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TOGETHER WITH NOTES ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE DURING THE YEAR 1858; A LIST OF RECENT SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS; OBITUARIES OF EMINENT SCIENTIFIC MEN, ETC. EDITED BY DAVID A. WELLS, A.M., AUTHOR OF PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY, SCIENCE OF COMMON THINGS, ETO. BOS LON : GO U IY DA MDOP IN EOLN, 59 WASHINGTON STREET, NEW YORK: SHELDON AND COMPANY. CINCINNATI: GEORGE S. BLANCHARD. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO. 1859. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by GOULD AND LINCOLN, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY W. F. DRAPER, ANDOVER, MASS. NOTES BY THE EDITOR ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR 1859. Tue Twelfth Meeting of the American Association for the Promo- tion of Science was held at Baltimore, Md., April 28th to May 5th, 1858. In the absence of both President and Vice-President elect, the chair was taken by Professor Caswell. The attendance of members was somewhat smaller than usual, and the whole number of papers presented was ninety-five ; of these thirty-three pertained to the sec- tion of Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics; nine to Meteorology ; fourteen to Geology and Geography ; eighteen to Chemistry, Mineral- ogy, and Geology ; and twenty-one to Philology and Miscellaneous. The meeting adjourned to meet at Springfield, Massachusetts, on the first Wednesday of August, 1859. Professor Stephen Alexander, of Princeton, was chosen President for the ensuing year, and Professor Edward Hitchcock, of Amherst, Vice-President. The Association was addressed at length by Dr. Hayes, the Sur- geon of the Kane Arctic Expedition, in behalf of a renewed effort to reach the open Polar Sea, described by Dr. Kane. He proposes to or- ganize and lead an expedition, starting in the spring of 1860, and fol- lowing the route pursued by Dr. Kane. The details of the plan, as given by Dr. H., were as follows: The expedition would require two years for its operations, and in view of the rich and valuable experience of the last, he could not but deem it probable that the next attempt would prove successful. There was needed for the expedition one vessel of one hundred tons, equipped for two and a half years, and twelve men. It would greatly add to the convenience of the party to be provided with a small steam-tender of thirty tons, with a shifting screw ; except for the necessity of conveying provisions, even so large a vessel as one of one hundred tons would not be necessary. The party should leave the States early in April, giving time to lay in additional fresh provisions on the Greenland coast, and al IV NOTES BY THE EDITOR so materially to reduce the cost of outfit. Before the last of August it should push up Smith’s Sound to the ice-belt, with the intention of win- tering as ‘igh as the 80th parallel, if possible. Smith’s Sound, fortunately for this route, runs diagonally to the course of the general current — thus operating to keep Grinnell’s Land free of floating ice. Under this western shore it might be possible to work the steam-tender through the leads left by the southward drifting ice, even into the heart of the Polar Sea. But this was a doubtful reliance on which they would not too much depend. It would be necessary by three or four journeys with the dog-sledges to make depots of provision as high in Grinnel’s Land as on the 82d parallel. This was perfectly feasible ; each dog could be depended on to carry seventy pounds weight, thirty-two miles a day, on aration of thirteen ounces of pemmican. In April,the party should leave the vessel, the men conveying the boats upon sledges until (and the inference was that it would be bythe middle of May) the ice- belt had been crossed and the open sea reached. Dogs could not drag the boats — they were not competent to the conveyance of any such dead weight. But experience had shown that over the smooth ice, as this was likely to be, men could easily walk sixteen miles a day, dragging on sledges a weight of one hundred and ten pounds for each. To avoid the incumbrance of so much canvas, they would take no tents, but rely for shelter upon the snow-house, which could be constructed in an hour, and which was better than the tent for protection. Furs and carbo- naceous food must be their reliance for warmth. While travelling, the pemmican (dried meat and tallow, of which four pounds is equal to fourteen pounds of green meat) must be the sole reliance as food. The Doctor believed that the climate was eminently a wholesome one. The danger from cold and scurvy had been greatly lessened by the experi- ence of the last few years. Dr. Kane sailed too early to avail himself of the wonderful advantages now furnished in the concentrated fresh meats and vegetables, for protecting from and curing scurvy. At the conclusion of Dr. Hayes’s address, a resolution was adopted, referring the matter to'a committee of seven, with instructions to report on the expediency of uniting with Dr. Hayes in his efforts to fit out an expedition. The Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, was held at Leeds, September 22—26, Professor Owen in the chair. The attendance was good, and the papers of more than ordinary interest. The meeting for 1859 was appointed to be held in Aberdeen, Prince Albert being the President elect. The annual report of the Council stated, that since the discussion at the last meeting at Dublin, relative to the formation of a “ Catalogue of the philosophical papers contained in the various scientific transac- tions and journals of all countries,” this important work has been commenced under the auspices and at the expense of the Royal ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. ¥ Society. It is purposed that it should include the titles (in the original languages) of all memoirs published in such works, in the mathemat- ical, physical, and natural sciences, from the foundation of the Royal Society to the present time, the titles to be so arranged as to form ultimately three catalogues — one chronological, or in the order of the memoirs in the several series; one alphabetical, according to authors’ names, and, lastly, a third, classified according to subjects. The Council, moreover, lament that their application to the Gov- ernment for an expedition to the vicinity of Mackenzie’s river, for the purpose of observations in terrestrial magnetism, was not successful ; but they anticipate an important accession to scientific knowledge from the expedition to the Zambesi river, which was sanctioned by the Government, and sent out under Dr. Livingstone. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, that represen- tations be made to the Meteorological department of the Board of Trade, of desirableness of connecting with its arrangements a system for the observation and record of Oceanic and Littoral Earthquakes, and of the occasional occurrence upon the coasts of Great Sea Waves, and, if practicable, of bringing such into immediate operation. That it is highly desirable that a series of Magnetical and Meteoro- logical Observations, on the same plan as those which have been already carried on in the Colonial Observatories for that purpose under the direction of Her Majesty’s Board of Ordnance, be obtained to extend over a period of not more than five years, at the following stations: 1. Vancouver’s Island; 2. Newfoundland; 3. The Falkland Isles ; 4. Pekin, or some near adjacent station. That an application be made to Her Majesty’s Government to obtain the establishment of Observatories at these stations for the above- mentioned term, on a personal and material footing, and under the same superintendence as in the Observatories (now discontinued) at Toronto, St. Helena,and Van Diemen’s Land. That provision be also requested at the hands of Her Majesty’s Government, for the execution, within the period embraced by the ob- servations, of magnetic surveys in the districts immediately adjacent to those sattions, viz., of the whole of Vancouver’s Island and the shores of the Strait separating it from the main land, — of the Falkland Isl- ands, and of the immediate neighborhood of the Chinese Observa- tory (if practicable), where situated,—on the plan of the surveys already executed in the British possessions in North America and in the Indian Archipelago. An interesting map has been prepared, under the auspices of the Association, by Robert Mallet, of Dublin, with a view of illustrating the surface distribution of earthquakes, the position and situation of all volcanoes, fumaroles, and solfataras, now active, or presumed to have been so, within historic or recent geologic periods, as well as the scismic (from the Greek word signifying earthquakes) bands in position and * Vi NOTES BY THE EDITOR relative intensity. The area of supposed land and sub-oceanic sub- sidences are also indicated. The map conveys at a glance the portions of the globe in which volcanic eruptions are most prevalent. These appear by contrast to be the islands and oceans surrounding Borneo, where alone are given upwards of one hundred indications, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Andes of South America. In the northern regions, Iceland alone stands out in marked prominence ; whilst the whole of Africa, with the exception of the Cape and its northern boundary, and the continent of South America east of the Andes, appear to be totally unaffected by the laws of earthquakes. The greatest area of subsidence appears to be in the Pacific Ocean, extending in a direction southeast from the Philippine Islands to Pitcairn’s Island. The National Association (Great Britain) for the Advancement of Social Science, held its second anniversary meeting in Liverpool, in October, with distinguished success, about three thousand persons being in attendance. The special object of the association, as stated in the constitution of the Society, is “ to form a point of union among social reformers, so as to afford those engaged in all the various efforts now happily begun for the improvement of the people, an opportunity of considering social economics as a whole.” At the Liverpool meet- ing, Lord John Russell presided, and delivered the introductory ad- dress. During the continuance of the session, an address of great interest was also delivered by Lord Brougham, on “ Popular Education and Popular Literature.” From this address we make the following extract, in which the author illustrates the benefit accruing from the labors of the Society for diffusing useful knowledge, and defends the publications issued by it from the charge of encouraging superficial acquirements: “ When it is said, or sung, by such objectors, that ‘a little learning is a dangerous thing,’ we can see no harm in adding, that there is another thing somewhat more dangerous — great ignorance ; not to mention that the one cures itself, while the other perpet- uates itself—ay, and spreads and propagates, too; for it is almost as true in point of fact that they who have learned a little have their half-satisfied curiosity excited to obtain more full gratification, as it is false in point of fact that sobriety results from excess of drinking. We object, therefore, to this hackneyed maxim, not because it is hack- neyed, but because it is unfounded; as illogical when delivered in plain prose as inapposite when clothed in humorous verse — the false- hood of the position in the one case being equal to that of the metaphor in the other. ‘Better half a loaf than no bread,’ is the old English saying. ‘ All wrong,’ say the objectors, ‘a little food is a dangerous thing ; rather starve than not have your fill.’ ‘ Better be purblind than stone blind,’ is the French saying. ‘ No, cry the ob- jectors; ‘if you can’t see quite clearly, what use is there in seeing at all?’ ‘In the country of the blind, says the proverb, ‘the one- eyed man is king.’ Our objectors belonging to the people there ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. Vit would dethrone the monarch by putting out his eye. But they had better couch their blind brethren to restore their sight, and then his reign would cease at once without any act of violence, any coup d’ état. Here is a well of precious water, and we have got a little of it in a tankard. ‘ What signifies,’ say the objectors, ‘such a paltry supply ? It would not wet the lips of half a dozen of the hundreds who are athirst.’ True, but it enables us to wet the sucker of the pump, instead of following their advice to leave it dry; and, having the han- dle, we use it to empty the well and satisfy all. A person gains some information, it may be only a little. Say the objectors, ‘ He is super- ficial’ Would he be more profound if he knew nothing? The twi- light is unsafe for his steps. Would he be more secure from slipping in the dark? But he may be self-sufficient, may think he knows much, and look down upon others as knowing little. Is this very likely to happen if the knowledge he has acquired is within reach of all and by the greater number possessed ? ‘The distinction is the ground of the supposed influence upon his demeanor towards others; when that difference no longer exists, the risk of his manners being spoiled is at anend. The most trifling instruction which can be given is sure to teach the vast majority of those who receive it the lesson of their own deficiency, and to inspire the wish for further knowledge. But suppose, as must happen in many cases, that no great progress shall be afterwards made, at least it is certain that the proportion is most incon- siderable of those who are not the better for what they have learned, and of those who are the worse for it the number cannot really be said to have any existence at all. It must always be kept in mind that there are two descriptions of persons to whom popular literature is ad- dressed, and who may in different ways profit by it — those who from their natural capacity and natural inclination, as well as from possess- ing a certain leisure, can so far improve themselves as to become really accomplished in the branches of knowledge which they study, and the great bulk of the community who can never go beyond giving a very moderate attention to books, can in fact read but very little. Let us first consider the former class, which, though small compared with the mass, is yet again divided into two, those of ordinary talents, but anxious to learn, and those whose thirst for knowledge is not only very great, but accompanied with capacity to excel, possibly even with original genius. Both classes benefit incalculably by the helps which popular literature extends to them. Their love of knowledge is both excited and gratified, and let us observe their progress. The different works which are prepared encourage and enable them to proceed. At first they are attracted by some tale or anecdote, or biographical account. Soon after they find in the same paper a popular exposition of a subject in science or literature. This inclines them to go further, and the treatises furnished by the Useful Knowledge Society are with- in their reach on different subjects, suiting the line they desire to VIII NOTES BY THE EDITOR follow, and in various kinds in point of difficulty, and thus adapted to the progress they may have made, from Mr. Marcet’s plain and elementary explanations, up to the treatises of learned professors like those of the Astronomer Royal, Sir D. Brewster, and Professor de Morgan. So great and varied are the helps afforded to students in humble life that it has been said that there can be no such thing now as a self-taught person. Let us only reflect how mighty would have been the comfort to such students in former times could they have enjoyed such facilities. What would Franklin have given for them, who, living on a vegetable diet on purpose to save a few pence from his day’s wages for the purchase of books, was fain to learn a little geometry from a treatise on navigation he had been happy enough to pick up at a bookstall, something of arithmetic by having fallen upon a copy of Cocker, and from an odd volume of the Spectator gained a notion of the style he afterwards so powerfully used? What would Simpson have given for access to books, who could only get, from the accident of a peddler passing the place where he was kept by his father working at his trade of a weaver, the copy of Cocker containing a little Algebra, and even when grown up could only, by borrowing Stone’s translation of L’ Hopital from a friend, ob- tain an insight into the science of infinitesimals, on which two years after. he published an admirable work, while continuing to divide his time between his toil as a weaver and as a teacher? Brindley, the great engineer, was through life an uneducated man; Rannequin is said never to have learnt the alphabet; and both executed great works, but with difficulties and delays which reading would have spared them. Harrison, too, though he had received an ordinary education, yet only while working in his trade of a carpenter, became acquainted with science by some manuscript lectures of Sanderson falling in his way ; and so hard did he find it to obtain adequate knowledge on the subjects connected with his mechanical pursuits, that forty years were spent in perfecting his admirable improvements on the construction of time- keepers, and bringing them into use. It would be going too far to hold that Franklin’s genius, both in physical and political science, could have done greater things had his original difficulties in self-education been removed ; but we may safely aflirm that both Brindley, Rannequin, and Harrison, would have effected far more with the helps which their successors have had ; and of Simpson no doubt can be entertained that, even amid the distractions of his trade, his short life would have been illustrated by far greater steps in mathematical science. For it is an entire mistake to suppose, with some of his biographers, that his genius was not original, and fitted to make great advances in his favorite study. The late proceedings respecting Sir Isaac Newton’s monument, have led to ascertaining that Simpson had made the same approaches towards the modern improvement of the calculus which its illustrious inventor himself had done, but kept concealed; and no ON TH= PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. Ix doubt can be entertained that the germ of the great discovery of La- grange and Laplace on the stability of the solar system, is to be found in the last and most remarkable work of Simpson. It is truly delight- ful to contemplate such feats of genius, so scantily aided, in a hard- working mechanic, patronized by none.” The Thirty-fourth meeting of the German Association of Science and Medicine, was held at Carlsruhe, September 17th, 1858, under the presidency of Prof. Eisenlohr. Nearly twelve hundred members, representing all the states of Europe, were present, and many papers of great interest were offered. The “ Societe Zodlogique d’Acclamation,” of France, still continues in the full tide of successful experiment. A foreign correspondent of Silliman’s Journal enumerates the following as a part of the ser- vices it has already rendered : In 1854, it purchased half of the only herd of yaks which had come to Europe ; and now the yak, through its care, has become ac- climated without difficulty, and has prospered. In 1855, it distrib- uted nearly a million of bulbs of the yam (Dioscorea Batatas) ; now the yam is cultivated at large over Europe, and it promises to rival the potatoe, when through successive sowings it shall have lost its long form. The Society has spread everywhere the Sorghum sugar cane, (Holeus saccharatus), which already furnishes to the departments of middle and southern France abundant forage of good quality, while at the same time, through its saccharine juices, it promises to be as valuable to the southern provinces of France as the beet to the north- ern. Ithas procured young plants of the Loza, a species of Rham- nus, from which the Chinese extract the fine green color called the Kao. It has imported two herds of Angora goats, which reproduce perfectly in Europe without manifesting any symptoms of degenerat- ing. It has not only acclimated the silk worm of the Ricinus (Bom- byx Cynthia, or Palma Christi silkworm, a native of India), which is already in France to its twenty-fifth generation, but it has done more, in succeeding in varying its nourishment, by substituting the leaf of the very common Fller’s Teasel (Dipsacus Fullonum) for the Ricinus (Rk. Europeus), which is rare, and does not grow in our climate with- out great care; and it has almost succeeded in regulating the time of hatching, so as to make the birth of the worms correspond with the development of the leaves on which they are nourished. It has al- ready nearly accomplished the propagation in the open air of a silk- worm living on the oak. In has raised, in the Jardin des Plantes, two new kinds of Chinese oaks. It has undertaken to grow the white nettle of China, with which fabrics may be made more firm than those of linen or the indigenous hemp. It has promoted the culture of the oleaginous pea, excellent as food, and affording an abundant oil. It has received in portable greenhouses the wax-tree and varnish-tree in good condition, with the insects which frequent them. Finally, through x NOTES BY THE EDITOR M. D. de L’Huys, its Vice-President, it has succeded in procuring from the slopes of the Cordilleras numerous tubercles of potatoe, in order to renew in Europe this so valuable species, which, through exaggerated culture and long-continued disease, has lost a part of its qualities. The report of the Meteorological Department of the English Board of Trade, published June, 1858, states that much information relative to winds and currents has been recently collected from various seas, from many foreign stations on land, and from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. By very numerous trials, the specific gravity of nearly all the oceanic surface has been ascertained ; and itis believed that these re- sults will render further observations of the kind unnecessary, except in peculiar and limited localities, for some special object. Distilled water being taken as 1:000, the specific gravity of oceanic water is found to be nearly 1:027. The lowest temperature hitherto recorded (between 2-300 and 2:500 fathoms below the surface) has been 35 deg. in the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Indian oceans, and 86 deg. the highest temperature anywhere at sea on the surface. The total pressure of the barometer varies so little throughout the year within certain limits of latitude near the equator, or rather at about 5 deg. of north latitude in the Atlantic, that (allowing for the six- hourly change) any ship crossing that part of the sea may actually compare her barometer with a natural standard, invariable within those small limits of 2-100ths to 3-100ths of an inch. Hygrometric in- quiries are steadily, though slowly, proceeding. Magnetism has not occupied much thought, because it is zealously attended to in other departments of the Government. The report rather gives a general idea of what is being done, than the actual results of the labors of the department. The managers of the Royal Institution, London, intrusted with the award of the Actonian prize for the best essay “ On the wisdom and goodness of the Creator as displayed in the Radiation of Heat,” have reported that, in their judgment, no essay had been received by them within the period of seven years since the last award in 1851, of suf- ficient merit to entitle the author thereof to the prize of £105; that, consequently, no prize was awarded this year; and that the £105 intended to have been awarded, would, pursuant to the trust-deed, be retained, and awarded, with another sum of £105, in 1865, of which due notice would be given. The present Emperor of the French, in 1852, decreed that a prize of £2,000 should be awarded to the person who, in the course of the ensuing five years, should make the most useful application of the Voltaic pile, and he charged a commission, consisting of M. Dumas, M. Becquerel, M. Pelouze, and M. Despretz, of the Institute, and of other eminent scientific men, to select the recipient of the prize. This commission has recently reported to his Majesty, that, after carefully ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. XI examining all the improvements in the application of the Voltaic pile made during the last five years in all the countries of Europe, it does not think any of them of sufficient importance to merit the prize ; and accordingly, the Emperor, in compliance with its recommendation, has decreed that the prize shall remain open for a second period of five years. A French gentleman, named Breant, =e died some years back, bequeathed the sum of £4,000 to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, to be given to the ian of a sovereign cure for the cholera. In 1854, the Academy reported that, though numerous persons had com- peted for the prize, none of them had obtained it; and during the last year it again reported that though, since 1854, as many as fifty- three memoirs or communications on the subject had been sent in, not one was deserving of the promised reward. The field, consequently, is still open to competitors. An imperial ukase has been issued at St. Petersburg suppressing the teaching of Latin in all the colleges of the empire. The time hitherto devoted to this study is to be added to that of the positive sciences. The London Geographical Society has awarded the Victoria Gold Medal for 1858, to Prof. A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey, for his extensive and most accurate surveys of America, and for the additions made by him to our knowledge of geography and hydrography, Another gold medal has been also pre- sented to Capt. R. Collinson, R. N., for his successful discoveries in the Arctic Regions, and for having, in Her Majesty’s ship Enterprise, penetrated further to the eastward, through Behring Strait, than had been reached by any other vessel. At a recent meeting of this society, also Sir R. I. Murchigon read an account of a highly. interesting journey through the Elboorz Chain of Central Asia, and of the ascent of the lofty volcanic mountain of Demavend, by Mr. R. F. Thomson and Lord Schomberg Kerr, both attached to the Persian mission. Having succeeded in reaching the summit of Demavend with instruments, the adventurous diplomatists have determined its height to be 21,500 feet, and have thus deprived Mount Ararat of the reputation, so long enjoyed, of being the high- est point in Central Asia. The directors of the Geological Survey of Great Britian, have re- cently presented to the State Cabinet of New York, and the Museum of the Geological Survey of Canada, at Montreal, a complete set of the duplicate fossils collected during the survey of the United King- dom. ‘These collections are carefully labelled, and, in their future locations at Albany and Montreal, will constitute an important ad- dition to the resources of American geologists. Some discussions of interest have taken place during the past year in reference to the existence of an ethereal medium in the inter- XII NOTES BY THE EDITOR planetary spaces; and M. Babinet, before the French Academy, has asserted that we have no evidence whatever upon the subject. Encke, however, has taken occasion of the reappearance of the comet bearing his name to again promulgate his belief in the existence of the ether, and claims that its resisting influence on the above-named comet is more manifest than ever ; while M. Faye, following Babinet, has re- plied that he is unable to see how Encke’s views can be maintained. Mr. Hind, the English astronomer, in a recent publication, offers a protest against the names given to the young members of our plane- tary family He says: “A few months since, my attention was directed, by Sir John Her- schel, to the inconvenience and confusion which are being gradually introduced into the nomenclature of the minor planets by the accept- ance of names easily mistaken, either in speaking or writing, for others belonging to planets previously discovered. I have been fully sensible of the liability to error or misapprehension thereby induced, and am desirous of recording a protest against any further continuance of what must eventually become a positive nuisance to those who are more particularly occupied with the observations and calculations bearing upon this numerous group of planets. Thus, we have al- ready: Thetis, Themis; Lutetia, Letitia; Iris, Isis; Vesta, Hestia ; Pallas, Pales. It will naturally be the wish of every discoverer of a planet that his enfant trouve should be known to posterity by the name which it has borne during his lifetime ; but if the practice to which allusion is here made, be suffered to continue much longer, there is certainly a probability that a day will arrive when, for the sake of their general convenience, astronomers will consign these troublesome names to oblivion, and substitute others less liable to engender confu- sion. ‘This consideration alone, we might suppose, would prove suffi- ciently powerful to induce hesitation on the part of the discoverer before accepting any name likely to be objected to on the score of similarity with that of a planet previously found.” The following is a list of the comets now known or supposed to be periodical, or which belong to our solar system. The periodicity of the last twelve, or of those whose computed times or revolution exceeds fourteen years, with the exception of that of Halley, can, however, only be rendered certain by their actual return at the expiration of the predicted time. It will be seen that, in all but seven instances, the comets bear the names of the astronomers by whom they were firstobserved. In these seven exceptions, titles have been selected by the discoverers, principally from the names of individuals whom they have desired to honor : Comet of Period-in years. Discovered by Encke - - - - - -' - - 33 Pos cS = Se =e eS Blanpain - - - - - - - 48 Blanpain - - - - - = 1819 DeVieos > v=. =tereostih - 1556 Bremiker - «-.-.- = - $44.0 Bremiker - - - - - - 1840 Brorsen - - - - - - 401.0 BromseRe. ser megieins j=0.24NB46 Perry - - - - - - - 4220, tei A ee ee YA An able article in the July (1858) number of the Westminster Re- view, on “ Recent Astronomy, and the Nebular Hypothesis,” takes de- cided ground against the results of what it terms “ the rash speculations of late years,” as embraced in the belief that all nebule are galaxies of stars. The writer defends the nebular hypothesis with much force of argument, and asserts that “ the various appearances these nebule present are clearly explicable as different stages in the precipitation and aggregation of diffused matter.” He asserts that, on the one hand, all the leading phenomena of the solar system, and the heavens in general, are explicable “ by the nebular hypothesis,” and, on the other hand, that “the common cosmogony is not only without a single fact to stand upon, but is at variance with all our positive knowledge of nature. M. Wolf, of Zurich, in a letter addressed to General Sabine, states that further researches into the phenomena of the relation between the spots on the sun and terrestrial magnetism have led to the discovery that there is even a greater correspondence between the solar spots and terrestrial magnetism than he had originally imagined, and that sufficient data now exist to satisfy even the most skeptical of the actual correspondence between these phenomena. The European Statistics of Suicide, recently published in France by Mr Lisle, show that England is no longer at the head of the dreary list. The French author proves that France is the highest in the scale, and Russia lowest. In London, we have one suicide in 8,250 people. Paris gives one in 2,221. For the whole English population, 2 XIV NOTES BY THE EDITOR the suicides reckon one in 15,900; France, one in 12,489. The north of France is the most prolific in suicides, that district yielding nearly half of the whole number in the entire empire. The following is an abstract of a paper recently presented to the Berlin Academy by M. Dieterici on the population of the earth: The author estimates the actual population of the earth at 1,283 millions, viz., Europe, 272; Asia, 750; America, 59; Africa, 200; and Aus- tralia, 2. The average of the valuations made by geographers gave, he says, the number of the inhabitants of Europe at 258 millions; but as most of them, owing tothe period when their works were published, had not the advantage of the several census taken within the last fifteen years, the number of 272,000,000 was that which came nearest to the truth. The progressive increase in the population of Europe was, moreover, enormous. In 1787, according toacalculation made by order of Louis X VI., it amounted to 150 millions; and in 1805, it had reached 200 millions. It was more difficult to estimate the population of Asia, for geographers who had written during the last twenty-five years on the subject, had shown extraordinary differences of opinion. Some had given to that part of the world only 390 millions of inhabitants, whereas China alone contained a greater number. ‘The figure of 750 millions might be considered as near as possible to the truth, when the difficulties of getting at any exact estimate was looked to. As far as regards Africa, still greater uncertainty prevailed. ‘The author, how- ever, has carefully availed himself of the works of the last explorers of the central portion of that country, as well as of the official returns from Algeria, Senegal, and the Cape of Good Hope. ‘The estimate made by him may be, perhaps, about one-quarter or one-fifth too high. At the last meeting of the British Association (Leeds, 1858), Mr- William Fairbairn, in an address, thus briefly reviewed the prospects and recent progress of Mechanical Science in Great Britain: Malleable iron, now applied to the construction of bridges, was capable of great development, and there was no span between the limit of one thousand feet which might not be compassed by the hollow girder bridge. With respect to steam navigation much remained to be done, with the object of giving uniformity of strength and security of construction. The Leviathan, with all her misfortunes, was a magnificent specimen of naval architecture, the cellular system, so judiciously introduced by Mr. Brunel, being her great source of strength. He was so persuaded of the security of the principle upon which she had been constructed, that he had no doubt she would stand the test of being suspended upon the two extreme points of stem and stern, with all her machinery on board ; or she might be poised upon a point in the middle, like a scale-beam, without fracture or injury to the material of which she is composed. He expressed the hope that the necessary funds would be forthcoming to complete her equipment, and that we should then see her dash- ing aside the surge of the Atlantic at a speed of eighteen to twenty ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. eV knots an hour. In Great Britain there are now 9,500 miles of rail- way ; and taking, at a rough calculation, one locomotive engine with a force of 200 horses power to every three miles of railway, and assum- ing each to run 120 miles per day, we might thence calculate the dis- tance travelled over by trains to be equal to 380,000 miles per day, or 138,900,000 miles per annum. To transport these trains required a force equivalent to 200,000 horses in constant operation thoughout the year. In the locomotive engine there has been no improve- ment of consequence during the last two years, excepting only its adaptation to burning coal instead of coke; but in the formation of the permanent way, considerable improvements had been effected, especi- ally in the jointing of the rails by the process known as fish-jointing. Admiral Moorson in alluding to the lack of progress in some departments of Naval Architecture, and especially as regards the ca- pabilities of marine steamers, expressed his opinion that if experiments were conducted at sea under a vast variety of conditions as to form, size, and circumstances, rules might be established which would serve to determine much of what was now the subject of controversy, and go far to remove the reproach on the great maritime nations of the world, which was contained in the following passage of a work by Mr. Scott Russell: “ It is admitted that out of every three steam-vessels that are built, two fall very far short of fulfilling the intention with which they were constructed.” During the past year the publication of an American Mathematical Journal, edited by Mr. J. D. Runkle, of Cambridge, has been com- menced, under the endorsement of the American Association for the Promotion of Science, and the best mathematical talent of the country. It proposes to include in its pages solutions, demonstrations, and discussions, in all branches of the science, as well as in all its various applications ; also notes and queries, with notices and reviews of all the principal mathematical works issued in this country or in Europe. A gallery of portraits of distinguished scientific men is now in the course of publication at Vienna, and will consist, when complete, of a folio volume of one hundred lithographic plates, executed in the highes style of art, — each portrait being accompanied with a‘leaf of text. The gallery commences with Humboldt, and following him there are three or more in each of the departments, — Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology, Geography, Geology, Mineralogy, Betany, Zoology, Anatomy, and Physiology. The physicists included are: Amici, Baumgartner, Biot, Brewster, Ettingshausen, Faraday, Han- steen, Herschel, Jacobi, Magnus, Miiller, Neumann, Plucker, Pog- gendorff, Pouillett, Weber, and Zantedeschi. A portion of the report of the Canadian Geological Survey on the organic remains of Canada, has been recently published by Mr. Bil- lings, Paleontologist of the survey, and treats of the Cystidex, Star- fishes, and bivalve Crustaceans. It is a work of great merit, enlarging xVI NOTES BY THE EDITOR our knowledge of one of the obscurest departments of Paleontology. Besides Cystideze and Star-fishes, a new genus called Cyclocystoides, containing discoid species of Echinoderms, is described by E. Billings and J. W. Salter. It is remarkable that the Canadian Lower Silurian rocks have furnished twenty-one species of Cystidez, while in New York only one has been found in the rocks of that age. During the past year, the remarkable work of De la Rive, on Elec- tricity, has been completed by the publication of the third volume, and the entire work may now be regarded as the most complete treatise on the subject of electricity extant. As to the cause of terrestrial mag- netism, the author inclines to the theory, that it resides in the sun, which acts upon the earth as in the ordinary experiment by rotation a magnet acts upon a body having a rotating movement. But whence the magnetism of the sun ? Within a very recent period a newspaper in the Maori, or native New Zealand language, has been started at Wellington, N. Z. It is called the “ Messenger of Port Nicholson.” The London Atheneum for March 13, 1858, contains a letter from Capt. Freeling, Surveyor-General at Adelaide, in respect to the explorations undertaken in the central part of Australia to determine whether a navigable inland sea existed there, as has been supposed. No water was found on which a boat would float. “I was away,” says Capt. Freeling, “ more than two months, and during that time must have travelled a thousand miles, and I verily believe that there is no other country in the world where so much barren land exists in a similar space. It is really wonderful to see the masses of stone which lie on the hills and plains as on a newly Macadamized road, as well as the absence of grass in places where the stones are not so thickly spread; but all this barrenness may easily be accounted for by the fact that but little rain falls to promote fertility. Occasionally, as in March of this year, an extraordinary rain-fall occurs; then the creeks, which are for years together dry, pour down an amazing volume of water, flooding the lands in their neighborhood, and eventually discharging themselves over a vast, slightly hollowed plain, which then has all the appearance of a large inland sea. Test it, however, as I did, by walking three miles into it, and you then see its - true character, and are able to state positively that the summer heats will not have continued long before the whole is evaporated.” During the past year another European expedition into Central Africa has been organized. Its projector is Baron von Krafft, whose intention is to visit the interor of Soudan. He has embarked for Tripoli, and will probably take the route from Ouargla to Djebel Hog- gar, a route which has never been followed by Europeans. A letter from Baron Krafft to Humboldt, dated April 10, 1858, from Algiers, expresses the desire of the author to continue the dis- coveries of Dr. Barth, so far as limited resources will allow. He will ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. XVII travel in the incognito of a Turkish physician, provided with allopathic and homeopathic medicines, and attended by an Algerian Moor, who is acquainted with the native method of practice. An aneroid baro- meter, several thermometers, two compasses, a chronometer, a sextant, and a telescope, are the instruments which he carries. He intends, however, to devote himself chiefly to such observations as can be made without his instruments ; to collect minerals and plants; to inquire into the trade, language, history, and literature of the people whom he visits ; and to determine with the greatest possible accuracy the various routes of caravans, and their various stopping-places. The route of travel which Baron Krafft has marked out for himself is from Tripoli to Ghadames, and thence to Ain Salah and Timbuctoo. Then he pro- poses to visit Lake Tsad, and afterwards to go, according to his strength and means, either east to Wara and Dar Fur, or north to Bilma, Seg- gadem and Murzuk. Robert Stephenson, the eminent English engineer, in a letter ad- dressed to the London Times, thus expresses his views in reference to the feasibility of the proposed ship-canal across the Isthmus of Suez : “T should be delighted,” he says, “to see a channel like the Dar- danelles or the Bosphorus penetrating the isthmus that divides the Red Sea from the Mediterranean; but I know that such a channel is impracticable, — that nothing can be effected, even by the most unlim- ited expenditure of time, and life, and money, beyond the formation of a stagnant ditch between two almost tideless seas, unapproachable by large ships under any circumstances, and only capable of being used by small vessels when the prevalent winds permit their exit and their entrance. I believe that the project will prove abortive in itself and ruinous to its constructors; and entertaining this view, I will no longer permit it to be said that by abstaining from expressing my- self fully on the subject, I am tacitly allowing capitalists to throw away their money on what my knowledge assures me to be an unwise and unremunerative speculation.” At a recent show of the Royal Agricultural Society, held at Ches- ter, England, five steam ploughs contested for the handsome prize of £500 ($2,425). Four of the ploughs were operated by steam-engines fixed on the field, and moving the “ shares” back and forth by ropes and windlasses. The fifth plough (Boydells’) had a traction engine which moved over the field. Each of these turned over four furrows at once, and the work was well done by them,—all but one, which broke down. The soil was a hard, dry, stiff clay. Furrows of nine inches depth were turned over, and the competition was very spirited. The successful plough was Fowler’s ; it executed one and three-quarters of an acre in two hours. At the present time, the Sorgho, or Chinese sugar cane, is ex- tensively cultivated in the South of France, and its products have constituted a prominent feature in recent agricultural exhibitions of Q* XVIII NOTES BY THE EDITOR France. At an exhibition at Avignon, M. Prieur exhibited a group of samples illustrative of the metamorphoses to which he has subjected it. Nothing could be more curious than the succession of transformations there shown. In one corner could be seen the sorgho in stalk, such as it is when cut; a little further, were its fibres converted into thread, in skein ; then a piece of linen woven with the thread; then a handsome cloak, bordered with furs, which M. Prieur designs for the Prince Imperial. The most curious and complete array of the products of the sorgho, however, at the same exhibition, was that of Dr. Sicard, of Marseilles. From the pith, he has obtained sugar ; from the seeds, flour and fecula, which have been worked up into a great variety of paiatable products. He extracts also from the plant alcohol, and a variety of wine, and a variety of dyes, well adapted to wool and cotton; and finally, from the refuse stalks he has manufactured a fair article of paper. THE ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. ADDRESS OF PROF. OWEN BEFORE THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION, 1858. THE following is an abstract of an address delivered by Professor Owen, on assuming the chair as President of the Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting of the British Association for the advancement of Science, September 22, 1858: GENTLEMEN OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION: We are here met, in this our Twenty-eighth Annual Assembly, to continue the aim of the Association, which is the promotion of Science, or the knowledge of the Laws of Nature; where- by we acquire a dominion over nature, and are thereby able so to apply her powers as to advance the well-being of society and exalt the condition of mankind. It is no light matter, therefore, the work that we are here assem- bled to do. God has given to man a capacity to discover and comprehend the laws by which His universe is governed; and man is impelled by a healthy and natural impulse to exercise the faculties by which that knowledge can be acquired. Agreeably with the relations which have been instituted between our finite faculties and the phenomena that affect them, we arrive at demon- strations and convictions which are the most certain that our present state of being can have or act upon. Nor let any one, against whose prepossessions a scientific truth may jar, confound such demonstrations with the speculative philosophies condemned by the Apostle; or ascribe to arrogant intellect, soar- ing to regions of forbidden mysteries, the acquisition of such truths as have been or may be established by patient and inductive research. For the most part, the discoverer has been so placed by circumstances, — rather than by predetermined selection, — as to have his work of investigation allotted to him as his daily duty; in the fulfilment of which he is brought face to face with phenomena into which he must inquire, and the result of which inquiry he must faithfully impart. The advance of natural as of moral truth has been and is progressive; but it has pleased the Author of all truth to vary the fashion of the imparting of such parcels thereof as He has allotted, from time to time, for the behoof and guidance of mankind. Those who are 20 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. privileged with the faculties of discovery are, therefore, to be regarded as ‘preodrdained instruments in making known the power of God, without a knowledge of which, as well as of Scripture, we are told that we shall err. Great and marvellous have been the manifestations of this power imparted to us of late times, not only in respect of the shape, motions, and solar rela- tions of the earth, but also of its age and inhabitants. In regard to the period during which the globe allotted to man has revolved in its orbit, pres- ent evidence strains the mind to grasp such sum of past time with an effort like that by which it tries to realize the space dividing that orbit from the fixed stars and remoter nebulz. Yet, during all those eras that have passed since the Cambrian rocks were deposited, which bear the impressed record of creative power, as it was then manifested, we know, through the interpreters of these ‘‘ writings on stone,” that the earth was vivified by the sun’s light and heat, was fertilized by refreshing showers and washed by tidal waves. No stagnation has been permitted to air or ocean. The vast body of waters not only moved, as a whole, in orderly oscillations, regulated, as now, by sun and moon, but were rippled and agitated here and there successively by winds and storms. The atmosphere was healthily influenced by its horizon- tal currents, and by ever-varying clouds and vapors rising, condensing, dis- solving, and falling in endless vertical circulation. With these conditions of life, we know that life itself has been enjoyed throughout the same countless thousands of years; and that with life, from the beginning, there has been death. The earliest testimony of the living thing, whether shell, crust, or coral, in the oldest fossiliferous rock, is at the same time proof that it died. It has further been given us to know, that not only the individual but the species perishes; that as death is balanced by generation, so extinction has been concomitant with creative power, which has continued to provide a succession of species; and furthermore, that as regards the varying forms of life which this planet has witnessed, there has been “‘an advance and prog- ress in the main.” Geology demonstrates that the creative force has not deserted this earth during any of her epochs of time; and that in respect to no one class of animals has the manifestation of that force been limited to one epoch. Nota species of fish that now lives, but has come into being curing a comparatively recent period: the existing species were preceded by other species, and these again by others still more different from the present. No existing genus of fishes can be traced back beyond a moiety of known creative time. Two entire orders (Cycloids and Ctenoids) have come into being, and have almost superseded two other orders (Ganoids and Placoids), since the newest or latest of the secondary formations of the earth’s crust. Species after species of land animals, order after order of air-breathing rep- tiles, have succeeded each other; creation ever compensating for extinction. The successive passing away of air-breathing species may have been as little due to exceptional violence, and as much to natural law, as in the case of marine plants and animals. It is true, indeed, that every part of the earth’s surface has been submerged; but successively, and for long periods. Of the present dry land, different natural continents have different Faunze and Flore ; and the fossil remains of the plants and animals of these continents respectively show that they possessed the same peculiar characters, or char- acteristic facies, during periods extending far beyond the utmost limits of human history. Such, gentlemen, is a brief summary of facts most nearly interesting us, which have been demonstratively made known respecting our earth and its inhabitants. And when we reflect at how late and in how MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 21 brief a period of historical time the acquisition of such knowledge has been permitted, we must feel that, vast as it seems, it may be but a very small part of the patrimony of truth destined for the possession of future generations. In reviewing the nature and results of our proceedings during the last twenty-seven years, and the aims and objects of our Association, it seems as if we are realizing the grand Philosophical Dream or Prefigurative Vision of Francis Bacon, which he has recounted in his “‘ New Atlantis.” In this noble parable the father of Modern Science imagines an Institution which he calls “Solomon’s House,” and informs us by the mouth of one of its members, that “The end of its Foundation is the Knowledge of Causes and Secret Motions of Things; and enlarging of the bounds of Human Empire to the effecting of all things possible.” As one important means of effecting the great aims of Bacon’s “six days’ college,” certain of its members were deputed, as “merchants of light,” to make “circuits or visits of divers principal cities of the kingdom.” This latter feature of the Baconian organ- ization is the chief characteristic of the “ British Association.” But we have striven to carry out other aims of the “‘ New Atlantis,” such as the systematic summaries of the results of different branches of science, of which our pub- lished volumes of “ Reports ”’ are evidence; and we have likewise realized, in some measure, the idea of the ‘‘ Mathematical House ” in our establishment at Kew. The national and private observatories, the Royal and other scien- tific Societies, the British Museum, the Zodlogical, Botanical, and Horticul- tural Gardens, combine in our day to realize that which Bacon foresaw in distant perspective. Great, beyond all anticipation, have been the results of this organization, and of the application of the inductive methods of interro- gating nature. The universal law of gravitation, the circulation of the blood, the analogous course of the magnetic influence, which may be said to vivify the earth, permitting no atom of its most solid constituents to stag- nate in total rest; the development and progress of Chemistry, Geology, Palzontology ; the inventions and practical applications of Gas, the Steam- engine, Photography, Telegraphy,— such, in the few centuries since Bacon wrote, have been the rewards of the followers of his rules of research. Prof. O. then dwelt on the importance of direct observation, as illustrated in the history of Astronomy —referred to the discovery of Galileo, the appli- cation of his discovery by Kepler and Horrocks, and continued: Without stopping to trace the concurrent progress of the science of motion, of which the true foundations were laid, in Bacon’s time, by Galileo, it will serve here to state that the foundations were laid and the materials gathered for the establishment by a master-mind, supreme in vigor of thought and mathe- matical resource, of the grandest generalization ever promulgated by science —that of the universal gravitation of matter according to the law of the inverse square of the distance. The same century in which the “Thema Celi” of Lord Verulam and the “Nuncius Sidereus” of Galileo saw the light, was glorified by the publication of the “Philosophie Naturalis Prin- cipia Mathematica” of Newton. Has time, it may be asked, in any way affected the great result of that masterpiece of human intellect? There are signs that even Newton’s axiom is not exempt from the restless law of progress. The mode of expressing the law of gravitation as being “in the inverse proportion of the square of the distances ” involves the idea that the force emanating from or exercised bythe sun must become more feeble in proportion to the increased spherical surface over which it is diffused. So indeed it was expressly understood by Halley. Professor Whewell, the ablest 44 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. historian of Natural Science, has remarked, that “‘ future discoveries may make gravitation a case of some wider law, and may disclose something of the mode in which it operates.” The difficulty, indeed, of conceiving a force acting through nothing from body to body, has of late made itself felt; and more especially since Meyer of Heilbronn first clearly expressed the principle of the “conservation of force.” Newton, though apprehending the necessity of a medium by which the force of gravitation should be con- veyed from one body to another, yet appears not to have possessed such an idea of the uncreateability and indestructibility of force as that which, now possessed by minds of the highest order, seems to some of them to be in- compatible with the terms in which Newton enunciated his great law, viz., of matter attracting: matter with a force which varies inversely as the square of the distance. The progress of knowledge of another form of all- pervading force, which we call, from its most notable effect on one of the senses, ‘‘ Light,’ has not been less remarkable than that of gravitation. Galileo’s discovery of Jupiter’s satellites supplied Romer with the phenomena whence he was able to measure, in 1676, the velocity of light. Descartes, in his theory of the rainbow, referred the different colors to the different amount of refraction, and made a near approximation to Newton’s capital discovery of the different colors entering into the composition of the luminous ray, and of their different refrangibility. Hook and Huyghens, about the same period, had entered upon explanations of the phenomena of light conceived as due to the undulations of an ether, propagated from the luminous point spherically, like those of sound. Newton, whilst admitting that such undula- tions or vibrations of an ether would explain certain phenomena, adopted the hypothesis of emission as most convenient for the mathematical propo- sitions relative to light. The discoveries of achromatism, of the laws of double refraction, of polarization circular and elliptical, and of dipolariza- tion, rapidly followed: the latter advances of optics, realizing more than Bacon conceived might flow from the labors of the “ Perspective House,” are associated with and have shed lustre on the names of Dollond, Young, Malus, Fresnel, Biot, Arago, Brewster, Stokes, Jamin, and others. Some of the natural sciences, as we now comprehend them, had not germinated in Bacon’s time. Chemistry was then alchemy: Geology and Paleontology were undreamt of: but Magnetism and Electricity had begun to be observed, and their phenomena compared and defined, by a contemporary of Bacon, in away that claims to be regarded as the first step towards a scientific knowledge of those powers. It is true that, before Gilbert (‘‘ De Magnete,” 1600), the magnet was known to attract iron, and the great practical appli- cation of magnetized iron— the mariner’s compass — had been invented, and for many years before Bacon’s time had guided the barks of navigators through trackless seas. Gilbert, to whom the name “electricity” is due, observed that that force attracted light bodies, whereas the magnetic force attracted iron only. About a century later the phenomena of repulsion as well as of attraction of light bodies by electric substances were noticed; and Dufay, in 1733, enunciated the principle, that ‘electric bodies attract all those that are not so, and repel them as soon as they are become electric by the vicinity of the electric body.”’ The conduction of electric force, and the different behavior of bodies in contact with the electric, leading to their division, by Desaguliers, into conductors and non-conductors, next followed. The two kinds of electricity, at first by Dufay, their definer, called “ vitre- ous ”’ and “ resinous,’’— afterwards, by Franklin, ‘ positive ” and “ negative,” MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 23 — formed an important step, which led to a brilliant series of experiments and discoveries, with inventions, such as the Leyden jar, for intensifying the electric shock. The discovery of the instantaneous transmission of electricity through an extent of not less than 12,000 feet, by Bishop Watson, together with that of the electric state of the clouds, and of the power of drawing off such electricity by pointed bodies, as shown by Franklin, were a brilliant beginning of the application of the science to the well- being and needs of mankind. Magnetism has been studied with two aims: the one, to note the numerical relations of its activity to time and space, both in respect of its direction and intensity; the other, to penetrate the mystery of the nature of the magnetic force. In reference to the first aim, my predecessor adverted, last year, to the fact, that it was in the com- mittee-rooms of the British Association that the first step was taken towards that great magnetic organization which has since borne so much fruit. Thereby it has been determined that there are periodical changes of the magnetic elements depending on the hour of the day, the season of the year, and on what seemed strange intervals of about eleven years. Also, that, besides these regular changes, there were others of a more abrupt and seemingly irregular character—Humboldt’s “‘magnetic storms” — which occur simultaneously at distant parts of the earth’s surface. Major-General Sabine, than whom no individual has done more in.this field of research since Halley first attempted “‘to explain the change in the variation of the magnetic needle,” has proved that the magnetic storms observed diurnal, annual, and undecennial periods. But with what phase or phenomenon of earthly or heavenly bodies, it may be asked, has the magnetic period of eleven years todo? The coincidence which points to, if it does not give, the answer, is one of the most remarkable, unexpected, and encouraging, to patient observers. For thirty years a German astronomer, Schwabe, had set himself the task of daily observing and recording the appearance of the sun’s disc, in which time he found the spots passed through periodic phases of increase and decrease, the length of the period being about eleven years. A comparison of the independent evidence of the astronomer and magnetic observer has shown that the undecennial magnetic period coincides, both in its duration and in its epochs of maximum and minimum, with the same period observed in the solar spots. A few weeks ago, during a visit of inspection to our establishment at Kew, I observed the successful operation of the photo-heliographic apparatus in depicting the solar spots as they then appeared. The continued regular record of the macular state of the sun’s surface, with the concurrent mag- netic observations now established over many distant points of the earth’s surface, will, ere long, establish the full significance and value of the re- markable, and, in reference to the observers, undesigned coincidence above mentioned. Not to trespass on your patience by tracing the progress of Magnetism from Gilbert to Oersted, I cannot but advert to the time, 1807, when the latter tried to discover whether electricity in its most latent state had any effect on the magnet, and to his great result, in 1820, that the con- ducting wire of a voltaic circuit acts upon a magnetic needle, so that the latter tends to place itself at right angles to the wire. Ampere, moreover, succeeded, by means of a delicate apparatus, in demonstrating that the vol- taic wire was affected by the action of the earth itself asa magnet. In short, the generalization was established, and with a rapidity unexampled, regard being had to its greatness, that magnetism and electricity are but different 4 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. cfecis of one common cause. This has proved the first step to still grander abstractions,—to that which conceives the reduction of all the species of imponderable fluids of the chemistry of our student days, together with gravitation, chemicity, and neuricity, to interchangeable modes of action of one and the same all-peryading life-essence. Galvani arranged the parts of a recently-mutilated frog, so as to bring a nerve in contact with the external surface of a muscle, when a contraction of the muscle ensued. In this sug- gestive experiment, the Italian philosopher, who thereby initiated the induct- ive inquiry into the relation of nerve force to electric force, concluded that the contraction was a necessary consequence of the passage of electricity from one surface to the other by means of the nerve. He supposed that the electricity was secreted by the brain, and transmitted by the nerves to differ- ent parts of the body, the muscles serving as reservoirs of the electricity. Volta made a further step by showing that, under the conditions or arrange- ments of Galvani’s experiments, the muscle would contract, whether the electric current had its origin in the animal body, or from a source external to that body. Galvani erred in too exclusive a reference of the electric force producing the contraction to the brain of the animal; Volta, in excluding the origin of the electric force from the animal body altogether. The deter- mination of “the true” and “the constant” in these recondite phenomena, has been mainly helped on by the persevering and ingenious experimental researches of Mateucci and Du Bois Reymond. The latter has shown that any point of the surface of a muscle is positive in relation to any point of the divided or transverse section of the same muscle; and that any point of the surface of a nerve is positive in relation to any point of the divided or transverse section of the same nerve. Mr. Baxter, in still more recent re- searches, has deduced important conclusions on the origin of the muscular and nerve currents, as being due to the polarized condition of the nerve or muscular fibre, and the relation of that condition to changes which occur during nutrition. From the present state of neuro-electricity, it may be concluded that nerve force is not identical with electric force, but that it may be another mode of motion of the same common force. It is certainly a polar force, and perhaps the highest form of polar force: “A motion which may change, but cannot die; An image of some bright eternity.” The present tendency of the higher generalizations of Chemistry seems to be towards a reduction of the number of those bodies which are called “elementary ;” it begins to be suspected that certain groups of so-called chemical elements are but modified forms of one another; that such groups as chlorine, iodine, bromine, fluorine, and as sulphur, selenium, phosphorus, boron, may be but allotropic forms of some one element. Organic Chemis- try becomes simplified as it expands; and its growth has of late proceeded, through the labors of Hoffmann, Berthelot, and others, with unexampled rapidity. An important series of alcohols and their derivatives, from amylic alcohol downwards; as extensive a series of ethers, including those which give their peculiar flavor to our choicest fruits; the formic, butyric, succinic, lactic, and other acids, together with other important organic bodies, are now capable of artificial formation from their elements, and the old barrier dividing organic from inorganic bodies is broken down. To the power which mankind may ultimately exercise through the light of synthesis, who MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 25 may presume to set limits? Already natural processes can be more econom- ically replaced by artificial ones in the formation of a few organic com- pounds,— the “ valerianic acid,” for example. It is impossible to foresee the extent to which Chemistry may not ultimately, in the production of things needful, supersede the present vital agencies of nature, “‘by laying under contribution the accumulated forces of past ages, which would thus enable us to obtain in a small manufactory, and in a few days, effects which can be realized from present natural agencies only when they are exerted upon vast areas of land, and through considerable periods of time.” Since Niepce, Herschel, Fox Talbot, and Daguerre, laid the foundations of Photography, year by year some improvement is made,—some advance achieved, in this most subtle application of combined discoveries in Photicity, Electricity, Chemistry, and Magnetism. Last year M. Poitevin’s production of plates in relief, for the purpose of engraving by the action of light alone, was cited as the latest marvel of Photography. This year has witnessed photo- graphic printing in carbon hy M. Pretsch. Prof. Owen continued by allud- ing to the application of Photography for obtaining views of the moon, of the planets, of scientific and other phenomena. After referring to the dis- coveries in Electro-magnetism, the lecturer continued: Remote as such pro- found conceptions and subtle trains of thought seem to be from the needs of everyday life, the most astounding of the practical augmentation of man’s power has sprung out of them. Nothing might seem less promising of profit than Oersted’s painfully-pursued experiments, with his little magnets, voltaic pile, and bits of copper wire. Yet out of these has sprung the elec- tric telegraph! Ocrsted himself saw such an application of his convertibility of electricity into magnetism, and made arrangements for testing that appli- cation to the instantaneous communication of signs through distances of a few miles. The resources of inventive genius have made it practicable for all distances ; as we have lately seen in the submergence and working of the electro-magnetic cord connecting the Old and the New World. More re- mains to be done before the far-stretching engine can be got into working order; but the capital fact, viz., the practicability of bringing America into electrical communication with Europe has been demonstrated; consequently, a like power of instantaneous interchange of thought between the civilized inhabitants of every part of the globe becomes only a question of time. The powers and benefits thence to ensue for the human race can be but dimly and inadequately foreseen. After referring to the labors of Ray, Lin- nus, Jussieu, Buffon, and Cuvier, he said: To perfect the natural system of plants has been the great aim of botanists since Jussieu. To obtain the same true insight into the relations of animals has stimulated the labors of zoologists since the writings of Cuvier. To that great man appertains the merit of having systematically pursued and applied anatomical researches to the discovery of the true system of distribution of the animal kingdom; nor, until the Cuvierian amount of zoO0tomical science had been gained, could the value and importance of Aristotle’s ‘‘ History of Animals” be ap- preciated. There is no similar instance, in the history of Science, of the well-lit torch gradually growing dimmer and smouldering through so many generations and centuries before it was again fanned into brightness, and a clear view regained, both of the extent of ancient discovery, and of the true course to be pursued by modern research. Rapid and right has been the progress of Zoology since that resumption. Not only has the structure of the anima] been investigated, even to the minute characteristics of each 9) o 26 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. tissue, but the mode of formation of such constituents of organs, and of the organs themselves, has been pursued from the germ, bud, or egg, on- ward to maturity and decay. To the observation of outward characters is now added that of inward organization and developmental change, and Zootomy, Histology, and Embryology, combine their results in forming an adequate and lasting basis for the higher axioms and generalizations of Zoology, properly so called. Three principles, of the common ground of which we may ultimately obtain a clearer insight, are now recognized to have governed the construction of animals,— unity of plan, vegetative repe- tition, and fitness for purpose. The independent series of researches by which students of the articulate animals have seen, in the organs performing the functions of jaws and limbs of varied powers, the same or homotypal elements of a series of like segments constituting the entire body, and by which students of the vertebrate animals have been led to the conclusion, that the maxillary, mandibular, hyoid, scapular, costal, and pelvic arches, and their appendages sometimes forming limbs of varied powers, are also modified elements of a series of essentially similar vertebral segments, — mutually corroborate their respective conclusions. It is not probable that a principle which is true for Articulata should be false for Vertebrata: the less probable since the determination of homologous parts becomes the more possible and sure in the ratio of the perfection of the organization. After pointing out the distinction between Affinity, which indicates an intimate resemblance, and Analogy, which indicates a remote one, he con- tinued: The study of homologous parts in a single system of organs — the bones — has mainly led to the recognition of the plan or archetype of the highest primary group of animals, the Vertebrata. The next step of impor- tance will be to determine the homologous parts of the nervous system, of the muscular system, of the respiratory and vascular system, and of the digestive, secretory, and generative organs, in the same primary group or province. I think it of more importance to settle the homologies of the parts of a group or animals constructed on the same general plan, than to speculate on such relations of parts of animals constructed on demonstra- tively distinct plans of organization. What has been effected and recom- mended, in regard to homologous parts in the Vertebrata, should be followed out in the Articulata and Mollusca. In regard to the constituents of the crust or outer skeleton and its appendages in the Articulata, homological relations have been studied and determined to a praiseworthy extent, throughout that province. The same study is making progress in the Mol- lusca; but the grounds for determining special homologies are less sure in this sub-kingdom. The present state of homology in regard to the Articu- lata has sufficed to demonstrate that the segment of the crust is not a hollow expanded homologue of the segment of the endo-skeleton of a vertebrate. There is as little homology between the parts and appendages of the seg- ments of the Vertebrate and Articulate skeletons respectively. The parts called mandibles, maxillz, arms, legs, wings, fins, in Insects and Crusta- ceans, are only “analogous ”’ to the parts so called in Vertebrates. A most extensive field of reform is becoming open to the homologist in that which is essential to the exactitude of his science, —a nomenclature equivalent to express his conviction of the different relations of similitude. Most difficult and recondite are the questions in face of which the march of Homology is now irresistibly conducting the philosophic observer;— such, for instance, as the following: Are the nervous, muscular, digestive, circulating, and gener- Wy, v MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 27 ative systems of organs more than functionally similar in any two primary provinces of the animal kingdom? Are the homologies of entire systems to be judged of by their functional and structural connections, rather than by the plan and course of their formation in the embryo? It may be doubted if embryology alone is decisive of the question, whether homology can be predicated of the alimentary canal in animals of different primary groups or provinces. It is significant, however, of the lower value of embryological characters, to note that the great leading divisions of the animal kingdom, based by Cuvier on Comparative Anatomy, have nearly been confirmed by Von Baer’s later developmental researches. And so, likewise, with regard to some of the minor modifications of Cuvier’s provinces, the true position of the Cirripeda was discerned by Straus Durkheim and Macleay, by the light, anatomy, before the discovery of their metamorphoses by Thomson. If, However, embryology has been over-valued as a test of homology, the study of the development of animals has brought to light most singular and interesting facts, and I now allude more especially to those that have been summed up under the term “ Alternate-generation,”’ ‘ Parthenogenesis,” “Metagenesis,”’ ete. John Hunter first enunciated the general proposition, that “‘the propagation of plants depended on two principles, the one that every part of a vegetable is ‘a whole,’ so that it is capable of being multi- plied as far as it can be divided into distinct parts; the other, that certain of those parts become reproductive organs, and produce fertile seeds.””