment not being swollen, but gradually dilated ; by the clypeus being more dis- tinctly separated from the face, by the recurrent nervure not being received clearly beyond the transverse cubital, by the apical longitudinal nervures in the hind wings being clearly traced and the transverse median distinctly broken ; the pterostigma is longer and not so thick in the middle ; the radial cellule is narrower, not so much widened in the middle, the scutellum is more convex, and the metanotum is less distinctly areolated, the basal areae, including the areola, being not clearly defined. The following table may aid in the determination of the species of Andrcma described here : — 1 (4) Mesonotum for the greater part black. 2 (3) Mesonotum with only two continuous yellow lines, the face and clypeus yellow. variventris. 3 (2) Mesonotum with two lines and a large square mark in the centre of the apex, the face and clypeus broadly black in the middle. spilopus. 4 (1) Mesonotum rufo- testaceous. 5 (6) The black line on the metanotum extending from the base to the apex, the back of the basal two abdominal segments entirely black. flaviceps. 6 (5) The black lines on the metanotum and the basal two abdominal segments not reaching to the apex. 7 (10) The black on the metanotum not narrowed to a fine point, of equal width throughout. 8 (9) The head for the greater part pale yellow, the mesosternum black, the black in centre of second abdominal segment wider than the outer testaceous part. latimaculata. 9 (8) The head without yellow, the sternum immaculate, the black on second abdominal segment narrower than the outer tes- taceous part. fuscicornis. 10 (11) The black on the metanotum narrowed to a fine point. basiornata. 11 (10) The metathorax entirely black, the second abdominal segment lined laterally with black. flavo-orbitalis. Androna variventris, sp. n. Black ; the face except for a short black line below each antenna, the clypeus, mandibles except the teeth, the eye orbits except opposite the ocelli, antennal scape, a line down the sides of the mesonotum, com- mencing near the apex and continued to the base where it is dilated and Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 187 then along the outer edge to the tegulae, the scutellar keels, basal two- thirds of the scutellum, the base of propleurae, a triangular mark on the apex above, the tubercles, base of mesopleurae narrowly, a wide mark along the lower half, irregularly, roundly incised on the apical half above, more regularly and deeply on the basal half below, the apical half obliquely narrowed to a narrow point, a semicircular mark below the hind wings, a line, dilated at the base, on the top, along the keel and the spiracular area from the spiracles, pale yellow. The second and third ventral seg- ments are pale clear yellow, the others and the apices of the third, fourth, and fifth dorsal, rufo- testaceous. Wings hyaline, the stigma fuscous, the nervures black. Legs pallid yellow, the hind femora broadly above, the hind tibiae except near the middle and the hind tarsi, black. Male. Length, 7 mm. Pretoria. October. Head and thorax closely punctured, the clypeus less strongly and more sparsely than the face ; its apex is broadly rounded, the lateral foveae large, deep ; the front is closely, rather strongly striated ; the apical slope of the metanotum transversely striated, the striae weak in the middle of the posterior median area ; the areola is large, twice longer than it is wide at the apex, which is transverse ; towards the base it is roundly narrowed from the middle. The second abdominal segment is aciculated. Androna spilopus, sp. n. Black ; the eye orbits moderately broadly, more broadly above, where there is a triangular incision, the malar space entirely, the apex of the clypeus, the mark with a wide shallow incision above and with a shorter, deeper incision in the centre of the apex below, a large mark, of equal width, longer than wide, in the middle of the apical half of the mesonotum ; from the outer edges of this a line runs to the base of the mesonotum and is then continued along the top of the mesopleurae, the basal part between the two being dilated ; a line on the upper part of the pronotum, which becomes gradually widened towards the apex, a broader line of equal width on the lower part of the propleurae, the tubercles, a broad mark on the lower part of the mesopleurae, straight above, rounded below, and with the apical third roundly narrowed, a large irregular mark on the lower half of the metapleurae, the mark continued to the posterior median area of the metanotum, the scutellum, its keels and the ventral surface of the abdomen, clear yellow ; a narrow testaceous line on the apex of the first abdominal segment, and broader testaceous lines, rounded at the base, on the others. Legs rufo- testaceous, the coxae and trochanters pale yellow, marked behind with black, the knees paler, more yellowish in tint, the hind tibiae darker, broadly black at the base and apex. Wings hyaline, the nervures and stigma fuscous. Female. ~ Androna ftaviceps, sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the head, prothorax, the sides and two lines on the base of the mesonotum yellow, the stemmaticum, metanotum, upper edge of metapleurae, first abdominal segment, upper part of second, a semi- circular mark on the base of the third and the greater part of the apical two segments above, black ; legs coloured like the body, the last joint of 188 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. the tarsi blackish ; wings hyaline, the stigma fuscous, the nervures black, the recurrent nervure largely bullated, received one-fourth of the length of the transverse cubital nervure beyond the latter. Flagellum of antennae fuscous, a broad obscure yellow band beyond the middle, the scape for the greater part yellow. Metanotum regularly areolated, the areola four times longer than wide, the base narrowed gradually to a sharp point, the apex transverse ; the puncturation is much stronger than it is on the mesonotum ; the posterior median area is transversely striated. The striation on the second abdominal segment is weak. Male. Length, 6 mm. Pretoria. October. This species is clearly con-generic with P. flavo-orbitalis, from which it may be known by the paler, more yellowish colour of the body, by the yellowish head and prothorax, and by the second abdominal segment being entirely black above, it being also less strongly striated. Androna latimaculata, sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the head pale yellow, the scape of antennae pale yellow, the flagellum black, fuscous below on the basal half, the stemmatum black, the mark continued on to the vertex, it becoming gradually narrowed behind, mesosternum, a large mark of equal width, three times longer than wide, on the basal three-fourths of the metanotum, the basal fourth of the first abdominal segment, the basal half of the second and the greater part of the following segments above, black ; the legs paler coloured ; tarsi fuscous. Male. Length, 5 mm. Pretoria. March. Androna fuscicornis, sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; without yellow, except on the mandibles, which are pale yellow with black teeth ; the stemmaticum, the mark rounded behind, a mark of equal width and two-and-a-half times longer than wide, its apex transverse on the basal two-thirds of metanotum, the basal fourth of the first abdominal segment, a narrow line, widened at the base, on the basal two-thirds of the second, and wide marks on the base of the following segments, the apical two larger than on' the others, black ; and the basal ventral segment is narrowly black at the base ; antennal scape pale testaceous, the flagellum fuscous, darker at the base. Wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures fuscous, the former paler in front. The apex of the areola and the posterior median area transversely striated. Pleural smooth. Legs paler coloured than the body ; a line near base of the hind tibiae and a wider one on the apex, the base and apex of the hind tibiae and the hind tarsi fuscous. Wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures fuscous. Abdomen almost twice the length of the thorax, the ovipositor two-thirds of its length. Female. Pretoria. February. The centre of the face and of the clypeus tinged with rufous, as well as the middle of the front ; the former two are covered with short white pubescence. Metanotum closely and rather strongly transversely striated . Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 189 the base of the areola finely, closely punctured. Pleurae finely closely punctured, the metapleurae more strongly and closely than the rest, The second abdominal segment is closely striated. Androna basiornata , sp. n. Pale yellow ; the flagellum of the antennae, except at the base, where it is fuscous, the tips of mandibles, stemmaticum, the lower part of the occiput, a line on the sides of the mesonotum, continued down the sides and round the apex of the scutellum, continued broadly down the centre of the basal three-fourths of the metanotum, the apex of the latter line being acutely pointed, the basal third of the first segment of the abdomen, a line, one-third of the width of the segment, down the basal two-thirds of the second, a semicircular mark on the base of the third, and larger, more irregular marks on the others, black. The base of the legs pale, the rest coloured like the body, except the base of the hind tibiae narrowly, the apex more broadly and the tarsi fuscous. Wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures fuscous. Male. Length, 5 mm. ; terebra, 4 mm. Pretoria. January. The yellow on the face and occiput runs into rufous ; the mesonotum is rufous except in the centre of the apical half ; the abdomen is for the greater part rufous. The amount of the rufous colour probably varies and may indeed be a discolouration. The male has no black round the scutellum, the line on the metanotum is shorter and of equal width, not sharply pointed at the apex, and the abdominal black marks are smaller. Length, 7 mm. ; ovipositor, 2 mm. Pretoria. February. Covered with a short white pile, the head and thorax closely, dis- tinctly punctured, except for a smooth band over the mesopleural depres- sion ; the metathorax is more coarsely punctured than the rest ; the top of the areola is smooth, the rest of it and the posterior median area less closely, rather strongly transversely striated. Abdomen smooth, the second segment longitudinally aciculated, almost striated on the apical half. The antennae are stout, of equal thickness and are as long as the head, thorax, and basal segment of the abdomen united. The areola is long, narrow, and of equal width. Androna flavo-orbitalis, sp. n. Pufous ; the inner orbits broadly pale yellow, the antennae, . meta- thorax, the first abdominal segment, a broad line down the sides of the back of the second segment, the back of the fourth, the whole of the follow- ing segments, the hind coxae, trochanters, and the base of the hind tibiae, black ; wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures black ; the recurrent nervure is almost interstitial and is received outside the transverse cubital ; it is largely bullated in front ; the transverse median nervure is interstitial ; the apical nervures in the hind wings are very faint, almost obliterated. Metanotum completely areolated ; the areola three times longer than wide, the basal half obliquely narrowed to a sharp point at the base ; its apical half and the posterior median area are closely, transversely striated ; 2 190 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. the rest is closely, distinctly punctured ; the metathorax is more densely covered with white pubescence than the rest ; the spiracles are oval. Female. Length, 7 mm. ; terebra, 3 mm. Bronkhorstspruit (E. Pretoria District). December. Covered with a minute white pile ; the head and thorax closely punc- tured, the latter more strongly than the former. Antennal scape testaceous below. Clypeus not clearly separated from the face, but with large foveae at the sides above. There is a smooth tubercle on the top of the face. The post-petiole is closely, but not very strongly, striated. Silavoga , gen. nov. Post-costal nervure with a short straight nervure, having a short curved transverse nervure on the top ; transverse median nervure received distinctly beyond the transverse basal ; the areolet distinctly appendicu- lated, the second nervure the longer and roundly curved ; the recurrent nervure received near the apex ; disco-cubital nervure unbroken, broadly roundly curved. Transverse cubital nervure in the hind wings broken above the middle. Metanotum with a narrow area extending from the base to the apex, and two large, wide lateral ones ; the spiracles curved, narrow, three times longer than wide. Clypeus not separated from the face, its apex broadly rounded. ' Basal slope of scutellum keeled ; the post-scutellum bordered by stout oblique keels. Abdominal petiole as long as the following two segments united, slender, the apical half thicker than the basal, the spiracles placed shortly beyond the middle. Mandibles bluntly edendate. Occiput and cheeks margined. Antennae long and slender, much longer than the body. Sheath of ovipositor projecting, large, broad, curved. Cerci longish. Abdomen broad, but compressed, the segments laterally becoming wider towards the apex. Legs slender, long, the hinder coxae two-and-a-half times longer than wide, the claws simple. This genus of Ophioninae may be easily known by the curious nervure on the post-costal, a nervure not found, so far as I know, in any other Ichneumon. It fits in best with the Campoplegini, but in my opinion a new tribe should be formed for it. Silavoga longicornis , sp. n. Luteous ; the tarsi darker coloured, the flagellum of antennae, tips of mandibles and stemmaticum, black ; covered with a short, white down ; the wings hyaline, the stigma pale testaceous, the nervures blackish, the disco-cubital and recurrent nervures largely bullated. Head closely, rather strongly punctured, the thorax not quite so strongly punctured, the scutellum not quite so strongly as the mesonotum. Flagellum of antennae densely covered with short stiff black pubescence. Female. Kourulene (Zoutpansberg District). August. Paniscini. Paniscus melanoctis, Llolm. Engenies Resa., Zool., VI, 411, 44 ; Tosquinet, Mem. d. 1. Soc. Ent. de Belgique, VI, 407 ; Cameron, Annals South African Museum, V, 101. Pretoria. March to November. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 191 Paniscus natalensis, sp. n. Rufo-ferruginous ; the antennae blackish, the scape and base of flagellum ferruginous ; wings hyaline, the costa and stigma sordid tes- taceous, the nervures black, the disco-cubital nervure broken by a distinct stump ; the second transverse cubital nervure largely bullated behind ; the recurrent nervure roundly curved outwardly between the bullae ; the disco-cubital nervure broken by a distinct stump ; the transverse cubital nervure in the hind wings is broken close to the bottom of the anterior fourth. Scutellum not very strongly keeled to near the apex. Metanotum closely, distinctly, transversely striated ; a shallow, narrow longitudinal furrow down the centre of the basal half. The first abdominal segment is twice the length of the second ; its apex is finely closely punctured ; the ventral surface and apical segments are spotted with fuscous. Female. Length, 14 mm. Colenso, Natal. The face, clypeus, and orbits are tinged with yellow. Face and clypeus closely punctured, the latter more strongly than the former, and separated from it, but not very distinctly. Apex of mandibles broadly black ; Ocelli not in a black patch, the hinder clearly separated from the eyes. Tarsi closely spinose. Calcaria and comb black. Parapsidal furrows shallow but distinct. This species is stouter than melanocotis, from which it may be known by the blackish, not rufous, flagellum of the antennae, by the more deeply tinted ferruginous colour, which is not tinged with yellow, by the recurrent nervure being only roundly curved in front, while in melanocotis the curve extends from the top to bottom ; in it, too, the transverse cubital nervure in the hind wings is broken at the bottom of the top third, in the present species at the top fourth. Paniscus nigroeandis, sp. n. Rufo-ferruginous ; the flagellum of the antennae, the apex of man- dibles, a spot in the hollow behind the tegulae and the sixth and following segments of the abdomen, black ; wings hyaline, the costa fuscous, the stigma pale testaceous, the nervures black, the disco-cubital nervure broadly rounded, unbroken, the recurrent nervure broadly rounded, the transverse cubital nervure in hind wing broken at the bottom of the fore fourth. The hind ocelli touch the eyes ; they are not in a black patch ; the orbits are pale yellow. Scutellum distinctly keeled to the apex. Meta- notum closely transversely striated, more strongly in the centre than on the sides. Face and clypeus closely punctured, the former raised in the middle ; the latter bounded above at the sides by a short distinct furrow. First abdominal segment not twice the length of the second ; the abdomen is fully twice longer than the head and thorax united. Male. Length, 11 mm. Kranspoort (Pretoria District). December. Tibiae and tarsi closely spinose. The eye orbits are pale yellow. The parapsidal furrows are not indicated. 192 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. TRYPHONIDAE. Bassini. Bassus Icetatorius, Fab. Cameron, Annals South African Museum, Y, 131. Pretoria. May and September. This is now practically a cosmopolitan species. It would be interesting to know the Dipteron it is parasitic on in South Africa. BRACONIDAE. Braconinae. Iphicmlax havelandi, Cam. Annals of the South African Museum, V, 42. Waterval (Zoutpansberg District). November and December. The male does not differ appreciably in coloration from the female ; it is smaller, that in the collection being hardly 10 mm. long, and is also more slenderly built than the female. Iphicmlax pretoriaensis, sp. n. Black ; a wide streak along the sides of the apical two-thirds of the mesonotum, a curved mark near the centre of the scutellum, and the mesosternum dark blood-red ; wings fuscous, a mark on the base of the stigma, prolonged in front and behind at the apex, the central black part being wider than the yellow prolongations and with the base rounded, orange yellow ; there is a narrow oblique cloud in the lower apical two- thirds of the first cubital cellule reaching the apex at the end of the first abscissa of the cubitus and is prolonged below the cubitus ; outside the fore part of the recurrent nervure is an irregular pyriform cloud, the fore part of which is dilated at the base, along the cubitus. Basal two seg- ments of abdomen irregularly, the following three strongly, more regularly striated ; the first segment has a stout keel down the middle ; the striae are more or less oblique, the lateral furrow is wide, smooth, striated at the base. The area on the base of the second segment is large, wider than long, finely closely obliquely striated ; its keel extends to the apex of the seg- ment, which is depressed on either side of it, the striae there being few and curved. The suturiform articulation is wide and strongly, but not closely, striated ; the lateral area is smooth on the inner side, finely closely striated on the outer ; the furrow on the base of the fourth is deep, narrow, crenulated ; the apices of the segments are smooth. Allied to L durbanensis Cam. (Annals South African Museum, V, 43.). Iphicmlax pictus, Be. Bracon pictus , Brulle, Hymen, IY, 426. Iphianlax .pictus , Cam,, Annals South African Museum, Y, 47. Waterval (Zoutpansberg District). November. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 193 Iphianlax varipalpis, Cam. Annals South African Museum, V, 49. Lemana (Zoutpansberg District). October. Vipio transvaalensis , sp. n. Rufous ; the head paler, brighter in tint, the antennae, tips of man- dibles, trophi, stemmaticum, a broad line, twice wider than long, on the base of mesonotum, a narrower longer one on the sides, continued on to the base of scutellum, the apical slope of metanotum largely, the meso- sternum, the under side of the fore femora and apical joint of the trochanters, black ; wings fuscous, an oblique hyaline irregular cloud in the first cubital cellule continued as a small roundish cloud beyond the cubitus on the outer side of the recurrent nervure, the stigma and nervures black, the base of the stigma testaceous. Male. Length, 10 mm. ; terebra, 17 mm. Kranspoort (Pretoria District). December. Front and vertex smooth, shining, the face finely sparsely punctured. Mesonotum and apical half of scutellum with large, widely separated punctures ; the scutellar basal furrow crenulated. Metanotum closelv and slightly more strongly punctured than the mesonotum. Pleurae smooth, the apex of metapleural weakly punctured. Abdomen with the basal four segments closely rugosely punctured, the punctures becoming weaker from the first ; the triangular area on the second and third is more finely punctured, especially on the inner side. The oblique furrows and the first transverse one are crenulated ; there is a narrow smooth one on the apex of the third segment. There is a not very clearly defined keel down the middle of the metanotum. In the table of the South African species of Vipio , I have given in the Annals of the South African Museum, V, 59 and 60, this species would run near to Vipio longicandis, Cam., with which it cannot be confounded, e.g. the ovipositor in the latter is 30 mm. long. Vipio melanopus, sp. n. Rufous ; the antennae, tips of mandibles, trophi, stemmaticum, three marks on the mesonotum, the anterior conical, not much longer than it is wide at the base, the lateral longer, extending from the base to the apex, the sides and apex of the scutellum broadly, the mesosternum, the greater part of the mesopleurae and the greater part of the legs, black ; wings fuscous, with the usual hyaline spots at the base of the stigma ; the stigma and nervures black. Female. Length, 7 mm. ; terebra, 17 mm. Pleisieskloof (Pretoria District). 22nd December. Head smooth, the sides of the face broadly, weakly, but distinctly, punctured. Mesonotum strongly, sparsely punctured, except in the centre at the apex, where the puncturation is much closer. The scutellum has a few scattered punctures in the centre of the apex, where there is a central keel. Metanotum closely, strongly punctured, a furrow with a keel in the middle down its centre. Pro- and meso-pleurae smooth, the meta- pleurae punctured, but much less strongly than the metanotum. Basal 194 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. four segments of the abdomen closely, strongly, almost rugosely punctured, less strongly so on the sides of the second at the base and still less strongly and more shining on the sides of the third ; the oblique furrows on the third are clearly defined and straight. The knees, apical half of middle femora, the greater part of the posterior and the basal half of the middle tibiae below are rufous. Pubescencee on thorax, including metanotum, white. In my table, l. c. supra, this species runs to maculiceps, which has the head maculate with black. Vipio (?) pallidiventris, sp. n. Rufo- testaceous ; the ventral surface pallid yellow, the antennae, stemmaticum, almost the apical half of the mandibles, a wide mark, almost twice longer than wide, rounded at the base, transverse at the apex, towards which it becomes gradually, but not much, narrowed ; on the middle lobe, a longer, narrower one, obliquely narrowed towards the apex, on the lateral lobes, the marks reaching to the base of the stigma, a line on the sides of the mesosternum, transverse on the inner, rounded on the outer side, the apex rounded and clearly separated, a large mark, twice longer than wide, on the apical three-fourths of the first abdominal segment, reaching to the apex, a mark, fully three times longer than it is wide at the base, it becoming gradually narrowed towards the apex on the second, and two longish triangular marks on the third, fourth, and fifth segments ; the first to fifth and the basal half of the sixth, closely longitudinally striated. The metanotum with a large ovoid belt of irregular longitudinal striae, the base and apex being free from them ; the metapleurae punc- tured, the punctures clearly separated and distinct. Antennae longer than the body, the third joint not much shorter than the fourth. Wings hyaline, the apex slightly clouded, the stigma fuscous on the front, livid testaceous on the posterior half. Male. Length, 8 mm. Groenvlei (Pretoria District). January. This is not a typical Vipio ; the abdominal segments, for example, want the oblique furrows ; the trophi appear to be different, being apparently as in Bracon, but I am not certain about this and, having only a single specimen, I do not care to dissect it. The general form of the body and the neuration are as in Vipio, including the short radial cellule. The apical abscissa of the radius is longer than the basal two united ; the second is one-fourth longer than the first ; the first transverse cubital nervure is obliquely sloped, so that the second cubital cellule is much narrowed in front. Bacuma, Cam. Bacuma rufa, sp. n. Rufous ; the antennae, the face, front, the vertex to the fore half of the temples, the centre behind continued down the occiput as a triangle, mandibles and the mesonotum, black ; wings fuscous, a somewhat tri- angular cloud behind the transverse basal and transverse median nervure Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 195 along the first transverse cubital nervure, its apex obliquely truncated, a wider cloud extending from the base of the cubitus to the base of the radius, from the stigma to the posterior edge of the wing and a small one on either side of the second transverse cubital extending slightly and roundly on to the radial cellule, yellowish hyaline, the stigma black, its base, except in front, yellowish ; the nervures black, yellowish along the central cloud ; the base of the hind wing narrowly hyaline and there is an oval longish cloud at the base of the cubitus. Abdomen closely, strongly reticulated punctured, the basal slope of the first and the apical two seg- ments smooth ; the area on base of second segment smooth at the base, the rest closely longitudinally striated ; ventral surface whitish, the basal four segments marked with black. Female. Length, 16 mm. ; terebra, 33 mm. “ Transvaal.” Head below the antennae sparsely covered with black hair ; there are a few hairs above them. Mesonotum sparsely covered with black hair ; the rest of the thorax and the legs more densely covered with white pubescence. The third abscissa of the radius is longer than the basal two united ; the recurrent nervure is received in the apex of the first cubital cellule. Front depressed, neither distinctly keeled nor furrowed. Face coarsely reticulated, the reticulations finer below. May be known from the two described species of Bacuma (maculi- ventris, Cam., and fumipennis , Cam., Annals South African Museum, V, 68 and 69) by the red body and legs. •» Hormiinae. Hormius, Nees. Hormius testaceus, sp. n. Testaceous ; the flagellum of the antennae, the lower part of the mesopleurae and the sides of the mesopleurae black, the legs of a paler colour than the body ; wings hyaline, the stigma pale, the nervures of a darker testaceous colour ; the first transverse cubital nervure sharply obliquely sloped, so that the second cubital cellule is much narrowed in front ; the first abcissa of the radius is a little longer than the second ; antennae twenty- two jointed. Metanotum reticulated. Female. Length, 2*5; terebra, *5 mm. Pretoria. December. Smooth, shining, bare ; first abdominal segment clearly separated, as wide as long, the second nearly as long as the third and fourth united. RHOGADINAE. Bhogas, Nees. The following is a synoptical table of the species of Bhogas described in this paper : — 1 (2) Bed ; the head and apex of the abdomen black, the ptero- stigma black. erythrostomus. 2 (1) Testaceous ; including the pterostigma. 196 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 3 (4) The mesopleurae, metanotum, and base of abdomen, black. melanospilus . 4 (3) Thorax and abdomen immaculate. 5 (6) Apex of hind femora and upper part of pleurae black. pleurilineatus . 6 (5) Legs and pleurae immaculate. 7 (8) Front striated (pterostigma uniformly coloured, the legs coloured like the body). striatifrons . 8 (11) Antennae entirely black. 9 (10) A large black mark on the metanotum, the first abscissa of the radius shorter than the second, which is a little longer than the first transverse cubital. vannervis. 10 (9) Metanotum immaculate, the first abscissa of radius longer than the second, which is as long as the first transverse cubital nervure. pallidipalpis . 11 (8) Antennae at the most fuscous, the base of flagellum paler than the apex (the stigma pale, fuscous near the apex, the nervures fuscous). 12 (13) Second cubital cellule distinctly narrowed towards the apex, one-half longer than wide, the basal two abdominal segments paler than the others. varicarinatus . 13 (12) Second cubital cellule not narrowed towards the apex, twice longer than wide, the basal two abdominal segments not paler than the others. transvaalensis . Rhogas erythrostomus, sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the head, antennae, the third and following segments of the abdomen and the sheath of the ovipositor, black ; the oral region and the mandibles except the teeth, dark red ; the palpi black, covered with white pubescence ; wings hyaline, the costa pale, the stigma black, the nervures fuscous ; the legs coloured like the body, the apex of the hind tibiae and the four hind tarsi black. Female and male. Length, 8-9 mm. Pretoria. October. Tweefontein (Pretoria District). January. Covered with a short white pubescence, which is longest on the meta- notum. Face in the middle closely irregularly striated, almost reticulated, the sides punctured. Centre of front smooth and shining, the sides finely irregularly striated, the vertex opaque, coarsely alutaceous, more or less striated. Mesonotum closely, irregularly punctured, the scutellum more strongly punctured. The transverse depression at the base of the meta- notum stoutly crenulated. Metanotum closely rugosely punctured, the apical slope striated ; the keel hardly extends to the middle. Pleurae closely punctured, the apex of the propleurae striated. Basal two abdominal segments closely irregularly striated, more strongly in the centre than on the sides ; the central keel distinct ; the basal two-thirds of the third segment finely closely striated. The head is not quite transverse, the temples are rounded, narrowed, the occupit roundly incised. Parapsidal furrows narrow, shallow. The Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 197 palpi vary in colour from black to fuscous. First abscissa of radius not balf the length of the second ; the second cubital cellule of equal width throughout, about one-fourth longer along the radius than along the transverse cubitals. The colouration of the tarsi and the palpi varies, the latter from black to fuscous. Rhogas melanospilus, sp. n. Head, thorax, and abdomen except the apical third of the first segment, the second except the sides, and the third except the sides and apex, which are pale yellow, rufo- testaceous ; the antennae blackish, except the basal three-fourths of the scape ; the stemmaticum, the basal three-fourths of the mesopleurae broadly above, the post-scutellum and the part bordering it, and the metathorax except the apex below, black ; the rufous colour on the base of the first abdominal segment is largely tinged with black ; wings clear hyaline, iridescent, the costa and stigma pallid yellow, darker towards the apex ; the second cubital cellule is narrowed towards the apex. Metanotum finely, closely, transversely striated, the central keel distinct, as it is also on the first abdominal segment. Male. Length, 4 mm. Rietfontein No. 57 (Pretoria District). September. Temples distinctly, obliquely, roundly narrowed ; the occiput not transverse. Head, pro- and mesothorax shagreened, covered with a white pubescence, the lower part of the propleurae obscurely striated, the apex of the mesonotum more strongly longitudinally striated. Palpi long, pallid yellow. The abdomen is smooth, except the basal segment. Rhogas plurilineatus, sp. n. Testaceous, the stemmaticum, face, the greater part of the clypeus, the greater part of the outer orbits, the pleurae above, the meso- more broadly than the pro-pleurse and the latter than the meta-pleurae, the antennae dark rufous, darker towards the apex ; the sides of the basal two abdominal segments and the whole of the others tinged with rufous ; legs coloured like the body, but paler, the apex of the hind femora slightly, the apical fourth of the middle, the apical half of the posterior and the end joint of the tarsi, black. Wings clear hyaline, the stigma pale tes- taceous, the nervures darker, almost black ; the basal abscissa of radius one-third of the length of the second ; the second cubital cellule almost twice longer than wide ; the basal abscissa of radius roundly curved towards the costa. Basal three segments of the abdomen closely, distinctly striated, the third with the apex smooth. The front immediately below the ocelli is strongly transversely striated ; the hollowed lateral part is blackish and is finely longitudinally striated. The amount of black on the face varies, and the red down the sides of the abdomen may run into black ; the black on the upper side of the pleurae may change to rufous. Parapsidal furrows shallow. The punc- turation on the head and thorax is close. The furrow at the base of the scutellum is strongly crenulated. Male. Length, 5-6 mm. Pretoria. December. Rietfontein No. 57 (Pretoria District). January. A variable species probably as regards coloration. 198 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. Rhogas varicarinatus , sp. n. Kufo-testaceous ; the basal two segments of the abdomen paler coloured, the flagellum of antennae, tips of mandibles and stemmaticum black ; wings clear hyaline, the costa and stigma pallid, the latter inf us - cated behind ; the first abscissa of radius three-fourths of the length of the second ; the second cubital cellule distinctly narrowed in front, the second transverse cubital nervure one-fourth shorter than the first. Metanotum infuscated, its keel distinct. The keel on the first abdominal segment is weak, on the second it is obsolete ; the first is weakly striated, the striae stronger towards the apex ; the apical segments are tinged with rufous and fuscous. Temples sharply obliquely narrowed, the occiput roundly incised. Male. Length, 4 mm. Pretoria. October. Rhogas varinervis, sp. n. Testaceous ; * stemmaticum, an irregularly triangular mark in the centre of the metanotum on the basal half, the antennae, mandibular teeth, and the apices of the tarsi black ; wings clear hyaline, the costa and stigma testaceous, the basal nervures, the base and apex of cubitus pale, the others darker coloured ; first abscissa of radius three-fourths of the length of the second ; the second cubital cellule of equal width, not one-fourth longer along the radius than it is along the transverse cubitals. Parapsidal furrows shallow. The keel on the metanotum extends shortly beyond the middle ; the keels on the basal two abdominal segments are fine, but distinct ; the segments are irregularly striated in the middle, the striae intertwining ; the second furrow is wider than the others and is more strongly crenulated ; the third is narrower and smooth on the apex. Male. Length, 8 mm. Pretoria. February. The pubescence is dense, short, and white ; it is longer on the meta- notum. Temples rounded, not much narrowed. Allied to R. melanocerus, Cam. (also from the Transvaal) ; the latter may be known from it by the black costa, stigma, and nervures. Rhogas pallidipalpis, sp. n. Testaceous ; the antennae, stemmaticum, and tips of mandibles black ; wings hyaline, the costa and stigma pale testaceous, the nervures paler ; the second cubital cellule of equal width, not one-fourth longer along the radius than it is along the transverse cubitals ; legs coloured like the body, the tips of tarsi slightly infuscated. The keels on the metanotum and the basal two abdominal segments are weak ; the furrow between the second and third segments is weakly crenulated ; the first and second segments are finely closely longitudinally striated, almost reticulated. Parapsidal furrows distinct on the basal half. Male. Length, 6 mm. Kranspoort (Pretoria District). December. Temples rounded, not much narrowed, the occiput transverse. Head and thorax finely closely punctured, the latter more strongly than the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 199 former ; the apex of the mesonotum longitudinally striated. Apex of mesopleurae closely finely striated, the centre smooth and shining. Basal segment of abdomen closely longitudinally striated and punctured, the striae more distinct on the apex ; the sculpture on the second is almost similar, the third is closely weakly punctured ; the second furrow is weakly crenulated. The pubescence is short, dense, and white. Rhogas striatifrons, sp. n. Testaceous ; the antennae darker coloured on the apical half, the tips of mandibles, the stemmaticum and the greater part of the apical joint of the tarsi black ; wings clear hyaline, highly iridescent, the costa, nervures, and stigma pallid testaceous ; basal abscissa of radius half the length of the second, the second cubital cellule of equal width, one-fourth longer along the radius than along the transverse cubitals. Basal three segments of abdomen closely, distinctly striated, the first more strongly on the sides and in the centre ; the keels are not clearly defined. Male. Length, 6 mm. Pretoria. August. Temples slightly rounded, distinctly obliquely narrowed. Head and thorax finely, closely punctured, the front distinctly striated, the striae on the sides obliquely sloped. There is a striated belt on the basal half of the pronotum. The apex of the hind femora is infuscated. Rhogas transvaalensis, sp. n. R.ufo-testaceous ; the legs much paler than the body, the basal third of the antennae dark testaceous, the rest black, the metanotum and basal segment of the abdomen infuscated ; wings clear hyaline, the stigma with the basal half white, the apical pallid fuscous, the nervures pale testaceous, the second cubital cellule not quite twice longer than wide, the first abscissa of the radius about one-third of the length of the second. Metanotum obscurely transversely striated, the keel distinct. Basal two abdominal segments obscurely, finely striated, the keel on the first distinct, but not so stout as that on the metanotum, that on the second is weaker. Temples broadly, roundly narrowed, the occiput transverse. Male. Length, 4 mm. Rietfontein No. 57 (Pretoria District). August. Warmberg (Zoutpaus- berg District). April. The apex of the mesonotum is irregularly longitudinally striated. Pleurae more strongly shagreened than the mesonotum. Parapsidal furrows indicated on basal slope only. Doryctini. Xenolobus, gen. n. Wings with three cubital cellules, the second not half the length of the third, wider along the radius than along the cubitus ; the radial cellule long, reaching to the apex of the wing, the radius issuing from the basal third of the stigma ; the recurrent and anal nervures interstitial ; the transverse median nervure received not far from the centre. Base of metanotum with two large raised coloured lobes, narrowed and rounded 200 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. at the apex, longer than wide, extending slightly beyond the middle, there being a triangular space at the apex between them ; from the top of it a furrow runs to the apex. The basal two and the basal half of the third segments are closely longitudinally striated, the basal two with a not very strong keel down the centre ; there is a narrow but distinct furrow between the second and third segments ; the basal segment sessile, longer than wide, and a little longer than the second ; occiput and cheeks margined. Eyes incised on inner side. Legs stout ; the fore tarsi not much longer than the tibiae ; the metatarsus as long as the following two joints united. Spiracles small, round. The antennae are in the male fully longer than the body and taper towards the apex. The head is cubital, narrower than the thorax, the occiput is roundly incised ; the wings are large, yellowish hyaline and spotted with fuscous. The parapsidal furrows are distinct on apical half. Eirst abscissa of radius about one-fourth of the length of the second. The type of the genus has much more the look of one of the Exothecini than of the Boryctini , especially in its large size and colouration. In the arrangement of Szepligeti (Gien. Ins., Brae., 63) this genus would come in near Gymnobracon and Osmophila. It should be readily known by the two large roundly raised lobes on the metanotum and by the incised eyes. Xenolobus rufus, sp. n. Rufous ; the antennae, tips of mandibles, the four posterior tarsi, the apical joints of anterior and the hinder tibiae black ; wings yellowish hyaline, a large fuscous triangular cloud along the outer apical three- fourths of the transverse basal nervure, the apex all round from near the base of the stigma except for a large irregular oval hyaline cloud extending from near the costa to near the posterior margin, it extending into the first cubital cellule as a triangular projection along the radius, the apical fourth of the hind wings, the cloud extending backwards along the margin as a double triangle, of which the posterior is the larger and longer. Thorax and legs covered with short, white pubescence. Male. Length, 18 mm. Pretoria. November. Sides of face broadly, irregularly transversely striated ; the ocelli bordered by curved pyriform foveae, the space between which and the eyes is striated. Pro- and mesonotum punctured, the depressed apical central part of the latter longitudinally strongly striated, the striae more or less twisted. Scutellum sparsely punctured, the parts bordering it stoutly striated. Metanotal lobes shagreened, the rest irregularly reticulated ; the apical slope smooth, with two transverse stout keels. Basal two segments of the abdomen closely striated, the striae on the first more or less twisted, that on the apical half of the second much finer than on the basal, the striae on the basal half of the third finer than on the apex of the second. Cheloninae. Chelonus rufoscapus, sp.