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STII IO LIPIL IIL LL ILD ALDI orp : Z P > - — a : Po pe TLIO ILD OE OTT TALE OT TITTLE SLES IS IED TINTS ITT SPSL SELLE OLL OAT IINL IDOL ID IDIPIL BION PIE NE ath ITED ODT ITE ST SOIT ESCLI NS LLLILED LLORES TDN TLIO ODL SIEGAL ee cose ie —_ = rae ee VILE OGLE gan og ae Be ang SOPLL DA a Me CZ Lees oe 4 a tae mo} | NV 7N a ae New York State Education Department _ NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM re 63d ANNUAL REPORT 1909 In 4 volumes VOLUME 2 APPENDIXES 2-4 ees —— re a ZARSOMIAN INS i A \ oe ~ fs SS } O, -/ “IN Wess’ E y S470 NAL MUSES Pa ese TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE FEBRUARY 21, ro10 ALBANY UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK IQII STATE OF NEW YORK EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Regents of the University With years when terms expire | 1913 WHITELAw Rzip M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Chancellor New York 1917 St CLain McKetway M.A. LL.D.V1ce Chancellor Brooklyn 1919 DanieL Beacw Ph.D. LL.D. - - - — = Watkins r9t4 Puiny T. sexton LL.BoLL.D. — = — )—) —sPabmgre 1912 T. Guitrorp SmitH M.A.C.E. LL.D. - - -— Buffalo 1918 WitiiamM NottTincHaM M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - - Syracuse 1922 CHESTER S. Lorp M.A. LL.D. - - - - -— New York 1915 ALBERT VANDER VEER M.D. M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. Albany 1911 Epwarp LAUTERBACH M.A. LL.D. - - - -—- New York 1920 EuGENE A. PuitBin LL.B. LL.D. - —- -- — New York 1916 Lucian L. SHEDDEN LL.B. LL.D. - - - - Plattsburg 1921 Francis M. CARPENTER -—--— - — — -— -— Mount Kisco Commissioner of Education ANDREW S. Draper LL.B. LL.D. Assistant Commissioners ; Avucustus S. Downine M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. First Assistant CuHar_es F. WHEELOCK B.S. LL.D. Second Assistant Tuomas E. FineGAaNn M.A. Pd.D. Third Assistant Director of State Library James I. WyeErR, Jr, M.L.S. Director of Science and State Museum Joun M. Crarxe Ph.D. D.Sc. LL.D. Chiefs of Divisions Administration, GEorceE M. Witrey M.A. Attendance, JAMES D. SULLIVAN Educational Extension, WILLIAM R. EastMAN M,.A,M.LS. Examinations, HARLAN H. HORNER B.A. Inspections, FRANK H. Woop M.A. Law, FRANK B. GILBERT B.A. School Libraries, CHARLES E. Fitcu L.H.D. Statistics, H1ram C. Case Trades Schools, ARTHUR D. DEAN B.S. Visual Instruction, ALFRED W. ABRaAms Ph.B. Tones -NYN oe Fi Mee STATE OF NEw YorK No. 45 IN ASSEMBLY FEBRUARY 21, IQIO 63d ANNUAL REPORT | (OPW TEE NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM VOLUME 2 To the Legislature of the State of New York We have the honor to submit herewith, pursuant to law, as the 63d ‘Annual Report of the New York State Museum, the moreor tae Wirector, including. the reports of the State Geologist and State Paleontologist, and the reports of the State Entomologist and the State Botanist, with appendixes. St CrarR McKELWAy Vice Chancellor of the University ANDREW S. DRAPER Commissioner of Education ee. Appendix 2 Economic geology Pee se i 3 se ee Museum Bulletins 142, 143 oe 1s and Quarry Industry of New Yotx State 190y posits of New York | he . “ . E ad ‘ » ae fe * - — ~~“ » Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as pecond class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 476 PUI INEGI: AUGUST 2 -LO LO New York State Museum Joun M. CriarxeE, Director Museum Bulletin 142 THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY OF NEW YORK STATE REPORT OF OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTION DURING 1909 BY D. H. NEWLAND PAGE PAGE ECSIACE. ooo i re eee MISCO IES we aise type a A. eu sets 50 MGmaOGMEtiON |v. . i.e eee Sab or i latraleierelll 5 Ove al sea ee) oe Ran 51 Mineral production of New Mimeraliwiatensisat.s0 s+. ia eas: 53 Bilerico ek ee Opies Nai WiralRoas ee tawe rte ke eae S Some limitations of the mining PST OLe UMM amet ee? cs Wie ua 60 field in New York State...... TESA | Cale NEI TLS) 2 hese Ae PR Ro OR 62 “OSIESIGINE 45 oe oe ee DY SKE AG oa la ge aa ee mai bet ons es 0 er 64 120.6 as By NN SSBGUG | oe laa MPR aC CRE cue, city EI 68 Production of clay materials 22. ||. SvevOUGkel Maal Swi onael ea ewes tae) 39, om 69 Manufacture of building brick 25 | Slate. HENRY LEIGHTON ..... 70 Winer clay materials......... 29 | stone. HENRY LEIGHTON..... 74 PCih0Si0\ eta ee eee ee 3a Productionior StOnena. ame a = "5 “LACIE CLE a 32 Giraniie! Seca, Ws eames 76 ECSU > 2 eae eee ee 23 Pia S HOM ah cee ee teas. cb 78 DB ICISOZIE cee aera 22 lamse Via plow cerete eke mee ten rea. 82 SETS 5 5 oo eee 34 DAG SEOMeL ieee enlaces 3.6 4-62 ~ 84 (oi, SONU er eee ar7 AMEEV ONS Sls 3 vd ee ee eee 86 "0 S1CH0 5) el Per Pom AP MILEIG Stoo. chk Re aa a 9 JO OS lop ae ee eee ele MUAICIOSS -, Ses ene ene go a = New York State Education Department Science Invision, May 17, 1910 mom anaren S. Draper LL.D. Commussioner of Education Sir: I beg to communicate herewith and recommend for publ- cation as heretofore, in the form of a bulletin of the State Museum, the accompanying report on the Mining and Quarry Industry of the State of New York for the calendar year 1909, prepared by David H. Newland, Assistant State Geologist. Very respectfully Joun M. CLARKE Director State of New York Education Department COMMISSIONER'S ROOM Approved for publication tis 19th day of May 1910 ecko Commissioner of Education Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 476 ALBANY, N.Y: AWEWST i ko 10 New York State Museum Joun M. Cuarkn, Director Museum Bulletin 142 THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY OF NEW YORK STATE aewok iO. OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTION DURING 1o909 BY D. H. NEWLAND PREFACE The present report follows the general plan of the preceding issues which have been compiled each year since 1904, its aim being to furnish a timely record of progress in the various mineral indus- tries represented in) New York State. The statistics of production, as well as much of the information relating to new discoveries and other matters of interest, have been supplied by the individual enter- prises engaged in the exploitation of the local resources, and it is desired to express grateful acknowledgment for their cooperation. INT RODE CiION The mining and quarry enterprises of the State felt the stimulus of the improved business conditions last year and made good prog- ress toward recovery from the depression that followed the 1907 panic. The value of the mineral production, as calculated from reports rendered by the individual enterprises, amounted in all to 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM $34,914,034, a gain of more than $5,000,000 over the total for 1908. The upturn was not sufficient to establish a new record for the in- dustries, but it reflected their strong position and capacity for con- tinued growth. | The valuation, it should be noted, has been based, so far as prac- ticable, on crude materials, and though serviceable for comparing the course of the related industries from year to year it affords only a small measure of the contribution made by the general class of mineral activities that are represented in the State. The metal- lurgical and chemical products of mineral nature are among the largest items of local manufactures. The inclusion of pig iron alone in the list of products for last year would nearly have doubled the above total. Among the notable features of the record for 1909 was a large gain in the product of iron ore which reached an aggregate of 991,008 long tons valued at $3,179,358. This represented a gain in quantity of nearly 300,000 tons over the total for the preceding year. The production fell a little short of the output in 1907, but with that exception was the largest reported for any year since 1891. The iron market during the early months was still under the influence of the depression and it was not until the spring season had well advanced that the mines began operations at full capacity. There were 12 companies who reported a production, against 10 in 1908 and 13 in 1907. The Adirondacks furnished the greater part of the increase, though the mines along the Clinton belt showed a substantial gain. The various materials of clay constituted the largest items in the year’s record, with an aggregate value of $12,351,482, as compared ~ with $8,918,863 in 1908. The increase of nearly 40 per cent in the value of the production was due principally to the revival of the building trades and consequent demand for structural materials. The combined output of brick, tile, fire-proofing and terra cotta used for building purposes was valued at $9,342,015, against $6,071,- 850 in 1908. In 10907 these materials represented a value of $8,909,392. The number of building brick made last year was 1,518,023,000 of which 1,218,784,000, or about three fourths, con- sisted of common brick from the Hudson river region. The value of the pottery manufactures showed a smaller relative gain with a total of $1,827,193 as compared with $1,653,241 in 1908. The num- ber of plants that were engaged in clay manufacturing of all kinds was 232 or 10 less than in 1908. Rie MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9g09 7 The quarries of the State contributed material valued at $7,061,- 580, against $6,615,614 in the preceding year. The total was divided according to the various uses into: building stone, $873,651 ; monu- mental stone, $138,313 ; curb and flagstone, $800,620 ; crushed stone, $3,214,374; other uses $2,034,622. The output of slate, millstones and limestone used in making hydraulic cement is not included in these totals. All kinds of stone, except marble, participated in the increased activity, but limestone and trap furnished most of the gain due to their extending application in road building. Important as the quarry industries are, they still fall considerably short of sup- plying the local requirements in building and ornamental stones. The hydraulic cement industries reported a product valued at $2,122,902, a little less than in 1908 when the valuation was given as $2,254,758. A decreased output was reported by the natural rock plants, the total amounting to 549,364 barrels against 623,588 bar- rels in 1908. That industry has shown a steady decline for a num- ber of years past. The manufacture of portland cement, on the other hand, gained slightly with a product of 2,061,019 barrels against 1,988,874 barrels in the preceding year. A considerable in- crease in the production of this material may be expected for the current year. From the salt mines and wells there was obtained a total of 9,880,- 618 barrels of salt valued at $2,298,652. The production was the largest in the history of the salt industry and represented an increase of nearly 10 per cent over the total for 1908 which was 9,005,311 barrels valued at $2,136,736. The gain was distributed between the output of rock and brine salt, both classes showing about the same proportionate increase. Onondaga county for the first time failed to return the largest production and was outranked by Livingston county which has been the center of the rock salt industry. Wuthin the last 25 years the State has increased its output by over 400 per cent. Dae | The mines and quarries of gypsum reported an output of 378,232 short tons, which was also the largest ever recorded in New York State. The gain over the total of 218,046 short tons for 1908 amounted to nearly 20 per cent. The value of the different gypsum materials, including plaster of paris, wal! plaster, and gypsum sold in unburned condition was $907,601 against $760,759 in the pre- ceding year. The important developments in the western counties have been chiefly responsible for the expansion of the industry which has increased nearly tenfold in the last decade. 8 - NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Petroleum and natural gas were reported last year at a value of $2,960,356, against a value of $3,059,308 in 1908. There was little change in the production of petroleum which amounted to 1,160,402 barrels as compared with 1,160,128 barrels in the preceding year, but a marked decline in prices was responsible for a large reduction in valuation. The flow of natural gas was approximately 3,825,- 215,000 cubic feet and was valued at $1,045,693. | The tale mines of the State made an output of 65,000 short tons valued at $617,500, or a little less than in 1908 when the prodtc- tion was 70,739 short tons valued at $697,390. The talc, as here- tofore, came from the Gouverneur district of St Lawrence county, which practically enjoys a natural monopoly of the fibrous tale con- sumed in paper manufacture. The garnet mines in the Adirondacks were more active last year and reported an output of 3802 short tons valued at $119,190 against 2480 short tons valued at $79,890 in 1908. Conditions in the abra- sive trade were considerably depressed, otherwise a larger gain would have been registered. A production of 2,342,000 pounds of crystalline graphite valued at $140,140 was made by the Adirondack mines. In 1908 the out- put was 1,932,000 pounds valued at $116,100. The mineral springs of the State reported sales of 9,019,490 gal- lons valued at $857,342, as compared with 8,007,092 gallons valued at $877,648 in 1908. The miscellaneous mineral materials, including apatite, carbon: dioxid, clay, diatomaceous earth, emery, feldspar, marl, millstones, metallic paint, slate pigment, pyrite, quartz, slate, sand and sand- lime brick, that were produced in 1909, amounted in value to $2,170,- 881. The value of the same materials in the preceding year was $1,904,472. ie MEN TN Ge AND QUARRY UNDUSTRY 1GOO) | 19) Mineral production of New York in 1905 PRODUCT ret ott MOM ANERITY VALUE MEASUREMENT | OM MCUCeMeNt.......... 5. Baecels es mea 2007 O22 $2 046 864 WNaturalerock cement....... Barsrels' tos ay: 2 ASG PAI OKS) M500 1059 emmicme rick. ......5..... Mtniousands eae) “reese 2 ak RO O5a SOM LE IMSEISY yo 01g fe eae ee a ee a ae (a ey i (AIO) fisiste) PIES MPNOCUCES : iif ret elicts oe a oar cue ete eal fs oye ele 2 0032. SOE _ ile C2 aa ari a SHOVE (ROO yet ae 6 766 16 616 In Sie es ee SHOE VOMSn a.) we AWTS 12 452 Beles anand quartz........| Long tons...... 17 000 48 500 re ee ks NOE kOMss.. Sa. 27 OO 94 500 ‘ilZISG) S200 0 SMOnt LOM. .0. 9g 850 i Os UP ALDINS 2 | eee Pounds s. ot is5 3 897 616 142 948 mM ee ek SMOG LOMSy ei.) . t91t 860 EMO ROO) ORES 6-5 ae Homertons™ ie... - = O27) CAG Dues On 2 MLA ILSIDOEL ESS. cB els Bae igen A RE CeCe en 22 O44 Meme Paint... 6. SNOL i, POMS wales: 6 059 70 Ogo Pie@empIrMenh. . 0... ee Short wOnSa.. 2 929 22 668 Miim@ietaenwebers.........--.. Galloner ns Yi cn 3) GIS’ OCIS) |) e Cloo "lee Nie) 22 a TOS CHONG TIS! a) 2 OSG 186 607 000 ei © Stic er eel Si neievare a Fe 949 5II i RIO OAs VS) ye Kone tons... a." IO I00 40 4605 22 b> 10 ID eGRelSies ace eee 8 575 649 2 ROG TOO, IF OO CITES SILER Tes eee Pe DGUUNALEES A hel) eta 16 460 94 009 Mate MeNMNBAIME CMTS es 2 Gl sys (iris a viele Acdece ve ess foe alace ok aw bes I 000 UP MLLLIUS . > = «hee 2G, nen IRIS AS lle Rs Ae nn ie ee re ee 2A OS5 Peewee ky ee ke ae se art LAN MeL a aes Vuelo) MEWOUE . 2 5 6a ania eal ae aerate naa ar PA re eee Te Ti acti SIS {VOILE 0! Gi AR SU RC ae ge Acre LR 2 043 960 UE NGaT. so ate Be ORS Seem el hee SR ee aes ene ee a 623 219 Lele, oo! 5 eee OMOGE COnStia. © 20: 67 000 469 000 eames MINUET NSO) eos dal. siaiuls 2 |. ses evue ge ein 28 3 (ao AB ans 1 800 000 Bren eS Ae Ce eS eee e ey a ip ar wl a ad he | sah RE $35 470 987 a Includes avatite, carbon dioxid, diatomaceous earth, fullers earth, marl, sand and sand- lime brick. The value is partly estimated. ike) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mineral production of New York in 1906 UNIT OF wa PRODUCT WER oe eer QUANTITY VALUE Portland ‘cement: .4a 2 s8s2.7 | Banteloys me eae ZAG STN $2 766 Natural rock ‘cement. aa. ae Barrels.c "eases, ely Oey ors 1 184 Balding prick:., spe aes Thousands £ 600 059 9g 688 POUter yee aig eh AR ah penne Rl eee i ee cee ea t FQ5 Other clay produbets.° -\. cate ae. 0k erence ee 2 472 Crue rclayy . ..2\ apie eee eae DMLOr bans rae: 477 9 2 00S aa eR Re SHOrE TOnisne ae AO ie Feldspar and quartz... .2: | Ome tOns: arses 660 44 Cabell lr se Aa Oe ee | SHOE Tonsds ys. 729 159 Glass sand); 0 ofa cls7Ns oe eee nO oS ae eee | 000 8 Serica OITGe’. os . | Aa ha ee eee Pounds) 5 ees | og Bra o582 96 (EOSIN. «0 ins acne Ret ene SHOTE CONS sens | 262 486 699 PRIMO TET. 32.) 27 nee hee Long tons... . | 905 367 2-303 IGMISRONES.. . . chase te asd he cwadl ances nomena eee eee abt Sparen tina 22 MIErANIC Paint sata ee nee \ Short tong. . +4. | “IA 29 Sarre) DIS TIEN tse. weyeys eye ea eee | Short tomsaie. oh | O45 15 Mimreral watensee jr s. see pee eee L Short tone... xe 922 Mineral watessaeersuctan cn iets Gallons hace one 8 007 0092 | Natural pase moras ciao 1000 cubic feet...| 3 860 ooo Petroleunin ree sna ecee Basrels 27s’ way ar 1100) 128 PIA il Ace toenails j ALORS TONS Sy aa | Ne ae 1a Seed EULER CL’ pare aes tea hence Barrels. ee ae On OGG o eateuen| Sand andrSravel”. i yc.) fsa testa atest rey ener ae deaialeny pac neal a tee pad linme tin clearance | Thousands? .< a4: 8 239 LAGS ch eic io ax ve. # lal iim ete ee ashe esl Bl Mean a Cl aia Nati Mega Mev en Garage ori eos ik eae ee ee | Sega a cite pa ie ee ce eMC RGR a Birmechanegnd (set oer [Send seas oie an tae eis are ae 1 Keli) 6)! Seats MENTED beat Mae RT ey 2S atc NE Bee or oo SAMOSLOM cep ce ieee wae niente ae 1 a ia Oe nk fea genes a she. tae eat RAO eee aencn see She" Ma's soar oes {i See a eeadlsy SORE cota UC cay oe an RY CD cule ani serene peace Paha a eee | Short tons. .s2.45 FO. 986 Other misitemia leas oso 2) eae eR) Sate eeey a) nn eae ee NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Mineral production of New York in 1908 i ec ve, 1G we ee ee ie Rel eile, ish wale wy ie) wie ee vier es feria vee wie mo ©. Oph lena le 1 Includes apatite, carbon dioxid, diatomaceous earth and marl. VALUE iS) $29 THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY i909 13 Mineral production of New York in 1909 UNIT OF PRODUCT OREN Rae QUANTITY VALUE o@miemdcement........... Barrels ni nena: DOO ONO BI 7OL 207 Mawouretoce cement. ......| Barrels......... 549 304 201° 605 Building brick 25 Ste aT ae Mhousandss.5.4 is Egl ano 8 159 ©0906 Pottery. Eee ON nae Me TIMe Mort ake ho ter y Ey O27 9103 Wiicmelay Products... .0..) oe. ee ne BTR ek Sp Bat Nk RU Cn aa 2) GUO Og Cede Cen tae SHOT tons. 2. 2% 12) 074 ne Sie NNEC, OS ae Sitoriabomss. a 892 10 780 Meldspar and quartz........ Shot Toms. aioe Oven bal 52 444 aThee. = 040th SUMCHEG AULA Ay oo 3 802 IIQ 190 LOPS UII. eee IPOtmiad se ty Soe. .e: 2 242 000 I40 140 COD SUG) ao SOR bOMSe ne 278 232 907 601 DCOu CHG te onettomshe lan. 991% 008 BT Ol euch: HOUTS SUES. ys CR SSR ES Cea em LOW 247 INCetbalihiG 9p hina) aa seeaee ee ae SMOGECLOMISH at © KOS 65 600 Slate pIsment. |. .......... SMOGs PONS ayy. . Ti iui C1 Ae itera lWwabers....../...... Gallone ieee RensO OO AG 857 342 I abel 221s Sr HOSE, CHINE WISH AI) ey eas Vesa F 045 6093 £ SticCletiial: Sig a ane Bagels seni ees i 100) 402 OAL (68 Sa. oo c.g 6 ene Barrelste nein: 9 880 618 2 298 652 lo) oie See SMaOige? COmMs- 9 aA 468 609 437 402 Scimiinnie orick,....... 2.3: cinomsaimds! verse. 120183 | 81 603 PeG@oOmme slate... 4... ee SQLOIENHES a) oh awe QU Loan 126 170 PUL MeemeME eres. | ee ee be oe es [ ee Wale bee es 880 ea cc ie. ee ws so acela Ca giere | tea eel Bales « 479 955 USL EEL OELE . o 2! 6b UMe SMtB ie ie lela RR ie Roe aero a B1200) 253 eM MMO rl et al. Yul wc wie Qaettcn ee vl Wa pie Wie whee 3280 o16 SE SLCISEOWIS, 5 cag Eyl See eae a a ee ae ae tr 839 798 ie rare eC Oe or ea TOOL 428 SG. ses be SOR bONS eek. 65 000 O17 5C0 Bee eG A se |) ob ) eMe bge swe fb adios ke ces I 483 000 Pirie me te OMe Sinz ny wt Sah ae af Ee ec bls ee $34 914 034 a Includes apatite, carbon dioxid, diatomaceous earth, marl, pyrite, and sand ie gravel exclusive of molding sand. ae LIMITATIONS OF THE MINING FIELD IN NEW VOR Sih With its varied and important mining industry, the State still affords room for new enterprise. The resources of nearly all the useful minerals represented within its boundaries are so abundant as to assure an indefinitely long life for productive operations. Through advances in technology, improved transportation facilities and the natural growth of markets additional sources of supply are being brought constantly within the zone of economic development ; in these ways a widening field of industrial oppor tunity is provided for energy and capital. 14 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM It seems hardly necessary to mention, however, that the mineral wealth of the State has its natural limitations which are of funda- mental import to industry. The valuable deposits are not only re- stricted as to variety, but their areal distribution is conditioned by the nature of the local rock formations or other features that have been more or less well defined from scientific inquiry and explora- tions. A knowledge of the geological conditions surrounding the occurrence of the useful minerals is very necessary to the proper conduct of field operations. In these days of the expert practi- tioner, mining bureaus and geological surveys, guidance can easily be had. Few states have been so carefully studied in regard to geology and mineral occurrence as New York, and the accumulated information is largely on record and available to the public. Yet the neglect of these obvious considerations is by no means uncommon, whereby results much wasted effort with very consid- erable financial loss. Organizations of capital are effected, costly construction work and development are entered upon frequently without any adequate basis for operations or knowledge of the con- ditions pertaining to the particular field so essential to success. A recurring illustration of this tendency is afforded by the at- tempts which are made from time to time to develop coal beds in the State. The futility of such purpose, however well intentioned, was exposed by the work of the First Geological Survey in the early part of the last century and has been frequently emphasized since ; yet there is stili a manifest willingness to engage in unprofitable ventures of this kind. The fact that the New York series of rock formations does not contain representatives of the productive coal measures rests upon the most secure basis. But if further evidence be required it may be said that practically the whole of the New York section of stratified formations has been explored in outcrop, mine shafts or drill holes, so that all possibility of the existence of valuable deposits is absolutely removed. Among the regions which are favored for such operations and which have recently received attention may be mentioned the Hud- son River shale region, the Catskills and the southern part of the State along the Pennsylvania boundary. The belt of shales extend- ing along the Hudson river from the Highlands northward to Wash- ington county contains more or less carbonaceous matter, but never in sufficient amount to constitute a true coal. Where the shale has been crushed and compressed the carbon may be noticeable as a thin film on the surface of the shale fragments, giving the appear- ance somewhat of shiny anthracite, though a purely superficial one. Pie MINING AND QUARKY INDUSTRY IOQOQ 15 In the Catskills and the southern tier of counties we have a series of bedded formations which most closely approximate in period of deposition the Appalachian coal measures that are so pro- ductive in Ohio, Pennsylvania and the states to the south. Yet they all were laid down before the opening of the coal-making period proper, as shown by the respective stages of life development evi- denced in the rocks. The northern limits of the Appalachian fields geographically ap- proach within such short distance of the New York boundary that some excuse existed for the search for coal before the time of geo- logical surveys ; now it can only be a matter of regret that the bound- ary should have been so discriminately fixed, when the addition of only a few minutes of latitude on the south would have brought portions of this wealth into the State. Though deficient in coal some of the local formations contain val- uable oil and gas pools which support a fairly important productive mdustry. The discovery of illuminating gas in the State dates back to as far at least as 1821 when wells were drilled at Fredonia, Chau- tauqua co., probably the first successful attempt to utilize the mate- rial in this country. There are now more than tooo wells that supply natural gas for fuel and lighting purposes besides many more whose output is consumed on the ground for pumping oil. The petroleum industry was first started about 1865 in Cattaraugus county and is now represented by fully 10,000 active wells. There is thus a solid basis for exploration and development of these resources and it is creditable to local enterprise that they have been brought to such a high state of productivity. The prac- tical oil and gas prospector with his knowledge that comes from accumulated experience has been the chief factor in this achieve- ment. Scientific study of the accumulations of cil and gas has yielded, however, some valuable information, though for the most part perhaps its data have only an indirect or negative application to field exploration. It may and often does help to establish the limit within which drilling operations should be conducted; it pro- vides the means for identifying the productive strata and for tracing their bounds; and from the structure of the formations may point out the more promising places for exploration. Both the results of such study and past experience show that only a part of the State can be considered as a profitable field for exploration. The areas comprised within the Adirondacks and the Highlands are of course absolutely barren territory, as they are 10 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM made up of crystalline rocks. The bordering areas of thin or dis- turbed sediments afford very little chance of productive wells and this is equally true of the great mass of shales and sandstones that constitute the Hudson River formation, between the Adirondacks and the Highlands. Small pockets of gas have been found occa- stonally in the shales, but in every case they have played out quickly when tapped by the drill. The territory immediately west of these areas and extending as far as the meridian running through the middle of Oneida lake is of doubtful value and has been explored only in places; the results of test wells so far have been disap- pointing as regards the existence of gas in quantity. The productive fields of natural gas that have been discovered up to the present time are restricted to the central and western counties of which there are 15 or 16 that support an active industry. The extreme easterly localities are in Oswego county, where a few small pools have been found near the shore of Lake Ontario. The largest wells are all in the western section, chiefly in Erie, Chau- tauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties, and it is only in that part that the industry has achieved any marked success. The oil fields of New York are even more limited. No pools have been found outside of southern Cattaraugus and Allegany counties and a small area in southwestern Steuben county. There has been no notable addition to the producing territory in many years; 1t seems scarcely probable that the industry will ever be ex- tended much beyond the present bounds. Another matter which has assumed some importance in relation to the mining industry and should have careful consideration at this time is the reputed presence of gold sands in the Adirondacks. They can not be considered exactly a new development, since a good deal of attention was given them about 12 years ago during the Klondyke excitement; but public interest has been revived recently by attempts to start fresh enterprises which have received frequent notice in the press. While discussions of the subject have already appeared from this office, the numerous requests for information indicate a need for further publicity of the facts so far as they can be learned. It is well known that the stream valleys and lake basins of the Adirondacks are choked with gravel and sand deposits. These have been formed by the erosive action of water and ice upon the local rock formations, chiefly granites, syenites, gabbros and gneisses, with some much altered sediments. Quartz is naturally the main con- THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY IQOQ Wi stituent of the sands; but several other minerals occur in small amount, such as garnet, magnetite, pyroxene and hornblende which are ccmmon in the Adirondack rocks. No minerals have been found in the sands that are foreign to the region. The view ex- pressed as to their derivation from the local rocks is, therefore, well established. Gold quartz veins are not known in the Adirondacks or anywhere within the immediate region. Common white or milky quartz is rather plentiful, but it lacks the rusty, honeycombed appearance of gold quartz as well as the iron and copper sulphides with which the precious metals are associated in veins that have not undergone sur- face alteration. It is very likely that careful analysis would show a trace of gold in the Adirondack veins, but they are not mineralized in the usual sense of the term. To explain the presence of gold in the sands in any appreciable amount we must perforce look for its source in the ordinary country rocks — the deep seated igneous masses and the gneisses and schists. That gold should be generally distributed through rocks of this char- acter to the value of even $1 a ton is certainly an exceptional, if | not unique, phenomenon. And yet the basis of present and past mining operations in the region is the claim that the sands, from almost any section, apparently, will yield to proper treatment as much as $4 or $5 and even as high as $40 a ton. There is a very wide discrepancy between these claims and the results obtained by reputable assayers. This is said to be due to the fact that the gold exists in a peculiar condition owing to which the ordinary methods of fire or wet assay are inapplicable to its recovery. Without inquiry further into that matter at present, we give here some determinations made by disinterested commercial chemists. In an investigation for the State Museum of the so called “ Sut- phen” process which was in vogue during the earlier period of experimentation with these sands, J. N. Nevius collected samples from deposits at Hadiey that were said to yield $7.50 a ton by that process. The following statements are extracted from his report: A sample of sand collected from the spot from which the mill’s supply is obtained was assayed for the Museum, and the value was reported to be a “trace” of gold to the ton, which means a value of less than 20 cents a ton. No value of silver was ob- tained. Another sample of the same sand was tested Dye nna. i _ Wheeler, of Albany, for the presence of bromin, but no trace of 18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM this element was detected. These two tests prove that the Hadley sand does not contain bromid of gold to the value of 57-5 Ome ton. In just what, chemical combination or physical condition the gold could exist in the sand to the value of $7.50 a ton, and would not be detected by the fire assay, but, after undergoing a simple chemical operation, would be susceptible to amalgamation in pay- ing quantities, is a question which remains for the people inter- ested in this process to explain, before the scientific world, whose confidence rests implicitly on the accuracy of the fire assay, will credit their theory. For analyses of sands from Lewis county, which is the scene of present activity in mining, we are indebted to The Engineering & Mining Journal (March 19, 1910) through whose enterprise samples were recently collected and assayed. The samples were taken by B. J. Hatmaker who had previously experimented with sands from the same localities. The following particulars are from Mr Hat- maker’s letter transmitting them: The samples marked “A” are from an immense deposit along the Black river and represent three samples taken 300 feet apart. These samples gave me, by fire, from $3.59 to $3.80 per ton. The samples marked “B” are from a deposit back in the hills which should run around $3. This particular sample was taken by Pro- fessor Locke, of the Boston Institute of Technology, and myself. It represents the sand of which Dr N. S. Keith, of Philadelphia, has milled several tons and has reported $2.50 to $3 recovery, by amalgamation. My fire assays in this have run $1.50 and $2.75. Professor Locke was unabie to get more than a trace. Ihe report on the results of assay by the firm of Ricketts & Banks, as printed in The Engineering & Mining Journal, is as follows: The samples of sand marked “A” and “ B,” received sealed under signature of B. J. Hatmaker, submitted for assay contain: 6e vA bP) ce B 3) [REG 21 0 MEA caste TDs 5 0 -+2+ ©2005 OZ: 0-005) oz Whe braiseeiyer. < o/.0.) 2 Jc/ 90 ae ene 0.005 0Z. 0.005 oz gold per ton of 2000 pounds. Additional samples marked “A” and “B” were also submitted by The Engineering & Mining Journal to the firm of A. R. Ledoux & Co. who made the following report: Pie MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9Q09 1f@) The two samples of sand submitted to us on February I, 1910, marked respectively “A” and “B,’ and sealed with paper bands, bearing the signature of B. J. Hatmaker, have been assayed by the usual fire assay method, yielding: ~ A — Gold = 0.0025 oz. per ton ==$0.05 per ton | B”~ —Gold=c.005 oz. per ton==$0.10 per ton This work was very carefully done, using large assay charges. In view of the statement that these sands are said to contain gold combined with some element, or elements, causing the gold to vola- tilize during the fire assay process, and that this method is not capa- ble of detecting gold in these sands, we have repeated the assays by a wet method which involves digestion of the finely ground sands with aqua regia at a low temperature for a long time, filtering off the acid liquid, evaporating it to small bulk and examining the concentrated solution for gold. By this method we obtained: In sample “ A ” — gold, trace | In sample “ B ’ — gold 0.003 0z. per ton === $0.06 per ton. Supplementing these tests, a portion of each sample was con- centrated by panning and the concentrates were examined both with a hand glass and also microscopically. Neither sample showed the presence of any visible gold or of any usual mineral or sub- stance which might possibly carry gold. The concentrates are prin- cipally magnetic iron particles mixed with some complex silicates of the garnet family. Portions of each sample contained in closed tubes of hard glass were heated in a blast lamp flame to the melting point of the glass. A quantity of combined water condensed on the cool parts of each tube but neither sample yielded any sublimate of volatile matter whatever. From the above tests we conclude that these samples are ordinary silicious sands and that they contain only traces of gold as are usually found in such sands. Traces of gold are frequently pres- ent in many rocks and sands, and it is not unusual to find gold values equivalent to a few cents per ton in ordinary rocks, such for instance, as granite paving blocks. These samples do not contain any extraordinary or unusual element or any substance which could cause the gold to volatilize in the ordinary process of assaying, nor in fact do they contain any volatile substance except combined water. | These results are certainly concrete and illuminative. Regarding the methods by which they were obtained. it seems sufficient to say that they are accepted and employed generally in chem- ical laboratories and that they have stood the test of long prac- tice in all the mining regions of the world. Without indulging in criticism of the good faith of those who have been at work on the Adirondack sands, we are unable to find in the notices of the press or in any literature which has been circu- ZO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM lated for the purpose of informing the public as to their claims, any satisfactory explanation of the processes employed for recovery of the gold which would account for the wide variance between their reported results and those obtained by the usual assay methods. We have been informed recently on creditable authority that in the so called ‘‘ Sutphen ” process, which was extensively advertised about Io years ago, the methods consisted briefly of pulverizing the sand and amalgamation after treatment with a hot sodium carbonate so-_ lution. It was stated that the gold had a silicious coating which necessitated fine grinding and chemical treatment before amalgama- tion was effective. Even if that were true, there is no reason why the gold shouid not be set free by fire assay. On the other hand the claim that the gold exists in volatile state, something entirely new to chemical science, seems to be met and controverted by the recent, assays: The economic record of past enterprise in this field is certainly not reassuring to those intent on new ventures. Though it is im- possible to give an accurate estimate of the outlay of capital rep- resented by previous experiments, the total must amount to several hundred thousand dollars. An idea of the wide interest which the early enterprises aroused may be gained from the official records which show that over 4000 claims to gold and silver discoveries, mainly within the Adirondacks, were filed in the year. 1898. We know of no instance where the public has received any financial return for its investment. CEMENT After the setback of 1908, a decided improvement in the cement trade seemed to be the natural order for last year. The market was undoubtedly somewhat broader, inasmuch as manufacturers found a more ready outlet for their product and were able also to reduce considerably the stocks that had accumulated during the previous year, but otherwise the conditions were not much changed. Prices continued at a low level, with a slight upward tendency in the later months. The disparity between productive capacity and consumption was accountable for the continuance of a depressed market. This condition seems to have been removed, or to have been greatly relieved at any rate, and the outlook for the trade at the opening of I910 was more encouraging than it had been during the last two years. It may be said that local manufacturers. enjoyed some advantages in marketing THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY IQo9Q 25 their output by reason of the numerous large engineering de- velopments in connection with the canal system, municipal water supply plants, hydroelectric installations, etc., that have been in progress recently throughout the State. During the last few years the cement industry of New York has undergone radical changes. The manufacture of natural cement used to be the principal branch of the industry and was represented by many large and well equipped plants, with an average output of over 4,000,000 barrels a year. The output of the Rosendale district of Ulster county especially found a wide market. With the growth of the portland cement industry in this country, increased competition has so reduced prices that there is now very little margin between the cost to the con- fatereortiat article and the natural cement. As a.cohsequence micwsdiles or tie latter haye decreased to a fraction of the former quota and most of the plants have been permanently closed. iaewulaniiiiaciuire of portland cement on the other hand has grown rather steadily, though not so rapidly as to counter- Peaiatee tie loss in the Output of natural cement. That branch of the industry has been largely centralized in eastern Pennsyl- Mamie where it was first established. For the last year or two increased interest has been shown, however, in the develop- ment of the local resources and there is little doubt that New York will eventually take a more prominent place in the trade, iotGaedt should occipy by reason of. its abundance of raw materials and its market advantages. The erection of a new plant in the Hudson river region, with a reported capacity of 5000 barrels a day, has been underway during the last year. The total production of cement in New York in 1909 was 2,010,383 barrels, or about the same as in the preceding year. When it amounted to 2,612,462 barrels. In 1907 the quantity was reported at 3,245,729 barrels and in 1906 at 4,114,939 bar- fem Iie accompanying table sives the annual output. and value for each kind of cement since 1890. There were alto- gether 13 firms who reported a production last year, the same number as in 1908, but a loss of five as compared with those Fe meperting in 1G07. In the. portland cement industry there was a slight gain of output, the aggregate amounting to 2,061,019 barrels valued at $1,761,297 against 1,988,874 barrels valued at $1,813,622 for 1g08. With the placing in operation of the new plant at Green- 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM port near Hudson which is expected during the current season, a further increase should be registered for this year. This plant will be operated by the New York-New England Cement & Lime Co., under control of Pennsylvania interests. The other pro- jects in the Hudson river region, mentioned in the review of last year, have not been so far advanced as to make them a probable factor in the industry during r1gro. The output of natural cement showed a continuance of the decline which has been underway since the beginning of the present decade. The total was 540,264 barrels walmedeean $361,605, against 623,588 barrels valued at $441,136 in 1908. Three companies in the Rosendale district contributed 487,864 barrels to the total; Onondaga and Erie counties contributed the remainder. Production of cement in New York PORTLAND CEMENT NATURAL CEMENT YEAR — ee Barrels Value Barrels Value oS = | ee Se ee TENG VC Ibn aR eS a 65 000 $140 000 2 39G."50 $2 985 513 DOOM tye vets. > sb ana 87 000 190) 256 2) O21 306 3 046 279 Te Bese na Me waaes tts I24 000 279 000 2 780. 687 2 OF Aa eI TES OI ehaewee: ie ks ba meee 137 096 287 0725 2 507 756 2 805 3067 POOH ererticwe atc Bee a Py eG 205 231 3 446 330 I O74 403 Te O ape Nee ska eee E50. 320 278 810 3) 0302 729. 2 285 094 MOOR. as capsr spe apes Nae, 260 787 443 175 4 181 918 2 423 891 a \C) Ae eA as Croan 394 398 690 179 4 259 186 2 12369 m Clee a ae eRe eh FRA sho O70 120 ALLE (Ong 2 065 658 TOO es aoe ieee 472 386 708 579 4 689 167 2 $13 500 11 SCC Neal aE ee, Ss 465 832 582 290 3 409 085 2 045 451 NOC 1 LS eee es ee 4 617,228 617 228 Cp OA Nees SORE i 117. 066 LGC) One eh SI Tt 150-°507 Tush 5 2alemyis ia ao 57h S40 2c Ta) (orale I O)S) er I 602 946 2 (Oa 7206 Oi Aa aa I 5161526 11 (0/9)! 0} Aenean A 14377. 302 1 2Aa5. 778 t 881 630 I 207 863 TODS 5, ree 2 FR 22 2 046 864 2 257-698 I 590 689 TOTS (0) Gee ea een 2 Ao awa TA. 2 766 488 Le OO as (50S on I 184 205 TOO tres chee! i+ emcee 2 108 450 2 214 ogo E137) 2a0.4) 157 Ze NOS Bae ae t 988 874 EPOUs O22 623 588 | 441 136 LAO OIG, Se oa 2 O61 o19 Lo 7OL 267 549 364 | 361 605 CHAN BY HENRY LEIGHTON New York State has an abundance of clay deposits suitable for the manufacture of all materials not requiring a white-burn- ing or a refractory clay. Pc MENENG AND @®UARRY INDUSTRY 1900 PX The Hudson river and Champlain depression furnish excel- lent red-burning clays for brickmaking and for a few other spécial uses, while glacial clays, both buff and red-burning, are widely distributed throughout the remainder of the State. White-burning and refractory clays are found in the State only on Long Isiand and Staten Island. ‘The irregular pockety Mature of the deposits and the extensive use of New Jersey material have limited the use of these clays but their proximity to New York city may in time bring them into more promi- nence. Notwithstanding the lack of suitable clays near at hand, a number of porcelain, china and fire brick manufactories are in operation in the State and their production is constantly in- creasing. The use of the Devonic shales of western New York for the manufacture of tile, paving brick, terra cotta etc., is continuing to increase and the value of shale brick as a high grade build- ing material is becoming more widely known. Production of clay materials During the past year the clay-working industry partially re- Covered irom the depression experienced in 1908. Building operations, as shown by the building permits granted, showed a largely increased activity. In New York city in May 1909, 352 buildings with an aggregate value of $18,620,491, were erected as against 204 with a value of $7,585,150 in 1908, or a ‘ain Of 145 per cent. In the same month, buildings erected in Buffalo showed a gain over the corresponding month of 1908 Giezcepen cent. Durine’ the whole year the percentage of gain in building operations was most noticeable. This activity was reflected strongly on the output of structural clay materials and a return to nearly the production of 1907 was made. The aggregate value of all clay manufactures in I909 was $12,351,482 against $8,918,863 in 1908 and $12,688,868 in 1907. The number of firms or individuals engaged in the industry Was 232 against 242 in 1908, while 42 of the 61 counties in the State participated in the industry. Examination of the output classified as to classes of material, brings out the fact that the increase was felt mainly among the structural materials. Com- mon and front brick, architectural terra cotta, fireproofing, building tile and pottery all show large advances over the year 1908. Common brick shows the largest increase, being valued 24 NEW YORK STATE. MUSEUM at $8,009,766 against $5,064,194 in 1908. Front brick increased from $136,757 1n 1908 to $149,330 in 1909; terra cotta from $709,- 360 in 1908 to $962,497 in 1909; fireproofing from $91,377 to $166,025. On the other hand, products not directly used in building operations, with the exception of pottery, showed a decreased output. Fire brick and stove lining were produced to a value of $486,894 against $545,951 in 1908; drain tile amounted to $268,589 against a production in 1908. of $273,134; paving brick had an output of $207,970 against $211,289 in 1908; and sewer pipe amounted to $117,324 against $133,716 in 1908. Ulster continues to hold first place among the counties in total production of clay materials, the total value reported from it for the year being $1,620,468, a large gain over the year 1908. As in 1908 Rockland county held second place with an out- put of $1,488,457; Dutchess county with an output of $880,797 took third place while Onondaga was fourth with a value of $834,111. Other counties reporting productions of over $400,000 were Orange ($814,440); Erie ($753,362); Albany ($750,754); Richmond ($698,991) ; Kings ($490,946) ; Columbia ($472,280) ; Westchester ($438,243) and Queens ($435,182). The output of the first three counties, Ulster, Rockland and Dutchess, is made up almost wholly of common brick, while Onondaga county, the fourth in rank, pro- duces large quantities of china ware. , Production of clay materials MATERIAL 1907 1908 1909 Camaimion: brick "cx anay ee ween $7 201 525 | $5 06434194 | $8 009 766 Pagers orice 4.) aie Ae gene len | 222 7609 136 UPS | 149 330 Vitrined paving brie... tas 184 306 211 289 207 970 Fire brick and stove lining...... 624 033 545° OSI 486 894 1D ie i ote ee ia a TO2) 104 278 134) 268 589 DERMSGUOUDC «|. cia sce « nay eentn mean Slee 463 500 33) 726 hap pone RISERARGOLLA..'<.. :.. Lo Ryeinae ee ema I 224 300 709 360 962 497 Ue OOO MUO 21 1... Ge eran 45 672 OL L377 166 025 ceiembeimaoetile)..2° 0. bin OO e sha 215 126 Ok dee 54 397 Miseeliaweous:.. ... .\.. 2 eee ! 164) 575 29° 680 |. LOD, 405 ILO ESIC 7 Se I nc ALOE TE 2 240 895 T0593 oan T8627, 163 LU SHEEN AR Se eae MA MMR ti ly $12 688 868 | $8 918 863 | $12 351 482 THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 Ds Production of clay materials by counties | COUNTY 1907 1908 1909 | POUIEUL Vac. + 1 SRE I re $540 341 $538 212 $750 754 Slogan. 220 arir are | He aliea ya 44 627 22) (608 ISO? 4 oo or SS Ch NC On Mee er nil Lath. re | Mite ANE scot ne 2 ha hie DD ee eg eae EM ee oe | EA 832 T3280 I5 400 LAG 2 Tie 250 128 866 118 897 AMON i ke ee 88 940 89 000 | 61 000 Lehn 2) a ia | 4 250 Sha OPAOMN aes ead NO Loven LO) 000 0205 One re | 423) 2157 283 720 472 280 _wite bless 55 ai rn 481 262 605 371 880 707 SS. oS So, 703 O62) 045) || Tiers? Eanes) 25 2g 2 a hear BROW OW eG sa) me Le ORD Wale aint i See? 5 0 re 237 620 Lib 2138 346 982 J 2006 000.) yh re 20) 352 ry 80% ae Seyi LOhH®s), 0 0 574 863 AI6 474 490 946 Lovet) Ae AG, Sia Gate Be seis 6 goo Wedison) . 2] staan | 32 000 TAN AON in COaa hema ime el a WC OMROSS 2 3 le ie 533 664 240 087 278 991 ESC 5 2 2 het 105 000 71 390 130375 // SISRLP2in, a 16 282 To 892 22 1023 Le Gao.) y 5 aes | OSn a5 88 606 83/500 JG (SIC ee pie et AAS 734 880 834 IIL MiteyOl. Penne nan s 342 810 214 246 196 345 i gs 789 207 VA O37 814 440 oe eid. . eee PoE reat We eae Qe i Oe He 435 182 Sines lla\cice, Wiis ht as is eae Be Ta OG 22200 5 Bin, Isso Schnorr fe cnbomenh a4 587 919 698 got EO CI2IAC . iar Sell REE ASVAY Oly; 800 603 I 488 457 Lay enoge. 2 5 err A On2 75 245 878 B25 070 SCENE 250 83 637 22 Oe 7756 322 540 |teu Ogi. SSS ran aon 2A. 166 544 205 036 PO ke 12 700e Te SABO 68 370 SunOS a TECTOM EORADE Gree eh cwons CURD RNB aren cass 1 Ste. oe Se L424 A470 SROVO47 2s 10200468 “OSS. | anes DMO MAb ehte wun ee NEL 8 ge PPMIMOBOM. 0. ee 22 9go II 295 IO 950 Difespe@ecter.. 2)... 2001-773 226 062 438 243 Wiv@emeGunticsy. 2.2... ete ss 505 960 401 808 122208 T'GiGSIS } papa ane ee $12 688 868 | $8 918 863 | $12 351 482 a Included under ‘‘ Other counties.”’ b Includes in 1907 Genesee, Herkimer, Livingston, Montgomery, New York, Queens, St Lawrence, Seneca and Wayne counties. In 1908, aside from counties marked a are included Genesee, Herkimer, Montgomery, New York, St Lawrence, Tioga and Wayne counties. In rg09, aside from counties marked a includes Genesee, Montgomery, New York, St Lawrence, Tioga and Wayne counties. Manufacture of building brick The output of common building brick in 1909 amounted to 1,507,126,000 valued at $8,009,766, a production exceeding that of any previous year with the exception of 1906. The produc- tion in 1908 was 1,056,769,283 brick valued at $5,064,194 while 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM that for 1907 amounted to 1,351,591,000 with a value of S7-20m5 525. In addition to the common brick there were manufac- tured in I909, 10,897,000 front brick valued at $149,330 as against 9,763,649 valued at $136,757 in 1908. The total output of brick used for building purposes was, therefore, 1,518,023,000 brick valued at $8,159,096 against 1,366,842 000 valued at $7,424,- 294 1n 1908. The manufacture was carried on by 180 companies or individuals in 36 counties. In 1908, 196 plants were in oper- ation in 37 counties. The average price per thousand, received for the common brick in 1909, as based on sales at the yard was $5.31 as against $4.79 in 1908 and $5.33 in 1907. The average value of the front brick was $13.70 a thousand against $14 in 1908 and $14.61 in 1907. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9QOQ 27 Production of common building brick 1908 190g COUNTY $$$ Number Value Number Value Oe A BS Oyiie oe $255 O13 80 343 000 $429 554 CANE ee I 309 000 8 480 LaOr 2) COO IO 200 Chautauqua... . 8 046 o11 50 91g 7 815 000 52 047 iemung. ...... 14 833 000 89 000 IO 500 000 61 000 MMGON 6. ss: . 640 000 B20 250 000 I 500 Columbia... .... 65 671, OOO 290 720 88 026 000 472 280 WWibeness..:..-.. ig 2 OO 3 O78 OSS: Bias 1 7ONO5OGO 876 207 108. ee 35 Q60 325 202" 943 A320 3179 OC 243 780 COR re Tay OO4).82'5 Sa g23 42 794 000 246 982 emerson... ..... 2 224 740 i SO"? Ty Hse) sTo¥sYo) ae atest Etvinleston..... : 490 000 BLP Sisis IMS TCLON CIOS 6 700 WMionmroe......... Tse OA a os 93 730 22 AOR (OOO 126 950 INGSSATh ek. uO 5 OC 63 890 20 000 000 118 560 INC aie eee TSH OLA. 10 892 3 368 ooo 220022 Gmeidaros.... .. ha 2 OVOCe O2n 720 16 000 000 83 500 Onondaga... ... -I4 028 000 76 030 22 800 000 154 250 Oieario.. 2.0... . 2 768 000 16 946 23/50. 0CO 14 200 Wramee. ..... 151 869 ooo TA O27, 164 680 000 814 440 INemsselaer...... 10 949 400 60 723 19 895 ooo 102 225 Richmiond...... 25 80S 500 89 083 27) 5OO1.000 DOr 75 Roekland........ 173 926 094 800 603 RSs 202 1OOO EEA SS VAke7 STOMA. . 2s... 51 034 000 Duley Ws 70 539 O00 283-729 SMeIOCM .. . 2 651 080 Zi oO 3 480 000 RO yay SLIT CN a ae Ne Makes wsle) 1220 A320 1 S70) COO 68 370 Wierse ys... 170) LOS 500 816 947 204) GO4 OCG") x 626° 468 Westchester.... BO.SOT 577 TO4u FA. 2 2015 1OO® 392 577 Other countiesa. 9 452 400 52 639 to 836 000 57 080 Metals... iI 056 769 283 | $5 064 194 |1 507 126 000 |$8 009 766 a Includes in 1908, Allegany, Broome, Fulton, Herkimer, Montgomery, St Lawrence, Schenectady, Tioga, Tompkins, Warren and Washington. In 1909 the following counties are included: Allegany. Cattaraugus, Fulton, Montgomery, St Lawrence, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Warren ard Washington. Hudson river region. By far the greater part of the output of common brick comes from nine counties bordering the Hudson river from Albany and Rensselaer counties southward. In this area the banks of the river are made up of a series of terraced deposits of clay with occasional sands or gravels. This more or less continuous clay bed is one of the most extensive in the United States and supports a brickmaking industry second to none in America or Europe. The clays which are very constant in character are bluish in color, weathering to red at the surface and are rather calcareous 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM containing usually about 4 to 5 per cent of calcium oxid. They burn to a good red color, incipient fusion taking place at cone .o5 and vitrification at .o4. Besides the main use as material for soft mud brick, the clay has been successfully utilized in the: manufacture of roofing tile and certain beds are used as a slip clay for glazing pottery. The brick are manufactured entirely by the soft mud process and are burned in scove kilns, modern methods seemingly taking slight hold in the district. The importance and growth of the industry in the region has been due to the ease with which the clay can be mined from the terrace, manufactured practically on the dock, and loaded directly onto barges and shipped to New York city. The year 1909 showed a marked improvement in business conditions and an increased activity in building operations. This activity was felt in the Hudson river yards and a much larger output of brick was made. The total output was 1,218,- 784,000 brick valued at $6,443,190 of which all but 210,000,000 were shipped, reliable estimates giving that amount as held over. This would give as the total sales 1,008,784,000 as against 817,459,000 in 1908. The figures in the tables for 1909 represent the total manufactured while in 1908 they are given as the total sold. The increased output was accompanied by such an increased demand that prices showed a gratifying increase, the average price per thousand being $5.28 against $4.75 in 1908 and $5.20 in 1907. There were 119 plants in operation with an average production of 10,326,000, against 114 plants with an average output of 7,171,000 in 1908. As in former: years Ulster county had the lead in production with a total of 304,904,000 brick valued at $1,620,468, against 179,166,000 valued at $816,947 in 1908. Rockland county held second place as heretofore, while Dutchess county ranked third, displacing Orange county which -held third place in 1908. ; | THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9QOQ 29 Output of common brick in the Hudson river region in 1908 NUMBER AVERAGE COUNTY OF OUTPUT VALUE PRICE PLANTS PER M Weg) 12 Re MGi OOO $255 O13 $4 57 Columbian j......... 4 6r 971 000 DEB 120 Ae ses emetesss. 6... ss. . 18 122) G04" COC Oy ayia 4 58 ene: A 12 095 000 i nex Agy MMe... ss 8 151 869 000 an OR 4 92 eem@eseclact..:.:..... 6 IO 949 000 | 60722 iv il oem. 14.6... - 29 173.926 000 800 603 4 60 eter ec ss ee. 26 179 166 000 816 947 Aes Westchester........ 7 39 802 000 184 774 4 64 ones. sw 114 Si7 450.000 na Oras 11 $4 75 Output of common brick in the Hudson river region in 1909 NUMBER | AVERAGE COUNTY OF | OUTPUT VALUE PRICE PLANTS PER M NCS er 12 80 343 000 $429 554 $5 34 (CO 0La5 OE) 3 F 88 026 ooo 472 280 Se ae) WigheWess. 2 cL... 19 170.01 5 OOO 870 207 ie ae akee Meme ioe. . nk ss 5 42 794 000 246 982 ST ONPG es 8 164 680 000 814 440 4A 3 INemssclaetas.......: 6 19 895 000 HOZn 225 5 64 I@emlaad.s0........ ae 27s 202 OOO t 488 457 5 40 Sie : 26 204 904 ooo I 620 468 Bon Westelester........ 8 72 265 000 202) 577 5 43 LUCIO eae EEO a 25 7AM OOO PO 442 LGon| $5 28 Other clay materials The manufacture of vitrified paving brick was carried on by three companies in Chautauqua, Greene and Steuben counties, as against five companies in 1908. The output was 12,778,000 brick valued at $207,970 against 14,570,140 valued at $211,289 in 1908. The average price per thousand was $14.50 in 1908 amd $10.27 in i909. There was a decided decrease in the production of fire brick and stove lining in the State, the total output of fire brick being $411,796 and of stove lining $75,098 against values of $442,967 and $102,984 respectively in 1908. 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Eleven companies were active during the year and the indus- try showed little change aside from the general decrease in manufacture. The material for these products is all obtained outside of the State, mostly from New Jersey. The manufacture of drain tile and sewer pipe is carried on in Albany, Cayuga, Erie, Genesee, Kings, Madison, Monroe, Onon- daga, Ontario, Saratoga, Washington and Wayne counties. The output of drain tile in 1909 amounted to $268,589 against $273,- 184 in 1908. Eighteen companies are represented in the output, while the two leading counties were Erie and Ontario. This product is used mainly for underdraining farm land, and the education of the farmer along such lines has been instrumental in recent years in increasing the demand for tile. Sewer pipe is manufactured in the State by but three firms located in Brooklyn and Rochester. The value of the output in 1909 was $117,324 against $133,716 in 1908 and $463,500 in 1907, a constant decrease for which the underlying cause is not apparent. | Fireproofing, including terra cotta lumber, hollow brick, and various other kinds of hollow terra cotta fireproofing, is manu- factured mainly from local materials, in Erie, Kings, Monroe, New York, Onondaga and Rensselaer counties, six firms being represented in the output. The output for the year was $166,- 025 against $91,377 in 1908. The output for 1909, however, includes some hollow brick, heretofore included with. common building brick. Building tile, including roofing tile, vitrified floor tile and a terra cotta tile similar to fireproofing was manufactured in Alle- gany, Kings and Monroe counties by six firms. The total value of the output for 1909 was $54,397 against $70,162 1n 1908. The roofing tile industry is one deserving more prominence among the clay-working activities of the State. Two firms, the Alfred Clay Co., and the Ludowici-Celadon Roofing Tile Co., manufacture this product at Alfred, Allegany co., while in Malden, Ulster co., the industry has, in recent years, been under- taken. One firm, the German American Roofing Tile Co., is at present turning out a good grade of tile from a small plant but as yet supplies only a local trade. Roofing tile are becoming more popular in this country on account of their beauty and durability, and with suitable clays at hand at both Malden and Alfred, a larger industry should be established. The plant of THE MINING AND OGUARRY INDUSTRY I1Qog au the Ludowici-Celadon Co. was destroyed by fire in the fall of Poeoeand Was not yet been rebuilt. Mimitearioor tile are manufactured by but one firm, the Brooklyn Vitrified Tile Works of Brooklyn. Architectural or ornamental terra cotta is manufactured by miteemiaree firms located in Queens, Richmond and Steuben counties. ‘The output for the year 1909 amounted to $962,497 against $709,360 in 1908, an encouraging increase. Pottery Clays suitable for the finer grades of pottery products, such as china and porcelain ware, are not found to any extent in the erates) ne clay beds of Long Island and Staten Island have furnished some grades of stoneware clay and these are at times used in the New York and Brooklyn plants. The main supply of material for china making, however, must be shipped in from without the State; the feldspar from Canada, the kaolins from the south, and the stoneware clays from New Jersey. | Oi the commoner erades of clay used for red earthenware Mamitrterure, the state has an abundance but the demand ior such ware is not sufficient to establish any extensive industry. (ite wreral production of pottery in the year amounted to 1,027,193 as compared with $1,653,241 in 1908, indicating a marked advance. The production came from 23 plants located in the following counties: Albany, Erie, Kings, Nassau, Onon- daga, Ontario, Schenectady, Washington and Westchester. Onondaga county continues to lead in production with a total from the six active plants of $671,566’ while, Erie, Schenectady, Kings and Ontario counties also have large productions. The manufacture of stoneware seems to be steadily declining in the State, the production in 1909 amounting to $41,208 or less than one half of the production in 1906. Red earthenware, consisting mainly of flower pots, shows a production of $32,800 or about the same as has been reported for several vears. The increase in production was confined mainly to the white products not made from New York ma- terials, such articles being china tableware, sanitary ware and electrical supplies. The china tableware is made mainly in Buffalo and Syracuse; the electrical supplies in Victor, Syra- cuse, Schenectady and Brooklyn; and the sanitary ware in New York and Brooklyn. 32 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Value of production of pottery WARE | 1907 1908 1909 Stoneware! 2). Ba ee ee $05 271 $44 712 $41 208 Red earthemwates) 16 30s ooo ate | 28 296 31 645 _.g2>80e Porcelain and -semiporeelaina....| 1 181 162 goo 548 999 663 Electric and sanitary supplies...) 869 3780) 5054 24%, 697 573 Misceéllameouian sie hats sein eae 8 | 96 788 8x o8%9 55 859 TOtalt CeaU SG Ren geet | $2 240 895 | $1 653 241 $1 827 193 a Includes china tableware and cream-colored ware. b Includes a value of about $200,000 for hardware trimmings used in electric supplies. Crude clay In the foregoing tables relating to clay products no account has been taken of the crude material entering into their manu- facture. ‘There are a few producers in the State who do not utilize the crude clay themselves but ship their output to others for manufacture. The clay most widely exploited for shipment is the slip clay found within the city limits of Albany and known to the trade as “Albany slip.” This clay belongs to the terrace clays of the Hudson valley. It resembles in appearance the general run of Hudson river brick clays, but in chemical com- position differs in having much larger percentages of the alkalis, soda and potash. These fluxing impurities give to the material a low fusibility and it is therefore in demand as a natural glaze for stoneware, giving to such products a rich, brown glaze. In addition to the output of slip clay, refractory and white- burning clays are mined and shipped from Long Island and Staten Island. Kaolin for paper sizing is mined at Shenandoah, Dutchess co., and pottery clays are shipped from various points in the State, shipments in 1g09 being made from Warners and Amboy Station, Onondaga co.; Chili, Monroe co.; and Amenia, Dutchess co. The total production for 1909 amounted to 12,174 short tons valued at $11,585, against 4697 tons valued at $11,605 in 1908. The total tonnage seems to have increased while the value re- mained the same, which was no doubt due to the fact that a large proportion of the clay shipped in 1909 was of a lower grade and sold at a lower figure. Seven producers figured in THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 Ge, the output, two producing slip clay; one, fire clay; one, paper @lay ane three, potters clay. JA shies The emery mines in Westchester county increased their out- Papo lase year by about 200 tons. The product reported was 892 short tons valued at $10,780 as comipared with 690 short tons valued at $8860 in 1908. ‘The production was still con- siderably below the average as the annual shipments have Henaiiveswexceeded 1ooO tons. Phe poor showing may be at- tributed to a decrease in the demand for abrasives which was moted as well in other branches of the productive industry. The statistics of output are based upon the crude material as shipped from the mines where it undergces only a rough sort- ing or cobbing. The emery is mainly shipped to Pennsylvania for grinding and manufacture. The producers in 1909 were as follows: Blue Corundum Mining Co., Easton, Pa., Keystone Bimtemy Mills, Frankford, Pa., and the Tanite Co., Stroudsburg, Eee ie whlampden Corundum Wheel Go.-ef Springfield, Mass., goede ke lancaster of Peekskill who in the past have been actively engaged in the industry made no output last year. The New York emery is a mixture of corundum, spinel and MdMemente in varying proportions. It occurs as a hard, dense rock, of dark gray to nearly black color, sometimes showing the corundum in well developed prismatic crystals of lighter shade. The corundum, which of course is the more valuable CoOmsmiulent, May constitute as mtich as 50 per cent of the entire mass, or it may be subordinate to the other ingredients. The emery occurs in the form of lenses and bands within basic igneous rocks of the gabbro family. It is the result of segrega- miten of the heavier rock minerals, and the deposits are analo- gous to the bodies of titaniferous magnetites which occur in gabbroic rocks. Some of the deposits, indeed, contain a fairly high percentage of magnetite and were once mined for iron ore, poteatie material proved too reiractory for use in the blast furnace. PE DSF Ak iiitere was no notable change in the feldspar industry during no@en Ihe demand for the better quality ot teldspar which is used in pottery manufactute continued dull and prices showed 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM little improvement from the low level of the previous year. The production of this grade consequently did not attain the usual proportions. The quarries of roofing feldspar were more active and the demand for the material seems to have been neatly normal. The greater part of the output belomeeayt that grade which is really a crushed pegmatite containing more or less quartz, mica and other ingredients in addition to feld- spar. The production for the year amounted to 13,871 short tons valued at $46,444, as compared with 14,612 short tons valued at $53,148 in 1908. There were four companies who contributed to the output, the several quarries being situated im Veer chester, Essex and Saratoga counties. ‘ Most of the pottery feldspar was quarried in Westchester county by P. H. Kinkel’s Sons, though the Adirondack Spar Co. made a smali output from their property at Batchellerville, Sara- toga co., also the Crown Point Spar Co., of Crown Point shipped a small quantity which was obtained in the course of operations for the production of roofing materials. -The Barrett Manufacturing Co., with quarries near Ticonderoga, produced roofing feldspar alone. In addition to feldspar the shipments from the quarries included some rock quartz and scrap mica. The quartz came from Westchester county and was used for the manufacture of wood filler. The production of mica was. reported by the Crown Point Spar Co. as a by-product of milling operations. The combined value of these materials amounted to $7000. The average value of the pottery grades in 1909 was about $3 a long ton for crude and $6 a short ton for ground feldspar. The crushed feldspar for roofing and pouitry grit brought $2.75 and $3 a short ton. No new quarries were opened during the year and the trade situation gave little encouragement to exploratory work. The only change in the list of producers was occasioned by the transfer of the property formerly -worked by the Claspka Mining Co. to the Adirondack Spar Co. of Glens Falls. GARNET The abrasive garnet trade in Ig09 made some progress towatd recovery from the severe depression of the preceding year, but it did not attain great activity. After such an extreme decline a more decided upturn might have been expected. The THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1960 3e general record of the mining industries showed, however, that . the improvement was slow during the year and conditions on the whole were scarcely so prosperous as had been depicted in current reports. There was no evidence of any developments unfavorable to the Adirondack garnet mines in particular, and» a more active market may be anticipated for the coming season. ' The production of garnet last year amounted to 3802 short fos with a value of $119,190. The gain over the output for 1908, which was 2480 tons valued at $79,890, was thus more than 50 per cent, but it may be doubted if the consumption | showed a corresponding increase. The total for 1907, the largest on record, was 5709 tons valued at $174,800. Prices re- mained practically unchanged; they have fluctuated only slightly in recent years, the average being between $30 and $35 a ton. | . No new mines were opened in 1909. The producing com- panies included the North River Garnet Co. with mines at Thirteenth lake; the American Glue Co. and H. H. Barton & Sons who worked properties near North river; and the Ameri- can Garnet Co. who operated the Smith mine on Mt eee in northern Essex county. | The Adirondack garnet that is mined belongs to the common iron-bearing variety and the better grades have a deep red. color. It is associated with a basic rock of which plagioclase feldspar and hornblende constitute the other ingredients. The - rock shows the effects of metamorphism and the garnet is probably the result of a recrystallization. The garnet crystals are of variable size; those found on Gore mountain near North | river often measure a foot or more in diameter and a single crystal has yielded more than a ton of abrasive ; elsewhere in the region the crystals seldom exceed a diameter of 5 or 6 inches. The fact that the garnet is more or less shattered facilitates its recovery by hand picking which is practised by . all but one of the companies. When the large crystals are broken into, they crumble under slight pressure and: can. be removed from the matrix without much difficulty. The frag- ments generally exhibit smooth surfaces on one or more sides due to a well developed parting, and this feature adds consid- erably to the efficiency of the Adirondack garnet for abrasive | uses. The fractured condition of the crystals is probably the result of regional compression, evidences of which are ob- a 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM servable in extensive crushing and faulting of the country rocks. The deposit on Mt Bigelow is of different character than the others. The garnet there is found along the contac ea: anorthosite in irregular and- lenticular bodies that consist in greater part of the single mineral. It has a massive appear- ance and breaks into granular particles but occasionally shows ‘a platy fracture like the crystal garnet. The- principaljaim- purity is a greenish pyroxene. The masses measure as much as 40 feet in thickness. Along with the garnet there are bands of amphibolite and crystalline limestone, the whole assemblage having the appearance of a sedimentary series which has been caught up by the anorthosite during its intrusion and metamorphosed. The capacity of the mines is much greater than the average output. The production could be raised to 10,000 tons a year without taxing the present facilities. The North River Garnet Co. has the only property that is equipped for work through- out the year. It is the only company also that makes use of mechanical methods for recovery of the garnet. The mines and mill are situated on the slope of a mountain on the east shore of Thirteenth lake. The whole western face of the mountain consists of the garnet rock, the supply of which is practically inexhaustible. The rock is crushed~and then run) jfironen special types of jigs. Close work is required of these in order to effect a separation of the garnet and hornblende which differ by only half a unit in their specific gravity. The garnet concentrates, however, are brought up to a high degree of purity. The shipping point for: the region is North Creek) Pie garnet is shipped unsized in bags. The manufacture of garnet abrasives in this country is lim- ited to a few companies and there is very little demand for the mineral for export. The mining field, therefore, can not offer encouragement to new developments so long as present facili- ties remain so largely in excess of the market requirements. In the last two or three years a small quantity of Spanish garnet has been imported into the United States for manufac- ture. This garnet is said to be obtained from river sands. It is cheaper than the domestic garnet, but on account of its uni- formly small size is useful only in a limited way. The imports for the year 1909 amounted to 536 short tons valued at $10,315. