TECHNICAL REPORT CERC-86-9 US Army Corps ANNUAL DATA SUMMARY FOR 1983 Siegen: CERC FIELD RESEARCH FACILITY by Herman C. Miller, William E. Grogg, Jr., Michael W. Leffler, C. Ray Townsend III, Stephen C. Wheeler Coastal Engineering Research Center DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers. PO Box 631, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-0631 CENTER FOR CCA»: AL SiUDIES BOX 82 6 247.5 ¢ a ry hy 112.5 247.5 l LY 225.0 135.0 225.0 135. 157.5 57.5 EAS iG. 2025 60.0 - JAN-MAR APR - JUN RESULTANT RESULTANT SPEED 2.8 M/SEC SPEED 1.1 M/SEC DIRECTION 21 DEG DIRECTION 184 DEG 337.5 09.0 22.5 337.5 0.0 22.5 315.0 see 315.0 45.0 67.5 Y 292.5 Zall 12 292.5 A nd = cml] om 90.0 MOQ (t—= 270.0 T= Ci ow ee @ ® y Lf iY Uleee 247.5 ff i \- 135.0 Poin ae 135.0 157.5 157.5 202.5 ‘160.0 202.5 ‘180.0 JUL - SEP OCT - DEC RESULTANT RESULTANT SPEED 0.4 M/SEC SPEED 1.3 M/SEC DIRECTION 179 DEG DIRECTION 14 DEG Figure 8. Seasonal wind roses for 1983 34 6L-9L c2-6L +0% 67.5 112.5 0 67.5 90.0 112.5 Table 5 Resultant Wind Speed and Direction Season 1983 1980-1982 1980-1983 or Speed Direction Speed Direction Speed Direction Month m/sec deg True N m/sec deg True N m/sec deg True N Annual 0.6 28 0.9 344 0.8 353 Jan-Mar 2.8 21 1.9 338 2.0 352 Apr-Jun Aust 184 0.8 202 0.9 195 Jul-Sep 0.4 179 0.1 155 0.1 172 Oct-Dec Wok 14 2.2 0 2.0 3 Jan 3.1 19 2.2 320 253} 344 Feb 4.2 23 1.8 347 2.3 2 Mar 1.3 19 1.6 342 1.5 350 Apr 1.9 222 0.8 216 1.1 219 May 1.5 187 0.5 192 0.8 189 Jun 1.3 106 1.0 196 0.8 171 Jul 2.9 205 1.2 218 1.6 121 Aug 0.3 258 0.3 23 0.2 4 Sep 2.2 45 0.8 54 Ved 50 Oct 3.0 60 2.1 21 2.2 34 Nov 2.0 272 2.4 35 1.8 340 Dec 2 2 5 2.5 34 2.4 349 65. During April through June, the winds were low and easterly through southwesterly. Under 3 percent of the speeds exceeded 10 m/sec; however, on two occasions speeds exceeded 25 m/sec from the south and SSW. The resultant speed was 1.1 m/sec and direction was 184 deg. 66. The winds during July through September were bidirectional, with 26.9 percent blowing from NNE and 41.2 percent from SSW through W. The resul- tant speed was low, 0.4 m/sec, showing the approximate balance between north- erly and southerly winds while the resultant direction was 179 deg, indicating southerly winds occurred slightly more often. For 6.3 percent of the winds during this season, the speed exceeded 10 m/sec--again, primarily from the northeast quadrant. 67. The winds were mixed during October through December, with 33.5 percent blowing from NNE through E, and 6 to 10 percent from each of the westerly directions. The resultant wind speed and direction show the north- easterly dominance at 1.3 m/sec and 14 deg, respectively. Wind speeds 35 exceeded 10 m/sec 14.5 percent of the time, and these winds blew primarily from the northeast quadrant. 68. Present versus past years. There was a tendency for winds to blow more often from the northeasterly directions during 1983 (Figure 7). The dis- tribution is similar to 1982, while during prior years there were more north- westerly winds. The more frequent northeasterly winds occurred during January through March and October through December, while seasonal distributions for April through September are very nearly the same as for prior years. Monthly differences between 1983 and prior years are emphasized in Table 5. 69. Combination of all years. Annual and seasonal distributions of winds for the combined years 1980 through 1983 are presented in Figure 9. Of the 5,250 observations, over 6 percent exceeded 10 m/sec. For those speeds in excess of 10 m/sec, 44 percent occurred during October through December and 32 percent during January through March. Waves 70. This section presents summaries of wave data collected at the FRF. A review of the wave conditions during 1983 and a comparison with previous years is followed by a discussion of the wave climate for 1980 through 1983. Appendix B contains summaries for each gage which include height and period distributions, wave direction distributions, and persistence tables. A dis- cussion of individual major storms is given in Part IV, and Appendix D con- tains hourly wave data for times when the heights Pi. exceeded 2 m at the seaward end of the FRF pier. Present data year, spatial variation 71. The distribution of wave heights for all three gages operated dur- ing the year is shown in Figure 10. For a given frequency of occurrence, wave heights were highest at the gage located 3 km from shore (gage 620), second at the pier end (gage 625), and lowest at the landward end of the pier (gage 615) This pattern of variation (decrease of wave height with depth) is consistent With previous years' data. Refraction, bottom friction, and wave breaking contribute to the observed differences in height. Wave height statistics for the staff gage (gage 615) located at the landward end of the pier in shallow water were considerably different than the other gages. In all but the very 36 WIND SPEED, m/sec €L-OL QL-EL 61-91 OL-Z 72-61 +@¢ nN S ol © a on [<) FREQUENCY, PERCENT apg wl 22k5 45.0 315.0 se 90.0 270.0 U2 ed fe e Has 135.0 225.0 67.5 157.5 202.5 180.0 JAN - MAR SPEED 2.0 M/SEC DIRECTION 352 DEG 7.5 0:0 22.5 315.0 M20 + ip 67.5 292.5 es _ Pe com] 30.0 270.0 = Qa 2 ¢/ oy 112.5 225.0 135.0 157.5 202.5 180. JUL - SEP SPEED 0.1 M/SEC DIRECTION 172 DEG Figure 9. Annual and seasonal wind Sil 315.0 35-0 q 67.5 292.5 a& g: cml] 90.0 270.0 f= a 247.5 ¢ ZX v UES 556.6 135.0 157.5 202.5 180.0 ANNUAL SPEED 0.8 M/SEC DIRECTION 353 DEG 33735) 10-0 22.5 315.0 15-0 67.5 292.5 a Wl ip & D> Ae =| 90.0 270.0 F ew wee, LY 112.5 157.5 APR - JUN SPEED 0.9 M/SEC DIRECTION 195 DEG 67.5 292.5 z we call 90.0 270.5 = 247. wn L Yr 112.5 225.0 135.0 157.5 202.5 180.0 OCT - DEC SPEED 2.0 M/SEC DIRECTION 3 DEG roses for 1980 through 1983 7.0 222555 GAGE 620 ce tececeesee GAGE 625 GAGE 615 6.0 5.0 -.L “Ss 4.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 10° 10’ 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure 10. Annual wave height distributions for 1983 10 calmest conditions, this gage is within the breaker zone. Consequently, these statistics represent a lower energy wave climate in which the annual mean height is more than 20 percent less than at the seaward end of the pier. 72. The distributions of wave periods for all of the gages are shown in Figure 11. Although the distributions of wave periods for gages 620 and 625 were similar, gage 615 had a higher occurrence of wave periods 6 sec and less primarily due to waves frequently breaking seaward of the gage. This pattern of variation between gages is consistent with data from the previous year. Temporal variation 73. Temporal height and period trends for gages 620 and 625 are shown in Figures 12 and 13, respectively, and are consistent with those for gage 615. Seasonal wave height distribution variations as shown in Figure 14 (gage 625) were similar for all gages; waves were most severe during January through March. Seasonal wave period distributions (Figure 15) (gage 625) were also similar for all gages. In general, the tendency was for the less severe wave conditions during April through September to frequently have wave periods of 38 GAGE 620 VA GAGE 625 ore BS] GAGE 615 Pa ee H959,%ePaParatarataratataretareratetateretetete’ BSAA SAASAASAAAAANASSANSAN) 9.0- 10.0 Satatataratetatetatetete AAAAARARARARARATRELEE aletetetateteretefetetoletarereretetererersrereteretetereteretsreterererers KAASAAAAAAAANAANAASASASSY Raw Shee lee 2.9 IS aratecetelelerererelerelererererererereverere® ASAAAAASAASAS etetevoPoreTerereTeceterererererererere® [XMAS BOER AN Bi ra 2 " ° % ‘JONYNNIIO 4O AONANDAYA 16.9 LONGER 13.9 - 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- 11.9 10.9 9.9 Annual wave period distributions for 1983 39 4.9 3.9 Figure 11. HEIGHT, M PERIOD, SEC LEGEND x EXTREME O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION x TIME a. Wave height LEGEND O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION JI fF fF f@ & J J ff FS O NH O JNA IS OO CED TIME b. Wave period Figure 12. 1983 wave statistics for gage 620 te) HEIGHT, M PERIOD, SEC vwewyoenxn 8 @ JF fh @ WwW JI JI fF S O WN |W Jel GI SS OD) CHEE TIME a. Wave height 5 Se MAb eM Os) al WS! TOm. Nie (DpmI=MA-J 37S 0-0) 83 60-82 TIME b. Wave period Figure 13. 1983 wave statistics for gage 625 44 O°Z 0°9 JAN-MAR 83 APR-JUN 83 TUE SSERRES aes OCR ADEESSS o°s 0% of W “LH913H o°?e 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED 10° CLL L Le eS eS ZZ) RNWNWSAANASNSSASY nm oo ae Zz ts =) Tt ZZ (we ca DB ve JUL-SEP 83 OCT-DEC 83 IDI a LMA RSSSSAAISSASASSAWSSW NAN NN AAS SN ANSNNINS SSS ANS AAT (L272 22 LL IIIT TT TT ee 2) DIDNSANAAIVANNANNANANNINNANAASANASSS ANAS ANSSSSSANT, 0:0,0:0,0:0,0.0,0.0,0:0,0:0,0.0,0.0,0,0.0,0,0,0,0,0:0, TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 7 IANA AANANNSSSSS OF TTA KANNANASNANASNSNS VP AD AD AP AP AD ADA AD AD PAT AD ADAG LD AT LD ADD, IDNANANNANANANNANNAANANSAS CXR RO UL LL LL oso s/s PY VSN SN SNSNININAAANIAANANANANSSS for gage 625 SAAR ARORA ARR OLLI LIT LT MT TP RV NWSSANSNANANS Ry Ze ZF ZZ) ANNAN 1983 seasonal wave height distributions " aa Figure 14 25 % “JINBwYwNIIO 40 AININOIYS 9.0= 10.0= 11.0= l2.0- 14.0= 17.0- 20 5 0 5 0 16.9 LONGER oO ls) Milo) WH,9) 8.0- 8.9 enue ale 7a ea) Boe) WoW) 4n05 4.9 305 3.9 1.0- 2.9 PERIOD, SEC 1983 seasonal wave period distributions Figure 15. for gage 625 42 8 and 9 sec while more severe fall and winter wave conditions showed a higher proportion of longer period waves. 74. The distribution of wave directions for the year, based on visual observations (Figure 16), revealed that waves approached the north side of the pier 41 percent of the time, the southside 49 percent, and approximately shore-normal 10 percent. However, when wave heights exceeded 2 m at the seaward end of the pier, the waves approached 47 percent of the time from the north, 40 percent from the south, and 13 percent normal to shore. 75. Seasonal variation of wave direction is shown in Figure 17. The northerly tendency during winter and fall and the southerly tendency during spring and summer are consistent with wind distributions discussed previously. Present versus past years 76. Wave height and period distributions for 1983 were similar to the combined 1980 through 1982 distributions. Figure 18 compares the heights and Figure 19 compares the periods for gage 625. There was a tendency for wave periods of 9 sec or longer to occur more often during the year. Seasonal distributions of wave heights showed that a relatively severe January through March was offset by a mild October through December. 77. Wave direction distribution for 1983 was similar to prior years, as can be seen in Figure 16b. Resultant wave height and direction values in Table 6 show that monthly consistency is lower than seasonal and annual. All years combined 78. The 4-year data set between 1980 and 1983 provides the most com- plete description of the wave climate at the FRF. Figure 20 indicates that for the lower 97 percent of the wave heights for gages 620 and 625, the dis- tributions are approximately the same. However, for wave heights greater than approximately 2.5 m, the Waverider shows a greater proportion of higher waves. Figure 21 indicates that spatial differences in wave period were small, except that there was a higher percentage of 5- to 6-sec waves at the nearshore Baylor than at both other sites. 79. The joint distributions of wave height versus period for gages 620 and 625 are shown in Tables 7 and 8. The distributions are based on over 4,670 observations, and the values presented can be converted to percent by di- viding by 10. Higher waves are generally associated with longer wave periods. 80. Seasonal distributions of wave height and period for gage 625 are shown in Figures 22 and 23, respectively. Both heights and periods vary with 43 a8 22.5 135.0 RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.9m DIRECTION 68 DEG 337.5 0.0 22.5 A 45.0 67.5 ie el 90.0 oo 112.5 135.0 1980 - 1982 RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.8m DIRECTION 66 DEG HEIGHT, m > See eS Se of oOo ©& Oo © 0 0 0 (0) 0s FREQUENCY, PERCENT Figure 16. Comparison of annual wave roses for 1983 versus 1980-1982 4y hw 22.5 45.0 112.5 JAN - MAR RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.4m DIRECTION 65 DEG 22.5 45.0 135.0 157.5 JUL - SEP RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 69 DEG HEIGHT, m > LY @) o Co = © Oo —we ee Nog COME CT SP e868 6 6 & FREQUENCY, PERCENT = o 45.0 135.0 APR - JUN RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.7m DIRECTION 76 DEG 0.0 22.5 45.0 67.5 S Los comm} 0.0 Qd ° 112.5 135.0 OCT - DEC RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.0m DIRECTION 64 DEG Figure 17. Seasonal variation of wave direction distributions for 1983 ANNUAL 80-82 ANNUAL 83 O’s O° (SYSLSW } Os IH91 4H até 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED -O- 17.0- 6.9 LONGER ¥4950,020;0,0,9,0,9.0,0.9.0, 070.8 rrateferetetetstererstersrereers anatetate tate teretatetecetatoreserereteserere ecete a atone. sieteteteteleretererererereree eee ee eee ere tore eee. 74 ANNUAL 80-82 BH ANNUAL 83 o- 9 ecolateterecorerere scorers ere tres erererererere Z Q 1 Comparison of annual wave height distributions for gage 625 as 20 5 tt) 5) 0 % “JON3YYNIDO 4O KINANOZY4 Figure 18. Comparison of annual wave period distributions for gage 625 Figure 19. 46 Season or Month Annual Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Resultant Wave Height and Direction 1983 Height fo) -9O- O00 000 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 2.0 Figure 20. Direction m deg True N 68 65 76 69 64 61 66 67 69 19 81 13 15 63 64 65 62 l 10 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Table 6 1980-1982 Direction Height m SO Oo & © Coe Ooo Ooa@Eg => wo — ee we deg True N >. =8,, ~ Ans 66 62 76 Height m 0. 1 0 0 Vo GAGE 615 ee - © OO AN fF @w — — © woo An ANA 1980-1983 Direction deg True N 47 65 76 71 61 54 65 67 70 78 81 73 v1 68 64 58 61 Wave height distributions, 1980 through 1983 47 HE IGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) No Sale Get bill Cie de> GS GW Mis Ma Wade MS 0 (oth Sor! Sor alot) ak) oth law ok) Act NAG) eh) VAG) LON elete 0.00 - .49 | 1 3 ) Tey SM Nece2e cami 14 O MW fo ! 5) Soy eC 0 ww OW oo oh él I St Ue eB TY) 2 1,00 - 1.49 ! Yh Ad RV EM 19 4 , Last) > LoS) ¢ : eh Me 7 6 9 Hh We 4 . 2.00 - 2.49 5 : 2 BW 4 4 ‘) 5) 7 ¥) : Roa) = Lath) c . . ! 3 1 2 2 2 4 1 0 3.00 - 9.49 C : 1 ! 1 ! ! ! . Joa) 2 oh) ; . ° : ! 1 1 1 : : 4,00 - 4.49 : . : : : ! . : : 4,50 - 4.99 : . . : . : . : . 5.00 - GREATER 0 : ; : : : : : , : . . TOTAL ON ee SE NG Ae Ue Ne 3 FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE, % 25 GAGE 620 (4 GAGE 625 RS] GAGE 615 15 Ro Ka Z s G 5, BS y Vy g 7 3 4 =m ee A Ke 5 y Z = Bq VA Cel sy 4 102 Bes =e cms : % 0G a =e 3 es: 2 | 7 ae a gs my 7 ae ee ae eC : By * ae ee ee ee Ro Rel SG =G sg = ag eg 5 IG NG =O =I 3G SIG HG Sle ce ag |e ae ee a ae a es ee es es es ee ee Se es ee es 2 2 ee Oe = BS ba ee Ae Oe 34 =A eA Be eS ee ee es ee ee eo ye es es ee a a es Oe ee C8 , = FBS OS AS A VS VS) Ve) ed VS OS 1,0- 3,0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- 2.9 3.9 4.9 6.9 6.9 7.9 89 9.9 10.9 1i.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER PERIOD, SEC Figure 21. Wave period distributions, 1980 through 1983 Table 7 1980 Through 1983 Joint Distribution of Wave Height Versus Period for Gage 620 ANNUAL PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD 48 TOTAL Table 8 1980 Through 1983 Joint Distribution of Wave Height Versus Period for Gage 625 ANNUAL PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD(SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- 2.9 39 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 0.00 - .49 5 2 2 4 10 Ny) Bs) 11 22 19 2 179 00 - 299 5 6 27? 34 S2 46 94 eu 377. OD 24 6 461 1.00 - 1.49 p : » wa 2 ay 15 WB 1821 R) . 209 1.90 - 1.99 0 : k) iS 4 b) 8 Te l2 6 . 83 2.00 - 2.49 : C 4 F) 4 4 4 i) q 7 0 43 2.90 - 2.99 ; . : . 3 2 3 2 k) 4 0 21 3.00 - 9.49 0 ; ‘ . . ° j 1 1 1 1 J : 6 3.50 - 3.99 : : : : : : : . 50 1 : : ! 4.00 = 4,49 . e e e e e ° e e e e 0 4.50 re 4.99 ® ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° e e 0 5.00 - GREATER d : 6 p . ‘ : : : 9 ' P 0 0 TOTAL 0 8 34 #+%$(.20 127 #J47 104 #138 137 84 102 866 8 season; however, the winter-autumn versus spring-summer differences are the largest. 