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Printed by ; VANDERPOOL AND COLE, 104 Beekman-street. |


New-York, March 6, 1826. _

In behalf of the Lyceum of Natural History we respectfully request of you, for publi- cation, a copy of the Address delivered at the



Anniversary meeting. J. Van RenssELagr,

, F, G. Kine, Committee. Joun J. Graves, 3

To J. E. De Kay, M.D.


Tue progress made by our countrymen in those departments of knowledge which are more immediately connected with the wants of society, has been the theme of frequent discussion. That such progress has ac- tually been made, is too obvious to be denied; and those who have been unwill- ingly constrained to admit its truth, have assigned other causes than are to be found in the active, enterprising spirit of our citi- zens, happily co-operating with the genius of our free political institutions. It has ac- cordingly been urged that the strong stimu-_ lus of necessity, and a thirst for personal wealth and aggrandizement, have led to these results. Let us then inquire whether those sciences which are considered rather

6 as ornate than useful, and which are evi- dently unconnected with personal advan- tages, let us examine whether these have not also received a proportionate share of attention from our countrymen.

On the present occasion it is proposed to give a brief outline of the progress and pre- sent state of the Natural Sciences in the United States. Such occasional exhibitions are something more than mere appeals to national vanity. ‘They are consonant with the usages of other nations, and if faithfully executed, are not always flattering to na- tional pride. ‘They become useful records of the labours of our cotemporaries, may

indicate sources of information which might be overlooked by the inquirer, and often serve as an incitement to greater with the rising generation.

_ Previous to the epoch of the late war with England, although a few works of » merit had appeared at distant intervals, yet the Natural Sciences were but partially cultivated. ‘The few individuals who had turned their attention to such pursuits were too widely scattered over this extensive country, to allow of that familiar interchange


of opinions which necessarily elicits turther inquiries and discoveries. At a still earlier period we may refer to our colonial situa- tion, the embarrassments arising from our exposed and peculiar position, and the ex- ample of the mother country, as among the most prominent causes which impeded the cultivation of Natural History in the United States. : | :

Since, however, the period to which we have alluded, and the general peace which subsequently ensued, a spirit of inquiry has been awakened. The forest, and the moun- tain, and the morass have been explored. The various forms and products of the ani- mal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms have been carefully, and, in many instances, suc- cessfully investigated. A proper feeling of nationality has: been widely diffused among our naturalists ; a feeling which has impelled them to study and examine for themselves, instead of blindly using the eyes of foreign naturalists, or bowing implicitly to the de- cisions of a foreign bar of criticism. This, if restrained within due bounds, if it is not perverted into a narrow and bigotted sentiment, that has not unfrequently been


mistaken for national feeling, must be at- tended with beneficial consequences. To those who feel disposed to undervalue the useful and meritorious labours of foreigners, it may be suggested whether some defer- ence is not due to the judgments of those learned individuals who have spent long and laborious lives, often in the investiga- tion of a single group of phenomena, in the illustration of a single class, order, or genus of natural objects.

In the following pages we propose a sketch, which must necessarily be brief, of the progress made in Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, and Zoology, and shall then con- clude with a notice of the travels performed by individuals, or under the auspices of the government, with a view of enlarging the boundaries of Natural Science.


The first attempts to arrange minerals by a certain supposed resemblance in their properties, was evidently unsatisfactory and insufficient. The external characters and crystalline structure shed further light on this subject; but it was not until the com-


position of minerals by chemical analysis was attended to, that Mineralogy was fairly entitled to take the rank of a science. No part of Natural History, perhaps, presents greater charms to the youthful student. The attempt to classify and arrange, in a connected series, the different stones and earths, is often the first essay of the young inquirer into nature; and, as in a new coune try, it was natural to anticipate the disco- very of new forms and combinations of mi- nerals, the attention of our naturalists was early directed to this science.

The experiments of Mr. Cloud on the fu- sion of metals, the treatise of Mr. Cooper on the blue earth of New-Jersey, and those of Mr. Cleaveland, as contained in the Ame- rican Phil. Trans. are among the early Ameri- can essays in this department. In recurring, however, to the early history of Mineralogy in the United States, we cannot pass over in silence the labors of Dr. Archibald Bruce of this city. Early imbued with a taste for this pleasing study, he improved the opportunity afforded by an intercourse with the learned in Europe, and by a care- ful investigation of the mineral products of



his own country. Equally zealous in the acquisition of knowledge and liberal in 1m- parting it to others, he commenced in this city the first journal of a purely scientific nature ever established in North America. Ill health, and the duties of an arduous pro- fession, prevented its continuance beyond a single volume, but no one who is desirous of studying with advantage the Mineralogy or Geology of this country, will fail to refer to the American Mineralogical Journal. Hitherto the student had been compelled to consult the rare and expensive systems of European authors, in order to become acquainted with the minerals of his own country. ‘The best of these were in foreign languages, and the progress of Mineralogy was much impeded by the want of suitable elementary works. To supply this defi- ciency, Professor Cleaveland published in 1816 an Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology, illustrated by six plates. In this work Professor Cleaveland has combined the peculiar excellencies of the German and French schools ; adopting the technical and minutely descriptive language of the former, and the accurate and philosophical syste-

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matic views of the latter. From the com- munications of his friends, notices in various scientific journals, and his own personal ob- servations, he has presented a rich catalogue of minerals, and a copious list of localities. A second edition much enlarged, and which was eagerly demanded, made its appearance in 1823, and Professor Cleaveland is now understood to be engaged in preparing a third edition. 7 |

An interesting essay under the title of Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Bos- ton, by Mr. Dana, appeared in 1818. This contains a useful catalogue of the minerals found in Boston and its vicinity, arranged in systematic order. A list of the rocks af- ter the arrangement of Werner, and a map illustrating their geographical distribution accompanies the work.

Mineralogy has now become a popular branch of science, lectures are delivered in every considerable town in the Union, and extensive cabinets of minerals are to be met with in every direction. Increased at- tention has been paid to the composition of minerals, and several of our countrymen, with a view of perfecting themselves in this


delicate branch have enrolled themselves © in the School of Mines at Paris. Many new mineral species have been firmly esta- blished, and others which were doubtful have been re-examined, and restored to their. proper places in the system. The analyses of our president Dr. Torrey, of Seybert, Keating, Bowen, Vanuxem, and others, have thrown much light upon the Mineralogy of our country, and the pages of the American Journal of Science and the Arts bear frequent and honorable testimony to the industry and talents of our Mineralo- gists. Nor have the crystallographical characters been neglected. <A’ profound acquaintance with this subject has enabled Dr. Troost of Philadelphia to discover a new form of Cymophane and Pyroxene, of An- dalusite, Laumonite, Apophylte, &c. and to detect the identity of some supposed new minerals with other species previously well known and described. Among those works which have contributed, in no small degree, to give an impulse to Mineralogical re- searches, are the various local catalogues of minerals which have been occasionally pub- lished within the last few years. Of these,


it is sufficient for our present purpose to mention the Catalogue of Minerals which have been discovered in the State of New-York, by M. H. Webster, of Albany. In this work the minerals are arranged under the heads of the respective counties and towns in which they are found. A different arrange- ment is pursued in the Catalogue of Minerals found in the State of Vermont, and the adjacent States, &c. by Professor F’. Hall, of Middle- bury College. As this catalogue was de- signed principally for the use of persons who have attended Mineralogical Lectures, in making collections of specimens, the com- piler has arranged the minerals in alphabe- tical order, and has added a number of the most interesting minerals which have been discovered in other parts of the United States. The most extensive and complete work of this description, 1s the Catalogue of American Minerals with their localities, &c. by Dr. Robinson. This likewise includes those minerals which are known to exist in the British Provinces, and the arrangement, like that of Mr. Webster’s, is by towns, counties, and districts in each state and province, in alphabetical order. The industry of the


compiler has enabled him to assemble to- gether nearly five thousand localities of mi- nerals, of which Massachusetts and New- York contribute the largest proportionate share.

Other pleasing proofs of the ardor with which this study is pursued, are to be found, as we have before remarked, in the exist- ence of numerous public and private mine- ralogical collections, which are to be met with in every town of note, and even in many villages, from Maine to Louisiana.

But it is not the properties of minerals alone, nor the regular and complete syste- matic arrangement of which they are sus- ceptible, nor the beautiful and harmonious laws observed in their structure, that form their complete history. ‘To determine their relative position, their disposition and ar- rangement in various parts of the globe; - constitutes another division of Natural Science, termed ) .

