fflKSfr# mm w- 6 .'? *58 THE Academy of Natural Sciences OF PHILADELPHIA Williamson Libuau y Fund W.%000.10 rvo R ’IQ“ pubchau* os- t^oiiCN-riria Bu»u« NOT TO B K LO A NK 1) — *1 - ; . .«> »' ’ 'v * ■■ I Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology CUW £Si THE UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL Annals OF Tropical Medicine and Parasitology ISSUED BY THE Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine VOLUME I (February ist, 1907, to February 29th, 1908) With fifty Plain and. Coloured Plates and seventy Figures in the text LIVERPOOL: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STKI I I COVENT GARDEN, LONDON RC u i R~ AL V, | 32231 CONTENTS No. i Newstead, R. ; Dutton, J. E., and Todd, J. L. Insects and other Arthropoda collected in the Congo Free State. Plates I-' 1 Neumann, G. Description of two new species of African Ticks ...... Looss, A. On some parasites in the Museum of the School of Tropical Medicine. Liverpool Plates VII-IX . Carter, R. Markham. The presence of Spirochaeta duttoni in the ova of Ornithodoros mouluua. l’l.n< X Moore, Benj. ; Nierenstein, M., and Todd, J. L. A note on the Therapeutics of Trypanosomiasis .... No. 2 Ross, E. H., and Ross, H. C. An Automatic Oiler for the Destruction and Prevention of Mosquito Larvae in Cesspools and other collections of water. Plate XI Stephens, J. W. W., and Newstead, R. The Anatomy of the Proboscis of Biting Flies, Part II, Stomoxys. Plate- XI I - \ I \ Dutton, J. E. ; Todd, J. L., and Hanington, J. W. B. Trypanosome Transmission Experiments Dutton, J. E. ; Todd, J. L., and Kinghorn, A. Cattle Trypanosomiasis in the Congo Free State . Moore, Benj.; Nierenstein, M., and Todd, J. L. Concerning the Treatment of Experimental Trypanosomiasi- PAGP I *»3 121 *55 i6t *63 169 *99 *3* • *73 CONTENTS No. 3 Dutton, J. E. ; Todd. J. L., and 'Iobey, E. N. PACE Concerning certain Parasitic Protozoa observed in Africa. Plates XX-XXIl . 285 Branch, C. W. Yaws • 37* Graham, W. M. A description of some Gold Coast Entomostraca . . . . . 415 Brady, G. S. Notes on Dr. Graham’s Collection of Cyclopidae from the African Gold Coast. Plates XXIII-XXXVI . 423 Breinl, A. On the Morphology and Life Plistory of Spirochactu duttoni. Plate XXXVII . 433 Salvin-Moore, J. E., and Breinl, A. I he Cytology of the Trypanosomes. Plates XXXVI 1I-X LI I . No. 4 Walker, C. E. Observations on the so-called “ Canary Fever ” Broden, A., et Rodhain, J. Contribution a l'otade do Poroc'fhalm monilifor, ms. Plate XLIIJ • 493 Newstead, R. iing plac« of the common House-fly {Mtuc a • 507 Van Loghem, J. j. HEM, J. J. in the organs of rats. Jones, W. H. S. Malaria and History. Stephens, J. \y. YV TW° "ew Cestodes !i anel a new Linguatulid. Plate I, • 549 INSECTS AND OTHER ARTHROPODA COLLECTED IN THE CONGO FREE STATE yy i A o |A| I LApe E KCLAVt —! fci r iuyYaus ' -Wfl*,, efci/M< Jmtr Iowa «£>■*> >Lvk': l-^Kdion.! Ll'MAMBO w I /t^ri<*nKo« c’.**»a iMufo^bo A F RICA AlberZwil/r#1 Z .Hi a min / Konjtl KamAovc TCnVc • Skint* ma« INSECTS AND OTHER ARTHROPOD A COLLECTED IN THE CONGO FREE STATE Being the Seventh Interim Report of the Expedition of the Lire>p> <>l School of Tropical Medicine to the Congo. 1003-05 BY ROBERT NEWSTEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S., &c. ( LECTURER ON ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY. I III M IL Ol . I I ROPICAI. MEDICINE. UNIVERSITY OF I IVKRPOOI i The late J. EVERETT DUTTON, M.B. (Vict.) (WALTER MYERS FELLOW. UNIVERSITY OF I IVKRPOOI i AN I) JOHN L. TODD, BA, M.D., C.M. McGill (DIRECTOR OF THE RUNCORN RESEARCH LABORATORIES Of III! LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE INTRODUCTORY This expedition was sent to the Congo Free State, on the invitation of His Majesty King Leopold II, by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to report upon the sanitary condition of the more important posts and to study human trypanosomiasis, collection of various biting insects formed, therefore, a principal part of its work; but once the more important ones, as (j lossina and Anophelina , were obtained in each district the systematic search i : insects was discontinued. A large part ot this collection repi « •->« then, merely the casual wayside gleanings made during a i"'irn<-\ through Central Africa. From the point of view of a dipterologist the collection is therefore regrettably incomplete, especially so, since a large number • ■' specimens have been unavoidably ruined by moulds. Had time hern spent in collecting, it is probable that many of those inserts rep- rt.-d from only one or two localities would have been found to have a Dr wider distribution. Twenty-three months were actually spent in the Congo I n-' State ; during that time a distance of some 2,000 miles was travelled The course followed by the expedition is indicated on the map; while 4 uic vrfixuus puais the dates when it was at, or passed through, briefly mentioned below. England was left on September 4, 1903. Banana,' l hr first point of call in the Free State, was reached on September 23. From September 24 to October 27 was spent at Boma, and from October _*S to November 20 at Matadi. Matadi is connected with Leopoldville by railroad. From I’umba, the half way point on the railway line, two of the members of the expedition made a trip of three weeks’ duration (November 5 to 28) to Wathen and through the District of the Cataracts. A stay of seven months, from November 22, it> to June 23, 1904, was made at Leopoldville. From Leopoldville the expedition went up the Congo to Falls in a small steamer placed at their disposal b> t ( Vhen it seemed advisable, stops and short side joUTOC) at posts along the river for the purpose of studying local conditions Work was done at M'Swata from June to aft At Tshumbiri nland2 V T Was Spent at a nativ(- «"»8« some ten miles " ™ ,7 M“POieil?Ue visited on July 7 to ft and Irehu „n Jafy O Ea L Jr C°qU,"‘aTtVille Gv,y 18 to 9) trips were made to ft p 1 M T?' J°uvelIe Anvers was visited front Angus, ,4 Mongala to Bokanga ^ ^ "* "WH" "»* (August 26 to *o) and nt U . S PS Were mad(* :,t l of these places short i„t m ( gUSt 3 '.t0 SeP^mber 4) ; at both made at Basoko (September’^ i ml*nd‘ Short staXs Nvrr<* '5). On Septimus /tani^ Fa,," Yal<• the dry season, and during this period there may be practically no rain Coquilhatville is almost on the equator, and consequently has m marked variation in its seasons. Rain falls in ever)- month u! tin* year, perhaps the most in November and December The 6 temperature is constantly high, and during the first four months of the year it may be very hot. The climate is then admirably suited for the development of mosquitoes. Bumba is one of the furthest north among the posts visited by the expedition. The seasons there are not well marked, r.iin fall-, in every month of the year ; perhaps the least in January and Februar\ At Kasongo and Cabinda the seasons are much the same .is at Soma, save that the ‘dry season'' is shorter and rain often falls m August and May.* When the expedition arrived at Boma the rainy season had .dread) set in. For the first half of the month spent there, rain fell almost daily, the thermometer meanwhile varying between 85° anti >°I- During the latter two weeks there was . . jcasional a . . 01 ' • and the temperature was slightly higher. While at Matadi there was but little rain, so that but few of those places were seen where rain-water collects during the wet orm breeding-places for mosquitoes. was reached the season *» »c were fitd t gr°Und WaS S°dden W'th Waler an“>' a szr-x are indebfed^/S™a,1°n concerning the clinuue o! >1 - n - : * . V*"''"’ '' Commandant VeSic^fe”1 °f hla “«"»l°gual obaerlaUnn, ^“7," *'“ kasongo. a copy „f ,h„ 7 were, however, one or two hot days (maximum g6°F), and while at the Falls there were a couple of severe thunderstorms. From Stanley Falls the route lay south through the equatorial zone towards Kasongo where the rainy season had already set in Frequent showers and thunderstorms were encountered on the way up river. The weather was pleasantly cool, the temperature varying usually between 82° and yi°F. From November to April there was much rain at Kasongo (December, 2 16*3 mm.). The temperature meanwhile varied between 68° and 85°F. The march overland from Kasongo to Lusambo in May and June was made during the commencement of the dry season Rain fell but rarely, the temperature became higher and its daily variation greater. Streams and swamps dried up rapidly, and by the end of the first week in May the prairie grass was often dry enough to burn. Rain fell only twice during the stay of the expedition at Lusambo. By referring to this synopsis of the weather encountered by the expedition the climatic conditions under which the insects, described in this report, were collected may be easily ascertained. In the case of a post at which a long stay was made the month in which the specimen was obtained has been specified. To facilitate the finding of places in the map, the names of localities at which specimens were collected are always mentioned in the order in which they were visited. A certain number of insects were sent to the expedition from places it left unvisited. In referring to these specimens the name of the collector and, when possible, the date of capture are given. A considerable number of flies, collected in the British Colon) • >t the Gambia* and in French Senegal, were taken, together with certain drawings and observations referring to them, to the British Museum on the return of the expedition of the Liverpool School of I ropica Medicine to Senegainbia in July, 1903. At the end of 1905 these insects had not been described by the British Museum authorities. It was therefore requested that they should be returned to the Liverpool School. While at the Museum. ■> considerable part of the collection had unfortunately been mislaid * For a map showing the localities mentioned in the Gambia, see Men t« ' 1 ; the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 8 but a description of the remaining insects, which were returned to Liverpool, has been incorporated in this publication, with one or two exceptions, and these will be subsequently referred to as ocrasion may arise. We desire to express our indebtedness and thanks to Mr. 1 V Theobald and Mr. E. E. Austen, for kind assistance rendered in the identification of the more obscure insects; and to Profess r (i Neumann for the identification of the Ixodidae, and also for his valuable contribution to this group of the Arthropoda FAMILY CULICID^E SUB-FAMILY ANOPHELINyE Pyretophorus costal is, Loew Localities: Zambie ; Boma (Oct. 8 to 21); Prince's Island; Matadi (Oct 29 to Nov. 25); Tumba; Wathen; Leopoldville (Dec *o, .903, to June ,6, 1904) ; Telegraph post No. 4 ; Kitoto ; Yumbie above Lukolelau. bush; Irebu ; CoquUhatville ; Bamamia ; Luton* • NouveUe Anvers; Bokanga ; Lisala ; Bumba ; Ya,„b„,, X MalVa ^ntrFnegbU ; L°kand"; Scndwe: Lusambo; Lado enclave (Nov. Lentire) ^ ^ ! takend,n *■“ - mosquito nets of servants sWa ' uroPeans and natives, in the time, far in the forest itself aU | ' 1 ^ du"ng the da> aquatic grasses growing atong river 'edge's Tn^ ‘°"nd “““S" lhC puddles of rain-water Win? nn , . .g ’ ,n SWamPs- »n small clear Pools used by the natives of the l^^r5011’ *** r fuu by t rr ngo for . Congo. It seems to feed f he “Mt common AnopheUne tn the hefore dawn. m°St fiercely after sunset and again — - .. - p Fr°m - «-"• - ^ “ 5 a.m. they fed fiercely, 15 or 20 insects attacked one at the same moment, .1 were able to feed successfully through clothing. At Coquilhatville, early in the evening, these mosquitoes were seen Hying tut the houses of Europeans where ordinarily none could be found during the da. time. The parasites of malaria were seen to develope in this mosquito at Homa In some of the mosquito breeding pools at Leopoldville the larvae of P. cost alls were completely destroyed by larger, cannibalistic Cities larvae. At Leopoldville in December, 1903, and in July, 1905, as well as at Ponthierville in October, 1904, it was observed that Culicida, were not breeding in the water of puddles and small streams containing an amorphous, brownish, apparently vegetable deposit, although ->imil.u neighbouring collections of water contained many larvae Pyretophorus marshallii, Theobald Six specimens, all females, were captured in the localities mentioned below. They were in all cases associated with P costa/ is. but may readily be distinguished from the latter by the characteristic banding of the palpi. It is important to note, however, that among the long series of P. coslalis there are many intervening forms between typical examples of the two species. Localities: — Boma ; Leopoldville (May); Coquilhatville. Yambinga. Circumstances of capture: The specimens were taken in the huts and mosquito nets of natives. Myzomyia funesta, Giles Localities: Zambie ; Prince’s Island; Matadi ; Wat hen ; Kalombe ; Lusambo. Circumstances of capture:- — Examples of this mosquito were taken in the houses of both Europeans and Africans as well as in the mosquito nets of native servants. It is curious to note that not a single specimen of this mosquito was seen at Leopoldville where .1 careful mosquito survey was made. Breeding places: Examples of this species were obtained from larvae developed in the laboratory. It is probable that in the I-1 ' Congo it breeds amongst aquatic grasses along the banks of roer-, and in pools used for steeping manioc. ♦ Possibly a species of Crcnothrix 011 whose gelatinous sheath iron bcO'im - deposited as ferric oxide. IO Field notes:- Malaria parasites were seen to developc in these mosquitoes at Lusambo. Myzorhynchus pnludis, Theobald Localities: — Leopoldville (Dec. lyoj to Feb. iq< })• Bamu Island; Bamamia ; Eala ; Barumbu ; Kuniba ; Kasongo (Dec.) Lusambo. Circumstances of capture: — Imagines were caught m and marshes and in natives’ huts. I hey also came on hoard the steamer in the evening after the lamps were lighted, and at Lusambo were caught about the lamps on three occasions. Breeding places : — Adults were bred from larvae taken in marshes and in the stagnant and overgrown but fairly clean water left in pits from which clay had been taken for brick-making. Myzorhynchus mcmritianus, Grandpre Localities : Zambie ; Boma ; Leopoldville (Dec) ; Banm Island. Kasongo (Dec.). fo ^z:zicaf,u — lmagines were caught °n* - >he graf aDd PUpae Were taken from among thc fn puddl s o„ elf gCS ^ f™" w..ler roUec.cd clean ta e l 7 TT ' “d ^ -ergrown, but fa.rly Cellia pharoensis, Theobald Localities: — This mens were caught in larvae. mosquito was collected dwelling-places and some only at Boma Sped were also reared from P^ces: --Larvae were sr *- “» «%, i. , amongst water-grasses and in a dirty, muddy seen to develope in this II SUB-FAMILY TOXORHYNCHITIN^, Theobald Toxorhynchites marshallii, Theobald FEMALE. Head. scales bronzy-blue at the sides and between tin- eyes; bronzy-green on occiput, black along the nape. Palpi of four segments; sub-apical and apical segments minute; clothed with brilliant azure blue scales. Antennae black; first segment black it the base dorsally, grey at the apex with a patch of dull white scales pubescence grey ; hairs black. Proboscis azure blue. Thora i Pr< thoracic lobes dull azure blue, with bronzy-green reflections; me-o thorax black with brilliant bronzy-green scales; scutellar scales rich bronzy-yellow ; and there are patches of the same coloured scales near the base of the wings; pleurae almost covered with dull white scales Abdomen azure blue with rich violet reflections ; penultimate segment with brilliant ruby reflections ; anterior half of anal tuft black, the re -a rich orange ; there are white lateral spots to the first, second, third and fifth segments ; venter blue with white scales on the fifth segment Legs dark violet ; coxae with some white scales ; mid and hind femora dull bronzy-yellow beneath with white reflections, in some lights, and in the hind tibiae this colour extends to the upper surface on the inside; first segment of mid and hind tarsi with a dusky white band , second segment almost entirely white forming a distinct broad band ; second tarsal segment to fore legs with an inconspicuous basal band of dusky white scales ; fore, mid and hind ungues equal and simple Length 9 to 10 mm., exclusive of the proboscis. A description of the ? has been given as it has not, apparently, been hitherto described.* Of the 22 specimens collected, only one is a male, the rest are all females. Localities: — Tshumbiri and Coquilhatville. Circumstances of capture: — Our thanks are due to the Rev and Mrs. Billington, members of the American Baptist Missionary Union stationed at Tshumbiri, for a series of these mosquitoes collected in March, April, June and November. They have also supplied the following notes on the bionomics of these mosquitoes. “ The adults fly with a characteristic loud humming; they were frequently caught in a European's house. The larvae were found in a metal water tank Mono. Culicid., vol. 3, p, 121, 1903. 12 SUB-FAMILY CULICIN./E Erehuapodites inornatus, n. sp Xcwstcad (PI. i, fig. 10) Head clothed with brilliant silvery metallic scales with .1 patch of black ones in the centre. Thorax rich brown with two median, two short lateral, and a continuous marginal stripe of golden yellow scales. Abdomen black; penultimate segment of the male with tw. lateral silvery spots ; apical segment, in female only, almost entirely covered by silvery metallic scales; venter with five white mctalli< bands. Legs long, black with coppery or bronzy brown reflections, no paddles to hind tarsi of 3 . Female.- Large basal median area ol head clothed with flat black scales and a few isolated metallic silvery ones ; upright forked scales black, rigid, occupying the dark are; . . , nape with few narrow-curved, golden-yellow scales; lower third at the sides with flat black ones. Palpi densely clothed with black scales lack with beautiful peacock-blue reflections. obes clothed with flat silvery scales except at base where they are b ack, there are also a few outstanding yellow scales and three long black bristles ; mesothorax covered with dark brown rco ™ tl,e laUcr forlnine . . . two lateral and zrrrr1 stnpei u,e meiimn ***« «* - . « . . < wX wlT tOUC nng the mar6,nal Stripe . nud-lul, of . . . bfac" omn PT °f SilVery melall'C Adored by narrow r1 ‘obe* with a . . J — black chaetae and thr^ * ^ b*aCk scalcs ; raetanotum with three (in type oTltoT °“T golden-yellow aedes -'very ,ine. Abdemm J™' *ha7f I1’"01'!"'''’ a well-defined some lights; penultimate ’ bronzy-brown and black in terminal segment s ^ H3^™1 ""h ^ -K-n brilliant ^ b venter black with five terminal band is interrupted iT*! t®rminai silver) scales, which are continued into 'the'*”*'* ^ " "arTO'‘ 'me °f BoWcn °r” a rect“gular basal patch hTT^' "g Seenien' whfre ,he>' green m some lights- tarsi n 1 ^ br°nz>r‘brown « peacock posterior pan morp °^ous ; knee spots to anterior and mid pairs 13 Wings clothed with dark brown scales, but in strong lights are nt .< beautifully bronzy peacock-blue and green. Length 4’ 50 to 6-50 min. Male.- Head as in the ? but the narrow-curved golden scale- are more numerous and extend over the whole of the black median patch. Thorax: Prothoracic lobes and mesothorax as in the V ; scutellum rubbed in both specimens, but there are traces of a siimlai decoration to that which is seen in the ? : metanotum nude Abdomen slender, cylindrical; black with peacock blue reflections; antepenultimate segment enormously dilated, with two large, lateral, silvery patches. Genitalia with the clasps of great length, and the slender basal segment densely clothed with hairs and scales -croud segment with a long apical spine. Length about 4 mm. Fig. i. Eretmapodites inornatus. Wing ok Female. x 4”- Distinguished from E. quinquevittatus, Tlieob., by the presence of narrow-curved golden-yellow head scales, and the absence ••! paddles to the hind tarsi of the $ besides other important details Theobald makes no reference to the presence of chaetae and scales <>n the metanotum of E. quinquevittatus either in his monograph or in the Genera Insectorum, but they are quite evident in this species and also in E. austeniiA Theob. ; at the same time they are not traceable in the males of either of these species, their absence may, however. b< due to abrasions. •There is no trace of scales or chaetae in either of the two main whjdl collected. t Mono. Culcidae, vol. 1, p. 283 ; this species awaits descriptiot Localities: — Coquilhatville ; Lusainbo. Circumstances of capture: Adults were caught only in the bush near water. On one occasion they were found in large numbers near a native village. They fed viciously at five in the afternoon ; none of some 30 males and females caught at that hour appeared to have previously fed on blood. Eretmapodites austenii , Theobald Localities: Coquilhatville; Stanley Falls; Kasongo. Circumstances of capture :- Adults were twice caught in the afternoon in European houses. They were also taken in the M near a native village placed on a small forest -covered island ; thc\ fed viciously at live in the afternoon. jasciata, !• abricius Localities:-.- Matadi ; Wathen; Leopoldville (Dec, ,qo3); Sendwe ; Kasongo (April) ; Tshofa ; Lusambo ... ZZZZZZT' A"“ — «» larvfr^d du PlaC‘S! ^du'ts were hatd'«> in the laboraton- from i- . . - Stegomyia argenteopunctata , Theobald * . . *« « — day time in the thick forest. At Kw' C*Ught onl> dun,« the numerous about a forest snrino- A M'nout 1 theX werc exceedingly caught i„ a similar spot at aboiT " . * day fee^ - - - ■— - ::-r r • W,,w. M Theobald Kasongo. ‘ ; athen ' Leopoldvdle (Dec.) . Tshumb.r, lamps h^d). m th- 'Vternoon and at „ight (,.3^” T5 Breeding places : — Larvae were taken from water collected in ol«l pots and tins and from a font containing holy water in a mission building. Imagines were bred from them. Stegomyia luteocephala, n. sp. (Newstead) (PI. ii, fig. 5) Head yellow. Palpi black with white tips. Thorax brown, with two large, anterior, lateral silvery spots, a median yellow stripe, .uni posterior lateral yellow spots ; scutellum white. Abdomen black with pale narrow bands, terminal segments silvery. Legs black with silvery spots and white-banded tarsi. FEMALE.— Head with the large central area thickly clothed with large, loose, flat yellow scales, gradually merging into smoky yellow in front ; a narrow silvery-white line to the anterior half of the eves formed of a single series of broad, flat, closely appressed scale . between the marginal line and the central yellow patch is a broad band of brownish-black scales, from which, anteriorly, arise several upright forked scales ; nape with a few long, thick, straight or slight h curved, pale golden scales, on either side of which is a group of upright forked scales, intermixed black and yellow ; lower basal portion with ll.u, dusky-white scales, the marginal ones forming two dull silvery spots, sharply divided by a dense black spot. Antennae black, nodes white hairs black; pubescence grey. Palpi black; tips with long silver) white scales. Thorax : Prothoracic lobes with flat silvery white - >1« - mesothorax with a well-defined median line and two lateral spots of narrow-curved, golden-yellow scales; anteriorly there arc also two large spots of flat silvery-white scales, and a few silvery-white sc. ties on the lower margin of the posterior yellow spots; the rest of the mesothorax with rich dark brown scales ; scutellum with flat silvery white scales; pleurae dark brown with two large patches of silver) scales. Abdomen rich bronzy-brown; segments i to 6 each with well-defined, narrow, basal band of smoky-yellow scales; penult in at- segment with a large lateral patch, and the terminal segment almost covered with brilliant metallic-silvery scales; venter with well-defined more or less triangular patches of metallic- silvery scales narrowing towards the apex, where they appear as two divergent lines; tin scales forming the outer lateral angles of the spots projecting .«t the sides of the abdomen appearing as outstanding scales. Legs hron/v 1 6 blackish-brown ; coxae and trochanters, ochreous ; anterior and mid femora with scattered metallic-silvery scales ; hind femora with central anterior band and an apical group of silvery scales, anterior and mid tarsi with narrow dull-white basal bands to the first three segments, metatarsal band broadest; hind tarsi with a broad white basal band to the first, a narrow one to the second, and the third segment almost entirely white above, basal ly it is not s«. IVing* uniformly pale brown rather densely scaled, first sub-marginal ell much longer and slightly narrower than the second posterior Locality:— A single specimen of this species was caught in the bush at Kumba. oiegomyni ai oomarginata , (P1- ». % 4) Head Wack, anterior margin white. Thorax grey brown . plane grey. Abdomen dark brown with lateral grey angular spots to the h segment ; venter pure white. Legs pale bronry -brown ; femora lute beneath ; hind femora entirely so. witlfdulfbron ^ I** tHe fla‘ SCa'es lmiformly olivaceous-black 1111 dul1 bronzy reflections, with a well-defin^H - . , white ones, broadening towards the ba • T of loose flat dusky-white scales and hel ’ ! * "apal patch and very short unrio-ht f i- i " °" * ,em a few narrow-curved. bronzy-black. Proboscis vrith^nzy^^ ***? ***** * nin* basal half with a median • ^ own and ochreous scales. with the basal segment ^ °f whitc sca,es A ntcnnac remaining segments darker^ hajrs d^kT0'"3 Sl’Kment t>ale hrown- white. Thorax: Prothoraci'c lob T , °W” °r h,ack- P“bcScrnce mesothoracic scales in front „• ” C 0t led Wlth P«r* white scales . ‘he base of the win Z numero White ; a< «* sides from whole area is sparsely clothed with n ' ' mtermixed at the sides and n , 7°W'curved dark-brown scales -‘el.ar scales dul, wtoe^tirrt ?’ **>* °[ ^ ,mid l°be. and also at the I T? b'ack ones at the base ateral lobes. Abdomen with the! Tf °f the marSinaI hairs to the a few dull white sca]es *h ho first four segments brown, s, , -black ; - - and . venter uniformly *7 white as far as the end of the fourth segment ; the remaining segments wanting. Legs with the coxae dusky brown, paler apically, with numerous flat white scales ; scales to anterior and mid femora smok> brown above, ventrally the}/ are white ; hind femora clothed with white scales, except a narrow dorsal and a broad apical anterior patch of blackish scales; tibiae and tarsi of anterior and mid-tarsi blackish , posterior tibiae with a broad apical white band, tarsi wanting. IV mg with dark bronzy-brown scales, those on the costa much the darkest, almost black ; first submarginal cell much longer than the second posterior; posterior cross-vein nearly three times its length from the mid. Length about 4 mm. Locality Only two specimens of this species were caught, during the day, in a European’s house at Kasongo (Dec.). Scutomyia sugens, Wiedemann Localities: Matadi ; Leopoldville (Dec. and March); Kisut Circumstances of capture : — Adults were caught in the bush at some distance from houses. They were seen to attempt to bite at mid-day. Breeding places : One adult was reared from a larva taken from a puddle on clayey ground containing clean rain-water. Cat-ageiomyia senegalemis, Theobald A culicid with the habits of this mosquito was observed at Banana No specimens were taken, but it is believed, from a hasty field examination, that they were referable to this species. DUTTONIA, nov. gen. (Newstead) FEMALE. — Head clothed principally with flat scales, with narrow curved ones behind and a row bordering the upper half of the eye' upright forked scales on the dorsal area. Mesothorax with smal . narrow-curved, and minute hair-like scales; scutellum with flat scale--. the lateral lobes small , somewhat tuberculatc , and furnished eight bristles. Palpi short. Fork cells long, almost equal; lateral vein scales long and narrow, but broadening towards the apex 1 >f " ' wing. MALE. — With the anterior tarsi subchelate. B 1 8 This genus is apparently related to Aedimorphus (Theobald . but differs in the presence of narrow-curved border scales to the eyes and the character of the lateral lobes to the scutellum I lie number of bristles to the small lateral lobes are also unusual ; and moreover therr is a complete absence of flat scales* to the mesothorax Duttonia tarsalis, n. sp. (Newstead) (PI. ii, figs. 6-8) Head grey. Thorax rich dull orange-brown with two median pah lines. Abdomen dark brown with silvery -white basil band** . apical segment almost entirely white. Legs pale ochreous yellow. ale*- n tibiae and tarsi pale brown, femora faintly speckled Male. Lateral and median flat scales of the head dull white the Fig. a Duttonia tarsalis. Wing ok Walk. narrow-curved scales pMe^ello * ^ ^ Pale yellow ; ,,aPal gr°up < forked scales in W vP.l ’ " S°me Ughts al'"<*> « >>"<• • «prig! PalPi of four segments black’ lalFral ones vollov °chreous with dark brown 7;“' " furnis!’<-H ** fa* . rs. ,, hand. Proboscis dark b SCa'e* and lnwn in front, paler behind. Abdomen dark brown, paler at the articulations Legs smoky-brown with pale knee spots; apex of hind tibiae with a white band. Female. — Head clothed principally with flat scales, median and frontal ones blackish, those at the side with dull bronzy refledl OS below these there is a narrow curved band of bright ochreous ones aTr*cana. numerous and scattered over h u , '***'• Uprieht forkcd “= Antennae dark brown : bZ *lWh°e ot dorsal area, bl. darker at ,he sides ' pJjV™ ^^-yellow a, the a, int°SUS d°thed With bIack scaIes°rtL a"d cxtren,c|y 1,s front, paler behind ; prothorari T*ora* lining, rich. dark br, ™ !ca,ea ™d black bristle, m ^ With la^. white, narr hair-hke scales, and a few lamer n'a meS°n°tum «’>th minute, black are alS° numerous black brisdes ye"OWish **** • >' at the S,des at|d on the dorsum in 21 region of the wings ; scutellum trilobed ; mid-lobe with small, flat, dark brown scales, and traces also of a few white ones ; lateral lobes small, almost tuberculate, furnished with eight long bristles, and a patch of flat dull white scales. Abdomen clothed with dark brown and almost black scales ; venter with broad, pale, basal bands interrupted by a median ochreous line which broadens towards the apex Legs uniformly brownish-black ; femora pale beneath ; knees and tibio t.ir^.il articulations pale; hind tibiae with a broad apical white band Wings with the first submarginal and second posterior cells about equal in length ; posterior cross-vein about its own length distant from the mid. Length about 5 mm. Locality: — A single ? taken in a water-closet at Kasongo, April 7th, 1905. Culex albitarsis, Theobald Localities: — Boma ; Kasongo (Feb.). Circumstances of capture: — Adults were taken during the day in the open, and at night in a European’s house. Breeding places: Larvae taken from swamps produced adults in captivity. The pupa of this mosquito is particularly large. Culex annulioris, Theobald All four specimens of this species were obtained from larvae caught in a grassy swamp near Leopoldville. Culex dissimilis, Theobald Specimens were caught in a tent near Tumba, October 26th, 1903 Culex fatigans, Weidemann Localities: — Boma; Matadi ; Wathen ; Leopoldville (Dec); Mswata ; Irebu; Coquilhatville ; Bamamia; Lisala ; Basoko ; Stanley Falls; Kisui ; Kasongo (Feb.). Circumstances of capture: — Imagines were taken by day and by night in the dwelling-places and in the mosquito nets of both Europeans and negroes. They were also caught at noon on ste imer^ 22 and in thick forest at some distance from any village. At night they were often seen on board the Expedition’s steamer. Breeding places Larvae and pupae were found breeding m old tins, in water reservoirs, amongst grass at the edges of rivers, in swamps and in the foul-smelling pools used for steeping iiinni'ii Field notes: — Enormous numbers of this mosquito, together with Mansonia uniformis and its var. afr nanus, were found during tin- day time in the prison at Bomba. Fliey rested thirkh dustt rod an motionless on the whitewashed walls of the cells, • few inches above a drain used as a urinal by the prisoners; scared) an) of these mosquitoes were seen on the neighbouring tarred portions of the wall. No breeding places existed within 200 yards of the prison. ( -ulex luteol literal is, Theobald Localities : Boma ; Bantu Island; Kasongo (March); Lusambo. ircumstunces of capture. Specimens of this beautiful little cuiex were caught in the early morning and afternoon, in the forest, in cofftt P an ations and in the houses and mosquito nets of native servants I hey attempted to feed but rarely. at thztdlls ~'LarJaf Were -aken fr0m amongst tbi obtaining irnagineXm them ””*** W* ******* ” i neobald Localities : Miambwe . Lusambo JZ »::;{t;TTTAdults were takcn « •** bUsh. and at a few hundred yards from the nearest village Culex th*lassius, Theobald from a tub on from a ^ tak Localuies:- Bo Yambinga; Kasongo ‘ (ApriHo“eb stances of capture ■ 1 ’• lanihwe 1 Lusambo. rnarstms, during the day time on CaUght in fores,s »' “ n,ght m the houses of Europeans" steamer a, 23 Breeding -places: — Larvae and pupae, allowed to develope in the laboratory, were taken from among the grass at the edges of rivers, from swamps, from the foul water of stagnant puddles, from collections of rain-water in old tins, and from the foul-smelling pools used for steeping manioc. This is evidently a variable species. None of the females agree with the typical form in the specific coloration of the head and thoracic scales. In the majority of the females, which agree best with Theobald’s* description, the narrow-curved head scales are creamy white in colour with, in some lights, a trace of pale yellow, especially in the frontal and large median ones ; and the thoracic scales are smoky-brown with metallic reflections, almost golden in some lights, with the distribution of the yellow spots and lines as in the type. In addition to these variations, five of the females also possess a distinct median band to the proboscis and other distinctive characteristics. These forms are described below as a distinct variety Culcx tigripes, var. consimilis, n. var. (Newstead) FEMALE. — Head with the narrow-curved scales creamy-white, in some lights with a faint trace of yellow ; upright forked scales black with smoky-grey tips; median hairs golden yellow. I horacic scales chiefly of a greyish colour, with dark brown ones intermixed Proboscis brownish-black with a broad and well-defined median band of pale ochreous scales; labella pale ochreous-brown. Palpi black or brownish-black with a patch of pale bright ochreous scales at the articulation of the first long segment ; apex with dusky white scales Abdomen dark brownish-black with scattered pale brown scales and narrow basal bands; basal segment with two median black apical spots ; sixth and seventh segments with two lateral apical pale spots Legs as in the typical forms. Length 67 mm. Localities: — Tshumbiri (July); Kasongo (Feb., April, May), Yambinga (Sept); M iamb we ; Leopoldville. The example from Leopoldville was bred from a larva procured in a grass swamp near the terminus of the railway. It is important to note that three female^ and four males of the more typical forms were bred from larvae obtained at the same time. * Mono. Culicid, II, p. 34, 1901. 24 Culex viridis, Theobald Localities: — Boma; Wathen ; Leopoldville (Dec., 1903) , Coquil hatville ; Miambwe ; Kasongo (Jan.) ; Lusambo. Circumstances of capture: — Imagines were caught during the d. in the bush, in the mosquito nets covering the beds of " boys" in houses of Europeans and Africans, and in the state rooms of a steamer on the Upper Congo. Breeding places: -Larvae and pupae were taken from among the grass along the edges of rivers, in swamps, in dirty, foul smelling collections of water, such as pools used for steeping manioc* and in wa ei collected in old tins. Imagines were reared from these have-T^^T'' ThiS mOSquit0 has U*‘'" «5peatedl> observed to have a distinctly green colour during life. Cnlex laurenti, n. sp. (Newstead) brown ad Center XT if™*' ab,domen Pal« i 'eg* uniformly pale unhanded. P ei.rae, pale, dull orange-brown; ■n rfr^::h trrr* . . black. Antennae dark brown T 1 " m golden-yellow; pleurae with a few * n°"n' 7 /torac“ scales dull Whlte scales, some of which are l , T , °f narrow«v-rounded uniformly pale brown. Legs umfo ' 1 U SpnU,k% sh',»,r,i ' • -a.es, silvery-grey beneaX TZZZZ* ['C1 ro'vnish-yellow with dark brown l* * ’ COXi,e an ml • +1 s mosquito was only caught in °f —>■ *«• Taeniorhynchus tenax, Theobald oca Hies , Boraa ; Leopoldville (Dec ) ■ I k. Circumstances of capture ■ } ' Ll,sa,nbo marshy ground. ' Adults wcre caught in the bush near Breeding places •— t grasses at the edges of rZTs and CO“eC,ed fr°m amonE thc m the laboratory. “d from ^amps, produced imagines Localities :—.Qom • p'l'a “’"S0r""s’ rheobald Ba7.IsIand; Lnlangl' ^ ° ^ ^ Leopoldv.lle (Dec, Llrcunis/ances of “J ™""d» ‘•Jrjz*. 27 Mansonia unifunnis, var. africanus, Theobald Localities: — Zambie ; Boma; Prince’s Island ; Tuinba; Wathen ; Leopoldville (Dec. and May); Bamu Island (Jan.); Telegraph Post No. 4; Tshumbiri ; Bolobo ; frebu ; “ in the bush above Lukolela " ; Yumbie; Bamamia ; Bumba ; Basoko ; Kama; Benaburungu ; Nyangwe ; Kasongo; Kalombe ; Tshofa ; Lusambo. Circumstances of capture : — This species is by far the commonest mosquito in the Congo. It is seen almost everywhere in the bush, and lives equally well in grass country or forest. It always bites fiercely and feeds with equal readiness by day or by night. At Bamu Island, near Leopoldville, it was actually observed to pierce through canvas-seated chairs and even through the soft goat skin leather ol Madeira boots. It was noted in the diary of the Expedition as \er> unusual that no species of Mansonia were seen in the bush where camp was pitched for the night on the banks of the Congo a short distance above Lulonga. Adults were caught in the houses of Europeans and Africans in the day time and at night. They were taken from mosquito nets covering the beds of natives and whites and were raptured during the day on steamers, in the bush and on sand banks. Breeding places: — We were not successful in rearing the imago from the numerous larvae we had from time to time in the laboratory Melanoconion rimns, Theobald Localities: Boma and Kasongo (Dec.). Circumstances of capture:- The specimens in the collection were all bred from larvae. Breeding places: Larvae were taken from among the aquatic plants at the edges of a river and from a disused pit, in a brickyard, filled with water and overgrown with weeds. SUB-FAMILY AEDEOMYINjE Aedeomyia squammipennis, Arribalzaga Localities: Boma; Leopoldville (Oct.)* ; Yambinga. Circumstances of capture : The specimens in the collection w< : bred from larvae or caught in the evening on board a river steamci * \'o specimen ; recorded from field notes. 28 Breeding places : — Larvae were taken from a grass grown pudd < of clean water. Uranotaenia balfoun, Theobald A single ? of this beautiful species was bred at Kasongo. December, 1904, from a larva taken in an “old brick pool 15 feet across." Theobald* states that the mid lobe of his type was ribbed, in this specimen it is clothed with scales. It may be important to add that the scales at the base of the wing are of a delicate pale blue ; but in certain lights appear white as described in the typ< Mimomyia uniformis , Theobald I his mosquito was observed only at Boma ; the specimens in the collections were hatched in the laboratory from pupae collected in a papyrus marsh and from among aquatic plants at tin- edge of a bield notes:— The pupae are yellow and possess very 1- mg and conspicuous respiratory siphons. Mimomyia africana, n. sp. (Newstead) (PI- i, %. 4) Uniformly dark bronzy-brown; legs paler H AT TS 7 r » _ 0 r Female.— Head very dark br paler brown s ’ ochreous, base clothed with brown. Thor, bristles and n-, cuticle ; scutel very dark brown, completely covered with flat unfortunately, has the Apart from this. P- *2. pi. vi. fig. 6. 29 however, the insect possesses well-marked specific characters and can easily be recognised from any other known species by its uniform dark brown colour. Locality : — Taken at Nouvelle Anvers, on August 14th, 1904 Mimomyia malfeyti, n. sp. (Newstead) (PI. i. figs. 1-3) Head dark brown, with pale ochreous scales. Thorax dark brown, with bright blue reflections and clothed with long backward -curved bristles; pleurae pale ochreous. Abdomen brown; apical segment paler ; venter ochreous. Legs dark brown, with pale ochreous femora Wings with a pale spot at the base. FEMALE. Head brown, covered with rather loose, flat, cream coloured scales and a napal group of black, upright forked one Antennae deep brown; basal segment paler. Proboscis swollen apically, but much less so than in the 3 > dark brown ; labella, dull ochreous. Thorax dark brown, shining, with blue reflection s in Fig 4. — Mimomyia malfeyti. Wing ok Femalk. x 4° certain lights , but this character is much less evident under the microscope than under a pocket lens ; hairs dense and long, especially at the sides above the pleurae ; there are also one dorsal and two, more or less distinct, sub-dorsal rows of shorter hairs between which is a double series of minute, narrow-curved, ochreous scales, which are very difficult to see and are often wanting ; scutellum with four or five narrow-curved, almost hair-like, black scales f,lten wanting; metanotum pale brown, nude. Wings with brown scales and a basal, pale, nude patch ; median vein scales in a double row mi the subcostal and first longitudinal vein for two-thirds of the basal 30 portion ; in single rows on the remaining veins ; outstanding scales present on all but the sixth vein, but arc most numerous on the apical half of the wing ; first submarginal and second posterior cells about equal in length, the former slightly the narrower ; posterior cross vein a little more than its own length distant from the mid cross vein, llaltere- creamy ; knobs clothed with flat brown scales. Abdomen unhanded, pale brown or ochreous, with somewhat scattered, flat, brown scales which give it a more or less mottled appearance ; apical segment paler ; venter ochreous, with four or five dark marginal triangular spots Legs uniformly brown with pale reflections, except the ventral and basal half of the femora, which are pale ochreous ; all the articulations are pale. Length 2-50 111m. 5- —M imotnyia maljcyti. 'Vino ok Malk. 31 This species comes very near to Mimotnyia uni for mis (Theobald) ; but differs in the colour of the head scales, in the presence of a double row of vein scales to the costal and first longitudinal vein, and in the thorax with its regular series of bristles and bright blue reflections, and also the mottled appearance of the abdomen. The peculiar proboscis and palpi of the 3 are characteristic also of M imomyia nniformis. Locality : — This mosquito was observed only at Boma ; the specimens in the collection were hatched in the laboratory from larvae taken in a grass-grown puddle of clean water. This species is dedicated to Major Malfeyt, Ilaut Commissaire Royal, in recognition of constant courtesy and assistance rendered during the expedition. POSITION UNCERTAIN N eomclaniconion* pulpalc, n. sp. (Newstead) (Rl. i, figs. 7- 9) Uniformly brown. Antennae densely plumose ; hairs smoky brown with the apical portions grey; segments clothed with minute white scales ; nodes black. Male. Palpi long, dark brown, with a few scattered blackish brown scales; apex faintly clavate and densely clothed with long brown hairs, more especially so at the sides, where the)' form a long continuous fringe. Proboscis straight, pale brown, clothed with dark brown scales; apex extending to base of apical segment ot antennae Central area of head clothed with narrow-curved, pale golden-yellow scales, intermixed at the sides with long, flat, dusky-brown scales ; sides with flat dark brown scales intermixed with a few yellow and dull cream-coloured ones ; nape with a few small, upright-forked, black scales. Mesothorax (partly denuded) and scutellum with narrow curved pale golden-yellow scales ; metanotum nude ; prothoracic lobes denuded; pleurae with small dull cream-coloured scales. Ilaltercs pale ochreous basally, knobs pale brown, with a few small, flat, brownish scales. Abdomen , where denuded, almost black; scales pale brown with faint, dull, greenish-blue and dull coppery reflections; two well defined sub-median, triangular, black spots at the base ol the third * Theobald. M.S. 32 segment, and there are traces of similar markings on the second and fourth; fifth and sixth, with a basal band of pale yellow . \< nt. r. ,r the base, with pale golden-yellow scales in the centre, dull ore.uny ones intermixed at the sides; the remaining segments are rendered invisible by the curved condition of the abdomen Wing scales uniformly brown, darker on the CQSta ; posterior OOSS VI and a halftimes its length distant from the mid cross-vein ; first sub marginal cell scarcely longer than the second posterior, the 111 the veins widely divergent; outstanding scales tong. DUIOW, -.h - parallel, apex convex ; frmge scales long, lanceolate. Legs uniformly rown; postenor t,b,ae with a pale apical band; tarsi dark brawn under ‘, OUt2'5° ‘° 3 The ha* the abdomen cemd unde , so that * » ^possible to give the exact meuurament island Mow n 7 7'* ^ {r0n‘ 8 W taken in a pool on » island below Basoko, September 3. 1904. '-'"'•tiamcotuon palpate. **-*»«.. it (^1- i. figs. t;, (,) n,argms Am— black' a,bcll!1 bright “uhreous Th'o 5”“ered brigrlit ochre second P°a the a"terior pair bJJ ”***?***■ ochreous with f band “ dSma"er 1- * Sga:dUCs thC 7BC" = W’i"d Legs SD" ;,men bI«<* With a dorsa? ’eWhat '" defined bit .... ■** ,z * g;tr: 33 FEMALE. Head with both black and pale cream-coloured upright forked scales, the latter predominating ; anterior portion with rather large, narrow-curved, bright fulvous scales, and apparently a few long flat ones, intermixed with the former are a few black ones tipped with bright fulvous ; sides with flat, somewhat loose, cream-coloured scales. Antennae dusky brown; nodes pale. Palpi densely scaled, black, dorsally with white tips. Proboscis swollen apical ly ; scales black intermixed with a few cream-coloured ones ; swollen portion entirely' black ; labella bright ochreous. Legs with the anterior femora pale ochreous with a black apical patch in the centre of which is a distinct central crescentic band ; mid and hind femora black, the former with two, the latter with one yellowish band ; tibiae black, each with a sub apical but somewhat diffused band ; tarsi black with bronzy brown reflections, each with five distinct yellowish bands; ungues equal, simple. Wings with bronzy-black and cream-coloured scales; basal half of costa with a long black bar and two irregular spots; all the nervures with irregular groups and isolated black scales ; fringe pale . costal scales bronzy-black, becoming paler towards the apex ; out standing scales claviform ; a few of the black ones, especially those on the sixth vein, heart-shaped. Halteres cream-coloured with dark- brown scales at the tips. Thorax with narrow-curved, golden-yellow scales ; four literal spots of black ones, the anterior pair arc the largest, and there is a broad indefinite band behind the second pair; scutellum with pale ochreous narrow-curved scales ; metanotum black, with three dusky-yellow lines, and a basal, linear, patch of minute, flat, cream-coloured or white scales prothoracic lobes and pleurae with flat, dull, cream-coloured scale- Abdomen clothed with black scales, having brownish coppery reflee tions ; each segment with a long narrow median, basal, patch of dull cream-coloured scales; apical segment only with two lateral pale spots ; venter ochreous. Length 375 mm. Locality: Boma ; bred from a larva which was caught in .1 marshy pool. BOYCIA, nov. gen. (Newstead) Head with a median area of narrow-curved scales, flat, loose, lateral ones, and numerous upright-forked ones. I borax and c 34 scutellum with narrow-curved scales. Wings with the lork '•11- relatively short; anterior forked vein slightly shorter than the first posterior; scales resembling those in M imomyia. Palpi short in the 5 , long and clavate in the 3 . Proboscis swollen at the tip in both sexes. The narrow curved scales in the mid region of the head are fewer in the ? than in the 3 ; and iti the former the central "ties are arranged in two distinct lines, but are almost completely hidden h\ the numerous upright-forked scales. This genus is somewhat difficult to place, but agrees licst with the group of Culcinae in which the palpi of the males are swollen .it the tips. noycui mitnomyiaformis, (PI figs. 1-3) Head greyish. Mesothorax grey-brown, with two anterior spots ?K,a roa transverse band opposite the insertion of the wings, bfau k i onien ac ’ Wlll‘ P:ilr narrow basal bands; vein certairTl^li f °chleous’ Legs brown; base of femora and tarsi (in - tain lights) paler. Proboscis swollen towards U white scales thn^^ a!Ctl °f Wltl' na,T"u rur'(',i intermixed with thele Ire f°n”'nK lwo '°ngit..dinal series, extending almost to L f TT “Pr«h‘ spatulate^ creamy scale! n" h“d 5 “<*“"*»* ** «*- scales; all the fori i i ° ' numerous upright forked, black ntarked dentil ^ ^ d"^d with, usua.ly. five well- rale golden-yellow' scales narrow -curved band of black ones • the 1 U'° tinter'or spots and a broad transverse some specimens, the ^ COi«tricted in front giving it, in scutellum with large ^ °f tWO confluent spots; lateral lobes with golden reflet* ’ scales, those on th< creamy-yellow. Abdomen clothed , metanotum nude* ; pleurae appearing bronzy-purple Jn sq Wlth dark brown and black scales. Pale ochreous scales ; venter Dal tf** an903. to Feb.. 1904); M'SwaU and far from, water flles wcre cauBht both nei often found in houses. hif'T5 ,°CCUr “ S"arms 30,1 3 attacks, and when crusbf»rt 'C ree y’ are persistent in thf crushed emit a peculiar - bed-bug like " odour. 37 HABITS AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERS OF THE LARVA OF SIMULIUM* As the characteristics of the larvae of the European species of Simiilium are not likely to differ very materially from their tropical relations the subjoined notes may prove of some guidance to students in other parts of the world. The notes refer to a single specie-, Simulium ornaturn , Mg. Shallow rapid streams fully exposed lo the sun on hill sides, moors and open spaces in woods are the favourite resorts of these curious larvae. They are invariably found where the stream flows Fig 8. — Larva of Simulium ornatum in semi-erect position with the fan-like or fringed appendages expanded. x 6J4- most rapidly ; never in the side pools or in comparatively still water , and very rarely in those portions of a stream which are overshadowed by trees or shrubs. In streams where all the necessary conditions are available the larvae sometimes occur in countless numbers, covering the undersides of nearly every submerged leaf or blade of grass, and also, where not too much overshadowed by aquatic plants, on the stones and fragments of rock at the bottom of the stream. * These notes were compiled from observations made in I-.ngland and Helgumi in the summer of 1906. — R.N. When massed together on the stones and rocks tlic\ look at a short distance remarkably like a waving mass of dark brown or blackish algae or moss; but this resemblance is much less marked in colonies attached to the leaves and stems of plants. The larva, when at rest, attaches itself to a fixed object by means of its anal sucker, standing in a semi-erect position (fig 8) with its head pointing down stream; but in very rapid rivulets the bods lies almost prone with the object upon which it rests, or the extremities may be brought together so that the hods forms a distinct c R. N. 9* apnendapes///p/vi'iaW fr,'atum 1 a- head of larva with the fringed '• portions of x u4° ’ ** Ringed append >ed{ l ^ ^l^v*** uteral x SI, characteristic nodes (enlarged). S,lke" threads showin* ,he w,°th ispr°,vided with a of beautiful fan-1, ke process Unlike the 1 6 ““"c*1 SWeepS particles of fo°d into Us . nil s~i^ JTZ mOSquitoes they have little or no power c progression stm^ m'enUns from Place to place, their method c of the geometridgy,,i?5embleS *hat °f the larvae or looPer raterpiUai ^eadf”ranSdir± theyPr°grCS" f^m place places, Ik, along which thev °nS’ 0rmm£ an irregular web or networ N;!th.great — When forobly dh distances varying- fr t Ct S immediately float down stream t by a slender silken thread^0 ^UrtGen ,nches* suspending themselve ’ res 1 y sPun» or by the network of thread 39 which may have already existed. Many of them will immediate!) commence to haul themselves back again by walking along the silken thread or threads, and this they accomplish by forming the body inn a succession of loops, in the same way as they progress along stones and plants — the mouth or sucker feet grip the thread finnh while the posterior sucker is brought forward until it almost touches the anterior segments -the action being repeated until a place of safety is reached. Many, however, float down stream supporting themselves by their threads until some fixed object is reached. If .1 leaf or stem supporting a colony of larvae be pulled partly out of tin water the larvae will all crawl back again to the stream and usual l\ fix themselves to the submerged portions of the same leaf or stem Fig 10. — Larva ok Simulium ornatum : — a. maxilla and palpus ; b. mandible . c. labrum ; d. labial plate, x l25- If placed in still water the larvae soon become sluggish and death takes place in about 17 hours, but if completely removed from the stream and kept in a thoroughly moist vessel they will survive for a, much longer period. When about to pupate the larva spins for itself a little elongated cocoon, shaped somewhat like the toe of a slipper, with a large opening at the broad end, and this is almost invariably placed with the opening pointing down stream. From this the head of the pupa, with its external respiratory filaments, projects and a sufficient suppb of oxygen is thus obtained. The period of pupation is only of a few days' duration : the minimum being two, the maximum six clays. On bright sunny days they begin to hatch as early as 9 a.m. and continue to emerge during the heat of the day. A feu examples also hatched in tin- laboratory during the night, but this was apparently an exception to the rule. In order to rear the imagines the cocoons should be removed from the stream immediately they are formed ; and the leaves and stones to which they are attached should be placed in glass jars Covered nth ne muslm or chiffon. All that is necessary is to keep the material perfectly moist ; however, many imagines were successfully reared rom pupae which had become perfectly dry. (»„ . . the pupae he left in standing water. JZSnirr ,°f the imag° the sk,n of »- P«P» spins aloqg forwa“de3Teilneat°tfhethe th°raX and t"C raPidly P-hes itself greyish or silvery Sa“’e 8,,rro,,nded h>’ »« which Rives .t a The moment the in^T ^rlS '^f °f "" ^ carried to the surface wiiPn n • " ' in contact in its rapid courf"? * ***** °^eCt W,t** w^ch it a foothold instantly takes to win'o :< "o' and ll;,vinK gained a completely immersed in the T ccas,ol™Hy the insects were seen either when waling a W \? ^ « at perfect ease legs and antennae. In such c- ^ ^ ^ P,antS or clea™ng their the abdomen so that they tapered t & WingS Were fol,l"l partly round "if1"6 SGen t0 a large air c ♦ * ^ behind’ and this way observed in still Hus remarkable trait was m still water only. description of //te ^ Legs in two, coaiescent, pairs-' thi^ ';yl'.ndrira'. swollen posteriorly, first thoracic segment and pro.ee r , *5°? *** are *tt»*ed to the provided with little hooklets • thl "T beneath "le head and are the a 1 . and fo«S'a^ -ond pair (% M) are p|acfd at H " ° ,0°klets ^ranged in rP , SUcker whid> * surrounded - f Head (fig- 9. «) relatively T r transverse senes. -T^^T^frepresented by two ' lab‘U'n hroadl>' rounded ' I°T - pot! Antennae ^ ft <0 41 slender, almost filiform, of apparently three segments, of which the first is extremely short, the second about half the length of the third Immediately below the antennae is a large stout process furnished at the end with a long fan-like fringe of hairs, with a much smaller, but similar group of hairs arising from the centre of the lower- lateral margins of the same process. The hairs forming the large fans are provided with an inner lateral fringe of delicate short hairs Mandibles furnished at the tip with two stout and slightly ' lined spines and long silken hairs. Maxillae each with a long slender sub terminal spine which is sometimes completely hidden in the dense tuft K. iV. ,1/1. f> Fig II.— Larva of Simulium ornatuni: — a. anal segment; />. papillae, .7 . sinker r r with its coronet of hooks ( x 45) ; b. anal appendages ( x 451. of silken hairs. Antennae short, stout, of two segments, the terminal one being about one-fifth the length of the first. Labial plate broad and angular; the anterior margin emarginate and furnished with nin<- strong teeth or spines, the outer teeth bidentate, the median tooth slightly the longest ; anterior half of the lateral margins strongly serrate ; and there is a submarginal row of long stiff bristles. Length of fully matured larva 7-50 to 8‘50 mm. FAMILY TAB AN ID JE Heematopota duttoni, n. sp. (Newstead) (PI. iv, fig. 3) Face dark brown, clothed with grey pubescence, with two black spots. Palpi dull yellowish -brown, sparsely clothed with black 4-2 pubescence above, grey at the sides Antennae pale brown* tips Made; first segment almost cylindrical, the third slightly longer than the fat and second together. Frontal callus pole yell, wish brown the eyes, slightly produced in from ; a broad redan* rich chestnut between the eyes and .1 paler but ,11 d. lm.-.l aU.v, it in the centre of the callus; paired spots large, black, and slightly inform; unpaired spot distinct. No markings on the vertex, /w dark brown with three equidistant tnereoos Abdomen brown, with golden pubescem U,th jrather lar?e bla ,1 ] *lt s<1"1 1,1 •' " Paired spots not ,‘l . . Length «rSo mm. ; wing :Tmm °f dypeal SP°P ocaltties : Nyangwe ; Kasongo ■ Tshof . \l l Circumstances of capture • Tiv . « ’ M“,nbwt about cattle. Ils -v was caught along rivers and Head iv- %• 2) black, tibiae dusky^hte ^1^ ' abdomen smoky-brown; e^mdistant, oblique dusky smoky-brown - Female -Uead. v^Z^ eIon8ated >P«s black" 1 b>*<=k, shining pJeeP ^ the rest- ^Verse suture at the sides akd ^ . • anlerior and hind tibiae or I, too 4.5 white, apices dark brown; mid-tibiae entirely ochreous- while ; tarsi black; first segment of posterior tarsi ochreous, the remaining segments brown-black ; first segment of mid-tarsi pale at the basal half, the remainder brown, the other segments are wanting. Wings narrow, uniformly smoky-brown ; with three costal dusky-white spots ; the first, about midway between the base and apex of the wing, is placed below the costa and immediately above the first transverse vein ; the second about midway between the first and third spots, forms a continuous oblique band extending from the costa to the base of the first forked vein ; the third is slightly narrower and extend from the costa to the hind margin, leaving the extreme 4 ip of smoky brown. Length 9 nun. ; length of wing 8 mm.; greatest width of wing 275 mm. A clearly distinct species, easily recognised by the curious colora¬ tion of the wings. Locality : — Two specimens were caught in a European’s house at Yakusu. H&matopota brunnipennis, Ric. Localities: Coquilhatville ; Nyangwe ; Kasongo. Circumstances of capture: -These flies were only caught on the river. H czmatopota spp. Several rather worn specimens belonging to this genus were taken on cattle and horses at Matadi. Just to the north of the Limposo river one flew into the carriages of a moving train. Chrysops dimidiatus, v. d. Wulp. (PI. iv, fig. 1) Localities: -Banana (Dr. Etienne); Matadi; N’Kussu ; Wat hen ; fshumbiri ; Lisala (reported by Rev. K. Smith); Yakusu. C ircumstances of capture: Specimens were taken both near and at short distances from water. One was also caught in a European’s house. 44 A ty lotus iiigroniaculatus, Kic. This fly was caught in a European house placed on high ground at the mouth of the Gambia River. Tabanus canus, Karsch. (PI. iv, fig. 9) Localities: Lutete ; Matadi ; Lukolfla; IkdeDlba and Lopori rivers (March and Nov., Major Malfeyt). Circumstances of capture: This fly was only taken by , arsons travelling in canoes. It is reported to fly very rapidly and its bite is said to be very severe. I' aba nns dorsivitta. Walk. (PI. iv, fig. 4) Mr.Tne„°nly Specimen we obtained was collected by the Rev and Mrs. Billmgton at Tshumbiri. (PI. iv, fig. 14) ITnhieverateof ?bgiVen ‘° S°mewhat marked variation. Ereen ^ ^ ^ “ “ -t.re absence of the ap yellow than is seen in the Zf Qthe ^ ^ dCC'd<'d ‘ as transitional between T r • examples may be considc Austen. foseta/us and the sub-species niloli Localities : _ . t (March, Major MalfeytV ^P° d^lle (N°v., Dec.); Lopori R: Basongo ; and at mam^plar ^°uve e Anvers ; Tubila ; Kaso„f Chances of It ^ Ga"’b- Most of the specimens were taken'"5 seen °nly near wa E,"0eS- Two specimens we e u """ by or Eur°Pea’«- h°Wev"' caught in the houses Lie Id notes; _ Wi,,i . The eyes are a bright| meet^™g this Hy 15 * very beautiful obj< is oft"7 m“Ch bri^hter than in dr and the Colours of ,he 1,0 " Seen bo-d Steamers over " ““ *"”*'>• a >ards from the river’s bai 45 Tabanus gabonensis, Macq. (PI. iv, fig. 15) Localities: — Lukolela (July, Rev. Whitehead); Ikelemba and Lopori rivers (March, Nov., Major Malfeyt) ; Baringa (July, Dr. Angela) ; Nouvelle Anvers (April, Dr. Miiller). C ircumstances of capture: — Most of the specimens were taken by persons travelling on the rivers by steamer or in canoes. Tabanus gratus, Loew This species was caught in March, 1903, on the Kunchau ( reek, about 1 75 miles up the Gambia River. Tabanus par, Walk. (PI. iv, fig. 6) A single specimen of this insect was caught on board a steamer plying on the Gambia River. 'Tabanus pluto, Walk. (PI. iv, fig. ;) This Tabanid was caught in the Congo near the river at Matadi and Kisantu. Tabanus nijipes, Macq. (PI. iv, fig. 8) Localities: Matadi (?); Tshumbiri (April, Nov., Rev. Billing- ton); Bolengi ; Lulanga ; Lisala ; Stanley Falls; Wanie Numbu ; Kasuku ; Tshofa; Pania Mutombo; Lusambo. C ircumstances of capture: — This fly was caught only near water, usually while attempting to bite passengers in canoes or steamers. Field notes: — They fly very rapidly and strongly, and have been seen at over 100 yards from the banks of the river. They seem to be very local. For example, near Pania Mutombo ten or a dozen were seen at the same moment darting about a canoe. A little further down the river towards Lusambo none were seen for miles. Tabanus tarsalis, Adams (PI. iv, fig. 13) 1 his insect was only seen once, at Lutete. Tabanus mimaculatus, Macq. (PI- iv, fig. 5) One specimen of this fly was collected in November, 1903, ai Matadi by Dr. Bourguignon. Tabanus albovcntralis, n. sp. (Newstead) Thorax dark brown with three narrow lines; abdomen darker rown, with a b.Iateral series of oblique white spots. The whole of IT surface, including the head, white. Legs pale ochreous, with the tarsi and apices of the tibiae dark brown. EMALE—Heaaf.. Space between the eve. . lru bands> ^ . - pul'L AtZ ** "°r with dense Thorax- dull erev hr ** ^ C I*™”1* Palpi pore white and wax like lines; margins greyZ' leTus^h”^ ^ MBdl“ Abdomen dark brown w;th * Posterior margin of I to the fifth segment with • ' . ,M,r *PicaI 1 greyish-white, the spots grad, J.*": ?bKque* rl' ' extremity, so that the la « ^ ' ' t*|n^,n*sk toward segment extends right arro S<‘"','l-V vimI)1<'' while that on the SCO band; there is also 1 hint Z scZn,rt,t- 'WMd b> - pubescence, oclneous border. Legs wif. , ‘ gments with a distinct, narrow, f biae pale ochreous with the w T^’ tr°chantae and femora white; transparent, withoutTarkhigs ' br°Wn * a" dark h"”™ -X r s 1 1 blw, 'w :lr; ™*2i“ >—■ *,!«, .« W ap.ca! band. Wings ;lTd fourth segments with a 3 narr™ median dark dgtag 47 line and a broad sub-apical band ; apex with a clear triangular space ; the anterior basal, and succeeding cell clearer than the rest. Male Thorax red-brown, covered with grey dust. Abdomen black, with narrow grey bands to all the segments. Nervures of wing all margined with brown. Fore tibiae in both sexes white; the remaining segments blackish. MALE. Head: Eyes dull bronzy-brown (in dry specimen); ocelli ochreous ; space between the eyes black, shining, brown below . clypeus and cheeks grey, the latter with long, silken, white pubescence , posterior surface of head dull grey. Antennae black, basal segment clothed with grey dust, the rest with ochreous-brown pubescence Proboscis and labium black. Thorax in front of transverse suture, dull castaneous, with a narrow, faintly-indicated median line, and two narrower sub-median lines, which terminate in front as two black- depressions ; margins dusky greyish-brown; suture opposite the sub- median lines orange-brown, continued downwards as a short narrow streak ; posterior half of thorax slightly darker than the anterior ; the whole is covered with a greyish powder, and scanty black pubescence ; scutellum and pleurae grey, but the latter are paler than the former. Abdomen smoky-black with narrow grey apical bands to the segments, these gradually diminish towards the apex, until the) entirely disappear on the last one ; venter of the same colour and banded as on the dorsum. Legs black ; mid femora dark piceous . upper two-thirds of anterior tibiae dull white, the remaining third black. Wings with the nervures dark brown, all with a broad diffuse band of orange-brown surrotmding them. Length 16111m.; length of wing 15 mm. T EMALE.— Head as in the male, but the face is pale ochreous Thorax rich dark brown, with two, narrow, sub-median pale fulvus lines which gradually darken and entirely disappear at the transverse- suture ; margins with a well-defined band of pale fulvus pubescence which is continued round the margin of the scutellum, and in front extends over the pleurae. Abdomen black, piceous in some lights, basal segment pale fulvus with the fringe of the pubescence paler ; second, third and fourth segments with a conspicuous narrow' gre\ apical band ; venter with similar bands on the second to the fifth segments. Legs as in the male, but the anterior tibiae have the basal half only of a pale ochreous or dull white colour. 4« Length 17 to 20 mm.; length of wing !<> nun.; expanse of wing 34 to 35 mm. Localities:— Several females of this species were first H ail t» M by Rev. and Mrs. Billington, from Tshtimbiri. It has received its specific name as a mark of our appreciation of the interest shown in the work of the Expedition by the collectors A female was also caught, near the river, at Bolengi. The only male wc |hissc'n was sent to us by the Rev. M. Ave, from near Matadi. It is an extremely well-marked insect, and is easily recognised from the other African species of Tabanus both by the banding of the abdomen and the markings of the wings. Tabanus spp. incert. Six additional species of this genus were taken in the localities named below; but the specimens have all suffered from mould and other injuries, so that it is impossible either to identify them with any certainty or to give adequate descriptions of them. One can onl) add that two of these specimens arc referable to the Social ts group. Localities: I.uano on the Kwilu River (Major Malfeyt, June; 1905); Matadi; Wathen, Leopoldville (Dec.) ; Lukolcla (Rcn White head, Aug.); Kuzu, in the region of the Lower Congo a EuropelnChouse^ TW° °f ^ Specimens werc caughl “ family SARCOPHAGI DAE Sarcophaga spp. Leopoldville (Dec ^ ^re^e"tatlves of th>s genus were collects Malfeyt); and * Rasongo '(Apll) “‘t' ^ “ d.stnbuted one throughout ^ ‘ ^ *” Circumstances of capture - A ^ and in privies. Adult* 1 P c,mens were caught in the c brought by natives hfhed laboratory front la, Some species are vivin * 01 larvae of Auchnterontyia lute deposited. Within a very Tew ^ ^ Ver>’ rap 0 ten almost covered with them m,nutes ^reshly excreted faeces 40 FAMILY MUSCIDyE Pycnosoma marginale, Wied. Specimens of this beautiful species were collected only at Leopold ville. Pycnosoma elara, Walk. This fly was only observed at Leopoldville. The specimens were hatched from larvae brought by natives in mistake for the maggots of Auchmeromyia luteola. Pycnosoma putorium, Wied. Specimens of this insect were collected at Wathen. It was not seen in any other locality. Pycnosoma sp. ? The only specimen we possess is not in a sufficiently perfect condition for verification. It was captured, in company with others, at Tshumbiri. Lucilia fuscina, Walk. ? Localities: — Tshumbiri; Kutu ; Basoko ; Nya Lukemba (Jan., Dr. De Maria). Circumstances of capture: — These flies were caught in the bush and were hatched from larvae found in the mud floor of a native hut They are said to follow cattle. Lucilia spp. ? Several additional specimens of this genus were caught at Wathen and at Kutu (Feb.). Auchmeromyia luteola, Fabr. (Figs. 12-14) Localities: — San Salvador; Noki ; (Portuguese Congo, reported) ; Lukungu ; Matadi ; Wathen; Kimfuti ; Leopoldville (Oct. -June) ; M’Swata ; Tshumbiri; Lukolela; Irebu ; Bikoro (Rev. Clark); Bamamia ; Lisla ; Upoto; Bongandanga (Rev. Gamman) ; Basoko; Loeka (reported) ; Yalembe ; Yandongi ; Romee ; Yakusu ; Stanley Falls ; WanieNumbu ; Ponthierville ; Kirundu ; Utikakadjia ; Kuinh.i , I) 50 Lokandu ; Sendwe ; Nyangwe ; Kasongo (Nov. to April) ; Molemba ; Tshofa ; Miambwe ; Kabinda ; Lusambo ; Portuguese Angola (Bastian, interpreter at Lusambo); Lake Tchad (Monsieur ( tievalier ? Lagos (native reports) ; Sierra Leone (reported by Captain Grattan Circumstances of capture: Most of the specimens were taken during the day time in or near the houses of natives and Europeans One or two were caught at night as they buzzed loudly about a European’s house. Bionomics : — We have little to add to the description of the habits of this fly published in Memoir XIII of this School The flies were again noticed to be attracted by the sleeping mats of natives As before, the pupa usually took from a fortnight to three weeks t( develop. The shortest period observed was ten d iperature not unusually high). The larva of this fly has already been described and figured* ; but the mouth parts and stigmata need further elucidation to enable students to distinguish it from other allied species. The 8reat ™<>*th hooks. The anterior half of iW SCh°°' MeSic"'ethc l:Xped' *" to. Memoir XIII of the Liverpool Fig i2. — Auchmeromyia luteola (“ Congo Floor Maggot Mouth parts, &c., of larva: — a. tip of antenna: md i and 2. the great mouth hooks; cs. cephalo-pharyngeal sclerites ; hs. hypostomal sclerite ; ct. central or median teeth ; ps 1. anterior-lateral palmate teeth ; fsj. posterior- lateral teeth ; st /, 2, 3. anterior or thoracic stigmata ; ds. dermal spines. (All greatly enlarged.) FlG 13. — Auchmeromyia luteola. Anal segment of larva : — a. anus ; at. anal papillae; mf. marginal papillae; dp. dorsal papillae: >v divided to the - and widely separated. Length 5 to 575 mm. ; width 3 nun. prefenTlf the w *“***** ‘5 «■“■«» «° be certain* wh"rLeciln, l me"ti0ned tUe foIlowin8 bst. Places at mentioned. If th^Tped*"1611 ^ ^ expedition arc' 3S ““"I 5,mPl.v and the date are gtven d°naled by friends """"" obtained, appear onVcc,mcns have been present at them because nf ,1 ' palpalts ,s Relieved to have been been seen and because f *C prox’ni'ty places in which it has nature of this evidence’ • eV‘denCe assert'ng its presence. The indicated whether oer *** every instance mentioned. It i> were shown specimens Z “^“d with the name of the fly 11 was sported as present /eC°gntsed u as be»ng present, or whether evidence cannot be accented ose -knowing its name. As a rule socfc a small tsetse (not G. fuse* m .Cat*nS lnore than the presence of tary llst llas therefore been r, n£lPL>l’iis). A second and supplemen ,100d sPecimens have not hPrepared of Places from whose neighlx -ur been ported lo exisnt0t b7; received, at which “ tsetse flies " have rM^api - —^.11 thC n'arki,,&s Indicating the ne rsetse Mies. Hrj, XI M"' X “- "-•! . . , „„t, T”<” ,,,,, H (see fiages ) 59 distribution of Glossina pal pal is are based upon the first list ; those showing the distribution of undifferentiated species of “ tsetse flies,” partially depend upon the second list. Banana (Oct., Dr. Etienne) ; Shiloango, Lukula and Lubengi Rivers (reported, June, 1905, de Laval); Banza Manteka (reported); Lufu River (reported, Rev. Morgan); Tumba; Wathen ; Kuzu ; Kisantu; Sabuka ; Leopoldville (Nov., 1905, to July, 1905) ; Brazza¬ ville; Bamu Island (Jan. -Feb.); Lisha (April, June, July, 1905); MSwata; Kwamouth ; Kitoto ; Tshumbiri (seen ten miles inland, said to exist along all small streams of neighbourhood); Bolobo (recognised as present); Yumbi ; Lukolela ; Irebu ; Bikoro (reported by natives and Rev. Clark); Bolengi ; Coquilhatville ; “ AH alon£ Lukmga River to Baringa ” (July, Dr. Angela) ; Ikelemba River (Nov., Major Malfeyt) ; Eala ; Bamamia ; “ All along overland route from Boyembe to Lulonga ” (July, reported, Rev. Gilchrist); Lulonga ; Monsembe ; Nouvelle Anvers ; Bosesera (reported, Jan., Chef de Poste) ; Mobeka; Bokanga ; Lisala, Bwela, Bosogodo (May, reported, Rev. K. Smith) ; “ Along Congo from Lisala to Bumba and up the Itimbiri River" (reported, Dr. De Valkeneer); Bumba; Botsali; Yambinga ; Bopamba ; Basoko ; Yalembe ; Isangi j Yarbumbo (recognised by natives); Yandonge (recognised by natives); Yakusu (recognised by natives and Rev. Milman) ; Stanley I alls (recognised by natives) ; Katanga (recognised by natives) ; Batikalela ; Wanie Bakula ; Kewe ; Wanie Numbu ; Kisui ; Ponthier- ville; Kirundu ; Lalowa River ; Utikakadjia ; Lulindi River ; Kumba ; Kasuku ; Maboka ; Lokandu ; Ukungvva ; Kamimbi ; Sendwe ; Makula ; Mfunkiva ; Kibombo ; Kundu River (Dec., reported, Com¬ mandant Verdi ck) ; Nyangwe ; Salt Springs (Oct., reported, Monsieur happen); Kasongo (Oct. to May); East Bank of Lake Albert (April, Commandant Lngh) ; Lado Enclave, 6° 33' N., 290 58' E. (March, ommandant Lemairc) ; “ Glossina pal palis is everywhere present m Lele even in the smallest rivers” (Feb., 1906, reported, Dr. osselet) ; Kalombe (May, recognised by natives); Muadi River; v 1; Tshofa; M iamb we (recognised as present by natives); cminda; kiambi ; Katanga (Aug., Major Malfeyt) ; Pania Mutombo ; atampas ; Lusambo (none at post itself, many along Lubi River, just opposrte, and up and down Sankuru River) ; Lubefu ; Basongo ; Luano (kwilu River, July, Major Malfeyt). There were but few G. palpalis 6o among the grass-covered islands of the Lower Kasai They were, however, numerous in every patch of forest. In the Gambia (Sept 1902, to April, 1903) Glossina pal pal is was everywhere present along the river and its tributaries from its mouth to a point some fifty mife above Fatotenda. Circumstances of capture: On reviewing this list and cumpanng it with Maps I and II, it is apparent that 6\ pal pal i\ is probably present in almost every part of the Congo Free State Tsetses were usually only found near water. If there be a fringe o! forest or brush, perhaps 200 yards in breadth, along the water’, edge, more flies will be seen by gently paddling in a canoe along the ank or by walking on the land side just .n the edge of the bdt : brush than by even a prolonged stay in the forest itself. The collec t.on of water need not be large. 6'. palp,,/,. , caught along very small forest streams. ForTe!fr nrbr Were f0Und t0 varr ereatly in different locate Sendwe ”?’ I ^ SabuU ne" Coquilhatville. near BatiunpasandruberoTth:V‘;:i“'f7 * ? *' outskjrfc ^of ^ o n ! a *** S at Z* Falls, all places at which ^ *7”' ^ n°t a single fly couid be founj Ca ^al,s P“** stay in each of these places both hv T W3S made dunng 0Ur b°ys ; it may be that ^ ourselves and by our fly-catching days when the Aieas ,n vis"ing — °f *** - nottced that the number of tset e h“ *>«" repeatedly vary considerably from dav , f H,es Presen> «> any locality may on October ^ ^ ^ "**“'* W«-t cause, dming^the halVoMhe^ °" UpP“ C<** Again the ^ ^ ■tamed because they were ^ of the places water fronts. «>™Parat,vely free from brush ;lIon/thcir It seems certain neighbourhood of - tsetses in the nnmed, any S12e may be 6x all thick underbrush and rank grass, either near the water or a few hundred yards inland, be carefully removed.* The station of Irebu, a military training post on the middle Congo, is beautifully bept. We remained there for three days and saw no tsetses, although there were mam only a few hundred yards further up or down the river. A little over 1,000 yards outside the station was a trading factory placed in the middle of a patch of rank grass Glossina falfalis existed there. Resides searching for tsetses on the station ourselves we sent out five boys trained to catch them, together with 60 soldiers. Between them all only a dozen specimens were taken. All were caught in a patch of rank grass, about 350 yards from the river, that had not been cut for two or three months. There were many scores of acres of cultivated land on the station, mostly consisting of well kept, but shady, cocoa and coffee plantations. In them not one tsetse was found. As Leopoldville developes and the surrounding brush is kept down tsetses become fewer, and we are told they are not nearly so numerous within the Protestant mission station as they formerly were. During our stay in Leopoldville Glossina palpatis was much more often caught in the house of the Rev. Mr. Morgan than in the building occupied by our expedition. The mission house was surrounded by a grove of palm trees which extended uninterruptedly to the river’s edge, while the house of the expedition stood in an open piece of ground. The experimental farm of the Government of the Congo Free State at Eala possibly may be considered to be an exception to this rule. This farm is comparatively free from undergrowth. It is extensive and well kept, yet Glossina falpalis is quite frequently seen on it. There is a herd of 43 cattle and a fair amount of other live stock on the farm. It is believed that the flies are attracted by them. It often happened, however, that no,, or extremely few, tsetses were found, even after a careful search, in places where everything, shade, shelter and water, apparently favoured their presence. Near Yambinga a search (of several hours), made on a bright day, along the thickly wooded banks of the main river of a small stream failed to find Glossina fal falls, although they were present in the near neighbourhood. At Yakusu several hours in the middle of a fine dry day were spent in a canoe paddling along the banks of the river and about wooded islands. Tsetse flies were not seen. The late Rev. W. Holman Rently told us that at a place called Vela in the Lower Longo G. falpalis was absent. The natives noticed this and decided that they were -.offering from a want of the beneficent blood-letting enjoyed by their neighbours wh' . ived in places where the fly existed. Men were therefore sent out to catch tsetses, bring them back and let them loose at Vela ! Rehind the soldiers’ lines at T.usambo runs a brush-covered stream which never u*1 ^fiar La ma'ad’e du sommeil et la tse-tse a Novo Redondo. Reports o t e 1 teenth International Congress of Medicine at Lisbon, Fasicule 2. page 294. It is stated in this publication that Glossina falpalis is not >een in w ell-kept plantations nor at a higher altitude than 400 metres above the sea I his latter assertion is negatived by an observation of Commandant Charles Lemaire. who sent us specimens of the fly from the banks of the Ialo River (6° 33' North : 29° 58 Last) caught at an altitude of 530 metres, and also by Lieutenant Rrohez. who caught Glossina at an altitude of 1,600 metres, in places where the moraine temperature went down to o° C. (loc. cit., vide infra). 62 goes dry, and in the wet season measures from ten to twenty yard' in breadth On? could not imagine a place better-suited for tsetses ; yet three competent obsentn (Dr. Broden, Dr. Polidori and J. (.. T.i duri ieral months mw now there, although they were looked for many times. The observation might b? explained by the fact that the stream is used as a latrine, and in hot weather reel* with effluvia. If this explanation be accepted it seenx strange that G falftlis bn twice been seen in latrine sheds. Tsetse flies will sometimes follow persons or animals for a considerable distance. In the Lower Congo the belief that (7. falfa have not confirmed the observation. We are told that in the neighbour!., d U Leopoldville G. falfalis was called by m . (Dr. Broden). tsetses we!°bfala’ “ ,Catt!f St3tion in the Low“ ( aaaerted tttf tsetses?were formerly absent. Pigs were introduce,., and *„», ,, • • brackishhwa?erniof ^ 'm ^ * 'Ime a hm,se P,ac#d a mile ft t, the KHe!,! f * mangrove -swamp where were a , d - ; through Seew^rSr^These^ h.ouse by per* vt ' ' ! J" ' . ■*- — . — ^ used as a laboratory ^Two tan|f '’T't' "" had ' '' r’ ff. taltalis followed them btOU«ht ; two or three support the idea^thfd tsetTe'fl^T^Ln150^31’0" "as «athered »'» th' Cong, tn many (7. jalfaUs were seen in W iSP "" 1 of any sort. ** “ ,OCa,'tles " •> gJe seen atP places'* where* thev ^ tsetse n'es were occasionally not When the exp^on Z T” P^sent Iron' to Pania Mutombo emT"" > ' " *"* ,h,‘ 11 overland several of that ,setse dies were not found at and Lukola during the ove I ^ ne3r K:,lo,nbc' Oibwe, Miambwe was usually made ^er,and J°«ney of the expedition Search number of porters had “d bridges after a considerable fl'es were not found in ** Sli" p— The Ae'r presence and although human'T’ although ,he natives asserted earch of one or trypanosomiasis existed localh fjre ** bud at first sZ/dto7 u ^ at a ™ple of streams -;"ke i, , . . 63 percentage of resident natives having enlarged cervical glands without apparent cause is indicated — Kalombe (i; per cent.), Dibwe (t8 per cent.), Miambwe (; per cent.), Lokula (6 per cent.). A proportion of the infected persons probably contracted their disease elsewhere. These villages have a considerable immigrant population ; they supply many carrier'- and a large proportion of their people are continually absent, collecting rubber, in the forest near rivers where tsetse flies are said to exist. Had the flies been present in as large numbers as, for instance, at Kamimbi, it is quite inconceivable that the passage of even 300 men should have enticed them all away from their usual haunts. The occasional presence of G. palpalis in places at a considerable distance from any collection of water may perhaps be explained by their habit of following animals. In the Gambia, and again in the Congo, a single G. -palpalis (?) ha- been seen on a dry plateau a couple of hundred feet above and about a mile distant from the nearest stream. As would be surmised from what has already been said, Gloss inn palpalis is able to fly quickly and for comparatively long distances. They are said to occasionally fly into the railway carriages as they pass near Palabala in the Lower Congo. They are frequently seen on steamers or canoes in mid-river, and distant 300 to 500 yards from either bank. On entering a moving vehicle the flies seek sheltered spots, and it is under the sunshade of the canoe or in corners of a cabin sheltered from the wind that they take refuge. On one occasion in the Gambia a G. palpalis (?) persistently followed one of us (J. E. D.), who was riding rapidly on a bicycle, for several hundred yards. At Tshofa, G. palpalis was frequently seen on the verandah of our house, although it was placed on high ground and at least two hundred feet above the river, which was about half a mile away. Although G. palpalis has such extensive powers of flight, it seems to be very local in its habits. As has often been observed, not a single fly may be seen at 100 yards from a river although its banks swarm with them. At M’Swata, however, G. palpalis was regularly seen along a little-frequented path on high ground and in open park country at a distance of 500 yards from the water and of 250 yards from the edge of the fringe of brush bordering the river. In partial explanation it should be stated that there was a good deal of game in the neighbourhood. It has been often noticed that G. palpalis is most numerous at, and seems to lie in wait by, fords or frequented paths. Its habits have seemed to be more or less regular. On one occasion, while resting by the side of a path, a G. palpalis was noticed to return on three occasions to the same spot on the sheltered under surface of a gra" stalk after having been driven off by a native porter whom it was trying to bite. Tsetse flies were practically never seen during rain and wind. They were most conspicuous and seemed most vivacious on bright. 64 warm days. In the cool of the early morning or on chilly days thev were sluggish and were certainly much more easily captured; undo these conditions tsetse flies have often been caught with the hand ordinarily almost an impossibility'. Glossina palpalis is often seen in native village l0«s ot Luropeans living within a few yards ol the rivers edge ^\Xnnl\nl'‘^ganaSSTedthi,' 'U' ' * •' • how asm - » ** ,he;\v0e"e\TiT^w * ITT" ^ ^ * *++ Of the resident European. " K * d thumb, were wen ta the boon on lbld ”TS °n /h‘ Bionomics °f ,sf,s‘ /?<« These note, are bwd .0 traZrr5 made on the cap,,v" •> sersns: y ,heir bi,es- and - - - ee thefer^^n? PrehPareS l° feed* " to kw, prim* it were, "seithL T ^ wholc borl> “W to host; .has* they form an ansi/T 1° US“,eS*-' 1 l"’ P'lll» an There " occaZa,. ** '35 ’- a new direction *r;- €3Cpiain l,u' u ch this "ith * pocket-, ens while 65 may be done. It seems that G. palpalis flexes its proboscis in two distinct ways. The first, the more usual, is a sharp bending of the labella. Flies who had just fed were often seen, while preening themselves, to sharply flex their labella so that they stood out, almost at right angles, from the palps. Fhe second movement was only seen in flies from whom the palps had been removed preparatory to dissection. In these the whole proboscis bowed until it described a well-marked curve directed ventrally. The second movement is probably due to the contraction of the powerful “ tendons " lying in the labium * G. palpalis does not fill with blood so quickly as is usually imagined. The length of time between the insertion of the proboscis at the commencement of feeding and its withdrawal was noted in flies carefully fed on an experimental animal. The greatest care was taken to avoid disturbing them. The longest fed for eleven minutes, the shortest for minutes, while the average was slightly over three minutes. The extraordinary way in which tsetses distend themselves with blood is well known. A female G. fusca was watched steadily filling itself with blood for six minutes It was stopped feeding then lest it should burst itself. Its abdomen was so distended that there was a space of almost a millimetre between each of the dark coloured chi tin plates on the dorsal surface of its abdomen. In about a minute after feeding commences a drop of yellowish or brownish, opaque, but liquid faeces is extruded and a minute later while still feeding — clear serum rolls, drop by drop, from the anus. Sometimes tsetses who were plainly in need of food absolutely refused to attempt to feed. Others frantically probed animal after animal and failed to get blood. It has occasionally been thought that in captivity male flies did not seem to be so eager for blood as were the females. In the cool of the early morning or evening G. palpalis is not nearly so voracious as at mid-day. One is, however, occasionally surprised, as at Lubefu on the Kasai, in finding them active and biting freely early on a cold damp morning, or as at Kasongo and I.ukolela in seeing them feed until dusk and fly actively about after dark G. palpalis has twice been caught about the lamps at night. I hese flies sometimes seem to prefer natives to Europeans, and dark to light coloured clothes. This first point is frequently commented on by European-, travelling in canoes. They see that the native paddlers are worried by the flies while they are themselves often comparatively unmolested. * Memoir XVIII of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, page 53. li 66 One day while coming down the Kasai the Captain, finding it c Id, put > V • cloth jacket. Many more tsetses were not- than on the vfeik duck suits of the European passengers and of the negro steersman The flies seem to find their hosts rather by sight than by Mnnll, sin. e in i gne locality a moving person is usually more troubled by them than i » one wh- .u% *•:'.! The persistency with which Glossitta /'<>//'■ attacks despite slapping and brushing is very characteristic As has alrrah been stated, its flight is ordinarily rapid and darting It is usually accompanied by a peculiar and charSU ' i m fly can nevertheless, if it wishes, fly as noiselessly as an Anophelt A fuD\ gorged fly is exceedingly heavy on the wing, and Utoall] 1 t only a yard or two before taking refuge in some quiet corner, where it quickly lightens itself by the rapid extrusion per tt n urn of large quantities of colourless serum. Immediately . goes through an elaborate toilet and carefully deans .is proboscis. W times just after feeding a drop of blood has been seen adher.ng to Ihr outside of the proboscis at about its middle. If a tsetse (G. fusca or G. pal pahs) be held by its « ingl. or other- Z d t C3n bC "lade *° drop Tclear Hod from the ,p of tts proboscis. Koch has made a sin, 1 association w 7 tha‘ ■» * . unly found . plants were pointed™'^ One Z ConR" ,W° other a variety of mimosa Rotl * *°n °f ^ ^ river bank, and therefore were ' fZ '°'V lanH alonS Needless to say, the flies h . * Ways Seen whcrr tsetses existed both were absent. ^ °en ' 'l'"’"' l\ seen in n! was found to be ab^mhomZ'1'0" 3S WeD “ U‘e fact ,hal tatsed the question whether th, ''PP'>rcntly well suited to it hare given locality may not varv T nun,bers of ‘wise flies present m a influences. No satisfactory^ *** ®rea,ly *hrou8h seasonal or other observations are, however 7,e 7 ^ hCe" obtained The following ts AtflMatadi and elsewhere h ^ th'S c°nnection Br-h” tnSsSs^2>“/“l in '*>• t-ambi*. « J the b“e more ««c.ly i„ ?h",T"y:ana «*•« that i„ Kit, Ini' ]t‘. more numeroui f-t/fa/ii pnwHil .in., Forw-hnngmir • ^7- 'ov. aj, iqoj. nark 6 7 In April, just at the end of the dry season, a camp was made on the banks of the Upper Gambia river. Glossina palfalis was very numerous, but, strange to say, caused but little trouble ; there was a great deal of game in the neighbourhood. It has been reported that certain localities were infested with tsetses which at an earlier period were free from them. These statements have not been substantiated, and they seem sometimes to have resulted from insufficient observation. The possi¬ bility of their accuracy must not, however, be forgotten, especially since it is frequently asserted that the area over which Glossina exists is widening. Observations on captive Glossina pa l pal is.- During our attempts, in the Gambia," to transmit trypanosomes by the bites of tsetse flies, we found that they would not feed well in small cages and died in the course of two to four weeks. It was thought that this might have been one of the reasons why our Gambian experiments had been unsuccessful, and when we recommenced our experiments in the Congo we determined to reproduce, as nearly as possible, the natural surroundings of the fly by keeping them out of doors in larger cages containing water and growing grass. Cubical cages of wire gauze measuring 18 inches along each side were employed. In each cage was placed from 20 to 70 flies. These larger cages were kept in a large mosquito house, measuring 13 by 8 by 9 feet, made of wire gauze. It was placed in a thick clump of bamboos, distant about 100 yards from the river. The flies were sheltered by the bamboos from the mid-day sun and, on two sides, from strong winds. Food was supplied to them by experimental animals, guinea-pigs and rat-, which were immobilised and placed in the cages. Glossina palpalis certainly lived better under these conditions than they had done in smaller cages in the Gambia. They frequently lived for over 30 days ; 43 and 59 days were the longest lives noticed. In addition they seemed not to require food so often as had been necessary in the Gambia, and they were frequently left for 48 hours without an opportunity of feeding. This may be explained in part by their being out of doors and more exposed to cold and damp. Under such circumstances tsetses are certainly more sluggish in their movements. The disadvantages of this method of keeping flies were however great. It was almost impossible in such large cages to count exactly the number of flies which had fed or to estimate the number present They seemed to seek concealment and hid themselves in the smallest crevices. It was difficult to feed flies kept in this way on monkeys and the cages were too large to be easily transported. * Memoir XI, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 7 o If they were left without an opportunity to feed for much more than 24 hours they died very quickly, about Qi per cent in 37 hours Neither sex seemed particularly resistent. To feed the flies the cage was simply pressed against an infected person or animal, and so long as the victim kept fairly still the die- , . . ” A*tt,HOD OK Fkr, Tskt.sk Kues ted without difficult v Tl , - and practically the same ^ .S n° Preference for human (man* monkey, guinea-pip- JCenUj?c ot n,es fed on whatever a 0 . . ;111 aVera^e 80 per cent, of ouTffie^f thousand fl,e5 " cases, when great care ' "" When ,he °PP°rtunity ol Perfectly stiU and the L! L Z ' ° k«P an.mal and Ifrl P"Cen‘ages "ere obtam^ P7S‘Sted in for some hours, roh:f had partially Z 7ted frrent'-V - per cent, at once resume their mea on ^ could often be pers, °n a Se“nd animal, „ was prac 7i impossible to get flies which had been allowed to gorge themselves to again feed within from three to five hours’ time, although they would do so readily eight hours after a first feed. It has already been stated that G. palpalis may buzz loudly while flying. When at rest, often just after feeding, it sometimes produces a shrill, high-pitched note. A wingless fly was watched with a pocket-lens while sounding in this way. The tips of its halteres were seen to be depressed downwards and forwards, but the mechanism by which the note was produced was not ascertained. Glossina palpalis, var. welhnani, Austen Localities: — On the Congo River, between Nyangwe and Kasongo ; on the Gambia River, near its mouth, at Oyster Creek. Circumstances of capture : — So far as was observed the habits of these flies were quite similar to those of Glossina palpalis. Glossina morsitans, Westwood Localities: Specimens have been received, through Monsieur Brohez, only from the Katanga district. The exact locality and the circumstances under which they were caught are not certain, but they were probably taken along the Luvua River near Pueto. Dr. Hosselet definitely reports that this fly is everywhere present in the zone of Uele, but we have seen no specimens. Glossina fusca, Walker Larva ( dissected from body of parent but fully matured). — This consists of twelve strongly defined segments ; surface finely tesselated, the individual tesserae being circular, flat, and shiny. Form, rather short ovate. Mouth-hooks relatively large, black, rather widely separated, but not porrected. Anal segment or “ black hood ” very coarsely rugose, the space between the converged points of the tumid lips one-third the diameter of one lip. Colour white, with a trace of lemon-yellow ; hood or anal segment black. Length 5-50 to 6 mm. ; width 3 to 4111m. Pupa much more tumid and ovate than that of G. palpalis, especially so posteriorly. The tumid lips are also more depressed, and being continuous at their bases and only slightly divided posteriorly form a deep siphon-like tube or crateriform process, so 72 deep that it is impossible to see the stigmata which he in the interior. Colour, dull steel-black, without an y trace of the dull steel blue seen in the puparium of G. pal pahs. Length 7 50 to 8 mm. ; width 4 to 4*50 mm. Localities: — Leopoldville (Dec.; reported, all the year round) Tshumbm; Yumbie (Dr. Rodham); LukoleJ cad); Bolengi (Dr. Dye); Coquilhatville (Dr. Mordighlia) ; N’ouvcllc Anvers; Bwela (reported, Rev. Kenred Smith {tongipenuis ?)); Aruwimi River; Lulu River (reported, ( '< unm.111. 1.mt Lund ( longi ■ pennis ?)); near Lalowa ; near Utikakadja; Sendwe; Mftmlrin Kasongo (Oct.- May). Circumstances of capture:— This fly occurs in very much smaller numbers than G. pal pahs and it is the rarest thing for more than one to be seen at a time. Most of our specimens were caught in the bush or from canoes paddled slowly along the edge of a wooded stream one were seen to fly on board the steamer used by the expedition on their journey from Leopoldville to Stanly l ulls, altht ■ t M ^ f°Und " °nC °f the “bins. Gloss,,,, fuse, has inT tabk.een erVed th£ C°ng° ‘° be morc or lcss noctunuI A buffalo was shot Part .u arrived about an hour after nightfall “ 1^11^1 "h* b>' Ca,"P’ wher* " trying to feed— there was no hlnnH ■’ ■, 3 ' a ,aml' ,l aught two later a pair of G. fusca were * 1 i! St0mach — on buffalo'* neck On two occasions specimens have w8 CO,tu’ about ‘he lighted lamp in a tent, of the expedition. ha'e been cau«ht a*‘er nightfall in the illuminated tents fly have beea Glossina pallidipes, Austen were seen, although ,05^^ ^ °btamed at KasonS° No others ments, were carefully examined6 CaUght for transmission expen- . Localities;- ThtlTh Wiedemann district. Two lots of soeL ^ y been sent to us from the Katanga ^ough Major Mai feyt, WW -“ived One reached as PPer Luapula. 'Cr V'as bent b>’ a local official from the 73 Field notes: — It is asserted locally that these flies are more persistent and feed more viciously than Glossina palpalis. Glossina maculata, n. sp. (Newstead) (PI. in, figs. 5, 6) General appearance- Very dark brown ; posterior surface of head cinerous, spotted with black ; thorax dark brown and faintly cinerous in places, with elongated transverse black spots ; pleurae, coaxe and femora cinerous with conspicuous black spots ; first and second segments of hind tarsi dark. (The remaining segments wanting.) FEMALE. Head with the frontal stripe rich ochreous brown ; frontal margins and occellar spot bright yellowish-white to pale ochreous ; ocelli black ; posterior surface of head cinerous with large well-defined irregular black spots. Antennae dull red-brown in front, sides with a cinerous surface ; arista dull reddish-brown. Palpi blackish above, paler beneath. Bulb of proboscis dark castaneous, shining. L'horax dark brown and cinerous with numerous irregular elongated black spots placed transversely ; anterior angles pale brown. The scutellum spotted like the thorax, margin pale brown ; pleurae cinerous and pale brown, with numerous, irregular, and more or less confluent, black spots. Abdomen very dark brown ; the narrow basal segment cinerous, with numerous black spots ; the broad second segment with the large median area, the anterior angle, and broad hind margin, cinerous, with black spots; the remaining segments, with the exception of the last, with a narrow well-defined median stripe, and hind margins narrowly cinerous ; lateral margins of segments three to five with a cinerous triangular patch ; the hind margins with an occasional, more or less obscure, black spot, with the exception of the sixth, which has a regular series of ten or eleven on the grey cinerous band ; last segment darker than the rest with a lateral greyish spot in the centre of which is a small black one. Legs : All the coxae cinerous and pale reddish-brown, with numerous more or less confluent black spots ; anterior and mid femora cinerous basally and apically bright red-brown, cinerous area with numerous confluent black spots ; hind femora with the basal third and apex pale red-brown, the rest faintly cinerous with a few large, faint, dull brown blotches; anterior and hind tibiae pale brown, mid tibiae slightly darker with, in some lights, faint indications of dark spots ; anterior 74 tarsi and first segment of the mid pale brown ; first and second segment of hind tarsi dark brown. (The remaining segments of the nnd and hind tarsi are unfortunately wanting.) Wings uniformly brown. Length, w exclusive of proboscis, 9 mm. ; length of wing 9 nun A single specimen of this fly was sent to us by the Rev and Mrs. Billington. It was collected by them at I siiuinbin in 1905. I his interesting species may be readily recognised from .ill oilier members of the genus, by the curious spotted or mottled apjicaran t of the thorax, pleurae, and femora I*o the unaided eye it lot Its like a dark specimen of Clossina pal pal h% R I) ; but a pocket km immediately reveals the peculiar markings. e u iv 1 ri k TSETSE FLIES Trustw • t t "°rthy persons frequently stated that tsetse flies of sm; 2 2 °r existed in various localities Th, ^;,revwurble ,o further ***& ^ 1 st 0 0 r theief°re c°,npiled ^Mowing supplements havebelnl1: **“ flles ~ The names .. ’ ,rrmg Z distribution Of fteC/JVj* prePa™‘i°n of the map showing « Makunga, M^nfema (I'porL^An Dr. BignamO Kamba,ontheLomami R 1 ; ' ' '?°S' Chef Chcf de Poste); Lak Bishop Rodens) ; “ pj. , lunt‘) : f PPer Luama River (reports district are so few as to h t.Setses do not exist in the Katang Chef de^.Secto ^11* 1 (reP°rted Feb. 4th. 19°! - - - Places in Katanga at whirl t This statement i • ,s has not been allowed for in th vSrl* report, received bv u, “wera ** c- * - 75 tsetses are definitely said to exist are : Ankoro ; along the Lubili River ; on Lake Tanganyika at Mpala and Vua ; * Lusaka ; Kiambi ; Mpweto ; Lukonzolwa ; Kilwa ; Lukafu ; Kasenga ; Kambove ; Tenke ; Shiniama ; Kalonga and along the Lualaba, Lufira and Luapula Rivers ; Upper Kasai and Luebo Rivers (reported, Mr. Vemer) ; Angola (reported, Bastian, Interpreter at Lu sambo) ; Popo kabaka (reported, Dr. Hollebeke). Map II lias been prepared to show the distribution of Glossinae in the Congo Free State. For the sake of uniformity we have used the same signs, as Mr. Austen to indicate the various species of Glossinae. As will be noted, our observations confirm his map in many instances and amplify it in others. In it has been incorporated the information contained in the article on tsetse flies by Austen, published in Volume VI of the Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal Society and in a communication, on the same subject, made by Laveran to the Academic des Sciences.! Remarks. An important deduction to be made from the above notes on the Glossinae is that Glossina pal pal is, at least, cannot be said to be absent from a given spot until several careful searches have been made at considerable intervals of time. A careful study of the bionomics of tsetse flies is still urgent ly needed. Comparatively little is known at present concerning their habits ; especially lacking is accurate information on the variation of their numbers in various localities (“ fly belts ”) and on the causes governing their appearance or disappearance. On only one occasion did any hint of a natural enemy of these flies reach us. The Rev. Mr. Grenfell had slightly wounded a bird (a darter? — native name, idling a). It was taken living into the canoe in which he was travelling, and it was seen to eagerly catch the tsetse flies flying about the native paddlers. GENUS STOMOXYS Stomoxys calcitrant , Linn. (PI. iii.fig. 4; P!v, figs. 1-8) Localities: Lulango ; Lusambo ; in the Gambia at Bathurst and McCarthy Island. Dr. Xoble has recently identified the tsetse flies “plentiful at Vua ” as G. palpali - f “ Comptes rendus des stances de 1’ Academic des Sciences, t. cxli. p. 920. 4 ddeembre, 1905.” Circumstances of capture: This fly was caught in the open and in the houses of Europeans. It feeds on all mammals, but seems to be especially fond of feeding at the tips of dogs’ ears Both on the Gambia and on the Congo dogs were often seen with their ears rav and bleeding from the attacks of this pest. *It is, I believe, over 60 years since Bouche discovered the larvae of Stomoxys calcitrans in warm stable manure. Since that time no additional information on the habits of this insect has apparently been givent ; and the characteristics of the earlier stages and also the meta¬ morphoses have remained practically unknown. It was resolved therefore to : - i. i race out insect from the egg ; and *be natural habitat for the eggs, larvae and pupae, he first was accomplished with comparatively little trouble; but! n ing of the natural habitat lor the earlier stages of this insect prov no light task, and involved a considerable amount of time and diligl eaicimg. In the end, however, l succeeded in solvira intere-TV ^ ll0ped tliat t*iese *»Otes will HOt Otll> piOVe engaeed inU| l a S the study c this fly was in l8i?oke^» says Our first \V“sh,.ngton Acad, of Science, Vc specimens of sCZf’ when studying the horn fl"16?0* w,,h ,he breeding hat Washington, a£‘ reared,?/ Cai!,e Au*‘* >»* observed by Mr m",.? '9th of the *roP1 horse manure collect! and May ,4> iSqo^oth*11’ attracted to freshlv T*h *ir?e nu™bers of adults nianure being collect^ sPec>mens were re-,£? r°Ppet horse mam,re. Jaiiua e«ther the larval or ^ °? November 27^'" £0rse ”'a»ure. the last I manure. °r Pupal condition (probaSfr .1° t,hat ,ht* hibemat . This species hnc ' * Iatter) in or iust undei feSS ^Virginia ;° an 77 then captured and placed in a large cage well supplied with light and air, and fresh faeces of the horse, sheep, and rabbit. A small percentage of the insects laid their eggs under these conditions ; but the eggs were invariably removed to receptacles which were more convenient for the study of the metamorphosis. It was found that two important conditions were necessary for the development of the larvae, viz., an almost complete absence of light and an abundance •>/ moisture. Such conditions as these could only obtain in a state of nature in large faeces in shady or damp situations, or in heaps of manure. Towards the end of September the earlier stages of this insect were found under natural conditions, and the facts relating to them are given under the heading of additional field notes. HABITAT.— Farm-yards and stables are evidently the favourite haunts of this fly ; it occurs also in the fields, parks, and open woods, especially where cattle are grazing, but is much less numerous in such places. It is evidently also by no means uncommon in some of our large towns, and numbers were seen at rest on the shop-fronts in the main streets of both Liverpool and Chester. It is fond of resting on surfaces fully exposed to the sun, such as doors, gates, and rails, and to a less extent also on stone and brick walls. Painted surfaces are also attractive to it, and the greatest number seen congregated together were disporting themselves on the sunny side of a red painted iron tank at the old Chateau de Goumont, Waterloo, Belgium. They are very active ; but their flight is quite inaudible at a short distance, the noise produced being very feeble. When disturbed they frequently return to the same spot, but more especially so in favourite resting-places. At night they retire to some sheltered spot, and numbers may be found at rest on the beams and rafters in open sheds in farm-yards, where they remain, almost inert, till the morning sun tempts them out again. They will also occasionally enter stables in the day time, and they were seen to enter such places through a narrow opening or a crack in the door. They frequently clean their wings when in captivity, and this is accomplished with great precision, the hind legs being used for this purpose. The under surface of the wings are first combed, then the upper, the legs are then rubbed together, and the process is again repeated in exactly the same order. Position when at Rest. The front part of the body is slightly raised, but not invariably so ; and the wings, which invarab: touch at their bases, are widely divergent and carried in a horuonti! position, lying practically in the same plane as the abdomen Ratio of Sexes.— During the heat of the day the male* p? ponderated ;* but towards evening the sexes occurred in about equal numbers; the captured females W( emerged ones, and a large proportion of the eggs which thev Wir captivity proved infertile. Food of the Adult.— During a period of 14 days a axtfc ,a ^ was eP* 011 both cattIe and horses m various farm yards u « 1 c < onuiK hi, but no flies were sen < 1 1 ”"u.i s or to suck blood from them ; game time sneal pno- P ° • ?0t*' ln,llt's il1"1 females pttued m blood More°ver. a freshly emerged mat fT ,lK' write^s own hand Then- IS 1, " " r *uck up the juices of its also sucked up the f ° r Upon sornc sugar and water, and some Movements of -m t> *°m a decayed ,n'1 fetid ; frequently depressed tu ROBoscis- Die base of the proboscis » of the labium remain* 11 * PaJp* become fully exposed, but » etevated. same position, or is very eX,ble’ and can be instmH^ J*°int in front of ,he palp* is ?n be COniPletely straiVrhm mflated 50 that the entire proboscis jessed vertically. Tfle , ,ed* and either extended horizontally or "• Straightened. takin ^ 3,50 be : - “ the labmm pr0P" i 79 2. Curved upwards and outwards, with a quick alternate move ment to either the right or left, or repeatedly and rapidly curved to one side only. As the labella curve upwards the anterior portion of the labium also gives a distinct lateral twist, so that the dorsal groove is presented laterally. 3. The teeth of the labella can be curved outwards and ventral wards, giving them a bilobed appearance ; the teeth also apparently move rapidly backwards and forwards, and a clear fluid was seen to pass down the tube when the insect was slightly pinched between the fingers. In sucking blood from the writer’s hand the insect sat high upon its legs, but the anterior pair were much elbowed, and all the joints of the tarsi generally rested upon the skin of the host. The whole of the proboscis was straightened and held vertically, and the anterior third was driven into the flesh.