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I909 a7 The ports of entry are New York and Boston. The value of the garnet averaged $19.29 a short ton. In 1908 the imports amounted in value to $2095 and in 1907 to $6432. GRAPE, ‘The production of crystalline graphite in the Adirondack region made a good gain last year, but the increase was due to a more active campaign on the part of the principal enter- prise and not to any contribution by new mines. There were no important changes in the mining situation. The increase of output, which amounted to about 20 per cent as compared with the total returned for 1908, did not suffice, however, to bring up the production to the record of earlier years. Market con- ditions were favorable in spite of the general business de- pression; the best grades of flake graphite from the Adiron- dacks have always commanded prices above the average and these have shown recently a marked upward tendency. The American Mine of the Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. occu- Picd-was Weretotore, the leading place in the industry. For many years it has been the largest and most successful enter- prise of the kind in the country. Its position has been attained through experienced management and the perfection of its methods for the separation and refining of the graphite. It has had also the advantage of an unusually rich deposit for its type, combined with certain features which make the graphite more easily recoverable than is often the case. The quartzite that constitutes the matrix is practically free from other scaly minerals and the graphite flakes are of large size. Adjoining the American mine on the southwest, the property Gay. Kaxon of Chester, N. Y. has been explored recently with promising results. The same serics of quartzites, iimie- stones and gneisses are in evidence, though the graphite -le- posits appear to occupy a higher position than those of the mimencan mine, Lhat they are not a direct continuation of the latter is apparent from a field examination and is further indi- Gatca by slicht differences in their character, Phere are two beds of graphitic quartzite separated by garnetiferous gneiss. The upper or main bed measures from 6 to 14 feet thick; and the lower one about 4 or 5 feet. They are cut off at the southwest end by a diabase dike, near which they are also slightly thrown » by a transverse fault. The beds have been exposed along the 38. . .NEW YORK: STATE MUSEUM -- outcrop by test pits and explored on the dip by drilling so as. to prove their persistence over a large area. The average rock is fairly uniform in graphite which is of somewhat finer flake than that obtained from the American mine. It is planned to make mill tests during the current seascn; if they are favor- able the construction of a large plant and the active exploita- tion of the deposits may be anticipated. GYPSUM The gypsum industry which has advanced very rapidly in the last few years continued its progress during 1909. Though no new mines or quarries began active work within the period, increased operations on the part of the enterprises who recently entered the field, in the natural course of development, brought about a considerable gain of output. Trade conditions were still somewhat unsettled and from that standpoint the Shae was better than might have been expected. The output of crude gypsum amounted to 378,232 short tons, against 318,046 short tons in 1908, an increase for the year of 60,186 short tons or nearly 20 per cent. The production was reported as 323,323 tons in 1907; 262,486 tons in 1906 and 191,860 tons in 1905; so that it has almost doubled within the last five years. Of the quantity of crude rock that was mined or quarried in I909 about 70 per cent was converted into calcined plasters by the producing companies. Their reports showed a total of 209,223 tons of plaster of paris and wall plaster manufactured, with a value of $699,110. In 1908 the total was 160,930 tons valued at $574,757. The amount of gypsum ground for land plaster was 9468 tons valued at $109,283, against 5712 tons valued at $14,255 in the preceding year. The quantity sold in crude state for mixture in portland cement and for calcination in plaster mills outside the district was 126,606 tons valued at $189,- 208 against 95,146 tons valued at $171,747 in 1908. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 39 Production of gypsum 1908 1909 MATERIAL ———_----> Short tons Value Shert tons Value Total output, crude........ BE SUS AO Mee eee BS 1228 Wee ls SCLC) Crs is aa OS it4G | pupa 747 126 606 $189 208 Ground for land plaster..... (Sayfa 14 255 9 468 IQ 283 Wall plaster, etc..made..... 160 930 Bide as 7 209 223 699 I10 Mpa ete eee ee 8 8 P7OO a SO) lh caves fever. $907 601 The principal developments in the industry in recent years have centered about the western localities, and these now fur- nish most of the supply. Genesee county is the largest pro- ducer of crude gypsum, as well as of manufactured materials, like land plaster, plaster of paris and wall plasters. Its output of crude rock in 1909 amounted to 259,321 short tons. Monroe county which ranked as the second largest producer reported an output of 90,970 short tons. The rest of the gypsum came | from Onondaga, Cayuga and Erie counties. The following brief account of the gypsum resources of the State and their industrial development has been taken from a report, now in press, for the State Museum. NOTES ON TEE GYPSUM» DEPOSITS“ OF NEW. YORK Distribution of gypsum. The workable gypsum beds of New York are found in the Salina stage of the Upper Siluric or Ontaric system. There are two main areas of Salina strata, of which the larger is represented by a belt that extends with unbroken con- tinuity from Albany county through central and western New York to the Niagara river and thence into the province of Ontario. The Salina of this area is mainly a shale formation. The other elements are gypsum which occurs in the upper shale beds, rock salt near the middle of the section, and limestone which is present in the central and western parts as a thin capping to the shale and also occurs in bands of inconsiderable thickness within the shale itself. The sequence is here shown in order from the highest to the lowest member : 5 Bertie waterlime. An argillaceous magnesian limestone, pos- sessing hydraulic properties. Its thickness ranges from about 50 feet in Erie county to 10 feet or less in eastern “New York. Used for natural cement. 40 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 4 Camillus shale. Drab, gray, green and red shales with beds of gypsum and dolomite in the upper part. Smaller seams and veins of gypsum are found all through the shale. The total thick- ness reaches 300 feet in the central part of the State. | | 3 Syracuse salt. An assemblage of alternating beds of rock salt and shale, not definitely delimited with regard to the Camillus and Vernon shales. The presence of rock salt is the only criterion for its recognition. The salt beds have not been found east of Madison -county and they occur only under a thick covering where they have been protected from solution. | 2 Vernon shale. A prominent member of the Salina in the sec- tion west from Herkimer county. Has a thickness of 500 feet in Onondaga county. It is distinguished by a bright red color except in the western part where it is banded with gray and green shales and becomes less conspicuous. 1 Pittsford shale. A local phase of the Salina, notable only for its Eurypterid fauna. The type locality is near Rochester. The second area of Salina strata is in southeastern New York and consists of two belts, one of which follows the Shawangunk mountain uplift and the other the parallel Skunnemunk uplift. The principal members are conglomerate, shale and sandstone. No gypsum has been found in this region and in view of the fact that the strata here were accumulated in a separate basin, entirely inde- pendent of the other, its presence may be regarded as very uncertain. General features of the deposits. The gypsum as a rule forms regularly stratified beds which are made up of layers varying from a few inches to 4 feet or so thick. The beds are not, of course, continuous throughout the Salina belt, but have the shape of elon- gated lenses which follow each other along the strike and dip with intervals in which they may be absent or of greatly diminished size. The workable deposits are thus segregated into more or less well defined areas. When exposed in natural outcrop the beds are apt to show irregularities due to solution of the gypsum by ground waters; in this way the entire removal of the gypsum seems to have resulted in some places where it was only thinly covered by shale or limestone. ) The main deposits lie within the upper part of the Camillus shales and as the whole formation has a slight southerly dip (about 1 foot in 100), their line of outcrop is near the southern border of the Salina belt as traced on the map. A useful indicator in the field is the Bertie waterlime which is more resistant to weathering than the shales and which can often be located by the character of the topography. The gypsum usually occurs within a few feet of the base of the waterlime. The deposits exhibit a considerable variation of character in dif- ferent parts of the belt. In Madison county, on the eastern end, they consist of a loose friable mixture of gypsum crystals (selenite) and clay, and have originated seemingly by solution and recrystal- lization of former beds or disseminated gypsum. These deposits THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9Q0Q 4I are not well stratified but form pockets and larger masses of len- ticular and irregular shape of perhaps a few hundreds of feet in area. In exposure the clear gypsum, freed from the admixed clay, lends a semblance of purity to the deposits which is very decep- tive; the actual gypsum content is usually less than 75 per cent. The deposits are worked only as a source of material for land plaster. | The deposits that are worked in Onondaga county and in the counties to the west, belong to the usual! stratified type and are more homogeneous than those first described. They are made up of finely divided gypsum fibers or minute crystals forming a felted mass in which the impurities are evenly distributed. The color of the gypsum varies from gray or drab to nearly white. The maximum development of the gypsum is reached in Onon- daga county where there is a single bed 60 feet thick consisting of a number of individual layers which vary somewhat in appearance and color, though they are quite uniform in regard to gypsum content. This bed is exposed in the townships of Dewitt and Manlius, east of Syracuse, where it is quarried for land plaster, for admixture with portland cement, etc. In western Onondaga county, the gypsum. as seen in outcrop has a thickness of 15 or 20 feet. Near Union Springs, Cayuga co., a deposit from 20 to 30 feet thick is worked. The Salina belt crosses Seneca, Wayne and Ontario counties and deposits of workable dimensions are found at frequent inter- vals. No production has been made from this section in recent years, though some of the gypsum, notably in Ontario county, is of very good quality. In the town of Victor, two beds, 8 feet and 6 feet thick, have been found by drilling and the drill cores indicated a close resemblance to the gypsum at Garbutt, Oakfield and Akron farther west. The deposits are encountered in the town of Wheatland, Mon- roe co. and are there mined on an extensive scale for the manu- facture of calcined plasters and for other purposes. Two beds are generally present, separated by 6 feet or more of limestone. The upper bed measuring from 5 to 8 feet thick is mainly worked though the lower bed is of equal size and purity. The area at present developed covers about 3 square miles. Another important locality is in the town of Oakfield, Genesee co., where a light-colored rock 4 feet or more thick 1s extensively mined and employed in calcined plaster manufacture. The plaster works near Oakfield Station are the largest in the State. In Erie county, the whole middle of which is crossed by the Salina belt, mines have been recently opened near Akron, 20 miles east of Buffalo. The bed is 4-5 feet thick, light-colored and well adapted for calcination. It is probable that gypsum occurs also in the interval between Akron and Buffalo, though no records of its discovery have been made known. A series of test wells put 42 - NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM down by the Buffalo Cement Co., at Buffalo several years ago showed two beds of white gypsum each 4 feet. thick. The upper bed was encountered at 43 feet from the surface and the lower one at-62 feet, with a 2 foot bed at 49 feet. An attempt to ex- plore the upper bed by a vertical shaft was relinquished after meet- ing a heavy flow of water and nothing has been done since toward the development of the deposits. Chemical composition of the gypsum. Analyses of average samples of the deposits from different localities recently made for the State Museum, indicate that the gypsum content ranges between the general limits of 64 or 65 per cent and 95 per cent. The qual- ity seems to improve toward the west. The impurities are mainly clay, lime and magnesia carbonates and quartz. ! 2 3 4 5 HO cree! cei Pa tguee ze te act 40 2.03 4.00 8.31 POs. 2's Aneeaket Pees 1.10 2.07 L202 1 7a 4.53 EVO eS 2) Ta. mere nO, 77 1.10 v.44 I 34 CORE. SINT ee ae ee 30.62 §' 30:76. 20.27 - 207305 2imRe DEO TROND Ae an 1. 20 L.53 8.29 2.81 720 DO cn tee - 43:50 43.78. 33.83.. 35.70 9 eee GO Sena ATI a Ayn Tao2 ZOO ska 6.38 9.50 PIO ek. Fe ae ey ce 20.52) 17.53 - 14:87 - 17703 eee | | | | | 99.44." 100.54. 100.23’ 90-127 ai aaee Gypsum calculated.. : 93.74 94:26 . 72.84 \77-0G)@Gem 1 Akron, Erie co. 2 Oakfield, Genesee co. 3 Garbutt, Monroe co. 4-5 Lyndon, Onondaga co. Analyses are by George E. Will- comb. Methods of extraction. The gypsum beds of the eastern section are worked by quarry methods. The smaller pocket deposits have been exploited only in a desultory manner, their yield from year to year depending upon the local market for land plaster. More systematic operations are carried on in connection with the rock gypsum of Onondaga and Cayuga counties. The beds are exposed along the edges of hills with a variable covering of limestone and drift which is stripped off or allowed to fall into the excavation as the gypsum is removed from the face. The gypsum is broken down by drilling and blasting. Power drills of the percussion type and hand drills are both employed. As the quarry advances into the hill an increasing overburden is encountered and in the course of time may become a serious obstacle to the continuation of open quarry work. Operations are then either transferred to a new locality or changed to underground mining. In the section west of Cayuga county the gypsum is worked underground, by means of an adit where the bed approaches close to the surface, otherwise by a. vertical shaft. This method has THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9QOQ 43 also been introduced recently in some of the Onondaga quarries. The main adit entries which serve for haulage are driven from 5 to 8 feet high and from 6 to to feet wide. The larger dimensions refer to the mines near Jamesville where the gypsum is excavated in large rooms and removed by 2-horse wagons that are loaded directly at the quarry face. When the beds are only 5 feet or so. thick the rock is hauled out on mine cars attached to a cable. Whe size of the rooms ranges up to 30 feet square. The overly- ing limestone makes a firm roof and little artificial support in the way of timbering or packing is required. The mines at Akron, Oakfield and Garbutt are entered by vertical shafts from 50 to 70 feet deep or by adits. The underground work- ings follcw the pillar and room system but are more regularly planned than those of the adit mines. The mines are often electrically lnghted, ventilated by forced draft and when necessary are drained by pumps which raise the water from a sump at the shaft bottom. Gas, electricity and steam are used for power purposes, the former being supplied from the natural gas belt of Erie co. Electric locomotives are in use for underground haulage, but in most mines the cars are pushed by hand or drawn by mules. The gypsum is drilled for blasting by either auger or percussion drills. For hoisting from the shafts, a bucket elevator is employed at one mine, while at the others single and balanced platform hoists are generally used. Most of the mines are connected with the milling plants by narrow gage railways. Manufacture of gypsum plasters. considerable depth below the point reached in the mine workings. Between the depths of 960 and 990 feet the rock was heavily charged with magnetite, but little ore was found. Cheever mine. This, the oldest of the iron mines in the Port Henry district, has assumed new life after lying idle for many Heats lite Ownership of the property, formerly held by O. 5S. Presbrey, who was instrumental in restoring it to activity, has 1Kemp & Ruedemann. Geology of the Elizabethtown and Port Henry (Muadrangles. N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 138. 1910. p. 106 et’seq. 48 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM been taken over by the Bethlehem Steel Co. and Witherbee, Sherman & Co., under the title of the Cheever Iron Ore Co. Many improvements to the mining and milling plants are now in progress. | The Weldon and French shafts on the south end are the principal openings through which the exploration of the old workings has been conducted. These shafts have been retim- bered and inclosed and are once mtre in operation. They afford access to sOme promising territory. A good ore body has already been found on the north side of the Weldon, in the interval between that mine and the northern workings. This body suppliés most of the output at present. It averages 8 or Q feet thick and is of good grade. There is a possibility of dis- covering similar deposits under the valley to the south of the Weldon mine, as indicated by recent magnetic surveys. The northern workings also will be explored for ore that may have been left from previous operations. An important improvement which is now being carried out is the change from steam to electric power for driving the mill and air compressors and for hoisting the ore. The necessary electric current is to be supplied by the Port Henry Stattom Under the new system both shafts will be operated from a central hoisting station. The compressed air service will be enlarged to provide for about double the former drill capacity. The mill is equipped for handling 500 tons of crude ore a day. From the shafts the ore is carried by a gravity system to the receiving bin whence it passes through coarse crushers preliminary to the first separation. This is performed by a magnetic cobbing machine. The remainder is then recrushed by rolls and is run through the usual drum and belt machines, with a further crushing between the separations. A gravity tramway connects the mines with the railroad at the lakeside, a few hundred feet to the east, where the concen- trates are loaded onto cars for shipment. Salisbury mine. The first shipments of concentrates from this mine, near Salisbury Center, Hlerkimer co, vere madeuwm tg09. The new mill was not completed, however, until late in the year, so that actual productive operations were limited to a short périod. In the equipment ot the nme sande sant ide Salisbury Steel & Irom, Co; has adopted Mime most imede machinery suited for the conditions, and the results obtained _THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 4Q ia-the short run last year were reported to have been very satisfactory. A feature, novel to the Adirondack region, is the use of producer gas which is supplied by the company’s plant; gas engines of 750 horsepower are installed and their power is transmitted to the mine and mill by electric current. The company operates its own branch railroad which connects with the New York Central lines at Dolgeville. Lake Sanford. The development of the titaniferous deposits of this locality has been continued during the past year. San- ford hill has been largely cleared off and the ore exposed in several places. A few thousand tons of the ore were taken out and hauled by wagon. to North Creek to be shipped for experi- mental purposes. Exploration with the diamond drill has been chiefly directed during the year to the Cheney deposits which lie to the west of Lake Sanford. The ore here occurs in gabbro and is mostly a fine grained mixture of magnetite and silicates; though in places it has a coarser texture like the usual grade of Sanford ore. 3 .« Sufficient work has been done to insure a large ore supply when mining is once started. Prominent metallurgists have expressed confidence that the magnetite can be reduced suc- cessfully in the blast furnace, at least when used in mixture with other ores, and offers have already been made for a large tonnage. Active operations can not be undertaken, however, until a railroad is constructed to the mines. The natural out- let, which is by the way of the Hudson river valley to North Creek, unfortunately seems to be blocked by the necessity of crossing State lands. The other alternative, to run the line east to some point on Lake Champlain, means the laying of from 50 to 60 miles of track over a rough country, whereas the distance to North Creek is only about 30 miles. It is hoped that a satisfactory solution of the difficulty may be reached, for the opening of the mines would give a great impetus to the iron ore industry of the State. Clinton hematites. The production of ore along the Clinton belt was larger last year than in 1908, and it will probably show aeginiuner gain durine the current year, In Wayne county the Ontario Iron Ore Co. started operations and the Wayne Iron Ore Co. made preparations for an active mining campaign at the opening of the present season. The Furnaceville Iron Co. contributed about the usual output from this region. At Clir- 50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ton, Oneida co., C. A. Borst has been the only active producer in the last few years. | Dutchess county limonites. According to current reports in the press, plans are under consideration for the reopening of the Kelly mine in the Salisbury limonite district. The Kelly Iron Ore Corporation is said to have taken a lease of this prop- erty which is situated in the town of Northeast near the Con-. necticut State line. The mine was last worked in 1888 as an open cut, but if the present plans are made effective it will be exploited hereafter by underground methods. It has convenient shipment facilities over both the New York Central and the New York, New Haven and Hartford lines. It has also been reported that the Dover mine is under lease for the purpose of operation. This mine is situated in the town of Dover and at one time supplied ore to the Dover furnace. The production of limonite in this region was once of con-— siderable importance. After the year 1885, when the Lake Superior shipments began to develop rapidly, the output stead- ily diminished and one mine after another suspended work. The only mine which has been operated in recent years is the Amenia which was closed down in 1906. The prices of ore have since advanced to such an extent that the operation of the mines is again receiving consideration. MILLSTONES The production of millstones, although much smaller than formerly, is still an important industry in certain sections of Ulster county. This area furnishes nearly all of the millstones produced in the United States, the other producing states being Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina. In addition to the domestic supply a large number of millstones and buhrstones are annually imported from France and other European countries. | | The New York stone is known as Esopus stone, a name de- rived from a former name for Kingston, which was an impor- tant shipping point. It is a firm white conglomerate varying in fineness from that of a coarse sandstone to a coarse conglom- erate with some pebbles 2 inches in diameter. It is compcsed of partially rounded whitish quartz pebbles in a silicious matrix. The stone is obtained from certain beds of Shawangunk grit, a rock lying unconformably upon the Hudson river shales and THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 51 ‘formerly correlated with the Oneida conglomerate, but now known to lie in the horizon of the Salina. Its thickness varies from 50 to 200 feet. The quarrying operations are taied on along the northern border of the Shawangunk mountains, in Rochester and Wawar- sing townships, Ulster co., mainly along the line of the New York, Ontario and Western Railroad at Wawarsing, Kerhonk- ‘son, Accord, Kyserike, Granite, St Josen and Alligerville, while New Paltz and Kingston also are shipping points. Quarrying is carried on with but a small equipment, the stone being worked out by hand bars, wedges and sometimes with the use of powder. It is dressed by hand at the quarry into millstones and chasers. The millstones are dressed into stones varying in diameter from 15 inches to 54 inches or even larger and are used for the grinding of paint, grain, cement, gypsum etc. The chasers are stones dressed to run on edge on a plat- form of blocks of the same material, and are used in grinding heavier material such as quartz, feldspar, barite etc. Depending largely on their weight for crushing the fragments, they are of large size varying usually in diameter from 54 to 72 inches. The production of millstones has decreased very much in recent years owing to the introduction of roller mills in flour making, and ball mills, emery stones and other improved grind- ing machinery in other industries. The demand for millstones is now largely from corn-grinding mills in the south and from gypsum and plaster mills, while chasers are still used in quartz, feldspar and barite mills. The value of the production of millstones and chasers and rough blocks used for paving chasers amounted last year to $19,247 as compared with a value of $18,341 in 1908. The sell- ing prices of millstones in 1909 ranged from $3 to $4 for a 16 inch stone up to $60 for a 72 inch stone. Chasers in sizes from 54 to 72 inches sold at prices ranging from $30 to $70 each. MINERAL PAINT Under this title are included the natural mineral colors which require nothing more than washing or grinding in their prepa- ration for the market. The raw materials found in the State that have been used for the purposes are iron ore, ocher, shale and slate. New York is also one of the leading producers of artificial pigments, specialiy those made from lead, but the crude materials are mostly derived from without the State. 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The Clinton hematite affords an excellent base for the manu- facture of metallic paint and mortar color. The beds with a relatively high iron content are employed, as they possess the softness and uniformity of texture, as well as depth of color, which are generally sought for. The mines owned by C. A. Borst at Clinton, Oneida co. and those of the Furnaceville Iron Co. at Ontario, Wayne co. supply most of the ore for paint. The hematite from the former locality belongs to the odlitic variety and that sold to paint manufacturers carries about 45 per cent iron. The ore in Wayne county is of fossil character carrying about 40 per cent iron. The red hematite from St Lawrence county is also used for metallic paint. The manufacturers of metallic paint and mortar colors in New York State include the Clinton Metallic Paint Co. of Clinton, the William Connors Paint Manufacturing Co. of Troy, and the Rossie Iron Ore Paint Co. of Ogdensburg. A considerable quantity of the Clinton hematite is shipped to points outside of the State for manufacture. Both shale and slate are ground for mineral paint, their color depending largely upon the amount and character of the iron oxids present. When there is a large proportion of ferric oxid the shale and slate may be sold as metallic paint. At Randolph, Cattaraugus co. beds of green, brown and bluish shale occur- ring in the Chemung formation have been worked by the Elko Paint Co. In yeers past red shale from the base of the Salina formation has been obtained in Herkimer county for paint. A similar material occurring in the Catskill series has been worked at Roxbury, Delaware co. The red slate of Washing- ton county, which belongs to the Cambric, is also ground for paint. The Algonquin Red Slate Co. of Worcester, Mass. and A. J. Hurd of Eagle Bridge, are producers of this material. A product known as mineral black has been made from the slates found in the Hudson River series. Certain beds contain considerable carbon in a finely divided almost graphitic condi- tion which gives them a dense black color. The ferruginous clay called ocher is of common occurrence, but is not now worked in the State. Sienna, a deep brown variety of ocher, is found near Whitehall. The production of mineral paints in 1909 was as follows: metallic paint and mortar color 6560 short tons valued at $65,600; slate pigment 1155 short tons valued at $9130. In 1908 THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 re the following quantities were reported: metallic paint and ‘mortar color 5750 short tons valued at $54,500; slate pigment g22 short tons valued at $7376. These quantities represent only the pigments manufactured within the State from local mate- rials. In addition a large quantity of Clinton ore is shipped to other states each year for manufacture. MINERAL WATERS New York has held for a long time a leading position among the states in the utilization of mineral waters. The different springs, of which over 200 have been listed as productive at one time or another, yield a great variety of waters in respect to the character and amount of their dissolved solids. There are some that contain relatively large amounts of mineral ingre- dients and are specially valuable for medicinal purposes; Sata: toga Springs, Ballston Springs, Richfield Springs, Sharon Springs and Lebanon Springs are among the more noted locali- ties for such waters. Numerous other springs are more particu- larly adapted for table use, containing only sufficient mineral matter perhaps to give them a pleasantly saline taste. Both kinds of waters are generally carbonated and sold in small bottles. Of late there has developed an important business in the sale of spring waters which can hardly be classed as mineral in the common acceptance of the word, but which are extensively. consumed for office and family use in the larger towns and cities. Their employment depends upon their freedom from harmful impurities, in which feature they are generally superior to the local supplies. In so far as such waters are an article of commerce they may well be included in a canvass of the min- eral water industry. They are distributed usually in large bottles or carboys in noncarbonated condition. Character of mineral waters. Among ihe spring waters ‘that contain mineral ingredients in appreciable quantity those char- acterized by the presence of alkalis and alkaline earths are the most abundant in the State. The dissolved bases may exist in association with chlorin and carbon: dioxid, as is the case with the springs of Saratoga county, or they may be associated chiefly with sulfuric acid as illustrated by the Sharon and Clifton Springs. 54 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ~— The mineral waters of Saratoga Springs and Ballston are found along fractured zones in Lower Siluric strata, the reser- ‘voirs occurring usually in the Trenton limestone: They are accompanied by free carbon dioxid, which together with chlorin, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, exists also in dis- solved condition. The amount of solid constituents in the differ- ent waters varies from less than I00 to over 500 grains per gallon. Large quantities of table and medicinal waters are bottled at the springs for shipment to al! parts of the country. The carbon dioxid which issues from the wells at Saratoga is likewise an important article of commerce. The waters at Richfield Springs contain the elements of the alkali and alkaline earth groups together with sulfuric acid and smaller amounts of chlorin, carbon dioxid and sulfureted hydro- gen. They are employed for medicinal baths as well as for drinking purposes. The springs issue along the contact of Siluric limestone and Devonic shales. Sharon Springs is sit- uated to the east of Richfield Springs and near the contact of the Lower and Upper Siluric. Clifton Springs, Ontario co. and . Massena Springs, St Lawrence co. are among the localities where sulfureted waters occur and are utilized. The Oak Orchard springs in the town of Byron, Genesee co. are noteworthy for their acid waters which contain a consider- able proportion cf aluminum, iron calcium and magnesium, besides free sulfuric acid. The Lebanon spring, Columbia co. is the single representa- tive in the State of the class of thermal springs. It has a tem- perature of 75° F. and is slightly charged with carbon dioxid and nitrogen. Ordinary spring waters. The greater quantity of spring waters consumed in the State belongs to the nonmedicinal, non- carbonated class, represented by such springs as the Great Bear, Deep Rock, Mount View, Sun Ray, Chemung etc. The waters are obtained either from flowing springs or from artesian wells and are shipped in carboys or in tank cars to the prin- cipal cities where they are bottled and distributed by wagons among the consumers. The essential feature of such waters is their freedom from noxious impurities. This is generally safe- guarded by the care exercised in the handling of the waters which are also regularly examined in chemical and bacteriolog- ical laboratories. ; » THE MINING AND QUARRY. INDUSTRY 1909 55 Carbon dioxid. Besides the sale of mineral waters, an ex- tensive industry has been developed in the State in connection with carbon dioxid which is given off by some of the springs. The collection, storage and shipment of the gas for use in making carbonated beverages and for other purposes have re- ceived attention at Saratoga Springs, where the industry has become of greater importance even, as regards the value of the output, than the trade in the mineral waters themselves. Over 30 wells have been driven in that vicinity for gas alone. The carbon dioxid is pumped to the surface together with the water, separated from the latter at the well and then conveyed to gas holders, similar to those used by municipal gas plants, where _ it is stored preparatory to charging into cylinders. The cylin- ders are made to withstand the heavy pressure necessary to liquefy the gas and are of two sizes, the smaller holding about 25 pounds and the larger from 40 to’50 pounds. The principal producers are the New York Carbonic Acid Gas Co., the Lincoln Spring Co. and the Natural Carbonic Gas Co. The gas is said to be superior to that produced by the calcination of magnesite or other artificial methods. List of springs. The following lst includes the names and localities of most of the springs in the State that are employed commercially, as shown by a-canvass of the industry: NAME LOCALITY Baldwin Mineral Spring © Cayuga, Cayuga co. Coyle & Caywood Weedsport, Cayuga co. ‘Diamond Rock Spring Cherry Creek, Chautauqua co. Mrs D. N. Palmer | West Portland, Chautauqua co. Breesport Oxygenated Mineral Spring Breesport, Chemung co. Chemung Valley Spring — Elmira, Chemung co. Chemung Spring. ~ Chemung, Chemung co. Lebanon Mineral Spring Lebanon, Columbia co. Monarch Spring Matteawan, Dutchess co. Mt Beacon Spring Matteawan, Dutchess co. Mount View Spring Poughkeepsie, Dutchess co. Ayers Amherst Mineral Spring ' Wilhamsville, Erie co. Beauty Spring Water Co. __,Lyons Falls, Lewis co. Cold Spring ‘New York Mills, Oneida co. Glacier Spring ; Franklin Springs, Oneida co. Lithia Polaris Spring Boonville, Oneida co. G. Wells Smith Franklin Springs, Oneida co. W. W. Warner Franklin Springs, Oneida co. Geneva Lithia Spring _ Geneva, Ontario co. Red Cross Spring Geneva, Ontario co. Crystal Spring Oswego, Oswego co. Deep Rock Spring Oswego, Oswego co.., Great Bear Spring . Fulton, Oswego co. J. Hagerty Oswego, Oswego co. Os-we-go Spring Oswego, Oswego co. 56- NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM NAME LOCALITY Oswego, Oswego co. North Greenbush, Rensselaer co East Greenbush, Rensselaer co. Massena Springs, St Lawrence co. Redstone Spring Mammoth Spring Shell Rock Spring Massena Mineral Spring Arondack Spring Artesian Lithia Spring Chief Spring Congress Spring Geyser Spring - Hathorn Spring Hides Franklin Spring High Rock Spring C. N. Mead Patterson Mineral Spring Royal Spring Saratoga Seltzer Spring Saratoga Carlsbad Spring Saratoga Emperor Spring Star Spring Washington Lithia Spring Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Ballston Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Ballston Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Ballston Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Saratoga Springs, Saratoga co. Chalybeate Spring Eye Water Spring Gardner White Sulphur Spring . Magnesia Spring Red Jacket Spring H. W. Knight Pleasant Valley Mineral Spring Setauket Spring Sparko Crystal Spring Elixir Spring Sun Ray Spring Vita Spring Briarcliff Table Water Gramatan Spring Water Co. Putnam Spring Water Co. Sharon Springs, Schoharie co. Sharon Springs, Schoharie co. Sharon Springs, Schoharie co. Sharon Springs, Schoharie co. Seneca Falls, Seneca co. Seneca Falls, Seneca co. Rheims, Steuben co. Setauket, Suffolk co. Huntington, Suffolk co. Clintondale, Ulster co. Ellenville, Ulster co. Fort Edward, Washington co. Briarcliff Manor, Westchester co. Bronxville, Westchester co. Peekskill, Westchester co. Production. The canvass of the mineral springs for 1909 showed sales of 9,019,490 gallons with a reported value of $857,- 342. .In the preceding year the sales amounted to 8,007,092 gallons valued at $877,648. The number of springs reporting a production in each year was 48. The value of the waters is estimated at the spring localities and does not include the cost of bottling. No account is made of the waters used in hotels, sanatoriums etc., run in connection with the springs, though this is an important branch of the business in some places. The above statistics should be considered only as approxima- tions; the actual sales of waters doubtless exceed the reported quantities, since it is very difficult to obtain returns of all the trade. Some of the smaller producers keep no records of their business, and new springs, or ‘those once abandoned, are con- stantly being utilized which may escape notice. The value of the annual sales of mineral waters very likely amounts to as much as $1,000,000. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY IQOQ By The recovery of carbon dioxid from the wells at Saratoga Springs is the basis of an important industry that is carried on independently of the mineral water trade. The production of gas in recent years has averaged about 5,000,000 pounds valued approximately at $300,000. The gas is separated from the water at the well mouth and stored in tanks from which it is charged into cylinders under high pressure for shipment. The producers of gas include the Natural Carbonic Gas Co., New York Car- bonic Gas Co., Lincoln Spring Co. and Geysers Natural Car- bonic Gas Co. Saratoga Springs. The need for conserving the mineral water supply at Saratoga has been brought to public attention recently, and the first steps to that end were taken last year through legislative enactment. It is aimed to place the spring properties under State supervision or control as a means of insuring against wasteful and injurious use on the part of pri- vate enterprise. A commission was appointed to investigate the situation at Saratoga and to take such action as might con- duce to the restoration of the flow of the springs to their former strength and the maintenance of the future supply. The im- portance of adopting some plan for regulating the use of these valuable waters can scarcely be questioned, since it is well known that they are liable to déterioration and exhaustion in much the same way as other natural rescurces. Governmental control or ownership of mineral springs is a policy that has long been pursued by European states, with beneficial results. NATURAL (GAS The productive gas fields of the State are distributed among 15 counties, of which Erie, Chautauqua and Allegany are the leading ones. The fields outside of the counties mentioned ar¢ scattered over the western section from Lake Ontario south to the Pennsylvania boundary. The most easterly localities where gas has been found in quantity are in Oswego county. Many wells have been drilled at different places in the eastern part of the State, particularly in the region south of the Mohawk river, but the exploration has been uniformly unsuccessful so far as locating any valuable pools. According to the returns received for the year 1909, there were about 1250 wells in the State, the output of which was consumed for fuel and lighting purposes. No account -was 58 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM — taken of the wells that supplied gas for pumping operations in the oil districts. The number of individual producers was about 200, most of whom, however, made only a small output from one or two wells for their own supply. Aside from these minor enterprises, the industry was in the control of about 40 com- panies who distributed the gas for public-use. The surplus gas from the oil wells of Cattaraugus, Allegany and Steuben counties is collected mainly by the Empire Gas & Fuel Co., of Wellsville; the Producers Gas Co. of Olean and the United Natural Gas Co. of Oil City, Pa. The product is carmed in pipe lines to Buffalo and other towns in the western part of the State. Buffalo is also supplied from the important fields in the eastern townships of Erie county, but elsewhere the supply is consumed mainly in the towns and villages that lie in prox- imity to the wells. The quantity of gas produced in I909 was approximately 3,825,215,000 cubic feet. To arrive at this total it was necessary to make estimates for some of the smaller producers who had no meters attached to their mains; but the proportion of the output involved in such estimates was inconsiderable. The re- ported value of the production was $1,045,693. This output of the wells was a little less than in 1908 when a total of 3,860,- 000,000 cubic feet was reported; but was larger than that for any year previous to 1908. Owing to a slight increase of prices —the average throughout the State having been 27 cents a thousand against 26 cents a thousand in 1908—the value of the output was the largest on record. The value of the production of natural gas during the past four years is shown in the accompanying table which 1s ar- ranged to show also the contributions of the principal counties so far as practicable. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9QOQ ‘59 Production of natural gas | - COUNTY 1906 1907 1908 1909 .. Allegany-Cattaraugus...... $247 208 | $250 159 | $264 736 $282 964 Whamaaudiia s,s OAT BAS 106 411 153 O19 BAS OF [0 5 6) rr re BT 7 Sioa 220) OO 451 869 AOn 521 LANG'S C0) eae 52 805 Siem cio) 54 083 59-888 Meme sea We.) 6 ts. 16 385 L7nOsO ne O37 “12) 3 10 OSE ae fn 13,182 TO") Gos 12 800 14 402 ofan i026 25 100 °39 850 B7eAgt 40 OOI PREM co c0 slo els ee ss $756 579 | $800 014 | $987 775 |$1 045 693 a Includes a part of the production of Genesee county. b Includes also Seneca, Schuyler, Steuben, Ontario and Yates. ¢ Includes also Niagara and Genesee. The record for the year shows less activity in the drilling of wells than usual, due perhaps to the unfavorable financial situa- tion. The increment from new sources was insufficient to bal- ance the natural decline in the output of the old wells, which has not occurred before in many years. | Among the notable developments of the year was the drilling of a deep well in northern Cattaraugus county which was re- ported to have encountered a pool in the Medina sandstone at a depth of 3300 feet. A 40 foot bed of rock salt was also pene- trated. The well was located on the Sanders farm between Gowanda and Cattaraugus. | The South Shore Gas Co. completed a very successful well on the Griswold farm, near Forestville, Chautauqua co. The company has 32 wells, principally in the vicinity of Silver Creek and Dunkirk. The Frost Gas Co. added to its supply which is _ obtained from the towns of Sheridan and Pomfret. A new well in West Sheridan was reported to have shown a flow of 100,000 cubic feet a day. A discovery of gas was made near Swain, in northeastern Allegany county, at a depth of 300 feet. The Burns Oil & Gas Co. put down a test well near Canaseraga which encountered a bed of rock salt at 3100 feet, but no gas in quantity. The Allen-Salem Oil Co. completed a well on the Walker farm, 3 miles from Canisteo, Steuben co. Gas was found at a depth of 740 feet. There was little change in the production of Erie county last year. The contribution from the fields, which are principally 60 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM in the eastern and southern parts, amounted to about 1,500,- 000,000 cubic feet or approximately 4o per cent of the total for the State. The wells in the eastern section are much the more important. They are largely controlled by the Akron Natural Gas Co., Alden-Batavia Natural Gas Co., Lancaster-Depew Nat- ural Gas Co., Niagara Light, Heat & Power Co., and the United Natural Gas Co. In the southern part of the county the Spring- ville Natural Gas Co. is the principal producer. : The Pavilion field of Genesee county, the most successful one that has recently been discovered in the State, made a good record in 1909. In all about 20 producing wells have been put down by the Pavilion and Alden-Batavia companies. PETROLEUM The oil district in the southwestern part of the State con- tinues to afford a fairly large yield, though of course it has long since passed the high mark of productivity. The pools of Cat- taraugus county were first tapped in 1865 and those in Allegany county about 1878, since which times they have been actively exploited. Many of the original wells that were drilled over 25 years ago still give a profitable return for pumping. No im- portant discoveries have been reported in recent years, yet by redrilling of territory once abandoned as worthless and by grad- ually extending the bounds of the known pools the natural decline has been so checked that a long career of activity may be confidently expected for the future. The productive area in Cattaraugus county is situated prin- cipally in Olean, Aliegany and Carrolton townships, embracing about 40 square miles. The oil 1s found at depths ranging from 600 to 1800 feet. The larger pools are the Ricebrook, Chip- munk, Allegany- and Flatstone. They cccur in the Chemung formation of the Upper Devonic. | In Allegany county are the Bolivar, Richburg, Andover and Wirt pools which extend across the southern townships and are tapped by wells averaging from 1400 to 1800 feet deep. The Andover pool lies partly in the town of West Union, Steuben co, A recent estimate placed the number of productive wells in Allegany county at 6000. The discovery of a new pool in northern Allegany county a few years ago aroused unusual interest in that it indicated a much wider range of the oil-bearing strata than had previously THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 61 been thought possible. The locality is in the town of Granger, on the Livingston county border. About 30 wells were put down, some of which flowed at first under natural pressure. They soon gave out, however, and the entire yield amounted to less than 3000 barrels. During the past vear the exploration of another section in the northern part of the county was started by the drilling of a well near Swain, Grove township. The first well was put down on the Fred Bennet farm; a heavy pressure of gas was encountered at 700 feet and a How of oil at 740 feet. A second well 400 feet from the first was immediately drilled to the same depth but proved to be dry. The value of the discov- ery can not be determined until further tests are made. A test well at Canaseraga in the town of Burns, Allegany co., was drilled to a depth of 3200 feet. The record as reported in the Petroleum Gazette (July 1909) gave the occurrence of a small quantity of oil and gas at 275 feet in gray sand. Another streak of gas sand was struck at 400 feet. At 975 feet the drill tapped a 12-foot seam of chocolate sand with a light. showing of oil and gas. From 975 feet to 2650 feet the strata were chiefly black and brown shales. At 2650 feet the drill entered limestone which was very hard and may have been the Onondaga; at least it was not the Niagara limestone as stated in the record. At 3050 feet the drill passed through 65 feet of clean unbroken salt. A blue shale was found at 3115 feet which continued to the bottom of the well at 3200 feet. , The production of petroleum in 1909 amounted to 1,160,402 barrels, or almost the same as in 1908 when it was 1,160,128 barrels. The value of the output was a little lower than in the preceding year due to a drop in the prices which fell off from $1.78 a barrel in the early months to $1.43 a barrel in December. The accompanying table gives the production and its value for each year since 1891. The statistics for 1904 and subsequent years have been compiled from pipe line receipts reported to this office by the companies who handle the output. The earlier statistics are taken from the volumes of the Mineral Resources. The following companies have pipe lines in the district: The Allegany Pipe Line Co., Columbia Pipe Line Co., Union Pipe Line Co., and Fords Brook Pipe Line Co., all of Wellsville; Vacuum Oil Co. of Rochester; New York Transit Co. of Olean; Emery Pipe Line Co., Kendall Refining eee and Tide Water Pipe Co., Limited, of Bradford, Pa. 62 , NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM a Production of petroleum in New York YEAR BARRELS VALUE PEGE on ods kh oie eae ict wae eee ele geet ae ea A $1 061 970 EBQ2. sa iS Bid Sivas mpage tee we eee Bat ein eae eee me 1 272 eae 7O8, 207 ESO3 soo SAG ORS he PRR ela eed ks let eee os, Oe eee I.OZL 208 660 000 EQOA: wx sie pilah ke hte ys Ae Wiakeh ea o: ois rele ier pie mie Nee Se aT 9042 431 790 464 TSO5 us phee ek babies seh oe ie ee ect aes ogo eee ent eae 912 948 I 240 468 EBQO: eS cde Re oe oyete & Sema, ale Bray clear eee eet I -205>226 I 420 653 TBO sine Sach sree mati: eee cm Ras eee Eo miter eae RR eae ee rt 29900055 I 005,736 TOOQG.. sis peste se © las lese a be ee eee le ete tree en I 205 250 r 098 284 LO OG n. 3s Scale whe ore Pe ee atta ta URE = Me Ot eee en I 320 909 I 708 926 EQDO 5) p edn och es Ma wncene ye baie neice seek Mee eae ee I 300 925 I 759: 501 EQ OME crys estat gerwte ea wise itera ha ates beast oleate hits eee ae 1 206 618 I 460 008 EQOM TE a clouds je, Sere an orem eon kts heme ree eee Sree z° 119 (739 r 530: 852 BOI 2s ws www he Sete ie ates pte a eeloe ec aepake me enue z 162.978 t 849 135 0 10 Vs Wee Fe Pt RE rs tts oe cena ee a nip yas Fac Se i036! 570 I 7oo 77o BSG ins iin. ase Searle ee ta eas moan 5 ree wet actos et ede 949 5II r 566 931 TOGO: one Spd 2 Sie eee tome Ronee a ieae kee ce ete att I 043 088 I 720.505 BQOG s sidyd sila wom eae whence mien ewe a ie wacea nga ta etna ane act TOS 2 ee rT Foot ees LQOS ->: Cwinggiciress ae, Chine lk Gael Ue ants ae eenae 1.160 128 2 OF 7eeR EQOD whore tebe sien, © slim sine oS ere a Sve eta eta: sae ea ele 1 160 402 I.914 663 a The statistics for the years 1891-1903 inclusive are taken from the annual volumes of the Mineral Resources. The records of new wells as compiled and published by the Oil City Derrick show that a total of 457 wells were completed in New York during 1909. The increment from the new wells amounted to 715 barrels a day. Of the number 32 were dry holes. In 1908 the corresponding totals were 450 new wells including 60 dry ones, with a daily production of 750 barrels. PYRITE Pyrite is a common ingredient of the metamorphosed sedi- mentary rocks which are found in the Highlands of south- eastern New York and in the Adirondacks. It occurs dissemi- nated in the crystalline limestones and schists and ccca- sionally forms bands and lenticular masses of variable size and purity within the schists. In character these deposits are very similar to the magnetite bodies that are found within the altered sediments of both regions, and in fact the two minerals are frequently associated in their occurrence. On the other hand the magnetites that are contained in the acidic gneisses of igneous origin generally carry little or no pyrite. Pyrrhotite is THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I90Q OR a common associate of the pyrite, and zinc blende and chalcopy- rite may be usually. observed in small amount. Large bodies of nearly pure pyrrhotite occur in the Adirondacks, but as they can not be utilized for their sulfur and’ carry only traces of nickel they have no commercial value. In southeastern New York there are no active pyrite mines, though a- deposit at Anthony’s Nose, above Peekskill, was worked some 30 or 40 years ago as a source of ore for sulfuric acid manufacture. The ore appears to have carried consider- able pyrrhotite and would not be considered mineable abe thie present day. : The principal inci of pyrite in the Adirondack region are found along a belt of crystalline limestones and schists that: extend from near Antwerp, Jefferson co., into the town of Canton, St Lawrence co. They take the form of impregnated zones, or fahlbands, the pyrite being intermixed with the min- erals of the schistose country rock, which are chiefly quartz, feldspar and hornblende; some deposits have a pronounced: lenticular shape, with the longer axis of the lenses parallel to the foliation of the schists. The pyrite occurs in crystals and crystalline aggregates of variable purity. The associated sili- | cates are generally more or less decomposed. The surface por- tion of the deposits has the characteristic reddish stain and burnt look due to oxidation, though the weathered zone is re- markably shallow, the fresh pyrite being found usually within a few feet from the surface. There are a number of mines and prospects in this region, but at present active mining is carried on only by the St Law- tence Pyrite Co., at Stellaville, near Hermon. The properties owned by the company include the Stella mines, which it took over in 1905, and other holdings in the vicinity that have been subsequently acquired. Most of the ore is of concentrating grade and is treated in a 500-ton mill equipped with Hancock jigs, Hartz jigs and Overstrom tables. The concentrates carry from 40 to 48 per cent sulfur. Electric current for power pur- poses is supplied from a central station at Hannawa Falls. The mines at High Falls which were taken over a few years ago by the Oliver Mining Co. have not been placed in operation . as yet, though the exploration by the diamond drill, which the com- pany carried out, is reported to have shown very favorable results. The mines were once worked by the High Falls Pyrite Co., and | later by the National Pyrites Co. 64 - NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Sauk ae The canvass of the salt industry for 1909 indicated very little change in trade conditions from those reported for the preced- ing year. The only direction in which the trade may be said to have evidenced an improvement was in a larger consump- tion of certain grades of salt and a corresponding gain of out- put. The prices generally showed no response to the increased demand; in fact their average for the yea: was somewhat lower than in 1908 when the market felt the ful! effects of the financial stringency. | Keen competition with the industry of other states has tended of late years to reduce prices and to restrict the outlet for the local product. The manufacture of evaporated salt has de- veloped. rapidly in Michigan, Ohio and Kansas, under the in- fluence of cheap fuel, which now supply the markets of the Middle West. In New York, New England and some of the adjoining territory, the local manufacturers still have the ad- vantage, owing to more favorable freight rates. Along the sea- board, however, there is considerable competition with imported salt which comes chiefly from the Mediterranean countries and the West Indies. The importation is likely to increase in the immediate future by reason of a reduction in the duty of 20 cents a short ton on all grades of salt, that was incorporated in the Payne tariff bill. The total quantity of salt obtained from the New York mines and wells last year was 9,880,618 barrels of 280 pounds. This may be considered a very satisfactory showing, as the output for 1908 amounted to 9,005,311 barrels and that for 1907, which was the largest previously reported for any one year, amounted to 9,657,543 barrels. The increase in production was thus 875,307 barrels or nearly Io per cent, as compared with a de- crease of 652,232 barrels or 7 per cent in the preceding year. The total value of the yield was $2,298,652 against $2,136,736 in 1908 and $2,449,178 in 1907, or an average of 23.3 cents a barrel against 23.7 cents in 1908 and 25 cents in 1907. Converted to a tonnage basis the production last year amounted to 1,383,386.5 short tons against 1,260,743.5 short tons in the preceding year. The gain was distributed between the output of rock and brine salt, both classes showing about the same proportionate increase. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY Ig0Q a5 It is to be noted that not all of the salt reported as above was actually marketed in that form. A very considerable part of the brine pumped from the wells each year is employed without evaporation for the manufacture of soda products. The Solvay Process Co., the principal manufacturer of such products in this country, has a number of wells in the town of Tully, Onondaga co., which supply brine to its works near Syracuse. The salt contents of this brine are included in the production. The small valuation placed upon the salt thus used reduces the average well below the actual value of the marketable product. There were about 30 mines and works which contributed to the production last year, as compared with 32 in 1908 and 33 in 1907. Onondaga county alone was represented by more than one half of the number. The manufacture of salt by the solar process has long been centered in that county where it is carried on by individuals and companies operating in a rela- tively small way. The output has been marketed for many years through the Onondaga Coarse Salt Association. The operative plants in the other counties were distributed as fol- lows: Livingston 3; Schuyler 2; Tompkins 3; and Wyoming 3. The International Salt Co., the largest producer of evaporated salt in the State, maintained three plants in operation, one each at Ithaca, Myers and Watkins. No new firms were added to the list of producers during the year. The accompanying tables furnish details as to the production of salt in New York. In the tables for the years 1908 and 1909 the output is distributed among the several grades recognized in the trade. The classification is based upon methods of manufacture and purposes for which the salt is used. Table and dairy salt includes the finest grades of artificially evaporated salt, specially prepared for the table and for butter and cheese making; it brings the highest market price. Under common fine, is listed the other grades of fine, artificially evaporated salt that are not specially prepared. Common coarse represents the coarser product from artificial evaporation. Coarse solar salt is made by evaporation of brine in shallow pans exposed to the sun’s heat. This process, as already stated, is used by manu- facturers in Onondaga county; it can be carried on, of course, only during the summer months. Packers salt includes the product sold to meat packers and fish salters. Under “ other 66+ -. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM grades’ are listed agricultural salt and other kinds not speci- fied in the returns from producers, as well as the entire product of rock salt and of salt in brine used for the manufacture of soda products. These latter items form a very important part of the total. As will be observed the salt thus listed bears a much smaller valuation per barrel than the grades first men- tioned. Production of salt by grades in 1908 VALUE GRADE BARRELS VALUE PER BARREL Comunen ted) o 0000.0. tee ole anne 941 682 $372 485 $ .39 Comimoniconise: ss. ses aie 194 593 72. Aas a4 Table and dairy /2) sek. tae en r 188 636 631 987 Ji Coarse solani. eo he oe aoe 520 607 | L117 136 .22 PREREES.. 03 Olle toh call ae Mae Soe oe 36 114 14 515 .40 Other eradesh 2s Serer hee 6 123 679 928 186 05 Total eae wes Se at. PES, Q 005 311 | $2 ‘136736 @ .237 a Common fine includes a small amount of common coarse. b Include rock salt, salt in brine used for soda manufacture, and small amounts of brine salt for which the uses were not specified in the returns. Production of salt by grades in 1909 7 VALUE GRADE BARRELS VALUE PER BARREL Common jfineg es". asciaeas ee ae I 436 233 - $494 464 $...35 Commonegatse.. .accinen sete 130 200 45 569 35 Mable anidrdairyan. ms serves sek I 285-209 633 195 .50 Coarse sOlat ris Gs ici ie a tat he atate 540 614 LOZ 253 30 Packers .-.\. Pee cosd wires eeten oar nae 00: 423 38 344 .40 @ther eradesbts soe eee 6 393 241 924 877 .14 Total... 2Ghee ee ee ee 9 880 618 | $2 298 652 233 a Common fine includes a small amount of common coarse. : b Include rock salt, salt in brine used for soda manufacture, and small amounts of brine salt for which the uses were not specified in the returns. The distribution of the salt made this year, according to counties, shows that Livingston held first place in size of out- put, having superseded Onondaga county which was formerly the largest producer. The importance of the industry in Liy- . THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY 1909 67 ingston county was due principally to the activity in rock salt mining at Retsof and Cuylerville. The Retsof Mining Co. and the Sterling Salt Co. furnished the output. The Genesee Salt Co. was the only producer of brine salt in the county. Onondaga county was second in regard to production, though the greater part consisted of salt in brine consumed by the Solvay Process Co. Tompkins county, represented by the International Salt Co., with two plants, and the Remington Sait Co., made the third largest output. Wyoming county with the three plants of the Worcester Salt Co., the Iroquois Salt Co., and the Rock Glen Salt Co., was fourth in the list, followed by Schuyler county with two plants owned by the International Salt Co., and the Watkins Salt Co. The progress of the salt industry in New York during the last 25 years is Summarized in the table below. ‘The statistics for the years previous to 1904 have been extracted from the annual volumes of the Mineral Resources. Production of salt in New York since 1885 YEAR BARRELS VALUE LOSS... 06 o a gee ee 220A TOT $874 258 LUSIEG 5 6 214 0) 05S CIE Re eS ae 2R AB Ts O38 IB hee eae eet mP EN cle og ist' as state walle cs aaa le ee 0's 2 353 500 936 8094 PM Ne oc se cece adalat cfu) ve be gees 2 208 433 Ti gon 406 Deeb PEPE Secor s aS alee ones Sie eee swims BOG 25 {OXG)I7/ Diao 508 SU SEMPIPME ER S CON o's sh Leake: is ob lel eae! so o's ZR 22 200 I 266 o18 ASU ls oo a's Oh eye nee eee ea BL AOHIA EAE Sins ACR 2 839 544 I 340 036 TiNDZ.. 6 0 8 once tel DUSK CAE RCS Bea ee 2 472 €O7 3 I 662 816 TESS « 6 eno Cat Cone Sen eo 5 662 074 1 870 084 MMP tii =) iia 'e Sy os tekis! @iel'eio 6) 5's wie Sea e ae 6 270 588 I 999 146 DOE e 3 6 6 ChE Gg CRB NERO eS) ORS EEE Atty OZONE aa an nents ara 6 832 331 I 943 398 TENG. 5 0. & Ge OREREe ORME ER ORS. clea BME Har rang aoe 6 069 040 t 896 681 BOP MMMMEE a ysh 20 «sa eralotoane, Sie) am a slacer sie «78a 6 805 854 I 948 759 RPM iol sae lralte oUehote come she el ele Siete ale 6 791 798 22 GoNzi23 SR EROEOMMPI DS sh och oes ce hie Mie aie no) ct 6) eli ah alle. oh ones ai aes 7 489 I05 -2 540 426 PENI ae Ges a 15: ow) Sp sinatieslel Ses a el otje, a 30 hy ora 7) 807007. BETTE Avo SSM OR MMMM eM CT MoS Ls 6 ecu ara saSlicie nara yallgar.c aie G Ws) oe 7 286 320 2 089 834 MURS R eon eal cic iay'si cielo ede dle ehsjiape ust sia eteo a tate 8 523 389 I 938 539 GRO MMM He Meteo o's abi ete tila! eile: Ee bomdiariat'e, ehthar arene 8 170 648 2007) 807 OEM ete Nels (3) aite)"aleliahsveise e 2: sde\ielaaatolersla latehe 8 724 768 2102 743 ROME LMS fel cate. 'a) eliplieglecece ested ie! cum iat Sarena ite 8 575 649 22202) 007 Bae On Me Rene M ene gey sic) caries) 8 a engl tes scales nay aaa chore 9 O13 993 P51 (NSO) a) cM en Eten eve ys lorsb c\idayscct ahd ci'e'sl) af ea cheat allel ats “ 9 657 543 2 449 178 COMME SUG OR Ve Sue Cute Siig we Sie alg eligilse cult a gto a: Bushs (0) (kent Ne digas Aerzon7 26 UGS Grmeeteg Ma keteva tale. nei ap'aycivsl“ove) ot aie ‘sl'a\’ etic) eee eietidliee « g 880 618 2 298 652 68 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM SAND The production of sand for its varied uses in engineering and building work, metallurgy etc., is carried on extensively in New York and most requirements of the different industries are or can be supplied by the local deposits. Considerable quantities of the more valuable molding sands are shipped to other states. A brief account of the several branches of the sand industry was given in the issue of this report for 1908. According to the statistical canvass which was undertaken in connection with the report, the value of the production amounted to $1,130,291. This total should be considered, however, an approximation only; the actual output probably was considerably larger, as productive operations, specially in building sands, are so widely scattered and of so unstable character that no doubt many escaped enumeration. In the present report attention will be limited to the molding sand trade. Molding sand. The use of sand in the casting of metals calls for a large supply of special grades which have a rather limited distribution, as compared with building sands, and are conse- quently more valuable. In New York State there are two main areas in which good molding sand beds abound: (1) on the lands bordering the Hudson river from Orange county northward on both sides of the river, to Saratoga county; (2) in Erie county. The sand is found in shallow beds immediately underlying the sod and often covering many acres. Beds 8 inches or more in thick- ness are worked profitably, a 1-foot bed over one acre yielding about 1200 tons. The large increase in business in the iron and steel plants was directly responsible for «an increase in the pro- duction of molding sand. The production in 1909 amounted to 468,609 short tons valued at $437,402, as against 312,819 tons valued at $277,200 in 1908. Notwithstanding the increase, how- ever, the production fell far short of that reported in 1907 of 693,293 tons valued at $539,674, which would indicate that the foundries had not fully recovered from the panic conditions prevailing in 1908. Of the total production the Hudson river region furnished 450,989 tons valued at $422,144 or about 96 per cent of the total. The remainder of the production was obtained mainly from Erie county. is | THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I909 a OO) The silica sand used in connection with the molding sand for the cores of the castings and known as core sand is obtained mainly around Oneida lake im Oneida county. Its production Naturally increased also in 1909, the total being 30,230 tons malded at $25,472, against 27,624 tons valued at $22,371 in 1908. SAN D-LIME BRICK The manufacture of sand-lime brick showed a marked increase during 1909, resulting in a production greatly in advance of that of 1908, though not equalling the output for 1907. The total production amounted to 12,683,375 brick valued at $81,693 as against 8,239,450 brick valued-at $55,688 in 1908. The average value at the yard for the common brick in 1909 was $6.31 a thousand. | | ‘There were six companies who reported an output last year, as follows: NAME LOCATION Epiuonosamactone Brick CO... 0... setae cece ese ee tees Buffalo oetecrem Composite Brick Co... 2.0.6. eee ewe cee Rochester Ree eM eC Ol) o/s ciehaisc sails cones wed ste die wa hws wee Syracuse. . eae Meee SOMME ACLS) CONC a aatai's! ss 3°62 es jens c's wees hae sles 8) o/s Schenectady renner ICL: COM i. 5 ca a ce ue othe sot nd ve we aielaie’e are Schenectady aM rg iI OOo Sains ose alo go iaid eve 6 dies e's @ere ba ahs Glens Falls The Grant Brick Co. of Brooklyn and the Dyett Sand-Lime Brick Co., with a plant at Port Jefferson, are expected to begin Operations during the present season. | Owing to the abundance of good brick clays in the State, specially along the Hudison river, the sand-lime brick industry is making no great progress, as compared with its growth in some parts of the country. There seems no reason, however, why the industry should not supply the local demand for the material, since there are large quantities of sand and limestone adapted to the purpose. In a paper by S. V. Peppel [Geological Survey of Ohio, Bulle- tin 5] it is stated that the sand used for brick should show not _ over IO per cent clayey impurities and should pass through a 2o-mesh sieve. The lime may be high calcium or magnesian, but the former is preferred. The process consists of mixing the hydrated lime with the sand, pressing the brick, and subjecting them to a steam pressure of 120 pounds or so in a strong cylinder for 10 hours. This cooking transforms some of the ma- 70 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM terial into a hard, hydrous silicate of lime, which binds the sand grains together. The amount of lime used varies from 5 to 20 per cent depending on the purity of the sand. Although several patented systems of manufacture are on the market, the general scheme is not patented and the manufacture of the brick can be undertaken by any one. In fact several American companies have recently entered the field with their own systems and no patents. | The estimated cost of a well equipped plant with a capacity of 20,000 brick, per Io to 12 hours, is estimated by Mr Peppel to range, in Ohio, independent of site and buildings, from $20,000 to $25,000. The cost of production in the United States, exclusive of de- preciation in plant, interest on investment,-loss of time in breakdown and repairs, etc., according to the same author, varies from $3 to $4 per 1000. The selling price ranges from $8 to $15 per 1000. 7 From a large series of tests made, Peppel considers sand- lime brick to be strong and durable and in all respects a safe and reliable building material. x) Ws yl BA BY HENRY LEIGHTON The slate belt of New York State occupies an area extending from the Poultney river, the northern boundary of Washington county, south to the Batten kill, and from the Vermont border west a distance varying from 6 miles in the northern to I2 miles in the southern portion. The majority of the active quar- ries are in the central part of the field, in Granville township. Under a slight covering of glacial drift and soil, the rocks of the belt consist of a series of Cambric and Ordovicic sediments, greatly metamorphosed and intricately folded. They are made up of limestone, shale, slate, quartzite and sandstone members, with slate predominating. The original bedding of the slates has been partially obliterated by the metamorphism and in its stead a pronounced cleavage has been developed. The dip of the cleavage planes is very steep, usually 45° or more. The original bedding planes can often be distinguished in the slates as bands or ribbons of varying color. The slates vary in color, red, purple, mottled and green slates being found in the belt. Of these the red is the most valuable, THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY TQOQ 71 while a quality of green slate known as the unfading green is | also quarried to a large extent. @aereslare is taken out from large open pits or quarries, the face afforded by a side hill being often utilized. The blocks are loosened by blasting and by the use of bars, etc. Hoisting is effected by means of a traveler carrying a small hoisting cable and running on a larger wire cable strung across the pit. This cable is anchored on one side of the pit and passes over a tall mast on the other, giving an inclined cableway on which the | traveler may run. The whole is operated by a small drum hoist which allows the traveler to run out to any position desired over the pit. It is then automatically locked to the cable and the smaller hoisting cable descends from it into the pit to receive its load. The block of slate is hooked to the cable, hoisted to the traveler and by it is carried directly to the trimming sheds or is loaded on cars which are pushed to the sheds. The waste rock, which must be hoisted as well, is dumped in huge conical piles around the mast. For the manufacture of roofing slate, which is the main use Of the Slate, the blocks are carried into small sheds, often perched on the dump piles. These sheds are equipped with a trimmer, a few mallets and chisels and some shelving. Two men work in each shed. The block, usually from 4 to 6 inches thick, is turned on edge and carefully split with chisel and mallet mioesieets irom %% to % inch thickness. The sheets thus formed are then squared up into rectangular roofing slates. The trimmer used for this purpose consists of two blades resembling lawn mower knives, a heavy fly wheel for giving sufficient momentum, a stationary straight edge beneath the knives, a feeding plate and a treadle to set the knives in motion. The slate is fed under the revolving knives and is thus sheared off piel or so at a time until trimmed to the proper size. The larger slates bring the better prices and some skill is needed in the splitting and trimming. The men employed are paid either by the hour or by the square. The slate used for billiard table tops, electrical switchboards, stair treads, and other purposes where slabs are required, is known as mill stock. For these purposes, certain beds only are suitable, and quarrying is conducted in the same manner as for roofing slate. The blocks are then dressed in mills where they are first sawed by circular toothed saws and then planed smooth on a planer and polished or rubbed on a rubbing table. The 72 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Saw is operated much in the same manner as a circular saw for sawing wood. The planer consists of a heavy steel blade about 8 inches wide mounted so as to remain stationary while the slab of slate passes under it on a sliding table. By setting the blade at the proper distance the slab can be trimmed and smoothed down to a level surface. The most striking feature that is presented to a visitor in the slate region is perhaps the enormous piles of waste material. The waste in slate quarrying exceeds that from the quarrying of any other material, the dump often claiming 60 per cent of the total slate quarried. Some of the waste slate is ground and utilized in making paints and pigments while attempts at its utilization in cement and brick making have been made. The quarries at present active are all located in a belt parallel- ing the Delaware & Hudson Railroad from northern Hebron township through Granville township to southern Hampton township. The following quarries were in operation during 1909, listed in order from the southern end of the belt, with location and product. Mathews Slate Co., 1% miles south-southwest of West Pawlet and 14 mile west of Vermont line; product, red roofing slate. Nelson & Guthrie, 11%4 miles west of West Pawlet, on line between Hebron-Granville townships; red roofing slate. Granville Slate Co., 1 mile south-southwest of Granville just west of Vermont line; green roofing slate. Higrade Slate Co., 1% miles south of Granville; red roofing slate. Excelsior Red Slate Co., 1 mile south southwest of Granville Railway station, on hillside west of Indian river; red roofing slate. Beck Slate Co., just north of the Excelsior quarry; red roof- ing slate. Enterprise Slate Co., 34 of a mile south of Middle Granville, west of the Mettawee river; green roofing slate. Williams Bros., 34 of a ak north of Middle Granville on main road; green roofing and mill stock. Prairie Slate Co., adjoining Williams Bros., on north; green roofing slate. Ferndale Slate Co., 2% miles north-northeast of Truthville ; green roofing slate. Mathews Slate Co., 3 miles north of Truthville in Whitehall township; green roofing slate. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9Q0Q 73 Mathews Slate Co., Jamesville, 4 mile from railroad switch; green roofing slate. New York Purple Slate Co., near Hampton; purple roofing slate. : The finished slate is all shipped by rail on the Delaware & Hudson Railroad. Some of the quarries are connected by switch with the main track, but in most instances the slate is hauled from ¥% to 3 miles to the loading point. One quarry on the Vermont side of the line, transports the finished slate to Raceville by means of an aerial wire rope tramway, the buckets carrying the roofing slate to the shipping point and carrying coal back to the quarries. The plants for the dressing of mill stock are all located in Vermont, the plant of the Mathews Slate Co. being situated almost on the line, near Jamesville. It is equipped with saws, planers, rubbing table and drills. The finished stock is hauled a short distance to the Jamesville switch for shipment. Slate quarrying is a. financially precarious undertaking. Often large amounts of money have been expended in the region with no return whatever, and this is evidenced by the abandoned Maeemeers scattered over all the hills. The surface soil and glacial drift must first be removed and then the slate quarried out to some depth before any idea can be had concerning the @ieuderer oO: tite vein, all’oi which is costly. Even though a good seam or vein is found, it may, after a short quarrying season, become worked out and useless and the quarry must be abandoned. The best veins can be worked down along the dip only for a short distance on account of the overburden and the quarry must in time be extended along the strike, as is often done in the larger operations, or a new pit opened up. All of these factors, in addition to the large amounts of waste rock necessarily quarried and disposed of, combine to lower the promis or even bankrupt the operator. For this reason the opening of a quarry should be undertaken only under the super- vision of a man of long experience and only by one with a large amount of capital for preliminary work. Though quarrying operations are carried on the year round, working days are limited. Severe winter weather causes the quarries to close, while in wet weather at any time of the year it is impossible to have many men at work in the quarries. The treacherous slipping of the steeply inclined strata is the cause /4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM of many serious accidents and during rainy weather the quar- ries must work short-handed. The output of slate in the State increases and decreases irreg- ularly from year to year, no very great change in the produc- tion having taken place in years. The use of various kinds of patent roofing papers, tars etc., has had a tendency to lower the demand for roofing slate, while on the other hand the in- creasing high price and scarcity of wooden shingles has in- creased the demand for other roofing materials. The fact that New York State produces such handsome red slates, which are ob- tained at but few other localities, causes a heavy demand for this grade and the price remains high. The supply of good red slate, however, is limited. The year 1909 seems to have been an exceptionally brisk year among the quarries, and the production reached a figure exceeding any preceding year. The total value of the output was $127,050 against $111,217 in 1908 and $54,800 in 1907. The only other year showing an output of over $100,000 was 1903 when the value reached $111,998. The output consists mainly of roofing slates, of which there were produced 21,187 squares valued at $126,170, an average value per square of $6.99 against $8.09 in 1908. The high value as compared with the average value for other slate regions is due to the output of red slate which commands a value of $8 to $10 a square. About II per cent of the roofing slate made was of red or variegated color, the remainder of green. The balance of the slate output was made up of mill stock, both red and green, with a total output of 8000 square feet valued at $880. SlrONE BY HENRY LEIGHTON The quarrying of stone and its preparation for the market continue to hold a place among the most important of the min- eral industries of the State. Although cement and concrete have to some degree supplanted cut building stone in construc- tional work, the use of the former materials has created an ever- increasing demand for crushed stone and rubble. A large amount of this crushed stone and in many cases the supply of building stone is now produced by large companies operating small areas intensively. Improvements in quarrying, drilling, crushing and transportation machinery have contributed largely to the increasing production of stone. THE MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY I9O0Q 75 The State is well supplied with the various kinds of stone and in the extensively developed areas there are exceptionally good transportation facilities. The proximity of the Palisades to New York city and excellent shipping facilities have contrib- uted toward the development of the trap quarries; the marble quarries of Dutchess county are likewise well situated; while the Onondaga limestones form a convenient escarpment but a short distance from Buffalo in the western part of the State. The advance in the production of stone over 1908 was marked. The total production of stone in 1909 was $7,061,580, an advance over the production of 1908 which was $6,615,614, of 6 per cent. The advance, however, seems to have been restricted to but two classes of products: crushed stone and the miscellaneous uses such as lime, rubble etc. The crushed stone output ad- vanced from $2,659,016 to $3,214,374 an increase of 20 per cent. The increase in the column headed “all others” was due to the large output of rubble and riprap, the increase in lime produc- tion and in the sandstone output, and to a transposition of some values in former years included with the building stone. A notable reduction in output was found in the stone used for building stone and curbing and flagging. The output of the former amounted to $873,651 in 1909 against $1,264,403 in 1908, while curbing and flagging was produced to the value of $800,- 620 against $928,511 in 1908. All kinds of stone showed an increased output over 1908 with the exception of marble, the output of which fell from $692, 857 in 1908, to $380,016 in 1909. Trap rock showed the greatest increase in output rising from $723,773 in 1908 to $1,061,428 in 1909 or a gain of 46 per cent. Production of stone in 1907 ~~ RC Mies CURBING BUILDING MONU- CRUSHED ALL TOTAL VARIETY AND STONE MENTAL mecanc STONE OTHER VALUE Granites ss eee $84 774 $9 613 a $92 950 $8 563) $195 900 Limestone........ LOOMS cian ee $13 123| I 725 203] I 254 339| 3 182 447 Mia leel, otic. sss I 408 I90 I52 746 a EL OOO| sh 5/711 93.0 Sandstone........ BOS GOOlos do daoodo I O51 o7O 55 818 305 730] I 998 417 MAGA M sieeve 5 arie'sive eas Gita) Pl aisha oraustons [Abeta 939 027 2 ooo; 941 627 Oeics eevee $2 208 545| $162 359\$1 064 193/$2 812 998/$1 642 232/$7 890 327 a Included under “‘All other.”’ b Included under ‘* Limestone.’’ 76 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Production of stone in 1908 CURBING BUILDING MONU- CRUSHED ALL TOTAL VARIETY AND k STONE RENE AD aes STONE OTHER VALUE GSramiGe,. sia 5) s mie $71 122 $27 585 a 152 783} $116 074| $367 564 WAmMmleEStOnes | =e seis ZAG MOGI eee ocree $15 668] « 647 629] rt 210 883| 3 119 835 Mis blien ah auctece tec BOY) AAA LEE AO 2 lies oreo etareiel| edeieeh creer I3 921 692 857 SanldStomes cre ) en raree 54 655 438 150 8 02 DOO. oo i dio tae nee ee 63 500 499 500 Cpaiteey| MEE eh «fay 0) ss cos eres o's eee e cles 62 200 483 600 6 99 1G22 2553 Gt eee Pe Ce eis oe Re WE {LOO OLSS 250 8 65 EROD on 46 OA eee rere 60 230 421 600 Tiere: Sp Sulc 2 6's SS ea eee 65 000 455 000 ence. TODS 2 oe yo as Cele eA ener r een 67 000 519 250 TGS LEDs cc 5 6 o.p Oe oe are 64 200 541 600 8 43 TG oo 5 che 6 eee eae ere 59 000 5OE 500 8 50 VEO o ob 1S 6 cE) eee ae FOTO 697 390 9g 86 THSS o 6 6 oie A eee 65 000 617 500 On 5o The tale from the St Lawrence county mines is mainly of fibrous nature and it is this feature which makes it particularly valuable for incorporation in paper stock. The foliated variety occurs in some of the deposits but is utilized to a smaller extent; it is admixed in small amount with the fibrous article or is ground separately for coating of wall papers and other uses. Though the district which lies southeast of Gouverneur has at- tracted most attention, the occurrence of talc elsewhere in the Adi- rondack region has long been known. During 1909 a deposit situ- ated near Natural Bridge, Lewis cc., was under development by the St Lawrence Talc & Asbestos Co. The talc is found there in some- what similar relations geologically to those in the more northerly district, but it has the character rather of amorphous talc or soap- ‘stone, resembling the material from the Southern States. The recent operations are reported to have revealed a large quantity of rock of good quality. Natural Bridge is near the southern end of the belt of crystalline limestones and schists which belong to the same series as the limestones and schists in which the fibrous tale deposits are found, the two belts being about ro miles apart and trending parallel in a northeast-southwest direction. IN DEX Accord, millstones, 51. Adirondack Spar Co., 34. Adirondacks, ‘garnet, 8, 35; gold sands, 16-20; granite, 76; graphite, 8, 37; iron ore, 6, 46; pyrite, 63; talc, 80. Akron, gypsum, 41, 43. Akron Natural Gas Co., 60. Albany, crude clay, 32. Albany county, brick, 27, 29; clay industry, 24, 25; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; lime, 80; limestone, 81, 82; pottery, 31. Alden-Batavia Natural Gas Co., 60. Alfred Clay Co., 30. Algonquin Red Slate Co., 52. Allegany county, building tile, 30; clay industry, 25, 30; natural gas, 57, 58, 59; petroleum, 60, 61. Allegany Pipe Line Co., 61. Allen-Salem Oil Co., 59. Alligerville, millstones, 51. Amboy station, pottery clays, 32. Amenia, pottery clays, 32. American Garnet Co., 35. American Glue Co., 35. Anthony’s Nose, pyrite, 63. Antwerp, hematite, 46; pyrite, 63. Ausable Forks, granite, 76, 77. Ausable Forks Granite Co., 76. Ballston Springs, 53, 54. Barrett Manufacturing Co., 34. Barton, H. H. & Sons, 35. Batchellerville, feldspar, 34. Beck Slate Co., 72. Benson Mines Co., 46. Bethlehem Steel Co., 48. Blue Corundum Mining Co., 33. Bluestone, 84-85. Borst, ‘C. A., 46, 50, 52. Bradford, Pa., petroleum, 61. Brick, 6, 9-13, 23, 24, 25-26; prices, 26, 28; sand-lime, 60. Brickmaking clays, 23. Brooklyn, electrical supplies, 31; sand-lime brick, 69; sanitary ware, 31; sewer pipe, 30. Brooklyn Vitrified Tile Works, 31. Broome county, clay industry, 25. Buffalo, china tableware, 31. Buffalo Cement Co., 42. Buffalo Sandstone Brick Co., 60. Building brick, see Brick. Building marble, 83. Building materials, value of output, 6. Building operations, 23. Building stone, 7, 74-76; from granite, 77, 78; from limestone, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82; from sandstone, 86. Building tile, 30. Burns, petroleum, 61. Burns Oil & Gas Co., 59. Byron, mineral waters, 54. Canaseraga, 59; petroleum, 61. Canisteo, natural gas, 59. Canton, pyrite, 63. Carbon dioxid, 55, 57. Carbonate, 45. Cattaraugus county, clay industry, 25; mineral paint, 52; natural gas, 58, 50; petroleum, 60. Cayuga county, brick, 27; clay in-. dustry, 25; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; gypsum, 39, 41, 42; lime- stone, 81, 82. Cement, 20-22; value of output, 7. Chateaugay Ore & Iron Co., 46. Chautauqua county, bluestone, &4; brick, 27; clay industry, 25; nat- ural gas, 57, 59; paving brick, 209. Chazy limestone, 81, 83. INDEX TO MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY OI Cheever mine, 47-48. Cheever Iron Ore Co., 46, 48. Chemung, spring, 54. Chemung county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25. ; Chenango county, sandstone, 86. ‘Chili, pottery clays, 32. China tableware, 31. Clarence, limestone, 8o. Claspka Mining Co., 34. Miggenon22-33- crude, 9-13, 32-33; products, 9-13. Clay materials, 6, 23-25. Clifton Springs, 54. Clinton, mineral paint, 52. Clinton county, brick, 27; building stone, 80; clay industry, 25; Sramite, 77; lune, 70, 80; lime- stone, 81, 82; marble, 83. Clinton hematites, 49-50, 52. Clinton Metallic Paint Co., 52. Clinton ores, 6. Clinton sandstones, 8&4. Coal beds in the State, 14. Columbia county, brick, 27, 29; clay industry, 24, 25; limestone, 81, 82; mineral waters, 54. Columbia Pipe Line Co., 61. Concrete, from limestone, 79. Cornwall, granite, 77. Crown Point Spar Co., 34. Crushed ‘stone, 7, 74-76; from Siamiben 77, 76, from limestone, Fom7On181, 62> from trap, 86. Crystalline limestones, 78. Curbing, 7, 75, 76; from limestone, 79; from sandstone, 84, 86. Cuylerville, salt, 67. Deep Rock spring, 54. “Delaware county, bluestone, 84; mineral paint, 52. Delaware river, sandstone, 86. Dewitt, gypsum, 41. Dover, iron ores, 50. Dover White Marble Co., 83. Drain tile, 24, 30. Dunkirk, natural gas, 59. Dutchess county, brick, 27, 28, 20; . clay industry, 24, 25; crushed sone, 70>) kaolin, 32->)lime,. So; limestone, 78, 81, 82; limonites, so; marble, 75, 82; pottery clays, 32; sandstone, 84. Dyett Sand-Lime Brick Co., 69. Eagle Bridge, mineral paint, 52. Earthenware, 31, 32. Easton, Pa.,. emery, 33. Electrical supplies,’ 31, 32, Eiko Paint "Co., 52: Emery, 9-13, 33: Emery Pipe Line Co., 61. Empire Gas & Fuel Co., 58. Empire Limestone Co., 80. Enterprise Slate Co., 72. Erie county, brick, 27; building stone, 80; cement, 22; clay industry, 24, 25; crushed stone, 79; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; fireproofing, 30; gypsum, 30, 41; limestone, 78, 80, 81, 82; molding sand, 68; nat- ural gas, 57, 50; pottery, 31. Esopus stone, 50. Essex county, feldspar, 34; garnet, 35; granite, 76. Excelsior Red Slate Co., 72. Baxon,) VW. thi. 37. Feldspar, 9-13, 33-34. Ferndale Slate Co., 72. Pine brick. 924,20, Fireproofing, 6, 23, 24, 30. Flagging, 7, 75, 76; from limestone, 79; from sandstone, 86. Floor tile, 31. Flux, see Furnace flux. Fords Brook Pipe Line Co., 61. Forestville, natural gas, 59. Fort Ann, trap, 87. Fort Montgomery, iron’ ores, 46. Pranktord)) Pa jemeny, 33. Franklin county, sandstone, 84. Front brick, 23, 24, 26; prices, 26. Frost Gas Co., 59. Fulton county, clay industry, Bie granite, 77; limestone, 81, 82. Q2 NEW YORK Chee Furnace flux, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82. Furnaceville Iron Co., 46, 49, 52. Garbutt, gypsum, 41, 43. Garnet, 8, 9-13, 34-37. Gas, see Natural gas. Genesee county, crushed stone, 79; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; gyp- sum, 39, 41; limestone, 78, 80, 81, 82; mineral waters, 54; natural gas, 59, 60. Genesee Salt Co., 67. German American Roofing Tile Conese: Geysers Natural. Carbonic Gas Co., 57: Glacial clays, 23. Glass sand, 9-13. Glens Falls, feldspar, 34; limestone, 83; sand-lime brick, 69. Gneiss, 77. Gold sands, in the Adirondacks, 16- 20. Gouverneur, limestone, 80; marble, 82, 83. Granger, petroleum, 60. Granite (village), millstones, 51. Granite, 9-13, 75, 76-78. Granite Brick Co., 60. Grant Brick Co., 60. Granville Slate Co., 72. Graphite, 8, 9-13, 37-38. Great Bear spring, 54. Greene county, bluestone, 84; brick, 27, 20; clay mdustry,) 252. lime- stone, 81, 82; paving brick, 29. Greenfield, trap. 87. Greenport, 21. Griswold farm, 509. Gypsum, 7, 9-13, 38-44; chemical composition, 42; manufacture of plasters, 43-44; methods of ex- traction, 42; notes on, 39-44. Hampden Corundum Wheel Co., 33. Hatmaker, B. J., 18. Haverstraw, trap, 87. Haverstraw Crushed Stone Co., 87. Haverstraw Trap Rock Co., 88. Helderberg limestone, 78. SAE MUSEUM Hematite, 45, 46, 40, 52. Herkimer county, building stone, 80 : granite, 76; limestone, 81, 82; mineral paint, 52, ~ High Falls Pyrite Co., 63. Higrade Slate Co., 72. Hudson Iron Co., 46. Hudson river region, brick produc- tion, 27-28; molding sand, 68; sandstone, 84, 86. Hurd, - A jceao Hydraulic cement, value of output, 7, Illuminating gas, 15. International Pulp Co., 88. International Salt Co., 55, 67. Iron ore, 6, 9-13, 44-50. {roqiois. “Salt.Go.. az Ithaca, salt, 65. Jefferson county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25; granite, 76; hematite, 46; lime, 79, 80; limestone, 78, 80, 81, 82; paving blocks, 77; pyrite, 63; sandstone, &4. Joker-Bonanza ore body, 47. Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., 27 Kaolin, 32. Keith, N.. S.,..18. Kelly Iron Ore Corporation, 50. Kemp, J. F., cited, 47. Kendall Refining Co., 6r. Kerhonkson, millstones, 51. Keystone Emery Mills, 33. Kings county, building tile, 30; clay industry, 24, 25; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; fireproofing, 30; PORECHY,, 3h: Kingston, millstones, 51. Kinkel.. P:. Hes Someqeay: Kyserike, millstones, 51. Lake Sanford, iron ores, 40. Lakeville, iron ores, 46. — Lancaster, J. R., 33. Lancaster-Depew Natural Gas Co., 60 Lebanon Springs, 53, 54. INDEX TO Ledoux & Co., 18. Leighton, Henry, clay, 22-33; slate, 70-74; stone, 74-88. Lewis county, analyses of sands from, 18; lime, 80; limestone, 81, 82; talc, &o. Lime, 75,78, 79-80, 81, 82. Limestone, 9-13, 75, 76, 78-82. Limonite, 45, 50. iiaeoln Spring Co., 55, 57. Little Falls, granite, 77. iigimestom county, brick, 27; clay industry, 25; natural gas, 593 salt industry, 7, 65, 66. Locke, Prof., 18. Long Clove Trap Rock Co., 87. Kone Island clays, 23, 31, 32. Ludowici-Celadon Roofing Tile Co., BO, 3T. Lyon Mountain, iron ores, 46. Madison county, clay industry, 25; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; gypsum, 40; limestone, 81, 82. Magnetite, 45, 49 Malden, clays, 30. Manlius, gypsum, 41. Marble, 9-13, 75, 82-83. Massena Springs, 54. Mathews Slate Co., 72, 73. Medina sandstone, 84. Metallic paint, 9-13. Millstones, 9-13, 50-51. Mineral industry, value of output, ae Mineral paint, 51-53. Mineral waters, 8, 9-13, 53-57; value of annual sales, 56. Mineville, iron ores, 46-47. Mining field in New York State, limitations, 13-20. Molding sand, 68. Monroe county, brick, 27; building mien 20: clay industry, 25; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; fireproof- ing, 30; gypsum, 39, 41; limestone, Si, 82; pottery clays, 32; sand- stone, 84. Montgomery county limestone, 81, 82. Monumental stone, 7, 75, 76; from granite, 77, 78; marble, 83. MINING AND QUARRY INDUSTRY IQOQ 93 Mt Bigelow, garnet, 35. Mt Ivy, trap, 87. Mount View, spring, 54. Myers, salt, 65. Nassau county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25; pottery, 31. National Pyrites .Co., 6 Natural Bridge, talc, So. Natural Carbonic Gas Co., 55, 57. Naturalveas /6,)G-13, 15, 10, 57.00; value of output, 8. Natural rock cement, 7, 9-13, 21, 22. Nelson & Guthrie, 72. Nevins, J. IN. ‘cited, 17: New Paltz, millstones, 51. New York, sanitary ware, 31. New York Carbonic Acid Gas Co., 55; 57: New York county, fireproofing, 30. New York-New England Cement & Mime {Co:,. 22! New York Purple Slate Co., 73. New York Transit Co., 61. Newport, building stone, 80. Newport Construction Co., 8o. Niagara county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25; limestone, 80, 81, 82; natural gas, 59; sandstone, 84. Niagara Light, Heat & Power Co., 60. Niagara limestone, 78, 80 North Creek, garnet, 35. North Leroy, limestone, 80. North River Garnet Co., 35, 36. Northeast, limonites, 50. Northumberland, trap, 87. Oak Orchard springs, 54. Oakfield, gypsum, 41, 43. Ocher,” 52: Ogdensburg, mineral paint, 52. On Cian) Pay inatunal eas) 53. Oil fields, 15, 16. Old Sterling Iron Co., 46. Olean, natural gas, 58; petroleum, 61. Oliver Mies Co., 63. Oneida county, fice 27 clay) an dustry, 25; hematite, 46; limestone, 81; mineral paint, 52; sand, 60. Q4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Onondaga Coarse Salt Association, 65. Onondaga county, brick, 27; building stone, 80; cement, 22; clay in- dustry, 24, 25; crushed stone, 79; tile and sewer pipe, 30; fireproof- ing, 30; gypsum, 30, 41, 42; lime- stone, 78, 81, 82; natural gas, 59; pottery, 31, 32; salt industry, 7, 65, 66, 67. Onondaga limestones, 75, 78, 80. Ontario, mineral paint, 52. Ontario county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25; drain tile and sewer Pipe, 30; gypsum, 41; mineral waters, 54; natural gas, 59; pot- tery, \ St, Ontario Iron Ore Co., 45, 46, 49. Ontario Talc Co., 88. Orange county, brick, 27, 28, 209; clay industry, 24, 25; granite, 77. Orleans county, building stone, 85; sandstone, 84, 86. Ossining, marble, 83. Oswego county, natural gas, 57, 50. Palisades, trap, 87. Paper, made from talc, 8o. Paragon Plaster Co., 69. Pavilion field, 60. Paving blocks, from granite, 77; from sandstone, 84, 85, 85; from trap, 88. Paving brick, 23, 24; 20. Peekskill, emery, 33. Pekin, limestone, 8o. Peppel,: S’oV., "eited: ‘be: Petroleum, 8, 9-13, 15, 60-62. Plattsburg, marble, 83. Pomfret, natural gas, 59. Porcelain, 32. Port Henry Iron Ore Co., 46. Port Jefferson, sand-lime brick, 6c. Port Richmond, trap, 87. Portland cement, 7, 9-13, 21, 22. Potsdam sandstone, 84. Potte sy? Oi NOai 35-23). 245 Biase: Prairie Slate Co., 72. Presbrey,, OFS 47: Producers |‘Gasig@on eso: Pyrite, 9-13, 62-3: Pyrrhotite, 63. Quarry products, value, 7. Quartz, 9-13. Queens county, clay industry, 24, 25; terra cotta, 31. Railroad ballast, from limestone, 79. Ramapo Trap Rock Co., 88. Randolph, mineral paint, 52: Remington Salt Co., 67. Rensselaer county, brick, 27, 20; clay industry, 25; fireproofing, 30; limestone, 81, 82; sandstone, 84. Retsof Mining Co., 67. Richfield Springs, 53, 54. Richmond county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 24, 25; terra cotta sr; trap, 87. Ricketts & Banks, 18. Riprap, 75; from granite, 78; from limestone, 79; from sandstone, 86. Road metal, from limestone, 79; from trap, 88. Rochester, petroleum, pipe, 30. Rochester Composite Brick Co., 69. Rock Glen Salt Co., 67. Rock salt, 7, 67. Rockland county, brick, 27, 28, 29; clay ‘industry, 24, 25; crushed stone, 77, 79; granite, 77; trap, 87. Rockland Lake, trap, 87. Roofing slate, 9-13, 70. Roofing tile, 30. Rosendale cement, 21. Rossie Iron Ore Paint Co., 52. Roxbury, mineral paint, 52. Rubble, 74, 75; from granite, 78; from limestone, 79; from sand- stone, 86. Ruedemann, Rudolf, cited, 47. Rutland-Florence Marble Co., 83. 61; sewer St Josen, millstones, 51. . St Lawrence county, hematite, 52; limestone, 78, 80, 81, 82; marble, 82; mineral waters, 54; pyrite, 63; sandstone, 84; talc, 8, 88. INDEX TO MINING AND QUARRY IN-USTRY 1909 95 St Lawrence Pyrite Co., 63. St Lawrence river, granite, 76. St Lawrence Talc & Asbestos Co., 89. ert Salisbury mine, 48-40. Salisbury tee! & Iron Co., 45, 46, 48. : | Salive 70-13, 64-67. Sand, 68-69. Sand-lime brick, 60. Sanders farm, 59. Sanford hill, iron ores, 49. Sandstone, 9-13, 75, 76, 84-86. Sandstone Brick Co., 69. Sanitary supplies, 31, 32. Saratoga county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; feldspar, 34; limestone, 81, 82; trap, 87. Saratoga Springs, 53, 54, 55, 57. Schenectady, electrical supplies, 31; sand-lime brick, 69. Schenectady Brick Co., 60. Schenectady county, clay industry, 25; pottery, 31. Schoharie county, building stone, 80; limestone, 81, 82. Schuyler county, natural gas, so; salt, 65, 67. Seneca county, gypsum, 41; natural gas, 59; limestone, 81, 82. Sewer pipe, 24, 30. pliale prick, 23. Sharon Springs, 53, 54. Shenandoah, kaolin, 32. Sheridan, natural gas, 50. Sienna, 52. Silver Creek, natural eas, so. Slate, 9-13, 53, 70-74. Solvay Process Co., 65, 67, 78, 80. South Dover, marble, 82, 83. South Dover Marble Co., 83. South Shore Gas Co., 50. Spring waters, 54. Springfield, Mass., emery, 33. Springville Natural Gas Co., 60. Staten Island clays, 23, 31, 32. Stellaville, pyrite, 63. ‘Sterling Iron & Railway Co., 46. sterling Salt Co., 67. Steuben county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25; natural gas, 58, 50; paving brick, 29; petroleum, 60; terra Cotta, 321. Stone, 74-88. See also Building stone; Crushed stone; Monumental stone. Stoneware, 31, 32. Storm King Stone Co., 77. Stove lining, 24, 20. Stroudsburg, Pa., emery, 33. Suffolk county, brick, 27; clay in- dustry, 25. Sullivan county, bluestone, 84. Sun Ray spring, 54. Sutphen process, 17, 20. Swain, natural gas, 59; petroleum, 61. Syenite Trap Rock Co., 77. Syracuse, china tableware, 31; elec- trical supplies, 31; sand-lime brick, 60. Talc, 8, 9-13, 88-80. Tanite Co., 33. Metra cotta 07 23))24.) 321. Terra, cotta, tile; 3o: Ticonderoga, feldspar, 34. Tide Water Pipe Line Co., 61. Tile. 63.23, 24, 20: Tompkins county, clay industry, 25; salt, 65, 67. . Trap, 9-13, 75, 76, 86-88. Trenton limestone, 83. Troy, mineral paint, 52. Tuckahoe, marble, 83. holly ee sate os. Ulster county, bluestone, 84; brick, 27, 28, 29; clay industry, 24, 25, 30; lime, 80; limestone, 81, 82; millstones, 51. Uniform Fibre Talc Co., 88. Union Carbide Co., 78, 80. Union Pipe Line Co., 6r. Union Springs, gypsum, 41. Union’. Talc Co., 88. United Natural Gas Co., 58, 6o. United States Talc Co., 88. Vacuum Oil Co., 61, 96 | NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Victor, electrical supplies, 31; gyp- sum, 4I. Walker farm, 50. Warners, pottery clay, 32. Warren county, clay industry, 25; lime, 79, 80; limestone, 81, 82. Washington county, clay industry, 25; drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; lime, 80; limestone, 81, 82; mineral paint, “525 pottery, 31%" slate, 7o; trap, 87. Watkins, salt, 65. Watkins Salt Co., 67. Wawarsing, millstones, 51. Wayne county, drain tile and sewer pipe, 30; gypsum, 41; hematite, 46; iron ores, 49; mineral paint, 52; sandstone, 84. Wayne Iron Ore Co., 49. Wellsville, nautral gas, 58; petrol- eum, 61. West Nyack, trap, 87. West Sheridan, natural gas, 59. West Union, petroleum, 60. Westchester county, brick, 27, 20; clay industry, 24, 25; emery, 33; feldspar, 34; granite, 77; lime- stone, 81, 82; marble, 83; pottery, or: Wheatland, gypsum, 4r. Wheeler, E. J., mentioned, 17. Whitehall, sienna, 52. William Connors Paint Manufac- turing Co., 52. Williams Bros., 7a. Williamsville, limestone, 80. Witherbee, Sherman & Co., 46, 48. Worcester, Mass., mineral paint, 52. Worcester Salt Co., 67. Wyoming county, bluestone, 85; nat- ural gas, 59; salt, 65, 67; sand- stone, 86. Yates county, natural gas, 50. Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 480 BEES VEIN SES IN| oy Nhe OCTOBER I, I9IO New York State Museum Joun M. Crarxe, Director Museum Bulletin 143 GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK D. H. NEWLAND MENKRY LEIGHTON A PAGE Men OOUICHON 20 cen ee ee - 5 | Permanence of the gypsum supply 61 History of the gypsum industry M : : ethod z Pa aeVork ..........2 es. 6 oe ee a Composition and characters of ey SS apeni, deport... 0 ODS oe Tee ees Ouigimcol eypsitia . oi, 2 64 Wsesomeypsum........... Dey a Sales It | Properties of gypsum and theory Generale weology..2 Jar... ee. ne, of its transformation to plasters. 71 Details of the distribution of gyp- Technology of gypsum plasters.. 79 eimmeums New York sic ses: 26 Biiliorscl Character of the gypsum in New Ee ree ee Sige ache = Pronk chemical analy-es. ...: 500 | dex ene es sae eee ot New York State Education Department Science Division, March 8, 1910 Hon, Andrew S. Draper LL.D. Commissioner of Education Str: Among the more important mineral resources of this State is gypsum. A large capital is invested in its development and its annual production is of growing moment. The actual development however, of this industry is far within the possibilities and it has, therefore, seemed wise to summarize the statistics of the gypsum industry and to indicate the lines along which its development may be profitably prosecuted. _Accordingly I submit to you herewith a treatise on the Gypsum Deposits of New York, which has been prepared by D. H. Newland, Assistant State Geologist, assisted by Henry Leighton, and recom- _ mend this for publicaticn as a bulletin of the State Museum. Very respectfully JoHN M. CLARKE Director State of New York Education Department COMMISSIONER’S ROOM Approved for publication this oth day of March 1910 Commissioner of Education ee My ioe eg rE an. fen ai A ; Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 480 ALBANY, N. Y. ' @eromen1, i916 New York State Museum JoHN M. CriarKke, Director Mussum Bulletin 143 GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK BY D. H. NEWLAND AND HENRY LEIGHTON INTRODUCTION Gypsum has been mined in New York for the last century. ‘The present development of the industry dates back, however, scarcely more than a decade. During this interval the production has grown to many times its former proportions, and from a relatively insig- nificant position the State has advanced into prominence with re- gard to both the mining and manufacture of gypsum. The basis of this progress is supplied by great natural resources combined with unexcelled market advantages. The field investigations in connection oe this report have ex- tended over the whole area within which workable déposits are known to exist. Some of the occurrences visited have not been noted hitherto; the recent extensions of productive operations, moreover, have permitted a more detailed study of the deposits and their distribution than was possible a few years ago. Acknowledgment is due the mining companies arid others for many courtesies received by the writers. The privilege of inspect- ing the workings and plants was freely granted, and records of 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM exploration and other information were furnished, without which the report could not have been prepared. The field notes have reference mainly to conditions in the sum- mer of 1909. They were made by Mr Leighton. HISTORY OF THE GYPSUM INDUSTRY IN NEW YORK Statistics of production The discovery of the gypsum deposits must have been practically coincident with the first permanent settlement of central and west- ern New York, which followed close upon the termination of the War of the Revolution.. The earliest mention that is still a matter of record relates to an occurrence on lot 90, Camillus township, Onondaga co., said to have been discovered by W. Lyndsay in 1792. In 1808 a stock company was organized to exploit this deposit for land plaster. The beds in Sullivan township, Madison co. were worked during the War of 1812 and the output was shipped to the Hudson river and as far away as Philadelphia. It appears that gyp- sum was quarried at Union Springs as early as 1811 and by 1822 several thousand tons are reported to have been shipped each year from that place to Pennsylvania. The sole use of the product was as agricultural plaster. At the time of the first geological survey (1836-41) the quarry- ing of gypsum was actively pursued along the Salina belt from Madison to Genesee county. The reports of that survey mention operative quarrics in the towns of Wheatland, Leroy, Seneca Falls, Union Springs, Phelps, Manlius, Camillus and Sullivan; and their output was then nearly as large probably as at any time in the suc- ceeding 50 years. Though the deposits were under active exploitation long before those of Michigan, Ohio and the Middle Western States had be- come productive, they have played little part in the development of the trade in calcined plasters or their technology. It was only after this branch of the industry had become firmly established in other parts of the country and American practice had become fairly perfected that the local deposits began to receive attention as a source of material for calcined plaster. The first production of plaster of paris was reported in 1892 and amounted to 75 tons. With the successful issue of the early undertakings the natural advantages of the State for manufacture and marketing have con- tributed a powerful impetus to this branch of the business, which is now the most important of all. eee ee ee 3 GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK i The production of gypsum and gypsum plasters, so far as statis- tics are available, is shown in the accompanying table. The figures for the years 1889 to 1903 inclusive are taken from the annual volumes of The Mineral Resources, while those subsequent to the latter year are abstracted from the bulletins of the New York State Museum. The total for 1843 is an estimate based on information given in the early reports of Hall and Vanuxem. While the production for the years previous to 1889 can not be stated definitely, it is estimated that the aggregate output since the beginning of the industry in the State has been between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 tons. A total approximating the truth may be de- rived by using the known figures for the period 1889-1908 and by Production of gpysum and gypsum products in New York State SOLD AS LUMP SOLD AS LAND ~- |SOLD AS CALCINED ESE es GYPSUM PLASTER PLASTER YEAR Short Short Short Short ae aValue Aas Value rane Value Area Value 112) Se aS BESO OG) esgeemay seme | iors) eierinas, aunt | eee ohade mace || sie ence omens cliewe tareletn Bcccllevieits a edteraul yy, sus apleGn es HOO Mere aa. 6 5A COM SIO AWG Gan SGA) Saw Ciel Se OG! MgHo ewig ow oes a lheomo ee oe 1890 32 903 73 093 2 Oye G siistoil) AG) coyey at FONDS Cilia wa duesee esl sueee aye eoeus MOON sects toes. 3 BiOmsns 5 |p 5 ion S71 Gn 780 Ol ee 21 eA OS lines ne Soles herweaats allenuome tena ete TO Qvale te, aioe B2ae Odi Or OO 7 887 SO) Bet AS yl| is Wey! 75 $400 INSIO\ Sey ee 20) WAR! OR SiGe]. = ate) C/O 8 198] 22 802] 49 221 I 813 WAG73 MOQUR ee = oa. 31 798] 60 262 IO 554 7 885 16 804| 36 993 2 BB 5 I5 384 TIO RAY oon QQ S77 SC) Bill © iH) gets) 6 492] 16 765) 36 664 3 480) 16 165 SOO eer eyes. «12 Bees ilh 1 s2isor 29 TO) (2°56 Oy ar G Gf ee aS NOS) Si GAG)” (0) s315)|| ease cueuat ol Ban eecaen oie MOO enc sds 33 440] 78 684 5 394 3 516| 15 826] 34 368 9 200] -40 800 TEC \(e) es Ceo ATES si, OL, O05 2e2A3 I 353 I7 Ir2]| 40 066 9 275} 40 550 TNO)C) ae ard Se 52) TAQ! TOs 533 I goo ie (O77 I3 924| 25 200) 26 443 78 566 HQGOrm: <= = - 58 8090| 150 588 I 402 WO A ere ALAA) 0G) DOV) = ale Coys IG)|| ailoyay ae GP TEQOM seep allie sss ERO, 505-240 O09), EE 678 To 908] 33 Sor Or 0093 55 273] 169 668 HOOD iacis ce « o< 6 IIo 364] 259 170 o) TE 2) I5 184| 25 981| 43 750] 60 184] 200 236 LOO SieeccaiclD 137 886] 462 383 9 304) (15 439] 37 850; 77 392) 75.613) 369 552 TQ OAR ese et oe Tire AUS IN| “lay. Toyg/is 9 768 I4 652) 33 712) 62 438) 88 255] 347 885 GOS) ere nas 36 I9gI 860] 551 193 27% 980] 34 095 Ig 815| 39 O14] 130 268] 478 084 TQOOR) ss eel 262 486] 699 455] 34 626] 58 076] 20 656] 46 094] 163 451] 5905 285 TLV) Sienna we BeBMs Bie 75 Te 5509) Om 1000) 1719) 43:2 I5 441] 38 859] 145 684] 533 265 WOOS wa fe Ses 318 046| 760 759| 95 146] 171 747 5 re TA 25 5) LOOe Ossian 757 a Value is based on the marketed products. estimating the previous production according to reasonable aver- ages. The estimate for the year 1843 and the reported outputs for several years after 1889 show that until. late years there was a fairly steady market for the gypsum as land plaster material. It is probable that the production did not average over 10,000 tons a year previous to the opening of the Erie canal, for until then the facilities for shipment were limited. From the year of its opening (1826) until 1889 the average was probably about 35,000 tons. For the period 1810-88 the production may be estimated accordingly at 8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 2,400,000 tons, while the actual output in the period 1889-1908 has been 2,063,995 tons. The combined total in round numbers is 4,464,000 tons. The production and imports of gypsum for the United States during the period 1890-1908 aie given in the table herewith. A comparison of the statistics in the two tables shows that New York has held its place in the general industry of the country which las increased its output over 800 per cent since 1890. The local output in 1908 was approximately 18 per cent of that recorded for the United States in the same year. There is little doubt that the use of gypsum in this country will continue to expand during the immediate future, though most likely at a slower rate than that exhibited in the last few years. . Production and imports of gypsum for the United States PRODUCTION a@ IMPORTS b YEAR ee Short tons Value Short tons Value RSC siete wee chee 1827995 $574 523 178 857 $229 859 POT ate ene ee ihn 208 126 628 o51 ZiO B17 226 319 LGD? eae eee 256.2509 695 492 187 936 308 O11 POOR: (ls Na Ne Mee ewes 252005 696 615 167 663 ZTE OeHe OOM sate ss ta ease ee 239 312 FOL. 7EQ 164 527 196 o60 MOOK eieistn igh ewer e 265 503 797 447 195 844 227) 2 BO OO). ee yore ae Bee eee 224 254 573 344 183 561 215 520 ie (Cy Pega oe Oost =, 288 982 755 864 165 865 195 714 TOOQS Ss akc apt e eee 291 638 755 6200 169 039 199 865 LOO Oirg. wiuvtonn uaceers 486 235 I 287 o80 199 844 2320) O58 VQOO chine ee ee 594 462 E027 202 212 Q9O 249 057 TO OMT} whe es ee aE 633. FOr 1 506 641 228, 210 258 067 TQIG'D Aislin’ Soe eae a Bete 816 478 2 089 341 309 O14 208 167 TOSS. Sava thetaegers Canes t OAT Fos 3 792 943 269 484 52 A, 10g HOO A. <25's cite eae ee 940 917 2-748 225 2907 516 332 Sez BOOS) cis + acea eae I 043 202 2. O22 G.4227 403 IIQ 423 204 EO OO. . s pe Soni ere x 540 1585 B O37 075 440 586 487 546 TOO S00 cre eet ane 75h a 4 942 264 445 890 499 030 OOO). a1 5 cee 1 9727 829 4 138 560 302 047 327 02m, a The figures of production are based on the crude gypsum, while the values are for the marketable products. : b Includes crude and calcined gypsum, but not manufactured plaster of paris. COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERS OF GYPSUM Chemical and mineralogic characters. Gypsum is a hydrated calcium sulfate with the formula CaSO,. 2H,O. Its ideal composi- tion is represented by the following percentages by weight: lime . GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 9 fete jee2 >, sulfuric acid anbydrid (SO,) 46.6; water (H,O) 20.9. The crystallized variety of gypsum may show a close ap- proach to these percentages, but the ordinary rock and earthy gyp- sum employed in the industries contains a variable proportion of foreign matter which amounts generally to several per cent of the whole mass. The crystals of gypsum belong té the monoclinic system and are usually formed by a simple combination of faces. According to the relative development of the latter, they may be tabular or flat- tened, prismatic, or elongated into acicular individuals. They are sometimes twinned so as to yield arrowhead forms. The common types of crystals are represented by the accompanying figures. The Fic. 1 Cryst:ls of gypsum, Attheright a twinned form. (H.P. Whitlock, del.) crystals are characterized by an easy cleavage parallel to the prin- cipal plane (face 0 in figures). Thin flakes so produced are flex- ible, but not elastic like mica to which they bear some resemblance. If bent sharpiy they break in a diagonal direction with the produc- tion of fibers. The cleavage plates of gypsum can be distinguished from foliated talc by their greater hardness, which is inferior, however, to that. ‘of anhydrite or calcite. Gypsum occupies the second place in the Miohs scale of hardness, according to which certain minerals are selected as standard and numbered in order of increasing hardness from 1 to 10. In this scale talc is 1 and calcite 3. The specific gravity of gypsum when pure is 2.3. Gypsum is only slightly soluble in pure water (one part dissolv- ing in 415 parts of water at 32°F. and in 368 parts of water at 100.4°F.) but its solubility is considerably increased in the presence of salts of the alkalis, such as sodium and potassium chlorids. Con- centrated acids are generally poor solvents, sulfuric having no 19 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM effect; dilute hydrochloric acid is the common solvent for labora- tory purposes. | | Gypsum parts readily with its water of crystallization. By par- tial dehydration it is converted into the half hydrate (CaSQ,. %H,.O), which is plaster of paris. In ordinary practice of plaster manufacture where the dehydration is performed in closed recep- tacles. the temperature is not allowed to exceed about 400°F. If the temperature 1s maintained above that point for any length of time, complete dehydration results and the product then has the composition of the mineral anhydrite (CaSO,). This mineral is insoluble and useless for plaster, but the artificial product, if cer- tain conditions are observed in burning, is capable of uniting with water and enters into special grades of plaster. The dehydration of gypsum can be accomplished at temperatures much lower than those in manufacturing practice under the influence of hygroscopic materials like concentrated acids or currents of dry air. Varieties of gypsum. Crystallized gypsum is commonly known as selenite. . It is colorless and transparent in pure condition. It finds limited application in optics and has been used in the past as a substitute for glass for some purposes. Satin spar is the name given to the fibrous variety, which is really an aggregate of parallel or radiating acicular crystals. It ranges from white to colorless, has a pearly luster and is often found in veins which intersect the larger bodies of massive gypsum and its inclosing rocks. Rock or massive gypsum is the usual gypsum of commerce. It is generally made up of an intricate intergrowth of small crystals. The white or delicately tinted variety of even texture is the ala- baster used for sculptures and objects of art. More often the rock gypsum has a dark color such as gray, drab, brown or nearly black, according to the character and amount of impurities present. These include organic matter, lime and magnesia carbonates, clay, iron oxids and silica. The actual proportion of gypsum in rock from different localities ranges within wide limits, from as low as 50 or 60 per cent up to 97 or 98 per cent in exceptionally pure types. Ss. Still another variety of gypsum, known as gypsite or gypsum earth, is common in some parts. It is an incoherent surface de- posit consisting of small gypsum crystals mixed with quartz, lime carbonate and organic matter. It occurs in the Middle Western States, where it is used to some extent for plaster manufacture, and in Europe. GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW: YORK sO, Anhydrite. This mineral is mentioned here on account of its close relation to gypsum. It differs chemically in the absence of any water of crystallization and like overburned plaster lacks the property of setting when mixed with water. If exposed to weather- ing influences for a long time, however, it will absorb moisture and change to gypsum, a process that has probably taken place fre- ‘quently in nature. The change involves an increase of 60 per cent in volume. The reverse reaction — the change of gypsum to anhy- drite— may also occur under the influence of heat and pressure superinduced for instance by the burial of gypsum beds beneath a great thickness of overlying strata. Anhydrite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and cleaves in three directions normal to each other. Cleavage fragments are thus rectangular. Its hardness is from 3 to 3.5, noticeably greater than that of gypsum. Beds of anhydrite occur frequently in association with gypsum, as might be expected from their similar origin. From a solution of calcium sulfate which is saturated with sodium chlorid ether anhy- drite or gypsum may be deposited according to the temperature.! THE USES OF GYPSUM Crude and ground gypsum - Ornamental and building stone. Alabaster, the semitranslucent white gypsum, which comes mostly from England, Italy and Spain, finds a demand for ornamental uses, less in this country than abroad. Very little gypsum is now used for ornamental or build- ing purposes in the United States. According to the Iowa Geologi- cal Survey,? the gypsum around Fort Dodge was quite extensively quarried at one time for various kinds of structural work and for sidewalks. The stone has a tendency, it is said, to bleach and crack on the surface when exposed to the sun though it does not actually. disintegrate to any harmful extent. Agricultural plaster. The most important use of raw gypsum is as a soil amendment, for which purpose the rock, pure or impure as it may be, is simply crushed and ground to a powder. The em- ployment of land plaster is of very ancient origin, going back at least to Roman times, and its beneficial influence has been advo- cated repeatedly by prominent writers on agriculture. But of late mont tom, J. HH. & Weigert, F../Sitzanegsber. Akad.- Berlin. ro901. p. 1140. The deposition of anhydrite from sea water takes place at a tem- pemaniTe Ol 25°C. or 7o" KF. Mn Nepean = Tt OO'5. peasy Dt 2, p. 203: I2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM there is manifest a decided decrease in the land plaster industry, which seems to indicate a growing uncertainty among agriculturists of the positive value of gypsum as a general fertilizer. The enor- mous development of the trade in calcined plasters, however, may have had something to do with bringing about this decline by divert- ing the attention of the producers to a broader, if not more re- munerative, outlet. The literature on the subject of land plaster is so voluminous that it can hardly be summarized profitably in a few pages. In fact the real action of gypsum on soils appears even now to be little understood. Storer,’ one of the more recent writers, ascribes the effects to a combination of chemical and mechanical processes. According to him ground gypsum acts mechanically in flocculating loose soils and disintegrating stiff clay soils. In a chemical way it releases part of its oxygen to combine with nitrogenous and car- bonaceous substances in the soil and also decomposes silicates like feldspar, from which it sets free potassium sulfate available for assimilation by the plant roots. The last reaction is thought to be the more important. Aside from the possible benefit of the con- tained lime, gypsum appears thus to add no direct fertilizing ele- ment to land. Gypsum in portland cement manufacture. According to E. C. Eckel? gypsum is universally employed as a retarder in portland cement manufactured by the rotary kiln process, such cement being characterized by a high lime content and rapid set. From 2 to 3 per cent of gypsum is added usually to the clinker before grinding, in order to insure thorough incorporation. Besides its function in retarding the set of portland cement, the gypsum seems to exert a strengthening influence, at least in the early stagés of setting. The addition is more often made in the form of raw gypsum than as calcined plaster, though of course the latter is more effective weight for weight. The lower value of raw gypsum, however, more than counterbalances the increased quantity necessary, as compared with calcined plaster. Miscellaneous uses. Raw white gypsum is ground and made into crayons which are said to be superior in some respects to chalk crayons. The American Crayon Co. of Sandusky, O. manufactures such crayons along with a variety of similar materials. Finely ground white gypsum is sold under the name of terra alba for various purposes. It is a common basis of cheap white 1 Chemistry of Agriculture. 1887. 1:206. 2Cements, Limes and Plasters. 1905. p. 534 et seq. GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 13 paints and has been found in food stuffs. Its more legitimate uses are in the preparation of insecticides and pharmaceutical supplies. A peculiar use of gypsum is found in the wine-growing districts of Spain and Greece, where it is said to be added to red wines to hasten their ripening before bottling and to give them a more fiery color! The process is called “plastering.” The gypsum unites with the tartar or argol to form tartrate of lime which precipitates and clears the wine, while the soluble potassium sulfate that is formed reacts upon the phosphates releasing phosphoric acid which enhances the color intensity. The presence of small amounts of gypsum in waters used for brewing is said to be advantageous. Various processes have been devised for hardening blocks of crude gypsum so as to imitate marble and other materials. The blocks after being dehydrated by heat so as to render them porous are treated with chemicals such as ammonia, ammonium sulfate, copperas etc. A cheap substitute for meerschaum is made in this way with the use of stearic acid or paraffin? Uses of calcined gypsum Molding and casting. The ordinary calcined gypsum, or plaster of paris, has a great number of uses. A very familiar one is asa . material for making casts and molds. The value in casting objects is due largely to its property of swelling slightly as it sets, thus filling out the mold perfectly. The pottery industry consumes large quantities of plaster of paris annually in the form of molds for casting china and porcelain wares; the porous nature of such molds is an important advantage, permitting the water of the clay to escape. The manufacture of plate glass likewise calls for large quantities of plaster. The glass sheets are imbedded in the plaster during the process of grinding and polishing. It is estimated that over 40,000 tons are consumed each year in the United States by the glass industry. Building and construction. Stucco and staff are but other names for plaster of paris; the former in its application to interior decorations and as a white coating for wal! surfaces and the latter to building construction and exterior decorations. : A related use of plaster of paris, first introduced in Germany but of rapidly growing importance in this country, is in the manufac- ‘Scientific American Sup. 1907. 63:26033. aNiGche Geol, Sur, An, Rept. /1904>) 9-206: 14 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ture of plaster boards or blocks for the construction of walls and floors. The boards or sheets are built up in alternating layers of plaster and some supporting material such as paper, excelsior, fibrous talc, etc. They are nailed directly to the studdings and joists of buildings and are then covered with a fresh coat of plaster. Further details of their manufacture are given on page 45. The employment of gypsum wall plasters in the place of lime plasters has developed rapidly of late years and now represents the most important single application of gypsum, at least in this country. Wall plasters consist of plaster of paris and some fiber- like hair or wood with the addition of a retarder. Their advan- tages over lime plasters are many, including more rapid set, greater spreading power, less shrinkage on drying, and ability to unite with coloring agents so as to produce any desired tint. On the other hand they are somewhat more expensive than lime and in- ferior to it in deadening sounds. A special preparation of plaster, glue and pigments is sold under the name of alabastine for the tinting of walls. 7 Cie The manufacture of anhydrous plasters, of which Keene’s ce- ment and flooring plasters (“ Estrichgips” of the Germans) are examples, is not carried on to any extent in this country. They are characterized by slow setting and superior hardness. Keene’s cement, which is representative of a number of materials sold under special brands for hard finishing of walls, is made by cal- cining gypsum at red heat, after which the dehydrated plaster is immersed in a solution of alum and again ignited at high tempera- ture. “Estrich”? gypsum is the soluble form of artificial anhy- drite prepared by calcination of gypsum at a temperature of about 500° C. for a period of not more than four hours. Further details concerning these plasters are given in another chapter. Gypsum mortar can be made by using plaster ground to’ about the size of building sand and mixing with five to eight parts of water.1. Tests prepared with German plaster show a crushing strength which for a number of different mixtures averages II. kilograms per square centimeter, higher than the results obtained with lime mortar and exceeded only by those for cement mortar. In mixing plaster for wall plaster or mortar it is pointed out that the plaster should be added to the water, the lumps quickly broken and the mass stirred as little as possible” The plaster 1 Scientific American Sup. 1907. 64:18. 2 Scientific American Sup. 1907. 63:26207. GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 15 attains its greatest hardness with small amounts of water, 33 per cent being sufficient, of which 22 per cent remains in the hardened plaster. Plaster made with a large excess of water, as much as 200 per cent being often used, must necessarily be porous and less coherent as the crystals are not so tightly interlaced. It is also more absorbent of moisture and more liable to disintegration under change of temperature. Other uses. Plaster of paris is also used in various printing processes.t Gypstereotyping is the process for the production from movable types of a solid printing plate of type metal. The printing form to be cast is secured in a metal frame or “ chase,” the type metal oiled and the space above it filled with plaster paste struck off even with the upper edge of the frame. After allow- ing it to set 15 minutes there remains a plaster mold into which the molten type metal can be poured. In galvanoplastic work plaster molds saturated with stearin or wax and coated with graphite are used, and in rubber stamp mak- ing the rubber substance is pressed into a plaster mold and vulcanized. é GENERAL GEOLOGY Occurrence of gypsum in New York State The workable gypsum deposits are restricted to the Salina stage of the Upper Siluric or Ontaric system. The Salina includes also the rock salt beds of the State and is the equivalent practically of the Onondaga salt group as described in the early reports by Hall and Vanuxem. According to present nomenclature it is the basal subdivision of the Cayugan group, the uppermost of the three groups which together constitute the Upper Siluric succession in this region. The Salina strata occupy two main areas within the State. The larger area contains the original sections which have become the types for comparison, and is the more impertant from an economic standpoint. It is represented by a belt that extends with uninter- rupted continuity from Albany county on the east through central and western New York to the Niagara river and thence into the Province of Ontario. Its approximate limits are shown on the sketch map [pl. 1]. The belt terminates within or near. the town of Knox, Albany co. by the thinning out of the strata, which in this part consist of only a few feet of shale. From Albany county westward the Sa- Scientific American Sup.. “1907. 63 126033. 15 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM lina beds follow the range of hills that borders the Mohawk valley on the south, their outcrop being at first well up the slopes and at a distance of about 15 miles from the river itself. They parallel the Mohawk as far as Oneida county, where, owing to increased thickness of the members and the flatter topography, they begin to spread out so as to occupy a surface from 1 to.3 miles wide. Their course thus far is quite sinuous due to the numerous deep north and south valleys tributary to the Mohawk which produce long upstream deflections. Beyond Oneida county their outcrop rapidly broadens; it is about 12 miles wide at the west end of Oneida lake and fully 20 miles on the line of Cayuga lake where it attains the maximum width for the State. The outcrop in west- ern New York is more regular, maintaining an average of from 7 to 10 miles and running almost in a straight line parallel to the shore of Lake Ontario. The Salina of this area is mainly a shale formation. The other elements are gypsum which occurs in the upper shale beds; salt near the middle of the section; and an impure limestone which forms a thin capping to the shale in the central and western parts and discontinuous bands within the shale itself. The great mass of shale, except for a few feet at the base, is devoid of fossils; therefore, in subdividing the Salina, use is made of these elements which have a fairly constant horizon. The detailed stratigraphy of this belt will be discussed later under a separate head. The second area within which the Salina beds appear is in south- eastern New York and here they show a quite different develop- ment. They are found in two principal belts, one of which begins in Ulster county near the Hudson and follows the Shawangunk mountain uplift in a southwesterly direction across the State line into New Jersey and the other is in Orange county beginning near Cornwall and running parallel to the first along the Skunnemunk ridge. It may be remarked that the true sequence of the strata in this region has only recently been established. Our knowledge — of the wide development which the Salina here shows has come largely through the work of C. A. Hartnagel’ whose conclusions derived from stratigraphic evidences have been fully confirmed by study of newly discovered fossil-bearing secticns. The main mem- bers of the Salina are conglomerate at the base, shale and sand- 1 Notes on the Siluric or Ontaric Section of Eastern New York. NY. State Pal. An. Rep’t. 1903. p. 342 et seq. Also Upper Siluric and Lower Devonic Sections of the Skunnemunk Mountain Region. N. Y. State Mus. Bulwey, «1907. Ps soretesede EDUCATION DEPARTMENT JOHN M CLARKE STATE GEOLOGIST UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORE STATE MUSEUM OFe | | SAA = ——_—$}+— Sn z ae -— Be incos Mitadedp ia H : = ts Port Hope ‘ 5 ; ig 2 si) Toronto » | Ao, = eo (idlign \ \4' waa! = Vj WRvpdinitee V Ry ue | frost S j ADB) AS \ Z Middleby } j Addexony — So nw tye | MAP OF NEW YORK | Monticell SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF SALINA STRATA BY D. H. NEWLAND Cbnrse) Vidi lglpw Scale of Miles 0 10 20 30 wp 5 NEW JERS Fo Richni« i ay Loe see WR GYPSUM. DEPCSITS- OF (NEW, YORIK 7 stone, with some limestone at the top. The conglomerate is the well known Shawangunk grit which was formerly regarded as the equivalent of the Oneida conglomerate of central New York. The shales (High Falls) are a minor feature of the northern sections of the area, though they gain in strength progressively toward the south and on the New Jersey border have a thickness of sev- eral hundreds of feet, so as to predominate over the other members. They are of reddish color, pyritic, and in places graduate upward into sandstone. With their exception, the strata of the region pre- sent a coarser phase of sedimentation than that inherent to the Salina of the type localities. The variation in the character and sequence of the strata com- posing the two areas is explainable by their accumulation in scparate basins which received land drainage from different parts of the Siluric continent. This condition is imdicated by. the diagram [fig. 2] which shows the relations of the Upper Siluric fOtmations ot central New York. The Salina beds of this region were deposited in the interior or Mississippian sea which received the drainage from the continental lands to the north. To the east the sea was shut off from the Atlantic basin by a barrier of Lower Siluric and earlier formations which extended along the Appalachian protaxis and which had been augmented just previous to the opening of Upper Siluric time by the Taconic uplift. Dur- ing the whole of the Salina age there seems to have been no free communication between the two basins, so that the sediments formed on the Atlantic side of the barrier must have come from the adjacent Appalachian highland. The detritus was brought down to the sea probably by short swift streams; whereas in the inte- rior basin there was a much more gradual slope from the Adiron- dack and Canadian highlands owing to the existence of a wide coastal plain that had been in process of construction from the early Paleozoic times, and the slower moving tributary rivers were able to transport only the finer materials to their outlets. From these considerations, it is apparent that the geographic features which were conducive to the deposition of salt and gyp- sum in the first region may have been wholly wanting in the other. The available evidences are, however, scarcely sufficient to warrant the assumption that these minerals do not occur in southeastern New York. The Salina of this region has been so recently recog- nized that little attention has been given to its exploration and the descriptions are based wholly on surface exposures. It is I8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM highly improbable that any valuable deposits occur in the northern sections, where conglomerates and sandstones are the prevailing strata. If present at all, they will be found in the extreme south- ern part near the New Jersey border, in association with the shales which, as before stated, are here much thicker and even be- come the predominant member of the series. In so far as the climatic factor may be concerned in the forma- tion of the salt and gypsum, conditions must have been very simi- lar in the two regions. The long continued concentration of the Salina seas by evaporation was widespread throughout the north- eastern section of the interior basin as shown by the occurrence of one or both minerals in the Salina of Ontario, Ohio and Michigan, and there is no reason for believing that the climate was essentially less arid or otherwise different in the nearby part of the Atlantic basin, especially as the intervening barrier had undergone steady submergence during the epoch and was to disappear wholly before the close of Siluric time. The colors of the strata in both regions are very similar. Deep ‘red shales which some geologists regard as indicative of arid cli- matic conditions are a prominent feature of the sections in south- ern Orange county as well as of the Lower Salina of central New Work; Salina stratigraphy The Salina stage as developed in central New. York is divisible into five parts. The different members are seldom sharply de- limited by physical features and owing to the scarcity of fossils throughout the beds their demarcation on the map is only possible in a general way. They are usually connected by zones of grada- tion; or sometimes the transition from one member to another is marked by a sequence of alternating layers. The latter is the con- dition, for example, of the passage from the waterlime that caps the formation, to the underlying shale. The full series is found only in the part of the belt that lies west of Madison county. To the east they overlap upon the lower formations and gradually thin out to disappearance. The general relations of the members are shown in the accompanying diagram [fig. 2]. 3 Bertie waterlime. This is an argillaceous, more or less magne- sian limestone which forms the top member of the Salina stage. It is a persistent formation of quite uniform character. It extends from the Province of Ontario, where the type locality is found, . ews) lee mh 19 GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 91C1G YIOK MON Ul E4eIYS OINIIS JoCdp OY} JO JUe}xe IveUT] pue UOr}sod eAT}EIor BuljeoIpul WeIseIq ~% ‘DIY suorgnusos 91IN 179 49m07 ( app12eulojbucs yore ‘QU07S PUDS 2) : £ ups Gee) ria ux BamsC (Apo s a ; Ad2ULog p) qaoclyoo7 - yctforrb uvivboiy biaqeep >} Te a SS a ess peptian Soar SE See ESS a ; : ayoys sn]pUuDy Sp2q WnSd KS | = = uvhnkoy (8U0JSSUA2)) 2)24S9790)~_ SS = —= = SATION STO (227 13870M) ee en es DUOJSAUL27) STILJUDWF (euoyseutry) $7227 s Q D $ RY EY @ 3 iS) 4 BR a g S = 8 ao ater @ o S opts ; § e SSS Ss i) 3 = eae 3 9 1 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM eastward as far as Schoharie county. In field exploration it serves as a very useful indicator, since the gypsum horizon lies just below, in the shales. The limestone carries an eurypterid fauna which is also charac- teristic of the Pittsford shale at the base of the Salina. The inter- vening beds, however, are almost devoid of fossil remains, due undoubtedly to the unfavorable conditions for life that prevailed in the highly saline waters in which they were laid down. A common physical feature of the limestone is conditioned by the presence of numerous small cavities, which may so abound as to lend the ap- pearance of a porous lava or slag. The cavities or cells are rounded or irregular in shape, sometimes elongated like worm tubes, and are frequently lined with a caicareous deposit. The structure was considered by some of the early writers to be of organic nature and the limestone was commonly designated the Vermicular limerock. This view of the origin of the cells was controverted by Vanuxem who pointed out the fact that they are often accompanied by hopper- shaped casts and impressions that have the clear outlines of rock salt crystals. There is little doubt but that they are due to the former presence of rock salt deposited with the limestone and after- ward dissolved away. The limestone possesses hydraulic properties and has been burned for hydraulic cement. The natural cement industry which was car- ried on for many years at Buffalo and Akron made use of this limestone which was employed to some extent also by the plants in Onondaga county. Its thickness varies from 60 feet in Canada and 50 feet in Erie county to 10 feet or less in eastern New York. Camillus shale. Underneath the waterlime occurs a bed of soft shale, containing intercalated layers of magnesian limestone. The workable gypsum beds are found in this shale, at varying horizons, but mainly near the top. The color of the shale is commonly drab or gray with variations to olive-green and sometimes red. There are no fossils, except one or two species found in the intercalated limestones. ; ~The thickness of the shale, together with the gypsum beds, aver- ages perhaps 300 feet in the central part. Its outcrop is usually found just north of the line of ridges (known as the Helderberg escarpment in the eastern part of the State) formed by the great beds of overlying limestone and spreads out as a flat more or less swampy surface, physically continuous with the area of the Vernon shales. In the centrai section the outcrop is 2 or 3 miles wide. The gypsum deposits are seamed more or less with shale which Se ee 7 GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK Zn divides them into separate beds, though there is little regularity in the number or thickness of the beds from place to place. ‘The shale intercalations range ail the way from mere films to layers several feet thick. While the main body of gypsum is usually found near the top of the Camillus shale, in some places directly beneath the waterlime, there are nodules, veins and layers of gypsum distrib- uted all through the mass. | The limestone layers accompanying the shale represent transition stages toward the Bertie waterlime and are more abundant in the upper part. They show the same porous structure and hopper- shaped casts due to halite and contain varying percentages of magnesia. They are inclined to be more argillaceous than the char- acteristic waterlime, as might be expected, and on that account dis- integrate rapidly when exposed to the weather. The whole body of shale is impregnated more or less with lime and is often called marl in the reports of James Hall. The lime, however, is not of organic origin, but a precipitate probably from infiltering waters subsequent to the consolidation of the beds. Syracuse salt. This isa very variable member composed of alter- nating beds of rock salt and shale, occupying a position between the Camillus and Vernon shales. There is no definite plane of demar- cation at the top or bottom, and some geologists consider it a part of the Vernon shale rather than an independent unit, inasmuch as the presence of rock salt constitutes the only criterion for its recognition. Even that feature does not hold along the outcrop, for the salt has been removed in solution wherever the covering is less than about 1000 feet: thick. From the records of deep wells, the salt horizon is recognizable in the Salina from Madison county westward to Erie county. At Morrisville, Madison co. a single bed of salt about 12 feet thick occurs. In Onondaga county there are as many as four beds of salt separated by shale and the extreme thickness of the salt and included rock is not less than 300 feet. At Ithaca seven beds of salt aggregating 248 feet and six beds of included shale with a total thickness of 222 feet are shown in a well record. In the Genesee valley, at the Retsof mine, the salt beds include 15 feet of rock and measure altogether 124 feet. In the Oatka valley of Genesee county the salt-bearing strata are from 100 to 135 feet thick. In Erie county they appear to range between 100 and 200 feet thick. 1The data relating to the thickness of the salt deposits are taken from Etihens Geolovy of the Salt District.” . N.Y. State Mus. An. Rep’t: 50, Verze LOOO! 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Vernon shale. The thickest member of the Salina beds is the Vernon shale. It is a soft shale which by its usual deep red. color can be distinguished more or less readily from the shales above the salt horizon. The strong ferric-oxid color is particularly prevalent in the eastern section where the beds can be traced across the country by the red, greasy clays that result from their decomposi- tion. In the western part they are banded with greenish and gray- ish layers and bear some resemblance to the Medina shales. They are exposed from Herkimer county westward across Oneida, Mad- ison, Onondaga and Cayuga counties, but beyond the Genesee river are generally buried under the drift, and as their color is no longer uniform, their line of outcrop is not so readily determined in that part. ‘Thin layers of limestone also appear in the western counties, as shown in well sections. The thickness of the Vernon shale reaches a maximum in Onon- daga and Cayuga counties, where it probably averages about 500 feet. At Syracuse the salt well section shows 525 feet. Toward the east the shale thins rather rapidly and apparently disappears entirely in Herkimer county. Westward its thickness also dimin- ishes, but from the information afforded by the few wells that have penetrated the Salina the shale seems to persist as far as -Erie county at least. At Gardenville, in that county, a well record shows 200 feet of shale below the salt horizon. Most of the salt wells and shafts do not go below the lowest salt, though in one well at Warsaw the shale has been penetrated for a little over 100 feet. The absence of any extensive deposits of gypsum in the Vernon shale is a noticeable feature, and one which seems to detract from the validity of the usually accepted view that the salt and gypsum beds are due to evaporation of sea water. If the sea during Siluric times approximated in composition the ocean of the present day as regards saline constituents — and the evidences strongly indicate a similarity of conditions — there should be a considerable deposit of gypsum below the salt beds. It is fairly certain, however, that the salt and gypsum do occur in their normal order. In some of the deep wells, as for instance at Attica and Aurora, gypsum was found below the salt, while there may be a large amount of gypsum in the aggregate disseminated through the mass of the Vernon shale, as has been suggested by Hartnagel.1. It can only be said that the conditions generally were less favorable for the deposition of large and continuous beds of gypsum in the Vernon shale than later in 1Geologic Map of Rochester and Ontario Beach Quadrangles. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 1154. 