GEOLOGY. This does not consist, as many have ima- gined, in mere ingenious speculations con- cerning the origin of the globe, or in idle

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conjectures about the changes it has subse- quently undergone. It is, or should be, the result of actual examination mto the ar- rangement and structure of the various ma- terials composing our world, or in deduc- tions drawn from such examination. Asa consequence of the general diffusion of mi- neralogical knowledge, much attention has been. directed to the investigation of the rocks and mountain masses of our country. Previous to the year 1812, the published notices on our Geology were few and unim- portant, and little more was known in a ge- | ological point of view, of the United States, than that they extended along the coast of the Atlantic, and were bounded on the north by a chain of mighty lakes. Mr. Ma- clure, a gentleman peculiarly qualified for such a task by a familiar acquaintance with the most interesting formations of Europe, commenced a personal examination of this country, which he traversed in various di- rections. The result of his labors was given to the public in 1817, under the title of Observations on the Geology of the United States. This is a bold outline, sketched by


a masterly hand, and replete with the most valuable and interesting information.

The Geologists of Europe, who had been chiefly occupied with their theories and speculations, and from the phenomena of a mole'hill had not unfrequently deduced prin- ciples on which depended the formation of

a world, were struck with the simple, yet -

grand features, presented by this geological map of America. ‘The different sects of Ge- ognosts at first only perceived in this outline, a further confirmation of their peculiarviews, but it soon became apparent that the facts there detailed were not strictly in accord- ance with the views of either of the two great parties which at that time divided the Geo- logical world.

Not the least instructive parts of this es- say are his observations upon the fertility of the soil in different parts of the Union, as connected with the nature of the subjacent rocks, or as dependant upon their decom- position. As an evidence of the accuracy of his deductions on this subject, it may be mentioned that his conjectures respect- ing the nature of the soil m the country

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west of the Mississippi, founded on the im- perfect data at that time in his possession, have been verified by travellers who have subsequently explored these regions.

Much of this outline has been filled up by the labors of succeeding geologists in differ- ent sections of the Union, and the materials for this purpose are daily accumulating. Among the most important of these we may particularize the various geological notices of Dr. Mitchill in the Medical Reposttory, and more at large in the appendix to an edition of Cuvier’s Preliminary Essay, pub- lished in this city in 1818. From the pre- sence of marine organic relics in the soil and rocks adjacent to the great lakes, the learned professor conjectures that the ocean once filled the basins of the latter, and co- vered the surface of the former. He has exercised much ingenuity in tracing the barriers of this imaginary inland sea, and has indicated the principal spots where breaches are supposed to have been made, which drained the extensive country now included in the states of New-York, Penn- sylvania, Ohio, and part of Virginia. The alluvial described by Maclure, is extended



to the east end of Long Island, and this ap- pendix is remarkable as containing the first attempt at a systematic arrangement of the organic relics of the United States.

An Index to the Geology of the United States, by Amos Eaton, appeared in 1818. This was prepared as a text book for the pupils of the author, and is accompanied by a geo- logical section extending from the Kaatskill mountains to Boston, or through five de- grees of longitude. It is valuable as con- taining the first attempt at a general ar- rangement of the geological strata in North America. Three parallel sections, at the dis- tance of fifty miles on each side, were care- fully examined, in order to confirm his geo- logical profile. It is no small praise of this work, and at the same time exhibits a grati- fying proof of the interest taken in this sei- ence, when we state that a second edition was required and published in 1820, and formally recommended by the Troy Lyceum of Natural History, as an authentic record of geological facts. The section of strata is again given with many corrections and ad- ditions, and is extended to the Susquehan- na, comprising nearly five degrees of longi-


tude. A useful grammar of geology serves as an introduction to the work. : In 1819 appeared a View of the Lead Mines of Missouri, with observations on the Muinera- logy, Geology, &c. of Missouri and Arkansaw, by H. R. Schoolcraft. A country which, as has been well observed, once raised the highest expectations in France, and caused the most memorable disappointment that France or Europe ever knew, cannot be viewed with indifference. The work of Mr. Schoolcraft is well calculated to satisfy the desire of being better acquainted with the mineral riches of this country. The region of these lead mines is on the west bank of the Mississippi, between the 37th and 38th degree of north latitude, and comprises an extent of about three thousand square miles. Zine and iron are likewise found here, and have been worked to some extent, but the most valuable mineral, from its abundance, is the lead. This has been hitherto taken from a red marl, in which it is loosely dis- seminated in rolled masses, under the form ef a sulphuret. Even with the present sparse population, and the rude and imper- fect processes employed, these mines yield

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five million pounds of lead annually. The mines are the property of the United States, ~ and are leased for a term of years to indivi- duals at a low rate. This system of retain- Ing possession of mines, salt springs, &c. on public lands, by the general government,

seems to have been copied from some Eu-

ropean model, and is in complete opposition to the general spirit of our institutions. At the present moment we observe with plea- sure that it is proposed by the government to sell these lead mines; im which case, new sources of wealth, as yet neither fully ascertained, nor even known to the commu- nity as far as they are ascertained, will be presented to the activity and industry of our citizens. Hitherto they have contented

themselves with merely extracting the loose.

masses found in the soil, and have seldom gone deeper than fifteen or twenty feet. When improved modes of mining shall have been adopted, and the proper machinery introduced, there is no doubt but that the subjacent stratum of metalliferous limestone will be penetrated, and the annual quantity much increased. Many valuable details are recorded respecting the different processes


employed to extract the lead, and the work concludes with a copious catalogue of the western minerals, more particularly those which are employed in the arts.

The Essay on the Geology of the Hudson river and the adjacent regions, by S. Akerly, which was published in 1820, although ne- cessarily incomplete in its details, yet adds much to the stock of our information on this region. It corrects many of the errors of preceding writers, more particularly those contained in an anonymous essay published in Paris in 1813, under the title of Odbserva- tions sur les iles et islots qui sont aux embouchures de 1 Hudson, &c. A geological section of the rocks from the Navesink highlands on the Atlantic, extending towards the Kaatskill mountains, accompanies the essay. In tbis section, it will be remembered, is comprised ' the celebrated localities of magnesian mine- rals, and within a very short space, we have . a view of the different formations from the alluvial to the primitive.

Nearly simultaneous with the preceding work, appeared the valuable treatise of Mr. Hayden of Baltimore, entitled, Geological Essays, or an inquiry into some of the Geological


Phenomena in various parts of America. As Geology had, in a manner, grown out of Mi- neralogy, it was to be expected that the or- der and arrangement of rocks and mountain masses should have almost exclusively oc- cupied our attention. Hence the nature and extent of that portion of the globe, con- sisting of loose sand and gravel, or what is technically called alluvion, has been much neglected. Hitherto these had been consi- dered as occasioned solely by deposits from the ocean and rivers, and much ingenuity has been exercised to explain many appearances which could scarcely have depended on such comparatively trifling causes. The attention of Mr. Hayden was long since directed to the vastness of this formation in the United States, and as early as 1817, he commenced a personal examination of this immense de- posit, which extends over twenty degrees of longitude. In his endeavours to account for its origin, he has satisfactorily separated it from the alluvial, distinguished it by the epithet ternary, and is entitled to the merit of having anticipated the important distinction recently established by the European geolo- gists, in regard to this formation. In con-



nection with this subject, Mr. Hayden has examined, with great attention, the pheno- mena presented at the embouchures of our principal rivers, and has satisfactorily ac- counted for the peculiar appearance along the banks and shores. A vast collection of facts is accumulated to prove that all our great alluvial district has been formed by a sudden and violent deluge, accompanied by powerful and irregular currents, which buried numerous vegetables and animals, whose remains are now frequently disinter- red. This flood, contrary to the specula- tions of Mr. Hill, in his Wew Theory of the Earth, published at Baltimore in 1823, is supposed by Mr. Hayden to have been caused by the melting of the ice at the poles, in consequence of a change in the axis of the globe. The general direction of this great overwhelming current, is_ strongly indicated to have been from northeast to southwest, and the evidences in favor of this hypothesis, are numerous and plausible. The disintegration of rocks, a favorite source of supply with all writers on alluvial districts, is very clearly shown by Mr. Hay-


den to be more limited than is generally supposed.

