‘s M3ea8 1891/92 SN AL A AA “Uni. ¢ bib. PAA Ceg = | FEB 28 1909 _TWENTY-NIN TH ANNUAL REPORT | Lbioneeds t OF THE ; OF. THE UNIVERSITY OF i} iNOS we “MASSACHUSETTS , n ~ ee ne a eer eye Sn ; = cue ae BOSTON: & POTTER PRINTING ©0., STATE PRINTERS, 4 y * “4 . i a 4 4 rl * , | i 7 ~ ’ " ; ae ¥ ‘ vy ry “ eu ¥. ae, Liha ee oe 4 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF tLIINOIS, PuBuLC DOCUMENT .... TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT ~ OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. JANUARY, 1892. BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 Post Orrick SQUARE. 1892. Commontocalth of Massachusetts MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AMHERST, Jan. 14, 1892. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives. I have the honor to transmit herewith to your honorable body the Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, CHARLES H. FERNALD, Acting President. + i - * xy ‘ ot ~ al Hy, : " i Fi E ; * : , "a ah eu TA , Cee We Me Ree Bi ate CONTENTS. Report of Trustees, . Labor Fund, Report on Horticultural Department, Report on Farm, : Report on Experiment Department : — Entomological Division, Meteorological Division, Agricultural Division, Horticultural Division, Report of Treasurer, Gifts, | Report of Treasurer, Report of Military Bee eae) t Report of Department of Mental and Political Science, Calendar, . p z Catalogue of iate and ri aoits: Course of Study, Requirements for Admission, . Expenses, . Scholarships, Equipment, Appendix : — Military Instruction in Educational Institutions, Tuberculosis, . ‘ ‘ é ‘ - 34, 35 36-39 40, 41 42-44 45 46-53 54, 55 57 61 62 63-67 71 81 ‘ = - 7 > . * 9 4 i f . ‘ 4 P r ‘ 6 4 ei 3 ‘ ) 1 4 A Se Mie eae | ee yee 2 Deanne Falta fala ahaa Se sees iy, ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives. During the past year the college has been very prosperous, though no great changes have occurred. President Goodell has been ill because of overwork, and was granted a leave of absence during the fall term, which was spent in Europe. His duties were assigned to me during his absence, and it is but just to say that the success of the fall term is due to the excellent ‘condition in which he left the college, and to the hearty co-opera- tion and assistance of the members of the faculty. A fine class of forty-three students was admitted in Septem- ber, making the whole number now in college larger than at any previous time in the history of the institution. This gradual growth during several years past is undoubtedly due to several causes: first, the able administration of the college; secondly, the efficient corps of teachers associated in its management ; thirdly, the higher standard of scholarship required for admis- sion, and for promotion from one class to another ; fourthly, the better and fuller knowledge of the college and its aims and pur- poses by the citizens of the Commonwealth; and, lastly, the encouragement offered by the provisions of the labor fund. This higher grade of scholarship which the institution now maintains will be a source of satisfaction to the graduates of the college, since it will prove an excellent recommendation for them when seeking situations, and will result in a far better preparation for agricultural pursuits. It is not the wish or purpose to crowd the dull or slow students out of college, provided they are faithful and accomplish all they are able; but it is the express purpose to compel the indolent and negligent to do good work or to leave. 8 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Jan. THe Lapor Funp. I desire once more to call attention to the good results of this most wise provision of the General Court of 1889. Permanent improvements have been made on the farm, and work has been carried on in the horticultural department that it would not have been possible to undertake in any other way. It has given the opportunity to every young man of limited means to secure an education by his own individual efforts, and the opportunity has been eagerly embraced. To this cause perhaps more than to any other may be assigned the increased numbers that have come to the college during the past three years. It is no charity, for it returns to the State twofold for every dollar expended, — first in the increased value of its property, and second in the education and training up of young men to be good and faithful citizens. The fund has been administered with great care. Those desiring to enjoy its benefits have been required to bring a certificate from some responsible fellow- townsman, certifying to the fact that it was necessary for them to work in order to gain an education. During the past year over $6,600 has been expended for labor thus performed. This has been distributed among one hundred and twenty students. The average amount earned has been from fifty to sixty dollars, while the largest amount earned by any single individual has been one hundred and fifty dollars. The labor and maintenance fund created by chapter 12 of the Resolves of 1889 expires with the present year, and it is asked for a continuance of the same, and that the appropriation be made perpetual. REPORT ON THE HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. The horticultural industry of the State is of the greatest importance, and is steadily increasing in amount and value. The necessities of this department of the college are pressing, and it is asked that $8,000 may be appropriated for the follow- ing purposes, to wit: the rebuilding of the Durfee plant house, and the erection of a rose house, vegetable house and cold grapery in connection therewith, at a cost not to exceed $6,000 ; and the building and equipping of a tool house at a cost not to exceed $2,000. The report on this department, by Prof. S. T. Maynard, explains more in detail its needs, and the permanent improvements it is hoped will be made. - 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. 9 The horticultural department of the college has had a fairly pros- perous year financially. The crops have been abundant and of the best quality, but prices have ruled low. For the first’ time in the past ten years the peach orchard has borne an abundant crop, and many new varieties have fruited for the first time, enabling us to determine something of the comparative value of such varieties for this locality. The land assigned for orchard purposes has now all been planted, in many cases too closely for the best results; and more land is needed, if the work of testing all of the promising new varieties be continued. The ornamental trees and shrubs, planted in many cases for imme- diate effect, are in some places becoming too crowded for the best permanent growth, and will soon require heroic thinning or re- arrangement. In the botanic museum new cases have been placed for the speci- mens of plant growth, fruit models, etc., that have been accumulat- ing during the past few years, and soon these collections will be ar- ranged and properly labelled. During the past season nearly 2,000 species of fungi have been added to the collection by purchase, and these will soon be arranged in the herbanium for reference and study. The enlargement of the botanic laboratory, completed last season, has assisted much in the efficiency of the study of structural and _ physiological botany, but more apparatus is needed to complete it. The botanic museum, stable, and other buildings connected with the department are in sad need of painting to prevent rapid decay. In making plans for the greater efficiency of the work of the botanic and horticultural department, after a careful investigation by a com- mittee of the trustees of the college, it was decided that the urgent needs of the department are as follows : — Rebuilding of the Durfee plant house on an improved plan, and - replacing the old system of heating with four-inch pipes by the more modern system of steam, or hot water under pressure. Also build- ing arose house, cold grapery and a vegetable house. This will re- quire the expenditure of at least 36,000. A tool-house, containing a work-room, carpenter’s shop, a room with a forge and anvil, a store room and open sheds, is a necessity, as at the present time tools are stored in at least four different places, and the work of repairing must be done in the cold or in the work-rooms of the greenhouses. Such a building, with its equipment, will cost $2,000. The draining of the garden land south of the Durfee plant house, which is too wet for profitable cultivation except in a very dry sea- son, ought to be undertaken at the very earliest opportunity. 10 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE... [ Jan. To put the orchards and fruit plantations, the ornamental trees and plants, and the garden land, in proper condition for the best re- sults, a large amount of fertilizers and manures is required. Lastly, it has been planned to devote the hillside on the south- eastern part of the grounds to the growth of all the trees, plants and shrubs, indigenous to Massachusetts, under the name of the Massa- chusetts Garden. To put the land in proper condition for planting will require a considerable outlay of time and money. Aside from the beautifying of the State grounds, this will prove of great profit and interest to all visiting the college, and of invaluable assistance in the study of botany. REPORT OF AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. The work in this department has been of the same general character as in the years preceding. Permanent improvements have been steadily carried forward. Stumps have been pulled, fresh ground broken up and subdued, five thousand feet of tile drains laid, and thirty-five acres ploughed and prepared for the planting of corn in the spring. In the report of Professor Brooks, herewith submitted, I would call attention to an inter- esting comparison of ‘‘Soiling versus Pasturage,” and an «¢ Account with Twenty Grade Cows.” Farm REport. The past year has been one of general prosperity upon the farm. The area under cultivation has been larger than in any recent year, and it is believed to have been larger than in any previous year since the reduction in the area under farm management by the setting . apart of grounds for the horticultural and experimental departments. This increase in area under hoed crops has been made possible by the gradual reclamation of the old pastures, the drainage of con- siderable tracts heretofore too wet for profitable cultivation, and the substitution of soiling crops instead of pasturage for the summer food of our milch cows. As a result, the aggregate value of the farm products has been largely increased. For this season, the total amounts to $5,525, exclusive of the crops used for soiling, which furnished green fodder for an average of thirty-two cows for five months, and must have been worth about $585. Our crops for last year were worth $4,457, in round numbers, and besides we pastured an average of about twenty cows. The products of this year, then, exceed in value those of last season by not less than 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. Lk $1,200. Our sales have also been largely increased. ‘The principal items in round numbers are : — Milk, cream and fat culves, .