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MAY 15 1995 When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. L162 So F4us L465 THE LIBRARY oF THE Dyce a ie 1966 UVERSITY CF LINGIS nnual Report 1965 ield Museum of Natural History teak ~ te Paes ton 7 ae ; ad Ae ae ce ve - z On March 1, 1966, The Museum re- sumed its former name of Field Mu- seum of Natural History. We have used our ‘‘new’”’ and more familiar name in this 1965 Annual Report. MARSHALL FIELD IV 1916-1965 Annual Report 1965 Field Museum of Natural History Wha: Is A MUSEUM? If ten individuals were asked,—either mu- seum professionals or laymen—undoubtedly ten quite varying replies would be received. This is not surprising, nor is it necessarily a matter for concern, for a great American museum today is many things to many people. In this respect it is almost unique among our educational and cultural institutions. If ten respondents were to sit in discussion of their respective definitions, one clear and in- escapable conclusion would emerge—that a museum has, probably in as great a degree as any other secular institution, the power to alter individual lives. It is tempting, in a large metropolitan museum with millions of visitors, to think in terms of thousands instead of individ- ual persons, but in viewing the forest and missing the trees we lose sight of the deeply individual impact of a museum. A graphic example of this Museum’s effect in children’s formative years came to attention recently, when the chairman of the depart- ment of biology at one of our great universities said to me, “‘You know, my first interest in biology was stimulated by the small cases* you circulated years ago to the schools. I have always had a great affection for the Field Museum as a consequence.’ Last summer a student working with the aid of a General Biological Supply House “Turtox Scholarship” wrote, ‘““My months with the Museum will *N. W. Harris Public School Extension exhibits always represent to me one of the most profitable periods of my life, and I feel that such an experience could not fail to benefit the lives of many others, if they were given the opportunity.” In November a young Navy medical scientist wrote from Viet Nam, “‘Might I take this opportunity to thank the management and staff of Chicago Natural History Museum for the opportunites and experiences I gained as an employee and volunteer in the summers of 57, °59 and ’63. I’ll always hold Chicago as the beginning of my zoological career.’”? A mother wrote in July, “Knowing we have our Museum helps ease the burden of teaching our deaf son about the world around him which eludes him sometimes. Teaching him the various species of animals, explaining the hows of a volcano, the why of a meteorite, the when of a dinosaur has been so much easier to show him as well as our hearing sons and daughter.” The continual participation of people in various departmental programs emerges throughout the following pages. Graduate stu- dents on expedition or engaged in research projects in collaboration with our scientific staff; scientists—from more than 30 countries and most of the United States, in 1965; high ability high school students attending the Holiday Science Lectures; school groups participating in such Raymond Foundation workshops as “‘Animals Without Back- bones;”’ teachers attending a summer institute in geology at the Museum—all are integral to answering, ‘““‘What is a Museum?”’ These and our other visitors combined to increase attendance to 1,565,189—continuing a seven-year upward trend. Almost the en- tire 314% increase over 1964 can be attributed to increased school attendance. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT As stated in the last several Annual Reports, the Museum enjoys almost unparalleled opportunities to broaden and strengthen its pro- gram in exhibition, education, research. The principal requirement, plainly stated, is radically increased annual income for both operating and capital expenses. Adequate income is not likely to be derived from any single source; it is thus essential that logical areas of respon- sibility be delineated. Our four major categories of operating expense are (1) operation of the building as a public exhibition museum; (2) exhibit revision; (8) scientific program; (4) educational program. For many years, a major portion of the cost of the first category has been covered by tax support through the Chicago Park District. The Commissioners of the Park District have been most helpful and sensitive to the needs of the Chicago museums. In late 1965 a very 4 necessary increase in the levy was voted, funds from which increase will become available in 1967. Exhibit revision and our scientific and educational programs have traditionally been funded primarily from endowment income. It is quite clear, however, that the scientific activities of the Museum have grown to such a point that they tran- scend any logical level of local support. Increased federal support of our scientific program through grants from the National Science Foundation during the last ten years has been of inestimable value in preserving our research output. Even more recently, support from the Office of Naval Research, the National Institutes of Health, and the Office of the Surgeon General, United States Army, have broad- ened the federal contribution. This conforms to the pattern that has similarly emerged in the universities and independent research insti- tutions of the country during a comparable period. In summary, a dynamic and balanced program can be achieved by the Museum through continuation of Park District support, aug- mented local support from diverse segments of the community, and radically increased federal support of our nationally significant scien- tific program. Good progress was made during 1965 in enlarging our non-govern- mental base of support. Outstanding among the gifts received were those of Mr. John M. Simpson, the Searle Foundation, Henry P. Isham, William H. Mitchell, Joseph N. Field, Marshall Field & Com- pany, International Harvester Foundation, Wenner-Gren Founda- tion, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street, and The Chicago Community Trust (Ruth Jones Allison Fund and John G. and Frances Searle Fund). A bequest of $1,000,000 from the late Stanley Field was the capstone of nearly sixty years of devoted service to the Museum and the natural sciences. A full list of those who contributed other than membership funds during the year is carried later in the report. Grate- ful appreciation is expressed to all who helped to build a better mu- seum through their generous gifts to the funds and to the collections. A severe loss was suffered in September through the death of Marshall Field. As a Trustee he maintained close touch with the Museum. His untimely death deprived Chicago and the Museum of many years of leadership. Two Trustees were elected at the De- cember meeting of the Board, Mr. Harry O. Bercher, President of International Harvester Corporation, and Mr. Remick McDowell, Chairman of the Board of the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company. Two organizational changes during the year were important steps toward our goals for the future. The first was the consolidation of all financial operations of the Museum under the administrative juris- 5 diction of Mr. Norman W. Nelson, Business Manager, who was ap- pointed on February 1. The second was the establishment of a Department of Planning and Development to coordinate various phases of institutional development, including public relations, mem- bership, and all other activities which communicate the Museum’s program to the public. The appointment of Mr. Robert E. Coburn as Development Officer to head this department was announced in November to take effect January 1, 1966. Both the staff additions and the centralized administrative responsibilities thus created will greatly strengthen the Museum in the years ahead. As planning in all aspects of our work progresses, one common concern is the Museum building, now almost 50 years old. Moderni- zation of exhibits, restaurants, and educational service, and research areas all depend on allocation of space and correction of certain basic factors of obsolescence and deterioration. Since many of the prob- lems confronting us were highly technical in nature, a firm of con- sulting engineers, John F. Dolio & Associates, was engaged to aid in preparing a comprehensive building survey. Preliminary work had been completed at year end. School Programs Any review of a major metropolitan area education program, whether within the formal school structure or extracurricular, must take as its point of departure the juxtaposition of appalling needs and limited resources. A typical example is the increase of 60% in or- ganized group visitation to the Museum during the last two years. This very welcome increase in usage leaves us in an inescapable quan- dary. Our facilities and staff are clearly inadequate to handle such increased attendance, yet our responsibilities to the community are equally clear. The needed improvements in the building mentioned earlier impinge directly on this problem. Also needed are new ap- proaches to our