. Hunter also remarked, that “the first principle operated in many animals which propagate their species by buds or cuttings; ” but that, whilst in animals, it prevailed only in “the more imperfect orders,” it operated in vegetables “of every degree of perfection.” The experiments of Trembly on the freshwater polype, those of Spalanzani on the Naiads, and those of Bonnet on the Aphides, had brought to light the phenomena of propagation by fis- sion, and by gemmation or buds, external and internal, in animals to which Hunter refers. Subsequent research has shown the unexpected extent to which Hunter’s first principle of propagation in organic being prevails in the animal division. But the earliest formal supercession of Harvey’s axiom, ‘‘ omne vivum ab ovo,” appears to be Hunter’s proposition of the dual principle above quoted. The experiments of Redi, Malpighi, and others, had progressively contracted the field to which the “ generatio wguivoca,’ could with any plausibility be applied. The stronghold of the remaining advo- cates of that old Egyptian doctrine was the fact of the development of para- sitic animals in the flesh, brain, and glands of higher animals. But the hypothesis never obtained currency in this country; it was publicly opposed in my ‘‘ Hunterian Lectures,” by the fact of the prodigious preparation of fertile eggs in many of the supposed spontaneously developed species; and in then suggesting that the Trichina spiralis of the human muscular tissue might be the embryo of a larger worm in course of migration, I urged that a particular investigation was needed for each particular species. Among the most brilliant of recent acquisitions to this part of Physiology, have been the discoveries which have resulted from such special investiga- tions. Kuchenmeister and Von Siebold have been the chief laborers in this field. After noticing some of the results of those labors, he said: Since the time when it was first discovered that plants and animals could propa- gate in twa ways, and that the individual developed from the bud might produce a seed or egg, from which also an individual might spring capable of again budding, — since this alternating mode of generation was observed, 28 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. as by Chamisso and Sars, in cases where the budding individual differed much in form from the egg-laying one, — the subject has been systematized, eeneralized, with an attempt to explain its principle, and greatly advanced, especially, and in a highly interesting manner, in Von Siebold’s late treatise, entitled “‘ Wahre Parthenogenesis bei Schmeterlingen und Bienen,” in which the virgin production of the male or drone-bee is demonstrated. Von Sie- bold, having subjected to the closest microscopic scrutiny and experiment the conclusion to which the practical Bee-master, Dzierson, had arrived, rel- ative to the cause of queen-bees with crippled wings producing a swarm ex- clusively of drones, has demonstrated that the male bee is produced from an egg which has been subjected to no influence save that of the maternal parent; whilst such egg, if impregnated, would have produced a female or worker bee. The now well-investigated phenomena of parthenogenesis in Hydrozoa, have resulted in showing, as in the analogous case of Entozoa, that animals differing so much in form as to have constituted two distinct orders or classes, are really but two terms of a cycle of metagenetic trans- formations, — the acalephan Medusa being the sexual locomotive form of the agamic rooted budding polype, just as the cestoid tenia is of the cystic hydatid. In Hydrozoa (hydroid polypes, or sertularians) the young are pro- pagated, as in plants, by “‘ buds,” and also, as in most plants, by “ germs” or “‘seeds:”’ these latter are contained in ‘‘ germ-sacs” projecting from the outer surface, which is another analogy to the flowering parts of plants. The first acquaintance with these marvels excited the hope that we were about to penetrate the mystery of the origin of different species of animals; but as far as observation has yet extended, the cycle of changes is definitely closed. And, since one essential step in the series is the fertilized seeds or egg, the Harveian axiom, “omne vivwm ab ovo,’ if metagenetic phases be ascribed to one individual, may be still predicated of all organisms which bear unmistakable characters of plants or of animals. The closest obser- vations of the subjects of these two kingdoms most favorable to clear in- sight into the nature of their beginning, accumulate evidence in proof of the essential first step being due to the protoplasmic matter of a germ-cell and sperm-cell; the former preexisting in the form of a nucleus or protoplast, the latter as a granulous fluid. In flowering plants it is conveyed by the pollen-tube, in animals and many flowerless plants, by locomotive spermato-. zoids. The changes of form which the representative of a species undergoes in successive agamically propagating individuals are termed the ‘‘ metagen- esis ” of such species. The changes of form which the representative of a species undergoes in a single individual, is called the “‘ metamorphosis.” But this term has practically been restricted to the instances in which the individual, during certain phases of the change, is free and active, as in the erub of the chaffer, or the tadpole of the frog, for example. In reference to some supposed essential differences in the metamorphoses of insects, it had been suggested that stages answering to those represented by the apodal and acephalous maggot of the Diptera, by the hexapod larva of the Carabi, and by the hexapod antenniferous larva of the Meloe, were really passed through by the orthopterous insect, before it quitted the egg. Mr. Andrew Murray has recently made known some facts in confirmation of this view. He had received a wooden idol from Africa, behind the ears of which a Blatta had fixed its egg-cases, after which the whole figure had been rudely painted by the natives, and these egg-cases were covered by the paint. No insect could have emerged without breaking through the case and the paint; MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 29 but both were uninjured. In the egg-cases were discovered, —1st, a grub- like larva in the egg; 2d, a cocoon in the egg containing the unwinged, imperfectly-developed insect; 3d, the unwinged, imperfectly-developed in- sect in the egg, free from the cocoon, and ready to emerge. The microscope is an indispensable instrament in embryological and histological researches, as aiso in reference to that vast swarm of animal- cules which are too minute for ordinary vision. I can here do little more than allude to the systematic direction now given to the application of the microscope to particular tissues and particular classes, chiefly duc, in this country, to the counsels and example of the Microscopical Society of Lon- don. 0:5 fst) ita BODIE ear OD Mamerme seta Onde Coote Jpouroor aheleyeratelers)> sie plod: SN SANT Caran Sac onsyo| onoumsenopee oye aeetebeita eet ee eee 2.4 100. These analyses show that the sulphate of lime is the main ingredient of the scale deposited by sea water. They also afford very satisfactory evidence regarding the way to prevent incrustations by care in blowing off the satu- rated water regularly. The following is the method proposed by Mr. Napier for the prevention of incrustations in all boilers. He analyzes the water to be used, and if found to contain only the bi-carbonate of lime in suspension, there is no difficulty in preventing it from forming scale. The carbonate of lime separates from the water at a high heat, and is kept suspended in the boiler while the water is hot; but when the boiler is stopped, it falls to the bottom in cooling, and and when cold it hardens, adheres to the metal, and forms a crust. a - : : : rae Friction, imperfect vacuum, air, pump, etc., or power wasted in working the engine, ages Spiers wee set ene = 35 40 Useful effect realized, . : - 5 : = 5 : : SOE, Total calorific power of theengine, . . . . 100 The friction of the machinery of a locomotive engine has been experimen- tally determined by De Pambour at at of the tractive force it exerts, and this exactly coincides with the results of Mr. Pole’s analytical investigation of the friction of the direct-acting marine engine with slides. This is, of course, exclusive of the resistance of the air-pump, and of the friction caused by the pressure (when unbalanced) of the steam on the back of the slide- Valve.— Engineer and Arch. Journal. 80 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. EXPERIMENTS ON THE STRENGTH OF SEVERAL KINDS OF BUILDING STONES. The following paper, showing the results of experiments on the strength of various kinds of building stones in common use, was recently read before the American Institute of Architects, N. Y., by Mr. R. G. Hatfield. The pres- sure applied was by means of a hydraulic press. The press was constructed for me by Messrs. R. Hoe & Co., in their best style of workmanship; oil, in- stead of water, is used to avoid corrosion, and consequent friction. The pres- sure is indicated at all stages of the experiment by an index moving over a scale on a circular arc—the index being operated by levers on knife-edge bearings; one of these levers is pressed by a piston playing in a small cylin- der, the piston being operated by the oil under pressure. The press has a capacity of 60,000 pounds. The Resistance to Crushing. — The specimens submitted to this test were two-inch cubes of freestone. They were dressed to the shape about as accu- rately as cut-stone used in the erection of buildings. To prevent any unequal pressure on the parts, they were bedded above and below in a thin layer of fine white sand. The results given below are the pounds per square inch of the surface pressed, required to produce the first fracture. = Number of | Average resistance . . Kand. Specimens. | per square inch. Specific Gravity. Belleville, N. J., 4 B22 2°328 Connecticut, 3 3319 2°452 Dorchester, 2 3059 2°381 Little Falls, 5 2991 2°326 Caen, 4 1088 2218 Resistance to Cross Strain.—The specimens submitted to this test were about 4 x 5 inches, and sixtéen inches long; laid on chairs, with a clear bear- ing of one foot in length. The figures given below are the reduced results, and exhibit for each kind the constant, s, in the formula a s, or the weight required to break a piece of the material one inch square, and one foot long, clear bearing, the weight concentrated at the middle of the length. Average valve Kind. Number of lw Specific Gravity. Specimens. of 8 Blue stone flagging, 3 125 Ibs. 2°707 Quincy granite, 2 104 2°658 Little Falls freestone, 3 96 2°326 Belleville, 3 82 2°328 Granite (blue), 1 he 2°604 (Another quarry) Belleville freestone, 3 7a 2°273 Connecticut “ 33 §2 2°462 Dorchester ‘“ 3 43 2°289 Aubigné Y 2 37 2°472 Caen > 3 25 2°218 MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 81 The one specimen of granite giving a result so much below that of the other two specimens, was of a coarse texture, showing in the fracture the crystals of its ingredients, large and distinct in form and color. THE WELLINGTON SARCOPHAGUS. In one of the chambers into which the crypt of St. Paul’s Cathedral is divided by the massive pillars which help to support that vast structure, and under the very centre of the dome, is a sarcophagus, of black marble, in which are inclosed the remains of England’s greatest naval hero. No more worthy resting-place could have been found for the glorious dead; and no- more fitting spot could possibly have been chosen than the adjacent chamber for the tomb of the hero who, next to Nelson, holds the highest place in the estimation of his countrymen. They rest there side by side—the great ad- miral and the great general—examples alike of England’s glory and of England’s gratitude. When the country had provided so munificently for the burial of her favor- ite commander, it was felt that the tomb no less than the monument should testify to the national feeling. ‘The chamber immediately to the east of that in which Nelson lies was appropriated to Wellington, and it was decided to place the coffin in a sarcophagus bearing a general correspondence to Nelson’s. Some difficulty was found in obtaining a suitable block of stone for the sarcophagus, either on the continent or in Great Britain. At length one was discovered in a huge boulder of porphyry — one of several —lying in the parish of Luxulion, on the southern coast of Cornwall. Soexcessively hard was this stone, that tools had to be constructed specially for the purpose of working it; and as only one man could work there at the same time, the carving of the inside took nearly two years to complete. The sarcophagus was hewn into form, as a geologist would say, tn situ: it being found far easier to carry workmen and tools to the field, than to carry the stone to the workshop. The cutting was done by hand; the polishing, for the sake of expedition, by steam-power. The boulder was sawn in two to form the sar- cophagus, the larger portion being hollowed out to provide a receptacle for the coffin, the smaller forming the lid. Its massiveness will be understood when we state that the sarcophagus as completed weighs upwards of twelve tons: the rude block was some five times that weight. Whilst the sarcopha- gus was in progress, the chamber was being adapted to receive it; and the whole has, nearly five years after the death of the Great Duke, been at length finished. The chamber has a very impressive effect. In the centre, the massive sar- cophagus, reared on a more massive base, reaches nearly to the low vaulted roof; and no object interferes to lessen its majestic proportions. The porphyry, of which it is composed, is of a deep chocolate color — nearly black, in fact — feldspar crystals varying its surface with splashes of a light but dusky red. In form, it is, of course, oblong, the angles not being rounded; but the mas- siveness is not destroyed, as in the Nelson sarcophagus, by the lower part being cut away: the full width of the base is preserved, very much to the advantage of the general effect. On one side of the sarcophagus is inscribed, in gold letters, “ARTHUR, DUKE OF WELLINGTON; ”’ on the other, the dates of his birth and death. At each end, on a plain circular boss, is a Greek cross, its shape being indicated by a gilt outline. No other inscription or 82 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ornament is perceptible. The pedestal on which the sarcophagus rests is of white granite, from the Cheesewring quarry, Cornwall; extremely solid in form, about the height of the sarcophagus, and having at each of its angles the head of a sleeping lion. The lower part of the walls of the chamber are also lined with rough white granite; and a moulding of polished red granite, which is carried along the sides of the chamber, serves to diffuse the color of the sarcophagus, and of the four large polished granite candelabra which stand at the four corners of the apartment. From asphere which surmounts each of these candelabra, rise four small jets of gas, which shed a dim, relig- ious light, —subdued, but sufficient to allow the tomb to be distinctly seen. The floor is paved with encaustic tiles. The sarcophagus, to our thinking, is finer in form than the finest of the Egyptian sarcophagi in the British Museum (of course it admits of no com- parison in its workmanship with the elaborate hieroglyphic sculpture on some of them), finer, in fact, than any we know. — Lon. Lit. Gazette. CHURCH OF ST. ISAAC, AT ST. PETERSBURG This church, which has been thirty-nine years building, was consecrated, with great pomp and military parade, on the 10th of June, 1858. “ Visitors to this gorgeous temple,”’ says a correspondent of the London Athenzum, “are dazzled with the profusion of barbaric pearl and gold they meet at every glance. We see no wood, except in the doors; all the rest is granite, Carrara marble, iron, porphyry, malachite, alabaster, lapis lazuli, bronze, silver, and gold. Even the lightning-conductors are of platinum. The five crosses, as well as the cupola of the building, are gilt with a mass of 274 pounds of gold, and are seen glittering at a distance of forty wersts from St. Petersburg. One of the bells weighs 75,000 pounds. Eleven hundred and twelve granite columns, with Corinthian capitals, surround the building. They are each fifty-six feet high, and seven feet in diameter at the base. Each is considered to be of a value of £1800 English money. The cost of the whole magnifi- cent building is reckoned — though this is probably a gross exaggeration — at £13,500,000. The interior, — comprising a space of 60,000 square feet, and taken up neither by seats nor by organs (in the place of the organ there is a choir of 1000 men’s voices),— is very imposing.” STEAM HAMMERS. These tools have gone on increasing in quick gradations, until the climax of asix and a half tons, dead hammering weight, with a fall of seven feet six inches, has been reached. A hammer of this weight has been lately erected, and is now in operation at Glasgow. — London Builder. METHOD OF DETECTING DECAY IN TIMBER. The French Journal “ Cosmos” states that a simple method has been adopted in the shipyards of Venice, from time immemorial, for testing the soundness of the timber. A person applies his ear to the middle of one of the ends of the timber, while another strikes upon the opposite end. If the wood is sound and of good quality, the blow is very distinctly heard, how- ever long the beam may be. If the wood is disaggregated by decay or otherwise, the sound will be for the most part destroyed. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 83 ON THE ESTIMATION OF WEIGHTS OF VERY SMALL PORTIONS OF MATTER: BY PROF. McMAYER. The chemist, in the course of his analytical investigations, often meets with what are called traces of substances; by which is generally understood, quantities of matter too minute to have any appreciable weight in the analyt- ical balance. Now it sometimes happens that these traces are of as much importance, considered scientifically and commercially, as the ingredients present in appreciable quantities; and in order to estimate these small por- tions of matter, he is often obliged to go over his work, using very consider- able weights of substances, whereby his time and care are nearly doubled. It was this inconvenience that first induced me to try to determine in one operation the components present in large and in very minute quantities ; and although I have succeeded beyond my expectations, I am confident that the process is susceptible of improvement, both as regards sensibility and accuracy. After making many investigations on the sensibility of the most delicate levers as to small weights, this method was found far too rough. It then occurred to me that if instead of using the opposing force of gravity through the intervention of a lever, we could oppose to the gravitating effect of the matter the force of perfect elasticity as manifested in filaments of glass, we might succeed in obtaining the weights of extremely small parts of matter. For that purpose I tried the elasticities both of torsion and flexure, and found the latter only to answer the purpose. The following is a description of the construction of my apparatus, with which I have succeeded in estimating portions of matter equal in weight to the thousandth part of a milligram. Heating a rod of soft glass in one spot to bright redness, I drew it out quickly, and thereby obtained a filament uniformly cylindrical, of about the diameter of fine human hair. Taking from the middle of this fine glass thread a piece of such a length (about three inches) that its weight would barely reduce it from the horizontal, one end of it was fastened, by means of good sealing-wax, to the edge of a ma- hogany block, and the other end slightly hooked by approaching quickly a small spirit flame. In order to obtain a pan in which to place the substance whose weight I would estimate, I cut with the common microscopic section- cutter some discs of elder pith from ‘001 to ‘002 inch in thickness; and drawing out a still finer filament, the end was likewise hooked, and the other extremity being passed through a pith disc, a small knob of glass was made on this end by the spirit flame, just of sufficient size to prevent this dise slipping off the suspending-rod. The filament with attached disc was now hooked on the end of the rod fixed to the block, and was then ready for graduation. Not being able at the time to procure silver wire of sufficient fineness, I substituted some very fine and long hair, taken from the head of a child; and having brought the centre of gravity and centre of motion of a very sensitive analytical balance almost to coincide, I obtained a piece of the middle of a hair weighing exactly one-half milligram. This being divided into five equal parts (each about one inch long) gave us tenths of a milli- gram. One of these tenths being placed on the pith-pan, the glass filament was deflected a certain quantity, which was marked on an are formed of bristol board, and so as to be almost touched by the deflected rod in its 84 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. revolution about the edge of the block. Another tenth was added, and another division obtained: and so on, until all five divisions were marked. The length of the divisions being about one-fourth of an inch, they were very readily subdivided into ten equal parts, which gave me immediately zhpths of a milligram. The weight of any quantity of matter less than one-half milligram may be now estimated to qdoth of a milligram by placing it on the pan and observing the deflection. For the thousandths, still more care and patience is required, the filament being much finer and somewhat shorter, and the pith disc smaller and as thin as possible. In order to obtain the primary graduations of hundredths, one of the above pieces of hair, equal to ;),th milligram, is divided into ten equal parts, which gives us weights of +4 9th milligram. The deflections caused by these weights, divided into ten equal parts, give zoooth of a milligram. As the least breath of air interferes with the graduations and weighing, the whole instrument is protected by a glass case, the end of the case next the graduated are being on a hinge. In elastic rods of square section, the deflection is proportional to the weight; in those of circular section this law is slightly departed from; but by the above method of ascertaining directly the value of each division, the error is avoided. — Stlliman’s Journal. IMPROVEMENTS IN MILITARY IMPLEMENTS. Novel Field Artillery. — General Sir Charles Shaw, of England, has recently perfected a novel piece of field artillery, from which he anticipates extra- ordinary results in the percentage of destructiveness and economy of expenditure. Napoleon’s axiom was that to bring a continuous concen- trated fire upon a given point of the enemy’s position was the secret of victory. Animated by this idea, the general has turned his attention to the construction of a machine which shall accomplish this object with the least amount of risk to the party using it. The invention may be briefly described as an ambulatory infernal machine, based upon the Fieschi model. It con- sists of arow of twenty-four rifle barrels, bound together, fitted to an axle, and mounted upon a pair of strong, light wheels. The axle is capable of depres- sion or elevation to any angle within a radius of fifty-five degrees, so that the necessary elevation according to the distance of the enemy may be insured. The barrels may be either breach-loading, upon the revolver prin- ciple, or they may, as in the model exhibited, be charged in the ordinary way, at the mouth, and rammed down, and all may be discharged at a single fire, or in four divisions of six each. The whole machine is but 200 pounds weight, and is sufficiently portable to be moved about, turned to the right or to the left, and its fire directed with certainty by a single soldier while with its ammunition-cart, containing a relay of barrels and an ample supply of cartridges, it may be moved from one part of the field to another by a single horse ata handgallop. The general affirms that one of these field- pieces, which may be served effectually by eight men, allowing for casual- ties, will throw in a more deadly fire than a body of 200 infantry armed with the best description of rifles in existence, and that the ratio of its destruc- tiveness, as compared with ordinary infantry firing in line, is as seventy-five MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 89 per cent. against four. In addition to their use in ordinary field service, these machines, mounted upon a pivot instead of the wheels, may be em- ployed with great effect in boat service, as an armament for ships’ tops, martello towers, or other works of defence. IMPROVEMENTS IN RIFLES. Mr. Whitworth, of England, in pursuing a course of experiments with a view of improving the rifle, has adopted a polygonal spiral bore of a uniform pitch, but more rapid than could be attained by grooves. This bore has enabled him to surpass the range and penetration of the Enfield rifle; and the strain of the projectile being distributed evenly over every side of the polygon, iron can be substituted for lead in the projectile. Moreover, Mr. Whitworth has discovered, in the course of his experiments, that according to the quickness of the turn in the polygon is the length of the projectile that may be fired, so that twenty-four pound and forty-eight pound shot have been sent to extraordinary ranges with half the usual charge of powder from an ordinary twelve-pounder howitzer. MALLET’S THIRTY-SIX INCH MORTARS, AND SHELLS. At a meeting of the British Association for 1857, Mr. Robert Mallet pre- sented an abstract of a plan he had proposed to the British Government for the employment of shells of a magnitude never before imagined by any one, viz., of a yard in diameter, and weighing, when in flight, about a ton and a quarter, and for the construction of mortars capable of projecting these enormous globes. (See Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1858, page 87.) Since the above-mentioned date, a colossal mortar, constructed on Mr. Mal- let’s plan, has been practically tested by the English Board of Ordnance, on Woolwich Marshes, with charges (of projection) gradually increasing up to seventy pounds. With this amount of powder, a shell weighing 2550 pounds was thrown a horizontal range of upwards of a mile and a half to the height of probably three-quarters of a mile, and, falling, penetrated the compact and then hard, dry earth of the Woolwich range to a depth of more than eighteen feet, throwing about cartloads of earth and stones by the mere splash of the fall of the empty shell. The explosive power, it is obvious, is approximately proportionate to the weight of powder; but, by calculations, of which the result only can here be given, Mr. Mallet has shown that the total power of demolition, that is to say, the absolute amount of damage done in throwing down buildings, walls, etc., by one 36-inch shell, is sixteen hundred times that possible to be done by one 13-inch shell; and that an object which a 13-inch shell could just overturn at one yard from its centre, will be overthrown by the 36-inch shell at forty yards’ distance. No bomb-proof arch (so-called) now exists in Europe capable of resisting the fall of one of those huge shells upon it, whose energy of descent may be represented as equal to about eight hundred tons. No means or precau- tions are possible in a fortress against the tremendous fall of such masses, still more against the terrible powers of their explosion, when 480 pounds of powder, fired to the very best advantage, puts in motion the fragments of more than a ton of iron,— no splinter proof, no ordinary vaulting, perhaps no casemate exists capable of resisting their fall and explosion, either of which 8 86 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. would sink the largest ship (even the Leviathan) or floating battery. Ans as no precaution could save either garrison or town from such shells, so their moral effect would be paralyzing. A single 36-inch shell in flight costs £25, and a single 13-inch £2 2s., yet the former is immeasurably the cheaper projectile; for to transfer to the point of effect the same weight of bursting powder we must give — 55 shells of 13 inches, at £22s, - - - - - £=£11510 0 Against 1 shell of 86inches, - - - - - -- 25 0 0 Showing a saving in favor of the large shell of £90 10 0 and this assumes that fifty-five small shells, or any number of them, could do the work of the single great one. The mortars are, with the exception of one part (the base), and the elm timber ends, formed wholly of wrought iron, in concentric rings, and each entire mortar is separable at pleasure into thirteen separate pieces, the heaviest of which weighs about eleven tons; so that the immense weight, when all put together (about fifty-two tons), is susceptible of easy transport, on ordinary artillery carriages, over rough country, or can be conveniently shipped, stowed, or landed. NEW METHOD OF PRINTING. A description of a new method of printing, invented by a journeyman printer, and called by him Veography, has recently been published in Paris. The object sought to be attained is to obtain printing surfaces of a better quality than stone, zinc, or any other substance hitherto used; and, more- over, to get impressions of different colors by a single operation, instead of bringing the sheet under the press several times. The modus operandi is as follows: The figures or characters to be produced are drawn upon a woven stuff, or any other which may be penetrated by a liquid; the ink used for the purpose is composed of lampblack, Indian ink, gum, sugar, and common salt. This done, the side on which the figures have been drawn receives a slight coating of gutta-percha, and when this is dry the surface is washed. Now, since the ink is composed of soluble matter, this will wash off, and the gutta-percha which covered the characters, and which therefore does not ad- here to the stuff, washes off too, by which means the stuff becomes a surface which is only penetrable by liquids in those places where the characters were drawn, and is perfectly impenetrable everywhere else. This done, the wrong side of the stuff receives the inks and colors which are to serve for printing, while the sheet is laid on the right side. Under the action of the press, the ink and colors penetrate through the unprotected places, and a clear impres- sion is obtained. Instead of applying the ink and colors as stated, a perma- nent kind of cushion, made much like the balls formerly used for inking type, and properly charged with ink or colors, may be placed under the stuff, and thus many sheets may be worked off before it is necessary to renew the ink. BULLOCK’S MECHANICAL FEEDER FOR PRINTING PRESSES. This machine, now in successful use in New York, operates as follows: A pile of sheets is placed upon the feeding-board in the manner usual for hand- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 87 feeding. Above it and a few inches back of the front edge of the top sheet, a number of small vertical cylinders stand in a row parallel to the printing cylinder. Each of these cylinders is a small engine, closed at top and open at the bottom, inside of which is a piston, provided with a piston-rod suffi- ciently long to reach the paper when the piston is down. All the rods are articulated, an elongated hole is cut in each for a crank-pin to pass through, and by means of a cranked shaft they are made to move constantly back- ward and forward. The ends of the piston-rods are so arranged as to slide on the paper when moving backward, and as to carry it forward during the forward stroke. Each piston is pressed down by a coiled spring placed in the cylinder between the piston and the top cover. From each cylinder a pipe extends to the edge of the feeding-board nearest the roller, where it-is flattened, and its lower portion resting on the feeding-board, is pierced with asmall hole. All the cylinders are also connected with an exhaust air-pump, constantly at work. The machinery operates as follows: The piston-rods working backward and forward in contact with the top sheet, brings it for- ward to the edge of the feeding-board. The moment it arrives there, the suction of the exhaust pump makes the sheet close hermetically the small holes in the pipes. A vacuum in the cylinders, and the rising of the piston against the coil springs, are the immediate results of this closing. The piston-rods recede from the paper, which is left at rest, till the iron fingers of the roller seize it and carry it to the form. The moment the sheet is car- ried off, the holes in the pipes are left open, air rushes through them into the cylinders, fiils the vacuum, the pistons are pushed down by the coil springs, and the ends of the piston-rods carry the next sheet forward. Several of the cylinders work at right angles with the first, to insure a proper register side- wise. There are also a few incidental arrangements, such as the raising of all the pipes from the paper at the moment the last is clenched. There are several good patented plans for making a mechanical feeder for separate sheets, but none better than the one described. The nature of the work re- quires an attendant, and as feeding does not require a long apprenticeship, there is little difference between the wages of a feeder and those of a boy. The advantage of the apparatus seems then to consist in the possibility of running presses faster. Book printers cannot avail themselves of it, as, for the purpose of making neater copies, the presses are actually run slower than they could be fed by hand. The apparatus would be advantageous for news- paper rotary presses, in which rapidity is everything; but in this case feed- ing with endless paper is still a better plan, which, sooner or later, will supersede all others. — New York Tribune. CLAY RETORTS FOR GAS-MAKING. A paper has been read to the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, ‘On the Resuits of the Use of Clay Retorts for Gas-making,’ by Mr. Jabez Church. The substitution of fire-clay for metal, in the construction of retorts, was attributed to Mr. Grafton, and dated back as far as the year 1820. Originally they were square in transverse section; but that form was soon changed for the Q, or oven-shape, which had been since adhered to, both in this country and abroad; this latter form of retort admitting of a stratum of coal being distributed of an equal thickness throughont. The comparative quantities of gas made by iron and clay retorts, of the Q 88 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. form, of 15 inches by 13 inches in section, and 7 feet 6 inches in length, had been found by the author to be as follows: The iron retorts lasting 365 days, and working off 14 ewt. of coal for each charge, effected the carbonization of 2190 ewt. of coal, which, at 9000 cubic — feet of gas per ton, gave a total quantity of 985,500 cubic feet of gas per retort; whilst the clay retorts lasted 912 days, carbonized 5472 ewt. of coal, which, at 9000 cubic feet of gas per ton, gave 2,462,000 cubic feet of gas per retort. It would thus be seen that the clay retorts yielded a greater quantity of gas, from the same weight of coal, than the iron retorts; but the specific gravity of the gas so made was less, and its illuminating power was dimin- ished, in consequence of the increased temperature of the clay retorts, which caused the last portion of the gas to be decomposed. The most practical method of working clay retorts in large works was with the addition of an exhauster. This reduced the pressure on the retort, and prevented the escape of gas through the pores and fissures; and by that system the quantity made was increased about 200 cubic feet per ton of coal. In small works, the expense of an exhausting apparatus, and steam ma- chinery to work it, would not be compensated by the gas saved. HEATING BY GAS AND SAND. Some interesting experiments have recently been made in Albany, by Mr. Calvin Pepper and others, to test the value of sand as a heating medium, especially for railroad cars. The heat is obtained in the first instance by dif- fusing the gas through sand. If the gas be directed into the body of the sand, it will instantly diffuse itself through the entire mass, and rising to the surface, may, with perfect safety, be instantly set on fire with a match, the flame covering the whole surface of the sand with a pure flame without smoke, no matter how large the extent of the flame, and with perfect and complete combustion. The heat is almost instantaneously diffused through ~ the entire mass of sand, heating it equally throughout, and requiring but one minute of time to heat the sand to such intense temperature that it will retain its heat for hours after the gas is shut off and the light extinguished. INFLUENCE OF WALL-PAPERS ON THE TEMPERATURE OF APARTMENTS. Paper-hangings in themselves (says the Builder), as materials, maintain a higher temperature than the walls or partitions on which they may be placed; then less condensation of vapor takes place, and the dampness is removed from the room as the progress of ventilation goes on. Toa great extent paper is an absorbent; but then the moisture is given off in the same form, or may escape by other means. The reason why dark papers are dryer than light ones, is still due to the same action. All dark materials imbibe more light and heat, and will thus maintain a higher temperature; besides which, many of the very light-colored papers (particularly the better ones) have a glazed or satin face, which is produced by the use of a large quantity of China clay, a material that, from its coldness, at once causes condensation of moisture, and thus facilitates its own decay. SUBSTITUTE FOR LEATHER. Samuel Whitmarsh, of Northampton, Mass., has invented a new fabric which is intended to supply the place of leather in many of its applications. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 89 The fabric is composed of cotton or other fibrous substances, either woven into cloth or in an unwoven state, and saturated or coated with a compound of linseed oil and burnt umber, prepared by boiling in every gallon of oil about three pounds of umber in a powdered state, for such a length of time that the composition, when cool, will roll in the hands without sticking. The fabric may be made in forms suitable for the soles of boots and shoes, coverings for trunks, travelling bags, cap-fronts, or as a substitute for car- riage or harness leather, or for machine-belting or hose-pipe. The mode of producing the fabric differs, to some extent, according to the use for which it is designed; but the general principles are in all cases the same. The um- ber is stirred into the boiled oil until it reaches the point desired, when itis. ready to be applied, in the manner best calculated to produce special articles. A NEW CEMENT. Mr. Edmund Davy prepares a new cement, which is well spoken of, by melting in an iron vessel equal parts of common pitch and gutta-percha. It is kept either liquid under water, or solid, to be melted when wanted. It is not attacked by water, and adheres firmly to wood, stone, glass, porcelain, ivory, leather, parchment paper, feathers, wool, cotton, hemp, and linen fab- rics, and even to varnish.— Cosmos, vol. xii., p. 41. LIQUID GLUE. Take glue of good quality and dissolve it in as small a quantity of hot wa- . ter as possible; then, while yet hot, remove it from the fire and dilute it to the proper degree of thinness by adding alcohol, after which it should be bottled, and the mouth of the bottle kept covered with a piece of India-rub- ber, or anything else that will exclude the air. Alcohol will preserve glue made in this way for many years, keeping it from putrefaction in summer and from freezing in winter. In cold weather it requires only a little warm- ing to make it ready for use. This convenient article has been in use in Eng- land for many years, but has never been extensively known in this country. ARTIFICIAL IVORY. A patent has recently been granted, in England, to Charles Westendarp, jr., for manufacturing a material intended to imitate ivory, bone, horn, coral, or other similar substances, natural or artificial, and which may be used in preference to ivory, on account of cheapness and adaptability, as the same materials may be moulded or turned to the various forms or patterns they may be desired to take, and may be applied to all the purposes in which natural ivory becomes useful, such, for instance, as billiard-balls, door and other knobs, piano-forte keys, rulers, paper-knives, whip, stick, and other mounts, and in imitation, or as a substitute for carved wood, enamelled china, precious stone works, and a variety of fancy, ornamental, and dgcor- ative figures. The process being as follows: Five ounces (or more or less according to the size of the article to be made,) of ivory dust is soaked with a white color, say white lead or zinc white, three ounces, in a solution of white shellac or copal, in sixteen ounces of spirit of wine. After the whole is well mixed, which is best done at a temperature of 212° Fahrenheit, the alcohol is par- g* 90 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. tially evaporated, and the stiff paste or dry powder pressed into a solid mass in the dies or mould, which have been previously heated to about 230° or 280° Fahrenheit; after being so solidified they are polished in the ordi- nary manner of polishing ivory. Instead of using ivory dust, steamed and finely powdered bones, porcelain, cotton, and various finely powdered mate- rials may be employed, and the colors may be varied according to the tint or shade required; the ivory or other dust may be dyed similar to cotton cloth. Gum dammar, copal, mastic (and if great elasticity is required, bleached In- dia-rubber or gutta-percha), answer the purpose very well, either with or without shellac; bees-wax, camphor, and turpentine, are good for some of the purposes, and, according to the ingredients used, it will be perceived that the preparation must undergo various modifications during the process of man- ufacture. MACHINE FOR BURRING WOOL. Thomas Musgrave, of Northampton, Mass., has invented a machine for removing burrs and dirt from wool, which promises to accomplish the same results with that staple that the gin has with cotton. The machine is very simple, and is in the form of an attachment to the ordinary carding machine. It adds only fifteen or seventeen dollars extra expense to the carder. The value of it will be obvious to all who know how foul the South Ameri- ican wools are with burrs, and how great is the expense of cleaning it by any process hitherto known. After being washed, the wool is placed upon the apron of Mr. Musgrave’s machine, and carried by it to two roll- ers, covered with coarse cards, lying parallel and revolving inwards. As the wool passes these it meets the ‘‘ burrer,’”’ a cylinder of about six inches in diameter, composed of steel rings slid upon a shaft. The circumfer- ence of each ring is cut into teeth something like those of a cross-cut saw; between each of the rings is a circular wire to separate them. The whole are then driven together, forming a cylinder, of which the surface is composed of these steel teeth, of which there are eleven to the inch. As the wool passes the feeding rollers it is caught by the teeth; the wool itself is drawn into the space between the teeth, leaving the burr on the surface. Above this cylinder is another of wood, into which are fixed longitudinally spiral blades. This revolves so as nearly to touch the under cylinder, but in a con- trary direction. Thus it is obvious that the burrs on the under cylinder coming in contact with the blades of the upper one, are cut off. They are received upon an apron, which removes them. In the ordinary manner the wool freed from the burrs is then delivered to the carding machine. Were the burrs large and hard, like cotton seed, no more would be required; but the small, brittle burrs of the South American wool are apt to be broken, and the fragments get ultimately into the yarn and injure the cloth. To obviate this, Mr. Musgrave has introduced a carding cylinder to take the wool from the first “ burrer ”’ and deliver it, better distributed, to a finer one, where the teeth are fourteen to the inch instead of eleven. By this means the wool passes to the carder entirely free from burrs. The thorough mode of its ac- tion may be illustrated by the fact that Mestiza wool was passed through, and in a few moments freed from forty per cent. weight of burrs without any apparent injury to the fibre, adding at least fifteen cents per pound to the value of the wool. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 91 IMPROVED KNITTING-MACHINE. A very ingenions knitting-machine, or loom, has recently been tnvented by J. B. & W. Aiken, of Franklin, N.H. It resembles a large ring, having a revolving top plate, and a number of under hooks, moving back and forth towards and from the central opening, to receive the thread or yarn from a rotary ring-traveller, to form the loops, interlace them, and then throw them off in the form of a long knit tube hanging down in the centre. To produce a ribbed knit fabric, two sets of needles are required, the one set working vertically through, and transverse to the loops formed by the other set; one set of needles only are required for plain work. A large machine for knitting shirts has five feed bobbins, and a stop motion for each, so that the break of a thread at once stops 1t. It is a most ingenious loom, and will knit fifty yards in one day. A stocking-loom occupies no more space than a common sewing-machine ; but one is required for knitting the legs, and another the feet. The work of the former is taken off in the form of a long tube; this is cut in proper lengths, put on the footing-machine, which weaves a single square piece to the leg, and this is closed by crotchet work, by hand, to form the foot. One girl can attend eight looms, and produce 100 dozen pairs of stockings in a factory every day. They are the most perfect machines for this purpose we have yet examined, and no less than five patents are embraced in their opera- tion and construction. The cost of a machine to knit ribbed stocking-legs, is $200; one for feet, $100; a family machine, for plain work, $50. BOOTHE’S IMPROVED GRAIN-CLEANER. Ordinary smut-machines are built of wood, and are open; the necessary consequence is that they have to be confined in a close room on account of the dust thrown out, and that they catch fire very easily from over-heated journals. Several large mills have been lost from this cause, and the rate of insurance is, on this account, often extremely high. This new grain-cleaner has been devised to avoid dust and danger of fire; it is entirely metallic, and is all encased. On a vertical shaft, a cylinder, or drum, about two feet in diameter and four feet long, is keyed, and made to revolve at a velocity of 550 revolutions per minute. On the periphery of the drum projecting flat arms, denominated “beaters,” are screwed in parallel circular rows. They extend a few inches outside, forming an angle of forty degrees with a tan- gent to the drum, and their external surface, measuring three inches by four inches, is deeply corrugated by vertical grooves a quarter of an inch deep and wide. Around this drum is a stationary cylindrical envelop of such a diameter as to leave scarcely an inch of free space between itself and the ends of the beaters. This envelop is corrugated circularly; the hollow of each corrugation is opposite one row of beaters. This circular envelop is closed below by a curved bottom terminating in a pipe at the centre, and is closed at the top by the case of a horizontal fan blower, which is placed above it; the fans of the blower revolve with the shaft of the machine. There is also a suction-pipe leading from the pipe at the bottom of the ma- chine to the fan blower. To operate, the grain is introduced at the top, between the drum and the cylindrical casing. Before it has had time to fall an inch, it is caught on the inclined face of a beater, and thrown out by cen- 92 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. trifugal force; but the beater is inclined, so as to follow the grain and exert upon it a hard friction. The grain is thus thrown into a corrugation of the outside envelop, and in falling down along the lower portion of this corru- gation, which acts as an inclined plane, it is brought back toward the centre of the machine, and is caught by the second row of beaters, and by all in succession. The dust which is detached from the grain is carried up by a strong current of air blowing upward between the drum and its envelop. After reaching the bottom of the machine, the grain enters the central pipe, and falls on an inverted cone placed in it, and the last particles of dust remaining are carried away through the outside pipe already mentioned. Machines of this kind are built of different sizes. A two-horse power ma- chine can clean fifty bushels of wheat per hour, and is sold for $150. Those of a larger size cost proportionately less, and do more work for the same © power. After a time, the surface of the beaters wears out, and they become perfectly flat; but they are easily replaced by others, at a cost of $3 for the whole set. This machine does its work cheaply and effectually, and, slightly modified, may eventually serve for cleaning cocoa and coffee in Equatorial America and elsewhere. The cleaning of cocoa is at present actually done by hand, in the most primitive manner, at a cost equal to forty per cent. of the price of the grain ready for shipping.— NV. Y. Tribnne. SELF-INDICATOR BEE-HIVES. The careful bee-fancier has long desired to possess some method of meas- uring the daily increase or decrease in the weight of his hive. A recent German authority states that a bee-grower there took the trouble to weigh one of his hives twice a day — before the bees left in the morning and after their return at night—and thus he determined the nightly loss by consump- tion and evaporation. These observations were continued from May 5 to August 2, a period of ninety-one days, and the results are very interesting. On the 5th of May the hive weighed sixty-four pounds; it lost two swarms weighing twelve pounds; yet on August 2, it weighed 1203 pounds. There was no increase in weight from June 28 to July 21, except of one-quarter pound on one day, and three-quarters on another; and from July 17 to August 2, the whole increase was only three pounds. The work of each day is minutely recorded, and the results go to prove that the bee-keeper should have some means of ascertaining the weight of his hives daily through- out the season. A method of doing this has been invented by Mr. Shirley Hibbard, of Tottenham, England. It consists of a turned pillar, made after the fashion of a telescope, working like a piston in a brass or iron cylinder. Beneath the pillar is a spiral spring, on which the pillar rests. Two slots run down the side or front of the cylinder, and between them an index is marked. A finger is attached to the base of the pillar, and the hive adjusted on top of the latter, so that as it presses down on the spring the finger marks the gross weight of the whole. A thumb-screw passes through the cylinder, and, by pressing against the pillar, holds it in a fixed position whenever it may be desirable. The whole affair is exceedingly simple, and must be readily understood. To the intelligent bee-keeper it will be a very acceptable acquisition. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 93 RECENT IMPROVEMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Stenton’s Improved Land-side Cutter, patented 1858, consists of a horizontal knife or cutter, which is attached near the end of the land-side to an ordinary plough. The width of the cutter is one-third that of the plough, and it cuts its own breadth under the land, so that the plough on its succeeding rounds will turn the breadth of the cutter in addition to its usual work. It is affirmed that the saving of power usually lost in friction on the land-side is trans- ferred to the edge of the cutter, and that thus one-third more work is per- formed by the same team when the cutter is used. Another important advantage is, that the plough thus provided is much more steady, and much more easily kept in the ground. When it is desired to pulverize the ground, two cutters are used, at different heights, the second in advance of the first. A new form of steam-plough recently patented in England operates as fol- lows: A series of spades is made to enter the land in succession, and cut it into the arc of a circle, when the cut slices are suddenly thrown up against a shield plate, at once reversing and breaking them almost into powder. | A new form of cart-body has also been patented for the purpose of deliver- ing manure over a field without requiring it to be thrown out by hand. ‘The bottom of the cart-body is supplied with longitudinal openings, in which revolve drags or blades attached to an axis under the body. As the cart moves, these drags pull down the manure in a condition of complete pul- verization. PROTECTIVE MATTING FOR HORTICULTURAL AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. Doctor Guyot, of Paris, the proprietor of extensive vineyards, in Sillery, Champagne, has introduced in France, and is now introducing in England, a simple, but improved, description of straw matting for the protection of hor- ticultural and agricultural produce, together with a loom or apparatus for manufacturing the same. The fabric is composed of a weft of straw, cane, bass, rush, reed, or other similar material, woven into or combined with a warp, consisting of two sets of warp threads, each set composed of two wires, or stout cords, twisted to- gether; and it is manufactured as follows: The straw, bass, or other mate- rial, is cut into even lengths, and spread on a table with a central slot or channel from end to end, where, by means of a comb or reed with conical teeth, the mass is divided into clusters (the thickness of each cluster being according to the space between every two adjoining teeth). The comb is driven into the straw just over the channel. The table is then brought to the weaver, who takes a cluster at a time, and feeds it in a loom or frame, in which the warp, cords or wires, are delivered off in twos from four reels set in the same spindle mounted in the standards of the frame, and are passed through eyes and grooves in plates which act as heddles, being connected by a double escapement or otherwise to treadles, by which they are depressed and brought up again by springs at the top, whereby the warp threads are crossed, two by two, alternately, each set being opened to form ashed, through which the weft is introduced. The fabric, as it is woven, is wound off on a beam made to revolve by a weighted lever; the weight also effects the draft and tension of the warp threads, being brought back from the end of its 94 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. stroke by hand or otherwise; or the beam may be turned, and the warp threads delivered off and opened to form the shed by steam or other power which may be employed to work the frame. Pins may be let in the fabric to fix it in place, or it may be mounted on stakes with cross-pieces, or on swiv- eled rods, or on adjustable frames, so that the position of the matting may be varied when used for sheltering a plant; or it may be mounted in rollers like a blind, to cover conservatories, etc. The breadth of the fabric varies from one foot three inches to two feet. The lesser breadth is the better for protecting plants placed in rows or beds, or in hot-houses and other like places, and the greater breadth for protecting wall fruits, such as peaches, apricots, etc. The matting is made of any de- sired length, being rolled up into rolls, like carpeting, as it leaves the loom or apparatus in which it is woven, and which has been designed especially for its manufacture. It weighs but little, and may consequently be trans- ported with ease, and at asmall expense. It may be handled roughly with- out risk of injury, arranged in any desired form or manner, cut into any required lengths, and, if desired, be reiinited again without difficulty. It is s0 easily applied in the garden or orchard, that ten men will, in a single day, fix it over thirty thousand feet of plants, and that so firmly and surely that it will resist the most violent storms to which it may be exposed. IMPROVEMENT IN PAPER-MAKING MACHINERY. An improvement, invented by Stephen Rossman, of Stuyvesant, New York, has for its object the prevention of the breaking or tearing of the paper, as it passes from the upper one of the second press-rolls to the dryer. This is attained by the use of a small roll arranged parallel with the press-rolls, between the highest part of the upper press-roll and doctor, about opposite the line where the paper should leave the upper press-roll, on its way to the dryer, so that the web of paper will pass between it and the upper press-roll. The slight cohesion of the web to this small roli eases it off the upper press-roll, and prevents its breaking; and if a slight break should occur in the web, it prevents the edge of the break being carried under the doctor, and thereby increased. MARSTON’S IMPROVED DOOR LOCK. A few years ago a talented burglar discovered that, by taking with a pin- cer a firm hold of the end of a key, it could be made to turn, and that thus the door of the sleeping apartments could be opened from the outside. This knowledge having spread rapidly, and led to numerous practical applications, some inventors set to work and devised a number of instruments, called burg- lar alarms. In some of these a bell is made to ring; in others, powder to explode, or a gas-burner is lighted, with a cracking noise, either by means of electricity, or of a wound-up spring, acting by friction on a match. Mr. Marston accomplishes the same result, by placing the inside key-hole of locks out of line with the outside one. This arrangement renders it impos- sible to turn tho key from the outside; but it leaves the outside key-hole empty, and the lock might be picked through it. To obviate this, the lock is provided with a sliding piece, which receives its motion from the key in exactly the same manner as the bolt, and which moves over the outside key- hole, and closes it hermetically, each time the door is locked from the inside. The key is shaped so as to have no action on this slide when used from the outside. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 95 NEW MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. The successful efforts of art-mechanics in music have for a long time been exclusively shown in improving the old instruments of past centuries, but not in adding new instruments of high value and rank to the list. We have at last recently examined an instrument, made by Messrs. Hill, of New York, which is essentially novel, and, making every allowance for the inevitable deficiencies of a first out-worked attempt of the principle involved, the result is promising and brilliant. The inventors call it a keyed harp; whereas, its qualities are precisely those which the harp has not, namely: a sus- tained sound. It is played upon like the piano-forte, and, while the tone- stroke has not the readiness, or crispness, or vitality of that instrument, the sustained vibration is much greater, when not arrested by mechanical means. The note cannot be shaded after once sounded; but the continuation of the vibration, we are assured by the inventors, can, under the extended applica- tion of a second and improved manufacture, be secured for a whole min- ute. The instrument, we heard, wants power, which the inventors say can be more than doubled by doubling the size of the constituents of its sonority; but it has great sweetness — in fact, too saccharine, if Oe baggy and not characterized by vigor. The principle is that of a vibrator, or fork, with the prongs applied to an aperture in a box or cell. The vibrators have prongs, from one inch to ten inches long, the handles of which are gently, but firmly, held to their places over the hammers and to the cells, which cells are of as many sizes as are the forks. To the prongs of the longer vibrators are wires to receive the hammers, and wings to enable the prongs of the vibrators to take efficient hold on, and thoroughly cause to sound, the air in the cells. The damper- frames and damper-levers are at the back ends of the keys; and the sound is stopped by the fall of the damper against, or near, the ends of the prongs. The damping is perfect, as is also the pedal movement. The covering of the hammers differs much from, and is simpler than that of the piano. The strength of the ordinary piano action is all that can be desired in this; and the inventors would have had much more tone and better adjustment of parts had they used vibrators of double the size of the present ones. A very great difficulty has been so to arrange the parts as to bring them into a con- venient compass, as regards the size of the case, and to get sufficient sound- distance, and the best forms and sizes of cells to fit the case and keys, and to produce the right quality and quantity of tone — all of which the inventors aver they can now master to perfection. — WN. Y. Tribune. ORGAN BLOWN BY WATER POWER. The following is a description of the means employed in the Cathedral of Carlisle (England) for blowing the organ by the application of water power: The water is collected in two cisterns or tanks, placed in the roof over the south aisle, and is drawn from the reservoir supplying the town. From these cisterns the water passes down a pipe, into two cylinders, like those of a steam-engine, standing in a hole, apparently dug to obtain a greater fall of the water. Exactly over these cylinders are two feeders, made like the reservoirs of the organ bellows, each having a diaphragm, or middle leaf, which is moved up and down by means of the pistons. Attached to these leaves are two rods, which pass down to two beautifully-made and very 96 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. large cocks. The reciprocating motion is attained by one cylinder operating upon the cock of the other; and the blast of air obtained by these feeders is continuous, but varied by a steam equilibrium throttle-valve, which the res- ervoir of the bellows closes as it becomes thoroughly inflated. The engine is under the immediate control of the organist by suitable gearing leading to valves in the cistern. RESTORATION OF TARNISHED SILVER. Sometimes silver instruments become so completely tarnished and discol- ored, that by no ordinary means can they be cleansed. Professor Bottger states that by electrolysis their color can be restored in an incredibly short period. To effect this a saturated solution of borax in water, or a moderately strong solution of caustic potassa, is brought into a state of active ebullition; and with this the discolored object, laid in a zinc sieve-like vessel, is moist- ened. If a zinc sieve be not at hand, we may attain the same end by touch- ing the object, when it has been dipped in the boiling fluid, with a zine rod. ON THE DURABILITY OF ZINC WHITE. A curious lawsuit has been tried in Paris during the past year. M. Gudin, the well-known French marine painter, demanded 800/. damages from a tradesman, for having sold his canvasses prepared with white of zinc, which is a substance so injurious to oil colors, that several of his paintings became, in a comparatively short time, cracked and spoiled. In support of his de- mand, he stated that one of his paintings, a View on the Coast of Asia, had been returned to him, and he had had to restore 320/., the amount received for it; and that after painting three others, for which he was to have received 700/., he had not been able to deliver them. The court awarded M. Gudin an in- demnity of 4802. RAZOR PAPER. This article supersedes the use of the ordinary strop; by merely wiping the razor on the paper, to remove the lather after shaving, a keen edge is always maintained without further trouble; only one caution is necessary, that is, to begin with a sharp razor, and then the paper will keep it in that state for years. It may be prepared thus: First procure oxyd of iron (by the addition of carbonate of soda to a solu- tion of persulphate of iron), well wash the precipitate, and finally leave it of the consistency of cream. Secondly, procure some good paper, soft, and a little thinner than ordinary printing paper; then, with a soft brush, spread over the paper (on one side only), very thinly, the moist oxyd of iron; dry it, and cut into pieces two inches square. It is then fit for use. ASSYRIAN CIVILIZATION. Sir Henry Rawlinson, the eminent oriental scholar, in a recently published communication, thus concludes a sketch of the range of Assyrian civilization : “Among them (the ornaments) are some which anticipate inventions be- lieved till lately to have been modern. Transparent glass (which, however, was known also in ancient Egypt) is one of these; but the most remarkable of all is the lens discovered at Nimrud, of the use of which as a magnifying MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 97 agent there is abundant proof. If it be added to this, that the buildings of the Assyrians show them to have been well acquainted with the principle of the arch, that they constructed aqueducts and drains, that they knew the use of the lever and roller, that they understood the arts of inlaying, enamelling, and overlaying with metals, and that they cut gems with the greatest skill and finish, —it will be apparent that their civilization equalled that of almost any ancient country, and that it did not fall immeasurably behind the boasted achievements of the moderns. With much that was barbaric still attaching to them, with a rude and inartificial government, savage passions, a debasing religion, and a general tendency to materialism, they were, to- wards the close of their empire, in all the arts and appliances of life, very nearly on a par with ourselves; and thus their history furnishes a warning — which the records of nations constantly repeat—that the greatest mate- rial prosperity may coéxist with the decline, and herald the downfall, of a kingdom.” ON SCIENCE AS A BRANCH OF EDUCATION. The following is an abstract of a lecture on the above subject, recently delivered before the Royal Institution, London, by Professor Faraday. The high position of this gentleman always secures attention for his opinions; but upon this topic especially, his views will be examined with great interest. The development of the applications of physical science in modern times has become so large, and so essential to the well-being of man, that it may justly be used, as illustrating the true character of pure science, as a depart- ment of knowledge, and the claims it may have for consideration by govern- ments, universities, and all bodies to whom is confided the fostering care and direction of learning. Asa branch of learning, men are beginning to recog- nize the claim of science to its own particular place; for, though flowing in channels utterly different in their course and end to those of literature, it conduces not less, as a means of instruction, to the discipline of the mind; whilst it ministers, more or less, to the wants, comforts, and proper pleasure, both mental and bodily, of every individual of every class in life. Until of late years the education for, and recognition of it, by the bodies which may be considered as giving the general course of all education, have been chiefly directed to it only as it could serve professional services,—namely, those which are remunerated by society; but now the fitness of university degrees in science is under consideration, and many are taking a high view of it, as distinguished from literature, and think that it may well be studied for its own sake,—?. e., aS a proper exercise of the human intelligence, able to bring into action and development all the powers of the mind. As a branch of learning, it has, without reference to its applications, become as extensive and varied as literature; and it has this privilege, that it must ever go on increasing. Thus it becomes a duty to foster, direct, and honor it, as litera- ture is so guided and recognized; and the duty is the more imperative, as we find by the unguided progress of science and the experience it supplies, that of those men who devote themselves to studious education, there are as many whose minds are constitutionally disposed to the studies supplied by it, as there are of others more fitted by inclination and power to pursue literature. The value of the public recognition of science as a leading branch of education may be estimated in a very considerable degree by observation of the results of the education which it has obtained incidentally from those 9 98 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. who, pursuing it, have educated themselves. Though men may be specially fitted by the nature of their minds for the attainment and advance of litera- ture, science, or the fine arts, all these men, and all others, require first to be educated in that which is known in these respective mental paths; and when they go beyond this preliminary teaching, they require a self-education directed (at least in science) to the highest reasoning power of the mind. Any part of pure science may be selected to show how much this private self-teaching has done, and by that to aid the present movement in favor of the recognition generally of scientific education in an equal degree with that which is literary; but perhaps electricity, as being the portion which has been left most to its own development, and has produced as its results the most enduring marks on the face of the globe, may be referred to. In 1800 Volta discovered the voltaic pile—giving a source and form of electricity before unknown. It was not an accident, but resulted from his own mental self-education. It was, at first, a feeble instrument, giving feeble results ; but, by the united mental exertions of other men, who educated themselves through the force of thought and experiment, it has been raised up to such a degree of power as to give us light, and heat, and magnetic and chemical action, in states more exalted than those supplied by any other means. In 1819 Oersted discovered the magnetism of the electric current, and its rela- tion to the magnetie needle; and as an immediate consequence, other men, as Arago and Davy, instructing themselves by the partial laws and action of the bodies concerned, magnetized iron by the current. The results were so feeble at first as to be scarcely visible; but, by the exertion of self-taught men since then, they have been exalted so highly as to give us magnets of a force unimaginable in former times. In 1831 the induction of electrical cur- rents one by another, and the evolution of electricity from magnets, was observed, — at first in results so small and feeble that it required one much instructed in the pursuit to perceive and lay hold of them; but these feeble results, taken into the minds of men already partially educated and ever pro- ceeding onwards in their self-education, have been so developed as to supply sources of electricity independent of the voltaic battery or the electric ma- chine, yet having the power of both combined in a manner and degree which they, neither separate nor together, could ever have given it, and applicable to all the practical electrical purposes of life.. To consider all the depart- ments of electricity fully, would be to lose the argument for its fitness in sub- serving education in the vastness of its extent; and it will be better to con- fine the attention to one application, as the electric telegraph, and even to one small part of that application, in the present case. Thoughts of an electric telegraph came over the minds of those who had been instructed in the nature of electricity as soon as the conduction of that power with extreme swiftness through metals was known, and grew as the knowledge of that branch of science increased. The thought, as realized at the present day, includes a wonderful amount of study and development. As the end in view presented itself more and more distinctly, points, at first apparently of no consequence to the knowledge of the science, generally rose into an impor- tance which obtained for them the most careful culture and examination, and the almost exclusive exercise of minds whose powers of judgment and rea- soning had been raised first by general education, and who, in addition, had acquired the special kind of education which the science in its previous state could give. Numerous and important as the points are, which have been already recognized, others are continually