° : ‘ ‘ ; : $2,826 Beef, . ; ; ; ‘ : as : fs 100 Hay,. . : 4 : f : : : ; 338 Lambs, wool and Ponitant® : ; . i i : 225 Potatoes, . , , ; : ; : : ; 614 Pigs and fat Roar : : : : : é ; : 300 Total,. . : : P , : : , $4,403 Similar sales for last year aggregated $3,551. The squash crop for this year (a large one ) is still for the most part unsold. This crop was included in last year’s aggregate of sales, and it is expected that the sales of this year will exceed those of last by fully $1,000. The number of acres in the ordinary crops of the farm was as follows: hay, 75; field corn, 14; silage corn, 10; potatoes, 10; mangels, 24; Swedes, $; carrots, 4; English turnips, 1; squashes, 3; and rye, 3. Besides these, we had soiling crops as follows: rye, 9 acres; clover, l acre; oats and vetches, 2 acres; grass, 3 acres ; fodder corn, 8 acres; oats and peas, 4 acres; and barley and peas, 4 acres, —a total of 1463 acres; or, deducting land which produced two crops, 1374 acres. Most of our crops have been good and a number of them exceptionally so, although I confidently anticipate improvement in the future, as the newly reclaimed land which comprises more than one-half of our cultivable area is being gradually brought into better condition by drainage, cultivation and manuring. Hay. — The early spring months were unusually dry, the rainfall amounting to but 1.82 inches in May, while the average for that month for the past fifteen years has been 3.41 inches. The effect was serious upon our old fields, and our crop was but about two- thirds what we usually obtain. It was secured in splendid order, the first crop being all cut before July 4, and amounting to 140 tons. ‘The second crop, also secured in good order, amounted to 40 tons, making a total of 180 tons, or about two and two-fifths tons per acre. Field Corn. — The fourteen acres in this crop consist for the most part of a rather heavy loam. It had been in grass without manure for two years, and was full of sorrel. It was ploughed in the early fall of last year, manured broadcast at the rate of five cords per acre in spring, and thoroughly prepared for seed by wheel-harrowing. In addition to the manure, we used per acre: muriate of potash, 140 12 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. pounds; dried blood, 70 pounds; bone-meal, 45 pounds; nitrate of soda, 60 pounds; and superphosphate, 85 pounds. Three-fourths of the mixed fertilizers were applied broadcast and harrowed in; the balance was put in the drill. Sibley’s Pride of the North was the variety of corn selected, and both seed and fertilizer were very satis- factorily put in with the Eclipse corn planter. The crop was thinned to about ten inches in the drills, which were three and one-half feet apart. Very little hand work was employed in cultivation. The yield and financial standing are shown below : — 700 bushels shelled corn, at 70 cents, . . . $490 00 30 tons stover, at $7, . i : : é « -) 2hONOO ———— $700 00 Manure, 70 cords, at $4 (one-half cost), . . $140 00 Fertilizer (three-fourths cost), . : 2 CLG Labor, . ; ; : : p i oo bat Oo — 492 00 Balance in favor of crop, . : : : : : $208 00 Silage Corn. — This crop occupied ten acres of our best corn land. The preceding year it had been occupied by rye, corn, mangels, potatoes, Swedes, and carrots. The rye (about one half the whole) received no manure, but the balance was all similarly and well manured. ‘The corn following corn the year before was best, and next in quality ranked the crop after rye, potatoes, mangels, carrots and Swedes in the order named, thus indicating the exhausting na- ture of the root crops. ‘This was especially marked in the case of the Swedes, after which the corn of this year was light, although the root crop of the preceding year was abundantly manured and was not an unusually heavy one. All this land was ploughed late in the fall of last year, manured at the rate of six cords to the acre during winter, reploughed this spring, and the fertilizer spread broad- cast and harrowed in. We applied per acre, in addition to the manure: fish guano, 150 pounds; nitrate of soda, 100 pounds; and muriate of potash, 150 pounds. The yield and financial standing are as follows : — Silage, 140 tons, at $4, _ . : : : $060 O0 Shelled corn, 30 bushels, at 70 Beutel 5 ; 21 00 Stover, 2 tons, at $7,. ; : 14 00 — $595 00 One-half manure used, . , ‘ , : $120 00 Fertilizer (three-fourths cost), : : 56 25 Labor, , : ‘ : i Spies ; 251 50 — 427 75 $167 25 Balance in favor of crop, 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 31. 13 In view of the apparently small profit upon this crop, as compared with that upon the considerably poorer crop of field corn, I must again express my conviction that the customary valuation of $4.00 per ton for silage is too low for an article which contains so much grain as does that which we produce. For substantiation of the correctness of this view I am able to refer to the results of careful experiments made at the Wisconsin Agricul- tural Experiment Station, which showed that the loss of dry matter in the curing of fodder corn in the field was a little greater even than the loss in the silo. Experiments at the same station have shown that for milch cows the feeding value of the dry matter in silage and in dry corn fodder is practically equal. In some experiments the silage and in others the fodder has shown a slight superiority. That part of our field of corn put into the silos (140 tons ), if stooked and husked, must have yielded us about 600 bushels of shelled grain and 32 tons of well-dried stover, which, at current prices, would have been worth $644. I have no doubt we have an equal value in the silos, which would make our silage worth $4.60 per ton, instead of $4.00, as figured. The fact that our field furnished a surplus above the amount needed to fill our silos was taken advantage of to determine approxi- mately the relative cost of ensiling corn and of harvesting in the ordinary way. We cut the fodder for the silo this year into three- fourths-inch lengths, using a machine a little too light for our power, and were hindered by frequent breakages, which considerably increased the cost; and yet the actual cost of cutting in the field, hauling, and cutting into the silo, was but 80 cents per ton. Our crop averaged about fifteen tons per acre, and the cost of ensiling was, therefore, $12 per acre. Such a crop will yield 150 baskets of ears and about 4 tons of stover to the acre; and with us the cost of cutting and stooking, husking and putting the corn into the crib and the stover into the barn amounts to not less than $13 per acre. The difference between the two systems, then, is not one of cost of handling; and which is the better means of utilizing the crop must depend chiefly upon the relative food value of the product secured under these different methods. In the one case we have grain on the ear and dry stover; in the other a succulent mixture of grain and stalks, which, it is true, has lost something by fermentation. It is difficult or impossible to make well-fed stock consume all of the dry stover, and there is always considerable waste, while silage is eaten up clean by most animals. J am convinced that the ordinary waste of stover more than equals the loss by fermentation in the silo; and, when it is further considered that, before stover and grain can be profitably fed, the former must be cut into short lengths 14 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. or shredded and the latter shelled and ground, the superior economy of ensiling corn over husking and handling in the ordinary way must be evident. Another advantage incident to the practice of ensilage rather than stooking and husking is found in connection with laying down the land to grass. When the grass seeds are sown in July or August in the standing corn, which is the common practice here, and the corn is stooked and husked in the ordinary way, the grass has a much poorer chance than when the corn is cut and at once carted away for the silo. Where each stook has stood is found a spot where the grass is killed. If, as is also not uncommon, it be desired to fol- low corn with rye, the prompt clearing of the field for the silo is a great advantage. Potatoes. —Ten acres of medium loam of alluvial origin just north of the ‘‘ ravine” were planted to this crop. The land had been used for a pasture for some five or six years. It was ploughed in the fall, and prepared for seed by thorough wheel-harrowing in early spring. No manure was used; but fertilizers, one-half harrowed in and one- half in the drill, were employed at the following rates per acre: fish guano, 250 pounds; superphosphate, 85 pounds; bone meal 125 pounds ; muriate of potash, 165 pounds. We were ready to begin planting April 5, but a heavy snow-fall, amounting to rather over a foot, delayed operations ten days. The seed which had been cut suffered seriously by the delay, and fully one-fourth of it failed to grow. The crop was from this cause lighter than we had expected; but it was of splendid quality. It was sold in Boston, and brought from forty to fifty cents per bushel, from which freights and commission must be deducted. Financial results : — Potatoes (net proceeds of sales), j : ; - oro 7a Three-fourths fertilizers used, : : : $100 25 Labor in raising and marketing, . ; 297 75 — 398 00 Balance in favor of crop, . ce ee . : . > Splits TS Carrots. — This crop occupied one-half acre of good land, but, requiring to be replanted, the seed was got in so late that the crop was small. It amounted to only 125 bushels of roots, which will hardly repay the cost of the labor. The soil received a good dressing of manure and a liberal application of mixed fertilizers. Swedes. — Area in crop, one-half acre of medium loam. This was ploughed in the fall, manured during winter at the rate of seven cords 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT -—- No. 31. 15 per acre. .It was reploughed in the spring, the fertilizer spread broadcast and thoroughly harrowed in. ‘The seed was planted July 1, and the crop made a magnificent growth of tops, but the develop- ment of the roots was not satisfactory. Many were hollow, and not a few rotted. The fertilizers used per acre were as follows: nitrate of soda, 150 pounds; muriate of potash, 150 pounds; superphos- phate, 100 pounds. Financial standing : — Swedish turnips, 12 tons, at $4, . ‘ : : ‘ . $48 00 One-half manure used, ; : : : : $7 00 Fertilizer (three-fourths cost), : ; 5 00 Labor, . A : : i : y ; 28 00 —_———__ 40 00 Balance in favor of crop, . : : : : : $3 00 Beets.—The land selected for this crop, two and one-half acres, was similar to that on which the Swedes were grown, and it was similarly prepared and received equal amounts of manure and fertilizers. One acre of this land was in squashes and one acre in popcorn, the balance in potatoes in 1890. The preparation of. the soil for plant- ing was very thorough, the germination of the seed satisfactory, and the conditions for growth throughout the season highly favorable. The result was a remarkably fine crop. The yield and financial results are shown below : — 106 tons beets, at $4, . ‘ : : 5 : . $424 00 Manure (one-half value), : : ! $06 O00 Fertilizer (three-fourths cost), : : : 19 00 Labor, : : : é ‘ : ! : 115 00 ——.- 170 00 Balance in favor of crop, . ‘ : . $204 00 The varieties raised were Lane’s American sugar beet, and Carter’s orange globe mangel. An experiment was made upon this crop, to test the efficacy of common salt as a fertilizer. The land was divided transversely into half-acre strips, and coarse salt at the rate of two hundred pounds per acre was sown broadcast, soon after the seed was planted, upon three of these sections. The beneficial effect of the salt was appar- ent throughout the season, but the actual gain in yield was not large. It amounted to two and one-half tons per acre, which is sufficient to repay the cost of application some five or six times over. The ben- efit from the use of salt for this crop would undoubtedly be yet more striking in cases where such fertilizers as muriate of potash are not employed; for the hydrochloric acid in this must bave a similar effect in unlocking plant food to that resulting from the action of the same acid in the salt. 16 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. * Squashes. — Three acres of warm, medium loam, north of the ‘¢ravine,” were planted with this crop, about one-fifth with Hubbard and the balance with Essex hybrid seed. Upon one acre potatoes also were planted, every third row being left out for the squashes. The results of this method of planting were on the whole satisfactory. If potatoes of an early variety are planted in good season, they finish their growth before the squashes require the land. ‘The land in this crop received a heavy broadcast application of material from the ruins of the Hatch barn, which was destroyed by fire April 5. This barn contained a considerable quantity of nitrate of soda, muriate of potash and dissolved bone-black; and the mixed remains of these and the ashes from the fire were undoubtedly of considerable value. In addition, we used mixed fertilizers in the hill in the following quantities per acre: bone meal, 150 pounds; fish guano, 100 pounds: muriate of potash, 110 pounds. On the greater part of the field we used in each hill a shovelful of coal ashes, the beneficial effect of which in preventing the work of the borer was very marked. Where the ashes were not employed the percentage of loss of plants was much the larger, many hills being entirely destroyed. The yield and financial standing of the crop are shown below : — 25 tons squashes, at $10, . ‘ : ; » $250 00 Three-fourths cost of fertilizers used in hilie, : $17 00 Labor, raising and storing, ‘ i 4 , 60 75 —— 77 7 Balance in favor of crop, . ; 5 : ; . $172 25 Rye. — Three acres of newly broken up old pasture were in this crop, which received in spring an application of 150 pounds of fish guano, 150 pounds of muriate of potash and 100 pounds of nitrate of soda, per acre. The yield was fairly satisfactory, and the standing of this crop is shown below : — 60 bushels grain, at 80 cents, . ‘ : : $48 00 4 tons straw, at $20, : 80 00 ——— $128 00 Three-fourths fertilizer used, . : : : $17 43 Labor, : ; 5 : ; : 4 : 27 00 —— 44 48 Balance in favor of crop, . : : : : . $83 57 Besides the crops described in detail, we harvested 200 bushels of English turnips grown as a second crop after oats and vetches for fodder, and had small areas in pop-corn and in garden crops. Soiling Crops. — These consisted of five acres of rye, one of clover, 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. 