educational services which can only be developed in close correlation with the schools. Minimal collaborative steps have been begun, but we hope for more consistent and positive action. To gain insight into ways in which the educational resources of the Museum can be most effectively utilized in meeting the problems of the culturally disadvantaged children of the Chicago area, Mr. Ernest Roscoe, of The Raymond Foundation, was assigned as a re- search associate, Urban Child Center of the University of Chicago, under the general direction of Dr. R. D. Hess. The five-month study was extremely helpful in focusing attention on problem areas to which 6 we should be directing thought and action. There is much to be done. Another new program was a six-day summer course in earth science presented to elementary school teachers during July. This pilot course was well received, with the result that a six-week course has been planned for the summer of 1966. Financial support has been granted for the expanded program by National Science Foundation. The fourth annual Holiday Science Lectures, presented in collab- oration with the AAAS, with financial support from the NSF, offered a particularly distinguished speaker, Dr. Polykarp Kusch, Professor of Physics at Columbia University and 1955 Nobel Prize winner for physics. Dr. Kusch’s series of four lectures entitled ““The Magnetic Dipole Moment of the Electron,’’ was given to several hundred high- ability high school students from the metropolitan area. Aside from these selected examples, the traditional internal and extension educational programs continued at an accelerated pace. Special Exhibits and Programs Two musical events were among the outstanding programs pre- sented at the Museum during the year. The Indiana University School of Music initiated a concert series in James Simpson Theatre which met with immediate popular and critical acclaim. Two con- certs by the Park District’s Children’s Orchestra were also held at the Museum. Other programs specifically designed for children were the Chi- cago Area Science Fair and Chicago Latin Day, both held in May. The two events demonstrated the achievements of Chicago high school students in scientific projects and classical languages. A number of shows were held through the year. In February, the Museum and the Chicago Nature Camera Club held the annual Chicago International Exhibition on Nature Photography. The May exhibit of children’s art from the Junior School of the Art In- stitute, the June Chicago Shell Club and the Amateur Handcrafted Gem and Jewelry exhibits delighted Museum visitors. In Novem- ber, the Illinois Orchid Society presented its annual orchid show, filling the Museum’s Hall 9 with hundreds of the colorful tropical blossoms. As it has for many years, the Museum continued its sup- port of the many naturalist groups in the Chicago area, such as the Audubon society, the Chicago Shell Club, the Kennicott Club and others. 7 THE SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENTS Anthropology The Scientific Departments of a large museum must operate on a number of levels and in many directions in a successful year. Col- lecting, field study, laboratory research, writing, educating, care and preservation of collections, exhibit planning and development of the Departmental resources are all essential activities. The work of the Department of Anthropology in 1965 is a fine illustration of this. Chief Curator Donald Collier played an active role on the Com- mittee on Anthropological Research in Museums of the American Anthropological Association. A predoctoral fellowship program to increase the quantity and quality of ethnological research in museum collections throughout the United States was worked out with the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, which is generously subsidizing the program for a five-year period. In another educational program, designed to develop students of Anthropology on an undergraduate level, Chief Curator Emeritus Paul S. Martin trained eight students in the theory and practice of archaeology at the Museum’s Field Station, Vernon, Arizona, as part of his summer research program. A pre-pottery site was investigated 8 High-wheeled chariot and riders, rubbing of tomb relief Pre ea PB A ts ws= 9 BYR Southwest China, Latter Han Period, 2nd century A.D. and the present evidence indicates it was occupied around 500 B.c. The training program, supported by the Undergraduate Participation Program of the National Science Foundation, acquainted the stu- dents not only with the technical side of a dig—laying out grids, dig- ging test trenches, sorting and cleaning artifacts, ete.—but with the rigors, stresses and joys of camp life on a dig in difficult country and climate. The summer program is the sort of introduction to field work which many archaeologists never experience until well into their graduate studies. University courses rounded out the Department’s educational effort. Dr. Collier, George I. Quimby, Curator, North American Ethnology and Archaeology until September, and later Research Associate in the same fields, Dr. Kenneth Starr, Curator, Asian Eth- nology and Archaeology, taught courses in their fields at the Uni- versity of Chicago. Mr. Quimby made an aerial survey of parts of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, in a plane piloted by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fifield of 2 Milwaukee, who graciously volunteered their help in Mr. Quimby’s project. They were searching for underwater archaeological sites and for the hulk of La Salle’s trading ship, the Griffin, the first sailing ves- sel on Lake Michigan, lost in a September storm in 1679. Later in the year, the Fifields and their son, C. Sprague Taylor, joined Mr. Quimby, James Getz, Field Associate of the Museum, Dr. James Fitting of the University of Michigan and others in investigating one such underwater site, an Indian village at Naomikong Point on the south shore of Lake Superior. They recovered pottery, hearths and stone tools to a distance of 100 feet from the beach. The village was of the Middle Woodland period, occupied about the time of Christ and subsequently submerged by the rising level of the lake. In June, Dr. Fred Reinman, Assistant Curator, Oceanic Archae- ology and Ethnology, left for Guam, in the Marianas, on a thirteen- month field trip. He was accompanied by his family, and later joined by Peter Newcomer, a graduate student at the University of Chicago, Reinman’s field assistant. After a reconnaissance in which they found, mapped and studied more than 120 sites, they settled down to the excavation of selected sites on the coast and in the interior of the island. The work was supported by National Science Foundation. The sorely needed revision of exhibits in Hall C on the Stone Age of the Old World and an inventory of Field Museum’s extensive Old World prehistory collections occupied newly appointed Dr. Glen Cole, Assistant Curator of Prehistory. Another new staff member, Leon Siroto, Assistant Curator of African Ethnology, worked on a reor- ganization of the African collections, with the help of Mrs. Helen Strotz, a volunteer. Basing his studies on his field work among the BaKwele people of the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), Mr. Siroto is examining the use of masks in the political systems of traditional African societies. The reorganization was only a part of the maintenance of our vast collections. Five years of preparation were climaxed in 1965 by the formal opening of the Robert R. McCormick Conservation Labora- tory. As research continues and new equipment is added to the laboratory, methods of preservation and conservation are becoming increasingly sophisticated and useful. A specialized conservation project was carried on by Dr. Hoshien Tchen, Consultant on the East Asian Collection, with the advice of Mr. Harold Tribolet of R. R. Donnelley and Sons, Chicago, a nationally known authority on the conservation of paper. Dr. Tchen is concerned with the pres- ervation of the Museum’s outstanding collection of Chinese rubbings. 10 Botany The research on the Department of Botany’s two massive and historically important floristic studies moved ahead in 1965. Mrs. Dorothy Gibson, Custodian of the Herbarium, and Dr. Gabriel Ed- win, Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants, worked on several families of the Flora of Peru, a monumental work giving all the known plants of Peru, which the Museum began publishing in 1936, and which now contains over 6,000 printed pages in Fieldiana: Botany. Chief Curator Louis Williams worked on the Flora of Guatemala, a project begun in the late 1940s, now numbering some 2,500 published pages. The botanically little-known Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming were the site of a field trip by Dr. Ponce de Leon, Assistant Curator, Cryptogamic Herbarium and Mr. Robert Stolze, Herbarium Assis- tant, who collected both fungi and flowering plants and added greatly to the usefulness of the Museum collections from that area. The major field work, as usual, took place in Central America, where an expedition, headed by Dr. Williams, collected in Guate- mala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Gibson, Sr. Antonio Molina, Field Associate, and Mr. Chester Las- kowski, a graduate student at the University of Michigan who has worked with the Department of Botany for several years, were in the field for more than two months. 