® During the process, which lasted altogether for a period of 15 minutes, the proboscis was constantly, but somewhat slowly, moved up and down, and also with an occasional semi-rotary movement, reminding one somewhat of the action of a quarryman’s hand drill. This action was continued until the fly had pumped its body full of blood. The initial pain was trifling compared with that of a mosquito ; but there were two subsequent pricks which were quite as irritating as the first. A small drop of blood was left over the puncture, and when this was washed away a small roseala was revealed ; but there was no subsequent irritation or soreness of any kind. A clear fluid was passed from the anus four times during the process, and on several occasions subsequently, and judging from the size of the abdomen the food was rapidly assimilated. This fly died twelve hours after feeding. Duration OF Life. — In captivity they lived for several days ; but they were supplied with abundance of fresh air and some moist faeces. The females died either immediately or shortly after laying their eggs. EGG-LAYING. — When the female is about to lay its eggs the ovipositor becomes fully extended, and nearly equals the length of the abdomen proper. The eggs are passed rapidly down the ovipositor at intervals of a few seconds, t and were usually laid in an irregular *In thick-skinned animals the proboscis would in all probability be driven mi still further. t 5*3° seconds. * 8o heap. In some instances the female was seen to separate the eggs by carefully passing her proboscis between them, and then drag them away or scatter them with her legs. In cases where the eggs were laid during extremis the female generally died on tin* spot, and made no attempt to scatter them. Counts were made of seven batches, the maximum being 71, the minimum 48; the actual counts were 48, 48, 54* 5 7. 59. 62, 7 1. The incubation period, at an average temperature of 720 F. in the day and 65° F. at night, was two to three days Time of Appearance. They are ibundant during August and September ; but gradually diminish in numbers during the early part of October ;* and few examples are seen after a spell of cold wet weather. The Egg. Coriaceous; white at first, but changing to creamy white. Those which were laid on faeces, fully exposed to the sun had the exposed portions tinged with pinkish -brown, but this colour eventually disappeared. Form very elongate, shaped somewhat like a banana, being curved on one side and almost straight on the other du straight side with a broad deep groove which widens at the anterior end giving it a spatuloid form. Surface with faint polygonal reticulations. The larva effects its escape by Splitting the broad end of the groove, leaving it slightly raised (see PI. v. fig. 4). and apparent!) intact on the opposite side. Length, 1 mm. on a bright sunny day during the 8i a small dentate sclerite ; the hypostomal sclerite articulates with two large bifurcated cephalo-pharyngeal sclerites, and in front of the upper arms of these pates is a small perforated sclerite. In a freshly- prepared specimen both the retractor and extensor muscles to these sclerites can be distinctly traced. Ventral surface of the last seven segments furnished with raised bands of tactile tubercles. Posterior stigmata two in number, circular ; thoracic stigmata placed sub-Iaterally on the third segment, each consisting of apparently- five circular orifices, these are connected posteriorly' with a large bilateral air sac which extends along the fourth segment. Length of adult, 1 1 mm. Young larvae are much more transparent and glass-like, and the large anterior mouth-hook is not developed, a blunter process taking its place. Habits of the Larvae. — They move rapidly along a smooth surface, pulling themselves along chiefly by means of the large mouth hook ; and proceed practically in a straight line, moving the head rapidly but irregularly from side to side or up and down. There is, however, no regular alternate movement of the head during progres¬ sion as in some muscid larvae. Their progress through the burrows in their food is much more rapid than on a smooth surface, and when disturbed they disappear with extraordinary rapidity. The larval stage lasted, under favourable conditions, from 14 to 21 days; but the absence of excessive moisture and the admission of a little light materially retarded their development, which then extended over a period of from 31 to 78 days.* The larvae exposed to such conditions produced much smaller pupae and correspondingly small imagines. Method of Pupation. — This is completed in about two hours At first the larva rapidly shortens itself, chiefly by contracting the anterior segments, and becomes barrel-shaped. At this period it is of a creamy-white colour, and the mouth parts of the larva are still visible through the soft integument. The colour rapidly changes to bright ochreous, and in the space of two hours or even less, the integument hardens and the puparium assumes its normal colour. In cases where soil was placed below the faeces the larvae generally burrowed into the former to a depth of about half an inch, but a few also pupated * A few specimens still remain in the breeding cage, and may nossihlv nas- th< winter in this stage. F 8 1 in the dryer portions of the dung-. Where no soil was provided the larvae generally' pupated at the bottom of the breeding cage. The Puparium or Pupa. Colour bright terra cotta red. changing to dark chestnut-brown a few days before the emergence of the fly. Form barrel-shaped, slightly narrowed in front, broadly rounded behind. Eleven segments only are visible, the anterior oik bearing the minute bilateral thoracic stigmata of the larva; posterior segment with two large disc-like stigmata ; all the segments with fine transverse striae, the striae, under the microscope, producing a slight irridescence ; dorsally the articulations have a double series of minute papillae, one series being more minute than the other; the posterior segment has also a median longitudinal series which terminates between the stigmata; ventrallv the papillae are replat ed by a regular series of fine ridges, forming a distinct and relatively broadband; the ast segment also bears a somewhat lunula* or angular shaped fat d m°re °' 1(SS rounded papillae. This stage lasted from q to 13 days. Length, 5 to 5-50 mm. comparatively dry faeces produced m en~e°oPfTT OF ™E NYMPH A before I SI ' mSeCt the CUtlcle °f ‘he puparium darkens a transversely alOT^thTf ''rth'0”6 ^ k1"*1 a”d niedian lines iwd a % escapes Prior ,o d S®""* ’ ^ fa"s "* 1 pushing its effete skin rfTi 1 ? nymph undergoes its final ecdyt Puparium. On im Awards into the posterior end of t thick rudimentary wingTtf " ,ai^ars as a sma11 dark-grey fly, wi m the mid costa, below Which are” t leaden r0lOl,r Hnd a decp n0t 15 much larger and wid i S °ng convoluted folds. The he; attenuated. Its subseauent J ^ 1,10 thorax» ^d the abdomen mto the following stages •- °prnent ina>' he conveniently dividi an hour. Durino- Pe.r*0d* vvhicli lasts for approximately ha whole of its attenf ^ Pen°d the insect devotes nearly tl If Placed in a g-lassTV0 ^ CSCapc from its environmen ln 't, the fly imrn„jU 6 witl1 a barrier of loose cotton wo through it, ancj tL • . la e y endeavours to effect a passag accomphshes with marvellous rapidit; 83 making headway by constantly inflating the frontal sac, at the same time pushing itself forward with the legs. When liberated, a great deal of time is devoted to combing out the hairs on the arista of the antennae, this being accomplished in the following way : the head is turned either to the right or left, as desired, and the frontal sac is then inflated on that side farthest from the thorax ; this process lifts the antennae into a prominent position, and the long hairs of the arista are then rapidly and carefully combed out with the under surface of the anterior tibiae. The frontal sac also receive^ a share of attention, and so also does the abdomen, and occasionally the rudimentary wings. This stage is remark able, in that nature so provides that, under normal conditions, the insect may successfully escape from its larval habitat before the wings develop, and so impede its progress or render its escape impossible. 2. In this stage the frontal sac is usually contracted, and the head presents a more normal condition ; the fly also becomes quiescent, and remains as a rule in a fixed attitude, with the legs well displayed, and the head extended forwards, so that the narrow neck is stretched to its fullest extent. Air is then pumped into the body by repeated and alternate contractions and extensions of the abdomen. The body increases in size, and the integument becomes extremely pallid in colour. At this stage the wings are apparently filled with air, which passes rapidly along the costal region, then across to the hind margin, and finally the tip unfolds, sometimes aided by the use of the hind legs. The first portion of this stage some times occupies over twenty minutes ; but the wings develop as a rule in about three minutes. 3. 1 he fly still remains more or less quiescent, but gives some attention to cleaning itself, and when the integument and the wings are sufficiently hardened the proboscis is raised from the ventral to its normal horizontal position ; when this is accomplished the insect takes flight. Defaecation lakes place shortly after the imago is perfected ; the faeces being milk-like both in substance and colour. Summary of Life Cycle. Larvae fed on moist sheeps' dung. Eggs procured from captive females. Average day temperature - . j2° F Average night temperature o° ‘l™k that a^gs,de the cucumber bed waf a h ^ ^ " a,ls But ** recem,Ultd dU™^ *e sealn ?? °f «"■»»»**, which In this tl y bCen deposited, and this w 6 uppermost layer had on tered a\graSS Was F- It was ,» this layer that 1 found ?h 5 first lot of larvae. They were chiefly full-fed, and some of them pupated during the next two or three days. Continuing my search further I also found numbers of larvae and pupae, in the still older and quite cold deposits, some of them were only a few inches below the surface, others were deeper down ; they sometimes occurred singly, in other cases several were found together, some were mature, others only partly developed. On disturbing the newer deposits they naturally gave off the strong smelling fumes characteristic of heated grass, and this produced a result which I had neither hoped for nor anticipated. A female Stomoxys was seen to alight on the hot and freshly disturbed grass and to quickly disappear among the interstices, there she remained for a minute or so and then flew away. The grass was carefully examined, and amongst it, at a depth of nearly three inches, were found a number of her eggs. A regular succession of females then followed, and very soon three of them were engaged in laying their eggs in a small area which could have been covered with a crown piece ; the first-comer being not in the least disturbed by a companion running completely over her body. In all cases the abdomen was depressed, and pushed into the material as far as possible, and in two instances the wings were partly extended, in order, apparently, to secure a firmer support. One female remained in the same spot for five minutes, and then changed her position to another a few inches away. A second female was occupied for twelve minutes in laying her eggs, but she did not change her position during the time. All three females flew away immediately afterwards, and did not seem in any way weakened by the process. For how long they survive in a state of nature it is impossible to say, but some females that were caught immediately after egg-laying died on the fourth or fifth succeeding days. Some females which were caught in glass tubes as they alighted on the grass laid their eggs immediately afterwards, and these also survived until the fourth and fifth days Reference has already been made to the almost noiseless flight of these flies when disporting themselves over and about their favourite haunts during the heat of the day. But 1 found that when the females were negotiating the habitat previous to laying their eggs the noise was distinctly audible, and resembled the characteristic hum produced by other muscids. 8f> The day on which the foregoing observations were made was a delightfully bright and sunny one, and the hour from 3 to 3 45 in tin afternoon ; later, when the sun had lost its power, the flies disappeared, in their usual way, to find some sheltered spot in which to pass the night. The eggs which were procured on this occasion were kept at a temperature varying between 64° and 67° F. ; under these conditions the larvae did not begin to hatch until the c ighth day, thus the incubation period was greatly prolonged ; had they been left in the warm grass, where the temperature near the surface was 700 F., they would in all probability have hatched, as they .lid in til- summer months, on the second or third day. Whether the larvae of these autumn broods will pupate before »e w.nter is at present impossible to say, but judging from the higi foS Ti • habitati wh,ch w,n i'c,,'iml> •« we shall a. V** reasonable to asaw»e that they will do so, and stage * Am ^ ^ th* winter ** chiefly in the papal tesTltinf, iTT disturbance of the habitat in question would T °f 1116 artificial heat ■*» • . . * to toe hibernate throuo-lTT™*" ^ SUCh a Case tlle ,arvae would probably early summer. Fortuna'tdv'tl and PUpate in tlie following spring or as the owner has verv Id Ji • 1S 001 I,keIy to ”> this instance^ whole of the material '^l ^ glVen mf un disturbed possession of the tinue the observations’ thro ^ ?, WlI1\ lt ,S ,lopedl be possible to con- economic importance can ^ 7 ' W,nter and spring, though little of this country. n°V' e addcd to the habits of the insect in Localities ^tomoxys sitiens , Rond. Circumstances of Lulon&° J Nyangwe ; Kasongo. and ln a European house Ti f pecimens were caught about cattle U teeds vigorously. A large ser' S*omoxys sitiens ? J he>’ Were P^served in alcohol "T' C3Ught on catt*e at Zambie. _ 1C°h01 and canr,ot therefore be definitely 87 Stomoxys omega, n. sp. (Newstead) (PI. iii, figs. 2, 3) Wings dusky, strongly' irridescent in a bright light. Thorax blackish, shining, anterior half in front of transverse suture pale greyish-blue, with a distinct JVshaped black design in the male; in the female the submedian black lines blend with the black colour in front of the suture so that the up-curved terminals of the /V shaped markings become indistinct. Abdomen, smoky-brown. Male. Head: Eyes almost meeting, the narrow space between them, above, velvety black ; frontal margins and clypeus silvery -white. Basal segment of antenna blackish; second segment brown; apical segment silvery-grey ; arista brown ; posterior surface of head velvet) black ; lower angles silvery- white with black hair. Proboscis black, shining ; labella with many, very long, fine outstanding hairs. t horax in front of the median transverse suture grey-blue, with a large /^-shaped black design, consisting of two distinct broad sub median longitudinal stripes which curve upwards before reaching the suture and form two conspicuous rounded dilations ; thorax below /he transverse suture black, shining, with a rather broad band of dusky grey-blue in front of the scutellum, which is continuous to the base of the wings ; scutellum smoky-brown, shining ; with one central and two lateral black bristles ; the thorax is also clothed with fine blackish hairs, and there are three bilateral black bristles at the sides in front of the wings; pleurae in front delicate grey-blue, a small area at base of wing pale brown. Abdomen hairy; smoky-brown, the segments gradually darkening towards the apical margins, especially so at t In¬ sides ; in perfect specimens there is a broad basal band on the second, third and fourth segments of faintly greenish-grey dust, each band is interrupted in the middle ; the last segment almost entirely clothed with a paler grey dust ; venter pale dusky-brown. Legs relatively long, smoky-brown, blackish in some lights ; knees pale brown Length, exclusive of proboscis, 6 mm. ; length of wing y mm. Female. Head with the space between the eyes relatively narrow; vertex, blackish, shining; margins and clypeus pale bluish grey, bright but scarcely silvery ; posterior surface of the head similar to that in the male, but the sides below have a broader margin of blue-grey. Apical segment of antenna dusky-grey. Thorax in Iron! x.s of the median transverse suture grey-blue, with two short, wdl defined submedian black lines in front, these gradually merge into large and somewhat ill-defined black areas, leaving the blue-grey ground visible only at the sides and between the black longitudinal bands; thorax behind the suture as in the ; scutellum black, paler in the centre, shining ; pleurae and legs as in the g . Abdomen similar to that in the male but without the grey , dust-/ ike margins. Length, exclusive of proboscis, 6 mm. ; length of wing 6*50 mm. Easily distinguished by the beautiful pale blue 0< th< Of the thorax, with, in the , , the distinct black ^-shaped pattern. The relatively narrow space between the eyes in both sexes is also noteworthy, these characters being much more pronounces! than in the species of the ca/citrans type. Localities : — Ukungwa ; Send we. °f Cat‘Ure:~ 'Th,S Ry was **" only near water Which ,hevCaUg VnjCan0eS' °thers °n a buffal° shot in a marsh, on S half co /eedlng' Wh6n th£ buffalu "as fi-. seen it was w e n m Water' n° d°”bt ‘0 avoid the S,omoxys. which were present ,n almost incredible numbers. CUTANEOUS MYIASIS ? Ockrornyia anthropophaga (E. Blanch.), in man. specimens of a laLT^^b ^ Grenade of Leopoldville for three taken from a coloured ° °Se^ resembhng that of an oestrid of them occurred ln the h°Spital al Leopoldville Two These larvae aPTee' ,, °ther in the neck- anthropophaga, E. Blanch ^ I ^ cIescnption given of Ochromyia °r a closely related one. ^ 1 1C> Posslt>ly belong to this species The fo„o • * ‘ ^ F'y «» * ** - t * - — taben fn eventually lead to the idem fi ^S°ng°’ Feb™aIy '6th, ,90. been unable to fix it. “‘““‘“‘“a of the insect; so far w Description _ Le rather suddenly taperfng ” Znt but slightly flat. front, rounded behind but no, ,n 8<) Segmentation very pronounced and regular above but convoluted ventrally ; all the segments, with the exception of the antepenulti mate which carries the anterior stigmata, almost covered with ven short and rather blunt spines, the majority of which have dark brown or piceous tips ; these spines are arranged in short straight transverse lines, each group consisting usually of from three to five spines, in some cases there are but two and in others more than five. The great mouth hooks are black ; and there is a lateral palmate group of external teeth as in the larva of Auchmeromyia luieola (q.v.) Posterior stigmata on the last segment, subdorsally placed, and very close together. Further details cannot be given, as it has been thought well to preserve the specimen intact. Larvae of a Muscid Fly in a Mule The mule illustrated in fig. 16 was brought to us at Kasongo. In the centre of a large and very conspicuous oedematous swelling on its abdomen was a deep-seated ulcer, some three inches in diameter. On inspection, the whole ulcer, below the level of the epidermis, was found to be so closely set with the larvae, described below, that it was impossible to see any part of its base. The mouth parts of the larva were invariably directed inwards and the bodies of the parasites were so deeply buried in the tissues of the host that their posterior extremities were alone visible. It was found that there were two layers, one above the other, of larvae, packed side by side closely together. It seems probable that they were able to burrow in the tissues of their host, since a few larvae were found in the sloughing tissues at a depth of some five centimetres from the apparent surface of the ulcer. None of the larvae penetrated into the abdominal muscles. About 160 to 180 larvae were taken from this lesion, which healed quickly after a thorough curetting and dressing with iodoform. A description of the larva is herewith appended : Length n mm.; greatest width 2*25 mm. Colour, in formol, dull pink, with the anterior segments paler ; some examples were almost white. Form spindle-shaped, tapering from the mid region almost to a point in front, and slightly so posteriorly Great mouth hooks prominent, unidentate, and black. Segmentation very pronounced, each with a strongly marked ridge forming a complete ring round the body ; all the ridges furnished with short brownish-coloured spines, which to the naked eye appear as dutinr. equidistant rings; anal segment somewhat truncate, hut deeply wrinkled, and furnished dorsally with four very short papillae and ventrally with two much longer ones \nal stigm.it castaneous, almost touching ; irregularly ovate, with three transvei* slits. Attempts to raise the fly from these larvae were unsuccessful -rauscid Fly. family hippoboscim ff’PPnbacsa equina, Linn. T A exampies Qf . (Figs' V. 18) 5 Pa'maS' C— y Island's, ThiLTr fOUnd °n ^ * °n board sh'P on their way to the 9i Congo Free State (September 15th, J903). This is an important record, and furnishes a further proof of the ready means by which these parasites may be introduced into a new and uninfected region. Flies of this genus were also caught on camels and cattle at St. Louis, Senegal, May, 1903 ; their freshly deposited larvae were marked with very delicate tracings. Unfortunately the specimens and drawings were lost while in the hands of the Authorities of the British Museum and cannot now be traced. Fig. 18. — Hippobosca equiriii Puparium about twelve hours after extrusion. At this stage the anal tubercles are black; the rest of the integument terra-cotta red. x 6. Lipoptena* paradoxa, n. sp. (Newstead). (Figs. 19, 20) FEMALE. Specimens preserved in Canada balsam and alcohol are bright red-brown inclining to orange-brown at the sides of the abdomen ; claws black ; base of abdomen with a bilateral patch of darker chitin, the median area of the remaining segments also with darker markings, but these are both irregular and inconstant in the preserved examples. Head as wide as the anterior part of the Lipoptera of Siebold and Loew. thorax; ocelli absent. Mouth parts rudimentary Outer of eyes with a double series of spinose hair* Thorax nank¬ in front than behind, with a submedian series of ate nine long spinose hairs forming a curved line, and a ste submarginal series of usually four similar ones terminating oppts the insertion of the mid legs; posterior margins with four loe; spinose hairs on either side of the scutellum ; the last wire organ ,s also furnished with four similar hairs Abdomen short oral almost sub circular, with numerous spinose hairs arranged * poradoxa. hi the figure Vent • * ~~‘ ~ •*« **■ 7nVfX with numerous mUnerOUS ^ Spinose hairS; ' s ender spinose hairs the n,inute equidistant tubercles t strongly rugose. Le ,^Paces between the tubercles fine l™ymg len^hs and vfryino- d’ StOUt, Sparsel>' Allied with hi not extending beyond of thickness; the postenc pui •,1,11Ia Ie&s stout ; tibia/3 • k° abdomen tibial spine to ai fea h lbr°ad1^ da ted ' ‘° P°Ster,°r »***»* * Serots"S,le Str°n^ ^ose tTlddle °UtWard5' irrep-i l Pmes* tbe inner with U lIPPer surface with onl> 7 toothed on the inner targ^^ ' ungues very fa inti; 93 Length 4 mm. ; width of abdomen 2 mm. Habitat : Taken from an antelope at Kasongo, January 28th, 1 905. All four specimens are females. The same host also harboured a number of ticks, (q.v.) The absence of ocelli in the female is rather remarkable. There is also an almost entire absence of external mouth parts, including the labial sheath ; the only indication of these organs being a minute truncated cone, the exact nature of which could not be determined in the limited supply of material. FAMILY PULICIDiE Dertnatophilus ( Sarcopsylla ) penetrans, Linn. (PI. vi, figs. 1, 2) Larva long, cylindrical, of fourteen almost equal segments. Head slightly longer than the second segment, narrowest in front, but rather widely rounded. Antennae short, apparently of three segments, the basal and apical segments very short ; apex with a central long slender spine and two to three minute ones. Surrounding the base of the antenna ventrally is a semicircular group of blunt spines, the two nearest the base of the antenna much the largest Mandibles Urge slightly curved, unidentate. Cuticle below the buccal cavity with • curved row of short, stout, and backwnrdly curved spines ; on either side of this series of spines are two divergent Sub Utai the ventral one extending almost to the articulation of the head Vid the thorax ; the upper sclerite about half the length of the voW one ; both are narrow and rod-like ; the base of the ventral sdmt 15 a'SO much d,lated’ and ‘he point where it meets the upper® IS unequally bifurcated and spine-like. Cuticle of all the ague presenting a stiongly marked scale-like appearance; each segment s ; '7 u a Sing,e transver- Of long ... pud, sun, has f i r" ,, art,CU'ati0n5: "™' -gmen. bilobed. each * lobes are ^ St°U‘ spinc and numerous hairs fa .mmttufela^0 u ’ ^ TheSe mems are from appart: small (i mmHt 'is'h-^r* U’at th; everywhere in the Congo, that at Rutshuru and Re P entlful at Nyangwe, and we were tok The larvae are ^ a P^Rue. a prolonged search dlfficu,t to ,ocate ; and it was only after 1 hey occurred ainonp- n, "T SU^ceeded in finding three specimens was literally swanning with chigg^ ^ fl°°r °f * nat,Ve hut WhiCh family phdiculid^ This louse was Q“r‘ Leopoldville and KasoLo^T.,0" C3SeS °f human trypanosomiasis* wider. s°"g° Their distribution is mo^Lbably W* These vermin '**"*• Leach, distribution is very^^noticed^ Bom, and LeopoIdvi|fc ; ,h„ 95 ORDER HEMIPTERA FAMILY CIMICIDiE Cimex lectularius (Common Bed-bug) Localities : — Banana (Dr. Etienne) ; Tshumbiri (Rev. Billington) ; Nouvelle Anvers (Dr. Miiller) ; Tshofa; Kabinda; Lusambo. Circumstances of capture : — Specimens were taken from the cre¬ vices in the cane beds and grass-cloth pillows of natives. ORDER HYMENOPTERA Melipona, sp. One or more species referable to this genus were seen in several places in the Congo Free State. They were particularly numerous at Leopoldville and Dibwe. They caused intense annoyance by the persistent manner in which they swarmed about one and crawled into one’s mouth, eyes, nose and ears. When crushed they emitted a peculiar and characteristic odour. At Leopoldville a colony of these stingless bees had taken up their quarters in a large lock and rendered it quite useless by the great accumulation of wax which they had formed. In this instance it was interesting to note a waxen tubular opening, about 4 cm. in length and about the thickness of a pencil, projecting from the keyhole. A species of Melipona has been noticed to have very similar habits in the Soudan.* INSECTS OF NON-ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE In addition to the insects dealt with in the foregoing chapters of this Report, a large number of insects, representative of various orders, were also collected ; but as they are of no economic importance it has been thought desirable to deal with these elsewhere. We would add, however, that among the more remarkable species is a new Dejeania which was discovered among the Glossinac in the fly cages at Kasongo. It had evidently been caught by one of the boys in mistake for an engorged tsetse, which it very closely resembles. We also obtained several specimens of a rather remarkable species of * 2nd Report Wellcome Research Laboratory, Department of Education, Sondan Government, 1906, page 89. 96 Notocanlhis of a uniformly blackish colour, with numerous white spots on the wings. These flies were only observed in one locality in the bush about a native village situated on high, dry, sandy soil, near Lisala (July, 1904). We possess no particulars concerning its habits. Whilst at Boma (Oct. 27, 1904) we also found a number of larvae or rat-tailed maggots apparently belonging to the genus Eristalis. ORDER ACARINA FAMILY HYDRACHNIDAi Ectoparasites of M osquitoes ie larvae of four distinct species of Acari belonging to this family were observed on several species of mosquito. The site prefei red by these ectoparasites was invari ably the dorsal area of the abdomen, and generally, on the first few segments. Most of them, though not all, were fixed to the articulations of the segments, to which they seem firmly attached. The mosquitoes most were attached to them In 6 Parasites as five were a T ““ 38 m*"y on the articulation "of g tOS:ether The species met with ,!”S * Segmem- dry) is of a bright °n h* ^ (When with a dull oranv/ . °chreous colour large black eye-spots a"d rather Kumba, Kasonga and ^sambo0031'^ '°re ^.ed^tefr^ti:^ percent^ _ — - one of a n«;f — , leie were three wpII i j ree well-marked species . /' \ I’lG 21. — Ectoparasites oj Mosquitoes, x 20, about From a sketch by the late Di. J. E. Dutton. of these insects als . ’ vvuicn t lip 1-0 . ” * “‘MV. 1113CC-L3 a 1 e o a uniformly orange-red colo ^ WeI1_marked specie; or pale ochreous. In llff another of a creamy-whi ' 'eS: r'eoP°ldville( Tshumbiri/K^. aCands Werbed by Prof. Neumann in tin’ Plate iv. . r . ERRATA M«P «• Delete ^ Tabanid^- pages!," 102 EXPLANATION OF PLATE l Mi mom via MALKEYTI. (Page 29.) Fig. I, Head of female showing the chi nbutionof the scales, x 25, about. Fig. 2. Tibial spines of male. ><75. Fig. 3. Genital armature of male (left half). * 75 MlMOMYIA AFRICANA. (Page 28.1 Fig. 4. Head of female showing the charactd and distribution of the scales, x 25 about. Anisogheleomyia QUADRIMACULATA (Page 32.1 Fig. 5. -Head of female showing the character and distribution 0: the scales. x 25, about. Fig. 6. Proboscis of the female. Enlarged. NEOMELANICONION PALPAI.E. (Page 31 ) Pig. 7. Head of male showing the character and distribution 0: the scales, x 25, about. Pig. 8. A few segments of the antennae of the male. Enlarged, f ig. 9. Male palpus. Enlarged. Eretmapodites INORNATUS. (Page 12.) 1 ig. to. Ferminal segments of male abdomen. Enlarged. CULEX PAR. (Page 25.) h's' 11. End of Abdomen of female (ventral). Enlarged. All the figures are reproduced the same si/e as the origin3' drawings from which they are taken. PLATE I. it. #’ fv»*. /« rf Xewsfetnl, ml mil. del .• EXPLANATION OK PLATE II Boycia mimomyiaformis. (Page 34.) l ig. 1. Head of female showing the character and distribution of the scales. x 25 about. I ig. 2. — Head of male showing the characters and distribution of the scales. x 25, about. Fig- 3- Palpus of male. Enlarged. Stegomyia ALBOMARGINATA. (Page 16.) 1 ig. 4. Head of female showing the character and distribution of the scales. x 25, about. Stegomyia luteocephala. (Page 15.) I ig. 5. Head of female showing the character and distribution of the scales. x 25, about. I 1UINIA 1ARSAL hig. 6.— Anterior tarsus of male. x 75. 1' 'g- 7- Palpus of male. Enlarged. big. 8.— Genital armature of male. x 25. drawings T ‘"C reProduced the same size as the original drawings from which they are taken. ml mil. / del. r A’. Xewsteml, /• l». /*»*.. /«* PLATE II. . EXPLANATION OE PLATE III Tabanus billingtoni. (Page 46.) Fig. 1. Female with wings displayed. x 2$. Stomoxys OMEGA. (Page 87.) big. 2. Female with wings displayed. x 4. hig. 3.— Male with the wings omitted. x 4. Stomoxys calcitrans. (Page 75.) I'ig. 4. —Female with wings omitted. x 4. (In cutting away the background, the block maker has inadvertently removed a portion from the left side of the abdomen. R.N.) Glossina MACULATA. (Page 7;.) Fig. 5 -Female with the wings displayed, x 4. ig. 6.— Female with the wings at rest (profile), x 4. Fig. Fig. Fig. Glossina palpalis. (Page 57.) 7— Female in the act of parturition, x 4 8- Puparium before the escape of the imago. 9. Pupanum after the escape of the imago All the %ures are reproduced ^ drawings from which they are taken. same size x 4. x 4. as the original ft Wtt 'stead, ad imt. del. — • ' ci - _ Fig. i. Fig. 2. Fig- 3- Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6, Fig- Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10. Fig. 11, Fig. 12. Fig- 13- Fig- 14- Fig. 15. All direct. inS EXPLANATION OF PLATE TV. Chrysops dimidiatus. (Page 44.) FIae.matopota trimaculata. (Page 4^.) Haematopota DUTTONI. (Page 41.) Tabanus DORS1VITTA ? (Page 44.) Tabanus UNIMACULATUS. (Page 46.) Tabanus par. (Page 45.) Tabanus pluto. (Page 45.) Tabanus rufipes. (Page 45.) Tabanus canus. (Page 44.) Tabanus billingtoni. (Page 46.) Iabanus billingtoni. (Page 46.) Pabanus billingtoni. (Wings displayed.) (Page 46.) Iabanus tarsalis. (Page 45.) Iabanus fasciatus. (Page 44.) 1 ABANUS GABONENSIS. (Page 45 ) g res nit the actual size of the originals, photographed PLATE IV. II. N. Photo. 14 A FRICA N TA BA NIDE. I IO EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Illustrating Mr. Newstead s paper on “ 1 he Life-history of Stomotys calcitrans , Linn.” p. 75. J - Eggs twice natural size. l'ig. 2. — View of the curved side of the egg. x 65. * E ^8g in semi-profile showing the deep spatulate groove x 65. g 4 Empty egg as seen in profile, with the semi-detached capsule at the anterior end. x 6s. g 5 Dorsal view of larva showing the intestinal tract and course of the main tracheae. x y. Fig- 6- Thr!e te™linal see™ents of the larva in profile, with the n erna mouth armature: an , antennae; m, muscles; , per orated sclerite ; mdt mandible or great hook; ’ ypostomal sclerite ; cs, cephalo-pharyngeal 9derites; v*> ventral tooth, x 60. 7 * » » ‘he rred out Reference ^ " nthoeraclrmstnaI SegmemS °f ,arva' dorsa1' con, Other refe trachea fonning internal a " referCnce ,etters as in fig. 6. x fho. lir\^ w’ . F '8 ^ Puparium or pupa. x 7. rn ews^ad,d«] d-1- r.at. n. Plate V CALCITRANS. Huth Lithr Lard oun.' ... 771/ I I 2 EXPLANATION OK PLATE VI Dermatophilus (Sarcopsylla) penetrans (Chiggoe Flea} (Page 93.) l ig. i. Plantar stirface of human foot with chiggers in situ. Acte size. (a a) Group of eleven females. ( bbbb ) Isolated females. (cc) Pits or cavities left after the removal of ti* females. (d) Section of epidermis with two females in si (Lateral view.) Fig. 2. (а) Larva showing the squamose character of th- epidermis. x 60. (б) Outline of a younger larva. x 60. (0 Antenna of larva with its accompanying group blunt spines. x 250. 00 Mandibles of larva, x 250. (') ? Lephalo-pharyngeal plate of larva. x 250. (/) Buccal spines of larva, x 250. (g) Empty cuticles of ova. x 60. PLATE Vt. Fix. I. Hitman Foot with “ Chiggers " in si/ii. />. S'eu'sfeml, ml mil. del. Fix ■ -• Derinatophilns ( Sarcopsylla ) pant ran Details of La nut, etc. DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW SPECIES OF AFRICAN TICKS H ”5 DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW SPECIES OF AFRICAN TICKS By G. NEUMANN HROFliSSKl'K A l.’KCOLE NATIONAI.K VflTfiRINATKE L)K TOULOUSE Rhipicephalus duttoni , n. sp. (Neumann) Male.— Body, narrow in front, broadest (1*85 mm.) a little posterior to the middle, length with rostrum 3-55 mm. Scutum slightly convex, chestnut-brown without spots, abdomen does not extend beyond its margins ; cervical grooves are very broad, shallow, and form elongated depressions, they are not punctated and are continued posteriorly by a narrow superficial groove which extends beyond the middle point of the length ; marginal grooves broad, shallow, slightly and finely punctated, commencing almost imme d lately behind the eyes and terminating in the groove which separates Fig. 22.— Rhipicephalus duttoni, i . Rostrum, x 45 the two last from, the following festoon; punctations irregular, coarsest in iront, fine and superficial over the remainder of the surface; behind are three wide, shallow, unpunctated longitudinal grooves, the middle one being the longest; festoons longer than they are broad, slightly punctated, normal. Eyes flat, yellowish, large, marginal. Ventral surface reddish-brown, covered by rather long and abundant whitish hairs. Anus anterior to the middle of the length of the adanal shields ; ad anal shields have the shape of a scalene triangle and so form a long internal posterior spine (the internal e<%e is longest, it is rectilinear in its anterior half hut is concave behind the external edge is slightly convex ; the posterior edge is concavr and bordered by punctations) ; the outer shields are replaced bp I prominent, non-chitinous fold ; no caudal prolongation but a chibnosJ thickening on the median festoon Peritrcmcs narrow, whitish. comma shaped with the point bent back towards the dorsal surface Rostm o' 6 mm. long, dorsal base almost twice as broad (o*6 mm.) as long [ lateral angles at about the middle of the length, posterior angles quite prominent. I lypostome very slightly spatulated, has six rows of teeth Palps as broad as long, flattened dorsally ; second segment scared; longer than the third and retracted into a blunt point dorsally at it- J. Ventral surface of posterior extremity. .» posterior border T one 1 ■ • white hairs • ant • ^ le allvely strong. Coxae covered with long nairs , anterior summit mnrh m _ j , . .u. Ventral surface of posterior extremity. * # strong. Coxae covered with long Ti • * ih!s species Everett Dutton. ii; Rhipicephalus lougus, n. sp. (Neumann) Male. — Body narrow in front, sides subrectilinear, length with rostrum 4- 1 mm. ; broadest (2' 15 mm.) towards the posterior third Scutum almost flat, dark chestnut-brown, without spots; along the posterior festoons the abdomen extends beyond its margin ; cervical grooves, very short and deep ; marginal grooves deep, narrow, each occupied by a row of punctations, commencing a little behind the eyes, ending at the posterior border of the penultimate festoon, and are continued forward, and especially inwards, by a row of n.ar -<\ scattered punctations; punctations irregular, abundant in the spur* enclosed between the marginal grooves and the punctated antemn prolongation; they are regular in size and distribution anteriorly mi Eli'.. 24. — Rhipicephalus lougus, 3 . Rostrum, x 4 li¬ the space corresponding to the female scutum, and they exist vuth the same appearances in the posterior part of the scutum, but they become scanty and finer in the neighbourhood of the marginal grooves and their punctated anterior prolongations ; the marginal border is smooth save in the scapular angles which are hollowed In six to eight larger punctations; posterior festoons longer than thin are wide, almost smooth, followed by short abdominal festoons Iiy> • Hat, yellowish, of medium size, marginal with a coarse tangential pum tation at the internal edge. Ventral surface reddish brown, with a lew short hairs. Anus at about the middle of the length of the adan.il shields ; adanal shields long, semilunar (the inner edge concave, tin external and the posterior convex) with fairly heavy punctations on their surface ; external shields replaced by a prominent non-chitinous fold , festoons subrectangular, sharply defined ; no caudal prolong.! 1 1 8 tion. Peritr ernes whitish, broad, comma shaped, with point curve towards the dorsal surface. Rostrum , length 07 mm., dorsal baa more than twice as broad as it is long, lateral angles very promme: at about the anterior third of the length, posterior angles qnr.t prominent. Hypostome slightly spatulated, with six rows of tot Palps hardly longer than they are broad, flattened dorsally with’ second segment a little longer than the third and shortened 11 blunt point posteriorly at its inner border. Legs relatively strcc. Coxae with long scattered hairs ; first with anterior summit ; prolonged nor visible*on the dorsal surface, has two very long spine- short spines the ' °U- 1 postenor border incurved to form t« and sharp. Tarsi f ^ ,.e'n^ NVlc*e’ fiat and blunt, the outer nam caruncules medium size 111 ^ " two terminal successive spur? Female unknown. at Kasongo (April) * estabhshed from a male taken on a Khipicephczlus duttonz and R 1 manner in the table of Hiff . . fon*"* are placed in the fol nf Rhipice.phatus. eient,ation of males of the various : TT9 (Eyes flat. — 2. 1 ' ( Eyes prominent. (Marginal groove well marked. 3. (Marginal groove absent. (Dorsal scutum uniformly brown. 4. 1 Dorsal scutum black and white. K. pulchdlus. , Adanal shields not prolonged to a point (posterior border straight or convex).- 5. * Adanal shields prolonged in one or two points (posterior border concave). 12. I Posterior border of the body not prolonged nor furnished with a caudal prolongation. 6. V Posterior border of the body furnished with three prolongations. R. super tritus. /Adanal shields triangular or subtriangular (internal edge straight or slightly concave). — 7. b- Adanal shields sickle-shaped (their inner border very concave, the two others forming a single regular curve).- - R. haeniaphysnloid.es. (Marginal groove deep, long, commencing near the eyes. S. 7. \ Marginal groove superficial, short, commencing at the middle • of the length of the body. R. ziemanni. 8. , Dorsal scutum with scattered punctations. 9. I Dorsal scutum with numerous, serried, punctations. .Dorsal scutum with unequal, very evident, irregularly distri buted punctations. — 10. Q- Dorsal scutum with large, equal punctations arranged in longitudinal lines with or without additional fine and hardly visible punctations.- R. simus. Coxae I, with or without a short prolongation in front, not visible from the dorsal surface. — 11. Coxae I, with a long anterior prolongation, visible from the dorsal surface. -R. appendtculatiis. 120 Dorsal scutum with mixed punctation, regularly distributed — R. sanguineus. Dorsal scutum with medium-sized uniform punctations between the marginal grooves, rare in their neighbourhood, none on the edge, large ones on the scapular angles R. longus. (Anal shields with a single (or principal) internal point. 13. I2' 1 Anal shields with an external point. R. lunulatus. /Coxae I, without visible prolongations from the dorsal J surface ; adanal shields with two points. R.armatus. | Coxae I, with prolongations visible from the dorsal surface; adanal shields with one point. R. duttoni. ON SOME PARASITES IN THE MUSEUM OF THE SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, LIVERPOOL ON SOME PARASITES IN THE MUSEUM OF THE SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE, LIVERPOOL BV Dr. A. LOOSS, PROFESSOR 11K PARA.SITOI.OGY, SCHOOI. Oh MEDICINE. ■ \IK«* WITH A CONTRIBUTION ON A CASE OF DISTOM1 ASIS OF THE LIVER AND THE RECTUM BY EDWARD CUFFEY, PHYSICIAN TO TUI BRITISH HOSPITAI. PORI SAII> During a visit i recently paid to the School of Tropical Medicine in Liverpool Dr. .Stephens showed me a number of parasites which had been sent to the Museum of the School from various places 1 nfortunately, some of the bottles bore no indication whatever as to the locality from which the specimens were obtained ; others were labelled, but an inspection of their contents with the naked eye or pocket lens raised within me strong doubts as to the correctness of the respective identifications. I o make things sure Dr. Stephens kindly agreed that 1 should take with me. of those forms of which several were present, a few specimens for a more careful examination and possible identification of the species. The results of this invest i gation are given in the following pages. Fasciolopsis buski (Lank.), 1857. About a dozen specimens from Hong-Kong in a jar labelled Distoma crassum.” Rather large and fleshy, apparently sonu what contracted worms of about 30 mm. in length, 13 to 16 inn. in breadth and nearly 4 mm. in maximum thickness. Bodv mode rat el\ elongated, rather regularly oval, its surface marked with numerous fine transverse ridges brought about by contraction. Both suckers vcr> dose to the anterior end of the body ; opening of the anterior sucker 124 minute and completely ventral, opening of the posterior sucker very wide, transversely oval, about 2 mm. in its largest diameter The same is the average distance between the centres of the two sucken In some cases the part of the body containing the anterior sucker was found separated from the rest in the shape of a minute but quite distinct cone resembling that which characterises the members of the genus hasciola. Immediately in front of the ventral sucker there b a transverse slit indicating the position of the genital aperture All round the margin of the body, the colour of the worms is considerably duller than in the middle and in most cases this duller tint projects twice on each side in an angular fashion into the lighter 1 entral area, this latter thereby assuming the shape of three successive but incompletely separated discs. All these charaders discernible by naked eye inspection suggested Fasciolofsis bush (Lank ). A comparison of the internal organisation so far as this could be made out from cleared entire individuals did not reveal any noticeable difference from the description recently given of the species \\ Odhner (1902). The determination Distoma crassum is therefore coirect, for the name Distoma crassum (COBB), 1877. is only a synonym of Fasciolopsis buski (Lank). 1857. poncrea/icum (Jau^,,. A bottle from Hong-Kong. without label, contained a nu, recall T"S,Zed Whidl '*** Asia o "i pancreat,c of ruminating animals in Ea: that there \ °SC1 'nSpC< l‘on il cou^ be seen even with the naked with very wide I„d I"”61163 Present in material, a larger ! which the f ,h‘\ae™'1 Uan"r Il'" and four adults of «-i ' 1 wo sPec|mens of the first var f°™ the basis If 11 1 Sma" kind>y given to me by Dr. STEPH After dear in PreSCnt descriPtio»- t airly well be made P°’nls °f tbeir internal organisation cc were in full ap-reem T* ent're sPecil»ens ; the details obser greement with the descriptions given of the Distc pancreaticum by the earlier writers. There were, however, between the two varieties in addition to the differences mentioned above in the size of the suckers several other slight internal discrepancies which leave no doubt that the two forms must be considered as two distinct species. Both are closely allied to each other and members of the same natural genus. The generic name hitherto usuallv adopted f< ir Distoma pancreaticum is Dicrocoelium ; indeed, the principal features of the anatomical structure are the same in Distoma pancreaticum and Dicrocoelium lanceatum (St. and Hass.), the type species of the genus. But besides this similarity in the main structure there are also certain differences which to my mind forbid placing Distoma pancreaticum in the genus Dicrocoelium itself , that is to say as it is represented by its type lanceatum. One of the most conspicuous of these differences lies in the thickness and the considerable breadth of the body which latter allows the testicles to take a distinctly lateral position at about the same level, whereas in Dicrocoelium sensu strictiori, owing to the narrow spindle-shaped outline of the body, the testicles are placed obliquely one behind the other. In Lyperosomum which is also closely related to Dicrocodium the two cross diameters are still more reduced, the members of this genus presenting to the observer an almost filiform body of about equal breadth and thickness in which the genital glands are found in a straight line one behind the other. In addition to the peculiar shape of their body the two Distoma pancreaticum differ from Dicrocoelium by the more complicated structure of their excretorj vesicle and the stronger development of their copulatory organs On llie whole, therefore, there is sufficient reason for creating a new genus for the two forms under discussion. I he question as to the correct denomination of the species was somewhat difficult to decide. Distoma pancreaticum was discovered in Japan, and became first known in Europe during the Paris Exhibi tion in 1 889, where the Agricultural School of Komaba exhibited a series of parasites among which there was a “ Distoma pancreaticum from the pancreatic duct of sheep,” and a “ Distoma pancreaticum var from the pancreas of sheep.” The new parasite was referred to in subsequent years by RAILLIET (1890) and JANSON (1893 and 1895) the respective papers deal with the anatomical structure and the pathological significance ol the parasite, they emphasise its 126 resemblance to Dicrocoelium lanceatum but do not so far at least as I can personally consult them at present— contain any decisive statement from which one or the other of the two Hong-Kong species mentioned above might be recognised. In 1897. GlARD and BlLLE" apparently ignorant of the existence of the Di stoma pancreatine described a Distoma coelomat icum which the latter author had found plentifully in the pancreas of an ox killed at the slaughter -house of Cao-Ban g (1 onkin) ; there had at first been some mistake as to the habitat ol the parasite which led to the denomination coelomaticuw but this mistake was corrected afterwards upon a suggestion of Railliet. The details given in GlARD and BILLET'S description are sufficient to show that Distoma coelom at icum, also structural!) resembles Dicrocoelium Invocation and Distoma paucreaticum , but theie is again no statement which would be indicative of one of our two species in contradistinction from the other. The latest description of Distoma pane real icum is given t AILLIE1 and Marotel in 1898. The specimens upon which the I apei is based were collected by Dr. GOMY, a French veterinai smgeon, from the pancreatic ducts of cattle and Indo-Chines - U r.a °jS *n ^a’£oon (Cochin-China), a locality therefore which is nc S° a' lslant from the place at which GlARD and BILLET’S materi; aS. snialIer Hong-Kong species is the Marotel in 1898 fron, *nfrea/*cum described by RAILLIET and paper (p. J2) aIso states . ,Cattle' . But Railliet in the same specific identity Qf thk r ^ satisfied himself dc visu of the parasite found in Tonki, ' ““‘"'Chinese pancreatic fluke with the k,n by B,LI-et- This latter parasite had first 127 been described under the name of Distoma coelomaticum and tin- question now arises: is this Distoma coelomaticum of Indo-Chma really the same form as the Distoma pancreaticum of Japan? It tin-. were so, then the smaller IIong-Kong form would have to be identified as the genuine Distoma pancreaticum, the name coelomaticum would have to be definitely dropped as a synonym and a new specific name would have to be given to the larger IIong-Kong species with tin* strongly developed suckers. As I have already pointed out, the data given in the printed description of the original Japanese pancreatic fluke are not sufficient to decide the question. I possess, however, in my collection a number of specimens of Distoma pancreaticum which I owe to the kindncs- of Professor JANSON, of Tokio. They were collected from the pancreatic ducts of cattle in Japan and I think there can not be an) reasonable objection to the assumption that they are specifically tin original Japanese Distoma pancreaticum. It is true that the fir -t specimens of this species exhibited in Paris were labelled as collected from sheep, but 1 am not inclined to attribute a great importance to this difference in the host, because it is a well-known fact that many parasites of cattle and buffaloes occur not only in sheep but in otliei ruminating animals also. A comparison of this Japanese material lias now shown, first, that there is only one species present in it and. second, that this species is identical with the larger species of the Hong-Kong material. On the ground of these facts I feel justified in considering this latter species as the genuine Distoma pancreaticum of JANSON ; for the smaller species I readopt the name coelomaticum of CSiard and Billet, the suppression of which was, in the sense of the nomenclatural rules, a mistake based upon an erroneous identification of the species. Eurytretna, nov. gen., Dicrocoeliidarum, Differs from Dicrocoeliuni especially by the following particular- body rather thick and considerably broadened, with the exception of the hindmost part which retains its original shape and appears as ,1 small triangular appendage sharply set off from the rest of the body . it is repeatedly referred to in the descriptions of the earlier authors a- resembling in outline the cephalic part of Fasciola hepatica. Suckers very large and prominent, the oral sucker completely ventral and 128 surmounted by the anterior margin of the body Excretory vesicle composed of a median stem which divides into two at about the middle of the total length, the transverse branches, in the neighbour¬ hood of the intestinal caeca, dividing again each into an anterior and a posterior branch which run for the greater part outside of the intestinal caeca, and terminate in the neighbourhood of the antenor and posterior extremities of the body Testicles lateral, at about the same level but far apart from one another Copulatory organs well developed ; cirrus pouch thick, almost cylindrical, containing a long but rather thin seminal vesicle and an equally long and thin ejacu latory duct which both describe a number of coils within the pouch. Vagina corresponds in length and arrangement to the ejaculatory duct. Structure of the remaining organs as in Dierocotlium Type: Eurytrema pancreaticuw (J ANSON) 1889. b.urytrema pancreaticuw (JANSON), (nec Dicrocoelium pancreaticuw , RaILLIET and MAROTEL, 1898; I he two I long-Kong specimens at my disposal are fairly w< extended and measure 13 and 14111m. in length; their maximu breadth ol (1-5 and 7 mm. is reached immediately behind the ventr sucker. 1 hence the body narrows more quickly towards the anterii extremity than posteriorly but ends rather tnincatedly owing to tl large size of the oral sucker above which the margin of the body pn I cts in t ie shape ol a thick lip. I he small tongue-like appendage of tl I lor end is very conspicuous. The thickness amounts to almo: - mm m t ie median line of the anterior half, but gradually decrease towards the erlo-p i 6 J mntr a , 1 ne JaPanese specimens are somewhat moi 16 mm" 0 K1 t.lncker throughout, varying in length between 9-5 an lo6“™' " breadth bet— 5-5 and *S n,n, -in Tuch a way that th however aUnT^ ^ generaI1>' ,ess broad and vice versa. There art but onlv'.cm^™^ matUre individuals 9-5 and 10 mm. long lari Id br°ad' SWn' without armature. Suckers ver r? - ** - -* «— • of I-45 to 1-65 mm n 1 ie ventral which presents a diamete everted reaching therebv ^ S°me specimens found more or les: specimens mention^ u & °f In the two smallesi "3».u °f the 5UCk- - - ‘--4- y- I he} are, therefore, even in these < 129 smallest specimens considerably larger than in the Dis.'owa maticum of the same size. The ventral sucker is always found near the end of the anterior half of the body; the distance between tin- centres of the two organs varying in the larger specimens from p t. 57 mm. and being in the two small specimens 3*9 and 3-3 nun, that is to say it amounts to at least a third and is usually but little less tli m half of the total length. The genital opening has its position about halfway between the two suckers and is sometimes found slight l\ raised above the level of its surrounding. In one of the specimen'. tin penis is seen everted, apparently to its full length, for the larger part of the seminal vesicle is located in it ; it represents an organ ; • j m , in length and at its base 0*37, at the free end 0-24 mm widt It surface is smooth. The internal anatomy agrees with the descriptions given In thr¬ eadier writers. The small pharynx of C47 mm. length and 1 mi width is usually so much displaced dorsally that it is not visible fn the ventral aspect; behind it there follows a short oesophagus v,1 1 1 as a rule, runs straight down towards the ventral side and may tlm- more or less entirely disappear from view. The intestinal cae< a of proportionally insignificant calibre quickly diverge and follow , , v g course which becomes especially pronounced behind the testicles Their blind terminations lie about as far as the length of the tongue like end-portion of the body in front of the base of that portion and usually not quite on the same level, the left branch being ns a rule (but not always) the shorter. The full extent of the excretory v- ' • could not be made out in any of the specimens at my disposal. -uving to the thickness of the body and the strong development of the uterine coils. The main parts described in the generic diagnosis are usualh seen and followed without much difficulty; but, in addition to them, one may observe in some places isolated portions of similar tu’< \\ no seem to be ramifications of the anterior and post eric- r lat--r.il ranc es. There are two running forwards on either side of the ntra sucker, and two running backwards and towards the m-dun me amidst the uterine coils in the posterior half of the h dv t lough they appear as if they were parts of the excretory w I- cannot tell with certainty whether or not they really belong to b ‘ organ. The terminations of the main anterior branches of th«- v- ie c ose to the oral sucker at about the level of its centre, those of the r 1 posterior branches at, or slightly in front of, the two notches which separate the terminal triangular tongue from the rest of the body. The position of the genital aperture has been given above; it lies always a little behind the bifurcation of the intestine The thick muscular cirrus pouch, usually somewhat curved in the shape of a sausage, presents a length of 2*2 to 3 mm. and an average width of o-6 mm. Its posterior end rests upon the anterior slope of the ventnl sucker, but there are some variations in its length in connection with the contraction of the body and the fulness of the seminal vesicle This latter occupies the posterior half of the pouch, describing, within it, a proportionally large number of small coils. The pars prostatica is short and the number of glandular cells surrounding it limited The ejaculatory duct is at first rather narrow, but widens somewhat towards its free end ; its coils are proportionally numerous also. The dimensions of the evaginated penis have been given above. The air) laige testicles are normally found at the same level somewhat 1 nr the \entral sucker, but may in strongly contracted specimens more or less completely shifted to its sides. They' have in the g er number of my specimens a distinctly lobed shape, but im?P T3 y t,1C IObeS may be SO sbort and l)road ‘hat the glands n Z,OPOSSeSS U mereIy notched outline. The number of lobes (or for the nth^t ^ f COnstantIy four for one (usually the left) and live ‘ sexuL ,mn, f " ^ COnditi°- are inverted in the cases of well as in tlW V/'1 • W*llch are not infrequently met with in this as 35 ,n the following species. testicles, on the^eft^ ' S USUal'y found a short distance behind the of the body jt j 'n C<)ses sexual amphitypia on the right — side distinctly lobed ok ^ T ^ tbe sPecimens with lobed testicles a those specimens, ondL* Th ^7 munber of ,obes bein£ tl,ree ln notched outline onl h ° ^ ,t,nd’ ,n wb,cb the testicles show the less and appears coi^' * & °'ary’ to°’ ^oses its lobed outline more or The oviduct starts from^' S°n.le irre^u^ar bulgings of its surface. into a well-developed shentSinCnr S'^e and a^most immediately enters an opaque sharply out WrM ^ 'V,llcb ln cleared specimens appears as 'he ventral surface Th ° y y tbe Slde °f the ovary and close to average diameter of ^ ^ 3 fair,y ,ong LAURER’s canal of an ovary. It carries a small m '^1'rb °Pens to the outside in front of the I emmal recePtacle which I have never been able to discover in entire specimens, but clearly saw in a series of sections The receptacle represents in the sectioned specimen a globular bmi\ of about the same size as the ovary (0*4 mm. in diam.) and lying close to its dorsal surface. It communicates with the LAURKR S canal by a distinct thin duct, but does not contain many spermatozoa, a fact which renders the seminal receptacle very transparent in unstained specimens. This insufficient filling in combination with the p •rticiilar position of the seminal receptacle is obviously the reason why it escapes observation in entire worms. The yolk-glands are only little developed; they are composed 1 rather numerous acini of a slender club shape collected into in<'{ them — especially those in the middle — may be shifted lateral!', in sm b a way that for a certain distance there appear to be two irregularly alternating rows of groups. In this latter case some of the follicle', are pushed below the intestinal caeca, otherwise, the yolk -gland'; le¬ as a whole between these and the body margin, usually the gland on the side of the ovary somewhat farther in front than that of t hr opposite side. Their extent varies a little individually and ' ' the contraction of the body. In the greater number of specimens thrv commence somewhere at the outer border of the testicles and thru- posterior ends lie halfway between the posterior border of the ventr d sucker and the base of the tongue-like end-portion of the body, but may in strongly contracted specimens also be found further lop.'. a d The transverse yolk-ducts originating, on each side, by the union of an anterior and a posterior tributary arise from the glands r about their middle; they join near the ovary (the left transverse yolk duct being thus shorter than the right) and then enter the con plrv of the shell-gland from behind. There is no distinct w idening of tin unpaired part of the yolk-duct into a yolk reservoir The coils oi tin- uterus are very numerous but do not, as a rule, appear to the ob-erver m the shape of regular loops, but rather as loose tubes branching and sometimes anastomising in an irregular manner. Occasionally only, i.e. in individuals in a certain state of contraction, one may pern - 1 the picture which is so characteristic of the uterus of Diet (oclvr 132 lanceatum and in which the descending and ascending steins of the [ uterus cover each other in such a way as to appear as a straight maic stem from which lateral ramifications are branching off As far as the branches of the intestine extend backwards, it is only exceptional to see one or the other uterine coil cross them towards the tnarp: of the body ; behind their blind ends the coils extend much nearer to the margin and the terminal small triangular appendage is. in perfectly mature specimens, almost completely filled with them. Anteriorly the I coils are limited by the testicles and the ventral sucker; the utens then passes between the latter and the right testicle (i.e. the testiefc I opposite the side of the ovary) and in front of this still forms sow I small convolutions before entering into the long and thin, but rathe I muscular vagina which accompanies the cirrus pouch while desorbing ( a number of narrow coils. I he eggs have a striking likeness to those of Dicrocoeliu* lanceatum ; they are slightly larger than these showing, on an average, a length of 0-05 mm. and a width of 0*034 mm.- but apart I from that, they present the same oval shape and the same thick shell of deep brown colour as these and contain, in addition, a miracidium " when fully developed, shows the same two enigmatical strongly , reraclive bodies which are peculiar to miracidia of Dicrocoeli** lanceatum. Eurytrema coeloniaticum (Giard and BILLET) 1892. (Synonym: Dicrocoelium pancreaticum Railliet and MaROT: 1898). anH?em^tm5breldtehSoftt7 diSP°Sa' “ 'enB'h °f '0'” measure 7-15 by 55 mm* : younger (immature) specim* almost regularly ' r \ ^ ^ mm » &c- The outline of the body anterior extremit ^ ^ l*iere ’s 110 marked narrowing towards t triangulaire ” Gf £» tr’angfular terminal portion (“ langue thickness of the bod* ^ *S ^,llr^ conspicuous. The rnaximt large (matured snp • ^ oes not seem to exceed 1 mm. In the k Present diameters Wh,ch 1 have for examination the oral suck* diameters of 0-q8 ° ° ^ anr* °’83 mm., the ventral suck< 91. 085 and 0^83 mm. respectively. T he 133 measurements agree fairly well with those given by RAILLIET who, in the Saigoon specimens, found the oral sucker to vary in diameter from 075 to 0'93 mm., the ventral sucker from 07 to 0*9 nun. The distance between the centres of the two organs which RAILLIET give as i‘3 to 2‘4mm. is in the four above mentioned specimens, 27, 2-97, 27 and 272 mm. ; the suckers are therefore, in Eurytrcma coelo- maticum, proportionately much nearer to each other than they are in E. pancreaticum , for the ventral sucker lies in the former species with the greater part of its mass still in the anterior third of the body and the distance between the two always remains than a third of the total length. The size and relative position of the suckers represent, apart from the general shape of the body, the mu-u. conspicuous of the specific characters of Eurylrema coelomaticum. The internal anatomy has been so fully described by RaILLIEI and MAROTEL that I have nothing of importance to add ; it is more over essentially the same as that of E. pancreaticum , as may be seen by a comparison of the data given above with the description of the French authors. There are nevertheless the following differences 111 detail which 1 am inclined to consider as of specific value, although some of them are not absolutely constant. In E. coelomaticum, the genital glands never present the lobed appearance of those ol E. pancreaticum , but always show a compact shape with irregular bulgings of their surface instead of lobes; the apparent rule that one testicle has four the other five bulgings seems however to be preserved here too. The yolk-glands which, in E. pancreaticum, were composed of ten to twelve groups of follicles, show in E. coelomaticum , only >i.\ to eight; the glands are therefore as a whole shorter than in the preceding species and they also begin somewhat farther backward-, viz. at the same level with the posterior margin of the testicles In spite of that, their posterior terminations appear much more distant from the end of the body than in E. pancreaticum, a fact due to t In¬ considerable difference in the relative position of ventral sucker and genital glands in the two species. In E. coelomaticum, finally, it . - not so uncommon to see one or the other uterine coil pass beyond the intestinal branches laterally. I he eggs, in shape, aspect and structure of the miracidium, closely resemble those of E. pancreaticum , but are somewhat smaller, namely *34 0 042 to 0-046 mm. long and 0*023 tc> 0027 mm. wide. This size, by the way, is the same as that of the eggs of Dicroc . lanceatum . Gastrodiscus secundus n. sp. A small jar containing about a dozen specimens and a label on which there was written in pencil : “Gastrodiscus Sonsmonis Cobbifrom mule. ' They were collected by GILES in Assam, who states that they are also found in equines throughout India. In their external appear¬ ance they absolutely resembled the African Gastrodiscus aeg) ptiacui (Cobbold) 1877 (= Dipl os tom a aigypriacum Cobbold 1877, - Gastrodiscus polymasios LEUCKAKT 187;. ■ Gastrodism sonsinoi Cobuold 1877), with the sole difference that all of them were noticeably smaller . Three specimens at present at my disposal si iow a length of 7, 8 and 8 mm., and a maximum breadth of 4-5, 5 and 5 nun. ; the corresponding measurements in Gastrodiscus acgyptiacus being 10 to 13 nun, and 7 to 9 mm. I he body shows the characteristic division into two parts: the c) indrical 01 slightly dejjressed cephalic portion, and the broad oval c isc, at the end of which the second sucker is placed. In the specimens under discussion the former is about 1*35 mm. long and at ise 1 6 mm bi oad. Near its top, there appears on the ventral , C moudl °Pemng, about 0 37 nun. wide. In its neighbour- ... , 16 CUtjc^e shows a large number of small circular or oval Tliev a 'V ProJect externally in the shape of small tubercles mouth n 3pparentIy tactile papillae similar to those found round the of the ce27 m a,lied f0rniS‘ Beh»ld mouth the ventral surface abdominal dis/iT^n excavated along the median line. The rolled inwards to * PParently niuch contracted, for its free edge is terminal disc are vi ^1 30 extent dlat the ventral surface and the it lies open to the b °ldy‘ * he ventral surface is, so far as ‘‘papillae,’’ or “ pseud DSC1Ver’ densely covered with tlie well-known like openings. Some ^Ucgers Scaring on their summits small slit- represent small knobs ° BleSC 01£ans are everted and, in this state, hours. On inspectino^t?601^8’ somew^iat over their retracted neigh- circular hole surrounded m W°rms Wlth a magnifying glass, a small ln dle midventral line 1 ^ & S°lnevv^iat raised brim becomes visible llle cephalic cone. t? °Ut 1 ^ to 1 "5 mm. distant from the base of "as present at the same place in all the 135 specimens and therefore a normal structure, probably the genital aperture. If the latter was true then the worms could not belong to the species aegypliacus, for in this, the genital aperture is placed immediately behind the cephalic cone, at the very base of the projecting edge of the disc. A close microscopical examination of the three specimens kindly given to me by Dr. STEPHENS has confirmed this presumption ; the parasites represent a new and at the same time a true member of the genus Gastrodiscus. It appears superfluous to give a description ot its internal structure here, for this would mean nothing but a second description of the structure of Gastrodiscus aegypliacus. It may therefore suffice to point out the differences between the two species They are chiefly given in the position of the genital aperture and the extension of the yolk-glands. The former has already been men tioned ; it is a circular or transversely oval opening about 03 nun wide, and leads into a genital atrium of 03 mm. in cross diameter, the muscular wall of which is of considerable thickness and much more conspicuous than in the African species. 1 he floor of the atrium is again raised in the shape of a conical papilla on the top of which the male and female genital ducts open close by one another in minute pores. The yolk-glands show a richer development than in Gastrod. aegypliacus. In this species, it will be remembered, they are located in the ventral half of the body, between the intestinal caeca and the free margin of the disc, and it is rather exceptional to find some folliculi extending below the caeca into the space between these and the median line of the body. In Gaslrodiscus secundus, the yolk-gland- trespass on the intestinal caeca in such a manner that their loosely grouped follicles occupy, in the ventral half of the body, all the space left free by the other organs. A minor difference is afforded by the size of the suckers. The oral sucker which, in Gastrod. acgyptiacu >, presents a cross diameter of o-8 mm shows, in G. secundus , a diameter varying, according to the size of the specimens, from 035 to 0‘65 mm. ; the posterior sucker, in G . aegypliacus about 2 mm. wide, in G. secundus scarcely reaches 1*2 mm. in size. The uterus, in the body of the new species, principally takes the same course between the organs as in G. aegypliacus , but, although it is, in the two larger individuals at my disposal, thickly filled with ova, it seems that it does not form so many secondary loops as in the older species. The ova 136 which, in the latter, show a length of 017 to eng mm. and a width c: | O'liram., are, in G. secundus, somewhat smaller namely 0*1 5 to 01 6 mm. long and 0 09 to O'l mm. wide. Opisthorchis sinensis (COBB.) 1875. Several worms of a rusty yellow colour contained in a jar of unknown origin and labelled “ Distoma stnenst COBBOLD " struck me at once by the fact that they were considerably larger and stouter than any others I had seen of the species up to that time. I therefore had no hesitation in expressing the opinion that these worms could not be the true Opisthorchis sinensis. Since the number of specimen; was limited, I took two specimens only with me, an unhurt one and another which was broken into two pieces. About a fortnight after others mounted as microscopical prepara 1 jSj • . *1<1C! ^een co^ected from one case, a Chinaman who ia ie in the Seamen’s Hospital in Hamburg. Besides these large ^ • 1S’ 1 lere was one niicrosopical preparation of an ordinary small not n Tc 3S ^lose * ^iac^ a^°ne seen before. This specimen was obtain d n case from which the large worms had been material to rJ c ULLEBORN was kind enough to confide this whole return to E^nt^0™1^15011 Wlth the LiverPool specimens. On my viously a preai ’ °iUr Weeks later> 1 learned that a short time pre- mortem examirw m Cr °f ^ver flult of the ileum. It was opened and about 300 grins, of bile-stained pus were evacuated. The walls of the abscess were explored and the transverse proce.-s of one of the lumbar vertebrae was found to be necrosed. But no connection could be found between the abscess and the liver. The cavity was washed out and stitched up. Subsequently a drainage tube had to be inserted, for the pus collected again ; but the man’s condition rapidly improved, and the wound over the site of the abscess healed completely. On June 21st, the man suddenly developed pneumothorax, affecting the lower part of the right side of the chest. As he was thought to be suffering from an abscess of the liver, this organ was explored again, but no pus was found. Oedema occurred over the lower part of the right side of the chest and still no pus could be found on exploration. The patient rapidly became worse, and died on June 25th. I ost Mortem. 1 he abscess in the lumbar region had healed completely. V reason for it could be found beyond the necrosed vertebra. Liver : 1 he liver was enlarged and contained numerous abscesses in both lobes I hey varied in size from that of a small pea to a tangerine orange. On sect.' :, the liver presented hundreds of liver flukes in the bile-ducts. The hepatic duct-, common bile duct, and gall-bladder all contained numbers of these flukes. 1 hey were also found free in the duodenum, but not in the ileum. 1 here were no flukes in the abscesses. No cause for the pneumothorax could be found, and no connection between it and the liver was apparent. All the other organs were normal. ( Signed) F.dward Cvfkey, Medical Olficer, British Hospital, Port Said. such a ruling would be less defensible than the other alternative, viz to declare them as separate species. I am pretty certain that many of my fellow-helminthologists will think I am pushing things too far, and that what I am about to do here is nothing but “species-manufacturing" In order to meet this reproach as far as I can, I may be permitted to give my reason; somewhat in detail. To begin with, it is a fact acknowledged by all observers who have dealt with this particular group of parasites (BRAUN, LUEHE Muehling, LOOSS) that the members of the genus O pisthorchis w in many instances by no means easily to be distinguished. As one out of several examples I will mention the case of Opisthorckis / el incus and O pisthorchis geminus , a case observed by myself. The former species is in Europe a rather common parasite in the liver of certain beasts ol prey, and especially in cats, and is in eastern Europe even a not uncommon occasional parasite of man. 0 pisthorchis gemim inhabits in Egypt the liver of certain birds ( Milvus aegyptius, the common Egyptian kite, Circus aeruginosus, a glede, and Ante bonhas fera , the wild duck). It resembles 0 pisthorchis felinW anatomically to such an extent that the two forms are hardly distinguishable from one another without knowledge of host and oca lty. Their internal organisation, therefore, would not furnish jectionable reasons for separating them specifically; nevertheless, y must be considered as specifically different on biological grounds imnn i i VC mUSt ac*n”t as true certain circumstances which are almost .possible to comprehend. Among the hosts of 0 pisthorchis grndm and thus f* P/lus >s a true Egyptian who never leaves the country .hcoILm Tqmre hiS paiasites '« B»‘ if * does, it would b actually Sha "" u d°gS’ C3tS *“* even Man— ll0sts that in EgJP1 also tV":;; °therf SPGCleS °f Parasites — should not p,ck then, « the ^Ptian WrdranTthaTonheE EUr°Pe' *f **“ °ne and the same - ot * le European mammals were indeed any trace of an OpiThorchi, however' have I in Egypt found domestic; nor in Man - 1 °rm 111 can^ne or feline animals, wilder ever there was an occ' ' 10U^' * *lave purposely looked for them when- within the last ten ve^0!! ’ n°r haVC the Professors of pathology who Kasr-el-Aini Hosnitnl S av<~ mac*e t,le post-mortem examinations at ° 1CGd anything of the sort. It can therefore 139 be considered as certain that no Opisthorchis species occurs in mammals and Man in Egypt and the inference therefrom must 1 think be that the Avian Opisthorchis which is indigenous in this country cannot be the same species which inhabits mammals and Man in Europe — all the resemblance they show in their internal organisation notwithstanding. The case of Opisthorchis felineus and Opisthorchis gem mu s is not the only one known ; but this as well as the corresponding instances tend to show that, in the case of the two Opisthorchis sinensis- forms also, the internal similarity must not necessanl) be a proof of their specific identity — the less so, as in the size of their bodies and the ratio of their suckers characters are given which practically allow a differentiation of the two forms. A second point which seems to me very important is the iact that the two varieties of Opisthorchis sinensis not unfrequently occur quite separately. It has already been pointed out that the large vanct) was present alone in the three cases mentioned above ; but the same fact may be inferred from some earlier cases on record. The parasite was discovered in 1874 by McCoNNELL; the measurements given of the worms by the author are x7tj in. for the length and ) in. for the breadth, this would correspond to 17-8 and 3-03111111. respectively and is, as may be mentioned here in anticipation, exactly the size of the specimens 1 at present possess of the large variety. The author *It is perhaps not out of place here to draw attention to the fact that the sire of preserved specimens of parasitic worms is within certain limits influenced b) the metnods of preservation on the one hand, and by their own condition at the moment of preservation on the other. If specimens are collected from a living or recent 1> killed host, they are still alive ; if they remain in the organs after the death of their host they will die, too, after a shorter or longer time; the same thing happens when living parasites are brought into water, which is very harmful to them and destroys certain species very quickly. Before death they stretch themselves to their full size, and the commencing decomposition even makes them swell somew hat. Living parasites, when preserved immediately after removal from their natural habitat, always react by a contraction, which is the stronger the slower the preserving leagent acts upon them. Specimens which have died — in water or in the organs °‘ tlie*r hosts (as is usually the case in post-mortem examinations made some time alter death and in warm climates) — do no longer contract, but may shrink more or ess according to the dehydrating power of the preserving fluid. All these factors, eretore, have their influence upon the dimensions the specimens exhibit alter preservation, and it is necessary to remember this fact when the size of a 1 ertain Pecies IS. used as one of its distinctive characters. However, the changes due to preservation always keep within certain narrow limits, and can even be fixed b\ ac ual observation. The parasites of the Port Said case were obviouslv dead when tney came into contact with the preserving fluid, for they are not contracted. 1 h. nuid used had been formaline, which does not dehydrate: thus, the snecimen* «h,.u 1 - » - UrtW icauicu 00 shrunk to a length of 14 to 16 mm., but could be made to termer length again by placing them hack into formaline. adds that the breadth is very constant in all the specimens, wher® the length presents slight variations from in. to in. (=abra 1 5*3 to 20 mm.). In 1877, the parasite was recorded by MACGREGOi as the possible cause of a peculiar form of paralytic disease, of wind he had seen three fatal out of eight cases. The observations werenui in Port Louis, Mauritius, but all the patients were again Chinaae: I have at present no access to MACGREGOR'S original article, but tin parasites found and described by him were subsequently examined by COBBOLD and recognised as identical with those of McCoNKELL In 1878 McConnell himself describes a second case observed ; him in Calcutta ; “ the subject was, curiously enough, again a China man, and the distomata found " were quite identical with those originally found.” Comparing these earliest observations we see that m all cases the bearers had been Chinamen, and that the parasite must have been of about the same size for no allusion is made to the existence among them of any noticeably smaller individuals. hi 1883, die presence of flukes in the liver of Man was reports: from Japan, first in a paper written in Japanese (“ Observe Hons on Distomes in the Lung and Liver ") by KlYONO, NAKAHAHA Suc.a and Yamagata, acting physicians in the hospital of Okayama and a short time later by Baelz in a paper “ Ueber einige neue arasiten des Menschen. I nfortunately, 1 have at present noacces is paper which is one of great importance for the question la0 low iscussing , thus I can here refer to its contents so far only# cy are repioduced by later writers. According to these, BaELZ recognises two dist.net species of liver-flukes, a Distoma hifi» TuZnCUmJWe pernici0 s** , and a Distoma hepatis innocu**- d. istinguished from one another (see LEUCKART, attaining^ X* f°remost b>^ their quite different size, Dist. innocitu * exceerl s «.„engt 1 UP tC> 20 ram-» whereas Dist. endemicum does not mni. Of the other differential characters given by ««on,*lhehaf°l[°r”g seem t0 me.to be wortl' mentioning: slightly 1-irn- ^ ^ ‘ lCrus of bghter colour but larger volume, (-) -d (3) possesses ** The exact IL body-parenchyma numerous black granule innocuum °f the OVa are’ according to BAELZ, in D* in Dist. endemic u ° °3<3 mm- len£th by o-oiS to 0‘002 mm. bread* °'°2 t0 °'°3 mm. length by 0-015 to 0*01/ ** breadth. From the names given to the species it may be inferred that the small variety is very common in the country ("endemic'") and harmful to its host (“pernicious”), presumably because of its occurrence in large numbers, whilst the larger is rarer, i.e. not present in large numbers and therefore comparatively harmless (“ innocuous " V In subsequent years the Japanese liver-flukes were the object of repeated scientific investigation. It was soon recognised that they bore a close anatomical resemblance to the Chinese liver-fluke discovered by McCoNNELL ; as a matter of fact, all later authors arc agreed in declaring them more or less definitely as identical with mu another as well as with the Distoma sinense. A comparative study ol the papers published by these authors, however, reveals an interesting fact, namely that so far as specimens of Japanese origin are concerned these authors, with one exception, do not seem to have ever again seen the large variety, i.e. the Dist. innocuuni of BAELZ. Thus in 1SS1 IjIMA, when describing Dist. endcmicum , gives the aver.ige length of the body as ilfmm., whilst the largest specimens measure i t, tin- smallest 8 mm. in length ; the breadth is 2 to 2f mm. LEUCKART who named the Distoma sinense of COBBOLD Distomum spathulatum , examined part of BAELZ’S original material md specimens sent to him by IjIMA ; he found the worms to vary in length from 10 to 13 mm. and in breadth from 2 to 3 mm. I saw tln- material myself at the time and do not remember having noticed any remarkable difference in size of the specimens. In iqoo, KATSURAPA published a very exhaustive paper based upon 76 post-mortem examinations in which altogether an enormous number of parasites were found ; in 21 cases indeed their number exceeded r.ooo and in five there were between 2,000 and 5,000. It may be mentioned hen in passing that KATSURAPA for the first time states that in r;v-es < ! strong infection the parasites also occur in the pancreatic duct causing there sometimes no perceptible changes, but generally .* dilatation of the ducts combined with a thickening of their walls occasionally, one may even observe inflammatory infiltration and hypertrophy of the connective tissue in the neighbourhood which seems to lead to atrophy and degeneration of the glandular substam <- With regard to the question which interests us here, it is to l>r regretted that KATSURAPA does not give exact measures of individu.il specimens, but averages only derived from measurements of a certain M* number of worms found in separate cases. I lius, five individuals measured of one case gave an average of IPOmm length by 2*50 breadth ; 21 individuals of another case ga\ length by 2*40 mm. breadth; and 35 individuals of a third case give 14-06 mm. by 3*88 mm. Nothing need be said concerning the two first cases ; in the third, however, it is almost certain that large individuals of 16 to 1 8 mm. length have been present, although the author does not mention it especially. KATSURADA explains the variations in the size of the worms by circumstances such as size of the host, number of parasites actually present at the same place, &c, and says that “in cases where few worms only inhabit a full-grown man many of more considerable size arc found among them ; whilst, on the contrary, in children, dogs and cats the worms are generally smaller.” This view, by the way, which was still very generally adopted not so many years ago, is not supported by actual observations. I have for several years paid special attention to this question, but all my experiences tend to show that every species of parasite has a size of its own. There may occasionally be individual specimens which tiespass the normal size of their race more or less markedly (just as this occurs in Man and higher animals), but, as a rule, their size is very much the same, whether they live in a large or in a small host. A full-grown Ascaris lumbricoid.es is as large in a child of one years age as it is in an old man of seventy ; and the common liver-fluke is not smaller in a goat or a sheep than it is in a cow, nor is it, when lull -grown, smaller in a narrow bile-duct than in a wide one. In the a ove mentioned case of Distoma sinense observed by Dr. CUFFEY. C 77s thlckly crowded the bile-ducts of medium calibre; I C 6SS’ not a s*n&Ie small specimen could be detected among the osc ones. The small Distoma endemicum, on the other hand. indivirt 1 SPeCi7 S'/G cIuke *rrespcctive of the number in which the mdmduals may be present in a given host collected in rVatlons far spoken of had all been made on material al o been H Pan' a"""8 ^ however, the parasite had Extreme 0*17 , ” SUbj6CtS other parts of the I do n”:pors the s aS Tea' TOnk‘"' island Of Formosa, refer the reader L 1,‘erature on earlier cases, but may r O an article by R. Blanchard, “Note sur quelques 143 vers parasites de l’homme (1891) ” in which the necessary references are given. In this same article BLANCHARD also records three new cases from which the parasites obtained had been submitted to him for examination. The material consisted of two bottles containing each several hundreds of Distoma sinense which had been collected at the post-mortems made of two Annamite soldiers in the military hospital of Hanoi'. A third bottle from Hanoi contained, in addition to a piece of liver, an extraordinary number of parasites ; so many indeed that the author says that without the positive affirmation given it would have been hard for him to believe that they had actually been derived from one and the same autopsy. At another place (1901, p. 581), he says that one might estimate the number of these worms as being rather above ten thousand. The statements BLANCHARD makes with regard to the external aspect of the parasites are so interesting that I reproduce them in the original language (1891, p. 5). “ Dans l'un des deux flacons requs de Mr. le Dr. TREILLE (i.e. those mentioned above in the first place), tous les Distomes sont de grande taille et semblables entre eux. Dans le second flacon, ainsi que dans celui que j’ai re zoological and medical, on helminthological , • J C,S bl C lng to the old assumption that there exist compara- of varviiT ?*eC.ieS Parasdes only, but that these species are capable to host 1IJ.Slze and organisation to a considerable degree according Iwthirt1 \ U iS my “™ction that th,s view must be based f * ^ °nCC* ^ helminthology is to become an exact science fathers. Neither is'V' °n Prec0nceptions inherited from our fore¬ forms us iden justifiable any longer to declare all at once two as , dent, cal simply because they agree in their general structure. T47 nor is it sufficient to-day to give of new forms of parasites a superficial account of some general characters, if such descriptions are to be of real scientific value. It would not be a difficult thing to enumerate dozens of modern papers of this sort ; they look and read quite nicely, but nothing would have been lost had they never been published at all. I will not mention any names, nor is it my intention to blame or to offend those who do not share my scientific convictions, but 1 desire to convince them, in the interest of our particular branch of science, that by this time certain views considered as almost axioms b) our predecessors can no longer be upheld. The question as to the denomination of the two species of 0 pisthorchis sinensis in accordance with the modern rules of scientific nomenclature is easy to decide. There is no doubt that the large form is the same as originally found and described by McCONNEI.L ; it must therefore retain the specific name sinensis COBBOLD. The smaller species is, unmistakeably again, the same as first recognised by Baelz and distinguished under the designation Distowa endemicum ; I therefore re-establish this specific name for it. Both species are members of a natural genus which might have been created before this on the ground of the peculiar configuration of the testicles, but becomes now more distinctly separated from 0 pisthorchis by the fact that two different forms exhibit the same character. 6 lonorchis, n. g., O pisthorchiidarum. Differs from 0 pisthorchis sensu strictiori by the fact that the testicles are not notched or lobate, but distinctly ramified, the branches, crossing the intestinal caeca on their ventral side and extending very near to the body margin. Another difference seems to he in the shape of the excretory vesicle. In O pisthorchis s- str. this is \ shaped with a very long stem running in the form of an S through the space between the testicles and bifurcating at the posterior border of the seminal receptacle into two rather short branches from the tops of which the main excretory vessels arise. In C lonorchis y the Y shape of the vesicle is no longer clearly recog¬ nisable ; the unpaired tube simply becomes somewhat widened at its anterior end assuming sometimes, but not always, the shape of an nregular triangle the two upper angles of which might be considered as the homologues of the branches in O pis/horchis s. str. I he main excretory vessels do not arise from these angles, but somewhat farther backward, at about the lower angle of the triangular widening of the tube (see fig. 4). Type: Clonorchis sinensis (COBBOLD) 1875. Clonorchis sinensis (COBBOLl)) 1875. (Synonym : Distomum innocuum BAELZ 1883.) Full grown specimens vary in length from 1 3 to 19111111. and in breadth from 3 to 4 mm. At the commencement of the period of sexual activity the body has attained 12 to 13 mm. in length and 2*5 to 3 mm in breadth ; such specimens are recognisable by their uteri in which the ova are comparatively scarce in number and loosely grouped, i.e with more or less wide empty spaces between the individual ova The oral sucker averages 06mm. in transverse diameter; the lowest figure 1 have found in one specimen (of about 60 measured) was 0 52 mm., the largest which is not uncommon 0*63 mm. ; usual measurements between 0*58 and 0-62 mm. The ventral sucker averages 0-47 mm. in transverse diameter ; lowest figure found in one case 0-39111111., highest figure observed once also 0-5211101.; usual measurements between 0*45 and 0*49 mm. The ratio of the suckers thus varies in the main between 15: 12 and 16: 12. The pigmentation, i.e. the deposit within the body parenchyma of numerous fine granules of a yellowish or brown substance, is very characteristic of this species • ometimes it is so little developed that the preserved worms appear white and the pigment granules are only detected in cleared specimens it tie microscope, yet may in other specimens assume such an extent that the parasites become perfectly opaque and of a rusty ) ow, greyish, or brownish tint throughout. In cases of little Jfi . . tl0n’ tbe granules accumulate more especially behind the of thThoH m thC S,ldeS °f the Pharynx and at the posterior extremity the outhnes of^esticllT'-md^6 alTg ^ intestinal CaCCa ^ the testicles f 1 d Semmal recePtacle. The ramifications of the bodv • "f aU ^ l°n^’ *n accordance with the greater breadth ot testicle the bn nH Unfrequently be recognised that in the anterior main stems. All f°Ur’ the Postenor testicle from five em ,e 111 about one plane which runs parallel to r49 the ventral surface of the body ; there are however very often, in one testicle or in both, other branches or, more precisely, bulging* of one or two main stems which project towards the ventral surface and appear as thick, compact bodies with irregular outlines. They were already seen by McConnell, but interpreted as the whole testicles, whereas in truth they are only parts of them, and are not even constant in their presence. The ovary is usually trilobate, but very often shows, in addition to the large lobes, three to six smaller ones which are sharply separated from the former. The yolk glands vary somewhat in their extent. They normally reach from the level of the ovary to the ventral sucker, but it is not at all uncommon to see them, on one side or on both, commencing and ending somewhat farther forward or somewhat farther backward of the usual place. I hey present in Cl. sinensis, a striking peculiars inasmuch as almost constantly a certain number of the groups ot follicles of which they are composed remain undeveloped ; sometime one only on one side, sometimes more, on one side or on both; tlu bands represented by the glands as a whole showing thus one or several interruptions by empty spaces. In perfectly mature specimens the seminal vesicle extends about as far back as the middle of the uterus. 1 he remaining organs do not show any peculiarities. The average dimensions of the eggs are 0*029 mm. length and 0*oi6mm. width; the limits of the former being 0*026 and 0*030110, and of the latter 0*015 and 0*017 mm.* la many specimens of tlu species the eggs show a distinct narrowing towards the anterior extremity, and their rather high lid is marked off by a sharply projecting brim. I have however also seen specimens in whose ov these peculiarities were but little pronounced (see fig. 7). An interesting variation chiefly observable among the specimens of the Port Said case concerns the colour of the uterus as a whole In some individuals, this is only a light yellowish-brown, even in tin* most anterior coils of the organ, whereas in other individuals the whole lhere exist, of course, among the immense number of ova in an individual . orm always some which are either larger or smaller than the rest, or even K 1 ently misshapen. In my opinion it is of no use to carefully record thr measurements of these eggs also. For the description and definition of a spe< ;• 15 much more important to select for measurement those ova which appear to be normal and to present the size and shape typical for the species. It may be addrd ln Passtng that young worms with few ova in their uterus usually do not afford normally-shaped and normally-sized ova. I5° uterus, with the exception of a few of the hindmost loops, appears almost black. As there is otherwise not the slightest difference between the examples of these two extremes neither in the size of the body, nor in the size of the suckers, &c. 1 do not quite know how to account for these variations. To a certain degree, they are evidently due to the number of ova contained in the roils, hut to another degree just as evidently to a darker shade of the egg- sheik themselves. Since the two extremes described above are not sharply separated, but connected with each other hy numerous intermediary tints it is perhaps not unjustifiable to assume that the shell-substance elaborated by the shell-glands becomes darker with the growing age of the parasites, and it may be noted in this connection that the latter live in, and feed on, a coloured substance, the bile. Clonorchis sinensis is chiefly a parasite of Chinese, but occurs rarely also in Japan— i.e. according to what we know at present. For it is not at all improbable that the worm will he oftener found as soon as attention is paid to its existence ; it appears also not unlikely that it may be restricted to certain localities. Up to now it does not seem to have been found in animals. C lonorchis cndcmicus (BAELZ) 1883. This species practically takes the place of the true Cion, sinensis in the literature published after 1883 and is at present the one usually described m text books, &c. as “ Opisthorchis sinensis." Its measure- are given by the authors as 10 to 13 mm. length and 2 to 3 mm. breadth. The smallest specimen actually at my disposal (it comes rom the Annamite case described by BLANCHARD) is sonie- C!ntrfC‘ed and measures 6 by 1-8 mm. ; my largest and fairly i-he ~ en e sPec*men (°f Japanese origin) measures 13 by 2'6 mm ; oraUt!!JIning lndlvuluals ranSe in size between these extremes. The diameter dVera§es 0 43 to 0 45 mm. in transverse diameter ; smallest another ^ the smalIest specimen mentioned above and ,ong Md ■■6m- 0-5 mm. Ventral * fPeClmen 10 8 nun- loI>E and 2-3 mm. broad) diameters observed o-J, “ TT* °'37 ‘° °'4° ' S,"alleS, (in another long 8 mm h ' ^ SmalIest 5Pec™en) and o'34"®j °’45 mm. fin tl, Ji ’ b d 17 mm)i largest diameter observed argest specimen above mentioned). The ratio of the suckers varying between about 13 : 12 and 15: 12 is therefore fairly similar to that in Cion, sinensis, but in actual size the suckers are quite different. Among the specimens at my disposal there is none with pigment-granules in its parenchyma. The yolk-glands normally have the same extent as in Cion, sinensis, but present similar variations in regard to the relative position of their anterior and posterior terminations as in that species. It may also happen that ..I the groups of follicles of which they are composed some remain undeveloped, but this occurs, so far as may be inferred from my limited material, much more seldom and the actual state of things is perhaps best described by saying that the absence of one . ir sewn I groups of follicles is the rule in Cion, sinensis, and the exception in Cion, endemicus. The seminal vesicle ends (so far as visible) at about the limit between the first and second thirds of the length -a the uterus; this character, however, had better not be considered a distinctive because it may vary. The eggs have about the same length as those of the preceding species (0*026 mm.), but their width is decidedly somewhat smaller, amounting on an average to o-oi5 mm. with the lower limit at 0-013. the upper at o-oi6mm. The narrowing towards the anterior end is in the main not so marked and the margin of the rather flat lid nm so sharply projecting as in Cion, sinensis (see fig. 8); but these differences are on the whole very slight and not recognisable in r.i specimen. With regard to the colour of the uterus as a whole, van.i tions may be found similar to those described in the preceding spe* - Clonorchis endemicus, according to existing records, is vm common in Japan, and presumably so in Annam and Tonkin ton. In Japan the localities especially stricken with the parasite are situated on the sea-shore; it is possible therefore that its geographical i.mgr chiefly extends along the shore in the other localities also. Apart from Man, the species is reported to have been found in certain animals of Japan, such as cats, dogs and hogs. Several specimens taken from the latter host, which I owe to the kindness of rofessor J ANSON, of Tokyo, are indeed Cion, endemicus, for tin v present all the peculiarities of this species. I am, however, somewhat doubtful with regard to the statement that it inhabits the liver ot the cat also- at least as a normal parasite of this animal, in 1 880. iJIMA after an examination of specimens derived from this source writes that the worms “from the liver of cat showed slight differences inasmuch as they possessed very fine spines in the skin and were of smaller size than the former (viz ( the human live: Perhaps this cat-distome from Okayama is to be considered as a distinct species, but I firmly believe that in Tokyo, Dtst endmian does sometimes inhabit the liver of cats" (1886, p 49). This latter possibility can certainly not be denied and is even most probable, but in cases of this sort Lion, end appears to be occasional parasite of the cat, whilst the smaller form menti ned IjlMA probably represents one of its normal parasites I have examined several cat-specimens which were sent from Japan to Professor Leuckart in Leipzig years ago (by whom I do not km and of which Professor CHUN kindly allowed me to take some in exchange for other parasites. They arc unfortunately in such a poor state of preservation that not very much is left to be seen in them; t e general impression they make upon the observer is certainly rather 1 erent from that of the genuine Cion, cndcmicus. If one considers, moreover, their small size (those in my possession do not exceed 4-5 mm. in length and 0-9 mm. in breadth, but are as it seems not yet quite full grown) the presence of fine spines in their skm as reported by Ijima there is no doubt left that thev cannot be Leon, endemic us. I , ^ worth being borne in mind in the examination of cannn?50" ° 1“man>°Pisthorchiosis is that this Feline Opis/horchis( it may non ^ ^ Whether il is ai1 Opistkorckis or a t lonorchis ) sionallv o'Th ^ “ *** also* ■» 1 *°* « is occa' certain state . T y CatS and hogS' 1 a,n °ven inclined to think that three wonns^ound Tn KATSURADA’s PaPer OW p. 481) alluding to Saga, which presented ““ °f sevcnteen from the province ot breadth of 0 06 m avera^e le“gth of 5-16 and an average infection with the FeiineV* ^ ^ eXp,ained by such 00035101131 I53 LITERATURE Baei.z, E., 1883. Leber einige neue Parasiten des Menschen, in Berl klin. Wochenschr. p. 234-238. (Not accessible.) Blanchard, R., 1891. Note sur quelques vers parasites de l'homme, in C. R. Sor. Biol. Paris. Stance du 18 juillet. Cobbold, Th. Sp., 1875. The new human fluke, in The Lancet, Vol. 2, Sept 18, P- 423- Giard, A., and Billet, A., 1892. Sur quelques Trdmatodes parasites des boeuf* du Tonkin, in C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, Vol. 94, p. 613. (Not available.) Ijima, I., 1886. Notes on Distoma Kndemicum, Baelz, in Tourn. Sc. Coll Tokyo Vol. 1. Janson, J., 1893. Die Ilausthiere in Japan. IV, Die Krankheiten der llausthi.rr in Japan— (2) Parasitare Krankheiten, in Arch. wiss. u. prakt. Thierheilk, Vol. 19. (Not available.) Janson, J., 1895. Die tbierischen Parasiten bei Japanischen Wiederkauern, in Mitth. Ges. Nat. u. Volkerk. Ostasiens, Tokio, Vol. 6, p. 272. Kaisurada, I'., 1900. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Distomum spathulatum. in Ziegler, Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. allg. Path., Vol. 28, p. 479-505. Leuckart, R., 1876. Die Parasiten des Menschen, etc., T.eipzig 11. Heidelberg, Vo!. 1, p. 336-355. MACGREGOR, W., 1877. A new form of Paralytic Disease, associated with the presence of a new species of Liver Parasite (Distoma sinense), in Glasgow Med. Journ., January, 1877. (Not available, quoted after Cobbold, Parasite- . London, 1S79, P- 3°-) Abstract in The Lancet, 1877, May 26th, p 775. McConnell, 1. 1*. P., 1875. Remarks on the Anatomy and Pathological Relations of a new species of Liver-fluke, in The Lancet, August 21st, p. 271-274. McConnell, I. F. P., ,878. “Distoma sinense” (McConnell), in The Lancet. March 16th, p. 406. IC)02‘. Tasciolopsis Buski (Lank.) (= Distomum crassum Cobb.), ein Ori ’ vV®mg hekannter Parasit des Menschen in Ostasien, in Ctrbl. Bakt ung., Vol. 31, p. 574.58,. Railliet, A 1800 t bo Naturaliste, (2)Nr'-oPnTteS deS. animaux domes‘i(lu^ an Japon. in Le 1898, p. 30.) /9’ P' 43’ 15 Jmn' (Not avai,ab,e' quoted after Railliet, Railliet, A., and Marotel, G ,8n8 t n , . e. de, bl,mes « Cochiac^in bM“" *54 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Reference Letters. App. — Lateral pouches of the oral sucker. C .ex. — Lateral excretory vessels. C. P. — Cirrus pouch. D. ej. — Ejaculatory duct. Disc. — Edge of the ventral disc. Dr- Retracted grooves (“pseudo¬ suckers ”). Dr. — The same organs, everted. hit.-- Intestine. L.C. — Laurer’s canal. /. 7 est. — Left testicle. Met. — Metraterm. Nerv. — Nervous system. Oes- -Oesophagus. 0v.~ Ovary. P.ex. — Excretory pore. P.Gett. — Genital aperture. Phar. — Pharynx. P.P. - Pars prostatica. R.sent.— Seminal receptacle r. T est. Right testicle. Sh.Gl. — Shell gland. Ut. — Uterus. lag. — Vagina. V .ex. — Excretory vesicle. V. ex./at. — Lateral branches of the excretory vesicle. V it. Yolk glands. V it.D. — Unpaired vitelloduct. V .sew. Seminal vesicle. Fig. i. Fig. 2. Fig. 3- Fig- 4- Fig- 5 - Fig. 6.- Fig. Fig. 8. - Rurytrema patter ealicum. Specimen from Japan seen from the ventral aspect. Enlargement about it. Ilurytrema coeloniaticum. Specimen from Hong Kong seen iom the ventral aspect. Enlargement about II. G astrodtscus secundus seen from the ventral side. Enlarge- men about n. 1 he opening in the anterior part of the ven i a surface leads into the genital atrium from the ottom of which the papilla bearing on its top the male and female genital openings arises. GaaZltiSCUS. ■ secun,v . unequal length of the intestinal caeca other individuals^01”160 1S accidental and not Present ,n eggs, each* errer^t' L- c^,e^ forms presented by the worm EnlinS *' vCn ^rom a separate specimen of the Clo \ ■ gement ca- 990. and under^exaedv^th EggS fi^ured in the same manner ceding drawino- J . f saJFe enlargement as in the pre- & as to allow of comparison. F‘g /. ”«*■ del. 1 PLATE VI/. Fit! Pax PLATE VIII _ A Looss, ad nut. del. P P Imp PLATE IX Fig. 5: Fig. 7. Fseoi. Vsenc POen. Sh.Ct, R.Serro C.ex LC L7!‘sl A. Looss, ad nut. dal. the PRESENCE OF SP1R0CHAE TA DUTTONI IN THE OVA OF ORNI- THODOROS MOUBATA L_ 157 THE PRESENCE OF SPIROCHAETA D UTTONI IN THE OVA OF ORNI- THOD OR OS MO UBA TA BY Capt. R. MARKHAM CARTER, I.M.S. From the Runcorn Research Laboratories of the Liverpool School »f Tropical Medicine Koch, while discussing the question of the transmission of Spirochaeta duttoni , the organism of African relapsing fever1 states that he finds on the surface of the ovaries of infected ticks large numbers of spirochaetes. He considers that these organisms multiply in this position in the tick. He further states that the eggs, when first laid, show scanty infection, whereas in those examined later lie describes the occurrence of spirochaetes in vast numbers arranged in densely-tangled masses. This he considers an undoubted proof of the rapid multiplication of the spirochaetes in the eggs. Lastly, he again draws attention to the fact that ticks bred from batches of infected eggs transmit the disease.2 The following observations were made with the object of confirming the second of these important statements. Forty-two, naturally-infected, adult specimens of Ornithodoro > moubala, collected in the Congo Free State, were fed on January 2;th, I9°6, upon an animal infected with Spirochaeta duttoni. These tick were again fed on an uninfected rat on July 26th, 1906. This rat showed infection on August 1st, innumerable spirochaetes to the field were seen on August nth. As no eggs were laid, the ticks were again fed ; ovulation then commenced, but it was very scanty'. Some twenty-six adults were therefore fed once more on an uninfected rat ten day's later. Large numbers of eggs were now found in batches about the dish ; 32 ova were taken from different collections of the-- eggs and microscopically examined to determine the presence or otherwise of the spirochaetes. Six of them were found to be infected The method used was as follows-. — The egg, having been placed I5« in the centre of the slide, was pricked with a very fine capillary tube, and the contents were quickly withdrawn until the egg capsule became transparent and collapsed. The egg contents were then emptied, forming a tiny drop, on t lie slide, which drop was quickly smeared into a thin film with a fine-pointed, cold, glass rod. The more rapidly these stages succeeded each other, the greater the perfection of the difficultly^ made film. The preparation was quickly dried at 450 C. and was then fixed in absolute alcohol before being stained by 1 modification of Romanowsky’s method;3 finally' the smear was examined with a Zeiss apochromatic 2 mm. objective and a No. 18 compensating eyepiece, fitted to a tube length of 250mm. (x 2250) I he number of the spirochaetcs found varied from but three in the whole contents of an egg, to as high as 45 counted parasites to a field, with, in addition, one or more spindle-shaped collections of innumerable organisms. As was observed by Koch it was found that most spirochaetes occurred in those eggs which had been laid longest Morphology of Parasites occurring in the liggs (see plate X). As well as the typical forms of the spirochaete, occurring as th< did in large numbers, several peculiar varieties were also noted ai will be discussed in detail below. By far the majority of the spirochaetes were of the typical simp spin ar form. These varied in length from 5^ to about 20y (sing parasites) and were seen to occur singly and in groups of three to foi ^ llowever> anc* this was seen in the most highly infecte wer_ * ,r°chaetes were arranged in remarkable collections an are ocnsT C!' Spiral f°r spira1’ with each other. These grouf those sniropr Spindle'sIlaPed by reason of the decreasing length < iatera,iy as ""th *■* ^ - UtnhboundPb“ndfe of °LhkTSe tHeSe gr°UPed SPir0Chae“ nucleus blepharo jP'Cd^ SI11^e spirochaete presents no evidence of lateralflager^^ no indications c shaped on sectionS & ° seems to be a spiral, possibly flat and ribbon deeply stained, but h termin£d P°>nt of the spirochaete is oftei to a point, possibly to f °r may stain faintly and tape i°ng forms of thp °rm * terminal flagellum. In, especially. th< ganism, transverse, faintly-staining section: 159 occasionally occur. These lightly-stained areas nrnir ai about tbr middle of the parasite and occasionally excentriealh n * nr <>r n* ’r places; this is also particularly noticeable in the ex ; i* n.»IK V < forms. It seems as though the deeply- staining, - *• rhrxnj* coreof the parasite were absent and the more light!) t rung [-■ ; ' ■ ■ alone remains. The same appearance is seen at tin ' me . , < some parasites ; in many the condition is exaggerated m ■ hr chromatin of the spirochaete exists only as a fragment. 