17 two of oats and vetches, three of grass, eight of fodder corn, four of oats and peas, and four of barley and peas. The oats and barley with peas were grown as second crops after rye, and for them the land was manured. The rye was treated as already de- scribed for the portion harvested for grain. The oats and vetches on new and very rough land were grown on barnyard manure in mod- erate quantity ; the fodder corn on similar land got an application of dried blood, 125 pounds; muriate of potash, 75 pounds ; bone-meal, 50 pounds; and fish guano, 150 pounds per acre. Neither the clover nor the grass received any dressing this year. The growth of all these crops was satisfactory, and we produced green fodders sufficient for the average number of thirty-two cows for five months on nineteen acres of land, much of which is but partially subdued. The rye comes first and produces a large growth, but is on the whole the least satisfactory food for cows, being eaten less freely than the others. We found that on our land, which is rather low and moist, oats are very liable to rust, which seriously lessens their value. This was especially true of the late crop which with peas proved much inferior to barley and peas which were in fit condition to feed until about the 20th of October. For the very latest feeding the peas should be left out, as frost kills them before it injures the barley. The most satisfactory fodder for the production of milk and cream appeared to be clover and corn. One acre of clover produced three good crops, aggregating not less than 18 tons, or sufficient to supply green food for our thirty-two cows for twelve days. Less grain is required when the green food is chiefly clover than when corn fodder is the main reliance. Soiling versus Pasturage. —I am able to make an interesting com- parison between the results obtained when land is pastured and those obtainable under the soiling system. In theseason of 1890 about thirty acres of land, about. four-fifths of it in good grass, the balance somewhat covered with stumps, but with much sweet feed between, was used for the pasturage of an average of about thirty cows and heifers, and the returns in cream amounted to $454.96, and in im- provement to young stock possibly to $100, — a total from this land of $554.96, and it was stocked to its full capacity. During the past year this land has been cleared of stumps, about five acres of it have been drained, and the whole brought under the plough. With the exception of that produced upon one acre of clover and three of grass elsewhere, it has produced green fodder for thirty-two cows. The proportion of such fodder coming from this land must equal four-fifths of the whole, and I will credit it with fourth-fifths the proceeds from our cows during the time they were 18 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. on green food. Grain was used both this year and last, in about equal proportion to the other food, and, as I do not make any allow- ance for this, the apparent credit to the land for each year is greater than the truth; but this does not affect the comparison, and the value of the manure made this year will go far towards offsetting that item, together with the cost of labor in cutting and hauling the fodder. The gross receipts from this land this year are as follows :— Cream (four-fifths of total), . : $683 52 Squashes, 25 tons, d ‘ : ‘ : 250 60 Potatoes, 1,522 bushels, 4 5 3 } o/0 78 Rye and straw, . : : : 128 00 Turnips, 200 bushels, . : ; 5 : 20 OU Total gross receipts for 1891, . : ; ; » - LOS2 30 Total gross receipts for 1890, . : cee 504 96 Excess for 1891 over 1890, : : i : : $1,097 34 Deducting the labor of raising the crops and the cost of the fertilizers and manure used in 1891, we have the net proceeds from these thirty acres for this year $914.47, against $554.96 for 1890. The cost of clearing the land and of drainage is not charged against the crops of this year, as this work constitutes a permanent improve- ment, the effects of which will be increasingly felt for a number of years. The excess in net value of the products of this year as compared with last is, however, more than sufficient to repay the full cost of clearing the land of stumps. When, then, we further consider thatthe condition of all this land is greatly improved, it becomes sufficiently evident that for us soiling is far preferable to pasturage for milch cows. Farm Live Stock. — During the past year our horses, sheep and swine have maintained a high average of health, and there have been no losses except a very few of young pigs and lambs at birth ; and the breeding increase of the swine and sheep has been satisfactory. From causes which we are unable completely to control, our cattle have suffered somewhat from foot-rot, which, however, we are generally able to check in its earliest stages. Our returns from this part of our stock have been satisfactory. The faulty construction of our barn, making it an impossibility to keep the air of the cow stable pure, has been the indirect cause of some losses among our pure-bred stock. The fine Holstein-Friesian bull, Pledge’s Empire, died suddenly from tetanus, the cause of which was a mystery. His place at the head of our Holstein-Friesians has been taken by Prince of Concord, a bull from one of the best butter families of the breed. His dam has a record of about thirty pounds 1892. | PUBLIC. DOCUMENT —No. 31. 19 of butter in seven days. Throughout the year we have continually culled out inferior animals, and the result is a high average of excellence throughout our herd. Milk Records of Pure-bred Cows. — As evidence of the quality of our stock, permit me to report the milk yield of a few of our best pure-bred cows. In each case the highest record made within twelve months is given: Ayrshires, —Myrca, 8,100 pounds, 14 ounces; Myrca Clifton, 9,283 pounds, 6 ounces; Amelia Clifton, 8,614 pounds, 4 ounces; Holstein-Friesians, — Beth Hoorn, 13,206 pounds, 6 ounces; Cornelia Artis, 11,830 pounds, 10 ounces ; Cornelia Pledge, 8,555 pounds; Shorthorn, — Dulcibella, 6,851 pounds, 11 ounces; Guernsey, — Fanny, 6,687 pounds, 6 ounces ; Jersey, — Faith of Deerfoot (nine months), 4,869 pounds, 3 ounces. Grade Cows. — As further evidence of the quality of our stock and the results of our system of feeding, I include the following account with the twenty grade cows purchased in October of last year. Account with Twenty Grade Cows. Dr. To cost of cows, . ; iy EneOOONOO To net cost of feed, Momember, 1390 ‘0 Mags 1891, ; 396° 23* - To net cost of feed, May, 1891, to November, 1891, . 305 25 Total, : ; . : ; : A ea oe ‘ $1,751 48 Profits on investment, . : : : : , : 700 O07 $2,451 55 CR. By 37,628 spaces cream, at 33c, . : : : : $1,411 05 By 12,480 gallons skim-milk, at 2 cents, . ; ; 249 60 By calves sold from herd, . , 40 90 By value of cows at close of year, 5 : ; 750 00 $2,451 55 The individual standing of this lot of cows is more clearly brought - out by the table below : — Average gross cost of feed consumed, ; $69 30 Average net cost of feed consumed, . . : : 37 OT Average value of product, . ‘ ‘ : : : 83 03 Average net profit, : ‘ i ; : 45 46 Average milk yield per year, . : j 7, 019 pounds 2 ounces. Average butter yield per year, . " : ; : 3084 pounds. Average age of cows, . ; fo te . : : 8 years. Average weight of cows, . : : 5 : . 990 pounds. * The net cost of feed is obtained by deducting four-fifths of the fertilizer value from the gross cost. : 20 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [Jan. The average butter yield for the cows of the State of New York is estimated by Dr. Peter Collier to be below 130 pounds per annum, and it is seldom that even a herd of pure-bred animals numbering twenty makes an average equaling that of these grades. When it is further stated that one of these cows added extremely little to the aggregate product on account of foot-rot, it will be seen that the performance of these animals has been rather extraordinary. The statement of foods used and of their market and fertilizer values is given below : — Winter Feed of Twenty Cows (November 1 to May 18). Fertilizer Value. Per Ton. Total. 18 tons hay, at $12, . : : oe $216 100 $6 48 $116 64 9 tons corn stover, at $6, A ; 54 00 3 19 28ncL 38 tons silage, at $4, : : : 152 00 1 64 62 32 9 tons beets, at $3, . ; ‘ ‘ ZIAD 1 14 10 26 6 tons bran, at $20, t : 5 120 00 14 58 87 48 3 tons cotton-seed meal, at $26, . 78 00 26 25 78 7d 2 tons gluten meal at $28, .. : 56 00 19 O1 38 02 1 ton corn meal, at $32, . BVP OO 7 85 i 85 1,200 pounds linseed meal (new pro- Cess), abia2cs | =. : : : ; 16 20 22 80 13 68 Total cost of feed, . . : . $751 20 Total fertilizer 84143 71 value, Summer Feed of Twenty Cows (May 18 to Nov. 1, 1891). Fertilizer Value. Per Ton. Total. 15 tons of rye, at $2.50, .. ; : $o7 OO $1 25 $18 75 12 tons of clover, at $4, : ; j 48 00 2 48 29 76 12 tons of vetch and oats, at $3.50, .. 42 00 i oe 18 48 46 tons corn stover, at $2.50, f : Lis 00 1 25 57 50 Soa ; eS ee ae at $3.50,. 52 50 1 54 93. 10 tons ¢ oats and peas, 9 tons beets, at $3, . : 5 ; 27 00 ieee 10 26 10 tons hay, at $12, . : . 120 00 6 48 64 80 33 tons bran, at $21, . i ; ‘ 73 50 © 19 58 51 03 [ 23 tons linseed meal, at $27, . 67 50 22 80 57 00 F1 ton gluten meal, at $28, : : 28 00 19°01 190% 60 weeks’ pasturing, at 40 cts., . 5 24 00 Total a $349 69 Total cost of feed, , : . $635 00 value, Our stock at present consists of the following animals : — Horses. — Percherons: one stallion, one mare, two stallion colts and one mare colt; one three-fourths blood Percheron mare colt, two half-blood Percheron mares and three geldings, — total, eleven. 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 31. 21 Cattle. — Ayrshires: one male, ten females; Shorthorns: two females; Guernseys: one male; Holstein-Friesians: two males, nine females; Jerseys: two males; grades: thirty-four females. Total: six bulls, fifty-four cows and heifers. Sheep. — Southdowns: one ram, twenty-four breeding ewes, six ram lambs and six ewe lambs ; total, thirty-seven. Swine. —Small Yorkshires: one boar, two breeding sows and thirty-three pigs of all ages ; Tamworths, one boar and one sow. Equipment. — The only important additions to our equipment dur- ing the year are as follows: Champion self-binding reaper, Keystone hay-loader, Buckeye chain-gear mower, Aspinwall potato-planter, Yankee swivel-plough, and Yankee disc harrow. All these have been acquired by purchase, and have been found to do their work in a satisfactory manner. Especially would I commend the hay-loader and the potato-planter. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. Our work in this direction, as last year, has been chiefly expended upon the old pastures on the western side of the farm. It has been mainly concentrated upon the northwestern section, which will un- doubtedly prove the best land on the farm, as the soil is naturally of a very superior character. Here, five acres, from which the wood, a heavy growth of pine, was cut several years ago, have been cleared of stumps. This required the uninterrupted work of three men working with stump-puller and Atlas powder cartridges for more than two months. Rather more than seven hundred stumps were taken out, and, with the assistance of men and teams, they were piled and burned. ‘The land was thoroughly broken up, and, though far from smooth, and still containing some roots, its further improve- ment will be comparatively easy. A fine crop of fodder corn was erown upon it with little labor, and it was seeded to clover for soil- ng purposes in August. ‘The seed made a good start, and a large amount of the most valuable green fodder may be confidently antici- pated from this land next season. Besides the work on this lot, a considerable number of scattered tumps have been removed from other portions of this land, which are being broken up for the second time. Some thirty-five acres of it have been ploughed this fall. This portion is now entirely free from stumps, and is one of the finest fields to be found in this part of the State. Most of it will be planted next year with corn for the silo and crib. 22 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. We have put in tile drains in various parts of these fields this year wherever they seemed to be most required ; but in all cases in accord- ance with a system which will eventually underlay this entire tract, wherever not naturally well drained, with tiles. The total length of such drains putin this year is rather over five thousand feet, or nearly a mile. A small amount of new fence has been built; roads have been im- proved, and a new silo has been put into the barn between the two already there. I cannot close without again calling attention to the fact that, but for the labor fund, under the provisions of which much of our work is performed by students, the work of improvement upon the farm must come to a standstill, unless we receive much larger annual ap- propriations than at present. This fund is not acharity. The young men earn the money they receive, and the State receives a money equivalent in the improvement of its property, while the benefit it will derive from the lives of increased usefulness made possible through the education these young men are enabled to obtain is incalculable. In conclusion, it gives me pleasure to testify to the hearty support on the part of both superiors and subordinates which my efforts in the management of the farm have always received; and especially must I commend the work of my superintendent, Mr. F. 8. Cooley, whose active and intelligent interest and executive management have contributed largely to that measure of success which we have been able to attain. Witiiam P. Brooks, Professor of Agriculture. THe EXPERIMENT DEPARTMENT. ° At no period in the history of the station has its influence been more widely felt, or its work more fully appreciated by the farmers of the Commonwealth. The divisions, particularly of horticulture and entomology, have been overwhelmed with correspondence. Five bulletins, in editions of eleven thousand, have been issued during the year on the following topics : — Directions for the use of fungicides and insecticides. Experiments in greenhouse heating, over versus under bench piping. Special fertilizers for plants under glass. Report on varieties of strawberries. 