1965 was the fourth year of a projected five-year cooperative study undertaken with Escuela Agricola Panamericana, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Sr. Molina, on the staff of the school, and an extremely capable and hardworking field botanist, is responsible for much of the success of the program to date. Other programs in Central America involved cooperation with the University of California, Los Angeles and the National Museum of | Costa Rica. Dr. Williams has been working with Investigaciones de los Recursos Agricolas y Forestales de la Costa Atlantica (Nicaragua), a project of the United Nations; he has been identifying the plant material generated by the program. The Museum joined in very interesting and important project initiated by the Forest Products Laboratory, United States Forest Service, to study the woods of Peru. The Museum determined the trees in the study from extensive collections, made from selected trees at different times in the year, and supervised the distribution of dupli- cate specimens. A related program with Servicio Forestal y de Caza, Lima, Peru, is a study of tropical forestry. The tropical forests of South America must be counted among the greatest and least used natural resources left to man and cooperative studies on the develop- ment, conservation, and proper utilization of these forests will prove important not only to the American republics but to the world in general. Seventy-five accessions increased the Museum’s Herbarium by some 42,000 specimens. Of these, nearly 28,000 came from the Cen- tral American collecting of the Department of Botany, and over 6,000 from collecting in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. Many other specimens were gifts and exchanges. In the Hall of Useful Plants (Hall 28), models of more than fifty kinds of fruit were exhibited. The fruits are shown in groups accord- ing to the basic structure of the flowers that produced them and illus- trate the wide, and sometimes deceptive, variety of forms that result from selective development or suppression of one or more parts of the usual floral anatomy as the fruit matures. Iparia National Forest, Amazonian Peru 12 Geology 1965 was a year of consolidation and assimilation in the Depart- ment of Geology, after the addition of a large new storage area and the refurbishing of laboratories and offices. The collections have been transferred to their new location, along with the very large Walker collection from the University of Chicago, the cataloging of which will take many years of continuous effort. Chief Cuator Rainer Zangerl completed a manuscript describing a small shark from the Mecca and Logan Quarry shales of west— central Indiana. The shark presents some interesting implications about the origin of bone in vertebrate animals. Translation and editorial work also occupied the Chief Curator’s time. Among other works, he is translating the unpublished “Comparative Odontology”’ by the late Professor Bernhard Peyer of the University of Zurich. The book will be published by the University of Chicago Press. Joining the staff at the end of June, Mr. Matthew Nitecki, Assist- ant Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, has been engaged in the study of various fossil sponges. The Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, Eugene Richardson, is studying the coal age fossils of the strip mines of north- ern Illinois. As in years past, the amateur collectors interested in this area have been an important aid to Richardson’s scientific work. Richardson completed the scientific description of a small, worm-like fossil long known in the area as the “Tully Monster,” because it was first found by an amateur collector, Mr. Francis Tully, of Lockport, Illinois. The official scientific name now also honors Mr. Tully, and the worm is known as Twullimonstrum gregarium. Another amateur, in a quite different aspect of Geology, has been the source of a number of large new gem stones in the Hall of Gems. 13 Using rough material furnished by the Museum, Mr. Walter Kean of Riverside, Illinois, faceted six handsome stones with great skill. He has been working with the Curator of Mineralogy, Edward Olsen, whose research on several aspects of the chemistry of meteorites, con- ducted with Dr. Robert Mueller, Research Associate, has resulted in three papers on meteorites. Bertram Woodland, Curator of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrol- ogy, continued to work on the microstructures of the metamorphic rocks of the Royalton area in Vermont and the Central Black Hills of South Dakota. With Mr. Doy Zachry, formerly of the University of Arkansas, Woodland, Richardson and Zangerl engaged in a coop- erative project on the lithology of the Mississippian Fayetteville shale in Arkansas. The Curator of Fossil Fishes, Robert H. Denison, produced a manuscript on a peculiar jawless fish, Cardipeltis, based on the first known articulated specimen from the Lower Devonian (about 400 million years ago) of Wyoming. Ina continuing study of Ordovician vertebrates he collected and studied for several weeks in the Cafion City area of Colorado. Seventeen years of study, mostly in the Big Badlands of South Dakota, on the geography and climate of that area during the Oligo- cene (38-26 million years ago) brought Dr. John Clark, Curator of Sedimentary Petrology, to the completion of a manuscript on the subject in 1965. Associate Curator of Fossil Mammals, William D. Turnbull, has been engaged in two major studies. The first is a comparative ana- tomical and functional analysis of the main adaptive types of chewing apparatus in mammals; the other is a descriptive and analytic study of the Potassium-Argon dated Grange Burn Pliocene mammal fauna in Australia. This work continues the cooperative effort with Dr. Ernest Lundelius of the University of Texas, which began with the 1963-64 Australian Paleontological Expedition. An elaborate and extremely sensitive security system was in- stalled in the Hall of Gems in 1965, under the direction of Harry Changnon, Curator of Exhibits. The system gives 24-hour protec- tion to the many valuable stones in the collection. Top, Mississippian crinoids, from Iowa; middle, skull of Gorgosaurus, from the Cretaceous, found in Alberta, Canada; bottom, section of calico sandstone. 15 Female Argiope argentata with prey. Male spider is at lower right. Photo taken by Associate Curator Hymen Marz on a recent Field Trip to Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. 16 Zoology The widespread and varied activities of the Department of Zool- ogy, the largest scientific department in the Museum, are most easily reported Division by Division. In general, some 80,000 specimens were added to the Departmental collections; the majority of these, predictably, were insects and lower invertebrates. A new exhibit, “The Flow of Information,’”’ was prepared and opened under the supervision of Chief Curator Austin L. Rand. The exhibit gives a graphic presentation of the way scientific work develops from pri- mary data to philosophic treatise and popular book. DIVISION OF MAMMALS—The major event of the year was the W. S. and J. K. Street Expedition to Afghanistan. Preparations began in February, and the group, which included Expedition Fel- lows Jerry Hassinger and Hans Neuhauser, left for Afghanistan on June 23. They were joined in Kabul by Dr. Robert Lewis of the American University of Beirut and his graduate student Mr. Sana Atallah, who were appointed Medical Entomologist and Expedition Preparator, respectively. The Expedition was extraordinarily suc- cessful: over 2,000 mammals were taken, along with many thousands of lice, mites, ticks and fleas associated with the mammals. Reptiles, 17 snails and ecologically important plants were also collected. The final results of the Expedition, to be prepared by various experts, will be published in the Museum’s Fveldiana series, and the informa- tion, particularly about the mammals and their ectoparasites, will be of great scientific and medical importance. At the Museum, various research projects continued during the year. Curator Joseph Moore worked on the living genera of Beaked Whales and Research Curator Philip Hershkovitz, under a contract with the National Institutes of Health, accelerated his definitive study of marmosets. Mr. Hershkovitz, whose work with the Public Health Service concerning Bolivian hemorrhagic fever was mentioned in last year’s Report, did some similar work for Dr. R. H. L. Disney of British Honduras, who is working on the epidemic disease Leishmaniasis, in which some rodents are implicated. Asso- ciate Jack Fooden completed a four-month study trip to the museums of Europe in connection with his revision of the genus Macaca, the monkeys which play the most vital role in biological research. Asso- ~ ciate Charles Nadler, who is investigating the value of the number and morphology of chromosomes as a taxonomic tool in studying the relationships among species