- n. Black ; a broad yellowish white band of equal width on the basal fourth of the abdomen, the antennal scape and the legs, except the coxae, red ; Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum, 201 the palpi white ; wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures black, the basal nervures at the base and the transverse basal nervure testaceous ; teguiae black. Densely covered with a white pile. Female. Length, 3*5 mm. Pretoria. October. Antennae sixteen- join ted, as long as the head and thorax united. The upper inner orbits with a closely longitudinally striated border ; the sides of the face closely obliquely striated. Mesonotum finely, closely punctured, the apical half in the centre reticulated, the reticulations square. Scutellum closely, minutely punctured, the basal furrow crenulated. Meta- no turn and pleurae alutaceous, the former more strongly than the latter ; there is a keel down its centre. Base and middle of abdomen striated, the latter more closely and finely than the former. Basal two abscissae of radius equal in length, thicker than the third ; the cubitus is roundlv curved, bullated at the base, the transverse cubital nervure is bullated in front. Allied to C. curvimaculatus , Cam. (Annals South African Museum, V, 34), from which it may be known by the red scape and legs. Gastrotheca trimaculata, sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the stemmaticum, the hinder part of the vertex and the occiput black, the whole forming one mark and three large marks on the mesonotum, black ; wings slightly, but distinctly tinged with fuscous, the base paler, more yellowish in tint, the stigma and nervures black. Female. Length, 5 mm. “ Cape ” is the locality noted on the specimen. Face shagreened, the front and vertex smooth, the mesonotum finely punctured, the scutellum more finely punctured ; the metanotum with a shallow furrow down the middle. Abdomen closely, distinctly, longitudinally striated, the striae interlacing ; the terminal spines four times longer than wide, straight, of almost equal width ; separated by a wider space than the outer edge, which is serrate. The second abscissa of the radius is fully three times longer than the first. Allied to G. furcata, Guer., which may be known from it by there being no black on the hinder part of the head and only two black lines on the mesonotum. Gastrotheca melanocera, sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the head, except the centre of the vertex, paler, more yellowish in tint ; the apex of abdomen broadly infuscated, the antennae, stemmaticum, tips of mandibles and claws black ; wings hyaline, largely and deeply tinged with fuscous, the costa and stigma deep black, the nervures of a lighter black colour, the nervures testaceous, the apical darker in tint. Female. Length, 5 mm. Lemana (Zoutpansberg District). October. Rather densely covered with short fulvous pubescence. Face, oral region and malar space paler, more yellowish in tint than the rest of the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 202 head. Parapsidal furrows shallow, not reaching to the scutellum. Apex of mesonotum depressed in the middle, reticulated. Scutellum almost smooth, shining. Metanotum shagreened, broadly round at the apex, with the sides slightly projecting. Pleurae almost smooth. Abdomen closely reticulated, more strongly towards the apex than at the base, which is transverse with the outer edges projecting ; the apical teeth about four times longer than wide and narrowed towards the apex. Gasterotheca areolata , sp. n. Rufo-testaceous ; the antennae, apex of mandibles, stemmaticum and sheaths of ovipositor black ; covered closed with short white down ; wings hyaline, tinged with fulvous, the costa and nervures black, the nervures testaceous. Female. Length, 7 mm. Waterval (Zoutpansberg District). December. Centre of face with a smooth broad keel which becomes gradually widened (but not much) from the base to the apex. Sides of face, front and vertex rugose, the latter two more strongly than the former ; the top of the eye orbits obliquely, closely striated behind. Mesonotum trilobate, the middle lobe not narrowed to a point at the apex and with a shallow furrow down the centre ; it is followed by a strongly longitudinally striated depression ; there is a narrower oblique furrow on the outer lobe on the apical half. Scutellum finely rugose ; it is followed by a smooth, shining depression, with a keel down the centre. The base of metanotum with a large, almost semicircular depression or area in the centre, bearing some stout striae ; this is followed in the centre by a large triangular area, the keels bounding it being curved towards the apex ; it is irregularly transversely striated and has down the centre two keels which slightly converge towards the apex ; there are a few transverse keels between them ; the sides of the metanotum are margined by a keel. Propleurae smooth except for a few striae in the central hollow. Mesopleurae finely, closely, indistinctly punctured; there is a wide oblique furrow on the base near the top, this furrow being striated moderately strongly and extends from the base to the apex. Except at the depressed base the metapleurae are rugosely, obliquely punctured. Abdomen closely, rugosely reticulated with a narrow keel down the centre of the basal half ; this central keel is enclosed by a broad rufous-fuscous mark, which extends beyond it ; the apical spines are long — about five times longer than they are wide at the base — and become narrowed towards the apex ; the part between them forms a broad crenulated round curve, the sides at the apex being also crenulated. Minanga bimaculata , sp. n. Rufo-luteous ; the antennae and a wide longish line on the lateral lobe of the mesonotum, black ; wings hyaline, the costa, parastigma, and stigma black, the nervures testaceous, darker coloured beyond the stigma. Female. Length, 4*5 mm. Transvaal. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 203 Smooth and shining ; the apex of mesonotum sparsely, weakly punctured ; the scutellum more strongly and weakly punctured. Meta- notum with three broad, longitudinal smooth keels down the centre ; inside them, near the middle, are two stout transverse keels ; outside them is a shallow wide depression, with a few irregular transverse striae ; the outer side is coarsely, mostly longitudinally striated, almost reticulated. Pleurae smooth, the base of the metapleurae with a closely, finely striated band. On the basal third of the abdomen, down the centre, are three stout keels, the outer converging and uniting with the central ; the space between them at the base is transversely incised, the sides projecting ; at their apex is a similar area, but longer and wider at the base, which is formed by the transverse keel at the apex of the basal lateral keels ; these areae are stoutly transversely striated; they are bordered by transverse striae, outside of which, and beyond them, the segment is irregularly rather strongly and closely reticulated ; on the apex are two rounded incisions, the part separating the two forming a longish triangular tooth ; outside the incisions the apex is irregularly toothed. The basal abscissa of the cubitus is slightly roundly curved towards the costa ; the second is broadly roundly curved backwards ; the apical abscission of the radius is as long as the basal two united. Phanerotoma curvimaculata, sp. n. Luteous ; the apex of the antennae fuscous, a large rufo-fuscous mark on the centre of the second segment ; it becomes gradually widened towards the apex, where there is a semicircular incision ; the third segment is fuscous, except on the sides and for an incision, longer than wide, transverse at the base, rounded at the apex in the centre ; the legs are similarly coloured, but paler, and with the apex of the hind tibiae and the hind tarsi infuscated. Wings hyaline, iridescent, the stigma and para- stigma pallid testaceous ; the first transverse cubital nervure broadly, roundly curved, the much shorter second straight, and oblique. Female. Length, 5*5 mm. Face bluntly keeled down the centre, smooth ; the space on either side of the keel closely, finely obliquely striated. Front closely, irregularly obliquely striated and with a smooth furrow down the centre. Vertex irregularly closely punctured. Prothorax finely punctured, the pleurae more or less striated. Mesonotum finely reticulated, more finely so at the base. The scutellum forms almost an equilateral triangle, and is finely irregularly striated ; the parts bordering it are more strongly obliquely striated. Base of metanotum closely, irregularly striated ; the apical slope irregularly reticulated. Mesopleurae obliquely striated, the striae more or less interlacing. Upper half of metapleurae irregularly punctured, the lower irregularly obliquely striated. Basal two segments of abdomen somewhat strongly, closely, irregularly striated, the other finely rugulose, and more densely covered with white pile than the others. Phanerotoma pallidipes, sp. n. Kufo-testaceous ; the abdomen and legs pallid yellow, the third abdominal segment darker coloured (perhaps discoloured) ; the apex of 204 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. the hind femora narrowly and the apical fourth of the hind tibiae dark fuscous ; wings clear hyaline, the apical half of the stigma and the radius fuscous, the apical abscissa of the radius broadly roundly curved towards the costa ; the basal third of the second abscissa of the cubitus obliterated ; the first transverse cubital nervure broadly, roundly curved ; the second about one-third of its length, thinner, straight, oblique ; the first recurrent nervure is received very shortly beyond the first transverse cubital ; the apical half of the first cubital cellule has a faint fuscous cloud. Head, pro- and mesothorax finely, closely punctured, the head more strongly, than the thorax, the clypeus more shining and less closely punctured, the apical half of the scutellum smooth. The parts bordering the scutellum strongly striated. Basal half of metanotum longitudinally rugose ; the apical closely reticulated. Propleurae and prosternum pallid yellow, almost smooth. Mesopleurae finely, closely rugosely punctured, as are also the metapleurae, but they bear also some striae. Basal two segments of abdomen with shallow clearly separated punctures, the third finely, closely rugose. Female and male. Length, 4-5 mm. The space between the ocelli is black. Pretoria. November and December. Phanerotoma curvicarinata, sp. n. Similar as regards size and coloration to P. pcdlidipes described above ; the two may be separated thus : Apex of scutellum punctured like the base, a stout transverse keel on the top of apical slope of metanotum, basal two segments of abdomen finely, closely, longitudinally striated, the basal third with a curved keel on either side, the two converging towards the apex. curvicarinata. Apex of scutellum smooth, no transverse keel on metanotum, basal two segments of abdomen with scattered punctures and without longitudinal keels. fyhttidipest. The basal two abdominal segments are pallid yellow like the legs, which have the apex of the hind femora, a band near the base of the hind tibiae and their apical third rufo-testaceous. The apical abscissa of the radius is not roundly curved towards the costa as in pcdlidipes, but almost straight, oblique ; the apical abscissa of the cubitus is faint, almost obsolete. Pretoria. December. SlGALPHINAE. Foersteria nitida, sp. n. Black ; the head and thorax smooth and shining, the apex of the femora and the base of tibiae broadly rufo-testaceous ; wings clear hyaline, the nervures fuscous, the stigma and parastigma black : the abdomen almost opaque, finely longitudinally alutaceous, almost striated. Female. Length, body and ovipositor, 4*5 mm. Bronkhorstspruit (Pretoria District). December. Metanotum finely, closely reticulated, more or less irregularly longi- tudinally striated. Parapsidal furrows deep, not reaching to the apex of the mesonotum. The second abdominal segment is slightly but distinctly longer than the third Radius roundly curved, the radial cellule sharply^ Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 205 pointed at the apex ; in front it is bordered by a distinct nervure which extends beyond the radius ; the recurrent nervure is received at the base of the apical fourth of the first cubital cellule ; the cubitus ends shortly beyond the transverse cubitus ; the anal nervures is a little longer than it. There is a narrow, smooth, shining line down the middle of the second and third abdominal segments. Head fully as wide as the thorax. The basal alar nervures are paler than the apical. The amount of testaceous colour on the legs appears to vary. I place this species in Foersteria rather than in Sigalphus, because the second abdominal segment is longer than the third. Agathidinae. Disophrys erythropus, sp. n. Rufous ; the antennae black, the wings fuscous, the first cubital cellule except along cubitus, an irregular cloud along the outer side of the recurrent nervure, extending below it to the anal nervure, a cloud before the transverse basal nervure, a smaller one before the transverse median and a still smaller one on its outer side, and one in the base of the radial cellule in the posterior wings, hyaline. Metanotal areola smooth, triangular, appendiculated ; there is a large irregular lateral area ; the keel bounding it is roundly curved ; from its middle a straight keel runs to the apex, there being a rounded keel outside this. Face closely punctured, the front and vertex smooth. Pro- and mesothorax weakly, sparsely punctured, the furrows weakly crenulated. The basal part of the metanotum smooth in the centre, the sides with broken striae; the apical part in the centre closely, strongly, the sides sparsely, irregularly striated. The lower mesopleural furrow is shallow and is strongly crenulated. Male. Length, 10 mm. Waterval (Zoutpa>nsberg District). November. Head, thorax, and legs covered closely with a white pile. The alar stigma is pale ochraceous except at the apex ; the nervures at the hyaline spaces are pale, the other nervures are darker, especially on the outer edges. Palpi of a paler rufous colour than the head. The suture between the first and second abdominal segment is deep laterally, very shallow in the centre. Areolet about one-fourth shorter along the radius than along the cubitus ; the first transverse cubital nervure is roundly curved. Allied to D. rufa , Cam. (Annals South African Museum, V, 38) which may be known from it by the head being largely marked with black. Crassomicrodus curvinervis, sp. n. Luteous ; the antennae except the base and inner side of the scape, the back of the second abdominal segment broadly in the middle, the sheath of the ovipositor and the tarsi, black ; wings fuscous hyaline ; lighter coloured at the base, the stigma and nervures black, the transverse cubital nervure roundly curved, becoming gradually thickened in front, the end oblique, the first transverse cubital nervure straight, oblique, the second roundly curved, the recurrent nervure with the front half 3 206 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. roundly curved backwards, united to the first transverse cubital. Meta- notum with two rows of areae of three each ; the central in both narrower than the lateral ; the anterior central becoming gradually widened towards the apex ; the posterior becoming narrowed ; the posterior is wider than the anterior. Female. Length, 7 mm. Pretoria. 26th March. The top and sides of the face punctured, but not strongly or closely. There is a curved keel, roundly narrowed below, on the middle of the front. Mesonotum closely punctured ; trilobate, the middle lobe short, ending in a keel ; the sides of the lateral lobes at this keel obliquely sloped, irregularly obliquely striated. Scutellar depression large and bearing three straight keels. Pro- and mesopleurae finely and closely, the upper half of the metapleurae more strongly punctured, the lower closely, irregularly obliquely striated. Scutellum strongly, but not very closely punctured, it becomes gradually roundly narrowed to the apical fourth, which has the sides straight and the apex transverse. Post-scutellum depressed ; it becomes gradually narrowed to a sharp point, and is followed by a keel. MICKOGASTEKINAE. Apanteles, Foer. The species of this useful genus of Braconidae appear to be numerous in South Africa. The species here described may be separated as follows : — 1 (8) Legs rufo- testaceous, the sides of the basal abdominal seg- ments testaceous. 2 (3) The basal two abdominal segments broadly rufo-testaceous, the abdomen broader and shorter than the thorax ; the areolet half closed. euryg aster. 3 (2) The basal abdominal segments narrowly testaceous, the abdomen as long and narrower than the thorax. 4 (5) The centre of the metanotum and its outer edges keeled, the stigma testaceous. fuscinervis. 5 (4) The metanotum not keeled, the stigma fuscous. 6 (7) The apex of the hind femora, of the hind tibiae, more broadly, and the hind tibiae, black ; the pleurae shining. testaceiventris . 7 (6) The hind legs not marked with black, the pleurae opaque. testaceolineatus . 8 (1) Legs largely black, the rest not rufo-testaceous. 9 (10) The basal ventral segments rufo-testaceous, the basal trans- verse nervures forming a broad, rounded curve, without an angle, between the stigma and the cubitus. africanus. 10 (9) The basal ventral segments black, the basal transverse nervures bluntly angled between the stigma and cubitus. transvaalensis . Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 207 Apanteles euryg aster, sp. n. Black ; the sides of the basal two abdominal segments broadly rufo- testaceous, the legs of a deeper rufo-testaceous colour, the hind legs with the coxae, apex of hind femora narrowly, of the hind tibiae more broadly and the hind tarsi black ; wings hyaline, the stigma and the transverse cubital nervures fuscous, the basal nervures pale ; the second cubital cellule is twice longer than it is wide at the apex, where it is almost closed ; the anterior part of the cubitus is almost twice longer than the posterior. Metanotum smooth and shining, a narrow keel down the middle, the sides and apex more strongly keeled. First abdominal segment as long as it is wide at the apex, the base in the middle widely depressed ; the second segment is a little longer than the third. Genitial armature testaceous, black at the apex. Male. Length, 3 mm. Pretoria. May. Head and thorax densely covered with short white pubescence. The central keel on the metanotum is striated on either side. The abdomen is broader than it is with the other species and the areolet shows an approach to the closed one of Microgaster. Apanteles africanus , sp. n. Black ; the anterior legs except the coxae, the middle except the coxae, trochanters and basal half of femora and basal ventral segment, testaceous ; the hind legs black, the basal third of the tibiae and of the tarsi very narrowly testaceous, the calcaria whitish testaceous ; wings hyaline, the stigma fuscous, the nervures pale, the transverse radial nervure broadly rounded. Palpi almost white. Head and thorax shagreened, the metanotum hardly more strongly than the rest, its sides margined. First abdominal segment about one-fourth longer than wide, the second segment shorter than the third ; the back has a bluish tinge. Female. Length, 3 mm. Pretoria. Bred. The cocoon is clear white. Head and thorax covered with short, white pubescence. The scutellum is bounded by a crenulated furrow laterally. Apanteles fuscinervis, sp. n. Black ; the sides of the first abdominal segment and of the second rufo-testaceous ; the line on the first becoming gradually widened towards the apex, that on the second narrow, of equal width, the basal half of the ventral surface similarly coloured ; the legs of a brighter rufo-testaceous colour, the hind coxae, apex of hind femora, more than the apical third of the hind tibiae and the hind tarsi, black ; wings hyaline, the costa, stigma, and nervures pale testaceous. Metanotum finely, closely punctured all over ; there is a weak keel down the centre and the sides and apex are bounded by stronger keels. Male. Length, 3*5 mm. Rietfontein No. 57 (Pretoria District). July. 208 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. The first abdominal segment is about one-fourth longer than it is wide at the apex ; the second is shagreened and is longer than the third. The furrow bordering the seutellum is wide and is irregularly crenulated. Apanteles transvaalensis, sp. n. Black ; shining, legs black, the front pair except the coxae, the apex of middle femora, their tibiae and tarsi, the basal half of the hind tibiae, the basal joint of the hind tarsi at the basal fourth and the base of the other joints very narrowly, testaceous, as are also the calcaria ; wings hyaline, the stigma dark fuscous, paler at the base, the nervures pale, except the hinder part of the transverse cubital, which is fuscous. Palpi testaceous. Face covered densely with white pubescence, the thorax more sparsely pilose. Female. Length, 2 mm. Pretoria. April. Head and thorax shagreened ; the metanotum finely punctured ; there are two faint keels on its base, converging towards the base, and two more distinct ones on the apex converging towards the apex. Basal segment of the abdomen distinctly longer than it is wide at the apex, coarsely shagreened ; the other segments very shining, slightly tinged with blue ; the second and third are not clearly separated. The front part of the transverse cubital nervure is slightly longer and distinctly thinner than the posterior ; it is roundly angled outwardly at the junction. Antennae covered with a fuscous, microscopic pile. Apanteles testaceolineatus, sp. n. Black ; the sides of the basal two abdominal segments above pale testaceous, the line on the second widened towards the apex, that on the second towards the base, the ventral surface of a more reddish testaceous colour ; legs rufo-testaceous ; palpi pale testaceous ; wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures fuscous, the basal nervures paler ; the transverse cubital nervure not much narrowed posteriorly. Female. Length, 3 mm. Smooth and shining ; sparsely covered with a white microscopic pile ; the metanotum finely punctured, not keeled. First abdominal segment about one-half longer than it is wide at the apex ; the second is about one quarter shorter than the third, which has a triangular testaceous mark on the sides, wider than that on the second. The transverse cubital nervure is wider than the others. Legs densely covered with a white pile, the hind coxae are black, the apex of the hind tibiae and the hind tarsi infuscated. Apanteles testaceioventris , sp. n. Black ; the ventral surface rufo-testaceous, the sides of the first and second dorsal segments pale testaceous, that on the first widened towards the apex, that on the second narrower, of equal width ; legs testaceous, the hind coxae black, the apex of the hind femora narrowly, of the hind tibiae more broadly (the apical fourth) and the hind tarsi black, the base of the tarsal joints testaceous ; wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures black ; the posterior part of the transverse cubitus shorter than the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 209 anterior and forming a distinct angle at tlie junction ; the stump of the cubitus forms a sharp narrow angle with it. Metanotum shining at the base, punctured, the punctures distinct and clearly separated, the rest is closely punctured ; this apical part being less than the basal. Male. Length, 3 mm. First abdominal segment hardly one-half longer than it is wide at the apex ; its apex, on the black central part, smooth in the middle, the sides closely punctured. The second segment is fully half the length of the third. This species is closely related to A. testaceolineatus, here described ; it may be known from it by the black apex of hind femora and tibiae and tarsi, by the shorter, more acutely angled posterior part of the transverse cubital nervure and by the less closely punctured basal part of the metanotum. BLACINAE. Cyclocormus, gen. nov. Head not margined, if anything, wider than the thorax ; the temples roundly narrowed ; the clypeus separated from the face. Antennae longer than the body, thirty-five-jointed ; the third joint, if anything, shorter than the fourth. The first abscissa of the radius not one-fourth of the length of the second, which is slightly roundly .curved ; the trans- verse median nervure is received shortly beyond the transverse basal ; anal nervure roundly curved, not interstitial ; the second discoidal cellule open at the apex, the nervure being very faint, if not obliterated beyond the anal nervure. The discoidal and cubital cellules are separated ; the apical nervures in the hind wings are obliterated. Tarsi shorter than the tibiae. Meta- notum short, broadly rounded behind, without areae or keels. Mesopleurae without a furrow. In the arrangement of Szepligeti (Gen. Ins., Braconidae, 138), this genus would come near Blacus, Nees., which may be readily separated from it by the third antennal joint being longer than the fourth, by the margined vertex and cheeks, by the mesopleurae being furrowed, and by the tarsi being also as long as the tibiae. The antennae appear to have more joints than Blacus , which has only seventeen in the female. Cyclocormus luteus , sp. n. Pale luteous ; the head and legs paler coloured than the body, the apical half of the antennae and the base and apex of the abdomen infus- cated, as are also the apices of the basal joints of the flagellum of the antennae narrowly ; wings hyaline, the stigma fuscous, its base and the parastigma pale. Smooth and shining, almost bare. Female. Length, 2 * 5 mm. ; terebra, 3 mm. Pretoria. October. First abscissa of radius two-thirds of the length of the transverse cubital nervure. 210 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Macrocentrinae. Macrocentrus luteus, sp. n. Luteous ; the flagellum of antennae, stemmaticum, and the tips of the mandibles black, the antennal scape darker coloured than the head ; the hind tibiae black, except at the base, the tarsi infuscated ; wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures black, the parastigma pale ; the first abscissa of radius half the length of the second ; the first transverse cubital nervure one-third longer than the second ; the second abscissa of cubitus and the radius in the hind wings roundly curved. Mesonotum distinctly tribolate, the furrows crenulated ; there is a wide, transversely striated band between the middle lobe and the base of scutellum. Smooth and shining, the face closely punctured, more weakly and sparsely on the sides than in the centre. Male. Length, 10 mm. Doornfontein (Pretoria District). January. The antennae are slender and about one-half longer than the body.. The long spur of the hind tibiae is about half the length of the metatarsus. The transverse median nervure is not quite interstitial, being received very shortly beyond the transverse basal. Macrocentrus pallidistigmas, sp. n. Luteous ; the stemmaticum and apical half of mandibles black, the antennal scape luteous, the basal half of flagellum fuscous, the apical black ; wings hyaline, the stigma and parastigma pallid livid testaceous, the costa testaceous, the nervures black ; the first abscissa of the radius nearly two-thirds of the length of the second, and shorter than the first transverse cubital ; the two transverse cubital nervures and the third abscissa of the cubitus are largely bullated ; the latter is roundly curved, as is also the radius in the hind wings on the basal half. Male. Length, 9 mm. Rietfontein No. 57 (Pretoria District). February. The sides of the front are obscurely striated ; the face is finely closely punctured. Mesonotum smooth, the furrows obscurely crenulated. Meta- notum closely punctured, the punctures on the apical half running into reticulations. Propleurae smooth at the base, the rest for the most part rather strongly punctured ; the mesopleurae closely but not so strongly punctured ; the metapleurae more strongly and more irregularly punctured. Macrocentrus latisulcatus, sp. n. Luteous ; the legs at the base paler ; the stemmaticum and mandibular teeth black ; the antennae fuscous, the basal third luteous ; wings hyaline ; the basal half of stigma pale, the apical fuscous, the nervures black, the first abscissa of the radius slightly but distinctly longer than the second. Parapsidal furrows smooth. Metanotum opaque, finely transversely striated, more strongly on the apical half ; the metapleural furrow wide, narrowed at the base, stoutly, widely crenulated. First abdominal seg- ment and the base of the second finely, closely striated. Propleurae sparsely, weakly punctured, the furrow regularly striated ; the mesopleurae Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 211 finely, distinctly, closely punctured all over, the metapleurae much more coarsely and more closely punctured. Female and male. Length, 6 mm. ; terebra, 7 mm. Lekkerwater (Zoutpansberg District). September. Groenvlei (Pretoria District). January. The pubescence is short and white. Macrocentrus nigro-ornatus, sp. n. Luteous ; the stemmaticum, mandibular teeth, the greater part of the metanotum, the first abdominal segment and the basal half of the second, black ; wings hyaline, the stigma fuscous, pale at the base and in front, the nervures black, the first abscissa of the radius about two-thirds of the length of the second, the second transverse cubital nervure about two:thirds of the length of the first ; the cubitus at the second cubital cellule roundly curved. Parapsidal furrows smooth ; the metanotum shagreened, the basal two segments of the abdomen finely closely striated. Propleurae smooth, the mesopleurae smooth above and at the apex, the rest punctured, but not very strongly or closely, the metapleurae more strongly and closely punctured. Female. Length, 5 mm. ; terebra, 5 mm. Pretoria. October. The legs, especially at the base, are paler, more yellowish in colour. Macrocentrus annulicornis, sp. n. Luteous ; the joints on the basal half of the flagellum narrowly annulated with black on the apex, the apical half of the flagellum fuscous ; the stemmaticum and mandibular teeth black ; wings hyaline, the stigma and parastigma pallid, livid testaceous, the costa testaceous at the base, the nervures in the fore wings black, in the hinder pale ; the first abscissa of radius fully three-fourths of the length of the second, which is as long as the first transverse cubital nervure ; the third abscissa of cubitus is rounded and is largely bullated at the base. Female. Length, 7 mm. ; terebra, 7 mm. Pretoria. The legs are paler coloured than the body ; the scutellar depression is large and strongly striated. The following is a synoptical table of the species of Macrocentrus described above : — 1 (2) Stigma black, the second abscissa of radius three times longer than the first. luteus . 2 (1) Stigma pallid testaceous, the second abscissa at the most twice the length of the first. 3 (4) The metanotum and base of abdomen for the greater part black. nigro-ornatus. 4 (3) The metanotum and base of abdomen immaculate. 5 (6) The antennae with the joints of their basal half marked with black. annulicornis. 6 (5) The antennal joints not marked with black. 212 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 7 (8) Pterostigma testaceous throughout, the first abscissa of the radius two-thirds of the length of the second ; length 9 mm. pallidistigmus . 8 (7) Pterostigma fuscous, broadly pale at the base, the first abscissa of the radius as long as the second ; length 6 mm. latisulcatus . Alysiinae. Coelalysia, gen. nov. Metanotum irregularly areolated ; the spiracles small, longish oval. Parapsidal furrows deep, distinctly defined, converging towards the apex. Scutellum large, flat. Post-scutellum raised, the sides bordered by stout raised keels. Radial cellule large ; the first abscissa of the radius one- fourth of the length of the second, which is shorter than the first transverse cubital nervure ; the recurrent nervure is received in the second cubital cellule ; the radius issues from the apical fourth of the stigma ; the second discoidal cellule is open at the apex below, the nervure being distinctly bullated there. Mesopleural furrow crenulated. The first abdominal segment is striated, the others smooth and shining, with narrow furrows. The third antennal joint is distinctly shorter than the fourth. The eyes are rather small, oval ; the malar space is not half their length. Clypeus separated from the face, which is more convex and rounded. The upper mandibular tooth is longer and more sharply pointed than the lower ; the two are clearly separated. Calcaria short, the claws slender, simple. The second cubital cellule is large, narrowed towards the apex and five-angled ; the transverse median nervure received beyond the transverse basal. In the arrangement of Szepligeti (Glen. Ins., Braconidae, p. 205), this genus runs near to the little known genus Symphanes , Foer., which may be known from it by the third and following abdominal segments not being clearly separated, by the metanotum not being keeled, and by the third and fourth antennal joints being of equal length. Coelalysia lutea, sp. n. Luteous ; the flagellum of antennae, inner mandibular tooth, ocelli, the greater part of the sixth and the following two abdominal segments, black ; the hind tibiae and metatarsus blackish ; wings hyaline, the stigma and nervures black. Smooth and shining ; the metanotum with a stout keel down the middle, the sides with a thinner keel which curves roundly outwardly at the base ; on the sides of the apical slope is a rounded keel. Apex of first abdominal segment distinctly, but not closely, longitudinally striated, the other segments smooth and shining. The third joint of the antennae is distinctly shorter than the fourth. The space between the parastigma and stigma is pale. Male. Length, 4 mm. Waterval (.Zoutpansberg District). December. The metathorax is densely covered with longish white pubescence, its base is smooth ; in the centre of the apex are two keels which roundly Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 213 converge towards each other at their top, outside them is a short, roundly curved keel ; the sides are bordered by a broadly rounded keel. The metapleurae has a distinct, crenulated, longitudinal furrow. CHALCTDIDAE. Cratocentrus, Cam. Cratocentrus auropilosus, sp. n. Black ; the antennae, lower edge of the clypeus, the lower half of the front and face broadly, the vertex behind the ocelli, the line broadest in the middle, the outer orbits narrowly, the malar space, the base and apex of pronotum, the latter from the apex to the crenulated ridge, more than the apical half of the pro-pleurae, the lower half except narrowly at the base, the scutellum, the mesopleurae at the base above, the mesopleural furrow, the base of the first abdominal segment from shortly beyond the slope, the basal third of the second segment, its apex narrowly and the ventral surface, the terminal segment except for a black triangular mark on the base above, extending near to the middle, the sheath of the ovipositor except at the apex and the legs, red ; the hind femora except round the top and lower edge on the outer side, black ; there are thirteen short, broad teeth on the hind femora, the basal one larger than the others. Wings hyaline, the apex clouded, the cloud rounded at the base ; a narrow, curved cloud runs from the stigmal branch ; the nervures black. The body and legs are densely covered with silvery pubescence ; there is a broad band of depressed golden pubescence on the basal half of the second segment on the sides, not extending to the central third ; the apical segments are also covered with golden pubescence. Female. Length, 9 mm. ; terebra, 4 mm. Pretoria. Bred. Head and thorax closely, rugosely punctured ; the basal slope of the pronotum smooth, the apex coarsely reticulated, as is also, but more closely, the scutellum ; the space bordering the post-scutellum and a furrow on the base of the metanotum crenulated ; the apex of the latter is longi- tudinally striated ; this striated central part is bordered by a stout roundly curved keel, which is continued more narrowly down the outer edge of the apex ; the upper outer part is densely covered with longish depressed silvery white pubescence ; the lower edge projects into a bluntly rounded reddish tooth. The mesopleural depression has the upper two-thirds finely closely striated, the lower part is smooth, bare, and shining. The lower edge of the sheath of the ovipositor is irregularly punctured. The apex of the scutellum below is bordered by a furrow, which projects bluntly in the middle and has a furrow behind it. 214 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. PERILAMPIDAE. Perilampus, Latr. Perilampus testaceitarsis, sp. n. Black, shining ; the flagellum of the antennae rufous, the tarsi tes- taceous, black at the apex ; wings hyaline, the nervures testaceous. Head, shining, the* hinder part of the vertex and the occiput transversely striated distinctly, but not very closely. Pro- and mesonotum umbilicafly punctate, the apex of the latter more strongly than the rest ; the scutellum is still more strongly umbilically punctate. Pleurae smooth and shining, the raised apex of the propleurae coarsely reticulated. Metanotum smooth and shining, bare, a crenulated furrow at the base ; a furrow, widened above, down the centre ; there is a keel down its middle with two trans- verse keels on either side of the centre. Length, 5 mm. Female. Pretoria. September. The scutellum has the sides and apex margined, the latter more strongly than the former, and with the centre narrowly transverse. The mandibles are of a darker red than the antennae ; their teeth black. The fore tibiae are red at the base and apex in front ; the hind femora have a bluish tint. Chalcis, F. sec. Chalcis tmnsvaalensis, sp. n. Black ; the legs bright red, the base of the four anterior coxae and the femoral teeth black ; the apex of the anterior femora broadly, of the middle more narrowly, a spot on the apex of the posterior, the base and apex of the four anterior tibiae, a band near the base of the hinder and a broader one on the apex, white ; the lower part of the antennal scape obscure red. Wings hyaline, the nervures black. Tegulae white. Femoral teeth ten in number, the basal two small and close together. Female. Length, 4 mm. Head strongly punctured, the vertex behind the ocelli umbilically so ; the sides at the depression weakly, the face and clypeus strongly, irregularly punctured. Thorax above, with the scutellum umbilically punctate ; the metanotum coarsely reticulated. Abdomen smooth, the apical segments fringed with white pubescence. Female. Length, 4 mm. Bred. Propleurae aciculated, the mesopleurae smooth, the lower part and the sternum reticulated ; there are five distinct foveae bordering the lower half of the base. Metapleurae reticulated like the metanotum except for an aciculated space at the base above. The malar space margined on the inner side. There is no clearly defined areola on the metanotum ; the centre is without an areola and is bordered by two oblique keels, forming longish areae. The apical lobes of the scutellum are short, broadly rounded and hollowed. Sides of metanotum broadly rounded, untoothed. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 215 The apical abdominal segments form a short broad sheath, showing an approach to Phasgonophora or Trigonvura as in C. capensis, Cam. (Ree. Alb. Mus., I, 311) to which this species is closely allied. Note. — In my description of capensis, 1. c., in the fourth line from the bottom of the page, for “ mesonotum ” read “ mesopleurae ”. Oncochalcis, Cam. = Holcochalcis , Kief., Berl. Ent. Zeit. XLIX, 258. Uncochalcis lissostoma, sp. n. Black ; the tegulae, apex of anterior femora, the black part obliquely narrowed towards the apex, a spot on the apex of the hind femora above and the tibiae, pale yellow ; the apex of the middle femora and the tarsi reddish testaceous ; the hind femora from shortly behind the middle red, the black basal mark roundly narrowed ; there are eleven distinct teeth, followed by six minute ones close together, the termina, one short, broad, indistinct. Apex of scutellum broadly rounded and fringed with silvery hair. The face, cheeks, and metapleura densely covered with long silvery pubescence ; the second and following abdominal segments fringed with silvery hair. Wings clear hyaline, the nervures black ; the tegulae whitish yellow. Female. Length, 4 mm. Groenvlei (Pretoria District). January. Bred. Face and clypeus smooth ; the sides of the vertex strongly, obliquely striated ; the occiput irregularly, obliquely, reticulated-striated. Pro- and mesothorax umbilically punctured all over, the prothorax finer than the rest. Metanotum strongly reticulated, without an areola ; it is short, with the sides broadly rounded. Sheath of ovipositor broad, projecting. Allied to 0. rotundata, Cam. (Zeits., f. Hymen, ii Dipter, 1905, 231) which is also from South Africa and has, like the present species, the apex of the scutellum not bilobate, the hind femora, too, being entirely red. Eurytominae. Eurytoma transvaalensis, sp. n. Black ; the head, thorax, and apical segments of the abdomen densely covered with silvery white pubescence ; the under side of the antennal scape rufous beneath, the legs white, the coxae, the greater part of the four anterior femora — about the basal three-fourths — and the posterior to near the apex, black ; the tibiae are tinged with fulvous more or less broadly in the middle — the fulvous tint varying in depth, inclining to black in one example — the apical tarsal joint fuscous to black ; wings clear hyaline, the nervures pale testaceous. Female. Length, 3 ‘5 mm. Pretoria. Bred. Antennae stout, the flagellum densely covered with white pubescence ; the third joint becoming gradually thickened towards the apex, about one-quarter longer than the fourth. Parapsidal furrows clearly defined, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 216 deep, straight, converging towards the apex. Sides of metanotum broadly rounded, the middle depressed, finely obliquely striated on the upper half, the lower with fine striae which form almost reticulations. The last abdominal segment forms a longish triangular projection ; the apex of the sheath of the ovipositor is testaceous. The abdomen is hardly so long as the meso- and metathorax united ; the petiole is short. Marginal vein distinctly thicker and not quite so long as the post-marginal ; the stigmal vein ending in a semicircular thickening. The colouration of the legs probably varies. Allied to E. capensis, Wlk., and E. natalensis, Cam. Eurytoma palliditarsis, sp. n. Black ; the head, thorax, apical segments of abdomen and legs densely covered with white pubescence ; the antennal scape, mandibles, palpi, and legs rufo-fulvous, the hind tibiae at the base and apex and the hind tarsi white ; the flagellum of the antennae testaceous, infuscated above ; wings hyaline, the nervures whitish. Female. Length, 2*5 mm. Pretoria. September “ from a gall ”. Flagellum of antennae stout, covered with white pubescence ; the third joint about one-fourth longer than the fourth. Metanotum obscurely striated, the top and outer edges bordered by a keel, which is broadly rounded above, and there is a straight keel down the centre. The marginal vein is distinctly longer than the post-marginal, and is distinctly longer than it, and projects only very slightly beyond the stigmal vein, which is semicircuiarly dilated below. IDARNINAE. Tetragonaspis, Mayr. Euhoebelea (?) testaceipes, sp. n. Black ; the antennal scape, the pedicle, the legs, the apical segments of the abdomen above, and the ventral segments testaceous ; the face, clypeus, oral region, palpi, and mandibles of a darker, more rufous, testaceous colour ; the flagellum dark rufo-testaceous ; wings clear hyaline, the nervures dark testaceous, the stigmal branch paler. Female. Length, 2*5 mm. ; terebra, 8 mm. Pretoria. Bred. Head and thorax, except the metanotum (which is smooth and shining), opaque, the abdomen smooth, shining. Joints of flagellum wider than long. The post-marginal branch is a little longer than the marginal ; the stigmal branch is two-thirds of its length. Parapsidal furrows distinct, curved roundly, not commencing at the base of the mesonotum, but at the sides, distant from the base. Scutellum large, quadrangular, of equal width, longer than wide. Ocelli in a curve, the hinder widely separated, placed close to the eyes. The antennae are not much thickened towards the apex ; the third joint is longer than thick and longer than the fourth. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 217 Metanotum shorter than the scutellum. Temples very short, the occiput not transverse. The hinder ocelli are placed before the end of the eyes. The scutellum has not “ longitudinal grooved lines ”. The species described above does not fit into any of the described genera. It is clearly related to Idarnes, Walker (which, according to Ashmead, Mem. Carnegie Mus., I, 238, is identical with Tetragonaspis, Mayr., cf. also Mayr., Wiener Ent. Zeit., XXV, 164), and EuJcoebelea , Ashm. It differs from Idarnes , Wlk., sec. Ashm., in the body not being metallic and in the joints of the antennae not being twice longer than thick ; from EuJcoebelea in the ocelli not being “ arranged nearly in a straight line % but almost in a triangle as in Idarnes ; from both it differs in the scutellum not having two longitudinal grooved lines ; the scutellum otherwise is as in these two genera, being flat, broad, and quadrate. In body form it is like Tetragonaspis as figured by Mayr. (Yerh. z-b. Ges. Wien., XXXV, pi. xii, f. 28), but has the post-marginal branch in the wings much shorter as. compared with the marginal, the temples, too, being less developed. 218 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. DESCRIPTIONS OF TRANSVAAL MICRO-LEPIDOPTERA. Bv E. Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S. II. A further instalment of interesting material is here described, partly as before, from the collection of Mr. A. J. T. Janse, partly from specimens in the Transvaal Museum collected by Mr. C. J. Swierstra. There is a marked generic relationship between this fauna and that of Southern Europe, whence it was probably mainly derived. Pterophoridae. Trichoptilus congrualis, Walk. Haenertsburg in December (Swierstra). Oxyptilus secutor , n. sp. Male, 19 mm. Head and thorax fuscous, apex of patagia whitish. Palpi two and a quarter, obliquely ascending, fuscous, basal joint whitish, second joint with two whorls of whitish- tipped scales, terminal joint whitish along posterior edge. Abdomen fuscous, mixed with whitish. Forewings cleft from middle, segments slender, first acute, second rather dilated posteriorly, with apex produced, termen very obliquely concave ; fuscous, in disk and towards base of dorsum partially suffused with light greyish- ochreous, along costa suffused with dark fuscous and sprinkled with whitish ; a blackish dot beneath costa near base, one in disk at one-third, surrounded, except above, with whitish suffusion, and one at lower angle of cleft ; a whitish spot on lower margin of first segment at base ; narrow whitish fasciae crossing both segments at one-third and two-thirds of length, apical area of both segments suffused with pale ochreous ; some black scales along lower part of termen of second segment ; cilia grey, on costa white barred with dark fuscous, elsewhere irregularly mixed with white and black scales, with white bars at tornus and apex of both segments. Hind wings dark grey ; cilia purplish-rosy-grey, on dorsum with scattered white and a few black scales, with a rather broad black scale-projection about three-quarters. Pretoria, in December (Janse) ; one specimen. Platyptilia molopias, Meyr. Haenertsburg and Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra). In African specimens there are usually more scattered black scales on pos- terior half of dorsum of hind wings ; in Indian and Ceylon examples black scales in this position are scanty at best, whilst in African examples they are sometimes rather numerous ; on the anterior half of dorsum they are, of course, numerous in both forms. From the larger and more conspicuously marked direptalis the species may be distinguished by the different position of the dorsal scale-projection of hind wings, which in molopias is truly central (being also less triangular), i.e. placed so that its centre coincides with the centre of dorsum, whilst in direptalis it is post-median, being so placed that its anterior edge is in centre of dorsum. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 21D Pselnophorus aulotes , n. sp. Male, 14-15 mm. Head ochreous-brown, orbits and a frontal bar white. Palpi one, slender, ascending, appressed to face, brownish. Antennal ciliations minute. Thorax ochreous-brown, anteriorly white. Abdomen pale ochreous-brownish lined with white, towards base white, anal tuft white. Fore wings cleft from near middle, segments acute, first narrow, second very narrow ; light ochreous-brown ; a slender white costal streak, edged on both sides with blackish irroration, from base to middle, costal edge thence to cleft blackish ; a white longitudinal mark in disk at one- third ; a blackish dot on lower angle of cleft ; some blackish irroration along dorsum from base to cleft ; a narrow white streak along upper margin of second segment from near base to apex ; some black scales along lower margin of both segments posteriorly ; costal cilia from cleft to apex white, with blackish marks towards base and in middle of segment, and mixed with blackish on posterior third, remaining cilia ochreous-brownish, becoming blackish-grey on lower margin of both segments towards apex, with black basal dots at apex of both segments, on upper margin of second segment with some white scales. Hind wings dark grey ; cilia bronzy-grey. Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra) ; two specimens. Adaina gentilis, n. sp. Male, 15-17 mm. Head yellowish-fuscous, white between antennae (damaged). Palpi, hardly over one, snow white. Antennal ciliations nearly one. Thorax whitish-yellowish, tinged with grey, anteriorly white. Abdomen whitish-grey-yellowish striped with white, with lateral series of blackish dots. Fore wings cleft nearly from middle, segments rather narrow, acute ; whitish-yellowish, somewhat tinged with grey in disk ; costa narrowly white from base to beyond middle ; a fine line of dark fuscous suffusion along anterior portion of fold, more or less marked ; a small dark grey spot on base of cleft, and another less marked midway between this and base of wing ; a small blackish-grey mark on costa beyond cleft ; blackish dots at extremities of veins two, three, four, seven, and ten ; two or three blackish scales at apex of each segment ; cilia whitish-grey tinged with yellowish, on costa yellow-whitish. Hind wings grey or pale grey ; cilia ochreous-grey-whitish. Pretoria, in October and December (Janse) ; two specimens. Closely allied to the European microdactyla, but palpi somewhat shorter, white (in microdactyla towards apex infuscated), fore wings with segments some- what narrower and more acutely pointed, quite without dark fuscous sprinkling. Ma^rasmarcha , Meyr. I find that verax Meyr., pavida Meyr., and crepuscularis Meyr., are all properly referable to this genus and not to Pterophorus ; the African species of the two genera approach one another closely, and cannot in fact be discriminated without careful examination of the distinguishing character in the venation. I find timidus Meyr., however, to be a true Pterophorus. 220 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum, Mamsmarcha atomosa , Wals. Groenvlei (N.E. Pretoria District), in January (Janse) ; one specimen. This is a common Indian species, of which the larva feeds in pods of the cultivated Cajanus and Dolichos, and is probably introduced with its food plant. Marasmarcha pacifica, n. sp. Male, 16-18 mm. Head yellowish-fuscous, between antennae whitish. Palpi one-and-a-half, white, second joint with a fuscous lateral streak above. Antennae whitish, ciliations two-thirds. Thorax whitish-yellowish, shoulders sometimes white. Abdomen whitish-yellow. Fore wings cleft from three-fifths, segments acute, first moderate, second narrower ; whitish- yellowish ; costa, dorsum from base to cleft, and upper edge of second segment more or less suffused with white ; more or less faintly defined broad streaks of pale brownish suffusion above dorsum from base to one- third, in disk from near base to cleft, along lower portion of second segment, and some undefined suffusion in first segment ; cilia pale ochreous-greyish, white towards base except on termen of both segments, where it is rather darker ochreous-grey, on costa wholly white. Hind wings light grey ; cilia ochreous-grey- whitish. Moorddrift, in October (Swierstra) ; three specimens. Pterophorus furfurosus, n. sp. Female, 19 mm. Head ferruginous-ochreous, narrowly white between antennae. Palpi hardly over one, whitish. Thorax brownish-ochreous, anteriorly whitish. Abdomen white, with dorsal and lateral pale ochreous lines. Fore wings cleft from about three-fifths, segments acute, first moderately broad, second narrower ; ochreous-white, suffused with brownish-ochreous except towards anterior half of costa and upper half of second segment ; some slight dark fuscous suffusion along dorsum anteriorly, and in disk on a line from one-third to cleft ; a well-marked blackish dot before lower angle of cleft ; a line of black irroration along posterior half of lower margin of both segments ; cilia rosy-grey, whitish tinged towards base, on costa white, at apex of second segment with a white bar. Hind wings dark grey ; cilia rosy-grey. Pretoria, in October (Janse) ; one specimen. Pterophorus ambitiosus, n. sp. Male, 19-20 mm. Head light grey-yellowish, fillet white. Palpi one and a quarter, very slender, dark fuscous, internally white. Antennae whitish, ciliations two- thirds. Thorax yellowish- white. Abdomen pale yellowish striped with white. Fore wings cleft from three-fifths, segments moderate, acute ; yellow- whitish, sometimes partially tinged with fuscous ; cilia white, grey on posterior half of lower margin of both segments, and towards tips on posterior half of upper margin of second segment. Hind wings grey- whitish or whitish-grey ; cilia whitish, sometimes tinged witli grey. Pretoria, in October and November (Janse) ; two specimens. Pterophorus invidiosus, n. sp. Female, 21 mm. Head whitish-yellowish, between antennae white.. Palpi nearly two, white, terminal joint with a black lateral line. Thorax Annals of the Transvaal Museum 221 yellowish-white. Abdomen whitish-yellowish, towards base white. Fore wings cleft from near ipiddle, segments rather narrow, acute ; whitish- ochreous-yellow, tinged with greyish-ochreous in disk from base to cleft ; a cloudy grey mark on base of cleft ; cilia pale ochreous-grey, on costa yellow-whitish. Hind wings grey ; cilia pale ochreous-grey. Pretoria, in March (Janse) ; one specimen. Pterophorus lienigianus, Z. Pretoria, in December and March (Janse) ; two fine specimens. This species is widely distributed in Europe, India, and Ceylon ; the larva feeds on Artemisia vulgaris in Europe, but it may have other food plants. Stenoptilia longalis , Walk. Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra). Orneqdxdae. Orneodes libraria , n. sp. Female, 16 mm. Head and thorax white, mixed with grey. Palpi very long, porrected, white suffusedly irrorated with fuscous except on upper margin and apex of joints, second joint with dense rough projecting scales above and at apex beneath, terminal joint short, obliquely ascending. Abdomen white, mixed with fuscous. Fore wings whitish, sprinkled with grey, basal area and first segment suffusedly irrorated with grey ; a narrow fascia at one-fifth indicated by dark fuscous margins, on first segment forming a small dark fuscous spot ; a quadrate dark fuscous spot on first segment at one-third ; a moderate median fascia of fuscous irroration, edged with dark fuscous and then with white, widest on fifth segment, divided on first segment into two spots ; a quadrate similar spot on first segment at three-quarters ; a narrow similar subterminal fascia, forming a single spot on first segment, on third and fourth segments abruptly much broader, projecting inwards and suffused with dark fuscous ; a black dot at tip of each segment ; cilia grey, with oblique whitish bars on margins of markings. Hind wings whitish, sprinkled with fuscous, with dots of blackish irroration indicating margins of fasciae ; apical dots and cilia as in fore wings. Pretoria, in October (Janse) ; one specimen. The dark fuscous expansion of subterminal fascia on third and fourth segments is a characteristic feature. Orneodes spicifera, n. sp. Male, 12 mm. Head and thorax white, forehead and patagia sprinkled with fuscous. Palpi very long, porrected, white suffusedly irrorated with dark fuscous, second joint above with dense rough projecting scales diminishing to apex, terminal joint very short, almost concealed in scales of second joint. Abdomen white, irregularly mixed with brownish and black, segmental margins clear white. Fore wings ochreous-whitish, irrorated with grey ; markings irrorated with dark fuscous and edged with white ; two small spots on costa near base ; an ill-defined fascia before one-third, forming a small distinct spot on costa, towards dorsum dilated and strongly white-edged anteriorly; a moderately broad median fascia, 4 222 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. widest on fifth segment, divided into two spots on first segment ; a quadrate spot on costa at three-quarters ; a rather irregular subterminal fascia, widest on third and fourth segments, divided into two spots on first segment ; a black dot at tip of each segment ; cilia pale grey, darker grey on fasciae, with white oblique bars on white lines. Hind wings with ground colour as in fore wings ; four narrow white fasciae on all segments, edged with dark fuscous (representing margins of median and subterminal fasciae) ; apical dots and cilia as in fore wings. Pretoria, in January (Janse) ; one specimen. Might be mistaken for a small Huebneri, but palpi totally different (in Huebneri with long ascending terminal joint). Microschismus sceletias, n. sp. Male, 12 mm. Head fuscous. Palpi extremely long (seven), fuscous sprinkled with darker, white towards base beneath, terminal joint very short, tip white. Antennae fuscous dotted with whitish, filiform, moderately ciliated (one). Thorax fuscous sprinkled with dark fuscous and whitish. Abdomen dark fuscous, segmental margins mixed with whitish, anal tuft suffused with whitish. Posterior tibiae and tarsi white. Fore wings formed as in antennata ; brownish, irrorated with dark fuscous and blackish ; costa with about seven white dots between base and three- fifths ; a spot of blackish suffusion at base of second cleft, and a bar of dark fuscous suffusion between this and dorsum ; two somewhat curved approximated and partially confluent white lines crossing all segments beyond two-thirds of wing ; a white subterminal line, retracted inwards on first segment and more strongly on sixth ; a white costal dot before this line, and a small white costal spot before apex ; a blackish dot at apex of each segment, edged with white anteriorly ; cilia grey, sprinkled with dark fuscous, obliquely barred with white on lines, base and tips white at apex of segments. Hind wings grey irrorated with blackish ; a praeapical series of very obscure minute whitish dots ; cilia grey sprinkled with dark fuscous, with obscure series of faint oblique pale bars. Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. Microschismus ctenias, n. sp. Male, 18-21 mm. Head, thorax, and abdomen dark fuscous, anal tuft light brownish. Palpi extremely long (7-8), dark fuscous, terminal joint relatively short, whitish except towards base. Antennae whitish, shortly bipectinated, pectinations dark fuscous, slender, ciliated. Legs dark fuscous, posterior tibiae and all tarsi whitish. Fore wings formed as in antennata ; fuscous suffusedly irrorated with dark fuscous, base of clefts two to five suffused with dark fuscous ; about eleven minute white strigulae on posterior half of costa ; minute whitish strigulae or dots on other segments at one-third and two-thirds of length and before apex ; cilia fuscous sprinkled with dark fuscous, with faint oblique whitish bars , base and tips whitish at apex of segments. Hind wings rather dark fuscous ; median and three posterior series of minute whitish dots on each segment. Cilia fuscous, with faint oblique whitish bars. Ngeleni, W. Pondoland, in May (Swinney) ; Camperdown, Natal, in April (Leigh) ; two specimens. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 223 Phaloniadae. Pharmacis assecula, Meyr. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra). Tortricidae. Tortrix psoricodes, n. sp. Male, 19 mm. ; female, 20-23 mm. Head and thorax in male pale whitish- ochr eons with a grey longitudinal mark on patagia, in female brown or light yellow-ochreous somewhat sprinkled with brown. Palpi rather long, ochreous- whitish suffusedly irr orated with brown or fuscous. Antennal ciliations in male whorled (one and a half). Abdomen pale greyish, anal tuft of male whitish- ochreous. Fore wings sub-oblong, costa anteriorly moderately arched, posteriorly nearly straight, in male without fold, apex obtuse, termen slightly sinuate, somewhat oblique ; glossy whitish-ochreous, strewn with small spots and strigulae of grey and dark fuscous scales arranged in transverse series, in female more or less mixed with ferruginous between these ; markings indicated in male by fuscous, in female by ferruginous suffusion, but very undefined or hardly traceable, viz., a moderately broad central fascia angulated in middle, a costal patch, and a large blotch extending along termen ; cilia whitish-ochreous or pale ochreous, in female more or less mixed with ferruginous, with more or less marked dark fuscous sub-basal shade. Hind wings in male grey, in female pale grey, indistinctly spotted with darker and tinged at apex with whitish- ochreous ; cilia whitish, with grey sub-basal line. Haenertsburg and Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra); three specimens. Tortrix prona, n. sp. Male and female, 13-14 mm. Head and thorax pale ochreous, thorax sometimes brownish tinged. Palpi pale ochreous, second joint somewhat sprinkled with fuscous towards base. Antennal ciliations in male three- quarters. Abdomen grey, anal tuft whitish-ochreous. Fore wings sub- oblong, costa anteriorly rather strongly, posteriorly slightly arched, in male without fold, apex obtuse, termen slightly sinuate, rather oblique; pale ochreous more or less strigulated with fuscous, on costa with some dark fuscous strigulae ; markings fuscous, partially edged with dark fuscous or ferruginous-ochreous or both ; basal patch obscurely indicated, outer edge obtusely angulated in middle but more or less obsolete ; central fascia rather narrow on upper half, dilated posteriorly on lower half but very ill-defined there, anterior edge well marked, nearly straight, moderately oblique ; costal patch rather small, semicircular ; an oblique dark fuscous or ferruginous-ochreous striga towards termen below middle ; cilia pale ochreous. Hind wings grey ; cilia ochreous-whitish, with grey sub-basal shade. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; Pinetown, Natal, in January (Leigh) ; four specimens. Tortrix furtiva, n. sp. Male, 16-17 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax blackish-grey, thorax indigo tinged, its posterior half whitish-ochreous. Antennal ciliations, one. 224 . Annals of the Transvaal Museum Abdomen whitish-grey. Fore wings sub-oblong, costa moderately arched, without fold, apex obtuse, termen hardly sinuate, oblique ; whitish- ochreous or pale ochreous, with a few scattered blackish specks ; costal edge dark fuscous towards base ; a blackish dot in disk at two- thirds, and one on dorsum slightly anterior ; cilia whitish- ochreous. Hind wings pale whitish-grey ; cilia grey-whitish. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; three specimens. Epichorista ionephela, Meyr. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra). Argyrotoxa hectaea, n. sp. Female, 15-16 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax yellow-ochreous tinged with ferruginous. Abdomen grey. Fore wings elongate, slightly dilated, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, termen almost straight, oblique ; ochreous- yellow ; a transverse ferruginous blotch on costa at one-quarter, reaching half across wing ; a transverse series of three or four undefined dots of dark fuscous or blackish raised scales crossing wing at two-fifths, but these are little marked and sometimes more or less obsolete ; a moderate or rather narrow straight ferruginous fascia from middle of costa to dorsum before tornus, and a similar fascia from costa near apex running into it below middle, sometimes marked with a few dark fuscous scales ; some- times one or two slight dots of dark fuscous scales near termen above middle * cilia pale ochreous-yeilowish. Hind wings rather dark grey ; cilia grey-whitish, with dark grey sub-basal line. Pretoria, in November and March (Janse) ; two specimens. Cnephasia opsarias, n. sp. Male, 13-14 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax dark grey irrorated with whitish. Antennal ciliations, one. Abdomen light grey. Fore wings elongate, moderate, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen hardly rounded, oblique ; white, partially tinged with grey, transversely striated with grey, costa and termen suffused with grey ; markings dark grey, partially edged with black irroration ; a suffused basal fascia ; a moderate somewhat curved ante -median fascia, in one specimen broken up into costal and dorsal spots and a longitudinal .mark in disk between them, in this specimen anterior half of disk somewhat suffused with whitish- yellowish ; a rather narrow central fascia from middle of costa to two- thirds of dorsum, broadest on costa, obtusely angulated in middle, anterior edge with an abrupt narrow projection below middle ; a semi-oval costal patch, a small spot on costa beyond it, another at apex, and a roundish spot towards termen above middle, sometimes confluent with costal patch ; cilia grey sprinkled with whitish, towards base sprinkled with blackish- grey, with a blackish-grey median line. Hind wings grey; cilia grey- whitish, with a grey line. Pretoria, in October (Janse); Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra) ; two specimens. Cnephasia captiva, n. sp. Male, 10 mm. Head and palpi fulvous-yellow. Antennae grey,, ciliations ? one-quarter. Thorax fulvous-yellow, with two leaden-grey Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 225 stripes. Abdomen dark grey. Fore wings sub-oblong, costa moderately arched, without fold, apex round-pointed, termen faintly sinuate, oblique ; seven to termen ; yellow-fulvous ; costal edge blackish towards base ; a leaden-grey triangular patch extending on dorsum from base to two-fifths and reaching more than half across wing, and a leaden-grey spot on costa at one-fifth, these representing basal patch ; a somewhat curved blackish transverse line near beyond these, nearly followed by a somewhat curved narrow leaden-grey fascia ; a straight blackish line from a triangular spot on middle of costa to three-quarters of dorsum, nearly followed by a straight narrow leaden-grey fascia suffusedly edged with blackish scales ; a nearly straight leaden-grey fascia from three-quarters of costa to termen above tornus ; posterior area beyond this suffused with blackish, enclosing a leaden-grey spot on termen beneath apex ; cilia pale fulvous-ochreous, towards tornus suffused with grey. Hind wings dark fuscous ; cilia dark grey. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. Cnephasia ergastularis, n. sp. Male, 14 mm. Head and palpi fulvous-ochreous, crown centrally whitish tinged. Antennae grey, ciliations one. Thorax dark grey, mixed with ochreous. Abdomen grey. Fore wings elongate, moderate, slightly dilated, costa moderately arched, without fold, apex round-pointed, termen straight, oblique ; seven to termen ; bronzy-yellow-ochreous ; markings dark leaden-grey edged with blackish ; a basal patch with angulated outer edge running from one-quarter of costa to one-quarter of dorsum, enclosing two spots of ground colour ; a moderate ante-median fascia, furcate on dorsum ; a moderate straight fascia from middle of costa to three-quarters of dorsum, confluent beneath with a narrower irregular fascia near beyond it ; an irregular fascia from five-sixths of costa to termen above tornus ; some scattered dark strigulae on termen ; cilia ochreous- whitish. Hind wings grey ; cilia grey- whitish, with a grey sub-basal shade. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. This and the preceding are allied species of peculiar facies, and 1 have no doubt that Argyrotoxa tigrina, Wals., which is very similar, belongs here also, though I have not seen a specimen. Eucosmidae. Spilonota conica, n. sp. Male, 16-17 mm. Head and thorax dark grey, mixed with whitish. Palpi grey. Antennae with notch almost at base of stalk. Abdomen grey. Fore wings elongate, rather narrow, posteriorly slightly dilated, costa slightly arched, with strong fold from base to slightly beyond middle, apex obtuse, termen straight, rather oblique ; fuscous suffusedly irrorated and strigulated with white ; a large blackish-fuscous patch extending along costa from base to three-quarters, slightly whitish-sprinkled and strigulated on costa with whitish irroration, its lower edge reaching two- thirds across wing and triangularly indented with white suffusion in middle of wing, so as to form angular prominences before and beyond this ; an 226 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. erect triangular dark grey tornal spot marked with blackish, reaching half across wing ; apical portion of costa blackish, with pairs of whitish strigulae ; ocellus margined laterally by thick silvery streaks, and con- taining two short black marks ; cilia grey with rows of white points, round apex and upper part of termen and beneath tornus suffused with blackish. Hind wings with three and four stalked ; rather dark grey ; cilia grey, slightly whitish sprinkled. Pretoria (Janse) ; Woodbush Village (Swierstra) ; in December ; two specimens. Approaches rhothia , but the antennal notch is much nearer base. Eucosma malacodes, n. sp. Female, 16 mm. Head fulvous-ochreous. Palpi moderate, sub- ascending, ochreous-grey- whitish, terminal joint grey. Thorax grey, irrorated with grey-whitish. Abdomen grey. Fore wings elongate, moderate, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen sinuate, somewhat oblique ; grey, sprinkled with grey-whitish ; costa grey-whitish, shortly strigulated with blackish irroration ; a pale fulvous-ochreous apical patch, extending along costa to middle, and along termen to tornus, marked with several irregular oblique blue-leaden strigae from costa, its lower portion forming the ocellus, which is margined anteriorly with obscure blue-leaden suffusion and posteriorly with a pale golden metallic streak, and contains three elongate black dots ; cilia grey, basal half irrorated with whitish and dark grey and limited by a line of blackish irroration, outer half prismatic- submetallic; towards tornus sprinkled with whitish. Hind wings with three and four stalked ; grey, darker posteriorly ; cilia grey-whitish, with dark grey sub-basal shade. Pretoria, in December (Janse) ; one specimen. Eucosma riciniata, n. sp. Male, 15-16 mm. Head and palpi dark fuscous. Antennae simple. Thorax dark fuscous, patagia mixed with white execpt on shoulders. Abdomen grey. Fore wings elongate, costa gently arched, without fold, apex obtuse, termen sinuate, little oblique ; white ; a dark fuscous basal patch striated with bluish-leaden-grey, outer edge running from two- fifths of costa to two-fifths of dorsum, rather curved ; costa from this to apex dark fuscous, with seven pairs of fine white strigulae ; space between basal patch and central fascia grey on costal third, with several grey marks in remainder ; central fascia broad, ill-defined, grey, obliquely interrupted above middle, somewhat mixed with brownish, and with two black marks on posterior edge in and below middle ; a fuscous streak beneath dark costal edge from this to apex, marked with oblique leaden- grey strigulae rising from costal pairs ; ocellus margined laterally by silvery streaks and above by a black mark, and containing two black dots near upper portion of posterior edge ; apex and upper part of termen chestnut-brown, with a white terminal mark below apex ; cilia blackish- grey sprinkled with white, with a broad white tornal patch. Hind wings with dorsal edge thickened, three and four stalked ; grey ; cilia whitish, with two grey shades. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; two specimens. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. .227 Eucosma scenica, n. sp. Male, 15 mm. Head ochreous, crown suffused with fuscous. Palpi light ochreous, second joint anteriorly suffused with fuscous. Antennae simple. Thorax red-brown, mixed with blackish. Abdomen dark grey, anal tuft pale ochreous mixed with brownish. Fore wings elongate, costa gently arched, without fold, apex obtuse, termen straight, rather oblique ; reddish-brown ; basal patch formed by suffused blackish striation and somewhat marked with dark bluish-leaden, edge irregular, obtusely angulated below middle ; space between this and central fascia partially suffused with white, Especially towards dorsum, with some scattered blackish strigulae, on costa with two pairs of whitish strigulae, along its posterior edge with an irregular blue-leaden stria thickened in disk ; central fascia blackish-fuscous, moderately broad, narrow towards costa, posterior edge rounded-prominent above and below middle, marked with a blue- leaden spot in middle and another toward dorsum ; posterior half of costa blackish, marked with four pairs of whitish strigulae, whence proceed short oblique blue-leaden marks, space round these fulvous-brown ; ocellus formed by two approximated thick rosy-silvery streaks, between which is a rather curved series of four black dots, above this is a patch of rosy- whitish and blue-leaden suffusion, followed by a blackish patch extending to apex, containing a blue-leaden mark near termen beneath apex, followed by two white terminal dots ; cilia grey sprinkled with white points, with a dark fuscous sub-basal shade, on tornus suffused with whitish. Hind wings with three and four stalked ; dark grey ; cilia pale grey, with darker sub-basal shade. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. Bactra scrupulosa, n. sp. Male and female, 13-14 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax pale whitish- ochreous tinged with grey, palpi hardly over two. Antennal ciliations in male one. Abdomen light grey. Fore wings elongate, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen straight, oblique; greyish-ochreous or whitish- ochreous, with some strigulae of black irroration on margins ; costa with oblique silvery-whitish strigulae, posteriorly paired, whence arise more or less marked irregular whitish striae crossing wing, variable in development ; basal patch indicated by a triangular spot of blackish suffusion representing angle in disk, and some slight irroration elsewhere ; central fascia repre- sented by an oblique patch of blackish suffusion in disk ; two transverse blue-leaden marks and some scattered fine black strigulae towards termen ; cilia pale grey or whitish, with two little-marked fine dark lines. Hind wings grey ; cilia whitish, with two grey lines. Woodbush Village (Swierstra) ; Albert Mine, Pretoria District (Janse); in December and January ; three specimens. Bactra hebetata , n. sp. Male, 12-13 mm. Head ochreous- whitish. Palpi two, whitish, suffused with grey on basal half and beneath, terminal joint with blackish sub-apical ring. Antennal ciliations, one. Thorax ochreous-whitish, mixed with grey and sprinkled with black. Abdomen grey. Fore wings elongate, costa 228 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. gently arched, apex obtuse, termen rounded, oblique ; light grey, irregularly sprinkled with darker ; costa blackish, marked with oblique whitish strigulae, posteriorly paired and giving rise to short bluish-leaden marks ; basal patch indicated by striae of blackish irroration, and an elongate discal patch of blackish suffusion representing angle ; central fascia represented by an oblique dark streak from costa, an irregular patch of blackish suffusion in disc, edged posteriorly by a white spot, and some darker suffusion towards dorsum, in which is a triangular sub-dorsal patch of whitish- ochreoUs suffusion edged above with black ; ocellus small, edged laterally with bluish-leaden, veins within ft suffused with black ; space above this marked with black lines on veins, limited above and posteriorly by an oblique bluish-leaden line from post-median pair of costal strigulae ; cilia grey sprinkled with white points, with a white basal streak along termen. Hind wings rather dark grey ; cilia grey, with darker sub-basal shade. Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra) ; two specimens. Polychrosis incultana, Walk. Pretoria, in March (Janse) ; one specimen. Hitherto I have only seen this from Mauritius, where it is common. Argyro'ploce orthacta , Meyr. Male, 14 mm. Antennal ciliations minute. Abdomen rather long, anal tuft ochreous-whitish. Posterior tibiae whitish, shortly rough-haired above. Hind wings with dorsal edge thickened, yellowish tinged, with slight sub-dorsal furrow clothed with hairs. Pretoria, in October (Janse). Argyroploce sistrata, n. sp. Male and female, 17-20 mm. Head brownish, mixed or partly suffused with indigo- blackish. Palpi porrected, ferruginous-brownish mixed or suffused with dark fuscous. Thorax dark fuscous, somewhat whitish sprinkled, crest ferruginous. Abdomen in male whitish-fuscous, in female dark fuscous. Posterior tibiae in male clothed with dense long rough whitish hairs above and beneath, in female more shortly rough-scaled. Fore wings elongate, moderate, posteriorly dilated, costa gently arched, apex rounded, termen slightly rounded, somewhat oblique ; seven indefinite, apparently to apex ; dark purplish-fuscous, with irregularly scattered small raised spots of leaden-metallic scales ; basal patch and central fascia indicated by irregular blackish marks and suffusion, but undefined, latter followed by an undefined spot of deep red-brown suffusion above middle ; beyond an obtusely angulated line from three-quarters of costa to tornus, the posterior area is suffused with ochreous-whitish, except a more or less developed apical patch of red-brown suffusion, and an oblique blackish striga or spot from above middle of termen ; cilia leaden-grey with two blackish lines, beneath tornus whitish mixed. Hind wings in male pale grey, in female dark grey ; dorsum in male clothed with long hairs ; under surface in male with a roundish patch of blackish-grey modified scales below middle of disc ; cilia in male ochreous-whitish, round apex suffused with grey, in female grey-whitish with grey sub-basal shade. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 229 Woodbush Village (Swierstra) ; Pinetown, Natal (Leigh) ; in December and January; nine specimens. Laspeyresia chelias-, Meyr. Pretoria, in October (Janse) ; one specimen. The species was described from Ceylon ; it has probably been introduced with some cultivated leguminous plant. Gelechiadae. Epiphthora crystallista, n. sp. Male, 10 mm. Head and thorax white with a few dark fuscous specks. Palpi white, second joint sprinkled with dark fuscous except apex, scales rather projecting at apex beneath, terminal joint very short (one- third). Antennae white. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings narrow-lanceolate, long-pointed ; white, sprinkled with black specks suffused with brownish, especially along costa and dorsum and on two longitudinal streaks in disc above and below middle, upper extending from base to three-quarters, lower shorter, and three longitudinal marks before and beyond tornus and at apex ; cilia white, sprinkled with blackish points except towards tornus, with a blackish apical line. Hind wings with emargination nearly rectangular, produced apex over one- third ; light grey; cilia whitish- grey-ochreous. Pretoria, in August and September (Janse) ; two specimens. I note here that Epiphthora , Meyr., supersedes Didactylota, Wals., and that I consider Proactica, Wals., also only a synonym. Photodotis, n. g. Head with appressed scales ; ocelli present ; tongue developed. Antennae four-fifths, in male ciliated, basal joint moderate, without pecten. Labial palpi long, recurved, second joint thickened with dense projecting scales forming a short tuft beneath, terminal joint as long as second, thickened with appressed scales slightly rough anteriorly, pointed. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform, appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae clothed with hairs above. Fore wings with two from angle, three absent, four approximated to two, seven and eight stalked, seven to costa, eleven from middle. Hind wings one, elongate-trapezoidal, termen obliquely bisinuate beneath apex, cilia one and a half ; three and four somewhat approximated, five rather bent, six and seven parallel. Probably allied to Aristotelia. Photodotis prochalina, n. sp. Male and female, 10-11 mm. Head pale whitish-ochreous, sometimes with a few dark fuscous scales. Palpi ochreous-whitish, second joint sprinkled with dark fuscous towards base, with a broad dark fuscous supra-median band, terminal joint with black supra-median band and some black scales near base. Antennae white ringed with dark fuscous. Thorax ochreous- whitish, posteriorly with three black marginal dots, patagia whitish- ochreous sprinkled with dark fuscous. Abdomen dark fuscous, anal tuft ochreous-whitish. Fore wings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen very obliquely rounded ; dark grey closely irrorated 230 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. with white points or partially suffused with ochreous-whitish, especially towards dorsum anteriorly ; two spots of black suffusion beneath costa near base, alternating with whitish suffusion ; an ochreous-yellow oblique irregular streak from costa before middle, reaching half across wing, and an ochreous-yellow dorsal spot opposite its apex, these margined anteriorly by a curved transverse streak of blackish suffusion which also fills the space between them ; an ochreous-yellow transverse spot in disc at three- quarters, connected with costa by a spot of dark fuscous suffusion, and with a smaller dark fuscous spot adjacent beneath ; a small white spot on costa beyond this, whence a curved ochreous-yellowish streak runs near margin round costa and apex ; apical and terminal edge whitish, with several dark fuscous dots ; cilia fuscous, with blackish sub-basal line round apex, and several rows of white points. Hind wings grey ; cilia light grey, base whitish-ochreous. Pretoria, in October and February (Janse) ; two specimens. Epithectis ochrocosma , n. sp. Male, 14 mm. Head ochreous- white. Palpi white, second joint with a broad ochreous band irrorated with blackish, terminal joint somewhat thickened with scales, with blackish supra-median band and sub-basal ring. Antennal ciliations one-quarter. Thorax ochreous-whitish, shoulders somewhat sprinkled with grey. Abdomen whitish-grey-ochreous, two basal segments dorsally suffused with yellow-ochreous. Fore wings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex round-pointed, termen extremely obliquely rounded ; fuscous, irregularly sprinkled with white ; three light reddish-ochreous longitudinal streaks from base to about one-third, upper receiving an oblique white strigula from costa ; three white longitudinal streaks between and beyond these below middle of wing ; discal stigmata black edged with light reddish-ochreous, connected by a white line along upper margin of cell, plical hardly indicated, second discal connected with dorsum by a blackish spot edged with light reddish-ochreous ; posterior area streaked with pale reddish-ochreous on veins and along termen ; a series of very undefined blackish dots along posterior part of costa and termen ; cilia pale brownish irrorated with dark fuscous, with two dark fuscous lines. Hind wings grey ; cilia light grey. Moorddrift, in October (Swierstra) ; one specimen. Pcimpsectris, n. g. Head with appressed scales ; ocelli present ; tongue developed. Antennae four-fifths, basal joint moderate, without pecten. Labial palpi very long, recurved, second joint thickened with dense scales, laterally compressed, somewhat rough beneath and finely furrowed, above with rather rough scales towards apex, terminal joint shorter than second, considerably thickened with scales, pointed. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform, appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae rough-haired above. Fore wings with two from angle, six out of seven near base, seven and eight stalked, seven to costa, eleven from middle. Hind wings over one, trape- zoidal, apex pointed, termen obliquely sinuate beneath apex, cilia one ; three and four connate, five somewhat approximated, six and seven stalked. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 231 Allied to Gelechia, of which it has the neuration, but the palpi are rather like those of Metzneria. Parapsectris tholaea , n. sp. Female, 17 mm. Head and thorax pale ochreous, shoulders and a central line sprinkled with dark fuscous. Palpi whitish-ochreous, second joint irrorated with dark fuscous at base and on upper half except apex, terminal joint with broad supra-median band of dark fuscous irroration. Abdomen pale ochreous suffused with grey. Fore wings elongate, ^ rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex pointed, termen extremely obliquely rounded ; pale ochreous, veins and costa suffusedly streaked with rather dark fuscous irroration ; an irregular broad fuscous streak extending along dorsum from one-quarter to tornus, where it terminates abruptly in a darker transverse spot, surmounted by a blackish dot ; a blackish dot beneath costa at base, one on fold almost at base, one on fold at one-fifth, two on upper edge of dorsal streak anteriorly, one towards costa at one- third, and one in disc before middle ; the "streaks on veins are suffused and more or less confluent posteriorly ; cilia fuscous, sprinkled with dark fuscous towards base. Hind wings dark grey ; cilia fuscous. . Van der Merwe Station, near Pretoria, in December and March (Janse) ; two specimens. | Gelechia exstincta , n. sp. Female, 14 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, and thorax dark ashy-fuscous, palpi with two or three whitish scales below middle on median and terminal joints. Abdomen bronzy-grey. Fore wings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex pointed, termen faintly sinuate, very oblique ; six out of seven near base ; dark ashy-fuscous, obscurely streaked with blackish irroration on veins ; plical stigma represented by three or four ochreous-whitish scales ; cilia dark ashy-grey. Hind wings one, apex moderately produced, pointed ; grey ; cilia grey. Pretoria, in November (Janse) ; one specimen. Thriophora, n. g. Head with appressed scales, side tufts loosely spreading ; ocelli present ; tongue developed. Antennae with basal joint moderate, without pecten. Labial palpi long, curved, ascending, second joint with very long loosely spreading tuft of scales beneath, terminal joint as long as second, slender, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, filiform, appressed to tongue. Posterior tibiae clothed with long hairs above. Fore wings with two from angle, three absent, seven and eight stalked, seven to costa, eleven from middle. Hind wings almost one, trapezoidal, termen somewhat sinuate beneath apex, cilia one and a quarter ; three and four connate, five somewhat approximated, six and seven parallel. Allied to the Indian genus Bactylethra. Thriophom ovulata, n. sp. Female, 12 mm. Head and antennae white. Palpi white, second joint with a median patch of blackish irroration. Thorax white, shoulders sprinkled with blackish. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings elongate, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen rounded, rather strongly oblique ; ochreous-white, sprinkled with black points ; a rather large suffused 232 Annals of the Thansvaal Museum. roundish ferruginous- ochreous spot sprinkled with black in disc at one- fifth ; three similar spots representing stigmata, plical slightly before first discal, much more irrorated with black than the others ; a similarly coloured terminal fascia, broadest towards costa ; some slight irregular pale ferruginous-ochreous suffusion scattered elsewhere about disc ; cilia white, sprinkled with black points. Hind wings and cilia ochreous- whitish. Pretoria, in January (Janse) ; one specimen. Brachmia malacogramma , Meyr. A second specimen sent by Mr. Janse has vein nine of fore wings out of seven near base. Brachmia panchlora, n. sp. Male, 15 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, thorax, abdomen, and legs pale yellow- ochreous, antennal cilia tions very short. Fore wings elongate, costa gently arched, apex rounded-obtuse, termen rounded, rather oblique ; two and three stalked, seven and nine stalked, seven to apex, eight absent ; pale yellow-oehreous, costa somewhat yellower ; cilia concolorous. Hind wings and cilia whitish- ochreous ; six and seven approximated at base. Pretoria, in March (Janse) ; one specimen. COSMOPTERYGID AE . Stathmopoda luminata, n. sp. Female, 12 mm. Head whitish-yellowish, collar ferruginous-orange. Palpi ochreous- whitish. Thorax ochreous-yellowish, posterior extremity ferruginous-orange. Abdomen light grey, each segment with ferruginous transverse line. Fore wings elongate-lanceolate ; ochreous-yellow ; mark- ings grey, slightly edged with fuscous ; costal edge dark grey towards base ; a sub-costal spot near base ; a moderately broad, somewhat oblique fascia before middle, connected on dorsum with a triangular patch occupying more than apical third of wing, its anterior edge inwardly oblique, confluence of these edged above with ferruginous ; cilia pale ochreous-grey, becoming whitish-ochreous towards tornus. Hind wings pale grey ; cilia whitish- ochreous. Pretoria, in December (Janse) ; one specimen. Allied to auriferella, but dark anterior fascia differently placed. Limnoecia phragmitella, Stt. Pretoria, in November (Janse) ; one specimen. Not previously recorded from South Africa, but a very wide-ranging insect, though generally overlooked on account of the retired habits of the imago ; the larva can be found abundantly in the seed-heads of Typha. Oecophoridae. Hednophora, n. g. Head smooth-scaled ; ocelli present ; tongue absent. Antennae three-quarters, in male simple, basal joint elongate, rather broad, sub-concave beneath, without pecten. Labial palpi moderately long, curved, ascending, 'second joint loosely scaled at apex, terminal joint shorter than second, slender, acute. Maxillary palpi very short, drooping, filiform. Anterior tibiae and tarsi short, thickened with scales, posterior tibiae clothed with Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 233 long hairs above. Fore wings with slight tnfts of scales on surface; two from near angle, seven and eight stalked, seven to costa, eleven from middle. Hind wings under one, ovate-lanceolate, cilia two ; three and four connate, five to seven nearly parallel. Allied, to Cryptolechia. The characters of antennae of male are taken from a second species of the genus of which the material is not sufficiently good for description. Hednophora pyritis , n. sp. Female, 14 mm. Head whitish-yellow, with a broad red stripe on crown. Palpi yellow-whitish. Antennae whitish-grey. Thorax red, with two pale yellow stripes. Abdomen ochreous-whitish. Fore wings broad- lanceolate, apex produced, acute ; crimson-red, irregularly marked with short longitudinal streaks of pale yellow and purple-lilac ; a suffused blackish-grey streak mixed with indigo-bluish along costa throughout, leaving extreme costal edge whitish, its lower edge with projections reaching discal stigmata ; stigmata blackish, plical slightly beyond first discal, resting on apex of a triangular blackish-grey bluish-mixed dorsal blotch extending on dorsum from one-quarter to four-fifths ; a blackish-grey streak mixed with indigo-bluish along termen ; cilia pale ochreous, towards base rosy tinged, with a few grey scales. Hind wings and cilia ochreous- whitish. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. SCYTHRIDAE. Scythris justified , n. sp. Male, 16 mm. Head and thorax whitish-grey-ochreous. Palpi whitish, terminal joint and upper part of second suffused with grey anteriorly. Antennae grey, ciliations three-quarters. Abdomen whitish- ochreous. Fore wings elongate-lanceolate, acute ; five present ; greyish-ochreous suffused with ochreous-whitish ; plical and second discal stigmata rather large, black, widely remote ; cilia whitish-grey-ochreous. Hind wings, with four and five stalked ; dark grey ; cilia ochreous-grey. Pretoria, in December (Janse) ; one specimen. Elachistidae. Elachista nymphaea, n. sp. Male and female, 8 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax white. Abdomen light grey. Fore wings lanceolate ; ochreous-white ; a broad ochreous or ochreous- brown fascia beyond middle, narrowed downwards, sprinkled with black towards costa anteriorly, and with a large black dot on its anterior edge representing plical stigma ; a similarly coloured apical spot connected with this fascia by a bar in disc; cilia grey, sprinkled with black points towards base, with a black median line. Hind wings rather dark grey ; cilia grey. Pretoria, in October and February (Janse) ; two specimens. Elachista gypsophila , n. sp. Male and female, 9-10 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, thorax, and abdomen ochreous-white, palpi in male suffused with dark grey towards base. Fore 234 Annals of the *Transvaal Museum. wings lanceolate ; ochreous-white ; plical and second discal stigmata small, black, plical at about middle of wing, first discal represented in female by a single black scale obliquely before plical and near costa ; cilia ochreous- white. Hind wings and cilia ocbreous-white, cilia in male yellowish tinged towards base. Beynspoort (near Pretoria) and Pretoria, in December and January (Janse) ; two specimens. Very near the European triatomea, but dis- tinguished by ochreous- white hind wings. Mendesia aganopa, n. sp. Male, 11 mm. Head, palpi, antennae, and thorax white. Abdomen ochreous- whitish. Fore wings rather broad-lanceolate, pointed ; white ; cilia white. Hind wings and cilia ochreous-whitish ; no additional branch of vein seven. Rietfontein No. 57 (N.E. Pretoria District), in February (Janse) ; one specimen . Gracilariadae. Lithocolletis encaeria , n. sp. Male, 6 mm. Head and thorax bronzy-ochreous, face white. Antennae and abdomen grey. Fore wings lanceolate ; golden-bronzy-ochreous, posteriorly slightly sprinkled with blackish points ; a very short slender white median streak from base ; a very slightly indicated slender whitish somewhat angulated fascia at one-quarter ; a slender white fascia at one-half, angulated above middle, margined anteriorly with a few black scales ; a white spot on costa at three-quarters, and one on dorsum opposite, irregularly margined with black scales, between these is a group of black scales in disc; a triangular white spot on costa hardly before apex, beneath which are some black scales along termen ; cilia pale ochreous, beyond a blackish median line ochreous-whitish. Hind wings grey; cilia pale grey. Pretoria, in October (Janse) ; two specimens. Epicephala pyrrhogastra, Meyr. From examination of further specimens the ochreous-reddish colour of abdomen appears to be that of the chitinous substance, the scales being grey and white as described ; the same peculiar reddish colour is apparent in other parts of the body and head if denuded. Epicephala barbitias, Meyr. A second female and what is probably male of same species, sent by Mr. Janse, taken at Pretoria in February and March ; female quite like type-example ; abdomen (broken in type) whitish-grey ; male differs in having dorsal white streak less marked, tending to break up into oblique streaks, with small blackish spots above it before and beyond middle, markings towards apex forming four pairs of fine oblique light fuscous strigulae from costa and termen meeting at acute angle and somewhat marked with whitish, separated with dark fuscous, apical black dot limited anteriorly by a hardly curved white line (instead of having a V-shaped line within it) abdomen with large whitish-ochreous claspers and anal tuft ; this might possibly be a distinct species, but in other respects the similarity is such as to suggest that the specimens are sexes of the same species. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 235 Plutellidae. Coleophora triflua , n. sp. Male and female, 12 mm. Head and thorax white, with a pale yellowish eentral stripe, upper part of face pale yellowish. Palpi white. Antennae white ringed with ochreous-fuscous, basal joint white with rough tuft of pro- jecting pale yellowish scales in front. Abdomen light grey. Fore wings elongate-lanceolate, long-pointed, acute ; ochreous-yellowish, towards costa and apex suffused with ferruginous-brown ; a strong white costal streak from base to near apex ; white streaks along fold and dorsum from base, meeting at tornus ; cilia whitish-ochreous, at apex with a brownish bar, on costa white. Hind wings grey ; cilia pale greyish. Bultfontein (N.E. Pretoria District), in December and January (Janse) ; two specimens. Coleophora scaleuta, n. sp. Male and female, 14-15 mm. Head brownish-ochreous, suffused on sides with whitish. Palpi whitish, second joint with brownish-ochreous lateral streak and short apical projection of scales beneath. Antennae dilated « near base, white ringed with brownish-ochreous. Thorax white, shoulders brownish-ochreous. Abdomen pale greyish. Fore wings elongate- lanceolate, apex produced, acute, in male with a rather long expansible greyish hair pencil on under surface from base beneath costa ; brownish-ochreous ; a whitish costal line from base to beyond middle ; veins marked with suffused whitish lines ; some scattered fine black scales on plical line and lower margin of cell, and between veins on costal half ; cilia pale ochreous, tips whitish. Hind wings grey ; cilia pale greyish. Pretoria, in January and March (Janse) ; Durban, Natal (Leigh) ; three specimens. Coleophora halmodes, n. sp. Female, 10-12 mm. Head and thorax white, with a faint ochreous-grey central streak, shoulders tinged with ochreous-grey. Palpi whitish, externally tinged with grey. Antennae white, sometimes suffused with grey above. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings elongate-lanceolate, long- pointed, acute ; white, somewhat sprinkled with fuscous ; second discal stigma indicated by a small obscure darker dot ; cilia ochreous-whitish, on costa whiter, round apex tinged basally with fuscous. Hind wings pale grey ; cilia ochreous-whitish. Pretoria, in October and February (Janse) ; two specimens. Batrachedm granosa , n. sp. Male, 9-12 mm. Head and thorax ochreous-whitish. Palpi loosely scaled anteriorly, whitish, second joint irrorated with dark fuscous except apex, terminal joint with two slight wings of dark fuscous irroration. Abdomen ochreous-grey-whitish. Fore wings very narrowly lanceolate ; whitish-ochreous, sprinkled with dark fuscous ; plical and second diskal stigmata dark fuscous, remote ; the dark fuscous scales tend to form marginal dots on posterior part of costa and termen ; cilia pale whitish- ochreous. Plind wings pale grey ; cilia ochreous-grey-whitish. Pretoria, in September (Janse) ; two specimens. 236 Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. Batmchedm saurota, n. sp. Female, 18 mm. Head and thorax ochreous- white. Palpi white, mixed with fnscons externally except towards apex. Antennae greyish-ochreous. Abdomen pale greyish-ochreous. Fore wings very narrowly lanceolate, acute ; pale whitish-ochreous ; a small blackish dot beneath costa near base ; plical and second discal stigmata rather large, blackish ; cilia pale whitish-ochreous. Hind wings light grey ; cilia pale greyish-ochreous. Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. Epermenia praefumata , n. sp. Female, 11-14 mm. Head whitish. Palpi moderate, whitish, second joint suffused with dark fuscous. Thorax whitish, sometimes partially brownish-tinged, shoulders suffused with dark fuscous irroration. Abdomen ochreous- whitish. Fore wings elongate-lanceolate ; pale brownish-ochreous tinged with whitish, more or less streaked with light brown in disc and much suffused with light brown on posterior third ; costa suffused with grey and sprinkled with black points ; discal stigmata small, black, remote ; some irregular black irroration on posterior third ; small scale-projections of a few black scales on dorsum at middle, three-quarters, and tornus ; cilia pale greyish-ochreous, round apex and upper part of termen suffused with grey and closely irr orated with black. Hind wings grey or whitish- grey ; cilia pale grey or whitish. Groenvlei (N.E. Pretoria District), Pretoria, in December and January (Janse) ; three specimens. Tineidae. Nepticula fluida, n. sp. Male and female, 4-5 mm. Head and thorax whitish-ochreous. Antennae dark grey, eyecaps whitish-ochreous. Fore wings lanceolate ; whitish-ochreous ; cilia ochreous- whitish. Hind wings and cilia grey- whitish. Pretoria, in September (Janse) ; two specimens. Nepticula grandinosa, n. sp. Male, 5 mm. Head ochreous-whitish. Antennae grey, eyecaps ochreous-whitish. Thorax grey-whitish, sprinkled with dark grey. Abdomen grey. Fore wings lanceolate ; grey-whitish, irregularly irrorated with dark fuscous ; cilia whitish, towards base sprinkled with dark fuscous. Hind wings light grey ; cilia grey- whitish. Pretoria, in September (Janse) ; one specimen. Opostega bellicosa, n. sp. Female, 7 mm. Head ochreous-white, frontal tuft blackish-fuscous. Antennae grey, eyecaps ochreous-white. Thorax ochreous-white. Abdo- men light grey. Fore wings lanceolate, acute ; pale whitish-ochreous ; a transverse dark fuscous spot on costa slightly beyond middle, reaching nearly half across wing ; very small dark fuscous costal and terminal opposite transverse marks close before apex ; a minute black apical dot ; cilia pale whitish-ochreous. Hind wings and cilia grey. Pretoria, in October (Janse) ; one specimen. P. A. M. DEL. LA3EO T RANSVAALEN31S sp. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 237 Opostega cirrhacma, n. sp. Female, 10 mm. Head and thorax white. Abdomen pale greyish- ochreous. Fore wings lanceolate, apex caudate ; shining white ; oblique fuscous streaks from costa and dorsum beyond middle, costal rather longer and suffused with ochreous towards apex ; apical fifth of wing suffused with yellow-ochreous ; cilia whitish-ochreous, at apex with a black dot. Hind wings and cilia pale grey, slightly yellowish-tinged. Woodbush Village, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. Phyllobrostis calcar ia, n. sp. Female, 13 mm. Head pale ochreous-grey tinged with whitish. Palpi short. Antennae grey, beneath whitish. Thorax ochreous- whitish. Abdomen grey-whitish, with golden- ochreous basal segmental bands. Fore wings lanceolate, apex produced, caudate ; five absent, nine connate with six ; ochreous-whitish ; cilia ochreous-whitish. Hind wings linear, lanceolate ; three absent, five closely approximated to seven anteriorly, six out of seven in middle of wing ; pale grey ; cilia ochreous-whitish. Pretoria, in November (Janse) ; one specimen. Phyllobrostis argillosa, n. sp. Male, 10 mm. Head and thorax light brownish-ochreous. Palpi very short. Antennae fuscous. Abdomen greyish- ochreous. Fore wings lan- ceolate, acute ; five present, nine separate ; brownish-ochreous ; costal edge dark fuscous towards base ; cilia pale brownish-ochreous. Hind wings lanceolate ; three out of two, five out of seven in middle of wing, six and seven stalked ; grey ; cilia pale ochreous. Kranspoort (N.E. Pretoria District), in December (Janse) ; one specimen. Bucculatrix frangulella, Goze. Pretoria, in October (Janse) ; one specimen, which I am unable to distinguish from the typical European form. Possibly the food plant (Rhamnus) is planted in gardens. Bucculatrix facilis, n. sp. Male, 7-8 mm. Head whitish, with some dark fuscous hairs towards centre. Thorax whitish, partially suffused with light brownish. Abdomen grey, anal tuft whitish. Fore wings lanceolate, acute ; ochreous-white ; markings pale brown sprinkled with dark fuscous ; a slender costal streak from base to first blotch ; oblique blotches from costa before and beyond middle, not reaching half across wing ; an indistinct blotch along dorsum from base to near middle ; a blotch on dorsum beyond middle, its anterior edge marked with a minute black dot representing plical stigma ; an inwardly oblique blotch from termen above tornus, nearly reaching second costal blotch, marked above with a strong black dot (second discal stigma) ;; a transverse spot just before apex ; cilia whitish, with a few dark fuscous points round apex. Hind wings grey ; cilia pale grey. Pretoria, in November and December (Janse) ; two specimens. Bedellia cathareuta, n. sp. Male and female, 9-10 mm. Head white, with a brownish-ochreous frontal bar. Antennae pale greyish-ochreous. Thorax white, shoulders 5 238 Aotals of the Transvaal Museum. tinged with pale ochreous. Abdomen whitish. Fore wings narrowly elongate- lanceolate, acute ; pale brownish-ochreous, with a few scattered dark fuscous specks ; a narrow streak of white suffusion along costa from base to about three-quarters ; dorsal area as far as fold suffused with whitish ; cilia pale whitish-ochreous, on costa anteriorly white. Hind wings and cilia ochreous- whitish. Pretoria, in August and December (Janse) ; two specimens. Immedi- ately distinguished from somnulentella by the whitish hind wings. Tischeria zestica, n. sp. Male and female, 7-8 mm. Head and thorax whitish-ochreous, face paler. Antennae ochreous- whitish. Abdomen prismatic whitish-grey. Fore wings lanceolate, acute ; yellow-ochreous or light yellowish ; markings formed by grey suffusion sprinkled with dark fuscous ; a streak along costa throughout ; a narrow oblique fascia from two- thirds of costa to tornus, sometimes interrupted ; a similar fascia in middle of wing is indicated in male, and slightly in one female, and in male basal area is also suffused with dark irroration, in one male the wing is almost wholly suffused with grey and irrorated with dark grey ; cilia whitish-ochreous, round apex sprinkled with dark fuscous points towards base, with a dark sub-basal line. Hind wings whitish-grey or light grey ; cilia ochreous- whitish. Pretoria and Warmberg (Zoutpansberg District), in September, February, and May (Janse) ; six specimens. Nearly approaches the European margined ; apparently a variable species. Copobathra, n. g. Head with appressed scales ; ocelli present ; tongue absent. Antennae one, in male moderately ciliated, basal joint very long, flattened, beneath with pecten of scales. Labial palpi moderately long, slightly curved, sub-ascending, with appressed scales, terminal joint shorter than second, tolerably pointed! Maxillary palpi long, straight, clothed with scales, appressed beneath head. Posterior tibiae clothed with long hairs above. Fore wings with two from angle, five and six out of seven, seven to costa, eight out of seven, eleven from middle. Hind wings one-half, linear- lanceolate, cilia five ; two-four parallel, five and six apparently out of seven. Allied to Opogona ; the maxillary palpi are peculiar. Copobathra menodora, n. sp. Male, 16 mm. Head ochreous-yellowish. Palpi ochreous-yellowish, terminal joint dark fuscous except apex. Antennae dark grey, obscurely ringed with pale ochreous, basal joint ochreous-yellowish. Thorax ochreous- yellowish, shoulders dark fuscous. Abdomen pale ochreous. Fore wings elongate-lanceolate ; glossy light yellow-ochreous ; basal third of costa suffused with blackish ; cilia pale ochreous-yellowish. Hind wings grey ; cilia whitish-ochreous tinged with grey. Van der Merwe Station (near Pretoria), in December (Janse) ; one specimen. Tineola chloristis, Meyr. Male and female, 12-16 mm. A true Tineola ; fore wings with seven and eight usually separate. Recognizable by its relatively rather broad wings. Annals of the Teansyaal Museum. 239 Tineola nesiastis, n. sp. Female, 18 mm. Head pale dull fulvous. Palpi dark fuscous, terminal joint short, pale ochreous. Antennae and thorax dark purplish-fuscous. Abdomen fuscous. Fore wings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen very obliquely rounded ; dark purplish-fuscous, obscurely blackish-sprinkled ; a small round whitish-ochreous spot in disc at three-quarters, just beyond cell; cilia fuscous with several dark purplish-fuscous lines. Hind wings purplish-bronzy-fuscous ; cilia fuscous. Pretoria, in December (Janse) ; one specimen. Melasina undulata , n. sp. Male, 23 mm. ; female, 28 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax yellow- whitish, thorax in female tinged with greyish-ochreous ; palpi moderately long, with loosely appressed scales. Antennae whitish, pectinations in male : a six ; b four. Abdomen in male grey-whitish, in female grey. Fore wings sub-oblong, moderately broad, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, termen straight, oblique ; ochreous-yellow-whitish, in male with very faint indications of deeper strigulae, in female transversely strigulated throughout with light yellowish-grey ; cilia yellow-whitish, in female irrorated with grey. Hind wings in male yellow-whitish irrorated with grey, in female rather dark grey ; cilia white, with grey ante-median line. Moorddrift (Swierstra), one male; Bandolier Kop (Grough), one female; both taken in October, and I have no doubt of their being sexes of the same species ; stupea, Wallgr. (described as an Euplocamus), would seem to be a nearly allied species, but the head is described as ferruginous. Adelidae. Ceromitia laureata, n. sp. Male, 18 mm. Head with mixed white and dark fuscous hairs. Labial palpi rather long, clothed with very long rough projecting white, and a few dark, fuscous hairs ; with scattered dark fuscous lateral bristles ; maxillary palpi as long as labial, filiform, porrected. Antennae white, ringed with fuscous towards base, moderately ciliated (one) towards base. Thorax dark fuscous with a few whitish hairs. Abdomen dark fuscous. Fore wings elongate, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, termen obliquely rounded ; purple, suffusedly irrorated with blackish ; a broad suffused yellow sub-median streak from base to middle ; a suffused yellow elongate mark in middle of disc ; some scattered white scales tending to form several fine white strigulae on posterior half of costa, and a fine interrupted curved line from two-thirds of costa to tornus ; cilia grey, with dark grey sub- basal line. Hind wings rather dark bronzy-grey ; cilia grey. Haenertsburg, in December (Swierstra) ; one specimen. Ceromitia phyrsima , n. sp. Male and female, 15-17 mm. Head pale ochreous-yellowish, back of crown whitish. Labial palpi short, grey-whitish ; maxillary longer than labial, porrected. Antennae whitish, in male towards base with fine moderately 240 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. long ciliations (two). Thorax light greyish-ochreous. Abdomen whitish- grey, anal tuft ochreous-wbitish. Fore wings elongate, costa moderately arched, apex obtuse, termen very obliquely rounded ; light greyish- ochreous, with a few whitish scales, and irregularly strewn with small groups and dots of blackish scales ; cilia pale greyish-ochreous, towards tips whitish. Hind wings purplish-bronzy-grey ; cilia grey, torwards tips whitish. Pretoria, in February and December (Janse) ; Camperdown and Durban, Natal, in April and September (Leigh) ; four specimens. Of these, one has veins eight and nine of fore wings stalked in both wings, one in one wing only, the others have them separate. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 241 THE LIFE=CYCLE OF THEILERIA PARVA — THE CAUSE OF EAST COAST FEVER IN CATTLE IN SOUTH AFRICA. A GENERAL REVIEW. By Dr. Richard Gonder, at present in the Transvaal. (From the Government Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory , Onderste- poort, Pretoria, South Africa.) In a previous communication* I reported on the developmental stages of Theileria parva ( Piroplasma parvum, Babesia parva) in the organs of cattle, and demonstrated the various stages, and I am now able to explain practically the whole life-cycle of this parasite. I then mentioned (1) that Theileria parva (as I call the parasite of East Coast fever), with Bettencourt, Franca, and Borges, cannot be identified with Babesia mutans (Piroplasma mutans) ; and (2) that the forms found in the organs of cattle represent a specific stage in its life-cycle, the forms of which stage are of great importance from a diagnostic point of view. Recent investigations have completely corroborated my previous statements. I divided the development of the parasite of East Coast fever in the organs into two generations — distinguishable by their morphology — i.e. agamogonous and gamogonous. As indicated by the name, the former signifies certain forms which multiply agametically, that is to say, forms which are not capable of performing a sexual function. It is only after the elimination of nuclear substance (reduction of nucleus) that parasites result from these agamogonous stages which develop into the gamogonous generation. The gamogonous generation then supplies sexual forms which copulate when they obtain access to the stomach of the transmitting host. It is generally known that every protozoon undergoes a process of fertilization in its life-cycle ; this fertilization acts on the organism as a regulating mechanism. The propagation or multiplication of the protozoon is not of necessity connected with fertilization ; it may precede or succeed it. In the course of the phylogenetic evolution of parasites, and especially of the blood protozoa, a definite alternation of generations has developed. The original host is undoubtedly the transmitter (Ektoparasite) in which copulation and the succeeding encystment or an agamagonous development takes place. In the intermediate host (man or animal) the further agametic multiplication proceeds, ending in the progamogonous or gamogonous generation, that is to say, with the formation of the proper sexual individuals. The latter are only able to undergo further development in the transmitting agent. i * Proceedings of Royal Society of South Africa, Capetown, and of Transvaal Biologica Society, Pretoria, July, 1910. 242 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. In addition to this typical fertilization (the copulation of male and female cells), we know of another form, namely, parthenogenesis, where the nucleus undergoes a process of self-fertilization. This phenomenon is extremely important for the explanation of relapses in protozoan diseases. It also plays an important role in the question of immunity. In protozoan diseases, in which parthenogenesis of the corresponding parasites occurs, we rarely if at all meet with an absolute immunity. It is a relative immunity designated immunitas non sterilisans. If we meet with a protozoan disease where the female form (macrogametocyte) cannot undergo parthenogenesis, we know that in most cases as soon as the man or animal recovers, a complete immunity is effected. I have given this general review for the better understanding of the life-cycle of Theileria parva , and as will be seen later, many facts in that cycle, and many conditions of the disease itself, can be explained by the biology and physiology of the protozoon. In South Africa, the tick which is of chief importance and with which I have experimented exclusively in the latter part of my investigations is Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. Rh. evertsi , which is also a transmitter of East Coast fever, was only used at the commencement of my investigations. It is well known that the parasite of East Coast fever does not pass through the egg, but the tick can only transmit the diseases in either the nymphal or imago stage. For the completion of its cycle the tick requires three changes of host. If a larval tick attaches itself on an animal suffering from East Coast fever, it leaves the host as soon as it is replete, the length of time it remains on the host depending chiefly on the external temperature, a fact which is the cause of many difficulties in the study of the East Coast fever parasite in the tick itself. After having dropped off the animal, the larval tick moults sooner or later, according to external favourable or unfavourable climatic conditions. Warmth undoubtedly influences the rapid development of ticks. It is only after the tick has moulted into the nymphal stage that it seeks a new host, where it again becomes repleted. It leaves this second host to moult again for the second time in order to finally arrive at the imago stage on the third host. It leaves this third host either as a male, which has no other task than to mature and to fertilize the female, or as a female to become fertilized and to replete itself with a great quantity of blood necessary for the formation of eggs. If the tick has been infected as a larva, it can only transmit the disease in the nymphal stage ; if it has become infected as a nympha, it can only transmit the disease as an imago. An infected tick purifies itself completely from all infection once it has bitten an animal. If infected as a larva it can only become re-infected as a nympha, but never as an adult tick. It only transmits the disease in the last stage if it has infected itself in the previous stage as a nympha. Its purification can be effected by biting on any mammal ; an ox is not exclusively necessary. As far as is known, Theileria parva is only patho- genic for cattle. The biological peculiarity in the cleansing of the ticks from infection has been made use of in South Africa for the combating of East Coast fever. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 243 A reference to the plate will help to explain the whole life-cycle of Theileria parva , and the more important forms of the parasite as seen in the microscope are shown. With the bite of an infected tick, small uninuclear forms arrive in the blood circulation of cattle, and undergo further development in the organs, more especially in the lymphatic and haemo-lymphatic glands, in the bone marrow, and in the spleen (figure 1). These small parasites represent the sporozites or, according to Hartman’s nomenclature, the agametes of the first or metagame tic generation. They are only found after the ticks have moulted, that is, at the time when the tick is ready to seek a new host. I have not yet been able to trace these forms in cattle, and I have not found them in clean ticks (not infected), control ticks, or in ticks which have become purified by biting. If we carry out a systematic puncture of the glands and an occasional puncture of the spleen, commencing on the first day of the disease — that is to say from the day on which the tick attaches itself — we are able to trace the further development of the parasite. The superficial cervical and precrural glands are the most convenient for puncturing purposes. The first forms of the parasites are occasionally found on the twelfth or thirteenth days, but it is difficult to state the exact date, as the incubation time varies in the different experiments. These parasites reach the size of about 0 ’ 8 to 1 micron, and at first are found free. During the following days they are seen intracellularly, i.e. in the large lymphocytes, and very rarely in other leucocytes. They grow in size rapidly within the next few days (figures 2, 7 a, and lb). These agametes increase in size, and after multiplication of the nuclei grow into agamonts which finally split up into as many segments as there are nuclei. On an average the agamont measures about 10-12 microns, rarely 12-15 microns. Naturally the larger ones contain the greater number of nuclei. In the intracellular forms a considerable number of segments, agametes of the second generation, are frequently found, caused by double infection. As a result of this parasitism, the lymphocyte is destroyed and accordingly it is not surprising to meet irregularly formed agametes if the infected lymphocyte dies off before the agamont has divided into its daughter forms. Division of the nuclei takes place by amitosis ; in exceptional cases we meet indications of primitive mitosis in moist fixed smears or sections. The number of nuclei increases very considerably by successive fission processes, and may amount to more than forty or fifty. The form of the nuclei and their structure is characteristic for the process of agamogony. The nuclei do not possess an envelope, they have an irregular rugged form and no compact structure. During life they do not appear very retractile, they do not show much affinity for the various stains. When stained with haemotoxylin or giemsa, fixed and treated by the moist method, the stain easily escapes from the nuclei. The development of the agametes from the youngest to the full-grown agamonts (figure 2 a and b, figure 6a and b) and to succeeding schizogony into agametes (merosoites) can repeat itself. 