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 3l.- 23 Report on varieties of blackberries and raspberries. Report on fertilizers for corn. Report on strength of rennet. Report on hay caps. Report on Flandres oats. Report on prevention of potato rot. Report on fungicides and insecticides on fruits. Report on seventeen of the more common injurious insects. In addition to the above, a monthly bulletin, in a limited edition of three hundred copies, has been issued, covering the entire meteorological data for each day. The analyses performed for this department by the State experiment station during the past three years are herewith submitted in tabulated form : — 1889. 1890. | 1891. Ash analysis, . . : . - : : if ik 2 Fertilizer analysis, . : : : ‘ 11 25 24 Fodder and ash analysis, . : ; ‘ “al 2 68 Fodder analysis, . ; ; : 0 24 6 Milk analysis, . .. : ; - 0 62 2 Determination of rennet value, . : ; : 18 18 0 Determination of sugar, . : : : ; 20 0 0 Moisture determination, . : ; 5 : ial 106 459 Moisture and starch determination, . ‘ ‘ 0 0 45 Fungicides and insecticides, . : : . 5 15 10 The burning, April 5, 1891, of the barn erected for experi- ment purposes, together with the loss of valuable data and materials, has proved a serious hindrance to the work under- taken in the agricultural division. It is now being rebuilt, and © will be completed in time for the next season’s operations. The specific work of the different divisions during the year is briefly summarized in the reports of the several officers, here- with submitted : — 24 - AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Jan. The Hntomological Division. The life-history of the bud moth (Tmetocera ocellana) has been completed and published in Bulletin No. 12, together with methods for its destruction. In the same bulletin were also published, with illlustrations, the life-histories of spittle insects, the squash bug, the pea weevil, the bean weevil, the May beetle, the plum curculio, the onion maggot, the cabbage butterfly, the apple-tree tent caterpillar, the forest tent caterpillar, the stalk-borer, the pyramidal grape-vine caterpillar, the grape- vine moth, the codling moth, the cabbage-leaf miner and the gartered plume moth. The studies on cranberry insects have been continued during the summer at the insectary, and also on the bogs of Barnstable and Plymouth counties during the months of July and August. The work has not been completed, but a preliminary bulletin on the subject will soon be issued. Experiments were per- formed with Paris green and London purple on cranberry vines, | to determine how large an amount may be used without injury to the vines, and also how small an amount will prove destructive to the vine worm, the results of which will appear in the preliminary bulletin. A series of experiments was performed with Paris green on apple-trees, to ascertain what conditions of weather cause the Paris green to affect the foliage the most unfavorably. Experiments were made with kerosene emulsion on red spiders and plant lice on rose bushes. A series of experiments was made to ascertain the smallest proportion of Paris green in water that would kill apple-tree tent caterpillars in their different molts, and also what propor- tion would prove the most saccessful in destroying them. Six Barnard moth traps were kept in the garden and orchard during the season. From these the insects were taken each day and determined, in order to ascertain whether the beneficial effect of the traps in collecting injurious insects was offset by the number of useful insects destroyed. The work on the card catalogue of insects and also on the biological collection for the insectary has been continued as time and circumstances permitted. Much time has been given to the scientific supervision of the work of destroying the gypsy moth in the eastern part of the iN “ Se < L ee Drawn by Joseph Bridgham. CYRSY UM@ TE. Helictype Printirig Co. Boston. — EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1}, ’ eria d ispar, : he) ao the wings spread. | es —Female with the wings folded. es — Male with the wings spread. 4 — Male with the nes folded. Full grown, | eggs on bark. Meer vas: gs ee 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 31. 25 State. This insect was accidentally introduced into Medford twenty-three years ago, and has spread from that place till it has now been found in more than twenty towns and cities. The moths emerge from the pupal stage in July, and, after mating, the female (plate 1, figs. 1 and 2) lays her eggs (figs. 9 and 10, enlarged), in a cluster on the bark of trees (fig. 8) and in various other places. These egg clusters are covered with very fine yellowish hairs from the under side of the abdomen of the female, and do not hatch till the following May. As soon as the eggs hatch, the young caterpillars feed on the leaves of nearly all species of plants, and have proved especially injurious to fruit and ornamental trees. They grow rapidly and reach maturity in about six weeks, when they vary somewhat in size and appearance, as shown in figs. 6 and 7. They then change to the pupal stage (fig. 5) and in about two weeks the moths emerge. The males (figs. 3 and 4) differ from the females both in size and color. p During the past season several different species of parasites have been discovered attacking the gypsy moth, and these have been collected and referred to the best authorities for deter- mination. Some of them prove to be new to science, while others are among the most useful in holding our common native insects in check. This is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous insect pests that has threatened our Commonwealth and country, and every possible measure should be adopted for its destruction. For two years past the State has made appropriations for the exter- mination of this insect, and most vigorous efforts are being made in the infested towns to accomplish this purpose. It is highly important that our citizens in all parts of the Common- wealth should be able to recognize the insect in each of its stages, so that, if it should be found in any new localities, it may be reported to the gypsy moth committee in Malden, Mass. : To aid in recognizing this insect the plate given herewith has been prepared, and also twenty-four boxes, each containing a cluster of the eggs, three different sizes of the caterpillars inflated, a pupa, a male and a female moth with the wings spread and one of each with the wings closed, have been put on exhibition in the infested towns for the information of the people. 26 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. | {Jan. The Meteorological Division. The work in the Meteorological department has been a con- tinuation of that begun in previous years. The object for which the observatory was established has been constantly kept in view ; namely, the gathering of useful meteorological data and its systematic arrangement, in order to facilitate the study of climatic changes and their direct bearing upon agriculture. A careful register of all meteorological phenomena and a full and minute record of every day since the establishment of the ob- servatory have been kept for future reference. The impor- tance of such records must be apparent, for all the peculiarities of the weather in any locality do not manifest themselves in a season. Natural conditions change and corresponding results follow ; extreme drought, copious rains, heavy snows, high and low mean temperatures are periodical, and occur as the result of cyclical atmospheric changes. Hence our knowledge of climatic and recurring local weather changes is not obtained from obser- vations made for a few years, but accurate and reliable deduc- tions can only be drawn from data covering at least a period of half a century. A careful record of the mean rainfall and temperature at Amherst has been prepared from the writings of the late Pro- fessor Snell of Amherst College, who began work in this direc- tion in 1836, so that the observatory is now in possession of an unbroken chain of data covering a period of fifty-five years. © Bulletins containing a daily and monthly summary of obser- vations are issued every month, and at the close of each year a summary for the twelve months is prepared; thus the more important results are placed in a condensed and useful form. The bulletins are sent to meteorological societies and signal stations in the various States, also to voluntary observers and other individuals who may apply for them. In addition to the regular routine work of the oheee eee a series of experiments with dynamical electricity and its influence upon vegetable growth has been undertaken. These experiments have been in progress for two years, and further observation will be made in this direction. Preparations are now in progress for testing various seeds, submitted to the influence of electric currents of different degrees of intensity, 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 31. 27 before planting, to ascertain whether seeds thus treated develop more rapidly in the soil, or whether their vitality is partially or wholly destroyed. For the lack of funds, experi- ments in this department must necessarily be carried on in a small, economical and inexpensive way, and the latter is often a detriment to the best results. It is hoped that means will soon be provided whereby more elaborate field experi- ments can be made concerning the direct and indirect influ- ence of atmospheric electricity upon the growth and develop- ment of plants. Since the agricultural department assumed charge of the weather bureau, the hearty co-operation of voluntary observers has been solicited, and daily forecasts and storm warnings promised to all those in country places who would display flags. That the movement is a wise and important one cannot be questioned, for many cases already can be cited where valuable crops have been saved from destruction through the timely warnings of the signal service; and it is the desire of the latter that these official forecasts should reach the remote as well as the more accessible agricultural districts. While this may not be fully realized, yet a great deal can be done toward furthering the work, and important service rendered the farmer in helping him to protect his crops. It seems proper that the observatory, situated as it is on the college grounds, in a rich and fertile agricultural section, should be provided with the necessary means for communicating storm and frost warnings to the surrounding farmers. It was recommended in the last annual report of this depart- ment that money be appropriated for flags used for signalling and telegraph instruments to be placed in the observatory, that direct communication might be had with the Weather Bureau at Washington. The expense of such equipment has been estimated at two hundred and fifty dollars. Arrangements were also made with the authorities at the central office to furnish this department with the official weather forecasts twice daily, and free of charge. The Agricultural Division. The Japanese millets mentioned in the last annual report, to- gether with two other species of millet and a number of varie- ties of Soja bean, have been under further trial. The millets 28 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. show remarkable cropping capacity. Panicum ttalicum in half- acre plots has yielded in one instance at the rate of seventy- two bushels of heavy seed and two and one-sixth tons of straw, and in another at the rate of seventy-six bushels of seed and two and one-fifth tons of straw per acre. This straw will be analyzed, but from its appearance it is judged that it must equal corn stover in feeding value. An experiment in feeding will be undertaken this winter. Another millet, Panicum crus gall, yielded at the rate of forty-two and a half bushels of seed and nearly seven tons of straw to the acre; and another, Panicum miliaceum, at the rate of ninety and eight-tenths bushels of seed and six and one-half tons of straw. The latter when green was eaten with all the avidity which cattle usually show for green corn fodder, and promises to be a valuable crop for soiling or for the silo. Several of the varieties of Soja bean, Glycine hispida, which have been under cultivation, prove well adapted to our soil and climate, and on soil of medium quality have yielded in different years from about twenty-five to thirty-five bushels to the acre. About eight bushels of these beans were ground into a fine meal by the local miller last winter, and an experiment in feeding the meal to milch cows would have been undertaken, had not the destruction of our barn by fire prevented. This experiment will be undertaken the present winter, upon a smaller scale, made necessary by the loss of our stock of seed. White mustard seed at the rate of about sixteen bushels per acre has been raised, and was ripe in season for use in seeding for green manuring upon stubble land and in standing corn. Careful experiments in the use of this crop as a nitrogen con- server and soil improver have been begun. : Hemp of two varieties and flax of three have been success- fully raised; but the experiment with flax, which occupied _ three-fourths of an acre, has demonstrated the impossibility, at present prices, of growing the crop at a profit in this section. Black Tartarian oats and early race-horse oats from Japan, and a large number of varieties of English and American wheats, both winter and spring, have been under trial upon a small scale. The most striking point brought out by these trials is the unsuitability of English wheats for this climate. They are very late and unusually susceptible to rust. Full reports on these crops will be published in future bulletins. / 1892. ] PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. 