coming into sight as the great MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 99 development proceeds, and with a rapidity such as to make us believe that, much as there is known to us, the unknown far exceeds it; and that, exten- sive as is the teaching of method, facts, and law, which can _ be established at present, an education looking for far greater results should be favored and, preserved. The results already obtained are so large as even in money value to be of very great importance; — as regards their higher influence upon the human mind, especially when that is considered in respect of cultivation, I trust they are, and ever will be, far greater. No intention exists here of comparing one telegraph with another, or of assigning their respective dates, merits, or special uses. Those of Mr. Wheatstone are selected for the visible illustration of a brief argument in favor of a large public recognition of scientific education, because he is a man both of science and practice, and was one of the very earliest in the field, and because certain large steps in the course of his telegraphic life will tell upon the general argument. Without referring to what he had done previously, it may be observed that, in 1810, he took out patents for electric telegraphs, which included, amongst other things, the use of electricity from magnets at the communicator,— the dial face,—the step-by-step motion,— and the electro-magnet at the indicator. At the present time, 1858, he has taken out patents for instruments containing all these points; but these instruments are so altered and varied in character above the former that an untaught person could not recognize them. The changes may be consid- ered as the result of education upon the one mind which has been con- cerned with them, and are to me strong illustrations of the effects which general scientific education may be expected to produce. In the first instru- ments powerful magnets were used, and keepers, with heavy coils, asso- ciated with them. When magnetic electricity was first discovered, the signs were feeble, and the mind of the student was led to increase the results by increasing the force and size of the instruments. When the object was to obtain a current sufficient to give signals through long circuits, large appa- ratus were employed, but these involved the inconveniences of inertia and momentum; the keeper was not set in motion at once, nor instantly stopped; and, if connected directly with the reading indexes, these circumstances caused an occasional uncertainty of action. Prepared by its previous edu- cation, the mind could perceive the disadvantages of these influences, and could proceed to their removal; and now a small magnet is used to send suf- ficient currents through 12, 20, 50, 100, or several hundred miles; a keeper and helix is associated with it, which the hand can easily put in motion; and the currents are not sent out of the indicating instrument to tell their story, until a key is depressed, and thus irregularity contingent upon first action is removed. A small magnet, ever ready for action and never wast- ing, can replace the voltaic battery; if powerful agencies be required, the electro-magnet can be employed without any change in principle or tele- graphic practice; and as magneto-electric currents have special advantages over voltaic currents, these are in every case retained. These advantages I consider as the result of scientific education, much of it not tutorial, but of self: but there is a special privilege about the science branch of education, namely, that what is personal in the first instance immediately becomes an addition to the stock of scientific learning, and passes into the hands of the tutor, to be used by him in the education of others, and enable them, in turn, to educate themselves. How well may the young man, entering upon his duties in electricity, be taught, by what is past, to watch for the smallest 100 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. signs of action, new or old; to nurse them up by any means until they have gained strength; then to study their laws, to eliminate the essential condi- tions from the non-essential, and, at last, to refine again, until the encum- bering matter is as much as possible dismissed, and the power left in its highly developed and most exalted state. The alterations or successions of currents, produced by the movement of the keeper at the communicator, pass along the wire to the indicator at a distance; there each one for itself confers a magnetic condition on a piece of soft iron, and renders it attractive or repulsive of small, permanent magnets; and these, acting in turn on a propelment, cause the index to pass at will frcm one letter to another on the dial face. The first electro-magnets, t. e., those made by the circulation of an electric current round a piece of soft iron, were weak; they were quickly strengthened, and it was only when they were strong that their laws and actions could be successively investigated. But now they were required small, yet potential. Then came the teaching of Ohm’s law; and it was only by patient study, under such teaching, that Wheatstone was able so to refine the little electro-magnets at the indicator as that they should be small enough to consist with the fine work there employed, able to do their appointed work when excited in contrary directions by the brief currents flowing from the original common magnet, and unobjectionable in respect of any resistance they might offer in the transit of these tell-tale currents. These small transitory electro-magnets attract and repel certain permanent magnetic needles, and the to-and-fro motion of the latter is communicated by a propelment to the index, being there converted into a step-by-step mo- tion. Here everything is of the finest workmanship; the propelment itself requires to be watched by a lens, if its action is to be observed; the parts never leave hold of each other; the vibratory or rotary ratchet-wheel and the fixed pallets are always touching, and thus allow of no detachment, or loose shake; the holes of the axes are jewelled; the moving parts are most carefully balanced, — a consequence of which is, that agitation of the whole does not disturb the parts, and the telegraph works just as well when it is twisted about in the hands, or placed on board a ship, or in a railway car- riage, as when fixed immovably. Now there was no accident in the course of these developments ; —if there were experiments, they were directed by the previously acquired knowledge; —every part of the investigations was made and guided by the instructed mind. The results being such (and like illustrations might be drawn from other men’s telegraphs, or from other departments of electrical science), then, if the term education may be understood in so large a sense as to include all that belongs to the improvement of the mind, either by the acqui- sition of the knowledge of others, or by increase of it through its own exer- tions, we learn by them what is the kind of education science offers to man. It teaches us to be neglectful of nothing;— not to despise the small begin- - nings, for they precede, of necessity, all great things in the knowledge of science, either pure or applied. It teaches a continual comparison of the small and great, and that under differences almost approaching the infinite: for the small as often contains the great in principle as the great does the small; and thus the mind becomes comprehensive. It teaches’ to deduce principles carefully, to hold them firmly, or to suspend the judgment — to discover and obey law, and by it to be bold in applying to the greatest what we know of the smallest. It teaches us first by tutors and books to learn what is known to others, and then, by the lights and methods which belong MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 101 to science, to learn for ourselves and for others;—so making a fruitful return to man in the future for that which we have obtained from the men of the past. Bacon, in his instruction, tells us that the scientific student ought not to be as the ant, who gathers, merely; nor as the spider, who spins from her own bowels; but rather as the bee, who both gathers and produces. All this is true of the teaching afforded by any part of the physical science. Electricity is often called wonderful — beautiful; — but it is so only in com- mon with the other forces of nature. The beauty of electricity, or of any other force, is not that the power is mysterious and unexpected, touching every sense at unawares in turn, but that it is under Jaw, and that the taught intellect can even now govern it largely. The human mind is placed above, not beneath it; and it is in such a point of view that the mental education afforded by science is rendered supereminent in dignity, in practical appli- cation, and utility: for, by enabling the mind to apply the natural power through law, it conveys the gifts of God to man, g* NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ROTATION PRODUCED BY ELECTRICITY. AT a recent meeting of the Royal Society, England, an ingenious and curi- ous apparatus was exhibited, displaying the rotation of a metallic sphere by electricity. The apparatus was contrived by Mr. Gore, of Birmingham, who states that his experiments had their origin in a phenomenon observed by Mr. Fearn, of Birmingham, in his electro-gilding establishment. — When a tube of brass, half an inch in diameter and four feet long, was placed upon two horizontal and parallel brass tubes, one inch in diameter and nine feet long, and at right angles to them, and the latter connected with a long voltaic battery consisting of from two to twelve pairs of large zinc and carbon ele- ments, this transverse tube immediately began to vibrate, and finally to roll upon the others. Acting upon this, Mr. Gore constructed a disk of wood, provided with two brass rails, level, uniform, and equi-distant; on these rails a hollow and very thin copper ball was placed, and the brass rails being con- nected with a zine and carbon battery, the ball began to vibrate, and pres- ently to revolve. In all cases yet observed, Mr. Gore states, that the motion of the ball is attended by a peculiar crackling sound at the points of contact, and by heating of the rolling metal. When the apparatus was exhibited be- fore the Royal Society, electric sparks were seen as the ball rolled from the spectator. ELECTRICITY OF NERVES AND MUSCLES. M. de la Rive, in the third volume of his Treatise on Electricity, just pub- lished, reviews the whole science of electro-physiology; and reminds practi- tioners that, as the difference between the electricity of the muscles and of the nerves is now clearly established, so must they be careful in applying their remedies, not to waste on the muscles, which are the best conductors, the electric currents intended solely for the nerves. ACCIDENTS BY LIGHTNING. From a recent foreign work, ‘ Boudin on Medical Geography,” we derive the following memoranda respecting accidents from lightning. As compared with the country, towns, and especially the larger and more populous ones, appear to possess an immunity from accident to life by lightning. Thus, between 1800 and 1851, not a single death by lightning was recorded in Paris; and in 1786 it was calculated that out of 750,000 deaths in London, during NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 103 thirty years, two only had been produced by this agency. During a century, only three persons were killed by lightning in Gottingen, and two in Halle. Comparing these numbers with the total deaths from this cause, and with the fact that twenty-five per cent. of all happen under trees, he holds it reason- able to conclude “‘ that lightning finds more victims in open country than in cities.”” Another ‘‘most curious phenomenon, beyond contradiction, is the tendency it has to strike the same places and the same edifices at different epochs.” Of this, Dr. Boudin produces several illustrations, and quotes M. Poullet in support and explanation. With regard to the frequency of accidents by lightning, fatal to human life in France, he tells us that from 1835 to 1852, inclusive, 1308 persons were killed. M. Boudin thinks that the persons injured are at least twice as numerous as those killed. Some United States statistics show the injured to be to the killed as five to one. Many more men than women are killed, and not in France only, but also, though not in so marked a proportion, in Sweden (1815 to 1840), and in England (1838 and 1839). Heseems to think that this is not explained by the greater exposure of men in the fields; but still he does not think we are warranted in concluding “that, all things being equal, woman runs less danger than man;” but he considers the question as “worthy of being submitted to the test of observation.”” And he quotes the following peculiar passage from Arago, declining, however, to “‘ maintain its rigorous exactitude”: “Tn two conditions altogether alike,” says Arago, “‘one man, by the nature of his constitution, runs more danger than another. There exist persons who arrest abruptly the communication of electricity, and do not feel the shock, even when they occupy the second place in the file. These persons, by exception, are not conductors of the electric fluid. Exceptionally, then, we must rank them amongst non-conducting bodies, which lightning respects, or which, at least, it strikes rarely. Differences so marked cannot exist, with- out there being also shades of difference; but every degree of conductibility corresponds, during the storm, to a certain measure of danger. The man who is as conducting as metal will be as often struck as metal; the man who interrupts the communication to the chain will scarce have more to fear than if he were glass orresin. Between these limits there will be found individuals whom the lightning will strike as readily as wood or stone. Thus, in the phenomena of thunder, all does not depend on the place which a man occu- pies; the physical constitution of the man plays also a certain part.” As one would expect, “‘ the configuration of the soil, and its mountainous character,” exercise an influence on the frequency of accidents, which, for instance, in proportion to the population, are much rarer in the departments of the Eure and Seine than in those of the Dordogne, Lozere, High Loire, and Low and High Alps. Less danger is run in the house than in the fields, and in towns than in the country. The effects of lightning on man he makes either curative of preéxisting affections, productive of wounds or injuries, or productive of death. The injuries it may produce seem to be very varied. To the peculiar images, said to have been observed on the bodies of some persons killed by lightning, he gives the name of Keraunographic images, and he relates some of the most singular instances of it on record, giving the sources, which are not always the most reliable. 104 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. PHOTOGRAPHIC EFFECTS OF LIGHTNING. Statements of impressions of trees, etc., made on the human person by lightning, are not uncommon, and Mr. Poey, of Havana, has published a paper of some length on the subject. (See Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1858, page 226.) Ina case of a person struck by lightning, at Salem, Mass., during the past summer, it was currently reported, ‘that upon his back there was left an impression of a larch tree, situated just outside the window at which he was sitting.”” The attendant physician has, however, published the following observations on the phenomenon in question: ““There was no laceration, or abrasion of the skin. The appearance was something like what is often seen, of a frosty morning, on the window glass, resembling branches of trees, and was produced by the peculiar action of the lightning on the capillary vessels of the skin, causing them to become en- larged and reddened, in consequence of admitting more blood than usual, and to assume an arborescent character. This appearance was not the fac simile of any tree or bush. The whole surface affected was about ten inches square.” This explanation appears to satisfactorily meet the facts of this particular case; but, as instances are cited by Mr. Poey in which objects other than trees have been delineated on the skin through the agency of lightning, the photographic effects of this agent cannot, therefore, be entirely disputed. LIGHTING GAS BY ELECTRICITY. Samuel Gardner, jr., of New York, patented in 1857 an electric apparatus, by means of which a person acting on two keys could light or shut off at will, and at the same moment, all the gas-burners of a building, or any designated number of them. It was applied to the lights of the Broadway Theatre, and was made to work several times every evening, to the great amusement of the audience. The stop-cock of every chandelier, and of every isolated burner, is provided with a rachet-wheel, which is acted upon by a catch connected with an ordinary electro-magnet, and each magnet is con- nected by a wire with a battery, and with a circuit-breaking key, placed in the operator’s room. Over every burner is a coil of fine platina wire; and-all these coils, connected together by copper wires, are in the circuit of another electric current, which may be closed or opened by means of another circuit- breaking key. To light the gas, the operator closes the circuit of the coils of platina; these become red hot. He then closes and opens the stop-cocks’ circuit as many times as is necessary to make the rachet-wheels describe a quarter of a circle. The stop-cocks are then opened, and the gas, rushing on the burning coils, is lighted. The burners are turned off by playing again on the key till the rachet-wheels have moved another quarter of a cir- cle; then the stop-cocks are closed. By having as many keys as there are burners, or groups of burners, each burner or each group may be operated separately from the others. By throwing all in one circuit, they may be operated with a single key. The use of this invention does away with the causes of fire consequent upon the use of matches; it saves the labor of lighting, and an unnecessary expense of gas in large establishments, where the lighting has to be begun one hour before light is wanted. In the streets NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 105 it is peculiarly advantageous, as a burner accidentally put out by a puff of wind, is instantly lighted again. An improvement on this invention has been patented, March, 1858, by the original inventor. It consists in placing the platina coil by the side of the burner, instead of above it, and in the flame. The use of platina, though very costly, is necessary, as it is the cheapest metal which does neither melt nor burn under the circumstances described. The apparatus, thus improved, has been lately applied to the 1,500 burners of the Senate Chamber in Washington, and is said to give complete satisfaction. GATCHELL’S LIGHTNING RODS AND POINTS. A committee of the Franklin Institute recommend the following improve- ments in the construction of lightning rods, introduced by Mr. J. L. Gatchell, of Maryland. These improvements consist, first, in the use of a rope of twisted copper wire (containing eighteen strands of wire, about ts inch in diameter), by which are gained greater conducting power, freedom from breaks or joints in the conductor, and a flexibility which allows it to be adapted to any irregularities of form over which it may be carried. : The second modification is the substitution of a copper for a platina point, and the increasing the angle of the point, so as to approach that recommended by the Committee of the French Academy of Sciences. The advantages here gained are, greater conducting power by the substitution of copper for platina, and secondly, a counteraction of the liability to fusion by rendering the point much less acute. The preservation from oxidation is entrusted to a zinc ball attached below the point. ON THE ELECTRICAL LIGHT. BY H. W. DOVE. The experiments, in connection with the results of the prismatic investi- gation of the spark, appear to me to lead to the following conclusion: A wire, becoming red-hot by heat, is first red, then orange, and lastly white; so that it behaves like the combination of light which is obtained when a screen is drawn away from the spectrum concealed by it, in such a way that the red end first becomes visible, and to this the violet is finally added. The increase of brilliancy, from the slightly luminous brush to the bright spark, behaves quite otherwise. In this case, it is as if the screen re- moved first set free the violet end, and then the other colors. This distinc- tion of itself renders it improbable that the phenomena of electrical light, in the state of less brilliancy, can be ascribed to a gradually increasing ignition of solid particles. They rather resemble the weakly luminous flame of hy- drogen, which becomes white by solid ignited carbon in the so-called gas- flames, or by other solid matters, as in the Drummond light. The true electrical light is produced at great distances in the surrounding, isolating, acriform medium, when the latter is attenuated. With this colored light be- longing to the strongly refrangible part of the spectrum, phenomena of ignition may be combined, by particles torn away from the positive and neg- ative bodies. If these particles be only at a red heat, the impression of a violet light is produced by their mixture with the electric light. To this class belong the column of light in the electrical egg, and the basal point of the brush, and, lastly, the indented reddish sparks of an electrical machine, at distances to which a white spark does not pass. If particles at a white heat come together, the whole is white, as in the sparks of Leyden jars; in oppo- 106 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. sition to the bright light of incandescence, the less strongly luminous electric light disappears in the same way as the weak, bluish, lower part in a gas- flame appears black in opposition to the bright mass of light, whilst with the small brilliancy of a wax-light, the latter betrays its color even without optical aids of absorption. Only prismatic analysis, and the action upon uranium glass, indicate the presence of the electric light also. If the particles at a white heat do not reach each other, the spark acquires a spot of interruption, which, however, still shows red light besides the true electric light, when the particles previously at a white heat have become cooled to redness. The basal point of the brush, which retrogrades in proportion to the larger field in which the electric light becomes visible, is to be compared with the spot of interruption of the spark; the particles of the solid body which are here still red-hot may, on reaching a greater distance, be completely extinguished, so that then the electric light alone prevails. The brush could not be colored by a spirit-flame colored yellow with chloride of sodium held under it, as it then becomes converted into a spark. The phenomena of the exhausted tube with mercury, indicate the modification which the electric light under- goes in media other than atmospheric air.—Phil. Mag. ELECTRO-MOTIVE FORCE OF VARIOUS BATTERIES. M. Petruscheski, a Russian experimenter, gives the following as the results of his investigations on the power of different voltaic combinations: Grove, with amalgamated zine, .. . See Mine ele xs eels Battery of cast iron and amalgamated ning, slits) eit wh ou bie & il ued toied loan. Bunsen, .. 6 oo Hay Eisenlohr (Daniellis, with ieirtrate of pee in place of Solpheie acid), 1.05 Daniell, with chloride of sodium, . . Tae oml, Se mind's ef chloride of sodium and Serdaiaied Za8 AIRC Tce metcne ies Ai Olu ° wath uilTte sl pRUTIGACIG. sou Yel lsd) suey Mon ke | sua ae ook O0 Ejisenlohr, with zinc not amalgamated, .. . 5) SiS) eA ee OLS Daniell, dilute sulphuric acid and amalgamated sara), Bin oan iceticseal Be ich (DES: Wollaston, with amalgamated zinc, ..... . 1. ae Os Cipittes: vol. xli., p. 4. COST OF ELECTRIC LIGHT. M. Edmond Becquerel has been recently engaged in some experiments with a view to determine the comparative cost of electricity as an illuminat- ing agent. He used a battery of zinc and platinum, made with strict atten- tion to economy, and the results were as follows: The standard is the light of 350 candles of the best quality, and the com- parative cost of Coal gas ‘at $160 per 1000 c. feet; was 2.8 ee $0 35 Oil (Rape Seed), at 17 cents per pound, . 060 Stearine candles, at 32 cents per pound, 2 52 Wax candles, at 52 cents per pound, 3 12 Electric light, 0 58 Thus showing that, although the electric light is cheaper than candles, it will not at present compete with coal gas, at least until some cheaper battery power be found. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 107 EXPERIMENTS OF ANDREW CROSSE. The very curious experiments of Andrew Crosse (made famous by repub- lication in the “‘ Vestiges of Creation’), by which animal life seemed to be produced by the action of any continued electrical currents, have recently been repeated by Professor Schulze of Germany. No insects or animal germs, however, made their appearance,—a result which strengthens the probability of the supposition which Mr. Crosse himself never disputed, that the ova of the insects — however the electric current may have operated to stimulate their development — were derived from the atmosphere, or had been conveyed into the apparatus by some natural means which had escaped the attention of the experimenters. Mr. Crosse, after a life spent in electrical experiments, died July 6, 1855, at the age of 71, and his ‘‘ Memorials, Scientific and Literary,” lately published in London, contain some curious details as to his investigations above referred to, and the way in which they were received by the public. Being engaged at the time in experiments for the production of mineral crystals by the agency of the voltaic current, in which he had remarkable success, he contrived a little apparatus for the deposition of crystals of silica on a lump of stone, through the agency of a voltaic trough. After this experiment had been going on for a fortnight, he observed a few small whitish specks on the surface of the electrified stone. By the eighteenth day, these specks had expanded, and seven or eight filaments were thrown out from the surface of each; but as embryo minerals exhibited similar phenomena in the process of crystallization, there was nothing so far to excite any surprise. Before long, however, these growing specks assumed the appearance of insects standing erect on the bristles which formed their tails, and by the twenty-eighth day they were distinctly seen to moVe their legs. By this time the experimenter was greatly astonished. Instead of a mineral for which he had looked as the result of his experiment, he had found an animal, alive and kicking. It was plain they were no mere appear- ances, for in a few days they detached themselves from the stone and began to move about. They were, to be sure, not creatures of a very inviting and attractive character, for they belonged apparently to the genus acarus, which includes some of the most disgusting parasites with which the animal body is annoyed. But they continued to increase, and in the course of a few weeks, at least a hundred made their appearance. Whence did they come? and what was their origin? To these questions, Mr. Crosse, with all his faith in the power of electricity, did not then venture and has not since ventured a decided answer. Many years after, for the experiment was first tried in 1807, he professed himself still unable to form an opinion. He expresses himself thus: ‘‘ The simplest solution of the problem which occurred to me was that they rose from ova deposited by insects floating in the atmos- phere and hatched by electric action. Still I could not imagine that an ovum could shoot out filaments, or that those filaments could become bristles; and moreover, I could not detect, on the closest examination, the remains of ashell. Again, we have no right to assume that electric action is necessary to vitality until such fact shall have been most distinctly proved. I next imagined, as others have done, that they might have originated from the water, and consequently made a close examination of numbers of vessels filled with the same fluid. In none of these could I perceive a trace of an insect, nor could I see any in any other part of the room.” 108 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The experiments were repeated in various ways, and with every precaution that could be thought of, yet the insects still appeared, and that, too, under circumstances apparently highly adverse to the development of animal life. They made their appearance under the surface of liquids in which they could not afterward live, even in fluids that were caustic or absolutely poisonous. Though the solid materials employed had been subjected to a heat greater than that of molten iron, and the solutions used had been poured while boiling into the apparatus, still these strange insects made their appearance; nor did an atmosphere impregnated with chlorine or loaded with muriatic acid gas prove any bar to their production. Similar experiments were afterwards undertaken by Mr. Weeks, of Sandwich, with still greater precaution, if possible, to exclude every exterior element of animal life, but still in the end—though a period of twelve or eighteen months sometimes elapsed — the insects appeared. The publication of these experiments caused a great deal of talk, much of which took the shape of a direct personal attack upon the unlucky phi- losopher.. In the true spirit of the middle ages, which long confounded experimental philosophy with impiety, Mr. Crosse was arraigned as an impious man. If he began by creating animals by electrical power—no matter of how inferior a sort — who could tell where he might stop? It was a plain usurpation of the functions of Deity. Mr. Crosse must certainly be an atheist. Letters were addressed to him in which he was denounced as “a disturber of the peace of families,’ and a “ reviler of our holy religion.” ““T have met,’ says Mr. Crosse, ‘‘ with so much virulence and abuse, so much calumny and misrepresentation, in consequence of these experiments, that it seems in this nineteenth century as if it was a crime to have made them.” In fact, he found himself obliged to come out with a public decla- ration that he was neither an atheist nor a materialist, nor a self-imagined creator, but a humble and lowly reverencer of that great Being, of whose laws those who accused him seemed to have lost sight. ON THE USE OF ELECTRICITY FOR PRODUCING LOCAL ANESTHESIA, The application of electricity for producing local anesthesia, as in tooth- pulling, has been recently made with marked success. The arrangement for using or applying this agent is simple, and consists of the common electro- magnetic machine used in medical electricity, a single cell and pair of plates constituting a Smee’s battery, and a small electro-magnetic coil with a bun- die of wires for graduating the strength of the current. One end of the thin wire conveying the secondary current is attached to the handle of the forceps, and the other end of it to a metallic handle to be placed in the hand of the patient. The instrument touching the tooth completes the circuit, and the current passes instantaneously. The wire attached to the forceps should be made to pass through an interrupting footboard, so that the continuity of the wire may be made or broken in an instant by a movement of the right foot of the operator. The advantage of this arrangement is, that it allows the instrument to be placed in the mouth without risk of producing a shock in coming in contact with the lips, cheeks, or the tongue, which would interfere with the quiet of the patient. A hole drilled in the end of the left handle of the forceps, and the end of the wire tapered to fit rather tightly, allows the substitution of one pair of forceps for another with scarcely a moment’s delay. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 109 IMPROVEMENT IN ELECTROTYPING. The National Intelligencer says an improvement in the process of electro- typing has been made, by which electrotypes can be produced with great rapidity and accuracy. The improvement consists in covering the face of the wax, or other material of which the matrix is made, with fine metallic leaf before the impression is taken. In this way a perfect conducting metallic surface is obtained; that is, over the entire face of the letters, as well as over the spaces between the lines. The sides of the letters do not, as a general thing, have a metallic conduct- ing surface, inasmuch as the types, when the impression is taken, cut the leaf, and force a part of it down into the matrix, thus leaving the wax exposed on the sides of the letters. This cutting of the leaf, however, is rather an ad- vantage, since such exposed parts of the wax are the very parts where aslow deposit is preferred, and which is effected by touching such parts over with plumbago. The advantages are these:) The moment that the mould or matrix is placed in the bath and the battery applied, the deposit of metal commences at once on the entire surface, —the deposit being more rapid, however, on the face of the letters, and on the spaces between the lines than on the sides of the letters; and this is just what is wanted, since it prevents, especially when the letters are small and deep, what is termed “ bridging over ”’ (hollow letters). By the use of silver leaf an electrotype may be pro- duced with a bright silvered face, — a feature of considerable importance in all cases where the plates are to be laid aside for future use, inasmuch as the face of the letters will not be so easily injured by long and continued expo- sure to air and moisture, as when of the usual copper face. ELECTRIC DISCHARGES IN AIR HIGHLY RAREFIED. On making a current of static electricity to pass through a tube of rarefied air, a luminous arc is obtained, which experiences modifications, when sub- jected to the action of the poles of a powerful magnet. This fact, which calls to mind the corresponding effect experienced by a luminous arc pro- duced by a powerful galvanic battery, was discovered by De la Rive in 1849. He first used as the source of the electricity the hydro-electric machine of Armstrong, afterwards acommon electric machine, and quite recently Ruhm- korff’s apparatus. M. Pliicker, of Bonn, has tried the same, and his results are published in a recent number of Poggendorff’s Annalen. According to De la Rive, it is necessary for success that the tube or globe should contain some vapor, equivalent in tension to six millimeters of mer- cury, and the vapors answering best are those of alcohol, sulphuret of car- bon, and camphine. De la Rive has applied the experiments to the illustra- tion of the Aurora Borealis, so frequent in the Polar regions. ON A MODIFICATION OF RUHMKORFF’S INDUCTION COIL. At the last meeting of the British Association, Mr. W. Ladd, presented the results of a very extensive course of experimenting with Ruhmkorff’s in- duction coils, with a description of the machine, as it is now constructed. His object, he said, was not to make very large machines, but to obtain the greatest results from a three-mile coil, that being sufficiently large for all ordi- nary purposes. I find the best length for the iron core to be thirteen inches 10 110 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. and about 15°S diameter, composed of fine iron wire not larger than No. 22, very carefully annealed. The primary wire should be of sufficient size to carry freely the whole of the battery current, and of sufficient quantity to thoroughly saturate the iron core with magnetism. For this purpose I use three layers of one continuous No. 12 copper wire carefully annealed; if more layers are used I find that the secondary wire is removed too. far from the magnetic influence. The secondary wire ought not to be larger than No. 35, covered with silk, which must be laid on perfectly even and insulated from the primary wire, and also from the layers of the secondary next to it. I find the best insulating medium to be the thinnest gutta-percha made, and which, I believe, to be the only gutta-percha sold which cannot be adulter- ated; it is true that it has many minute preforations, but by laying on, at least, six thicknesses between each layer of wire, perfect insulation is secured. The greatest care must be taken in protecting the ends of the layers so as to prevent the sparks passing from one to the other. The condenser should be, at least, fifty sheets of tin-foil of about one square foot in size. These sheets must be separated from each other by three sheets of varnished paper or gutta-percha tissue. Every alternate sheet of foil is connected together, thus forming two poles, to be attached one to each side of the break. It may be placed at the bottom of the stand or in a separate box; the latter I prefer. In developing the power of the machine, everything depends upon the con- tact breaker, which should be capable of retaining contact until the whole of the magnetism is obtained, and capable also of breaking contact as soon as the smallest quantity is induced. These results are obtained in the break at- tached to this instrument. The hammer is made to vibrate freely between the core and the coil, and the brass screw terminating with the platina plate at the back of the hammer, a very small amount of magnetism will be sufficient to attract the hammer and so break the contact. If now I bring this screw (placed half-way up the spring carrying the hammer) to bear upon the spring, it will have the effect of pressing the two platina plates together, so that it takes a greater amount of magnetism to separate them. By this means I can regulate the power of the instrument to the purposes for which it is required. The battery I employ is a five cells of ‘‘ Grove’s,” with immersed platina plates 5 x 3, having an exposed surface of 140 square inches. With such a battery and a coil thus constructed, I can always insure sparks from half an inch to four inches in air. The machine now exhibited contains six miles of wire, and worked with the same battery, gives six and a quarter inch sparks. The position which the induction coil is now taking in this elec- trical age is one of considerable importance. It has awakened new philo- sophical ideas, and is being successfully applied to practical purposes of the highest advantage to mankind. For blasting purposes, a three-mile coil is capable of firing fifty charges simultaneously. But, important as its present position is, and successful as its past application has been, it is yet in its in- fancy, and there can be little doubt that by patient perseverance machines can be constructed that will obviate the necessity of employing such ponder- ous machines, and still more ponderous batteries, as are now at work on the Atlantic Cable. JAN’s IMPROVEMENT. — In using Ruhmkorff’s coils, damage is not unfre- quently sustained by the electric spark forcing its way through the apparatus itself, in place of passing between the poles. To avoid this, M. Jan has devised a plan of plunging the apparatus in a non-conducting liquid, such as the spirits of turpentine. The liquid filling the interstices of the coil, con- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. kt stituting the immediate instrument of the induction, assures the perfect iso- lation of the several convolutions, and if a spark too violent passes through the instrument, the presence of a non-conducting fluid stops its passage and insures safety. M. Quet, thus using the Ruhmkorff machine, has produced results which have hitherto defied the Voltaic battery, and, of course, the ordinary electrical machine. STUDY OF THE THERMO-MULTIPLIER. This instrument, valuable to the experimentalist for its extreme delicacy, and for its extensive scale, has been the object of careful theoretic and prac- tical study, by M. de la Proyostaye, whose results as reported to the Acad- emy of Sciences, at Paris, may be summed up as follows: First, as to the galvanometer. 1. Whatever may be the position of the needles, the forces which act upon each half are reducible practically to one, perpendicular to the plane of the meridian. 2. That the amount of deviation makes but a slight change in the amount of this resultant: hence, the apparatus may be regarded as a tangent-needle of a very considerable degree of perfection. Secondly, as to the thermo-electric pile. 1. The progress of heating the thermometer takes place by the same decrees, and in the same time, as if it were placed in a space at the constant temperature which the pile attains under the influence of the source of heat. 2. When the rise of the temperature is sufficienily small, if we withdraw the calorific action, it cools again, in the same time, and by the same degrees, as if heated. Thirdly. He terminates the integral expression for the movement of the needle: shows that its position of rest under the action of the current is pro- portioned to the constant quantity of the current when the anterior face of the pile has assumed a stationary excess of temperature, and to the intensity of the incident heat: and then derives expressions for the times correspond- ing to the maximum and minimum excursions of the needle, and the extent of these excursions; and terminates with the following observation: “If, after making an observation with the thermo-pile in the common way, and awaiting the fixed deviation of the needle, the screen is replaced, the energy of the current diminishes, and the needle returns to zero. I have found that the retrograde motion of the needle, counted from the fixed deviation, takes place by oscillations of the same extent and times as the primitive motion counted from zero.” HUGHES’S TELEGRAPH. The following is a fuil description of this somewhat famous instrument, with its latest improvements, as it has been employed during the past year on one of the lines between New York and Philadelphia. By it, messages are transmitted simultaneously to and fro at the rate of two hundred letters a minute each way. With all other telegraphs, the current runs through the magnet of the instrument, and a sign is transmitted by breaking the current for an instant; with this one, the line is connected with the ground, and the current is made to pass through the machine only for an instant, when a sign is to be transmitted. This arrangement constitutes one of its most important advantages, namely: Any surplus of electricity produced by an overcharged Ti? ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. atmosphere has full time to flow into the ground, and Hughes’s machine may be operated without danger to the attendants, during a storm which stops all the others. To accomplish this, the magnet is made of a natural horse-shoe magnet capable of sustaining five pounds, in contact with the poles of which are placed two pieces of soft iron, surrounded by coils of wire. The armature is provided with a spring nearly as strong as the mag- net, the tendency of which is to pullthem apart. When the machine is at rest the armature is in contact with the pieces of soft iron where it is kept. As these have become magnetic from their contact with the natural magnet, when a key is pressed down the current is made to pass through the coil in such a direction as to destroy the natural magnet by creating an artificial one with poles reversed. The armature is thus instantaneously let free, and is thrown up by the spring; this motion acts upon a detent, and the other parts of the instrument do their office in transmitting a letter, and also of cutting off the current from the magnet and of forcing back the armature against it. In this manner the natural magnet is not required to attract the armature from a distance, but acts only, when in contact, to hold it in its place; that is, in the position of its greatest power. The parts of the machine which are in constant motion consist of a horizontal main shaft under which is a vertical shaft, connected with the first by beveled wheels ; of a train of cog-wheels, of a drum, weight, spring and treadle. The main shaft of the instruments at both extremities of the line move with exactly the same speed. The velocity of each is regulated, like that of a common clock, by an anchor escapement, with this difference, that the vibrations of a slender bar of steel, held by one extremity, are substituted for the beats of apendulum. A clock is made to go slow or fast by lengthening or short- ening the pendulum, and the velocity is regulated here by doing the same with the bar of steel. This escapement acts about sixty times in a second, or twenty times faster that that of a clock; and this result could not be obtained from a pendulum, as this would have to be only 1-80 part of an inch long from the point of suspension to the centre of the ball, to beat sixty times. The upper portion of the vertical shaft is isolated from the lower portion by an intermediate piece made of ivory. The upper part is provided with an articulated horizontal arm which rests on a shorter arm extending from the lower part, and this contact connects together the two portions of the shaft. This arm describes circles a quarter of an inch above the table. Under its extremity a circular row of twenty- eivht slats is cut in the table, and as many metal slides are placed vertically in them. Twenty-eight keys are connected with these slides, in such a manner that, when a key is pressed down, the corresponding slide is raised in the slat sufficiently high to reach the arm, which, in revolving, slides un the inclined end of the slide. This operation makes the current pass through the coils of the other instrument, as will be shown hereafter. The main shaft carries by friction a type-wheel, the types of which are inked by a small tangential inking roller. A second horizontal shaft moving with the first, but faster, is provided with a chuck, by means of which it carries the printing shaft once round each time a letter is tele. gravhed. This printing shaft, by means of a projecting cam, brings at each turn the roller which carries the paper in contact with the type-wheel, and the letter actually there is printed. The slip of paper is carried onward the distance of a letter by a dog acting on a ratchet, when the roller recedes from the type-wheel. ; NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 113 All the parts having been described separately, we will now explain their connection, together with the manner of using the machine. The instru- ments at both stations are first started, and made to revolve at the same rate, the type-wheels lying in such positions that each time the arm of the vertical shaft of one instrument passes over the slide of key A, the letter A engraved on the type-wheel of the other instrument is opposite the paper roller. To print a letter at the other end of the line, the operator presses down the key on which the letter is engraved; the key raises the correspond- ing metal slide which raises the revolving arm before one half of a second has elapsed, since the arm makes two revolutions per second. This makes the current pass through the magnet of the instrument at the other station and release its armature, which springs up. The detent acts instantly, makes the chuck catch the printing shaft, and this last raises the printing roller against the type-wheel, the letter is printed, and the armature coming down, the printing shaft is unconnected, and every part returns to its original posi- tion except the paper, which has proceeded the distance of one letter forward. The closing of the current at one station acts only on the magnet of the other station. This allows of the writing both ways at the same time. Generally the despatches travelling in opposite directions are interwoven; and also two different letters may appear to be, the one received and the other sent at the same moment; one, in fact, starts only after the other is arrived and the way is clear; but, each time the same letter is transmitted by both operators, the two machines act at the same mathematical instant. Two batteries are erected, one at each station, and none at intermediate points of the road, and they are connected with the instruments in a peculiar manner, which will be best understood by making a diagram. One pole of each battery is connected with the slides of the instrument, the other with the ground. The wire of the line is connected at each end, through coil No. 1 of the instrument, with the upper portion of the shaft; the lower portion is connected, through coil No. 2, with the ground. When the keys of both machines are at rest the current of both batteries is broken—all the con- necting wires and the line are free from electricity. When a key is acted upon in New York, the corresponding slide raises the arm; this disconnects one coil in New York and makes the current of one battery pass through one coil in New York and through both coils in Philadelphia. The power of the springs acting against the armatures is so calculated as to overcome the magnet diminished by the current of one battery through two coils, but to be smaller than the magnet diminished only by one battery through one coil. Consequently the armature in Philadelphia is released, and a letter is printed there, and that in New York is held in place. The explanation for telegraphing the other way is the same. When the sides of the same letter are raised at the same time in both instruments, one coil of each is discon- nected; but there is the power of two batteries in the other coil of each; and, as a power of two batteries through one coil is equivalent to that of one through two coils, the result described occurs at both stations, and the letter is printed at both places in the same identical instant. A second manner of using the instrument is to place the batteries on the line as is usual, and to arrange the arms so that they clear the currents when the slides come in contact with them. With this plan, it is not possible to telegraph both ways at the same time. A third manner, which is favorite with the inventor, and which it is pro- I? we 114 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. posed to apply to the Submarine Atlantic Telegraph, consists in having only local currents, which at the moment they are closed develop an induction current of great intensity that shoots through the entire line. For this pur- pose a coil of coarse wire is wound in three thicknesses around a piece of soft iron of less than an inch in diameter, and about ten inches in length. The local current is made to pass through it. Another coil of fine wire is wound around the first, and is connected with the cable and with the ground. The manner of making the type-wheels start right is very simple. The operator stops the type-wheel by depressing a small lever, which catches a pin so placed on the wheel that when stopped blank is opposite the printing roller. This lever is thrown up by the printing roller, so that all the care the operator of the other station has to take is to begin by a-blank. Teeth of a slanting shape are cut on the side of the type-wheel, and each time the lever which carries the printing roller is raised, a projection on its - side enters between two teeth of the type-wheel, and makes it slide back- ward or forward as the case may be. The faster letters are telegraphed the more often this correction is made, and it proves so effective that the vibra- ting springs doing the office of pendulums require to be set with only a very small degree of accuracy; in fact, one may beat fifty and the other fifty-one without any inconvenience resulting from the difference. The number of cups per hundred miles requisite for working House’s Telegraph is two hundred; Morse’s requires fifty, and Hughes’s only four to work both ways. A good operator can transmit two hundred letters a minute; but this is the limit of human skill, and not that of the power of the instrument. An average writer can pen one hundred and fifty letters per minute. Consequently, one may play ona key-board or telegraph thirty- three per cent. faster than he can write. Hughes’s instrument is moved by a weight of seventy-five pounds, de- scending two and a half feet in fifteen. This weight is raised now and then by pressing down a treadle. This winding up does not require the stopping of the machine— an intermediate spring being so arranged as to act during the time the weight is raising. BONELLIV’S AUTOGRAPHIC TELEGRAPH. The autographic telegraph of M. Bonelli, the Sardinian director of tele- graphs, is attracting considerable attention on the continent, and bids fair to supersede many of the existing systems of telegraphic communication. Indeed, the action of this telegraph is sufficiently wonderful, and its advan- tages sufficiently obvious, to give it a claim to public interest. It reproduces with the utmost exactitude any inscription or design which may be traced upon the strip of metalized or conducting paper, which is given to the sender of a message; and this it does with such rapidity, that four times the number of words that can in any given time be transmitted by the usual sys- tem, can, it is confidently asserted, be sent by this method. Many advan- tages beside that of rapidity are, moreover, to be derived from an unerring process of autographic reproduction. It is well known that the various sym- bols or ciphers, by means of which secrecy is ensured in confidential and important communications, are-a constant source of error, owing to the necessary ignorance of the clerk who transmits the message with regard to the value and significance of the signs employed. In a copying telegraph, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PES where the process is purely mechanical, no such inconvenience can occur, and all errors of manipulation are easily avoided. The method employed by M. Bonelli, is to write the despatch, or draw the sketch to be transmitted, on a metalized or conducting paper in non-conducting ink. It is then placed on the transmitting machine, and passed by clock-work under a number of fine conducting wires, arranged in line like the teeth of acomb. These conduct- ing wires (there are sixty in Bonelli’s machine) are insulated separately in a gutta-percha cable, which is stretched between the two places in communica- tion. At the other end, they are spread out in the same comb form. Under this receiving comb is passed, by means of similar clock-work, a chemically prepared paper, the yellow color of which is changed to green by the action of the magnetic currents which pass over the wires. When the wires at the transmitting end are passing over the insulating ink, they of course convey no fluid, and make no change in the color of the receiving paper. The mes- sage appears, therefore, in yellow letters on a green ground, the letters being composed of lines, the nearness of which depends on the distance between the wires. To accomplish the same thing with one wire, it is necessary to have the two machines move in exact time with each other, and the point of the wire must pass necessarily over every portion of the written despatch, transmitting it point by point. By Bonelli’s method, this exactness of time would not be requisite. THE ATLANTIC CABLE. The great scientific event of the year 1858 was the successful submergence of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable, and the temporary transmission of messages between the Old World and the New. The main facts pertaining to the his- tory of this important enterprise are as follows: The telegraphic fleet, comprising the Niagara and the Agamemnon carry- ing the cable, with two attendant steam-frigates, sailed from Queenstown, Ireland, on the 17th of July, 1858, and united at the rendezvous, lat. 52° 5/ long. 32° 40’ W., on the 28th. On the succeeding day, July 29th, at 1 Pp. m., lat. 52° 59’, long. 32° 27’ W. the “splice”? between the two ends of the cable was successfully made, and electrical signals passed perfectly through the whole length on board both ships. Depth of water 1550 fathoms. The dis- tance from the entrance of Valentia harbor was eight hundred and thirteen nautical miles; to the entrance of Trinity Bay. N. F., eight hundred and twenty-two nautical miles, and from there sixty miles to the telegraph house at the head of the Bay of Bulls, equal in all to eight hundred and eighty-two nautical miles. The Niagara had sixty-nine miles farther to run than the Agamemnon. Each ship had on board about eleven hundred nautical miles of cable. The following table presents a condensed view of the Niagara’s voyage: Dist. sailed) Miles and - ‘aq_.| Excess | Depth of wa Date, Lat. N. | Long. W. es asus per cent. ma Gittins. July 30, Friday, | 51° 507 | 34° 497 89 131m. 48 1550 — 1985 ** 31, Saturday, | 51° 507 | 38° 287 | 137 159m. 358f. 13 Aug. 1, Sunday, | 50° 32/ | 41° 55/ | 145 164. 683. 14 1950 — 2424 “c 2, Monday, | 49° 527 | 45° 377 154 lijm. 150f. 15 1600 — 2885 «¢ 8, Tuesday, | 49° 177 | 49° 237 147 161m. 768f. 10 = |1742( ?)—1827 4, Wedn’y, | 48° 177 | 52° 48/! 146 154m. 860f. 6 é 200 5, Thursday, Niagara anchored. 64 66m. 882f. 4 116 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. It will be observed that the distances run during the five full days were re- markably uniform, 149 miles per day, and the excess of cable paid out was about 15 per cent. more than the ship’s record. Twice during the progress of the ship, from some unexplained cause, signals failed to pass between them, viz., at 71-2 p. M. July 29, for an hour, and August 2, from 12h 38m 4. M. to 5.40 A.M. But during all the remainder of the time signals were constantly received; and at the last, the Agamemnon, August 5, signalized the Niagara that they had paid out 1010 miles of cable. The cable was landed at Valen- tia Bay on Thursday, August 5, and at 6 A. M. the shore end was carried into the telegraph house, and a strong current of electricity received through the whole cable from the other side of the Atlantic. On the 6th of August, a message of thirty-one words was transmitted from Ireland to Newfoundland in thirty-five minutes, and on the 17th of August, the Queen of Great Britain transmitted a congratulatory message to the Pres- ident of the United States, expressing her joy at the completion of this great international bond, to which President Buchanan responded in the same spirit. After this the electrical condition of the wire became daily more faulty, and it was only with the greatest difficulty, and by constant repetition, that mes- sages were transmitted to Newfoundland, although return messages to Val- entia were, in almost every case, clear and distinct. The last intelligible sig- nal received at either end of the line was on the 4th of September; since which date the cable has remained practically inoperative. We are, however, in- formed, that the electric current is still unbroken, but that its indications are too feeble to admit of any application to telegraphic purposes. The electri- cian-in-chief has arrived at the conclusion that there are at least two serious faults in the cable, one of them dating from before the submergence, and between 500 and 600 miles from Valentia; the other about 270 miles distant, and at the place where, owing to the sudden change in the depth of the sea, danger had always been apprehended; that one or both of these faults have been aggravated, if not made fatal, by the intense currents used to overcome the difficulty, and that electrical tests indicated, what was otherwise too prob- able, that at least the Agamemnon’s portion of the cable was in a very dam- aged state before it was submerged. In the present condition of the line, the great natural currents of electricity, which are continually traversing the surface of the earth in various directions, act by their inductive effects upon the great length of cable submerged, and disturb the needles and galvanometers at both ends of the line to a consider- able degree. This nature and action, if properly observed and studied by means of the Atlantic Cable, would, no doubt, throw considerable light upon the phenomena of diurnal magnetic variations, to account for which no sat- isfactory law has been proposed. On the night of Monday, the 6th of Sep- tember, one of those extraordinary phenomena called magnetic storms must have passed over the track of the cable; for from half-past eleven to half-past twelve, the reflecting galvanometer in connection with the line was most vio- lently disturbed. The reflections were so rapid and violent that it was only occasionally that the reflected ray of light could be distinguished upon the reading scale. The London Times, in commenting on the present condition of the Atlan- tic Telegraph enterprise, uses the following language: For the present, and as regards this particular cable, we feel as people do about a tree languishing from some inscrutable disease, or a child that pines NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. VIA away, it cannot tell why. What is the matter with it? Where is the pain? What part is hurt? Answer, there is none. In asmall room on the Irish coast a bit of copper wire is fixed on the table or the wall, and knowing men are coaxing it to tell them what has happened a thousand miles off in the mid abyss of the ocean. Its vitality expires, its pulsation grows weaker; it responds more and more feebly to the tortures of science, and the very means used to rouse it from its stupor, draw on its constitution. In their urgency, the operators cut off their own hopes, and it is now suspected that they have done themselves no small part of the mischief that they deplore. What is this but the old story of the genius, maliciously true, keeping the very letter of his bond, doing superhuman service, but gone forever if a word or a movement be omitted? There is too much reason to fear that the affair is reduced to a post mortem examination. There is a length of wire, but how long no man can say. It is, indeed, almost the greatest wonder of the age, and, fairly considered, beats even the Atlantic Telegraph itself, should that ever be an existent fact, that our men of science can stand at one end of a fine copper wire and ask it how long it is. ‘ Answer, wire, are you 10 miles Jong, or 270, or 560, or 1,000, or even 2,000? What is the nature of your fracture or injury?” Witchcraft itself cannot beat such divination. It is even some comfort to reflect, that, though for the present science does us no good, yet it gains by our failure, and though we do not yet obtain what we want, we know more. Since the deposition of the cable, says the London News, a great variety of interesting experiments have been performed to show the kind of electricity best suited for working through the line, both in a perfect and imperfect con- dition; and the results which have been arrived at are both useful and inter- esting. The high tension electricity from the induced coils was found to burn up and destroy a wire where a fault in the gutta-percha was made. The second experiment was made with discharges from Henley’s magneto-elec- tric machine. This was found to suffer a slight loss through the fault, but not to injure the wire at the point of egress in any way as long as negative discharges only were sent through. The direct battery current, of great quantity, but low tension electricity, was found to answer best, and to cause less injury to the cable, and to suffer less loss through the fault; but some copious currents of this low tension electricity are now unable to make the cable show signs of activity even with the most delicate arrangement of Pro- fessor Thomson’s reflecting galvanometer. Much has been said about this beautifully sensitive little instrument, yet but few know its nature or the advan- tages it possesses over other galvanometers in observing very minute currents of electricity. It consists of a coil of very fine insulated wire, in the interior of which is suspended a very small mirror of the finest microscopic glass, to the back of which are fastened two magnetic needles not more than a quar- ter of an inch in length. The two needles, with the reflecting mirror they bear, not weighing more than two grains, are suspended by a single fibre of silk. When the instrument is in use a ray of light is thrown upon the mir- ror, and is reflected upon an index board. The very faintest currents of elec- tricity are measured by these means; for the very faintest deflection of the needles, caused by an almost imperceptible current of electricity passing through the coil, of course, is very perceptible upon the index board by the motion of the reflected spot of light. The supposed difficulty of working through the cable, after it was sub- merged, which was so much talked about, has turned out to be altogether a 118 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. mistake, and therefore the high tension induction coils, which were made by Mr. Whitehouse, were not only unnecessary, but absolutely hurtful and dan- gerous — unless the whole length of the line was perfectly insulated in every inch of its vast length, which, of course, it is impossible to expect that any- thing made by human hands could be. Theretarding influences of induction which where so much spoken of while the cable was lying at Keyham, were probably due to the inductive influence of one layer of the cable lying over another in the coil; for so little has it been experienced since the cable has been laid, that Professor Thomson thinks if the line was in fair condition it could be worked through with ease with a few battery cells of Daniel’s con- stant battery. That the wire is exposed to a considerable extent, in at least two places, is well ascertained, and where a metallic surface through which currents of electricity are passing, is exposed to water, oxidation takes place by the electrolytic decomposition of the water, and thus the wire must soon be eaten away. This may be ina great measure avoided by transmitting all signals with negative currents, which would prevent the direct oxidation of the wire by electrolysis; but at the same time, according to the experiments which have been made, both by Professor Thomson and Mr. Henley, an exposed wire is not entirely free from a species of decomposition, even when negative currents alone are transmitted through it. It soon became encrusted with a light-colored substance, the precise nature of which is not quite ascertained as yet, but it is supposed to be a combination of chloride of copper with some of the organic compounds contained in the gutta-percha. So, no matter what may be the result of the preconcerted experiments at «both termini of the wire, one thing cannot be doubted, viz., that, before per- manent, certain, and rapid telegraphic communication can be secured between Europe and America, another cable must be laid. Thus, for the present, the cable must be considered a failure, at least as regards its paying and working properties. Nevertheless, in spite of all obsta- cles, the attempt has demonstrated the ease, and, indeed, almost certainty, with which, under ordinarily favorable circumstances, a submarine cable across the Atlantic can always be laid; and all the theories of the cross cur- rents which were to break the cable, the floats which were necessary to buoy it up, and, above all, the idea that it could never sink to the bottom, are set at rest forever. The cable has been laid, and has been worked through; and really, when we Jook for one moment at what that coil has had to undergo, from the day the first mile of it was made up to the present time, it seems nothing less than marvellous how it has been submerged, and still more astounding that any signals ever came through it. On the very place where the splice was made, in the centre of the Atlantic, an air-bubble, almost the size of a coffee-bean, had to be cut out. How many hundreds of similar places might there have been that were never seen! The defective centring of the copper conductor in its gutta-percha covering was also, no doubt, a source of many serious faults; for the reason that the gutta-percha, being very thin in some parts, allows the powerful electric currents from the induc- tion coils to pierce it and touch the outside wires. Once this fault, which is technically termed “ blowing a hole” in a cable, takes place, such a loss of the signaling current ensues that the cable is rendered useless, or a great augmentation of battery power is rendered necessary; and when this last remedy is resorted to, the hole becomes larger and larger, until the water, getting freely to the wire, oxidates it away in a very short time. Such acci- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 119 dents have frequently occurred in the cables between England and the Hague, and there is not the least doubt that there are many scores of such faults along the Atlantic wire. A good deal of attention has lately been turned to the question of rope-covered wire, and there is now no doubt but that all future attempts to connect Europe with America will be made with cables so constructed. At the same time it will not be strands of hemp loosely thrown around the gutta-percha covered wires that will make a ser- viceable cable; but rope-yarns, bound in with the same fineness as the wires are now twisted by the ‘‘closing machine.” In fact, rope-covered wire would have to be made by Glass and Elliot, or Newall, just in the same manner, and on the same plan, as the wire-covered cables are now made by those firms. There is one difficulty which many suppose will influence the success of the deep sea cables in no slight degree — namely, the pressure to which all cables must be subjected at great depths. Some people are sufficiently ill- informed to deny that there is any pressure exerted by the water of the ocean at the bottom at all. Such absurd blunders only arise from ignorance of the difference between density and weight. It does not follow that, because water is almost incompressible, it weighs nothing, no more than it follows that, because a block of granite is not elastic, it does not press upon the spot on which it rests. The pressure of the water at the bottom of the Atlantic averages about two tons and a half to a squareinch. Itis a simple matter of calculation to ascertain the fact. At such a pressure as this, wrought brass can be saturated with water like a sponge, and a block of it so saturated requires days for it to ooze out again. ON THE SUBMERGENCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBMARINE TELE- GRAPH CABLES. At a recent meeting of the London Society of Civil Engineers, it was men- tioned as a practical illustration of the facility with which light cables could be laid, that, although the submarine telegraph between Varna and the Cri- mea was submerged under considerable difficulties, and during a storm, yet the actual length payed out was only 33-4 miles in excess of the distance between those places, which was nearly 350 miles. The depth of the Black Sea, where this cable was laid, was about 70 fathoms. The cable consisted, throughout the greater portion of its length, simply of No. 16 copper wire, covered with gutta-percha, and wholly unprotected. The shore ends had an iron sheathing, extending to a distance of ten miles from Varna, and of six miles from the Crimea. Its insulation was perfect; and it remained unin- jured for twelve months, during the time of the Russian war, notwithstand- ing the many violent storms to which it was exposed in the Black Sea, until, during a storm of more than usual severity, it was broken on the 5th of De- cember, 1855. With reference to the best form for a submarine cable, it had been proved that, when great depths had to be traversed, one of light specific gravity was to be preferred. The conductor, which constituted the weight to be carried, should, therefore, be as light as possible; and, to insure its continuity, it should be relieved from strain by the external coating. The conductor, when of copper, had a specific gravity of 11, the gutta-percha insulator was nearly equal in weight to sea-water, and the iron external covering had a specifie gravity of 7. Probably, aluminium might be substituted for copper 120 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. in deep sea cables, with advantage, as it was nearly equal in conducting power, and was only one-third of the weight. The outer covering should be of hard material, so as to resist the longitudinal strain during the process of submerging; but it should add as little as possible to the weight. It was considered that no material fulfilled these conditions as well as soft steel. It had been found that the light and heat of the sun, the mycellium of a fun- gus, and other substances and conditions, had the power of rendering gutta- percha unfit for the insulation required for the transmission of messages by means of electricity. Several specimens of gutta-percha, in a decayed state, were exhibited; and also a piece of copper wire, five feet in length, covered with gutta-percha, which was strained until it broke; when the gutta-percha, owing to its partial elasticity, contracted, and left seven inches of copper wire uncovered. A newly-made tube of gutta-percha, under a strain of 276 lbs., stretched from 14 inches to 24 inches before breaking; but a similar tube, which had been exposed for about five years to the atmosphere, light, and heat of the sun, was so brittle as to be easily broken by the hand. The London Builder publishes the following curious item of information bearing on the subject of the duration of submarine telegraph cables: _ “Onexamining a piece of submarine cable cut from the end of the La Manche line, long in use, there were noticed an indefinite series of ruptures or subdivisions, as if the wire had been chopped into morsels, or had been disintegrated, under the influence of the electrical vibrations. Since, in the case of the transatlantic cable, currents positive and negative alternately are launched through it, such a disintegration of the wire must be expected to come about even more rapidly. The fact itself is too mysterious to be dis- cussed at present.” ON THE PRESENT STATE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE RESPECTING TER- RESTRIAL MAGNETISM. From the report of a joint committee appointed on the part of the Royal Society and the British Association to consider the expediency of memorial- izing Government to renew the system of magnetic observations formerly carried on at various colonial and foreign stations, but now suspended, we derive the following information respecting the results thus far obtained from the accumulated observations made at the several observatories at St. Helena, Toronto, Hobarton, and the Cape of Good Hope. In the first place, the committee report, that the mean state of the several elements for each of the stations, as reduced to a fixed epoch, has been obtained with a precis- ion of which nothing previously done has afforded any example — emulat- ing, in this respect, the exactness of astronomical determinations, and com- petent to serve as a fixed point of departure, to the latest ages; and this for each of the elements in question —the dip, the declination, and the intensity of the magnetic force. Secondly, that at each station the rate of regular progressive secular change, in all three of the elements above mentioned, has been ascertained, with a degree of precision which contrasts strongly with the loose and inac- curate determinations of former times. Thirdly, that the laws of the diurnal, annual, and other periodic fluctua- tions in the value of these elements, as exhibited at each station, have been established in a manner and with a decision to which nothing hitherto exe- euted in any branch of science, astronomy excepted, is comparable; and that the results embodied in the examination of these laws have laid open NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 121 a view of magnetic action so singular, and so utterly unexpected, as to amount to the creation of a new department of science, and a detection of a completely novel system of physical relations; for that, in the first place, the systems of diurnal and annual magnetic changes have each been sepa- rated into two perfectly distinct and physically independent systems, — the one, at any particular station, holding its course according to laws depend- ing solely on the sun’s hour-angle at the moment of observation, and his meridian altitude at different seasons, — the other, comprehending all those movements which, under the name of magnetic storms, or “ irregular dis- turbances,” have hitherto presented the perplexing aspect of phenomena purely casual, capricious in amount and in the particular occasions of their occurrence when regarded singly, has been shown, by these discussions, to be subject in its totality to laws equally definite with the others, though more dependent for their application on peculiarities of local situation. As regards the first of these fluctuations, they find it demonstrated: That the sun’s regular action on the magnetism of the globe is determined by a law of no small complexity and intricacy, but which, nevertheless, has been traced with precision and certainty, and shown to be referable, in the first place, and for one of its arbitrary coéfficients, to the geographical situ- ation of the place of observation with respect to a certain line or equator on the earth’s surface, which cannot yet be precisely traced for want of sufli- ciently numerous stations (but which seems to approach to the line of least intensity, and is very far from coinciding with the geographical equator), — and in the next, and for its other influential cause, to the fact of the sun’s having north or south declination; so that the waole diurnal change in any one of the elements, and at any station, is made up of two portions, one of which retains the same sign and a constant coéflicient all the year round; the other changes sign, and varies in the value of its coéfficient with the annual movement of the sun from one side of the equator to the other. That, consequently, for a station on the magnetic equator (so defined), the mean amount of diurnal change is nil, when taken over the whole year, but that on any particular day of the year it has a determinate magnitude, which passes through an annual periodicity, with opposite characters in opposite seasons. And that for a station in middle latitudes the mean diurnal fluctu- ation is not ni/, but such as, during every part of the year, to exhibit an east- erly deviation in the morning hours, and a westerly in the evening hours, for stations north of the equator, and vice versa for those south of it; but that the amount of this deviation, or the amplitude of the diurnal fluctuation, varies with the seasons, being exaggerated or partially counteracted by the alternate conspiring and opposing influence of the sun’s declination during the summer and winter seasons. As regards the irregular disturbances, though arbitrary and capricious in extent, and in the moments when they may be expected, individually, this does not prevent their obeying, with great fidelity, the law of averages, when grouped in masses, and treated separately from those of the former class. So handled they are found to conform, in their average effect, at each of the twenty-four hours of the day, and on each day of the year, to the very same rules, as regards the sun’s daily and annual movement, with one remarkable point of difference, viz., that their hours of maxima and minima are not identical with those of the regular class, but that each particular station has, in this respect, its own peculiar hours, analogous to what is called the ‘ estab- lishment ” of a port in the theory of the tides. And that, in consequence, the 11 122 ANNUAX OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. superoo.ition of these two systems of diurnal fluctuation gives rise to a series of compound variations analogous to the superposition of two undula- tions having the same period, but different amplitudes, and different epochal times. And that, by attending to this principle, many of the most complex phenomena, such as that of a double maximum and minimum, with the occurrence of a nightly as well as a daily movement, are explained in a sat- isfactory manner. The discussion of the observations already accumulated has further brought into view, and, in the opinion of your committee fully established, the existence of a very extraordinary periodicity in the extent of fluctuation of all the magnetic elements, and in the amplitude and frequency of their irregular movements especially, which connects them directly with the phys- ical constitution of the sun, and with the periodical greater or less prevalence of spots on its surface—the maxima of the amount of fluctuation corres- ponding to the maxima of the spots, and these again with those of the exhi- bitions of the Aurora Borealis, which appears also to be subject to the same law of periodicity; a law which, as it does not agree with any of the other- wise known solar, lunar, or planetary periods, may be considered as, so to speak, personal to the sun itself. And thus we find ourselves landed in a system of cosmical relations, in which both the sun and the earth, and prob- ably the whole planetary system, are implicated. That the sun acts in influencing the earth’s magnetism, in some other manner than by its heat, seems to be rendered very probable by several fea- tures of this inquiry; and the idea of a direct magnetic influence exterior to the earth, is corroborated by the discovery of a minute fluctuation in the magnetic elements, having for its period not the solar but the lunar day, and, therefore, directly traceable to the action of the moon. The detection of this fluctuation by Mr. Kreil, from a discussion of the Prague observa- tions, has been confirmed by the evidence afforded by those of our colonial observatories, and appears to be placed beyond all question by the recent deductions from the horizontal force and the declination extending over three years of observation at the Cape of Good Hope, which General Sabine has submitted for your committee’s inspection, and in both which the fluc- tuations in question emerge in a very satisfactory manner, and one calcu- lated to give a high idea of the precision of which such determinations are susceptible, when it is considered that the total amplitude of oscillation due to this cause in the direction of the Cape needle is only about 16’ of angle. The committee also quote the following extract from a communication addressed to them by Gen. Sabine, on the importance of continuing the sys- tem of observations at the present time: “Recent observations in North America, discussed in the proceedings of the Royal Society for January the 7th, 1858, have made known that the gen- eral movement of translation of the isoclinal and isogonic lines, which from the earliest observations have been progressing from west to east, has within a few years reached its extreme eastern oscillation, and that the movement in the reverse direction has already commenced; we live, therefore, at an epoch in the history of terrestrial magnetism, which, we have reason to believe, will be regarded hereafter — when theory shall have more advanced as a highly important and critical epoch. The geographical position of the maximum force in the northern hemisphere appears to have reached its extreme easterly elongation, and from this time forth may be expected to move for many years to come towards the meridian which it occupied in NATURAL PHILOSOPi#IY. 12s Halley’s time, accompanied by a corresponding change in the positions and forms of the isodynamie, isoclinal, and isogonic lines in North America; a careful determination of the absolute values and present secular change of the three elements at this critical theoretical epoch, at stations situated on either side of the American continent, and nearly in the geographical latitude of the maximum of the force, would furnish, therefore, data for posterity, of the value of which we may have a very inadequate appreciation at present. ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PHYSICAL THEORY OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. At the last meeting of the British Association, Mr. J. Drummond presented a new theory of terrestrial magnetism, an outline of which he submitted to the meeting for 757. (See Annual Scientific Discovery 1858, page 370.) The fundamental principles of this theory are as follows: Assuming the prevail- ing idea regarding the early condition and present state of the globe, viz., that it has cooled down from a state of fluidity, and now consists of a solid crust inclosing a molten nucleus—the author assumed also that the sun, moon, and other planetary bodies, must exert the same influence upon the inclosed fluid which they exert upon the surface ocean in producing the tides,— that, consequently, a system of internal tides must be occasioned simultaneously with the external tides. Further, accepting the theory of Gauss, that the entire matter of the globe is magnetic, he concluded that the passage of these internal waves must occasion corresponding changes in the position of the needle; and, reasoning from these premises, he arrived at the following conclusions in regard to the changes in position which the needle ought to undergo. A. declination needle at any station, resting on the line of the magnetic meridian, ought, upon one of the internal waves coming from the eastward, to make an excursion to meet, it; as the crest of the wave approaches the station of observation, che needle ought to return with it; and when it comes immeciateiy beneath -he point of observation, the needle ought to coincide ain with the meridian. As the wave proceeds westward, the needle ought to follow it, making a westerly excursion equal -o the easterly; and as the wave passes further west, and its influence over che needle thereby declines, the latter ought slowly to return again to the meredian. Again, an inclination needle ought to begin slowly to dip as the erest of the wave approaches the station of observation, reaching its maxi- mum when the wave is immediately beneath it, and slowly rising to its former position as the wave passes easterly; and the intensity, as indicated by the oscillating needle, ought to increase as the crest of the wave ap- proaches the station, reaching its maximum when it is immediately beneath it, and decreasing gradually as the wave proceeds to the westward,— the max- imum of intensity thus coinciding with the maximum of inclination. The results of observation, Mr. Drummond stated, harmonize completely with the conditions of the theory. INFLUENCE OF MAGNETISM OVER CHEMICAL ACTION. The following inquiry, by Mr. H. F. Baxter, originated in an endeavor to ascertain whether Magnetism possessed any influence over Organic Forces ; and the kind of experiments that were undertaken for the purpose of solving this question, was that of submitting seeds during vegetation to the influence of magnetism. These experiments, however, having failed to give anv J2i ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. definite or decided result, Mr. Baxter was ultimately, and perhaps naturally, led to ask the question — Does magnetism possess any influence over chemical action? The solution of this question appeared to be almost a necessary preliminary step to the continuation of Mr. Baxter’s original inquiry. The author’s investigations will be found detailed in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, No. 10. The following are the general conclusions deduced from his investigations : 1. That Magnetism (in its static or quiescent -condition), does not excite or originate chemical action. 2. That when substances undergoing chemical action are submitted to the influence of magnetism (in its static or quiescent condition) no increase in the chemical action is observed; but that, 3. Under certain conditions during chemical action, the influence of mag- netism is such as to indicate a directive influence over chemical action; this influence being shown by a rotatory motion of the fluid around the pole of the magnet. 4. Thatit is not necessary for the production of this rotatory motion that the solution should act chemically upon the iron bar forming the pole; for, if the pole be surrounded by a metal ring, the rotation occurs, provided the solution is capable of acting chemically upon this metal ring. 5. That the influence of the magnet, as well as the existence of the chemical action, and its continuation, are essential for the production of this rotation ; and, 6. That the direction of the rotation is dependent upon the poles of the mag- net, being contrary for each pole. ° DOES MAGNETISM INFLUENCE VEGETATION? Mr. H. F. Baxter states that the results of his inquiry into this subject are negative: that is, no positive evidence has been obtained to show that Magne- tism either does or does not influence vegetation. After noticing the opinions of Becquerel, Dutrochet, and Wartmann, the author says:— ‘‘As it may be considered a law in vegetable physiology that all plants have a tendency, during the germination of their seeds, to develop in two diametrically oppo- site directions (the root and the stem), the question arose — Might not this direction be influenced or counteracted by submitting the seeds whilst germi- nating to the influence of magnetic force?”’ Accordingly, a series of exper- iments were undertaken by the author, which are classed under two principal heads: 1st, Those in which the line of magnetic force was directed perpen- dicularly to the plants; and 2d, In which the line of force was directed transversely to the plants. The author gave details of the experiments, which were varied and multiplied. No definite conclusions, however, could be drawn from them relative to the effects of magnetism. — Proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. MAGNETIC DISCREPANCIES. At Point Barrow, the ultima thule or north cape of the American continent, between Mackenzie’s River and Behring’s Straits, the British relief ship Plover waited for Sir John Franklin — waited and hoped for two long years, from the summer of 1852 to the summer of 1854, when hope failed, and her crew came home. During those two long, dreary, solid winter nights, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 125 Capt. Maguire and his officers amused themselves with observing and recording for seventeen months unremittingly the hourly variations of the needle and the shifting scenery of the Aurora. Their observatory was the sand of the shore with a dome of ice slabs lined with seal-skin fur. Their instruments had come from Woolwich; their observations were as skilful and exact as those of their fellow officers at Toronto, and their results have been reduced, under the eye of the same master-mind in London, Major- General Sabine, the highest authority living in this particular branch of science. To the astonishment of all, these observations at Point Barrow have turned out to be in some respects the direct reverse of those at Toronto. While the regular solar declination of the needle follows the same law, the needle bending furthest to the east and west at the same hours of the day at both places, the disturbance diurnal variation at the one is just the opposite of what it is at the other — the west of one agrees with the east of the other, and the east of the one with the west of the other,—a difference the more remarkable, since, at both places, there can be no doubt that the sun’s heat is the cause of the disturbance of the needle. At the same time the auroral exhibitions keep time with the magnetic disturbances. Out of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight hourly observations in three months of 1852-53, four hundred and sixty-one showed an aurora; and out of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven in the corresponding quarter of the following year, six hundred and sixteen exhibitions of the aurora took place. Six days out of seven, during these six months of night, the auroral light replaced the sun light. For the first time, then, in the annals of me- teorological science, the apparitions of this polar spectre have been studied steadily and long enough to fix them to the different hours of the solar day, and it is found that not a single record of their appearance was made between eleven o’clock in the morning and three in the afternoon, whereas one hundred and two are recorded at one o’clock at night. From this, their favorite hour, their visits regularly decrease in number until midday, and increase as regularly through all the evening hours up to midnight. But this beautiful cycle of illumination for those polar wastes leaves us in total darkness as to its hidden cause. And, to make perplexing conjectures more perplexed, there seems to be a law of agreement between the frequency of the auroras and the disturbances of the needle toward the west, but not toward the east. ON THE INTENSITY OF THE TERRESTRIAL MAGNETIC FORCE. Mr. J. Drummond, in a communication to the British Association, 1858, stated that, in comparing the observations of dip with those of intensity, he had found some anomalous results, of which the following is an example. In the diurnal variation the dip is at a minimum about 8 A. M., ata maximum about 11 A. M., after which it decreases to a minimum again about 2 Pp. M. Turning now to the intensity, the maximum is found to occur about 8 A. M., and the minimum about 11 A. M., after which it again increases, reaching a maximum in the afternoon. From these facts, then, it would appear that, while the earth exerts a greater attracting power over the needle about 11 A. M., than either before that hour or after it, the intensity of the force by which this is accomplished is then at its minimum. In other words, we are driven to the conclusion, that the earth exerts a greater attracting power by a mini- mum of force than by a maximum,—a conclusion entirely at variance with fi* i126 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. all our knowledge of the magnetic force. This anomalous result the author traced to the assumption laying at the foundation of the present theory of the intensity, viz., that the terrestrial force is exerted in the direction of the dip; and from an analysis of the phenomena of the dip he arrived at the following laws:—1. That the true direction in which the earth’s force is ex- erted is in the radial line of its centre, at least so within certain limits, the earth being a spheroid and not a sphere. 2. That the force being at all points upon the earth’s surface exerted in the radial line of its centre, and the vibrations of a horizontal needle being therefore, at all stations, made at right angles to the direction of the force, their number at any two or more stations in similar times, or at different periods in similar times, indicates exactly the ratio of the force at each station and at each period. ON FLUORESCENCE PRODUCED BY THE AURORA. Mr. T. R. Robinson, of Armagh, in a letter to the Phil. Magazine, writes as follows: On the occasion of an aurora of more than average brightness, on the 14th of March, 1858, I availed myself of the opportunity to try whether this light was rich in those highly refrangible rays which produce fluorescence, and which are so abundant in the light of the electric discharges; and I found it to be so. A drop of desulphate of quinine on a porcelain tablet seemed like a luminous patch on a faint ground; and crystals of platino- cyanide of potassium were so bright, that the label on the tube which con- tained them (and which by lamplight could not be distinguished from the salt at a little distance) seemed almost black by contrast. These effects were so strong, in relation to the actual intensity of the light, that they appear to afford an additional evidence of the electric origin of the phenomenon. RELATIONS OF MATTER AND FORCE. The late Dr. Samuel Brown, of Edinburgh, whose scientific essays have recently been published, was one of the boldest and most original thinkers among the scientists of the present century. His speculations concerning ultimate connection of matter and force, as embodied in the following para- graph, are especially worthy of notice. “A particle,” he says, ‘‘is a molecular nucleus, surrounded by five polar spheres of force; the first, that of repulsion, which is never overpassed in the chemical, any more than the first repulsive sphere of the sun is in the astro- nomical, operations of nature; the second, that of proper chemical affinity ; the third, that of repulsion, which hinders the compression of a solid body by surrounding forces; the fourth, the attractive sphere of solidiformity ; and the fifth, the repulsive sphere of gasiformity. It is called a molecular nucleus to distinguish from both the point of infinite repulsion defined by Boscovich, and the solid nucleus of Newton, and to indicate that the chemist has no more to do with what is within his ultimate atoms than the astronomer with what is within his stars. Nor is it meant that there are no more than five spheres of force; but only that the chemical atomician, contemplating matter under the conditions of gasiformity, liquidity, solidity, and chemical combination, has to consider these five alone. off Neem += ALE EEC EF oe 56°62 Carbonate of potash vo... oo. hia staf: rb 8 OE IC Sb ABOO DEP 27:02 Hyposulphite of potash...........5...% CPSs Pre oe te Pa 757 Sulphid of potassium........... lye Ce BR Pde ONS 1-06 248 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Hdrnte of potaeht i452. 29-f ais cries ARS 1:26 Sulphoey anid OF potassivumavsctjsr5: lapmuan eae «sprained dementia basin tas Lee 2-3 Carbonate of ammonia.............. These analyses show clearly that the residues of the explosion of gunpow- der consist essentially of sulphate and carbonate of potash, and not of sulphid of potassium, as is erroneously assumed in military books. The gaseous products of the explosion were found to be — Carboni aCid. oecesesescep ose bces TT Po oe 52°67 Nitpogen’.\2 54 i. Rfelsievareiale claiets etereles> ciefasei ta ercbetersreneyc nis don puke versie o.. 41°12 CARDOSO Ds iio. aac chin hos ace ben Meme sane tara ust s'< act 3°88 FIV GROROR a naicnacmeaises nas “eh sange Sinje\e winteiclarers icmia = eiaiateaiein etare) ote 1:21 OMA OT MYO PORE ca. cain s ainiaiaincore CLASSIFICATION OF THE METAMORPHIC STRATA OF THE ATLANTIC SLOPE OF THE MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN STATES. BY PROF. H. D. ROGERS. The following is a concise sketch of the Geological composition of the Atlantic Slope of the Middle and Southern States, derived chiefly from a study of the formations of this portion of Pennsylvania. 4s GEOLOGY. 301 Discarding from our present survey the newer deposits of the region, or those long, narrow, superficial troughs of unconformably overlying red and gray shales and sandstones of mesozoic, or middle secondary age, which partially cover the older or crystalline, and semi-crystalline strata, and restricting our attention to these, we shall find that, when carefully studied, they rank themselves, so far as they admit of subdivision at all, into three natural physical groups. All the sedimentary mineral masses, without exception, are in a condition, more or less, of metamorphism or transforma- tion from the earthy to the crystalline state by heat, and therefore, using the term in a critical sense, all of them are Metamorphic Rocks. In the more current conventional application of this word, only some of them, however, pertain to the usually recognized Metamorphic or Gneissic series; others belong unequivocally to the Paleozoic, or ancient life-representing system, while others again constitute an extensive, intermediate group, not typically gneissic or granitoid in their degree of crystalline structure or metamorphism on the one hand, nor yet fossiliferous on the other, at least so far as the closest scrutiny can discover. For a long while, indeed, from the commence- ment of geological researches in this district of the Atlantic slope, until the geological surveys of Pennsylvania and Virginia had unravelled the com- position and structure of the region, all of these ancient, and more or less altered strata of the Atlantic slope, from its summit in the Blue Ridge and South Mountain, to its base at the margin of tide water, were regarded and designated alike as primary rocks, and were supposed to constitute but one group, and that the oldest known to geologists. Early, however, in the course of those surveys, it came to light that by far the larger portion of the rocky masses of at least the middle and northwestern tracts of the Atlantic slope, including much of the Blue Ridge and of the Green Mountains, was of a different type and age from the oldest metamorphic, or true gneissic system. The evidence in support of this conclusion was, first, an obvious and very general difference in the composition of the two sets of strata; secondly, a marked difference in their conditions of metamorphism, and thirdly and more especially, a striking contrast in their directions and man- ner of uplift, the plications and undulations of the less metamorphic series, dipping almost invariably southeastward, while the gneiss presents in many localities, no symmetrical foldings, but only a broad outcrop, dipping to a different quarter. These structural dissimilitudes imply essential differences in the direction and date of the crust movements, lifting and transforming the respective groups, and led the geologists of Pennsylvania and Virginia to a conviction, that over at least many tracts, a physical unconformity, both in stripe and dip, would be yet discovered. It was not, however, till a relatively late date in the prosecution of the geological survey of Pennsyl- vania, that the geologists of that state detected there positive evidences of this physical break, and interval in time between the two groups of strata, and established by ocular proof the correctness of the previous induction. This unconformity, reflecting so much light on the whole geology of the Atlantic slope, was first clearly discerned in tracing the common boundary of the two formations from the Schuylkill to the Brandywine, and the Sus- quehanna; but it was quickly afterwards recognized on the borders of the gneissic district, north of the Chester County limestone valley, and again, soon after, in the Lehigh Hills at their intersection with the Delaware. Prior to the suspension of the geological survey from 1843 to 1851, the true Paleozic Age of the non-fossiliferous crystalline marbles and semi- 26 302 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. crystalline talcoid slates, and vitreous sandstones of the Chester and Mont- gomery Valley, had been clearly demonstrated by the State geologist, through a comparison of the strata with their corresponding formations in a less altered condition further north; but it was not until the resumption of field research, upon the revival of the survey in 1851, that any distinctive fossils were detected in these greatly changed rocks, which even in their original state seem to have been almost destitute of their usual organic remains. Assembling all the evidence which we now possess, we have in the Atlan- tic slope by actual demonstration but one physical break or horizon of unconformity throughout the whole immense succession of altered crystal- line, sedimentary stratra, and within this region but one paleontological horizon, that, namely, of the already-discovered dawn of life among the American strata. This latter plane or limit, marking the transition from the non-fossiliferous or azoic deposits to those containing organic remains, lies within the middle of the primal series or group of the Pennsylvania Survey, that is to say,in the Primal White Sandstone, which even where very vitreous, and abounding in crystalline mineral segregations, contains its distinctive fossil, the Scolithus linearis. The primal slates beneath the sandstone, and in immediate alternation with it, possess not a vestige of organic life, nor has any such been discovered anywhere within the limits of the Atlantic slope, or on the northern or western borders of the great Appa- lachian basin of North America, either in this lower primal state, or in the other semi-metamorphic grits and schists physically conformable with it, and into which the true Paleozoia sequence of our formations physically extends downward. We have thus, then, two main horizons, subdividing the more or less metamorphic strata of the Atlantic slope into three systems or groups; the one, a physical break or interruption in the original deposi- tion of the masses; the other, a life-limit or plane, denoting the first advent, so far as is yet discovered, of organic beings. As these two planes are not coincident, but include between them a thick group of sedimentary rocks, separated from the lower physically, from the upper ontologically, we are fully authorized, in the existing state of research, to employ a classification, which recognizes a threefold division of all these lower rocks. To the most ancient or lowest group, it is proposed to continue the name of gneiss, pre- ferring, however, to call this division generically the GNEISSIC SERIES, employing sometimes the technical synonyme Hypozoic, proposed by Pro- fessor John Phillips, for these lowest of the metamorphic strata. To the great middle group, less crystalline than the gneissic, and yet destitute of fossils, the descriptive terms semi-metamorphic or Azoic are applicable. And to the third uppermost system, or entire succession of the American Appalachian strata from the primal, containing the earliest traces of life, to the latest true coral rocks, or last deposits of the Appalachian sea, it is here proposed to affix, as for many years past, the well-chosen title, conferred on corresponding formations in Europe, of the Paleozoic, or ancient life- entombing system or series. Thus we have the Hypozoic rocks, or those underneath any life-bearing strata; Azoic, or those destitute of any discovered relics of life; and Paleozoic, or those entombing the remains of the earth’s most ancient extinct forms of once living beings. The Atlantic slope of Pennsylvania includes all these three systems of strata. Where the azoic strata display their maximum amount of crystalline structure or metamorphism, they often simulate the true ancient hypozoic GEOLOGY. 303 or eneissic rocks so closely, and they are indeed so identical with them in mineral aspect and structure, that the observer is baffled in his attempts to distinguish the two groups lithologically ; nevertheless, it clearly appears, as the sections illustrating this country prove, that they are distinct systems, occupying separate zones, susceptible of independent definition on the geological map. At the time of the first construction of the general geological map of the State, the true limits separating the hypozoic or gneissic from the azoic or semi-metamorphic rocks were but vaguely understood, and the State geolo- gist did not venture to define them on the map, but shaded the one system into the other, indicating, however, what he has since proved, that the true eneissic rocks, in their southwestward course, pass out of the State at the Susquehanna, only a short distance north of its southern boundary, while the azoic, or talco-micaceous group, as a genuine, downward extension of the primal, paleozic series, widens progressively going westward, until, from a very narrow outcrop at the River Schuylkill, it occupies at the Susquehanna the whole broad zone south of the limestone valleys of the Conestoga and Codorus streams in Lancaster and York counties. Since the revival of the field work of the survey, the dividing limit of these two sets of metamorphic strata has been traced and mapped with precision. To the southwest of the Susquehanna it has never, it is believed, been pursued through Maryland and the other southern States, though one may readily discern it in going northward or westward from Baltimore, or ascending the Atlantic slope in Virginia. In Maryland it crosses the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad about twelve miles north of Baltimore, and it is intersected by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad a little east of Sykesville; it crosses the Potomac above Georgetown, and the James River in Virginia, west of Richmond. The line of boundary is, however, not a simple one, but is intricately looped, in con- sequence of numerous nearly parallel anticiinal foldings of the strata, send- ing promontories or fingers of the older rocks, within the area of the newer or semi-metamorphic, to the west of their average boundary, and causing, of course, corresponding troughs, or synclinal folds of the newer, to enter eastward of the average boundary, the general area of the older. The Atlantic slope has received hitherto so little exact geological study, that we are, as yet, without the data for determining with any precision, either the succession of its much broken and closely-plicated strata, or the geographi- cal limits which separate even the larger sub-groups. It is sufficient, how- ever, for our present purpose, to show the existence and the approximate range of two great metamorphic systems, separated by a physical break; and the conformable relations of the later or upper of these to well-known lower paleozoic formations of the Appalachian chain. ON THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE APPALACHIAN CHAIN IN WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS. At arecent meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Mr. C. H. Hitchcock exhibited a diagram of a geological section from Greenfield to Charlemont, Mass., and gave the following explanation of it: This section was measured in October, 1857. The design of it is to show the amount of erosion since the strata were brought into their present position. I will enumerate the rocks in order, going from east to west, beginning at 894 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY Greenfield. At Greenfield we find the Connecticut River Sandstone dipping forty degrees east. Leaving the valley we strike the Calcareomica-slate in Shelburne, having a dip of sixty-seven degrees east. This rock consists of micaceous slates and schists interstratified with bluish-gray silicious lime- stone. The dip gradually increases to thirty-eight degrees east at two anda third miles from the commencement of the rock; when, upon East Mountain, we find a beautiful mica-slate which cleaves into large tables, and is gen- erally destitute of limestone. The dip of this is forty degrees east, and it extends one and one-third miles. Then, just below the top of East Moun- tain, upon the west side, there is about fifty feet thickness of hornblende slate, of which the dip is twenty-eight degrees east. Passing into the valley of the Deerfield River, gneiss is found, becoming gradually nearly horizontal. Between this rock and the hornblende slate above, it is hard to draw the line. Most of the gneiss has hornblendic layers interstratified with it sparingly; but at the top of the gneiss the hornblende predominates; the rock being in some places nothing but a heavy, unctuous, shining mass of hornblende crystals. West of Shelburne Falls the gneiss begins to dip to the west. The extent of the gneiss is four and one-third miles, mostly in a deep valley. At East Charlemont the hornblende slate is found above the gneiss, cor- responding in character and thickness to the same rock in Shelburne. Then follows the beautiful mica-slate, sparingly interstratified with limestone, and lastly the caleareomica-slate, corresponding to the rock at the east end of the section. Here, at the end of the section in Charlemont centre, the strata are perpendicular, running north and south, and stand side by side with talcose slate. The Deerfield River makes a bend just above Shelburne Falls, so that the section crosses the river twice, and continues for two or three miles further in the valley. Had asection been measured across the river at Shelburne Falls village at right angles to the stream, it would have exhibited a moun- tain, west of the river, possessing all the characters of East Mountain ina reverse order. Thus we find an anticlinal axis, with the same strata upon the opposite sides of the ridge at their proper distances. The inference is that the strata were once continuous, and that the material has been denuded. A measurement upon the protracted section gives 3,350 feet, or three-fifths of a mile, as the height above the present level of the former strata. This is taken from the lowest level upon the section. As we go east or west from this central point, the surface rises; consequently the thickness of the denuded strata constantly diminishes in these directions. The denuded sur- face is eleven miles wide. From the bend in Deerfield River above Shelburne Falls the stream con- tinues westward in a deep valley for twenty miles, to Hoosac mountain, before turning northwards. This valley has probably been excavated in like manner; but no exact measurement can be made of the amount of erosion, because the river crosses perpendicular strata. A line drawn from the sum- mits on either side of the valley to each other would give large results; but they would not be equal to the truth. Let us now look at the first described erosion in another light. The gneiss rock at the bottom is exposed over an oval area about three miles by two. If ten observers should start from the centre of the oval, and travel in as many different radiating directions, they would all see the same succession of rocks, and in the same order. The dip is quaquaversal, gradually return- GEOLOGY, 305 ing to an anticlinal axis at a few miles distance north and south. Hence there has been a cap denuded, three-fifths of a mile thick. Doubtless, all along this anticlinal axis, wherever the upper rocks have been removed, the eneiss beneath will be discovered. It corresponds to the gneiss and horn- blende slate of eastern Hampshire and western Worcester counties, and would seem thus to lie below the Metamorphosed Silurian rocks. — If so, it should be included among the Hypozoic rocks. Sections similar to the foregoing have been measured and described by English geologists. Not being aware of any similar work in our own coun- try, I have described this section in hope of drawing attention to the subject, and thus insure descriptions of sections far more grand and interesting. I can vouch, on the part of the Vermont survey, for a careful attention to this subject. ORIGIN OF SLATY CLEAVAGE. The view of Mr. Sharpe, presented to the Geological Society of London in 1487, that slaty cleavage is owing simply to pressure, and is at right angles to the line of force, has been established by various facts brought forward by Mr. J. Tyndall. (Phil. Mag. [4] xii. 35.) He shows that a fine clay, or almost any impalpable material, when subjected to pressure and at the same time allowed to spread laterally, takes a laminated structure. White lead, wax, and even cheese, are among the substances which have afforded him evidence on this point. He attributes the effect to the small inequalities which exist in the texture of substances of all kinds. Under pressure the mass yields and spreads out, and the little nodules become converted into laminz, separated from each other by surfaces of weak cohesion, and thus the mass becomes cleavable. The air cavities or fissures also spread out thin under the pressure, and aid in pro:lucing the cleavage: for even dried pipeclay shows such cavities in great numbers, many too small to be seen without a magnifier. Mr. H. C. Sorby had before attributed the cleavage to the effect of such lateral pressure on all the grains or pebbies in the rock; the force making the particles, whether of mica or any stones, to place their larger diameters in the plane at right angles to the direction of the pressure, that is, in the plane of cleavage. He had appealed to facts in the slates of Wales, showing that where mica scales were present, they had this position. This cause may contribute to produce lamination, though not appearing to be necessary to the result. In the Philosophical Magazine for December last, Rev. S. Haughton gives the results of some calculations to ascertain the amount of the pressure which was exerted in cases of the production of slaty cleavage, using as data the degree of distortion or compression of fossils. — Silliman’s Journal. ON LAMINATION AND CLEAVAGE OCCASIONED BY THE MUTUAL POSITION OF THE PARTICLES OF ROCKS WHILE IN IRREGULAR MOTION. Mr. 8. P. Scrope, in a recent communication to the London Geological Society, on the above subject, referred to a former paper read by him before the Society in April, 1856, in which this topic was touched upon, and pro- - posed to carry on the inquiry as to the probable effect, upon the internal structure of rocks, of the mutual friction of their component parts when 26* 306 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. forced into motion under extreme and irregular pressures. He commenced by examining the laws that determine the internal motions of substances possessing a more or less imperfect liquidity, whether homogeneous, or con- sisting of solid particles suspended in, or mixed with, or lubricated by, any liquid, under unequal pressures; and showed that unequal rates of motion must result in the different parts of the substance, and that in the latter case, there will be more or less separation of the solid and coarser from the finer - and liquid particles into different zones or layers; those composed of the former moving less readily than those composed of the latter; and also that the former will, by the friction attending this process, be turned round so as to bring their major axes into the line of direction of the movements; and, if susceptible of tension or disintegration, will be elongated or drawn out in the same direction. In illustration of this law, specimens of marbled paper were produced, being impressions from superficial films of colored matter floating upon water in circular or irregular forms, after they had been sub- jected to motion in one or more directions by lateral pressure, the appear- ances produced bearing a very exact resemblance to those presented by the lamination and occasionally sinuous or contorted structure of the ribboned lavas of Ponza, Ischia, the Ascension Isles, etc., as well as that of the gneiss and mica-schist. The author proceeded to state that the expansion of a sub- terranean mass of granite by increase of temperature, to which all geologists agree in ascribing the elevation of overlying rocks, must be accompanied by great internal movements, and consequent mutual friction among the com- ponent parts, and even among the individual crystals; that, if a lubricating ingredient, such as water holding silex in solution, or gelatinous silex, be intimately mixed up with the more solid crystals (as there is great reason to believe to have been the case in granite), the friction will be lessened, especially in the central or inferior parts of the mass, where the expand- ing movement, or intumescence, may be supposed nearly uniform in all directions. But in the lateral and higher portions directly exposed to the resistance and pressure of the overlying rocks, shouldered off on either side by the expanding granitic axis, the movement will probably have been so predominant and extreme in a direction at right angles, or nearly so, to the pressure, as to give rise to a lameller arrangement of the solid crystals, in the manner before indicated. In this manner, he supposes the foliation or lamination of gneiss and mica-schist to have been produced through the “squeeze and jam” of the lateral and superficial portions of a granitic mass expanding by increase of temperature, and the giving way of the overlying rocks, those portions being forced to move in the direction of the lamination while subject to intense pressure at right angles, or nearly so, to that direc- tion. The author argues that it is not inconsistent with this view to suppose that a certain amount of recrystallization may have accompanied or followed this lameller arrangement, in which case also the major axes of the crystals would be likely to take a direction perpendicular to the pressure, since the mobility necessary to the crystallific action would be freer in that, than in any other direction. He likewise points out that the influence of internal friction accompanying motion under extreme and irregular pressures, must have been equally operative in the case of aqueous as of igneous rocks, under similar circumstances of imperfect liquidity, and irrespective of changes of temperature. And he suggests that to this cause may be attributable the internal structure of some veined marbles, calcareous breccias, serpentines, etc., as well as the cleavage of the slaty rocks; as, indeed, the experiments GEOLOGY. 307 of Mr. Sorby and of Professor Tyndall have already indicated. He con- cludes by suggesting to all geologists engaged in the examination of rocks, the above mechanical considerations, as likely to lead to more definite views than at present prevail as to the origin of the metamorphic schists, and the internal structure of many of the older and more disturbed rocks of all characters. ‘ ON A GRADUAL ELEVATION OF THE COAST OF SICILY. At a recent meeting of the London Geological Society, Sir Charles Lyell read a paper from Signor Gemmellaro, ‘‘ On the gradual elevation of a part of the.Coast of Sicily, from the mouth of the Simeto to the Onobola,” in which the author described in detail the physical evidences observed by him along a great part of the eastern coast of Sicily, which prove: 1st. That from the shores of the Simeto to the Onobola, undeniable characters of the former levels of the sea, in the recent period, are traceable from place to place. 2ndly. That great blocks of lava, with blunted angles, and rolled and corroded on the surface, a calcareo-siliceous shelly deposit, and a marine breccia, which are seen at different heights above the present sea-level, are the effects of the continued and daily action of the waves of the sea at suc- cessive levels. 3rdly. That the existence and disposition of the holes of the Modiola lithophaga (Lamarck), in the calcareo-siliceous shelly deposit, and the local presence of shells, both Gasteropods and lamellibranchiates, in their normal positions, support the view of a slow and gradual elevation of the coast. 4thly and lastly. That the lithodomous molluscs and the cale- siliceous deposit being found on the Cyclopean Islands (Faraglioni) up to the height of almost thirteen metres, and large rolled blocks of lava, invested with Serpule, being also found there to the height of fourteen metres, a mean height of thirteen metres and five decim. is established, as the greatest ex- tent of the now undeniable gradual elevation of this portion of the coast of Sicily during the present period. ON THE GEOLOGICAL CAUSES THAT HAVE INFLUENCED THE SCE- NERY OF CANADA AND THE NORTH-EASTERN PROVINCES OF THE UNITED STATES. The following is a resumé of a paper recently read before the Royal Insti- tution, London, by Prof. Ramsay, on the above subject: , The island of Belleisle, and the Laurentine chain of mountains between the shores of Labrador and Lake Superior, consist of gneissic rocks, older than the Huronian formation of Sir William Logan. This gneiss is probably the equivalent of the oldest gneiss of the Scandinavian chain, and of the north- west of Scotland, underlying that conglomerate, which, according to Sir Roderick Murchison, in Scotland represents the Cambrian strata of Long- mynd and of Wales. The mountains of the Laurentine chain present those rounded contours that evince great glacial abrasion; and among the forests ‘north of the Ottowa the mammillated surfaces were observed by the speaker to be often grooved and striated, the striations running from north to south. The whole country has been moulded by ice. Above the metamorphic rocks, in the plains of Canada and the United States, south of ‘the St. Law- rence, and around Lake Ontario, and Lake Erie, the Silurian and Devonian strata lie nearly horizontally, but slightly inclined to the south. Consisting 308 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. of alternations of limestone and softer strata, the rocks have been worn by denudation into a succession of terraces, the chief of these forming a great escarpment, part of which, by the river Niagara, overlooks Queenstown and Lewiston, and, capped by the Niagara limestone, extends from the neigh- borhood of the Hudson to Lake Huron. Divided by this escarpment, the plains of Canada bordering the lakes, and part of the United States, thus consist of two great plateaus, in the lower of which lies Lake Ontario, Lake Irie lying in a slight depression in the upper plane or table land, 329 feet above Lake Ontario. The lower plain consists mostly of Lower Silurian rocks, bounded on the north by the metamorphic hills of the Laurentine chain. The upper plain is formed chiefly of Upper Silurian and Devonian strata. East of the Hudson, the Lower Silurian rocks that form the lower plain of Canada become gradually much disturbed and metamorphosed, and at length, rising into bold hills trending north and south, form in the Green Mountains part of the chain that stretches from the southern extremity of the Appalachian mountains to Gaspé, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Be- tween the plains of the lakes and this range, the steep-terraced mass of the Catskills, formed of old red sandstone, lies above the Devonian rocks facing east and north in a grand escarpment. The whole of America south of the lakes, as far as latitude 40°, is covered with glacial drift, consisting of sand, gravel, and clay, with boulders, many of which, during the submergence of the country, have been transported by ice several hundred miles from the Laurentine chain. Many of these are striated and scratched in a manner familiar to those conversant with glacial phenomena. When stripped of drift, all the underlying rocks are evidently ice-smoothed and striated, the striation generally running more or less from north to south, indicating the direction of the ice-drift during the submergence of the country at the gla- cial period. The banks of the St. Lawrence near Brockville, and all the Thousand Islands, have been rounded and moutonné by glacial abrasion dur- ing the drift period. The submergence of the country was gradual, and the depth it attained is partly indicated in the east flank of the Catskill moun- tains. This range, near Catskill, rans north and south, about ten or twelve miles from the right bank of the Hudson. The undulating ground between the river and the mountains is seen to be covered with striations wherever the drift has been removed. These have a north and south direction; and ascending the mountains to Mountain House, the speaker observed that their flanks are marked by frequent grooves and glacial scratches, running, not down hill, as they would do if they had been produced by glaciers, but north and south horizontally along the slopes, in a manner that might have been produced by bergs grating along the coast during submergence. These striations were observed to reach the height of 2,850 feet above the sea. In the gorge, where the hotel stands at that height, they turn sharply round, trending nearly east and west; as if, at a certain period of submergence, the floating ice had been at liberty to pass across its ordinary course in a strait between two islands. During the greatest amount of submergence of the country, the glacial sea in the valley of the Hudson must have been be- tween 3,000 and 4,000 feet deep, and it is probable that even the highest tops of the Catskills lie below the water. In Wales, it has been shown that during the emergence of the country in the glacial epoch, the drift, in some cases, was ploughed out of the valleys by glaciers; but, though the Catskill moun- tains are equally high, in the valleys beyond the great eastern escarpment the drift still exists, which would not have been the case had glaciers filled GEOLOGY. 309 these valleys during emergence in the way that took place in the passes of Llanberis and Nant-Francon, and in parts of the Highlands of Scotland. It has been stated above that the upper plain around Lake Erie, and the lower plain of Lake Ontario, are alike covered with drift. Part of this was formed, and much of it modified, during the emergence of the country. In the val- ley of the St. Lawrence, near Montreal, about 100 feet above the river, there are beds of clay, containing Leda Portlandica, and called by Dr. Dawson, of Montreal, the Leda-clay. Dr. Dawson is of opinion, that, when this clay was formed, the sea in which it was deposited washed the base of the old coast line that now makes the great escarpment at Queenstown and Lewiston overlooking the plains around Lake Ontario. It has long been an accepted belief that the Falls of Niagara commenced at the edge of this escarpment, and that the gorge has gradually been produced by the river wearing its way back for seven miles to the place of the present Falls. In this case, the author conceives that the Falls commenced during the deposition of the Leda-clay, or near the close of the drift period, when, during the emergence of the coun- try, the escarpment had already risen partly above water. If the 35,000 years suggested by Sir C. Lyell as the minimum for the time occupied in the erosion of the gorge of Niagara be approximately correct, though probably below the reality, we have an idea of the amount of time that has elapsed since the close of the drift-period. And, if it be ever found possible to accurately determine the ancient rate of recession, we shall have data for a first approach to an actual measurement of a portion of geologi- cal time. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. Livingston’s theory of the structure of the southern part of the African Con- tinent is essentially new to the great body of naturalists, misled, as they have been since the beginning of the century, by the huge blotch of red paint by which geologists have chosen to represent a supposed central plateau of lava, in correspondence with a similar formation in the centre of the Peninsula of British India. It turns out that this is a mere analogy, a fiction and mistake. Murchison developed, in his anniversary speech of 1852, from a study of Bain’s map, the same idea which Livingston obtained by his own experience onthe ground. Travelling among large Cape heaths, rhododendrons and Al- pine roses, the botanist felt himself moving over a high table land, although under a tropical sun. Descending suddenly from the centre of Africa five thousand feet into the land of Cassange, watered by the river Quango, guided in his estimate of depth by the rude method of plunging his ther- mometer into boiling water, noticing the thin red strata of mud-rocks to lie nearly horizontal, and remembering the enormous shallow lakes and laby- rinth of mighty rivers forming the Zambesi and issuing through a deep gorge upon the Indian coast, he thought he saw beneath him a recently and slowly uplifted continent, of platter shape, with broken edges on the east and west. The great north and south valley of Congo River cuts this conti- nental plateau to its base. Mounting the opposite or western wall of the valley, and crossing the western division of the plateau, he descended upon the Loango coast, over the upturned edges of the rocks. He saw at once why the long western coast of Africa is so straight. Like that of South America, it runs along a deep geological break in the earth’s crust, but unaccompanied by erupted Andes and volcanic cones. It seems, however, 310 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. to haye escaped both Dr. Livingstone and Sir Roderick Murchison that the wide north and south cleft through the plateau, at the bottom of which the Congo meanders, must have been occasioned by just such a broad anticlinal wave in the rocks as that which geologists in America call the Cincinnati axis, separating the eastern and. western coal-fields, although its nearest likeness is to the north and south valleys of the Jordan and the Nile. CONDUCTING POWER OF ROCKS—ALTITUDE OF MOUNTAINS NOT INVARIABLE. BY CHARLES MACLAREN. Mr. Hopkins, of Cambridge, has made some rather interesting experiments on the conductivity or conducting power of different substances for heat, of which an account was laid before the Royal Society of London, in June last. Without attempting to describe his processes, we give his more important results, and in decimals, the conductivity of “‘ igneous rock”’ (trap or granite, we presume), saturated with moisture, being taken as unity. Chalk, in the ee ae Riotalelelctetat cise tore otakaterar sone ecareteste0SO Clay, Berets wth SRE end. ctaee dates Deraeiters Siddatecsieia were nO Sand, ee 6. eyes aes aeawiiseiden: Cette ci ei Aaae LOD Sand coal clay, CS ee id Sesta:adeyel ches eiceercuciaie ee shoSO eyertiey ob sinaie 110 The conductivity of the following rocks is given in two states —adry, and saturated with water: Dry. Saturated. Chalk ang) ockorasscnerswcies a sais ee cmisielide sels cpe age) 30 Oolite TOK .ciisisjein,cteys sfateioteiatelalsleloratalatets oleletnlelaisielslalelelopeiaie’= 30 “40 Hard compact eae: eyeirass hey « tayelataeiteteinelsia aieideiere ae eo 5D Siliceous HEw._Ted SANASLONE «... «10 0,0.j01 0. « e10.0:010.010 0.010 siapeo “60 IBSECOSUOUME seer ors eleva iegeiaioyois (oie ceiar-ialete oistaislaleieisisialebeyera piicieials 83 “45 Hard compact sandstone (millstone grit)..... .. SBE. “76 Hard compact old sedimentary..........2cccsccesceee 50 ‘61 Tencour rockal 75.05 she Saas « ieiivisintite wes Dainaiee nse aterths 1.00 The effect of pressure on the conducting power of substances was also tried, and proved to be almost nothing. A pressure of 7500 Ibs. on a square inch of bees-wax, spermaceti, and chalk, had no appreciable effect. Uncom- pressed clay, which had a conducting power of °26, had the same raised to ‘33 by a pressure of 7500 lbs. Sandstone, with conducting power of ‘5, divided into strata each one foot thick, when compared with a similar mass in one block, had its conducting power diminished »';th. When the strata were only six inches thick, the diminution was -|,th. The effect of discontinuity of substance is, therefore, small. Saturation with moisture, on the other hand, produces generally a great effect, as will be seen on comparing the dry and saturated blocks of chalk, the dry and saturated new red sandstone, and again the dry and sat- urated “igneous rocks.” These facts have a certain bearing on a geological question — namely, the transmission of heat from the interior of the earth to the crust. The oolite, for instance, conducts heat much better than the chalk, the sandstone better than the oolite, the igneous rock better than the sandstone, and in all cases the rock charged with moisture better than the dry rock. But Mr. Hopkins would have added to the value of his paper, if he had ascertained by experi- GEOLOGY. 311 ment the quantity of water absorbed by each rock at given temperatures, and whether the conductivity is exactly in proportion to the absorption. In illustration of the use that may be made of the tables, we would refer to certain remarks made by Dr. Robinson, on a paper read by Professor Hen- nessey, at a recent meeting of the British Association. The subject was “The Direction of Gravity at the Earth’s Surface.” In alluding to certain supposed local and temporary changes of level, he mentioned the following curious fact: — “‘ He found the entire mass of rock and hill on which the Armagh Observatory is erected, to be slightly, but to an astronomer quite perceptibly, tilted or canted at one season to the east, at another to the west. This he at first attrib- uted to the varying power of the sun’s radiation to heat and expand the rock throughout the year; but he subsequently had reason to attribute it rather to the infiltration of water to the parts where the clay-slate and lime- stone rocks met. The varying quantity of this (water) through the year he now believed exerted a powerful hydrostatic energy, by which the position of the rock is slightly varied.’””? With the light furnished by Mr. Hopkins’s experiments, we may pronounce the explanation satisfactory. Armagh and its observatory stand on a hill at the junction of the mountain limestone with the clay-slate, having, as it were, one leg on the former, and the other on the latter, and both rocks probably reach downwards one or two thousand feet. When rain falls, the one will absorb more water than the other; both will gain an increase of conductive power, but the one which has absorbed most water will have the greatest increase; and being thus the better conductor, will draw a greater portion of heat from the hot nucleus below to the surface — will become, in fact, temporarily hotter, and, as a consequence, expand more than the other. In a word, both rocks will expand at the wet season; but the best con- ductor, or most absorbent rock, will expand most, and seem to tilt the hill to one side ; at the dry season tt will subside most, and the hill will seem to be tilted in the opposite direction. The fact is curious, and not less so are the results deducible from it. First, hills are higher at one season than another, a fact we might have supposed, but never could have ascertained by measurement. Second, they are highest, not as we would have supposed at the hottest season, but at the wettest. Third, it is from the different rates of expansion of different rocks that this has been discovered; had the limestones and clay-slate expanded equably, or had Armagh Observatory stood on a hill of homogeneous rock, it would have remained unknown. Fourth, though the phenomenon is in the strictest sense terrestrial, it is by converse with the heavens that it has been made known to us, * DeCandolle, Géographie Botanique raisonnée, p. 1810. GEOLOGY. ole valley, but of less depth, takes its rise, in a direction from south to northeast between Madeira and the Azores; it loses itself close to the coast of Oporto. If we may attribute any importance to these very gencral data, we must admit that during the miocene period the maritime plateau above indicated was solid ground. This country, this ancient Atlantis, would have had the same plants as central miocene Europe, of which the remains are found in the molasse of Switzerland in such astonishing profusion, that I shall be able to give descriptions and figures of about six hundred species in my “Flora Tertiaria.”’” On the coast of this country the marine shells presented a great conformity in America and Europe; and this remarkable phenomenon is still reproduced, that Europe has more littoral than deep-sea species of shells and fishes in common with America; which proves that at one period a band of firm ground must have united these two parts of the world. The Atlantic islands had already risen towards the south coasts of this continent at the diluvian period. That this country was at the bottom of the sea during the miocene epoch, is shown by the fossil shells of Porto Santo and St. Vincent in Madeira and those of the Azores; but that it had emerged at the diluvian period is proved by the terrestrial mollusca of Canical, and the fossil plants of St. Jorge in Madeira. The islands formed at this epoch would have received their vegetation from the Atlantis in the diluvian period, and consequently at an epoch when this continent had entered upon a new phase of development. If we suppose, that then, by a subsequent depression of the soil, the connection with America was destroyed, and subsequently that which existed with Europe, we shall obtain the elements for the explanation of the existing flora of these islands. We there find the remains of the flora of the ancient Atlantis, and, in consequence, many types of the Tertiary flora are retained there whilst they have disappeared in Europe. These remains, with a certain number of other species, form the peculiar plants of these isles, correspond- ing in part with the American species, because they have issued from the same centre of formation. But it is with Europe that these islands have the most species in common, probably because their connection with this conti- nent lasted longer. At the diluvian period the flora of central Europe was displaced by great changes of climate (extension of glaciers, etc.); and as by the depression of the Atlantis the connection with America was destroyed, the new European vegetation could not extend on that side, but only towards the east. It is thus that the characters of the new vegetation would be explained, particu- larly that of the lower countries, whilst the Alps and the north have under- gone less change. This also is the reason of the great analogies which occur between the north of Europe, Asia and America. [ arrive, therefore, at this same conclusion with yourself as regards these latter countries, namely, that the alpine vegetation is certainly the most ancient in our country, and that subsequently, when the climate became warmer, after the glacial epoch, it rose from the low countries to the mountains and Alps. — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ON THE REMAINS OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS DISCOVERED AMONG POST-PLEIOCENE FOSSILS IN SOUTH CAROLINA, The above is the title of a pamphlet recently published by Prof. F. 8. Holmes, the well-known paleontologist of South Carolina, adducing evi- dence to show that, among the fossils collected in South Carolina, from beds 27% 318 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. of the Post-Pleiocene (Tertiary) Age, a number have been found apparently belonging to animals having specific characters in common with recent, or living species not considered indigenous to this country, such as the horse, hog, sheep, ox, ete. These remains, although apparently belonging to recent species, Prof. Holmes believes to be true fossil remains, inasmuch as they were obtained not only from the banks and deltas of rivers, but also in large number from excavations several feet below the surface, and at a distance from any stream, creck, pond, bog or ravine; and in some cases from exca- vations below the high sandy land of cotton-fields. Prof. Leidy, of Philadelphia, who has examined the collections made by Prof. Holmes, and others, from the recent geological formations in South Carolina, and also the localities from whence the most interesting specimens were obtained, writes as follows: ‘‘ The collections consist of a most remark- able intermixture of remains of fishes, reptiles and mammals, from the eocene, and post-pleiocene formations, and consist usually of teeth, often well preserved, but frequently in small fragments, more or less water-worn. Most of the fossils are stained brown or black. By far the greater portion of these are obtained from the post-pleiocene deposit of the Ashley river, about ten miles from Charleston. The country in this locality is composed of a base of whitish eocene marl, containing remains of sgualodon — sharks, and rays — above which is a stratum of post-pleiocene marl, about one foot in thickness, overlaid by about three feet of sand and earth mould. “The post-pleiocene marl contains great quantities of irregular, water-worn fragments of the eocene marl rock from beneath, mingled with sand, black- ened pebbles, water-rolled fragments of bones, and more perfect remains of fishes, reptiles, and mammals, belonging to the post-pleiocene and eocene fossils. “On the shores of the Ashley river, where the post-pleiocene and eocene formations are exposed, the fossils are washed from their beds, and become mingled with the remains of recent indigenous and domestic animals, and objects of human art; so that when a collection is made in this locality, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether the animal remains belong to the formations mentioned or not. Generally, however, we have been able to as- certain where the fossils belong, which we have had the opportunity of exam- ining, from the fact that the greater number were obtained from the deposits referred to in digging into them some distance from the Ashley river. “The collections contain remains of the horse, ox, sheep, hog, and dog, which, I feel strongly persuaded, with the exception of many of those of the first-mentioned animal, are of recent date, and have become mingled with the true fossils of the post-pleiocene and eocene formations, where they have been exposed on the banks of the Ashley river and its tributaries. In regard to the remains of the horse, from the facts stated in the account given of them in the succeeding pages, I think it will be conceded that this animal in- habited the United States during the post-pleiocene period, temporarily with the mastodon, megalonyx, and the great broad-fronted bison. “Many of the mammalian remains are of recent animals, or, at least, are undistinguishable from the corresponding parts of the latter; and if they are not accidental occupants of the post-pleiocene deposit, are highly interesting, as indicating their contemporaneous existence with many species and genera now extinct.* * Remains of the tapir, peccary, and capybara, present a similar association of life to that now confined to South America, GEOLOGY. 319 “‘Tt appears to be quite well authenticated that the horse, which is now so extensively distributed, both in a wild and domestic condition, throughout North and South America, did not inhabit these continents at the time of their discovery by Europeans. With this fact in view, in conjunction with the circumstance that animal remains of late periods may become accidental occupants of earlier geological formations, we should require strong evidence to be advanced before it is admitted that the horse belonged to an ancient fauna of the western world. At the present time the evidence appears ‘to be sufficiently ample to justify the latter conclusion, and it is further sustained by the discovery, in the same part of the world, of the remains of two spe- cies of the closely allied genus Hipparion. “Remains of the horse, discovered in Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chili, have been indicated by Dr. Lund, Prof. Owen, M. Weddell, and M. Gervais. These remains exhibit no well-marked characters distinguishing them from corre- sponding portions of the skeleton of the recent horse; and from a comparison of the figures and descriptions which have been given of most of them, to- gether with some remarks of the latter author, it is doubtful whether they belong to more than a single species, the Equus neogeus of Dr. Lund. “ Prof. Buckland and Sir John Richardson have described remains of the horse, discovered in association with those of the elephant, moose, reindeer, and musk-ox, in the ice-cliffs of Eschscholtz Bay, Arctic America. “In the United States, remains of the horse, chiefly consisting of teeth, have been noticed by Drs. Mitchell,* Harlan,j and DeKay;{ but these gen- tlemen have neither given descriptions nor figures by which to identify the specimens. Some of the latter are stated to have been found in the vicinity of Neversink Hills, New Jersey ; others in the excavation for the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, near Georgetown, District of Columbia; and some in the later tertiary deposit on the Neuse River, in the vicinity of Newbern, North Carolina. Dr. DeKay, in speaking of such remains, says, ‘they resemble those of the common horse, but from their size apparently belonged to a larger animal,’ and he refers them to a species with the name of Lquus major, “Dr. R. W. Gibbes § has given information of the discovery of teeth of the horse in the pleiocene deposit of Darlingtony South Carolina; in Rich- land District, of the same State; in Skidaway Island, Georgia, and on the banks of the Potomac river. He further observes that he obtained the tooth of a horse, from eocene marl, in the Ashley river, South Carolina; but the researches of Prof. Holmes || indubitably indicate the specimen to have been an accidental occupant of the formation. “Specimens of isolated teeth, and a few bones of the horse, from the post- pleiocene and recent deposits of this country, have frequently been submit- ted to my inspection. Many of these I have unhesitatingly pronounced to be relics of the domestic horse, though I feel persuaded that many remains of an extinct species are undistinguishable from the recent one. “Whether more than one extinct species is indicated among the numerous specimens of teeth I have had the opportunity of examining, I have been * Catalogue of Organic Remains, 1826, 7, 8. + Med. a Phys. Researches, 1835, 267. + Zoslogy, New York, pl. 1, Mammalia, 108. § Proc. Amer. Assoc. 