997.5: Bo: GYPSUM DEPCSITS OF NEW YORK | 23 the period represented by the Camillus shale. This may have been due to the influx of fresh waters at frequent intervals, to which the great body of silt may be attributed. Pittsford shale. In a few localities, the base of the Salina series is marked by a bed of dark shale which rests upon the Lock- port dolomite. Though of no great thickness, the bed is given an independent position in the stratigraphic column on account of its fauna, most interesting of which are the eurypterids, found also in tae Bertie waterlime. The Pittsford shale is a local phase of the Salina, first recognized a few years since from exposures at Pitts- ford near Rochester. General structure of the Salina beds The Salina strata which outcrop from Albany county to the Niagara river have been little disturbed since their emergence from the sea. They are nowhere involved in local folds and if at all faulted the displacement must be so slight as to escape general ob- servation. They dip uniformly toward the south, the direction rang- ing from due south to a few degrees east or west of south. Within the central and western parts their inclination averages about 40 or 50 feet to the mile, or roundly 1 foot in 100. This is probably no more than the slope of the sea floor on which they were laid down. In the eastern section the dip is somewhat higher, owing to the fact that the beds here experience in some measure the influence of the Appalachian disturbance, which came at the close of the Paleozoic era. If the whole belt be considered as a unit it becomes apparent that the uplift has been accompanied by a certain amount of differential - movement. This is well shown by a comparison of altitudes at dif- ferent places along the outcrop. The following approximate ele- vations have reference to the outcrop of the gypsum beds in central and western New York. The localities are given in order from west to east. LOCALITY ALTITUDE Feet RIMS CMC OG J etc een pe abe na a eo ek WN Pet ye hah aes 640 mere Gremesce COW, 0S. hcp co pee eee webb a W235 Somme eI EOC (CO 2 sh, bass. Sok sk he is de Ro wmode 2 KS) Peter eVlOnmnOe! CO. 5.) ee oe lek oe de Se be a She alien 560 Meer ET ONCOR Se tet for He Suds elle wee ns 500 Semeemcilis: SeUECA-CO. 2... oo. vc fa de ddd cece kee eee 400 iatemopicines Cavuca con i. i ers es ob est eka ee ek 460 Meme ream Omondaca CO. 6.2 sk lee ee dene Nae eae ees 600 MeribecumMem@lmanceed COL .fik2 oa cece es selec cs he lee 580 MES ero nO Mota ae a CO cd cre ley sc vise ae Ses eh aes bn 640 NGS erlke Ma Sosa (6.0 eae a ince) A See el ceo 650 24 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM In tracing the beds farther east, the gypsum disappears as a prominent feature, but the top of the Salina is found at about goo feet at Clinton, Oneida co. and between 1400 and 1500 feet in Her- kimer county. Beyond Herkimer county the elevation drops off rather rapidly so that in Schoharie county the single member of the series outcrops. at about 600 feet. The lowest point of outcrop is nearly on line with Cayuga lake where the belt is widest. There is a rise of about 300 feet between that point and Genesee county and of over rooo feet in the interval between Cayuga lake and southern Herkimer county. The main part of the belt has thus the structure of a broad shallow syncline with an axis running north and south and with its eastern wing rising well above the western. Nature of the gypsum deposits The gypsum forms regularly stratified beds which are usually heavy and range from several inches to 5 feet or so thick. The impure argillaceous gypsum is, however, rather thinly bedded, the in- dividual layers being separated by shale intercalations. The strata are not, of course, absolutely continuous along the Salina belt, but have the shape of elongated lenses which succeed each other along the strike and dip, perhaps after intervals occupied only by the accom- panying shale and limestone. The workable deposits are thus -sepa- rated into more or less well defined areas, on the borders of which the gypsum diminishes or entirely disappears. The lenticular form of the deposits is well illustrated by the area near Akron which has been fairly well delimited by exploration underground and by numerous test holes [see map facing p. 50]. The bed averages about 4 feet thick and extends for nearly 2 miles in an east-west direction before it thins out. On the north or out- crop side it apparently diminishes very slightly and then terminates abruptly, a feature which is due probably to removal of the gypsum by erosion. The extension of the bed on the dip has not been thor- oughly explored, though the available evidences indicate a gradual thinning in that direction. In surface exposures the beds may exhibit local modifications of the lenticular form. Several occurrences illustrative of such irregu- larities have been described and sketched by Hall’ with considerabie detail. Two of his sketches are reproduced herewith [fig. 3, 4]. In explanation of the features shown in figure 4, Hall expresses the 1 Survey of the Fourth Geological District. 3 12343.) p.m 0-eb Seqe GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 25 opinion that they are attributable to the removal by underground waters of the shale along the contact which has caused it to subside and to fill in the hollows between the gypsum masses. He does not give, however, any explicit reasons for the peculiar shapes assumed by the gypsum and one might even conclude that he considered such masses to occur very generally throughout the Salina belt. The significance of these irregular discontinuous deposits has been misinterpreted in some descriptions, owing to which the sedimentary origin of the gypsum seems to have been seriously questioned by geologists. There can be no reason to doubt that they are of super- ficial distribution and represent the remnants of former lenses of normal type partly dissolved away by ground waters. If followed along the dip of the strata, they would be found probably to lose their irregular form and merge into the usual bedded deposits. The solvent effect of ground waters upon the gypsum 1s shown in numer- ous places on the outcrop; the joint and bedding surfaces are often deeply pitted, and secondary veins of gypsum may be observed ex- tending into the shales. ‘Fic. 3 Irregular bodies of gypsum resulting from solution of a once continuous bed. (After Hall) Yf Lu ————$———SSS ———————— eS — SS SEE eee —————— ———— —T—_ MTT SS = ——————— SMUT al oo co ——————_ Se ——————— = Fic. 4 Bed of gypsum partly dissolved away. (After Hall) 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM DETAILS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF GYPSUM IN NEW YORK: WITH DESCRIPTION OF MINES, QUARRIES AND MANUFACTURING PLANTS Herkimer county The most easterly occurrence of gypsum that was ever worked commercially is a deposit in southeastern Herkimer county. It was discovered previous to 1837 in an adit run into the hillside on the James Crill farm in the western part of Starke township. The opea- ing was intended to explore a supposed silver vein. The gypsum is said to have been found in a roundish mass and to have had a white color. Some 20 or 30 tons were removed by Mr Crill. Present interest is chiefly connected with its situation so far east and with the fact that it is described by Vanuxem as occurring in a white sandstone of Clinton age which at this point immediately underlies the Camillus shale and can be seen in outcrop a little north of the opening. It seems probable that the deposit is of sec- ondary character, derived from scattered inclusions of gypsum in the shale above. Oneida county The Salina shales have a small areal distribution in Oneida county and there are no records to show that gypsum has ever been worked within its limits, though the occurrence of small deposits seems very likely, specially toward the western boundary of the county in Vernon, Augusta and Kirkland townships. ; Madison county The gypsum beds of Madison county, so far as known, all lie near the upper or southern part of the Salina outcrop in a belt running east and west across the northern portion of the county. The town- ships included are Lenox, Oneida, Linco!n, Sullivan, with a pos- sible occurrence in the valley regions of northern Cazenovia, Fen- ner, Smithfield and Stockbridge townships. , The gypsum occurs in the form of lenses, pockets, or irregular masses in the Upper Salina shales, frequently immediately underly- ing beds of waterlime. The pockets are rarely very extensive, sel- dom exceeding 25 feet in length and a depth of Io or 20 feet. The gypsum consists of a mixture of clear selenite plates and a loose, earthy, dark colored mass consisting of clay and organic material. The selenite plates are rarely larger than 2 or 3 inches across and are so intermingled with the earth as to make the mass itiable and, easy. of extraction. Whe clean, pime, matte. ob mre GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK | 27 selenite gives to the beds an appearance of high quality which is at once dispelled by a glance at the analysis below which is based on an average sample taken from a 50-ton lot from the bed of Mr Duane Clock at Clockville, and analyzed by Prof. F. E. Englehardt. Gypsum (CaSO,. Se. NOD ries ek ieee Merete yeaah guint Neeru ot asia ib fe i'd 70.6421 Calcium carbonate (CaCO, Dr aus Ge eee enayt ean me UIP gh, No ee 6.9073 femme om earsonate (MgCO). 2. i. eee ce ee te 7.1891 Tron NE (OE SO be BES A SiGe i Hepat 5 Ae ner es NU ge 4.9200 Aluminum oxid (Al, O, y: NO Pn ot E, Lap tiaue (SiO) 5 esc ie alas ap liek a ae Pain ir eral er meee 5 9000 Pere OOO ATIC |... 4 eck eines eee hele whee ka ss Digan The quarrying and grinding of gypsum for agricultural uses have been carried on in the county from early times. In the first part of the 19th century it was a much more important industry than now. Some of the quarries then in operation were those of Cobb, Merrill and Wright along Cowaselon creek in the town of Lincoln (fermerly Lenox): those of Judge Seeler and Mr Lawrence on Clockville creek: and the old Sullivan bed to the east and north of Chittenango which was worked during the Revolution and its plaster shipped as far as Philadelphia. Also the Van Valkenburgh quarry south of Chittenango, Bull’s and Brown’s quarries between Sullivan and Clockville, and doubtless many others were in opera- tion about 1840. In recent years pockets of gypsum have also been worked intermittently at Hobokenville, where is situated the Tuttle quarry and mill, and about 1 mile south of Cottons where the mull and quarry owned by R. D. Button are located. The gypsum bed at Clockville, now owned by Duane Clock, is as favorably situated as any in the county for extraction and shipment. The bed, some 100 feet long and 5 to 7 feet thick, outcrops along the Elmira, Cortland and Northern Railroad about %4 mile north- east of the Clockville station, 200 feet north of the railroad bridge crossing the creek. Another bed outcrops just south of the bridge while the surrounding hills contain numerous other deposits. The gypsum is the typical friable admixture of selenite and impure gyp- seous clay. It is underlain by Salina shales and overlain by clay... It contains on the average about 70 to 75 per cent gypsum and can be easily and cheaply mined and loaded directly on cars. About 5 miles farther west are gypsum beds owned by Cyrus Worlock and R. D. Button which are of similar character and are also easily accessible. Other deposits are found near the Erie canal, such as those between Chittenango and Sullivan, They are in many 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cases very heavily topped with a shale and limestone cap which must be stripped in quarrying, since it appears too badly broken up to allow tunneling methods. Owing to their somewhat irregular character and to their rela- tively low percentage of gypsum, the more inaccessible deposits in this region have little present value, while even the more Oe situated and larger lenses are of limited utility. Onondaga county The Salina shales outcrop in Onondaga county in an east-west belt varying in width from 10 to 12 miles. The lower beds, known as the Vernon red shales, outcrop in the northern portion in Ly- sander, Van Buren, Clay, Salina, Cicero and Manlius townships. They are described by Luther’ as including many layers of green shales and mottled red and green shales. ‘“ The red color is, how- ever, very pronounced, a strong brick-red; the green is a light but generally distinct pea-green. Some of the upper layers near the contact line are olive. Red is the predominating color in the lower beds, and green toward the top. The shale is very soft and clayey, crumbling into dust on exposure, if dry, or turning to clay, if wet. Some of the green and olive layers are fissile to a slight degree.” Overlying these shales and outcropping to the south are a series of peculiar, cellular, broken limestones containing hopper-shaped cavities, seams and irregular cavities. These are accompanied by dark gypsiferous or olive colored shales. This is supposed to be the horizon of the salt beds of the State and at the surface, along the outcrop, numerous salt springs were once abundant. Above this horizon and to the south lie the gypsum or Camillus shales. They occupy a belt 214 to 3 miles in width and are bounded on the south by the ridge which is a prolongation of the Helderberg escarpment. They also extend in long tongues to the south through the escarp- ment in the valleys of Limestone, Butternut, Onondaga, Marcellus and Skaneateles creeks. The gypsum series consists of gray, drab or mottled shales with interstratified layers of fine-grained platten dolomite, and contains many thick beds of grayish to black gypsum and gypsiferous shale. Between the two chief gypsum masses, according to Luther,” there lies a 40 to 50 foot course of dolomite or clayey limestone, containing numerous cells and cavities and formerly known as “vermicular limerock.’ The gypsum beds IN. Y. State Geol. Rep’t 15-1893. 1250. ? Ibid. p. 264. GYPSUM PEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 29 seem to be most persistent where overlain by the escarpment of Bertie waterlime, Cobleskill, Manlius and Onondaga limestones and for this reason are found mainly in the low hills capped by these limestones and along the stream valleys cutting through the escarp- ment. — The beds of massive gray gypsum occur beneath small hills be- tween Fayetteville and Jamesville. The first area is a series of wooded hills ranging in hight from 40 to 100 feet. These he 2 miles southwest of Fayetteville or 1 mile south or southeast of Lyndon, a station on the trolley line. They are capped by Helder- berg limestone and the gypsum beds outcrop on the sides of the hills, forming a belt around each hill. The capping of resistant limestone seems to have served as a protection against the removal of the gypsum by percolating waters. Clifford Miller quarry. This quarry is situated 1 mile directly south of Lyndon, to the east of the road. It has been worked from early times. It is also known as the Heard or Severance quarry. The gypsum bed is about 60 feet thick and consists of a number of alternating layers, varying in purity, color and grain, the individual layers having local names such as the “cap rock,” the “ 9-foot,” the “t1-toot,” etc. They range in color from very hght drab in the cap rock to dark or almost black, and at times have a brownish color from the presence of iron. Despite its varied appearance the rock runs rather uniform in gypsum, and no attempt is made to sort the material in the quarry operations. The gypsum here is overlain by 2 feet of marlite or weathered Shale, followed by 5 feet of thinly bedded blue limestones (Bertie) then 15 or 20 feet of massive porous Cobleskill limestone full of cavities, with a varying thickness of glacial drift and soil as capping to the whole. The heavy mass of overburden becomes more trou- blesome as the quarry is carried farther into the hill and the strip- ping problem becomes a difficult one.. The overlying marlite is usually blasted out until, by caving, the whole overburden falls into the quarry excavation and work is resumed on the new face of gypsum. Both hand and machine drills are employed. Black pow- der is used in blasting. The broken gypsum is loaded by hand into large 20-ton side dump wagons which are drawn from the quarry by a traction engine a distance of over 2 miles to the canal. The grade is mostly downhill and the road is in good condition. The installation of traction haulage is a new feature in the district and seems to be giving satisfaction. At the canal dock, the rock is dumped down a small embankment, and from there loaded by six 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM men into a steel bucket which is swung by a boom derrick to the canal boat and dumped. The gypsum is all shipped in crude state to Mr Miller’s plant in New York city where plasters of various kinds are made. - Quarry of the National Wall Plaster Co. This quarry. is situ- ated south and west of the Miller quarry on the same knoll. The gypsum bed is continuous with that in the Miller quarry but ts not quite so thick. The property includes about 15 acres underlain with gypsum. Quarrying is carried on intermittently and at present no work is being done. The overburden is similar to that of the other quarry but stripping is accomplished by excavating the gyp- sum in such a way as to undercut the limestone beds and the latter are then allowed to fall into the vacant space. The rock was for- merly hauled to the canal and to the mill but the latter now stands idle. The equipment of the mill consists of a Sturtevant jaw crusher, a set of Hoagland rolls, Cummer kiln and cooling bin, two 10-ton kettles, and a buhrstone mill. The rock was first crushed, then passed through the Hoagland rolls which reduced it to the size of corn. A large quantity of it was shipped in that state to cement manufacturers. Some of this crushed rock was passed through the Cummer kiln at a temperature of 340° and shipped without grind- ing. Some was also ground in the buhrstone mill and calcined in the kettles. The future of this company is still an unsettled question. Quarries at Fayetteville. To the east of these quarries are those of H. H. Lansing, now idle; and also. idle quarries formerly owned by the Adamant Wail Plaster Co. and C. A. Snooks, but now controlled by Clifford Miller. ; Large amounts of a similar grade of gypsum are found in all of these quarries and extending into the several hills: What 1s most needed at present is an outlet for shipping, such as would be fur- nished by a railway switch now being contemplated, or by aerial tramways or bucket carriers to the railroad or the canal. Another improved method, not yet introduced in the region, is mining by means of adit tunnels driven into the hillsides. This would obviate the necessity of closing down in bad weather and would do away with the expense now incurred in stripping. At Fayetteville there are mills owned by Bangs & Gaynor and F. W. Sheedy. Each is equipped with jaw crusher, nipper and buhrstone mills, and grind gypsum. Their mineral is purchased from the neighboring quarries. The ground gypsum is sold as land plaster or to fertilizer companies. : Stal 43° PLATE 2 Le SS l= ton fh, = a fre 4 V6 hy \_ —— a LIST OF WORKINGS ys 1. Quarry, SY S8ar 2. Dock, LY, Clifford Miller Co. \' 3. Quarry, a 4. Miil, National Wal! Plaster Co. Bangs & Gaynor \WHZ7 58, 13-15. Abandoned workings. W/ 9. Mill, ; (ik K T. W. Sheedy Ly ro. Mill, i: a ( : 11. Mine ee \ Sea ienic Sew Ss / ( ic omas Milien Co. Pe) 12. Mine ve AS 4 17. Mill, Ware E. B. Alvord Co. 1. - si UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK BULLETIN 143 PLate > EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE MUSEUM N M. CLARKE BrATE GEOLOGIST by Woodlawn \\ =e Cemetery. » LIST OF WORKINGS 1. Quarry, 2. Dock, Clifford Miller Co. 5 Quarry, Mill Wi PSs (axa aire SS ¥ National Wall Plaster Co. Abandoned workings. . Mill, T. W. Sheedy . Mill, Bangs & Gaynor . Mine . Mill, Thomas Millen Co, » Mine . Mill, E. B. Alvord Co. AN Se wa) w a head Ae: a a | Ad TS 6 ay eek AS 8 GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW: YORK 31 Quarries at Jamesville. The second area in which active opera- tions have been conducted is 2 miles north of Jamesville and east of the road leading to Dewitt (Orville). As in the other quarries the gypsum outcrops on the slope of a hill capped with Helderberg limestones.. The north and west faces of this hill are abrupt oe of which the lower portion is gypsum. The quarry of Thomas Millen Co. is situated about % mile east of Reals station on the Jamesville trolley road. The gypsum is very similar to the Lyndon product and occurs in the same manner. It averages about 30 feet in thickness and 1s overlain by 50 feet of limestone. Until two years ago quarrying was carried on in the usual manner, but now the gypsum is excavated underground by means of a tunnel driven along a 6-foot layer of the best rock. In the fall of 1908 the workings extended 150 feet into the ‘thill and 100 feet to the west. Much timbering is needed. The rock 1s drilled by electric drills, and the mine equipped with electric lights. The broken rock is loaded into I-ton side dump metal cars which are hauled by wire cable from the working face to the entrance and up an inclined trestle, the cable being operated by a small engine and drum. Owing to the grade of the tunnel, the cars return to the face by gravity. From the cars the rock is dumped directly into 3-ton wagons and hauled by a team to the mill. The mill is situated about %4 mile north of Jamesville station, on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. No plaster of paris is made, the rock being shipped crude or after a preliminary crushing in a But- terworth & Lowe jaw crusher. One half mile east of Millen’s mine, on the same escarpment, is the mine of E. B. Alvord & Co. The gypsum ts overlain by a few feet of thin shale, 15 feet of massive limestone and 20 feet of thinly bedded limestones. The company has recently begun mining the rock by means of a tunnel driven in an old quarry. A 5-foot layer is worked. The mine is lighted by electricity and the drills operated by the same power. No mine cars or track are used, but the wagons and horses are driven directly into the mines and to the working face. This necessitates wide gangways and large rooms, but no trouble is experienced with the roof. The mill of this company is situated at Jamesville, across the river from the post office. The power is furnished by a 7o0-horsepower turbine and the equipment consists of a jaw crusher, cracker and buhr- stone mill as well as an unused kettle. The rock is sold crude, or with only preliminary crushing, to cement factories, or is ground in the buhrstone mill and sold as land plaster. NS NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Oo The gypsum bed appears at several places around the western flank of the hill where there are abandoned quarries, and in an abandoned tunnel near Fiddler’s Green, a station on the James trolley line. The close proximity of the railroad to this area is a feature that should bring about its greater development. The track is now only a mile from the mines, but there is a difficulty in the way of extend- ing the switch because of the steep valley of Butternut creek. Other quarries in Onondaga county. The deposits in other sec- tions of the county are mainly of the pockety type and consist of mixtures of white gypsum, selenite flakes and crystals and fibrous gypsum veins with shale. As in Madison county, they rarely run over 10 feet in thickness and 25 feet in diameter. They are usually surrounded by shales and layers of impure limestone and occur both immediately under the Bertie waterlime or in the shales farther to the north. — : In the eastern portion of the ccunty the deposits are quite numer- ous in the town of Manlius, the hilly area between Chittenango, Mycenae and Fayetteville containing many such deposits. Many of the knolls have been opened up from time to time and the gypsum worked for land plaster, but at present no production is made. Westward there are no beds, with the exception of those in Dewitt township, already discussed, until the Onondaga valley is reached. The heavily glaciated area between Butternut creek and Syracuse probably contains gypsum beds, but as yet they are uncovered. Two and a half miles south of Syracuse, A. E. Alvord formerly quarried a gypsum deposit. Vanuxem in his third annual report [p. 256] mentions the working of gypsum deposits along the rail- road from Syracuse to Split Rock, and no doubt there are many small deposits in that section. In the construction of the railroad from Syracuse to Auburn large quantities of gypsum were unearthed along the south side of Nine Mile creek between Camillus and Martisco (formerly Mar- cellus station). Thousands of tons of the material were taken out and the deposits attracted great attention. The gypsum bed con- sists of a mixture of limestone, shale and selenite or at times a whitish gypsum with wavy markings. At no part of the extensive cut was gypsum in pure masses observed, and if quarrying were undertaken the whole impure mass would need to be excavated and the percentage of gypsum would run low. The ease of mining and its accessibility to the railroad may render it of some value in the future. Other outcrops occur farther to the west, at Martisco. ‘09 B8epuoUG ‘UOpuAT Iesu ‘wnsdAsS ut s0efF ATIeENG a GYPSUM DEPCSITS OF NEW YORK 23 One outcrop is at the prominent point or hill northwest of the sta- tion where a 10-foot layer has been quarried. The material is simi- lar to that already described. Following south up a branch of Nine Mile creek another outcrop is seen just south of the station (Mar- tisco) on the Marcellus Falls Railroad. It is about 20 feet in thickness and extends for some 150 feet along the road. A few miles to the west the Auburn Railroad runs through a steep sided valley, and on either bank gypsum deposits are fre- quent. Probably the purest deposit of gypsum noted in the county was encountered in this ledge in an old quarry about half way between Halfway and Martisco. The quarry is now the property of Fred Chapman of Martisco and Monroe Hill of Elbridge. It is situated just off the road about 14 mile south of the Auburn track on the face of an escarpment. The gypsum bed appears at an elevation of abowt 100 feet above the railroad. The quarry shows about 15 feet of gypsum in all, of which 4 feet 1s of much better grade than the average for Onondaga county. It is a grayish to white crystalline mass dotted with brown cleavable crystals and resembles the rock found at Oakfield, Akron and Garbutt. It 1s overlain by 20 feet of limestone, and the expense of stripping 1s the probable cause of idleness. No other outcrops were found in the vicinity, so that no idea of the extent of this stratum could be formed. It seems, however, a deposit well worth investigation, since a few test holes back on the ledge and along the outcrop would soon fix the boundaries of the good rock. Its favorable situation for working and its accessibility are evident. Some form of gravity tramway or aerial bucket tram could easily be constructed, a tunnel driven into the hillside, and the rock shipped on the Auburn road. The quarry was formerly owned by Abner Taylor and the rock was ground by Dwyer & Canear in their mill, long since abandoned. The abundance of gypsum outcrops on the sides of the deep cut valleys between Camillus and Halfway would seem to indicate the former presence of a persistent and continuous gypsum bed over that region and it is probable that underlying the Helderberg lime- stones on most of the hills, gypsum beds would be found. From Halfway on to the western boundary of the county no gypsum de- posits have been recorded, although there seems no reason to doubt their existence in that section. h& 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cayuga county The area covered by Salina rocks in the county varies from 14 to 20 miles in width and falls within the towns of Conquest, Cato, Montezuma, Mentz, Brutus, Throop, Sennett, Springport and Aure- lius. The Cobleskiil limestone which forms the southern boundary of the area, immediately overlying the Salina, extends across the county as follows: Beginning at a point near Skaneateles falls the outcrop follows directly west to a point about a mile south of Sen- nett, where it crosses the New York Central tracks, turns southwest and crosses the northeastern corner of the city of Auburn, thence southwesterly to Hills Branch, and then south to Howland point and Frontenac island near Union Springs. The topography of the northern portion of the Salina permits of but few outcrops. The area bordering the Seneca river is low and marshy while outcrops in other areas are completely obscured by a heavy covering of glacial drift, usually taking the form of drum- lins. On this account very little is known as to the gypsum deposits in that portion of the county. About 11% miles north of Throops- ville, along the river, pockets of gypsum were worked in 1837, the owner being N. Marble of Port Byron. Other impure deposits have been reported in the vicinity of Montezuma. Along the southern border of the Salina and immediately under- lying the Salina waterlime and Cobleskill are the important gypsum beds of the county, in early times the most important in the State. These beds are exposed at three localities: in the town of Spring- | port north of Union Springs; at Cayuga Junction, % mile east of Cross Roads station; and on the boundary of the township 1% miles north of Cross Roads. The gypsum in these localities varies from 1o to 40 feet in thickness, and is of a gray or bluish color, firm and massive, with plates and veins of selenite coating some of the blocks or mixed with the more impure material. In a few places it is overlain by waterlime rock but usually has an immediate cover- ing of glacial soil varying from a few feet to 25 feet in thickness. The occurrence, as well as the character of the rock, is very similar to that of Jamesville and Lyndon. The stratigraphy of the Union Springs region has received the close attention of many geologists and much has been written concerning it. The points involved seem to have no direct bearing, however, on the present treatise and will not be discussed. In the early days many quarries were in operation in the Cayuga Junction area, 2 miles north of Union Springs (then Springport) GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 35 and the plaster was shipped by canal all over the country. Mr Yawger is quoted by Vanuxem as stating that plaster was used there as early as 1811 while by 1842 the quarries were producing 10,000 tons yearly, the price delivered by boat to Ithaca being $1.50 to $2 per ton. From Ithaca it was transported by the Ithaca-Owego Railway and Susquehanna river to points in Pennsylvania. In 1840 five quarries were in operation, owned by Richardson, Partenheimer, Cresis, Howland and Yawger, while the Cross Roads quarry was owned by Mr Thompson. At the present time and for some years back the only active @aatty has been that of the Cayuga Plaster Co., of which C. T. Backus of Union Springs is president. The mill and quarry of this company is at present leased and operated by the United States Gypsum Co. The mill is situated along the Ithaca branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, about 2 miles north of Unton Springs at Cayuga Junction. It is equipped with a Sturtevant cracker and nipper and five buhrstone mills. The rock is sold in lump or ground form to cement factories and others; none is calcined. The quarry is situated about 14 mile back from the mill. The gypsum varies from 20 to 30 feet thick and is overlain by as much as 25 feet of glacial drift that contains many waterlime boulders. Stripping is effected by means of a steam shovel, and the earth is carried to a convenient dumping place at one side. The gypsum is worked at the present time by quarry methods and by means of a tunnel driven into the lower course of the gypsum. Steam drills are used and on the open face the rock is blasted off in benches. The tun- nel has been only recently opened and extends but a few feet into the face. The rock is loaded on cars and transported to the mill on a narrow gage cable railway. An analysis of the plaster as quarried in 1903 showed the pres- ence of 80 per cent lime sulfate. The future of this field depends upon the uses which can: be found for rock of this grade. Transportation facilities are good, the deposits are large, and mining could be carried on cheaply. Although the cement firms at the present time are demanding, gen- erally, a higher grade of gypsum, which is supplied by the beds of western New York, the low cost of production and the advantages for shipment are favorable to an increased development at Union Springs, and in time the once flourishing industry may be revived. Another gypsum deposit was formerly worked at Cayuga Bridge (now Cayuga), the gypsum occurring both above and below the bridge. This deposit was in small pockets, however, and was soon abandoned for the better material south of it. 36 ‘NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Seneca county The area in Seneca county covered by the Salina shales lies in the townships of Junius and Tyre with a small outcrop in the town of Seneca Falls. In the two former townships outcrops are rare. The soft character of the Vernon and Camillus shales rendered them susceptible to speedy erosion during the glacial period and there has been formed a broad shallow east-west depression bounded by the more resistant limestones on the north and south. This area is heavily blanketed with glacial deposits, kames, drumlins etc. and is frequently marshy. It is almost devoid of rock exposures. Where the Seneca river has cut its channel through the Cobleskill and Bertie waterlimes, however, the Camillus shales have: been un- covered and their gypsum masses’ exposed. The Camillits shale series according to Luther! “is composed in the lower part of thin dolomitic limestones and thin layers of soft shale and at the top has a bed of gypseous shale 35 feet thick, some parts of which are of sufficient purity to have, when pulverized, some economic value as land plaster and wall plaster. Gypstm was quarried about 1840 near Black brook west of Nichols corners and the bed has been penetrated in wells of that vicinity. It is not exposed along that stream now.” | The exposures of gypsum along the Seneca river have been de- scribed by John Delafield,? as follows: “ The greatest exposures of the rock are on the north bank, on the farm of Mr Frederick Swaby, and also on the ground of Mr Cady. The rock on Mr Swaby’s farm was extensively worked at one period, and before he pur- chased the property; but, owing in some degree to the limited size of the beds, but chiefly to the neglect of the parties who worked the quarries, they are not productive. The difficulty seems to have arisen from the omission of separating the rock from the shales and marly limestone which surrounds it. . . The hight of the cutting is about 4o feet and the upper bed of rock, the drab colored limestone (Bertie waterlime) is covered by a few feet of soil; it is about 6 feet thick.” He speaks of the plaster as occurring in large unconnected masses in the shale, one being 15 feet high and 35 feet broad. Gypsum occurs on the south side of the river in the bluffs but is not ex- posed. It is again exposed farther east on the north side of the river at the railroad bridge; and it was uncovered on the south N.Y. State Mus Bal 128) sooganu pe a N.Y. State Acnic: Seer Prans-710r, Pes. LOSE. 110 asi —aoe GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK a7 side, in a cut made by the railroad company for the purpose of filling in low ground, the gypsum occurring in courses 41% and 2Y% feet in thickness and very accessible. At one time, as men- tioned by Mr Delafield, the plaster industry along the Seneca river was an important one, and the output amounted to 5000 tons an- nually. It has been abandoned for a long périod, however, and there is little prospect of its resumption. The deposits are all, no doubt, of the impure “mixed” type, while any that might be en- countered under the drift of Junius or Tyre townships would re- quire shaft mining and that too under unfavorable conditions such as wet ground and the like. Wayne county Only the northern or lower portion of the Salina shales outcrops in Wayne county and that only along the southern border in a belt averaging perhaps 6 miles wide. Although the contact between the Camillus and Vernon shales is not sharply defined, we may infer from the thickness of the Salina shales in the county that the exposed part lies below the Camillus and in the main perhaps below the horizon of the salt beds. Wells drilled in Clyde show the Salina to be 840 feet thick at that point, and at Alloway it is 580 feet thick. Gypsum is said to be exposed at various places along the line of the canal and the New York Central Railroad. At Clyde it is found in wells at a depth of 25 feet, at Lyons at 4o feet, and at Palmyra at the same depth. Gypsum was at one time quarried at a point 2 miles west of Newark, where the railroad and canal pass between two hills. North of the canal, on lot 85 owned at that time by Winslow Heth, quarries were opened as early as 1832 and by 1839, 2000 to 3000 tons had been extracted. The gypsum is described by Hall’ as being “ mostly lamellar, transparent and of that variety which receives the local name of isinglass plaster.” It was said to occur with varicolored gypseous marl and to have the form of “ large rounded, irregular masses.” South of the canal was Blackmar’s quarry which was worked at the same time and contained plaster of similar quality. Gypsum has also been quarried around Port Gibson [see descriptions under Ontario county] and undoubtedly many similar pockets underlie the area northeast of Port Gibson in Wayne county. Occurring as they do in the lower Vernon shales, the deposits are not likely to ~ Geol: Rep’t 4th Dist. (1837) 1838. p. 326. 38 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM prove of commercial value. The gypsum is all of the quality known as ““ mixed,” i. e. consisting of selenite plates, reddish, granular and fibrous gypsum interstratified and seamed with clay shales, marlites, impure shaly gypsum, etc.; and it is found in small irregular deposits. Ontario county The Salina group is represented throughout the county by fre- quent exposures of Camillus shale, Bertie waterlime, while the over- lying Cobleskill waterlime and in the eastern part of the county the Rondout waterlime are also encountered. Of these the Camillus shale is the only one of present interest and in it are found all the gypsum deposits. This shale occupies the entire northern portion of the county, and varies in width from 6 miles in the eastern por- tion to 2 miles in the western. In character it varies but little from its general type, a greenish or dark shale becoming light gray on exposure and containing interstratified platten dolomites at inter- vals. Where exposed, it frequently contains the pockety beds of gypsum so characteristic of the beds to the east. In the greater portion of the area, however, actual exposures are rare, owing to the heavy drift mantle. Beginning in the eastern part of the county, the first exposures of gypsum are those brought to light by the Canandaigua outlet between Phelps and Gypsum. Of these the best grade of rock is represented by the beds of the Empire Plaster Co., owned by Mr A. D. Miller of Phelps. Mr Miller’s main quarry lies on the north- ern bank of the outlet 1 mile north-northeast of Phelps Junction, near the bridge. The rock is a gray, impure gypsum, heavily seamed with fibrous white gypsum varying from ™% to 1% inches in width. It occurs in masses of 100 up to 3500 tons in weight and is gotten out by blasting. The material is hauled by wagons to the mill, located near the bridge, 1 mile west on the outlet. This mill is equipped with a cracker, nipper and buhrstones and is run by water power. The mill has been idle for two years but formerly carried on an active business in land plaster. Across the road from the mill is an abandoned quarry from which Mr Miller formerly extracted gypsum masses from 25 to 3000 tons in weight. In early times many mills were in operation in and around Phelps and Gypsum, and the annual production of land plaster in the early forties along the outlet was 6000 tons. From Manchester on to Victor the Salina beds are heavily cov- ered or swampy, and no gypsum thas been reported although well , GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 39 drilling may bring some to light. The various cuts made by the Ganargua creek northeast of Victor have uncovered several gypsum masses of the pockety type, and quarrying was at one time under- taken. A mill and quarry were operated on the C. M. Conover farm 1% miles east of Victor on the north side of the creek. The gypsum, for its kind, was of good grade, 4o feet thick, and had a large sale for land plaster. The quarry has been idle for 15 years. In the later years of quarrying, stripping became such a trouble- some feature (there is 30-40 feet of drift) that a tunnel was driven at the base of the hill, with a breast of 14 feet. Gypsum was also quarried at one time in the Goose Egg, an oval hill about 114 miles north of the Conover farm. | On the Conover farm there have been found by core drilling two layers of gypsum resembling in appearance that seen at Garbutt, Akron and Oakfield. This is the most easterly occurrence of such pure beds in the State and is, accordingly, of great interest. The series of core drill holes were put down in the flat area near Ganar- gua creek about two years ago under the supervision of Mr C. L. Tuttle; after going through 19 feet of soil and 16 feet of water- limes, the first gypsum vein, 8 feet thick, was encountered. At 104 feet, a second seam was struck, its width being 6 feet thick. The cores were examined by the writers and the gypsum appeared to be of good quality, the lower vein being light colored and fine textured, resembling the Oakfield gypsum, while the upper one was less pure and dark colored, though firm and massive, resembling the Garbutt rock. An analysis of the material made on chips taken along the whole gypsum portion of the core shows 96 per cent gypsum accord- ing to Mr Tuttle. Calcining tests show the lower vein to burn and set to a whiter color. The Victor Gypsum Co., of which Mr C. L. Tuttle of Rochester is president, controls this deposit, having an option on the Clara Conover, the Eliza Conover and the Mark Gourley farms, in all amounting to 265 acres. Plans have been completed for a switch from the main line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad to the proposed shaft house, but the actual operations have been delayed for two years. If the deposit should prove extensive, a large industry could probably be established, since the Lehigh Valley Railroad passes right through the district and connects di- rectly with the large portland cement factories of Pennsylvania. The Lehigh Valley Portland Cement Co. attempted to locate gypsum on the hill nearby and it is stated that they struck 5 or 6 feet of medium grade gypsum but decided not to work it. Other 409 ; NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM reports indicate that they simply drilled through the 4o feet of mixed gypsum on the hill and struck limestone, not going as deep as did Mr Tuttle. The Atlas Co. is also said to have drilled neigh- boring farms without success. Conflicting opinions as to the extent and value of these deposits, as well as a lack of information as to several well records, make it impossible to arrive at any definite conclusions concerning the deposits. Judging by the more western areas we feel sure, however, that deposits of good gypsum will be discovered along the line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, both to the east and to the west. The Bertie waterlime which, exclusive of the surface soil and drift, is the surface rock of the region aver- ages 40 feet in thickness, so that in prospecting for the gypsum, one might have to pass through a heavy drift mantle and perhaps the whole 4o feet of waterlime before encountering the Camillus shale in which the gypsum lies. Irregular pockets of gypsum occur near Port Gibson and have been worked for land plaster for years but are no longer pro- ductive. The most recent working has been that of Mr Ezra Grinnell who owns a water-power plaster mill along the creek and who obtained his gypsum from an 18-foot deposit near the mill. The gypsum in the area is said to occur under beds of argillaceous limestone in low knolls and hillocks, in the form of flattened spheroidal masses. It is fine grained, compact and contains no selenite veins. Livingston county No gypsum beds have been recorded in the county, due to the fact probably that they are heavily covered with limestone. The northern border of the county is occupied by the drab colored limestone of the Bertie formation, which overlies the gypsum beds. The Garbutt and Wheatland gypsum bed lies at an elevation of about 570 feet A.T. With an assumed dip of 40 feet to the mile, a fair average inclination, the bed on the border of the county’ would lie at about 490 feet A.T., so that at a suriace elevation of . 600 feet the bed would be pierced at 110 feet. There is reason to believe, however, that in the region between Caledonia and Mum-_ ford and in the area north and northeast of Maxwell, the horizon of the gypsum approaches nearer to the surface. Though the pros- pect of finding gypsum within these regions seems good, it will require exploration with the drill to determine the matter definitely, since in all probability the beds are not absolutely continuous with the Camillus shale. GYPSUM DEPCSLES OF NEW) YORK AI Monroe county The Camillus shale crosses the county from east to west, out- cropping in southern Perinton, northern Mendon, southern Hen- rietta, northern Rush, southern Riga and Chili, and the greater -part of Wheatland townships. Its northern limit is uncertain owing to the ‘heavy drift covering and to its merging gradually into the Ver- non shale below. Its southern limit is the outcrop of Bertie water- lime beds. , 7 . The gypsum deposits of value seem to be limited strictly to the town of Wheatland in the southwestern corner of the county. Here the Bertie beds, underlain. by gypseous shales and the gypsum layers, are exposed for a distance of several miles along Allen’s creek between Garbutt and Mumford; while small gypsum deposits have been exploited along its banks as far west as Fort Hill in Genesee county. The Wheatland township deposits are among the most important of the State. The area at present worked occupies about 3 square miles. The gypsum at present developed, occurs in two continuous layers below 40 or more feet of scil and waterlimes. The upper layer lies at a horizon above the level of the stream while the lower layer is probably at the stream’s level. The upper layer varies in. thick- - ness from 5 feet to 7 or 8 feet, but rarely can good rock be ob- tained with a thickness of over 5% feet. The second layer, or “second bottom” as it is locally termed, has been found in prac- tically all the workings. It is separated from the upper layer by a hard, bluish limestone varying in thickness from 6 to 12 feet. The gypsum in this layer varies also from 5 to 7 or 8 feet in thickness and in some mines contains from 1 to 2 feet of whiter gypsum than that of the upper layer. Its general average would probably run about the same. At present, the upper layer alone is being devel- oped, although the lower layer has been exposed and its qualities are known. The descriptions of the individual properties follow. Empire Gypsum Co. This company owns the most eastern mill of the group, situated southeast of Garbutt station and east of the north-south highway. The mine is situated west of the road, en- trance being made to it by a slightly inclined tunnel, opening on the road. The gypsum averages 5 feet, 5 inches in thickness of which the middle 2 feet appears to be of the best quality, and the lower 2 feet is harder. The layer is overlain-by a good limestone roof and underlain by 10 feet of limestone, below which is a second gypsum bed not yet developed. | 42 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The labor employed in the mines is mainly Italian. Drilling is done with hand auger drills, and blasting with dynamite. The workings extend about 1% mile in a southwest direction and are based on a room-and-pillar method. The mine at present is lighted only by torches, but the management is considering the installation - of electric haulage and lights. The rock is loaded on wooden mine cars and hauled by mules to the surface and then across the road _ over a trestle to the mill. At the mill the rock is crushed with a jaw crusher and then by one of the usual nippers. It then passes into a rotary drying cylinder, is dried and then ground in a Uni- versal pulverizer, a unique method in New York gypsum mills. After grinding, the dust is collected by a fan which saves screening the whole product. The remainder is screened on inclined. shaking screens. The ground material is then calcined at'a temperature of 280° to 350° in three 11-ton kettles with solid bottoms. Materia! calcined at this temperature is said to be “ first settling” and is “ greasier and smoother” than that calcined at a higher tempera- ture. Some of the material is calcined at 450° or second settling, and is then sold to the Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. for bedding plate glass. The mixing room is equipped with two 5-compartment Broughton mixers; two 12-tube bagging machines and a fiber shred- der of the type in which the log of wood is pivoted and the knives revolve against it. This machine is capable of grinding 2500 pounds per day. The fiber is blown by a blast of air into the bins, the aeration also separating the dust from the fibers and loosening the mass. The wood used is mainly willow and basswood. Some of the crude rock is shipped directly, being dumped from the mine cars on the trestle into the gondolas below; a switch runs directly under the trestle, from the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Rail- road. This plant is superintended by Mr G. J. McEntyre. Garbutt Gypsum Co. This company, one of the oldest in the district, has a mill west of the Empire mill on the west side of the road, and on the north bank of the creek. The mines are located about a mile southeast of the mill, on the top of the south bank of the creek, and are reached from the mill by the roads to the south and west. In former days entrance was had to the gypsum bed by a tunnel driven into the north face of the hill, but this has been abandoned and at present the bed is reached by two small shafts. One of these was sunk four years ago to a depth of 70 feet, and the other, 100 feet to the west, was sunk in October 1908 to the depth of 68 feet. The covering consists of 4o feet of soil and 22 feet of limestone, the gypsum layer being from 5 to a $ 4 ’ \ 4 ie iat mr ‘ { Ae rae Whcnavn Siento hers oh, Ata big Po r ? . t - 4 K z . «© t BS ta a ipa Pama ; t ve UO iaterlh a : ‘ L doe 4 att aud |b ee 4 pe 5 4 t ey ; rea ep UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK EDUCATION DEPARTMENT JOHN M. CLARKE ; STATE MUSEUM BULLETIN 143 PLATE 4 STATE a) z 1. S\ OF WORKINGS f\j : . Abandoned adit, McVane farm . Mill, . Mine, Empire Gypsum Co, Mill, Shafts, Garbutt Gypsum Co, . Mill, . Mines, Lycoming Calcining Co. . Gypsum deposit, M. Rogers farm . Shaft and Crusher, Monarch Plaster Co. . Adit, . Mill, . Shaft, Consolidated Wheatland Plaster Co. Abandoned workings — ~ wel co. ff ae) _ | | MAP OF WHEATLAND DISTRICT t ' | ' bad Be ih ; j j ! t | 4 wv f GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK iA 8 feet thick. The gypsum appears to be of remarkably good qual- ity for the region and resembles the Genesee and Erie county rock. The purest, whitest layer occupies about 2 feet in the middle of the face. The new shaft, now worked, is a two-compartment shaft, one compartment being occupied by the stairway and the other by the bucket. . Mining is carried on by two men in the mine, the rock being simply gophered out with little system and wheeled or carried to the shaft. Here it is loaded on a scoop or square bucket and hoisted to the surface by a cable and derrick operated by a small donkey engine. The bucket is swung around to the wagon and dumped or, in case the wagon is full, it must be dumped on a teserve pile and later loaded by-~hand on the wagon. Two men operate the engine and hoist. Ge purity of this rock wattants a larger equipment and a more systematic, scientifc mining and handling of the product. It is said that they mine all that can be handled in the mill. Further exploration ought to reveal similar deposits on nearby properties, and with better equipment and a mill location more easily acces- sible to the mine, it seems possible that the area south and west of the mine could be developed. If a way could be opened up to transport the rock down the slope to the north and west, either by gravity, railroad or areal tramway, and a mill be located along the railroad at a convenient point, an important economy could be effected. The rock is now hauled by wagons over the road more than a mile to the mill. The mill is equipped with one 15-ton kettle, one Butterworth & Lowe nipper and cracker, a buhrstone mill for grinding the gypsum, and a Broughton mixer. Power is furnished by a steam engine. Originally water power was used and later that was supplemented by a gas engine. Calcining is carried on at 38° and to calcine a kettle takes about four hours. Lycoming Calcining Co. The mines of this company are located west of the Garbutt mill on the south bank of Allen’s creek. Previous to 1900 tke bed at this point was worked by means of a vertical shaft on the top of the bank, but when the property was acquired in 1900 by the present company a tunnel was driven into the side of the creek bank about one half way up and after drifting some distance through “‘ ashes” or shaly decomposed mate- tial, the firm “vein” was disclosed. The bed is now worked by three tunnels, the two nearest the trestle being connected, while the newer third tunnel will be connected with the others in six months’ time. The bed of gypsum varies from 6 to 7 feet in AA NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM hight. The rock is a hight gray to brown gypsum with thin fibrous gypsum veins running through it. The lower 2 feet are harder and _of poorer quality. The mine has a good limestone roof, separated from the gypsum by a thin parting of shaly rock known as rotten rock. The second “bottom” or layer of gypsum is 12 to 15 feet below the first and is separated from it by limestones. It appears to be of a grade equal to the upper rock. The mining operations have been conducted systematically, with pillars left every 21 feet. The mine workings now extend about 2500 feet into the hill. Mine no. I, or that nearest the trestle, is about worked out. The mines are equipped with electric lights. Drilling is done with new auger coal drills and blasting with low grade dynamite. The whole face of gypsum is utilized, with no sorting, but care is taken to so ar- range the cars that the poor and good grades alternate at the mill. At present the ore is hauled in steel cars by mules to the scale house, and then strings of cars are hauled across a wooden trestle to the mill by a horse. At the time of our visit in August, tun- nel no. 3 was being opened out at its mouth so as to permit of a straight-away switch being laid, and they were preparing to in- — stal a system of electric haulage, to abandon mine no. 1 and haul the product of nos. 2 and 2 out of no. 3. Mine no. 3 is ‘ess troubled with water and contains the best quality of gypsum. The electric system will necessitate a new trestle over the creek to the mill. Waste rock in the mine is utilized in banking up the sides of the gangways and very little meeds to be removed from the mine. In mine no. 1 a shaft has been sunk through the hme- stones to the lower layer, and enough of the gypsum removed to prove that it is of good quality. By lowering the floor of the no, I tunnel an incline could be built and the lower layer easily worked. Some such plan is under consideration at present. After crossing the trestle, the cars are drawn up an incline by cable to the second floor of the mill and automatically dumped. The rock passes through a Butterworth & Lowe cracker and nipper, there being two of each, and is thus ground to % inch. It is then ele- vated and fed by a screw feed into two Cummer kilns equipped with American automatic stokers and with a Bristol recording thermometer, -which records on a paper in red ink the time and temperature. The dust is separated in the furnaces by an air blast, and is said to make a high grade of land plaster. From the kilns the steaming gypsum is carried by screw conveyors to the large bricked-in cooling bins where it is allowed to finish cooking for 24 hours or so. The kilns can each calcine about 11 tons an hour. Plate 5 Plant of the Empire Gypsum Co., Garbutt GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 48 It is then ground by four vertical Sturtevant “rock emery” mills and is ready for mixing or for shipment as stucco. The prepared wall plasters are mixed in the west end of the building by the Diamond Wall Plaster Co., the materials used being cottonwood fiber, hair, sand and stucco. One mixture contains two parts sand to one of stucco with a small proportion of hair and retarder. The sand is obtained from Wheatland Center, 2 miles west, between the farms of Frank Kingsbury and Albert Mudge. Before use it must be dried and screened. The Sackett Wall Board Co. occupies a large eine adjoining this plant on the north. The company manufactures the large thin slabs of plaster board used so extensively for interior walls. The stucco is obtained from the Lycoming mill. It is mixed with water and placed by special machinery between many sheets of paper and the whole rolled into a cardboardlike Tee which when dried becomes the plaster board. Monarch Plaster Co. The next mill in order is that of the Monarch Plaster Co., a little over a mile west along the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsbutg Railroad. The mine and mill are situated just north of the creek and railroad track near the railway bridge. The mine consists of a tunnel driven into the hill to the north. Drilling is done by auger electric drills and the mine is lighted by electricity, power being furnished by a gasolene engine in the mine. The gypsum bed is 6 feet thick, but owing to poor quality the lower 2 feet is left as a floor and only 4 feet of gypsum extracted — in the rooms. The cement companies, it is stated, do not care to purchase the bottom rock. The mine is dry and the roof solid so that large rooms can be made, and open spaces 30 feet sqtiare are frequent. Mule haulage is employed. Six feet below the bot- tom rock is a second layer of gypsum which is 6 feet in thickness, t foot of which is of exceptionally white gypsum. Nothing has as yet been done with this lower layer. At present the cars are hauled up a slight incline from the mouth of the tunnel and the material dumped into a small jaw crusher and cracker and the crude crushed rock sold to cement manufacturers. The company is installing, however, a large up to date crushing plant, in which the cars can be drawn by a cable directly from the mine to a considerable hight above the track and the rock dumped into the largest of Sturtevant jaw crushers, and from it into the bin and thence through a chute into the cars. The power will be furnished by a gasolene engine. The steel scales will be placed in front of the chute at the loading place. 46 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM This company is said to control a larger tract of land south of the creek which may be worked at some future time. The product is all sold as 1 inch or % inch material to cement factories. Consolidated Wheatland Land Plaster Co. A short distance west, along Allen’s creek, is the property of the Consolidated Wheatland Land Plaster Co. The old mine consisted of a tunnel driven from the north bank of the stream; a 6-foot layer was mined and the product hauled across a bridge to the mill. Dur- ing the past year, however, a shaft has been sunk a short distance southeast of the mill. The shaft is 35 feet deep and by it access is gained to the same 6-foot layer that is mined by the Monarch. As in the Monarch, the layer consists of 4 feet of gray streaked gypsum with 2 feet of “bottom” rock which is of lower grade. The mine cars are run on a platform hoist and are ‘hoisted to the surface by a drum and engine overhead. They are then run over a track directly to the mill. There is also a lower layer 6 feet below, which is 6 feet thick and has a 1-foot white layer. In the mill the rock is crushed by a jaw crusher, ground in two 4-foot buhrstone mills, of Turkey Hill, Pa., stone, made by the Monroe Burr Co., and is then calcined. at 380° in two solid bottom kettles. The sales include crude crushed rock, land plaster, stucco and wall’ plaster, the latter made with patent retarder and purchased wood fiber from Massachusetts. Some of the stucco is sold to the Rock Board Co. who have a small plant nearby. The plant is operated by steam or water power, according to conditions. Possible occurrences of gypsum elsewhere in Monroe county. The known deposits of gypsum in the region around Garbutt and Wheatland are largely controlled by the operating companies and a few other companies not now operating. Prospecting for new deposits must now be carried on south of the creek on the uplands. The beds here lie under a heavy covering of soil and rock, and would be found at a depth of from 50 to Ioo feet. Aside from the localities described, the gypsum beds have not been much explored in the county. To the north of Allen’s creek, pockety impure gypsum has been found at Beulah, on the Har- man farm near Belcoda and on the Rogers and McVean farms 1 mile north of Garbutt. In the Rogers farm the gypsum was found at a depth of 4o feet, being overlain by 27 feet of soil and 13 feet of limestone. On the McVean farm gypsum was at one time extracted from the hill by a tunnel, now abandoned, and from ap- pearances there is a possibility ef its future utilization. Gypsum was also encountered in a well on the farm of Mr Clapp in North Plate 6 Shaft of the Garbutt Gypsum Co., Garbutt ‘ H ; ‘ et ™ GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 47 Rush. In the region scuth of the outcrop, gypsum thas been en- countered in various wells at Mumford and Caledonia at 60 feet depth, and Mr Jenkins, a well driller of Scottsville, states that an apparently good belt of gypsum runs from Wheatland to Max- well, 4 miles southeast and that it lies about 45 feet deep across the whole belt. He also states that gypsum was encountered 1n a well at the State Industrial School. Opportunities for further prospecting are afforded along the northern boundary of the Bertie waterlime north of Mendon Cen- ter; in the area between Rush and North Rush; in the hilly region between Garbutt and Maxwell, and in the hills north and northwest of Mumford. Genesee county The northern half of the county is occupied entirely by the Salina shales, and as yet these have not been differentiated into the Ver- non and Camillus shales. Succeeding the shales are the waterlime beds with their attendant gypstum bodies, while above and to the south the Onondaga limestones and underlying waterlime beds stretch across the county in a well marked escarpment, called locally fier ledge.” According to Hall’ the shales in the center of the towns of Bergen, Byron, Elba and Alabama are gray or ash colored and contain thin seams of fibrous gypsum, selenite and occasionally small masses of granular gypsum. Succeeding the shales are a series of bluish, slaty and drab colored impure limestones which, he says, embrace large beds of gypsum. These gypsum deposits, so important in former days, are no longer quarried, and their location is almost forgotten. They have interest, however, as sources of supply for the future. Near the eastern boundary of the county, gypsum beds have been uncovered on the banks of Allen’s creek, and at one time large quantities of plaster were quarried near Fort Hull. About 3 miles northeast of Fort Hill, or about midway between Fort Hill and South Byron, on lots 118, 144 and 182 large amounts of gypsum were formerly quarried. The deposit on lot 118, ac- cording to Hall, belonged to Mr Hughes and Mr Cash and was “a white gypsum free from seams and intermixture of clay.” It was covered by a bluish limestone with shaly seams. On lots 144 and 182 the gypsum was “clay colored” and was overlain by a drab limestone containing species of Avicula. These quarries be- MGeol N. Y. pt 4. 1843. p. 464-65. 48 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM longed to Messrs Bannister, Collins and Clifford. The plaster sold at 50 cents a ton at the bed and for $3.50 a ton, ground. The three lots furnished in all almost 3000 tons annually. The next locality mentioned in the early reports is that of Oak- field, or as Hall’ says “Gypsum is also found in the western part of Elba, near the junction of the Pine Hill road with the Batavia- Lockport turnpike.” Since western Elba is now Oakfield town- _ ship, the locality mentioned must be in the vicinity of Oakfield. The masses were small and were 8 feet below the surface. They were never extensively quarried. . . No further mention of gypsum localities in the county is found in literature until the records relating to the discovery of the large deposits at Oakfield and later at Indian Falls and Akron on the Erie county border. The pioneer in the Oakfield district was Mr Olmstead who for some years previous to 1892 carried on a business in land plaster. In 1892 he installed a kettle, the first one in the State and began the manufacture of calcined plaster. For comparison with the present development of the Oakfield beds we quote the following from Merrill? in regard to the industry in 1893. Speaking of the two active shafts of Mr Olmstead, he says: The most easterly pit is worked by four men. The shaft is 8 by 12 and 31 feet deep. A former owner ran a tunnel to the north which is now closed up. There are two tunnels at present, one 75 feet long, the other 55 or 60 feetlong. These are separated 80 or 85 feet at the ends. The 55-foot tunnel is at present being worked. The deposit is only about 4 feet thick, not so much as this in many places. The only timbering is a few short stulls. The _rock is very much the whitest plaster'seen in New York, and when ground is like four. The material is loaded in flat cars running on a track made by laying stringers and nailing cross pieces and cov- ering with hoop iron. This lessens the labor of handling and increases the output. At the bottom of the pit the material 1s loaded into an iron bucket fastened to an iron chain which 1s oper- ated by a horse whim and derrick at the surface. . The capacity of Mr Olmstead’s pits is about 15 tons per day. From this period on, the industry has shown rapid growth. The Olmstead property was purchased by the English Plaster Co., and a mill was erected and equipped with a Blake crusher, nipper and five kettles and five buhrstone mills. The Genesee Plaster Co. in 1901 erected a mill with three calcining kettles, and to this mill wGeol. N: Ye pty. re44. = ep.e404, N.Y. State. Mus: Bul) ans p. 77: ie ie le Bitry so mime or Lycoming -Catcmne Co, Garbutt Plate 8 Mill of Lycoming Calcining Co., Garbutt _ GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 49 there was later added the equipment of the Big Four Plaster Co. The entire equipment consisted of one Blake crusher, one nipper, eight buhrstone mills, four kettles, two shaking screens, one single mixer, one triple mixer and one sand drier. The Oakfield Plaster Co. at about the same time was operating three mines and a mill that contained one Blake crusher, two buhrstone mills, one bolter, and two kettles of 10-ton capacity. At present the industry is in control of two ae both of whom are working on a good sound basis. United States Gypsum Co. This company, which owns gypsum mills and mines in several states, entered the Oakfield district about 1903 and bought up or leased the properties of a number of the former companies. The company abandoned all but one of the many shafts, consolidated the mill equipment and instalied electric © power. : The present mines and mill are situated about 1% miles west of Oakfield on the West Shore Railroad. The mill formerly be- longed to the Genesee Plaster Co. and has already been described. The company also operates the mill of the Oakfield Plaster Co. a short distance to the west. The mine shaft which is situated about YZ mile north of the mill is equipped with a two-compartment elec- tric hoist. The rock is automatically dumped into large hoppers, is weighed and then falls into a steel lined storage bin from which it is loaded directly by chutes into large cars which are drawn by a locomotive to the mill. Niagara Gypsum Co. The mill and mine of this company are _ situated % mile west of the United States Gypsum Co’s plant, or _. 2 miles west of Oakfield Station, on the West Shore Railroad. The manager is Mr M. A. Reeb. The shaft at present operative is situated about % mile north of the mill. Entrance is made through a two-compartment shaft, 45 feet in depth. Transporta- tion underground at present is by means of hand labor. An elec- tric hoist raises the rock from the mine to a level above the switch, where the rock is either dumped directly into cars or on a supply pile. The gypsum is conveyed to the mill on cars drawn by a 12- ton electric locomotive. A second shaft nearer the mill has just been completed. This is 51 feet in depth and will ultimately con- -nect with the other mine, when all the rock will be conveyed under- ground by electric haulage to the new shaft. Here an electric hoist will be installed, together with a crusher and cracker also electrically driven. At the mill the rock is crushed first by a large rotary cracker, elevated by a bucket elevator, passed through two ‘50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM crackers and again elevated to the bins over the calciners. From the bins it passes into two large Cummer rotary calciners each with a capacity of 15 tons per hour. The dust from the calciners is collected in overhead bins and with the finished product from the calciners is elevated and passes into the brick-inclosed cooling bins. After remaining in these bins 24 hours the material is ground in four Sturtevant rock emery mills. It is then elevated and car- ried to the mixing room in the west end of the building. This is equipped with two three-compartment Broughton mixers, a large stucco bin, a fiber machine and a hair picker. Power for the mill is furnished by a 300-horsepower Allis-Chalmers motor. The mill and mine are operated day and night with a capacity of 500 tons for each 24 hours. | Additional occurrences in Genesee county. West of Indian Falls and 8 miles west of Oakfield, gypsum outcrops along the banks of Tonawanda creek. The stream cuts down through the escarpment and exposes the limestones and the underlying gypsum beds. A 6-foot layer of gypsum is exposed along the creek from 1 to 2 miles west of Indian Falls and about 30 feet above the creek, while above it lies an 8-foot layer of a more impure and harder gypsum. The deposits are included within the Indian Reservation; in I901 the Standard Plaster Co. secured the mineral right to the whole tract and began mining operations. Tunnels were driven into the 6-foot layer, using Howell’s twist drills and black pow- der. The rock mined was loaded on flat mine cars and pushed by hand to the tunnel entrance where the good gypsum was loaded on cars and the waste rock thrown on the dump. From the mines the rock was carried by a railroad switch to the main line of the West Shore near Alabama, the switch being 3 or 4 miles long. The rock was then sent to Black Rock where the company had a mill equipped with a gyratory crusher and screen, one Cummer cal- ciner, one cooling bin and five Sturtevant emery mills. The power was electric. The mines are now completely abandoned. Under- ground water and the presence of mud pockets are said to have been the main difficulties in the way of success. Similar trouble is encountered in nearly all gypsum workings, and it seems plausible that the conditions in the latter respect at least would have im- proved with the extension of the tunnels for some distance under the hill. The beds could also be worked through shafts. The known gypsum beds of the Akron district begin 2 miles west of this locality. These will be discussed under Erie county. we) FARA EC wed EDUCATION DEPARTMENT N M.C SPATE GEOLOGIST UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM BULLETIN 143 PLATE 9 a — ° i Sia: Zeek SBushville,. ff LIST OF WORKINGS Akron Gypsum Co. 3, 4. Shafts, American Gypsum Co, 5, 6. Test holes, 7. Abandoned workings Standard Plaster Co. 8, 9. Shafts, to, Mill, Niagara Gypsum Co. 11, 14. Shafts, 12, 13. Mills, U. S. Gypsum Co, The proven gypsum territory near Akron is shown by dotted area, : GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 51 It seems probable that large quantities of gypsum as vet uncov- _ered must lie near the surface in Genesee county. They are likely to be found from Fort Hill westward through South Byron and Newkirk to Oakfield, north of the limestone escarpment; thence following the escarpment in a westerly direction to Alabama and southwesterly to Akron. There is also room for development to the south of the outcrop of the dolomites, but these areas consti- tute a reserve for the future after the exhaustion of the beds near the surface. Erie county Entering Erie county at a point 2 miles northeast of Akron the escarpment formed by the Onondaga limestone and underlying waterlimes passes through Akron southwesterly to Clarence, thence westward parallel to and % mile north of the Clarence-Williams- ville road. It continues through Williamsville and follows rather closely the road from Williamsville to Buffalo. Within the city of Buffalo its limits are as follows :1 It follows the general direction of Main street from the Alms- house to near the New York Central Railroad belt line at Rodney and Fillmore avenues. After crossing Main street, it passes near the corner of Oakwood and Woodward to Oakwood and Parkside and enters the park at the stone quarry, crossing from there into the cemetery at the corner of the iron fence near Agassiz place. From here it sweeps around in a curve to Scajaquada creek at Main street bridge and passes out of sight beneath the drift on the left bank, about 300 feet below the bridge. Of the escarpment Bishop says: .“ The hydraulic limestone is usually visible at the base, or north side, of this escarpment as a stratum of variable thickness in the face of the cliff but occa- sionally forms a terrace ranging from a few feet to 200 yards in width and approximately parallel to the escarpment. ‘Tihis terrace is most conspicuous between Williamsville and the Buffalo city line.” . vay Very few exposures of the Salina shales north of the escarp- ment are recorded. The area is very flat and uniformly drift- covered. A small outcrop on the southern end of Grand Island and an outcrop along the Canadian bank of the Niagara from near the International bridge to a point opposite Strawberry island shbw the Camillus shales to be “soft light gray or olive gypseous shales.” Borings would seem to indicate an absence of the Ver- PePsisop, lb No Yo State Geol, An, Rep’t 15. 1805: p. 372. aVanier,. 9) Di IN, Yo State Mus. Bul. 99, p. 8. 