81. Annual and seasonal wave direction distributions for the combined years are shown in Figure 24. Fifty-two percent of the waves approach from the south, 43 percent from the north, and 5 percent approximately shore- normal. When wave heights exceed 2 m, 57 percent approach from the north, 34 percent from the south, and 9 percent shore-normal. Longshore Currents 82. In this section, the results of daily surface longshore current measurements are presented. Figure 25 shows the 1983 measurements at the beach, pier midsurf, and pier end locations. Since the relative influences of the winds and waves vary with position from shore, the current speeds and, to some extent, direction vary at the three current measurement locations. Mag- nitudes generally are the largest at the midsurf location and smallest at the end of the pier. However, annual mean currents (Table 9) were directed south- ward at 6 cm/sec at the beach location, only 2 cm/sec at the midsurf location, and 13 cm/sec at the seaward end of the pier. Despite frequent reversals, the mean monthly currents were directed southward during fall and winter and northward during spring and summer. This seasonality of currents was consis- tent with wind and wave patterns previously discussed. 49 JAN-MAR 80-83 APR-JUN 80-83 JULSsz2lP tits OCT-DEC 80-83 HO Calo) zéql0)= % CZ) aH Nnponmn onmowo ao Le enn n enna aravavavavatavavavatatavaratavats COo00 170:070707070767070107070707070707070,070 10781078 ooo oO ODM LMM MMM IM A ezo0o TKWSSWWSANSANINAAA = 3 a 4 [07070-0:07070_0_0-0"070_0"0"0_00_010_01010"0_01610_6,0"80_6"0 0": > Ie 4 1 LILI FAT A LL LPL [92050:050101010:0:01016:0:0:0,0:0,9:6,0:0,9; CHILL ILL L ML LA WSS 2950200,0:0,0:0.0:0,0:0,0-0:0:,0;9,9.0,9,9.9-. OLD PLD LI LID FLD FLD LF LT LL LA LD FL LD DL LLP TT A, KN ANANANAANAN SNS ASSIS INSIST 9=0.0:0,020.0:6.0:,0.9,0,, AL AT AD AT LF LF LD PLD LL LP LD LLP LD LTA AL LA AFLP LL LLLP LXV AA ANAANAN NANA AANA (0.0, 6.0,0,0,0,9, 0.9, 0,9: ,0:0.9;5 IP LF LF LLL LAD LPL ALL Ls KAN NANANNANNANNANANANS RRA RRR eared LPT LF LFF LF LP LP APL AF LPL LDL AD LP LT ADL LIL FLD PF, KSANN SSANS \SNANANANSY aaa Pana Pasar nasa na saa a Os! VLLL LLL EL Lee ee eed VAVAAIREVUEUEAASSRSASSAS PPMP, AT ADAP AP AD AT AT AT AT A 1D ISSSISSAAAASSASSSSSY a6! C2277 77) SSS 1980 through 1983 seasonal wave height PERCENT GREATER THAN [INDICATED distributions for gage 625 Figure 22. SS a SS Se eee =) w o i w Nn 5 Fee asl Nae T O°P os 0°?e 0*T 0°0 W “1H9734 N = = % “ZIN3YNYNIDO 30 AINSNOSYS 16.9 LONGER PERIOD, SEC 50 1980 through 1983 seasonal wave period distributions for gage 625 Figure 23. HEIGHT, m No Sa OO © DS FREQUENCY, PERCENT 0.0 45.0 112.5 JAN - MAR RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.4m DIRECTION 65 DEG 0.0 45.0 7 112.5 135.0 157.5 JUL-SEP RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 71 DEG 157.5 ANNUAL RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.8m DIRECTION 67 DEG 0.0 45.0 67.5 7 z, ell) 50:0 a 135.0 112.5 APR - JUN RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.7m DIRECTION 76 DEG 337.5 45.0 67.5 112.5 135.0 OCT - DEC RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.0m DIRECTION 61 DEG Annual and seasonal wave direction distributions, Figure 24. 1980 through 1983 51 F =: 153 “19: “13. ~100 a} BD 3B 0 a Ly nm 199 1s 199 175 ro CH/SEC ~BRaRbRBaeno ted bbe DB CURRENT SPEED, Figure 25. CURRENT SPEED, BEACH (SOOM UP DRIFT! I fdl tae a yee HA yO COPRPRO NOU SECT MONTH a. Beach 500 m updrift location PIER SURF 118 oe P| Li! : or ree RCPPRO PY NSEC HONTH b. Midsurf location PIER ENO Co i i | | cD HONTH ec. Pier end location 1983 daily surface longshore current measurements Table 9 Annual and Monthly Mean Longshore Surface Current Speed (cm/sec) and Direction* Beach Pier Midsurf Pier End Month 1983 81-82 81-83 1983 81-82 81-83 1983 80-82 80-83 Jan 25 14 17 ay 21 22 27 17 20 Feb 16 10 12 20 6 10 33 ay 26 Mar 11 8 9 5 4 4 15 19 26 Apr 14 0 4 19 -13 =5 14 9 10 May -4 -3 -3 -20 9g -12 O 11 8 Jun -5 -12 -10 -7 -20 -17 4 6 6 Jul -14 -16 -16 -25 -20 -21 3 4 4 Aug -5 -10 -9 -33 -8 -14 5 8 i Sep 19 -7 -1 14 -10 -4 18 11 13 Oct 1 14 4 5 ila] 10 18 10 12 Nov 1 17 13 -1 15 11 4 144 12 Dec T 11 10 17 19 19 12 11 11 Annual 6 2 3 2 -1 (0) 13 12 12 * A minus sign indicates currents flowed northward. 1983 versus previous years 83. Longshore surface currents for 1983 were reasonably consistent with previous years of data (Figures 26-28). However, at the midsurf location, the monthly means were directed to the south in response to storm waves during April and September. All years combined 84. All locations show consistent temporal variations and distinct spatial differences in both magnitude and direction (Figure 29). Near-zero annual means (Table 9) for both locations within the surf zone reflect the seasonal variations and frequent reversals caused by the varying wind and wave conditions at the FRF. These contrast with the predominantly southward cur- rents at the pier end. Tides and Water Levels 85. Water level variations caused by astronomical and meteorological forces are discussed in this section. Results for 1983 are followed by a comparison with previous data. All tidal heights are referenced to the local 1929 NGVD unless otherwise stated. 53 CURRENT SPEED, CH/SEC JIN FEB WAR APR MAY JUN JL AUG «SEP «(OCT )«€6NOV) «GEC ANNUAL MONTH Figure 26. Comparison of surface currents at the beach 500 m updrift 54 CURRENT SPEED, CM/SEC JAN FEB MAR APR WARY JUN JU RUG SEP OCT NOV CEC ANNUAL MONTH Figure 27. Comparison of surface currents at the CURRENT SPEED, CH/SEC JFN Figure 28. midsurf location NORTHWARD FEB «MAR «APR MAY JUN JU AUB «SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL MONTH Comparison of surface currents at the seaward end of the pier SD) NORTHWARD 0 + 80-83 PIER END o 60-63 PIER SURF o 80-83 BERCH CURRENT SPEED, CM/SEC JPN. FEB OMAR APR RY «JUN JUL «AUG «SEP OCT NOV DEC APUAL MONTH Figure 29. Comparison of surface currents at the FRF pier Present data year 86. Tide height statistics for 1983 are presented in Table 10. Tides at the FRF are semidiurnal with both daily high and low tides approximately equal. Mean range varied from 95 cm in late spring to 102 cm in January. Mean sea level was 19 cm above NGVD. The highest water level for the year was measured on 28 January during the time of a severe storm with waves in excess of 3.6 m at the seaward end of the pier (Part IV). This extreme is within a few centimetres of the highest water level measured since 1978. Water levels in excess of 130 em occurred on 25 March and 25 October during storms. 1983 versus past years 87. Since late 1981 there has been a rising trend for the water levels at the FRF (Table 10 and Figure 30). Mean sea level and other mean level statistics are approximately 10 cm above prior years. This same trend has been verified at nearby locations such as Hampton Roads, Va. In Figure 31, the distribution of daily high, daily low, and hourly tidal heights for 1983 and prior years are presented for comparison. The curves show the effect of 56 Table 10 Mean Tide Height Statistics, cm Month or Year MHW MTL MSL MLW MR EXH Date EX L Date Jan 66 15 15 -36 102 143 28 -70 25 Feb 71 22 23 -26 98 118 26 -57 28 Mar TT 26 27 -24 101 132 25 -73 28 Apr 63 15 15 -34 97 108 16 -64 30 May 54 1 6 -41 95 97 lig -63 1 Jun 63 16 16 -32 95 98 10 -58 12 Jul 64 16 16 -32 96 111 10 -64 13 Aug 68 19 20m =20 97 105 13 -60 9 Sep 15 26 27 -22 97 104 29 -58 T Oct 80 31 31 -17 97 132 25 -57 6,29 Nov 69 19 20 -31 100 110 25 -7T1 26 Dec 62 13 ies 6 98 18 20,29 -70 8 1983 68 19 19 -30 98 143 Jan -73 Mar 1979- Nov Mar 1982 59 8 9 -43 101 149 1981 -119 1980 1982 58 8 Ae) -42 99 127 Oct -108 Feb 1981 59 8 9 -42 101 149 Nov -110 Apr 1980 59 8 8 -43 102 118 Mar -119 Mar So ~ Oo 9 Qua i3) 03 121 Feb -95 Sep Note: All elevations refer to 1929 NGVD. Explanation of abbreviations: MHW = mean high water; MTL = mean tide level; MSL = mean sea level; MLW = mean low water; MR = mean range; EX H = extreme high water; and EX L = extreme low water. Dil, WATER LEVEL, CM WATER LEVEL, CM 150 140 130 ved [LA NAM Av AL - 110 [\_ ASS 100 Sy So SN a ae y 80 70 60 HH so 40 3 2 ASL 10 0 -10 -20 -30 FLW -40 -$0 -60 -70 a -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 JJASONDIFAAMJJASONDJFMAM JJASOND JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 MONTH Figure 30. Monthly tide and water level statistics for 1978 through 1983 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 2.00 50.00 75.00 90.00 99.00 99.90 99.99 PROBABILITY, PERCENT EQUAL OR GREATER Figure 31. Comparison of hourly tide heights and daily high/low water level distributions the 10-cm mean variation and the tendency for the daily lows to be somewhat higher than for prior years. Combined years 88. Based on the distribution of the tide heights for 1980 through 1983 (Figure 32), the tide can be expected to exceed 110 cm for 0.25 percent of the time (110 hr). Likewise, the height can be expected to be less than -80 cm for 0.25 percent of the time (111 hr). WATER LEVEL, CM “1S0-—p or 0.10 1.00 10.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 90.00 99.00 99.90 99.99 PROBABILITY, PERCENT EQUAL OR GREATER Figure 32. Distribution of hourly tide heights and daily high/low water levels for 1980 through 1983 Water Characteristics 89. The results of daily measurements of surface water temperature, visibility, and density are presented in this section. The summaries rep- resent single observations made near 0700 EST and therefore may not reflect daily average conditions since such characteristics can change rapidly within a 24-hr period. A discussion of 1983 data is followed by a comparison with previous years. Water temperature 90. Present year. Daily sea-surface water temperatures at the seaward 59 end of the FRF pier (Figure 33) experienced large variations during June through September when frequent offshore winds blew warm surface water sea- ward, allowing upward and landward circulation of much colder and more turbid bottom water. Persisent offshore winds (as high as 10 m/sec) during the first 12 days of August were responsible for unseasonably cold water temperatures during the month. Onshore winds reversed this circulation, piling up warm surface water against the shoreline. Monthly mean temperatures (Table 11) were lowest during January through March and highest from July through September. 91. 1983 versus prior years. In general, water temperatures during the year were higher than for prior years (Figure 34). 92. Combined years. The distribution of surface water temperatures for all years combined is shown in Figure 35. Temperatures in excess of 25° C can be expected 4 percent of the time (or 14 days per year), while tempera- tures below 4° C can be expected less than 6 percent of the time (or 20 days per year). Visibility 93. Visibility in coastal nearshore waters depends on the amount of Ju Fe WAR OFPR OMY ONO OPUSOSEPCTC NCE’ i983 MONTH Figure 33. Daily sea-surface water temperature for 1983 60 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Table 11 Mean Surface Water Characteristics Measured at the Seaward End of the FRF Pier Temperature, ° C Visibility, m Density, g/cc 1983 80-82 80-83 1983 80-82 80-83 1983 81-82 81-83 7.2 4.6 5.3 1.0 1.4 es 1.0237 1.0250 1.0245 5.1 4.1 44 0.9 a5 1.44 1.0239 1.0243 1.0241 7.3 5.9 6.2 1.0 1.3 Wo2 1.0233 1.0237 1.0236 10.2 10.6 10.5 Bot Bol 2.1 1.0225 1.0252 1.0243 13.9 15.6 1502 3.0 2.3 2.5 1.0235 1.0234 1.0235 20.0 19.5 19.6 3.6 Ba5 3.5 1.0199 1.0223 1.0215 24.0 21.7 22.3 4.2 3.7 3.8 1.0201 1.0217 1.0212 21.9 22.4 22.3 2.8 3.0 2.9 1.0217 1.0216 1.0216 23.5 22.4 22.7 1.8 2.0 1.8 1.0210 1.0219 1.0216 19.4 18.4 18.7 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.0218 1.0227 1.0224 14.7 13.6 13.9 Vol 0.9 1.0 1.0237 1.0236 1.0236 10.8 9.3 9.7 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0233 1.0245 1.0241 14.8 14.0 14.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0224 1.0233 1.0230 3x 80-82 83 r-} {+} ola © : | g 1S 5 o ie) : al am 10 8 5 x C) 3 JPN FEB WAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV CEC ANNUAL MONTH Figure 34. Comparison of mean surface water temperatures 61 —— _ ANNUPL 80-83 TEMPERATURE, C an wn 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 &.00 S0.00 75.00 90.00 99.00 99.90 99.99 PERCENT GREATER THAN Figure 35. Distribution of surface water temperatures for 1980 through 1983 salts, soluble organic material, detritus, living organisms, and inorganic particles in the water. These dissolved and suspended materials change the absorption and attentuation characteristics of the water, which vary daily and throughout the year. 94. The surface water visibility at the seaward end of the pier varies in a manner similar to that of the temperature, with lows in January through March and highs in June and July (Figure 36). Since the pattern of offshore and onshore winds that produces major temperature differences also controls the visibility, the warm surface water is usually clearer, while the cooler bottom water contains large concentrations of suspended matter. 95. Present data year. Daily water visibility values, measured at the seaward end of the pier using a secci disc, reflect the wind-dominated pro- cesses discussed above. Between May and August the visibility was occasion- ally above 6 m, however, visibility was less than 2 m almost as often during those months. Table 11 shows the monthly means for the year. 96. 1983 versus prior years. Visibility during 1983 was similar to prior years (Figure 37), although visibility was lower during January through March and higher during May through July. 62 VISIBILITY, VISIBILITY, J 60FEB OMAR CCORPR AY CNN OCLCOUC( JH : B35-B37. Data for 1980 through 1983 are in Figures B12-B14, B28-B30, and B41-B43. Peak spectral wave period distribution. Annual, seasonal, and monthly peak wave period T, distributions histograms for 1983 are presented in Figures B6-B8, B25, B26, B38, and B39; data for 1980 through 1983 are in Figures B15-B17, B31-B32, B44, and B45. Persistence of wave heights. Tables B6, B16, and B26 show the number of times throughout 1983 when the specified wave height was equaled or exceeded at least once during each day for the duration (consecutive days) indicated; data for 1980 through 1983 are in Tables B11, B21, and B31. For example, Table B6 for gage 625 (pier end Baylor) indicates wave heights equaled or ex- ceeded 1.0 m, 41 times for at least 1 day; 34 times for at least 2 days; 25 times for at least 3 days; 18 times for at least 4 days, etc. Therefore, on seven occasions it was expected for the height to have equaled or exceeded 1.0 m for 1 day exactly; on nine occasions for 2 days; on seven occasions 3 days; etc. Note that the height exceeded 1.0 m, 41 times for 1 day or longer, while heights exceeded 0.5 m only 26 times for this same duration. This occurred because the longer durations of lower waves may be interspersed with shorter, but more frequent, intervals of higher waves. For example, the one time that wave heights exceeded 0.5 m for 64 days may represent 5 or 10 different times the height exceeded 1 m for shorter duration. Wave roses. For the pier-end Baylor gage (625), wave roses showing the distribution of wave height versus approach angle are presented. Data for 1983 are in Figures B9 and B10, while 1980 through 1983 data are in Figures B18 and B19. The angles are referenced to true north. Northerly wave angles (e.g., less than 70 deg) generally produce southward currents while south- erly wave angles greater than 70 deg produce northward currents. Spectra. Spectra for the pier-end Baylor gage (625) for days when wave heights exceeded 2 m are presented in the last fig- ure. The plots show energy density as a function of wave frequency. B2 W QOL w SLt adousS Woy 90ue4sTq axe, 8l c8 uw yuqydeq °(GZ9 “ON O8eD) uoTAeg pua-JaTq (UaATS SoqeU -Tpu000 jo OL aNd W 681) 04 GIL- 8L6l AON O2e+9 B4S 4dTd (G19 ade) soTAeg auoysueeN (4uatd aud Jo pue PpuemMess Jo Q0ueua4UT eu aNd Wi S°c) aUTyNOU JOJ €Q6L 3ny 62 M ut ttoSL * snonut quo) Aonq peoetdey €g61 3ny 62 QL61 AON N sL°LLo9€ (029 95€5D) UOPTUSAeM BUOUSTIO (uaATS SaqeuU -Tpuo00d jo o°L €g6l mf s aNa W 61S) 09 |°e- partes ueonpsueuL E€g6l Im | QL61 AON OO+6L B95 JeTd (S629 98e)) soTAeg puy-JeTd im UOT JeUe TAXY uoT}e1edQ UOT }e10dQ UOT IeDOT esuey Jsedoug Jadoug jo jo puq Sut uutseg JJeYS OTM snonuT 3uU09 Konq Ja 7aWotaTSI00y JJeqyS auTM snonut4uo9 agey Jo oddly €Q6| JOJ SATJOISTH adey SALEM L@ 9T9eL B3 HEIGHT, M PERIOD, S OK-NDUSNOK—NUSUOK-NUSHOR- BUSH OKNUSMWORK- DUD 1CsS7T7IOUBHEVMIABBMAAN I SFTI_UNBHVwaBsaTFTaA TH DAY OF THE MONTH a. Hn fo) JAN 1983 iss 79UUEUVUPABSBDPBRNI SS7IUSBSVwAsBsSF Ds DAY OF THE MONTH Ido tt Figure B1. Time-history of Ano and Tp for gage 625 BY Table B2 1983 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Extreme H, and i for Gage 625 fo) Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Period Period Extreme Number Month Height, m Height, m _sec sec Height, m Date Observations Jan 168} 0.7 9.0 2.6 3355) 28 103 Feb 126 0.7 10.2 2.8 3.8 14 112 Mar 168} 0.8 9.1 2.6 3o8) 18 122 Apr 0.9 0.5 10.0 Poe 2.6 1 116 May 0.7 0.2 8.5 2.0 18 17 119 Jun 0.7 0.4 8.3 AEs} 2.0 9 114 Jul 0.5 0.2 8.8 Boll 1.0 1 91 Aug 0.6 0.3 8.5 2.5 1.7 13 112 Sep 0.9 6 7/ 9.0 oil 3.0 29 103 Oct Vol 0.5 52) 3.0 2.5 21 121 Nov 0.6 0.3 9.3 2.9 1.8 10 118 Dec 1.0 0.6 8.9 368} 2.9 12 118 Jan-Mar 1.4 OR 9.4 2.8 Bole Feb 337 Apr-Jun 0.8 0.4 8.9 2s 2.6 Apr 349 Jul-Sep Oot/ 0.5 8.8 2.6 3.0 Sep 306 Oct-Dec 0.9 0.6 9.3 So 1 2.9 Dec 357 Annual 0.9 0.6 9.1 Boll 3.8 Feb 1,349 B5 HEIGHT, M PERIOD, SEC LEGEND x EXTREME O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION x A AH J J A S O N OD J-M A-J J-S 0-0 83 80-82 LEGEND O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION Figure B2. A M J J AR S O N OD J-M A-J J-S 0-D 83 80-82 1983 mean, standard deviation, and extreme H, and Tp for gage 625 fc) B6 Table B3 1983 Annual Joint Distribution of Ha for Gage 625 Versus ANNUAL PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Xi0) GF HEIGHT AND PERIOD (Continued) BT HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL BatS sil alle “ode Hal To WOM. GOS ee ne, ie 17,0- 4.9 OP Gs9 R729) Naso 998 Fe tnGame laine 0.00 - .49 3 6 14 1Z 42 14 a4 185 se) St 2i Gu aon Sb. Bs 33) 038 448 1.00 - 1.49 4 a ees {3 7 ee 183 1.50 - 1.99 : F A) ail 5 7 {3 18 j 97 2.00 - 2.49 ; ‘ b 7 5 7 7 5 ; a0 2.50 - 2.99 : i : 2 3 i 6 5 i 26 3.00 - 3.49 5 9 5 1 j 2 i : 8 Spe) Sachi : ; ; ; : ; 1 j 5 2 4,00 - 4,49 : : ; ; ; 0 4.50 - 4,99 ; 3 f ; f : a 5.00 - GREATER ; i ; j P Q TOTAL 6 2 SO i09 ool se 1GSiealiee Table BY 1983 Seasonal Joint Distribution of Ha Versus for Gage 625 SEASONAL JAN-MAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(MiG) OF KEITGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS} TOTA Ne 5,0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 1s one 11,0= 12.0- 14. iB 17. d- 4.9 be) TG! REP 9 1159 13.9 0.00 - 49 ‘ P ; & 6 12 2 39 aS Goh) 3 Z a) Ie a 3a) 48 iz rus) 1.00 - (249 ; a 36 i SOMO 3 293 Hoot) = WGK) ; SOc {2 12 AO hy) b 177 2.00 - 2.49 : Z 16 6 3 ieee 5 iil 2.50 = 2.99 ; ; : 5 i 18 res: 78 3.00 - 3.49 : , a 3 a & 3 30 dns = 3.99 : : : : . 