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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by GOULD AND LINCOLN, In tbe Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. ANDOVER: ELECTROTYPED AND PEINTED BY W. BE. DEA PEER. NOTES BY THE EDITOR ON THE - PROGRESS OF SCIENCE FOR THE YEAR 1860. THE fourteenth meeting of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science was held August 1-8, 1860, at Newport, R I. — Isaac Lea, Esq., of Philadelphia, in the chair. The whole number of papers registered for presentation was 78. The number of members in attendance was small, only 140 names appearing on the register during the continuance of the meeting. “‘ Neither can we,” says the editor of Silliman’s Journal, in commenting on the meeting, “ conceal the fact, that while many papers of marked ability were presented, the character of this meeting was not in all respects creditable to American science. A conviction prevailed among many who were present at Newport of a decadence in the scientific character of the Association, of a Joss of tone, which, if not already a demoralization, threatened soon to become such.” The Association adjourned, to meet in Nashville, Tennessee, in April, 1861. The officers of the Nashville meeting are: President, F. A. P. Barnard, LU.D., President of the University of Mississippi; Vice President, Dr. Robt. W. Gibbes, of South Carolina; General Secre- tary, Prof. J. W. Mallet, of Mississippi; Treasurer, Dr. A. L. Elwyn, of Philadelphia. The thirtieth annual meeting of the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science was held at Oxford, June, 1860, Lord Wrottes- ley in the chair; and was one of the most successful meetings since the foundation of the Association. The meeting for 1861 was appointed to be held at Manchester — Mr. Fairbairn, the celebrated English engineer, being the President elect. From the address cf the President on the “ Progress of Science ” since the previous meeting, we make the following extracts: — “The observations of our private astronomical observers have been chiefly devoted to seven important objects : First, the observing and map- ping of the smaller stars, under which term I include all those which do not form the peculiar province of the public observer ; secondly, se o/ [LJ IV NOTES BY THE EDITOR the observations of the positions and distances of double stars ; thirdly, observations, delineations, and catalogues of the nebule ; fourthly, observations of the minor planets; fifthly, cometary observations ; sixthly, observations of the solar spots, and other phenomena on tlhe sun’s disk ; seventhly, occultations of stars by the moon, eclipses of the heavenly bodies, and other occasional extra-meridional observations. “ And, first, as to cataloguing and mapping the smaller stars. This means, as you know, the accurate determination by astronomical cbser- vation of the places of those objects, as referred to certain assumed fixed points in the heavens. The first Star Catalogue, worthy to be so called, is that which goes by the name of Flamsteed’s, or the British Catalocue. Jt contains above 3000 stars, and is the produce of the labors of the first Astronomer Royal of Greenwich. About the middle of the eighteenth century, the celebrated Dr. Bradley, who also filled the post of Astronomer Royal, observed an almost equally extensive Cata- logue of Stars, and the beginning of the nineteenth century gave birth to that of Piazzi of Palermo. These three are the most celebrated of what may be now termed the ancient Catalogues. About the year 1830, the attention of modern astronomers was more particularly directed to the expediency of redbserving the stars in these three Cat- alogues ; a task which was much facilitated by the publication of a very valuable work of the Astronomical Society, which rendered the calculations of the observations to be made comparatively easy ; and, accordingly, observations were commenced and completed in several public and private observatories, from which some curious results were deduced ; as, é. g., sundry stars were found to be missing, and others to have what is called ‘ proper motion? And now a word as to the utility of this course of observation. It is well observed by Sir John Herschel, ‘that the stars are the landmarks of the universe; every well-determined star is a point of departure which can never deceive the astronomer, geographer, navigator, or surveyor. We must have these fixed points in order to refer to them all the observations of the wandering heavenly bodies, the planets and the comets. By these fixed marks we determine the situation of places on the earth’s sur- face, and of ships on the ocean. When the places of the stars have been registered, celestial charts are constructed ; and by comparing these with the heavens, we at once discover whether any new body be present in the particular locality under observation ; and thus have most of the fifty-seven small or minor ‘planets between Mars and Jupiter been discovered. The observations, however, of these smaller stars, and the registry of their places in Catalogues, and the comparisons of the results obtained at different and fice periods, have revealed another extraordinary fact, no less than that our own sun is not fixed in space, but that it is constantly moving forward towards a point in the constellation Hercules, at the rate, as it is supposed, of about 18,000 miles an hour, carrying with it the whole planeiary and cometary sys- ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. Vv tem; and if our sun moves, probably all the other stars or suns move also, and the whole universe is in a perpetual state of motion through space. “ The second subject to which the attention of private observers has been more particularly directed is that of double or multiple stars, or those which, being situated very close to one another, appear single to the naked eye, but when viewed through powerful telescopes are seen to consist of two or more stars. The measuring the angles and dis- tances from one another of the two or more component stars of these systems has led to the discovery that many of these very close stars are, in fact, acting as suns to one another, and revolving round their common centre of gravity, each of them probably carrying with it a whole system of planets and comets, and, perhaps, each carried for- ward through space like our own sun. It became then a point of great interest to determine whether bodies so far removed from us as these systems observed Newton’s law of gravity; and to this end it was necessary to observe the angles and distances of a great number of these double stars, scattered everywhere through the heavens, for the purpose of obtainmg data to compute their orbits. This has been done, and chiefly by private observers, and the result is that these distant bodies are found to be obedient to the same laws that prevail in our own system. “Of all the phenomena of the heavens, there are none which excite more general interest than comets, and though the larger and brighter comets naturally excite most general public interest, and are really val- uable to astronomers, as exhibiting appearances which tend to throw light on the internal structure of these bodies, and the nature of the forces which must be in operation to produce the extraordinary phenomena observed, yet some of the smaller telescopic comets are, perhaps, more interesting in a physical point of view. Thus the six periodical comets, the orbits of which have been determined with tolerable accuracy, and which return at stated intervals, are extremely useful, as being likely to disclose the facts of which, but for them, we should possibly have ever remained ignorant. Thus, for example, when the comet of Encke, which performs its revolution in a period of a little more than three years, was observed at each return, it disclosed the important and unexpected fact that its motion was continually accelerated. At each successive approach to the sun it arrives at its perihelion sooner and sooner; and there is no way of accounting for this so satisfactory as that of sup- posing that the space in which the planetary and cometary motions are performed is everywhere pervaded by a very rarefied atmosphere or ether, so thin as to exercise no perceptible effect on the movements of massive solid bodies, like the planets, but substantial enough to exert a very important influence on more attenuated substances moving with great velocity. The effect of the resistance of the ether is to retard the tangential motion, and allow the attractive force of gravity to draw the 1* vi NOTES BY THE EDITOR body nearer to the sun, by which the dimensions of the orbit are con- tinually contracted and the velocity in it augmented. The final result will be that, after the lapse of ages, this comet will fall into the sun; this body, a mere hazy cloud, continually flickering, as it were, like a celestial moth round the great luminary, is at some distant period des- tined to be mercilessly consumed. Now the discovery of this ether is deeply interesting as bearing on other important physical questions, such as the undulatory theory of light; and the probability of the future absorption of comets by the sun is important as connected with a very interesting speculation by Professor Wm. Thomson, who has suggested that the heat and light of the sun may be from time to time replenished by the falling in and absorption of countless meteors which circulate round him; and here we have a cause revealed which may accelerate or produce such an event. “On the 1st of September last, at eighteen minutes past 11 A. M., a distinguished astronomer, Mr. Carrington, had directed his telescope to the sun, and was engaged in observing his spots, when suddenly two intensely luminous bodies burst into view on its surface. They moved side by side through a space of about 35,000 miles, first increasing in brightness, then fading away; in five minutes they had vanished. They did not alter the shape of a group of large black spots which lay directly in their paths. Momentary as this remarkable phenomenon was, it was fortunately witnessed and confirmed, as to one of the bright lights, by another observer, Mr. Hodgson, at Highgate, who, by a happy coincidence, had also his telescope directed to the great luminary at the same instant. It may be, therefore, that these two gentlemen have actually witnessed the process of feeding the sun, by the fall of meteoric matter ; but, however this may be, it is a remarkable circum- stance, that the observations at Kew show that on the very day, and at the very hour and minute of this unexpected and curious phenomenon, a moderate but marked magnetic disturbance took place ; and a storm, or great disturbance of the magnetic elements, occurred four hours after midnight, extending to the southern hemisphere. Thus is exhib- ited a seeming connection between magnetic phenomena and certain actions taking place on the sun’s disk, — a connection which the obser- vations of Schwabe, compared with the magnetical records of our colonial observatories, had already rendered nearly certain. “In chemistry I am informed that great activity has been displayed, especially in the organic department of the science. For several years past processes of substitution (or displacement of one element or organic group by another element or group more or less analogous) have been the main agents employed in investigation, and the results to which they have led have been truly wonderful; enabling the chemist to group together several compounds of comparatively simple constitution into others much more complex, and thus to imitate, up to a certain point, the phenomena which take place within the growing plant or ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. VII animal. It is not, indeed, to be anticipated that the chemist should ever be able to produce, by the operations of the laboratory, the arrangement of the elements in the forms of the vegetable cell or the animal fibre ; but he may hope to succeed in preparing some of the complex results of secretion or of chemical changes produced within the living organism,— changes which furnish definite crystallizable compounds, such as the formiates and the acetates, and which he has actually obtained by operations independent of the plant or the ani- mal. Hofmann, in pursuing the chemical investigation of the remark- able compound which he has termed Tvriethylphosphine, has obtained some very singular compound ammonias. Triethylphosphine is a body which takes fire spontaneously when its vapor is mixed with oxygen, at a temperature a little above that of the body. It may be regarded as ammonia in which an atom of phosphorus has taken the place of nitro- gen, and in which the place of each of the three atoms of hydrogen in ammonia is supplied by ethyl, the peculiar hydrocarbon of ordinary alcohol. From this singular base Hofmann has succeeded in procuring other coupled bases, which, though they do not correspond to any of the natural alkalies of the vegetable kingdom, such as morphia, quinia, or strychnia, yet throw some light upon the mode in which complex bodies more or less resembling them have been formed. “The bearing of some recent geological discoveries on the great question of the high antiquity of Man was brought before your notice at your last meeting by Sir Charles Lyell. Since that time many French and English naturalists have visited the valley of the Somme in Picardy, and confirmed the opinion originally published by M. Boucher de Perthes, in 1847, and afterwards confirmed by Mr. Prest- wich, Sir C. Lyell, and other geologists, from personal examination of that region. It appears that the position of the rude flint-implements, which are unequivocally of human workmanship, is such, at Abbeville and Amiens, as to show that they are as ancient as a great mass of gravel which fills the lower parts of the valley between those two cities, extending above and below them. This gravel is an ancieat fluviatile alluvium by no means confined to the lowest depressions (where extensive and deep peat-mosses now exist), but is sometimes also seen covering the slopes of the boundary hills of chalk at eleva- tions of eighty or one hundred feet above the level of the Somme. Changes, therefore, in the physical geovraphy of the country, compris- ing both the filling up with sediment and drift, and the partial reéxca- vation of the valley, have happened since old river-beds were, at some former period; the receptacles of the worked flints. The number of these last, already computed at above fourteen hundred in an area of fourteen miles in length and half a mile in breadth, has afforded to a succession of visitors abundant opportunities of verifying the true geological position of the implements. “ The old alluvium, whether at higher or lower levels, consists not Vill NOTES BY:‘THE EDITOR only of the coarse gravel with worked flints above mentioned, but also of super-imposed beds of sand and loam, in which are many fresh- water and land shells, for the most part entire, and of species now living in the same part of France. With the shells are found bones of the mammoth and an extinct rhinoceros, FP. tichorhinus, an extinct species of deer, and fossil remains of the horse, ox, and other ani- mals. These are met with in the overlying beds, and sometimes also in the gravel where the implements occur. At Menchecourt, in the suburbs of Abbeville, a nearly entire skeleton of the Siberian rhinoce- ros is. said to have been taken out about forty years ago, a fact afiord- ing an answer to the question often raised, as to whether the bones of the extinct mammalia could have been washed out of an older alluvium into a newer one, and so redeposited and mingled with the relics of human workmanship. “ The exploration of caverns, both in the British Isles and other parts of Europe, has in the last few years been prosecuted with renewed ardor and success, although the theoretical explanation of many of the phenomena brought to light seems as yet to bafile the skill of the ablest geologists. Dr. Falconer has given us an account of the remains of several hundred hippopotami, obtained from one cavern, near Palermo, in a locality where there is now no running water. The same palzon- tologist, aided by Colonel Wood, of Glamorganshire, has recently extracted from a single cave in the Gower peninsula of South Wales a vast quantity of the antlers of a reindeer, perhaps of two species of reindeer, both allied tothe living one. These fossils are most of them shed horns; and there have been already no less than eleven hundred of them dug out of the mud filling one cave. “Tn the cave of Brixham, in Devonshire, and in another near Paler- mo, in Sicily, flint implements were observed by Dr. Falconer, associated in such a manner with the bones of extinct mammalia, as to lead him to infer that man must have cozxisted with several lost species of quad- rupeds; and M. de Vibraye has also this spring called attention to analogous conclusions, at which he has arrived by studying the posi- tion of a human jaw with teeth, accompanied by the remains of a mammoth, under the stalagmite of the Grotto d’Arcis, near Troyes, in France.” An international congress of persons interested in chemical pursuits was held at Carlsruhe, Germany, in September, 1860, Dumas of Paris being in the chair. ‘The attendance was large, and although a great majority of those present, as might have been expected, were Ger- mans, yet representatives from many other parts of the world were not wanting. The proceedings lasted some days, and a detailed account of the deliberations is to be published. Among the questions submitted for general discussion were the following : — Would it be judicious to establish a difference between the term atom and molecule ? ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. 1®.€ Is the idea of equivalents empirical and independent of the idea of atom or molecule ? Would it be desirable to place chemical notation in harmony with the progress of science ? The last question was answered with much emphasis i in the aflirma- tive; but M. Dumas thought the time had not yet come to adopt a definite method of notation. He wished, however, to see at once added to the system of Berzelius the modifications which were rendered ne- cessary by the recent progress of organic chemistry. One important point to which he called the attention of the congress was the necessity of looking at the requirements of instruction: in this respect unity in language and theory seemed to be most desirable. The President concluded by expressing the hope that the meeting would not be the last, and that next year the Eurepean chemists would again meet to discuss some of the points of a science cultivated at present with so much ardor and success. In the department of geographical research, the past two or three years have been periods of great activity; and especially in the ex- ploration of Central Africa the zeal of explorers seems to have been greatly increasede “The earlier discoveries of Livingstone,” says Sir R. I. Murchison, in his address before the Section of Geography and Ethnology, at the last meeting of the British Association, “ have been followed by other researches of his. companions and himself, which, as far as they go, have completely realized his anticipation of detecting large elevated tracts, truly Sanatorza as compared with those swampy, low regions near the coast, which have impressed too generally upon the minds of our countrymen the impossibility of sustaining a life of exertion in any intertropical region of Africa. The opening out of the Shire river, that grand affluent of the Zambesi, with the description of its banks and contiguous lofty terraces and mountains, and the devel- opment of the healthfulness of the tract, is most refreshing knowledge, the more so as it is accompanied by the pleasing notice that in this tract the slave-trade is unknown, except by the rare passage of a gang from other parts; whilst the country so teems with rich vegetable products, including cotton and herds of elephants, as to lead us to hope that a spirit of profitable barter, which powerfully animates the natives, may lead to their civilization, and thus prove the best means of eradicat- ing the commerce in human beings. Whilst Livingstone was sailing to make his last venture, Captains Burton and Speke were returning from their glorious exploits into a more central and northern region of South Africa, where they had discovered two great internal lakes, or fresh- water seas, each of them not less than three hhundred miles in length. I may here notice, to the honor of our government, that Captain Speke, associated with another officer of the Bengal army, Captain Grant, has received £2500, to enable him to terminate his examination of the great Nyanza lake, under the equator, and we have reason to hope x NOTES BY THE EDITOR that he will find the chief feeders of the White Nile flowing out from its northern extremity, and thus determine the long-sought problem of one of the chief sources of that classic stream.” Cooley, the Englsh geographer, has published an article in sup- port of his belief that the great lake Nyanza, the southernmost por- tion of which has been described by Livingstone, and visited by several of the Portuguese explorers, is identical with the Tanganyika, the northern end of which was discovered by Burton and Speke. If this theory be true, then we shall have a great inland sea, available for navigation, eight hundred and forty nautical miles in length, and extending from latitude 2° to 12° south of the equator. At ies last meeting of the British Association, the following com- munication on Antarctic explorations, addressed by Captain Maur : U.S. N., to Lord Wrottesley, the President, was received and read: — “ My Dear Lord Wrottesley, —I hope the time is not far distant when circumstances will be more auspicious than at present they seem, for, as soon as there appears the least chance of success, I shall urge the sending from this country an exploring expedition to the eight millions of unknown square miles about the south pole. An expedition might be sent from Australia, with little er no risk. Two propellers, or even two vessels with auxiliary steam-power, might be sent out, so as to spend our three winter months in looking for a suit-- able point along the Antarctic continent to serve as a point of depart- ure for overland or over-ice parties. Having found one or more such places, vessels, properly equipped for land and ice and boat expedi- tions, might be sent the next season, there to remain, seeking to pene- trate the barrier, whether of mountain or of ice, or both, until the next season, when they might be relieved by a fresh party, or return home to compare notes, and be governed accordingly. You know the barometer, at all those places which have a rainy and a dry season, stands highest in the dry, lowest in the wet. Now I do not find any indications that the Antarctic barometer has months of high range ; it is low all the year. Therefore, if I be right in ascribing the apparent tenuity of the air there to the heat that is liberated during the con- densation of vapor from the heavy precipitation that is constantly taking place along the sea front of those ‘barriers,’ we should be correct in inferring that the difference in .temperature between the Antarctic summer and winter is not very marked. If, in a ease like this, we might be permitted to indulge the imagination, we might fancy the ‘barrier’ to be a circular rat nge of mountains, and that beyond these lies the great Antarctic basin. Bey ond this range, as beyond the Andes, we may fangy a rainless region, as in Peru, a region of clear skies and mild climates. Though the air in passing hig: range might be reduced below the utmost degree of Arctic cold, yet being robbed of its vapor, it would receive as sensible the latent heat thereof. Passing off to the polar slope of these mountains, this air, ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. XI then, would be dry air ; descending into the valleys, and coming under the barometric pressure at the surface, it would be warm air. Leslie has explained how, by bringing the attenuated air down from the snow line, even of the tropics, and subjecting it to the barometric weight of the superincumbent mass, we may raise its temperature to inter-tropi- cal heat by the mere pressure. In like manner this Antarctic air, though cold and rare while crossing the ‘ barrier,’ yet receiving heat from its vapors as they are condensed, passing over into the valleys beyond, and being again subjected to normal pressure, may become warm. We have abundant illustrations of the modifying influences upon climate which winds exercise after having passed mountains and precipitated their vapor. The winds which drop the waters of the Columbia river, ete., on the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains, make a warm climate about their base on this side, so much so that we find in Nebraska the lizards and reptiles of Northern Texas. Indeed trappers tell me that the Upper Missouri is open in fall long after the Lower is frozen up, and in spring long before — several weeks — the ice in the more southern parts has broken up. The eastern slopes of Patagonia afford even a more striking illustration of climates being tempered by winds that descend from the mountains bearing with them the heat that their vapor has set free. Thus you -observe that an exploring party after passing the barrier might, as they approach the pole, find the Antarctic climate to grow milder instead of colder. It would be rash in the present state of our information to assert that such zs the case; but that such may be the case should not be ignored by the projectors and leaders of any new expedition to those regions. The existence of an open sea in the Arctic Ocean has, with a great degree of probability, been theoretically established. But the circumstances, as strong as they are, which favor the existence of an open water there, are not so strong and direct as are the proofs and indications of a mild polar climate in the Antarctic regions. I have examined the immense library of log-books here for the lines of Antarctic ice-drift. There appear to be two, both setting to the north- east, one passing by the Falkland Islands, the other having its north- ern terminus in the regions about the Cape of Good Hope. Further south, icebergs are found all around ; but in these lines of drift they are found nearest the equator. The space between the Falkland drift and the Good Hope drift is an unfrequented part of the ocean. It may, therefore, be one broad drift, the edges of which only I have pointed out. The most active currents from the south do not run with this ice. Humboldt’s current is the most active, but it does not get its icebergs as far north as they come by these lines. This cir- cumstance has suggested the conjecture that one part of the Antarctic Continent must be peculiarly well situated for the formation of gla- ciers and the launching of icebergs. These lines of drift point to such a place.” XII NOTES BY THE EDITOR An Arctic expedition, organized by public subscriptions, to follow substantially the route of Dr. Kane, and to attempt to reach the open Polar Sea, sailed during the past summer from Boston, under the command of Dr. Isaac L. Hayes (surgeon of the Kane expedition), with Dr. Sontag as astronomer. The expedition was at Upernavik August 14th, from whence Dr. Hayes writes as follows : — “T anticipate reaching Cape Frazer, lat. 70° 42’, where I propose spending the winter. A degree lower, however, will place one within practicable reach of my proposed field of exploration. If the condi- tion of the ice will permit, I will immediately, after a-winter harbor has been selected, carry forward the boat which I intend using for next summer’s labors, and some provisions, as far north as possible, and then leave them, secured against the bears, and return to the schooner after the winter has firmly set the ice. Early next spring we shall push forward advance depots, and, should we find either ice or water, we shall endeavor to accomplish with boats or sledges, or with both, the chief object of the voyage before the close of the summer. If this fortune awaits us, we shall then return home without unneces- sary delay. Ido not, however, anticipate this result, but I expect that we shall be detained two winters. I shall endeavor, by every means, to avoid a third year’s absence. We carry with us, however, food and fuel for that period, and, in the event of our being so long’ detained, I do not fear adverse results. With the fresh supplies we have on board, I believe we can resist the scurvy.” The act of Congress of June 22, 1860, authorized the President to send some competent person or persons to the Isthmus of Chiriqui, to examine and report upon the quality and probable quantity of coal to be found on the lands of the Chiriqui Improvement Company, the character of the harbors of Chiriqui Lagoon and Golfito, and the practicability of building a railroad across said isthmus, so as to con- nect said harbors. An expedition was accordingly sent, uncer the command of Captain Engle, U. S. N., with Lieutenants Jeffers and Morton as engineer officers, and Dr. Evans as geologist. The reports of these gentlemen show that the harbors on both sides of the Isthmus of Chiriqui are unsurpassed ; that, in the opinion of Lieutenant Mor- ton, “it is entirely practicable to connect the harbors by a line of railroad adapted to commercial purposes ;” and that the coal found there is of excellent quality, and the supply inexhaustible. The discussion of the observations of the U. S. astronomical expe- dition to Chili, under Lieut. Gillis, conclusively establishes the fact that Valparaiso, and probably the whole coast of Chili, as laid down on the best charts (those of the British Admiralty), are four and four- fifths miles too far to the west, an error of much importancé to navi- gators. The State Geological survey of California has been organized during the past year by the appointment of Prof. J. D. Whitney as ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. XIII geologist, Mr. William Ashburner filling the post of assistant geologist, and Prof. W. H. Brewer that of agricultural chemist and_ botanist. The act authorizing the survey also. contemplates the establishment of a state museum upon a most extensive scale; and the whole enter- prise is started on a most liberal and enlightened basis, and com- mences under more favorable auspices than any similar work hitherto projected in this country. Dr. Newberry, the well-known geologist of Ohio, has returned to his home during the past year, after successful geological explorations in New Mexico and Utah. Some of the results of his labors are noticed in the American Journal of Science as follows :— “‘ His collection of fossils is very large, offering conclusive evidence of the geological structure of a very large area. Of the Cretaceous deposits he was fortunate in obtaining a peculiarly satisfactory analy- sis. Contrary to all our previous notions, these beds turn out to be much more largely developed, that is, existing in much greater force, stratigraphically, west of the Rocky Mountains than east of them. In Southern Utah (just where Marcou claims there are no Cretaceous rocks) he found beautiful exposures, of four thousand feet in thickness, of strata of that ave, with abundant fossils, both animal and vegetable. The bones of a huge Saurian are among Dr. Newberry’s novelties.” M. de Khanikoff has published a map of levellings, made by him in 1859, in Khorassan, Affghanistan, Seistan, and Central Pe ersia, Over an extent of two hundred thousand square miles. They are located by a triangulation connected with the triangulation of Trans-Caucasia. This vast country is subdivided into four terraces of unequal extent, and with a mean height of fifteen hundred to three thousand feet, each having a central depression and forming a basin. The first and largest contains the grea areca between Koum and Nichapoor ; the second and southwestern, which is the driest of all, is the desert of Loot, between Khorassan and Irak; the third h the desert of Seistan, has at its lowest point Lake Hamoon; and the fourth occupies the country between Toon Khaf and Selzar. The mountains which fur- row these terraces are composed mainly of crystalline rocks, and are remarkable for their uniformity and for the extreme dryness of their slopes. The vegetation of the first and last named terraces is iden- tical with that of the plains of Transoxiania; the others present some plants of tropical forms, similar to those of Southern Arabia. Wher- ever the country is sheltered against the cold northern winds, the date-tree is cultivated with success. A geological survey of Norway is now going on, under the direc- tion of Prof. Kjerulf, of the University of Christiana. The greater part of Southern Norway is already surveyed, and the northern part, it is expected, will be soon completed. In 1858 the Imperial Academy of Science of St. Petersburg sent two young Russian naturalists, Messrs. Sjiiwerzow and Borschtschow, 2 XIV NOTES BY THE EDITOR on a geological and botanical expedition to the steppes of the Kirghiz. A brief account of their explorations has just been published. The most remarkable result attained was the discovery, on the northeastern side of the Aral, of a completely marine flora, consisting of numerous species which are found in no other inland body of water, whether salt or fresh. It has been known for some time that the mollusca of the Aral, if not identical with those of the ocean, were at least very similar to them. These two facts go far to prove that the Caspian and the Aral formed originally a portion of one great oceanic bay. General Schubert has communicated to the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg a determination of the figure of the earth based on the principal measurements of degrees; he believes that it is an ellip- soid with three axes, or, in other words, that not only the meridians are ellipses, but that the equator is also an ellipse, though differing very slightly from a circle. The King of Bavaria is having executed, at his own expense, a magnetic chart of Europe, to which several years of Jabor have already been devoted. M. Lamont, director of these works, has addressed to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, through the interven- tion of M. Elie de Beaumont, curious and important details upon the determination of the constant inclinations of the magnetic needle in the South of France and of Spain. Mariners will profit by the table of the declinations of the needle in the principal ports of France, Spain, and Portugal, traced by this savant. The declination is at Toulon, 16° 45’ west; at Marseilles, 17° 7; at Oporto, 22° 10; at Brest, 22° 33 at Cherbourg, 21° 38; at Dunkerque, 20° 10, ete. This declination has, within a century, been diminishing at an aver- age rate of seven minutes per annum. During the past year the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, insti- tuted at Cambridge, Mass., by Professor Agassiz, and for the founda- tion and endowment of which $225,000 was raised from the state and by private subscription, has been so far completed as to be formally dedicated and opened to the public. The plan adopted by Professor Agassiz differs essentially from that of any other museum in the world. His aim has been to make the collection help the student by the sim- plicity and progressive character of the arrangement, instead of per- plexing him by the multitude of different objects to be studied. The student finds, first, a simple collection of the representatives of the four great types of animals, arranged as a vestibule, as it were, to the com- plete collection, so that the beginner who has not made his first step in zoology, or the visitor not conversant with the objects of the institu- tion, can within half an hour obtain an index, as it were, of the principles of zoclogy, and learn the essential characteristics of the four great types of the animal kingdom, so as to recognize precisely what radiates, what molluscs, what articulates, and what vertebrates are. Next in order are representatives of the above classes arranged ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. XV for comparative examination and study. There is then to be a collec- tion of animals, or fossils, arranged according to their paleontological character, that is to say, according to the geological age in which they flourished. It is also contemplated to have another collection of animals based upon their geographical distribution,—the bear of the poles being brought side by side with the reindeer, etc., of the same regions, and the lion of the equator with other animals of hot countries; and also an exbibition of embryos in all stages of their development. The museum in its present state already ranks as the ninth in the world in its special departments, and it is the hope of the founder to make it within his own lifetime equal to any. A movement is now making to establish in Boston an institution on a most comprehensive plan, devoted to the practical sciences and arts, to be called “ Toe MAssAacuusetts INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,” having the triple organization of a Socicty of Arts, a Museum or Con- servatory of Arts, and a School of Industrial Science and Art. The vast and increasing magnitude of the industrial interests of New Eng- land furnishes a powerful incentive to the establishment of such an institution; and many of the leading minds of this section of country have long felt it imperative to provide for the people, in addition to the established educational systems, such facilities for acquiring practical knowledge, and for the intelligent guidance of enterprise and labor, as may make the progress of the New England States commen- surate, step by step, with the advance of scientific discovery. A recent report of the Academy of Sciences at Philadelphia gives the whole number of specimens of birds now in the museum of that society at about twenty-nine thousand. It embraces Mr. Gould’s collection of the birds of Australia, also a large collection made by Captain Boys in the interior countries of India, and the collection made by General Massena, Duke of Rivoli, which was once regarded as the finest private collection of birds in Europe. Of the whole number of specimens in the museum of the society, over twenty-six thousand were the gift of a single individual, —the well-known ornithologist, Dr. T. B. Wilson. The State Agricultural College of New York, situated at Ovid, between the Cayuga and Seneca lakes, is completed, or sufficiently so to be occupied, and will be open for instruction during the present year. Major Patrick, formerly of the army, will be at the head of the institution, assisted by an efficient corps of teachers, and the friends of the institution have great confidence that it will be largely attended by young men who intend to devote themselves to the intelligent pursuit of agriculture, and will prove a most useful and thriving school. There has been recently established in London a Society for the Acclimatization of Animals, Birds, Fishes, Insects, and Vegetables. The Secretary is F. T. Buckland, Esq., whose name and that of his father are so thoroughly associated with natural history. The purposes xVI NOTES BY THE EDITOR of the institution are thus set down in an advertisement: “1. The introduction, acclimatization, and domestication of all innoxious animals, birds, fishes, insects, and vegetables, whether useful or ornamental. 2. The perfection, propagation, and hybridization of races newly intro- daced, or already domesticated. 3. The spread of indigenous animals, etc.,from parts of the kingdom where they are already known, to other localities where they are not known. 4. The procuration, whether by purchase, gift, or exchange, of animals, ete. from foreign countries. 5. The transmission of animals, etc., from England to her colonies and foreign parts, in exchange for others sent thence to the society. 6. The hol ding of periodical meetings, and the publication of reports and transactions for the purpose of spreading knowledge of acclimatization, and inquiry into the causes of success or failure. It will be the endeavor of the society to attempt to acclimatize and cultivate those animals, birds, ete, which will be useful and suitable to the park, the moorland, the plain, the woodland, the farm, the poultry-yard, as well as those which will increase the resources of our sea-shores, rivers, ponds, and gardens.” The Emperor Louis Napoleon, during the last ten years, has done more for the improvement of agriculture and rural economy than has been done by ail the other sovereigns of Europe put together. The Emperor’s farms are situated in various parts of France, from the Landes, south of Bordeaux, to the neighborhood of Paris. They are model farms,— draining, subsoiling, breeding of cattle, and other forms of agricultural improvement being carried on in the most approved manner. ‘The French government has, since the first revo- lution, always bestowed special attention on agriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture. Lectures on agriculture and horticulture are delivered by first-rate men in the capital and in the provinces, and, though these are partly the results of private enterprise, they every- where meet with countenance and encouragement from the govern- ment. Gardening is taught by precept and example in many of the elementary schools, and the young proficients are rewarded by prizes distributed yy the ison authorities. Among other things, the ltera- ture of rural affairs is judiciously fostered by the imperial government. The “ Ampelographie Frangaise” is a magnificent work on the vines of France, published under the auspices of the Minister of Agriculture. Jt contains a series of folio engravings of grapes in their mature state and. natural sizes, carefully drawn and beautifully colored, together with an ample accompaniment of letterpress, describing the growth of the vines and the special culture of the vineyards, and exhibiting the statistics of the wine products of France with fulness, minuteness, and accuracy. The Society of Pharmacy at Paris offer a prize of 6000 francs for the discovery of the artificial production of quinine, or, in default of this, for a substitute possessing equivalent anti-febrile properties. ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. XVII The prize is open to scientists of all nations, and the time is limited to July, 1861. In the recent revision which has taken place in the British Phar- macopeeias, certain changes have been made, which, unless similar modifications be adopted in this country, will tend to embarrass the American student of British medical literature. The change consists in discarding the troy weights hitherto employed in dispensing and compounding medicines, and in adopting a new set of weights founded on the avoirdupois pound, which is divided into sixteen ounces, each containing four hundred and eighty parts, called grains, instead of four hundred and thirty-seven, as heretofore. The grain, scruple, and drachm of this new standard preserve their old relations to each other, and will accordingly be about ten per cent. less than the corre- sponding weights at present in use, and a proportionate addition would require to be made in the doses of the various medicines prescribed. Mr. J. E. Wappzeus has published at Leipsic, during the past year, a work entitled “ General Statistics of Population,’ which shows con- clusively that the Malthusian doctrine, that the increase of population is by geometrical progression, is a mistake. In France, for instance, the rate of increase has been steadily decreasing since the peace of 1815, it being as follows: — 182] to 1881, . : . 6.7 per cent. | 1841 to 1851, . “ . 4.4 per cent. 1831 to 1841, : = 5) ee i851 to 1856, F ai ee In England, the decrease in the rate of increase has been less : — 1811 to 1821, . : . 16.6 per cent. | 1831 to 1841, . ; . 13.5 per cent. 1821 to 1831, —. 1G ee 1841 to 1851,- . Paling $ In Prussia, the annual rate of increase was : — 1817 to 1828, . : . 1.71 per cent. | 1840 to 1846, . - . 1.27 per cent. 1829 to 1840, —«. x 1.80 ee 1846 to 1856, .69 es In Belgium, the annual percentage of increase fell from 1.08 pre- vious to 1846 to .42 from 1846 to 1856; in Holland, it fell from .93 previous to 1840, to .69 from 1840 to 1850. Mr. Wappzus gives the following table of the percentage of annual increase in the countries of Western Europe, and the period required for doubling. It is based on the rate of movement during the last fifteen years : — Increase. Time of Doubling. Norway, . - 4 : ; ; Seals 61 Years. Denmark, ; : : : : : 0.58 (Ora Sweden, . 4 : 2 . 2 5 (taste! Tom ass Saxony, . , : E A ; : 0.84 3) pee Holland, . : C : A : = O68 LOS ei Sardinia, ‘ : : : : ; 0.58 TNS weak Prussia, « : p ; ; F . 0.53 dsilewsSs Belgium, : ; . : : : 0.44 L581 ee Great Britain and Ireland, . Anica es: soa oy ss Austria, . a ‘ ; ; - 0.18 335. France, ; : é ‘ ‘ 3 4 O44 SOR ee Hanover, : : ‘ : ; ; 0.02 oto XVill NOTES ON THE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. The aboriginal inhabitants of the Pacific islands are vanishing before the peaceful aggressions of colonization in a manner unexampled even in the history of our decaying Indian tribes. The swift decline of the Sandwich islanders is well known, but even their fearful rate of decay is exceeded by that of the more southern insular people. The Maoris of New Zealand, were estimated by Sir George Grey in 1851 at 120,000; the census of 1858 makes their number only 50,000. “ Neither census,” remarks one peculiarly fitted by a long residence among them to prenounce an opinion, ‘“‘may be very accurate, but both indicate, what every one in New Zealand knows, that the native races are becoming extinct with a rapidity unprecedented in the © annals of nations.” In Tasmania the earliest European colonists found in 1803 more than 5,000 natives; they now number less than a score. In Australia the same fatal process is going on. ‘The cen- sus of 1855 made the native population of South Australia to be 8,540, and that of 1860 shows them to have decreased to 1,700. In Victoria there were in 1848 nearly 5,000 Australian aboriginals; in 1860 there are only 1,768. yy Til ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. ON THE WAVE-LINE THEORY. Tue following is an abstract of a paper read before the British Institution of Naval Architects by J. Scott Russell, March, 1860, the object of which was to consider the nature of the motion imparted to water when disturbed by a vessel pushed through it by motive power of any kind: The first inquiries to be made were, What became of all the water which a ship removed out of her way? and, How did it get out of the way? In prosecuting these inquiries, the author had first employed a small trough, or canal, a foot wide, a foot deep, and of considerable length, and began with a very simple experiment. He supported a small heap of water above the level of that in the trough by means of a partition at one end, and then withdrew the partition to see what the water would do, and found that it assumed a beautiful wave-form of its own, ran along the whole length of the channe! to the end, and left the surface of the water over which it had passed as still as it was before. Had the end of the trough been just level with the surface of the still water, the wave would have jumped over, and left the whole of the water in the canal perfectly undisturbed. This phenomenon is now known as the “ solitary wave of translation.” This wave would travel to an almost incredible distance. The author had followed such a wave, on horseback and by other means, for miles. It leaves a little of itself, however, along the whole surface over which it passes. The next fact ascertained was, that wherever the bow of a ship is moved through the water, a wave of this kind is produced, and this is the “‘ travel- ling” or “carrier”? wave, which gets rid of all the water out of the canal which the vessel has to excavate. The ship feels no more of it, for it spreads itself in a thin film all along the surface of the water, ahead of the 20 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. vessel,— not behind the vessel, nor on each side of it, — with far greater velocity than that of the vessel itself. After having made experiments on a small scale, the author took vessels on a large scale, had them dragged by horses, and in other ways, through the water, and by positive observations and measurement found that this was really what became of the water dis- placed by the bow of the boat. On one occasion he drew so large a number of boats along a canal in one direction, on a certain day, that the waves carried a great part of the water from one end of the canal to the other, and in the evening the water in the canal was found raised eighteen inches at one end, and depressed to the same extent at the other. The velocity with which the travelling wave moved was found to depend entirely on the depth of the water. At 3 feet deep the wave travels 6 miles an hour ee 5 6 ““ ce 8 iT ce “c“ 7 se 6s 66 10 ce “cc cc 10 ce 6s 9 12 co e “ 15 ‘73 66 “cc 15 6s ce ‘ts 20 ec ce i 18 s6 6¢ ee 380 ce ce “ce 90 ce ce 6c 40 cc ac cc 25 6s «e ce 50 “c cc “ce 80 cc “ In addition to a constant velocity, this wave has a constant shape, a drawing of which was exhibited by the author. Anda most extraordinary circumstance was, that its form corresponded exactly with the form of bow which he had previously, and from altogether different considerations, con- structed as the form of least resistance. Moreover, he found that what he had endeavored to do in constructing that form, — viz., move the particles of water gradually out of the way, from one position of rest to another, — the travelling wave also did; for on closely observing the water in the experi- mental trough under the action of such a wave, he observed that it lifted every particle of water over which it passed out of one place forward into another place, and there left it perfectly at rest. In the traveiling wave, therefore, as in ordinary waves, the particles of water composing it were continually being replaced by others, while the wave itself advanced without apparent change. The foregoing facts convinced the author that the form of bow which he had adopted, and which has since been called the “‘ wave form,” was analogous and conformable to the nature of water and of wave motion. Like many others, the author at first thought that the stern of a vessel ought to be of the same form as the bow; but thought it proper to under- take a series of experiments, with the view of ascertaining what happened when a hole in the water had to be filled up. Where did the water that filled it come from? and how did it come? He first found that the hollow made in the water had no tendency to travel with an independent velocity of its own, but moved just as fast, and only as fast, as the body which pro- duced it. He then discovered that the currents of water rushing into such a hollow, from different directions, met, and produced a wave, which he called the “ following wave,” or the “refilling” or “replacing wave,” and which always moved with the velocity of the ship, and had nothing to do with the depth of the water. The “ following wave” also repeated itself in an endless series astern of the vessel. The author explained that the nature of this wave required that the stern of the ship should be formed of cycloidal curves, and showed how this fact was applied in actual construction. MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. ya | The author might be asked, reverting to the wave at the bow, What became of the water at the bow, supposing he dragged the boat faster than the water could spread itself? The answer was: With only a moderate force at his disposal the boat could not be made to travel faster; but if he had force enough to compel it to go in spite of the water, the water would rise up and stand on both sides of the boat until the load had passed, and then fall down into the hole left behind it. In a shallow canal in Scotland, where the carrier-wave travelled only seven miles an hour, he had compelled a boat to go ten miles, and he found that the water not only rose up, but lifted the boat with it, so that she drew less water than before, and actually went easier at ten miles an hour than at five. Had not railways come into fashion just at the time, the country would have been covered with little troughs, and people would have been riding on the tops of these waves in an easier and cheaper mode than by any other means then known. After explaining the different results which are sometimes obtained at trials in the Thames, owing to the velocities of the travelling-wave varying with the depths of the water, the author described the best means of ob- serving the wave on rivers and other like places, and then proceeded to the application of some of the principles before laid down to practice. First, he said it was a delightful circumstance that the wave-principle did not meddle at all with the form of a ship’s midship section, but left the conductor entirely free to adopt any form of section he pleased. Next, it did not tie him down to any proportion of depth to breadth. It was, therefore, a plas- tic thing, and could be applied to any general form of ship whatever. The third and most important proposition was, that the wave-line prescribed the exact length of ship for every speed at which you wish a ship to go, and explains why a long ship is indispensable to speed. To go six miles an hour, your vessel must be at least 30 feet long; for eight miles an hour, 50 feet long; for ten miles, 70 feet; for twelve miles, 100 feet; for fifteen, 150; for eighteen, 200; for twenty, 300; for twenty-five, 400; and for thirty, 500. The author had himself tried to obtain higher velocities than these with shorter vessels; and he had got them, but at such a fearful waste of power that it was insanity and folly not to lengthen the vessels for the purpose. The wave-line theory also told you that the length of the bow should be to that of the run as 3 to 2. The cause of this was explained. The lines of the Great Eastern, the author said, were neither more nor Jess than an exact copy of the wave-lines. The length of the bow was 330 feet; the length of the run, 226; and having got this length of entrance and run, and feeling that more capacity was wanted, it was of no use lengthen- ing the bow or the run, because there was already provision for greater speed than the fifteen miles an hour which the power to be put into her could be expected to give; 120 feet of parallel body were therefore put into her amid- ships. The great ship might be of less fine-lines and still go with the same velocity. There was a very valuable conclusion for practical ship-builders to be’ drawn, independently of what had been stated about the lines. It was this: That proportionate length and breadth were not necessary at all for a fast vessel. It was not necessary for a fast vessel that she should be a narrow, thin, long vessel in proportion to her size. The author had taken vessels en the wave-line principle two hundred fect long, and had them made of every variety of breadth, and as long as they were two hundred feet long, and had the lines belonging to fifteen or sixteen miles an hour, so long they had gone 22 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. at that