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM non shales, and Luther places the entire thickness of Salina shales at 333 feet. The overlying Bertie waterlime thas a thickness of 53 feet at the Buffalo Cement Co’s quarry, while the Cobleskill above varies from 7 to 9 feet near Buffalo to 12 feet at Falkirk near Akron. Although gypsum beds of good quality no doubt occur below the Bertie waterlime, no definite information can be obtained of such deposits with the exception of the important ones at Akron and those encountered in the wells of the Buffalo Cement. Co. at Buffalo. Many gas wells drilled in Buffalo and to the eastward along the escarpment report varying amounts of “gypseous shales,” “gray and white gypsum,” etc., but careful examination of such records fails to lead to any eneae knowledge. They were all drilled by churn drills in search of gas not gypsum, and little dependence can be placed on the data relating to the latter, either as to its quality, thickness or its depth from the surface. The occurrence of gypsum at Buffalo was well established by the work of the Buffalo Cement Co. described by Ashburner.! The Buffalo Cement Co. drilled a series of wells near the Main street crossing of the belt line in search for gas. Well no. I was drilled to a depth of 490 feet 6 inches with a diamond drill. Well no. 2 was drilled 6 feet from well no. 1 with a 554 jump drill to a depth of 1305 feet. The core of well no. 1 is in the possession of the Buffalo Academy of Natural Sciences. The record of no. 2 as given by Ashburner is as follows: DEPTH MATERIAL Feet I-25 Shale and cement rock in thin streaks 25-30 Tolerably pure cement rock 30-43 Shale and cement rock in thin streaks .. 43-47 Pure white gypsum 47-49 Shale 49-61 White gypsum 61-62 . Shale 62-66 White gypsum 66-73 Shale and gypsum, mottled 73-131 Drab colored shale with several layers of white gypsum, measuring 18 feet in all 131-33 Dark colored limestone WA 7) Shale and_ limestone 137-40 Dark colored compact Hai 140-720 Gypsum and shale, mottled and in streaks 720-25 Limestone 725-60 Soft red shale 760-85 White solid quartzose sandstone, very hard 78°-1305 Soft red shale Ashburner, C. A. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. Am. Inst. Min, Eng. Trans.:1888)", 20.024—2 7. Plate 10 Shaft of U. S. Gypsum Co., Oakfield GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 53 At 1305 feet the drill was stopped. Permanent water was struck at 43 feet; gas of fair quality as well as quantity, at 452 feet; salt water, leaving on evaporation about 12 per cent of salt, was found at 555 feet. A shaft 20 feet square, was sunk on the premises later, for the purpose of determining the feasibility of cae the gypsum, but the rush of water through the gypsum layer at 43-47 feet, was so strong that a pump. with a capacity of 2000 gallons per minute failed to make any impression upon it, and the attempt was abandoned. Since then no further effort to exploit the gypsum has been made, though by reason -of its quality and situation it seems to offer an attractive field which would warrant more thorough inves- tigation than has been given to it. _ The Akron gypsum “ basin,” as it is locally termed, is situated northeast of the village of Akron or 20 miles west of Buffalo. The productive area lies south of the West Shore Railroad, with which connections are made by long switches. The boundaries of the workable bed or beds of gypsum have been rather well defined by the sinking of various shafts and the putting down of a number of core drill holes. On the northern side the boundary seems to follow rather closely along the Bloom- ingdale road running northeast from Akron, beginning at a point a little west of the Akron Gypsum Co’s shaft and running ‘north- easterly about 2 miles. The drill holes put down by the various in- terested parties in the vicinity and an unsuccessful shaft north of the road on the Akron Gypsum Co’s property indicate an abrupt termination of the gypsum deposit north of the road and a large amount of unconsolidated material. ‘There is a possibility that this low lying area represents a channel formed during the glacial period and subsequently buried or filled up with glacial till, and that the scouring out of such a channel has robbed that area e large amounts of gypsum. In width the basin ranges up to over a mile. The whole area could be represented as pear-shaped with the small end lying just west of the Akron Gypsum Co’s shaft and the large end east of the American Gypsum Co’s plant. The southern boundary is the least well defined, since the beds extend on toward the south under the escarpment of Helderberg and Onondaga limestones, which rises to a hight of 100 feet above the low lying flat on which the plants and mines are situated. It is said that a test boring drilled through the limestones on the “ledge” directly south of the Akron Co’s shaft gave but a foot of good gypsum, while two recent drillings made on the Newman 5A NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM property along Murder creek just south of Akron showed the presence there of but a small amount of gypsum. These would seem to define the limits of the western end of the basin. The boundaries of the eastern end under the ledge south of the Ameri- can Gypsum Co’s shaft have received but little attention, and nothing could be learned concerning them. The bed of gypsum as mined consists of a 4 to 5-foot bed of light colored crystalline or granular gypsum. It is overlain by from 25 to 50 feet of thinly bedded impure limestones, and these in turn are rather heavily covered by a mantle of glacial clay varying from a few feet up to 25 feet in thickness. The section at the new (no. 2) shaft of the American Gypsum Co. is as follows: MATERIAL THICKNESS Feet Inches Drift claws cise cB Oe ERR Ae ee ee LS i coe Rock™ Gvateriane) 3. Rocle’.(avatenliiie) 3 a os aleve cc a ae ae ee Ch ae SUN ICS Aes teat se ee Oo el x. Ree een bn ec SR 4 GY PSGHAs yo wie cee soi NS ee eee TM Rock Gwaterlinie). -<.0:< ts Alec eee ee ae 2. . Rock, foot Gvaterlimie): oe) 22 cetban ee eee 2. (ae ae 3) 512 Cee ei Meir Ss ce Shy EE) a ae 8 Gypsum. 0 Gs ale Le Se eae A. eee Other sections in the vicinity are very similar, so that the above might be taken as typical. The clay beds below the drift are evi- dently a series of soft weathered shales and are frequently a seri- ous source of annoyance to mining operations on account of the large amount of water they contain. They are often so thoroughly saturated with water as to be veritable “ mud seams” of soft fluid clay. Above the main gypsum bed so called “ashes” (an impure shaly gypsum or a mixture of selenite and shale) and even more massive gypsum rock is found in small layers. The acreage known to be underlain with gypsum is controlled mainly by three companies, the American Gypsum Co., the Akron Gypsum Co. and the United States Gypsum Co., of which the two companies first mentioned are engaged in the mining and milling industry, while the United States Gypsum Co. does not at present work its property. The whole field is comparatively new, the first development work having been done in 1903. ; American Gypsum Co. This company operates a large crushing plant and mines 2%4 miles northeast of Akron on the. boundary line between Genesee and Erie counties, the lands on which it owns mineral rights being situated on both sides of the line. En- Plate 11 Shiait o1 tae Niagara Gypsum Co, Oakteld Plate 12 Mill of the Niagara Gypsum Co., Oakfield GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 55 trance is had to the mine by means of a shaft 60 feet deep. This shaft is divided into three compartments, one 5 by 8 feet for air passage and stairway; one 6 by 8 feet for passenger elevator; and one 6 by 8 feet accommodating the bucket elevator. Mining 1s carried on underground much as in coal mines, the most approved methods being employed to secure economy and safety. The gang- cal at a3 Nase ae tes ee ine | | | l ; | ' I tet a eset! i ee | Bee Gia cates a ae on Wale oF st Gondry Pee Sash eerie lee Pe a Ree Ne Ok ae bey ee eee el : aed | | [s) i | | ee ere ae | ‘ \ | | >— | ! | | 1 q! at | t | } eee ee et oN ey ee Gs Nou We t GarrgquaP?3__ MV¢/° East G eae mmeme iy fo pope ge ee ee Is | 12 sh 16 Weel fey ee ~ = ! § eo wanted wk wept ay cas ——_—_—— —_——_—— — —— — fs . bs ee i Tee eet ae | i tsar \7ralzsporcrer | | i ee a eee ee eet Ss ail ae \ | me 1 ; ee? l | Ree ine el Lee i : -= = Ee West Cangnay % 1 \ Ronan wie a ar Ze ah a7 aly Bia Ce Ges (5G) x 1 | aS aa ia Fic. 5 Mapof the surface plant and underground workings of the American Gypsum Co., kron ways are carried 6 feet high and are wide enough to admit of using the 2 feet of barren rock taken from below the gypsum bed for a supporting wall on either side of the gangway. The rooms are driven 24 feet wide by 300 feet long and their hight is simply the thickness of the vein, or 4 feet. Pillars 24 feet wide and alternately 40 or 60 feet long are left, each being separated by 56 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM a 20-foot cross cut. Good ventilation is afforded by the use of a 9g-foot Buffalo Forge Co’s exhaust fan operated by a 9%-horse- power motor. Excavation is done by contract, the miner buying his blasting materials and hiring his assistant who loads the cars. For drilling, Howell’s no. 2 air drills are used. The air com- pressor is driven by an &5-horsepower motor. This compressor also furnishes power for the pump at the bottom of the shaft. At present the cars are drawn from the rcoms to the shaft by means of mules, but the managers are planning a system of electric haulage which will do away with all mule haulage in the gangways. © The mine is well lighted by electric lights, well ventilated and kept dry. At the foot of the shaft the mine cars, holding about one long ton, are dumped by a side dump into a steel hopper which carries the rock to a point where it is picked up in the buckets of a vertical bucket elevator which hoists it to the mill overhead. This elevator is 110 feet long, contains 175 buckets and travels 80 feet per minute. 3 The rock is thus hoisted into the mill built directly over the shaft, is discharged into a 36-inch by 42-inch Jeffrey crusher where it is immediately crushed and then screened, all material over 1 inch in size being reelevated to the crusher. The crushed rock is then ready for shipment, the whole product being sold crude to cement fac- tories. The dust arising from the grinding is carried by suction through pipes into a series of long vertical cloth sacks where the air escapes and the dust remains on the inner surface of the sack. At intervals the bags are shaken and the dust allowed to collect at the bottom. No use is being made of thé dust at present, though it seems adapted for certain purposes by reason of its fineness and nearly pure white color. All the machinery in both mine and mill is driven by electric power from Niagara Falls. The current furnished at 11,000 volts over a 3-phase 25-cycle line, is taken to a concrete transformer house where it is stepped down to 440 volts. It is then supplied to an &5-horsepower motor for an Ingersol-Rand compressor, to a too-horsepower motor for the Jeffreys crusher and bucket con- veyor, and to a 9!4-horsepower motor driving the g-foot ventilat- ing fan. For the electric lighting, the current is passed through a 5-kilowatt transformer. . At the time the plant was visited in June 1909 a second shaft 64 feet deep had been sunk 1420 feet west of the working shaft, and preparations were under way to erect a breaker and extend the Plate 13 Shaft and mill of the American Gypsum Co., Akron 58 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM five 42-inch French buhrstones, where it is ground to a fine powder. This is then screened on 60-mesh brass shaking screens inclined at a 45° angle, and all material above 60-mesh is returned and re- ground. Screw conveyors carry the ground material to Butter- worth & Lowe kettles, three in number. These have a capacity of Io tons each and have nonsectional bottoms. They are fired by bituminous coal and use about a ton of coal a week, the calcining being carried to the point of second settling. The use of a blast of natural gas and compressed air in firing the kettles 1s being con- templated. The dust arising during calcining is caught in steam- filled chambers and returned to the kettles. From the kettles the plaster is conveyed to a large storage bin holding g00 tons. Some of this 60-mesh stucco is sold to outside companies for mixing, while some is reground on three 36-inch Munson buhrstone mills so that it is practically of 100-mesh and is thus sold for fine finish- ing plaster. The plant is equipped with two five-compartment Broughton mixers and makes various wall plasters with hair and wood fiber. They manufacture their own supply of wood fiber, obtaining their wood, mostly poplar, willow and basswood, from the neighboring farmers. The wood is shredded on a Hoover im- proved wood fiber machine, made at Perrysburg, O. The hair used is washed goat’s hair and is purchased in bales. The sand is obtained from the company’s own pit situated close by the mill. The wood fiber made is mixed in the following proportion: 1 ton stucco, 30 pounds wood fiber and 10 pounds retarder. The wall plaster containing hair is mixed in the proportion of 1 ton of stucco to 3 pounds of hair, when it is then ready for the sand. Raw ground gypsum from the buhrstones is also sold as land plaster to nurseries, experimental stations and to fertilizer firms. Power for the entire mill is furnished by three Bessemer gas engines no. 3146, speed 180 revolutions per minute, 125 horsepower, developing altogether 400 horsepower. A Rand compressor engine no. 10 also is operated by gas and furnishes compressed air for the mine and for a small machine used in dressing the bulrstones, each of which requires redressing about every three weeks. . The natural gas used is furnished by the Akron Gas Co. through a direct pipe line from Alden. It comes in under a pressure of 125 pounds but 1s throttled down to 8 ounces for use. The gas costs 25 cents a thou- sand feet and about 40,000 feet a day are used, bringing the total cost up to $10 a day for fuel. The capacity of the mill 1s 300 tons of plaster a day. Plate 14 Mill of the Akron Gypsum Co., Akron GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 59 CHARACTER OF THE GYPSUM IN NEW YORK; CHEMICAL ANALYSES Within the long stretch of Salina strata from Madison to Erie county are included gypsum deposits of different physical and chemical characters. These variations are conditioned mainly by the relative proportions and nature of impurities present and to a lesser extent by the different conditions in which the gypsum itself is found. While the deposits all belong to the general class of rock gypsum, from the descriptions of the individual deposits allready given it is possible to distinguish two types that seem to be separate in their occurrence and may have originated under somewhat different con- ditions. The first of these is represented by the dense firm gypsum in which the impurities are evenly distributed so as to give the appearance of a more or less homogeneous mass. This is the usual rock gypsum which forms the basis of the calcined plaster industry in New York and in most places elsewhere. It consists of a ground mass of finely divided gypsum fibers or elongated acicular crystals in felted arrangement, with occasional larger individuals that stand out prominently by their brilliant cleavage surfaces: The other type is characterized by a loosely cemented aggregate of gypsum and shale, the two constituents being plainly discernible. The gyp- | sum is usually in large crystals or crystal aggregates which by themselves are transparent and quite free from impurities. The deposits of this type are built up of successive thin layers of the selenite and shale. When the mass is exposed to the weather, the shale decomposes quickly and falls away from the gypsum so that in outcrops it may have the semblance of a high grade deposit. . owing prob- 3 9 This type is known to the gypsum miners as “ ashes, ably to the grayish color and powdery nature of the shale. It was quite extensively worked at one time for land plaster, but is evi- dently unsuitable for calcination. The chemical composition of the gypsum found in different sec- tions of the Salina outcrop is shown by the accompanying detailed analyses of samples which were collected during the recent field work. The samples represent the run-of-mine gypsum as now utilized, having been collected from the stock bins of the different mills. The analyses were made by George E. Willcomb. 690 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM I 2 3 4 5 6 SiOouse wissen whee ee seer a E03 .40 AOR Seeger 4.00 Beit) ©) laces is Mo CB rug “AE Bey To2 4253 Tue PegO3 vaste oe aera 79 2 ey] TKS ieee re CaQaers Sarat enor epee 30.62 30.74. 30.76, 20:29 "(er siemens Me@e ee rece ee 1-20 2.0% bee 8.29 7.20 2.81 SOas Seen eee eee 43-59 42.39 43:78 33.83 6 30.470 COS ara ete oars ae T7O2 2.20 DSO Aye ao 9.50 6.38 HeO) eee oes 20.52 18.10 ~17553* 1489 (24-54) eee 99.44 098.24 100254. 100.22 07-35 = ‘eree Gypsum calculated...° 93:74 (91:27 943207) Fe 7s4, 105s) eee 1 Akron, Erie co. 2 Oakfield, Genesee co. 3 Oakfield, Genesee co. 4 Garbutt, Monroe co. 5 Lyndon, Onondaga co. 6 Lyndon, Onondaga co. The following incomplete analyses are from the paper by Arthur L. Parsons,! with the exception of no. 8 which is taken from The Mining and Quarry Industry of New York State for 19072 I 2 2 4 5 6 yoke 8 Gey pst a 82.5 70.3 94.03. 74:09 .°64.53° 73.02 (32 s0Omme yma Silica & insol. Sie ntele os De hoe 6.05° ZI.17. 4.62 eee e0neeee Other matter. 17:5 .....° §.07 10.80. 94.27 “e724 re ee 1 Wheatland, Monroe co. Under “other matter” are included CaC@; 1.753 MeeCG@y ac: | 2 Wheatland, Monroe co. Analysis furnished by Iroquois Port- land Cement Co. Wheatland, Monroe co. Analysis furnished by Consolidated Wheatland Plaster Co. Union Springs, Cayuga co. Fayetteville, Onondaga co. Fayetteville, Onondaga co. : 7 Cottons, Madison co. “Other matter” includes ALO Bees 1.84; CaCO. 6:57¢ MeGOs5 67. 8 Jamesville, Onondaga co. ‘“‘ Other matter” includes AlI,O,, FeO, 2.92; -GaC Oe 3-222 a Mee OL 42-69: Oo @yony JS The analyses indicate that the gypsum content of the rock ranges between the general limits of 64 or 65 per cent and 95 per cent. The grade apparently improves toward the western end of the sec- tion, in Genesee and Erie counties, where the average is above 90 per cent. The rock in this part is also the lightest in color and yields nearly white plaster. 1N. Y. State Geol. An. Rep’t 23. 1904. a Wotate Mus, Bul: 120) =sueo7 uolyy ‘speysh19 o1y11Aydiod pue Sulpueq sulmoys wnsdk3 yoy GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 61 The impurities of the rock are such as might be expected from the stratigraphic associations. The principal foreign ingredients are lime and magnesia carbonates, clay and quartz. The iron shown by the analyses is mostly present probably in the clay. The high percentage of magnesia in the rock of-the eastern section is a striking feature, since it appears to be greatly in excess of the pro- portions found in dolomites. The presence of free carbonate is thus indicated. PERMANENCE OF THE GYPSUM SUPPLY There are no sufficient data on which to base an estimate of the available gypsum supply, but in view of the magnitude of the known deposits it would be a gratuitous task to attempt any formal calculation. The production of 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 tons in the. past is insignificant as compared with the amount that still lies on the surface. It represents an equivalent of 40 or 50 acres of the thickest beds, such as are found in Onondaga and Cayuga counties, or about 400 acres of one of the 4-foot beds in the western section. The existing mines and quarries could maintain the present rate | of production of 350,000 tons a year for an indefinite time. The extension of the workings in depth or the opening of additional areas on the outcrop will bring new supplies, as they are needed, into the zone of exploitation. ; ETHODS OF PROSPECTING AND EXPLOITING THE GYPSUM ee DEPOSITS . There are certain facts and inferences bearing upon the distri- bution of gypsum in the New York Salina beds that may be found useful in the conduct of expioratory work. The main deposits occur in the upper Salina shales, and there- fore their horizon of outcrop is near the southern border of the belt as traced on the map. Little is known of the character of the gypsum which belongs to the salt-bearing shales proper, and if rep- resented anywhere in the present workings its identity has not been established.1 The pockets of impure gypsum that are described from the eastern section of the belt quite likely occur at different horizons, since they are probably due to solution and redeposition of the gypsum rock, but they have little industrial importance. 1The deposits once worked at Port Gibson, Ontario co. seem to lie at a lower horizon than the other occurrences in the State and may be below the Camillus shale. The present investigation, however, did not uncover any definite evidence of their association ‘with the rock salt series. 62 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The best indicator of the position of the gypsum is the Bertie waterlime, which is found above the deposits in exposures along the sides of valleys or hills, or to the south of them when the surface is flat. It is much more resistant to erosion than the Salina shales, and together with the overlying limestones can often be traced in outcrop by the character of the topography. A very noticeable escarpment formed by the limestones extends across Erie, Genesee and Monroe counties, where it is known as the “ ledge.” The Salina shales occupy the plain between this escarpment and the parallel one to the north formed by the Niagaran limestones. The absence of a protecting cover of limestones leaves the gyp- sum open to the attack of weathering agencies which may result in the partial or complete removal of surficial deposits. This seems to be the prevailing condition in the western section where the gypsum is very rarely seen in outcrop. The samipling of gypsum must be conducted with care and intel- ligence. The successive layers or strata may show wide variations in purity, and it 1s generally better to sample each separately so that the series of analyses will reveal their individual character. Sometimes it may be found practicable to work only certain beds, leaving the poorer material in the roof or floor of the mines. In sampling the pocket deposits of friable shaly gypsum, close atten- tion is required that the mass of fibers or crystals may not be un- fairly sorted from the impurities. 3 The beds of rock gypsum can be explored to best advantage by core drilling. It is difficult in most cases to form an accurate esti- mate of their quality and thickness from exposures, except where these result from previous quarrying or mining operations. The sites of the drill holes should be selected with due allowance for weathering and solution of the gypsum near the surface. Besides affording accurate samples for analysis the cores will give valuable information as to the character and thickness of the covering. The core drill 1s absolutely essential for exploration in Genesee and Erie counties, since the surface in that section is almost level and the deposits lie at depths of from 40 to 8o feet. Its advantage over the churn drill is so obvious and decisive that there can be little excuse for the continued use of the latter for such work. After the glacial material is once passed, no difficulty need be an- ticipated in securing cores of the limestones, shales and gypsum with a 2-inch diamond drill. As a rule the glacial drift of western Plate 16 & a Selenite from shaly deposits, Onondaga county < a —~ GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 63 New York can be penetrated without much trouble, as boulders are usually scattered and of no great size. The extraction of gypsum by open cutting is necessarily confined to the eastern and central sections. The pocket deposits are worked only in a small way after the simple methods of early days. More systematic operations are carried on in connection with the rock gypsum of Onondaga and Cayuga counties. The beds are exposed along the sides of hills with a thickness of from 20 to 60 feet. The quarries at Lyndon, Jamesville and Union Springs are opened on such natural exposures. The overlying limestones and drift are stripped off or allowed to fall into the excavation left by the re- moval of the gypsum. As the work advances into the hill an increasing amount of overburden is encountered and in the course of time becomes a serious problem necessitating a change to under- ground mining or the abandonment of work altogether. There are many abandoned quarries around Fayetteville. At Union Springs the drift covering is stripped by steam shovels, and the material loaded on cars for removal to a dump. The breaking of the gyp- sum rock is effected by drilling and blasting with black powder or dynamite. Both hand and power drills of the percussion type are used in the quarries, the latter having perhaps less than the usual advantage over handwork on account of the soft nature of the material. In the western section the gypsum is mined underground, and this practice has also been introduced recently in some of the quar- ries around Fayetteville to obviate the handling of the overburden. Entrance to the workings is had through an adit where the gypsum approaches sufficiently near the surface, otherwise a vertical shaft is used. The main adits which serve for haulage are driven from 5 to 8 feet high and from 6 to 10 feet wide. The larger dimensions refer to the mines near Jamesville, where the gypsum is excavated in large rooms and removed by two-horse wagons that are loaded directly at the working face. With thin beds the rock is hauled out on mine cars attached to a cable. In some cases a foot or so of the floor rock is removed to provide the necessary thead room, but this is generally unnecessary. The size of the rooms ranges up to 30 feet square. The overlying limestone makes a firm roof and little support is needed in addition to that given by the pillars ; tim- bering or backing is only rarely necessary. 64 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The mines at Akron and Oakfield, as well as those of the Con- solidated Wheatland Co. at Wheatland and the Garbutt Gypsum Co. at Garbutt are entered through vertical shafts from 50 to 70 feet deep. The shafts have either two or three compartments, one — of which serves for a ladder and airway. The underground work- ings follow the room and pillar system but are more regularly planned than these of the adit mines and are based on accurate surveys. The early methods of extending the drifts radiately from the shaft or in a haphazard manner are no longer purswed to any extent. The mines are often electrically lighted, ventilated by forced draft and when necessary are drained by pumps which raise the water from a sump at the shaft bottom. Gas, electricity and steam are used for power purposes, the former being supplied from the natural gas belt of western New York. Electric locomotives have been recently introduced for underground haulage, but in most mines the cars are either pushed by hand or drawn by mules. The hoisting is accomplished in various ways. At the Garbutt mine a derrick and boom raise the rock which is loaded into a metal scoop. The American Gypsum Co. has installed at Akron a bucket elevator. Single and balanced platform hoists which raise the gypsum in the mine cars are most generally employed. | The rock is broken by drilling and blasting. Auger drills are used in some mines and percussion drills in others, the former being employed when the rock is sufficiently soft. With hard or tough rock they are apt to become heated and to bind in the holes. Some companies prefer to let the mining on contract, while others main- tain the wage system. The miners represent all nationalities but are mainly from southern Europe. A few Indians from the New York reservations are employed. The mines are usually connected with the milling plants by tracks. In the Fayetteville district, however, the rock is teamed, except in one case where a traction engine is used to draw a 20-ton wagon, and the haulage is here an important item of the working, costs. Much of the output of this section is shipped in lumps or ground form to cement and plaster mills outside the district. ORIGIN OF GYPSUM General principles and theories Gypsum is formed by the combination of sulfuric acid with lime in the presence of water. The sulfuric acid need not necessarily be in free state, since almost any soluble sulfate may react upon lime Satin Plate 17 spar in veins formed by secondary deposition in shale, Ontario county CVESUM DEPOSITS OF NEW “YORK 65 minerals, specially the carbonates, to produce an interchange of bases. Wherevét-a-source of sulfurtc acid exists in nature, the formation of gypsum may be expected under ordinary circum- stances, as the other essentials are nearly always at hand. The derivation of sulfuric acid can be traced most commonly to the oxidation of the sulfur occurring in metallic sulfids. The iron sulfids — pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite — are particularly wide- spread both as rock-forming minerals and in ores. When exposed to atmospheric influences they are subject to rapid decomposition, yielding such compounds as hydrogen, sulfid, sulfurous and sulfuric acids, ferrous sulfate and iron oxids. The presence of hydrogen sulfid in the spring waters that issue from the shales and sandstones of western New York is an illustration of the decomposition of iron sulfids which are disseminated in the shales. In the Oak Or- chard spring at Byron, Genesee co. sulfuric acid of similar deriva- tion exists both free and combined with lime, magnesia and the alkalis. Another source of the acid is from the decay of organic matter, which yields hydrogen sulfid in the first instance. This gas, as well as sulfur dioxid, 1s also given off by volcanos, fumaroles and hot springs, and gypsum is frequently deposited near their vents. by the action of the acid vapors and waters upon lime minerals. With the supply of sulfuric acid that is made available in these ways the formation of gypsum takes place very generally through- out the zone of weathering and ground-water circulations. Under some conditions the gypsum may accumulate directly in sufficient amount perhaps to have economic importance, as when acid solu- tions from the decomposition of pyrite come in contact with beds of limestone. But more generally it is carried in solution until the waters reach the surface and are concentrated by evaporation. Though gypsum dissolves rather slowly in pure water, its solubility is greatly increased in the presence of salts of the alkalis, specially sodium chlorid, so that sea water for example is a much better solvent than fresh water. It is by concentration of the surface waters held in some inland basin, lake, or arm of the ocean that the valuable deposits of gypsum are usually formed. Deposition of gypsum from sea water. The deposits that result from the evaporation of sea water have been investigated by J. Usiglio, Van’t Hoff and others. Usiglio in 1849 carried out a series of laboratory experiments which outline very well the gen- eral conditions of their formation, though his results fhave been amended in some respects by the later works of Van’t Hoff and his associates. The experiments were based on samples of water taken 3 66 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM from the Mediterranean, which has a slightly higher content of . solid matter than the open ocean, but which does not differ notice- ably in the relative proportions of the several ingredients. . By evaporation of the water, which at the start had a density of 1.02, no marked deposition took place until the specific gravity of 1.05 was reached, when the volume had been reduced to 53 per cent of the original. Between this density and that of 1.13, the iron oxid and caleium carbonate were precipitated. Then, with a volume of only 19 per cent of the original, the solution began to deposit gypsum which continued to come down until the density reached 1.26. At a density of 1.214, when only 9.5 per cent of the solution remained, salt was deposited along with magnesium sulfate and chlorid. Further concentration brought down the more soluble salts in variable order, but sufficient detatls have been given for the present purpose. The sequence of deposits from sea waters accordingly is first lame- stone and ferric oxid, next gypsum, and then salt and magnesium compounds. Gypsum is precipitated when 81 per cent of the water 1s evaporated and salt when a little over go per cent 1s removed. The formation of gypsum beds in association with limestones and salt deposits is thus a simple process. But the evaporation of a relatively shallow lake or an arm of the sea alone would scarcely afford any considerable thickness of gypsum. Of the total solid matter in sea water, amounting to 3.5 parts in 100, only about 3.6 per cent consists of calcium sulfate. The extensive accumulations of salt and gypsum are to be explained, probably, by some such ‘method as that advocated by Ochsenius. According to his theory the deposition occurred in nearly inclosed arms of the sea or lagoons. If a bay or lagoon is connected with the sea by a narrow and shallow channel, evaporation will cause the denser brine formed at the surface to sink and concentrate at the bottom while its dif- fusion will be prevented by the shallow opening seaward. Surface currents may enter from the sea, however, to maintain an equilib- rium with evaporation. Provided-there is little land drainage in the bay, the salinity of the water will increase until saturated, and deposition of the constituents will then occur in regular se- quence. The process may be interrupted of course at any time by an unusual influx of water, or there may be periodic fluctuations of supply so as to produce an alternating series of deposits. That this method of concentration affords an explanation for many of the salt and gypsum beds is made probable by the fact that there are present day examples of its operation. Some of the bays on GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 67 the shores of the Caspian sea are now depositing salts, while the waters of Klharaboghaz, which are almost shut off from the sea by long spits that leave only a shallow channel between them, are in process of concentration and are fed by a surface current that is estimated to bring 350,000 tons of salt a day into the gulf. According to this theory the evaporating basin is in effect a con- tinuous salt pan and the thickness of the deposits that might be formed is limited only by its depth. Formation by conversion of limestone in place. Where ground waters are supplied more or less constantly with available sulfuric — acid, from pyritic shales for example, it is not improbable that they may convert large masses of limestone into gypsum during the course of time. The gypsum would retain perhaps the bedded structures of the limestone and would thus closely resemble the deposits from sea water. Just what importance is to be placed upon this method in relation to stratified deposits in general can not be stated, though some geologists have advocated its application to extensive occurrences, including those of New York State. There is no doubt that this process operates in a small way. Scattered masses and crystals of gypsum formed by the reaction of acid solutions upon lime are found in the clay beds along the Hud- son river. The indurated shales upon which the clays rest are impregnated with pyrite, which affords a source of sulfuric acid, while the clays themselves contain lime carbonate to the amount of several per cent. The gypsum is often well crystallized in detached individuals but has no economic value. | Gypsum deposited by ground waters. Ground waters holding calcium sulfate in solution may come to rest in joints, fissures or other openings in rocks, where evaporation may bring them to the point of saturation. The gypsum usually separates in the form of selenite or in the fibrous aggregate known as satin spar. The gyp- sum strata with their inclosing rocks are frequently veined and seamed by such secondary deposits. The cavities thus filled may have been very narrow at first, but were widened gradually by solu- tion and possibly as well by the expansive force of the growing crystals. The force of crystallization is regarded by some geologists as an important factor in the formation of cavities occupied by minerals deposited from solution. Though its magnitude is not definitely established, it 1s considered in general to be measurable by the crushing strength of the minerals themselves. If such be the case, it is apparent that large masses of gypsum might be built 68 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM up within cavities of originally small compass, such as joints and the openings along bedding planes. An example of the accumulation of salt and gypsum by the work of ground waters is found according to G. D. Harris! in the so called “ Five Islands” or “ Salt Islands” of Louisiana which rise as dome-shaped hills above the low coastal plain of the gulf. The domes are not due apparently to differential erosion but have been actually uplifted en masse, so that the strata dip away from their centers on all sides only to become horizontal as the plain level is reached. Their uplift has been ascribed previously to different agencies, including gas pressure, water under a great head, and to deep seated igneous masses which are working toward the surface. Harris finds that the domes occur at the intersections of master faults and thinks the faults have served as channels for the ascen- sion of saline waters from great depths. With temperatures cor- responding to their source in the interior at the start the waters would rise throughout the faulted strata and be compelled to pre- cipitate their salts as they become cooler on their way. The solvent power of water for sodium chlorid decreases most rapidly between the temperature of 180° and that of 120° C. so that the precipita- . tion of this salt would take place in greatest amount at considerable depths. The tendency therefore is to form a cone which, slender at first and pressing against the surrounding strata, would grow broader and longer by deposition at the base. The force of crystal- lization, it is thought, might move the mass upward spreading out the strata on all sides. With the deposition of salt the power of holding calcium sulfate in solution increases until the salinity is reduced to about 14 per cent, after which it rapidly decreases. Cool- ing of the solution down to about 40° C. also increases the solu- bility. The formation of gypsum would take place accordingly near the surface, and it is noted that the gypsum of Louisiana and Texas usually occurs above the salt. This hypothesis involves a striking, if not a novel, application of the force of crystallization to the origin of such deposits. It seems, however, to meet the peculiar conditions that surround the occur- rence of salt and gypsum in the gulf region (as well as in a few localities elsewhere) conditions which are difficultly explainable by the more common method of deposition from sea water. While there is, thus, much in its favor from a geologic standpoint, there is also need of more knowledge of the physical principle on which its validity ultimately depends. 4 Econ. Geol. 1909. 4:12. GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 69 Mode of origin applicable to the New York deposits There is no doubt that the gypsum of the Salina beds has been deposited by evaporation of surface waters and is an integral part of the stratified succession. This view is advocated or tacitly im- © plied in most descriptions of the New York deposits that have already been published, though it has not escaped criticism. The evidences which form the application of this method to the ex- clusion of other theories may be summarized under the following heads: 1 Form and structure of deposits 2 Associations of the gypsum 3 Biologic conditions in Salina time 1 The occurrence of the gypsum in thin lenses which are of the same degree of continuity as the inclosing strata indicates an ac- cumulation concordant with the salt, shales and limestone of the Salina. The lenses, in most instances at least, thin out very grad- ually, showing only moderate changes of thickness as they are traced from place to place and few irregularities not common to sediments in general. If the gypsum were formed by the reaction of acid waters upon limestone, variations in form like those found in replacement deposits of metallic minerals would be expected. The type of deposits in which the gypsum occurs as nodular masses with a thickness nearly equal to the horizontal! dimensions — as fig- ured by Hall and represented in Dana’s Manual —is certainly the exception and not the rule and is the result probably of solution of the larger masses by underground waters. Such deposits are illustrated in figures 3 and 4 on page 25. The undisturbed condition of the beds as generally eeryed is also against any theory of secondary deposition -either by reaction upon limestone or by precipitation from ground waters. The change from limestone to gypsum involves an increase of 90 per cent in the volume, which would hardly occur without general disturbance of the adjacent strata. The beds, also, are not faulted or fractured so as to permit the easy circulation of waters in vertical direction. 2 The close relation of the gypsum to the salt deposits is such as would be expected from the evaporation of sea water. While the fact that the salt underlies the main gypsum beds, whereas the re- verse is the natural order, seems to controvert this view, an ex- planation for it may be found without recourse to extraordinary conditions of evaporation and supply of the sea waters. If the 7O NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM waters of that time held approximately the same relative propor- tions of salts in solution as the ocean of the present day, their evaporation would afford one part gypsum to something over 20 of salt. As gypsum occurs’ interbedded with the salt and probably distributed more or less through the Vernon shale below the latter, this relative amount may well be present in its normal order. The. relations indicate, however, that the process of evaporation while the first gypsum and salt were laid down was subject to frequent vicissitudes from the influx of new supplies of sea water into the basins. After the salt had been precipitated by repeated evapora- tions the process was suspended for a time, during which the basins were probably invaded by land drainage and shales were accumu- lated in considerable thickness. A renewal of the early conditions with a fresh supply of sea water started the precipitation of gypsum again, but this time the process was not continued long enough apparently to bring down salt, or if it were precipitated it was redissolved before the overlying strata were formed. Both the salt and main gypsum beds maintain a constant horizon throughout their extent. The main gypsum beds are found only in the Camillus shale and are generally limited to the upper section. In the western part of the State they are capped by limestone which shows no evidence of alteration by ground waters, and there are layers of- unchanged limestone intercalated in the shale. There seems to be no sufficient explanation for any selective action on the part of the limestone whereby certain beds were more prone to alter- ation than others. | 3 In the discussion of the stratigraphy of the Salina stage it was noted that the variations in the character of the strata are accom- panied by marked fluctuations in the abundance of fossil remains. The preceding Niagara stage is characterized by a fairly prolific and varied fauna which has, however, a peculiar development that is connected by paleontologists with changes of physical surround- ings. The Pittsford shale at the base of the Salina holds a very different fauna that is characterized by eurypterids. Throughout the succeeding intervals represented by the- Vernon shale, salt and Camillus shales, there is little or nothing to be found in the way of fossil remains, and only with the Bertie waterlime, at the close of the Salina, do they reappear and are then represented by an assemblage related to that of the Pittsford shale. The lack of fossils in the gypsum beds may be explainable, perhaps, as the result of solution and breaking down of the strata by underground circulations, but this theory fails to account for their absence in the shales and un- GYPSIiEM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORI Fk changed limestones which aggregate many hundreds of feet-in thick- ness. This circumstance as. well as the other facts regarding the fauna of Salina time becomes intelligible, however, when connected with the vicissitudes that life must encounter in sea waters of fluc- _ tuating salinity. - PROPERTIES OF GYPSUM AND THEORY OF ITS TRANSFORMATION TO PLASTERS The composition and peculiar properties of gypsum have been the subject of frequent study by chemists since the development of exact methods of analysis. A brief review of the more important investigations will serve to show the intricate nature of the prob- lems encountered and assist their explanation in the light of recent researches, so far as they may have been solved. We are indebted to Lavoisier for the first definite data on the compcsition of gypsum.t He dissolved the mineral in water and found that its solubility was about one part by weight in 500 parts water. From the solution he was able to crystallize the gypsum out, and he therefore considered the mineral to be a chemical salt. Furthermore he determined the nature of the acid and base, as well as the presence of water of crystallization. By experiment it was found that the cooking of gypsum produced no new compound but simply drove off the water. In Lavoisier’s opinion all of the combined water disappeared in the process, though he seems to have been familiar with the fact that commercial plaster of paris contained a small amount of moisture; consequently he was at loss to understand why plaster heated to a higher temperature than cus- tomary should be deprived of setting qualities. iPayene in 1o30 found that gypsum heated at 80°. C. in a cur- Pomel any air Or 115— ©. in a closed space “ began to lose very slowly a part of its water of crystallization. This drying proceeds very tapidly as the temperature is raised, but beyond a, certain point (200° C.) an important modification takes place. The sul- fate of lime hydrates with difficulty, and when heated at 300- 400° C. loses all power to take up water of crystallization.” In 1840 Berthier? showed that, contrary to the belief of Lavoisier and others, calcined plaster contained from 2 to 8 per cent of water, and his results were confirmed later by Cannas 1 Acad. des Sci. Compt. Rend. eae q7Ois 2Chimie Industrielle 1830 and Précis de Chimie Industrielle. Paris. mesa ed. S(O 20m. a Ann. des Mines; 1840, ser. 3, 19:655. A Ann Ge Chimnere: de Piverser/ 5, 4 440. 72 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM It remained for Le Chatelier! to make the first accurate observa- tions in relation to the changes involved by the calcination of gyp- sum. He noted that calcined plaster contained some 7 per cent water, as shown by his own experiments and by analyses made in L’Ecole des Ponts et Chausses. ‘“‘M. Debray has demonstrated,” — says Le Chatelier, “that different hydrates of the same salt are characterized by different tensions of dissociation, greater as the ° ‘proportion of water is greater. This results in the fact that the 160 160 /40 120 / oo. - : : ° x /o (S 20 25 30 as minktes c. 6 Temperature gradient for the decomposition of gypsum. (After Davis) temperature of decomposition of the different hydrates, under a given pressure will not be the same. In studying from this view the decomposition of gypsum, I have discovered that it took place in two very distinct periods of time.” To confirm this conclusion he placed two grams of powdered gypsum in a glass tube, which he heated gradually in a paraffin bath, recording by a thermometer the temperature every five min- utes. Using the time as abcissa and the temperature as ordinates he constructed a curve. This curve did not rise regularly but contained two horizontal breaks in its regularity. The tempera- ture after rising rapidly to 110° rose more slowly from 110° to 1 ee ee ee V Acad, des. Sci. Compt. Rend. 96, 1668. 1883. CYMESUANL DEPOSITS Ob NEW. YORK 73 120°, stood stationary a long time at 128° and then went on up- ward more rapidly between 130° and 140°; a second stop analo- gous to the first but less important took place at 163°. From the results of this experiment W. A. Davis! has plotted the fol- lowing curve [fig. 6]. Le Chatelier then says, “ These two halts in the rise of the thermometer were brought about by the absorption of heat which accompanied the elimination of the water. They indicate the ex- istence of two hydrates having different temperatures of decompo- ‘sition. To determine the composition of the intermediate hydrate, I heated Io grams of gypsum at a temperature of 155° which from the above figures is intermediate between the decomposition tem- peratures of the two hydrates. The loss of weight was as follows: TIME GRAMS Hours Minutes ‘ Tne en ea 66 BiG) 3 Aig ie 7 aaa le ere ea a 1.36 ASG eR MS Ea hy ee amt eS eee te 52 Di ree tere acl ater orn dn Fee ne 1.56 I MO Ser ee Mee ie ogee see Soe bitsy sic ea) 0 50 “The loss of weight at 155° tends then to a well defined limit of 1.56 grams which corresponds exactly to 1.5 molecules H,O for 1 molecule of CaSO,.” This leaves us a material with a for- mila of CasO,.14H.O identical with “half hydrate” noted by Johnston? as found in the form of scale in a steam boiler heated to 121° C. and by Hoppe Seyler? as formed by gypsum in presence of water at 140—60° C. The same sample was then heated to 200° C. with the following results : | -TIME LOSS OF WEIGHT Hours Minutes Grams 2 go Be ge RES eth A) Seo Oa a 1.56 : PR, tip 3 ak acne gs ee ee 7S : FENG 2 MES rat aa ea oe Mee Sa 1.98 is US ACR ease oa ne aeee ae Wl I Doe eee. ak ai he oe ae ge 2.08 This loss of 2.08 grams corresponds to two molecules of water to one of CaSO,, that is, at 200° C. the dehydration is complete. In summing up his results Le Chatelier says: “ These experi: ments show that there exists at least one inferior hydrate of cal- cum. sulfate having the formula CaSO,.4H.O and that it ioc, Chemsind. Jour. rea 7.) 26°728. 2 Phil. Mag. 1838. + Pose, Mma. nao, . 127.067. 4 Gia NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM contains 6.2 per cent water. The commercia! plaster containing in the mean 7 per cent water is then almost exclusively made up of this hydrate.” In the past 10 years a number of chemists have taken up the question of the decomposition of gypsum, the formation of the half hydrate and the anhydrite and their mutual relationships. Among the number are Armstrong, Van’t Hoff, Shenstone, Cun- _dall, Cloez etc. [see Bibliography for references]. The most re- cent investigations are those by W. A. Davis' who, moved by the uncertainty and lack of uniformity in the results previously ob- tained, has carried out a series of careful experiments, which he. presents along with a summary of the work performed by others. This very valuable contribution is presented herewith in abstract. At the time Davis entered upon his investigations there were recognized, as derived from gypsum, the half hydrate, formed ‘at 128° and decomposed at 163° [Le Chatelier]; the soluble anhy- drite which according to Van’t Hoff was formed directly by heat- ing gypsum in a vacuum over concentrated sulfuric acid without the intermediate formation of the half hydrate, and natural anhy- drite, which can be formed by strongly igniting the soluble anhy- drite. The soluble anhydrite is very soluble in water and sets very rapidly to a hard mass. | Davis first heated a series of gypsum samples at temperatures between 98° and 130° C. and measured their successive loss in weight or lossin water and derived the following curves [fig. 7]. The influence of the state of division of the gypsum is clearly noticeable. The striking feature in the curves, however, 1s that loss of water does not begin immediately after the material is heated. In one experiment a whole hour is shown to elapse before any water is given off. During this period the monoclinic gypsum is undergoing a crystallographic change to the orthorhombic system, or in other words CaSO,. 2 H,O is dimorphous, as are nearly all the ty drated sulfates of bivalent metals. Further proof of this is shown in the behavior of the half hydrate on setting. When the plaster first sets into a coherent mass, microscopic investigation has shown that all the crystals present have a straight extinction and are probably orthorhombic. Gypsum crystals subsequently appear be- cause the orthorhombic form is labile at ordinary temperatures and, in from a few hours to a few days, changes to gypsum. ‘This perhaps explains the fact that plaster when first set contracts (while ~ the orthorhombic crystals are forming) and expands (at the change ~ to monoclinic). At first sight the curves might suggest Van’t Hoff’s idea that no intermediate half hydrate is formed, but owing to the —— voc. Chem. Ind" jour age7- 3205727. GYPSUM’ DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 75 removal of water by the air the two dehydrations may go on side by side as follows: ; ; G20? H.O—CasO,. % H,0+1% H,O aoe. LO —Cas0, +% HO This view is further substantiated by the heating of gypsum at 98° in an open crucible with the formation of half hydrate in nine hours and no further loss or change with eight hours heating. Commercial plaster, Davis considers to be made up mainly of the -half hydrate, not soluble anhydrite as held by Cloez, since the water vapor in the mass would immediately hydrate any anhydrite formed, or at least the moisture from the air would soon alter it to the half hydrate. Bottled samples of freshly made plaster almost Jo loss : 25 20 | ion Fic. 7 Curves showing rates of dehydration of gypsum under different conditions. » After Davis) always show 6 to 8 per cent water and are therefore the half hydrate. In summing up then we may say that the change from gypsum to anhydrite 1s brought about as follows: LOSS IN WATER rt CaSOz.2HzO monoclinic to CaSO4.2H20 orthorhombic........ none 2-CaSO4.2H20 orthorhombic to CaSO4.4H20 orthorhombic...... 14mols 3, CaO. EeOio.CasOxn Goltible) onthorhomisie,......-.... 0... 4 mol 4 Ca5Ouz (soluble) to CaSOz insoluble (natural anhydrite)...... none 70 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Of these, the first two steps are carried out on calcining plaster and their reversal on the setting of plaster. Davis classes freshly made plasters into four groups: 1 Those consisting mainly of the half hydrate, containing 6 to 8 per cent water. 2 Those containing soluble anhydrite and very hygroscopic, with less thanrG' per cent H@, 3 Plasters containing more than 7.5 per cent H,O and consisting of half hydrate mixed with some gypsum. 4 “ Dead burnt” plasters containing less than 6 per cent water but not hygroscopic and setting slowly; these contain ordinary anhydrite. 3 7 | Setting of plaster. The property of plaster, or the calcined gyp- sum, to set on mixing with water gives it its chief value. Gypsum cal- cined at temperatures varying perhaps from 100° C. to 500° C. and mixed with water will, after a period of from a few minutes to a day, take up water and become a hard mass. The cause of setting has long been an unsettled and debatable theme, though the fundamental principle was laid down by La- voisier in the investigations already noted. In addition to the ex- periments that have been described he carried on one more. Into a large vessel of water he threw some powdered plaster and al- lowed it to sink. He says, “In passing through the liquid, each molecule of plaster took back its water of crystallization and fell to the bottom of the dish under the form of small brilliant needles, visible only with a high power lens.” Examined with a lens they proved to have the regular form of gypsum. He concluded that the setting with water ‘is nothing more than a simple crystalliza- tion”; gypsum, deprived of its water, reabsorbs it greedily and again becomes crystalline. Lavoisier thought that his investiga- tions left no doubt as to the catise of the Hees of plaster, ad that there remained “nothing to be desired in eecplemniend of the problem.” Though the change is caused primarily by a crystal- lization and the taking up of water, the chemical, crystallographic and physical changes in all their steps are far from clear; as stated by Mr Davis,* “the problem has proved tc be one of extraor- dinary difficulty, and in spite of the investigations made by such well known chemists as Marignac, Le Chatelier and Van’'t Hoff, an amount of confusion exists with regard to the subject which is almost without parallel in inorganic onan saee Landrin? made an elaborate investigation into the setting of plas- ter and brought forward the theory that the plaster partially dis- 1 loc. cit. - 2 Ann’. de Chimie, 0S 7460 pag as GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 77 solved in the water which became saturated with respect to it. The heat of the chemical reaction causes an evaporation of some of the water and a consequent crystallization of the saturated solu- tion, the first crystal developed determining and hastening the crystallization of the whole mass. Le Chatelier later showed, how- ever, that plaster would set in a vacuum so that evaporation was not the means of causing the crystallization. | Le Chatelier! in taking up the question utilized the observation of Marignac? that calcium sulfate in contact with water gives a supersaturated solution which allows the deposition of crystals of the hydrous calcium sulfate. With plaster cooked at 140° a solu- tion is obtained containing 9 grams of CaSO, ‘per liter, i. e. four times more than can normally exist in solution. Le Chatelier goes on to say that such supersaturated solutions, capable of uniting directly with water to form their hydrates are common, for example Na, SO, Na, CO, etc., all of which salts set when mixed with water. Finally he believes that the set is the result of two simultaneous phenomena: “On the one hand the masses of the plaster mixed with water dissolve themselves on hydrating and produce a super- saturated solution. On the other hand, this solution allows at the © same time a deposition of crystals of hydrous calcium sulfate. They are added to little by little and bind themselves together.” G. P. Grimsley,* although agreeing with Le Chatelier and others that the set of gypsum is due to a formation of a network of crystals of gypsum crystallized from a saturated solution of the _ half hydrate, to account for the cause of the beginning of the crys- tallization advances this theory: ~“‘ The effect of heat on gypsum in the burning of plaster as we have shown, is to remove a certain percentage of water, and to break up the small masses of the rock into finer and finer particles, microscopic and even ultramicroscopic in size. If the heat is not carried too far, certain particles through the mass may still possess their crystalline form and are true crystals though small. These minute erystals in the saturated so- lution would start the process of crystallization. . . If the plas- ter is underburned the gypsum is not reduced to the proper fineness and uniformity, and so would not permit the crystallization to go on in the way it would in a properly burned plaster. But of more importance, the hydrate represented by plaster of paris would not be formed. If the plaster is overburned, it will be so completely comminuted that no minute crystals will be left to start the crystal- Cpa cece Re a ae Rc nea pe SEE 1 Acad. de Sci. Compt. Rend. 96, 714. 1883. 4 Ann. de Chimie de Physique Tome I, 279. 1874. ’ Kansas Univ. Geol. Sur. 1899. 5:95. 78 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM lization. Where the plaster is slightly overburned, the crystals are extremely fine and crystallization goes on very slowly and im- perfectly.” While the presence of any unburned gypsum may hasten or other- wise influence the setting of some plasters, it does not appear that the process is absolutely dependent upon that condition for its start. In the case of soluble anhydrite there is rapid setting on addition of water, which is hardly explainable by the view taken by Grimsley. The approximate solution of the problem is undoubtedly to be found in the work of Davis. “It has always been assumed that the setting of plaster is due to the regeneration of gypsum by the action of water on the half hydrate. If, however, the setting of the half hydrate be carefully observed by means of the polarizing microscope, not a single gypsum crystal can at first be detected in the set mass; the cake of set material, during the first quarter of an hour after it has hardened to a coherent mass, which is only slightly indented by the finger nail, is made up of crystals showing a straight extinction only, and therefore probably orthorhombic. The first product of the setting of the half hydrate (or soluble anhydrite) is, indeed, the same orthorhombic is produced in the first stage of the dehydration of gypsum. Gypsum crystals subsequently make their appearance within the set mass, owing to the fact that the orthorhombic form of the dihydrate is labile at the ordi- nary temperature, and undergoes change more or less rapidly — during the course of several hours or several days, the time vary- ing greatly —into the more stable form of gypsum. The series of changes —_ peers a CaSO. 2H:O 22 f CaSO.2H O = CaSO. % H.O Gypsum Caen (orthorhombic) Half hydrate (orthorhombic) is, indeed, strictly reversible. Before gypsum can undergo dehy- dratien to form the half hydrate, it passes into the orthorhombic form of the dihydrate, and the latter is also the first product of the hydration of the half hydrate.” Some recent experiments have been made by Leduc and Pellet! on the relation of calcining temperature to the setting of plaster. They calcined for an hour or more pure alabaster at various tem- peratures and mixed the plaster formed with 85 per cent water. The results of their experiments are as follows: 1 Le Genie Civil. 1906. 49:253. Plate 18 Jaw crusher GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 79 ; iSipae SET CALCINING TEMPERATURE BEGINNING COMPLETE AFTER AFTER : Minutes Rms. oS. ss oo ap Oe Pee eee alte aos 8 | 16 minutes Parle CU ees Se cucie 2 ee Reece 4 6 minutes HES gu 65/000 ee eRe OrOSst ore Are nanan ears 4 | over 54 hours ASO nce eee ope ME a Oe cc ote Sates a Rd ere 24 hours COO ay nana e, PRM Is fo isc Pine t a tat ae Se ee 24 hours Saale aco as nay vst okt eee Re rare then aaa LS) we woe hice 3 no set ee ee Ee sidal argo, sas ov apeia woh oo NNR Mama hel aCe Biles: Aes. 4% no set ee 22 Ne se ike wha REE ee tg ao a aes ae ae no set TLS 5 ote ty Ea ag eg ec 8, Cry arn east ar a Pear no set This indicates that the most efficient temperature for calcining is ie amott 250° ©..(482° fF .), TECHNOLOGY OF GYPSUM PLASTERS Plaster of paris and wall plasters The manufacture of the different calcined plasters is based on similar methods, though there is considerable variance in the details of practice and equipment of the plants. In every case the crude gypsum from the mines or quarries must undergo the two opera- tions of crushing and calcination. The plasters made in New York and also practically all those manufactured in this country belong to the half hydrate class, i. e. their basis is plaster of paris. Their varied qualities depend mainly upon the proportion of impurities present in the original rock and upon the addition of artificial materials to hasten or retard .the setting process. The anhydrous plasters which include the so called “cements ” and the German flooring plasters form a distinct group that can best be considered under a separate head. Crushing. The crushing of the material may be performed either before or after calcination. The general practice in this country is to make a partial reduction at least before burning, though abroad the crude rock is often caicined in arched kilns in a manner similar to the burning of limestone. With the kettle process, which is widely used im American plants, the rock is re- duced to a fine powder before calcination. The introduction of rotary cylinders for calcining among the newer plants involves a change of the crushing process whereby the rock is subjected to So NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM a preliminary reduction to uniform size and after calcination is given a second treatment for pulverization. The first step in reduction is performed in a coarse crusher, by which the rock of size convenient for handling is broken to lumps of about 1-inch diameter. The crushers commonly used are of the jaw or gyratory types, the preference in New York plants being given to the former. One form of jaw crusher or “ nipper” spe- cially devised for gypsum plants is shown in piate 18. The moy- able jaw, as well as the end plate, sometimes has a corrugated sur- face which prevents the soft material from clogging the outlet. The machine shown in the illustration weighs 13,000 pounds and will crush each hour from 15 to 30 tons of rock. From the coarse crusher the gypsum passes into the “ cracker.” This machine works like a coffee mill, having a corrugated shell of inverted conical shape within which revolves a corrugated spin- dle [pl. 19]. The machines have a capacity of from 3 to 12 tons an hour and crush to about pea size. After this treatment, the gypsum is ready for charging into rotary cylinders if these are used for calcination. For the kettle process, however, it is next run through a fine grinder of which there are several forms well adapted for, the purpose. In the mills first erected the grinding was universally done by buhrstones, and this practice continues to be quite common, though it has been superseded in most of the modern plants by more improved meth- ods. The stones are set the same as in flour mills and may be of French or domestic make. The smal! expense of such an oufit is its chief recommendation and is offset by the necessity of redress- ing the stones from time to time, an operation that requires a high degree of skill. An improvement on the horizontal millstones for grinding gyp- sum is the use of a vertical mill which can be run at a higher speed. This type 1s common abroad. The Sturtevant Mill Co. of Boston manufactures a vertical mill of special construction that has been installed in several plants. The stones are built up of emery blocks set in a metal shell around a central disk of buhrstone. The emery blocks are held secure by metal filled in while molten. A 36-inch Sturtevant mill is shown in section in plate 20. The mill is supplied with an automatic feeder from which the gypsum is carried by a worm conveyor and forced between the stones. Another machine in use for pulverizing gypsum is illustrated in plate 21. It is made by the Williams Patent Crusher & Pulver- ‘ Type of cracker used in crushing gypsum Plate 20 i = BATE LA HMM I apn esky, MOMENT Section of Sturtevant mill Plate 21 tty ( Mi HA ! f | Hl The Williams pulverizer GYPSUM DEPOSITS: OF NEW. YORI SI izer Co. of St Louis. The reduction is accomplished by means of hammers carried on a rapidly revolving horizontal axis and work- ing against a corrugated breaker plate. The machine is said to take rock that will pass through a 2-inch ring and crush from 12 to 15 tons an hour through a 30-mesh screen. The Stedman disintegrator, which is characterized by a series of concentric cages with steel. crossbars, the adjacent cages revolving in opposite directions and crushing the rock by impact, 1s employed in some of the western plants. The roller mills in use for grind- ing flour is also said to be serviceable for gypsum. There seems to be no standard of fineness for plasters, such as obtains in cement manufacture. ‘The size of the particles, however, is not without influence upon the setting qualities, though within the moderate limits of variation in ordinary practice the degree - of fineness does not appear to be very important. A series of sieve tests on marketable plaster from the middle western districts has been published by the Iowa Geological Survey,’ the results of which show that an average of 70 per cent of the ground plaster will pass through a sieve with 74 meshes to the linear inch, about 60 per cent through a roo-mesh sieve and 44 per cent throug h an 200-mesh sieve. Calcination. The chemical features of the calcination process are described elsewhere in detail. Though the process is simple in theory, as well as in its mechanical requirements, it demands a degree of experience and skill to insure a uniformly satisfactory product. The common kettle method of calcination as used in this coun- try is an adaptation of the earlier practice by which plaster of paris was made on a small scale in a cauldron kettle over an open fire. The modern kettles are cylinders of boiler steel, nearly square in vertical section, set upright.on a brick foundation. Their diameters range from about 8 to 10 feet. . The sides are constructed of sheet iron 3% to 5% inch thick, while the bottoms which must withstand extremes of temperature are usually cast from the best grade of scrap iron, and their thickness varies from 34 inch at the edges to 4 inches in the centers. The bottoms are arched upward rising about a foot at the crown. Some kettles are made with ‘sectional bottoms, so that in the case of breakage it is only necessary - to replace the broken part instead of installing a new bottom. The cover is of sheet iron and has a trap through which the charge is introduced. 1An, Rep’t 12. 1902. p. 162. 82 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The kettle is inclosed nearly to the top by a brick wall with an open space between for the circulation of heat. The fire chamber below is a little narrower than the kettle and rises from 4 to 7 feet above the grate bars. The heated gases pass through ports into the open space at the base, then into flues which are placed horizontally in the kettle itself and out through a stack. The flues are built in sets of two or four. In a kettle of two flues they are placed parallel about 8 inches above the cfown. The arrangement in a kettle of four flues is shown in plate 22 taken from a photo- graph furnished by Butterworth & Lowe, Grand Rapids, Mich. The kettle illustrated measures 10 feet, 4 inches across by 8 feet, 5. inches high and will calcine 10 tons of ground gypsum into plaster of paris at a single charge. The weight of the metal is about 10 tons. : The kettles are generally installed in line and worked in pairs with a feeding chute and a pit for the calcined product between each pair. In burning it is necessary to keep the gypsum in con- stant agitation, for otherwise the hot mass would soon destroy the kettle bottom. .The agitation is accomplished by means of a ver- tical shaft to which paddles are attached and which is turned at the rate of 15 revolutions a minute by means of a crown wheel connecting with a pinion on the mill shafting. From 10 to 25 horsepower is required to maintain the agitation. : The arrangement of an installation in a kettle plant is shown in figure 8, which is reproduced from a drawing furnished by Butter- worth & Lowe. ‘ . In operation, the kettle is charged with ground gypsum through the trap in the cover and is filled in about an hour. Heat is grad- . ually applied during the process, and when the temperature reaches 220° or a little above, the mass begins to boil vigorously from the escape of the mechanically held moisture. After this is evaporated there is a noticeable settling, and the steam almost ceases for a time. With increasing heat a second ebullition begins between 280° and 290° F., causing the mass to rise to the top of the kettle. The steam now is due to water of crystallization which continttes to. come off as the heat is raised. When the boiling begins to slacken, the mass settles again and is ready for removal into the fire brick bins for cooling. The finishing temperature ranges between 350° and 400°, as there is no fixed point which marks the completion of the process. The experienced calciner relies chiefly upon the physi- cal appearance of the plaster, the amount of steam given off and the creaking of the machinery during the settling as guides in the SMOHE STACK ig. 8. Cross section of to ft kettle room KETTLE FEED BIN BUTTERWORTH & LOWE, GRAND FaPids,. Micn. ' H ‘ t 7 le ==,6 SSS ee Pig) aaa ok GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 83 operation, though thermometers are used in some plants as a fur- ther check. The wide range of temperatures at which the burning is completed may be ascribed largely to the variation in the purity of the gypsum. According to Paul Wilkinson’ the temperatures used in the manufacture of plaster of paris from the Kansas rock, which averages very high in gypsum, do not exceed 340° F., while they run about 396° F. as a maximum in the calcination of the impure earthy gypsum. If the calcination is finished at too low a temperature the change to half hydrate will be incomplete; the plaster in that case will be deficient in strength. On the other hand, if the temperature is car- ried too high, there is danger of converting a part of the whole of the charge into anhydrite. Soluble anhydrite results when the over- burning is continued for a short time only and insoluble anhydrite when it is of longer duration and at stili higher temperature. The presence of soluble anhydrite in plaster freshly burned is perhaps not uncommon, though the main ingredient is, of course, the half hydrate. According to Davis any soluble anhydrite in the product will take up moisture from the air to form half hydrate, so that its presence in small amount may have no detrimental effect. The time required for the calcination of a charge ordinarily is from two and one quarter to three hours, depending on individual practice. The fuel consumption with bituminous coal averages from 200 to 300 pounds for. each ton of plaster. After cooling in the pits the product is elevated to a revolving screen, which removes any coarse material for regrinding, and is then transferred to the storage bins. isp ha The kettle process has been criticized frequently as nnccone atest and this is undoubtedly a serious drawback. Its simplicity and the fact that plaster makers have grown accustomed to visual methods of controlling the burning operation seem to be the main reasons for its continued favor. As compared with the rotary kiln the kettle consumes for each ton of plaster made, more fuel in cal- cination and more power in agitating the charge, while it is less efficient by reason of its interrupted operation. | The Cummer rotary kiln is the only continuous calciner in use in this country. It is made by F. D, Cummer & Son Co. of Cleve- land. The apparatus as installed for operation is shown in plate 23. The gypsum rock is not pulverized as in the kettle process but is crushed to pass through a 34-inch ring and delivered to the stor- age bin over the feed spout of the kiln. This consists of a steel nd 4m, Inst. Min. Eng. TOQipus 2 751, 84 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cylinder set on a slight incline and turned slowly on roller bearings by means of a large spur wheel at the upper end. The rock enters the cylinder at the same end and gradually works its way down as the cylinder revolves, being lifted and dropped by blades attached to the sides. The hot gases from the furnace are forced by a fan into the brick chamber surrounding the cylinder where they are mixed with sufficient air, admitted through the registers at the base, to give the desired temperature. From the co-sningling chamber the air and furnace gases are drawn by a fan through hoods into the interior of the cylinder which they traverse in a direction oppo- site to that taken by the material. The temperature of the interior is maintained between 400° and 600° F., according to the character of the rock and the desired product. As the rock remains in the cylinder only 10 minutes, there is little danger of overheating inci- dent to the kettle method. A thermometer is placed in the discharge spout where the operator can watch it and regulate the flow of gases so as to give a uniformly heated product. An indispensable feature of the Cummer process is the calcining bins into which the steaming material from the kiln is removed. Four bins are required for each cylinder. They are made of brick anid lined with paving brick which have little absorbing power. The material remains in the bin for about 36 hours, during which time the free moisture not driven off in the cylinder is removed as well as a further part of the water of crystallization. While the cal- cination is going on in the bin, outside air is excluded, thus allow- ing the heat of the material to equalize itself throughout the mass. Small variations in temperature during the day’s run of the cylin- der have little or no influence on the character of the product so long as the average remains fairly constant. With the use of four bins the process is absolutely continuous; while one is being filled, calcination is going on in the second and third, while the fourth is being emptied. The arrangement of a mill in which the Cummer process is used is shown in figure 9. The kiln is: installed in the plant of the Ly- coming Calcining Co. at Garbutt, which has a capacity of 50 tons of plaster in 11 hours. The fuel is soft coal. According to the manufacturers’ circular the consumption of fuel, when a good grade of coal is used, averages about 70 pounds for each ton of calcined material, exclusive of that employed for driving the plant, which is a relatively small item. Another continuous process is described by F. A. Wilder! as in 1 Towa Geol. Sur. 1902. 