3 3 0 6 4,96 - 4.49 : , 2 i : ; ; F O 4.50 - 4,99 ; i 4 B 5 1) 5.00 - BREATER ; 7 i F ‘ : 6 a F 1) TOTAL 8 Bl RS GR 16 19560 3 Table B4 (Concluded) SS ——————— 8 Eee SEASONAL APR-.I PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) oF HETGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL HAS ghie “0S Sate Gale Tote Bot Got n= LoS WECM HCl t7/ (= re) Ble) GaP SiG) fo To) elo? ae CG) alia ifs) (LU Tels 0.00 - .49 fo 6) 1k gatilitoemgt Aieeagstiy | 30M gO sae RO 140 50-199 Oe Eee TR OM OY gS 620 £100 - 1.49 Sem lad’ ob St chZ0 nh2h uheO LAZO noe ete cdl aan ae 144 1.50 - 1.99 Be ile pls cole a fant ebro cel ine 60 2,00 - 2.49 Sigh Eien Vat SIM il itn ee Ny 15 2.50 - 2.99 ; fee shaw. RESPLAY oe ge AD ene oe pec ae 3 3.00 - 3.49 a aera ae ; ah eta: 0 3.50 - 3.99 a Sle 0 a.00 - 4.49 SUphes. Wea ee ee ee A Be 0 §.5¢ - 4.99 Ne git) co Fateh ee eke ey pis 0 5.00 - GREATER RAY PU Ae MCAS ee okt cee. Leearm, Wee % Eat Ie 0 TOTAL O) ) GP SPzb deh, | G2 Bile Ted Yeas) 22a) tesa oam ps0 ad SEASONAL JUL-SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE (M10) GF HEIGHT AND PERIOD #EIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7,6-_ 8.0- 9.0- 10,0 11,0- 12,0- 14,0- 17,0- 29° 45.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 6.9 99 10.9 11.7 13.9 14.9 LONGER 0.00 - .49 Sno! ammo | US) meee eeb ee stiGae mers con hr yaa, wed7 aL 359 50-99 SO a NG Ge Ce a ln a7 462 1.00 - 1.49 hem steel) Pe ME PSI END) BO" Ny ane 110 1.50 - 1.99 RNASE. 8. nine (ea Fano 2) Roe 39 2.00 - 2.49 URC ak een. Wana eran ac mer ves Mle gaily) abn 13 2.50 - 2.99 nani Lyte eae hy pul ve inc arial 16 9.00 - 9.49 al) dey, api S a aeiae ee Aas: 3 3.50 - 3.99 3. Atami ile NW) ee Oe ( 4.00 - 4.49 oe ee ey eS eR ee ahem 6 4,90 - 4,99 : c c : : : : c : : 0 5.00 - GREATER i ee eC eee aie) iad 0 TOTAL Ve AN BEGG Ge Sty eS ie IE Ry ey Ge SEASONAL OCT-DEC PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL P0- 9.0- 4.0-_ 5.0- 60° 7.0- B.0- 70> 10.0- 11.0- 12,0 14.0- 17,0- ce eS. a9 es er) Oa. 9) A i7 9) GEL a MNaa0 IONONN NiNetaISe9) SfGNGeLONGER 0.00 - .49 Slicer CSE cee MPS SLs ere a eed eet Naty A 197 50-299 GaN) PE NMRLOR OC Bia uaa nriaee Bray TR Varal Mareeh ines Ciina i) 434 1.00 - 1.49 Ge aS Wra2, Me ia cg EI ROT am ae oon en 139 1.50 - 1.99 yee dor Wachee) ay Ui etd Reign Cpe ae 109 2.00 - 2.49 : a ics | Mac an a ier (ee a) 63 2,50 - 2.99 OTM \oUIm Econ Racin Gn ener oo) Z 3.00 - 3.49 La ee ee: i 3.50 - 3.99 ae: CAM Kee og a 4.00 - 4.49 Ca re can ages : i 4.50 - 4.99 Bg RT A), PS Eh LOR, eA EM ee) 8 0 SEDO IGREATER! kee, a i A eam Hae ee ee ra 0 TOTAL er RD os Os GI) aly GEA) TG Ges a HEIGHT (METERS) 0.06 - .49 nak) Saye 1.00 - 1.49 1.50 - 1.99 2.00 - 2.49 7,00 - 2.99 3.00 - 3.49 Spall) = <1Eth) 4.00 - 4,49 4.50 - 4.99 5,00 - GREATER ii HEIGHT (METERS) 0.00 - 49 0 - 199 1.00 - 1.49 1.50 - 1.99 2.00 - 2,49 2,50 - 2.99 3.00 - 9.49 3.58 - 3.99 4,00 - 4.49 4.50 - 4,99 3. ee GREATER HEIGHT (METERS: G.00 - 49 call) 2 oH) 1.00 - 1.49 ast) Hoe) Z.00 - 2.49 Boal) 2 Boh 3.00 - 3.49 Banll) = Saehy 4.00 - 4,49 4.30 - 4,99 3.00 - GREATER TOTAL Table BD5 1983 Monthly Joint Distribution of An Noe Slate 9 3.9 Salas 3:9 1.0- Gow fe) Versus T_ for Gage 625 MONTH JAN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10} OF HEIGHT AND PERTOD B9 PERTOD(SECONDS) TOTAL H.0-_5.0-, bude, Tale, 810-9. 0" ADAG 11-0- 1250- 14.0- 17.0- 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER Ne i Nghe ANB oc @ Sigecn ni me. IEAC ie aoe mo a 39 of) GR 90 283 GO Gp A I TR all Ce Te be BO Te 185 a eee Dee aloe 1, fata he css die 7 ePeae, aa TO 19 100 aa ag CA AON LER OG) catty ab Sade, « 10 Seen: Seta tae FiO ; 16 > a 0 : O O u Dae: SE aaa @ a a eae ane: ; ay. () 16s te ay wk 1G 0G) fe i : MONTH FEB PERCENT OCCURRENCE(%10) GF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD( SECONDS) TOTAL BeO a ShO= Ee OoU TE Uae AS01190) Oona Ons oeUSmIalOemIT7EOs 49° 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 {1.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER bese Bae 0 Se 25m Oat lel CM Mi brm CIRM E ce ra 171 7 9 oh @ m@ i wt we mm 4 331 Pera nega eae Sater ASE ria TaN ean 715 9 9 - Gh 124 eva valle ) mm TS 124 18 DS 7 : Ce 9 0 0 5 § ) 6 he 8 @ mp 28 © 6 ; MONTH MAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Mi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL $.0- 5.0- 60> 7.0> B.0- 9.0 10.0 11,0 12,0- 14.0 17, Fe te Ho hg a Ta RO eke imo, men Bah PP REY Ee IN EE Nee ce tt Alpe 8! cg 73 ma oo bP eh Se OB ee Om GF 942 oom) 4 i eh AR em 738 A Bak GTR [AE hae © loon MLE) 1 130 jen k cee mee eR Debio Miee esata le 89 AN EO Oke AS EAA COS Me VOMON Ath 3] gah) Che, acim’ e Maee ale tee 43 ree i 0 0 ) 5 ' G 4 Q ' 6 c f d Q me (es GR ay TER Me aed (Continued) (Sheet 1 of 4) Table B5 (Continued) alii ee Bis weer al tM ya i ta Ro fa lS Ss AS i BE Lh A IN i a hE, MONTH APR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL lee gine Goes Goll WoW lol oll _ so a fle 12,0- 14.0- 17,0- Bh) ga? a Ba Ai at) a? Do) St) 19.9 16.9 LANGER 0.00 - .49 : : 9 ce : 17 43 26 26 8 60 9 : 216 52) = oth : c 9 9 : o de Te We) G@ i Wy : 44h 1,00 - 1.49 : é 5 : tl need, a GY : . 189 Haat) = holthy . . O 9 Wy 9 9 : Be , . 114 2,00 - 2.49 : : : : : 7 ' iy : : 5 39 Boal) = ous) 2 : : ; c 9 b c ' . : c : a 3,00 - 9.49 : : 5 : : : : : . : : : : ) Joa = ok) : 0 4,00 - 4,49 : 0 4,30 - 4.99 : G 5.00 - GREATER : y) TOTAL a) © 2 i & G8 eh fe We) is 2a ae 0 MONTH MAY PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10} OF HEIGHT AND PERTOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL f= she Ao0 Bowe Gale Foe Ge Goede LA eat Sei azo Bop Bao) Ele) BH? Gok? ToD lo? oe) MOE) No Witla) Sot? Molter: 0.00 - 49 : c : 8 8 8 a : : Z nal) Sah) : Bie, 25 a0 Rae WS eto? ae Ad zor Roe a4? Clrcs) 8 B35 1.00 - 1.49 : 0 : 0 {7 17 17 42 A 6 , 7 . 93 1150 - 1199 Oe ee ec ae es ee eee ag 1b 2,00 - 2.49 c - 0 : : : c : 6 : 0 : 5 Q oa) = Boy 0 3.00 i 3.49 a . 0 Boal 2 aac? 0 HE - 4.49 : : : 0 : : : : 9 : : : 0 0 4.50 - 4.99 1 : C : : : c : : c : : : Q De a0 ~ GREATER : . ° 5 : 2 . . ' . . 1 . ( TOTAL 0 S78 os a) Ny a ye) 3 MONTH PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) tf HEIGHT AND PERTOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD‘ SECONDS) TOTAL WG ghiie Ete Soe Bute Pade GQ Got MO Ue Meds Mine Hila Bae) EG) EL S358) Gch HG) SG GG Mot UGG Teta) Meiot teakileles - 149 : A ") 5 3 44 26 ai 9 35 26 1a 237 a) = Akh ; 16 18 vi 35 a} ORS SG} él 18 9 3o ; 54 i,00 - 1.49 6 , 0 26 26 44 44 3 ‘ : j A F 149 haat!) = Haney - i ; 9 iB 26 0 : 6 : : 5 33 AO = eG 9 Boa) = Lobe) v 3.00 - 3.49 ) aa) = SSK) 0 4.00 — 4.49 , 0 4,50 - 4.99 EAs oR ENG Wicca ae ag RAL AR Os ce gata 0 DW) S a REATER . F 5 5 : 5 5 5 5 ‘ F A : Q TOTA Q 18 27 44 | Sin Gil cee OS 70 59 35 53 0 (Continued) (Sheet 2 of 4) B10 Table B5 (Continued) MONTH J PERCENT OCCURRENCE‘ X19) )OF HETGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT‘ METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL ote ghee. eotie: BO= Golf Foe. Eo Doe Waite. MNOS Hun Bes Woe 28) ot) Go Bo fag} oe a? ae? OE) shoe? oS) Nhe 0.00- 49 F {1 li 33 ce ye ; 33 : 22 473 aah SAK : 22 ae 11 55 OBB 33 4410 ; : 33 11 495 Lo = fat 4 : 5 li 11 11 ; A 5 : i : , Re Ham) = {GX : ; : ; 0 5 3 : i 5 : 0 Z.00 - 27.49 F ; 5 i i 0 hon) = Zoe 7 i ; F : P j ; 0 3,00 - 3.49 : j j ‘ 5 F i ; F ‘ ; 0 aaa) S Bint) j i = ee 5 5 : P 5 4 Q 4.00 - 4.49 i 5 6 : 5 i Fi ; 4) 4,50 - 4.99 5 ' E ; ' i : ke Q 5.00 - GREATER A 5 ‘ i , ‘ i : “0 “a % Q TOTAL G 22 22 ce Sal Ase GGyenrZs leeeecog 0 Se) 88 33 RONTH AUS PERCENT OCCURRENCE (i 110) ig HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL We oG= AA ao at Toe Hoe Got HOS late Went I> Wve Ba dati Sa? Bo BoP Wo) oe? SoG No? ARGH Hoe Mo aR etsle 0.00 - ,49 : : nS 2? Ce 4, 0 ef se 5 450 a) = Sh) : 5 Seo ae SONm lo Cement lG 10) 43 Als} 0 9 316 1.00 - 1.49 : : i} aM) c : : : : 99 ileal) = Rott) : : : : 18 = 18 5 : : . : : : 45 2.00 - 2,49 ¢ < : 5 . ¢ : : : : : : i) aml = eolhy : : : : : . : : : : : . 0 3.00 - 3.49 c c : : : ; : ? : 0 c 6 Joa) = Goth 0 : : : 7 . : Q 0) 4.00 - 4.49 : : : 0 : 6 : c 0 4,30 - 4,99 : : : : : : : : 0 3.00 - GREATER . ' : : : : : : : : 6 0 TOTAL ) 0 Teen Coe OO be BO nae Bae Oommen) EBS RS MONTH SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS? PERICD (SECONDS) TOTAL Lol Ga! GoWe at> @ele Pele Gol Vole Myo= Ane Weal Uwe 5) fou Sot) Gas ol) a tot) oe? ob? al? HGH TD) ale LGNGER 0.00 - 49 x F 6 ' 5 19 78 39 19 49 68 : 272 ae) Gh) ; 10 48 39 29 10 19 38 97 19 29 i 5 278 1.00 - 1.49 A ‘ 29 19 2 F Be) 3 19 P : 183 1.50 - 1.99 q 5 5 5 ; i 6 10 19 10 Lo 48 2,00 - 2.49 é A ; lu 10 19 . 5 4 39 Z.00 - 2,99 - F i A : i0 10 19 10 49 3.00 - 3.49 . Fi 6 : : 10 F 5 i¢ 3.50 - 3.99 ; ; S A ‘ 5 : 5 : ; ‘ j G 4,00 - 4,49 ; A - j 3 i 5 ‘ F 0 4,50 - 4.99 5 : F i é ; ; ; A ‘ d 3.00 - GREATER r : é i : : ; ; F 5 : 4 ; Q TOTAL 0 i) 48 68 49 68 we) AUS reste) 96 98 68 9) (Continued) (Sheet 3 of 4) B11 Table B5 (Concluded) MONTH OCT PERCENT OCCURRENCE(K10) OF HEIGHT AND PERICD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOG (SECONDS) TOTAL i.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- £2.0- 14.0- 17.0- SAO Seg oe ge ere: Boe) Bat 8.9 9.9 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER A = ald : . : . . . : . » da . : . 33 ey = 93 : eee pee eC 8 So Onl] Gyn Clyne 2.) ans 494 1,00 - 1.49 : : Bo ae . 5 he sh SO eB : 273 Laat) = iG ; . : o 8 hott lela tT, ang 8 5 117 Z,00 - 2.49 ; : : a ORNTAN, MEN Rea AZO Ly 8 0 : : 109 Boal) = Loh : : : : : 8 : : a : : : , {6 3.00 - 3.49 : : 0 Sua S alothy ; Q §.00 - 4.49 : i) 200 - 4,99 c : c : : : : 00 - GREATER c : . : . : F : : : : : ; * AL (Qi ee4 ieee Sime! 2 5k open cope camel (7 Semel 4 ee OG pmsl Gee MONTH NOV PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 150-3.0=4,0—> 9.0> 6.0— 70> EOS 0S 100 Ti CoaiZids 14.05 1720s Boe) ga GG) Se oth ot? ot) ot) iat? lee) alae) See? (Uae) 0.00 - .49 . : 8 34 5 Pl. . 364 call = bhi : ae Ake cosa GOR t 2p Scene OCaminrZ ON neo M aOR ns 8 489 1.00 - 1.49 z : 0 Gill Ses G . Bo Oe es . : 134 Hott) = atk) a : 9 2,00 - 2.49 : 0 Gg Boal) = Sth) : : : 0 3.00 - 3,49 : : 0 hal) S glaahy : C : 0 4,00 - 4,49 : ¢ : : : c . : - : : : 0 4,90 - 4.99 . : : . : : : : : : : : : Swe GREATER Hs tein ee RS A ek Sk cial Siu kt ok. ae TOTAL 0 a) yO RG Sas Gs) AUK) § ost Loi) MONTH DEC PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL {.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0-_ 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0 Bo) oi) Ba? Bo) a) ae lato MG) Gh? lat? la LaNGER 0.00 - .49 5 8 8 8 ; 8 5 8 : 68 48 17 193 cali o GR) ; F F 76 25 17 Zommod 76 2 OSI 17 7 17 355 1.00 - £.49 j E ) ah 34 17 8 17 8 8 ‘| i ‘ 15 Haat) o aGhy ; : : : 37 76 8 17 17 5 5 R X 202 2.00 - 2.49 { 6 25 17 17 5 ‘ 14 2,50 - 2.99 8 8 ; 16 3.00 - 3.49 4 Bi 0 3,90 - 3.99 ; (i 4,06 - 4.49 5 “ Q 4,50 - 4.99 5 i 5 A is ; 0 4 : : : q F 0 5,00 - GREATER A : ; ; ° : ; ; i F i : : 0 TOTAL 0 8 Gi could omeel2G 41 109 118 101 85 8 34 (Sheet 4 of 4) Bl2 7.0 ANNUAL 83 HEIGHT, M LO. a0 80 G0. BO GO 0.0 10° 10° 10° iv PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B3. 1983 annual cumulative distribution of at for gage 625 ° A sossnun JAN-MAR 83 SRT eerie i) MMW yaks a APR-JUN 83 GE JULASSP hs OCT-DEC 83 So 6 4.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1 0 1 10 ] 10 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B4. 1983 seasonal cumulative distribution of He for gage 625 0 B13 HEIGHT, M 7.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 Sota ese Sos 7S. 1o" 10° 10° ig PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED 7.0 6.0 HEIGHT, M 4.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 ] 10 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B5. 1983 monthly cumulative distribution of H, for gage 625 (Continued) fo) 10° B14 HEIGHT, M HEIGHT, M 3.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 10° 10° 10' ig PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 10° 10° 10' ig PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B5. (Concluded) B15 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- [+4 5 iB Ka} rererere” 7 OF [avy "aa ° c3 \o = 1) o (XXERRRERRERER RRR RR os 00 pei PrP reer e ee) % c= tah mR LWRABRBBVAaas ¢ Buu Oo na oO. a rou’ v Gat} Ze ier Na ce) Ea - TF « a 33 oO ne IIa Tas oo) N =: pat : BAWAAABAABBAABAWWRRLRRABAABABABBBVAsay UR) erer0ce 010 10,010.0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.8.01010:010.; L955 (L2ZZZZZI I IIL oe CO Oe be LZ o- s ‘ LAWWAAAVABWWARRSRBAAABaaaaaae on 810 _8:0,010,910,9:0,0_0_0_0_¢_0,0,0_0.0_0_0,0,0,0,9.0,9.0,0.0 Oe [> COTTA AAA AA AL a he eee eA a” © RKASASSS ASS 1nB bp,9.9, Oren 3 COIIIITIIIIIIDIS IIa TH: an CO cS LWABAABVaaaas o . to 2 i r0a8029.,0.9,0.0.0,,0 ON bp C2277 ged nbd kidditgiddiidd N ks iy @ LAAARAAARWAAWABSaaaaaes ° to ~O FA9..9.0,".8.9,,, [6 ULL LLL need 1 a RCAVARBUABARAAAAAVaaasas Kez) 3 aaa PaPa2aPaPaPaPararar starr aaa aa”, oR Cc OID SDM SD ra) | ESS SS SAASAAASAY oOo RRA oe 9a) 22722) 1 (ee) RBA fon) 1o C- . oOo. aa -™ m A e ns o \O aa jaa) m2) oO u eco pnt oo t=} SE ae Eee Eat 8 cl = a 2 » 6 % “JIN3SYYNIIO JO AONSNODYS fu % “JINBMYNIDO 40 AINANOIYS 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER B16 PERIOD, SEC 1983 seasonal distribution of Tp for gage 625 Figure B7. Pp oO 4%, “FONBUYNIDO 4O AQNENOIYS % “SON3IMWNIDO JO ADNANOAYS ~ 1 FG a oO o fs} 8 oe N : =~ ac Zac COKER Noe ee eer oe ereisiecer 42 Se ee 33 ann fd NE KAS t= f = 5 oOo} 7 ————(—is—isi‘OCOCSCSCSCRSSSS SSS rs on I OO SOODS OSSD Oooo ap aoa a aaa on of) - ry BSSASS SASS v= WARBRAVAALALAARAABRLABLRRLRRRRABRARETEEEEETECERRER TD a SAS AAAAMAASSSASY rata ata PatueetsSeecOstces°seeese5sLesnisl ey sisc0rsseZeyeascez@ae SoOnmSOrnrm | O) eetatatatatatatete’ OOO o” O18 Oe ose se te ne tw 8 ete Be en eee we 8 8 Ge we Be Ne Se Se Ge Be 8. Oe om = [SUS SSSSS SSS SS SS SS SES GSA = DAAAAASASASASAASAANSAAAAAASSSAS == EK RRRE EER ‘ion Yetetetetetetataletatetstetetatetatsaetatetetatatatatatatatatetatatate® (hep SOC Ia 2 3 d=) o So WAALARABLRALARARARARARARRARRRR EERE EEE Fhe IVAASAASASAAASASAAAASASASASSASAASSAANY ©) itehatetete ate atetatatatatatatatatetatetatetate ste ate atetate ate ate ate are erstetate ste relate areata are ees Se ae hd om o on ° 2G. Re AVANRAAVALCRRARRRRAVALRAS F-) ara tetete tote ee ete ete’ e =) meretatsratstatstatstatatctsra®statetatstctetatatatetetatara*atestetsvatetstaretsratetersts 1o - Spor a oof 289 ug PSSASSASSSSSY oT ON mS eS o (=) [oO as ssc Totaetaatatatatatatetatatatataterate"statetatatatatatateteTateTstetetetstetste anatase” x qs arora terete later ate rete %etetee"e ere ace ee ee ere 8’ Aes ; oN & Y RAAAARARRRARRRRR RRR eee FD BSASSASASS NO NES) Os Natateteteteteteverererere” Or airy iep '. ‘ee re) RARARAARAN fe BARAARAARARARRALRALRRLRALRARRRRA 7) REAM pO RS p a “ln PSSA” BSS us w Terteteerfe CS 52 4 2 pean [ES ms a 1 o ° Ase) om) ” m be F oN aN = rr rr ren R “ 2 wn ° % | 2 ° 1983 monthly distribution of T for gage 625 (Continued) Figure B8. B17 Patents RARAARARARARATLRARTLTTLTT TAT PELL RARLRRRRRRRREEES ett tetatatatetatetatetatetatetahatatetatatatatatetatatetatetatetatetatetatetateratetatetatatate® IVNAAAAAANAANAANSNSAANANAANASNANANANANNANANNANANANSASSNY SOOO OU LP arabe hat er etetete IN ANAAANNAAASAY SoMatetereeteterete ereratersrece INAS AN AANAAAAAAAANANAAASSASS DOSS St Sth OY ISSAANSASNAAANSANASAAASSANSY 70757 x%o%x%o%a%ea%oha%etaP erate” MataPetaPeteotatet Tete "ee” wg7so%s%e%e"a%e"eTeTe"e7ee"ate” wTeTeToTeTeTereTe"eTeTeTe7 0" % “3ON3YNYNIDO 40 AQNANOSYS 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- on 2:9) 9359 4: INANAAASS BAI w o w o = = ‘JONSYYUNIOO JO AONSNOBYS 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0 8.0- Foe) vot) GREY ERE) LON 16.9 10.9 11.9 13.9 6.0- 7.0- 5.0- 4.9 5.9 1.0= 3,0= 4.0= PERIOD, SEC (Coneluded) Figure B8. B18 O°h e Gue L 9 Ors L 4 oh G*¢ GZ () Gh we 0°¢e L € i Ob Gb ae Us S*l l €GL 6 tl Bt Se hE Ih O° tT ¢ % ty S 9 E86 Ole €l Lt te 9e S°0 H9 09 8S 9€ Se fe Ee ec Ie Oc 61 Bt LI OL St ht El cl It Ob 6.0) oh ©) Sa aS eo 74ST OH ) GZ9 e8eD) 103 Wi go aoueqstsdeg €g6l 9d 9TAPL B19 112.5 JAN - MAR RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.4m DIRECTION 65 DEG 0.0 45.0 e 112.5 135.0 157.5 JUL - SEP RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 69 DEG HEIGHT, m Se a Oa So) Ss & © © 5 © FREQUENCY, PERCENT 45.0 72 67.5 112.5 135.0 APR - JUN RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.7m DIRECTION 76 DEG 0.0 45.0 135.0 OCT - DEC RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.0m DIRECTION 64 DEG Figure B9. 