29 The soil tests with fertilizers for corn in twelve localities of the State reported in Bulletin No. 14 confirm in a striking manner the conclusions presented in Bulletin No. 9. Both sets of experiments indicate the necessity of more potash than is usually employed for the growth of this crop, The grand average increase in hard corn and stover per acre in 1890, tak- ing all experiments into account, was as follows : — For potash, hard corn, 11.3 bushels ; ; stover, 1,308 pounds. For phosphoric acid, hard corn, 4.7 bushels; _—_ stover, 389 pounds. For nitrogen, hard corn, 3.6 bushels ; . stover, 162 pounds. Similar soil tests have been carried out in five localities this year with oats and potatoes. They show that oats, in particu- lar, differ in a marked degree in their requirements from corn, being greatly benefited by an application of nitrogen in the form of nitrate of soda. The soil tests of two years having led to the conclusion that potash should be more largely used both with fertilizers and manures, for corn, experiments have been carried out to test the correctness of this conclusion. In two experiments, occu- pying one-half an acre each, manure alone, applied at the rate of $30 worth per acre, gave at the rate of about 57 and 56 bushels respectively of corn, and 3,840 and 3,800 pounds of stover per acre; while manure and potash, applied at the rate of $17.50 worth per acre, gave crops of about 54 and 52 bushels respectively of corn, and 3,780 and 3,660 pounds of stover per acre. The larger application ( double ) of manure alone gave slightly the larger yields ; but the difference was by no means sufficient to pay for the larger amount of manure used. The difference in cost of manures was $12.50; in crops, about three bushels of corn and one hundred pounds of stover. An experiment with fertilizers, to test the conclusion alluded to above, was carried out upon another half acre. Fertilizers containing the average amounts of nitrogen, potash, and phos- phoric acid found in six special corn fertilizers in the market, and costing $13.66, gave a crop at the rate of about 55 bushels of hard corn and 4,100 pounds of stover ; while a fertilizer with less nitrogen and phosphoric acid and much more potash, and costing $10.70, gave at the rate of 56 bushels of corn and 4,300 pounds of stover, — a slightly superior crop at considerably less 30 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. cost. A similar experiment with millet occupied another half acre, and this also showed the superiority of the cheaper com- bination of fertilizers. . The two experiments with fertilizers just alluded to were designed to serve also as a basis for comparison of millet and corn as grain crops. The millet yielded at the rate of about seventy-five bushels of seed and two tons of straw per acre; the corn fifty-six bushels of grain and a little over two tons of stover. The cost of labor was the greater for the millet; but until the crops are analyzed it is impossible to make an exact comparison. The millet has been ground, and makes an excel- lent meal. i The grand average of the milk analyses of the two samples (morning and night) of. the milk of all the cows in our herd ~made in December, 1890, was 13.17 per cent. total solids and 4.11 per cent. fat, thus being a little above the legal standard in this State. The milk of the Ayrshires (six cows) averaged 13.29 per cent. solids and 3.78 per cent. fat; Holstein- Friesians (five cows), 12.10 per cent. solids, 3.26 per cent. fat; Shorthorns (four cows), 13.19 per cent. solids, 4.04 per cent. fat; Jerseys (three cows), 13.91 per cent. solids, 4.96 per cent. fat; Guernsey (one cow), 16.36 per cent. solids, 6.79 per cent. fat; grades (twenty-one cows), 13.23 per cent. solids, 4.18 per cent. fat. Horticultural Division. The work of this division has been carried on according to the plans made at the beginning of the year, the results of which have been published in full, or in part, in the quarterly bulletins. In Bulletin No. 11 are given the results of the use of fungi- cides and insecticides combined, for the destruction of insects and fungous growths attacking the same kinds of crops. In Bulletin No. 13 is given full instruction for the use of fungi- cides, and also fungicides and insecticides, when they can be successfully and economically combined, based upon the work of this station and the facts established by workers in the same line connected with other stations. During the past season duplicate experiments have been con- ducted by responsible parties in different parts of the State, and, 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. 31 as far as results have been reported, many important facts have been obtained. The object of this work has been two- fold: first, to increase the certainty of accurate results by having the work done by specialists, and in different parts of the State ; and second, to extend as much as possible the knowledge of the methods of using fungicides and insecticides. Among the results obtained the past season from all sources are the following : — It has been demonstrated beyond question that the apple crop can be saved from serious injury by the apple scab, and the injury from the larve of the codling moth can be largely prevented. That the rotting of the fruit of the peach and plum before fully ripe can be largely prevented, but in the use of copper salts on the peach foliage very dilute solutions must be made. That the pear and plum leaf blight can also be largely prevented, and that the plum wart, so destructive to our plum trees, can be prevented. That the potato blight, and the rot that soon failed can be largely prevented by using solutions of copper, and that, by the use of Paris green in the same mixture, the potato beetles are more certainly and economically destroyed than in any other way. Extensive experiments have been made in protecting peach buds from injury by cold; but, as the buds unprotected were not injured, no results were obtained the past season. We have, however, demonstrated that large trees, which have not been especially prepared for the purpose, can be laid down upon the ground at a very small expense and without injury. In the green-houses, the testing of the over-bench piping, as compared with the under-bench, resulted somewhat in favor of the latter, although the comparison for one season only is not sufficient to establish the matter beyond a doubt. The results of the comparative tests of the leading varieties of fruits have been of much interest. Among the apples, the Haas has proved for several years to be a very productive, hardy and handsome autumn apple of good quality, and the Excelsior peach, although medium in size, is of fine quality, and for the past five or six years has proved more hardy than any other variety. Among the plums, the Abundance, one of 32 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Jan. the Japanese varieties, is very fine in quality, of good size, and very productive. The one grape that stands out as having especially valuable qualities, among the many new kinds, is the ‘‘ Winchell” or ‘¢Green Mountain.” This is a very early, green grape of medium size and growth of vine, but of very fine quality, and, so far, free from disease. Among the small fruits, the red raspberry known as Thompson's Early Prolific has proved the earliest variety upon the grounds. It is hardy, of vigorous growth and good quality, and, if it proves as productive as the Cuthbert or Marlboro, it will be one of our most valuable varieties. Of the strawber- ries, those taking the highest rank are the ‘*‘ Beder Wood” and ‘‘Parker Earle,” the first a very early, perfect-flowered variety, valuable for home use or market, grown in the matted row or in the hill, and the second a late variety, growing naturally in hills, yet producing runners enough for its rapid propagation. An effort is being made to test all the new varieties of large and small fruits, and such of the vegetables and flowers as may be sent to us for trial, but with limited means this is all that it has seemed advisable to undertake. The testing of all varie- ties of vegetables and flowers, in a comparative way, is of great importance to the people who cannot afford to spend the time and money necessary for this work. One of the pleasant duties connected with the work of this department has been answering the numerous questions sent to us upon all horticultural subjects, and receiving reports of the | interesting results obtained by those who are experimenting in a private way. All such questions or reports of results are earnestly solicited, and full credit will be given to the parties communicating them. 1892. ] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 31. 33 TREASURER’S REPORT. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE HATCH FUND. For the Year Ending June 30, 1891. Cash received from the United States, : , $15,000 00 Cash paid, salary, . : ; ‘ ; ; $6,885 80 library, . : : : : : 580 02 labor, ‘ ; : : 1,697 00 freight and express, : ; : LR 37 printing, : : : ; : 1,681 45 incidentals, ., « ‘ ‘ : 1,980 72 supplies, : : : ‘ j 1,238 66 general fittings, . : : : Hoo lio scientific instruments, . i : 381 80 postage, . j : ; : 3 37 46 furniture, ‘ , : s ; 96 05 travelling expenses, s ' : TO 62 ———— $15,000 00 AMHERST, Mass., Jan. 2, 1892. I, the undersigned, duly appointed auditor for the corporation, do hereby certify that I have examined the books and accounts of the Hatch Experi- ment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, and have found the same well kept and correctly classified as above; and that the receipts for time named are shown to be $15,000, and the corresponding disbursements $15,000. All of the proper vouchers are on file, and have been by me examined and found correct, there being no balance to be accounted for in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891. J. HowE DEMOND, Auditor. Cash received for insurance on buildings and contents burned during the year, belonging to the station, : : : . $3,470 00 Cash paid out for rebuilding, : aap en : : 1 62463 $1,845 37 Jan. 2, 1892. This is to certify that I have this day examined the accounts of the cash received and paid on money received for insurance on Hatch Agricultural building, and find balance of cash on hand of $1,845.37. J. Howk DEMOND, Auditor. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy from the books of account of the Hatch Experiment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. FRANK E. PAIGE, Treasurer. I hereby certify that Frank E. Paige is the treasurer of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, and that the above is his signature. [Seal.] Henry H. GOopDELL, President Massachusetis Agricultural College. 34 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [Jan. GIFTs. From Sir Joun B. Lawes of England, — Nine volumes publications of the Rothamsted Experiment Station. Dr. J. H. Gitgert of England, — One volume of ‘ Occasional Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry.” Rosert WarrRINGTON of England, — Twenty-one naninets, results of investigations at the Rothamsted Experiment Station. ) | Epear H. Lipsy (M.A. C.,’74) of New York City, — Thirty- eight volumes and six pamphlets on agricultural and horticultural subjects. Wittiam 3B. Court of Montreal, Canada, — Forty-two volumes miscellaneous. | CuHar.es Suiru of Amherst, — Six volumes State documents. Amasa Norcross, Esq., of Fitchburg, — Six volumes official records of the war. Ropney WALLAcE, Esq., of Fitchburg,— Three volumes government publications. JOSEPH E. Ponp, Esq., of North Attleboro, — Four volumes bee journals. Joun W. Crark (M. A. C., 72) of Columbia, Mo., — Tran- sactions Missouri Fontdulttival Society. JoHN AITKEN, Esq., of Darroch, Falkirk, Scotland, —_ Two monographs on dew and hoar frost. Austin Peters (M. A. C., 81) of Boston, — ‘‘ Etiology of Outbreak of Disease among Hogs.” Hon. Greorce F. Hoar of Worcester, — Three volumes U. S. Geological Survey. Dr. F. W. Draper of Boston, — Report of State Board of Health. Miss Ereanor A. Ormerop of Spring Grove, England, — Report of observation of injurious insects. Prof. H. A. Frinx of Amherst,—‘‘ An Address Commemo- rative of Richard H. Mather.” E. W. Aten (M. A. C., ’85) of Washington, D. C., — Holz- gummi, Xylose und Xylonsaire. Wo. S. Lyons of Anaheim, Cal.,— Report California State Board of Forestry. Mrs. Grorce A. Brack of Portland, Me., — Land mammals of New England. Dr. Frank S. Birirines of Lincoln, Neb., — Three pamphlets on veterinary subjects. 