velocity with a given power. Further: the resistance which a vesscl experiences from the sticking of water to the skin was a most formidable element of her whole resistance; and greater velocity in proportion to power would be got out of a yessel which was shorter than another, and also broader and deeper than another, providing length enough for the velocity aimed at were got at starting. It was the duty of the author, however, to say a word or two on the his- tory of the subject, and the degree of novelty or non-novelty to which it pretended. And he began with saying that he did not claim to be the in- ventor of hollow bows. They had existed as far back as he could trace steam navigation. When he had first discovered what he believed to be the principles of nature which bore on this subject, he felt that the form of ves- sel which accorded with them could not be new, and he set about examining all classes of vessels. He found proofs immediately; so many, that he felt astonished that the books and treatises on naval architecture had not all told them to do nothing but make hollow bows from the beginning. He showed that it must have been impossible for barbarous men to have made a rough boat from two flat planks without forming such a bow. But the old tonnage laws had compelled builders to make ships of the greatest possible capacity compatible with certain measurements. Hence the bluff bow was made a matter of necessity. When, during the wars, we captured Spanish ships or privateers with fine and often hollow lines below, — vessels which sailed admirably under their original trim, in which they were down by the stern, — we invariably found that they proved but dull sailers in our hands, owing undoubtedly to the fact that we not only overloaded them with weights, but trimmed them nearer to an even keel, and so brought the bluff upper part of their bows down into the water. The boats of the London watermen illustrated the same principle. The author concluded by stating that the rapid advancement of confidence in the wave principle was owing very much to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, which had placed at his disposal large means for the prosecution of scientific researches into this subject, and had every year enabled him to publish to the world the progress which he was making in the investigation. NEW METHOD OF CLEANING THE BOTTOMS OF IRON VESSELS. A new and novel method of cleaning the bottoms of iron vessels has been successfully put in operation by Captain R. P. Dyker, of New York City. The apparatus consists of blocks, each formed of three pieces of cork-wood and one of white-wood, firmly bolted together. On the piece of white- wood are fastened nine knives, or scrapers, six of which run parallel with the line of the vessel, and the remaining three are placed at right angles with the others. Ropes pass through these blocks, which latter may be so arranged as to be of any required length. To lengthen them it is only ne- cessary to shackle on others. The block that comes in contact with the keel is much thicker than the others, so that it may reach that portion of the bottom which the thinner blocks would not. The blocks of course vary with the depth of keel of the vessel which is to be cleaned. The operation of cleaning an iron brig of about two hundred tons is thus described by the New York Commercial Advertiser: The apparatus con- sisted of seven blocks, of eighteen inches in length, ten inches wide, and MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS, 23 seven inches in thickness; the keel block being just double this size. The blocks were cast overboard, and the rope which was attached to them was passed around the bow and underneath the bottom of the vessel, and by hauling upon the ropes alternately the scraping brought off a large quantity of dirt. Five men were employed in the operation, which seemed quite easy. The pressure of the water kept the blocks close to the vessel’s side, while the lightness of the materials added much to the rapidity with which the apparatus performed the work. As rapidly as the part of the vessel on which the apparatus was employed was cleaned, the men moved a few inches aft, until the whole bottom was thoroughly scraped. When the sharp curves of the vessel’s lines interfere with the use of the blocks, a peculiar-shaped scraper, fitted to a long pole, is used, and, being floated also by cork, the work is comparatively easy and rapid. BEACHING THE GREAT EASTERN. The operation of cleaning the bottom of the Great Eastern has been per- formed by placing her upon a “ gridiron,” or framework of timber, on the beach at Milford Haven, England. The arrangement of this construction is described as follows in the London Times: The beach, to the distance of five hundred and fifty feet, has been exca- vated and levelled to within a few feet of low-water mark at spring tides, which at high water will give a depth of twenty-five to twenty-seven feet. The beaching-place itself is composed of two ‘ grids,” fifty yards distant from each other. Each grid is one hundred and fifty feet long, constructed of forty strong transverse “ baulks,”’ or beams, of forty-five, thirty-five, thirty, and twenty-five feet long by thirteen inches square. They are laid down in four lots, ten of each length, with an interval between each beam of three feet. Each baulk of timber is firmly fixed in its place by three iron-shod piles, of from three to four feet long. The longest of these lots is laid nearest amidships, and the rest according to their length, thus tapering off to the stem and stern, so as in some degree to correspond with the beam of that part of the ship that will be immediately above them. Two “ dol- phins,” thirty feet in height, made of four baulks, each thirteen inches square, firmly clamped and bolted together, strongly supported by back and diagonal struts, have been driven in at about three hundred feet apart. These are for the ship’s side to lie against, as well as to act as guides in the actual operation of beaching. One of these dolphins will be just ferward of the starboard sponson, and the other near her starboard quarter. These, together with the mooring tackle and other necessary gear, all of which are provided, will keep the vessel in her position. The Great Eastern being six hundred and fifty feet long, it will thus follow that when in position she will be supported for five hundred and fifty feet of her length; viz., three hun- dred on the two grids, and two hundred and fifty on the levelled beach, leaving only fifty feet of her bow and stern projecting beyond the timbers and excavations. The whole structure has been made at the expense of the South Wales Railway Company, and will cost upwards of one thousand pounds. IRON-PLATED SHIPS. The first steel-plated frigate, constructed by the French government, was launched in September last. She is called La Gloire, and is a magnifi- 24 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. cent vessel, seventy-seven metres long and sixteen metres large — two hun- dred and fifty by fifty-one feet English. Her aspect is imposing by the severity of her lines and by the mass of her iron cuirass. At the height of 1.82 metres — barely six feet —above the water, she presents a battery of thirty-four guns of the most powerful effect; on the forecastie, two long- range pieces; on the quarter-deck, an iron redoubt to protect her com- mander at his post during the action. The reduced masts and wide funnel indicate that the vessel is not intended to go to a distance from our ports, but that she is made for operations in the seas where henceforward the great differences of European policy will be settled. The frigate has been fhrice to sea, and it may now be said that she has gloriously terminated her trials. In calm weather she parts the water without shock, and it may almost be said without foam, showing thereby how perfectly her propor- tions have been conceived. Her speed, measured on a fixed basis of nearly eight kilometres, reached 13,4; knots, which is the finest result ever ascer- tained in a ship-of-war. In a ten hours’ trip her average rate was 12,2), knots with all her fires lighted, and 11 knots with half her fires. In a rough sea she behaved perfectly. She pitches very gently, and rolls with a regu- larity that leaves nothing to be desired. — Dloniteur de la Floiie. THE FASTEST STEAMBOAT-RUNNING ON RECORD. On the 13th of October, the steamboat Daniel Drew made the trip between New York and Albany in six hours and fifty minutes, with five landings and against ahead wind. The distance on the Hudson River route between the two places is considered to be one hundred and fifty miles; and if we allow ten minutes for each of the landings, —they having to be made on both sides of the river, — the actual running time will be six hours, and the aver- age speed twenty-five miles per hour. This is equal to locomotive running, and the fastest ocean steamers, in the calmest weather, do not come within eight miles per hour of this figure. — Scientific American. IRON SHIPS. A congress of the most eminent ship-builders and naval architects of Great Britain assembled in London, in April, 1860;— Sir John Packington in the chair, —for the purpose of discussing different points of interest in their profession. One of the most important topics brought forward was the construction of iron ships, and the following is an abstract of the discussion which took place on the subject. Mr. William Fairbairn stated that he had been en- gaged for a period of forty years in various works connected with iron, and its application for ship-building purposes. About thirty years ago, in con- junction with the Messrs. Laird, of Birkenhead, he found by numerous ex- periments that vessels made of iron would be capable of more resistance, lighter, and better calculated for a large cargo, than timber-built vessels. Messrs. Laird and. himself then commenced building iron vessels on a large scale, and from 1835 until 1848 upwards of one hundred first-class ships were produced. When first constructed, iron vessels had many defects; great improvements had since taken place, but much remained to be done. Of late years this class of vessels had been constructed very long, in order to give them fine lines and increase their carrying power; but hitherto this increase of length had been obtained at an expense of the strength ef the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. B5 ship. In many cases the length of iron vessels was eight or nine times that of the beam, and although he did not say that such had yet obtained their maximum length, yet the mode of construction was capable of much im- provement. He assured them that vessels in a rolling sea, or stranded on a lee-shore, were governed by the same laws of transverse strain as hollow iron beams, like the Britannia tubular bridge; hence a ship could not be lengthened with impunity without adding to its depth or the sectional area of the plates in the middle. An iron ship of the ordinary construction — 300 feet long, 414 feet beam, and 263 feet deep — was inadequately designed to resist strains when treated as a simple beam; and a ship was like a sim- ple beam when supported at each end by waves, or when, rising on the crest of a wave, itwas supported on the centre with the stem and stern partially suspended. In these positions an iron ship underwent, alternately, a strain of compression and a strain of tension along the whole section of the deck, corresponding with equal strains along the keel. Such a vessel could make a number of voyages at sea, because it was there sustained in a measure by the water; but when driven upon a rock, with its bow and stern suspended, it would break in two, owing to the insufficient mode of constructing the decks. An iron ship of the foregoing dimensions, as usually constructed and tried by the beam formule W = (adc —/), would be broken asunder if tried with a weight of nine hundred and sixty tons suspended from bow and stern. But if the deck-beams were covered with iron plates throughout the whole length on each side of the hatchway, so as to render the deck area equal to that of the bottom, we should have nearly twice the strength. He next considered the displacement of such a vessel in tons, and found the strength far from satisfactory. When loaded to a depth of eightecn feet, the displace- ment was about one hundred and seventy-seven thousand cubic feet — equiv- alent to five thousand tons for the ship and cargo. If we considered this weight uniformly distributed, and compared it with the strength determined, we have a load uniformly distributed of five thousand tons added to that of the breaking weight of the metal in the vessel, which would leave a deficiency of strength equal to one thousand one hundred and sixty tons; so that, if laid high and dry on a rock at the centre, it would break with four-fifths of the load which it carried. These were extreme cases, but ships should be built for them if possible. There had been imprevements introduced recently in iron vessels, still they were all too weak in the decks. These, he argued, should beso strengthened as to be equal to the keel, and thus provide a margin of strength for every contingency. He recommended the addition of two longitudinal stringers, running one on each side of the keel; the cov- ering of the cross-bearers of the upper deck with iron stringer plates, thick- est towards the-middle; also two cellular rectangular stringers — one on each side of the hatchway — all running the whole length of the ship. He also argued the importance of using the best quality of metal. No plates should be employed that were incapable of withstanding a tensile strain of twenty tons per square inch. ; Mr. J. Scott Russell pointed out various improvements which he had carried out, especially with relation to water-tight bulkheads. These were a source of great strength to iron vessels, as they were placed inside the ship; and even if a collision took place, and the ship was cut through, they would save it from sinking. Twelve years ago he built a vessel which might be described as all bulkheads, and entirely divested of frames. Be- lieving that the centre of the vessel required to be essentially strong, he 3 26 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. carried a web of iron completely through it, in some cases passing through the bulwarks, and sometimes avoiding them. Mr. Ritchie (surveyor of Lloyd’s Register) said he should like to hear something from Mr. Russell on the subject of rivets. Mr. Russell said that was a most important matter in the construction of iron ships. He had recently inspected a vessel returned from a voyage, and found that the heads of at least one thousand rivets were off. How they came off was a mystery to him; but he gave a very modest rap with a hammer, and one of the rivets dropped out. He had adopted the system of conical riveting, which he found to answer very well, as, when the head was gone, therivet was perfectly water-tight. Mr. Napier (of Glasgow) observed that he did not approve of the tubular system advocated by Mr. Fairbairn; and it must be remembered that a sta- tionary tubular iron bridge had not to contend with the constant strain of the sea. Many and conflicting opinions prevailed as to the best form of the | Keel; some were for having it flat, others sharp—and perhaps both were right. (Laughter.) For his own part, he did not build a vessel to go on the rocks; but if she were taken there he could not help it. If they could possibly arrive at the absolute breaking power of the sea which an iron vessel would bear, it would be a great discovery. He. agreed with Mr. Scott Russell, that it was not in the power of man to build a ship which would be able to bear up against the breaking power which the Royal Charter encoun- tered as the sea went over her broadside. Mr. Fairbairn again addressed the meeting, expressing his opinion that iron ship-building was at present in a transition state. They required to have better and stronger plates; and if owners would only give a fair price for their vessels, many catastrophes which resulted from the use of bad iron might be averted. ON THE EFFECTS OF VIBRATORY ACTION AND LONG-CONTINUED CHANGES OF LOAD UPON WROUGHT-IRON GIRDERS. In a paper presented by Mr. Fairbairn to the British Association for 1860, the author detailed the results of a set of experiments, having for their object the determining of matters with which the public are intimately con- cerned, viz., the efficacy of girders supporting bridges over which railway trains are constantly passing. It is well known that iron, whether in the shape of railway axles or girders, after undergoing for a length of time a continued vibratory or hammering action, assumes a different molecular structure, and, though perfectly efficient in the first instance, becomes brittle, and no longer capable of sustaining the loads to which it may be subjected. Mr. Fairbairn stated that the practical conclusion to which his experiments, so far as they had at present gone, would lead, was, that a railway girder bridge would, irrespective of other causes, last a hundred and fifty years. IMPROVEMENT IN THE STEAM-ENGINE. An improvement in the construction of steam-engines recently devised and patented by Richard Barton, of Troy, N. Y., has for its object, first, to enable a steam-engine having a long cylinder, and consequently a long stroke of piston, to be brought within a comparatively small space; and, second, to enable two complete revolutions of the crank shaft to be pro- MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. Fe duced by the stroke of the piston back and forth. The invention consists in connecting the piston-rod and crank of an engine by means of a system of toggles and connecting-rods, applied and arranged in a peculiar manner, whereby the above objects are accomplished, and an engine possessing superior qualities for driving the screw-propeller is obtained. « ERICSSON’S CALORIC ENGINE. The applicability of Ericsson’s caloric engines for all but a very few of the thousand uses for which power is required, has within the past few years been sufficiently demonstrated, and the introduction and use of them is no longer a matter of experiment. More than five hundred of these engines — varying in dimensions of cylinder from 6 to 32 inches —are now in suc- cessful operation in different parts of the country. Many of these are employed as domestic motors in pumping water. A large number, chiefly 18-inch cylinders, are performing a similar office at railway stations. Mr. Vibbard, the General Superintendent of the New York Central Railroad, after having had five of these engines in use at water-stations for several months, reports officially, over his signature as superintendent, that they perform an “incredible” amount of labor “for the small quantity of fuel consumed.” One of them, at the Rise station, he says, performs the labor of four men, at an expense of 79°; of one cent per hour; and one at the Savana station does the labor of five men, at a cost of eleven cents per day, making a saving of over $120 per month. ‘‘ We have decided,” he says, ““to use the engines at all stations where we are compelled to supply locomo- tives by pumping.” An engine of the same size at the Newmarket station, on the New Jersey Central Railroad, raises thirty-three thousand gallons of water at the cost of less than nine cents a day, or fifty-three cents for six days, as appears from the certificate of Mr. Overton, road-master. For driving printing-presses, the caloric engine has been found equally useful. Fifteen daily newspapers in the United States are now printed by it, and we need not add that a daily paper calls for a motor that is economi- cal, efficient, and in all respects reliable. The engines thus employed are of 18-inch and 24-inch cylinders. Engines of 24-inch and 32-inch cylinders are used in raising grain at rail- way stations, and merchandise in large stores; in pulverizing quartz, split- ting leather, propelling sewing-machines, pulping and hulling coffee, ginning cotton, and crushing sugar-cane. The 24-inch engine has also been successfully applied for anips’ uses, in pumping, loading, and discharging cargoes, warping ship, handling the anchor, and for many other purposes now calling for manual labor. Many engines have been sent to Cuba, where they have been successfully applied to various uses. And within a recent period an order has been issued by the governor forbidding the erection of any other kind of engines in the city of Havana, or in any town on the island. It is found that, with every increase of dimension, the power of the engine is more than proportionately increased ; and while the engine has been from time to time enlarged from 6 to 8, 12, 18, 24, and 32-inch cylinder with com- plete practical success, there is no reason to believe that the 48 or 60-inch eylinder will express the limit of available and economical power. It is sufficient to say that this limit is not yet ascertained, and that actual results indicate that it has not been approximated. 28 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Several of the largest machine-shops in the United States are now engaged in the manufacture of these engines, under licenses from the patentee. Among these we may mention the establishments of I. P. Morris & Co., of Philadelphia; the Newark Machine Co., of Newark, N. J.; Clute Brothers, of Schenectady, and William Kidd & Co., of Rochester, New York; and Nourse & Caryl, of Boston. Mr. John B. Kitching has established a general agency for the engine in New York City, where he sells machines of his own ~ manufacture, and those of the manufacture of other licensees. It is but an act of justice to the caloric engine to state that the elaims that are made for it of entire safety and great economy seem to be abundantly sustained by competent testimony; and we do not forget that the only com- petent testimony in the case is that of men who have themselves employed the engines, or watched them diligently and intelligently in the actual per- formance of their offices. Such testimony is that of Professor Henry, offi- cially made to the Lighthouse Board, to the practical operation of an 18-inch caloric engine in its application to Daboll’s fog whistle, or trermpet. He says: ‘It [the caloric engine] is very simple in construction, easily put in operation; .. . easily worked, and not liable to get out of order. . . The quantity of fucl required to supply the necessary amount of motive power is too small to be considered an item of importance. ‘The furnace holds about a peck of coal, and no addition to the fire was made during the time the committee was making the examination, though the engine was constantly in motion for several hours. But the properties which more particularly recommend it for the purpose of signals are, that it offers not the least dan- ger of explosion, and no water is required for its operation.” LENOIR’S GAS-ENGINE. Considerable interest has been excited during the past year, in Paris, by the exhibition of a working gas-engine, devised by M. Lenoir, a French engineer. The machine in question somewhat resembles an ordinary steam-engine, but its motive power is obtained by the combustion of the ordinary illumi- nating gas, mixed with atmospheric air. In certain proportions, this mix- ture is explosive, as gas-engineers weil know. But in Lenoir’s machine the detonating proportion of two volumes of gas to one of air is avoided, and the highest combination allowed is one of gas to nine of air. Besides, the two are not brought into contact till they have entered the cylinder, when they are ignited by a spark from a little Ruhmkorff apparatus, and the dila- tation of the gases forces the piston forward with great force. When the piston reaches the end of the cylinder, it is carried back a little way by the momentum of the fly-wheel, opening a valve at the same time, and admit- ting another supply of hydrogen and air, which is ignited by an electric spark, and so the alternate motion is established. The whole machine is simple and beautiful, and the only question as to its utility seems to be the very important one of economy. On this point M. Lenoir states, (1), that the prime cost of his machine is only about half that of a steam-engine of the same power; and, (2), that even in using street gas, at the rate of $1.60 per thousand feet, the saving of fuel, as compared with the steam-engine, is at least fifty per cent., and that they hope to obtain the non-illuminating gas, which will answer the purpose just. as well, at one-sixth of the price mentioned. One disadvantage of the MECHANICS AND USEFUL ARTS. 29 steam-engine is shared by M. Lenoir’s, viz., all the heat generated canz:. be converted into power. If there was nothing to hinder the complete expansion of the gases, the temperature of the expanded gas would be as low as before the combustion; but, after a certain point of dilatation is reached, the expansive force left is not sufficient to move the piston, and the air must then be turned into the waste-pipe, though still very highly heated. On the other hand, there are several advantages claimed. Besides the low prime cost and alleged economy of fuel, there is a great saving from the facility of starting the machine in an instant — certainly a very great advan- tage, considering the loss of time and fuel attendant upon raising steam. Then there is considerable expense involved in stopping a steam-engine, which is obviated here; the combustion in Lenoir’s engine being stopped instantaneously by the turning of a button. ON A METHOD OF TESTING THE STRENGTH OF STEAM BOILERS. — BY DR. JOULE. The author adverted to the means hitherto adopted for testing boilers. First, That by steam pressure, which gives no certain indication whether strain has not taken place under its influence, so that a boiler so tested may subsequently explode when worked at the same or even a somewhat less degree of pressure. He trusted that this highly reprehensible practice had been wholly abandoned. Second, That by hydraulic pressure obtained by a force-pump, which does not afford an absolutely reliable proof that the boiler has passed the ordeal without injury, and, moreover, requires a special appa- ratus. The plan which had been adopted by the author for two years past, with perfect success, was free from the objections which applied to the above, and is as follows: The boiler is entirely filled with water, then a brisk fire is made in or under it. When the water has thereby been warmed a little, say to 70° or 90° Fahrenheit, the safety-valve is loaded to the pres- sure up to which the boiler is to be tested. Bourdon’s or other pressure indicator is then constantly observed; and if the pressure occasioned by the expansion of the water increases continuously up to the testing pressure, without sudden stoppage or diminution, it may be safely inferred that the boiler has stood it without strain or incipient rupture. In the trials made by the author, the pressure rose from zero to sixty-two pounds on the square inch in five minutes. The facility of proving a boiler by this method was so great, that he trusted that owners would be induced to make those periodical tests, without which fatal experience had shown that no boiler should be trusted. — Newton’s ( London) Journal. THE GAUGE OF RAILWAYS. The London Engineer says that experience has demonstrated a narrow gauge to be decidedly superior to a broad gauge for railways. The power required to work them is much less, broad gauge roads requiring engines and carriages of excessive weight. The broad gauge necessitates longer axles, which increase the liability of one wheel to run ahead of the other on the same axle, to which there is a tendency on all roads, and a conse- quent binding of the wheels between the rails. It is perfectly established that the narrow gauge affords sufficient space for the heaviest engines. 3* 30 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. THE CONTINUOUS RAIL. Our readers are aware that a continuous or compound rail has been for some years employed on various railways; that it has made an obviously improved, smooth, and easy-riding track, when new, at least, and that it is still largely used on the New York Central and other lines. But the general impression is, that it has not proved remarkably successful, if, indeed, it has not decidedly failed. A very brief review of the history of continuous rails, however, and of the circumstances of American roads, will show that the plan is a decided improvement in every particular; that its first cost, and renewals, and the repairs of the rolling stock carried by it, are much less than in the case of the common rail. The first continuous rail was the common rail split vertically from top to bottom — the two nearly equal parts breaking joints with cach other, and fastened together with rivets. In case of wheels worn on other and differ- ent sized rails, the whole bearing might come on one of these parts, rapidly crushing it, and prying the two apart. The lamination of the inside edges still further sundered the two bars, and the frost rapidly split them apart, breaking the rivets. This rail was impracticable, although for a few months it made,the best road ever laid. While it was good, and before it had seri- ously deteriorated, it was believed to have saved enough repair expenses of way and machinery to have nearly paid for its extra cost. The next plan of continuous rail had a split head and a solid foot, half the section of the head resting on the foot of the other half. The abrasion of the iron upon iron, in the absence of rigid connection between them, soon destroyed this rail, but it manifestly decreased the repair expenses of machinery. simply that the rays of light act upon his skin. After NATURAL PHILOSOPHY 147 which explanation, it is hoped that we shall hear no more scandals about this much abused Saurian. CHROMEIDOSCOPE. Under this name a new form of kaleidoscope has recently been brought outin England. The objects viewed, instead of being bits of colored glass, etc., are patches of floss silk of various colors, arranged on a spindle, capa- ble of being drawn in and out, and rotated, so as to make endless changes. The effect is very pretty, and, as any figure can be reproduced and kept sta- tionary, the instrument is likely to be of use to designers for manufactured goods, as well as forming a pleasing optical toy. THE DEBUSSCOPE. This name has been given to a recent French invention, which consists of two silvered plates, highly polished and of great reflective power, placed together in a frame-work of cardboard or wood, at an angle of seventy degrees. On being placed before a small picture, a design of any kind, no matter how rough, or whether good or bad, the debusscope will reflect the portion immediately under the eye, on all sides, forming the most beautiful designs; and, by being slowly moved over the picture, will form new designs to any extent. The instrument gives the design in such a manner that it can be made stationary at pleasure, until copied. It is, therefore, an inex- haustible treasure to draughtsmen and others. Setting aside the utility of the debusscope altogether, it can be made the means of gratification in the drawing-room, and, doubtless, will soon assume its proper place along with the microscope and stereoscope, as a source of amusement. LOSS OF LIGHT BY GLASS SHADES. A correspondent (W. King) of the London Journal of Gas-lighting gives the following table, made up from a series of experiments, of the amount of light lost by various shades : — ; Description of shade. Loss of light. Clear glass, . = S| abe eee gh re Ground glass (entire surface ground), - 29.48 Smooth opal, r = : = = Se -buise ee Ground opal, See iy cag es Pe. | ee Ground opal, ornamented with painted ) figures, the figures intervening between wee the burner and the photometer screen, As the large amount of light lost by the use of a clear glass shade excited some surprise, a sheet of common window glass was placed between the burner and the photometer screen, when it was found that 9.34 per cent of the light was intercepted, thus confirming the result obtained by the employment of a shade of clear glass. The shades were selected from a large number, and great pains taken to obtain an average specimen of each kind. The result of a series of comparative experiments on the same subject 148 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. has been also communicated to Silliman’s Journal, November, 1860, by F. H. Storer, Esq., of Boston. Instead of lamp shades, however, flat sheets of glass (ordinary window-panes), six by eight inches, were fitted to a rack of blackened wire, which was fastened to a photometer bar (one hundred inches long), at a distance of three feet from the gas-light. The illuminat- ing power of the gas used was equal to sixteen candles, consuming, by cal- culation, one hundred and twenty grains of spermaceti per hour. The results obtained were as follows: Description of glass. Thickness of glass. Loss of light. Thick English plate, é . 2 ofaninch, 6.15 per cent. Crystal plate, - . - - een cor. English crown, Po ee 4 ue 12.05: * Double English,” window-glass, 2 6 9.39 * ‘Double German,”1 ‘* vs rc S 13.00 & “SingleGerman,”1 ‘“ as ts * 4.27 & Double German, ground, 2 4 “ 62.34 « Single German, ground, 2 qe = 65.75 Berkshire (Mass.}, ground,2 . en 62.74. S Berkshire enamelled, z. e., ground only upon portions of its sur- is Ke 51.23 6 face, — small figure, j “Orange-colored” window-glass, 45 f 34.48 && “Purple? “ 6c “c 4 a ate fOr 85.11 uy” is ‘: ‘ Ts ( aos ok aaa &“ Green”? cc 3 6c as 81.97 “c A porcelain transparency ee: fy Fe OF 6500 Hunter), . ee ra * The term ‘loss of light,’”’ says Mr. Storer, ‘‘ does not at first seem to be strictly appropriate, for a very considerable portion of the light not trans- mitted by a glass shade might be reflected against the walls of the apart- ment in which the lamp is burning, and thus aid in the general illumination of the room. The meaning of the expression is, however, perfectly evident; and there can be no doubt that the numbers given express as accurately as the circumstances of the case admit the actual diminution in the amount of light falling, for example, upon the pages of a book held near its source, which would be occasioned by the interposition of the shades enumerated in the tables.” In wastes upon this subject, the editor of Silliman’s Journal further remarks : — 1 Among the Boston dealers, the term German is applied to glasses of Belgian manufacture. Pi The enormous resistance to the passage of light which is offered by ground glass is certainly worthy the attention of those using it for windows, etc. The discrepancy between Mr. King’s results and my own, as regards ground glass, may perhaps be owing to the fact that the window glass used by myself was more coarsely ground than the lamp shades employed by him. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 149 We cannot doubt that the great loss of light proved by the experiments above given, is to be, in part at least, accounted for by the conversion of a portion of the light into heat,— an effect perfectly in harmony with the the- ory of transverse vibrations as applied to explain the phenomena of polari- zation of heat. On this theory, heat and light are different effects produced by one and the same cause, and they differ physically only in the rapidity and amplitude of their vibrations. The screen through which the vibrations of light are propagated serves to diminish, first the rapidity of the vitations requisite to produce the most refrangible rays, and in proportion as the trans- parency of the screen is diminished by any cause, inherent or superficial, this arrest becomes more and more complete. As the more rapid ethereal vibrations have probably the least amplitude, we infer from analogy in sound- waves, that as waves of least intensity have the greatest amplitude, so with the luminiferous ether the extreme red has but little brilliancy. Hence the loss of light from polished screens is small compared with that observed in screens of opaline or roughened glass. {t would be instructive to examine the spectrum obtained from a pencil of rays under each of the cases given, by means of a sulphide of carbon prism. The subject of absorption of light by screens has long since been carefully examined by Bouguer. By a photometric method essentially like Rum- ford’s, Bouguer measured the loss of light in the beam of a candle compared with a flambeau, and also with the light of full-moon, in passing through sixteen thicknesses of common window-glass having a united thickness of 21°43 millimetres = ‘85 inch. The mean Joss of light shown by these triais was as 247: 1, or Over ninety-nine per cent of the whole quantity. Six plates of the purest mirror plate glass, having a united thickness of 15°128 millimetres, diminished the light in the ratio of 10 to 3, occasioning a loss of about seventy per cent of diffuse daylight. A mass of very pure glass, about three inches thick, diminished the light only about half the latter amount, owing to its being a single mass, and not cut up into many planes. He also measured the absorbing power of sea-water for light, and found, as the results of experiments made in France, and of observations also in the torrid zone, that at the depth of three hundred and eleven French feet the light of the sun would be equal only to that of the full moon, and at the depth of six hundred asd seventy-nine feet would wholly disappear. He estimates the transparency of the air as four thousand five hundred and seventy-five times greater than that of sea-water; and from the properties of a logarithmic curve (which he calls gradulucique), whose functions he had determined experimentally, he seeks to fix the outer limits of the atmosphere. ON A PROBABLE MEANS OF RENDERING VISIBLE THE CIRCULATION IN THE EYE. The following article is communicated to Silliman’s Journal by Professor Ogden W. Rood, of the Troy (N. Y.) University : — Some time ago, while looking at a bright sky through three plates of cobalt-glass, | saw with astonishment that the field of view was filled with, and traversed in all directions by, small bodies resembling animalcules. They were seen on the blue field as yellowish spots, and always appeared elongated in the direction of their motion, which was, as a general thing, tolerably uniform. The same result was obtained by experimenting upon the eyes of a number of persons. Convex lenses of various foci, from three 13* 150 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. inches to one-half inch, were now held before the eyes, so as to give the blue light various degrees of convergence and divergence, without in the least altering the appearance of the moving bodies; this seemed to indicate that their locality was in the retina or in its immediate neighborhood. A position near the axis of vision was selected, and observed, when it was found that these bodies in traversing this spot always pursued the same di- rection and path, disappearing at the same point; other positions near the axis gave like results. This would seem to preclude the possibility of the moving bodies being animalcules swimming in the humor of the eye; the most probable remain- ing supposition is, that they are blood corpuscles circulating in the retina or in its immediate neighborhood. The apparent diameter of these bodies when seen projected on a window six feet distant may be about ao of an inch, which corresponds to about 7,455 of an inch on the retina. The average diameter of the blood globules is +5455 of an inch, but taking into account the fact that the shadows of the moving bodies are not well defined, the correspondence may be considered pretty satisfactory. The question now arises as to the manner in which the blue glass renders the circulation visible; for these moving shadows cannot be seen with dis- tinctness through red, orange, yellow, green, nor even purple, media; they are, on the other hand, well shown by a certain thickness of a solution of the cupro-sulphate of ammonia. Yeliow solutions, when combined with the blue glass or blue solutions, render the circulation invisible, and it does not reappear till the yellow solution has been made so dilute as barely to preserve a yellow tint, and to transmit the spectrum almost unaltered. This shows that the indigo and violet rays are principally concerned in the pro- duction of this appearance; but that it cannot be attributed to fluorescent properties in the blood discs is indicated by the fact that the circulation can be seen through a considerable thickness of crown glass, through an infusion of red sanders wood mixed with ammonia, as well as through a solution of the bisulphate of quinine. The only explanation that has occurred to me as being probable is the following: the blood discs are yellow, and consequently opaque, to a great extent, to the indigo and violet rays; they would, therefore, in passing before the retina, cast shadows on it; now, the retina being already strongly im- pressed with blue light, that portion of it which was momentarily protected from the action of this light would experience the complementary sensa- tion, — or would see, instead of a moving shadow, a yellowish moving streak. This explains, also, why the appearance is not seen with any distinctness in red, orange, yellow, or green light, for yellow media are, to a great extent, transparent to all their rays, and therefore fail to cast shadows. These observations, if new, may be of some interest to those engaged in the study of the physiology of the eye. ON OUR INABILITY FROM THE RETINAL IMPRESSION ALONE TO DETERMINE WHICH RETINA IS IMPRESSED. — BY PROFESSOR WIL- LIAM B. ROGERS. Although on first view it might be supposed that an impression made in either eye must necessarily be accompanied by a mental reference to the par- ticular organ impressed, it will be seen from the following simple experi- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 151 ments that the impression of itself is not essentially suggestive of the special retinal surface on which it is received. Exp. 1. Let a short tube of black pasteboard, one-fifth of an inch in diam- eter, be fixed in a hole in the centre of a large sheet of the same material. Hold the sheet a few inches before the face of a second person, and between him and a bright window, moving it to and fro until the bright circular aper- ture of the tube is brought directly in front of one of the eyes, suppose the left eye; and let him fix his attention upon the sky or cloud to which the tube is directed. He will feel as if the impression or image of the hole belongs equally to both eyes, and will be unable to determine which of them really receives the light. Exp. 2. Similar results may be obtained by rolling half a sheet of letter paper into a tube, of about one inch in diameter, and holding it before and a little in advance of one eye, while both are directed to a white wall some feet distant. Keeping the view fixed upon the wall, there will be seen upon its surface a circular image of the remote aperture of the tube. This, as we look intently at it, will appear as if seen equally by both eyes, occupying a midway position between them. If now the eyes be converged to some point nearer than the end of the tube, the circular image will appear against the side of the tube, giving the impression that it is seen by the eye which is remote from the tube, and is, at the same time, directed towards the outside. For the complete success of this experiment, the wall should be only moder- ately bright, and but little light should fall on the exterior of the tube next the uncovered eye. Exp. 3. Let two tubes of stiff paper, each one inch in diameter and six inches long, be held close to the two eyes in a converging direction so that the outer ends may touch each other. Then directing the view through them to a white wall, at a short distance, the observer will see the two tubes as one, with a single circular opening clearly marked out on the wall. If now a small object, as the end of the little finger, be brought near and in front of one of the tubes, it will take its place within this circle, and will seem to be equally an object of vision to both eyes, so that the observer will be wholly unable to decide before which eye it is actually placed. Let the observer next direct his view to avery remote object, —as the sky, —seen through the window, still retaining the previous adjustment of the tubes. He will now see two circles, continuing separate as long as he keeps his eyes fixed on the distant surface; and if the finger be held up, as before, in front of one of the tubes, it will appear within the circle which is in front of the other eye, thus causing the impression on the right eye to be appar- ently transposed to the left, and vice versa. Exp. 4. Fasten a small disc of white paper on a slip of black pasteboard, of the size suitable for a stereoscope, and place this in the instrument so that the white spot shall be centrally in front of one of the glasses. To a person not aware of the position of the spot, it will appear in the stereoscope as if equally in view to both eyes, and he will be entirely unable to decide on which retina its picture is impressed. Indeed, properly considered, the spot does not appear directly in front of either eye, but is seen at the intersection of the optic axes, in the medial or binocular direction between the two. Let the spot be now moved toward the right side, but still within the range of the left eye, and it will seem to be before the right eye rather than the left. Shift it into the right compartment, but not far from the dividing line, and it will appear as if seen chiefly by the left eye; and, finally, bring to it 152 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the middle of the right compartment, and it will seem as at first to belong equally to both eyes.! Referring to the results observed in the above experiments, when the object is directly in front of either eye, it may be concluded that the mere retinal impression on either eye is unaccompanied by any consciousness of the special surface impressed; and that the formation of the visual percep- tion appertains to that part of the optical apparatus near or within the brain, which belongs in common to both eyes. These observations show moreover that the perceived direction is just as truly normal to the central part of the retina which has received no light, as to that of the retina on which the white spot has been painted. Indeed, as before indicated, it is normal to neither, but is felt to be in the middle line between the two; that is, in the binocular direction. It need scarcely be added, that this conclusion is at variance with the law of visible direction, maintained by Brewster, which requires that the apparent direction of an object shall in all cases be normal to the part of the retina impressed. The reference of the object, in certain cases above noticed (parts of 1, 2, and 4), to one eye chiefly, and that the eye from which it is actuaily hidden, is accounted for by the direction in which the other eye receives the light. As this direction, in the case of the left eye, for instance, would be decidedly toward the field of view of the right eye, it would at once suggest the place of the object as somewhere before that eye; and so, when the object is actually before the right eye, but in a position towards the left, it would excite the idea of an object somewhere before the left eye. As the retinal picture alone gives no indication of the particular eye in which it is formed, but only ex- cites a visual consciousness common to both, the object in these cases will seem to be visible by both eyes, but chiefly by that before which the sugges- tion just mentioned would naturally place it. Exp. 5. Thus if we place on the black slide of the stereoscope two spots, differing either in shape or color, one before each eye, we perceive them both in the middle or binocular direction, each seemingly visible in an equal de- gree to both eyes, the one being seen through or upon the other, according to the fitful attention or suggestion of the moment. A pleasing modifica- tion of this experiment is made by using two unequal white spots on the black slide, and interposing a green or other colored glass between one of them and the lens. The spot which appears colored will give as strongly the impression of being seen by both eyes as the white one, in spite of our knowledge of the position of the colored glass. Exp. 6. To observe this effect satisfactorily, it is well to make the experi- ment in an apartment in which a single small lamp is placed at some distance from the spot on which we stand. Looking intently at the lamp, we bring the pencil before the face in such position as to give us an image on each side of the lamp, and then move the pencil toward the right until its left hand image seems to coincide in direction and position with the lamp, which appears to shine through, or to partially replace it. As we continue to look thus at the lamp, we have a clear impression that both lamp and pencil are equally visible to both eyes; and without some consideration of the previous 1 The effect here described is one of a series of phenomena, which Dr. 0. W. Holmes attributes to an actual transfer of impressions from one eye to the other, and which he proposes to explain by the hypothesis of reflex vision. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 153 adjustment and motions we are unable to determine which is actually visible to the right and which to the left eye. The same experiment furnishes also an incidental illustration of the prin- ciple of transposed visual reference, before aliuded to. If, while the above adjustment is maintained, we contemplate the other image of the pencil, sit- uated some distance to the right of the lamp, and endeavor to decide, from the mere visual impression, to which eye it appertains, we almost unfailingly refer to the right eye as that which most nearly fronts it; although obviously it belongs to the other, as will be found at once on closing either eye. Where the eyes are externally very sensitive, any strong illumination of one as compared with the other will interfere with the effect above described, by referring the impression specially to the eye thus unduly excited. In such cases the observation is best made, in a moderately lighted room, by inter- posing the pencil between the eye and a vertical stripe on the wall. Exp. 7. Recurring to experiment 2, in which, with a tube in frontof one eye, we perceive a bright circle on the wall in the medial direction, we may obtain a pleasing illustration of the point now under consideration, by bring- ing a dark card or book, or even the hand, between the uncovered eye and the wall. The spot, instead of being intercepted, will appear as a perforation in the opaque screen. Here, as in the case of the pencil and lamp, the bright circle and the screen are both optically referred to the intersection of the two lines of view. But the luminous circle almost or entirely obliterates the corresponding part of the screen. As the full view of the screen and its connections continually remind us that it is in front of the uncovered eye, we are led to refer the luminous circle seen as coincident with a part of it to the same eye, and thus to believe that we are looking through the screen with that eye. It is, however, not difficult, by intently regarding the luminous circle, so to coun- teract the force of this extraneous suggestion as to feel, even in this case, as if the circle were equally in view to both eyes. These considerations explain very simply the experiment of the pseudo- diascope described by Mr. Ward, of Manchester, whieh, like several of those above mentioned, is but an instance of the old observation of Da Vinci, that when we see behind a small opaque object presented near the eyes “‘ it be- comes as it were transparent.” In making this experiment with a tube of paper supported between the thumb and fore-finger of the left hand, and held before the right eye, so that the back of the hand may be some inches in advance of the left eye, it will be noticed that the effect varies with the amount of convergence of the eyes, and that the bright perforation in the hand may or may not be referred to the left eye, according to the force of the accessory suggestion, or the intentness with which we fix our gaze upon the distant spot to which the axes are converged. In conclusion, it may be remarked that the experiments which have been described are, for the most part, too obvious and familiar to have merited such a special notice, but for the peculiar and in some respects new interpre- tation which they have offered of many visual phenomena. Considered in- this relation, we are, I think, entitled to conclude from them, First, That the retinal impression of an object presented directly to either eye is accompanied by the feeling of a united visual act, and os itself gives no indication of the particular eye impressed. And, Second, That the reference of the impression to one eye rather than the other is the result of collateral suggestion, which may either locate the image 154 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. in the eve that actually receives it, or may transpose it seemingly to the other, according to the particular conditions of the observation.— Silliman’s Journal. NEW APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Sir Henry James, director of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, states, that by means of the application of photography to the reduction of maps in the Ordnance Survey office a saving of at least £35,000 has been effected. Formerly the reduction had been effected by the pentagraph, when the accuracy depended on the skill of the operator; now, by merely fixing a camera before a plan, it could be reduced to any scale desired, by an opera- tion of a few minutes’ duration, and with the greatest accuracy. The scales of the maps were ten and a half feet to the mile, twenty-five inches to the mile, six inches to the mile, and one inch to the mile. Maps could be reduced from the large scale to all the smaller ones by photography, except to the scale of one inch to the mile. Here it was found that photography was rather too accurate. The photograph thus reduced was found to be too much covered with details, so that they still had to employ the pentagraph in the last operation. The photographs of the maps, once taken, are trans- ferred to a copper or zinc plate by a new process, called “ photo-zincogra- phy,” which is substantially as follows: Instead of printing the negative on ordinary printing paper, they employed tracing paper, washed over with a saturated solution of bi-chromate of potash and gum-water, and exposed to the action of light. This rendered the bi-chromate insoluble in water. The print was then placed face downwards on a metal plate, covered with litho- | graphic ink. It was then washed to remove the portion not acted on by light, by dissolving away the bi-chromate of potash, when the printing was left, of a light brown color, in lithographic ink. This could be transferred to a copper plate, as a guide to the engraver, by placing it face downwards and burning it in; or, for zincographic purposes, by burnishing it down on a zine plate and merely inking the plate with ordinary ink. Application of Photography to the Ornamentation of Porcelain.