1983 annual and seasonal wave roses 0.0 12.5 135.0 JAN RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.9m DIRECTION 54 DEG 22.5 67.5 S 112.5 135.0 FEB RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.1m DIRECTION 65 DEG 0.0 22.5 45.0 112.5 135.0 MAR RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.1m DIRECTION 67 DEG Figure B10. B21 0.0 45.0 OMe 135.0 APR RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.7m DIRECTION 70 DEG 45.0 9 A 67.5 me! Il) 90.0 —~ 112.5 135.0 MAY RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.7m DIRECTION 78 DEG 22.5 45.0 135.0 JUN RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 81 DEG 1983 monthly wave roses (Continued) 0.0 22.5 22.5 45.0 48.0 7. 67.5 a CAS 8g c=) ree «90.0 Ne — tl 90.0 Ss 8 ANY 112.5 135.0 157.5 JUL ocT RESULTANT RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.4m HEIGHT 0.1m DIRECTION 73 DEG DIRECTION 64 DEG 22.5 45.0 45.0 67.5 | f. 67.5 ad Zs Ne Comes = 90.0 Col §690.0 Se $ 112.5 112.5 135.0 AUG NOV RESULTANT RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 75 DEG DIRECTION 65 DEG 22.5 WO FAS 45.0 45.0 67.5 67.5 7 ts Ae Zp cee 90.0 col] 90.0 ~) awe 112.5 112.5 SEP DEC RESULTANT HEIGHT, m RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.8m HEIGHT 1.0m nN WwW DIRECTIONG3DEG 6 5 & & o DIRECTION 62 DEG FREQUENCY, PERCENT Figure B10. (Concluded) B22 Table B7 1980 Through 1983 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Extreme Hm and Ty for Gage 625 Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Period Period Extreme Number Month Height, m Height, m sec sec Height, m Date Observations Jan Jol 0.6 8.3 2.9 3305) 28 352 Feb Vos} 0.6 9.5 Boll 3.8 14 370 Mar tol 0.6 9.2 2.8 30S) 18 416 Apr 0.8 0.4 9.1 2.5 2.6 1 354 May 0.8 0.4 8.6 22 oll 46 Jun Ont 0.3 8.3 2.4 2,0 379 Jul 0.5 0.2 8.2 2.6 105 28 292 Aug 0.7 0.5 8.4 2.6 Sho l 20 387 Sep 0.9 0.5 9.0 2.6 3.0 29 SD Oct 162 0.7 9.2 3.0 5305) 24 464 Nov 1.0 0.6 8.9 Bo 345) 13 440 Dec nO) 0.6 SJol/ Sok 2.9 12 395 Jan-Mar 1.2 0.6 9.0 2.9 368 Feb se Apr-Jun Oo 7 0.4 8.6 2.4 2A May 1,179 Jul-Sep 0.7 0.4 8.6 2.7 301 Aug 1,054 Oct-Dec Vol 0.6 9.0 3.1 3.5 Oct 1,299 Annual 0.9 0.6 8.8 2.8 3.8 Feb 4,670 B23 HEIGHT, M PERIOD, SEC LEGEND x EXTREME O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION J Ff GG ® w& J J f S O WN | JF) GR) J Cool ledes LEGEND O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION Jo? W & GW J J fF S OO MM DD JS fe) JS O40 CO Figure B11. 1980 through 1983 mean, standard deviation, and extreme An and Tp for gage 625 B24 Table B8 1980 Through 1983 Annual Joint Distribution of H, Versus T for Gage 625 ) ANNUAL PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Xi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL {.0- 3.0- 4.0-, 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- i0.0- 11.05 12.05 14.0- 17.0- Zag IGS) anh Seg Gng)) e7ede wiCagee (Sew LOmgemmding ee licng ee G.9 MLONGER 0.00 - .49 2 Cie Ae Oe G23 hee tole cece Olen n cpm, Z 178 on) > oth) GB fp th eS RTL aN 6 461 1.00 - 1.49 Sig 27ie 420i ien come eae rcs 3 : 203 1.50 - 1.99 Sea 3 4 a q ye ) ag 2.00 - 2.49 4 Q 4 4 4 b 9 7 43 2.50 - 2.99 2 3 2 a 2 3 4 ral 3.00 - 3.49 i 1 l 1 1 ! 6 Seal) S ait? : : ' : 1 : } 4.00 - 4.49 ‘ : : , ‘ : : . : : . : : 0 4,90 - 4.99 c : : : : : : : p - : : : 0 5.00 - GREATER : : : : : : : : : : : 6 : G TOTAL ) Gene d 4 ne Om 2/7 197 (4 7 | OO g Table B9 1980 Through 1983 Seasonal Joint Distribution of H Versus T_ for Gage 625 1 p SEASONAL JAN-MAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Ki0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIGD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS) TOTAL Ines dado) CaN ante a eS Ea Wate Nucl i Me Ue O- 14.0- 17.0- Z. Bo Bo B.9 9.9 10.9 2.9 3.9 9 6.9 7.9 8.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 0.00 - 49 Dui tole 29% cc I5h cdsai deme O) ciation Su) a7 71 150 - 199 Testa eerie eles aisha VEC (acl eC Whe pe Chyna 392 1.00 - 1.49 GAO I5¥, Ahi 3H Ve le Me iBU RGA Pile Gly lb 277 1.50 - 1.99 a, ee 28a Bly Oy aby Tew ey @ lly @ val 137 2.00 - 2.49 EL Oh {ln ce 7 Oe SE. oe tie te 70 2.50 - 2.99 igs 7 6Be ime = ne me oie. at 40 3.00 - 3.49 PR ga ee a 14 3.50 - 3.99 Meee selbst 2 4.00 - 4.49 0 4.50 - 4.99 0 5,00 - GREATER Cae ec ey! oy dt ne a ice tie OR ) TOTAL Yh es FN I Me GG Ge se (Continued) B25 Table B9 (Concluded) SEASONAL = APR-JUN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL id= Ene GH SUS Gee Tle tole Ghee Milate Woe NECie jit PAP NS Td 69 en 89 259 SON) a Sey PISho HONGER: 0.00 - .49 Z a a) we 45 43 24 12 iB 14 209 a Gh 7 a) ay Pal SER 98 33 19 22 3 366 1700) = 1749 4 Gmc 23 20 23 24 18 VW 2 146 Heat) =o iGGh) 4 7 6 4 5 3 z 10 . : 44 2.00 - 2.49 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 i 13 2.50 - 2.99 Zz i 6 : 5 ; 3 3.00 - 3.49 : 0 0 gnn0) = 2.99 0 4.00 - 4,49 5 F Q B 50 - 4,99 : 5 5 6 A 5 . : ‘ : ‘ : : 6 5.00 - GREATER : ; _o Ee : : i j j : ‘ F ' 0 TOTA a 9 ze} aS te) Nils} a AN) HG 73 iO) Shy 5 SEAS IONAL JUL-SEF PERCENT OCCURRENCE} 4i0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETSHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL NG ge the Se iol Tee hte elie Milo HAA Woe MS Az) o= Boy ahs) ENG) AG) i? oe? te GG) GLE) Tlele@) tla 9 ‘Lang ER 0.00 - .49 4 ? 3 12 43 3 ganaz i2 26 8634 5 31 aa © kh & a0 ge Bo 46 66 68 24023 ZO 4 464 1,00 - 1.49 Zz ral See: 14 13 1 5 9 5 5 149 Ha) = 1S 3 5 q) i 3 5 a 5 3 42 2,00) = 2.49 : 1 1 1 2 5 Zz 7 Zz 14 Ba) = £oGh) i ; 2 2 i Z 3 ic SD > sah 1 ‘ Z , 3 3.00 = 3.99 ; : Q ee - 4,49 ; 0 4.50 - 4,99 z : 7 ‘ j , 4 : , ; i ; ; 0 oe ae = eee : ‘ ; i ‘ ‘ ‘ : ; Z j ‘ ‘ Q 0 16 340CiHP a1 Chr SUA) EREP GRY} 736A 5 SEASGNAL OCT-DEC a PERCENT OCCURRENCE( 10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL i= cit te Side eile Tee ae Bae HOH Silat eae Gat 7) 0e Zed 24 nd Opn ee Ge TA 7 a QA e/a ee Ogee hon) 3 noe Oe PON GER 0.00 - .49 Se Lhe OR ii caer Sy Oe aie Gee aren ee 12 150 - 499 De eS ee ae Se Wy ee fle 422 1.00 - 1.49 Te 36g) NOUG aTy, oie nie ey lSeeent te me7S laa 231 1.50 - 1.99 Bi Sy ROTe eB he adee an RL mune onli ar Re 117 2.00 - 2.49 vi ORB wea ye Ye Dua ante uae sh amrene si Ort Oa 8 2.50 - 2.99 AAS OME ESM! ee ie RLV ole Chu oe © 3 9.00 - 3.49 fee rile: M2 Tou rauanee 10 9.50 - 3.99 PUM Ie Tee? 5 4.00 - 4.49 wy. we 9 4.50 - 4.99 ) i 5.00 - GREATER ; 70 ee) ER PR i Gs HG) B26 Table B10 1980 Through 1983 Monthly Joint Distribution ee EL Versus T for Gage 625 ©) MONT PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X 10) “OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL Ue BRI Ch Bl aS ao Tim Ge VBA Salto EUS) N/A ZA ra 3G aie tcad/ Geo) M7 el) si eel e)9 Se Lee lain edo LONGER, 0.00 - .49 6 3 ft) {1 3 14 11 2 6 li 6 ; 105 150) = 99 17 37 48 3 al 28 26 28 40 34 31 3 374 1.00 - 1.49 3 62. 80 2 17 14 34 2 li 5 6 272 lak) S ake) Fe] 26 40 é 17 14 { 3 6 : {32 2,00 - 2.49 & 23 a 6 14 fe 14 14 ‘ Bé Boa) > Bal) 3 : 6 9 9 ‘ i 3.00 - 3.49 : : 3 3.90 - 3.99 q ¢ 4,00 - 4,49 0 q 4.50 - 4.99 : i 5 : 4 ; : ; : j F spies 5) 5,00 - GREATER ; ‘ ; ' 9 5 : 0 5 : . : é Q TOTAL 22 Aa mlezan alos elles 71 77 124 92 «102 66 3] MONTH FE PERCENT OCCURRENCE (Xi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECGNDS) TOTAL i.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- §.0- 9.0- 10.0- i1.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- Hot) alot) ESP) GE) et) = Gah at) GG? iS) Wags? (Laie 0,00 - 49 A A 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 & 8 a4 on) ath ‘s 3 3 19 a5 te 32 54 79 46 4j 5 3 341 1.00 - 1.49 B 19 35 ak 19 2 59 4t 46 5 : 297 1.50 = 1.99 : 14 4i 14 at fi 27 14 32 {1 5 179 2.00 - 2.49 5 3 8 5 i ; ii 22 22 : 79 Hohl) = 2aSh) 5 5 3 8 Ii 16 14 : 57 3,00 - 3.49 j ‘ 5 5 3 é : 13 3.50 - 3.99 : 3 3 §,00 - ; 4g G 4,50 - 4.99 0) 5.00 - GREATER 5 : : ‘ ‘ a i A , 3 0 TOTAL 3 11 wy OY 84 Te MES Sa SUA 68 3 MONTH MAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0-.7.0- 9.0- 9.0- 10.0- us 5 12.0- 14,0- 17.0- Gate Seo) G9 529) Gad) 79) WBES GEO ong 13.9 16.9 CONGER 0,00 - 49 5 6 5 : 2 5 7- 14 7 2 19 7 i 73 TOONS 99 6 7 24 36 46 46 50 33 79 48 41 22 : 452 1.06 - 1.49 : ; 12 26 2 43 12 14 43 19 55 10 5 260 Hast) > ath) 0 4 E 2 2 14 7 2 12 14 2 14 2 101 2.00 - 2.49 ; A AQ 6 5 2 ih F 2 7 14 ie ‘ 49 2.00 - 2.99 2 5 5 10 3 12 39 3.00 - 3.49 i 5 2 5 2 5 19 3.50 - 3.99 i ‘ ‘ 0 4,00 - ioe 0 4,50 - 4.9 t F : 0 5.00 - cicaTeR : ; ‘ ‘ j j i 5 5 ; : 5 0 TOTA t} 7 36 64 Chk S72 93 Ba SOP is ios 82 2 (Continued) B27 (Sheet 1 of 4) HEIGHT (METERS) = = = (ete Ae er led ye ih 130 (iam | = Pa ses © = &© « © ww ) ~o 1) f= C2 CIPI Pr Cet tat Gar ea eee ee eer HETGHT (METERS) fa . wn ASoocstoS a ont) ca CeO ie Ue Veet Fees iad fi ol Fae HETGHT (METERS) 0.00 - .49 call) = ath) Table B10 (Continued) MONTH APR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD(SECONDS) TOTAL ie Sib Cole SWIe Gwe Tie Ge Suis OLS Mle Hee Wwe Tye Age 419° 5.9 67 79) Bl FES lols | MNES sfa.9) IASON NRONGER ee ig hig Ve ROM PE RP EY Bo 175 Se tn EIT) et Olan 2G) aG) ME CRT Ben SOUS Ome 1m Ss 519 TPE mn SVE Wal altel Ply Seale TIT ie abe Aha | tats Ee 201 ia RATE ACW MNOS IR SGi ai Silat See 5 ie ah aS Recs, Re Cte Taye aici =e 23 2) ; aes as ae es: b By, a i ere: Gee: 3 0 ee ee 5 ; ; 0 aa i ee " ie it 0 t . s . s s . e s . s a t ) 3) oh Wh Gh i) Me ee MONTH MAY PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD(SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14,0- 17.0- 79°99 4.9 5.9 69 769 8.9 9.9 10.9 11.9 19-9 16.9 LONGER ee ear eee Cele mmr MT BERL ty Wi 163 Sr Ge BON TE Chun ele Sia uw RYN SB Se 671 Mahe Me aia eine dies Meza) M250) Wedih: etglestie ae die Mees 169 ers Teed MZ Wegk: hag NED) a : 29 rane Ns UR enn a BB 10 sme : Cae} ae aan : z 2 ike te ee g a ; 0 ae : ae > : i 0 J .J . J a a 0 oF s J . s . s ‘ i 9 @ Sh me th Me a MW so Ge mG MONTH JUN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(¥10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD( SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7,0- 8.0- 9.0- 10,0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 1 ae EH TKO EO A OS ER GG SS TE) AS ‘TANGER 3 Pi5t PM Ak P42) We SR 2k: ORIG eR te eg 294 ey Re i) AG RG 543 FS SE ORS: mG MI, Mezt F760 eG Oey at Mh, ae 12 4 a) Shao wag) Cae Sak Wika) Peg) Sis é 5 : i MER eee eam Bae) ee Re Bee i | : : ii Sy Aa Nae 0 : i fo Oy ae eae 0 ‘ ; A Rg et 0 A AeA 3 | eee 0 s o . a .J ; i ON 2 GR ee TG) aR dh aE (Continued) B28 (Sheet 2 of 4) Table B10 (Continued) nee SEE EEE SES ISSR ESSERE MONTH JUL PERCENT QCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETSHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOFAL 10-0 9.0= 4,0- 3.0= G.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.05 12.0= 14,0= 17.0- 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 99 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER a.00- .49 Q ieee Oates oC pee oe Ciao Taegu cman 4 ? 469 sa) SEA) : it 3 450C7 i sh Sa) : 24 3 449 1.00 - 1.49 : : We AER 34 7) 7 : . : : : : 79 haat) Roe) : : : : : 3 : : : : ” 2 : q 2,00 - 2.49 : : : : : c 6 c : : : : ¢ Zena) = anh C : : 0 : - : c : : : i) 3.00 = 3,89 : : - : : : : : 5 : 5 Slow) S aokh) : ; : : : : : : G 4,00 - 4.45 6 : ; : : : : o : : ) $50 - 4,99 : : 5 : . : : : : : : 0 3,00 - GREATER : p : : o : : : : : o TOTAL Wy A SUM NST TRA ANTS) IC tL el GA} 5G) MONTH AUG PERCENT OCCURRENCE(%10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS! PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 9.0- val 2 Sol _ Gate 7.0- Eb Yo ie 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14,0- 17.0- Hat) alos) 5.9 «6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 1.9 19.9 16.9 LONGER 0.00 - ,49 5 3 ‘ 2 65 31 90 73 3 af a4 3 371 rod = 99 3 5 23 39 BO 96 37 bé 41 2i 21 14 8 469 {.00 - 1.49 ‘ 6 21 26 2 16 3 : 5 5 ; : 94 Loan) = eek) ‘ 5 ‘ 5 10 8 3 : 3 ‘ 5 3 : 37 2,00 - 2,49 ; : , F 3 ' i : B a) {3 i : al ERY) S BAe) ‘ : : ‘i 5 i & 3 3 5 : : 9 3.00 - 3.49 ‘ i 7 A ; : 3 3 r & 3.50 - 3.99 A is : , ; : A ‘ ; 3 4 A Q 4,00 - 4,49 5 i 3 : ; ‘ ; ; i 0 4,50 - 4,99 Fi - F 3 2 ‘ : 0) 5,00 - GREATER 7 ; ‘ : 5 i i A : ‘i a ; o TOTAL 0 § Za BCG Ge) ee aH 70 63 11 MONTH SEP PERCENT eCURRENCE (x19) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD/ SECONDS} TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.8- 5.9- 6.0- 7.0- 9.0- 9.0- 10,0- 11.0- 12.0- 14,0- 17,0- EG AG OES aOR Ao mnneG mee B ern Sm TAOS Gea metsiite sesising: (6. 5 TT aNGER oe = 749 i R f Pe Hil a7 27 i! 74 24 5 14? 0 = 499 ; sg a2 72 a 4G 77 = 104 32 43 7] 489 500 = 1.89 ; i 27 51 24 19 35 48 1g 24 13 5 260 1150 - 1.99 OAM) Ui SR a Ona Pech tian 4 J i 7.00 - 2.49 oe BM ea LSA VEE ego SNS ee 21 Boa) = oy) 5 ; 5 5 3 3 ‘ 5 8 5 19 3,00 - 3.49 ae ie SE aa Aa 3 3.50 - 3.99 Tae Rv raat al ae, aS Q 4.00 - 4.49 Eas ANS NOTED ns ey ae 4.50 - 4.99 ; rer a ca 0 2,00 - GREATER i i j - , A ‘ ‘ : . ‘ o : Q TOTAL Ht) 3 ye 5& 6136 52 7g Vas 196 i iWile 48 a (Continued) (Sheet 3 of 4) B29 Table B10 (Concluded) MONTH PERCENT OCCURRENCE (10) OF HETGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS ) PERIOD( SECONDS) TOTAL tA Halle eh BIR felt ea Q. ee Fed Wwe IS Beate Me [alle Ho Bo noe Wak 9.9 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER “tr a a pan] = oO Rae So ~~ o Om Das) Q.c0 - 49 : F : F 4 {3 i3 4 15 ie 4 7 48 ESQ a n09 Zz Z4 2 45 22 26 47 1B 47 44 41 3 407 LQ) = Hey ; 4 ? 30004 Z 13 Z 30 AT tl ; 748 1,50 - 1.99 A . 4 9 2 i 4 4 13 17 22 i] 3 129 Ent) = oi - : 5 2 15 13 13 13 i 6 6 Ail 2 90 2.50 - 2.99 : 5 i : 4 & 9 2 4 ‘ 6 4 4 a9 3,02 - 3,49 : ' ; 5 ; : Zz ; j é 4 2 3 8 Sloat) S SioShy 5 ; F 5 ' : ; c 4 5 ; 2 F fe) 4, GO - 4,49 : : ‘ 5 i : z F ‘ 5 : : 4) 4.50 - 4.99 ; ‘ 3 ; : : : 5 ‘ 5 5 5 G 5.00 - GREATER F j : ; 9 X : ; ‘ ; i g§ TOTAL eG z 32 76 «146 94 63 ee is UB) SSE 84 15 MONTH NOV BERCENT OCCURRENCE(%10! OF ¥EIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3,0- 4,.0- 3.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- {1.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- BIG a.2y) ANGRE SONI LER: C/RONIEGESE RGM TORGM GiiAy) MIGhO en 1E9 LONGER 0.00 - 49 5 ; 7 9 i ay 18 14 {1 5 30 y i72 a) Suh) ; 5 45 29 73 4g 36 50 30 48 ty ak 7 447 {.00 - 1.49 7 18 5 634 it {4 5 14 18 9 ‘ 207 tea) = Week) i : 2 20 18 Zz : 2 2 3 | 2 BO 2.00 - 2.49 ‘ ; : 2 2 7 r Zz 5 16 14 ; 48 Baal) > Boek 5 3 z 5) Z (i ; 9 7 ; 23 3.00 - 3.49 : F : i A i Z 5 2 3 Z 14 pall) S digthy ; 5 : : , 3 F : 5 3 ; ; i) 4.00 - 4,49 i : , ‘ ‘i : : ; i F j : 0 4,50 - 4,99 2 - . : f i fs ’ 6 5,00 - GREATER ; F : : 5 : : i i ‘ ; i ‘ @ TOTAL 0) 3 59 yet SRR 70 = 84 6) 84 146 117 9 MONTH DEC PERCENT OCCURRENCE(¥10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECCNSS} TOTAL foe dol Soe aul Goll Fale ote Vole Mate i. O- 12.0- 14.0— 17.0- 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 6.9 9.9 10.9 11,9 13.9 14.9 LONGER 6.00 - 149 ; Ae Ce Wah S550 a5 Bi pee oa. noe wie cSt mea i2é 150 - 499 : 2301 980) MSGS [i23h (e230 Sap r690 ends) 14599) Ones} 416 1.00 - 1.49 4 yee a) 2 4G Te i i) @ « 236 1.50 = 1.99 ; : , 3 PSR Re OCS, Use aot) lal seme S eemers ; 4 2.00 - 2, i y g aie B 5 fj 2.50 - 2.99 ‘ ; a : ; 5 : : 3 3 d ; § 9 3.00 - 3.49 ; : i : : j : : 3 y : 5; 5 a 3.50 - 3.99 : : : : : s as d , E ; 6 4.00 - 4,49 A , P 5 e 7 4 O 4,50 - 4,99 : : % : : : : : 0 5.00 - GREATER ; : i : ; : : 2 3 7 : a TOTAL Ne a a WG TRE RG Ra : ~ (Sheet 4 of 4) B30 HEIGHT (METERS) HEIGHT, M 7.0 ANNUAL 80-83 10" 10° 10 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B12. 1980 through 1983 annual cumulative distribution of H, for gage 625 ° n JAN-MAR 80-83 Be ys RAL ae ee aT a ee APR-JUN 80-83 ~~ JUL-SEP 80-83 OCT-DEC 80-83 10" 10° 10° 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN [NOICATED Figure B13. 