1850, 66. || Ibidem, 68. | nw. 320 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. unable satisfactorily to determine. The specimens present so much differ- ence in condition of preservation, or change in structure; so much variation in size, from that of the more ordinary horse to the largest English dray horse; and such variableness in constitution, from that of the recent horse to the most complex condition belonging to any extinct species described, — that it would be about as easy to indicate a half-dozen species as it would two. “ Under the circumstances, I would characterize the extinct horse of the United States as having had about the same size as the recent one, ranging from the more ordinary varieties to the English dray horse, with molar teeth, frequently comparatively simple in construction, but with a strong disposi- tion to become complex. “ Among the number of teeth of the horse in Prof. Holmes’s collection, labelled as coming from the post-pleiocene deposit of Ashley river, there are several, which, from their size, construction, and condition of preservation, I feel convinced are of recent date; and these, no doubt, became mingled with the true fossils of that formation where it is exposed on the Ashley river, in which position I personally found undoubted remains of the recent horse, and other domestic animals, and objects of human art, mingled with remains of fishes, reptiles, and mammals, washed by the river from the banks, composed of eocene and post-pleiocene deposits. “Teeth of an extinct species of horse, however, undoubtedly belong, as true fossils, to the post-pleiocene formations in the vicinity of Charleston. These are usually hard in texture, stained brown or black from the infiltra- tion of oxide of iron, sometimes well preserved, but more frequently in a fragmentary condition and water-worn. Generally, they are not larger than the teeth of the more ordinary varieties of the domestic horse, and some- times are quite as simple in the plication of their enamel; but usually are more complex, and sometimes exceedingly so. ““Among the specimens collected by Prof. H., is a first superior molar tooth, neither larger nor more complex in structure than the corresponding tooth of the recent horse. This specimen, which is dense and jet-black in color, was obtained from a stratum of ferruginous sand, two inches thick, exposed on the side of a. bluff, on Goose Creek, about twelve miles from Charleston. “Having expressed a desire to see the locality from which the tooth just mentioned was obtained, Prof. Holmes afforded me the opportunity of doing so. The bluff is about thirty feet high; its base is formed of a pleiocene limestone, about fifteen feet thick, and composed of the debris of marine shells; above this is the stratum of ferruginous sand, of post-pleiocene age, containing numerous pebbles and rolled fragments of bone, all blackened like the tooth obtained from the same position. Overlying the latter stratum there is a layer of stiff blue clay, about two feet in thickness, and above this there are about twelve feet of sand and earth-mould. “ A remarkably well-preserved specimen of an upper molar tooth, jet-black in color, and an incisor, yellow and quite friable in texture, both belonging to the extinct horse, from North Carolina, have been submitted to my in- spection by Professor Emmons. Among the most interesting of the fossils discovered by Prof. Holmes, in the post-pleiocene beds of the Ashley river, are two molar teeth of a species of the equine genus Hippotherium. These are the first remains of the latter discovered in America, and they indicate the smallest known species. Both specimens are from the upper jaw; and GEOLOGY. 321 they are well characterized, not only by the isolation of the internal median enamel column, but also by the complex plication of the interior or central enamel columns. The larger specimen is firm in texture; has the enamel stained jet-black, and the dentine and cement gray. Tecth of the beaver, jet-black in color, have likewise been obtained from the post-pleiocene deposit of Ashley river. “The collections contain numerous specimens of blackened molar teeth, together with a few incisors and fragments of jaws, from the Ashley post- pleiocene deposit, which neither differ in form nor size from the correspond- ing parts of the recent musk-rat. ‘Remains of Lepus sylvaticus— common gray rabbit — have been found, in association with those of other rodents and of the extinct peccary, near Galena, Illinois. A few specimens of molar teeth, black in color, apparently belonging to this species, were obtained from the post-pleiocene beds of the Ashley river. “Several small fragments of teeth of the Megatherium, in Prof. Holmes’s collection, were obtained from the post-pleiocene bed of the Ashley river. Previously to the discovery of these specimens, remains of the Megatherium had been found in no other locality of North America than in the State of Georgia.” As regards specimens of human art found in connection with these fossils, Prof. Holmes remarks, that this is the case at only one locality, — Ashley Ferry, — which is adjacent toa farm-yard. At other localities, where similar fossils are found, no relics of art have ever been noticed. The fossils from Ashley Ferry present, as a group, the same appearance as those procured inland at some distance from the river, by digging from three to five feet below the surface. Many specimens from the ferry were con- sidered as recent by Prof. Leidy; they appear quite fresh and unchanged in color, and their texture not in the slightest degree altered. To one familiar with the fossils of the South Carolina post-pleiocene, this excites no surprise, as itis of common occurrence, more especially among the shells; for exam- ple, the olive shell — Oliva literata—is found as fresh and highly polished as the recent ones from the sea-beaches along the coast; and Cardium mag- num retains often the delicate yellow and brown markings common to the species. The color or texture of a fossil, therefore, does not always absolutely determine its relative age; as Professor Leidy has himself remarked in a foot-note to his letter alluded to above, viz.: *“* Fossilization, petrification, or lapidification, is no positive indication of the relative age of organic remains. “The Cabinet of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, con- tains bones of the megalonyx, and of the extinct peccary, that are entirely unchanged; not a particle of gelatin has been lost, nor a particle of mineral matter added, and, indeed, some of the bones of the former even have por- tions of articular cartilage and tendinous attachments, well preserved.” From the foregoing it would appear that of the ancient fauna of America, which included representatives of many of our present domestic animals, some species have undoubtedly become extinct; but I confess [am not yet prepared to admit, from any evidence yet adduced, or from my own exami- nations, that all of the living species are distinct from those found fossil in the post-pleiocene. The teeth and bones of the rabbit, raccoon, opossum, deer, elk, hog, dog, sheep, ox, and horse, are often found in these beds; and eee ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY though associated with those known to be extinct, such as mastodon, mega- therium, hipparion, etc., need not necessarily be referred to extinct races also; since their remains cannot be distinguished from the bones and teeth of the living species. Of the mollusca from the same beds, about ninety-five per cent. are, to my mind, identically the same with species now living on the coast of South Carolina. Two species of these shells, though extinct, or not in existence here, are now living in numbers on the coast of Florida and the northern shores of the Gulf of Mexico; and two have no living representatives that we can discover. The question, therefore, naturally suggests itself — Are the living horses, dogs, hogs, raccoons, opossums, deer, elk, tapirs, beavers, etc., and the one hundred and fifty living shells of the coast, the descendants of the animals whose remains we find fossil in the above-named beds? It has been just remarked that about ninety-five per cent., or nearly all of the one hundred and fifty shells of. molluscous animals from these beds, are specifically identical with the recent or living species of the coast, — two are found only at the south of this, and two are extinct. Of the vertebrates from the same bed, the tapir, peccary, raccoon, opossum, deer, musk-rat, rabbit, beaver, and elk, have still their living representatives, generically, if not specifically; and even of the identity of species there seems to be no doubt, as no anatomical differences can be discerned. Two of these species, like the mollusca just alluded to, no longer live in South Carolina; the tapir and peccary are only found in South America and Mexico; the musk-rat, elk, and beaver, though extinct on the Atlantic coast, are still living in the interior of the country. And though it has been acknowledged that the mastodon, megatherium, elephant, glyptodon, and two species of Equine genera, etc., are entirely extinct, yet the discoveries made of the remains even of some of these, would indicate that they still existed at a period so recent, that, in the language of Prof. Leidy, “it is probable the red man witnessed their declining existence.” The peccary, or Mexican hog, an animal common in Mexico, is not indi- genous to the Atlantic United States; but his bones have been found asso- ciated with human remains in caves used as cemeteries by the Aborigines. “A tomb in the city of Mexico,” according to Clavigero (?), “was found to contain the bones of an entire mammoth, the sepulchre appearing to have been formed expressly for their reception.”’ And “ Mr. Latrobe relates that, during the prosecution of some excavations near the city of Tezcuco, one of the ancient roads or causeways was discovered, and on one side, only three feet below the surface, in what: may have been the ditch of the road, there lay the entire skeleton of a mastodon. It bore every appearance of having been coeval with the period when the road was used.” Again I extract from Prof. Leidy’s letter: “The early existence of the genera to which our domestic animals belong, has been adduced as presumptive evidence of the advent of man at a more remote period than is usually assigned. It must be remembered, however, even at the present time, that of some of these genera only a few species are domesticated; thus of the existing six species of Equus (horse) only two have ever been freely brought under the dominion of man. “The horse did not exist in America at the time of its discovery by Euro- peans; but its remains, consisting chiefly of molar teeth, have now been so frequently found in association with those of extinct animals, that it is GEOLOGY. 323 gencrally admitted once to have been an aboriginal inhabitant. When I first saw examples of these remains I was not disposed to view them as relics of an extinct species; for although some presented characteristic dif- ferences from those of previously known species, others were undistinguish- able from the corresponding parts of the domestic horse, and among them were intermediate varieties of form and size. The subsequent discovery of the remains of two species of the closely allied extinct genus Hipparion, in addition to the discovery of remains of two extinct Equine genera of an earlier geological period, leaves no room to doubt the former existence of the horse on the American continent, contemporaneously with the mastodon and megalonyx, and man probably was his companion.” The result of the whole seems to be, that of the animals found fossil in the post-pleiocene beds, all the mollusca of the present day are undoubtedly a perpetuation of the same species; that of the higher order of vertebrata, the tapir, peccary, raccoon, opossum, deer, elk, and musk-rat, are equally entitled to be considered the descendants of this ancient race. And if the claims of the mollusca to this distinction rest upon a secure basis, because they are peculiar to this country, and not obnoxious to suspicion of foreign immigration, it must be recollected that this is equally true of the above- named animals. Those which have hitherto been regarded as of recent and European ori- gin, are the horse, sheep, hog, and ox; and it must be reserved perhaps for future consideration to determine how far the negative proof of the non- existence of these animals in the country at the time of its discovery may be regarded in each individual case sufficiently strong to settle the question of his extinction and reintroduction, when so many of his associates and contemporaries have succeeded in maintaining an unbroken line of descent down to the present day. Prof. Agassiz’s opinion in relation to these relics is expressed as follows: There is hardly anything of interest in the bones themselves, since they all belong to well-known types; yet their simultaneous occurrence in the same beds, showing that they lived together at a time when the white man had not yet planted himself upon this continent, render their association undis- puted. How does it happen that horses, sheep, bulls, and hogs, not distinguish- able from our domestic species, existed upon this continent, together with the deer, the musk-rat, the beaver, the hare, the opossum, the tapir, which in our days are peculiar to this continent, and not found in the countries where our domesticated animals originated? The whole matter might seem to admit of any easy solution by supposing that the native American horse, sheep, bull, and hog, were different species from those of the Old World, even though the parts preserved show no specific differences; but this would be a mere theoretical solution of a difficulty which seems to me to have far deeper meaning, and to bear directly upon the question of the first origin of organized beings. The circumstances under which these remains are found, admit of no doubt but the animals from which they are derived existed in North Amer- ica long before this continent was settled by the white race of men, together with animals which to this day are common in the same localities, such as the deer, the musk-rat, the opossum and others only now found in South America, such as the tapir. This shows, beyond the possibility of a contro- versy, that animals which cannot be distinguished from one another, may $24 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. originate independently in different fauna; and I take it that the facts you have brought together, are a satisfactory proof that horses, sheep, bulls, and hogs, not distinguishable at present from the domesticated species, were called into existence upon the continent of North America prior to the com- ing of the white race to these parts, and that they had already disappeared here when the new comers set foot upon this continent. But the presence of tapir teeth among the rest, show also that a genus peculiar to South America and the Sunda Islands existed also in North America in those days, and that its representative of that period is not distinguishable from the South Amer- ican species. It would be desirable, in this stage of the inquiry, to compare your tapir teeth with those of the species from Central America, which is considered distinct from the Brazilian species. This circumstance leads naturally to the question of the specific identity of all these animals with those now living in the same locality, and with the domesticated species. And here I confess the difficulty to be almost insuperable, or at least hardly approach- able in the present state of our science, when the views of naturalists are so divided as to what are species among the genera bos, ovis, capra. For my- self, I entertain doubt respecting the unity of origin of the domesticated horses. But whatever be the final result of this inquiry, this much is already established by the fossils you have collected, that horses, hogs, bulls, and sheep, were among the native animals of North America, as early as the common American deer, the opossum, the beaver, the musk-rat, etc. Fossil Remains of the Horse in New York.— At a recent meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Dr. A. A. Gould announced, on the authority of Dr. Skilton, of Troy, N. Y., the discovery of a number of teeth of the fossil horse, in Brunswick, Renssalaer County, N. Y., during the trench- ing of aspot of marshy ground. The whole number of teeth obtained was seventeen. INTERESTING EXPLORATION OF A BONE CAVERN. At the last meeting of the British Association, Leeds, 1858, Mr. W. Pen- gelly read a paper in the geological section, describing a recently discovered bone cavern at Brixham, near Torquay, which yielded, on exploration, up- wards of 2,000 bones of the rhinoceros, bos, horse, reindeer, cave bear, and hyena, with which were mingled well-marked specimens of the remains of savage men, in the shape of flint-knives and arrow-heads. There is so great a disposition felt, however, in England, as well as in this country, to dislike, upon theological grounds, the obvious consequences of such discoveries, to carry back the life of man upon the earth beyond the re- motest era of any known history or any calculated chronology, that the paper, when read, excited not only its due interest, but earnest discussion. As it is acknowledged to be now no longer possible to separate the remains of man from those of extinct animals, and some new line of defence must be adopted by holders of the old ideas, the effort was made to bring the era of the animals down into the commonly accepted era of mankind. Prof. Owen said he was glad that means had been taken for the careful exploration of this cave, but it would be premature to raise any hypothesis until the whole of the facts were before him. He had not seen any of the bones, and, indeed, was entirely indebted for what he knew on the subject to the paper which Mr. Pengelly had read, and he should refrain, therefore, GEOLOGY. ole from expressing any opinion; but he wished to caution them against com- ing to conclusions as to the antiquity of these remains which were not really warranted. He proceeded to show, from the remains of tigers, elephants, and other animals found in this country, in Siberia, and other parts of the world, where the climate was much colder than was supposed to be compat- ible with their existence, that there was undoubted evidence that these ani- mals could adapt themselves to cold and temperate climates as well as to torrid ones, and remarked, that the conditions of animal life were not those of climate, but of food and quiet. Wherever there was the prey undisturbed by man, there also would be the destroyer. They had evidence from the writings of Julius Cxsar of the existence in England, 2,000 years ago, of three distinct species of animals, including two gigantic species of ox, and one of the reindeer, and he was himself satisfied that they had once had a native British lion, all of which, however, were now extinct in this country; and he saw nothing in the remains which had been discovered at Brixham to lead him to suppose that the animals lived before the historic period, or which was inconsistent with the concurrent existence of a rude race of bar- barians. At the same time he was open to conviction, and should be very glad to see a good fossil human being, which should prove that man had been much longer upon the earth than historical evidence had led them to suppose. Professor Owen, with reference to this part of the subject, said that some time ago he was sent for to the North, to examine a fossilized tree, which had been found in digging the Jarrow dock, which bore undoubted evidence of having been cut by human hands. It was supposed to be a most impor- tant discovery, as showing the antiquity of the human race, and at first everything appeared satisfactory. On prosecuting his inquiries, however, he learned that one of the navvies, not then on the works, was said to have dis- covered a similar tree in another part of the dock, which he cut to lay down a sleeper. The man was sent for, and on his arrival he declared that the tree pointed out was the one he had cut. It was endeavored to be explained that that was impossible, as the place had not been excavated before; but, looking with supreme contempt upon the assembly of geologists and engi- neers, the man persisted in the identification of- his own work, and exclaimed, “the top of the tree must be somewhere,” upon which he (Professor Owen) offered half-a-crown to the first navvy who would produce it. Away ran half a dozen of them, and in a few minutes they returned with the top. This explained the mystery. The man had cut off the top with his spade, the stump afterwards got covered up with silt, and on being again uncovered it was supposed to be a great discovery. Never had he so narrow an escape from introducing a “‘new discovery ” into science, and never had he a more fortunate escape. Mr. Teale brought to the notice of the same section fine specimens of cle- phant and hippopotamus bones from the clays of Aire Valley. Glacial clays he considers them, resting on the upturned edges of the coal measures. The lowest is blue clay deposited by glacial waters in an era of submergence; on it a yellow clay also deposited by ice, but in an era of emergence. On this again a “warp,” with angular and also rolled stones, the debris of the blue and yellow clays and ‘gravel from distant hills, subsequent to the glacial period in England, and containing the animal remains. 28 326 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. EVIDENCES OF THE ANTIQUITY OF THE HUMAN RACE. In a memoir published in the proceedings of the Royal Society, England, for 1857, Mr. Horner gives a detailed account of a series of researches re- cently undertaken near Cairo, in Egypt, with a view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial deposits of the Nile. The researches were made by sinking shafts in rows from the foot of the Lybian rocks across to the banks of the Nile, around the lonely obelisk of Heliopolis, and alongside of the equally solitary statue of Rameses II.; and they have re- vealed the following facts: That the alluvium consists of desert sand and river mud, alternately, all the way down, the bottom layer of mud being exactly like the top; that no extinct organic forms are present in it, but only microscopic infusorial shells, and recent land-shells and bones of domestic animals; that no rock was touched by any of the shafts, the deepest of which was sixty feet; and that fragments of burnt brick and pottery were interspersed throughout the whole deposit. Mr. Horner states that he has in his possession a fragment of pottery, an inch square and a quarter of an inch in thickness, the two sur- faces being of a brick-red color, which had been obtained from the lowest part of a boring, near the statue of Rameses II., and thirty-nine feet below the surface of the ground. Now the statue of Rameses II. has been deter- mined by Lepsius to date between 1394 and 1328 B.C. Yet its foundation rests on a bed of sand but twelve feet beneath the surface, while the borer brought up a fragment of pottery from a mud layer twenty-seven feet fur- ther down. The French engineers of the last century decided the rate of vertical increase of the delta to be five inches in a century. The researches at Heliopolis give 3°18 inches to a century. But the statue of Rameses fixes it within a small fraction of 3} inches to a century. Allowing this last esti- mate to be correct, the fragment found at the depth of thirty-nine feet is a record of the existence of man 13,375 years before A. D. 1858 —11,517 years before the Christian era—and 7,625 years from the beginning assigned by Lepsius to the reign of Menes, the founder of Memphis — of man, more- over, in a state of civilization, so far, at least, as to be able to fashion clay into vessels, and to know how to harden it by the action of strong heat. FOSSILS OF NEBRASKA. Messrs. Meek and Hayden have recently published, in the proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, a complete catalogue of all the remains of invertebrata hitherto described and identified from the inter- esting Cretaceous and Tertiary formations, generally known as the Bad Lands of Nebraska. In glancing over this catalogue (we quote from the authors), the palzon- tologist will not fail to be struck with the great preponderance of Lamelli- branchiata, Gasteropoda, and Cephalopoda over all the other invertebrate forms of life. Among all the collections we have yet seen from this region, the Bryozoa are represented by but one rare species of Reticulipora, and the Bra- chiopoda by only one species of Caprinella and one of Lingula, both so rare that but a single specimen of each has been found; while of the whole great class of Echinodermata, which existed in such vast numbers, and presented such an infinite variety of beautiful forms, during these epochs in some parts GEOLOGY. ood of the world, we have yet only seen, from this region, a single fragment, too imperfect to give any clue to its generic relations. The paucity of some, and entire absence of others, of the more common genera of JMoliusca, such as Ostrea, Gryphea, Exogyra, etc., in these collections is worthy of notice. Future investigations, it is true, may add more species to our present meagre list of these rare forms, yet it is probable we have here something like an expression of the numerical proportions in which many of the lower types of life existed in these ancient seas. Of the one hundred and ninety-one species enumerated in this catalogue, forty-four belong to the Tertiary system, and one hundred and forty-seven to the Cretaceous. None of the former are known to occur in the States, or on the other side of the Atlantic, while, of the Cretaceous species, nine appear to be common to the Nebraska formations and those of the States, and four are identical with forms occurring in the Old World. Of these nine species having so great a geographical range, six, or nearly one-third of all that class of Mollusca contained in the list, belong to the Cephalopoda, while nearly all the remaining one hundred and seventy-six species, which appear to be restricted to the north-west, belong to the Lamellibranchiata and Gasteropoda, This, however, is not so surprising when we bear in mind the fact that the habits and organization of these ancient Mollusca must have been such, from what we know of their existing analogues in our present seas, that the for- mer depended on accident, or feeble locomotive organs, for their gradual distribution over the world from their various centres of creation, while the Cephalopoda, owing to their superior locomotive powers, were capable of wandering freely far out over the most profound parts of the ocean. It would, perhaps, be premature to attempt, at the present time, the task of tracing out in much detail the parallelism of the various members of the Cretaceous system in Nebraska, with those of New Jersey and other well- known districts in the States, or with those of the south-western territories ; yet the occurrence of several of the more common and characteristic fossils of the upper two Nebraska formations, such as Ammonites placenta, Scaphites Conradi, Bacculites ovatus, Nautilus Dekayi, etc., in the first and second Green Sand beds and intervening ferruginous stratum of New Jersey, as well as in the “ Rotten Limestone” of Alabama, clearly indicates the synchronism of these deposits, notwithstanding their widely separated geographical posi- tions. That these beds, or formations of the same age, are widely distributed over a vast area of country, extending from near the great bend of the Mis- souri, in lat. 44° 15/’, long. 99° 20’, westward to, and perhaps beyond, the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, and far south into Texas and New Mexico, is highly probable, from the occurrence of their characteristic fos- sils at many widely separated localities in this region. ON THE EXISTENCE OF POTSDAM SANDSTONE ON THE EASTERN SLOPE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Messrs. Meek and Hayden, in a paper published in the Proceedings of the Academy. of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, March, 1858, announce the exist- ence of the Potsdam Sandstone on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, —a discovery made during Lieut. Warren’s expedition to the Black Hills, in the summer of 1857. These hills seem to have furnished the key to its exist- 828 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ence in the Far West, where it is found to contain quite numerous well-pre- served fossils, as Lingula (L. antiqua), Trilobites, etc., similar or identical with those characterizing the same formation in Minnesota and New York. New Fossils from the Potsdam Sandstone. — At a recent meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Mr. Daniels, State Geologist of Wiscon- sin, presented some minute Trilobites, and other fossils, from the base of the Potsdam Sandstone of Wisconsin. The localities were various: the valley of the Black River, in the north-western part of the State, the mouth of Black River, and a spot sixty miles up the same river. He stated that they were interesting, being the oldest fossil forms yet found in this country, the sandstone resting directly upon the upturned edges of the Azoic rocks. Upon a small island in Black River he had found perfect impressions of Crustaceans, consisting of double rows of parallel tracks, precisely like those in Montreal. PERMIAN ROCKS IN KANSAS. According to the researches of Prof. Swallow, of Missouri, the Permian rocks of Kansas are 820 feet thick — 263 of the whole being separated as the upper Permian, and the rest the Jower Permian. The rocks are limestones, with some shales or clay layers, some of the limestones also containing horn- stone. Above the Permian, in Kansas, there are 420 feet of sandstone, with some calcareous and argillaceous layers, and occasional beds of gypsum. These rocks are referred, with a query, to the Triassic, but may be Jurassic or Cretaceous. 35g from the measure- ments stated by Cuvier. BOTANY. STATISTICS OF VEGETATION. Prof. Henfrey, F. R. S., in a recent work on Botany, furnishes the follow- ing curious and interesting statistics of vegetation: “ Theophrastus (390 B. c.) enumerated 500 kinds of plants, and Pliny (a. Db. 79), in his ‘Historia Naturalis,’ increased the number to double. The researches of the Greek, Roman, and Arab naturalists made known no more than 1400 species, and even in the beginning of the seventeenth century the discrimination of the different kinds had only raised the number of distin- guished forms to 6000. Humboldt, at the commencement of the present century spoke of 44,000 plants, Phanerogamous and Cryptogamous. “De Candolle (‘ Essai Elémentaire de Géographie Botanique,’ 1820) next calculated that the writings of botanists and the various European collec- tions of dried specimens, might be assumed to contain, together, upwards of 56,000 species of plants. In 1820, however, the number of species in the herbarium of the Jardin des Plantes was estimated at the same number, and the collection of M. Benjamin Delessert of Paris was supposed to contain at the time of his death, in 1847, as many as 86,000 species, a number which, about ten years previously, had been conjectured by Lindley to represent the whole of the species existing on the globe (‘ Introduction to Botany,’ second edition, 1835). The Royal Herbarium at Schonberg, near Berlin, is estima- ted by Dr. Klotsh to contain 74,000 distinct species. “Humboldt (‘ Aspects of Nature’) has entered into some interesting cal- culations to prove how far all these figures fall short of the number of spe- cies of plants which may be supposed to exist. The number of species of flowering plants named in Loudon’s ‘ Hortus Britannicus’ (1832), as at that time, or within a moderate period before, cultivated in Britian, was 26,660; the catalogue of species actually under cultivation in the Berlin Garden, carefully prepared by Kunth, gave rather more than 14,060 species, 375 of which were Ferns, leaving 13,685 flowering plants. Among these the follow- ing important Orders were represented : the Composite by 1,600 species, the Leguminosz by 1150, the Labiatz by 428, the Umbelliferze by 370, the Orchidex by 460, the Palms by 60, and the Grasses and Cyperacez by 600 species. ““When these numbers are compared with those of the species of their Orders described in recent works, we find that this Garden contains only 1-7th of the Compositz (about 10,000, De Candolle and Walpers), 1-8th of the Leguminosz (8068), and 1-9th of the Grasses (Grasses 3544, Cyperaceze 2000, Kunth), and of the smaller Orders of Labiatz (2190) and Umbelliferzs (1620), about 1-5th or 1-4th. 344 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. “Supposing all the flowering plants cultivated at one time in all the botanic gardens of Europe to amount to 20,000, and assuming from the foregoing comparisons that the cultivated species amount to about the eighth of those described and preserved in collections, the latter would amount to 160,000 species. Large as this number is, it will scarcely be thought excessive, when we recollect how small a proportion of many large Orders are to be found in our gardens, scarcely 1-100th part, for example, of the Guttifers, Malpighiacese, Melastomacez, Myrtacex, and Rubiacee. ‘If we apply this mode of calculation to the number of species given by Loudon (26,660), the estimate of 160,000 rises to 213,000 species.” These deductions, based upon Kunth’s inferences, refer to the species that have been described, and are now existing in herbaria. It remains to esti- mate the whole number of species upon the globe, judging by the proportion under the cultivation of art and the examination of science. The following statement exhibits the principle on which the calculations are based: ““ Walpers’ ‘ Repertorium,’ supplementary to De Candolle’s ‘Prodromus,’ brings the number of Leguminosz up to 8068 species in 1846. The propor- tion of the number of the Leguminosz to that of the entire Phanerogamous flora is 1-10th within the tropics, 1-18th in the temperate, and 1-35 in the north frigid zone; so that we may assume the mean proportion of this fam- ily to be 1-2ith. The 8068 described Leguminosz would therefore lead us to suppose that there existed only 169,400 species of flowering plants upon the surface of the globe, whereas the Composite, as stated above, indicate, by Kunth’s mode of deduction, more than 160,000 already known species. “Of the Composite, Linneus was acquainted with only 785 species, while 10,000 are now known. The greater part of these appear to belong to the Old World, De Candolle describing only 3590 American, with 5093 for Europe, Asia, and Africa. But this seeming abundance of the Compositx is to a certain extent deceptive and only apparent. The proportions of this Order are 1-15th between the tropics, 1-7th in the temperate, and 1-13th in the frigid zones, giving a mean of 1-12th, which shows that even more species of Composite than of Leguminose have escaped investigation hitherto, since a multiplication by 12 would give us the improbably low number of 120,000 Phanerogamia. “The Grasses and Cyperacez give still lower results, as comparatively fewer still of these have been collected and described. The mean proportion of the Grasses seems to be about 1-12th. Taking the number of known spe- cies of plants according to the above calculations at 160,000 or 215,000, the Grasses ought to amount to 13,333 in the first case, and 17,750 in the second, while only either 1-4th or 1-5th of these numbers is known. When’ we reflect what enormous extent of plain still remains unexplored in almost all parts of South America, and in Northern and Central Asia, this deficiency does not appear extraordinary; and, indeed, it becomes by no means diffi- cult to believe that we are so deficient of knowledge of species of Grasses, that the total number of flowering plants might be taken at double the num- ber known, which would lead to the conclusion that only 1-8th or 1-10th of the Grasses had as yet been discriminated.” ON THE GROWTH OF PLANTS. At the Dublin meeting of the British Association, Prof. Buckman, from the committee appointed to experiment “On the effect of external con- BOTANY. 345 ditions on the growth of plants,” reported, that he believed he had success- fully proved that many species of plants regarded as species by botanists, were only varieties or hybrid forms. Thus, he had produced Avena sativa from Avena fatua, Symphytum officinale from Symphytum asperrimum, and many others. He had not succeeded in producing wheat from any species of Aigilops. NEW ENGLAND MYCOLOGY. For the last four years Mr. Charles J. Sprague, a member of the Boston Society of Natural History, has been engaged in collecting and describing the various species of fungi belonging to New England. The number of spectes thus far enumerated and catalogued in the publications of the Boston Society of Natural History is 678, of which a large number are entirely new to science. ON THE PROTECTION OF PLANTS FROM THE FROST. M. Boussingault has devoted a long article in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique to the preservation of plants from frost, by filling the air with smoke. This is not recommended on nights when the thermometer at a dis- tance above the soil indicates a temperature below 32°, for it would then have no effect, nor on windy nights, for then there is no frost; but it may possibly be found of service in protecting fruit-trees and delicate plants from the late frosts of spring, by which their blossoms are so often destroyed. ON THE VITALITY OF SEEDS. It has long been a disputed question among botanists, whether the uni- formity existing in the vegetation of different islands and continents having no other communication with each other but a wide expanse of ocean, is ow- ing to aspecial creation in each instance, or to an interchange of seeds trans- ported from one shore to another by the waters of the sea. M. Ch. Martens, professor at Montpellier, in a letter to M. Flourens, recently communicated to the Academy of Sciences, gives an account of certain experiments he has instituted for the purpose of ascertaining — First, whether many kinds of seeds are specifically lighter than sea-water, so as to swim on the surface ; and, secondly, whether, after having undergone the action of sea-water for a certain length of time, they are still in a condition to germinate. With regard to the first question, M. Martens has found that out of a certain num- ber of different kinds of fresh seeds, chiefly of a large size, taken at random, two-thirds will swim on the waters of the Mediterranean, the density of which is 1°0258. To ascertain the second question, M. Martens caused a large box of sheet-iron to be made, divided into one hundred compartments. Ninety-eight of these compartments received a certain number of seeds of different kinds, and the apparatus thus prepared was fastened to a buoy. A large number of minute holes pierced in the side of the box allowed the water free ingress and egress, without any danger of the seeds being washed away. After a lapse of six weeks, the box was taken out of the sea and opened, when, out of the ninety-eight kinds of seeds, forty-one were found completely rotten. The remaining fifty-seven kinds were immediately sown in pots filled with earth taken from a heath. Of these, thirty-five kinds only germinated, including seventeen of those which are specifically heavier 346 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. than sea-water, and could not therefore be transported to any distance ; so that, out of ninety-eight species, eighteen only might germinate after a six weeks’ voyage, under the most favorable circumstances. Repeating the ex- periment with the thirty-five kinds which had resisted the action of sea-watcr for this space of time, M. Martens left them for three months exposed to its action, and then found eleven in a rotten state; of the other twenty-three, only nine germinated, two of which were specifically heavier than sea-water; so that, after a three months’ sojourn in the sea, a period most likely to be the usual one, seven kinds only out of ninety-eight might have some chance of germinating. The Ricinus communis and Cucurbita pepo are among the number. Now, if all the dangers be taken into consideration to which a seed must be exposed during a long voyage, as well as the difficulties it must meet with to find a congenial soil on landing, with other circumstances calculated to promote its germination and subsequent preservation from destruction, M. Martens concludes, with M. Alph. De Candolle, that the transportation of seeds by sea must have had a very small share in the pro- pagation of plants to other shores, and that the hypothesis of simultaneous creations in different parts of the world acquires much probability. ON THE BOTANY OF THE SORGHUM VULGARE Mr. C. J. Sprague, in a recent communication to the Boston Society of Natural History, stated that a suite of specimens of the Sorgho sucré, Imphee Dourrha, and Broom Corn, had been placed in his hands for examination by Mr. Olcutt, of Westchester County, New York, with a request that the fol- lowing points of interest might be examined:— Whether these plants are, or are not, of the same species? whether they will hybridize? and whether they are likely to lose their peculiarities by careless planting and manage- ment? Some varieties possess more of the saccharine secretion than others. Is this excess a specific peculiarity, or the result of varied cultivation of the same species in different localities? Will these peculiarities continue fixed, or will the varieties lose their distinctiveness when grown in company with one another? The specimens consist of portions of the panicles of eighteen varieties of Zulu Kaffir /mphee, grown in South Carolina, from seeds ripened in France, and received from Mr. Wray. These specimens were gathered in a field, where they grew promiscuously, by Mr. Olcutt himself, in company with Mr. Wray, who identified the varieties, and furnished the Kaffir names. There are four specimens of Dourrha, the seeds of which were received from France in the same package with the /mphee, and planted in the same field. Also, four specimens of Dourrha, Broom Corn, and their hybrids with Sorgho sucré, grown by Mr. Olcutt in Westchester. I have added to these four specimens of Jmphee, grown in the District of Columbia, that the suite of specimens may be yet more full. My remarks upon these specimens will be confined to the fruit alone, as I have not seen the growing plants, and can- not, therefore, speak of the differences which may exist in their foliage and port. Steudel, in his synopsis of the grasses, enumerates the following allied species of Andropogon growing in Asia and Africa: — A. Sorghum, Auct.; A. rubens, Willd.; A. subglabrescens, Steud.; A. Saccharatus, L. (sub. Holcus); A, verticilliflorus, Steud.; A. niger, Kunth; A. cernuus, Roxb.; A. bicolor, Roxb.; and he implies that most of these may be varieties of the Andropogon BOTANY. 347 Sorghum. Besides these, is A. Drummondii, Nees, from New Orleans. These so-called species are, in all probability, founded on permanent varieties of the grass which has been grown for its grain and foliage for centuries in the East Indies and Africa. It was placed first in the genus Holcus by Linneeus, but has been separated from it and ranked in that of Andropogon. It is still kept there by some of the best botanists of the day; but by others it is placed in that of Sorghum, a genus separated from Andropogon mainly from its paniculate inflorescence and coriaceous glumes. The species named for Drummond, by Nees, is probably a form of the same plant which had estab- lished itself at New Orleans. An authentic specimen in Dr. Gray’s herba- rium does not appreciably differ from some of the varieties grown in South Carolina. The thirty-one specimens laid before you are thought to represent four species, and many varieties. The seeds came from France, but the plants furnishing them originally came from widely separated localities. The dif- ferences which they exhibit are in the color, shape, and hairiness of the glumes; the color, shape, and prominence of the corn beyond the glumes; and the open or compact growth of the panicle. If these differences were constantly exhibited together,—if the difference of shape were always attended by a difference in color, and that color always accompanied by the same hairiness and exsertion of corn, —there would be strong ground to establish specific differences. But such is not the case. The specimens, placed side by side, exhibit a complete gradation between the extremes of the series. Those which vary most in shape are similar in color. Those which differ in color are identical in shape. The hairiness and the degree of exsertion are co€xistent with the extremes of shape and color. There are four which are especially interesting. Mr. Olcutt grew Broom Corn and Dourrha in rows on each side of Sorgho sucré. The result was a plant partak- ing equally of the characteristics of the parents on each side. The eighteen varieties of Imphee, thought to be so distinct that different native names have been given them, exhibit every intermediate form imaginable. Some glumes are nearly white; some are specked with brown and black; some are all brown; others all black. Some have ovate pointed glumes of every hue; others have obtuse glumes, with a broad, scarious point, or rounded glumes with no point, through the same series of color. The corns are either enclosed or exserted through the whole series, irrespective of color or form. Some of the varieties of Imphee present a peculiar appearance, from the persistence and prominence of the sterile spikelets; some, differing in no other respect, have these scarce visible; and some have them not at all. Color and hairiness are among the least reliable of botanical characters, and should have but little weight in plants so closely allied; and the other differ- ences are exhibited almost as prominently in different panicles of the samc acknowledged variety. The question of the hybridity of species of plants has lately received close and careful attention. M. Charles Naudin has recently made a series of interesting experiments on the cultivated pumpkins and squashes. He has arrived at the conclusion, that nearly all those grown in our gardens may be referred to one single species. He has particularly examined the changes . which artificial impregnations will produce. We often hear that cucurbita- ceous plants should not be grown together, or they will injure each other. This gives rise to the question, whether the fruit of the same season can acquire another’s peculiarities without first being grown from the seed, the 348 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. result of such impregnation. Such has proved to be the case. The influence of the pollen on the fruit of the same year is such as to communicate to it the characteristics of the plant furnishing the pollen. But M. Naudin finds that true species, undoubtedly distinct, can scarce be made to hybridize, and that extensive and ready hybridation takes place only among varieties of one species. Dr. Gray has shown me recently an ear of corn exhibiting a hybridation more or less common. It was sweet corn, in which kernels of hard, smooth, yellow corn were irregularly distributed, contrasting with the white, wrinkled kernels of the sweet. Here the mere impregnation of the germ of white corn by the pollen of the yellow had been sufficient to convert those grains which it touched into perfect yellow corn. The sports and varieties of corn have a strong bearing upon the question of the specific identity of these varieties of Sorghum. Though some bota- nists have made species out of the varieties of Indian corn, it is generally believed that these are all the results of cultivation on one species. One pe- culiarity of one form claims attention here. The plant has been found grow- ing, apparently wild,-with the grain entirely covered by the glumes, which project far beyond it. But it is said that, after a little cultivation, these glumes disappear, or become so abbreviated as to allow the grain to be entirely uncovered, as in our garden growths. This same difference is to be seen in the varieties of Sorghum under consideration. The Dourrha most exhibits this abbreviation of glume and prominence of grain, and this vari- ety is that which is known to have been longest under cultivation. The question, then, arises, whether plants would so freely hybridize and exchange peculiarities, were they of different species. Does not this hybrid- ity point to identity? We do not see other grasses, which grow broadcast in our fields, hybridizing naturally, and so perfectly as to become diversified in an inextricable series of graduated forms. The Poas, Panicums, and Fes- tucas, which abound in our fields and meadows, do not interchange their specific peculiarities, but grow side by side and maintain their identity. But the Sorgho is no sooner placed side by side with Broom Corn and Dourrha, than the three hybridize, and produce an offspring combining the peculiari- ties of all. The Sorghum vulgare has been cultivated for untold centuries as a forage plant, and as food for animals and man. The question of its production of syrup and sugar is by no means a recent one. Experiments were made upon it more than half a century ago in Europe, and one of its names arose from the saccharine secretion of its culm. Its native country is unknown; but it is supposed to originate in the same places where it has been so long cultivated. Its grains have been found in Egyptian sarcophagi; and these are said to have produced plants identical with the modern Dourrha or Juari. After this long cultivation in all kinds of soil and climate, and under such varied treatment, it would be strange indeed if it did not exhibit a wide departure from its normal type. If the Indian corn has become so astonish- ingly changed in a shorter period of time, we may well understand that the Sorghum should wander into all the varieties upon which botanists have sought to found distinct species. I am induced to believe, therefore, that Broom Corn, Sorgho sucré, Imphee, and Dourrha, are varieties of one primitive species, the Andropogon Sorghum of authors, or, allowing the wenus Sorgum to stand, SORGHUM VULGARE. The establishment of this fact will answer many of the questions which have been asked regarding its economic value. If they be one species, they BOTANY. 349 will of course hybridize and exchange whatever properties they possess. The saccharine secretions of one variety will be diminished by hybridation with another not possessed of an equal amount. And the saccharine quali- ties peculiar to one may be lost by planting in a soil or climate differing from that which has brought them forth in unusual quantity. If their culti- vation as a forage plant, and a syrup or sugar-producing plant, shall prove profitable, the use of the grain in the form of flour, as well as food for cattle and poultry, may considerably diminish the cost of cultivation. ON THE DURATION OF THE LIFE OF PLANTS. The. following paper was recently read before the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, by Prof. Fleming: The phrases ordinarily employed to express the duration of life in plants are annuals, biennials, and perennials. Viewing the subject, however, in refer- ence to function rather than seasons, divisions much more consistent with the phenomena must be resorted to. Thus, in the case of annuals, it may happen, in an unfavorable season, that the plant may outlive the winter, flourish during a portion of the following season, and thus become a bien- nial. But in many cases those plants termed biennials merely extend them- selves during the first season, and in the following flower, ripen their seeds, and perish. But in both cases the plant dies after having once executed the function of reproduction. Those plants have their vitality completely ex- hausted by the seed-producing process, and, in consequence of this functional character, they constitute a very distinct group, to which the somewhat ambiguous term Monocarpous has been applied by De Candolle and Lindley. It suggests the idea of the plant producing only one carpel or seed-vessel. As defined by Lindley, however, it may be conveniently employed. Hesays: ““Monocarpous, bearing fruit but once, and dying after fructification, as wheat. Some live but one year, and are called annuals; the term of the existence of others is prolonged to two years, — these are biennials; others live for many years before they flower, but die immediately afterwards, as the Agave americana.” In proof that it is the production of the seed which consumes the vitality of the plant, it will be found that by destroying the flower-buds the life of the plant will be prolonged until new flower-buds be produced, or those already existing but in an imperfect state become developed. Thus, I have kept the common oat, Avena sativa, for four seasons by cutting off the flow- ering stem. The annual bean may be easily converted into a biennial. The tree mallow, Lavatera arbore, usually considered a biennial, in one case out- lived the greater part of the second winter with me, but perished by the severity of the frost in the spring of 1855, having a stem displaying spurious annual rings of growth, about eighteen in number, marking intermittent action, irrespective of the dead or winter season, and well calculated to give a salutary warning to the vegetable paleontologist. The circumstance of monocarpous plants having their life prolonged by being prevented from flowering, and the production of new parts for flowering purposes, give no countenance to the assertion of Knight, in his paper ‘‘ On the Reproduction of Buds:” ‘‘ Nature appears to have denied to annual and biennial plants (at least to those which have been the subject of my experiments) the power which it has given to perennial plants to reproduce their buds.’ This charac- ter of the individual plant being capable of reproduction only once, was well 30 390 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. known to Ray, who states that such plants may live even five years. The second physiological group, to which I shall now direct your attention, has this property in common with the preceding, that the stem, after flowering and ripening the seed, perishes, together with the root by which it is nour- ished. In this respect it may be termed an annual; and as examples, may be quoted the tulip, onion, monkshood, and very many of the plants termed herbaceous. These differ, however, from the ordinary annuals, or once-flow- ering plants, by the production, at the base of the stem of the present year, of a bulb or tuber, destined in the following spring to form its own roots, independent of the parent bulb or tuber, now exhausted and dead. This mode of secondary reproduction or extension is well illustrated by the com- mon orchids, as the common Orchis mascula, where the bulb which is to give rise to the stem and flowers of next season may be observed of a paler color and firmer texture than the one in the course of being exhausted and ready to die. In the case of the two bulbs of the Neottia spiralis, or ladies’ traces, Keith, in his “‘ System of Physiological Botany,” i. 38, states: “‘ If a pair of these knobs is taken and separated, and then immersed in water, the one will be found to sink, and the other to swim. This is a phenomenon which seems also to have puzzled the simplists of antiquity not a little, and to have given rise to a great deal of idle and superstitious conjecture. It was thought that the knob that swims must necessarily have possessed some peculiar and potent properties, and accordingly some potent properties were liberally ascribed to it. If prepared in a particular manner, and worn about any one’s person; it was believed to have the singular property of exciting, by means of proper management, a violent attachment to the wearer in the breast of any one he pleased. And this belief,’ he adds, “is still a vulgar error among the ignorant and superstitious.”” The group to which we have now referred, has been, in a great measure, overlooked by more recent botanists, although its characteristics were known to Ray, and confounded by them with the group we now proceed to consider, This third group was denomi- nated by Linneus Suffrutices, and thus defined, ‘‘ truncis sublignosis quo- tannis fere supra radicem pereuntibus.” (Phil, Bot. 74.) Lindley has a di- vision of plants which he terms Polycarpous, “ having the power of bearing fruit many times without perishing,” and a subdivision of this group he terms Rhizocarpous, “or those whose roots endure many years, but whose stems perish annually, as herbaceous plants,” (Introd. to Bot., 475.) The modifications of this group exhibit considerable variety of character. The following may readily be distinguished: 1. Where the flowering-stem and leaves perish, while the collar and root remain, for the benefit of the buds to be evolved from the former in the following spring, such as strawberry and horseradish. 2. Where the flowering-stem perishes together with the collar, but where rhizomes are produced with buds of an equally monocarpous character as the parent, as mint. 3. Where the stem, collar, and root, per- ish after reproduction, having given rise to a stem with its roots capable of outliving the winter, and producing flowers and fruit during the following season. The common rasp is a good example of this group. 4. Where the whole plant dies after maturing the seed, and forming from the stem a tuber, as in the potato. Here we have an aggregation of flower-buds destined to produce individuals with the annual or monocarpous character. These groups of rhizocarpous plants do not seem to have occupied, to any extent, the consideration of botanists, although, in a physiological point of view, of great interest. The field, indeed, may be regarded as in a considerable BOTANY. Ty | degree unoccupied by our botanical writers. The last great group, in refer- ence to the term of life, denominated Perennial, or, in the phrase of Lindley, Caulocarpous, are those “ whose stem endures many years, constantly bear- ing flowers and fruits, as trees and shrubs.” In this group the efforts of life are of two kinds — the production of buds of extension and those of fruit. The fruit, flower, or seed buds, resemble in some degree, in their function, an annual or monocarpous plant. Death follows the reproductive process. It is otherwise with the extension buds. Both, however, are greatly under the influence of external circumstances. An abundant supply of nourishment makes a tree generate extension buds almost exclusively; whereas a scanty supply of food prqmotes the reproductive efforts, and fruit buds predomi- nate, a process the reverse of that which prevails in the animal kingdom, where it has long been alleged ‘‘ sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus ’’(Hor- ace). By many vegetable physiologists it has been supposed that the life of a tree is confined to its buds; that the stem is a sort of dead soil, or, rather, support; and farther, that the bud, when it evolves in spring, acts like a seed, sending downwards certain vessels to act as roots, and another set upwards, for extension of the individual and the formation of new buds for devel- opment in the following season. In this view of the matter, the tree, with _ the exception of the buds, is an aggregation of dead cells. The authors who have adopted this notion have been chiefly influenced by considering the power which buds possess of developing themselves in certain circum- stances, even when detached from the stem, as in the act of budding, and even by the more ordinary process of extension by slips. To this view of vegetable life there have ever appeared to me to be grave objections, which, to save the time, I shall state very briefly. 1. I shall not here dwell on the fact, that, by particular processes, the leaves, stem, and roots can be made to produce buds, or the parts supposed only subservient to vitality can exercise living functions from vital centres, nor on the action of poisons. 2. When a tree is grafted —say a cultivated apple on a crab stock —the buds of the graft may extend into a lofty tree, and yet its downward roots, although be- coming continuous, never embracing the stock and reaching the soil. The stock remains the same in its bark, wood, and pith, and, after many years, if it produces buds and suckers, these invariably retain the characters of their crab original. The practice of dwarfing fruit trees would prove a fail- ure if the buds contained the whole life of a tree. A slow-growing stock is selected, on which is inserted a fast-growing graft, or one inclined to gen- erate extension rather than fruit buds. If the buds of the graft annually sent down their roots to the ground, the influence of the stock should cease by the second year, an event which does not occur. 3. The difference between summer and winter felled wood is equally hostile to the notion that the life of a tree is limited in winter to its buds. The cells of the newer lay- ers of wood are storehouses of nourishment: the sap, when beginning its ascent, is nearly pure water; as it ascends it becomes more and more loaded with the contents of the cells through which it has travelled, and the buds are thus supplied with nourishment by the living agency of the former year, which made the buds and provided for its development. Hence the com- parative lightness of timber felled after the bud has evolved its leaves. The stem of a tree is the common support of all the organs, the receptacle of the peculiar juices, and the storehouse of nourishment. The buds evolve sim- ultaneously or successively according to a law of asymmetry and coopera- 352 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. tion, as among the composite zoophytes, giving to the individuals of a spe- cies their characteristic expression. NEW VARIETY OF WHEAT. At one of the meetings of the French Academy, during the past year, M. Guerin-Meéneville produced a number of wheat-halms of more than seven feet in height, each of them bearing several splendid ears. This fine spe- cies of wheat derives its origin from five grains that were found in an Egyp- tian tomb, and thus had for thousands of years been preserved from all external influence. Sown out in 1849, they grew up luxuriantly, and yielded twelve-hundred-fold produce, — in consequence of which M. Drouillard made various comparative experiments in Southern and Central France, as well as in Brittany. In 1850, these experiments were made on a large scale, and assumed a more important character. Since then they have been regularly continued, and the results have been officially confirmed. One half of a field was sown with the Egyptian, the other half with our common wheat; the former gave sixty-fold, the second a fifteen-fold produce, while com- monly a seven or eight-fold produce is considered a fair one. Sown out by single grains, the Egyptian wheat yielded a five-hundred-and-fifty-six-fold harvest. The experiments are now made in always increasing extension, and not less than 1,000 kilogrammes of “ mummy-wheat”’ have been sown this year in the arrondissement of Morlaix. NORTHWARD AND SOUTHWARD RANGE OF HERBACEOUS PLANTS IN THE UNITED STATES. Of the 1745 phznogamous herbaceous plants of the Flora of the Northern United States, diminished to about 1690 by the exclusion of the alpine and subalpine species, here left out of view — 843 species, or 50 per cent., range southward to the borders of the Gulf of Mexico. 538, or not quite 32 per cent., extend northward into the Saskatchawan basin, or to Labrador. 107 of these reach or cross the Arctic circle. 24 species, or less than 1} per cent., range from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic circle. 180, or 10+ per cent., range from the Gulf of Mexico to the Saskatchawan, or Labrador. 248 species, or over 14} per cent., range from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes, or the St. Lawrence. — Prof. Asa Gray. THE WILD INDIGO PLANT OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. Mr. Niesler states that the common wild indigo plant of the Southern United States (Indigo fera Caroliniana) is commonly used by the country people in Georgia, in place of J. tinctoria, and it yields an indigo which, to all appearance, is equal to the commercial article. ‘“‘ Just when it is begin- ning to bloom, the old wives collect from the woods as much of the plant as they can procure; they steep it in water some twenty-four hours, until it assumes a greenish tinge, when the liquid is drawn off and churned until it assumes its proper blue color; it is then curdled by the addition of a small quantity of lye from wood ashes, and allowed to settle; the sediment is then BOTANY. 353 collected, put into coarse bags, and drained dry, and it is then used in the same way as the ordinary commercial article. Those who have used it most insist that the color is better and more permanent than that of the exotic indigo, and that the same quantity of the plant will yield much more than I. tinctoria. They are in the habit of cutting it three or four times in the season from the same root. Sometimes they gather the seed and sow it in convenient places, where it will flourish and yield a supply for years. It seems likely that this wild indigo might be made a profitable crop in the South; with this great advantage, that it would be produced on lands now waste and useless for any other purpose.— Prof. Asa Gray, Silliman’s Jour- nal, quoted. ON THE ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES IN PLANTS. ' Dr. Hooker, of England, in his recently published work on the “ Botany of the Antarctic Voyage,” in discussing the relations and distribution of spe- cies in plants, lays down the following propositions as axioms: “1. That all the individuals of a species have preceeded from one parent (or pair), and that they retain their distinctive (specific) characters. 2. That species vary more than is generally admitted to be the case. 3. That they are also much more widely distributed than is usually supposed. 4. That their distribution has been effected by natural causes; but that these are not necessarily the same as those to which they are now exposed.” “Hybridization has been supposed by many to be an important element in confusing and making species. Nature, however, seems effectually to have guarded against its extensive operation and its effects in a natural state, and as a general rule the genera most easily hybridized in gardens are not those in which the species present the greatest difficulties. With regard to the facility with which hybrids are produced, the prevalent ideas on the subject are extremely erroneous. Gartner, the most recent and careful experimenter, who appears to have pursued his enquiries in a truly philo- sophical spirit, says that 10,000 experiments upon 700 species produced only 250 true hybrids. It would have been most interesting had he added how many of these produced seeds, and how many of the latter were fertile, and for how many generations they were propagated. The most satisfactory proof we can adduce of hybridization being powerless as an agent in pro- ducing species (however much it may combine them), are the facts that no hybrid has ever afforded a character foreign to that of its parents, and that hybrids are generally constitutionally weak, and almost invariably barren. Unisexual trees must offer many facilities for the natural production of hybrids, which, nevertheless, have never been proved to occur, nor are such trees more variable than hermaphrodite ones.” ON THE TRANSMUTATION OF WHEAT INTO CHESS. It is a popular and widely-extended belief, that the purest and best wheat may be planted — that it may germinate, grow, and form a plant — but that the occurrence of certain casualties —as sudden freezing and thawing while the ground is wet — will, by some mysterious process, transmute the plant into a widely different species, viz., chess. A similar belief prevails, less extensively, in regard to the change of barley into oats. The advocates of the transmutation of wheat into chess have been repeat- 50* 304 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. edly called on to demonstrate the alleged change, and as an inducement for them to do this, premiums have actually been offered. A late revival of the transmutation controversy induced Benj. Hodge, Esq., of Buffalo, New York., to offer a premium of one hundred dollars to any one who should prove that wheat had turned to chess, — the premium to be awarded under the supervision of a committee appointed by the New York State Agricultural Society. The premium has been claimed by Samuel Davidson, of Greece, Monroe County, New York. The society appointed a committee of investigation, Prof. Dewey, of Rochester, chairman, the result of whose examination is thus detailed in the New York Country Gentleman: “The experiment to prove transmutation was the following: A quantity of earth was passed through a fine sieve, to separate all chess seeds. It was placed in a pan, and several heads of wheat planted in it. When the wheat came up, it was subjected to all the hard treatment that usually produces winter-killing, viz., flooding with water, and alternately freezing and thaw- ing for several times. Late in the spring, the whole contents of the pan were removed and set out in open ground. When the plants of wheat threw out their heads, there appeared chess heads also. This mass of wheat and / chess plants was brought in and placed before the committee. Stalks of chess were shown, the roots of which were found to proceed directly from the planted heads of wheat, which yet remained entire, and in some instan- ces they were found to issue from the half-decayed grains of wheat them- selves. This was looked upon as conclusive. “The roots were taken by the committee and first soaked in water, and afterwards gently washed, by moving them backwards and forwards slowly through it. They were then carefully examined by microscopes. The roots of the chess were now perceived to issue, not from near the end of the grain of wheat, as is usual in sprouting, but from the side, and, in fact, from almost any part. Further examination showed that they merely passed through crevices in the decayed wheat grains, and they were separated from the grains without tearing, being merely in contact, without adhesion or con- nection. Some of the more minute chess fibres were observed by an achro- matic microscope to extend over the inner surface of the bran, where they had gone in search of the nourishment (which is known to abound just within the bran), in the same way that grape roots have been observed to spread over the surface of a rich decaying bone. But they easily separated, and had no connection with the grain. It was satisfactorily proved that the chess plant could not have come from these grains, by the fact that the same single stalk of chess was thus connected with five or six different grains, which could no more have originated it than five or six cows could have one calf. The examination, therefore, did not prove anything in favor of trans- mutation; and as there were many possible ways in which the chess might have become scattered on the soil, the whole experiment was admitted by all parties to be inconclusive.” ZOOLOGY. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THEORIES IN PHYSIOLOGY. THE facility with which theories are extemporized by many who have little or no knowledge of the nervous structure, is only surpassed by the facility and confidence with which men attribute phenomena to electricity. It may be well, therefore, to state that our knowledge of the nervous system is at present in its infancy; we have not even established a secure basis; we have not established the primary data. To quote the emphatic language of one who has given his life to the subject, ‘Our knowledge even of the coarser framework of the nervous system is still too much in its infancy to permit us to venture, with any success, on the construction of theories respecting the functions of its various elements.” —SrT1iLiine, Ueber den Bau der Nerven-primitivfaser. ON THE SO-CALLED CHOLERA CORPUSCLES, OR FUNGI. Dr. Lander Lindsay, of England, in a recent publication, makes the follow- ing remarks on the fungus origin of cholera: “The isolated or disintegrated individual cells of the tissues probably include many, if not most, of the ‘annular bodies,’ ‘ cholera corpuscles,’ or ‘fungi,’ which so startled the histological and medical world during the cholera epidemic of 1848-9. At least the ultimate elements of these tissues or substances, as observed by myself, correspond in their character to those published as delineative of the bodies in question by their original discover- ers. I believe that potatoes, oatmeal, bread, and the vegetables of common broth, will furnish most of the forms of the once famed ‘annular bodies ;’ that they are not, therefore, fungoid in their nature or origin; and that they have no essential or causative relation to cholera. I have found them equally in other diseases — as in the stools of diarrhoea and dysentery. * * It will be evident, then, that I can see no satisfactory groundwork for the fungus-theory of cholera, which, I am not a little surprised to find, still pos- sesses powerful advocates.” CURIOUS INSECT DEPREDATIONS. At a recent sitting of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, Marshal Valliant drew attention to the fact that a number of balls in the cartridges brought from the Crimea had been pierced partly or entirely through by an insect, be- longing apparently to the tribe Hymenoptera. As the piercings are evidently not made for the purpose of shelter, and as no fragments from them could be found, the inference is that the insect eats the lead —and yet French ento- 356 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. mologists assert that such a thing is not likely. The insect being entirely unknown to French savans, the Marshal announced that he had, in the name of the Academy, writtten to the Russian Embassy, to ask if Russian ball- cartridges in the Crimea had ever been noticed to have been pierced by insects; and, if so, if Russian entomologists can give any details respecting the insect and its way of living. The Marshal adds, that it seems not to have any similitude with the Cetonia aurata, which pierces through lead, but casts aside the lead it cuts away. M. Dumeril, in the course of some obser-. vations on the subject, said that examples existed of balls having been pierced through by insects at Toulon, and that the insect which had attacked those from the Crimea was undoubtedly a Urocera. NOTES OF EXPERIMENTS ON DIGESTION. Dr. Harley, in a communication to the British Association, Leeds meet- ings, stated that, contrary to an opinion lately published by Bernard, the distinguished French physiologist, he had found that the human saliva con- tains both sulphocyanide of potassium and iron. The latter substance, howeyer, can only be detected after the organic matters contained in the secretion are destroyed by burning. Dr. Harley had ascertained that a per- son of nine stone secreted between one and two pounds of saliva in twenty- four hours. The gastric juice, the author said, does not destroy the power possessed by the saliva of transforming starch into sugar; consequently, the digestion of amylaceous food is continued in the stomach. The gastric juice has the property of changing cane into grape sugar. The author made some remarks upon the cause of the gastric juice not digesting the living stomach; and said that his experiments showed that it is not the epithelium lining the organ which prevents its being digested, but the layer of thick mucus which covers its walls. When the latter substance is absent, the gas- tric juice attacks the walls of the living stomach, and digests them, causing perforation and death. As regards the bile, it seems that this secretion takes an active part in rendering the fatty matters of our food capable of being absorbed into the system. The most curious of all the digestive fluids, how- ever, is the pancreatic secretion, for it unites in itself the properties of all the others. It not only transforms starch and other such substances into sugar, but it emulsions fat, and even digests protein compounds. As a rem- edy in indigestion, pancreatine should be greatly superior to pepsine, which can only digest one kind of food, namely, protein. The author said he had been laboring to obtain pancreatine in a perfectly pure state, and had been to a certain extent successful. With pancreatine we should be able to digest any kind of food we pleased; and, therefore, the obtaining of it in a state of purity would prove an invaluable boon to suffering humanity. THE SALIVARY GLANDS. The saliva appears to possess three most important properties; firstly, it destroys vitality in all animal and vegetable matter; secondly, it loosens the tissues, thereby preparing them to receive the saliva itself, and ultimately to admit the gastric juice; and thirdly, it mechanically softens and dilutes hard or dry food. When a cow fills her paunch with grass, she places there a large amount of living vegetable material; lying in that organ, or transfer- ring it to the second stomach, no way affects its vitality; but when thrown ZOOLOGY. aan back into the mouth, and it comes in contact with the saliva, then it instant- ly dies, and becomes materially altered in appearance. Examine the con- tents of the first three stomachs of a cow, or a sheep; in the two first the food is evidently living grass, but in the third it has the appearance of a thoroughly well-boiled vegetable — more nearly allied in color and appear- ance to spinach, and, as yet, it has only come in contact with the saliva, which must be held responsible for its changed condition. Arrest a caterpil- lar in the act of eating a leaf of a cabbage; kill it instantly, open its crop, and examine the leaf you saw it consume but a minute before; it wili have lost its bright green color, and be reduced, in every respect, to the appear- ance of the grass in the third stomach of the cow. As it cannot have come in contact with any other material than the salivary secretion, it is surely justifiable to attribute its altered appearance to the action of that fluid. When man eats raw, ripe fruits, he eats living vegetables, and if he put them into his stomach in that state, there they will remain, for no stomach has the power to destroy the vitality of anything, as, if it had, assuredly it would destroy and digest itself, a contingency that always happens in death. Nothing is more common, at post-mortem examinations, than to find that a portion of the stomach has actually thus acted upon itself. To show the universality of this particular chemical property of destroy- ing life, let us see what takes place among the lower animals. Bulk for bulk, weight for weight, can anything exceed the pain of a mosquito bite, to say nothing of the long continued after consequences ? What gives rise to this extreme suffering? Surely it cannot be the inser- tion of its tubular sheath and tiny jaws, because if the flesh were stabbed at the same time with a dozen large stocking needles, the pain would not be nearly so great, and the wound would sooner heal. When a spider bites a fly, why does the insect die instantly, and its body swell up prodigiously? If a rattlesnake, or other, so-called, poisonous serpent bite a man, why is the wound almost universally fatal? If a dog, not rabid, bite a man, or if a cow, horse, hog, raccoon, fox (and many other animals), do the same thing, or if one man bite another, why, in any or all these circumstances, should the bitten person be liable to hydrophobia? To these questions, which might be greatly extended, there is but one answer, namely, that the person bitten has been in every instance inoculated with the saliva of the other animal, and that one of its chief properties is to destroy life. To them and to us it is a natural secretion, and so harmless is it, under some circumstances, that a man may drink any quantity of the poison (saliva) of a rattlesnake, and it will have none other effect than to help him to digest his food! But if inoc- ulated into the circulation of the blood, it becomes a virulent, a fatal poison. Who can doubt that, if a mosquito were as large as a good sized dog, its sali- va would be as immediately and certainly fatal as the bite of a rattlesnake? The pain that we share with domestic and other animals, from the bite of par- asitic insects, is solely due to this cause — inoculation by their saliva. The division of the salivary glands among the reptiles would appear to throw some light on the function of each, or certainly some of them; thus: the poisonous reptiles possess only parotid glands, the secretion of which descends by the channels of the fangs of the upper jaw; the use they make of them would seem to establish the function and properties of these particular glands. The boa constrictor (Python Tigris) has no parotid glands, neither can he destroy his prey by a bite, but he entwines his body around his victim, and kills him as a bear would, by an embrace. But what-is now to be done? he 358 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. has no grinding teeth to enable him to insalivate the food and loosen the tis- sues, by partially decomposing the body of the goat he has killed, and so prepare it for the action of the stomach; in other words, how can he per- form the important function of insalivating it? He does it in this way: he licks it all over, and wherever the tongue, cov- ered with saliva, touches it, the flesh becomes almost rotten under its influ- ence. Now, as it is well known that persons have been bitten by a rabid dog and escaped hydrophobia, while other persons have been bitten by sound and healthy dogs and yet this fearful disease has supervened, how is. this to be explained unless we admit the differing chemical property of the salivary glands respectively ? If the teachings of the rattlesnake and the boa constrictor have any prac- tical value, it would appear that the parotid glands alone possess the power of destroying life, and that the secretion of the other glands can only be em- ployed upon already dead matter, to effect its speedy decomposition. If this theory be true, it is very easy to explain the bites and their consequences of the two dogs; in the case of the rabid dog, whose bite proved innocent, the saliva of inoculation may have come only from the submazillary and sublingual glands, and consequently it was harmless; whereas, in the case of the sound dog, the saliva came from the parotid glands, and was therefore fatal. This view is sustained by the following considerations: The ducts of the parotid glands are situated, as we have seen, in immediate proximity to the molar teeth, and the secretion is only evolved by their action; the probability is that the incisor teeth, used in biting, and the interior of the mouth, are usu- ally lubricated by the secretion of one or both of the other pairs of glands, while the parotid glands are reserved for mastication alone. —Goadby’s Ani- mal and Vegetable Physiology. ON THE FEEDING AND GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN ROBIN. At a recent meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, a commu- nication was read from Prof. Treadwell, of Cambridge, giving a detailed account of the feeding and growth of the American robin ( Turdus migrato- rius, Linn.), during a period of thirty-two days, commencing from the oth of June. When caught, the two birds experimented on were quite young, their tail- feathers being less than an inch long, and the weight of each about twenty- five pennyweights, less than half the weight of the full-grown bird; both were plump and vigorous, and had evidently been very recently turned out of the nest. He began feeding them with earth-worms, giving three to each bird that night; the second day he gave them ten worms each, which they ate ravenously; thinking this beyond what their parents could naturally supply them with, he limited them to this allowance. On the third day, he gave them eight worms each in the forenoon; but in the afternoon he found one becoming feeble, and it soon lost its strength, refused food, and died. On opening it, he found the crop, gizzard, and intestines entirely empty, and concluded, therefore, that it had died from want of sufficient food — the effect of hunger being perhaps increased by cold, as the thermometer was about 60°. The other bird, still vigorous, he put in a warmer place, and increased its food, giving it the third day fifteen worms, on the fourth day twenty-four, on the fifth twenty-five, on the sixth thirty, and on the seventh thirty-one worms. They seemed insufficient, and the bird appeared to be losing plump- ZOOLOGY. 309 ness and weight; he began then to weigh both the bird and its food, and the results were given inatabular form. On the fifteenth day he tried a small quantity of raw meat, and, finding it readily eaten, increased it gradually to the exclusion of worms; with it the bird ate a large quantity of earth and gravel, and drank freely after eating. By experiment it appears that though the food was increased to forty worms, weighing twenty dwt., on the eleventh day, the weight rather fell off; and it was not until the fourteenth day, when he ate sixty-eight worms, or thirty-four dwt., that he began to increase — on this day the weight of the bird was twenty-four dwt.; he therefore eat forty-one per cent. more than his own weight in twelve hours, weighing after it twenty-nine dwt., or fifteen per cent. less than the food he had eaten in that time; the length of these worms, if laid end to end, would be about fourteen feet, or ten times the length of the intestines. To meet the objec- tion that the earth-worm contains but a small amount of solid nutritious matter, on the twenty-seventh day he was fed exclusively on clear beef, in quantity twenty-three dwt.; at night the bird weighed fifty-two dwt., but little more than twice the amount of flesh consumed during the day, not taking into account the water and earth swallowed. This presents a won- derful contrast with the amount of food required by the cold-blooded verte- brates, fishes and reptiles, many of which can live for months without food ; and also with that required by mammalia—a man, at this rate, should eat about seventy pounds of flesh a day, and drink five or six gallons of water. The question immediately presents itself, how can this immense amount of food, required by the young birds, be supplied by the parents? Suppose a pair of old robins with the usual number of four young ones — these would require, according to the consumption of this bird, two hundred and fifty worms, or their equivalent in insects or other food daily — suppose the par- ents to work ten hours, or six hundred minutes, to procure this supply; this would be a worm in every two and four-tenths minutes; or each parent must procure a worm or its equivalent in less than five minutes during ten hours, in addition to the food required for its own support. He was unable to reconcile this calculation with actual observation of robins, which he had neyer seen return to their nests oftener than once in ten minutes. After the thirty-second day the bird had attained its full size, and was entrusted to the care of another person during his own absence of eighteen days; at the end of that period the bird was strong and healthy, with no increase of weight, though its feathers had grown longer and smoother. Its food had been weighed daily, and averaged fifteen dwt. of meat, two or three earth- worms, and a small quantity of bread each day; the whole being equal to eighteen dwt. of beef, or thirty-six dwt. of earth-worms; and it has contin- ued to eat this amount to the present time. The bird having continued, in its confinement, with certainly much less exercise than in the wild state, to eat one-third of its weight of clear flesh daily, he concludes that the food it consumed when young was not much more than must always be provided by the parents of wild birds. The food was never passed undigested; the excretions were made up of gravel and dirt, and a small quantity of white semi-solid urine. He thought that every admirer of trees may derive from these facts a lesson, showing the immense power of birds to destroy the insects by which our trees, especially our apples, elms, and lindens, are every few years stripped of their foliage, and often many of them killed. The food of the robin, while with us, consists principally of earth-worms, various insects, 360 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. their larvee and eggs, and a few cherries; of worms and cherrics they can procure but few, and those during but a short period, and they are obliged therefore to subsist principally upon the great destroyers of leaves, canker- worms, and some other kinds of caterpillars and bugs. If each robin, old and young, requires for its support an amonnt of these equal to the weight consumed by his bird, it is easy to see what a prodigious havoc a few hun- dreds of them must make upon the insects of an orchard ora park. Is it not, then, to our advantage, he asks, to purchase the service of the robins at the price of a few cherries? There has lately been some improvement in preserving our birds, and with a little more protection, he thinks that such an increase of them might be obtained as would save us from all the labor required for the appliances of tar, oil, zinc plates, and all other methods by which we seek, with very imperfect success, to destroy our. mischievous insects. Dr. C. T. Jackson observed, that it was the opinion of Mr. Townend Glover, now engaged by the U. 8. Patent Office in studying the insects inju- rious to cotton and other American crops, that among the most inveterate foes to noxious insects are insectivorous insects themselves. ON THE CHANGE OF COLOR IN BIRDS AND ANIMALS. At a late meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Dr. D. F. Weinland called attention to a question now discussed in the European journals of Ornithology, viz., The cause of the change of color in the feathers of birds, and in the hairs of mammalia, and the manner in which this change is effected. It is a well-known fact that many birds, particularly the males, have a very differently colored plumage in different seasons; for instance, that the male of many singing birds has a far more beautiful plumage in the repro- ductive season than during the rest of the year: furthermore, that many northern birds and mammalia become pure white in winter, while they are yellow, red, brown, gray, or of a still darker color in summer. Till within the last few years, this change of color was supposed to be effected simply by the production of a new feather or hair; but there are on recerd several instances which are entirely at variance with this supposition; and Dr. Weinland was of the opinion, that, although this change is gener- ally produced by molting, many instances are proved, by past and recent observations, in which it has taken place without loss of the feather. Human Pathology has shown many cases, in which the hair of men, from sudden terror or from grief, has turned gray or white in so short a time (some- times in one night) that there was no possibility of a change of the hair itself. A case is known in Ornithology, in which a starling in one day became white all over, after being rescued from the claws of a cat. These facts, however, seemed to be exceptions only, till quite recently some distinguished ornithologists — Schlegel in Leyden, and Martin in Ber- lin — at the same time affirmed that many birds get their wedding plumage with- out molting. Experiments were made by many ornithologists; some affirmed the new statement, others denied it. But the most striking observation which had come to the knowledge of Dr. Weinland, was made by a friend of his, Mr. Junghaus, of Berlin, on a blue-throated warbler (Sylvia suectca), which he had in a cage. From June, 1854, till the middle of February, 1855, the ZOOLOGY. 361 throat of this bird, from the bill down to the breast, was pure white, over the breast ran three bands, blue, black, and yellow, the black one being the narrowest. In the middle of February, the blue band became darker, and spots of the same color appeared all over the white throat, with the excep- tion of a small spot in the centre. On the 21st of February, all the throat was blue except that spot, which remained pure white till the 23d, when it became reddish, On and after the 24th, this reddish color also changed to blue; but on the 1st of March there appeared again, in the midst of this blue, a lighter spot of beautiful silvery appearance; and it is worth remark- ing, that this new.color began at the basis of the feather, and proceeded outwards. Meanwhile, the black band on the breast had become larger, and shaded insensibly into the blue, while the yellow band remained unchanged through all these mutations. Thus the bird had got its wedding plumage, without losing one feather, and this it kept through all the reproductive season. At the same time, Dr. Gloger, of Berlin, showed that a very similar obser- vation had been previously made in this country by Audubon, on a male gull, which changed the color of its head, in a fortnight, from gray to the purest black, and, as he supposed, without changing a feather. There can be no longer any doubt about the fact; but the question is, how can a feather change its color, when its blood-vessels and nerves are dried and dead, as is the case with every feather soon after it has reached its full growth. Dr. Weinland had only heard of one explanation, viz., that the wearing away of the fine lamin of the veins of the feather, the so-called pinnule, might produce the change of color. This seemed to him not only an unphysiological view of the subject, that a bird should get its wedding plu- mage by such a kind of decay of the feather, but, in the cases which he had observed, the changed feathers showed no traces of such a wearing process. The following explanation of the fact seemed to him the most natural: Conservators of museums very frequently notice that certain birds in the collections bleach, particularly when exposed to light. A red-breasted Mer- ganser (Mergus merganser) which Dr. Weinland saw, when just shot, with a red breast, and which, after having been deposited in the museum for some time, presented a pale whitish breast, showed this very remarkably. He afterward obtained a bird of the same kind, and, when fresh, examined its breast-feathers with a high power of the microscope, and found all the pin- nulz filled in spots with dacunes of a reddish fluid, which, from the dark appearance of their margins, seemed to be of an oily character. Some weeks afterwards the same feathers, having been exposed to the light, had become nearly white, and he found in the pinnulz, instead of the reddish lacunes, only air-bubbles, which it is known produce a white color, as in the case of the lily, which is rendered white by the air in its cells. This obser- vation led him to the conclusion, that in this case the evaporation of the reddish fluid, and the filling of the spaces with air, produce the change of color. If this fluid is an oily matter, as there is reason to suppose, it will be readily admitted, physiologically, that it may be furnished by the organism, by imbibition through the tissues, in consequence of a certain disposition of the nerves leading to the skin and to the sac of the feather in the skin, (even if the vessels and the nerve in the feather itself should be dried), for fat goes through all tissues without resistance, and also through horn. Thus the fat coloring matter may flow out into the feathers during the time of reproduction, which is the richest season in every living organism; and then again, from want of food, cold temperature, weakness, decrepitude, 31 362 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. or from strong emotions of the central nervous system, from sudden ter- ror or grief, —the same coloring fat may be called back to furnish the suf- fering organism. This process, effected by different physiological conditions of the organ- ism, seems to be a reasonable explanation of the fact, that many northern mammalia and birds become white in winter, while they are dark-colored in summer}; that the hair of men or mammalia, or the feathers of birds, may become suddenly gray or white from sudden terror, hard labor, or debility, while they are dark-colored in mature life or in the more vigorous seasons of the organism. And if we add the hypothesis, that in the oily fluid there may take place still other chemical processes effected by different conditions of the nervous system, such as oxidation, or deoxidation, we may explain in this way still other changes of color; for instance, from yellow, through red to black; which, from observations made during the last winter, seems to be really in certain turtles (mys picta, and marginata). THE LAW OF TYPES IN THE ANIMAL CREATION. Dr. George Ogilvie, in a recent (English) work, “The Master-Builder’s Plan,” thus sketches the law of typical formation in Zoology. ‘In each division of animals, we can point out a very definite type, ac- cording to which the several species are constructed — a type, the essentials of which are never violated, even when it seems in a manner incompatible with the habits of particular animals—the necessary conformity being obtained in such cases, not by a departure from the type, but by a compara- tively slight modification of some parts of the organization, and that in a way quite consistent with its general character. Obviously the organic creation is constructed upon a great systematic plan: it is not to be com- pared to an overgrown village, in which the houses —commodious and well constructed as they may be, each in itself— are scattered about without any order, every man having built as was good in his own eyes; it answers rather to our notion of a well-planned town, with the houses in regular streets, in each of which a certain uniformity prevails, while the streets themselves are arranged in that particular order which to the founder of the city seemed the most appropriate.” And in this view it will not be claiming too high a position for the conclu- sions arrived at, to contend, with the author, that, “‘Late as may be its discovery, the law of typical conformation will not yield in importance, as a fundamental principle in Zoology, to that of the circulation of the blood in Physiology, or that of the revolution of the planets round the sun in astronomical science, for it gives the character of an inductive science to one which was previously only descriptive; and it admits of being applied to the elucidation of phenomena before — beyond all others —incapable of explanation: those of the production of mon- strous forms.” ON THE FORMATION OF THE CELLS OF BEES. The following is an abstract of a paper on the above subject, presented to the British Association, 1858, by Mr. W. B. Tegetmeir: Having recently been engaged in making a series of experiments with a view to determine the typical form of the cells of bees, and having arrived ZOOLOGY. 363 at some interesting results, [ am desirous of bringing them before the Asso- ciation. My first experiment consisted in placing a flat parallel-sided block of wax in a hive containing a recent swarm. In this, cells were exca- vated by the bees, at irregular distances. In every case where the excava- tion was isolated, it was hemispherical, and the wax excavated was added at the margin so as to constitute a cylindrical cell. As other excavations were made in contact with those previously formed, the cells became flat-sided, but, from the irregularity of their arrangement, not necessarily hexagonal. When the block was colored with vermilion, the employment of the exca- vated wax in the formation of the sides of the cells was rendered more evi- dent. The experiment has been repeated, with various modifications as to the size and form of the block of wax, but always with the same results, — namely, that the excavations were in all cases hemispherical, — that the wax excavated was always used to raise the walls of the cells, — and that the cells themselves, before others were formed in contact with them, were always cylindrical. Mr. Charles Darwin, to whom I communicated these facts, has repeated the experiments with similar results. When these exper- iments are taken into consideration, in connection with the facts, that, in the commencement of a comb, the rudiments of the first formed cells are always hemispherical, and that in a small extending comb the outer sides of the bases of the external cells are always circular, they appear to lead to the conclusion, that the typical form of a single cell is cylindrical, with a hemispherical base; but that, when the cells are raised up in contact with one another, they necessarily become polygonal, and if regularly built, hex- agonal. On this supposition alone can those numerous cases be accountéd for in which one half of a cell is cylindrical, the other polygonal. In all such cases it will be found that, in the cell adjacent to the cylindrical side, there is not room (owing to some irregularity of the comb) for a bee to work, —consequently, the cylindrical development is not interfered with. The formation of the small cylindrical cells surrounding the queen-cell appear to admit of no other explanation. The mode in which the circular bases, situated at the thin edge of a comb in the process of enlargement, become converted into polygonal cells as new bases are formed on their outer sides, has been beautifully shown by Mr. Darwin. In repeating, with many ingenious modifications, my original experiments, he colored, with vermilion and wax, the circular edges of the bases of the external cells in a small comb. On replacing this in the hive, he found that the walls of the cells were not raised directly upon these circular bases, but that, as other cells were built external to them, the colored wax was remasticated and worked up into the polygonal sides of the cells, — consequently, the color, instead of remaining as a narrow line, became diffused over a considerable portion of the sides of the cells. These observations have been much facilitated by the employment of a hive having each side formed of four parallel plates of glass, with thin strata of air between. As thus formed, the escape of heat is so effectually prevented that the bees work without the necessity of cover- ing the hive with any opaque material, and thus they are always open to observation without being disturbed by the sudden admission of light into a hive previously dark. Crude and imperfect as these experiments may be, they appear to me to have an important bearing on the theory of the form- ation of cells, and my desire that they may be repeated and extended by other observers must plead my excuse for bringing them before the notice of the Association. 364 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Dr. Whewell communicated some observations from Mr. Ellis, ‘On the Cause of the Instinctive Tendency of Bees to form Hexagonal Cells.” He supposed that the bee was led to the exercise of this instinct by the use of their organs of sight. It was well known that, in addition to their facetted eyes, they had three single eyes; and he supposed that these eyes were placed in such a position as to enable them to work within such a range as to give the walls of their cells an angle of 120 degrees. Mr. J. Lubbock gave an account of the experiments by Mr. Darwin, in which he had found that bees made circular cells in the circumference of their combs, but. that these were always worked again into an hexagonal form when another row was placed beyond them. That the material of the circular cell was removed for this purpose, he had ascertained by painting the outside of the external row of cells with carmine, indigo, and other sub- stances, which were invariably worked up into the next row of cells. In answer to Mr. Ellis’s theory of the eyes, he could state from observation that bees, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, worked in the dark. Wasps made hexagonal cells from the beginning. He believed the tendency of bees to make hexagonal cells was acquired, and that originally bees made circular cells, but from a deficiency of material had at last acquired the habit of making hexagonal cells. Mr. Bayldon stated that he kept a large number of bees, and that he had seen them make hexagonal cells at first. The outer cells alone were circu- lar. Dr. Lankester said it was an interesting physiological question as to whether the eye or some other organ was the first recipient of the im- pression which induced the movements that resulted in the bees’ work. An impression must be made on some organ of the animal, as all the actions of the lower animals were excito-motory, and probably the antennz were the organs acted on. Dr. Edwards suggested that the materials with which the bee worked were sufficiently receptive of light to act upon their organs of vision, and thus the eye might be still the excitor of the instinctive ac- tions. PSYCHOLOGICAL VIEWS OF THE MOTIONS OF ANIMALS. The following paper, on the above subject, has been published in the pro- ceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, by Dr. David Weinland: There 1s hardly any part of the science of natural history which has been so little studied as the psychology of animals. The ability to descend to the level of the mental constitution (pix) of animals, to understand their feelings, thoughts, and desires, seems to have diminished in proportion to the progress of civilization; or at least, in proportion as cultivated minds of civ- ilized nations have secluded themselves from free nature in cities and stu- dents’ closets. Still, we think the psychology of animals is by no means the least interesting subject of human thought. It is acknowledged that man is the crowning work of creation, and this has been proved and illustrated often enough by comparison of the structure of his body with that of other vertebrates; by showing that there exists an ideal series of development from the horizontally moving fish to the erect man. Now, may not this truth be as clearly, or more clearly traced, in following out the degrees of devel- opment of the psychical element, from the low, feeding, and propagating fish, to man as made in the image of God —that is, thinking in the same catego- ries with him. Undoubtedly such a series of psychical development exists, ZOOLOGY. 369 but its steps have never been marked out, though many matcrials have been collected in regard to the subject. In the effort to attain a method of study- ing this part of the science of nature, the following considerations have occurred to me, We know the condition of a man’s soul, or of its representative in an ani- mal, only by external manifestations. Thus, in order to have a standard of comparison for the different degrees of psychical development of animals, we may start from an analysis of what is called the characteristic of animals, in opposition to plants, namely, voluntary motion. In considering closely the motions of a dog, we recognize in them two entirely different kinds. One, and that by far the most common, serves only and immediately the animal itself as the means by which to obtain whatever it desires and enjoys (food, for instance), and to shun whatever it dislikes. This kind of motions we may call subjective; that is, selfish motions; because they serve only the subject itself. But again, we sce another kind of motions. Thus, the dog plays with other dogs, with other animals, and with man. It makes many movements with the head, eyes, ears, and tail, which serve no other purpose than to show to other animals, or to man, the present condition of its inner nature; to show them what it feels, what it thinks, and what it seeks. These motions are not subjective; they are made in relation to the inner natures of others, and therefore may be properly called sympathetic motions. Which of these two kinds of motions is the higher? Undoubtedly the latter. All animals have the first; the second are not common to all. Does an hermaphrodite worm, for instance, know that another being lives and feels? If not, it has no sympathetic motions. Having considered how to view the motions of an animal, let us return to our problem, namely, to find a standard for the comparison of the different degrees in which, in the series of animals, the mental constitution is devel- oped; and to show that the greater or less degree of development of the sym- pathetic motions in an animal, and of its organs to perform them, exhibits, at the same time, the degree of its psychical development. That such is the case is because no degree of this development, beyond eating and drinking, can possibly exist, except in society with, and in regard to, fellow-beings. All those animals of higher mental organization, are social animals, or, at least, are connected by certain psychical relations, with other animals. Thus, among insects, the hymenoptera rank psychically very high. The greater part of them live in communities; that is to say, each individual lives and cares not only for itself, but also for its fellow-citizens. It knows that it belongs to a certain community, has certain duties there, ete ; and whenever we admire the sagacity of a bee or an ant, it is its working and thinking in relation to other beings that we admire Moreover, only animals which are social by their nature can be domesticated, that is, made friendly to man. Man himself becomes human only when in society with fellow-men. Children lost in forests when young, growing up there, resemble beasts. The higher the civilization of men, the closer and more complicated are the relations between them Now, if this be so; if the social life is the only field where, in men or in animals, a higher growth of the spirit is possible; and if with man the social life is far more developed than with any other member of the animal kingdom, — we may draw our final conclusion, namely, that we can determine the psychical rank of any animal, from a knowledge of the degree of its ability to manifest itself to its fellow-beings, or, what is the same thing, of its organs for sympathetic motions. 31* 366 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. An example may illustrate the truth more fully. Let us look at these organs in a fish, alizard,andin man. The fish rests horizontally in the water; the head, neck, and trunk form one bulky mass; the dorsal column itself is the locomotatory organ; the four limbs, fins, are used for balancing the body; the ears are rudimentary; the eyes stiff, cold, without eyelids, and thus without expression, and from their position and slight mobility, of a very narrow horizon; there is no voice with which to call a companion. What means has this animal, by which to show to another being what it feels? Now, as we see in fishes hardly any organs for sympathetic motions, or senses for sympathetic perceptions, we think we are justified in saying, that there must be also in them very httle sympathetic feeling or thinking. Let us rise some steps further in the series of vertebrates, to the lizard, — that quick, lively, sagacious animal. While in fishes, the greater part of the body, and all four limbs, are used in locomotion, we find here four developed legs, the body nearly exempt from the function of locomotion, and thus capable of further differentiation; and the head, neck, trunk, and tail are distinct. With the distinct neck, and consequent ability to turn the head, are immediately connected, not only a larger horizon, but also many motions which manifest whatever moves or excites the animal. Together with the larger horizon, the eyes are very well developed, and the play of the eyelids (which are wanting in fishes and even in snakes) gives expression; so much, indeed, that I have been able to tell from a glance at the eyes alone of some lizards which [ once kept alive for a long time, and which were tame, whether they felt well or not. The ears, also, the organs of the real social sense, are well developed in lizards; and though the animals themselves have no voice, still they seem to like music. The tongue, which rarely exists in fishes, and when present, is a mere organ for swallowing food, has here not only become an organ of touch, but a means of expressing sympathy; for I have seen them licking each other in play. In turtles, which are higher than lizards, we find already a voice; and even the fore feet are used as organs for sympathetic motions. Prof. J. Wyman, in observing two of our common pond turtles at the breeding season, saw the male gently stroke the head of the female for some minutes. tising a step higher, we find in birds the voice developed to a high degree, but yet confined to a narrow range of modulated sounds. In mammalia, the organs for sympathetic motions are more developed than in birds, except, perhaps, those connected with the voice, although even this point remains to be settled. In mammalia, we find the first hints of what shall come inman. The first idea of an arm, we find in the bear, —1t embraces; and this idea of an arm is connected with the ability to stand erect upon the flat of the foot. In mammalia, too, we first find the idea of a hand, hinted at already in the bear, but carried out more fully in the monkey. The fea- tures of the face we find remarkable in the dog, and still more so in the monkey. We could find a like series in the organs of reproduction, which, from this merely natural view, must be considered organs of sympathy. It is interesting to consider hermaphroditism from this stand-point: it will be evident that it cannot occur in any animal of high psychical endowments. We will, in addition, merely call attention to the fact, that fishes have no organs of copulation, or very rudimentary ones; that in many species the male does not know the mother of the eggs which it fecundates; while, on the other hand, some reptiles, many birds, and most mammalia live in pairs, or, at least, their males and females go together throughout life, helping and ZOOLOGY. 367 taking care of each other. All the family life, the only fountain of moral and intellectual beauty, rests in the distinction and voluntary union of the sexes, and this distinction and union only make possible the highest unity of two beings which exists. We will dwell no longer on these steps, but consider man himself. If our principle of coincidence of the degree of psychical development, with the degree of the development of the organs of sympathetic motions, be true, we must find these latter in their highest condition in man. And so it is. Man, standing upright on his feet, has all his body free for sympathetic motions; and the organs by which they are performed are here in perfection. What we saw in the fish as a balancing instrument, in the lizard as a mere locomotatory organ, is in man an arm which embraces the child, the friend. With the hand, of which we saw no sign in the fish, which is a foot and a locomotatory organ in the lizard, and the same in all mammalia, even mon- keys, man grasps the hand of his fellow-man, and shows him what he feels, and with it he emphasizes his language. Here are the features of the face, expressing, by the most diversified play of motions, the varying conditions of the spirit, — telling Jove and hate, joy and pain. Here are the eyes, the mirror of the soul. All these organs we find in a lower condition in the higher mammalia, especially in monkeys. But there is one kind of sympa- thetic motions, which man alone enjoys,— those employed in language, — the power to express fully his ideas, his emotions to other men, by modu- lated sounds, produced by the complicated motion of the larynx, the tongue, the lips, ete. Many animals, it is true, have a voice, but none of them can express a series of thoughts or feelings. The cry of an animal is always the last concluding word of a sentence. It may be the result of a series of thoughts, but this series itself is never expressed. Men have also this kind of sounds — the sounds of laughing, crying, and many others: thus the war- cry of the Indian is no language; it is an animal sound, like the cry of a wolf, when it calls others to help. But all men have, beyond these animal sounds, the free, flexible language. They not only show to each other some of the points of their thinking, and feeling, and willing; they show, or can show, all the process which goes on within; that is, their inner natures can, by means of language, communicate with each other freely. We recognize in language the highest kind of sympathetic motions. Conclusions. Firstly, when trying to study the psychical endowments of animals, we have to start from the study of their motions, as the only man- ifestation of their mental constitutions (wix) which we can perceive. Secondly, there are to be distinguished in animals two kinds of voluntary motion, — the subjective and the sympathetic. The latter furnish the prin- cipal data for the study of the psychical rank; for every higher endowment flows from the sympathy of one feeling and thinking being with another. Sympathy is only a flowing forth of love, and love is the fountain of all moral and intellectual beauty in man, ON THE MODE OF FORMATION OF SHELLS OF ANIMALS, BONE, ETC. Dr. George Rainey, of London, the Lecturer on Microscopic Anatomy at St. Thomas’s Hospital, has been recently instituting a series of experiments, with a view of producing, by artificial means, structures analogous to, or identical with, the shells of molluscs and crustaceans, and the bones of other animals. The results he claims to have arrived at are given as follows: 868 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. “Firstly, a process by which carbonate of lime can be made to assume a globular form, and the explanation of the nature of the process, ‘molecular coalescence,’ by which that form is produced. Secondly, the explanation of the probable cause of crystallization, and the manner in which the rectili- near form of crystals is effected. Thirdly, the discovery of a process of ‘molecular disintegration’ of the globules of carbonate of lime, by invert- ing the mechanical conditions upon which their previous globular form had depended. Fourthly, the recognition, in animal tissues, of forms of earthy matter analogous to those produced artificially. And, fifthly, the deduction from the above fact, and considerations of the dependence of the rounded forms of organized bodies on physical and not on vital agencies.” The experiments, which are minutely described in a recently published treatise by Dr. R., consist principally in the introduction into a glass phial — first, of a viscid substance, as gum arabic, saturated with carbonate of potash; secondly, of a couple of pieces of glass, to catch and fix the glob- ules; and, lastly, of a solution of gum arabic and common water. After a certain time, the pieces of glass are removed, and are found to have become covered with clusters of globules or spherical molecules, which, on careful examination by a powerful microscope, are found to be identical in al! stages of their development with those of which microscopic dissection shows that the calcareous structures met with in living creatures are ultimately com- posed. He compares carefully the results of these experiments with those which demonstrate the principles and process of crystalline formation, and shows that when the carbonate of lime is formed in pure water, its first form is crystalline; but when formed in the same manner in water containing a viscid substance in solution, its form is globular. The reasons for these fun- damental or elementary differences in form are discussed and exemplified with much care and great acumen; but a reference to the diagrams and microscopic sketches, with which the book is illustrated, is necessary in order to follow the author through them. His final deduction, however, as regards the probable form of matter when it first came into being, is thus summed up: “It has been shown —I think I may say demonstrated —that matter, immediately it comes into existence in some new state of combination, as- sumes one or other of two forms, according to the predominant force acting upon its ultimate molecules. If that force be attraction, the first forms are curvilinear; 1f impulsion, they are rectilinear. But I am aware that these first forms, being made up of alternate particles, are not themselves atoms, or ultimate molecules. Now, in order that the first portions of matter may have a definite form, they must either come into existence in separate places or at separate times, that is, they must not be within the sphere of each other’s attraction or impulsion, for they would then be formed into globules or crystals before they had time to acquire their specific form. Now, as no experimental or natural process can be conceived by which a molecule is formed alone, this condition seems to be impossible. . . The idea of a definite form of the nascent particles of matter is unsupported by any kind of proof, and, therefore, is entirely untenable; and the only inference is, that when matter first comes into existence in some fresh state of combination, as, for instance, carbonate of lime combined with a viscid substance, it has no defi- nite form until gravity has given it one. . . . Consequently, it may be inferred that all molecules are amorphous, and that, 1f there ever was a. period when matter existed unacted upon by attraction or impulsion, it must ZOOLOGY. 369 have been in a chaotic or amorphous state—a something ‘ without form, and void.’ ” THE SPINAL CORD, A SENSATIONAL AND VOLITIONAL CENTRE. The following paper, by Mr. 8S. H. Lewis, was read at the Leeds Meeting of the British Association, by Prof. Owen: The spinal cord, the author stated, was formerly believed to be nothing but a great nerve-trunk; and even now its functions have been limited to the transmission and reflection of impressions. It can conduct impressions to the sensorium and reflect them on motor nerves, producing muscular con- traction; but this is all that physiologists are willing to allow. Doubts having long rested on his mind upon this point, he had made a series of experiments which had led him to a clear conviction; and that conviction and this experimental evidence, he proposed to present. Before detailing the evidence, however, for the sensorial functions of the cord, it will be neces- sary to fix on some broad and palpable signs, such as unequivocally indi- cate the presence of volition. We have such signs in spontaneity of actions and choice of actions. It will scarcely be disputed that an animal manifests volition, and its act is voluntary, when the act occurs spontaneously; I mean, prompted by some inward impulse, and not excited by an outward stimulus. Spontaneity and choice are two palpable characteristics of sensa- tion and volition, and it is these we must seek in our experiments. Those who, for the first time, perform or witness experiments on decapitated ani- mals, find it very difficult to believe that the animals have no sensation; but their doubts are generally settled by a reference to the admitted hypothesis of the brain being the exclusive seat of consciousness. On the strength of this hypothesis the striking facts recorded by Legallois, Prochaska, Volk- mann, and others, have been explained as simple cases of the reflex actions of the cord. Against this hypothesis of the brain being the exclusive seat of consciousness, I have for some years gathered increasing strength of con- viction, preferring the hypothesis of the sensorium being coéxtensive with the whole of the nervous centres; and I have been able, by experiment, to constitute three separate and entirely independent seats of consciousness in the same animal. From the mass of evidence furnished by experiments, all bearing on the same point, the sensational function of the cord acquires, in my mind, the force almost of ademonstrated truth. From that mass, a few cardinal cases may be selected. If they do not carry conviction, there can be little hope in any accumulation of such cases. Place a child of two or three years old on his back, and tickle his right cheek with a feather, he will probably first move his head aside, and then, on the tickling being con- tinued, he will raise his right hand, push away the feather, and rub the tick- led spot. So long as his right hand remains free, he will never use the left hand when the right cheek is tickled, or vice versa. But if you hold his right hand, he will rub with the left. The voluntary character of these actions is indisputable, in spite of their uniformity; they are prompted by sensation, and determined by volition. Let us now contrast the action of the sleeping child, under similar circumstances, and we shall find them to be precisely similar. Children sleep more soundly than adults, and seem to be more sensitive in sleep. I tickled the right nostril of a three-year old boy. He at once raised his right hand to push me away, and then rubbed the place. When I tickled his left nostril he raised the left hand. I then softly 3870 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. drew both arms down, and laid them close to the body, embedding the left arm in the clothes and placing on it a pillow, by gentle pressure on which I could keep the arm down without awakening him. Having done this, I tickled his left nostril. He at once began to move the imprisoned arm, but could not reach his face with it, because I held it firmly, though gently, down. He now drew his head aside, and I continued tickling, whereupon he raised the right hand, and with it rubbed the left nostril, an action he never per- formed when the left hand was free. The simple and ingenious experiment of Pfliiger establishes one important point, namely, that the so-called reflex actions in sleep are not accompanied by sensation and volition. The sleep- ing child behaves precisely as the waking child behaves, except that his actions are less energetic; and we are forced to assume the presence of dim cerebral consciousness to escape the conclusion that the spinal cord is also a seat of consciousness. The actions of the sleeping and the waking child are so similar that both must be credited with sensation and volition; and if not both, then neither must be so credited. In like manner [shall show that the actions of animals, before and after decapitation, exhibit no more differ- ence, as respects sensibility, than the actions of the waking and the sleeping child; so that here again, unless both actions are credited with sensation and volition, neither of them can put in a claim. Experiment leads decisively to this alternative, namely, either animals are unconscious machines, or decapitated animals manifest sensibility and will. [Having detailed a series of experiments with a water newt, to show that the animal’s actions were precisely the same before and after decapitation, and arguing that they dis- played spontaneity of action] —the paper proceeded: After allowing a quarter of an hour to elapse, in order to a more complete reinstatement of vigor, I touched the flank as before, with acetic acid. The movements at first were very disorderly. It ran about in great uneasiness, just as it had done before its head was off. In vain I waited for it to rub itself against the side of the box; it curled itself up, and seemed about to die. Some time afterwards I again touched it with the acid; it again became disorderly, and I then pushed it towards the side of the box; but it did not move until I pushed it slowly forwards, so that its flank might come in contact with the wood. This succeeded; this seemed to supply the very remedy it wanted; for it continued crawling slowly, and with intervals of rest, its body curved out- wards, so as to continue in contact with the wood, and its hind leg pressed close to the tail, and thus, as before, it rubbed away the acid. There are two points noticeable here: first, the readiness with which a sensation of contact suggested a means of relief; secondly, that this was the only newt which, in my experiments, ever hit upon this plan, and this one did so as well without its head as with it. The repetition of the act precludes the idea of its being an accident. It is unnecessary to trespass on your time by citing the observations of numerous physiologists testifying to the sponta- neity of decapitated animals. You will all remember such eases. I divided the cord of a newt between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebre. The con- vulsions which followed were almost as severe as those which follow decap- itation; but in this case it was the fore legs which were tetanic, and the hind legs pressed close to the body. After a few minutes, it tried to rise, but failed. Bubbles of carbonic acid were constantly expired. After fifteen minutes, it turned completely round, and crawled five steps forward, dragging the hin- der segment after it like a log, the hinder legs not moving at all. This was repeated several times. In fifteen minutes more, sensibility was detected in ZOOLOGY. OU? the hinder segment. Here was a case which would have been pronounced very simple. Division of the cord had seemingly destroyed all power of voluntary movement in the limbs below the section. The hind legs seemed paralyzed. When the anterior segment was irritated, the animal crawled away, dragging the motionless posterior segment after it. When this pos- terior segment was irritated, the animal did not crawl, but simply withdrew the limb or tail. If I touched the tail or hinder leg with acetic acid, the whole of the posterior segment (in which volition was said to be destroyed) began to move, and the legs set up the crawling action, attempting to push the whole body forward, which could not be effected, because the anterior seg- ment was perfectly motionless. The hind legs, which never moved when the anterior segment was irritated, moved now in obedience to the spinal volition; and the anterior segment, which before seemed so energetic in its voluntary movements, was now perfectly unmoved. Each centre rules its own segment. If the motionlessness of the hind legs, when the animal crawled, is a proof that voluntary power was destroyed in those legs, the motionlessness of the fore legs when the hind legs moved is equally a proof that voluntary power is destroyed in the fore legs. The real truth seems to be that each segment has its own volitional centre, and that the one is never affected by the other. I have, at this moment, a newt with the cord divi- ded near the centre of the back. The operation was performed four days ago, and the animal has so far recovered from it that no spectator could dis- tinguish between the voluntary power of its two segments. When the flame of a wax match is brought near the cerebral segment, the fore legs set to work, and the animal crawls away, dragging the hinder segment along. When the flame is brought near the spinal segment, the hind legs set to work, and the body moves sideways, the anterior segment remaining perfectly quiescent. All other stimuli produce similar results. I venture to submit that the explanation here proposed of two independent volitional centres is far more consistent with the phenomena than the explanation offered by the reflex theory; unless the actions of the posterior segment of the newt are evidences of sensation and volition, I know of no kind of evidence for the existence of such properties in the cerebral segment. . . . I will not occupy the attention of this meeting with the recital of other experiments. Those already cited suffice to indicate the nature of the evidence on which I found my positions. And, indeed, I might rest on one simple fact as proof that the spinal cord is a sensational centre, namely, the fact that whenever sensi- bility is destroyed all actions cease to be coordinated. Every one present knows how greatly our muscular sensibility aids us in the performance of actions; but it has apparently been forgotten that if sensibility be destroyed in a limb, by section of the posterior roots which supply that limb, the power of movement will be retained so long as the anterior roots are intact; but the power of codrdinated movement will be altogether destroyed. With diminishing sensibility we see diminishing power of coordination, the move- ments become less and less orderly; and with the destruction of sensibility, the movements cease to have their coordinated harmony. Now, in the cases I have cited, it is clear that this power of codrdinating movements — some- times very complex movements — was nearly, if not quite, perfect in the decapitated animal; therefore, if codrdination implies sensibility, the con- clusion scems inevitable that the spinal cord is a centre of sensibility. The whole case may be summed up thus: 1st. Positive evidence proves that, in decapitated animals, the actions are truly sensorial. 2d. Positive evidence, 372 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. on the other hand shows that, in human beings, with injured spines, the actions are not sensorial, but reflex. 3d. But as the whole science of physi- ology presupposes that between vertebrate animals there is such a general concordance, that whatever is demonstrable of the organs in one animal will be true of similar organs in another; and inasmuch as it is barely con- , ceivable that the spinal cord of a frog, a pigeon, and a rabbit, should have a sensorial function, while that of a man has none, we must conclude that the seeming contradiction afforded by human pathology admits of reconcile- ment. No fact really invalidates any other fact. If the animal is such an organized machine that an external impression will produce the same actions as would have been produced by sensation and volition, we have absolutely no ground for believing in the sensibility of animals at all; and we may as well accept the bold hypothesis of Descartes, that they are mere automata. If the frog is so organized, that, when he cannot defend himself in one way, the internal mechanism will set going several other ways; if he can perform, unconsciously, all those actions which he performs consciously, it is surely superfluous to assign any consciousness at all. His organism may be called a self-adjusting mechanism, in which consciousness finds no more room than in the mechanism of a watch. Sir B. Brodie said the paper was most valuable, but he thought the exper- iments might be claimed for reflex action almost as much as in favor of the theory of Mr. Lewes. Mr. Nunneley said that the paper asserted too broadly that it had been held that sensation and volition were suspended in sleep. The person who talked in sleep and the sleep-walker both disproved the assumption of entire suspension. He had himself removed the spinal marrow of cats and rab- bits, and they had lived and moved for eight hours afterwards. If they de- parted from the position that volition was resident in the higher masses of the spinal marrow, they must go further, and maintain that it existed in dif- ferent parts of the body; and that would lead them back to the opinion of the earlier anatomists, that the nervous system was not essential to vitality. Prof. Owen, in reply, directed attention to the comparative largeness of the human brain and: the smallness of the spinal column of man, as com- pared with those of the animals experimented upon, and said it might be that there were some sensations felt by the lower animals which are not ex- perienced by human beings; and if the inquiry were pursued, with this idea kept in view, they might be able to reconcile what now appeared to be con- flicting. ON THE CLASSIFICATION AND GROWTH OF CORALS. At arecent meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Professor Agassiz gave an account of a recent visit to the reefs of Florida and his explorations of coralline growths. He estimated the rate of coral growth to be only a few inches in a century, a tenth or twelfth part less than was for- merly supposed; and, supposing the reef rises from a depth of twelve fath- oms, he would calculate its age, upon arrival at the-surface of the water, to be about twenty-five thousand years, and the total age of the four distinct concentric reefs of the southern extremity of the peninsula to be one hun- dred thousand years. Professor Agassiz in his remarks presented evidence that Millepora is not a Polyp but a Hydroid. Prof. Wm. B. Rogers said that the physical conditions could not have ZOOLOGY. 373 differed much in that region a hundred thousand years ago from what they now are, and consequently that such a calculation could reasonably be made upon the data accumulated by Prof. Agassiz. Dr. Weinland called attention to a fact recently observed by him in Hayti, which seems to involve a more rapid growtlvof some kinds of corals than is generally assumed for this class of animals. In a small coral basin, between the town of Corail and the island of Caymites, which is never disturbed by vessels, the water being there much too shallow, he saw several branches of the large Madrepora alcicornis projecting above the surface of the water from three to five inches. These branches were dead, for corals always die soon after exposure to the air, while the rest of the stock, as far as it was under water, was in full life. This observation was made in the month of June. The question naturally suggested itself, when did those pieces, which were now above water, grow? A fact, to which he alluded on another occasion, at a meeting of the Soci- ety, viz., that during the whole winter season (December, January, and February), the level of the water all along the northern shore of Hayti is from four to six feet higher than during the summer season, being raised by a constant northerly wind during those months, suggested to him the idea that those coral branches, as far as they were above water during sum- mer, might have grown during a single winter of three months only. This would show a very rapid growth of this kind of corals. The fact that the Madrepores, when growing so near the surface, and, as stated above, par- tially uncovered during the summer, very often, in the course of a few years, give rise to small Mangrove islands, between the outside coral reef and the shore, was well known to a native Mulatto sailor, whom Dr. Weinland em- ployed there. As he had observed at a former meeting, there is hardly any change of high and low tide along that shore of Hayti; so that this can have no bearing on the present question. | Prof. Agassiz also stated that he had, as the result of his investigations, been led to institute the following classification of corals: Ist. Vegetable Corals. These are Alge, or at least vegetable productions, which in time accumulate in their cellular tissue so much lime as to resem- ble coral, and which form entire islands, as the Tortugas and Marquesas groups, the sands on the shores of which are composed of disintegrated par- ticles of these vegetable growths. 2d. Corals of Bryozoa. The affinities of these are well known. They grow in clusters, and are genuine corals belonging to animals of the lower class of molluscs, and not polyps, though once thus considered. 3d and 4th. The remaining corals belong to two types, genuine corals formed by Polyps and those belonging to Hydroid Acalephs, the Tabulata. The Tabulata are known to be Hydroids by direct observation of the animal in Millepora recently made by Prof. A. in Fiorida. Of Rugosa no living types are known, and consequently its affinities must be deter- mined by the structure of the solid parts. In this respect the Tabulata pre- sent striking differences from the genuine corals formed by the Polyps. These have vertical radiating partitions, extending from top to bottom, with transverse partitions extending only between two adjoining vertical partitions. In Rugosa this horizontal floor extends across the whole cavity of the animal, as in Tabulata; and the radiating partitions are limited in their vertical extent to the space between two horizontal floors; so that their affinities go with the Tabulata, in some of which there are traces of radiating partitions. Besides, in Rugosa, the quadripartite arrangement 32 374 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. prevails as in Acalephs. The secretions of the Tabulata are foot secretions, whilst those of other corals are from the outer walls. REVACCINATION. % A paper on this subject was recently presented to the Academy of Medi- cine of Paris, in the name of Dr. Vlemincks, one of its corresponding mem- bers. The author gives an account of the experiments instituted at Gand by Dr. Denobele, with a view to ascertain the advantages arising from a repeti- tion of vaccination at various periods of life. The results arrived at are, that between the ages of twenty and forty, revaccination only takes effect upon four out of one hundred patients, while the proportion of those on whom it takes effect between the ages of forty and sixty is twenty-three per cent.; and between the ages of sixty and seventy, fifty-four per cenf. The consequences deduced from these facts are: 1. That until the age of twenty- five, revaccination is useless; 2, That from that age to thirty-five it produces useful effects upon a very small number of persons, and that consequently it need not be very strenuously recommended at that period of life; 3. That from the age of thirty-five and upwards it becomes really prophylactic, and therefore necessary; 4. That when vaccination has not taken effect at a cer- tain period, this is no reason for concluding that it will not take effect at some future period. Hence Dr. Vlemincks concludes that the revaccination of the pupils of schools and seminaries, as also of soldiers in the army, is useless. THE PARASITE OF A PARASITE. An acarus, infesting the parasite of a bee, has been lately discovered, and a photographic portrait of the insect, magnified one million times, surface Measurement, has been taken by Mr. A. Bertsch. It is covered with a cara: pace, or hollow shield, and its feet are armed with sharp claws, by which it keeps a firm hold upon the microscopic creature from which it derives nour: ishment, and which in its turn preys upon the honey-gathering bee. As we can discover no limits to the minuteness of organized beings, so we can fix no term to this extraordinary series of parasitic animals preying one upon the other. How much further can we hope to fathom the mysteries of organic creation? ON THE MIGRATION OF FISHES. At a meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Dr. H. R. Storer presented specimens of a smelt, from Squam Lake, N. H., remarking on their peculiar interest, as affording an instance of a species originally migrat- ing to fresh water from salt water, and now permanently resident in the former. He had learned of its existence several years since, but had until now been unable to obtain it. When full grown, the lake smelt seldom exceeds six inches in length, and is extremely attenuated; but a careful examination leaves little doubt of its identity with our marine Osmerus viridescens. It is found throughout the year, in both Squam Lake and Win- nipisseogee, though more rarely in the latter. The modifications in shape referred to would probably be found to exist also in the smelt of Jamaica Pond, near Boston, the conditions of life being much the same in both, the ZOOLOGY. 379 latter having been imprisoned artificially, while the former had become a per- manent resident in fresh water from natural causes alone. At a subsequent meeting, Professor Agassiz, in reply to a question whether the fishes of the European coast could be transplanted to the shores of America, — said that it was extremely doubtful. From a general point of view he should not suppose that any family of fishes, which have no representatives here, could flourish on this coast; but that perhaps fish belonging to the same family with the haddock and hake, might be nat- uralized. VARIATION OF COLOR IN THE VENOUS BLOOD OF THE GLANDS. Since the discovery of the circulation of the blood, it has been admitted that the blood of the arteries is red, and that of the veins black, with this exception, that it is the reverse for the arteries and pulmonary veins. This fact has afforded Bichat the foundation for his grand division of the circula- tion (since adopted by all anatomists), a vascular system with red blood, which carries the blood from the lungs to all parts of the body; a vascular system of black blood, which carries the blood from all parts of the body to the lungs. But it results from the researches of Prof. Claude Bernard that this statement cannot be accepted absolutely. This skilful observer has proved, through a great number of dissections of living subjects, and in a manner which leaves no room for doubt, that the blood contained in the renal veins is sometimes black and sometimes red, and that when it has the latter color, it is black in the inferior vena cava which receives the blood from the renal vein. This fact being established, he looked for an explanation, and found that it was due to the state of repose or activity of the kidneys, the secretory organ of the urine. He has, in fact, demonstrated, by delicate experiments, in his course of Physiology at the College of France, that when the urine runs from the kidneys, where it has just been formed, in the ureter which takes it to the bladder, the blood contained in the renal cavities is red; and that it becomes black when the flow ceases. The same experiment performed on the submaxillary gland of the dog produced the same result. Flowing of saliva by the proper duct from this gland, and presence of red blood in the afferent vein are two phenomena which go together, as also the absence of saliva and black color of the blood in the same vein. Analogous experiments made on the parotid gland and on the glands in the abdominal parts of the digestive tube, have given sim- ilar results. But the author adds, with the habitual severity which he brings to his conclusions, that the study will be complete only when the examina- tion shall have been extended to every gland throughout the structure. It results from the facts, that if, as regards physiological conditions, the term red blood may be applied to the arterial blood, that of black blood can- not be used in so general a way for the venous blood. It results also, from other researches of Prof. Bernard, that physical and chemical modifications correspond to these different states of coloration, and ought to be taken into consideration in the analyses of the blood, the composition of which varies even with the state of activity or repose of an organ. The last principle applies not merely to the glands, but to all the organs of the body; so that it will be necessary to study now the venous blood in the state of repose, and in the state of functional activity. It is worthy of remark, that if the 376 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. blood goes out red from the glands in activity, it goes out, on the contrary, very black, and with different physical qualities from a muscle which con- tracts itself. In experimenting on the submaxillary gland, Prof. Bernard has been able, by means of electricity, to excite at will the activity of an organ, so as to produce the secretion-of saliva and the coloring of the blood of the vein red. This fact suggested to him the following remark: “‘ All those modifi- cations which the blood undergoes in consequence of the functional activity of the organs, are always determined by the nervous system; and conse- quently, at this point of contact between the organic tissues and the blood, we must search for a knowledge of the special agency of the nervous sys- tem in the physico-chemical phenomena of life.” INTERESTING OBSERVATIONS ON THE BODY OF AN EXECUTED CRIMINAL. During the past year a man by the name of McGee was executed for mur- der in the city of Boston, and a medical examination subsequently made of his body by Dr. Henry Clarke and other physicians of that city. From the account of this examination, published by Dr. Clarke in the Boston Medical Journal, we derive the following interesting particulars: The examination may be said to have commenced before death had com- pletely taken place, for Dr. Clarke’s account begins while the frame of the malefactor was still suspended. ‘At the end of seven minutes (he says) all the sounds of the heart were distinctly audible, and the number of beats one hundred in the minute. At nine minutes the number was ninety-eight. Atthe end of twelve minutes the number was sixty, and the pulsations fainter. At fourteen minutes the sounds had disappeared. The body was lowered at 10.25, at which time a careful examination of the chest revealed no percepti- ble sound or impulse of the heart. A small space under the left ear seemed to have escaped active compression, so that some circulation might have been continued through the carotid and jugular of that side.”” Half an hour later, or a few minutes past eleven, Dr. Ellis commenced the autopsy. At 11.30 a slight but regular pulsatory movement was observed in the right subclavian vein. Upon applying the ear to the chest, this was ascertained to proceed from the heart itself, which gave a distinct and regular single beat, with a slight impulse, eighty times a minute. The chest was then opened, and the heart exposed, without in any way arresting the pulsatory movements. The right auricle was in full and regular motion, contracting and dilating with beautiful distinctiveness and energy. At twelve o’clock, the spinal cord having been previously divided, the number of contractions was forty per minute, having continued, with only a short intermission, up to this time. The peculiar movements of the anterior wall of the right auri- cle gradually, but occasionally, recurred, either spontaneously, or excited by a passing current of air, until 1.45. They could at any moment be excited by the point of the scalpel. At 1.45 the movements still continued without stimulus. Five were noticed in a minute, with corresponding intervals. At 2.45 all automatic movements ceased, but the part still responded to the stim- ulus of the knife. At 3.10 deep irritation of the same kind was followed by slight movements. The irritability was most marked at the lower part, where the vena cave enter the auricle. At 3.18 all movements ceased. On opening the heart, it was found to be perfectly normal. After some other and ZOOLOGY. 