— A patent has been recently granted in England to John Wyard, for the production of photographic images on plates of glass and porcelain, in such a way as to enable them to be permanently fixed by being burnt in with ceramic colors. The details of the process, which are of too technical a character to warrant insertion in this connection, are made public, and seem to promise a large measure of success. ; On the Employment of Photography for the Determination of the Path and Valocities of Shooting Stars. — Professor J. H. Lane, in a communication to Silliman’s Journal (July, 1860), suggests the employment of photography for the accurate determination of the path and velocity of a shooting star, with a view to the determination of its orbit. The general plan proposed for adoption by Prof. L. is as follows: In the first place, simple exposure of a highly sensitive photographic plate in a camera, at a given station, would give the apparent track of a meteor as seen by the observer at that station, and a pair of such records, made in two cameras at two stations, would give the track in absolute space. In the second place, if one of the two cameras were furnished with a mechanism by which equidistant points of time should be marked upon the track made in that camera, these points could be referred to the real path in space, and if both cameras were in like manner furnished, the two records would, to that extent, be a check upon each other, and serve NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 155 to reduce the limits of probable error. The device for marking time is an application of the revolving glass prism. Thus, immediately in front of the object-glass of the camera, a glass prism, of small angle and sufficient area to cover the entire aperture, is made to rotate at an accurately measured rate of say twenty-five revolutions per second. The prism may be replaced by an eccentric lens, or the object-glass itself may revolve on a slightly eccentric axis. The consequence will be that the image of a fixed star in any part of the field of view will traverse the circumference of a circle every twenty-fifth of a second, and the image of a shooting star will combine this motion with its motion of translation. If the photographic surface retain a visible impres- sion of the looped curve or the waved curve which will thus be produced, then, neglecting for the present the small effects of optical distortion, the line drawn midway between the two straight or regularly curved lines between which the looped or waved curve oscillates, will represent the apparent track of the meteor, and the points where it intersects the looped or waved curve, if they be translated along this middle line through a space equal to the optical displacement of the meteoric image, will show the apparent place occupied by the meteor at points of time separated by the equal intervals of one-fiftieth of a second. In the above statement I have supposed only a single camera, but it will probably be impossible in this way to command a sufficient extent of the heavens. A system of many cameras may, however, be formed, so arranged that their severai optic axes shall cross in a common point in front of the object-glasses. The object-glasses may thus be approximated as closely as we can desire, and the several revolving prisms, or eccentric lenses, may have a common geared connection, and the backs of the cameras will be readily accessible for the renewal of plates. The observer, after having made the necessary adjustments, will be charged with the sole duty of watching for meteors in the region covered by his system of cameras, and at the appearance of a meteor will touch a spring, so contrived as to cause the instant unveiling of all the cameras of the system, and on the extinction of the meteor will promptly replace the screen. The expense and trouble of the process will be certainly great, but will not be disproportionate to the importance of the object in view. Only let us have a photographic surface that will give a visible trace of the meteor’s path, in the face of exposure to the light of the sky during the time of the meteor’s visible flight, and then success, as regards thetattainment of an accurate record, will be nearly certain, and we should not hesitate at the expense and trouble. If, upon suitable trials made upon the fixed stars, and upon shooting stars themselves, we find ourselves in possession of sufficient photographic power, there is no reason why an organized system of observations should not be instituted. A moderate degree of accuracy in the absolute determination of the orbits, except when they make a near approach to the parabola, will be sufficient to answer alli the questions of interest that will be likely to arise, upon which a knowledge of the orbits would have any bearing. Whether the November meteors, for instance, move through regions that would identify them with the Zodiacal light, according to the theory of the late Prof. Olmsted, is a question that would receive an absolute determination. Charcoal Photographs and Photographic Enamels.—Indestructible charcoal photographs are now produced by exposing gelatine and bi-chromate of potash to the action of light, and then exposing the surface to steam. The 156 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. moisture softens the parts exposed to the light, so that when charcoal, or any other substance in impalpable powder, is sifted over the picture, it adheres to the softened parts of the picture. By the same process enamels may be pro- duced direct from the camera, or otherwise, by sifting a metallic oxide over the gelatine on the enamel plate, and then heating in the furnace. Application of Photography in construction of Micrometers. — The successful application of photography in the construction of micrometers has been made by Mr. Clarence Morfit, of the United States Assay Office, New York. It is merely the reduction of a large scale of exact dimensions and divisions to a definite size, suitable for microscopic instruments. A scale of ten inches divided into inches and tenths of an inch has been reduced in this manner to one-twentieth of an inch, thus making its smallest divisions equal to one two-thousandth part of an inch square. The method is simple, accurate, and economical. Moreover, the micrometer has the advantage of giving the exact measurement of the object in fractions of an inch, and at the same time determines the power of the microscope itself. — Silliman’s Journal. Adaptation of Machinery to Photography. — At a meeting of the American Photographical Society, Aug. 1860, Mr. G. H. Babcock called attention to a plan devised by Mr. Charles Fontayne, of Cincinnati, Ohio, for the adapta- tion of machinery to photographic printing. The general plan adopted was given as follows: — A negative is fixed in a box, together with a sheet of prepared paper, and the latter exposed by automatic machinery to the condensed light of the sun passing through the negative. After each exposure the paper is traversed underneath the negative, to present a fresh surface for the succeeding impres- sion. These motions, together with that of clamping the negative into close contact with the paper at the instant of exposure, are all performed by the operator simply turning a crank. The rapidity of the process, as witnessed by Mr. Babcock, was stated to be at the rate of two hundred impressions per minute: —the photographic paper used is prepared by a process known only to the inventor. If this invention is what it is represented to be, it opens a field for pho- tography hitherto impracticable, in consequence of the time and expense of printing, as ordinarily practised. The illustrations for a book, having all the exquisite beauty and perfection of the photograph, may be turned out, by the use of this machine, with a rapidity wholly undreamed of, either in plate printing or lit#ography. The expense of engraving may be dispensed with, and the negative come direct from the artist’s hands, drawn upon a prepared glass, from which, in the course of a few hours, the plates for a large edition may be printed, each one a perfect duplicate of the original drawing. NEW METHOD OF COPYING ENGRAVINGS. The London Builder gives the following rule for transferring engravings to white paper: — Place the engravings for a few seconds over the vapor of iodine. Dip a slip of white paper in a weak solution of starch, and, when dry, in a weak solution of oil of vitriol. When dry, lay a slip upon the engraving, and place them for a few minutes under the press. The engraving will thus be reproduced in all its delicacy and finish. The iodine has the property of fixing the black parts of the ink upon the engraving, and not on the white. This important discovery is yet in its infancy. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 157 PANORAMIC STEREOSCOPES. A patent has been recently taken out in England for a compound stereoscope, in which general or panoramic views of boulevards, streets, banks of rivers, and coast lines, monuments, sea views, etc., may be displayed by means of the gradual unrolling of one or more endless slides or bands carrying pictures. The distinctive feature of this invention is the adaptation to stereoscopes of one or more symmetrical, independent, movable, endless bands, on which are right and left hand halves, or corresponding parts of a stereoscopic pano- rama, or succession of pictures. The following is the construction of the in- strument: The top thereof consists, as usual, of two lenses or eye-glasses, and the bottom thereof is mounted on a box containing rollers, on which are wound the before-mentioned endless slides or bands, on which are printed, pasted, or otherwise appropriately attached, the views or pictures in panora- mic succession; also a train of wheelwork for setting the aforesaid bands in motion. The aforesaid bands and corresponding parts of the pictures thereon are brought under their respective eye-glasses upon a flat stage or platform over which the bands pass, so that, when set in motion, a panoramic stereos- copic view or picture is thus obtained. The description of the instrument is not very clear, we fear, to those who are not acquainted with the effect. We have, however, seen a similar instrument, and can assure our readers that nothing can surpass the beauty and interest of a beautiful stereoscopic pano- rama moving before the eyes of the spectator. — Photographic News. PERSISTENT ACTIVITY OF LIGHT. M. Moigno, editor of the Cosmos, communicates the following interesting facts in relation to the above subject: — M. Niepce St. Victor exhibited to us a large tin tube, closed hermetically, and rendered inaccessible to all external agencies, except variations of tem- perature. He opened the tube in our presence, exposed, without unrolling it, a sheet of paper prepared with tartaric acid and isolated, which he had enclosed in the tube nearly a year before, poured on this sheet a few drops of nitrate of silver, and showed us that the nitrate was almost immediately biackened, exactly as it would have been in a strong light. It was impossible not to atiribute this instantaneous effect to the persistent action of the light absorbed, a year ago, by the paper soaked in tartaric acid. If the experiment was more successful this time, although kept for a longer period, it was because of the much more perfect closure of the tube; and that which happened after a year would certainly happen after five or six years. Again, M. Busk has established the following fact: Plunge a sheet of paper into a solution of a properly chosen acid, organic or inorganic, for example, acetic or tartaric acid; dry it; render it sensitive by the bath of nitrate of silver, and dry it again; place it in contact with the drawing which it is de- sired to reproduce for a half hour or more; then expose the paper to the sun’s rays, and a negative image of the drawing will be seen, which may be fixed by washing with common waiter. It is not even necessary that the exposure to the light should take place at once; the paper may be preserved for several days, between two sheets of white paper, without losing its property of developing the latent image under the influence of the sun’s rays. What is more difficult to explain, is, that there is no necessity of insolating or exposing to light the original picture. 14 158 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. To these facts, or to their interpretation, M. Thenard would oppose the following experiment which he has communicated to the Philomathic Society. . Ist. During the night he disinsolated a sheet of common paper, by exposing it to the vapor of water for an hour. 2d. He then divided the paper into two parts; one was laid aside for comparison, the other was rolled up and placed in a glass tube, to one end of which ozonized oxygen was supplied; at the end of a quarter of an hour the ozone was distinctly perceived at the other extremity; the paper was then withdrawn. 3d. This paper, used in the same manneras M. Niepce’s insolated paper, produced the same effects; the paper kept for comparison produced none of them. 4th. A paper treated with chlorine or nitrate of silver, and then ozonized, gave, on the contrary, no sensible result. 5th. Common paper, ozonized and kept for some time in a test tube, disengages a smell which is not that of ozone, but that of a very diffusible essence. What shall we conclude from this? added M. Thenard, — That the phenomena of insolation described by M. Niepce are chemical phenomena, determined indirectly by the light, which acts in this matter only as an intermediate agent. The subject has also been investigated by M. Laborde, who is led by his experiments to conclude that the active agent “is an emanation, not a radia- tion.”’ The following are two of his experiments: 1st. The sensitive paper was parily covered by glass plate, in contact with it; another plate, of glass or ivory, was placed across the first, so as to oppose the direct radiation from the part which covered it, but not to the circulation of any vapors emanated; when the box was opened, the paper was found evenly blackened throughout, except under the glass in contact with the paper. 2d. The box containing the insolated sheet was left for four hours ina warm place. M. Laborde then opened it carefully, and, holding the opening downwards, gently withdrew the sheet; then, quickly fixing the sensitive paper upon the cork, he re-closed the box and placed it in acool place. When it was again opened, afier twelve hours, the sensitive paper was found blackened, notwithstanding the absence of the insolated sheet. SOLAR LIGHT AND HEAT. M. de Chacornac, after numerous observations, has arrived at the conelu- sion that the central portion of the solar disc, equal to three-tenths of its diameter, is the most brilliant; and that the luminosity gradually diminishes from the edge of this space to the rim of the disc. Near its edge the light is only half as brilliant as in the central space. M. Secchi has also made analogous discoveries with respect to the sun’s heat, and finds that the calorific power of the zone nearest the edge of the disc is only half that of the centre. ON THE MEASUREMENT OF THE CHEMICAL ACTION OF THE SOLAR RAYS. In a recent lecture on the above subject before the Royal Institution, Lon- don, Professor Roscoe stated: That the heating rays of the solar spectrum vibrate most slowly, and are situated near the red end; while at the violet end are found the most rapidly vibrating or chemical rays, by whose agency NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 159 plants decompose the carbonic acid of the air, assimilate the carbon, and give off the oxygen for the use of the animal creation. The intensity of the chemical rays is measured by an instrument which contains equal volumes of chlorine and hydrogen, and enables the quantity of hydro-chloric acid formed by their combination to be accurately ascertained. The mixed gases do not combine in the dark, and the quantity of acid formed is directly pro- portional to the incident light. In order to institute a comparison, it ig neces- sary to agree upon a unit or standard flame. This is obtained by a jet of ignited carbonic oxide gas of known dimensions. The unit amount of chem- ical action is that effected by such a flame acting for one minute, at a distance of one meter, upon the mixed gases. Ten thousand such units are called one chemical degree of light. In measuring the sun’s action, the chemical photometer must not be exposed to the full blaze of its beams, or the effect would be too violent. A known portion of solar rays are therefore admitted through a small aperture, and by means of Silbermann’s heliostate the solar image is reflected all day upon the same spot. When the effect of a given portion of the light is known, the effect of the whole can be calculated. A cloudless day should be selected for these observations. In one experiment, made on the 15th of September, 1858, the total action of the sun, at 7h. 9m., A.M., was 5.54 degrees; and by 9h. 14m. it reached 67.61 degrees. The larger action, as the sun rises higher, is occasioned by the diminution of the col- umn of air through which its rays pass, and a consequent lessening of their absorption. Knowing the law according to which this effect takes place, the action of solar rays upon different parts of the globe, or upon different plan- ets, can be calculated. Thus Mercury experiences an action equal to 2125.0 degrees, while Neptune enjoys only 0.4. The differences upon the earth are very striking. Thus, at noon, at the vernal equinox, Melville Island has 3.51 degrees solar chemical action; Manchester, 47.15, and Cairo, 105.3. Chem- ical action of this kind is greater at elevations than on the sea-level. In the highlands of Thibet, where wheat flourishes at 12,000 and 14,000 feet above the sea, the sun’s chemical action is one and a half times as great as in the adjacent lowlands of Hindostan. It is to be regretted that at present there is no easy and portable instrument for making these observations. PHOTOGRAPHING COLOR. A short paper, by Sir John Herschel, in the London Phetographic News, contains some important remarks on this subject. Sir John expresses his firm belief that the problem will one day be solved; and mentions a photo- graph in his own possession, in which green foliage is unmistakably distinguished as green from the sepia tints of other portions of the picture. He’considers it important, in attempts to obtain color, that the non-luminous rays should be cut off, which can be done by quinine. In the absence of a perfect positive photography, he reminds experimenters that they must work through the intervention of a negative; and that they ought not to expect this negative to be colored, either as the objects are, or with their comple- mentary colors, in order to yield a colored picture by the process of photographic painting. The effect of colors in the object would thus be to convert the negative into absorbent media, which would reproduce the colors from whose action they were derived. 160 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. SUN SIGNALS FOR THE USE OF TRAVELLERS. If apiece of looking-glass be held in such a position that a person at a distance can see some portion or other of the sun’s dise reflected in it; it assumes the appearance of an exceedingly brilliant star of solar light. At a recent meeting of the Royal Geographical Society, Mr. Francis Galton, the Africap traveller, described an optical arrangement he had devised, by which the signaller may know whether he is holding the mirror aright. The smallest size of hand heliostat can literally be carried in the waistcoat pocket, yet, by its means, whenever the sun is shining, a signal can be instantly made that shall be visible to the entire neighborhood of any given spot within sight. A distance of twelve miles, on a day of average clearness, is well within the power of this little instrument. If the flash be replied to, a regular communication can be carried on, in which the signals are varied by gentle movements of the hand that cause the flash to be seen and to disappear alternately; words and sentences are communicated by a notation of long and short flashes, identical with the notation of long and short beats that is used in Morse’s electric telegraph. ON THE SEPARATION OF THE HEAT AND LIGHT OF THE SUN’S RAYS IN THE EYE. A paper has recently been communicated to the French Academie des Sciences, by J. M. Janssen, giving an account of a series of experiments un- dertaken by him to ascertain how large a portion of the heat-rays pass through the central portions of the eye and reach the retina at the back. His experiments show that all the rays of heat are absorbed before they reach the retina,—two-thirds by the cornea, and the other third by the aqueous humor. THE MECHANICAL THEORY OF HEAT. The following paper, communicated by Mr. D. V. Clark, C. E., to the London Engineer, sets forth in a popular manner what is now understood by the so-called ‘“‘mechanical theory of heat.”’ The principle of this theory of heat is, that, independently of the medium through which heat may be developed into mechanical action, the same quantity of heat converted is invariably resolved in the same total quantity of mechanical action. For the exact expression of this relation, of course, units of measure are estab- lished, in terms of the English foot, as the measure of space; the pound avoirdupois, as the measure of weight, pressure, elasticity; and the degree of Fahrenheit’s scale, as the measure of temperature and heat. Work done consists of the exertion of pressure through space, and the English unit of work is the exertion of one pound of pressure through one foot, or the rais- ing of one pound weight through a vertical height of one foot, —pbriefly, a foot-pound. The unit of heat is that which raises the temperature of one pound of ordinary cold water by one degree Fahrenheit. If two pounds of water be raised one degree, or one pound be raised two degrees in tempera- ture, the expenditure of heat is, equally in both cases, two units of heat. Similarly, if one pound weight be raised through one foot, or two pounds weight be raised through two feet, the power expended, or work done, is equally in both cases two units of work, or two foot-pounds. From these definitions, then, the comparison lies between the unit of heat, on the one NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 161 part, and the unit of work, or the foot-pound, on the other. M. Clapeyron, in his treatise on the moving power of heat, and M. Noltzman, of Manheim, in 1845, who availed himself of the labors of M. Clapeyron and M. Carnot in the same field, grounding their investigations on the received laws of Boyle or Marriotte, and Gay-Lussac, which express the observed relations of heat, elasticity, and volume in steam and other gaseous matter, concluded that the unit of heat was capable of raising a weight, between the limits of six hundred and twenty-six pounds and seven hundred and eighty-two pounds, one foot high; that is to say, that one unit of heat was equivalent to from six hundred and twenty-six to seven hundred and eighty-two foot-pounds. By this mode of investigation, they suppose a given weight of steam or gaseous matter to be contained in a vertical cylinder formed of non-conduct- ing material, in which is fitted an air-tight but freely moving piston, which is pressed downward by a weight equal to the elasticity of the gas. Now, the weight, initial temperature, pressure, and volume, being known, a defi- nite quantity of heat from without is supposed to be imparted to the vapor; and the result is partly an elevation of the temperature of the vapor, and partly a dilation or increase of volume; or, in other words, an exertion of pressure through space, the elasticity remaining the same. But the result may be represented entirely by dilation, so that. there shall not be any final alteration of temperature; and for this purpose it is only necessary to allow the vapor to dilate without any loss of its original or imparted heat until it reacquires its initial temperature. In this case, the ultimate effect is purely dilatation, or motion against pressure; and the work done is represented by the product of that pressure into the space moved through. Mr. Joule, of Manchester, in 1843-47, proceeded, by entirely different, independent, and, in fact, purely experimental methods, to investigate the relation of heat and work. 1st. By observing the calorific effects of magneto- electricity. He caused to revolve a small compound electro-magnet immersed in a glass vessel containing water between the poles of a powerful magnet; heat was proved to be excited by the machine by the change of temperature in the water surrounding it, and its mechanical effect was measured by the motion of such weights as by their descent were sufficient to keep the machine in motion at any assigned velocity. 2d. By observing the changes of temperature produced by the rarefaction and condensation of air. In this case, the mechanical force producing compression being known, the heat excited was measured by observing the changes of temperature of the water in which the condensing apparatus was immersed. 3d. By observing the heat evolved by the friction of fluids. A brass paddle-wheel, in a copper can containing the fluid, was made to revolve by descending weights. Sperm oil and water yielded the same results. Mr. Joule considered the third method the most likely to afford accurate results: and he arrived at the con- clusion that one unit of heat was capable of raising seven hundred and seventy-two pounds one foot in height; or that the mechanical equivalent of heat was expressible by seven hundred and seventy-two foot-pounds for one unit of heat — known as “ Joule’s equivalent.” The following are the values of Joule’s equivalent for different thermomet- ric scales, and in English and French units : — 1 English thermal unit, or 1 deg. Fah. in 1 1b. of water, 772 foot-pounds. 1 centigrade degree in1 lb. of water, . : : > hig Ec Sale 1 French thermal unit, or 1 centigrade degree in a kilogramme of water, . . . . «. 428.55 kilogrammetres. 14* 162 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. The mechanical theory of heat rests upon a wide basis, and proofs in verification of the theory are constantly accumulating. When the weight of any liquid whatever is known, with the comparative weight of its vapor at different pressures, the latent heat at the different pressures 1s readily esti- mated from the theory; and this method of estimation agrees with the best experimental results, as may afterwards be shown; and when the latent heat is also known, the specific heat of the liquid can be determined by means of the same theory; in other words, the quantity of work, in foot-pounds, may be determined, which would, by agitating the liquid or by friction, be required to raise the temperature of any given quantity of the liquid by, say, one degree, altogether independently of Joule’s experiments. The theory enables us to discover the utmost power it is possible to realize from the combination of any given weight of carbon and oxgyen, or other elementary substances, with nearly as much precision as we can estimate the utmost quantity of work it is possible to obtain from a known weight of water falling through a given height. It is not difficult to comprehend, then, that the theory of the mechanical equivalent of heat proves of great practical utility. According to the mechanical theory of heat, in its general form, heat, mechanical force, electricity, chemical affinity, light, sound, are but different manifestations of motion. Dulong and Gay-Lussac proved by their experi- ments on sound that the greater the specific heat of a gas, the more rapid are its atomic vibrations. Elevation of temperature does not alter the rapidity, but increases the length of the vibrations, and, in consequence, produces “‘expansion”’ of the body. All gases and vapors are assumed to consist of numerous small atoms, moving or vibrating in all directions with great rapidity; but the average velocity of these vibrations can be estimated when the pressure and weight of any given volume of gas is known, pressure being, as explained by Joule, the impact of those numerous small atoms, striking in all directions, and against the sides of the vessel containing the gas. The greater the number of these atoms, or the greater their aggregate weight, in a given space, and the higher the velocity, the greater is the pres- sure. A double weight of a perfect gas, when confined in the same space, and vibrating with the same velocity, — that is, having the same tempera- ture, — gives a double pressure; but the same weight of gas, confined in the same space, will, when the atoms vibrate with a double velocity, give a quadruple pressure. An increase or decrease of temperature is simply an increase or decrease of molecular motion. The truth of this hypothesis is very well established, as already intimated, by the numerous experimental facts with which it is in harmony. When a gas is confined in a cylinder under a piston, so long as no motion is given to the piston, the atoms, in striking, will rebound from the piston after impact with the same velocity with which they approached it, and no motion will be lost by the atoms. But when the piston yields to the pressure, the atoms will not rebound from it with the same velocity with which they strike, but will return after each succeeding blow with a velocity continually decreasing as the piston continues to recede, and the length of the vibrations will be diminished. The motion gained by the piston will, it is obvious, be precisely equivalent to the energy, heat, or molecular motion, lost by the atoms of gas. Vibratory motion, or heat, being converted into its equivalent of onward motion, or dynamical effect, the conversion of heat into power, or of power into heat, is thus simply a transference of motion; and it would be as reasonable to expect one billiard-ball to strike and give motion to an- a NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 163 other without losing any of its own motion, as to suppose that the piston of a steam-engine can be set in motion without a corresponding quantity of energy being lost by some other body. In expanding air spontaneously to a double volume, delivering it, say, into a vacuous space, it has been proved repeatedly that the air does not fall appreciably in temperature, no external work being performed; but, on the contrary, if the air, at a temperature, say, of two hundred and thirty degrees Fahrenheit, be expanded under pressure or resistance, as against the piston of a cylinder, giving motion to it, raising a weight, or otherwise doing work by giving motion to some other body, the temperature will fall nearly one hundred and seventy degrees when the volume is doubled, that is, from two hundred and thirty degrees to about sixty degrees; and, taking the initial pressure of forty pounds, the final pressure would be fifteen pounds per square inch. When a pound weight of air in expanding, at any temperature or pressure, raises one hundred and thirty pounds one foot high, it loses one degree in temperature; in other words, this pound of air would lose as much molecular energy as would equal the energy acquired by a weight of one pound falling through a height of one hundred and thirty feet. It must, however, be remarked, that but a small portion of this work, one hundred and thirty foot- pounds, can be had as available work, as the heat which disappears does not depend on the amount of work or duty realized, but upon the total of the opposing forces, including all resistance from any external source whatever. When air is compressed the atmosphere descends and follows the piston, as- sisting in the operation with its whole weight; and when airis expanded, the motion of the piston is, on the contrary, opposed by the whole weight of the atmosphere, which is again elevated. Although, therefore, in expanding air the heat which disappears is in proportion to the total opposing force, it is much in excess of what can be rendered available; and, commonly, where air is compressed, the heat generated is much greater than that which is due to the work which is required to be expended, the weight of the atmosphere assisting in the operation. Let a pound of water, at a temperature of two hundred and twelve degrees Fahrenheit, be injected into a vacuous space or_vessel, having 26.36 cubic feet of capacity, —the volume of one pound of saturated steam at that tem- perature, — and let it be evaporated into such steam, then 83.8 units of heat would be expended in the process. But if a second pound of water, at two hundred and twelve degrees, be injected and evaporated at the same temper- ature, under a uniform pressure of 14.7 pounds per square inch due to the temperature, the second pound must dislodge the first, by repelling that pres- sure, involving an amount of labor equal to 55,800 foot-pounds (that is, 14.7 pounds X 144 square inches X 26.36 cubic feet), and an additional expendi- of 72.3 units of heat (that is, 55,800 +772), making a total for the second pound of 965.1 units. Similarly, when one thousand four hundred and eight units of heat are expended in raising the temperature of air at constant pressure, one thousand of the units increase the velocity of the molecules, or produce a sensible increment of temperature; while the remaining four hundred and eight parts, which disappear as the air expands, are directly expended in repelling the external pressure. Again: If steam be permitted to flow from a boiler into a comparatively vacuous space, without giving motion to another body, the temperature of 164 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the steam entering this space would rise much higher than that of the steam in the boiler. Or, suppose two vessels side by side, one of them vacuous and the other filled with air at, say, two atmospheres, acommunication being opened between the vessels, the pressure would become equal in the two ves- sels; but the temperature would fall in one vessel and rise in the other; and although the air is expanded in this manner to a double volume, there would not on the whole be any appreciable loss of heat; for, if the separate por- tions of air be mixed together, the resulting average temperature of the whole would be very nearly the same as at first. It has been proved experi- mentally, corroborative of this argument, that the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a given weight of air to a given extent, was the same, irrespective of the density or volume of the air. Regnault and Joule found that to raise the temperature of a pound weight of air one cubic foot in volume, or ten cubic feet, the same quantity of heat was expended. In rising against the force of gravity steam becomes colder, and partially condenses while ascending, in the effort of overcoming the resistance of gravity, by the conversion of heat into water. For instance, a column of steam weighing, on a square inch of base, 250.3 pounds, — that is, a pressure of 250.3 pounds per square inch, — would, at a height of 275,000 feet, be re- duced to a pressure of one pound per square inch; and ascending to this height, the temperature would fall from four hundred and one degrees to one hundred and two degrees Fahrenheit; while, at the same time, nearly twenty- five per cent of the whole vapor would be precipitated in the form of water, if not supplied with heat while ascending. If abody of compressed air be allowed to rush freely into the atmosphere, the temperature falls in the rapid part of the current by the conversion of heat into motion; but the heat is almost all reproduced when the motion is quite subsided; and from recent experiments it appears that nearly similar results are obtained from the emission of steam under pressure. When water falls through a gaseous atmosphere its motion is constantly retarded as it is brought into collision with the particles of that atmosphere, and by this collision it is partly heated and partly converted into vapor. If a body of water descends freely through a height of seven hundred and seventy-two feet, it acquires from gravity a velocity of two hundred and twenty-three feet per second; and if suddenly brought to rest when moving with this velocity, it would be violently agitated, and raised one degree in temperature. But suppose a water-wheel, seven hundred and seventy-two feet in diameter, into the buckets of which water is quietly dropped, when the water descends to the foot of the fall, and is delivered gently into the tail-race, it is not sensibly heated. The greatest amount of work it is possi- ble to obtain from water falling from one level to another lower level is expressible by the weight of water multiplied by the height of the fall. The object of these illustrative exhibitions of the nature and reciprocal action of heat and motive power, with their relations, are: first, to familiarize the reader with the doctrine of the mechanical equivalence of heat; second, to show that the nature and extent of the change of temperature of a gas, while expanding, depends nearly altogether upon the circumstances under which the change of volume takes place. NEW METALLIC THERMOMETERS. A new registering thermometer invented by Dr. James Lewis, of Mohawk, N. Y., has the following construction :— NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 165 The part of the instrument forming the thermometer proper consists of a cylindrical bundle of iron and brass wires (No. 13), about fifteen inches in length, so arranged as to be equivalent to about forty-five inches of iron wire antagonized by about an equal length of brass wire. The bundle is composed of five pairs, two of brass and three of iron, arranged alternately around the centre, and a single wire of brass, equivalent in action to a third pair of that metal, placed in the axis of the cylinder. The upper end of the central wire, moved by the difference of expansion of the two metals, operates upon the short arm of the first of a train of two levers, and through them upon the axle of a pulley. To the grooved circumference of the larger wheel of this pulley is attached a slender silk cord, carrying the registering point designed to mark the temperature, and which, by the multiplying effect of the mechanism, is moved over a space three hundred and twenty times as great as the differential expansion or contraction of the wires. The registering point, properly balanced by an attached weight, and guided in its vertical movements by two slender parallel rods, is made to record the temperature on a fillet of paper moved by a train of cylinders whose axes are parallel to the guide-wires. The record is impressed by the impulse of a hammer strik- ing upon the back of the registering point at regulated intervals, and thus producing a series of small perforations in the paper, the hammer and the fillet of paper both receiving their motion from a train of clock-work, of peculiar construction, connected with the apparatus. The projecting shaft of the pulley carries an index, which, revolving in front of a dial-plate placed over the pulley, enables the observer to note the temperature as compared with the ordinary thermometer, and to adjust the rod-thermometer to the staméard whenever necessary. The adjustment is made by turning a screw connected with the lower end of the central brass wire of the thermometer. The latter instrument is on the outside of the case which incloses the dial, registering apparatus, and clock. By a peculiar arrangement of the clock-work, the hammer movements, and therefore the times of registration,,.may be adjusted to quarter-hour, half-hour, or hour intervals, and may be changed from one to the other at the will of the observer. The above description is derived from a report made to the Boston Society of Natural History, by Professor W. B. Rogers, who also takes occasion to recommend the instrument as worthy the critical examination of men of science, and one which, from its great sensitiveness and accuracy, promised to become a valuable help in meteorological observations. Beaumont’s new Metallic Thermometer. — The principle of a new thermom- eter recently invented by Victor Beaumont, of New York, is the dilatation of different metals. D2 2 OVO ON OV HB HE CO CD CO CS DO DD DO DO BaSKSnSsKsansasnsasas 1 Low-water of lunar spring-tide. 2 Moon on Meridian. 3 High-water of lunar spring-tide. 4 Slightly discrepant, owing to a preponderance of unfavorable winds at this particular period. : NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 171 forces caused by the irregularity both of the directions and strength of the winds. The losses already mentioned, occasioned by violenc storms, extended in part to these spring-tides. We were fortunate enough, however, to obtain good quarter-hourly observations for as many as twenty-four of these semi- diurnal spring-tides. The mean result from them is shown in the preceding Table (III.), page 170. Here we have, again, thirty minutes after the time of the moon’s meridian passage as the time of high water at the period of lunar spring-tides; and we have two hundred and fifty-four thousandths of a foot, equal to 3.408 inches, United States measure, as the height of the lunar spring-tidal wave at its summit. In accordance with custom, in like cases, we indicate as the established mean for the port of Chicago, 3 Foot, 0h. 30m. Although this indication may be but of small practical advantage to navi- gators, yet it may serve as a memorandum of a physical phenomenon whose existence has very generally, heretofore, been either denied or doubted. We think it probable that if the effects of unfavorable winds, and all other extraneous forces which produce irregular oscillations in the elevation of the lake surface, could be fully eliminated, a semi-diurnal lunar spring-tide would be shown as great as one-third of a foot, or four inches, for the periods of highest tides. The time of low water, and the relative times of duration of the flood and ebb tides, are given only approximately. The extreme rise of the tide being so little, the precise time of the change from ebb to flood, and hence the duration of the flow of each, can only be accurately determined by numer- ous observations at short intervals of time, say three to five minutes apart, from about an hour before to an hour after the turn of the tide from ebb to flood. In conclusion, we offer the foregoing observations as solving the problem in question, and as proving the existence of a semi-diurnal lunar tidal-wave on Lake Michigan, and consequently on the other great fresh-water lakes of North America, whose coordinate of altitude at its summit is as much as .15 to .254 of a foot, or from 1.8 to 3.048 inches, U. S. measure. ON THE PHENOMENON OF WAVES ON THE SURFACE OF MERCURY. Nothing can be more interesting than the rippling of water under certain circumstances. By the action of interference its surface is sometimes shivered into the most beautiful mosaic, shifting and trembling as if with a kind of visible music. When the tide advances over a sea-beach on a calm and sunny day, and its tiny ripples enter at various points the clear, shallow pools which the preceding tide had left behind, the little wavelets run and climb and cross each other, and thus form a lovely chasing, which has its counterpart in the lines of light converged by the ripples upon the sand underneath. When waves are skilfully generated in a vessel of mercury, and a strong light reflected from the surface of the metal is received upon a screen, the most beautiful effects may be observed. The shape of the vessel determines, in part, the character of the figures produced; in a circular dish of mercury, for example, a disturbance at the centre propagates itself in 172 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. circular waves, which, after reflection, again encircle the centre. If the point of disturbance be a little removed from the centre, the intersections of the direct and reflected waves produce magnificent chasing. The luminous figure reflected from such a surface is exceedingly beautiful. When the mercury is lightly struck by a glass point, in a direction concentric with the circumference of the vessel, the lines of light run round the vessel in mazy coils, interlacing and unravelling themselves in the most wonderful manner. If the vessel be square, a splendid mosaic is produced by the crossing of the direct and reflected waves. Description, however, can give but a feeble idea of these exquisite effects. — Professor Tyndall. ON THE DESTRUCTIVE EFFECTS OF WAVES. Mr. Thomas Stevenson, C. E.,in a communication to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, states that he had found on one of the Shetland Islands, exposed to the waves of the North Sea, or German Ocean, masses of rock weighing nine and a half tons and under, heaped together by the action of the waves, at the level of no less than sixty-two feet above the sea; and others, ranging from six to thirteen tons, were found to have been quarried out of their positions in situ, at levels of from seventy to seventy-four feet above the sea; another block, of seven and one-sixteenth tons, at the level of twenty feet above the sea, had been quarried out and transported to a distance of seventy-three feet, from 8.S.E. to N.N.W., over opposing abrupt faces as much as seven feet in height. Mr. 8. further stated that, as the result of observation, he was of the opinion that the presence of mud on the sea bottom, at any depth, might be taken as a certain proof that the agitation originating at the surface had ceased to be appreciable. If the geological formation did not produce a clayey deposit, or if strong submarine currents existed, the absence of mud might afford no proof of the magnitude of the waves; but its presence in shoal water may be relied on as indicating with certainty that, in whatever locality it is found, there must be small disturbance at the surface, or, in other words, that there cannot be a heavy sea. SEEING THE EARTH’S ANNUAL MOTION. The pendulum experiment of Mr. Foucault, by which the diurnal motion of the earth was made visible, has been followed by a contrivance of M. Fitzeau, to exhibit the annual motion, which cannot, however, be of so popular a character; nor does it admit of simple explanation. By directing a telescope east and west at the time of the solstices, and viewing the rota- tion of the plane of polarization of a ray of light by means of a special apparatus which it contained, he observed a small movement, only to be accounted for by the annual motion of the earth. Seeing the Earth’s Diurnal Motion. —M. Perrot, of Paris, exhibits the diur- nal motion of the earth by means of a bucket, with a small hole exactly in the centre of its bottom. The bucket is filled with water and some light powder strewn upon its surface, which shows the direction of the current produced by the escape of the water through the orifice described. This current is seen to follow a curve considerably to the right of the straight line it would take if the earth were standing still, and which is accounted for by its rotation. The action of the earth’s rotation, he thinks, is also NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 173 traceable in the course of rivers, and their frequent pressure upon their right banks. ON THE POSSIBILITY OF STUDYING THE EARTH’S INTERNAL STRUC- TURE FROM PHENOMENA OBSERVED AT ITS SURFACE. Professor Hennessy, in a paper on the above subject, read before the British Association, 1869, considered the possibility of obtaining results from the comparison of the level surface, usually called the earth’s surface by astronomers and mathematicians, with the geological surface which would be presented if the earth were stripped of its fluid coating. At present the number of unknown quantities in an inquiry as to the earth’s internal struc- ture was greater than the number of conditions; but, by knowing the true surface, and adopting the results of established physical and hydrostatical laws relative to the supposed internal fluid mass, we should be able to estab- lish as many equations as we have unknown quantities, and thus obtain a solution. Professor Stevely stated, that the exact spheroidal form of the earth, and the direction of gravity at each part of its surface, were not so completely determined as the remarks of Professor Hennessy would lead a person to suppose. Very interesting papers, printed in the last volume of the Trans- actions of the Royal Society, by Colonel Sir Henry James and Captain Clarke, had shown conclusively that not only did the spheroidal form of the earth, as deduced from the great Ordnance Survey of the British Islands, differ somewhat from that considered as most suitable to the form of the earth, as derived from a comparison of all observations; but even particular localities had the plumb-line so affected by local circumstances that the forms, as deduced from particular portions of the survey, differed sensibly from one another. Thus, the plumb-line near Edinburgh was found to be affected not only by the proximity to Arthur’s Seat and the Calton Hill, but even the defect of matter in the Frith of Forth, and the excess in the distant Port- land Hills, were shown to exercise important influences. Colonel Sir H. James showed, by various examples, that the method of grouping the measurements of different countries, proposed by Mr. Hennessy, would not, in the present state of these measurements, lead to the exact results he supposed. He then pointed out circumstances not only respecting the Russian measurements, but even the French, which would make a reéxamination of them not only desirable but necessary. NEW METHODS OF DETERMINING SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Until a few years ago the determination of the specific gravity of solids was conducted on one of these two principles: either by finding the loss of weight a body suffered on being immersed in water (its absolute weight being known), with the aid of the hydrostatic balance or Nicholson’s areometer, or by determining, by means of a balance, the quantity of liquid displaced by the substance in question; the vessel used being a little flask holding a certain weight of water (one thousand grains). Since the general introduction of the volumetric assay, and with it of graduated cylinders, the thought lay very near, in determining the specific gravity of dry substances, to measure instead of weighing the quantity of liquid displaced. F. Mohr has demonstrated that by far the simplest plan is 15* 174 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. to measure the volume of water displaced; and his method is applicable to any other liquid, as alcohol, benzine, etc., since it is only with volumes, and not weights, that the calcuiations are made. Three different modifications of this principle are in use, of which we give the outline. One is to fill a test-tube, which forms a straight cylinder, and is graduated, with a liquid in which the substance to be examined is insoluble, to note the height of the liquid, and to weigh the whole. The substance, in coarse powder, is next thrown in, the height of the fluid again noted, and the whole re-weighed. The two notations and weighings give the data to determine the specific gravity. The second mode is especially adapted for bodies which, on account of size or shape, cannot be introduced into a graduated cylinder. A strip of wood, through which is stuck a pin, blackened at the point, is laid overa beaker-glass, which is then filled with water until the surface of the latter just touches the point of the pin. After introducing the substance, the water is drawn up into a graduated pipette until reduced to the same level, —even with the point of the pin. The volume of the water measured in the pipette shows that of the substance. The third modification is intended for technical purposes more particularly. The apparatus consists of a half-gallon glass cylinder, provided with a tubulus at the lower end, through which passes, on the outside, a bent glass tube to about half the height of the cylinder, where it is bent at two right angles, ending in a fine opening, beneath which is afterwards placed a grad- uated cylinder. Water is poured into the large cylinder until it commences to run from the fine opening; when this ceases, the graduated cylinder is put in its place, and the substance, previously weighed, gently introduced into the large vessel. The waier rises, and the quantity corresponding to the volume displaced will run from the glass tube and be measured in the grad- uated cylinder. We may here notice a mode of determining the specilic gravity of such substances as potatoes, which is in general use among the potato distillers of Northern Germany, to guide them in the valuation of the percentage of starch, which stands in some proportion to the specific gravity of the potato. A saturated solution of common salt is prepared, and the potatoes placed in it; they will swim on top uniil the density of the salt liquor is reduced by water, which is added until they are suspended in the solution, but do not sink to the bottom. The specific gravity of the diluted solution is then taken with a common areometer, and is the same as that of the potatoes. JAPANESE SCIENCE. A recent correspondent from Japan describes an ingenious method practised in that country for getting water from the bottom of a deep lake. For this purpose a cone-shaped earthenware bottle was employed, having a hole at its apex and a very small one at the broad part, which was stopped by a gum soluble in water. The bottle was then sunk, apex downwards, by means of a weight and a line, and allowed to remain about a quarter of an hour at the bottom of the lake, by which time the gum was dissolved and entrance for the water obtained, the air being forced out through a little hole at the bottom. It was then drawn up, and the hole at the bottom plugged with a tiny wooden peg. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 175 ON THE MOVEMENTS OF FLUIDS IN POROUS BODIES. Among the topics of scientific interest which awaken attention at present, is the research of Jamin, professor at the Ecole Polytechnique, upon the equilibrium and movement of fluids in porous bodies. The new results at which he has arrived afford an explanation of the ascent of the sap in vege- tables without the necessity of recourse to the vital force. It is apparently a question of capillarity only. Jamin has applied the new facts which ‘he has discovered to the construc- tion of an apparatus composed entirely of inorganic materials, but showing in its structure a great analogy with vegetables. This apparatus has the property of raising water, as trees do, to a height greater than that attained by.means of atmospheric pressure, from a moist soil, whence the water is constantly drawn to the factitious leaves, where it is continually evaporated. Reduced to its most simple form, this apparatus is composed of a block of some well-dried porous substance, as chalk, lithographic stone, etc., or a porous battery cell filled with a powder well rammed in, white chalk for instance, oxide of- zinc, or even with earth. A manometer is imbedded in the interior of the mass, and the whole is plunged in a vessel full of water. The water immediately penetrates its pores and drives out the air, which, collecting in the interior, exercises a pressure upon the manometer amount- ing with oxide of zinc to five atmospheres, and with starch it exceeds six atmospheres. This is not the limit of the greatest possible pressure; Jamin makes known the causes which diminish it in these cases, and proves that the water is forced into porous bodies with a foree which he calls 7, and which is equal to that of a considerable number of atmospheres. A tube 1.20 metres long, filled with plaster and terminated at the summit by an evaporating surface, is inserted by its base into a reservoir closed and filled with water; a vacuum is caused, measured by fifteen or twenty millimetres of mercury, or by two hundred or two hundred and seventy millimetres of water; and the water appears even at the upper extremity of the tube — which proves porous bodies are able to raise water higher than can be done by atmospheric pressure. These facts cannot be explained by the ordinary laws of capillary attraction, since these bodies are not formed of impermea- ble tubes, but of corpuscles in juxtaposition, separated by small empty spaces. Jamin has therefore submitted the problem to the calculus, and has come to results, of which we mention the following :— If, in a damp porous body, the water is compressed by a power of several atmospheres, it can congeal only at a temperature below 0° C.! Consequently old wood is able to resist frost, while young shoots, being less dense, are unable to do so. Since water, in filtering through a porous body, is compressed as it enters, and dilates again as it runs out, it should exhibit electric currents and many other phenomena. The theory cannot be applied to non-homogeneous porous bodies. In the extended memoir which he has prepared, Jamin discusses the complicated results which may be occasioned by irregularity of structure; he makes an application of it to wood, and shows that the interior pressure must be aug- 1 This fact has just been demonstrated by Mr. Sorby for water contained in capil- lary tubes of a small diameter. 176 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. mented in the denser tissues; that the air must come from the larger tubes, which cannot serve for the ascent of the sap. It is plain that the evident tendency of all these experiments is to explain the ascent of the sap in vegetables by capillarity. The idea is not new, but it has not been hitherto fully admitted, notwithstanding the experiments which have been heretofore made. Jamin gives it probability in showing by decisive experiments that porous bodies exercise a capillary action superior to the pressure of the atmosphere; further, he gives the physical theory of capillarity in porous bodies, and succeeds in calculating the phenomena of the movements of liquids in trees. — Correspondence of M. Nickles with Silliman’s Journal, May, 1860. % STRENGTH OF ICE. Recent experiments in Germany show that when the thickness of ice is an inch and a half, it will just bear the weight of a single man; when about three inches and a half, it will bear detachments of infantry, with their ranks rather wide apart; with a thickness of four and four-tenths inches, eight- pounders can be conveyed over it on sledges; five and two-tenths inches will bear twelve-pounders; eight inches will bear twenty-four-pounders; and a thickness of twelve inches will bear almost any weight. SHOWER OF ICE. Captain Blakiston, in a letter to General Sabine, which has been communi- cated to the Royal Society, dated H. M. S. Simoon, Singapore, 22d of February, 1850, gives an interesting account of a shower of ice which fell upon the ship. He says: “On the 14th of January, when two days out from the Cape of Good Hope, about three hundred miles S.S.E. of it, in latitude 38° 53! S., longitude 20° 45’ E., we encountered a heavy squall, with rain, at ten A.M., lasting one hour, the wind shifting suddenly from east to north (true). During the squall there were three vivid flashes of lightning, one of which was very close to the ship, and at the same time a shower of ice fell, which lasted about three minutes. It was not hail, but irrezular- shaped pieces of solid ice, of different dimensions, up to the size of half a brick. The squall was so heavy that the topsails were obliged to be let go. There appears to have been no previous indication of this squall, for the barometer at six P.M. on the two previous days had been at 30.00, the ther- mometer 70°; at eight A.M. on the 14th the barometer marked 29.82, the thermometer 70°; at ten A.M., the time of the squall, 29.85, the thermometer 70°; and at one p.M., when the weather had cleared, wind north (true), 29.76, thermometer 69°; after which it fell slowly and steadily during the remainder of the day and following night. As to the size of the pieces of ice which fell, two, which were weighed after having melted considerably, were three and a half and five ounces respectively; while I had one piece given me, a good quarter of an hour after the squall, which would only just go into an ordinary tumbler; and one or two persons depose to having seen pieces the size of a brick. On examining the ship’s sails afterwards they were found to be perforated in numerous places with small holes. A very thick glass cover to one of the compasses was broken. Although several persons were struck, and some knocked down on the deck, fortunately no one was seriously injured.” NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 177 ELASTICITY OF IRON. At a recent meeting of the London Pharmaceutical Society, Mr. Appold showed the following interesting experiment, illustrative of the elasticity of iron. A stout iron ring was provided, several inches in diameter, and of such a substance as to apparently prevent the possibility of its form being in the slightest degree affected by the mere muscular force of one man; an iron rod was placed across the interior of the ring, and fitted in with suf- ficient tightness to retain its position without other support. Then, placing the apparatus horizontally on a table, by merely pressing with the fingers upon the outside of the ring, in a direction transverse to that occupied by the rod, the latter dropped through; proving that a certain amount of alter- ation had really been effected in the form of the ring by the slight pressure applied. METHODS EMPLOYED BY THE ANCIENTS TO MOVE, HAUL, AND RAISE STONES OF UNUSUAL DIMENSIONS. The following article, translated by J. Bennet, C. E., — Rondelet’s “ Art of Building,’ —we find in the Journal of the Franklin Institute, November, 1860 : — The immense ruins of the ancient edifices of Egypt bear witness to the taste which the Egyptians had for the grand and durable; the blocks used for their construction were of enormous size. Herodotus speaks of an edi- fice which formed a part of the Temple of Latona, at Buto, whose walls were formed of a single rock 52.8 feet long by as much in height. The ceiling or covering of this edifice was also a single block with 5.28 feet thickness. In another place he says that Amasis ordered to be transported from the Isle of Eléphantine to the town of Sais, twenty days’ sail distant, a structure formed of a single block of stone; its exterior length was 27.72 feet by 18.48 wide, and 10.56 feet high. The interior measured 24.86 feet in length, by 15.84 in breadth, by 6.6 in height. Two thousand men were employed three years in its transportation. The mass of this last structure, deducting the empty space within, was 2,822 cubic feet; and its weight was 458,744 pounds, on the supposition that the rock was formed of the same granite as the obelisk. As for the other structure, which formed a part of the temple of Latona, at Buto, the Greek text of Herodotus seems to describe the four walls as being formed of a single block hollowed like a trough. In this case, it would have required a block of 147,200 cubic feet, with a weight of 24,260,500 pounds; and supposing it was not transported until after being hollowed, its weight would still have been 9,944,750 pounds. The transportation of so heavy a mass and of so great volume would appear as an inconceivable difficulty, even by water, on account of the im- mense size of the vessel or platform required to keep afloat so great a load, which was twenty times that transported by Amasis. The difficulties of unloading and moving upon the ground so great a mass would seem to be insurmountable, as it would not be possible to find machines or rollers strong enouvh to bear such a weight without crushing. The Count of Carbury, who had charge of the transportation of the rock to St. Petersburg which constitutes the pedestal of the statue of Peter the 178 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ‘ Great, and whose weight was only 3,254,000 pounds, said that it was impos- sible for him to make use of rollers; even iron ones were insufficient. Balls of wrought and cast iron, which he tried to substitute for them, were flattened and broken, as well as the cushions of the same metal in which these balls rolled; only those made of a mixture of copper, tin, and calamine could resist the pressure. Still, as we cannot contradict a matter which Herodotus says he saw and regarded with wonder, we must believe that the walls of this structure were hollowed out of a mass of rock found upon the spot. This conjecture is all the more probable, as Herodotus does not men- tion where this enormous block came from, nor the mode of its transportation. As for the stone which formed the upper part of the structure, it is evident that it must have been taken from another block, and that it must have been moved and raised above the walls. It was 52.8 feet long by as many broad, with a depth of 5.28 feet, making, all trimmed, a mass of 14,720 cubic feet, and a weight of 1,984,950 pounds, supposing the stone to be of a mean hardness with that used for most of the temples and for the steps of the pyramids. A block of such dimensions must have been moved in the same position it was to have when laid. The operation required a plane and solid surface of great extent; and as wood was scarce in Egypt, we may presume, according to what Herodotus said in relation to the great pyramid of Cheops, that in these extraordinary circumstances the custom of the Egyptians was to eon- struct large causeways and inclined planes of cut stone, upon which they hauled the enormous stones which they prided themselves on using for the construction of their edifices. These means, which would be expensive with us, were but a small matter with them, by reason of the great number of men employed upon their works, the small wages of the laborers, and the insignificant cost of the materials. When they had to move round and unwrought masses of granite, such as are found in the quarries of Egypt, they were turned over or rolled by the force of men. In many places, far distant from the quarries, are found masses of granite whose transportation appears to have been interrupted by some unforeseen circumstance. As for the blocks which do not come in this kind of transportation, and whose surfaces were plane, as that which served for the covering of the temple at Buto, and the monolithe structure of Amasis, we believe that they made use of rollers and capstans, the most simple and ancient machines, the most powerful and speedy in their effects. To give our ideas upon this, we report the result of an experiment made upon this subject with a cut stone weighing eleven hundred and sixty-five pounds. To drag this stone upon a horizontal surface of the same material, and coarsely cut, required eight hundred and eighteen pounds. The same drawn upon pieces of wood exacted a force of seven hundred and three pounds. . The same placed upon a wood platform, and drawn upon wood, required a force of six hundred and fifty-four pounds. But soaping the two surfaces which slid upon each other, there was only needed one hundred and ninety- six pounds. This stone put upon rollers 3.2 inches diameter, and set in motion upon a surface of the same material, required only a force of 36.68 pounds; the same rolling upon pieces of wood yicided to an effort of 30 pounds; and when the rollers were put between two pieces of wood 233 pounds sufficed. ° NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 179 ‘ It follows from this experiment that to draw a | rough stone upon a firm and smooth bottom Bee is needed a little ov er 2 of its weight; 3 2, if the surface is of wood; 3, if the movement is made of axope upon wood; and if the two sliding surfaces of wood are soaped, but 4. But if we use rollers placed pauemaily between the ie and ground there will be required a little over as of the weight, and j’5 if they roll upon wood; and, finally, if they roll Beween two smooth ase surfaces there will be needed but about the = sy of the weight. Still it is proper to ae that as woods compress under great loads, the rollers made of this material are subject to a change of form, to be crushed, and to sinking in the pieces between which they are placed. This produces a friction, whose effect increases with the load. To raise the obelisk at the square of St. Peter’s, in Rome, which, with all its fixtures, weighed 829,250 pounds, there were required forty capstans, and to draw it upon a horizontal plane with rollers placed between two wooden surfaces it only needed four; whence it follows in this case that the force was but the +), part of the weight, while the experiment above cited gives a little over the =, part. But Fontana, who superintended this operation, observed that most of the rollers, which were seventy in number, were crushed, and that the others sank into the pieces of wood between which they were placed. To have the full benefit of the rollers they should be as incompressible as the surfaces between which they move. Granite rollers, between surfaces of the same material, to prevent breaking should be very short, and their number great, to have as little of the load as possible on each. The length should not be over one and a half diameters. When the stone has consider- able width they must be set in many rows. This method, if practicable, would have been preferable to the balls which the Count of Carbury used for the transportation of the rock which served for the base of the equestrian statue of Peter the Great; they required the 1; part of the weight. From the results of these experiments, oan the observations to which they give rise, we may calculate the force required to transport the stone which formed the monolithe structure at Sais, and the covering of the temple at Buto. Experience with works has taught us that a man of medium strength, and used to work like those employed by the ancients, can carry a load equal to his weight, and haul one and a half times as much; so that for the stone cover of the temple at Buto, whose weight we have estimated at 1,984,950 pounds, there would be required 10,000 men to draw it upon a smooth and solid ground; 9000 to draw it upon a surface formed of pieces of wood; 8333 if the stone was put upon a wood platform and drawn upon wood; and only 2500 men if care was taken to soap the two surfaces which slid upon each other. The block being 52.8 feet wide, the men could easily be disposed in forty rows, which for the first case would require 250 in each row, in case they were equal, and much less if they diverged; 225 for the second; 208 for the third; and 623 for the fourth: the last is the most practicable method. The great breadth of this stone and its weight would make it impossible to use wooden rollers. As for those of granite, if the ground were firm and smooth enough to make use of them, 300 men, or seven and a half rows, would have sufficed to move the load. But it is not likely that this method was adopted, on account of its great expense. It is much more probable that they made use of capstans. 180 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. - Supposing a simple capstan, traversed by two levers, with a mean length at the point of application of the resultant foree of ten times the diameter of the drum, each man makes an effort which may be valued at 5392 pounds. If twelve men work each capstan, their effort will be 6474 pounds, which gives in the first case, when a force equal to two-thirds of the load is required, 2400 men and 200 capstans; for the second case, 2160 men and 180 capstans; for the third, 2000 men and 166 capstans; and for the fourth, 600 men and 50 capstans. By the use of pulleys and muffles the number of men and capstans may be reduced one-half or a quarter. The results here shown indicate the force necessary to move the block upon a horizontal plane; but as it had to be raised above the walls of the temple which it served to cover, in raising it upon an inclined plane it is evident that the force must be increased in the ratio of its inclination. UNIFORM MUSICAL PITCH. The committce appointed a year ago by a general meeting of musicians, and others interested in music, assembled in London, to consider the subject of the present state of musical pitch in England,! have recently reported, substantially as follows : — The committee found, after a little inquiry, that their attention would have to be directed to three principal points: —1. Whether a uniform musical pitch was desirable. 2. Whether a uniform musical pitch was possible. 3. Sup- posing a uniform pitch to be desirable and possible, what that pitch should DE. 1. With the first of these considerations the committee was not long occu- pied, all testimony going to prove the frequent inconvenience to which musi- cal performers, vocal and instrumental, musical instrument-makers, musical directors, and even instructed hearers, were alike put by variations in the pitch, whether of individual instruments or of entire orchestras. The com- mittee came early to a unanimous resolution that a uniform pitch was desirable. 2. The second question, ‘‘ whether a uniform pitch was possible,’ was not found to admit of so ready an answer as the first. That a uniform pitch is never for any length of time maintained is well known to all practical musicians. The effects of temperature on musical instruments are so great and so rapid, that a difference in pitch of at least a quarter of a tone has often been remarked between the beginning and the end of the same concert; and instruments not required at the beginning of a performance are fre- quently tuned to a higher pitch in order to meet this anticipated elevation. In theatres, instruments to be used on the stage are systematically tuned sharper than those to be used in the orchestra, to compensate for the differ- ence of temperature before and behind the scenes. Still, though the main- tenance of a certain pitch may be difficult, or even impossible, the definition of itis not. A point of departure, if nothing more, would be in the highest degree convenient to musicians. No great practical inconvenience has ever been found to result from any change of pitch possible during a single per- formance. It is against the gradual elevation, consequent on the absence of any recognized standard, that musical practice requires a security. Physical science is, happily, enabled to afford this, and to bring to the aid of musical 1 See Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1860, pp. 188-191. ." NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 181 art more than one process by which such a standard may be adjusted. Musi- cal pitch is not a matter of mere comparison. A sound is not merely acute or grave in relation to another; its pitch is capable of exact measurement, and that measurement once recorded, it may be reproduced at any distance of time, without reference to any other sound whatever. In short, the num- ber of vibrations per second due to a given sound can be ascertained with the same certainty as the number of square yards on a given estate, or the number of tons burthen of a given merchantman. Several methods of counting vibrations have been adopted by men of science at different periods, by one or other of which the pitch of certain notes (generally either C or A) in this or that musical establishment has been recorded; so that a body of evidence exists, in addition to, and independent of, that of tuning-forks, bells, and other instruments least susceptible of change, by which the variations of pitch, at different times and in many different places, may be ascertained with certainty. Under these circumstances the committee came to a resolu- tion that a uniform pitch was not only desirable but possible. It remained for them to consider “‘ what that pitch should be.” 3. On this question such very wide difference of opinion was expressed, and, indeed, such very conflicting evidence was adduced, that the committee concluded to make no formal recommendation. They say, however, that, on grounds of abstract propriety, they were inclined to recommend the pitch of C 512 for general adoption, were there not certain practical considerations in opposition to any change. Thus, they say, it is certain that a change from the present pitch of C 546 to C 512 —a change of about a semitone — could not be made without great inconvenience and pecuniary loss to the body with whom the adjustment of the pitch practically rests, —our orchestral performers. Such a change, too, would fall heavily on musical instrument makers, probably to the extent, in many cases, of rendering the greater por- tion of their existing stock valueless. This objection, it is thought by some even of those who are most anxious for a great depression of the present pitch, would be fatal to any proposition which did not in some way meet it. In conclusion, the committee cali attention to the suggestions made by the congress of musicians which assembled at Stuttgard, in 1834, which body recommended a pitch of 528 for C, = 440 for A, basing their calculation on a thirty-two feet orzan-pipe, giving thirty-three vibrations per second instead of thirty-two. The following would be the scale at this pitch —the only one yet proposed which gives all the sounds in whole numbers : — Cc D E F G A B C 264 297 330 352 396 440 495 6528 This pitch, of which the C is sixteen vibrations per second higher than that of C 512, and eighteen vibrations lower than the C at the present pitch (of 546), is as near as possible half-way between the two latter, and, therefore, a quarter of a tone above the one and a quarter of a tone below the other. To lower the stringed instruments to this pitch would obviously be attended with little difficulty. Depression to the extent of a quarter of a tone is said to be easy with the brass instruments and possible with the wooden wind instruments — the flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons —now in use. Few organs exist of higher pitch than the Stuttgard, and the raising of those which have been tuned to C 512 would not be attended with serious difficulty. The Stuttgard pitch, then, if not the very best that could be conceived, may be regarded as the one which, with many recommendations, would have the 16 182 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. best chance of attaining the general assent of contemporary musicians. Though higher than the pitch of 512, the Philharmonic pitch, or the diapason normal, the Stuttgard pitch is but a few vibrations higher than the last two of these, — one of which experience has proved to be a good pitch for instru- mental music. It is a quarter of a tone below the present pitch, by general consent voted intolerably high. Its adoption would involve little, if any, inconvenience or pecuniary loss to instrumental performers or makers of musical instruments. It would, therefore, be likely to meet the support of the majority of those interested in the question of pitch. INTENSIFICATION OF SOUND: THE PHONOSCOPE AND HYDRO- PHONE. Dr. Scott Alison has read to the Royal Society a paper “On the Intensifica- tion of Sound through Solid Bodies by the interposition of water between them and the distal extremities of Hearing-Tubes.”’ The author gives an ac- count of various experiments which he has recently made on sounds proceed- ing through solid bodies. He has found that sounds which are faint, when heard by a hearing-tube applied directly to solid sounding bodies, become augmented when water is interposed between these bodies and the distal extremity of the hearing-tube. He has been able, by the employment of water, to hear the sound of a solid body, such as a table, which without this medium has been inaudible. Experiments have been made upon water in various amounts and in different conditions. Thus a very thin layer, a mere ring round the edge of the hearing-tube, masses of water in larger or smaller vessels, and a bag of water, have been employed. The results have been the same as regards augmentation. The degree of augmentation was greatest when the hearing-tube was immersed freely in water. In experi- menting upon water in vessels, it was found necessary to close the extremity of the tube to be immersed, by tying over it a piece of bladder or thin India- rubber; for the entrance of water into the interior interfered greatly with the augmentation. The effect of water in augmenting sound is materially reduced if even a small amount of solid material be interposed between the water employed and the mouth of the hearing-tube. A piece of wood, not much thicker than a paper-cutter, materially interferes with the augmenting power of water. The augmentation of sound thus obtained by water seems to be due to the complete fitting of the liquid on the solid body, and also round the mouth of the hearing-tube, whereby the column of air is thoroughly en- closed; also to the less impediment to the vibrations of the instrument when held in contact with water than when held in contact with a solid body, the water yielding in a greater degree than a solid. The mode of judging of the augmentation was twofold: first, one sensa- tion was compared with another perceived by the same ear, the one sensa- tion following immediately upon the other; second, the differential stetho- phone was employed, by which two impressions are simultaneously made upon the two ears; in which case, if one impression be materially greater than the other, sound is perceived in that ear only on which the greater impression is made. To obtain the advantage of the differential stetho- phone, or “ Phonoscope,” as it might here perhaps be more correctly desig- nated, when sounds at some distance from the ear were being examined, its length was increased by the addition of long tubes of India-rubber. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 183° Experiments were made upon other liquids besides water, such as mercury and ether. ‘ Other materials besides liquids were found to afford a similar intensifi- cation of sound from solid bodies, such as lamine of gutta-percha or of India-rubber and sheets of writing paper, but the amount of augmentation was less. : The hearing-tubes employed were various. Many of the experiments were performed with the author’s ardinary differential stethophone, an instrument described in the Philosophical Magazine for November, 1858. India-rubber tubes fitted with ivory ear-knobs, and with wooden or glass cups (the size of the cup or object-extremity of ordinary stethoscopes), and having an ear-extremity to pass into the meatus, and brass tubes, were also in turn employed. Tubes closed at their distal extremity with solid material, such as glass, did not answer so well as those closed with membrane. The water-bag increases the impression conveyed to the ear by the wooden stethoscope, if it be placed between the flat ear-piece and the external ear. It may be employed alone to reinforce sound. The name of Hydrophone has been given to it. A postscript is added, in which the author records an experiment made on the bank of the Serpentine river. A sound produced upon the land was heard at a point in the water when it could not be heard at an equal distance on the ground, if the two limbs of the differential stethophone were employed simultaneously. The sensation upon the ear, connected by means of a hollow tube with water in sonorous undulations, was found to be much greater than that upon the ear connected with the same water by means of a solid rod. When both tube and solid rod were employed simultaneously, sound was heard in that ear only supplied with the tube. ON THE REGISTRATION OF SOUND VIBRATIONS. The Abbé Laborde has recently devised the following plan for registering the vibrations of sound. To the ceiling of a room are fixed two rings, some six feet apart, and to these are suspended two wooden rules, about eight feet long. Their lower ends are fastened into a block or wood, which is connected with a pendulum, so that the vibrations may be registered on a piece of glass, the face of which is covered with smoke black. From this photographic impressions may be multiplied, if desirable, to any extent. This apparatus is much less costly than any other hitherto made for regis- tering sounds, and is interesting, since it is an aid toward the invention of machines which shall gradually advance from registering sounds to regis- tering syllables and words. As soon as the wit of man has invented a machine as delicate as the human ear, we can have reporting machines. The idea is certainly far less astonishing than that of the daguerreotype before its invention. If the vibrations of light, so much finer than those of sound, are made to register themselves with such wonderful accuracy, why may not the vibrations of sound be made to do the same! FIGURES PRODUCED BY SOUND. If a drinking glass, or a funnel of about three inches diameter at the edge, be filled with water, alcohol, or ether, and a strong note be made by draw- é 184 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ing a violin-bow on the glass, a sound-figure will be formed on the surface of the liquid, consisting of nothing but drops of liquid. If the vessel gives the fundamental note, the figure forms a four-rayed star, the ends of which extend to the four nodal points; but if the note which the vessel gives be the second higher, the star will be six-rayed; and if the vessel gives still higher tones, other more numerously rayed stars are produced. — Poggen- dorff’s Annalen. THE POWER OF A BIRD’S SONG. When we hear the song of a soaring lark, we may be sure that the entire atmosphere between us and the bird is filled with pulses, or undulations, or waves, as they are often called, produced by the little songster’s organ of voice. This organ is a vibrating instrument, resembling in principle the reed of a clarinet. Let us suppose that we hear the song of a lark, elevated toa height of five hundred feet in the air. Before this is possible, the bird must have agitated a sphere of air one thousand feet in diameter; that is to say, it must have communicated to 17,888 tons of air a motion sufficiently intense to be appreciated by our organs of hearing. — Prof. Tyndall. ON THE VELOCITY OF SOUND. It has generally been considered that sound moves at a uniform velocity of 1,142 feet per second; and in every book on the subject rules are given by which the distance of any source of sound, such as a firearm or a flash of light- ning, may be ascertained by estimating the number of seconds and fractions of asecond which elapse between the ocularly-observed time of the occurrence of the phenomenon and the hearing of the sound which accompanies it. Doubtless many persons have in this manner amused themselves by esti- mating the distance off which certain violent lightning flashes must have been, and have taken comfort from the idea that, if a certain number of seconds have elapsed after the flash has taken place before the thunder is heard, they are safe from its effects; falling into the very common error of mistaking the cause for the effect. The Rev. S. Earnshaw has, however, been engaged in some extremely interesting mathematical investigations respecting the phenomenon of sound, and has arrived at the theoretical con- clusion that violent sounds are propagated far more rapidly than gentle sounds, and that therefore all reasoning upon the distance of the flash, based upon the lapse of time between it and the thunder, is fallacious. Many instances of this fact are adduced in corroboration of the theory, in which the clap of thunder followed immediately after the lightning, when, judging from the distance which the latter was from the observer, there should have been an interval of many seconds duration. These and similar instances have induced the above-named gentleman to enter upon a mathematical investigation of the theory of sound, and he arrives at the conclusion, con- trary to the hitherto universally received opinion, that there is no limit to the velocity with which a violent sound is transmissible through the atmos- phere, provided the phenomenon which produces the sound be sufficiently violent. Hence, it is probable that there is no sound which is propagated faster than a clap of thunder, its genesis being especially violent. This theory seems also capable of explaining the rumbling, rolling noise of thun- der. Itis only necessary to imagine that the sound at its origin is broken up, either by partial interruption or reficction, into several sounds of differ- a NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 185 ent degrees of violence. They would thus be propagated with different degrees of rapidity, and would therefore not fall upon the ear, if it were at any distance off, with a sudden crash, but in a series of minor claps, or as a rattle. If this theory be true, the report of a cannon should travel faster than the human voice, and that of thunder faster than either. — London Photographic News. ~ CHROMO-TYPOGRAPHY. M. Rochette has devised a new method of printing the different colors used in this art. Instead of applying a series of plates or stones, each bearing one color, in the usual way, he arranges his plates upon a rotating platform, of smaller dimensions, but like those used on railways. Suppose four plates thus arranged with black, red, blue, and green, and a sheet of four pages, which it is desired to print, imposed upon them. One page will be printed in each color, and by turning the sheet a quarter round each time, the remaining colors will be printed in succession. This apparatus has a me- chanical contrivance to ensure accuracy of position; and, as the colors admit of super-position, green may be formed by successive printings of yellow and blue, orange by yellow and red, ete. ON THE SOLUTION OF ICE IN INLAND WATERS. In a paper read before the American Association for 1860, by Mr. B. F. Harrison, a theory to account for the sudden disappearance of ice in inland waters was presented, which was based upon a series of observations made upon a little lake in Connecticut, which is so hedged in that only the south and southwest winds blow upon it. It is not fed by any large stream, and has a small outlet. On the twenty-third day of January, 1860, he visited the lake, and found the ice ten or eleven inches thick. He found, at a station on the lake, the temperature of the water directly under the ice to be thirty-four degrees; three feet down, thirty-eight; twelve feet, forty-one; the bottom of the lake, forty-three and a half; mean temperature, thirty-eight and seven- eighths. On the sixth of March he found the ice disappearing very rapidly, as much as one-third disappearing during the two hours that he remained by the lake. The mean temperature of the lake on this date was forty-one and a half. The conclusion arrived at was, that the solution of the ice is caused by heating up the water from the bottom, since the warmth could not have been communicated from the atmosphere, its temperature being lower than the water. The mean temperature of the earth at a depth of twenty feet furnishes a vast magazine of heat, that is immediately effective as soon as the cold from the atmosphere ceases to be intense. THE GREAT PYRAMID.—WHY, AND WHEN, WAS IT BUILT? The above is the title of a volume recently published in London by John Taylor, a gentleman of an exceedingly original mind, and favorably known in literary and scientific circles. His researches and speculations, whether leading to any truthful result or no, will at least be found interesting and curious :— Of all the records of their existence, which the men of ages long gone by have left upon the face of the earth, none, perhaps, is so eminently calcu- lated to excite universal interest, or to give rise to enthusiastic speculation, 16* 186 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. as the pyramids of Egypt. It would scarcely be possible for even the least curious and impressionable of men to gaze with his own eyes upon those mighty masses, or even listen to the descriptions of them which have been given by numberless travellers, from the time of Herodotus down to the present day, without, when the first feeling of almost stupefied admiration had subsided, experiencing an irresistible impulse to ask the two questions which, in his present volume, Mr. Taylor attempts to answer. And of all possible methods of proceeding to the solution of these inevitable queries, that adopted by Mr. Taylor is certainly the most thoroughly trustworthy and reliable. It consists in placing, so to speak, the Great Pyramid itself in the witness-box, and, step by step, eliciting its history from its own mouth. Mr. Taylor has never himself visited the pyramids; but he deduces his con- clusions from a careful collation of the chief existing records on the subject, from the earliest period down to the present time. So far from considering his want of personal acquaintance with the object of his inquiry as likely to be in any degree prejudicial to its success, he is inclined to regard this cir- cumstance as a subject rather for congratulation than for regret. With regard to the first of the two questions propounded by Mr. Taylor, an immense majority of those who have inquired into the subject concur in the opinion that the pyramids of Egypt were designed as the burial-places of the kings by whom they were built. A long succession of travellers, from Strabo and Diodorus Siculus to Dr. Robinson and the Rey. A. P. Stanley, have agreed without hesitation in adopting this view. So long ago, however, as the commencement of the present century, a different theory was started by some of the scientific men who accompanied the French expedition to Egypt, viz., that the three largest pyramids were constructed on certain geometrical principles, and were intended to perpetuate the memory of the standard by which they were built. This hypothesis was very coldly received at the time of its first suggestion, and it was not till the publication, in 1840, of Colonel Howard Vyse’s researches on the pyramids that it attracted public notice to any appreciable degree; but it has at length found a zealous cham- pion in Mr. Taylor, who, by a careful examination of all existing records on the subject, endeavors to show that, when rightly understood, they tend, one and all, to its complete confirmation. Although he seems inclined to extend this theory to the two smaller pyramids of Gizeh, it is only in the case of the Great Pyramid that he prosecutes his inquiries in detail. Obviously, the first things to be done in such a case are to ascertain the exact dimensions of the pyramid in its perfect state, and to reconcile, in some reasonable manner, the conflicting measurements which have been assigned to it from time to time by various observers. The latter of these two objects Mr. Taylor effects with a great show of probability, by pointing out that it is only within a recent period that the true base of the pyramid has been reached, and that the smaller and earlier measurements were made at times when the lower tiers of the edifice were more or less covered up with sand and débris. With regard to the former point, it has long been suspected that the present condition of the pyramid is far from being that in which it was left by its builders, and that it was originally a perfect pyramid, with sharp angles and terminating in a point. This suspicion received a strong confirmation in 1799, when M. Le Pére and Colonel Coutelle, in surveying the platform on which the pyramid was founded, discovered at both the northeastern and northwestern angles a wide shallow socket, which seemed to have been designed for the reception of a corner-stone; and it was finally NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 187 converted into a certainty in 1837, when Colonel Vyse discovered two of the casing-stones, actually zm situ, nearly in the centre of the northern face of the pyramid. The angle at which these casing-stones are inclined (51° 50/) and the length of the base (764 feet) being both known, the total height of the pyramid is easily ascertained, and all its dimensions are then satisfac- torily determined. They are as follows: Feet. Inches. Length of former base, including casing-stones, - 764 Length of present base, . - - . = - 746 Former height, including Pasengeeabeniess : : = 480) 29 Present height, perpendicular, - Saves - ai: 450 2 9 Former height, inclined, . . : : 2 emGil Present height, inclined, - - 568 3 Width of pavement in front of Hpi ee oon in eats of northern side, . Z - A - < ages 6 Thickness of paving-stones, . : : : : - Pad Acres. Roods. Poles. Former extent of base, . : : 2 als 1 22 Present extent of base, . : - = alae 3 3 The angle of the casing-stones being 51° 50’, and the base 764 feet, the height of the pyramid, supposing it to end in a point, would be 486 feet. “What reason,” asks Mr. Taylor, ‘‘can be assigned for the founders of the Great Pyramid giving it this precise angle, and not rather making each face an equilateral triangle? The only one we can suggest is, that they knew the earth to be a sphere; that they had measured off a portion of one of its great circles, and, by observing the motion of the heavenly bodies over the earth’s surface, had ascertained its circumference, and were now desirous of leaving behind them a record of that circumference as correct and imperish- able as it was possible for them to construct. They assumed the earth to be a perfect sphere, and as they knew that the radius of a circle must bear a certain proportion to its circumference, they then built a pyramid of sucha height, in proportion to its base, that its perpendicular would be equal to the radius of a circle equal in circumference to the perimeter of the base. How the thought occurred to them we cannot tell; but a more proper monument for this purpose could not have been devised than a vast pyramid with a square base, the vertical height of which pyramid should be the radius of a sphere in its circumference equal to the perimeter of the base. It was impossible to build a hemisphere of so large a size. In the form of a pyra- mid all these truths might be declared which they had taken so much pains to learn; and in that form the structure would be less liable to injury from time, neglect, or wantonness, than in any other.” Now, the exact angle which must be given to the face of a pyramid, in order to enable it to fulfil these conditions, is 51° 51’ 14’; to which the observed angle of 51° 50’ is as near an approach as the magnitude of the work would probably allow. As a further proof that this coincidence in the angles was not accidental, Mr. Taylor refers to the statement of Herodotus, which he gathered from the official guardians of the pyramid at the time of his visit, that “‘each face of the pyramid is eight plethra, and the height is equal.”” He concludes that this measurement refers, not to linear but to square measure; and that the statement signifies that the number of square feet in each face of the pyramid is equal to the square of the height. Now, 188 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the angle of inclination necessary to ensure this proportion is 51° 497 46/7; which is again a very close approximation to the observed angle of 51° 50’. The proportion of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is 3.1415927 to1. The perpendicular height or radius of the pyramid being 486 English feet, its diameter is 972 feet; and its perimeter is four times 764, or 3056 feet. Taking the diameter as unity, we have 1000 feet of .972 of the English foot, and in the circumference 3144 of the same feet. The true proportion in a sphere would be 3141.5927 feet, about 23 feet less than the actual meas- ure. This foot of .972 of the English foot is precisely the larger Roman, or Italian, foot, whose connection with the pyramid measure is thus estab- lished. By a series of elaborate but very interesting calculations, Mr. Taylor shows that the different ancient feet with which we are acquainted, as well as the English foot, are similariy connected with the pyramid measures. Thus the foot of Drusus or of Diodorus Siculus, which is 1.0909 English feet, is contained 700 times in the length of the base of the pyramid, and 120 million of times in the circumference of the earth, as given by Eratosthenes; and it is that measure of the circumference of which 363,636 feet constitute a degree. This is actually the length of the degree in the latitude of the Great Pyramid. The circumference of the earth being 120,000,000 Egyptian feet, the diameter would be about 38,200,000 feet, or 458,400,000 Egyptian inches, numbers which furnish no principle of unity as a measure of the diameter. If, however, we express the diameter of the earth in English, not in Egyptian, feet, we have 41,672,380 feet, or 500,068,560 inches; and the circumference is 130,908,000 English feet, or 1,570,896,000 inches. Doubling this last number, we have 3,141,792,000 I:nglish inches; and dividing 130,- 908,000 by 3.141792 (instead of 3.141592) gives us 41,666,667 English feet, or 000,000,000 English inches, for the diameter. Hence, at the building of the pyramid, the diameter of the earth was indicated by 1, when its circumfer- ence was represented by 3.141792 (the actual proportion of the diameter of a sphere to its circumference being 1 to 3.141592). These numbers are double the actual measure, which therefore allows 500,000,000 inches for the diame- ter, and 1,570,896,000 for the circumference. But these inches are English inches; whence Mr. Taylor concludes that the English inch was invented at this early period to express the 500 millionth part of the diameter of the earth. Not only all the ancient feet with which we are acquainted, but also all the cubits which we find mentioned in the Scriptures and elsewhere, are, accord- ing to Mr. Taylor, connected with the pyramid measure; but we have not space to detail the connection in each case. Having thus concluded, from the exterior measurements of the Great Pyramid, that it was designed as a record of the dimensions of the earth, it now remains to inquire what we can learn from its interior. ‘The only object as yet discovered inside the pyramid is an oblong coffer, shaped like a trough or hot-bath, hollowed with the greatest accuracy out of a solid block of porphyry, and placed in what is known as the King’s Chamber. This coffer has generally been regarded as designed for a sarcophagus. But, from a consideration of its dimensions, as recorded by Colonel Vyse, Mr. Tay- lor arrives at a very different conclusion. It is 78inches long, 26.5 wide, and 34.5 deep; and its cubic content is consequently 71,311.5 inches. Now the cube of the Karnak cubit of 41.472 inches is 71,328.8, a number so near to that expressing the cubie content of the coffer, that Mr. Taylor concludes that the true capacity of the coffer is a cubic Karnak cubit, and that it is designed to be a standard measure of capacity. He traces its connection NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 189 with the Hebrew, Greek, and Roman measures, and, finally, with those which are in use amongst us at the presentday. This portion of his inquiry is so curious and interesting as to deserve extraction :— “But no nation, ancient or modern, is so remarkable for having preserved a close agreement with the pyramid coffer as our own. First, our peck of wheat, like the hecteus and modius, is contained 128 times in that coffer; secondly, thirty-two of our bushels of wheat, or four of our quarters of wheat, would fill a vessel of that same capacity if we had one still in use; but, thirdly, though a vessel of this capacity is not in existence with us at present, we must have had such a measure in earlier times, since we make daily reference to it: for, when we say eight bushels of wheat are a quarter, we affirm it to be a fourth part of some entire measure, which is exactly equal in capacity to the pyramid coffer. “‘This measure was our chaldron, in Latin caldarium, a hot bath; and though our measure was never used as a bath, we cannot wonder that such a name was given to the vessel, if it resembled, as it probably did, the pyra- mid coffer, for that is made exactly in the form of a hot bath. But no other nation, as far as we can ascertain, has ever made use of such a measure of capacity besides the English, and given it a name so exactly corresponding with that which would be a true description of the pyramid coffer. The laver of the Scriptures represents the same vessel in size and shape, but it was not used as a measure of capacity. The Roman labrum, which is the same word as laver, was applied to a bath in which a person may recline or bathe; as also to a wine-vat, but not te a measure of capacity; and, proba- bly, in no other country than our own is the word chaldron, which means a hot bath (as the word caldron means an iron or copper vessel containing hot water), retained as the proper term for a measure of capacity, precisely equal to that of the pyramid coffer. By these several minute and singular coincidences, the English nation appears to be more closely identified with the people who founded the Great Pyramid than many of those nations of antiquity who were apparently. brought into closer contact with Egypt in the earliest ages.” He also traces to the coffer the distinction between Troy and Avoirdupois weight: — “As the pyramid coffer contains 18,005,760 Troy grains, or 18,000;000 grains (omitting 5760 grains, equal to one pound), so it contains 3125 pounds Troy of 5760 grains. But this is the weight of water. If the coffer were filled with wheat the weight would be only 2500 pounds, or one-fifth less. Accord- ingly, 10 pounds Troy of water would occupy the space of 8 pounds Troy of wheat. The coffer was probably intended for a corn measure in the first instance; but it was also found that the same vessel, which would hold 2500 pounds of wheat, would hold 3125 pounds of water or wine. Hence any vessel of capacity which would hold 10 pounds of 5760 grains was consid- ered to hold 8 pounds of 7200 grains. This was the original, in all proba- bility, of our Avoirdupois pound. “The name of Avoirdupois does not appear to have been given to any kind of weight in England earlier than the ninth year of Edward the Third. It is again mentioned in the twenty-fourth year of Henry the Eighth, when a statute directs ‘that beef, pork, mutton, and veal shall be sold by weight, called Averdupois;’ whence we may infer that butchers’ meat had previ- ously been sold by Troy weight. If there was an older weight which ex- pressed the relation that water was supposed to bear to wheat, when beth 190 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. occupied the same space, viz., that of 5 to 4, or 7200 grains to 5760 grains, no other peculiar name for it has come down to our times. “But there was, from the earliest ages, a different pound from the Troy pound made use of, by which the merchant bought his goods; and his profit was obtained by selling them again at the same price in a less pound. This pound was called the merchant’s pound. Its ounce was the same as the Troy ounce of 480 grains, but, instead of 12, it contained 15 ounces. Fieta says, ‘quindecim uncie faciunt libram mercatoriam,’ — ‘15 ounces make the mer- chant’s pound.’ It was equal, therefore, to 7200 grains Troy; but its object was not to represent the comparative weight of wine and wheat, or water and wheat, but to give an advantage equal to 20 per cent, or one-fifth, to the merchant or wholesale buyer, in making his purchases. He sold his goods at the same price per pound at which he bought them, the increment of 3 ounces in 15, or 20 per cent, being his profit. Further advantages were also given him; as when 112 and 120 pounds were in some cases reckoned to the 100 pounds, on his taking a large quantity. Thus the merchant’s pound was a sort of rough wholesale pound, in which small amounts were disregarded, these being designed to be given to the merchant; and hence it was that the Avoirdupois pound, when it was established, took no cognizance of any weight below a scruple. In goods not weighed but counted, a larger number was allowed the merchant at the retail price of the smaller number.” Even the term Troy-weight is, according to Mr. Taylor, derived from the coffer, being a corruption of Trough-weight. With regard to the second question investigated by Mr. Taylor, When was the pyramid built? our limited space forbids further notice. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS BY OBERVATIONS OF SPECTRA. Ir is well known that many substances when introduced into a flame pos- sess the property of causing in the spectrum certain bright lines. Bunsen and Kirchhoff have based upon these lines a method of qualitative analysis which materially extends the domain of chemical reactions, and leads to the solution of many difficult problems. In a memoir recently published (and an abstract of which may be found in Silliman’s Journal for November, 1850), the authors develop in detail the method to be pursued in the examinations of the metals, of the alkalies, and alkaline earths. They show, in the first place, that the different states of combination of the metals examined, as well as very great differences of temperature in the flames produced, exert no influence on the position of the spectral lines corresponding to the par- ticular metals. The same metallic compound gives a spectrum which is the more intense the higher the temperature of the flame; moreover, the most volatile compound of any particular metal always gives the greatest intensity of light. When small pieces of potassium, sodium, lithium and calcium are attached to the extremities of fine platinum wires enclosed in glass tubes, and the spark of a Ruhmkorff’s induction-apparatus is allowed to pass from one pole to the other, the spectra are found to contain the same bright lines as the flames. From this, it appears that these bright lines may be looked upon as certain indications of the presence of the metals in question. They serve as reactions by which these substances may be recognized more sharply, more quickly, and in smaller quantities, than by any other analytical process. This analysis of the chemical composition of substances promises to furnish also a method of investigating the chemical nature of the atmospheres of the sun and of the brighter fixed stars. Kirchhoff has shown, from theoretical considerations, that the spectrum of an ignited gas is inverted when a source of light of sufficient intensity, and giving a continuous spectrum, is placed behind it. In other words, the bright lines are under these circumstances converted into dark ones. From this it appears that the solar spectrum, with its dark lines, is nothing else than the inversion of the spectrum, which the atmosphere of the sun would show by itself. The chemical analysis of the sun’s atmosphere requires us, therefore, only to determine what substances introduced into a flame will produce bright lines, corresponding to the dark lines in the sun’s light. The authors have verified by direct experiment the 192 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. above conclusions, and have inverted the bright lines of potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, strontium, and barium. They promise a further extension of their very beautiful and valuable investigations. — Pogg. Ann. June, 1860, et Silliman’s Journal, November, 1860. ON THE PROBABLE COMPOUND NATURE OF SOME OF THE SO-CALLED “ ELEMENTS.” An interesting and elaborate paper by Gustav Tschermak, published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Science of Vienna, and extracted in an abridged form in Knop’s Centralblatt (July 4, 1860), on the subject of the law of volumes of liquid chemical compounds, affords a support to the views expressed by Mr. Lea, of Philadelphia, and others, “ that those bodies which we have as yet failed to decompose we have not found to be elementary.” The author therein shows that many of the substances usually classed as elements comport themselves in the physical properties exhibited by their combinations as compound bodies, and that it is possible from these physical properties to determine (hypothetically) the number of “‘ physical” or absolute - atoms which he supposes to be contained in a chemical atom of such body or pseudo-element. He endeavors to show that it is possible to calculate the specific gravity of a liquid from its atomic weight and the number of simple - (chemical) atoms in its compound molecule as data, but that the results lead to the immediate inference that each chemical atom contains, with few excep- tions, several physical atoms. The particulars of the theory of M. Tschermak, and the results deduced by him, are too technical for presentation in the present volume; but a further reference to them may be found in Silliman’s Journal for November, 1860, in a paper communicated by M. Carey Lea, of Philadelphia, on the subject. ON THE NUMERICAL RELATIONS EXISTING BETWEEN THE ELEMENTS. In the Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1860, we published an abstract of a paper, by M. Carey Lea, Esq. (contributed to Stiliman’s Journal), setting forth some exceedingly curious numerical relations existing between the equivalent numbers of the so-called elementary bodies. In the May num- ber of the same Journal we find an additional paper by the same author, in which a new species of relation between the equivalent numbers of the elements is pointed out, wholly distinct, it is believed, from any hitherto noticed, and which Mr. Lea terms “Geometrical Ratios.” “The arithmetical relations between the equivalent numbers of the elements,” says Mr. Lea, “ are susceptible of at least an hypothetical expla- nation, on the supposition that the common difference in a series of elements may represent the equivalent numbers of a substance as yet undetermined, which, by its combinations in varying proportions, gives rise to the bodies constituting the successive terms of the series. The new analogies, on the contrary, are more difficult of explanation, even by hypothesis. Their accu- racy, sometimes absolute, renders improbable the supposition that they are mere casual coincidences. “The nature of these relations consists in this, that if we take two substances, and examine the ratio which subsists between the numbers representing 1 See Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1860, pp. 279-283. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 193 their atomie weights, we may find, in certain cases, that it is identical with the ratio subsisting between the atomic weights of two other substances, and so on through a considerable number of elements. The ratio between the atomic weights, for instance, of oxygen and nitrogen, is that of four to seven, so likewise is that between those of zirconium and potassium, potas- sium and barium, with absolute exactitude. What renders this the more remarkable is, that all three of these last substances are striking exceptions to Prout’s law, that the equivalents of the elements are exact multiples of that of hydrogen; they all have decimals, zirconium 22.4, potassium 39.2, barium 68.6. Now, the ratio just mentioned gives these numbers with their decimals with perfect exactness. The same species of relation also exists between many other elements. “Again, the atomic weight of carbon stands to that of nitrogen in the ratio of three to seven, a proportion which is found exactly or approximately to extend to certain other elements. Apart, also, from these more general ratios, many elements may be classed together in double or treble pairs, such that the two elements in one pair stand to each other in the same numerical ratio as the two elements of a second or third pair, the two ele- ments constituting each pair being more or less closely allied to each other in properties, though the pairs are not necessarily anaiogous with those with which they are compared. “For example, arsenic stands to antimony in the same numerical ratio as selenium to tellurium, within an extremely small fraction, so that by multi- plying and dividing we have: — Tellurium 64 ~ Arsenic 75 ——__———— = ]20. Antimony = 120.3.” ERS Selenium 40 3 : Our space does not allow further reference to the details of this paper than to give its conclusion, which is as follows :— “Tt is not easy to fix the exact amount of importance which attaches to the numerical relations up to this time ascertaincd to exist between the atomic weights of the elements. Some are, no doubt, mere casual coinci- dences, and relations remarkably exact and symmetrical may exist between the atomic weights of bodies which have no analogies in their properties: for example, we may take calcium twenty, scicnium forty, uranium sixty, bromine eighty, mereury one hundred. Here the differences are not only exact, but all the subsequent numbers are multiples of the first, and this between bodies remarkably dissimilar in their properties, —a striking proof of the necessity of caution in inferring relations of properties as following irom relations of numbers. But, on the other hand, to reject the relations of number when accompanied by analogy of properties as unmeaning and unimportant, would be to err quite as much on ihe other side. When the received equivalent of an element, forming a term in a weil marked series, differs from that obtained by calculation, it naturally leads, as Professor Maliet has remarked, to suspect an error and desire a redetermination. The fact that a group of elements, allied in their chemical characters, may be arranged in a series having a common difference or a definite ratio between its terms, confirms the propriety of grouping those elements together, and such analogies may, in doubtful cases, assist us in arriving at a correct classification.” 17 194 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ORGANO-METALLIC RADICALS. M. Cahours, in a recent number of the Annales de Chimie, publishes a most elaborate article on the above-named substances, from which we notice a few points of interest. The writer observes that there exists for simple bodies capable of union a point of saturation which exhibits an equilibrium that cannot be exceeded. So long as this state of equilibrium is not reached we can add to the first substance a new proportion of the second, until saturation is effected. Also, there are certain bodies which, when united to another, give products whose combining power is more energeiic than that of the simple substance. Of these he enumerates oxide of carbon, sulphurous acid, ete., which not only are able to absorb fresh quantities of oxygen wiih greater facility than carbon and sulphur, but which are able to form with chlorine, iodine, etc., compounds corresponding to those of maximum oxy- genization. These groups, which can be separated intact from their combi- nations, and which subsequently present all the appearances of simple bodies, are named radicals. Every compound may be regarded as a system of molc- cules in equilibrium, whose atoms are attracted by affinities more or less. strong. If we replace one or several of these atoms by an equal number of some other substance, we obtain new compounds, which present the same mechanical grouping as the primitive product, and whose equilibrium wiil vary within any extended limits, according to the force of the attractions of the elements of the newsubstance. Thus ammonia can exchange all or part of its hydrogen for chlorine, bromine, iodine, carbon, ethyle, metals, etc., to form compounds belonging to the same system, but in variable states of equlibrium. Thus, while ammonia resists a dull red heat, chloride of nitrogen is destroyed at a temperature below that of boiling water. When methyle, ethyle, amyle, etc., unite with certain simple bodies, they engender products whose affinity for oxygen exceeds that of the simple substance. Thus zinc, whose behavior to water at ordinary temperatures is very quiet, decomposes it with violence when united with methyle or ethyle. The same occurs with magnesium and aluminium, and still more so with the most electro-positive metals, such as potassium and sodium. The most electro-negative metals, such as zinc, tin, lead, and mercury, which, like the preceding, can couple themselves with the alcoholic radicals, form, like them, compounds wiih a strong affinity for oxygen, chlorine, ctc.; but these affinities are less ener- getic, and when the saturation point is obtained, they comport themselves as inert substances towards these bodies. The compounds of ethyle and methyle with metals, being able to separate themselves intact from new combinations, play the part of elementary substances. The curious proper- ties of the metallic ethylides and methylides, which behave like real metals, more electro-positive than the simple metals which they contain, have created legitimate doubts as to the elementary character of the metals themselves. Ethyle and methyle unite with the electro-negative bodies which stand at the head of the series of simple bodies (oxygen, chlorine, etc.) and form stable and neutral compounds. As we descend the seale and approach potassium, which is at its base, we obtain less stable compounds invested with such energetic affinities for the substances higher in the scale, that a molecule is displaced, and simple and stable compounds produced. The remainder of the paper is occupied with descriptions of metallic compounds of ethyle and methyle. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 195 NEW METALLIC ELEMENT. Von Kobell has discovered in euxenite, eschynite, and samarskite, and a tantalite from Tammela, a new metallic acid, belonging to the same group with tantalic and niobic acids. To the new metal contained in this acid the auihor has given the name of Dianium. . ALUMINUM LEAF. A Parisian gold-beater, Degousse, has succeeded in obtaining leaves of aluminum as thin as those from gold and silver. The aluminum must be reheaied repeatedly over a chafing-dish during the process of beating. This leaf is less brilliant than that of silver, but it is not so easily tarnished as the latter. It is easily combustible, taking fire when held in the flame of a can- dle, and burning with an exceedingly intense white flame. According to Fabian, the chemical lecturer will find aluminum leaf to be well adapted for exhibiting the characteristic properties of the metal. It dissolves, for example, with surprising rapidity in a solution of caustic alkali. NEW METHOD OF PREPARING THE METAL CALCIUM. Caron has succeeded in preparing large quantities of calcium by the fol- lowing process: A mixture of 300 parts of fused and puiverized chloride of calcium, with 400 parts of granulated, distilled zinc, and 100 parts of sodium in pieces, is to be heated to redness in a crucible. The reaction is feeble, and after some time flames of zine appear. The heat is then to be moderated, the temperature remaining as high as possible without volatiliz- ing the zinc; after a quarter of an hour the crucible may be withdrawn from the fire. It contains a well-fused metallic mass, which is highly crystalline, and which contains from 10 to 15 per cent of calcium. The alloy is then to be placed in a crucible of gas-retort carbon, and the zinc expelled by heat. In this manner Caron obtained masses of 40 grammes at a single operation, and containing only the impurities of the zinc employed. As thus employed, calcium has a brass-yellow color, and a density of from 1.6 to 1.8. Itis not sensibly volatile, but filings of the metal burn with red sparks of remarkable beauty, without formation of vapor, which seems to show that the metal is not volatile at the temperature of its combustion. The author promises to communicate the results of similar experiments in the preparation of barium, strontium, etc. — Comptes Rendus. THE METALLURGY OF PLATINUM. The metallurgy of platinum is altogether a modern art, the introduction of the metal into the laboratories of science and industry dating but from a few years back; and although particularly deserving of the attention of chemists, the metallurgy of platinum and its associated metals is, in general, but little known. Except for chemical purposes, platinum has not hitherto received any important application; but when we know better where to look for its ores, and when the deposits already known are more extensively worked, the ores of platinum will, perhaps, become no rarer than gold; and as the metal is almost indestructible, and as its vaiue protects it from losses and accidents of all kinds, it must in time accumulate, and thus become 196 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. more plentiful. It may then, perhaps, be applied to other useful purposes in which its weight and slightly tarnished color will be no obiection, or for which its absolute unalterability will give it a peculiar value. The solution of these questions, however, depends on the price for which the metal can be supplied; and the chemist is particularly interested in seeing its cost so far reduced that the large vessels of the laboratory may be made of plati- num. It was inthe hope of facilitating a progress of this kind, that MM. Deville and Debray, of France, undertook a series of difficult researches, costing four years of labor, the results of which have been recently given to the public in the Annales de Chimie et Physique. Until the first communications of these chemists were published, no one dreamed of utilizing all the metals found with platinum, and with the excep- tion of palladium and osmium, which there was always a motive for sepa- rating, platinum alone has been extracted from the ores, leaving a residue, which has accumulated in all the manufactories in Europe as well as in the Russian Mint. The processes described by them are exclusively by the dry way, and by fusion at a very high temperature. They are given in different chapters, which treat of ‘‘ the revivification of pure platinum,” ‘the metallurgy of pure platinum,” “the extraction from the rough ore of a triple alloy of platinum, rhodium, and iridium of a suitable and invariable composition; ” and, lastly, the extraction, whether from the residues or from the osmide of iridium, of the utilizable metals, platinum, palladium, rhodium, and iridium. The apparatus by means of which these French chemists have succeeded in melting platinum in considerable quantities and casting it into ingots, consists of a furnace of lime bound with iron wire. The fuel most often employed was common coal-gas, but hydrogen may be used, and when pure will give a greater heat. The combustion was fed with a current of oxygen. In commerce, platinum is found which is almost free from iridium, but which still contains traces of osmium and alittle silicium. MM. Deville and Debray have discovered that fusion in lime by means of an oxidizing flame refines it perfectly, osmic acid being disengaged, and the silicium becoming converted into silicate of lime, which melts into a colorless bead, and moves rapidly about on the surface of the metal until it reaches the edge, where it is absorbed by the sides of the furnace. Platinum so melted and refined is a metal as soft as copper; it is whiter than ordinary platinum, and does not possess the porosity which has hitherto been an obstacle to the manufacture of an impermeable platinum sheath. Melted platinum still possesses the property of condensing gases at its surface, and of producing the phenomenon of a lamp without flame. Is density = 21.15, —less than the density of ordinary platinum which has been subjected in the working to a powerful hammering. At a meeting of the French Academy, June 4th, 1860, MM. Deville and Debray exhibited (1.) Two ingots of platinum weighing together twenty- five kilogrammes, fused in the same fire and cast in an ingot mould of cast iron. The surface of the metal shows evidence of perfect fluidity and carries the impression of characters engraved on the surface of the mould. (2.) Atoothed wheel of platinum, cast in ordinary founders’ sand, was also shown. This was cast in the mode common-for cast iron, in a two-part flask, with a sprue and vent holes as usual. The metal used was obtained from a quantity of ernde platinum and piatinum money placed at their disposal by the Russian Government. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 197 Among other curious results arrived at by MM. Deville and Debray, we may mention the discovery of another condition of osmium, differing from that obtained by the method of Berzelius. In its new form, so far from being oxidizable at common temperatures, it may be heated to the fusing point of zine without oxidizing or yielding odors of osmic acid. As pre- pared by the o!d method, it was spongy with a sp. g. of 7; by the new one its sp. g. is 21.3, oreven 21.4. The experimenters could not succeed in fusing it. Palladium likewise behaves in a singular manner. “ Itis soluble in zine, but does not combine with it; for when the alloy is treated with hydro- chloric acid, only palladium remains. With tin itis otherwise. If palladium with six times its weight of tin be fused at a red heat, and the alloy when cold be treated with muriatie acid, a brilliant crystalline compound remains, having a composition of Pd3 Sng.” With silver and copper it yields simi- lar compounds. MAGNUS ON THE PROPERTIES OF IRON IN POWDER. Metallic iron in a state of very fine division has for some years been used in medical practice. It is thus obtained when the oxide of iron is reduced by hydrogen. When well prepared, this form of iron is so combustible as to take fire on exposure to air, burning with scintillation. A manufactory has lately been established in the Tyrol for making iron-powder of very con- siderable fineness, although the process is mechanical, consisting in using very fine files. Its therapeutic properties have not yet been decided. It does not burn spontaneously in air, although it is extremely combustible, as the following experiment by Magnus clearly demonstrates. Thus, when a burning body is approached to these Tyrolean filings they do not inflame unless they are previously suspended from the poles of a magnet. This ex- periment is easily repeated, and is interesting in a lecture. If a magnet be thus armed with these fine filings, and a flame applied, a combustion begins which spreads rapid!y, and if the magnet is jarred a shower of burning particles fall through the air. . ALLOTROPIC CONDITION OF IRON. M. Keshner has recently shown that by the prolonged boiling of a basic nitrate of iron its condition is changed, so that a precipitate obtained with sulphate of soda, and dried in a current of air upon porcelain, is insoluble in concentrated acids, but very soluble in water, the solution being turbid by reflected and clear by transmitted light. In this state the iron does not exhibit the customary reactions with ferrocyanides and sulphocyanides. He also found that light, as well as heat, was capable of producing this allotropic state of the iron salts. KRUPP’S STEEL WORKS AT ESSEN, GERMANY. The cast-steel manufactory of F. Krupp, of Essen, is the largest steel manufactory in the world. It is situated on the skirts of the town, in the midst of the coal mines, and covers, with its buildings and yards, a space sixteen hundred by eighteen hundred feet; fifteen large chimneys tower above it, and an incredible number of small ones are continually in use. A cloud of smoke hangs all the week over the vicinity, and only disappears with the quiet of Sunday. About fifteen hundred men are employed in the 17* 198 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. various works, and one hundred and fifty tons of coal are consumed each day. The process employed for manufacturing the steel was discovered after many expensive and laborious experiments by Mr. Krupp, and is kept a profound secret, only a few trustworthy men being allowed to work in the room where the important mixtures are made. The method is suid to be founded on the principle of melting together carbonized and decarbonized iron, cast and wrought-iron, and thus obtaining a mixture which has the known composition of steel. I was told by a metailurgist at Horde that he had succeeded in obtaining steel in the same way (indeed, it is a process which has long been known to chemists); but all his attempts to make crucibles to stand the heat and action of the materials were unavailing. Others, again, declare that the art lies in the application of a peculiar kind of flux or glass, which protects the smelicd metal and allows it to unite properly. Be the process what it may, the results are remarkable. England has sought to compete with this manufactory, but she has always failed. No country has even ap- proached in the size of its production the massive pieces which are turned out here. A mass of ten thousand pounds of cast-steel was sent to the Paris exhibition. The largest shaft of the same material ever made here was, when turned, thirty feet long and ten inches in diameter, and is now in use on a French steamer, and cost six thousand dollars; and a single piece of steel has been produced weighing twenty thousand pounds. Car axles of steel have been largely manufactured, and Mr. Krupp binds himself to pay a penalty of ten thousand five hundred dollars if any that he sells break within ten years, which, I may say, is throwing the responsibility for this species of railroad accidents upon the right shoulders. Railroad car wheels and bells are sometimes made from steel, but the chief manufacture at present is cannon. ‘These are made from the smallest size up to sixty- eight-pounders, and are cast in a single piece and afterwards bored out. The consiruction of these guns is remarkable; they consist of a thick, solid cylin- der of stcecl, made precisely half the thickness of the cast-iron guns (this proportion is assumed arbitrarily, since no experiments have been instituted to prove the proper proportions which should be adopted with this new material), but the metal mass is not heavy enough to withstand the recoil of the powder and-ball, and, consequently, a heavy shell of cast-iron surrounds the breech. The excellence of the guns as warlike instruments is everywhere acknowledged. — Correspondence of the United States Raiiroad Journal. *ON TUNGSTEN STEEL. It is stated that cast-iron containing from five to six per cent of tungsten acquires an extraordinary hardness. Cast-steel also, containing from four to five per cent of tungsten, will have a tenacity and quality superior to those of the best steels, and will become capable of taking a most extraordinary temper and hardness. According to trials made at Neustadt, tools of tem- pered tungsten steel were capable of cutting objects made of ordinary cast- steel equally tempered. Tungsten has nearly the same specific gravity as gold, and this density is recognizable in the cast-steel alloyed with it, by the alteration in the grain of the fractured surface, and by the heightened ring of the steel. In hardness, metallic tungsten nearly approaches the hardest of natural bodies, and it communicates this property to cast-steel, without injuring its tenacity and CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 199 malleability when the addition is of 2.5 per cent. The absolute solidity of tungsten steel exceeds that of all other known steels; for fifteen consecutive experiments with a machine in the Polytechnic Institute of Vienna showed “the highest power of resistance to be 1,393 hundredweight, and the lowest 1,015 hundredweight, giving an average of 1,158 hundredweight to the square inch; so that this steel exceeds all other kinds hitherto subjected to experiment. For the preparation of this steel wolfram (tunsgtate of iron and manganese) is purified by roasting, pulverizing, and washing, and by a final treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid. The purified ore is then placed in a crucible with coal dust, and heated to redness for three hours. The ore is reduced, and a porous gray mass is obtained, formed of metallic tungsten alloyed with carburets of iron and manganese. This is the product which is used for the preparation of tungsten steel, and it is thrown into the crucibles in which cast-steel is melted. Care must be taken before running the steel into ingots to increase the heat of the fire, for ten or twenty minutes, so as to carry the temperature of the crucible to a bright redness. It appears, however, that the manufacture of tungsten steel in quantity yet presents considerable difficulties, and that it has not yet been practicable to prepare masses or bars of considerable size which are free from faults. It is desirable that this application of tungsten should be practically estab- lished, for this would render a great service to mining industry, by utilizing a material of wide distribution, which until now has been banished from the list of ores capable of profitable exploration. The only applications of the compounds of tungsten hitherto made, and which have not had great success, owing perhaps to the qualities of the products not being sufficiently remarkable or superior to give much value, or, possibly, because the processes and preparations were too costly, are the following: use of tungstic acid for coloring yellow; oxide of tungsten for coloring blue; and the employment of tungstate of soda in dyeing and calico printing, and as a substitute for stannate of soda. INFLUENCE OF THE PRESENCE OF TITANIUM ON THE QUALITY OF IRON. Mr. David Mushet, the well-known English iron manufacturer, in a com- munication to the London Engineer Journal, expresses an opinion, that the mystery of the excellence of the Danemora and other irons is due to the presence in the iron of a small proportion of the metal titanium. Sometime ago, his attention having been drawn to this matter, by the fact that crystals of titanium occur in the hearths of Norwegian blast furnaces, he instituted a series of experiments, which he describes as follows : — By alloying small quantities of titanium with iron and steel I obtained surprising results, which at once convinced me that I was upon the right track at last. I now had the iron ores of the districts I have named care- fully examined for titanium, and I found that all of them contained titanic acid, and that whichever ore most abounded in titanic acid, the iron and steel produced from that ore was the most celebrated and valuable. In reducing likewise the ores of iron and titanium I found that a peculiar slag, or scoria, was always obtained, and of such a remarkable character that it was impos- sible, when once seen, ever to mistake it for any other kind of iron slag; and from the color and appearance of this slag I could at length, by experience, 200 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. determine with tolerable accuracy the percentage of titanium, and therefore of titanic acid, in any given specimen of titanium ore or titaniferous iron ore. And now the whole mystery of the Danemora iron was at once elucidated; and its explanation is this,— the magnetic iron ore from which the Danemora iron is prepared contains a larger percentage of titanic acid than other ores from which the inferior brands of Swedish iron are obtained, and the bar iron obtained is therefore more largely alloyed with titanium. Moreover, as titanium is perhaps the most difficult to fuse of all the metals, its alloy with bar iron requires a higher temperature for its fusion than that required for the fusion of bar iron destitute of such an alloy, and it is well known that the best Dancmora iron, in the state of iron, is more difficult to melt than any other charcoal bar iron. It has also been observed by the steel trade that steel irons which require much melting, 7. e., which are difficu!t to melt, yield cast steel possessing great body, 7. e., powers of endurance when made into s tool. It will, I am aware, be oljected that chemists have as yet detected no titanium in these irons. I grant this; and I will explain why it has been so. Chemists confound the titanic and silicie acids one with the other, and, besides this, the insoluble residuum is likewise a form or compound of tita- nium. J will cite a case in point which completely confirms and proves my position. An extraordinary magnetic iron-sand was brought to England from a volcanic district in the South Seas. Some of this ore was sent to me, and I perceived at once that it was an ore of titanium. On testing it by my processes, I found that it must contain at least eight or ten per cent of tita- nic acid. I have from this ore manufactured steel of surpassing excellence; sam- ples of which are in the hands of the fortunate owner of the deposit, the value of which for steel and iron making is incalculable. The analogy be- tween this ore and that of Danemora has already been observed by parties acquainted with the manufacture of Swedish iron; but the explanation of the similarity was reserved for me to give. Until my discoveries upon this subject, titanium has only been alluded to as a pernicious ingredient in iron ores or iron, causing redshortness, etc. One chemist alone has remarked that titanium in small quantities does not appear to affect the quality of iron injuriously; and this remark I find in an almost obsolete French work on chemistry. The celebrated Damascus blades are made from iron reduced from a highly titaniferous iron ore. The Wootz ore of India is more titanif- erous than thatof Danemora. The E!ba iron ore is moderately titaniferous, and so also is the Brush iron ore of the Forest of Dean. Iron alloyed with titanium possesses a degree of body and durability unknown in ordinary bar iron of good quality. First-rate steel can only be made from iron con- taining titanium. There is a spurious, ductile, and easily workable steei which owes its usefulness to the presence of manganese; but between which and the titanic steel there exists as wide a difference, in point of excellence, as there is between common hot-blast Scotch pig iron and the best Shrop- shire or Blaenavon cold-blast iron. This difference is well known to the Sheffield trade. Titanium steel has body. Manganese steel has little or none; but it is ductile, and hardens well, and is cheap besides, and can be applied to inferior purposes. Not that the Sheifield steel-makers ever dreamed about titanium; but what they call body is, in intelligible language, rendered correctly by the term titanium; and to the fact of this metal existing in alloy with Danemora and other Swedish bar CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 201 irons, to the extent of from one quarter per cent to about one or one and a half per cent, is mainly due the rise, progress, and present prosperity of Sheffield and its manufacturers. When pure gray cast iron is alloyed with titanium in certain proportions, it may, when cast into ingots, be drawn into bars of great strength and tena- city. I[have.thus drawn an ingot of gray cast iron three inches square into bars three-quarters inch square, and perfectly sound. The specific gravity of titanium has been most erroncously assigned by chemists as 5.3. It is in reality a metal somewhat heavier than iron, and that steel which contains a large alloy of titanium is consequently found to have a higher specific gravity than other steel. It may be objected that small proportions of titanium, in alloy with iron, cannot produce a marked effect. To this I reply, that with one-half per cent of carbon, and under that propor- tion, are produced nearly all the marketable varieties of bar iron and steel with which we are familiar; and it is also certain that one-half per cent of phosphorus renders bar iron crystalline, and one-half per cent of sulphur oceasions redshortness; therefore, that so small a quantity as one-half per cent of titanium should constitute the excellence of steel iron is not at ali an anomaly. Magnetic iron ores always contain some titanic acid, and such is its efficacy in improving the quality of iron, that the most impure maynetic ores, abounding with pyrites, nevertheless yield iron of a superior class. If the iron used in the manufacture of rails was prepared from pig- iron, smeited from ordinary iron ores, with the addition of a tenth part of titanium, or even one-twentieth, the rails thus manufactured would be at the least four times more durable than they are found to be under the present process of manufacture. This is only one of the many important results which the discovery of the effects of an alloy of titanium upon iron will lead to. The deposit of titanium ore of the iserine variety, to which I have alluded, extends twenty miles in length by half a mile in breadth, and has no bottom at four yards in depth. It is all of one uniform quality, in the state of iron-sand, so minutely divided, that of half a ton which I have had, the whole of it readily passes through the meshes of a sieve of three thousand six hundred holes to the square inch, that is to say, the largest grains are not so much as one thirty-six hundredth part of an inch in dia- meter. From my experiments with iserine heated and immersed in water, I am of opinion that the whole of this extraordinary deposit of iron-sand has been, when at an intense temperature, suddenly quenched in water. It pro- bably existed in the interior of a volcano, into which at some epoch an irrup- tion of the sea has taken place, and the sand has been thrown out by the force of the explosion which must have ensued. The region is volcanic, and there are lofty extinct volcanoes near the locality of the deposit. Reckoning thirty hundredweight percubice yard as the weight of this sand, the number of tons in the area already ascertained of this deposit will amount to one hundred and eighty-five millions eight hundred and fifty-six thousand tons, a quantity sufficient to furnish a supply for all the furnaces in England with ore for twenty-iive years. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MANUFACTURE OF IRON. It is well known that articles of cast iron may be rendered malleable in a dezree, by closely packing them in powdered hematite (peroxide of iron) in tight fire-brick cases, and subjecting them to a red heat, in an annealing 202 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. furnace, for a period of time varying from six to ten days, finally allowing them to cool slowly. In this case, the character of the iron is changed, by a removal of a part of its carbon, through the agency of the oxygen of the powdered hematite. An improvement on this process, recently devised by Prof. A. K. Eaton, consists in the substitution of the oxide of a volatile metal, as zinc, instead of that of iron; the volatile metal going off in vapor as it parts with its oxygen to the carbon of the iron, and thus affording room for fresh portions of oxide to fall in and continue the process. The metallic vapor is at the same time received in a condensing vessel, and is afterward cast into ingots. According to the New York Tribune, the same inventor has devised a sim- ilar method applicable to the production of steel, which, indeed, may be produced in the- process described; steel being, in fact, but a partially deearbonized cast iron, and, therefore, actually resulting in one stage of the conversion of cast into malleable iron. Prof. Eaton, however (according to the above authority), has found that the hydrates and carbonates of the alkalies, heated in contact with cast iron, exert a decarbonizing action like that of oxide of zinc. Selecting carbonate of soda, a compound of carbonic acid and oxide of sodium, and causing this to fuse and cover bits of cast iron, the salt is decomposed, the oxide of sodium giving up its oxygen, which unites with the carbon of the iron, forming carbonic oxide, which escapes, together with the carbonic acid of the salt. Metallic sodium is vaporized in meeting the oxygen of the air, admitted in limited quantity into the retort for this purpose, and is recon- verted into soda. The liquid solution reaches every portion of the surface of the cast iron, and the chemical action gradually penetrates the whole mass. The affinity of the sodium for sulphur and phosphorus causes them to be seized and withdrawn from the iron, and they both are retained by the alkali in the condition of sulphuret and phosphuret of sodium. At the same time silicon is also separated, through its affinity for oxygen, with which it forms silicic acid, and this unites with the soda, forming silicate of soda. The experiments so far made are highly encouraging, that this will prove not only an efficient method in practical operations upon a large scale of removing these elements so injurious to iron, but that, in consequence of this property, the vast bodies of sulphurous iron ores, which, though rich in metal, have so far defied the skili of metallurgists to effect with economy their reduction to good iron, may now be rendered of practical importance. The experiments have been made upon a scale which might answer for manufacturing operations; a product of several hundred pounds of steel having been obtained, which has been cast into ingots, hammered into bars, and made into a variety of small articles. The expense of the manufacture is comparatively light. In the first place, the raw material employed is the cheap cast iron, which never before was considered applicable to this use. The process is rapid, and no excessive heat is required, like that for melting and carbonizing malleable iron, as practised in one method of making steel, —a method which involves the use and rapid consumption of highly expensive crucibles. A red heat sufficient to fuse the soda is all that is necessary. Crude carbonate of soda, or soda ash, suitable for this use, is a cheap product, especially considering that the same bath of it can be used repeatedly, and when it becomes too impure, it can be restored by inexpensive methods to its former condition; though some more uscful application for the metallic sodium may render this inex- CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 2038 pedient. The apparatus is a cast iron retort of convenient form, made, it may be, to be set upright and to be charged at the top, or to lie horizontally, like the retorts of the gas-houses, in which case the charging door would be in the front, a sloping entrance leading down into the upper portion of the retort. The articles to be converted into steel are placed one upon another in this vessel, and sufficient soda is introduced to flow over and cover them as it melts. It is not necessary that the articles should be kept immersed in the liquid soda, the most satisfactory results having been obtained even when a considerable portion of the soda, after once covering the bars, had been allowed to escape. The retort itself becomes decarbonized, — con- verted into steel, and finally into malleable iron. In this condition it may continue in use for many firings; and considering the low heat employed, there is little doubt it can be made almost permanent.—WV. Y. Tribune. MELTING ZINC BY MEANS OF GAS. A report has been made to the Society for the encouragement of National Industry (France) upon the method of melting zinc by means of ordinary illuminating gas, proposed by M. Miroy. The results are interesting to zinc- founders, type-founders, and those engaged in melting and casting tin, lead, or the fusible alloys of these metals. We translate the following from the report: — The melting of zine, which is generally made in crucibles of plumbago, and in a coke or coal fire, involves a very elevated temperature, difficult to regulate, and a consequent loss of metal by volatilization and combustion. The metal also acquires bad qualities, which workmen attribute to its being burned or scorched, but which appear to be due to the mechanical penetra- tion of the oxide of zinc into the pores of the metallic mass. The melted metal then presents a pasty consistence, and the action of the chisel and the file becomes more difficult upon the casting, owing to the alteration of the malleability. To remedy these disadvantages, M. Miroy fuses zine by gas. His appa- ratus consists of a crucible of cast iron, which may contain thirty to thirty- five kilogrammes of zinc. This is placed in a cylindrical furnace of conical form, where it is exposed to the combustion of ordinary illuminating gas, which enters obliquely on two sides by two tuyeres. These are each concen- tric with larger tuyeres, through which air is forced by means of a blower driven by the machinery of the establishment. The interior diameter of the smaller, or gas tuyere, is eighteen millimetres; those of the air, seven centi- metres. The volume of air used has not been determined, but is estimated to be to that of the gas as three to one. The inventor thinks that by this method zinc may be melted more rapidly and cheaply than by coke, while the heat may be so regulated as not to injure the metal. There is also a great saving in the cost of crucibles. — Répertoire de Chimie. ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE METAL MAGNESIUM AS AN ILLUMI- NATING AGENT. It has recently been proposed by M. Bunsen, of Paris, to employ the metal magnesium for producing light by its combustion. This metal, it is well known, is the base of magnesia, as aluminum is of alumina. It is, however, much less known than the latter, although it is but a short time since both 204 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. were regarded as alike obscure and useless. Aluminum is remarkable for its lightness, being only about one-fourth the weight of silver; but magnesium weighs only about two-thirds as much as aluminum, its specific gravity being only 1.74. It is of a silvery whiteness, undergoes no change in dry air, and is subject to but slow oxidation in a damp atmosphere, and that only quite superficially ; it may be hammered, filed, and drawn into threads. It is prepared by decomposing the chioride of the metal at a red heat, in a close crucible, by means of potassium or sodium. The metal takes fire at the temperature at which bottic-glass melts, and burns with a quiet and excessively vivid light. The intensity of the light thus produced, as determined by Bunsen, is only 525 times less than that of the sun. Compared with an ordinary candle, it appeared that a wire of magnesium 0.297 millimetre [1 mm. = 0.0394 inch] in diameter produced as much light in burning as seventy-four stearine candles, five to the pound. In order to support this light during one minute a piece of wire 0.987 metres long, weighing 0.1204 gram [1 gram = 15.4329 grains], was required. Only 72.2 grams of magnesium, therefore, would be needed, in order to maintain during ten hours an amount of light equal to that of seventy-four stearine candles, consuming about 10.000 grams of stearine. According to Bunsen, magnesium wire is readily obtained by forcibly pressing the metal through a hot steel die by means of a steel piston. Bun- sen’s arrangement for burning the wire was made by connecting spools of it with rollers moved by clock-work, so that the wire should be unrolled like the ribbon of paper in Morse’s telegraph. The end of the wire, thus gradually pushed forward, passed into the flame of an ordinary alcohol lamp, where it took fire. It is evident that a magnesium lamp of this sort must be much simpler and more compendious than any of the existing arrangements of the electri- cal or of Drummond’s light; for light-houses, etc., where an intensely brilliant illumination is required, it can hardly fail to rival either of these. Where an extraordinary amount of light is needed, it could readily be pro- duced by burning large wires, or several thin ones at the sametime. Another important consideration is the fact that the spoois of wire, as well as the clock-work and spirit-lamp, are easily transportable. It is not, however, to the intensity alone of the magnesium flame that these lamps owe their utility, for the photo-chemical (/. e., photographical) effect of the light is also very great; according to Bunsen, the photo-chemical power of the sun being only 36.6 times greater than that of the magnesium flame. The latter must therefore be useful in photographing by night, or in any dark or subterranean locality; the evenness and remarkable tranquil- lity of the flame especially commending it for this purpose. The present high price of magnesium, it is true, must prevent any ex- tended use of it for technical purposes. For example, Lenoir, of Vienna, charges 3 florins [1 Fl. = 51 cents] for a gram of it; hence the cost per minute of the light just described would be 36 Neukreutzer [1 ktr. = about five-sixths of a cent], and the cost during ten hours would amount to 216 florins, while the ten kilogrammes of stearine could be procured for less than 14 florins. But, even at this price, it could still be used by photog- raphers, since it would only be required for exceedingly short intervals of time, and all unnecessary consumption of the wire might be prevented by stopping the ciock-work. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 205 NEW FUSIBLE METAL. Dr. B. Wood, of Nashville, Tenn., has recently secured a patent for a new fusible alloy, — composed of cadmium, tin, lead, and bismuth, — which fuses at a temperature between 150° and 160° Fahrenheit. The constituents of this fusible metal may be varied according to the other desired qualities of the alloy, viz.: cadmium, one to two parts; bismuth, seven to eight parts; tin, two parts; lead, four parts. It is recommended as being especially adapted for all light castings requiring a more fusible material than Rose’s or Newton’s ‘‘fusible metal,” it having the advantage of fusing at more than 40” Fahrenheit lower temperature than these alloys; and, owing to this property, may replace many castings heretofore made only with amalgams. In a communication to the U. S. Mining Journal, Dr. Wood says: — The advantage of possessing the joint qualities of great fusibility, malle- ability, strength, ete., in a metal designed for use as above, is too evident to dwell upon. : 4 One of the most useful of this class is the alloy commonly called “ fine solder,” consisting of one part of lead and two parts tin. It is perfectly malleable, highly tenacious, and melts, according to Professor Graham, at the temperature of 360° Fahrenheit, being the most fusible of any of the mixtures of lead and tin. But its melting point is too high for a solder for the more fusible tin-metals, such as the ordinary pewter and Britannia-ware, ete. Another objection is its softness. The alloys consisting of lead, tin, and bismuth, commonly called ‘ bismuth solders,” are harder and more fusible, but they are proportionably brittle. A common formula for very easily melted solder is, sixteen parts tin, eight lead, four bismuth. A more fusible mixture and the most fusible alloy hitherte known is that discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, consisting of three parts tin, five lead, eight bismuth. This melts, according to Professor Graham, at 202° Fahrenheit. No practical improvement has ever been made upon this by any combination of the constituents, although certain combinations possess, according to some experimenters, a lower melting point by one or two degrees, —a difference too slight for appreciation by ordinary tests. Practically, the melting point is somewhat higher, requiring a temperature of about 210° for perfect liquefaction. In view of its remark- able fusibility this alloy has received the distinguishing name of ‘‘ fusible metal.” It is too brittle for ordinary use as a solder, but is much employed for casting, and in making dies for light work, and for taking impressions from medallions and other objects. Melting below the temperature of boiling water, it may be used upon the fresh plaster cast, or other moist surface. But it has the disadvantage that when used at a heat barely suffi- cient for fusion, it is not fluid enough to take the sharp outlines, and congeals before it can flow into the interstices; white a small additional heat raises its temperature above that at which water boils, whence steam is produced, which spoils the work. Tie melting point of these alloys may, as is well known, be lowered to any extent by the addition of mercury; but this metal, even in small pro- portions, renders them so frail and brittle as to be worthless for the ordinary uses. It also causes them io tarnish, and is partly eliminated from the com- pound, being retained rather as a foreign admixture than as a chemical constituent, whence it occurs that these amalgams injure other metals with 15 206 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. which they come in contact. So, also, when used for anatomical injections, the mercury permeates and blackens the tissues. My improvement greatly obviates these defects, and meets more perfectly the requirements of alloys of this class. The composition composed of cad- mium, lead, and tin, melts somewhat under 300° Fahrenheit, or 60 or 70 degrees below the melting point of the “ fine solder” above referred to. It is equal to it in malleability and tenacity, is much harder and stronger, and admits of a higher polish. It ranks in fusibility with the more easily melted “bismuth soiders,” and is believed to be greatly superior to any of them in ail the other requisites for this purpose. The advantages for other purposes of a metal possessing these qualities will readily suggest themselves. The composition consisting of cadmium, lead, and tin, in conjunction with bismuth, melts between 150° and 160° Fahrenheit, being some 50° or 60° below the melting point of Newton’s “fusible metal,’? mentioned above, corresponding very nearly with it in respect to malleability and tenacity, but being harder and more adhesive. It is adapted to similar purposes; and the low temperature at which it fuses renders it applicable in many cases where the other would not answer, while it is free from the objections appertaining to the amalgams resorted to in such cases. Asa material for anatomical injections it will be found superior in every respect, it is believed, to the amalgams in use. ON THE PROPERTIES OF CADMIUM. In a communication on the above subject to the editors of Silliman’s Jour- nal, by Dr. Wood, of Nashville, Tennessee, the inventor of the new fusible alloy, he says: — The remarkable degree in which cadmium promotes the fusibility of com- binations of lead and tin is especially worthy of note. The alloy of one to two parts cadmium, two parts lead, and four parts tin, is considerably more fusible than an alloy of one or two parts bismuth, two parts lead, and four parts tin; and when the Jead and tin are in larger proportion, the effect is still more marked. It takes less cadmium to reduce the melting point a certain number of degrees than it requires of bismuth, besides that the former does not impair the tenacity and malleability of the alloy, but increases its hardness and general strength. Bismuth has always held a preéminent rank among metals as a fluidifying agent in alloys. Its remark- able property of ‘‘ promoting fusibility”’ is specially noted in all our works on chemistry. But Ido not find it intimated in any that cadmium ever manifests a similar property. The fact, indeed, appears to have been wholly overlooked, owing perhaps to the circumstance that as an alloy with cer- tain metals cadmium does not promote fusibility. Cadmium promotes the fusibility of some metals, as copper, tin, lead, bismuth; whiie it does not promote the fusibility of others, as silver, anti- mony, mercury, etc. (/. e., does not lower the meliing point beyond the mean). Its alloy with lead and tin in any proportion, and with silver and mercury withjn a certain limit, say, equal parts, and especially if two parts silver and one of cadmium, or two parts cadmium and one mercury, are used, are tenacious and malleable; while its alloys with some malleable metals (gold, copper, platinum, etc.), and probably with all brittle metals, are brittle. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 207 “BORACIC ACID IN THE SEA-WATER OF THE PACIFIC. At a recent meciing of the California Academy of Natural Sciences, the following paper on the above subject was read by Dr. John A. Veateh of San Francisco: The existence of boracic acid in the sea-water off the California coast was brought to my notice in July, 1857. I had, in the month of January of the previous year, discovered borate of soda and other borates in solution in the water of a mineral spring in Tehama county, near the upper end of the Sacramento valley. Prosecuting the research, I found traces of boracic acid, in the form of borates, in nearly all the mineral springs with which the State of California abounds. This was especially the case in the coast mountains. Borate of soda was so abundant in one particular locality, that enormous crystals of that salt were formed at the bottom of a shallow lake, or rather marsh, one or two hundred acres in extent. The crystals were hexahedral, with beveled or replaced edges and truncated angles; attaining the size, in some cases, of four inches in length by two in diameter, forming splendid and attractive specimens. In the same neighborhood, a ciuster of small thermal springs were observed holding free boracic acid in solution. then introduced into the starch prepared for stiffening the linen; or else it may be dissolved in twenty parts of water, in weight, to one of phosphate, and the stuffs steeped in the solution, then allowed to dry, and ironed as usual. Phosphate of ammonia is cheap enough to allow of its introduction into common use, so that it may be employed at each wash. STEINBUHL-YELLOW, A NEW KIND OF CHROME-YELLOW. Under the above name a yellow color has been for some time in commerce, which is quite certain to find much favor, although its price is far higher than that of the ordinary chrome-yellow. It is of a splendid yellow, and differs essentially in its tint from the best samples of chrome-yellow. Tis components are chromic acid, lime, and potash; and when stirred for a short time with cold water, it parts with chromate of lime. The poisonous qualities of chromic acid and its soluble salts, and the cir- cumstance that the color parts with perceptible although not large quaniities of chromic acid to cold water, render the Steinbiihl-yellow an extremely dangerous coloring-matter; and its employment in confectionery, and the like uses, must not be thought of. ° PROCESS FOR GIVING OBJECTS A PEARLY LUSTRE. To produce the irridescence of the mother-of-pearl on stone, glass, metal, resin, paper, silk, leather, etc., Reinsch adopts the following process: Two 216 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. parts of solution of copal, two parts of that of sandarach, and four parts of ° solution of damara resin (equal parts of resin and absolute alcohol), are mixed with half their volume of oil of bergamot or rosemary. This mixture is to be evaporated to the thickness of castor oil. If this varnish be then drawn by the means of a feather or brush over the surface of some water, it will form a beautifully irridescent pellicle. This film is now to be applied to the objects which are to be rendered irridescent. The vessel in which the water is contained, on which the pellicle has been produced, must, therefore, be as large, or larger, than these objecis. The water should have about five per cent of pure solution of lime added to it; its temperature should be kept at about seventy-two degrees. The objects to be dried in the sun. — Journal of Pharmacy. USEFUL APPLICATION OF AMMONIACAL CHLORIDE OF ZINC. By dissolving equal equivalents of chloride of zinc and sal ammoniac, a double salt, composed of these two substances, readily erystallizes in six- sided prisms. This salt possesses the power of dissolving oxide of copper and oxide of iron. It is, therefore, possible, by means of a concentrated solution of the ammoniacal chloride of zinc, to polish rusty spots on iron and copper. In tinning copper vessels, the solution of ammoniacal chloride of zinc is of great advantage: the surface to be tinned is treated with it, and the vessel placed over a charcoal fire; then, when the surface appears per- fectly bright, the tin is poured in, so that it may spread over the surface. This method is also applicable for coating with lead. — Pharmaceutisches Central Blatt. ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF CARBONIC ACID IN CONNECTION WITH HYPOCHLORITE OF LIME FOR BLEACHING PAPER-STOCK. An apparatus, devised by Didot and Barruel,of Paris,for introducing car- bonic acid, prepared by burning charcoal, into the solution of hypochlorite of lime (bleaching salt), while the latter is in contact with the fibre which is to be bleached, is described in the Noy. (1859) No. of Barreswil’s Hépertoire de Chimie Appliquée, vol. i. p. 457. The carbonic acid, on being introduced into the solution of bleaching salt, unites with the lime, thus setting free hypochlorous acid, the decolorizing action of which is infinitely more energetic when it is at liberty than when in combination with a base. This process, says Barreswil, is of extreme simplicity, and one is at a loss to comprehend why it had not been sooner invented, in view of the fact that each and all of its phases have been so long and so well known. In order to judge of the practicability of the new process —in so far as concerns difference of price, strength, and whiteness of the paper, and the duration of the operations in the two systems (new and old) — of bleaching, comparative experiments were instituted, by the Messrs. Firmin Didot, upon carefully assorted rags; the cost of the chemicals and labor, and the amount of time required, having been exactly noted. After bleaching, the pulp was converted into paper. The different papers were then carefully tested. As the result of these experiments, it appeared that the new process was more energetic and more rapid than the old method, au chlore [chlorure 2] iquide (with solution of bleaching salt), and that in many cases it is also equally energetic with the process in which chlorine gas is employed. Over CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 217 the latter it has the advantage of not destroying to so great an extent the fibre of the pulp. Since the details of the process, which for that matter consists merely of arrangements for thoroughly washing and cleansing the carbonic acid employed, — the latter being then introduced into the bleaching vats, just as if it were steam, through coils of pipe pierced with holes, which are placed at the bottom of the vats, — cannot well be explained without a diagram, we must refer the reader who may desire these to the original article, in which the apparatus is figured. — Silliman’s Journal, F'. H. Storer. NEW METHOD OF OBTAINING CARBONIC ACID. M. M. Meschelguck and Lionnet have proposed to the French Academy a new and economical mode of obtaining carbonic acid. It is known that the temperature at which the carbonate of lime is decomposed when vapor of water is passed over it, is lower in proportion as the amount of moisture present is increased; in fact, it will even give off all its acid if heated to 212° in a current of the vapor. The proposed new method of procedure is as follows: Strong earthen retorts, filled with limestone, are plac@d in a reverberating furnace, and the temperature is raised as needed. The retorts communicate, at the back, with vapor generators, by means of tubes fur- nished with cocks. When the retorts are at a uniform red heat, the vapor is admitted by opening the cocks, and quantities of carbonic acid gas are at once generated and received into a gasometer. THE ECONOMY OF GLUTEN. In our starch factories an enormous amount of gluten is annually wasted, or but imperfectly saved. Walter Crum, the well-known industrial chemist of Glasgow, has devised a means of utilizing this material in dyeing and calico printing. It is well known that many colors, for example, cochineal and archil, which may be readily fixed on wool and silk (animal fibres), have so little affinity for cotton and vegetable fibres as to render the dyeing of the latter with them very difficuit or impossible. But a few years ago, a process which is technically designated the animalization of cotion was intro- duced, consisting in coating the cotton fibre with an animal substance. For this purpose, albumen from eggs and blood has been hitherto employed. Crum accomplishes the same object by the use of gluten, which is a vege- table product of the same composition as albumen, but much cheaper than the latter, especially when occurring as a refuse in the starch manufacture. FILTER FOR CORROSIVE LIQUIDS. Boettger, of Frankfort, employs for the filtration of corrosive liquids a glass funnel, the neck of which is loosely plugged with gun cotton. This substance, properly prepared, has the proper fibrous, porous texture for an efficient filter, and being a product of the action of the most corrosive agent, viz., mixed sulphuric and nitric acids, is scarcely attacked, even in the slightest degree, at medium temperatures, by any single agent or solvent, so far as known, except acetic ether. It may be employed for filtering strong nitric acid, fuming oil of vitriol, permanganate of potash, strong caustic potash lye, and aqua-regia. Even chromic acid may be’ separated from its mother liquors by this filter. Its use in drying crystals which have 19 218 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. deposited from corrosive liquids is obvious. The gun cotton employed by Boettger is probably that obtained by the action on cotton of the strongest sulphuric and nitric acids, as that prepared by weaker acids, or by sulphuric acid and saltpetre, is soluble in a variety of agents. — Silliman’s Journal. PREPARATION OF SOLUBLE SPICES. Among the most curious of the modern discoveries in chemistry are the methods of producing, from highly noxious and offensive materials, com- pounds which possess the properties of the most agreeable flavors and essences, and which serve in actual use as substitutes for the preparations before made from fruits and flowers. At the present time, some of the choicest extracts for culinary purposes are produced from the fetid fusel oil, which is separated from crude brandies and whiskies in the process of recti- fication, and the most delicious perfumes from substances extracted from the coal-tar of the gas-works, and even from still more offensive products. A peculiar disgusting compound of sulphur and carbon, obtained as a liquid by condensing the vapor of sulphur after passing it over red hot charcoal, and known as sulphuret of carbon, has long been known as a powerful solvent of India-rubber, for which purpose it has of late years been manufactured in large quantities. It is distinguished for its pungent taste, and a peculiar fetid odor, due to the sulphureted hydrogen which adheres to it. This compound has recently come into use in France, under a patent of M. Bonieére, of Rouen, for making what he designates soluble spices, and other soluble preparations of food. By means of it he dissolves out the active principles of the spices, and also of other strongly flavored articles used as condiments, such as garlic, onions, shallot, and various fruits, and causing these to be taken up by some inert body, as gum, sugar of milk, common salt, or other substance adapted to the particular extract, he pre- pares them for the use of the table, putting them up in vessels intended to be placed upon consoles or etageres, and made aitractive by the taste displayed in their ornamentation. In his process the first object is to purify and deodorize the sulphuret of earbon. This is done in a peculiar distilling apparatus; the liquid as it enters the first still, falling upon a concentrated solution of caustic potash, or of soft sulphate of lead, heated to 140° or 145° Fahrenheit. The vapor then passes successively to other stills, each of which contains solutions of some compounds with an alkaline or metallic base, as of potash, salts of lead, iron, copper, etc., or of barytes. It then condenses in the worm of the still, and is collected under distilled water in a small glass vessel. The sulphuret can also be rectified by simply bringing it in contact with concentrated solu- tions of the chemical reagents named, and decanting it successively from these many times. When rectified, the disagreeable smell of sulphureted hydrogen has entirely disappeared, and an ethereal product is obtained, somewhat resembling chloroform in its odor, and possessing solvent pro- perties far superior to the impure commercial article, and leaving no trace after evaporation. It is then ready for the preparation of soluble spices, which, as in the case of pepper, for example, is conducted as follows: The spice being ground to powder, is put in iron wire cages, with sheet-iron bottoms. These cages being set in a cylindrical vessel to which they are fitted, the purified sulphuret of carbon is admitted through the bottom of the outer cylinder, and, flowing up through, the cages, dissolves out the active CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 219 principle of the spice; and, by a side pipe of glass placed near the top, the liquid charged with this principle is let off into a caldron or still. In this is placed some substance, as common salt, or saltpetre, sugar of milk or other sugar, or some other matter, as dextrine, gum, or flour, for absorbing and becoming saturated with the extract. The lower portion of this still is double, and steam at the temperature of 140° to 145° Fahrenheit being intro- duced in the space at the bottom, the sulphuret of carbon is entirely volatilized, and, passing through the worm of a condenser, is recovered, so as to be used again in successive operations, while the extract is held by the absorbing substance placed in the still. The length of time required for continuing the process, in order to extract all the active principle, is indi- cated by the color of the liquid which flows through the glass tube leading from the cylinder to the still. The connection between the two is then closed, and the liquor remaining in the cylinder is allowed to flow out through the bottom; after which, steam is admitted to carry off the last portions of sulphuret of carbon, which is collected and condensed in another vessel. By this process the active principle of the spice or fruit is entirely removed from its natural ligneous vehicle, and transferred entirely to sugar, salt, or gum, and this retains no trace of the sulphuret of carbon; and any amount of concentration can be given to the products, according to the rela- tive proportions of the absorbent and of the spice employed. In the treating of garlic, onions, and such vegetables, the juice expressed by hydraulic pressure is mixed with the sulphuret of carbon, which dissolves its active principle. IMPROVEMENT IN SOAPS. . Several improvements in the manufacture of soaps and cleansing prepara- tions have been recently patented by Mrs. Rowland, of London. They depend chiefly upon the introduction of certain chemical compounds into ordinary soaps, by which their detersive properties are greatly increased. The soap being dissolved in warm water, ammonia, or some ammoniacal compound, is added to the solution, together with some liquid hydrocarbons, “or an equivalent substance, as spirits of turpentine, coal-tar, naphtha, cam- phene, or some of the similar compounds derived frem the distillation of bituminous matters. The proportions of the mixtures are determined by the nature of the soap, and the use required. On account of the volatility of the substances added, much heat is avoided in mixing. It is well to add some flour, dextrine, or some gelatinous or mucilaginous substance which is soluble in water, as it serves as a vehicle for holding the other substances in suspension or mechanical combination. Perfumes or essential oils are introduced to disguise the odor of the chemical ingredients. The following is a more particular description of one of the processes. Six pounds of soap are dissolved in two pounds of warm water. To the same quantity of water are added about three and a half ounces of flour, starch, dextrine, oatmeal, or some other substance; gelatine, glue, or other gelatinous or mucilaginous substances may be employed, which will give body to the composition, and cause the ingredients to cohere. A paste is thus prepared by boiling, and is added while hot to the solution of soap, and the whole is then heated and stirred till the ingredients are thoroughly incorporated together. It is now taken off the fire, and the stirring is con- tinued till the temperature has fallen to about 100°, when about fourteen ounces of spirits of turpentine, naphtha, camphene, benzole, or other such a ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. substance, is added, together with an equal quantity of a saturated solu- tion of carbonate of ammonia. The mixture should again be thoroughly stirred, and then turned into suitable vessels and hermetically sealed. To the carbonate of ammonia it may be well to add one-eighth its weight of the liquid or caustic ammonia of the Pharmacopeias. NEW METHOD OF VULCANIZING INDIA-RUBBER. When flowers of sulphur and dry hypochlorite of lime (bleaching powder) are shaken together, a very strong odor of chloride of sulphur is immediately developed. If the mixture be somewhat forcibly rubbed in a mortar, eleva- tion of temperature ensues, the sulphur softens, and the mixture becomes solid, while abundant vapors are evolved. When a much larger amount of sulphur than that of the hypochlorite is used, and friction is avoided when the two are blended, a mixture is obtained, which, being added to the caoutchouc paste — either with or without the addition of inert matters, such as chalk, oxide of zinc, etc., serving to give body to the product — effects the vulcanization of the latter, either at the ordinary temperature or when gently heated. By this means objects of any thickness can be uniformly vulcanized. If, instead of employing an excess of sulphur, an excess of the hypochlorite be introduced into the mixture, and this be agitated, so much heat will be developed that the vessel containing the mixture can no longer be held in the hands; if the flask be closed, the action becomes so violent that the cork will be blown out, or the flask broken by a violent explosion.—M. De Clauberg, Comptes Rendus. IMPERISHABLE INK. Mr. John Spiller has communicated to the London Chemical News a paper on the employment of’ carbon as a means of permanent record. The imper- ishable nature of carbon, in its various forms of lamp-black, ivory-black, wood-charcoal, and graphite, or black lead, holds out much greater promise of being usefully employed in the manufacture of a permanent writing material; since, for this substance, in its elementary condition, and at ordi- nary temperatures, there exists no solvent nor chemical reagent capable of effecting its alteration. The suggestion relative to the mode of applying carbon to these purposes, which it is intended more particularly now to enunciate, depends on the fact of the separation of carbon from organic compounds, rich in that element, sugar, gum, etc., by the combined operation of heat and of chemical reagents, such as sulphuric and phosphoric acids, which exert a decomposing action in the same direction; and by such means to effect the deposition of the carbon within the pores of the paper by a process of development to be performed after the fluid writing ink has been to a certain extent absorbed into its sub- stance,— a system of formation, by which a considerable amount of resistance, both to chemical and external influences, appears to be secured. An ink of the following composition has been made the subject of experiment : — Concentrated sulphuric acid, deeply colored with indigo, 1 fluid ounce. Water, : : : ‘ ; : : ; : . ayy e Leaf sugar, : ‘ : 3 : , 1 ounce troy. Streng mucilage of gum-arabic, . - : : 2to 3 fluid cunces, CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 231 Writing traced with a quill or gold pen dipped in this ink dries to a pale blue color; but if now a heated iron be passed over its surface, or the page of manuscript be held near a fire, the writing will quickly assume a jet black appearance, resulting from the carbonization of the sugar by the warm acid, © and will have become so firmly engrafted into the substance of the paper as to oppose considerable difficulty to its removal or erasure by the knife. On account of the depth to which the written characters usually penetrate, the sheets of paper selected for use should be of the thickest make, and good white cartridge paper, or that known as “cream laid,” preferred to such as are colored blue wiih ultramarine; for, in the latter case, a bleached halo is frequently perceptible around the outline of the letters, indicating the pariial destruction of the coloring matter by the lateral action of the acid. The writing produced in this manner seems indelible; it resists the action of “salts of lemon,” and of oxalic, tartaric, and diluted hydro-chloric acids, agents which render nearly illegible the traces of ordinary black writing ink; neither do alkaline solutions exert any appreciable action on the carbon ink. This material possesses, therefore, many advantageous qualities which would recommend its adoption in cases where the question of permanence is of paramount importance. But it must, on the other hand, be allowed that such an ink, in its present form, would but inefficiently fulfil many of the require- ments necessary to bring it into common use. The peculiar method of development rendering the application of heat imperative, and that of a temperature somewhat above the boiling point of water, together with the circumstance that it will be found impossible with a thin sheet of paper to write on both sides, must certainly be -counted among its more prominent disadvantages. ACTION OF PROLONGED HEAT AND WATER ON DIFFERENT SUBSTANCES. Mr. H. C. Sorby communicates to the French Academy an account of some experiments he has made on the above subject. He put different substances and various solutions in glass tubes, sealed them hermetically, and then placed them in the boiler of a high-pressure engine, and kept them there, exposed to a temperature ranging from one hundred and forty-five to one hundred and fifty degrees Centigrade, for some months. Others he placed in an ordinary kitchen boiler, in which the temperature varied from seventy- five to one hundred degrees Centigrade. The first facts noticed are the decomposition of the glass tubes employed. Crown glass resisted the action best, — better even than Bohemian, — but it was sometimes acted on at but slightly elevated temperatures. English flint glass was easily decomposed by the prolonged action of water below one hundred degrees. ss & 226 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. of Europe and America,— evidence which, if not conclusive, is at least ex- ceedingly interesting. Thus, the injuriousness of imperfect drainage is said to arise from the nox- ious influence of all organic matters — animal and vegetable—when in a state of decomposition. That putrid flesh and vegetables are generally unpleasant, both to taste and smell, is a fact; but are they as injurious as they are unpleasant? Some putrescent matters are injurious when eaten, although many can be, and are, eaten with impunity; and all of them are injurious if they enter the blood. The surprising fact that the Indians kill their game with poisoned arrows, yet suffer no harm from eating the flesh thus poisoned, is intelligible to the physiologist, who sees that the poison of the arrow enters the blood of the animal; but the poison of the poisoned flesh, which is eaten, does not enter the blood. It is on the same principle that we can explain why an anatomist may spend day after day over putrid bodies (in an atmosphere the stench of which makes a stranger sick), yet suffer no harm beyond what would result from sedentary confinement in any other room; nevertheless, let this anatomist scratch himself with the scalpel which he has just used, and this little wound may be his death. He could breathe the air laden with the products of decomposition, and, if oxygen were sufficiently abundant for respiration, no harm would ensue; but he could not admit decomposing matter into his biood without serious injury. _ In the above paragraph we have briefly stated what seems to us the physi- ological principle involved in this question. Putrid substances are poison- ous only in the biood; but the gaseous products of putrescenee are not poisonous. A stink is unpleasant, but it is not poisonous. We assume, of course, that the gaseous products are not too abundant to prevent respira- tion, otherwise the effects of imperfect respiration will ensue; but these are not choiera or fever. With this preliminary explanation, let ns now look at Dr. Parkin’s evidences. Majendie arranged a cask in such a way that the bottom could hold putrid substances, whilst animals were placed on a grating with a double bottom, exposed to the emanations which constantly escaped. Rabbits, guinea-pigs, and pigeons were left thus for a month, but did not experience any ill result. Dogs, on the contrary, began to lose flesh on the fourth day, and, although they preserved their gayety and appetite, died at the end of ten or fifteen days. But the dogs showed none of the symptoms of poison; — they showed none of the symptoms observed in dogs into whose veins putrid matters had been injected. Their death was obviously caused by imperfect respiration. Rabbits and guinea-pigs require less oxygen in a given atmosphere than dogs, by reason of their smaller size. But that exhalations from decaying matters are not injurious when respiration is unimpeded, seems evident from the experience of leather-dressers, knackers, butchers, and others. Mr. New- man informs us that the leather-dressers in Bristol are.not only healthy, but - more so than the rest of the neighboring poor, although, during the last part of the process, the stench is almost intolerable. In the tan-yards at Ber- mondsey there are about seven hundred workmen, all remarkably healthy. Again, Dr. Chisholme says that, in a manufactory near Bitton, for the pro- duction of muriate of ammonia and sulphate of soda, and where the distilla- tion of the medullary oil produces the most nauseating fetor, no fever is known to arise, although the neighborhood is thickly populated. Thesame exemption has been remarked at a manufactory near Bristol for the conver- sion of dead animals into a substance resembling spermaceti, and where the CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 997 same putrid exhalations are given out. Further, slaughter-lhouses, which, according to theory, ought to be centres of pestilence and fever, have been singularly exempt from them, as was noticed during the plague and during the cholera. Dr. Tweedie says: ‘‘ Though every description of mechanic was at some period or other admitted last year into the Fever Hospital, I do not recollect a single instance of a butcher being sent to the establishment.” The perfume of the graveyard is far from agreeable, and graveyards have for some years been regarded as centres of pestilence and fever. When pes- tilence and fever are raging in a district, it is not difficult, of course, to find that a graveyard is somewhere close at hand; but this is extremely imperfect evidence of any necessary connection between the two; and it becomes still more suspicious when we find that at Bridgetown, Barbadoes, eight thou- sand bodies were buried in six weeks in a space of two acres, yet neither fever nor any other disease attacked the inhabitants afterwards. The same remark applies to nearly all the large towns in the West Indies, in conse- quence of the practice of burying cholera victims in one spot. In the burial- grounds near Seville, ten thousand bodies had been recently interred, when, in 1800, the French government sent a commission to inquire into the cause of yellow fever; and although a fetid odor was exhaled from the de- composing bodies, no ill result followed to the thousands of the inhabitants who went daily to visit the graves of their relatives and friends. And what shall we say to the Cemetery of the Innocents at Paris? In the course of thirty years, ninety thousand bodies had been buried there by one grave- digger, and it was calculated that more than six hundred thousand bodies had been buried there during the six previous centuries. In a space not exceeding two acres, it had been the custom to bury the bodies of the poor in common pits, and they were placed so close to each other as to be only separated by planks of six lines each. These pits were twenty feet wide and twenty deep, and each contained ten to fifteen hundred bodies. It is difficult to understand how Paris escaped from continuous attacks of cholera, and how the grave-digger managed to breathe this atmosphere during thirty Years, if grave-yard exhalations are the fatal poisons they are declared to be. s he authority of Duch&telet is invoked in a very striking case. At Mont- faucon, in Paris, there is one of the most extensive knacker-yards in the world. Thousands of horses, dogs, and cats are slaughtered there,— the flesh and offal, after the animals are skinned, being allowed to remain and putrefy for the purpose of manure. “ Every one,’ says Duchatelet, ‘ can examine the fetid odor produced by heaps of flesh left to putrefy for months in the open air, and in the heat of the sun; to which must be added the gases given out from mountains of skeletons not properly cleansed from the soft parts, and the emanations arising from a soil saturated from year to year with blood and animal liquids. But, if you interrogate the numerous workmen who belong to the establishment, they will answer that they are never ill, and that the effluvia which they inhale, far from injuring them, contributes to keep them in good health. If you examine them you will see they have all the appearance of the most perfect health. The robust health of the wife and five children of Friand were remarkable, for they had all the year worked and slept in a place which was actually unapproachable to the members of the commission, on account of the stench.”’ He also notices the longevity of those knackers. ‘‘ Many of them are sixty or seventy vears old, quite robust and active. Inquiries showed that their parents died at an 228 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. advanced age; of the last three knackers that died, one was sixty, another seventy, and a third eighty-four.” Such are some of the facts adduced by Dr. Parkin in support of his views, and sanitary reform will not be aided by eluding or suppressing them.— Abridged from the London Review. RESEARCHES ON FERMENTATION. M. Pasteur, of Lilie, has recently been awarded a prize by the French Academy for his researches on fermentation, which throw much light on this little-understood department of chemistry. He shows that the germ in which fermentation originates is a living sub- stance, — organic, not inorganic, as some suppose; and leads to the conclusion that there is a remarkable analogy between fermentation and physiological action. In fermentation with yeast, for example, there is a perpetual renewal of the yeast, and, at the same time, certain curious relations appear between vital phenomena and mineral substances. Introduce yeast globules into a mixture composed of candied sugar, ammoniacal salt, and a phos- phate, and the ammonia will disappear by transformation into the complex albuminous matter of the yeast, while the phosphate gives itself up to form new globules. One of the elements of yeast is carbon, and this, in the present example, is derived from the sugar. M. Pasteur further explains and illustrates the process of lactic fermentation, which most chemists have considered as organic matter in course of alteration; but the lactic yeast is now shown to be really an organized substance, composed of globules, which are smaller than those of the yeast of beer. In the fermentation of tartaric acid, a further discovery was made of a surprising nature: among substances known to opticians are right-handed and left-handed tartrate of ammonia, so named from the direction in which their solutions rotate rays of light. They have no effect on polarized light; but, in the experiments here referred to, fermentation took place in the right-handed only, while the left-handed, similarly prepared, did not ferment, but underwent a change in which it was found to act with energy on polarized light. The analysis of yeast given by M. Pasteur, on the authority of M. Payen, is as follows: One hundred pints contain 62.73 of nitrogenized matter, 29.37 of cellulose envelopes, 2.10 fatty matter, and 5.10 mineral matters. From this itis evident that the yeast plant can only grow where it can obtain a due supply of nitrogenous and mineral matter. When, by the presence of a salt of ammonia and phosphates, these conditions were abundantly supplied, M. Pasteur found the development of the yeast plant rapid and the fermen- tation exceedingly active; but when the growth of the plant could only take place through the assimilation of albuminous substances that were already appropriated, as in grapes, beet-roots, etc., the same processes went on, but with diminished velocity. In most chemical works it is stated that alcoholic fermentation takes place under two circumstances, in which yeast is added to pure solution of sugar, or to a solution containing albuminoid substances. In the first the yeast is said to act, but not to reproduce itself, as in the manufacture of beer; and Liebig observes, that if the fermentation was a consequence of the develop- ment and multiplication of the globules, they would not excite fermentation in pure solution of sugar, which does not offer the essential conditions of their vital activity. To this M. Pasteur replies, that his observations and CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 229 experiments suggest different views, and afford a certainty that in the cases specified the phenomena are essentially the same, and that in boih the yeast globules multiply; but that, in the first case, when the fermentation is con- cluded, all the giobules, young and old, are deprived of their soluble nitrogenized matter, and that what they possessed of nitrogenous aliment has become insoluble and fixed in the fresh globules that have been formed. Yeast in this state has no action upon pure sugar, In the case of fermenta- tion in the presence of albuminoid matters, many globules become exhausted, but most of the new ones leave the liquid filled with nitrogenous and mineral matter, and able to live upon them in a fresh solution of sugar. M. Pasteur also notes the fact, that succinic acid and glycerine are products of fermentation: and the formation of the former substance appears to exei- cise an important influence on the flavor of alcoholic drinks, although the quantity is small. Good Bordeaux contains 7.412 grains of glycerine in a litre, and 1.48 grains of succinic acid. M. Pasteur remarks, “The flavor of this acid is peculiar, and when it is mixed with water, pieonen and glycerine, in the proportions obtained by fermentation, one is surprised to observe the extent to which the mixture resembles wine.” The conclusion of M. Pasteur’s paper expresses a conviction that a just consideration of the facts he adduces will show that alcoholic fermentation is an act correlative with the life and the organization of the yeast globules, and not with their death or putrefaction. Professor Van den Broek, of Utrecht, also publishes the following conclu- sions he has arrived at, respecting RiOSeTES of fermentation and putre- faction :— ‘ 1. Fresh juice of the grape, which has never been in contact with the atmosphere, and has been kept absolutely free from it, suffers no change in a temperature of 26° to 28° C. (80° to 83° F.) after months or even years. 2. The fermentation of grape-juice depends upon the vegetation of the yeast celiules, and is, therefore, absolutely dependent upon their development and growth. 3. It has, as yet, not been conclusively demonstrated whether any yeast globules or their germ are present in the juice of ripe and perfect grapes. 4. The impulse necessary for the development of the cellules and for the commencement of fermentation is not given by the oxygen, but by one cr more agents contained in the air, which may be destroyed by heat, or retained by filtering it through cotton. These agents may be wanting in a limited volume of atmospheric air, a case not at all rare. In this point fermentation is allied to other species of vegetation, such as mould, the formation of which is dependent upon the very same conditions. 5. Fermentation in fresh grape-juice is induced by the introduction of yeast only and alone, which must not be too old; no atmospheric agents are required, and the yeast itself need never to have been in contact with the atmosphere. 6. Fresh grape-juice, after being exposed for some minutes to the tem- perature of boiling water, frequently ceases to ferment in contact with atmospheric air. 7. Oxygen, although it does not induce fermentation, acts decomposingly upon the fresh as well as the boiled juice, by being absorbed and forming carbonic acid; the fresh juice, and the parenchyma of the grapes suspended in it, assume under its influence, in a short time, a brown tint, which turas gradually darker. . 20 230 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. 8. Ozone has no action upon either spirituous or lactic fermentation, or upon the formation of mould. 9. The white and yolk of egg, arterial blood, gall and urine of dogs, or beef, in their fresh state, suffer no change after death, being moist and at a temperature of from 80° to 90° F., if never brought into contact with atmospheric air. 10. In contact with pure oxygen, or with atmospheric air that has been filtered through cotton, neither of the above substances is brought to putre- faction. Still, the oxygen exerts a certain action, inasmuch as they all change their appearance, and the white and yolk of egg, as well as the gall, assume an acid reaction. The beginning of putrefaction, therefore, depends upon some one or more agent which is commonly contained in atmospheric air, and which is removed from it by cotton. 11. Animal matter which is already in a state of putrefaction, or such which has been exposed to the atmosphere for only twenty-four hours, and, consequently, shows no outward signs of decomposition, induces putrefac- tion in all the above-named substances without the aid of the atmosphere. 12. The microscopic examination of the above-named animal substances has shown that there exists no relation between their putrefaction and between the development and growth of vibrios and other microscopic organisms. 13. In view of all this, we must look to Liebig’s chemical theory for a solution of the process of putrefaction, with the reservation, however, that the chemical ferment which induces the putrefaction acquires this property, not by contact with oxygen merely, but with that ingredient of the atmos- phere which is retained by cotton. Without this, that theory would not be applicable for the fermentation of grape-juice. ON THE PRODUCTS OF THE DISTILLATION OF ORGANIC MATTERS. BY M. E. KOPP. The dry distillation of organic matters, whether vegetable or animal, from the great variety of products to which it gives rise, constitutes one of the most. interesting operations of chemistry. The reactions to which these products owe their origin are very complex, and some of them have been but little studied, as indeed is the case with many of the substances formed. If the body submitted to dry distillation could be maintained during the operation under uniform conditions of desiccation, temperature, and pressure, the reactions and the products would be much more simple. If, for example, wood be heated very slowly in a close vessel, first to one hundred degrees Centigrade, then to two hundred degrees, three hundred degrees, and so on, there is at first disengaged almost pure water, then impure, strong acetic acid, and afterwards a mixture of acetone and acetate of methylene; the maximum of charcoal is left as residue, and the least amount of tar and gas is produced, the latter consisting only of carbonic acid and carbureited hydrogen. In practice, however, when wood is distilled in cylinders of iron heated from the outside, the heat only penetrates to the interior gradually. The outside layers are therefore the first decomposed; they at first lose water, then furnish pyroligneous acid and wood-spirit, at the same time giving off carbonic acid and a little carburetted hydrogen. The inner layers in turn are similarly decomposed; but the products as they are given off are brought CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 231 . . into contact with the outer layer, already in a more advanced state of decom- position, and at a much higher temperature, and hence new reactions take place and new products are formed. Thus, the vapor of water in contact with red-hot charcoal is decomposed, and forms carbonic acid and hydrogen; a part of the carbonic acid is again decomposed by the red-hot carbon to form some carbonic oxide; a part of the nascent hydrogen combines with carbon to form various hydro-carbons; one part of the acetic acid is Gecom- posed by the high temperature to form acetone and carbonic acid; another part reacts on the wood-spirit and forms methylic acetate; a fraction of the wood-spirit and acetone are also decomposed, producing tarry matters, pyroxanthine, oxyphenic acid, dumasine, etc. To these must be added the influence of ceriain nitrogenized bodies, and we can understand how all these compounds, successively formed under the most favorable circumstances for acting on one another, since they are in the nascent state, and exposed to a high temperature, may give rise to the formation of a great variety of very different compounds, which will be set free either in the state of a permanent gas or a condensable vapor, and leave fixed carbon asa residue. The same takes place whether wood, coal, bituminous schists, boghead coal, asphalte, peat, resin, oils, or animal matters be distilled; but it is evident that the original composition of the material submitted to dry distillation must pow- erfully influence the nature and composition of the products. In those which, like wood, are rich in oxygen and poor in nitrogen, the pyrogenous products contain much acetic acid and but little ammonia, and consequently have an acid reaction; on the contrary, the matters containing much nitrogen and but little oxygen, like coal and animal matters, give rise to the formation of much ammonia, and the products have an alkaline reaction. The following table exhibits the great variety of products which are obtainable from the ordinary coal-tar of gas-works, by distillation and recti- fication : — Table of the Products obtained by the Distillation and Rectification of Coal-Tar. | Liquid Products. Solid Products. Gaseous Products. Acids. Neutral. Bases. Carbon. Rosolic. Water. Ammonia. Hydrogen. Napthaline. Brunolic. Essence of tar. |Methylamine. |Carburetted Paranapthaline |Phenic, or Light oil of tar.|Ethylamine. hy drogen. or Anthrace-|Phenol. Heavy oil oftar.| Aniline. Bicarburetted ine. Acetic. Benzole. Quivoline. hydrogen. Paraffine. Butyric. Toluole. Picoline. Various hydro- Chrysene. Cumole. Toluidine. carbides. Pyrene. Cy mole. Lutidine. Carbonic oxide. Propyle. Cumidine. Sulphide of car- Butyle. Pyrrhol. bon. Amyle. Petinine. Carbonic acid. Caproyle. Hydrosulphuric Hexylene. acid. Heptylene. Hydrocyanic acid... = ON THE VALUE OF COAL-TAR AND ITS PRODUCTS. It is interesting, since coal-tar has acquired so important a position in the arts, to trace how its various products successively rise in value. The prices in Paris are given by M. Parisel in a recent paper as follows : — Jon ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Games. : - . dc. perlb. | Ordinary aniline, $8,27 a $4,90 per Ib. 3 6t 4 Coal-tar, : = ~ Liquid aniline violet, 28a4lc. C Heavy coal-oil, . . 24a383 * ee Carmine aniline Light coal-oil, . - 634102 * ee violet, . - 82c. a $1.92 Me BRenzole, . - « 103 a 138 “ “ Pure aniline violet, Crude nitro-benzole, 57a6l © f in powder, $245 a $326.88 ‘ 2 Rectified nitro-benzole, 82a96 “ “ The last is equal to the price of gold. And so, says M. Parisel, from coal, carried to its tenth power, we have gold; the diamond is to come. ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF COAL-TAR AS A DISINFECTANT. The use of a mixture of coal-tar and plaster-of-paris for purposes of disin- fection and for dressing wounds, as proposed by Corne and Demeaux,! has recently been reported upon in the French Academy by a committee — Chey- reul, J. Cloquet, and Veilpeau— to which the subject was referred in July, 1859. In numerous experiments, made at the Hospital de la Charilé, the mixed coal-tar and plaster of Corne was employed, both in the state of powder and as a poultice made by mixing it with oil. When applied as a thick layer, three or four times a day, upon putrid, gangrenous, and sanious wounds, the powder destroyed their odor, without giving rise to any special pain. Upon indolent sores, however, or upon recent burns, the contact of the powder produced considerable smarting upon some patients, though well borne by others. Wounds of the first class were often found to be cleaned as well as disinfected; while those of the second class generally acquired a dirty, pale- gray tint, their cicatrization being hindered. The poultices were found to be more advantageous than the powder in the treatment of cavernous wounds, purulent or fetid, and sinuous foci, open suppurating abscesses, anthracoidal suppurations, etc. Applied directly to the sore, the poultices destroyed the putrid odors, allayed the inflammation without augmenting the pain, leaving beneath them a healthier pus, and the surfaces in better condition. In a word, the mixed coal-tar and plaster, when properly applied, disinfects wounds and putrid suppurations. As for the absorbent and detergent qualities which its inventors also claim for it, these are less clearly evident. The powder absorbs better than the poultices; the latter, it is true, take up a portion of the morbid exudations, but unless the dressing is carefully renewed five or six times a day, pus will nevertheless collect beneath it. From this it foliows, that after having been somewhat cleaned the wound ceases at the end of a few days to clean itself, or to heal more rapidly than it would with the usual topical applications. It is in the dissecting-room, upon organic matter in a state of putrefaction, that the mixed coal-tar and plaster is all-powerful. The most infectious masses, when imbued with the powder, or simply rolled about in it, lose at once their disagreeable odor. According to Velpeau, his autopsy room was as approachable towards the close of last summer as it had formerly been repulsive. It was freed fre n flies and other insects, as well as from putrid odors. . Although it would have been out of the province of the committee to 1 See Annual of Scientific Discovery, 1860, pp. 268-69. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 235 experiment upon the application of this mixture in disinfecting filth upon the great scale, they have, nevertheless, proved that it can be advantageously used in hospitals for deodorizing urine or fecal matters. The following inconveniences to which the use of the mixture in surgery would give rise, are enumerated : — It not only soils the clothes of the patient, but hardens them, and causes them to weigh more heavily upon or about the wound; it imparts to the bandages with which the poultices are covered a very tenacious rusty or yellow color; it must be frequently renewed ; and although it destroys putrid smells, it retains a bituminous odor by no means agreeable to many persons. These inconveniences are of comparatively slight importance, it is true, and may possibly admit of being remedied. Of the other disinfectants submitted to the committee, several were only modifications of that of Corne and Demeaux. Vegetable tar, as shown by Renault, may be substituted for coal-tar. With regard to the assertions of some practitioners, that common earth, talc, flour, or other vegetable and mineral powders, —even poudrette,— when mixed with coal-tar furnish a more convenient and less costly disinfectant than that prepared with plaster, the experiments of the committee have proved, that while coal-tar, mixed with common earth, well dried, or with sand, is equally, or perhaps much more, efficacious for disinfecting fecal matter as when mixed with plaster; that while comparative experiments made from this point of view upon sul- phate of lime, clay, charcoal, linseed-meal, and earth have resulted in favor of the latter, the same is by no means true in surgery. When applied to wounds or infectious suppurations these different mixtures were only par- tially successful, having proved to be less efficacious than the mixed plaster and coal-tar. Although the modifications of Corne and Demeaux’s process have not been particularly felicitous thus far, they have nevertheless served to confirm the fact that in reality it is the coal-tar which acts the principal part as disin- fectant in these various mixtures.! . 1 The inefficiency of sulphate of lime as a general disinfecting agent, when used by itself, may be readily demonstrated by the following experiment, which is of interest in view of the fact that a belief in the utility of gypsum as a deodorizer appears to be widely spread among recent writers. For that matter, we are told by Paulet (Comptes Rendus, xlix., 199) that during the last twenty-five years more than fifty authors of processes of disinfection have announced, each as he believed for the first time, the use of plaster as a means of disinfection. If a mixture of about equal volumes of powdered gypsum and fresh urine be introduced into a small phial, the mixture placed in a warm room and thoroughly shaken several times a day until the urine has become putrid, it will be observed that an exceedingly disagreeable odor will be developed, differing from ordinary stale urine, inasmuch as it is unalloyed with the odor of ammonia. For the com- plete success of this experiment, it is important that a large excess of sulphate of lime should be present, and that the mixture should be frequently agitated, else the whole of the carbonate of ammonia will not be decomposed, and will tend to mitigate the fetor of the special odor of the putrid urine. So far from disinfecting, in this case the sulphate of lime really destroys a deodorizing, or at least a masking agent, ammonia; leaving free — purified as it were, and unadulterated — an odor, the peculiar offensiveness of which is remarkable. Sulphate of iron being substi- tuted for gypsum in this experiment, afforded a somewhat similar result, although the odor obtained was a trifle less insufferable than that of the experiments with sulphate of lime. It should be here mentioned that the odors in question were in 20* 234 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Among the numerous other substances proposed as disinfectants, or for dressing wounds, the following have not afforded satisfactory results :— Chlorate of Potash, mixed with clay or kaolin (for example, ten parts of chlorate to ninety parts of white clay or fine sand), which was proposed as an absolute disinfectant, neither disinfected nor absorbed the pus of fetid wounds. The mixture would be in any case much more costly than coal-tar and plaster, and certainly less efficacious. Whites of Eggs, mixed with chalk and applied to wounds previously oiled, succeeded no better than simple cerate. Powdered Sugar, when employed in layers upon ulcers, forms crusts, beneath which the suppurations accumulate, and hinder the process of healing. The members of another group of disinfectants are worthy, in various degrees, of consideration. Among these, charcoal appears in the front rank. Surgeons have long regarded it as one of the best antiseptics known. Confined between pieces of linen, according to the process of Malapert and Pichot, it is more readily applied than when used as powder directly upon wounds; but the mixture of coal-tar and plaster, which disinfects still better, and is more cleanly, is sus- cepiibie of a simpler and a more general application. Coke of Boghead Coal, in powder, as proposed by Moride,}! like carbon, when employed, comparatively with coal-tar and plaster, alternately upon the same patients, proved to be less efficacious, less convenient, and more dis- azreeable than the latter. * Mixed Plaster and Charcoal, proposed by Herpin of Metz, irritates the wounds, disinfects badly, and soils everything it touches. The following substances have long ago acquired a place, each in its own way, in the class of disinfectants. Tincture of Iodine has been employed as an antiseptic by hospital surgeons since 1823. By modifying the surfaces to which it is applied, it usually improves the appearance of the pus, lessens its acridity, and is, to a certain extent, antagonistic to putrid“‘infections. It disinfects, however, oniy incom- pletely, causes severe pain when applied to open wounds, and would be no instance contaminated with sulphuretted hydrogen — as was ascertained by careful trials. — #. H. Sforer. 1 In view of the claim of Moride (Comptes Rendus, xlix., 242), as well as from its general interest, the following extract from a report made to the British Secretary of War by Lewis Thompson (London Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply, and Sanitary Improvement, 1856, v. 11), may here be cited : — Mr. Thompson states that he has instituted a set of experiments having a purely money basis as theirexponent. The articles enumerated were each employed until they practically deodorized one uniform quantity of the same mass of putrid sew- age, and the money value of the proportions thus used was deduced either from a broker's price-list, or, where this failed to give the requisite information, by special inquiry from a wholesale dealer. The amount of sewage operated upon in each experiment was half a gallon taken from a single tank which had been recently filled out of a large and very offensive ditch or open sewer. Two indications of the progress of the disinfection were had recourse to in these experiments: one with paper dipped in sugar of lead, which gradually ceased to become brown as the deodorizing agent was added in successive portions; the other had reference to the discontinuance of any offensive smell; and the attainment of this last condition was regarded as the termination of each experiment. By this means he was enabled to draw up the subjoined table, which shows at a glance the comparative cost of executing the same amount of deodorizing work . CHEMICAL SCIENCE. : 235 expensive if used on a large scale; finally, the odor of iodine is neither agreeable nor unattended by inconveniences. Perchloride of Iron has been used for some twelve years in hospitals as an antiseptic, and as a means of modifying certain wounds, and putrid or san- guineous foci. Without diffusing the disagreeable odor of tincture of iodine, it has, like the latter, the fault of disinfecting badly, of causing much pain, and of acting violently upon the diseased tissues, besides injuring the cloths which are soaked in it, even more than is the case with the coal-tar and plaster. Both iodine and the salt of iron just mentioned are in fact agents of another order; they have rendered, and do still render important services. They are certainly well worth preserving, but should not be compared with the mixture of coal-tar and plaster. Nitrate of Lead, Creosote, and o:her substances which have been proposed at one time or another, have not realized the expectations of their inventors ; their price has been too great, their employment required too much care, or their action has not been sufficiently certain, that they could be advanta- geously used in practice. There is, nevertheless, one of these which deserves special mention, viz., chlorine. Ever since Guyton Morveau demonstrated the true action of muriatic acid upon putrefying animal matters, the efficacy of chlorine has been tested in almost innumerable ways. Solutions of chlo- rine, of “‘ chloride of soda,” and of ‘‘ chloride of lime,” have rendered signal services to medicine and in the cause of public health, especially since Labar- raque, some thirty years since, indicated an improved method of employing them. But the odor of chlorine, disagreeable in itself, is neither easily borne nor devoid of inconveniences. Wounds, moreover, hardly accommodate themselves to it any better than the sense of smell, whenever somewhat large doses of it are required. In conclusion, the committee say: “In order to obtain from the process of with each agent, on the supposition that Boghead charcoal can be had at the rate of $3.00 [= 12s.] per ton. Table showing the Cost of Purifying one uniform Quality of Feculent Sewage by the several articles mentioned. Boghead charcoal (coke), 2 : 4 - 3 A - $3.00 Nitric acid, : - 5 : - - - - : 8 50 Black oxide of Wee iat : : - “ : : 9.25 Chloride of lime, = : : : C : = ¢ - 10.75 Peat charcoal, . : - - - : ° : : : 11.00 Subciloride of iron preyeriest)s este Se ee o 2S Animaicharcoal, : : - : : é : 16.75 Chloride of manganese (imperfeet) : : - . - 17.50 Bichloride of mercury, . - : : A 18.00 Impure chloride of zine in damp — deat : - : 26.00 Chloride of zine in solution, as patented by Sir Wm. Burnett, 37.00 Sulphate of copper, . : ; - - : : - . 389.00 The sulphates of zinc, iron, and alumina; common gypsum; sulphuric, sulphur- ous, and muriatic acids; peroxide of iron, highly dried clay, litharge, and sawdust, were found imperfect even when very large quantities were employed. Arsenious acid and creosote, on the contrary, were very active; but the danger of a subsequent evolution of arseniuretted hydrogen in the first case, and the diffi- culty of diffusing an oily fluid like creosote in the second, seemed to interdict the use of these substances. — F. H. Storer. 