The Geological Survey of the County of Alba- ny, in 1821, by Messrs. Beck and Eaton, a si- milar Survey of the County of Rensselaer, and a Report of the Geological Structure of the County of Saratoga, by Dr. Steele, will be found highly interesting, and adds much to our previous knowledge of these districts. These exa- minations of different counties will at some future period, furnish important materials for a grand geological map of the state of New-York. It is a subject of regret, that our own island, which has been settled for two hundred years, and now contains a po- pulation of more than 170,000 souls, should have received so little attention from the ge- ologists, who, at different times, have resided here, or visited our shores. We are, in fact, accustomed to bestow an undue share of our attention upon the structure of the Ertz- geberge or Himalayah mountains, or to pe- ruse with avidity minute descriptions of the respective formations of Paris and London, while we permit equally instructive pheno- mena, within our reach, and immediately


under our own eyes, to pass unnoticed, and undescribed.

An Essay on Salt, &e. by Dr. Van Rens- selaer, was published in 1823. This work contains notices of its origin, formation, ge- ological position, and principal localities, with a particular descripticn of the Ameri- can salines. We gather from this essay that this useful mineral is extensively distri- buted over the United States, the formation in which it is found extending across the continent, from the Alleghany to the North Pacific, between the 3lst and 45th degrees of north latitude. In this immense tract, rock salt is occasionally found, but its lo- cality is more usually indicated by brine springs. The author has collected many important particulars respecting the differ- ent salines in the United States. He esti- mates the quantity manufactured at a mil- lion and a half of bushels, which, together with that produced on our own sea shores by solar evaporation, is sufficient for the consumption of the country, and renders us independent of a foreign market.

The several elaborate papers of Mr. Hitchcock in the American Journal of Sci-



ence, have not only elucidated many ob- scure points connected with the rock for- mations of Connecticut and Massachusetts, but have powerfully contributed to promote an increased attention to geological inqui- ries.

To the same journal we are indebted for several articles by Messrs. Bringier, Pierce, and Cornelius, on the Geology of the south- ern and western states, and it gives us much pleasure to state that the legislature of South Carolina have recently authorized a mineralogical and geological examination of that state. The object of the legislature, in authorizing this examination, is stated to give every citizen an opportunity of deter- mining with certainty the kinds, as well as the value and use, of the rocks and minerals found upon his lands; to form a collection of the different kinds of rocks, arranged ac- cording to the districts or counties, and at the same time to furnish materials for the mineral history of the state, and for a ge- ological map of the same. The legisla- ture of North Carolina, animated by a simi- lar liberal policy, which is worthy of imita- tion by other states possessing more exten-


sive resources, have also authorized a geo- logical and mineralogical examination of that state. Professor Olmsted, the gentle- man charged with this important duty, has, lately, in his Report on the Geology of North Carolina, executed it in a manner worthy of his high reputation as a geologist.

The honorable and praiseworthy direction of the energies of the nation towards inter- nal improvement, has elicited several excel- lent geological essays. Of these, we would particularize the Geological Survey of the Morris Canal route, by Professor Renwick, and the Geological Survey of the district ad- joming the Erie Canal, by Mr. Eaton, in 1824. The Erie, or, as it is sometimes called, the Great Western Canal, the peculiar boast and glory of our state and country, extends east and west from the Hudson to lake Erie, a distance of three hundred and sixty miles. The interesting district through which it passes, was carefully examined by Mr. Eaton, and the result is given in the work above mentioned. A profile of the rocks extending from Albany eastward to Boston, is added to the canal section, making in all, a distance of five hundred


and fifty miles, thus forming, perhaps, the most extensive geological section hitherto made from personal examination. One of the most singular facts announced in this work, is the existence of an uninterrupted stratum or layer, of argillaceous iron ore, extending from the Little Falls beyond Ni- agara, a distance of more than two hundred miles. This bed is from twenty to thirty miles broad, and about two feet thick.

Mr. Eaton has essayed in this work, to introduce a new nomenclature of rocks, but with what success must be left for future naturalists to decide. The very limited and narrow formations to which names have been applied in Europe, induced the author to substitute more appropriate and _ better defined names in their stead. Thus the se- condary graywacke is called calciferous slate ; swinestone, geodiferous rock, &c. &e. If, as most geologists admit, new names should ‘be introduced to designate rocks which constitute such extensive formations, the propriety of the course adopted by Mr. | Eaton cannot be questioned. Under all circumstances, no writer can justly be ac- cused of too much boldness in proposing


changes in a science which is yet in its in- fancy, and which has hitherto been peculi- arly the arena for hardy speculations and daring conjecture. But whatever may be the fate of this proposed alteration of no- menclature, the facts are detailed with great accuracy, and will be lasting monuments of the zeal, industry, and talents of the author.

The interests of science have been obvi- ously advanced in this city, by the formation of the New-York Atheneum. Among the numerous lectures delivered before that in- stitution during the past year, the Lectures on Geology, by our associate Dr. Van Rens- selaer, demand our notice. The author has with commendable industry, from the writ- ings of Humboldt, Mac Culloch, and others, produced a valuable outline of the science of Geology, and the occasional references to the formations of our own country, add much to the reputation of the lecturer and to the value of the work.


This department of Natural Science has been prosecuted with much success. It would not be too much to assert that it has


attracted more attention than its collateral branches. This may be in some measure owing to the greater perfection displayed in the systematic arrangement, and physio- logical history of plants, to the superior at- tractions displayed by the varied and beau- tiful forms of the vegetable kingdom, or to the facility with which extensive collections may be arranged and preserved.

In the notices which we propose to give ef the progress of this science among us, we shall necessarily be brief, as the same ground has been occupied by the writer of an able article on the history of American Botany in the thirteenth volume of the Vorth American Review, and more recently by Pro- fessor Hooker, of Glasgow, in the Edinburgh Journal of Science for 1825, conducted by Dr. Brewster. Nothing has contributed so much to extend our acquaintance with the plants of this country, as the publication of local Floras, which have been already nu- merous, and new ones are now of frequent occurrence. It will be sufficient for our present purpose to mention the Catalogue of Plants near Connasarga River, the Catalogue of Plants growing in East Florida, Sill. i. and-v.


The Compendium Flore Philadelphie. The Florula Bostoniensis, Ed. 2. The Catalogue of Plants growing within thirty miles of New- York, and the respective Floras of Kentucky and of the District of Columbia. These have been omitted by preceding writers. A Florula Ludoviciana has also been pub- lished, but as it is a mere compilation from the loose and inaccurate notices of the Abbe Robin, it is extremely doubtful whether it has added any thing to the stock of our information on the botany of that re- gion. The more recent, extensive, and ac- curate observations of Mr. Nuttall, as con- tained in his Genera of North American Plants, have ably supplied any deficiencies which the preceding work was intended to remedy. The American Journal of Science, to which we have frequently referred in collecting materials for this essay, and which, under the able direction of Professor Silliman, has rendered many and important services to the cause of science in America, contains descriptions of new species by Nuttall, De Schweinitz, Leavenworth, Tor- rey, Ives, and others. The obscure and dif- ficult genus Carex, has been lately investi-


gated in the same Journal, by Professor Dewey. He has described eighty-four species, of which many are entirely new. - The same subject has been recently pur- sued by Mr. De Schweinitz and Dr. Torrey in the Annals of our Lyceum. This Mono- graph of the North American species of the Ge- nus Carex, contains one hundred and thir- teen species, or more than double the num- ber of species hitherto described in any work on American, Botany.

The want of good elementary works on botany, has long been felt in this country. Those of Locke, Sumner, and Welch, and the republication of Smith’s Grammar of Botany and other elementary books, have powerfully contributed to increase the num- ber and activity of our young botanists. A sufficient evidence of the increased atten- tion paid to this science, 1s to be found in the fact that four successive editions of Eaton’s Manual of Botany have been publish- ed within the last four years.

Hitherto our botanists have almost una- nimously agreed to consider the phenoga- mous part of the vegetable kingdom as an insulated study. From the comparatively


little attention that has been bestowed on our cryptogamous plants, no work has yet been published embracing them all in a ge- neral view. The great diversity of our cli- mate, presenting the extremes of heat and cold, of dryness and humidity, and our’soil offering every variety of surface, leads us to expect a corresponding exuberance of these productions when they shall be more fully examined. Their study, however, is dif_h- cult, as many of the tribes are too fugitive in their nature to be capable of preserva- tion, and the student is consequently com- pelled to examine them in their native lo- calities, with such aids as he may have at hand; while many others are so minute, or their fructification so obscure, as to require a high power of the microscope to detect their characters. The different depart- ments into which this branch of botany is now subdivided, have been within a short time. ably elucidated by some of the most distinguished naturalists of Europe, and in their systems we recognise many of our na- tive species, which have been sent to them by their American correspondents. Our mosses have been described by Michaux.