1 «an rr*» <> f granules (figs. 8, 9, 24). In figs. 19a and 1 9^ are illustrated peculiar f nr: i I In , . apparently single organisms, in which longitudinal :wr, •! . seems to be commencing. The undivided portion of • «, l%4tr, is normal to within a short distance of its bifujr.it • 1 r • chromatin becomes collected into one or two large granule • ]] . divided portions lie side-by-side in parallel curves, and ’ rigs** tation occurs in them it is noticeable that their corn s;, : lie directly opposite each other. Swellings, usually occurring one to a parasite, are fro; efl-l, T in both normal and fragmented spirochaetes. The-. . r, *-i terminally or in the length of the parasite and are of thro • . ; . * hr rSl 'S the smaller insists of an oval, homo o ,* , chromatimc mass placed either centrally or laterally o„ , ( gS' a"d 30)- The second type is slightly larger. ,* , , , irvr-r vesic,e m which tw° eh™1 *• . - 4 - r 1CS at.the Slde of the P^nsite and is attar!,, d ■ ,t b 4 very fine connection (fig. 29). This form is by far the r seen but once. The j 1 of a vesicle contain,! a dLt ^ P™',, . confirming these suggestive° observations1}! the " ' specimens and of more carefully PrePared rnaten.!1' ° f * i6o From these observations we conclude : 1. That ticks infected by spirochaetes lay infected eggs. 2. That multiplication of the spirochaetes probably takes place in the eggs. 3. That morphological changes in the spirochaetes also occur in the eggs. LITERATURE 1. Koch, 1905. Vorlaufige Mittheilungen iiber die Krgebnisse einen Forschungs- reise nach Ostafrika. Deutsche Medizinischc Wochenschrift. 23 Nov. 2. Dutton and Todd, 1905. Memoir XVII, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 3. Stephens and Christophers. The practical Study of Malaria, and edition, Williams and Norgate, London. 4- JlREiNL AND Kinghorn, 1906. Memoir XXI, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Plate X IN EGGS OF ORNITHODORUS MOUBATA. A NOTE ON THE THERAPEUTICS OF TRYPANOSOMIASIS BV Professor BENJAMIN MOORE, M.A., D.Sc. M. NIERENSTEIN, Ph.D. AND JOHN L. TODD, B.A., M.D., C.M. McGill Thomas and Breinl* found that atoxyl would almost invariably drive the trypanosomes from the peripheral circulation of an infected animal, but, since the parasites frequently recurred, it seemed possible that they might exist somewhere else in the body of their host in a form uninfluenced by this drug. It was therefore determined to commence a series of experiments in which animals first treated by atoxyl were subsequently treated by some other drug. A variety of combinations have been tried. That which has been by far the most successful in the treatment of rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei is atoxyl, followed by small doses of bi-chloride of mercury after the trypanosomes have left the peripheral blood. Animal experiments are still in progress. This communication is made in the hope of inducing those who have opportunities of treating patients to try the effect of atoxyl followed by bi-chloride of mercury on their patients. Thomas and Breinl; Memoir XVI of the l.ivetpool School of Tropical Medicine. V AN AUTOMATIC OILER FOR THE DESTRUCTION AND PREVENTION OF MOSQUITO LARVAE IN CESSPOOLS AND OTHER COLLECTIONS OF WATER K i65 AN AUTOMATIC OILER FOR THE DESTRUCTION AND PREVENTION OF MOSQUITO LARVAE IN CESSPOOLS AND OTHER COLLECTIONS OF WATER BY E. H. ROSS, and H. C. ROSS, LATE SURGEONS R.N. AND MEDICAL OFFICERS’ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH IN EGYPT ( Received January 16th, 1907) In the large towns of Egypt the breeding of mosquitoes is practically confined to the cesspools. With the exception of Alexandria there are at present no schemes for the disposal of sewage on modern lines, and therefore it passes into cesspools under or near the houses. These cesspools are practically the only collections of water where mosquitoes can breed, and it is to them that most attention must be paid in anti-mosquito campaigns. Besides mosquitoes, all sorts of vermin live in the cesspools; and in plague-infected towns, the knowledge of the fact that rats have to depend on these collections of water for drinking purposes, is of the utmost importance. In Poit Said and Ismailia, where there have been successful campaigns, all cesspools are treated with a mixture of crude and refined petroleum once a week. This has up to now involved very considerable labour, a constant supervision, and a large expenditure of oil ; and it was in the endeavour to overcome these difficulties that the following automatic oiler was designed. Our aim was to produce an apparatus which would give a constant supply of oil to the surface of the water in the cesspools ; which could be easily applied by unskilled labour (native) ; which could be cheaply made in any country; and lastly, one whose application would, if possible, reduce the cost of a campaign. We have found by experiment that this apparatus has fulfilled the requirements. 1 he apparatus is made of metal. We use the empty kerosene tins in which the crude oii is supplied. The shape is that of ate with two spouts, one at each end, and is shown in the drawing It will be noticed that the spouts do not arise from the centre of the ends of the drum, but from one edge of them ; are directly oppose to one another, and are numbered A and 13. On the spout B a weight is suspended. All joints arc soldered. In A a sand filter is placed. This consists of a glass tube, with an internal diameter of one centimetre, containing sand. The tube passes through a cork which is pressed home in the spout. To mate the sand filter : — Draw out some tubing to a point and cut off so that the lumen is about half a centimetre in diameter. Place a small plug of glass wool in the neck so formed and fill up two inches of the tube with fine sand. Then place another small plug of asbestos wool arc again draw out the tube round it and cut off. I he whole apparatus should now be tested to see if it is tighi To complete it, a piece of galvanized iron wire is fastened to each spout, each piece being about two feet in length. The two pieces are joined together above, and from their junction a wire passe: upwards which must be long enough to reach from nearly the bottom of the cesspool to the manhole door. This appliance when filled with water will immediately sink, assuming a horizontal position under 'vater ; but when filled with oil, would float were it not for the weight on the spout B. Consequently, when filled with oil and dropped into 'va er, it will sink to the bottom, but the end A will be pointing o?P anc| t^e °if will pass out through the sand filter at the rate Qf 0jj CU *c cem,nietres a day. The oilers hold nearly 3j l'tre: A mil ic a.- ^ °^cr 111 a cesspool the following procedure is adopted oiler is held' ^ ^ Wa^ of t*ie manhole just under the lid The means of a f " ** t*le sP0llt B upwards and oil is poured into it b) ground with rh ^ ^ ^en it is allowed to rest horizontally on the The anna t SP°UtS ^ t0P S° that little or no oil is sPilled (F«* ^ cesspool until ifUf ^ ra'Sec^ ^le w*re and lowered gently into the water is reached °uC ^ Water It: remains horizontal until the it sinks under th W ^ ,mme^ateIy assumes its vertical position a- air-bubbles comin *" 2) No oil will pass out until the of oil begins. ^ °Ut ° the end A have ceased, when the exudation 167 The wire is payed out until the weight is felt to rest on the bottom of the cesspool ; it is then pulled up for about one foot and fastened to the nail. In this way the oiler will rest about eighteen inches from the bottom of the cesspool. (Fig. 3.) Two litres of oil are then thrown on to the surface of the water to kill the existing larvae, and the manhole door is closed. In the oil thrown on to the surface it has been found better to mix five per cent, of powdered resin, as this materially prevents evaporation. But resin must not be mixed with the oil inside the oiler, as it may clog the sand filter. The exudation of oil goes on at the rate of about 50 cubic centimetres a day for nearly two months. As oil comes out of spout A water enters the oiler through the spout B, and therefore it becomes heavier daily and consequently assumes a more horizontal position, until in about two months, when there is about three-quarters of a litre of oil left, the oil comes out of the spout B and the oiler is suddenly emptied of the mixture. (Fig. 4.) So that in the eighth week of the oiler’s existence in the cesspool there is a sudden and large ejection of oil on to the surface of the water. The reason we have designed this is that if the cesspool is a large one and the exudation of oil hardly sufficient, any larvae which may have evaded the oil towards the end of the two months will be destroyed. In ten weeks the oiler is removed and replaced by a new one. In Egypt the cost of each oiler complete without oil is sixpence. The apparatus has been given a fair trial, and has been found to be successful. It has saved a large amount of labour and oil, and will shortly be used extensively in Cairo and its suburbs. automatic oiler — — TOR CESSPOOLS - PLATE XI SECTION OF GL&Vj fiLT£H THE ANATOMY OF THE PROBOSCIS OF BITING FLIES THE ANATOMY OF THE PROBOSCIS OF BITING FLIES BY J. W. W. STEPHENS, M.D. Cantab. AND R. NEWSTEAD, A.L.S, F.E.S. ( Received May nth , 1907) PART II.* STOMOXYS (STABLE FLIES) As far as we are aware, there have been only two descriptions, in recent years at least, of the anatomy of the mouth parts of Stomoxys. I he first, by Hansen,1 is, as far as it goes, a good and accurate account, but it is incomplete in many respects, even in regard to important structures, which we should have thought it impossible to overlook. Moreover, sections were not cut by this author, and without these, it is, in our opinion, impossible to understand the relationship of the parts. The second description is by Giles.2. We feel bound to point out that this account is misleading and inaccurate ; and that the same criticism is equally applicable to his description of Glossina (/. c.) Methods. — For section cutting we find that a combined celloidin- paraffin method gives the best result. In this way it is possible to get intact sections of the chitin, otherwise a difficult matter. Owing to the opacity of the proboscis, examination with high powers, of specimens mounted in toto, is almost impossible ; but the whole proboscis can be rapidly rendered transparent to any desired extent by bleaching in chlorine gas : the chitin not being at all affected. * Glossina (Tsetse-flies), was published in Memoir XVIII, 1906, Liverpool School of lropical Medicine. 172 The material at our disposal having been fixed in alcohol has not been in a sufficiently good condition for an accurate study of the soft cellular structures of the labella, e.g., the nerves. We hope eventually to examine these structures in detail. The species examined by us has been Stomoxys calcitrans, Linn, (the common “ stable-fly ”). caught in England. The proboscis of Stomoxys (fig. i), as in Glossina, consists of three parts: the lower lip or labium (r), the hypopharynx (6), and the upper lip or labrum-epipharynx ( a ). The actual length from the base of the bulb to the tip of the labella measures 24 1 min.; the dimensions just behind the fork are 130 /x vertically and 150/i horizontally. The Labium (fig. 1, c) is relatively stout and thick, with the basal portion swollen and gradually tapering towards both the proximal and distal extremities, but less so basally. Externally in its entire length, as far as the labella. the labium is transversely and regularly striated or latticed, so that the edges of preparations mounted entire appear faintly crenulated. Scattered over t he labium art* also a number of short fine hairs, set on transparent spherical areas ; more numerous, however, on either side of the dorsal groove. Immediately behind the fork of the labella (fig. 5, e), and articulating with it. are two conspicuous ventral sclerities (fig. 5, /). Labella (General account). While the arrangements of the parts in the labium is easily understood, that of the labella presents, on the contrary, considerable difficulty, and we must consider the structures in detail. I he labella are bilaterally symmetrical. They consist of •in external and internal wall on either side (fig. 20), separated by soft tissues. The two halves are at first separate, near the base the sides join ventrally (figs. 21, 22), but remain open dorsally. When the labella are in the resting position, the internal walls consist of two strong chitinous plates (fig. 20), which we may divide into a dorsal and ventral area. The dorsal half (k in all the figures) consists of a flat plate, which is the true plate of the labella. while the ventral half is highly specialized to form a series of teeth (j in all the figures) and other structures, which we shall consider in detail later. If we place our two hands back to back, the fingers will represent the ventral half tie teeth, etc.), while the palms back to back represent the dorsal ia . Further in the process of eversion the ventral half is capable *73 of being bent outwards and backwards. If we now flex the fingers this gives approximately the position that the ventral half of the plate (the teeth) takes when the proboscis is everted. The two bilateral inner walls are at first approximately parallel. If we now trace them backwards, we find that at first the inner walls approach one another ventrally so that they now enclose a somewhat V-shaped space (fig. 22). The dorsal half of the plate (£) grows downwards at the expense of the ventral, so that in fig. 21 we have only a few remnants of the ventral half left (and here the two sides are united ventrally), and eventually these disappear, so that we have on either side what was the dorsal half now occupying the whole inner side (fig. 22, k). These two sides now become fused ventrally by a median structure (figs. 23. 24), the axial apophysis (if), which serves to bind them together. Dorsally the inner sides now become replaced by new structures appearing, viz., by two lateral chitinous rod-like sclerites, seen in cross- section in figs. 21-24, r, and medially a structure (r1) appears which will form eventually the floor of the labial gutter when these two rods and the median piece fuse to form a single trough. Labial gutter (r, r1 in all the figs.). I he commencement of the labium can be seen in a cleared proboscis as a transverse line stretching across (above) the middle of the axial apophysis. In sections it appears at about the level of the tips of the fork as a slightly hollowed-out free chitinous piece. About the same time appear, dorsal to it, two chitinous rods (r) seen in cross section in figs. 21-28. These rods are hooked at their edges, and to these edges are attached ligamentous tissues continuous with the chitin externally. At first there is only a fibrous junction with the ventral piece, which soon expands laterally and dorsally, and it is not till some way down that the fusion takes place and the canal assumes its complete shape. In the region of the base of the fork the canal has developed a ventral projection (fig. 28), and this goes on developing until the appearance of a row -lock is obtained, as seen in fig. 29, which again disappears in the bulb. The axial apophysis expands posteriorly into a rounded mass seen in fig. 25, and by this level the original lateral internal walls of the labella have completely disappeared, the hind portion of the apophysis (<7) now' lying free, imbedded in soft tissues. J7 4 The axial apophysis (,/ in all the figs.) is a somewhat pear shaped median structure, the tip of which lies completely free between the two inner walls (fig. 22) ; its middle portion is, as we have just said fused on either side to the inner wall. Posteriorly again it expands into a bilobed bulbous base which instead of being free is surrounded >y soft tissues, it is, in fact, suspended by fibrous tissue to the under sur ace of the dorsal gutter (figs. 23-25). It often shews evidence of its bilateral origin in the existence of a median cleft (fig. 24) potential or actual v s ^ f t! HE ^?RK ^ 111 aI1 t,le When we have reached the free end th f L-Xm apophysi-s t,iere now appears on either side of it the tipsof i a Ut transverse section and attached to the tips, we see also p! °nS ^ 111 aI1 the fiSs0 which pull on these tips (fig. 22). As we one -1 H ISd ' We l,ieSe chhinous arms of the fork approaching (alLr r Ventra,ly (% 25)’ fina% firing, as shewn in fig. 26 sclerites (fig ®V®I'S,on)- • ^ baSC °f tWs f°rk rCStS °n tW0 ventra! only internal ,'u r m transverse section still nearer the base the and the vent 1 I?°^S structures are those forming the dorsal canal fromtL™ To Th" In thiS SeCtion ^ see stretch,. laterally we see ‘th* * ie ventraI sclerites powerful muscles (r1), and the incurving and thin" 1™ ^ ^ aCr°SS’ We ma7 note here- 3,501 this point. The vei C aracter the chitin of the lateral wall at replaced by various o'! SC^e”tes now decrease in size, the muscles are practically assumed th ^4 ^IOUps °f muscles and the dorsal canal has course. ‘C S lape !t ,las for a great part of the rest of its dorsally (fig 28, a). \y epip,laiTnx has appeared, closing in the canal hi detail. ni<17 now consider some of these parts more The Epidermis f0 2> 4. 5) presents a fin!]".1'"^ th" the fork articulates with the two lateral direedv^er S r SeCti°n in ** 25- A These lateral sclerites are this cormeebor^m/b"0'0 ^ ^ chhinoUS integument, so that by fork is enabled to n ° f.t,,e d,rect continuity at its tips, the by the powerful °i U< ° evers,on of the labella when acted upon the arms of the ^ ° the bu,b- Stretching across between is first seen when the hind * hT. °f f'bv°US tissue (f,g 25> This band serves to strenp+1 T ° ^ aX,aI aP°PhXsis disappears. This to the fibrous tic«s, ^ armS ol t,ie fork- and by its attachments Peg itself when the T the peg" ,les must exercise traction on the Position of the hh 11 ^ ta that now in a transverse transversely (figS -,r *S *cn£tk (bg- 12) instead of being cut be seen (fig. 6s) whi’,~2) n cIeared specimens also the tendons can * Ch attached “> fork a, its tips (fig. 3. 4 177 INTERNAL ORGANS OF THE LABELLA These consist of seven different organs and are bilaterally symmetrical (fig. 8). (1) The Teeth (j in all the figs.). There are five of these and a small accessory or rudimentary' one. They are relatively very large, the length of an individual tooth being equal to about one-fourth the entire depth of the labellum. They are articulated to an extremely flexible, narrow plate, which is in turn articulated to the true plate of the labellum. The first (proximal) and second tooth have each a strong lateral process (tooth) on the lateral proximal margin, and the tips of each are serrated on both sides ; the three succeeding teeth are similar in structure, but the lateral deep dentitions are now on the opposite sides. In the everted position the te£th are freely exposed, widely divergent, and project at right angles and even backwards and dorsalwards. It is evident from their position and extent of motion that they act as the chief and, in fact, the only cutting organs of the proboscis. (2) I HE PETIOLATED Blades (/ in all the figs.). These are long, curved, blade-like organs covered with minute hairs on the ventral concave surface. All are attached to long and extremely slender stalks arising from strongly chitinised projections of the narrow tooth plate. They arc grouped in the following order : At the proximal extremity, exterior to the tooth, are two groups ; the first consists of two or three very small blades attached to a relatively strong branched stalk ; the second group consists of seven or eight blades, some of which arc scarcely larger than those of the first set ; the main stem in also stout, but the lateral stalks carrying the blades are extremely slender. Between each tooth is a set of four blades auanged in two pairs, the blades of each pair being widely separated, so that they resemble, somewhat, the arms of a lyre ; the blades partly overlap, but the tips of the lower pair extend considerably beyond the upper pair, and when the labella are closed they reach as far as the basal row of external squamae fonning the extreme edge of the labella (fig. 10, in dotted lines). Anterior to the last (fifth) tooth aie three more sets of blades ; the first set (between the fifth and the accessory tooth) consists of six or seven blades ; the second of a similar number, and the third of four or five, of which three resemble 1 78 those carried on the first proximal stalk The stalk to which the blades are attached, more especially those between the teeth, are, as we have already stated, extremely slender They are, in fact, scarcely thicker than the fine marginal hairs of the labella, are filamentous in character, and in stained preparations present a well-marked granular appearance. The relative position of these organs in the everted sections may be seen in figs. 2, 3, jU^ iav,nf? a tendency to arrange itself intc (figs. 10, 11') i,lcf 1 \ J>c< UP> ,l lateral position in the everted section? (6) The A 16 Ventml ***** of labella. These hairs clothTfte FR™GE °F Hairs O’ in a11 the fip) of the labellum (firr q\ " °f t,,e extreme anterior dorsal margin 1 hls fnnge is broad basally, but gradually *79 narrows as it approaches the ventral margin. In everted sections (figs, io, ii) these hairs project dorsally into a pseudo-cavity formed by the over-arching wall of the epidermis; and when thus in apposition they shut off the cavity of the labial trough. (7) Proximal Fringe of Hairs (/>’ in all the figs.). These are similar to the former, but occupy a relatively small space on the proximal margin. LABRUM digs. 14-19) This commences immediately behind the fork. Dorsally and laterally for its whole length it is covered with spinose hairs directed apically. At the apex itself (fig. 16) the hairs are replaced by scales. Near the tip, the labrum has ventrally a ridge or chitinous band extending across it (fig. 19), on which are situated four hairs evidently sensory in function, as nerve endings can be traced into them. Behind this point the sides widen slightly and along the interior are here arranged in rows, a series of hairs ( a 2) on tubercles. I he labrum is at first concavo-convex in section, the convexity near the tip forming a kind of ridge (fig. 1/). A little further down it has the appearance of an U fitted into a V (fig. 18). In the cavity between the two there appear early soft structures which later become developed into well-marked muscular bands connecting the lateral walls of the labrum (figs. 29, 30, j4). The sides of the labrum become soon expanded into lateral flaps, which serve the purpose of keeping the hypopharynx in its place, the flaps fitting on to the expanded sides of the latter (figs. 29, 30). Eventually the ventral wall of the labrum becomes closed ventrally, forming now a chitinous tube, while the dorsal wall becomes fused and lost in the substance of the bulb (fig. 31). THE HYPOPHARYNX (b in all the figs.) This organ commences at about the same point as the labrum. ft is a much smaller and weaker tube. At the extreme tip it appears to be membranous in character and to retain no very definite constant shape in preserved material. (We would suggest that this flaccid condition of the extreme tip is to prevent ingress of fluid, e g., blood during feeding, while permitting freely of egress of saliva.) It L occupies the dorsal gutter of the labium, and is kept in this position by the pressure of the lateral arms of the labruin which stretch over on either side for a short distance (figs. 2Q, 30). In section near the tip it appears as a chi ti nous hoop, formula circle complete for about seven eighths of its circumference. At firs the hoop has near the apex on each side a little tubercle, and stretching across between these tubercles is a thinner chitinous membrane completing the tube dorsally. As we get nearer the base there is a distinct separation in the walls of the chitinous ring in the position where the tubercles first appear, so that a cavity now exists in the sides (fig. 29). This goes on increasing till eventually we have the chitinous circular inner tube lying within a sausage-shaped outer covering, forming a projecting angle on either side (fig. 30, £). At its base the ventral wall of the hypopharynx becomes fused with the bottom of the labial gutter. The beginning of this is shown m 3°' This proceeds until the process is complete on either side I he fused wall is then absorbed, and thus permits of the inner (| Oropharyngeal) tube escaping through ventrally. At the same time ! e dorsal wall of the hypopharynx becomes fused with the ventral -alf of the epipharynx, forming now the pharyngeal tube (fig. 3') ", If *1 !\d°rsal Iialf of llie epipharynx fuses laterally with the sides 3 ,um’ so ^lat ^ie whole of the epipharynx and hypopharynx • excePti°n of the dorsal wall of the former, have now become internal structures. MUSCULAR SYSTEM (s, i„ all the figs.) two lame c Pro^osc*s it is often possible to separate out These htto * aratc lllasses °f muscle which terminate in tendons (f. *»e b?hl“d ;° the t,p °f t,ip ^ ^ - » i the proboscis H - 1 P ane untl1 we reach the bulbous portion of they arise, whi 1 ^ ^ tendons &ive Place to the muscles from which the whole of th COnsist °f two masses filling posteriorly practically describe as the 1 Cntra^ Portion of the bulb. These muscles we i«a) the median ***■> we have on either sid> forming a broad 1 ° j^e ^utter a group of oblique muscles (•'' inserted into tlie '”]•’ 'U'S'n^ from the chitinous integument and separated from it !'U' limb ^ 29)- Dorsal to this group. nIlri y the tendon, there is a second oblique group (*J) converging from the outer wall to the base of the gutter. Both these groups can be traced as far forwards as about the base of the ventral sclerites. Anterior to this point we have a well-developed band of dorso-Iateral muscles stretching from the canal dorsally to the ventral sclerites ventrally (fig. 28, j1). Muscles of the Labrum. We have also sub-median muscles present in the cavity of the labrum stretching from the outer to the inner walls (figs. 29, 30, r4). Internal Laminae (fig. 28, s5). In sections in the labella region, where the dorsal fold is well marked, there appear beneath the fold of the integument peculiar yellowish or brownish granular bands, of irregular appearance following the outline of the integument. They often show little irregular lateral projections. They represent transverse sections of plates. They are seen in sections as far as the ventral sclerites. They are, moreover, very well developed also in the cavity of the labrum in its basal portion. We are unable to suggest what may be the function of these bodies. MECHANISM OF THE PROBOSCIS With regard to the mode of action of these muscles, we consider that the function of the longitudinal group is to erect the fork and, by so doing, to produce by the traction on the external chitinous wall, eversion of the labella and a resulting spread-out condition of the teeth. I he oblique muscles' function is, we believe, to produce a semi¬ rotatory movement of the proboscis3 (and labella), so that the teeth are enabled to exert a cutting action on the skin, the motion being a to and fro one. The cutting weapon of the proboscis is undoubtedly the teeth. These are capable of a variable extent of eversion, and while they arc m act'on die other structures anterior to them, petiolated blades, ror -like hairs, etc., are folded back in a plane below the actual tips of die teeth, and so escape damage. I he tip of the proboscis then can only cut in the everted position. " c have in this condition of everted teeth an admirable weapon for boring a hole into the skin. The arrangement of a carpenter’s augur "ith its cutting flanges on either side is almost an exact parallel, though the motion here is a continuous rotatory one, and not a to and fro A EXPLANATION OF REFERENCE LETTERS External Organs. >>. V. • * : * • T • «,• .. . .v ft K j&£l ^ •■/£* r'; •'.• ■- • • • : V •/' f«^. v EXPLANATION OF PLATE XV Fig. 12. — Section through everted labella in the plane of the fork (e) where the dorsal and ventral folds of the epidermis (d r) are well marked. In the next proximal section the tips of the fork are seen to extend into the angle of the third fold (r6), here indicated by dotted lines. Note that the tooth plate has entirely disappeared and the labial gutter 0'< r *) is now well formed, though the upper sclerites are still free. The approximate plane of this section is between c 6 and e in fig. 14. x 570. *3- Pocket formed by the infolding of the epidermis in the plane near d 2 in fig. 14. Here the upper sclerites (r) of the labial gutter have become fused with the lower (r1). x 570. ^ '£• !4- -Dorsal aspect of everted labella and distal portion of labium, from a well cleared preparation. Compare this with fig 2, which was drawn from a preparation which had not been sufficiently cleared. P'g- 15 Distal portion of labrum. x 200. Fig. 16. -Extreme tip ol same showing the scaly dorsal structure, x 570. ^ Section through tip of labrum. x 570. 1 ig- 18. Section of labrum through the plane just in front of the ventral thickening (fig. 15, a1) carrying minute hairs, x 750. 19 Section of labrum through ventral thickening (fig !5> showing minute hairs. x 750. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVI Transverse section through the tip of the closed labella x 600. Section through the closed labella at the plane where the teeth (f) have almost disappeared, and where the sclerite forming the labial gutter (V1) and the tips of the fork (e) first appear, x 750. Fig 20 Fig 21 I , _ 194 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XVII Fig. 22. Section through the closed labella in the plane where the free end of the axial apophysis (q) first appears. In this section the teeth have disappeared and the labella is closed ventrally. x 750. F'g- 23- Section showing the fusion of the axial apophysis (q) with the tooth plate (k). x 7150. Fig. 24.— Another phase of the same. x 750. I ig. 25. Section through the closed labella in the plane at the base of the axial apophysis (7). Here the tooth plate has entirely disappeared ; the arms of the fork are seen con¬ verging, and stretching from tip to tip is a broad membrane ; here also are seen the lateral sclerities of the fork (. Section through closed labella at the junction of the fork (i) with the ventral sclerities (/). x 750. 1 ig. 27. Section through the labium in the plane where the ventral sclerites ( f ) first appear. The fine hairs at the apex of these organs are here shown, x 750. I ig. 28. Section through the labium at the plane where the labruni (<7) first appears. Here muscular bands stretch across from the ventral sclerites to the walls of the labial gutter, x 150. PLATE XVIII 27 28 ■ NrwUraJ, ad. Hal. del. i I EXPLANATION OF PLATE XIX I-ig. 29.— Section approximately through the middle plane of the proboscis, in which are seen the labrum (a), the hypopharynx ( b ) completely closed and interlocked with the labium. Here also the row-lock like appearance of the labial gutter is well shown and the rod-like sclerites have completely disappeared, x 750. F'g- 30.— Section through the bulb of the proboscis. Here the hypopharynx is seen fusing with the walls of the labial g-utter , and the large air sacs (i) have taken the place of the tracheal tubes (fig. 29, i\ etc.), x ;5o. S 3 • Section through the base of the bulbous portion of the proboscis, including the apodemes (h) of the labrum. Here *e wa^ the hypopharynx has become fused with a rum, forming the pharyngeal tube, x 200. PLATE XIX TRYPANOSOME TRANSMISSION EXPERIMENTS 201 TRYPANOSOME TRANSMISSION EXPERIMENTS BY The late J. EVERETT DUTTON, M.B. (Vict.) (WALTER MYERS FELLOW, THE UNIVERSITY, LIVERPOOL) JOHN L. TODD, B.A., M.D., C.M. McGill (DIRECTOR OK THE RUNCORN RESEARCH LABORATORIES OF THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE) AND J. W. B. HANINGTON, M.D., McGill (DEMONSTRATOR AND RESEARCH ASSISTANT, LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE) Being the Seventh Progress Report of the Expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Congo, 1903-1905 ( Received April 20th, 1907) I. ATTEMPTS TO TRANSMIT TRYPANOSOMES BY TSETSE FLIES In a short series of experiments done in the Gambia in 1902-3, 1 we failed to infect animals with Trypanosoma gambiense or dimorphon by the bites of captive flies (Glossina palpahs and Stomoxys (see h page 40). which were either freshly caught or had been fed previously on an infected animal The members of the Royal Society’s Commission on Sleeping Sickness in Uganda ha\e since succeeded, however, in infecting healthy animals wit 1 trypanosoma gambiense by the bites of flies (6 lossina palpalis ) e > at the most, 48 hours previously on an infected animal (-, page i> As a result of this work it has again been maintained (13, an others) that the tsetse fly is merely a mechanical transmitter o trypanosomes, and is not an alternative host in which the parasite undergoes definite developmental processes.* __ *TJ?‘S suggestion first emanated from Bruce, but he J^^m^tTryfartosoina possibility of there being a developmental process of the trypanosom P 0rucet) >o the tsetse fly ( Glossina morsitans) (14, page 4)- 202 When our expedition readied the Congo, sleeping sickness was endemic, and the existing conditions were much the same as in Lganda. We therefore determined to repeat the work done there, with the primary object of ascertaining the longest period after feeding on an infected animal at which a tsetse fly, by its bite, is capable of transmitting trypanosomes to a healthy animal. It must be remembered that, like Bruce, we worked with adult flies caught in the bush and that our experimental animals were only partially protected from the chance bites of insects. The conditions of our experiments were therefore imperfect. The flies used should have been raised in the laboratory from the lame of known parents. Wild flies, caught when adult in an area where trypanosomiasis is endemic, may have fed when free on infected animals; it is only in flies bred in the laboratory that the dates of all infecting feeds can be accurately known. It is possible that the piogeny of infected tsetse flies are capable, or are alone capable,3 of transmitting tire trypanosomes ; these points can only be decided by experiments made with laboratory-bred flies.* \\ e do not think that the danger of chance infection of laboratory animals, only/ paitially protected from the bites of insects, is so great as might be imagined. None of our large stock of rabbits, guinea- pigs, rats and monkeys were ever found to have been so infected during 33 months spent on the Gambia and on the Congo. In the Congo two main series of experiments were made with tsetse fires, one at Leopoldville and the other at Kasongo. A small nei series of experiments (Experiments 128, 128a, 129 and part ... 'Vas ^onc u*th flies caught along the Congo between Leopold¬ ville and Coquilhatville.f ^ Leopoldville it was very difficult to obtain monkeys and we 1 , °|1Ce, l° USe £u’nea-pigs and rats in some of the experiments, gi tiey are, as a rule, rather less susceptible to Trypanoswa gam b tense .4 * difficult to breed^theiu" °.jfS °! the bionomics of captive tsetse-flies (5), 11 15 flies used in our experiment* ; Yu1 a dozen of the pupae obtained frorn th® flies. ' p nents ln the Congo developed in the laboratory into adult distribution of^leeffin^Sifkllit aFea traversed by the Expedition and showing the Liverpool Sc h ool ^oFt. r op i caHVfed i c i Free State, see Memoir XVIII of the t .1 .1 wr used small gauze cages and found it difficult to . i . :/m pal pahs) alive for more than a few days \i Li >|)oldvillc we attempted to keep them longer by r ' ai > I i mg their natural habitat in their cages. Cubical .mi n ug 1 8 inches along each side and containing water . njj ',\cre placed in a sheltered position out of doors. ■ ' •• ; mental animals were simply turned loose in these i f , - '.ere found to feed much better on them if they . t nder these circumstances flies often lived in " 1 1 ! of months. 1 he method, however, had distinct •, ,t ' as difficult to feed the flies on large animals and, 1 'i r 1 1 id contents of the cages, it was almost impossible idler of living flies they contained.5 For this reason. . •, ii ' done at Kasongo the smaller cages were again f ;«■, ted ii the experimental animals daily. r ' animals or men, whose blood contained many .. . . were chosen for the infecting feeds. In the latter ., .. : . ,lt Kasongo, when it was found that so few of the enta bad been successful, the flies were fed on .-.r ... of sleeping sickness, in whose blood there were very i - ntly no parasites, in order that flies should be ■r wiih V. inch had fed on persons at each stage of the u, ic, ting hosts have been further described in the of the successful experiments. ' n . neerning the infectivity of the parasites at various TX rJ ' • disease can be drawn from an examination of t ie Ml, Hies used in successful experiments, because Md uninfected after having been fed upon by the identical conditions. , <1|l(l,t,ons permitted, tlie flies were used for several , example, many of the ^ies use 1 • i infect a healthy animal by Hu es 0 ns previously on an animal tnfected wrth ^FMmu gambienae) had been used before in other e*per— mjf u then bad therefore fed several times, u i n pe on infected animals. As far as we ’ •i If ... vs (s used in the experiments made at eop 204 At Kasongo about a score of Glossina fit sea in all were caught. Most of them were allowed to remain in the rages. Where it is necessary experiments on which they fed are specified. Rare examples of Glossina pal l id i pcs or Glass nut want lata may have been present, undetected in the cages, at both localities.* At Leopoldville Trypanosoma gantbienst was alone used; at Kasongo Trypanosoma dimorphvn was also experimented with. I. FRESHLY-CAUGHT FLIES To infect susceptible animals by the bites of Glossina caught hi localities where trypanosomiasis is endemic. There was a great deal of sleeping sickness in the areas where the flies were caught at both Leopoldville and Kasongo. Because of the larger local population, the chances that a newly-caught fly had previously fed on a person infected with trypanosomes were rather greater at Leopoldville. The flies fed at Mswata and Coquilhatville on Experiments 128, 128a, 129, 141 and 21 1 were caught in very restricted areas where there were many people, the great majority of whom were infected with Trypanosoma gambiense. At both Leopoldville and Kasongo trypanosomiasis of animals was far from rare. Because of the presence of a herd of 280 cattle (about 5 per cent, infected) and of considerable game at Kasongo, the chances that a fly caught there had previously fed on an infected animal were much greater than at Leopoldville. Leopoldville. Experiment 45.— Guinea-pig. From December 8, 1903, to April 13, «9°4- 45| ies were fed. I he animal's blood was examined regularly until October, 1904 ’ trypanosomes were never seen. It died on October j8, 1905, from other causes. ° tr-Vpanosomes or signs of trypanosomiasis were seen at the autopsy. 1 * ^ee (5) page 03. nr thrift r°utine, the blood in all these experiments was examined, as a rule, tvvo the hlmiH nf CS a, week' fresh in &-inch square coverslip preparations. In addin'1' ^ 0 eacp animal was occasionally centrifugalised (6). waslwlh°Ugh U 'S n0t alway-s mentioned, in the following experiments an autopsy and fresh eVery. CaSe s«e» withi» a few hours or minutes of the animal's death, By Pr?a.rat,0ns °f body fluids and of organ juices were always examined enlarge f At °f tryPanos°miasis " are meant in particular, enlarged spleen and enlarged, often much congested or haemorrhagic, lymphatic glands 205 Experiment 40.— Guinea-pig. From December 8, 1903, to June 9, 1904, 552 flies were fed. The animal's blood was examined regularly until October, 1904 ; it died on June 3, 1905, of pneumonia. No trypanosomes or signs of trypano¬ somiasis were seen at the autopsy. River Series. Experiment 128a. — Monkey ( Cercopitheeus schmidti).* On June 24, 25, 26, 1904, 25 flies caught at Mswata were fed on this animal. Its blood was examined regularly until September, 19*14, when it died of dysentery ; trypanosomes were not seen (malaria present |. Experiment 129. — Monkey ( Cercopitheeus schmidti). I rom June 27 to July ,, 1904, 262 flies caught at Mswata and at the sleeping sickness hospital at Coquilhat- ville were fed on this animal. Its blood was regularly examined, but trypanosomes were never seen ; its temperature was always normal. It died (cause .-’) on July 9, 1904; no trypanosomes or signs of trypanosomiasis were seen at an autopsy done four hours after death, and a rat sub-inoculated with its blood never became infected. Experiment 141. — Monkey ( Cercofitheeus schmidti ). 1-rom July 15 to July 1 / , 1905, 52 flies collected at the Coquilhatville sleeping sickness hospital fed on this animal. Its blood was regularly’ examined until October 14, 1905, when it was stolen. Trypanosomes were never seen in its blood, and its temperature was never abnormal. Kasongo. Experiment 182.— Monkey ( Cercopitheeus schmidti). !• rom January 19 to lebruary 7, 1905, 211 Hies fed on this animal. Its blood was frequently examined until July 24, 1905, when it was accidentally killed. No trypanosomes were ever seen (malaria present) during life, and no trypanosomes or signs of trypanosomiasis were present at the autopsy done three hours after death. Experiment 198.— Monkey ( Cercofitheeus schmidti). From February S to April '8, 1905, 2,659 Hies fed on this animal. Trypanosomes, probably Trypanosoma gambienst , were first seen in its blood on May 13, 1905. It gradually lost weig it and died of the disease in November, 1905. In March, two G/ossinae fuscae fed on this animal. Experiment 203.— Monkey ( Cercopitheeus schmidti). From February 22 to March 15, 1905, ,i7g9 fljes fecj on this animal. It was accidentally killed on March '6. Its blood was regularly examined ; no trypanosomes were seen during life 01 at the autopsy. Experiment 213.— Monkey ( Cercopitheeus schmidti). From March 20 to April J0- *905. 7*7 flies were fed. The blood was carefully examined up to July 5, when ‘he animal was killed by its cage companions. No trypanosomes were seen during llfe °r at the autopsy ; nor were there any signs of trypanosomiasis. Two puppies sub-inoculated at the autopsy with respectively 3 and 5c.cm. of blood never became infected. easihKa9°5, 943 flies, previously fed on infected guinea-pigs, were fed on this anuna . Its blood was examined regularly until it died on July 6 (on river steamer) iroi exposure. Trypanosomes were never seen (malaria present) during life, or at e autopsy done immediately after death. (b) Trypanosoma dimorphon Experiment 216.— Monkey (Cercopitlucus mana). From March 25 to April 25 > '9°5, 388 flies were fed. Blood was regularly examined until June 13, " ^mal was moribund. It was therefore killed. Trypanosomes were never see curing life, and no signs of trypanosomiasis were seen at the autopsy. a df*th ? exposure).* lb* ^r'nS the journey of the expedition, on foot, from Kasongo monkeys unavoidably received considerable hard usage. to Lusambo (5), 2 o8 V. TWELVE TO FIFTEEN HOURS INTERVAL To infect a susceptible animal with Trypanosoma gambiense by the bites of tsetse flies fed at least 1 2 to 15 hours previously on an infected animal or man. Leopoldville. Experiment 48.— Guinea-pig. From December 12, 1903, to April 6, 1904, 1,706 flies were fed. The blood was regularly examined until April 12, 1904, when the animal died, trypanosomes were never seen in its blood nor in any of the body- Hinds or organ-juices examined at the autopsy, done immediately after death. 1 .xPEKiMENi 6i. Rat. l-roni December 23, 1903, to May 20, 1904,4846165 were fed on this animal. Its blood was regularly examined' until July 3, .904, v en 1 was accidentally killed. Trypanosomes were not seen. I. xi iI'.kimi m (>2. Rat. I' rorn December 23, 1903, to February 25, 1904,261 les led on this animal. No trypanosomes were ever seen in its blood. It died on March 1, 1904, of a lung disease. Experiment 71.— Rat. From December 18, 1903, until May i5, 1904, 4>7 weit. ec cm this animal. Its blood was regularly examined for trypanosomes without result until July 7, ,904. when it was accidentally killed. In the four preceding experiments it was attempted to transm the trypanosomes from animal to animal; in tiie three following was attempted to transmit them from man to animal. this animai ^ V * rom January 16 to April 9, 1904, 999 flies were fed f result until Ini * ’ "tf re6uIarl3' examined for trypanosomes with negati’ result until July ,, ,904, when it Was accidenta],y fed on'^his'ammal '' l7s' blood'1”8' Kr0!" ApriI '3 to May 3°. *9°4. 39° fiies wel at intervals until October 8 wh^ eXa""ned reSuIarl-v until June 1, and afterwarc aniinarreacdon1o^a,Congo,,cattle'/trypanosonie?X^er'nientR “* Kasongo. '905, 542 fl ies,N preyfousk^fecT on ^ SP- ?>- From January 24 to April 5 Its blood was examined f a ■•’leeping sickness patient, fed upon this animal were never .seen fieqUent,F ,,nt" ”as stolen on May 4 : trypanosomes April 20, 1905, 46l1iesM°n"k:?' -i erct°^ithecus schmidti). From February 25 to monkey. ()n April 2c it °''s -v on an infected animal, were fed on this therefore killed. Nntrvn^!^ ad,-v injured by its cage companions, and was autopsy, nor were there any’ X'n * durinS Iife P were present. The animal died in November, 1906, of the disease. 11 ■ ' - Glossina fusca fed on this animal ; a single Glossina palhdtpes also Fad an opportunity of feeding. The flies used were infected by fee mg on re „ pigs inoculated about two mouths previously with blood from a sites infected with Trypanosoma dimorphon ; they frequently ec w icn were either absent or very scanty in the peripheral blood. Successful Experiment VIII. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS INTERVAL To infect a susceptible animal with Trypanosoma gambiense by the bites of tsetse flics fed at least 24 hours previously on an inf animal or man. Kasongo. Experiment 208— Monkey (Cercofilhecus schmidti). I' r0nLd ^'jhis monkey ^S. 590 flies, previously ted OH an infected animal, October 2, 1905, On June. 16, trypanosomes were first seen in its blood. tie osomes were from pneumonia. The spleen was considerably enlarge ■ . eding six seen at the autopsy, and none had been present in the > 00 animal, "■eeks. in March, 3 fusca had opportunities for feeing oh A" lhe flies used in this experiment were infected by being e o ^ montbs "hose blood contained very numerous trypanosomes, >»<,cl,la e' flies had Previously with blood from a case of sleeping sickness. Many < contained W three O, more davs previously on sloping sickness cases whose blood 'erv *ew or no trypanosomes. Successful Experiment 210 Experiment 218. — Monkey [Cercofithecus sckmidti). From April 3 to April 14, I9°5» 7 1 previously fed on a sleeping sickness patient, were fed on this monkey. The blood was examined at intervals until June 5; trypanosomes were never seen. The animal was moribund on June 5; it was therefore killed and an autopsy was made immediately. No trypanosomes or signs of trypanosomiasis were observed. IX. FOUR DAYS INTERVAL lo infect a susceptible animal with Trypanosoma gambiense by the bites of tsetse flies fed at least four days previously on a sleeping sickness patient. Leopoldville. Experiment 74.— Guinea-pig. From December 30, 1903, to May 29, 1904,42 les were e on t is guinea-pig. Its blood was examined regularly until Octobei 904. w en 1 died of coccidiosis. No trypanosomes were ever seen. ExpERrMi.Ni 122. Monkey' [Cercofithecus sckmidti). From April 24 to June 1 1904, ^o9 flies were fed on this monkey. Its blood was examined regularly unti j6 W en 11 was accidentally killed. Its temperature had alwavs been normal and at the autopsy, as during life, trypanosomes were not seen. It was thought that perhaps the trypanosomes underwent a lengthy developmental process in the tsetse fly, and that therefore the scanty success of the preceeding experiments might have been due to the shortness of the interval between the infecting and transmitting feeds. n t le two following sets of experiments this period was consequently greatly increased. X. TEN DAYS INTERVAL , lnJec^ a susceptible animal with Trypanosoma dimorphor animal ^tes 11 ^ ^cas* ^en days previously on an infect a Kasongo. fed ; in many instant ^,n*'lca'P*S- 1‘rom March 23 to April 25, 1905. 210 fli?5 transmitting feed.' The hi ' '? * ,ntervenfd between the first infecting feed and the sonies were ever seen C k'.’° -Wa® examined regularly until August 4 ; no trypano- i9°5, when the animal i- all,l',atlons were then discontinued until September 18, autopsy. ammal d‘efl of tuberculosis. No trypanosomes were seen at the 2905. 206 flies were/ fed^°n*tt^ecus sckmidti). F'rom April 2 to April 27. first infecting feed nnri tv,1" nianv jnstances 25 to 30 days intervened between the UP to July 29 ; no try panosomeT Sm ,ttln^ feed- The blood was examined regularly September 29, k,,,-’ nf cr. ‘s 'vere ever seen (malaria present). The animal died were seen at the autnn«« 10eR ’ no ,r>’Panosomes or signs of trvpanosomiasi? autopsy done immediately after death. XI. FOURTEEN DAYS INTERVAL OR MORE To infect a susceptible animal with Trypanosoma gambiense by the bites of tsetse flies fed at least fourteen days previously on an infected animal. Leopoldville. Experiment 79. — Guinea-pig. From January 11 to May 24, 1904, 156 flies fed on this animal. Its blood was examined regularly until May 27, and then at intervals until October, 1904. Trypanosomes were never seen. The animal died in November, 1905. No trypanosomes were seen at the autopsy. XII. MISCELLANEOUS Experiment 21 i. — Guinea-pig. This animal was used for feeding odd batches of tsetse-flies which for various reasons could not be employed in one of the set experiments. From May 16, 1904, to April 30, 1905, 1,278 flies were fed on it ; 200 of these flies were freshly caught, the remaining had been fed at various antecedent periods on animals infected with either T ry panosoma gambiense or 'L' ry panosoma dimorphon. The blood was examined until August, 1905 ; trypanosomes were never seen. The animal died in September, 1905 (cause of death ?). No trypanosomes or signs of trypanosomiasis were seen at the autopsy done immediately after death. In the Gambia it was thought that the excessively dry atmosphere at the season when our experiments were done might have accounted for their failure1. This objection cannot be made to the Congo experiments ; when they were done, the average morning humidity (6 am.) at Leopoldville was about 45 per cent., at Kasongo about 94 per cent. Experiments 129, 203, 206, in which the animals were not observed for a very long period, should probably be disregarded. The remaining observations should be considered in conjunction with the published reports of similar experiments done in Uganda 8' 10, Bruce, Nabarro and Greig (8).— These authors publish three experiments in ''Inch animals were infected with Trypanosoma gambiense , within from two to (our and a half weeks from the commencement of the experiment, by the bites of from 200 to 1,000 freshly-caught Glossina palpalis. The rapidity with which these experiments succeeded is noteworthy. _ In five experiments they succeeded in transmitting Trypanosoma gambiense by bites of from 250 to 570 flies fed from eight to forty-eight hours previously on ‘nfected animals. The length of time from the commencement of the experiment t0 ihe recognition of the infection varied from seven to ten weeks. . r,reig and Gray (10). — In five experiments these authors succeeded in trans¬ iting cattle trypanosomes by the bites of Glossina palpalis. The period elapsing ,.etw1e,en the commencement of the experiment and the detection of the parasites in ^ blood of the experimental animal varied from four and a half to seventeen and a weeks ; the number of flies fed ranged from 151 to 923. N 212 It is seen that all the results are in conformity with the hypothesis that Glossina pal pal is transmits Trypanosoma gambiaut mechanically, and that it is probably not able to do so when the space between transmitting and infecting feeds much exceeds 48 horns. This conclusion is, nevertheless, to our minds a most unsatisfying one if we are to regard this Glossina as the chief* or only t carrier of T rypanosoma gambiense. The experiments of all observers show that it is frequently necessary to feed hundreds, almost thousands, of flies oil a susceptible animal before it becomes infected ! It may be objected that in many of these experiments flies may have been unnecessarily fed on the animals after they were infected but before the infection was recognised. 'Ihis objection is partially negatived by observations (7, S: see page 20) showing that the incubation period of a natural infection by Tryfamncni gambiense may be so short as from two to four weeks. If the number of successes obtained in such experiments, where flies are fed on an infected animal whose blood is swarming with parasites, is so small, it scarcely seems possible that mechanical transmission by tsetse flies can alone be responsible for the rapi spread of sleeping sickness of recent years. From these experiment; it seems that, as a rule, a native must be bitten by a comparatively laigc number of flies, which have fed not more than 48 hours previously on a case of human trypanosomiasis§ before he will become infected ; it must be remembered that trypanosomes are usually rather rare in the blood of cases of sleeping sickness. that Varieties of Glossina other than fal falls may < GloisVnn 7'?J?mbte,,Se must .not be forgotten. It has recently been shown Greicr an/ (7° T may transmit trypanosomes other than Tryfanosoma gamin domestic animal ’^ve shown that it will convey the trypanosomes found in vai in transmitting rlnv,Uganda (IO)' In Experiment 212 of this paper we succe that ?n Germagn Tptan.°.so.ma din, or f bon by Glossina falfalis. Koch (9) sugf ■pallidi-te anri rv'35* A|.nca cattIe trypanosomes may be transmitted by Glos K^totefc11 as * which was form by G l»torn 7^ntS transmitted 7'. brucei, previously only known to be car ^ by the^bite^of1 a^banid'T/l than m7nP7ZTva^a7bienSuhas as yet been found in nature in no other h Commission on%iL c® fh,S was wri«en Report VIII of the Royal Socie have found T. gambLse in^iv^ogs^ reCeived‘ Its authors Mien * 213 Although the chronicity of the disease is well known, it seems impossible that large percentages of populations, whose vocation does not keep them constantly on the water, should -become infected in such a way in places where tsetse flies are far from plentiful, like Kalombe (17 per cent, infected), Dibwe (18 per cent.), Miambwe (/percent.), Lokula (6 per cent.) in the Congo Free State. It seems certain that such a mechanical transmission cannot be the only way in which Trypanosoma gambiense is transmitted from man to man. We believe either that something is wrong in the way in which Glossina palpalis has been used in these experiments, or that Trypanosoma gambiense can be conveyed by some other means than by it.* The status of cattle trypanosomiasis (see page 233) in the Congo Free State furnishes an additional objection to explaining the propagation of trypanosomiasis by mechanical transmission alone. A considerable percentage of the cattle are infected. Trypanosomes are very rarely seen in their blood. Enormous quantities (to to 5oc.cm. or more) of infected blood must be injected into susceptible animals before they become infected, and failures to infect are common. It does not seem possible that the mere mechanical transmission of an infinitesimal quantity of blood from animal to animal by an insect’s proboscis can adequately explain the distribution of a strain of trypanosomes possessing so little virulence in direct inoculations. II. ATTEMPTS TO TRANSMIT TRYPANOSOMES BY VARIOUS BLOOD-SUCKING ARTHROPODS If the tsetse fly is merely a mechanical transmitter of trypanosomes, there seems no reason why other blood-sucking arthropods should not also transmit them. To test this possibility the experiments described below were made with the “ Congo floor maggot ” (larva of Auchmeromyia luteola ), Anophelines (Pyretophorus coslalis ), Simu- hum and Ornilhodorus moubaia. None of them were successful. As before, animals showing large numbers of trypanosomes in their blood were preferred for the infecting feeds. 1 EXPERIMENTS with larvae of auchmeromyia luteola I. FRESHLY-CAUGHT LARVAE to) To ascertain whether larvae caught in native huts in an area where sleeping sickness is endemic contain trypanosomes in a state capable °f infecting susceptible animals. _ _ differ/i e9uiterdu’», usually only transmitted by coitus, may be spread in a totally nt manner by the bites of fleas (25). 214 Experiments 41 and 4 2. — Rats. On November jo, 1903, these two ami; were inoculated subcutaneously with the fluid obtained by rubbing up 16 lam* freshly-caught at Wathen, in normal saline. Roth rats were examined freqim (every three days) until April, 1904; neither ever became infected. It is noteworthy that no trypanosomes were seen in the blood from the alimentary canals of six freshly-caught larvae, although living trypanosomes have been found in the intestines of larvae upio 10 to 13 hours after they had fed on a known infected animal (b) To ascertain whether larvae, caught in native huh at With: and Leopoldville, are able to infect a susceptible animal with trypamm by their bites. The larvae experimented with were always left in tins containing dry sand. Animals, on which it was desired that the larvae should feed, were tied to an arched, wire frame-work and placed in the tin; so that their cleanly-shaved abdomens rested on the surface of the sand. Under these conditions, the larvae commenced to feed in about an hour. They apparently fed daily and for many minutes at a time, unless the animals were moved, when they immediately burrowed into the sand. 22a larva p f 1 ~C'uinea-pig. From December 18, 1903, to March 12,19° intervals nnfa nt 6 .blood Was examined frequently until May, 1904, and then were never seen °Vember’ I9°s» when the animal died of pneumonia ; trypanosonn II. INTERRUPTED FEEDING Lo ascertain whether larvae immediately previously fed o ima heavily infected with Trypanosoma gambiense were ca ismittmg the parasite by their bites to a susceptible animal. xperiments 107a and 108 an infected guinea-pig was pi mh .L?C °r ftW° llOUrS 111 tJie t,n containing the larvae; it was nip-hf ^ \\n aCe<^ ^ a healthy animal which was left in the tin c , ien the infected animals were removed a dozen mag hirrhh reqi‘einly seen to he feeding on them ; it therefore se animal ^ ^ that many of these resumed their feed on the sec which fp>r? 1 1C recorc^s these experiments the number of lai c uring the night on either or both of the animals is no Experiment io7ci p..? both animals. Rlood nea'pig‘ On March n, 1904, 39 larvae fed on on> October, i9o4) when th - examined regularly until May, and then at intervals 0 somes were never seen * guInea‘P*& was used for another experiment; trvpa Experiment 108. — Guinea-pig. From March 13 to 27, 1904, 194 larvae were fed. The blood was examined regularly until the end of May, and then at long intervals until September, 1905 (death from pneumonia) ; trypanosomes were never seen. III. TWELVE HOURS INTERVAL To infect a susceptible animal with T rypanosoma gambiense by the bites of larvae fed at least 12 hours* previously on an infected animal. Experiment 60. — Guinea-pig. From December 30, 1903, to April 27, 1904, 454 larvae were fed. The blood was frequently examined until May, 1904, and then at intervals until October, 1905 (death from pneumonia) ; trypanosomes were never seen. II. EXPERIMENT WITH ANOPHELINES The mosquitoes used in this experiment were bred from larvae caught at Leopoldville; they were practically all Pyretophorus costalis. To infect a susceptible animal with Trypanosoma gambiense by the bites of anopheles fed on an infected animal at least 24 hours previously. Experiment 53.— Guinea-pig. From December 15, 1903, to May 8, 1904, about 75 mosquitoes, fed from twelve to 72 hours previously on infected animals, fed on this guinea-pig. The blood was examined regularly without result until the animal was accidentally killed on August 8, 1904 ; no trypanosomes or signs of trypanosomiasis were seen at the autopsy. HI. EXPERIMENT WITH SIMULlUAl During the rainy season there were legions of Simulium about the sleeping sickness hospital at Leopoldville. It was hoped to do a series of experiments with them, but they were found to be so difficult to manage that the idea was given up. Some of these flies, freshly caught at the hospital, were, however, fed on a guinea-pig; five of them had in addition fed an hour previously on a heavily infected guinea-pig. The animal was kept under observation for 22 months ; it never became infected. IV. EXPERIMENTS WITH ORNJTHODOROS MOUBATA Because of the following observation, it was thought that this tick might disseminate sleeping sickness. At Nyangwe, out of four women presenting themselves as suffering from fever alter ihe bites of Ornilhodoros moubata, three were infected with trypanosomiasis. AH four women were wives of an arabised chief and inhabited a house, " Ornilhodoros moubata swarmed, in a well-kept village situated in open count J ’ tsetse-flies were consequently very rarely seen in the neighbourhood of their dwelling place. _ .I*te larvae were used several Umts and therefore some anS‘entS I07a’ 168 and 60 had P°ssibly fed seVCral UmeS of those employed in previously on infected INTERRUPTED FEEDING 1 o infect a susceptible animal with Trypanosoma gambiense the bites of Ornithodoros moubata which had fed from three to h minutes previously on a heavily infected animal. t i E£ET:EN,T I— 1 Guinea-pig. From August 29 to October 25, 1906, 362 ticks tea. I he blood was examined almost daily without result until January 3, m when the animal died of pneumonia ; no trypanosomes or signs of trypanosomas were seen at the autopsy. A rat sub-inoculated on November 18 did not become infected. . ^x*’eri'[ent 2. Guinea-pig. from September 27 to November 24, 1906, ;f 6 le 00<^ was examined daily until January 21, 1907 : no trypanosome were seen . a rat sub-inoculated on December 19 has not become infected. i'EN 1 IS'oveiuBer a6> 1906, 129 ticks fed. The blood wu . ,6. a most ai y up to January 21, 1907. No trypanosomes were seen. A at sub-inoculated on December 19 has not become infected These animals (Experiments 2 and 3) were inoculated in February, 1907, with Trypanosoma gambiense. Both became infected and their disease ran a usual course. Although these experiments are far from conclusive, they seem to indicate that Trypanosoma gambiense is probably not easily transmitted by any of the common arthropods experimented with* The alternative explanation of the comparative insuccess of attempts to transmit Trypanosoma gambiense by Glossina falfaT as that the experiments had not been carried out under the best conditions. unless thev9were’f<\Ste i trypanosomes could not be transmitted by tsetse flies He suddoVi pH tK.a tlie at some particular point in their development trypanosomes m net su^’estlon by the observation that he could transmit cattle animals whose blood^1 \ ? tlle bites °f tsetse flies previously fed on long-infected s whose blood contained very few trypanosomes. th SU^estlon course premises some sort of development of hap TPanosome in the tsetse fly. From what is known of other _ oa there seems to be no reason why there should be none. Gray (i0, page followinS observations should be noted. Greig and Glossina palpalis bv the hit transmit the cattle trypanosomes conveyed by Nabarro and Gre.V / , (see page 20t>' Bruce (12 'J5) a so failed to transmit these trypanosomes by Stomoxyi- taneous inSKj&(2h T rypanosoma brucei, found no case of spon- Hies, save Glossina, weregpresentSt°Ck an‘mals *n an area where all sorts of biting insects they employed**" *th«a™rSe °bservers did not try interrupted feeding. mechanical transmitters ■'seTbln had. W opportunity of acting » Gray ( 1 7, succeeded in transmit “.u810? ,of. surra (*<>)• Minchin, Tulloch and ed interruptedly. lnf> the “ Jinja ” cattle trypanosome by Sfoixox) - T 7 III. DISSECTIONS OF TSETSE FLIES The dissections of tsetse flies commenced in the Gambia,1 with the object of finding such a phase of the trypanosomes, were continued in the Congo. Bruce14 found scanty trypanosomes in the proboscis of Glossina morsitans fed 46 or fewer hours previously on an animal infected with nagana; it is quite conceivable that the parasites should be mechanically transmitted by the bites of such insects. It was therefore important to determine how long after feeding on an infected animal Trypanosoma gambiense could be found in the proboscides of Glossina pal pal is. A series of 75 dissections* were done at periods ranging from one minute to 20 hours after feeding. It was found that red cells and trypanosomes were almost always present in the labium up to ten minutes after feeding. Later than this the parasites were frequently absent, although red cells might still be present. 1 he longest period after feeding at which trypanosomes were found was if hours; the longest period for red cells was hours. Red cells were seen in only six out of 25 dissections done more than two hours ifter feeding. Koch9 by pressing the bulb at the base of the tsetse s proboscis vas able to obtain a clear fluid in which he frequently found rypanosomes. We found that by irritating a fly' held by the wings t could frequently be made to spontaneously exude such a fluid ; only mce was a trypanosome seen in it, and that in a fly which had fed one md a half hours previously on a heavily-infected animal (red cells dso present in fluid). It was also found that flies caught after they Had fed on an infected animal frequently regurgitated in struggling 1 drop of blood, as large as a pin’s head, which was full of parasites, many of them identical in form with those ingested. This observation was made up to 28 hours after the last feed on an infected animal. In tins connection it is well to remember that trypanosomes may live apparently unaltered in the fly’s stomach for at least 48 hours. Such a regu g ans Qf Place during the feeding of the fly can be easily conceived as a possib transmission of the parasite. _ _ _ - ,, *The flies previously fed and kept in test tubes vYere,c^r gt^e 'fly was cut off th!»,Wlngs wi,h “ little" struggling as possible. The head t JLlirJtation. and the a quick cut of a fine pair , of scissors, in order to prevent regurgUation, of proboscis was then detached and dissected for examination in a tin) normal salt solution. IV. MORPHOLOGY OF TRYPANOSOMES IN THE ALIMENTARY CANAL OF CERTAIN ARTHROPODA* I. IN G LOSS! A' A /‘ALIA US The observations here recorded were made on material obtained from dissections done in the Gambia and in the Congo in 1903 and the first months of 1904. Work of more immediately practical importance prevented us from giving as much time to this investigation as could have been wished, and has deferred the examination of our stained specimens and publication of our findings until now. The members of the Royal Society's Sleeping Sickness Commission and Koch have in the meantime published their work on the same subject In many points our observations coincide with theirs. For this reason we do not give detailed descriptions of forms observed, and this especially since little can be said concerning their significance. All our work was done with Trypanosoma gambiense and Glossina paipalis. 1-lies were dissected and examined in fresh and stained specimens (dry films) at every period from a few minutes up to eleven days after feeding on an infected animal. Their intestinal contents, muscles, ovaries, malpighian tubules, blood and salivary glands have een examined. Only in the alimentary canal have forms been found VV 1C1 can certainly be connected with the trypanosomes. Active er^ parasites were seen in the alimentary canal up 1048 hours; vmg, ut altered, trypanosomes up to 72 hours after feeding. No gnsa le trypanosomes were ever seen in the faeces of tsetse In ^ j 'e C*Cai excreted per anum immediately after a fly has finished its feed. stor m,HeSt!°n “ ^ a ^ over 24 hours whole . 'S usua% emptied of blood. In about 50 to 70 hour faeces S ^ 1S save f°r a small amount of greenish-t apnarentl 'ng:es[i0n t^e trypanosomes become more active frequent 7 numerous i longitudinal division forms hXigested oaV\bCen SCen UP t0 hours after feeding. 3 _ _ Parasites^are distorted, vacuolated and granular, • ’ g, it must be understood that controls Here constantly examine are breaking up. They seen) to be degenerating. Groups of five or more parasites agglomerated by their posterior extremities frequently occur. These usually degenerate until only shapeless debris and chromatic granules remain (on one occasion spherical forms were produced).* In blood ingested for some days parasites approximating to the male and female types21 become relatively much more numerous than at first. The structure of the nucleus varies. The chromatin may be collected at either pole, or in three or four large masses. It may be irregularly arranged in transverse rods or distributed in granules placed on a chromatic reticulum. Sometimes the granules are placed about the periphery of the nucleus. Chromatophilic granules occur in the cytoplasm. These have been seen in positions suggesting that they have been extruded from the nucleus.1' Occasionally one or perhaps two large faintly pink-staining areas, somewhat diffuse, but nevertheless possessing a definite outline, have occurred in the neighbourhood of (usually posterior to) the nucleus. This area suggests the chlamydoplasm34 observed in Leucocytozoon danielewski. The blepharoplast often consists of two or more granules. It is frequently very apparent that it is placed in a “ clear area and that the thickened edge of the undulating membrane ends not in it but in a pinkish basal granule or “ diplosome." Trypanosomes occur which possess a third, deeply-staining chromatic area (one-third the size of the nucleus) in addition to nucleus and blepharoplast. Other polynuclear forms resembling in appearance the polynuclear forms described by Kochf have been seen (48 hours after feeding). We can say nothing concerning their significance, but we are not prepared to follow Koch in his interpre¬ tation of them. We believe that the rounded forms, which he thinks they produce, arise from the englobation of single trypanosomes which have cast off blepharoplast and undulating membrane and become spherical. (This process has been observed in blood within three hours after its ingestion.) The bodies so formed are rounded or oval, and measure about 40/r to you by 2'on to 3*0/1. I liey consist of a hght-blue-stained protoplasm with definite contour and at first one, late^v^ajarge and a small, chromatic masses. We have not seen the ,t^ccasioi}al confluent collections of degenerated parasites are seen which recall Pasmodiar’ masses of Plimmer and Bradford (24)- , . „nv rpiftniKi°Ch gives no measurements. We cannot say whether there is « . ' blance»n size; our forms measure i8-o/t to 25-0/1 by you to 3-75/1. 220 the subsequent formation of a flagellum, and the assumption of " herpetomonas-like " characters described by Koch (their occurrence seems most probable).34 The spherical forms are produced in Glossina in the same way as in the rat flea (see below). The independent movements of flagellum and cytoplasm are most striking in parasites in the process of exflagel¬ lation. When separated the flagellum and blepharoplast quickly become motionless ; the cytoplasm is mobile for a little longer. These rounded forms were not seen to divide, but from the analogy of Trypanosoma loricatum? 4 and from the difference in size between the smallest rounded forms (4*5 by 3*75/1) and the average pear- shaped trypanosome (8‘o/i by 5*0/1) just before ex flagellation is complete, it seems possible that they may do so at this stage. After the flagellum and blepharoplast are cast off, the nucleus, at all events in some cases, fragments into from eight to ten granules. These then collect together to form a new central mass (some may remain in the cytoplasm ; are any extruded ?). Before the motor apparatus is thrown off from the rounded trypanosome it sometimes circumscribes the parasite so as to simulate a cyst wall no real encystation has been observed. (Moore and Breinl26 describe the formation of a cyst wall in similarly rounded parasites observed in trypanosome-infected animals treated by atoxyl.) II. IN PED1CUL US In July and August, 1903, a few pediculi caught on a rat very heavily infected with 7 rypanosoma gambiense were dissected and examined fresh at room temperature. Granular, indistinct, obviously exonerating ParasiIes were of course present. The main change seen in those apparently normal was the formation of ovoid or spherical trypanosomes (5-6/1 by 6-4/1 to 8-32/1 by 7-6/1). These had stained specimens the same appearance as those observed u> trypanosomes from the gut of tsetse flies. The following short one observation sufficiently describes what was seen >n caught lousp . r“t* fiIled with bright red blood, was drawn from a fre active normal . Was 1 en teasenial to animal by simple inoculation and b) ) (2) that the trypanosomes may be kept for very long periods wel diff sug 225 (3) That another adequate method of reproduction (now probably at least two) already exists. (4) That the contents of the intestinal canal of tsetse flies previously fed on trypanosome-infected animals when inoculated into susceptible animals does not produce trypanosome infection (nor, in the cases of bird trypanosomes and mosquitoes, will they produce cultures of trypanosomes). None of these arguments is valid. Since those who uphold them usually oppose Schaudinn’s work-1 on Haemoproteus, etc., we shall not mention it in answering their arguments, but shall refer only to the work of other authors. Each objection is answered sepaiatel) by referring to some occurrence contrary to it in the known life history of some other protozoon. (1) Human malaria can be transmitted by simple inoculation, Trypanosoma lewisi , Piroplasma bovis31* and Haematnoeba relict a can be propagated indefinitely by inoculation. In all four of these protozoa a definite sexual process occurs when the mature parasites come into a favourable environment, the alimentary canal of the required arthropod. (2) 7 rypanosoma lewisi has been successfully cultivated. Prowazek22 describes a sexual conjugation which it undergoes in lice. Although no other pathogenic protozoa have been cultivated with 'he same success as the trypanosomata, it is well known that certain non-pathogenic protozoa may be kept for very long periods in pure cultures without the appearance of any sexual forms. On the Production of circumstances impelling them, sexual forms may appear ln these cultures. Granting that the sexual forms are absent from, not merely unidentified in, the usual cultures of trypanosomes, it y no means follows that they may not be produced under other 'cuinstances. The conditions causing their appearance are not Pre^ 'n the binary culture medium. For the same lack of “ impe mg C*Uses" the periodic absence of infective sexual forms from the blood °f Infected animals is easily conceivable. The question natural > Ses’ w^at are the conditions “impelling” the production ol s- Professor Nuttall permits us to state that he is of ophuonthat Fir* \as already imm^TUtted indefinitely from dog to dog by inoculatiom« the disease in this way for more than twenty ge 226 forms of trypanosomes? The analogy of malaria in man and of protozoa in cultures suggests an answer — chronic infections.* (3) Young malarial parasites (ring forms) divide by direct division ; a cycle of sporulation exists, yet there is also a sexual cycle. (4) These facts need only signify that the parasites were not, at the moment of inoculation, in a state favourable to cultivation or to the production of infection in a vertebrate host. Coccidium schubergi is parasitic in a centipede. Infection takes place by the digestive canal. If an infected centipede be eaten by another, infection may be conveyed by almost every stage of the parasite ingested. The immature gameto- cytes, however, are unable to infect ; although they are in their normal host their surroundings are unsuited to their further development. They consequently die. In cover-slip preparations the malarial gametocyte is fertilized, development goes but little further ; the surroundings are not favourable. Why should the sexual cycle of a trypanosome necessarily occur in the same medium as its asexual one ? Crescents, males at least, adult malarial parasites, if left in man degenerate ; the young parasites die in the mosquito. The surroundings suited to one form are not to the other. Why should the hypothetical sexual form of a trypanosome develop equally well in either invertebrate or vertebrate host ? The cited arguments proffered against the existence of a sexual cycle of trypanosomes in tsetse flies are contradicted by these known acts. What are the arguments in favour of it ? They are briefly = — (0 The analogy of other protozoa. (2) T he occurrence of parasites possessing sexual characteristics m ood of infected animalsf (compare Trypanosoma dimorphon )■ (3) Prowazek’s observations on the development of Trypanosoma tewisi in the rat.22 trvnan KocllS.mcornPlete observations on the development of cattle trypanosomes in Glossina* 'Pposedly sexual forms, somewhat similar to some of those made on somes they ingested onlvltp^f Glossinae only became in animal m whose blood the n °P-ed lf their feed had been f The acknowled paras,tes were scanty, tneasure on a recognition 'of* nature of these forms of course depends ii een reP°rted in nianv trvnan east a Part of Schaudinn’s work (21). The • 1 os°mes by many independent observers. 227 described by Koch, are reported in Trypanosoma gambicnse ingested by Glossina palpal is .* 11 (0) We have observ ed similar forms to (5) and in 011c instance at least the fusion, we believe, of two living Trypanosoma gambicnse in blood from the gut of .1 Slomoxys. The arguments on neither side are conclusive, but we believe those to be far the stronger which support the existence of a sexual cycle m the life history of the mammalian trypanosomes, possibly in the tsetse fly. It is, we believe, by the most patient and long-continued observation of living, individual parasites in trypanosome-containing blood (probably freshly ingested) from the gut of tsetse flies that a definite answer can best be given to the whole question. The work should be done under natural conditions in Africa and, naturally, the observations on living parasites must be controlled and supplemented by the study of stained specimens. The observer must approach the subject in a receptive mood and freed from preconceptions. VI. CONCLUSIONS from the consideration of all the facts we state the following propositions : It is known that, (0 Mammalian trypanosomes may be mechanically transmitted by l*le '3*tes °f blood-sucking arthropoda. ^ (2) A cycle of development of the trypanosomes exists in which °CCUr spherical parasites formed by the throwing off of blepharoplast, Undulating membrane and flagellum. These forms exist in both the 'ertebrate and the vertebrate hosts; conjugation probably plays no £!l^he_production of this form. A possibly distinct cycle is also describe “ ^ trypanosomes "•JOCC)!5rhe^entirelye distinct ,r°m the mam1Chi’ m common with N'ovy (23), they consider to recognisable as other thamn?u ,an tr.vpanosonies. We have not seen trypai ( instanCe, we found irvrri n 1 *lf,se 'ingested, in the Hies examined by us. , . but fresh marn'Oal?an ^SOIVeS in lhe 8"’ "f a freshly-caught Glosano flagellate, Was also nrob °°d was also present; another parasitic proto a > > which leads Minchin P e«fem- These Ay trypanosomes (aof have an encysted host> and so take ,,,l‘ir cysts may be excreted, iftgcsted interesting ,ine; iSStK m a “contaminative cycle.” The hypothesis is a most ^ of ve,se flie.s PYn sfa,es that the sexual forms of T. gambicnse o not be found. N'°thincr ..^tned disappeared and after 96 hours parasites rts 0f the flv eitamined lat eni^]|n8 a trypanosome” was found in the 'arl,' ' ^ tbe copula of lr-vPanosorn ’ ^ Why should developmental forms or the product ot oe trypanosome-like in shape? 228 represented by the spherical parasites, . consisting almost entirely of nucleus, which result from the disintegration of trypanosomes26, (3) There is reason to suspect that a sexual cycle may also occur ; it may be in either or in both hosts. (4) The rapid spread of sleeping sickness cannot be fully explained by (1) alone; the cycles of development mentioned in (2) and (3) probably play a very important part in the transmission of the disease. Runcorn Research Laboratories April, 1907 LITERATURE '• Dutton, J. E., and Todd, J. L. Memoir XI, Liverpool School of Tropic.il Medicine, Sept., 1903. ■i. Bruce, Nabarro and Grf.tg. Reports of the Royal Society's Sleeping Sickness Commission, No. 4, p. 67-61, Nov., 1903. 3- Kilborne and Smith shewed that the progeny of ticks fed on cattle inf 1,1 with Piroplasma bovis of Texas fever were alone capable of transmitting the infection. 4- Thomas and Linton. The animal reactions ... of Trypanosoma gambunn Die Lancet, May 14, 1904. V Newstead, Dutton and Todd. Insects collected in the Congo t ree State Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Vol. I, No. i, p- ^ l e >907 (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine). . . ‘ rTTOX and To»u- Memoir XVI, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Page 97. August, 1904. Di ITOK, Todd and Christy. Memoir XIII, Liverpool School of Tr0Pua Medicine, page 97. Bruce, Nauarro and Grkig. 'S' Na,!ARRo a"d Greig. U Commission, July, ^ RKiG. Report V of the Royal Society Sleeping Sickness 22Q ii.. Lav era x and Mesxil. Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases. Masson, Paris, 1894- i;. Mixchin, Gray and Tclloch. Glosuna palpa/is in its relation to Trypano¬ soma gambiense and other trypanosomes. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series 13, Yol. LXXVT3I, Xo. II525, Oct. 12, 1906. iS, Sergent, Ed. and Et. Etudes sur les trypanosomiases de Rerberie en 1905, Ann. Inst. Past., t. XX, Aug, 1906, p. 665. 19. I.rHE. Die im blute schmarotzenden Protozoen, in Mense, Ilandbuch der Tropenkrankheiten, Vol. TIT, part T. This gives an excellent review of what is known concerning trypanosomes. Mixchin. Encystation in Trypanosoma gravi, Xovy. Proc. Roy. Soc., Series 13, Yol. LXXIX. Xo. B528, Feb. 22, 1907. u ScHAuniNN. Generations und Wirtswechsel bei Trypanosoma und Spirochaete. Arbeiten aus. den. Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte, Vol. XX, p. 588, 1904. ■i- Prowazek. Studien fiber Saugetiertrypanosomen Arb. ad. Kaisr. Gesund, \ol. XXII, second part, page 351, i9°5- ;.l- Now. The trypanosomes of tsetse flies. Journ. of Infect. Diseases, \ol. HI, No. 5, May, 1906, p. 394. 24 Plisimer and Bradford. Trypanosoma brueti. Quarterly Journal of Micro¬ scopical Science, New Series, Xo. 179 (Vol. XLV, part 3), Feb., 1902, page 449- 25- Kabixovvitsch and Kempnkr. Die trypanosomen in der Menschen— und Tierpathologie. Centralblatt f tir Bakteriologie. Abt. 1, orig. Hr. XXX , 30. P. P- 13- 34- the life-history of the parasite of India. 4. of 1904, Heft 5. Moore and Bheinl. A preliminary note on "Sleeping Sickness.” The Eancet, May 4th, 1907. Danielewsky. T.a parasitologie comparee du sang, A. Darrc. Kharkoff, 0889. I.ingaru. Different species of trypanosomata observed in bovines in India. Hie Journal of Tropical Veterinary Science, Vol. H, No. 1, PaSe February, 1907. Hurrant. A trypanosoma found in blood of cattle in India. Journal Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics, Vol. XVII, part 3, Septem er, 190 Holmes. Evolution of the Trypanosoma evansi. Journal of Comparat Pathology and Therapeutics, Vol. XVII, part 3, September, i9n4- Christophers. Preliminary note on the development of Piroplasma 1 1e Indian Medical Gazette, Dec., 1906, p. 467- (Clives a pre 1 account of conjugation). . T^«ah and Mesnil. Recherches sur le trypanosome des rats. Anna es Institut Pasteur, 1901, p. 675. N(,w, Frederick G., MacNeal, Ward J., and Torrey, Harrv Jrypanosomes of Mosquitoes and other Insects. Journal ot leases, \ol. IV, No. 2, April 10, 1907. ., ■ D*TTOn> Todd and Tobey. “ Certain Parasitic Protozoa observed m AU ■ - 11 nals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. Vol. I, No. 3 (m N. The Infectious CATTLE trypanosomiasis in the CONGO FREE ST ATE 1 233 CATTLE TRYPANOSOMIASIS IN THE CONGO FREE ST ATE* BY The late J. EVERETT Dl'I ION, M.B. (Vict.) (WALTER MYERS FELLOW, UNIVERSITY OK LIVERPOOL) JOHN L. TODD. BA., M.D., C.M. McGill (DIRECTOR OF THE KISCORN RESEARCH LABORATORIES OF THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE) AND ALLAN KINGHORN. M.B. (Toronto) (JOHNSTON colonial fellow, I'NiVERsi i y ^ oi ^J^Ychool of DEMONSTRATOR AND RESEARCH ASSISI ANT , I - TROPICAL MEDICINE) Being the Eighth Progress Report of the Expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Congo, WOj-Oj {Received April 20th, 1907) I. INTRODUCTION When Europeans first came to the Congo there were practically no :uttle in the greater part ol the central area of what is now t state. Since then advent cattle have constantly been imported from neighbouring African colonies.t They have been sent to many posts in different parts of the Congo with varying success. As a rule, it ,s said that cattle tend to do bes plain country where there are no buffaloes. _ _ _ . •„ naoer was communicated in 1904 Much of the information contained in this P 1 , reports, to the Government of the Congo Free State m unp herds Gf cattle. t The natives in the highlands about Lake nave long, upstanding, A® a nile the Kivu cattle G ig- 3l are rath*r S th(,m are of the humped zebu slightly -curved horns 1 B.< aegyfliacus ?). • '”"5 , b the expedition1 generally 'ype. The cattle in the parts of the < ongo V1 sited by ^ be present m the approximate to the European type. Tsetse ntes cattle taken from Lake K|vu district. Game' is ‘plentiful. The mortality among c- ^ three have Kivu to other districts is very great From herds of ^ (.attle died in herds remained on arriving at Kasongo! It was foun hard. The cause of the which travelled onlv every third day than m th(> f od but disease. Seventy- mortality is therefore probably not fatigue and lack ot^ ^ until the forest was •i'e head of cattle taken North from Luts bi all were dead, entered. They then commenced to die. and at Mawambi ■ 234 II. EXAMINATION OF CATTLE We examined the cattle of only a few of the more important herds; those existing at the remaining places visited are only briefly considered, while herds unvisited are not mentioned. At ZAMBIE there is a herd of about 190 cattle, all in excellent condition; in 1904 there were 52 births, and no deaths from disease. 1 hose in charge recognise no disease resembling trypanosomiasis. At the neighbouring island of MATEBA there is a herd of about 5,000 (?) cattle ; said to be in perfect condition. The original animals at both Zambie and Mateba were imported from Portuguese West Africa (San Paul de Loanda, etc.), Walfish Bay, the Canary Islands, and occasionally from Europe. Both places are on low-lving grass plains, and tsetse flies, although probably' present, were not seen (October, 1903), and big game was practically absent. Living animals are regularly sent from St. Paul de Loanda, from Mateba and from posts in the Lower Congo to Leopoldville for food ; two said to come from Mateba (?) were found to be infected with trypanosomes on their arrival at Leopoldville. The Leopoldville herd, kept only for food purposes, is heavily infected 2- 3. At Yumbie cattle have been present since 1S96, but they have died as fast as they' reproduced and the herd has not increased. The principal cause of death is “colic” (?). This disease is probably trypanosomiasis (see below). When we saw the herd in July, 1904, the twelve animals present, with one or two exceptions, seemed in fair condition. In June, 1905, the ten animals then composing the lerd were seen by Broden.4 They w'ere all in wretched condition and three of them had trypanosomes in the peripheral blood. In September, 1904, six heifers arrived from Dolo (near Leopoldville). From October to June, 1905, there were eight deaths; all probably from trypanosomiasis. Yumbie is placed on a high grassy plain with neighbouring forest. osstna pal pa l is and fuse a (?) are present. Large game is plentiful. ix young cattle were brought to Basoko from Nouvelle Anvers 114 19 • I he herd now numbers eight (only two deaths from accidents have occurred); they all seem to be in excellent condition. ie ier grazes in cultivated ground surrounded by thick forest. ssina palpal is present, but rare ; big game not plentiful. 2 35 LlSENGI. No deaths recorded ; cattle present for six years. They graze in uncultivated coffee plantations surrounded by forest. No buffaloes, many antelopes present, (i loss inn pal -pa l is not seen, probably present. At KiRUNDU there were a few miserable-looking trypanosome- infected cattle, in the hands of the natives. EALA, August, 1904. Before reaching Eala a report was received from the Veterinary Surgeon resident there, M. Bertolotti, in which he described an obscure disease affecting the cattle under his care. I he symptoms resembled those of trypanosomiasis, and on examination we succeeded in finding the parasites in one cow (I*ig. 0 in which the disease was well advanced (no trypanosomes were found by a single centrifugahsation of the blood of five other animals chosen from the herd for their lack of condition). Tire extent ol the disease at IE ala is shown by the following review of the cattle records. There is at present a herd of 43 cattle at Eala. 1 hese represent the remnants and product of 51 cattle sent here from the Lower Congo in May, 1901, one bull and ten cows (of these only two cows are still alive), and from April to May in 1902, five bulls and thirty-five cows (of these one bull and 26 cows are still alive). The great mortality amongst these animals has been almost exclusively due to trypanosomiasis.*' Calves born at Eala (and at Eouvelle Anvers) hav e suffered specially from this disease ; of 3b bom at Eala only 14 are living (for example, of 1 5 bull calves born between August, 1902, and January, 1904, 12 were dead in August, 1904, of trypanosomiasis). Some of the young animals born here which are stdl alive are undersized and obviously ill developed. Histories of the Infected A nimals 1 OW No. 10. — Brought to Kala from the Lower Congo in 190-2- July *3. = s » present extremely thin and scarcely able to move (Fig. ■>• Superficial glands .1 e"ar6ed (M. Rertolotti regards this as one of the most constant symp o^ ne disease- • , . 1 Rlnnd ce nertoiotti regards this as one oi me * , ,n -diarrhoea is also a usual symptom). Blood centnfuga isc , ****** seen. August s, ,904 Animal still thinner ; hardly able to stand pa ,of weakness; but still has appetite and munches grass. No oe puj^l haemorrhages observed. Blood centrifugalised and prescapula g Pjj&ctured ; trypanosomes found by both methods. The animal was killed by lna air into jugular vein and an autopsy was made at once. _ _ July. ^"'Cal diagnosis; the parasites were not observed in affected anima 236 Autopsy. — Animal is very thin ; muscles pale. Organs all normal, spleen not enlarged. Superficial lymphatic glands twice as large as normal, waterv, not con¬ gested. Deep glands all much enlarged, about half of them (especially in abdomen much congested — almost haemorrhagic. Examination for trypanosomes : Trypano¬ somes were found in the blood (jo to a coverslip preparation) only after centrifugalisa- tion (five coverslip preparations of uncentrifugalised blood were examined without result). 1 hey were also seen (three to a coverslip) in a preparation of gland juice obtained from the prescapular gland by a hypodermic syringe before the animal was dead; none were seen, however, in nine preparations of the juice of glands from various parts of the body made within one to two hours of the animal's death. Many parasites were found in the deposit obtained by centrifugalising slightly turbid fluid from the pleural (6oc.cm. present), the peritoneal (500c. cm.) and the pericardial (35 c.cm.) cavities. It was noted that the trypanosomes seen in these fluids were almost invariably attached to a white cell. Forty-five c.cm. of cerebro-spinal fluid taken immediately after death was centrifugalised and most carefully examined It contained no trypanosomes and no red or white cells, but it was made slightly opalescent by a peculiar flocculent material present in small quantities. C<>\\’ N0. iot at Eala. August 23. 1904 4 noc motions. — Two rats (Fxn this cow intraperitoneallv on t.,i» ,3~’ ■ CaCh received 4 c.cm. of blood - - — -Neither had become infected* on At examined, almost daily, i n 6 1 *a 1 • anima,s mentioned in this paper nt‘l either the animal became infect rfer "l?*1 scJuare fresh coverslip preparat ted or the experiment was discontinued. 237 3rd, so they were then both re-inoculated intraperitoneally, one with 5 c. cm. and the other with 3c. cm. of a mixture of gland juice, from the same cow, and sodium citrate solution showing one trypanosome to five fields. A guinea-pig (Kxp. 142) was at the same time inoculated intraperitoneally with 4c.cm. of the same fluid. All three animals were carefully examined ; none ever became infected. The herd at Eala grazes on low-lying land surrounded by forest. Glossina pal pal is 1 exists in small numbers (July, 1904). Big game is scarce. Nouvelle Anvers, August 15th, 1904. At Nouvelle Anvers five of the thinnest of the 34 rattle present were examined ; two had trypanosomiasis. The first cattle were brought here in 1896. Trom then to 1900, 16 head (thirteen cows, three bulls) were imported from the Lower Congo (two from the Canary Islands). Since 1898, 48 calves have been born ; ten have died (one from the results of abortion, nine from fever and unrecognised diseases), and several have been sent to other posts. Of the original animals twelve are dead (one slaughtered, 11 of insufficiently described diseases).* It is most important to note that seven of these animals came from Stanley Pool (Kinchassa), and all the animals sent from Kinchassa to Nouvelle Anvers have died in from one to four years after their arrival. At present there is only one animal (Bull 18, arrived Match, H, from Stanley Pool (Leopoldville) and it has trypanosomiasis ; E Broden has shown trypanosomiasis to be common among cattle ear Leopoldville. Though it cannot definitely be said that the animals from Stanley °°1 did not contract trypanosomiasis at Nouvelle Anvers, it is quite °ssible that they may have been infected with trypanosomes before i>eir arrival there. If this is the case the herd has contained infected ninials since 1899 at least. Its losses since then have certainly been ieavy, but the percentage of mortality is smaller and the disease seems ess virulent than at Eala. For instance, one cow born at Nouvelle Wersin 1896 and another brought there from the Canaries in the ai»e year are still alive and well J,TEE* ‘7 — Born here December, .902. In fair condition ; ^PP0^*0^ ^lymphatic glands sligh.lv enlarged. t Fairly numerous trypanosomes gland juice. ' _ _ _ ;radu5ien ,he cause death is ill-defined, it is usually because the anima1 ha - “aHy wasted and died. Such cases are usually ones of trypanosomiasis. .rypan°"e of the animals in which a most careful examination failed o in,es a*80 had slightly enlarged glands. Bull 18. — Age, two (?) years. Imported from Leopoldville, March, 1904. In good condition ; supposed healthy ; lymphatic glands slightly enlarged. Fairly numerous trypanosomes seen in blood and prescapular gland juice. Inoculations. — Rat (Kxp. 145) inoculated Aug. 15 intraperitoneally with ac.cm. of blood from this animal ; did not become infected. Monkey ( Cercofithecus schmidti) (Exp. 143) received 8c. cm. of blood intra¬ peritoneally, August 15, 1904. Trypanosomes appeared in its blood September 22. I hey soon disappeared, and were only occasionally seen during 1904. During 1905 the monkey seemed quite well, and trypanosomes were not seen in its blood, which was examined at intervals. On January 1, 1906, it was very ill, weak, dull and apathetic. A single degenerated (?) trypanosome was seen in two coverslip preparations. Animal died next day ; immediate cause of death was miliary tuberculosis. # A rabbit (Exp. 1441 received 3 c.cm. of blood intraperitoneally; never became infected ; under observation for six months. I he herd at Nouvelle Anvers grazes for the most part on cultivated land. Big game is not very abundant, but biting flies of several sorts (G lossina pit l pal is, Stomoxys and tabanids') are present. Romee, September 12th, 1904. One or two animals now present have been here since 189;, but the great majority of the cattle19 have been brought here since the end of 1902. Most of them are of Lake Kivu stock and came here by way of Nyangwe. A few head came from the Nile. Only nine deaths have occurred since March, 1903 ; all weie cattle which had arrived in poor condition two or three months previously, it therefore appears that this herd does not lose so many animals from disease (trypanosomiasis ?) as do those at Eala and Nouvelle Anvers. For example none of the calves born here (first m l899) have died- We were shown ten animals that had been kept apart from the herd of 25 head because of their lack of condition. ■ x A them (anived at Romee, July, 1904) were examined.* Four , tryPanos°niiasis ; three of these were decidedly thin and had enlarged lymphatic glands, the fourth had no big glands and was comparat.vely well-fleshed. All had temperatures of over iori“F. ur in ected were of Kivu stock ; two had come from Stanley Falls and the other two were from Nyangwe. Three rats (Exp. i3J Cow No. 2 became infer 2i clays. M9. 151) inoculated intraperitoneally with blood from »n three, six and eight days and died in 18, 23 and **n July, 1 the other three 905, one of these animals had been slaughtered. was still living and seemed perfectly well- 239 Two guinea-pigs (Exp. 148, 152I inoculated in the same way, one from one of the above rats, the other from the cow, showed parasites in twelve and fifteen days and died in 18 and 23 days of ruptured spleens (much enlarged and friable), in one case after slight violence. A rabbit (Exp. 147), weight 51b., became infected in nine days. Parasites were at first numerous ; they then became scanty and were only seen from time to time until January, 1905. None were seen after this. Death from pneumonia October 21, 1905. Spleen not enlarged, firm (5 x *8 X *6 cm.), capsule thickened. None of glands much enlarged. Animal very fat. Monkey [Cercofithecus ?> (Exp. 146), weight S«3 lb. Inoculated September 13, 1904, with blood from one of the rats ; showed trypanosomes in its blood three and six days later and never again. Death from pneumonia December 16, 1905. Spleen slightly enlarged |5xix i*scm.), firm ; glands not enlarged ; animal fat. The herd grazes on high, wooded, cultivated grounds. Small antelopes are not uncommon. G loss inn palpal is is rare. Lokandu, October 2 1st, 1904. Sixteen head of cattle present. In January, 1902, there were 23; since then 13 have been sent away (nine to Romee) and three have died. In only7 two of the deaths wire symptoms resembling trypanosomiasis present. We examined eight heads; five had trypanosomiasis. Ihret, all infected, of those examined were calves born here. All were thin, bad dry noses, much-enlarged glands (to 3 by 4 by 10 cm.) and slight temperatures (ior5°F.). In two of them there were distinct patches of oedema in the loose skin of the throat. Five of those examined were adult cows imported from Nyangwe or Kasongo. All were in fair condition ; only one had enlarged glands. This one, and one other in whom theie was no glandular enlargement, had trypanosomiasis. The one with enlarge glands had a temperature of io6‘8°F. Trypanosomes were seen in small numbers in the blood of only three of these five infected anima s. They were seen in much larger numbers in the gland juice in eac 1 case. Inoculations. — A guinea-pig (Exp. .S3) was inoculated intraperitoneally on October 22, witJ - blLl, from one of the calves contamxng^hree ■ Panosomes to a covcrslip preparation. It was examined careful \ J '905' but trypanosomes were never seen. These cattle had scanty pasture in coffee plantations sutroun h} forest. Antelopes and Glossina pal pal is not uncommon. Sendwe, November 5th, 1904. Four head of cattle vvere u re from Kasongo in 1900. The two bulls imported die soon 1 e'r arfival, so the remaining animals were sent away to iV ata p 24 o In May, 1904, eight head passed through on their way to Romee. Two died here; only four readied Romee alive (we examined none of them for trypanosomes). In May, 1904, ten heifers on their way to Romee arrived here by Kasongo from Lake Kivu. They were not in good condition ; but this was at the time explained by a two months' stay at Kibombo poor pasture. A month after arrival they commenced to die, and in three months five were dead. All had the same symptoms, “gradual wasting and loss of vigour.” The remaining animals seemed in fair condition, but all of the four examined had enlarged glands (see Fig. 2) and temperatures (to 1044 F.). Three of them had trypanosomiasis. Some of them were later sent to Lokandu. •1G. 2.— Calk at Sendwe; to show enlarged gland. it pasture at Sendwe is poor; Glossina pal pal is and big game are plentiful. fin 1 November 14th, 1904. A herd, now numbering about ’ haS been here since the end of the Arab war (1894)- is 24I largely made up of captured cattle, the majority of which probably came from the neighbourhood of Lake Kivu. 1 he cattle are at present in splendid condition. Since 1900, 45 calves have been born. Dunng the same period there have been only five deaths, none of them from any disease resembling trypanosomiasis. The country surrounding Nvangwe is high, grassy plain. 1 he herd never grazes further than one and a half miles from the post and never goes near a swampy area towards the South. 1 he countiy about Nyangwe is thickly populated and extensively cultivated. There is, therefore, little large game in the neighbourhood. Tsetse flies were not seen anywhere about the post nor on the plains wheie the cattle graze. They were seen, however, along the river bank a mile and a half further South. The blood of 20 cattle chosen because they were less plump than the remainder of the herd was examined ; gland puncture was done m 17 in which the glands were sufficiently large. I rypanosomes were not found. Kasongo, November 25th, 1904 April 2/th, i9°5- rliere 1S a herd here of about 260 cattle. Many of them were collected by the Arabs; additions have been made by the whites. The animals reproduce well and the herd has been largely increased by local births ; deaths from diseases are very rare. Its original members were probably largely from Lake Kivu. Some probably came fiom the Eastern and Southern shores of Lake 1 anganyika. A ei > ^ev'’ any, were ever brought directly from Katanga, far to the South, or from Lusambo, in the West. One hundred of the cattle were examined for trypanosomiasis during our stay at Kasongo, five were found to be infected. All fi'e "ere found in the first twenty-two examined. 'I Ins is noteworthy, Slnce the thinnest animals were taken first. All the animals weie examined in the same way and each was gone over but Preparations of gland juice and blood were examined and the temperature was taken in each case. . The infected animals were kept under observation for se\ months. The rareness with which parasites were seen in them 1 g th,s Period (see charts) strongly indicates that many cases remained ^detected by our examinations, and therefore that the proportio cahle infected is much more than five per cent. Zilani No. 8 (Nov. 15, 1904). — A young cow, born at Kasongo. She is rather thin and the natives say she is ill ; but there is no oedema, staring of the coit, &c. Largest prescapular gland uX5™-, largest femoral gland 9x3cm. Try. panosomes were found in gland juice, not in blood (see Chart Ii. Inoculations (see below, page 243). Moiuma No. 33 (Nov. 25, 1904). — A young cow, born at Kasongo. Apparently quite healthy. Prescapular gland 12 x 5 cm., soft; femoral 6 x 3 cm. Trypano¬ somes present in blood and gland juice. The course of the disease is given by Chart II up to l-ebruary 8. From then to April 19 (observations ceased) the temperature varied, without any sudden changes, between ioi°F. and io4°F. Blood and gland juice were examined at intervals ; parasites were seen during this period by gland puncture, only on March 16. Inoculations. Monkey (Cercofithccus schmidti ) (F.xp. 173), January 11, 1905. noculated intiaperitoneallv with r8 c.cm. blood showing one trypanosome to cover: tinder observation until I-ebruary 8 (when inoculated with spirochaetesi : never infected. Keowkosiko No. 60 (Nov. 25, 1904). — Cow, born here. It is in fair condition, per aps slightly thin, l’rcscapular gland measures 10 x5cm., femoral 8 x ; loth are soft. ( hart III shows the course of the disease up to February 17. From then to March 9 the temperature continued in the same way and parasite? were on y seen on March 8, q, 10. I he temperature became irregular and rose constantly until 105 F. was touched on March 22 (no trypanosomes in blood). The tempera- ure then became lower and no parasites were seen in blood or gland juice up to pri 1. , when they were in the blood in small numbers. Observations ceased. 1. 1 boko No. 29 (Nov. 30, 1904).— Fair condition ; glands slightly enlarged lypanosomes present in gland juice, absent from the blood. As is seen by Chart , the parasites were never again seen in this animal. hpp \°L0 ,No- 9 (Dec' *904, Fig. 3). — A steer, adult, born at Nyangwe, has n nere for three years. Prescapular gland is 15 x Scm.* and soft; femoral is ii X 2 ( niM so t and mm eable. I rypanosomes were seen in gland juice and not in the theatn, CO"?e °f !he disease UP to April 14, when the animal was killed for the autopsy, is indicated on Chart V. cxaminatinn ThC aninial Was kiIled by Ejecting air into the jugular vein. The o m l"'3,5 fenced immediately after death. No subcutaneous fat 01 vessels v* l!SC •!, datk' Abdomen contained 400 c.cm. clear fluid; mesenteric Dleurae rmo ’ °",en,um and retroperitoneal tissues oedematous. Thorax of nericardi ",d’ Per*cardium 300 c.cm. Between diaphragm and base aLut base oT i ! 3 .ot oed^atous tissue , cm. in thickness. The fa. and was vm- 1 e congested or haemorrhagic. Immediately after death lumbar the capsule ^^This eV-md wh'6" f°r these glands are of course estimates, am P me. 1 h,s gland when excised on April ,4, ,905, actually measured . and incl IX1 243 puncture was done at about the sixth vertebra with a four-inch needle. About 4C.cm. of clear fluid was obtained. Fresh preparations of the following organ juices and body fluids were examined, juice from the prescapular, mesenteric and tracheal glands, liver, spleen, marrow from long and short bones, blood, pericardial and cerebro-spinal fluid. Parasites were only seen in the gland preparations. Inoculations. — Dog* (Exp. 22 7), April 13, 1905. Inoculated intraperitoneally with about 150 c.cm. of defibrinated blood from the jugular vein. Died December 12, 1905; no autopsy. No trypanosomes seen. Dog (Exp. 229), April 13, 1905. Inoculated as above with 92 c.cm. of blood. No trypanosomes seen until December 1, 1905, when killed because of mange. Dog (Exp. 229), April 13, 1905. Inoculated as above with 150c. cm. blood. Killed because of mange, December 1, 1905. Trypanosomes were never seen in the blood. 1 ,G- 3— Steer, Yolo, at Kasongo. Note emaciation. The type of horns and tendency to hump indicate a Lake Kivu origin. Experimental Inoculations at Kasongo Mosl of the animals inoculated at Kasongo were so frequently noculated that it has seemed best to treat the majority of them U-!le,^eparatejteadin? _ _ Tlle d0gs used in all these experiments were native ones bought at Kasongo. 