244 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. It must be stated that in the animal the disease commences with the appearance of these agamogonons forms. The temperature begins to rise, and reaches the maximum with the formation of the gamogonous forms ; the agamont which does not produce any more agametes divides into gamonts (figure 9 a) after its nuclei have eliminated the vegetative substance (figures 8a and 8c) by the formation of chromidia, and the process of reduction. These gamonts increase both in size and in numbers of nuclei, and finally divide up into gamotocytes which invade the red corpuscles, and now represent the parasite of East Coast fever known under the name of Theileria farm. The gamogonous forms are clearly distinguishable from the agamogon- ous form by their nuclei. The youngest gamonts (figures 96 and 10c and 6) measures about 0*8 micron, and possess a strongly refractile nucleus which takes the various stains intensively. In advanced stages (figures ll-13a and b) the nuclei possess distinct karyosomes, and occasionally in the youngest forms, along with the main nucleus, a second smaller nucleus is found, which may be compared with the blepharoplast of the flagellum, and which is of importance for the systematic position of our parasites. The multiplication of the nuclei in the gamonts takes place by a primitive mitosis in such a way that the karyosome splits the two fragments of the nucleus. Finally the gamont divides into gametocytes (figure 14 a and b) after leaving a residual body staining blue with giemsa. As already stated, the nuclei are characterized during life by strong refraction, and accordingly are easily distinguishable from the granules of the lympho- cytes, although contrary to what is seen in the agamogonous forms, their shape is more regular, being almost oval. Usually the intracellular gamonts supply a far greater number of gametocytes than those that are free. This is partly due to double infec- tions similar to what is found in intracellular agamogonous forms. The schizogony of the reduced agamonts within the lymphocytes (figure 86) and the further development of the young gamonts may take place at the same time, so that naturally there are a great number of gametocytes present. In many cases I could count 150-200 gametocytes, the products of the gamonts in one single lymphocyte. The evolution forms of Theileria farva of the gamogonous and agamo- gonous stages as described above have been known for some time under the name of Koch’s bodies or plasma bodies. They have been the subject of much discussion, especially after Martin Meyer believed he had found similar bodies in other diseases, including piroplasmosis. As I personally have seen preparations of Martin Meyer, and not having been able up to the present in a single case of piroplasmosis or other disease of a protozoan origin, to trace forms which could be mistaken for cycle forms, I must say that the so-called reaction products, as designated by Martin Meyer, have nothing to do with the so-called Koch’s bodies. I have been able to follow up the segmentation during life of the gamonts into- gametocytes, and to demonstrate these and other stages both in cattle and ticks in their natural state. With the large material The Life-Cycle of Theileria Parva, V J Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 245 placed at my disposal at the Government Veterinary Bacteriological Laboratory, for protozoological studies, amounting to about 80-100 head of cattle used in East Coast fever experiments, I frequently had the opportunity of controlling my observations. In the intracellular forms it occasionally happens that through the dissolution of the lymphocyte, these escape and invade the blood corpuscles as gamonts. It also sometimes occurs that very small free gamonts are seen in the lymphatic glands, etc., which, without reaching any great size, divide into gametocytes. Such small gamonts can finally further divide into gametocytes in the blood corpuscles, but I very rarely succeeded in tracing their development in the blood. Mistakes can easily occur, since the parasite very rapidly leaves the corpuscles when the blood is brought into different physiological conditions— a fact which can also be noted under the microscope. The formation of “ cross-forms ” as a rule takes place in the organs. The gametocytes in the blood are sufficiently well known, as is also the rapid increase of their numbers. With such a heavy infection of the blood, one is struck with the fact that no pathological lesions are found in the red corpuscles, and only towards the end of the disease may a slight anisocytosis be observed. If a further development, or rather if an increase would take place in the blood, one would expect to find changes in the red corpuscles such as are found with the malaria-plasmodia of apes, parasites found in bats, Babesia mutans, etc., either due to the liberation of the toxines, or by the simple mechanical influences caused by immigration and emigration of parasites into and out of the corpuscles. In the stages of the East Coast fever parasite found in the blood, we do not notice such changes of the corpuscles, and the absence of such changes Gan be explained by the life-cycle as explained before. With the formation of the gameto- cytes, the cycle of Theileria parva in the animal arrives at a definite conclusion — the animal either recovers or dies. In cattle which recover from the disease, a general decrease of the parasites is noted in the blood after the crisis. The agamogonous forms disappear, and with this the fever gradually subsides. The gamogonous stages do not develop beyond the formation of gametocytes, these are the endoglobular parasites. Since we do not find parthenogenesis, the animal is completely protected against relapses, and recovery leaves a complete sterile immunity. No tick can infect itself on this animal and no infected tick can infect such a beast. In my studies I also had an opportunity of seeing cases ending rapidly with death (acute forms of East Coast fever), in which I could not detect any parasites in the blood or gamogonous forms in the glands, but only the agamogonous stages. Therefore I am of opinion that in the first Instance agamogonous forms are those which cause the disease, or which, in other words, possess the toxines. In some of the experiments of Doctor Theiler, undertaken for the purpose of immunizing cattle, I have noticed agamogonous stages in the blood after inoculation, and it may be expected that these animals will prove immune to the disease. 246 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. The transmission of the disease with blood has hitherto not been successful, and this may be explained by the fact that the gametocytes do not develop any further, and do not undergo parthenogenesis. If it is possible to transmit the disease with blood, such can certainly only be the case at the beginning before gamogonous forms appear. In the trans- mission experiments with organs, as undertaken at the Laboratory, agamonts are inoculated, that is, forms which are capable of further development. The parasite in the red corpuscle can only undergo further develop- ment after it has entered into the tick. The gametocytes contained in the blood then develop further. When copulation occurs in the tick, micro- and macrogametocytes can be distinguished in the blood. The gameto- cyte, which is ring-shaped or pear-shaped, takes either on the elongated or so-called bacillary form, or it grows into a broad ring or becomes more pear-shaped. The former represents the microgametocytes, the latter the macrogametocytes. (Figures 16 and 17.) After the infected blood corpuscles have reached the stomach of the tick, the parasites emigrate within the first half-hour. A great number perish. Only the mature gametocytes grow into gametes and mix with each other. The microgametes contain a distinct small nucleus similar to the centrosome or blepharoplast (Browazek and Hartman) of other organisms, which acts as the initial agency for the development. The fertilized macrogamete (figure 18) “ rounds off ” after a kary- myoxis and from this the ookinete results and similar to other blood parasites takes the shape of a retort changing into that of a gregarine, and finally grows into the elongated ookinete. The ookinetes can be recognized by their activity — they double back and stretch out rapidly, and show contractile movements like gregarines. The forms given in figures 19-22, I have as yet found only in infected ticks on the eve of moulting. During the moulting process, I was unable to trace any intermediate forms which would lead from the ookinetes to the agametes of the first generation (sporozoites) as shown in figure 1. With the formation of the agametes the evolution of Theileria parva is com- plete, and when these agametes find their way into a beast the described cycle commences afresh. Decently some publications have been made by Nuttall, Fantham, and Porter on Theileria parva , in which the evolution cycle of the East Coast fever parasite has been studied in stained dry preparations. Since these investigators did not mention in any way the evolution forms in the organs, and their investigations have not come to a conclusion except in regard to the already known facts, such as number and shape of the blood parasites, I cannot enter into any discussion for the time being. I only wish to repeat that my observations have been made on living material, and with preparations fixed by moist methods, and I wish to draw attention to the detailed illustrated report due to appear shortly in the “ Archiv. fur Protistenkunde ”, and in the report of the Government Veterinary Bacteriologist of the Transvaal, in which I have particularly referred to literature on the subject. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 247 Explanation of the Plate. Figure 1 . Agametes of the first generation (meta- gametes). Figure 2, a and b . . Agamont with one nucleus. Figure 3, a and b . . Agamonts with several nuclei. Figure 4, a and b Medium-sized agamonts. Figure 5, a and b Large agamonts with numerous nuclei. Figure 6, a and b . . Agamonts undergoing schizogonie. Figure 7, a and b Agametes. Figure 8, a and b . . Reduction forms of agamonts. Figure 9, a and b Segmentation of reduction forms of aga- Figure 10, a , u, and b Figure 11, a, u, and b Figures 12-13, a , u, and b Figure 14, a, u , and b Figure 15, a, u, and b Figure 16, a , u , and b Figure 17, a , u, and b Figure 18, a, u, and b Figure 19, a , u, and b Figures 20-21, a , u, and b Figure 21, u, w, and 5 Figure 22 .. monts. Young agamonts. Medium sized agamonts with several nuclei. Large agamonts with numerous nuclei. Agamonts undergoing schizogonie. Free gametocytes. Gametocytes in the red blood corpuscles. Micro- and macrogametes in the stomach of the tick. Copulation. Karyomyxis. Formation of the ookinetes. Retort forms of ookinete. Ookinete. 248 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. LAMBLIA SANGUINIS (Nov. Sp.). By Dr. B. Gonder (with one figure in text). The study of the flagellate genus Lamblia has lately received more attention through observations made in the case of dysentery, in which disease flagellates, especially Lamblia, have been found in large numbers (Prowazek, Bohne, and others). Although the question as to the pathogenicity of this protozoon is still undecided, yet it is probable that in combination with other organisms it may have a harmful effect. Up to the present Lambliae have been found only in the intestines of rats, mice, cats, rabbits, and the human subject, and organisms similar to Lamblia have been found in the stomach of ruminants. It needs further investigations to determine as to whether or not these observations are of practical importance. I think, therefore, that it is interesting from a biological point of view to give a short description of a Lamblia which has been found in the blood of a bird. During the present year, in the Veterinary Bacteriological Institute of the Transvaal, a large number of different species of birds has been shot for the purpose of making experimental investigations with the blood of these birds. The heart-blood of all birds used in connection with these investigations was carefully examined before these experiments were carried out for the presence of parasites or other organisms. By chance a blue hawk (Elanus coeruleus) was received, in whose heart’s-blood was found an actively motile parasite, which on careful examination proved to be Lamblia. This bird had been only recently shot and had died as a result of the wounds received on the head and wing. It is natural that some may say Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. 249 that this infection of the heart-blood with Lamblia has occurred as the result of invasion from the intestines, but the microscopical examination of the intestines for this parasite was negative. Also other organs, such as the liver and spleen, have not shown the presence of this parasite. The fact that the blood did not show the presence of other organisms or bacteria, with the exception of Haemoproteus (a very common parasite of birds), is a proof that invasion from the intestines had not occurred. We have had then to do with a real parasite of the blood, which para- site has been recognized only as an intestinal one up to the present time. I have found this parasite (see figure) only in the heart cavities, and there it was present in fairly large numbers. In the smears taken from the surface of the endocardium one could find the parasites in each field of the microscope. The length of the parasite without the flagellum is about 12 ^., and the breadth measures about 8 seen from above or below. The eight characteristic flagella have nearly the same length, and they are nearly as long as the body of the parasite, that is about 12 p. The motions are extraordinarily active and are due to the lashing movements of the flagella, and also to the contractions of the body. The double axial rod (Mittelrippe of Benson), together with its system of fine fibrils, probably plays a large part in producing these contractile motions. These fine fibrils, which connect the basal corpuscles of the flagella together and which also have a connection with the Mittelrippe, give to the flagellate the well-known bilaterally symmetrical form when seen from the side, and the characteristic shape of a pear with a stalk when seen from above or below. In comparison with other known Lambliae, such as those of the mouse and human subject, the sucker- like depression of this parasite is smaller. With this apparatus the parasite can fix itself to the endo- cardium. Morphologically, Lamblia sanguinis , as I will call this flagellate, does not differ markedly from other Lambliae. It chiefly resembles Lamblia muris ; the two nuclei are situated closely to the sides of the parasite. Their shape is elongated. In immediate contact with each of them there is situated a distinct basal corpuscle, and from each of these basal cor- puscles there arises a remarkably fine and delicate fibril. These two fine fibrils pass to two other basal corpuscles situated anteriorly, from which arise the two antero-lateral flagella. These two fibrils, which connect these latter corpuscles with those situated in contact with the nuclei, form the anterior portion of the border of the concave depression known as the “ peristome area 55 . From these before-mentioned anterior basal corpuscles there pass two flagella which, originating as fine fibrils, pass forwards, and inter-crossing turn round to pass along the borders of the parasite on either side, and passing to two other basal corpuscles situated about the middle of the Lamblia become free. A further pair of fibrils originate from these same anterior corpuscles, and pass on the lower aspect of the parasite in an almost straight line to two other basal corpuscles situated one on either side close to the tail, where they become free. Both pairs of flagella represent the anterior and posterior lateral pairs of flagella. 250 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Between the outermost pair of anterior basal corpuscles a second pair of these corpuscles are situated from which arises the Mittelrippe or double axial rod. These two axial rods are situated very closely together and pass backwards in a straight line. At their ends are situated two basal corpuscles from which the tail flagella arise. Finally, near the middle of the Mittelrippe, are present two basal corpuscles from which the ventral pair of flagella arise. These latter flagella at first run parallel to each other in serpentine fashion, but towards their termination they diverge. There still remains to be mentioned the curious body situated immedi- ately under the site of origin of the ventral flagella. This corpuscle has an irregular form, but shows a fibrillar structure as seen in other Lambliae, Thus our Lamblia sanguinis differs from other known Lambliae in the peristome area, being first, smaller ; second, it is in part bordered by the fibrils connecting the nuclei to the basal corpuscles, from which arise the antero-lateral pair of flagellae. Also the nuclei are situated very close to the sides of the organism. Encystment could not be proved. Annals of the Teansvaal Museum. 251 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW TRANSVAAL FISH OF THE FAMILY CYPRINIDAE. By Paul A. Methuen, F.Z.S. Genus Labeo. Cuv. Regne Anim. ii (1817) ; Cuv. and Val. Hist. Poiss. xvi (1842) ; Heckel, Russegger’s Reise, ii (1843) ; Giinth. Cat. Fish, vii (1868) ; Bonleng. Poiss. Bass. Congo (1901), Fish. Nile (1907), Cat. fr. -water Fish. Africa, I (1909). Abrostomus, A. Smith, 111. Zool. S. Africa, Fish (1841). Tylognathus , Heckel, l.c. ; Giinth., l.c. Rohitichthys , Bleek. Atlas Ichth. iii (1863). Labeo transvaalensis, sp. n. — In giving the following description, which is based on two specimens caught by Mr. T. Jenkins in the Crocodile River, I regret that an examination of type specimens of Labeo rosae Steind. has not been possible ; however, closely as this specimen of Labeo agrees with the description of the above-mentioned Transvaal fish given by Mr. Boulenger * in his Monograph of the African Fishes, I am satisfied that the differences between the two are sufficiently patent to warrant the separation of this Cyprinid from any known species. Mr. Hewitt, of the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, first recognized this fish as being distinct from Labeo rosae by a comparison of the size of the eye. In Labeo rosae the eye is four to four and a half times in the length of the head, about half the interorbital width ; in Labeo trans- vaalensis the same measurements are five and one-third respectively. Another outstanding feature is that the pectoral is relatively smaller than that of Labeo rosae. If any faith can be pinned in colour of spirit specimens then Labeo transvaalensis is generally goldenish ; the colour of Labeo rosae is given as : “ Grey above, silvery white beneath.” Description : Body rather strongly compressed. Total length, exclud- ing caudal, two and three-fifths to three times depth. Head four and a half times in total length ; its width about two- thirds its length. Snout rounded. Eye lateral in middle of head, five times in length of head, one- third interorbital width. Width of mouth with lips two and three-quarter times in length of head. Inner surface of lower lip without papillary striations or transverse plicae ; both lips with several rows of conical papillae, the outer row of the upper lip longer than the rest, and forming a marked fringe ; rostral flap entire, with slight incipient crenulations. Barbel small, somewhat obscured by the folds of the skin. Tubercles on snout small, not conspicuous as in Labeo cylindricus Peters, most with crater-like scars. * G-. A. Boulanger, F.E.S., Catalogue of the Fresh-water Fishes of Africa in the British Museum. Vol. 1, 1909, p. 312. 252 Annals of the Teansvaal Museum. Dorsal III 11-12 ; notched ; equally distant from anterior border of eye and caudal ; longest ray a little longer than head. Anal III 5 ; just fails to reach root of caudal. Pectoral shorter than head, not nearly reaching root of pelvic, first ray of which falls below third and fourth branched rays of dorsal (length of pectoral to head 9-10 : 11). Caudal deeply notched and crescentic. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales, 39 - 40 §f, e.g. 5 between lateral line and root of pelvic : 18 round caudal peduncle. Colour : Grey above ; flanks lighter, silvery to goldenish-grey ; cheeks and below generally goldenish white; fins light grey, the paired tinged with gold below at base. Total length, excluding caudal, 247 mm. Locality : Crocodile Eiver, Rustenburg District, Transvaal. Type and co-type in the Transvaal Museum. January , 1911, Vol. //, No. 4. P, 252, line 8 : delete “ e.g.” Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 253 TRANSVAAL CRUSTACEA. Part I. I ■ . On a Collection made by Mr. J . Hewitt and the Rev. Noel Roberts. By Paul A. Methuen. This collection, which Mr. Hewitt has been kind enough to hand over to me to work out, was made during the years 1909 and 1910. Most of the specimens were taken in the immediate neighbourhood of Pretoria ; some, however, came from further afield, Kimberley and Wakkerstroom being among the recorded localities. A few tubes contain specimens taken in the Eastern Province. After a cursory examination of the collection the following genera were recognized or suspected as being represented : — Branchiopoda : Streptocephalus, Estheria. Cladocera : Daphnia , Ceriodaphnia, Simosa, Moina, Bosmina, Chy~ dorus, Leydigia, Macrothrix. Copepoda Gymnoplea : Broteas, Diaptomus. Copepoda Podoplea : Cyclops , and some Harpactids. Ostracoda : Cypris. In the vicinity of Pretoria, which lie ; 4471 feet above the sea-level,, the habitat of these little creatures is rain puddles, small pools, and vleis, all liable to desiccation during the winter months, and dams in which, as a rule, one will find water all the year round. The most abundant of i he entomostracan fauna appears to be species of Cyclops , Harpactids, and a species of Moina. In places Bosmina longirostris G. 0. Muller, and Leydigia quadrangularis Ley dig, were taken in numbers. The occurrence of Bosmina here is not without interest. The genus is recorded from German East Africa by Weltner (7), but there appears to be no record from South Africa previous to the present. Its distribution is probably a matter of some importance, and has been largely used by Smith (6) to illustrate the Antarctica theory which was first advanced by Hooker to account for a certain similarity existing between the Cape and South American and Australian floras. However, it is hoped in a later part to introduce a discussion of this theory, which will be illustrated by a South African fresh-water Gammarid which has lately come to light. Cladocera. Moina belli Gurney (PL, Fig 1), taken in the Orange Free State at Kroonstad, by Major E. Eckersley, R.A.M.C., and described by Gurney (2) in 1904 : a description and figures of the female only were given. In the specimens from Pretoria the setose spines on the telson vary from six to eight in number, in addition to the forked spine and minute serrated seta springing from its base, both of which are always present ; also the anterior margins of the two terminal claws (fig. %), as well as the posterior margins, are partly setose. Gurney has figured two minute spines in 6 254 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. fcheir place, springing from the base of these claws. A concavity above the eye in both female and male is evident. In addition to the ventral margin of the carapace being setose for about two-thirds of its length the hinder margin is also setose, but the setae on this part are minute. In the male (fig. 3) the antennules are not ciliated ; they have indica- tions of segmentation and bear anteriorly at about a quarter of their length a single fine hair, and distally three curved bristles and a bunch of delicate processes, papilla tipped. The male is somewhat smaller than the female and naturally not so deep in proportion. Localities: — Transvaal: Wakkerstroom ; pond near Rifle Range, Pretoria ; Villieria, Pretoria ; Muckleneuk, Pretoria ; Roberts Heights, Pretoria. Bosmina longirostris 0. F. Muller, var. nov. (?) africana australis (PL, Fig. 2; PL, Fig. 3). Female: length as in text figure from head to tip of posterior horns of carapace 0‘40 mm., depth, O’ 32; male: length 0*33, depth, O’ 19. The length measurements would vary slightly, since the size of the posterior horns (fig. 3) of the carapace are not constant in size. These structures may be rather short and smooth or somewhat longer and notched along the central margin ; they always possess a slight upward curve. The female is sub-globular in form. The carapace at its dorso-posterior extremity forms an obtuse angle ; about six fairly long hairs are seen on the ventral margin towards the head region. The anterior part of the head is evenly rounded ; the eye is rather small. The antennules are fairly long. The telson bears in front of the long plumose setae a small spine, and towards its extremity two other small spines. The terminal claws are provided with two continuous series of setae, the proximal series stouter and longer than the distal. Locality : — Transvaal : Rifle Range Pond, Pretoria. Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. 255 Chydorus carolinae Methuen. — Described from Lake Chrissie in 1910 (4). Mr. Hewitt’s specimens agree in every particular with this species. Locality : — Transvaal : Wonderboom, Pretoria. Leydigia guadr angular is Leydig (PI., Fig. 4). — Up to the present one good and two doubtful species of Leydigia have been described from South Africa. In 1904, Gurney ( loc . cit.) described one he called L. afhcana, from Kroonstad. In 1907, Brady (1) described L. propinqua Sars, from Natal, and in 1910 I described one from Lake Chrissie in the eastern Transvaal (loc. cit.), calling it L. trispinosa. It is now evident that neither africana nor trispinosa have any claims to be separated from previously known species. Mr. Gurney, writing to me a little time ago, suggested that trispinosa was synonymous with the widely distributed propinqua. However, after a second examination of my species and of others caught in the Transvaal by Mr. Hewitt, and after re-reading Mr. Gurney’s description of L. africana, I have been led to the conclusion that, according to Lilljeborg’s (3) key, the Transvaal and Orange Free State species of the high veldt should be regarded as being L. quadrangularis . I am very grateful to Mr. Gurney for his opinion on the subject, but I cannot bring myself to think that the high veldt species is L. propinqua, owing to points of difference in the shape of the carapace, the nature of the striations or markings on the same, the length of the hairs on the inferior margin of the labrum, the nature of the terminal claws of the telson. The chief differences between the two species L. propinqua and L. quadrangularis appear to be these : — L. quadrangularis : both terminal claws of telson provided with a basal spine ; carapace without striations ; hairs on inferior margin of labrum minute. L. propinqua t : the two terminal claws of telson without basal spine ; carapace striated ; hairs on inferior margin of labrum com- paratively long. u f The arrangement of the spines and setae on the margin of the telson is distinct in both species. Specimens Mr. Hewitt took near Pretoria, L. trispinosa from Lake Chrissie, and, I suggest, L. africana from Kroonstad, possess those characters which have been given above for L. quadrangularis. Leydigia was first recorded from South Africa by Sars (5), who described L. propinqua (acanthocercoides Fischer) from Knysna (low country), in the Cape Colony. In his remarks about the species he says : “ From the Australian species, described by the author as L. australis, it is at once distinguished by the very distinct sculpturing of the shell, and, moreover, by the smaller size of the ocellus, as well as by the form of the tail. In the latter respect it more resembles the L. quadrangularis Leydig, a species also found in Norway, but in that form the terminal claws have each a distinct denticle at the base which is wanting in the present species, while the sculpture of the shell is also different.” (Page 19.) Fig. 5 has been introduced to show the nature of the spines on the posterior part of the carapace, which appears to have minute thickenings, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 256 each localized in a way such as to give the appearance of regular arrange^ ment ; these thickenings, however, do not extend over the whole of the carapace. Reference Literature. (1) Brady, G. Stewardson. “ On Entomostraca collected in Natal bv Mr. James Gibson (Part II).’5 Ann. Natal Gov. Museum, Yol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 173-186, pis. xxix-xxxii, March, 1907. (2) Gurney, R. “ On a small collection of Entomostraca from South Africa.” Proc. Zool. Soc., 1904, Yol. II, pp. 298-301, pi. xviii. (3) Lilljeborg, W. “ Cladocera Sueciae.” Upsala, 1900. (4) Methuen, Paul A. “On a collection of Fresh- water Crustacea from the Transvaal.” Proc. Zool. Soc., 1910. (5) Sars, G. O. “ South African Entomostraca raised from dried mud sent from Knysna.” Yid-Selsk. Skrifter, M.-N., Kl., 1895, No. 8, pp. 1-56, pis. i-viii. (6) Smith, W. G. “ Fresh-water Crustacea of Tasmania.” Trans. Linn. Soc., Ser. 2, Zool. 11, pt. 4, 1909. (7) Weltner, W. “ Die Cladoceren Ost-Afrikas, Deutsch Ost-AfrikaY 4, 1898, Berlin. Explanation of Plates. The figures have been drawn with the aid of a camera lucida. First Plate. Fig. 1. — Lateral view of a male Moina belli Gurney. ,, 2. — Lateral view of a female Bosmina longirostris var. nov. (?) africana australis. ,, 3. — Lateral view of a young (?) male Bosmina longirostris var. nov. (?) africana australis. Second Plate. „ 4. — Part of the posterior margin of the carapace of a female Leydigia quadrangularis Sars. ,, 5. — Teison of a female Bosmina longirostris var. nov. (?) africana australis. ,, 6. — Posterior horns of carapace of Bosmina longirostris var. nov. (?) africana australis, indicating the extent of variation of this structure in the species. P, A. M. autcgr. 1. MOINA BELLI (Gi/r/iey). 2. 3. BOSMINA LONGIROSTRIS (0. F. Muller ). 4. LEYDiGIA QUADRANGU LARIS (Leydig). 5. 6. BOSMINA LONGIROSTRIS. Supplement to the Annals Transvaal Museum. Vol. II, July, 1910 A Check-List of the Birds OF South Africa Being a record of all the species known to occur south of the Zambezi-Cunene line (the 16th degree of south latitude) Dr. J. W. B. GUNNING President, South African Ornithologists’ Union AND ALWIN HAAGNER, F.Z.S. Colonial Member, British. Ornithologists’ Onion lb morary Member, Royal Hungarian Bureau of Ornithology Honorary Secretary, South African Ornithologists’ Union OCT 15 1910 . A, xy%/a| PRETORIA The Government Printing and Stationery Office 1 9 1 0 G I> Supplement to the Annals Transvaal Museum. Vol. II. July, 1910. A Check -List of the Birds OF South Africa Being a record of all the species known to occur south of the Zambezi-Cunene line (the 16th degree of south latitude) BY Dr. J. W. B. GUNNING President, South African Ornithologists’ Union AND ALWIN HAAGNER, F.Z.S. Colonial Member, British Ornithologists’ Union Honorary Member, Royal Hungarian Bureau of Ornithology Honorary Secretary, South African Ornithologists’ Union. PRETORIA The Government Printing and Stationery Office 1910 INTRODUCTION We herewith present to students of South African Ornithology our 44 Check-list of South African Birds ”, with all additions and revisions up to date. We have adopted Dr. Reichenow’s 44 Vogel Afrikas” as the foundation of this list, as his is the only complete modern work on African Ornithology, and as he has evidently bestowed much time and care on the subject of the nomenclature of South African birds. Where we have cause to differ from Dr. Reichenow’s conclusions we have added in the Appendix explanatory notes ; as is also the case with all additions to the Avifauna of South Africa since Mr. Sclater’s Check-list was published. Species remarked upon in the Appendix are prefixed with an asterisk. The boundary taken is roughly the 16° of S. Lat., viz., a line formed by the Cunene River on the east and the Zambesi River on the west ; continued to the coast on the 16° of S. Lat., and not by the great southward bend of the river, which makes the boundary range from 15° to 19° S. Lat. A Check-List of the Birds of . South Africa. STRUTHIONIDAE. Struthio L. 1758. 1. Struthio australis Guru. 1868. Southern Ostrich. Struisvogel. R. 3. Sclater IV, p. 525. SPHENISCIDAE. Spheniscus Briss. 1760. 2. Spheniscus demersus (Linn.). 1758. Jackass Penguin. Penguin. R. 5. Scl. IV, p. 516. COLYMBIDAE. Colymbus Briss. 1760. 3. Colymbus cristatus Linn. 1758. Crested Grebe. Zanddrijver. R. 6. Scl. IV, p. 509. (Podicipes cristatus.) 4. Colymbus nigricollis (Brehm). 1831. Eared Grebe. Kleine Zand- drijver. R. 7. Scl. IV, p. 511. (Podicipes nigricollis.) 5. Colymbus capensis [(Licht) Salvad], 1854. Cape Dabchick. Duikertje. R. 8. Scl. IV, p. 513. (Podicipes capensis.) PROCELL ARIIDAE. Diomedea Linn. 1758. 6. Diomedea exulans Linn. 1758. Wandering Albatross. Grote Albatros. R. 9. Scl. IV, p. 495. 7. Diomedea melanophrys (Boie) Temm. 1828. Mollymawk. Kleine Albatros. R. 10. Scl. IV, p. 499. *8. Diomedea cauta Gould. 1840. Shy Albatross. Bange Albatros R. 12. Scl. IV, p. 505. (Thalassogeron layardi Salv., 1896.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 76 Thalassogeron Ridgw. 1884. 9. Thalassogeron chlororhynchos (Gm.). 1788. Yellow-billed Molly - mawk. Geelbek Albatros. R. 11. Scl. IV, p. 503. 10. Thalassogeron culminatus (Gld.). 1843. Gould’s Mollymawk. Scl. IV, p. 501. Phoebastria Rchb. 1852. 11. Phoebastria fuliginosa (Gm.). 1788. Sooty Albatross. Stinkpot. R. 13. Scl. IV, p. 506. Ossifraga Hornbr. Jacq. 1844. 12. Ossifraga gigantea (Gm.). 1788. Giant Petrel. Reuzen Albatros of Slikop. R. 14. Scl.. IV, p. 482. Pr ocellar ia Linn. 1758. 13. Procellaria aequinoctialis. Linn. 1758. Cape Hen. Kaapse Hen. R. 15. Scl. IV, p. 475. (Majaqueus aequinoctialis.) 14. Procellaria cinerea Gm. 1788. Great Grey Petrel. Grijxe Storm- vogel. R. 16. Scl. IV, p. 472. (Priofinus cinereus.) Oestrelata Bp. 1855. 15. Oestrelata macro p ter a (A. Sm.). 1840. Long-winged Petrel or Cape Parson. Langvleugel Stormvogel. R. 17. Scl. IV, p. 478. 16. Oestrelata lessoni (Garn.). 1826. White Petrel or Muttonbird. Witte Stormvogel. R. 18. Scl. IV, p. 479. 17. Oestrelata incerta (Schl.). 1863. Brown Petrel. Bruine Stormvogel. R. 19. Scl. IV, p. 480. 18. Oestrelata mollis (J. Gould). 1844. Soft-plumaged Petrel. Fluweel Stormvogel. R. 20. Scl. IV, p. 481. Priocella Hornbr . Jacq. 1844. 19. Priocella glacialoides (A. Sm.). 1840. Silver-grey Petrel. Zilver Stormvogel. R. 21. Scl. IV, p. 473. Daption Steph. 1826. 20. Daption capensis (Linn.). 1758. Cape Pigeon. Kaapse Duif, R. 22. Scl. IV, p. 485. Puffinus Briss. 1760. 21. Puffinus griseus (Gm.). 1788. Sooty Shearwater. Zwarte Pijistorm- vogel. R. 23. Scl. IV, p. 471. 22. Puffinus gravis (O’Reilly). 1818, Great Shearwater. Grote Piji- stormvogel. R. 24. Scl. IV, p. 468, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. n 23. Puffinus kuhli (Boie). 1835. Mediterranean Shearwater. Bruine Pijlstormvogel. Sol., p. 469. Prion Lac. 1801. 24. Prion coeruleus (Gm.). 1788. Bine Petrel. Blanwe Stormvogel. R. 27. Scl. IV, p. 488. 25. Prion vittatus (Gm.). 1788. Broad-billed Blue Petrel. Breedbek Stormvogel. R. 28. Scl. IV, p. 490. 26. Prion banksi (A. Smith). 1840. Cape Blue Petrel. Kaapse Blauwe Stormvogel. R. 29. Scl. IV, p. 489. 27. Prion desolatus (Gm.). 1788. Narrow-billed Blue Petrel. Wal- visvogel. R. 30. Scl. IV, p. 491. 28. Prion brevirostris Gould. 1844. Fairy Blue Petrel. Kortbek Storm- vogel. R. 31. Scl. IV, p. 492. Oceanodroma Rchb. 1852. 29. Oceanodroma leucorhoa (Vieill). 1817. Forktailed Petrel. Zwaluw- staart Stormvogel. R. 32. Scl. IV, p. 467. Hydrobates Boie. 1822. 30. Hydrobates pelagicus (Linn.). 1758. Storm Petrel. Gewone Storm- vogel. R. 34. Scl. IV, p. 465. (Procellaria pelagica.) Oceanites Keys. Bias. 1840. 31. Oceanites oceanicus [(Banks) Kuhl]. 1820. Sooty Petre). Storm - zwaluw. R. 35. Scl. IV, p. 459. Fregetta Bp. 1855. 32. Fregetta melanogaster (J.Gd.). 1844. Black-bellied Petrel Zwart- buikzeezwaluw. R. 36. Scl. IV, p. 462. LABIDAE. Stercorarius Briss. 1760. 33. Stercorarius antarcticus (Less.). 1831. Southern Skua. Bruine Koofmeeuw. R. 37. Scl. IV, p. 452. 34. Stercorarius pomarinus (Temm.). 1815. Large White-necked Skua. Grote Withals Koofmeeuw. R. 38. Scl. IV. p. 455. LS Annals oL tMe Transvaal Museum. 35. Stercorarius crepidatus (Banks). 1773. White-necked Skua. Withals Roofmeeuw. R. 39. Scl. IV, p. 453. C Larus Linn. 1758. 36. Larus dominicanus Lcht. 1823. Southern Black-backed Gull. Zwartrugmeeuw. R. 41. Scl. IV, p. 423. 37. Larus cirrocephalus Vieill. 1818. Grey-headed Gull. Grijskop- meeuw. R. 45. Scl. IV, p. 427. 38. Larus hartlaubi (Bruch.). 1853. White-headed Gull. Witkopmeeuw. R. 46. Scl. IV, p. 425. Sterna. 1758. 39. Sterna caspia Pall. 1770. Caspian Tern. Reuszeezwaluw. R. 55. Scl. IV, p. 434. 40. Sterna bergei Licht. 1823. Swift Tern. Ylugge Zeezwaluw. R. 56. Scl. IV, p, 436. 41. Sterna media Horsf. 1820. Lesser Crested Tern. Kleine Kuif- zeezwaluw. R. 58. Scl. IV, p. 438. 42. Sterna cantiaca Gm. 1788. Sandwich Tern. Grote Zeezwaluw. R. 59. Scl. IV, p. 437. 43. Sterna dougalli Mont. 1813. Roseate Tern. Paradijs Zeezwaluw. R. 60. Scl. IV, p. 439. 44. Sterna macrura Naum. 1847. Arctic Tern. Kust Zeezwaluw. R. 61. Scl. IV, p. 442. 45. Sterna hirundo Linn. 1758. Common Tern. Visdiefje. R. 62. Scl. IV, p. 440. (Sterna fiuviatilis. ) 46. Sterna vittata Gm. 1788. Kerguelen Tern. Zuidelike Zeezwaluw. R. 63. Scl. IV, p. 439. 47. Sterna minuta Linn. 1766. Little Tern. Dwerg Zeezwaluw. R. 65. Scl. IV, p. 443. 48. Sterna minuta saundersi Hume. 1877. Pale Tern. Lichte Zeezwaluw. R. 65a. Scl. IV, p. 444. (Sterna saundersi.) 49. Sterna balaenarum (Strickl.). 1852. Damara Tern. Damara Zee- zwaluw. R. 67. Scl. IV, p. 442. Hydrochelidon Boie. 1822. 50. Hydrochelidon leucoptera (Schinz). 1815. White- winged Black Tern. Witvleugel Zeezwaluw. R. 69. Sol. IV, p. 431. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 79 51. Hydrochelidon hybrida (Pall.). 1811. Whiskered Tern. Witbaard Zeezwaluw. R. 70. Scl. IV, p. 430. Anous Steph. 1826. 52. Anous stolidus (Linn.). 1758. Noddy. Stommerik. R. 72. Scl. IV, p. 446. Ryncho'ps Linn. 1758. 53. Rynchops flavirostris Vieili. 1816. African Skimmer. Geelbek Zeezwaluw. R. 74. Scl. IV, p. 449. SULIDAE. Sula Briss. 1760. 54. Sula capensis (Lcht.). 1823. Malagash. Kaapse Stommerik. R. 79. Scl. IV, p. 17. 55- Sula cyanops (Sund.). 1837. Masked Booby. Blauwoog Stommerik. R. 80. Scl. IV, p. 20. 56. Sula sula (Linn.). 1766. Brown Booby. Bruine Stommerik. R. 81. Scl. IV, p. 21. (Sula leucogastra. ) PHALACROCORACIDAE. Phalacrocorax Briss. 1760. 57. Phalacrocorax lucidus (Licht). 1823. White-breasted Duiker or < South African Cormorant. Witborstaalscholver of Duiker. R. 84. Scl. IV, p. 4. 58. Phalacrocorax neglectus (Wahlb.). 1855. Bank Cormorant. Bank Duiker. R. 86. Scl. IV, p. 8. 59. Phalacrocorax capensis (Sparrm.). 1788. Cape Cormorant. Trek Aalscholver of Duiker. R. 88. Scl. IV, p. 5. 60. Phalacrocorax alricanus (Gm.). 1788. Reed Cormorant or Crown Duiker. Afrikaanse Aalscholver of Riet Duiker. R. 89. Scl. IV, p. 9. Anhinga Briss. 1760. 61. Anhinga rufa (Lacep. Daud.). 1799. Snakebird. Slanghalsvogel. R. 90. Scl. IV, p. 13. (Plotus rufus.) , PELECANIDAE. Pelecanus Linn. 1758. 62. Pelecanus roseus Gm. 1788. Eastern White Pelican. Grote Pelikaan. R. 92. Scl. IV, p. 25. 80 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 63. Pelecanus rufescens Gm. 1788. Pink-backed Pelican. Roodrug Pelikaan. R. 93. Scl. IV, p. 27. ANATIDAE. Erismatura Bp. 1832. 64. Erismatura maccoa (A. 8m.). 1837. Maccoa Duck. Maccow Eend. R. 94. Scl. IV, p. 153. Thalassornis Eyt. 1838. 65. Thalassornis leuconotus Eyt. 1838. White-backed Duck. Witrug Eend. R. 95. Scl. IV, p. 150. Nyroca Flem. 1822. 66. Nyroca capensis [ Cuv.] Less. 1831. South African Pochard. Bruine Eend. R. 97. Scl. IV, p. 147. (Nyroca erythrophthalma. ) Spatula Boie. 1822. 67. Spatula clypeata (Linn.). 1758. European Shoveller. Slop. R. 99. Scl. IV, p. 144. 68. Spatula capensis ([A.Sm.J Eyt.). 1837. Cape Shoveller. Kaapse Slop. R. 100. Scl. IV, p. 145. Anas Linn. 1758. 69. Anas undulata Dubois. 1839. Yellow-billed Duck. Geelbek Eend R. 102. Scl. IV, p. 134. 70. Anas sparsa [A. Sm.] Eyt. 1838. Black Duck. Zwarte Eend. R. 103. Scl. IV, p. 136. 71. Anas erythrorhyncha Gm. 1788. Red-billed Teal. Roodbek Eend. R. 107. Scl. IV, p. 141 (Poecilonetta erythrorhyncha.) 72. Anas capensis Gm. 1788. Cape Wigeon. Kaapse Smee-Eend. R. 108. Scl. IV, p. 138. (Nettion capense.) 73. Anas punctata Burch. 1822. Hottentot Teal. Gevlekte Eend. R. 109. Scl. IV, p. 139. (Nettion punctatum.) Dendrocygna Sw. 1837. 74. Dendrocygna viduata (Linn.). 1766. White-faced Duck. Nonnetje Eend. R. 113. Scl. IV, p. 124. 75. Dendrocygna fulva (Gm.). 1788. Whistling Duck. Fluit Eendtje. R. 114. Scl. IV, p. 126. Nettapus Brandt. 1836. 76. Nettapus auritus (Bodd.). 1783. Dwarf Goose. Dwerg Gans. R. 115. Scl. IV, p. 122. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 81 Sarkidiornis Eyt. 1838. 77. Sarkidiornis melanotus (Penn.). 1769. Knob-billed Duck. Knobbel Eend. R. 116. Scl. IV, p. 119. Chenalopex Steph. 1824. 78. Chenalopex aegyptiacus (Linn.). 1766. Egyptian Goose. Nijlgans, Berg Gans. R. 117. Scl. IV, p. 128. (Alopochen aegyptiacus.) Plectropterus Steph. 1824. *79. Plectropterus gambensis (L.). 1766. Spur-wing Goose. Sporen Gans of Wilde Makauw. R. 118. Scl. IV, p. 115. Casarca Bp. 1838. 86. Casarca cana (Gm.). 1788. South African Sheldrake. Berg Eend. R. 120. Scl. IV, p. 131. CHARADRIXDAE. Haematopus Linn. 1758. 81. Haematopus moquini Bp. 1856. Black Oyster Catcher. Zwarte Oestervanger. R. 123. Scl. IV, p. 377. Arenaria Briss. 1760. 82. Arenaria interpres (L.). 1758. Turnstone. Steenlooper. R. 124. Scl. IV, p. 343. Glareola Briss. 1760. 83. Glareola iusca. (L.). 1766. Pratincole. Bruine Kleine Sprinkhaan- vogel. R. 125. Scl. IV, p. 333. (Glareola pratincola.) 84. Glareola melanoptera Nor dm. 1842. Black-winged Pratincole. Kleine Sprinkhaanvogel. R. 126. Scl. IV, p. 333. 85. Glareola emini Shelley, 1888. Red-legged Pratincole. Rood-poot Sprinkhaanvogel. R. 128. Scl. IV, p. 336. [Galactogrisea emini (Shelley).] Cursorius Lath. 1790. 86. Cursorius rufus. J. Gould. 1836. Rufous Courser. Gewone Ren- vogel. R. 134. Scl. IV, p. 323. 87. Cursorius temmincki Sw. 1822. Lesser Courser. Kleine Renvogel. R. 135. Scl. IV, p. 325. Rhinoptilus StricJcl. 1850. *88. Rhinoptilus chalcopterus (Tem.). 1824. Bronze- wing Courser. Bronsvleugel Renvogel. R. 136. Scl. IV, p. 329. 82 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 89. Rhinoptilus airicanus (Tem.). 1807. Two-banded Courser. Twee- bandige Renvogel. R. 138. Scl. IV, p. 327. *90. Rhinoptilus cinctus (Heugl.). 1863. Red-banded Courser. Gevlekte Renvogel. R. 140. Scl. IV, p. 328. (Rhinoptilus seebohmi.) Squatarola Leach. 1816. 91. Squatarola squatarola (L.). 1758. Grey Plover. Grijze Plevier R. 142. Scl. IV, p. 359. (Squatarola helvetica.) Charadrius L. 1758. 92. Charadrius geoifroyi Wagl. 1827. Great Sandplover. Grote Zand- plevier. R. 145. Scl. IV, p. 362. (Aegialitis geoffroyi.) 93. Charadrius asiaticus Pall. 1773. Caspian Plover. Asiatise Plevier. R. 146. Scl. IV, p. 363. (Aegialitis asiatica.) 94. Charadrius alexandrinus L. 1758. Kentish Plover. Engelse Zandplevier. R. 148. Scl. IV, p. 366. (Aegialitis alexandrina. ) 95. Charadrius marginatus Vieill. 1818. White-fronted Sandplover. Witborst Zandplevier. R. 149. Scl. IV, p. 371. (Aegialitis marginata.) 96. Charadrius marginatus tenellus Hartl. 1850. Tropical White-fronted Sandplover. Tropise Zandplevier. R. 149a. Scl. IV, p. 373. (Aegialitis marginata pallida.) 