Hedwig, Bridel, Beauvois, Hooker, and

Greville. The Jungermania have been

comprised in an excellent work by our countryman De Schweinitz, entitled, Spece men Elore Am. Sept. cryptogamicee sistens Mus- cos Hepaticos, &c. published at Raleigh m 1821. The marine and fresh water Alg@ of this country have been almost entirely ne- glected. The few that were noted by Muhlenberg in his catalogue amounting to thirty one species, some described by Agardh from specimen sent him by our bo- tanists, and a paper in the Annals of the Linnean Society of Paris, contain the only notices we have of this interesting and va- ried tribe. :

The Lichens, in proportion to the number

of species enumerated, have received a

larger share of attention than any other branch of cryptogamous botany. A cata- logue published in the Annals of our Ly- ceum, by Mr. Halsey, of those found in the neighbourhood of this city, comprises one hundred and seventy-five species; a large number considering the limited district ex- amined, and the unfavorable nature of this region to the growth and developement of



this tribe of plants, in comparison with many parts of our country to the north and the west. These, together with those noticed by Muhlenberg, and others since detected, will increase the sum of our native lichens already known, to about four hundred spe- cies. In the immense division of the Fung, although from the paucity of laborers who have undertaken to explore the mycological riches of our country, the impossibility of procuring foreign specimens for collation and comparison, or good instruments and the requisite books, it might almost bea subject of despair to the friends of botany. It is, however, creditable to our scientific character, that of the comparatively little that has been done, our countrymen have contributed so large a share. Muhlenberg, in his Catalogus plantarum Am. Sept. hucusque cognitarum, &c. has enumerated two hundred and five species, beside a number nondum determinatae. His Herbarium containing all his collections of this family capable of be-

ing preserved, is now in the possession of - the American Philosophical Society at Phi- Jadelphia.

36 Our President, Dr. Torrey, in the second

volume of the American Journal of Science, has described a large subterranean fungus,

known in the southern states under the >

name of Tuckahoe, or Indian Bread, and designated by Dr. Torrey as the Sclerotium giganteum. ‘This was subsequently changed by Mr. De Schweinitz to S. coccoes, and this latter name has been adopted by Fries in his Systema. This singular fungus contains according to the analysis of Dr. Torrey, that peculiar coagulable acid, which promises to be so useful in the arts.

The principal laborer, however, in this department, is Mr. De Schweimitz, unques- tionably one of the first mycologists of the age. This gentleman has enjoyed the ad- vantage of a residence of several years in Europe, and an acquaintance with the most celebrated botanists of the continent; and on his return to this country, republished a

Synopsis of the Fung of North Carolina, which |

had previously appeared in the Acta Socie- tatis nature: curiosorum.of Leipsig. It con- tains an enumeration of thirteen hundred and seventy-five species, including a de-



scription of a new genus, and of three bun- dred and twenty new species. Since the publication of that work, the same gentle- man has detected, in the neighbourhood of his residence at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and in specimens sent him by correspond- ents from different parts of the country, others sufficient to increase the list to two thousand species.


Has Zoology, or the history of animals, been cultivated in the United States with the same success as botany, or geology and mineralogy? The answer must be in the negative. Its progress has been impeded by the operation of the same causes which have affected the other branches; but in addition to these, it has had to contend against’ the unjust views which have been taken of its relative importance, and toa want of concert in nomenclature and syste- matic arrangement between the laborers in the different subdivisions of this science. The fact, that until the last few years it has been neglected in England, affords another mortifying, but sufficiently obvious


reason, why it has received so little atten- tion here. A formal exposition of the uti- lity of this science is hardly requisite before a society, expressly established for its cul- tivation. Thus much, however, we may be

permitted to say, that few departments of

knowledge demand more varied acquire- ments, more accurate habits of investiga- tion, or a more familiar acquaintance with the labors of the learned in every part of the world.

Ten years ago, our animals were little known or carelessly described, and perhaps a stronger, proof of the ignorance or indif- ference prevailing on this subject cannot be adduced, than the fact that the Cervus virgi- nianus, or common deer of this country, was not satisfactorily known or identified, until within a very recent period. Shall it be added, that even for this we are indebted to foreigners? The formidable grizzly bear, the terror of all western travellers, is not to the present day sufficiently deter- mined to be a different animal from the U. arctos, or northern bear of Europe.

Pursuant to the proposed plan of this dis- course, we should proceed regularly through


every separate genus of this class, and ex- hibit the labors of our naturalists in each. This would, however be inconsistent with the brevity requisite on this occasion. It will be sufficient to indicate, in a general manner, the efforts made to illustrate the several great subdivisions of the animal kingdom.

Mammaha. Few works professedly on the animals of this class, have appeared in this country. To this division is naturally to be referred all investigations connected with the natural history of man. The histo- ry of the American race has received consi- derable elucidation from the labors of Mac Culloch, Heckewelder, and the naturalists attached to the two expeditions under Major Long. It was natural to expect that the phy- sical history of man would have attracted the attention of the first visitors to this country,

but their limited views are evinced by a

perusal of their respective voyages. Even in those which have been projected for the purpose of extending our acquaintance with the different varieties of the human race, we may observe that the inhabitants of newly discovered countries are described, more

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» with reference to their dress and, manners, than to their organization as evinced by their external characters. Indeed, it must be admitted, that Zoologists themselves have too often overlooked the history of - man, as if he was not a link in the great chain of animated nature. A. common opi- nion is prevalent that little more is to be discovered respecting the former inhabit- ants of this country; and that every thing beyond their manners and unmeaning cere- monies must be left to idle conjecture. This, however, is far from being the case. The question of their origin and descent, whether they are to be considered either directly or indirectly of Tatar origin, or, as some have maintained, are an original peo- ple, is capable of further illustration by a careful study of their peculiar physical cha- racters. As much light will be derived from this source, as from the examination of their curious forms of language, which have but a very remote analogy with the dialects of any other nation on the face of the earth.

Of the quadrupeds distributed over the whole surface of the globe, about six hun- dred species are known and described.


South America possesses one hundred and eighty, and North America about one hun- dred and thirty species. Doubtless this number will be much increased by the fu- ture exertions of our naturalists; the small- er quadrupeds will furnish, of course, the largest proportion, and the examination of our fossil relics, will probably add to the number. ,

During the past year we have been fa- vored with the first attempt at a systematic arrangement of our mammalia, under the title of Fauna Americana, or a description of the mammiferous animals inhabiting North America. One hundred and forty-seven species are described in this work, of which fourteen are new, and of these four are now extinct. ‘The author, Dr. Harlan, has exer- cised much ingenuity and industry in assem- bling together the scattered notices and descriptions of his cotemporaries, arranging them in systematic order, and adding his own discoveries, which are numerous and valua- ble. Previous to the appearance of this vo- lume, little attention had been paid by our naturalists to the only sure and firm basis on which the genera of Mammalia can be con-



structed. Various attempts had, indeed, been made, but hitherto without rigorously examining the dental formula. We shall take occasion again to recur to this subject.

As if the vast territory of the United States was too limited for their exertions, several of our naturalists have examined and given faithful descriptions of the ani- mals of other regions. The Isodon of Cuba, by Mr. Say, and the very curious Chlamy- phorus from the interior of Chili, by Dr. Harlan, deserve particular attention. We look impatiently for the promised work of Dr. Godman and his able coadjutors; which is to furnish us with a complete History of all the hitherto known quadrupeds of North America. ‘Hey

Birds. These have early claimed the at- tention, not only of foreigners, but of our own naturalists. Indeed, in all ages and countries, their beautiful forms, often deco- rated with the gayest plumage, their attrac- tive habits and artless song, have never failed to render them objects of universal interest. A few inconsiderable and imper- fect lists have been made, and of these we may indicate such as are contained in Jef-


ferson’s Notes on Virginia, and in the werks of Bartram, Belknap, and Williams. The work of Vieillot, splendid and useful as it really is, looses much of its value from the

circumstance of its being incomplete, and

from the unnecessary changes introduced in the names of long established species. When will naturalists learn to shun the bar- ren honors of a synonyme?

The great work of Wilson may be consi- dered as having created a new era in Ameri- can Ornithology. In this we have descrip- tions of two hundred and seventy-eight spe- cies, of which fifty-six are described as new. Perhaps no work contributed in a more eminent degree to create a taste for Natural History in this country, than the publication of these splendid volumes. The peculiar disadvantages under which Wilson labored in the progress of would have dampened and disheartened any spirit but his. His ardent enthusiasm for his favorite pursuits, and his noble disdain of the most appalling obstacles, are finely exhibited in his reply to a friend who endeavoured to dissuade him from the publication, “I shall


at least leave a beacon to show where I pe- rished.”