244 Rat (Experiment 132), July 6, 1904. Inoculated with buffalo blood (Buna mi); never infected. (Exp. 221) April 3, 1905. Inoculated with 5 c.cm. blood from Yth showing four trypanosomes to cover. Died August 20, 1905 (no autopsy). Never infected. Rat (Experiment 133), July 6, 1904. Inoculated with buffalo blood; never infected November 8, 1904, re-inoculated (8 c.cm.) with buffalo blood. (Exp. 222), April 3, 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. blood from Yolo showing four trypanosomes to cover. September 8, cataract in one eye, blood in anterior chamber of the other. December 8, trypanosomes first seen in blood. December 15, died, blood swarming with trypanosomes. Glands and spleen enlarged, organs otherwise healthy. Rat (Experiment 134), July 6, 1904. Inoculated with buffalo blood; never infected. (Exp. 177) January 11, 1905, re-inoculated with 12 c.cm. from Moiuma showing one trypanosome to a cover j never infected. (Exp. 223) April 3, 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. blood from Yolo showing four trypanosomes to a cover; accidentally killed November 4, 1905. No trypanosomes nor signs of trypanosomiasis seen in it or in a rat sub-inoculated from it. Rat (Experiment 135), July 6, 1904. Inoculated with buffalo blood; never infected. (Exp. 224) April 3, 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. blood from Yolo showing four trypanosomes to cover ; never infected. Died of skin disease, October 13, 1905. Rat (Experiment 139), July 27, 1904. Inoculated with 8 c.cm. blood from antelope; never infected. (Exp. 169) December 27, 1904, re-inoculated with 7-5C.cm. of mixed blood and citrate solution from Moiuma showing four trypanosomes to <.over; never infected. March 9, 1905, re-inoculated with <;c.cm. of blood from Keowkosiko. March 21, 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. of blood from Zilani. April 14, died from mechanical effects of inoculation with large amount of blood; no autopsy ; never infected. Rat (Experiment 140), July 17, i9o4. Inoculated with 8 c.cm. of blood from ante- ope; never infected. (Exp. 168) Dec. 27, 1904, re-inoculated with 7-5 c.cm. of blood and citrate solution from Moiuma showing four trypanosomes to a cover; never infected, larch 9 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. blood from Keowkosiko. March 21, I9°5> re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. blood from Zilani. April 3, 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. 00 from Y olo. April 13, 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm. blood from Yolo. Never infected* up to September 19, 1905, when it escaped. • „ Rat (Experiment 170), December 27, 1904. Inoculated with 2-5 c.cm. blood show- °Ur ryPan°somes to cover from Moiuma ; five trypanosomes to cover were N ns nr.ooD next day and not again. March 9, 1905, re-inoculated with bloid'w 7°v K.eowkosiko- March 21, 1905, re-inoculated with ttisfp \ ant' pril 13, 1905, re-inoculated with 33 c.cm. blood from Yolo. DieH1 l™YPANOSOMES TO A FIELD were seen in its blood on April 21, and not again. ruary r9°6 ; no trypanosomes seen at autopsy; all organs normal save spleen which was slightly enlarged and fibrous. F^/UAnr;i(EXPERIMENT 2I9h April >905- Inoculated with 10 c.cm. of blood from re inomlaf re'lnoculated with 10 c.cm. of blood from Zilani. April 13, i9°5- at Bom* T I25C-cm. of blood from Yolo. Under observation until stolen at Roma. Trypanosomes never seen. iaocJS^L/^^ schmidii) (Experiment 220), very young. April 3, «9°5> blood from 7 7 ' ? c’“n‘ klood from Yolo. April 5, 1905, re-inoculated with 5 c.cm- Died of ! Pn I3, I9°5, re-inoculated with 12-5 c.cm. blood from Yolo- of trypanosorniasL ^autopsy0* ' ParaSitCS neVCr Seen- No fU’panosomes or signs See charts for number of parasites present in blood inoculated. 1 245 Through the kindness of Commandant Verdick the four infected cattle which remained when we left Kasongo were kept apart from the herd at Kasongo. After our departure the animals were left quiet, and there was a consequent amelioration in their condition. While we were there they were driven twice daily from their kraal to our laboratory and back — a distance of about one and a quarter miles. The fatigue of these journeys and the time last through them from grazing had certainly an adverse influence. Moiuma and Keowkosiko both calved. All the animals were in excellent condition in September, 1905. They were then sent to Lokandu, where there is a great deal of cattle trypanosomiasis and where Glossiua palpalis is far from rare, in order to ascertain whether they would resist exposure to re-infection. (It must be remembered that the pasturage at Lokandu is not nearly so good as at Kasongo). The steer, three cows and two calves reached Lokandu on November, 23rd, 1905, in excellent condition. A calf died in December after twenty days of manifest diarrhoea. One of the adults died after a “ slow wasting and great weakness early in 190C. In August, 1906, two of the four remaining animals were very thin and seemed ill ; the remaining two are still under observation. The Chef de Secteur at Lokandu, in conveying this information, reports that the “ health of the herd at Lokandu is excellent.” The cattle at Kasongo graze on a wide plain intersected by several dreams which have occasional clumps of bushes along their banks. ,J/ossina palpalis are very, very rarely found about the grazing §rcmnd, and large game practically never comes near it. Tshofa, May 15th, 1905. There was formerly a herd here of *ome fifty cattle, which was intended to be used for supplying ullocks for work on the waggon road between Tshofa and Pania Tutombo. As the animals were not doing well, all, save fourteen Whlch Were obviously ill, were sent to Lubefu. Of that fourteen only e'ght remain ; two were killed by a leopard, four died of a chronic 1Sease characterised by general loss of condition and constant ’arrhoea, with straining and small watery stools ; there were no °,e emas nor lack of appetite. Between June, 190b and I9°4’ aA,°Ut thirteen animals were said to have died here of this disease. ‘ 'nost all the calves bom or brought here have died of it. and the 246 only animal present which was bom here is affected by it (trypano¬ somes seen). The majority of the cattle brought to Tshofa came from Lusambo. Cattle have been sent from the Tshofa herd in 1902 to Kisenga and in 1904 to the Tanganyika, Moero and Lubile districts. Three out of five animals whose gland juice and blood were examined had trypanosomiasis. 1 here was good pasture in open country at Tshofa, but Glossm pal palis and large game were very plentiful. Cabinda, June 3rd, 1905. Before the advent of Europeans, some of the important chiefs in this neighbourhood had small herds of ten to twenty cattle. Cattle did not do well ; many died of diarrhoea, and there were no large herds. At present a few head are kept here for vaccine making. They come from Portuguese West Africa by way of Angola and from as far South as Dilolo. We are told that the Dilolo natives buy cattle from the Zambesi valley. The blood and gland juice of six animals were examined once ; trypanosomes were not seen. Lusambo, June 21st, 1905. Nearly all the Lusambo cattle come by way of Malange and Luluabourg from Portuguese West Africa; formerly herds of a hundred head were brought in by this route to be exchanged for slaves. It is said that the animals were used for food and were not kept for breeding. The records of the Lusambo cattle are very badly kept,* but deaths from disease seem to have been rare among them. Six of the thinnest animals were chosen and their blood and gland juice were examined once. Trypanosomes were seen in one of them. About six cattle were sent from this herd to Kutuon ake Leopoldville II in 1902-1903 ; all died within a short time. It is said that the cause of death was trypanosomiasis. cattle was also inadeonat* USTual one- The system of brands used for marking animal or to learn was consequently often impossible to iden . to estimate0 thTincfde^ce of °^ i£ Was often impossible at a infected animals ft ic' j disease in the past or to determine the ori0 through the institution fV1(*en) that much valuable information would be 0 8 institution of careful systems of recording and identifying cattle. 247 III. OBSERVATIONS ON TRYPANOSOMES IN OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS Horses, Mules and Donkeys : Comparatively few of these animals have been brought into the part of the Congo Free State visited by us. Some were seen in apparently good condition at the following places: various localities in the Lower Congo, Leopoldville, Eala (three horses and a foal from Dakar present for fifteen months, not worked), Coquilhatville (donkeys present four to five years), Bamamia, four donkeys (one present for eight years), constantly worked. Nouvelle Anvers, a few horses here were in good condition when we saw them in 1904 and were still well in June, 1905. Umangi (three horses, a mare from Teneriffe present for five years), Lisengi (two horses present for six years). At Nyangwe there is a small drove of donkeys. None of the above animals were examined. At Kasongo no trypanosomes were seen in two mules and a donkey ; these three animals had journeyed considerably in the Eastern part of the Congo Free State. In July, 1904, Commandant Sillye bought two stallions near Dakar in Senegal. They were then in excellent condition, and were six and twelve years old. He brought them to the Congo and took them on a hard journey from Kasongo almost to Lake Tanganyika ; from this journey they returned unloaded to Kasongo, where we saw them on January 14, 1905, after they had had a fortnight’s rest. Both animals were thin, but this was thought to be due to fatigue and bad pasturage. There was (Fig. 4), as in the Gambian horses (6), slight abdominal fulness without definite oedema. Both had rough coats from lack of grooming and were infected with ticks, fleas, chiggers, trombidium larvae and numerous bots. In addition both showed the weals of many recent fly-bites. If the animals were left to themselves they dropped their heads and certainly seemed to lack vigour. The temperature of both was about ior°F. and their glands were slightly enlarged. The only sign of oedema ever noticed in either horse was a swelling of the scrotum in one in October, 1904. The conjunctivae were pale and watery in both. Trypanosomes were present in good numbers in the blood of both horses. lhe animals were relieved of the bots, chiggers, ticks and trombidia (lotion of bichloride of mercury) and were given arsenic in the form of Fowler’s solution. At the en of January they reached Romee, where they were turned to pasture and the arsenic was discontinued. For two months both put on flesh. Then the older one ecame rapidly thinner and very weak ; the appetite remained good. It died pn 17, 1905, after a very profuse perspiration (6). On September 14, 1905, the remaining borse, though comparatively thin, seemed in fair health and fed well. e scro urn was often swollen. Inoculations.— Rat (F.xp. 180). Inoculated January 14, 1905, intraperitoneally with a mixture of blood, from the older of the two stallions, and citrate solution showing 15 living trypanosomes to a cover. Parasites appeared in its 00 nex day and were never absent until it was accidentally killed on March 21. Autofsy. — Spleen much enlarged (6-25 x i*5 x *75 crn-)» so^> friable , glands all slightly enlarged. 248 Rat (Exp. 181). Inoculated as in Exp. 180. Parasites appeared January 1: constantly present till it died of the disease September 24, 1905. Guinea-pig (Exp. 179). Inoculated as in 180; not infected. March n, re-inoculated with 1*50. cm. blood from Exp 180 showing 30 trypanosomes to field , infected in five days. Parasites constantly present till death from sunstroke. Jrai 18, 1905. Autopsy (immediately after death). — Dependent part of abdominal wall fin, water-logged ; vulva oedematous ; spleen soft (5 x 2 5 cm.) j glands not enlarged Animal well nourished. Guinea-pig (Exp. 178). Inoculated as in Exp. 180; not infected. Re-inoculated as in Exp. 179. Trypanosomes in blood in six days, and constantly present rati death from the disease on September 17, 1905. F 'G' 4‘ Staluon infected at Kasongo. Note slight fulness of abdomen. A donkey about seven years old, also belonging to Commando: Sillye, was examined on January 14th, 1905. This animal probably came originally from Uganda. Since 1902 it had been constant-, worked and had just returned from the same journey as the horses * W.aS yery fat and apparently in the very best of health. A few 5®a- a po e like trypanosomes were seen in its blood. Although ha c 249 worked it remained in apparently robust health until the end of June, 1905, when it was accidentally killed. Goats seem to thrive almost everywhere in the Congo. Sheep are present in few places, but they usually do well. None of the score of goats and sheep examined by us were infected with trypanosomes. Broden reports trypanosomiasis in sheep at Leopoldville.3 IV. TRYPANOSOMES IN BIG GAME Mswata. Antelope (adult Tragelaphus scriptus), very scanty stumpy trypanosomes in blood ; retro-peritoneal glands deeply haemorrhagic, otherwise apparently healthy. Rat (Exp. 130), June 26, 1904. Inoculated with 3'SC.cm. blood. Trypano¬ somes seen in its blood only on July 5. Died (cause, exposure ?) Juh 24 , no trypanosomes or signs of trypanosomiasis at autopsy. Tshumbiri. Buffalo (Bos nanus, two adults). Both fat, and save for a caseous retro-peritoneal gland in one, apparently healthy. Xo trypanosomes found in blood. Four rats (Exps. 132, 133, 134, 13S) (see Inoculations at Kasongo, page 243) were inoculated with from 5 to 4 c. cm. of blood ; none of them became in ectec . COQUILHATVILLE. Antelope (young Cephalophus dorsalis ?), no trypanosomes in blood. Inoculated two rats (Exp. 139, 140) (see Inoculations at ICasongo); never became infected. Stanleyville. Antelope (adult Cephalophus dorsalis ?). Gland juice and blood examined ; no trypanosomes seen. Prescapular gland, enlarged f, 4 by 3 by 2 cm., cortical congestion of it and retro-peritoneal glands. LOKANDU. Two antelopes (Cephalophus dorsalis ?) gland juice and blood examined ; no trypanosomes seen. 1 he blood and gland juice of an adult buffalo were examined and with its blood a rat (Exp. 13 3) "as re-inoculated ; trypanosomes were not found. Kasongo. Three antelopes (adult males, Tragelaphus scriplus). 1. Shot four hours previously, no trypanosomes in gland juice or blood. Prescapular gland 6 by 3 cm., iliac glands haemorrhagic 2. Shot three hours previously. Trypanosoma theileri in blood. Inoculated rabbit and two guinea-pigs with blood ; none became infected with any trypanosome. 3. Shot three hours previously ; no trypanosomes in gland juice, many in blood. Abdominal glands much congested and enlarged. Inoculated prom Antelo-pe No. 3. — Guinea-pig (Exp. 188). Inoculated January 28, 1905, with 1-5 c. cm. of blood showing three trypanosomes to field; not infected. April 19, re-inoculated with 2 c. cm. mixed citrate solution and blood from Exp. 189 showing one trypanosome to field ; June 19 infected ; trypanosomes were constantly present until animal’s death from pneumonia on August 30, 1905. Spleen 3x i'Sx'75 cm. normal ; glands congested, not much enlarged. Guinea-pig (Exp. 189). Inoculated with 2-5 c.cm. of blood as in Exp. 188; infected February 6, parasites constantly present in large numbers until death from pneumonia, August 30, 1905. Spleen large (6 x 3 x **5 cm.), soft, friable, congested; glands enlarged and congested. No trypanosomes were seen in blood just before death or in organ juices ; present in gland juice. Rat (Exp. 190). Inoculated with 2-5 c.cm. blood as in Exp. 188; not infected. April 19, re-inoculated with 2-5 c.cm. mixture as in Exp. 188; April 25, trypano¬ somes present, but were not again seen. Animal escaped June 19, 1905. Rat (Exp. 191). Inoculated and re-inoculated (April 19) as in Exp. 190; infected May 1. Parasites constantly present until it died of pneumonia September 19, 1905- Young guinea-pig (Exp. 230). Inoculated April 19, 1905, with 2 c.cm. blood from Exp. 189 ; infected May 6. Many parasites constantly present until death from the disease, July 6, 1905. On the journey from Kasongo to Lusambo the blood of the following animals was examined by cover-slip preparations : four Tragelaphus scriplus , one Can is anthus , six Hippotragus equinus, one Bos nanus (ten antelopes, a jackal and a buffalo). Trypanosomes were seen in none of them. V. MORPHOLOGY OF THE TRYPANOSOMES (a) Trypanosomes of cattle The trypanosomes seen in stained preparations of blood from the cattle, horses, antelopes and their sub-inoculations, are so nearly identical that one description will suffice. Slight variations and peculiarities will be mentioned separately. 1 hree types of trypanosomes were found corresponding closely to the description of T rypanosoma dintorphon as given by Dutton and 25J Todd.6 The first of these is a very short form resembling the "tadpole” form. It measures between 8 and 14 /j in length (most commonly 11 to 12-5) by from O’g to 3-4 fx in breadth (average 1-5). In this type the trypanosome is widest slightly posterior to the nucleus, and then gradually tapers towards the anterior end. The posterior extremity presents all gradations in shape from acute to rounded ; most commonly, however, it is rounded. 1 he anterior extremity is effilated. The blepharoplast is small, round or oval, and is situated close to the posterior end and at one edge of the trypanosome. In most of the parasites the undulating membrane could not be seen ; in those in which it was visible, it was extremely narrow. 1 he thickened edge of the undulating membrane is poorly marked and in all cases ends abruptly with the anterior end of the trypanosome. A tree flagellum is absent. The nucleus lies in the middle third, and as a rule occupies the whole width of the body. It is oval, and either stains quite homogeneously or is composed of a varying number of darkly - staining chromatin granules (5 to 17) arranged in no definite manner. These granules were not joined by connecting threads as far as could be made out. In only a very few cases could a structure suggest ing a karyosome be seen. The cytoplasm stains a light blue and appears to be quite homogeneous. It was usually devoid of granules, but in some cases contained them. The second type is allied to the “stumpy" form.6 It measures from 15 to 20/x in length (average 16/x) and from i'5 to 2'5/x in breadth (average 2 /i). It also lacks a free flagellum or, at most, has an exceedingly short one. In other respects it does not differ materially from the description given above. The third type resembles the “long" form.6 It measures from 20 1° 30jn in length (average 23 to 27/x) by from i’2 to 2/x in bieadth (average 1-5 tor7/i). The nucleus is rather elongated in the direction of the long axis of the body and as a rule stains quite intensely and homogeneously. This form has a fairly long free flagellum which measures from 2-5 to 6'5/u in length. The posterior extremity is ^her acute and the blepharoplast is situated farther away from it lhan in the other two types. In other respects it is comparable to the Uvo °ther varieties. Eala. The trypanosomes observed, with one exception, are of the long type, with a well-defined free flagellum. The exception measured I4M in length by 9/x in breadth, and conforms in all respects to the “ tadpole ” type. In these parasites the blepharoplast was of comparatively large size. Parasites of the “ long ” type in the process of longitudinal division were seen in preparations of the peritoneal fluid. In fresh preparations this trypanosome moved so rapidly that it was extremely difficult to keep it in the field of the microscope. By its rapid movement this parasite recalls the description of Trypanowu vivax by Ziemann.20 We are, however, satisfied that it is the “long" form of I rypanosoma dimorphon. Nouvelle Anvers. The parasites conform to the description of the “ tadpole " variety. One trypanosome of the “ stumpy ” variety, measuring I9'2 by i'9/r, was also found. In the one sub-inoculation the trypanosomes did not show any changes. ROMEE. The parasites are of the extremely short “ tadpole ” variety. In the direct sub-inoculations the parasite preserved the same characteristics with considerable constancy. In two cases (Exps. 148 and 1 51), in addition to the very short forms, trypanosomes corresponding to the “ stumpy ” forms made their appearance. The same holds good with regard to the second passage. This fact is of some importance. Dividing forms of the usual longitudinal type were observed in all the sub-inoculations. Lokandu. 1 rypanosomes of the first two types (the “ tadpole ” and “ stumpy” forms) were found in these cattle. The short “ tadpole ” forms were very much more common than the “ stumpy ” type. Sendwe. The parasites agree in all respects with the “ tadpole ” type. The examination was rather restricted, however, as the parasites were very scanty and only a few preparations were available. Kasongo. In the cow, Moiuma (No. 33), the trypanosomes are of the third, the “ long,” type, and possess a well-marked flagellum. In many of 253 these parasites a large vacuole was seen immediately in front of the blepharoplast. In this parasite the blepharoplast was comparatively large, and recalls the trypanosome seen at Eala. In the other cattle, Zilani (No. 8), Yolo (No. 9), and Keowkosiko (No. 60), the trypanosomes are of the “tadpole” variety. In Yolo, however, one parasite was seen of the “ long ” type with free flagellum and comparatively large blepharoplast. I he further history in sub¬ inoculations of the trypanosome derived from Yolo is of great importance in its bearing on the identity of these cattle trypanosomes. In the rat (Exp. 222), inoculated from Yolo, all three types were found. Of these the “ stumpy ” type, measuring from 15 to 1 8/x in length, was most abundant. In the subsequent passage this differentiation became more pronounced. The very short forms, measuring up to 14/4 in length disappeared, but the other two types persisted. The num6er of “ long ” forms increased with the progress of the disease, as was noted by Dutton and Todd in the case of 7 rypanosoma dirnorphon (°, page 37). The remaining two types can still easily be distinguished in experimental animals. The “ long ” form is more plentiful, is slender, and has a rather acute posterior extremity. The flagellum is fairly long and is actively motile, whipping from side to side with great vigour. The movements of the whole trypanosome are active and progressive. The trypanosomes of the “ stumpy ” type are rather broad ^d have a blunt posterior extremity. They move slowly, twisting round on themselves, then straightening out again, and so on. As a mle they maintain the one position and do not move from place to place. The undulating membrane moves sluggishly, and there appears to be no, or, at most, a very short, free flagellum. The body of the trypanosome is itself contractile. When buried between corpuscles {be movements of both forms become appreciably slower. (t>) Trypanosomes of the Kasongo stallions In the younger horse the parasites were identical with the tadpole” forms as observed in the cattle. Unfortunately, no su ln°culations were made from this animal. In the second horse, “ Toul,” the trypanosomes were of the secon ^ ‘stumPy”) and third (“ long ”) types as seen in the cattle. 1 he long 254 forms with free flagellum were in the majority. In both types the cytoplasm often contained small reddish granules, which were most frequently observed in the posterior half of the body. In some thirty sub-inoculations with this strain the trypanosomes of both types have been constantly present. At the inception of the disease the “stumpy forms are much more abundant, but as the affection proceeds the “long" type assumes the preponderance. In the monkey sub-inocidaUi a few of the “ tadpole” forms were observed. In fresh preparations the two types can be very easily distinguished. The long, slender form has a long flagellum and moves very rapidly, lashing in and out among the corpuscles. It progresses for a short distance, then stops, and in a few moments moves on again. It often moves fairly rapidly' across the whole field. Occasionally it adheres to a corpuscle, and after twisting and lashing about for a short time breaks free and moves off. While the parasite progresses with the flagellar end in front as a general rule, it occasionally moves backwards for a short distance. The second form is broader and shorter than the first, and is much more sluggish in its movements. I hese consist chiefly of doubling and twisting of the trypanosome on itself. 1 1 does not progress far, but remains pretty constantly in the one spot. The undulating membrane and flagellum are very poorly developed in this variety. In contradistinction to Dutton and rodd,b dividing forms, of the usual longitudinal type, were seen in this “ stumpy ” type. (c) Antelope trypanosomes In the antelope ( Tragelaphus scriptus) killed at Mswata trypanosomes corresponding to the “tadpole” type were seen, but were very scanty. In the one sub-inoculation the parasites retained this type. Dividing forms of the usual longitudinal type were observed. In the antelope at Kasongo the trypanosomes were of the second ( stumpy ) and third (“ long ’ ) varieties as found in the cattle. In the sub-inoculated animals these two types persisted; the stumpy orms being in the majority in the preparations examined. It was impossible to study this parasite fully, since the animal in which it was rought to England was accidentally killed and the strain was lost. 255 VI. ANIMAL REACTIONS OF THE TRYPANOSOMES (a) Trypanosomes of cattle The slight infectivity for laboratory animals of the trypanosomes in the majority of the cattle found infected is very striking. It is only at Roraee that experimental inoculations were at all successful. No morphological variation in the parasites was noted to accompany this difference in virulence. All the parasites seen agree with the types already described. The results of inoculation of various laboratory animals with the trypanosome obtained from Yolo , Steer 9 at Kasongo through rat (Exp. 133) are briefly given. Monkeys (2). Two monkeys, a Macacus rhesus and a Cercofithecus sp ? were inoculated intraperitoneal ly with small quantities of infected blood (o'5 and 2 c. cm. respec¬ tively). Trypanosomes were never seen in the Macacus , although it was carefully eiamined every day. It died 72 days after inoculation, from general tuberculosis. Parasites were found in the Cercofithecus on the second day after, but were only present in the peripheral circulation for two days ; they then disappeared and were never seen up to the time of the monkey’s death, some six weeks after inoculation. The monkey had a rise in temperature to 1040 F. while trypanosomes were present in the blood, but afterwards did not have a recurrence of the fever. A rat was subinoculated from this monkey on the day of its death with 11 c.cm. of almost pure blood, but has not become infected up to the present, 80 days after inoculation. Rabbits (3). The incubation period varies considerably, from four to sixty-nine flays, the usual time being about three weeks. The disease tends to he very chronic in these animals, as is strikingly exemplified by the Mowing experiment : - A rabbit was inoculated subcutaneously on May 3, 1906, with 4 c.cm. of ™«ted blood and became infected 25 days later. The trypanosomes were present ln icanty numbers for a week and then disappeared from the peripheral blood. lnce June 4, 1906, they have never been seen, although the rabbit has been un er continuous observation. On July 31, two rats were sub-inoculated from the rabbit, and bo* became infected after an incubation period of between two and three On November 12, 1906, another rat was sub-inoculated from the rabbit became infected two weeks later. Finally another rat was sub-inoculated on '£*** ‘W, and became infected after a prolonged incubation period of 47 J*". 11 wil1 thus be seen that the blood is still infective after the lapse of eleven D'J?'hs; 11 is said that unfavourable conditions, as lack of food, render amnia s mW 3rly suscePtible to trypanosomiasis and may cause a declaration of latent 10n In order to test this hypothesis this rabbit was placed on a very restnc : e . hom December 1, ,9o6, to the middle of February of this year. DunnSjb * seen IkT* ” Weight from 2’79° 6rm- to 2’°?5 g™- Trypanosomes whe never Jan0arv hK6 blood> however, and as stated above a rat sub-inoculated at the e - ,became infected only after a prolonged incubation. The temp mained normal throughout. 256 Rabbits do not show any symptoms, ’ but remain quite healthy and well- nourished. The trypanosomes are never very plentiful, and usually show periodicity. Two rabbits which died had extensive coccidiosis, and their death in less than four months after inoculation was probably due to this secondary infection. Post-mortem. — The spleen is slightly enlarged and rather congested. The lymphatic glands are usually quite pale, firm, and only very slightly enlarged Guinea-pigs (3). The incubation period is prolonged and the disease is also of long duration- up to 139 days. The animals remain quite healthy and the temperature does not rise during the disease. The trypanosomes are rather scanty at first, but before death occurs they increase in number and may finally be fairly plentiful. At the autopsy of those dead of the disease the spleen is found to be enlarged and rather soft. The lymphatic glands are increased in sixe to a slight extent and are quite pale in colour. Rats (14). Rats are rather susceptible to the disease. The incubation period is short, from five to fourteen days. It is interesting to note that in the rat sub-inoculated directly from the steer ( Yolo No. 9) trypanosomes were not seen until the lapse of 2 49 days. When once established, the disease runs a chronic course as a rule, lasting for from 40 to 254 days. The usual length is about 80 days. The parasites are scanty, but usually increase in numbers before the animal's death. Periodicity is marked ; the parasites may be absent from the blood for two or three weeks Ihe mode of inoculation has no influence on the incubation period. Large doses may cause the parasites to appear a little sooner than they otherwise would, but rats inoculated with such doses do not die any more quickly than those inoculated with small doses of infected blood. The quick passage of the trypanosome through a succession of rats (six) did not increase the virulence in any way. Post-mortem. — The spleen is enlarged, congested and rather firm. The lymphatic glands are slightly larger than normal, and are quite pale and firm- The other organs show no changes. Mice (2). As in rats, the incubation period is short, about four days, and the disease is chronic. One mouse is alive 219 days after inoculation and still infected. The trypanosomes are ahvayrs scanty, and may be absent from the peripheral blood stream for many days — 78 on one occasion. The post-mortem changes are similar to those found in rats. It will thus be evident that most of the common laboratory animals are susceptible to the infection. Mice and rats are most easily infected, guinea-pigs least. 1 he disease is chronic and lasts for a comparativel) long time. It produces few or no symptoms and the trypanosomes are usually present in but small numbers. The strain is not very virulent, and resembles in this the strain derived from the horse. (<£) Horse try pa nos omes The animal reactions of the strain derived from the second horse, Toul, are epitomised briefly below. 25 7 Monkeys (2). Two monkeys were inoculated, a baboon ( Pafio atiubis) and a Macacus rhesus. The baboon, inoculated intraperitoneally with 5 c.cm. of blood showing one trypanosome in from one to five fields, never became infected. The Macacus , inoculated subcutaneously with 2 c.cm. of citrated infected blood, became infected after an incubation period of six days. At the same time the temperature rose to :o5'4°. Unfortunately the further temperature chart is not of much value, as the monkey developed tuberculosis. The trypanosomes showed periodicity in their appearance and disappearance in a marked degree. The parasites were scanty at first, but became more numerous in the course of a couple of days and were afterwards present in fair numbers. The monkey died 107 days after inoculation, and at the autopsy the spleen and liver were found to be filled with tubercles. On the other hand, the lungs appeared quite normal. The lymphatic glands were not enlarged. Dogs. One puppy was inoculated subcutaneously with 1 c.cm. of citrated blood from a rat, and twelve days later trypanosomes were found in the peripheral circulation. The parasites have been periodic in their appearance and have never been present in large numbers. At the time of the first appearance of the parasites there was a alight rise in the dog’s temperature, but since that there have been no further increases corresponding to the appearance of trypanosomes in the peripheral circulation. The dog is quite healthy and presents no symptoms whatever. It is still living, 76 days after inoculation. Rabbits (5). five rabbits have been inoculated with varying doses of infected blood. The incubation period varies from eleven to twenty-nine days; most usually it is a out two weeks. The trypanosomes are periodic in their presence in the periphera blood and are usually rather scanty just before an increase in numbers. One rabbit only, showed in a marked degree the symptoms usually found in trypano¬ somiasis-emaciation, loss of hair with following ulceration of the skin, oedema of the external genitals and the base of the ears, increased secretion from the nostrils, conjunctivitis, haemorrhages into the anterior chambers of the eyes, panophthal¬ mitis and blindness. The animal also became very anaemic and there was a diminution in both the number of red cells and the percentage of haemoglobin- AH the others showed no symptoms. The disease is very chronic in rabbits, and lasted i73 and 178 days in the two which died from the disease. Two other rabbits led early in the disease from intercurrent affections. The fifth rabbit is s 1 a'lve> 76 days after inoculation. There was no marked rise of temperature when •be rabbits first became infected. At the post-mortems of the animals dying of the disease enlargement of the sPleen and lymphatic glands was the most noticeable feature. The lymphatics "eie pale in colour and were rather firm in consistence. The spleen was conges e ind rather soft. Guinea-pigs (io). Guinea-pigs appear to be most resistant. The incubation period varied between 'Cu and fifty-two days, six weeks being the average time. The disease, w en o 5t^hed, is 0f iong duration . death ensued in from 46 to 35* days, about 9 J being the average. Two are still alive, 76 days after inoculation. >P We s,iH present in both. In a few of the guinea-pigs the Para^ . - , tinuouidy present from the date of their first appearance in the P P" ^ maiorit 0" Until the animal’s death- They fluctuated in numbers, how ev . I ^ ceil t, ' penodici‘y was noticeable. Occasionally parasites were abs P eral blood for long periods, e.g. 34 and 67 days. 258 No symptoms of any sort are noticeable in guinea-pigs. The virulence ol the strain was not increased by successive passages through three guinea-pigs ; the incubation period and the duration of the disease were not affected. The tempera¬ ture chart does not reveal any rise during the course of the affection. The trypanosomes are usually rather scanty, but before the death of the animal they may increase in numbers until they are fairly plentiful. At the autopsy a more or less marked enlargement of the spleen was seer: The organ was congested and rather soft. The lymphatic glands, as a rule, were unchanged, though in a few instances they were slightly enlarged and in one case haemorrhagic. The other organs appeared normal. Rats (io). Rats are rather susceptible to the disease. The incubation period varies between one and forty-one days ; as a general rule it is about four to six days. The duration of the disease varied from nine to 253 days, usually about 70. In the acute cases the parasites are present continuously until death, and are usually fairly numerous. In the chronic cases periodicity is observed and the trypano¬ somes, when present in the peripheral circulation, are usually in small numbers. Increase in the virulence of the strain was not obtained by passage through a succession of four rats. Sub-inoculations made from other experimental animals became infected in approximately the same time. Post-mortem. — The spleen is enlarged and is congested and soft in consistence. Haemorrhagic infarcts were seen in one case. The lymphatic glands may or may not be enlarged. The enlargement is usually slight when it is present. The glands are pale and rather firm. The other organs normal. In one case subpleural petechiae were observed. Mice (2). As in rats, the incubation period is short, in our experiments about two days. I he disease is chronic and lasts for months — as long as five. When first present the trypanosomes are very scanty. They disappear in a few days and may not be seen again in the peripheral blood for weeks. In one case they were absent for fourteen. They reappear before death and increase in number until the animal succumbs. Post-mortem . The spleen is very much enlarged, congested, dark purple in colour, and rather soft in consistence. The lymphatic glands are not enlarged. The other organs appear normal. In general, the trypanosome is not very virulent. The incubation period is prolonged and, while the disease has always terminated fatally, death only ensues after the lapse of a comparatively long interval. The low degree of virulence is also manifested by the lack of symptoms and the absence of heightened temperature in the experimental animals. Efforts to increase the virulence by successive passages through any one species of animal (four passages) or through an alternation of animals, e.g., guinea-pigs, and rats (three of each; were without result. The parasites are scanty, as a rule, and in the more chronic cases exhibit periodicity in a very marked degree. In the following sections the cattle trypanosomes in the Congo Free State are treated as a whole. 259 VII. DIAGNOSIS An absolute diagnosis, of course, depends upon the demonstration of the parasite. The charts of the Kasongo cattle show that every means may frequently fail to show the parasites in infected animals. Of all the methods gland puncture was the most successful. In thirty consecutive examinations, at which parasites were detected either in the gland juice or in the blood, gland puncture was successful twenty-nine times, the examination of cover-slip preparations of blood thirteen times ; on one occasion trypanosomes were present in the blood and were not seen in the gland juice. T he same precautions must be taken in puncturing the glands of cattle as in those of men.3 The records of the animal inoculations (particularly at Kasongo, page 243) show that the animals we employed frequently remained uninfected after the inoculation of large quantities of blood containing living parasites. As a diagnostic test the sub-inoculation of laboratory animals was therefore often less sensitive than the examination of cover-slip preparations of blood. If we except the cattle at Romee (seven laboratory animals, all infected), the bovine trypanosomes (i.e. , first passages) were remarkable for their slight virulence in direct inoculation. Of twelve rats, four guinea pigs, two rabbits, two monkeys and four dogs inoculated at various stations, only one rat ever became infected. It is noteworthy that at present sub-inoculations into ordinary laboratory animals °f the strain derived from this rat are always successful. The virulence of this trypanosome in direct inoculations therefore seems to have increased for the animals employed. The original strains of trypanosomes obtained from the antelope and from Commandant Sillye’s stallion at Kasongo were much more •irulent in the first passages. No idea was formed of the absolute efficiency of gland palpation as a diagnostic test. In the animals found to be infected the superficial lymphatic glands were usually considerably enlarged ; some " ^em, not advanced cases, however, bad no evident glandular enlargenient. Many of the animals examined once, and not found to be infected, had glands as large as, or larger than, those seen in the 'nfected animals (this was especially so at Kasongo). . In the Gambia6 it was noted that a heightened temperature urnished a valuable indication of possible trypanosome infection in ^■ Charts I, II, HI, IV and V fully confirm this observation; °Ul a h,gh temperature observed once in an animal just thrown after a struggle in the sun has but little value. In such circumstances Stares of from ioic°F. to I03°F„ or more, were noted in Q 26o animals carefully examined for parasites without result and believed to be healthy. The enormous difficulty of demonstrating the presence of parasites in animals known to be infected is well illustrated by the observations at Kasongo. The importance of a well-kept temperature chart is shown by Liboko (Chart IV), whose temperature was constantly elevated, although parasites were seen but once. Animals suspected of trypanosomiasis for any reason should be isolated : their temperature should be regularly and quietly taken ; their gland juice and blood should be frequently examined, and laboratory animals should be sub-inoculated from them with doses of ioc.cm. of blood. An examination of this type extending over some months is necessary before an animal can even tentatively be said to be uninfected. VIII. SYMPTOMATOLOGY The symptoms are given in the order of their importance, Fever is practically always present. Listlessness, with progressive weakness, emaciation and anaemia are usually present. A tendency to diarrhoea, with small frequent watery stools, and enlargement of superficial lymphatic glands* are frequently striking features. Oedemas and running from the eyes and nose were seen in only one or two instances. Haemorrhages, eye lesions, staring of the coat and loss of hair were not observed. The appetite remains good to the end. In the autopsies done the enlargement of the lymphatic glands was by far the most striking feature ; the glands were either pale and very watery (particularly superficial glands) or congested and haemorrhagic (particularly abdominal or mediastinal glands). Oedemas were very rare, exudates were scanty, the spleen was not enlarged. We saw no petechial haemorrhages of serous membranes. On the whole, these findings are identical with those of Broden.3 IX. COURSE OF THE DISEASE The disease is sometimes exceedingly chronic, and the infected animal may live for many months. (See Exps. 143, 146, 133. Pa£es 23^. 239, 244, and below). If marked wasting continues death usually follows in both cattle and horses within a few weeks or three or four months. Occasional!} ‘"i an“nal at this stage if well cared for will recover flesh, and the * We are unable to say exactly apparent. We are inclined to manifestation. how long after infection enlarged glands beconif think that it may be a comparatively *ate z6i infection resumes the latent form. As is evident from the observations in many places, domestic animals may live an apparently normal life in distncts where trypanosomiasis is rife ; some infected animals may live for years in apparent health in such districts (see below). The following observations are interesting in this connection. The history of Horse VI suggests that animals naturally infected with Trypanosoma dimorphon may sometimes recover, but are not immune to re-infection. A stallion, Horse VI (Kef. 6, page 30), found naturally infected in the Gambia was brought to England. During two and a half years there were occasional rises in temperature, trypanosomes were occasionally seen, and its blood was infective to rats and mice (7). The temperature then became more regular, its blood was no longer infective, and parasites could not be found. In October, 1905, the super¬ ficial lymphatic glands were just palpable and too small to be punctured. During the winter of 1905, the animal became thin, &c., but trypanosomes were not seen. During the whole of 1906 the animal was healthy, its temperature was normal, and trypanosomes were absent from its blood. The glands remained too small to be punctured. From time to time inoculations were made into susceptible animals as follows July 23, 1906. A white rat, inoculated subcutaneously with 7 c.cm. blood. As it had not become infected it was re-inoculated on August 14 with 18 c.cm. almost pure blood. It died on the 5th of September without having become infected, f ause of death was pneumonia. October 23, igo6. A guinea-pig received 17 c.cm. of blood subcutaneously and fiied lebruary 2, 1907. Trypanosomes were never seen, and at the autopsy all the organs appeared quite normal. On the same day a rat was inoculated with 10 c.cm. r,f blood. It died on November 5, 1906, from pneumonia ; never infected. January 15, 1907 . A guinea-pig was inoculated subcutaneously with 20 c.cm. almost pure blood, and two rats with 20 and 15 c.cm. respectively. They have been carefully followed to date but have never become infected. Irom all these points we believe this pony had recovered from a natural '■'lection by T. dimorfhon. On the 21st of January, 1907, the pony was inoculated intraperitoneally with i t em, of infected citrated blood from a mouse infected with T. dimorphon. This foll°wed between the 6th and 9th of February by a rise in the animal s emperature, highest 102 5°, and again after a few days intermission to 103-2° on eibth: With these exceptions the temperature has been since about ioo°. li *,n lebruary 16, two rats were sub-inoculated from the pony with 1 7 c.cm. of JJ®each* 0ne °f these became infected on the 6th of March and died six days later Mar ,nmnerous trypanosomes. The second rat became infected on the 15th o rr.urti d‘ed 0n the a8th> also heavily infected. In both the spleen was very en arged. The trypanosomes were of the usual dimorphon type ( s iimpy “ long ’ forms). fn addition t0 the rise in temperature the pony lost its appetite and aPPea*®d careful • °St WClght for several weeks, but is now recovering. The bloo ' *en ■Teixam,ned every day but without result; trypanosomes have never e enlargemertt ^ands Were PalPated from time to time, but have s ovn 262 The following experiments indicate once more that animals inoculated in the laboratory with T rypanosoma gambiense may recover from the consequent infection. The connection between these and the preceding observations is evident. Their bearing on the question whether human trypanosomiasis is invariably fatal is most important. I. A brown stallion was inoculated in the Senegambia (6) from a case of human trypanosomiasis. For the earlier history consult Memoir X\ I (7) of this School. In October, 1905, the animal appeared to be quite healthy; no enlarge¬ ment of the glands was present, and no trypanosomes could be found in the blood. Its temperature was always normal. Sub-inoculations from it were made as follows: November 1.2, 1906. A guinea-pig was inoculated subcutaneously with ijc.cm. of almost pure blood. It was accidentally killed on the 31st of December. Trypanosomes were never seen. On the same date a rat was sub-inoculated with ioc. cm. Trypanosomes were never seen at any time. The rat died on l ebniary4. 1907, from acute enteritis. January 16, 1907. A guinea-pig and two rats were inoculated with 20, 17 and 20 c. cm. of pure blood respectively. The guinea-pig and the first rat are still alive and have never become infected. The second rat died on the nth of February from an extensive skin disease. This series of experiments pointed to the fact that the pony had entirely recovered from the infection by Trypanosoma gambiense. On January 21st it was re-inoculated subcutaneously with 7 c. cm. of citrated, infected blood, showing one try'panosome to one to five fields, from a guinea-pig infected with Trypanosoma gambiense. This, however, had no effect. The temperature has been taken twice daily for the past year ; there has been no rise, even after the inoculation. The animal remained in good health ; retained its appetite and did not lose weight. The pony was most carefully examined day by day, but trypanosomes were never seen. On March 15 two rats were sub-inoculated, receiving 30 and 250.011. respectively of almost pure blood. Up to date they have not become infected. On March 20 the pony was again inoculated intraperitoneally with 25c.cn!. of infected gambiense blood showing numerous trypanosomes. For a few days afterwards there was slight auto-agglutination of the cells, but trypanosomes have never been seen. As in the first instance, no rise of temperature or other morbid symptoms have been noticed. The experiments are still in progress. II. A donkey was inoculated in 1904 (7). Since the fall of 1905, the animal has been in perfect health. No enlargement of the glands, or trvpanosomes, have e\er been noticed. On January 16, 1907, a guinea-pig (20 c. cm. pure bloodl and a rat (20c. cm.) were sub-inoculated, but up to date have not become infected. On January 21 the donkey was inoculated subcutaneously with 7 c.cm. of blood from a guinea-pig infected with T. gambiense. No rise in temperature or other symptom followed. For a few days the red cells showed auto-agglutination, but trypano¬ somes were never seen. On March 15 two rats were sub-inoculated from the donkey with 35 c.cm. of pure blood each. Doth are still alive and have not become infected. On March 20 the donkey was re-inoculated intraperitoneally with 25 c.cm. of blood containing T. gambiense (one per field), but without result. No symptom? of any sort are apparent. The donkey is still under observation. III. 1 he cow inoculated by Thomas and Dreinl (7) was under observation until June, 1906, when the animal passed out of our hands. It was in good health all the time. No trypanosomes were seen and the glands were not enlarged. 263 IV. A monkey ( Cercopiihecus ) was inoculated May 17, 1904, with blood from i ^eping sickness case. She showed trypanosomes in her blood June 13; they were seen at intervals up to June 13, 1905, and not again. The animal died August 5, 1905, from miliary tuberculosis ; no trypanosomes were seen at the autopsy. (This experiment is reported merely for its interest, as showing a chrome infection by T. gambiense in a monkey.) X. CONCLUSIONS DISCUSSED A. Cattle trypanosomiasis probably exists everywhere in the Congo Free State. Broden3 is also of this opinion. Since large game and Glossina are practically omnipresent1 (perhaps with the exception of high land about Lake Kivu) it seems possible that it should be so ; at all events, trypanosomes were found in every herd examined save those at Nyangwe, Cabinda and Lusombo. That the cursor)' examinations made at these places might easily have failed to detect infected animals is certain (see charts). B. The causative trypanosome is probably identical with Trypanosoma dimorphon. Three ways of identifying trypanosomes are at present recognised; all of them are liable to error. They are (1) The morphology of the parasite in infected animals and in cultures* Cultures have been made of very few of the African trypanosomes, and were not used in the present instance. (2) Animal reactions. (3) Cross inoculations. (1) Morphology. It is well known that the form and dimensions of all trypanosomes may vary more or less, but when an unknown trypanosome varies in exactly the same way as does a known trypanosome (compare the Congo parasites we describe and trypanosoma dimorphon ) their variations become a strong proof of identity. And this especially in the present case, since no trypanosome of domestic animals shows such wide divergencies in form as does ^ dimorphon. •Ml the forms seen may be approximated to the three types of irypanosoma dimorphon as described by Dutton and Todd.6 At ^ala’ "’here the cow was suffering from an acute exacerbation of the d,sease, the - long" type were almost entirely seen, but one “ tadpole fomnvas observed. At Romee, where the disease was chionic, on y tary fanM S f^3enat'ons on Trypanosoma brucei and 1 that an State su§8est a realization of S<*a^* oa Pwould come with a fuller 1. asSl1ficatlor‘ and differentiation of various haematoz 3 h sts (Koch. |!SlieknCedg,e °i the,r ,ife cycles in either or ‘1 e^Me der KonigHch preussivt, lterscheidung der Trvpanosomenarten. Sitzung iqov) S,Schen Akedemie der Wissenschaften, XLVI Sitzung vom Non. 23, *9 5 264 the “ tadpole ” type was found. In the sub-inoculations, however, “ stumpy " forms made their appearance. At Lokandu the “tadpole' and “ stumpy ” forms were seen. At Kasongo “ long " forms were seen on one cow, and "tadpole " forms in the others. In one of these a "long’’ form was also observed. The “stumpy and "long "types was also seen in the antelope at Kasongo. Dutton and Todd described the “ tadpole ” as being present at the beginning of the disease, while the other forms of the parasite appeared later.1'1 It seems quite probable that the “ tadpole ” forms are really often present in chronically infected animals and that they give place to the “ stumpy ’’ and “ long " forms, as the disease becomes more acute, in either the original host or in sub-inoculated animals. That this is a probable explanation is supported by several observations in the present paper. For example, the history of the parasite as observed in the case of Yolo (p. 253), where we have the change from the minute form to the other two types in the sub-inoculations. The similar change seen by Broden3 in the case of his sheep and its sub- inoculation is of interest in this connection. Broden states that in the animals sub¬ inoculated from the cattle at Yumbi, the trypanosomes preserved the characteristics of those seen in the original animals. This observation seems to conflict with the explanation we have just given. He does not state definitely that forms with a free flagellum were absent, and fiom the fact that he compares some of his forms with the hyaline ones of Bradford and Plimmer which had a free flagellum, it seems possible that one was also present in some of the trypanosomes he saw. In this connection it is interesting to note that he observed only the petite forms in the cattle at Eala, whereas we saw both the "tad¬ pole and the long forms. The occurrence at the same time of trypanosomes of more than one of the types in several of our animals certainly also seems to point to the infection being caused by only one trypanosome rather than by two or more. (2) Animal Reactions. The virulence of various strains of trypanosomes (in the laboratory) may vary greatly. The effects of a parasite on experimental animals can therefore only be taken as a general indication and cannot be accorded specific value. A parasite can only be said roughly to be highly, fairly, or slightly virulent. With Trypanosoma dimorphon the Congo parasites come under the second class. 265 The variation in virulence observed in the various strains of cattle, horse, and wild game trypanosomes found in the Congo is certainly not sufficient to suggest that more than one species of parasite was present. (3) Cross Inoculation. This method depends upon the belief that an animal which has acquired immunity* to one trypanosome can only be re-infected by a trypanosome of a different species. We believe that this method is open to many fallacies, especially because of the enormous difficulties of applying it. (a, b, c). (a) Experiments and observations of many authors show how extremely difficult it is to be certain that an animal has definitely recovered from a trypanosome infection. Cases of known infection often arise in which every means of demonstrating the parasite may fail.t (b) For the same reasons an animal may become infected without the infection being detected. (0 Our observations on Horse VI show that an animal may be twice infected by the same parasite. Laveran (17) infected a rat with T. gambiense which had recovered a year previously from a previous inoculation. Martin (15) records somew at sum experiences with a sheep and a goat. lie states that “ une mfime trypanosome peu revetir des virulences variables et une forme attenuee ne vaccine point con re forme exaltee,” basing this on the work of Koch and Martini. This complica es Hie question of the identity of any one trypanosome, and shows that additiona cau ion must be observed in placing too much reliance on the results of cross inocu a 10ns. k is altogether probable that the immunity in trypanosome infections is qul e comparable to that seen in other protozoal diseases such as malaria and spiroc ae e infections, i.e., only a relatively active and not an absolute immunity is obtained. Although most authors, in describing a newly-discovered tiypano some, have found it difficult to say to what species their parasite belongs, the majority of the trypanosomes, other than 1 rypanosoma (qi9°4- ? 7 t f hilling. “ Versuche zur Immunisierung gegen Tsetsekrankheit. ei . Hv° DJ LII, S i49. Bd- 0.1, o ,49. . , ^E:in Mensei “ Handbuch dec Tropenkrankheiten,” Barth, L^ip^’ °ces Df J** 106 and 125. This article gives an excellent review, with refer important facts in our present knowledge of trypanosomes. . CHART III CHART I r T ?T CONCERNING THE TREATMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL TRYPANOSOMIASIS CONCERNING THE TREATMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL TRYPANOSOMIASIS 276 The strains of T. brucei employed killed rats in from five to seven days after inoculation. In the later experiments a particularly virulent strain was used which killed rats in from three to four days. This strain was obtained from a rat in which trypanosomes had reappeared after treatment by atoxyl. A similar result was obtained in four out of eight observations ; more work is being done on this point. In all cases the rule laid down by Thomas and Breinl1 was followed that the experimental treatment of animals infected with trypano¬ somiasis must not be undertaken unless the disease is well advanced— that is, unless the parasites are constantly present and the animal shows obvious signs of illness (loss of weight, &c.). -The poisonous dose of each drug, for the animals employed, was always ascertained as a preliminary step to experiment. The largest possible therapeutic dose was employed in every instance. The drugs were given subcutaneously in sterile solutions. Atoxyl, unless it was otherwise stated, was given in a 5 per cent, solution in sterile water. It was found necessary to use only fresh solutions, since atoxyl in solutions deteriorates rapidly.3 W hen experiments were first commenced, the solutions of atoxyl were kept for some little time.* It was noticed that their toxic effect on animals infected with T. brucei was evidently great. Out of 121 rats, 40 died within 24 hours ; out of 58 rats at a similar stage of infection treated with freshly made solutions of atoxyl only 10 died. This increased toxicity on standing was confirmed by observations on a solution of 5 per cent, atoxyl in water which had been kept exposed to light for seven months. Rats inoculated with -5 c.cin. of this solution died within four hours. It is interesting to note that a similar solution of atoxyl kept for the same length of time in a dark-coloured bottle in a cupboard was not nearly so toxic. T or purposes of comparison it is well to state here that as a general rule T. brucei reappeared in the circulation of rats, treated by atoxyl alone, in from 16 to 25 days after the interruption of the treatment. ut of 1 13 rats treated by atoxyl in the same manner as was employed in our mercury' experiments (see below) only three are still alive (at 126, 92 and 74 days after the cessation of treatment). In every case atoxy/wS had8 stSd t0"C eff®Ct of aqUCOUS so,utionS °f 277 in the following experiments, where sub-inoculations were made from experimental animals to test whether they were infected with trypano¬ somiasis, from i to 2 ccni. of blood were employed. The routine examination of the blood was made in fresh |-inch square coverslip preparations. Occasionally the blood of important animals was centrifugalised. For the first ten days or a fortnight after the completion of a treatment the animals were examined daily. As the animals lived longer the examinations became less and less frequent, until they were done approximately weekly. The atoxyl-treated controls were at first examined daily. When it was seen that the trypanosomes usually reappeared at about 16 to 25 days after the cessation of treatment examinations were omitted for the first two days after treatment. The blood of any animal evidently ill was of course immediately examined and, if necessary, sub-inoculations were made. II. STRYCHNINE Van Campenhout advised* that strychnine sulphate should be used in connection with atoxyl in the treatment of human trypano¬ somiasis. The following experiments were undertaken with the object of ascertaining whether strychnine sulphate has any action on trypanosomes when given alone, in conjunction with atoxyl, or when combined with arsenic or other drugs. Unless it is otherwise stated T. brucei was used in every case. (1) Strychnine sulphate alone (a) Prophylactic. — A rat was given g-ac.cm. of a i per cent, solution of strych¬ nine sulphate in eight doses between October 23rd and November 7t • inoculated with T. brucci. The infection took the usual course and the animal died on the seventh day after inoculation. - . . , , (*) Curative. — The treatment of four rats commenced on the first day of the appearance of parasites in the blood. Two rats got altogether 3 c.cm. o a oent. solution of strychnine sulphate. The remaining two rats receiv e c.c same solution in two doses. The rat receiving the largest dose showed sig °f strychnine poisoning but recovered. All the animals died on t e ir a showing trypanosomes. in the 'In private communications, reports in the lay pr. ess Utterly^in ^ 1 letin de 1 Academie royale de medicine de Belgique ( . strychnine is in Campenhout makes it clear that he considers that ,th f obably not 0n the parasite, but that it exercises a beneficial effect on the ner sue injured by the trypanosomes. 278 Two rats infected with T. gambicnse each received 32c. cm. of a • 1 percent solution of strychnine sulphate in five doses between the 5th and 16th November Parasites appeared on the 26th October. Both animals died on the 23rd November. In none of the above experiments were any signs of degeneration observed in the trypanosomes during treatment. (2) Strychnine sulphate followed, by atoxyl Curative.— Two rats each received -3c.cn!. of a -2 per cent, solution of strychnine sulphate on the second day of showing trypanosomes in the blood. On the third day, when the animals were moribund, they each received 7c.cm. of a •5 per cent, solution of atoxyl. One died. The second recovered and in the °i "'eek rei e’vecl three -5 c. cm. doses of a -2 per cent, solution of strychnine su p a e. t s owed trypanosomes on the 17th day after their disappearance as a result of the atoxyl treatment, and the animal died three days later. (3) Strychnine sulphate given in conjunction with atoxyl Curative. 1 he treatment of two rats was commenced on the second day of the appearance of trypanosomes in the blood. From the Sth to the 17th of October eac 1 received 3 2 c.cm. of a ‘5 per cent, solution of atoxyl in five doses and 9c.cn!. o a 2 per cent, solution of strychnine sulphate in nine doses. On the 16th .November (17 days after stopping the atoxyl treatment) trypanosomes reappeared. ne annua died four clays later, i'he treatment was repeated in the other (a rat su inocu ated from this animal at this time died in the usual way from nagana in a-'s11’ bllt trypanosomes eventually reappeared and the animal died on the 6th December. , treatnient of two rats was commenced 011 the third day of the appearance ot l . gambiense. From the 26th of October to the 23rd of November each animal receive 7 7 c.cm. of atoxyl in eight doses and 18-2 c.cm. of strychnine sulphate in wen y oses. One of the rats died on the 2nd December, the other on February 26th, 1907; each had many trypanosomes in its blood. (4) Strychnine sulphate preceded by atoxyl ^uratt The treatment of two rats was commenced on the first day of the appearance of T. orucei in the blood, 7 c.cm. of a -5 per cent, solution of atoxyl n^' ln two doses> and then, on the seventh day after the trypanosomes had animal! ’ reataient b3 strychnine sulphate was commenced. For a fortnight the on the- J„ecei^e \aiI-v 2c cm- of a -2 per cent, solution. The parasites reappeared trypanosome’ infection^’ ^ &tOXyI WM St°Pped’ and both animals died °f auJallnT “ e,aCh received *5 C.cm. of atoxyl on the third and fifth days of trvnanncmr ° ”’ appeared and both died within 22 days. The two remaining rats davs nf 2 C'UJ}' strFcbn’ne solution in four doses on the sixth and tenth ec ion. One died of trypanosomiasis in 17 days, the other in 23 days. (5) Strychnine arseniate of a -nf, ^ rats inoculated with T. brucei were given from *5 to 1-5c.cn!- anneannm f ,Ce” S° Utl°n strychnine arseniate on the second day of the appearance of trypanosomes in the blood. the third and^f of t,le dlscase was entirely uninfluenced and the animals died on he ^perimet. 7 ^ of the trypanosomes. In some ot experiments signs of degeneration of the parasites were noticed. 279 (6) Strychnine arseniate followed, by quinine arseniate Curative. — Four rats infected with T. brucei each received 2 5 c.cm. of a -06 solution of strychnine arseniate and 2-5c.cn!. of a -i per cent, solution of quinine arseniate, as in the preceding experiment. The drugs were given separately, at twelve hour intervals, each in three doses on three successive days. The animals died on the fourth day, that is two days after the appearance of parasites in the blood. A few degenerate trypanosomes were noticed on the second day. From these experiments we conclude that Strychnine has probably no harmful effect on Trypanosoma brucei or T. gambiense. III. ATOXYL, FOLLOWED BY MERCURY Our work has been directed by the idea5 that perhaps the recurrences in cases of trypanosome infection, after treatment by atoxyl, might be due to some resistant stage of the parasite which survived the first treatment by atoxyl and later gave rise to recur¬ rences of trypanosomes more or less refractory to atoxyl treatment. It was thought that these hypothetical resistant forms might be influenced by some other drug. A series of experiments on the treatment of animals infected by trypanosomes was therefore commenced in which atoxyl was followed by some other drug. Lp to the present the best results have been obtained by the use of atoxyl followed by mercury. We present the results of this treatment on rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei. [a) Atoxyl followed by the bichloride of mercury The same solution of atoxyl was used as in the preceding experi¬ ments. T he mercury was given subcutaneously in a O' 1 per cent, solution (Liquor Hydrargyri perchloridi, B.P.). 1 he mercury was never given until parasites could no longer be found by the examina¬ tion of coverslip preparations. That they were probably usually absent from the blood in an infective form is shown by the fact that n°ne of four animals inoculated, as controls, with blood taken from ;'uese experimental animals after their treatment by atoxyl have ever income infected. Experiment (no).— Four rats received subcutaneously 0-5 c.cm. of a 5 Per J Solulion of atoxyl (the same strength of solution is used in the same way «s otherwise stated, in all the following experiments) on the third day of infection, • e>ghth day after inoculation, with trypanosomes. On the four following days Cl,Cm of 1116 °'i per cent, solution of perchloride of mercury was given su "laneousiy (the same solution was employed in the following experiments). 28o Trypanosomes were never afterwards seen in any of these rats. One rat died 42 days after inoculation with trypanosomes. Another, being moribund, was killed 95 days after inoculation. Trypanosomes were not seen at the autopsy on either animal, and a rat sub-inoculated from the rat killed has never shown trypanosomes. 1 he remaining two rats are still alive, 181 days after inoculation. Rats and mice sub-inoculated from them on the 92nd and 156th days have never shown trvpano- somes and are still alive. Experiment (134). — Six rats received o-Sc.cm. of atoxyl solution in two doses on the second and third days after inoculation. The infection was severe ; one rat died before, two others just after the first dose of atoxyl. Two of the remaining rats received no further treatment. One died of trypanosomiasis in 27 days, the other in 22 days, after the cessation of treatment. In the last rat the course of atoxyl was followed by 1-5c.cn!. of mercury perchloride given in two doses on the fifth and eleventh days after inoculation, trypanosomes never reappeared. Thirty-one days after inoculation this rat seemed ill, it was therefore killed and another rat was sub-inoculated. Trypanosomes never appeared, and the sub-inoculated rat died of skin disease three months later. Experiment (149). — Five rats each received 05 c.cm. of atoxyl on the third day after inoculation. 1 wo rats received no further treatment,- one died (cause of death ?) in 16 days after inoculation, the other of trypanosomiasis, in 28 days (parasites reappeared three days before death). In three rats the atoxyl was followed by 2-7 c.cm. of mercury perchloride given m four doses on the sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh days after inoculation. One died (cause of death ?) in 4o days. The remaining two are still alive, 155 ays after inoculation. Mice sub-inoculated from them 130 days after inoculation have not become infected. Experiment (159). — Six rats each received 0*5 c.cm. of atoxyl on the fourth day after inoculation. Three rats which received no further treatment showed trypano- somes m from 12 to 24 days and died in from 15 to 27 days after inoculation. I he other three rats received 2-7 c.cm. of perchloride in four doses on the se\ent to tenth clays after inoculation. Trypanosomes reappeared in none of them. One rat died on the eighth day after inoculation (cause ?), another on the eleventh day (pneumonia). The last rat is alive 133 days after inoculation, and mice sub-inoculated from it on the 108th day are not infected. Experiment (161).— Two rats each received 0 5 c.cm. of atoxyl on the fifth day after moculaUon. One rat had no further treatment and died three days later. ♦v, 6 er rat rece*vec* 1'9c-cm- of perchloride in three doses on the eighth, en an twelfth days after inoculation. Trypanosomes reappeared on the 15th ay. Another 0-5 c.cm. of atoxyl was given at once, but the animal died next day. I reatment was probably commenced too late here ; both animals were almost moribund when the atoxyl was given. It is possible that the result might have been better in the mercury-treated rat, had a larger dose of atoxyl been given. One dose is probably insufficient for so heavily-infected an animal. It may be questioned whether the parasites were ever entirely absent from the circulation. t. f 'XP®®I''EN1 (2^4)- Six rats w-ere inoculated; one died on the third day. v e tourth day the remaining five rats received 1 c.cm. of atoxyl in two dose; wo a no urther treatment. Trypanosomes reappeared in them in 20 to 23 day er the cessation of treatment, and they died a couple of days later, of trypanc somiasis (30 days after inoculation). 28i Three rats, after the atoxyl, each received 27 cm of perchloride in four doses on the fifth to eighth days after inoculation. Trypanosomes were not again seen in any of them. One rat died (spleen enlarged, cause of death ?) 20 days after inoculation; the remaining two are alive 123 days after inoculation. Mice inoculated from them 98 days after inoculation were not infected and are still alive. Experiment (294). — The treatment of six rats was commenced on the fourth day after inoculation ; their infection was heavy and two died on the fifth day. The remaining four rats received 1-40. cm. of atoxyl in three doses on the fourth, eighth and tenth days after inoculation. Two rats had no further treatment ; trypanosomes reappeared in them in 34 and 41 days after the cessation of treatment. They died two to four days later (53 days after inoculation). In two rats atoxyl was supplemented by 27 c.cm. of perchloride given in four doses on the fifteenth to nineteenth days after inoculation. Trypanosomes have reappeared in neither of them. On the thirtieth day after inoculation one of these rats died (cause of death ?) ; after the second dose of atoxyl this animal had shown very marked signs of intoxication. The remaining animal is still alive 95 days after inoculation. A rat and mouse sub-inoculated from it 43 and 70 days after inoculation are alive and uninfected. Experiment (296). — Four out of 12 rats died during the night of the second day after inoculation. On the third and fourth days the remaining eight received ic.cm. of atoxyl in two doses. Four rats received no further treatment ; one of them died almost immediately. Parasites reappeared in the other three in from to to 41 days after the cessation of treatment and all died in from 16 to 49 day's after inoculation. On the fourth, eighth, tenth and eleventh days after inoculation 27 c.cm. of perchloride was given in four doses to each of the remaining four rats ; one died [intoxication ?) after the first dose. All of the three rats were negative until 36 days after inoculation, when trypanosomes reappeared in one of them. The other two are still negative at 84 days after inoculation ; mice sub-inoculated from them at 59 days after inoculation have not shown trypanosomes. The rat in which trypano¬ somes reappeared received 1 c.cm. of atoxyl in two doses on the day its relapse was detected, and the second day after. It then received 17 c.cm. of perchloride in three doses on the fifth, seventh and ninth days after the relapse. Parasites again reappeared in 14 days after the relapse. Atoxyl was again immediately given (ic.cm. in two doses on successive days) ; the trypanosomes disappeared as usual from the peripheral circulation. The animal died unexpectedly seven days later. Trypanosomes had not reappeared in its peripheral blood ; spleen and lymphatic glands were enlarged. This is the only instance of a recurrence of trypanosomes after a satisfactory combined treatment by atoxyl and mercury. In this experiment treatment was certainly commenced very late. There Was a smaller interval between the administration of the two drugs than is usual ; but there were probably no infective trypanosomes left ln Ae peripheral circulation after the atoxyl treatment, since a rat subinoculated at that time has not shown trypanosomes and still lives. Experiment (297).— On the third and fourth day after inoculation 10 rats received ic.cm. of atoxyl in two doses ; two rats died during the night of the third da-v- Four rats received no further treatment. Trypanosomes reappeared m them frnra 13 to 24 days after the cessation of treatment and they died two or three days later. 282 The remaining four rats received 2-7 c.cm. of perchloride in four doses on the sixth to tenth days after inoculation ; trypanosomes were not again seen in any of them. One rat died (cause ?) 25 days after inoculation. The remaining three art still alive, 56 days after inoculation, and mice sub-inoculated from them on the thirty-first day are alive and have never shown trypanosomes. When viewed in the severest light the results of these experiments are distinctly encouraging. The combined treatment by atoxyl and mercury was given to 25 rats in advanced trypanosomiasis; all would certainly have died a very few hours later. Of them 13 are still living (after 181 to 56 days) while all the controls, which received, at the same time, the same quantity of atoxyl alone, are long since dead Experiments have been commenced in which the effect of repeated doses of atoxyl is compared with this combined treatment by atoxyl and mercury. The three rats in Experiments 159, 161 (see above) which died soon after the commencement of treatment, should probably be disregarded, since in these instances treatment was commenced very late. The cause of death of many of the treated animals is obscure. It must be asked whether death was ever wholly due to intoxication from the drugs administered. There were two recurrences of trypano¬ somes (Experiments 16 1 and 296). Two subinoculations in rats made from the treated animals dead in Experiments no and 134 are still alive. It therefore seems doubly doubtful whether death was in these instances due to trypanosomiasis. If these facts are considered our results become still more encouraging* (<£) Atoxyl followed by Donovan's solution f atnwl^6 m'IE ^3 1 °) ■ Tight rats received 1 c.cm. of a 3 per cent, solution of rlnriha m W<U«rt night- . 0,1 the sixth, eighth and tenth days 1-5 c.cm. of them are tin° 'i-10” WaS gIven in three doses to the remaining six rats. All of dav aw „i; 3 ue 44 'fays after inoculation; mice sub-inoculated on the nineteenth day are alive and have not shown trypanosomes. This experiment quite confirms those which have preceded it ; it seems certain that such a combined treatment as we describe should e given a thorough trial in the treatment of human and animal trypanosomiasis. T. 6in S P°ui npa' m ^ 3 f tyPuL at Present under observation, on T. brucei and complete accord 4,h the SfuiJobtafned^ram!1 d°"leyS h“V per cent Iodide of mercury, , per cent. of Iodide of arsenic in water. 2«3 It has been abundantly proved by the work of many previous observers and by our own preliminary experiments that mercury perchloride alone will not cure trypanosomiasis. That it has a marked beneficial effect when preceded by atoxyl is shown by the results communicated in this paper. How has the mercury acted? A tempting explanation would be that atoxyl attacks and kills the usual active well-known phase of the trypanosome found in the peripheral circulation, but that there exists somewhere in the tissues an inert,- resting phase, or that such a phase is formed from the active phase by the action of the atoxyl.12 On this phase the atoxyl has no poisonous action or an ineffectual one, but on it the mercury salt, which conversely has no action on the active form, has a powerful poisonous action. The result is that the inert form exists after atoxyl treatment in the tissues. On stopping the drug, or on the trypanosome becoming inured to it,f there is a recurrence of the active fonn and a fresh outbreak of the disease. The mercury prevents recurrence by killing the inert form. This hypothesis suggests the application successively of two or more remedies, each attacking a different phase of the existence of protozoan parasites. Two such remedies attacking two successive phases aie likely to prove more successful than two remedies attacking the same phase. T For example, Mesnil and Nicolle and Aubert9 have shown that atoxyl in alternation with their aniline colours (Ph and Cl) is practically not more effectual than atoxyl alone.§ Here two agents identical in action are administered ; the novelty ot a mercury salt aftei atoxy lies in the fact that the mercury is not active in the same phase as the atoxyl. From this point of view it would be of interest to discover whether the mercury salt would be equally eflectual after the aniline trypano cides, and this we are proceeding to investigate. *We owe this suggestion primarily to Dr. lhomas. , + F.hrlich (u) has produced strains of trypanosomes unintluencec y a oxy • + Trypanocidal substances known to have a by Ehrlich (8) [npanosomes are the following: by Ehrlich and -h g ' ’’ - j , lrvDan-blue) and Cl jCpan-blue; by Mesnil and Nicolle (9), colours V '-\!V: 11 • ; and'llreinl (1), atoxyl. bWendelstadtand Fulmer (to), malachite green: bv lhomas and Breml < ~ $ Combined treatment along these lines has been attempted by many authors notably by Laveran (6) and Thomas and Breinl (1). It is concluded that : — (1) In the treatment of rats infected by Trypanosoma bructi the administration of atoxyl followed by mercury perchloride gives better results than does uncontinucd treatment by atoxyl alone. (2) The combined treatment should be given a careful trial in natural trypanosome infections of man and animals. (3) The treatment must be commenced as early in the infection as possible ; full therapeutic doses of the drug must be given; fresh solutions of atoxyl must be employed ; c probably the mercury should not be given until the parasites have been driven from the peripheral circulation. LITERATURE 1. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- Thomas and Breinl. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Memoir XVI, 1906. \ an ( AMi'hNHOUT. Bulletin de l'Academie Koyale de Medicine de Belgique. 1907. Breinl and Todd. British Medical Journal, January 17th, 1907. avera.v. Bulletin de l’Academie de Medecine, 26th February, 1907. Moore, Nierenstein and Todd. A note on the Therapeutics of Trypano- somiasis, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Vol. 1, No. 1, C‘ R- de 1Acad- Sciences T. CXL, 17th April, .905, p. 108; also Ehrlich and Shiga. Berl. Klin. Wochenschrift, 1907, N 13/17. Meyer”.' Ther&pie der ^egenwart, Vol. 48, p. .29 (Reported by N. ‘?T* anfl ^IC0LLE> anci Albert. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1907, Deutsche med. Wochenschrift, 17th Nov., 1904' Wendelstadt and Fulmer. N- 47. P- 1711. , Chemotherapeutische Trypanosomenstudien, Berliner Klinische uresent ’ ,.9°7.’ N°' 9'12’ P- 33- This paper was received after the present communication was completed and in the printer's hands. parasite3 of aS^,'VIN'Moo®Ei Preliminary note on the life history of the parasite of Sleeping-sickness,” Lancet, 3rd April, 1907. intravenously* (1). "K"’ Wh° " ta*'e the necessary precautions, atoxyl is best givei CONCERNING CERTAIN PARASITIC PROTOZOA OBSERVED IN AFRICA S 28 7 CONCERNING CERTAIN PARASITIC PROTOZOA OBSERVED IN AFRICA* Being the Eighth Interim Report of the Expedition of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to the Congo , 1903-5 BY THE LATE J. EVERETT DUTTON, M.B. VlCT. (WALTER MYERS FELLOW, UNIVERSITY OK LIVERPOOL) JOHN L. TODD, B.A., M.D. McGill (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OK PARASITOLOGY, MCGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL) AND E. N. TOBEY, A.B., A.M., M.D. Harvard (DEMONSTRATOR AND RESEARCH ASSISTANT, LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE) (Received for publication May id, 1907) Part lit MAMMALS (continued) DOGS leucocytozoon. In films of fresh blood taken from an apparently healthy native puppy in the Gambia free gregarine-like forms were seen which moved slowly in much the same way as do free drepanidia. Intra- corpuscular forms were not seen ; the stained slides have been mislaid From this observation it seems probable that parasites resembling the haemogregarines described in Indian dogst may also occur in the Gambia. 'e desire to acknowledge our indebtedness to Dr. ]. W. B- for ind aid in the preparation of the drawings accompanying Je prewn unication, and in the examination of some of the slides of Art rop ’art I of this paper appeared in Memoir XXI of the Liverpool School o Medicine. ror example, Christophers: Leucocytozoon cants, Scientific Memoirs o e is of the Medical and Sanitary Department of the Government of Ind . ■ No. 26, 1905. 288 BIRDS Very many birds of widely different species were examined Only those in whose blood parasitic protozoa were found are mentioned here ; several trypanosomes found in Gambian birds are described in a previous publication, Memoir XI of this School. Proteosoma was never seen. H alter idium was very common among the small birds and pigeons examined in the Gambia. In the Congo Halteridium was seen only once or twice in small birds and in none of those in which the parasites described below were found. ASTURINULA MONOGRAMMICA. (A grey hawk common in the Congo Free State.) One of these birds was shot about midday at Lokandu and its blood was at once examined. In fresh specimens actively moving trypanosomes were seen ; dried films were therefore made at once. On studying them parasites of the same type as the LeucocytozoU of Danielewsky1 (Plates XX-XXIII, figs. 48, 72) were seen to be present in large numbers. A second hawk of this species was shot at Lu sambo. Its blood contained a trypanosome of apparently the same species as that observed in the first hawk ; the Lcucocytozodn was not seen (one small slide examined). Lcucocytozodn zicmanni. Under the name of Lcucocytozodn zicmanni , Liihe2 gives a good review of our knowledge concerning this parasite; to his list of leferences two additional papers3, 8 should be added, in which the occurrence of similar parasites is reported in America and in Egypt Although the name Lcucocytozodn has the priority, its use seems unfortunate, since the parasite to which it here refers is probably parasitic in other cells besides white cells4,6 and it has no resemblance to the recently-described, undoubted leucocytozoa of mammals. Mule (figs. 48-61) and female (figs. 62-67) gametocytes of the types fully and finally described by Schaudinn4 and previously reported by Sacharoff, Ziemann,6 Laveran6 and Berestneff7 were frequent. In addition, many other undescribed forms of the parasite were seen, rom the nature and scantiness (four slides) of our material, it is 289 impossible to attempt a far-reaching study of the parasite. Never¬ theless, a fairly complete description is given of some forms constantly observed. This is done with the purpose of insisting on what an excellent object for study this type of parasite is ; especially since some of the forms seen seem in some measure to harmonise with Schaudinn’s description4 of the development of Spirochceta ziemanni in the blood stream. Schaudinn gives no particulars but simply states that the development of Spirochala ziemanni differs in no important point from that of Hamo proteus noctuee. In our specimens the forms already frequently descnbed as makrogametocytes (figs. 66, 67, 69, 72, 73). and mikrogametocytes (figs. 48, 49) are easily recognisable, and in the main their appearance is in accord with previous descriptions. It is noticeable that in all forms of the parasite the nucleus of the host-cell is but little flattened, and practically never takes the dumb-bell-like shape described by former observers in similar parasites. The position of the host nucleus in the adult parasite varies according to the position in which the parasite dries on the slide. Although it is usually- placed laterally at a point about midway between the two extremities of the parasite (fig. 49), it may occur in any position. It has frequently been extruded (fig. 65), and gametocytes without any included host¬ cell nucleus are not uncommon (fig. 66). The general structure of the parasites of each sex at all stages of development is the same. Each parasite has periplast, ectoplasm, endoplasm and nuclear bodies. The “ periplast ” consists of a non- granular, pink-staining (always ?) sheath which invests the whole of the parasite. In it run fairly numerous faint, non-staining, longitudina , or, if the parasite is twisted, apparently diagonal striations (these can be seen by careful examination in even the youngest parasites). I he periplast with its striations is, as a rule, best seen in the more lightly staining mikrogametocytes (fig. 5°)- tlie aclu^ ^or”ls the periplast is prolonged at either extremity into long slen processes. When the matured parasite becomes rounded, preparatory to conjugation, the periplastic sheath (fig. 7/) 4S thrown off toget er with the effete host-cell nucleus 1 (fig. 31)- A similar process probably occurs in the change from the testing to the motile stages (Schaudinn)4. Appearances in young parasites (Plate XX), as well as in t e 290 gametocytes, whose effilated extremities have a distinctly granular structure, indicate that an “ ectoplasm ” exists quite distinct from the periplast. In the young parasite its tendency is to stain blue; in the adult it is pink. The “ endoplasm ” is the most striking part of the whole parasite. So much so that it, with the nuclear bodies, has been described by some as the whole of the parasite. In the makrogametocytes the endoplasm stains a deep blue (fig. 73). It frequently contains large numbers (20-30) of coarse, or fine, vividly chromatophilic granules and many small, circular non-staining areas— “ vacuoles.” The endoplasm of the mikrogametocytes (fig. 49) stains much less deeply, and rarely contains granules or vacuoles. The endoplasm appears to consist of a system of wide alveoli filled with a more or less granular protoplasm. This structure is particularly well seen in the makrogametocytes. The sexual variation in the endoplasm exists, though in a minor degree, in some of the smallest parasites (endoplasm measures 4//, by 3/i). The form of the nuclear bodies ” varies enormously, according ° the sex and stage of development of the parasite. I he amount of chromatophilic material-" nuclear material” in V- C>S11 S<~nse Present 1S much greater in the adult male (fig. 53) ,, n f 6 ema^e parasites (fig. 67). For convenience of description he various nuclear structures observed at different stages of “niirl ^m>f ^ , fre, ^ven t^ie following names: “ chlamydoplasm,”* line ” epharoplast,” with an accompanying “vacuole,” “the m . fn <;ert'Un “ dots'” whose nature is certainly problematical. It and th f ear y Understoocl fhat these names are only descriptive funrtir^ °f r .ma^enal has not enabled us to definitely ascertain the stain-' "5 Jb°dieS ‘° WWch ** « applied The fixation and bv nrf mpl°yced are both ^Ity. The parasttes are often d, started -f f - r-.% dissected '’ specimens C g fr0m SUch “ fortuitOUS')' tunatelv a riifF f I!‘ I2, 'S’ 36)- Romanowsky is, unfor- blepharonh ^ u”' and the details °f dense structures, such as hopelessly obscured. ' From Gr. Vkauv^ =a cloak 7 - indicate the diffusely Dink -.r 1 lls name is adopted as a descriptive terra to preference to other terms indi sur.ro“nt*mg the nucleus. It is employed in wish to assert nothine rnn ^ *n®- sim*,ar structures since we know nothing, and fc, concerning its function. The “ chlamydoplasm ” is a diffuse, light-purple-staining area whose outlines, though very irregular, are, nevertheless, usually definite. In the female parasites (figs. 66, 67, 72, 73) and in males with lines (figs. 33-46) it is comparatively compact. In older mikrogametocytes its mass becomes greatly increased (figs. 50-5(0) and its outline is less definite (figs. 58, 61). It may lie compactly about the nucleus or stretched out (fig. 76) and distributed in any way through the endoplasm. If it is divided, one part remains with the nudeus, the other is about, or near, the blepharoplast (Fig. 50). The “ nucleus ” is employed as an indefinite term to designate the denser collection of chromatin enclosed in the chlamydoplasm. Its shape varies considerably ; possibly its nature does so also. The “ blepharoplast ” is the term applied to a very deeply staining collection of chromatin usually occurring quite alone in the endoplasm, and showing a distinctly granular structure (figs. 3» 55’ 4^)- younger parasites (figs. 3, 5) only two *-° f°ur granules, arranged in pairs, can be counted. In the older parasites (figs. 68, 71) the blepharoplast consists of one central granule and from six to eight other granules joined together by fine lines and situated about the periphery of the sphere of translucent chromatophilic material in which they are placed, and outside the chlamydoplasm. As a rule, no blepharoplast-like body exists separate from the nucleus in parasites which show the line formation ; rarely one is present (%• 37). In such parasites the line seems to have split at the end opposite to that at which the free blepharoplast is placed. This “blepharoplast” is probably formed by division of the ‘‘nuclear” mass of chromatin. An oval non-staining or more lightly staining area, the “ vacuole,” is very constantly associated with the blepharo¬ plast in parasites of all ages. It may vary greatly in size (figs. 53> 73)- "Dots,” or chromatic granules similar to those illustrated in figs. 15- !9, 23- 47, 59, were seen in a few instances. They occur in parasites °f all sexes and sizes in any position. It is impossible to say anythin^ concerning their function from our specimens. In one parasite of the type illustrated in fig. 71 a chain of five pairs of granules, arranged 'n a column, occurred within the chlamydoplasm and in immediate connection with the nucleus. In the same way a column of three Pairs of granules has been seen placed beside the blepharoplast. n 0ne or two cases a pair of granules was joined by a fine thread. 292 Lnfortunately, our material does not permit a full description and explanation of the developmental phases of these nuclear structures We can only describe a few of the appearances observed. One process, however, the formation of a “ line,” seems common to all sexes and ages of the parasite. 1 he line is widest about the middle, and tapers to either extremity. It is usually gently curved; rarely it seems to be slightly wavy. This effect is probably produced by the over-lying striations of the ectoplasm. W e have not determined exactly how this line is produced, nor what is its significance. The morphological changes attending its appearance in the younger parasites are as follows: — The nuclear material, in the youngest parasites (fig. 2, 6), consists of a deeply chromatophilic area, connected with which is a larger pinkish area often containing a few chromatophilic granules. A line is projected apparently from the denser nuclear mass (fig. 1). At the distal end of this line a smaller, densely-staining area appears (fig. 3). The steps intervening between this stage and that shown in figs. 16, 17, 18, where a commencing line is apparently arising from the lighter, not the darker, part of the chromatic material, have not been determined. It is possible that the forms shown in figs. 4, 5, 9. 10 may intervene at this period. In slightly injured parasites, of all ages (figs. 15, 36), it is seen that the line is composed of several (up to four counted) filaments. Sometimes (figs. 28, 33, 33a) it may split longitudinally, apparently normally ; and (?) in such cases the nucleus sometimes also divides (fig. 39). Multiplication of the parasite has not been seen. This appearance is the only one observed which in any w ay suggests division. I he line may also divide transversely in the following manner. A portion of the line situated in the chlamydoplasmic area becomes thinned (figs. 26, 32, 40, 41).* An oval pink area differentiated from the rest of the nucleus surrounds this constriction. At either side of the constriction a dark granule ve ops in the line (fig. 32). Connecting these granules is a very fine me or axial filament.” (The “ nucleus ” in one instance (fig. 26) was connected to one of these granules by a line.) n another, slightly squashed specimen a filament connected the me with a differentiated “nuclear” area situated in the chlamydo- ,hr J hCCa^Tnally the blepharoplast through a defect in staining, produce or nucleus may lie over the line and so, an appearance resembling a constriction. 293 plasm and then with a “ blepharoplast." In some cases the granules and connecting filament can be discerned in the line even before the constriction becomes visible ; in two or three specimens a wavy blue line was associated with the “ line ” (figs. 38, 46, 62). We make no suggestion concerning its nature. The further development of this process was seen in only one specimen (fig. 44), here the two halves of the line are widely separated. The proximal extremity of each is capped by a dark granule and surrounded by diffuse chromatin material, while between them runs the faint axial filament, whose apparent origin has been described. The process as thus observed seems comparable to the first stages of the formation of motile apparatus in the trypanosome-like stage of Haltertdium (Hcenioproteus) noctuce , Schaudinn. The possibility suggests itself that the formation and transverse division of the "line” may represent the third division of nuclear material described bv Schaudinn, and that the axial filament may represent the flagellar apparatus of a future trypanosome. Unfortunately, our specimens permit us to go no further than merely to suggest this hypothesis. Since line formation occurs in parasites of all sizes, it is a process common to all ages of the parasite. This is also true of the develop¬ ment of the trypanosome-like, motile stages of Hcemoproteus , and is another point of resemblance between these two processes. Objections to this interpretation of the line formation are : (0 None of the smallest trypanosome-like or spirochaete-like stages representing the motile stage of the youngest intracorpuscular parasites were seen. This is strange in a bird so heavily infected. The trypanosome which was present (described below (figs. 29 and 1°))- if it has any connection with the leucocytozoon, probably represents the motile stage of a mikrogametocyte. (2) Forms (figs. 45, 46, 63, 64) in which the length of the line has ,ecome much extended do not seem to harmonize with this hypothesis. Advanced stages of transverse division of the line were seen but rarely (figs. 26 and 44 are unique). The line may lie in any position. It may be connected with its nu(Teus at its centre or by one end (figs. 45> 74)- Although it is usually almost totally in the endoplasm of the parasite, its extremities niaV extend into the ectoplasm (figs. 39- 4^> 74)- According to the ln which the parasite has dried on the slide the line may be at 294 the side of, above, or below the host-cell nucleus. The line is the most resistent part of the parasite, and is often intact when the rest of the parasite has been destroyed in the making of the film. Young forms, smaller than those illustrated (figs. 6, /, 8, 13), occur in which it is impossible to detect any structure beyond the presence of a spot of chromatin in a slightly larger area of blue endoplasm. Every intermediate stage occurs between these tiny organisms and such larger, line-bearing parasites as figs. 24, 25. Intermediate stages, without the line, are not seen between parasites of this size and the adult gametocytes. Intermediate stages with the line are frequent (fig. 26). The younger parasites are spherical or have rounded ends (figs. 4, 13, 25); as they become larger their extremities become pointed and affiliated. Many figures in Plate 1 indicate that the younger parasites are amoeboid. This, and the fact that one or two very young parasites were seen free in the plasm, suggests that the parasites may be able to wander from host-cell to host-cell without the development of a motor apparatus. Such a process is described in Heemoprotcus noctuee* It is evident from changes in form of the adult parasites (figs. 59, 63), apparently not due to artefacts, that they retain up to a late stage something of the plasticity of the younger parasites. The younger parasites seem to apply themselves to (figs. 1, 4, 25) or to enter (figs. 13, 16) the host- cells. The larger parasites engulf them (fig. 26). It is noteworthy that the parasite’s endoplasm is always in close connection with the cell nucleus. As far as staining reaction and appearance goes, it is evident (figs. 6-8, 13, 21, 25) that the host-cells often are mononuclear white cells ; very rarely granular leucocytes are attached. I robably as the infection becomes older, the host -cell, particularly the nucleus, becomes larger and stains deeply (figs. 24, 26, &c). It is noteworthy that the nuclei of the host-cells harbouring female parasites are more often extruded and when present are more degenerated than is the case in the male parasites (figs. 62, 73) Since Romanowsky is a stain which does not penetrate, host-cell nuclei lying beneath the parasite are frequently almost unstained. In such specimens it is often difficult to make out the relative arrangement of host-cell and parasite. 295 Mult Female forms. Adult female parasites, makrogametocytes, are rather less numerous and larger than adult male parasites. Their general characteristics, as outlined above, are : deeply-staining endoplasm, containing more or less numerous chromatophilic granules and small clear spaces — “ vacuoles ” ; and small amount of nuclear material, as compared with the male parasites. The average measurements of the most usual type of makrogametocytes (figs. 65, 67) are: — Total length, 55'6//; endoplasm, length 20-3^, breadth 9'S^i. Slender forms igs. 62, 73) in which these measurements were 6yifx, 22 and 8'5^t respectively, as well as stumpier forms (fig. 69) measuring 47/i, 16^, and 14 n, were constant types. Much effilated forms (fig. 72) are rare. They occur most frequently in the thickest parts of our blood smears. In the most usually seen form (fig. 67) the nuclear material forms a diffusely-pinkish area (chlamydoplasm ?), usually without a sharply-defined limit, but possessing a definite oval contour. In it, or immediately adjacent to it, is the more or less deeply-staining, often granular, hlepharoplast ( ?). Adjoining the blepharoplast an oval, more lightly stained area — the vacuole — can usually be distinguished (fig. 73). Other less conspicuous, dense, chromatic areas may also occur in the chlamydoplasm (fig. 66). The phenomena attending line formation in the female (figs. 62, 63, 64) seem to be analogous to those described in the male and in the young forms ; because of the darkly staining endoplasm it is, however, very difficult to follow them. No changes were observed in the nuclei of the female cells which seem peculiar to them. For this reason no special description is §‘ven of them ; the few drawings reproduced indicate the resemblance between the nuclear changes in the two sexes. I he Cf|arse alveolar structure of the endoplasm, common to all forms of the Parasite, is particularly defined in the makrogametocytes. I he curved outlines of the alveoli, merging into one another, often give the appear- ,lnce °f wavy blue lines running through the parasite. The gianules vary greatly in number and size. There may be as many as fifty. W are almost dust-like ; usually they are larger, and may measure ‘Iniost -5 yx in diameter. They frequently occur in pairs and seem to 'K placed superficially in the parasite. They often lie in lines along ''ne ta'nt striations of the ectoplasm. Of the origin and nature of 296 these granules we can say nothing certain. Granules of similar appearance sometimes occur in much smaller numbers in mikrogame- tocytes. A few rounded forms (fig. 31) are present in which the host-cell nucleus has been extruded and the ectoplasm thrown off. These are possibly parasites prepared for fertilization.'1 Nothing was ascer¬ tained concerning the nuclear changes at this stage.* Such parasites measure about 14/z by 9/z. Adult whet-stone-shaped parasites occur (fig. 70) which possess general characters intermediate between the male and female adult types described. They are, therefore, not readily referable to either sex ; but our material does not permit an assertion as to whether an indifferent form exists or not. Adult Male forms. Besides the forms in which the line occurs or is developing (fig. 3T there are other parasites where the nuclear material follows a development of different type (figs. 48, 52) ; it is impossible to say definitely whether there is any connection between these two processes. Apparently an early stage of this second process is illustrated m figs. 48, 70, 71, 75. There is more or less diffuse and abundant chlamydoplasm. In the chlamydoplasm occurs a denser, at first circular or spherical, mass of chromatin — the “ nucleus.” (It may rarely be placed just outside the chlamydoplasm.) Outside of the chlamydo- plasm, but occasionally in connection with a detached portion of it, is a second denser mass of chromatin — the “ blepharoplast." The blepharoplast is identified by its granular nature and by its darker staining. 1 he nuclear material becomes arranged in a thick semi¬ circular arc (figs. 49, 76.) At its centre usually occurs a dot, often connected with the extremities of the arc by fine lines (figs. 53- 55) The arc of chromatin becomes hemispherical and the dot increases in size (figs. 50, 52) until the place of the nucleus is taken by two irregularly oval chromatin masses of approximately equal size (fig- 51) A stage preliminary to this process is possibly illustrated in fig- 47' where four brownish granules, of quite a different colour from the chromatin granules of the blepharoplast, occur in close connection * l he line in the nucleus of fig. 31 makes it very doubtful to what stage this parasite really belongs. 297 with the nucleus. This specimen is unique ; somewhat similar granules once occurred (fig. 59) in connection with the blepharoplast. It is possible that the division of the nucleus may be by mitosis. Some half-dozen forms like figs. 54, 56, 59 were seen. Unfortunately, it was never possible to distinguish the individual spindle fibres or to count the individual chromosomes. Some spindles, however, had a distinctly fibrillar appearance, and the chromatin was usually very distinctly granular at this stage ; in one specimen (fie- 5 6) the granules could almost be counted — there seemed to be from seven to nine. The further development of this process was not observed. The type of parasite in fig. 68 is probably an early stage of this second process. The nuclear concentration in the chlamydoplasm is indistinct and circular. The blepharoplast is very well marked ; its thread-connected granules are distinct, and not infrequently a chromatophilic granule occurs well outside the blepharoplast, but still connected to it by a well-defined reddish thread (fig. 68). (In one such parasite the blepharoplast had divided into two equal parts connected by a thread.) This apparent extrusion of granules from the blepharoplast occurs, but less frequently, at other stages (figs. 49. 5°)- Figs. 51 and 60 are larger parasites apparently undergoing a similar process. In fig. 57 the blepharoplast seems to be extruding two granules, while the nucleus is commencing to divide. In fig. 60 the nucleus, now almost outside the chlamydoplasm, is almost completely divided, while the granules in the blepharoplast have become much more distinct. Fig. 58 is probably a stage in this process. It is suggested that this second process is possibly concerned with the prostages of mikrogamete formation. 4 trypanosome. Six trypanosomes which cannot be identified easily with any Parasite already described were seen in the slides containing the leucocytozoon. All were of approximately the same type. The usual Measurements were about I ,* 3*7/4 ; II, 10*5/1 ; III, 1*8/4; IV, 21*4/4; *The measurements of trypanosomes in this communication were ?nade Wording to the formula described by us on page 88 of Memoir XXI of this bchool. I— Posterior extremity of the parasite to centre of the blepharoplast. II— From the centre of the blepharoplast to the posterior border ot the nucleus. HI — From the posterior to the anterior border of the nucleus. IV— Anterior border of nucleus to posterior extremity of the body 01 me parasite. V— Length of free flagellum. VI— Breadth of body at its widest part. 1‘le total length of the parasite is also given as a measurement. 2g8 V, ii -8/m; VI, 37 fi. Total length, 49 /i. A perfect flagellum was seen only in one parasite (fig. 29). In fig. 30 the flagellum is much shorter ; the greater breadth of this parasite is probably due to its being slightly flattened. The blepharoplast is a very darkly-staining oblong King longi¬ tudinally in the parasite and placed just posterior to an ill-marked vacuole. It obviously consists of a collection of four or more granules. The flagellum, after forming the thickened edge of a wide (1-5/1), ample, lilac-staining undulating membrane, ends in one instance (fig- 3°) in a small carmine-coloured, possibly bi-lobed, expansion, in immediate apposition to the blepharoplast. The granular, palely staining nucleus measures about 2 by i'3/x, and lies in a sharply- defined palely-staining area (3 by 2'$n), situated rather posterior to the middle of the body of the parasite. In one instance a dark karyosome-like granule, lying in the clear space, is placed do>e to the nucleus. The nucleus is obscured by the striations of the body, and it is seen with great difficulty. The finely-aheol r body cytoplasm is striated through almost its whole length Tin much-pointed posterior extremity (especially in fig. 29) is very lightly the finely-drawn-out, darkly-stained anterior At the level stained. Here, as in extremity of the body, striation can not be detected. - . of the nucleus about eight, more or less, light striations (my°nenie^ can be distinguished running longitudinally. Ordinarily (hff 'C,! ^ striae are placed at equal distances. In fig. 30 they are so ^ arrange • disp05 as to make the cytoplasm appear to be arranged in dark stria6 c 1SP ^ in pairs.* By careful examination of fig. 30, it was thought dia pairs could be distinguished. The irregular clear areas in the cytoplasm, as illustrated (^f {0 thon£ht 30), occur in the majority of the parasites. They are not -- be artefacts. They seem to be non-staining, refractile granll'eS r than vacuoles. The periplast does not stain as pinkly as is usual in tryPan°^j0pe but it can, nevertheless, be distinguished as a clear refracti'e en about the body of the parasite. ox-*C,°mpare With the my°nemes in the motile forms of the mikrog*111^0 ■5-pirochcEta ziemanni. 2Q9 “BUSH FOWL” A few trypanosomes, measuring about 50^ in length, were seen in a red-legged bush fowl at Tshofa. Stained preparations were not made. The parasite was remarkable for the extraordinary length and the flagellum-like fineness of its posterior extremity. About one quarter of the total body length lay posterior to the blepharoplast. LITERATURE 1. Danielewsky. Parasitologie comparce du sang, page 23, Kharkoff, 1889. 2. Mense. *• Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten,” Vol. Ill, page 170. 3. Novy AND MacNeal. On the trypanosomes of birds. Journal of Infectious Diseases, March 1, 1905, Vol. 2, No. 2, page 256. 4- Schacdinn. Generations-und Wirtswechsel bei Trypanosoma und Spirocliata. Arb. a. d. Kaiserl. Gesundheitsamt. Bd. XX, Heft 3, page 434. 5- Ziemann. Malaria und andere Blutparasiten, page 128, Jena. 6- Laveran. Contribution a l’etude de Hamamceba Zictnanni. C omptes rendus de la Societe de Biologie, p. 671, 16th May, 1903. 