1980 through 1983 seasonal cumulative distribution of H, for gage 625 fo) B31 HEIGHT, M 7.0 ee NG OOTGS Seen, FEB 80-83 MAR 80-83 6.0 5.0 4.0 ase, 3.0 “ly Dian ese ~.> “s 2.0 1.0 ° (=) 10° 10° 10’ iv PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED 2 w e cua. APR 80-83 alee cere | ee TD ay ei CO mere MAY 80-83 JUN 80-83 4.0 5.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 S22. -| 0 1 | 10 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B14. 1980 through 1983 monthly cumulative distribution of H, for gage 625 (Continued) fo) 10 B32 7.0 i p ee at PUD 60-83 | Sale Dee mere arcu Ei, aC RUG 80-83 | _— SEP 80-83 | Oo “ =9 aS a= So Lim 2g ans Sry 1) 1 1 10 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED So tee. (CR GUE chin MD ieee nen De ° MeMenii. NOV 80-83 aes, DEC 80583 5.0 4.0 3.0 HEIGHT, M 2.0 ) 1 ] 1 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B14. (Concluded) B33 25 BS ANNUAL 80-83 8 % “JONayNyNDIO0 4O AONANODYS 10.0- 11.0= 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- EL = 8.0- TiOm 7.9 HO= oO Sie Gf= 1,0- 16.9 LONGER 1.9 13.9 G9 llo.e) ft 8.9 Se] 458) S58) Go) PERIOD, SEC 2.9 oc m) EEA 1o my OS Paaltalitsa) 3) SS c Gee a Se a o i] fo} OQ — — SntaaDalad al aA p LSPA SSS SLES SSI aI ey ° 2) Banao 0 » «“Zza0 a r=} F388 E REKKXRKRR ER RRR RER edd a cf 0 1 Os =] 74 te Sie ae) Ge nt 5) (S) No a De 7) ©&) = b [016;0,07010:010;019:0:010.0:0,0.0.9:0,0,0.9.0:8:0. 1a Re ti(iti‘(é*C*‘CREE OT Aes ay ae & = |: 0500.0. 0:0,0:0.0:0.0:0:0:,; AMD) | OD LIT FT DL FL PPL LD DLT LF AD PLDT A) Oo (40) : = Si : rei) oa oO” ao : cod On D oo wo” = bE ©. 0,0, ©, 0.0.9, 0,,0:0-0.0.0,9.0,0,.0,9,0.9.0,9.0.9, £0 oO” 00 iit 5 (sh on Se ) 7) w Ou Oo” co Oo w [ony = Go lQ= 4.9 = eos _ os ~ a) 3 ie 3 EN 00 “4 fy ao or oy 8 g ny =) Dy ° % “JON3YNYNIDO 20 AINGNOSY4 PERIOD, SEC 1980 through 1983 seasonal distribution Figure B16. of Ty for gage 625 B34 POS eh hehe he eae Pater hehe ate he a heh hr he he he ae ae ae ee Orie ie the th DD RDANANANAANANAAASANSNANI BAAS AAS AAAS ANS AAASASS ASSAY ee rTelsT senses LoseseeeCoueh RITE ARARAARARERRRRD Bath ee keh heh hhh hh he hehe hey QARARARRARRAR AARRARARARRRERRRERRRRRE aateteTe ereteereteveTere eee ee ee e-are ANARARAARERRAREARRERRERLEREEEE (AARAARRARRRRRARERERRERE releletereleretel PSSSSSSSY RRAN wn o w o % “SONIBNIDO JO AININOIYs -9 16.9 LONGER O- 14.0- 17.0- COPD her br a 0,6,, 4.0.8,, 0.0, 0.0, POPP PSP hh hae ae hee ara tetee eee te ee ete ate ete ete ate ere te ee ee Ce ee Ae SO UO MO MO OC te Oe AXKKKKKM OLR RR 0 8 0 0 0.0 0.0.5 0+. 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 00 0.0 es ese ateTatet ate tee ete ate ate ate ete ene ene ene ee ee Ne wre 8 aS Ta a olePotePetatetatetatetee™ aToteTeTeToTeTere "oreo rere ene: retatetaTeTeTeTeteTeTe BSASAAN wo o w o = = % “3ON3NUNIDO JO AQNANO’YS 1980 through 1983 monthly distribution Figure B17. for gage 625 (Continued) of Tp B35 wif -_ SERKRR RRR IS py é IAAAMAASSASSY = satatatatatatatatetatatatatstatatatatettateratatattatite lowe A Ay) SSSA = EE | O? =< SAAS =" Mere iessisancecatetalocere1e1 exererel el crorereTeterelstOx*\#cer4ssTez919 SoOSnSOnOnnT | O? aratatatatatatatetatateretataterstatstartatatatetatateraereteranerarsrararareretsretetesrens yo” . RABAARARAATRLLERRRRRERALBRG Fhe raPatetatatataatatatatetatatatetatstattatstetateeteetetetetetanetetetetstetretnts Mog) oO. RARRAARARRRARARARRRRERRRRARREEERVE sratetaeN saratananateetatareret's 8 ;AARAARAARARRRRAEEELER SOCRATES Lo & RO ac ARARAARARRARAARVBVBVRRARARAARE FS ey sTelereleTeleToleTelsrerelerelereTere"elevereTere'ereTe'eTere'ere ere» MMe) Oe AAAASRRARRARRRRRREREEE fe sTaleToleTeleTale"ere%ere7e! 1a Oe. MARARARARARAA 7 Ri | OD OS [ISSSSSAASSY 1) O . RSSSI foe Oo oO -- 7 = % “JONSYYNIDO JO AONENOIYS AyAl (yf oF ohieh % “SONSYYNIDO 3O AINANOINs 5.0- 5.9 Helter Silo oie Ane) Ss) 6.0- 7.0- 6.9 7 4.9 PERIOD, SEC (Coneluded) Figure B17. B36 G29 ase) s0j Jo fe) g@ & © S & Ww © Ob CL s) L 3} @ OL UL th © uoy uo (s)Aeq SATINDESUOD MH gO a0ue4sTsusd €g6l UBNoUL O61 LL eTqeL b la awe a= Lt Sao Ole Gl i IE Bib Us QL €e cE Sh Ll ee te 8e S*0 Se DM © ® © hY © B37 HEIGHT, m = © © oe © eo O88 py Sy RS fa RS ta Se eooo 8 8 FREQUENCY, PERCENT 0.0 45.0 112.5 135.0 JAN - MAR RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.4m DIRECTION 65 DEG 0.0 45.0 135.0 157.5 JUL-SEP RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 71 DEG Figure B18. 1980 through 1983 annual and seasonal wave roses B38 337.5 135.0 157.5 ANNUAL RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.8m DIRECTION 67 DEG 0.0 45.0 67.5 = fe o eel 90.0 ; aa 135.0 112.5 APR - JUN RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.7m DIRECTION 76 DEG 45.0 67.5 112.5 135.0 OCT - DEC RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.0m DIRECTION 61 DEG 22.5 a 112.5 JAN RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.3m DIRECTION 61 DEG 12.5 FEB RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.6m DIRECTION 66 DEG 112.5 135.0 MAR RESULTANT HEIGHT 1.1m DIRECTION 67 DEG Figure B19. 1980 through 45.0 7 ws © — 90.0 Sy, ae APR RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.8m DIRECTION 69 DEG 22.5 67.5 Q - 112.5 MAY RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 79 DEG 90.0 S 112.5 JUN RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m DIRECTION 81 DEG 1983 monthly wave roses (Continued) B39 DIRECTION 68 DEG 0.0 22.5 22.5 45.0 45.0 67.5 67.5 S ——— A) cet W 90.0 os wy : 2 2S 112.5 112.5 135.0 135.0 157.5 JUL oct RESULTANT RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.4m HEIGHT 1.1m DIRECTION 73 DEG DIRECTION 64 DEG AG 537.5 os 22.5 45.0 45.0 67.5 7 67.5 7 fx. 4 vy, \e —— te) a ol 90.0 O 2~ e @ i 112.5 112.5 135.0 135.6 AUG NOV RESULTANT RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.6m HEIGHT 1.0m DIRECTION 71 DEG DIRECTION 58 DEG 22.5 O20 22.5 45.0 45.0 67.5 67.5 ? A 7 he oll] 90.0 =—ill 90.0 112.5 112.5 SEP DEC HEIGHT RESULTANT Rete taet RESULTANT HEIGHT 0.8m °o Oo Oo S So HEIGHT 0.9m DIRECTION 61 DEG FREQUENCY, PERCENT Figure B19. (Concluded) B4O HEIGHT, OQe-wNbuUubtWOK-NUSWOK NU DAWVOe-WNUSHO-NUSHWOe—NU2AY i ei Oat PERIOD, S Figure B20. PUBS 7 2a BsHwywWwMi 3 § DAY OF THE MONTH a. Hy {e) Time-history of H, fo) BY 1 g9gnNvHswweasaswy AN ands. p for gage 620 Table Bl2 1983 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Extreme Hn and Ty for Gage 620 Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Period Period Extreme Number Month Height, m Height, m —sec sec Height, m Date Observations Jan 1.4 0.7 8.5 2.4 4.5 28 119 Feb Voll 0.7 9.9 2.9 4.3 14 112 Mar 1.4 0.8 8.9 on 4.7 25 123 Apr 0.9 0.5 9.1 2.6 2.9 24 113 May 0.8 0.2 7.7 1.8 Bol 17 121 Jun 0.8 0.4 Loe 2.0 2.1 9 iti Jul 0.6 0.2 Dall 2.3 o8} tf 119 Aug 0.7 0.3 8.0 2.1 2.1 13 123 Sep eal 0.8 8.6 2.8 3.9 29 119 Oct 3} 0.6 9.0 2.9 3.0 21 124 Nov 0.8 0.4 8.5 2.9 2.1 10 115 Dec 102 0.7 8.4 2.8 368} 12 117 Jan-Mar 1.5 0.8 9.1 Qo 4.7 Mar 354 Apr-Jun 0.8 0.4 8.2 258} 2.9 Apr 351 Jul-Sep 0.8 0.6 8.4 205 3.9 Sep 361 Oct-Dec ea 0.6 8.7 2.9 303) Dec 356 Annual 1.0 0.7 8.6 2.6 4.7 Mar 1,422 B42 HEIGHT, M PERIOD, SEC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 J Ff ff JY J f®@ SS @O NN © Je GhI IS Gey ce coe TIME b qT Figure B21. 1983 mean, standard deviation, and extreme H, and Ty for gage 620 fo) B43 Table B13 1983 Annual Joint Distribution of Ha (e) Versus T Pp PERCENT OCCURRENC for Gage 620 ANNUAL E(h10) OF HEIGHT AND PERICO EIGHT (METERS) ERIOD( SECONDS} TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 6.0- 9.9- 10.0- {1.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- Be a ig ag Gi oth Te) aS) GIG? SURG) NG? SI a) Sty Get = ohh) 1 2 2 4 6 {3 34 15 8 Zi 14 1 122 nati ASK Zz 7 io 32 2 38 56 96 40 33 25 18 2 464 1.00 - 1.49 6 34 2 32 14 7 20 27 14 { F 204 Hoa) Slay 5 ‘ A 9 25 20 3 7 é 8 23 1 P 10? 2.00 - 2.49 : 5 F i 9 16 & 4 {0 9 & 4 é 45 oki = 2ohi A - : 1 4 a 5 4 3 6 i P a 3.00 - 3.49 i 7 : 0 { i 1 2 3 1 1 ; id oat) Sait) ' ; : 4 i ; A i 1 i it : 5 3 4.00 - ites ' 4 5 a a t ; i i 1 : : 4 4,50 - 9 3 ; : E F ; i i 5 , i 2 3,00 - pieaes i : 5 ; ; - : P ji j A 0 TOTA 8 31 We Ri SSN? Cie MAD Has 74 100 4g 3 Table B14 1983 Seasonal Joint Distribution of Ha O Versus T_ for Gage 620 SEASONAL JAN-MAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERTOD HEIGHT (METERS? SERTOD (SECONDS) JOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4,0- 5.0- 4.0- 7.0- 9.0- 9.0- 10.0- i1.0- iZ.0- 14.0- 17.0- be Ay Bath fo oy te) PGP eG? atte Eh 9 16.9 LONGER 0.00 - .49 F 4 ; . ‘ 5 3 8 3 ‘ A 14 20 - 99 : 3 ii 14 34 34 11 34 47 34 45 a : 248 1.00 - 1.49 : A if 4? 28 37 tf 40 ai 45 28 3 - 299 taal) S HAGE ‘ : 4 20 37 34 8 14 B {7 48 3 A i89 Z.00 - 2,49 ; F : 3 4 28 8 3 17 17 20 14 : 114 2.50 - 2.99 ‘ : F : 4 3 : 6 i] Hy] 2d § G &3 3.00 - 3.49 : : 3 : é 3 i 2 11 3 6 26 re = 3,99 ; : : ; : ; , 3 ’ : i 3 4,00 - 4,49 i i i A = : oy : 4 é 3 : Gi He) 4,50 - 4.99 : , : : ' , { 3 Fi i F fe 5.00 - GREATER F 5 u F 5 A ‘ A ’ 5 A : 0 TOTAL ) 3 fy 7 SH SYA EY Sie) AIX) I) ak G (Continued) B4Y Table B14 (Concluded) SEASONAL APR-JUN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(%10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL Mae She Ge RaW ole ee Sia Hs Oe 1 aa cl Bo) eG GG) RG) ol ae oe) ets Mat Tl | West) (NBER 0.00 - .49 Fo Aa cine Camas sae, siete eae eae Ome CM Ce 108 150-99 GLEE Tay PL2buh So eMC ROS ag LO0 RT WA RGR uel gee et) 632 1.00 - 1.49 oT Gat Pe OPIELe Seg o7ef 20) glade pling 1 peeOs ta 176 1.50 - 1.99 ea re getetie Vises Cer) Woe Wipe eME ar as 42 2,00 - 2.49 eT OR Mo oe Meo ao Ut meen eh cL ie 15 2.50 - 2.99 é BS “roe ee abe? Mee Spc neon ane a ma é 3,00 - 4.49 0 3.50 - 3.99 6 4.00 - 4.49 d 4.50 - 4.59 UE ey ie ere ae CR rae | cee 0 5,00 - GREATER IGG Pe hbk OD. Whe ce lad cg hadae tae Rs he 0 TOTAL Geese 20h Ge G7 14000149) 2808 10H tee nO 18 SEASONAL JUL-SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND SERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL Ate dhe Coe Selle. Goll Woe Bolle olde Hoe late Vente MU Wate Zo Bo? Got) Bab ah Hot lat Bok? BAR) ita? fg) sah) IES G.00 - .49 3 3 3 me RE i) Sy de 8 20 a 207 on) > oy BH GB he ae A ec LY SO 3 387 1) 2 Taek) Hj A ae a) é 6 a q : : il? Hoel)! 2 Hoek) : 8 14 6 : 3 q : 34 2.00 - 2.49 6 3 3 «44 q 6 6 a2 Boll) > Bork : q 6 3 : : : ile 3.00 - 3.49 : 3 3 d : q Bro) = 3299 ; 3 3 6 4,00 - 4.49 : 5 4,30 - 4,99 : 2 : c g 3.00 - GREATER : : c : : : 2 : : : : : : Q TOTAL yy Br rey ONL) 8 eels nhs Gn 453 eer tts mc 6 SEASONAL OCT-DEC ROENT SCCURRENCE(X1G) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL HOWE eile Oo ale n=: bee tds Wate Nite blo ete Ne ete 29 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 (0.7 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 00- oat bs Ae Gy i ih d 750-499 Sectayesie aSoe moimG 9) 59 20 is 28h ie 372 1.00 - 1.49 Bb SM) TR a Tag 3 225 1.50 - 1.99 Hee 1 ie Wie edn eG ge alte yeczont ad 12 2.00 - 2.49 Hy | eee an et te Pee) gas ia 5 2.50 - 2.99 Perens wet cine woh ae we 25 9.00 - 3.49 eres ie é 3.50 - 3.99 erat 0 4.00 - 4.49 0 4.50 - 4.99 0 5.09 - GREATER coe ee mal. Ba ( TOTAL BE HO NGG a SE) GES ey Te Te) a B45 HEIGHT (METERS) 0.00 - .49 150-99 1.00 - 1.49 1.50 - 1.99 2.00 - 2.49 2.50 - 2.99 3,00 - 3.49 3.50 - 3.99 4.00 - 4.49 4.50 - 4.99 5.00 - GREATER TOT HEIGHT (METERS j 0.00 - 49 50-99 1.00 - 1.49 1.50 - 1.99 2.00 - 2.49 2.50 - 2.99 3.00 - 3.49 3.50 - 3.99 4.00 - 4.49 §.50 - 4.99 5.00 - GREATER TOTAL HEIGHT (METERS) 0.00 - 49 150 - 99 1,00 - 1.49 1150 - 1.99 2.00 - 2.49 2,56 - 2.99 3.00 - 3.49 3.50 - 3.99 4.00 - 4.49 4.50 - 4.99 5.00 - GREATER TOTAL a= 3.9 Table B15 1983 Monthly Joint Distribution of Ha T for Gage 620 52 RE a Se oO Versus MONTH JAN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(A10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD 4,0- 4,9 Sie Asie Bue) ae mw eo am PERIOD(SECONDS) His feOs Sle es Tig Bae 9890 1009 es ele a NG mB ty ap a ie wen ese | Ao he Sp a Ba ey Sat Ei Ce. eed ape : a 50 125 «(118 17 109-134 140 TOTAL 1i.0- 12,5- 14,0- 17.0- 16.9 LONGER 11.9 13.9 ep FG 590C«@g Bay gue Be EO age re fee 158118 MONTH FEB PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Xi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD (SECONDS) 8:0-) 7.0> 10,0- 4,0- 4.7 »s “OO 18 5.0= 3.7 45 18 9 75 fe 5,0- h.9 45 46 18 3 108 = 7.Q- dat! 1 45 j 72 8.9 Ci | eu! =e de os Hl 10.9 36 54 9 27 5 135 = one TOTAL 11.0- i2,0- {4.0- 17,0- 11.9 13.9 14.9 LONGER ae 76 BO 2798 1g a5 oy ays a rs oo Pa fo bat] ee) MONTH FAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE (Xi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD (SECONDS) ie Sie Avie Tie Gite oie On Ao 5G EG ae A GL 10.8 Fe i Re Rare ae LP Wo 9h 8) Te 1h OG SH 9G 8 EP) a ka UF 24e Scents ee ese emt ane PEOVER Mba! soe ng eae ; 16 Summa gag : GAP Lee oe : bt Pe yr: oh fy i Ga Fl Oh (Continued) B46 11,0- £2.0- 14.0- 11.9 13.9 gun, 8 65 Ages cote We 3R al SOG 2g a Tig 129 146 TOTAL 17.0- {4.9 LONGER » come 16 i (Sheet 1 of 4) HEIGHT (METERS) HEIGHT (METERS) ee ' ho 2 MWe 10 a 4,99 100 - GREATER TOTAL HEIGHT (METERS) G90 - 10 = 3.99 4,00 - 4,49 4,90 - 4.99 2.00 - GREATER TOTAL — Table B15 (Continued) MONTH APR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERTOD(SECO ie adie Tie Re Ais The Ae mG) eG cee) SMG) GEG) WS) EEO) eg. Seay s. Wess: p35 fH 1 9 SR ap) eB Tndiens Pe imrae tet 1 ee PB) ey ce ne hh nt Sayan! aaied ate s a z a 2 a 18 i |G) RP RI GE MONTH MAY PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD 1.0 3.0- 4.9- 5.0- ZANT 4 OES, Basi aee 78 ee a oe oa MONTH JUN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD (SECONDS) Le Si0e Ce Site B05 Tie Bite INE 100s WE) EG) AC) WG) gee) GHG) Ge) SOG) Nam cn ged BOLT 26. 77 7 Wy ab aS a) oe GRR MT WSL OR eck AR PACE | Bue Sane Renn aie | hee ee) ae 0 WP 25 Bl 1G OM Sey ey OF (Continued ) PERIOD (SECONDS) Alte ple Rolie Ste Wes 9 6.9 (7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 a ly SGD eR Sh wh 7 ee 25 ae aig ee cw ae Sea ee 116 149 207 289 66 BAT NDS) 9.0- 10.0- 9.9 10.9 35 «18 B8 80 1835 185 cb eae 168 168 TOTAL 11,0- 12,.0- 14.0- 17,0- 11.9 199 168 14.9 LONGER TOTAL 11,0- 12.0- 14.0- 17,0- 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 16 TOTAL {1.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17,0- Mihne) 26 sheho/ 14.9 LONGER ee ~ mn = 26 0 (Sheet 2 of 4) HEIGHT (METERS) 0.00 - 49 A) Sth =) So ath) GW = HGF 2.00 - 2,49 eal) = AAG) a.00 - 3.49 3,50 - 3,99 4.00 - 4,49 4,50 - 4.99 5.00 - GREATER TOTAL HEIGHT (METERS) 9,00 - .49 ca) > he 1.60 - 1.49 oe = otk Z.00 - 2,49 ZAa) = Banh 3.00 - 3.49 e a > aaGh) 4,00 = 4, 49 8,50 - 4,99 3,00 - GREATER TOTAL HEIGHT (METERS) ¥.00 - 49 PIO ae, 1,00 - 1.49 1750 = 1199 27,00 - 2,49 2.00 - 7,99 3.00 - 3. 49 Saal) = alae) 4,00 - 4.49 4.50 - 4,99 3,00 - GREATER TOTAL a See Os fot) | aloo! 10>) 3.0 9 Bo) Table B15 (Continued) PERCENT OCCURRENCES: §,0- 5.0- 4.95.9 ee a yy 4.0- 6.9 8 54 a 100 MONTH PERCENT OCCURRENCE (} 4.0- 5.0- 429) 559 Bi 8 6 89 MONTH SEP PERCENT OCCURRENDE( R10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD 4,0- 35.0- pV aiAf) 8 8 534 i SD ar tg 7 100 6.0- 6.9 154 DERTOD( SECONDS) 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9,0- 10.0- (iat) Ta) tele) I) SiN) A F 8 50 25 34 50 34 50 76 25 4? 8 8 8 4 {7 i 1? js 8 8 B 42 : 8 17 8 Fi : ; § 8 i 8 fap Sil) a SSP VR (Continued) B48 HETGHT AND PERICD TOTAL MMe Hyeaies JESSIE Iii 13.9 16.9 LONGER i 9) G 8 17 8 56 654 TOTAL 11.0- 12.0- 14,8- 17,0- MONTH JUL (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD (SECONDS) 7.0=) Hid=) F20=) 1050= 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 Ge Ae) 7h 109 185 92 109 «151 «6-385 Aug “i0) 0 PERIOD (SECONDS) Tite Gate Fe Wee Tee 8) CE le SE FS W GG Ge & 24 mt Ge G4. 2a gecreneee ga: , VNR ae RMS ALY A alll Ean See Rig alts i ee a Se 16.9 LONGER 24 F 145 24 : 690 TOTAL 11,0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- ito 25 83 seta {7 8 8 = Cocos. = 6b 16.9 LONGER 7 : 183 17 : 4i2 84 6 (Sheet 3 of 4) Table B15 (Concluded) MONTH OCT PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Xi¢) SF HEIGHT SND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS } TOTAL vis HoG- shth. ote Soe fll ole Fae Wo Doo af oS 12,0- 4. We ate | Oc de Ao) Bin) fag? Tink) aa? Ho) Ho) GG dey (LBA 0.00 - 49 Bias BAM be 16 Se 22 150-499 PR aah. ele elas cretll ul teen emer Ir 7k 354 1.00 - 1.49 oe COO REBT Wee tzu iey, Bl 0) | a7) a0 NabeG 781 1.50 - 1.99 AMG ei SamIOL Nee tun a deentete labo LL ere 145 2.00 - 2.49 SP te IAAT MES eG) | BP leet Ae G AL UR 9 a: 137 2.50 - 2.99 Bena, He) Mee AG, SARS aD en) 4 ce a0 9.00 - 3.49 As ne pee hes ALB reiting sie) 9 3.50 - 3.99 ee 4 eh AM ts cl eee 0 4.00 - 4.49 ee (Breet Nos NG catenin i 0 4.50 - 4.99 Ahh ies the eee eae Oe nce me "oc 0 SOUR RCRE NER CMM ena age LMC ay AN EATON R ES MR, TOTAL BD hE he Ms MONTH NOV PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10i OF HETGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS! PERIOD SECONDS} TOTAL Hae da)= Goll mo Ge. voll Holle Sale awe DIAG ene E> U7 fo) ot) Go a ot) ao GFN? GH Elio) LTRS b.0G - 49 : 17 0 oh ay a By {y/o Onmeerce : 234 aS athy : Ww B2 w Be MY a {7 Cel) 477 1.00 - 1.49 : : : Oy a en de toll : : : 214 loa) = obey : : : N/a 5 : : 9 : 9 : : al Z.00 - 2.49 : : : : : 9 c : : : : : 9 Bowl) =) koh) : : : ¢ : : : c ; : : ui 4.00 - 3.49 : : : : : : : : : : 6 ) a.00 = 3.99 : 0 c : c : : ¢ : : c : G 4,00 - 4,49 : , : : c : : : . : , ' c 9 4,90 - 4.99 . c c : : c : : - : : 6 aol) < GREBTER : : c : : : c ¢ : G TOTA y) OM) TE Gn aE Sl MONTH DEC PERCENT SCCURRENCE(*i0! OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS) TOTAL lowe sol Gade ail Gall dole Gh To NOnte ile Hoe MOS ays fio low Minti clo (ios ot) oe oe AD filet ain? GG) (Lan SS 0.00 - 49 a) Ae ae Gn (Tita tie 20, TAs) Uo 207 0-199 ae ian ean a ean ae Tie eae Wc) an ea 283 1.00 - 1.49 Cay aie G26 43 9 173 1.50 - 1.99 SUSIE AB Or tcl he oR RVR Sra AA By Je 1d 2.00 - 2.49 ores Maoh Gn ee as Coe ai 139 2,50 - 2.99 ’ aL ro a a Se 35 3.00 - 3.49 TAG e THjemas 9 3.50 - 3.99 ay oa man Ga ea Nie MEY Use vee 4.00 - 4.49 : anid. OP tT ee 0 4.50 - 4.99 Se toe! ye 0 Cie = ras ) | OR Se ei a a a i) ie ey ai (Sheet 4 of 4) B4Q 5.00 - GREATER i hs TOTAL HEIGHT, M HEIGHT, M 7.0 —__- ANNUAL 83 6.