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 31. 3D Hon. Cuartes Wuirenecan of London, England, — Report of intelligence department on injurious insects and fungi. Dr. Danie, Drarer of New York City, — Report of New York Meteorological Observatory, 1891. Dr. T. Westey Mitts of Montreal, Canada, — ‘‘Squirrels, their Habits and Intelligence.” J. H. Tryon of Willoughby, O., — ‘‘ Practical Treatise on Grape Culture.” Cuas. Turritt, Esq., of San Francisco, Cal.,— Three vol- umes Viticultural Commission. The Under Secretary for Agriculture of Brisbane, — Annual Report Department of Agriculture, 1890-91. The Director of Land Records and Agriculture of Madras, India, — Agricultural Bulletins, 1891. Henry Apams of Ambherst,—Samples of drugs commonly used in veterinary practice. Frep H. Fowier (M. A. C. ’87) of Waverly, Rhetorical prizes for 1892. Also the following papers and periodicals from the publish- ers: ‘* The Massachusetts Ploughman,” ‘‘ The American Cul- tivator,” ‘‘ The New England Farmer,” ‘* The American Veteri- nary Review,” ‘‘The American Garden,” ‘‘The Poultry Monthly,” ‘*‘ The Mirror and Farmer,” ‘‘ The American Grange Bulletin,” ‘«‘The Farm and Home,” ‘‘ The Berkshire Courier,” ‘¢The Home Farm,” ‘‘ The Ohio Practical Farmer,” ‘‘ The Orange Judd Farmer,” ‘‘ The New England Homestead.” A legacy of five thousand dollars has been left the college by Mr. T. O.H. P. Burnham of Boston, but we understand that there is some doubt of its being received, as the heirs are contesting the provisions of the will. It would seem fitting that the col- lege be represented by its proper officers before the courts. I desire to call your attention to the reports of the professors of mental and political science and military science herewith submitted ; also to the reports in the experiment department ; and toa paper on ‘ Military instruction in Colleges,” by Lieut. Lester W. Cornish ; and one on ‘‘ Tuberculosis,” by Dr. James B. Paige. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES H. FERNALD, Acting President. 36 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. TREASURER’S REPORT. [ Jan. FRANK E. Paice, Treasurer of Massachusetts Agricultural College, for the Year ending Dec. 31, 1891. Cash on hand, . Term bill, Botanical, Farm, Expense, . Laboratory, Salary, Library F und, . Endowment Fund, State Scholarship Fund, Hills Fund, Grinnell Prize Fund, Whiting Street Fund, Mary Robinson Fund, Gassett Fund, . 4 Extra instruction, Labor Fund, Insurance, Reading-room, Advertising, Gach on bandiidec teat Received. $3,688 34 d,ol7 78 4,756 35 0,015 12 47 19 649 07 871 01 11,281 96 15,000 00 601 56 45 00 51 15 60 44 42 94 9,000 00 $502,427 91 Paid. $2,197 95 9,210 91 SPU oil 0,875 13 483 22 17,816 60 - 371 OL 662 72 65 00 9D 00 50 00 384 00 6,630 97 BUS 124 35 305 00 2,986 99 $52,497 91 CASH BALANCE, AS SHOWN BY THE TREASURER’S STATEMENT, BELONGS TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS. Grinnell Prize Fund, Mary Robinson Fund, Hills Fund, Labor Fund, Whiting Street ime) Gassett Fund, Term Bills, General fund of Galles io $20 00 188 18 17 53 1,148 06 163 76 1 76 124 59 1,323 11 $2,986 99 1892. ] CASH AND BILLS RECEIVABLE Farm, : : Term bills, Botanical, Laboratory, ; Cash on hand of decal shane) : ; ; Botanical account, Expense, . Farm account, . Labor fund, Term bill account, PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. dl. Dec. 31, 1891. BILLS PAYABLE Dec. 31, 1891. VALUE OF REAL ESTATE. Land, College farm, .. : : 5 : : Pelham quarry, . - . : : ° Buildings. Laboratory, . : : : : : ° Botanic museum, . Botanic barn, ; Durfee plant-house ann ftir es, Small plant-house and fixtures, . North college, Boarding-house, : South dormitory, . : ° Graves house and barn, Farm-house, . : ; ; ‘ A : Farm barns and Ged! Stone chapel, Drill hall, President’s house, Four dwelling-houses and shed “en eiewe with farm, Botanical department, Farm, F Cane é : : : : ieNacatory, : : : : , Natural history eahlectio: - : Library: . : “ : ; . Fire apparatus, . ey tite : : ; . Piysies,. é : . . : : Boarding-house, . A : ° ° : Cost. $37,000 00 500 00 ———r Cost. $10,360 00 5,180 00 1,500 00 12,000 00 800 00 36,000 00 8,000 00 37,000 00 8,000 00 4,000 00 14,500 00 31,000 00 6,500 00 11,500 00 10,000 00 INVENTORY OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. 37 3 464 09 1,320 26 359 48 336.55 1,323 11 $6,803 49 $11 56 468 99 4,788 46 302 21 59 70 $5,630 92 $37,500 00 196,340 00 eee $233,840 00 F ome $9,834 32 16,464 50 eG eel 3,267 O04 9,500 00 500 00 3,087 26 400 00 $44,692 89 38 “AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. SUMMARY STATEMENT. Assets. Total value of real estate, per inventory, . $233,840 00 Total value personal property, per inventory, 44,692 89 Total cash on hand and bills:receivable, per inventory, ? 5 ; : : : ‘ 6,803 49 Total, ; : : ; Liabilities. Bills payable as per inventory, : - ; FUNDS FOR MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE. Technical Educational Fund, United States Grant, amount of, : , . $219,000 00 Technical paesnot | Fund, State Grane. : 141,575 35 By law two-thirds of the income is paid to the treasurer of the college, one-third to Institute of Snes a Amount received, 1891, State Scholarship Fund, $10, 000. 00. OER sum was wapronen ated by the Legislature, 1886, and is paid in ae pay- ments to the college treasurer, : Hills Fund of $10,000 in hands of palleoe eepsnne “This was given by L. M. and H. F. Hills of Amherst. By condi- tions of the gift the income is to be used for maintenance of abotanic garden. Income, 1891, Unexpended balance, Dec. 31, 1891, $17.53. Annual State appropriation of $10,000. This sum was appro- priated by Legislature of 1889, for four years, for the en- dowment of additional chairs and general expense. Five thousand dollars of the sum was appropriated as Labor Fund, to provide for the paying of labor performed is needy and worthy students, Grinnell Prize Fund of $1,000, in hands of eoreoe aoe er. Gift of Ex-Gov. William Claflin ; was cailed Grinnell Fund in honor of his friend. The iReone is appropriated for two prizes to be given for the best examination in agricul- ture by graduating class. Income, 1891, Unexpended balance, $20.00 Mary Robinson Fund of $1,000, in hands of college treasurer, given without conditions. The income has been appro- priated to scholarships, to worthy and needy students. Income, 1891, Unexpended balance Dee. 31, 1891. $188, 18. Amount carried forward, . [ Jan. $285,336 38 5,630 92 $279,705 46 $11,281 96 10,000 00 601 56 10,000 00 45 00 60 44 $31,988 96 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 31. 39 Amount brought forward, . P ; ‘ : $31,988 96 Whiting Street Fund of $1,000, a bequest witht ‘aoncuian, To this sum is added $260 by vote of the trustees in Janu- ary, 1887, it being the interest accrued on the bequest. Amount of Fund Dec. 31, 1891, $1,260. Unexpended bal- ance of income, $163.76. Income, 1891, . ; , ; 51 15 Library Fund, for use of library, $7,962.03. Deposited in Amherst Savings Bank. - Gassett Scholarship Fund; the sum of $1,000 was given by the Hon. Henry Gassett as a scholarship fund. Unex- pended balance, Dec. 31, 1891, $1.76. Income, 1891, . : 42 94 SE Total, . ; , i : : ; : : : - $32,083 05 To this sum should be added amount of tuition, room rent, receipts from sales of farm and botanic gardens; amount of same can be learned from statement of treasurer. Tuition and room rent under head of term bill. This is to certify that I have this day examined the accounts of F. E. Paige, treasurer of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, from Jan. 1, 1890, to Jan. 1, 1892, and find the same correct, properly kept, and vouched for. The balance in treasury, being two thousand nine hundred and eighty-six and 5% dollars ($2,986.99), is shown to be in bank. C. A. GLEASON, Auditor. JAN. 8, 1892. A() AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. MILITARY DEPARTMENT. AMHERST, Mass., Dec. 10, 1891. To Prof. Chas. H. Fernald, Acting President. Sir:—TI have the honor to submit the following report in regard to matters pertaining to the military department. INSTRUCTION. Practical instruction in infantry, artillery, and sabre drill has been given to all the students not excused on account of physical disabil-— ity. Target practice at 200 and 300 yards has been held, when the weather was suitable, with fair results. Theoretical instruction has been given to the senior, sophomore, and freshman classes, both by lectures and from text-books, according to the schedule. When the new drill regulations are introduced, the time allowed the military department should be increased so that all the students can study them at the same time. UNIFORM. Some trouble is caused on the entrance of each class by the failure of a few students to pay promptly for their uniforms. As a remedy for this I reeommend that each student, when he is admitted to col- lege, be required to deposit with the treasurer, the sum of sixteen dollars to cover this necessary expense. After he has received his uniform, the amount not required to pay for it, can be returned to him. BUILDINGS. All the rooms in North College are now in good condition. The walls and ceilings of the rooms in South College are in very bad repair. The outside of the drill hall should be painted as soon as possible. I strongly recommend that a new floor be laid and a gal- lery be built in the drill hall. Concrete, of which the floor is at pres- ent constructed, is the worst material that could be used for such a purpose. Many guns have been injured on account of it; it 1s impossible to prevent the dust from arising from it, while the cadets are drilling, in such quantities as to cause much inconvenience ; and during the winter, the floor is always cold, making the drill very uncomfortable. A new floor of hard pine should be laid at once, for / 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. 4} use during the winter term, the best material being used in its con- struction. The cost of putting down such a floor will be $525. A gallery also is amuch needed improvement. At present, visitors have to stand on the floor, incommoding themselves and interfering with the drill, as there is no room to spare for their accommodation. A gallery of the required dimensions to seat one hundred persons can be con- structed at a cost of about $100. In regard to the method of lighting the college buildings I can only repeat my recommendations of the two previous years. The needs of the college grow more and more urgent every year. The best method of supplying this need is by the introduction of electricity. At present the danger from fire is very great and will continue as long as kerosene is used in such quantities and in the present manner. mi BATTALION ORGANIZATION. Commandant of Cadets:—LESTER W. CornisH, First Lieut. Fifth United States Cavalry. Field and Staff :—Major, E. T. CuarKx; Adjutant, H. E. Crane; Quarter- master, R. H. SmirH; Fire Marshal, C. S. Granam; Sergeant Major, F. H. HENDERSON; Quartermaster Sergeant, F. S. Hoyr. Color Guard. —Color Sergeant, C. A. SmirH; Color Corporals, H. J. ’ Hartow, H. F. Srapres, and H. C. Davis. Band. — First Sergeant, E. H. LEHNERT; Drum Major, P. E. Davis. | Company A. Company B. Capt., G. B. WILLARD. Capt., W. I Boynton. First Lieut., G. E. TayLor. First Lieut., F. G. STOCKBRIDGE. Second Lieut., J. E. DEUEL. Second Lieut., C. M. HuBBaRb. First Sergt., A. E. MELENDY. First Sergt., L. W. SMITH. Second Sergt., G. F. CURLEY. Second Sergt., F. G. BARTLETT, Corporal, F. A. SMITH. Corporal, E. J. WALKER. Company C. Company D. Capt., E. ROGERS. Capt., H. B. EMERSON. First Lieut., E. B. HOLLAND. First Lieut., J. L. FIevD. Second Lieut., R. P. Lyman. - Second Lieut., H. M. THomson. First Sergt., H. D. Ciark. First Sergt., J. R. PERRY. Second Sergt , C. A. GoopricH. Second Sergt , J. E. Barprn. Corporal, J. BAKER. Corporal, E. A. Hawks. Military Prize. —W.H. Bowker, Class of ’71, and JOHN C. CUTTER, Class of ’72, have again offered a prize of $15.00 for the best military essay by a member of the graduating class. Respectfully submitted, 2 LESTER W. CORNISH, First Lieutenant Fifth United States Cavalry, Professor of Military Science and Tactics. 