236 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Corne and Demeaux its proper effect, certain indispensable precautions must be followed. It is evident, from having neglected some of these precautions, that different experimenters have been led to believe that the method is use- less. Fine moulding plaster, and not the common article, should be employed. The coal-iar, which is mixed with it in the proportion of two to four paris to a hundred, by triturating or grinding, ought to impart to it a gray tint, with- out destroying its dry, pulverulent condition. Objects to be disinfected should be rolled in this powder until each point upon their surfaces has been brought in contact with it. Gangrenous or puirid sores should be covered with thick layers of it, by handfuls, several times per day. If one is treating pus, blood, dejections, or the like, enouzh of the powder shouid be added to form a paste of the mass, taking care to replace the first layer of powder by another as soon as it no longer absorbs any more. — Comptes Rendus, et Silli- man’s Journal. NEW DISINFECTANT. I’ Invention (Paris) states that the following composition has the property of instantaneously disinfecting putrefying maiter, privy vaults, ete. It is prepared as follows: Sulphate of iron and sulphate of alumina are dissolved in water, the solution being of a strenzth of fifty-five dezrees. This is evaporated for eight or ten hours, in order to obtain a hard and compact cake, which may be transporied in sacks to great distances. During the evaporation, eight or ten per cent of lime is mixed with the compound, which is finally run into forms, and dried perfectly in the air. After it is posiiively ascertained that it contains no moisture, it is reduced to powder, more or less fine, and delivered to the consumer, who may keep it any lengih of time either in powder or in solution. This disinfectant has no odor, and it may be employed for a great number of hygienic and domestic purposes. THE ANTISEPTIC QUALITY OF SUGAR. It is well known that fruits, flesh, etc., may be indefinitely preserved in a syrup of sugar, in honey, or in glycerine. It has been observed that the life of animals which breathe in water is Incompatible with the presence therein of even an inconsiderable quantity of sugar. Mondi offers as an explanation the osmatic or diffusive tendency of these bodies, which prevents the life and propagation of animalculz, or ferment cells, as these organisms swell and even burst in syrupy solutions. The high density of a liquid is accordingly of chief imporiance in determining its antiseptic properties. ON THE PRODUCTS OF PUTREFACTION.—BY F. GRACE CALVERT. Some eighteen months ago, my friend, Mr. J. A. Ransome, surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, Manchester, induced me to make some researches with the view of ascertaining the nature of the products given off from putrid wounds, and more especially in the hope of throwing some light upon the contagion known as hospital gangrene. I fitted up some apparatus to condense the noxious products from such wounds, but the quantity obtained was so small that it was necessary for me to acquire a more general knowledge of the various substances produced during the putrefaction of animal matter, before I could determine the nature of the products from sloughing wounds. I CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 237 therefore began a series of experiments, the general results of which I now wish to lay before the society. Into each of a number of small barrels twenty pounds of meat and fish were introduced; and, to prevent the clotting together of the mass, it was mixed layer by layer with pumice-stone. The top of each barrel was perfo- rated in two places, one hole being for the purpose of admitting air, whilst through the other a tube was passed which reached to the bottom of the barrel. This tube was put in connection with two bottles containing chloride of platinum, and these in their turn connected with an aspirator. By this arrangement air was made to circulate through the casks so as to become charged with the products of putrefaction, and to convey them to the pla- tinum salt. A yellow amorphous precipitate soon appeared, which was collected, washed with water and alcohol, and dried. This precipitate was found to contain C, H, and N; but, what is highly remarkable, sutphur and phosphorus enter into its composition. I satisfied myself during these researches, which have lasted more than twelve months, that no sulphuretted nor phosphuretted hydrogen was given off; and my researches, as far as they have proceeded, tend to prove that the noxious vapors given off during putrefaction contain the N, 8, and Ph of the animal substance, and that these elements are not liberated in the simple form of ammonia and sulphuretted and phosphuretied hydrogen. I also remarked during this investigation that as putrefaction proceeds, different volatile bodies are given off. Before concluding, I may add, that when the platinum salts are heated in small test tubes they give off vapors, some acid and some alkaline, possess- ing a most obnoxious and sickening odor, very like the odors of putrefaction; and that at the same time a white crystalline sublimate, which is not chloride of ammonium, is formed. As I foresee that these researches will occupy several years, I have deemed it my duty in the mean time to lay the above facts before the society. — Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society. THE “COCOA-NUT PEARL.” , At a recent meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, Dr. C. F. Winslow exhibited to the society a specimen of the so-called ‘‘cocoa-nut pearl,” set in a ring belonging to F. T. Bush, Esq., of Boston. He stated that it came from Singapore; that very few specimens are found; and that they are highly esteemed by the rajahs, and worn as costly gems. Mr. Bush, during a residence of some years in the East, saw but one other, and that was as large as the egg of a Canary bird; but he heard of others as large as acherry. Their method of growth was unknown, but they are said to be found free in the cavity of the cocoa nut. The specimen having been pre- sented to the society for examination, Dr. John Bacon, at a subsequent meeting, reported on it, as follows :— The peculiar characters of this gem are most readily described by compar- json with those of animal pearls, which it resembles in many respects. It is about one quarter of an inch in diameter, and of a spherical shape. Its sur- face, evidently a natural one, is smooth, and of a milk-white color, with little lustre. On close examination, the surface appears mottled, and faint undu- Jated markings are seen within. In hardness it much exceeds true pearls, equalling feldspar, or the averaze hardness of opal. The hardness of pearis 238 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. varies to some extent. Several specimens of different species which I had an opportunity to test ranged between calcite and fluor-spar; none were so hard as fluor. Chemical Composition. — The cocoa-nut pearl consists of carbonate of lime, with a very small proportion of organic matter; so little that it does not blacken nor evolve any odor before the blowpipe. When the carbonate of lime is removed by the slow aciion of very dilute acids, a transparent sub- stance remains, of great tenuity, showing no structure under the microscope, and incapable of preserving its form. The chemical reactions obtained with it indicate that the organic substance is an albuminous body, and not cellu- lose, the basis of vegetable tissues in general. Since albuminous substances occur in plants as well as in the animal kingdom, we cannot find, however, that it is of animal origin. True pearls consist of carbonate of lime, with a con- siderable amount of albuminous animal matter. When decalcified by dilute acids, the organic residue retains the form and structure of the pearl; and in the nacreous pearls, the characteristic iridescence also. Microscopical Characters. — Thin sections examined under the microscope show that the cocoa-nut pearl is composed of numerous regularly concentric lamine, adhering pretty firmly together. These layers form groups differing slightly in tint, and near the exterior are often exceedingly thin. The centre is occupied by a semi-transparent mass resembling the surrounding layers. No foreign nucleus was found. The general mass is made up of radiating bands of crystalline fibres, inclined at different angles in contiguous bands. Tn the outer layers, the crystalline structure becomes strongly marked with rhombohedral cleavage. Probably the great hardness of this pearl depends upon the peculiar crystalline arrangement, with a little organic matter bind- ing the whole firmly together. Pearls exhibit two principal varieties of microscopic structure. The true or nacreous pearl is formed of concentric laminz of nacre, and shows a finely furrowed surface, and no radiating lines within. The markings of the nacreous membrane, by which iridescence is produced, are faintly visible in the sections as very fine undulated and dotted lines. In the second variety of pearl, a prismatic cellular structure occurs. These pearls exhibit well-marked radiating lines, as well as concentric layers. In many specimens of pearl, both varieties of structure are found. The cocoa-nut pearl presents a general resemblance in microscopic characters to the second variety, but differs essen- tially in the details of structure, as is evident from the sections now exhibited of pearls from pearl oysters and from fresh-water clams,—showing the nacreous and prismatic varieties, and combinations of both. I cannot find that any species of pearl or other concretion resembling this has been described. Nor could I learn from our best botanical authorities that any concretion is known to occur in the cocoa nut. The milk of this nut contains, according to the reported analyses, a little phosphate and malate of lime, but no carbonate; nor is the carbonate found in any part of the nut. Possibly an analysis of the immature nut might give a different result. The only concretions of vegetable origin which approach this in composition and structure are the cystolithes found in the leaves of Urti- cacez, and some other families of plants. These are minute bodies, showing concentric lamination. But they consist of a matrix of successive layers of cellulose, upon which crystalline masses of carbonate of lime are deposited in a kind of efflorescence; a wholly different mode of formation. In the animal kingdom, several kinds of concretions besides pearls bear CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 239 more or less resemblance to this body in composition and structure; espe- cially the concretions of carbonate of lime formed in the bladders of herbivo- rous animals, in which more or less animal matter is always combined with the salt of lime. Numerous concentric layers and a radiated crystalline structure are frequently visible. The organic matter is usually in small proportion, though often sufficient to preserve the original form and structure when the carbonate of lime is removed by acids; occasionally there is more animal matter than in true pearls. It is to be regretted that the origin of the cocoa-nut pearl is not certainly known, since neither the chemical nor microscopic characters are sufficient to point out its source and mode of formation. Were the statement of its origin perfectly reliable, it might be regarded as the product of a diseased condition of the nut. The concentric lamination might seem to require a longer time than the rapid growth of the cocoa nut would admit of; but in the case of animal calculi of similar chemical composition, and of such as can be made artificially, these layers, whether resulting from successive depositions or from a process of segregation, may be rapidly formed. A few wecks, and sometimes cnly a few hours, are sufficient for the production of numerous Jamine. CELLULOSE DIGESTED BY SHEEP. The researches of several German chemists have proved that the cellulose of plants is by no means so indigestible a substance as was at one time sup- posed; but that, on the contrary, it is digested in considerable quantities, by the ruminants at least, especially when a portion of the food of the animal consists of some substance rich in oil. In order to ascertain to what extent the digestibility of cellulose may depend upon its state of aggregation, Sussdorf and A. Steeckhardt have undertaken a series of experiments, of which only a very brief abstract can be here given. From their results it is evident, that even the most compact kinds of cellulose can be in a great measure digested by sheep. The experiments, commenced in July, 1859, were upon two wethers, respectively five and six years old. These were fed: first, upon hay alone; second, upon hay and rye straw; third, hay and pop- lar-wood sawdust which had been exhausted with lye—in order that the sheep should eat the sawdust, it was found necessary to add to it some rye-bran and asmall quantity of salt; fourth, hay and sawdust from pine wood mixed with bran and salt; fifth, hay, spruce sawdust, bran and salt; sixth, hay, paper- makers’ pulp from linen rags and bran. After several unsuccessful attempts to induce the sheep to partake of the pulp when mixed with dry fodder, it was at last given to them in a sort of paste or pap, prepared by mixing bran with water. The experiments were continued until November, with the exception of a short intermission during which the animals were put to pasture, in order that they might recover from the injurious effects — probably due to the resinous matters of the spruce-wood —of the fifth series of experiments. The animals, as well as their food, drink and excrements, were weighed every day. The amount of cellulose in the excrements was also daily determined by analysis, the composition of the food ingested having been previously ascertained. It appeared that where the animals were fed, first, with hay (thirty-five pounds per week), sixty to seventy per cent of the cellulose con- tained therein was digested, 7. e., it did not appear as such in the solid excre- ments. In this experiment the animals gained seven anda half pounds in 240 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. eighteen days. Second, with hay fourteen pounds, and straw seven pounds (per week), forty to fifty per cent of the cellulose of the straw was digested; the animals having lost two and a half pounds in eleven days. Third, with hay ten and a half pounds, poplar sawdust five and a quarter pounds, bran seven pounds (per week), forty-five to fifty per cent of the cellulose of the poplar-wood was digested; the animals having gained two and a haif pounds in thirteen days. Fourth, with hay ten and a half pounds, pine-wood sawdust seven pounds, bran ten and a half pounds (per week), thirty to forty per cent of the cellulose of the pine-wood was digested; the animals having gained ten pounds in twenty-four days. Fifth, with hay nine and a half pounds, paper-makers’ pulp seven pounds, bran fourteen pounds (per week), eighty per cent of the cellulose of the paper pulp was digested; the animals having gained seven pounds in as many days. These experiments are to be continued, and more particularly with a view of ascertaining whether any nourishing effect is to be attributed to the celiu- lose.— Steckhardt’s Chemischer Ackersman, 1860, No. 1, p. 51. CHITINE. M. Peligot, describing some investigations on the chemistry of the skin of the silk-worm in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, states the discovery of cellulose in the chitine which it contains. He obtained similar results from the chitine of the lobster, and thinks it probable that chitine is never a single substance, but a mixture of two substances, one non-nitrogenous cellulose and the other nitrogenous, belonging to the class of albumenoid or protein compounds. He says that a mixture of two parts of protein and one of cel- lulose would have the composition which he considers to belong to the skin of silk-worms. Cellulose is the proximate principle of which the vegetable cell membranes of plants is composed, and, according to the Micrographic Dictionary, is found in the mantle of the Tunicata. Should M. Peligot’s views be found correct, the relations between the animal and vegetable king- doms will appear stronger, as chitine is the horny substance which gives firmness to the shells and skins of the crustaceans, spiders, and insects. M. Peligot thus sums up the philosophy of his researches: ‘‘ The exterior envelop of animals and plants, whether it be more or less resisting, is composed of two substances, cellulose and protein,— cellulose, which exists in vegeta- bles and the inferior animals; cellulose and protein, which exist in animals of a higher organization; and of protein alone, which forms the tissues of the vertebrate class.” ON THE PRESENCE OF ARSENIC IN PLANTS USED FOR FOOD. It will be recollected that Professor Davy, of Dublin, last year reported the results of some experiments which went to show that some plants might with impunity be watered even with a saturated aqueous solution of arsenious acid; that the plants took up this arsenic and accumulated it in their tissues, to such an extent that traces of this metal were discoverable in the bodies of animals fed upon vegetables so treated. These astonishing results naturally excited inquiry. They have now been contradicted in a late number of the Pharmaceutical Journal, by Mr. Ogston, an analytical and agricultural chem- ist, formerly a pupil of Professor Graham. Mr. Oxgston finds that, on watering the ground around the reots of some vigorous cabbage-plants, some months CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 241 old, with a saturated solution of arsenious acids, in every trial, after two doses at intervals of three days, the plants died within the week. The same occurred with Scotch kale, the only other plant subjected to the experiment. On testing the dead plants arsenic was detected only in the portion of the stem close to the roots, and which showed in its darkened color the marks of disease. In no case was any of the poison found in the leaves, or in the stem at more than five inches above the ground. Professor Davy also startled the English agriculturists and medical jurists by calling attention to the fact that arsenic exists in the commercial superphosphate of lime, at least in certain kinds, coming from the iron-pyrites used in the manufacture of the sulphuric acid employed in the production of the superphosphate, which arsenic, if plants may accumulate it in their tissues, would be conveyed to the flesh of animals fed with turnips manured with such superphosphate, and so conveyed to the human system,—if not in quantity sufficient to poi- son, yet enough to account for the presence of arsenic in cases of death from supposed poisoning. Mr. Ogston now considers the question as to how much arsenic an agricultural crop (say of turnips) can obtain from an ordinary dressing of the superphosphate so prepared. ‘‘Take a very bad sample of pyrites said to contain .30 per cent of arsenic, and consider, as is the case, that in the manufacture of oil of vitriol one-half of this is stopped by condensa- tion in the flues; .15 per cent will remain in relation to the pyrites, or about .10 in relation to the manufactured oil of vitriol. Now, suppose the super- phosphate made from this acid to contain twenty per cent. of it as a constfit- uent, and that three hundredweight are used as a dressing per acre, there will be added to this acre .07 of a pound of arsenic, and this is to be distributed among from twenty to twenty-five tons of roots, giving a percentage infin- itely small, and in my opinion relieving us from the necessity of the smallest anxiety on the subject. ON FERMENTED BREAD. It is well known to our readers that, some two years ago, a new plan of preparing bread was devised by Dr. Dauglesh, of Scotiand ;! in which, in the place of generating carbonic acid within the substance of the dough by fer- mentation, water charged with carbonic acid (common “ soda water’) was mixed under pressure with the flour, effecting thereby a raising of the bread by mechanical means, imparting to it a most perfect vesicular structure, and leaving the constituents of the flour wholly unchanged. An objection having, however, been made by some medical authorities to the process (which has been experimentally introduced in Great Britain), that the con- stituents of flour, especially the starch, are not fit for human food until they have been subjected to fermentative action, Dr. Dauglesh, in a late number of the London Medical Times and Gazette, combats the objection in the follow- ing article, which our readers will find replete with valuable and interesting information. He says:— In order to dispose of the assertion that starch requires to be prepared by the fermentive changes to render it fit for human food, it is but necessary to remark, that the proportion which the inhabitants of the earth who thus prepare their starchy food bear to those who do not is quite insignificant. Indeed, it would appear that the practice of fermenting the flour or meal of 1 See Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1859, p. 275. 21 242 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the cereal grains is followed chiefly by those nations who use a mixed animal and vegetable diet, while those who are fed wholly on the products of the vegetable kingdom reject the process of fermentation entirely. Thus, the millions of India and China, who feed chiefly on rice, take it, for the most part, simply boiled; and that large portion of the human race who feed on maize, prepare it in many ways, but they never ferment it. The same is true with the potato-eater of Ireland, and the oatmeal-eater of Scotland. Nor do we find that even wheat is always subjected to fermentation; but the peculiar physical properties of this grain appear to have tasked man’s inge- nuity more than any other, to devise methods of preparing from it food which shall be both palatable and digestible. In the less civilized states, a favorite mode of dressing wheat grain has been, by first roasting and then grinding it. On the borders of the Mediterranean it is prepared in the form of maccaroni and vermicelli, while in the East it is made into hard thin cakes for the more delicate, and for the hard-working and robust into thicker and more dense masses of baked flour and water. Even in our own nurseries, wheaten flour is baked before it is prepared with milk for infants’ food. The necessity of subjecting wheaten grain to these manipulations arises from its richness in gluten, and from the peculiar properties of that gluten. If afew wheaten grains are taken whole and thoroughly masticated, the starchy portion will be easily separated, mixed with the saliva, and swal- lowed, whilst nearly the whole of the gluten will remain in the mouth, in the form of a tough, tenacious pellet, on which scarcely any impression can be made. A similar state of things will follow the mastication of flour. In this condition, the gluten is extremely indigestible, since it cannot be penetrated by the digestive solvents, and they can only act upon its small external sur- face; hence the necessity to prepare food from wheat in such a manner as shall counteract this tendency to cohere and form tenacious masses. This is the object of baking the grain and flour as before mentioned, of making it into maccaroni, and of raising it into soft, spongy bread; by which latter means the gluten assumes a form somewhat analogous to the texture of the lungs, so that an enormous surface is secured for the action of the digestive juices; and this, I believe, is the sole object to be sought in the preparation of bread from wheaten flour. Wheat is said to be the type of adult human food. It supplies, in just proportions, every element essential to the perfect nutrition of the human organism. And yet, in practice, we find that the food which we prepare from it, and furnish to the inhabitants of our large towns and cities, is quite incapable alone of sustaining the health and strength of any individual. This is the more remarkable, since in Scotland we find that the food prepared from the oat, a grain possessing the same elements of nutrition as wheat, though in a coarser form, furnishes almost the exclusive diet of a very large number of the hardiest and finest portion of the population. In the large towns of France wheaten bread certainly forms a very large proportion of the diet of the laboring classes, but not so large as oatmeal does in Scotland. And yet it has been remarked by contractors for public works on the continent, that the chief reason why the Englishman is capable of accomplishing double the work of a Frenchman is, that the one consumes a very large proportion of meat, while the diet of the other is chiefly bread. In Scotland, however, the laboring man is capable of sustaining immense fatigue upon the nourishment afforded by oatmeal porridge. The deficiency in wheaten bread in affording the nourishment due to the CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 243 constituents of the grain, is to be attributed solely to the mode of preparing the flour, and the process followed for making that flour into porous bread. The great object sought after, both by the miller and the baker, is the pro- duction of a white and light loaf. Experience has taught the miller that the flour which makes the whitest loaf is obtained from the centre of the grain; but that the flour which is the most economical, and contains the largest portion of sound gluten, is that which is obtained from the external portion of the grain. But while he endeavors to secure both these portions for his flour, he takes the greatest care to avoid, as much as possible, by fine dress- ing, etc., the mixture with them of any part of the true external coat which forms the bran, knowing that it will cause a most serious deficiency in the color of the bread after fermentation. It is generally supposed that the dark color of brown bread —that is, of bread made from the whole wheaten meal—is attributable to the colored particles of the husk or outer covering of the grain. But such is not really the case. The colored particles of the bran are of themselves only capable of imparting a somewhat orange color to bread, which is shown to be the fact when whole wheaten meal is made into bread by a process \yere no fermentation or any chemical changes whaiever are allowed to take place. Some few years since, a process was invented in America for removing the outer seed coat of the wheat grain without injuring the grain itself, by which it was proposed to save that highly nutritious portion which is torn away, adhering to the bran in the ordinary process of grinding, and lost to human consumption. The invention was brought under the notice of the French Emperor, who caused some experiments to be made in one of the government bakeries to test its value. The experiments were perfectly satisfactory so far as the making of an extra quantity of white flour was concerned; but when this flour was subjected to the ordinary process of fermentation, and made into bread, much to the astonishment of the parties conducting the experiments, and of the inventor himself, the bread was brown instead of white. The consequence, of course, has been that the invention has never been brought into practical operation. It has been estimated that as much as ten or twelve per cent of nutritious matter is separated, adhering to the bran which is torn away in the process of grinding; and until very lately this matter has been considered by chem- ists to be gluten. It has, however, been shown by M. Mouries to be chiefly a vegetable ferment, or metamorphic nitrogeneous body, which he has named Cerealin, and another body, vegetable caseine. Cerealin is soluble in water, and insoluble in alcohol. It may be obtained by washing bran, as procured from the miller, with cold water, in which it dissolves, and it may be precipitated from the aqueous solution by means of . alcohol; but, like pepsin, when thus precipitated it loses its activity as a solvent or ferment. In its native state, or in aqueous solution, it acts as the most energetic ferment on starch, dextrine, and glucose, producing the lactic and eyen the butyric changes, but not the alcoholic. It acts remarkably on gluten, especially when in presence of starch, dextrine, or glucose. The gluten is slightly decomposed at first, giving ammonia, a brown matter, and another production which causes the lactic acid change to take place in the starch and glucose. The lactic acid thus produced immediately combines its activity with that of the cerealin, and the gluten is rapidly reduced to solution. The activity of the cerealin is destroyed at a temperature of one hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit, according to M. Mouries; but my own experi- 944 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. ments show that it is simply suspended even by the heat required to cook bread thoroughly. Thus, bread made without fermentation, of whole wheaten meal, or of flour in which there is a large proportion of cerealin, will, if kept at a temperature of about seventy-five to eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit, pass rapidly into a state of solution, if the smallest exciting cause be present, such as ptyaline or pepsin, or even that small amount of organic matter which is found in impure water; while the same material, when it has been subjected to the alcoholic fermentation, will not be affected in a like manner. The activity of cerealin is very easily destroyed by most acids, also by the presence of alum; and while it is the most active agent known in producing the earlier changes in the constituents of the flour, it cannot produce the alcoholic; but as soon as the alcoholic is superinduced, the cerealin becomes neutralized and ceases to act any longer asa solvent. M. Mouriés, taking advantage of this effect of alcoholic fermentation, has adopted a process by which he is enabled to separate from the bran all the cerealin and caseine which are attached to it. He subjects the bran to active alcoholic fermenta- tion, which neutralizes the activity of the cerealin, and at the same time separatés the nutritious matter; and then, having strained this through a fine sieve, he adds it to the white flour in the preparation of white bread, by which an economy of ten per cent is effected, and the color of the bread is not injured. The peculiar action of cerealin asa special digestive solvent of the con- stituents of the flour— gluten and starch —has been practically tested by Mr. Darby in a series of careful experiments. He found that when two grains of dry cerealin were added to five hundred grains of white flour, and the whole digested in half an ounce of water at a temperature of ninety degrees for several hours, ten per cent more of the gluten, and about five per cent more of the starch, were dissolved than when the same quantity of flour was subjected to digestion without the addition of cerealin; but in which, of course, there was a small amount of cerealin that is present in all flours. The action of cerealin upon the gluten of wheat is precisely similar to that of pepsin on the fibrine of meat. Pepsin, acting alone on fibrine, dissolves it, but very slowly; but if lactic acid be added, solution takes place very rapidly. In like manner, the starch present with the giuien of wheat is acted upon by the cerealin, and produces the necessary lactic acid to assist in the solution of the giuten by cerealin. With the knowledee thus obtained of the properties of this suites cerealin, it is not difficult to understand why the administration of bran- tea, with the food of badly-nourished children, produces the remarkable results attributed to it by men both experienced and eminent in the medical profession; and why, also, bread made from whole wheaten-meal, which contains all the cerealin of the grain, should prove so beneficial in some forms of mal-assimilation, notwithstanding the presence of the peculiarly indigestible and irritating substance forming the outer covering of the grain. It will be seen that in all the methods of bread-making hitherto adopted, the peculiar solvent properties of this body, cerealin, have been sought to be neutralized simply because it destroys the white color of the bread during the early stages of panary fermentation. It is by thus destroying the activity of the special digestive ferment which nature has supplied for the due assimilation by the economy of the constituents of the wheaten grain, that wheaten bread is rendered incapable of affording that sustenance to the laboring man which the Scotchman obtains from his oatineal porridge. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 245 Although the new bread has been as yet but little more than experimentally introduced to public consumption, I have already received from members of my own profession, who have recommended it in their practice, as well as from non-professional persons, accounts of the really astonishing results that have followed its use in cases of deranged digestion and assimilation. Private gentlemen have sought interviews with me to record the history of their recovery to health, after years of suffering and misery, by the simpie use of the bread as adiet. And cases are tow numerous that have been communicated to me by medical men of position, in which certain distressing forms of dyspepsia, which had remained intractable under every kind of treatment, have yielded as if by magic almost immediately after adopting the use of the aérated bread. IT am disposed to attribute the beneficial effects of the new bread to two causes. The one to the absence of the prejudicial matters imparted to ordi- nary bread by the process of fermentation; and the other to the presence in the bread, unchanged, of that most essential agent of digestion and assimi- lation, cerealin. I believe the prejudicial matters imparted to bread by fermentation to be chiefly two, — acetic acid and the yeast-plant. The first is produced in large quantities, especially in hot weather, by the oxydation, by atmospheric con- tact, of the alcohol produced. The second is added when the baker forms his sponge, and is also rapidly propagated during the alcoholic fermentation, and cannot of course be afterwards separated from the other materials in the manner that the yeast and other débris of fermentation separate themselves from wine and beer by precipitation im the process of fining. Nor is the life of the yeast-plant generally destroyed in baking, because it requires to be retained at the boiling point for some time before it is thoroughly destroyed; and bread is generally withdrawn from the oven, for economical reasons, even before the centre of the loaf has reached the temperature of two hun- dred and twelve degrees. It is not difficult to understand how the most painful and distressing symptoms and derangements may follow the use of bread in which the yeast-plant is not thoroughly destroyed previous to inges- tion, and in those cases of impaired function in which the peculiar antiseptic influence of the stomachal secretions is deficient, and is incapable of prevent- ing the development of the yeast-plant in the stomach, and the setting up of the alcoholic fermentation to derange the whole process of digestion and assimilation, The presence of cerealin in bread is as beneficial as that of acetic acid and the yeast-plant is prejudicial. Digestion, or the reduction of food, is evidently essentially dependent on the action of a class of substances which chemists, for want of a better term, have called ferments; to these substances belong pepsin, ptyaline, emulsin, diastase, and cerealin. These are evidently types of a very numerous class, which act by producing those molecular changes in organic substances in which digestion consists; and since the purpose of digestion, or solution, is to prepare from heterogeneous substances taken as food a chyle, which shall not only when absorbed present all the elements of healthy blood, but shall, previous to absorption, possess the properties which will constitute it the proper stimulus to the functional activity of the lacteals, it would appear to be necessary that each distinct substance taken as food should be furnished, not with its simple chemical solvent, but with that peculiar form of solvent, or ferment, which alone can carry it through those molecular changes which shall terminate in the production of healthy chyle. 21* 946 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Hence we should infer that a substance was digestible or indigestible just in proportion to the provision that is made for its reduction to the standard of healthy chyle; and that substances which have hitherto been incapable of affording any nutrition whatever may at some future day be rendered highly nutritious, simply by adding to them suitable ferments, artificially obtained or otherwise, that shall secure their passage through the proper molecular changes. Indeed, I think this subject opens to us that very wide field of inquiry, as to whether the cause and prevention of disease, and the beneficial administration of remedies, may not, for the most part, if not entirely, be dependent on the action of substances analogous to such bodies as ptyaline, pepsin, cerealin, etc., acting in concord with, cr retarding and opposing, the vite) *—7.cuons of tissues; and that, by more profound inquiry in this field of research, the physiologist and the pathologist may not at a future day lay the foundation of true scientific medicine. PRESERVATION OF FLESH BY VERDEIL. Having been separated from the bones, and, as far as possible, from fat, the flesh is cut into slices from one to five centimetres (one centimetre — (3937 inch) in thickness; the slices being cut as nearly as possible across the grain of the flesh. These are now laid upon hurdles of basket-work, which are subsequently placed in a chamber. As soon as a sufficient num- ber of the trays have been introduced into the chamber, it is closed, and steam, under a pressure of three or four atmospheres, consequently of 135° to 145° C. (= 275° to 293° F.), is admitted through several openings. The cham- ber, which may be of lead or iron, must not be absolutely tight, a small outlet for the steam being necessary, in order that the pressure may not become too great. After from six to ten or fifteen minutes, according to the kind of flesh and the thickness of the slices, the steam is shut off, this part of the process being finished. The flesh is now very nearly in the condition of boiled meat, but has retained all of its ingredients, the albumen having been coagulated, its taste recalling that of roasted meat. It presents a wrinkled appearance, is of a gray color, and may be readily divided. Being removed from the steam-chamber, the flesh is now placed upon trays, or hung upon hooks, in another chamber, which is warmed, but in which the temperature is never allowed to exceed 40° or 50° C. (= 104° to 122° F.). The drying process is completed in the course or eight or twelve hours. Packed in tight casks or in tin boxes, so that it may be protected from the action of moisture and from insects, the flesh thus prepared may be pre- served for any length of time which may be desirable. It is, nevertheless, well to place a layer of salt in the casks, in order that it shall absorb any moisture which the flesh may have retained. Before using this meat it must be soaked for an hour or two in warm water, in which it softens and regains its original condition. When boiled with water it affords an excellent soup, and passes into a condition in which it cannot be distinguished from fresh meat. — Le Génie Industriel. INQUIRIES INTO THE PHENOMENA OF RESPIRATION. In a communication to the ZL. E. and D. Philosophical Journal, Jan., 1860, Dr. Edward Smith gives the result of numerous inquiries into the quantity of carbonic acid expired, and of air inspired, with the rate of pulsation and CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 247 respiration, — 1st, in the whole of the twenty-four hours, with and without exertion and food; 2d, the variations from day to day, and from season to season; and, 3d, the influence of some kinds of exertion. After a description of the apparatus employed by previous observers, he describes his own apparatus and method. This consists of a spirometer to measure the air inspired, capable of registering any number of cubic inches, and an analytical apparatus to abstract the carbonic acid and vapor from the expired air. The former is a small, dry gasmeter, of improved manu- facture, and the latter consists of, — 1st, a desiccator of sulphuric acid to absorb the vapor; 2d, a gutta-percha box, with chambers and cells, con- taining caustic potash, and offering a superficies of 700 inches, over which the expired air is passed, and by which the carbonic acid is abstracted; and, - 3d, a second desiccator to retain the vapor which the expired air had carried off from the potash box. A small mask is worn, so as to prevent any air entering the lungs without first passing through the spirometer, and the increase in the weight of this with the connecting tube and the first desicca- tor gives the amount of vapor exhaled, whilst the addition to the weight of the potash box and the second desiccator gives the weight of the:carbonic acid expired. The balances employed weigh to the one-hundredth of a grain, with seven pounds in the pan. By this apparatus the whole of the _ carbonic acid was abstracted during the act of expiration, and the experi- ment could be repeated every few minutes, or continued for any number of hours, and be made whilst sleeping and with certain kinds of exertion. The amount of carbonic acid expired in the twenty-four hours was deter- mined by several sets of experiments. Four of these, consisting of eight experiments, were made upon four gentlemen: on the author, Professor Frankland, F. R. 8., Dr. Murie, and Mr. Moul, during the eighteen hours of the working day. In two of them, the whole of the carbonic acid was col- lected, and in two others the experiment was made during ten minutes, at the commencement of each hour, and of each hour after the meals. The quantity of carbonic acid varied from an average of 24.274 ounces in the author to 16.43 ounces in Professor Frankland. The quantity evolved in light sleep was 4.88 and 4.99 grains per minute, and scarcely awake, 5.7, 0.94, and 6.1 grains at different times of the night. The author estimates the amount in profound sleep at 4.5 grains per minute; and the whole evolved in the six hours of the night at 1950 grains. Hence the total quan- tity of carbon evolved in the twenty-four hours, at rest, was, in the author, 7.144 ounces. The effect of walking at various speeds is then given, with an estimate of the amount of exertion made by different classes of the com- munity, and of the carbon which would be evolved with that exertion. The author then states the quantity of air inspired in the working day, which varied from 583 cubic inches per minute in himself to 365 cubic inches per minute in Professor Frankland; the rate of respiration, which varied in different seasons as well as in different persons; the depth of inspiration, from 30 cubic inches to 39.5 cubic inches; and the rate of pulsation. The respirations were to the pulsations as 1 to 4.63 in the youngest, and as 1 to 5.72 in the oldest. One-half of the product of the respirations into the pul- sations gave nearly the number of cubic inches of air inspired in some of the persons, and the proportion of the carbonic acid to the air inspired varied from as 1 grain to 54.7 cubic inches to as 1 grain to 58 cubic inches. The variations in the carbonic acid evolved in the working day gave an average maximum of 10.43 and a minimum of 6.74 grains per minute. The 248 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. quantity increased after a meal and decreased from each meal, so that the minima were nearly the same, and the maxima were the greatest after breakfast and tea. The effect of a fast of forty hours, with only a breakfast meal, was to reduce the amount of carbonic acid to seventy-five per cent of that which was found with food, to render the quantity nearly uniform throughout the day, with a little increase at the hours when food had usually been taken, and to cause the secretions to become aikaline.1! The variations from day to day were shown to be connected with the relation of waste and supply on the previous day and night; so that, with good health, good night’s rest, and sufficienr food, the amount of respiration was considerable on the following morning, whilst the reverse occurred with the contrary conditions. Hence the quantities were unusually large on Mon- day. Temperature was an ever-acting cause of variation, and caused a diminution in the carbonic acid as the temperature rose. The effect of season was to cause a diminution of all the respiratory phe- nomena as the hot season advanced. The maximum state was in spring, and the minimum at the end of summer, with periods of decrease in June and of increase in October. The diminution in the author was thirty per cent in the quantity of air, thirty-two per cent in the rate of respiration, and seventeen per cent in the carbonic acid. The influence of temperature was considered in relation to season, and it was shown that whilst sudden changes of temper- ature cause immediate variation in the quantity of carbonic acid, a medium dezree of temperature, as of 60°, is accompanied by all the variations in the quantity of carbonic acid, and that there is no relation between any given temperature and quantity of carbonic acid at different seasons. Whatever was the dezree of temperature, the quantity of carbonic acid, and all other phenomena of respiration, fell from the beginning of June to the beginning of September. The author then described the influence of atmospheric pres- sure, and stated that neither temperature nor atmospheric pressure accounts for the seasonal changes. The kinds of exertion which had been investigated were walking and the treadwheel. Walking at two miles per hour induced an exhalation of 18.1 grains of carbonic acid per minute, and at three miles per hour, of 25.83 grains; whilst the effect of the treadwheel, at Coldbath Fields Prison, was to increase the quantity to 48 grains per minute. All these quantities vary with the season; and hence the author recommends the adoption of relative quantities, the comparison being with the state of the system at rest, and apart from the influence of food. APPLICATION OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES TO MEDICINE. A discussion which has recently taken place in the French Academy of Medicine, on the action of iron used as a medicine, has made known to us this unexpected fact, that there are physicians who deny any influence exercised by medicines in virtue of their chemical properties, and who. think that the physical and chemical actions of the animal economy differ entirely from those which are observed in the vegetable kingdom. 1 The quantity of air was reduced thirty per cent, that of vapor in the expired air fifty per cent, the rate of respiration was reduced seven per cent, and of pulsation six per cent. * CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 249 At the head of this retrograde school (which ignores the progress made by physics and chemistry in the last eighty years, and to whom organized beings are composed of a material which is not subject to the general laws of matter which composes the universe) appears a physician celebrated more than the rest, Dr. Trousseau, who, raising the banner of vitalism, has declared that chemical laws expiain nothing when used in relation to man, and that medicinal agents act by unknown and very different means from those which chemists suppose. Space does not allow us to notice the reply made at the same sitting by another physician, Poggiale, who is also somewhat of a chemist. But we shall be asked, What is the precise meaning of vitalism? Vitalism is a force in the category of what has been called catalytic force: this is a word which conceals our ignorance, and which is evidently an obstacle to progress. This recalls that saying of Liebig: “‘ If we allow force to be created, investigations become useless, and it will be impossible to arrive at the knowledge of truth.” Vital force is, then, entirely for those physicians who ignore the first notions of physics or chemistry, and think all has been said when they have installed this senseless word in place of an organic fact which ranks under the laws of mechanics, physics, or chemistry. Vital force is insufficient to explain how it happens that a large number of substances, such as sugar, tartaric and malic acids, sulphur, sulphurets, salicine, etc., etc., undergo in the animal economy the same changes as when subjected to chemical action. When we remember that slight compression of a muscle suffices to develop heat, and that its contraction evolves electricity; that in order to establish chemical action it suffices to place two heterogeneous bodies in contact, one is surprised that medical men should seek to explain the phenomena of life by “vital force;” as if the material of our bodies was exempted from the laws that regulate matter; as if what they call vital laws could interfere with the play of physical, mechanical, or chemical laws. — Silliman’s Journal. ANASTHETIC ACTION OF CHLOROFORM. Dr. Piossek has presented to the Physiological Society of Greisswald an account of experiments with chloroform, made under the direction of Pro- fessor Hunefeld, which seem to establish the following conclusions as to the modus operandi of chloroform beyond a doubt: — Chloroform produces anesthesia by abstracting from the blood some of the oxygen necessary to the continuance of the organic processes, thus causing impaired nutrition of the central organs and nerves; hence the insen- sibility of the sensatory, and the relaxation of the motory, nerves. The oxygen of the blood probably combines with the carbon (liberated by the decomposition of the chloroform) to form carbonic acid; while the chlorine and water of the chloroform probably form hydrochloric acid, ete. Into what combination this hydrochloric acid may then enter with the ingredients of the blood, is as yet unknown. The other anesthetics, ether, amylene, ete., act similarly, and their modus operandi may be compared to the narcotiz- ing or asphyxiating action of carbonic acid or nitrous oxide. COMMERCIAL CHLORIC ETHER. It is a source of some inconvenience to apothecaries to know what is in- tended by the physician when “chloric ether” is prescribed. On turning 250 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. to the United States Dispensatory, it informs us that a mixture of one part of chloroform and two parts of nearly absolute alcohol is called “ strong chloric ether,” and is used for inhalation; and that in London, and elsewhere, a weak tincture of chloroform is sold under the name of chloric ether, vary- ing in strength from five or six to sixteen or eighteen per cent. Dr. Thompson originally gave the name of “‘chloric ether” to the Dutch liquid (C4 Hs Clo). In the commerce of this country there is a preparation that goes by the name of chloric ether, consisting wholly or chiefly of chloroform and alcohol, which, when mixed with water, does not separate. On inquir- ing of Mr. William Weightman (of Powers and Weightman) what the article prepared by them under this name was, he stated that their firm had prepared it as they sold it for more than twenty-five years, since soon after Mr. Guthrie’s discovery of chloroform, which he called chloric ether. The preparation sold by them is obtained by distilling together chloride of lime, alcohol, and water, in the proportion of eight pounds av. of chloride of lime to a gallon of alcohol and a suitable quantity of water, and distilling a gallon of the ‘‘chloric ether.”” As chloride of lime, on the average, yields from six to eight per cent of chloroform, it is fair to infer that this prepara- tion does not contain more than eight per cent of that substance. It has the following properties: It is coloriess, has an agreeable, weak odor of chloroform, a sweet, spicy taste of chloroform, with a cooling after-im pres- sion, somewhat like that of peppermint. Its specific gravity is .892. When mixed with water, in the proportion of one to twenty, it is at first cloudy, and almost instantly becomes clear, with but little, if any, separation of chioroform. It is this latter property that has caused it to be preferred by some practitioners. That the proportion of chloroform in this preparation varies is quite certain, as Mr. Weightman states that it is not always of such composition as to mix with water without precipitation. It is quite inflam- mable, and burns with a yellowish flame, tinged with bluish green. When two fluid drachms of chloroform and fifteen fluid drachms of alcohol (ninety- five per cent) are mixed, the mixture has a specific gravity approximating closely to that of the above ‘chloric ether.”” Such a mixture contains about sixteen per cent of chloroform, and when added to water is instantly precipitated. Whether the specific gravity of the commercial article is due partly to water, or whether the chloroform is so intimately combined with the alcohol in the process of making as to render the mixture stable in the presence of water, has not been determined; but there isa marked difference in the behavior of the liquids with an excess of water.— William Procter, Jr., American Journal of Pharmacy. EFFECTS OF CARBONIC ACID ON THE SKIN. According to a paper recently presented to the French Academy, on the above subject, one of the most singular properties of carbonic acid is its decided effect upon the skin. All parts of the body that come in contact with it feel immediately an extraordinary increase of heat: which is not exhibited by the thermometer. A person placed in a room heated to twenty degrees Centigrade, and plunging his naked arm into a receiver full of carbonic acid gas, feels as though he had put his arm into something fifteen or twenty degrees hotter than the air of the chamber. This property has been turned to account medically in thermal establishments where baths and douches of the gas, sometimes pure and sometimes mixed, have been CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 251 administered to invalids, with what effect is not stated. M. Boussingault says that in a trench of an old sulphur-mine in New Granada he was almost suffocated and thrown into a violent perspiration by this gas, the heat of which he believed, at the time, to be equal to forty degrees; but his ther- mometer, after being left an hour in the trench, only marked nineteen degrees, — three degrees, in fact, less than the temperature of the surface in the shade. The professor also felt a pricking sensation in the eyes from the effect of the gas, and he was assured by the miners that they almost all suffered from weakness and blindness. ANTIDOTE FOR PHOSPHORUS. Poisoning by phosphorus is becoming common from the facility of procur- ing friction matches. It is, therefore, important that the antidote which has of late been found the most effacious should be extensively known. Messrs. Antonielli and Barsorelli have shown by numerous experiments on animals : ist. That fatty matters should not be employed in poisoning by phos- phorus, as these matters, far from preventing its action on the viscera, on the contrary increase its energy, and facilitate its diffusion through the economy. 2d. That calcined magnesia, suspended in boiled water, and administered largely, is the best antidote, and, at the same time, the most appropriate purgative to facilitate the elimination of the toxic agent. 