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 10" 10° 10° 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B22. 1983 annual cumulative distribution of Hn for gage 620 fo) S e: cous JAN-MAR 83 Stk sie, ae a APR-JUN 83 i esap 3 OCT-DEC 83 oO ry \) 0! 10" 1 1 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B23. 1983 seasonal cumulative distribution of for gage 620 Hn gag B50 6.0 7.0 5.0 4.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 San ™s sre NET Se tere 1 10 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED 5.0 4.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 2.0 See. 10" 10° 10° iv PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B24. 1983 monthly cumulative distribution of H, for gage 620 (Continued) (0) B51 7.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 HEIGHT, M 2.0 10° 10° 10' 10 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 HEIGHT, M 2.0 10° 10° 10' ig PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B24. (Concluded) B52 ee] ANNUAL 83 FR eee w nN 8 un o % “FIN9NuNIIO 4O AONGNOBYA 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- 8.0- chm Chl eee Ga 1,0- Es 16.9 LONGER 7.0- 2He) “ OW WS Gy G) = ———————— rrr rrr nS nS EEEEEEnEEENEEENEEEEEEEEEE ) 0z9 a3eD 405 Wy go souaeqstsdeg €g6l Qld PTAPL B54 Table B17 1980 Through 1983 Mean, Standard Deviation, and for Gage 620 Extreme Ano and Tp Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Period Period Extreme Number Month Height, m Height, m _sec _ sec Height, m Date Observations Jan 1.2 0.7 8.0 2.8 45 28 400 Feb 1.4 0.7 9.1 Boll 4.3 14 374 Mar 1.2 0.7 9.0 2.8 4.7 25 415 Apr 0.9 0.5 So 1 2.8 2.9 24 387 May 0.8 0.4 7.9 2.2 2.6 417 Jun Ont O83 Toll Xe 2.1 361 Jul 0.6 0.3 8.0 2.4 1.6 28 374 Aug 0.7 0.5 8.1 2.2 345 20 357 Sep 0.9 0.6 hali/ 2.7 3.9 29 390 Oct 162 0.7 8.9 2.9 4.3 24 471 Nov 1.0 0.7 8.1 3.0 4.1 13 369 Dec 1.2 0.7 8.2 2.9 5.6 28 446 Jan-Mar Vo ORT 8.7 2.8 4.7 Mar 1,189 Apr-Jun 0.8 0.4 7.9 2.4 2.9 Apr 1,165 Jul-Sep 0.8 0.5 33.3} 2.5 3.9 Sep 1,121 Oct-Dec eal 0.7 8.4 2.9 5.6 Dec 1,286 Annual 1.0 0.6 8.3 Zo 556 Dec 4,761 B55 LEGEND x EXTREME O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION HEIGHT, LEGEND O MEAN j +1 STANDARD DEVIATION PERIOD, SEC IP fh & f J J fh S O | JE GE) IFS Geo tats Figure B27. 1980 through 1983 mean, standard deviation, and extreme H, and Ty for gage 620 ) B56 Table B18 1980 Through 1983 Annual Joint Distribution of H, Versus Th for Gage 620 (@) \ ANNUAL PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10! OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL f.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- @.0- 7.0- B.0- 90-1005 ti0> 12.05 14.0- 17.05 eee Bie) ORG) Si) Goths oy ele God Moe ath II oe? Teal Tea} 0,00 - .49 1 i ‘| 6 7 itl Ae 14 mS 130 oa) 2 oth PEO SO 72 LEY EI TEN Se 7h GED) I ares 2 465 1.00 - 1.49 1 dd ah Wace tB ae alo meconnmcCh aly, 4 22 logth = eGR) 5 aby Te 7 6 0 ay) SY8 4 95 2,00 - 2.45 Z Cm 4 4 5) 3 7 3 30 oR) = Bole) { 3 j 2 Z 2 4 1 1é 3.00 - 3.49 1 1 1 I 1 1 6 Sica) = Soh : l 1 1 1 : 4 4.00 - 4,49 : l c i 4,90 - 4,99 : : : ) 3,00 - GREATER : : : : : : Cu ats : : : : Q TOTAL Se ae GR iM Het GING eh NG IAP aL a q Table B19 1980 Through 1983 Seasonal Joint Distribution of H Versus T_ for Gage 620 1, p SEASONAL JAN-MAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(#10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS: ; PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 9.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14,0- 17.0- BoP ot? abot a ach? at to) Se) iat? Shae) gio TW) UE 0.00 - 49 1 : c a q I 7 ile a | i a : 49 aa) S eh c CURZON 9 e274 OWS aL) 1 348 1.00 - 1.49 : ey Gey i a SBD zZ 34 8 308 Naat = Marky 0 : Ge) ae 3 fe ail " 134 2.00 - 2,49 : q : Ae ltl 7 a) a Cae ie 1 84 oat) 2 eye) : ' . . 2 q 1 z 7 OAS 4 3h 3.00 - 3.49 : c : : : : 2 2 Z 4 2 z 14 Jaa = Bothy : 2 1 1 1 : j) 4,00 - 4,49 i . 2 2 1 b 4.50 - 4.99 : : I 1 : Z 5.00 - GREATER : : : : : : : : : g 0 TOTAL MY El es PGP SSM Ya fz (Continued) B57 Table B19 (Concluded) SEASONAL APR-JUN y PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Xi0) GF HEIGHT AND PERIOD B58 HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS} TOTAL .O- d= 4.0- 3.0- Q- 7.0- 6.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- alt) te te) TG) RG) 7G) fee) GIP SUG) TG) eG ilo) (Lees 0.00 - 145 ‘ { 3 4 li 11 a2 37 2 é 7 3 i 130 250 - 99 6 {5 39 38 S/n O Geni ic 65 33 {7 15 i n95 1.00 - 1.49 : 1 11 ZZ 3i 30 242 rat 18 13 i 198 LoS) > HEE) c i 6 9 9 é 5 11 3 x ; : 37 HAW S Baku) , Zz Zz 3 2 3 i ip i 1 : 18 3.50 - 7,99 : ; i 2 A : 1 : 4 3.00 - 3.49 3 : : : r 0 aCaW oS abhi i ; : ‘ G 4,00 - 4, 49 ‘ ; i: ; ; b 4. 50 - 4.99 5 p ‘ i ; 0 3.00 - GRENIER : : ‘ ; i : i F p Q TOTA ie bose CEL il | BS ile SB) lh? 62 45 21 i _ SEASONAL JUL-SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS} TOTAL We age Ge ae Galle 7 Ee Ga A ee We 7 it= ott Gio Gah Ba) foG) Woe? GG GEG) aS) ale) BIS) eG? (UIE CROC 4 2 4 ] 2 eb) ae mM) 75) 5 i7 16 2 238 call 2 ott y @ 42 67 mY) Gy 99 5834 20 2d i 533 1) = 68) 1 4 40 40 30 {4 9 7 g 10 4 i 160 eat) = Ge) ; ‘ 4 9 7 4 3 : 4 é 1 ij 38 2,00 - 2.49 : i 3 ‘ z 2 4 Z a Z 19 Boal) = Boe) ‘ 5 t 1 3 1 i ‘ ‘l 5 ‘ 8 3.06 - 3.49 5 : 1 4 i i 1 1 " 3 tig) > Baik i ; i 1 i i ‘ 3 4.00 - Pah . j 7 F . 3 0 a 50 - 4.9 ‘ : ; A ; : ; ‘ 0 3.00 - BREATER ; 6 6 5 ; f , ; 4 : ; ‘ 0 TOTAL iz 24 ely) ISR SERS IY) ER Sh fh} 59 49 4 SEASONAL GCi-DEC PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Xi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT( METERS} PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL We aye Coe Soe Aol Pole hd Sue MWe il, c 1Z2.0= 14.0= 17.0- AG) BG) LG GG) UA) TI a) ato) ihn) TG) Man) Lahey 0.00 - .49 A 2 4 3 2 7 8 i 9 7 gh {5 2 107 nah S bh) 3 5 Z7 40 41 38 32 43 46 44 26 23 7 401 1.00 - 1.49 5 5 § 38 65 a7 14 16 19 Z3 19 4 { 244 50 — 1899 : ; : 11 31 1 8 4 6 1G 14 7 a 127 2,00 - 2.49 : i ‘ : 17 22 6 5 5 10 9 5 { BO Baa) o Bake) : 0 0 : 1 8 1 & 1 3 2 : j 24 3.00 - 3.49 : a . : : 1 4 z i i Zz 1 : 12 3,50 = 3,99 : : : : : ; 4 2 2 2 1 2 : 9 4 a - 4,49 : ; : : ; 5 : 4 ; 2 5 { : a 4,50 - 4,99 ; : i ‘ A i 5 F ; F 5 i : 0 a. iy - GREATER : : : i ; A é F , : i 1 F Z OTAaL 3 ii 39 Ce GR Se 73 93 91 #104 #105 8 59 11 HE GHT (METERS) Cai ee i ee ee en = 4 S100 ae > San" =a HETGHT (METERS) 6,60 HEIGHT (METERS? Go Cet fed Pe mCaGe Cleon 0 0 0 0 S00 0 00 0 4 4,49 Table B20 1980 Through 1983 Monthly Joint Distribution Oi? 1a m Versus T 5) p for Gage 620 BONTH JAN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(#10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERTOD(SECONDS} WS shi G40 ote moh Foe Bow Goll 0.0 9 yO Uo) 4 29°39 5.9 6.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 Peake Piaeehe Wry Suan) iB th a) oR 63 & 7 @&- & #8 , wm & 7 MiG) ES es SHUT Ones PTR ey oie a ee pe 5 5 1 s 2 a s ' is 1 i LOM ct a a ey Ne) Ge) le) A) es MONTH FEB PERCENT OCCURRENCE( Mic) GF HEIGHT AnD # PERTOD(SECGNDS | doe te ey 9,0- 10,0- Het Sol fall : Wow » Woe fa Bo Bo Pat 3 Su PIS) 927, med? eine Sota ci7p mares Nyaa) 2 hy SR BG Ar neuer eta ekg teal Ae iG Gig tite aie nue iat, | See a! IRL : : : ey Lebo ta 5 6 : . 2 . . 2 J 2 ee 3 1 IG en SS ERY PERCENT OCCURRENCE (AiG) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD Wee dod Bn salle Goll TOW Ge: Fale Nei Zod ow ta oe Boy Fol foo) Ga) AOag me Gere mee eek ee) Oe + jee Oe Rh Bp RUCK AE Beh ae) nee oer : 12 14 10 2 id {7 Ag Ae 5 OM oe hes SW on te 5S Ue ea eID . : a s a ? 2 iz cane dE aa i CR iee OS, Rac he SHAME hag ; ae ae Sal ll 3 Ys Sl) isa ws Te el We RONTH MAR FERTOD(SECONDS) (Continued) B59 {1.0- 4#2.0- 14.0- 17.0- {6.9 LONGER 11.9 3 2 z ie 30 5 {G oe) i1.0- 1 {1.9 ++I bee « CAO eC 137 ae ee ee ee eed eo I | rave gst Cts Neo 3 {7 5 @ 2 5 ‘ ; : : fs 39 z Z,0- i4.0- 17.0- 16.9 LONGER ee be Bar wes Gur aes ioe EM eee iy 66 COI de Ps OE Lo TOTAL Z.0= 1450= 70 14.9 LONGER 5 ; 24 ; ne U7 ; 7 P 5 , 73 3 (Sheet > Pet ee {| one 1h) Table B20 (Continued) PO Me: PNR RR 8 lt ti Be eek a aa Sn el tt tee tt eI SSR SL MONTH APR PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERTOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL Le eave OO ar B= Tete Bete Ga Mee ila alae AOS 7ole z a we tT fic) Tink) CG) Gat) a oT? Aisi? Ga) TUN 6.00 - .49 ' q 3 2 2 a Hs q : o4 aa Shy 1 GO | Ca Oe Oe oe ge ae Gl a : 36] 1.00 - 1.49 fe UE fA 2 R 5 Ze Laat) = Wee? : WO RO le 2 fal 9 ie Bo 90 ARNO en 3 iG : 3 : 21 ok) > ely 4 3 : : a 3.00 - 3.49 : O Shoal > Gath 0 4.00 - 4.49 Q 4,50 - 4,99 C c : : 5 : . : . : : : : i 5,00 - GREATER : : : . : : : : : : ; : : Q AL i 22 sh 5 ANG es eh eH 0 MONTH MAY PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3,0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0-. {1.0= 12.0> 14.0- 17.0- moe) | BG) UA) BE Gab) Te) llaG? Mine) lore AE lat Wak Lollies OG 2 2h) i: Z 7 7 12 2 38 7 2 3 x 94 oat) NK : 14 ai SH) als Ue SE A 67 26 i7 2 628 in) sae ; : iz 24 36 17 34 24 a4 24 7 214 oD = SH ; : e a iz z 1Z : 10 : 2 43 2,00 - 2,49 2 Z 3 : 2 2 Zz We) 2m) = Beh) ; y : : Zz 2 3.00 - 3.49 : 0 agall S SiyChy 0 ) 4.00 - 4.49 : ' 9 : F : : : 4 : ; 4 n) 4.50 - 4.99 : : : : : ‘ 5 ‘ i 5 A i : 6 5,00 - GREATER ‘ ; ; : : ; F ; ‘ : : : 5 0 TETAL tb {4 55 95 SAORI 2a es 52 ag § Q JUN PERCENT OCCURRE NCE (KEE OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT(METERS} PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL HU sla oe ain fol To eae Sa ae A Seat NGS els = ee) ae at ee) a a SE Ee) Mla? aS) Ley 0.00 - 49 3 § 22 22 i &1 17 6 a a a 209 oa) = 3 14 4? 69 72 BO) 6 «13a 97 ‘aia 14 3 17 ; 599 alll) = ote § 14 1? 24 28 17 ii ii He A y 130 LEI 5158) 3 3 & {i ; 3 6 fo 5 ; 0 wo eA) Bol) : F 3 3 3 3 12 oral) = Reger) 5 ; i) 3,00 - 3,49 () Anal S ay 0 4.00 - 4,49 ; : ; ; ; : é ‘ : ; ‘ 5 : Q 8,50 - 4,99 : i - : 7 5 A : : i ; i : G 3.00 - GREATER 3 : : A . ‘ : : : ‘ : ; ' 0 TOTAL 3 14 56 fe Nee Sy Mh 85 39 20 20 3 (Continued) (Sheet 2 of 4) B60 Table B20 (Continued) MONTH JUL PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERTOD HETGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS} TOTAL lets hl Vie SEO ole Woe tnd Gee inde Mae ee Vee ee 259 es 99) G7 30 iO) re es eT 0) Ley LO ea CONGR 0.00 - .49 Hae | eh Sime a CD cram Sten arsuy “ype UN AON poise 371 150 - 99 5 ples gezdige4s gyB0) 4tody ace, BOZA menG ae aRne My mo) ezine 4 52 1.00 - 1.49 Oe) Ee ea ee ee Ue em hae es 96 1.50 - 1.99 a) ph gut ae eRe Pe men, 3 2.00 - 2, ae ane WONT a, CR Eey ntl Aga a hand le ; 3 2.50 - 2.99 Os eae aioe 0 3.00 - 3.49 ao l8 Kahin, Gees ae 0 3.50 - 3.99 an Hoty Ble A OPA ag eae NR 0 4.00 - 4.49 re Me Me SMe nee a. Sasi 5 ME Ves 0 4.50 - 4.99 A Sephs gulh) t o Manh ih ee Meee, Bh Be 0 SOO PEIGREATER MR. Saha’ gnc mpac. Gisee yeres oeueea tai masse Mm. omname | eli a 0 TOTAL A OEP Shay ol SES AE) th I) eG MONTH AUG PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10: OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL (We ge Ge Soe fle vale ule Tete MOnt= foie soe AGA Uribe Dee te a) De 7 ns 7 Oe)? eh Ms nO ee 7 Od LONGER Aye. fis 0,00 - 49 5 A 3 il 17 45 45 8 a2 7 : 230 voll = 499 : 3 14 ad OOF OS eh Oi 64 28 20 14 : i: 1.00 - 1.49 y : : 22 sD al lt 3 a fe f j ‘ 107 Tod = 1599 A 3 14 ti 6 ' 3 4 : 4 43 27,00 - 2,49 : , : i 3 ; a 5 3 3 ; 2 Bom) S Boke) ; : 3 A 3 F 3 5 3 x 6 {2 3.00 - 3.49 2 A 5 ‘ . 3 ; A A 3 : A : 6 Ball) > Sigsh) 5 F ; . : 3 : : % ‘i 5 a 4,00 - 4,49 ‘ ; i ; : a : 3 : P A r Q 4,50 - 4.99 E A F : 4 : ; ; : : 4 5 ) 53,00 - GREATER ‘ , ‘ F i : : ‘ : 5 ‘ 3 0) TOTAL 9 3 17 ey Sag AGE) ve 51 54 31 0 MONTH SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Ki0} OF HETGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS) PER TOD( SECONDS) TOTAL nO go Soe Re bo Wee ie Woe He Ge Hee Me U7/oWe Fo) ee ET oe ee ak), lah SoG DG? eG illo | fsa? (Mats? 0,00 - 49 3 B 3 3 5 ae 13 8 10 23 3 {fz cat) oy A § ad 28 31 46 36 70 $2 49 34 23 f 492 1.00 - 1,49 F . 44 59 38 26 18 19 18 28 13 3 aie loa) = SL Sh) : : 5 {3 10 é 8 ' 10 {3 3 ; bZ 7,00 - 2.49 : ; al 5 4 3 3 ite) a 5 5 5 4? Bom) = Bothy ; : 5 3 3 q A i ‘ F ; Li 3,00 - 3.49 A A D F a 3 : 3 5 4 a) S alath : : A 4 5 5 3 5 3 , 5 f 4,00 - 4,49 : : : A : : 5 ‘ ‘ H 4.50 - 4.99 : é 5 A 3 ! : F i] 5,00 - GREATER ; ; ‘ : ; . ; ; : é 4 5 if TOTAL i | 34 BB fai) oad Gy Suet) Ie SE 38 67 § (Continued) (Sheet 3 of 4) B61 Table B20 (Concluded) nn ea EEE EES yyE ESE ES Sn ESS En SSnE SSIS MONTH OCT PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- me) a EE ey | Gee rae) ioe? | Got? ane) che get Mast? UL INS)) 0.00 - .49 me Peer rages er Sse) Wace Wee Se egies Je ag "50 - 199 oh Ri y a5 ag leo Wego nns30) B55: One me 47 wn a4 me 364 1.00 - 1.49 ae cog ese sual) Shin, eth) Se Bala Bs 257 1.50 - 1.99 bar Gig Rea ee ge tang Bore a2” ANta) wea 139 2.00 - 2.49 {on oar ge eae Se Ma Latico merc 108 2,50 - 2.99 rAtcal supe aCe Ari. ra Si 34 9,00 - 3.49 Bynes Sate 2 9.50 - 3.99 2 2 4.00 - 4.49 4 4 4.50 - 4.99 ARO NS Vo. Ree Re ee, Me ie oe ana 0 SRUCRMIGREGTENE All iat) Urge. cpa cg CuLRe tans Dh Ue ec OUm AIRS ear ces ae 0 TOTAL et GT) GELS SG Gp MONTH NOV PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL We ake Che Ste Gol Tolle Ge Gale n= iis Tae Mee 7s Zee a ta Ge) oT 7d LO ee eee dee Lon?) CONGER| 0.00 - 49 NEE AReIOn sey can ICL WGI rae nh Ceca Meson ray, RT a 124 150-99 St SWS 2 E72 TO mRCH mG) ames UBOS i mena mo iiong 1o) mst 492 1.00 - 1.49 rk ge CMe 2d Rea Ra PIG ERG 5 27 oe eo 222 1.50 - 1.99 GPs ean one ree Beet ia: id Pecans ae Ui 2 2.00 - 2.49 Pe cok Wai Wise heat Baas NOME Oh ae eel Ses meats 27 2,50 - 2.99 BE OR tama tape UO nae Seema ad ew SM nae i4 3.00 - 3.49 pits a pare ate} hic) aware Neches Momo Bat lata 12 3.50 - 3.99 ie Ee Weieah as ony 5 16 4.00 - 4.49 Ae 3 4.50 - 4.99 NG eC he sk hoes j 5.00 - GREATER mer sell ia Me eee tee ee ae ee 0 TOTAL BFR OR SE RT nat Sy MONTH DEC PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS} TOTAL tale aoe Gol Guile Gale Woe Gh Soe de WOR feo Was Boll ahh ee) Gy To oo NO Wah oo? Mon (aNGER 0.00 - .49 2 5 4 i 2 7 7 4 Ay yc ze 109 0 > 99 4 16 14 38 76 Bi) BS 40 a7 at 18 14 7 361 1.00 - 1.49 9 31 Gi 18 14 27 13 18 ; 6 246 Haat) = Heth) 13 72 16 11 7 7 5 4 139 2,00 - 2.49 ; 29 22 4 9 2 13 9 7 95 oa) = eaeh) i 4 4 j v {Is} 9.00 - 3.49 5 9 Z Z Z z 6 17 anal) o GR) ; ; ‘ : , ; F 2 7 : : : 9 4,00 - 4,49 j i : ; ‘ i i ; F F A 5 : i] 4.50 - 4.99 J ; ; ‘ ; i i ‘ : ; ‘ F P 0 3.00 - GREATER F i ; i ; j ; ; i ; 2 2 ; 4 TOTAL 4 18 34 84 244 «6118 i) SB B6 00 30 9 (Sheet 4 of 4) 7.0 ANNUAL 80-83 6.0 HE TGHT (METERS) 0.0 Ol 10° 10° 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B28. 1980 through 1983 annual cumulative distribution of H, for gage 620 ) | JAN-MAR 80-83 3 a APR-JUN 80-83 __ SJULESEP Go-83 ‘ OCT-DEC 80-83 w =o noe aS Ds Lin ae (eo) i) ° 10" ; 10 1 1 PERCENT GREATER THAN [NDICATED Figure B29. 1980 through 1983 seasonal cumulative distribution of H, for gage 620 fo) B63 7.0 5. ces JAIN 80-83 21 OM oc ts ee FEB 80-83 MAR 80-83 o ,) 4.0 SAL ss ~ HEIGHT, M 3.0 =. SO So TSS Raven ty ° oO 10° 10° 10' iv PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED o w a uuu. APR 80-83 Sree eG Bn MAY 80-83 JUN 80-83 4.0 5.