42 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL AND POLITI- CAL SCIENCE. Prof. Cuas. H. FERNALD, Acting President. Sir :— I present herewith the following report : — To the department of Mental and Political Science have been assigned mental science, political economy, constitutional history, rhetoric, the compositions of the junior class during the fall term, the essays, debates and theses of the senior class, and the Chaplaincy of the College. : Mental Science has for its object of study the mind itself, and the brain considered as the instrument of thought. The purpose has been steadfastly adhered to, of making the student familiar with the working of his own brain and acquainted with his own faculties of mind and powers of thought, to the end that he may train himself to think clearly, persistently, forcibly, to useful and practical ends. The phenomena of mind are pointed out that they may be carefully — observed, precisely defined, classified properly, and rationally inter- preted. The conditions and laws of thought are clearly set forth, so that the student, by fulfiling the conditions and obeying the laws, may discover his own mental weaknesses and remedy them, thereby training his senses to do better work, making his perceptions quicker and clearer, his memory stronger and more trustworthy, his imagina- tion more creative, his powers of generalization, of interpretation, of deductive and inductive reasoning more energetic and sure of reaching independent and truthful results. Especial care is taken to train the mind to collect data, to discriminate essentials from unessentials, to discover the law in phenomena, and from known laws to derive wider applications to particular cases and new problems. ‘These ends are made prominent that the agriculturist, or mechanic, may make his manual labor and many experiments profitable by knowing how to put thought into his work and to recognize the value of a new idea when he finds it. The study of mental science is pursued the first term of the senior year and so prepares the way for the course in Political Economy which follows in the winter term. Care is taken to make plain the ee 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT—No. 31. 43 elements of the science of American economics and to give the student such a knowledge of the essential data and of the accepted principles and methods of investigation and reasoning as shall enable him to understand the living questions of the day, to comprehend current discussions, and to arrive at conclusions which shall commend themselves to his own best judgment and be such as he shall be able to defend against attack. Especial pains are taken to show how the farmer, who has produced crops of the best quality, at the lowest cost, may exchange them to the best advantage and thus increase his own wealth while benefiting all classes of society. Constitutional History is taught the last term of the senior year, after the class has had the preparatory training in Mental Science and Political Economy. Beginning with the town, the student goes on to consider the city, the county, the State and the federal govern- ment. American political institutions are carefully examined, as they are set forth in constitutional and statute law and as they are embodied in the customs and habits of the people and of the parties. The excellencies and evils of our institutions are disclosed and remedies suggested and discussed. The history of our government is studied and the origin and evolution of present institutions are Shown. In all the work the end kept prominently before the mind is the practical one of fitting the young man for the duties of the citizen. The instruction in Rhetoric has been adapted to the varying neces- sities of different classes. The aim has been to teach the man to think clearly, forcibly and with discernment and good taste, and so let the clear, forcible and beautiful thought compel clearness, force and beauty in the style. While principles and rules have been taught, the necessity of practice has been insisted upon. Daily exercises in writing have been required from each student, together with more formal essays. ‘Topics have been assigned, which have compelled the writers to search far and wide for material; investigating things, consulting libraries, questioning men. In directing the essays of both classes, the idea of codperation has been kept prominently in view. Each man is required to do his best, to do original work in the investigation of the topic assigned him, and then to give the class, in the best form possible, the results of his labor, stimulated all the while by the assurance that he shall have the valuable results of the labors of all the other members of the class. In this way, during the last two years of his college course, the student is afforded a view of American and English men of letters and statesmen, and participates in a serious discussion of the practical and social questions of the day in the field of morals, economics, education and political life. 44 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. ‘In the accomplishment of these several ends of the department, no one method has been exclusively used, but any and every method that has proved itself best adapted to the varying necessities of dif- ferent classes and to the requirements of the several individuals of each class. The student has never been sacrificed to the subject taught, but the endeavor has always been made to so present the sci- ence that it may be most thoroughly mastered by the pupil, in the shortest possible time, with the greatest ease and interest attainable under the circumstances. Text books and lectures, formal and informal, have been used. In the discussion of economic and politi- cal questions the constant aim of the lecturer has been simply to help the student to do his own thinking and to come to his own conclu- sions after a fair and full consideration of the facts and principles from the best points of view within reach. A very important duty has devolved upon the Professor of Mental and Political Science, requiring no small amount of time and strength. This is conducting morning prayers and the service on Sunday in the Stone Chapel. Guided strictly by the principles enjoined upon him by constitutional and statute law,* he has endeavored to avoid all sectarianism and to make all his ministrations tend to develop in his hearers the highest type of Christian manhood. Respectfully submitted, C. S. WALKER. * See Constitution of Massachusetts, chapter V., section II., and Statutes, chapter it section 15. 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT—No. 31. 45 CALENDAR FOR 1892-93. 1892. January 5, Tuesday, winter term begins, at 8.15 a.m. March 24, Thursday, winter term closes, at 10.30 a.m. April 5, Tuesday, spring term begins, at 8.15 a.m. ( Baccalaureate Sermon. June 19, Sunday. Address before the Young Men’s Christian Union. Class in Agriculture. Meeting of the Alumni. June 21, foeihay. ) c Prize Speaking June 20, es Grinnell Prize Examination of the Senior | Military Exercises. President’s Reception. Commencement Exercises. June 22, Wednesday. Meeting of Trustees. June 23, Thursday, examinations for admission, at 9 a.m., Botanic Museum, Amherst; at Jacob Sleeper Hall, Boston University, 8 Somerset street, Boston; and at the Sedgwick Institute, Great Barrington. September 6, Tuesday, examinations for admission, at 9 4.m., Botanic Museum. September 7, Wednesday, fall term begins, at 8.15 a.m. December 23, Friday, fall term closes, at 10.30 a.m. 1893. January 3, Tuesday, winter term begins, at 8.15. a.m. March 23, Thursday, winter term closes, at 10.30 a.m. 46 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. THE CORPORATION. Term expires THOMAS P. ROOT oF Barre Puains, . Btn « 1898 J. HOWE DEMOND orf Norruampton, . ‘ : By he) FRANCIS H. APPLETON or Lynnrfie.p, : : of Oe WILLIAM WHEELER orf Concorp, : i : - 1394. ELIJAH W. WOOD or West Newron, . | : .- 1895 CHARLES A. GLEASON or New Bedell se 2 1895 DANIEL NEEDHAM of Groton, . : : : . L896 JAMES DRAPER or WorcEsTER, . ‘ : : « 21896 HENRY S. HYDE of SpriInGFIELD, . 4 : ley bist MERRITT I. WHEELER or Great Bide eeee . of 1897, JAMES S. GRINNELL oF GREENFIELD, . 4 ‘ . LOG JOSEPH A. HARWOOD of LitTLetTon, . F : » 1898 WILLIAM H. BOWKER or Boston, : ‘ Mame ed Ls) J. D. W. FRENCH orf Bosron, : : : : eee Members Ex-Officio. His Exce,rLency Governor WILLIAM E. RUSSELL, President of the Corporation. HENRY H. GOODELL, President of the College. JOHN W. DICKINSON, Secretary of the Board of Education. WILLIAM R. SESSIONS, Secretary of the Board of Agriculture. JAMES S. GRINNELL or GREENFIELD, Vice-President of the Corporation. WILLIAM R. SESSIONS or Hamppen, Secretary. GEORGE F. MILLS or AMHERST, Treasurer, pro tem. CHARLES A. GLEASON or New Braintree, Auditor. — 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT—No. 31. 47 Committee on Finance and Buildings.* JAMES S. GRINNELL. HENRY S. HYDE. J. HOWE DEMOND. CHARLES A. GLEASON. DANIEL NEEDHAM, Chairman. Committee on Course of Study and Faculty. * THOMAS P. ROOT. FRANCIS H. APPLETON. WILLIAM H. BOWKER. J. D. W. FRENCH. WILLIAM WHEELER, Chairman. Committee on Farm and Horticultural Departments. * ELIJAH W. WOOD. JAMES DRAPER. JOSEPH A. HARWOOD. MERRITT I. WHEELER. WILLIAM R. SESSIONS, Chairman. Committee on Experiment Department. * DANIEL NEEDHAM. ELIJAH W. WOOD. WILLIAM WHEELER. JAMES DRAPER. WILLIAM R. SESSSIONS, Chairman. Board of Overseers. THE STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Examining Committee of Overseers. W. A. KILBOURN, : : . oF Sourn LANCASTER. A. C. VARNUM, ; ; ‘ . OF LOWELL. GEORGE CRUICKSHANKS, . . OF FITCHBURG. P. M. HARWOOD, . : : - OF BARRE. DR. WILLIAM HOLBROOK, . - OF PALMER. C. A. MILLS, . = ‘ t . OF SouTH WILLIAMSTOWN. The Faculty. HENRY H. GOODELL, LL.D., President, Professor of Modern Languages and English Literature. * The President of the college is ex-officio a member of each of the above committees. 48 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [Jan. LEVI STOCKBRIDGE, Professor of Agriculture, Honorary. CHARLES A. GOESSMANN, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Chemistry. SAMUEL T. MAYNARD, B. Sc., Professor of Botany and Horticulture. CLARENCE D. WARNER, B. Sc., Professor of Mathematics and Physics. CHARLES WELLINGTON, Ph. D., Associate Professor of Chemistry. CHARLES H. FERNALD, Ph. D., Professor of Zoology. Rev. CHARLES 8S. WALKER, Ph. D., Professor of Mental and Political Science. WILLIAM P. BROOKS, B. Se., Professor of Agriculture. LESTER W. CORNISH, Isr Lieut. 5TH Cavatry, U.S. A., Professor of Military Science and Tactics. GEORGE F. MILLS, M. A., Professor of English. JAMES B. PAIGE, V.S., Professor of Veterinary Science. ROBERT W. LYMAN, Lecturer on Farm Law. : HENRY H. GOODELL, LL.D., Librarian. FRED S. COOLEY, B. Sc., Farm Superintendent. 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. 49 Graduates of 1891.* Arnold, Frank Luman (Boston Univ.), . .. Belchertown. Brown, Walter Augustus (Boston Univ.), . Feeding Hills, Carpenter, Malcolm Austin (Boston Uniy.),. Leyden. Eames, Aldice Gould (Boston Univ.), . . North Wilmington. Felt, Ephraim Porter (Boston Univ.), . . Northborough. Field, Henry John (Boston Univ.), . Leverett. Gay, Willard Weston (Boston Univ.), . . Georgetown. Horner, Louis Frederic (Boston Univ.), . Newton Highlands. Howard, Henry Merton (Boston Univ.), . Franklin. Hull, Jr., John Byron (Boston Univ.), . . Stockbridge. Johnson, Charles Henry (Boston Univ.), . Prescott. Lage, Oscar Vidal Barboza (Boston Univ.), Juiz de Fora, Minas-Geraes, Brazil. Legate, Howard Newton (Boston Univ.), . Sunderland. Magill, Claude Albion (Boston Univ.), . Ambherst. Paige, Walter Cary, (Boston Univ.), . . Ambherst. Ruggles, Murray (Boston Univ.), . : . Milton. Sawyer, Arthur Henry (Boston Univ.), . Sterling. Shores, Harvey Towle (Boston Univ.),. . West Bridgewater. Total, : \ : : ; : ; : : : : 18. Senior Class. Beals, Alfred Tennyson, : : : . Greenfield. Boynton, Walter Ira, __.. , ; . North Amherst. Clark, Edward Thornton, : § . Granby. Crane, Henry Everett, . : - : . Weymouth. Deuel, James Edward, . : 2 ; . Ambherst. Emerson, Henry Bennett, ‘ 5 : . Gloucester. Field, Judson Leon, ; : : ; . Leverett. Fletcher, William, . : : ‘ : . Chelmsford. Graham, Charles Sumner, : ‘ : » Holden. Holland, Edward Bertram, . ‘ : . Amherst. Hubbard, Cyrus Moses, . é : : . Sunderland. Knight, Jewell Bennett, : : : . Belchertown. Lyman, Richard Pope, . : : 3 .- Boston. Plumb, Frank Herbert, . , ‘ ; . Westfield. Rogers, Elliot, ; : - is, rh . Allston. Smith, Robert Hyde, : ‘ : f . Amherst. Stockbridge, Francis Granger, : . Northfield. Taylor, George Everett, : - : . Shelburne. Thomson, Henry Martin, : : : . Monterey. West, Homer Cady,..: /., ., +... «, Belchertown. Willard, George Bartlett, zt ; : . Waltham. Williams, Milton Hubbard, . : ; » Sunderland. Total, ’ ’ ‘ . F ; ; } ; : ort Dee -* The annual report, being made in January, necessarily includes parts of two aca- demic years, and the catalogue. bears the names of such students as have been con- nected with the college during any portion of the year 1891. 