of North American ground squirrels, spent three weeks walking through the Brooks Range in Alaska, with pack dogs and Eskimo guides, gathering material for his studies. DIVISION OF BIRDS—The 38,300 species and 8,200 races of birds currently recognized for Central and South America occupied Cura- tor Emmet R. Blake, as he completed reference files and preliminary studies for his Manual of Neotropical Birds, supported by a National Science Foundation grant. Including descriptions, diagnoses, ranges, recent synonyms, etc., the Manual is a basic reference work planned as an aid to the taxonomist, zoogeographer and parasitologist work- ing in the field or laboratory. Associate Curator Melvin A. Traylor completed a critical study of a large collection of birds from Szechwan, China, acquired by the Museum in the early 1930s. The report, scheduled for publication in the Fieldiana series, is expected to be of wide interest since the collection, of some 1,800 birds, was one of the last of any consequence to reach the Western World from China. Mr. Traylor also aided Daniel Parelius, the 17-year-old son of an American missionary in the Ivory Coast of Africa. Parelius wrote to the Museum, offering to obtain specimens for the collections. Traylor replied with detailed instructions on the preparation and shipping of specimens. The re- sulting collection of birds contains numerous new records for the 18 Ivory Coast, and at least three new forms for the Museum’s collec- tions. This fruitful collaboration between scientist and amateur col- lector is being continued in a report of the birds of the Ivory Coast. DIVISION OF AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES—Curator Robert F. Inger and the late Professor Bernard Greenberg of Roosevelt Uni- versity, a Research Associate of the Museum, were engaged in a study of the ecology and taxonomy of the reptiles and amphibians of Borneo. Much of their work centered around the competition between species of frogs and the reproductive patterns of rain forest lizards. They found that the year ’round breeding of these lizards apparently buffers population fluctuation and may be one of the fac- tors contributing to the great diversity of faunas of the rain forest. Associate Curator Hymen Marx and George B. Rabb, Associate Director of Brookfield Zoo and a Research Associate of the Museum, continued their study of the phylogeny of the poisonous viperine snakes. Some of the data were used to test a recently developed method of determining phylogenies with the aid of computers. Mr. Marx also completed a check-list of the reptiles and amphibians of Egypt, as part of the long-standing cooperative effort with the U. S. Naval Medical Research Unit, No. 3, Cairo, Egypt. Inger was elected Vice-President and Marx a Governor of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. DIVISION OF FISHES—Loren P. Woods, Curator, spent November and December on Cruise 12 of the Southeastern Pacific Biological Oceanographic Program sponsored by the National Science Founda- tion. The object of the cruise, on the research vessel Anton Bruun, was to study distribution and collect samples of fish from shore depths to the bottom of the Peruvian Trench (6,000 meters). Ex- tensive collections were made at San Felix Island and Juan Fernan- dez Islands, several hundred miles off the Chilean coast. DIVISION OF INSECTS—The enlargement and reorganization of the facilities of the Division of Insects was the major event of the year. Under a National Science Foundation grant, floor space was increased by 25 per cent and storage space for the collections by 40 per cent. An expanded program of preparation and labeling of speci- mens was also undertaken, with the help of students, and summer employees under the direction of Associate Harry G. Nelson, Pro- fessor of Biology at Roosevelt University. For the first time in a number of years it was possible to prepare, process and distribute a great backlog of material for the collections. Associate Curator ay. Anhinga anhinga Common name: variously, water turkey, darter, snake bird, anhinga. Painting by Karl Plath, Henry Dybas completed a paper on ptiliid (featherwing) beetles, in which he presented the first evidence of parthenogenesis, i.e., repro- duction from unfertilized eggs, in these beetles. Curator Rupert Wenzel continued to edit and write parts of the forthcoming book Ectoparasites of Panama, a collaborative project under the auspices of the Office of Research and Development, Office of the Surgeon General, U. S. Army. DIVISION OF LOWER INVERTEBRATES—Curator Emeritus Fritz Haas completed a description of a new genus of land snails from Peru, and continued his invaluable work of processing accumulated mate- rials into the mollusean collections. Curator Alan Solem spent the latter part of the year collecting in Western Samoa, Fiji and New Zealand. He was joined by Mr. Laurie Price, of New Zealand, who assisted him. Solem discovered that the endodontinine land snails become extinct when the native vegetation is destroyed, but two other groups, the charopinine endodontids and the partulid land snails, have successfully adapted to secondary growth and overgrown plantation areas, and are thus in no immediate danger of extinction. Solem was awarded a National Science Foundation grant in support of his work on the classification and zoogeography of the endodontid land snails. DIVISION OF VERTEBRATE ANATOMY—Dr. Karel F. Liem was appointed Assistant Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy. Dr. Liem also serves as Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, University of Illinois College of Medicine. His current research project is on the evolutionary morphology of the fish family Cichlidae. * * * The staff lost a distinguished colleague in February with the death of D. Dwight Davis. Mr. Davis joined Field Museum staff in 1930 and had served as Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy since 1941. His death, at the age of 56, cut short a career which had reached a height just two months before his death with the publication of a monu- mental work on the giant panda. Two other valued collaborators in our research program, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Research Associate in Reptiles, and Dr. Charles H. Seevers, Research Associate in In- sects, both of the faculty of Roosevelt University, died during 1965. Dr. Seevers’ association with Field Museum extended over a period of 25 years and his contribution to the collections and research of the Division of Insects was immense. 21 Library Much of the Library’s work this year was connected with the utilization of the new space provided by the National Science Foun- dation construction grant. This involved the massive shift of many thousands of volumes into the new stack area and the geology library and the consequent enlargement and rearrangement of the Reading Room and cataloging and technical services areas. This has resulted in a much needed doubling of our work and study space. These tasks were, of course, carried out in addition to the primary concern of the Library: service to the scientific staff of the museum and to visiting scientists and students. The Library’s acquisition pro- gram resulted in the addition of approximately 10,000 items to our collections. The reference department reported a substantial increase in the number of visitors and in the number of periodicals and books used. Library visitors came from most of the continental United States and from Canada, Germany, Japan, India, New Zealand, Australia, and Yugoslavia. The work of the catalog department was highlighted by the com- pletion of the Subject Headings Authority Catalog, five years in the making. This involved, among other things, a complete revision of our main subject catalog in the Reading Room and the addition of over 8,000 cross-reference and new subject cards. This has greatly increased its usefulness and accuracy. The department classified ie SiR TER AMON i: on pais liga jist tiie 9g “4 I } 4 * So 2 ei By bhshab 23 2g? Audubon Letters 22 approximately 2,300 titles (4,500 volumes), including 1,400 reclassi- fied titles (8,100 volumes). 