Wilson was not, strictly speaking, a sys- tematic naturalist; but he evinced great acuteness in the determination of species. He was an enthusiastic observer of the man- ners and habits of the feathered tribe; which he describes in the most vivid and appro- priate language, and his almost living figures in this particular have never been surpassed. His friend Mr. Ord, has recently published a new edition of the three last volumes, in which the errors of nomenclature are cor- rected, and those improvements introduced which were rendered necessary by the ad- vances made in this science, since the first publication. The ninth volume, entitled a Supplement to Wilson’s American Ornithology, contains an enlarged biography of Wilson, which gives much additional interest to the work. :

The American ornithologist will feel grate- ful to the Prince of Musignano for the very thorough manner in which he has corrected errors and settled synonymes in his Observa- tions on the nomenclature of Wilson, as con-


tained in the Journal of the Academy ot Natural Sciences. Other important addi- tions may be found in this valuable Journal. The expedition to the Rocky Mountains, under the command of Major Long, has fur- nished us with twelve new species care- fully described by Mr. Say. The plan of that excellent work unfortunately did not admit of figures to illustrate the department of Natural History. This deficiency is, however, now splendidly supplied by the American Ornithology of Charles Lucian Bo- naparte, whose zeal and profound acquire- ments, as evinced in this volume, have added new titles of distinction to those already ac- quired by his illustrious family.

This work, which may be considered as a continuation of Wilson, will, when com- pleted, leave but scanty gleanings to the future inquirer. ‘Twenty-two species are figured and described in this volume, and should the two-succeeding volumes contain as many, the whole number of species may be roughly estimated at three hundred and sixty. Our Annals contain notices by Mr. Clinton, relative to a beautiful species of swallow which has very lately appeared in


the United States ; but which, from present appearances will probably ere long be com- mon over the whole country. To the same work we are indebted for the description, by Mr. Cooper, of a singular and interesting | species of Fringilla, which had hitherto es- caped the researches of our naturalists. The synopsis of all the North American birds, now publishing in the Annals by C. L. Bo- naparte, will furnish an excellent manual to the American ornithologist.

Reptiles. Until within the two last years, the examination of our reptiles has been generally neglected. The confused and contradictory statements in the systematic works, and the difficulty of observing their habits in their native haunts, have com- bined to deter the inquirer. The article entitled Description of several species of North American Amphibia, by Professor Green, in the Journal of the Academy, contains the first attempt by an American naturalist, to describe and arrange some of our reptiles in a systematic order. They were at that time in a state of chaotic confusion,and Mr. Green has conferred no trifling obligation upon our herpetologists by his original and judi-


cious observations. We hope he may be induced to resume his labors.

The essays of Messrs. Lesueur and Say have illustrated, in an eminent degree, the history of the genus Testudo, which now in- cludes fifteen North American species. The Saurian division of reptiles, comparatively few of which are found in this country, has been much enlarged by the addition of se- veral species, of the genera Agama, Lacerta, -Scincus, and Ameiva. Among the Ophidia our researches have been extremely limited. The expedition before alluded to has furnish- ed us with excellent descriptions of seven, and the Journal of the Academy with three additional new species. The Batrachia have only very recently been investigated, and although their study is attended with pecu- liar difficulties, as they frequently change their color and markings when alive, and still more after death; yet our naturalists have not been discouraged by these unpro- pitious circumstances. We are chiefly in- debted to our associate, Captain Le Conte, for the additions made to this department. His long and familiar acquaintance with species, has given additional interest and


value to his observations on the genera Rana and Hyla. The same subject has been further investigated by Dr. Harlan, who has contributed Descriptions of several new species of Batrachian animals, with obser- vations on the larve of Frogs, which may be found in the tenth volume of the American Journal of Science. |

The doubtful reptiles, of which five spe- cies are already known to exist in the United States, have been attentively ob- served by Dr. Harlan, and his able papers on that subject im our Annals, will be con- stantly referred to by the American herpe- tologist. In the same Journal will be found remarks by Captain Le Conte on the genus Siren, and the description and figure of a striking species. Our former president, Dr. ~ Mitchill, has described in the American Journal of Science, that siugular reptile which he has designated as the Proteus of the Lakes. Another allied animal, the Am- phiuma of Dr. Garden, has been known for fifty years, but by some oversight had not been arranged in the systems, and, indeed, was entirely forgotten until it was again brought forward and described. under the


name of Crysodonta. Additional observa- tions on this highly interesting animal are to be found in the Transactions of the re- spective societies of Philadelphia and New- York.

Fishes. From the nature .of the medium in which these animals exist, and the con- sequent difficulty of studying their peculiar habits, and likewise from the limited obser- vations which have hitherto been made, to determine such differences as may depend on age or sex, this branch of Natural Science perhaps presents less of interest to the philosophical inquirer. The artifi- cial and highly complex systems of Bloch, Schneider, and Lacepede, and even the more philosophical arrangement proposed by Cuvier, have all failed to a certain ex- tent in securing the requisite support of naturalists. Hence the confusion in this department is such, that it is often difficult ' to determine with much accuracy the spe- cies designated by our predecessors. Un- der all these disadvantages, they have been very industriously studied by Mr. Lesueur of New Harmony, and his descriptions, with his excellent figures, have furnished many



materials for a future American Ichthyology. His Memoir on the Chondropterygious Fishes of America, in the Transactions of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society, is one of the best zoological monographs with which we are acquainted, and like the work of Brous- sonet, will be found a useful model for the ichthyologist. Nor have separate treatises been wanting in this department. Mr. Ra- finesque in his Ichthyologia Ohioensis, and Dr. Mitchill in his Report in part on the Fishes of New-York, have each endeavour- ed to illustrate the Ichthyology of these respective regions. ‘The latter work, much enlarged and improved, has appeared in the Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York. Our Annals contain a few papers on this subject; the Stylepho- rus, and the Cephaloptera Vampirus, by Dr. Mitchill, and the description of an interest- ing species from the pen of Mr. Clinton. The pages of the American Monthly Maga- zine contain further descriptions of species, more particularly from the neighbourhood of this city., | Among the tnvertebrated animals, or those not furnished with a bony spine separable

am into many parts, much has been done, but when we consider the vast field yet remain- ing to be explored, we must admit that there will still be left enough to employ our naturalists for many years. Our Crustacea have been thoroughly investigated by Mr. Say in the Journal of the Academy of Na- tural Sciences. We are not aware that any other American has devoted the least atten- tion to this very singular group of animals.

The extensive labors of Mr. Say leave us

the less to regret on this account. Some idea may be conceived of the vast extent of the department of Entomology when we are assured that our naturalists are already acquainted with about nine thousand North American species. Mr. Say and Captain Le Conte, in the Transactions of the socie- ties of New-York and Philadelphia, have furnished materials towards a system of American Entomology. The want of a good entomological manual is still felt by our young naturalists; this is indeed par- tially supplied by the American Entomology of Mr. Say, of which the second volume has

recently appeared, but its expensive form

® az

puts it beyond the reach of most private individuals. To the same able and inde- fatigable zoologist, and to our colleague Mr. Barnes, we are indebted for ample illus- trations of our marine and fresh water shells. The Monograph of the extensive and ob- scure family of the Uniodee in the Ameri can Journal of Science, by Mr. Barnes, has equally facilitated the inquiries of the stu- dent, and elevated our scientific reputation: The marine mollusea have been, with the exception of the observations of Lesueur, almost entirely neglected by our naturalists, We know of no department in which more interesting discoveries are to be made, or

which would secure a more honorable dis-.

tinction to the young naturalist than the in- vestigation of these curiously organized beings. .

Having thus passed in rapid review the whole kingdom of living nature, we should consider our remarks as incomplete unless

we adverted to those extinct animals whose .

study has received a new impulse from the sublime genius of Cuvier. ‘The great abund- ance of the relics of beings which have now

SR PP yi 7 feat )


perished from the face of the earth, early attracted the attention of the first explorers of this country. The most remarkable for its size is the Mastodon, which has been found as far north as the 50th degree of north latitude, and from the shores of the Atlantic to the great lakes. Hitherto but one species has been found.