50 Junior Class. Baker, Joseph, Bardin, James Edgar, Bartlett, Fred Goff, Clark, Henry Disbrow, . Curley, George Frederick, Davis, Herbert Chester, . Goodrich, Charles Augustus, . Harlow, Francis Turner, Harlow, Harry James, Hawks, Ernest Alfred, Henderson, Frank Howard, Howard, Edwin Carleton, Hoyt, Franklin Sherman, Kellogg, John Hawkes, . Lehnert, Eugene Hugo, . ; Melendy, Alphonso Edward, . Pember, Walter Stephen, . Perry, John Richards, . : Ranney, William Henry, Sedgwick, Benjamin, Smith, Cotton Atwood, Smith, Fred Andrew, Smith, Luther Williams, ; : Staples, Henry Franklin, : : : Tinoco, Luiz Antonio Ferreira, Walker, Edward Joseph, Total, : ; AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. Dudley. Dalton. Hadley. Plainfield. Upton. Amherst. Hartford, Conn. Marshfield. Shrewsbury. Williamsburg. . Lynn. Wilbraham. Newtown, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Clinton. Sterling. Walpole. Boston. ° South Ashfield. Cornwall Hollow, Conn. North Hadley. Lynn. Ashfield. Leominster. Campos, Rio Janeiro, Brazil. West Berlin. 26. Sophomore Class. Alderman, Edwin Hammond, Austin, John, . Averell, Fred Gilbert, Bacon, Linus Hersey, Bacon, Theodore Spalding, Barker, Louis Morton, ; Barton, Charles Henry, . ; 5 Boardman, Edwin Loring, Brown, Charles Leverett, Cook, Jay Erastus, . Curtis, Arthur Clement, . Cutter, Arthur Hardy, Davis, Perley Elijah, , Dickinson, Eliot Taylor, : : Duffield, William Charles, Fowler, Halley Melville, Fowler, Henry Justin, ; : ; Gifford, John Edwin, . ’ : 4 : Middlefield. Belchertown. Amherst. Spencer. Natick. Hanson. Dalton. Sheffield. Feeding Hills. Hadley. Littleton Common. Pelham, N. H. Worcester. Amherst. Quincy Point. South Gardner. North Hadley. Brockton. 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT —No. 31. Goessmann, Louis Edward, Goodell, John Stanton, . Greene, Frederic Lowell, Greene, Ira Charles, Higgins, Charles Herbert, Howard, Samuel Francis, Johnson, Charles Frederic, Jones, John Horace, Keith, Thaddeus Fayette, Kirkland, Archie Howard, Lewis, Henry Waldo, Lounsbury, Charles Pugsley, Manley, Lowell, Mann, Henry Judson, Marvin, Samuel Barnard, Merwin, George Henry, . Morse, Alvertus Jason, . Morse, Elisha Wilson, Park, Fred Ware, . : Parker, Frank Ingram, . Parker, Jacob, _ : Pomeroy, Robert Ferdinand, . Putnam, Joseph Harry, . Robbins, Dana Watkins, Sanderson, William Edwin, . Sanford, George Otis, . Shepard, Lucius Jerry, . Smead, Horace Preston, Smith, George Eli, . : Smith, Ralph Eliot, Spaulding, Charles Harrington, Stockwell, Harry Griggs, Streeter, Albert Richmond, Sullivan, Maurice John, Toole, Stephen Peter, Walker, Claude Frederic, i White, Elias Dewey, : : Total, ; : : - Amherst, Amherst. Shrewsbury. Fitchburg. Dover. Wilbraham. Littleton. Pelham. Fitchburg. Norwich. Rockland. Allston. Brockton. Maplewood. Richford, Vt. Westport, Conn. Belchertown. Brockton. South Chelmsford. Pittsfield. Plymouth. South Worthington. West Sutton. Walpole. Hingham. Winchendon. Oakdale. Greenfield. Sheffield. Newton Centre. East Lexington. Sutton. Cummington. Amherst. Amherst. Amherst. South Sherborn, Freshman Class. Bagg, Edward Oren, Ballou, Henry Arthur, . Bemis, Waldo Louis, . Billings, George Austin, : Brown, Mendall Howard, Brown, William Clay, . Burgess, Albert Franklin, . Clark, Edile Hale, . : : Cooley, Robert Allen, . ‘ West Springfield. West Fitchburg. Spencer. South Deerfield. Amherst. Peabody. Rockland. Spencer. South Deerfield. 55. 51 a2 Crehore, Charles Winfred, . ; : Davis, Alfred, . Dickinson, Charles Morrison, Drury, Ralph Willard, . ; : Dwyer, Elmer Francis, : : : Fairbanks, Herbert Stockwell. ; , : Foley, Thomas Patrick, . Frost, Harold Locke, Haskell, Ernest Albert, Hemenway, Herbert Daniel, . Henderson, Edward Harris, . Hubbard, Guy Augustus, Jones, Robert Sharp, Kuroda, Shiro, Lane, Clarence Bronson, Marsh, Jasper, Mason, Amos Hall, Morse, Walter Levi, ‘ ‘ : Potter, Daniel Charles, . ; 5 Read, Henry Blood, Root, Wright Asahel, . Sastré Verand, Salome, . Shaw, Frederic Bridgman, Smith, Arthur Bell, ‘ : Stevens, Clarence Lindon, Taylor, Effod Earl, : ‘ Tobey, Frederic Clinton, : ; Volio, Enrique Tinoco, . Warren, Frank Lafayette, Weed, Percy Loring, : Wentzell, William Benjamin, White, Edward Albert, Williams, John Sherman, : ; Woodbury, Roger Atwater, . .. : Total, ; F : : - AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. {Jan. Chicopee. West Roxbury. Park Ridge, Ill. Athol Centre. Lynn. Amherst. Natick. Arlington. Amherst. Williamsville. Malden. Ashby. Dover. Shobara, Japan. Killingworth, Conn. Danvers Centre. Medfield. Middleborough. Fairhaven. Westford. Deerfield. Had, Esquipulas, Cundua- ean, Tabasco, Mexico. South Amherst. North Hadley. Sheffield. . North Amherst. West Stockbridge. San José, Costa Rica. Shirley. Boston. Amherst. Fitchburg. Middleborough. Cheshire, Conn. A3. Resident Graduates at the College and Experiment Station. Arnold, B. Se., Frank Luman (Boston ee Cooley, B. Se., Fred Smith, : Court, William Boyce (Mcgill Univ); Crocker, B. Sc., Charles Stoughton (Boston Unive : ; Field, B. Se., Henry Tet (aosten ney Haskins, B. Se., Henry Darwin, (Boston Univ.), : : : : : : Johnson, B. Sc., Charles Henry (Boston Daiv. ie ‘ : A : 5 ; Belchertown. Sunderland. Montreal, Canada. Sunderland. Leverett. North Amherst. Prescott. 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT — Jones, B. Se., Charles Howland oe Univ.), Loring,-B. Sc., Fae Saienel dBiston Unie. ys Moore, Bb. Se., Robert Bostwick (Boston Univ.), , 4 : ‘ : ‘ Ono, B. Agr., Saburo (Sapporo Agricultural Dallege),.: ‘ Parsons, B. Sc., Wilfred Mihetion. . Shepardson, B. Se., William Martin Boston Univ.), Smith, B. Sc., redéric ee (Boston Uaiv.y, West, B. Sce., John Sherman (Boston Univ.), Williams, B. Sc., Frank Oliver (Boston WHTY,),. 2 - , Woodbury, B. Sc., Herbert Bivvell, Total, : ; : : : ‘ . | Summary. Resident Graduates, ; ' ‘ ‘ ; Graduates of 1891, . ; ; ‘ ‘ : Senior class, . ; See ‘ : : Junior class, . ‘ : ; : : : Sophomore class, . eye ‘ ; . Freshman class, . 4 4 : ; ; Total, % . - ; : - : Counted twice, : , ; : ; ; Total, ‘ ; ; - : é : No. 3l. Downer’s Grove, Ill. Shrewsbury. Framingham. Ono, Echizen, Japan. Southampton. Warwick. North Hadley. Belchertown. Sunderland. Gloucester. 17. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. 54 : ote T- xL— ‘sdoiQ osvi0q pur Pio ‘uonisodmo0g ; ‘e—‘qouerq | ‘SurkoAang| = - = - - - "gS —‘OINI[NOI}IOF] | SUIBIO “sainuep, | * ‘suTIdg e—‘SUIMBIG °e— | *e—‘ASojorsAyg *P— |'z—‘sdorg Jo uone xe ]BoluByooW ) “G— ‘yous | ‘uoleimsuey, | pus Awojyeuy | — - - | ‘y1oM ATOyBIOGeT |-oy ‘Sure paxipy |° “Aoqur A, *'§ —{— ‘waa, a iF ‘G— *g — ‘oseulviq WeH “sooey, | ‘domtsoduiog | °¢—‘qoussy |‘Atjamouo0siay,| — - - xb — ‘As0[095 | ‘ormouooy ‘Auvjog | pues ose, ‘spiog | ° * Tey “adVa XX GHXHONOHdOS Ge | | "G— | *G—‘sfooy, pusH *e UOI}ISOduI0D °g@—‘uljey | e—‘Arjyauiosy | — - = «xb — ‘ASoTeiouly | ‘eon A vay ‘Auvjog |*yooj}g aArTJospooig |° ‘Suridg #2 °C *Z — ‘oin —[—Uley, |9—‘suImeip ‘A119 T1090 nosy jo A104 : JIVH “soovy, | puBYy-901 4 ‘7 —‘Uljey | pue vaqos;y| - - - * bP — ‘S[@I9I | = - — |-SIF{ ‘syunoo0y wey |° ‘109UT A, "e— ‘sproy "7 —‘SUIWMIR pus ‘—~T— -[¥j0 puv sod *c— | 1oq980 A JO SUOTIET #& ‘uol}isodwio0g ‘e—‘uleTy | ‘g—‘eiqes;y | — = - | bung ‘Arjstuteqg | ‘einjonyg ‘Auvyog | -axf 10 ‘ASo[0}8UNITD | ° ° Tey *SOSTOIOX “uoljIsoduLoy) . . e *Q0UIIIS AIVUIIOJOA : *OINI[NOYVAO_ pus : 2 Garnet nue sosvunsuvyT SOIPVULO UTE IT ty) ATsroeyO o1N} [NOLS Vy pue A50[007 AuBjoOg ————————_————_—_—_—_————_—_—_———————————————————— a a ES "AVA. NVWHSat iT ‘ACONLIS HO ASunoo DOCUMENT —No. 31. PUBLIC 1892. ] *SOSIDIOX9 MOOUIOITV x °G— #e—'I— ‘I— |e-—‘A101SI}] ‘gsoustog ABUTS “o— -e — ‘SuOIssnosi(T ‘Q0UdINg “I | ‘UOTIsOdmMOD [BUOT}NIYsUOD | — = | -10A ‘e—‘AsoOoy |‘Soltjsnpul[voluteyD ‘MOLADY [BANI[NOLISY | = Sar gp lo #"@—"*[— | fayeqoq pue + | ‘Amou00g ‘Z— *g — ‘90u9 55 Q0ud1Idg “[I ‘UoOtsodwo0g |[VITIITO d | ‘ASO[OIODOT | -1OG = ATeUTL090 A °9 — OIURSIO cat ee -o—Surumieq AUVd *@ — ‘o0ud : “TG AIVULIOIIA | sine "¢ — ‘s[Btul *g — ‘s10zIT #e—‘T— | ‘ajeqag puv *} — ‘ooue -uy osewodg jo | -19,. Jo AMstweqD *' P— ‘YOO VATT Jo ‘g0uU910g “[II | UOI}ISOdUIOD | -lDG =[BIuEey | — - | Amojvuy ‘dwog | ‘y1om A10jVIOQL’T | J WIVQ pus Sulpssig “ava AOINAS *g—Aq os : ta *p— ‘ainqye |-d1Qoo;q puv °¢— |suluepiey eodvos *T — ‘spvoy #2 ‘uorisodmog |-sowy ysippuq aysry‘soisdyg | *2 —‘ASojowojug | ‘yrom = —AL0ywsoqge’y | -puvy pue Aijsoloy | MIB] ‘sdoig [Bioodg WG Ls xb — “won ‘sjayivy, «= *Sdolg ss *e—‘ainie | pue punog ‘Ol— JO uOoljv}IOdsUv.], «2 | ‘moisodwo0g |-loyT ysysuq | ‘sorts Ad *e— ‘KSoooz | ‘yom = AloywsoqeT | — - - |pue uonvivdog "e— | *e—oj0‘UOT} +z —‘sdoig SUII0IS ‘uomtsodmog |-olg ayeiq | °*g—‘y10M A103¥1 x9— | pus suysoareyy «2 - — | pus oojoqy | ‘soruvqooyy | -ogey ‘As0looz | — - - | ‘Suluepreyg yoyrvy | ‘syuomeldwy wiry ‘ava WOINAL? ‘SuLIdg “TOUT AA * Tet ‘Sulidg ‘1OqUL AA ° TTB 56 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Jan, TEXT BOOKS. Woop — “ The American Botanist and Florist.” Gray —“ Manual.” Lone — “ How to Make the Garden Pay.” Lone — “ Ornamental Gardening.” FULLER — “ Practical Forestry.” MAYNARD —“ Practical Fruit Grower.” McALPINE — “ How to know Grasses by their Leaves.” FISHER — ‘“‘ Classbook of Elementary Chemistry.” Roscor —“ Lessons in Elementary Chemistry.” — ROSCOE AND SCHORLEMMER — ‘“‘ Treatise on Chemistry.” WILLs — “ Tables for Qualitative Chemical Analysis.” FRESENIUS — ‘“* Qualitative Chemical Analysis.” FRESENIUS — “ Quantitative Chemical Analysis.” Dana —“ Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology.” — BrusH —‘“ Manual of Determinative Mineralogy.” WELLS —“ College Algebra.” Dana — “ Mechanics.” WENTWORTH — “ Plane and Solid Geometry.” CARHART — “ Surveying.” WARNER —“ Mensuration. ’ WELLs —“ Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.” ATKINSON’S GANoT’S PHYSICS. Loomis — ** Meteorology.” PorTER —‘‘ The Elements of Intellectual Science.” GENUNG — “ The Practical Elements of Rhetoric.”’ WALKER —“ Political Economy,” abridged edition. Emerson — “ Evolution of Expression.” Lock woop —“ Lessons in English.” Comstock — “ First Latin Book.” CSAR —‘ The Invasion of Britain.” WHITTIER, No. 4; LONGFELLOW, Nos. 33, 34, 35; LOWELL, No. 39 — “ Riverside Literature Series.” SPRAGUE — “ Six Selections from Irving’s Sketch-Book.” Hupson —“‘ Selections of Prose and Poetry.” Webster, Burke, Addison, Goldsmith, Shakespeare. ) GENUNG — “ Handbook of Rhetorical Analysis.” WHITNEY — “ French Grammar.” KELLOGG — “ English Literature.” W HITE —“ Progressive Art Studies.’’ To give not only a practical but a liberal education is the aim in each department ; and the several courses have been so arranged as to best subserve that end. Weekly exercises in composition and declamation are held throughout: the course. The instruction in agriculture and horticulture is both theoretical and practical. A certain amount of labor is required of each student, and the lessons | ' | 1892. | PUBLIC DOCUMENT—No. 31. of the recitation room are practically enforced in the garden and field. Students are allowed to work for wages during such leisure hours as are at their disposal. Under the act by which the college was founded instruction in military tactics is made imperative ; and each student, unless physically debarred,* is required to attend such exercises as are prescribed, under the direction of a regular army oflicer stationed at the college. ADMISSION. Candidates for admission to the freshman class are. examined, orally and in writing, upon the following subjects: English grammar, geography, arithmetic, algebra, to quadratic. equations including radicals, the metric system, and the history of the United States. The standard required is sixty-five per cent. on each paper. Candidates for higher standing are examined as above, and also in the studies gone over by the class to which they desire admission. No one can be admitted to the college until he is fifteen years of age. Every applicant is required to furnish a certificate of good character from his late pastor or teacher. Candidates are requested to furnish the examining committee with their standing in the schools they have last attended. The previous rank of: a candidate will be considered in admitting him. The regular examinations for admission are held at the Botanic Museum, at nine o’clock a.m., on Thursday, June 23, and on Tuesday, September 6; but candidates may be examined and admitted at any other time in the year. For the accommodation of those living in the eastern part of the State, exami- nations will also be held at nine o’clock a.m., on Thursday, June 23, at Jacob Sleeper Hall, Boston University, 8 Somerset Street, Boston ; and, for the accommodation of those in the western part of the State, at the same date and time, at the Sedgwick Institute, Great Barrington, by James Bird. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION PAPERS USED IN 1891. Metric System. When and where did the Metric System originate ? What is the base of the Metric System? Name the principal units and give their equivalents. 4. Write the tables for Long Measure and Liquid Measure. Co bo Re * Certificates of disability must be procured from Dr. D. B. N. Fish of Amherst. 58 AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. [ Jan. 5. How many ares in a floor 1.25 metres long and 8.7 metres wide? | 6. How many metres of a carpet nine decimetres wide will cover a floor six metres long and five and four-tenths metres wide? and what would be the cost of the carpet, at $2.50 a centare? 7. In 2 miles, 6 furlongs, 39 rods, and 5 yards, how many kilo- metres ? 8. What will be the cost of a pile of wood 42.5 metres long, 2 metres high, 1.9 metres wide, at $2 per stere? | 9.