7. Berestnekf. Ueber das Lcucoc ytozoon Danielewsky Arch, fur Protist, Bd. Ill, Heft 3, page 376-386. Neave. Second Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Khartoum, page 200, 1906. (The budding forms described by this author were not seen in our specimen.) BYCANISTES BUCCINATOR (the trumpeter hornbill). T rypanosomes.* Two distinct trypanosomes, one small and the other large, were seen in a bird of this species shot near Coquilhatville in the Congo Free State. The smaller trypanosomes (Plate XXIV, figs. 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6) were by far the most numerous. Their appearance in stained specimens varies very considerably, so that it is possible to descnbe three distinct types, although forms intermediate between them can be distinguished. These may be called the “slender" (figs. 1,2), “ broad ” (figs. 3, 4), and “ stumpy ” (figs. 5, 6) forms, in accordance with their general appearance. To some extent the structure of these forms varies with their dimensions. The stouter forms usually stain more lightly, have the looser cytoplasm, have no vacuole at the posterior extremity, and their large nuclei do not extend completely across their bodies. This association of qualities is not constant, however, and all gradations were seen between forms possessing them and the, as a rule, darkly-staining and more compact slender forms. All these forms are, therefore, considered to be merely variations of one parasite, which may be described as follows : — The blepharoplast stains very densely and more darkly than eithe. nucleus or flagellum. Its position may vary from the extreme posterior extremity, in particular in the “ broad ” and “ stumpy ” forms, to a spot i/i or more from the end of the parasite (fig. 1). It is oblong in shape and is seen to be granular ; in several specimens at least four granules, sometimes arranged in pairs, can be counted (fig- Although the arrangement of these granules occasionally suggests commencing division, none of the ordinary longitudinal division forms were seen. The blepharoplast may be placed longitudinally, obliquely, or transversely in the parasite. Just anterior to it there is often a well-defined vacuole, or, when that is absent, a more lightly stained area. The nucleus frequently extends completely across the body of the parasite and is almost always surrounded by an area stained more lightly than is the remainder of the body. The relation between the size of the nucleus and the type of parasite varies considerably, * The description of this parasite is reproduced by permission from the Journo of Medical Research. \ ol. XVI, No. 5, March, 1907. 3° i as a rule, in the “ broad ” and “ stumpy ” forms the nucleus seems relatively larger, of looser texture, and stains more lightly. Chromatic granules, number undetermined, occur in the nucleus of each type of trypanosome (fig. i). In several preparations (figs. 3, 6) two small darkly-stained and closely-apposed chromatophilic granules, surrounded by a pinkish area, occur in close connection with the nucleus, but just outside the nuclear membrane. In one instance a well-marked chain of oblong, twin chromatophilic granules runs forward, in an unstained area, from the anterior edge of the vacuole for about a quarter of the distance between the blepharoplast and the nucleus. 1 his structure recalls a similar appearance observed in Trypanosoma karyozcukton .* Whether staining deeply or lightly, the cytoplasm of the small trypanosomes is always granular, but the fineness of the granules varies greatly. Well-marked striations of the protoplasm occur in each form, although they are best seen in the broader forms (figs. 3> 4, 5). The striations are evidently a superficial structure, and are usually wound spirally about the parasite. In some specimens a single striation can be followed for almost two complete turns (figs. 4- 5)- From their arrangement it is very difficult to estimate the number of striations, but these seem to be about 7 to 8 (figs. 4, 5)- The whole parasite is enclosed in a pink -staining periplast, which Qn be plainly seen at the posterior extremity and in some parasites all along the edge of the body, where it is unobscured by the undulating membrane (fig. 3). The ample undulating membrane seems relatively widest in the “ slender ” forms. The usual dimensions of each form are given in the following table : — Usual Measurements of the Small Trypanosome Stumpy Broad Form Form Measurement I ... 1*0 ft i'6/a II ... 7'° /A 8'o/a M Ill ... 2'0 /A 2-4^ ••• n IV ... 7‘3M IO'4/A V ... 7*8 /a S’O^A breadth VI ... 7'o/a 4'8/a ^ °tal length VII ... 25T/A ... 30-4/* S RENDER Form r6 /a IO'4/a- 2‘0 /A 7‘2 /A 9-6 /A 2'8 /A 30-8 /A * See page 2Q7 * Dutton and Todd, 1003. Memoir XI, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, page 53. 9 6 T 302 Only two examples of the large trypanosome (total length about 64 //.), were obtained. Unfortunately, both are so obscured by surrounding red cells that it is impossible to reproduce them. Their blepharoplast is placed much nearer to the nucleus than to the posterior extremity (and in one instance in a vacuole). The nucleus almost extends across the body. The undulating membrane is ample and the flagellum seems to be comparatively short. The body of the parasite is striated longitudinally ; at the level of the nucleus only seven striations could be counted. In one parasite an appearance resembling a longitudinal striation was present in the undulating membrane. The dimensions of this type are : posterior extremity to centre of blepharoplast. 28 -3/4 (in one parasite only 17/x) ; centre of blepharoplast to posterior border of nucleus, 3-3/4; anterior border of nucleus to termination of body, i8'3/4; free flagellum, 8-3/4; width 5% At Coquilhatville lack of time prevented a careful examination of the parasite in fresh preparations. Some months later another hornbill was shot, and its blood was found to contain trypanosomes resembling the small type described above. Fresh coverslip prepara¬ tions of blood were kept at room temperature (28° C.) and watched for some hours by Dr. Inge Heiberg. The changes in form indicated in the following diagram were observed to occur in three hours. still seen. Occasionally pairs occurred joined by their flagella. After three hours both normal and very short “stumpy” parasites were seen, while after four hours, longitudinally dividing, spherical and irregular, certainly degenerating, parasites were present. Eighteen hours after the preparation was made dividing form', similar to those seen at the fourth hour were still present, while a stouter trypanosome than those seen at the commencement of d-e observation now appeared for the first time. 303 REPTILES A considerable number of snakes, chameleons, lizards, monitors and tortoises of several varieties, as well as three or four crocodiles, were examined in both the Gambia and in the Congo. Parasites were found only in the instances described below. SNAKES Trypanosomes. In stained smears of blood taken from a puff-adder caught in the Gambia, a single trypanosome-like object was seen. The measurements are as follows : Measurements:* 1 ... 6'0/a II ... 6'4/a III ... 2*4 /A IV ... 2I'6/a V ... 8'4/a VI ... o'6/a Total length of parasite 45-0 /a The body is long, narrow and tapers at each end to a pointed extremity. The body stains a light blue except for two areas between the blepharoplast and the nucleus, which stain dark blue. The first dark area, extending from the blepharoplast anteriorly, is 14/^ l°ng > the second, following a short interval, is 3/a long. I he nucleus is composed of red chromatin granules and occupies the entire width of the body. The flagellum is a very slender filament. Only a sug¬ gestion of an undulating membrane can be seen. Drepanidia. t Drepanidia of an ordinary type were frequently seen in the same snake. The nuclei of the cells containing them were displaced, but t In the present state of o cation of a Ilaemogregarine tec ie\v of what is known co eptiles, see Liihe; in Mense’s “ Leipzig. 304 not injured ; neither was there any destruction of the cell cytoplasm Two drepanidia were often seen occupying one blood corpuscle, sometimes on either side of the nucleus, and sometimes at one end of the corpuscle, which was then double the usual length (Plate XXV fig- 52)- Two forms of drepanidia were seen, one with a finely- granular, striated, blue-staining cytoplasm (Plate XXV, figs. 50, 55), and the other with a lighter-staining, more loosely-woven cytoplasm, which contained vacuoles, of irregular size and number, at both ends (Plate XXV, fig. 51). 1 hese latter forms were often much shorter and wider than the others. The drepanidia measured from 11 to I }n in length, and from 4*5 to 8/i in width. Free forms of the usual type were seen ; multiplication forms did not occur. Folded, “two-shanked." intra-corpuscular parasites were not seen. A few of the curious bodies illustrated in Plate XXV, figs. 53, 54 and in Plate XXVI II, figs. 56-58, were seen in the blood of this snake They weie rods from 10 to 19// long and about 1/1 wide. They stained homogeneously red with Romanowsky; they were, however, a deeper red at the edges than in the middle. The ends of the rods were somewhat rounded, but never well-defined. In a free single rod there was a deep red dot near the centre (Plate XXV, fig. 53). Two lods were always found in a cell, and they were usually of about the same length, though occasionally one was longer than the other. The s weie sometimes placed parallel, sometimes crossed upon one another, and sometimes came together at one end. They usually occurred in cells which were lighter-stained and had a rounder, redder c eus. They' were sometimes, not always, found in cells containing repanidia. two cases free parasites were seen; in one case two ro s were found on a degenerated drepanidium ; in the other case, a single rod was found free. , • , amk°n> by a study of slides of blood from other snakes in t lese bodies occur more frequently, has shown that they P sent t e curled-up remains of the capsules vacated by drepanidia " An Unidentified Parasite. fonnrl rOUndec* Parasite of the type seen in frogs (page 335) was found m the snake (Plate XXV. fig. 55). It Insured W in w'br* =>1 1 1 conta'nec* short red rods arranged, like the spokes of a wheel, about a small central red mass. Private communication. 305 CROCODILES Trypanosomes. In stained smears of blood taken from a crocodile (Crocodilus cat aphr actus ?) shot in the Congo, a trypanosome with a length of about 35 ft (not including flagellum) was seen. The body was about 2 n wide, the blepharoplast was 3/2 from the posterior extremity and the nudeus was near the centre of the body and occupied its entire width. The undulating membrane was well developed. Drepanidia. Drepanidia of an ordinary type were seen in the same crocodile (Plate XXV, fig. 49). They usually measured 12*5/2 in length and 45 p in breadth. The nuclei of the host cells were displaced but not injured. No destruction of the cytoplasm of the blood corpuscles was observed, and no division forms were seen. Folded, two- shanked,” intracorpuscular parasites did not occur. LITERATURE Mixchin, Gray and Tulloch. Proc. Roy. Soc., Series 13., Vol. 78, p. 251. Report the presence of a large trypanosome in a crocodile in l ganda. 1 he\ give no further particulars. TORTOISES Trypanosomes. In stained smears of blood taken from a tortoise caught in the Gambia, trypanosomes of one type were seen (Plate XXV, fig. 45)- The measurements are as follows : — Measurement I II „ HI IV V VI Total length of parasite Width of membrane ... 1*2 to 3'5/a T 5 to i8'5/* 2-2 to 3’5/A 12-5 to 23*0/2 io’o to 15*0/2 2-0 to 3*5/2 35*0 to 58*0/2 2*0/2 The body tapers gradually towards both extremities, which are sharp-pointed, the anterior extremity being more slender than the 306 posterior. The cytoplasm is finely granular, and in it are several round unstained spaces I to in diameter. In one specimen there were seven of these spaces anterior to the nucleus, one at the posterior edge of the nucleus and four posterior to that. The body has fine longitudinal striations. The blepharoplast consists of at least four granules embedded in a matrix, and is about rip long; a clear area is in connection with it. From it the well-developed undulating membrane extends in folds to the anterior extremity. The nucleus is round, sometimes slightly longer than wide, and occupies two-thirds of the width of the body. No division forms were seen. Drepanidia* Drepanidia of an ordinary type were seen in the same tortoise The nucleus of the host-cell was displaced, but not injured Twc parasites were sometimes seen in one blood corpuscle. No destruction of the cytoplasm of host-cells was observed and no multiplication forms were seen. Some parasites have a cyst wall about them while t ey are in the coipuscles. This same encysted condition was observed in extra-coipuscular parasites. Many of the drepanidia have coarse, colourless, refractile granules (Plate XXV, fig. 4;), either throughout, r on y in one half of, their bodies. Two forms of parasites were , in one the nucleus stains a dark purple and has a dense ^ructure, as has its cytoplasm (Plate XXV, fig. 46) ; in the other, much larger, the nucleus stains a bright carmine, and the ITT °f thC nudeus and cytoptasm is looser (Plate XXV, fig. 48) ie drepanidia measure from 10-4 to i7/J. long and from 4 to & 1 e. : lultiphcation forms were not seen. Folded, “ two-shanked ” mtracorpuscular parasites did not occur. 1 m ri e,r!!^u*)reSental'VeS of c^ass examined were frogs a •. .lt? . °°d several hundreds of these was searched f parasites in either the Gamb.a or the Congo. frogs and toads I rypanosomes. r o . 2 \ Congo Tt y patio soma loricatum vel cost a turn2 (Mayer, Jul ^jva^ound m the blood of representatives of the followin *See footnote to page 303? ~ - ~ - — ' 307 species of frogs and toads : — Rana galamensis (D. and B.), Rana oxyrhynchus (Sund.), Rana mascarensis (B.), Rappia marmorata Rapp.), and Bnfo regularia (Renn.). A considerable portion of them was infected. Blood from these infected amphibia was examined fresh and stained. In the fresh examinations, blood was carefully . taken aseptically from the heart or, if it was desired to keep the frog alive, either from a leg vein or a toe. Coverslip preparations were made and examined periodically. Blood was kept in sealed capillary pipettes for varying periods and was then used for making films for staining. Blood was taken from the frogs and, with coverslip preparations already made, was examined at all hours of the day and night. Preparations from the organs and bone marrow and of fluid from the body cavities were examined ; trypanosomes were seen only in the blood* Trypanosoma loricatum was present in almost every frog infected with trypanosomes. It was frequently associated with trypanosomes of any of the types described below. As a rule, it was noticed that parasites of the Trypanosoma sanguinis 4 type (Plate XXVI, fig. 27) were associated with Trypanosoma inopinalum-Wke forms and with the leaf-like forms3 (Plate XXVI, fig. 28) ; T. mega 4 (Plate XXVII, figs. 35-39) occurred with forms resembling T. karyozeukton 4 (Plate XXVIII, figs. 40-42) in everything save the absence of the specific chain of granules. In 99 per cent, of the frogs infected with trypanosomes Drepanidium was also seen to be present. As a rule, if there were many trypanosomes there were also many drepanidia. Striking exceptions to this rule were, however, seen.t In fresh blood T. loricatum is practically a frilled operculum of protoplasm, somewhat pointed at the posterior end. It is convex on one surface and concave on the other. From the median line of * In a single paper Mayer (2) described two parasites under two specific names loricatum (or costatum ) and rotatorium. More recent work has s t probably dealing with two forms of one trypanosome. One of *ese DHed before disappear. We retain the name loricatum since it was o^ginally appl^ ‘0 a parasite resembling that type of trypanosome which seems to be the adult torm of the haeniatozoon under discussion. A perusal of the pres P P ' ^dent that various other forms of T . loricatum have received s^cihc names^ Jhese must also eventually disappear; but until the life history o P b«en completely worked out it is scarcely worth while discussing this poi . t For descriptive purposes names already given to various l3Tes tr> are frequently used in this paper. They are used without question to designate Parasites resembling those described under these names b} 9 308 the concave surface at a little distance from the postenor extremity anses the flagellum. The margins of the organism are roughly serrated. It moves backwards and forwards slowly, now turning over on itself and now bending antero-posteriorly. As many authors have observed, its rate of progression is very slow. It is, therefore, easily watched under the microscope for considerable periods. A side view is seen in fig. i3, a dorsal view in fig. 2, and a cross section in fig. 3. 1 . loricatum has a peculiar method of division, which we observed most completely in preparations of fresh blood of Rana galamensis , kept aseptically at ;2° F. to 8g° F. for two or three days. mongst recent authors, Franca and Athias2 and Bouet6 have parts of the cycle described in this paper. Franca and Athias2 presentatives of the type of T. loricatum , in fresh and stained P ens, become rounded and, in one case, segment several times. ainer specimens they saw a trypanosome of their T. rot at or iu m ype become spherical and divide. They describe most interesting .1 ‘ binges in which the blepharoplast seems to play describ^ i° f Centrosome’ and forms suggesting mitotic division are 1. , ° ' n t*lese same specimens small round parasites, possessing I rop ast and nucleus, which may develop two flagella, occurred. _ _ tlb panosome of their 7. rotatorium type was also present F'£s- 20 and 24 are^nla^gea^oocT d iime te^1 iCflly "°UI, actual living sPeciraeD5- ameius, the remainiier 1000 diameters. 3°9 They describe one or two anomalous forms whose position cannot be determined at present. Bouet6 made cultures from the blood of frogs containing trypanosomes of the T. loricatum 2 and the T. rotalorium2 types. The results obtained with either form of parasite were identical Herpetomonas-like parasites (with an ill-developed undu¬ lating membrane, however) were the most usual forms in cultures. It is to be noted that every form of parasite between this type and the trypanosomes originally present in the frog’s blood could be seen in the cultures. Some of the parasites, directly after the preparation was made, were seen to have lost their striations at one or both ends and to have become granular. This process results in a swelling at one or both ends (fig. 4). Later the whole parasite becomes granular ; during this process a well-marked nucleus and blepharoplast are present. The body now becomes rounded, and the undulating membrane is gradually peeled off. The flagellum is attached to one end of the organism 5)- The parasite soon becomes completely spherical (fig. 6), and m this condition its diameter is about 24/i. The flagellum is still 3io attached, but soon is cast off and is seen lying in the serum, with the blepharoplast attached (fig. 7). Unfortunately, discarded flagella were never seen in stained specimens. It is, therefore, impossible to state whether the whole of the blepharoplast is cast off or not. If the whole of it is discarded a new body strongly resembling a blepharoplast is formed very quickly ; because rounded parasites of all sizes from one equalling the original rounded T. loricatum to those only 5/z in diameter possess two chromatic areas, one the nucleus proper, the other resembling a blepharoplast.” It is suggested by some forms that part of the blepharoplast at least may remain when the flagellum is thrown off. Chromatophilic granules not infrequently occur in the cytoplasm of trypanosomes which probably belong to this period. Concerning their nature we can say nothing. The flagellum after being shed loses its lively movements in three or four seconds, and dies. The parasite is now round and granular with a highly refractile nucleus (fig. 8). In one observation the parasite lost its striations, became rounded and lost its flagellum in eight minutes after the preparation was made (figs. 9, 10).+ * It would be expected (2) (8) that the blepharoplast would be newly (oW* from the nucleus. t 1 he times given for the periods occupied by the various developmental c^3 .■(. represent actual observations, and may be taken as approximate averages, same changes may take place more or less rapidly; very frequently the changes ti»* longer than has been indicated. It then became amoeboid, and in fifteen minutes had moved across two fields (Zeiss, 1-30 aperture, achromatic objective; No. 2 eyepiece). The nucleus became distinctly visible (even before the flagellum was completely cast off), and its structure could easily be made out (fig. 11). The parasite now elongates (fig. 1 2), a constriction appears, and almost before division is complete a similar constriction takes place in each of the daughter cells to form four cells, all the cells being almost of the same size as the original mother cell. T he four cells divide into eight, the eight into sixteen, the sixteen into thirty-two, and the thirty-two probably into sixty-four* Preparatory changes were seen in the nucleus before the first division. These changes were difficult to follow owing to their rapidity. At one point a rapidly-moving little tongue process appears, surrounded by a very small differentiated area (fig. 12). In a second 0r two a dull refractile area becomes visible a little distance from it ; a second later another one appears, but it is somewhat smaller, and then still another (fig. 12); but almost before this latter has formed, !‘le four apparently merge into one large, highly-refractile, rounded area in which the little tongue is seen moving (fig. 1 3). This area is an obvious feature in many of the cells before division is complete, t first very bright in appearance, it gradually fades away , thus in 0necase it was formed at 3 21, it was much less visible at 3-24, it Could not be distinguished at 3-25, and the cells had completely Danielewsky states that he has seen 120. divided at 3 30. Another observation showed the area commenting to be visible at I *5 5» very bright after two minutes with the little tongue plainly visible ; it was not so bright at 2, and had vanished at 2’03 ; at this time division of the cytoplasm was well advanced. Another tongue and area was very bright at 2'oj, and gone at 2*26. In one case just before its disappearance, the little halo divided, showing a delicate, thread-like connection between two dots (fig. 14). These separated completely into two (fig. 15), and then both disappeared. A dot was sometimes discernible at one end of the “tongue." Clear areas, smaller and quite distinct from those described above, occasionally appeared for a few seconds in the cytoplasm of the trypanosomes before the first division. One of the products of the first division not infrequently divides before the other. Often one or two of the products of the third, fourth or later divisions divides no further. Indeed, the development of the parasite may be arrested at any stage. Such individuals become rounded and very granular and probably usually disintegrate. Some of them may become encysted resistant forms.6 In dividing, the cells rotate one upon the other in opposite irections, so that the long axis of one comes to lie at right angles to that of the other (fig. 16). The nuclei were indistinct. The time taken to turn around in one case was about thirty minutes. In one instance the single rounded organism had divided, in fiv'e our3 a"d forty-two minutes, into sixteen cells, which were all apparent y inside the outer covering of the original trypanosome ^ S- 17;. In six hours and a half, many of the cells had divided 313 again, and in seven hours there were counted thirty-two cells which measured 8 /* in diameter. In seven hours and a half, forty-one cells were counted, though there were probably more. The next change occurring in these cells is the acquirement of a flagellum. Each becomes ovoid, then pear-shaped, and from the more rounded end a flagellum is produced (fig. 18); there are always one or two parasites in each colony which remain spherical and develop no further. The colony of cells now takes on a lively motion. After a while the young trypanosomes become free and their movements increase in rapidity. 1 hey divide rapidly by splitting in their longitudinal axis, and thus in the field containing the original cells, and for many fields around are seen large numbers (io to 15 to a field) of young actively-moving trypanosomes. The young trypanosomes when first formed from the cell by the acquirement of a flagellum, had the shape and size (x 1,000) indicated 3M in fig. 1 9. A large or small vacuole is generally seen near the pointed end. One or two highly refractile dots occur in the cytoplasm. The movements are rapid and take place solely by the lashings of the flagellum, which acts as a tractellum. The cytoplasm does not take part m the production of locomotion even when the parasite has completely separated from its fellows. These small parasites have a herpetomonas-hke form ; this was especially so after division, when the body of the young parasite is drawn out and its width is almost equal throughout the whole length. No evidence of an undulating membrane was detected in these parasites; nor was the exact 3 2.0. Fig . xql. termination of the flagellum in the cytoplasm ascertained in fresh preparations. In preparations examined thirty hours and forty-five nutes after they were made, the very active trypanosomes present of the shape shown in fig. 20. They contained two refractile n one preparation small free parasites were seen to divide ecoming rounded. They then divided longitudinally (fig. 21). u n ftle .same PreParation examined thirty-two and a hi oms after it was made, agglutination* * of the small trypanoson, wer^t 1 nCar the edge of the droP of blood.6 The parasit. h ere attached together by their flagella (fig. 22). Their movemen, they were absolutely quiescent. Othc *ThiS Phenomenon was seen uT^Td^T^Ti^'repanition of 3i5 parasites, rounded and attached to one another as in fig. 23, were seen in this situation. These also became motionless. Four days later in the same preparation these small parasites were still very active ; no change having occurred in them, with the exception of the production of a bulb found at the flagellar end of the herpetomonas-like forms6 (fig. 24). Five days later many small parasites were rounded and granular, but were still moving. Six days Some of the trypanosomes became rounded, but did not develop further than the first or second division. Their outline became indistinct, and, instead of fine granulations, clumps of rather coarse granules appeared, and later showed Brownian movement. Examples of such parasites watched for five days are as follows:— Fig. 27. — Shows a coarse granular rounded form. Fig. 28. — A tri-lobed leaf-like form. Fig. 29.— A form with fine dancing granules ; on the fifth day the granules became large and yellow and the organism disappeared. F'g’- 3°- A coarse granular form without movement. In twenty-four hours there were large refractile granules, apparently fat globules. I he flagellum was not so easily seen. ao. In one preparation an amoeboid form of trypanosome was see 1/' t contained a few rather coarse granules. On the secon chjn were somevvhat coarser, and the parasite had slightl; ge its shape, while the pseudopodia had retracted. On the fiftf 317 day it was obviously degenerated. Some of the herpetomonas-like forms were seen to divide longitudinally. The further development of T. loricatum was not observed in fresh preparations. Stained specimens From the above-named species of frogs and toads, 220 dried films of blood and organ juices stained by our usual Romanowsky method were examined. T. loricatum vel costatum 2 was found in most of them (Plate XXV, figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4). The measurements of this form are as follows : — I— 12 to 42 fJL. II.— The nucleus and blepharoplast are apparently connected. III. — 8*2 tO l6 fl. IV. — 237 to 26/z. V.— 8’2 to 16/u . VI. — 22 to 45/4. Total length of the parasite, 52 to 101^. It is a curious coincidence that in the twenty parasites measured, the length of the nucleus is approximately the same as that of the flagellum. In an organism of this size and shape, spreading and drying in the preparation of the film will inevitably produce a certain amount of distortion (Plate XXV, fig. 0- However, the shape of the T. loricatum met with in Plate XXV, fig- 3> corresponds with our description of the parasite seen in fresh blood (page 30;). The body is ovoid, the posterior extremity being narrower than the anterior. The organism may be found lying at full length, or with one end partly turned over, or completely doubled upon itself. The structure of the cytoplasm is finely granular. The periplast is pleated into ridges which run longitudinally from the posterior to the anterior extremity (Plate XXV, fig. 4). This appear¬ ance can occasionally be seen in the most beautiful manner in slightly disorganised slowly moving parasites, in fresh preparations. Occasionally the organism is twisted or folded upon itself, when the ndges consequently seem to run obliquely. The blepharoplast is usually very small and consists of four or more granules imbedded in a matrix. The thickened edge of the undulating membrane takes its origin from it and the nucleus is connected with it (Plate XX > u The nucleus in nearly every case is elongated and crescentic, with its concave side toward the thickened edge of the undulating membrane*, and its anterior extremity is pointed. It is i'6/« to 27/t wide. In a very few cases it is round, when its diameter is from 3-3/1 to 4-4/! (Plate XXV, fig. 3). The undulating membrane is well developed and runs in folds from the blepharoplast across the middle of the body, from the edge of which it extends about 27/x before the free flagellum begins. The structure of the nucleus is more or less complex. Its edges are sharply defined, and at its middle are many very small red granules. The anterior portion of it is dense and finely granular and often contains larger masses of chromatin. In some instances large masses cf chromatin are found at both ends (Plate XXV, fig. 2). In the fresh this was found to precede division (see figs. 10 and 11 in text). Numerous forms occur which have a round body, round nucleus, blepharoplast close to the nucleus and a short white line extending from the blepharoplast, like a short flagellum ; this line, however, never extends beyond the edges of the parasite. The line resembles the tongue seen in fresh specimens ; both occur in rounded parasites of about the same size, but we are unable to state their identity. It is, however, quite possible that this type of parasite may be a de\ elopmental form occurring at about this period and that it may be a product of the first dichotomous division of T. loricatum. Differen¬ tiated areas of obscure nature are sometimes seen in the nucleus, but in none of our specimens have we observed the interesting nuclear changes described by Franca and Athias.2 1 he observations by Moore and Breinl8 seem to be of interest in connection with the peculiarly elongated " nucleus ” of many forms of J- . loricatum. In stained smears of kept blood from the same frog, the same cycle mi tiplication and development can be followed as mentioned a ove in freshly made preparations of fluid blood. In Plate XXV. g- c, is shown a parasite rounded and about to cast off its flagellum. T. loricatum by” Martin to those described under other names that in a frog ( Hyla 1 is verv evident A T?n hzard, and by Marchoux and Salimbem 15 peculiar in that it had^ nr. < * If Parasite described by the latter authors is stained with difficulty or mau^1®6 flagellum of 7\ loricatum is often and its undulating membrane'' 'G °Ut °f Slght beneath the body of the parasite), in T. loricatlTnliSTbyTr^l *7 3 Td sPur which was ^ y ranca and Athias (2) nor by ourselves. 319 The body measures iSp by 13/z, and the free flagellum was 45/x long The blepharoplast is of the usual structure with the usual clear space about it, and from it extends the nucleus as a band rip wide and gp long. In Plate XXVI, fig. 14, is shown a round form with the flagellum cast of. The cytoplasm is coarsely granular and the blepharoplast which is of the usual structure is situated near the edge of the body. The nucleus adjoins the blepharoplast on one side. The diameter of the organism is 22 p. The nucleus is about 3*3/^ in diameter. A division, probably the first of a round form, is seen in Plate XXVI. fig. 15. The dividing parasite measures 19 p by 13/x. A group of 16 parasites is shown in Plate XXVI, fig. 18; each of these cells measures about y$p in diameter. Other small parasites, probably representing parasites of a third division (Plate XXVI, figs. 16 and 17), have a diameter from 4*4/* to 6'6p. Plate XXVI, fig. 15, is a division of forms with two blepharoplasts and two nuclei. Such parasites were frequently seen. Occasionally round cells are found with multiple nuclei and blepharoplasts, but with the cytoplasm undivided (Plate XXVI, fig. 19). Such cells were from 11 to 22// in diameter. The small round cell now develops a flagellum from the blepharoplast, and the body elongates in one axis (Plate XXVI, fig. 20). This parasite measures 6 6/x by 5'5/U., and has a free flagellum 22'8/i long. The blepharoplast is 0‘8 by 0*3 P, and is Vip from the edge. The nucleus is rip, by r6 p. The next stage in the development is the formation of herpeto- monas-like forms (Plate XXVI. fig. 2 1). These have a body length of from 9/x to 22p, divided as follows Posterior granule (see below) to posterior extremity o’^p to 4’4/a, posterior granule to nucleus 4 2 to io/i, length of nucleus 2 to 4’4/x, nucleus to blepharoplast (when blepharoplast is anterior) V2p, length of blepharoplast o 5 to o S/a, blepharoplast to the anterior extremity 2*2//. to 5*5/*. The flagellum is from iop to 25 p. The width of the body is i'2p. The body is narrow, tapering at both ends to a fine point. There is no undulating membrane (Bouet6 describes one as being present). There are from 4 to 16 vacuoles lying between the posterior granule and the blepharoplast. The blepharoplast of the usual granular type lies either at one side of the nucleus or slightly anterior to it. From it the flagellum arises and runs through the 320 middle of the anterior portion of the body, or. turning a little to one side, is closely applied to the margin of the anterior part of the body. In one specimen a bluish line connected the blepharoplast with the nucleus. The nucleus is long and narrow, sometimes extending completely across the body, sometimes occupying half the width. Just posterior to the nucleus is a vacuole, and often when the nucleus does not occupy the whole width of the body there is another beside it. Near the posterior extremity is a red mass, rather more lightly stained than the blepharoplast, which consists of from one to four granules imbedded in a matrix ; this we have called the posterior granule. The size of this mass varies from a small point i/i in diameter. In one case a blue line was seen to extend from this mass anteriorly, but only for a short distance. It did not connect the posterior granule and the nucleus. One of these herpetomonas-like forms has a large anterior end (Plate XXVI, fig. 23), similar to the bulbous form seen in the fresh preparations (fig. 24 in text). Masses of agglutinated parasites of this type were seen (fig. 22). Two anomalous forms were seen which probably belong to this state. One has a body length of 10 fi and a width of 4'4//. Numerous filamentous flagella seem to arise from the blepharoplast at one end, and the organism seems to be encircled by an undulating membrane. The other is quite herpetomonas-like except for the presence of four flagella (Plate XXVI, fig. 22). It measures as follows Posterior extremity to posterior granule i'2/x ; posterior granule to nucleus 5 ‘4 4 ; length of nucleus 3’3/U ; nucleus to anterior extremity V2/x. The anterior part of the body in the region of the nucleus and blepharoplast is wider, being 2 2/1 wide. The flagella are 15/i, 4-4//, 4-9/* and 5*5 ft respectively. Similar forms were seen in the fresh preparations. They bear some resemblance to the trichomonas described in the intestine of frogs. The blood was, however, taken and kept with every care, and there was certainly no contamination. These forms certainly occur in the blood ; whether they represent a stage in the development of T. I orica turn or not it is difficult to say. The next stage in the development is a form resembling T. inopinatum 3 (Plate XXVI, figs. 25, 26). This stage is found in fresh blood, in contradistinction to the forms just described, which were found in kept blood alone. The parasites of the T. inofinatutti type may be divided into two groups to facilitate measurements. The 321 first group has the blepharoplast close to the nucleus. Its measure¬ ments are : — Posterior extremity to nucleus Measurement III ff ff if IV V VI Total length of the parasite Width of nucleus ... 5 5 to IO’OyU ... i*6 to 2'7/x ... iro to 20'0/z ... Il'O/i. ... 3 3 to 4*4 /* ... 28’5 to 43‘o/i I 6 tO 2‘2 fji The other form of T. inopinatum has the blepharoplast posterior to the nucleus, and measures as follows : — Measurement I ... II ... III ... IV ... V ... VI ... Total length of the parasite Width of nucleus ... •8 to I2’0yx ... 2'0 to 4’4/i 2’0 to 2‘2 yU. ... i3’2 to i6'o/i I2’0 fX, ... r6 to 3’3/x ... 32*5 to 49*0//. i’6/i The body of both forms is pointed at both ends, or is sometimes somewhat blunt at the posterior end. I he blepharoplast* is of the usual structure and is situated in a plane common to the nucleus, or posterior to it. The nucleus is round and sometimes occupies the whole width of the body, and sometimes not. The posterior part of the body tapers gradually, and at the level of the blepharoplast the body is widest. The undulating membrane is never very full in these forms. Forms resembling T. sanguinis 4 (Plate XXVI, fig. 27) are present. I hey seem to be a further development of T. inopinatum , since every gradation exists between these two forms. The undulating membrane >s the most striking feature. Its thickened edge arises from the blepharoplast and extends transversely across and beyond the body to border the wide membrane. The blepharoplast is in the same plane as the nucleus. The measurements are as follows : •That is, it consists of 2 to 4 or more granules embedded in a matrix and surrounded by a clear area. 322 Posterior extremity to nucleus Measurement III ... 99 99 99 IV ... V ... VI ... Total length of the parasite Width of undulating membrane 4'4 /* ... 1*1 tO 2*2/1 ... 12*0 tO 19‘0/i ... 11*0 to 12*0/1 ... 1*1 to 2*7/1 ... 30*2 to 39*0/1 27/1 From T. sanguinis there seems to be every gradation to the “ leaf-like ” trypanosomes of Plate XXVI, fig. 28. These forms occur as frequently as does T. sanguinis, and are never seen in slides from which T. sanguinis is absent. The posterior part of this leaf-like form tapers toward its round and blunt extremity. This portion stains more deeply and seems to consist of folds tightly folded. At about the junction of the posterior and middle thirds of the body is the round nucleus, and in a common plane is the blepharoplast The folds of the posterior part of the body gradually unfold until about the middle of the body, where they are completely unfolded. The body then tapers to a sharp pointed anterior extremity. The thickened edge of the undulating membrane arises from the blepharoplast, crosses the body obliquely and continues along the edge of the body at a distance of 1 n from it to the pointed extremity where it becomes the free flagellum. The undulating membrane is not well developed, but the thin edge of the body and anterior portion of the body seemed, in the fresh, to act as an undulating membrane. The measurements are : — Posterior extremity to nucleus Measurement III ... „ IV . „ v . •* VI, at a level of nucleus Total length of the'parasite Division forms of this stage were seen. I here was another variety of the leaf-form. The posterior part is sei rated at the extremity and the serrations seem to be the points of a petal-like arrangement of the posterior end. The general effect is that of a bud about to open (Plate XXVII, fig. 29). 5-5 to 10*0/1 i*i to 27 n 13*2 to 26 *0/1 9-0 to 1 i*o n 6*6 to 9*0/1 30*0 to 48*0/4 323 The leaf-like form seems to gradually change to the second variety of T. loricatum described by Franca and Athias.2 The change is brought about by a shortening of the anterior part of the body and a complete unfolding of its posterior portion. Forms representing this transformation are seen in Plate XXVII, figs. 30 and 31. This completes the cycle from T. loricatum to T. loricatum .* The first part of this cycle, from T. loricatum to the herpetomonas- like forms, was actually observed in a single living parasite which was kept under observation during three days. The second part of the cyde, from the herpetomonas-like forms back to T. loricatum is largely based upon the examination of stained preparations of fresh and “kept " blood. We are fully aware of the necessity for caution in determining a developmental process from stained specimens. In the present instance the deductions we have made from our examination of stained preparations have been frequently confirmed, and even supplemented by isolated observations on fresh specimens. Our statement is supported by the observation of Bouet0 who saw every intermediate stage between rounded forms and adult trypanosomes of the T . rotatorium type2 in his cultures. We describe several types of trypanosomes which are constantly seen. All are simply developmental variations of T . loricatum. I. — Forms resembling the trypanosome found in Hyla arbor ea. (a) A short variety (probably identical with T. rotatorium ) (b) A long variety. (c) A wide variety. II. — A lanceolate form resembling somewhat a type described by Laveran and Mesnil.3 HI. — Forms resembling T. mega * (а) T. mega. ( б ) A coarsely reticulated form. (r) A form with large red granules in it. IV. — Forms resembling 1. karyozcukton. V.— An unplaced trypanosome. , H'.aule (2) evidently saw a considerable part of this cycle, since he believed 'hat the trypanosomes were produced from the white blood c°rP^cJ®s; flagellum 'hat he hail seen leucocytes each develop an undulating He also describes trypa'nosomes which cast off their motile apparatus 1 and sc > ag became leucocytes. ' The way in which such a mistake could arise is e y P e A clump of rounded parasites at the fourth or fifth division bears a very close resemblance to a group of white cells. I. ( a ) A typical short form resembling that found in ftvi aborea (Plate XXVI, fig. io) is about 2 5/1 long, 9 n wide and has a flagellum 2.S// long. The blepharoplast is situated 2 3/z from the posterior extremity, and V2M posterior to the nucleus. The nucleus is 9 M long. The chromatin was collected in masses at either end of the nucleus, or was diffusely distributed in fine granules throughout its extent. The cytoplasm is a rather loose network, and it seems to be continued into the undulating membrane. The side of the body carrying the undulating membrane thus appeared to be folded into a series of foot-like projections produced by the involutions of the thick and substantial membrane. This general description applies to the other tw-o forms. {b) The long form is characterised by its great length, 40 to 63/1 not including flagellum which is from 19-2 to 26 n long (Plate XXV, figs. 6 and 7), its comparatively narrow body, between greatest projections 5 5 to 72//, and the appearance of folds or pleats running longitudinally ; this was especially marked at the posterior end. Sometimes the body is particularly thick and dark-stained. The length of the nucleus is 22 to 24/u, and the width is (0 The wide form (Plate XXVI, fig. 9) looks like the narrow varieties, with the folds unfolded however. It measures as follows Measurement I ... 22'0/z Hlepharoplast is connected with the nucleus. 22.0 /i 19 0/1 14-8/* 63 -0/* membrane ^ haVe the thickened edge of the undulating membrane running about I* from the wavy edge of the body. * round^nuc eus was never found m any of these forms " , c ' . 16 la”ceoIate variety (Plate XXV, fig. c) 0f T loricate gradLTly Tapers6 to^ TTu P°Sterior e*^mity, from which the body has smooth ed ?he pointed anterior extremity. The body is weTdeveloned , ^ The Undula^ng membrane, the end of the \ ^ dlreCtIy backwards and then curves aroU>ld The e iS°2h i0d^ rUn T f°ldS a,°^ the -clian line of the bod/- - in " I II Ill 1 1 IV V 1 otal body length 325 The nucleus, a long narrow tube tapering at both ends, especially :;teriorly, extends from the blepharoplast toward the anterior end. The length of the nucleus was almost the same as that of the flagellum* The measurements of this form are as follows : — Length of body, 38 to 50 fi ; width, 10 to 16/1 ; blepharoplast to posterior extremity 2’ 2 to 4-4/11 ; width of nucleus 12 to 2/1 ; length of nucleus 19 8 to 29/1 ; flagellum, i/-6 to 27/1. A change in the form of a “ leaf-like ” trypanosome observed in afresh preparation is illustrated in figs. 32, 33, 34. 1 he parasite was watched until it had assumed an appearance, always without well- marked striations, almost identical with T. mega. A single form of this type, probably identical with fig. 33. was seen in the stained preparations. Its measurements are as follows: — Measurement I ... 9'0/i II ... ... 2’2/i „ HI - ... 4'4/i IV ... ... 20'0/i v ... 9‘0/i Total length of parasite ... 45’°/* We look upon this form as an intermediate stage leaf-like" forms (see above) and T. mega .4 between the *It is a curious fact that in f nucleus" w^°t he same as that bribed (lb and II, see page 3*3) *e length of the nucleus the flagellum. 326 III. — ( a ) The “ Mega ” forms may have long anterior and posterior (Plate XXVII, fig. 39) ends, a contracted posterior extremity (Plate XXVII, figs. 35 and 36), or a short contracted body (Plate XXVII, fig. 37). In fresh preparations the striations are well seen in the long forms;* these may coil up exactly as does T. karyozcuklon (Plate XXVIII, fig. 43) (see below). T. mega has been seen to gradually become more rounded until it became spherical. It then lost its flagellum. The forms with contracted posterior extremity and contracted body (Plate XXVII, figs. 35-37) probably represent stages in this process. From them development was not observed. In the type of T . mega with a short contracted body the length is 40 n, the width at the posterior part 20 n, the nucleus 3'3/t, and the blepharoplast l’l/i posterior to it. The width of the nucleus varies greatly ; in most cases it extends completely across the body, while in others it was at one side and only 2'2/i wide. T. mega (type) measures as follows — Measurement I .. 4'0/z „ II ... 1-3 to 6‘o/i „ III ... ... ri to 4‘4/i „ IV ... ... 15-0 to 53 ‘o^ „ V ... ... 8-2 to ifrQfl „ VI ... ... 3 ’3 to iro/t Total length of parasite ... 52-0 to io4-o/i Width of nucleus 2*2 to The original description of Trypanosoma mega holds good for these parasites. In a few parasites there was a slight variation in the structure of the nucleus. The clear area just anterior to the nucleus was still present, but the nuclear area of irregular chromatin was replaced by an arrangement of about eight or nine processes which radiated from a focus placed at the middle of the anterior wall of the nucleus. 1 hey seemed to be placed in a deep purple stroma, and some of them contained a few reddish granules. A somewhat similar appearance is illustrated by Broden.7 (b) 1 here was another form similar to the “ Mega ” type except for the very coarse reticular structure of the cytoplasm (Plate XXVII, * It may be stated here that more or less distinct longitudinal striations were present in every type of trypanosome mentioned in this paper. 327 fig. 38). Other forms were quite different. Only five of these well-marked forms were seen. The measurements are as follows Measurement I „ II ... „ III ... „ IV ... „ v ... „ VI ... Total length of parasite Width of nucleus 8'o to ii'o/a 5'6 to io'o/a 2'2 to 2 7/X ... i5’4 to 21*0/4 ... 132/A ... 30 to 8'0/a ... 44’c to 58-0/4 2 '2/A (0 Another form, seen in both fresh and stained preparations, which resembles T. mega is a wide trypanosome with large granules scattered through its body. Some had many granules (Plate XXVII, %• 34). others had few (Plate XXVII, fig. 33). Usually the granules stained a bright red, some of them, however, were refractile and remained unstained. Although the other granules in the same parasite were stained, we can say nothing concerning the origin of these possibly chromidial granules. These forms measure as follows : — Measurement I ... ... 9'o to 15'0/A ft II ... ... 4'4/a ft Ill ... ... 4'4 to 5'0/A ft IV ... ... i8'o to 27'0/a ft V • ... ... 77/4 ft VI ... ... 6'6 to io'o/a Total length of parasite ••• 43'5 to 59‘°y“ I he nucleus in these forms is always pale, and across it can be seen the striations of the body. The blepharoplast is i'2 // long, rather narrow, and almost hidden by the large granules, which are about i'5/i in diameter. IV- — A trypanosome resembling T. karyozeaktonx is present, but the characteristic chain between blepharoplast and nucleus can never be seen. These trypanosomes may be classified, according to the size, as large, medium, and small, or, better, narrow. The large form (Plate XXVIII, fig. 42) is sometimes coiled more or le^s tightly (Plate XXVIII, figs. 43 and 44). This phenomenon was abo observed in fresh preparations. The further development of these 328 forms was not seen. The edge carrying the undulating membrane has a wavy outline. The width of the body at the level of the nucleus is less than just anterior or just posterior to it. The narrow form (Plate XXVIII, fig. 40) was seen in one case to have a blue line running from blepharoplast spirally to the posterior extremity, and the undulating membrane was continued for a short distance posteriorly as a ridge beyond the blepharoplast. The medium form is seen in Plate XXVIII, fig. 41. All the forms have clear spaces around the nucleus and blepharoplast. Measurement I Large 13 2 to 26'O/a Medium IO'O/A „ II 7-1 to I3'o/a 6'6/a „ III 3’3 to 5'5P 3'3/i „ IV 51'0 to 75’o/i 37' 2/* „ V 17-6 to 27-0/4 r8'7/A VI 3‘3 to 77/“ 3*8/a Total length of parasite 102-6 to 134-0/4 767/4 W ldth of nucleus 3‘2 to 57/“ 2*2/4 Small 9'0 to 20'0/X 3‘ 8 to 8'5/a 2-2 to 3'5/A 207 to 38'0/a 18*5 to 2yofi 1 '6 to 27 n 59-5 to 87-0/1 1 '6 to 27 /i V. The remaining trypanosome to be described is a long narrow form, with a narrow nucleus, and a large blepharoplast (Plate XXVI. hg. 24). It measures as follows:— Measurement I „ II „ III ,» IV » v „ VI I otal length of parasite ... 33 to 6-6/a ... 13-2 to 19-2/4 ... 2-2 tO 3'3/A 6'6/a ... ii'o to i6-o/a I 'I/A ... 37-0 to 54'0/a WhThetCytOPlaSm 13 rather C0arsely retic»lar, the body is pointed » both extremes the large blepharoplast is situated in the centre of membrane11”’ r°m Wh'Ch ar‘SeS ‘he rather 5canty undulat“’S a ™?artTe rf embIes T ■ inopinatum in many ways, and may be a parasite of that form. ^ y 3 329 fhe question arises whether the cycle of multiplication just •• '"'il is completed in the frog, or whether it normally occurs only ut side the frog, probably in a second blood-sucking host, as a leech. IV smallest rounded parasites with flagella and the herpetomonas- iike forms never occurred in freshly-drawn blood. Bouet6 agrees with this observation in stating that none of the young parasites were 'ceii in the blood. Franca and Athias,6 however, record that they small rounded parasites both with and without flagella (probably terms of T. loricatum ) in blood fixed immediately after withdrawal. A single small rounded parasite (6// in diameter) was seen in our er.es of slides of freshly-drawn blood With the exception noted »vc, every other type of parasite occurring in the developmental . le described in this paper was observed in fresh-drawn blood. From these observations it seems that this cycle of “ swarm ” division may be completed in the amphibian host, but that the smallest forms arc rarely present in the peripheral blood. It is noteworthy in this amotion that there is no certain correspondence between the length f time blood containing 7 . loricatum has been kept and the type of trypanosomes present in it. More than once large specimens of T. loricatum were seen in i -i' substance red blood cells occurred. Marchoux and Salimbeni Mieve that the cells and the parasite are merely superimposed. Without wishing to assert that the cell has been ingested, that is, that its presence in the parasite is due to more than a mechanical accident, we are confident that we have seen instances where the cell o definitely within the cytoplasm of the trypanosome. The ■ rvpunosomes may be attacked at any stage of their development by ytes Frequently they seem to resist successfully and are not . ted In <'iie instance a leucocyte was seen to ingest the haemoglobin cont txoma of a disintegrated red cell; it was ' 'ting to note that its protoplasm contained dark brown granules most unusual occurrence. LITERATURE 1 l.ar. e du sang. Darre, Kharkoff. • HU SOT les trypanosomes des Amphibiens. Archive, dc 1 i de Bacteriologie Camera Pestana. Tome , PH** »7 and 335, U*mn« I.ibanjo da Silva. These authors give an C the work done on frog trypanosomes. 330 3- Lavkran and Mes.vil. Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiases, p. 374, parj5 Masson & Cie. 4. Dutton and Todd. First report of the Expedition to Senegambia, Memoir XI, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 5. Marchoux and Salimbeni. Un trypanosome nouveau chez une Hyla voisine de H. latcristriga. Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Biol. T. LXII, p.591. 6. Bouet. Culture du Trypanosome de la grenouille. Annales de L’inst. Tome XX, No. 7 p. 564, 25 July, 1906. 7. Broden. Rapport sur les Travaux du I.aboratoire medical de Leopoldville, Vol. II, p. 186, Hayez, Bruxelles. 8. Moore and Breinl. Note on the life cycle of the parasite of Sleeping Sickness. Lancet, May 4, 1907, p. 1,219. 9. Martin. Sur un trypanosome de Saurien. Comptes Rendus de la Soc. de Biol. T. LXII, p. 594. April 13, 1907. Drepanidia .* I' r csh Preparations. Diepanidia were present in every species of frog and toad named on page 307, and in almost every frog examined. In the same frog {Ran a galamensis) in which the developmental changes in 1 . loncatum were observed, drepanidia were present in almost every othei led blood corpuscle, though scarcely any young parasites were seen. The red cells were swollen to nearly twice their normal size, the colouring matter had disappeared, and the cells in fresh pre¬ parations presented the appearance of a crumpled colourless bag, to one side of which the parasite lay. The nucleus was pushed to the periphery of the cell (Plate XXIX, fig. 86). A few of these diepanidia were found free in fresh preparations examined immediately after making them, but the number of free parasites increased enormously after half an hour. The drepanidia, er eaving the cells and becoming free, were long and had a round YYVttt rVf' enc* ,n ad vance during progression (Plate * /)• A little way from this end the body tapered ^ 771°^ pOSterior Which though narrow, was bluntly rounded off (Plate XXVIII, figs. 68 and 69). Progression takes place in three ways : — f ^ie kotty stretched out by a gliding movement. when n K \ gI?arine"Ilke contracti°ns of the protoplasm. This occurs When Obstruct^ ,s encountered (Plate XXVIII, figs. 7o and ;.)• Di-ovir, / ,en Jerkin§: backward of the posterior end which has Previously curved round to meet the anterior end. See footnote to page 303. ~ - - - - - — 33i After about an hour, agglutination of the free parasites was observed. They joined themselves together by their posterior, sharper, somewhat granular ends. Two, four, or six parasites came together in clumps in this way. Contractions occurred from side to side, causing the parasites to bend. Two days after the fresh preparations were made, the agglutinated groups of drepanidia were observed still, the individuals being rather granular and stumpy and actively motile, but they did not undergo any further change. Three forms of drepanidia were observed, a small form (Plate XXVIII, fig. 74) which will be described in stained preparations, a medium form (Plates XXVII I and XXIX, figs. 82, 68, 69) (the common form), and a very large form (Plate XXIX, fig. 86). These large drepanidia often contained large yellowish, highly refractile granules, which varied in si/.e and number in different parasites. There were from one to about one hundred of these globules in each parasite (Plate XXIX, figs. 84, 85, 89, 90. 91. 92). These highly refractile granules were situated for the most part around the nucleus. In some of these parasites small dancing granules were seen at the more slender end. Stained Specimens. The following description is based on the examination of dried and stained films. The nucleus of the host-cell was displaced (Plate XXVIII, fig. 59) but not injured ; the cytoplasm, however, suffers severely since the parasite seems literally to tunnel about within the limits of the cell. Many corpuscles were found in which the contents seemed to have been devoured, leaving them looking like wrinkled empty sacks (Plate XXVIII, fig. 67). Such sacks could be seen with the drepanidia present, or leaving, or gone. Two and three parasites were sometimes seen in one blood corpuscle. The drepanidia were not only present in erythrocytes but were also occasionally found in leucocytes. As already noted there were three principal forms of drepanidia ; a large form, a medium form, and a slender form. The medium form was the most common (Plate XXIX, figs. 81, 82), and was from 15 to 1 8/1 long and from 5 to 6/1 wide. It had a fine granular striated protoplasm, which sometimes contained coarse red granules, and sometimes not. Some specimens had a few (four) granules at the anterior end of the body, and some had a straight blue line running 332 from the nucleus to the anterior extremity. The nucleus was from 3 '3 to 4’4 n in diameter, and was placed about //i from the anterior extremity and 4// from the posterior extremity. One and two constrictions in these forms were observed, showing the method of progression described in fresh specimens (Plate XXVIII, figs. 70, 71). In a few specimens the nucleus had apparently divided into two, and the halves were attached by a red line (Plate XXVIII, figs. 68, 69). Some of these forms were encysted, both in erythrocytes and free in the serum. Such encysted forms often had a small amount of red-staining excretion at both ends (Plate XXVIII, figs. 59, 60). The “ slender ” forms (Plate XXVIII, figs. 73, 74) were from 13 to 15// long and I'l/z wide. The cytoplasm was light-staining and of a loose texture. The shorter or posterior end was very faint-staining and the extremity could be seen with difficulty. The longer or anterior end was a faint pink, which deepened towards the extremity. On both sides of the nucleus were areas staining the same as the cytoplasm of the erythrocytes. There were two, sometimes three, of these areas which were from o'6 to 17 n long. Near the posterior extremity there were sometimes from two to four or more red chromatin granules, and occasionally there were a few in the anterior part of the body. 1 he nucleus consisted of eight peripherally arranged chromatic granules, “ chromosomes,”* and one or two darker, central chromatic granules, “ karyosomes,” all connected by fine lines. In one instance (Plate XXVIII, fig. 73) a blue spiral line was found to run from one of the chromatic granules to the anterior extremity of the body. The nucleus was 2 '2/t long and was placed 9/1 from the anterior extremity, and 3*3/1 from the posterior extremity. This slender form may be present in the blood with the larger form, or it may be present in blood which has none of the larger forms. These slender ’ drepanidia penetrate the erythrocytes, then lose both ends, so that only the nucleus and a small amount of cytoplasm around it is left. The chromatic granules go to the side, and later they are gathered in a mass at one end of the body, with a few chromatic granules remaining outside the mass (Plate XXIX, fig. 76). 1 he body of the parasite enlarges and at the extremity opposite the chromatin mass are several round clear spaces, which may or may in a nnrl'lT,! 1)6 lln^erstooci that the terms chromosomes and karyosomes are in a purely descriptive sense. : 333 not contain a granule of chromatin. The mass of chromatin divides into two, and the cytoplasm may or may not divide synchronously. In cases where the cytoplasm does not divide synchronously, the chromatin goes on dividing until there are from io to 16 masses of chromatin (Plate XXIX, figs. 78-80) arranged almost around the edge of the cell. These rosettes later show divisions into young parasites (Plate XXIX. fig. 79). Rosettes were seen leaving the host-cell, and also found free in the serum (Plate XXVIII, fig. G6). In one slide a group of eleven young drepanidia that had just escaped from the rosette condition was seen (Plate XXVIII, fig. 72). These forms were 77 long and ri/x wide. Their cytoplasm was of a faint-staining, coarse, granular structure. The nucleus was composed of a larger, central mass of granules and, usually, a chromatin granule on either side; occasionally both were on one side. In one case the chromatin seemed to be dividing (Plate XXVIII, fig. 72). These sporulating* forms always arose from the “slender” drepanidia. In one series of eight slides from one frog many sporulating and “slender” forms were seen, but none of the larger drepanidia described in the next paragraph. In a few frogs, liana mascariensis , a very large drepanidium was seen, which was like the common form, but larger. It was lighter stained and often took a pink colour instead of the normal blue. The cytoplasm was coarsely granular, and many of the parasites had non-staining, highly-refractile globules in them. These globules were from one to one hundred in number, and from cr6/i to 77/1 diameter. They were always found near the nucleus and gave the appearance of a fatty degeneration of the nucleus. They sometimes distended the drepanidium until it was nearly round (Plate XXIX, %• 89), but they usually did not affect the size of the parasite. The large type of drepanidia presented three forms, a long form, a short or young fonn, and a folded or “ two-shanked ” form. I he long form 'Plate XXIX, fig. 86) was usually 22-6// long and 7/t wide. The nucleus was 3-4/* long and 5-6/1 from the posterior extremity and T^/i from the anterior extremity. The short, or young form (Plate XXIX, fig. 83) was about 8'8/i long and 6'6/t wide. The nucleus was 4‘4// 'n diameter and placed in the centre of the organism. The folded form was seen in the various stages of unfolding (pl«e XXIX, figs. 87, 88). _ * *he term is not used in its specific sense. V 334 Cytamoeba. Cytamoebae were present in a few of the frogs in considerable numbers. Amongst the forms seen was the round form (Plate XXIX, figs. 104, 106, 108, 1 10) previously described in the snake (page 304) (2'2/z wide). In it were short rods, or sometimes round, red dots (Plate XX TX, fig. 104). Other forms were oval or finely granular, sometimes with no apparent internal structure (Plate XXIX, fig. 103). The round forms were often found near the nucleus, and sometimes apparently emerging from it, giving the appearance of fragmentation of the nucleus (Plate XXIX, fig. 1 10). Some of the parasites were filled with slender rods, which at times projected beyond their edge for a distance of 4^ (Plate XXIX, figs. 1 12, 1 13). Other forms were present which looked like masses of rods bound together (Plate XXIX, figs. 107, 108, 109, 1 1 5); sometimes these bundles of rods were free in the serum (Plate XXIX, fig. roo). Occasionally short rods were found free in the erythrocytes, sometimes end to end, sometimes crossing one another at right angles. The rods found in all the above forms were of two kinds, a short rod with rounded ends, and a long filamentous rod. Some of the short rods were seen free in the1 blood plasma in such forms and arrangements that there seems to be no doubt that some of them at least are bacteria. It is equally certain that some of the longer slender rods are merely filamentous cytoplasmic processes of the rounded parasite. In some of the specimens the body of the cell was stained a light blue, while the rods within were stained a bright red. LITERATURE *• Kruse- Uebef Rlutparasiten. Virchow’s Archives. Jan. 2, 1S90, Yol. uo. P- 54». 2. Gabritchewsky. Contribution a l’etude de la parasitologie du sang. Annales Inst. Pasteur, 1890, T. IV, p. 480. 3- I.abbk. Recherches zoologiques et biologiques sur les parasites endoglobulaires du sang des vertebres. Archives de Zoologie experimentale et generate. 3 Series, T. 2, 1894, p. 5S. 4- Wasielewski. Sporozoenkunde. Jena, 1896, p. 88. 5- Ziemann. Uber Malaria und andere Blutparasiten. Jena, 1798, p. i44- 6- Laveran. Sur le bacille parasite des heinaties de Rana esculenta. Memoir de la Societe de Biologie, 1899, p. 355. This has a goocl review of the literature. 335 An unidentified parasite Another parasite, a round, red-staining mass from i'5 to in diameter, is found in red cells (Plate XXIX, figs. 93, 95, 99). With it are associated bluish-green, crystal-like bodies (Plate XXIX, figs. 93, 95,97,98). Both the red masses and crystals may be present in varying numbers (Plate XXIX, figs. 98, 99). The cytoplasm of the host-cells is usually stained a deeper blue than usual. Many of the smaller red masses have a well-defined blue area around them, which suggeststhat this parasite possesses a cytoplasmic body (Plate XXIX, figs. 94, 96). In stained films of fresh blood the red masses do not seem to have much structure, but in films of blood kept for two days, the structure consists of chromatic granules arranged peripherally with one or two darker chromatic granules in the centre. This parasite with its crystals was seen in fresh specimens. It occurred in conjunction with drepanidia and T. loricatum. FISHES* Fresh-water fish of many different sorts were examined in the Gambia and in the Congo. Parasites were found only in the fish without scales, mentioned below. Those infected were caught in a very small sluggish stream with a very dirty bottom ; none of them were over seven inches in length and none were infected with drepanidia. Trypanosomes (Plate XXX). Two “mudfish ” ( C /arias angolensis ) caught at Leopoldville in the Congo Free State on December 9th and December 30th, 1903, had actively motile trypanosomes in their blood which may be divided into three types ; a small, a medium, and a long form. The small type was identical in both, the medium was present in both, but with slight differences, and the long form was present only in the fish °f December 9th. The small form was very frequently seen in the fish of December 30th, while in the fish of December 9th, only four were present in a total of ninety-nine parasites. The medium form, >n the fish of December 30th, was less frequently met with than the small form, but was often seen in the fish of December 9th- Of the long forms only thirteen were seen. All the forms were characterised by the possession of a large four-lobed blepharoplast, *The description of the parades found in fishc-s is republished by permission from the Journal of Medical Research. 336 situated at, or very near, the posterior extremity, and by a dear space about the nucleus. The blepharoplast apparently consisted of four darkly-staining granules of equal size embedded in a matrix. In a few specimens there were, perhaps, more than four granules in the blepharoplast, but in these cases it was never possible to be certain of the exact number. The three forms of parasites seemed but different variations of one species, as gradations between all forms could be seen. The small type was readily distinguished by its size, its narrow body, its relatively long nucleus situated more anteriorly than in the other two types, and with its long diameter parallel to that of the body — and by its faint-staining reaction. The blepharoplast was oval, or round, large and distinct (measuring 113 by 075/*). and was situated at the posterior extremity. The undulating membrane was well developed, having a width of 075 /*. The long, oval nucleus was situated at the junction of the middle and anterior thirds of the body. It was granular in structure and contained a fibrous network on which were seen eight to sixteen chromatin granules, and one darker granule — the karyosome. The body protoplasm was reticular, and contained a few violet-staining granules. Occasionally parasites were seen in which the body was filled with these coarse chromatophilic granules. Superficial longitudinal striations to the number of five could be seen near the nucleus of two slightly injured parasites. Division forms were very numerous in this type (even when but four were seen in the fish of December gth, one of them was dividing). I hey followed the usual method of longitudinal division. In the division of the blepharoplast, the posterior lobe on the concave side of the parasite moved behind the other postenor lobe ; the axis of the posterior lobes thus became longitudinal, while that of the anterior lobes remained transverse. The two posterior lobes then separated from the anterior lobes and their axis became transverse again. The medium type was characterised by its size, and its darker staining reaction. The blepharoplast was large, oval or round, distinct and measured about 1-5 by 075 /x. It was situated at the posterior extremity, or from 1 to 1*5// anterior to it. The flagellum was relatively longer than in the short form. The undulating membrane in parasites from the fish of December 30th was well 337 developed, and wound in numerous folds around the body ; it was r^fi wide. In trypanosomes from the fish of December gth, the undulating membrane was poorly developed, had a few folds and was not more than i /x in width. The nucleus was round to oval, its long diameter was at right angles to that of the body, and it occupied the whole width of the parasites. It was granular in structure and contained a fibrous network on which were seen sixteen to twenty-four chromatin granules and one or two darker granules- the karyosomes. T he body was more darkly stained in the fish of December 30th. Superficial longitudinal striations to the number of seven were counted near the nucleus. Divisional forms were few in this type and followed the usual method of longitudinal division. The long type was characterised by its size, its tapering extremities, its comparatively short flagellum and by the possession of from one to four vacuoles just anterior to the blepharoplast. The blepharoplast was large, oval or round, and situated 2/x from the posterior extremity ; its measurements were the same as those of the medium type. The nucleus had the same characteristics as that of the middle type, except that it did not quite occupy the width of the body. The protoplasm was the same as in the medium type, except for the above mentioned vacuoles, which were always present. Eight superficial longitudinal striations were present and these were seen to cross the nucleus. No divisional forms of this type were seen. The measurements of the three types were as follows : Small form Medium form Long form Measurement I ... O’O /A ... o-o to 1*5 /X ... 2'0 /* II ... 127 IX. I4’2 /* ... 25-0 /* „ HI ... 3'° 37 /* ... 45-0 /* IV ... 67 /z 12 ’O [J. ... 19-5 /* „ V ... 12*0 fX. I3'5 M ... 10-5 /* VI I'O /X 3*o/* ••• 4'5 /* Total length ... ■ 34' 5 /* 45'° /* ... 6i‘5 /* Although the trypanosome described by Montel1 closely resembles our large form, we have seen no account in the literature of any parasite morphologically identical with those described above. 33« LITERATURE Good lists of the publications on the trypanosomata of fishes will be found in the works of Laveran and Mesnil, “ Trypanosomes et Trypanosomiasis,” and of Mense, “ Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten." The following are important papers not mentioned in these volumes:- 1. Montel. Trypanosoma d’un poisson de Cochinchine. Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Biologie, T. I, 1905, p. 1016. 2. Lebailly. Recherches sur les Hematozoaires des Teldostdens marins. These Fac. Med. Paris, 1906, p. 76; and Archiv. de Parasitologie, T. X, 1906. 3. Lebailly, M.C. Trypanosoma bothi iBarbue; n. sp. Comptes Rendus de la Societe de Biologie, T. IX, 1905, p. 304. 4. Hri mpt. Sur quelques especes nouvelles de Trypanosomes parasites des Poissons d'eau douce. Comptes Rendus de la Societe Biologie, T. LX, 27th Jan., 1906, page 160. 5. Brl mpt. Mode de transmission et Evolution des Trypanosomes parasites des poissons. Comptes Rendus de la Society de Biologie,' 17th Jan., 1906, T. LX. No. 4, p. 162. t>. Balfolr. Second Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Khartoum, page 197. A Spirochcete (Plate XXXI). In the blood ol the fish of December 30th a spirochaete-like organism was found which could be identified with no previously described spirochaete. It had a hair-like body; its length was usually 18/1; its breadth at the widest part was O'6/i. It was widest at one extremity 01 towards the middle; in the latter case, the parasite tapered towards both ends, but one extremity was always much thicker than the other. The wider end was rounded, while the other end was drawn out to a fine and slender point. The parasite usually occurred singly and lay in a simple curve, forming three-quarters of the circumference of a circle (Plate XXXI, figs. 1 and 2). Other forros- coils (fig. 3), compound curves (figs. 4, 9-12) and spirals (figs. 5-8) veie seen as illustrated. The coils were always formed by the s ender end of the parasite. The spiral forms were long, measuring 10m _4 2 jn, and in some of these forms there was a suggestion of membrane (figs. 5 and 6). The parasites were also seen in pairs in groups of from three to many individuals as shown in figures !3. 14-16. Ihese organisms seemed to consist of a deeply-staining core and a lightly-staining periplast. Many of them stained irregularly by modifications of Romano wsky’s method. The lighter stained areas (fig. 2) occurred at irregular intervals and were of 339 irregular extent. The periplast could be seen at these lightly stained areas and it was continued to form the slender extremity from which the core was also absent. Occasionally granular forms were seen in which the protoplasm of the core apparently arranged itself into small granular masses, but no regularity could be detected in the arrange¬ ment of these granules. Undoubted multiplication forms were not seen. , f For descriptive purposes we propose for this organism the name o Sprochceta jonesii. ARTHROPODA The protozoa found in this class were encountered by chance during an investigation of the development of various haematozoa, while examining various blood-suckers, either as controls, or for the presence of developmental forms of the blood parasites. Many tsetse flies and mosquitoes, a few Stomoxys, ticks o vanous sorts, fleas and lice, and “ Congo floor maggots," were examined. The only protozoan parasites observed are recorded below. MOSQUITOES (1) Myzorhynchus paludis . A cluster of radiating club-shaped bodies (Colome radiee) was seen in the thoracic tissues of a female of the above species, examined for malaria at Lusambo. The parasites became free, deveioped a flagellum and were actively motile in the salt solution in which mosquito was dissected. (2) Pyretophorus costal is. . , Some excitement was at first created during the examination o the alimentary canal of mosquitoes, fed at varying antecedent periods on animals infected with trypanosomes, by the presence o^vcnmcu like bodies (Plate XXXII, fig. 14). measuring about iS by /*■ These parasites progressed slowly by active lashing and slower amoeboid movement ; some similar foims weie motion ess , The amoeboid movements were of two sorts. The fast mvcflved a change in the whole shape of the parasite. T e secon a simple protrusion of protoplasm from the rounded anterior, from the effilated posterior extremity. 340 They occurred either within the stomach, in the stomachal tissues, or in the body cavity of the mosquito. A central differentiated area could be detected in them by examination in fresh specimens; near the area were more or less numerous granules which often exhibited lively Brownian movement. After some time the parasites became much stumpier (8/i by 16/i), and were later almost spherical. One parasite, however, remained unchanged and active for twenty-four hours. Further search showed that the parasite occurred in freshly- caught and freshly-hatched mosquitoes, and in the larvae from which all our experimental mosquitoes were raised, and it was quickly shown to be a stage in the life cycle of a coccidium. It was most interesting that practically every larva from one pool was infected with this coccidium, while none of the larvae and adults (anopheline and cuhcine) from a pool only a few yards distant were affected. So far as was observed the parasite did not occasion any excessive mortality amongst the mosquitoes infected. This seems difficult to understand- the mosquitoes were probably not watched long enough— since the tissues of many of them were fairly riddled with coccidium cysts. Hie water of the heavily-infected pool was centrifugalised and examined. Coccidium cysts were not recognised, various infusoria and a clump of herpetomonas-like flagellates were alone seen. So soon as it was certain that the vermicule-like “sporozoite” hac no connection with the trypanosomes ingested, the study of this coccidium was discontinued. It is, therefore, not possible to say w ether the forms observed represent stages in more than one ^ °r no' ^ seems probable that but one species of coccidium s present. We describe the forms observed and indicate the position they seem to occupy in the life cycle of the parasite. The mobile sporozoites first seen become free through the rupture of a sporoblast containing eight sporozoites. The number of sporozoites m each sporoblast is almost invariable. Fig. 15 is unusual in that nuc eus o two of the sporozoites has divided, and in one instance sion o t le cytoplasm seems to have commenced. As a rule the ong .ameters of the sporozoites are parallel. These are, therefore, gu arly arranged like the segments of an orange (corps en bardlet). Single sporoblasts surrounded by a definite cyst wall may occur, y are more usually seen in groups of four, seven, or even as many 341 as eleven sporoblasts packed together in an oocyst with a definite capsule. The individual sporozoites have no capsule. Their cytoplasm stains a light blue by Romanowsky's method. It is alveolar in structure and rarely contains granules of any sort, but may have occasional granules. The nucleus is placed centrally, is loose in texture and consists of a varying number of chromatin granules placed in a more lightly-staining matrix. From the analogy of other coccidia, we assume that the forms just described represent the completion of sporogony. The male and female gametes, which probably commence this cycle, and their conjugation have not been seen. Neither has the further development of the sporozoites been observed. The number of rounded merozoites (figs. 16, 17, 18), present in every part of the larvae and adults dissected, was often extraordinary. These organisms measured about 4 to 5/1 in diameter. They were either free or enclosed in a host cell. On becoming extracellular they were seen to possess a definite capsule (pink-staining) ; this was quickly discarded (figs. 1 8, 19) and the empty shells were very frequently seen. Often merozoites which had just cast their capsules occurred in groups of four (fig. 18). Four merozoites were, however, never seen within an unbroken capsule. As a rule whether intra or extra-corpuscular the merozoites occurred singly. When extra- corpuscular they were occasionally in pairs. Sometimes large intra- corpuscular cysts were seen which contained very large numbers of merozoites. The merozoites (figs. 16, 17, 18) consisted of a pinkish alveolar cytoplasm in which was situated a nucleus usually surrounded by an indefinite bluish area. In this bluish area a lighter, rounded spot was almost invariably present. A few chromatophilic granules and small clear spaces were frequently seen in the cytoplasm. The nucleus consisted of irregular masses of chromatin placed in a matrix. In some forms (fig. 16) the granules were placed at the Periphery of the nucleus and were joined by threads with a central darker-staining mass. In fresh specimens they were immobile. LITERATURE '• Ross. Parasites of Mosquitoes. Jour, of Hygiene, Vol. VI, No. 2, April '9°^. The subject is reviewed and discussed. 342 TSETSE FLIES (G/ossina palpalisi Parasites of the type described below were found in specimens of Glossina palpalis freshly-caught, and at all periods, up to n days, after having fed on known animals infected with trypanosomes. All the parasites were not precisely similar, but one description will suffice for all. The free rod-like parasites were found only in the alimentary canal, nearly all of them in its anterior part. They were most numerous near the oesophagus, in the “ stomach or in the neighbouring part of the intestine. Cysts containing them were seen attached to, or actually in, the wall of the intestine. Some of them were whole, others had burst (or were burst by slight pressure), and from them were expelled the rod -like bodies. In fresh preparation^ these rods (Plate XXXII, figs, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10) were non-motile, they contained one or two refractile granules and they occurred singly or, occasionally, in small clumps. The most usual form seen in stained specimens was a rod about j'Op in length and VOfi in width wi abruptly rounded ends (figs. 1, 2, 5). It was limited by a definite outline, but apparently not by a capsule. Its body substance con= of pale blue protoplasm in which occurred chromatophilic granu 3 ^ rounded clear areas. The chromatophilic granules varied ni^ from extremely fine particles (fig. 6) up to masses measuring * ^ o'3 to 0-5 p in width (fig. 3). They were usually distributed moi ^ less regularly in transverse bands (figs. 1, 2, 5. 10) lying. at across the parasite. In such parasites the individual granule^ ^ barely be distinguished. Often between each band of granl guCj, placed one of the rounded, clear areas (figs. 1, 2, 5. U ' sn]all parasites were probably preparing for transverse division. 1 ^ forms, apparently consisting of one or two rounded se?1110’1^ j the original rod-like body, were often observed (fig. 7). In xVell aS parasites showing the band-like distribution of chroniatm- d=bl]ateral in others in which pairs ol granules were arranged 111 jBjglrt symmetry (figs. 8, 9), it seemed as though longitudinal dlVl51^s be about to occur. In many parasites the chromatin gr‘‘n } jarger distributed absolutely without order (figs. 3, 4, 6). Rarely otli^ and a smaller granule seemed to be in connection with eaC ueptly freq i«e' Rod-shaped parasites of all these three types wcrc ^ ($0$ terminated by a small chromatophilic granule (figs. 4. 5’ 1 ^ wh*c times placed in a clear area), or by a rounded enlarge111 343 often measured twice the diameter of the rest of the parasite (fig. io). Rounded parasites measuring from 3 /* to 5// or more in diameter with irregularly distributed granules and no clear areas occurred (figs. 1 1 and 13). The smaller rounded forms can divide transversely ; apparently after a concentration of the chromatin (fig. 12). It seemed possible that this parasite should be placed amongst the Myxosporidia. In recognition of the collaboration of Dr. Inge Heiberg in the work of our expedition, and in particular of his observations on T. loricatum . we suggest for the name of this parasite Myxosporid turn heibergi. About half of the tsetses dissected at Leopoldville had these parasites free in their midgut. In the stomach wall of one freshly caught fly coccidian-like cysts were seen. (“ Corps en bardlet compare the parasite of Pyretophorus costalis described above).* EPILOGUE Although the facts presented in this paper are admittedly the results of passing observations, incomplete, disconnected, and made under unfavourable circumstances, we think that they possess a certain value as a record alone of protozoan infections encountered by chance during three years’ work in Africa. Many of the appearances noted, though incomplete in themselves, are of additional value in that they confirm the constancy of morphological changes noted in other allied and better studied parasites. The following examples are cited. Longitudinal stnations have been seen in every trypanosome examined ; the myonemes of ot er authors are, therefore, constant in the trypanosomes we have dealt with. In several instances the thickened edge of the undulating membrane of trypanosomes has been observed to terminate, not in the blepharoplast, but in a lighter-staining pinkish granule, or pair o granules, closely applied to it. In some of our trypanosomes structure of the nucleus and the occurrence, m neighbouring differentiated areas, of paired chromatophilic granules suggests a connection with the complicated nuclear developmental phenomena observed in trypanosomes by some observers. The clear, unstame •This is the last of the parasitic protozoa tarabia and the Congo. The filariae found in va by5 Professor. H. E. nd reptiles will be considered in a forthcoming paper o> tnnett. 344 perinuclear area, the irregular, non-staining almost granular areas, and the lines in the cytoplasm as well as the chromatophilic granules (see Plate XXVII, fig. 34) frequently observed in various trypanosomes described in this paper, are all constant phenomena, which seem to be of biological significance. In the development of T. loricatum the work of Danielewsky was confirmed and extended to prove a most interesting cycle of multiplication in a well-known trypanosome ; it must be asked whether a similar cycle may not occur in other trypanosomes. The rough resemblances between the spirochaetes seen in ulcers and in fish with previously described parasites of this nature are striking. In the leucocytozoon of birds an interesting course of development is described. * Unfortunately our material was too scanty to permit us to fully compare our observations with those of Schaudinn. Very little has been said concerning the drepanidia observed. In spite of a very careful search in kept pre¬ parations of blood, we were unable to find any indication of a direct relation between this parasite and the trypanosomes which were often associated with it. t Neither were parasites resembling 1 rypanosoma inopinatum seen to become intracorpuscular. X In both stained and fresh preparations of frogs blood, however, the great resemblance in size and general appearance between some trypano¬ somes and some drepanidia was very apparent. It was also noticed that, as a rule, if there were many drepanidia in a given frog, there were also many trypanosomes. One of the earliest of the lessons learned from our work on these protozoa was the entire inadequacy of the methods of preparing blood-films, ordinarily employed by pathologists, for a morphological study of protozoa. The examination of dried films stained by modifications § ot Romanowsky’s method suffices for the purposes of clinical diagnosis. I his method will show many of the structures present, it was used in * The dangers of constructing a part of the life-history of a parasite from stained specimens alone are apparent. The course of development we described ma\ be mistaken, but the descriptions of the forms mentioned are accurate and ma) e relied upon so far as the defects of the method of preparation employed permit 1 Billet, ( ulture d’un trypanosome de la grenouille chez une Hirudinee. C. R- Acad, des Sci.,1. CXXXIX, Oct. .0, 1904, p 643. c ^ rypanosoma inopinatum et sa relation avec les Drepanidium. C. R- boc. de Biol. , July 23, 1904, p. i6x. Pres! of Th erpoc)1!11 Christophers’ The Practical Study of Malaria, page 10, University 345 the whole of the work described in the present papers, but it fails to demonstrate finer details properly. Our work must, therefore, be regarded as incomplete, and certainly the more important parts of it should be repeated by workers using methods more perfect than those employed by us. A second lesson was that too much of the work done on the pathogenic protozoa, particularly by medical men, has been directed by conceptions derived from bacteriology. Days of tedious searching of slides and of observation of parasites, placed under various conditions, must be spent in studying the pathogenic protozoa, when minutes would almost suffice in the case of bacteria. The difficulty of finding the parasites at all is sometimes extraordinary, and the possible occurrence of a latent infection must never be forgotten. The study of the pathogenic protozoa must be approached with an unbiassed mind and with the remembrance that the known life¬ cycles of several protozoa are exceedingly complicated. We believe that the continuous observation of living parasites will ultimately furnish the richest reward. A single positive observation so obtained is absolute, and outweighs any number of apparent y antagonistic probabilities obtained by deductions from work done along apparently parallel lines of research. Of course, the examina¬ tion of fresh preparations should be supplemented by the examina tion of stained material. Lastly, at the present moment more is known, in every way, of malaria than of almost any other disease, observing less studied protozoan infections it will fiequently happen that our knowledge of what actually does occur in malaria will lea to the formation of an ultimately successful working hypothesis, or to the correct interpretation of newly-observed phenomena. EXPLANATION OF PLATES All the illustrations accompanying this paper, except where it is otherwise stated, are drawn to a magnification of 2,000 diameters. No camera lucida was employed ; the dimensions were obtained by measurement. A Zeiss 2mm. apochromatic i'40 aperture objective, with an 8 or 18 eyepiece, was regularly used. Plate XX Figs. 1 to 28, except 27. are “Young Forms” As a rule, ectoplasm, endoplasm and nuclear material can be distinguished in each of these parasites ; occasionally it is difficult to do so (fig. 24). The arrangement of the parasites and the host-cell are well seen in figs. 1, 25, 28. The constant presence of a clearer area about the chromatic material is to be noted in these parasites. F'fT- i- Chromatic mass with linear extension possibly antecedent to nuclear division, as in fig. 3. Fig. 2 Shows nucleus with vacuole containing indistinct granules. 3- Nuclear material divided into a small and a larger chromatin mass connected by a line ; possibly stage succeeding fig- 1 Figs. 4, 5 and 9. Chromatin divided into a larger mass and a smaller granular one, placed in a vacuole. Note the vacuole in these parasites is frequently pink-staining. Figs. 6 and 7. — F orms similar to 2 and 5 in very small parasites. Fig. 8. Very small parasite showing a line. Fig. 10. Chromatin divided into two equal masses. Figs. 11 and 12. Are squashed and somewhat degenerated parasites. They are useful in that they show distinctly the presence of definite structure in the nuclear material. 347 Fjg j j —Shows a form in a small parasite probably comparable to 9. The vacuole is well marked. . The endoplasm of the parasite has pressed upon and considerably distorted the nucleus of the host-cell. Fig. 14— Probably not similar to 1, but commencing formation of line. Figs. 16, 1 7 and 18.— Early formation of line. Note its position in the chlamydoplasm. Figs. 19, 20, 21 and 22.— Are unique specimens. They probably represent important stages of the maturation of the parasites. We feel it unwise to attempt to discuss their exact significance. In 22 a wavy bluish-line is disposed along “ the line.” Fig. 15. — Is a squashed and degenerated parasite. The immediate connection of at least one pair of chromatophilic granules with the line is very evident in 15, 19 and 23. Figs. 23, 24, 25 and 28. — Are well-grown parasites which retain their spherical form. Fig. 26.— Shows commencing transverse division of the line. The connection of the “ blepharoplast with the blunt extremity of one half of the line is well shown. Fig. 27.— Line shows commencing longitudinal division. Note that there are two distinct areas of chromatophilic material, beside the chlamydoplasm, lying immediately beneath the dividing line. (This specimen was unique.) Figs. 29 and 30. — Trypanosomes. % 3 1 -—Spherical female. Note dark granule connected with line running across chlamydoplasm ; this is the only instance in which such a line was seen. The ectoplasm and host-cel nucleus are being thrown off. 34» Plate XXI With the exception of fig. 38, probably a female, all the parasites illustrated in this plate are males. Fig- 33- — Division of the line; nucleus only just commencing to divide. Fig- 33a- — Division of line with chlamydoplasm and nucleus. The ectoplasm has been deleted for convenience of reproduc¬ tion. Fig- 34- — Formation of line (?). Note the presence of granules of chromatin. Fig- 55- — A very common form (see figs. 42, 43, 74). It represents the line passing through a diffuse chromatic area (chlamydoplasm) in which lies a denser chromatic area (nucleus ?), often containing one or more (figs. 42, 41) deeply chromatic granules (blepharoplast ?). Occasionally these granules, or similar ones, lie outside the denser nuclear material (fig. 43). Fig- 3^. — Degenerated and squashed parasite, showing multiple nature of line. Fig- 3 7- — Only three parasites of this type (all practically identical) were seen. It is remarkable in possessing a blepharoplast- like mass of chromatin distinct from the main nuclear structure. 1 here is an indefinite arrangement of fibrillae and granules about the nucleus and chlamydoplasm. F'g- 38- A female cell (unique), in which a faint blue line was wound spirally about one half of the line. Appearances resembling this were seen in one or two other preparations (fig. 62). F’g- 39- Fine dividing longitudinally, nucleus already completely divided. Parasites of a similar type are not infrequent. The one illustrated is considerably distorted. IH1gs. 40 and 41. — Commencing transverse division of the line. In each parasite the line has become thinner. In fig. 41 the differentiated area surrounding the constriction is well seen. Figs. 42, 43 and 74. — Are ordinary types of adult males with lines. rigs. 41, 42 and 43— Blepharoplastic (?) granules occur in the two former within, in the latter without, the nucleus. The presence in fig. 43 of a bluish area within the chlamydo¬ plasm in immediate connection with the nucleus is suggestive. Fig- 44- The line is divided transversely (specimen unique); the two halves are connected by a filament. 45- (Compare figs. 63 and 64). Probably represents a stage Fi r antenor 46. (Specimen unique.) g. 40. l he fine is much involuted. It extends far into the ectoplasm. A faint blue spiral line (artefact ?) extends, liom a double granule in the ectoplasm, through the lower part of the parasite. The arrangement of the nucleus is not at all definite. 350 Plate XXII Fig. 47. — (Specimen unique. The colouring of this parasite is much too vivid.) Probably occurs at almost the same period as fig. 49. It is remarkable for the four granules placed in the concavity of the crescentic nucleus. (Similar dots have been seen in other parasites, but never again in this position). Figs. 48, 49. — Are very common types of males. Note the spherical nucleus with its neighbouring granules in 48 and the distributed chlamydoplasm in fig. 49. (Compare fig. 75-) Fig. 50. — Shows a disjointed bit of chlamydoplasm in relation with the blepharoplast. Note the granules in this position The alveolar structure of the endoplasm has given the parasite a lattice-like appearance. Figs. 5!> 52> 53 and 55. — Are stages in the division of the nucleus. In fig. 53 the vacuole in association with the blepharoplast is well seen. igs- 54> 56 and 59. — The chlamydoplasm is abundant. The nucleus has formed a spindle-like figure, best seen in fig. 56- ^ fig. 59 the chromatic granules of the figure seem about to divide, and the vacuole in connection with the blepharo¬ plast is well seen. Fig- 5 7- Two tiny granules are attached to the blepharoplast by fine threads. The nuclear chromatin is commencing to show polar concentration. (See fig. 60.) Fig. 58. Granules are being extruded (?) from both nucleus and blepharoplast. big. 60. Is probably the stage succeeding fig. 5 7. The nucleus ha^ almost divided. Fig. 61. Shows enormous increase of chlamydoplasm. (Compaq 56.) 352 Plate XXI 1 1 x i>334- Figs. 62-73, except 68, 70, and 71 are females. Fig. 62. Is a stage in line formation. Note the wavy blue line crossing the chlamydoplasm. Figs. 63 and 64. — Compare fig. 45. Flg- 65.— Note endoplasm lying over host-cell nucleus. Chlamydo¬ plasm does not stain, so nucleus appears to lie in a vacuole. Fig. 66. Host-cell nucleus extruded, nucleus well differentiated Note granules in chlamydoplasm. P*ff- 67. Host-cell nucleus about to be extruded. Compact chlamydoplasm, well-defined nucleus (or blepharoplast ?). This is a very common type. Fig. 68. (Compare figs. 48, 57, 71, 75.) Chlamydoplasm with spherical nuclear area. Blepharoplast very granular and one granule extruded. (Compare fig. 49.) 1 ig. 69. (Compare fig. 67.) Is a common type. The chlamydoplasm is very diffuse. big. 70.- -Parasite possessing distinctive characters of neither adult male nor female. I lg ‘ z1-— Note deeper-staining area in nucleus. (Compare fig. 68.) Fig. 72.— Much effilated makrogametocyte ; in one instance two fine chromatic granules occurred, as illustrated, in the chlamydoplasm. S 73 ■ Is a common type of adult female; the vacuole in connec¬ tion with the blepharoplast is well seen. Fig. 74. — Compare fig. 35. Pig- 7 5- (Compare fig. 48, &c.) Note the two large ill-defined granules outside the nucleus in the chlamydopl asm. S 76. (Compare fig. 49.) Is paJc] y stained ; chlamydoplasm is much extended. *> 77- Discarded ectoplasmic sheath and host-cell nucleus of an adult parasite. PLATE XXIII. 354 Plate XXIV Pig- I- — “ Slender ” form. Fig. 2. — “Slender” form. Fig. 3. — “ Broad ” form. Fig. 4.—“ Broad ” form. Fig. 5. — “ Stumpy ” form. Fig. 6. Stumpy form ; evidently degenerated but reproduced to show structure of blepharoplast and nuclear granules. Dutton, Todd and Tobey. PLATE XXIV Trypanosomes. 35^ Plate XXV* Fig. I. — T. loricatum. This is apparently an ordinary division form with two blepharoplasts, two nuclei and two flagella. The nuclei are long, sharply-defined sacs, with many small chromatin granules in them. Fig. 2. — T. loricatum This form has a long nucleus with chromatin massed near both ends. There are longitudinal pleats and a short free undulating membrane. Fig. 3. — T. loricatum. This form has a round nucleus. The longi¬ tudinal pleats are present. Fig. 4. — T. loricatum. This form has deep longitudinal pleats. The nucleus is not so long as in figs. 1 and 2, but has the characteristic shape and curves towards the undulating membrane. Fig. 5. — T. loricatum. Lanceolate form. The nucleus is a long and broad band. The undulating membrane runs as a white band in folds down the middle of the parasite. Fig. 6. — T. loricatum. Long “ hyla form” (page 324). The body has longitudinal folds. The nucleus is long, and wide near the middle, tapering to both extremities. Fig. 7. — T. loricatum. Long “ hyla form.” The folds are unfolding No nucleus is visible. Fig. 8. — T. loricatum. Parasite has become rounded and is about to lose its flagellum. Fig- 45- — Trypanosome of the tortoise, showing round unstained areas. Fig. 46. — Drepanidia of the tortoise. The nucleus stains purple and both it and the cytoplasm are denser than in fig. 4^- Fig- 47- — Drepanidium of the tortoise. The nucleus is red and the body has many coarse granules in it. Fig. 48. — Drepanidium of the tortoise. The nucleus is red ar.d loosely woven, and the cytoplasm is also loosely woven. Fig- 49- — Drepanidium of the crocodile. big- 5°- — Drepanidium of the snake — common form. Fig- 51- — Drepanidium of the snake. The nucleus and cytopL- are loosely woven, and vacuoles are present at both en - Fig- 52- — Drepanidium of the snake, showing elongation of the bod} of the host-cell. Fig- 53- — A curious appearance in a snake’s blood (page 304); lre' form, red dot in the middle. big- 54- The same in a cell with no drepanidium. big- 55- — The unidentified parasite of the snake — round form. * Numbers 1-8 are drawn one-half the usual size. J . , *. 358 Plate XXVI Pig- 9- — T. loricatum. Wide “ hyla form,” with folds unfolding. Nucleus indicated by a bent band. 1- ig. io. — T. loricatum. Short “ hyla form.” The nucleus is long and has chromatin massed at both ends. There is an unfold¬ ing of the edge of the body at intervals on one side of the parasite. Pig. n. — 7. loricatum. Round form with short curved,. narrow white band running from blepharoplast towards periphery. The nucleus has differentiated areas on both sides. Pig. 12. — 7. loricatum. Round form, dividing form. Two nuclei, and two blepharoplasts are present. Pig- T3- — T- ■ loricatum. Round form as in fig. 1 1, but with no differentiated areas in nucleus. Fig. 14. — T. loricatum. Rounded form, about to divide, the flagellum having been lost. l ig. 15. — T. loricatum. Dividing round form; two nuclei, two blepharoplasts, but the cytoplasm not quite divided. Pig. 16. — 7. loricatum. Small round division form. Pig. 17. 7. loricatum. A still smaller form than the above. P ig- 18. 7 . loricatum , I he parasite has divided into a group of 16. Pig. 19. — 7. loricatum. Rounded form with division of nuclei and blepharoplasts into four, but with no division of the cytoplasm. Pig. 20. 7. loricatum. Small divisional form that has just acquired a flagellum. Pig. 21. T. loricatum. Herpetomonas-like form. Note the position of blepharoplast, nucleus, posterior granule, and flagellum. Fig. 22. T. loricatum. Trichomonas-like form. The anterior extremity is enlarged and round and from it go four flagella. Pig. 23. — T. loricatum. Pferpetomonas-like form with large anterior end. P ig. 24. 7. loricatum. This is perhaps a variety of T. inopinatum. P^g- 2 5- T, loricatum. I his is a common inopinatum- like form. 1 'g- 2b. T loricatum. An inopinatum -\ ike form, wide at the level of the nucleus. P 'g- 2 7- T- ■ loricatum. A sanguinis- like form. Note the wide membrane, the position of the nucleus and the blepharo- P asP and the shape of the posterior extremity. P ' g- 28.-7’. loricatum. A “ leaf-like form ” (page 322). Note the position of nucleus and blepharoplast, and the shape of posterior and anterior portion of the body. PLATE XXVI. P.P. Press. I tu I'. Plate XXVII J'ig- 29. — T. loricatum. “Leaf-like form” (page 322), with the posterior end arranged like a bud about to open. Note position of nucleus and blepharoplast. Fig- 3°- — T. loricatum. “ Leaf-like form unfolding. Note position of nucleus and blepharoplast, and shape of anterior and posterior portions of body. Fig- 31- — T. loricatum. The “leaf-like form” has completely unfolded into an adult type of T. loricatum. ig- 32- — Intermediate form between the “leaf-like form” of T. loricatum and T. mega. Fig- 33- — T. mega. A form with red staining granules in the cyto¬ plasm. I he nucleus is faintly stained. Fig- 34- — T. mega. Same form as fig. 33, but with more red granules in the cytoplasm. 1'iiT- 35- — F\ mega. The posterior part of the body is irregularly contracted. Note the shape of the nucleus. Fig- 36.- 7'. mega. A somewhat generally contracted form. Note the shape of the nucleus. Fig- 37- T. mega. A very much generally contracted form. Note the shape of the nucleus. Fig- 3^- T. mega. A variety of T. mega with coarse reticular structure. Fig- 39. T. mega. A much elongated form. Note the character of the nucleus, and the difference between the part of the body anterior to the nucleus and that posterior to the nucleus. plate XXVII. ^7" 362 Plate XXVIII Fig. 40. — Small form of T. karyozeukton , showing blue spiral line running from blepharoplast to posterior extremity, and the thick wide undulating membrane. Fig. 41. — Medium form of T. karyozeukton , showing granule at posterior end of thickened edge of undulating membrane. Fig. 42. — Large form of T. karyozeukton. Fig. 43- — T. karyozeukton coiled, with the anterior end free. Fig- 44. — Tighter coil of T. karyozeukton. Fig. 56. — A curious appearance in a snake’s blood (page 304) in a cell with a drepanidium. Fig 57- — J he same lying upon a degenerated drepanidium. Fig. 58. — The same with short rods of unequal length. Fig. 59- — Intracellular drepanidium, showing excretion at both extremities within capsule. Fig. 60.- Encysted drepanidium, found free in serum, showing excretion at the extremities. big. 61. — Division form of drepanidium. The cytoplasm has divided synchronously with the chromatin. Fig. 62. — Division form of drepanidium, dividing into two. Fig 63. — Division form of drepanidium, with the divisions almost separated. Fig. 64. Division form of drepanidium, five divisions. big. 65. — Division form of drepanidium with four divisions. Fig. 66. Division form of drepanidium on the way out of the erythrocyte. big. 67. Common form of drepanidium, almost out of an erythro¬ cyte, showing the eaten-out character of the host cell. b ig. 68. Common form of drepanidium, showing division of nucleus into two, connected by a red line. Fig. 69.— Common form of drepanidium with dividing nucleus. big. 70. Common form of drepanidium with constriction at one end tbe body» showing one method of movement *g‘ 71- Common form of drepanidium with two constrictions. ^2‘ ^ oung parasites of the small form of drepanidium. 73- -Small form of drepanidium, showing nucleus and the blue spiral line running from a chromatin granule of nucleus to anterior extremity of body, x 4,000 to show structure in detail. ^ 74- Small form of drepanidium, showing chromatin granules at posterior end, also a few anterior to nucleus, x 2,000. ^ ’fa- 75- Free division form of drepanidium. 364 Plate XXIX i'ig. 76. — Division form with one larger mass of chromatin and several chromatin dots around it. ^ 77- — Division form with four masses of chromatin. hig. 78. — Division form with sixteen masses of chromatin. Fig-- 79 ■ Division form with twelve masses of chromatin and the division into well-defined " spores.” I- ig. 80. — Double infection with rosette division forms. big. 81. Common form of drepanidium with division form beside it in same host-cell. big. 82. Common form of drepanidium with division form at an earlier stage of development. FjfT- S3.— Young form of large drepanidium. Fig. 84. Drepanidium showing one globule situated near the nucleus. b ig. 85. Drepanidium with about 100 retractile globules in it. big. 86.— Large form of drepanidium. Fig. 87. Large form of drepanidium, showing body folded upon itself. Fig. 88. Fig. 89, Fig. 90. Fig. 91. Fig. 92.- Fig. 93-- Fig- 94- Fig. 95- Fig. 96.- Fig. 97.- Fig. 98.- Fig. 99.- Fig. 100. Fig. 101. Fig. 102.- Fig. 103, Fig. 104.- 105.- Fig. 106. Fig. 107.- Fig. 108.- Fig. 109. Fig. no. Fig. in, big. 112.- I'Z- 1 13 — Fig. 114.- Fig. 115.— Large form of drepanidium, only partly folded upon itself. —Large form of drepanidium with 34 retractile globules. Large form of drepanidium with two globules situated near nucleus. Drepanidium with 1 1 globules situated near the nucleus. —Drepanidium with large retractile globules. An unidentified parasite of frog with crystal. An unidentified parasite of frog, showing a blue area sharply defined. -An unidentified parasite of frog, with crystal in nucleus. ” .» with well-defined blue area. ” .» apparently free in the serum. •• .1 with three crystals. ' ” •. triple infection. -Lytomoeba free in serum. -Cytomoeba in cell. round form. round and long forms, long form. round forms breaking up nucleus. round form breaking up nucleus. long form. long form. round form. long form. 366 Plate XXX Hg\ i. Small form, showing arrangement of the chromatin granules of the nucleus and of the granules of the blepharoplast. h ig. 2. — Small form, showing early stage of division. The chromatin granules of the nucleus have gathered into two masses, and the granules of the blepharoplast have changed their position. ^ iff- 3- Medium form, showing arrangement of the chromatin granules of the nucleus and of the granules of the blepharoplast. ^ 4- Medium form, showing striations. Pig. 5. Long form, showing arrangement of the chromatin granules and karyosome of the nucleus, the longitudinal striations, the granules of the blepharoplast and the vacuoles anterior to it. 5 Duttor.Todd.Tobey plate XXX Hemoflagellate. 