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 see msn o ~ o LAWWABAVVVaaas i=) ea) =O [SISISToISTGIslorsloLeTeloleie.oloreleielererelerererersrererereren oN we 0 Gy VT LT AE TAF TL AD AF LT AT AF APPL LL AD, RRR NKR RRR RRM nn ee 5 LRBARARARAAAABaaaaae u © 1o o- oe a wo Be) Lo oS & APMP IMRT, oO es (eo) OI DT TD ead Ww =o) RS AASSAS AAAS ey) SOOO oO: CHILLS . e “wh _ KNSASASNY 1 ina) naa ou ~ aa A o an qu | 110 o Oo. =) (7) oN 60 - = fu in ° wn o w °o in R m4) ° un ° ~ Nn — - Nn - - % “FOINIYYNIIO JO AINSNDIYs % “FINIYN4NIDO JO AINGNOBY 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 10.9 9.0- 9.9 B.0- 8.9 B66 759 PERIOD, SEC 1980 through 1983 seasonal distribution Zoe 6.9 6.0- of Ty for gage 620 5.0- 5.9 4.9 4.0- o- pe) Figure B32. JasuoyT JO (S)AeG SATANOSSUOD L G 6 t in © Ol fl Z O° etcuent G°€ l € 9 O°E le 2 Gee G2 & , gh ee o°2 8 2l 02 9€ G*I Ql Se €€ 0S O°L Ql Ql ee Sz S°0 | w “4u3TOH (o) 029 e8ep yoy =H Jo aoUEASTSueg £96, UsNo4UL Og6L Led 9TdeL B67 HEIGHT, PERIOD, S Oe-RVUSNOK— NUS WOM NUSWOK-NBDUSWMOK—NUSsUMOK-NUSY 7 ou EsSVMwwaAasawrmy aD TI TSF GeuUTdHBwrwaAasnsas DAY OF THE MONTH Blo Jat Figure B33. Time-history of H, and Ty for gage 615 B68 Table B22 1983 Mean, Standard Deviation, and Extreme Hm and Ty for Gage 615 Standard Standard Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Period Period Extreme Number Month Height, m Height, m _sec sec Height, m Date Observations Jan 0.8 0.3 8.2 350 Hoe 29 100 Feb 1.1 0.3 10.3 352 2.0 21 111 Mar 0.9 0.4 8.6 2.9 Woe) 1 115 Apr 0.6 0.3 Se5 3.4 Io2 1 99 May 0.5 0.1 6.1 Boll 1.0 17 103 Jun 0.5 0.2 Yo 3.6 Vol 10 108 Jul 0.4 0.2 8.8 3.4 1.0 10 105 Aug 0.5 0.2 VoD Qoll 1.0 13 120 Sep 0.6 0.3 8.8 38) 1.8 29 118 Oct 0.8 0.3 9.6 3.6 Vo 11 109 Nov OR5 0.2 9.6 4.3 162 4 97 Dec 0.6 @5s} 8.9 4.2 1.3 12 107 Jan-Mar 0.9 0.3 9.0 3o2 2.0 Feb 326 Apr-Jun 0.5 0.2 ive 3.4 Io2 Apr 310 Jul-Sep 0.5 0.3 8.3 3.4 1.8 Sep 343 Oct-Dec 0.7 0.3 G63) 41 Lo) Oct 313 Annual ORT 0.3 Br5 3.6 2.0 Feb 1,292 B69 HEIGHT, M PERIOD, SEC LEGEND EXTREME O MEAN I +1 STANDARD DEVIATION LEGEND. O MEAN i) l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION J oF M A NM J J A S O N OD J-M A-J J-S 0-D 83 80-82 Figure B34. 1983 mean, standard deviation, and extreme H, and Ty for gage 615 fo) B70 Table B23 1983 Annual Joint Distribution of qo Versus - for Gage 615 ANN PERCENT OCCURRENCE( A720) i HETGHT AND PERTOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL AoW a> Ga To Gol ole Elie ol AGL He eae WEA A/G Zoi eo) lo) ae) al? af) Woe WG ioe? Mot? ERE co 0, 00 = thy i 7 24 a9 22 ii 5 41 45 19 3 47 {9 323 oa SUH Zz 19 a) II a0 4i Z} 33 33 a1 31 14 ii) 484 1.00 - 1.49 5 : z 19 a1 22 9 H 14 14 42 12 : io] a) = SSH) i F . i ; 2 i 3 4 i 5 ell enO0) = 2n49 : : ; ; j ; 4 ' j : i 2a 2 2G ; : i j A : 4 : ; ; t 3.00 - 3.45 : ; P ; ‘ : 6 ; 4 @ EO) > BSH j : ‘ : E : : A : ( 4,00 - 4.49 a ‘ j ‘ : ‘ i : : 7 0 4,20 - 4,99 ; ‘i ‘ F 5 : : fy 3,00 - GREATER i 5 : , , : : : ; 3 F Q TOTAL 3 26 61 50 144 74 47 85 55 66 tiv 81 a0 Table B24 1983 Seasonal Joint Distribution of qo Versus T_ for Gage 615 SRN) a a SEASONAL aaa MAR PERCENT OCCURRENCES X10? OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS PERTOD(SECONDS TOTAL Le co Sob. colle Biot Aol Ete Calle Me ote = Mia ot 2.9 3.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 0.00 - .49 Fd he SRS MOMS SUNOS 3 0 75 150 - 199 Shi Ze F418 a7 i UO. Oessanueziyso7 Wasa mes ueSommatO) | 3 459 1.00 - 1.49 Et Seah aty Bara tah 70am cotn isteee Zien ome aa ebro N aT IE At, a7! 1.50 - 1.99 Rs aes deb as bel bull APNG GEM R ETT Anm. AL le a8 2.00 - 2.49 fo ete ee are Sy a, ie Cc eee: i 2.50 - 2.99 A Ge ey Met a, | ue < ail | dan So ie: 0 3.00 - 3.49 aS ee | oe te Be. ee 0 3.50 - 3.99 Oe eae | Mee ee ba Rr 0 4:00 - 4.49 Oe cog sts al cc WBN GEN ORM CTW Cnn 0 4.50 - 2.99 BAe Arty Ao ya mae ys nevis eA a 0 SROUERGREATERU OW (06 CoUY EW Woo ag ay A ig em On Cylleus 0 TOTAL OTe wi Gp tp Gy GH BR ab a (Continued) B71 Table B24 (Concluded) SEASONAL APR-JUN PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL Qe ghOe ALR Bele foe Tole Ge Soe Ae Hol WEIS Uae oe Boe) go) NG) an oh TS EE) Sha MP heey He LONGER 0.00 - .49 } la) (aH 74 jonas i jy BY 1G ay 49 i3 407 “Et So AUK) mM ah SG 7i aby ge ae 19 i3 13 id é 514 1,00 - 1.49 : c : 6 14 10 6 10 6 : 23 A ; 77 1.50 - 1.99 6 5 , : 5 : : : 0 0 ; G 2.00 - 2,49 a 0 Sa) = eG) A 0 3.00 - 3.49 ; ; 0 9250| = 3a99 0 4.08 - 4.49 ‘ 6 4.50 - 4,99 ; i , 3 i : F 5 é i : : : iG 5.00 - GREATER i i ; : ; ; i j i F ; : : ( TOTAL Bee BL Ler Ca LZ ai Ba) 64 23 7a) 49 {9 SEASONAL JUL-SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Mi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERICD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL i,0- 9.0- 4.0- 5,0- 4.0- 7.0- B.0- 9.0- 16.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- Boe) ae oe Ge Be) ot? Be) oe) Te MAY 73! 5 16.9 LONGER g.00 - .49 3 6 1&6) Al ye ge fl} SR a DAD 51? sa) S Athy E 7B nt) 5 GB ag {Sess We PA) 3 6 420 1.00 - 1.49 Fi F ; é 3 9 12 3 12 j 9 ; : 54 1.50 - 1.99 : ‘ 4 : ‘ ; : 3 ; A 4 ; : C) 2.00 - 2.49 7 : P : j ; : é F ‘ ; L ; 0 Baril) > Belk) re 3.00 - 3.49 Q 3.00 = 3.99 ‘ 0 4,00 - 4.49 i} 4,30 - 4.99 é ; "| ‘ ; 5 : : i ; i d F Q 5.00 - GREATER 5 ; j i j : ‘ : ; : f : : Q TOTAL 2 eo em cu Geo GS ee 49 ales A | Gy ae 26 ela ASONAL | PERCENT OCCURRENCE (KIO) BAT AND PERTOD HEIGHT (METERS ) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 10> 9.05 4.0- ae 6.0- 7,0- §.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17,0- Ee) alot) Abas 2 (S60) Hoth ae? Ga Moe? TL Mal) fe? Leen Talste 0.00 - 49 nye Noa orzo. vere: On? “ge an" Wonk mesg smrasian ce 7anmeas 282 “50 - 199 oe Gy OS Se ES yy ai ae 550 1.00 - 1.49 SN yey lat 10h sas tao Wh tOon apy seca one Ge 16! 1.50 - 1.99 Se a ie Rg eh aes ae a 9 2.00 - 2.49 9 2.50 - 2.99 ; 0 9.00 - 3.49 0 3.50 - 3.99 0 4.00 - 4.49 9 4.50 ~ 4.99 a 5,00 - GREATER soleibsts fee Reick Al eh ek AU ts ae 0 TOTAL Oi igi 7) 138? = 160pN) eae Az n Aa A com: ioimmniocMnniZ2 0 au7i Table B25 1983 Monthly Joint Distribution of He T for Gage 615 pt) Dae A ee ls Versus (a) MONTH JAN PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL oe Ghte Che Bie fae Te Ge ae 5.0- 10. ee li. os 12, Ue {4.0- 17,0- Lad | Deo hee | SSO GES O29 9.9 0. 11.9 15.9 14.9 LONGER WOO = ohh) : ; 10 10 : ‘ 10 LOM ; 20 F ‘ a wo > 99 , 20050 wie 6 aD {9 610 1.00 - 1.49 : : ; FOO 10 1 Ay AO AD 10 ; 270 BG > Hees) ; F : p ‘ j 20 10 P 30 Aa) Ss Aalty : i : 5 : 0 Z.00 - 2.99 i ; 5 : ‘ 0 3,00 - 3.49 : ‘ ‘ ; 0 Sop) S Bout) ‘ ; i "i p 4,00 - 4,49 5 5 0 Q 4.50 - 4.99 5 f i : ‘ Q 5.00 - GREATER . é 5 ; : i ; A ; : ; A (i) TOTAL Af) SY AY) at id PERCENT ICCURRENCE M10) Mi HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD( SECONDS) TOTAL 1,0= 3,0- 4.0- 5.0= (6:0- 750— B.0— 920= 1050= “WN 0S 1ZiG= Last= $7295 Bo) Bae Se) Ge) ee) hee) a) Te We LONGER 0.00 - .49 : ; : 9 G5 5 ; 18 ‘pal StH ; 54 63 9 i Zio 3G ie} SRP 9 315 1.00 - 1.49 Wh ap GR 18 9 hy BRS eh Sahl We 504 oat) S ISR) : 3 : 5 {8 : ; i 45 183 2,00 - 2.49 i i : i : : ‘ F 9 g 2.50 - 2.99 : ‘ : 4 i i i} 9.00 - 3.49 é : 5 5 : g Q Sioall) S Sh Shy i i : i } : : G 4,00 - 4.49 ‘ F ; : ¢ 4 : : iY 4,50 - 4,99 : : . a A 4 ; ' 5 Q 5.00 - GREATER F 5 a : : F 9 5 a 5 0 TOTAL 0 Q YER a aS) 6d) dol 3s 0 MONTH HAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS} TOTAL Wet gal oS Gio oe owolle E ae Ae WS NGS No fase) hae CN) yO ane) eG) toe? SG) AG) iG) etaS) teat) ILalerets 0,00 - 49 , : ' 17 9 ‘ 9 Be 35 1 135 9 123 sO = 99 17 v] i ee GG Be 43° 2 9 ; 470 1,00 - 1.49 ; j ay dy BRE dy a : 52 5187) 26 330 aekl) = ashy i ‘ ; ; 35 G 17 {7 78 2.00 - 2.49 : : i 5 i 0 Boal) = Book) ; 0 3.00 - 3.49 § ‘ ;: O 3.50 - 3.99 : , ; 0 4 00 = 4.49 2 . 0 4.90 - 4.99 5 : F Ob 5.00 - GREATER : ‘ ; 5 ; : ; ; F : : 0 AL 0 17 FO Bzeelion, i WO) ee MEG By 0 (Continued) (Sheet 1 of 4) B73 HEIGHT (METERS) 0.06 - .49 Ro oth 00 - 1.49 ats 1.99 Te ee Oe ll ad Ms ipa let wae mice ew Aa met oa mI Fea SSSA IS) Cte oe Sree Seay St 0 4,50 - 4, 5.00 - GREATER TOTAL HEIGHT (METERS) 0.00 - 49 nA) = ABE 1.00 - 1.49 Lo = IBY 7,00 - 2.49 Boa = Bobh) 4,00 - 2,49 ae) = Bath) 4,00 - 4,49 4.50 - 4.99 5.00 - GREATER TOTAL HEIGHT( METERS} 0.00 - 49 90 - 99 00 - 1.49 al) = Gh 00 - 2,49 30 - 2.99 1) GO Ged Pd hae AES LO,OLO TD nS = . ' we) ~~ ~—o 5.00 - GREATER TOTAL Table B25 (Continued) MONTH APR PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL LQes Bade As Side Gade 7.0 BG 920-100-110. 12,0- 1440-1740 ZAG Naso OSES INES OS pNNE Ln 7eo) RCE MEN MG ISI ORO mM) Wiieo mht angie aR7mDNGER O A a) 2) sh 9 A) Rl i ae 391 SONS lee Stu e0)e eC 700s (nC 393 Sete: “B10! 40) S200 mi zON SON eC rs OT Zi aT a eee ian Patra ee ae ® ae A ae 0 : 0 0 . 2 5 Q : : i) : i 0 emule i i Gh ie Go | a ae MONTH NAY PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL {.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0+ .0-_ 7.0- B.0- 960+ 10.0- 11,0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0 7999 hg 89 bg 99 Bg 9.9 10,9 11.8 13,9 16.9 LONGER AURA ON, Caputo SBEMB (9 SATO: ANGE elt Aad BS Ab staal team ai {ORESaP ies MAC 2a Mm TGo Mat. S732 ROM eR moO aol ie aes RRRRAOME ET ORME C Dep hot Tica Neen Nem aston ens 10 . a it; 0 0 2 Y 0 0 2 . 2 . . 2 2 . . 2 2 . Q GIO SW mh AG ey A) to ye) fe MONTH JUN PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD PERTOD (SECONDS! TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4,0- 5.0 .0- 7.0- §.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11.0- 12,0- 14,0- 17, 2939 89 509 9 7.9.9 8.9 10.9 ha 139 16.9 LONGER POAC eem Tee ace an ON edge a7 Dae ope" Gee Naa 428 508 Gee 28pk Ship iaiber C2 GM Giim) G78 OMA A! ea 472 cy Vac ar a. faerie i8 ce ye 0 Oe i a 2 LJ a 0 Ba 0 0 . . i) 0 A . 5 1. . ’ : . . . ’ . : 0 9 0037) loz) 259) tase SSmNN Ashe 74nNSTi® SSRN Gun Sanaa (Continued) BTY (Sheet 2 of 4) Table B25 (Continued) AON ee PERCENT OCCURRENCE (x OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS 3 PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 9.0= 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0-) 8.0- F.0-10,0-— f).0= 12,0= 14.0= 17.0- Bo aly FG) a a) To eG) Go) Oo) GG) aging) Mee? Lette WoO = ott) ‘ 10 1a 74 37 10 4G iBi 152 38 10) 105 38 739 oa 2 ott) : 19 19 Sy 76 29 i 48 ; 0 . ‘ iG 235 {,00 - 1.49 ‘< i : 10 j é : : ; ; 0 : : 10 16s) > IRR : F : ‘ : : ‘ : : 6 Fae Ora bd : : : : . : : c : : : : 0 a) = eee) : j ; F ‘ ; ; ‘ 0 9,00 - 3.49 : : . : : A : i Boal) 2 Gath) j F : : ‘ : Q 4,00 - 4,49 : : : ; F Q 4,50 - 4,99 6 : 6 : ‘ 0 . 3 0 Bolly S _pREATER : ‘ : i ; a , ‘ i “6 ¢ “ i Gj TOT Q aa) Be) eR IRR 349 iN) aah) five ae {0 105 49 SONTH AUG : PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL = do Gate aiolie ale Zoli Ele Gade Hee ilo Heo Ba aia 2.9 9.9 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 11,9 19.9 16.9 LONGER 00 - 49 i 4 17 50 (yl Ba ie ee Ge i wee SAE ; 495 SS0i- 399 ' 17 92 ye MUST) Ta as. Gea 8 17 § Q ; 500 1,00 - 1,49 : , P : : 17 ; , 5 . Wy Laat) = ooh F : 5 A : : i i F d ; § 2,00 - 2.49 i : é F ; i 5 i : G Bo © Lak) ; 4 : : : : d 9.00 - 3.49 ; ; i : ; ‘ A : Foal = Salk : : i 4 5 ‘ iy 4,00 - 4,49 3 ; 5 ; 5 : ‘ 0 4,50 - 4.99 : ‘ i : ‘ : ; ; 5 3.00 - GREATER ‘ i i ; : ; : : ‘ ; a , i @ TOTAL i) 7 HO sie el tay 7 Sh 33 50 ny MONTH SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE(K10) OF HEIGHT AND # HETGH? (METERS : PERTOD( SECONDS} TOTAL Le eel Cae wot mol Tole Eade ole Hee Hilt Westie WS iW/es ot Sod Go wo int) © Wet? ot? oe OO eo) eG LTR 42,59 ae mr eal 0,00 a4 ag ti o baa - ,49 3 4 fy be P é 6 5 3] 25 0 = 199 , cel GR He i AS Gh BS Ge Zoe 39 ; a 451 1.00 - 1.49 j ;: ; q 5 Be a4 B d i 2 : ; (ES 1.50 - 1,99 : 4 i P ‘ ; 9 A ‘ 7 ; F 25 Z,00 - 2.49 j . : 0 ; if 200 = 2.99 ' : F ; ; : ; f 3,00 - 3.49 i : . a , ; : : 0 3.50 - 3.99 - ; : ‘ j 3 ; i i G 4.00 - 4.49 ; 9 ' ; oT] 4.50 - 4.99 : . : ; ‘ 8 5.00 - GREATER : ‘ j : ; P (i TOTAL Bo Ge Sle ig SEP EB OR) GS) GS GR) as (Continued) (Sheet 3 of 4) B75 Table B25 (Concluded) MONTH OCT PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10? OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL ide abe Ee ae io Woe eld Ga SW Ne WA a Sine) Sot) ole oth at) Boe) aot! 9.9 10.9 11.9 13.9 16.9 LONGER 0,00 - .49 : : : 9 9 : : : {@ 18 : 3746 37 ESC? : 2 yey EG) MBL 7] Ce Oo te 9 061 1.00 - 1.49 : ; : ees ee cs : ya) a : 274 Hoa) = Wath) . : . : 9 : 9 : Ql 9 : C : 27 2,00 - 2,49 c : c : : : c : : : , “ : 0 Hoa) = Zale) : : : c : 0 Q c ; : : : cl } 3.00 - 3.49 . 0 3.00 i 3.99 2 . 0 4,00 - 4,49 : ' Q 4,00 - 4,99 ' 0 3.00 - GREATER : : 0 TOTAL 9 GN) a) TA gy EE) IE} a MONTH NOV PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Ki0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT ( METERS} PERIQD(SECONDS} TOTAL i= 9.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- §.0- 9.0- 10.0- i1.0= 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- 5 9 5 i o fe BG) Go a ea) GS) at HP NG ae? OTS 0.00 - 49 4t 32 10 a1 10 10 at 52 82 a? 4] 44? aa > oH 10 32 Bb: 93 5 0 31 4} 72 41 41 4 504 1.00 - 1.49 10 10 10 a 6 . ; 2] 5 5 531 Rl ee ea r 5 . : tt) 27,00 - 2.49 0 ALR = ER Q 3,00 - 3.49 Q toatl) o Bau G 4.00 - 4,49 : 0 4,50 - 4.99 : : : 0 5,00 - GREATER : 3 5 : 5 5 4 : 6 5 : 4 6 i) TOTAL 0 10 99 448 IG i 10 4 72 124 144 123 82 as MONTH DEC PERCENT GOCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERTOD HETGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 10= 3.0= 4.0= S.0= 4.0= 7.0= 8s0= 920= 1050= HY 0= 22.05 14.0= 17.0- Bo) Bel IG) Bay a a) falaG) BIG) tA) ESS) Hae) Heat? (UU efas 0,00 - 49 5 2 19 { 5 : : : 19 19 36 84 37 281 “ai = EM : g 37.140) 93 Hts) a7 37 54 37 28 9 37 576 1.00 - 1.49 p : v] 5 34 2a : 9 9 Hl 5 5 5 139 atl) = Ge) 6 : 6 5 : 5 4 ; 2 A 5 i 27,00 - 2,49 A ; : . : : : 5 . : : G . 0 onl) S Boek : : 0 5 A c i 6 : ‘ 5 : 4 Q 3,00 - 3.45 5 9 : . q ' f 5 5 0 é : a 0 Sinan) = aj5h) ; 4 : 4 F A i ; é Fi ‘ : ; i) 4,00 - 4,49 : : 6 : q : . A : ‘ : 4 5 i) 4.50 - 4.99 : : 3 : : ; : 5 : 5 : x : 0 53,00 - GREATER ; 5 9 . A : ; ; A F é ; ; 0 TOTAL Q) 37 fey GR NE 84 37 46 84 73 3 93 74 i (Sheet 4 of 4) 7.0 fe _. ANNUAL 83 o S w =o a xr So Lm r 2 N Z (=) LO" 10° 10' ly PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B35. 1983 annual cumulative distribution of H, for gage 615 fo) ~] el pee ANSKhRe 8S Ga Tee MAR ene is a aia APR-JUN 83 eee JUE-SER 8S = OCT=DEC 83 23.2 a at Ons Ld a5 10° 10° 10’ 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B36. 1983 seasonal cumulative distribution of H, for gage 615 fo) B77 HEIGHT, M 3.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 0 1 1 l PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED 6.0 5.0 4.0 0 10' ig 10° 1 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B37. 1983 monthly distribution of H, for gage 615 (Continued) Oo B78 7.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 HEIGHT, M 2.0 O° 10' 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED HEIGHT, M 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 Lo" 10° 1 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B37. (Concluded) B79 Bi ANNUAL 83 16.9 LONGER ise) wWSs¥) 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- 10.9 9.0- 9.9 6.0= 7.0= 6.0= 6.9 7:9 8.9 PERIOO, SEC 5.0- 5.9 4.0- 4.9 w o a) o 20 % “JONIYuNIIO 40 AONSNOIY '07070"0.070:07074"0"0"6"0"010"9"s"0" DaMaaa ‘0707070070018 7¢1070"070'8 70107610 70701010.010 1010107078 07018 ISTO MSM WABARAVAWARaaar g oOo 8 iw JAN-MAR 83 APR-JUN 83 LL EF FF LD LD LA LL LA ABA BwWaasaeaaaaay KXXXX XR PZIZLZZ IZ III DI II ee eee ee INANANANSNSAASS £9,0.0.0,9,: CTT TTT TT 7 LAANANSNSNSS 9:0,9:0,9.0,9,9,0,9,0,9,0,9,9,9.9.9, IIa aaa aaa aa, RN WS WSYSAANNSNASNSASNSSSSS CDaIaAAaaaaD aaa aaa aaa aaa ee CUVBBBWASWWaAt Vasa sasaeta Vesa asaesasasaae 1983 annual distribution of Ty for gage 615 . RARER ERA RR CDaIDaaMMa aaa aaa IIa aaa a aa saaae IA ANAASAANASANNSNSNSSSS PLP FLT KANSANS BAAAA Cf2LaL4 AN Figure B38. “JONSYYNIIO JO AININOSYS 25 20 x 10.0- 11.0- 12.0- 14.0- 17.0- w [=} w o 16.9 LONGER 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- Coe) Eel EHS) wo8 teb@) GEG) Moby) Wns) Tene) 3.0- 3.9 PERIOD, SEC 1983 seasonal distribution of T, for gage 615 Figure B39. B80 G2g aBeD 40g dasuoy uo (s)Aeq aATyNoasuOD t #4 @l ec ft Ol EL 9e SE L onmnmnownowM oO =— Ay wuwuenum mm = On Le 6 LL cL tl 9L Oe Ee Ge Ye OE BE S°0 On H gO ao0ueqsTsueg €gé6l Qed STOPL B81 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Annual Standard Mean Deviation Height, m Height, m OFM 0.4 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.3 Extreme An and T (0) Mea Period sec Oo @dOdaonoeoonowoonrtn4rAaAnNnaoenwwoiirv74 - NODA WAN YH DN A Dn OO OO FF Table B27 1980 Through 1983 Mean, Standard Deviation, and n ine) p Standard Deviation Period Extreme sec Height, m 3.0 2.0 3.2 2.0 345 2.3 3343} 1.4 3.0 loll Bho 1 1103} 2.9 1.2 2.9 Voll 3.4 1.8 3.4 2.2 Sho {/ 2.0 3.6 WoT 3.4 2.83 Sol 1.7 30M is 3.6 2.2 83053 2.3 B82 for Gage 615 Date 18 21 3} U Mar May Sep Oct Mar Number Observations 321 344 409 339 424 389 397 395 365 44 416 400 1,074 1,149 1,157 1,256 4,636 LEGEND x EXTREME O MEAN l +1 STANDARD DEVIATION HEIGHT, M LEGEND O MEAN j +1 STANDARD DEVIATION PERIOD, SEC wo JF M A M J J A S DO N ODO JI-M A-J J-S 0-0 80-83 Figure B4O. 1980 through 1983 mean, standard deviation, and extreme H, and Ty for gage 615 fo) B83 Table B28 1980 Through 1983 Annual Joint Distribution of qo fo) Versus T for Gage 615 ee eee NNUAL PERCENT OCCURRENCECNiC) ) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT( METERS} PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL Hee ae fie Bile fate oe fine Wale at TOS eA REM N/all Zh) So of) fh Po) DL Sh Sa? LaNgeR 0.00 - .45 2 B® eB ae al gh og) geo os Om OY d2 a) Sth 2 ie Ne a aL tt a0 di 3 478 1.00 - 1.49 : : | al fe g YW HO Ug a) Se i 148 Leal = helt : : : 1 3 3 { Z 2 3 q 5 1 di 2.00 - 2.49 : : : : ' : : : : : 1 1 : z Hoa) > Salk) : : . : : : : : : : : 0 9.00 - 3.49 : ' 6 Boal) S Sok : Q §.00 - es : : : : : : : : 1 : : : : G 4,30 - 4.9 : : : : : : : : : . . : . Q 5,00 - BAEATER : : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 TOTAL Mo) at flats EP ER Tt Table B29 1980 Through 1983 Seasonal Joint Distribution of H Versus T for Gage 615 m P SEASONAL JAN-HAR PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGH? (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS} TOTAL Hf@> abt Ale gL Gale dalle Gale dale Ree bla ue 20° 14,0- 17.0- Z 2275 A 9 Seo Tn 77 —) GT Ces eg OE ONGER 0.00 4G 3 4 #3 TE) Sh aw i 184 2: 179 2 fy 0 ROS a i 489 1,0 1.49 Ge os a ee EE 262 Losi) = fee) : 1 4 7 d 5 x) BW) RS 2 2 2.49 : : o Stl a 4 Z 2.99 : . 