1,800 analytics were prepared for articles and monographs in serial publications. Over 20,000 cards were added to our main, departmental, and divisional catalogs. Many valuable and important gifts were made to the Library by interested donors. Included among them were two very fine letters of John James Audubon, one the gift of Mr. Herbert R. Strauss and the other given anonymously. Gifts of this kind greatly enrich the value of our collections. Public Information Services The Public Information Services continued during the year to supplement our exhibits as one of the Museum’s principal means of communicating technical and non-technical science information to the public. The Museum Press, the Book Shop, and Divisions of Photography, Motion Pictures, Illustration, and Public Relations combine to serve untold thousands of people in an impressive num- ber of ways. Each of these divisions provides opportunities for the individual discussed at the beginning of this report to broaden his use of the Museum through reference to a source of information spe- cifically oriented to his needs. A scholar seeking illustrative material for his forthcoming book; a teacher who wishes to go the extra step in preparation that means the difference between pedestrian and in- spired teaching; the parent who is willing to bring his child to the Museum to seek collateral reading material or natural history speci- mens for a school assignment; the scientist in an overseas Public Health Service unit who finds in the latest scientific publication of the Fieldiana series a research report that relates directly to his cur- rent investigations; the local newspaper reporter who calls to check out some scientific information he wishes to use—these, too, help to answer “‘What is a museum?” Building Operations The completion of construction under a National Science Foun- dation grant of new facilities for the Department of Geology, the Library of the Museum, and the Division of Insects was a major event of the year. The redesigning and reconstruction of Halls 9 and 32 were begun in 1965. Hall 9 is to be used to house special exhibits and Hall 32 will contain a pioneering exhibit on Tibetan civilization. 23 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Comparative Statement of Receipts and Expenditures - Current Funds Years 1965 and 1964 OPERATING FUND RECEIPTS Endowment income— From investments in securities.............. From investments in real estate............. Chicago Park District—tax collections. ........ Annual and sustaining memberships.......... . Admissions. Unrestricted contributions: ang aundry rechipes: : Restricted funds hai alley and Here eee through Operating Fund. Rennes EXPENDITURES Operating expenses— cerca ge General. ae Badamen repairs oad aieerwiont New geology and library facilities.. Collections—purchases and depedition poate. ae Furniture, fixtures and equipment.... Provision for heating plant renewals: Be nee ete Appropriations— Proposed pension program. Building and exhibit moderaipetiath ge cetera DEFICIT FOR THE YEAR.... Certain reclassifications have been made in the amounts 1965 $ 835,501 112,000 $ 947,501 $ 358,663 45,431 50,036 276,429 817,797 $2,495,857 $ 783,377 693,171 176,266 $1,652,814 $ 509,012 127,447 26,133 22,486 50,000 110,000 $2,497,892 $ 2,035 for 1964 to conform to the 1965 presentation. 24 1964 $ 778,586 112,000 ¢ 890,586 $ 361,267 35,086 48,529 128,555 448,511 $1,912,534 $ 749,876 625,539 165,652 $1,541,067 $ 242,377 80,854 27,180 22,486 $1,913,964 $ 1,430 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE N. W. HARRIS PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTENSION 1965 1964 Incomerfrom:endowments+ 3200 43700 23 hee we es oS O18 S1 $ 42,606 PXDENGICURES tre qenc capt ke Meee ee eee rR eoecea en 43,925 39,761 EXCESS OF INCOME OVER EXPENDITURES.......... §¢ 7,906 $ 2,845 OTHER RESTRICTED FUNDS RECEIPTS From Specific Endowment Fund investments.... $ 106,540 $ 100,331 Contributions and grants for specific purposes... 648,840 485,612 Operating Fund ade for BE Oee MEISE renewal. : ae 22,486 22,486 Sundry peccinls: v8 aera 70,169 63,115 Gain on sale of restricted fund SC coiriies sat 1,091 2,732 $ 849,126 $ 674,276 EXPENDITURES Expended through Operating Fund............ $ 817,797 $ 448,511 Added to endowment fund principal........... 55,000 63,000 $ 872,797 $ 511,511 EXCESS ral a irda OF RECEIPTS OVER EXPENDITURES. ae Anes apt (2orOul) $ 162,765 THE TRUSTEES, CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: We have examined the accompanying comparative statement of receipts and expenditures—current funds of the Chicago Natural History Museum for the year ended December 31, 1965. Our examination was made in accordance with gen- erally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the statement mentioned above presents fairly the receipts and expenditures of the current funds of the Chicago Natural History Museum for the year ended December 31, 1965, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. ARTHUR YOUNG & COMPANY January 17, 1966 25 Use During 1965 of Income from Special Purpose Endowment EDWARD FE. AYER LECTURE FOUNDATION FUND Funds Cost of Museum: Lecttre Series. 20 nest sed aka ee. Ses cee O00 Subsidy, to-Publication=Programi:.. ss soe settee ie es 2,076.88 FREDERICK AND ABBY KETTELLE BABCOCK FUND Subsidy to Publication Program........... 2,681.45 EMILY CRANE CHADBOURNE ZOOLOGICAL FUND GLACE PIS tea cuce esas eee toaie alee eee eco ee Aca eps Syn 605.33 Mrs. JOAN A. CHALMERS BEQUEST FUND Purchase sotr specimens tess See eee ee eee S7225 Laboratory equipment and supplies. ......... 2 4,651.96 CONOVER GAME-BIRD FUND Furchase:-Of SPeCINONS 4. epee Rete te eee? Ob OO PWXPeCitiONS ANC SLUG YALL PSe nae ee eee eter ere ee ee 1,250.00 THOMAS J. DEE FELLOWSHIP FUND Pelowship eranty cs, co Sea e s em wee ants ot pees eee 725.00 GROUP INSURANCE FUND* PROUD INSUPENCE COG se. ooo os ohn otra en new naan oF eS eee Subsidy to Pension Fund.............. 10,000.00 N. W. HARRIS PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTENSION FUND Preparation, care, and distribution of exhibits to Chicago schools. ...... 42,925.49 LIBRARY FUNDT{ Purchase ‘of books and periodicals:.é 3. 03 ccc ios.8 6 12 .ee sa 3,811.09 JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND PUBLIC SCHOOL AND CHILDREN’S LECTURE FUND Subsidy to public school and children’s lecture programs....... 44,237.35 MAURICE L. RICHARDSON PALEONTOLOGICAL FUND Expeditions, field work, and professional meetings............. 1,153.60 KARL P. SCHMIDT FUND Studyierant.c. esse 126.00 These funds have been used in accordance with the stipulations under which they were accepted by the Museum. In addition, the income from more than $17,000,000 of unrestricted endowment funds was used in general Museum operation. * Established by Stanley Field } Established by Edward E. Ayer, Huntington W. Jackson, Arthur B. Jones, Julius and Augusta N. Rosenwald 26 Contributions and Bequests The gifts of many individuals have built a great mu- seum. Contributions and bequests now and in the future will permit needed improvement of exhibits, expansion of the educational program, and increased support of scientific research. The following form is suggested to those who wish to provide for Field Museum of Natural History in their wills: Form of Bequest I do hereby give and bequeath to Field Museum of Natural History of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois: Cash contributions to Field Museum of Natural History are allowable as deductions in computing net income for federal income tax purposes. 27 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Donald Adler Miss Frances Badger Mrs. Estelle Bogden Mrs. Irene C. S. Britting- ham University of Chicago Sr. Juan Dubernard Winson Elting Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller Dr. Julian R. Goldsmith Fred Harvey Collection Mrs. Albert Heller E. D. Hester Leo C. Hogle Prof. Bert F. Hoselitz Dr. F. Clark Howell Miss Elizabeth E. Hoyt Lawrence Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Klejman Christopher C. Legge Oriental Art Society Mrs. Robert H. Perkins Hyman A. Pierce Mrs. Elizabeth Prindl DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Holly Reed Bennett Botanical Museum and Herbarium, Utrecht Henry P. Butcher University of California Henry Dybas University of Florida Dr. F. R. Fosberg Mrs. Dorothy Gibson Dr. Hugh IItis Instituto de Botanica Darwinion Dr. B. F. Kukachka Charles Lancaster Kendall Laughlin Dr. W. S. G. Maass New York Botanical Garden Dr. Peter Raven Dr. Jonathan Sauer Mrs. Josephine S. Sennett Dr. Ear! E. Sherff DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY William Branson Brigham Young University Kenneth Davenport Darwin De Camp Depth Chargers, Inc. Mrs. Italia de Soriano Mrs. Cecilia Duluk Dr. Margaret Elliott General Biological Supply House Gary Gilman Jerry Herdina Dr. Dieter Heymann George Hug 28 Dr. W. Hilton Johnson Father Hilary Jurica Kenneth Kietzke Mr. & Mrs. James Konecny Dr. Ilija Krstanovic Peter Kruty John L. Lester Dr. Willard P. Leutze Don Marcum Miss Vera G. Nichols Matthew H. Nitecki Mrs. Herbert Pearson Stanley Prior DONORS TO M. Drexel Rutherford Mrs. Daniel Sayad Prof. L. Scherman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strotz Robert Trier Mrs. John Paul Welling Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Raymond Wielgus Raymond Wielgus Product Models, Inc. Stephen Spongberg Stanford University Robert Stolze U.S. Forest Service Dr. Paul Voth Dr. J. G. Wessels-Boer Donald Windler University of Wisconsin World Life Research Institute Yale University Diego R. Rangel Dr. William Reeder St. Paul Science Museum Ralph D. Sanderson Bruce Saunders James Snyder Welland States Greg Streveler James Turnbull U.S. Geological Survey Dr. Edward Webb R. E. Wilmer Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Wolff DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Kraig Adler Brother Donald Allen, CSC Arthur Allyn Bernard Benesh, Estate of C. W. Benson E. Bergeron Bruce Bickel Gordon Blade Dr. Ronald A. Brandon British Museum (Natural History) Walter O. Cernohorsky Chicago Zoological Society P. K. Chin Cornell University Coryndon Museum Mrs. Freddie Curtis Francis de Maeyer Miss Diane deVry Dr. Robert W. Dickerman Prof. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Dillon Mrs. Irene E. Draper Stanley J. Dvorak Howard W. Ehrlinger Prof. Alfred Emerson Colonel F. C. Emerson E. C. Fernando LIBRARY Anonymous Mrs. William J. Bowe Dr. In-Cho Chung Miss Margaret Conover Christopher C. Legge Dr. Robert L. Fleming Foresta Institute for Ocean and Mountain Studies Mrs. Anne Funkhauser Mrs. Joseph B. Girardi Dr. Fritz Haas Dr. Richard Highton Dr. Harry Hoogstraal Leslie Hubricht Paul C. Hutchison Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Biologico-Pesqueras Ralph Johnson Dr. David L. Jameson Harold Kerster Kenneth Kietzke F. Wayne King Dr. David Kistner Dr. Glen M. Kohls Dr. N. L. H. Krauss Dr. C. V. Kulkarni Lim Boo Liat Lincoln Park Zoological Society Shou-hsian Mao Allen Markezich J. P. McHale Dr. Joseph Curtis Moore Miss Marion Pahl University of Rhode Island E. Stanley Richardson SECTIONS -OF THE: MUSEUM—1965 Middle America Research Unit Dr. William W. Milstead Museo Civ. di Storia Nat. Robert Nathanson National Museum of Zambia Daniel Parelius Karl Plath Dr. Ursula Rowlatt Abundio Sagastegui Alva Khosrow Sariri Senckenberg Museum Mrs. Ellen Thorne Smith Smithsonian Institution Oceanographic Sorting Center Miss Barbara Sodt Dr. G. Alan Solem Harrison R. Steeves Ray Summers Dr. Walter Suter Robert Talmadge Mrs. Margaret Teskey U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service R. Vogelpoel Harold K. Voris Dr. David B. Wake Dr. J. G. Williams Ernest Roscoe Dr. G. Alan Solem Herbert R. Strauss David Techter Robert Trier Chester D. Tripp 29 INDIVIDUALS Robert S. Adler Family Fund Elizabeth Ahrens Edward Alexander Mrs. C. H. Angell Edwin C. Austin Dr. Edward Berkwits Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair William McCormick Blair John J. Bransfield, Jr. Mrs. Walther Buchen Susanmary Carpenter Peder A. Christensen Roy W. Clansky, Jr. Margaret B. Conover John S. Coulson Bernard G. Croonquist Mrs. D. Dwight Davis Mrs. E. Dempsey Frederick Dicus Mrs. Alex Dixon Mrs. Martha D. Dobbins Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Thomas E. Donnelley II Elliott and Ann Donnelley Foundation Robert T. Drake Henry Dybas Dr. & Mrs. F. F. Enck Walter Erman Joseph N. Field Thomas B. Fifield James R. Getz Robert Gibbons Marion G. Gordon Bernard C. Grafft Dr. Clifford C. Gregg Dr. Fritz Haas a Charles C. Haffner, ret John F. Hayward John Hiebert Louise Hillmer Marion K. Hoffmann 30 Mrs. Rodney Hood Mr. & Mrs. Byron Hosler Dr. Robert F. Inger Henry P. Isham Wyatt Jacobs Morris Johnson Leroy Jones Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Kastens Vera R. Kendig Robert J. Kennedy Martha A. Knieps Commander John F. Kurfess Hymen Marx John L. Means Midwest Chinese Student and Alumni Services William H. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs.S. L. Moinichen Florence J. Moore G. Walker Morgan Dr. M. Graham Netting Harvey S. Olson Glen R. Ostdick James L. Palmer John Shedd Reed Dr. Maurice L. Richardson Mrs. Katherine Field Rodman Lillian A. Ross Melville N. and Mary F. Rochschild Fund Mrs. Clive Runnells John Schmidt Mrs. Karl P. Schmidt Robert Schmidt Dr. Francis O. Schmitt Herbert H. Schupp Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Seabury Barry E. Semer Eleanor Sheffner DONORS TO @ Elizabeth Sheffner Mr. & Mrs. Jack Shovey Hubert and Wilma Silberman Charitable Foundation John M. Simpson C. W. Smith Edward Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Snydacker Dr. G. Alan Solem Pearl Sonoda Mrs. John V. Spachner Sydney Stein, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Street Dr. & Mrs. Roy E. Sturtevant Stuart Talbot Oliver S. Turner University Guild of Evanston Walter F. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. Cyril L. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ware Leslie H. Warshell David G. Watrous E. Leland Webber Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Welton, Jr. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Ira E. Westbrook Bradford Wiles Dr. Louis O. Williams Miriam Wood Perry S. Woodbury Mrs. J. M. Zander Dr. Rainer Zangerl Mrs. Ernest Ziesler Kenneth V. Zwiener DS OF THE MUSEUM—1965 CORPORATIONS Chicago Community Trust R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Marshall Field & Company International Harvester Company The Northern Trust Company The Searle Foundation Standard Oil (Ind.) Foundation, Inc. Arthur Young and Company Zenith Radio Corporation DONORS OF MATERIALS FOR FIELD MUSEUM USE Century Equipment Company Marshall Field & Company General Biological Supply House C. E. Gurley Sol Gurewitz International Harvester Company Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research 31 Museum Publications: Fieldiana DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY CORRELL, DONOVAN S. Supplement to Orchids of Guatemala and British Honduras. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 7, 46 pp., 2 illus. GLASSMAN, S. F. Preliminary Studies in the Palm Genus Syagrus Mart. and Its Allies. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 5, 20 pp., 7 illus. SMITH, C. EARLE, JR. Agriculture, Tehuacan Valley. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 3, 46 pp., 16 illus. Flora, Tehuacan Valley. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 4, 20 pp., 18 illus. WILLIAMS, LouIs O. Tropical American Plants, VII. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 31, no. 6, 8 pp., 1 illus. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY HORBACK, HENRY, and EDWARD J. OLSEN Catalog of the Collection of Meteorites in Chicago Natural History Museum. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 15, no. 3, 145 pp. NITECKI, MATTHEW H. Catalogue of Type Specimens in Chicago Natural History Museum, Porifera. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 13, no. 6, 35 pp. REED, CHARLES A., and WILLIAM D. TURNBULL The Mammalian Genera Arctoryctes and Cryptoryctes from the Oligocene and Miocene of North America. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 15, no. 2, 72 pp., 21 illus. SrmMons, DAVID JAY The Non-Therapsid Reptiles of the Lufeng Basin, Yunnan, China. Fieldiana: VOle-15; now, So pps, 12 allus: DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY CALDWELL, DAVID K. A New Sparid Fish of the Genus Diplodus from Bermuda. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 44, no. 23, 10 pp., 1 illus. INGER, ROBERT F., and HYMEN MARX The Systematics and Evolution of the Oriental Colubrid Snakes of the Genus Cala- maria. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 49, 300 pp., 73 illus. Marx, HYMEN, and GEORGE B. RABB Relationships and Zoogeography of the Viperine Snakes (Family Viperidae). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 44, no. 21, 46 pp., 18 illus. Moore, JOSEPH CURTIS, and GEORGE H. H. TATE A Study of the Diurnal Squirrels, Sciurinae, of the Indian and Indochinese Sub- regions. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 48, 351 pp., 33 illus. PARKES, KENNETH C., and EMMET R. BLAKE Taxonomy and Nomenclature of the Bronzed Cowbird. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 44, no. 22, 10 pp. SEEVERS, CHARLES H. The Systematics, Evolution and Zoogeography of Staphylinid Beetles Associated with Army Ants (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 47, no. 2, 213 pp., 23 illus. 32 Chicago Natural History Museum Bulletin CLARK, JOHN Lucky Accidents, no. 5, pp. 6-8, 3 illus. COLLIER, DONALD New Conservation Laboratory Opened, no. 9, pp. 2-3, 4 illus. HOWELL, META The Museum Library in Transition, no. 5, pp. 2-3, 7, 2 illus. INGER, ROBERT Cold Blood, Warm Climate, no. 11, pp. 2-3, 3 illus. NELSON, PAULA Australian Expedition Discovers Land mark Fossil Site, no. 4, pp. 4-5, 8 illus. OLSEN, EDWARD J. Our Geologic Age, no. 7, pp. 3-5, 8, 2 illus. QUIMBY, GEORGE I. Plains Art from a Florida Prison, no. 10, pp. 2-5, 7 illus., and cover pic- ture. Exploring an Underwater Indian Site, no. 8, pp. 2-4, 5 illus. and cover picture. Underwater Archeology in Lake Mich- igan, no. 6, pp. 2-3, 8, 1 illus. RAND, AUSTIN L. The Flow of Information, Zoology’s VOL. 36, 1965 Newest Exhibit, no. 12, pp. 4-5, 1 illus. The Turkey Vulture’s Sense of Smell, no. 3, p. 8, 1 illus. REINMAN, FRED M. Fishing in Oceania, no. 3, pp. 3-5, 6 illus. RICHARDSON, EUGENE S., JR. Our Sudden Spate of New Fossils, no. 1, pp. 6-8, 2 illus. TRAYLOR, MELVIN A., JR. The Flemings of Kathmandu, HOA pp. 6-7, 1 illus. WILLIAMS, Louis O. Plants Without Names, no. 2, p. 7, 1 illus. Thorn Apples Are Not for Eating, no. 8, p. 5, 2 illus. Woop, MIRIAM Members’ Children Explore the World of Nature, no. 1, pp. 2-8, 8 illus. WOODLAND, BERTRAM G. Mountain Building I, no. 11, pp. 5-8, 7 illus. ZANGERL, RAINER D. Dwight Davis, 1908-1965, no. 3, pp. 6-7, 1 illus. The New Anatomy of the Geology De- partment, no. 2, pp. 4-6, 3 illus. Other Publications of Staff Members DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY COLE, GLEN “Recent Archaeological Work in Southern Uganda.”’ Uganda Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, 149-161 pp. COLLIER, DONALD REVIEW OF Arqueologia de Manabi (by Emilio Estrada). American Antiquity, vol. 30, pp. 362-363. REVIEW OF Indian Art in Middle America (by Frederick J. Dockstader). American Antiquity, vol. 31, pp. 127-128. COLLIER, DONALD, and WILLIAM N. FENTON “Problems of Ethnological Research in North American Museums.” vol. 65, art. 100, pp. 111-112. LEWIS, PHILLIP H. Comment in ‘‘The Concept of Primitive Applied to Art.” pology, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 435-436. MARTIN, PAUL S. REVIEW OF Southwestern Archaeology (by John C. McGregor). Man, Current Anthro- Science, Sep- tember, 1965, vol. 149, pp. 1490-1491. 33 QUIMBY, GEORGE I. “An Indian Earthwork in Muskegon County, Michigan.’ The Michigan Archaeologist, vol. 11, nos. 3 and 4, September—December, pp. 165-169. Ann Arbor, Michigan. “The Voyage of the Griffin: 1679.’ Michigan History, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 97- 107. Lansing, Michigan. StroTO, LEON, and IRVIN L. CHILD ‘“BaKwele and American Esthetic Evaluations Compared.” Ethnology, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 340-360. REVIEW OF Senufo Sculpture from West Africa (by Robert Goldwater). Amer- ican Anthropologist, vol. 67, pp. 563-565. STARR, KENNETH “Inception of the Rubbing Technique: a Review.”’ Symposium in Honor of Dr. Li Chi on His Seventieth Birthday, pp. 281-801, pls. 1-38. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY EDWIN, GABRIEL. “Styloceras: South American Relative of Buxus,’’ Boxwood Bulletin, vol. 5, no. 2, 27 pp. In Maguire, “Botany of the Guiana Highlands, Part VI” (Ilex), Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard., 12, pp. 124-150. “A New Peruvian Ilex,” Brittonia, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 284, 285. WILLIAMS, LOUIS O. “The Story of Two Sterile Specimens,’”’ Ann. Mo. Bot. Gdn., vol. lii, no. 3, pp. 485, 486. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY NITECKI, MATTHEW H. REVIEW OF Allas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures. Jour. Geol., vol. 73, p. 682. A New Mississippian demosponge from Arkansas (abstract). Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 1965 Ann. Meet., pp. 114-5. “The Mood of the Undergraduate.”’ Academic Forum, vol. 1, pp. 20-22. OLSEN, EDWARD J. “Atomic ie and How They Work.”’ Gems and Minerals Mag., vol. 27, pp. 60-63. RICHARDSON, E. S., JR. “Out of the Sea: the Life Story of a Continent.’”’ World Book Ency., Year Book, 1965, 22 pp., illustr. REVIEW OF Fossils in America (by Jay Ellis Ransom), The Quarterly Review of Biology, vol. 40, no. 4, p. 378. TURNBULL, WILLIAM D., ERNEST LUNDELIUS, JR., and IAN MCDOUGALL ‘‘A Potassium-Argon dated Pliocene Marsupial Fauna from Victoria.”’ Nature, vol. 206 no. 4986, p. 816. WOODLAND, BERTRAM G. “The Geology of the Burke Quadrangle, Vermont.’”’ Vermont Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 28, 151 pp., 72 illus. ZANGERL, RAINER “Radiographic Techniques,” pp. 305-320. “Galvanoplastic Reproduction of Fossils.”’ pp. 413-420; In: Handbook of Paleontological Techniques, Kummel and Raup, edit., Free- man & Co., San Francisco, 1965. 34 DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BLAKE, EMMET R. REVIEW OF ‘“‘The Birds of Colombia”’ (by R. Meyer de Schauensee). The Auk, vol. 82, pp. 516-518. FOODEN, JACK *Rhesus and Crab-Eating Macaques: Intergradation in Thailand.” Science, vol. 148, no. 3604, pp. 363-365, 1 table, 2 figs. HERSHKOVITZ, PHILIP “The Importance of Taxonomy in Primate Research and Care.” Bulletin Illinois Society for Medical Research—Chicago Branch—Animal Care Panel, no. 39, pp. 2 (unnumbered). ‘“‘Primate Research and Systematics.’ Science, vol. 147, no. 3662, pp. 1156- sla Baye INGER, ROBERT F.. and WILLIAM HOSMER ‘‘New Species of Scincid Lizards of the Genus Sphenomorphus from Sarawak.”’ Israel Journal of Zoology, vol. 14, pp. 134-140. Moork, JOSEPH CURTIS “D. Dwight Davis.”’ Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 371-372. “Rebuttal on Identification of Mesoplodon specimen from North Long Branch, New Jersey.”” Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 46, no. 4, p. 701. Moore, JOSEPH CURTIS, and RAYMOND M. GILMORE ‘“‘A Beaked Whale New to the Western Hemisphere.’ Nature, vol. 205, no. 4977, pp. 1239-1240. RAND, AUSTIN L. Italian edition of Birds in Summer (first published in 1962, Encyclopedia Brit- tanica Press), 31 pp. “Gulls and Terns—Family Laridae.’’ Chapter in Water, Prey and Game Birds of North America, by Alexander Wetmore and Other Eminent Ornitholo- ek National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C., pp. 376-397, 43 illus REVIEW OF The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna. A Systematic Reference. Non- Passeriformes (by Charles Vaurie). Natural History Magazine, vol. LX XIV, no. 10, pp. 8-9. *“Preface,”’ p. 6; “‘Asity,” pp. 65-66; “Bird of Paradise,” pp. 97-98; ‘‘Cuckoo- roller,”’ pp. 171-172; ‘“‘Ground Roller,” pp. 342-343; “‘Mesite,”’ pp. 454-455; “Drongo,’’ pp. 850— 851. In A New Dictionary of Birds (edited by A. Lands- borough Thompson). [London and New York.] *“Gnatcatcher and Kinglets: Family Sylviidae,” in Song and Garden Birds of North America (edited by Alexander Wetmore). [National Geographic So- ciety , pp. 222-227. *REVIEW OF Host Relationships of the Parasitic Cowbirds (by Herbert Fried- mann). The Quarterly Review of Biology, vol. 39, p. 194. SOLEM, ALAN “Land Snails of the Genus Amphidromus from Thailand (Mollusca: Pulmo- nata: Camaenidae).’’ Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. 117, no. 3519, pp. 615-628, 2 pls. **Adelopoma costaricense Bartsch and Morrison, 1942, Not an Inhabitant of the United States,” in Nautilus, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 68-69 (with Fritz Haas). *“Aminopina, an Australian Enid Land Snails,” The Veliger, vol. 6, no. 3. pp. 115-120, 4 text figs. 35 TRAYLOR, MELVIN A. “A Collection of Birds from Barotseland and Bechuanaland.’ The Ibis, vol. 107, pp. 137-172, 357-384. “First Male of Ploceus ocularis tenuirostris.”’ Bulletin of the British Ornithol- ogists Club, vol. 85, pp. 115-116. “Winter Dress of Cisticola¥chiniana}bensoni.”’ Bulletin of the British Ornithol- ogists Club, vol. 85, pp. 135-136. REVIEW OF The Birds of Natal and Zululand (by P. A. Clancey). The Wilson Bulletin, vol. 77, pp. 209-211. REVIEW OF A Check List of the Birds of the Bechuanaland Protectorate (by R. H. N. Smithers). The Ibis, vol. 107, p. 408 REVIEW OF Die Wirbeltiere des Kamerungebirges (by M. Eisentraut). The Auk, vol. 82, pp. 665-666. REVIEW OF The Francolins, a Study in Speciation (by Mrs. B. P. Hall). The Quarterly Review of Biology, vol. 40, no. 1, p. 84. *A New Race of Estrilda atricapilla Verreaux.’’ Builetin of the British Orni- thologists Club, vol. 84, pp. 64-65. *A Peculiar Mutant Sunbird.” Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club, vol. 84, pp. 11-15. *“Three New Birds from Africa.” Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club, vol. 84, pp. 81-84. *REVIEW OF A Revised Check List of African Flycatchers, Tits, Tree Creepers, Sunbirds, White-eyes, Honey Eaters, Buntings, Finches, Weavers and Wax- bills (by C. M. N. White). The Auk, vol. 81, pp. 565-566. *“Ticks (Ixodidae) on Migrating Birds in Egypt, Spring and Fall 1962.”’ Bulle- tin of the World Health Organization, vol. 30, pp. 355-3867. [with Harry Hoogstraal et al.} TRAYLOR, MELVIN A., and ROBERT C. HART “Some Interesting Birds from Barotseland.”’ The Puku, Occasional Papers, Department of Game and Fisheries, Zambia, no. 3, pp. 133-141. WENZEL, RUPERT L. “Family Streblidae.”” A Catalogue of Diptera of America North of Mexico (edited by Alan Stone, et al.), Agric. Handbook no. 276, Agric. Res. Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, ps 921, “Family Nycteribiidae.”’ Jbid., p. 922. Woops, LOREN P. “A New Squirrel Fish, Adioryx poco, of the Family Holocentridae from the Bahama Islands.’ Notulae Naturae, no. 377, pp. 1-5, 1 illus. JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION ROSCOE, ERNEST J. “Elementary and Secondary Geological Education at the Chicago Natural History Museum.” Journal of Geological Education, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 9-12. ‘Extracurricular Geology Programs at Chicago Natural History Museum.” Journal of Geological Educdtion, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 55. “Tvory Tower, Main Street and the Dynamic Janus—The Science Teacher in Modern Society.’ Turtox News, vol. 43, pp. 216-217. REVIEW OF The Land and Wildlife of Africa (by Archie Carr). American Midland Naturalist, vol. 73, p. 504. REVIEW OF Animal Behavior (by Niko Tinbergen). American Midland Nat- uralist, vol. 74, pp. 253-254. *Published in 1964, but not previously listed in the ANNUAL REPORT. 