The remains of another, but very different quadruped, an account of which was pub- lished by Mr. Jefferson, were described and

figured in the fourth volume of the Trans-

actions of the American Philosophical So- ciety. The Megalonyx, as it has been happily named, respecting whose habits we can only form vague conjectures, was furnished with tremendous organs of defence and attack. Very recently the bones of the Megatherium or gigantic Sloth of South America, has been discovered in the neighbourhood of Savannah, and the industry and talents of our associate, Mr. Cooper, has enabled him to determine in a positive manner, their identity with the South American species. For our acquaint- ance with other extinct mammalia, we are

54 indebted to Dr. Wistar, for two new species of the genus Bos; and to Dr. Harlan for one of the Elephant, Tapir, Deer, and a gigantic Manatus or Sea Cow from the eastern shore of Maryland.

We are not aware that any Ornitholites or remains of birds, have yet been discover- ed in our country. Specimens have been presented to the Lyceum, from the sand- stone of Nyack in the vicinity of this city, which, although much comminuted, were evidently the bones of birds. The circum- stances under which they were found, and their appearance, led to a belief that they had been fortuitously deposited in’ open fissures of the rock. The Reptiles, from some cause to us inexplicable, have rarely been found in a fossil state. The greater part of those discovered within a few years belong to the class of marine reptiles, and have but a remote analogy with any of the | present living species. Among these we may distinguish the Saurocephalus of Dr. Harlan, and the Monitor, described by Dr. Mitchill, from the tertiary formation of New Jersey.

Many parts of our country present ex-



tensive deposits of fossil fishes. A remark-~ able locality of this kind is to be found almost in the neighbourhood of this city. Let us hope that some of our naturalists will soon favour the public with their ob- servations on this extensive deposit. All the specimens which we have examined, whether from Westfield or this latter de- posit, are very closely allied to the genus ‘Lepisosteus of Lacepede. No region of the globe presents a greater number or variety of the remains of inverte- brated animals, than our own. So numer- ous and varied are these relics, that the bare enumeration of those only which are already known, would occupy more space than the limits assigned to this discourse would admit. The investigation of these organic relics will amply repay the curious inquirer. » : Having thus in a summary manner termi- nated this sketch of the progress made in the Natural Sciences by our countrymen during the few last years, it remains to be seen how far the government has extended its patronage towards these objects. We


would here take occasion to remark that, although these expeditions were evidently connected with national objects, yet it is not a little singular to observe with how much seeming coolness or neglect the result of these arduous:‘and meritorious labors have been received by the government.

From the time that the celebrated expe- dition of Lewis and: Clarke was planned, under the administration of the venerable patriarch of American Natural History, we believe that no president. has deemed it worthy of his high station, or due to the people by whom he was elevated, to pro- ject expeditions for the purpose of’ bringing to light the hidden riches of the country.. While Mr. Jefferson conceived the labors of Lewis and Clarke of sufficient import- ance to make them the subject of a special message, no president has deemed the sub- sequent expeditions worthy of even a pass- ing notice in their voluminous annual mes- sages. To the late Secretary of War are we indebted for our extended acquaintance with the various products of the territories m the north and in the west. Under his



auspices were projected, and to his liberal views are to be ascribed, the various expe- ditions which we now propose to notice. The travels of Hennepin, Hearne, M‘Ken- sie, and more recently those of Lewis and Clarke, and Pike, had thrown much light on the history of the Indian tribes, their man- ners, customs, and religion; and some pro- gress had been made in determining geo- graphical outlines and boundaries. The natural productions, antiquities, &c. had been almost entirely neglected, and it was to supply this deficiency that an Expedition through the North Western regions of the Unied States was proposed by Governor Cass, and warmly seconded and patronized by the Secretary of War. A Mineralogist (Mr. Schoolcraft) was attached to the party. Leaving Detroit, the party coasted in ca- noes along the southern shores of Lakes Huron and Superior, ascended the St. Louis, and -by a short portage of six miles entered inte Sandy Lake. This is one of the many

tributaries of the Mississippi, from which it

is but two miles distant. The party then

ascended the Mississippi to Cassina Lake,

which terminated their journey in that di- H


rection. By observation, the latitude of Cassina Lake was determined to be in 47° 38° N. Lat. Descending the Mississippi to the mouth of the Ouisconsin, a distance of one thousand miles, they ascended the lat- ter river to a small portage of one mile, which brought them to Fox river, emptying imto Green Bay. During the rainy season canoes are enabled to pass from one river to another, thus rendering the navigation complete. The expedition here separated into two parties, one of which proceeded along the shores of Green Bay to Makinaw, whilst the other coasted along the southern and eastern shores of Lake Michigan, which was carefully examined and explored. The parties united at Makinaw, and returned through Lakes Huron and Erie to Detroit; having thus performed a difficult and fa- tiguing journey of four thousand miles. Numerous observations on Geology and Zoology are scattered through the work, and the notices of the various Indian tribes bear honorable testimony to the industry and sa- gacity of the journalist, Mr. Schoolcraft.

In 1823 appeared an Account of an Expe- dition to the Rocky Mountains, performed in


the years 1819-20, under the command of Major Long. ‘This was, perhaps, the best appointed exploring party sent out by the government, and in the result of its labors amply repaid the attention bestowed upon its equipment. Mr. Say was appointed Zoologist, Mr. Jessup, Mineralogist. Dr. Baldwin, and after his decease Dr. James, was appointed Botanist and Geologist; Messrs. Peale and Seymour as_ assistant Naturalists; in short, no means were spared to render the expedition as complete as pos- sible, and a small escort of soldiers gave additional security to the enterprize.

The party, consisting of twenty persons, wintered at Council Bluff in 41° 25: N. Lat. Leaving their winter quarters in the early part of June, and following the course of the La Platte, a tributary of the Missouri, they reached the Rocky Mountains in thirty days. The country through which they passed was one continued barren plain, with here and there isolated mountain masses, rising to the height of 7-800 feet, and composed of horizontal alternate strata of secondary sandstone and breccia. The soil is almost universally an arid, sterile


sand, and the whole region was aptly desig- nated by the travellers as the Great Ame- rican Desert.” The Rocky Mountains were ascertained to be primitive, and the point ascended by the party was 11,500 feet high. Afiér devoting a few days to the examina- tion of these mountains, they proceeded in a southerly direction until they struck the sources of the great Arkansaw river. Here the expedition separated into two detach- ments, the one following its course east- wardly, and the other proceeded more to the south, until they fell in with the River Canadian. Both parties suffered much from hunger, fatigue, and exposure ; to which was superadded the desertion of two of their soldiers, carrying off with them the personal baggage, and what was of more importance, many of the manuscripts, notes, and obser- vations of the naturalists. To those unac- quainted with the nature of the rivers in these regions, and to whom a passage on them would seem unaccompanied with much risk or fatigue, it may be necessary to state that during the month of August one of the parties travelled five hundred miles in thedry bed. of the river Canadian. In many places

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this river was 1400 yards wide, and yet no running water was to be seen in all this dis- tance. either in the river or its large tribu- taries, except in one or two instances, where it had evidently been occasioned by recent rains, and extended but a mile or two, when it disappeared. ‘The thermometer was usu- ally from 97-100°, and the torment of noxious insects was added to the other inconvenien- ces attending the course of this river, which is estimated to be one thousand miles in length, from its source to its confluence with the Arkansaw. The collections made: by this expedition were numerous and import- ant. More than sixty new or rare animals, and several hundred insects were added to the Fauna, and many interesting plants to the Flora of the United States. The mine- rals and organic remains were extremely in- teresting, and the zoological notices which are scattered through the work, highly im- portant. The naturalist will regret that these were not assembled together in an Appendix, or published in a separate form.

In 1824 appeared a Narrative of an Eupe-

dition to the Source of the St. Peter’s River, &c.

under the command of the same skilful and

62 scientific officer who had directed the ex- pedition to the Rocky Mountains. Its ob- jects were to explore that district included between the Mississippi, Missouri, and the northern boundary of the United States. The naturalists attached to the party were Mr. Say as Zoologist, and Mr. Keating as Mineralogist, and Geologist. Leaving. Chi- cago, at the southern extremity of Lake Michigan, the party proceeded westerly, across the country watered by the Rock River and its tributaries to Prairie du Chien, on the Mississippi. Ascending this river to the mouth of the St. Peter, they ascended this latter three hundred and twenty-five miles, to its source in the Bigstone Lake. Within three miles of this lake they came to the shores of Lake Travers, the princi- pal source of the Red river, which flows into Lake Winnipeck. We have thus with- ina small space, the sources of rivers which empty severally into the St. Lawrence, Hudson’s Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico. Contrary to what might have been anti- cipated from such an elevated region, it 1s full of marshes, quagmires, and standing pools; through which the streams lazily


wind their way, as if hesitating in what di- rection to discharge their waters; whether to mingle with arctic ice, or to empty them- selves into intertropical seas. Here, two noble streams take their rise from nearly the same source, one of which empties at a dis- tance of twelve hundred miles into Hudson’s Bay. at the 57th parallel of latitude; and the other, after travelling nearly three thousand miles, is discharged in the latitude of 29° into the Gulf of Mexico. The party de- scended Red River to Lake Winnipeck, and travelled through a succession of streams and lakes, of which the Lake of the Woods, Rainy Lake, &c. are the most im- portant. They passed over the height of land which divides the valley of Hudson’s Bay from the valley of the St. Lawrence, and entered Lake Superior near Fort William. They returned to Sault St. Marie, coasting along the northern shore of that noble in- land sea. Valuable contributions to our Zoology and Geology were the consequen- ces of this expedition.