97. Charadrius varius Vieill. 1818. Variegated Sandplover. Bonte Zandplevier. R. 150. Scl. IV, p. 374. (Aegialitis pecuaria.) *98. Charadrius venustus Fschr. Rchw. 1884. Red-banded Sandplover. Roodband Zandplevier. R. 152. Scl. IV, p. 370. (Aegialitis venusta.) 99. Charadrius hiaticula L. 1758. Ringed Plover. Bontbek Zand- plevier. R. 153. Scl. IV, p. 364. (Aegialitis hiaticula.) 100, Charadrius tricollaris Vieill. 1818. Three-banded Plover. Drieband Zandplevier. R. 155. Scl. IV, p. 367. (Aegialitis tricollaris.) Stephanibyx Rchb. 1852. 103. Stephanibyx melanopterus (Cretzschm.). 1826. Black-winged Lap- wing. Zwartvleugel Kieviet. R. 157. Scl. IV, p. 357. 102. Stephanibyx inornatus (Sw.). 1837. Swainson Plover. Swainson’s Kievietje. R. 158. Scl. IV, p. 358. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 83 103. Stephanibyx coronatus (Bodd.). 1783. Crowned Lapwing. Kievietje of Kroon Kieviet. R. 159. Scl. IV, p. 355. Hemiparra Fil. 1865. 104. Hemiparra leucoptera (Rchw.). 1889. Long-toed Pied Lapwing. Bonte Kieviet. R. 163. Scl. IV, p. 350. Hoplopterus Bp. 1831. 105. Hoplopterus speciosus ([Lcht.] Wagl.). 1829. Blacksmith Plover. Zwarte Kieviet of Sporen Kieviet. R. 165. Scl. IV, p. 352. (Hoplopterus armatus.) Xiphidiopterus Rchb. 1852. 106. Xiphidiopterus albiceps (J. Grd.). 1834. White-crowned Wattled Plover. Witkop Lelkieviet. R. 170. Scl. IV, p. 348. * Lobivanellus Strickl. 1841. 107. Lobivanellus lateralis (Smith). 1839. Large Wattled Plover. Lel- kieviet. R. 172. Scl. IV, p. 346. Oedicnemus Tem. 1815. 108. Oedicnemus capensis Lcht. 1823. Cape Thickknee. Dikkop. R. 175. Scl. IV, p. 315. 109. Oedicnemus vermiculatus Cab. 1868. Water Thickknee. Water Dikkop. R. 177. Scl. IV, p. 318. DROMADIDAE. Dromons Payk. 1805. 110. Dromas ardeola Payk. 1805. Crab Plover. Krabbe Kieviet. R. 178. Scl. IV, p. 321. SCOLOPACIDAE. Recurvirostra Linn. 1758. 111. Recurvirostra avocetta Linn. 1758. Avocet. Kluit. R. 179. Scl. IV, p. 383. Himantopus Briss. 1760. 112. Himantopus himantopus (Linn.). 1758. Black-winged Stilt. Stelt Kluit. R. 180. Scl. IV, p. 380. (Himantopus candidus.) Numenius Briss. 1760. 113. Numenius arquatus (Linn.). 1758. Curlew. Wulp. R. 181. Scl. IV, p. 386. 84 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 114. Numenius phaeopus (Linn.). 1758. Wimbrel. Kleine Wulp. E. 182. Scl. IV, p. 388. Terekia Bp. 1838. 115. Terekia cinerea (Guld.). 1774. Terek Sandpiper. Grauwe Ruiter. E. 185. Scl. IV, p. 398. Totanus Bechst. 1803. 116. Totanus pugnax (Linn.). 1758. Ruff. Kemphaan. E. 186. Scl. IV, p. 402. (Pavoncella pugnax.) 117. Totanus littoreus (Linn.). 1758. Greenshank. Groenpoot Ruiter. E. 187. Scl. IV, p. 392. (Totanus glottis.) 118. Totanus fuscus (Linn.). 1758. Dusky Redshank. Zwarte Ruiter. E. 188. 119. Totanus totanus (Linn.). 1758. Redshank. Tureluur. E. 189. Scl. IV, p. 390. (Totanus calidris.) 120. Totanus stagnatilis Bchst. 1803. * Marsh Sandpiper. Moeras Ruiter. E. 190. Scl. IV, p. 394. 121. Totanus ochropus (Linn.). 1758. Green Sandpiper. Witgatje. E. 191. Scl. IV, p. 397. 122. Totanus glareola (Linn.). 1758. Wood Sandpiper. Bos Ruiter of Kleine Witgatje. E. 192. Scl. IV, p. 395. Tringoides Bp. 1831. 123. Tringoides hypoleucos (Linn.). 1758. Common Sandpiper. Gewone Ruiter. E. 193. Scl. IV, p. 399. (Totanus hypoleucus.) Calidris Cuv. 1800. 124. Calidris arenaria (Linn.). 1766. Sanderling. Drieteenige Strand- looper. E. 194. Scl. IV, p. 410. T ring a. Linn. 1758. 125. Tringa canutus Linn. 1758. Knot. Knoet. E. 195. Scl. IV, p. 405. 126. Tringa ferruginea Brunn. 1764. Curlew Sandpiper. Krombek Strandlooper. E. 197. Scl. IV, p. 408. (Tringa subarquata.) 127. Tringa bairdi (Coues). 1861. Baird Sandpiper. Donkere Strand- looper. E. 198. Scl. IV, p. 406. 128. Tringa minuta Leisl. 1812. little Stint. Kleine Zandlooper. E. 199. Scl. IV, p. 406. Gallinago Leach. 1816. 129. Gallinago media (Frisch.). 1763. Double Snipe. Grote Snip. E. 201. Scl. IV, p. 414. (Gallinago major.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 85 130. Gallinago nigripennis Bp. 1832. Ethiopian Snipe. Donkere Snip. R. 202. Scl. IV, p. 416. Rostratula Vieill. 1816. 131. Rostratula bengalensis (Linn.). 1758. Painted Snipe. Goud Snip. R. 204. Scl. IV, p. 418. (Rostratula capensis.) OTIDIDAE. Otis Linn. 1758. 132. Otis kori Burch. 1822. Giant Bustard. Gompanw. R. 205. Scl. IV, p. 308. 133. Otis cafra Licht. 1773. Stanley Bustard. Veld Pauw. R. 207. Scl. IV, p. 300. 134. Otis ludwigi Rupp. 1837. Ludwigs Bustard. Ludwigs Pauw. R. 210. Scl, IV, p. 298. 135. Otis vigorsi. A. Sm. 1830. Black-throated Bustard. Vaal Koraan of Dikkop Koraan. R. 213. Scl. IV, p. 296. 136. Otis barrowi. J. E. Gray. 1829. Natal Bustard. Natal Koraan. R. 215. Scl. IV, p. 307. 137. Otis caerulescens Vieill. 1820. Blue Bustard. Blauwe Koraan. R. 217. Scl. IV, p. 305. 138. Otis riippelli Wahlb. 1857. Riippell’s Bustard. Blauwkop Koraan. R. 219. Scl. IV, p. 298. 139. Otis mficrista A.Sm. 1836. Red-crested Bustard. Bos Koraan of Roodkuif Koraan. R. 220. Scl. IV, p. 290. 140. Otis afroides A. Smith. 1831. White-quilled Bustard. Witvleugel Koraan. R. 232. Scl. IV, p. 294. 141. Otis afra Gm. 1788. Black Bustard. Zwarte Koraan. R. 223. Scl. IV, p. 292. 142. Otis melanogaster Rupp. 1837. Black-bellied Bustard. Zwartpens Koraan. R. 224. Scl. IV, p. 302. GRUIDAE. Bug er anus Glog. 1842. 143. Bugeranus carunculatus (Gm.). Wattled Crane. Lelkraan. R. 227. Scl. IV, p. 278. Anthropoides Vieill. 1816. 144. Anthropoides paradisea (Licht.). 1793. Blue Crane. Blauwe Kraan- vogel. R. 228. Scl. IV, p. 281. (Tetrapteryx paradisea.) 86 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Balearica Briss. 1760. 145. Balearica regulorum (Benn.). 1833. Crowned Crane. Kroon Kraan of Mahem. R. 231. Scl. IV, p. 284. JACANIDAE. Actophilus Oberh. 1899. 146. Actophilus africanus (Gm.). 1788. African Jacana. Langtoon. R. 232. Scl. IV, p. 338. Microparra Cab. 1877. 147. Microparra capensis (A. Sm.). 1839. Lesser Jacana. Kleine Lang- toon. R. 233. Scl. IV, p. 341. RALLIDAE. Rallus L. 1758. 148. Rallus caerulescens Gm. 1788. Caff re Rail. Kaffer Ral. R, 237. Scl. IV, p. 244. Crex ' Bchst . 1802. 149. Crex crex (Linn.). 1758. Corn Crake. Kwartel Koning. R. 238. Scl. IV, p. 246. (Crex pratensis.) 150. Crex egregia Ptrs. 1854. African Crake. Kleine Kwartel Koning. R. 239. Scl. IV, p. 248. Limnocorax Ptrs. 1854. 151. Limnocorax niger (Gm.). 1788. Black Crake. Zwarte Kwartel Koning. R. 240. Scl. IV, p. 260. Ortygometra Leach. 1816. 152. Ortygometra porzana (L.). 1766. Spotted Crake. Porceleinhoentje. R. 242. Scl. IV, p. 250. 153. Ortygometra pusilla obscura (Neum.). 1897. Little Crake. Kleine Porceleinhoentj e. R. 243, Scl. IV, p. 251. Coturnicops Bp. 1856. 154. Coturnicops ayresi Gurn. 1877. White-winged Crake. Witvleugel Kwartel Koning. R. 245. Scl. IV, p. 257. Sarothrura Heine. 1888. 155. Sarothrura elegans (A. Sm.). 1839. White-spotted Crake. Witge- vlekte Porceleinhoentje. R. 247. Scl. IV, p. 254. 156. Sarothrura lineata (Sw.). 1837. Streaked Crake, Gestreepte porce- leinhoentje. R. 248. Scl. IV, p. 253, Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 87 157. Sarothrura rufa (VieilL). 1819. Rufous Crake. Roodborst porcelein- hoentje. R. 249. Scl. IV, p. 255. Porphyrio Briss. 1760. 158. Porphyrio porphyrio (L.). 1758. King Reedhen or Purple Gallinule. Koning Riethaan of Purpurboen. R. 253. Scl. IV, p. 266. (Porphyrio madagaacariensis. ) 159. Porphyrio alleni Thoms. 1842. Lesser Reedhen or Lesser Gallinule. Kleine Riethaan of Kleine Purpurhoen. R. 254. Scl. IV, p. 268. Gallinula Briss. 1760. 160. Gallinula chloropus (L.). 1758. Moorhen. Waterhoen of Rooi-bles Hoender. R. 255. Scl. IV, p. 262. 161. Gallinula angulata Sund. 1850. Lesser Moorhen. Kleine Waterhoen. R. 256. Scl. IV, p. 264. Fulica Linn. 1758. 162. Fulica cristata Gm. 1788. Red-knobbed Coot. Bleshoender. R. 257. Scl. IV, p. 270. Podica Less. 1831. 163. Podica senegalensis (Vieill.). 1817. Peters’ Finfoot. Water Trapper. R. 259. Scl. IV, p. 274. TURNICIDAE. Turnix Bonn. 1790. 164. Turnix lepurana (A. Sm.). 1836. Kurrichane Button Quail. Kurri- chan Riet Kwartel. R. 261. Scl. IV, p. 240. 165. Turnix nana (Sund.). 1850. Natal Button Quail. Natal Riet Kwartel. R. 262. Scl. IV, p. 240. 166. Turnix hottentotta (Tem.). 1815. Hottentot Button Quail. Kaapse Riet Kwartel. R. 263. Scl. IV, p. 237. PTEROCLIDAE. Pterocies Tem. 1815. 167. Pterocies gutturalis A. Sm. 1836. Yellow-throated Sandgrouse. Nacht Patrijs. R. 264. Scl. IV, p. 187. 168. Pterocies variegatus (Burch.). 1824. Spotted Sandgrouse. Gele Zandpatrijs. R. 265. Scl, IV, p. 186, 88 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 169. Pterocles bicinctus Tem. 1815. Double-banded Sandgrouse. Dubbel- gebande Zandpatrys. R. 267. Scl. IV, p. 189. Pteroclurus Bp. 1856. 170. Pteroclurus namaquus (Gm.). 1788. Namaqua Sandgrouse. Namaqua Patrijs. R. 273. Scl. IV, p. 192. IBIDAE. Ibis Cuv. 1817. 171. Ibis aethiopica (Lath.). 1790. Sacred Ibis. Heilige Ibis. R. 274. Scl. IV, p. 94. Geronticus Wagl. 1832. 172. Geronticus calvus (BodcL). 1783. Bald Ibis. Wilde Kalkoen. R. 276. Scl. IV, p. 97. TJieristicus Wagl. 1832. 173. Theristicus hagedash (Lath.). 1790. Green Ibis. Groene Ibis. R. 278. Scl. IV, p. 100. (Hagedashia hagedash.) Plegadis Kaup. 1829. 174. Plegadis autumnalis (Hasselq.). 1762. Glossy Ibis. Gians Ibis. R. 280. Scl. IV, p. 103. (Plegadis f alcinellus. ) Platalea Linn. 1758. 175. Platalea alba Scop. 1786. Spoonbill. Lepelaar. R. 282. Scl. IV, p. 105. CICONIIDAE. Tantalus L. 1758. 176. Tantalus ibis L, 1766. Wood Ibis. Nimmerzat. R. 283. Scl. IV, p. 49. (Pseudotantalus ibis.) Anastomus Bonn. 1823. 177. Anastomus lameiligerus Tern. 1823. Openbill. Openbek. R. 284. Scl. IV, p. 41. Leptoptilos Less. 1831. 178. Leptoptilos crumenifer ([Cuv.] Less.). 1831. Marabou Stork. Afrikaanse Maraboe. R. 285. Scl. IV, p. 46. Ephippiorhynchus Bp. 1855. 179. Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis (Shaw). 1798. Saddlebill. Zadelbek. R. 286. Scl. IV, p. 43. Abdimia Bp. 1855. 180. Abdimia abdimi (Lcht.). 1823. White-bellied Stork. Groenbek Ooievaar. R. 287. Scl. IV, p. 32. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 89 Ciconia Briss. 1760. 181. Ciconia ciconia (L.). 1758. White Stork. Witte Ooievaar of Grote Sprinkhaan vogel . R. 288. Scl. IV, p. 37. (Ciconia alba.) 182. Ciconia nigra (L.). 1758. Black Stork. Zwarte Ooievaar. R. 289. Scl. IV, p. 39. Dissoura Cab. 1850. 183. Dissoura microscelis (G. R. Gr.). 1848. Woolly -neck Stork. Wolnek Ooievaar. R. 290. Scl. IV, p. 35. PHOENICOPTERIDAE. Phoenicopterus L. 1758. 184. Phoenicopterus roseus Pall. 1811. Greater Flamingo. Grote Flamingo of Yogelmink. R. 291. Scl. IV, p. 108. 185. Phoenicopterus minor Geoffr. 1798. Lesser Flamingo. Kleine Flamingo of Kleine Yogelmink. R. 292. Scl. IV, p. 111. SCOPIDAE. Scopus Briss. 1760. 186. Scopus umbretta Gm. 1788. Hammerhead. Hamerkop. R. 293. Scl. IV, p. 51. ARDEIDAE. Nycticorax Steph. 1819. 187. Nycticorax nycticorax (L.). 1758. Night Heron. Nacht Reiger of Kwak. R. 295. Scl. IV, p. 82. (Nycticorax griseus.) 188. Nycticorax leuconotus (Wagl.). 1827. White-backed Night Heron. Witrug Nacht Reiger. R. 296. Scl. IV, p. 85. Botaurus Steph. 1819. 189. Botaurus stellaris capensis (Schi.). 1863. Cape Bittern. Kaapse Roerdomp. R. 297 a. Scl. IV, p. 91. Ardetta G. R. Gr. 1842. 190. Ardetta minuta (L.). 1766. European Little Bittern. Woud Aapje. R. 299. Scl. IV, p. 88. 191. Ardetta payesi ([Verr.] Hartl.). 1858. Red-necked Little Bittern. Roodnek Woud Aapje. R. 300. Scl. IV, p. 86. 4 90 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 192. Ardetta sturmi (Wagl.). 1827. African Dwarf Bittern. Dwerg Reigertje. R. 302. Scl. IV, p. 89. Erythrocnus Sharpe. 1894. 193. Erythrocnus rufiventris (Sund.). 1850. Rufous-bellied Heron. Roodbuik Reigertje. R. 303. Scl. IV, p. 77. Butorides Blyth. 1848. 194. Butorides atricapillus (Afz.). 1804. Green-backed Heron. Groenrug Reigertje. R, 304. Scl. IV, p. 80. Melanophoyx Sharpe. 1894. 195. Melanophoyx ardesiaca (Wagl.). 1827. Black Heron. Zwarte Reiger. R. 306. Scl. IV, p. 70;. 196. Melanophoyx vinaceigula Sharpe. 1896. Red-throated Heron Roodkeel Reiger. R. 307. Scl. IV, p. 72. Ardeola Boie. 1822. 197. Ardeola ralloides (Scop.). 1769. Squacco Heron. Ral Reiger. R. 308. Scl. IV, p. 75. Ardea Linn. 1758. 198. Ardea goliath, Cretzsch. 1826. Goliath Heron. Reuzen Reiger. R. 309. Scl. IV, p. 55. 199. Ardea purpurea Linn. 1766. Purple Heron. Roode Reiger. R. 310. Scl. IV, p. 62. 200. Ardea cinerea Linn. 1758. Grey Heron. Blauwe Reiger. R. 311. Scl. IV, p. 58. 201. Ardea melanocephala. Vig. Childr. 1826. Black-headed Heron. Zwartkop Reiger. R. 312. Scl. IV, p. 60. Bubulcus [Puch.] G. R. Gray. 1854. 202. Bubulcus ibis (Linn.). 1758. Cattle Egret, Buff-backed Egret, or Tickbird. Bosluisvogel. R. 313. Scl. IV, p. 72. Herodias Boie. 1822. 203. Herodias garzetta (Linn.). 1766. Little Egret. Kleine Zilver Reiger. R. 316. Scl. IV, p. 68; 204. Herodias alba (Linn.). 1758. Large White Egret. Grote Zilver Reiger. R. 317. Scl. IV, p. 65. 205. Herodias brachyrhyncha Brehm. 1858, Yellow-billed Egret. Kort- bek Reiger. R. 318. Scl. IV, p. 66. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 91 COLUMBIDAE. Vinago Cuv. 1817. 206. Vinago delalandei (Bp.). 1854. Cape Fruit Pigeon. Kaapse Papegaai Duif. R. 322. Scl. IV, p. 156. 207. Vinago schalowi (Rchw.). 1880. Northern Fruit Pigeon. Groene Papegaai Duif. R. 324. Scl. IV, p. 159. Columba Linn. 1758. 208. Columba phaeonota G. R. Gr. 1856. Rock Pigeon or Speckled Pigeon. Bos Duif. R. 329. Scl. IV, p. 160. 209. Columba arquatrix Temur. 1808. Rameron Pigeon or Olive Pigeon. Geelpoot Bos Duif, Olivenduif. R. 330. Scl. IV, p. 163. Turtur Selby. 1835. 210. Turtur senegalensis (Linn.) 1766. Laughing Dove. Lemoen Duifje. R. 335. Scl. IV, p. 172. 211. Turtur semitorquatus (Rupp.). 1835. Red-eyed Turtle Dove. Grot® Tortel Duif. R. 337. Scl. IV, p. 167. 212. Turtur capicola (Sund.). 1857. Cape Turtle Dove. Kaapse Tortel Duif. R. 342. Scl. IV, p. 169. 213. Turtur capicola daxnarensis Finsch and Hartl, 1870. Damara Turtle Dove. Damara Tortel Duif. R. 342a. Scl. IV, p. 171. *214. Turtur capicola tropicus Rchw. 1902. Tropical Turtle Dove. Tropise Tortel Duif. R. 342&. 215. Turtur ambiguus Boc. 1881. White-bellied Turtle Dove. Witpens Tortel Duif. R. 343. Scl. IV, p. 168. Turturoena Bp. 1854. 216. Turturoena delagorguei (Del.). Crimson-winged iPigeon. Rood- vleugel Duif. R. 344. Scl. IV, p. 165. Aplopelia Bp. 1854. 217. Aplopelia larvata Temm. 1809. Cinnamon Dove. Kaneel Duifje. R. 349. Scl. IV, p. 182. Tympanistria Reichenb. 1852. 218. Tympanistria tympanistria (Temm.). 1809. Tambourine Dove. Witborst Duifje. R. 353. Scl. IV, p. 178. (Tympanistria bicolor.) 92 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Chalcopelia Bp. 1854. *219. Chaleo pelia afra (Linn.). 1766. Metallic-spotted Dove. Staalvlek Duifje. R. 354. Scl. IV, p. 180. *220. Chalcopelia afra volkmanni Rchw. 1902. Damara Metallic-spotted Dove. Damara Staalvlek Duifje. R. 354c. Oena [Selby] Swccinson. 1837. 221. Oena capensis (Linn.). 1766. Namaqua Dove. Namaqua Duifje. R. 355. Scl. IV, p. 174. PHASIANIDAE. Numida Linn. 1766. 222. Numida coronata G. R Gr. 1844. Crowned Guineafowl. Wilde Tarentaal. R. 363. Scl. IV, p. 227. 222a. Numida mitrata Pall. 1767. East African Guineafowl. Oostelijke Tarentaal. R. 361. Scl. IV, p. 232. 223. Numida papillosa Reichw. 1894. Damara Guineafowl. Damara Tarentaal. R. 366. Scl. IV, p. 321. Guttera Wagl. 1832. 224. Guttera cristata edouardi (Hartl.). Crested Guineafowl. Kuifkop Tarentaal. R. 3696. Scl. IV, p. 233. *225. Guttera lividicollis Ghigi. 1905. Pale-necked Crested Guineafowl. Zambezi Kuifkop Tarentaal. Pternistes Wagl. 1832. 226. Pternistes swainsoni (A. Sm.). 1836. Northern Red-necked Pheasant. Bos veld Fazant. R. 374. Scl. IV, p. 217. 227. Pternistes nudiQollis (Bodd.). 1783. Southern Red-necked Pheasant. Kaapse Bos Fazant. R. 377. Scl. IV, p. 214. 228. Pternistes humboldti (Ptrs.). 1854. White-ringed Pheasant. Wit- ring Fazant. R. 378. Scl. IV, p. 216. Fmncolinus Steph. 1819. 229. Francolinus capensis (Gml.). 1788. Noisy Francolin or Cape Franco- lin. Kaapse Patrijs. R. 390. Scl. IV, p. 210. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 93 230. Francolinus adspersus Waterh. 1838. Red-billed Francolin. Rood- bek Patrijs. R. 391. Scl. IV, p. 209. 231. Francolinus natalensis A. Smith. 1833. Natal Francolin. Natal Fazant. R. 392. Scl. IV, p. 212. 232. Francolinus levaillanti (Val.). 1825. Cape Red-wing Francolin. Roodvleugel Patrijs. R. 401. Scl. IV, p. 203. 233. Francolinus afer (Latham). 1790. Grey-winged Francolin. Berg Patrijs. R. 403. Scl. IV, p. 201. (Francolinus africanus.) 234. Francolinus gariepensis A. Sm. 1843. Orange River Francolin. A?rijstaat Patrijs. R. 409. Scl. IV, p. 205. *235. Francolinus jugularis pallidior Neumann. 1908. Erikssons’ Franco- lin. Erikssons’ Patrijs. R. 410. Scl. IV, p. 207. (Francolinus jugularis.) 236. Francolinus shelleyi Grant. 1890. Shelley’s Francolin. Shelley’s Patrijs. R. 411. Scl. IV, p. 208. 237. Francolinus coqui (A. Smith). 1836. Coqui Francolin. Swempie. R. 416. Scl. IV, p. 197. *238. Francolinus coqui angolensis W. Rothsch. Angola Coqni Francolin. Angola Swempie. R. 416a. ‘ 239. Francolinus sephaena (A. Smith). 1836. Crowned Francolin. Kuif- kop Patrijs. R. 420. Scl. IV, p. 199. *240. Francolinus kirki Hartl. 1867. Kirk’s Francolin. Kirk’s Patrijs. R. 422. Coturnix Bonn. 1791. 241. Coturnix coturnix atricana Tern, and Schl. 1850. African Quail. Kwartel. R. 429a. Scl. IV, p. 221. 242. Coturnix delagorguei (Delag.). Harlequin Quail. Bonte Kwartel. R. 430. Scl. IV, p. 224. Excalf actoria Bp. 1856. 243. Excalfactoria adansoni (Verr.). 1851. Blue Quail. Blauwe Kwartel. R. 431, Scl. IV, p. 226, 94 An-nals of the Transvaal Museum. YULTUEIDAE. Otogyps Gray. 1841. 244. Ogotyps auricularis (Baud.). 1800. Black Vulture. Zwarte Aasvogel. R. 433. Scl. Ill, p. 389. Lophogyps Bp. 1854. 245. Lopliogyps occipitalis (Burch.). 1824. White-headed Vulture. Wit- kop Aasvogel. R. 434. Scl. Ill, p. 391. Gyps Sav. 1810. 246. Gyps kolbei (Baud.). 1800. Griffon Vulture. Gewone Aasvogel. R. 436. Scl. Ill, p. 383. 247. Gyps riippelli Bp. 1850. Euppell’s Vulture. Euppell’s Aasvogel. R. 427. Scl. Ill, p. 386. Pseudogyps Sharpe. 1873. 248. Pseudogyps africanus (Salvad.). 1865. White-backed Vulture. Witrug Aasvogel. R„ 438. Scl. Ill, p. 388. Neophron Sav. 1810. 249. Neophron percnopterus (Linn.). 1758. Egyptian Vulture. Egyp- tise Aasvogel. R„ 439. Scl. Ill, p. 394. 250. Neophron monachus (Temm.). 1823. Hooded Vulture. Monnik Aasvogel. R. 440. Scl. Ill, p. 397. (Nicrosyrtes pileatus.) EALCONIDAE. Serpentarius Guv . 1798. 251. Serpentarius serpentarius (Miller). 1785. Secretary Bird. Secretaris Vogel of Slangenvreter. R. 441. Scl. Ill, p. 402. Polyhoroides A. Sm. 1830. 252. Polyhoroides typicus A. Smith. 1830. Harrier Hawk. Grote Blauw Havik. R. 442. Scl. Ill, p. 380. Circus Lacep. 1806. 253. Circus pygargus (Linn.). 1758. Montague’s Harrier. Blauwe Kuiken- dief. R. 443. Scl. Ill, p. 368. (Circus cineraceus.) 254. Circus macrourus (Gm.). 1771. Pallid Harrier. Vale Kuikendief. R. 444. Scl. Ill, p. 370. 255. Circus maurus (Tem.). 1828. Black Harrier. Zwarte Kuikendief, R, 446r Set III, p. 372, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 95 256. Circus aeruginosus (Linn.). 1766. Marsh Harrier. Bruine Kuiken- dief. R. 447. Scl. Ill, p. 374. 257. Circus ranivorus (Baud.). 1800. South African Harrier. Paddavreter. R. 448. Scl. Ill, p. 374. Melierax Gray. 1840. 258. Melierax canorus (Rislach). 1799. Chanting Goshawk. Grote Blauw Valk. R. 449. Scl. Ill, p. 361. 259. Melierax mechowi Cab. 1882. Mechow’s Goshawk. Donkere Blauw Valk. R. 452. Scl. Ill, p. 363. Kaupifalco Bp. 260. Kaupifalco monogrammicus (Tem.). 1824. African Buzzard Eagle. Blauwe Streep valk. R. 453. Scl. Ill, p. 327. (Asturinula monogrammica. ) *261. Kaupifalco monogrammicus meridionalis (Hartl.). 1860. Northern Buzzard Eagle. Noordelike Blauwe Streepvalk. R. 453a. Astur Lacep. 1801. 262. Astur melanoleucus (A. Sm.). 1830. Black Sparrow Hawk. Bonte Sperwer. R. 454. Scl. Ill, p. 353. (Accipiter melanoleucus.) 263. Astur tachiro (Daud.). 1800. African Goshawk. Zuidafrikaanse Havik. R. 455. Scl. Ill, p. 356. 264. Astur polyzonoides (A. Sm.). 1838. Little Banded Goshawk. Veel- bandige Havik. R. 456. Scl. Ill, p. 358. Accipiter Briss. 1760. 265. Accipiter ovampensis Gurn. 1875. Ovampo Sparrow Hawk. Ovampo Sperwer. R. 459. Scl. Ill, p. 352. « 266. Accipiter rufiventris A. Sm. 1830. Red-breasted Sparrow Hawk. Afrikaanse Sperwer. R. 460. Scl. Ill, p. 350. 267. Accipiter minullus (Daud.). 1800. Little Sparrow Hawk. Kleine Sperwer. R. 461. Scl. Ill, p. 348. *268. Accipiter minullus tropicalis Rchw. 1898. Pale Little Sparrow Hawk. Noordelike Kleine Sperwer, R, 461a, 96 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Micronisus Gray. 1840. 269. Micronisus gabar (Daud.). Gabar Goshawk. Kleine Blauwvalk. R. 465. Scl. Ill, p. 364. (Melierax gabar.) 270. Micronisus niger (Vieill.). 1823. Black Goshawk. Zwarte Valkje. R. 466. Scl. Ill, p, 366. (Melierax niger.) Circaetus Vieill. 1816. 271. Circaetus pectoralis A. Sm. 1830. Black-breasted Harrier Eagle. Uilarend. R. 471. Scl. Ill, p. 324. 272. Circaetus fasciolatus G. R. Gr, 1848. Banded Harrier Eagle. Gebande Uilarend. R. 473. Scl. Ill, p. 326. Spizaetus Vieill. 1816. 273. Spizaetus bellicosus (DaucL). 1800. Martial Hawk Eagle. Breedkop Arend. R. 475. Scl. Ill, p. 301. (Eutolmaetus bellicosus.) 274. Spizaetus coronatus (Linn.). 1766. Crowned Hawk Eagle. Gekroonde Arend. R. 476. Scl. Ill, p. 304. Hieraaetus Kaup. 1844. 275. Hieraaetus spilogaster ([Du Bus] Bp.). 1850. African Hawk Eagle. Hoender Jager. R. 478. Scl. Ill, p. 299. (Eutolmaetes spilogaster.) 276. Hieraaetus pennatus (Gm.). 1788. Booted Eagle. Dwerg Arend. R. 480. Scl. Ill, p. 298. (Eutolmaetus pennatus.) 277. Hieraaetus wahlbergi. (Sund.). 1850. Brown Eagle. Bruine Arend. R. 481. Scl. Ill, p. 296. (Aquila wahlbergi.) Lophoaetus Kaup. 1847. 278. Lophoaetus occipitalis (Daud.). 1800. Crested Hawk Eagle. Kuif- kop Arend. R. 482. Scl. Ill, p. 307. Aquila Briss. 1760. 279. Aquila verreauxi. Less. 1830. Black Eagle. Zwarte Arend of Dassie-vanger. R. 483. Scl. Ill, p. 292. 280. Aquila rapax (Temm.). 1828. Tawny Eagle. Roof Arend of Kouwvogel. R. 486. Scl. Ill, p. 294. Buteo Guv. 1800. 281. Buteo jakal (Daud.). 1800. Jackal Buzzard. Jakhalsvogel. R. 488. Scl. Ill, p. 330. 282. Buteo augur Rupp. 1835. Augur Buzzard, Zwartrug Buizerd. ft. 489. Scl. Ill, p. 333. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 97 283. Buteo desertorum (Baud.). 1800. Steppe Buzzard. Vale Buizerd. R. 491. Scl. Ill, p. 333. Machaerhamphus Westerman. 1848. 284. Machaerhamphus anderssoni (Gurney). 1865. Anderson’s Pern. Damara Wespendief. R. 492. Scl. Ill, p. 344. Helotarsus A. Sm. 1830. 285. Helotarsus ecaudatus (Daud.). 1800. Bateleur Eagle. Berghaan. R. 494. Scl. Ill, p. 314. Gypaetus Storr. 1784. 286. Gypaetus ossifragus meridionalis Keys. Bias. 1840. Southern Lammergeyer. Afrikaanse Lammergier. R. 495ft. Scl. Ill, p. 320. (Gypaetus ossifragus.) Gypohierax Rupp. 1835. 287. Gypohierax angolensis (Gm.). 1788. Vulturine Sea Eagle. Bonte Zee Arend. R. 496. Scl. Ill, p. 318. Haliaetus Savig. 1809. 288. Haliaetus vocifer (Daud.). 1800. Sea Eagle. Zee Arend. R. 497. Scl. Ill, p. 310. Pandion. Savig. 1809. 289. Pandion haliaetus (Linn.). 1758. Osprey. Vis Arend. R. 498. Scl. Ill, p. 400. Milvus Cuv. 1800. 290. Milvus aegyptius (Gm.). 1788. Egyptian or Yellow-billed Kite. Geelbek Wouw. R. 499. Scl. Ill, p. 336. 291. Milvus korschun (Gm.). 1771. Black Kite. Zwarte Wouw. R. 500. Scl. Ill, p. 338. Pernis Cuv. 1817. 292. Pernis apivorus (Linn.). 1758. Pern. Wespendief. R. 501. Scl. Ill, p. 346. Planus Savig. 1810. 293. Elanus caeruleus (Desk). 1787. Black-shouldered Kite. Blauw Valkje of Witte Sperwel. R. 502. Scl. Ill, p. 339. Baza Hodgs. 1836. 294. Baza verreauxi (Lair.). 1846. Cuckoo Falcon. Koekoek Yalk. R. 505. Scl. Ill, p. 287. Falco Linn. 1758. *295. Falco peregrinus Tunst. 1771. Peregrine Falcon. Slecht Yalk. R. 507. 98 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 296. Falco minor Bp. 1850. South African Peregrine Falcon. Kleine Slecht Valk. R. 508. Scl. Ill, p. 268. 297. Falco biarmicus Temm. 1825. South African Lanner. Zuidafrikaanse Edelvalk. R. 510. Scl. Ill, p. 269. 298. Falco subbuteo Linn. 1758. Hobby. Boomvalk. R, 512. Scl. Ill, p. 272. 299. Falco cuvieri A. Sm. 1830, African Hobby. Afrikaanse Boomvalk. R. 514. Scl. Ill, p. 273. 300. Falco ruficollis Sw. 1837. Red-necked Falcon. Roodnek Yalk. R. 516. Scl. Ill, p. 274. Cerchneis Boie. 1826. *301. Cerchneis vespertina (Linn.) 1766. Western Red-legged Kestrel. Roodpoot Valk. R. 517. Scl. Ill, p. 282. 302. Cerchneis amurensis Radde. 1863. Eastern Red-legged Kestrel. Oostelike Roodpoot Yalk. R. 517. Scl. in, p. 284. 303. Cerchneis dickensoni (Scl.). 1864. Dickenson’s Kestrel. Dickenson’s Valkje. R. 519. Scl. Ill, p. 285. 304. Cerchneis rupicoloides (A. Sm.). 1830. Large African Kestrel. Grote Toren Yalk. R, 521. Scl. Ill, p. 279. 305. Cerchneis rupicola (Daud.). 1800. South African Kestrel. Toren Yalk of Rood Yalk. R, 523. Scl. Ill, p. 276. 306. Cerchneis naumanni (Fleisch.). 1818. Lesser Kestrel. Kleine Toren Yalk. R. 527. Scl. Ill, p. 280. Poliohierax Kaup . 1847. 307. Poliohierax semitorquatus (A. Sm.). 1836. Pigmy Falcon. Dwerg Valkje. R. 528. Scl. Ill, p. 289. STRIGIDAE. Scotopelia Bp. 1850. 308. Scotopelia peli [Temm.] Bp. 1850. Pel’s Fishing Owl. Vis Uil. R. 529. Scl. Ill, p. 260. Bubo Bum. 1860. 309. Bubo lacteus (Temm.). 1820. Giant Eagle Owl. Reuzen Ooruil, R, 532. Scl, III, p. 252, Annals of the Transv 4al Museum. 99 *310. Bubo ascalaphus trothae Rchw. 1906. Damara Eagle Owl. Damara Ooruil. 311. Bubo capensis A. Sm. 1843. Cape Eagle Owl. Kaapse Ooruil. R. 535. Scl. Ill, p. 248. 312. Bubo maculosus (Vieill.). 1817. Spotted Eagle Owl. Gevlekte Ooruil. R. 536. Scl. Ill, p. 249. Asio Briss. 1760. 313. Asio nisuella (Baud.). 1800. Marsh Owl. Ylei Uil. R. 541. Scl. Ill, p. 241. (Asio capensis.) *314. Asio leucotis erlangeri Og. Grant. 1906. White-faced Owl. Witwang Uil. R. 543. Scl. Ill, p. 243. (Asio leucotis.) Pisorhina Kaup. 1848. 315. Pisorhina capensis (A. Sm.). 1843. Cape Scops Owl. Kleine Ooruil. R. 517. Scl. Ill, p. 254. (Scops capensis.) Syrnium Savig. 1809. 316. Syrnium woodfordi (A. Sm.). 1834. Bush Owl. Bos Uil. R. 551. Scl. *111, p. 245. Glaucidium Boie. 1826. 317. Glaucidium capense (A. Sm.). 1834. Barred Owlet. Gestreepte Uiltje. R. 554, Scl. Ill, p. 259. 318. Glaucidium perlatum (Vieill.). 1817. Pearl-spotted Owlet. Parel Uiltje, of Dwerguiltje. R. 557. Scl. Ill, p. 257. Strix Linn. 1758. 319. Strix fianunea maculata Brehm. 1858. Cape Barn Owl. Kaapse Kerkuil. R. 558. Scl. Ill, p. 237. (Strix flammea.) 320. Strix capensis A. Sm. 1834. Grass Owl. Gras Uil. R. 559. Scl. II, p. 239. PSITTACIDAE. Poicephalus (Sw.). 1873. 321. Poicephalus robustus (Gm.). 1788. Bed-shouldered Parrot. Grote Papegaai. R. 563. Scl. Ill, p. 224. 322. Poicephalus robustus suahelicus Reich. 1898. Red-crowned Parrot. Roodkop Papegaai. R. 5636. Scl. Ill, p. 226. (Poeocephalus fuscicollis. ) 100 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, *323. Poicephalus meyeri (Cretzschm.). 1826. Meyer’s Parrot. Meyer’s Papegaai. R. 565. Scl. Ill, p. 228. Neumann has separated this species into the undermentioned forms, which require confirmation :■ — (a) Poicephalus meyeri transvaalensis Neum. 1899. R. 565c. (b) Poicephalus meyeri damarensis. Neum. 1898. R. 565 d. 324. Poicephalus riippelli (Gray). 1848. Brown Parrot. Bruine Papegaai. R. 566. Scl. Ill, p. 229. 325. Poicephalus fuscicapillus (Verr. Desmurs.). 1849. Brown-headed Parrot. Bruinkop Papegaai. R. 568. Scl. Ill, p. 226. Agapornis Selby. 1836. 326. Agapornis roseicollis (Vieill.). 1817. Rosy-faced Lovebird. Roodkop Parakiet. R. 573. Scl. Ill, p. 231. *327. Agapornis nigrigenis W. L. Scl. 1906. BlSck-faced Lovebird. Zwart- wang Parakiet. 328. Agapornis lilianae Shelley. 1894. Nyassa Lovebird. Nyassa Parakiet. R. 576. Scl. Ill, p. 233. MUSOPHAGIDAE. Chizaerhis Wagl. 1827. 329. Chizaerhis concolor (A. Sm.). 1833. Grey Lourie. Kweevogel of Grote Muisvogel. R. 586. Scl. Ill, p. 219. Gallirex Less. 1844. 330. Gallirex porphyreolophus (Vig.). 1831. Purple-crested Lourie. Blauwkuif Loerie. R. 589. Scl. Ill, p. 217. 331. Gallirex chlorochlamys. Shelley. 1881. Zambezi Purple-crested Lourie. Zambezie Blauwkuif Loerie. R. 590. Scl. Ill, p. 219. Turacus Cuv. 1800. 332. Turacus corythaix (Wagl.). 1827. Cape Lourie. Gewone Loerie. R. 601. Scl. Ill, p. 213. *333. Turacus corythaix phoebus, Neum. 1907. Transvaal Lourie. Transvaalse Loerie, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 101 334. Turacus livingstonei G. R. Gray. 1864. Livingstone Lourie. Living- stone Loerie. R. 606. Scl. Ill, p. 216. *335. Turacus reichenowi (Fschr.). 1880. Reichenow’s Lourie. Reiche- now’s Loerie. R. 608. CUCULLDAE. Centropus III. 1811. 336. Centropus senegalensis (Linn.). 1866. Senegal Coucal. Senegal Yleiloerie. R. 613. Scl. Ill, p. 206. 337. Centropus burchelli Swains. 1838. Black-headed Coucal. Zwartkop Vleiloerie. R. 614. Scl. Ill, p. 203. 338. Centropus cupreicaudus Reich. 1896. Bronze- tailed Coucal. Bronsstaart Vleiloerie. R. 616. Scl. Ill, p. 207. 339. Centropus superciliosus Hemp. Ehr. 1828. White-browed Coucal. Bruinkop Vleiloerie. R. 618. Scl. Ill, p. 208. 340. Centropus flecki Rchw. 1893. Fleck’s Coucal. Fleck’s Vleiloerie. R. 619. Scl. Ill, p. 207. 341. Centropus grilli Hartl. 1861. Natal Coucal. Natal Vleiloerie. R. 623. Scl. Ill, p. 209. (Centropus nigrorufus.) Ceuthmochares. Cab. Heine. 1862. 342. Ceuthmochares australis. Sharpe. 1873, Green Coucal. Groene Vleiloerie. R. 627. Scl. Ill, p. 210. Clamator Kaup. 1829. 343. Clamator serratus (Sparrm.). 1789. Black Crested Cuckoo. Nieuw- jaarsvogel. R. 628. Scl. Ill, p. 199. (Coccystes serratus.) 344. Clamator cafer (Licht.). 1793. Stripe-breasted Cuckoo. Streepborst Koekoek. R. 629. Scl. Ill, p. 198. (Coccystes cafer.) 345. Clamator jacobinus (Bodd.). 1783. Black and White Cuckoo. Bonte Koekoek. R. 630. Scl. Ill, p. 195. (Coccystes jacobinus.) 346. Clamator jacobinus hypopinarus Cab. Heine. 1862. Black and Grey Cuckoo. Zwarte en Grijze Koekoek. R. 6306. Scl. Ill, p. 197. (Coccystes hypopinarius. ) 102 Annals of the Transvaal MuseuM. 347. Clamator glandarius (Linn.). 1758. Great Spotted Cuckoo. Grote Gevlekte Koekoek. R. 632. Scl. Ill, p. 193. (Coccystes glandarius.) Cuculus Linn. 1758. 348. Cuculus clamosus Lath. 1802. Black Cuckoo. Zwarte Koekoek. R. 635. Scl. Ill, p. 182. 349. Cuculus solitarius Steph. 1815. Red-chested Cuckoo. Roodborst Koekoek. R. 636. Scl. Ill, p. 178. 350. Cuculus canorus Linn. 1758. European Cuckoo. Europese Koekoek. R. 639. Scl. Ill, p. 177. 351. Cuculus gularis Steph. 1815. South African Cuckoo. Zuid- afrikaanse Koekoek. R. 640. Sel. Ill, p. 174. 352. Cuculus poliocephalus Lath. 1790. Lesser Cuckoo. Kleine Koekoek. R. 641. Scl. Ill, p. 178. Chrysococcyx Boie. 1827. 353. Chrysococcyx cupreus (Bodd.). 1783. Golden Cuckoo. Diederik of Goud Koekoek. R. 642. Scl. Ill, p. 189. 354. Chryscoccyx klaasi (Steph.). 1815. Bronze Cuckoo. Bronzen Koe- koek. R. 643. Scl. Ill, p. 186. Metallococcyx Rchw. 1896. 355. Metallococcyx smaragdineus (Swains). 1837. Emerald Cuckoo. Groene Koekoek. R. 645. Scl. Ill, p. 185. (Chrysococcyx smaragdineus.) INDICATORIDAE. Indicator Vieill. 1816. 356. Indicator indicator (Gm.). 1788. AVhite-cheeked Honeyguide. Wit- wang Honigwijzer. R. 646. Scl. Ill, p. 146. (Indicator sparrmanni.) 357. Indicator major Steph. 1815. Yellow- throated Honeyguide. Geel- keel Honigwijzer. R. 647. Scl. Ill, p. 149. 358. Indicator variegatus Less. 1831. Scaly-tliroated Honeyguide. Bonte Honigwijzer. R. 648. Scl. Ill, p. 151. 359. Indicator minor Steph. 1815. Lesser Honeyguide. Kleine Honig- wijzer. R. 652. Scl. Ill, p. 152. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 103 Prodotiscus Sundev. 1850. 360. Prodotiscus regulus Sund. 1850. Little Honeyguide. Kleinste Honigwijzer. R. 658. Scl. Ill, p. 155. CAPITONIDAE. Lybius Herm. 1783. 361. Lybius torquatus (Dumont). 1806. Black-collared Barbet. Ringhals Houtkapper. R. 675. Scl. Ill, p. 157. *362. Lybius zombae (Shelley). 1893. Zomba Barbet. Zomba Houtkapper. R. 672. Triclnolaema Verr. 1855. 363. Tricholaema leucomelan (Bodd.). 1783. Pied Barbet. Bonte Hout- kapper. R. 688. Scl. Ill, p. 160. 364. Tricholaema affine (Shelley). 1879. Black-crowned Barbet. Zwart- kop Houtkapper. R. 687. Scl. Ill, p. 162. Bucccmodon Verr. Hartl. 1857. 365. Buccanodon woodwardi (Shell.). 1895. Olive Barbet. Groeiie Houtkapper. R. 698. Scl. Ill, p. 165. (Stactolaema woodwardi.) 366. Buccanodon sowerbyi (Sharpe). 1898. Sowerby’s Barbet. Sowerby’s Houtkapper. R. 701. ,Scl. Ill, p. 164. (Stactolaema sowerbyi.) 367. Buccanodon leucotis (Sund.). 1850. White-eared Barbet. Witwang Houtkapper. R. 703. Scl. Ill, p. 163. (Stactolaema leucotis.) Barbatula Less. 1837. 368. Barbutala bilineata (Sund.). 1850. White-browed Tinkerbird. Streepkop Tinker. R. 711. Scl. Ill, p. 169. 369. Barbatula extoni Lay. 1871. Yellow-fronted Tinker. Goudkop Tinker. R. 718. Scl. Ill, p. 168. 370. Barbatula pusilla (Dum.). 1806. Red-fronted Tinker. Vuurkop Tinker. R. 719. Scl. Ill, p. 166. Trachyphonus Banz. 1821. 371. Trachyphonus cafer (Vieill.). 1818. Crested Barbet. Kuifkop Hout- kapper. R. 724. Scl. Ill, p. 170. 104 Annals of the 'Transvaal Museum. PICIDAE. lynx L. 1758. 372. lynx ruflcollis Wagl. 1830. South African Wryneck. Zuid- afrikaanse Draaihals. R. 736. Scl. Ill, p. 142. Geocolaptes Sw. 1831. 373. Geocolaptes olivaceus (Gm.). 1788. Ground Woodpecker. Grond Specht. R. 739. Scl. Ill, p. 126. Dendromus, Sw. 1837. *374. Dendromus malherbei (Cass). 1863. Malherbe’s Woodpecker. Mal- herbe’s Specht. R. 746. 375. Dendromus chrysurus abingoni (A. Sm.). 1836. Golden- tailed Woodpecker. Goudstaart Specht, R. 747a. Scl. Ill, p. 13 0. (Campothera abingdoni.) 376. Dendromus smithi (Malh.). 1845. Smith’s Woodpecker. Smith’s Specht. R. 748. Scl. Ill, p. 131. (Campothera smithi.) 377. Dendromus bennetti (A. Sm.). 1836. Bennett’s Woodpecker. Bennett’s Specht. R. 749. Scl. Ill, p. 133. (Campothera bennetti.) *378. Dendromus scriptoricauda Rchw. Black- tailed Woodpecker. Zwart- staart Specht. R. 752. 379. Dendromus notatus (Licht.). 1823. Knysna Woodpecker. Knysna Specht. R. 753. Scl. Ill, p. 129. (Campothera notata.) Mesopicus Malh. 1849. 380. Mesopicus griseocephalus (Bodd.). 1783. Olive Woodpecker. Grijs- kop Specht. R. 759. Sclr III, p. 140. 381. Mesopicus namaquus (Licht.). 1793. Bearded Woodpecker. Namaqua Specht. R. 763. Scl. Ill, p. 138. (Thripias namaquus.) Dendropicos Malh. 1849. 382. Dendropicos guineensis (Scop.). 1786. Cardinal Woodpecker. Kar- dinaal Specht. R. 765. Scl, III, p. 135. (Dendropicus cardinalis.) *382a. Dendropicos hartlaubi Malh, 1879. Eastern Cardinal Woodpecker. Oostelike Kardinaal Specht. R. 766. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 105 COLIIDAE. Colius Briss. 1760. 383. Colius striatus Gm. 1788. Speckled Mousebird or Coly. Gestreepte Muisvogel. R. 777. Scl. Ill, p. 95. *384. Colius striatus minor Cab. 1876. Natal Speckled Coly. Natal Muisvogel. R. 777 a. 385. Colius colius (Linn.). 1766. Cape Coly. Kaapsche Muisvogel. R. 782. Scl. Ill, p. 97. (Colius capensis.) *386. Colius colius damarensis Rchw. 1899. Damara Coly. Damara Muisvogel. R. 782a. 387. Colius indicus Lath. 1790. Red-faced Coly. Roodwang Muisvogel. R. 783. Scl. Ill, p. 99. (Colius erythromelon. ) 388. Colius indicus lacteiirons Sharpe. 1892. White-fronted Mousebird. Lichte Roodwang Muisvogel. R. 783a. Scl. Ill, p. 100. (Colius erythromelon lacteifrons. ) *389. Colius kirbyi Sharpe. 1907. Cinnamon Coly. Bruine Muisvogel. TROGONIDAE. Apaloderma Sw. 1837. 390. Apaloderma narina (Steph.). 1815. Narina Trogon. Bos Lourie. R. 785. Scl. Ill, p. 121. (Hapaloderma narina.) CORACIIDAE. Coracias Linn. 1758. 391. Coracias garrulus Linn. 1758. European Roller. Europese Scharrelaar of Trouwpand. R. 788. Scl. Ill, p. 46. 392. Coracias spatulatus Trim. 1880. Racquet- tailed Roller. Breedstaart Trouwpand of Breedstaart Scharrelaar. R. 790. Scl. Ill, p. 50. *393. Coracias weigaili Dresser. 1890. Fawn-breasted Racquet-tailed Roller. Noordelike Breedstaart Trouwpand. R. 791. 394. Coracias caudatus L. 1766. Lilac-breasted Roller. Scharrelaar of Trouwpand. R. 792. Scl. Ill, p. 48. 395. Coracias mosambicus Dress. 1870. White-naped Roller. Grote Scharrelaar of Grote Trouwpand. R. 795. Scl. Ill, p. 51. 106 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Eurystomus Vieill. 1816. 396. Eurystomus afer (Lath.). 1790. Cinnamon Boiler. G-eeibek Scharre- laar of Geelbek Trouwpand. R. 797. Scl. Ill, p. 54. *397. Eurystomus glaueurus (St. Mull.). Madagascar Purple Boiler. Madagascar Geelbek Trouwpand. R. 800. BUCEBOTIDAE. Bucorvus Less. 1831. 398. Bucorvus caier (Schl.). 1862. Ground Hornbill. Bromvogel. R. 802. Scl. Ill, p. 102. (Bucorax cafer.) Bycanistes Cab. Heine. 1860. 399. Bycanistes cristatus (Rupp.). 1835. Crested Hornbill. Kuifkop Neushoornvogel of Boskraai. R. 805. (W.L. Scl. Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. viii, No. 427a.) 400. Bycanistes bucinator (Temm.). 1824. Trumpeter Hornbill. Trom- petter Neushoornvogel of Boskraai. R. 809. Scl. Ill, p. 106. Lophoceros Hemp, and Ehr. 1826. 401. Lophoceros melanoleucos (A. Lieht.). 1793. Crowned Hornbill. Gekroonde Boskraai of Neushoornvogel. R. 814. Scl. Ill, p. 110. *402. Lophoceros neumanni Rchw. 1894. Neumann’s Hornbill. Neu- mann’s Boskraai. R. 817. 403. Lophoceros monteiri ( Hartl. ). 1865. Monteiro Hornbill. Monteiro Boskraai of Neushoornvogel. R. 818. Scl. Ill, p. 113. 404. Lophoceros nasutus epirhinus (Sund.). 1850. South African Grey Hornbill. Grijze Boskraai of Neushoornvogel. R. 822a. Scl. Ill, p. 114. (Lophoceros epirhinus.) 405. Lophoceros leucomelas (Lieht.). 1842, Yellow-billed Hornbill. Geelbek Boskraai of Neushoornvogel. R. 823. Scl. Ill, p. 118. 406. Lophoceros erythrorhynchus (Temm.). 1823. Bed-billed Hornbill. Boodbek Boskraai of Neushoornvogel. R. 827. Scl. Ill, p. 116. 407. Lophoceros erythrorhynchus damarensis Shelley. 1888. Damara Bed-billed Hornbill. Damara Boskraai. R. 827a. Scl. Ill, p. 117. (Lophoceros damarensis.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 107 ALCEDINIDAE. Halcyon Sw. 1820. 408. Halcyon chelicuti (Stanley). 1814. Striped Kingfisher. Gestreepte Visvanger. R. 832. Scl. Ill, p. 89. 409. Halcyon albiventris (Scop.). 1786. Brown-hooded Kingfisher. Bruinkop Visvanger. R. 833. Scl. Ill, p. 86. 410. Halcyon albiventris orientalis Ptrs. 1868. Lesser Brown-hooded Kingfisher. Kleine Bruinkop Visvanger. R. 833a. Scl. III. p. 89. (Halcyon orientalis.) 411. Halcyon swainsoni A. Sm. 1834. Grey-hooded Kingfisher. Grijskop Visvanger. R. 835. Scl. Ill, p. 85. 412. Halcyon senegaloides A. Sm. 1834. Mangrove Kingfisher. Vlei Visvanger. R. 836. Scl. Ill, p. 92. 413. Halcyon cyanoleucus Vieill. 1826. Angola Kingfisher. Angola Visvanger. R. 842. Scl. Ill, p. 91. Ispidina Kaup. 1848. 414. Ispidina natalensis (A. Sm.). 1831. Natal Kingfisher. Natal Vis- vanger. R. 845. Scl. Ill, p. 83. Corythornis Kaup. 1848. 415. Corythornis cyanostigma (Rfipp). Malachite Crested Kingfisher. Kleine Visvanger. R. 849. Scl. Ill, p. 81. Alcedo Linn. 1758. 416. Alcedo semitor^uata Sw. 1823. Half -collared Kingfisher. Blauwe Visvanger. R. 851. Scl. Ill, p. 78. Ceryle Boie. 1828. 417. Ceryle rudis (Linn.). 1758. Pied Kingfisher. Bonte Visvanger. R. 854. Scl. Ill, p. 73. 418. Ceryle maxima (Pall.). 1769. Giant Kingfisher. Grote Vis- vanger. R. 855. Scl. Ill, p. 76. MEKOPIDAE. Melittophagus Boie. 1828. 419. Melittophagus meridionalis Sharpe. 1892. Little Bee-Eater. Kleine Bijenvreter. R. 861. Scl. Ill, p. 67. 108 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 420. Melittophagus bullockoides (A. Sm.). 1834. White-fronted Bee- Eater. Roodkeel Bijenvreter. R 866. Scl. Ill, p. 70. Dicrocercus Cab. and Heine . 1863. 421. Dicrocercus hirundineus (Licht.). 1793. Swallow-tailed Bee- eater Zwaluwstaart Bijenvreter. R 869. Scl. Ill, p. 65. Aerops Reichb. 1852. 422. Aerops bohmi (Rchw.). 1882. Boehms Bee-eater. Boehms Bijen- vreter. R 873. Scl. Ill, p. 61. (Merops boehmi.) Merops Linn. 1758. 423. Merops apiaster Linn. 1760. European Bee-eater. Gewone Bijen vreter. R 874. Scl. Ill, p. 57. 424. Mevops persicus Pallas. 1773. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater. Blauwwang Bijenvreter. R 875. Scl. Ill, p. 59. 425. Merops nubicoides Besm and Puch. 1846. Carmine-breasted Bee- eater. Roodborst Bijenvreter. R 880. Scl. Ill, p. 62. UPUPIDAE. Upupa Linn. 1758. 426. Upupa africana Bchst. 1811. African Hoopoe. Afrikaanse Hop. R 886. Scl. Ill, p. 10. Irrisor Less. 1831. 427. Irrisor erythrorynchos (Lath.). 1790. Wood Hoopoe. Kakelaar. R 887. Scl. Ill, p. 14. (Irrisor viridis.) 428. Irrisor erythrorynchos viridis (Licht.). 1793. Short-tailed Hoopoe. Kortstaart Kakelaar. R 887 a. Scl. Ill, p. 14. (Irrisor viridis.) Rhinopomastus [Smith] Jardine. 429. Rhinopomastus cyanomelas (Vieill.). 1819. Scimitar-billed Wood Hoopoe. Sabelbek Kakelaar. R 893. Scl. Ill, p. 17. CAPRIMULGIDAE. Caprimulgus Linn. 1758. 430. Caprimulgus euro paeus Linn. 1758. European Nightjar. Europese Nachtzwaluw of Geitenmelker. R 896. Scl. Ill, p. 32. Annals of the Transvial Museum. 109 431. Caprimulgus fervidus Sharpe. 1875. Fiery-necked Nightjar. Eosnek Nachtzwaluw of Geitenmelker. R. 897. Scl. Ill, p. 36. 432. Caprimulgus pectoralis Cuv. 1817. South African Nightjar. Zuid- afrikaanse Nachtzwaluw of Geitenmelker. R. 899. Scl. 'Ill, p. 37. 433. Caprimulgus rufigena A. Sm. 1845. Eufous-cheeked Nightjar. Eoswang Nachtzwaluw of Geitenmelker. R. 900. Scl. Ill, p. 34. 434. Caprimulgus trimaculatus (Swains.). Freckled Nightjar. Gemarmerde Nachtzwaluw of Geitenmelker. R. 902. Scl. Ill, p. 38. 435. Caprimulgus fossei [Verr.]. Hartl. 1857. Mozambique Nightjar. Mozambique Nachtzwaluw of Geitenmelker. R. 912. Scl. Ill, p. 39. 436. Caprimulgus natalensis A. Sm. 1845. Natal Nightjar. Natal Nacht- zwaluw of Geitenmelker. R. 913. Scl. Ill, p. 41. Macrodipteryx Sw. 1837. 