36 Board of Trustees, 1965 OFFICERS JAMES L. PALMER, President CLIFFORD C. GREGG, First Vice-President JOSEPH N. FIELD, Second Vice-President BOWEN BLAIR, Third Vice-President EDWARD BYRON SMITH, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. LELAND WEBBER, Secretary BOARD OF TRUSTEES LESTER ARMOUR HARRY O. BERCHER BOWEN BLAIR Wo. McCormick BLAIR WALTER J. CUMMINGS JOSEPH N. FIELD MARSHALL FIELD* CLIFFORD C. GREGG SAMUEL INSULL, JR. HENRY P. ISHAM REMICK MCDOWELL HONORARY TRUSTEE WILLIAM V. KAHLER * Deceased HuGHSTON M. McBAIN J. ROSCOE MILLER WILLIAM H. MITCHELL JAMES L. PALMER JOHN T. PIRIE, JR. JOHN SHEDD REED JOHN G. SEARLE JOHN M. SIMPSON EDWARD BYRON SMITH LOUIS WARE J. HOWARD Woop a7. Staff, 1965 E. LELAND WEBBER, B.B.Ad., C.P.A., Director DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY DONALD COLLIER, Ph.D., Chief Curator PAUL S. MARTIN, Ph.D., Chief Curator Emeritus KENNETH STARR, Ph.D., Curator, Asiatic Archaeology and Ethnology PHILLIP H. LEWIs, M.A., Curator, Primitive Art FRED M. REINMAN, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Oceanic Archaeology and Ethnology LEON SrroTo, M.A., Assistant Curator, African Ethnology GLEN H. COoLg, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Prehistory HOSHIEN TCHEN, Ph.D., Consultant, East Asian Collection CHRISTOPHER C. LEGGE, M.A., Custodian of Collections JOYCE A. KORBECKI, Assistant GusTAF DALSTROM, Artist THEODORE HALKIN, B.F.A., M.S., Artist WALTER C. REESE, Preparator CHRISTINE S. DANZIGER, M.S., Conservator AGNES M. FENNELL, B.A., Departmental Secretary ROBERT J. BRAIDWOOD, Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory PHILIP J. C. DARK, Ph.D., Research Associate, African Ethnology FRED EGGAN, Ph.D., Research Associate, Ethnology J. Eric THOMPSON, Dipl. Anth. Camb., Research Associate, Central American Archaeology GEORGE I. QuimBy, M.A., Research Associate, North American Archaeology and Ethnology JAMES R. GETZ, B.A., Field Associate EvetTT D. HESTER, M.S., Field Associate DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Louis O. WILLIAMS, Ph.D., Chief Curator JOHN R. MILLAR, Chief Curator Emeritus WILLIAM C. BurGER, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants GABRIEL EDWIN, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants PATRICIO PONCE DE LEON, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Cryptogamic Herbarium DoROTHY GIBSON, Custodian of the Herbarium ROBERT G. STOLZE, B.S., Herbarium Assistant SAMUEL H. GROVE, JR., Artist-Preparator § FRANK Boryca, Technician WALTER HUEBNER, Preparator WALTER L. BOYER, B.F.A., Artist SANDRA BIERMANN, Departmental Secretary, Botany {jon leave 38 MARGERY C. CARLSON, Ph.D., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany SIDNEY F. GLASSMAN, Ph.D., Research Associate, Palms E. P. Kip, A.B., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany RoGERS McVAUGH, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vascular Plants DONALD RICHARDS, Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany EARL E. SHERFF, Ph.D., Research Associate, Systematic Botany HANFORD TIFFANY, Ph.D., Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany ING. AGR. ANTONIO MOLINA R., Field Associate DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY RAINER ZANGERL, Ph.D., Chief Curator EDWARD J. OLSEN, Ph.D., Curator, Mineralogy BERTRAM G. WOODLAND, Ph.D., Curator, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology JOHN CLARK, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Sedimentary Petrology HARRY E. CHANGNON, B.S., Curator of Exhibits HENRY HORBACK, Assistant HENRY U. TAYLOR, Preparator ROBERT H. DENISON, Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Fishes WILLIAM D. TURNBULL, Associate Curator, Fossil Mammals DAVID TECHTER, B.S., Assistant, Fossil Vertebrates EUGENE S. RICHARDSON, JR., Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates MATTHEW N. NITECKI, M.A., Assistant Curator of Fossil Invertebrates ORVILLE L. GILPIN, Chief Preparator, Fossils TIBOR PERENYI, Ph.D., Artist WINIFRED REINDERS, Departmental Secretary ERNsT ANTEVS, Ph.D., Research Associate, Glacial Geology ALBERT A. DAHLBERG, D.D.S., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates RALPH G. JOHNSON, Ph.D., Research Associate, Paleoecology ERIK N. KJELLESVIG-WAERING, B.S., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates ROBERT F. MUELLER, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy EVERETT C. OLSON, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates BRYAN PATTERSON, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates J. MARVIN WELLER, Ph.D., Research Associate, Stratigraphy R. H. WHITFIELD, D.D.S., Associate, Fossil Plants VIOLET WHITFIELD, B.A., Associate, Fossil Plants DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY AUSTIN L. RAND, Ph.D., Sce.D., Chief Curator JOSEPH CURTIS MOORE, Ph.D., Curator, Mammals PHILIP HERSHKOVITZ, M.S., Research Curator, Mammals EMMET R. BLAKE, M.S., Curator, Birds MELVIN A. TRAYLOR, JR., A.B., Associate Curator, Birds M. DIANNE MAURER, A.B., Assistant, Birds ROBERT F.. INGER, Ph.D., Curator, Amphibians and Reptiles HYMEN Marx, B.S., Associate Curator, Reptiles 39 LOREN P. Woops, A.B., Curator, Fishes PEARL SONODA, Assistant, Fishes RUPERT L. WENZEL, Ph.D., Curator, Insects HENRY S. DyBAs, B.S., Associate Curator, Insects AUGUST ZIEMER, Assistant, Insects Fritz Haas, Ph.D., Curator Emeritus, Lower Invertebrates ALAN SOLEM, Ph.D., Curator, Lower Invertebrates KAREL F, Liem, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vertebrate Anatomy SOPHIE ANDRIS, Osteologist CARL W. COTTON, Taxidermist MARIO VILLA, Tanner PETER ANDERSON, Assistant Taxidermist JOSEPH B. KRSTOLICH, Artist WANDA O. HARRISON, A.B., Departmental Secretary RUDYERD BOULTON, B.S., Research Associate, Birds ALFRED E. EMERSON, Ph.D., Sc.D., Research Associate, Insects HARRY HOOGSTRAAL, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects CH’ENG-CHAO LIU, Ph.D., Research Associate, Reptiles ORLANDO PARK, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects CLIFFORD H. Pops, B.S., Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles GEORGE B. RABB, Ph.D., Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles ROBERT TRAUB, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects RONALD SINGER, D.Sc., Research Associate, Mammalian Anatomy ALEX K. WyATT, Research Associate, Insects LUIS DE LA TORRE, Ph.D., Associate, Mammals WALDEMAR MEISTER, M.D., Associate, Anatomy EDWARD M. NELSON, Ph.D., Associate, Fishes CHARLES F. NADLER, M.D., Associate, Mammals HARRY G. NELSON, B.S., Associate, Insects KARL PLATH, Associate, Birds Dioscoro S. RABOR, M.S., Associate, Birds LILLIAN A. Ross, Ph.B., Associate, Insects ELLEN T. SMITH, Associate, Birds ROBERT L. FLEMING, Ph.D., Field Associate GEorRG HAAS, Ph.D., Field Associate FREDERICK J. MEDEM, Sc.D., Field Associate WILLIAM S. STREET, Field Associate JANICE K. STREET, Field Associate DEPARTMENT OF N. W. HARRIS PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTENSION RICHARD A. MARTIN, B.S., Curator Davip A. Ross, B.S.A., Preparator RONALD LAMBERT, Preparator Lipo LUCCHESI, Preparator BERTHA M. PARKER, M.S., Research Associate 40 JAMES NELSON AND ANNA LOUISE RAYMOND FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL AND CHILDREN’S LECTURES MIRIAM WOOD, M.A., Chief EDITH FLEMING, M.A. MARIE SVOBODA, M.A. GEORGE R. FRICKE, B.S., HARRIET SMITH, M.A. ERNEST J. ROSCOE, M.S. ELDA B. HERBERT, M.A., Secretary THE LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM MetA P. HOWELL, B.L.S., Librarian W. PEYTON FAWCETT, B.A., Associate Librarian BERTHA W. Gisss, B.A., B.S. in L.S., Reference and Inter-library loan Librarian EUGENIA JANG, Serials Librarian CHIH-WEI PAN, M.S., Cataloguer Yoo I. PEAL, B.A., Assistant Cataloguer EDITORS OF MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS EDWARD G. NASH, A.B., Editor BEATRICE PAUL, B.A.,’ Assistant PUBLIC RELATIONS COUNSEL KATHLEEN WOLFF, A.B., Associate Public Relations Counsel DIVISION OF MEMBERSHIPS Lois M. BUENGER, B.A., in charge ADMINISTRATION AND RECORDS NORMAN W. NELSON, B.S., C.P.A., Business Manager JAMES I. GOODRICK, Assistant to the Director HELEN B. CHRISTOPHER, Secretary to the President SUSANMARY CARPENTER, B.A., Secretary to the Director MARION G. GORDON, B.S., Registrar JESSIE DUDLEY, Receptionist ACCOUNTING MARION K. HOFFMANN, Auditor ELEANOR SHEFFNER, Assistant Auditor ROBERT E. BRUCE, Purchasing Agent WILLIAM J. WALLACE, Cashier § LOUISE S. HILLMER, Bookkeeper MILTON BECKWITH, Cashier THE BOOK SHOP Uno M. Laks, A.B., Manager { on leave 41 DIVISION OF ILLUSTRATION MARION PAHL, B.F.A., Staff Illustrator DIVISION OF PHOTOGRAPHY JOHN BAYALIS, Photographer HOMER V. HOLDREN, Associate FERDINAND HUYSMANS, Dipl.A., Assistant CLARENCE B. MITCHELL, B.A., Research Associate, Photography DIVISION OF MOTION PICTURES JOHN W. MOYER, in charge DIVISION OF PRINTING HAROLD M. GRUTZMACHER, in charge BUILDING OPERATIONS JAMES R. SHOUBA, Building Superintendent Division of Maintenance GusTAV A. NOREN, Superintendent of Maintenance Division of Engineering LEONARD CARRION, Chief Engineer JACQUES L. PULIzzI, Assistant Chief Engineer THE GUARD GEORGE A. LAMOUREUX, Captain VOLUNTEER WORKERS Volunteer workers provided considerable help to the Museum staff in the past year. Some of them are listed as Research Asso- ciates and Associates in the Staff List. Others include: Mrs. Alice Burke, Miss Diane De Vry, Stanley J. Dvorak, Russell Getz, Mrs. Joseph B. Girardi, James Granath, Sol Gurewitz, Mrs. Nancy Mahl- man, Leo Plas, Mrs. Robert Pringle, Mrs. Alice K. Schneider, Mrs. Helen Strotz, and William Walker. The Museum thanks them for their energetic and devoted aid. 42 aoe eae a i’ ny oe 1 ANG cd gaa oe ee eter a eae ae praia oe ores * A Ore ewe! oa : 2 ral _ 7 ae een ae ee, ie ae ee a Ceo es Shea ; ~ en oe = 7 5 ied earn as we Gs es i on ao Seu 7 . ot oe) ae oor, ee 7 ia ae eee cone a ,] ig es oe “=e ence Pee ae ea ee ae ly OUND i) es 84205001