In the following year Mr. Schoolcraft pub- lished his T’ravels tn the central portions of the Mississippi valley, performed under the aus-


pices of government in 1821. Much of the work is dedicated to inquiries respecting the aboriginal population, but much valua- ble geological information is also contained in the volume. The district of the lead mines was again examined, and his former observations, which had been misconceived and controverted by some geologists, were now fully confirmed and verified.

We have been thus minute in pointing out the several routes of these various ex- peditions, that we may be enabled at a glance to ascertain what particular districts have been examined with a view to their natural products. It will also enable our naturalists more readily to select for future examination, such portions of the country as have not yet been fully explored. |

While we thus gratefully state our obli- gations to the government, for the services they have rendered to the cause of science, let us hope that the same enlightened po- licy which has given this direction to a por- tion of the energies of the nation, may con- tinue to operate. Let us hope that the pre- sent administration may be authorized to execute the various plans it has proposed,



that its patronage may be always liberally extended for the developement of the natu- ral resources of the country, and finally, that no mistaken economy may be opposed to the prosperity of these sciences which are intimately connected with the best in- terests of the nation.


In taking this rapid, and, I am sensible, imperfect review of the labors of our coun- trymen, several thoughts are naturally sug- gested. It will be perceived that without any greater incitement to exertion than what is derived from the laudable curiosity which prompts us to investigate the opera- tions of nature, and with no other reward than the satisfaction derived from the inves- tigations themselves, our naturalists have been industriously employed. In other coun- tries, from the unequal distribution. of pro- perty, it not unfrequently happens that large fortunes in the hands of private individuals are munificently expended for the encou- ragement of the Natural Sciences, and the fostering hand of government is liberally extended towards these objects. Splendid



establishments are founded and amply en- dowed, affording gratuitous instruction in the most minute branches, exhibiting bril- hant prospects to the zealous student, and securing to the ripe scholar a secure and honorable retreat in his old age. In our own country, notwithstanding the pecus liar constitution of society, which affords little leisure to the mere scholar, and the meagre recompense which awaits the stu- dent of science, yet Natural History has not failed to attract much attention from nu- merous votaries. Indeed a stronger evi- dence cannot be given of the interest which is taken in this study than the fact that numerous institutions for the cultiva- tion of Natural History have been for many years in active. operation in the United States, and every year adds several new associations to the list. .

In Mineralogy more accuracy has been introduced, and analyses have been much improved, many new forms and combina- tions have been brought to hght, and spe- cies hastily introduced have been speedily restored to their proper places. The loose and confused attempts at analysis, of which

67 some examples might be adduced, ter years ago, would not be tolerated at the present day. In Geology ample materials are daily accumulating for a complete his- tory of our different formations, and the efforts of our geologists are unwearied in adding to the stock of our positive know- ledge on this subject. Unbiassed by the theories of European naturalists, they at- tach themselves exclusively to the study of the nature, arrangement, and connection of the different strata without attempting to seek for proofs of their identity with simi- lar formations in Europe. The Botany of our country has been carefully studied, and although the attempts hitherto made to in- troduce the natural orders in preference to the Linnean arrangement, have failed of success, yet there is every reason to anti- cipate that ere long our botanists will gene- rally adopt this only philosophical mode of studying the vegetable kingdom. In Zoology, from the peculiarity of our situation, natural- ists have been more occupied in discovering and describing new species, than in inves- tigating the natural affinities and relations of beings, the chief end of all zoological

63 studies. Indeed it is but natural to expect | that more attention should be given to the examination of new species, than to a rigid criticism of genera. A knowledge of the former is doubtless of great importance, but the latter will enable us to detect the delicate affinities by which the different classes of organized beings are approxi- mated, if not brought into absolute contact. We are aware that the idea of a chain of beings has been ridiculed as a philosophi- cal reverie, but the more this question is examined with the light afforded by modern observation, the firmer will this opinion be established. Already we hear the terms, “natural series” “annectant groups” “re- gular series,” and other expressions which mark the first glimmerings of light on this hitherto obscure subject. _ And when we reflect that these affinities have been for the most part drawn from external and ob- vious characters, that we have yet much to learn from the internal anatomy, that new species are continually discovered which connect hitherto separate genera, and final- ly, that every day brings with it the disco- very of some extinct animal, whose struc-

69 ture varies more or less from those of any

living being, we are insensibly led to ad- mit that the idea of a chain of beings 1s

neither visionary nor unphilosophical.

As naturalists we have much reason to be satisfied with our peculiar position. Placed on a comparatively virgin soil, with new forms and objects constantly presented to our view, suggesting new trains of thought, and giving rise to new associations, we are more highly favored than the naturalists of older countries. As pioneers in the Natural History of the United States, reputation and after-fame, those powerful incentives to ac- tive and honorable exertion, is more imme- diately within our reach than it will be to the numerous naturalists who shall but tread in our footsteps. With such incen- tives before us, let us apply ourselves dili- gently to the work,—

dum loquimur, fugerit invida aetas.

In another point of view our situation of- fers some striking advantages. Removed as we are, from the scenes of those rival- ries and contentions, which unfortunately too often intrude even upon the peaceful


domains of science, where unworthy na- tional prejudices are sometimes associated with private jealousies, we are enabled to examine controverted points with coolness and impartiality. The remoteness of our situation supplies the place of time, and we may be supposed to decide between the conflicting opinions of European naturalists, with the same justice and impartiality as if we were removed from them by intervening centuries. |


>> o<<—

Notr A—Page 24.

Opportunities for the study of the geology of this island are fre- quently presented by the cutting of new streets, and the removal of lufty eminences, which formerly might have been conspicuous Jand marks. In connection with the geological structure of this island, we may inquire if the limestone of Kingsbridge is associ- ated with the great range of granular limestone in the western part of Massachusetts, as has been conjectured by Dewey and others. This derives probability from the /act that this formation appears along the shores of the Hudson at various places; as Dobb’s Ferry, Sing Sing, Verplanck’s Point, to the distance of forty miles north of this city. Are our geologists aware of the existence of serpentine in sztu on this island, or that Paulus Hook rests on gneiss, or have they ascertained the nature of the rock forming Robins reef in this harbor? These questions are asked because no positive information has, as yet, been afforded respect-

ing these subjects by any of our geologists.

Norn B—Page 28.

This survey was performed u ider the direction, and at the ex- pense, of Stephen Van Rensselaer, of Albany, a gentleman whose public spirit is only equalled by his public services; and whose ample fortune is honorably devoted to the interests of science, and

the intellectual improvement of the rising generation.


Norr C— Page 34.

The Lyceum of Natural History in this city, was in its origin a private association of young men, who held occasional meetings in one of the lecture rooms of the College of Physicians. Incorpo- rated by an act of the Legislature in 1818, and furnished through the liberality of the Common Council with a suite of apartments in the New-York Ins'itution, it has from that period been steadily though silently, increasing in usefulness and respectability. An extensive cabinet has been formed, which at the present moment contains nearly three thousand mineral species and varieties. No collection in this country is so rich in the department of Herpeto- logy and Ichthyology. It contains more than five hundred spe- cies, and must ere long be a place for reference to all who wish to investigate these obscure classes of animals. In addition to the already extensive collections of fossils from various parts of Europe and America, the cabinet contains nearly the entire ske- leton of the Mastodon, and large portions of the only North Ame-

rican specimen of the Megatherium hitherto discovered. A new

department, that of comparative anatomy, has recently been esta- _

blished, which already contains many valuable preparations, and a series of skulls, nearly two hundred in number, from the differ- ent classes of the animal kingdom. ; :

Every effort has been made to procure a suitable library, but from the expensive nature of the books required, with very li- mited success. It now contains about six hundred volumes, and the funds of the Military Philosophical Society have been generously presented by the members of that institution for its further increase. The Lyceum is also under pleasing obligations to Col. George Gibbs and Dr. David Hosack of this city, and to B. Dearborn, Esq. of Boston, for many valuable additions to the library; and the hope is indulged that its still limited extent needs only be known, to be remedied by the public spirit and li- berality of our fellow townsmen.