437. Macrodipteryx vexillarius (J. Gd.). Standard-wing Nightjar. Lang- vleugel Nachtzwaluw of Geitenmelker. R„ 916. Scl. Ill, p. 42. (Cosmetornis vexillarius.) MACE OPTEE Y GID AE . Apus Scop. 1777. 438. Apus melba africanus (Temm.). 1815. White-bellied Swift. Witpens Gierzwaluw. R. 917a. Scl. Ill, p. 21. (Cypselus africanus.) 439. Apus apus (Linn.). 1758. European Swift. Europese Gierzwaluw. R. 918. Scl. Ill, p. 23. (Cypselus apus.) *440. Apus apus kalaharicus Rchw. 1908. Kalahari Swift. Kalahari Gierzwaluw. 441. Apus barbatus ([Temm.] Scl.). 1865. Black Swift. Zwarte Gier- zwaluw. R. S25. Scl. Ill, p. 25. (Cypselus barbatus.) 442. Apus caffer. (Lcht.). 1823. African White-rumped Swift. Afri- kaanse Witrug Gierzwaluw. R. 925. Scl. Ill, p. 25. (Cypselus caffer.) 443. Apus affinus (Gr. Hardw.). 1832. Indian Swift. Indies© Gier- zwaluw. R. 928. Scl, III, p. 27. (Cypselus affinus.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 1 10 Tachornis Gosse. 1847. 444. Tachornis parvus brachypterus Rchw. 1874. Palm Swift. Palm Gierzwaluw. R. 929 b. Scl. Ill, p. 28. (Tachornis parva.) Chaetura . Steffi. 1825. 445. Chaetura stictilaema (Rchw.). 1879. Spinetail Swift. Pijlstaart Gierzwaluw. R. 930. Scl. Ill, p. 30. *446. Chaetura bohmi Schal. 1882. Bohm’s Spinetail Swift. Bohm’s Pijlstaart Gierzwaluw. R. 933. PITTIDAE. Pitta Vieill. 1816. 447. Pitta longipennis Rchw. 1901. Long-winged Pitta. Langvleugel Pitta. R. 937. Scl. II, p. 310. (Pitta angolensis.) HIRUNDINIDAE. Rif aria Vorst. 1817. 448. Riparia riparia (Linn.). 1758. European Sandmartin. Oeverzwaluw. R. 939. Scl. II, p. 282. (Cotyle cincta.) 449. Riparia cincta (Bodd.). 1783. Banded Sandmartin. Gebande Oeverzwaluw. R. 942. Scl. II, p. 284. (Cotyle riparia.) 450. Riparia paludicola (Vieill.). 1817. South African Sandmartin. Zuidafrikaanse Oeverzwaluw. % R. 943. Scl. II, p. 283. (Cotyle paludicola.) 451. Riparia fuligula (Lcht.). 1844. Rockmartin. Rots Oeverzwaluw. R. 948. Scl. II, p. 286. (Ptyonoprogne fuligula.) 452. Riparia fuligula anderssoni (Sharpe and Wyatt). 1887. Damara Rockmartin. Damara Rots Oeverzwaluw. R. 948a. Scl. II, p. 288. (Ptyonoprogne andersoni.) Hirundo Linn. 1758. 453. Hirundo griseopyga Sund. 1850. Grey-rumped Swallow. Grijsrug Zwaluw. R. 950. Scl. II, p. 297. 454. Hirundo dimidiata Sund. 1850. Pearl-breasted Swallow. Parel- zwaluw. R. 951. Scl. II, p. 293. 455. Hirundo albigularis Strickl. 1849. White- throated Swallow. Witkeel Zwaluw. R. 954. Scl. II, p. 292. 456. Hirundo rustica Linn. 1758. European Swallow, Boeren Zwaluw. R. 956. Scl, II, p. 289, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Ill 457. Hirundo smithi Leach. 1818. Wire-tailed Swallow. Draadstaart Zwaluw. R. 959. Sol. II, p. 295. 458. Hirundo cucullata Bodd. 1783. Larger Stripe-breasted Swallow. Grote Streepborst Zwaluw. R. 960. Scl. II, p. 298. 459. Hirundo puella Temm. Schh 1842. Smaller Stripe-breasted Swallow. Kleine Streepborst Zwaluw. R. 961. Scl. II, p. 300. 460. Hirundo monteiri Hartl. 1862. West Coast Swallow. Westkust Zwaluw. R. 963. Scl. II, p. 302. 461. Hirundo semirufa Sund. 1850. Red-breasted Swallow. Roodborst Zwaluw. R. 964. Scl. II, p. 301. 462. Hirundo atrocaerulea Sund. 1850. Blue Swallow. Blauwe Zwaluw. R. 972. Scl. II, p. 294. Petrochelidon Cab. 1850. 463. Petrochelidon spilodera Sund. 1850. South African Cliff Swallow Krans Zwaluw. R. 974. Scl. II, p. 304. Psalidoprocne Cab. 1850. 464. Psalidoprocne holomelaena (Sund.). Rough-winged Swallow. Kam- vleugel Zwaluw. R. 979. Scl. II, p. 307. 465. Psalidoprocne petiti orientalis Rchw. 1889. Eastern Rough-winged Swallow. Oostelike Kamvleugel Zwaluw. R. 982a. Scl. II, p. 309. (Psalidoprocne orientalis.) Belichon Moote. 1854. 466. Belichon urbica (Linn.). 1758. House Martin. Huis Zwaluw. R. 987. Scl. II, p. 278. (Chelidon urbica.) + MUSCICAPIDAE. Bradornis Smith. 1847. 467. Bradornis infuscatus (A. Sm.). 1839. Brown Flycatcher. Bruine Vliegevanger. R. 988. Scl. II, p. 237. 488. Bradornis pallidus murinus Fisch and Hartl. 1870. Mouse-coloured Flycatcher. Muiskleur Vliegevanger. R. 989. Scl. II, p. 239. (Bradornis murinus.) *489. Bradornis griseus Rchw. 1882. Reichenow’s Flycatcher. Reiche- now’s Vliegevanger, R, 990, 112 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 470. Bradornis mariquensis (A. Sm.). 1847. Mariqua Flycatcher. Marikwa Vliegevanger. R. 991. Scl. II, p. 238. Sheppardia Haagn. 1909. *471. Sheppardia gunning! Haagner. 1909. Yellow-breasted Flycatcher. Geelborst Vliegevanger. Melaenornis G.R.Gr. 1840. 472. Melaenornis ater (Sund.). 1850. Black Flycatcher. Zwarte Vliege- vanger. R. 998. Scl. II, p. 234. (Bradornis ater.) *473. Melaenornis ater tropicalis (Cab.). Tropic Black Flycatcher. R. 998a. Sigelus Cab. 1850. 474. Sigelus silens (Shaw). 1809. Fiskal Flycatcher. Bonte Vliege- vanger. R. 999. Scl. II, p. 219. (Tarsiger silens.) Muscicapa Briss. 1760. 475. Muscicapa grisola L. 1766. Spotted Flycatcher. Grauwe Vliege- vanger. R. 1008. Scl. II, p. 240. Alseonax Cab. 1850. 476. Alseonax caerulescens (Haiti.). 1865. Blue-grey Flycatcher. Blauw- grijze Vliegevanger. R. 1015. Scl. II, p. 241. (Muscicapa caerulescens.) 477. Alseonax adustus (Boie.). 1828. Dusky Flycatcher. Grijze Vliege- vanger. R. 1018. Scl. II, p. 243. *478. Alseonax subadustus Shelley. 1897. Shelley’s Grey Flycatcher. Shelley’s Grijze Vliegevanger. R. 1020. Cryptolopha Sw. 1837. 479. Cryptolopha ruhcapilla (Sund.). 1850. Yellow- throated Flycatcher. Geelkeel Vliegevanger. R. 1030. Scl. II, p. 119. Chloropeta A. Sm'. 1847. 480. Chloropeta natalensis A. Sm. 1847. Natal Yellow Flycatcher. Natal Gele Vliegevanger. R. 1031. Scl. II, p. 245. Bias Less. 1831. 481. Bias musicus (Vieill.). 1818. Black and White Flycatcher. Bonte Vliegevanger. R. 1037, Scl, II, p. 251, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 118 Smithornis Bonap. 1850. 482. Smithornis capensis (A. Sm.). 1839. Cape Broadbill. Breedbek Vliegevanger. R. 1038. Scl. II, p. 248. Hyliola Sw. 1827. 483. Hyliota australis Shell. 1882. Mashona Flycatcher. Mashona Vliegevanger. R. 1043. Scl. II, p. 247. *484. Hyliota rhodesiae Haagner. 1910. Khodesia Flycatcher. Bhodesia Vliegevanger. 434a. Hyliota barbozae. Barboza’s Flycatcher* Barboza’s Vliegevanger. R. 1040a. Lanioturdus Waterh. 1838. 485. Lanioturdus torquatus Waterh. 1868. White-tailed Flycatcher. Witstaart Vliegevanger. R. 1044. Scl II, p. 45. Batis Boie. 1833. 486. Batis capensis (L.). 1766. Cape Flycatcher. Kaapse Vliege- vanger. R. 1045. Scl. II, p. 254. (Pachyprora capensis.) 487. Batis fratrum (Shell.). 1900. St. Lucia Flycatcher. St. Lucia Vliegevanger. R. 1048. 488. Batis molitor (Hahn and Kust). 1822. White-flanked Flycatcher. Witzij Vliegevanger. R. 1052. Scl. II, p. 255. (Pachyprora molitor.) *489. Batis sheppardi Haagner. 1909. Orange-breasted Flycatcher. Oranjeborst Vliegevanger. *490. Batis puella soror Rchw. 1903. Reichenow’s Flycatcher. Reiche- now’s Vliegevanger. R. 1053a. 491. Batis pririt (Vieiil.). 1818. Pririt Flycatcher. Pririt Vliegevanger. R. 1056. Scl. II, p. 257. (Pachyprora pririt.) *492. Batis erythropthalma Swyn. 1907. Red-eyed Flycatcher. Roodoog Vliegevanger. Bull. B.O.C. No. CXXXV, June, 1907. Platysteira Jard and Selby. 1829. 493. Platysteira peltata Sund. 1850. Wattle-eyed Flycatcher. Lei Vliegevanger. R. 1057. Scl. II, p. 252, Ill Annals of the Tkansvaal Museum. Stenostira Cab. Bonap. 1850. 494. Stenostira' scita (Vieill.). 1818. Fairy Flycatcher, Dwerg Vliege- vanger. R. 1066. Scl. II, p. 122. (Apalis scita.) Erythrocerus Hartl, 1857. 495. Erythrocercus livingstonei (Finsch and Hartl.). 1870. Livingstone’s Flycatcher. Livingstone’s Vliegevanger. R. 1069. Scl. II, p. 258. Trochocercus Cab. 1850. 496. Trochocercus cyanomelas (Vieill.). 1818. Blue-mantled Flycatcher. Blauwrug Vliegevanger. R. 1073. Scl. II, p. 259. *497. Trochocercus megalolophus Swyn. 1907. Swynnerton’s Flycatcher. Swynnerton’s Vliegevanger. [Bull. B.O.C. No. CXXXV, June, 1907.] *498. Trochocercus albonotatus Sharpe. 1891. Sharpe’s Flycatcher. Sharpe’s Vliegevanger. R 1075. (Ibis, January, 1907.) Tchitrea Less. 1831. 499. Tchitrea perspicillata (Sw.). 1837. Paradise Flycatcher. Paradijs Vliegevanger. R. 1085. Scl. II, p. 261. (Terpsiphone perspicillata.) *500. Tchitrea plumbeiceps (Rehw.). 1898. Lead-headed Flycatcher. Grijskop Vliegevanger. R. 1086. CAMPEPHAGIDAE. Coracina Vieill. 1816. 501. Coracina caesia (Lieht.). 1823. Grey Cuckoo-shrike. Grijze Koekoek- klauwier. R. 1092. Scl. II, p. 275. (Graucal^s caesius.) 502. Coracina pectoralis (Jard and Selby). 1828. White-bellied Cuckoo- shrike. Witpens Koekoek-klauwier. R. 1095. Scl. II, p. 274. (Graucalus pectoralis.) Campephaga Vieill. 1816. 503. Campephaga nigra Vieill. 1817. Black Cuckoo-shrike. Zwarte. Koekoek-klauwier. R. 1097. Scl. II, p. 269. 504. Campephaga hartlaubi (Salvad.). 1873. Yellow-shouldered Cuckoo- shrike. Geelvlek Koekoek-klauwier, R, 1100, Scl. II, p. 272, Aotals of the Tkansvaal Museum, 115 LANXIDAE. Eurocephalus A. Sm. 1836. 505. Eurocephalus anguitimens A. Sm. 1836. Smith’s Wood-shrike. Bosklauwier. R. 1105. Scl. n, p. 13. Prionops Vieill. 1816. 506. Prionops talacoma A. Sm. 1836. South African Helmet Shrike. Helmkla owlet. R. 1107. Scl. II, p. 51. Sigmodus [ Temm .] Bonap. 1850. 507. Sigmodus retzii (Wahlb.). 1856. Black Helmet Shrike. Zwarte Helmklauwier. R. 1115. Sol. II. p. 48. 508. Sigmodus retzii tricolor (G. R. Gray). 1864. Zambesi Helmet Shrike. Zambesi Helmklauwier. R. 1115c. Scl. ll, p. 50. Sigmodus tricolor. *509. Sigmodus scopifrons Ptrs. 1854. Chesnut-fronted Helmet Shrike. Boodkop Helmklauwier. R. 1116. Nilaus Sw . 1827. 510. Nilaus brubru (Lath.). 1802. Brubru Bushshrike. Kleine Bos- klauwier. R. 1120. Scl. II, p. 16. 511. Nilaus nigritemporalis Rchw. 1892. Black-browed Brubru Shrike. Zwartoog Bosklauwier. R. 1122. Scl. II, p. 17. Pomatorhynchus Boie. 512. Pomatorhynchus tschagra (Vieill.). 1816. Tschagra Bush Shrike. Tschagra Bosklauwier. R. 1124. Scl. II, p. 21. (Telephonus tschagra.) 513. Pomatorhynchus australis (Smith). 1836. Three-streaked Bush Shrike. Kleine Boodvleugel Bosklauwier. R. 1126. Scl. II, p. 22. (Telephonus australis.) 514. Pomatorhynchus australis congener Rchw. 1902. Eastern Three- streaked Bush Shrike. Oostelike Kleine Boodvleugel Bos- klauwier. R. 1126?;. Scl. II, p. 23. (Telephonus minor.) 515. Pomatorhynchus senegalus (Linn.). 1766. Black-crowned Bush Shrike. Zwartkop Bosklauwier. R. 1127. Scl. II, p. 19. (Telephonus senegalensis. ) *516. Pomatorhynchus anchietae Boc. 1870. Anchieta’s Bush Shrike. Anchieta’s Bosklauwier. R. 1133. (Ibis, January, 1907.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 116 Nicator Finsch. Hartl. 1870. 517. Nicator gularis, Finch and Hartl. 1870. Yellow-spotted Bush Shrike. Geelvlek Bosklauwier. R. 1135. Scl. II, p. 43. Chlorophoneus Cab. 1850. 518. Chlorophoneus rubiginosus (Sund.). 1850. Buddy-breasted Bush Shrike. Boodborst Bosklauwier. R. 1139. Scl. II, p. 37. (Laniarius rubiginosus.) 519. Chlorophoneus maraisi (W. L. Scl.). 1901. Knysna Bush Shrike. Knysna Bosklauwier. R. 1139a. Scl. II, p. 39. (Laniarius maraisi.) *520. Chlorophoneus bertrandi (Shell.). 1894. Bertrand’s Bush Shrike. Bertrand’s Bosklauwier. R. 1140. (Ibis, January, 1907.) 521. Chlorophoneus olivaceus (Shaw). 1809. Olive Bush Shrike. Olijf- kleurige Bosklauwier. R. 1141. Scl. II, p. 38. (Laniarius olivaceus.) *522. Chlorophoneus abbotti (Richm.). 1897. Abbott’s Bush Shrike. Abbott’s Bosklauwier. R. 1143. 523. Chlorophoneus sulphureo pectus similis (A. Sm.). 1836. Yellow- fronted Bush Shrike. Geelborst Bosklauwier. R. 11456. Scl. II, p. 40. (Laniarius sulphureipectus. ) 524. Chlorophoneus quadricolor (Cass). 1851. Four-coloured Bush Shrike. Yier-kleurige Bosklauwier. R. 1151. Scl. II, p. 35. (Laniarius quadricolor.) Pelicinius Boie. 1826. 525. Pelicinius zeylonus (Linn.). 1766. Bakbakiri Bush Shrike. Bakbakiri Bosklauwier. R. 1153. Scl. II, p. 33. (Laniarius gutturalis.) Laniarius Vieill. 1816. 526. Laniarius major (Hartl.). 1848. Large Puff-back Shrike. Grote Grijze Fiskaal. R. 1165. Scl. II, p. 28. (Dryoscopus guttatus.) 527c Laniarius rufiventris (Sw.). 1837. Bufous-bellied Puff-back Shrike. Grote Bosklauwier. R. 1166. Scl. II, p. 27. (Dryoscopus f errugineus. ) *528. Laniarius rufiventris hybridus Neum. 1899. Northern Bufous-bellied Puff-back Shrike. Noordelike Bosklauwier. R. 1166a. 529. Laniarius atrococcineus (Burch.). 1822. Crimson-breasted Bush Shrike. Boodborst Fiskaal. R. 1173. Scl. II, p. 31, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 117 Dryoscopus Boie. 1826. 530. Dryoscopus cubla (Shaw). 1809. Lesser Puff-back Shrike. Kanarie- bijter. R. 1178. Scl. II, p. 25. Malaconotus Sw. 1827. 531. Malaconotus olivaceus starki (W. L. Scl.). 1901. Southern Grey- headed Bush Shrike. Spookvogel. R. 11876. Scl. II, p. 41. (Laniarius starki.) Lanins Linn. 1758. 532. Lanins collaris L. 1766. Fiscal Shrike. Laksman. R. 1191. Scl. II, p. 6. 533. Lanins subcoronatus A. Sm. 1841. Coronetted Shrike. Gekroonde Fiskaal. R. 1193. Scl. II, p. 9. 534. Lanins minor Gm. 1788. Lesser Grey Shrike. Grijze Fiskaal. R. 120.2. Scl. II, p. 9. 535. Lanins collurio Linn. 1758. Red-backed Shrike. Grauwe Klauwier. R. 1213. Scl. II, p. 11. Urolestes Cab. 1850. 536. Urolestes melanolencns (Jard. and Selby). 1831. Long-tailed Bush Shrike. Langstaart Klauwier. R. 1217. Scl. II, p. 3. CORVIDAE. Corvus L. 1758. 537. Corvus scapulatus Baud. 1800. Pied Crow. Bonte Kraai. R. 1223. Scl. I, p. 12. Heterocorax Sharpe. 1877. 538. Heterocorax capensis (Lcht.). 1823. African Rook. Zwarte Kraai. R. 1224. Scl. I, p. 14. (Corvus capensis.) Corvultur Less. 1831. 539. Corvultur albieollis (Lath.). 1790. White-necked Raven. Withals Kraai. ‘ R. 1226. Scl. I, p. 10. DICRURIDAE. Dicrurus Vieill. 1817. 540. Dicrurus aier (A. Lcht.). 1793. Fork- tailed Drongo. Bijvanger. R. 1232. Scl. II, p. 265. 541. Dicrurus ludwigi A. Sm. 1839. Square-tailed Drongo. Kleine Bijvanger. R. 1236. Scl. II, p. 267. 118 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. OBI OLID AE. Oriolus Linn. 1766. 542. Oriolus oriolus (L.). 1758. Golden Oriole. Wielewaal. R. 1238. Scl. I, p. 48. (Oriolus galbula.) 543. Oriolus notatus Ptrs. 1868. Anderson’s Oriole. Anderson’s Wiele- waal. R. 1240. Scl. I, p. 50. 544. Oriolus larvatus Lcht. 1823. Black-headed Oriole. Zwartkop Wielewaal. R. 1243. Scl. I, p. 51. *545. Oriolus larvatus rolieti Salvad. Lesser Black -headed Oriole. Kleine Wielewaal. R. 1243a. STURNIDAE. Buphagus Briss. 1760. 546. Buphagus africanus L. 1766. Yellow-hilled Oxpecker. * Geelbek Bhenostervogel. R. 1248. Scl. I, p. 17. 547. Buphagus erythrorhynchus (Stank). 1814. Bed-billed Oxpecker. Boodbek Bhenostervogel. R. 1249. Scl. I, p. 20. Creatophora Less. 1847. 548. Creatophora carunculatus (Gm.). Wattled Starling. Lelspreeuw. R. 1250. Scl. I, p. 23. (Dilophus carunculatus.) Spreo Less. 1831. 549. Spreo bicolor (Gm,). 1788. Pied Starling. Witgat Spreeuw. R. 1251. Scl. I, p. 30. Cinnyricinclus Less. 1840. 550. Cinnyricinclus verreauxi ([Boc.] Finch and Harth). Plum-coloured Starling. Purpur Spreeuw. R. 1259. Scl. I, p. 44. (Pholidauges leucogaster verreauxi.) Lamprocolius Bund. 1836. 551. Lamprocolius melanogaster (Sw.). 1838. Black-bellied Glossy Starling. Zwartpens Glansspreeuw. R. 1262. Scl. I, p. 42. 552. Lamprocolius phoenicopterus (Sw.). 1838, Red-shouldered Glossy Starling. Groene Glansspreeuw. R. 1265. Scl. I, p. 38. 553. Lamprocolius phoenicopterus bispecularis (Strickl.). 1852. Lesser Bed-shouldered Glossy Starling. Kleine Groene Glansspreeuw. R. 1265a. Scl. I, p. 39. 554. Lamprocolius chalybeus sycobius ([Ptrs.] Hartl.). 1859. Peters’ Glossy Starling. Peters’ Glansspreeuw. R. 1266a. Scl. I, p. 41. (Lamprocolius sycobius.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 119 555. Lamprocolius clialybeus chloropterus (Sw.). 1838. Green-winged Glossy Starling. Groenvlengel Glansspreeuw. R. 12666. Scl. I, p. 40. (Lamprocolius chloropterus. ) Heteropsar Sharpe. 1890. 556. Heteropsar acutieaudus (Boc.). 1870. Sharp-tailed Glossy Starling. Pijlstaart Glansspreeuw. R. 1274. Scl. I, p. 37. (Lamprocolius acutieaudus.) Amydrus Cab. 1851. 557. Amydrus caffer (Linn.). 1758. Pale-wing Starling. Kleine Rooivlerk Spreeuw. R. 1275. Scl. I, p. 28. 558. Amydrus morio (L.). 1766. Redwing Starling. Rooivlerk Spreeuw. R. 1279. Scl. I, p. 26. Lamprotornis Temm. 1820. 559. Lamprotornis australis (A. Sm.). 1836. Burchell’s Glossy Starling. Burchell’s Glansspreeuw. R. 1290. Scl. I, p. 35. (Lamprocolius australis.) 560. Lamprotornis mevesi (Wahlb.). 1857. Meve’s Glossy Starling. Meve’s Glansspreeuw. R. 1294. Scl. I, p. 32. 561. Lamprotornis purpureus Boc. 1867. Purple Long-tailed Starling. Langstaart Glansspreeuw. R. 1295. Scl. I, p. 33. PLOCEIDAE. Textor Temm. 1828. 562. Textor niger (A, Sm.). 1836. Buffalo Weaver. Zwarte Wever. R. 1299. Scl. I, p. 78. Plocepasser A. Sm. 1836. 563. Plocepasser mahali A. Sm, 1836. White-browed Weaver Bird. Vale Wever. R. 1303. Scl. I, p. 83. 564. Plocepasser pectoralis (Ptrs.). 1868. Stripe-chested Weaver. Streep- borst Wever. R. 1305. Scl. I, p. 85. 565. Plocepasser rufoscapulatus Butt. 1888. Red-backed Weaver. Rood- rug Wever. R. 1309. Scl. I, p. 85. Sporopipes Cab. 1847. 566. Sporopipes squamifrons (A. Sm.). 1836. Scaly-feathered Weaver. Baardmannetje. R. 1310. Scl. I, p. 86. 120 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. *567. Sporo pipes squamifrons damarensis Rchw. Damara Scaly-featliered Weaver. Damara Baardmannetje. R. 1310a. Anaplectes Reichb. 1863. 568. Anaplectes rabriceps (Bund.). 1850. Bed-headed Weaver. Boodkop Wever. R. 1320. Scl. I, p. 74. 569. Anaplectes gurneyi (Shell.). 1887. Gurney’s Weaver. Gurney’s Wever. R. 1321. Scl. I, p. 76. Sharpia Boc. 1878. 570. Sharpia angolensis Boc. 1878. Sharpe’s Weaver. Sharpe’s Wever. R. 1324. Scl. I, p. 77. (Anaplectes angolensis.) Ploceus Cuv. 1817. 571. Ploceus bicolor Vieill. 1823. Forest Weaver. Bosmusikant. R. 1327. Scl I, p. 72. (Sycobrotus bicolor.) 572. Ploceus stictifrons (Fschr. and Rchw.). 1858. Spotted-headed Weaver Vlekkop Wever. R. 1328. Scl. I, p. 73. (Sycobrotus stictifrons.) 573. Ploceus ocularius A. Sm. 1828. Bottle-nest Weaver. Wever. R. 1347. Scl. I, p. 66. (Sitagra ocularia.) *574. Ploceus ocularius crocatus (Hartl.). 1881. Northern Bottle-nest Weaver. R. 1347a. 575. Ploceus nigriceps (Lay.). 1867. Black-headed Weaver. Zwartkop Wever. R. 1361. Scl. I, p. 56. (Hyphantornis nigriceps.) 576. Ploceus spilonotus Vig. 1831. Spotted-back Weaver. 'Bontrug Wever. R. 1362. Scl. I, p. 60. (Hyphantornis spilonotus.) 577. Ploceus cabanisi (Ptrs.). 1868. Cabanis’ Weaver. Cabanis’ Wever. R. 1374. Scl. I, p. 57. (Hyphantornis cabanisi.) 578. Ploceus velatus Vieill. 1819. Masked Weaver. Hangnest Wever. R. 1380. Scl. I, p. 58. (Hyphantornis velatus.) 579. Ploceus auricapillus Sw. 1838. Lesser Masked Weaver. Kleine Hangnest Wever. R. 1381. Scl. I, p. 62. (Hyphantornis shelleyi.) 580. Ploceus capensis L. 1766. Cape Weaver. Kaapse Wever. R. 1388. Scl. I, p. 69. (Sitagra capensis.) 581. Ploceus capensis olivaceus (Hahn). 1822. Olive Weaver. Olijf- kleurige Wever. R. 1388a. Scl. I, p. 70. (Sitagra capensis caffra.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 121 582. Ploceus xanthops jamesoni Sharpe. 1890. Jameson’s Weaver. Jameson’s Wever. R. 1389a. Scl. I, p. 65. (Hyphantornis jamesoni.) 583. Ploceus subaureus A. Sm. 1832. Yellow Weaver. Kanarie Wever. R. 1390. Scl. I, p. 63. (Hyphantornis subaureus.) *584. Ploceus castaneigula (Cab.). 1884. Large Yellow-winged Weaver. Grote Geelvleugel Wever. R. 1394. 585. Ploceus xanthopterus (Finch and Hartl.). 1870. Yellow-winged Weaver. Geelvleugel Wever. R. 1395. Scl. I, p. 68. (Sitagra xanthoptera. ) *586. Ploceus trothae Rchw, 1905. Damara Weaver. Damara Wever. Amblyospiza Sund. 1850. 587. Amblyospiza albifrons (Vig.). 1831. Thick-billed Weaver. Dikbek Wever. R. 1400. Scl. I, p. 80. SPERMESTINAE. Pyrenestes Sw. 1837. *588. Pyrenestes granti Sharpe. 1908. Grant’s Weaver Finch. Grant’s Wcvervink. Quelea Rchb. 1850. 589. Quelea sanguinirostris lathami (A. Sm.). 1836. Southern Pink-billed Weaver. Quelea Wever. R. 1409&. Scl. I, p. 122. (Quelea quelea.) *590. Quelea erythrops (Hartl.). 1848. Red-headed Quelea. Roodkop Quelea. R. 1410. 591. Quelea cardinalis (Hartl.). 1880. Cardinal Weaver. Kardinaal Wever. R. 1411. (Scl. Check List : Annals, South African Museum, Vol. 3, Part 8; July, 1905.) Pyromelana Bp. 1831. 592. Pyromelana taha (A. Sm.). 1836. Golden Bishop Bird. Geele KafEervink. R. 1413. Scl. I, p. 128. 593. Pyromelana flammiceps (Sw.). Red-crowned Bishop Bird. Roodkop KafEervink. R. 1421. Scl. (Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8, 1905.) 594. Pyromelana orix (L.). 1758. Red Bishop Bird, Roode KafEervink. R. 1422. Scl. I, p. 126. 6 12 % Antals of vile Transvaal Museum. Euplectes. 1837. 595. Euplectes capensis (L.). 1766. Cape Bishop Bird. Kaapse Kaffer- vink. R. 1427. Scl. I, p. 130. (Pyromelana capensis.) 596. Euplectes capensis approximans (Cab.). 1851. Lesser Cape Bishop Bird. Kleine Kaapse Kaffervink. R. 1427a. Scl. I, p. 132. (Pyromelana capensis minor.) 597. Euplectes xanthomelas Rupp. 1835. Black-thighed Bishop Bird. Zwartdij Kaffervink. R. 1428. Scl. I, p. 133. (Pyromelana capensis xanthomelana. ) UrobracJiya Bp. 1850. 598. Urobrachya axillaris (A. Sm.). 1838. Red-shouldered Widowbird. Roodschouder Flap. R. 1429. Scl. I, p. 134. 599. Urobrachya bocagei Sharpe. 1871. Yellow-shouldered Widowbird. Geelschouder Flap. R. 1431. Scl. I, p. 136. Coliuspasser Rilpp. 1835. 600. Coliuspasser ardens (Bodd.). 1783. Red-collared Widowbird. Halsband weeuwtje. R, 1433. Scl. I, p. 142. *601. Coliuspasser macroura (Gm.). 1788. Yellow-backed Widowbird. Geelrug Wevervogel. R. 1437. 602. Coliuspasser albonotatus (Cass). 1848. White-winged Widowbird. Witvlerk Weeuwtje. R. 1438. Scl. I, p. 138. Diatropura Oberh. 1899. 603. Diatropura procne (Bodd.). 1783. Long-tailed Widowbird. Flap. R. 1444. Scl. I, p. 139. (Coliopasser progne.) Amadina Sw. 1827. 604. Amadina fasciata (Gm.). 1788. Cut-throat Weaver Finch. Roodkeei Wevervink. R. 1445. Scl. (Check List : South African Museum Annals, Vol. Ill, p. 8, 1905.) 605. Amadina erythrocephala (L.). Red-headed Weaver Finch. Roodkop Wevervink. R. 1446. Scl. I, p. 118. Spermestes Sw. 1837. 606. Spermestes scutata Heugl. 1856. Hooded Weaver Finch. Zwartkop Wevervink. R. 1448. Scl. I, p. 112. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 123 607. Spermestes nigriceps Cass. 1852. Chesnut-backed Weaver Finch. Roodrug Wevervink. R. 1451. Scl. I, p. 113. Amauresthes Rchb. 1861. 608. Amauresthes fringilloides (Lafr.). 1835. Pied Weaver Finch, Bonte Wevervink. R. 1453. Scl. I, p. 111. (Spermestes fringilloides.) Hypargos Rchb. 1863. 609. Hypargos niveoguttatus (Ptrs.). 1868. Peters’ Buddy Waxbill. Peters’ Fazantje. R. 1455. ScL I, p. 95. (Lagonoticta niveiguttata. ) 610. Hypargos margaritatus (Strickl.). 1844. Verreaux’ Ruddy Waxbill. Margarite Fazantje. R. 1456. Scl. I, p. 96. (Lagonosticta margaritata. ) 611. Hypargos nitidulus (Hartl.). 1865. Hartlaub’s Bed-faced Waxbill. Hartlaub’s Fazantje. R. 1459. Scl. I, p. 91. (Pytelia nitidnla.) Pytilia Sw. 1837. *612. Pytilia afra. Gm. 1788. Bed-faced Finch. Roodwang Fazantje. R. 1464. 613. Pytilia melba (L.). 1758. Melba Finch. Melba Fazantje. R. 1465. Scl. I, p. 89. Estrildci Sw. 1827. 614, Estrilda astrild (L.). 1758. Common Waxbill. Boodebekje. R. 1488. Scl. I, p. 98. *615. Estrilda astrild cavendishi Sharpe. 1900. Mozambique Waxbill. Mozambique Boodebekje. R. 14886. *616. Estrilda astrild damarensis Rchw. 1902. Damara Waxbill. Damara Boodebekje. R. 1488c. 617. Estrilda subflava (Vieill.). 1819. Orange-breasted Waxbill. Rood- aasie. R. 1497. Scl. I, p. 105. 618. Estrilda erythronotos (Vieill.). 1817. Black-cheeked Waxbill. Zwart- wang Fazantje. R. 1501. Scl. I, p. 100. 619. Estrilda incana Sund. 1850. South African Grey Waxbill. Grijze Fazantje. R. 1508. Scl. I, p. 101. Lagonosticta Cab. 1851. 620. Lagonosticta nitidula Hartl. 1886. Hartlaub’s Buddy Waxbill. Hartlaub’s Fazantje. R. 1512. Scl. y^heck List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8, 1905.) 124 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 621. Lagonosticta brunneiceps Sharpe. 1890. Little Ruddy Waxbill. Kleine Fazantje. R. 1514. Scl. I, p. 94. 622. Lagonosticta rubricata (Lcht.). 1.823. South African Ruddy Waxbill. Zuidafrikaanse Rood Fazantje. R. 1516. Scl. I, p. 92. 623. Lagonosticta jamesoni Shell. 1872. Jameson’s Ruddy Waxbill. Jameson’s Fazantje. R. 1520. Scl. I, p. 93. Ortygospiza Sund. 1850. 624. Ortygospiza polyzona (Temm.). 1823. Quail Finch. Pijpertje. R. 1524. Sel. I, p. 109. Neisna Bp. 1850. 625. Neisna kilimensis (Sharpe). 1890. East African Swee Waxbill. Oostelike Swie Fazantje. R. 1526. 626. Neisna dufresnei (Vieill.). Swee Waxbill. Swie Fazantje. R. 1527. Scl. I, p. 107. (Estrildadufresni.) Uraeginthus Cab. 1851. 627. Uraeginthus angolensis (L.). 1851. Blue-breasted Waxbill. Blaauw Fazantje. R. 1529a. Scl. I, p. 102. (Estrilda angolensis.) 628. Uraeginthus angolensis damarensis Rchw. 1904. Damara blue- breasted Waxbill. Damara Blauw Fazantje. R. 1529&. 629. Uraeginthus granatinus (L.). 1766. Violet-eared Waxbill. Koning Blauwsijsje. R. 1531. Scl. I, p. 104. (Estrilda granatina.) Hypochera Bp. 1850. 630. Hypochera amauropteryx Sharpe. 1890. Steel-coloured Widow Finch. Rouwfazantje. R. 1535. Scl. I, p. 154. (Hypochera funerea amauroptera. ) 631. Hypochera funerea (Tarrag.). 1847. Black Widow Finch. Zwarte Rouwfazantje. R. 1536. Scl. I, p. 153. 632. Hypochera nigerimma Sharpe. 1871. Purple Widow Finch. Purpur Rouwfazantje. R. 1537. Scl. I, p. 154. (Hypochera funerea nigerrimma.) Vidua Cuv. 1800. 633. Vidua serena (L.). 1766. Pin-tailed Widowbird. Koning Roodebek. R. 1539. Scl. I, p. 145. (Vidua principalis. ) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 1.25 Tetraenura Rchb. 1863. 634. Tetraenura regia (L.). 1766. Shaft-tailed Widowbird. Pijlstaart Weeuwtje. R. 1540. Scl. I, p. 148. (Vidua regia.) Steganura Rchb. 1850. 635. Steganura paradisea (L.). 1758. Paradise Widowbird. Paradijs Weeuwtje. R. 1542. Scl. I, p. 149. (Vidua paradisea.) FRINGILLIDAE. Passer Briss. 1760. 636. Passer griseus (Vieill.). 1817. Grey-headed Sparrow. Grijskop Mossie. R. 1545. Scl. I, p. 163. (Passer diffusus.) 637. Passer melanurus (St. Mull.). 1776. Cape Sparrow. Kaapse Mossie. R. 1547. Scl. I, p. 160. (Passer arcuatus.) *638. Passer melanurus damarensis Rchw. 1902. Damara Sparrow. Damara Mossie. R. 1547a. 639. Passer motitensis A. Sm. 1848. Greater South African Sparrow. Grote Mossie. R. 1554. Scl. I, p. 162. Philetairus A. Sm. 1837. 640. Philetairus socius (Lath.). 1790. Sociable Finch. Gezellige Wever. R. 1558. Scl. I, p. 115. Petronia Kaup. 1829. 641. Petronia superciliaris ([Hay Blythe].) 1845. Diamond Sparrow. Geelvlek Mossie. R. 1560. Scl. I, p. 157. (Petronia petronella.) Alario Bp. 1850. 642. Alario alario (L.). 1766. Mountain Canary. Zwartkopje of Berg- kanarie. R. 1563. Scl. I, p. 179. 643. Alario alario leucolaema Sharpe. White-browed Mountain Canary. Witoog Zwartkopje. R. 1563a (p. 247). Poliospiza [ Schiff .] Bp. 1850. 644. Poliospiza albogularis (A. Sm.). 1833. White-throated Seed-eater. Witkeel Sijsje. R. 1567. Scl. I, p. 174. (Serinus albigularis.) 645. Poliospiza leucoptera (Sharpe). 1871. White-winged Seed-eater. Witvleugel Sijsje. R. 1568, Scl. I, p. 177. (Serinus leucopterus. ) 126 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 846. Poliospiza crocopygia Sharpe. 1871. Damara Seed-eater. Damara Sijsje. R. 1569. Scl. I, p. 176. (Serinus crocopygius. ) 647. Poliospiza angolensis (Gm.). 1788. Black-throated Seed-eater. Berg Sijsje. R. 1570. Scl. I, p. 178. (Serinus angolensis.) 648. Poliospiza gularis (A. Sm.). 1836. Streaky-headed Seed-eater. Streep- kop Sijsje. R. 1581. Scl. I, p. 165. *649. Poliospiza mennelli E. C. Chubb. 1908. Rhodesian Streaky-headed Seed-eater. Rhodesia Streepkop Sijsje. *650. Poliospiza reichardi Rchw. 1882. Lesser Streaky -headed Seed-eater. Kleine Streepkop Sijsje. R. 1584. Serinus Koch. 1816. 651. Serinus scotops (Sund.). 1850. Streaky-breasted Seed-eater. Streep- borst Sijsje. R. 1587. Scl. I, p. 177. 652. Serinus canicollis (Sw.). 1838. Cape Canary. Kaapse Kanarie. R. 1588. Scl. I, p. 168. 653. Serinus sulphuratus (L.). 1766. Bully Seed-eater. Dubbele Geel- sijsje. R. 1591. Scl. I, p. 169. 654. Serinus sharpei Neum. 1900. Sharp’s Seed-eater. Sharp’s Geelsijsje. R. 1593. 655. Serinus flaviventris (Sw.). 1828. Yellow-bellied Seed-eater. Geel- sijsje. R. 1594. Scl. I, p. 170. 656. Serinus marshalli (Shelley). 1902. Golden Seed-eater. Kleine Geelsijsje. R. 1595. Scl. (Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8, 1905.) 657. Serinus icterus (Vieill.). 1817. Icterine Seed-eater. Groen Sijsje. R. 1598. Scl. I, p. 173. Spinus Koch. 1816. 658. Spinus totta (Sparrm.). 1786. South African Siskin. Zuidafrikaanse sijsje. R. 1603. Scl. I, p. 182. (Chrysomitris totta.) Heliospiza Gunning. 1907. *659. Heliospiza noomei Gg. 1907. Brown Seed-eater. Bruine Sijsje.. (Journal S.A.O.U., Ill, p. 208.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 127 Anomalos'piza Shelley. 1901. 660. Anomalospiza imberbis (Cab.). 1868. Kendall’s Seed-eater. Ken- dall’s Sijsje. R. 1604. Scl. I, p. 172. (Serinus imberbis rendalli. ) Ember iza Briss. 1760. 661. Emberiza major (Cab.). 1880. Large Bunting. Grote Gors. R. 1615. Scl. I, p. 186. (Emberiza major orientals.) 662. Emberiza fiaviventris Steph. 1815. Golden-breasted Bunting. Goudborst Gors. R. 1616. Scl. I, p. 184. Fringillaria Sw. 1837. 663. Fringillaria capensis (L.). 1766. Cape Bunting. Kaapse Gors. R. 1619. Scl. I, p. 187. 664. Fringillaria capensis media Sharpe. 1904. Lesser Cape Bunting. Kleine Kaapse Gors. R. 1619a. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 665. Fringillaria reidi Shell. 1902. Natal Bunting. Natal Gors. * R. 1620. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 666. Fringillaria tahapisi A. Sm. 1836. Kock Bunting. Kots Gors. R. 1621. Scl. I, p. 189. 667. Fringillaria impetuani (A. Sm.). 1836. Lark Bunting. Leeuwerik Gors. R. 1627. Scl. I, p. 190. MOTACILLIDAE. Motacilla L. 1758. 668. Motacilla capensis L. 1766. Cape Wagtail. Kwikstaartje. R. 1629. Scl. I, p. 259. 669. Motacilla vidua Sund. 1850. African Pied Wagtail. Bonte Kwik- staartje. R. 1630. Scl. I, p. 255. 670. Motacilla vaillanti Cab. 1850. Vaillant’s Wagtail. Vaillant’s Kwik- staartje. R. 1631. Budytes Guv. 1817. 671. Budytes flavus (L.). 1758. Blue-beaded Wagtail. Blauwkop Kwik- staartje. R. 1636. Scl. I, p. 261. (Motacilla flava.) 672. Budytes melanocephalus (Licht.). 1823. Black-headed Wagtail. Zwartkop Kwikstaartje. R. 1639. Scl. I, p. 263. (Motacilla melanocephala.) 128 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 673. Budytes campestris (Pall.). 1776. Yellow Wagtail. Geele Kwik- staartje. R. 1641. Scl. I, p. 260. Anthus Bechst. 1807. 674. Anthus chloris Licht. 1842. Yellow-breasted Pipit. Geelborst Pieper. R. 1642. Scl. I, p. 243. 675. Anthus lineiventris Sund. 1850. Stripe-bellied Pipit. Streepbuik Pieper. R. 1643. Scl. I, p. 245. 676. Anthus crenatus Finch. Hartl. 1870. Large Yellow-tufted Pipit. Grote Geel Pieper. R. 1644. Scl. I, p. 245. 677. Anthus trivialis (L.). 1758. Tree Pipit. Boom Pieper. R. 1647. Scl. I, p. 247. 678. Anthus brachyurus Sund. 1850. Short-tailed Pipit. Kort-staart Pieper. R. 1648. Scl. I, p. 248. 679. Anthus caffer (Sund.). 1850. Larger Short-tailed Pipit. Grote Kortstaart Pieper. R. 1649. 680. Anthus rufulus cinnamomeus Rupp. 1835. Tawny Pipit. Vale Pieper. R. 1652. Scl. I, p. 251. (Anthus rufulus.) 681. Anthus nicholsoni Sharpe. 1884. Nicholson’s Pipit. Nicholson’s Pieper. R. 1654. Scl. I, p. 249. 682. Anthus leucophrys Vieill. 1818. Plain-backed Pipit. Bruinrug Pieper. R. 1655. Scl. I, p. 250. (Anthus pyrrhonotus. ) Tmetothylacus Cab. 1879. *683. Tmetothylacus tenellus (Cab.). 1878. Golden Pipit. Goud Pieper. R. 1665. (Journal S.A.O.U., June, 1906.) Macronyx Sw. 1827. 684. Macronyx capensis (L.). 1766. Cape Longclaw. Kalkoentje. R. 1658. Scl. I, p. 238. 685. Macronyx croceus (Vieill.). 1816. Yellow-throated Longclaw. Geel- borst Kalkoentje. R. 1659. Scl. I, p. 239. 686. Macronyx ameliae Tarrag. 1845, Pink-breasted Longclaw. Roos- kleurige Kalkoentje. R. 1663. Scl. I, p. 240. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 120 ALAUDIDAE. Mirafra. Horsf. 1820. 687. Mirafra nivosa (Sw.). 1837. Karroo Lark. Karroo Leeuwerik. R. 1666. Scl. I, p. 230. (Alaemon nivosa.) 688. Mirafra naevia (Strickl.). 1852. Dark-lined Lark. Gestreepte Leeuwerik. R. 1668. Scl. I, p. 209. 689. Mirafra sabota A. Sm. 1836. Sabota Lark. Sabota Leeuwerik. R. 1669. Scl. I, p. 208. 690. Mirafra africanoides A. Sm. 1836. Fawn-coloured Lark. Yale Leeuwerik. R. 1671. Scl. I, p. 210. 691. Mirafra chiniana A. Sm. 1843. Latakoe Lark. Latakoe Leeuwerik. R. 1675. Scl. I, p. 215. 692. Mirafra fringillaris Sund. 1850. Finchlike Lark. Vink Leeuwerik. R. 1676. Scl. I, p. 214. 693. Mirafra damarensis Sharpe. 1874. Damara Lark. Damara Leeuwerik. R. 1677. Scl. I, p. 211. 694. Mirafra apiata (Vieill.). 1816. Bar-tailed Lark. Streepstaart Leeuwerik. R. 1680. Scl. I, p. 217. 695. Mirafra fischeri (Rchw.). 1877. Fisher’s Lark. Fisher’s Leeuwerik. R. 1681. Scl. I, p. 216. 696. Mirafra rufipilea (Vieill.). 1816. Bufous Lark. Koode Leeuwerik. R. 1683. Scl. I, p. 218. 697. Mirafra africana A. Sm. 1836. Bufous-naped Lark. Boodnek Leeuwerik. R. 1686. Scl. I, p. 212. Heteronyx Claude Grant . 1908. *698. Heteronyx ruddi C. Grant. 1908. Budd‘s Lark. Budd’s Leeuwerik. (Bull. B.O.C., CXLIV, June, 1908.) Pinarocorys Shell. 1902. 699. Pinarocorys nigricans (Sund.). 1850. Dusky Lark. Donkere Leeuwerik. R. 1691. Scl. I, p. 207. (Mirafra nigricans.) Heterocorys Sharpe. 1874. 700. Heterocorys breviunguis (Sund.). 1850. Short-clawed Lark. Kort- nagel Leeuwerik. R. 1692. Scl. I, p. 227. 130 Annals of the Transvaal Museum, Certhilauda Sw. 1837. 701. Certhilauda semitorquata A. Sm. 1836. Grey-collared Lark. Hals- band Leeuwerik. R. 1694. Scl. I, p. 228. (Alaemon semitorquata.) 702. Certhilauda capensis (Bodd.). 1783. Cape Long-billed Lark. Langbek Leeuwerik. R. 1696. Scl. I,p. 233. 703. Certhilauda albofasciata Lair. 1836. Rufous Long-billed Lark. Rosse Langbek Leeuwerik. * R. 1697. Scl. I, p. 234. (Certhilauda rufula.) 704. Certhilauda albofasciata arenaria Rchw. 1904. Namaqua Long- billed Lark. Namaqua Langbek Leeuwerik. R. 1697a. *705. Certhilauda albofasciata erikssoni Hart. 1907. Erikson’s Long- billed Lark. Erikson’s Langbek Leeuwerik. (Bull. B.O.C., CXXXIV, May, 1907.) Ammomanes Cab. 1851. 706. Ammomanes grayi (Wahlb.). 1855. Gray’s Lark. Gray’s Leeuwerik. R. 1698. Scl. I, p. 198. 707. Ammomanes erythrochlamys (Strickl.). 1852. Red-backed Lark. Roodrug Leeuwerik. R. 1702. Scl. I, p. 199. 708. Ammomanes ferruginea (A. Sm.). 1839. Ferrugineous Lark. Rosse Leeuwerik. R. 1703. Scl. I, p. 200. Galerida Boie. 1828. 709. Galerida crassirostris (Vieill.). 1816. Thick-billed Lark. Dubbele Leeuwerik. R. 1707. Scl. I, p. 202. (Calendula crassirostris.) Botha Shell. 1902. 710. Botha difficilis Shell. 1902. Botha’s Lark. Botha’s Leeuwerik. R. 1709. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) Pyrrhulauda A. Sm. 1839. 711. Pyrrhulauda australis (A. Sm.). 1836. Black-faced Lark. Halsband Leeuwerik. R. 1710. Scl. I, p. 194. 712. Pyrrhulauda leucotis smithi. Bp. 1850. White-cheeked Lark. Witwang Leeuwerik. R. 1711a. Scl. I, p. 196. (Pyrrhulauda smithi.) 713. Pyrrhulauda verticalis (A. Sm.). 1836. Grey -backed Lark, Grijsrug Leeuwerik. R. 1714, Scl, I, p. 195, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 131 Calandrella Kaup. 1829. 714. Calandrella conirostris (Bund.). 1850. Pink-billed Lark. Koodbek Leeuwerik. R. 1724. Scl. I, p. 220. (Spizocorys conirostris.) 715. Calandrella starki Shell. 1902. Stark’s Lark. Stark’s Leeuwerik. R. 1725. (Scl. Check List : South African Museum Annals, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 716. Calandrella sclateri Shell. 1902. Sclater’s Lark. Sclater’s Leeuwerik. R. 1726. (Scl. Check List : South African Museum Annals, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 717. Calandrella cinerea (Gm.). 1788. Red- capped Lark. Kuif Leeuwerik. R. 1729. Scl. I, p. 222. (Tephrocorys cinerea.) PYCNONOTIDAE. Phyllastrephus Sw. 1831. *718. Phyllastrephus milanjensis (Shell.). 1894. Nyassa Bulbul. Nyassa Bulbul. R. 1753. 719. Phyllastrephus flaviventris (A. Sm.). 1834. Yellow-bellied Bulbul. Geelbuik Bulbul. R. 1758. Scl. II, p. 68. (Chlorocichla flaviventris.) 720. Phyllastrephus flaviventris occidentalis (Sharpe). 1881. Damara Yellow-bellied Bulbul. Damara Geelbuik Bulbul. R. 1758&. Scl. II, p. 69. (Chlorocichla occidentalis.) 721. Phyllastrephus flavostriatus (Sharpe). 1876. Yellow-streaked Bulbul. Geelgestreepte Bulbul. R. 1761. Scl. II, p. 73. (Phyllastrephus flavistriatus. ) 722. Phyllastrephus debilis (W. Scl.). 1899. Slender Bulbul. Kleine Bulbul. R. 1763. Scl. II, p. 66. (Andropadus debilis.) *723. Phyllastrephus cerviniventris Shell. 1894. Grey-bellied Bulbul Grijzbuik Bulbul. R. 1770. 724. Phyllastrephus capensis Sw. 1837. Cape Bristle-necked Bulbul. Kaapse Bulbul. R. 1773. Scl. II, p. 71. *725. Phyllastrephus capensis suahelicus (Rchw.). 1879. Swahali Bristle- necked Bulbul. Swahili Bulbul. R. 1773a. 726. Phyllastrephus strepitans (Rchw.). 1879. Reichenow’s Bristle-necked Bulbul. Reichenow’s Bulbul. R. 1774. Scl. II, p. 72. 132 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. Andropadus Sw. 1831. 727. Andropadus importunus (Vieill.). 1818. Sombre Bulbul. Donkere Bulbul. R. 1775. Scl. II, p. 65. 728. Andropadus insularis Hartl. 1861. Peters’ Bulbul. Peters’ Bulbul. R. 1778. Scl. II, p. 70. (Chlorocichla oleagina.) Pycnonotus Kuhl. ( Boie .) 1827. 729. Pycnonotus capensis (L.). 1766. Cape Bulbul. Kuifkop of Geelgat. R. 1790. Scl. II, p. 61. 730. Pycnonotus capensis nigricans (Vieill.). 1818. Red-eyed Bulbul. Zwartkop Kuifkop. R. 1793. Scl. II, p. 64. 731. Pycnonotus barbatus tricolor (Hartl.). 1861. Damara Bulbul. Damara Kuifkop. R. 1791. Scl. II, p. 62. 732. Pycnonotus barbatus layardi Gurn. 1879. Black-cap Bulbul. Toppie. R. 1794. Scl. II, p. 63. ZOSTEROPIDAE. Zosterops Vig. Horsf. 1826. 733. Zosterops anderssoni Shell. 1892. Andersson’s White-eye. Anders- son’s Glasoogje. R. 1797. Scl. I, p. 300. 734. Zosterops virens Sund. 1850. Green White-eye. Groene Glasoogje. R. 1801. Scl. I, p. 301. 735. Zosterops sundevalli Hartl. 1865. Sundevall’s White-eye. Sunde- vall’s Glasoogje. R. 1813. Scl. I, p. 302. (Zosterops pallida.) 736. Zosterops deserticula Rchw. 1904. Namaqua White-eye. Namaqua Glasoogje. R. 1814. 737. Zosterops annulosa (Sw.). 1823. Cape White-eye. Kaapse Glas- oogje. R. 1817. Scl. I, p. 302. (Zosterops capensis.) 738. Zosterops atmorei Sharpe. 1875. Pale White-eye. Lichte Glasoogje. R. 1818. NECTARINIIDAE. Anthreptes Sw. 1837. 739. Anthreptes collaris (Vieill.). 1819. Little Collared Sunbird. Kleine Halsband Suikerbekje. R, 1833. Scl. I, p, 297. (Anthothreptes collaris.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 133 740. Anthreptes collaris hypodilus (Jardine). 1851. Zambezi Collared Sunbird. Zambezi Suikerbekje. R. 1833a. Scl. I, p. 298. (Anthothreptes collaris hypodilus.) *741. Anthreptes reichenowi. Gg. 1909. Bine- throated Sunbird. Blauw- keel Suikerbekje. (Annals of the Transvaal Museum, January, 1909.) *742. Anthreptes longuemarei nyassae Neum. 1906. Plum-coloured Sun- bird. Blauw Suikerbekje. Chalcomitra Rchb. 1853. 743. Chalcomitra olivacea (A. Sm.). 1839. Olive-coloured Sunbird. Olijfkleurig Suikerbekje. R. 1838. Scl. I, p. 292. (Cinnyris olivaceus.) *744. Chalcomitra olivacea daviesi (Haagner). Pondo Olive Sunbird. Pondo Suikerbekje. (Bull. B.O.C., October, 1907.) *745. Chalcomitra olivacina (Ptrs.). 1881. Little Olive Sunbird. Kleine Olijkleurige Suikerbekje. R. 1839. 746. Chalcomitra fusca (Vieill.). 1819. White-vented Sunbird. Witpens Suikerbekje. R. 1842. Scl. I, p. 290. (Cinnyris fuscus.) 747. Chalcomitra verreauxi (A. Sm.). 1831. Mouse-coloured Sunbird. Muiskleurige Suikerbekje. R. 1844. Scl. I, p. 291. (Cinnyris verreauxi.) 748. Chalcomitra verreauxi fischeri (Rchw.). 1880. Fisher’s Mouse- coloured Sunbird. Fisher’s Suikerbekje. R. 1844a. 749. Chalcomitra amethystina (Shaw). 1811. Black Sunbird. Zwarte Suikerbekje. R. 1852. Scl. I, p. 287. (Cinnyris amethystinus. ) 750. Chalcomitra kirki (Shell.). 1876. Kirk’s Sunbird. Kirk’s Suiker- bekje. R. 1855. Scl. I, p. 289. (Cinnyris kirki.) 751. Chalcomitra gutturalis (L.). 1766. Scarlet-breasted Sunbird. Rood- borst Suikerbekje. R. 1864. Scl. I, p. 286. (Cinnyris gutturalis.) 752. Chalcomitra gutturalis saturatior (Rchw.). 1891. Western Scarlet- breasted Sunbird. Westelike Roodborst Suikerbekje. R. 1864a. Cinnyris Cuv. 1817. 753. Cinnyris leucoga‘ster Vieill. 1819. White-breasted Sunbird. Witborst Suikerbekje. R. 1869. Scl. I, p. 281. i34 Annals Ob' tse Transvaal Museum. *754. Cinnyris venustus niassae Rchw. 1899. Niassa Yellow-bellied Sunbird. Niassa Suikerbekje. R. 18726. (Bull. B.O.C., CXXIX, December, 1906.) 755. Cinnyris cupreus (Shaw). 1811. Copper Sunbird. Koper Suiker- bekje. R. 1873. Scl. (Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 756. Cinnyris mariquensis A. Sm. 1836. Southern Bifasciated Sunbird. Dubbele Halsband Suikerbekje. R. 1876. Scl. I, p. 279. *757. Cinnyris mariquensis microrhynchus Shell. 1876. Little Bifasciated Sunbird. Kleine Dubbele Halsband Suikerbekje. R. 1876/. 758. Cinnyris shelleyi Alex. 1899. Shelley’s Sunbird. Shelley’s Suiker- bekje. R. 1878. (Scl. Cheek List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 759. Cinnyris afer (L.). 1766. Greater Double-collared Sunbird. Grote Dubbelband Suikerbekje. R. 1886. Scl. I, p. 282. 760. Cinnyris ludovicensis (Boc.). 1868. Northern Double-collared Sun- bird. Noordelik Dubbelband Suikerbekje. R. 1888. Scl. I, p. 284. 761. Cinnyris chalybaeus (L.). 1766. Lesser Double-collared Sunbird. Kleine Dubbelband Suikerbekje. R. 1889. Scl. I, p. 284. *762. Cinnyris neergaardi Claude Grant. 1908. Neergaard’s Sunbird. Neergaard’s Suikerbekje. (Bull. B.O.C., CXLIII, May, 1908.) 763. Cinnyris subalaris Rchw. 1899. Reichenow’s Sunbird. Reichenow’s Suikerbekje. R. 1893. Nectarinia III. 1811. 