4 I 368 Plate XXXT S pi roc ha et a joiiesii from Cl arias angolensis , see page 338. ^'onJodd.Tobey PLATE XXXI Hemoflagellate YAWS 373 YAWS BY C. VV. BRANCH, M.B, C.M. (Edin.), MEDICAL OFFICER, COLONY HOSPITAL, ST. VINCENT, W.I. (. Received May 13th, 1907) THE PREVALENCE OF SYPHILIS IN THE WEST INDIES The most striking feature of the medical practice in the West Indies is the prevalence of tertiary syphilis and infantile inherited syphilis among the labouring class. In some of the islands this prevalence is quite extraordinary. On the contrary, in the classification of diseases returned by the Colonial medical officers, as well as in the reports of hospitals, syphilis is credited with so few cases that it is incredible that the figures can be correct. In part this is due to the custom of classing diseases by the local manifestations, e.g. iritis, necrosis, paralysis, &c. The cases are thus scattered through the classification, and even if their true nature has been recognized it is not shown. But it is nevertheless a fact that great misconception does exist in the minds of many of the medical profession in the West Indies, and no doubt elsewhere in the tropics, as to the extent to which syphilis is responsible for the sicknesses that occur. The chief causes of this failure to recognize the disease are ignorance of the original nature of syphilis and the tendency to regard it as a venereal disease. hailing to attribute a given lesion to syphilis the medical man naturally turns to tubercle, the effects of which on the natives of the ropics are in consequence vastly over-rated. Tubercular bone and joint disease is rare among negroes. Lupus I have never seen, though I have seen cases classed as such, the scars and subsequent history of which abundantly proved the syphilitic origin of the lupoid ulceration. Phthisis is very common among the negroes in some ^est Indian Colonies, but in view of the undoubted rarity of othei 374 tubercular troubles, 1 am inclined to believe that a great deal of the phthisis is really syphilitic. 1 have several times been agreeably surprised by the recovery of a phthisis case. Without actually diagnosing- syphilis, one gets such a belief m iodide, and uses it for such a wide range of complaints, that some of the lung cases have bad the good fortune to be accidentally cured in this way. It is a sate thing to treat all supposed phthisis with iodide if the tubercle bacillus cannot be found or if there is no opportunity to search for it But even after discounting for pure syphilis of the lung, there remains a number of tubercular cases quite out of proportion to the amount of tubercle of other tissues. With respect to the West Indies I can personally vouch for the prevalence of syphilis in the islands St. Croix (Danish West Indies;, St. Kitts, Nevis, Antigua, St. Lucia and St. Vincent. In Barbados I think there is not so much of grave syphilis, but the disease is widely spread nevertheless. Dr. W. J. Branch, after 25 years practice in St. Kitts, said in reply to a query, " nearly every black or " coloured person on St. Kitts has, or has had, syphilis in some shape “ or other, congenital, acquired or both."1 1 had five years experience in district and hospital work in that island, and can assure the reader that though this estimate is true, the condition of the population of St. Vincent is worse. 1 lere I have seen a man in middle life with tertiary scars dating from childhood, a scar of an old penile chancre, and a new eruption of secondaries. That is to say, in St. Vincent people may be “ thrice dipped ” in syphilis. Second infections are the rule of life if an individual comes to mature years. I he combination of secondaries and tertiaries is very commonly seen. In my annual hospital report for 1902-03 I wrote: — " When to this moral state is added a profound and universal saturation with syphilis and depletion by ankylostoma, it may easily be understood that the present labouring population of St. Vincent 1S leased and pauperized as any in the world. The effects of syp ills depend on the nutrition of the patient ; so that where there a soil as suited for the exuberant manifestation of the disease a= ° tams here’ 1S not surprising to note the disablement and increasing pauperism due to syphilitic ulceration and necrosis. -? _ >P ilitic paralysis, and degenerative neurosis. . • • '■ Nlcholls’ Report, page 167. 375 •'Medical men from abroad, visiting St. Vincent, are struck by "the prevalence of disfigured and noseless faces, and the pauper “asylum is a museum of remnants left by syphilitic disease and the "surgeon’s knife.”1 This is a lurid picture, but it is paralleled by the condition of more than one other West Indian colony. Dr. Blanc, of Tobago, bears witness to the extensive spread of syphilis in that island. “ In connection with this question, I may say "that in Charlotteville and Speyside, where yaws was so prevalent, “a very large proportion of the population suffer from syphilis.”2 Dr. S. Branch, in his hospital report from St. Lucia for 1904-05, speaks as strongly of the prevalence of syphilis there as I do of St Vincent. These, after all, are only statements of opinion, but though figures are proverbially deceptive, 1 am able to adduce some statistics in support of my assertions with respect to St. Vincent. We may take these as practically representative of the state of affairs in the West Indies generally ; for with few exceptions they all belong to one type ; the poverty, the race of the masses, the climate, and the geologic structure are the same. It was agreed by the Medical Officers of St. Vincent that all cases of tubercle and syphilis were to be classed as such in the monthly returns of cases treated, and not scattered under the different organic systems as local diseases. This has been done since July, 1905, and I can show some reliable figures for twelve months’ district work in the Colony. The population of St. Vincent is estimated at 45,000. The hospital has a daily average of 55 to 60 patients. In the four years I have been in charge of the hospital there have been 3,269 admissions for all causes. This number is rather swollen by the cases of ankylostomiasis, many of which are admitted twice or several times for two days in order to take thymol. In these four years diere have been 630 admissions for syphilis, of which 42 were for pnmary. Only about 20 of these cases were suffering from yaws, so that 1 have not materially swelled the total by including this condition "'th syphilis. The syphilis cases therefore form about 19 per cent. the total admissions. When it is remembered that one naturally avoids filling one’s hospital beds with chronic cases, such as those '■ ^ospital Report, St. Vincent. Colonial Reprints, No. 20. 2 • Scholls’ Report, p. 166. 3/6 suffering from tertiary ulceration, and that ankylostomiasis has run the total to an abnormally high figure, it must be admitted that this percentage shows well the prevalence of syphilis. F or some time I conducted an out-patient department at the hospital, as a single-handed effort to deal with some of the tertian cases of the island. Between July, 1903, and March, 1905, that is, in twenty-one months I treated 600 cases of syphilis. In the four years of hospital work referred to, a large number oi amputations have been necessitated by syphilis. Of 51 amputations of the leg at the seat of election, 27 were performed for syphilis and 1 1 for elephantiasis. And even of the latter several were brought to the knife by extensive syphilitic ulceration. In the reports of the Medical Officers for the district work for twelve months July, 1903, to June, 1906 -no less than 1,996 cases of syphilis are returned. This for a population of 45,000 is equal to 4'4 Per cent, per annum of the inhabitants. Of these 1 attended myself 539 cases, which form about 21 per cent, of all the district cases treated by me in that time. It must be understood that these figures referring to syphilis have not been swelled by the inclusion of the cases of yaws. I hough it is true that only one Medical Officer in St. Vincent now returns yaws as such, yet this condition is not often brought to our notice, and the few cases of frambesial eruption which we have treated would not affect the general truth of the figures. The one Medical Officer referred to whose district is that most infected with yaws, only returned 24 cases in the twelve months. There is no compulsory medical certification of death in St. Vincent, except for infants under one year, but nearly all the deaths are certified by medical men. I went through the register for two years March, 1904, to March, 1906 — to pick out and classify the causes of death. From the vital statistics I may quote the following : — Total deaths . IiiI8 Still Births . ,,1 Syphilis . . . . . . ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 56 Hereditary Syphilis (infants) . 149 Syphilis, therefore, causes on the average about 14 per cent, of the deaths in St. Vincent. 377 A high infant mortality (25 per cent, of the total deaths in St Vincent) and a large number of still-births are observed all over the West Indies. These alone are evidence of the prevalence of syphilis, though there are ofher causes — illegitimacy, ignorance and poverty— which contribute to raise these rates. Hereditary syphilis in infants is a matter which presses hardly on Government Medical Officers who are required to attend the children of labourers free, as they do in many West Indian Islands. In the twelve months’ period referred to above, I saw no infants suffering from inherited disease out of a population of about 5,000. In the whole Colony in the same period there were returned 512 cases of hereditary syphilis. This is in a higher ratio to the total cases of syphilis than in my practice. I attribute this difference to my own tendency to class syphilis of children and young persons as acquired, only counting syphilis in infants as certainly or probably inherited. Comparing the ratios otherwise, I find a striking agree¬ ment in the figures relating to syphilis returned by myself and the other Medical Officers. To recapitulate the proofs of the prevalence of syphilis in St. Vincent, we note i- 19 per cent, of the admissions to hospital are for syphilis. 2. 44 per cent, of the inhabitants are attended yearly for syphilis by the district Medical Officers. 3- In a small hospital in a small colony no less than 27 legs were removed on account of syphilis in four years. 4- The cases of syphilis form 21 per cent, of the district cases seen by one Medical Officer. 5- Syphilis is responsible for 14 per cent, of the deaths in the Colony. I take St. Vincent as a representative Colony in which the disease ls well developed, though probably not much more so than in some other West Indian Colonies. h now we examine the stages of syphilis seen by the medical ITlen in St. Vincent, we shall find a preponderance of the tertiary and uhat seems to be an inadequate proportion of the primary stage. The figures for the same twelve months’ period are as follows : — Primary .. Secondary Tertiary .. Hereditary 35 373 1,076 512 37‘s I may admit that the primaries include several (say four) non venereal cases returned by myself. It is true that the primary lesion, even when venereal, is frequently a very trivial-looking thing to the patient, but many such sores are aggravated by the dirty habits and incontinence of the black patients, and must come to hospital for surgical treatment. In St. Kitts we operated very often on such cases. There are. therefore, probably not many chancres of the genitals, in St Vincent at any rate, which are not brought to the surgeon’s notice. This paucity of venereal chancres in the tropics is referred to by Numa Rat, whose experience extended to the W est Coast of Afnca as well as the West Indies. *' And I may add that it is very rarely " indeed that I have seen the initial lesion of syphilis in a black man “ in any country. Either the syphilitic chancre in the negro is a much " less serious affair than it is in a European, or the former considers " it too trifling, whatever its severity, to trouble the doctor about. 1: “ is reasonable to assume that in a place like St. Kitts, in which syphilis prevails so generally, the initial lesion of the affection would be modified by the presence of an inherited syphilitic taint. 1 It may justly be contended that 31 venereal primaries in 1 -99 1 cases of syphilis is an inadequate proportion. And, again, in four years only 42 cases of primary have been admitted to hospital, seems certain that the venereal chancres do not account for the amount of syphilis in the Colony, and it will be my endeavour to suggest an explanation in the following pages, which I believe applies equally to all tropical countries. TERTIARY SYPHILIS IN EARLY LIFE While we were speaking of tertiary syphilis, the reader no doubt has had in his mind the syphilis of adults. But we have now to consider another phase of the question. A great deal, if not most, d t ic tertiary in the West Indies is seen or has begun early in the L of the patients, and much of the juvenile syphilis is of a very severe character. . T^e ^arf?e infant mortality indicates what has become of most^ '• Report on Anguilla. Colonial Reprints, No. 19. 379 the inherited syphilis, and it is well known that nowhere is the occurrence of inherited taint in proportion to the number of infected parents. If this were not so the human race would have disappeared at an early period of its existence. I have rarely seen a black or coloured child over three years of age whose syphilis was undoubtedly inherited. Eye lesions, sabre shins and cranial malformations occur, but by no means commonly among the juvenile cases of syphilis. Hutdiinson’s teeth I have never seen in a dark-skinned person, and doubt if this mark affects the negro race. Moreover, the manifestations of disease in young persons are usually of a severity that one does not associate with inherited taint. Under the unfavourable conditions of child life among the black peasants, the bad cases of inherited disease die early. The milder cases we should not expect to run to such virulent tertiaries as we commonly see. Those writers who try to prove that some of these lesions, such as necrosis of the palate, are not caused by syphilis urge the youth of many of the patients, and thus they indirectly admit the improbability of their being due to inherited taint. I can therefore produce these writers in evidence. J. Numa Rat is perhaps the most careful and accurate observer of yaws. He does not believe that this condition has any relation to syphilis, but finding a prevalence of lesions apparently identical with those of tertiary syphilis, he did not attribute them to inheritance, but to yaws itself. The very common lupoid ulceration is rarely ascribed to syphilis in the West Indies for the same reason of the youth of the patients ; it is called lupus. Yet it invariably gets better under iodide, and often spontaneously. Just as common in St. Vincent is ulceration and necrosis in the throat and nose, affecting young people more frequently than adults. In a recent correspondence in the Journal of Tropical Medicine, James Leys1 and Numa Rat2 discuss this condition, which the former found as prevalent at Guam in the Philippines as it is in the West Indies. It is said to be very common also in Fiji. Leys suggests the name “ rhinopharyngitis mutilans for the condition, and both the above writers agree that it cannot be syphilis because the patients are often young, fourteen to nineteen years. As a matter of fact, sexual life begins so early with the dark races^ that i Jour. Trop. Med. February 15th, iqofi. 2- Jour. Trop. Med. May 1st, 1906. 380 a patient of sixteen years could easib have had time to reach this stage of tertiary from a venereal infection And in my own experience in St. Vincent most of the few females I have seen with venereal primary were about or under this age lint I have seen rhinopharyn¬ gitis in patients as young as nine or ten years. Both these writers ignore the possibility of non-venereal infection in childhood, and neither even raise the question of inheritance. The rhinopharyngitis as described by Leys and accepted by Rat is identical with that we have in St. Vincent. It is such a characteristic tertiary that it would he diagnosed as such without a moment’s hesitation if seen in a single individual. But it is very common in some places, e g. certain parts of the West Indies, Guam, Fiji, while in other places where there i just as much syphilis it is only occasionally seen. It is this peculiarity of distribution which makes the difficulty. I have pointed out that the damp, ho., wooded ravines of volcanic islands in the tropics are infested alike by yaws and rhinopharyngitis. The same climatic conditions determine the occurrence or favour the development of both. I he point to wli.ch attention has not been sufficiently directed is that syphilis is modifie by circumstances of climate, race, personal habits and constitution, o , so as to manifest itself in various forms. In St. Vincent, for exampe. lupoid destruction of the face is the rule on the Windward side o ^ island, and necrosis of the palate and turbinated bones on the Lee ^ It is incorrect to judge of syphilis of dark races in a tropica ^ house by the standard of syphilis in Europe. So certain rhinopharyngitis mutilans is a tertiary that its presence in ^ he conclusive that the supposed freedom of that group fronl was a delusion, if such proof was ever seriously required. ^ The condition is this ; there is ulceration of tonsils, fauces, palate or nose, progressing to destruction and accompanie ^ ^ by necrosis of the hard palate, the turbinated bones and or all of these parts may he involved. The nose at len?t " 'onf in, but the ulceration does not usually reach the skin of the ^ ^ may seethe buccal, nasal, and pharyngeal cavities tkr0''n j jjned space, lying between the tongue and the base of the skull, ^ of by a vast green-gray ulcer relieved bv blackened re £or the nea^g^ne. The condition does not appear to »• Jour. Trop. Med. MaT 15th, 1906. 38i patients continue slowly losing tissue for years when untreated, and it may heal even after most extensive destruction has taken place. There is just as frequent syphilitic ulceration, but of the skin, in other places where the rhinopharyngitis is not so common. Hutchinson describes the same lesion as being not infrequent in the young, and attributes it to inherited taint. It is remarkable, however, that he does not usually find the other signs of heredity, notched teeth and keratitis, in such cases. In view of the facts which 1 shall later on present, I have taken the liberty of disagreeing with the master’s opinion, and believe that this severe tertiary is usually the result of acquired syphilis. According to Hutchinson, the tertiaries of inherited syphilis commonly seen are interstitial keratitis at about the age of pu ) < deafness ; periosteal nodes between the ages of, say, eight to ten y sometimes ending in necrosis ; lupoid ulceration and ulceration o pharynx and palate. I have only seen three instances of deafness m juvenile syphilitics in St. Vincent. Interstitial keratitis is rare , only remember one case. Perhaps the negro race is not pron though iritis and other eye affections are sometimes seen in acq syphilis of blacks. Periostitis and synovitis in young persons children are common enough, but these belong as muc to acquired disease. Lupoid ulcerations and ulceration of the nOSf,^e throat are, as we said before, very common in young persons. ese also occur in acquired syphilis. , But it is not, I believe, recognised that cutaneous gumma^ ^ subcutaneous gumma leading to gummatous ulceis occur or a common in the inherited disease. So frequent is the former West Indies that it is well known to the natives under t e “ blind-boil " and “ blue-blister.” It is just as common in chi ren as in adults. The terrible and long-lasting ulcers often met with in the young peasants are sometimes superficial and lupoid or serpigmou , ^ more commonly they are deep subcutaneous gummata. One may ^ the early stage when there is a fluctuating tumour so like y o mistaken for abscess. I have myself cut into such a gumma "f eight years, under the impression that it was a cold a etion found the characteristic soft pale tissue exuding a gummy ^ lll,,n the cut surface. The frequency of these tertiaries Y 382 conclusive of the occurrence of youthful acquired syphilis, for if even possibly hereditary, they can only be rarely so. On the whole, therefore, while there is a great deal of congenital syphilis of infants, yet I am not satisfied that the amount of youthful tertiary which we see can be accounted for by inheritance. As before remarked, most of the congenital disease disappears by the death of the infants. \\ hat is left is presumably of a milder type, and would not produce such virulent and lasting tertiaries. When it can be shown, though this is anticipating my argument, that innocent syphilis is of frequent occurrence (apart from yaws), I feel I am justified in saying that the juvenile tertiary as seen is not the result of inherited taint. I have for some time been in the habit of jotting down short notes of syphilitic cases, though this has not been kept up regularly, and there are long and frequent hiatuses in my record. Yet out of the notes, such as they are, I can place before my readers enough cases to illustrate the several points to which I wish to call attention. I think it will be agreed that the cases following here read much n°re examples of acquired than hereditary syphilis in spite of the youthfulness of the patients. I have been limited by selecting cases in which there was no history of yaws. l. T ' years> Jilack. ino note ot earlier history, lower enri°nf’ «■ 1 1^I1’eilted scars °n both legs. Deep adherent scar over th At present this • & lbu a‘ lias had an ulcer of the right leg for some yean of the let. wha-t*-311 en°nnous sloughing ulcer involving half the circumferenc cicatrized V ! 1San‘UCh enlarSed- The of the circumference of the leg i years standing US “P?*?00- This is clearly a case of tertiary of man the primary she ” aCqui/ed dlsease- Yet at the time when she must have ha primary she was rather too young for venereal infection. Cask 2.— VV. S.; 13 years; Hindu. and adherent 1°"? T u°‘h kneeS‘ °n the ri8ht ankle an '"u volcanic eruption! \ 1 ^ ^ thlS rnore than four years ago (dated by th This has been of ♦ A arg® f°U‘ tertiary ulcer covers the back of the right fooi nine years " ° ^ duratio"- The tertiary here dates from the age c « ask 3.-D. s . Io years; Riack superficial ukerTon the lefTw*1 °f “ blind'boils ” °n both le&s; S*™ end of left fibula r 1 Ieg‘ Swe,bng of left ankle, and periostitis of lo H.rd g,a„ds on both g'0i"S' lh°8e ^ circular. Thev arp r™ Sma11 ind°lent ulcers about 6 to 10 mm. wide, a begin as a pimple whic^hr0^ “ultipIe and symmetrical in arrangement. T1 eaks down and suppurates, leaving a shallow punch 383 ulcer, which is very resistant to treatment. They seem to belong to the “ inter¬ mediate” stage of Hutchinson. This case is one of early tertiary in acquired disease, at an age which precludes the possibility of venereal infection. Case 4.— A. M.; 12 years; Black. Denies yaws. July 2nd, 1903. Left tibia sabre-shaped. Right with a very large node. Large scar on back of right thigh. Large ulcer inside the upper lip. Columna nasi has disappeared, and a large ulcer covers the surface of the nasal cavity, eroding the alae nasi. Several scars of previous skin gummata on the inner side of nates. Here it may be admitted there is a probability of heredity indicated by the sabre shin. Case 5.— W. C.; 18 years; Black. Has been five years in the Pauper Asylum as a hopelessly disabled person. October nth, 1902. Left arm has been amputated below the elbow. F.lbow scarred and ulcerated. Left leg is a scar from hip to toe, with the knee and ankle contracted in web-like keloids. Right leg is scarred below the knee. Both feet are masses of ulcers and bone disease. After more than two years’ treatment with iodide, and amputation of the left thigh, he was completely healed and left the Asylum. He has remained well to the present. I think that hereditary syphilis is not known to produce so frightful a condition. Case 6. — J. L.; 22 years; Black. Sent to the Pauper Asylum at the age of >6 years. October 17th, 1902. Both knees and elbows stiff and contracted; extensive scarring and lupoid ulceration on both shins. Multiple nodes on forearms and humeri which give them a distorted appearance. Hard palate perforated. Deaf. This case had since healed, but lately developed intense headaches and very marked mental dulness. There is no question of venereal infection in one who ■s already hopelessly disabled at 16 years. W ^ASE 7'~J- ^*5 22 years; Coloured. Was disfigured at the age of 14 years, as sent to the Pauper Asylum at 17 years. u °C.!ober x7tb» !902- Nose is gone, lower lids retracted by scarring. Side of PPer lips drawn upwards. Face scarred generally. Left leg extensively scarred h gummatous ulcers on the lower half of the shin. Ulceration of throat. Since the C- U1K*er P°tassium iodide and sent out. Here again the early age at which Pa lent was considered incurable precludes the venereal infection. Case: 8.-W. s., 9 y8ars; Black. 23rt^’ I902- Large keloid on right elbow and a scar on the forearm. and° v C Uld SCar on le^1 knee. Scar on outer malleolus. Large gummatous ulcer 8ummafaS -vp ankle. The scarring here indicates deep or subcutaneous a w ich had been appearing during several years. Case 9 R. §.; j4 years; Hindu. arm 7tE’ I9°2- Extensive scar all round the left elbow and half of _tbe ^gers ;rnS1Ve scar on ^e back of the hand, and a scar on the wrist. Two scars at th racted and a few small ulcerated spots on the fingers. ExtensI^e Large scar 6 baCk °f the riSht elbow> hack of lower forearm, and back of han . lhe lower “-TV116 front of left knee, and another of the calf. Scarred all over °ne large a the tibia- Foot a distorted mass of scars and bone disease, «i tibia. \ aand several small ulcers. Scars on right knee and on lower end ot Septum naif6 UlCCr °f ankle- Seven superficial scars on cheek, nose and ip- ' 8°ne- Was treated in hospital with a view to amputation of the 3*4 left leg, but when considered fit he declined operation and was discharged. He has not been heard of since. This is a class of case that is never seen in Europe. I "have notes of several as severe cases in St. Vincent. Case io. — L. B.; 9 years; Black. November 21st, 1902. Perforating ulcer at junction of hard and soft palate. A very young case of “ rhinopharyngitis." Case it. — C. A.; 16 years; Black. Says, “never had yaws.” March 1st, 1906. Scar of veluin palati with a perforation and a cleft of the palate. Scar on the face, one on the arm, and several on the legs, of tertian- ulcers. Two of these involved loss of bone from the tibia. Gummatous ulcer of one foot and the other leg. Case t2. — A. S-; 12 years; Black. 1-ebruary nth, 1903. Fistula of lachrymal duct from disease of maxillary bone. Left ala nasi deformed and nostril contracted by a scar. Cartilage of septum has gone. There is an ulcer of soft palate and fauces. Uvula has disappeared. Another young case of “ rhinopharyngitis.” Case 13. — E. W.; 12 years; Black. Had disease of the nose two years ago. November 22nd, 1902. Ulcer and necrosis of palate. Ulcers of right thigh, knee and skin. Ulcer and bone disease of first metatarsal. Ulcers of left thigh, knee and shin. Both knees contracted and legs wasted. Ulcers of right arm and hand. Extensive scars on left forearm ; large periosteal node on fifth metacarpal. Some wasting of both arms. This case is known to have had yaws when two years old. Cases of tertiary with history of previous yaws may be multiplied indefinitely. Among 17 children under the age of 15 years suffering from tertiary syphilis, yaws was admitted in the case of 12. Of the others only two had marks of inherited taint. I regret that I cannot quote a greater number, but one has been so in the habit of expecting the history of syphilis, that enquiry was not often made on this point, and I can only find a reply to this question in the notes of seventeen children. NON-VENEREAL SYPHILIS How often do we hear it inferred that a condition cannot be syphilitic because the patient is young and there is no evidence of eritance. And how often is there a reluctance to attribute syphilis to an adult, from a feeling that this is an unjustifiable slander of his racter. Yet thoughtful writers have warned us against this attitude. The physician must forget the local primary lesion, and „ put aside the idea that the diagnosis of syphilis carries with 11 any stl£ma of impurity.” (Fagge, by Pye Smith.) 385 I cannot state the truth about the West Indian negro better than by quoting my own words from a report already referred to. “ This applies with far greater cogency in the West Indies, where "the presence of a primary lesion on the genitals of an unmarried “peasant girl implies no immorality. Among the people there is, in “ a true sense, no sexual immorality. Coitus among children before “ puberty is as common as kissing among European children. The "normal sexual life of the adult is one of transient concubinage, “ which does not restrict casual intercourse any more than does the “ occasional marriage. The mother of a large family of unknown or “various paternity finds it very tiresome in the daughter of sixteen “years to add another infant to her burden. But that is all. She “ accepts the grandchild with simple faith, and tells you that God “ sent it.” Four years ago I was asked by the police to see a case suspected to be suffering from smallpox (or Trinidad varioloid varicella). I found the patient, a young woman of decent coloured class, to be a case I had already been treating for syphilis within the last few months. But the interesting feature was that two little girls, aged about seven and eight years respectively, in the house had now an eruption °f papular vesicular syphilides. Not long ago I attended the daughter, aged nine years, of a coloured gentleman. She had been ailing and getting thin for some months, had had frequent and some¬ times severe rheumatoid pains, and a persistent rash of papules. She had been under treatment by another physician without improvement. ' offered no diagnosis, but prescribed a hundred powders of grey powder and saccharated carbonate of iron. The rash rapidly cleared UP> and the general health became robust many weeks before I permitted the discontinuance of the powders. These were instances of non-venereal infection among clean, well-cared for children. About the same time that the first case above was seen, I was in consultation on a black peasant girl of sixteen years, suffering from a Profuse pustular rash, which was thought likely to give rise to a smallpox scare. My colleagues both diagnosed yaws. I said syp and from my point of view we agreed. But one of the others, a man Wlth thlrty years’ experience of the West Indies, objected-- ow COuld she get syphilis.” I have been treating that girl off and on o 386 the present time for profuse eruptions, iritis, numerous suppurating glands in the neck, bone aches, periostitis. In fact, she has had nearly every early syphilitic symptom possible except nerve syphilis But she has never had either a venereal chancre or a frambesial eruption. It is most important that the profession, especially in the tropics, should realise the importance and frequency of extra -genital syphilis. We all know that surgeons and nurses get finger syphilis occasionally. In the island of St. Kitts, with at no time more than eight medical men in practice, and usually only six, there were in twenty-seven years five instances of finger syphilis in surgeons. These are well- authenticated cases. When we consider how readily syphilis is inoculated, and how the habits of the poor in the tropics afford opportunities for inoculation, we shall not wonder that extra-genital primary occurs. In the West Indies the labourers, especially children, go barefoot, and are, therefore, frequently receiving bruises and scratches on the feet and legs. The negroes never realise the fact of infection or contagion. This forces itself on our attention by the trouble they give when quarantine measures are to be carried out. They are too indolent or careless to make any effort to avoid or prevent infection, even when they acknowledge that a disease is catching. A child with yaws huddles ogether with the other children just as naturally as the adults will ep or co abit with lepers. In I ortola, while I was there, the only i a 6 ^ ' ° cou^ be called a professional prostitute was an ulcerated eper. he syphilitic, the yawsy, the leprous and the healthy mix in pip h aif- .mt“nate contact without a thought. Leprosy, like no^a^ iaS1f may be the Subject °f reproach, but these diseases are dislrn aUSe aV°1anCe °f Physical COntact Yaws is hardly even a of a hen eTP ? C CyeS °f schoolmasters and other coloured folk a better class than the labourers. can bendevt CirCUmStances- * » bardly wonderful that yaws muaculousTr 7 “ * "ative community; and it would be almost ^universal D 'VCnereal Action did not occur where syphilis is Jh° 566 the Pe°Ple’ n0t ^ ’ my description of West Indian 387 peasant life not unfamiliar, and if a look-out is kept, I am sure others will verify the existence of non-venereal syphilis for themselves. In places where yaws, under its various names, is prevalent, it will be found that frambesial eruptions and non-venereal syphilis of ordinary type are running together. In the drier and less-wooded localities the latter will probably be found the more common form. It must be remembered that in inherited syphilis secondaries do not occur after the second year, and are usually over in the first year of life. Tertiaries are the only lesions by which inherited taint can be manifested in children of, say, three years and upwards. Jonathan Hutchinson lays down : — “ If secondary symptoms of the kind described are to occur at all, “they will show themselves in infancy, and in the vast majority of “cases within the first three months of life. This is a very important "fact. If a syphilitic infant survive the first outbreak, in the course “of from six months to a year the symptoms common to this stage "(the rash, snuffles, mucous patches, &c.) will wholly disappear, and " there will follow a period of some years during which no active ‘ symptoms will occur.’’1 When, therefore, undoubted secondary eruptions and swollen glands are seen in children over the age of two years, they are almost certainly due to acquired disease, and this certainly rapidly increases with the age. Such children should be examined for the primary, which in the bare-footed is usually on the foot, most commonly on the outer malleolus. The indurated pigmented scar may be seen some time after the sore has healed, but these sores are often of long duration, and may be still unhealed months after they were infected with syphilis. They are often already indolent ulcers before the infection. I have diagnosed such primaries before the general symptoms were manifest, and the later eruptions have justified my diagnosis. More usually, however, one passes the sore by until the patient is complaining of rheumatoid pains or fever, for sore feet in children are so common that we cannot treat them all as potentially syphilitic. For several years I have been impressed with the frequency of these extra-genital chancres in children, followed by secondaries of ’■ Syphilis, Ed. 1901, p. 75. .388 the ordinary type, and some of my colleagues have adopted or confirmed my opinion. Such cases are seen more commonly in towns where yaws is never prevalent. I have seen a few such develop frambesial eruptions after having been diagnosed and treated as syphilis ; the frambesiae appearing along with the other syphilides. Nearly everyone familiar with yaws recognises what the natives all know, that there is a primary in yaws. No doubt this is often a fungating ulcer rather like a frambesia, but it may be identical with the foot chancre of ordinary type. Chancres on the penis not infrequently fungate in the same way, as Hutchinson points out. The foot chancre, out of which yaws also sometimes originates, is, in my experience, a small sore about 5 to 10 mm. wide, round, with indurated base and periphery and raised edges. It may be on one of the toes, the inner malleolus, the tubercle of the fifth metatarsal or back of the foot, but the commonest site is the outer malleolus. In the case of yaws, the natives in some instances do not recognise the primary, which may be inconspicuous, as is often the case in syphilis ; and then a large group of frambesiae, especially a horse¬ shoe group, may be called the “ mother-yaw." On the other hand, a primary may really become the “ master-yaw ” or largest frambesia, by fungating and having a satellite eruption of papillomata around it. It is perhaps unnecessary to insist that there is aways a primary in yaws. Numa Rat has made this quite clear, and the universal opinion of the inhabitants of yaws districts themselves leaves no doubt on the su ject. Notwithstanding, it is urged (e.g. Manson, Tropical Diseases, F>- 530) as an argument against the syphilis theory that the primary is wanting in yaws.” The identity of non-venereal syphilis of the easily-recognised -r* aS ^ ^rs*- referred to, and the whole group of symptoms , ed '^WS’ is 80 obvious that the peasants themselves bear witness , ** *n or indurated and enlarged glands, enlargements of bones, „ n°deS’ &c* has been a very frequent complication in the cases of yaws. 2 There can be no doubt that the other secondary manifestations of yaws are identical with symptoms elsewhere ascribed to syphilis ome writers attribute them to yaws, others to a concurrent syphilis •• J. Hutchinson, Fasciculus, p. i9. 2. Nicholls’ Report, p. 165. 39i But anyone who cares to look for them will not have far to seek in almost any case of yaws. Consistently with the description of the secondaries of yaws, Rat goes further and describes the tertiaries. In this he is in accord with Daniels and Corney in Fiji. These symptoms need no description — periostitic nodes, multiple dactylitis, destructive rhinopharyngitis, lupoid ulcerations, &c. It is only to be remarked that one does not realise to what extent tertiary syphilis can go until he has seen the cases of untreated syphilis in a yaws district. It is evident that, in the experience of the writers just mentioned, there is not enough venereal syphilis to account for the extraordinary prevalence of tertiary, and so they were driven to ascribing the tertiary, quite correctly, to yaws. They have failed, no doubt, to see the non-venereal syphilis without frambesiae, which would have afforded an escape from the difficulty. Tertiaries identical with those of syphilis are recorded as being exceedingly prevalent, and are attributed to yaws by Daniels and others in Fiji, Kynsey in Ceylon, Rat in Dominica. Among ninety cases of tertiary syphilis of whom the history was ascertained in St. Vincent, sixty-nine were said to have had yaws and only five admitted genital syphilis. Some of the remainder had suffered, no doubt, from extra-genital chancre without frambesiae, and therefore did not recognise that they had yaws. On the other hand, not all that claim to have had yaws have had a frambesial eruption, for, as I pointed out before, the natives, and apparently also some medical ®en> call cases yaws that have had no frambesiae. From the facts of the polymorphism of the eruptions and the occurrence of tertiaries, it is evident that the only difficulty in the way of the general abandonment of the yaws heresy is the frambesial emption itself. As Jonathan Hutchinson has pointed out, the Profession did not originally hold yaws to be an independent disease, *0 that it is quite fair to speak of this belief that yaws is not syphilis as a heresy. The frambesial eruption is of such importance and, t0 my mind, such a formidable difficulty that I have reserved its consideration for another section. % contention is that syphilis is very common, in fact, almost universal, among the natives in the tropics ; that in certain districts :t usually presents an eruption of papillomata, which has given rise to 392 the idea of yaws as a distinct disease ; but that the cases with papillomata present otherwise all the features of syphilis, just as do the non-venereal cases. To appreciate the relation of the various forms of eruptions to each other and to recognise their nature, as well as to understand many other disease problems, it is necessary to remember that syphilis is in the tropics not usually a venereal disease. Notwithstanding the vitality of long-rooted error. I feel sure that the profession would have more readily accepted the dictum of Jonathan Hutchinson had we realised the frequency of extra-genital chancre. It is the teaching of the schools and text-books that syphilis is a venereal disease, which has blinded us to the fact that in the tropics it has little to do with sexual intercourse ; that there is, in fact, far more non-venereal syphilis in the world than syphilis acquired on the genitals. Case 14. — D. k..; 6 years; Coloured. March 27th, 1906. Has had a sore of the toe and paronychia for several weeks. About two weeks ago began to get “ spots ” on the skin. Has now a few spots of psoriasis over the body and palms of the hands. Also on the knees and elbows. Is feverish at nights, has small hard glands in both groins and on elbows. Here is a very early case in which, I think, the diagnosis of syphilis is justified. Case 15. — J. W.; 13 years; Black. August 1 st, 1903. Has a small indolent dirty sore on the left outer malleolus, with raised edges and indurated base and periphery. This has been present for several weeks. There are tender glands in both groins. That on right larger and more tender. Small hard glands left side of neck, on both elbows and in both axillae. 1 wo weeks ago the first crop of eruptions appeared and they have continued to come out since. Has now a general papular eruption (licheni tending to vesicular heads. This is very closely set over the whole trunk, extending to the neck, upper arms, and thighs, where it thins away. A few papules on the lower part of the cheeks, none on the limbs. Also an early case, in which the diagnosis seems very evident. ( ask 16. — K. B.j 10 years; Black. April 6th, 1903. Three months ago had a scratch on right outer malleolus W 10 ecame a sore. Her mother shows this as what she considered a mother vaw It is now a pigmented and indurated scar. There are many spots o> scaiy psoriasis over the body, face and limbs— rheumatoid pains in the right elbow, both knees and ankles. The mother complains that the child is getting azy and hard to rouse in the morning. Later she developed evening fever. September 1st, 1903. Noted that she had attended irregularly. Eruptions are worse. Has never had frambesiae. This illustrates the popular identification of syphilis with yaws 393 Case 17— M. Nt.; 14 years; Coloured. April 22nd, 1903. Has a small excavated ulcer about 6 mm. wide on a raised indurated base, on the outer side of the right foot. This has been present fox- several months. Hard enlarged glands in the right groin. Swollen tender glands in the right side of the neck. A chain of small tender glands in left side of neck. Fever, malaise. A patch of superficial flat large papules with crusted scabs, each 10 mm. in diameter, on the front of the sight thigh. These are like xnild rupia or ecthyma. Case 18.— L. P.; 21 years; Black. April 2nd, 1903. Has a deep excavated ulcer on the left outer malleolus. Does not admit venereal primary. Has no leucorrhoea to indicate cervical chancre. A coarse papular desquamating eruption of lichen on both hands and feet. Few papules on the face. Very profuse vesicular eruption on both legs and thighs. Glands enlarged in both groins and on both elbows. In spite of the age of the patient, I had no hesitation in attributing her syphilis to infection on the ankle. Case 19. — S. X.; 30 years; Black. March 15th, 1903. Has four small ulcers with indurated bases and raised, thickened, everted and irregular edges, round the right nipple. These appeared first three months ago while she was suckling an infant with yaws. They have all the appearance of primary chancres. On 6th May, 1903. Complains of pain all over the body, malaise, and constipation. Looks and says she is very ill. Has nervous sensations and sleeplessness. She never developed any eruption. Continued ailing and sickly for at least two years under treatment for which she attended irregularly, as she felt better or worse. Treated with small doses of mercury from the first. Never salivated. At length she complained mostly of gastric troubles. These were not due to mercury, for she only took doses of 10 minims of liq. hvdr. perch, three times a day. After two years recovered health. This was a case of visceral syphilis contracted from yaws. I have now under treatment a very severe case of gastric syphilis, in which fte gastritis followed a year after a genital chancre. In this, also, there was no eruption, but adenitis and iritis. Iase 20. — I. D.; 9 years; Black. February 25th, 1904. A wide ulcer on the left outer malleolus, with a dirty- yellow crust. Profuse patches of psoriasis and areas of lichen over legs, trunk and arms. I his would be called an early case of yaws, with the maman-pian, dartre and pian gratelle. By changing these names it becomes syphilis. Case 21. — G. P.; g years; Black. '9°6. Small punched ulcer about 3 cm. wide on the back of the foot near * e lues' with raised thickened edges. This has been present for several months. There are hard glands in both groins, large soft glands in the neck. History x” in successive crops for several weeks, some months ago. raes complaining of fever, malaise, and anaemia. 394 In this case the knowledge of the occurrence of non-venereal syphilis led one to inquire about the eruption. This, together with the glands, the primary and the cachexia, leave no doubt as to the diagnosis. Chicken-pox, of course, does not continue in crops for several weeks. Case 22. — V. T.; 4 years; Black. Mother was treated for a copious syphilitic rash eighteen months before. The patient was treated for an eruption some months ago. Now has a papular rash (lichen) over neck and shoulders. There are patches of weeping and exfoliating dermatitis over each side of forehead, on both scapulae, and on back of shoulders. This is too old for hereditary syphilis. It is not unreasonable to attribute the rashes to syphilis acquired from the mother. Case 23. — R. S.; 5 years; Coloured. I9°5- Multiple ecthymatous sores encrusted with yellow scabs on the legs. I.arge patch of the same on the left thigh, and a flat condylomatous spot with dry yellow crust among the ecthymata. Pigmented marks of large pustules about the body generally. Keratitis of one eye. Treated with mercury. December 20th, 1905. Eruptions have disappeared, leaving no scars, but pigmented stains which subsequently faded. Admitted to Hospital for corneal ulcer and treated till well with mercury internally. Here, as in the last case, there was no primary to be found, but the condition was evidently syphilitic, the age too late for secondaries of inherited taint. The eruption was one like frambesia, and even presented one spot of condyloma. The crusts, however, did not cover hypertrophied papillae, but eroded spots. < ask 24.— M. D.; 3 years; Black. Mother seen on 28th October, 1902, with pro use eruptions of circular patches of scaly psoriasis over whole body, limbs January 5th, 1904. T he child has a multiple eruption over both arms and egs and back, of scaly psoriasis; patches of lichen in spots: and circinate and exfoliating dermatitis. The age is too late for the secondaries of inherited syphilis; besides the mother has acquired syphilis only about fourteen months before. If the child had inherited syphilis from the father the mother would have been immune, by Colfcs* law. It is clearly an instance of acquisition from the mother. ( ASE 25.— N. P.J 8 years; Black. originated* fmm I9°3’ U*Cer’ 50 nim- wide on the dorsum of the left foot, which surface S,C'atCh *hree mon,hs “6°. This has a raised touting large gland in right*6 r.&1S.ef everted edges. A very large gland in the left groin, neck Has int/ . groln’ g and in left elbow. and chains of shottv glands in the a desouamatinn cn H V eV"’ a"d with drv hard stool! There is ie%r °f t"6 and both 395 This may almost be given as a case of yaws, except that the eruption was not perfectly frambesial. The patient lived in town ; had he lived in a country village he would, no doubt, have had yaws. These few cases, I think, illustrate the various aspects in which non-venereal syphilis may be presented to the physician : primary syphilis not followed by frambesia contracted from yaws ; secondaries in children with and without an evident primary ; secondary in an adult due to extra-genital infection. Two show the difficulty there may be in differentiating yaws. I selected five which w'ere seen within five weeks at a. time when my notes were being regularly kept. This number indicates how common such cases really are. (Cases 16, 17, 18, 19 and 25.) ATTITUDE OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION TOWARDS YAWS In consideration of the symptoms of yaws, as referred to above, there would certainly never have been a doubt as to its identity with syphilis had it not been for the frambesial eruption. This is so unusual in European syphilis, and such a distinct and characteristic manifestation in yaws, that it was natural it should overshadow the other symptoms. Most physicians, who have not looked carefully into the matter, have a picture of yaws as consisting only of the frambesial eruption ; they think this is a harmless, though unpleasant, disease, which usually runs its course and disappears spontaneously, without permanent injury to the health. But at first yaws was included with syphilis, and even since its separation as a disease Sl{i generis, the doubt that it was correctly separated has existed. In view of the enormous prevalence of yaws in the tropical world, lhis doubt gives an importance to the disease which, I think, has not been appreciated ; for it is a most serious matter if syphilis, the most destructive and far-reaching in its effects of all diseases, is being allowed to ravage whole communities untreated and almost unnoticed. When in recent years the syphilist, who for forty years has been the authority to the English-speaking profession, pronounces his unqualified opinion that syphilis is yaws, it is time that the world took UP the matter seriously. In his preface to Numa Rat’s work on yaws, Jonathan Hutchinson expressed this view, based, it appears, largely 396 on the evidence offered by Rat himself. Since then, after further investigation, he has delivered, so to speak, an ex cathedra opinion to the same effect in Fasciculus XIV of the new Sydenham Sodety’s Atlas, and presented the evidence for his opinion. Notwithstanding, the medical profession, with few exceptions, are in the same attitude of indifference. The new student of tropical medicine will hardly get from his text-books any indication that there is any serious or reasonable doubt about the independence of yaws. The 1903 edition of Manson makes a misleading reference to Hutchinson as holding that yaws is possibly syphilis modified." The English edition of Scheube, 1903, only refers to Hutchinson to misunderstand him in a similar way. Somewhat in consequence of this, those who believe in the identity of syphilis and yaws are in a small minority. Not many take much account of yaws at all. Of those who believe in the independence of yaws, it is only the few enthusiasts who have studied the matter that think it a serious disease. It is not to be wondered at therefore, that in most places yaws is not treated at all. Trinidad, especially in the island of Tobago, is the only colony in which I have heard of any rational and systematic attempt to deal with the disease, but even there, because they do not realise its gravity and true nature, the measures taken by the medical officers must be incomplete. In some othei places the yawsy are in effect regarded as social offenders, and forcibly removed to yaws hospitals for treatment. Such a course can never obtain the sympathy and support of the people whom it is meant to benefit. In the treatment at all yaws asylums and dispensaries, as far as one can judge from the literature of the subject and the reports, the am esial eruption is regarded as the disease. When this dries, the ^ 1S. Sa^ t0 cured ; when another crop appears this is a re apse. All physicians that have given mercury find that the eiup ion isappears rapidly as a rule, and that it is apt to recur when e mercury is stopped. Some think that the mercury has a bad ect, and that the yaws should better be allowed to run its course. Lertamly the frambesiae disappear under the mercurial treatment, and as. certa,nly hey sometjmes ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ nor Hn h ° S^>^^ls because a crop of secondaries has faded ; does he stop mercury on that account ; nor is he surprised if more 397 secondaries appear even while his patient is still taking mercury. When treating a case of syphilis, one is thinking not of the secondaries but of the tertiaries. The second stage will usually run its course and the patient get well in time without mercury. But it is, as a rule, only the mercury given early that saves the patient from a life of tertiaries later on. If the papillomata are all that there is, then yaws is hardly worth much trouble; but the observations, especially of Numa Rat and Daniels, have established the fact that there is an aftermath of evils. They could not help but attribute to the effects of yaws the vast amount of exaggerated ulceration, periostitis, necrosis, and dactylitis which they saw around them. Numa Rat boldly calls these the tertiaries of yaws, though he still believes yaws to be distinct from syphilis. If the diseases are different, then yaws is the worse of the two, and it is the most terrible scourge from which the human race suffers. If even yaws is not syphilis, then there is still abundant indication that the treatment is the same, and we should insist on the early and persevering use of mercury ; for the time for treatment of tertiary syphilis is in the early secondary stage, and by inference the same must be true of yaws. If, however,, we decided to regard yaws as syphilis, its importance would be at once recognised by every member of the profession ; and the people, educated in time to pay proper attention to the disease, as Europeans do to syphilis, would assist in the effort to limit its spread and cut short its dire results. A systematic and conscientious treatment of the cases, and a persistent education of public opinion, would at length effect what all the yaws asylums, dispensaries and commissions have failed even to begin. In view of the theory of Hutchinson that yaws is the original disease, we may abandon the name syphilis, which bears but an indifferent repute, and speak of yaws. Recognising’ its nature, we may teach the prophylaxis of syphilis under its various local names. The writer has already prepared, with this view, a primer of hygiene for West Indian negro children, at the request of the Board of Education of St Vincent. i 398 I said before, that it is only the frambesial eruption which constitutes the difficulty in accepting yaws as syphilis. Manson says: — “I may mention the primary sore, the infection “ of the foetus, the adenitis, the exanthem, the alopecia, the absence “ of itching, the iritis, the affection of the permanent teeth, the bone “ and eye affections, the congenital lesions, the polymorphism of the “ eruptions, the nerve lesions, and the gummata of syphilis. All these “ are wanting in yaws."1 To take these in detail : - (i.) The primary sore. — There is, as we have seen above, no doubt at all about this. Numa Rat made this quije clear, and the experiments of Charlouis are convincing. In short, as Hutchinson says, Alford Nicholls is the only observer who disputes the fact that there is always a primary lesion in yaws. Careful examination and enquiry will elicit this quite as often as in cases of syphilis. (2.) The infection of the foetus. — It would be quite as logical to deny the inheritance of syphilis. It is so rare for a child to be bom with syphilitic eruptions that few of us have seen such a case. Many infants are seen with yaws at the age that they might have the secondaries of inherited disease. But when such cases occur, we are in the habit of inferring that the yaws is acquired. Inheritance has been demonstrated in at least two cases mentioned by Hutchinson. I have never myself seen an infant known to have hereditary syphilis develop a frambesial eruption ; but all the infants I have seen thus have been at once put on mercury, and kept at it as long as I continued to see them. They get better, or, more usually, I hear nothing of them for a long time until the parent applies for a death certificate. It cannot certainly be said that inherited syphilis is not sometimes frambesial, and it is known that a child may inherit the yawsy taint and develop the frambesia in due time.2 The adenitis. This is an almost invariable accompaniment of t e yaws infection. The experiments of Charlouis are conclusive, besides the experience of actual examination of yaws patients. (4.) The alopecia. In all my experience of many hundreds of cases of negro syphilis (non-frambesial) I have only once seen aopecia, and in that case the diagnosis was at first obscure, but '• Tropical Diseases, page 530. 2- Hutchinson Fasc., page 18. 399 afterwards cleared up. A physician of far longer experience than mine of the West Indies tells me he has never seen syphilitic alopecia in a black patient. (5.) The absence of itching. — This is admitted to be by no means an absolute rule in syphilis. Nor is itching at all the rule in yaws. When we consider the irritation of the small flies around a yawsy patient, the admission of itching in some cases is not remarkable. (6.) The exanthem. — It is difficult to understand which particular eruption is referred to. All or most of the syphilides have been seen in yaws. (7.) The iritis. — This is distinctly uncommon in negro syphilis, and is a comparatively rare symptom anywhere. It is quite feasible to imagine that, where syphilis is profusely manifested on the skin, the deeper structures, particularly the nerve system and its appendages, may escape. (8.) The affection of the permanent teeth. — This must be extremely rare, at any rate, among West Indian negroes. I cannot remember ever having seen notched incisors in a black person. Finucane and Corney, as mentioned by Hutchinson, report ha\ing seen such occasionally in Fiji, where syphilis is not admitted to be present. One has the impression that either the negro race is exempt from this affection, or that it is caused by mercury given in infancy. I very frequently look at patients’ teeth to note the tolerance to mercury, and also to note the irregularities which constitute a stigma of degeneration. (9) The bone affections. — These have been described frequently as tertiaries of yaws. But the author has already denied them to us by saying that they are due to an independent intercurrent syphilis. (10.) The congenital lesion. There are none in syphilis, except the rare pemphigus neonatorum, and the syphilitic causes of still birth. No one has attempted to prove that miscarriage is any less frequent among yawsy mothers than among the syphilitic. (11.) The polymorphism of the eruptions.— This is abundantly evident in yaws, and is referred to by Manson himself. ('2.) The nerve lesions and the gummata of syphilis. The negro race is not prone to suffer from nerve syphilis, but all teitiaries and Parasyphilis are taken from us by the simple assumption of no inter¬ ment syphilis, of which there may be no other evidence. 400 As far, then, as all these differentia are concerned, it is not possible to separate the diseases. It is impossible to overlook the tertiary stage of yaws. The indications for treatment are the same as for syphilis. Even if the "syphilis theory” is not true, it is as if true, as Paul Carus would say ; and, therefore, it is good to teach and useful to believe. Any abstruse difference based upon the frambesial eruption can only have an academic interest. THE FRAMBESIA OR PAPILLOMATOUS SYPHILIDE The frambesia has been variously referred to by writers as a tubercle, a sore, granuloma, or a papule. No doubt, it is not of an invariable form, but none of these terms are correct. In every case the frambesia is raised, and consists of a closely-set group of hyper¬ trophied papillae. The dermis is not ulcerated, for properly the eruption leaves no scar. The frambesia is sometimes naked and moist, but more usually it is covered by a yellow crust. In some instances, and especially when the eruption is old, the crust is dark or dirty brown, but typically it should be yellow. There may be a yellow secretion under the crust, and in the early and active stages this is the rule. When old and undergoing resolution the frambesia is dry, and the crust, if present, is more adherent. If the yaw has been naked, it becomes in the dry stage covered with a film. Usually the eruption disappears by slow absorption, each yaw becoming imperceptibly smaller day by day. No doubt, yaws occasionally ulcerates by accident or by bad treatment, and leaves a true scar, but this is by no means its natural tendency. As a rule, the frambesiae are scattered more or less profusely over the skin. The corners of the mouth, around the anus and on the genitals are the favourite sites. Typically each yaw is round or oval, and measures 8 to 1 5 mm. across. But they vary much in size, and may be much larger. They are sometimes arranged in a circinate manner, and by coalescence of contiguous frambesiae a large, irregular or horse-shoe form may be produced. It is, certainly, a ery sti iking thing to witness the uniformity of the appearance of a number of cases. One can go to a country village in a yaws district, as in most parts of St. Vincent, and collect twenty children in five 401 minutes all showing the eruption in almost identical form. There is small wonder that the profession, having regard to this eruption alone, has almost generally fallen into the way of making it constitute a distinct disease. Alford Nicholls, who has made a thorough anatomical examination by sections of the frambesial as well as of the papular and “ macular eruptions of yaws (fig. XIX, in his report), shows that the papule oi pian gratelle consists of a few hypertrophied papillae infiltrated with small round cells, which are also accumulated in the underlying dermis; the corneous layer of the epidermis is undergoing over¬ growth and exfoliation. This is identical with the structure of a papule of syphilitic lichen. (The frambesia is beautifully shown in section in fig. XXII.) It consists entirely of very much elongated and hypertrophied papillae, with a great infiltration of round cells. The epidermis is desquamated so that the ends of the papillae are covered only by the secretion and the crust, which is formed of layers of dry secretion. The papillae are closely crowded together. This structure, without the crust, is identical with that of the syphilitic condyloma. The frambesia is, in fact, one of the large papules of syphilis. It is not, therefore, a granuloma in the sense that a gumma is. The small round cells are certainly the elements of granulation tissue, but the whole mass retains its physiological character as a group of natural papillae, which do not disappear so as to leave a scar. They have undergone an evolution and hypertrophy, and will return to their normal size by involution and absorption of the added elements. The term granuloma is a misleading one. The red granular surface of the frambesia, seen after the removal of the crust, to which it owes its name, from the resemblance to a raspberry, is not due to granulations such as are on an ulcer. The proper pathological description of the frambesia is in the term papilloma ; and it is structurally identical with the papillomata of syphilis, condylomata and rhagades. In a drying papilloma the crust fits into the interstices between the papillae, so as to be difficult to remove. But when it is removed, the individuality and tough consistence of the papillae can be easily demonstrated. On moist surfaces, as on the vulva and around the arms, sometimes at the webs of the fingers and toes, the papilloma is naked. T^e ends of the papillae are swollen, and squeezed together so 402 give a flat surface. Such frambesiae are indistinguishable from ordinary condylomata. We have seen that it is only in the frarnbesial eruption that yaws differs irom syphilis, but even the frambesia is identical with the syphilitic papilloma on a moist surface. There is left, therefore, only the occurrence of condylomata all over the skin which can be held to be distinctive of yaws, lonathan Hutchinson points out that a general papillomatous (frambesiform) eruption does occasionally occur in Europe. It has even been suggested that “ Sibbens ” was a syphilide of this form. It is quite feasible to argue that on the thick, highly-developed and active skin of the dark races this exuberant form of eruption takes the place of the milder papules known in Europe. The higher infectiveness and greater prevalence of the frarnbesial syphilis is readily explained. Syphilis ordinarily (that is, as known among whites) is contracted from the primary and from moist papillomata- mucous plaques and condylomata. Yaws, however, has so many of the moist infective lesions on the surface of the body that contagion is far more easily effected under any conditions of "life ; and in the circumstances, and by reason of the habits of the natives, it must be ost impossible foi each patient not to infect someone else Infection can, of course, be effected venerea lly. Dr. Hatton, of D R * have known cases occur from sexual connection.”1 r /’ y ’ . ,f"ada- reP°rts a case, presumably of venereal infection ■ ’ T ' W' ; 1 Cre°le' A‘ 10 ' — perfectly healthy and “ Ma-t a ° Ct,n^ source contagion, until deflowered by a man in “ the 1 . ourteen days after this she found some tubercles on « It th'gh’ f°r Whlch 1 ad™tted *>er to the and the nT * l**"5 'S suggestion that the man had yaws, after L?raranCe; * ™ the «* «« thigh so soon syphil s r:°n r“ e‘l the Case Unrdiabfe- Neither secondary primary I yaWS “m ' ’erdeS " appear -me while after tire pnma y sol tho°S 1 *“*«=»« -re all small 1 ‘ ^icholls’ Report, p. 17# tolls’ Report, p. lg8' 403 It is a fact that yaws is far more common than syphilis in the villages, and in towns vice versa. When a medical man sees yaws in an adult, he never thinks of enquiring as to the possibility of its having been acquired venereally, and when he sees a case of ordinary syphilis he assumes the venereal infection, in spite, perhaps, of the asseverations and protests of the patient. In the country districts of yaws countries the syphilis, however acquired, probably for the most part shows frambesiae ; while in the towns the non-venereal infection gives rise to the better-recognised forms of syphilis associated in our minds with venereal infection. Dr. I ulloch, of 1 obago, remarks that the “ primary sore .... is especially rare in the outlying districts where yaws is most common.’ More observations are wanted on two points : (i.) Syphilis (without frambesiae) contracted from yaws. (2.) Yaws (with frambesiae) contracted from ordinary syphilis. As the date of infection will be three weeks or more, in both cases, before the first manifestation of the primary, and usually two 01 three months before the appearance of the secondaries, it will be extremely difficult to get histories, especially from ignorant peasants, to illustrate these two points. I have already described one instance of syphilis contracted from yaws (Case 19). Some cases aie available of yaws supervening on venereal chancre, but the history of these does not include any proof of the nature of the disease from which the women suffered before they transmitted it as a venereal chancre. I shall describe one such case. Similar cases, though not interpreted as 1 do, arc reported by Numa Rat, W. Boyd and H. Bennett in the West Indies, and by W allbridge in Fiji. Rat’s case is as follows:—" A man consulted the doctor about an " indurated sore of the prepuce, and had at the same time a small “ulcer on the ankle. During two months he was under mercurial “ treatment, and had in this time sore throat, roseola, psoriasis and “enlarged glands. He then noticed a change in the ulcer; the gradations became pale and large. Three weeks after this the ulcer healed. A week, again, after this came a wide-spread croP° “papules. A few of these developed into frambesiae. e syphilitic roseola co-existed with the yaws papules, and “ * syphilitic psoriasis with the yaws tubercles.’1 A clearer case of “ frambesial eruption supervening on venereal infection of syphilis “cannot be found.” W. Boyd’s case is given as follows .- — “ A man had a well-marked “ and indolent Hunterian chancre, and bubo, when he came under my “ notice, and at the same time a mild eruption of frambesial tubercles, “ which he stated made their appearance two weeks after the “ syphilitic sore.”2 H. Bennett’s case: — "The patient was a young woman, who “ contracted the syphilis first, and then got either a primary or a “ secondary ulcer inoculated in an unknown manner with the yaws."2 hrorn the confidence with which the syphilis is spoken of, one presumes that a venereal chancre was known. I have, therefore, included the case here. Dr. Wallbridge’s case is quoted by J. Hutchinson3 : — ‘‘The patient, a white man, had syphilis, and developed frambesiae. The latter disappeared on his return to England, and later, after he “ again went to Fiji, he suffered with tertiaries.” In all these cases it is, of course, impossible to prove that the persons from whom the disease was contracted had syphilis of ordinary type. There still remains one fact which forms the strongest objection to the identification of yaws with syphilis. This, so far as I know, has not been referred to by previous writers, and it remains for one, who for the last twelve years has been holding and teaching the syphilis theory, to raise what seems to be the strongest argument against that theory. Although it may be true that the nature of the dark skin predisposes to the frambesial eruption, it is indisputable that yaws is seen breeding true on white persons. In a yawsy village the poor whites get the disease and have the eruption just as certainly as do the blacks. On a white skin the frambesiae are less developed. The papilloma is not so prominent, and the crust less irm. That is, the yaws is flatter, moister, and usually smaller than a black patient, and it is associated with more of other syphilides, psoriasis, large moist papules, ecthyma, &c. It is a condyloma 1. Nicholls’ Report, p. 168. 2. Nicholls’ Report, p. 166. 3. Fasciculus, p. 19. 405 of skin, nevertheless, and is of frequent occurrence ; while in Europe such a lesion is so rare as to be a curiosity. In considering a probable explanation of this phenomenon, we must note that even among negroes the frambesial eruption is rarely seen in towns, and while it is common in some West Indian islands, it is rare or absent from others. I have already suggested that damp, hot places in the tropics, with dense vegetation, show a prevalence of yaws. This, I think, will be found a rule. Numa Rat states that yaws is absent from Anguilla,1 which is flat, dry and barren. The typical yaws district is a deep valley or ravine in a tropical volcanic island, where vegetation is rank and the rainfall high. Yaws is, therefore, very prevalent in Dominica, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Grenada. It occurs to a less extent in Antigua, St. Kitts and Nevis. Antigua is flat and not wooded, except at one part. St. Kitts and Nevis, though lofty and volcanic, have long slopes sweeping away to the sea. The land here is cleared and cultivated. There are a few bushy ravines with villages, and in these yaws may be found. There is, then, another factor besides the character of the skin which determines the appearance of frambesiae. We cannot yet predicate this factor, any more than we can explain many other examples of the variability of syphilis. Why, for instance, does hpoid ulceration of the face happen so frequently on the Windward side of St. Vincent, while destructive rhinopharyngitis is the rule on the Leeward side? Why do some patients get a formative periostitis, and others necrosis of bone ? 1 may be allowed to copy from a recent letter of mine2 : — “ To understand this protean disease, we must realise that various factors intervene to determine its manifestations. We can appreciate some of these. T he races and individuals who tax their nerve system suffer from nerve syphilis, uhich is comparatively rare among negroes. The negro, with his highly-specialised and active skin, displays an exuberance of eruptions rarely seen in Europe. The labourer, exposed to injuries, develops grave bone lesions. The women in St. Kitts, who L RePort on Anguilla. Colonial Reprints, No. 20. Journal of Tropical Medicine, May 15th, 1906. qo6 “ habitually gratify the desire of sailors for paedicatio mulierum, gel “ stricture of the rectum. Some of the determining factors we have “ no knowledge of, others we can now guess at." The frambesial eruption, therefore, though a striking and characteristic feature of yaws, we have seen is not unknown in syphilis. The difference between yaws and syphilis is only in the frequency of occurrence of this eruption. If all that is called so is yaws, it must be admitted that the frambesia is not even an essential of yaws. In face of all the other points of identification, it is impossible to give this one feature such pre-eminence as to exclude the others. We must accept the papillomatous eruption only as a phenomenon of syphilis, of which there are many others still awaiting explanation. The enquiry into the reason of the frambesial eruption may well produce a practical result, for if it were possible to prevent syphilis taking this form, we should thereby materially limit its infectiveness, and so lessen the amount of syphilis in the world Here, then, is the field for research into yaws, which may yield a vast store ol health for the unhappy natives of tropical lands. Syphilis as yaws is almost general in tropical countries wherever the conditions of damp, heat and dense vegetation obtain. It is lecognised that coko in Fiji, puru in the Malay Peninsula, parangi in Ceylon, galtoo in the West Coast of Africa, tomo in Samoa, are all identical with yaws in the West Indies. Yaws is well-enough known in every tropical country to bear a local name, and the synonyms are as numerous as the languages of the peoples affected. It was endemic m all parts of the tropical world before the European appeared on these scenes to confuse the geographical distribution of races and diseases by his facilities for inter-communication. Syphilis in all forms is now universal, and was probably so from very ancient times, ts wide spread proves. I think, that it must have been well , . a a* an early period before the differentiation and distribution of human races. It has been suggested by Hutchinson that yaws was the original lsease prevalent in the tropics, and that it was introduced into uiope rom them. Under the influence of a different climate, and the cleaner habits of the Europeans, it was limited and modified until it became usually venereal. He thinks that Sibbens an utton-scurvy were frambesial syphilis. Considering the wide 407 distribution of yaws, it is unlikely that the European countries could have escaped infection until modern times. The forefathers of the Caucasic peoples must have been already infected before they left the race-home on the pleistocene plateau of Sahara. The experiments of Metchnikoff and Roux have shown that apes can be inoculated with syphilis. The femur of Pithecanthropus erectus shows evidences of disease very suggestive of syphilis. I am aware that these have been attributed to myositis ossificans, but one would think that the latter is more likely to be a recent disease resulting from the artificial circumstances of human life. In the Chaldean epic of Izduhar or Gilgames, it is told how the demi-god, having incurred the anger of Istar, was afflicted with a plague. An eruption of sores covered his body, his bones ached, his strength waned, his hair fell out. At length, under the advice of his beatified ancestor, Hasisadra, he was restored to health by sea-bathing. George Smith and other translators of the cuneiform script, following him, have read this to be leprosy. But every eruption on the skin is loosely so called by those writing on ancient matters. The leprosy of the Levitical regulations (Lev., chapters 13 and 14) was certainly not lepra. It no doubt included more than one disease, but most likely it referred chiefly to yaws. I here is, perhaps, a reference to psoriasis in the “ bright spots," and to frambesia in the appearance of the raw quick flesh. The disease was one of rapid development, for a suspect was kept under observation for seven days, and then foi seven days more. Provision is made for restoring the outcast patient to society when he became clean. 1 his would have been useless in the case of leprosy. The suggestion that Leviticus refers to yaws is a very old one, and has been discussed unfavourably by Alford Nicholls. But there is no common disease except syphilis which would explain all the regulations. True leprosy, no doubt, came under the operation of the laws, and was dealt with along with the syphilis. It may be claimed that the symptoms of syphilis were sufficiently "ell known to find a place in the folklore of the early Semitic tribes, and to be subsequently included by the compilers of the traditional history and the authors of the great poems; and it was found Pessary to devise an elaborate legislation to prevent its spread. The epic of Gilgames cannot be dated earlier than the second 408 millennium B.C. It has already enveloped in myth an invasion of the Elamites, which occurred about 2300 B.C. But even that is a respectable antiquity, and if syphilis was known to the poet of this the oldest epic in existence, there has been ample time and opportunity for it to spread to Europe before the middle of the second millennium A.D. It is now known that endemic non-venereal syphilis may flourish even in Europe. Metchnikoff1 points out that in rural districts in Russia the children are the chief sufferers and agents of the spread of syphilis, just as they are of yaws in the tropics. There is no reason for postponing the introduction of the disease into Europe to the 16th century, when it is far more probable that it has been present and spreading in a non-venereal manner as long as the human race has been in existence. I append a few cases of yaws, that is, cases that displayed the frambesial eruption alone or, as is more usual, accompanied by other syphilides. Case 26. — C. W.; 8 years; Black. January 23rd, 1906. Seen with an ulcer at the web of toes. February 10th, 1906. Complained of pains, fever, and malaise, given liq. hydrag. perch. March 24th, 1906. Onychia of nearly all the toes, whole body spotted with small round patches of scaly psoriasis. A large frambesia at the arms, which is said to have appeared a week before. Large glands in both groins. Ulcer on the plantar surface of web of toes is still in the same state as when first seen. Took six weekly injections of salalembroth. The frambesia disappeared rapidly, the skin cleared and the foot healed. Discharged from treatment with directions to return in a month. Has not been seen since. Case 27. — C. B.; 3 years; Black. March 1st, 1906. Has had yaws lately. One small frambesia still apparent at the angle of mouth. Had glands on elbows, in back of neck, axillae, below both angles of jaw, and in groins. I’rofuse eruption of small raw eroded surfaces, not raised but covered with moist yellow pellicles, in the left axilla. Few similar, drier and more crusted in the right axilla. Two such on the abdomen. Papules of similar character, some moist and some crusted, on and behind both auricles. Case 28. — M. P.; 8 years; Black. March -th, 1903. Had a sore on right ankle some months before. Large gland in right groin. Small hard glands on both elbows and many in the neck, omplains of pain in knees and ankles. Several marks of previous yaws on the egs. Several frambesiae with crusts 6n the right knee and the back. Papular eruption (lichen) between shoulder blades and round the axillae. 1. Harben Lectures, 1906. 40Q Case 29.— M. J.; 12 years; Black. January 16th, 1903. Numerous small, perfectly-smooth limpets, which when removed are horny cups covering a granular raised papilloma identical with frambesia. These are over the face, hands, and body. They are about 6 to 10 mm. in size. A few of the papillomata have yellow crusts as is usual for frambesiae. On the left ankle is a spreading patch of a mildly lupoid appearance, the edge being active, and in the centre of this is an ordinary frambesia. This is probably the mother yaw. Treated with liq. hydrarg. perch. February 19th, 1903. The limpets and horns are larger. February 12th, 1904. A small rupia over left eyebrow, small tubboes on both soles. Circular wall of rupial scab on both hands at the base of the fourth and fifth fingers. Rhagades between the fingers of the left hand. No marks of the previous limpet eruption. This exemplifies a dry type of papilloma, and also shows later secondaries of rupial type. Case 30. — F. C.; age not noted; Black. December 30th, 1902. lias a dry crusted frambesia on the wrist. Suppura¬ tive dermatitis of both palms and both soles. Multiple small pigmented marks as of a vesicular or pustular eruption on both legs. Psoriasis on both elbows and knees. Took pot. iod. for five weeks and left off attending. I have seen papular groups, without scaliness, on the knees and elbows in syphilitic cases so often, that I doubt the opinion that psoriasis in this situation is never syphilitic. September 14th, 1903. Tubboes on soles, and plantar .and palmar psoriasis Icrab yaws), keratitis. V oice raucous. This illustrates the polymorphism of the eruptions and the symmetry so characteristic of syphilis. Case 31. — C. B.; 30 years; White. January 2nd, 1906. Has a child with yaws. Ulcer on heel about 20 mm. wide, with thickened raised edges, and ichorous discharge. This began as a pimple two months before. The first eruption was that now on the same foot and lower leg, which is a moist dermatitis. There are crusted ecthymata and aciniform eruptions all over the body and sparsely on the limbs and face. Slight fever every evening. Urine high coloured. Rheumatoid pains in shoulders. Paronychia of one finger. No enlarged glands. Given liq. hydrag. perch. February 13th, 1906. Profuse small spots of silvery scaly psoriasis on both arms and thighs. In the bend of right elbow are three drying frambesiae Several frambesiae round the trunk, and a profuse eruption of them on the left foot. Few on the right leg. Groin glands enlarged. No fever pains or malaise. All frambesiae are small and not much raised. Received a course °‘ seven injections of salalembroth during which the smaller eruptions faded, but frambesiae continued to appear. Was rested for a month from mercury. e end of this time the skin was nearly clean and only a few frambesiae left. on- tinued on liq. hydrag. perch. Case 32.— M. P.; 8 years; Black. , , , >906. Sent to hospital as a case of syphilis by a medical officer who had ust come out. Frambesiae on two toes. Condyloma of anus. on y jf prepuce and circinate plaques on the glans penis. F.nlarge §rmr* g a j ncumcised and treated with six injections of salalembroth. vul e discharged. ^ASE 33 — A- W.; 9 years; Black. , , k 1906. Two large frambesiae by the side of a scabbec sore °i even ' e !pfl f°ot; and whole body, limbs and face covered with spots o P . j r„e Palms of the hands. Hard glands in both groins, left being especially large. Clands on elbow. 4io Case 34. — Female; 7 years; Black. 1906. Large irregular branched ulcer on a thickened base and with raised edges, on the back of the left heel. Glands in both groins and shotty glands in neck. Several frambesiae on cheek and neck. Very large frambesiae at side and back of one knee, dry crusted papillomata on forehead and back of neck. These are essentially the same as yaws, but are dry, and have dark scabs. A symmetrical lichen covers both buttocks and back of thighs. Case 35. — L. K.; 19 years; Coloured. April, 1906. — Had a venereal chancre last year accompanied by fever and rheumatoid pains. Glands in both groins enlarged. Profuse eruptions of frambesiform syphilides over both knees, extending to front of thighs and legs. These are about 12 mm. each. Some are moist with yellow pellicles, under which is a granular surface of elongated papillae. Some have dry brown crusts, which when removed expose a frambesial surface. There are pigmented pits of a recent vesicular eruption on the right arm and the thighs. The eruption in this case would have been called yaws by anyone. It was atypical in two respects. It was quite symmetrical, and the frambesiae were crowded together so as to be sometimes confluent. Hut neither of th,ese features are exclusive of yaws. Such cases of yaws following a venereal infection are, perhaps, more common than is known. A syphilitic history is rarely enquired into when a patient displays yaws. Case 36. — M. W. ; 6 years, Black. July 16th, 1906. Oval, flat, callous ulcer, with a glazed surface and pigmentec areola, on the front of the left shin. Enlarged glands in both groins and both elbows, several large glands in the neck. A crop of small frambesiae with dirty-brown crusts on the forehead. Several larger flat condylomata with slight crusts, or naked with moist yellow surface, on t e ront of the neck and right cheek. Numerous papules varying in size scattered on the face. On the left cheek a group larger, and almost frambesiform. ■ mall frambesia on the vulva. A profuse eruption of dry papules of all sizes up to 4 or 5 mm. over both buttocks and back of thighs. On the elbows a warty erupt,°" of lar8e Papules with hard dry horny tops. Many of the papules else- " ere have a horny plug or horny apex of epithelium. There is a fine papular erup ion on the front of the knees. Few scattered papules all over the skin. is case well exemplifies the polymorphism of the yaws eruptions. There were at least five syphilides of different appearance present at once TREATMENT OF SYPHILIS IN NEGROES If we decide to treat yaws, whether it be syphilis or not. with mercury, it is necessary to appreciate that the' treatment must be p severed in for many months. The frequent experience of the recurrence of frambesial eruptions after being presumablv “ cured " by mercury, indicates that the mercury must be continued, as in syphilis. more or less through the first two years off and on. It will be found a very difficult thing to get a peasant to understand or act up to this, which in most cases will be only a counsel of perfection. When it conies to the tertiaries and potassium iodide, the patients readily leamfrom the relief obtained to value the drug. In St. Kitts and in Fiji the natives are fully alive to the uses of iodide, and prescribe it for themselves freely. 1 have noticed doses as high as ninety minims of liq.. hydrag. perch, mentioned in some of the literature on yaws, and there is very frequent reference to salivation. I wish to draw attention to the fact that negroes bear mercury badly. My father, a keen syphilist with many years’ experience of treating negroes in hospital, where one can see best what one is doing, warned me of this. Fifteen minims three times a day is, I believe, about, his limit. My own experience has amply borne out this. Though one is not afraid of “ touching the gums of a patient, and, in fact, generally likes to see them just "touched,” as an indication that mercury is being pushed to its limit, yet salivation is undesirable. Apart from any physical effect it may have on the health or strength of the patient, it is apt to shake his confidence, and perhaps frighten him away altogether. It is astonishing how quickly some blacks do become salivated. I have seen a woman very badly ptyalised by five grains of calomel. Blue ointment applied to a wrist for a few days salivated a man, and a young woman became salivated before she had finished using half an ounce of blue ointment by daily inunction of about one dram. In he last case, there was certainly no idiosyncrasy ; she had taken mercury, by the mouth in small doses, freely before, and has since received a course of intramuscular injection of 003 gme of salalembroth weekly, equivalent to about 'i gr. of corrosi\e sublimate. 1 have used mercury by inunction of blue ointment, mouth administration of liq. hydrarg. perch., calomel, and grey powder, and intramuscular injections of salalembroth. After a fairly large exPerience, I am confident that mercury is borne best when given by tne last method Inunction may salivate quickly and suddenly. In hospital one can watch it, but even so the ptyalism may7 occur suddenly. Grey powder with carbonate of iron is an excellent treatment, especially for children with hereditary taint or yaws. It 412 is convenient also for adults, for they can be given a hundred pills at a time, which last a month. I do not like to exceed o'l gm. thrice a day. Calomel I do not value for antisyphilitic treatment; but for general use in dispensary work the liq. hydrarg. perch, in a mixture is the most useful. I generally colour this lightly with methyl blue, which gives an impressive and distinctive value to the bottle. One should begin at the rate of 2 c.cm. of liq. hydrag. perch, per day — say, 10 minims three times a day, and increase to 3 c.cm. It is hardly necessary to go higher than this. Children bear this and any mercury well in proportion to the adults. For an infant of three months with inherited disease I give O' 15 c.cm. three times a day, equal to about two and a half minims. Intramuscular injection of soluble salts is, however, far the best mode of administering mercury in my experience. I cannot speak of the insoluble preparations, for, being quite satisfied with the salalem- broth, I have not tried the emulsion of metallic mercury so highly spoken of by some. In spite of the pain, I have found that out¬ patients attend very well. Out of a number who were to take six injections each, the average attendance was five times. I have used this method on infants with hereditary syphilis also, and in yaws. My experience is not yet very large, but I have had abundant opportunity of proving that some negroes can carry up to i'5 c.cm. of a 2 per cent, solution of mercury perchloride without any sign of spongy gums. This is equivalent tp nearly half a grain of the salt, or about half an ounce of liq. hydrag. perch. Usually, I begin with 07 c.cm. and work up to I'O, using a solution containing mercury perchloride 2 per cent., ammonium chloride 1 per cent, and giving one injection weekly. With care, washing the buttock with an antiseptic and then with ether, I have not yet seen an abscess result, and only rarely any induration. For hospital treatment, or for regular yaws dispensaries, the intramuscular method should be the most certain, the easiest and most effectual method of giving mercury. The treatment is shorter, and for that reason more useful in the case of natives. It should be possible to get most cases to attend for six or eight weeks for a course o injections, and repeat this twice more within the first year. After is, one attendance a month for another six months. The symptoms that may be expected should be explained to the patient, in order that 0 ma^ at °nce rePort himself on the occurrence of any of them ; and 4T3 certainly it is our duty to enlarge to any extent on the terrors of the tertiaries. There is no necessity for special yaws asylums, but it is very desirable to have some provision for hospital treatment of severe and cachetic cases. Special wards in a general hospital would meet the requirements. In the local treatment of yaws, I have obtained best results from a paint of zinc oxide and calamine, an old-fashioned but ever-useful preparation. It is readily applied by the patient or his parents ; it is not easily wiped off, and, most important of all, it keeps the frambesia dry. I feel confident that a case of yaws is not very likely to infect other persons from his skin lesions as long as the frambesiae are kept dry and well coated with this paint. The risk of tonsillar infection from spoons and cups cannot, of course, be avoided in the peasant class, and that this is a frequent mode of infection with syphilis is well recognised.1 But the most important material of infection in yaws is the secretion of the frambesia, and this can be limited by local applications, and by' causing the absorption of the papilloma as rapidly as possible with mercury internally. *• Kyle, Diseases of the Throat, p. 464. AA f • ' jw:: \ '■ A DESCRIPTION OF SOME GOLD COAST ENTOMOSTRACA 417 A DESCRIPTION OF SOME GOLD COAST ENTOMOSTRACA* BY W. M. GRAHAM, B.A., M B. It is a matter of common observation in the Gold Coast Colony, Ashanti and the Northern Territories that the incidence of Guinea worm varies locally. Some stations shew a high percentage of cases, some a low percentage, and some are free from the disease. \\ hy should such local variations exist ? The probable explanation is the abundance, the variety or the absence of the Cyclops-host from the water sources of the locality. Cyclops belongs to a widely-distributed family, and some species of the family can be found readily in the water sources of every station. But as Guinea worm disease is not present at every station, it is evident that the presence of any species in the water is not sufficient to cause the disease. I he inference seems probable that a special species of Cyclops is required to act as efficient host to the worm, and that the absence of such species from the water sources of a station coincides with the absence of Guinea worm disease. If this be true, then an exact knowledge of the species to be found at each station becomes of great practical importance, but there is at present no classification of Gold Coast Copepoda. I have, therefore, sought in the present article to furnish means for the identification of the species found in the water sources °f the station of Obuasi, and in those of the country within a three- mile radius round it, as a first instalment. Obuasi is a mining village on the Gold Coast Government Railway, 124 miles from Sekondi. The country is hilly and covered with forest. During the dry season the streams are small, sluggish and full of weed. With the setting in the heavy rains thev become rapid torrents, and the weed disappears. During the first period, to the end of April, Cyclops 1 to 5 can be caught in the streams, but after the first week in May il •r^l'e lhanks of the Editors are herewith given to Dr. Bradv for his kindness in ' entifving and describing this collection of Entomostraca. — Eds. I have failed to find them there. The country is covered with jj- holes of varying depth, and along the railway by borrow-pits. 11 water in the shallower pits drys up, and by the end of the dry sc; the bottoms of the pits have been baked dust dry. After a week heavy rain these pits begin to retain a permanent pool of wate: Upon this pool frog spawn soon appears, and shortly afterward- adult females of No. 6 ( Cyclops leuckarti , Claus) can be found. B\ the middle of May the intermediate nauplius forms have appeared Then the females become gradually less numerous and males incrc i - in number, until by the middle of J uly the females have become ran- than the males. Meanwhile, Cyclops Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5 appear in the pools in relatively small numbers, and are soon accompanied by their naup! in¬ forms. Lastly, Cyclops No. 7 (C. simillimus , sp. nov., Graham) app< in the pools (the females first, the males later), and seems to take th> place vacated by C. leuckarti. This account brings up the history to the end of July; and 1 w. - transferred early in August to another station. The inference previously alluded to, that all species of Copepoda cannot act as efficient hosts to Guinea worm, is strengthened by th< following considerations: — ist.- - 1 here is a large number of species. _nd. The habits of the different species vary greatly. Some a surface feeders, some are found at the bottom. Son n abit foul, some clean water. Some leave the water i c imb on stalks of water-weed enveloped in a drop of waU carried with them, some do not leave the water. Some a: ound in streams, some are not 3rA”hJhe tdlffeJre”t sPedes are infested by d.fferent parasites ounc os. 3, 4 and 5 infested only by ecto-parasite (algae) and No. 6 infested by ento-paras.tes (worms). 4 b.- rhe d.fferent species d.ffer in the date of then appears or at?0:15' , “e are fOUnd earl>’ ■" May; some aPP«, of' th' CaS ’ °n y became numerous, in July. The importaK. It* r,atl°n m date has b«n already explamed b, me m a former article (B.M.J., 1I/II 05). A careful examination of the water sources of each station, and a classification of the Copepoda found in each place, is urgently required When it has been made, a comparison of the species of Cyclops found at a station where Guinea worm is common with the species of Cyclops found at a station where Guinea worm disease is absent would, I have no doubt, offer an explanation of the observed local variation in the incidence of the disease. 1 he practical value of an explanation is evident. It would enable the Medical Officer to identify those water sources likely to aid in the propagation of the malady. Cyclops No. i. ? Cyclops bicolor, G. O. Sars. Male. — Colour yellowish, with darker coloured first antennae. First antennae, 11 segments as long as f cephalothorax. lotal length, 0-46 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, 0-30 mm. Furca, 0 03 mm. Female. — Colour as in male. First antennae as in male, but more slender ; total length, 0-62 mm. Cephalothorax and thoiax, 0-42 mm. Furca, 0'04 mm. Egg sacs, a pinkish colour, carried apait. In both series the outward tail sita is long. F ound in pool w ith Calanus No. 1 ; water clear, and used by village as supply. Cyclops No. 2. Cyclops varicoid.es , sp. nov. (Brady) Male. — Colour, transparent pale yellow. First antennae, 12 segments, nearly as long as cephalothorax. lotal length, o 59 mm- Cephalothorax and thorax, 038 mm. F urea, o'04 mm. Female.— Colour as in male. First antennae as above, but more slender. Total length, 0-64 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, 0-39 mm. Furca, 0'04 mm. Egg sacs, a yellow colour, carried close together. I-'ound in river water. Cyclops No. 3. Cyclops longislylis , sp. nov. (Brady) Male.— Colour, a pale yellowish -green. First antennae, 12 segments as long as cephalothorax and two thoracic segments. Total length, 070 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, o-45 mm. furca, 000 mm. 420 FEMALE. Colour as above. 1- irst antennae as above, but slender. Total length, 0-84 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, crjc mm. Furca, 01 2 mm. Egg sacs, a violet colour, carried slightly apart. This species is frequently covered partially or entirely by ecto¬ parasites (algae). It can be readily distinguished from No. 2 by the great length of the furca. Cyclops No. 4. Cyclops virescens, sp. nov. (Brady) Male. Colour, cephalothorax a pale yellow-green; thorax a dark green. First antennae, ,0 segments; copper coloured, earned a sparkling spot below the eye when swimming ; an air bubble m mouth. Total length, 0-4; mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, 029 mm. Furca, 0-03 mm. Female.— Colour as above. First antennae as above, but lighter erm Ur‘ T7T°tal length’ 0'60 mm- Cephalothorax and thorax, close Together3' ^ Caught in rapid streams, and later on in year in ponds. Cyclops No. 5. Cyclops pheleratus, Koch longMa?th7COlT; aubnght C0pper' F,rst antennae' 10 segments, as taa a t ’ r °nly' T°taI '“*h. o-6o mm, Cephalc colour ' 0 38 ”m' FurCa' °'°5 Cogs of a light blue length, 077 m^°loUr as abo''e- Flrst antennae as above. Total 008 mm Emr Cephalothorax and thorax, 0 46 mm. Furca. This sneeffs r a bnght b‘Ue COl°Ur' Carried close together. the ! rter read“y and dlmb= - sides of essel carrying a drop of water with it. C\ CLOPS No. 6. Cyclops Icuckarli , Claus segments, as^on^Y^ yeIlow_Sreen- first antennae. 17 0-89 mm.' Cephalothorax and ^ 'T' the m-ddTeeoPfleiyUl ““ * ^ 1 have «* foundries Wore 421 FEMALE— Colour as above, but not so very pale. F irst antennae as above. Total length, 1*04 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, 065 mm. Furca, O' 10 mm. Egg sacs (white) transparent, a long oval, egg very circular, sacs carried at an angle of more than 450. Found in stagnant pools in May. Become scarce in July. Cyclops No. 7. Cyclops simillimus , sp. nov. (Graham) MALE.— Colour, very pale salmon with orange spots (circular) in cephalothorax. First antennae, 17 segments, somewhat longer than cephalothorax and thorax. Total length, 062 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, o- 3 5 mm. F'urca, 0^05 mm. Female. — Colour, pale yellow-green with circular orange spots in cephalothorax. First antennae as above, a very pale yellow. Length as above. Total length, o' 80 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, 049 mm. Furca, 0*05 mm. Egg sacs, a pale yellow, carried apart. This species also usually carries an air bubble in mouth when swimming. It differs from No. 6, being smaller and having relatively shorter tail setae. Cyclops No. 8. {non del.) Male. — Not found. Female. — Colour transparent, with slightly milky spots in cephalo¬ thorax and thorax. First antennae, 17 segments, as long as cephalo¬ thorax and thorax. Total length, O'/g mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, 0^48 mm. Furca, 0^09 mm. Egg sacs small, milky white, carried apart. Caught in well half a mile from the sea. Water in well clear, but slightly brackish. F rogs in well. Cal anus No. 1. = Diaptomus innominatus , sp. nov. (Brady) Male. — Colour, a very pale blue, the antennae being somewhat darker. First antennae, left 25 segments, right 22 segments, modified as Jasper. Second antennae, 8 segments. Total length, 0‘95 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, 0^67 mm. F urea, 0'05 mm. Legs, central three pair a violet colour ; fifth pair modified as claspers. Female. — Colour as above. First antennae, 25 segments. Second antennae, as above in male. Total length, 1 10 mm. 422 Cephalothorax and thorax, 075 mm. Furca, 0-07 mm. Egg sac, slightly blue, carried beneath. When swimming appear transparent, with a dark blue longi¬ tudinal spot in about centre of cephalothorax and thorax. I have only been able to find it in a single pond under trees, in which Cyclops No. 1 was also present. CANTHOCAMPTUS No. i. = Attheyella africana, sp. nov. (Brady) Female. — Colour, a bright orange. First antennae, eight segments. Second antennae, four segments, forked. Total length, 0 35 mm. Cephalothorax and thorax, O’ 17 mm. Egg sac nearly as long as body. Very common in certain pools, where they occur in enormous numbers. 423 NOTES ON DR. GRAHAM’S COLLECTION OF CYCLOPIDAE FROM THE AFRICAN GOLD COAST BV G. STEWARDSON BRADY, M.D., LL.D., D.Sc., F.R.S. ( Received May 14th, 1907) The following notes are intended merely as guides to the identification of species, and do not attempt a complete morphological account of the various forms. The brief descriptions are based upon the examination of females only, the males having been left out of the account. In addition to the various species of C yclops , the collection contained specimens of a minute Cyprid, a species of Diaptomus, and one called by Dr. Graham C anlhocamptus, but which belongs to the nearly-related genus Attheyella. Both these last-named forms appear to be new, and I propose for them the names Diaptomus innominalus and Attheyella africana ; they, however, need complete figures of structural detail, which at present I am unable to give. GENUS CYCLOPS No. i. ? Cyclops bicolor, G. O. Sars. No. 2. Cyclops varicoides, sp. nov. Anterior antennae twelve-jointed, reaching to the third cephalo¬ thoracic segment, both branches of the first four pairs of swimming feet three-jointed, fifth pair rudimentary ; caudal stylets short, about as long the last caudal segment. Length of body, exclusive of tail setae, 077 mm. No. 3. Cyclops longistylis, sp. nov. Anterior antennae twelve-jointed, reaching to the posterior border of the first cephalothoracic segment, both branches of the first four pairs of swimming feet three- jointed, fifth pair consisting o a 424 single small papilliform joint with two terminal setae ; caudal stylets long and slender, about six times as long as broad, and equal in length to the three preceding caudal segments. Length of body, 078 mm. No. 4. Cyclops virescens, sp. nov. Anterior antennae ten-jointed, reaching to the third cephalo¬ thoracic segment, first four pairs of feet having both branches three- jointed, fifth pair minute, papilliform, bearing two long apical setae; caudal stylets short, about equal in length to the last caudal segment. Length of body, 06 mm. This species is very similar to C. gracilis . Lilljebon, but differs in having all the branches of the swimming feet triarticulate ; all the inner branches in C. gracilis being biarticulate ; there are also other minor differences. No. 5. Cyclops phaleratus , Koch No. 6. Cyclops leuckarti , Claus. No. 7. Cyclops simillimus , sp. nov. Anterior antennae seventeen-jointed, reaching nearly to the postenor extrem.ty of the cephalothorax, all branches of the swimming feet triarticulate, fifth pair biarticulate, last joint simple, narrow and bearing two long apical setae ; caudal stylets about twice as long as broad, and nearly twice as long as the last caudal segment Length, 077 mm. .\2(i EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXIII Cyclops bicolor, G. O. Sars Fig. i. — Female with ovisacs. x 74. Fig. 2. — Male. x 74. Cyclops varicoides, n. sp., Brady Fig- 3- — Female with ovisacs. x 74. Fig. 4. — Male. x 74. Cyclops longistylis, n. sp., Brady Fig-- 5- — Female with ovisac. x 74. Fig. 6. — Male. x 74. The figures on this and the subsequent plates are reduced from 1Jr- Oraham s original drawings. _ Eds. PL A TE XXXIII to- Graham, ad. not. dtl. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXIV Cyclops virescens, sp. nov., Brady Fig. y. — Male. x ;4. Fig. 8.— Female with ovisacs. x 74. Cyclops phaleratus, Koch h ig. 9. — Female with ovisacs. x 74. Fig. 10. — Immature, x 74. Fig. 1 1. —Male. x ;4. Cyclops leuckarti, Claus * 54- Fig. 1 2.- -Male. PLATE XXXIV H ■ M. Graham, aJ. not. dtl. - - 430 EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXV Cyclops leuckarti, Claus Fig- 13- — Female with ovisacs. x 74. Fig. 14. — Immature, x 54. Cyclops simillimus, sp. nov., Brady Fig- J5- — Male. x 74. Fig- 16. — Female with ovisacs. x 74. Cyclops, ? Sp. I ig- 17. There were no specimens of this species in Dr. Graham'? collection when submitted to Dr. Brady for determination PLATE XXXV 'V/. Graham, ,i J, „«l. J,l. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXVI Diaptomus INNOMINATUS, sp. nov., Brady Fig. 1 8. — Female. x 124. Fig. 19. Male. x 124. Fig. 20. — Male, fifth pair of legs. x 102. Pig. 21. — Female, fifth pair of legs. x 102. Attheyella AFRICANA, sp. nov., Brady Fig. 22. — Male, x 74. Fig. 23. -Female, x 74. PLATE XXXVI “ -iX Graham, ad. nat. d,l. ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND LIFE HISTORY OF SPIROCHAETA DUTTON I I 435 ON THE MORPHOLOGY AND LIFE HISTORY OF SPIROCHAETA D UTTONI ANTON BREINL, M.U.Dr. Prag DIRECTOR OF TH K RUNCORN RESEARCH LABORATORIES OK THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE From the Runcorn Research Laboratories of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (Received July 1st , 11)07) In the course of our experimental study of the spirochaete of African Relapsing fever, Spirocheeta duttoni} numerous films were made of the blood, and of the organs, of animals in the diffeient stages of the disease, with a view of ascertaining the life-history of the parasite. Considerable uncertainty still exists concerning the morphology and the life cycle of the whole group of spirochaetes. While Novy and Knapp2 deny that the parasites undergo any morphological changes, Prowazek,3 in his work on fowl spirochaetes, gives them an undulating membrane and a definite nuclear apparatus, and also describes intra-cellular stages. One terminal flagellum was observed by Novy and Knapp in Spirocheeta obermeieri , and by Stephens4 in Spirocheeta duttoni ; Zettnow,5 on the other hand, describes peritrichal flagella in Spirocheeta duttoni , and Borrel in fowl spirochaetes. The stain employed in the present work was Giemsa’s modification of Romanowsky’s stain, in dry films. Wet films were not found possess any particular advantage when working with this parasite. The spirochaete consists of a darkly stained central core, which is surrounded by a light-stained periplastic sheath. This sheath exten beyond the central chromatic core, and is drawn out at one en an elongated filament, thus forming a structure which has been described by various observers as a terminal flagellum. a emp 436 to demonstrate peritrichal flagella, either in fresh or in stained specimens, have completely failed. The central core, or chromatic part, does not always stain uniformly, but in certain parasites lighter and darker areas are noticeable, either throughout the whole length or confined to one part of the parasite (figs, i, 2). Very frequently, especially in spirochaetes which are disappearing from the circulation, the whole chromatic core seems to be broken up into an irregular number of granules (fig. 3). In this stage of infection the spirochaetes often, show one or more swellings, either in the centre or at one end (figs. 4, 5). A fairly constant appearance, which has been previously described by various observers in Spirochoeta obermeieri and Spirochczta duttoni, is a small unstained transverse band situated at about one-third of the length of the parasite (fig. 6). A considerable amount of work was done with the object of demonstrating an undulating membrane. Although in specimens stained with Giemsa’s solution an appearance was sometimes seen which resembled an undulating membrane, this was, in my opinion, due only to the flatten, ng out of the spirals of the paras, te. In wet trims, even after a prolonged staining by Heidenha.n's method, no trace of an undulating membrane could be seen. The division of Spirochata duttoni is, as a rule, transverse, the paras, tes mcrease in length and become thinner in the middle; is mner part then elongates more and more until the two individuals separate (figs. 7, 8). It is very probable that the unstained future HUe y 56611 T para51te <%■ <9 » ‘he point of the loTg udtfd °n “ SUbS6qUent f~rse d-sion. Occasionally, IheTsaooe dlVIS1°nfWaS take place, especially at the time of and tWs r3nCe ' 3f the Parasites from the peripheral circulation, (o' increase ° “ the °^ns the paras, te was seen spirochaete and 't T^t dlV,S,on commencing at one end of the Judging from tl ^ eXtendmS along its entire length (fig. g) appear that this' process^ f T P^S'tes at this stafTe, it would instances, at this stage of the ““P"at,velr . °ne. In rare engulfed by phagocytes. ’ parasites were seen beinS occasions,' seen inZT'j m I0' «*■ close to each other t h° W° sPlrochaetes were observed lying other, touch, ng at certa.n points. The one was stained 437 dark red with Giemsa, the other light blue, with apparently no chromatic core, but showing an irregular number of dark red granules situated at the points at which the two spirochaetes were in apposition. We are inclined to explain this appearance as conjugation. Prowazek describes intra-cellular stages of Spirochceia gal l in arum in the red blood cells. We were able to observe the same phenomenon in rare instances with SpirocJurta duttoni just before the crisis set in (%• n). Although the appearance of the parasites in the peripheral blood seemed fairly uniform, striking changes were observed in parasites seen in the organs, notably in the spleen, bone marrow, and liver. Numerous spirochaetes, especially just before the crisis, when the blood was still swarming with parasites (principally in the spleen and bone marrow, rarely in the liver), were seen coiling themselves up 1% I2), a few presenting a swollen appearance (fig. 13), the majority gradually becoming thinner and rolling themselves up into more and more complicated skein-like forms (figs. 14, 15) which seemed to become more irregular as the time of the crisis drew near The majority of these forms were devoured by the phagocytes of the spleen, and at the time of the crisis the spleen cells were observed to be gorged with degenerated spirochaetes. In animals in which the spleen had been removed an analogous process took place in the liver. A few similarly shaped parasites underwent a remarkable change:— The outline remained more regular for a time, and the parasite surrounded itself with a thin cyst wall, the interior of the c.vst being filled with a faintly blue stained plasma (fig. 16). These knns, in scanty numbers, were to be seen even after all the other krrns had disappeared. They apparently undergo further changes, as the shape of the parasite becomes more and more indistinct and, at a still later stage, only the cyst filled with small red granules Persists. We were unable to trace the further development of these forms, as in specimens stained by Giemsa’s method it is impossible to differentiate them from blood platelets and other constituents. The 'act that the filtrate of spirochaetal blood through a Berkfeld filter is infective suggests that these small granules may be the forms which Pass through the filter and give rise to a fresh infection. 438 The life history of the spirochaete might be thus summarised Just before the crisis the spirochaetes disintegrate, certain of them coiling up into skeins, the majority of which are phagocytosed by the spleen. Some of them become encysted and break up into very small bodies, out of which the new generation of spirochaetes is evolved LITERATURE 1. Breinl and Kinghorn. An Experimental Study of the Parasite of the African Tick Fever ( Sfirochala dultoni). Memoir XXI of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 1906. 2. Novy and Knapp. Studies in Sfirillum obermeieri and related organisms. “Journal of Infectious Diseases,” Vol. Ill, No. 3, 1906. 3. Prowazek. Morphologische und entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen iiber Hiihnerspirochaeten. “ Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte,” Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 1906. 4. Stephens. A Note on the Structure of Sfirochteta dultoni. “Lancet,” August 18th, 1906. 5. Zettnow. Farbung und Theilung bei Spirochaeten. “ Zeitschrift fur Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten,” Vol. LII., Heft 3, 1906. Zettnow. Geisseln bei Jliihner und Recurrensspirochaeten. “Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift,” March 8, 1906, page 276. f>. Borrel. Cils et division transversale chez le Spirille de la poule. “ Comptes rendus de la Soci6t<$ de Biologie, Tome 60, p. 238, 1906. Some forms described in the present paper were observed by this author. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 he accompanying drawings were done with a Zeiss apochromatic objective 2 mm. aperture r4, ocular 18. Drawn to the scale of 4-5^ g 1 to i_. Fiom the peripheral circulation of infected monkeys and rats, respectively. i ig- 13— From the liver of an infected monkey. HgS’ 14 to l6*~ Forms found in the spleen. Fig. 4 PLATE XXXVII THE CYTOLOGY OF THE TRYPANOSOMES 44i THE CYTOLOGY OF THE TRYPANOSOMES PART I* BY J. E. SALVIN-MOORE, A.R.C.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. PROFESSOR OF EXPERIMENTAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CYTOLOGY, UNIVERSIIY OF LIVERPOOL AND ANTON BREINL, M.U.Dr. (Prag.) DIRECTOR OF THE RUNCORN RESEARCH LABORATORIES, LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE ( Received July 15th , 1907 ) CONTENTS PAGE A. Introductory . B. The morphology and the life cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense . C. The morphology, and the multiplication in the blood of Trypanosoma brucei . D. The morphology, and the multiplication in the blood of Trypanosoma equinum . E. Consideration of the foregoing observations . Appendix I . Appendix II . . . 44 1 448 459 459 460 470 47 1 (A) INTRODUCTORY The trypanosomes belong to a group of organisms of great practical importance, since they are related to numeious diseases, not only affecting many valuable animals, but, in the case of sleeping sickness, man also. Notwithstanding the facts, the natuie an * A preliminary account of the observations relating to 7 ■ ^^T^iqoT^Yn a in the present paper was published in the Lancet, p. ' * j Society , July 20, subsequent paper by Plimmer and Thomson received by t Trvnanosomes, or ■907, these authors appear to have encountered either the ency - -bed But from the resistant bodies (latent bodies) which we had previous y • ' it is the vagueness of their reference, Pro. Roy. boc. «• • described by us impossible to be certain to which order of structures a > they do refer. 442 morphology of these organisms are as yet but little understood Information upon these matters, as well as upon the various lifecycles they appear to present, is greatly t. 1 be desired Especially is this the case with regard to their morphology. The numerous descriptions of their structure and their metamorphoses already in existence have been drawn in general from the results of methods of research not calculated to produce any correct appreciation of their true cytological features. With very few exceptions, the study of the structure of the trypanosomes has been based, cither upon what can be made out of the live animals, or else upon observations made upon material after it has been heated and dried, a method which, to say the least of it, may be shown, so far .is the finer details of any cell structure are concerned, to be particularly barbarous. Trypanosomes, like other unicellular organisms, can, however, be fixed m a great variety of ways which are commonly used during cytological research. Hie chief manipulative difficulty 1 1 icv present is the unreadiness with which they can be made to take any sort of differential stain. Still this difficulty is not insurmountable; and ordinary preparations may be produced which stain as completely as can be desired. We have used the following fixatives .-—Fleming’s fl«ic sublimate acetic acid ; osmic acid vapour ; osmic acetic acid vapow and formalin vapour. When the animals have been fixed, it is in all cases des, table use somewhat spec.ai precautions in relation to the stain which t* Dri'nr i° t e"!ployed' the Pr°cess adopted depending upon tl are ! °f “PP'yng a mordant, or mordants, before the actual s«ir FlemtoU fl h •the Wh°Ie’ WC haVe f°Und that ^ fixa,ion "* of vTe?wh T UnqUest,onab,y rt- best from a morphological f* the sharpest ^ methods trough which we have obtain* safrantrin atT,haVC bee”' ^ hand, the Appendix II "e ™ethyIenc blue atain invented by Breinl (** iron h" “a to T ° ' 3 S%ht modifi-tio„ of the Heid^” iron haematoxylm process (see Appendix II) which5 wTuabr: StTitf.!®1' (and in p-b*< is necessary in the first il ' d,fferent sPecific {o^\e .. £ zzzzx?. zsz# 443 This course is unavoidable owing to the confused terminology which has grown up in the literature, and also on account of the present necessity of making clear the meaning we attach to different names. We have further to define our present conception of the nature of several structures which the trypanosomes possess. When properly fixed, all the animals we have examined present an elongated cell form. No anterior or posterior extremity can, except in the most arbitrary sense, be defined. I he exterior of the protoplasm is differentiated into a thin outer layer or ectosarc (periplast). Among the species with which this paper is concerned, the ectosarc is smooth, and does not present any definite ridges or stripes corresponding to the structure often described in the larger trypanosomes, such as those of the frog, and others. The protoplasmic structure within the ectosarc consists of a \ery coarse spongioplasm (schaumplasma) containing fine staining granules embedded in its substance, the meshes of this spongioplasmic netw ork being filled by a less stainable cytolymph. It is sometimes said that within the ectosarc, and distinct from the deeper portions of the spongioplasm, there exists a layer — the endoplasma. We have, however, not been able to demonstrate the existence of this sub¬ division. The permanent cell structures contained within the ectosarc consist of a more or less central area, which, when subjected to Breinl s stain, assumes a purple colour (see figs. 4, 5, 1 1, 12, 13)- We propose to call the whole of this area the nucleus. Within the nucleus there is always to be found a clearly-defined body which stains undei the same conditions red, and we propose, for reasons which will become more apparent later, to term this body the inlra-nuclear ccntrosome (Karyosome, Innenkorper). It does not appear to be the case, when the animals arc not dividing, that the nucleus can be correctly said to be bounded by any definite membrane. In most instances it appears more correct to say. that there is no definite membrane, but rather that there is a very sharp division between the spongioplasmic network and the finer network of the nucleus. Near the broad end of the animal’s body there is usually to be found a granule, or small group of granules, which stain like the intr nuclear centrosome. These, whatever their numbers at any particu a 444 period, we propose to call the extra-nuclear centrosomes (blepharo- plasts). From one or more of these granules there springs a staining core, or flagellum, which lies in a thin expansion of the ectosarc, forming the so-called undulating membrane For present purposes we have thus the following terminology:— Ectosarc = (Periplast). Spongioplasm == (The substance of the network of the proto¬ plasm). Cytolymph = (The substance between the meshes of the spongioplasm). Intra-nuclear centrosomes = (Karyosomes, Innenkorper). Extra-nuclear centrosomes = (Blepharoplasts, micro-nude; centrosomes, nucleoli). Flagellum. Undulating membranes. In none of the trypanosomes which we have studied have we found the slightest indication of the existence of the so-called males, emales, and indifferent forms. We have found that the often- asserted existence of these three types in the blood, a suggestion originating chiefly from Schaudinn* is totally misleading. So far as is at present known, trypanosomes are parasites mhabltlngr ^ blood, and body ^ of , grea, ^ Hitherto no non-paras, tic forms have been discovered. As is the case w,th other parasites of this description, their life histories appear to anoth h iT Ified l° 5feCUre their ,ransf™ from one □ tissues of “ t WayS' WHen introdu“d into the blood and the noxious "nfl mU't'PI>' br *** until either Of some Strain! Tr ! .mfeCti°n deStro^ host, as m the case runs a different °i ’ gambtense introduced into rats, or the infection ” *> t * and then falls so thi i ft !” 1C b °od nses to a first maximum, reappear, and reach firSt ne^ative Phase, the parasites the infection follows ^n^r^uUrTo ^ T °u In understood from the diagram given on " “ * Liverpool -na.fer see Thomas and BreinI, 445 a .2 - £ *> E 3 2 R -s £ v e ° - B § c 60 C. 3! 5- £ ^ ,Sa ■> U I ju J 75 ^ ^ I . . a « •* ■3 « o c HH a cc Reproduction of the latent bodies and the development of the Trypanosome therefrom. It is a very remarkable fact that in some examples of the latter type of infection the blood during the negative phases, although apparently containing no trypanosomes at all, and even if it be properly filtered, is still capable of infecting other animals into which it may be introduced. These observations suggest the existence of another stage in the life history of the organism in the same host during such periods. According to Schaudinn,* 7 rypanosoma noctiue which infests the blood of owls in certain parts of Southern Europe is transmitted from owl to owl by mosquitoes. When withdrawn from the blood of the owl into the body of the mosquito the trypanosomes pass through a definite sexual stage, and are again reintroduced through successive bites, m another stage of their life cycle into the owls once more. It is very desirable that these observations should be repeated. F hey have never been properly confirmed ; but, assuming them to be correct, it by no means necessarily follows that a similar life cycle is pursued in the case of other trypanosomes with which we are now acquainted. There are, indeed, numerous indications which we shall have to consider in more detail later, that render it probable that a life cycle such as that described by Schaudinn, involving successive hosts X? 5eX,UaI ^ aS6XUal Stages altemate’ is th^ exception rather than the rule. Consider in this connection the following facts- 2VTTOSOmeS/ rm6i‘nSe’ T ■ brucei- T ■ T. efU'Ptr- bvXle ? °therS’ Can be transferred animal to animal effe ”d him00 n ° 0b'°0d S™P>e i-oculation of blood can be of sleeping "l t * app6ars to be 80 effected in the case hL hXto b ; °Ugh Gl0SS’”a but no sexual stage Ztt. d;S“Vered “ thiS ^ The observations of Brucrf with those of Dutto^Tod^and^5 d‘SapPearS after 48 hours, together of experiments with’ regard to t“lnBton’:|:who made a large number seem to indicate that the rnfe f 'S matter °n the Upper Congo, all - e at the infection by these flies is perhaps rather in # n i ~ - - - * Schaudinn. und Sp,ro- TduS T° dt *9°3 POrtS °f the Ro^ Society. Sleeping Sickness Tr°P- Med. and Parasit^oTT^o. transrnission experiments. Ann. 447 the nature of an accident than a necessary process involved in the normal life cycle of the parasites. Some such conclusion is borne out by other facts in relation to trypanosome infection. Thus in the case of Dourine,* simple inoculation of blood will transmit the disease, but it is habitually communicated amongst horses in quite a different manner, namely by coitus. Consequently, if there is a sexual stage in the life history of Trypanosoma equiperdum, this sexual stage must occur normally in the body of the horse. Further strains of trypano¬ somes, such as those of sleeping sickness and Dourine , may be kept for years in our laboratories through inoculation from animal to animal. In fact, such strains may be continued in this way for a quite indefinite period, a process involving an endless number of generations in the blood, and it consequently follows that if in such forms the sexual stage occurs only in some other host, this phase can be dispensed with for an altogether indefinite period. As a matter of fact, there are yet other observations bearing upon Schaudinn’s researches, which if they do not necessarily render his account of the sexual act improbable, seem to clearly indicate that it may exist in the instance of T rypanosoma nod nee as a very unusual exception, an exception which may be incapable of throwing any general light upon the life history of the great group of organisms to which Trypanosoma nocture belongs. We may refer also particularly to the author’s account of what he regards as the reduction process. This, according to Schaudinn.t amounts to a sexual determination, or differentiation, accomplished through a nuclear division. That is to say, there occurs in T rypanosoma noctuce a division (heteropolar mitosis, Schaudinn), which separates the female moiety of an hermaphrodite nucleus from the male. In other words, Schaudinn resuscitates (although he does not appear to allude to this fact) Balfour’s and Minot’s view of the formation of the polar bodies, and the extrusion of the so-called residual corpuscle during the iormation of the spermatozoa. * Rabinowitsch and Kempner. Centralblat fur Bakt. Bd. xxxx lJ7’ mo6 See also Minchin, Gray and Tulloch. Pro. Roy. Soc., London. \oI. 7 » 9 • See further Laveran and Mesnil. Trypanosomes et trypanosomia,es. a , 1904. + Schaudinn: Neuere Forschungen fiber die Befruehtung bei erhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft auf de - • J sammlung. Leipzig, 1905. 44« It is necessary to be quite clear about this matter. The hypothesis respecting- the function of the polar bodies, and so-called residual corpuscle of the spermatozoa, as the means by which the opposite “sex-stuff” is got rid of from the ovum, and the spermatozoon, has for various reasons collapsed some years ago. In the first place, the polar bodies cannot be homologised in any way with the residual vesicle. In the second place, it has been clearly demonstrated that in the vast majority of animals and plants the sexual reproductive cells, ova, and spermatozoa are precisely equivalent so far as their nuclei are concerned. * Reduction as now understood in animals and plants is not sex differentiation, but a process which results simply in the halving of the number of chromosomes in those cells which are destined to conjugate. A great deal of confusion has been produced by Schaudinn’s inaccurate use of the term reduction, a term which in general biology has long had a limited and a definite meaning. In dealing with these matters it must, therefore, be clearly understood that by reduction chaudmn means sex differentiation, and that the term reduction in general biology does not mean sex differentiation, and stands for something quite different. the morphology and life cycle of trypanosoma GAMBIENSE 6iZZPanOSOma gamiiense (Dutt°n) is a Parasi* associated with th Sickness TnngK “ EqUat°nal ^ and known as Sleep,, the anTmals ““ * transfered simple inoculation into nearly al may ru“a vfr 7Sed ““"“S' experiments. The infel inoculation “ ThuS the strai" “-d Liverpool fo, few days, the rat’s bW,H 5‘mP'y “““* within a Period °f J dies from the effect 0f the"S, ‘eem'ne 'Vlth Para5i‘es and the animal as in man the u c invasion- In other cases among the rats, — bJood rises and falls in a soPwelldiy observations^ upoi/yrfii V£s.t, literature of this subject. The it clear tlwTu as to render it unintellipihi” h l*16 Sbove statements are based, being commnnh (!hlprocess he describes ff ®,why Schaudinn did not himself make for the Wth the reduction process as <£>V reduction, can have nothing m the id 't 1° years- It is equally and Studied in animals and Plan'5 among animal^6 \he Process he discussed^nd ,^hy thls author did not point ont § mals and plants by Balfour ant^Minof that erroneously supposed to exist 449 450 somewhat irregular series of well-marked periods, the kind of oscillation produced being indicated in the chart given on page 44). When an animal has been previously infected, it has been found that even at a period when no parasites can be detected in the blood, the blood is nevertheless capable of infecting other animals by sub¬ inoculation. As is already well known, Trypanosoma gambicnse can be transmitted from animal to animal by the bites of flies; but the observations of Bruce* and others have shown that if more than 48 hours elapse after the flies have fed on an infected animal subsequent bites produce no infection. The observations of Dutton, 1 odd and Haningtonf made on the Congo, show further that it is often extremely difficult to infect at all with flies, and the authors sum up the position in respect to this matter in the following paragraph “ ,Te'eheVe eithCr’ ^ That something is wrong in the way m «mlCtG/°*S*na *al*alis has ^en used in these experiments' or, „ W l hat Trypanosoma gambtense can be conveyed by some other means than by it.” ' o far, then from it being established that Sleeping Sickness is orma y spread among the African population by the bites of thfT*' aI°ne' U W°U,d hSem that the most «*ent work on n he nit "f**" ^ P°SSib'> the Action through fl.es is Smkness s 6 °J "" T ' “d tha‘ the means ^ which Sleeping mtermr ha tS;m?eamanner ‘n W’lich " d°“ *PrL in the Afiean interior, has yet to be discovered. ryPr0Smna in „u Blood of an InfccUi Ann vary i “ “l^^T T" " tad represented in figs. ,B/'. ,, fr°m f°rms smalIer than 1,10 gradually to the f j ’’ we lliay select a series increasii r™ •*— « - *,» FWd, ,, does net ^ ,b)° to d« “ '' trimorphism, corresponding to the s ^ dun0rphlS”’' ‘ b tile so-called male, female, an * Bruce, loc. cit. t Dutton, Todd and Hani„g,on, loc. cit 451 indifferent forms described by Schaudinn * Minchin.t and many other authors. The present examination of the forms appearing in the blood leads us to believe that there is to be found among these trypanosomes a series extending from those which are relatively small, to those which are relatively immense. T he three forms often described and alluded to as distinct, consequently appear to be arbitrarily chosen examples in a continuous series of dimensions. Multiplication tn the Blood From the time when the parasites appear in the blood of an infected animal until their numbers reach any particular maximum, rapid multiplication takes place by longitudinal fission of the individual trypanosomes, the multiplication being most rapid near the successive periods of maximum numbers. When the parasites are not dividing, they present the appearance represented in figs, i and 4. The nucleus is nearly in the middle of the long axis of the cell, and consists of an outer stainable mass, enclosing generally a lighter central area, within which there lies a small, sharply-definable body, which stains red in contrast to the purple colour of the outer mass when subject to Breinl’s stain. This central structure forms the intra-nuclear centrosome (karyosome). At the broad end of the cell there exists another staining granule which, when the cell is not dividing, remains single, the granule in question forming the extra nuclear centrosome (blepharoplast, micro-nucleus, centrosome). It stains, under the above conditions, like the intra-nuclear centrosome. Arising directly from the extra-nuclear centrosome, there extends a delicate thread, which stains more faintly, but in the same manner as the centrosomes. It is enclosed in a thin expansion of the ectosarc running along the entire length of the cell. The thread projects at the narrow end of the cell as a long stained whip-lash. This thread forms the so-called flagellum, and the ectosarca expansion the undulating membrane. The first sign of an approaching fission is generally apparent m relation to the extra-nuclear centrosome. From this there buds ou small fragment, figs. 1, 2, and 3, which may become flattened, as m * Loc. cit. t I’ro. Roy. Soc., 1907. 452 figs, i and /, and can be seen to be attached to the original extra- nuclear centrosome by faint unstaining strands, fig. At a late period there grows out from the new extra-nuclear centrosome a young flagellum, which gradually extends parallel with the old flagellum, as in figs. 2, 3, 6. At a period of the fission roughly corresponding to the above, it can be observed that the intra-nuclear centrosome has also divided in the manner represented in figs. 2, 3, and that the staining outer portion o the nucleus has gradually collected around, and beyond, the dividing portions of the intra-nuclear centrosome. In this form of nuclear division characteristic of Trypanosoma gambiense, no chromo¬ somes are formed at all, and the intra-nuclear centrosome behaves precise y as the so-called karyosome, or centrosome, during the division of the nucleus in Eug/ena, Eimeria schubergi (Schaudinn), and other protozoa. At a later stage the division of the intra-nudear centrosome becomes complete, and the outer staining portion of the nucleus collects round the two intra-nuclear centrosomes as in nurlJ’h’ 8’ f0rmmg t0gfether with ^^se two bodies two daughter nuclei having JUst the same appearance as the parent nucleus. For is thus n" nr5*6 nUdear divisi°n of trypanosoma gambimt the presence f ' * “ * °f amitosis somewhat complicated by the presence of an intra-nuclear centrosome * the enxttehnesiraaHder the Pro«^ °f drv.sion proceeds b, represented in %f °,T ° new flagehtim through stages such as flagella are produced each encL t •” ‘hat ‘W°. aPParentl>' s‘mila' They form separate A 1 ^ a° exPansi°n of the ectosarc of the animal's be 1 “dU.atmg membranes and stretch from one end flagella become eventually' ^ 7 ^ extremities of the from the narrow , y parate’ and the animal gradually splits daughter forn^ finally^ separatinp-^16 ^ ^ I5’ * * represented in figs 1 -> S' PaSS through stages such as those trypanosomes, each exactly reslih^ ^ ^ eventuall*v tVV° During the growth and division ofl Parem f°rm' bU‘ Smafc frequently possible tr, ^ 1 °* * le Parasites in the blood, it is y Possible to find large numbers of cells in all stages of deSely^iatedfn6 Cent™esm?rf altat° ”1 be n°ted ,hat in many of the d to amitosis when this fo-r,/ t extra-nuclear, these bodies may be 0 m of division occurs. 453 division, and rest, wherein there exist, especially towards the narrow end of the cell, quantities of granules that stain under the action of Breinl’s stain an intense red. The colour of these granules is quite distinct from that of either the intra-nuclear centrosome or the extra- nuclear centrosome, and they cannot be stained with any satisfaction at all by means of the iron haematoxylin method. 1 hey are quite irregular in size and number, and also in their appearance, that is to say, they may appear in all the trypanosomes in all their stages at one period, and not at another. From these circumstances, we are inclined to regard these granules as of metabolic origin, and we can find no evidence that they arise from the nucleus at any time. These bodies should, however, not be confounded with the minute granules always seen, more or less throughout the spongioplasmic network of the entire body. These latter may, and very often do, stain in the same manner as the intra- and extra-nuclear centrosomes, but we have been unable to find any indications as to their origin, or that they any more than the large metabolic granules have any special relationship with the nucleus. It is possible, indeed probable, that some of these granules may correspond to the vegetative and trophic chromidia observed in Rhizopods by Schaudinn,* and by Hertwigt in Actinospheerium eichhorni, but owing to the very different methods we have used, we are not in a position to make any definite statement with respect to this matter. At a late stage of division, such as that represented in figs. 14 and >3. the appearance of the organisms at first sight very much suggests an act of conjugation, but in all such cases that we have examined we have found no indication in relation to the nuclei, or the centrosomes which would suggest a conjugational act. Along with the regular method of division just described certain modifications are frequently observed, which, although producing the most striking appearance (see figs. 8, 9, 10) are nevertheless apparently always capable of being explained through a disparity in the stage simultaneously reached by different parts of the cell. Thus the nucleus may divide completely and then divide again so as to form P- 3*3- * Schaudinn. Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte, Vol. XIX, i9°3- tHertwig. Archiv. fur Protistenkunde, Vol. i. ~ TT1 aee also Mesnil. Chroniidies- et questions connexes. Bull. last., lome 11 , 454 four nuclei, without, however, the extra-nuclear centrosome having divided more than once. Or the extra -nuclear centrosome may divide and form three or four flagella without the nucleus having divided at all. When these unusu.il methods are adopted, the gigantic trypanosomes figured on Plate 1 are frequently produced. Changes in the Trypanosomes relative to the Stage of Injection The appearances described in the preceding paragraphs are those which are encountered among the parasites during multiplication after their first appearance in the blood of the infected animal, h however, other stages of the infection be studied there are to be found different morphological appearances among the parasites, which are apparently of the greatest importance. In the case of an amm which has become infected with Trypanosoma gambiense, and sho*» a well-marked oscillation in the course ol the disease, it is found t a as the number of the parasites is rising in the blood — -that *s t0 ^ along the ascending portions of the curve in the diagram (page 4 i!iai the phenomena presented are the same as those found in the inu^ stages of the infection which we have just described. If, h°'ve'er^ study preparations made at or near the maxima of the curve^ changes are found to be taking place in the trypanosomes those of simple division. ^ ^ At the time the curve approaches any maximum, there are ^ found trypanosomes which present the appearance shown m & ^ to 20. From this figure it will be seen that such trypaH0^10^ 3 distinct from those which have been previously described, in relatively-thick stainable band proceeds from the extra-nuc*ear jr0ll some. This thick band is found to be most readily stainable haematoxylin ; it is less readily, but still stainable by the ' tra- aniline colours which we have employed. It grows from the ci5e nuclear centrosome not along the surface of the animal as in 1 of the new flagella, but down the interior of the cell to**r ^ nucleus (see figs. 15, i6).v This stainable band, which apP^ * It is probable that the band we here refer to is the same a* tb d- ^ described by Prowazek Studien uber Saugeth.er trypanosomen. .\rb- 3 o0 cegft, C’ Band XXIIA *905. and also Miss Robinson, Vol- N blood-inhabiting protozoa. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 455 the periods of the greatest number of parasites in the blood, is fully twice as thick as the flagellum. As it increases in length it may reach, or even pass the nucleus ; or it may become coiled upon itself, as in figs. 16, 17, 18. But whatever form it takes at first, the later appearance suggests that the band eventually becomes in one way or another definitely connected up with the nucleus. This suggestion is strengthened by the subsequent behaviour* of the band, for it is seen eventually to become gradually less stainable, to break up into a string of fragments, and finally to disappear. Through all these later stages of its existence it is most certainly suggested, as in figs. 19, 20, that it is directly related to the nucleus, that is to say, to have been, or to be actually connected up with it. We appear then, at or near the maximum number of the parasites in the blood, to have direct evidence of some sort of interaction taking place between the extra-nuclear centrosome and the nucleus. This phenomenon occurs only among animals in which no evidence of nuclear division, or cell division, is apparent. In such cases, we do not find that either the extra-nuclear centrosome or the nucleus is divided, and throughout the whole development of the stainable band the nucleus remains in a condition of complete repose. If now we examine the portions of the curve of infection where the trypanosomes are decreasing in number, still other phenomena make their appearance. The numbers of the parasites gradually decrease in the peripheral blood, and at this time, in such organs as the lungs, the spleen, and the bone marrow, we find curious changes to be taking place in vast numbers of the trypanosomes encountered in these situations. Parasites showing the present changes are rarely found tn the organs named above during the period when the number of the Parasites is increasing in the blood, but at the time when the numbers are beginning to decrease we see in the lungs that numbers of trypanosomes show alterations in their nuclei. T he protoplasm of the animal’s body becomes detached from the periphery of the nucleus " hich lies in a clear space, while the nucleus itself contracts somewhat, and at the same time a large clear vesicle gradually grows up in connection with it, in the manner represented in figs. 22, 23. Round the outside of this vesicle and the nucleus there may be seen a layer 01 protoplasm enclosing in a delicate sheath both nucleus and vesicle together. When this stage has been reached, the rest of the cell body 456 rapidly disintegrates, the outline of the cell becomes lost, and flagellum together with the extra-nuclear ccntrosome i. i\ frequently seen detached, and lying loose among the cells : organs examined (see fig. 26). These phenomena, as we have said, are encountered in the lun. but they are also found in the bone marrow and the spleen. Asa: the above stage has been reached the nuclear bodies and the disintegrating remains of the parent cells disappear to a large extra: from the lungs, the nuclear bodies being subsequently found in v<-:. large numbers both in the spleen and the bone marrow. At first sight, the appearance we have ju>t described might o supposed to be simply a phase in the disintegration of the parasites, and this was, as a matter of fact, the view winch wc were at fiat inclined to adopt. I here are, however, reasons for thinking that although the greater part of the protoplasm forming the bodies ot ti.< parasites undoubtedly does disappear, the peculiar nuclear structures we have just been considering do not follow the same course. Aft their detachment from the rest of the disintegrating cell body, the nuclear corpuscles become impacted in great numbers in the spier: and bone marrow. Here, instead of disap, in the course of a few hours, they may remain intact for as | ten days 01 m act, throughout the whole of the negative or latent period of the infection, when no parasites are present in the peripheral Uood toterT/1 *Ti°rmati0n’ these pccui: - • Which we propose although they thus rema.n intact for a relatively Jong peri* it af exPcriment., Vol. 18 No , T 1 hu»- Rode‘ “d V*IH inniar to the latent bodies of 4* descr,be bodies mrh; Bradford^ (C) 'h' ?*** ™ ■» . Bradford (Quar. Journ. Micro Sri v, 1 ' "'*te form* Phmioer m the spleen, &c., during Nap ana ini* - ****** also to have found tbu similar bnm plas™odial production LaJer tl'Scr,be ,hem apparently tb s.nnlar bod.es as ‘‘formes dmvoluhon ” and ' -scribi^apjOfU »i£PTnV°*have seen them in the blood 8T Vet Sc. Vol j he?..?™ .-TtaSS irs Xo. 1 indicium, and to reg ^ them “ blood °f caiUe in dHetSethF?ourrnal of a^e^ISSi0LH-PreCisel>r V : ' ' details of r® b?d,es as true portion ; e-. •'» th.- : . - • - - -• < The latent bofd,Vlatl0,V0f the lateEt bodies in th' correspond to m uWe have dealt with n r * pU{ ’ - espond to the bodies figured by Soiazek Vn^c '^ P«Uly * 457 was still possible that they might eventually simply disappear altogether, the nuclear constituents of the trypanosome body being perhaps more resistant than the rest of the protoplasmic structure of the celL In order to throw some light upon this matter, we examined a number of infected animals which had been treated with atoxyl, this substance having the effect of destroying the parasites in the blood in the course of a very few hours at the most. When the blood of such animals was treated by injection of atoxyl and examined during the time when the parasites were still increasing in number, it was found that a large percentage of the trypanosomes could be observed dead among the corpuscles of the blood, but during the rapid disintegration which follows nothing comparable to the formation of the latent bodies is encountered. On the contrary, the nuclei in these instances are among the first of the organs to be affected by a general disintegration, which rapidly produces masses of debris, wherein it is only just possible to recognise from their shapes the remains of trypanosome cells (see fig. 41). The same appearance is produced through the disintegration and death of the trypanosomes in the blood of an animal which has been killed by the disease. From all this, it would appear that the latent bodies are not produced during the ordinary course of cell disintegration, and must be considered from some other point of view. At this point it is, however, necessary to explain that when animals are injected with atoxyl at a time when the trypanosomes are decreasing in numbers in the blood, the disintegration does not necessarily overtake all the trypanosomes present. It is found, in fact, that a certain number of trypanosomes under such conditions do not succumb to the effects of the drug, but round themselves up and become encysted (see figs. 37, 40). These cysts are, however, very much larger than the latent bodies. They appear to be true resistant forms produced directly in response to the drug, and are not in any way comparable to the latent bodies we have just described. With regard to the latent bodies which are produced at the maxima of an oscillating infection (structures which at first sight might, and probably would, be taken for disintegration products), these are, as we have seen, eventually collected m the spleen and 45« the bone marrow, and do not necessarily degenerate there. They persist in such situations in very large numbers, and each consists of a flattened nucleus with an intra-nuclear centrosome. There is also a vesicle attached to the nucleus, and the whole nuclear apparatus is surmounted by a thin film of protoplasm, figs. 27, 28. At the periods when there are no trypanosomes to be found in the blood, these peculiar latent bodies are all the evidence of the existence of the parasites in an infected animal to be detected microscopically. At the period of the infection when a few parasites begin to reappear in the blood, it is possible to still find numbers of latent bodies in the spleen, and in the bone marrow, wherein the intra¬ nuclear centrosome has divided into two, fig. 28. Again, at this period it is possible to find forms in which one-half of the dividing intra-nuclear centrosome has passed out of the nucleus, fig- 28, forming an extra-nuclear centrosome. Still further, at a later period, we find forms in which a short flagellum has grown from e extra nuclear centrosome, and these bodies subsequently appear gradually transfoim themselves into small trypanosomes in the manner represented in figs. 28 to 32. As the latent bodies are gradually transformed into small trypano- somes, the number of these bodies in the spleen and bone marrow diminishes, but it appears to be the case that a proportion of what are apparently latent bodies never really develop into trypanosomes and thT^hT t0gether’ °r’ in other w°rds. ^at only a proportion of sumv I" ar£ Under Clrcumstances above described capable of too com ' rnegatlVe Peri°d' ^ °nCe ”°re f°™ing themselves into complete trypanosomes. havJhIthert?bS Wh‘CM WB haVe n°W deSCnbed are aU those which we of the infection Tn" rats6 ^ “ reIatlon to the succeeding stages encountered dlring" d^erent ^ Changes might have bee" although we have had the ■ Pen°ds °f the day ^ night, but tion continuouslv at nil p.ai^sites ln various animals under observa- several days L °f ** CUne of Action throughout discernible. Howevw.1t was 7 'Tu™ nocturnal . aIteration was number of parasite* 1 ■*’ °Und t^lat t^le rapid diminution of the So fa T he at Tanably t0°k Place between 2 and 5 ,, the above observations upon the life cycle of the 459 parasite of sleeping sickness have been carried, they appear thus to indicate a complete cycle in the blood of a single host, and the stages of such a life cycle can be semidiagrammatically represented in the manner given on page 445. (C) THE MORPHOLOGY AND THE MULTIPLICATION IN THE BLOOD OF TRYPANOSOMA BRUCEI The appearance of Trypanosoma brucei in the blood is represented in figs. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46- 1 he chief morphological distinctions which the parasite of the disease Nagana presents when compared with Trypanosoma gambiense are found in relation to the distribution of the nuclear substance, and the characteis of the extra-nuclear centrosomes. The division of this trypanosome in the blood is longitudinal, as in the case of Trypanosoma gambiense. 1 he nucleus divides amitotically. The division being first marked by a lengthening of the extra-nuclear centrosome until this body finally separates, and to two minute beads. At the same time the nuclear substance also elongates until we observe forms such as those represented in %s. 43, 44, 45, 46. As in Trypanosoma gambiense , the stages of the division o ie extra-nuclear centrosome and that of the nucleus may not be the same, at any particular time, and through this circumstance we observe the same sort of multiple, and abnormal forms as in the case of Trypanosoma gambiense. (D) THE MORPHOLOGY AND THE MULTIPLICATION IN THE BLOOD OF TRYPANOSOMA EQUINUM In the blood, Trypanosoma equinum possesses much the same shape as that of either Trypanosoma gambiense 01 Trypanosoma brucei-, the nucleus is, however, usually placed neater to the b10^ end of the cell. The extra-nuclear centrosome is large, and t e nuclear division which takes place during the fission of the ce s possesses points of much interest, since the centrosomes aie moie conspicuous in Trypanosoma equinum than in many other orm have examined. The changes which take place in the intra nuc centrosome during the division of the nucleus can be stu great clearness. 460 When the nucleus is at rest the intra-nuclear centrosome is surrounded by a light space, which is in turn enclosed by the stainable nuclear substance (fig. 47). During division the intra nuclear centro¬ some divides, as in figs. 48 to 52. The nuclear substance becoming at the same time collected up in the region of the dividing intra¬ nuclear beads. As this process continues, the nuclear substance eventually forms itself into two cup-shaped masses situated around, and beyond the intra-nuclear centrosomes. Owing to this, when Trypanosoma eguinum is dried the edges of these cups becoming flattened down produce at least two irregular bands on each side of the intra-nuclear centrosomes, which under these circumstances may suggest the existence of nuclear chromo¬ somes. This appearance is, however, misleading. The nuclear division of Trypanosoma eguinum being, as can be seen from figs. 47 to 53, really amitotic, as in the case of Trypanosoma gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei. (E) CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING OBSERVATIONS For the sake of convenience, it is desirable to consider the latent forms as the starting point in the life cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense. These bodies, which in an ordinary fluctuating infection may remain unchanged for long periods in the organs (and, to a less extent, in the blood), consist at first of a nucleus containing an intra- ce iular centrosome. The nucleus is related to a vesicle, and the w o e nuclear apparatus is surrounded by a delicate film of proto- p m. t a later stage, the intra-nuclear centrosome divides into two, and one of these bodies passes out of the nucleus into the outer layer of protoplasm, which gradually increases in extent. centro,6 abOVe PrOCess results ” the formation of an extra-nuclear with th°me t hC eXtra"nudear centrosome, and nucleus together Itinct set f T centrosome, henceforth form two entirely senes If d StrUCtUreS' which re™,n distinct through a very long series ot divisions, as represented in j- , the letter B. P d in the diagram on page 445, under 461 period at which the black line is formed. At this period the extra- nuclear centrosome develops a bridge, as it were, and connects itself for the time with the nucleus. It may be assumed that during this period some substance from the extra-nuclear centrosome passes into the nucleus. Anyhow, after this has taken place the remains of the extra-nuclear centrosome are very shortly cast away, together with the greater part of the protoplasm forming the rest of the cell, and the old flagellum. Thus, if we consider the nuclear apparatus in the latent body as a whole, this would seem to be divided into two parts during the development of the trypanosome. After the formation of the cell is complete, these two structures, the nucleus and the intra-nuclear centrosome, remain in the same state, and multiply independently into similarly distinct bodies contained in the cells produced by all the longitudinal fissions. In other words, there arises from a nucleus A, two new structures, B and C, both of which differ from A. B and C multiply independently as the animals divide, but at a subsequent stage a portion of each B unites again with the C in all the cells, and the condition of the organism immediately reverts to A once more. We have thus, after the formation of the latent bodies, an unequal division of the nuclear apparatus of the latent body, so as to form two different sets of structures, the nucleus with one centrosome, and the other centrosome by itself. Each of these then multiplies indefinitely in number. In individual cells these structures subsequently unite temporarily, and later the nucleus characteristic of the latent body is produced once again. In other words, dissimilar structures are formed from a nucleus by division, both derivatives multiply by division, and after a time unite in pairs, and the first type of structure is again produced. There is in this process, when contemplated from the present standpoint, an obvious similarity to the two forms of sexual elements in the higher animals and plants , to two sorts of gametic nuclei, or to a sexual dimorphism. A dimorphism in the trypanosomes which is in like manner followed by a reunion, or conjugation between the dissimilar elements, and succeeded by a reversion to the conditions obtaining before the dimorphism was produced. The procedure in the case of the trypanosome nuclear apparatus differs, however, from that of apparently all other known organisms DD 462 where the phenomena of sex are discernible, in that the dimorphic products into which the nuclear apparatus of the latent forms separate remain contained within the same animal during its successive fissiparous generation. With the exception of this difference, however, the phenomena observed are certainly com parable to the production of sexual gametes and their conjugation In the forms with which we have been hitherto familiar, the retention of the nuclear apparatus related to both sexes in one cell, may thus be nothing more or less than a morphological curiosity, and in no way necessarily suggests that the process in the trypanosomes we have been considering is fundamentally different from an ordinary sexual differentiation.* Assuming the phenomena with which we have just been concerned to be of the nature of a sexual process, still another view could e with regard to them. It may be suggested that the metamorphoses connected with the appearance of the black line .s an 1 . on P;lrt trypanosomes to become sexually ifferentiated, but this attempt is not completed, the cells reverting to their primary condition, in whtch case the process could be regarded as an example of a special form of parthenogenesis. I» lation to the above suggestion, it should be noted that, at the time of he formation of the black line, the whole of the extra-nuclear lo«Z°7^ DOt reunite With the nucleus' but only 0* “ of the extra-nuclear centrosome does so. One moiety of Ik portions yICTtr0050me iS detadled from the °*er. and one of to forming £ tr^ano ^ ** ^ fronT^1 mTrat Ft ^ Separat'°n of an extra-nuclear centrosome mtra-nuclear ce t Centr°S°me through *e division of an original cycle, the nucleus enTeTagam ' ^ ^ B"‘ 3t ™d °f * centrosome, yet it only doe ,connecOon with the extra-nuclear On the other hi it may £ T* * 3 ^ ^ ^ - - - - ^ that the extra-nuclear centrosome nucleu1101^ ^entro°onie Glides” and"?, i*1”*!®™ reduction ir> this process. The of the'8’ Both nucleus and extra-nuclear ^ & f of this bod-v passes out of the it re nnt Ceed[ng Missions. Afterwards entrosorne then divide in the production hat dnr CS Vth the Helens, andThe rest of «*tra-"ucIear centrosome or a part ot to tii&n ;eJ,li«tion a centrosome is °/t^eKCe11 b°d* disaPPears- b is kn0"T extent the process of fertilization issiinila0' t^th'0 th Ein Stadara der “Ande fUPPen g iSt n,Cht SGhr deutlich ausgebildet obgle.ch ..doch , ngen m d’eSem S’nne vorhanden waren (Taf. II. fig «): -TIT r Tn Wegen der Klemheit des Objektes nichts sicheres - e^ughch aussagen, obzwar in dem abgebildeten Fall doch * Prowazek, lOC. cit., page 372. 4^5 " 16 Chromosomen, die durch die zwei Teilungen auf vier reduziert " werden, gezahlt werden konnten. Deutlicher waren die Bilder bei “ Herpelomonas. Durch die endlich effektiv gewordene Teilung des “Karyosoms wird der ersle Reduktionskorper gebildet, der selten als “ein dunkles, korniges Gebilde gegen das spitz.e Ende der Zelle “abdriickt, sondern meistens dicht am Kern selbst liegen bleibt “(Taf. II, fig. 30). Bald darauf vollzieht sich noch eine Teilung, “durch die der zweite Reduktionskorper gebildet wird. Tn fig. 31 der “Taf. II, bemerkt man terminalwarts rliesen Reduktionskern, der ein “kleines Karyosom und die vier dicht verbackenen Chromosomen “enthalt. Demnach muss der reduzierte Kern nur vier Chromosomen "besitzen. An dem sich reduzierenden Blepharoplast kann man “ nicht so viel Details erkennen ; zunachst teilt sich der Blepharoplast “in zwei Teile (Taf. II, fig. 29), von denen der eine Teil durch eine "heteropole Spindel noch einer Reduktionsteilung unterliegt. Der 'este Reduktionskorper iibernimmt manchmal die undulierende Saumgeissel und degeneriert erst ziemlich spat. In anderen Fallen bleibt die Geissel an dem reduzierten Blepharoplast haften (Taf. II, “ % 28, 29).” Prowazek describes the nuclear division taking place during the fission of the parasites in the blood in infections with T. brucei and T. lewisi as being mitotic, and the nuclei as containing eight chromo¬ somes. Our observations upon T. brucei and the other trypanosomes with which we have been working, are all similar in regard to this matter. When these animals have been properly preserved there appear to be no chromosomes produced, and the type of nuclear division during the fission of the animals is invariably amitotic, the extra nuclear centrosome and the nuclear substance dividing like drops. It is possible, of course, as in the case of the Ciliata, that the divisions become characteristically mitotic immediately before repro¬ duction, but in none of the trypanosomes which we have examined (one of which, T. equiperdum , certainly runs its life cycle in a single dost) have we encountered anything of the kind. We have had these forms under continuous observation for more than a year, and for long periods at all hours of the day and night In the case of Trypanosoma e.quinum , we were at first inclined tc think that the division was of the mitotic type, but this inference was soon found to be simply due to the defective manner in which the 466 animals had been preserved and dried, or to other forms of indifferent fixation. In other words, there are often produced during fission of the animals under such circumstances appearances in their nuclei due to coagulation effects which may readily he mistaken for nuclear chromosomes. As the fixation becomes better, in all the forms with which we have hitherto dealt, such appearances can, however, be clearly shown to be illusive, and the division of the nucleus during fission to be invariably amitotic in character The same inference is borne out by a study of the living animals. Among the illustrations given by Minchin [Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. 78, Series B, No. 20, Plate 12], figs. 4, 8, 9. and 1; have been produced from specimens that have been dried and stained, and suggest the existence of chromosomes, hut we are inclined to think that these appearances are simply due to the bad fixation methods employed, and are really quite misleading. With regard to the nature of the nuclear division accompanying fission of the above-mentioned trypanosomes, our results are m complete accord with those of Laveran. Indeed, with regard to the nuclear reduction described by Schaudinn,* and finally by Prowazek. our observations have revealed nothing suggesting anything even analogous to these descriptions. Prowazek gives a scries of figures illustrating this process in Trypanosoma lewisi (PI. II, figs. 23, 24, 25). Here nuclei with eight chromosomes are said to be apparent \\ e cannot detect in the figures themselves the slightest suggestion of this being the case, and are inclined to think that the irregular blotches and strands, undoubtedly correctly drawn, have nothing to do with chromosomes, but are due to the manner in which the specimens have been preserved. In figs. 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, the so-called reduction of the nucleus as well as the extra -nuclear centrosome (blepharoplast) is represented; but in none of these figures do we see any indication of either true chromosomes, true mitotic division, or true reduction as ordinarily understood. In fact, as ar as the illustrations are concerned, we are unable to find, or to see, any indication of a reduction process. It will thus be observed that the results we have obtained. — *n re^a^on to Trypanosoma gambiense , but also equally ♦Generations und Wirtswechsel, &c. " t Loc. cit. 4&7 among other forms to be described later, differ not only in degree but also in kind from those obtained on the one hand by Schaudinn, and on the other by Prowazek. The descriptions of Schaudinn, in so far as they bear at all upon the present work, do so, however, through the investigations of Trypanosoma noctuce , which since it appears to be a form of trypanosome requiring more than one host for the completion of its life cycle, may very likely differ in the features of this life cycle from the more ordinary forms with which we have been concerned. On the other hand, Prowazek’s results obtained in the case of Nagano. (that is to say, from one of the trypanosomes considered in the present paper), so far as the nuclear changes during fission are concerned, differ entirely from our own ; these latter fall directly into line with the observations we have made upon other forms, and are quite incompatible with the description of this process given by Prowazek in the case of T. lewisi or T. brucei. The question which now confronts us is upon what cause this difference of results depends. We are inclined to think that the difference of result is due to the methods which have been employed. We may as well say here, that from what we have gathered with respect to the different methods that have been generally in use, it appears that all the methods involving the drying of the blood before staining, or, in fact, any method involving drying at all, is, so far as nuclei are concerned, absolutely useless from a cytological point of view. Nothing relating to the delicate mechanism of mitotic division is generally preserved in cells, whether they belong to unicellular or multicellular organisms, when dried and stained with Romanowsky, Giemsa, or in any other manner. Even the resting nucleus itself under such conditions becomes a mere caricature of the actual structure. When treated in this way, the irregular or regular blotches and streaks of stainable matter have nothing in common with, and do not represent, even in a relative or equivalent sense, the structures actually present in the cells. Anyone who wishes to verify this fact for himself will have no trouble in doing so if, for example, he makes a smear preparation from the testis of a rat, stains after the manner of Romanowsky, and then compares this with a properly fixed and stained smear, in the production of which ordinary cytological precautions have been observed. It is a curious fact that in a rats testes under these conditions certain cells which really contain 468 sixteen gemim or heterotype chromosomes, when subject to the action of drying and Romanowsky, very often present (within the ill- formed area representing the nucleus) six irregular masses of stainable stuff resembling the so-called chromosomes of the dned trypanosomes. Such appearances are, however, certainly due to regularity of coagulation and shrinking during the drying of the cells, and have nothing in common with the real morphological structures, (the chromosomes), which either the living cells, or successfully- preserved cells possess. In view of these circumstances, we are inclined to regard many accounts of the existence of chromosomes, spindles, and even the assumed existence of mitotic division among trypanosomes, as conclusions which appear to be most questionable, and as requiring in all cases confirmation in a variety of ways which do not involve the violence dealt to the finer details of cell structure by drying. Finally, we see in the case of 7 rypanosoma gambiense that the life history of this parasite as it lives in rats seems to be complete in the blood of the rat, and not in any way dependent for its completion upon the transference of the parasites into the blood of any other kind of host. In rats the latent forms pass gradually into trypano¬ somes, these m turn divide through many generations, and their multiplication is followed by a metamorphosis which, whether we regard it as a special form of sexual process, as a form of patho¬ genesis or as a sexual stage, the fuller details of which have not yet been elucidated, seems undoubtedly to stand in one of these relationships to the normal cell multiplications preceding the formation of latent bod.es. The stage in quest, on results In the production of the latent bod.es once more, and the cycle is complete, cvcl c ry, l° thiS COncePtl0" ‘hat, notwithstanding the a isMhv Pment tt;yPanOSOma SamHe"*C- Stl" there may exist Pr0bab'hty. of the transference of the trypanosomes eXu“ZP 7,u°St Wheie a further metamorphosis representing the be SO the °rgan,5ms ls P“-d through. Tins, of course, may mstalce of a ^ ““ °f the ^ypanosome of Dour.ne a clear r.fnt^TT1'" hiSt0ry' "hlch' ™der norma, circun.- norma^uc:^"^ 'n‘° of host; and, under whatever sexual stap-e ** >,OSOma e Vul perdu m must pass through sexual stage ,t may possess, its whole life h.story m fact, in 469 the body of the horse. Dourine can, however, like sleeping sickness, be inoculated from host to host by simple transmission of blood as well as by coitus ; in other words, the faculty of being transmitted by simple inoculation of blood is shared by Trypanosoma equiperdum , wherein no other host is usually involved, as well as by Trypanosoma gambiense. In these circumstances, it is simply natural, assuming flies to be the agents by which sleeping sickness is transmitted, to admit that this form of transmission may be merely in the nature of a mechanical transference, and have no more relation to the sexual act in the life cycle than has the artificial withdrawal of blood from a horse infected with Dourine. In other words, it would seem that the transference by flies in the case of sleeping sickness may have no more significance with respect to the life history of the parasite than has the direct inoculation of Dourine from horse to horse by means of a needle. As we have already pointed out, the observations of Bruce, Dutton, Todd and Hanington* and others seem to indicate that the transference of sleeping sickness, when it is brought about by flies, is in the nature of a simple inoculation of blood, while it would appear that Dutton, Todd and Hanington incline further to believe that flies are not necessarily the normal means by which the propagation of sleeping sickness takes place. They sum up the situation in this respect as follows: — “ It seems “ that all the results are in conformity with the hypothesis that “ Glossina pal palis transmits Trypanosoma gambiense, and that it “ is probably not able to do so when the space between the trans- “ mitting feeds exceeds 48 hours ; this conclusion is, nevertheless, to " our minds a most unsatisfactory one, if we are to regard these " Glossinae as the chief or only carriers of Trypanosoma gambiense. It certainly seems possible that mechanical transmission " by tsetse flies cannot alone be responsible for the rapid spread of " keeping sickness of recent years.” dhese questions, however, open out a wide field of enquiry, which it is at present unprofitable further to discuss. Loc. cit. 470 APPENDIX I METHOD OF PREPARING AND STAINING WET FILMS, USED DURING THE FOREGOING INVESTIGATIONS Place a very thin layer of albumen-glycerine on a clean slide The best method is perhaps to put a drop the size of a large pin’s head on the slide, and to spread this with a clean duster over the slide. On top of this layer spread a drop of blood in the usual way, and dip the slide, while wet, into the fixing solution (Flemming’s strong solution was usually used). Leave it for about five to ten minutes, wash immediately in water, and pass the slide through alcohols in consecutive order, increasing by io per cent, at a time to absolute alcohol. Then back from absolute into 80 per cent, alcohol in which is contained iodine and potassium iodide. In order to prepare the solution of 80 per cent, alcohol containing iodine and potassium iodide, make up a concentrated solution of potassium iodide in water, and iodine in alcohol, mix them together, and add them to some So per cent, alcohol until the mixture becomes a dark brown colour. Leave the slide in this from five to ten minutes, and then bring it int0 30 per cent, alcohol. Use for staining either aniline safranine faach isabes), or the following solution :-Prepare a concentrated watery so ution of safranine (Griibler) and a concentrated alcoholic solution o sa ranin, mix them in equal parts, and then add pure aniline oil sixmonfT ‘i?6 l° tlme' and ieaVe tHe S°Iuti0n t0 riP“ thfeC “ Wash nff5' “ tHiS SOluti™ fOT f™> an hour to two hours. “ 5afranin' and stain afterwards with polych«»”c (*£££“ Ne,.6™"e methylene blue purissimum S1 t L,“cT; d water and 5 e— ^boaate' the stamin, ™ , t0nnpen: the °lder the solution the be#* differentiate with o °ff ^ methylene blu& !l comes out Brin? th T tannm> as long as the blue s a Bnng the Shde up through ^ __ into the absolute alcohol Tl r P trough alcohols, as above, slide into aniline oTl Z ^ ^ a reddlsh Now dip tinge ; the aniline oil takes 1 1’1fddlS^ C°lour chanSes to a purpl^” stain left by the on ' °.U &t * le same time the excess of b Balsam under a coverstp ^ ^ Mount in - — 47i APPENDIX II MODIFICATION OF H El DEN H AIN’S HAEMATOXYLIN METHOD, USED DURING THE FOREGOING INVESTIGATIONS Fix and treat the film in the way described in Appendix I. Clear the slide from the alcohol containing iodine and potassium iodide, and pass it through successive alcohols (as in Appendix I) into water. Stain in a 3-t per cent, solution of iron alum for one hour, wash this off, and stain with the following solution : — -5 gramme haematoxylin dissolved in 100 c.cm. distilled water, to which, after the haematoxylin has dissolved, a few drops of concentrated watery solution of lithium carbonate is added. Stain for half an hour, and then differentiate in the usual way with iron alum. 472 DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES In all cases, unless otherwise stated, the figures have been drawn with a long tube Zeiss, 2 mm. apo. objective and 18 or 27 eyepiece. PLATE XXXVIII Trypanosoma gambiensc Figs. 1, 2, 3 from peripheral circulation stained with iron haematoxylin. Figs. 4 and 5 stained with Breinl’s stain. Fig. 1. — Trypanosome in the resting condition. Nucleus single, not dividing. Intra-nuclear centrosome single. Fig. 2. — Trypanosome showing early stages in division of nucleus, intra-nuclear centrosome divided ; extra-nuclear centro¬ some also divided, new flagellum growing. Fig- 3- — Trypanosome in the same stage as preceding. Intra-nuclear centrosome completely divided ; the new flagellum is also seen during the course of its development. F*ff- 4- Trypanosome is in the same condition as fig. 1, showing also the metabolic granules in different parts of the cell. Fig- 5- -Trypanosome wherein two undulating membranes have been formed, showing also the metabolic granules. Fig. 6.— Trypanosome in much the same condition as in fig. 1, but showing early stages in development of the new flagellum. F lg' 7 — Later stage in the division, showing the mode of division of the intra-nuclear centrosome, amitotic fission of the rest of the nucleus, and the duplication of the extra-nuclear centrosome. Fig. 8 Trypanosome showing three flagella and three nuclei in different stages of division. Fig. 9— The same showing three flagella and four nuclei. iff- IO- The same showing two flagella and two nuclei. iAtut . Trap Med. run! Pfira^itof/igy. PLal&JXXYIU J-E.S.M. id.nat dt, Hutn. IitV Xondon . 474 PLATE XXXIX Trypanosoma gambiense Figs, ii to 14 stained with Breinl's stain. Figs. 15 to 21 stained with the modification of Heidenhain’s haematoxylin. Pig. 11. Trypanosome showing division of the intra-nuclear centro- some, and the nuclear substance. Also multiplication of the intra-nuclear centrosome so as to form a group. Pig. 12. Trypanosome showing mode of amitotic separation of the nuclei. Multiplication of the intra-nuclear centrosome, and the formation of an independent group of these bodies In this and the preceding figures metabolic granules are also seen. * r3- Later stage in the fission of a trypanosome. The flagella are being detached from one another at the thin end of the cell. 1 he cell body is dividing from this end towards the other. The nuclei are already divided. Metabolic granules are scattered throughout the spongioplasm. Fif?- l4- Later stage in the division of a trypanosome, showing the manner in which the daughter cells separate. Fig. 15. -Trypanosome, at one of the maximum periods of the infection, showing a single flagellum and resting nucleus, and also the origin of the black line from the extra- nuclear centrosome. Fig. 16.— A similar stage wherein the black line has reached the neighbourhood of the nucleus. Fig- 17.— The same. lg' 18 ’ TryPanosorne showing the black line coiled upon itse towards the intra-nuclear centrosome. '&■ '9— Trypanosome showing early stages in the degeneration 0 the black line, and its later direct association with tb nucleus. F'S' 20~ S’m,Iar s‘age. wherein the intra-nuclear centrosome ha: become divided. F>g. 2J- So-called involution stage, showing resting nucleus ana multiplication of the intra-nuclear centrosome. oAnib. Trap Med. and Parasitology. Plate, XXXIX JE S.M. ad nut. del. Suti. Iatt" &»*»■ . 4 76 PLATE XL Stages in the Metamorphosis of Trypanosoma gambiense in the Organ\ Figs. 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, stained with a modification of Heidenhain. Figs. 25 and 33 stained with Breinl. Fig. 22. — Trypanosome during the decrease of the parasites in the blood of a rat, showing alteration in the nucleus marked by the formation of a vacuole. Fig. 23. — The same. Fig. 24. — One of the common forms in the lung at this period. showing the same changes in the nucleus. Fig. 26. Low power view of trypanosome at this period, showing the detachment of the latent body from the parent cell big. 27. Latent bodies. The nucleus is attached to a vacuole and both are surrounded by a thin film of protoplasm. The nucleus contains a single intra nuclear centrosome. Fig. 28. Latent bodies. To the left the intra nuclear centrosome is shown divided. To the right stages in the division of this body and the extrusion of one daughter element from the nucleus. Fig. 29. Latent bodies showing origin of a new flagellum from th mtra-nuclear centrosome. Figs. 30, 31— Later stages in the formation of small trypanosome from the latent bodies. F.g- 32— Latent body from the spleen of a rat infected wit trypanosoma brucci, showing nucleus, vacuole, and th gin o t e flagellum from the intra nuclear centrosomi (Compare fig. 29.) F’g- 33 — Trypanosome showing Mri„ ♦ . . nucleus ^ early stages in division of thi 34- —Trypanosome drawn to show thn c 1 1 of the protoplasm Schaumplasma struct™ F'gs. 34 to 36. — The same. a/lrui;, Trop. Medi. anxl Pa ras ii/j l o - loixlo" * 478 PLATE XLI Trypanosoma gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei Figs. 37-41, T. gambiense. Figs. 42-46, T. brucei. igs- 37- 38, 4°. 41. 42> 43* 45> 4^, Breinl’s stain. Fig. 44, Heidenhain. ^i§f- 37- Trypanosome in the blood of a rat after treatment with atoxyl, showing rounding up of the cell body. Fig. 38— Further stage in this process, flagellum is still attached. A slight modification of a membrane is apparent round the periphery of the cell. 39— The same, flagellum not visible. Fig. 40. Later stage in the formation of the cyst. The membrane more apparent. Fig. 41— Trypanosomes killed by atoxyl in the blood 'S 42' Trypanosoma brucei in resting condition, showing structure of the nucleus and relation of the schaumplasm. ■g 43. The same, showmg the division of the extra-nuclear centrosome. Figs. 44 to 46.— Later stages of division. JES M -ad ui del. Jfutb.IdtbT London c/huiy, Trop. MexL. auruL Parasitology. Plate XU. — 480 PLATE XL II Trypanosoma equinum Figs. 47> 49- 5°. 51* 52. 53. 54. stained with Br.einl. Tig. 48 stained with modification of Heidenhain. T 'S'- 47- Resting stage of the trypanosome. h ig. 48. -Stage showing formation of the new flagellum and division of the nucleus. Fig- 49-^ ~ J rypanosome showing details of the division of the intra¬ nuclear centrosome and the nuclear substance, f 'Ss- 5°. 51- 1 rypanosomes showing later stages of the same process, f 'Ss- 52* 53- Trypanosomes showing still later stages in the division of the nucleus and the characters of the intra-nuclear centrosomes. 'L 54- -Tiypanosome wherein the nucleus has divided into four constituents, although there is only one flagellum. del. Uutk,-LitlW I. cm cl on k OBSERVATIONS ON THE SO-CALLED ‘CANARY FEVER’ 483 OBSERVATIONS ON THE SO-CALLED ‘CANARY FEVER’ BY C. E. WALKER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OK CANCER RESEARCH AND HONORARY LECTURER ON- CYTOLOGY TO THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OK TROPICAL MEDICINE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL ( Received for publication October \th , 1907) Hitherto the evidence regarding the disease commonly known as Canary Fever,’ has been of a most conflicting character. Very frequently the disorder is of a comparatively trifling nature, and such cases do not usually come to the knowledge of a medical man. Private enquiry points to the probability that from 60 to 80 per cent, of the visitors to the Island suffer from one or more attacks during the time that they are in the islands. Dr. Taylor, who has practised among the English visitors in Las Palmas for many years, estimates that only about 5 per cent, of the cases that occur come under the observation of a medical man. The disease is apparently more prevalent during the winter months than during the summer, but this is probably due to the fact that larger quantities of food are consumed during the former period owing to the larger number of visitors, and that as flies are then more numerous, there is, as we shall see later, a much greater chance of the food becoming infected. Clinically the disease is characterised by the suddenness of its onset, and by its generally attacking a number of individuals in the same hotel at the same time. Frequently it commences with vomiting, and as a rule, even when vomiting does not actually occur, there is a considerable feeling of nausea which lasts for from a few hours to two or three days. A few hours after the vomiting or nausea, sometimes synchronously with it, griping pains in the abdomen o a violent character commence. This is the most marked and constant symptom, and causes very considerable suffering. The patient now developes a more or less acute attack of diarrhoea. In the more acute 4«4 cases the discharge frequently becomes mucous in character, and is sometimes blood-stained. Sometimes the temperature rises, but not, as a rule, to any considerable extent. The length of the attack varies in different cases ; a slight one but for two or three days, the more serious for two or three weeks. The disorder has been attributed to various causes. The red wine of the country, the water, an excess of fruit, too much food, and too little exercise have all been blamed. The most superficial examination of the available evidence, however, shows that none of these can be the usual cause of the disease. Individuals who are teetotalers are as frequently attacked as those who never drink water. Those who eat a quantity of fruit are no more subject to it than those who abstain from fruit altogether. Enquiries made with regard to the milk supply showed that the dairies in the town of Las Palmas, where the cows are stall-fed, are generally remarkably clean. 'I hese dairies do not, however, supply enough milk to meet the demands of visitors, and a large proportion of it is brought down from the country. The milk supply is generally the same in the case of the hotels as it is in the case of the private houses, which fact, as we shall see later, is of special significance. Also I was able to ascertain that people who drank large quantities o milk in private houses were not subject to the disease, while those “els wh° never touched milk were subject to it. Vith regard to the water supply, there is no evidence incriminating ’ or P^°ple who have stayed in hotels with a certain water supply su ered from the disease, while people in private houses with a atf!j SUpp,y derived from the same source have been free from it. VT S1&n^cant fact which was ascertained at the commence- cont t j C,enc*uiry was> ^at while visitors at hotels so frequently 1: • • 6 ^^sease> it was practically unknown among people peonle J Iate k°uses' Dr. Taylor informs me that among English in his ° 1VC m pr*vate houses the disorder is very rare, and that coincides confined to visitors at the hotels. This Dr. Mill”, lrC Wlth the personal evidence I was able to obtain. practic-illv ' ^ * S° 'n^OIms me that the disease, in his experience, is practmally confined to the hotels. classes of t0 comParatively common among the lower of natives, but I was able to ascertain the occurrence of only 4»5 two cases during the past three years in hotels, and in both these there was very good evidence that the infection had occurred outside the hotels in which the men were staying. These facts suggested the advisability of a comparison between the sources of food supply, and the methods of keeping and cooking the food in hotels with those in private houses. The meat for hotels, in some cases at any rate, is frequently frozen meat brought to the islands by ship. It often happens that this meat is more or less exposed on the quay for several hours— sometimes tor more than twelve when a steamer arrives early in the night. The larders in many hotels are not fly proof, and the food-stuff is not adequately protected from flies before and after cooking. In some cases it is not protected at all. . . Soup in the hotels is frequently made in a stock-pot which is on y emptied once or twice during the week. In private houses the meat supply is generally fiom amnia s in the islands. Considerable precautions are usually taken to pro e ^ all food from flies. This precaution extends not only to keeping meat, fish, &c., in fly proof safes, but even dishes of fruit are often covered with muslin while on the table. Soups are made les i ever) day, and a stock-pot is not used. In some of the butchers’ shops (in Las Palmas, for instance frequently sees meat exposed for sale which is not protecte flies. I have been unable to trace the destiny of this meat, case of the private houses where I was able to trace the source ot tne meat supply, I found that a servant was sent early in the morning the market. This meat is stated to be freshly killed. It must a *° be observed that the evidence with regard to the occuirence disease which is here given applies only to the belter c ass o na n nd not to the lower classes. . . f .1 Flies are extremely numerous, particularly during t e in ear when most visitors are staying in the hotels. They a ways ^ 0 an extent which can but rarely happen, even in iso a e nore temperate climates. Again, the habits of the owei c ass ‘ he natives are such as give perhaps the greatest possible number hances of infection of the food with various nucro-c*ga man* neans of the flies. For instance, the inhabitants usually defaecaU n any spot that suits their personal convenience, 4*6 favoured particularly by them in this way is not many yards away from the unprotected larder window of one of the hotels. This instance is only quoted as one among a large number. T emperature seems also to have a very marked effect upon the frequency of the disorder. In Las Palmas, for instance, the summer and winter temperatures vary only by about io degrees, and the temperature does not usually go below about 75 °F., so that any bacteria carried on to food-stuff by flies would be under very favourable conditions for rapid multiplication. In the Monte district oi the same island the temperature is much more variable, and during the winter is comparatively low. In this district cases of so-called Canary fever are comparatively rare in the hotels. These observations indicate that there should be a greater risk of conveying a large dose of bacteria, and of the toxins they produce, by means of soup from the stock-pot and of rechauffes, than by any other kind of food. The soup is rarely if ever brought to boiling point, and necessarily is allowed to cool every night when the kitchen fire goes out. Entrees and other forms of rechauffes are made from meat or is that has been previously cooked, and such material will have been e t or from 18 to 24 hours before being served without having been rough t up to the boiling point of water. Micro-organisms will have een destroyed, and many of their toxic products may have been 1 n^efc>ra^ec^ by the temperature generally required to cook food for rst time, and with such material the risk of infection or ft 1. 1U1^ much less than in the case of the soup from the Suffir' °,r .°[ 3 1 ecbauffe which is rarely if ever brought up to a sufficiently high temperature. ' hotel 1 - T St l' H1 P'as ^>a^mas. most of the other visitors in the avoided attacks °f the disorder. My two companions and I occasion ?°UPS anc* entr^es» and also avoided infection. On one followed w>reVer’f°nC °f my comPanions tQok an entree. An attack disease is re e, " a 'en ,n conjunction with the fact that the in the method oTl- !° ^ !'°tGls’ and keePing in mind the difference -girded as corroborate evidence^ ***** ^ *° ^ being confined^ hL ^ f,'S°rder’ its epidemic character, and its hotels, suggest very strongly that it is due to 4*7 bacterial infection of the food. The details which have been given regarding the differences between the methods pursued in hotels and in private houses, suggests that the infection is largely brought about by flies carrying the bacteria on to the food, in which position the conditions are particularly favourable as regards temperature and nourishment for their rapid multiplication. 1 his does not necessarily suggest any specific micro-organism, but is amply sufficient to account for all the cases of Canary fever that occur. There is, however, another cause which might explain some cases, which I have proved by personal experience to be sufficient to produce all the symptoms of the so-called fever. If two or three men live for many days upon a small boat during the summer months in England, they will very likely be suddenly attacked by these symptoms in an acute form unless all their cooking utensils, plates, forks, &c„ be thoroughly cleaned and boiled at frequent intervals. The temperature below deck and in the lockers in a small boat in British waters will frequently be very high during the summer, and there will be very favourable conditions or the multiplication of bacteria in any small collections of grease, &c., on the cooking and other utensils. I have been able to find no evidence that any utensils are ever boiled in the hotels. The following measures should be adopted in order to avoid, or at least materially lessen, the chances of food becoming infecte Meat and fish, particularly, should be protected from flies in effective a manner as possible before it is brought into the hote s. When in the hotels all food should be protected from flies ; t ie larder should be entirely fly-proof ; the entrance should be P*ote<*® by two doors, between which there is room for a man to stan , ° these doors should close automatically with springs, and it wou well to have some simple automatic arrangement which would preven one being opened until the other was closed. It should be easy catch the few flies that might possibly get into the larder, in spite o these precautions, by means of fly traps. Of course the best plan would be to keep the food m a chain er which was constantly below freezing point. When the oo w removed, once or perhaps twice during the day, it shou e -ep fly-proof receptacles. , , Meat should be kept hanging up, and not laid upon s e ves. 488 Shelves and tables in the larder, serving rooms and kitchens should be made of some non-absorptive material, such as marble or slate. Most of the shelves and tables upon which the food was placed during the processes of cooking and serving which I saw in the islands were made of soft wood. No matter how much this wood be scrubbed, there must always be a certain amount of organic material in a more or less advanced stage of decomposition in the cracks. In the serving iooms, kitchens, Sic., and wherever food is exposed for any length of time to contagion by flies, the food should be covered up as soon as it is put down. The ordinary wire gauze dish covers are cheap, and admirably suited to this purpose. Cooking utensils, plates, dishes, forks, spoons, & c., should be sterilized shortly before use. 1 his would not involve any very considerable extra labour, and convenient apparatus would not be very costly. No pressure of steam would be necessary, only the utensils should be brought to the temperature of steam. Cleaning bve steam, such as is done on ships, would be very opper cooking utensils have the disadvantage that they require unmg at intervals. "1 here is no means of getting this done in a ass manner in the islands. 7 he tinning is often irregular, and •small ^actlcab*e to get such a surface really clean and free from would cctlons organic material. Something other than copper would, therefore, be an advantage. With nUSt jC made ^resb every day, and the stock-pot abolished, guarded? T * ?*»'**• even if protection from flies is the material C C firSt and second cooking, it would be well if some minutes^ Cre 3 br°Ugrht to boiling point and kept so for Thedreln?tT!!i0nS. mUSt be keP‘ even the whole 1 ° Ut bttle dlfbcu,ty in keeping the kitchen, and gauze frames tn tv, ^ COniPara,avely free from flies by means of wire consist of a frame & r- ‘ !ndo.ws anc* double doors : the outside door to would allow plent f • Wlfe ^aU7e stretched upon it. Such a plan the majority of the flie^ ^ C°me into tbe rooms, and would exclude and even by some people inE^T* '** eXteDSively ” ° SUggeSti°n 'S intended that *e kitchens of the hotels are no, 4»9 clean in the ordinary acceptance of the word. For instance, the kitchens of those I visited would compare very favourably with any kitchen I have seen in Europe. What the observations really imply is that precautions which are sufficient in England to prevent a degree of infection by bacteria enough to produce symptoms, are wholly inadequate under the conditions of temperature, &c., in the lower and hotter parts of the islands. It is quite possible that there may be one or more specific bacteria which are specially responsible for the acuteness of the symptoms. Even if this be the case, however, there seems but little doubt that the flies are to a large extent responsible for the original infection of the food. The rapid multiplication of the bacteria and the consequent production of toxins depends upon the local conditions. It would seem that the suggested precautions are necessary whether there be a specific micro-organism or not. It is probable that food is more frequently infected, even in the best conducted private kitchens in the towns in the islands, than is the case in Europe, and that consequently the residents may have acquired a limited degree of immunity. I met several residents, however, who told me that they had suffered from attacks after dining at hotels, but not at any other time. The term 'Canary Fever’ is obviously' a misnomer. It would appear probable that a bacterial infection of the food must frequently happen, and similar epidemics be produced in other tropical and sub-tropical countries where similar conditions prevail. I wish to acknowledge the great assistance given to me by Dr. Taylor and by Dr. Millares. Their local knowledge was of the greatest value. The enquiry was much facilitated by the ready help and great frankness with regard to the facts that had come within his knowledge, shown to me by Mr. Sauerbrei, the manager of the Hotel Metropole at Las Palmas. . CONTRIBUTION A L’ETUDE DE POROCEPHALUS MONILIFORMIS 4 493 CONTRIBUTION A L’ ETUDE DE POROCEPHAL US MO NIL IFORMIS PAR A. BRODEN DIRF.CTEUK DU LABOR ATOl RE ET J. RODHAIN M&DECIN DE L’HdPITAl. DKS NOIKS Laboratoire de Leopoldville (Etat dit C ongo > ( Received November 13 th, 1907) Nous avons eu recemment 1’occasion d'observer a Leopoldville, plusieurs cas d’infection par des larves dc Porocephalus moniliformis, un cas chez l’homme, quatre cas chez le singe. Les infections par ce parasite doivent etre dans le bassin du Congo comine ailleurs, extremement rares. Dans les nombreuses autopsies d’hommes et d’animaux les plus divers que nous avons faites depuis 1900 a Leopoldville, a Lusambo et dans l’Ubangi, nous n’avions jamais rencontre de larves de ce parasite. Dutton et Todd qui ont fait au Congo egalement de nombreuses autopsies, n’ont pas signale de ces larves. historique Pour autant que la litterature nous est accessible ici, peu de cas d’infection par Porocephalus moniliformis semblent avoir ete signales. Rencontrees une premiere fois par Piunei en 1846 dans foie de deux negres au Caire, des larves furent signalees ensuite pa Bilharz, Fenger, Aitken, Giard, Chalmers. Tons ces cas se rapportent a des infections chez l’homme. . , Nous donnons cette litterature d’apres Braun.1 Depuis 1 99. de la publication de l’observation de Chalmers, il ne semble pas ete signale de nouveau cas. _ * During the autopsies of thirty odd natives and some 1”°“ kJvs | and^n each ?A). we saw Porocephalus sb. four times ; twice in man, twee m instance the parasite was firmly encapsuled in the liver. (J- ly encapsuled •Braun. Thierische l’arasiten des Menschen. 3 AuH. 1903- 494 D’apres les observations de ces differents Auteurs, les larves de Porocephalus s’enkystent dans le foie, dans la muqueuse intestinale, dans le poumon. Chalmers- en a retrouve a l’autopsie de nombreux exemplaires libres dans la cavit6 peritoneale et dans l'intestin grele. Dans certains cas, observations Aitken, Chalmers, le parasite semble avoir ete la cause directe dc la mort par pneumonie ou peritonite. Chez l’animal les larves de Porocephalus moniliformis ont ete rarement constatees. Pruner en a signale chez la girafe, d’autres Auteurs chez l’hyene, le Cyrwcephalns mormon et le Cercopithecus albogularis (Looss3). Looss se range a l’avis de Neumann4 qui considere les lanes de Porocephalus signalees jusqua present chez l’homme et quelques animaux, comme la forme jeune de Porocephalus moniliformis , Diesing. Celle-ci se rencontre dans les poumons des grands serpents africains. L’evolution du parasite n’est pas connue avec certitude. D’apres Looss, elle doit etre analogue a relic dc Linguatula rh inaria. OBSERVATIONS PERSONNELLES Le 1 1.V.07 est amene a 1’hopital des noirs a Leopoldville, le soldat Bangala-Mingi, se plaignant de vives douleurs dans le flanc gauche. L n examen superficiel denotant un etat general grave, le malade est garde en observation. De 1 interrogatoire et de l’examen faits par l’un de nous, nous retenons les faits suivants : Le soldat est arrive a Leopoldville au commencement d’avril 1907; avec un detachement il est parti a l’interieur du district, ou il serait devenu souffrant vers le 15 avril. A ses camarades il se serait plaint a °rsde \ agues douleurs dans le flanc gauche et de constipation, bic, CSt Un h°mme largement bati, a bonne musculature, a nutrition 1, , . conservee. L attention est attiree immediatement par omen dont la moitie gauche est fortement bombee. A la 3InTb' f‘ ,®99> Bd. XXVI, p. 518. 4 PorocTph I1"?* f' Trope,lkrankhe>len, Bd. I, p. ,9S. CC nges Macacus , de meme espece TZo ^ P ' rCC°mba- A ’'aUt0PS'e' — trouvames ,3 larves Tv 6 yS‘“S danS 16 ^and Le IVnT ma"05C°Pit)Ues d« organes. fut trouve mort ’ GaramT ^ eSp“C qUe *eS Pn5“dents' 12 enkystees de PoroceptMu T* 'P'Pk>°" CeS ^ ’®S10ns macrosc°Piques des organes. ier singe avait paru indispose a certains moments. 50i Frequemment on l'avait trouve etendu, couche sur le ventre, comme s’il souffrait de douleurs abdominales. Chez ces 4 singes, les larves de Porocephalus montraient une disposition identique. L'iramense majorite des larves etait fixee au grand epiploon, quelques unes au mesentere, de tres rares au peritoine parietal : pas une seule dans les organes, comme le foie ou la rate. Comme le montre la photographic faite du grand epiploon du singe No. 3, les larves sont enroulees sur elles-mcmes, entourees d une mince membrane kystique, a t ravers laquelle les segments du corps sont visibles. En incisant la membrane pres de l’une des extremites de la larve, une legere pression suffit pour faire sortir le ver de la poche. La membrane qui enferme la larve, est fibrineuse, tres mince, ne montre pas de vascular isat ion. Le petit kyste qu’elle forme, renferme outre la larve, une tres petite quantite de liquide un peu trouble, mais sans elements cellulaires. Ce kyste est intimement adherent a l’epiploon ou au peritoine parietal, sur lequel il est fixe : on ne peut Ten detacher sans dechirer la sereuse. Immediatement autour du kyste, ni l’epiploon, ni le mesentere, ni le peritoine parietal, ne presentent d’alterations macroscopiques permettant de croire a une reaction cellulaire. Le meme dans la cavite abdominale, il n’y avait pas de lesions macroscopiques des organes ni d’exsudat. L’une ou l’autre des larves, enlevee du kyste et raise dans 1 eau physiologique, ont presente des mouvements analogues a ceux decrits pour la larve du negre. Elies n’y ont vecu que durant 48 heures au maximum. Les caracteres morphologiques sont identiques a ceux decrits pour la larve du negre. Alors que celle-ci apres fixation au sublime, a une longueur de 16 mm., une largeur de 2 a 2'5 mm., celles des singes n ont que 10 a 12 mm. de long, et 2 mm. de large. Mode d' infection : En presence des cas repetes d infection par des larves de Porocephalus chez des singes tenus en captivite au meme endroit, nous devons nous demander si ces animaux ne pas infectes a une source commune. / ,, Ces singes etaient gardes a la chaine sous la verandah dun habitation, et pouvaient se promener dans un certain rayon sur le sol qui entoure la maison. Ils recevaient comine nourriture de la chikwangue, du pain et du riz cuit, de temps a autre une banane. Tous avaient ete achetes, 2, 3 ou 4 mois auparavant a des negres descendus avec ces animaux du Haut-Congo : il ne fut done pas possible de connaitre plus exactement leur lieu d’origine. Des quatre singes, seul le qieme avait de temps a autre montredes signes d’indisposition, en se couchant a plat ventre durant des heures, refusant toute nourriture. Actuellement nous possedons encore deux singes qui ont ete en captivite dans le voisinage immediat des quatre qui ont succombe et en contact continu avec eux pendant des semaines. Jusqu’a present m 1 un ni l’autre de ces singes ne presentent des symptoraes de maladie. Si Ion admet pour Porocephalus moniliformis , une evolution analogue a celle de Linguatula , nos singes auraient du etre infectes p.u les oeufs provenant d’un animal hote de la forme sexuelle, adulte. Looss, avec Neumann, admet que les grands serpents africains constituent les hotes des formes adultes. A Leopoldville, les grands serpents sont relativement rares, et si nos singes ont ete infectes pendant qu ils etaient en captivite chez nous, comme nous sommes portes a le croire, nous serions plutot tentes d’admettre que les oeufs de Porocephalus proviendraient d’un autre animal qu’un serpent. un autre cote, il ne serait certainement pas impossible que des ““ S ienfermanf un embryon, et tres resistants d’apres Looss, avaient e \ e mules d une certaine distance jusqu’a notre laboratoire. . CS c'r^onstances materielles ne nous ont pas permis d’essayer ecter dauties animaux avec les larves provenant des singes, et ,, eS qUe I occas'on se presentera, nous examinerons des serpents 1 aut,cs animaux sauvages pour tacher de retrouver la forme adulte ne / orocephalus moniliformis. * EXPLICATION DE LA PLANCHE Fig- i- Extremite anterieure de larve de Porocephalus moniliformis du negre, vue par la face dorsale : Gross. 5 diam. 1 ig- 2.- Extremite anterieure, id, vue par la face ventrale. Fig- 3- Lane de Porocephalus moniliformis du negre, vue par la face ventrale : Photographic en grandeur naturelle. g 4- Larve, id, vue par la face dorsale : Photographic, id. F'g- 5 — Grand epiploon* du singe No. 3, avec larves enkystees.- Photographic f grandeur naturelle. PLATE XU 1 1 Fig. 5 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 4 Bredrn, fhM. ON THE HABITS, LIFE-CYCLE AND BREEDING PLACES OF THE COMMON HOUSE-FI ,Y ( MUSCA D OMESTICA, Linn.) . ON THE HABIT'S, LIFE-CYCLE AND BREEDING PLACES OF THE COMMON HOUSE-FLY (MUSCA DOMESTICA, Linn.) BY ROBERT NEWSTEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S., &c. (LECTURER IX ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY \ND PARASITOLOGY) (Received for publication , November 27 th, 1907) This paper is reprinted, by kind permission of Dr. E. W. Hope, Medical Officer of Health, from the preliminary report issued by the Health Committee of the City of Liverpool, 3rd October, 1907. Some additional facts regarding the habits of the house-fly have been obtained recently, but it has been thought desirable to embody these in the final report, together with the results of further experiments with insecticides, disinfectants, and other methods of control. “ This investigation was conducted chiefly with the view of ascertaining the nature and extent of the breeding places of the common house-fly {Mu sea domcstica ) in the City of Liverpool; and also the period of the life cycle of the fly under varying atmospheric and other conditions; so that some practical measures might be devised for the destruction of this pest. “In addition to the common house fly, other species of flies also occur in dwellings and shops, and several species were bred from ash-pit refuse, human excreta, &c. One of these, the common blow¬ fly, or blue-bottle ( Calliphora erythroccphala ), may also prove to be a very important contributory factor in the spread of zymotic diseases, but it is intended, for the sake of clearness, to deal with these additional species in the Appendix to this Report. “ In the popular mind the term ‘ house-fly is applied to almost all kinds of two-winged flies which are commonly met with m the dwellings of man. To the zoologist, however, there is but one true house-fly, and this is the Mu sea domestica described by Linnaeus in '7 58. This fly is by far the commonest species met with, and quite 9° Per cent, of the flies which infest houses in Liveprool are o 1 11s kind. 5°‘s “ Altogether, the refuse from over three hundred ashpits and bins (chiefly the former) was examined, and 37 middensteads carefully inspected. Human excreta found in the courts and passages were also inspected, and breeding-cage experiments with these and the excreta of domesticated animals were also conducted. The survey was restricted to five areas in different parts of the City embracing, in all, visits to 68 streets.* “ The result of the investigation and survey has proved eminently satisfactory, both from an economic and scientific standpoint. It has led to the discovery of the chief breeding places of the fly, and many new and interesting facts relating to the food of the larval stages have been brought to light ; so that we are now in possession of the more important facts relating to the economy of this pest. “ The chief breeding places of the house-fly may be classified under the following heads : “ 1. Middensteads containing horse manure only. “ 2. Middensteads containing spent hops. “ 3. Ashpits containing fermenting materials. “ Leaving for the present the minor breeding places, we may proceed to consider the chief ones in detail. 1. Stable middens containing horse manure only, were broadly speaking, found to be the chief breeding places. In the majority of these the larval stages of the house-fly occurred in countless thousands, revelling in the heat produced by fermentation. The adjacent walls often swarmed with newly-hatched flies, and occasionally one also found enormous masses of their eggs (fig- 2)- while deep down at the sides, in the cooler portions of the receptacles, the pupa or chrysalis stage occurred in enormous numbers, looking like small heaps or collections of reddish berries. Middens containing a mixture of horse and cow dung were also infected, though to a less extent than those receptacles containing horse manure only. It is important to note, however, that in all cases where fowls (not ducks r geese) were kept and allowed freedom in the yards, relatively few of the earlier stages of the house-fly were found; and whenever present were invariably located in places inaccessible to the fowls. o make ceitain that the fowls were responsible for so remarkable a jminution of the fly larvae and pupae, a trowel full of these was treets and also the nature of the receptacles ere here omitted. — R.N’- 509 thrown to some fowls, when they were eaten with as much avidity as if they had been so many grains of wheat. However much, therefore, we may deprecate the keeping of fowls in large towns, we must, from the evidence which has been adduced, consider them as important contributory factors in the destruction of the earlier stages of the house-fly. It should be pointed out, however, that fowls are kept in a very few of the stable yards, so that in the majority of cases the flies go on breeding uninterruptedly, and, so far as one can gather, the larvae and pupae have few, if any, other natural enemies but those already mentioned. “In one case, where large quantities of a disinfectant (Sharrant s disinfectant powder) were used in the stable, no larvae or pupae were found in the manure, though they were swarming in a mass of waste hops in a separate division of the same midden. Fly larvae were also absent in another instance where chloride of lime had been used freely. However, one is not prepared, at the present moment, to state definitely that the presence of either of these agents had any deleterious effect on the fly larvae, or that they acted as a deterrent ; it may have been a simple coincidence, and the matter requires further investigation. “All types of middensteads were infected — roofed , vaulted and open. " The photographs (figs. 6-9) submitted with this report will afford some idea of the enormous numbers of the earlier stages of the house-fly which were found in stable manure. “2. Only one midden containing warm spent hops was inspected, and this was found to be as badly infested as any of the stable middens. The pupae (fig. 1 2) were found collected together in large masses, and the larvae swarmed in the warmer parts of the material. "3- A great deal of time was given to the inspection of ashpits, and it was found that wherever fermentation had taken place, and artificial heat had been thus produced, such places were infested with house-fly larvae and pupae, often to the same alarming extent as in stable manure. Such ashpits as these almost invariably contained ,arffe quantities of old bedding or straw and paper, paper mixed wit human excreta or old rags, manure from rabbit hutches, &c., or a mixture of all of these. (See figs. 10, 11.) , "About 25 per cent, of the ashpits examined were thus 111 es e “ House-flies were also found breeding, in smaller numbers, in ashpits in which no heat had been engendered by fermentation. “ Both open and closed ashpits were infested, but on the whole the flies gave preference to the closed receptacles. On opening the doors of some of the covered ashpits, the flies often came away in hundreds, appearing like bees round a hive. Ashpits which had been previously treated with disinfectants were also infested. " In addition to the foregoing, there were also other collections of material which afforded temporary breeding places. They are considered under the following heads: — 1. Collections of fermenting vegetable refuse. 2. Accumulations of manure at the wharves. “ 3. Bedding in poultry pens. i- Collections of straw mixed with other vegetable matter and euthcis, lying in open spaces in poultry yards, were found to contain enormous numbers of house-fly pupae (fig. 13). The materials had < \ ic ently fomented, and had also been lying exposed to the weather or a period of not less than eight weeks. * be jclrSe accumulation of stable manure lying at the wharf ( arruthers Street) was swarming with fly larvae, and the flies ec also in laige numbers; so that it is quite evident that a er o the insects hatch before the manure is placed in the barges ^Tr1™ t0 counttT- Practically all the manure is badly shn. u 1 W ,en 11 reaches the wharves, so that it is important that it should be Shipped with as little delay as possible. jon ^ .. ^ c°mmon practice of leaving 1 bedding ’ material (chiefly fern Y- m Pou,try pens (containing ducks, geese, &c.) until such mat 'Y t?kCS Place’ affords breeding places for house-flies, and such «ater,a] should be removed at much shorter intervals. refuse- — ^ * breeding places destroyed by speedy removal of ^ a Jectlons °f stable manure removed at short intervals. “ 7 emptied at intervals of ;-io days. « j ; Be%'n Pineries. considered ns tr emptled at ,ntervals of about 14 days may be removals beino- tocYh'Y breedinS' Peaces, the period between the under very UnL 1 ^ °l °' " one small area. .t, a 1 n to the same snnf r ' ''hen disturbed they flew awav, but - -poi m a few minutes.— K. X. 5i3 (figs. 3, 4), and the actual size is shown in fig. 1. . The larvae or maggots hatch from these in periods varying from eight hours to three to four days ; the average time may be given as twelve hours, but when laid in fermenting materials the incubation period is reduced to a minimum of eight to twelve hours. “ The number of eggs laid by a single fly averages from 1 20 to 140. More than one batch may be laid during the life of the fly, but this question has not been definitely settled. “2nd Stage. —The larva or maggot (fig. 9) resembles that of the common ‘bluebottle-fly,’ or ‘Blow-fly’ ( Calliphora crythrocephala ), but is much smaller, measuring when fully matured nearly half an inch in length, and is distinguished also by certain anatomical characters. It is essentially a vegetable feeder ; animal matter is eaten only, so far as one has been able to gather, when in the form of human faeces. It was never found feeding on the carcases of dead cats and dogs or of birds and fish remains.* “ They thrive and mature most rapidly, and are always most abundant in fermenting materials ; but they can also mature in non-fermenting substances during warm weather, though under such conditions they do so very slowly. In stable manure they are generally most numerous a few inches below the surface, and undoubtedly work their way upwards day by day into the fresh material, a few hours (five to six) after it has been added to the previous accumulation. This marked habit is evidently due to the excessive heat which is engendered in the lower strata of the manure. “ h'nder the most favourable conditions as to temperature and food supply they mature in five to eight days ; but, where fermentation does not take place, this stage, even in hot weather, may be prolonged to several weeks (six to eight). In middensteads the fully matured larvae crawl away to the sides or to the top of the wall or framework of the receptacle ; in ashpits they locate themselves in various materials as well as ashes, but are evidently partial to old bedding, paper and rags, usually in or near the centre of fermentation. After emptying the alimentary tract of organic matter, pupation takes place rapidly, and the third stage is reached. " 3rd Stage. The pupa or chrysalis (figs. 7, 10, n) is at first of a Pale yellowish colour, but rapidly changes to bright red, and finally t° a dark chestnut colour. It is somewhat barrel-shaped, and varies . * Taschf iibcrs in l88o, states that he found eggs on the carcases of dead umals, but does not indicate that the larvae will breed in such substance. R. JN. CG 514 in length from - rsj of an inch. Small examples are found where the temperature has been low or excessively hot and somewhat dry. Large examples invariably occur in fermented materials, more especially so in stable manure. “ in stable middens the pupae occur chiefly at the sides or at the top of the wall or framework of the receptacle, where the temperature is lowest. In such situations they were often found packed together in large masses numbering many hundreds (see figs. 6, 7). The flies emerge from the pupae, under the most favourable conditions, in five to seven days. In ashpits they occur in the positions already indicated, and if similar conditions as to heat prevail, the period is approximately the same ; but in all cases where heat is not produced by fermentation, the pupal stage may last from 14 to 28 days, or even considerably more. 4th Stage. I he perfect fly escapes from the pupa by breaking away the anterior end ; this it accomplishes by inflating the frontal sac’ wb*ch is situate in the front portion of the head, between the eyes. By the inflation of this sac, the fly is also enabled to force its Ua' though the manure or ashes into the open air. When once it las liberated itself, the wings develop, and when the integument has SU Ciently hardened the fly takes to wing. Pairing then takes place, eggs are laid, and another generation is started. The whole cycle om egg to perfect insect occupies, under the most favourable , ,ltlCnS’ ^rom ten to fourteen days; but in low temperatures the e,,C^Ce may ex’tend to several weeks. No growth takes place after the wings are developed. j ]r at ^e flies migrate from their breeding places to man's beino- ^ CJU'te ev*^ent. even to the layman, the primary object found 1 1PParfnt,y t0 °btain f°°d and sheIter Many flies are als0 they LJT P dmlng Winter and earlv spring, though whether to ilCIif ZmT:«Iely ” this has not yef been ab,e remain over tllf» 1 X probable> however, that some pupae* may the breedino- places" h -'"k ^ ^ f°1Iowin^ spring- NoW that easy matter t * a'C Cen dlsc°vered, it will be a comparatively *> matter to ascertain if this is the case or not. b,lt this u 11 f ° r ‘ u nate^T *d frl not °p todueeU| se^?y ■ was found doting the not produce a fly in the following year. winter month?, “ Little need be said as to the food of the fly itself, as every layman is conversant with the feeding habits of this little filth- carrying insect. But the contributory part which many authorities have claimed that this insect plays in the transmission of zymotic diseases is due to the almost persistent habit it has of feeding or alighting upon human excreta. "In the course of my investigations, more especially on hot days, numbers of house-flies were seen hovering over or feeding upon such matter. The faeces were generally those of children, and were lying, as a rule, a few feet from the doorways in the courts or in the passages behind the,houses. In one instance no less than five patches of human excreta were lying in one court, and all of these were attended by house-flies. “Temperature, as has already been stated, has a most marked effect upon the developmental cycle of the fly ; and a sudden check from heat to cold will materially prolong any one of the stages. Eggs hatched in eight to twelve hours in a temperature of from 7 5° to 8o° F., at a temperature of 6o° F. in twelve hours, but at 45 F. they did not hatch until the third day, and then only when placed in a warmer temperature for the purpose of studying them under the microscope. The larvae or maggots mature in the shortest period in fermenting materials at a temperature of between 90° and 98 F., but they usually leave the hotter portions of the stable manure when it reaches a temperature of ioo° to iio° At 540 F. both larval and pupal stages are considerably prolonged ; larvae kept at this temperature had not matured at the end of eight weeks, and a number of pupae kept under similar conditions did not produce flies until the fourth and fifth weeks. “ In this Report I have endeavoured to show that : ' I- — The chief breeding places of the house-fly are : “ (A) Stable middens containing fermenting horse manure or a mixture of this and cow dung ; “ (B) Middens containing fermenting spent hops ; and “(C) Ashpits containing fermenting vegetable matter, or about 25 per cent, of the total number of pits examined. “II— That covered ashpits and middens were as badly infested as those which were open. “ III. — That house-flies breed in all temporary collections of fermenting matter. “ IV. — That house-flies breed in relatively small numbers in ashpits where no fermentation takes place. “ V. — That they do not breed in ashpits which are emptied at short internals, or in the patent bins. " VI. —That the use of disinfectants in ashpits does not prevent the flies breeding in such receptacles. “ VII. — That very dry or excessively wet ashes or moist cow dung* does not harbour them. " VIII. — That the presence of fowls (not ducks or geese) which had free access to the stable middens reduced the number of larvae and pupae to a very marked extent. “IX. — I hat the life cycle of the fly, in all kinds of fermenting materials, is reduced to the minimum period of ten to fourteen days ; and that in the absence of such artificial heat the cycle may occupy a period of from three to five weeks or more, according to the temperature of the outside air. X. 1 hat house-flies do not depend entirely upon excessively warm weather for breeding purposes, though in hot seasons they would breed much more rapidly in non-fermenting materials, and their numbers, under such conditions, would be greatly increased. If house-flies are to be reduced to a minimum, I would . . . • submit the following suggestions i- That stable manure and spent hops should not be allowed to accumulate in the middensteads during the months of May to October inclusive, for a period of more than seven days. All middensteads should be thoroughly emptied and carefully swept at the period stated in i. f he present system of partly emptying such receptacles should m all cases be discontinued. r walls of middensteads should also be cemented over, or, nig t ns, the brickwork should be sound and well pointed. house fl yGXCe T he6 admix tu re^of 6 W dUng may form a breedi»g Place for the would also render it suitable for^rS^p^oses^ 5i7 3- 1 hat all ashpits should be emptied, during the summer months, at intervals of not more than ten days. “4- That the most strenuous efforts should be made to prevent children defaecating in the courts and passages ; or that the parents should be compelled to remove such matter immediately ; and defaecation in stable middens should be strictly forbidden. The danger lies in the overwhelming attraction which such faecal matter has for house-flies, which latter may afterwards come into direct contact with man or his foodstuffs. They may as Vedeer* puts it, 'in a very few minutes . . . load themselves with dejections ‘from a typhoid or dysenteric patient, not as yet sick enough to be ' in hospital or under observation, and carry tne poison so taken up 'into the very midst of the food and water ready for use at the next ‘meal. There is no long roundabout process involved.’ “ 5- Ashpit refuse, which in any way tends to fermentation, such as bedding, straw, old rags, paper, waste vegetables, dirty bedding from the ‘ hutches ’ of pet animals, &c., should, if possible, be disposed of by the tenants, preferably by incineration, or be placed in a separate receptacle so that no fermentation could take place. If such precautions were adopted by householders, relatively few house-flies would breed in the ashpits, and the present system of emptying such places at longer intervals than, say, four to six weeks, might be continued. “6 The application of Paris Greent (poison) at the rate of 2 ozs. to one gallon of water to either stable manure or ashpit refuse will destroy gg per cent of the larvae. Possibly a smaller percentage of Paris Green might be employed with equally good results. “One per cent, of crude atoxyl in water kills ioo per cent, of fly larvae. " The application of either of these substances might, however, lead to serious complications, and it is very doubtful whether they could be employed with safety. Paris Green, at the rate of i to 2 ozs. to 20 gallons of water, is used largely as an insecticide for fruit pests, h does no harm to vegetation when applied in small quantities ; but cattle might be tempted to eat the dirty straw in manure which had MTX^deer, M.B. ‘Flies as sp^d^TTickness in camps.’ Medical Record, V01. LTV (1898), PP. 429-430. t This substance is a definite chemical compound of arsenic, copper and acetic acid. 5i« been treated with this substance, and the results might prove fatal if large quantities were eaten. “ j. The use of sun-blinds in all shops containing food which attracts flies would, in my opinion, largely reduce the number of flies in such places during hot weather. Small fruiterers' and confectioners’ shops, as a rule, are not shaded by sun-blinds, and in their absence flies literally swarm on the articles exposed for sale. “ 8. The screening of middensteads with fine wire gauze would, undoubtedly, prevent flies from gaining access to manure, &c, but it is very doubtful if this method would meet with any marked success. The gauze would rapidly oxidise, the framework supporting it would probably warp, and numbers of flies would be admitted whenever the receptacle was opened. Moreover, the erection of such a structure would prove a great inconvenience and a hindrance to the removal of the refuse. This, however, does not prejudice the possibility of erecting a good fly-proof screen in the future. “ Experiments with crude carbolic acid, cresylic acid, &c, are being conducted, and the results will be reported later. “ ha the introductory remarks on the house-fly, reference has been made to other flies which were found frequenting houses, or were bred from refuse and excreta during the course of investigation. I he following is a list of the insects, together with short notes on their habits and prevalence: — “ l- Calliphora erythrocephala. The ‘ Blow-fly.’ In some parts of Liverpool this fly is quite as abundant as the house-fly, and, like the latter, may, from its disgusting habit of feeding upon faecal matter, also act as a contributory agent in the spread of zymotic diseases. 1 his fly feeds upon the faeces of man to a greater extent than the house-fly ; moreover, it is also partial to fruits of various kinds, especially over-ripe plums and grapes and dried figs and dates, so that one can readily conceive how it would be possible for the flies to mechanically transmit the germs of disease from faecal matter to mt, and tlS a ^aifle percentage is eaten uncooked, the transmission of infected faecal matter, if present, would be direct. he female insect lays its eggs in all kinds of raw and cooked men , t ie carcases of mammals, birds, fish, &c., and wherever such cmains were found in ashpit refuse, the larvae of this insect swarmed. 5T9 “2. Scalophaga siercoraria. ' Dun ’ or ‘ Yellow Cow Fly.’ “This is a rather large yellow fly which abounds in the country, but is relatively scarce in the city of Liverpool. It breeds in cow dung, and was occasionally seen in some of the middens. It rarely enters houses, and is therefore of no economic importance. “ 3. Borborus equinus. “ A minute fly which literally swarms in stable manure all over the city. As it rarely enters houses or shops, it is of no economic importance. Fowls eat large numbers. It breeds in the faeces of the horse. “4. Stomoxys calcitrans. ' The Stable Fly.' “ This is a blood-sucking insect, and is one of the recognised carriers of Trypanosomiasis in tropical countries. In 1906 it was common in some parts of Liverpool, but this year it has been quite scarce. It breeds in fermenting horse manure and grass mowings. It sometimes enters houses and bites both man and his domesticated animals. Of little economic importance in Liverpool. “ 5- Homalomyia canicular is. This species is often common in the dwellings of man, and is for this reason often mistaken for the house-fly. In Liverpool, however, it is by no means abundant, and not more than one per cent, of the flies captured in fly-traps are of this species. It breeds in hoise manure, and possibly also in the faeces of other animals. “6. Ant homy ia radicum. ' Root T ly ' or 1 Root Maggot. “ Closely related to the foregoing species, but not common in Liverpool. A few examples were captured in fly-traps ; but no specimens were bred from refuse of any kind. " 7 • Homalomyia scalaris. " The larvae of this species were frequently seen in ashpit refuse , and a number of these flies were bred from human faeces. It is not a very abundant species, however, and so far as my investigations have gone, it has not been found very often in houses or shops. The larvae feed on all kinds of faecal matter, and are especially partial to human excreta ; they revel in privies, often congregating togethei on the shield board in hundreds. Cases of intestinal myiasis in man have been attributed to the larvae of this fly- 52° “ 8. Psychoda ( ?) phaleenoides. 1 Owl Midge ’ or ' Moth Fly.’ “ A minute moth-like insect often seen on window-panes in houses. The larvae of this insect were common in human faeces, and many examples of the flies were bred from this material. It is also common in putrid sewage matter. May be looked upon more in the light of a scavenger, but is of little or no economic importance. "9. Coleoptera. (Beetles.) “ Two species were particularly common in ashpits, viz., Crcophilus maxillosus and PhilonthJis politus. They act as scavengers, feeding upon all kinds of debris. They rarely enter houses.” ■ PLATE XI, IV Fig. i. FOUR BATCHES OF EGGS. NATURAL SIZE Fig. 2. COLLECTIVE BATCHES OF EGGS IN STABLE MANURE, NUMBERING ABOUT il5oo. NATURAL SIZE I?. Ntwsttad — Photo. Fig. 3. EGGS ENLARGED PLATE X L V Fig. 4. EGGS GREATLY ENLARGED: ONE SHOWS THE SEGMENTS OF THE LARVA THROUGH THE CUTICLE Fig. 5. I-ARV.E AND PUI’.E IN WASTE PAPER (ASH-PIT REFUSE). NATURAL SIZE A’. Nc-jjst tad— Photo. PLATE XL VI Fig. 6. MASS OF ABOUT jtj PUI’.E IN' STABLE MANURE. NATURAL SIZE Fig. MASS OF I* UPAS SEPARATED FROM STABLE MANURE SHOW N IN Fig. 6. NATURAL SIZE R Nawsteal — Photo. PLATE XL VII PLATE XL VIII Fig. io. LARV/K AND PUP* IN OLD " FLOCK ” BEDDING. NATURAL SIZE Fig. LARV* AND PUP.E IN OLD RAGS .ASHPIT REFUSE). NATURAL SIZE / R N twittad— Photo. PLATE XL IX I'm. 1 2. MASS OF PUP.E IN SPENT HOPS. NATURAL SIZE | I Fir.. 13. IM PK IN FEATHERS AND STRAW. NATURAL SIZE FROM POULTRY YARDS. K. Nexvstrad — Photo. i 523 SOME NOTES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF SPIROCHJETA DUTTON I IN THE ORGANS OF RATS BY J. J. van LOG HEM, M.D., Amsterdam (PRIVAT DOCENT IN BACTERIOLOGY, THE UNIVERSITY OK AMSTERDAM) From the Runcorn Research Laboratories ( Received for publication , December 3rd, 1907) The strain of Spirocheeta duttoni, brought from the Congo by Dutton and Todd, is maintained in the Runcorn Research Labora¬ tories through inoculation of infected blood from rat to rat. By Levaditi’s1 silver method I have investigated the morphology of the parasites in the organs of some of these animals killed at different stages of the infection. The principle of the silver method may be briefly stated as follows: lhe organs, after fixation in formol, are impregnated with a solution of silver nitrate, and then exposed to the reducing action of pyrogallic acid. In thin paraffin sections the tissues appear of a bright yellow colour, with sufficient differentiation of the nuclei ; the spirochaetes black, with sharply defined outlines. To bring out the relation of the parasites to the tissues, Giemsa’s or other stain may be employed. The pyridin-silver modification, the ‘second method’ of Levaditi, gave generally good results, not only with fresh material, but also in organs which had been kept for some months in formol. Details of the course of experimental spirochaete-infection in rats may be found in the extended study of Breinl and Kinghorn;2 here it is only necessary to repeat that the maximum number of parasites in the peripheral circulation is reached on about the fifth day after inoculation, after which the spirochaetes disappear rapidly and completely, until the first relapse, which occurs in about a week and extends over one to three days. , , Examination of sections (4 to 0 n) of the organs o rats, at the height of the infection, shows the large and sma 00 and capillaries crowded with spirochaetes, in accordance wi observations of Levaditi. The outlines of the parasites are best seen in the capillaries of the lung and liver, whereas in sections of the heart and large blood-vessels the spirochaetes are generally found massed in broad strands. In the spleen at this stage a different condition is observed ; the parasites being comparatively few in number, and mostly intracellular. The shape of the spirochaetes is not everywhere the same; characteristic organisms, showing regular spirals, being generally seen in lung and heart ; while the liver and the spleen contain atypical forms, which can be recognised only by their staining reaction, and by the conditions under which they are found and by the presence of intermediate stages. These forms are seen as small, circular or oval, tightly-coiled spirals, about half the size of a red blood-cell. Similar forms have been described and figured by Breinl and Kinghorn. These authors found “ occasionally in films made from the liver and the spleen spirochaetes coiled up into a small compass, staining a deep red with Giemsa’s stain, and surrounded by a well- stained membrane.” Levaditi has also observed them as occurring in the liver of mice, and discusses their probable nature in the light of similar appearances met with by himself, Manouelian, Cantazucene, v. Prowazek,3 Schaudinn, and other authors, in the spirillosis of fowls. Me interprets them as agony-forms, preceding further stages of degeneration and disintegration. v. Prowazek, on the contrary, considers these bodies as “ resting stages ” in the life cycle of the parasite. With regard to this interesting question, 1 may state that these forms occur in by far the greatest numbers in the liver, less numerously in the spleen, scantily in the lung, while in sections of the heart-blood they could not be demonstrated with certainty. Moreover, very few, if any, have been observed free in the lumen of the capillaries, the majority being easily demonstrated m phagocytes. 1 hese two facts — the excessive disproportion in the number of thCSe altered forms found in the liver, and their approximately constant relation to phagocytes — seem to afford a strong argument m avour of Levaditi’s hypothesis. Observations were also made at the crisis of the disease. Breinl an Kinghorn have already pointed out the difficulty of determining period. In one case described by these authors, the disappearanCf 525 of the parasites from the peripheral circulation occurred between 2 and 5-30 a.m. In the present case, material at this period was obtained with less difficulty. A rat (1,540 Bl inoculated on July 20, 1907, showed very numerous parasites in thick films of tail-blood on the morning of July ^5. It was examined five hours later, when the parasites were found to have disappeared almost entirely from the peripheral circulation ; the animal was then killed for the purpose of examining the organs at the stage of crisis. Very few spirochaetes were observed in the vessels and capillaries of lung and kidney. The spleen showed a moderate number of laigc phagocytes containing partly digested and fragmented spirochaetes. In the liver, on the contrary, the capillaries were crowded with parasites, or, to be more exact, were nearly or quite occluded by swollen mononuclear phagocytes — endothelial cells and cells of Kupfer— filled with innumerable black granules, many coiled forms and only a few normal spirochaetes. This observation seems to lend additional support to t e hypothesis that the coiled forms are due to the influence o phagocytosis. At the height of the infection the vessels o t e different organs were crowded with free, apparently unaltered spiro chaetes, and the liver showed in addition a great num er 0 intracellular coiled forms ; at the crisis the extracellular parasites ha disappeared almost entirely, and in the liver were found, besi es t ® cell-included coiled forms, large numbers of fragmented parasites a granules, evidently products of intracellular digestion. The occlusion of many of the capillaries of the liver by swollen phagocytes seems to account for the hemorrhagic an 1 infarcts observed by Breinl and Kinghorn. Levadit. is als° . to explain the changes observed by him in the liver o in ec e by obstruction of the blood-vessels of this organ. bibliography Levaditi et Mancunian. Recherches sur Infection * spirillede la 1 Tick-fever.’ • Annales de 1 InSt„ 1,a>t ’fIC’the Parasite of the Beeinl and Kinghorn. ' r^xxforr Lverpoo! African Tick-fever ( Sfirochneta duttoni). School of Tropical Medicine, September, I9°6- T'ntersuchungen v. Prowazek. Morphologische und XXIII, fiber Huhnerspirochaeten Arbeit, a. • a 1906. S. 554. . - MALARIA AND HISTORY 529 MALARIA AND HISTORY BY W. H. S. JONES, M.A. (j*KRSE SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE) {Received for publication, December nth, 1907) It seems likely that disease has exercised considerable influence upon the history of mankind. In the struggle for existence, man, by his intelligence, has long since removed wild beasts from the number of his competitors. In civilised parts of the world, at least, the struggle is now limited to competition with his fellow-men and with the parasites of disease. The study of man’s combat with man is history as at present understood ; the antagonism of man and parasites may prove to be equally important. Although the biological study of disease is still in its infancy, the time has come to collect material, and by careful induction to try to discover any laws which may appear to have a temporary validity. F urthermore, it is well so to limit the investigation as to explore more thoroughly a narrower field before attempting to draw wider inferences or to formulate more general laws. The effects of endemic disease are easier to investigate than those of epidemics, because the influence exerted is continuous, and spiead over a long period. For a similar reason the question is better studied from the historical side than by a consideration of the present state of countries where disease is endemic ; although, of course, the latter method will furnish valuable information of which use must be made. Among endemic diseases, malaria, from its wide extension, the large percentage of a people attacked by it, and its long history, appears to afford the best starting-point for the enquirer. Convinced of the truth of the above statements, the writer began to enquire whether malaria played any part in the history of ancient Greece and Rome, the decline of which is generally thought to have commenced during the fourth century B.C. in the case of the former, and in the second century B.C. in the case of the latter, suggestion had already been made by Major R. Ross, but there was HH 5.?o practically no previous literature on the subject, as the valuable paper by Professor Aristotle Ivouzis, Tiva irep i eXetoyevmv miperwv, Athens, 1907, had not yet appeared. On the other hand, the ancient literature containing references to malaria was of immense size, and none of it could safely be neglected. The means used to identify malaria in ancient literature were as follows: (1) Tertian and quartan fevers are almost certainly malaria. (2) Quotidian fevers are very likely malaria. (3) Enlargement of the spleen and early autumnal fevers very often mean malaria. (4) Fever in marshy districts is probably malaria. Of course the ancients knew nothing about microscopes and the action of quinine. MALARIA IN GREECE • ^ here is an early reference to 7 ruperos in Homer, but the word means there, in all probability, “ heat ” not “ fever.” The only other possible reference in early times is in Theognis, who lived about 54° Bc- at Megara. Tie talks in one passage of lyiriaXos, which certainly in later Greek often means ague. In a recent volume, however, of Pauly-Wissowa’s Classical Encyclopaedia, it is suggested t at this woid was originally connected with the nightmare demon, n that case Theognis may be referring to the fright-rigors of night¬ mare, and not to malaria. is impoitant to notice that Hesiod, the Boeotian poet, does not ntion malaria as one of the farmer’s plagues, though we can be t iat he would have done so had the disease existed. Boeotia W malarious, but in very early times just those places in it da • CcTT ^°r *la,^tat*on wbich are most unhealthy at the present liisto ' rre> malaria cannot have been in this district from pre- work r!f t?leS ft 1S tlUe t,iat S“idas quotes eVtaA-r?/? from some lost Greek it eS'°d'but alth°«gh this word is said to mean ague in later In th Tta y meant n^tmare at first, between nen PP°Crat*c XNntmgs, which may be placed approximately mentioned a 25° BC’. ^ the “ tests ” of malaria given above are writings cerV*' ^ anc^ ^ must not be forgotten that these in the Easfor ^ 1InP^> this improvement did not last, for the Rome of t C carly Empire was so malarious that it was considered very c an eroiis to remain in it during the autumn months. It may be , U ed tka^ Ealy did not sufler much from malaria before 200 B.C, b . r ter date gradually became more common, as is proved e"Ces 111 literature, until, during the earlv Empire, many the”/ 1Str:CtS* and also R°me itself, suffered most severely from hip-i,]. ? In an cnclemic form. The evidence that Rome was whelm J T"5 ^ thC begmninS of the Christian era is over- that the rT 0 1 Study the question, the plainer it becomes inhabitant.1SeTheeXerftewa marked influence upon the life of every and there n - r 1006 orace refers to malaria at least six times, VC re^erences in Martial, including three to the deadly 533 semi-tertian. Horace speaks in the most casual manner of the foolishness of holding out against the disease until the trembling-fit causes disaster at the dinner-table. All who could do so left Rome in the summer, but the poorer people must have suffered severely, as they appear to have slept very often in booths, or open places, thus offering themselves as easy victims to the mosquito. Dropsy, a frequent result of malaria, seems to have been extremely common. Horace says that a man who will not take exercise will certainly fall a victim to it, just as we might say that a sedentary occupation must cause liver-trouble. Here I should like to meet a possible objection. If malaria was introduced late in the history of Greece and Rome, why have we no mention in ancient writers of the time when it first made its appearance? But it must be remembered that on its first intro¬ duction malaria would certainly be confused with other fevers (typhoid, for instance) already existing in the country. In fact even now some kinds of malaria are so like typhoid that the microscope alone can distinguish between them. It would be only after some time that malaria could be recognised as a separate disease, and as late as Galen there is much confusion between the remittent forms and other pernicious fevers. But in the case of Italy there is veiy likely a reference in the historian Livy to the time when malaria first became widely spread over the country. He says that in the year 208 B.C., an epidemic occurred which did not result in many deaths, but caused much lingering sickness. This looks like an epidemic of malaria, and it should be noticed that the date is within the period of the Hannibalic War, when the land was laid waste and favourable conditions were given to the mosquito. On other grounds also, mentioned in this paper, it seems likely that malaria became common about 200 B.C. The malarial fevers of Greece and Italy were not confined to the regular types. Besides the malignant forms included under the heading “ semi-tertian,” many other dangerous kinds are distinctly mentioned. In two books of the. Hippocratic corpus, Prorrhetics and Prognostics , there are frequent references to blackwater fever, the algide, hyperpyrexial. comatose and other cerebral forms Again and again mention is made of aphasia, loss of memory, ea , convulsions and amblyopia as symptoms of certain kinds of ma aria 534 attacks. It is difficult to discover how far these forms were common in Rome, owing to the way in which Roman writers on medicine repeated the remarks of their Greek predecessors, but we are dis¬ tinctly told that the semi-tertian was extremely prevalent. Both in Greece and in Italy the geographical conditions favour the development of malaria, as is proved by the prevalence of the disease in modern times. But, for the present discussion, attention must be paid to the neighbourhood of Athens and Rome. Near Athens were two streams, the Cephisus and the Ilissus, which, by partially drying up in summer, favoured the rapid growth of the mosquito. Near the Piraeus was a marshy district which must have proved a continual focus of malaria. Besides these natural breeding- places, the cisterns in which the Athenians kept their water seem to h.i\e harboured mosquito larvae. Aristotle tells us that they often contained the larvae of an insect which was, in all probability, C hironomus. The streets also of the city were very muddy in wet weather, so that puddles in out-of-the-way places were certainly numerous. I may refer the reader to four able articles on malaria in Greece, by Drs. Savas and Cardamatis, which appear in the viiith v 190;) volume of Atti della Societa per gh Studi della Malaria. geographical conditions are shown to be well adapted to the growth of the mosquito. T h^fl1*01,116 Simikr COnditions Prevailed. The inundations of the 00 ed a considerable portion of the land near its banks, which f , notoriously unhealthy. 1 he streets seem to have been as mu y in wet weather as were those of Athens, while the atrium of • ; , oman house contained a pool of rain-water which collected to the impluvium through a hole in the roof, intended no doubt, at l° ICt °Ut the smoke froni the household hearth. . , . * C c notlced that just at the time when malaria appears sLerelirTTuendemiCin Att'Ca and ItalN (4*> and 200 B.C.), proper control f * C°Untry Waste> and Prevented for many years the Ihe'spr ^ o^^atln" StrCamS and CaaaIs‘ ^is would favour 535 INFLUENCE OF MALARIA UPON GREEK AND ROMAN HISTORY In estimating the effects ol malaria upon the history of Greece and Rome several facts must be borne in mind. In the first place the ancients had no quinine ; the disease must have run its course without being mitigated by any efficient remedy. It is therefore probable that, in Greece at least, some element of the race was weeded out 1 his would be the Northern strain to which, in all probability, the Greeks owed their best qualities. Again, the virulent remittent forms of the disease seem to have been particu¬ larly common. The poet Martial, whose works make but a moderate¬ sized volume, mentions the malignant semi-tertian three times. In Hippocrates frequent reference is made to those cerebral forms of malaria which, in the words of Mason, lead to “ permanent psychical disturbances.” Malarial cachexia, with accompanying derangement of the digestive system, was very common. Furthermore, the extent to which malaria occupies the medical treatises is, to say the least, surprising. By far the greater number of the fever cases in the Hippocratic writings refer to malaria in its intermittent or remittent forms ; while in the Latin author Celsus, who flourished about 50 A.D., other kinds of fever are scarcely mentioned at all, so that in his book febris is practically equivalent to malaria. 1 he Greeks themselves seem to have noticed that malaria often produced strange psychological effects. So much is plain from their use of the term fxe\ayx°^a and its cognates, which, in the common speech, denoted that a man was crazy, neurotic or even mad, while they were almost certainly medical terms originally, denoting malarial cachexia, or, sometimes, the epileptic convulsions which are often to be observed during a malarial attack. I he problem is made a little complicated by the fact that Greek medical terms rarely coincide exactly with any now in use, a source of confusion against which the historian must be always on his guard. “ Melancholy ’ denoted a good many kinds of bilious conditions ; but when it is observed that the Greeks themselves thought that quartans had their origin in black bile” 0 xXaiva Xo\v), that Galen declares large spleens to be due to excess of the “ melancholy ” humour, that cases of “ melancholy ’ are said to be common in autumn, it seems practically certain that the word was often used to describe malarial states, and that the Greeks 53^ observed how malaria affects the temper, rendering the patient morose and cross-tempered. It is interesting to note that the word /zeXayxoXia becomes common in Attic literature just at that time (the last quarter of the fifth century) when it seems likely that malaria first became endemic in Attica. Plato in the Timaeus declares that vice is due to bodily disease, and in particular derives peevishness, melancholy, rashness, cowardice, forgetfulness and stupidity from bilious humours finding no outlet from the body. 1 here is a remarkable reference to the influence of malaria upon character in the Hippocratic treatise Airs, Waters and Places. I hose who dwell in hollow, hot districts,” says the writer, “where the winds and water are warm, are neither tall nor straight. If they drink the water of the place they have diseases of the spleen and stomach. I hey are stout and fleshy, dark-coloured and bilious. Hy nature they are neither courageous nor of great powers of endurance. But there are no ill effects when the water is drained off." What, then, is the change of character which accompanied the decline of Greece and Rome? Between 450 and 300 B.c. the Greeks (at any iate the Athenians, for it is of them that we know most) lost then manly vigour and intellectual strength. Patriotism was still considered <1 viitue, but few had the energy and initiative to translate t ieor) into practice. Love of ease and comfort grew apace, hilosophy became pessimistic, and there was much brooding over cat 1. In art there appeared a tendency to sentimentalism. The of the third century b.c. was unequal to the effort for further 1 h ess, and ne\ er recovered the vital force he once possessed. n Rome and Italy the change was different. The Roman of the early Lmpire can scarcely be called weak. But he had changed. • , ernness had become brutality. He was no longer contented banen &t Sim^Je llfe’ but *°ved gorgeous display and magnificent old Rr n urthermore, the population of the city changed. The lament ,^PP^ent^’ &rew fewer in numbers, for there is a constant the ininpr'- 1 a-mi 1Cb Were smah> while crowds of foreigners flocked to armies were °f whom rose to Povver and influence. The stock. Hist ° en reciuitcc* horn Spaniards and other more virile the old Rom 1 ans.anc* moralists repeated ad nauseam the truth that Now SPlnt WaS dead w ^ would be absurd to maintain that all these changes were 517 produced by malaria. The Greek outgrew his city-state, lost his faith in religion, and exhausted his strength in a series of suicidal civil wars. He practised unnatural vice to an extraordinary extent, and this, with other excesses, produced the natural consequences. But surely these influences must have been aided in their operation by the presence of an insidious foe, which weakened the individual from his birth, and left him an easier victim to the disintegrating forces of his environment. The Roman also outgrew his institutions, and no longer found satisfaction in political life. The farms, which had bred a strong- race of yeomen, gradually gave place to large grazing estates. Com could be imported from abroad more cheaply than it could be grown at home, and the farmers crowded into the already-congested metropolis. Economic causes, then, as well as political and psychological forces, were at work both in Greece and in Italy during the period of decline. But the fact remains that the Greeks became a race of inefficients, while the Romans of the empire may be roughly divided into two classes — a few luxurious debauchees and a host of debased and poverty-stricken retainers. It is much to be regretted that scientists have paid but little attention to the effects of malaria upon national prosperity and national character. The economic effects, indeed, are noticed with more or less detail by many observers. Celli in his M alaria talks of the loss of labour and production caused by the disease, and Clemow describes the appalling incapacitation and economic loss which accompany its ravages. But its influence upon character has never been thoroughly investigated. North, in his fascinating work Roman Fever, does say something on the point, but confines himself to the general statement that a highly malarious district, if left to itself, must contain a population that tends to moral degradation. Professor Nieuwenhuis, of Leyden, who has studied the wild tribes of Borneo more than any other traveller, writes to tell me t at in that island malaria actually has the disintegrating effect which assert it had among the Greeks. The results of his investigations are to be found in h,s book Qucr durch Borneo. But there certain y is room for a book containing an adequate study o t is ques ™ both the physical and the psychological standpoints preliminary to such work seems to be a historical study of the 53* at which malaria was introduced into various districts, and of the effects which followed this introduction. Up to the present our information is very slight, being confined to such instances as the invasion of Mauritius by malaria in i860. There is also a pressing need for an investigation into the moral and intellectual characteristics prevalent in highly malarious districts, and a comparison of them with those of neighbouring parts, under similar economic and political conditions, but untroubled by malaria. This is another unworked field for historians. I take it that the effects of malaria are threefold : (1) It may kill, or drive away, the inhabitants. There is evidence that the population of Greece gradually declined, and that an inferior race, but one relatively immune to malaria, supplanted in course of time the older population. I hope to publish this evidence shortly. (2) It may cause physical and mental degeneration by making childhood unhealthy. (3) It may cause inactivity by punishing over-exertion and fatigue. The first thing to do will be to collect material, and for some time I have been impressing upon anthropologists the necessity of observing the psychological peculiarities of peoples among whom malaria is endemic. It is probable enough that the lapses into barbarism which so often disgrace Europeans living in tropical countries are at least partially caused by this disease or its sequelae. I am told that German officials are forced by' the Government to tan7 quin’ne w*th them when they set out for malarious regions of Afiica, and the reason assigned is that moral deterioration may follow malaria unchecked by prophylactic measures. Unfortunately, I have icon unable to discover from written evidence whether this is correct CONCLUSION is certain that both Greece and Italy' were, at least in their lobl important centres, highly malarious during the period of their . ^ ht ther Athens and Rome were malarious when they were f Jn *,<>VVCr anc* greatness it is impossible to state for certain, ajj ^ 1 sea sc was in all probability rare, even if it was present at the other hand, the decline was in both cases accompanied 539 by an increase of malaria. The change in the Greek character was just that which we should expect malaria to produce in a highly sensitive and cultivated people, while the savage brutality of the later Romans may be due to the same cause. The peculiar effects of a disease on national morality will certainly vary with the prominent national characteristics. The more effeminate Greek grew weak and inefficient ; the stern Roman became viciously cruel. But it must always be carefully remembered that other factors, physical and psychological, contributed to the change in both cases. The growth of intelligence, resulting in dissatisfaction with existing institutions; the decay of agriculture or trade ; the slow effects of vice and luxury ; the exhaustion of the conditions which stimulate a people to aspire to national greatness all these were doubtless important factors in the decline of Greece and Rome. But malaria gave rise to physical conditions which afforded an excellent opportunity for other influences to produce their full effect. It must also be remembered that these conditions would be reproduced from generation to generation, for malaria was continuously present, apparently increasing until nearly everybody was more or less infected. A temporary disaster, whether it be war or a virulent epidemic, often stimulates to great deeds and heroic actions ; but a weakening endemic disease, attacking every fresh generation as it is born, gives the nation which is its victim no chance to recuperate. In the preceding pages 1 have indicated very briefly the main conclusions which it seems just to draw from a study of the classical literatures. But only the fringe of the subject has been touched, even within the limited area to which I have confined my own investi¬ gations, and a vast field remains to be worked by those who will take the trouble to trace the effects of malaria upon other nations. It is only from a comparison of results obtained in a series of enquiries that any really valuable knowledge can be expected. The influence of diseases other than malaria is also most important, and should be carefully studied. Mr. T. Spencer Jerome, who has for many years Paid attention to the biological aspect of history, sends at my request the following note on the transformation of the Roman character. The remark it contains about pestilence killing off those o t e greatest nerve force is interesting, as it is just possible that the great Athenian plague of 430 B.C. weakened the general health by attack- 540 ing and killing those best fitted to be parents of vigorous offspring. It is a fact that the Athenian population was permanently reduced by this epidemic, and perhaps malaria, which appears to have become endemic in Attica soon after 430, found a people already weakened and less able to resist its ravages. NOTE I he influence of diseases on historical development will obviously be mainly through their effects in weakening individual nervous systems, and, as a result of this, individual character. Now it seems \\ell established that all infectious fevers play an important part in the etiology of the psychoses and neuroses. Typhoid especially is incontestably a cause of psychasthenia, and often profoundly alters the whole nervous system. So also influenza. The number of se\ ere infectious maladies prevalent throughout Roman history is well known. After the great outbreak of pestilence in the time of Marcus Aurelius, it kept reappearing from time to time for a century or more. Another point deserving consideration is this : — Is it true that the neurasthenic person is relatively immune to other and more imme- lately dangeious diseases? Dr. Beard, whose studies of neuras¬ thenia are so well known, asserted this positively- though the exp a nation he gives seems slightly fanciful* Dr. V. C. Vaughan, examined the matter of the typhoid outbreaks in the American army camps at the time of the Spanish war, informed the writer that e ever seemed to select the soundest men. If this be so, then a g ontinuance of severe infectious maladies would operate not only , mUCh nerVOUS debllity- but also by a kind of inverse Deonlp SC eCtl°n t0 ebminate the relatively sound elements in a Droblf'inc Jtha\ l*1peviTui through false shame (123 L i_4 L) j. Food and drink are to satisfy hunger and thirst. Dainties should not be consumed merely because they are costly, or because we wis 1 to boast that we have eaten them. The body must not tyrannise over the soul, nor yet the soul over the body, so as to cause ovei- indulgence. A man should take a pride in his power to abstain. Rich, tempting dishes cause us to eat too much (124 E— 126 B). Pleasure is impossible without health. Me are wont to neg ec plain living when we are well, and in sickness to lay the blame upo climate («ep«9, xwpas'), instead of our own intemperance. en 542 ill we should say to ourselves that drinking cold water, or an untimely hath, has deprived us of many pleasures. In this way we are made more careful when in health (126 B 127 B). Granted that fevers are caused by exertion, heat and chill, too much food increases the liability (127 B D). The forewarnings given by fever must not be neglected. Some, when they feel an attack coming on, betake themselves to baths and banquets, lest they fall ill before they have satisfied their desires; others, more refined (/co/iyfrorepoi), are ashamed of showing that they are unwell, and obey' the call of their companions; most men hope that the feeling of uneasiness will pass off. But on the morrow they hu\e to confess to catarrh, fever or colic Then they will beg the doctor to allow' them wine or cold water. AJJ such should remember that the unhealthy body feels no pleasure in the indulgences which caused the trouble (127 D 128 E). The over-strict diet of one who is always afraid of his health giving way is certainly to be blamed, as it renders the body liable to fall sick, while it makes the spirit timid and unenterprising; but it is c ertainly unwise to wait for those internal pains which are the fore¬ runners of fever before moderating one’s desires and appetites. It necessary also to be on the watch for bad dreams, crossness of temper and melancholy (128 E _ 129 C) W hen \ isiting a sick friend enquiry should be made whether it P et ora. heat, exertion, lack of sleep or wrong diet that caused * — *dls answers Wl11 serve as a guide. One should care for p°^n mode °f life, avoiding all excess (129 D — 130 C). m . eaChl?- and discussion are excellent physical training. The 'er> o inn-keepers or muleteers can be neglected (130 C 13 1 B). ■17 Crf f,Xe«C*Se’ CO,d batbs are to be avoided. Those who so diet jl * ’ UnleSS they foIIow in the smallest details that strict fire 0 3 rii 1SDS; UndeSirabIe- rt is oil body near a fowl ard'lio-kt fi ^ l°°bed e£2s are not desirable; vegetables, b"ed& w 6 • arC l° ^ thC Stal)le food Milk as a drink should after exDosi, lnoderatlon >s good, but not as a “pick-me-up" be thought JV- Water shouId be drunk several times a day. If it -^ay be drunV^^ D^^F) ^ ^ lIC eatinfir> a man should exercise his mind with a book or 543 conversation. This will make him less attracted by the pleasures of the table (133 A- 1 34 A). Emetics and purges are had. Dieting is the proper remedy for indigestion. 1 1 something must be done, vomiting is the less evil, but violent drugs must be avoided. Drinking water or fasting for a few days may be tried, or even an injection. Most people take refuge at once in strong purgatives, and suffer for it (134 A — F). On the other hand, a rigid system of fasting is bad. It is absurd to keep well by ceasing to perform the functions of living. Nay, idleness is not healthy (135 A— 136 A). Toil should not be varied by exhausting pleasures. Love of honourable pursuits will drown anv desire that is felt for the latter (136 A-E). A man should learn all he can about his own constitution, what suits it and what does not. It is important that care be taken not to tax it at the change of the seasons (136 E 137 B). Students must not tax their bodies by too much study, as the many do by worry and exertion at harvest-time. Otherwise they will be compelled to lay aside their books, while they are recovering from a fever (13/ C-E). It will, I think, be admitted that at the period when the treatise was composed there was much ill-health. The precepts given by the writer himself arc strict, and he distinctly states that there were some who imposed upon themselves such rigid rules of life that health was obtained at far too high a cost ; for they could not use it without interfering with those prescribed habits which kept them well/ The writer does not seem to be referring to infectious sickness, for he nowhere mentions either contagion or infection. t Indeed, either ancient Greece was singularly free from infectious maladies (other than occasional epidemics) or else the Greeks did not think the danger worth considering. At any rate isolation of the sick, and similar prophylactic measures, were not generally recognised. £ The great danger, according to Plutarch, was “ fever.”§ The symptoms of t When calling1 on* a sick friend the visitor is not supposed to take any ^TSgit'ionbv sulphur was known as early as the Homeric period (Odyssey 481, 4931. but the medical writers appear to know nothing mey 'gwd it as a superstition ? Certain skin and eye _ diseases, with consumption, egarded as infectious, but not fevers (Aristotle, Prob. vn, °-) n • ,72 E • 137 D. § Mentioned several times- 1*3 A; 127 II, E; 128 A, F; 129 lJ , 13- > 37 ''ice a more specific name- p€PiTl<;, is given (124 E). 544 fever are not described, but a warning is given not to neglect the premonitory signs, and among these are crossness of temper and melancholy * But the risk of falling ill of fever is said to be greatly increased by certain actions or habits. The “ causes ” of fever include : — (1) Violent fatigue (/co7ropeKm and both of these are doubtful. Hesiod never mentions fever among 1 137 B. toVa ^ ydp p.ucpoXoyta, Kal dveXevOepia * pftdvovaiv ot iroWol ire pi re avyicop.L&appaKeia' a<> o! iroWol epovrai TrpoxeiPU)'i ^ § For F 1 not exist in Homer's time. 54^ the plagues of the Boeotian farmer, but Plutarch, a native of Boeotia, has a different tale to tell. There can, I think, be no doubt that malaria was rapidly on the increase^ from the fifth century B.C., and that it was largely responsible for the lack of energy that the Greeks began to exhibit during the fourth century. Plutarch noticed that the feverish attack is often preceded by melancholy and crossness of temper,* two most noticeable symptoms of malaria. The physician Hippocrates went much further. After carefully describing what regions are most malarious, he goes on to say that the inhabitants of such regions are stunted in growth, and have neither courage nor powers of endurance.t Plato declared that ill-health (the symptoms point to malaria as much as anything else) produces crossness, melancholy, rashness, cowardice, forgetfulness and stupidity.^ Surely it is reasonable to conclude, not only that malaria produced disastrous changes in the Greek character, but ‘^so t^at the great thinkers among the Greeks were perfectly con¬ scious that it did. Plato would have introduced remedial measures,! but, of couise, his advice was not taken, and Greece gradually fell into the unhealthy state which is manifest in the pages of the treatise dc sani/atc tuenda. used in non-medkaf^i become more common, and are regularly Demosthenes, i i8t 2G r s o mean intermittent (i.e. malarial) fevers. See *'*9 c. + Airs, Waters, Places, Kuhn I, 566 s67 XTimaeus 87 A. 5 5 7' °ne of' the Smarlf of 'wi!!*1'6 and g°°d institutions (Timaeus 87 B.). This reminds fibre of malariouks Hoc cit.) that might restore the moral 1 lat° s ,at^ views oS vFce%J &£** drainaSe bri "K back their health. For 6 see Gomperz, Greek Thinkers, Vol. Ill, 225, 226. TWO NEW HUMAN CESTODES AND A NEW LINGUATULID 549 TWO NEW HUMAN CESTODES AND A NEW LINGUATULID BV J. W. W. STEPHENS, M.D. Cantab., D.P.H. (WALTER MYKRS FELLOW IN TROPICAL MEDICINE, THE UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL) (Received for publication December 20th, 1907J I. A NEW BOTHRIOCEPHALID IN MAN ( Dibothriocephalus parvus n. sp.) Three pieces of a tape-worm, none of which had a head, were received by me from Dr. Elkington, Tasmania, in 1906, with the following history : ‘ It came from a Syrian, not long arrived from his native country, and aged 37. It was caught on December 20th, 1898, at Launceston, with the aid of Filix mas. A quantity had already come away before he came under treatment. So it is possibly a Levantine product after all, and not Australian in origin. Lie is supposed to have come from Beyrout, but this is not certain. A superficial examination shewed that the tapeworm had all the appearance of a Dibothriocephalus. I he proglottids had a clearly defined central uterine rosette, and with a lens the openings of the cirrus and uterus could be seen, and in several segments the cirrus was extruded. The surface of many of the segments was much corrugated with transverse and longitudinal furrows (probably due partly to the preservative and partly to erosion (digestion) of the surface. The strobila consisted of three portions, the lengths of which were respectively 1025, 940 and 690 mm. In the portion, 1025 mm. long, there were 420 proglottids, usually broader than long. 1 he smallest anterior proglottids measure 1*3 mm. broad by o-6 mm. long. The largest posterior proglottids measure 5‘0 mm. broad by 3 o mm. long. The terminal segments tend to become quadrate and measure 4 o by 4-0. Several segments approximately quadrate are, howevei, interpolated irregularly so that the gradual decrease in breadth and 550 increase in length from one end of the worm to the other is broken at intervals and is not uniform as in D. latus , &c. As stated above the dimensions of the largest gravid segments are 5 by 3 mm. The uterus forms a central rosette with four to five loops on each side of the median line, occupying about the middle half of the length. In a proglottid measuring 37 by 2*25 the genital atrium is situated o^-o^ mm. behind the anterior margin, and the uterine opening is situated the same distance behind the genital atrium. The eggs, operculated, average 59^2 by 407//. Calcareous corpuscles were absent in those segments examined. Fig. i. Dibothriocephalus parvus (1) Outline of uterine rosette (2) Genital atiium, uterine pore and protruded cirrus 1 he question now arises as to the identity of this worm. 0) On comparing it with D. latus we see that the maximum width of gravid segments is 5 mm., while the minimum width of t,ravid segments of D. latus is 10-12 mm., and the maximum width 20 I|mi ’ so that the worm is a very much smaller one, as is evident t e naked eye. I his is also shewn by the size of the quadrate nents which in D. latus are 6 by 6 mm., while in D. parvus they 4 by 4 mm., and moreover the quadrate segments in D. 551 occur posterior to segments which attain a width of 1 5 mm., while in D. parvus they occur after segments, the maximum width of which is only 8 mm., and in the case of the interpolated segments, after segments which are still narrower. (/>) The whole strobila appears always to be distinctly thicker than D. lotus , a point which is especially noticeable along the lateral margins. (r) Secondly there is no indication of the serration due to the projection of the posterior lateral angles, a feature well marked in D. lotus. (ft) The eggs of D. parvus (59-2 by 407 A* ) are smaller and rounder than those of D. I at us (6871 by 44-45^)- (r) Calcareous bodies are absent in D. parvus , while they aie present (few) in D. latus. (a) On comparing with D. cordatus, we find that this has onl> 50 immature segments while in one of the pieces of D. parvus theie were at least 200 segments before maturity. (b) The mature segments of D. cordatus are 7-8 mm., t maximum width of D. parvus is 5 mm. (c) The quadrate segments of D. cordatus measure 5-b mm. square. Those of D. parvus 4 by 4 mm. (d) The uterine loops of D. cordatus are 6-8. Those o parvus 4-5. (0 Eggs, D. cordatus 75-80 by 50. D. parvus 59 2 by 4° 7^- f) Calcareous bodies. D. cordatus , 28-30, numerous. D. parvu , absent. The characters of this bothriocephalid seem to me j sufficiently distinct to warrant the making of it a new sp -g propose the name Dibolhriocephalus parvus. The tyPe p deposited in the museum of the Liverpool School o 1 P Medicine. II. A NEW HUMAN CESTODE ( Taenia br earner i , n. sp) '■ !■'!■ w. ' — """ x :s - 'em, and that they are got through drinking sour m The most striking feature of the proglottids was their size, being greater in length, and especially in breadth, than that of any human Taenia so far described. The measurements were as follows: — Maximum, 32x9 mm. Average, 28-6 x 8 5 mm. Commonest, 29 x 10 mm. Smallest, 21x6 mm. bio. 2. Taenia bremneri, n. sp. Gravid segments of (1) 7\ bremneri, (2) T. sag.nata, (3) T. solium, (-U L tenne branches enlarged nearly four times , , to ^ ln^ a sPec*men, the uterine segments were in some segments forward4 ln,"urnber* not counting the “terminal” one which curves arrantr*11 as four or five branches on it. The figure shows the behind the" I:"6 UterUS' The &enital P°re is prominent and lies behind the middle of the segment. Lggs : Minimum, 34-2 x 30-4. Commonest, 38 x 30-4. Maximum, 45-6 x 41*8. 553 Calcareous bodies are numerous, measuring 1 5*2 /u in diameter. This species is distinguished from some of the species found in man by the following points : — T. africatta. — Segments always broader than long. T. confusa. — The gravid segments may be as long as 35 mm., but the width is only 5 mm., whereas in the present species, with a length of 32 mm. the width is 9 mm. T. saginata Gravid segments, 15 to 20, rarely 25 mm. long, 4 to '/ mm. wide. T. solium. — Gravid segments, 10-12 long by 5 mm. broad. 1 hope soon to be in a position to describe complete specimens of this worm; for the present I propose the name Taenia bremneri. The type segments are in the museum of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. III. A NEW LINGUATULID ( Porocephalus pattoni, n. sp.) Habitat: — This linguatulid occurs in the lungs of the Indian rat snake Zamenis v. Ptyas mucosus or Dhaman. Diagnosis : — Body greyish white (spirit specimens), showing a separation into head, neck and body. The head is globular and flattened ventrally and rounded dorsally, and is separated from the body by a fairly distinct narrow portion or neck. Of some dozen Fig. 3. Porocephalus pattoni (1) Hook, (2) mouth, (3) egg specimens measured the longest was 1 1*5 centimetres, while the shortest was 2^5 centimetres. The majority were between 6 an centimetres. The number of rings varies somewhat, but an a\ erage size specimen has 36. There are generally two rings on the lea The body is cylindrical, ends bluntly, and the posterior end exhibits some tortion. The thickness of the body is about 2’5 mm. n e . • • ■ ’■ .. . j . - it . -J . ■ '' ' .... . 556 EXPLANATION OF PLATE L x* Dibothnocephalus parvus, n. sp. Portion of strobila, actual size. ^ ^ oroccphalus pattoni, n. sp. The Linguatulids in situ in the lung of Zatnenis mucosus. FlS- 3- Porocephalus pattoni , n. sp. Actual size. PLATE L Fig- 2 INDEX INDEX PAGE Index of Authors . iii General Index . iii Index of Genera and Species new to Science .. ix INDEX OF AUTHORS PAGE Brady, G. S. . . . 423 Branch, C. W . . 37 1 Breinl, A . . 433. 439 Broden, A . . 493 Carter, R. Markham . . >55 Cuffey, E . Dutton, J. E . . 1, 199, 231, 285 Graham, W. M . . 4l5 Hanington, J. W. B . Jones, W. II. S . . 529 Kinghom, A . Looss, A Moore, Benj . . 161, 273 Neumann, G . Newstead, R . Nierenstein, M . Rodhain, J . Ross, E. 11 . Ross, H. C. . . . . Salvin-Moore, J. E . Stephens, J. W. W . Tobey, E. N . Todd, J. L . i, 161, van Loghem, J. J . Walker, C. E . PAGE . »3 i, 169, 507, 554 . 161, 273 493 163 163 >99. 23>. . 439 169, 549 . 285 273> 2S5 S23 483 GENERAL INDEX Acarina PAGE • 96 Actinospharium cichorni , Chromidia observed in . Addenda et Corrigenda . Aedtomyina . Aedeomyia squamipetinis . Amblyomma htbraum sflendidum . „ variegatum . ,, ? variegatum . Amphibia, Trypanosomes in . Anatomy of the proboscis of biting flies . Anisocheleomyia quadrimaculata, n. sp. Anophelinse in Congo Free State ...••• Anophelines, Attempts to transmit Trypanosomes by . . . Anthomyia radicum in Liverpool . • • Arthropoda, Insects and other, col¬ lected in the Congo Free State . . . „ Attempts to transmit I ry- panosomes by various blood-sucking . ; . ,, Protozoa found in various Ascaris lumbricoides . Asturinula monogrammica . 453 554 27 27 99 99 99 300 169 32 8 213 5*9 1 2*3 339 142 288 PAGE Atoxyl, Effect of, followed by bi¬ chloride of mercury 16 1 ,, followed by Dono¬ van’s solution . 282 „ Result of experiments with ... 275 A ttheyella africana , n. sp . . 422 A ty lotus nigromaculatus . . . . 44 Auchmeromyia luteola, bionomics of ... 50 Trypanosomes in alimentary canal of larva of . 221 bed-bug ( Cimex sp.) . Beetles in ashpit refuse . . . . bi-chloride of mercury. Effect ot . Birds, flat worms in . . Protozoa observed in . blood Films, Wet, method of preparing and staining . ••••••• Modification of ITeiden- hain’s method . Borborus equinus breeding in stable manure . . . . . Bothriocephalid m man, A new . Boycia, n. gen. . . . Boyd a mitnomyiaformts , n. sp . 95 52° 161 >38 287 470 47 1 5*9 459 33 34 iv PACK Brady (G. S.) On Dr. Graham’s col¬ lection of Cvclopidae from the African Gold Coast . 4^3 Branch (C. W.) Yaws . 371 Breinl (A. and others). On the morphology and life history of S pi roc hat a duttoni . 43^ Cytology of Trypanosomes 439 Broden (A.) and Rodhain (J.) Contri¬ bution k I’etude de Porocephalus moniliformis . 4gi liufo regularia , Trypanosomes in . 307 Bush Fowl, Trypanosomes in . ^99 Bye a aisles buccinator (Trumpeter horn* bill), Trypanosomes in .: . joy Cal anus, sp . Calliphora eyrthrocephala feeding on human excreta . 507} qlg ' an ary fever. Observations on the so-called 48 1 Canthocamptus, sp . 4.1 < nr ter ( R . Markham). On the presence of Spirochata duttoni in the ova of (’rni/hodoros moubata . Oattle Trypanosomasis in Congo Free 3 .State . C cilia pharoensis . . Ccratopogon, sp . . g Cercopithccus mono . . .. schmidti Cestodes, Two new human . . r' ch&i?rr,pti°n. of iarva °f ••••• « Clnronomus , sp. ... . 3° C hr y sops dimidi at 'us ’ J ’ ........ 4 j, 554 ” a correction . er4 » stlacea . Z. Ctmex lectularius . *54 Cimicidae . 95 aonVrh ngoUnsi% ^ypanosome's' in' Clonorchts, n.g 0 pi sthorchiidarum . .. end emuus (= Opisthorchis sinensis of text books, .. . CSS"..in'"=,», dy'dioHim-, 148 Congo Floor 319 mit Trypano¬ somes by .... 21 a ” Structural details T of larva Of ... 40 i rypanosomes in alimentary Congo Free State C?nal of - 221 c;^7P°da c?lle’cted in ...and °ther Crocodile,' ^Trypano^s as.hPjt refuse.' .520 the^liver and ” PACE Cut ex a l bit arsis . 2I „ annulioris . 2I ,, dissimilis . 2i »» fatigans . . . 2i ,, laurenti, a. sp . . 24 „ luteolateralis . . . 22 „ met alii cut . 22 par , n. sp . 25 ,, thalassius . 21 ti gripes . 22 .. tigripes, var. consimilis . . 23 ,, viridis . . . 24 Culiridae . 8 Culicinse . i2 Cyclops , sp. ? . 421 bi color . 423 „ ? bicolor . 419 M leuckarti . 418, 420, 424 ,, longistylis , n. sp . 419, 423 ,, p heir rot us, . 420, 424 „ simillimus , u. sp . 48, 421, 424 „ varicoides, n. sp . 419, 423 „ virescens , n. sp . 420, 424 Cyclopidae from the Gold Coast, Description of some . 415, 423 Cytamoebas in frogs . 334 Dejcania , sp., mimicing Glossina . 95 Dermanyssidae in lungs of monkey ... 97 Dermanyssus duttoni, Description of larva of . 97 Dermatophilus ( sarcofsylla ) penetrans 93 Description of larva of 93 Diaptomus innominatus, n. sp . 423 Dibothriocephalus cordaius . 55' >. lotus . 55‘ .1 pannes, n. sp. in man 549 Dicrocoelium lanccatum . . 125, 126 .. pancreatum, Syn. ... 128, 132 •> Syn. of Di stoma . '25 ihplo stoma agyptiacum, Syn . '34 Di stoma eras sum . 124 si coelomaticum . . . — >26 11 hepatis cndcmicum . 140, '42 9> 1. innocuum sive pernici- osum . '4° ,, pancreaticum . , . 124 ,, sinense . 141, 142, '43 Distomiasis of the liver and rectum in man . v . 123, i37 Distomum spathulatum . '4* Dogs, Protozoa observed in . 287 Drepanidia in Crocodiles . 3°5 91 sp . 3°3 Dutton (J. E. and others): — ,1 Insects and other Arthropoda collected in the Congo Free State . 1 .. Trypanosome transmission experiments . *99 Cattle Trypanosomiasis in Congo Free State . *3* 11 Concerning certain parasitic protozoa observed in Africa 2S5 PACK Dullonia, n. g . 17 „ africana , n. sp . 20 „ tarsalis, n. sp . 18 Eimeria schubtrgi . 45.2 Entomostraca, Description of some Gold Coast . 415, 423 Eretmapodiics austenii . 14 „ i noma tut, n. sp . 12 Eughna . 452 Eurytrma, nov. gen. of Picrocoe- liidarum . 127 „ cotlomaticum . 132 „ pancreaticum (Janson) type of genus Kurytrema 128 Expedition to itie Congo, Seventh Pro¬ gress Report ... 201 „ ,, Eighth Interim Report of . 287 Fasciola, ref. to genus . 124 Fasciolopsis buski . 123 „ Synonymy of . 124 Films, Methods of preparing ami staining wet . 470 Fish, Trypanosomes in . 335 Flies as carriers of disease in man ... 485 Flukes in man, mammals and birds.. 123, 134 Fowls, Domestic, feeding on larvae and pup$ of the house-fly . 509 Frambesia or Papillomatous Syphilide 400 l rogs and Toads, Trypanosomes in ... 306 Gastrodiscus aegypliacus, Syn. of . 134 si poly mast os , Syn . 134 ii second ns, n. sp., in mule 134 11 sonsinoi , Syn . 134 Glossma , Native names of, in Congo... 54 .. Further notes on the distri¬ bution of, in Congo Free State . 74 is Reference to Koch 's experi¬ ments with . 226 » Trypanosomes in proboscis of 217 >! f 11 sea. Intervals between the production of larvae in . 69, 7‘ „ description of larva and pupa . 71 „ Nocturnal habits of... 72 longi pal pis . : . 7 2 mac ul at a, n. sp . 73 morsitans . 7 1 pallidipes . 7 2 pal pal is . 57, 44b, 45° description of larva . 57 description of pupa . 5^ distribution of in Congo Free State . 59 habitats of . 60 habit of following man and mammals . h2 » in native villages and dwell¬ ings . 64 11 bionomics of in captivity 64, 67-71 ii method of capture and keep¬ ing of in captivity . 68 PAGE G/ossina, death rate of in captivity ... 69 ,, length of life of in captivity 69 ,, period of pupation . 69 ,, feeding of in captivity . C9 ,, used for the transmission of Trypanosomes . 201 ,, results of transmission of T rypanosomes by inter¬ rupted feeding of . 206 ,, results of transmission of Trypanosomes by intervals between feeding of ......... 207 Trypanosomes in proboscis of . ,, Trypanosomes in alimentary canal of . ,, Ref. to Trypanosomes found in, by Koch . . . „ Myxosporidium heibergi, (n. sp.) in gut of . G/ossina palpalis, var. wellmani . Graham (W. A.) A description of some Gold Coast Entomostraca . Guinea Worm, Presence of, due to Cyclops-host . . . Ilaemamoeba relict a . Haemaphysalis leachi . Haemalopota , spp . - . brunnipennis . ,, dutloni, n. sp . „ trimaculata, n. sp . ,, native names for in Congo 217 218 227 342 71 4i5 4i7 225 99 43 43 41 42 Free State . 54 FLcemoprotcus . 225 Halteridi um ( lleemoproteus ) noctuez ... 293 Hanington (J- W. B. and others). Try¬ panosome transmission experiment ... 199 Hemiptera . . . 93 llippobosca equina . 9° llippoboscidse . y . — 9° Homalcmyia canicularis in stable manure . 5*9 scalaris, larva of in ash¬ pit refuse, &c . 5*9 Hornbill, Trumpeter, Trypanosomes observed in . 3°° Horses infested with larvas of lronr- bidium . Hyalomma agyplium . . llydrachnidae on Mosquitoes . •••;• • Jlyla arborea, Trypanosomes found in 1 Sct^and^other Arthropoda collected in the Congo Free State . . Ixodidm, African species ol ■ — |erome (T. S.). Transformation of Tones" (W H^ST). Malaria and history... L°nghom (A. aid others). Cattle Iry- pansomiasis in the Congo Free State Uucccyto«,o« £ . African hawk . in Dogs . 96 323 95 98 450 527 231 219 288 287 VI PACK Linguatulid, A new . 553 TJpoptena faradoxa , n. sp. . • . 9* 1 ooss (A.). On some parasites in the 'museum of the School of Tropical Medicine Liverpool . ,-M Lucilia, spp . 49 „ fuscina . 49 Lyperosia, sp . 53 „ minuta .... . 53 Lypcrosomum, Relation of to Dicro- coelium . ,J5 Malaria and history . . . • . 5*7 „ influence upon Greek and Roman History . 535 „ in Greece . . 53° „ in Italy . ; . 53° Mammals, Protozoa observed in, in Africa . • • . . . 2°7 Mansonia uniformis . 2i} ,, ,, africanus . 27 Al argaropus annul at us . 100 tt „ calcaratus . too M elaniconion rimum . *7 Melipona sp. causing intense annoyance to man . 95 Mercury, Result of experiment with, on Trypanosomes . 279 Mimomyia malfeyti, n. sp . 29 ,, uniformis . . Monkeys ( Cercopithecus , spp.) used in experiments with transmission of Trypanosomes . 2«7 Moore (Benj., and others). A note on the therapeutics of Trypanosomiasis 161 Mosquito larvae, Automatic oiler for destruction and prevention of, in cesspools, &c . >63 Mosquitoes, Ectoparasites of . gb „ in Congo Free State . 8 ,, Protozoa found in . 339 Mud Fish (C/arias angolensis), Trypano¬ somes in . 335 Mule, Muscid larva of, in . Sq Musca, spp . 5 3 Musca, A new genus and species of blood-sucking . 53 Musca domeslica, On the habits, life- cycle and breeding places of . 507 Muscid Fly, Larvae of in man, rat and mule . 88, 89 Muscidae . 49 Myiasis, Cutaneous, in man . 88 >» ,, in the rat . SS j. ,, in the mule . 89 Mymomyia africana, n. sp . 28 M yxosporidium heibergi, in Glossina ... 342 M yzomyia funesta . 9 ,, pa/ud is , Protozoa found in 339 M ytorhynchus mauritianus . ' 10 >> paludis . 10 Nierenstein (M. and others):— A note on the therapeutics of Trypanosomiasis . 161 Page Nierenstein (M. and others).— „ Concerning the treatment of experimental Trypano¬ somiasis . 273 Meomelaniconion pal pale, n. sp . F Neumann 10.). Description of two new species of African rfete . * *3 New stead (R. and others). Insects ana other Arthropoda col¬ lected in the Congo free State . 1 „ and Stephens (J. W. \V.). The anatomy of the pro¬ boscis of biting flies, Pt. 11. Stomoxys . ,47s .. f el incus . 13 eeminus . J „ sinensis . . . ;••• O6- I4' ,, denomination ot two species of *47 Ornithodoros moubala . 98> '55- J‘3 ” ” Sfo\ . >55 ,, Attempts to trans¬ mit Trypano¬ somes by . ■ 1 3 Parasites, On some, in the Museum ot the School of Tropical Medicine, ^ Liverpool . ^ Pediculidae . q4 Pediculus capitis . 04 ,, vest i men/ i . . . . . „ of Rat, Trypansomes in alimentary canal of . ^ Phlebotornus, sp . ,'2o Philonthus polities in ashpit refuse . Pi ropl asm a bovi s . . " ‘ ' Pithecanthropus erect us, lemur of, sno - ing evidence of ? Syphilis . Plutarch on health . . . . . ' Pncumonyssus duttoni , description 01 q, larva of . . . * . .54 Porocephalus annul dtus . „ moniliformis. Contribu¬ tion a P etude de 49 „ „ in ^acacU5' , verte- , brates - * „ pattoni, n. sp . 1 vii PACK Proboscis of Biting Hies, Anatomy of... itx, Protozoa in Arthropoda . . 34 * „ Concerning parasitic, observed in Africa . 287 „ Parasitic, in Africa . 285 Psyckoda ? fhalan.idts, breeding ill human excreta . 520 Psychodidse . jb Pulicidae . 93 Pycnosoma, sp . 49 „ tiara . i9 „ marginale . 49 „ futorium . 49 Pynlofhorus costalis . 8 „ costalis, Attempts to trans¬ mit Trypanosomes by 213 „ costalis , C'occidium sp. in tissues of . 339 „ „ Protozoa found in . 339 „ marshal l i . 9 Rana galamensis, Trypanosomes in . 307 „ mascariensis . . 307, 333 „ „ Trypanosomes in . 307 „ oxyrhynchus, Trypanosomes in ... 307 Rat, Muscid larva of, in . 88 Raffia marmorata , Trypansomes in ... 307 Relapsing fever, African, Parasite of ... 137 Reptiles, Trypanosomes in . . 3°3 Rhificefha/us, Table for the determina¬ tion of species of ... 119 „ bursa . 100 „ ca fen sis . loo „ duttoni, n. sp . 115 „ longus, n. sp . 117 „ nitens . . io° „ sanguineus . 100 >, simus . t°° Rodhain (J.) and llroden (A.). Contri¬ bution a l’dtude de Porocephal us moniliformis . 49' Rhizopods, Chromidia observed in . 453 Ross (E. H.) and Boss (II. <\>. An automatic oiler for the destruction and prevention of mosquito larva; in cesspools and other collections of water . 163 Sahin-Moore (]. K.) and Breinl (A.). The Cytology of the Trypanosomes . . . 439 Sand Flies . 3b, 37 it description of larva of . 37 i, Life-history of . 37 ( Simulium , sp.). Attempts to transmit Trypanosomes by 213 Sarcofhaga, spp. . . 48 Sarcophagidae . 4^ Sarcoptidae producing symbiotic mange in rabbit . 97 Sarcofsylla fenelrans . 93 » „ description of larva of . 93 Scatofhaga stercoraria breeding in cow dung . 5*9 Simulida; . 36 Simulium, sp . 3b ,, damnosum . 36 ,, 0 mat urn . 37 ,, structural characters of larva of . 37 „ habits of larva; of . 37 sp., Attempts to transmit Trypanosomes by . 213 Snakes, Trypanosomes in . 3°3 S pirochaeta sp. in fish . 338 ,, duttoni. Presence of in the ova of Ornilho- doros moubata ... 155 ,, parasite of African relapsing fever... 157 „ in the organs of rats, Some notes on the mor¬ phology of . 521 ,, Morphology and life-history of ... 4 33 „ gallinarum . 437 M jonesi from Clanas a ngol crisis . 33^ obermeieri . 435 Stable Flies (Stomoxys, sp.). Anatomy of proboscis of . 17I Stegomyia albomarginata, n. sp . 10 argenteopunctata . J4 \\ fascia la . 14 luteocephala, n. sp . . simpsoni . 14 Stephens (J. W. W.) and Newstead (R.) The anatomy of the proboscis of biting flies, Pt. II, Stomoxys . . 1 9 Two new human Cestodes and a Linguatulid . 549 Stomoxys, Anatomy of proboscis of...... *7» Native names for in Congo Free State .. . . . •••■" ^4 Trypanosomes in alimentary canal of . calcitrans . O „ life history of . 7° ,, in Liverpool . 5*9 omega, n. sp . gj- sitiens . . . . . F,' Strychnine sulphate. «£>“£££* somes . 277 followed by ” ” mercury . 279 Symbiotes communis cum cult . 97 Syphilide, The Frambesia OT 400 ^stlndies; The " - . g viii PAGE Taenia africana . 553 „ bremneri , n. sp . 55 1 ,, confusa . 553 ,, saginata . . . 553 „ solium . 553 Tatniorhynchus annetti . 2b „ aurites . 26 ,, lenax . 26 Tabauidre . 41 Tabanus albovenlralis , n. sp . 46 ,, billingtoni , n. sp . 46 ,, canus . 44 ,, dorsivitta . 44 fascial us . 14 ,, gabonetisis . 45 m g rat us . 45 » far . 45 „ pluto . 45 „ ru fifes . 45 „ tarsalis . 45 , unimaculatus . 40 ,, spp. incert . 48 ,, Native names of in Congo Free State . 54 licks. Description of two new species of African . 113 ,, Cist of species from Congo Free State . 98 Toads and frogs, Trypanosomes in ... 306 Tobey (E. N. and others). Concerning certain Parasitic Protozoa observed in Africa . 285 Todd (J. C. and others): — Insects and other Arthropoda collected in the Congo Free State . , A note on the Therapeutics of Trypanosomiasis . 161 Trypanosome transmission experiments . i99 Cattle Trypanosomiasis in the Congo Free State . 231 Concerning the treatment of experimental Trypano¬ somiasis . 2-~ Concerning certain Parasitic 7',,- ; Protozoa observer in Africa 4 ?q Toxorhynchttes marsh alii i . .. / oxorhynchitime . """ . |( Tortoises, Trypanosomes in . . . rrtah°d^0n, S'in Liv^ooi:h^1.°^^o?^..^ed:cine’ Irombidid* on horses at Kasongo 'oS Trypanosoma brucei . 20,, x6,f 27s, 4ft ” ’• treatment of Rats infected by . ,61 ” Results of an experi- . mental study on therapeutics of 27c ” morphology and A»/,,**multipllcation of 44i ” aimorfhon . 2_ ^™"'’Mor.Pho,ogy and multiplication of . Trypanosoma equiferdum . 446 „ gambicnse . 201, 217, 441 „ „ in proboscis of Glossina ... 217 „ „ morphology and life-cycle ... 441 „ inopinalum 307, 321 ,, karyoeeukton . 301 ., lewisi 224, 225, 226 ,, l orica turn . 223, 307, 306 „ „ description of 307 ,, „ vel cost at um ... 306 „ mega . 3°7 ,, noclua . 447 ,, rotatorium . 323 ,, sanguinis . 321 , 307 Trypanosome transmission experiments 199 Trypanosomes in proboscis of Glossina 217 „ Morphology of, in alimentary canal of Arthropoda . ,, in alimentary canal of Glossina palpalis ... 218 ,, in alimentary canal of Pedi cuius, sp . 220 ,, in alimentary canal of Stomoxys . 221 ,, in alimentary canal of Auchtneromyia luteola 222 ,, ingested bv insects ... 222 ,, iu birds . 29" ,, in bush fowl . 299 ,, in trumpeter hornbill— 300 ,, in reptilia . 3°3 ., in crocodiles . 3°5 ., in tortoises . 3°5 in mud fish . 335 Cytology of the . . 439 ,, Method of preparing and staining . 47° Trypanosomiasis, Note on the thera¬ peutics of . 1'11 ,, in Cattle, Congo Free State . 23' ,, The treatment of experimental . 273 Tsetse Flies (See also Glossina). „ „ Native names of in Congo Free State . 54 ,, ,, Field notes and bionomics of 60 ,, „ Observations on captive ••• $7 ,, ,, in Congo Free State, Distribution of, with map . 5*h '4 ,, ,, Protozoa (sp. non del.) in 34-’ Tsetse Fly, A new, from Tshumbiri ... 74 U ranotaenia balfouri . Walker (C. E.). Observations on the so-called Canary fever . 4‘>I Worms, Flat, On some, in the Museum of the School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool . 121 Yaws, The presence of Syphilis in the West Indies . 37' IX INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES NEW TO SCIENCE Protozoa Myxesforidium heibergi, Dutton, Todd and Tobey. Congo . 342 Sfirochaeta jonesi, Dutton, Todd and Tobey. Congo . 338 Trematuda Clonorchis , Looss . 148 Eurytrema, Looss . 127 Gastrodiscus sccundus , Looss. Assam 134 Cestoidea Dibothriocephal us parvus, Stephens. Tasmania . 549 Taenia bremneri, Stephens. Northern Nigeria . 551 Entomostraca : Cyclopidac Allheyella africana , Brady. West Africa . A22 Cyclops longistylis, Brady. West Africa . 4'9< 423 „ simillitnus, Brady. West Africa . 421, 424 „ varicoides, Brady. West Africa . 4>9i 423 1, virescens, Brady. West Africa . 42°> 424 Diapiomus innominatus , Brady. West Africa . 423 Ixodidac Rhipicepkalus duttoni, Neumann. Congo 115 » longus, Neumann. Congo 117 LlNGUATULIDiE Porocephalus pattoni, Stephens. India 553 Diptera .4 nisoscheleomyia quadrimaculata , Newstead. Congo . 32 Boycia, Newstead . 33 mimomyiaformis, Newstead. Congo . 34 Culex ti gripes consitnilis, Newstead. Congo . 23 ,, laurenti , Newstead. Congo . 24 ,, par, Newstead. Congo . 25 Duttoni a, Newstead . ,, africana, Newstead. Congo 20 ,, tarsal is, Newstead. Congo 18 Eretmapodites inornatus, Newstead. Congo . 12 Glossina maculata , Newstead. Congo... 73 Haematopota duttoni, Newstead. Congo 41 ,, trimaculata, Newstead. Congo . 42 Li po plena paradoxa, Newstead. Congo 91 Mimomyia africana, Newstead. Congo 2b „ malfeyti, Newstead. Congo . 29 Neomelaniconion palpale, Newstead. Congo 3' Stegomyia albomarginala, Newstead. Congo . ••• 0 leuteocephala, Newstead. Congo . S'tomoxvs omega, Newstead. Congo ... 37 Tabanus albovcntralis, Newstead. Congo 4 billingtoni, Newstead. Congo ^ # UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL February i, 1907 Series T.M. Vol, I. No. 1 Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology ISSUED BY THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE LIVERP3DLSCH0DL OF- TROPICAL rtPPICINE-aa ANNALS Edited by RONALD ROSS in collaboration with J. W. W. Stephens R. New stead J. L. Todd H. W. Thomas Anton Breinl Sir Rubert Boycf. LIVERPOOL : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN Price Seven Shillings and. Sixpence net Volume I February, 1907 No. x ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY ISSUED BY THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE Editor Professor RONALD ROSS, Major I.M.S. (Ret.), D.P.H., F.R.C.S., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., C.B. Jn Collaboration with ]. W. W. STEPHENS, M.D., Cantab, D.P.H. R. NEWSTEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S. J. L. TODD, B.A., M.D., C.M. McGill. H. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, M.D., C.M. McGill. ANTON BREINL, M.U.Dr. Professor Sir RUBERT BOYCE, M.B., F.R.S. ' ^ Y C. Tinting & Co., Ltd., Printers to the University Press of Liverpool, 53 Victoria Street THE INCORPORATED LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE (Affiliated with the University of Liverpool) Hon. President : Her Royal Highness PRINCESS CHRISTIAN Hon. Vice-President : The DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G COMMITTEE Chairman: Sir ALFRED L. JONES, K.C.M.G. Vice-Chairman : Mr. WILLIAM ADAMSON, President Royal Southern Hospital Vice-Chancellor DALE Mr. W. B. Bowring Dr. Caton Professor Sir Eubert Boyce, M.B., F.R.S. Professor SHERRINGTON, F.R.S. Dr. W. Alexander Professor CARTER, M.D. Mr. J. o. Strafford Mr. T. F. Harrison Mr. Charles Livingston Mr. A. R. Marshall Mr. W. Roberts Mr. Stanley Rogerson Mr. C. Booth (Jun.) Mr. A. F. Warr Mr. F. C. Danson University of Liverpool Council of University of Liverpool 1 Senate of University of Liverpool J ) Royal Southern Hospital Chamber of Commerce j Steamship Owners' Association - Shipowners’ Association West African Trade Association Mr. George Brocki.EHURST. Hon. Treasurer Mr. A. H. Milne, B.A., Hon. Secretary , B 10, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool Staff Professor Major RONALD ROSS, C.B., F.R.S., F.R.C.S., D.Sc., D.P.H. (Ind. Med. Serv. retired). Lecturer J. W. VV. STEPHENS, M.D. (Cantab.), D.P.H. Lecturer in Economic Entomology and Parasitology R. NEW STEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S. Professor of Comparative Pathology H. E. AN NETT, M.D., D.P.H. Physicians W. CARTER, M.D. , F.R.C.P. C. J. MACA LISTER, M.D., M.R.C.P. LLOYD ROBERTS, M.D., F.R.C.S. Royal Southern Hospital Surgeons W. ALEXANDER, M.D., F.R.C.S. R. JONES, F.R.C.S. (Edin.) 0. P. NEWBOLT, M. B. F.R.C.S. ! Royal Southern Hospital Director of ' I'ropical Research at Runcorn J. L. TODD, B.A., M.D., C.M. McGill Assistant Lecturers H. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, M.D., C.M. McGill ANTON BREINL, M.U.Dr. Prag Demonstrators and Research Assistants ALLAN KING HORN, M.B. Toronto E. N. TOBEY, A.B., A.M., M.D. Harvard J. W. B. HANINGTON, M.D., C.M. McGill Dean Professor Sir RUBERT BOYCE, M.B., F.R.S. Laboratory JOHNSTON TROPICAL LABORATORY, LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY Research Laboratory CROFTON LODGE, RUNCORN ROYAL Hospital SOUTHERN HOSPITAL, LIVERPOOL ^ Secretary's Office io, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL NOTICE Regarding the Courses of Instruction proposed to be given by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and the Examinations for the Diploma of Tropical Medicine arranged to be held by the University of Liverpool during 1907 (subject to such alteration as may hereinafter be decided upon), Lent Term begins January 15. Lent Examination, March 25. Summer Term begins May 1. Summer Examination, July 15. Autumn Term begins October 1. Autumn Examination, December 16. The full Course of Instruction is open to all qualified medical men, and the examination to all students who have taken out this full course. Fee for the full Course of Instruction Ten guineas. Fee for the Examination Five guineas. Fee for the use of a School microscope during one term Ten shillings. For prospectus and further information, application should be made to the Dean of the Medical Faculty, University of Liverpool. The following have obtained the Diploma in 1 ropical Medicine of the University of Liverpool : Date of Diploma 1906 Adie, Joseph Rosamond 1905 Anderson, Catherine Elmslie 1906 Arnold, Frank Arthur 1904 Augustine, Henry Joshua 1906 Bate, John Brabant 1904 Bennett, Arthur King »9°5 Brown, Alexander 1904 Bruce, William James Diploma in Tropical Medicine Date of Adie, Joseph Rosamond Brown, Alexander Bruce, William James Diploma 1004 Laurie, Robert ino^ Macfarlane, Robert Maxwell 1 noli Mackenzie, Donald Francis 1004 Machirkin, Alfred Robert 1005 Maddock, Edward Cecil Gor 1904 McConnell, Robert Ernest 1905 Moore, James Jackson ,nna Nicholson, James Edward Laurie, Robert Macfarlane, Robert Maxwell Mackenzie, Donald Francis Machirkin, Alfred Robert Maddock, Edward Cecil Gordon McConnell, Robert Ernest Moore, James Jackson Nicholson, James Edward mguuugaic, w“ — ■ Pailthorpe, Mary Elizabeth Palmer, Harold Thornbury Pearse, Alfred ,9°5 Critien, Attilio 1904 Dalziel, John McEwen 1904 Dee, Peter 1906 Dundas, James 1906 Faichnie, Norman *9°4 Greenidge, Oliver Campbell ,9°4 Hebir, Patrick 1905 Hooton, Alfred •9°5 Hudson, Charles Tilson '9°5 IBington, Edmund Moritz 1906 Jefferys, Herbert Castelman •9°4 Khan, Saiduzzafor Critien, Attilio Dalziel, John McEwen Dee, Peter Dundas, James Faichnie, Norman Greenidge, Oliver Campbell Thomson, Frank Wyville Tynan, Edward Joseph Walker, George Francis Clegg Watson, Cecil Francis Willcocks, Roger Durant Williamson, George Alexander Young, John Cameron 1906 Willcocks, Roger Durant ioo6 Williamson, George Alex ,905 Young, John Cameron EDITORIAL NOTICE By order of the Committee of the Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the series of the Reports of the School, which have been issued since 1899, will be followed, from January 1, 1907, by the Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, of which this is the first number. The Annals are issued by the Committee of the School, and will contain all such matter as was formerly printed in the Reports that is to say, accounts of the various expeditions of the School and of the scientific work done in its laboratories at the University of Liverpool and at Runcorn. Altogether twenty-one Memoirs, besides other works, have been published by the School since 1899, and of these ten, containing 519 quarto or octavo pages and 95 plates and figures, were published during the two years 1904 and 1905 ; and there is no reason to suppose that this rate of production by the workers of the School alone will diminish in the future. In addition, however, to School work, original articles from outside on any subject connected with Tropical Medicine or Hygiene may be published if foun suitable (see notice on back of cover) ; so that, in all probability, not less than four numbers of the Annals will be issued annually. Eac number will be brought out when material sufficient foi it has accumulated. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS OF LIVERPOOL Publications of the Liverpool School oi 1 ropical Medicine MEMOIR I Malarial Fever: its Cause, Prevention, and Treatment (1903). Con¬ taining full Details for the use of Travellers, Sportsmen, Soldiers, and Residents in Malarious Places. By Ronald Ross. C.B., F.R.S., F.R.C.S, With Frontispiece and Plate. 8vo. 2s. 6d. MEMOIR II Report of the Malaria Expedition to Sierra Leone (1899). L>\ Ronald Ross, D.P.H., M.R.C.S., H. E. Annf.tt, M.B., D.P.H., and E. E. Austen. Being a full account of the first expedition of the School, and containing besides much matter relating to the parasites of malaria, to the gnats which cari\ them, a embodying some previous observations of Major Ross in India. Illustrated by our maps and five full-page collotypes. Quarto. Price 21s. MEMOIR III Report of the Malaria Expedition to Nigeria (1900). By H. L- Anne , I D., D.P.H., the late J. Everett Dutton, M.B., Ch.B., and J. H. Ellioh, i ’art 1. Malarial Fever, etc. Giving a full account of the expedition, with numerous ievvs in the text, charts, maps, and two plates, and containing muci mater eneral importance. Quarto. Price 10s. 6d. MEMOIR IV Report of the Malaria Expedition to Nigeria (1900). By th uthors. Part 11. Filariasis. Containing many new observations upon 1 iirds, with numerous illustrations and nineteen plates, five o w 1C 1 *re nd give the microscopical anatomy of the head of Anopheles costahs (by L Dutton). Quarto. Out of print MEMOIR V, PART 1 *rst Progress Report of the Campaign against “ 5ierra Leone (1901). By Major R. Ross, F. ■ ■ - Cam ign, with a letter October, igoi, giving details of the commencemen price Ig r°m Dr. Daniels regarding the results arrived at to date. . — ^%f&rtsssr£ 'ierra Leone. By M. Logan Taylor, MB., clatea Jrice is. MEMOIR VII Report of the Yellow Fever Expedition to Para (1900). By H. E. Durham, M.B., F.R.C.S., and the late Walter Myers, M.B. (Dr. Walter Myers died of Yellow Fever whilst serving on this expedition). (Quarto. Price 7s. 6d. MEMOIR VIII Report on the Sanitary Condition of Cape Coast Town (1902). With suggestions as to improvement of same, by M. Logan Taylor, M.B,Ch.B. 8vo. Price is. MEMOIR IX. Report on Malaria at Ismailia and Suez (1903). By Ronald Ross, F.R.C.S., D.P.H., F.R.S., C.B. 8vo. Price is. MEMOIR X Report of the Malaria Expedition to the Gambia (1902). By the late J. E. Dutton, M.B., Ch.B. Quarto. Price 10s. 6d. nett. MEMOIR XI First Report of the Trypanosomiasis Expedition to Senegambia (1902). By the late J. Everett Dutton, M.B., Ch.B., Viet., and John L. Todd, A ' M L) » C M-> McGill. Quarto. Price 10s. 6d. nett. MEMOIR XII At tjT.he Antl'Malaria Measures at Ismailia (1904). Bv Elbert Boyce, M.B., F.R.S. Price is. All 1 Bv P°rts the trypanosomiasis Expedition to the Congo (i903-i9°4)* CHR QTe ™ J* Everett Dutton, M.B., John L. Todd, M.D., and Cuthbert Christy, M.D. Quarto. Price 15s. MEMOIR XIV Bathurst V11 tihC Sanitatlon and Anti Malarial Measures in practice m A-tTsv^1 c f 1™'°™ (I9°5)- BV RlBER ' BO'CE' M B" F ES' Eight plates. Price 53 ^ Cl"'RKE' M A - BC- Cantab' Gen o MEMOIR XV Goldfields nn iai^tati°n • 3nd Anti-Malarial Measures in Sekondi, the European umassL and a comparison between the conditions of nett. ence in India. By Lieut.-Colonel Giles. Quarto. Price 7s. 6d. Try, a MEMOIR XVI and Treatment T^yPanosomiasis, and Sleeping Sickness: Pathology M.U.Dr., pra«r ' . olferstan Thomas, M.D., McGill, and Anton Breini- r o. plates (5 coloured) and 7 charts. Price 12s. 6d. nett- Gland Puncture in Trypanosomiasis. By the late J. Everett Dutton, M.B., Viet., and John L. Todd, B.A., M.D., McGill Two charts and one figure. MEMOIR XVII The Nature of Human Tick-Fever in the Eastern part of the Congo Free State. By the late J. Everett Dutton, M.B., and John L. Todd, B.A., M.D., McGill. Quarto. With map, four plates, and nine temperature charts. Price 7s. 6d. nett. On the External Anatomy of Oruithodoros inoubata. By R. Newstead, A.L.S., F.E.S. With two plates. MEMOIR XVIII I. Gland Palpation in Human Trypanosomiasis; and II. The Distribution and Spread of 4 Sleeping Sickness ’ in the Congo Free State. By the late J. Everett Dutton, M.B., and John L. Todd, B.A., M.D., C.M., McGill. With four maps (2 colours) and four plates. III. A New Dermanyssid Acarid. By R. Newstead, A.L.S., EL. S., and John L. Todd, B.A., M.I)., C.M., McGill. With one plate. IV. Another New Dermanyssid Acarid. By R. Newstead, A.L.S., KH.S. With one plate. V. Anatomy of the Proboscis of Biting Flies. By J. W. W. Stephens, M.D., Cantab., and R. Newstead, A.L.S., F.E.S. With six plates. Imp. 8vo. Price 7s. 6d. nett. MEMOIR XIX Yellow Fever Prophylaxis in New Orleans in 1905. By Robert Boyce, M.B., F.R.S. Imp. 8vo. Maps and six plates. Price 5s. nett. MEMOIR XX I. La prophylaxie de la Malaria dans les piincipaux Post IndVendant du Congo. By the late J. Everett Dot o , ^ and John L. Toon, B.A.. M.D. With four maps and four dlustranons. II. The Animal Reactions of the Spirochteta of African ' Tick Fever. By Anton Breinl, M.D., and A. Kinghorn, ... HI. The Specific Nature of the Spirochaeta of African 4 Tick By Anton Breinl, M.D. Imp. 8vo. Price 5®- nett‘ MEMOIR XXI I The Runcorn Research Laboratories of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. With five plates. II. An Experimental Study of the Spirochaete of the African Tick Fever ( Spirochaeta duttoni). By Anton Breinl, MX. Dr., and Allan Kinghorn, M.B. With one figure and ten charts. III. A Note on a New Spirochaete found in a Mouse. By the same authors. With one figure. IV. Comparison between the Trypanosomes Present by Day and by Night in the Peripheral Blood of Cases of Human Trypano¬ somiasis. By the late J. Everett Dutton, M.B., John L. Todd, B.A., M.D., C.M., and E. N. Tobey, A.B., A.M., M.D. V. The Lesions in the Lymphatic Glands in Human Trypanosomiasis, By R. Howard Mole, M.D. With two plates. VI. Concerning certain Parasitic Protozoa observed in Africa. l!y the late J. Everf.tt Dutton, M.B., John L. Todd, B.A., M.D., C M , and E. N. Tobey, A.B., A.M., M.D. With two figures and one coloured plate. VII. Attempts to Cultivate Spirochaeta duttoni. By Lewis A. Williams, M.D., D.P.H., and R. Stenhouse Williams, M.B., D.P.H. VIII. Attempts to Transmit Spirochaetes by the Bites of Chius- Icctularius. By Anton Breinl, M.U.Dr., Allan Kinghorn, M B-, and John L. Todd, B.A., M.D. Imp. 8vo. Price 7s. 6d nett. TEXT BOOK The Practical Study of Malaria and other Blood Parasites. By J. W. W. Stephens, M.D., Cantab., D.P.H., and S. R. Chris iophers, M.B., Viet., I M.S. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, with six coloured plates and one hundred and three illustrations in the text.' Svo. Price 12s. 6d. nett. MISCELLANEOUS Notes on Sanitary Conditions obtaining in Para (1901). By the Members of (1901) The Yellow Fever Expedition. Price is. The Habits of the Marine Mosquito. By Surgeon Ross, R.N. Price is. Published for I he Committee of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine WILLIAMS & NORGATE H Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. I 906 CONTENTS PAG.1 NEWSTEAD. R. ; DUTTON, J. E. and TODD, J. L. Insects and other Arthropoda collected in the Congo Free State. Plates I-VI ... ... *1 .... . \ NEUMANN, G. Description of two new species of African Ticks ... uj LOOSS, A. On some Parasites in the Museum of the School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool. Plates VII-IX ... I2, CARTER, R. MARKHAM. I he Presence of Spirochaeta duttoni in the Ova of Ornithodoros moubata. Plate X ... I5- MUOKE, BENJ. : NIKRBNSTEIN, M„ a.nd TOD D, J. L. ■V Note on the Therapeutics of Trypanosomiasis ... t6i NOTICE payfbl^dvwe1™ thf Secret P6r aDnUm' post frt Medicine a ™ c u Sretary’ Liverpool School of Tropic; numbers a, least S^ShT'^ BU,?.dinSSl LiverP°<*- Separat advertisements should a, so SST ™i “Cepted' found from an; contrary ,s w m h ^ ** *»*»*«“: a*d -less thi Annals. They siIm 1, “derstood be offered alone to the* Tropical Medicine and Paras* addre!!ed t0 the Editor, Annals o rejected, the article will be ° °fV’ rhe Univei'5ity> Liverpool. I: P«t to the address given bv the Ur^d ** r°°a ** possible b> regisfered notified to him tmdlhe artirl Kr °u ^ lt ‘S accepted' *he fact will be number The ^ ^ reprints of his work on its „ m receive, free of charge, fifty When he sends his paper prDV,ded that he «ks for them supplied at cost price ? ’ ddltl°nnl copies, if required, will be UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL June 15, 1907 LiVERPaOLSQHODL OP TROPICAL VAPPICINErDD : : '■V m ’ ANNALS Edited by RONALD ROSS in collaboration with J. *W. W. Stephens R. Newsteao J. L. Todd H. W. Thomas Anton Bkeikl Sir Robert Boyce Series. T.M. Vol. I. No. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology * ISSUED BY THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE LONDON: WILLIAMS & NORGATE* 1+ sm Price Seven Shillings and Sixpence net Volume I June, 1907 No. 2 ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY ISSUED BY THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE Editor Professor RONALD ROSS, Major I.M.S. (Ret.), D.P.H., F.R.C.S., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., C.B. In Collaboration with j. W. W. STEPHENS, M.D., Cantab., D.P.H. R. NEWSTEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S. J. L. TODD, B.A., M.D., C.M. McGill. H. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, M.D., C.M. McGill ANTON BREINL, M.U.Dr. Professor Sir RUBERT BOYCE, M.B., F.R.S. C. 7 'in ling d- Co., ltd. Printers to the University Press of / '■ <'/ 53 Victoria Street THK INCORPORATED LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE (Affiliated with the University of Liverpool) II n. President : Her Royal Highness Princess Christian II, >n. Vice-President : The Duke OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G. COMMITTEE Chairman : Sir ALFRED L. Jones, K.C.M.G. 1 uc-Cluiirinaii : Mr. WILLIAM ADAMSON, President Royal Southern Hospital U n iversity of L iverpool Council of University of Liverpool ( Vice-Chancellor Dale Mr. VV. B. Bowring Dr. Caton l Sil Rl BER I IS- D 1 E, ) M B., F.R.S, Senate of University of Liverpool Professor Sherrington, F.R.S. I Royal Southern Hospital Dr. w. Alexander ) Professor CARTER, M.D. j Mr. J. o. Strafford Mr T. F. Harrison ) Mr. Charles Livingston ) Mr. A. R. Marshall ) Mr W. Roberts ) Mr Stanley Rogerson Mr C. Booth (Jun.) Mr A F. Warr Mr. F C Danson Mr George BRO< KLEHURST, Hon. treasurer Chamber of Commerce Steamship Owners Association Shipowners' A ssociation West African Trade Association Mr A I-I. Milne, B.A., Hon. Secretary, B 10, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool Staff Professor .Major RONALD ROSS, C.B., F.R.S., F.R.C.S., l).Sc., D.P.H. (Ind. Med. Serv. retired). Lecturer J. W. VV. STEPHENS, M.D. (Cantab.), D.P.H. Lecturer in Economic Entomology and Parasitology R. N EYVSTEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S. Professor of Comparative Pathology H. E. AN NETT, M.D., D.P.H. i a \ au in /a VV. CARTER, M.D. , F.R.C.P. | C. J. MACALISTER, M.D., M.R.C.P. Southern LLOYD ROBERTS, M.D., F.R.C.S. ) P Surgeons W. ALEXANDER, M.D., F.R.C.S. , i\ . JONES, F. R . C. S. ( Edi.N. ) Royal Southern G. P. NEW BOLT, M.B., F.R.C.S. ! Hospital Director of 7 ropical Research at Runcorn ANTON BREINL, M.U.Dr.. Prag Assistant Lecturers H. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, M.D., C.M. McGill AMO N 13 R E I N L, M.U.Dr. Prag Demonstrators and Research Assistants V tLL4,Nu1KwNGH0KN’ M-B. Toronto IL'wN-,10^tV,A B ’ A M* M.D. Harvard J- W. B. HANING 1 ON, M.D., C.M. McGill Dean Iroiessor SirRUBERT BOYCE, M.B., F.R.S. ,nLI, _ _ Laboratory ON 1 ROPICAL LABORATORY, LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY Research Laboratory CROFTON LODGE, RUNCORN Royal SOUTHERN HOSPITAL, LIVERPOOL * LIVERPOOL NOTICE Regarding the Courses of Instruction proposed to be given by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and the Examinations for the Diploma of Tropical Medicine arranged to be held by the University of Liverpool during 1907 (subject to such alteration as may hereinafter be decided upon), Lent Term begins January 15. Lent Examination, March 25. Summer Term begins May 1. Summer Examination, July 15. Autumn Term begins October 1. Autumn Examination, December 16. The full Course of Instruction is open to all qualified medical men, and the examination to all students who have taken out this full course. l ee for the full Course of Instruction Ten guineas. Fee for the Examination Five guineas. Fee for the use of a School microscope during one term— len shillings. For prospectus and further information, application should be made to the Dean of the Medical Faculty, University of Liverpool. Hie following have obtained the Diploma in I ropical Medicine of die University of Liverpool : Diploma in L ropical Medicine Hate of Diploma 1906 Adie, Joseph Rosamond '905 Anderson, Catherine Klmslie 190(1 Arnold, Frank Arthur '9°4 Augustine, Henry Joshua '906 Kate, John Brabant 1904 Bennett, Arthur King *907 Bond, Ashton >905 Brown, Alexander ‘9°4 Bruce, William James '904 Bvrne, John Scott '9°5 Caldwell, Thomas Cathcart '9°ft Chisholm, Janies Alexander *9°4 Clayton, Thomas Morrison '9°S Critien, Attilio '9°4 Dalziel, John McKwen >9°4 Dee, Peter 1900 Dundas, James 1906 Faichnie, Norman 1907 Fell, Matthew Henry Gregson *9°4 C.reenidge, Oliver Campbell '9°4 Hehir, Patrick ■9°5 Hooton, Alfred ’9°5 Hudson, Charles Tilson ■9°5 lllington, Edmund Moritz '9°ft Jeffreys, Herbert Castelman ,9°7 Kennan, Richard Henry •9°7 Kenrick, William Hamilton Dale of Diploma ig Tj payable m advance to the Secret* SjXPenCe per annum. P°s> free Medicine, B i0 Exchange ag’ L,verp°<>I School of Tropica! '■umbers al Six Shillings each ^r L,Verpo0,• advert.sen.ents should also be addressed source. Th°y it found su,tabie' fr°m contrary is stated, will be underin ? tj'pewntten : and unless the Auuals. Jbey should alway5 be ad? ‘° be olfer'd alone to these Tropical Medicine and Parasitolnl ?! t0 the Editor- Annals of 1 ejected, the art.de will be returned*!’ University- Liverpool. If posuo the address given by the authn ?°n 35 possible by registered nobned to him and the article published f “ * “Z*#® U,e fact «® '■* .. o ■» i P r-M b * its UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL Kflvcmter 9, 1907 Series T. .1 1 IVtRPGDLSCHODL |0F TROPICAL IrtPPICINE-na ANNALS Edited by DONALD ROSS ,B Elaboration with )• K SnpmNS * NtwntAn J- L. Tom, Thomas Ahtoj, Butra Su Rt««t Boyce Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Tttt 1 , ISSUED BY ; “00L SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICIN1-; ““*• "uJKSLr * ««. m. NORGATE, I4 HENRIETTA Pnce Se*en Skilli street, covent garden lngs and Sixpence net Qlntiofaftone SBRl'M I HKKAI’V n.- : irom Brand Si rum* arc prepared 1 ! . ».i o! Research Labora? - - v l- •! ! . «-h:< \\ was .n pioneer in the i* *' ’i*" : in the liiitish Empire and • • ’i 1 • 1 w«>nuined a foremost position. i .ii H« ’A.. ,»• ,'iiw. ir Co. act as distributing *. ,u 1 ' 1 i' "Jocu* prepared at these I jhu4ionc% H ' 1 "• \irmoVK Sf HiM CWelucomk’), n, icoo (,1 UrlKh Retiring) units, 1 uni: : ) ■ 3000 units, ; 4000 ,‘r •. tiV/t j.i -phials containing looo a* tkfi'mg) in * c.r,, • <) ; 2000 units • 1 o Ur>it\ in •, c.c., 8 ; 4000 units 1,1 . $c«0< units in y t « , 13 6; 6000 Socc unit in 8 c.c., 23/-; ••*'* 'o <* • . 27 jier phial. Asn- 1 «• (‘W ti t.co.MK.'), from aMttnriicii oga.rnt . typical members of ” fWft IftcaiJi : of peritonitis c : in pbiaU containing 35 c.c.., ' ' l1™ } but. ANTI-STREPTOCOC- 1 v iN: (‘WriLcoitf), from ^ ii « rut « iltures of streptococci * - ’ 1 '■< **urccs, in the following ' r » mc^rikt Fkvkr, Piter fl " R»m w»nc 1 r.vnt, SEPTICEMIA, A l I OR At IV R hNnOCAR- ' 1 1 . AAlMn#, 1C .. 2/9; 25 c.c., • ' ■ I*' !‘ - • AWTI-OVSBHTERy 1s **-*1 * » '. m pi nuts containing 35 c.c., • • venom Serum * • ' *x • J> j 1 (1 main mg 25 c.c,, 11/.:; **• -** V k«u. Hosss Sm'M* Vrui < ntammg 10 c.c, r/-: . • ;I.IU - U ! <** W. •(Kalij phiaU MrvllraJ Uiwy BtCTMIOLOGt ANh ANALYSIS m-ii t.nakcn bj Burroughs j y A Ce c~ u 1 ;:o^ the essentials of «•'« -,i iLf wnhr. th< fV4Ch of the bus)’ k • ^ uii rotynised. The 4 b caie*, here ilius- r - b»rdi cornet form the ' • f * *„• . i'4 ucnaK 4 conducting '*■ 1. »' nnr i-^aivT) and urine analysis ♦» < f TW .mi me and tight weight of 4 *M '-".i (<* bedside .use. "i\* tin lUcimjoutaiCAL Case m U--4 • «* - iNnc «iap)«fed bottles, con- - j»i >4 ^ .H«t, 1 dun., absolute ! — »S A -».* 9°7 Allan, Alexander Smith '907 Allwood, James Aldred >905 Anderson, Catherine Elmslie 1906 Arnold, Frank Arthur 1904 Augustine, Henry Joshua 1906 Hate, John Rrabant 1904 Bennett, Arthur King 1906 Bennetts, Harold Graves 1907 Bond, Ashton 1907 Branch, Stanley 1905 Brown, Alexander 1904 Bruce, William James 1904 Byrne, John Scott 1905 Caldwell, Thomas Cathcart 1906 Carter, Robert Markham 1906 Chisholm, James Alexander 1904 Clayton, Thomas Morrison 1906 Clements, Robert William 1907 Collinson, Walter Julius 1905 Critien, Attilio 1904 Dalziel, John McEwen 1904 Dee, Peter 1907 Donaldson, Anson Scott 1906 Dundas, James 1906 Faichnie, Norman 1907 Fell, Matthew Henry Gregson 1907 Graham, James Drummond 1904 Greenidge, Oliver Campbell 1904 Hehir, Patrick 1907 iliscock, Robert Carroll 1905 Hooton, Alfred 1905 Hudson, Charles Tilson 190s Hlington, Edmund Moritz 190b Jeffreys, Herbert Castelman Dale of Diploma 1907 Kennan, Richard Henry 1907 Kenrick, William Hamilton 1904 Khan, Saiduzzafor 1904 Laurie, Robert 1907 Le Fanu, George Ernest Hugh 1905 Macfarlane, Robert Maxwell 1906 Mackenzie, Donald Francis 1904 Maclurkin, Alfred Robert 1905 Maddock, Edward Cecil Gordon 1907 Maddox, Ralph Henry 1907 McCarthy, John McDonald 1904 McConnell, Robert Ernest 1905 Moore, James Jackson 1904 Nicholson, James Edward 1905 Nightingale, Samuel Shore 1906 Pailthorpe, Mary Elizabeth 1906 Palmer, Harold Thornbury 1906 Pearse, Albert 1904 Philipson, Nicholas ,905 Radcliffe, Percy Alexander Hurst 1907 Ryan, Joseph Charles 1906 Sampey, Alexander William 1904 Sharman, Eric Harding 1906 Smithson, Arthur Ernest 1906 Taylor, Joseph van Someron 1906 Taylor, William Irwin 1904 Thomson, Frank Wyville 1906 Tynan, Edward Joseph 1907 Vallance, Hugh 1904 Walker, George Francis Clegg 1906 Watson, Cecil Francis 1906 Willcocks, Roger Durant 1906 Williamson, George Alexander 1905 Young, John Cameron EDITORIAL NOTICE By order of the Committee of the Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the series of the Reports of the School, which have been issued since 1899, will be followed, from January 1, I9°7> by the Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, of which this is the third number. The Annals are issued by the Committee of the School, and will contain all such matter as was formerly printed in the Reports— that is to say, accounts of the various expeditions of the School and of the scientific work done in its laboratories at the University of Liverp and at Runcorn. Altogether twenty-one Memoirs, besides other works, have been published by the School since 1899, and of these ten, containing 519 quarto or octavo pages and 95 plates and gures, u,PrP nnKl.'eViMl ftnrma the t wo vears 1004 and 1905 ; and there is no less than four numbers of th number will be brought out accumulated. . HOWARDS & SONS In addition to the Salts of Quinine more commonly used, manufacture the following Soluble Salts : Percentage of the Solubility in Alkaloid in the Salt Cold Water Quinine Bihydrochlor - 72 o % 1 Rteomminried by medioal men with special experience In the Tropics as THE BEST QUININE SALT for administration when febrile symptoms aro presont. Quinine Bihydrobrom Quinine Lactate - Quinine Hydrochlorosulph N.B.— Compare with Quinine Sulph. 60 0 % 7 78-2 ° „ 10 74'3 % 2 73‘S % 800 HOWARDS' QUININE TABLETS are noted not Salts contained, but also for their extremely accurate dosaee. This is an important detail too often neglected, as experiments will prove. STRATFORD, LONDON, E. an TEXT BOOK The Practical Study of Malaria and other Blood Parasites BY J. w. W. STEPHENS, M.D. Cantab., D.P.H. AND S. R. CHRISTOPHERS, M.B. Vict., I.M-S. Second Ed.tion, revised and enlarged, col^plare* and to3 illustrations in the text. 8vo. Price i». 6d. nett. WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 Henrietta Street, London, E.C. CONTENTS Kg*?1'- page DUTTON, J. If., TODD, J. L., and TOBEY, E. N. Concerning certain Parasitic Protozoa observed in Africa... ... ... ... ... ... ... 285 BRANCH, C. W. Yaws . . ... 371 GRAHAM, W. M. A Description of some Gold Coast Entomostraca ... 415 BRADY, G. S. Notes on Dr. Graham’s Collection of Cyclopidae from the African Gold Coast ... ... v. G ... 423 BKEINL, A. On the Morphology and Life History of Spirochada duttoni SALVIN-MOORE, J. E., and BREINL, A. I he Cytology1 of the Trypanosomes 433 439 NOTICE Subscription : I en Shillings and Sixpence per annum, post free, payable in advance to the Secretary, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, B 10 Exchange Buildings, Liverpool. Separate numbers at least Six Shillings each. Correspondence concerning advertisements should also be addressed to the Secretary. Articles for Publication are accepted, if found suitable, from any 1 hey should, if possible, be typewritten; and unless the contrary is stated, will be understood to be offered alone to these t™?-5' 1 aV1!?- Sh°uId aIvvays be addressed to the Editor, Annals of , P‘Cal MediClne and Parasitology, The University, Liverpool. If dosMoi! tUl aiticle wdl be returned as soon as possible by registered noLifi,>H ? • rCSb &iven by die auth°r. If it is accepted, the fact will be ° U'!! and the artlcle Published, if possible, in the forthcoming “ r »The auth°r. is entitled to receive, free of charge, fifty whpn K ° 1S,W°rk on its publication, provided that he asks for them ^pphefatcostprice^"' Addit‘°na! j§|$ if UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL V. | February 29, 1908 Scries T.M. Vol. I. No. 4 LiVERFGDLSCHODL OP TROPICAL /nePICINp-DD ANNALS Edited by RONALD ROSS in collaboration with J. \Y. W. Stephens R. Newstead J. L. Todd H. W. Thomas Aston Breinl Sir Robert Boyce Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology ISSUED BY THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE I LIVERPOOL : AT THE UNIVERSITY ^ ^ uTTxrn IFTTA STREET, COVENT GAKUE-in LONDON: WILLIAMS ft NORGATE, 14 HLNR Price Seven Shillings and Sixpence net Tisf ‘ T A B L OI D ’ B«nd PLEATED COMPRESSED DRESSINGS Originated and introduced by B. W. & Co., they are made of materials of the finest quality and are unique in compact- • ness and portability. [oa»hMit *otuai Although occupying a minimum of space they can be unfolded as easily as the ordinary bulky Dressings. STERILISED DRESSINGS A further important advance originated by B. W. & Co. is the issue of these Dressings — Sterilised. Each carefully sterilised and enclosed in a sterilised impervious covering. ABRIDGED LIST Bandages, ‘Tabloid’ ove, flannel, and Triangular (Esmarch’s Pictorial) Absorbent Cotton Wool, ‘Tabloid’ ...ho Plain, Boric, Double Cyanide 3%, and Iodoform Absorbent Cotton Wool between Gauze, ‘Tabloid’ ..... Absorbent Gauze, ‘Tabloid’ ...„0 Plain, Boric, Double Cyanide 3%, Iodoform, and Sal Alembroth 1% Ltnt, ‘Tabloid’ Plain, Boric, and Carbolised Tow. ‘Tabloid’ . . . n 0 Carbolised When ordering, please specify STERILISED, if so dssirsd See B. W. & Co.’s Price List for prices and details Burroughs Wellcome & Co., London (Eng.) rG”Ckti • NEW YOR K AlONTREAL SYDNEY CAPE TQWN BANDAGES an opa..o« iaadije • Tabloid' Bandage F 306 [cormam Volume I February, 1908 No. 4 ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY ISSUED BY THE LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE Editor Professor RONALD ROSS, Major I.M.S. (Ret.), D.P.H., F.R.C.S D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., C.B. In Collaboration ■ with j. W. W. STEPHENS, M.D., Cantab., D.P.H. R. NEWSTEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S. J. L. TODD, B.A., M.D., C.M. McGill. H. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, M.D., C.M. McGill ANTON BREINL, M.U.Dr. Professor S,r RUBERT BOYCE, MB., F.R.S. & APR 19 1909 C. Tinting <5r> Co., Ltd. Printers to the University Press of Liverpool 53 Victoria Street THE INCORPORATED LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE (Affiliated with the University of Liverpool) Hon. President : Her Royal Highness PRINCESS CHRISTIAN Hon. Vice-Presidents : The Duke OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G. Earl Cromer, G.C.B. COMMITTEE Chairman : Sir ALFRED L. JONES, K.C.M.G. Vice-Chairman : Mr. WILLIAM ADAMSON, President Royal Southern Hospital Hon. Treasurer Vice-Chancellor Dale Sir W. B. Bowring, Bart. Dr. CATON Professor Sir RUBERT BOYCE, M.B., F.R.S. Professor SHERRINGTON, F.R.S. Dr. W. Alexander Dr. C. J. Macalister Mr. J. O. Strafford Mr. T. F. Harrison Mr. Charles Livingston Mr. A. R. Marshall Mr. W. Roberts Mr. Stanley Rogerson Mr. C. Booth (Jun.) Mr. A. F. Warr Mr. F. C. Danson Mr. George Brocklehurst Mr. J. W. W. Danson Lord Stanley, K.C.V.O. University of Liverpool Council of University of Liverpool Senate of University of Liverpool Royal Southern Llosjntal Chamber of Commerce j Steamship Owners' Association Shipowners' Association ]\’cst African Trade Association ) Mr A. H. Milne, B.A., Secretary, B io. Exchange Buildings. Liverpool Staff Professor Major RONALD ROSS, C.B., F.R.S., F.R.C.S., D.Sc. D.P.H. (Ind. Med. Serv. retired). Lecturer J. YV. YV. STEPHENS, M.D. (Cantab.), D.P.H. Lecturer in Economic Entomology and Parasitology R. NEWSTEAD, A.L.S., F.E.S. Physicians Major RONALD ROSS, C.B., F.R.S., etc. ) C. J. MACALISTER, M.D., M.R.C.P. s LLOYD ROBERTS, M.D., F.R.C.S. ) Surgeons YV. ALEXANDER, M.D.', F.R.C.S. | R. JONES, F.R.C.S. (EdiN.) Royal South*™ G. I>. NEWBOLT, M.B., F.R.C.S. j Hosf,i,u Honorary Lecturers H. E. AN NETT, M.D., D.P.H. ... Professor of Comparative Pathology W. 1. PROUT, M.B., C.M.G C. E. WALKER, F.L.S. Assistant Director of Cancer Research Major C. L. WILLIAMS, M.I)., D.P.H. (Ind. Med. Serv. retii ud t Runcorn Research Laboratories Rrs : ANT0N BREINL. M.U.Dr.. Pkao Hull Demom^rator: M. NIERENSTEIN. Ph P kesearch Assistant : ED. HINDLE, A.R.C.S. (Lond)- On Expeditions Vi tVamL£?RSTAN ™OMAS, M.D., C..M. ALLAN KINGHORN, M.B. L- MONTGOMERY, M.R.C.V.S. Wa»JX’xt2^RRATT’ AI D-. D.Sc. (Lond.) YVARRINGTON YORKE, M.D. Dean Rofessor SirRUBERT BOYCE, M.B., F.R.S- JOHNSTON TROPICAl'laboratORY, L1VER^oL UNIVERSITY Research Laboratory CROFTON LODGE, RUNCORN Hospital °VAL SOUTHERN HOSPITAL, LIVERPO^1' ,, Secretary's Office EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. LIVERPOOL NOTICE Regarding the Courses oi Instruction proposed to be given by the Liverpool School of 1 ropical Medicine, and the Examinations for the Diploma of Tropical Medicine arranged to be held by the University of Liverpool during 1908 (subject to such alteration as may hereinafter be decided upon), Lent Term begins January 14. Lent Examination, March 23. Summer Term begins May 1. Summer Examination, July 13. Autumn Term begins October 1. Autumn Examination, December 14 The full Course of Instruction is open to all qualified medical men, and the examination to all students who have taken out this full course. Fee for the full Course of Instruction Ten guineas. Fee for the Examination Five guineas. Fee for the use of a School microscope during one term — Ten shillings. For prospectus and further information, application should be made to the Dean of the Medical Faculty, l ni versify of Liverpool. The following have obtained the Diploma in I ropical Medicine of the University of Liverpool : Diploma in Tropical Medicine Date of Diploma 1906 Atlie, Joseph Rosamond 1907 Allan, Alexander Smith 1907 Allwood, James Aldred 1905 Anderson, Catherine Klmslie 1906 Arnold, Frank Arthur 1904 Augustine, Henry Joshua 1906 Bate, John Brabant 1904 Bennett, Arthur King 1906 Bennetts, Harold Graves 1907 Bond, Ashton 1907 Branch, Stanley 1905 Brown, Alexander 1904 Bruce, William James 1904 Byrne, John Scott 1905 Caldwell, Thomas Cathcart IfinA f‘or»or nKort \f arlfhaill Date of Diploma 1007 Keane, Joseph Gerald 1907 Kennan, Richard Henry 1907 Kenrick, William Hamilton 1904 Khan, Saiduzzafor Keane, Joseph Gerald Kennan, Richard Henry isennaii, muuuu **„.*._, Kenrick, William Hamilton Khan, Saiduzzafor Mackenzie, Donald Francis n.)ot) Mackenzie, Donald Francis Cd I U : 1. \i i? i : !;:?«• ; P. ill -,vr,: ^!p i •it . ;• . . : ■ > ty ■ ■. ■ : > . • ; ■ ■ ‘ fifc ■■ ~ ; p : mmmmm 'At- . . - .--.• Stt;