For some time past, a naturalist has been employed in travel-

ling through the country and exploring its various natural pro-



ducts. One of the members is now in Florida for a similar purpose; and as soon as the state of its funds will admit, it is proposed to employ suitable persons in exploring the regions west of the Mississippi. In connexion with this plan of elucidating the natural productions of our country, the Lyceum has com- menced the publication of its transactions, of which the second | volume is now in press, and will shortly appear. Of the charac- ter of this work it would be unbecoming in us to speak ; the flat- tering reception it has met with from the naturalists of Europe has

amply repaid for the labor and expense of publication.

Notre D—Page 36.

It will be perceived that in our sketch of the department of bo- tany, we have not mentioned those works which have already been noticed in the North American Review, or in the Edinburgh

Journal of Science.

Notrr E—Page 38.

The assertion in the text will doubtless appear incredible to those who are acquainted with the multiplied observations which have been made upon the U. ferox, by some of our most accom- plished naturalists. It is, nevertheless, founded on the following remarks of Cuvier. D’aprés le temoignage de plusieurs voy- ageurs trés-capables d’ en juger et méme d’ aprés le dessin publié par M. Choris, j’ai tout lieu de croire que l’ours gris ou brun d’ Amerique dont on a fait tant de recits exagérés, ne différe point par I’ espece, de nos ours bruns d’ Europe.” Recherches sur les Ossemens fossiles. Edit. 2d. Tome V. 2d partie p.515. Paris, 1824.

Nore F—Page 35.

A ready access to the records of science renders it an easy task to separate the known from the unknown, to ascertain when we have opened a new path in science, or whether we are merely


\ 7A

pursuing the beaten track, and enables us to compare our own ob- servations with those of our predecessors. The want of proper books to facilitate inquiries of a scientific nature has been long felt in this city ; indeed it has frequently been asserted that New- York, in proportion to its population, contains fewer works in its public libraries than any other city in Europe or America. With _ a view of ascertaining the truth of this assertion, at least as far as our own country is concerned, we have taken some pains to pro- cure the following comparative statement. Mr. Dobson of Phila- delphia, Dr. Cohen of Baltimore, and Dr. Bass of Boston, will accept of our thanks for the ready politeness with which they have answered our inquiries. JVew-York, with a population of 170,000, possesses ten public libraries, containing 44,000 volumes ; Baltimore, with a population of 70,000, has four public libraries, containing 30,000 volumes; Philadelphia, with a population of 160,000, possesses nineteen public libraries, containing 70,000 volumes : Boston, with a population of 60,000, possesses thirteen

public libraries, containing 55,000 volumes. |

Note G—Page 51.

This information is derived from our able and indefatigable as- sociate, Captain Le Conte, who has devoted many years to the study of this department. He possesses detailed descriptions and accurate drawings of nearly all the number mentioned in the text, and supposes them to be distributed among the different orders in

nearly the following proportions :

Coleoptera 2,000 Hemiptera 1,000 Lepidoptera 800 Diptera 3,000 Hymenoptera 1,500 Neuroptera 100 Aptera 500

oa ee

4 4

Nott H—Page 53.

The M. angustidens, which has been included among the North American fossil animals, on the authority of a tooth in a private collection in Philadelphia, is rather doubtful; at least it has been examined by many of our naturalists, and referred by most of them to the M. maximus.

We will take this occasion to mention that there is reason to suspect that the Hippopotamus formerly existed in this hemis- phere. A few months since Dr. Barlow, of Granville, (Massa- chusetts) presented to the Cabinet of the Lyceum a tooth which had been found a few feet beneath the surface, in some low lands in his neighborhood. Upon examination it was ascertained to be the right superior canine of the Hippopotamus. In another place, Ann. Lye. vol. i. p. 98, we have alluded to the fact that many teeth of the same animal, in the Cabinet of the Lyceum, were ob- tained from the Falkland Islands.

Notr I—Page 62.

The names of rivers, lakes, mountains, &c. in the less frequent- ed parts of our country, which have so often been subjects of cri- ticism, are generally literal translations of the ancient Indian names. It would certainly be preferable in all cases to retain the sonorous Indian appellations, where these can be ascertained. Ludicrous as these translated names appear, they are always de- scriptive, and evidently more appropriate than those adopted by an enlightened nation, whose voyages of discovery are filled with the names of mountains. rivers, &c. uniformly taken from the friends and relatives of the travellers. The names of the imme- diate patrons of the expedition are reserved for more conspicuous objects ; such as elevated peaks, prominent headlands, or capa- cious bays. The words New North, or New South, followed by the name of a petty district at home, is not unfrequently em-

ployed to designate tracts of country large enough to form con


tinents. Our own city will long stand a monument of this ingeni- ous system of nomenclature.

Notrs K—Page 66.

It is not unusual to hear some of our naturalists speak of the mul- tiplication of genera as useless and unnecessary, but the evils origi- nating from this source are not to be compared with those arising from the precipitate creation of new species. In the former case, genera, considered merely as artificial helps to the memory, (and they are nothing more) are made to subserve temporary pur- poses, and will ultimately find their proper place in a general sys- tema. ‘T'o those who view the multiplication of genera as one of the misfortunes of modern science,”’ we would recommend inter alias, the study of the genus Ursus as established by Linné, and the modifications it has received from subsequent naturalists. New nominal species, on the other hand, perplex the student, in- crease the labors of the critical naturalist, and render the study of natural history tedious and difficult. If it was generally under- stood that it is more meritorious to extinguish a single nominal species than to establish a dozen new ones, it would effectually check the present mania for making new species often on slight foundations. This also leads to an overweening anxiety to se- cure priority ; and hence descriptions are liable to be drawn up in a crude and hasty manner, without reference to the co-ordinate characters.

It would much assist the cause of Natural Science if some gene- ral regulations could be adopted by which discoveries might be secured without infringing upon the rights of others, and a uni- form system of nomenclature established. The Committee of Publication of the Lyceum have adopted for their own guidance the laws of nomenclature as collected by Decandolle in his Theo- rie de la Botanique, so far as they are applicable to the other de- partments. There are several points not settled in that paper

which are now generally received by naturalists, and indeed are


obviously founded on principles of common sense and justice. Among these are,

1. Simple indications of species, merely to secure priority, should not be countenanced, although the specific name, if not otherwise objectionable, must be adopted.

2. As manuscript descriptions cannot be quoted, so the simple labelling of a specimen cannot be considered in the light of a prior claim. Yet courtesy requires that the original discoverer should be duly notified before publishing the species.

3. The claim of the original describer of a species is never lost, no matter through how many genera it may be successively trans- ported.

4. Specific descriptions founded on single specimens are to be avoided as much as possible, and no description should be consi- dered as complete and authentic, unless accompanied by figures, or what is preferable, a reference made to some collection in which the specimen is deposited.

5. No specific name should be noticed when the author has not himself seen the plant, animal, &c. but has drawn up his descrip- tion from the relations of travellers.

6. Ignorance of the common systems, descriptions of species un- der two or more different names, the forming of new species from mere varieties of established and well known species, destroy all confidence in the authority of the describer, and of course render it unnecessary to quote his names or his descriptions, &c. &c.

These, and others of a similar character, although they may seem apparently unimportant in themselves, yet their due obser- vance will tend materially to soften that exacerbation of feeling

which should be confined to the political arena,

Notr L—Page 67.

Unremitting efforts are made by modern naturalists to distri- bute the animal kingdom into groupes or families, allied by ad-

veutitious, and often highly artificial characters, derived from



form or habit. Although the minuteness into which these re- searches lead will elicit the discovery of many curious analogies, and open a wide field for ingenious speculations, yet they will not in themselves contribute towards the solution of the great problem of a connected series of beings. In some instances we may ob- serve that the external form undergoes rapid and scarcely con- nected changes, while the order and relative importance of the several functions is but slightly varied. In others, the functions are observed to undergo gradual but ultimately important muta- tions, while the form remains comparatively unchanged. Hence it is to comparative anatomy, and its companion physiology, that we must look for the most important improvements and discover- ies in zoological science, ‘The great chain of being lies at present in an apparently confused heap ; so that links which may possibly be far apart, seem to our partial and imperfect view, intimately connected if not in immediate contact.