CRYPTOGAMIC SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE. PERTH, 1 9 0 3. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY JAMES SKINNER & CO., 27 Thistle Street. CRYPTOGAMIC SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE. PERTH, 1 9 0 3. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY JAMES SKINNER & CO., 27 Thistle Street. Harlow Keterence Library JUL 2 6 1376 (Crnptiniamtr Hach'tn of ^tothmii. The I wenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Cryptogamio Society of Scotland was held at Perth on the 29 th September 1903 and two following days. Communications were entered into beforehand with the Perthshire Society of Natural Science, whose President, Henry Coates, Esq., and members made all the pre¬ liminary airangements, selecting the localities to be visited, obtain¬ ing permission to enter private grounds, placing their Hall and interesting Museum at our disposal, and extending to us a cordial welcome. Without their kind co-operation and assistance the meeting of the Cryptogamic Society would have been neither so pleasant in itself nor so fruitful in its results. Several of them accompanied us on each day’s excursion, and their local knowledge proved to be of great value. Eor all the interest they showed, and the trouble they took to render our meeting a success, we desire to tender to them our hearty thanks. The first day’s excursion was to Kinnoull Hill, under the guidance of Mr. James Menzies. Here many interesting species of fungi were gathered, Mr. Menzies knowing the ground well, and where the rarer specimens were to be found. On the following day, by the kind permission of the Proprietor, we visited the beautiful estate of Invermay, Miss Miles acting as guide. At the close of the day Mrs. Fraser hospitably entertained us to tea in the Mansion-House in the absence of her husband, and gave us an opportunity of inspecting the many fine paintings which it con¬ tains. On the third and last day the woods and policies of Scone Palace were visited under the guidance of Mr. Alexander Pitcaithly, to whom we are much indebted. The ground was found to be excellent for fungi, and the beauty of the locality- added greatly to ths enjoyment of the excursion. Those who saAv it will never forget the magnificent group of thirty or forty 6 Pleurotus — porrigens, Pers. Pluteus— cervinus, Schaeff. Entoloma — sinuatum, Fr. (Kinnoull). jubatum, Fr. sericellum, Fr. (Invermay). Clitopilus— prunulns, Scop. Leptonia— lampropus, Fr. Nolanea — pascua, Pers. piscisdora, Ces. Claudopus — variabilis, Pers. Pholiota — aurea, Matt, erebia, Fr. squarrosa, Mull. Inocybe — cincinnata, Fr. pyriodora, Pers. rimosa, Bull. Hebeloraa — fastibile, Fr. glutinosum, Lind, testaceum, Batsch. Flammula — carbonaria, Fr. inopus, Fr. Naucoria — melinoides, Fr. Galera — tenera, Schaeff. Tubaria — furfuraeea, Pers. Psalliota — arvensis, Schreff. xanthoderma, Genev. Stropharia — aeruginosa, Curt, albo-cyanea, Desm. inuncta, Fr. mitis, Pers. sericeum, Bull (Invermay). nidorosum, Fr. nifula, Fr. (Scone). spectabilis, Fr. mutabilis, 80110611’. marginata, Batsch. asterospora, Qu61. geophylla, Sow. var. lateritia. mesophceum, Fr. crustuliniforme, Bull. sapinea, Fr. scamba, Fr. liypnorum, Batsch. hcemorrhoidaria, Kalchbr. semiglobata, Batsch. squamosa, Fr. 7 Hypholoma — sublateritium, Schceff. capnoides, Fr. fasciculare, Huds. dispersum, Fr. Psilocybe — semilanceata, Fr. lacrymabundum, Fr. velutinum, Pers. (Storea). hydrophilum, Bull. Psathyra — gossypina, Bull, Kinnoull (painted C.R.). Panaeolus — separatus, L. campanulatus, Linn. Psathyrella — atomata, Fr. disseminata, Pers. gracilis, Fr. Coprinus — comatus, Fr. micaceus, Fr. niveus, Fr. plicatilis, Fr. Bolbitius — fragilis, Fr. Cortinarius — triumphans, Fr. cinnamomeus, Fr. largus, Fr. var. croceus, Fr. multiformis, Fr. var. semisanguineus, Fr mucifluus, Fr. torvus, Fr. elatior, Fr. armillatus, Fr. pholideus, Fr. hinnuleus, Fr. caninus, Fr. brunneus, Fr. lepidopus, Cke. hemitricbus, Fr. sanguineus, Fr. cinnabarinus, Fr. (Scone). castaneus, Fr. leucopus, Fr. decipiens, Fr. Paxillus — giganteus, Fr. involutus, Fr. Gomphidius — glutinosus, Fr. viscidus, Fr. Hygrophorus — olivaceo-albus, Fr. miniatus, Fr. hypothejus, Fr. puniceus, Fr. agathosmus, Fr. conicus, Fr. calyptrpeformis, B. & Br. pratensis, Fr. virgineus, Fr. niveus, Fr. chlorophanus, Fr. psittacinus, Fr. laetus, Fr. unguinosus, Fr. Lactarius — torminosus, Fr. quietus, Fr. turpis, Fr. vietus, Fr. pubescens, Fr. rufus, Fr. blennius, Fr. glyciosmus, Fr. chrysorrheus, Fr. luliginosus, Fr. vellereus, Fr. serinuus, Fr. deliciosus, Fr. mitissimus, Fr. pallidus, Fr. subdulcis, Fr. 8 Russula — nigricans, Fr. chloroicles (Kromb). furcata, Fr. drimeia, Cke. depallens, Fr. vesca, Fr. lepida, Fr. rubra, Fr. cyanoxantha, Fr. foetens, Fr. emetica, Fr. ochroleuca, Fr. fragilis, Fr. fellea, Fr. puellaris, Fr. Cantharellus — cibarius, Fr. Friesii, Quel. umbonatus, Fr. infundibuliformis, Fr Nyctalis — parasitica, Fr. Marasmius — peronatus, Fr. oreades, Fr. calopus, Fr. ramealis, Fr. rotula, Fr. androsaceus, Fr. epiphyllus, Fr. Lentinus — cochleatus, Fr. Panus — stipticus, Fr. Trogia— crispa, Fr. (Murthly). Boletus— badius, Fr. elegans, Scliura. granulatus, L. piperatus, Bull, chrysenteron, Fr. Polyporus — Sclvweinizii, Fr. perennis, Fr. squamosus, Fr. intybaceus, Fr. giganteus, Fr. fragilis, Fr. hispidus, Fr. adustus, Fr. betulinus, Fr. subtomentosus, L. laricinus, Berk, edulis, Bull, scaber, Fr. applanatus, Fr. fomentarius, Fr. annosus, Fr. radiatus, Fr. versicolor, Fr. abietinus, Fr. terrestris, Fr. molluscus, Fr. vaporarius, Fr. Trametes — mollis, Fr. Daedalea— quercina, Pers. Hydnum — repan dum, L. auriscalpium, L. Tremellodon — gelatinosum. Pers. 9 Irpex — obliquus, Fr. Craterellus — cornucopioides, Pors. Grandinia — granulosa, Fr. Auricularia — mesenterica, Fr. Corticium — quercinum, Fr. Thelephora — laciniata, Pers. Stereum — spadiceum, Fr. rugosum, Fr. Sparassis — crispa, Fr. (Dunkeld). Clavaria — cinerea, Bull, muscoides, L. cristata, Pers, rugosa, Bull, abietina, Pers. Scleroderma — vulgare, Fr. Colocera — viscosa, Fr. Tremella — mesenterica, Retz. Exidia — glandulosa, Fr. Dacrymyces — deliquescens, Dub. Phallus — impudicus, L. Lycoperdon — perlatum, Pers. excipuliforme, Scop. The Mycetozoa included — Ceratiomyxa— mucida, Schroet. Fuligo — septica, Gmel. purpureum, Fr. hirsutum, Fr. insequalis, FI. Dan. vennicularis, Scop, ardenia, Sow. tenuipes (Kinnoull). verrucosum, Pers. albida, Huds. stillatus, Nees. gemmatum, Fr. pyriforme, Schseff (Dunkeld). 10 Lepidoderma — tigrinum, Rost. (Invermay). Leocarpus — vernicosus, Link. Brefeldia — maxima, Rost. Reticularia — Lycoperdon, Bull. Trichia — scabra, Rost. Lycogala— miniatum Pers. Helvella— crispa, Fr. lacunosa, Afz Leotia — lubrica, Pers. Geoglossum — hirsutum, Pers. Leptoglossmn — viride, Pers. Peziza — coclileata, Bull, onotica, Pers. Hymenoscypha — firma, Pers. = Ciboria ochroleuca, Mass. Chlorosplenium — aeruginosum, FI. Dan. Lachnella — calycina, Sclium. Bulgaria — inquinans, Fr. Ombropliila— sarcoides, Jacq. = Coryne sareoides. Elaphomyces — granulatus, Alb. & Sclav. muricatus, Fr. Torrubia — ophioglossoides Tub fallax, Pers. elastica, Bull. pull a, Holms (Scone). acicularis, Pers. glabrum, Pers. leporina, Batscli. capitata, Fr.