377 more strictly professional details, the account proceeds to narrate the discus- sion that followed. Dr. Gay thought the absence of cerebral congestion due to the adjustment of the rope, which allowed circulation in the left carotid. He thought death might have been owing to the sudden shock. Dr. Clarke thought the death was by asphyxia. Dr. Ainsworth remarked that “all the appearances usually observed in cases of hanging were here wanting.” Dr. Clarke expressed the “‘opinion that, as there was no lesion of any important organ, resuscitation might probably have been accom- plished by artificial respiration, etc., if efforts to that end had been made immediately upon the lowering of the body from the scaffold, that is, within half an hour after he fell. Strong shocks of electricity or galvanism would, in cases of accidental apparent death, destroy the little remaining vitality; _ and if these agents are used at all, they should be administered with great care.”’ Dr. Coale alluded to the unfortunate incident in the life of the cele- brated Vesalius, in consequence of which he was banished from his country and died in exile. Not allowing a sufficient time to elapse after the death of his patient before proceeding to the examination, the muscular irritability remaining in the body caused a pulsatory movement in the heart, which led to his arrest and punishment for murder and impiety. ON FAUNA OF THE ARCTIC REGIONS. In a recent discussion before the Boston Society of Natural History, Dr. T. M. Brewster stated that it had been ascertained that there is a greater diversity of species among the birds of the eastern and western North At- lantic coasts than was formerly supposed. Several species, bearing close resemblance, upon the two continents, have been established to be different, —for example, the Velvet Duck, the Peregrine Falcon, and the Fish Hawk. It was interesting to observe, that, for no apparent cause in their organiza- tion different from that common to both shores, many birds are found only on one or the other shore; for instance, the Manx Shearwater, the lesser Saddleback Gull, the European Scoter (differing only in size from the Amer- ican) which are found only in Europe. Between the birds of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts there is more diversity, and also there are observable dif- ferences of distribution. Thus Brunnich’s Guillemot, found by Dr. Kane in latitude 70° north, and rarely found so far south as Massachusetts Bay, in midwinter breeds in the harbor of San Francisco, in latitude nearly corre- sponding with that of Richmond, Virginia. The Uria Grylle, whose extreme southern breeding point on the Atlantic is the Bay of Fundy, breeds also near San Francisco. It may be, however, that the eastern and the western birds will yet be found to be of different species. Dr. Brewer believed that they would be. Dr. Bryant stated that the majority of the arctic birds are identical with those of Europe; and that the arctic ornithology of the western coast of North America differed more from the eastern coast than the latter did from that of Europe. Dr. A. A. Gould remarked that the arctic circle has ever been considered one uniform zoological region; he had recently examined shells collected by Mr. Stimpson in Beering’s Straits and upon the northwest coast of North America, and had found them to be identical with those found between this place and Labrador. One shell in particular, Nucula thracice- formis, he alluded to; one valve of this shell, brought from Japan, exactly 32* 378 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. mated an opposite valve taken at Provincetown, Mass. At Hakodadi, Japan, the arctic fauna exists, and the shells of this coast are found; whilst at Simoda the shells are those of the China seas. Birds can traverse the ocean in the northern regions where the continents approach each other, but it is a question if mollsuca can travel such distances. ON PARTHENOGENESIS. This word, as its derivation implies, signifies the production of young by the female sex alone, as in the Aphides, or common plant lice, in which gen- eration follows generation, for a dozen or more, without renewed intercourse with the other sex. There are two modes of generation well known in plants and animals, — one by true eggs, the other by buds without eggs. The plant kingdom is known to be full of both processes. The bud from a branch, developing regularly its leaves, and capable as it often is of propagation, where separa- ted, as well as when united to the original stem, is one variety of propaga- tion by buds. The bud originating as a bulb at the axils of the leaves and branches, which drops off, and on finding soil, produces a new plant, is an- other variety of growth by buds. As each plant from such a bulb or bulbel will produce its crop of bulbels, propagation may be continued on apparently indefinitely, without necessary intervention of true flowers. The Animal Kingdom, in its inferior departments of the Radiates and Molluscs, exemplifies the same method of propagation. The young polyp may grow from the side of the old, and be persistent, like ordinary buds of plants, but becoming an independent individual if cut off; or, in other cases, it may drop off on reaching towards maturity, and thus acquire indepen- dence, and so become the parent of a new zoophyte. Thus far the two king- doms have long been known to be alike in reproduction. The bulbels of the plant are not like true seed in structure, neither are the bulbels of the Cam- panularidz. There is not the germinal vesicle with its germinative spot. The development is simply germination. The analogies between plants and animals, it may be stated, go still further; for as plants produce leaf buds, and then flower buds, and then flower buds in which sexual organs and seed are developed, so some Medusz (Tabularidx) bud out polyps to make the branching stems, and afterwards bud out Medusz to develop sexual or- gans and ova; these Medusz (as occasionally happens with the flowers of plants) separating and becoming free from the stalk that produces them. Moreover, it is now understood that the so-called alternation of generation is nothing more than the successive states exemplified in plants, of the embryo, incipient leaf bud, opened leaf bud, flower bud, and flower, all of which are often widely diverse in forms. It was in view of such facts as these that the late Dr. Burnett undertook to determine the nature of the process of continual nonsexual propagation in the Aphides; and his conclusion was, that the egg-like bodies, developed in clusters within the producing Aphis, were of the nature of buds, and not true ova, agreeing in this with Dr. Carpenter; and that the whole was anal- ogous to the budding process. ‘‘ The germs,” he says, ‘‘ have none of the structural characteristics of eggs, such as a vitellus, a germinative vesicle and dot; on the other hand, they are at first, simple collections, in oval masses, of nucleated cells.” He also refers to the same kind of origin, the so-called hibernating eggs of Daphnia among Crustacea, Lacinularia among ZOOLOGY. 3579 the Rotatoria, and Hydatina and Notommata among the Infusoria, in which, he observes, no germinative vesicle or dot has been seen, and no connection with the ovary discovered. Parthenogenesis in the Aphides, according to this view, is reproduction by buds, or gemmiparous reproduction, as distinct from sexual reproduction. It is like leaf-budding, the flower-budding (or sexual developments) taking place at longer intervals. The later investigations of some zodlogists have been tending to the con- clusion that even true eggs, or bodies haying the structure of eggs in every essential point, may be produced in some cases by females, and develop into perfect individuals without the intervention of the male, and without any proper hermaphroditism in the parent. The most important work that has appeared on this subject is one on “‘ Parthenogenesis in Moths and Bees,” by C. T. E. von Siebold, of Munich, which has been translated in England by W. S. Dallas. The author describes the raising of brood after brood of young from some moths, without the recurrence of a single male; and in a Psyche, the pupacase is filled with eggs before it is left; and in a Selonobia, the animal, immediately after leaving the case, stuffs it full of eggs. The main point in his work, and one of more questionable character, relates to bees. He adopts the theory of a Silesian clergyman named Dzierzon, and after farther elaborating it, sustains the view that “‘the queen-bee, which, like all other female insects, receives the seminal fluid of the male in a pecu- liar receptacle, there to be retained until it comes in contact with the egg during its passage through the oviduct, possesses the power of permitting or preventing this contact, so that the eggs may be deposited in the cells, either fecundated or unfecundated, at the pleasure of the mother; and farther, that from the fecundated eggs, female larves are produced, which become devel- oped either into queens or workers, whilst the unfecundated eggs furnish the larves of the drones or males.”’ The following are some of the points of evidence adduced in support of«this remarkable theory, as given in a notice of the work in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History: “Ttis now generally admitted, even by bee-keepers, that the queen only copulates once, and that the supply of seminal fluid received at this time, and stored up in the seminal receptacle, serves for the fecundation of the immense number of eggs which she deposits during the period of her fer- tility, extending over several years. Sometimes, however, the stock of sper- matozoids appears to be exhausted before the life of the queen comes to a close, and when this is the case she lays nothing but drone eggs, introducing confusion into the wonderfully harmonious arrangements of the hive. This was found to be the case also with a queen which had been exposed to se- vere cold with a view of destroying the vitality of the spermatozoids; of three queens thus treated, only one survived, and this afterwards laid noth- ing but drone eggs. Another queen, whose abdomen had been injured so as probably to displace the seminal receptacle, also produded drone-eggs exclu- sively. Added to this, certain workers, which, as is well known, are merely abortive females, destitute of copulative organs and of the seminal recepta- cle, and therefore incapable of fecundation, are found to possess imperfectly developed ovaries, which produce a very small number of eggs, and these, when deposited in the cells, are said always to produce drones. For most of these facts, von Siebold appears to be indebted to the apiarians Dzierzon and von Berlepsch; but perhaps the most remarkable observations are those made by himself, in the microscopic examination of a considerable number 380 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. of newly deposited eggs. In the majority of the eggs deposited in worker- cells examined by him, he found spermatozoids; sometimes as many as four. In some instances, these singular filaments still retained the power of motion. On examining twenty-seven drone-eggs, laid by the same queen which had furnished a portion of the female eggs, von Siebold did not discover a single spermatozoid. “Such is the outline of the results at which the distinguished author has arrived; and although many will perhaps be disinclined to give an unhesi- tating adhesion to his views, there can be no doubt that his work is one of the most important that has appeared for a long time; one well worthy of being carefully studied by all physiologists, and one that must, in the end, greatly advance the cause of science, if only by calling the attention of ob- servers to this singular and much-neglected subject.” It would appear, from observed facts, that, among some of the lower ani- mals, it is of no more account for one of them to bud out a complete animal of its kind, than for a crab to reproduce its mutilated claw. Moreover, it seems to be also true that the budding process may take place in the ovary, and that it may evolve an egg or something very like an egg, thus com- mencing with the first step in the reproductive process; or it may evolve a bulb-like mass from other parts of the body, like that in ordinary gemma- tion; and each may develop into an individual animal, or what will produce such individuals. Whether formed in one place or another, a germinating cellule, or a spot or collection of cellules, begins the development, and the whole process, from its initiatory step to the end, is a regular growth from the single budding individual. Moreover, the observations in the plant kingdom appear to show definitely (confirmatory of Mr. Lubbock’s observations in the Daphnia), that in the case of ovary reproduction, the ovule which develops without impregnation is identical in its initial growth with that prepared for impregnation accord- ing to the ordinary seed-producing process. Yet, not to lose sight of the diverse relations of the two modes of reproduction, we should remember that, normally, in every species which buds or produces budding eggs, there are also the opposite sexes for true egg-development; that even the lowest sea-weed has its conjugation of oppositely related cells for spore-reproduc- tion; that reproduction of this one-sex kind is confined to the lower grades of species among animals, and some of these, like the Aphis, find the pro- cess so easy that they can turn off their germ-buds by the myriads, and still there is here a periodical recourse to the true sexual process; that in some animals, like the Daphnia, while the ovaries produce eggs of both kinds, the normal eggs pass to another cavity, and early show their distinctive charac- ter; that, in fine, a distinction of sex (a kind of sexual polarity) is the grand universal law for reproduction in life, and is never altogether set aside even for the inferior species, while absolutely essential in the higher. Moreover, this supplemental and inferior means of propagation, or budding, is but an expansion of the ordinary law of growth; the same law that reproduces the nails and hair in man, the tail of a mutilated snake, or the legs of a maimed crustacean, evolves the polyp from the bud of a polyp, the Aphis from the Aphis germ-bud, or the plant from an unimpregnated ovule. The Aphis germ-bud or the unimpregnated ovule may be considered as only a minuter or more concentrated form of the bulb or bulbel. The process by which the female produces the ovule which is afterwards to be impregnated is essentially a budding process, and not until after im- ZOOLOGY 381 pregnation does it become in any case a true developing ege; and it would seem that, in a few cases at least, it may develop either gemmatively, or in true egg style, that is, it may continue a germ-bud, or become an egg, ac- cording as it is or is not impregnated. But, while this extension of the budding method of propagation subserves an end of vast importance among the inferior animals and in the plant king- dom, it cannot be properly an equivalent to the normal sexual process. There is some great difference between what the female can bud out of her- self, and what the sexes combined produce. It is probable, from facts which have been observed, both in plants and animals — though not yet demon- strated — that bud propagation will in all cases, if followed exclusively, end in the decline of the race, and its ultimate extinction; and that the sexes are required to keep up the sexual system and thus to sustain the type at its normal level, and secure its perpetuity. This, if established as a real effect, is yet but a partial, or inadequate expression of the difference between the two results. The subject opens a wide field for exploration. — Silliman’s Journal (abridged), Nov., 1857. SILK CULTURE IN INDIA. Mr. F. Bashford, who has been engaged in the silk culture in India for many years, states, in a paper recently presented to the London Society of Arts, that it requires in Bengal 10,000 of the best cocoons to produce one pound of good silk; in France 2,500 cocoons produce the same quantity. With a view to improve this produce, Mr. Bashford imported a large quan- tity of the best French, Italian, and China eggs, to engraft upon the different species of the Bengal race. Various details of the experiments were then given; but Mr. Bashford sums up by saying that, as he had spent three years in trying ineffectually to engraft a superior nature, and invigorate the common stock, he felt discouraged, and would gladly have the opinion of naturalists as to the probability of his object ever being attainable, and the proper steps to be taken for realizing it. BUTTERFLY VIVARIUM. The success of vivaria for fish and crustacea, has suggested to Mr. Noel Humphreys, of England, the idea of a vivarium for insects; and for the con- struction of this he has recently published directions in a work entitled the “Butterfly Vivarium,” or “Insect Home.’”? Entomologists have at all times found it necessary to make use of some kind of vivarium, for the purpose of _observing the changes which insects undergo before arriving at their perfect state. The tin box, with a perforated lid for ventilation, the card-board trays for silkworms, or the wooden box sunk in the ground, with a wire lid, and filled with the various kinds of caterpillars, are, in fact, all vivaria. But the speciality of Mr. Humphreys’ plan is to make the vivarium an orna- mental object for a drawing-room. With this view, he proposes that it shall consist of a glass case, with proper ventilation at the top; that part of the bottom shall be filled with earth, in which plants, such as are fed upon by insects, shall be planted; that another part shall be devoted to a tank, for the benefit of such as delight in water; and that in the earth shall be in- serted bottles for holding sprigs of such plants as are too large to grow in the vivarium. We cannot gather from the directions whether or not Mr. Hum- 382 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. phreys has himself tried the experiment, or seen it tried by others. An orna- mental glass case, filled with plants, on the leaves of which should appear beautiful caterpillars of various colors, and metallic beetles glittering in the sun, while around the flowers should flit moths and butterflies, and dragon- flies, with their gorgeously-painted or delicately-reticulated wings, would cer- tainly form a very attractive object. Whether such a vivarium could be maintained in good working order or not, is, however, in our opinion, a somewhat doubtful matter, ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. NEW PLANETS FOR 1838. The forty-sixth asteroidal planet was discovered by Mr. Pogson, of Oxford, Eng., Aug. 16, 1857, and has received the name of Hestia. The forty-seventh, Aglaia, was discovered on the 15th of September, 1857, by Dr. Luther, of Bilk. The forty-eighth, Doris, and the forty-ninth, Pales, were both discovered by M. Goldschmidt, of Paris, on the same evening, namely, the 19th of Sep- tember, 1857. The fiftieth, Virginia, was discovered on the 4th of October, 1857, by Mr. Ferguson of the observatory at Washington, D. C.* The asteroids discovered during the year 1858 are as follows: Nemausa, the fifty-first, discovered by M. Laurent, of Marseilles, Jan. 22. Europa, the fifty-second, discovered by M. Goldschmidt, February 6. Calypso, the fifty-third, discovered by Dr. Luther, of Bilk, April 4. Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth Asteroids.— Two asteroids were discovered on the night of the 10th of September: the one by M. Goldschmidt, at Paris, and the other by Mr. George Searle, of the Dudley Observatory, at Albany. DONATY’S COMET. The following account of the great comet of 1858 is derived in part from an article contributed to Runkle’s Mathematical Journal, by Prof. G. P. Bond, of the Cambridge Observatory. On the 2d June, 1858, a faint nebulosity, slowly advancing toward the north, was descried by Donati at Florence, near the star A Leonis. This was the earliest observation of the great comet of 1858, its distance from the sun being then about two hundred millions of miles, while from the earth it was yet more remote. Being, at first, inclined to question whether it might not be identical with another comet just before seen in the same quarter of the heavens (the third comet of 1858), he communicated the intelligence of the discovery, with a suitable reserve, as “perhaps new;” and in a second de- spatch he said, ‘It is possible that this comet is the same as that discovered in America on the 2d of May.”’ This conjecture, fortunately for Donati, did not prove true; although the apprehension of the Italian astronomer, from the rival zeal of his transatlantic brethren, was not without reasonable foun- dation, for no sooner had the moon withdrawn from the evening sky, so as to allow the comet to be seen, than it was detected almost simultaneously at three different points in America, each observer being at the time unaware *The table of asteroids discovered in 1857, as given in the Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1858, was in some respects incorrect. Hence the repetition. 084 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. of its previous discovery in Italy. It was seen by Mr. H. P. Tuttle, on the evening of the 28th of June, and an accurate determination of its place was made on the same night at the observatory of Harvard College. On the 29th, it was detected by H. M. Parkhurst, Esq., of Perth Amboy, N. J.; and on the Ist of July, by Miss Mitchell, of Nantucket. Three geocentric positions, obtained on the 7th, 11th, and 13th of June, furnished Donati with the means of computing approximate elements of the comet’s motion, from which its interesting character was quickly recognized. Considerable difficulty was experienced in fixing the precise time of perihe- lion passage, a most necessary condition in predicting its path as seen from the earth. While in other respects the results deduced by various com- puters were sufficiently accordant, they showed wide discrepancies in desig- nating the place of the comet in the orbit. By the middle of August, how- ever, its future course, and great increase of brightness in September and the early part of October, had been ascertained with entire certainty. Up to this time it had remained a faint object, not even discernible by the unassisted eye. It was distinguished from ordinary telescopic comets only by the extreme slowness of its motion, in singular contrast with its subse- quent career, and by the vivid light of the nucleus; the latter peculiarity was of itself prophetic of a splendid destiny. Traces of a tail were noticed on the 20th of August, and on the 29th it was seen with the naked eye as a hazy star. For a few weeks it occupied a posi- tion in the heavens where it rose before the sun and set after it, becoming thus a conspicuous object both in the morning and evening sky. This cir- cumstance gave rise to the erroneous notion that two different comets had appeared. The statement, which was widely circulated, that this was the return of the comet of 1264 and of 1556, supposed by some to be identical, is equally incorrect. If it has ever before been seen by man, it must have been far back in history, since the most recent computations assign a time of revolution of about twenty-four hundred years. On the 6th of September was first noticed the curvature of the tail, which subsequently, at the time of its greatest expansion, became one of its most impressive features. It is remarkable that this peculiarity should have been strongly enough exhibited to be distinguished at the above date, when the earth was close to the plane of the comet’s orbit. The observation cannot, in fact, be reconciled with the commonly received opinion that the curvature of the tail lies in the plane of motion about the sun. On the 20th, the first of a series of extraordinary phenomena manifested itself in the region contiguous to the nucleus. A crescent-shaped outline, obscure and very narrow, was interspersed, like a screen, between the nucleus and the sun; within this, instead of a softly blended nebulous light, indic- ative of an undisturbed condition of equilibrium, the fiery mass was in a state of apparent commotion, as though upheaved by the action of violent inter- nal forces. On the 23d, two dark outlines were traced more than half way round the nucleus, and on the next evening still another. Each of these was evidently the outer boundary of a luminous envelope, the brightest be- ing that nearest the nucleus. On the 25th four envelops were seen, and others were subsequently formed, almost under the eye of the observer, their motion of projection from the nucleus being evident from night to night. The rapidity of their formation, and the enormous extent to which they are ultimately expanded, are phenomena extremely difficult to explain. The scene of chaotic con- ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 385 fusion presented within the inmost envelop can only be accounted for as the result of sudden and violent disruptions from the central body, projecting immense volumes of its luminous substance towards the sun, which by some unknown law, is in turn repelled by that body, and driven off to the distant regions of space, forming the vast train of light so characteristic of these mysterious bodies. Prof. Mitchell, of the Cincinnati Observatory, thus describes the appear- ance of the comet in the great refractor of that institution: “On the evening of the 25th of September the central portion, or nucleus, was examined with powers varying from one hundred to five hundred, without presenting any evidence of a well-defined planetary disk. It was a brilliant glow of light, darting and flashing forward in the direction of the motion toward the sun, and leaving the region behind in comparative ob- scurity. But the most wonderful physical feature presented was a portion of a nearly circular nebulous ring, with its vertex directed toward the sun, the bright nucleus being in the centre, while the imperfect ring swept more than half round the luminous centre. This nebulous ring resembled those which sometimes escape from a steam-pipe, but did not exhibit the appearance which ought to be presented by a hollow hemispherical envelop of nebulous matter. “There was an evident concentration of light in the central portions of the ring, while, in the case of a hollow envelop, the brightest portion should be at the outer edge. By micrometrical measurement, the distance from the central point to the circumference of the ring was found to be about nine thousand miles. This would give a diameter of eighteen thousand miles, in case the ring was entire. Similar measurements, made on the evening of the 26th of September, indicated a decided increase in the radius of the ring, which was now not less than twelve thousand miles inlength. On the same evening I noticed the fact that the luminous envelop did not blend itself into the head portion of the tail, but appeared somewhat to penetrate into this nebulous mass, especially on the upper part, presenting the appearance of about 200° of a spiral. The tail on the 25th was decidedly brighter and better defined on the upper than on the lower portion, while on the evening of the 26th there was a much nearer approach to equality in brightness, es- pecially near the head of the comet. Through the telescope, and near the head, the tail presented the appearance of a hollow nebulous envelop, under the form of a paraboloid of revolution, the edges being brightest and well defined, while there was a manifest fading away of light towards the central region. Through the vast depth of nebulous matter composing this won- derful appendage, the faintest telescopic stars shone with undiminished brightness.” Donati’s comet attained its least distance from the sun — 55,000,000 of miles — on the morning of the 30th of September. Its least distance from the earth — 52,000,000 of miles — occurred on the 12th of October. On the 10th of October, its tail stretched over 60° of the heavens, and was 51,000,000 of miles in length, and 10,000,000 in breadth, at its extremity. The lon- ger diameter of its orbit was estimated as 184 times that of the earth, or 35,000,000,000 miles, a space, however, considerably less than one-thousandth of the distance of the nearest fixed star. For the nucleus, Mr. Bond gives the following measurements: July 19th, 5/7 = 5000 miles; August 19th, equal to a star of the 7th magnitude; August 29th, head of the comet visible to the unassisted eye as a star of the sixth magnitude; August 350th, diameter of eo vV 386 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the nucleus 6/7 = 4660 miles; September 8th and 9th, diameter 3/” = 1980 miles. On the 23d of September, the head of the comet, to the naked eye, appeared brighter than a star of the first magnitude, and during the remain- ing period of its visibility it went through a series of periodic changes, ac- quiring more light just before an eruption, and suddenly diminishing after- wards. This comet, says Mr. Bond, although surpassed by many others in size, has not often been equalled in the intensity of the light of the nucleus. The diameter of the surrounding nebulosity, on the other hand, was unusually small, never much exceeding 100,000 miles; while that of the great comet of 1811 was ten times larger, — its envelop attaining an elevation of more than 300,000 miles above the central body. The various observations on Donati’s comet leave no room to doubt that it is periodical, and has a time of revolution of about 2000 years, the max- imum period calculated being 2415 years, andthe minimum 1854. Its hourly velocity at perihelion was calculated at 127,000, and its aphelion velocity at 480 miles. In illustration of these times and distances, the London Z’mes uses the fol- lowing comparisons: Let any one take a half-sheet of note paper, and, marking a circle with a sixpence, in one corner of it, describe therein our solar system, drawing the orbits of the earth and inferior planets as small as he can by the aid of.a magnifying glass. If the circumference of the sixpence stands for the orbit of Neptune, then an oval filling the page will fairly represent the orbit of our comet; and if the paper be laid on the pavement under the west door of St. Paul’s, the length of that edifice will inadequately represent the distance of the nearest fixed star. That the comet should take more than 2,000 years to travel round the page of note paper we have supposed, is explained by its great diminution of speed as it recedes from the sun. At its perihelion, it travelled 127,000 miles an hour, or more than twice as fast as the earth, whose motion is about one thousand miles aminute. At its aphelion, how- ever, or its greatest distance from the sun, the comet is a very slow body, sailing along, as if doubtful whether to return, at the rate of 480 miles an hour. This is only eight times the speed of a railway express. At this pace, even if the comet could wholly shake off the attraction of the sun — which it certainly could not — and were it to travel onward in a straight line, the lapse of a million years would find it still travelling half way between our sun and the nearest fixed star. Comets, then, can hardly be imagined visit- ors from our system to any other, or from any other to our own. Donati’s comet passed within nine millions of miles of Venus, and if it had any density at all comparable to our own, would have effected the orbit of that planet in an appreciable degree. Were that found to be the case, it woud be the first fact of the kind in the history of these singular bodies. Mr. Bond, in connection with his article in the Mathematical Journal, be- fore referred to, also presents the following sketch of the more distinctive phenomena presented in the motions and physical aspect of comets gener- ally : The first characteristic of these singular bodies is that of their being mainly, perhaps in most instances, entirely composed of an ill-defined gas- eous or nebulous substance, endowed with properties so extraordinary that it can scarcely be classed with matter in the ordinary acceptation of the term. Of its extreme attenuation and lightness there can be no question. ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 387 The planets, and among them our earth, must again and again have tray- ersed unharmed the tails of comets. In October last, the debris of the mag- nificent train of the comet which has just disappeared from our western skies, swept over the region occupied by the earth a few weeks earlier. In- stances of more immediate proximity are of too common occurrence to allow us to suppose that we are always to escape an actual collision; but it is inconceivable that any disastrous consequences could ensue to our earth or its inhabitants, any more than from contact with sunlight, or with the ether of the planetary spaces. A second characteristic is that of internal condensation. All comets pre- sent this in a greater or less degree. Most of them have a minute stellar point, called the nucleus, which occupies the position of maximum density. There are others in which this latter feature is wholly wanting. But the number, in which it cannot be detected with a powerful telescope, is much smaller than has commonly been supposed. This centre of condensation, or brightest point, is, with rare exceptions, placed on the side which is nearest to the sun. It is always, however, very close to the centre of gravity, as is proved by the fact of its motion about the sun, in accordance with the law of gravitation. The nucleus itself is a minute point compared with the immense volume of light-giving substance, of which it is the controlling centre. Whether it is solid or not, is still undecided. As far as the eye alone is to be trusted, there are comets as truly solid as the planets or stars themselves. In size and weight, however, the true nuclei, apart from their surrounding nebulos- ity, are probably quite small, measured by the standard of the larger plan- ets. Still, it is possible that there may have been instances in which the mass of these bodies has been comparable with that of the earth, and yet, they may have completed their circuit around the sun, leaving no appreci- able trace of their disturbing influence —the only sure test by which their mass could be detected. The evidence, from the fact that the smaller stars shine freely, even through the most condensed portions of the comets, ad- duced by astronomical writers in proof of their transparency, and, by infer- ence, of their extreme tenuity and lightness, has a certain value when ap- plied to the class of feeble telescopic comets, but is scarcely applicable to one like that of the present year, which overpowered all but the brightest stars in the neighborhood of the nucleus by its superior brilliancy. The feature next in importance to the nucleus is the train, or tail, as it is usually called (although often preceding the nucleus in its motion), pro- jected at an immense distance from it, and usually, although by no means invariably, in a direction opposite to that of the sun. The agency of the nucleus in the formation of the train, but still more in the subsequent con- trol which it retains over it, is one of the most curious phenomena presented in nature. Often several of these appendages are seen radiating at once from the same nucleus. The greatest variety in curvature of outline, length, brilliancy and other peculiarities, is presented by different comets, or by the same one in different parts of its course. The portions near the axis are usually darker than the edges, giving at times the appearance of a division with a stream of light on either side. The larger bodies of this class exhibit a wonderful complication of phe- nomena in the region contiguous to the nucleus. Of these the most prom- inent are the interposition between the nucleus and the sun of one or more well-defined and rounded screens, or caps of dense nebulosity, called envel- 888 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ops, partially but not entirely surrounding the nucleus, and the emission of streams or jets of luminosity, bright sectors, ete., in a direction inclined or opposite to that of the tail. With great variety of detail in other respects, these have all a well-marked tendency to appear in the first instance on the side of the nucleus next the sun. The great comet of the present year undoubtedly takes a foremost rank in respect of the multiplied and most curious changes which it has exhibited, and especially in the complete illus- tration which it afforded of the origin, construction, and final dissipation of a succession of envelops. In these phenomena, the process of the forma- tion of the tail, from the substance in immediate contact with the nucleus, is intimately concerned. The astronomer, night by night, sees the work of evolution going on with an amazing rapidity, and seemingly in defiance of the best established properties of matter, the laws of gravitation and of inertia. The results are evident to all, but the secret cause is a profound mystery admirably calculated to stimulate speculation and intelligent in- vestigation. As regards the motion of comets in space, it is a well-established fact, so far as our present means of observation extend, that their nuclei alone move in obedience to the attractive force of the sun and planets. This property, which has been recognized with consistency and uniformity, is not the least singular peculiarity of theix constitution. Immense volumes of matter, apparently of the identical substance of the nucleus, go to compose the en. veloping nebulosity and the tail; but from the moment of leaving the cen- tral body, their motion is perfectly inexplicable, without assuming them to be under the influence of laws of force which greatly modify that of gravita- tion. The shape of the cometary orbits, described about the sun, is nearly that of a parabola, or of an elongated ellipse, with periods of revolution varying from a few years to many centuries. The point in the orbit which is nearest the sun is called the perihelion; the distance of this point from the sun, the perihelion distance, and the time of the comet’s passing it, the perihelion passage. LUMINOUS THEORY OF COMETS’ TAILS. The following is a resumé of a paper on “Comets, and the Curvature of their Tails,” recently read before the Boston Society of Natural History, by Dr. C. F. Winslow. A comet, strictly defined, is that portion of it called by astronomers its nucleus. Comets consist of gaseous and very elastic matter, whose physical consti- tution and luminous functions appear to be similar to, or identical with, the gaseous envelops that surround the sun. The tail of a comet is not a material element, nor a physical constant, like the nucleus, but only results from a transient evolution of luminous waves, and is a sort of magnetic sequence, like a terrestrial aurora, depending on the progressive gravitation and repulsion (i. e., condensation and reaction) that take place between the particles of the nucleus, as it approaches and passes its perihelion. The luminous effect of solar action on comets, is similar to that exerted by the solid mass of the sun itself on its photosphere. ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 3889 The luminous phenomena resulting from this action, increase and decrease in inverse ratios with the distance of the nucleus from the sun. The primary effect of this action is, to intensify the force of gravitation or centralization among the particles of the comet; the secondary effect being the evolution of light as a result of repulsion consequent upon the conflict of this latter force with increasing condensation; both forces being excited to more positive energy in the comet, by its approach to its perihelion. The luminous waves evolved by a comet are arrested by the Inminous waves projected from the sun, which latter seize upon, mingle with, decom- pose, and sweep back the former into space, producing the tail. By this union, and reaction or decomposition of solar and cometary light, a resplendency is communicated to the solar ray, which increases in visi- bility and persistent power of extension into space, in direct ratios with the commotion and repulsion excited within the comet, and inversely as the square of its distance from the sun. The curvature apparent in a comet’s tail is the resultant of compound mo- tion; the first element being the comet’s velocity through the perihelic are of its orbit; the second being the projection of luminous waves from the comet, which are swept into space by solar action exerted at right angles to the comet’s path. These luminous waves are as independent of each other, and of the light fountain from which they spring, as if they were particles of matter; and being impelled into space by the undulations of solar light, the parts of the resplendent train more distant from the sun become diffuse, since the veloc- ity of the comet is leaving waves of light behind, which are constantly dis- solving and vanishing in the great ethereal void. (This was explained by a diagram.) Comets’ tails, not being composed of particles of matter, but only of lu- minous waves, rendered visible by decomposing causes, and possessed of no angular velocity, have no such function as an orbit; this becoming more cer- tain, since the velocity of cometary light constantly varies, depending on the fluctuating impulse of the solar wave, and modified every instant by the repulsive energy within the nucleus, which generates the cometary waves. DENSITY AND CONSTITUTION OF COMETS. BY D. VAUGHAN. Although modern science has revealed the amount of matter contained in the sun and the large planets, it has hitherto failed to furnish similar infor- mation in regard to those celestial bodies which are too light to affect the astronomical balance. Babinet has recently endeavored to ascertain the density of comets, from their effects on the brilliancy of the stars over which they pass; and, as they have been generally incapable of causing any sensi- ble diminution of stellar lustre, he concludes that cometary bodies, exceeding the largest planets in size, can contain only a few tons of matter. This con- clusion has been based on the fact, that our atmosphere is capable of render- ing the faint stars invisible when it is illuminated by the light of the full moon; while a far more extensive volume of cometary gases, though ex- posed to the direct rays of the sun, fail to produce a similar effect.. But we may question the propriety of supposing that the power of gases to obscure stellar light is in direct proportion to their density; and we have no grounds for assuming that the nucleus is wholly destitute of all dense solid or liquid matter. A globe of granite ten miles in diameter would weigh about 33* 390 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DICOVERY. 6,000,000,000,000 tons; yet in the nucleus of most observed comets, such a mass would not be readily distinguished, even by the most powerful telescopes. If we endeavor to estimate the attractive power of comets from its effi- ciency in holding their parts together in certain regions of the solar system, it would seem that they must contain far more matter than Babinet assigns to them. The tidal force of the sun, or the disturbing action which he exerts on the surface of one of his attendants, is inversely proportional to the den- sity of the latter multiplied by the cube of its distance. On our own globe this solar disturbance amounts to gy,55,000 Of terrestrial gravity. If the earth’s attraction were 20,000,000 times as feeble as it is at present, bodies could have no weight at those places in conjunction and in opposition with the sun, and the planetary form could no longer be preserved. Had a comet 8,000 miles in diameter, moved in a circular orbit, at a distance of 95,000,000 from the sun, it could not resist his dismembering effects, unless it were at least equal to s5,505,000 Of the terrestrial mass, and contained over 300,000,000,000,000 tons of matter. Had such a comet revolved in the orbit of Neptune, the attraction of 10,000,000,000 tons of matter would be sufficient to maintain its integrity. These results, however, are obtained on the supposition that gravity is the only power concerned in keeping the cometary matter together; but it would seem that some other agent is employed to secure the same end. The head of the comet of 1811 was over a million of miles in diameter, and the attrac- tion of a nucleus equal in mass to the planet Mercury, would be scarcely adequate to preserve the stability of so extensive a body during its perihe- lion passage. Yet, according to them easurements of Herschel, the diameter of the nucleus was little over 400 miles, and it would seem that the sur- rounding nebulous matter was too rare to compensate for the defective attractive power of so smalla globe. Even a few comets of considerable size present scarcely any indications of the presence of dense solid or liquid matter in their central regions; and it may be interesting to inquire whether the constitution of comets, and the peculiar phenomena which they exhibit, may not, as Dr. Winslow supposes, be ascribed to the agency of electricity or magnetism. By tracing the legitimate consequences of electrical action, as manifested on our globe, we may easily account for the preservation of these celestial wanderers in the vicinity of the sun, without altering or modi- fying, in any degree, the doctrines now held by astronomers respecting uni- versal gravity. Several observations show that the uppermost regions of our atmosphere are most highly charged with electricity ; and this is sufficient to create an attraction between the earth’s surface and the higher strata of air, so as to render atmospheric pressure a little greater than could arise from terrestrial gravity alone. Were the earth deprived of this gravitative power, the air would be confined around its surface by electrical action, and would be pre- vented by this feeble tie from retiring into space, though it might swell to a height of many thousand miles. ‘There can be little doubt, that the elec- trical conditions of the envelop or atmosphere of a comet would hold it to the central nucleus, independent of any gravitative power which the latter * may exert. On our planet, the solar heat is the main source of atmospheric electricity, as it gives rise to evaporation, and by putting the winds into mo- tion, causes the friction of the air against the land and water. By these operations electric forces are continually called into existence. If heat is ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 391 attended with similar results on comets, the influence of electricity must be most decided on these bodies when they are nearest to the solar orb; the attractive power between the nucleus and envelop will be then greatest, and the compression on the latter must confine it to the most limited space. In this manner we may account for the fact that the heads of comets gradually become small as they approach the sun, and regain their size when retiring from him. The consequences of electrical action is also indicated by the commotions to which these bodies appear to be subject, and by the dismem- berment which Biela’s comet experienced during the present century. In another place I have shown that this wonderful catastrophe was such as might be expected to result from a great electrical disturbance, and the con- sequent occurrence of an extensive storm in the atmosphere of the cometary mass. (See Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1858, page 405.) VARIABLE STARS. The fine double star y Virginis, is one of the most remarkable specimens of a binary system in the sidereal regions, and has been watched with great assiduity for several years past by Admiral Smyth, of England, and several Other astronomers. At the last meeting of the British Association (Leeds), Admiral Smyth stated that its observed and computed places have generally been found to agree within the limits assigned to probable errors of obser- vation, and that it now presents a system which affords, by actual changes both in angular velocity and distance — the former varying inversely as the square of the latter, with the elliptical orbital elements deducible therefrom — incontrovertible evidence of the physical connection of its constituent mem- bers. These results are converting probability into demonstration respecting its being subject to the same dynamical forces which govern our own system. Every advance tends to prove the universality of the Newtonian influence of attraction, obeying the Keplerian law of areas. In a word, by warranting the conclusion of the inconceivable extent of the controlling agency of grav- itation, it forms a wonderfully sublime truth in astronomical science. Some interesting observations have also been made recently upon Antares, the nearest of the double stars of the first magnitude. From these, the color of the smaller companion was ascertained to be of a blue-green, the star An- tares itself being of a brilliant deep red; and there are traces of change in the angle and distance since 1849. With regard to another double star, a Centauri, the distance has little altered for a long time, but the angular mo- tion is increasing. Attention has also been recently directed to the star B, A, C, 3345, whose variability seems very great. In 1856 several attempts were made at Green- wich to observe it, amongst other moon-culminating stars set down in the Nautical Almanac for 1859, but in every instance without success. In its stead, 19- Leonis which precedes it by a few seconds of time, was observed four times; and a star which precedes 19 Leonis by ten seconds was observed twice, while nothing whatever was visible at the exact position of the star sought for. The observers reported the circumstance, and were directed to keep a vigorous watch for the missing star. In 1857-8 no difficulty in ob- serving it has been reported, its appearance being that of the 7th magnitude, The star is identical with Lalande 19,197, who marks it as of the 9th magni- tude. In Mayer’s Catalogue, as revised by Mr. Baily (Mem. R.A.S. vol. iv.), it is No. 420. It is also identical with Piazzi [X. 176, andis marked of the 392 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. 8th magnitude. In Taylor’s Madras Catalogue it is marked of the 7th magni- tude. Finally, in Argelander’s Uranometria Nova it is called variable. Prof. Payson, in a recent communication to the Royal Astronomical So- ciety, describes a star in Libra (Right Ascension, 15h. 45m. and South Decli- nation, 15° 49’) which suddenly appeared on the 3d of May, 1857, as of the 9°5 magnitude, on the 19th of the same month, as of the 11th magnitude, and on the Ist of June was no longer discernible. Its whole duration of visibility was therefore only about a month. Mr. Baxendal, of England, has also called attention to the variability of the star 30 Herculis. In October and November, 1855, this star was nearly invis- ible to the naked eye, even in the finest night; and the mean of several comparisons with other stars, made at different times, gave its magnitude 5°9. It is now, however, a conspicuous star, and not less than 4°9 magnitude — the mean of several nights’ estimations since June 18 being 4°85. Professor Argelander rated this star 5°6 magnitude, or less than v. 52 and 42 Herculis; but it is now brighter than any of these stars. On the other hand, it appears from the Radcliffe Observations of 1851 that it was of the 4°8—5:0 magnitude at the end of June and beginning of July of that year. It is very probable, therefore, that its light is subject to periodical changes; but the observations hitherto made are not sufficient to afford even a rough approximation to the length of the period. Thered color which is so common amongst the variable stars (especially those of Jong period) is also very decided in this star. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PLANET MARS. Prof. Secchi, of Rome, under the date of July 19, forwards to Dr. Peters, of Altona, for publication in the Astronomische Nachrichten, a minute de- scription of the surface of the planet Mars, together with two pictures of the planet taken with an interval of about one-third of a revolution on its axes. The spots seen and drawn by Captain Jacob, at Madras, in 1854, are seen in these representations also, and are therefore to be considered permanent, although there seems to be some confusion among those about the pole. On the other hand, a small round spot, portrayed by Madler in 1830, has cer- tainly disappeared. Any one, however, who will take the trouble to com- pare Secchi’s drawings of the curious group of solar spots seen on successive days in March (14, 15 and 16) 1858, with a larger and better drawing of the same group accidentally made on one of the same days, March 15, by Schwabe, and both of them published by Dr. Peters, pages 236 and 342 of the Astrono- mische Nachrichten, will see how much depends on the quality of the tele- scope, the condition of the atmosphere, and the truth of eye and skill of hand of the observer, in determining these delicate tests of cosmical stability or instability in bodies so far beyond our reach. For Secchi’s drawings would lead any one to put unhesitating faith in the popular theory that the spots of the sun are consequences of vortical or whirlwind movements in the equato- rial belts of its atmosphere, so spirally has he drawn them, and so evidently have the little ones on each successive day advanced spirally a certain dis- tance round the larger ones. Whereas, Schawbe’s better drawing shows no such movement whatever, not a trace of it; but, on the contrary, a curiously cracked or shivered condition of each spot in the group, especially the larger ones, through the cracks in the even black surface of which the white light shines with much sharper edges than around the limit of the spot itself; ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 393 while the penumbras are cracked and gaped outward like old and wind-tossed palm leaves. There is no certainty, therefore, that any but the principal spots on Mars are stationary. To reconcile the different drawings, it is quite necessary to suppose that the numerous white patches about the poles succeed cach other rapidly, and therefore are more likely to be masses of storm clouds than in- creasing and decreasing areas of snow. The least agitation of the atmosphere makes the beautiful colors of the planet’s disk grow pale and confused. The general surface is a monotonous continent crossed by an equatorial zone of red and temperate zones of blue, except in one place, where a large red island is surrounded by a blue channel. Toward the edges of the disk the red spots become yellowish, as if there were a martial atmosphere. NEW DETERMINATION OF THE SOLAR PARALLAX. The following communication by Lieut. J. M. Gillis, has been officially made to the Secretary of the Navy, under the date of Feb. 18, 1858: I have the honor to communicate to you the results of the observations specially made by the United States Naval Astronomical Expedition to de- termine the solar parallax — the sun’s distance from the earth. It will be remembered by the Department that Dr. Gerling — an eminent geometer of Germany — suggested the practicability of determining this fun- damental astronomical datum from observations of Venus near the inferior conjunction, instead of awaiting the rare phenomenon of transits of the planet across the sun’s disk; that an expedition to the southern hemisphere was proposed to the Department by myself, for the purpose of making these observations, which, in connection with similar observations to be made at the Naval Observatory, would test the method; and that the earnest com- mendation of the measure by physicists, both in Europe and this country, induced Congress to authorize the expedition by special grants in the appro- priation bills approved in 1848 and 1849. We were absent from the United States nearly three and a half years, and the observations, constituting the more immediate object of the expedition, extended through parts of each of the years from November, 1849, to Sep- tember, 1852, inclusive. So many classes of observations were embraced in the plan of operations adopted by the Department, that our small party was almost constantly occupied in observatory duty proper, and it was not pos- sible to prepare any of the data for the final computations until after the return of the expedition to the United States. Then our first efforts were to put in proper form for the computer all the observations of the planets Venus and Mars, and the stars with which they had been compared. Whilst our men of science had been unanimous in advocating the organization of an expedition, because of the additional mass of important information certain to be collected by it, there were some who entertained an opinion that the method of determining the parallax proposed by Dr. Gerling would not afford a result as reliable as had been derived from the transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769. For obvious reasons, therefore, it was proper that the discussion of the results from our observations should be intrusted to an astronomer wholly uncommitted as to the comparative merits of the two methods. Under the sanction of the Department, Dr. B. A. Gould, junior, of Cam- bridge, Mass., was selected for the purpose; and the result obtained by him for the Sun’s Equatorial Horizontal Parallax is 8//-4950, or 0//-0762 less 894 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. than the value commonly adopted; and he concludes that we may assume with advantage 8/’°5000, corresponding to a distance from that luminary of 86,160,000 statute miles. CHARTS OF THE ECLIPTIC. Some time ago, on the proposition of Lalande, the Academy of Berlin undertook the first chart of the ecliptic. Their earliest reward was the dis- covery of the fifth small planet by Mr. Hencke, of Driessen. Toward 1847, Mr. Valz, of Marseilles, developed a plan, the execution of which would lead to the detection of all the planets in the zodiac. Mr. Chacornac, then studying astronomy with Mr. Valz, immediately applied himself to these new charts of the ecliptic. Two months afterwards, Sept. 1852, he discov- ered a new planet. England and Ireland engaged in the same direction; Hind and Cooper were soon to distance the French astronomers. However, Chacornac, who meanwhile had been attached to the observatory of Paris, continued his charts. They have just been published at the expense of that observatory. They will be more complete than the former, and quadruple the dimensions of those of Berlin, the scale being fifty millimetres for each celestial degree. These charts contain all the stars of the twelfth magnitude and many of the thirteenth magnitude; they extend above and below the ecliptic to 5° of declination. Their form is square. The number of stars inscribed on them already exceeds 125,000. OBSERVATIONS ON SOLAR SPOTS. In a recent number of the “ Transactions of the Royal Astronomical So- ciety,” Mr. R. C. Carrington gives a notice of his solar spot observations : “During the past three years the surface of the sun has exhibited a com- parative state of quiescence, the outbreak of spots being few and often far between, the spots themselves being for the most part small.” But the epoch of least action is now passed. From the observations made during 1855 and ’56, which fix the date of minimum with some degree of certainty, it appears that the date of the minimum of energy, as exhibited by the spots, may be assigned with tolerable certainty to the beginning of the month of February, 1856; the ratios increasing slowly and perceptibly from that time. The year 1856 was characterized by the rather frequent occurrence of low south spots — the latitudes 27° and 35° south having been more than once visited. Asa general remark, when an outbreak occurs on a parallel not previously affected for several months, it is mostly found that two or three other outbreaks succeed at moderate intervals of time — not, however, at the corresponding longitudes, when the rotation of the earth is allowed for; this being a subject for further investigation. OCCULTATION OF A STAR BY A COMET. By a communication from Dr. G. B. Donati, of Florence, published in the Astronomische Nachrichten, of June 30, it appears that this very rare phenom- enon was observed by him on the 21st of April. Comets have several times been seen to pass over stars, but the light of the stars has usually been but little, if at all, diminished, even by the nucleus — on this occasion, however, it was otherwise. The star, however, was of the twelfth magnitude, or so ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. O99 smali that it cannot ever be seen, except by the aid of a first-class telescope. The one employed by Dr. Donati was the great refractor of Amici, and had a clear aperture of eleven inches, with a focal length of seventeen feet. Dr. D. says: “On the 2ist of April, about 10h. 30m.,I perceived that the centre of Brorsen’s comet was about to pass exactly over a star of the twelfth mag- nitude, and therefore carefully observed the passage. Gradually, as the comet approached the star, the latter became fainter and badly defined, that is, its disk was no longer round, but hazy, as if the star was shining through mist. The diminution and diffusion of the stellar light increased as the comet approached still nearer, so that when the centre of the latter covered the star, it entirely disappeared for about thirty seconds. At the emersion, the star presented the same appearance as at the immersion, and it shone, when the nebulosity had entirely passed from over it, again perfectly round and well defined.” THEORY OF THE ASTEROIDS. In a paper published in the Comptes Rendus, by M. Le Verrier, on the aste- roids, that eminent astronomer shows by calculation that the sum of the mass of fragmentary planets, called asteroids, cannot exceed one-fourth of the earth’s mass; and also shows it probable that their mean mass or sys- tem is at its perihelion, and consequently nearest the earth, at the time when the earth itself is on the side of the summer solstice. This, it is urged, is confirmatory of the theory that aérolites are the minute outriders of the asteroids. CHANGES IN THE INTENSITY OF THE HEAT OF THE SUN. In a memoir recently published in the contributions of the Smithsonian Institute, by L. W. Meech, “ On the relative intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun upon the different Latitudes of the Earth,” the author deduces, among other results, that taking into view the fact that the obliquity of the ecliptic, 2000 years ago, in the time of Hipparchus, 128 B. C., was 23° 437, and is 23° 273’, and that therefore the sun then rose higher in summer than now, the summer heat of that period was two-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit hotter than that of the present, while the winter was the same amount colder. ON THE ORIGIN OF HAIL. In a discussion on the above subject at the last meeting of the British As- sociation, Admiral Fitzroy said, that he had no doubt whatever that colder currents of air coming from the polar regions, and breaking by or mingling with the currents coming up from the equatorial regions, loaded with vapor, played a very important part in the phenomena. As it had been a question, whether hail was ever experienced in the inter-tropical parts of the earth, he could decidedly answer in the affirmative, as he had experienced several heavy hail-storms even within a few degrees on either side of the equator. INFLUENCE OF THE MOON ON THE WEATHER. At the Leeds meeting of the British Association, 1858, Mr. Harrison pre- sented a paper ‘‘ On the Influence the Moon exerts on Temperature,” and he 396 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. claimed that the following points must be regarded as established meteorolog- ical facts: 1. That the temperature before the first quarter is lower than that of the second day after it. 2. That this fall and rise prevails most in the win- ter months, and in the month of May. 3. That a reciprocity of action takes place between corresponding days of the moon’s age. Thus, whilst it was found, both at Dublin and Greenwich, that for twenty-one consecutive years the mean temperature rose at the first quarter in more instances than it fell, it fell at the last quarter in more instances than it rose; and in the only two years in which a fall occurred instead of a rise at the first quarter, there was a rise instead of a fall at the last quarter. Between new and full moon this reciprocity of action was still more apparent. Here, for the same series of years, there was a fall in thirteen years after new moon, and arise in thir- teen years after full moon; and in five out of the eight instances in which a rise occurred instead of a fall at new moon, a fall instead of a rise took place at full moon. Also a like principle appeared to hold good in individual months. For example, in twenty-one consecutive Januarys a fall occurred in seventeen at new moon, while a rise took place in sixteen at full moon. The action thus apparent at different periods of the lunation was shown clearly in curves of temperature of each day of the moon’s age. A curve of ten years’ mean temperature at Greenwich, for 1837—18416, was exhibited in juxtaposition with one sent to the Dublin meeting, which was also formed of ten years’ mean temperature, at the latter station, for 1847—1856. At first and last quarters the curves corresponded in a most remarkable manner at both stations. At new and full moon they alternated; the fall in the Dublin curve being at the new moon, and the rise at full moon; in the Greenwich curve the rise at new moon, and the fall at full moon. Leaving the consid- eration of daily mean temperatures, on extracting the maxima and minima mean temperatures for the month, it was found that more maxima occurred after first quarters than before; the proportion of maxima to minima, on the second day after that phase, being more than 2°1 both at Dublin and Green- wich, for the respective periods of twenty-two and forty-three years. The twenty-four highest and lowest maxima and minima in the month at Green- wich were then taken for the same forty-three years, forty-eight per cent. found to occur at first quarter, and minima only before the day of the change. Similar results were obtained from the highest and lowest mean tempera- tures at Dublin, and at Toronto from 1843 to 1818. Another point elicited during the progress of the inquiry, was the recurrence of high and low tem- peratures on the same days of the lunation. Taking first the maxima and minima mean temperatures for the month during twenty years at Green- wich —from 1837 to 1856—the whole number found recurring on corre- sponding days (many of them three and four times in each period of twelve lunations), amounted to 236, averaging about twelve for each year, or half the maxima and minima for the month. To illustrate this recurrence of high and low temperatures, several years were selected, which presented the strongest evidence of system. Thus, in the two consecutive years com- mencing November 1817 and ending October 1848, maxima and minima occurred : — In 18417, twice on the third day before new moon; twice on the second day before new moon; three times on the day after new moon; twice on the third day after new moon; three times on the second day before full moon; twice on the third day after full moon. In 1848, three times on the day of new moon; twice on the day after new moon; three times on the sec- ond day before full moon; twice on the day before full moon; twice on the ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 397 fourth octant, or fourth day, after full moon. In the same years there were also, amongst many others, the following remarkable instances of reciprocity between opposite phases of the moon: In December the minimum for the month occurred on the third day before new moon; in January the maxi- mum on the third day before full moon; in February the minimum on the third day before new moon. And again, the maximum in September fell on the day after full moon. The minimum in October on the day after new moon. “In addition to this, the maxima and minima for the month were found to occur at intervals of rather more than seven, fourteen, or twenty- pne days, and that for several successive months, viz., April, May, June, August, and September, and so in other years.” In 1838, exactly ten years earlier, maxima or minima occurred three times on the third day after new moon; three times on the day after full moon; three times on the day of first quarter; and three times on the day of last quarter: that is to say, in twelve instances out of twenty-four on four days of the lunation. At the Cape of Good Hope, reciprocity of action and the recurrence of high and low tem- peratures were even more frequent and systematic. Thus, in 1855, eight out of the twelve maxima for the month occurred at first quarter, and nine of the twelve minima at new or full moon. In 1842, nineteen maxima and minima out of twenty-four, occurred on eight days. In 1843, fifteen on seven days; in 1844, seventeen on six days; in 1845, eleven on four days. The recur- rence of maxima and minima at Toronto and Madras was equally marked. Mr. Harrison considered that the dispersion of clouds under full moon may now be taken as a fact, on the testimony of Humboldt, Sir J. Herschel, Mr. Johnson (the Radcliffe observer at Oxford), and others. Mr. Johnson hay- ing also noticed that this cloud-dispelling power commences about the fourth or fifth day of the moon’s age, and lasts till she approaches the sun, the same distance on the other side; that is to say, the influence takes place at that time as well as at full moon, though not necessarily continuously. Mr. Nasmyth also, who was considered a valuable witness, from his long-con- tinued observation of the moon for the purpose of mapping its surface, was quoted as having satisfied himself that clouds disappear when the moon is about four days.old; and also, that when this is the case for any length of time at new moon, the sky is clouded to a corresponding extent at full moon, another instance of the principle of reciprocity. Several well-known ob- servers were also mentioned, as having noticed the remarkable clearness of the morning of the 13th of September, or the fifth day after new moon. And lastly, even M. Arago’s explanation of the popular notion among gardeners round Paris, that the moon which, commencing in April, becomes full in May, destroys their tender plants, it was thought might be quoted as evi- dence of lunar influence on the atmosphere, though given by him as a simple statement of the effects of terrestrial radiation on early vegetation. Mr. Harrison, in conclusion, expressed his belief that the remarkable regularity of the recurrence of a fall before first quarter, is due to the clearing of the atmosphere at that period, and the rise after first quarter to a more cloudy state of the sky. That the same effect is not so evident on the curves at the period of full moon, he considered might be due to the greater reciprocity of action which takes place at the syzygies, or new and full moon. The President, Mr. Hopkins, observed, that the facts Mr. Harrison had ad- duced, must be considered strongly confirmatory of the view he so ably advocated. That the moon exercised an influence upon the weather, and particularly on the formation or dispersion of clouds, was, as all knew, a B4 398 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. very generally prevailing opinion. The sailors even had a common saying, that the full moon cut up or devoured the clouds; and Sir John Herschel had somewhere admitted, that the nights about full moon, particularly at certain seasons of the year, were remarkably cloudless. This indirect influ- ence, then, being admitted, it became more important to trace it, as Mr. H. was doing, to an influence upon the temperature. Some years ago, Dr. Foster, an eminent meteorologist, of Bruges, an- nounced to the English Astronomical Society that in weather journals kept by his grandfather, his father, and himself, from 1767 downwards, whenever the new moon fell on a Saturday, the following twenty days were wet and windy. The Society published this, the general idea being, that the state- ment had never been made known before. Since then, it has been found that the Saturday moon has this character even in popular rhymes, and that it is widely believed in among seamen, English, French, Spanish, and even Chinese. A writer in the London Atheneum, after adverting to this circumstance, and stating that in the one instance, in which he had made observations, the theory appeared to be confirmed, makes the following suggestive re- marks: i ““Now here is a curious circumstance: the whole world has the notion widely scattered that a Saturday moon brings wet weather, and science has hardly the means of being positive in the negative. And this is only one such case; curious effects of the moon are in the popular belief by scores, and their is no refutation, except @ priort— that is, no refutation at all. “‘Every twenty-nine and a half days is divided into two periods, one of which has many times as much moonlight as the other. That the moon- light must have a great deal of heat when it leaves the moon, is highly prob- able; that it has none when it reaches the surface of the earth is certain. What then becomes of all the heat which it seems almost certain the moon- light brings with it? Sir John Herschel thinks that it is absorbed in the upper regions of our atmosphere; and that some probability is given to this supposition by the tendency to disappearance of clouds under the full moon: a fact observed by himself without knowledge of its having been noticed by any one else, and which Humboldt, he afterwards found, speaks of as well known to the pilots and seamen of Spanish America. If this theory be correct, there is a cause of weather cycles which must produce some effect; an enormous quantity of heat poured into the atmosphere dur- ing one half of the lunar month, and a very small quantity during the other half. In truth, it has been ascertained that the quantities of rain which fall in the four quarters of the moon are not quite the same in the long run. But the popular mind gets hold of the question in a different way. It seizes upon the geometrical phenomena of the moon, nothingness, halfness, fulness, and makes the moments of these appearances the times at or very near which change of weather is to take place. According to the recognized old notions, it is enough if a change of weather takes place within three days one way or the other of a change, which gives twenty days every month in which a change is set down to the moon. No wonder this theory is often confirmed. The whole question of moonlight, — not position of the moon, — both as to its effects on the weather and its asserted effects on vege- table and animal life, is in the earliest infancy, so far as systematic observa- tion is concerned. All that is said about it is mere infallibility.” ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 899 ATMOSPHERIC MOVEMENTS. BY DANIEL VAUGHAN. The remarkable uniformity in the. course of the winds, throughout the greater part of the torrid zone, was ascribed by Dr. Halley to the effect of solar heat combined with the earth’s diurnal motion. The air investing the equatorial regions, being rarefied by the excessive temperature which the sun imparts, is compelled to yield its place to the more cool and dense bodies of air which press from opposite sides along the surface of the land and water. Aérial currents are thus caused to flow from northern and southern localities to.the equator, while others return along the upper atmospheric domain. In approaching the equator, they must pass over a part of the earth’s surface having amore rapid motion than they could have acquired in the regions from which they came; and as they fail to partake of the increased velocity, an apparent westward deflection is the consequence; so that they become the north-east and south-east trade winds which prevail over a large portion of the tropical regions. But though correct in its main features, this theory fails to show why the trade winds do not extend beyond the thirtieth par- allels of latitude, and that they are confined within a narrower limit on the Pacific Ocean, where the disturbances and obstructions which might arise from the presence of land, are almost entirely removed. The efficiency of the motive power which acts on the air, is proportional to the increase of mean temperature for a given diminution of latitude; and it is much greater in the temperate than in the torrid zone. It would, therefore, seem that the trade winds of the tropical oceans should prevail through a more extensive range, or that each of the temperate zones should have an independent cir- culation of regular winds, blowing from the north-east in our climates, and from the south-east in the southern hemisphere. The want of a general and uniform atmospheric circulation in extra- tropical regions, must be ascribed to the motion of the earth around its axis. The centrifugal force arising from the rotation, not only keeps our planet expanded at the equator, and maintains a suitable covering of air and water between the tropics, but also lays some restrictions on the removal of matter to different localities. The principle on which this result depends, will be understood from a few considerations. Were the earth’s diurnal motion sud- denly reduced four per cent., there would be a diminution of eight per cent. in the centrifugal force of its parts; their equilibrium would require a dif- ference of only twenty-four miles between equatorial and polar diameters, and much of the waters would remove from their tropical abodes to the vicinity of the poles. The air would also experience a similar movement, and it would rush northward with greater impetuosity, if the water were absent from our planet, or could be prevented from filling up the circum- polar basins. Now the strict uniformity which the earth exhibits in its rota- tion, cannot be preserved by every portion of its atmosphere. If a large body of air, situated between the 44th and 46th parallels of north latitude, were moving due westward at the rate of twenty-eight miles an hour, its actual velocity of rotation about the terrestrial axis must be about four per cent. less than that of the land and water over which it passed; and so great would be the reduction in its centrifugal force, that it must press towards the polar regions in the same manner that it would descend down an inclined plane with a fall of nine inches in every mile. Were the movement of the mass of air in an eastward direction, it would have an increased velocity of 400 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. rotation about the earth’s axis; and from its excess of centrifugal force, it would be steadily impelled to a more southern locality. It is well known, that as any portion of our atmosphere is advancing to- wards the equator, it must be continually deflected to the west; but it now appears that this westward deflection must diminish centrifugal force, and — create a tendency to return to a higher latitude. From this cause atmos- pheric movements in a northern or southern direction, meet with a resistance, which is proportional to the square of the sine of latitude multiplied by the distance to which the air has been removed from the parallel of repose, or from the part of the earth’s surface having its velocity. Along the parallel of twenty degrees, the resistance would be only issue part of the force of terrestrial gravity, for a change of two hundred miles in the polar distance; but it would be double that amount ten degrees further north, and be four times as great in latitude 45°; while it would be increased in an eight-fold proportion in the vicinity of the poles. To remove a cubic mile of air one degree from the north pole, would require about the same mechanical ex- pense as the transportation of thirty-six cubic miles from the tenth to the ninth degree of north latitude. Along the parallel of 60°, the influence of the earth’s rotation would be sufficient to prevent an atmospheric circulation from extending beyond two degrees of latitude, by the heating power of the sun, if the effects of friction and other sources of irregularity were removed. A difference of two degrees in the latitude of two places on the same meridian, can rarely cause a greater difference than 3° F. in their mean temperature; and the air, by this change of temperature, must receive an additional expansion, amounting to ;}5 part of its original volume. In a circulation confined to a range of two de- grees, the air at the southern station must ascend with a force equal to tev of its own weight; but as this buoyancy must cease at an elevation of about three miles, and as it is expended in moving two columns of air each one hundred and thirty-eight miles in extent, the actual motive power operating on the entire aérial mass, must be less than the zi+t00 part of the force of gravity. As the resistance arising from centrifugal force to such a circula- tion, in latitude 60° is zg part of the force of gravity, itis evident that the movement cannot be maintained, except in places where the presence of the land gives the air considerable friction, and brings it to the velocity of the latitude at which it arrives. In the vicinity of the equator the resistance from the earth’s rotation is very feeble, and hence the regular action of solar heat, which is so inefficient in high latitudes, is capable of giving the atmos- phere an uninterrupted course of two thousand miles in the torrid zone. If our day were double its present length, or if our atmosphere were four times as extensive as it now is, regular trade winds would pursue an uninter- rupted course from the greater part of the temperate zones to the equator. Had the earth’s axis been perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, our atmosphere, if secured from the effects of local disturbances, would exhibit a series of independent circulations, each being confined to a smaller range in proportion as it was near the pole. This seems to be the case with the planet Jupiter, whose belts are very wide about his equator, but become extremely narrow in high latitudes. From the position of Jupiter in our system, and his rapid rotation around his axis, we may reasonably infer that his atmos- phere must be very extensive; for otherwise it could not be so sensitive to the motive power of solar heat. ASTRONOMY AND METEOROLOGY. 401 On our own globe the disturbing causes are so numerous that the winds cannot manifest any degree of regularity, except in the extensive and vig- orous circulation which prevails between the tropics. The unequal suscepti- bility of land and water to the solar heat, causes the alternating breezes which are felt on many sea coasts, and the high temperature which the sun imparts to deserts, serves also to bring our aérial ocean into a state of activ- ity. But excessive showers of rain are attended with a still more effective cause of atmospheric commotions, according to a principle first pointed out by Professor Espy. The heat arising from the extensive condensation of vapor on these occasions, must rarefy the air so much as to give it an upward movement, and cause aérial currents to flow into the place where the greatest fall of rain occurs. Although this seems to be the chief source of the motive power which produces storms, yet there is reason to believe that the con- stant discharge of electricity along the moist air contributes, through the medium of electrical repulsion, to increase the rapidity of the aérial move- ment. The constant repulsion of the air from the discharge of its electricity, Dr. Hare regards as the chief cause of hurricanes. In an article by Mr. Tracy, of Utica, published fifteen years ago, in Silli- man’s Journal, it has been shown that atmospheric movements of this kind, whether due to the action of heat or electricity, would acquire a rotation from the right hand to the left in this hemisphere; in consequence of the eastward deflection of the air rushing from the south, while that from the north is deflected to the west. But it appears, from the foregoing investiga- tions, that the eastern and western aérial currents tend to maintain the same rotation, the former being deflected south on account of their excessive cen- trifugal force, while the latter from an opposite cause incline to the north. It may also be shown that, in the southern hemisphere, the rotation must be in an opposite direction. Dove’s celebrated law of the rotation of storms is thus shown to be thé necessary result of physical causes. The orbital movement of storms appears to be an inevitable consequence of their rotary motion. As the air on the east side of the aérial vortex is advancing towards the pole, it must cool by the change of latitude; while on the west side the air is moving south, and has its capacity for holding vapor continually augmented by an increasing temperature. Accordingly, the focus of the rain and the storm would be constantly shifted to the north- east if the atmosphere had been previously in a state of repose; but be- tween the tropics, the action of the trade winds must supersede the west- ward motion, and the whirling mass of air will be therefore transported in a north-east course in these regions. This accounts for the fact that all great storms commencing within the tropics, steadily advance towards the north and west, until their entrance into the temperate zone, when they soon change to the north-east, and continue in this course until they reacb the very high latitudes. While the regularity of the wind is much disturbed or wholly obliterated by these commotions, it is differently affected by the unevenness of the land. The friction arising from this cause tends to give the air the velocity of rotation of the places which it visits, and this prevents a retrograde movement from an excess or a deficiency of centrifugal force. The great atmospheric circulation depending on the regular action of the solar heat, must accordingly occupy a wider zone than our calculations would assign to it, and it is in consequence of the want of great friction from bodies of land, 34* 402 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. that the trade winds do not extend beyond the parallels of 25° in the Pacific Ocean, while they occupy a wider range in the Atlantic. It might be naturally expected that the unequal temperature and density of the water in the tropical and polar seas should cause a great oceanic cir- culation; the cold currents pursuing their way towards the equator, at the lowest depths of the watery domain, while warm currents flow back along its surface. But from the limited expansibility of water by heat, the ocean is much less sensitive than air to solar influence; and were its bed perfectly smooth and its depth uniform, the action of temperature in producing northern or southern oceanic movements, would be much inferior to that of the earth’s rotation in preventing them. The restraints of centrifugal force are, however, neutralized by the asperities of the ocean’s bed; for the water rolling over them partakes of their diurnal velocity ; and accordingly oceanic rivers take their journey towards the poles, in places where the roughness of the sea-bottom, or the presence of coasts or submarine ridges, prevent an eastward deflection. To such circumstances the Gulf Stream is indebted for its existence. A vast body of water impelled due north at the rate of three miles an hour in latitude 30° and unimpeded by friction, should be deflected 45° from the meridian in the course of twenty-four miles; and the small deflection of the Gulf Stream shows the influence of submerged mountains, in modifying its motion and enabling it to continue its advance to colder climates. Notre. —Many facts justify an extension of the theory of Espy. The force and extent of the trade winds must be augmented by the heat arising from the conden- sation of vapor in the “‘ equatorial cloud ring,” and the high temperature attending the great rains of Southern Asia, may be regarded as a partial cause at least of the southwest monsoon. Discharges of electricity during such rains, must also con- tribute to produce the same result. The inadequacy of the cause to which mon- soons are usually ascribed, has been noticed by the most eminent writers who have treated on the subject. OBLTLU AR Y OF PERSONS EMINENT IN SCIENCE. 1858, Barnston, James, Professor of Botany, McGill College, Toronto. Biosoletto, Signor, an Austrian chemist and botanist. Blyth, Dr. George L., an English chemist, well known for his labors in sanatory reform. Bonpland, Aime, the well-known associate of Humboldt. Brown, Robert, an eminent English botanist. Brown, Samuel, an eminent Scotch chemist, and scientific essayist. Cleveland, Parker, the distinguished American mineralogist. Comstock, Dr. J. L , widely known as the author of many elementary scientific treatises. Combe, Dr. George, of Scotland. Cragin, Dr, F. W., a naturalist of Surinam, Parimaribo. Deane, Dr. James, a well-known geologist, and discoverer of the foot-prints in the sandstone of the Connecticut Valley. Duncan, J., Professor of Mathematics, St. Andrew’s College, Scotland. Eisenbeck, Kas Von, an eminent German naturalist. Frazer, Lt. Col. Alexander, R. E. Gregory, Dr. William, Professor of Chemistry, University of Scotland, and well known as a scientific author. Griffiths, Mrs., of Torquay, England, a distinguished algologist. Hale, Foster, inventor of raised letters for the blind. Hare, Robert, the eminent American chemist. Laradel, Count de, proprietor of the boracic acid works, of Tuscany, Italy. Linaria, Father Sante, a distinguished Italian physicist. Louden, Mrs. Jane, well known from her botanical writings. Mareska, M., Professor of Chemistry, University of Ghent. Muller, J ohannes, the eminent German physiologist and naturalist. North, Dr. Erasmus D., an American microscopist. Orbigny, Alcide de, the eminent French geologist and paleontologist. Pattinson, Hugh Lee, inventor of the silver-lead process. Peacock, George, Dean of Ely, eminent as a mathematician. Pease, Edward, of England, a friend and associate of George Stephenson in originating the railway system of, Great Britain. Pfeiffer, Madam Ida. Platner, Prof., author of treatise on the blowpipe. Ponton, M. de, of Stockholm, an associate of Berzetius, and a naturalist. Reid, Sir William, well known for his investigations on the laws of storms. Royle, Dr. J. Forbes, best known from his publications on the botanical produc- tions of India. Schlagintweit, Adolphe, 4 German naturalist and explorer, supposed to be mur- dered in Cashmere, Central Asia. Shattuck, Dr. Lemuel, of Boston, Mass., a well-known statistician. Snow, Dr. John, of London, distinguished for his researches on anesthesia. Temmick, Herr, a well-known ornithologist of Holland. Travers, Dr. Benjamin, F. R. S., President Royal College of Surgeons, Turner, Dawson, an English botanist Tilesius, W. G., the naturalist of Krusenstein’s (Russian) expedition. Young, Ira, Professor of Mathematics, Dartmouth College, N. H. / rs he i = ~~ * 5 > LIST OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ETC., ON MATTERS PERTAINING TO SCIENCE, PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES DURING THE YEAR 1858. Bailey, G. W. R., Engineer, A. A. S., New Orleans. Remarks upon the question of closing the Bayou Plaquemine, Lower Mississippi. Baton Rouge, 1858. Baird, S. F. General Report upon the Zodlogy of the several Pacific Railroad Routes. Part1, Mammals. lvol.,4to. Washington, 1857. Blake, W, P. Report on the Gold Placers of a part of Lumpkin County, Georgia, and the Practicability of Working them by the Hydraulic Method. pp. 39. Bond, Prof. G. P. Donati’s Comet, or the Great Comet of 1858. pp. 26, with nu- merous wood cuts, and two engraved telescopic views. Briggs & Maverick. The Story of the Telegraph, and a History of the Atlantic Cable. A General History of Land and Ocean Telegraphs, etc. 12mo , pp. 225, Rudd & Carleton. 1. Buckland’s Curiosities of Natural History. English reprint. Rudd & Carlton, N. Y. 12mo. pp. 423. Cabel, I. L., Prof. The Testimony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind. Carter & Co., N. Y. 12mo. pp. 345. Cassin, John. Mammalia and Ornithology of the U. 8S. Exploring Expedition un- der Com. Wilkes. 1 vol., 4 to., with folio atlas of 50 colored plates. $50. Chadbourne, P. A. Flora and Fauna of Williamstown, Mass. 8vo. pamph., pp. 15. Christy, David. The Southern Highlands, as adapted to Pasturage and Grape Culture. — Report of the Geologist of the Nantahala and Tuckasege Land and Mineral Company of North Carolina and Tennessee. Colburn, Zerah. The Permanent Way, and Coal-burning Locomotive Boilers of European Railways, Economy of, etc. 51 engravings. Holley & Colburn. $10. Dana, Jas. D. First Supplement to Dana’s Mineralogy. 8vo. pamph. Daniels, Edward. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Wisconsin, for the year ending December 31, 1858. Farm, The. Pocket Manual of Practical Agriculture; or, How to Cultivate all the Field Crops. 12mo., pp. 156. Fowler & Wells. 50c. Feuchtwanger, Dr. L. A Treatise on Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying, and Manu- facturing of Liquors, Wines, Spirits, and all known Liquors, including Cider and Vinegar, also hundreds of valuable Directions in Medicine, Metallurgy, Pyrotechny, and the Arts in General. $2. New York. Pub. by the Author. Flint, Chas. L. Milch Cows and Dairy Farming, comprising the Breeds, Breeding and Management, in health and disease, of Dairy and other Stock, with a full Explanation of Guenon’s Method; the Culture of Forage Plants, and the Pro- duction of Butter, Cheese, and Milk. New York, A. O. Moore. Girard, Dr. Charles. Herpetology of the U. 8. E. Expedition, with folio atlas of 30 colored plates. lvol., 4to. $380. Goadby, Henry, M.D. A Text Book of Vegetable and Animal Physiology, de- signed for the use of Schools and Colleges in the United States. 450 illustra- tions. 8vo., pp. 318. D. Appleton & Co. $2. LIST OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ETC. 405 Gray, Asa, Prof. How Plants Grow: A simple Introduction to Structural Botany; with a Popular Flora, or an Arrangement and description of Common Plants, both Wild and Cultivated. 234 pp., 16mo, illustrated by 500 wood engravings. New York, 1858. Ivison & Phinney. Harbors of Lake Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of War, communicating the last Annual Report of Lieut. Col. J. D. Graham, on the Harbors of Lake Michigan, January 11, 1858. Pub. Doc. Harper, L. Preliminary Report on the Geology and Agriculture of the State of Mississippi. 350 pp., with plates of sections. Hayden, F. VY. Explanations of a Second Edition of a Geological.Map. of Ne- braska and Kansas, based upon information obtained in an Expedition to the Black Hills. ks Hayes, Dr. A. A. On some Modified Results attending the Decomposition of Bi- tuminous Coals by Heat. 8vo. pamph. Holmes, F. S. Post-pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina. 4to. Nos. 1 to 5. $2 per No. Holmes, Prof. F.S. Remains of Domestic Animals discovered among Post-pleio- cene Fossils in South Carolina. Charleston, S. C. Jay, John. A Statistical View of American Agriculture, its Home Resources and Foreign Markets. 12mo., pp. 81. D. Appleton & Co. Lea, Isaac. On the Embryonic Forms of Thirty-eight Species of Unionidx, with plates. Philadelphia. Leidy, J. Notice of Extinct Vertebrata from the Valley of the Niobrara River. 10 pp., 8vo. Philadelphia. Leiber, D. M. Second Annual Report of the Survey of South Carolina, with plates and maps. 142 pp., 8vo. Meek & Hayden. Descriptions of New Organic Remains collected in Nebraska. 20 pp., 8vo. Philadelphia. Miller, Hugh. The Cruise of the Betsey; or,a Ramble among the Fossiliferous Rocks of the Hebrides and Scotland. Gould & Lincoln, Boston. Newton, G. M. Practical Miner’s Guide; a Treatise on Mine Engineering. New- ton, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 191. $2. Norton & Porter. First Book of Science; designed for Schools. 12mo., pp. 302. A. S. Barnes & Co. $1. Norwood, J.8., Dr. Illinois Geological Survey. Abstract of a Report on Illinois Coals, with Descriptions and Analyses, and a General Notice of the Coal-fields. 94 pp., 8vo. Chicago, 1858. Pickering, Charles. The Geographical Distribution of Plants and Animals. 4to. (Vol. xv. of the U.S. Exploring Expedition under Capt. Wilkes). Boston, Little, Brown & Co. In cloth, $3. Redfield, A. M. General View of the Animal Kingdom. Chart. E. B. & E.C. Kellogg, Hartford. Richardson, W. H. Boot and Shoe Makers’ Guide. Boston. Shumard, Dr. B. F. Descriptions of New Tertiary Fossils from Oregon and Wash- ington Territories, and New Cretaceous Species from Vancouver’s Island. pp- 120. Description of New Species of Blastoidea from the Palzxozoic Rocks of the Western States, with some Observations on the Structure of the Summit of the Genus Pentremites. 12 pp. Silliman, B. Jr. First Principles of Physics, or Natural Philosophy. pp. 720. $1.50. Peck & Bliss, Philadelphia. Silloway, Thomas W. Text Book of Modern Carpentry, comprising a Treatise on Building, Timber, etc., etc., and a Glossary of the Technical Terms in use among Carpenters. 16mo. Crosby, Nichols & Co. $1.25. Smithsonian Institution. Report for 1857. Pub. Doc. Track Survey of the River Parana, surveyed by Commander Thomas J. Page, U. S. S. Water Witch, in 1855. Pub. Doc. 34* 406 LIST OF BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, ETC. Tully, William, Dr. Materia Medica, or Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Spring- ; field, Mass. Vaughan, Prof. Daniel. Popular Physical Astronomy, or an Exposition of Re- markable Celestial Phenomena. 1 vol., 8vo., pp. 144. Truman & Spofford, Cincinnati, O. Weinland, Dr. D.F. Human Cestoides; an Essay on the Tape-worms of Man. 8vo., pp. 938. Metcalf & Co., Cambridge, Mass. Wells, David A. Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1858. Gould & Lincoln, Boston. —_—_—_—_———- Principles and Applications of Chemistry, for the use of Acad- emies, High Schools, and Colleges. pp. 515. Ivison & Phinney, N. Y. $1. Wood & Bache. Dispensatory of the United States. Eleventh Edition. 1858. Woodbury, Capt. D. P., U.S.A. Treatise on the Arch, with tables and plates. pp. 486. D. Van Nostrand, N. Y. Wurtz, Henry. The Elements of Matter; a Chart for Teachers and Students. EN DE xX. PAGE /Ethesiometer, 192 Africa, explorations in, ‘© geological structure of South- ern Agricultural implements, recent im- provements in, PAGE Atlantic slope, classification of the metamorphic strata of, 6 Atmosphere, heating by contact with the earth’s surface, 166 Atmospheric movements, 3|Aurora Borealis, connection of with Air-balance, 190| the sun, 122 Air, detection of organic impurities Aurora, fluorescence produced by, 126 in, 2| Australia and New Guinea, former Air, inspiration of, under different connection of, 315 circumstances, 253 | Australia, explorations in, 16 Alcohol, amylic, 243) Azores and the Canary Islands, Alcoholic beverages and their falsifi- probable origin of organized be- cations, 237|/ ings on, 815 Alcoholic liquors, test of their ori- i 9| Barometer, new form of, 190 gin, 24: Alkaloid poisons, detection of, 258 Alloy for the formation of medals, etc. i Alloy, new, for sheathing ships, 75 Alloys of nickel and iron, strength of, 75 Alps, tunnel under, 60 Aluminum, new facts respecting, 212 Ammonia, animal, its formation and - Anesthesia, action of, 251 office, produced by electricity, 108 252 oe variation of at the equa- tor 7 | Basalt, experiment on the melting 312 and or of, ormation of the cells of, — Bees, on the Bee-hives, self-indicator, 2 Beryl, gigantic crystals of, 341 BESSEMER process, new light on, 224 “s < on some points of chemical interest connected with, 226 BINKs, on the manufacture of steel, 213 Anesthesis by carbonic acid, Binocular vision, 151 Animal creation, law of types in, 362 | Birds, on the change of color in, 360 Animals, domestic, remains of, dis- Blood, coagulation of, 284 covered in the Tertiary of South ‘¢ ~ variations in the color of, 376 Carolina, 3817 | Boat, life, Camp’s, improved, 46 Animals, on the changes in the color Boiler-feeder, Fitts’s automatic, 50 of, 60 | Boiler incrustations, 52 Animals, psychological views of the “steam, improved, 50 motions of, Boilers, steam, experiments, 54 Apartments, influence of wall-paper Bone, molecular formation of, 367 on the temperature of, 8 | Bone cavern, interesting exploration Appalachian Chain, structure of in of, 4 western Massachusetts, 3| BONELLI’S autographie telegraph, 114 Arctic Geology, 812| BoUSSINGAULT’S researches on nitro- ‘“« Regions, fauna of, 377; gen and the nitrates, 287 Arsenic and antimony, detection of, 255; Bread-making, new process of, 275 Artesian Well at Nionderf, Ger- many, Artillery, novel, Asia, mountains of eastern, Association, British, address before, by Prof. Owen, 19 Association, British, meeting of for 1858, 4 Assyrian Civilization, 96 Asteroids, discovered in 1858, 383 : theory of, 395 Atlantic Cable, 115 Bricks, on the shape of, 7 Bronze powders, composition and preparation of, 228 Butterfly vivarium, 381 Calcium, on the preparation of, 212 Caffeine in coffee beans, 261 Camera-obscura, on the phenomenon of relief of the image formed in, 153 Canada, geological causes which have influenced the scenery of, 302 Carbonic acid, anesthesis by, 252 408 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Caspian Sea, extent of, 841 | Electrotyping, improvements in, 109 Caustics, chemistry of, 244 | Electro-motive force of various bat- Cells of bees, on the formation of, 862| teries, 106 Cement, new, 89| Elements, equivalents of, 202 Cements, simple, preparation of, 278| Elephas, fossil remains of the genus, 328 Chemical action and magnetism, 123 | Elliotype process, the, 147 Chemical science, thoughts on the Enamels, photographic, 143 progress of, ' 199} Engines, propeller, improvementin,- 51 Chemistry of gunpowder, .246| Engraved plates, method of increas- Chess, transmutation of wheat into, 353] ing the durability of, 195 Chlorine as a disinfectant, prepara- Engraving, photoglyphie, 149 tion of, Equation, personal, 169 Cholera corpuscles, on the origin of Ethereal medium, existence of, 169 the so-called, 855 Church of St. Isaac, 82 Clay retorts, use of in gas-making, 87 Cleavage, slaty, origin of, 3805 Coal-oils, improvements in the man- ufacture of, 235 Coal-series of Pennsylvania, plants of, 331 Evaporation, rate of in different steam-boilers, Evaporative power of boiler-tubes of different metals, 58 Egypt, geological discoveries in, Ferrum-reductum, preparation of, 224 Filtration through sand, 2 ? Coal-tar, colors obtained from, 233| Fire, proteetion of wood from, 62 Coast of Sicily, elevation of, 307 | Fish-scales, analysis of, 262 Coffee, as an article of diet, 270| Fishes, migration and naturalization Color, laws of, 160|__ of, 387 ‘¢ in birds and animals, cause of FiTTs’s automatic boiler-feeder, 50 change, 0| Flame, nature of, 128 Collodion, best method of preparing, 273/ Flour, detection of adulterations in, 262 Comet, Donati’s, 383| Fluorescence, produced by the au- ‘¢ occultation of a star by, 395} rora, 126 Comets, density of, Vaughan on, 389| Force and matter, relations of, 126 es luminous, theory of tails of, Frost, on the protection of plants Winslow on, 386] from, 345 Comets, periodical], list of, 12| Fungi of New England, 345 Copper, presence of in the tissues of ‘* on the so-called cholera, 355 plants and animals, Corals, growth and classification of, 372|Gas and sand, heating by, 88 CrossE, Andrew, experiment of, 107; ‘‘ on railway cars, 59 Crystals, geology of, 840| ‘* sonorous action of burning, 184 Dams, vibrations of water in falling over, 181 Deodorizer, permanganate of potash Gastric juice, 356 Gems, artificial production of, Geology, recent progress of, < surface, illustrations of, 296 as a, 232 | Glands, variations of the color of the Devonian trees, 331| blood in, 75 Diapason, natural, 184} Glands, salivary, 856 Digestion, new experiments on, 356 | Glass, soluble, 281 Door-lock, Marston’s improved, 94 ‘* tubes, resistance to pressure, 58 DRAPER on the nature of flame, 128 | Glonoine, preparation and properties be 9 Earth, distribution of heat in the in- Glucose, chemical changes of, 250 terior of, 167 | Glue, liquid, 89 Earth, gradual desication of, 395| Glycerine, economical applications ‘* internal heat of, 311|__ of, 71 Earthquake manifestations in Chili, Glycerine, De characteristics of, 273 pA 6 | Governor, Silver’s marine, 51 Earthquake phenomena in southern Grain-cleaner, Boothe’s improved, 91 Italy, 335 | GRIFFITH’S theory of chemical radi- Earthquake, submarine, cals, 210 Earthwork, Warner’s new method of estimating, 196 | Hammers, steam, 82 Ecliptic, charts of, 394 | Hayti, geology of, 299 Education, scientific, Faraday on, 97 | Heat, distribution of in the interior Electric discharges in rarefied air, 109) of the earth, 167 Electrical light, 105 | Heat, radiant, experiments in, 165 s ‘* cost of, 106 | Heliostat, hand, construction of, 157 Electricity and light, 127 | Hermapbhroditism, 366 6 lighting gas by, 104| Horizon, new artificial, 173 oy of nerves and muscles, 102} Horse, fossil remains of, 324 ¢ rotation produced by, 102} HucHEs’s Telegraph, lil sad use of for producing local Human race, evidence of the anti- anesthesia, 108 quity of, INDEX. PAGE Ice, on somé physical properties of, 168 ‘* properties of, near the melting point, Illusions, optical, apparatus for ex- hibiting, 1 India, silk culture in 381 Indigo, wild, of the Southern States, 352 Insect depredations, curious, 355 Insects, destruction of in orchards, etc., 267 Iodine in atmospheric waters, 230 ‘* new method of detecting in mineral waters, Iron, Russia sheet, 76 Ivory, artificial, 89 ** “and bone, method of coloring red, 278 Knitting machine, improved, 91 Lakes, cataracts, and rivers, geogra- phical distribution of, Lamination and cleayage, in rocks, Lava, formation of tabular masses on steep slopes, Lawes & GILBERT, annual report, 285 Leather, substitute for, 88 Light and electricity, 127 “action of upon oxalate of iron, 141 ‘© and electricity, molecular im- pressions by, ‘ “electrical, sc Costo£, ‘¢ influence of on respiration, ‘¢ Niepce St. Victor’s discoveries 305 in relation to, “ 7 Lights, comparative unwholesome- ness of, 267 “red and green, danger of using at sea, 159 Lightning, accidents by, 102 = photographic effects of, 104 Lightning-rods and points,G atchell’s, 105 Lime, composition of various phos- phates of, 289 Liquids, mode of preparing, of given specific gravity, 9 Liquors and their adulterations, 239 Magnetic discrepancies, ee rs force, terrestrial, intensity = 0 and vegetation, 409 PAGE Mirrors telescopic, 159 Molecular impressions, 135 Molybdenum, on the fusion of, 211 Moon, habitability of, 313 ‘¢ photographs of, 140 Mortars, hydraulic, 280 Motion, rotary, composition of, r Motions of animals, psychological views of, Moulds, new material for, Mountains, altitude of, not invariable, 310 Musical instrument, new, 95 Mycology, New England, 345 dad Naval architecture, improvementsin, 15 Nebraska, fossils of, 32 Nebula hypothesis, 13 Neryous irritability and action, 376 Newton’s statue, Brougham’s address at the inauguration of, Niagara, age of the falls of, 309 Nickel and iron, alloys of, 75 Nitrogen, annual yield of, in different crops, Ocean, specific gravity of the waters of, 10 Oils, ethereal, detection of adultera- tions in, ‘¢ fatty process for decolorizing, 276 Organ, blown by water-power, 95 Organic bodies, production of, with- out the agency of vitality, OWEN, Prof., address before the Brit- ish association, 19 Ozone, remarks on the nature of, 263 Paints, new medium for, 276 Pancreatine, 356 Panoramas, photographic, 146 Paper-making machinery, new, 94 Paper, wall, influence of on the tem- perature of apartments, 88 Parallax, solar, 393 Parasites on parasites, 374 Parthenogenesis, 318 Pendulums, interesting observations on, Pennsylvania, geology of, 300 Pepsin, its chemical and physiological properties, 269 Permian rocks of Kansas, 328 Phosphorescence, influence of temper- 1 Magnetism 124| ature upon, 64 i influence of on chemical Phosphorus, optical properties of, 131 fs action, Photoglyphic engraving, 149 “ terrestrial, Drummond’s Photography, improvements in, 142 theory of, ° ¥ McCraw’s process in, 144 ce terrestrial, present state novel application of, 142 of our knowledge re- Photographic printing, 143 specting, Photographs, lunar and stellar, 1408 Manganese, new test for, 260 | > ee on paper, Gaudinet’s Map of earthquake phenomena, 5 method of preserving, 145 Matter and force, relations of, 126 | Photo-lithography, | 146 Matting protective, 93 | Physiology, construction of theories Mechanical science, recent improve- in, 355 ments in, = = 4| Planets, new, for 1858, 383 Metals two new, suspected, 229 ee nomenclature of the aster- Military implements, improvements oidal, 12 in, . 4 | Plants, duration of the life of, 349 Minerals, artificial production of, 210 ‘*« herbaceous, north and south in igneous rocks, arrange- range in the United States, 352 ment of, ‘on the growth of, B44 85 410 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Plants, origin and distribution of spe- | Stars, variable, 891 cies in, 353 | Steam-engines, duty of, ; 77 Poisons, coloration of, 259 | Steam-gauges, improvements in, 49 Potsdam sandstone, existence of in | Steam navigation, reminiscences of, 68 the Rocky Mountains, 7 Steamship, novel (Winan’s), 47 Precipitates, determination of the , Steel, on the manufacture of, 213 value of, 210 Stereoscope, Almeida’s, 157 Printing, new method of, 86 Stones, building, strength of various, 80 Printing-presses, Bullock’s mechani- Strychnine, antidote for, 258 cal feeder for, 86 Strychnine, sensibility of the princi- PROSSER’S condenser, 58 __— pal reagents to, 256 Propeller, hydrostatic screw, 52 Suez, canal across the Isthmus of, 17 Pump, Tower’s elastic ball-valve, 61 Sugar, grape, reagent for, 260 Sun, nature of the surface of, 128 Railing, composite iron, 76) “* parallax of 893 Railroad cars, gas on, 59 | Razor paper, 96 Telegraph, atlantic, 115 Refraction, researches on the indices te Bonelli’s, 114 Ce Hughes’s, 111 ot, Refrastion, solar, Respiration of the lower animals, in- fluence of light on, 134 Retina, duration of luminous impres- sions on, 160 Revaccination, 374 Rifles, improvements in, 85 Robin, American, feeding and growth se 310 oO Rocks, conducting power of, 235 Rosolic acid Rotary stability and its application to astronomical observations, 171 RUHMKORFF’S induction coil, im- provements in, 109 Ruskin, on mechanical and artistic work, 95 Russia sheet iron, 76 Saliva and the salivary glands, 356 Sarcophagus, the Wellington, 81 Science as a means of education, 97 Scintillations of stars, 182 Sea, danger of using red and green lights at, 15 Seeds, on the vitality of, 345 Sewers, use of charcoal in, 232 Shells and mortars, Mallet’simproved, 85 “of animals, mode of formation, 367 Ships, steel, 48 Shot, wind of, 193 Sicily, coast of, elevation, 307 Silicates, soluble, use of, 62 Silk culture in India 381 Silver, restoration of tarnished, 96 Soil analysis, 285 Soils, absorbent power of, 299 Soils, relations of nitrogen and ni- trates to, 287 Solar parallax, 393 “spots, 18, 394 Sorghum. alcohol from, 249 ee Sprague, on the botany of, 346 Sound, experiments on the quality of, 189 Sounds, on the mathematical theory et 193 Telegraphs, submarine, submergence | and construction of, 119 | Telescope, new and gigantic, 164 | 'Telestereoscope, the, 152 Terraces, formation of river, 296 Tertiary of South Carolina, remains of domestic animals in, 317 ‘¢ period, climate of, 828 Texas, fossils from, 831 Thermo-multiplier, study of the, 111 Timber, detection of decay in, 82 Tin ore from Australia, 342 Tubes, boiler, brass, copper and iron, evaporative power of, | resistance to collapse, 56 Tunnel under the Alps, 60 Types, law of in the animal creation, 362 Urea, formation of, 284 VAUGHAN, Prof. Daniel, 298, 389 Vegetation, relation of, tomagnetism, 124 ce statistics of, 343 Vision, binocular, 151 Vitality, production of organic bodies without the aid of, Volcanoes, lunar and terrestrial, com- parison between, mud, of the Colorado des- ert, 337 8382 ce Watch movements, American manu- facture of, Water, contraction of, experiment il- lustrating, improved method of purifying, 168 oe i ing, 231 “vibrations of, 181 Waters, iodine in, 230 Maes specific gravity of sea, 231 Weights, estimation of very small, 83 Wheat, new variety of, 352 Wheat, transmutation into chess, 353 WinsLow, Dr. C. F., on comets, 389 Wool, machine for burring, 90 Work, refinement of mechanical and artistic, 195 Yeast, German, method of preparing, 274 Zine, white, durability of, 96 Zoology, 355 ‘law of typical formation in, 362 of, 2 €¢ produced by burning gas, 184 Sounding apparatus, Hunt's new, 59 Species in piants, origin of, 353 Star, occultation of by a comet, 394 Stars, scintillation of, 132 | i IMPORTANT LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS PUBLISHED BY GOULD AND LINCOLN, 59 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY ; or, Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, exhibiting the most important Discoveries and Improvements in Mechanics, Useful Arts, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology, Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Antiquities, etc. ; together with a list of recent Scientific Publications, a classified list of Patents, Obituaries of eminent Scien- tific Men, an Index of important Papers in Scientific Journals, Reports, &c. Edited by DAVID A. 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Dr. BUCKLAND, at a meeting of the British Association, said he had never been so much aston- Ished in his life, by the powers of any man, as he had been by the geological descriptions of Mr. Miller, That wonderful man described these objects with a facility which made him ashamed of the com- parative meagreness and poverty of his own descriptions in the “ Bridgewater Treatise,” which had cost him hours and days of labor. He would give his left hand to possess such powers of description as this man ; and if it pleased Providence to spare his useful life, he, if any one, would certainly ren- der science attractive and popular, and do equal service to theology and geology. Mr. Miller’s style is remarkably pleasing; his mode of popularizing geological knowledge unsur. passed, perhaps unequalled; and the deep reverence for divine revelation pervading all adds inter, est and value to the volume. — NV. Y. Com. Advertiser. 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It will not only render the study of Geography more attractive, but actually show it in its true light, namely, as the science of the relations which exist between nature and man throughout history ; of the contrasts observed between the different parts of the globe; of the laws of horizontal and vertical forms of the dry land, in its contact with the sea; of climate, &c. It would be highly serviceable, it seems to me, for the benefit of schools and teachers, that you should induce Mr. Guyot to write a se- Ties of graduated text books of geography, from the first elements up to a scientific treatise. It would give new life to these studies in this country, and be the best preparation for sound statistical investi- gations. ad From George S. Ritlard. Esq., of Boston. Professor Guyot’s Lectures are marked by learning, ability, and taste. His bold and comprehen- sive generalizations rest upon a careful foundation of facts. 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Sometimes we feel as if we were studying a treatise on the exact sciences; at others, it strikes the ear like an epic poem. Now it reads like history, and now it sounds like prophecy. It will find readers in whatever language it may be published. — Christian Examiner. The work is one of high merit, exhibiting a wide range of knowledge, great research, and a philo- sophical spirit of investigation. Its perusal will well repay the most learned in Such subjects, and give new views to all of man’s relation to the globe he inhabits. — Silliman’s Journal. COMPARATIVE PHYSICAL AND HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY; or. the Study cf the Earth and its Inhabitants. A series of graduated courses for the use of Schools. By ARNOLD GUYOT, author of ‘* Earth and Man,” etc. The series hereby announced will consist of three courses, adapted to the capacity of three different ages and periods of study. The first is intended for primary schools and for children of from seven to ten years. The second is adapted for higher schools, and for young persons of from ten to fifteen years. The third is to be used as a scientific manual in Academies and Colleges. Each course will be divided into two parts, one on purely Physical Geography, the other for Eth- nography, Statistics, Political and Historical Geography. Each part will be illustrated by a colored Physical and Political Atlas, prepared expressly for this purpose, delineating, with the greatest cara, the configuration of the surface, and the other physical phenomena alluded to in the corresponding work, the distribution of the races of men, and the political divisions into states, &c., &c. The two parts of the first or preparatory course are now in a forward state of preparation, and wil) be issued at an early day. GUYOT’S MURAL MAPS; a Series of elegant Colored Maps, projected on a large scale, for the Recitation Room, consisting of a Map of the World, North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, &c., exhibiting the Physical Phenomena of the Globe, etc. By Prof. ARNOLD GUYOT. Price, mounted, 10,00 each. MAP OF THE WORLD, — Now ready. MAP OF NORTH AMERICA, — Now ready. MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA, — Nearly ready. MAP OF GEOGRAPHICAL ELEMENTS, — Now ready. i Other Maps of the Series are in preparation. C VALUABLE SCIENTIFIC WORKS. PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY: touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, living and extinct. With numerous Illustrations. For the Use of Schools and Colleges. Part 1., COMPARA- TIVE PHYSIOLOGY. By Louis AGASSIZ and AUGUSTUS A. GOULD. Revised Edition. 12mo, cloth, 1,00. This work places us in possession of information half a century in advance of all our elementary works on this subject. . . No work of the same dimensions has ever appeared in the English lan- guage containing so much new and valuable information on the subject of which it treats. — PRor. Jam&ES HALL. A work emanating from so high a source hardly requires commendation to give it currency. The yolume is prepared for the student in zoological science; it is simple and elementary in its style, full in its illustrations, comprehensive in its range, yet well condensed, and brought into the narrow com-~ pass requisite for the purpose intended. — Silliman’s Journal. The work may safely be recommended as the best book of the kind in our language. — Christias Examiner. It is not a mere book, but a work — a real work, in the form of a book. Zoology is an interesting science, and is here treated with a masterly hand. The history, anatomical structure, the nature and habits of numberless animals, are described in clear and plain language, and illustrated with innumer able engravings. It is a work adapted to colleges and schools, and no young man should be without it. — Scientific American. PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY, PART II. Systematic Zoology, in which the Principles of Classification are applied, and the principal Groups of Animals are briefly characterized. With numerous Illustrations. 12mo, in preparation. THE ELEMENTS OF GEOLOGY ; adapted to Schools and Colleges, with numerous Illustrations. By J. R. LOOMIs, late Professor of Chemistry and Geology in Waterville College. 12mo, cloth, 75. After a thorough examination of the work, we feel convinced that in all the requirements of a text book of natural science, it is surpassed by no work before the American public. In this opinion we believe the great body of experienced teachers will concur. The work will be found equally well adapted to the wants of those who have given little or no attention to the science in early life, and are desirous to become acquainted with its terms and principles, with the least consumption of time and labor. We hope that every teacher among our readers will examine the work and put the justness of our remarks to the test of his judgment and experience. — M. B. ANDERSON, Pres. af Rochester Unwersity. This is just such a work as is needed for our schools. It contains a systematic statement of the principles of Geology, without entering into the minuteness of detail, which, though interesting to the mature student, confuses the learner. It very wisely, also, avoids those controverted points which mingle geology with questions of biblical criticism. Wesee no reason why it should not take its Place as a text book in all the schools in the land. — WN. Y. Observer. This volume merits the attention of teachers, who, if we mistake not, will find it better adapted to their purpose than any other similar work of which we have knowledge. It embodies a statement o{the principles of Geology sufficiently full for the ordinary purposes of instruction, with the leading facts from which they are deduced. It embraces the latest results of the science, and indicates the debatable points of theoretical geology. The plan of the work is simple and clear, and the style in which it is written is both compact and lucid. We have special pleasure in welcoming its appearance. — Watchman and Reflector. This volume seems to be just the book now required on geology. It will acquire rapidly a circula- tion, and will do much to popularize and universally diffuse a knowledge of geological truths. — dl- bany Journal. It gives a clear and scientific, yet simple, analysis of the main features of the science. It seems, in language and illustration, admirably adapted for use as a text book in common schools and academies while it is vastly better than any thing which was used in college in our time. In all these capacities we particularly and cordially recommend it. — Congregationalist, Boston. D CHAMBERS’S WORKS. CHAMBERS’S CYCLOPEDIA OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, A Selection of the choicest productions of English Authors, from the earliest to the present time. Connected by a Critical and Biographical History. Forming two large imperial octavo volumes of 1400 pages, double column letter-press ; with upwards of 300 elegant Illustrations. Edited by ROBERT CHAMBERS, embossed cloth, 5,00. This work embraces about one thousand authors, chronologically arranged and classed as Poets, Historians, Dramatists, Philosophers, Metaphysicians, Divines, etc., with choice selections from their writings, connected by a Biographical, Historical, and Critical Narrative; thus presenting a complete view of English literature from the earliest to the present time. Let the reader open where he will, he cannot fail to find matter for profit and delight. The selections are gems —infinite riches in a little room; in the language of another, “A WHOLE ENGLISH LIBRARY FUSED DOWN INTO ONE CHEAP BOOK:” From W. H. Prescott, AUTHOR OF “ FERDINAND AND ISABELLA.’’ The plan of the work is very judicious. . . It will put the reader in a proper point of view for surveying the whole ground over which he is travelling. . . . Such readers cannot fail to profit largely by the labors of the critic who has the talent and taste to separate what is really beautiful and worthy of their study from what is superfluous. I concur in the foregoing opinion of Mr, Prescott. —-EDWARD EVERETT. A popular work, indispensable to the library of a student of English literature. —Dr. WAYLAND. We hail with peculiar pleasure the appearance of this work. — North American Review. It has been fitly described as “ a whole English library fused down into one cheap book.” 'The Bos- ton edition combines neatness with cheapness, engraved portraits being given, over and above the il- lustrations of the English copy. — NV. Y. Commercial Advertiser. Welcome: more than welcome’ It was our good fortune some months ago to obtain a glance at this work, and we have ever since looked with earnestness for its appearance in an American edition. — NV. Y. Recorder. ua~ The American edition of this valuable work is enriched by the addition of fine steel and mezzo- tint engravings of the heads of SHAKSPEARE, ADDISON, BYRON; a full length portrait of Dr. JoHN- SON, and a beautiful scenic representation of OLIVER GOLDSMITH and Dr. JOHNSON. These im- portant and elegant additions, together with superior paper and binding, render the American far su- perior to the English edition. The circulation of this most valuable and popular work has been truly enormous, and its sale in this country still continues unabated. CHAMBERS’S MISCELLANY OF USEFUL AND ENTERTAIN- ING KNOWLEDGE. Edited by WILLIAM CHAMBERS. With Elegant Illustrative Engravings. Ten volumes, 16mo, cloth, 7,50; cloth, gilt back, 10.00. This work has been highly recommended by distinguished individuals, as admirably adapted te Family, Sabbath, and District School Libraries. It would be difficult to find any miscellany superior or even equal to it; it richly deserves the epi- thets “ useful and entertaining,’’ and I would recommend it very strongly as extremely well adapted to form parts of a library for the young, or of a social or circulating library in town or country. — Gxorce B. Emerson, Esq., CHAIRMAN Boston ScHOOL Book COMMITTEE. I am gratified to have an opportunity to be instrumental in circulating “ Chambers's Miscellany ” among the schools for which I am superintendent. —J. J. CLuTE, Town. Sup. of Castleton, N. Y. Iam fully satisfied that it is one of the best series in our common school libraries now in circula- tion. — S. T. Hance, Town Sup. of Macedon, Wayne Co., N. Y. The trustees have examined the “ Miscellany,” and are well pleased with it. I have engaged the books to every district that has library money.— MrLEes CHAFFEE, Town Sup. of Concord. N. Y. Iam not acquainted with any similar collection in the English language that can compare with it for purposes of instruction or amusement. I should rejoice to see that set of books in every house in eur country. — Rev. Joun O. CHoULES D.D. The information contained in this work is surprisingly great; and for the fireside, and the young, particularly, it cannot fail to prove a most valuable and entertaining companion. — V. Y. Evangelist. It isan admirable compilation. distinguished by the good taste which has been shown in all the pubs lications of the Messrs. Chambers. It unites the useful snd entertaining.— V. Y. Com. Adv. E CHAMBERS’S WORKS. CHAMBERS’S HOME BOOK AND POCKET MISCELLANY. Con- taining a Choice Selection of Interesting and Instructive Reading for the Old and the Young. Six vols. 16mo, cloth, 3,00. This work is considered fully equal, if not superior, to either of the Chambers’s other works in in- terest, and. like them, contains a vast fund of valuable information, Following somewhat the plan of the “ Miscellany,’ it is admirably adapted to the school or the family library, furnishing ample va- riety for every class of readers, both old and young. We do not know how it is possible to publish so much good reading matter at such a low price. We speak a good word for the literary excellence of the stories in this work ; we hope our people wil introduce it into all their families in order to drive away the miserable flashy-trashy stuff so often found in the hands of our young people of both sexes. — Scientific American. Both an entertaining and instructive work, as it is certainly a very cheap one. -- Puritan Recorder. It cannot but liave an extensive circulation. — Albany Express. Excellent stories from one of the best sources in the world. Of all the series of cheap books, this promises to be the best. — Bangor Mercury. If any person wishes to read for amusement or profit, to kill time or improve it, get ““ Chambers’s Home Book.” — Chicago Times, The Chambers are confessedly the best caterers for popular and useful reading in the world. — Willis’s Home Journal. A very entertaining, instructive, and popular work.— WV. ¥. Commercial. The articles are of that attractive sort which suits us in moods of indolence, when we would linger half way between wakefulness and sleep. They require just thought and activity enough to keep our feet from the land of Nod, without forcing us to run, walk, or even stand. — Eclectic, Portland. The reading contained in these books is of a miscellaneous character, calculated to have the very best effect upon the minds of young readers. While the contents are very far from being pucrile, they are not too heavy, but most admirably calculated for the object intended. — Evening Gazette. Coming from the source they do, we need not say that the articles are of the highest literary excels lence. We predict for the work a large sale and a host of admirers. — East Boston Ledger. It is just the thing to amuse a leisure hour, and at the same time combines zstruction with amuse- ment. — Dover Inquirer. Messrs. Chambers, of Edinburgh, have become famous wherever the English language 1s spoken and read, for their interesting and instructive publications. We have never yet met with any thing which bore the sanction of their names, whose moral tendency was in the least degree questionable. They combine instruction with amusement, and throughout they breathe a spirit of the purest moral- ity. — Chicago Tribune. CHAMBERS’S REPOSITORY OF INSTRUCTIVE AND AMUSING PAPERS. With Illustrations. An entirely New Series, and containing Original Arti- cles. 16mo, cloth, per vol. 50 cents. The Messrs. Chambers have recently commenced the publication of this work, under the title of “ CHAMBERS’S REPOSITORY OF INSTRUCTIVE AND AMUSING TRACTS,” in the form of penny weekly sheets, similar in style, literary character, &c., to the “ Miscellany,” which has maintained an enormous circulation of more than eighty thousand copies in England, and has already reached nearly the same sale in this country. Arrangements have been made by the American publishers, by which they will issue the work simultaneously with the English edition, in two monthly, handsomely bound, 16mo. volumes, of 260 pages each, to continue until the whole series is completed. Each volume complete in itself, and will be sold in sets or single volumes. e@- Commendatory Letters, Reviews, Notices, &c., of each of Chambers’s works, sufficient to make a good sized duodecimo volume, have been received by the publishers, but room here will only allow giving a specimen of the vast multitude at hand. They are all popular, and contain valuable instruc- tive and entertaining reading — such as should be found in every family, school, and college library. F VALUABLE WORK. CYCLOPZEDIA OF ANECDOTES OF LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. Containing a copious and choice selection of Anecdotes of the various forms of Literature, of the Arts, of Architecture, Engravings, Music, Poetry, Painting, and Sculpture, and of the-most celebrated Literary Characters and Artists of different Countries and Ages, &c. By KAZLITT ARVINE, A. M., Author of “* Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes.”? With numerous illustrations. 725 pages octavo, cloth, 3,00. This is unquestionably the choicest collection of anecdotes ever published. It contains three thou- sand and forty Anecdotes, many of them articles of interest, containing reading matter equal to half'a dozen pages of a common 12mo. volume; and such is the wonderful variety, that it will be found an almost inexhaustible fund of interest for every class of readers. The elaborate classification and in- dexes must commend it, especially to public speakers, to the various classes of literary and scientifie men, to artists, mechanics, and others, as a DICTIONARY, for reference, in relation to facts on the nume berless subjects and characters introduced. There are also more than one hundred and /jifty fine Illustrations. We know of no work which in the same space comprises so much valuable information in a form so entertaining, and so well adapted to make an indelible impression upon the mind. It must become g standard work, and be ranked among the few books which are indispensable to every complete library. — NV. ¥. Chronicle. Here is a perfect repository of the most choice and approved specimens of this species of informa- tion, selected with the greatest care from all sources, ancient and modern. The work is replete with such entertainment as is adapted to all grades of readers, the most or least intellectual. — Methodist Quarterly Magazine. One of the most complete things of the kind ever given to the public. There is scarcely a paragraph in the whole book which will not interest some one deeply ; for, while men of letters, argument, and art cannot afford to do without its immense fund of sound maxims, pungent wit, apt illustrations, and brilliant examples, the merchant, mechanic and laborer will find it one of the choicest companions of the hours of relaxation. ‘“* Whatever be the mood of one’s mind, and however limited the time for reading, in the almost endless variety and great brevity of the articles he can find something to suit his teeliags, which he can begin and end at once. It may also be made the very life of the social circle, containing pleasant reading for all ages, at all times and seasons. — Buffalo Commercial Advertiser. A well spring of entertainment, to be drawn from at any moment, comprising the choicest anecdotes of distinguished men, from the remotest period to the present time. — Bangor Whig. A mnagnificent collection of anecdotes touching literature and the fine arts. — Albany Spectator. This work, which is the most extensive and comprehensive collection of anecdotes ever published, eannot fail to become highly popular. — Salem Gazette. A publication of which there is little danger of speaking in too flattering terms ; a perfect Thesaurus of rare and curious information, carefully selected and methodically arranged. A jewel of a book to lie on one’s table, to snatch up in those brief moments of leisure that could not be very profitably turned to account by recourse to any connected work in any department of literature. — Zroy Budyet. No family ought to be without it, for it is at once cheap, valuable, and very interesting ; containing matter compiled from all kinds of books, from all quarters of the globe, from all ages of the world, and in relation to every corporeal matter at all worthy of being remarked or remembered. No work has been issued from the press for a number of years for which there was such a manifest want, and we are certain it only needs to be known to meet with an immense sale. — New Jersey Union. A well-pointed anecdote is often useful to illustrate an argument,and a memory well stored with per- sonal incidents enables the possessor to entertain lively and agreeable conversation. — V. ¥. Com. A rich treasury of thought, and wit, and learning, illustrating the characteristics and peculiarities oz many of the most distinguished names in the history of literature and the arts. — Phil. Chris. Obs. The range of topics is very wide, relating to nature, religion, science, and art; furnishrng apposite illustrations for the preacher, the orator, the Sabbath school teacher, and the instructors of our com- mor. schools, academies, and colleges. It must prove a valuable work for the fireside, as well as for the library, as it is calculated to please and edify all classes. — Zanesville Ch. Register. Ths is one of the most entertaining works for desultory reading we have seen, and will no doubt have a very extensive circulation. Asa most entertaining table book, we hardly know of any thing at once so instructive and amusing. — NW. Y. Ch. Intelligencer. G LACP OT TANT éWOR KITTO’S POPULAR CYCLOPAEDIA OF BIBLICAL LITERA. TURE. Condensed from the larger work. By the Author, JOHN KITTO, D. D., Author of “ Pictorial Bible,” ‘* History of Palestine,” ‘‘ Scripture Daily Readings,” &c. Assisted by JAMES TAYLOR, D. D., of Glasgow. With over jive hundred Illustrations. One vol. ume octavo, 812 pp., cloth, 3,00. Tue PoPpuLaR BIBLICAL CYCLOPZDIA OF LITERATURE is designed to furnish a DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, embodying the products of the best and most recent researches in biblical literature, in which the scholars of Europe and America have been engaged. The work, the result of immense labor and research, and enriched by the contributions of writers of distinguished eminence in the va- Fious departments of sacred literature, has been, by universal consent, pronounced the best work of iclass extant, and the one best suited to the advanced knowledge of the present dagin all the studies gonnected with theological science. It is not only intended for ministers and théobogical students, but is also particularly adapted to parents, Sabbath school teachers, and the great body of the religious public. The wlustrations, amounting to more than three hundred, are of the very highest order. A condensed view of the various branches of Biblical Science comprehended in the work. 1. BrpiicaL CrITICIsM,— Embracing the History of the Bible Languages ; Canon of Scripture; Literary History and Peculiarities of the Sacred Books ; Formation and History cf Scripture Texts. 2. History, — Proper Names of Persons; Biographical Sketches of prominent Characters ; Detailed Accounts of important Events recorded in Scripture ; Chronology and Genealogy of Scripture. 8. GEOGRAPHY, — Names of Places; Description of Scenery; Boundaries and Mutual Relations of the Countries mentioned in Scripture, so far as necessary to illustrate the Sacred Text. 4. ARCH ZOLOGY, — Manners and Customs of the Jews and other nations mentioned in Scripture; their Sacred Institutions, Military Affairs, Political Arrangements, Literary and Scientific Pursuits. 5. PHYSICAL SCIENCE,-- Scripture Cosmogony and Astronomy, Zoology, Mineralogy, Botany, Meteorology. In addition to numerous flattering notices and reviews, personal letters from more than fifty of the most distinguished Ministers and Laymen of different religious denominations in the country have been received, highly commending this work as admirably adapted to ministers, Sabbath school teachers, neads of families, and all Bible students. The following extract of a letter is a fair specimen of individual letters received from each of the gentlemen whose names are given below :— “JT have examined it with special and unalloyed satisfaction. It has the rare merit of being all that it professes to be, and very few, I am sure, who may eonsult it will deny that, in richness and fulness of detail, it surpasses their expectation. Many ministers will find it a valuable auxiliary; but its ehief excellence is, that it furnishes just the facilities which are needed by the thousands in families and Sabbath schools, who are engaged in the important business of biblical education. It is in itselfa library of reliable information.” W. B. Sprague, D. D., Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. Y. J. J. Carruthers, D. D., Pastor of Second Parish Congregational Church, Portland, Me. Joel Hawes, D. D., Pastor of First Congregational Church, Hartford, Ct. Daniel Sharp, D. D., late Pastor of Third Baptist Church, Boston. N. L. Frothingham, D. D.,late Pastor of First Congregational Church, (Unitarian,) Boston. Ephraim Peabody, D. D., Pastor of Stone Chapel Congregational Church, (Unitarian,) Boston. A. L. Stone, Pastor of Park Street Congregational Church, Boston. John S. Stone, D. D., Rector of Christ Church, (Episcopal,) Brooklyn, N. Y. J.B. Waterbury, D. D., Pastor of Bowdoin Street Church, (Congregational,) Boston. Baron Stow, D. D., Pastor of Rowe Street Baptist Church, Boston. Thomas H. Skinner, D. D., Pastor of Carmine Presbyterian Church, New York. Samuel W. Worcester, D. D., Pastor of the Tabernacle Church, (Congregational,) Salem, Horace Bushnell, D. D., Pastor of Third Congregational Church, Hartford, Ct. Right Reverend J. M. Wainwright, D. D., Trinity Church, (Episcopal,) New York. Gardner Spring, D. D., Pastor of the Brick Church Chapel Presbyterian Church, New York. W. T. Dwight, D. D., Pastor of Third Congregational Church, Portland, Me. E. N. Kirk, Pastor of Mount Vernon Congregational Church, Boston. Prof. George Bush, author of “ Notes on the Scriptures,” New York. Howard Malcom, D. D., author of “ Bible Dictionary,” and Pres. of Lewisburg University. Henry J. Ripley, D. D., author of “ Notes on the Scriptures,” and Prof: in Newton Theol. Ina. N. Porter, Prof. in Yale College, New Haven, Ct. Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, Theodore Frelinghuysen, Robert C. Winthrop, John McLean, Simon Greenleaf, Thomas S. Williams, — and a large number of others of like character and standing of the above, whose names cannot here appear. H IMPORTANT WORKS. ANALYTICAL: CONCORDANCE OF THE HOLY SCRJ” TURES; or, The Bible presented under Distinct and Classified Heads or Tepics By Joun Eapiz, D.D., LL. D., Author of “ Biblical Cyclopedia,” ‘ Dictic_,ary of the Bible,” &c., &c. One volume, royal octavo, 8386 pp. Cloth, $3.00; sheep, $3.50. Just published. The publishers would call the special attention of clergymen and others to some of the peculiar features of this great work. 1. It is a concordance Of swhjects, not of words. In this it differs from the common concordance, which, of course, it does not supersede. Both are necessary to the Biblical student. 2. It embraces all the topics, both secular and religious, which are naturally suggested by the entire contents of the Bible. In this it differs from Scripture Manuals and Topical Text-books, which are tonfined to religious or doctrinal topics. 3. It contains the whole of the Bible without abridgment, differing in no respect from the Bible in common use, exceptin the classification of its contents. 4. It contains a synopsis, separate from the concordance, presenting within the compass of a few pages a bird’s-eye view of the whole contents. 5. It contains a table of contents, embracing nearly two thousand heads, arranged in alphabetical order. 6. It is much superior to the only other work in the language prepared on the same general plan, and is offered to the public at much less cost. 5 The purchaser gets not only a Concordance, but also a Bible, in this volume. The superior con- venience arising out of this fact, — saving, as it does, the necessity of having two books at hand and of making two references, instead of one, — will be readily apparent. The general subjects (under each of which there are a vast number of sub-divisions) are arranged as follows, viz.: Agriculture, Genealogy, Ministers of Religion, Sacrifice, Animals, God, Miracles, Scriptures, Architecture, Heaven, Occupations, Speech, Army, Arms, Idolatry, Idols, Ordinances, Spirits, Body, Jesus Christ, Parables and Emblems, Tabernacle and Temple, Canaan, Jews, Persecution, Vineyard and Orchard, Covenant, Laws, Praise and Prayer, Visions and Dreams, Diet and Dress, Magistrates, Prophecy, War, Disease and Death, Man, Providence, Water. Earth, Marriage, Redemption,. Family, Metals and Minerals, Sabbaths and Holy Days, That such a work as this is of exceeding great convenience is matter of obvious remark. But it is much more than that ; it is also an instructive work. It is adapted not only to assist the student in prosecuting the investigation of preconceived ideas, but also to impart ideas which the most care- ful reading of the Bible in its ordinary arrangement might not suggest. Let him take up any one of the subjects — ‘‘ Agriculture,” for example — and see if such be not thecase. This feature places the work in a higher grade than that of the common Concordance. It shows it to be, so to speak, a work of more mind. No Biblical student would willingly dispense with this Concordance when once possessed. It is adapted to the necessities of all classes, —clergymen and theological students; Sabbath-school euperintendents and teachers; authors engaged in the composition of religious and even secular works; and, in fine, common readers of the Bible, intent only on their own improvement. A COMMENTARY ON THE ORIGINAL TEXT OF THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. By Horatio B. Hackett. D. D., Professor of Biblical Liter. ature and Interpretation, in the Newton Theological Institution. [7~A new, revised, and enlarged edition. Octavo, cloth. In Press, £g- This most important and very popular work, has been throughly revised (some parts being entirely rewritten), and considerably enlarged by the introduction of important new matter, the result of the Author’s continued, laborious investigations since the publication of the first edition, sided by the more recent published criticisms on this portion of the Divine Word, by other distin~ guished Biblical Scholars, in this country and in Europe. (¥ VALUABLE SCHOOL BOOKS. THE ELEMENTS OF MORAL SCIENCE. By Francis Wartanp, D. D., President of Brown University, and Professor of Moral Philosophy. Fiftieth Thousand. 12mo, cloth. Price 1,25. *,* This work has been highly commended by Reviewers, Teachers, and aiken, and has ean adopted asa Class Book in most of the collegiate, theological, and academical institu. tions of the country. Ihave examined it with great satisfaction and interest. The work was greatly needed, and is well executed. Dr. Wayland deserves the grateful acknowledgments and liberal patronage of the public. Ineed say nothing further to express my high estimate of the work, than that we shall immediately adopt it for a text book in our university. - Rev. WILBUR Fisk, late Pres. of Wesleyan University. i The work has been read by me attentively and thoroughly, and I think very highly of it. The au- thor himself is one of the most estimable of men, and I do not know of any ethical treatise in which our duties to God and to our fellow-men are laid down with more precision, simplicity, clearness, en- ergy, and truth. — Hon. James KENT, late Chancellor of New York. It is a radical mistake, in the education of youth, to permit any book to be used by students asa text book, which contains erroneous doctrines, especially when these are fundamental, and tend to vitiate the whole system of morals. We have been greatly pleased with the method which President Wayland has adopted; he goes back to the simplest and most fundamental principles; and, in the statement of his views, he unites perspicuity with conciseness and precision. In all the author’s lead- ing fundamental principles we entirely concur. — Biblical Repository. This is a new work on morals, for academic use, and we welcome it with much satisfaction. It is the result of several years’ reflection and experience in teaching, on the part of its justly distinguished author; and if it is not perféctly what we could wish, yet, in the most important respects, it supplies a want which has been extensively felt. It is, we think, substantially sound in its fundamental prin- ciples; and, being comprehensive andelementary in its plan, and adapted to the purposes of instruc- tion, it will be gladly adopted by those who have for a long time been dissatisfied with the existing works of Paley. — Literary and Theological Review. MORAL SCIENCE, ABRIDGED, by the Author, and adapted to the Use of Schools and Academies. Thirty-fifth Thousand. 18mo, half cloth. Price 50 cts. j¢