3d. That the acetate of potash is extremely useful when there is dysuria in poisoning with phosphorus. 4th. That the mucilaginous drinks which are given to the patient should always be prepared with boiled water, so that those beverages may contain as little air as possible. LIEBIG’S ARTIFICIAL TARTARIC ACID. The identity of the tartaric acid prepared artificially, 7. e., not from its compounds, but out of its components, by Professor Liebig, has been further confirmed by the optical relations of the acid as regards the polarization of light. This discovery is likely to throw considerable light upon certain processes or the relations of certain products of vegetable life. Thus we see that unripe grapes contain tartaric acid, which gradually disappears, and in its place we find the mature grape to contain sugar, a carbo-hydrate; and since tartaric acid is now prepared from carbo-hydrates, it may be presumed with great probability that by the reverse procedure the plant converts the acid into sugar. Liebig considers tartaric acid in its primary composition to be oxalic acid partly converted into a carbo-hydrate or paired with a carbo-hydrate. There are undoubtedly similar relations between malic and citric acid, and the antinitrogenous substances, as starch, pectin, etc., occurring simultaneously with these acids in the various fruits. The most recent experiments insti- tuted in Liebig’s laboratory have brought to light the very surprising fact that maiic acid is made to yield aldehyde by a simple process of oxidation, viz., heating with black oxide of manganese, and that citric acid will yicld acetone under the same circumstances. These results confirm Liebig’s theory of the constitution of tartaric acid; for the elementary constitution of malic acid is that of oxalic acid combined with aldehyde, and that of pyro-citric or 252 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. citra-conic acid, which is formed by heating citric acid, consists of the ele- ments of oxalic acid combined with acetone. The future investigations of these highly important discoveries promise a rich harvest for the physiological chemistry of vegetable life.— Buchner’s Repertorium. ELECTRICAL CONVERSION OF SUGAR INTO ALCOHOL. At a recent meeting of the French Academy, M. Niepce St. Victor read a paper giving an account of some experiments which showed that, under cer- tain circumstances, electricity produced the same effect on sugar as fermen- tation does, transforming it into alcohol. He found that by passing an electric current through very sugary white wine, the wine loses all its sugar, and becomes much more alcoholic. On the other hand, the effect of the action of light on absolute alcohol, under certain conditions, is to re-transform a portion of the alcohol back into sugar; the alcohol becoming very sugary, and having its strength reduced several degrees. ON THE COMPOSITION OF THE ANIMAL PORTION OF OUR FOOD, AND ITS RELATIONS TO BREAD. The general conclusions of a paper on the above subject, recently read before the Chemical Society, London, by Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert, were, that only a small proportion of the increase of a fattening animal was com- posed of nitrogenous matter; that from five to ten per cent only of the nitro- genous matter of the food was stored up in the body of the animal; but that the amount of fat stored up was frequently greater than the amount supplied in the food, despite the loss incurred in the maintenance of the respiratory function. Hence the comparative values of fattening foods were propor- tional rather to the amounts of respiratory than of assumed flesh-forming constituents. It was calculated that in those portions of the carcasses of oxen actually consumed as human food, the amount of dry fat was from two to three times as great as the amount of dry nitrogenous matter, and in the eaten portions of the carcasses of sheep and pigs more than four times as great. By substituting for the above proportions of fat their respiratory equivalents in starch, so as to allow of a comparison between meat and bread, the ratios become six or seven to one, and eleven to one, respectively. From the independent determinations of Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert, Dr. F. Watson, and Dr. Adling, it appeared that in wheat bread the ratio of starchy to nitro- genous matter was as six or seven to one, so that in bread the proportion of assumed flesh-forming constituents to respiratory constituents was greater than in the eaten portions of sheep and pigs, and quite equal to that of the eaten portions of oxen, —a conciusion altogether opposed to the prevalent notions on the subject. A NEW ALKALOID IN COCA. Coca is the name under which the leayes of several species of Erythroxylon are and have been known in Peru from time immemorial, and which, espe- cially among the Indians, are used for chewing, mixed with a little unslacked lime or wood-ashes. A moderate use is said to produce such an excitement of the functions as to enable the chewer to remain some time without food, CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 258 and to bear the greatest bodily exertions; while an immoderate chewing of coca, like that of opium, frequently becomes an habitual vice, producing all the deleterious symptoms and consequences of narcotics, such as a state of half intoxication, of half drowsiness, with visionary dreams, premature decay, complete apathy, and idiocy. These peculiar symptoms rendered the presence of a narcotic principle very probable, and have induced Professor Weehler to undertake the investigation of the substance. The examination has so far succeeded by the usual method for the separation of alkaloids, in eliminating a crystallizable base, cocaine, crystallizing in small prisms, devoid of color or odor, slightly soluble in water, more readily in alcohol, and very easilyin ether. It possesses a strongly marked alkaline reaction, and a bitter taste, and acts in so far peculiarly as it transiently benumbs or almost paralyzes the part of the tongue which it touches. It bears some resemblance to atropine in its chemical relations, and forms perfect salts with the acids. BEET-ROOT ALCOHOL. The following process for distilling alcohol from the sugar-beet is adopted at an establishment in Kent, England. To three-quarters of a ton of beets, which are sliced lengthwise by machinery, 300 gallons of wort prepared by maceration of beets, to start with, are poured on; a quart of sulphuric acid is added, and at the end of twenty-four hours the slices are ready for distil- lation. Placed in iron cylinders, divided into compartments, each compart- ment is drawn upon successively, so that there is a continuous flow of spirit until the end of the process. The spirit is said to resemble small-still whis- key, and under proper treatment becomes a neutral spirit, useful for many industrial purposes. DETERMINATION OF ORGANIC MATTER IN WATER. M. Emile Monnier presented to the Academy of Sciences of Paris an interesting note on the determination of the organic matters in the waters of the Seine. The re-agent which he employs is the permanganate of potassa. The weight of this salt decomposed being sensibly proportional to that of the organic matter, the problem is reduced to the determination of the weight of permanganate decolored by a given quantity of the water. The test-liquor which he employs is prepared by dissolving one gramme of pure permanganate in one litre of distilled water; each cubic centimetre of this liquid contains one milligramme of the salt. To perform an analysis, proceed as follows : — Pour into a matrass a half-litre (about a pint) of the water, and bring it to the temperature of 158° F.; add through a pipette one cubic centimetre of pure sulphuric acid; then add the test-liquor until a permanent coloration is produced; the number of cubic centimetres of this liquor. added, gives at once in milligrammes the weight of the re-agent decomposed by one litre of water. At about 158° F. the decomposition of the organic matters is rapid; at common temperatures it would require more than twenty-four hours to be complete. The sensibility of the permanganate is very great; one gramme of tannin in two cubic metres (or one part of tannin to two million parts of water), and eyen one part by weight of sulphuretted hydrogen in eleyen miilion parts of water, will discolor it. — Cosmos. 22 254 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. VEGETABLE COLORING MATTER. According to M. Filhol, there exists in nearly all flowers a substance which is scarcely colored when in solution in acid liquids, but which becomes of a beautiful yellow color when acted on by alkalies. ‘This substance has the following properties. It is solid, and of a slightly greenish-yellow color. It is uncrystallizable, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, and not volatile. When moistened with strong hydrochloric acid, it takes a bright yellow tint, which immediately disappears when the mixture is diluted with water, leaving an almost colorless solution, to which alkalies communicate a yellow color. The matter is found in the green parts of plants as well as the flow- ers, and is, no doubt, the yellow dye found in the leaves of various plants. M. Filhol adopts the name given to it by Hope, and calls it Xanthogene. Mosses, he says, do not contain it, or, at most, only a trace. It is also absent from some flowers, among others the Pelargonium Zonale, and inqut- nans Papaver rheas, Camellias and Salvias. These flowers, under the influ- ence of alkalies, become blue or violet, without the least mixture of green. The coloring matter of these flowers is much less alterable under the influence of air and alkalies than that of most other flowers. Chemists who have examined yellow flowers have proved that they owe their color to severa] immediate principles; among others, xanthine and ran- theine. The author has discovered xanthine in fruits as well as flowers. — Chemical News. ON THE POISONS FOUND IN ALCOHOLIC SPIRITS. The following communication on the above subject, by Dr. A. A. Hayes of Boston, appears in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal: — Frequently, within the past few years, the public journals have called attention to the existence of poisonous bodies, especially strychnine, in the spirits produced from grains, and no little excitement has grown out of such announcements. A somewhat extended series of analytical observations on these spirits, from many sources, has convinced me that no good reason for such a state- ment could be found, and my conclusion has been supported by the testimony of those who are opposed to the manufacture, but who frankly admit that no case has ever fallen under their notice, at the places of manufacture, which would lead to even an inference in regard to the adding of any dele- terious body to the distilled spirits. The addition of non-volatile bodies to the fermented worts, if made, would not contaminate the spirits distilled from them, and it is probable that the supposition, in relation to the use of strychnine for the purpose of increasing the produce of whiskey, arose from the ruse of a foreman, who wished to conceal the particular characteristics of his ferments in daily use. In low places where such spirits are retailed, drugs which produce narcotic effects or temporary frenzy are doubtless resorted to in special cases, while the infusing of pepper or salt is not a very rare occurrence. ; Cases of sudden poisoning by the low-priced, common spirits frequently occur, which are not necessarily referable to poisons of foreign origin. Some of the so-called fusel-oils, produced in the fermentation of mixed grains, either sound or after they have become injured from exposure, act as powerful poisons, and in some states of depressed action of the human CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 253 system, fatal effects would doubtless follow from the introduction of such oils into the stomach. As a general statement, the spirits produced in this country to serve as beverages are remarkable for their purity and freedom from any substances which careful rectification can remove. When, through age and suitable exposure, the oils contained in them have passed into ethereal bodies, and thus ripened the spirits, they become equal in soundness and purity to any products imported from abroad, and far less deleterious than most of the so- called brandies of the present time. There is, however, present in the newly distilled, and in most cases in the older spirits, a source of danger which, so far as I can learn, has been over- looked, or possibly attributed to criminal intention, which should be publicly known, and is of especial interest to the medical profession. Newly distilled spirits, of the most common kind, often contain salts of copper, of lead, or tin, derived from the condensers in which the vapors are reduced to a fluid form. The quantity of copper salt contained in the bulk usually taken as a draught is sufficient to produce the minor effects of metallic poisoning; the cumulative character of these poisons may even lead to fatal consequences. With a knowledge of the fact now stated, instead of resting on a supposition of the existence of an organic poison in the spirits which have caused sickness, the physician may notice the symptoms of metallic poisoning in persons addicted to the habit of consuming newly distilled spirits, and interpose his aid in preventing the fatal termination of vicious indulgence. : Since I first demonstrated the fact of the frequent occurrence of these metallic salts in the more recently manufactured spirits, the investigation has taken a wider range, and the results have proved that as all spirits at one time were new, so with few exceptions, arising from peculiar rectifi- cations, most spirits have been, or are, more or less contaminated by metallic compounds. Old or more matured spirits have generally lost every particle of the salts once held in soiution. Changes in the organic solvent have caused the deposition of the metallic compound, accompanied by the organic matter from obvious sources, and in such spirits thé metallic oxide is always found, if it has been present, in the dark-colored matter which has been deposited at the bottom of a cask at rest. This dark deposit has the appearance of, and has been mistaken for, charcoal, detached from the charred staves of the casks in which the spirits have been stored. Of this dark deposit every sample has, on examination, afforded abun- dance of copper, copper and tin, or copper and lead, even when taken from the finer qualities of foreign spirits. Observations have been made on the nature of this change from a soluble to an insoluble state. Samples of new spirits have been kept in glass ves- sels until the whole metallic salt has fallen in dark flocks, leaving the clear Huid free from any metailic compound and perfectly pure. It appears, therefore, that matured spirits lose their poisonous impregna- tion during the time necessary to adapt them for use as beverages, and that while the clear, transparent fluid contains no metallic impregnation, a turbid though ripened spirit may prove deleterious through its suspended metallic compounds. In order to avoid the poisonous effects of these salts, perfectly well- ripened and clear spirits only should be used in the preparation of medicines, and when ordered as restoratives, no new or turbid alcoholic fluids should 256 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. be allowed to enter the room of the patient or hospital. As a further eluci- dation of this subject, the following more strictly chemical remarks are offered. The origin of these salts is connected with the production of acids, as well as alcohol, in fermenting vats. When the wort is subjected to heat in the still, acetic, butyric, and other acids rise with the vapor of alcohol, and pass into the condenser, now most commonly made of copper, with masses of solder containing lead. At the instant of condensation, these acids exert a power of corrosion on the metals quite unsuspected, and the salts formed dissolve in the spirit. Where condensers of pure tin are used, no copper salt is found, and a little tin salt takes its place. With the vapor of dilute alcohol some vesicular vapor of the wort is car- ried forward, and the dextrine which can be found in the spirit; another portion of soluble organic matter is abstracted from the wood of the cask, and this is often tannic acid. In the subsequent chemical changes, these organic compounds unite with the salts, and fall in the form of a sub-granu- lar, dark matter, seen in colorless spirits of all kinds. In detecting the metals held in solution, the extract obtained, after evaporating the spirit, must be destroyed, as usual in toxicological testing, and an acid solution of the oxide obtained; or the extract may at once be mixed with carbonate of soda, and the metal reduced by the blowpipe flame. When the deposit is the subject of trial, the metal or metals appear on fluxing with carbonate of soda, in the inner flame produced by the blowpipe, on charcoal. ON CATALYSIS; OR, ON THE CHEMICAL AGENTS OF DISEASE IN THE LIVING BODY. The following is an abstract of a lecture recently delivered on the above subject, by M. Claude Bernard, Professor of General Physiology of the Faculty of Sciences, Paris : — We have hitherto maintained that idiosyncrasies ought to be referred to certain peculiar organic predispositions, which, far from introducing physi- ological laws of an entirely novel character into the economy, are the natural result of the properties enjoyed by the nervous system. It is also known that animals debilitated by want of proper nourishment submit less readily to the agency of certain poisons than others in a vigorous state of health; but it has been questioned whether similar modifications are due to nervous influence, and whether the diminished activity of the absorb- ent powers is not sufficient to explain them. In order to settle the question at once, I injected an aqueous solution of woorara into the veins of two rabbits, one of whom had been previously fasting, while the other was duly fed; in this manner, absorption was entirely dispensed with, the poison being at once conveyed into the blood. The result was such as might have been expected. To poison the fasting animal a dose larger by one-third was required than had been found sufficient to destroy the other. It is, therefore, perfectly clear that all this class of phenomena must be entirely referred to the agency of the nervous system. But, while the animal is in some measure preserved from the noxious influence of certain poisons through the rapidly-increasing debility of its nervous system, it becomes obnoxious to the action of morbid influences of a totally different character. It even appears to me that in our nosological CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 257 classifications this peculiar liability of the system might be turned to account as regards the etiology of disease. To adduce a characteristic instance of this: when frogs have been kept for a long space of time in captivity their health declines, and ulcerations arise around the nose and mouth; the nervous system being in this case considerably depressed, the animal is, of course, found to resist much longer the action of strychnia and similar poisons, while parasitical affections spread with fearful rapidity. Frogs are subject to the growth of parasitical fungi, which, after a certain lapse of time, occasion the animal’s death. Now, ifa healthy frog is placed in a jar containing others affected with the above- mentioned disease, the new-comer sets contagion at defiance; while if another frog, affected with ulcerations in the vicinity of the natural orifices, is introduced into the jar, the parasitical vegetation covers it at once. It has been found that similar affections always have a strong tendency to arise in animals in a low state of health. The itch, a disease which fre- quently prevails among horses and sheep, is scarcely ever found to attack animals in good condition; and, in man, the lower classes are known to be a prey to vermin, especially in childhood and old age; while persons who live under more favorable circumstances are scarcely ever affected with this inconvenience, except towards the latter end of long and painful diseases; for it is generally in such cases that the morbus pedicularis has been observed. The decrease of neryous power equally constitutes a predisposition to putrid, contagious, and virulent affections; the fact is well known to veteri- nary surgeons. ; It would appear, therefore, that an opposition exists between the two great classes of disease we have just examined; in proportion as the animal grows more sensible to the action of the neurosthenic poisons, the power of resisting the influence of putrid substances is increased. How is this differ- ence to be accounted for? We shall attempt to give you a solution of the difficulty. That the chemical composition of the blood should incessantly be modi- fied, is one of the essential conditions of life; repairing, as it does, the daily losses of the economy, and renewing the elements of ali the tissues which enter into the system, the blood may be compared to a torrent which con- tinually pours out new substances, while other elements are flowing into it; and the stronger are the animal’s vital powers, the more rapid are the successive changes of the blood; a fact principally observed in birds, which enjoy greater vital energy than any other class of animals. The uninter- rupted continuation of circulation is, therefore, in such animals, of still greater importance than in others; the blood cannot stagnate without promptly acquiring septic properties. If the tributary vessels of a muscle are tied in a mammal or bird, it becomes a putrid mass within twenty-four hours; in a batrachian this change would not take place before a much longer space of time. Now, you are aware that the nervous system presides over all the phe- nomena of life in which motion is concerned; as soon, therefore, as the nerves are impaired, circulation languishes, and the chemical composition of the blood becomes thereby liable to important changes. If, therefore, an animal being given, it is our purpose to preserve it from the action of woorara, or similar poisons, we must lower its forces. If, on the contrary, we intend 22* 258 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. to preserve it from contagious diseases, we must increase them by all possible means. : But these septic bodies, or specific poisons, are almost invariably organic substances, and are produced within a living organization; here we have, no doubt, a peculiar and characteristic biological action; we need not, there- fore, be surprised to see pathologists endeavoring to withdraw this class of phenomena from the domain of physiology, in order to make them the exclusive property of medicine. We must not, however, in my opinion, give up all hope of connecting, one day, these morbid phenomena with the laws of physiology. If at present unable to do so, we shall, no doubt, succeed at some future period. Is it not, in fact, quite possible that in animals certain physiological con- ditions may arise which would give birth to virulent poisons? We are aware that in a perfect state of health several creatures are venomous; that is to say, they possess a peculiar virus which nature has given them for the purpose of killing their prey and defending themselves from their enemies. Here, then, we have a physiological virus; how is it produced within the system? The difficulty is quite as great as with regard to morbid poisons. It would appear that in several cases the noxious substance prevails throughout the economy; in other cases, we only discover it in certain fluids. The virus which occasions hydrophobia belongs to the latter class; it resides exclusively in the animal’s saliva. We are not yet aware whether any one of the salivary glands is its peculiar seat, or whether it is indiffer- ently secreted by all of them. No experiments have been tried on this point; but it has been experimentally proved that the peculiar venomous principle does not exist in the blood; transfusion does not convey the disease from a mad dog toa healthy one. It is a singular fact, and one which preéminently deserves our attention, that in so general a disease the virus, which alone is capable of transmitting the affection, should be exclusively localized within one single apparatus, without existing in the blood at large. Yet, if we reflect upon the question, we discover in the physiological state a great many similar dispositions; the principles which concur in a vast number of physiological functions,— pepsin, ptyaline, and the active principle of the pancreatic juice, are they not created by special glands? And is not the venom of serpents, which does not exist within the blood, produced by a special apparatus? Viewed in this light, a nad dog resembles a viper or a rattlesnake. But, on the other hand; there exist several virulent diseases in which the blood really appears to contain the morbid principle. This is the case with the glanders; and it is a well-known fact that healthy animals may be infected with the blood of a diseased horse, as well as with the slimy matter that escapes from the nose and mouth. But another particular which will, perhaps, excite your astonishment, is that the normal secretions, bile, saliva, gastric juice, and so forth, do not appear to contain the slightest vestige of this poison; while, on the other hand, the pathological fluids appear to be impregnated with it, and possess the property of transmitting the disease to sound animals,—a fact experi- mentally proved with regard to pus, the fluid contained in a hydrocele, and various other morbid secretions. For this reason alone are the autopsies per- formed on animals that die of the glanders attended with so much danger; CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 259 the virus pervades the whole system, and the slightest wound is sufficient to inoculate the complaint. You need not, however, be astonished at this singular property; you have already witnessed the repulsion which the salivary glands evince for certain substances introduced into the blood; and why should not certain morbid principles be in this manner rejected from all the secretions in which the nor- mal conditions remain unimpaired? The same thing appears to take place with respect to the contagious pneumonia of horned cattle. We are aware that volatile emanations transmit the morbid principle; but experiments have been tried (in Belgium) for the purpose of inoculating it directly to ani- mals, as a preservative against the disease. Something similar to the process of inoculation in the small-pox was expected to result from this; it was then discovered that neither the animal’s blood nor any of the fluids of the econ- omy was endowed with the property of propagating the complaint. It appears to have chosen the lungs for its exclusive seat, and the liquids therein con- tained, pus, lymph, etc., are alone endowed with the property of transmitting the complaint. The intense local inflammation which follows the operation sufficiently testifies to the noxious properties of this virus; and when, in order not to spoil the animal’s flesh, the tail is selected as the point where inocula- tion is to be performed, the subsequent inflammation frequently causes it to mortify. Here, then, we have another virus which exclusively resides in the tissues of the lungs, and is not found in the blood at large; but even in the normal State a great many substances are found in various tissues, which do not exist in this fluid. Thus, muscular flesh contains a large amount of salts of potash, while scarcely any trace of them is found in the blood; in a word, the vari- ous bodies found in different parts of the economy are not invariably repre- sented in the torrent of the circulation. The history of specific diseases offers, therefore, nothing which cannot rationally be explained. It now remains for us to discover the physiological progress by which a virus may be originated. Nothing is easier than to pro- duce putrid affections in sound animals. Thus, when transfusion is per- formed under the ordinary conditions, — when the blood is conveyed directly from one animal into the veins of another, — no accidents whatever are pro- duced; but if the blood is allowed to remain for a short space of time in contact with the atmosphere, and if the serum is then injected into the vessels, all the symptoms of putrid resorption are observed, and the ani- mals die after exhibiting all the characteristic symptoms of putrid infection. The blood is, therefore, capable of acquiring toxic properties without the intervention of any foreign principle, merely through the modifications which take place in its composition when life is extinct. The same results may be attained to without even drawing blood from the veins. If the blood of a fasting animal is directly injected into the veins of a healthy one, the latter is poisoned exactly in the same manner as before; and yet the blood, in this case, has not undergone any previous decomposition. The introduction of foreign principles, of course, acts upon the blood with still more intensity; nearly all the substances known under the name of fer- ments are endowed with the property of communicating a deleterious influ- nee to this fluid. When yeast is introduced into an animal’s veins, passive hemorrhage, and other adynamic symptoms, are immediately produced, and death takes place within a few days. Now, if the animal’s blood is trans- fused into another’s veins, all the phenomena previously described take place 260 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. in rapid succession, exactly as if yeast, and not blood, had been directly poured into the vessels. It seems likely that in this case a series of decompositions take place within the blood, which give rise to other ferments. The well-known experiment related in Pringle’s work on Army Diseases appears to tally with the result of our own experiments. (In order to prove the influence of putrid emanations, even at a distance, on the chemical phenomena of life, he plunged a thread into the yolk of a rotten egg, and then suspended it in a jar containing the yolk of another egg, and under these circumstances decomposition took place with far greater rapidity than usual.) We, therefore, perceive that all this series of phenomena hold intimate connection with that mysterious chemical process known under the name of catalysis. The theory of fermentation is at present so imperfectly known, and organic chemistry has in this respect made, as yet, so little progress, that it would hardly be fair to reproach medicine with its deficiencies on this point. There exists a whole series of diseases which evidently result from the chemical actions which take place within the body. It is, therefore, chemistry alone which, in its future progress, can teach us the physiological laws which embrace this particular branch of medicine. CATALYSIS AND CONTACT ACTION. It is well known that a super-saturated solution of crystallized sulphate of soda, exposed to the air, crystallizes suddenly when touched by a glass rod, but that it does not crystallize when this rod is heated to one hundred degrees Centigrade. Lcewel attributes this action to the air adherent to the rod; and it then becomes an interesting question, whether the air alone suffices for the production of the result, or some peculiar quality contained in the air ? The latter supposition seems the most probable, since it is not caused by air which has been filtered through cotton contained in a tube, nor by air which has passed through a properly arranged series of flasks, connected by tubes of glass. Air thus agitated, or heated by friction, may be brought in con- tact with the super-saturated solution, under the form of a continued current, without determining the crystallization, which commences immediately in the presence of normal air. Loewel attributes the modification produced by the air to the friction produced in his mode of experiment, and a recent experiment of his pupil Hirn proves that it is so. The air thus rendered passive by Loewel is called adynamic air. Hirn has observed that the air is rendered completely adynamic when it escapes after compression in the form of a jet from the receiver in which it was confined. After this compression it can be directed with impunity into a solution of sulphate of soda saturated by heat in a closed vessel. On the contrary, the solution solidifies instantaneously if, by the same tube, and without any derangement of the apparatus, some bubbles of ordinary air are allowed to pass into the solution. Here, then, is an action purely mechanical which replaces the action of heat, a remarkable example of the correlation of force, which raises a crowd of questions, and which leads to the inquiry, if an identical composition of the air should always have an identical action upon a living being; if air rendered adynamic by a storm is not found in differ- ent conditions, in relation to organized beings, than air long undisturbed? This brings to mind that Schroeder and Busch haye shown that fermentation CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 961 is not caused by air filtered through cotton; and we now ask, if the air, rendered adynamic by the process of Hirn, will not possess still more passivity ? It is an argument more in favor of this theory, now held by the advocates of spontaneous generation, to know that it is not by germs of infusoria suspended in the air that fermentaion or’ putrefaction is carried on. These experiments appear to us to touch questions of the greatest importance in the sciences of observation, as well as others relating to the most interesting considerations in cosmogony. — Silliman’s Journal, November, 1860. ON THE ASSIMILATION OF ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN BY PLANTS. It is well known that a controversy has been going on for some time between MM. Boussingault and Villé, of France, respecting the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by plants, —the results of the experiments of the latter chemist indicating that plants can assimilate nitrogen, and those of the former that no such action takes place. At the last meeting of the American Association, Professor Pugh stated that he had, under the auspices of Mr. Lawes, the well-known English agriculturist, and at an expense of six thou- sand dollars, devoted three years to the investigation of this question; and the conclusion arrived at, without going into detail, was, that no assimilation of gaseous nitrogen takes place: a result coinciding with that arrived at by Boussingault. The experiments had been conducted with the chief cereals, wheat, barley, oats, peas, beans, buckwheat, clover, and tobacco. In re- gard to all but the leguminous plants, there was no doubt as to the above result. With the latter, the experiments were less decided, in conse- quence of their not having given results so satisfactory as in the case of the others. ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF THE NITROGEN OF THE ATMOSPHERE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF AMMONIA, FOR FERTILIZING PURPOSES. Since the determination of the value of ammonia, ammoniacal salts, and nitrogenous compounds generally, as fertilizers, the artificial production of ammonia has been regarded as a problem of the highest interest to agriculture. But to arrive at this result it is necessary to obtain the nitrogen elsewhere than in organic nitrogenous matters, which may, for the most part, be employed directly as manures, and of which the limited quantities and elevated price permit in any event only restricted and costly manufacture. 4 Atmospheric air is an inexhaustible and gratuitous source of nitrogen. However, this element presents so great an indifference in its chemical reac- tions, that, notwithstanding the numerous attempts which have been made, chemists have not heretofore succeeded in combining it with hydrogen, so as to produce ammonia artificially. This result, so long desired, is reported to have been obtained during the past year by two French chemists, MM. Marguerritte and de Sourdeville, who employ as their agent in the process, the earthy base, baryta, converting it, by the aid of atmospheric nitrogen, into cyanide of barium, and producing from this last ammonia by the agency of vapor of water. The following is a brief resumé of the process employed: The baryta is prepared in the first instance by subjecting to a strong heat, in an earthen retort, a mixture of carbonate of baryta (the common ore of 262 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. baryta), coal-tar, and sawdust. Each molecule of the carbonate being thus brought in contact with the reducing agent, carbon, excellent results are obtained, the decomposition of the carbonate being easy, and the product of baryta abundant. (It was from observing the odor of ammonia, which was at times developed during their experiments upon this method of preparing baryta, that the authors were led to the discovery in question.) When the baryta thus obtained is calcined in the presence of charcoal and atmospheric air, it combines readily with carbon and the nitrogen of the air, and a forma- tion of cyanide of barium and carbonic. oxide results. This product of cyanide of barium is then received into an iron cylinder, through which a current of steam at a temperature of about five hundred and seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit is passed, and under these circumstanees the cyanide of barium disengages in the form of ammonia all the nitrogen which it contains. Trials made by the discoverers of this process, upon a tolerably large scale, are reported to have been eminently successful, leading them to hope that not only the various cyanides employed in the arts, but also ammonia and nitric acid, may thus be economically produced. ON THE SOURCES OF NITROGEN IN PLANTS.—BY DR. CHARLES CAMERON, F. R. C. Previous to the year 1857, our knowledge of the sources of the most impor- tant (agronomically considered) of the organic constituents of the food of plants, nitrogen, was limited to the following substances : — Ammonia and its salts. The nitrates of the alkalies. The cyanides of potassium and sodium. These substances have been proved, beyond all doubt, to be capable of furnishing nitrogen in plants; but there are other bodies whose capability of supplying this element to vegetables is still a questio verata. These bodies are free nitrogen, —that gas which forms the most abundant constituent of the atmospheré, —and the nitrogenous organic matter termed humus (the altered remains of plants), a substance which is present in every fertile soil. There are, I believe, but few vegetable physiologists who now insist that plants are capable of assimilating uncombined nitrogen; but many of the most celebrated investigators of phyto-chemistry, whilst admitting that plants derive a large proportion of their nitrogen from the ammonia of the atmosphere and the soil, maintain that the greater proportion is furnished to them by the soluble organic matter of the soil. For my own part, I have satisfied myself, by numerous carefully conducted experiments, that neither the free nitrogen of the atmosphere nor the combined nitrogen of humus can be assimilated by plants. I have further satisfied myself that the nutri- ment of plants can only be supplied by substances of a purely inorganic nature, under which designation I include a considerable number of sub- stances —such as ammonia and urea—which are commonly, though I believe incorrectly, considered as pertaining to the organic kingdom. Some of the results of my researches in this domain of science have been published in various journals since 1857. These researches prove that the sources of the nitrogen of plants are not limited to the substances above enumerated; but that, in addition to these, urea and the cyanurates of potash and soda, compounds exceedingly rich in nitrogen, are capable of vielding that element to growing plants. Since the publication of these experimental results, I have CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 963 occupied myself in investigating still further the interesting subject, and I have now to announce the addition of two substances to the list of those capable of furnishing nitrogen to plants, namely, nitrate of potash and ferro- cyanide of potassium. The experiments by which I succeeded in proving the availability of these bodies, as food for plants, were conducted in the following manner: — A number of peas were selected, some of which were dried, submitted to analysis, and found to contain 4.365 per centum of nitrogen. Others were sown under the following circumstances: five earthenware vessels, respec- tively labelled Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, were partly filled with brick-dust, and in each were sown eight peas. These were manured with a mixture composed of the following ingredients: The double silicate of potash and soda, chloride of sodium (common salt), carbonate of lime (chalk), hydrated sulphate of lime (gypsum), freshly precipitated phosphates of lime and magnesia, and calcined bones. In addition to this compound, which, it will be perceived, was altogether destitute of nitrogen, Nos. 1 and 2 were supplied with ferro- cyanide of potassium, and Nos. 3 and 4 with nitrate of potash. Both of these substances are well known as nitrogenous compounds. No. 5 was left without any nitrogenous substance. The vessels were placed under glass shades, and supplied with sufficient light, and with air freed from the slightest trace of ammonia or of nitric acid. The seeds were sown on the 28th of March, 1860, and, with three excep- tions, germinated and developed into plants. Daily, during the growth of plants, they were supplied with carbonic acid, both in the gaseous state and dissolved in water. ; On the 24th of May, the following results were observable. With one exception, the plants in Nos. 1 and 2 had attained to a fair size, and looked healthy; and, with two exceptions, the same may be said of the plants in Nos. 3 and 4; all the plants were in flower. In No. 5 the result was differ- ent; the seeds had germinated, and the plants grew favorably for a short time, but, at the period above mentioned, presented small, sickly, and de- caying haulms, and no appearance of flowers. On the 12th of July the plants to which the nitrogenous substances were supplied had perfectly matured their seeds, whilst those grown with the non-nitrogenous manures had withered away, after attaining a stunted stat- ure, and without having made any attempt at maturation. I may here remark that the peas grown under the circumstances thus described were not what would be considered good by a market gardener, and there was but a poor return for the seed. My object, however, was not to grow a good leguminous crop, but merely to endeavor to extend our knowledge of the nature of the food of plants. Some of the plants — straw and seed — grown in Nos. 1 and 2, were ana- lyzed, and were found to yield an amount of nitrogen, which, compared to that contained in the original seed, was as thirty-eight to one. The nitrogen in the plants grown in Nos. 3 and 4 was found to be greater in quantity, in the proportion of thirty-four to one, than that contained in the original seed. This increase, which could only have been derived from the nitrogen in the yellow prussiate of potash and nitrate of potash, proves that these substances should be added to the list of materials capable of being used as a nitrogenous food by plants. Iintended to try some experiments this year with reference to sulpho- cyanide of potassium and uric acid, as sources of nitrogen for plants, but 964 ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. the want of a sufficient number of large glass shades, and the peculiarly constructed vessels attached to them, which I employ in these experiments, obliged me to abandon my intention so to do for the present. Sulpho-cyan- ide of potassium, like the ferrocyanide of the same base, is innocuous, rich in nitrogen, and very soluble. Uric acid contains a larger proportion of nitrogen, but is very sparingly soluble. I have no doubt that both substan- ces will be found capable of ministering to the wants of vegetable life. It is also probable that ferrocyanide of potassium is capable, like its kindred sub- stance, the yellow prussiate, of rendering up its nitrogen on the demand of the plant. — Chemical News. ON THE FORMATION OF CARBONATE OF LIME AND MAGNESIA. Mr. T. S. Hunt, of the Canadian Geological Survey, states as the result of his recent researches, that “‘if we mingle in equivalent proportions the chlo- rides of calcium and magnesium in concentrated solution, and then, having precipitated the bases by a slight excess of carbonate of soda in the cold, expose the mixture for a few hours in a closed flask to a temperature of 200° —212° F., the pasty mass is entirely transformed into a beautiful granular powder, made up of spherical, translucent, crystalline grains, which are sparingly soluble in cold, dilute, acetic acid, and are a double carbonate of lime and magnesia. In my previous and published trials, at temperatures of 300°—400° F., the product was much less beautiful, and was mingled with carbonate of magnesia. It now remains to be seen whether the combi- nation may not be slowly effected at a temperature much below 200° F., and experiments upon this point are in progress.” ON THE PRODUCTION OF OZONE BY MEANS OF A PLATINUM WIRE MADE INCANDESCENT BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT.— BY M. LE ROUX. If a platinum wire, not too large, be made incandescent by an electric current in such a manner that the ascending flow of hot air which has sur- rounded the wire comes in direct contact with the nostrils, an odor of ozone is perceived. The experiment may be made in the following manner: A very fine platinum wire is taken, formed in any shape, and supported in an almost horizontal position in any suitable manner. A glass funnel is placed over this, so that the air has sufficient access to the wire, on which is adjusted a glass chimney of a suitable length; the object of which is to cool the gases heated by the wire. The wire is then made incandescent by means of twelve or fifteen Bunsen’s cells. The gas issuing from the chimney is found to have the odor of ozone; iodized starch-papers are altered in a few minutes when placed over the chimney. In this case, the air passing over the incandescent wire undergoes a peculiar modification by which it acquires the properties of ozone; but whether this is effected by the electricity acting as a source of heat, or by its own proper action, must be reserved for further experiments. — Comptes Rendus, 1860. RESEARCHES BY M. HONZEAU ON OXYGEN IN THE NASCENT STATE. When peroxide of barium is acted upon at ordinary temperatures by mono- hydrated sulphuric acid, the oxygen evolved possesses very active oxidizing CHEMICAL SCIENCE. . 265 properties. A simple apparatus for the purpose consists of a tubulated flask, to the narrower neck of which is adapted a tube to convey the gas into a jar standing over water. The sulphuric acid being first poured into the flask, the peroxide of barium is added to it in small fragments, and the neck quickly closed with a cork. The disengagement of gas soon begins, and is more rapid as the acid mixture becomes more strongly heated. It is, therefore, sometimes necessary to accelerate the action by immersing the flask ina water-bath; at other times, on the contrary, to moderate it by the use of cold water. Nascent oxygen is a colorless gas, having a powerful odor; it must be respired with caution, for if introduced into the system in large quantity it gives rise to nausea, which may be followed by vomiting. Its odor also, which at first is by no means unpleasant, becomes insupportable after smell- ing it frequently: its taste resembles that of the lobster. When heated to 75° C. (168° F.), or exposed to the sun’s rays, it loses all its active properties. In presence of water, and at ordinary temperatures, it oxidizes most of the metals, even silver, peroxidizes metallic protoxides, and immediately transforms arsenious into arsenic acid, etc. The alkalies (potash, soda, lime, baryta), and the stronger acids (sulphuric, phosphoric, nitric), act powerfully on it. Ammonia in contact with nascent oxygen undergoes a true combustion, the product of which is a nitrous compound: on plunging a glass rod dipped in ammonia into a jar of the odoriferous oxygen, the vessel is immediately filled with white fumes of nitrate of ammonia. Phosphuretted hydrogen of the non-spontaneously inflammable variety, which is not acted upon at 20° C. (58° F.) by ordinary oxygen, burns with emission of light in the odoriferous gas. Lastly, hydrochloric acid, dissolved in water, is completely decomposed by nascent oxygen; the hydrogen is burned, and the liberated chlorine dissolves gold-leaf immersed in the modified acid. Nascent oxygen is, therefore, a chlorinizing agent, in the same manner as chlorine is an oxidizing agent: it is, in fact, to this remarkable power of combustion in nascent oxygen that the metallic peroxides owe their faculty of eliminating chlorine under the influence of hydrochloric acid. The odoriferous gas acts still more rapidly on iodide of potassium, liberat- ing the iodine; it decolorizes spontaneously the tinctures of litmus, cochineal, campeachy wood, sulphate of indigo, etc., exhibiting a bleaching power equal to that of chlorine itself. Porous bodies absorb nascent oxygen, and modify it in a remarkable manner; for when the gas is slowly passed through a glass tube filled with asbestos, platinum-black, lint, carded cotton, shreds of flannel, etc., its odor and oxidizing properties are completely destroyed. The following table gives a summary of the differences between ordinary and nascent oxygen :— Properties of ordinary oxygen in the Properties of nascent oxygen in the Sree state, and at the temperature Sree state, and at the temperature of of 15° C.(60° F.) 15° €. (60° F-) Colorless gas, inodorous and tasteless. Colorless gas, having a very powerful odor, and the taste of lobsters. Has no action on blue litmus. Rapidly decolorizes blue litmus. Does not cxidize silver. Oxidizes silver. 539 23 266 Properties of ordinary oxygen in the Sree state, and at the temperature of 15° C. (60° F.) Has no action on ammonia. Has no action on phosphuretted hy- drogen. Does not decompose iodide of potas- ANNUAL OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Properties of nascent oxygen in the Sree state, and at the temperature of 15° C. (60° F.) Burns ammonia spontaneously, and transforms it into nitrate. Instantly burns phosphuretted hydro- gen, with emission of light. Acts readily on iodide of potassium, sium. setting the iodine free. Has no action on hydrochloric acid. Decomposes hydrochloric acid, set- ting the chlorine free. Has a feeble oxidizing action. Is a powerful oxidizing and chlorin- izing agent. Stable at 15° C., but destroyed towards 75°. Very stable at all temperatures. Peroxide of barium is not the only body which is capable of yielding active oxygen. Oxygen in the combined state possesses, indeed, the intensified power which distinguishes free oxygen in the nascent state, and which it ceases to exhibit when completely isolated, because the temperature at which it is usually evolved from its combinations is equal or superior to that at which active oxygen passes into the ordinary state. WATER-GLASS. The following is an abstract of a recent report of a commission appointed by the French Government to examine the several processes devised by M. Kiihimann, of Lille, for the employment of soluble alkaline silicates for hard- ening stone, painting, etc. Theory of Hydraulic Cements. — The silicious solution, silicate of potash or silicate of soda, forms the basis of all the new processes. Since 1840, researches upon the origin and nature of the efflorescences upon walls have furnished Mr. Kiihimann with the opportunity of ascertaining the presence of potash and soda in most of the limestones of the various geological epochs, in larger proportion in hydraulic limestones than in fat limestones (a chaux grasse). What would be their influence upon the hydraulic properties of the lime? Mr. Kiihlmann thought that, under the influence of potash or soda, silicious limestones might give origin, when calcined, to double compounds of lime, silica, or alumina, and an alkali analogous to those which would be obtained by the calcination of some kinds of hydrated minerals, and that these compounds, when afterwards brought into contact with water, would undergo an action analogous to that which causes the consolidation of plas- ter, viz., hydration, and at last perfect hardness. The principal effect of the potash and soda would consist in transferring a certain quantity of silica to the lime, and in giving origin to silicates, which absorb water with avidity (so as to leave only that portion of water neces- sary to their hydrated nature), and become solidified. Numerous facts bore out this theory. Quicklime, when left in contact with a solution of silicate of potash, is immediately transformed into hydraulic lime. Quicklime and an alkaline silicate, very finely pulverized, and mixed in the proportion of eleven of silicate to one hundred of lime, likewise furnish an excellent CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 267 hydraulic lime. A mortar of fat lime repeatedly wetted with a solution of alkaline silicate is transformed into hydraulic mortar. Lastly, with the glassy silicate and lime more or jess energetic hydraulic cements can be produced at will, which will be found very useful in countries where only fat limestones exist. Silicification. — From observing the great affinity of lime for silica when set free in a nascent state from its compound with potash, Mr. Kiihlmann was led to study the action of the silicates of potash and soda upon the calcareous stones,— upon chalk in particular. He observed that by placing some chalk in contact with a solution of silicate of potash in the cold, a portion of the chalk is transformed into silico-carbonate of lime, whilst a corresponding portion of potash is displaced; that the chalk hardens gradually in the air and acquires a greater hardness than that of the best hydraulic cements; if the chalk is made into a paste with the silicate, it will adhere strongly to bodies, to the surface of which it is applied. Thus a cement was discovered, capable of being employed in restoring public monuments and in the manu- facture of cornice-work. Pushing his experiments further, he ascertained that chalk, when planged into a solution of silicate of potash, was capable of absorbing a considerable quantity of silica; by exposing it alternately and repeatedly to the action of the silicious solution and to that of the air, he found that this stone acquired in time a great hardness on the surface, and that the hardening, which was at first superficial, penetrated gradually to the centre. This silicification of the stone (this is the name given by Mr. Kthlmann to this transformation ) is due to the decomposition of the silicate of potash by the carbonate of lime on the one hand, and by the carbonic acid of the air on the other.