0 ie 3.49 : 0 Shoal & aoe) ' : Q 4.00 - 4.49 : : : 0 4,30 - 4,99 : : ' : : : . : : . : c : i) 3.00 - GREATER : : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 L 6 il SO tem wee Gi) Bi ah | GE a) 2 (Continued) B84 Table B29 (Concluded) SEASONAL APR-JUN PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS} PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL AOS Ose nO Sateen Ol Os mie/ A Ostind 0nd Oe! On O>mmmnlln Orit en Omnl de Om ia cn) Hae? Moh Blot ot) Tok) lat) ol Wa? oe) HheloG? aa) (aNGER 0.00 - .49 (Gy 25) 46) moO Re OSS er S5 gn geo A 987 50-99 i i Gk Re Si OG 27 1.00 - 1.49 AGC hh ee Oe ST AB: i 0 i Bead i aay Mert iene a7 1.50 - 1.99 DEE TL SR, OL ER, 8 FLOR OWL AD h PER OUR Ran Ie Hy) ok 4 2,00 - 2.49 eeaiige cede ce NAICS GAR sty, Sea Ren ONE SCTE Ad 0 2.50 - 2.99 Vn Galen cee Vin tear ree ne ait 0 3.00 - 3.49 0 3.50 - 3.99 0 4.06 - 4.49 6 4,50 - 4.99 i See eRe Aa NNR 0 5.00 - GREATER Bo Rae Sat mtn) ENG ah ra Do edt oer enna I er il 6 TOTAL 40:28) 93170 S28) G2 2 0b 9Sums0e se sTamns2) li SEASONAL JUL-SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS) TOTAL il of 9.0-) 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0-_ 11,0- £2.0- 14.0- 17.0- Zit dt Adie Od eon LL noe LONGER 0.00- 49 q TD CEA SG SAG Gone Seno Zac Melanson at} 481 oe) > ot) : 1S: BO Zee Soi Zoe a Gone co Olcott 3 409 1.00 - 1.49 : : he) 7 3 6 Sie q 2 id 1.90 - 1.99 : : | 2 3 : i : I 2 1 : H 2.00 - 2.49 : : 5 : : : : : ' : : : : 0 aor) > faath) : : : . . : : : : : . : : Q 3.00 - 3.49 : : : : c : : . c : . : : Gg d.00 - 3,99 - : : : : : : : ; i : : : 0 4,00 - 4,49 : a 4,30 - 4.99 a : 4 : é 2.00 - GRester : : : : : : : : : : : : iH TOTA AE They NOT MN MO SG Ge EL IS SEASONAL OCT-DEC PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD(SECONDS) TOTAL 1.0- 3.0- 4.0- S.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- 9.0- 10.0- 11. pe 12.0- 14,0- 17,0-__ ack) elas) AE) as) oe) Toth” oe) oe) at) thi) No) Wha (uals 0.00 - 49 Z Z {2 19 16 i 10 18 18 Zt 37 44 14 230 0 - 99 i {i 42 B4 105 44 “i Be 42 34 a3 23 {1 49} 1.00 - 1.49 5 0 3 30 63 37 4 13 a 18 26 18 Z 224 1.50 - 1.99 ; : : i 6 3 1 2 z 14 7 3 48 2,00 - 2.49 0 5 0 : | : : i z Z : 6 eh) fancy 9 0 0 3,00 - 3.49 0 3,50 - 3.99 SMa RCAC as is miu Ler HURL AM nina aTeD UGE ein eo ye | ahi tet ana ie ne 0 4.00 - 4.49 Oo 5 0 0 : 0 : : a 0 . - A Y 4,50 - 4,99 b ‘ - 5 Z F ‘: 4 A - 4 is 4 5,00 - GREATER : ‘ ; : By oe Ula : f oo F 9° 5 se G TOTAL 3 13 57 134 «6190 )~=—«i00 42 65 71 B2 114 96 32 B85 Table B30 1980 Through 1983 Monthly Joint Distribution of Ha Versus q for Gage 615 MONTH JAN * PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS! PERIOD: SECONDS) TOTAL Ie 2blle oe ae. aoe olf ole Wate One oe Toth ae Azle z go? Glo) So) il? ob? a) ae) HO WIL ane? Mel LaNGER 37 GM eR a O00 - 49 g 12 : 2 C 2a 150-199 3 az SG 6i3t = «100 4) 16 a3 Zz lz 31 14 3 477 1.00 - 1.49 : b 7 is 4G 6 14 {Z 19 i 7 ERE} 1.50 - 1,599 : 5 a : 3 g 0 3 a 16 a 5 f 3i Z.00 - 2.49 , : a : 0 : : : 7 : : 3 ; 3 Boal) > Boeh ; c : . 0 : fi i ‘ : 0 2.00 - 3.49 : : 0 7 0 : ; : : 0 5 Y 3,50 - 3,99 ; ‘ ; a 5 : : ‘ : 5 4 G a. ao - 4,49 5 0 : 0 n 0 : : ' f} 4,50 - 4,99 a ee ye 2) eel Me eealinnees Q 5.00 - GREATER bath san: ; om” desert Oye Nae ie # On ees 0 TOTAL 12 ats 6 73: 206 105 ag 2G ia 4G iz 33 3 MONTH FEB PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOR( SECONDS} TOTAL Ha Ae aie got Gale Tole ole be Me ile Woe Mid fats Bol Go) lo) aio) a To to? Do) SOL EL is RG) LUNES 5 ad ie Se NE 9 AE hos A é 3 112 3 Yao SD) Gh aH) BD : 494 5 g @ OB ek We ty a BY : oad P : : alas 6 : mh ai ay : 9 : : : : : : . 3 : 3 2 c ; : : : : o : : : : : : - 0 : : 0 : : : : 0 : : : 6 : 5 : G : ; 2 : : ‘ : : : 5 : Q Cte Bo 6) eR) GS) BGR REG MONTH ERCENT OCCURRENCE (Xi0) OF HETGHT AND FERTOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS: TOTAL 1.Q- 3.0- 4.0- 3.0- 6.0- 7.0- G.0- 9.0- 10.0- il, O= i2.0= 14.0= 17.0= mo) ain) both io = ao? ge) Sty TMOG SIG fat? (Lalit bea 1) 0.00 - .49 2 econ DV MBN tee AFRO FRE 184 Ba Soh 2 @ W@W Gs Oh Go wa ew fw Bh 301 1.0) - 1.49 ae amen 45 ee 2 LO To 2 oo 4G ae 0 256 Lea) = is : 2 : 2 2 3 MY 3 7 al : od ltl) > Lathe : A : : : : z 2 : 4 Z.00 - 2.99 : c : : c : : 0 3.00 = 3.49 : : b é : 0 0 , 0 ala) S Bah : : c : : : : ; : g 4,00 - 4,49 : : c : - : : : 0 ) 4,90 - 4,99 : ; : : : - : : 0 3.00 - GREATER : : 2 : : : : : : : : : G TOTAL BR Of Fey Sie EO) aE 0 (Continued) B86 (Sheet 1 of 4) Table B30 (Continued) MONTH APR PERCENT GCCURRENCE(X10} OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOB( SECONDS) TOTAL ho ao>. Ga ae tlle vol Bole Yall 1a ae O- 12.0- 14.0- 17,0- 29°39 4.9 5.9 6.9 7.9 6.9 9.9 10.9 11.9 13,9 14.9 LONGER o.00 - 49 3 {2 18 ah} 25 44 eb) ERE | tl 15 39 ag 9 368 aa) = oe 3 15 44 = 106 a0 2] a) oe og 29 18 12 a 484 1,00 - 1.49 i i ; #2 3p 18 15 15 18 i Be 3 ‘ 148 1150 = GH 5 : ; 1 : : : ; 5 4 6 A G 2,00 - 7,49 ; ; ‘ ‘ : : F : : ; 0 Zon) S ah ; F : : j i i A 0 3,00 - 3.49 z i f a ; : ; & Soa) S Sig i : ; ; : : ‘ 0 4,00 - 4,49 ‘ ; : 7 , : ‘ a ; ; 0 oe BO - 4.99 A 5 Fi ‘ : ; j j ; A Q +00 - GREATER ; j ; : : : , : p j ‘ F 0 TOTAL @ A fe ee} See 8? 85 79 92 BO = 109 3 1? MONTH MA} PERCENT OCCURRENCE(XIG) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT (METERS } PERTOD( SECONDS) TOTAL Kae tio Gall aol ot Pol tne SoS iS bla Wate AGS GOs Boy Slav ot ala) fal? ot oe) oh? OE) a) Helse TyasG) © (Un Teles aT 0.00 - ,49 ‘i Oe 45 2? 24 48 35 49 ile 40 24 5 358 ol Akh é 2i 76 124 ie) Be ae) 14 19 5 564 AY S ots ; : 2 i 14 5 10 7? 10 5 3 iz 6 69 Lod) > ilaehy : 5 2 ; ; F Z : 2 2 ’ 8 27,00 - 2,49 ‘ : : : : ; 5 F 5 : : 5 6 2300 - 2.99 : : F i 2 F j i A 2.00 - 3.49 5 ‘ j : P § : ‘ i : A 9 aoa) © Bot? ; : ; ; i , , j 5 : j 0 4.00 - 4.49 : ; ; j : : i F , oi) 4,50 - 4,99 : ‘ ‘i : Fi : A ij é ‘ 0 53.00 - GREATER , j ; 3 : : , é ; A Q TOTAL pe ah oe) WeBi STNG Te SUK eS IMG 3g bi 47 1 MONTH JliN PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEISHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL 10 3.0-) 40> 5.0-) b.0-) 700-80, 9.0- 10,0- 11.0= 12,0- 14.0- 17.0- 2 i ab) ha 16.9 LONGER oie dod? baa? I BAR neh ae) Me) GG) sae) 1 0.06 - .49 : 6 ai5 Bi 4i 34 2 abe pr St 5 3 46 23 440 nel Sth 3 {8 Ti? «108 ~=«69 51 ay) wd 44 18 F 8 509 (700= 1.49 B ; ; B 5 3 3 3 8 15 5 : ; 32 eR) = Ge : i : ‘ A A 4 A , i: F 4 : Q 2.00 - 2.49 ; j ; : : : : i 5 : : ; G Boal) S reach) : ; A ‘ A p F é F f z : 0 3.00 - 3.49 : 5 : ; : j i fi 4 Saw) > eg he) : 5 : ; é : i 4,00 - 4,49 . i ; ; ' i i ; : ; P 4 £,50 - 4.99 : 5 : ‘i 5 F ; i , : , i 0 3.00 - GREATER ‘ : i : : : ; P F : 0 TOTAL 3 : ] 3 fi (5 Tl a ee a (Continued) 1 re (Sheet 2 of 4) B87 Table B30 (Continued) NTH MONTH JUL PERCENT OCCURRENCE(Xi0) OF HEIGHT AND PERIGD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD( SECONDS) TOTAL Hat Gh 2b0S Se 2 Tole Gh ate Ue be He AOS i7/o(e ae) Sie) a? SG) Go) To) Lo? oly SH? WG Ha? Welt (MUIR 0.00 - .49 Sei) ead wae tn5o ee AON MSI eee pea wed) we 20) a5) eta 619 150 - 99 Sips Ob 4S yg Gl: PEAR Be OB 2035" ae 99) glO fa’ ee Sc ad 343 1.00 - 1.49 ee SAS Meads Pesos AR TS TC ee ie Osha Rae 39 Nea = Rob 2 2 2 2 . . 2 . Y 2.00 - 2,49 : 0 2.50 - 2.99 0 3.00 - 4.49 ; iy 3.50 - 3.99 ¢ 4.00 - 4.49 ol I ae ee eke ee A Hi Noid AG ah: 0 4.50 - 4.99 Rae tial vague) Wey | aka Ay, atom) Wile Bind 0 ae he ri G BMOUERGREATER ol ea) Whats ysl Oh heist eye EN ae enn EW, es oe i TOTAL 5 2 83 151 131 69 151 147 96 38 23 | 50 | 6 MONTH AUG PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL Hoe aot GO Gal ol ole EL CR HS Sa Hae Wide iot= Po Bio) alae Bho fa oA) Gn)? lot? Ao? QUIRES 3 0.00 - .49 : 1 ee Co MS 73 . gl HW fl 44 5) 314 oll) = Eh : 1 De CS OM 2 eS 4 a : 404 1.90 - 1.49 : c : 30 gs) HG a r) 3 g 3 3 ; 3 Laat) = Lath : : ‘ : 3 ' 0 : a : J li 2.00 - 2.49 : C : : : 0 Z.00 - 2,99 c 0 3.00 - 9.49 4 3.50 = 3.99 . © a { 4,00 - 4,49 : 0 £90 - 4,99 c : : : 0 0 5.00 - GREATER Abi Oh es cy stl ang |e cea eS 0 TOTAL ® Ay 7) Mee a MG) RY r] MONTH SEP PERCENT OCCURRENCE (X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PER TOD (SECONDS) TOTAL ioe dio So sot ole Tole Ghle Yo Ne iota lay Wd W7/ole Re? alae) Gist) SoG) fot) a) Te) Wate OSG) RG? SG) aoe) Welles 0.00 - .49 3 3 li 19 {9 Z7 1 Geers Oss 4 ee 5) 38 4i 1 292 0 - 199 3 14 32 66 6h OSE 14 494 25 71 27 R) 484 1,00 - 1.49 ; ‘ 0 44 Jo 22 { {1 i4 8 23 3 3 203 Loe) = oh D : 3 2 3 0 3 ; 5 3 i 19 2.00 - 2.49 ; a ) Bel) = ly 3.00 - 3.49 0 Boal) = Gh) Q 4,00 - 4.49 é i} 4.50 - 4,99 : Q 3.00 - GREATER ; : : : : 5 ; : i z 6 6G TOTAL q 7 63 2 aT G4 440 93 VA asl IRR) 73 26 (Continued) (Sheet 3 of 4) B88 Table B30 (Concluded) nn ee rrr tay nnn nS MONTH OCT PERCENT OCCURRENCE(N10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HETGHT(METERS} PERTOD (SECONDS?) TOTAL Ra dle fia a= ae oe Ede Fate Nts a Ne 12,0- 14.0- 17.0- foo! Gon? = kot) oh oe © at? lat? a SMa 13.9 16.9 LONGER 6,00 - ,49 iz : % Ml RE ESA) RG 192 call) © oh : Y i GG fo 2 fel TA aS 7 497 1.00 - 1.49 AI oo) de HM Say” 5 268 lost) > LH) Bike 3 2 iz &B i RR 9 71 2.00 - 2.49 : : z : r) 3 d iZ Lol) S Behe . c 0 3.00 - 3.49 0 Homi) 2 eh) G 4,00 - 4,49 ) 4.50 - 4.99 : : iy 3.00 - GREATER : : : : : F . : 5 - - : : g TOTAL 2 Uo 2) eS) GE) St) HD MONTH NOV PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERTOD (SECONDS) TOTAL WR See Chie: SE Boe 70 Be SEG We ale Hee HALO Wet Bae) GP OG ey eG) oa I SG) of) eG aS? Ue eS 0.00 - .49 5 22 19 17 17 10 2 i # 4 38 10 294 aa) SAG Z 7 8 9 «101 65 31 31 22.234 ers 12 499 1700) - 1.49 i 7 46 29 a 5 10 36 36 7 193 oR) > fothy ‘ 2 3 2 5 10 19 10 53 2,00 - 7.49 : : Z j ; 2 Boel) o Baty : 5 20 i) 3,00 - 3.49 : 0 3.50 - 3,99 : 0 4,00 - 4.45 4 0 8,50 - 4,99 i a 5.00 - GREATER : i F ; 0 TOTAL vi We ee SN SG AG S75! Bo icC elo 29, MONTH DEC PERCENT OCCURRENCE(X10) OF HEIGHT AND PERIOD HEIGHT (METERS) PERIOD (SECONDS) TOTAL a> she AS So. Gade Tote Gol Tote Mite ile Woe Ne i/o Bo) Boe) Ghee) SoG) tha) TS ta) a? Wa) LG Hino) ot? ely 0.00 - 49 7 a ve 15 7 15 eee? re Cad Oo 253 10 = 99 200 S25 s TGS 27a een ese ee tall 5 15 519 1.00 - 1.49 ‘ 10 2 We Be 17 10 CeO 2 ‘ 205 Tosh) = Wat ; : 2 3 10 17 2.00 - 2,49 : 0 2.50 - 2,99 ; 0 3.00 - 3.49 ) ara = 3699 0 #00 - 4,49 : ; i : H ; : : : j ; : i 0 4.50 - 4.99 i F F 4 i j F ; i i 3 i ; 0 5.00 - GREATER ; F ; sR F ; 0 He ft ; Lo : 0 TOTAL G Wy TE Tee zal fy awa Ge he He 60) sss ann nnTIEEEUDDTIDEDTTETTEEI TESTED UEDTENEUSUUN 77/4 TERR 7 GEE? CO PLN (Sheet 4 of 4) HEIGHT (METERS) 7.0 ANNUAL 80-83 1.0 0.0 10° 10° 10 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B41. 1980 through 1983 annual cumulative distribution HEIGHT, MH 1.0 0.0 Of LcOmEeape 615 Ib : ne JAN-MAR 80-83 weeks APR-JUN 80-83 JUL-SEP 80-83 Gu pas tO 10 10 PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B42. 1980 through 1983 seasonal cumulative distribution of H, for gage 615 Oo B90 7.0 NCO RGS eee FEB 80-83 MAR 80-83 6.0 4.0 5.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 10° 10° 10' PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Pee ie mere eo APR 80-83 ole ahem fa ei MAY 80-83 JUN 80-83 4.0 5.0 HEIGHT, M 3.0 LO" 10° 10' oy PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B43. 1980 through 1983 monthly cumulative distribution OP Isl iROP GES 615 (Continued) ro) B91 7.0 cease wl ORES eee AUG 80-83 SEP 80-83 HEIGHT, M 220) S304: Onn Ss ONG S 1.0 wom, SS 0.0 10° 10° 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED 7.0 eens OCT 80-83 seas NOV 80-83 DEC 80-83 4.0 5.0 6.0 HEIGHT, 3.0 10° 10° 10° PERCENT GREATER THAN INDICATED Figure B43. (Concluded) B92 f5 & by rorererererever 1o ' sa=4 oz “Oo SSeS 8888 (ee ~m fo) 1 t t nn an ra -o"a"a"a"a"a"a*a"e"ave"e"o", io @o LU 22) “od [o) 8 8 oa Os. & 28 » © @ “OO o tH 3 eZa 9 ie 5) a $346 EKEXEXRRERRKRRMRERRRRRRERRERERE | OP nr a (on “4 ro bo on = oO. a Zaeioe Ai) 4 oo f@ad50 N= 4 Ne b VTE VO - Cc a OC} Be. SS AS SS ee ee ee Pe ee ixe)) 1 | “o?% [nnn een Ia. . By Oo tS NT 2s a el ye ye eee ee, Nae 900000 00-0107001010.8020.0 b2 te} 3 un o= os c- ad Se | Neo) ie.) i.) 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ZH/Z™™W “ALISN3Q ASNIN3 ZH/@™*W “XLISN3G X9Y3N3 ZH/7™*W “ALISNSG ASYSNI af — B128 APPENDIX C: SURVEY DATA Contour diagrams constructed from the bathymetric survey data are pre- sented in this appendix. The profile lines surveyed are identified on each diagram. Contours are in half metres referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datum. The distance offshore is referenced to the Field Research Facility (FRF) monumentation baseline behind the dune. C1 009 00S 00% (W) JONULSIO 188 190 650 50 DISTANCE (M) FRF bathymetry, 13 January 1983 (contours in metres) Figure Cl. C2 OO1t 0001 006 73 85 135 9155 174 008 00S «Ob (W) JONULSIG 178 183 j=) w w DISTANCE (M) 8 February 1983 (contours in metres) FRF bathymetry, Figure C2. C3 73 85 135 155 161 169 174 009 8600S = 00 (W) GONYLSIO + 178 183 188 189 850 450 DISTANCE (M) FRF bathymetry, 28 March 1983 (contours in metres) 30 Figure C3. cH 00g (W) 00S OOy JONULS1O 0 9 DISTANCE (M) FRF bathymetry, 5 May 1983 (contours in metres) Figure C4. C5 PROF [LE 58 62 73 85 135 ISS 174 178 183 188 = 190 wm rm meses eee eee me eee ww. Be 29 9S S35 05556 = cece o ee®2eenrcenane a rr aes ern et a a api aa area gs ean peeriiaeaer ie n= ine oe eee UNS OENED 8 7 igs fee © Se ee eS =. ° oS NCO Ne S/O a0” One ome ee we 8 era 50 DISTANCE (M) FRF bathymetry, 14 June 1983 (contours in metres) C6 4 errnmeany anal nN Pen een i a ie e = CIO OR NC NE Se OSS OW e eo 256000 1 ty 0 Figure C5. of 0011 0001 006 008 002 009 00s OOY OO£ 002 00} 0 8 OOl- (W) GONULS1O 95 135 155 171 We 3 176 178 Ww =) — t © nN Te) Mm wo W on wo wo NON oe a. Fee a ae BOIS =e. mBeaccer2ren cee = = = - = . = = . ee. eseerece O01} 001 006 © 00a8.~S«Od~SSSSShSC (W) GONULSTO 0 450 DISTANCE (M) FRF bathymetry, 12 July 1983 (contours in metres) Figure C6. C7 PROF ILE 58 62 73 85 95 135 155 174 009 00s O0¥ (HW) GONULSIO 178 183 DISTANCE (M) FRF bathymetry, 8 August 1983 (contours in metres) ————S_ See OE ——e—e—eEE———e ee Figure C7. c8 ool] 0001 ive) is 85 95 135 155 cog (W) 161 169 174 00s 00% JONYLSIO 178 183 188 0 189 5 DISTANCE (™) FRF bathymetry, 6 September 1983 (contours in metres) Figure C8. C9 174 00S 00% JONULS TO 178 183 188 190 DISTANCE (M) 1 October 1983 (contours in metres) FRF bathymetry, Figure C9. C10 0011 (W) SJONULSIO 50 DISTANCE FRF bathymetry, 21 November 1983 (contours in metres) 4 250 (M) Figure C10. C11 APPENDIX D: STORM DATA Explanation of Storm Data Displays 1. Whenever the wave height Ha exceeded 2.0 m at the seaward end Co) of the Field Research Facility (FRF) pier, data were collected hourly. The available data for the 24 storms (reported in Part VI of the main text) are presented in Figures D1-D24. Atmospheric Pressure 2. Reported in millibars, these data are useful for documenting the type of storm, the passage of fronts, and the intensity of the atmospheric pressure system. Wind Speed 3. Local winds are generally responsible for the wave conditions at the FRF. Wind speed is reported in metres per second. Wind Direction 4, Referenced to true (star) north, the wind direction indicates the direction from which the winds are blowing, e.g., winds blowing from west to east are referred to as having an angle of 270 deg. Wave Direction 5. Referenced to true (star) north, the wave direction measurements are taken at the seaward end of the FRF pier. The pier axis (considered perpen- dicular to the beach at the FRF) is oriented 70 deg east of true north; con- sequently, wave angles greater than 70 deg imply the waves were coming from the south side of the pier. D1 Gage 625 H, ) 6. The wave height, measured in metres, was that obtained from the Baylor wave staff located at the seaward end of the FRF pier. Wave Period 7. The peak spectral wave period, in seconds, from gage 625 is reported. Wave Levels 8. Reported in centimetres and referenced to the local National Geodic Vertical Datum, the water levels were obtained from the National Ocean Service primary tide station numbers 865-1370 at the seaward end of the FRF pier. 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Riri Sehr YAN In, ee cee AN ae Ne Deo uae Aih 8 Ay innit TL Scania yi Pe, pe th bean Tram eutae Ni a On ea i Hane ba a ie) Sin CENTER FOR COASTAL STUDIES BOX 826 PROVINCETOWN, MA 02657,