764. Nectarinia violacea (L.). 1766. Orange-breasted Sunbird. Oranje- borst Suikerbekje. R. 1902. Scl. I, p. 293. (Anthobaphes violacea.) 765. Nectarinia iamosa (L.). 1766. Malachite Sunbird. Jan Groentje. R. 1903. Scl. I, p. 276. *766. Nectarinia arturi P. L. Scl. 1906. Melsetter Sunbird. Melsetter Suikerbekje. (Bull. B.O.C., CXXIX, December, 1906.) Promerops Briss. 1760. 767, Promerops cafer (L.). 1758. Cape Long-tailell Sugarbird. Lang- staart Suikervogel. R. 1910. Scl. I, p. 269. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 135 768. Promerops gurneyi Verr. 1871. Natal Long-tailed Sugarbird. Natal Langstaart Zuikervogel. R. 1911. Scl. I, p. 273. CERTHIIDAE. Salpornis G. R. Gr. 1847. 769. Salpornis salvadorii (Boc.). 1878. Spotted Creeper. Gevlekte Boomkruiper. R. 1912. Scl. I, p. 266. (Salpornis spilonotus salvadori.) PARIIDAE. Rarus L. 1758. 770. Pams niger Vieill. 1818. Black Tit. Zwarte Mees. R. 1915. Scl. I, p. 307. 771. Pams xanthostomus Shell. 1892. Zambezi Black Tit. Zambezi Zwarte Mees. R. 1916. Scl. I, p. 308. (Parus niger xanthostomus.) 772. Pams rufiventris Boc. 1877. Red-bellied Tit. Roodbuik Mees. R. 1919. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 723. Parus pailidiventris Rchw. Fawn-bellied Tit. Bruinbuik Mees. R. 1920. Scl. I, p. 307. *774. Parus pailidiventris rovumae Shell. 1885. Pale-bellied Tit. Bleek bnik Mees. R. 1920a. 775. Pams afer Gm, 1788. Grey Tit. Grijze Mees. R. 1923. Scl. I, p. 305. *776. Pams afer damarensis Rchw. 1902. Damara Grey Tit. Damara Grijze Mees. R. 1923a. Parisoma Sic. 1831. 777. Parisoma subcaeruleum (Vieill.). 1817. Titbabbler. Roodgat Mees. R. 1926. Scl. II, p. 75. *778. Parisoma subcaeruleum cinerascens Rchw. 1902. Damara Tit- babbler. Damara Roodgat Mees. R. 1926a. 779. Parisoma layardi Hartl. 1862. Layard’s Titbabbler. Layard’s Mees. R. 1928. Scl. II, p. 76. 780. Parisoma plumbeum (Hartl.). 1858. Hartlaub’s Titbabbler. Hart- laub’s Mees. R. 1929. Scl. II, p. 77. Anthoscopus Cab. 1850. 781. Anthoscopus caroli Sharpe. #1871. Andersson’s Penduline Tit. Andersson’s Kapokvogel. R. 1937. Scl. I, p. 312. (Aegithalus caroli.); 136 Annals of the Transva al Museum. *782. Anthoscopus robertsi Haagn. Boror Penduline Tit. Boror Kapok- vogel. (Annals Transvaal Museum, August, 1909.) 783. Anthoscopus minutus (Shaw and Nod.). 1812. Cape Penduline Tit. Kapokvogel. R. 1939. Scl. I, p. 310. (Aegithalus capensis.) SYLVIIDAE. Sphenoeacus StricJcl. 1841. 784. Sphenoeacus afer (Gml.). 1788. Cape Grass Bird. Grasvogel. R. 1948. Scl. II, p. 167. (Sphenoeacus africanus.) 785. Sphenoeacus intermedius Shell. 1882. Eastern Province Grass Bird. Oostelike Grasvogel. R. 1949. Scl. II, p. 168. 786. Sphenoeacus natalensis Shell. 1882. Natal Grass Bird. Natal Grasvogel. R. 1950. Scl. II, p. 168. *787. Sphenoeacus transvaalensis C. Grant. Transvaal Grass Bird. Trans- vaal Grasvogel. (Bull. B.O.C., CXLIII, May, 1908.) Melocichla Hartl. 1857. *788. Melocichla mentalis orientalis (Sharpe). 1883. Rufous-fronted Thrush- Warbler. Roodborst Rietzanger. R. 1951a. (Ibis, July, 1908, p. 441.) Cisticola Kaup. 1829. 789. Cisticola subruficapilla (A. Sm.). 1843. Grey-backed Grass- warbler. Grijsrug Rietzanger. R. 1955. Scl. II, p. 151. *789a. Cisticola rufilata, Hartl. Rufous Grass - warbler. Roode Rietzanger. *790. Cisticola strangei (Fras.). 1843. Grey-headed Grass- warbler. Grijs- kop Rietzanger. R. 1958. 791. Cisticola chiniana (A. Sm.). 1843. Smith’s Warbler. Smith’s Riet- zanger. R. 1960. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) *792. Cisticola chiniana magna Gould. Southern Smith’s Warbler. (See Annals Transvaal Museum, August, 1909.) 793. Cisticola natalensis (A. Sm.). 1843. Natal Grass -warbler. Natal Rietzanger. R. 1967. Scl. II, p. 155. 794. Cisticola tinniens (Xcht.). 1842. .Levaillant’s Grass- warbler. Levail- lant’s Rietzanger. R. 1970. Scl. I, p. 147. 137 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 795„ Cisticola lugubris Riipp. 1835. Buff-fronted Grass-warbler. Riippel’s Bietzanger. R. 1971. Scl. II, p. 153. 796. Cisticola cisticola uropygialis (Fras.). 1843. Rufous-rumped Grass- warbler. Kleine Rietzanger. R. 1976. Scl. II, p. 150. (Cisticola cursitans.) 797. Cisticola terrestris (A. Sm.). 1849. Wren Grass-warbler. Grond Rietzanger. R„ 1977. Scl. II, p. 149. *798. Cisticola lavendulae Grant Reid, 1901. Pale Wren Grass-warbler. Lichte Grond Rietzanger. R. 1980. *799. Cisticola sylvia Rchw. 1904. Sylvia Grass-warbler. Sylvia Riet- zanger. R. 1990. 800. Cisticola semitorques (Heugl.). 1862. Grey Grass-warbler. Grijze Rietzanger. R. 1991. Scl. II, p. 144. (Cisticola cinerascens. ) 801. Cisticola iulvicapilla (Vieill.). 1817. Tawny-headed Grass-warbler. Bruinkop Rietzanger. R. 1995. Scl. II, p. 141. *802. Cisticola cinnamomeiceps Haagn. 1909. Cinnamon-crowned Grass- warbler. Bruinkop Rietzanger. (Annals Transvaal Museum, January, 1909.) 803. Cisticola ruficapilla (A, Sm.). 1842. Red-headed Grass-warbler. Roskop Rietzanger. R. 1993 and 1996. Scl. II, p. 143. (Cisticola aberrans. ) 804. Cisticola rufa (Fras.). 1843. Tawny-backed Grass- warbler. Fraser’s Rietzanger. R, 2000. Scl. II, p. 145. 805. Cisticola erythrops (Hartl.). 1857. Rufous-fronted Grass-warbler. Hartlaub’s Rietzanger. R. 2002. Scl. II, p. 145. Heliolais Sharpe. 1903. *806. Heliolais erythroptera (Jard.). 1849. Red-winged Grass- warbler. Rooivlerk Rietzanger. R. 2004. (Bull. B.O.C., CXLIII, May, 1908.) *807. Heliolais kirbyi Haagn. 1909. Boror Redwing Grass-warbler. Boror Rooivlerk Rietzanger. (Annals Transvaal Museum, August, 1909.) Hemipteryx Sw. 1837. 808. Hemipteryx textrix (Vieill.). 1802. Tink-tink Grass-warbler. Tink- tinkil. R. 2003. Scl. II, p. 146. (Cisticola textrix.) 7 138 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. *809. Hemipteryx minuta Gunning. 1909. Little Pinc-pinc Warbler. Kleine Pink-pinkje. (Annals Transvaal Museum, January, 1909.) Euryptila Sharpe. 1883. 810. Euryptila subcinnamomea (A. Sm.). 1827. Cinnamon-breasted Warbler. Kaneelkleurige Rietzanger. R. 2007. Scl. II, p. 97. Calamonastes Sharpe. 1883. 811. Calamonastes fasciolatus (A. Sm.). 1847. Barred Wren Warbler. Gebande Rietzanger. R. 2008. Scl. II, p. 129. *812. Calamonastes stierlingi Rchw. 1901. Stierling’s Barred Wren Warbler. Stierling’s Gebande Rietzanger. R. 2009. Calamocichla Sharpe. 1883. 813. Calamocichla cunenensis Hart. 1903. Cunene Warbler. Cunene Rietzanger. R. 2017. *814. Calamocichla zuluensis Neum. 1908. Zulu Warbler. Zulu Riet- zanger. (Bull. B.O.C., CXLIII, May, 1908.) Schoenicola Blythe. 1844. 815. Schoenicola apicalis (Cab.). 1850. Fantailed Reed- warbler. Paauw- staart Rietzanger. R. 2019. Scl. II, p. 104. Bradypterus Sw. 1837. 816. Bradypterus brachypterus (Vieill.). 1817. Stripe-throated Reed- warbler. Streepkeel Rietzanger. R. 2020. Scl. II, p. 99. 817. Bradypterus sylvaticus Sund. 1857. Knysna Reed-warbler. Knysna Rietzanger. R. 2022. Scl. II, p. 101. *818. Bradypterus pondoensis Haagner. 1909. Pondo Reed- warbler. Pondo Rietzanger. (Journal S.A.O.U., September, 1909.) 819. Bradypterus babaeculus (Vieill.). 1827. Reed-warbler. Smattertje. R. 2025. Scl. II, p. 109. (Bradypterus barratti.) 820. Bradypterus victorini Sund. 1858. Victories Warbler. Victories Rietzanger. R. 2029. Scl. II, p. 95. (Phlexis victorini.) Lusciniola Gray. 1841. 821. Lusciniola gracilirostris (Hartl.). 1846. Babbling Reed-warbler. Dunbek Rietzanger. R. 2032. Scl. II, p. 102. (Bradypterus babaecula.) 139 Annals of the Transvial Museum. Locustella Kaup. 1829. 822. Locustella fluviatilis (Wolf.). 1810. River Grasshopper-warbler. Sprinkhaan Rietzanger. R. 2033. Scl. II, p. 94. Acrocephalus Naum. 1811. 823. Acrocephalus arundinaceus (L.). 1758. Great Reed-warbler. Grote Rietzanger. R. 2034. Scl. II, p. 88. 824. Acrocephalus palustris (Bechst.). 1802. Marsh Warbler. Moras Rietzanger. R. 2037. Scl. II, p. 90. 825. Acrocephalus baeticatus (Vieill.). 1817. African Reed-warbler. Afrikaanse Rietzanger. R. 2038. Scl. II, p. 91. 826. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (Linn.). 1788. Sedge Warbler. Kleine Rietzanger. R. 2039. Scl. II, p. 93. Prinia Horsf. 1821. 827. Prinia mystacea Rupp. 1835. Tawny-fLanked Wren Warbler. Klein Jantje. R. 2040. Scl. II, p. 135. 828. Prinia flavicans Vieill. 1820. Black-chested Wren Warbler. Zwart- borst Klein Jantje. R. 2042. Scl. II, p. 136. 829. Prinia maculosa Bodd. 1783. Cape Wren Warbler. Kaapse Klein Jantje. R. 2043. Scl. II, p. 133. 830. Prinia substriata (A. Sm.). 1842. White-breasted Wren Warbler Witborst Klein Jantje. R. 2044. Scl. II, p. 131. 831. Prinia hypoxantha (Sharpe). 1876. Saffron-breasted Wren Warbler. Geelborst Klein Jantje. R. 2045. Scl. II, p. 132.. Apalis Sw. 1833. 832. Apalis ocularia (A. Sm.). 1843. Rufous-eared Wren Warbler. Rood- oor Klein Jantje. R. 2058. Scl. II, p. 138. (Spiloptila ocularia.) 833. Apalis ocularia malopensis (Sharpe). 1903. Malapo Wren Warbler. Malapo Klein Jantje. R. 2058a. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) *834. Apalis chirindensis Shell. 1906. Chirinda Wren Warbler. Chirinda Klein Jantje. (Bull. B.O.C., CXXVI, June, 1906.) 140 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. *835. Apalis ruddi Claude Grant. 1908. Rudd’s Wren Warbler. Rudd’s Klein Jantje. 836. Apalis thoracica (Shaw and Nod.). 1811. Bar-throated Wren Warbler. Streepkeel Klein Jantje. R. 2071. Scl. II, p. 121. 837. Apalis florisuga (Lcht.). Rchw. 1898. Yellow-breasted Bush- warbler. Bloemloopertje. R. 2080. Scl. II, p. 125. (pt.) 838. Apalis neglecta Alex. 1900. Eastern Black-breasted Bush- warbler. Oostelike Boszanger. R. 2081. Scl. II, p. 126. (Chlorodyta neglecta.) 839. Apalis flavida (Strickl. and Scl.). 1852. Black-breasted Bush- warbler. Zwart-borst Boszanger. R. 2082. Scl. II, p. 125. (Chlorodyta flavida.) Camaroptera Sund. 1850. *840. Camaroptera griseoviridis (v. Mull.). 1851. Grey-green Bush- warbler. Grijsgroene Boszanger. R. 2093. 841. Camaroptera griseoviridis sundevalli. Sharpe. 1882. Grey-backed Bush-warbler. Grijsrug Boszanger. R. 2093a. Scl. II, p. 113. (Camaroptera sundevalli.) 842. Camaroptera brachyura (Vieill.). 1820. Green-backed Bush-warbler. Groenrug Boszanger. R. 2094. Scl. II, p. 112. (Camaroptera olivacea.) 843. Camaroptera brevicaudata (Cretsch.). 1826. Short-tailed Bush- warbler. Kortstaart Boszanger. R. 2095. Scl. II, p. 114. Sylvietta Lafr. 1839. 844. Sylvietta rufescens (Vieill.). 1817. Crombec. Krombek. R. 2107. Scl. II, p. 115. *845. Sylvietta flecki (Rchw.). 1900. Fleck’s Crombec. Fleck’s Krombek R. 2108. *846. Sylvietta whytei (Shell.). Niassa Crombec. Niassa Krombek. (Ibis January, 1907.) 847. Sylvietta pallida Alex. 1899. Zambezi Crombec. Zambezi Krombek. R. 2117. Scl. II, p. 117. Eremomela Sund. 1850. 848. Eremomela flaviventris (Burch.). 1824. Yellow-bellied Bush-warbler. Geelbuik Boszanger. R. 2128. Scl. II, p. 106. *849. Eremomela flaviventris sliarpei. Rchw. 1905. Sharpe’s Yellow- bellied Bush-warbler. Sharpe’s Bossanger. R. 2128a. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 141 850. Eremomela polioxantha Sharpe. Buckley’s Bush- warbler. Buckley’s Boszanger. R. 2130. Scl. II, p. 108. 851. Eremomela helenorae Alex. 1899. Zambezi Bush-warbler. Zambezi Boszanger. R. 2131. Scl. II, p. 109. 852. Eremomela damarensis Wahl. 1855. Damara Bush-warbler. Damara Boszanger. R. 2133. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) (Eremomela flaviventris. ) 853. Eremomela scotops Sund. 1850. Dusky-faced Bush-warbler. Sundevall’s Boszanger. R. 2137. Scl. II, p. 110. 854. Eremomela albigularis (Finch and Hartl.). 1870. White-throated Bush-warbler. Witkeel Boszanger. R. 2145. 855. Eremomela usticollis Sund. 1850. Brown-throated Bush-warbler. Bruinkeel Boszanger. R. 2146. Scl. II, p. 110. *856. Eremomela baumgarti Rchw. 1905. Baumgart’s Bush-warbler. Baumgart’s Boszanger. R. 2127. Phylloscopus Boie. 1826. 857. Phylloscopus trochilus (L.). 1758. Willow Wren. Hofzanger. R. 2151. Scl. II, p. 84. Hypolais Brehm. 1828. 858. Hypolais hypolais (L.). 1758. Icterine Warbler. Spotvogel. R. 2157. Scl. II, p. 86. (Hypolais icterina.) Sylvia Scop. 1769. 859. Sylvia simplex Lath. 1787. Garden Warbler. Tuinfluiter. R. 2159. Scl. II, p. 82. 860. Sylvia sylvia (L.). 1758. Common White-throat. Grasmeerle. R. 2160. Scl. II, p. 81. (Sylvia cinerea.) TURDIDAE. Crateropus Sw. 1831. 861. Crateropus jardinei A. Sm, 1836. Jardine’s Babbler. Jardine’s Kakelaar. R. 2174. Scl. II, p. 55. 862. Crateropus jardinei kirki. Sharpe. 1875. Kirk’s Babbler. Kirk’s Kakelaar. R. 2174a. Scl. II, p. 57. (Crateropus kirki.) 883. Crateropus melanops Hartl. 1866. Black-faced Babbler. Zwart- wang Kakelaar. R. 2176. Scl, II, p. 58, 142 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 864. Crateropus hartlaubi Boc. 1868. Hartlaub’s Babbler. Hartlaub’s Kakelaar. R. 2182. Scl. II, p. 58. 865. Crateropus bicolor Jard. 1880. Pied Babbler. Bonte Kakelaar. R. 2189. Scl. II, p. 59. Pinarornis Sharpe. 1875. 866. Pinarornis plumosus Sharpe. 1875. Sooty Chat-warbler. Zwarte Tapuit. R. 2195. Scl. II, p. 158. *867. Pinarornis rhodesiae Chubb. 1908. Rhodesia Chat-warbler. Rho- desia Tapuit. (Bull. B.O.C., June, 1908.) Chaetops Sw. 1831. 868. Chaetops frenatus (Temm.). 1826. Rufous Rock Jumper. Rots- tapuit. R. 2196. Scl. II, p. 160. 869. Chaetops aurantius Lay. 1867. Orange-breasted Rock Jumper. Oranjeborst Tapuit. R. 2197. Scl. II, p. 163. (Chaetops aurantiacus.) 870. Chaetops pycnopygius (Strickl. and Scl.). 1852. Damara Rock Jumper. Damara Tapuit. R. 2198. Scl. II, p. 164. Geocichla (Kuhl.) J. Gould. 1836. 871. Geocichla litsipsirupa A. Sm. 1836. Groundscraper Thrush. Zuid- afrikaanse Lijster. R. 2208. Scl. II, p. 173. (Turdus litsipsirupa.) 872. Geocichla guttata (Vig.). 1831. Natal Thrush. Natal Lijster. R. 2209. Scl. II, p. 172. (Turdus guttatus.) 873. Geocichla gurneyi (Hartl.). 1864. Pondoland Thrush. Gurney’s Lijster. R. 2211. Scl. II, p. 174. (Turdus gurneyi.) Turdus L. 1758. 874. Turdus cabanisi (Bp.). Cab. 1850. Cabanis’ Thrush. Cabanis’ Lijster. R. 2222. Scl. II, p. 177. 875. Turdus olivaceus L, 1766. Cape Thrush. Olijfkleurige Lijster. R. 2223. Scl. II, p. 175. 876. Turdus libonyanus (A. Sm.). Kurrichane Thrush. Roodbek Lijster. R. 2229. Scl. II, p. 177. 878, Turdus libonyanus tropicalis Ptrs. 1881. Peters’ Thrush. Peters’ Lijster. R. 2229ft. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 143 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 879. Turdus libonyanus verreauxi Boc. Verreaux Thmsb. Verreaux Roodbek Lijster. R. 2229e. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) Monticola Boie. 1822. 880. Monticola rupestris (Vieill.). 1818. Cape Rock Thrush. Kaapse Rots Lijster. R. 2232. Scl. II, p. 181. 881. Monticola explorator (Vieill.). 1818. Sentinel Rock Thrush. Wacht- lijster. R. 2233. Scl. II, p. 183. 882. Monticola brevipes Strickl. Scl. 1852. Short-toed Rock Thrush. Korttoon Rots Lijster. R. 2234. Scl. II, p. 184. 883. Monticola angolensis niassae Rchw. 1888. Niassa Rock Thrush. Niassa Rots Lijster. R. 2236a. Scl. II, p. 185. Thamnolaea Cab. 1850. 884. Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris (Lair.). 1836. White-shouldered Bush Chat. Witvlek Bos Lijster. R. 2240. Scl. II, p. 206. 885. Thamnolaea bifasciata (Temm.). 1829. Buff-streaked Chat. Gestreepte Bos Lijster. R. 2245. Scl. II, p. 188. (Myrmecocichla bifasciata.) Myrmecocichla Cab. 1850. 886. Myrmecocichla formicivora (Vieill.). 1818. Ant-eating Chat. Miers- hoop Lijster. R. 2246. Scl. II, p. 186. 887. Myrmecocichla nigra (Vieill.). 1818. Black Chat. Zwarte Bos Lijster. R. 2248. Scl. II, p. 208. (Thamnolaea arnotti.) Emarginata Shell. 1896. 888. Emarginata sinuata (Sund.). 1857. Sickle-winged Chat. Vlakte Lijster. R. 2253. Scl. II, p. 203. 889. Emarginata pollux (Hartl.). 1865. Hartlaub’s Chat. Hartlaub’s Lijster. R. 2254. Scl. II, p. 205. 890. Emarginata cinerea (Vieill.). 1818. Grey Chat. Grijze Lijster. R. 2255. Scl. II, p. 204. 891. Emarginata cinerea schlegeli (Wahib.). 1855. Schlegel’s Chat. Schlegels’ Lijster. R. 2255a. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) Saxicola Bchst. 1802. 892. Saxicola monticola (Vieill.). 1818. Mountain Chat. Berg Lijster. R. 2261. Scl. II, p. 194, 144 Annals of the -Transvaal Museum. 893. Saxicola pileata (Gm.). 1788. Capped Wheatear. Zwartkop Tapuit. R. 2264. Scl. II, p. 196. 894. Saxicola albicans Wahl. 1855. Damara Chat. Damara Tapuit. R. 2269. Scl. II, p. 199. 895. Saxicola layardi Sharpe. 1876. Layard’s Chat. Layard’s Tapuit. R. 2270. Scl. II, p. 200. 896. Saxocola oenanthe (L.). 1758. European Wheatear. Gewone Tapuit. R. 2272. Scl. II, p. 198. Pratincola Koch. 1816. 897. Pratincola torquatus (L.). 1766. South African Stone Chat. Bont- rokkie. R. 2289. Scl. II, p. 190. Lioptilus Cab. 1850. 898. Lioptilus nigricapillus (Vieill.). 1818. Bush Blackcap. Bos Zwartkop Tapuit. R. 2312. Scl. II, p. 232. Cossypha Vig. 1825. 899. Cossypha humeralis (A. Sm.). 1836. White-shouldered Robin Chat. Witschouder Roodborstje. R. 2327. Scl. II, p. 214. 900. Cossypha caffra (L.). 1771. Cape Robin Chat. Kaapse Rood- borstje. R. 2329. Scl. II, p. 213. 901. Cossypha natalensis A. Sm. 1840. Natal Robin Chat. Natal Rood- borstje. R. 2330. Scl. II, p. 210. 902. Cossypha haagneri Gunning. 1909. Pondo Robin Chat. Pondo Roodborstje. (Annals of the Transvaal Museum, January, 1909.) 903. Cossypha bicolor (Sparrm.). 1787. Noisy Robin Chat. Lawaai- maaker. R. 2338. Scl. II, p. 209. 904. Cossypha heuglini Hartl. 1866. Heuglin’s Robin Chat. Heuglin’s Roodborstje. R. 2339. Scl. II, p. 211. Cichladusa Ptrs. 1863. 905. Cichladusa arquata Ptrs. Morning Warbler. Morgenster. R. 2347. Scl. II, p. 216. Eryihropygia A. Sm. 1836. 906. Erythropygia coryphaea (Less.). 1831. Cape Ground Robin. Kaapse Grond Tapuit. R. 2349. Scl. II, p. 229, Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 145 907. Erythropygia signata (Sund.). 1850. Brown Robin Chat. Bruine Bos Tapuit. R. 2350. Scl. II, p. 215. (Cossypha signata.) 908. Erythropygia quadrivirgata Rchw. 1879. Rufous-breasted Ground Robin. Roodborst Bos Tapuit. R. 2352. Scl. II, p. 228. 909. Erythropygia munda (Cab.). 1880. Damara Ground Robin. Damara Grond Tapuit. R. 2354. Scl. II, p. 227. 910. Erythropygia leucophrys (Vieill.). 1817. White-browed Ground Robin. Witoog Grond Tapuit. R. 2355. Scl. II, p. 225. 911. Erythropygia paena A. Sm. 1836. Smith’s Ground Robin. Smith’s Grond Tapuit. R. 2357. Scl. II, p. 223. *912. Erythropygia poena damarensis Hart. 1907. Hartert’s Ground Robin. Hartert’s Grond Tapuit. (Bull. B.O.C., January, 1907.) 913. Erythropygia zambesiana Sharpe. 1882. Zambezi Ground Robin. Zambezi Grond Tapuit. R. 2361. Scl. II, p. 224. Tarsiger Hodson. 1844. 914. Tarsiger stellatus (Vieill.). 1818. White-starred Bush Robin. Witkol Bos Tapuit. R. 2365. Scl. II, p. 217. Phoenicurus Vorst. 1817. 915. Phoenicurus familiaris (Steph.). 1825. Familiar Chat. Dagbreker. R. 2373. Scl. II, p. 201. (Saxicola familiaris.) 916. Phoenicurus familiaris galtoni (Strickl.). 1852. Galton’s Chat. Galton’s Dagbreker. R. 2373 a. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 917. Phoenicurus familiaris hellmayri (Rchw.). 1902. Hellmayer’s Chat. Hellmeyer’s Dagbreker. R. 2373 b. (Scl. Check List : Annals South African Museum, Vol. Ill, p. 8.) 918. Phoenicurus familiaris falkensteini (Cab.). 1875. Falkenstein’s Chat. Fslkenstein’s Dagbreker. R. 2373c. Scl. II, p. 202. (Saxicola falkensteini.) Erythacus Cuv. 1800. *919. Erythacus swynnertoni Shell. 1906. Melsetter Robin. (Bull. B.O.C., CXXVI, June, 1906.) Aedon Vorst. 1817. 920. Aedon philomela (Bechst.). 1795. Eastern Nightingale. Nachtigaal, R. 2381, Scl. II, p. 179, (Erithacus philomela.) Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 147 NOTES 8. Diomedia cauta Gould. In the “ Ibis ” for 1905, p. 558, Mr. Ogilvie-Grant has shown that Thalassogeron Ictyardi of Salvadore is merely a younger phase of Diomedia cauta of Gould. 79. Plectropterus gambensis (L.). From the series of over a score of these birds living in the Zoological Gardens, it is impossible to say where gambensis ends and niger commences, so we are obliged to discard the latter species as invalid. 88. Rhinoptilus chalcopterus (Tern.). Dr. Reichenow believes this bird to be identical with R. albo- fasciatus of Sharpe. In the “ Ibis”, 1900, p. 455, Boyd Alexander states his reasons for doubting the validity of Dr. Sharpe’s bird, with which we must concur after comparison with the series in the Transvaal Museum. There is an obviously immature bird in the collection with narrow white edges to the wing coverts, and the middle tail feathers without white, the remainder being distinctly white tipped, or rather dirty tawny-white. 90. Rhinoptilus cinctus (Heugl.). Dr. Reichenow unites R. seebohmi Sharpe with this species. 98. Charadrius venustus Fschr. and Rchw. The Transvaal Museum contains a large series of skins of this tropical species, collected at Van Wijks Ylei, Carnarvon, West Central Cape Colony, by Lieut. H. A. P. Littledale, of the K.O.Y.L.I., during the months of August to October. There are also three from Port Elizabeth, collected by J. G. Brown and R. H. Ivy. 214. Turtur capicola tropicus Rchw. This is a paler form of capicola , but not so pale as dctmarensis , hence it stands intermediate between the Damaraland and typical birds. The habitat of tropicus Reichenow puts down as “East Africa from Ndussuma to the Northern Transvaal ”. 219. Chalcopelia afra (L.). Dr. Reichenow, in his “ Nachtrag”, separates the green-coloured spotted dove from those which have blue-coloured spots on the wing. From the series of this bird in the Transvaal Museum we should decidedly unite the two birds, as Dr. Reichenow has done in vol. I of his “Vogel Afrikas ”. There are blue-spotted and green-spotted birds from different parts of South Africa ; one with bottle-blue and green spots, and several with green spots edged with blue. Hence the name of afra Linn, must remain that of the South African bird. 148 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 225. Guttera lividicollis Ghigi. In the “Mem. Acc. Sc. Instit., Bologna”, Serie VI, T. II, 1905, Senoi* A. Ghigi separates the Zambesi form of the Crested Guinea- fowl under the above name. 235. Francolinus jugularis pallidior, Neum. In the Bulletin B. 0. C., No. CXXXIX, for January, 1908, p. 45, Mr. 0. Neumann separates this form from the more northern and typical jugularis , Biittikofer. The latter therefore falls out of the South African list, while the locality of pallidior is given as German South-West Africa (south of the Cunene River ; A. W. Eriksson, collector). Similar to gariepensis Smith, but everywhere paler, the belly being without the strong chestnut and black markings of gariepensis. 238. Francolinus coqui angolensis, Rothscli. There are several examples in the Transvaal Museum collected by Roberts and Kirby in the Boror district, which are undoubtedly referable to this species, which is, however, not fully recognized by Reichenow. 240. Francolinus kirki Hartl. In the Bulletin B. O. C., CXLI, for March, 1908, C. H. B. Grant records the procuring of this species at Beira. The Transvaal Museum contains two examples from Boror, Portuguese South- East Africa, collected by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. 261. Kaupifalco monnogrammicus meridionalis (Hartl.). Two specimens from North-Western Rhodesia in the Transvaal Museum seem referable to this sub-species, which is the Western form. Reichenow gives the locality of meridionalis as extending into Damar aland. 268. Accipiter minullus tropicalis Rchw. The Museum contains two examples which seem referable to this species, viz., one from Rhodesia and one from Boror, Portuguese East Africa. 295. Falco peregrinus Tunst. Two specimens in Transvaal Museum from Grahamstown and Pretoria. 301. Cerchneis vespertina (L.). The specimens in the collection do not agree with Reichenow’s description of vespertina , having pure white axillaries and under wing coverts ; are thus referable to his rejected amurensis, Radde, which we will retain pending further investigations. 310. Bubo ascalaphus trothse Rchw. In the January, 1906, number of the u Ornithologische Monats- berichte ”, Dr. Reichenow describes a new Eagle Owl from South- west Africa under the above name. Similar to B. ascalaphus, but smaller, with the brown, wavy lines on the abdominal feathers more profuse ; the yellow-brown tone of the coloration has a tendency to a cinnamon shade, not ochreous, as is the case with the typical form, Hab, Keetmanshoop (Damaraland), coll, Yon Trotha, Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 149 314. Asio leucotis erlangeri Og.-Grant. In the “ Ibis”, October, 1906, p. 660, Mr. Ogilvie-Grant shows that the typical leucotis is the northern form, so that the South African bird was without a name ; he gave to it the above name of erlangeri. 323. Poicephalus meyeri (Cretzschm.). In the “ Ornithol. Monatsberichte ” for 1899 (p. 25) and the “ Journal f. Ornithologie” for 1898 (p. 501) 0. Neumann separates these two forms from the typical (northern) meyeri. As the series of Transvaal birds in the Museum vary enormously in tone and coloration, we fail to see justification for these separations, and would refer the matter for closer consideration. 327. Agapornis nigrigenis W. L. Scl. The Museum contains a large series from North-Western Rhodesia, the Zambesi region above the Victoria Falls, and the Capri vi corner of German South-West Africa ; as the latter is well within the boundary of South Africa, this bird becomes an addition to the list. It can easily be distinguished from the other members of the genus by its dark-brown, almost black, cheeks and throat, salmon-pink patch on the breast, and chestnut forehead. 333. Turacus corythaix phoebus Neum. Neumann separates the Transvaal lourie under this name, on the grounds that the upper back, remiges, and tail is almost wholly glossed with blue ; lower back and rump black with “ lilac-steel- blue ”, not green gloss. As the Museum possesses birds from Knysna, Cape Colony, which are but slightly less blue than the Transvaal specimens, the validity of the species requires investiga- tion. 335. Turacus reichenowi (Fschr.). In the Bulletin B. Ornith. Club, No. CXLI (March, 1908), Mr. C. H. B. Grant records the occurrence of this species at Beira, Portuguese South-East Africa. It differs from living stonei in the back, wings and tail are glossed with steel blue, not green, as in that species. 362. Lybius zombae (Shelley). The Transvaal Museum contains four examples of this bird, collected in the Boror district of Mozambique by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. 374. Dendromus malherbi (Pass.). Reichenow gives Zomba as included in the habitat of this bird, hence it must be included in our list. 378. Dendromus scriptori cauda Rchw. There are several specimens of this bird, collected in the Boror territory by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. 382a. Dendropicos hartlaubi Malh. The Museum collection contains a series from Boror (Kirby and Roberts), and one from near Seslieke on the Zambesi River (C. Wilde). 150 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 384. Colius striatus minor Cab. Reichenow has retained Cabanis’ separation of the Natal speckled coly on the grounds of its smaller size and darker throat. 386. Colius colius damarensis Rchw. Reichenow has separated the Damaraland form of the white- backed mousebird under this name. It is paler than the typical species. 389. Colius kirbyi Sharpe. The Bull. B. 0. C., CXXXVII, contains the description of this new coly from Lydenburg (F. V. Kirby, leg.). It is of a fawn colour, the base of the primaries like the primary coverts chestnut. Head and throat hoary cream colour. 393. Coracias weigalli Dresser. A pair was collected in the Boror district of Portuguese South-East Africa by Kirby and Roberts. 397. Eurystomus glaucurus (H. Mull.). A single example, procured by Mr. P. A. Sheppard at Beira on the 31st March, 1906, is now in the Museum. ( Vide Journal S.A.O.U. No. 1, vol. I, April, 1909, p. 38.) 484. Hyliota rhodesiae Haagner. This species described by Haagner in the July, 1910, Journal S.A.O.U. in the Albany Museum, collected by Williams in the Matoppos, has the very distinct characteristic of a broad white bar across the outer tail feathers (possessed by no other Hyliota). 402. Lophoceros naumanni Rchw. An undoubted example of this East Central African species is in the Museum collection from Boror territory, collected by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. 440. Apus apus kalaharicus Rchw. Described by Dr. A. Reichenow in the “ Ornithologische Monatsberichte ” for May, 1908, p. 81. 446. Chaetura bohmi Schal. The Transvaal Museum possesses examples of this swift, collected at Beira by P. A. Sheppard, and at Sesheke, Zambesi River, by C. Wilde. 469. Bradornis griseus Rchw. The Albany Museum contains an example of this bird collected in the Matoppos by R. Williams (no date). 471. Sheppardia gunningi Haagn. Nov. sp. collected by P. A. Sheppard at Beira. ( Vide Annals Transvaal Museum, January, 1910.) 473. Melaenormis ater tropicalis (Cab.). There is a specimen in the Transvaal Museum collected in the Boror district by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. Annals of the Transvaal Museum, 151 478. Alseonax subadustus Shelley. Recorded from Gazaland, Southern Rhodesia, by C. F. M. Swynnerton in the “Ibis” for January, 1908, p. 89. 489. Batis sheppardi Haagner. This specimen was collected by P. A. Sheppard at Beira, two examples of which are now in the Transvaal Museum. {Vide Annals Transvaal Museum, January, 1909.) 490. Batis puella soror Rchw. This species was recorded from Beira by C. H. B. Grant, and the Transvaal Museum contains specimens collected in the Boror district of Portuguese South-East Africa by Kirby and Roberts. 492. Batis erythrophthalma Swyn. Described by C. F. M. Swynnerton in the Bulletin B. 0. Club, No. CXXXY, of June, 1907, from Southern Rhodesia. 497. Trochocercus megalolophus Swyn. Described by Swynnerton in Bull, B. O. C., No. CXXXY, June, 1907. 498. Trochocercus albonotatus Sharpe. Recorded by Swynnerton in the “ Ibis ” for January, 1907, from Gazaland, Southern Rhodesia. 500. Tchitrea plumbeiceps (Rcliw.). Recorded by Swynnerton from Southern Rhodesia in the “Ibis” for January, 1907. The Transvaal Museum has since received a good series from Sesheke, Zambesi, collected by C. Wilde. 509. Sigmodus scopifrons Ptrs. This shrike was recorded by C. H. B. Grant from Beira, and the Transvaal Museum has received an example from Mr. P. A. Sheppard, of that place. ( Vide Journ. S.A.O.U., vol. I, No. 1, April, 1909.) 516. Pomatorhynchus anchietae Boc. Recorded from Gazaland, Southern Rhodesia, by C. F. M. Swynnerton in the “ Ibis ” for January, 1907. 520. Chlorophoneus bertrandi (Shelley). Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerton records this species from Southern Rhodesia. ( Vide “ Ibis ”, January, 1907.) 522. Chlorophoneus abbotti (Richm.). The Transvaal Museum contains two undoubted examples of this shrike, collected in the Woodbush, Northern Transvaal, by Mr. F. Yaughan Kirby. 528. Laniarius rufiventris hybridus Neum. A form of large puff-back, ranging from the Transvaal northwards to Rovuma. It is distinguished by the entire under- side— from the crop to the vent— being of an ochreous colour. 152 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 545. Oriolus larvatus rolleti Salvad. There is a series of this bird in the Transvaal Museum collected by Kirby and Roberts in the Boror district of Portuguese East Africa. 567. Sporopipes squamifrons damarensis Rchw. Reichenow . separates the Damaraland form (Vogel Afrikas, Nalhtray, p. 858) under this name. 574. Ploceus ocularius crocatus (Hartl.). The Transvaal Museum contains a series of this bird, collected by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts in the Boror district. 584. Ploceus castaneigula (Cab.). Recorded from the Zambesi by Holub. ( Vide Vogel Afrikas, band III, p. 94.) 586. Ploceus trothae Rchw. Described by Dr. Reichenow in the “Ornith. Monatsb.” for September, 1905 (p. 147), from Damaraland. 588. Pyrenestes grant! Bowdler Sharpe. Described by Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpe in the Bulletin B. 0. C. for March, 1908 (No. CXLI), in honour of Mr. Claude Grant, who collected it at Beira. 590. Quelea, erythrops (Hartl.). The Transvaal Museum contains a series of nine skins collected in Pondoland, Southern Cape Colony, by Mr. C. G. Davies, M.B.O.U. 601. Coliuspasser macroura (Gm.). Recorded from Zuinbo on the Zambesi by Alexander. 612. Pytilia afra Gm. There are specimens in the Transvaal Museum collected at Boror by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. Mr. Claude Grant also records it from Gorongoza in the March, 1908, number of the Bulletin B. O. Club. 615. Estrilda astrild cavendishi Sharpe. 616. Estrilda astrild damarensis Rchw. The former, described by Dr. Sharpe in 1900, was recorded from Inhambane by Peters. The latter is the western form, from Namaqualand northwards. 638. Passer melanurus damarensis Rchw. Described by Reichenow in 1902. This is the western form of the Cape sparrow, characterized mainly by the deep black of the head and chest. 649. Poliospiza mennelli E. C. Chubb. Described by Mr. E. C. Chubb in the Bulletin B. O. Club, No. CXL, of 19th February, 1908. Habitat, Shangani River, Rhodesia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 153 650. Poliospiza reichardi Rchw. There are four examples of this seedeater in the Transvaal Museum, collected in the Boror district by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. 659. Heliospiza noomei Gunning. Gen. et sp. nov. Described by Dr. J. W. B. Gunning from two examples collected by F. 0. Some in the Rustenburg district of the Transvaal. (Journal S.A.O.U., vol. Ill, p. 208.) *683. T met othy lacus tenellus (Cab.). Recorded from Irene, near Pretoria, by Mr. Lionel E. Taylor. (Journal S.A.O.U., June, 1906.) 698. Heteronyx ruddi C. H. B. Grant. Described by Mr. Claude Grant in the Bulletin B. 0. Club? CXLIY, June, 1908. He collected it at Wakkerstroom, Transvaal, and its nearest ally is Mirafra chiniana , Smith. 705. Certhilauda albofasciata erikssoni Hart. Described in the Bulletin B. O. Club for May, 1907 (No. CXXXIY). 718. Phyllastrephus milanjensis Shelley. Recorded from Gazaland, Southern Rhodesia, by C. F. M. Swynnerton, “ Ibis”, January, 1907, p. 5-1. 723. Phyllastrephus cerviniventris. The Transvaal Museum contains two examples of this species* collected at Boror by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. 725. Phyllastrephus capensis suahelicus Rchw. There are examples in the Transvaal Museum collected at Boror, Portuguese South Africa, by Kirby and Roberts. 741. Anthreptes reichenowi Gg. Described by Dr. J. W. B. Gunning in the Annals of the Transvaal Museum for January, 1909. A pair was collected by Mr. P. A. Sheppard, near Beira, Portuguese South-East Africa. 742. Anthreptes longuemarei nyassae Neum. A series of skins are in the Transvaal Museum, collected in the Boror district of Portuguese South-East Africa by Messrs. Kirby and Roberts. 743. Chalcomitra olivacea daviesi Haagn: Described by A. K. Haagner in the Bulletin B. O. Club for October, 1907. There is a long series in the Transvaal Museum collected by Claude G. Davies in Pondoland. 745. Chalcomitra olivacina Ptrs. There are specimens in the Transvaal Museum collected at Beira by P. A. Sheppard and in Boror by Kirby and Roberts. 8 154 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 754. Ginnyris venustus niassae Rchw. Recorded from Gazaland, Southern Rhodesia, by C. F. M. Swynnerton. (u Ibis ”, January, 1907, p. 43.) 757. Cinnyris mariquensis microrhynchus Shell. There are specimens in the Transvaal Museum collected at Boror, Portuguese East Africa, by Kirby and Roberts, and at Beira by P. A. Sheppard. 702. Cinnyris neergaardi C. Grant. Described by Claude Grant in the Bulletin B. 0. Club, No. CXLIII, May, 1908, and collected by himself at Inhambane, Portu- guese East Africa. 766. Nectarinia arturi P. L. Scl. Collected by Arthur L. Sclater, in the Melsetter District of Southern Rhodesia, and described by his father, Dr. Sclater, in the Bull. B. 0. C., CXXIX, December, 1906. 774. Par us pallidiventris rovumae Shell. There are examples in the Transvaal Museum collected in the Boror district by Kirby and Roberts. 776. Par us afer damarensis Rchw. Dr. Reichenow, in his “ Vogel Afrikas ”, Vol. III. separates the Darnara form of the grey tit under this name. 778. Par us subcaeruleum cinerascens Rchw. Dr. Reichenow separates the Darnara form of the Rufous- vented tit under this name. (Vogel Afrikas, band III.) 782. Anthoscopus robertsi Haagn. 44iis tit was collected by Kirby and Roberts in the Boror district of Portuguese South-East Africa, and described by Haagner in the August, 1909, number of the Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 787. Splienoeacus transvaalensis C. Grant. Collected by the describer in the Woodbush region of the Transvaal, and recorded in the Bulletin B. O. Club, CXLIII, for May, 1908. 788. Melocichla mentalis orientalis (Sharpe). There is an example of this warbler in the Transvaal Museum, collected in Boror by Kirby and Roberts. It was also recorded from S. Rhodesia by Swynnerton in the “ Ibis ” for July, 1908, p. 441. 789a. Cisticola rufilata Hartl. In working up the warblers of the Transvaal Museum we could not locate three skins, which on reference to Dr. Reichenow that authority thought they might be mulleri , Alex., but Dr. Hartert, who kindly compared them with the type of that species, says they are not mulleri, but rufilata of Hartlaub, agreeing in every respect with the series of that species in the Tring Museum. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 155 790. Cisticola strangei (Fras.). This well-marked species must have been overlooked by Dr. Stark and Mr. W. L. Sclater. The Transvaal Museum possesses examples from Portuguese South-East Africa, Natal, and Pondoland. 792. Cisticola cliiniana magna Gould. The southern bird must be separated under this name. ( Vide Haagner, Annals Transvaal Museum, August, 1909.) 798. Cisticola lavendulae Grant Reid. The Transvaal Museum contains specimens from Northern Transvaal collected by Marais and Kirby. 799. Cisticola sylvia Rcliw. There is an undoubted example of this warbler in the Transvaal Museum, collected in the Boror district by Kirby and Roberts. <802. Cisticola cinnamomeiceps Haagn. A smaller northern form of fulvicapilla, described by Haagner in the Annals of the Transvaal Museum for January, 1909. 806. Heliolais erythroptera (Jard.). Recorded from Gorongoza in the Bulletin B. 0. Club, CXLIII, for May, 1908, by Mr. Claude Grant. 807. Heliolais kirbyi Haagn. Described in the Annals of the Transvaal Museum for August, 1909, by Haagner. A pair were collected in the Boror district by Kirby and Roberts. 809. Hemiptervx minuta Gung. A pair were collected by F. V. Kirby in the Woodbusli district of the Transvaal, and described by Dr. Gunning in the Annals of the Transvaal Museum for January, 1909. 812. Calamonastes stierlingi Rchw. The Museum contains examples from the central Transvaal. 814. Calamocichla zuluensis Neum. Described by 0. Neumann in the Bulletin B. O. Club, No. CXLIII, for May, 1908, from examples collected by Woodward Brothers at Eshowe, Zululand. A specimen taken in the Inhambane district by Claude Grant he also refers to this species. 818. Bradypterus pondoensis Haagn. Described by Haagner in the Journal of the S. A. Ornithologists Union for September, 1909, from a specimen collected by H. H. Swinny in Pondoland. 834. Apalis chirindensis Shell. Described by Capt. Shelley in the Bull. B. 0. Club, No. CXXVI, for June, 1906. Collected by C. F. M. Swynnerton in the Melsetter district of S. Rhodesia. 156 Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 835. Apalis ruddi C. Grant. Collected by Claude Grant at inhambane, Portuguese South-East Africa, and described by him in the Bulletin B. 0. Club, No. CXLIII, 840. Camaroptera g-riseoviridis (v. Mull.). The Transvaal Museum contains examples collected at Beira by P. A. Sheppard. 845. Sylvietta flecki (Rchw.). The Transvaal Museum contains examples of this Crombec warbler collected at Pretoria (Roberts), Pienaars River (Kirby), Zoutpansberg (Marais). 846. Sylvietta whytei (Shell.). Recorded from Gazaland, JSouthern Rhodesia, in the “ Ibis ” for January, 1907, p. 56, by C. F. M. Swynnerton. 849. Eremomela flaviventris sharpei Rchw. \ In the “ Ornithologlsche Monatsbericlite ” for 1905, p. 25, Dr. Reichenow separates the western form under this name. 856. Eremomela baumgarti Rchw. In the “ Ornithologische Monatsbericlite ” for 1905 Dr. Reichenow describes this form. The Transvaal Museum contains four skins collected in the Pretoria district by Austin Roberts. 867. Pinarornis rliodesiae E. C. Chubb. Described by Chubb in the Bulletin B. O. Club, No. CXLIV, for June, 1908. (Matoppos, Rhodesia.) 902. Cossypha haagneri Gung. Described by Dr. Gunning in the Annals of the Transvaal Museum for January, 1909, from an example collected in Pondo- land by H. H. Swinney. 912. Erythropygia poena damarensis Hart. Described by Dr. E. Hartert in the Bulletin B. O. Club for January, 1907. 919. Erythacus swynnertoni Shell. Described by Captain Shelley, in the Bulletin B. O. Club, CXXYI, for June, 1906, from examples collected in the Melsetter district of Southern Rhodesia by C. F. M. Swynnerton. May, 1908. X ‘ > > X . , _ ' > v> -Jgr+j ) » >> ^ > > >> jfc yip . * > >>>:Jbv^> ; -jp i > 3> > >) i ^ ) ) > ' Af^P ^ 3^ 1 1 T6 i - > ' > m ■ •.» > > > . . ■» '<&> -P »" > ~, ^TS*' > ^ » S > > * > ,*T^ ■',1 > > > T> » > > : %:• 7; ~ 1 > V I > > »io >>t ; > > /.<» » » • » ■ '>>.)» >■>#•* , > ~> >H* v » ^ -*» > .'ip « » : Up p _ IP % J* T» > ,J> >» > is^ > .* J> > i > ^ - > j* . > > ,» 3 " >j» > > jp ^ »>> >_-■’> a -« p 3» > t ^ • » >> ”> 3 " p p > d a- : » » > » jm 't , > > » JP -1 )"> > > > >•' * 3 9088 01206 8482