12:213. Four-flue kettle for calcination of gypsum GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 85 use at Mannheim, Germany. The calciner consists of a fire box and automatic stoker opening into the chamber that contains the rotating cylinder. Above the cylinder and connected to it by a pipe is a chamber through which a spiral conveyor passes. The gypsum ground to a size not larger than a hickory nut is charged into the forewarmer, is conveyed by the spiral to the other.end and dis- 2 aa AAG AALS Ee LT th a 0" Saas DUST OOM REVOLVING CALCINER JAW CRUSHER > & wW ois ”) 2 c a) ROTARY! Fic. 9 Arrangement of installation for Cummer process charged into the rotary cylinder. A fan forces the hot air and gases from the fire box into the cylinder and this calcines the gyp- sum and forces it toward the discharge end of the cylinder. The material 1s agitated by a continual lifting and dropping brought about by a series of shelves or buckets on the sides of the revolv- ing cylinder. The larger lumps which would require a longer period of heating for calcination, owing to their weight, are moved most slowly toward the discharge point, and thus receive the most heat, 86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM while the fine powder which if allowed to remain long in contact with the heat would: become dead-burned, passes quickly to the rear end of the cylinder under the blast of air. The gases and hot air pass out of the cylinder and into the forewarmer where whatever heat remains in them is utilized in heating the crude gypsum on its way to the cylinder. The gases and air, then with a temperature of but 80° F., pass into collecting chambers to recover any dust of plaster in them, and thence out through the stack. In Europe gypsum is commonly burned in lump form in arched kilns, which are built of masonry and somewhat resemble the ordi- nary brick kiln of this country.1 The heat from the central fire pit is conducted through radiating channels, which are constructed of © the larger gypsum blocks, and then finds its way upward in the spaces between the lumps to issue finally through flues in the roof. Plaster of paris used in porcelain and china ware manufacture requires careful preparation, as it must form a light, porous mass when set. This grade is made mostly in France and Germany. The calcination is often carried out in brick ovens, the gypsum being stirred frequently during the process. An improved type of oven that is now employed in Germany for making porcelain plaster takes the form of a long room constructed of brick into which the gypsum is carried on cars.? These have racks holding five or more shelves which are loaded with rock that has been previously crushed to 1-inch size or smaller. The room is heated by a furnace below, the gases passing through flues in the walls and not coming into contact with the gypsum. The temperature is maintained uniformly at 140° C. (284° F.). Three charges are burned in a week, and the output of each is about 8 or 9 tons of calcined plaster. Resultant product. The product resulting from the operations just described is a finely divided calcined plaster. If a pure gyp- sum has been used it will consist of calcium sulphate plus a small residue of water, the amount depending upon the degree to which the calcination is carried. The ideal composition of plaster of paris is represented by the formula CaSO,. % H,O which calls for 93.8 per cent of calcium sulphate and 6.2 per cent of water. These per- centages are approached in high grade plaster of paris, which finds special uses, but most wall plasters contain a considerable propor- tion of impuritics due to the admixture of clay, lime, magnesia etc. with the gypsum. 1Grimsley, G. P. Technology of Gypsum. Mineral Industry. 1899 7399. 2 ‘Wilder, F. A. The Gypsum Industry of Germany. Iowa Geol. 5ur. An, Rep’tur2,, “woo2.. pacer. are aS JHBHES Ze) Cummer rotary calciner GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 87 The composition of the plaster, other things being equal, is an index of its setting properties. A pure plaster of paris of normal fineness when mixed with water will harden in about six minutes. This is known as the initial set.. Impure plasters, on the other hand, may require an hour or more to harden. Addition of retarders. Plasters intended for wall and other structural purposes must be slow setting to avoid difficulty in manipulation. If this is net a natural property, which may be found in the impure sorts, it is necessary to induce slow setting by the addition of some foreign material. As a matter of fact praeti- cally all wall plasters, however impure, require treatment with a “retarder ’ by which the time of setting is prolonged to from two to four or five hours, according to need. The retarders employed by manufacturers of wall plasters in- clude such materials as glue, glycerine, chemically prepared hair, slaked lime, sawdust, and the tankage from packing houses. Most manufacturers have a preference for some particular material, the nature of which, as well as the proportions used, is generally care- fully guarded. There are also several patented preparations on the ‘market. The effect of the retarder is probably to decrease the solubility of the plaster and thus to extend the period of hydration and recrystallization. The retarder is added to the cool ground plaster in amount vary- ing from 2 to 15 pounds a ton and is thoroughly incorporated by the use of a mixing machine. Wall plasters also contain some fiber — hair, wood or asbestos — ‘which is added before mixing. From 1 to 3 pounds of hair to a ton of plaster is the general proportion. The hair must be pre- viously teased out by a picker. The wood fiber is made from a soft wood like poplar, willow or basswood. The wood, cut into 20- inch lengths, is run between two revolving toothed cylinders which rapidly shred it. The mixing of the various ingredients is usually carried on in a mixing machine known as the Broughton mixer [pl. 24]. Anhydrous plasters This class of plasters has as a basis the dehydrated product which results from calcination of gypsum at a higher temperature than is used in plaster of paris manufacture. Such plasters are 1 The set of plaster is determined in the same way as in the case of cements. The apparatus commonly used is the Gilmore needle. A sample pat hav- ing been made from the plaster, a needle of 4 inch cross section loaded with a 4-ounce weight is placed on it. The initial set is completed as soon as the needle fails to make an impression. 88 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM characterized by slow setting when mixed with water and by a _ hardness superior to that of the haif hydrate class. They are used more specially as material for floors and for hard finishing of walls, and corresponding to these uses two general varieties may be recognized — Estrichgips or flooring plaster which was first intro- duced in Germany, and the so called cements, of which-~Keene’s cement is a common example. The manufacture of flooring plaster is still centered largely in Germany. Its technology has been described briefly by Wilder.’ The nature of the material is still not well understood, though an investigation by Van’t Hoff and G. Just? has thrown some light on the subject. . According to Wilder, Estrich gypsum is nieeehed by calcination of rock gypsum at a temperature of about 500° C. The rock is not crushed, but taken directly from the quarry to the kiln. The kiln resembles that used in lime burning. The gypsum blocks are thrown in at the top and pass over an inclined grate which lies over a fireplace. They slowly work their way over the grate, through a constricted space, and finally, when.calcined, fall into a -cooling chamber. No attempt is made toward a close control of temperature. Estrich gypsum has come into general use in Germany as a floor- ing material for office buildings, factories etc., where it takes the place of portland cement. It admits of coloring and polishing, so as to yield a good imitation of marble or other attractive stone. Hard finish plasters or gypsum cements are made from anhy- drous plaster by treatment with some chemical. The best known representative of these plasters is Keene’s cement, which was first manufactured in England. The burning process is performed in a vertical kiln, somewhat similar to that just described, where the rock reaches a red heat. The dehydrated material is then treated with a 10 per cent alum solution, after which it is again burned at high temperature and ground for use. The action of the alum is perhaps to assist the solution of the dead-burned gypsum. The plaster sets slowly and when quite stiff can be softened again with water, without impairing its hardening power. The high tempera- ture at which it is burned tends to oxidize any iron present so that a perfectly white product can be made only from rock gypsum that is practically free from such impurity. 1 Op. cit. p. 210 ; 2 Kel. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch. 1903. 1:249. A translation cf tie paper appears in E. C. Eckel’s Cements, Limes and Plasters. © A Wt art : L « i 7 PRVEMTED HUTTE | at \ The Broughton mixer GYPSUM DEPOSITS OF NEW YORK 89 BIBLIOGRAPHY Papers and reports relating to the gypsum deposits of New York State Ashburner, C. A. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York State. Am. fost vine Ene. Trans. 1888. 16:906—59. Includes well records, one being the well of the Buffalo Cement Co. Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York. 1842. p. 61-67, 237-38. Notes on eo SL occurrences, many that are now abandoned. Bishop, I. P. Structural and Economical Geology of Bele Coz NiwWe State Beceem tens: 1607. 1:305; also State Mus. Rep’t 49. 1898. 2:305. Contains a number of local well records. Clarke, W. C. The Gypsum Industry of New York State. N. Y. State Mus. Panis 6593. Pp. 7o-84. A brief description of the deposits. Conrad, T. First Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the Third District of New York. Dubomyen Loewy. |) pe r70; — (ed. 2,-p. 181): Short description of the deposits of Madison and Onondaga counties. Eckel, E. C. Gypsum Deposits in New York. U. 5. Geol. Sur Bul. 223° 1904. P- 337-35: Brief description with map and sections. Hall, James. Geology of New York. Rep’t 4th Dist. 1843. between p. 421. and 457. Describes deposits in Monroe, Ontario, Seneca and Wayne counties. Hopkins, T. C. Mineral Resources of Onondaga Co. N. Y. State Geol. eer 22. .(1902) 1904. p. rrc9—14; also State Mus. Rep’t 56. - (1902) T9g04. 1 ‘r109Q—14. Gives notes on the development of the gypsum industry. Jones, W. C. Gypsum Mining. Mines and Minerals. 1909. 29:490. Describes the American Gypsum Co’s plant, Akron, N. Y. Luther, D. D. The Economic Geology of Onondaga Co. N. Y. State Geol Rept 25. (1805) 1897. 1:238-303; also State Mus. Rep’t 49. (1895) WOOe 2.230703. Discussion of general geology and local gypsum deposits. —— The Brine Springs and Salt-wells of the State of New York. N. Y. state Geol. Rep’t 16. (1896) 1899. p. 171-226; also State Mus. Rep’t Bon (O00) 1809-2 171-226. Contains good description of the stratigraphy of the gypsum series. Merrill, F. J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries in New York State. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. rr; | 1893. A review of the industrial development of the deposits. ae itleral Resources. or New York State:- N.Y! State Mus: Bul. 15. 1895; also State Mus. Rep’t 48. (1894) 1895. 1:359—-595. Brief notes on gypsum deposits. Parsons, A. L. Recent Developments in the Gypsum Industry of New York etave." IN. Y. “State Geol.) Rep't 20. (1900). 1902, p. rr77—83: also state Mus. -Rep't 54. (900) ro02. “x2rr77-—-83.-— . Notes on the different districts. go NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM —— Notes on the Gypsum Industry of New York State. N. Y. State Geol. Rep’t’ 23... (1903) 1004-° Pr S0—-157; also. State Mus, Rep ia (1903) 1905. 1:89-157- The most comprehensive discussion of the deposits and their utilization up to that time. Sarle, C. J. Economic Geology of Monroe Co., N. Y. N. Y. State Geol. Rep't 22. (1902) 1904. p.r1r75—106; also State Mus. Rep’t 56. (1902) EQOA. Fp i7 5 — Loe. Describes the local gypsum beds and their utilization. ‘Vanuxem, L. Geology of New York. Rep’t 3d Dist. 1842. p. 98-102. Notes on gypsum beds of Madison and Onondaga counties. Williams, S. G. Geological Relations of the Gypsum Deposits in Cayuga Co, N.Y. “Ana. Jour; Seizy 1e6s.4 “13082 ro Se Discusses the stratigraphy of the deposits at Union Springs. List of the more important general works } Adams, G. I. et al. Gypsum Deposits in the United States. U.S. Geol. Sur. Bul: oe3; 19e4: Davis, W. A. The Nature of the Changes Involved in the Production and Setting of Plaster of Paris. Chem. Soc. Ind. Jour: 19607. “v-seo;eemee: Eckel, E. C. Cements, Limes and Plasters. New York.- 1905. General discussion of gypsum, its occurrence, properties and manufacture; contains a good bibliography. Glasenapp, M. The manufacture of Hydraulic Gypsum and other Gypsum Products. Cement & Engineering News. rgto. Grimsley, G. P. The Gypsum of Michigan and the Plaster Industry. ‘Mich. Geol! Sur. wv. %9;-pt 2. {roca Contains bibliography. —— Technology of Gypsum. Min. Ind. 1899. 7:388. —— & Bailey, E. H.S. Special Report on Gypsum and Gy aor Cement Plasters.. JKan. Unive (Geol. sun pease encogs: Includes a bibliography. Hunt, T. Sterry. Origin of Gypsum. Chemical and Geological Essays, ene OO ; Keyes, C. R. Gypsum Deposits of Iowa. Iowa Geol. Sur. 1895. 3:259 Le Chatelier, H. Papers on the dehydration and setting of plasters. Comptes Rendus:) v.06-. 1883" Leduc, E., & Pellet, M. The Influence of Temperature of Calcining on the Setting of Plaster Ue Genie Civil’. r90G e4nken oe Payen, A... Précis de chimie Industrielle) “Parise a1esn) cd 2. paso Discussion of dehydration and setting of gypsum. Van’t Hoff, J. H., & Just, G. Der Hydraulische oder Sogenannte Estrichgips. Sitzungsber. der Kgl. Preuss. Akad. der Wissenschaften. 1903. 1:249—-58. Detailed account of the chemical changes involved in the manufacture of flooring gypsum. Wilder, F. A. Geology of Webster Co., Iowa. Iowa Geol. Sur. 1902. E205 ue Descriptions of gypsum deposits. «1 For more detailed bibliography on the subject, the reader is referred to Cements, Limes and Plasters by Eckel; Kan. Univ. Geol. Sur. v. 5, 1899; and to Mich. Geol. Sur. v. 9, pt 2, 1904. VNIDEX Adamant Wall Plaster Co., 30. Adams, G. I., cited, 90. mericultaral plaster, 7, 11. isonet, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 64. Akron Gypsum Co., 53, 54, 57-58. Pulapaima, 47, 51. Plaivaster, 11. Alabastine, 14. Emon. A.) Bes 32. mlivend tt. B., 8c Co.,° 31: Allen’s creek, 41, 43, 46, 47. Alloway, 37. moiemean Crayon Co.,-12. American Gypsum Co., 53, 54-57, 64. Analyses, chemical, of gypsum, 59-61. Anhydrite, I1. Anhydrous plasters, 14, 87-88. Armstrong, cited, 74. memounmier, C. A., cited, 52, 8o. Atlas Co., 40. Attica, 22. Auburn, 34. Augusta, 26. Aurelius, 34. Aurora, 22. backusy, Cai‘ ., 35. aie 4. tS. cited) 90. Bangs & Gaynor, 30. Bannister, quarries, 48. eck al... C.,*cited) So. Belcoda, 46. Bergen, 47. Berthier, cited, 71. Bertie waterlime, 18-20, 36, 38, 40, ileal 52,02. Beulah, 46. Bibliography, 89-00. Big Four Plaster Co., 4o. Bishop, 1. P., cited, 51, 80: Black brook, 36. Blackmar’s quarry, 37. Brewing, gypsum in waters used for, Ta OI Brown’s quarry, 27. Brutus, 34. Biuttalo. 5, 52: Buttalo. Cement -Co., 52. - Building construction, gypsum used in, 13. | Building stone, II. Bull’s quarry, 27. Butternut creek, 28. Button, Re Ds 27. Byron, 47. Cady, mentioned, 36. Calcination process, 81-86. Calcined plaster, 6, 7, 12, 48, 79-87; uses, 13-15. Caledonia, 47. Camillus shale, 20-21, 36, 37, 38, 40, Aver Gale Camillus township, 6. Cash, mentioned, 47. Gator 34. Cayuga Bridge, 35. Cayuga county, 34-35. Cayuga Junction, 34, 35. Cayuca Plaster ©o:,s 35. Cazenovia, 206. Chapman, Fred, quarry, 33. Chemical analyses of gypsum, 59-ST. Chili, Ar. Chittenango, 27. Cicero, 28. Clapp farm, 46. Clarence, 51. @larke, W)C cited, So. Clay, 28, Clifford quarries, 48. Clock; Duane, 27. Clockville, 27. Clockville creek, 27. Cloez, cited, 74. Clyde, 37. Cobb’s quarry, 27. Cobleskill limestone, 34, 38, 52. by Q2 NEW YORK Collins quarries, 48. Conquest, 34. Conover, Clara, farm, 309. Conover, C. M., farm, 309. Conover, Eliza, farm, 39. Conrad, T., cited, 80. Consolidated Wheatland Land Plas- ter Co., 46, 64. Cottons, 27. Cowaselon creek, 27. Crayons, 2. Cresis, quarry, 35. Crill, James, farm, 26. Cross Roads, 34. Cundall, 74. Davis, W. A., cited, 73, 74, 76, 78, 90. Delafield, John, cited, 36. Diamond Wall Plaster Co., 45. . Dwyer & Canear, 33. Eckel, E. C., cited, 12, 80, 90. Elba, 47, 48. Empire Gypsum Co., 41. Empire Plaster Co., 38. Englehardt, F. E., analysis by, 27. English Plaster Co., 49. . Erie county, 51-58; salt, 21. “Estrich”’ gypsum, 14, 88. Falkirk, 52. Fayetteville, 29, 63; quarries, 30. Fenner, 20. Fiddler's Green, 32. Flooring plasters, 14. Kort Hall, 41; 47, 51- Frontenac island, 34. Ganargua creek, 309. Garbutt, 40, 41, 46, 47, 64. Garbutt Gypsum Co., 42-43, 64. Gardenville; 22. Genesee county, 47-51. — Genesee Plaster Co., 48, 49. Genesee valley, salt, 21. Geology, 15-58. Glasenapp, M., cited, 90. Glass industry, gypsum used in, 13. Gourley, Mark, farm, 39. STATE MUSEUM Grimsley, Oe 2 cited, 77, 78, 86, 9o. Grinnell, Ezra, 40. Gypsite, 10. Gypstereotyping, I5. Gypsum (village), 38. Gypsum, history of industry, 6-8; statistics of production, 6-8; chem- ical and mineralogic characters, 8-II; varieties, 10; uses of, II—13; occurrence in New York State, I5— 18; nature of deposits, 24-25; de- tails of distribution, “26-58; chemical analyses, 59-61; character of, in New York, 59-79; methods of prospecting and exploiting de- posits, 61-64; permanence of sup- ply, 61; origin of, 64-68; deposi- tion from sea water, 656-7; mode of origin applicable to New York deposits, 69-71; theory of trans- formation to plasters, 71-79; prop- erties, 71-79. Gypsum earth, Io. Gypsum plasters, technology of, 79- 88. Hall, James, cited, 24, 37, 47, 48, 89. Harman farm, 46. Harris, G. D., cited, 68. Hartnagel, C. A., cited, 16, 22. Heard quarry, 20. Henrietta, 41. Herkimer county, 29: Heth, Winslow, 37. High Falls, shales, 17. Hill, Monroe, quarry, 33. Hills Branch, 34. Hobokenville, 27. Hopkins, T. C., cited, 89. Howland, quarry, 35. Howland point, 34. Hughes, mentioned, 47. Himt. 8 9s ‘cited;00. Indian Falls, 48, 50. Tpdacd, “salt, 21. Jamesville, 20, 63; quarries, 31. Jenkins, mentioned, 47. INDEX TO GYPSUM DEPOSITS 93 Jones, W. C., cited, 80. Junius, 36, 37. Hist, G.; cited, 88, 90. Keene’s cement, 14, 88. Keyes, C. R., cited, 9o. Kingsbury, Frank, 45. Kirkland, 206. Land plaster, 7, II. Landrin, cited, 71, 76. Eansine, HH. H., 30. Lavoisier, cited, 71, 76. Lawrence's quarry, 27. Le Chatelier, H., cited, 72, 73, 76, 77, 90. Leduc, E., cited, 78, 90. Lehigh Valley Portland Cement Co., 39. Lenox, 206. Leroy, 6. Limestone creek, 28. leimcoln, 26; 27: Livingston county, 40. Eminem. I). cited, 21, 28, 36, 51, 52, 80. Lycoming Calcining Co., 43-45. Lyndon, 63. Lyndsay, W., 6. Lyons, 37. Lysander, 28. McEntyre, G. J., 42. McVean farm, 46. Madison county, 6, 26-28. Manchester, 38. Manlius, 6, 28, 32. Manufacturing plants, Gh =20-50. Marble, N., 3a. Marcellus creek, 28. Marignac, cited, 76, 77. Martisco, 32. Massive gypsum, Io. Maxwell, 47. Mendon, 41. Mendon Center, 47. Mentz, 34. Merall i. [Hs cited 48 786. Merrill’s quarry, 27. description mlvateS@use: ner lees Willen: Bhomas;. Co; 31. Maller, A; D> 28: Miller, Clifford, quarries, 209, 30. Mines, description of, 26-58. Monarch Plaster Co., 45-46. Monroe county, 41-47. Montezuma, 34. Morrisville, salt, 21. Mortar, 14. Mudge, Albert, 45. Mumford, 41, 47. Murder creek, 54. National Wall Plaster Co., quarry, 30. Newark, . 37. Newkirk, 51. Newman property, 53-54. Niagara Gypsum Co., 49-50. Nine Mile creek, 32. North Rush, 46-47. Oakfield, 48, 40, 50, 51, 64. Oakfield Plaster Co., 40. Oatka valley, salt, 21. Olmstead, mentioned, 48. Oneida, 20. Oneida county, 26. Onondaga county, 6, 21. : Onondaga creek, 28. Onondaga limestones, 47, 5I. Ontario county,’ 38-40. Ornamental stone, II. BO—23 Salt: Palmyra, 37. analyses by, 60; cited, 89, 90. Partenheimer, quarry, 35. Payem, Az, cited, 71; 00: Pellet, M., cited, 78, 90. Perinton, 41. Phelps, 6,.-38. Pittsford shale, 23. Piasteraom pails.) 7,12, 1315, 48, 79-87. | lasters land 7th «theory ~ of transformation of gypsum to, 7I- 79; setting of, 76-79; technology of, 79-88; anhydrous, 87-88, Q4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Plate glass, manufacture, 13. Port--Gibson,) 37, 40; 01. Portland cement manufacture, gyp- Stim 1H, 12; Printing, plaster of paris used in, 15. Quarries, description of, 26-58. Ralph, George, 57. Reeb, M. A., 40. Richardson, quarry, 35. Riga, 41. . Rock gypsum, Io. Rogers farm, 46. Rondout waterlime, 38. Rush, 41, 47. Sackett Wall Board Co., 45. Salina township, 28. DaAlina- ‘shales, 15, saa. 37,..4 722515 ue: stratigraphy, 18-23; general struc- ture, 23-24. Salt horizon, 21. Sarle, C. J, citeds.00; Satin spar, I0. Seeler’s quarry, 27. Selenite, Io. Seneca county, 36-37. Seneca Falls, 6, 36. Neneca, Liver, 34,36. Sennett, 34. Severance quarry, 20. Shawangunk grit, 17. Sheedy, F. W., 30. Shenstone, 74. Skaneateles creek, 28. Smithfield, 26. Snooks, Cs 7A. eo: South Byron, 47, 51. Springport, 34. Stan. 1s, Standard Plaster Co., 50. Stockbridge, 26. Storer, cited, 12. Stucco; 13: Sullivan bed, 27. Sullivan township, 6, 206. Swaby, Frederick, farm, 36. Sy Tacuse, Sale wee 22. Taylor, Abner, quarry, 33. lerta alba a2: Thompson, quarry, 35. Throop, 34. Throopsville, 34.. Tonawanda creek, 50. Tuttle: Cbs ee Tyre, 36, 37. Union Springs, 6, 34, 35, 63. United States Gypsum Co., 35, 49, 54. Usiglio, J., 65. Van Buren, 28. Van't Hoff, J.-H, cted, i175 76, &8, 90. Vanuxem, L., cited, 32,90. Van Valkenburg quarry, 27. Vernon, 20. Vernon shale, 22, 28, 37. Victor, 38. Victor Gypsum Co., 39. Wall plasters, 14, 79-87. Warsaw, 22. Waterlimes, 5I. Wayne county, 37-38. Weigert, F., cited, II. Wheatland, 6, 40, 41, 46, 64. Wilder, F. A., cited, 84, 86,-88, 90. Wilkinson, Paul, cited, 83. Willcomb, G. E., analyses by, 59. Williams, S. G., cited, 90. Williamsville, 51. Wine-growing gypsum in, 13. Worlock, Cyrus, 27. Wright’s quarry, 27. districts, use of Yaweger, quoted, 35; quarry, 35. Lie, ou : tt of Flies and Other Household Insects if rt of the State Entomologist 1909 Low ee es ee en . ee Se aS Se ee ee ie a Education Department Bulletin — Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 465 PEERING, ONG FEBRUARY 15, I9I10 New York State Museum - Joun M. CrarkeE, Director EpHraAim Porter FELT, State Entomologist Museum Bulletin 136 CONTROL OF FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS BY PEERAIM PORTER FELT Sc.D. PAGE PAGE “HED CC Reaeliabraic. PESESceas ss vice oe te oo eae 28 BiMieerse GarrieDs. 2... 55s. ese eee 6 Gloties MlOthSses. 6 es Jac sen 28 iyo or house fly........... 6 Carpet DectleSen. ss .46s 2s hoa eee 30 TE PLU OSS Ae eee 16 Silver fish, bristle tail or fish moth 33 Miaiantal mlOSGtuitO.......-...... 17 BOolkslouser oo qi cass snes tte 28 Yellow fever mosquito...... pies 20 NRC MrATULS tate sicts5 » x//4 oe Guguc mee 34 (EVE GHEE LOS ot iciec ae 20. | Genel iS ies oie corte eee es hake meee 35 Praaowine TOrmtS..........-+.+--: 22 | Food pests..........-.-- sees sense 35 Clg ier A ae eee 22 Elouse ants. <-> +--+ -- ke 35 Pree dhorneis-........... = CGockroachess.s 1. ns eaeenneee a7, arder beetles: svc. te Sanat 40 House or rain barrel mosquito... 23 @Gheese Skipper. sa an ee 40 Salt imarsh mosquito........... 24 Cereal and seed pests........... AI ltese WeAS |. 5302.62. s eee ee 26 | Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid Bedbug hunter...... nnd Beane 27, AIS oa hi RL ete chee Os Sean ee ere Me Ae pieise cembipede..........-.+-- DO | Md exrck ie sara ata ns lee es eee 51 New York State Education Department Science Division, January 25, 1g10 Hon. Andrew S. Draper LL.D. Commissioner of Education Sir: In April of last year I communicated to you a bulletin by the State Entomologist entitled the Control of Household In- sects. This publication, which was issued to a considerable edi- tion, has been entirely exhausted and the demand continues. To meet this outstanding demand for knowledge in regard to house- hold insect pests, I transmit to you herewith the manuscript for a new edition of this work, enlarged in its scope, and recom- mend its publication as a bulletin of the State Museum. Very respectfully Jouw M. CLARKE . Director State of New York Education Department COM MISSIONER’S ROOM Approved for publication this 26th day of January 1910 Commissioner of Education - Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 465 : ALBANY, N. Y. FEBRUARY I5, IQIo New York State Museum Joun M. CuLarke, Director EPHRAIM PorRTER FELT, State Entomologist Museum bulletin 136 CONTROL OF FLIES © AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS BY PratkAt PORTER FELT Sc.D: INT RODU ET IO. - The discovery that the common house fly may, under certain conditions, play a most important part in the dissemination of tuberculosis, typhoid fever and other diseases of the alimentary tract, has effected in recent years a marked change in the at- titude of the public toward this very prevalent nuisance. This statement should not be construed as meaning that the common house fly is necessarily the principal agent in disseminating the above mentioned diseases, though it would not be surprising, were we fully acquainted with the facts, to find that this familiar and almost universally tolerated species has been much more ac- tive in this respect than hitherto suspected. An insect, breeding as does the house fly upon organic matter, and feeding indis- criminately upon material which may be literally swarming with deadly germs, and other substances likely to be used as food, can hardly be regarded as other than a menace to human life and happiness. Recent discoveries respecting the part played by insects in the dissemination of malaria, yellow fever and typhoid fever, read like a romance. Mosquitos as distributing agents of malaria have 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM been suspected for many years. An active impetus was given to this suspicion through the discovery by Ross that certain Indian mosquitos harbored a malarial parasite affecting birds. It was only a step from this to human malaria. The mosquito-malarial theory took such firm hold that in 1900 Drs Low and Sambon spent the summer on the fever-ridden Roman campagna, relying entirely for protection from malaria upon flimsy mosquito net- ting. Their field test was further confirmed by the shipment of malarial-infected mosquitos to London, where they were allowed to bite Dr Patrick Manson’s son, who in due time came down with the disease though residing in a nonmalarious section. The deadly, justly dreaded “ yellow jack” has likewise been traced to its lair through the heroism of a few devoted scientists. Volunteers lived in a fever-stricken locality with no protection from infe@tion other than the frail mosquito bar. They even slept in beds soiled by fever patients for the sake of demonstrat- ing beyond question that the disease was not infectious. Drs Carroll and Lazear went further and allowed themselves to be bitten by infected mosquitos. Both contracted the disease, the latter losing his life on the altar of scientific investigation. This was true heroism. All honor to these martyrs. Theirs was not a useless sacrifice. Before their time, a yellow fever outbreak meant the loss of hundreds or thousands of lives, simply because there was no known adequate method of preventing the disease. Prolonged, arbitrary and wasteful quarantines were maintained. Thousands fled from infected districts. The horrors of the shot- gun quarantine prevailed. ‘The control of the yellow fever epi- demic of 1905 in New Orleans is a most striking testimony to the value of the recent discoveries regarding this disease. This outbreak was handled as a mosquito-borne infection and for the first time the disease was stamped out before cold weather and with comparatively little loss in either life or property. DISEASE CARRIGRS Typhoid or house fly! The typhoid or house fly is such an extremely common species that a detailed description is almost unnecessary. Dr Howard’s investigations show that fully 98¢ of the flies in houses are or- dinary house flies. A few others are associated with this very "Musca domestica inn, FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 7 prevalent nuisance. The stable fly' may be rather abundant about houses in the fall and is responsible for the persistent be- lief that under certain conditions the house fly bites. Invariably the offender is this inhabitant of the barn, a form which pre- sents an extremely close general resemblance to the fly and is perhaps best recognized by its bite. Another fly liable to be abundant about houses in the fall is known as the cluster fly” a species somewhat larger than the house fly and easily recog- nized by the yellowish hairs upon the thorax. The small, yel- Fig.1 Typhoid or house fly ; a, male, seen from above; _b, proboscis and _palpus from the side; c, tip of the antenna; d, head of female ; e; puparium ; 7, the anterior breathing poe sor spiracle, all enlarged. (After Howard & Marlatt, U.S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent ul. 4n. s. 1896) lowish fruit fly,? only about 4% of an inch long, is sometimes rather abundant in houses and is invariably found in association with overripe or decaying fruit. These species, though annoy- ing and under certain conditions dangerous, are insignificant offenders compared with the common house fly. Description. The ege of the house fly is a slender, whitish object grooved on one side somewhat like a grain of wheat and only 1/20 of an inch long. SIeOuNox y Se Calertra ms Linn, irom est iarc mde o abr, aio sopiatla am pelo pint) as locw 8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The maggot, or more properly larva, is invariably whitish at first, very small and when full grown only about % of an inch long. The body tapers from the large, nearly truncate posterior extremity to the slender head. The resting or transforming stage known as the puparium, is oval, brownish, ringed and scarcely % of an inch long. ' The parent insect or adult fly is about 1%4 of an inch long, rather slender, dull grayish and therefore easily distinguished from the stouter, metallic blue or green bottle flies occasionally seen in houses and especially about meats. : A disease carrier.1 Typhoid fever is one of the most serious ailments to which man is subject. There are about 500,000 cases of this disease annually in America, about 50,000 proving fatal. 60% of the deaths in the Franco-Prussian War and 30% of the deaths in the Boer War were caused by this disease. Dr M. A. Veeder of Lyons in 1898, was very strongly of the opinion that the house fly was largely responsible for the dissemination of this disease in camps. Dr Walter Reed writing of an outbreak near Porto Principe in the annual report of the War Department states that the outbreak “was clearly not due to water infec- tion but was transferred from the infected stools of patients to the food by means of flies, the conditions being especially favorable for this manner of dissemination.” Dr Vaughan, a member of the army typhoid commission, writes as follows re- specting conditions in the Spanish-American War: 27 Flies undoubtedly served as carriers of the infection. My reasons for believing that flies were active in the dissemi- nation of typhoid may be stated as follows: a Flies swarmed over infected fecal matter in the pits and then visited and fed upon the food prepared for the soldiers at the mess tents. In some instances where lime had recently been sprinkled over the contents of the pits, flies with their feet wHit- ened with lime were seen walking over the food. b Officers whose mess tents were protected by means of screens suffered proportionately less from typhoid fever than did those whose tents were not so protected. c Typhoid fever gradually disappeared in the fall of 1898, with the approach of cold weather, and the consequent disabling of the fly. It ie possible for the fly to carry the typhoid bacillus in two ways. In the first place fecal matter containing the typhoid germ may adhere to the fly and be mechanically transported. In the ‘For a bibliography of flies and disease, see N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 134, 1909. p. 32-40. PETES VDP OER OUSEHOLD- INSECTS ~ 0) second place, it is possible that the typhoid bacillus may be carried in the digestive organs of the fly and may be deposited with its excrement. ' Dr Alice Hamilton in 1903, studying the part played by the house fly in a recent epidemic of typhoid fever in Chicago which could not be explained wholly by the water supply nor on the grounds of poverty or ignorance of the inhabitants, captured flies in undrained privies, on the fences of yards, on the walls of two houses and in the room of a typhoid patient and used them to | inoculate 18 tubes, from five of which the typhoid bacillus was isolated. She further found that many discharges from typhoid patients were left exposed in privies or yards, and concluded that flies might be an important adjunct in the dissemination of this infection. More recently, Dr Daniel D. Jackson investigating the pollution of New York harbor in 1907 to 1909, found that by far the greater number of cases occurred within a few blocks of the water front, the outbreak being most severe in the immediate vicinity of sewer outlets. He gives a series of charts showing an almost exact coincidence between the abundance of house flies and the occurrence of typhoid fever, when the dates are set back two months to correspond to the time at which the disease was con- tracted. He is of the opinion that most of the typhoid cases in New York originate in local infections carried by flies. The bacilli of typhoid fever were found by Ficker in the dejecta of house flies 23 days after feeding, while Hamer records the presence of this bacillus in flies during a period of two weeks. It has recently been found that flies produced from maggots living or developing in in- fected material are capable of conveying disease even when not ex- posed to subsequent infection. Most significant of all, it should be noted that competent physicians in position to make extended obser- vations upon this disease and the methods by which it may be dis- seminated, are of the opinion that under certain conditions at least, the fly is a very important factor. Epidemics spread by flies, accord- ing to Dr Veeder, tend to follow the direction of prevailing warm winds. He considers flies the chief medium of conveyance in vil- lages and camps where shallow, open closets are used, thus afford- ing the insects free access to infected material, and where it is pos- sible to eliminate water and milk as the sources of infection. Drs Sedgwick and Winslow, writing in 1903 state that “the three great means for the transmission of typhoid fever are fingers, food and flies,” the authors holding the last to be the most important. IO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Typhoid fever, while a most dangerous infection, is net the only disease which may be conveyed by flies. Certain forms of diarrhoea and enteritis are undoubtedly due to specific germs, and there is no reason why the bacilli causing these infections may not be carried as easily and in the same way as those responsible for typhoid fever. The monthly bulletin of the New York State Department of Health for October 1908, states that during 1907 there were in New York State 37,370 deaths of infants under 2 years of age, 9213 being due to diarrhoea and enteritis. Careful investigators, it is stated, have placed the propor- tion of deaths between bottle-fed and breast-fed babies as 25 to 1. Physicians recognize the necessity of providing pure milk for young children, and in most instances it is comparatively easy to see how flies might be responsible for the major portion of the infections, since they usually occur in numbers about stables, in the vicinity of milk houses, in the neighborhood of milk stations, on milk wagons and, in fact, are found in greater or less numbers wherever milk is stored, excepting in refrigerators and similar places. Martin states that each succeeding year confirms his ob- servation of 1808 to the effect that the annual epidemic of diarrhoea and typhoid is connected with the appearance of the common house fly, while Nash, in the Lancet, records no mortality from diarrhoea among infants at Southend during July and August 1902, this immunity being accompanied by the almost complete absence of the house fly. This insect was abundant in that locality in Septem- ber and coincidently epidemic diarrhoea developed. Sandilands. in the Journal of Hygienc, states that the great majority of cases of diarrhoea are’ due to the consumption of infected food, and suggests that the seasonal incidence of diarrhoea coincides with and results from the seasonal prevalence of flies. Dr Jackson of New York records several epidemics of a malignant type of dysentery radiating from a single point and disappearing entirely when proper disinfection of closets was enforced. : The evil possibilities of the fly are by no means exhausted in the above recital. It is well known that flies feed upon sputum. Ex- periments by Lord recorded in the Boston Medical and Surg:cai Journal show that flies may ingest tubercular sputum and excrete tubercular bacilli, the virulence of which may last for at least 15 days. He considers the danger of human. infection from this source to lie in the ingestion of fly specks on food, and suggests FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS If that during the fly season great attention should be paid to the screening of rooms and hospital wards containing patients with tuberculosis and laboratories where tubercular material is examined. The evidence showing that flies may play an important part in the diffusion of cholera is, according to Dr Nuttall, absolutely con- vincing. He cites experiments showing that cholera bacilli may be found on flies in large numbers, while they may occur in the dejecta within 17 hours after feeding and as late as four days. Infected flies have been given access to milk and cholera cultures made therefrom. Dr Nuttall considers that the evidence previously submitted proves that the house fly may carry about and deposit anthrax bacilli, though there may be a question as to how generally flies are responsible for the dissemination of this disease. Parke admits the possibilities of flies distributing, in addition to diseases mentioned above, plague, trachoma, septicemia, erysipelas and leprosy. Fur- thermore, there are those who would hold flies responsible for the more frequent new cases which occur in the zone immediately sur- rounding the smallpox hospital and which may be due either to ‘the wafting out of infected particles or their carriage by flies. The latter is considered the more probable. Yaws or framboesia is a tropical infection carried by this household pest. Howe, ac- cording to the statement of Dr Howard, has demonstrated that the _ purulent conjunctivitis of the Egyptians is spread by the house fly. The experiments of Grassi show that the eggs of Taenia, Tricho- cephalus and Oxyuris pass uninjured through the alimentary tract of flies. | Methods of carrying diseases. The most common and danger- ous infections conveyed by the house fly are typhoid fever, other intestinal disorders, including those affecting young children, and tuberculosis. Typhoid germs may be discharged from the human ‘system several weeks before diagnosis is possible, continue in num- bers 6 to 8 weeks after apparent recovery, and in exceptional cases may persist during a period of several years. There are authentic records of a patient distributing these germs for 17 years and being the incipient cause of 13 cases during 14 years of that period. Even the urine of patients may ‘contain active typhoid bacilli. Further- more, Dr M. A. Veeder of Lyons cites a case where typhoid fever was perpetuated from year to year in a locality, ascribing it to a physician recommending the burial of all typhoid excreta and the [2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM execution of this direction by a favorite nurse. It is well known that soil infected by these germs may be the origin of new cases, and Dr Veeder significantly observes that the annual recurrence of typhoid fever in the above noticed locality ceased with the death of the two parties mentioned above and a change in the method of disposing of typhoid discharges. The germs producing other in- testinal disorders are discharged from the system, though pre- sumably not persisting for such extended periods. It is well known that the bacilli causing tuberculosis are abundant in the sputum of patients and are therefore, under the prevalent sanitary conditions, easily accessible to flies. The house fly subsists entirely upon fluids and feeds with appar- ently equal gusto upon fresh manure, decaying vegetable matter, sputum or the daintiest culinary preparations. It is only neces- sary for discharges from patients suffering from typhoid fever or other intestinal diseases to be exposed in open vessels, poorly con- structed privies, or even in vacant lots near dwellings in order to secure the spread of the infection. The hairy legs are fouled with thousands of deadly bacilli and countless numbers are swallowed. Shortly thereafter the flies may appear in the house and incidentally contaminate the food, to the great peril of the consumer, with the germs adhering to the limbs and those deposited with undiminished virulence in the familiar fly specks. This, while disgusting and abhorrent to every sense of decency, occurs repeatedly and is apparently ignored by the masses, despite the deadly peril thus in- curred. One fly, after having fed upon contaminated matter, may carry many more bacilli than usually occur in gallons of infected milk or water. Habits. The house fly breeds by preference in horse manure, though it lives to a limited extent in cow manure and miscellane- ous collections of filth, especially decaying vegetable matter. The flies deposit their eggs upon manure and similar material, the maggots hatch in less than 24 hours and, under favorable condi- tions, complete their growth in 5 to 7 days. The white conical maggots some half an inch long then transform to an oval, brown, resting or pupal stage, remaining in this condition from 5 to 7 days. The life cycle is therefore completed in 10 to 14 days, the shorter period being true of the warmer parts of the year, particularly in the vicinity of Washington, D. C. One fly may deposit 120. eggs, and as there may be 10 or 12 generations in a season, it is not sur- FLIES AND OTHER EOUSEHOLD INSECTS 13 prising that this insect should become extremely abundant by mid- summer. It has been estimated that 1200 house flies might be bred from a pound of manure, and at this rate a good load would pro- duce two and one half million. Fortunately, breeding is confined to the warmer months, only a few flies wintering in houses in a more or less dormant condition. Ordinarily, flies do not travel a great distance and, in most in- stances, probably breed within 300 to 500 feet of places where they are extremely abundant. Butcher carts, grocery wagons and elec- tric or steam cars carrying more or less exposed meat and other supplies attractive to flies, may become important agents in the dis- semination of disease, since it is only necessary for these vehicles to load where conditions are favorable for fly infection and we may have a mysterious outbreak of disease at some distance from the source of trouble. Natural enemies. The house fly, though so abundant, is subject to attack by various natural enemies. One of the most common is a fungous disease known as Empusa muscae which is occa- sionally responsible for the death of many flies, particularly toward the end of summer. It is not uncommon to find a few individuals aimecrea iby tais disease every year. A small, reddish mite may be occasionally found attached to flies, seriously weakening the host. There are, in addition, wasps and spiders which prey upon flies and undoubtedly are of considerable service though they are very rarely sufficiently abundant to materially reduce the numbers of this pest. Another interesting enemy of the house fly is known as the house centipede,! a harmless species which, in recent years, has become well established in many houses in New York State. It is credited with preying on house flies, cockroaches and presumably other insect inhabitants of dwellings. Sanitary measures. The first essential is to prevent the spread of disease by the prompt disinfection of all discharges, both fluid and solid, from typhoid and other fever patients, thus preventing so far as individual cases are concerned, the possibility of fly in- fection. Such treatment should include all affections where there is even a remote possibility of insects or other agents carrying dis- ease from one person to another. A very cheap and effective dis- infectant, according to Dr Veeder, is a strong solution of the common blue vitriol or sulfate of copper, a few pounds being suf- ficient for a hogsheadful of disinfectant. ‘ >cutigera forceps Raf. 14 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM It is hardly necessary to add, in view of the foregoing, that the greatest care should be taken to exclude flies from the sick room, especially in the case of contagious diseases. These pests not only annoy the patient but may aid in carrying the germs to others. Ac- cumulations of exposed fecal matter in the vicinity of human dwell- lings should not be tolerated, since disease can be easily contracted -from such sources. Swill barrels should always be provided with tight covers and care exercised that there be no leakage or accumulation of fly-breeding material about the barrel. The old-fashioned box privy should be abolished unless it is conducted on the earth closet principle and the contents kept covered with lime or dry earth, so as to prevent both the breeding and infection of flies. In this con- nection it should be remembered that deposits of human excrement in the open are equally dangerous. The modern water-closet and cesspool is by: far the best and safest method of caring for these wastes. Such conveniences — one might well term them necessi- ties — are no more costly than a long run of fever with its attendant suffering and occasional death. It is obviously impossible to distinguish between flies bearing disease germs and others. Consequently, it is extremely desir- able to keep these pests from all food, particularly that to be eaten without having been cooked. This is especially true of milk, since it affords a favorable medium for the multipli- cation of certain disease germs. It applies to dealers in food sup- plies as well as to the home. A movement for the better protec- tion of food supplies, now being pushed so vigorously by the Con- sumers’ League in New York city, might well be extended to other localities. This important step toward better sanitary conditions would receive an additional impetus if the public refused to patron- ize provision stores, restaurants and hotels overrun by flies. Control measures. The foregoing account justifies the as- “sumption that numerous flies may be construed as indicating a - nearby and. usually easily eliminated breeding place. It should be observed at the outset that these insects multiply most readily in moist, organic matter, preferably in light places, and that at least io -days are necessary before the life cycle can be completed. Domestic animals are still a necessity, though it does not follow that the rhanure from stables must be thrown outdoors and allowed to produce myriads of flies throughout the warm months, a condi- tion frequently obtaining in the country. It is not necessary that FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS I5 this material be stacked for weeks in partly open cellars or back yards connected with village or city stables. Common experience and experiments by the writer show that flies rarely invade darkened places. One of the most fly-beridden situations we chanced across the past summer was an open barn cellar containing a mass of sloppy manure in a hog pen. Such conditions should never be allowed to exist. Manure can and should be stored in a fly-proof receptacle. This may be a tightly covered pit outside the stable or a cellar so dark or so tight that flies will not or can not enter. Both are rela- tively easy to construct with our modern concrete walls, matched lumber and cheap building paper. Even should eggs be deposited in the manure prior to its being placed in any such receptacle, it would be comparatively easy to provide, at the farther end of such cellar, pit or vault, a tightly screened light fly trap. Any flies issuing from the manure would enter the trap, and comparatively few escape to the stable. It is entirely practical to make similar provision for the care of other fly-breeding materials, such as table scraps, decaying fruit, etc. . Conditions may render it practically impossible to provide such a fly-proof receptacle. Experiments have shown that horse manure treated each morning with a small amount of chlorid of lime will not produce flies. A cheap material which, according to Prof. W. B. Herms of California, may be used for the destruction of the maggots in manure, can be prepared by dissolving one half pound of caustic potash in a half pint of water. Stir the cold solution and at the same time add one quart of linseed oil and stir at about hourly intervals for four or five hours and then allow the mixture to stand over night. Next, add one and one fourth quarts of commercial cresol to the soap formed and dilute the slowly formed solution with 20 parts of water. Three or four days may be nec- essary to effect a complete solution. Poultry should not be allowed to feed on maggots killed in this manner. It is very probable that some of the so called “soluble ” or miscible oils, now on the market under various trade names, could be used for this purpose, the dilu- tion being about one to ten. It will be seen by referring to the habits of the house fly that it is impossible for this insect to produce a generation inside of 10 days, consequently the frequent removal, at approximately five day intervals, of manure and other fly-breeding material will prevent the multiplication of this insect, provided the work is thoroughly 16 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM done. This is entirely practical in many places and in accord with the best agricultural practice. Sanitary regulations of the District of Columbia permit the keeping of manure in barrels, provided it is tightly packed and removed within a certain period. Manure spread upon the field dries out so rapidly that the insects are unable to complete their transformations. The persistence of flies in localities where this practice prevails, means that certain breeding places have been overlooked and, as a rule, the evil can be corrected without great expense. There is no reason why stables and barns on farms in particular, should be located so near the house as to cause serious trouble on account of flies. One or more of the above measures is applicable to every stable in cities and villages and should be practical under most farm conditions. It will be found in practice that some flies are very apt to exist in a neighborhood even after the adoption of rigid precautions. They should be kept out of houses, so far as possible, by the use of window and door screens, supplemented by the employmerit of Tanglefoot or other sticky fly-paper, or better yet, a sweetened 5 to8 per cent solution of commercial formaldehyde. ‘This latter should be renewed from day to day and exposed in saucers or other shal- low dishes in places where flies are most abundant. A 4o per cent solution of formaldehyde can be purchased in drug stores, and if diluted with five or six times its volume of water, will give the desired strength; add a little sugar or other sweet. This ma- terial is somewhat expensive but much preferable to arsenical or cobalt poisons so extensively used against flies. Fresh pyrethrum powder placed upon window sills has also been highly recommended. The control of this pest is of great importance to the community. Individual effort in this direction should be strengthened and sus- tained by all officials charged with protecting the public health. The Health Department of Washington, D. C. has already pro- mulgated excellent ordinances against the fly pest. Similar action should be taken by health officials in our municipalities and villages. Fruit flies These light brown flies, only about 4% of an inch long, are most commonly found about the pomace of cider mills and on overripe or partly decaying fruit. They are attracted by fermented liquids, such as wine, cider, vinegar, beer, and may frequently be observed on the sides of jars containing preserved fruits, There are two FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS eh species! which appear to be most abundant. It is very difficult to keep these insects out of houses on account of their small size. Dr Howard has listed these forms as likely to be disease carriers. These little insects rarely enter the house unless attracted by overripe or canned fruit. The latter should be hermetically sealed, making it safe from injury, and stored in the cellar or other place comparatively inaccessible to the flies, as soon as convenient. These small flies can easily be destroyed with fresh pyrethrum powder. Pap. 2) Bruit fly: a, adult fly; b, antenna; c, base of tibia and first tarsal joint; d, puparium, side view; e, same, dorsal view; /, larva; g, anal segment of same; a, d, e, ?, much enlarged; b, c, g, still more enlarged. (After Howard, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Wiveesiinte Bul 4, n. s. 1896) Malarial mosquito? This is one of our native species. It is only recently that its connection with the spread of malaria has been established beyond question, though there has long been a suspicion that some mos- quitos might be responsible for this disease. Infection by malaria. Medical men, best qualified to pass upon the question, unhesitatingly affirm that certain mosquitos are responsible for the dissemination of this malady. Malaria, like some other diseases, is caused by a specific germ. It is peculiar in that it has to pass through certain changes within the body of the mosquito before it can develop successfully in the human system. Moreover, malarial mosquitos are harmless until they have become infected by biting some person suffering from "Drosophila ampelophila Loew and D. amoena Loew. "Anopheles maculipennis Meign, 18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM this disease. These germs may be carried by man in a latent con- dition for years. This is especially true of Italians. The sequence - of events may be briefly summarized as follows: A female mosquito bites a person having malarial germs in his blood. The malarial parasites enter the walls of the mosquito’s stomach, undergo cer- tain changes therein, and in from 7 to 14 days make their way to the salivary glands and are then ready to enter the system of the next person bitten. These germs. then undergo a series of changes, and if the person is not immune a more or less severe case of malaria develops. So far as known, the malarial mosquito, and that only, Fis G° Malacid] mosquito, fabale, C2N carry this infections ai aam: wathy male antenna ab might aud wite 1) commectionis ieiimcem a Tie) ism ile showing venation at left. (Reduced from Bate ae af Agric. Div. Ent. extensive excavations has long . been recognized, though it is only recently that a satisfactory explanation of this condition has been advanced. Malarial mosquitos breed in large numbers in pools in and about excavations. Italians are our principal excavators. Most of them have suffered from malaria and have the disease germs Fig. 4 Common and malarial mosquitos at rest, the latter to the right. (Reduced from Howard, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 25. nn. s. 1900) in their systems. The malarial mosquito, breeding 1n large numbers about recent excavations, derives its infection from the Italians and then, if opportunity allows, inoculates Americans. We FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS {g therefore frequently have exceptionally severe outbreaks of malaria following extensive excavations. This is exactly what would be expected if the above statements are true. Appearance and habits. The appearance and habits of the malarial mosquito are important if we wish to avoid malaria. This peculiar form is easily recognized by its spotted wings and, in particular by the characteristic resting position, the beak and the body being in almost a straight line and at a considerable angle to the sup- porting surface. On the other hand, our ordinary mosquitos do not have spotted wings and when at rest the beak and the body form an obtuse angle, the body being approximately parallel with the supporting surface. The wrig- gler of the malarial mosqu'to occurs in grassy pools, beside streams and is frequently very abundant in collections of water in and about recent excavations. The wriggler of the malarial mos- quito is easily recognized by the absence of a conspicuous air tube, by its resting in a hori- zontal position just beneath the Siteace nlin, and the usually bright or dark brown and green- ish colors. The wrigglers of the common mosquito, conversely, iteve a large air tube at the posterior extremity, invariably rest with the body at a con- Fig. 5 Characteristic feeding aostion of siderable angle to the surface of ™letial mosquito wriggler in upper figure, and that of the common mosquito in lower ii@emneteoand are a dull whitish S28, (Reduced from Howard, = Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 25. n. s. "t900) or yellowish white. The mala- rial mosquito breeds more or less during the warm months of the year, the spotted-winged adults wintering in any shelter, frequently in houses and occasionally flying in midwinter. The capture of chilled specimens on snow banks in early spring is not unusual. Control measures. Malarial outbreaks may be prevented or controlled in two ways. The malarial mosquito is very local in its habits. It is comparatively easy, by draining breeding pools and treating those not easily drained, with oil, to eliminate the mosquito and thus do away with all danger of infection. This is 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM practicable in most cases and in sections where malaria is more or less prevalent, is the only course to pursue. The malarial mosquito is widely distributed in the North and there is always a chance of an outbreak following the appearance of parties sulfering from maiaria or having the parasite in their blood, as for example, Italians. The advent of either in a neighborhood should be preceded 1f possible by extraordinary activity in draining or treating breeding places in order to destroy as many of the in- sects as possible and thus reduce the danger of infection. Methods of value in controlling common mosquitos will be equally service- able in checking this disease carrier. Yellow fever mosquito? This, though a southern species, is of interest owing to its great economic importance. It is a dark brown form, marked with strongly contrasting silvery white, and is frequently designated as the day mosquito in the South. Yellow fever carrier. This insect appears to: be the one agent by which yellow fever may be conveyed from one person to another. As in the case of the malarial mosquito, the yellow fever mosquito is harmless until it has become inoculated with the germs by biting a yellow fever patient, and even then some 12 days must elapse before it can convey the infection. As a result of the recent discoveries relating to this insect, the control of a yellow fever outbreak means a strenuous, well sustained campaign against mos- quitos, supplemented by the exercise of special care to prevent their gaining access to yellow fever patients. : Habits and control. The yellow fever mosquito appears to have in the South much the same habits as our house mosquito in the North. -It displays a marked preference for the water aa cisterns, tanks and similar places; consequently measures of value in reducing the house mosquito will prove equally serviceable in controlling this much more dangerous southern species. Bedbug? The brown, oval, flattened, malodorous insect so generally desig- nated by the above name, is too familiar to require description. It is especially likely to be abundant in old houses where cracks and crevices abound, and its continuance therein is favored by ‘Stegomyia calop us; Meisn. *Cimex lectularius Winn) FLIES AND OTITER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 21 the old style wooden bedstead with its numerous shelters. The occurrence of this pest in a home is not necessarily a reflection upon the ability of the housewife. Its continuance there may be the occasion of grave reproach. Bedbugs are very liable to occur on boats, are occasionally found in sleeping cars and are said to be much more common in the Southern than in the Northern States. This pest has been connected with the dissemination of several dis- eases. Habits. This insect, as many can vouch for by personal ex- perience, 1s nocturnal in habit. Recent experiments show that it may feed under certain conditions on mice as well as upon man. ‘This Fig. 6 Bedbug: a, and b, adult females from above and below, gorged_ with blood; Ee eande a. structural details: (After Marlatt, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 4: n. s. 1896) habit, should it prove to be general, accounts for cases where bedbugs are found very abundant in houses which have been unin- habited for some time. Another species! occurs in swallows’ nests and occasionally invades adjacent living rooms. It appears to live almost exclusively upon birds, though a third form,? found on chickens, has been known to suck human blood, but not under natural conditions. The oval, white eggs of the bedbug are deposited in cracks and crevices in batches of 6 to 50 or thereabouts. The yellowish white, nearly transparent young hatch therefrom in a week or Io days. Experiments have shown that about 11. weeks are neces- sary for the young insects to attain maturity, though the period is probably greatly modified by the degree of warmth and the “Cimex hirundinis Jenyns. *Cimex columbarius Jenyns. 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM abundance of food. It is said that ordinarily only one meal is taken between each of the five molts preceding the attainment of maturity. Full-grown bugs at least are able to endure long fasts with apparently no inconvenience. Control measures. Cracks and crevices, loose wall paper and the old wooden bedsteads afford ideal hiding places for this d's- gusting pest. The modern tight construction of both floors and walls, and iron or brass bedsteads reduce the retreats of this species to a minimum and greatly facilitate its control. The insect can be controlled in the older type of dwelling only by extreme vigilance. Cracks and crevices should be stopped so far as possible, and the joints of the old-fashioned bedstead treated liberally with benzine, kerosene or similar oils. Hot water can be employed for cleansing bedsteads where this treatment seems preferable. Corrosive sublimate is frequently used, though a deadly poison and should be employed with great caution. The daily inspection and the destruction of bugs found on the bed and bedding soon results in eliminating the pest unless the building affords comparatively inaccessible retreats, as, for example, a very defeetive floor. A room badly infested by this pest might well be thoroughly fumigated with brimstone; 2 pounds of sulfur are advised for each thousand cubic feet of space, the treatment being continued at least 24 hours if possible. The sulfur candles now manufactured are excellent for this purpose. A more effective though mucn more dangerous method is the employment of hydrocyanic acid gas, directions for the use of which are given on page 48. This latter is especially serviceable where entire buildings are badly infested. It may be comforting to know that the bedbug has active enemies in the little red ant and also cockroaches. Unfortunately these insects are serious nuisances in the household and hardly more welcome than the pest under consideration. ANNOYING FORMS Cluster fly This interesting species! has received its popular name because of the large clusters occasionally found in autumn in houses. It is easily distinguished from the rather closely related house fly by the black thorax covered rather thickly with tawny hairs frequently inclining to a grayish shade. The young of this species live about ‘Pollenia’ 1rudas haps FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 23 the roots of grasses and there is a record of its having been reared from cow dung. Clusters of this insect can easily be destroyed by dusting the flies liberally with fresh pyrethrum or insect powder. The insecticide may be molded into moist cones and burned if pre- ferred. The stupefied flies, in either case, should be swept up and burned. Wasps and hornets The paper wasp! and the common wasp* frequently occur about buildings and are of considerable service in de- stroying flies. Occasionally, if excep- tionally abundant, they may become a nuisance on account of the danger from stinging. These insects can easily be excluded by the use of screens and in case of their being excessively abundant, the nests should be found and the inmates destroyed at night with chloroform or bisulfid of carbon. Fig. 7 Wasp enlarged. (After Riley) House or rain barrel mosquito® This modest, brown, though by no means retiring mosquito, hardly needs an introduction. Its suggestive song is so well understood that we instinctively prepare for the inevitable. This mosquito takes advantage of man at every possible oppor- tunity, while we tamely submit to a series of annoyances which could be eliminated at a less expenditure of energy than is Mecessary to efdure repeated trials of patience with a reason- able degree of fortitude. Tig. 8 House mosquito. Egg mass with planet eggs ee a ue left; young : . sats : 5 wrigglers below. educe rom Howard, Habits. This insect winters in Wa SteDepit Acrich Dive Ents Bul 25.) nest small numbers in houses or other 19° shelters, the females depositing clusters of eggs upon standing water on the approach of warm weather. Breeding may continue weespa Germanica, Faber: a Oli Ss te sisp: "Cri We x pl pole mS) Jainn: 24 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM under favorable conditions till checked by frosts in the fall. This domestic pest displays a marked partiality for water in rain barrels, cisterns, defective eave troughs, old wooden buckets, tin cans or similar receptacles. The black eggs are deposited in raftlike masses of some two to four hundred, and the entire development to the adult may occur within 14 days. One rain barrel may produce thousands of mosquitos and provide an abundance of these ubiquitous annoyances throughout a season. | Control. This species, like a number of other mosquitos, is quite local in habit and its presence may be construed as an indi- cation of nearby breeding places. The elimination of useless barrels, tin cans, etc. will accomplish much toward reducing the numbers of this pest, and this should be supplemented by atten- tion to gutters and eave troughs to see that they have not become bent or clogged so as to afford breeding places. Rain barrels and cisterns, if a necessity, may be rendered innocuous by covering them closely, even though nothing more substantial than mosquito netting be employed. Should this latter be undesirable, the surface may be kept covered with a film of kerosene, without detriment to the employment of the water for domestic purposes, provided the water be drawn from the lower part of the vessel. Salt marsh mosquito! The salt marshes, as might be presumed, present peculiar con- ditions and these are accompanied by a corresponding variation in animal life. Those at all familiar with marsh conditions have learned by experience about the large, voracious swarms of mos- quitos which may occure in such sections. Habits. The salt marsh mosquito is typical of several forms which breed by preference in brackish water. The short tubed, dark colored wrigglers are found here and there in pools, being by far the most numerous within two or three hundred feet of the high land, this area being that portion of the marshes flooded only by high tides. These more or less regular overflows of water result in numerous eggs hatching and the production of ravenous hosts of mosquitos, easily recognized by their white banded legs, beak and body, the latter in addition, bearing a conspicuous longi- tudinal white stripe. These insects differ greatly from our house mosquito, in that they fly considerable distances, there being authentic records of their having been found 4o miles from the ‘Culex solreittans 2wvalk FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 25 nearest available breeding place. Occasionally hosts of these insects invade New York city to the great discomfort of the residents. Control. The control of this species is practicable though at the outset it appears somewhat difficult. All that is necessary is to. provide drainage so that pools of water will not stand more than a few days. This is accomplished by running narrow ditches within about 25 feet of the headland and 4o or 50 feet apart, all being connected with some tidal creek so that they are flushed out twice daily. The walls of the ditches should be perpendicular and the bottom at a uniform level. Experience has shown it inad- Ge e 4 ‘%,. i *. Big: 9 Salt marsh mosquito from above, the toothed front claw more enlarged. Camenrtioward, U. S. Dept Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 25: n. s. 1000) visable to have the walls sloping or to attempt to secure a uniform pitch, since the latter almost invariably results in pools not reached by the daily tides. This work has been conducted on an extensive scale in the vicinity of New York city with most gratifying results. Several types of ditching machines are in use and the work is comparatively inexpensive. | The elimination of mosquito breeding places on the salt marshes may sometimes be accomplished by the use of tidal gates and a series of drains. This method, while thoroughly effective, belongs to the domain of land development rather than to that of insect 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM subjugation. The additional cost in many cases may be more than met by the increased value of the marshes treated. House fleas The cat and dog flea! is the species most usually abundant in houses in New York State, judging from the specimens submitted with complaints. This species, as its common name indicates, occurs indiscriminately upon both the cat and the dog and may be found about their sleeping places. The minute, white eggs are laid mostly in such places. The slender, active larvae feed upon organic matter in cracks and crevices, and are most numerous Fig. to Cat and dog flea, seen from the side, enlarged. (Original) about the sleeping places of domestic animals. The flea is a pro- lific insect. The closing of a dwelling for several weeks or more in warm weather affords almost ideal conditions for rapid multi- plication, and more than once householders have been surprised on returning to find the home overrun by these active, annoying pests. A rat flea is an important factor in the spread of bubonic plague. Control measures. Fleas are very likely to occur on cats and dogs and if these animals must be retained in the home, care should be exercised to keep their sleeping places clean. Provide ‘Ctenocephalus canis. Custis. FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 27 the animal with a mat or blanket upon which it may sleep. This mat should be taken up frequently, shaken and the collected dust beneath burned. This is a most effective method of pre- venting the multiplication of these insects. An animal known to be infested with fleas should have a quantity of fresh pyrethrum powder rubbed into the hair. This will stupefy the pests, causing them to drop off and then they may be swept up and burned. Dust- ing hosiery with pyrethum powder has been found very effective in preventing flea bites in situations where such precautions are advisable. : It is frequently very difficult to deal with a bad infestation, due to the impossibility of getting at the breeding places or destroying all of the fleas at one time. Dr Henry Skinner of Philadelphia states that he has successfully destroyed fleas in a badly infested room, by sprinkling the floor liberally with about 5 pounds of flake naphthalene and closing the room for 24 hours. The acrid fumes destroyed the fleas and inflicted no material injury. There is no danger in this procedure and we earnestly commend it to those troubled by this pest. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas, described on page 48, where practical, is a most satisfactory method of dealing with this condition. Bedbug hunter This species! occasionally occurs about “** houses and with one or more allies was widely noticed by newspapers in 1808 under the name of kissing bug. This brownish or black insect is about 34 of an inch long and has somewhat the same shape as the malodorous squash bug of fieefaraen. iit is benelicial, since it preys upon insects. The grayish, sprawly legged young are unusually interesting on account of their being covered with particles of lint. This gives them a nondescript appearance and undoubtedly is of service in enabling , Fis. 1 _Alosked edb tem to creep up unobserved upon their 20 spout pwice natural size Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. prey. 226 ne Sa 1900) LOpeLeoetls pers on ats, Linn, 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM House centipede! This light brown, rapidly running, sptawly legged centipede arouses more or less aversion and terror through appre- . hension. Like other centipedes,: it 1s c= capable of inflicting a somewhat poison- Z ous bite though, as a rule, it is only too glad to escape. The house centipede has become well established in the dwellings of Albany, N. Y., and is presumably more or less abundant in other cities of the State. It 1s beneficial in (hap eee known to prey upon house flies, cock- roaches and other insects. Its presence in a house should be welcomed, since it is capable of inflicting no injury aside i, fd WMMAZE AN | tf ya N \ | NA RUD DP Asher’ —— 3 4 bah SALA Fig. 12 House centipede; 1 1 ee eee from a somewhat poisonous bite, the latter the head still more en- being extremely rare. larged. (After Wood) FABRIC PESTS Clothes moths The small, white caterpillars of these insects, frequently in a cylindric, webbed case, are very different from the young of the AN’ AAA Fig. 13 The common case-making clothes moth; adult; larva and larva in case; enlarged. (After Riley) carpet beetles noticed on page 30, one of which is frequently referred to as the Buffalo clothes moth. The true clothes moths Scutigerna worceps aati. FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 29 are small, grayish yellow moths or millers, indistinctly dark spotted and having a wing spread of less than half an inch. The progeny of not all small moths are injurious to fabrics, though several such destructive species occur in this State. Description and habits. The most common form in New York State is known as the case-making clothes moth! easily recognized in the immature stage by the cylindric case which the small cater- pillar drags around as it moves from place to place. The webbing or southern clothes moth? is stated to be the more abundant and injurious spe- cies in the latitude of Wash- ington though it occurs far- ther north. This species is about the saine size as the preceding and has uniformly pale yellowish wings. The young or caterpillar does not construct a case but lines its runways with fine silk. This é ‘ Fig. 14 Webbing or southern clothes moths: destructive caterpillar feeds adult, larva, cocoon and empty pupal skin; 6 ; enlarged. (After Riley) Cmenrevariety of animal materials, having been found in woolens, hair, feathers and furs, and is frequently a troublesome pest in museums. The tapestry moth? is rare in this country and is larger than either of the other two, hav- ing a wing spread of about 34 24: of an inch. The base of the > forewings is black, the outer 3 portion being a _ variable as AN 7771 INS ; dl) Na \ creamy white. This larger Eh a species displays a marked preference for the heavier Bigseis) lapestry moth; adult, enlarged. fabrics such as carpets and (After Riley) ) horseblankets and may be found in felting, furs, skins, carriage upholstering, etc. Control measures. Clothes moths, like carpet beetles, fleas and some other household pests, thrive best in situations where there is relatively little disturbance. Clothing used almost daily and other fabrics subject to frequent handling, brushing or sweeping atimeay pe lite nel Wa, Weimar. aivinicroulka brsehl hella Etum. Pini ec lvOnpehlaccralatharpre t zie lian wenn 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM are relatively immune from injury. Woolens and furs are most likely to be damaged while in storage during warm weather. These, before being laid away, should be thoroughly aired, brushed and carefully examined for the presence of the destructive larvae. Then they should be packed in cedar chests or tight boxes, preferably with some naphthalene or camphor, as these latter materials are of some service as repellents. A very effective and cheap method of storing articles for the summer is to put them in tight pasteboard boxes and seal the covers firmly with strips of gummed paper. Valuable furs and similar articles are frequently deposited with storage companies. Experiments conducted under the direction of Dr Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology, have shown that all danger of injury by clothes moths and their associates may be obviated by keeping the temperature at about 40° Fahrenheit. This is sufficiently low so that insects, even if present, will remain in a dormant and therefore harmless condition. Occasionally a clothespress becomes badly infested by clothes moths. All garments should then be removed, aired, thoroughly brushed and care taken to destroy any larvae which may not have been dislodged by this treatment. The clothespress itself should be thoroughly brushed and cleaned. These measures should afford relief. It is a very poor plan to have in the attic or some unused part of the house miscellaneous woolens or other materials in which the pests can breed unrestricted, as such places are likely to serve as centers for the infestation of more valuable articles. Methods of fumigating are briefly discussed on pages 22, 48-50. Spraying with benzine or naphtha two or three times during warm weather is advisable for the purpose of preventing injury to cloth-covered furniture, cloth-lined carriages and similar articles in storage or unused for extended periods. Care should be exer- cised to prevent the inflammable vapor of these oils gaining access to fire of any kind. Carpet beetles Housekeepers of Albany, N. Y., at least, are seriously troubled by carpet beetles. These destructive insects, it will be seen by referring to page 28, are very different from the clothes moths though operating somewhat in the same manner. Description. The Buffalo carpet beetle! is a stout, oval beetle lg of an inch long or less and easily recognized by its black and tAnthrenus scrophulariae Linn. FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 31 white or yellowish white and red mottled wing covers. The red markings form an irregular line, with three lateral projections on each side, down the middle of the back. The common name Buffalo carpet beetle is suggestive of the shaggy, stout grub or larva, some % of an inch long, found working in carpets, more generally along seams or cracks in the floor. The black carpet beetle! is a more slender, black or brownish beetle somewhat larger than the oval Buffalo carpet beetle, though rarely attaining a length of 3/16 of an inch. It is peculiar on account of the greatly produced terminal antennal segment in the male. The slender, reddish brown grub some quarter of an inch or more in length, is easily distinguished from that of the Buffalo carpet beetle by the long, brushy tail of reddish hairs and the sparse clothing of the tapering body. | Habits. Both of these carpet beetles are rather common on flowers the latter part of May and early in June and may be brought into houses therewith. They also occur on windows in early spring, are found in the fall and occasionally in the winter. Both play possum when _ dis- turbed. The eggs of the Buffalo carpet beetle are deposited in convenient places and the young grubs develop quite rapidly. Fig. 16 Buffalo carpet 3 een sey Jue Glee en- It is probable that there are not more than two generations in the North though the insects are active in warm houses throughout the year. The black carpet beetle has very similar habits though the develop- ment of its grub appears to be much slower. This latter insect is known to feed upon feathers and has been reared in flour and meal. Woolens are more liable to injury than other fabrics. Control measures. Obviously it is advisable to destroy the beetles found about houses before they have had an opportunity of laying eggs. It is desirable to avoid bringing the pests into the house with flowers. Both of these insects breed in organic matter, presumably in outbuildings or outdoors, as well as within, fly to the flowers and may then, in the case of the Buffalo carpet beetle at least, be carried into dwellings before eggs? are deposited. The PviLagenus piceus Oliv. ?Professor Slingerland, Rural New Yorker, 1896, 55:582, records obtaining eggs from Buffalo carpet beetles taken on flowers. 32 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM substitution of rugs or matting for carpets is advised in localities where the pests are destructive. Infested carpets should be taken up and thoroughly cleaned, and if badly infested, sprayed with benzine. This latter should invariably be done outdoors, owing to the extreme inflammability of this oil. Local injury can frequently be stopped by passing a hot iron over a damp cloth laid on the affected part of the carpet. The steam penetrates the fabric and destroys the pest in its retreat. The danger of subsequent injury can be largely avoided by filling all cracks and crevices in poorly constructed floors with putty, plaster of paris or a crack filler. Laying tarred paper under a carpet has been frequently advised as a preventive. Fig. 17. Black carpet beetle, seen from above, enlarged; antenna of the male, still more enlarged. (Original) These insects can undoubtedly be destroyed by fumigation with burning sulfur, bisulfid of carbon or hydrocyanic acid gas. The first named is frequently employed and though the fumes are very pungent, liable to blacken silver and cause other damage, par- ticularly if considerable moisture is present, it 1s one of the safest fumigants. Bisulfid of carbon, on account of its inflammability, is hardly a safe material to employ in dwellings. Hydrocyanic acid gas has been used extensively in the last decade for the destruc- tion of household pests. Directions for using it are given on page 48. For the treatment of garments and furs stored during warm weather, see the discussion on page 30. FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS a ee) Silver fish, bristle tail or fish moth! This peculiar, elusive insect is frequently the subject of inquiry by careful housekeepers. It is rather common about houses though rarely seen. It is about 3g of an inch long, silvery gray and tapering. Perfect specimens have very long antennae and three equally long appendages at the posterior extremity. Habits. ‘This insect feeds upon nitrogenous or farinaceous mat- Henesuicn as the sizing of paper, starch, paste etc. It has even been known to eat off the face of museum labels to such an extent as to render them illegible. It thrives best in places where there is com- paratively little disturbance and is therefore rarely numerous in houses having few crevices and no storeroom where articles are allowed to remain undisturbed for months or even years at a time. Control measures. This insect, if abundant, can be controlled to best advantage, according to Mr Marlatt, by slipping into their haunts pieces of paper liberally treated with a thick, boiled, starchy, preferably nitrogenous, paste poisoned with arsenic. This material should be used with extreme care and placed only where there is no danger of children getting hold of the poison. Ordinarily the dusting of this insect’s haunts with fresh pyrethrum powder, fol- lowed by thorough cleaning, is preferable to the employment of an arsenical poison. Damage is most likely to occur 1n comparatively moist places or where articles are allowed to remain undisturbed for a year or more. Book louse , This is a pale louselike insect? only 1/25 of an inch long and fre- quently designated as the “death watch” because of the peculiar ticking sound it makes. This latter is supposed to predict an early death in the family. An allied species? has similar habits and is considered to be the true “death watch.” Both of these species, as well as allied forms, live upon vegetable matter and occasionally may become very abundant. There have been several records of this insect issuing in enormous numbers from mattresses stuffed with hair, corn husks or straw. An infestation of this kind can be controlled best by removing and burning the infested mattress. The apartment then should be thoroughly cleaned. Amepisma domestica Pack, wi teropos divinatorfia) Fabr. [Selotiii la piulsato pia Wann 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM White ants! These insects, despite their general resemblance to the more common ants, are very different creatures. The flying ants, though having somewhat the same size as some of our winged, black ants, may be recognized at once by the numerous veins of the wings. White ants are frequently very injurious to buildings or their contents, particularly in Washington and to the south- ward. Occasionally they cause serious injuries in New York, and in at least one instance established themselves in safe deposit vaults and proceeded to destroy valuable records and to tunnel the wooden blocks of electrotypes. The whitish, wingless, antlike forms make large tunnels in woody and, other vegetable fibers, Fig. 18 White ants: a, adult male from above; b, posterior extremity of the same from below; c, the same of the female; d, male seen from the side; e, side view of the abdomen of the female; f, tarsus showing the segments and the claw; a, d, e, are en- larged; ae f, greatly enlarged. (After Marlatt, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 4. n. s. 1896 invariably avoiding the light. They pass from one object to another only through covered galleries. The secrecy with which these pests operate enables them to cause extensive injury before their presence is suspected. These peculiar insects are familiar to many who have observed their operations in an old stump. Control measures. Nothing but the most thorough work will clean a building or a vault of these insects, because their burrowing habits enable them to get beyond the reach of destructive gases. An infested vault should have everything removed, every crack and crevice thoroughly cleaned and then special attention given to doors or other means of entrance, to see that there is no possi- "Termes flavipes Kollar. FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS . 35 bility of insects entering through an unsuspected crevice. Before replacing the contents of the vault, wood, papers or other materials likely to be infested should be most carefully examined and, if necessary, thoroughly heated or repeatedly fumigated with some gas. Great care should be exercised to prevent the reinfestation of any stich place. It is even more difficult to control this pest in buildings, since if it becomes abundant nothing can be done aside from installing brick, stone or concrete foundations. This form of construction is especially advisable in warmer sections of the country. Where books, papers and exposed woodwork only are infested, thorough and protracted fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas, described on page 48, may be advisable. Crickets These black, chirping, nocturnal insects! occasionally make their way into houses and for the most part are welcome. Sometimes they may cause serious injury. Dr Lintner records a case where a suit of clothes, just from the tailor, was completely ruined in a night by the common black field cricket? which had entered an open window in some numbers. Such injury is exceptional. Crickets can be destroyed where necessary by the use of ground-up carrots or potatoes to which a liberal amount of arsenic has been added. They may also be caught by taking advantage of their liking for liquids and placing low vessels containing beer or other fluids about their haunts. : ! FOOD PESTS House ants There are several species of ants likely to occur in houses. These little insects are not specially destructive nor obnoxious aside from their faculty of getting into everything. The little red ant® is particularly troublesome, since its small size, it being only about 1/16 of an inch long, enables it to enter almost any receptacle not hermetically sealed. Furthermore, this little pest. is very prolific and occasionally literally overruns buildings to the serious discomfort of the inhabitants. This tiny species is perhaps the most common and the most abhorred of all, owing to the difficulty of eradicating it. aGnyllius domesticus Linn. and. others. fGryllus luctuostus Serv. Moonomoritm pharaonis Linn. oo Laeger 36 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The little black ant! is about '% of an inch long and though nor- mally occurring under stones in yards, also invades the house in considerable numbers. The pavement ant” is about 3g of an inch long and is very com- mon along the Atlantic seaboard. The large, black ant? is the giant among our household ants. It may be half an inch or more in length, is normally a wood feeder and has frequently been designated as the carpenter ant. This large species occasionally invades buildings, particularly in the country, lives in the timbers and makes systematic levys upon the food supplies of both kitchen and pantry. Occasionally this species may become very abundant in a dwelling. Control measures. A house badly infested by ants, particularly if a rather old building, might well be thoroughly fumigated with Fig. 19 Red ant: a, female; b, worker or neuter, enlarged. (After Riley) hydrocyanic acid gas, directions for which are given on page 48. This method of treatment is especially good for the little red ant, because its nests are usually in the walls of the building and there- fore inaccessible. Aside from the fumigation mentioned above, the next most satis- factory method of controlling these pests is to search for their nests and destroy them so far as possible. This can be accomplished only by ascertaining the origin of the continuous stream of ants and is frequently impossible. The little black ant and the pavement ant are very likely to build nests outdoors under stones. Should the nests be found they can be destroyed by liberal applica- tions of boiling water or spraying with kerosene. Outdoor nests *"Monomorium minutum Mayr. *Tetramorium caespitiam Linn. “Camponotus herculeanus Linn. FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 37, of ants can be destroyed by the use of carbon bisulfid. Make a hole several inches deep with a broom handle and put therein about 1 ounce of carbon bisulfid and cover quickly. In the case of a large nest, several holes should be made at a distance of a foot or a foot and a half and each charged with carbon bisulfid. A more recent method is scooping out a portion of the soil and filling the cavity with a solution of cyanide of potassium, using 1 ounce of this deadly poison to a gallon of water. Another probably equally effec- tive method is the sprinkling of the surface of the nest with fine particles of potassium cyanide. This material, it should be re- membered, is a most dangerous poison and every precaution should be taken to avoid disastrous results. The nests of the large black - ant are usually found in timbers, such as studding in the walls and are therefore wellnigh inaccessible. The writer has seen 2 x 4 joists badly riddled by the operations of this insect. Trapping the ants by means of sponges dipped in sweetened water is frequently advised and gives good results if conscientiously carried out. First, attractive foods should be removed, so far as possible, prior to the distribution of the pieces of sponge saturated with sweetened water. These latter should be gathered from time to time and the ants clinging thereto destroyed by dropping in boiling water. Cockroaches - Cockroaches and their smaller cousins, the croton bugs, are frequently the bane of the neat housekeeper, particularly in old city dwellings. These species are distributed through commercial agencies and have become well established in most large cities and villages on the principal routes of travel, especially seaports and places on rivers or canals, since these pests are invariably found on ships and boats. The old houses with their numerous inac- cessible crannies and crevices afford a multitude of hiding places and enable the roaches to exist year after year, in spite of strenuous efforts to exterminate them. : Description. At least three species of cockroaches may be' found in houses. The American cockroach! is a large, dark brown species nearly an inch and a half long and has well developed wings. The Oriental cockroach or black beetle? is a nearly wing- less, dark brown or black form about an inch long. The Australian Peeriplameta americana Linn eriplaneta ortentalis fabs, 38 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cockroach,) frequently brought to our shores by vessels, is a red- dish brown form about an inch and a quarter long, easily recog- nized by the yellow, irregular, oval markings just behind the head. A slender, light green cockroach? about an inch long is occasionally introduced with tropical fruits. The smallest and the most pestifer- ous of all is the croton bug,® a light brown, dark marked cockroach only about 34 of an inch in length. Habits. The larger American or European cockroaches are frequently somewhat abundant, but the most numerous is the smaller croton bug. These insects find the dampness of water pipes very congenial, and on account of their abundance in such places, they are widely known as water bugs. Roaches, both large and ee le eee Ae OPS i hy AY J CE a ms ay fi "Ai —— Fig. 20 Oriental cockroach: a and c, female from above and the side; b, male; d, a half grown individual; all natural size. (After Marlatt, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Dive’ Ente eS allseAene Gy BLOOO)) small, feed upon a variety of vegetable and animal matter. The re- fuse scraps of the sink, the food on the pantry shelves, woolens, leather of shoes, furniture or books, the sizing or paste of cloth- bound books and similar materials are all liable to be gnawed by these almost omnivorous pests. Aside from the actual amount of injury inflicted, the fetid, roachy odor is imparted to infested food stuffs. It is only fair to state that these disgusting pests are known to feed upon that horror of the housewife, the bedbug. There is small choice between the two evils. ‘Periplan eta, mats oiragleasi are ann: *Paneh Lord, yhey alata sea ae °"E¢ctobia. 2s enmanite a wing, FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 39 Control measures. Badly infested houses can be cleared of - these pests most easily by thorough and perhaps repeated fumiga- tions with hydrocyanic acid gas as described on page 48. Carbon bisulfid, has also been advised as a fumigant. On account of the inflammability of the latter, we would prefer to use in houses the somewhat more poisonous hydrocyanic acid gas. Carbon bisulfid with its heavy fumes is particularly adapted to the destruction of these pests in the holds of vessels. _A still safer method of fumigation consists in burning pyrethrum in infested compartments. It is stated that the vapors of this insecticide are frequently more effective in destroying roaches than the use of the powder itself. The room should be kept closed from six to ten hours. The smoke of burning gunpowder is also very obnoxious and deadly to roaches, particularly the black Eng- Fig. 21 Croton bug: a, b, c, d, successive stages in the development of the young; é, adult; f, female, with egg case; g, egg case enlarged; h, adult, with wings spread; all natural size except g. (After Riley) lish roach. ‘The moistened powder should be molded into cones, placed in an empty fireplace and ignited. It is especially valuable in the case of old houses. _ There are a number of roach poisons placed upon the market and some of these are undoubtedly very efficacious, particularly if assisted by persistent cleanliness and the eradication of inaccessible haunts, so far as possible. We would further suggest the testing of naphthalene in the flake form, as described on page 27, as a means -of at least partially suppressing this pest. The liberal use of Per- sian insect powder or pyrethrum is also of service in destroying these insects. The paralyzed cockroaches should be swept up and burned. A relatively simple method, described by Mr Tepper of Aus- tralia, is to mix plaster of paris one part, and flour three or four 40 NEW YORK -STATE MUSEUM parts, in a saucer and place the preparation about the haunts of the pests. Near by there should be a saucer containing a little water and made easily accessible to the roaches, by laying a few sticks as bridges up to the rim. The insects eat the mixture, drink the water and soon succumb. There are several methods of trapping cockroaches, particularly the larger species. A deep vessel partially filled with stale beer or ale can be placed in roach haunts and small sticks adjusted so that the insects can crawl over the edge and to within a short dis- tance from the surface of the liquid. The pests fall into the trap and, being unable to escape, are drowned in large numbers. ‘This method is of comparatively little service with the smaller, more wary croton bug. Larder beetle! The parent insect, a stout, dark brown beetle with the base of the wing covers mostly yellowish, is frequently rather common ‘about houses in May and June. This in- sect breeds by preference on animal matter such as ham, bacon, various meats, old cheese, horns, hoofs etc. The very hairy, brown grub is about % inch long when full grown. Meats and other food stuffs attractive to this insect should be stored in places inaccessible to the beetles. It is said that old cheese can be used very successfully for trapping the parent insects. Cheese or meat infested by the grubs should have the affected part cut away and the surface washed with a very dilute carbolic solu- cont abave! enlereedhy tie tion. The packing of meats in tight bag- ser ging is of considerable service in preventing attack. Cheese skipper The cheese skipper? is the young of a small, black, glistening fly about 3/16 of an inch long. The white, cylindric maggots are easily recognized by their peculiar jumping power. This is accomplished by bringing the two ends of the body together and then suddenly ‘Dermesties lardanens: Winn: *Piophila casei Linn: FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 4I straightening with a quick muscular action. The maggots of this insect are likely to occur on cheese, particularly that which has been kept for some time, and also upon ham. This species has proved to be a serious pest in some packing houses. It is more or less abundant about cheese factories. This little pest can be best controlled by storing products likely to be injured, in a dark place. Scrupulous cleanliness is a most efficient preventive. Rubbing daily the bandages and sides of cheese, in hot weather, has been recommended for the purpose of destroying or brushing off eggs. The cheese may be washed with hot whey or with lye, the latter acting as a repellent. Smoked Fig. 23 Cheese skipper: a, maggot or larva; b, puparium; c, pupa; d, male fly; e, female; all enlarged. (After Howard, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 4. n. s. 1896) ec meats should be put in places inaccessible to the flies. A fine screen, 24 to the inch wire mesh, effectively excludes this little insect. Cheese or meat infested by skippers is not necessarily ruined, since the injured parts can be cut out and the remainder used as food. Cereal and seed pests A number of these insects are likely to occur in houses and, on account of their somewhat similar habits, they are discussed under 42 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM a general head. Most of these species are important because of their infesting cereals or cereal preparations of one kind or another. The maior meal moth! has a wing spread of 34 of an wee nee Fig. 24 Indian meal moth: a, moth; b, pupa; Cc caterpillar from the side; d, head and’ é, first abdominal segment of caterpillar, more enlarged. (After Chittenden, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bulls) aay ne ise 1896) dried fruits, seeds etc. The caterpillar inch and is easily recog- nized by the outer two thirds of the wings being reddish brown and with a coppery luster. It is one of the more common of our .ceréal’ pests adams whitish, brown-headed caterpillar lives in a large variety of substances, in- cluding all cereal prepa- rations and such diverse materials as various nuts, spins a light web to which particles of its food and frass adhere, thus injuring much that is not consumed and affording a ready means of detecting the presence of the pest. The meal snout moth? with its different shades of brown and reddish reflections has a wing spread of about 34 of an inch. The Fig. 25 Meal snout moth: a, adult; b, larva; c, pupa in its cocoon; twice natural size, (After Chittenden, U. S. Dep't ‘Agric. Div. Ent. Bulseate in se 1896) whitish caterpillar has a brown head and lives in long silken tubes. It subsists mostly upon cereals though it has been recorded as feed- ing upon other seeds and dried plants and displaying a preference for clover. ‘Plodia Gite ppimmic beila Haba, *Pytralis farina lis Linn: FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 43 The saw-toothed grain beetle! is one of the smallest and most persistent of the.grain beetles. It is only about 1/10 of an inch long, reddish brown, flattened and easily recognized by the peculiar saw edge along the sides of the thorax. It displays a marked preference for all cereal preparations though it occurs in pre-, Fig. 26 Saw-toothed grain beetle: a, beetle, from above; b, pupa, from below; c, grub or eos enlarged. (Aiter Chittenden, .U. S. Dep't Agric, Div. Ent. Bul. 4. n. s. 1896) served fruits, nuts and seeds and has been recorded as injuring yeast cakes, mace, snuff and even red pepper. ‘This species will breed for extended periods in packages of cereals. The writer had his attention called recently to a case where this beetle multiplied —_— rie ~ =, i] APRN is Fig. 27 Confused flour beetle: a, beetle from above; b, grub or larva, from above; c, pupa, from below; all enlarged; d, e, and f, structural details. (After Chittenden, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Diy. Ent. Bul. 4. n. s, 1896) by the millions in a brewery, spread therefrom to adjacent houses and caused a great deal of annoyance by getting into everything, not excepting clothing that was worn and bedding in use. Silvanus stuurinamensis Linn. 44 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The confused flour beetle! is a stout, rust-red beetle about 1/6 of an inch long. It, like the preceding form, has a marked liking for cereal preparations, though it occurs in such diverse products as ginger, cayenne pepper, baking powder, orris root, snuff, slippery elm, peanuts and various seeds. A closely allied form with sim- ilar habits, known as the rust-red flour beetle? occurs mostly in the Southern States. The meal worms are rather common pests of meal and the ordinary stable foods. The large, brown or dark brown parent beetles have a length of about 5¢ of an inch and are frequently Fig. 28 Meal worm: a, larva; b, pupa; c, female beetle; d, egg, with surrounding case; e€, antenna. a, b, c, d, about twice natural size, e, more enlarged. (After Chittenden, U. S. Dep’t. Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 4. n. s. 1896) found about houses. There are two closely allied species; the yel- low meal worm? and the dark meal worm*. Both occur under similar conditions and have nearly the same habits. The beetles are frequently attracted to lights. The young or grubs are an inch or more in length, cylindric and yellowish brown. In addition to meal and similar products, they have been found in adulterated black pepper, commercial soda ash, phosphate fertilizers, in the latter instances undoubtedly feeding upon organic matter, possibly cotton seed meal, a well known food of these beetles. ‘T-riboliumconifiusum. Duv. *"T-ribo lium tex rie ii emma bape: Pat rnaocbatt@ accelerate ‘Lenehriolobs eur is Ima FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS A5 The cadelle’ is another inhabitant of grain bins. The beetle is rather stout, shining, dark brown and about 34 of an inch long. The peculiar grub or larva, over an inch long, is easily recognized by its flattened appearance and the dark brown plates just behind the head and at the opposite extremity of the body. This species, Fig. 29 Cadelle, beetle and larva, from above, enlarged. (Original) according to Chittenden is predaceous as well as herbivorous. The grub has a faculty for turning up in unexpected places, as for example in milk which had evidently been adulterated with some farinaceous material. It has been found in white hellebore and even in granulated sugar. The drug store beetle? is a rather stout, light brown beetle about ¥ of an inch long, which attacks a large variety of substances. It occurs in mills, granaries and warehouses, living upon flour, meal, breakfast foods, condiments, roots and herbs and animal sub- Fig. 30 Drug store beetle, seen from above and the side, enlarged. (Original) stances. It has even been known to colonize itself in a human skeleton which had been dried with the ligaments left on, and has been recorded as perforating tinfoil and sheet lead. Only two =- ivenclbieO 1G eS) oii ment ta Mol © is) lent. ASE Od tem ay pd mc ear linn, 46 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM months are required to complete the life cycle and in warm dwell- ings breeding may be continuous throughout the year. The cigarette beetle! is another tiny omnivorous species. The beetle is light brown, stout, slightly hairy and only % of an inch long. It infests a large variety of food stuffs, including condi- ments such as cayenne pepper, ginger and rhubarb; drugs of vari- ous kinds as ergot and tumeric, and even dried herbarium speci- mens. It has also been recorded as destructive to silk and plush upholstery. It is best known on account of its work in tobacco, & o a a “ il ~ = « * Fig. 31 Cigarette beetle, seen Fig. 32 Spider beetle, seen from from above and the side, enlarged. above, enlarged. (Original) (Original) cigarettes in packages being frequently perforated by this tiny pest. It occasionally becomes a very serious pest in tobacco warehouses and factories. : ; 3 Spider beetles. The white marked spider beetle? is a small, reddish brown form with four white marks on its wing covers. Its long antennae and legs and subglobular body are suggestive of a spider, hence the common name. This species feeds upon a large variety of dried vegetable and animal substances, such as insect collections, dried plants and herbaria, red pepper, cotton seed, , Lasioderma serricorime Fabr. SP Ei tes ak te erie FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 47 refuse wool, and is said to be injurious to furs, clothing, roots, grain, stuffed animals, etc. The brown spider beetle! lives with the preceding, has similar habits and differs principally in the absence of the white markings. The pea weevil? and various bean weevils? are stout, grayish weevils most easily recognized by their occurring respectively in peas and beans. The original infestation usually takes place in the field, though these insects are capable of breeding for extended periods in the dried seeds of their food plants. The presence of the beetles in a house is an almost infallible indication of infésted peas or beans. It is usually more satisfactory to burn a small lot infested by these insects. Fig. 33 Bean weevil, seen from Fig. 34 Pea weevil, seen from above, en- above, enlarged. (Original) larged. (Original) Control measures. It is comparatively easy, with the exercise of a moderate degree of care, to avoid serious injury by any of these pests, since they invariably require access to a liberal amount of food for an extended period. Any materials likely to produce numbers of these insects should not be allowed to lie undisturbed and accessible for a series of months. Most of these pests can easily be destroyed by heating the infested materiai for a period of 4 or 5 hours to about 125 or 150 degrecs Fahrenheit. This should be done carefully and time enough given so that the heat will pene- trate and destroy all of the insects. Anything infested should be et hues! bf wt mn eM Suit: ‘Bruchtus pisorum -Linn. Pb eO De Cts =) Say, and. otiers: 48 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM promptly cared for either by destroying the entire package or if heating is inadvisable by treating the same with carbon bisulfid. Fumigation with carbon bisulfid is comparatively easy of exe- cution since it is only necessary to put the material in a tight pail or can, put on the top a spoonful or thereabouts of the insecti- cide in a shallow saucer or plate, cover the receptacle tightly and allow the whole to stand for preferably 24 or 36 hours. This insecticide may be used on a large scale according to Dr W. E. Hinds, at the rate of 5 pounds to 1000 cubic feet of space, pro- vided the compartments are exceptionally tight and the temperature above 70 degrees F. FUMIGATION \WITH HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS This is one of the most effective methods of destroying insects in houses, particularly if the infestation is general. It should be remembered at the outset that potassium cyanide, sulfuric acid and their derivative, hydrocyanic acid gas, are among our most active and deadly poisons. They should be handled with extreme care and every precaution taken to avoid an accident, since a slight mistake might result in one or more fatalities. One ounce of high grade, 98¢ cyanide of potassium and one fluid ounce of the best commercial sulfuric acid, diluted with two fluid ounces of water, should be used for every 100 cubic feet of space. These amounts should be doubled for poorly constructed houses. The fumigation should last at least 30 minutes and it would be preferable to have it continue three or four hours, or if feasible, all night. Prior to treatment all fluids, especially liquid or moist foods, should be removed from the house. Arrangements should be made to open the building from the outside after the fumigation 1s com- pleted. Windows and doors should be sealed as tightly as possible, either by stuffing damp paper in the crevices or pasting strips of paper over cracks. Chimney places, ventilators and other orifices should be closed tightly. The gas is generated by dropping the cyanide of potassium, previously broken into lumps about the size of a walnut and preferably placed in thin bags or wrapped loosely in thin paper, into the requisite amount of diluted acid. The acid should be carefully diluted by pouring it slowly, accompanied by fre- quent stirring, into the necessary amount of water. This dilution should be slow enough to avoid all danger of this very strong acid splashing and perhaps causing dangerous burns. It will be found FLIES AND.OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS 49 advisable to have one or more jars or generators in each room or hallway, since it is not wise to use more than two pounds of cyanide in a generator. The large, preferably deep, earthenware vessels used as generators should be placed near the middle of the room and on a thick layer of newspapers in order to avoid possible injury from splashing acid. Precautions should be observed, if the build- ing is in contact with others in a row, to see that parties in adjacent dwellings are warned and arrangements made so that the rooms next the treated building will be kept well aired during the fumiga- tion. It is unsafe to attempt to fumigate individual rooms in a house or a building in a row, unless one can be certain that there will be good aeration on all sides of the apartment or building. The deadly character of this gas is shown by the destruction of sparrows resting upon the eaves of a building during fumigation. One should not attempt to fumigate a building or a room alone, because an ac- cident under such conditions is very likely to result fatally. Since hydrocyanic acid gas is lighter than air, operations should com- mence at the top of the building and proceed successively from floor to floor. Better still, place the requisite amount of the cyanide of potassium in thin bags, suspend each over its generator in such a manner that when a string near the exit is loosened, all will drop into the jars. The poison. should not be in a thick paper bag, as the ac- tion of the acid may be seriously hindered if not almost prevented. Under no conditions should any one be allowed to enter the building prior to the completion of the fumigation and its thorough aeration. At least 30 minutes and preferably an hour or more, depending somewhat upon the means of ventilation, should be - allowed for this latter process. It is unsafe to enter any recently fumigated building until all the odor of the gas, resembling that of peach kernels, has disappeared. The contents of the fumigating jars should be carefully disposed of together with any remaining cyanide. These substances can either be buried deeply in the soil, or if in a city, may be poured into the sewer. The following memoranda will doubtless prove of service in practical work. I Estimate the cubical contents and the amount of materials for each room. 2 Remove all liquids and moist foods in particular. 3 Seal all exits tightly with strips of paper or by ee crevices. 4 Provide for ventilation from the outside. 50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 5 Weigh out the cyanide and place it in thin bags or do it up loosely in thin paper. 6 Place the generators in the various rooms, each upon a thick layer of newspapers. 7 Dilute the acid carefully and put it in the generators. 8 Distribute the amounts of cyanide to the various rooms. 9 Be certain that everything is all right and nobody in the build- ing or room. Notify occupants of adjacent rooms or houses that the fumigation is to be commenced. 10 Drop in the cyanide, preferably from near the exit and close tightly. B tr Adopt suitable precautions to prevent the room or building being entered during the fumigation period. 12 Open the ventilators from the outside. 13 After the building has been thoroughly aerated, remove the generators and take care of their contents together with any excess of. cyanide. INDEX americana, Periplaneta, 37. amoena, Drosophila, 17. ampelophila, Drosophila, 7, 17. Anopheles maculipennis, 17. Anthrenus scrophulariae, 30. Ants, house, 22, 35-37. white, 34-35. PrSemiG, 23,-3.5. Atropos divinatoria, 33. Attagenus piceus, 31. australasiae, Periplaneta, 38. Bean weevil, 47. Bedbug, 20-22; habits, 21; control measures, 22. Bedbug hunter, 27. Benzine, 22, 30, 32. biselliella, Tineola, 29. Black carpet beetle, 31. Book lotise, 33. Bristle tail, 33. Bruchus obtectus, 47. pisorum, 47. brunneus, Ptinus, 47. Buffalo carpet beetle, 20: Cadelle, 45. caespitum, Tetramorium, 36. calcitrans, Stomoxys, 7. calopus, Stegomyia, 20. Camponotus herculeanus, 36. canis, Ctenocephalus, 26. Carbolic solution, 40. Canbom bisulid, 23, 32, 37; 39, 48. Carpet beetle, 30-32; description, 30-31; habits, 31; control meas- ures, 31-32. casei, Piophila, qo. Centipede, house, 13, 28. Cereal pests, 41-48; control meas- Ures, 47-43, Cheese skipper, 40-41. Chloroform, 23. Cigarette beetle, 46. Cimex columbarius, 21. hirundinis, 21. lectularus, 20, Clothes moth, 28-30; description and habits, 29; control meas- ures, 29-30. Clothilla pulsatoria, 33. Cluster fly, 7, 22-23. Cockroaches, 22, 37-40; habits, 38; control measures, 39-40. : columbarius, Cimex, 21. Confused flour beetle, 44. confusum, Tribolium, 44. Corrosive sublimate, 22. Cricket, (3\5. Croton bugs, 27> 43. Ctenocephalus canis, 26. Culex pipiens, 23. solicitans, 24. Dermestes lardarius, 4o. Disease carriers, 6-22. divinatoria, Atropos, 33. domestica, Lepisma, 33. Musca, 6-16. domesticus, Gryllus, 35. Drosophila amoena, 17. ampelophila, 7, 17. Drug store beetle, 45-40. Ectobia germanica, 38. Fabric pests, 28-35. farinalis,Pyralis, 42. ferrugineum, Tribolium, 44. Figures Eins Tes Ol e)(0)5 white, 34. bean weevil, 47. bedbug, 21. bedbug hunter, 27. cadelle, 45. Samet peenlcm whys, 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Figures (continued) centipede, house, 28. cheese skipper, 41. cigarette beetle, 46. clothes moth, 28, 29. cockroach, oriental, 38. croton bug, 39. drug store beetle, 45: flea, 26. flour beetle, confused, 43. fys iru, OL 7. house, 7. grain beetle, saw-toothed, 43. Indian meal moth, 42. larder beetle, 4o. meal snout moth, 42. meal worm, 44. mosquito, house, 23. malarial, 18, I9. salt marsh, 25. pea weevil, 47. spider beetle, 46. tapestry moth, 29. Wasp, 23. Fish moth, 23: flavipes, Lermes, 34. Flea, house, 26-27. Flour beetle, confused, 44. rust-red, 44. Ply. cluster, 7, 22-22) frekt, 7, rot 7 house, 5, 6-16. Food pests, 35-48. forceps, Scutigera, 13, 28. Formaldehyde, 16. Fruit fies, 7, 16-17. Fumigation with bydrecyanic acid gas, 48-50. for. Pinus) AG: Furs, treatment of, 30. germanica, Ectobia, 38. Vespa, 23. Grain beetle, saw-toothed, 43. Gryllus domesticus, 35. luctuosus, 35. Gunpowder, 39. herculeanus, Camponotus, 36. hirundinis, Cimex, 21. Hornets, 23: House ant, 35-37; RCS 203 7 House centipede, 28. House flea, 26-27. House fly, 5, 6-16; description, 7-8; disease carrier, 5, 8-11; methodscf carrying diseases, 11-12; habits 12-13; natural enemies, 13; sani- tary and control measures, 13-16. House mosquito, 23-24. hyalina, Panchlora, 38. Hydrocyanic acid gas, 22, 27, 32, ant 36, 39; fumigation with, 48-so. control meas- Indian meal moth, 42. interpunctella, Plodia, 42. ‘Kerosene, 22, 24, 36. Kissing bug, 27. lardarius, Dermestes, 40. Larder beetle, 4o. Lasioderma serricorne, 46. lectularius, Cimex, 20. Lepisma domestica, 33. luctuosus, Gryllus, 35. Lye, 42. maculipennis, Anopheles, 17. . Malarial mosquito, 5, 17-20; habits, 19; control measures, 19-202 7) mauritanicus, Tenebrioides, 45. . Meal snout moth, 42. - Meal worms, 44. minutum, Monomorium, 36. molitor, Tenebrio, 44. Monomorium minutum, 36. pharaonis, 35. Mosquito, house or rain barrel, 2 aoe DHA. malarial, 5, 17-20. salt marsh, 24-26. yellow fever, 6, 20. Moth, 28-30. fishy age Musca domestica, 6-16. Naphtha, 30. Naphthalene, 27, 30, 39. FLIES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD INSECTS obscurus, Tenebrio, 44. obtectus, Bruchus, 47. Oil, ro. Opsicoetus personatus, 27. orientalis, Periplaneta, 37. Panchlora hyalina, 38. panicea, Sitodrepa, 45. Pea weevil, 47. pellionella, Tinea, 29. Periplaneta americana, 37. australasiae, 38. orientalis, 37. Persian insect powder, see Pyre- thrum. personatus, Opsicoetus, 27. pharaonis, Monomorium, 35. piceus, Attagenus, 31. Piophila casei, 40. pipiens, Culex, 23. pisorum, Bruchus, 47. . Plodia interpunctella, 42. Polistes sp., 23. Pollenia rudis,.7, 22. Potassium, cyanide of, 37. Ptinus brunneus, 47. fut 46. pulsatoria, Clothilla, 33. Pyralis farinalis, 42. Pyrethruim powder, 16, 17, 23, 27, 33, 39: Rain barrel mosquito, 23-24. fudis, Pollenia, 7, 22. Rust-red flour beetle, 44. Salt marsh mosquito, 24-26. Saw-toothed grain beetle, 43. scrophulariae, Anthrenus, 30. Scutigera forceps, 13, 28. Seed pests, 41-48; control ures, 47-48. serricorne, Lasioderma, 46. Silvanus surinamensis, 43. Silverfish, 33. Sitodrepa panicea, 45. solicitans, Culex, 24. Spider beetle, 46-47. Stable tily,.: 7: Stegomyia calopus, 20. Stomoxys calcitrans, 7. Sul ft 2:2, 32). surinamensis, Silvanus, 43. Tapestry moth, 29. tapetzella, Trichophaga, 29. Tenebrio molitor, 44. obscurus, 44. Tenebrioides mauritanicus, 45. Termes flavipes, 34. Tetramorium caespitum, 36. Tinea pellionella, 29. Tineola biselliella, 20. Tribolium confusum, 44. ferrugineum, 44. Trichophaga tapetzella, 29. Typhoid fly, 5, 6-16. Vespa germanica, 23. Wasps, 23. Weevil, bean, 47. pea, 47. White ant, 34-35. Yellow fever mosquito, 6, 20. aS meas- Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y.., under the act of July 16, 18094 No. 475 PULA BIEN) SES IN ee JULY I5, I9I0 New York State Museum Joun M. CrLarKeE, Director EPHRAIM PORTER FELT, State Entomologist Museum Bulletin 141 25th REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST ON INJURIOUS AND OTHER INSECTS: OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1909 PAGE PAGE 1 DSPOCHICINIOIN Ee a oee ae eae 5 SINGS SCO ID OSUS Nn HAM eee Q7 MiitOUS WISECtS.). 2. we ee. 12 OBES Tt MNSEC tis eer my conn eee cues 100 Typhoid or MOUSE tly Wr... ae 12 | Publications of the Entomologist 104 eae tail mot on eae Ndditions tor os. 113 ee ee eer e EMSECHCONECTIONS=. «00/0502 0mce. 118 ese eee: / . Rhododendron lace bug....... 72 Insect types in New York State Resremnmtm CON re cart. Sco eae «lactis es Museum Le pn Sei Gia ay een Notes for the year............0.. 89 Additional list of Adirondack in- Wintiiebhee.PeStS. scsi ssc0c + ales 89 sects. DEB 2 COUNG rs. 27:4: 123 Small trtit insects. .a...6...05.. 92 | Explanation of plates. ..... ee Ne 127 MiitsicelilameOUS) 1 larva owas Blive im icdse 2 and) 7 in)cage 3. Experiment 14, March 31, an exposure of % hour with 6 drams of cyanide. April 1 all the larvae were alive in cage 1, The caterpillars used in this and succeeding experiments of this series were taken from nests on recently imported stock and received at Albany, March 27, 1900. 24 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 7 in cage 2 and all were dead in cage 3. April 2 all were alive in cage I, 8 in cage 2 and 3 in cage 3:. April's, 4 were aliveam Cage 1; 2 in cage 2 and |i inveage 2 Experiment 15, April 1, the exposure being 1 hour with 6 drams of cyanide. April 2, 5 were alive in cages 1 and 2 and 2 alive in cage 3. April 3, 4 were alive in cages 1 and 2 and all dead in cage 3. April 5 none were alive in cages 1 and 3 and 3 alive in cage 2. Experiment 16, April 1, exposure 1 hour with $ dramsmor cyanide. Examination April 2 to 5 showed that all had been killed. Experiments with scalecide January 20, 1909 : ie ‘ | Number ’ Experiment Dilution Time of cater- Observations pillars Titre aes ae ae a mbes eee I-20 I min. Io | Dead, the 21st ORNS Rech oe Ae ey Sut I-20 oak y1o S mn rm BL SRC EG cee eee I-40 I ff to | Alive the 21st, 5 alive the 22d AG os cet Beet I-40 is ro | Dead the 21st, 22d Observations on experiments. Series 1 apparently shows that nearly dormant free caterpillars can be destroyed by 3 hours fumigation, using 1 ounce of cyanide—to 100 cubic feet of space. A scrutiny of the records also reveals the fact that this amount of cyanide can not be depended upon to kill the insects within their nests. One half this strength, namely I ounce to 200 cubic feet of space can not be relied upon to destroy free caterpillars if the fumigation be continued 3 hours though all succumb after a prolonged exposure to the gas such as 21 hours. Series 2 apparently indicates a most satisfactory method of destroying these pests were it not for the fact that the cater- pillars, prior to the experiments, had been in a warm room of- the office for several days and were therefore aroused to nearly normal activity. Series 3 apparently gives very satisfactory results if the fumigation be continued even 1 hour, provided I ounce of cyan- ide be used to each 100 cubic feet of space. Unfortunately, these caterpillars had been exposed to a moderate temperature for at least a day and were hardly in the hibernating condition. Series 4 is practically a duplicate of series 3 and apparently gave very satisfactory results. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQO9Q 25 Using the data obtained in the preceding series as a guide, more elaborate experiments were conducted in the cubical box and its cages described on a preceding page. The larvae in this series had not begun to crawl to any extent and were therefore practically in a hibernating condition. It will be ‘seen by reference to the table that fumigation for 3 hours with I ounce of cyanide to 100 cubic feet of space can not be relied upon to destroy all the caterpillars in the various cages though the diffusion of the fumes was checked by no more serious obstacle than the open mesh of cheese cloth. In fact, the lack of uniform action in the different cages and the apparently feeble penetrative power of hydrocyanic acid gas was some- Pimerora sirprise. A reference to the records of the various experiments under this series shows that the results are more or less contradictory and unsatisfactory, plainly indicating the unreliability of hydrocyanic acid gas for the destruction of the hibernating caterpillars of the brown tail moth. This is es- pecially true if the caterpillars are in their winter nests and not peel exposed. The tests with scalecide diluted one part to 20 resulted in the death of all the caterpillars even when the period of immersion was limited to half a minute. Codling moth Carpocapsa pomonella Linn The codling moth must be regarded as one of the most injur- ious of our fruit insects, since it occurs throughout the apple- producing sections of this country. The apple worms or young Gitmis pest may be found in from 25 to GO or more per cent of the fruit in many regions. This gives an idea of how very in- jurious it may be, since the value of an apple is seriously affected by the presence of the apple worm. Dr S. A. Forbes, State Ento- mologist of Illinois, in 1887 estimated the annual loss caused by this insect in that state at $2,375,000. A similar calculation for Nebraska in 1892 placed the damage at $2,000,000, while in 1898 the late Prof. M. V. Slingerland estimated the annual loss caused by this insect on the apple and pear crop of New York State at $3,000,000. An estimate of the injury for the entire United States, made in 1908, puts the damage at $12,000,000; aside from the cost of spraying, which latter amounts to from $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 [Quaintance ’o8]. Those conversant with the situ- 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ation will agree that the above figures are conservative and probably greatly understate the actual loss. Early history It should not be understood that the apple worm or codling moth is a recent insect pest, though there was a time when this species was unknown in America. Undoubtedly Cato had this form in mind when writing about wormy apples nearly 200 years B. C. Pliny also mentions this pest, though the Mudc hicmam, of this insect, according to the late Professor Slingerland, begins with the brief account of Goedaerdt, published in 1635. Several European writers discussed the insect in the next and following century. The first notice of this species in American literature was occasioned by the rearing of a moth from plums instead of the familiar plum curculio. Dr T. W. Harris, our first ecomonie entomologist, established in 1832 the identity of the American apple worm with the well known European species. Subse- quently, numerous accounts were published by earlier workers, while the developments of recent years have shown the wisdom of making more careful studies of this species. The result is an enormous literature, much of it a repetition of facts ascertained by early investigators. The more recent discussions of this insect have almost invariably been preceded by original investigations and have therefore added something to our knowledge of this pest. Origin and distribution This insect is doubtless a native of southeastern Europe, though it is now known to occur in almost every part of the world where apples are grown. South Africa and Australia made determined efforts to exclude the pest and were successful for some years. This moth was probably brought into the United States in the latter part of the 18th century, since it was not recognized in America till 1819, at which time wormy fruit was common in the vicinity of Boston. It was prevalent in the New England States by 1840 and was at that time well established in central New York. It was recognized in Illinois in 1849, Iowa about 1860, Utah 1870 and appeared in California the spring of 1874. There may be a few isolated fruit regions in the far West where the insect has not yet become established. It is only a question of time before it will make its way to these remote places. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 27, The wide dissemination of this insect is undoubtedly accom- plished by the shipment of infested fruit, or by means of infested boxes and barrels. This latter is easy, since the apple worms spend the winter in well protected cocoons. The experience of the last 40 years has abundantly demon- strated the practicability of control measures. The problem before us at the present time is to determine the most economical method of accomplishing this desirable result. A knowledge of the insect and its habits is a necessary preliminary to success. Life history and habits Summary of habits. It is well known that the apple worm winters in a tough, silken cocoon, frequently found under the rough bark of trees. With the advent of warm weather in the spring, which in New York means late April and early May, the caterpillars begin to transform to pupae, and a week or Io days after the blossoms drop, the moths commence to emerge and continue to appear throughout the greater part of June. The minute, whitish eggs, as determined by recent investigations, are deposited largely upon the leaves, though a number may be found on the young fruit. These hatch in about a week and, as a consequence, the young worms of the first brood may be entering the small apples from early in June to ‘nearly the end of the month or even later. The caterpillars require about four weeks to complete their growth, at which time they desert the fruit, wander to a sheltered place, spin a cocoon, transform to pupae, and in about two weeks, namely, the last of July or in early August, another brood of moths appear. These in turn deposit eggs which hatch in due time and the young larvae enter the fruit. A larger proportion of this brood enter at the side of the apple than is the case with the first generation of larvae. Two broods appear to be the rule in the northern fruit-growing sections of the United States at least, though some vee claim a third in the southwest, in particular. It is important for the fruit grower, if he would obtain the best results in his efforts to control this pest, to know more than the bare outline given above. We will therefore proceed to dis- cuss certain phases of the life history of the insect in some detail. Food habits. This insect is best known as an apple pest, though its occurrence in pears is by no means tuncommon. Some crab apples at least, and quinces are very subject to injury. It is also known to infest peaches, plums, prunes, apricots and cherries. 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM There are records of this species having been reared item chestnut and walnut, though in some instances at least, the evi- dence is not so conclusive as might be desired. Hibernation. The codling moth winters as a caterpillar in a silken cocoon spun in some sheltered retreat, especially under the bark of trees. The full-grown caterpillar usually excavates an oval cavity about half an inch long, occasionally penetrating to the living tissue, in the bark and spins its cocoon. This latter probably occurs frequently under boards, rubbish, fences etc., in the vicinity of infested trees. Simpson [’or] observed a number of cocoons under clods of earth and in crevices, while Sanderson [’08] found that 30% of the cocoons on seven trees in a badly infested, old orchard were on the main branches, the remainder being on the trunk, the great majority of the latter occurring either close to the crotch or within a foot of the ground. The occurrence of cocoons in the soil or in the grass under infested trees is certainly exceptional, since a careful examination by Beal in 1875, resulted in finding none. It is well known that worms leaving infested fruit after it is barreled or stored, will spin their cocoons in crevices and angles of barrels or in almost any convenient shelter. They display a marked preference for the folds of fabrics, a habit turned to good account when we employ burlap or other bands. The apple worms have even been known to injure books in an effort to find a safe place in which to transform. It only requires casual observation to show that winter is a time of great mortality for apple worms. A tree badly infested in the fall may be nearly cleared of the pest in the springy 7m examination of seven badly infested, old trees [Sanderson ’o8] showed that out of 269 larvae, only 5% were alive, 87% having been destroyed by birds, 4% killed by fungus and 3% apparently succumbing to cold. Pupation. Transformation to the pupa is coincident with the appearance of warm weather and occurs in New’ York State [Slingerland ’98] the latter part of April and in early May. Sanderson [’o08] records transformation to this stage at Dur- ham, N. H., in 1908 from May 20 to June 9g, and the preceding. year, May 18 to June 23, the average duration of this stage being 16 days. The New Hampshire records, it should be observed, are later than those of Ithaca, N. Y., the divergence being easily accounted for by the difference in latitude and climate. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I9Q009 29 The moth and its habits. The moth has a wing spread of about 34 of an inch and is an obscure, grayish brown and bronze color. Near the tip of the forewing there is a large, dark brown spot marked with streaks of bronze or gold. The male is distin- guished by the black pencil of hairs on the upper surface of the hind wing and a black spet on the under surface of the forewing. The emergence of the moths from the cocoon, like the transforma- tion of the larvae to the pupae, extends over a considerable period. There is a correlation between the flight of the parent insects and the blossoming of the apples, though the latter varies somewhat according to weather conditions and the variety. Observations extending over three years [Sanderson ’o8| show that the first moth in New Hampshire appeared from a few to about 10 days after the petals fell, the majority of the moths being abroad two or three weeks after the blossoms dropped and the last adu!ts being observed nearly a month after the falling of the bloom. The records of several observers show that moths may live from two to about four weeks. The parent insect is nocturnal though Miediiaeted to lights to any extent, feeds freely upon cut fruits and sweets, and on account of its colors harmonizing with the bark upon which it rests, usually escapes observation. Meeteeaitnciit to reconcile Melander’s belief [08] that the codling moth may be so local as to even have a home tree, with the contradictory results obtained in some experiments on ad- jacent trees, where the infestation appeared to increase with the number of sprayings. Professor Ball [’04] states that a few moths may be carried by the wind several miles. It is inter- esting to note that observations by Cordley [’o2] suggest that the moths may not deposit eggs in Oregon when the evening temperature falls much below 60° F. Eggs. The small, whitish or yellowish eggs of this insect may be deposited upon the foliage or fruit, and to the unaided eye, appear, when fresh laid, much like a minute drop of milk about the size of a small pin head. A careful study [Sanderson ’o8] shows that out of 796 eggs actually observed, 787 were deposited upon the leaves, nearly equal numbers being upon the upper and under surface, while only seven were seen on the fruit and five on the bark. These eggs were from a few to 16 or even 28 inches from any fruit, with an average distance of approximately g inches. The record shows that the moths make no particular effort to deposit the eggs upon the fruit, and also that large num- 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM bers may be laid on leaves of barren limbs. There was nothing in the records to show that proximity of eggs had any material influence upon the fruit becoming infested. Similarly, Pettit [’04| found some &6% of the eggs on the foliage. Females may Geposit from 29 to 136 eggs, the average running probably from 60 to 75. According to Sanderson [’og| the laying of eggs may be considerably delayed by cool weather. Hurst [’o9] holds that the eggs may be killed if the temperature drops to 36° F. Thus a cool period in late May or early June may result in com- paratively few wormy apples. The duration of the egg stage depends somewhat upon temperature conditions and in New Hampshire [Sanderson ’o8] it was found to be a trifle over eight days. Simpson [’03] gives the average as II days. The appearance of the majority of the moths two to three weeks after the dropping of the petals and, adding to this the time necessary for the hatching of the eggs, shows that the major portion of the young apple worms can not attack the fruit till three to four weeks after the falling of the bloom. Habits of the larva. The young larva, which is only about 1/16 of an inch long, whitish, black spotted and with a black head, feeds [Sanderson ’o8] first upon the foliage, mining into the leaf at the angles of the midrib and branch veins and gnaw- ing the softer portions of the surface. It is possible that some may attain maturity without entering fruit, since Dr Headlee succeeded in obtaining a pupa from one which grew to full size in a water sprout. Usually the appetite for fruit asserts itself early and) the young larva ‘starts(im “Search of \ani apple sje blossom end is highly favored, since some two thirds or more of the total enter at this point, feeding first in the calyx cavity and then making a more or less direct path to the core. The young larvae exhibit a marked preference for the seeds and the tissues in the immediate vicinity. Rarely do we find more than two worms coming to maturity in the same apple, even on very badly infested trees. The time spent in the apple is variable, several investigators. giving records from 10-14, 16-24, 20-20, 25-30 and 34 days. The average is probably not far from four weeks, though the duration of this stage is dependent to some extent upon the temperature. The full-grown apple worm is about 34 of an inch long, with a conspicuous, brown head and a whitish or frequently pinkish body. It forsakes the apple upon attain- ing maturity and seeks some secure place prior to excavating a REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ Sul cavity, if this be necessary, and spinning its rather firm, whitish cocoon. A large percentage, over 90 in some instances | Hurst 70g], desert the fruit while it is still on the tree and crawl down the limbs and trunk. Gillette [’oo] has shown that there may be some movement or migration of the larvae in the spring prior to the transformations to the adult. Second generation. ‘The early larvae, at least of the first brood, completing their growth from the middle to the latter part of July, transform, shortly after spinning up, to pupae and produce moths which, in New York State, appear late in July or during August. The second brood larvae are much more likely tc enter the fruit at the side than 1s the case with the first gener- Mone Very irequently a portion of a leal attached to the side of the apple, is utilized as a point of entry or the apposed sur- faces of two apples hanging side by side may be similarly em- ployed. The evidence at hand shows there is only a partial sec- ond brood in New Hampshire, a partial to a full second brood in New York State, while in the southwest there are those who claim a partial third brood. Natural enemies. The codling moth, despite its destructive- ness, 1s subject to attack by a number of natural enemies, some of which are exceedingly efficient. Those examining trunks of epple trees in the spring, very irequently; come-across.sthe characteristic cocoons of this insect, many of them with an irregular, jagged hole showing where a bird had extracted the inhabitant. The destruction of 87¢ [Sanderson ’o8] of such cocoons is striking testimony to the efficiency of these forms. The downy woodpecker and the nuthatchers are among the most beneficial. It is probable that all woodpeckers frequenting orchards feed on codling moth larvae. Other birds known to do so, in addition to the above named, are the black-capped titmice, wrens, bluebirds, crows, blackbirds, king birds, swallows, spar- vows, chickadees and jays. A bat has been observed in Cali- fornia diligently capturing moths. There are a number of predaceous and parasitic insects known to prey upon this fruit pest. The larvae of the soldier beetles, Sa lvoe imapaiws, penis yivanieus; and —C. mar ginatus attack the apple worm. The 2-lined soldier beetle, Pelephorus bilineatus, anally of the preceding and likewise common, has similar habits in its larval stage. Two Omlernelted tonms. Ibrioeosita cotticalis and 0 raiipecemamm several Dermestid or scavenger beetles; stich as 2 r@eo- derma tarsalis and Perimegatomima varie pioue have been recorded as enemies. Other predaceous beetles un- doubtedly destroy some larvae. A solitary wasp, Ammophila, in Utah, uses codling moth larvae to stock its nest, while Sphecius nevadensis was observed capturing these larvae in California. | Though the egg of the codling moth is so very tiny, it is not too small for the development of a small egg parasite known as Trichogramma pretiosa. The late Professor Slinger land records obtaining four from one egg. ‘The delicate long sting, Macrocentrus delicatus has been reared from this in- sect. An ally known as Pimpla annulipes subsists upon this’ host... A parasitic fly, Hypostena variabd imme recorded as one of the enemies of the codling moth. These in- sect enemies, though numerous in variety, are rarely abundant enough to have any very material influence in reducing the - numbers of this insect. We have heard in late years, considerable in relation to a para- site, Caliephialtes messor, Gravy. recently inioemeea in California in the hope that it would prove of material service in controlling the codling moth. We regret to state that the developments of the last year or two have been disappointing, and it is doubtful if this species will ever be ranked as an im- portant enemy of the codling moth in this country. Control measures Destruction of fallen fruit The destruction of fallen fruit is by all means advisable pro- vided it does not involve too much labor or expenses ~Ua- fortunately, a considerable proportion of the apple worms may. desert the fruit on the trees and therefore escape destruction in this manner. | Trap lights . Trap lights have been warmly advocated at irregular inter- vals, though so far as careful investigations show, the benefits resulting from their use are inappreciable. Garman, in a series of experiments, found only 1.6¢ of his captures to consist of this species. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 2 Banding In the use of bands we take advantage of the apple worms’ predilection to search out retreats, especially under fabrics on the trunk of the tree and, as a consequence, a considerable pro- portion may be captured in this way. It has been found by careful experiments that a large percentage of the worms in- festing apples may desert the fruit while on the tree, crawl down the limbs and establish themselves in suitable retreats, rather tian drop from the trees, crawl to the base of the trunk and ascend. ‘There is no doubt as to the benefit resulting from bands carefully tended throughout the season. Unfortunately so much labor is involved that this method finds comparatively Sight favor in the Eastern States. . Scraping the trunk This is undoubtedly of service, since it reduces the number of retreats where codling moth larvae can hibernate in safety. iMieGemissa qiestion as to the actual benefit to be derived, as repeated examinations in the orchard have shown that a very large percentage of the apple worms hibernating under the bark are destroyed by birds and other natural agents. Screening fruit cellars More or less wormy fruit is carried into storehouses and fruit cellars, and the larvae escape and hibernate in such places. It is advisable, where fruit trees are in the vicinity, to prevent the moths escaping in the spring, by closely screening windows and doors. Spraying with poisons The experience of the last 30 years has abundantly demon- strated the efficacy of poisoned sprays, provided the applications are timely and thorough. Many experiments conducted in the varied fruit sections of this country show that it is possible by this method alone, to obtain go, 98 or even 99% of worm-free fruit, much depending upon the time when the work is done and the thoroughness of the treatment. _ Materials. The poisons most generally employed against the cedime moth in New York State at least, are paris green, arsenite of lime or arsenite of soda, and arsenate of lead, listing the materials in the order in which they were brought to notice. There is no: “question as_to the value of paris green and its close allies, « particularly. if. used in connection with bordeaux mixture, 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM since the latter aids materially in keeping the preparation upon the trees. Thorough and continuous agitation is necessary when paris green is used and should not be overlooked with other poisons. The arsenite of lime! is the cheapest poison which can be employed and has been extensively used in the fruit- growing sections of western New York. It is comparatively safe if used with bordeaux muxtute. In recent yearsmilaree amounts of arsenate of lead, usually a commercial preparation sold under a trade name, have been employed with great satis- faction. This poison is much more adhesive by itself than either paris green or arsenite. of lime, and on account ionmae insolubility is much less likely to injure the foliage by burning. It is one of the safest poisons which can be employed. Arsenate of lead should be purchased on a guaranty as to the amount of arsenic contained, since there is considerable variation between the different brands. It is not particularly profitable for the fruit grower to pay for filler. It is the poison he 1s after. The experience of the last two seasons has shown that it is possible to use a poison, especially arsenate of lead, with a dilute lime-sulfur wash (one of the standard commercial washes diluted with 30 parts of water). The advantage of this com- bination lies in the fact that so far this dilute lime-sulfur wash has caused no material injury to either foliage or fruit, while it has proved most effective as a fungicide and the poison has in no manner lost its efficiency as an insecticide. It should cer- tainly be tried further, though the results thus obtained do not warrant unmodified recommendation. A word as to the possibility of ultimate injury to orchards recelving one or more applications annually, of an arsenical peison. Prof. William P. Headden of Colorado has published a bulletin giving a warning in regard to this matter and stating that in his opinion, many treesin that state were being killed by applications of poison. It is but fair to state that other investigators in an adjacent state and one in New York State attribute the injury to other causes. So far as the writer can 1Arsenite of lime may be prepared by dissolving 1 pound of white arsenic and 4 pouncs of sal soda (carbonate of soda, washing soda) in 1 gallon of water by boiling in an iron vessel 15 minutes or till the arsenic dissolves, leav- ing only a little muddy sediment. Add the water lost in boiling and use 1 pint of this stock solution to each 40 gallons of water to which 2 pounds of freshly slacked lime have been added, or a pint of the stock solution may be added to 40 gallons of bordeaux mixture. This stock solution will keep indefinitely in aclosed vessel. It is very poisonous and should be properly labeled. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 35 ascertain, the use of poison in Colorado and adjacent fruit-grow- ing sections, has been much more liberal than in the East, and the probabilities are that similar trouble, if it be due to poison, will not manifest itself to any great extent in New York State for some years to come. Nevertheless, it is not only more economical but it is by all means advisable to bear this in mind when spraying and to endeavor to secure a maximum result with a minimum of poison. Dry poisons. The application of poisons dry, frequently termed “dust spraying,’ has been warmly advocated in recent years, though careful experiments show that the dry method is less effective in controlling codling moth. It may be advisable in localities where the nature of the land or other conditions make it almost impossible to use the heavier outfit necessary for applications of liquids. The drifting or blowing dust is very annoying, since it is almost impossible to dodge it entirely, and furthermore, there is, in our judgment, more danger of ill effects to the operator resulting from the continued use of this material. Apparatus. There are now on the market a number of good spray pumps and spraying outfits. The selection of any one to the exclusion of others, must be decided very largely by local conditions. The esséntials in a spraying outfit, be it large or small, are ample power, sufficient mobility, plenty of hose and a HozzZle extension or other arrangement so as to ‘permit of the thorough and rapid covering of the foliage with the in- secticide or fungicide. A tower is almost invaluable in a level orchard and of little service in a hilly one. We believe it ad- visable for the beginner to invest in a hand outfit and learn by actual experience whether his conditions justify the purchase of the much more efficient and correspondingly expensive power outfit. The extended experience with spray apparatus of various kinds in eastern Massachusetts, has resulted in several impreve- ments which may be of material benefit to our fruit growers. One of considerable utility is the long-tailed coupling, a device which does not reduce the diameter of the hose at the point of coupling, and furthermore permits the attachment of two broad bands to each portion of the coupling, thus preventing “ blow offs” almost entirely. Another handy device is the “ goose- neck,” which is nothing more than a short piece of bent pipe attached to the usual horizontal connection, so that the hose 36 NEW. YORK STATE MUSEUM may be screwed to it at am angle of about 45° irom) aiemiome zontal, thus obviating in large measure the tendency of the hose ‘ta break at the end of the coupling, owing to its hanging there- from at a nearly right angle. High power outfits capable of de- veloping 200 pounds pressure are being used in the gipsy moth work, with a solid stream nozzle, experience showing that on high trees at least, a very fair spray 1s secured under such con- ditions. This method could probably be used to advantage on large orchard trees. | _ Methods. There has been more or less difference of opinion as to the relative efficacy of a coarse or fime Spray jimgome against the codling moth. This has culminated in recent years in some very strong statements made in favor of employing a rather coarse spray and an unusually high pressure in an effort to drive the poison into the lower calyx cavity, that is the cavity below the stamens. It is hardly necessary to remind fruit grow- ers that. after the white petals have dropped we have the green calyx lobes and within a ring of numerous upright, slender stamens surrounding the central, fleshy pistil. . Below the stamens and at the base of the pistil there is an appreciable cavity [pl. 19, fig. 1]. This is the place, according to some authors, where the poison must be put if we would obtain fairly satisfactory results. One writer has even gone so far as to state that if spraying is not done in this manner the small apple worm is fairly safe, since. it rarely feeds before it goes down into the lower cup, and that the poison sprayed on the outside will therefore not affect it. The claims for this method of spraying were so strong that the problem seemed one worthy of careful, demonstration, and the writer therefore planned and conducted a series of experi- ments for the purpose of obtaining data upon this proposition. Experimental work. The main purpose of these experiments was to test the relative efficiency of a coarse driving spray. such as that produced by a typical Bordeaux nozzle with a pressure of over 100 pounds in comparison with the fine, misty spray of the Ver- morel nozzle and its various modifications so extensively used in the eastern United States. Comparisons were made between single sprays of each of the above mentioned kinds applied just after the blossoms fell, between two sprays of each kind, one given just after the blos- soms fell and the second just before. the sepals closed and finally, between two such sprays and a third applied with a REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMCLOGIST I9QO9 37 Friend nozzle (an improvement of the Vermorel type) the last week in July for the purpose of destroying the second brood of the codling moth. The first test was duplicated in the orchard of Edward Van Kinderhook, N. Y. | Treatment of plots Vermorel nozzles. Plot 1. An early spray just after the blossoms fall; plot 2, the same as above and a second spray Betere wie calyx lobes close; plot 3, the same as plot 2 but with an additional spray, using a Friend nozzle the latter part of July for the second brood. The spraying with these nozzles followed the usual practice of orchardists, the aim being to cover the entire tree, including the tips of the young apples, with a fine, misty spray. Bordeaux nozzles. Plot 4. One application just after the blossoms fall; plot 5, the same as plot 4 but with a second spraying just before the calyx lobes close; plot 6, the same @eeplet 5 but with a third application with a Friend nozzle Miewidse OF july tor the control of the second brood: : idiemmezzies were set sO aS tO Sive- a Maxiniim of rather coarse spray which would not break up into fine spray until about 6 feet from the nozzle. The aim of the application was to drive the poison straight down into the tip of every young apple, the nozzle being held about 18 to 24 inches from the fruit so far as possible. The pressure was maintained at about [60 pounds, | Location and treatment of plots. The above series of experi- ments were conducted in a young orchard belonging to Mr Wee mart Oo: Arlington, N. Y: nedr Poughkeepsie: and lo- cated close to Briggs Station on the Hopewell branch of the Central New England Railroad. The orchard is on a moder- cuem en Imi the trees being thrifty, about 15 years old, Peerie teet high and 30 feet.apart. The actual experimental trees were Baldwins though some of the barrier trees were Northern Spy. Each plot consists of approximately 42 trees, 6 trees in a row one way and 7 in a row the other way, the central 6 being the actual experimental trees. These latter were carefully selected for uniformity in size, fruitage and in- festation. An examination of one tree resulted in finding 13 empty codling moth cells and in another none. These were not in experimental areas. The orchard as a whole had not been sprayed much prior to this year. A road runs along the 38 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM southern edge of the orchard and at the southeast corner there is an old orchard which was pastured all last summer and is probably not a serious disturbing factor so far as infestation by codling moth is concerned. 3 Plots 2 and 3 were located on two rows of Baldwins near the top of a hill, Northern Spys lying on either side and being used as east and west barrier trees. Plot 2 consists of 6 very uniform trees. Plot 3 was farther north on the same row and included, among the experimental trees, two which were not up to standard so far as fruiting or size is concerned. These two were not considered, the estimates being restricted to the 6 satisfactory ones. The experimental trees of plot 1 were temarkably vigorous and heavily fruited. Plot 4 was in the -southeast portion of the experimental area next the old orchard -mentioned above [sce pl. 3]. Plot 5 was just west and a little north of plot 4, lying very nearly between the latter and plot 2. Plot 6 was just north of plot 5. Plots 5 and 6 have two rows of Spys as barriers on the west. The latter plot, namely 6G) fas also two rows of Spys as barriers on the north. Two check trees, x and y were near the northwest corner of plot 4 [sce pl..3].: Plet:1-was:nertheast of-the check.trees.. . . ..... First application, May 20. Plots 5 and 6 were sprayed with the ‘Bordeaux nozzles, ore on each line of hose. The western experimental trees of both plots 5 and 6 were treated perhaps a little more thoroughly than the eastern trees of the said plots. Plot 4 had the experimental trees only sprayed with Bordeaux nozzles, Friend nozzles being used on the barrier trees. Plot 1 was sprayed throughout May 20 with Friend nozzles, plots 2 and 3 were similarly sprayed May 21 between II a. m. and 3.15 p. m., plot 3 being sprayed last and completed about 1 hour before it began to rain. The Bordeaux nozzle, with a pressure of 150 pounds, gave a stiff, penetrating spray which repeatedly passed the stamens and collected in the lower cav- ity. This was true, not only of blossoms where the stamens had withered somewhat, but also of those still bearing petals. The first two experimental trees next the road were sprayed with 125 to 150 pounds pressure and all the barrier trees, the remainder of the experimental trees in plot 2 and all of the experi- mental trees in plot 3 were sprayed with a pressure of 145 to 150 pounds. There was a perceptible difference in the penetration of the calyx cup, the higher pressure being the more satisfactory, there REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I909 39 being in some instances a collection of spray at the bottom of the calyx cup in the latter case. All of the spraying was from the ground, the hose being tied to poles and the nozzles set at an atigle so as to discharge almost directly into all the blossoms, except possibly, a very, few on,.the,highest branches. The defect with the Bordeaux nozzle employed was.that the spray .was:not. sufficiently spread out to permit of a very desirable rapidity in operation. It was exceedingly difficult, with the nozzles used, to be certain of hitting every apple. It was, however, markedly penetrating, throwing a rather coarse, forcible stream 6 or 8 feet and usually hitting the limbs near the center of the tree with considerable force. The Friend nozzle gave a very well distributed, moderately fine mist spray which lacked the penetration of the coarser Bor- .-deaux spray. In @ fewW instances minute drops of spray were obsermed..just-within-the-stamens: but there?was. never any col- lection .of moisture -at-the bottom-of the cup, seen in the case of flowers sprayed with the Bordeaux nozzle. The spray from the Friend nozzle with 125 pounds pressure is so fine that it rarely collects or runs at least upon the floral organs and can usually be seen as minute globules adhering to various parts of the leaf and foliage. Applications. 51% pounds of Grasselli’s arsenate of lead, and 10 pounds of copper sulfate were used to each 150 gallons of spray, enough lime being added to neutralize the copper sulfate as determined by the ferrocyanide test. 140 gallons of this niix- ture, using one Bordeaux nozzle on each line of hose, sufficed tOmnedt sO trees. It required about 1 minute to spray a tree 15 feet high with 1 lead of hose. 150 gallons of the spray were applied to 55 trees with 2 leads of. hose, 2. Friend, nozzles.on each. It likewise required about, 1 minute to SPtaya. teceawute pressure while spraying with the 2 Bordeaux nozzles was kept at about 150 pounds. The pressure with the 4 Friend nozzles was maintained at about 125 pounds. The weather was almost ideal for spraying on the 2oth, there being very little wind until in the late afternoon. The 21st the weather was cloudy, wind strong and fitful. About 90% of the blossoms had dropped from the Baldwins at the time of application. Second application, May 31. The calyx lobes were still widely expanded though the stamens and the tip of the pistil had shriv- eled and in many cases adhered so as to form an almost im- passable barrier even to the heavy spray from the Bordeaux 40 NEW YORK STATE. MUSEUM nozzles. Kepeated examinations failed to show a satisfactory penetration by either type of nozzle though 145 or even 150 pounds pressure was employed. This condition was observed, despite the fact that the calyx lobes for the most. part showed no signs of closing and were mostly turned back. This phe- nomena was particularly apparent in the swelling fruit which had evidently been fertilized and was not so evident in the case of smaller apples doomed to shrivel and fall. The stamen bars of the latter were more widely separated and therefore more easily penetrated by the insecticide. | The weather was fair, warm and with a light to rather stiff breeze, the latter being more prevalent in the afternoon. “The pressure varied from 120 to 145 poutids. Adler’s arsenate of lead was employed instead of the Grasselli applied earlier, simply because the stock of the latter had been exhausted. Two Friend nozzles passed 4 gallons of spray mixture in I minute and 10 seconds at 150 to 160 pounds pressure, while 1 Bordeaux nozzle with 150 pounds pressure took about I minute and 15 to 20 sec- onds to discharge the same amount of insecticide. The pressure while the Bordeaux nozzles were in-use, varied from 125 to 145 pounds. The penetration was distinctly less than 10 days previously. The eastern experimental trees were covered’ fully ‘as thoroughly as the western ones in each of the plots. Plots 2 and 3 and 5 and 6 were sprayed, 2 and 3 with the new type. Friend ns and 5 and 6 with the Bordeaux nozzles. Third application, July 2&8 Experimental plots 3 and 6 were sprayed for the third time, using 2 pounds of Adler’s arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of water and bordeaux mixture made with. 4 pounds of copper sulfate to 50 gallons of water, enough lime being added to satisfy the ferrocyanide test. The weather was warm, clear and with very little or no wind. 75 gallons. were used on the 48 trees of plot 4 and nearly as much on the ae ‘trees of plot. 6. a7 General observations. Several weeks after ee the check trees were plainly more wormy than those in the ‘adjacent plots; the fruit as a whole was in excellent condition, the apples being from 1 inch to 1% inches in diameter. Some of the trees had ‘suffered from aphis attack and a portion of the fruit was more or less deformed.. Generally speaking, the fruit conditions throughout the experimental plots were uniform, though some trees will ‘bear much more fruit than others. The experimental trees on plot 4 showed considerable yellowing ofthe foliage, REPORT :OF ‘THE STATE ENTOMCLOGIST IgOQ 4I which Mr Hart thought might be due to bordeaux injury, in- duced to some extent possibly by dry weather. This yellowing was much more evident on the experimental trees of this plot eiamwom the trees in the adjacent plot. 3. Winder date of June 17 Mr Hart reports a very satisfactory growth of fruit though aphids increased rapidly. The first week in June the infestation was restricted almost exclusively to the fruiting trees, and started upon the whorls of leaves under fruit spurs. There was the usual stunting and malformation of the fruit. He found that the infestation was more severe on the 4 lower experimental plots than in other portions of the orchard. itive re he states that the aphids had almost completely disap- peared and while they affected the uniformity of the setting, piemeewas still much good fruit. The orchard, including, the experimental portion, was plowed in June, fertilized broadcast with 600 pounds per acre of a fertilizer made up of 400 pounds. of ground bone, 100 pounds of 2-9-6 fertilizer and too pounds of sulfate of potash. It was harrowed several times and seeded on the 6th with large and crimson clover and cow horn turnips. He saw at this time a little codling moth work but not as much as last year. -September oth he statés that ‘the trees sprayed the third time had lost much of their foliage. The Baldwins appar- cimyelost halt of their leaves and thé- Spys over half [pl 8, jig) 2), due probably. to. the bordeaux mixture and not to the poison. The remaining foliage appears healthy and the fruit is erowing. A larger proportion of the foliage was shed on the upper plots than on the lower ones, especially on the Baldwins. The leaves of the latter turned yellow and dropped, while those of the Spys dropped without discoloring. Exper imental data The following tables give the records for the individual trees. Some 100,000 apples were carefully handled one by one.and classified, as will’ be seen by reference to the following data. September 13 and 14 the dropped apples under all the-trees were carefully gathered and later, October., the-remaining fruit was picked and classified. It will be seen by reference to the detailed tables, that the dropped fruit from the various sprayed plots gave from 14.91 to 26.67% of wormy fruit, while the two check trees had 73.91 and 81.024,. respectively, of wormy fruit. These mgures are mostly interesting because they show what a large percentage of the wormy fruit drops before picking time. 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SiARE 44 Saha e salves | Ria enero comma iipt rate as cat eta will lrette> relieve wuilite eon init co \g6 o9g'ze gst ¢ Cy tafe CU I lL co I £ 19° VI EAMG SO. lane t £ i I I Bes L VE°6e% |gzo ~ Zz Wt u FIO Vv S eo. . 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I GL osS:ze ors Zz se ee we 69° £9 9z6 v ¢ ie eee ee el me we 6S: Vv Z8°9£ Sze Yo tn gLl°o9g Liv opeutaite. a va?'| rat al Sem wyeins’ |pie) etrestatverte!)|ita el (wn su tepres |isiver rel, ealeere ° . ol Le 6S cob O50 €z°z9Q Liv ¢ v Oro oo oD Gro See cz ) ee jae S| ONIC OOScec Ooo OD I} GO O87 io IPG AH ee ae oe zz Oe Sah On oL* €z |? 9°92 Sigg aie eae sestare $g°69 |joz€ z QI gI hese (Raa 6S° 61 SP'Lz |SgQ z 96°1L joz€é z z v eee e ele ee @ oo CSI‘éP D ee ee ew eee Pre!) | (bel eipite celneti|ine: 0) 8) yen s tm ee 9 Ome ees |ie ere ee S Jere ae WS i Vie Siv-o5 tats ie eet iccee aes oS-6P |zSP £ Ope ois Eee v seat Ilene Sz°Lb |viIr 8 6S°1S |zspv ¢ v ° Cap ¢ ZS° EL cS OF OPO OO a ICO PSO) Ie CHO so On Ss CeO OL OM) Cod ide Ono L He, SO oo ooo oO mo O16 Gz°r L 69°zF StL se ee oe I€°S9 68g 9 9 ee ee ew eo | © ew 8 ew ew LV: 9 of ee Ccrr Hi, VE-99 6388 Tt Do tee toes Ve CRC MOR CE ORO LLsy. Tee 5 PRED ORO OO NiCSO O00, 0.1) 0 OND ecrosc eee eles we we oe v Ss Chae hse gs go'r |Z KG AT SYA AL Ailhe ONO Toe One GEOG Sts z z Tisseere o talRaceee ty yas gv° € ov ty |\eLle 8 z1°gS |€Se Zz ¢ i Bb cate Seal ONO D St) OG (Soe eae V DON Os O UENO Os OF DFG lo OO os Ose G.000D Oso lNoemw Goa a oO QI (ore es I VL-% |itz QEMaNS NOW oO o'8 €S-vg |S6r ZI Lips Resa ieee tase Gd OARS Eo LEG \h% 16°11 |ove 4 zg°SQ |S6P v he ee ee we I 19°92 Vv OST OO PD Otel oeteteoa yy Oboe oo oO cer loo rt oO 0 | I AUWIIOM % TeI0OL | “siaq % [eqIOL ajoq |“ apg | PS ee % | teqoL UXg |. “FP jap pug | “ ¢ LIndd AIAVLAYAVN Lindt TIVNS LIndd NVAID J 66 £fQ /e orl L Oa ea) ey Ci [ete sect Iv’ 66 Z39 989 oem mw ee ae 001/049 oLlg L—S 490 S4 jer QI (Aigrsiit Sao leks ap ©£'66 |g6z € |1zS € |---:-: E THOOS|SOCme ee. 6. LG 490 £g°S6 |\£6 L6 VI—-EI deg] W SE* 96 368 S16 se © © © © ow ew wo fe ew ee 8 $8°86 [998 |o4g |4-S YO gv°9g |ze LE v1I—€1 “4doa ad QI GO he GT Toe an : OS Fi [Ra €S°66 |VEE xr jove xr |Z-S 490 €z°S6 |oz Iz vi—£1 qdag| 9g v6°96 So Z990 eee ee ee oe fee vo eee z$°66 |9z9 6z9 L-S “190 L8°LQ |6z oie vI-€I 4deg| gq gz L6 ov Lol ec eee eee eo ele we wo €L°L6 |SeL zsh £-S 490 SOSA. Wier Grit vVI-€1 ‘4deg| VW % | (eIOL FIN FF = [240], oyeq val oem seen "** "401d IOJ |% pue s[evjo} pueir) Ciera tar Oa Jar Yar % pue S[eJOL % pue s[ejoy % pue s[ejoy se ee ewe % pue s[e,oy, % pue sjejoy ee ee ee es % pue s[ejoy (sewil} ae14} pafeidg) 9 301g MUSEUM Cy STATE NEW YORK cf alou UX IIe VIL I afou esGl Oper iet ee Coles ery er Oey b a ee Wie Bt LS Zs for 3 £e zs ge gL LL’ gz S 6r Le TO ey biz Sve 60z IL °*Se Sor glt ZS 6z°'0z 60 69 LS zO'Ig AWIOM AUTON AUIIOM apig [pes | pua | 2 y pug LINUA ANAOM iQ) Steere (OSes Tego). a Gees Salat eo leg-ee GES BOONE ok Talktas = oe. zg ve |Szz £v°99 Ezz |ogr SLE 66 gr kee eer ps Ce Oe osc: Sed Me tet Od Cte er cores ft bay Wore et oa 60° gz CEA NEG. = abe oe lob "SE |€z6 6z° tL Sg'or |€46 |SLg° logge [eee |6z-6L Sie 6, mae eslpawa sist 8 ie be «ela ee pee ee % |\1e3I0L| ‘sIqa | % | 1eI0L % LINAA TIVNWS | LINN ATAVLIAAMAVN LINUA NVATO (paXvidsuy) S901 yI9qD TeSiz ¢ eee ewe . O, OU OC Oy ty ete Seah 9 eee OTC LO} % pue s[e}o} puriyn 9r9 SP hs COR Ord Oa Oe Carlee tre ICME OO % pue s[eqoL LESS, L=S “490 69 bi—£1 4dag| x So9g gs POSURE OS DEEY 1D TA PRL YA WIC) Oe Ors ICRI | pCi Snr) oct Ar fi? % pue S[E}JOL 6ge z |L-S mye) Qlz vI-£1 ydeg| xX yInsy } Ie10], 94°q 901] REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 AQ Summary of plots CLEAN FRUIT WORMY FRUIT TOTAL PLOT eva Range of Range in No. % No. % % between no. between trees trees Te GGG aeceeeme Ee 30 177 | 29 818 98.81 359 I.19 {O38 == Z.L8 ZO == LL OF Go Eipadto ene IO 316 | I0 206'| 98.93 I1o I.07 {92 = 2.00) O=—= Ze BP Eo creer amet 9 680 9 582 98.99 98 I.OL rg2== 2.021 A219 ZS uo ahg aaa eee 20 313 20 O17 98.55 296 I.45 96— 2.64 36 == © SG ee cae Ig 275 | 19 084 99.01 IQI -99 AQ == Eo Ru rh Ox OV Thais ey da 7 LO Wh (OB3} 99 a7 I SSO rae A 23 Check... Bu 25% 2 366 ADs 885 DOP || 2a 7k —— BS 557 217 — 668 It will be observed that in these tables we have separated the small fruit, the product largely of severe aphis injury. The significance of this data is discussed on page 75. It was inci- dental to the major investigation and has very little or no in- fluence on the codling moth problem, aside from a probably ‘slight reduction in the’ percentage of wormy fruit. A study of the results as a. whole, ig extremely interesting. It will be seen by reference to the table giving the summartes for each plot, that the three sprayed with a Friend nozzle, produced from 98.81 to 98.99% of worm-free fruit, the higher percentage being obtained on the plot receiving three applications. In a like manner, the three treated with a Bordeaux nozzle, yielded 98.55 to 99% of worm-free fruit, the slightly higher percentage, as in the preceding group, being obtained on the plot receiving three applications. This apparent lack of material benefit resulting from the second and third application, may be due in slight measure to. the fact that the plots sprayed but once produced more apples than those receiving the second and third spray- ings, though the difference is not uniform and the variation between the percentage of worm-free fruit does not coincide exactly with the difference in yield between the various plots. For example, between plots 2 and 3 there is a difference of only 636 apples out of approximately 10,000, a variation hardly large enough to materially influence the percentage of worm-free fruit. This latter is only .06 of 1% in favor of the trees receiv- ing three applications. Similarly, on plots 4 and 5 there is a variation of but 1030 out of approximately 10,000 and a differ- ence in the percentage of worm-free fruit of but :46¢ in favor of the trees sprayed twice. It can hardly be claimed, in view of 50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM these figures, that the variation in the yield on the various plots has affected materially the results obtained, though there is a somewhat uniform though accidental (owing to the yield of .the various plots) decrease in production with an increase in the num- ber of poison applications. The material benefits resulting from the application of poisons is well shown by our obtaining only about 72% of worm-free fruit on the check trees, while the sprayed plots produced from 98 to 99% of sound fruit. The observations upon the apples were checked by an examination of the trunks of the trees the following May. This showed that paper bands, accidentally left on check trees X and Y, sheltered numerous codling moth cocoons, there being some 60 on X and 50 on Y. Examination of bands on sprayed trees in other plots resulted in finding no codling moth larvae. There is, it will be seen by reference to the detailed tabula- tions, and also the summary, more or less variation between the percentage of wormy fruit obtained from trees of the different plots. For: example, in plots 1 to 3 this ranges! @iommemes of 1% to 3.16% or a difference of 4 to 111 wormy apples. On plots 4 to 6 we have a variation between individual trees, of .49 of 1% to 2.74¢ or a range of from 4 to 80 wormy apples. These variations can hardly be considered excessive if a moderate allowance is made for the difference normally obtaining in an or- chard, and also for the difficulty of spraying every tree exactly alike. | Fruitfulness and infestation MAXIMUM TREE MINIMUM TREE PLOT _—- No. fruit | % wormy | No. fruit | % wormy Rng cr ehorar ede: Tes ah she iey cut hablo tanveihet oe talc, fs Vascel eRe eer on eee 8 745 .63 2 507 3.16 Dense Weave eager (e Alte te istene teria haa manera eth ad wee Re aye 3 649 59S 226 2.66 SBCA EN FBS S79 gis og fein ie aes arte tate Ceueeteati tater Outen SCR Ne es 2 298 61 417 2.64 As. Ste fay-eicitay apes ioasey alee hatte, aries, 2 SI RanS, eae eee yt aR eee 5 044 -96 3 002 2.64 Goh boooGestoaonchotson ten abonnoe Op bool 5 137 -49 994 I.50 Gs, script GS) act Ba cebard, Rie er en eects uo MeO eee sane Base a4) 707 | 2.74 A, study of the results obtained on maximum and minimum trees,,show that in plot I, the maximum tree producing 8745 apples yielded but .63 of 1% wormy fruit, while the minimum tree producing 2507 apples had 3.16% wormy. Similar results, it will be. seen, by referring to the table showing the variation in individual trees, were found in the other plots. That these vari- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I909 51 ations are mostly local and hardly of general application, 1s shown by a study of the figures for all the plots. There was, as pointed out previously, a remarkably uniform percentage of worm-free fruit throughout, despite the considerable variation in the product. The benefits of the second or third application must of necessity be restricted to reducing the rt or 114% of wormy fruit. It is hardly probable that equally good results could be obtained every year. STATE MUSEUM NEW YORK aig rec bin Dia BtLOO soe | egear eet: g-I 4 IS—oz 6S¢ zlL—ze 664 Onnn $9 L-z ov LL—91 £Ze 66—gz Lev VI 08. AVUdS (9-b SLOId) ASUVOO H $l-9 £g Szv—-Szr oss viIz—LS 1Lz L£°69 FI9 z -O 4 oz —€ gs zz PY 89 89°11 6 g -O gi gr —L QzI Iv —zI GEL F6°6 61 g -I IZ IS —o7 LEY zl —ze 6Sz Os or pyar z —O $s 6z —-£ LL fc —v 0g ge gt QI £ —o s €z —1 VL gz —S 66 OL ven L -% of LL—gt bata 66 -—gz goer oz’ vr 1s esuvy | [eJ0L OBUPY [e101 odULY [PIOL % “ON c AIOH LIX I @10H LIxa AWYOM Aas OS aQNa@ IVLOL £-o gI 8-z LY g-o s¢ g-I SP LIM GALSVYLNOD (£-I SLOId) ANIA Spz—LS zoe 6oz—for | z1€ t=O £ (Gos Azo 9 y -o 6 bv -o or € -o 9 g -z Tes Py -O [op f £ —o 8 b -o L I -o v 9 -o gI g -I £e asury [R10] AWUOM HGIS GNVY UNG yimay AwIOM jo AlvmuINSs OBUPY [e19L AWYUOM ANA g99-Liz €z —b Ig —SI og —9£ 6z -t of -—9 111-—0€ SHHxL AO |} LINMA AONVA TIVLOL OOTY tr Sera ‘- aBRIIAY COS Deter Chas bert Cho) “'*"@-P Fe eee eee eee Gy OOOO TEESE y= 10 a) SePere Glo aeocruio oan’ 6 CER) 6) epee a a elte) @ en eee hae e S ‘Sense. \@) as) @ le ues) alls moantincel By ri : +29 6 A Soo eben oz owneno.sen 0 seeey LOTd REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IgO09 53 A study of the condition of the wormy fruit gives some in- teresting data as to the point of attack, though very little can be gleaned therefrom in favor of using a coarse spray with a heavy pressure, as compared with a finer spray and more mod- etate power. It will be seen by reference to the table above, that on plots I to 3, Io to 18.36% of all the wormy apples were entered at the end, an average of 14% end wormy. Simi- larly, in the case of plots 4 to 6, the variation is from 9.94% to 12.50% or an average of 11.50% of end wormy apples in the total infested. Compare these percentages with the 69.37% end wormy of the infested apples on the two check trees. It will be seen at once that the major portion of the codling moth larvae de- stroyed, must have been killed in or about the blossom end be- cause of the enormous reduction in the number of end wormy apples. A comparison between the percentages of the wormy apples entered at the end in plots I to 3 with those of Horm to ©, Teveals, so far as this factor. 1s concerned, a ‘slight gain in favor of the coarse, heavy spray of the Bordeaux nozzle. On the other hand, comparisons between the totals for plots 1 to 3 and 4 to 6 respectively, show that the first produced 50,173 apples of which 68.874, were free from: infestation, ‘while the latter yielded 47,298 apples and had 98.81% of worm-free fruit, a difference of only .o6 of 1% in favor of the finer spray. A comparison of the totals of the wormy fruit between these two series of plots given in the above table shows an equally close parallelism. Experiments 1 and 4 were duplicated in the orchard of Ed- ward Van Alstyne at Kinderhook, N. Y., the plots being located as shown on plate 4. In addition, a third plot designated as 7, was sprayed for the purpose of testing the results to be ob- tained from a still higher pressure, and an attempt was made to keep the gage up to 200 pounds. Plot 4, located near the barn, consisted of Greenings; plots 1 and 7 were Baldwins, the latter being seven rows north of the barn, on a knoll and a little to the east of the other plots, while the two check trees lay near the northern boundary of plot 1. Spraying began May 29. The weather was cloudy, threatening and with a little wind. There was a heavy shower from 1 to about 1.30 p. m. and another at 2 p. m. resulting in.a.cessation, of operations. The spraying May 2G was with the old type of Friend nozzle, which is considerably deeper than the latter make. The pressure 54. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM was maintained at 100 pounds; 4 pounds of Grasselli’s arsenate cf lead and 3 pounds of copper sulfate with lime enough to satisfy the ferrocyanide test was employed foreach 50 gallons of the «mixture. The calyx lobes were mostly well turned back and all hegre were off; the pollen cells had begun to brown though there was no wilting of the stamen bars. Owing to interruptions by rain noted above, but five ex- perimental trees of plot 4 were sprayed, the northwestern one not being treated. The three southernmost rows of plot 4 were sprayed mostly from the north side, except the barrier trees on the west end of row 3 counting from the barn. Observations showed that the experimental trees in particular were very well covered with the poison. Spraying was continued June 2, plot 4 being completed in the morning. The experimental trees of plot I were sprayed at too pounds pressure. There was practically no penetration to the inner calyx cavity. The tips of the pistils and stamens were dead and the calyx lobes partially closed. The afternoon was fair with a light breeze. Plot 7 was sprayed June 3 with a pressure of 150-6o pounds, though tree 7 E had its western side sprayed when there was a very low pressure owing to clogging of the pump. ‘The pressure was not constant and much of the time the nozzles were held too far away to give the best results, a fact strikingly illus- . trated by the condition of the fruit at picking time. 55 z SI seer ecloy REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ N OO I¢ gz AUIIOM PIS oe oa ee AUWIIOM apts 9 pug eee ee AUWIIOM pug LINndA AWUOM or % | [e10.L IINAd TIVWS % | 1eI0L, LIN MA QTavV La Mav IN $g°g6 |Zi1V **160°06 |16 fINYT NVATS (20u10 poAvids) 1 30[q lekafo} £v1 Siz Id €I-zI "499 gi-Li ‘ydeg €I-zZI “499 gi-Li “ydag £I-zI "4909 gi—L1 4dag €I-ziI 4909 gi—L1 -ydag €I-zI “490 gi—-L1 -4dag €I-Z1I “499 giI—-Li ‘ydag 91eq ———— eee eo ee oe *z0|d 10} % pur s[ejo} puviy ay. usisiiemsipelre\s or Oe pum slerOy, sigatteweere: ants mire eat dite % pur S[EIOL Hat: Sepwanorona S520: Of, Die Ssjeyory Soon gegen AO pue s[eqJoL te eae weeeee pu sjeyoy Ch Chet EA! Ont CEO eb saetealO/A pue s[ejoy STATE MUSEUM NEW YORK ee ee ee eel ee eel ks! pie (ep! v6.8 eae ma aiilipsewe at 6s yy 691 cS‘ic Szl te Fe" gg lbeL 9 Lz’ 36 £39 6 zSQ 6 I fr AQT So v fe°1r -|€z ob’ 61 {SOF SEO Ory panes LL°936 \gSg ¥ |1gg 1 I 6 91 oie hes oe fede eS iC6her 6S:1z |Sgf Le-LlL \gof © {48°96 |1Z9 1 |069 11 ve Vv FA I I cL 1G v 2 ee ee Oar, MURae es eb es piesa) (ey le) te) ce) (ee Le $g° 46 LQI I6I z S 6 Oe ONE 98 Or g6° QI |1zz gS°69 org VI°66 |VSI I |¥or 1 z z Qi ewes |x 89° L 6c-1e-j|tec '€0°gL jorg z£°66 |1f0 I |gto 1 et ¢ (9) oe Se roar S ice cee 6¢o°z (38 Pe Su Sc Cua cal| ane cp |) Gecaty te O. Un oecaoer ace 19°46 EzI ger | I 9 6 (Gra cee OEE ol: II S6°€1 |viIz OS OF |S2n 19266 Sasa rece a I 9 6 Gipc er tieie, Meg eas 6L Il gc°Si |7iza z76°€g |SZI I |1z'66 |6gE I jooFr I et euntnis ini seme a Ve vietehietcemeniis (18 Jer iaete || 8) mie fees ip sls (sca ewe ep eae) @ eeu | se we ep .@ ation emem Je) 0.) Pie, 66 wa othe woe) ee OOo! 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SHEBVO) OO 00a Oo wi. ooo % pue s[eyOL 57 PORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I9QOQ RE ee ee ee aye cee ie ee eee ele e ee eToy HX A a[oy wxq gs S ev fa VI I (Sane SI ZOL z 4 £1 LS . vy o £1 : of £ 9S - z VI I £v LZ £e lz Or S ev 14 g¢ £ L ii orn AWIIOM opis OPIS | pug LINAL ANAOM LIndada NVAIO (aou0 pafkvids) 4 jo1g VLY L£°S |ggo I |z¥°9g |108 gri/zS°Z6 {419 gr1\160 61 69 96°S {992 9S°4g |Lo6 € |Sh°g6 |€6E % |zor F 6b of'g {992 1g° hl 106 € |€g°g6 |€L1 b jzzz v fora see e}e 2 eo ee eee ese 99°16 orad ove 691 GSrI°€ |gor gE°4g |£66 z j90°S6 jgSz € \Szb € QzI vEe-€ |gor 19°26 |€66 zc |€0°96 |10r € |6zz2 € Iv se ewe oe} ee ee oe el ew ow eo wep te we g0°6L CSI g6r 6S g6°2 |g6 zS°16 joro € |oz°g6 jofz € j6gz €£ gb or € |96 ey-s6 loro € |pS-g6 gor € |rSx ¢ ET OO Cute OemuMceoeo «ce -Ueol) Olce om pater eee L€:06 Cate ie Cer LL I€°Sr jizv 66°€L |VEo z |€z'l16 \zlg z |6V4 z 09 €L°gi |1zv £3°0g |V£o z |19°L6 |SSh z |S1S z LI Ge ONc ono se ee ele ew ww el SL°Z6 Liz Awa €s c6'r jLQ g4°£g |g6bv xr |€o°L6 |SEL I |ggs 1 Be 1 mane We 61°16 |g6r x |L4°46 |SgS 1 |xzg x LI CD OOS atGn SONG OI som ec COnCe | mio One 73°68 oSstI LOI Lv 61°€ {gor gS°06 ,6S0 € |19°g6 |1fE € |eLE € ge ge°€ gor vr'S6 6S0 € 1g°g6 |Zor € |Soz € 6 se eee ss ee CeO ce Bot eG seer 61°76 VOI ELI Co eeu 25 see Our [eqOL wefee se eel [B}OL IInd qinsy NAN | cornea yan sist [BIOL eo ee ee cow e €1—Z1 "190 gi—Li “ydasg €I-zI “490 gi—-Lr ydag €I-zZI “4909 gI—L1I -ydag €I-zI “490 gi—41 ‘ydacg aueq eee ee vol “qo[d 107 % puve sjejo} pueir) 2 0/7, pike s[en On ee ee OEY pue S[e}OL «7a ener e, 6 6. 6 Pie ere & % pue S[e1OL “"*% pue sjejoy "OF puke s[ejoy see We e's Jo seh at waa eae % pue sjeqJoy NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM cf soy XG afou XG £6€ VIP gov 19a e1zZ 61z ce1 70% 6gI 161 giz 992 S€1 QOL QSr 9s gor gor AUIIOM AUIIOM apis PIS ip pug LINddt ANAOM GE Zee SOL TG os OL vr-€ j|6£ 66°z |gII sere gII % | TeoL LINUdA TIVWS ¥9°99 |SL9 v |go° LZ €2°Ss |LEL zr jof-19 $z°69 Een I ob al oe ee elev se ee 6g°L1 I6‘SL |g£6 z |zg°zg £0°Sg |gt6 z |6£°geg ee eoleece Cr: ve % | 1e10L % LInud FIAVLAWAVN LINYA NVATO (peAvidsuy) s301} 49ND S1o £ Grr ¢ LEQ olg £ SSp € SIV £1—ZI gi-Li-ydeag Xx Pee Wt © €1-zI °400 gi-L1°4ydagG, x ae dol], “jyo[d 1oy % pure s[eq,o} puviyy O Seis sivessecsishaeesiO pue s[ejoy Seti 207, puv s[tqoy, 59 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ vo°' gt — ge-°Ltr z6°Qz 888 I goes Ler ¢ Siro Z ea} 8) (6) .6) ice e,)e) el lese |p) (0) © 10.0 sige e, ts! le 8) ef hile a elie) aiiell es). a) 6 ja «) sti) ie!» eee eer eos ee ee oe we oO ‘40949 v6‘'b — 6£E°I1 gr-z PLY zS:L6 L19 gI 160 61 rhe OT et A CE Os) et Oe CP OORT ck 0 Chae OP "0 SOURCE O Ota NW} o> Gh.e.ce\ ee) \e lars “es 9) 6m) sine ae OOH £ (Ate SAIL, (IL0 Te 691 Lz°g6 £go 6 zSQ 6 er er] Ce ee ey be cece ee eee es oe eo ew oo v 6b'1 — SL: vo'r ZZe 96°36 zvo Iz voz Iz [tect ttt t te ee ee PicekLai (a istiunlolatlereljel¢ielelenseu'slialentemessriaicalcellstteireiicisil cltisitaics) em ulie rei cnistien saietterrsiiet stein s I % "ON % ‘ON SHauL NAAMLaG NOILVIUVA 2) eT LOTd % AO AONVU é LINUX AWUOM Linud NV@19 sjojd jo Arewuing MUSEUM | NEW YORK STATE 60 aBury 1P1OL ¢ HIOH LIX 1gl—gzV ovi-Vvi ov_S ge—O1 asuey [PIO I @IOH LIXa £6€-161 ves 12°69 vote vibp—giz €z1—Zv I6¢ Tes JAA £g S1—o £9g—6 ZEL 06° gr ze 6-0 fv—-v1 Igl LV gr Iv g-o aBULY je10L % ‘ON ISU AWUYOM AWUYOM ACIS GN IVLOL AWYOM [RIOL adqdis GNV GN@ ISU S1z1-€Lg | geet vVLO Is 691-Lt VLY 61 Ig-OI 691 £z €S_—St aaa [PIOL IInd aONVa jean AWYOM ANG LOId qinay AwI0OM Jo Arewuns REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMCLOGIST 1909 EI itemtieDescen py teterting to the above tables that the re- sults obtained at Poughkeepsie were confirmed in large measure by those secured at Kinderhook, plots 1, 4. and 7, respectively, producing 98.96, 98.27 and 97.52% of worm-free fruit, while the two check trees yielded only 73.08¢ of clean fruit. These per- centages, it will be observed, are slightly lower than those ob- tained at Poughkeepsie and may be explained by local condi- tions. The trees were larger and probably somewhat more in- fested by codling moth. The application was with a hand pump and, as a result, there was more difficulty in maintaining an even pressure. The slightly lower percentage obtained in plot 7 was not due to the higher, approximately 200 pounds pressure, ‘but is undoubtedly explainable by a lack of thoroughness in ap- plication, since only 95.06% of clean fruit occurred on one tree where the application was not quite as thorough as it should have been. This obviously reduced the percentage for the en- tire plot materially. It will be seen in this series, as in the pre- ceding, that a considerable proportion of the benefit results in destroying the codling moth larvae at or in the calyx end of the fruit, since in the sprayed plots 17.51 to 18.9% of the wormy fruit was entered at the end, while 69.21% of the wormy fruit on the check trees was thus infested. It will be noted that a con- siderably larger percentage of the fruit was end wormy at Kinderhook, compared to our findings at Poughkeepsie. | The data submitted above justifies the expectation that under normal conditions as they are found in the Hudson valley at least, one thorough application of a poison within a week or 10 days after the blossoms fall, should result in protecting a very large percentage, 98 to 99%, of the fruit from codling moth injury. We would emphasize the necessity of thorough work, though by this we do not mean an effort to drive the poison into the lower ‘calyx -cavity,:' desirable though this may. be on theoretical grounds, but thoroughness in covering the foliage, the young ‘fruit, in particular the blossom end, a pomt favored, as our in- vestigations show, by about 69% of the worms entering the apple. We would select a» nozzle giving the most uniform and rapid distribution. of spray without regard to penetration. ~This ‘should not be understood as discouraging: the employment of high pressure, since this is undoubtedly an important factor in ‘thorough and. rapid -work, ‘the latter being extremely desirable on account of the limited time when successful applications may 62 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM be made. We are satisfied that most excellent results can be obtained where conditions permit the employment of only mod- erate pressures. ; It should be understood that such results can hardly be obtained upon trees in the near vicinity of others which have not been “ sprayed. It will’be seen by reference to the preceding account of the habits of this insect, that the codling moth may breed upon trees bearing no fruit, consequently, we believe it will pay the fruit grower to spray all trees in a bearing orchard without regard to whether they are fruiting or not. Our experience last year demonstrated the necessity of very thorough work if the high percentages of worm-free fruit cited above, are to be ob- tained. One tree in a special plot, where spraying was less thorough than on the others, though not perceptible to the eye of a practical orchardist making the application, produced..only 9$.06¢% of worm-free fruit. We would.suggest that thoroughness in the:distribution. of the poison, in an effort to cover every portion of leaf and fruit with minute particles of spray will, in the long run, prove more effective and satisfactory than the application of large amounts of poison, especially if the spray is used so liberally as to cause dripping. It may appear to some that the above results are too good even for an experiment, not to mention the practical fruit grower. The facts of the case are that all our sprayings were made by fruit growers with apparatus at hand. The -scientist simply insisted on good, thorough work. The spraying was not nearly so heavy as it might have been and could not on that account be deemed impractical. Work of other cxperimentors There is abundant.evidence to’show that our general results with the sprays were not markedly superior to what others have been able to obtain, whether they were located in New Hamp- shire, West Virginia or some other portion of the country. This aspect of the problem therefore requires little discussion. On the other hand, the tests with but one spray have not been so numerous and were mostly conducted under conditions where error could not be easily eliminated. Experiments very similar to ours were those of Sanderson [’08]. In 1907 he sprayed a plot of six trees once, just after the blossoms fell, using 2 pounds of arsenate of lead to a barrel of bordeaux, and in a yield of REPORT OF THE. STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ 63 10,742 apples, obtained only 3.9% wormy. Another plot of five trees received similar treatment with a mist spray and pro- duced 24,316 apples, 1.88¢ being wormy. A third plot was sprayed like the preceding, except that it was drenched with a coarse spray. It comprised four trees yielding 8109 apples and produced 3.4% wormy fruit. Conversely, a plot of six trees sprayed in 1908 and producing only 21. to 930 apples each, yielded but 2657 apples, 13% being wormy. This latter approxi- mates our results on trees bearing a very small crop. Almost invariably such trees produced a markedly higher percentage of wormy fruit than the more heavily laden ones. Gossard [’c8] gave a plot of four trees but one application. They yielded 4836 apples and an average of 95.91% free from codling moth. Two of these trees had a small crop, otherwise the percentage of sound fruit would probably have been higher. One tree [Gos- satd ‘og| produced nearly 99% of sound fruit. Ball [’o7}] as a result of experiments conducted over a series of years, became convinced that the first spray or the first and second sprays, namely, the two given within a week or 10 days after the falling of the petals, would kill 90% of the first brood in Utah, thus destroying many of the: progenitors of the second brood and, in addition, enough ‘poison: remained. on. the. foliage. to-kill: some «747° of the*sécénd generation of apple worms. He estimates that two early spray- ings correctly applied, are worth from 6 to 16 times as much as three late ones. These two early sprays killed an average of 98¢ of the worms of the first brood entering the calyx, and 97% of those of the second, an average of 78% of the first brood entering the sides of the apple and 52¢ of the second brood attacking the apple in the same way. Melander, apparently basing his recom- mendations upon practical results over extended areas, has recently come out most emphatically in favor of one spray, claiming that this, if timely and thorough, will result in crops practically immune from codling moth injury. It may be well to note in passing that Sanderson [’08] as a result of his extensive series of experiments, came to the con- clusion that an early spray applied shortly after the blossoms fell, and another approximately three to four weeks later, at the time the codling moth eggs hatch, gave a maximum protection, though he admits that the value of the second application ts doubtful w hen not over 50% of the fruit 1S. dikely. to be. infested or unless a rain follows the first’ treatment. Obviously, the 64 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM great advantage of the early application is that it enables the fruit grower to put the poison where a very large proportion of codling moth larvae will find it before they enter the apple, since about 67% attack the fruit at the blossom end. A second spray- ing made within a week or Io days after the blossoms. fall, simply makes a more thorough job and is a tacit admission that it is impossible to cover a tree well with one application. The third spraying, namely, when the young apple worms commence their feeding, justifies itself only when conditions have pre- vented an early application or possible thoroughness in the pre- ceding sprays, is admissible when a poiscn has been used which may have been washed from the foliage by rains, or may be advised for very badly infested orchards. With the data at present available we see no reason for urging treatment at the time the second brood of apple worms appear, since if the earlier spraying is thorough there is practically no second brood to be controlled. There are some observations worthy of note in this connection. Lloyd [’o7| obtained data showing that Illinois apple stems might be injured even by a spray for the second brood containing but ™% pound of paris ereen to 50 gallons of water. The damage was often greatest at the point of attachment of the stem and apple. both beme injured. He gives data showing that before this stem injury, nearly all the windfalls were wormy, while subsequently a con- siderable proportion (18 to over 90%) were uninjured by worms. In spite of this excessive dropping, the crop on the sprayed trees averaged greater than that upon the check trees. Furthermore, he ascertained by careful study that this late application, even when applied after the small apple worms had entered the fruit, re- sulted in the destruction of many, due to their feeding for a time just under the skin. It is possible that some of those de- stroyed in this manner were the larvae of the lesser apple worm. There is little or nothing in the experiments conducted in the East to justify the contention of our Western friends, to the effect that markedly superior results may be obtained by the use of a coarse spray driven by an exceptionally high pressure. We would select a nozzle giving the most uniform and rapid distribution of spray without regard to penetration. We would not be understood as discouraging the employment of high pressure, since this is undoubtedly an important factor in thorough and rapid work, the latter being extremely desirable on account of the limited time when successful applications may — REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I909 65 be made. We are thoroughly satisfied that most excellent re- sults can be obtained where conditions permit the use of only moderate pressures. The best time to spray is within a week or Io | days after the blossoms drop and while the green calyx lobes are Speman 15, fig, 1}. Bibliography The following references are mostly supplemental to those given by the late Professor Slingerland [’98!. A few additional references are given by Simpson [’03]. 1897 Card, F.W. Observations on the Codling Moth. Neb. Agric. Exp. mea Bul! 51, p. 9-50 Extended account with original observations. 1898 Cockerell, T. D. A. Preliminary Notes on the Codling Moth. N. M. memewlxp. ota, Bul, 25, p. 47-68 General account with original observations. _ 1898 Lugger, Otto. The Codling Moth. Minn. Agric. BS Silay, Jexblll (cise, Dp 2oe-202- also in 4th Rep’t, p. 242-48 General account. Haisos olingerland, M. V. The Codling Moth. ,Cornell Univ. Agric: Exp. Sta. Bul. 142, p. 1-69 An extended account, with bibliography. 1899 Harvey, F. L. & Munson, W. M. Apple Insects of Maine. Me. meric. Bxp. ota. Bul. 56, p. 133-34 Summary account. tegepiaeanmck, U. P. Codling Moth. Utah Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 64, P- 31-38 General discussion with observations on natural enemies. 1899 Woodworth, C. W. & Colby,G.E. Paris Green for the Codling Moth. CAeeeric wip. Sta. Bul, 126, p. 3-40 Discussion of various poisons and methods of application. Tageewmidrich, J. M. Lhe Codling Moth. Id. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. az, Pagog-l12 General account with original observations. 1900 Gillette, C. P. Entomological Notes in Colorado. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Dike mt. Sul: 26, S..p. 77 Records spring migration of larvae. 1900 Slingerland, M. V. Facts About the Codling Moth. Rural New Yorker, May 5, 59:318 Observations on the use of soda arsenite for codling moth. syor Gillette, C. P. Report of the Bint tosay ol Fafa Col) Agric (Exp. Sta. 14th Rep’t, p. 13-14 Summary of observations. igor Simpson, C. B. Report Upon an Investigation of the Codling Moth iaidane it tooo. U.S: Dep't Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 30, ns. p. 61-63 Observations with experimental data. tgor Slingerland, M. V. Spraying for the Codling Moth. Rural New Morker,) uly 6, 60-468 Observations on the poison and its application. 66 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1901 Webster, F. M. Results of Some Experiments in Protecting Apples from the Attacks of the Second Brood of Codling Moth. Ent. Soc. Ont. 21st Rept; 1900, ps 37-35 Summary of experimental data. 1902 Cordley, A. B. The Codling Moth and Late Spraying in Oregon. Or. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 69, p. 123-60 Extended account based on experimental data. 1902 Garcia, Fabian. Spraying Orchards for the Codling Moth. N. M. _ Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 41, p. 1-26 General account with experimental data. t902 Gillette, C. P. Number of Broods of the Codling Moth, as Indicated by Published Data. Ent. News, 13:193-96 A careful analysis of the biological data. 1902 Life History Studies on the Codling Moth. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Div: Ent: Bul. 31 ns: p: 520 Summarized discussion based on original investigations. 1902 Piper, C. V. Orchard Enemies in the Pacific Northwest. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Farmers Bul. 153, p. 25-27 Brief notice of codling moth. 1902 Sanderson, E. D. Valuable Remedy for Codling Moth. Am. Agric. April 12, 69:528 Observations on the value of spraying. 1902 Remedies for the Codling Moth. Del. Agric. Exp. Sta. 13th Rép’t for’ 1901, p. 172-95 Results from poison applications. 1902 Remedies for the Codling Moth. Del. Agric. Exp. Sta. 14th Rep’t, p. 110-27 Discussion with experimental data. 1902 Simpson, C. B. Report on Codling Moth Investigations in the Northwest during 1901. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 35, n.s. p. 5-29 Extended discussion. : 1902 Slingerland,M. V. Trap Lanterns or Moth Catchers. Cornell Univ- Acric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 202) "p. 190-241 Trap lanterns considered of little value. 1903 Aldrich, J. M. The Codling Moth. Id. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 36, P- 139-55 Summary of experimental data. 1903 Busck, August. Dimorphism in the Codling Moth. Ent. Soc- Wash. Proc. 5 :235—-36 Variety simpsonii described. 1903 On the Generic Name of the Codling Moth. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 11:106—11 Discussion of generic name. 1903 Gillette, C. P. Report of Entomologist. Col. Agric. Exp. Sta. 16th Rep’t, p. 18-20 Summary of observations. 1903 Sanderson, E. D. The Codling Moth. Del. Agric: Exp. Sta. Bul. 59, Pp. I-24 General account with experimental data. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 67 1903 Simpson, C. B. Observations upon the Life History of the Codling Motels Dept Agric. Div. Ent. Bul..40. ns. p. 63-65 Brief discussion. ' 1903 iine'Coding Moth, -Us Ss. Dept Age, Div. Ent. Bulb 41, Pp. I-105 Extended account with experimental data, bibliography. m9e3)———— Lhe Control of the Codling Moth. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Far- mers bul ©7r, p. 1-23 A general account. 1903 Woodworth, C. W. New Observations on the Codling Moth. Pac. Rural Press, December 19, 66:388—89 Observations on life history and methods of control. feeg)————_ nt. Soc. Ont. 23d Rep’t, p. 42-44 Sundry observations by various entomologists. 1904 Ball, E. D. The Codling Moth. Utah Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 87, EOS 45 An extended discussion. 1904 Burgess, A. F. The Use of Arsenate of Lead for Controlling the ‘Codiing Moth. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 46, p. 14-20 Summary of experimental data. nQermeielig. ©. Codling Moth. N. Y. State Ent. roth An. Rep’t. N. Y. Searemvids Bul. 76, p. 130 Record of injuries to living bark. tomenounspury, C€, P. The Codling Moth. Agric. Jour. October (Separate, p. 3-8) Summary account. 1904 Pettit, R. H. The Codling Moth in Michigan. Mich. Agric. Exp. mtas Bul 222, p. 77-91 General discussion with experimental data. 1904 Woodworth, C. W. Spraying for the Codling Moth. Pac. Rural Press, April 16, 67:244,260 Summary discussion. 1904 Directions for Spraying for the Codling Moth. Cal. Agric. Bex. Bul: 155, p. 1-20 Summary account. 1905 Farrand, T. A. Mich. State Bd Agric. 18th Rep’t, p. 405, 421 Comparisons of the relative efficacy of dust and liquid sprays. » 1905 Green, W. J. & Houser, J.S. The Codling Moth. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 160, p. 197-214 Experimental data. 1905 Melander, A. L. The Wormy Apple. Wash. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. Ss) I-15 Summary discussion. 1906 Ball, E. D. & Peterson, E. G. Codling Moth Work in 1904. Utah Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 95, p. 65-107 Discussion of experimental data. mgco Close, €: Ps Dust and” Liquid Spraying: Del. Agric,. Exp. Sta: Bil 72, p. 1-23 Experimental data, with various sprays. 68 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1906 Crandall, C. S. Spraying Apples, Relative Merits of Liquid and Dust Applications. Ill. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 106, p. 207-42 Experimental data, with various sprays. 1906 Felt, E. P.. Codling Moth. N-. Y. State Ent. 21st An. (Rep igs State Mus. Bul. 104, p. 91 Injuries by second broad. 1906 Irwin, E. P. An Insect Enemy of Codling Moth. Fruit Grower, April £7, p. 185—87 . An extended account of the discovery and establishment of Caliephialtes messor Grav. 1906 Marlatt, C. L. & Orton, W. A. The Control of the Codling Moth and Apple Scab. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Farmers Bul. 247, p. 1-21 Summary discussion. 1906 Melander, A. L. & Jenne, E. L. The Codling Moth in the Yakima Valley. Wash. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 77, p. 1-96 General discussion and experimental data. 1907 Ball, E. D. The Control of the Codling Moth in the Arid Regions. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Bur. Ent. Bul. 67, p. 55-75 Summary cf experimental data. 1907 Blair, J. C. Fruit and Orchard Investigations. Tl, Agme sai Sta. Cir. 107, p. 45-49 Summary of experimental data. 1907 Burgess, A. F. Remarks on Methods Used in Codling Moth Experi- ments, "U.S. Dep't Asric: Bur: Ent. Bal.67,p.53—55 Observations on methods, with experimental data. 1907 Ehrhorn, E. M. The Codling Moth Parasite. Cal. Hort. Com’n 2d Rep’t, 1905-6, p. 231-35 Observations on the European parasite, Caliephialtes messor Grav. 1907 Garcia, Fabian. Codling Moth Investigations during 1903 and 1904. N. M. Agric Exp. Sta. Bul. 65, p. 1-29 Summary account based on original observations. 1907 Gillette, C. P. Spraying for Codling Moth. Col. Agric. Exp. Sta. Press Bul. 44 Summary of recommendations. 1907 Henderson, L. F. Mixed Sprays for Apple Scab and Codling Moth. Id: Agric, Exp, Sta. Bul) 55, p. 3-27 Summary account and discussion of experimental data. 1907 Lloyd, J. W. Spraying for the Codling Moth. Ill. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bulwit14, p. 377-429 Extended discussion with experimental data. 1907 Melander, A. L. & Jenne, E.L. The Codling Moth in Eastern Wash- ington. Wash. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 81, p. 1-24 Summary of life history and experimental work. 1907 Sanderson, E. D., Headlee, T. J. & Brooks, Charles. Spraying an Apple Orchard, Ni Tl Agric) Excpeota wibrla 37". se General discussion of spraying, with special reference to the codling moth. 1907 Scott, W. M. & Quaintance, A. L. Spraying for Apple Diseases and the Codling Moth in the Ozarks. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Farmers Bul. 283, p. 1-42 Experimental data. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I909 69 1907 Taylor, E. P. Western Slope Fruit Investigation, 1906. Col. Agric. Exp Sra, Bul. 119, p. a —8 General discussion. 1907 Woglum, R.S. The Codling Moth. N.C. Dep’t Agric. Ent. Cir. 20, jo sees General account. . 1907 Hai. soc. Ont. 27th Rep’t, p. 3-15, 83 Brief observations by a number of entomologists. 1908 Garman, Harrison. Spraying Apple Trees and Apple Orchard Pests mmecmiiciy. Ky. -Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 133, p. 1-1i, 21-27 Summary account and experimental data. mqee Gossard, H. A. Spraying Apples. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. TO1, Pp. 103-25 Experimental data. 1908 Spring Manual of Practice in Economic Entomology. Ohio Medien rep. ota. Bul. 198, p. 47-50 Brief notice. 1908 Howard,C.W. TheCodling Moth. Transvaal Agric. oes 6 1523-26. Summary account. 1908 Melander, A. L. Remarkable Success in Spraying the Codling Moth. Fruit Grower, Jan. 19, p. 5-6 Observations on methods of spraying. 1908 & Trumble, R. E. The Codling Moth in 1907. Wash. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 86, p. 1-17 Summary of field experiments. 1908 Melander, A. L. Annihilating the Codling Moth. Ent. News, 19:11-13 Summary of experimental work. 1908 Morris, O. N. & Nicholson, jo Eo Orchard Spraying. OK *Acric: Exp. Sta. Bul. 76, p. 1-22 General account with.experimental data. 1908 Quaintance, A. L. Demonstration Spraying for the Codling Moth. eS Wep t Agric. Bur. Ent. Bul. 68, pt 7, p. 69-76 Experimental data. 1908 The Codling Moth or Apple Worm. Year Book, U. S. Dep’t Agric., 1907, Pp. 435—50 An excellent summarized account. - 1908 Sanderson, E. D. Codling Moth Investigations. N. H. pene Exp. _Sta., 19-20th Rep’ts, p. 396-498 General discussion and extended experimental data. 1908 Slingerland, M. NV. HAUS tie Calyx Cup 7 Ber Filled? “Reon ant: Jour. 1:352-54 Questions the necessity of using a coarse spray. 1908 Smith, J. B. Insecticide Materials and Their Application. N. J. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 213, p. 43-45 A brief summary account. 1908 Thornber, J. J. Suggestions for the Control of the Codling Moth. Pnigeactic. Exp. Sta. Bul. 57; p. 275-70 Summary account. 1908 Washburn, F. L. Controlling the Codling Moth with One, or at | Most, Two Sprayings. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 112, p. 223-27 A summarized discussion. 7O NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1909 Ball, E. D. Methods for Control of the Codling Moth. Better Fruit, 3:21-24 Extended discussion advising coarse spray. t909 Buck, J. E. Wormy Apples and How to Prevent Them — Results of Spraying for Codling Mothin 1908. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 181, p. 1-13 Summary account with experimental data. 1909 Felt, E. P. Controlling Codling Moth. Country Gentleman, April 8, 74:348 A summary statement of results obtained in the state of Washington. 1909 —— Codling Moth. Country Gentleman, June to, 74:572 A discussion of the essentials for successful spraying. 1909 —— Spraying for the Codling Moth. N. Y. State Fruit Grow- ers Ass’n Proc., 8th Meeting, p. 113-21 Summary of Professor Melander’s discussion of western results. 1909 Gillette, C. P. Shall We Continue to Spray for the Moth? Better Fruit, 4:29-30 General discussion. 1909 Gossard, H. A. Apple Spraying in Ohio. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Cir. 95, p- 1-8 Summary of results. 1909 Howard, C. W. Report of the Entomologist. Transvaal Dep’t Agric. Rep’t, 1907-8, p. 189-90 Observations on injuries. 1909 Hurst, B. F. Practical Experiments With Codling Moths. Better Fruit, 3:25-30 Data on biology and spraying. 1909 Jenne, E. L.. The Codling Moth in the Ozarks. U.S. Depitaienice Bur. Ent: Bul. 80, pt 1; p. 1-32 Extended biological data. 1909 Lounsbury, C. P. Report of the Government Entomologist for the Year! reo8; p.63 Occurrence of codling moth in Cape Colony recorded and regulations modified. 1909 Melander, A. L. The Calyx Cup Must Be Filled. Econ. Ent. Jour. 207—7.0 Discussion of results obtained with coarse sprays. 1909 The Single Spray for the Codling Moth. Wash. Agric. Exp. Sta. Popular Bul) 171-4 Summary account. 1909 —— Exterminating Codling Moth at One Spraying. Fruit Grower, anie2o non a Summary of results obtained with one spray. 1909 Reed, W. V. The Codling Moth or Apple Worm in Georgia. Ga. State Bd Ent. Bul. 20). 1-37 General account with discussion of experimental data. tg09 Sanderson, E. D. Notes on Recent Experiments for the Control of the Codling Moth: Econ: nt. Jour. 2 :135-41 Summary of experimental work. 1909 The Codling Moth and How to Control it by Spraying. N.H. Agric: Exp. istay Bul 2435) po: On Loo Summary account based on experimental data. REPORT OF THE STATE’ ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 7 t909 Taylor, E.P. Spraying Apples for Curculio and Codling Moth. Mo. Sree sut op. ota. Bul. 21, p. 1-69 Extended account with experimental data. Bouombalo EH. D. Spraying for Codling Moth. Fruit Grower, Jan., 0-15, 20 An extended discussion, advocating one coarse spray. rouorelt, EB. P. Work With Codling Moth. Country Gentleman, Meiren 37.5 :230 Summary of experimental work. t9t0 Gillette, C. P. New Sprays for the Codling Moth. Econ. Ent. Jour. 3:29—32 Summary of experimental data. Hickory leaf stem borer Acrobasis feltella Dyar This new species was reared in early July from caterpillars in- lnabiine hickory stems collected by Mrs A. M. A. Jackson, PT onmci Onondaga co. N. Y. Whis borer, it was stated, was somewhat abundant upon young hickories. It was at first sup- Meee to pe identical with Acrobasis angusella Grote, a species also occurring in hickory leaf stems. Dr Dyar states that the adult is separated therefrom by the “ conspicuous character of - the inner pale band.” iiemmistory. The larva of this new form bores in the in- Mem@@mondie leai stem, catising a distinct enlargement an inch Seamere im leneth and 3¢ inch in diameter. This portion of the stem is eaten so that only thin walls remain, the cavity having Ginter @rilice at one extremity and the latter usually con- Becicdeayitn a rather extensive, white, frass-filled web an inch forewtmenes long and fastening several leaves together. The larval feeding appears to be confined almost entirely to the in- ‘emet oi the stem. Nothing further is known concerning the liiirerer tis species though it is presumable that: there is but one generation annually. Mesenmpuon., Larva. Length 9% inch, Head dull amber, the thoracic shield greenish amber, the body nearly smooth, dull green- ish or yellowish green, the dorsal vessel being indicated by a dark green stripe. Anal shield dark green, with a few sparse fuscous Bere. rue legs black. Wenter and thorax a little lighter than the dorsum. First thoracic segment with a large lateral tubercle, second thoracic segment with a large, black, sublateral tubercle on either side and with the annulations rather deep. a Over. tl. G. einen Soc. Washi Proc. |) 1@eo.) li :20A. 72 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Imago. The adult has been described by Dr Dyar as follows: Forewing of male with a small patch of black scales beneath subcostally. Wings dark gray, the inner band beyond the sub- basal patch of raised scales very broad, creamy white, shading to orange below, especially wide in its lower part. In the male the basal space and all of the thorax are white; in. the female, these parts are gray. Discal dots joined. Outer line wavy crenu- late, defined by an outward creamy shade. Hind wing light at the base in the male, entirely fuscous in the female.) 2xpamees 14-17 millimeters. ‘) i al Cn AW Ep Zo a2 Bate, Fig. 1 Rhododendron lace bug: a nymph; d adult; f spine enlarged (after Heidemann) Rhododendron lace bug Leptobyrsa explanata Heid. The delicate, lace-winged bugs excite the admiration of all close observers on account of their exquisite sculpturing. This species is no exception to the rule though on account of its rather serious injuries to Rhododendrons in the vicinity of New York city and also at Rochester, it has been the occasion of con- siderable complaint. The curiously spined young occur on the underside of the leaves during May and June, while the strik- ‘ingly marked adults may be seen in early July. This species draws the sap from the underside of the leaf tissues, producing unsightly brown spotting accompanied by more or less serious injury to the foliage. Furthermore, the deposit of the eggs in the leaf tissues is an additional source of injury. Description. The perfect insect is about ™% of an inch long, its delicately sculptured wings [fig. 1d] with sharply defined, trans- verse, brown marks near the middle being characteristic. The young REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ Ie nymphs are rather long legged and ornamented with conspicuous tapering spines [fig. 1f]. This species has been described in detail by Mr Heidemann as follows: Adult. Body short, oval in the female, more elongate in the male, shining black; membranous parts of pronotum and integu- ment of elytra pale yellowish, semitranslucent, nervures yellowish. Head rather small, black, with three white frontal spines, two ap- proaching each other, the middle one comparatively stouter; be- sides, there are two other more slender spines extending from behind the eyes towards front. Antennae long, finely pilose, yellow- ish, the tips infuscated; two basal joints slightly thicker than the following ones, first joint twice the length of second, third a little more than three times as long as fourth. Bucculae yellowish, nar- row, angulate and broader behind, the edge upturned a little. Pro- notum transverse, feebly convex, coarsely punctured, and shining black; in fresh specimens the sides of pronotum are covered with a whitish film that also extends toward the underside at the sternum. Hood not much inflated, cristate and slightly tapering towards front; covering the head, except the eyes, with quite large areoles at the sides near top and a few smaller ones at lower part. The three pronotal carinae yellowish, the median one strongly foliaceous, as high as crest of hood, rounded on top and slowly declining towards apex of the triangular posterior portion of pro- notum, with a row of long, large areoles of which the middle ones are divided by a few cross nervures and embrowned; outer carinae very low, only half as long as the median carina, extending from base of hood to sides of pronotal portion posteriorly; the triangu- lar part of pronotum rather short, yellowish and finely reticulated ; membranous pronotal margins strongly rounded behind, reflexed, widening moderately at sides, narrowing toward the neck and reaching the lower part of hood close to the eyes, with two or three rows of average-sized areoles. Elytra ovate, iridescent, extending one half their length beyond abdomen, a little less in the male; strongly rounded from base to apex, broadest behind the middle; discoidal area pyriform and short, angularly raised at the outer nervure, somewhat rounded at apex and broadly scooped out on the upper surface, with three or four rows of quite large areoles at the widest part. Subcostal area subvertical, wider than the dis- coidal area, having about five rows of irregular small areoles, those of the upper row much larger; costal area broadly expanded, with four or five rows of very large, more or less irregular areoles, diminishing to three and two rows at base. Surface of elytra very peculiarly undulated, with two transverse, sharp impressions, and another at apex formed by the outer nervure of subcostal area; a light transverse fascia on basal half. Median nervure of subcostal area strongly sinuate towards tip of elytra; sutural area at inner part irregularly reticulated with rows of some extremely large areoles. Entire margin of elytra, lateral margins of pronotum, crest of hood, carinae, and most of the nervures beset closely with 74 NEW YORK ‘STATE MUSEUM long, very fine hairs. Rostral groove uninterrupted, broad at mesosternum and metasternum, angularly closed in front; rostrum reaching metasternum. Abdomen of female broadly rounded at apex, in the male more elongate, the sides of genital segment sinu- ated; at tip two strong claspers. Length 3.6 millimeters; width of each elytron across widest part, 1.4 millimeters. Last nymphal stage. Body elongate elliptical, yellowish white, _pellucid, some brownish spots on inner side of the wing pads basally and at apex; abdominal segments on the middle and all the appendages or processes toward the tip brownish. Pro- notum transverse, lateral margins rounded; hood, median carina, and triangular posterior part of pronotum already indicated. Antennae as long as the whole body, finely pilose, yellowish, tip of the two terminal joints brownish. Wing pads reaching the third abdominal segment. Head with five long processes, of which two at base of head are most prominent and bent forward; two smaller ones on a little elevation of median carina near together; very large processes on each lateral margin of pronotum; two on the meso- notum and a single one at middle of the first, third, fourth, and sixth dorsal segments of abdomen; another on each wing pad; the processes on the lateral margins of abdomen are slightly smaller. These appendages or processes are peculiarly shaped, cylindrical, narrowing toward the apex, the edge of tip armed with two or three small sharp teeth; there are also some pores and short bristles on the surface of these processes visible by high se magnification. Length, 2 millimeters. Egg. This, according to Heidemann, is cylindric, oval, yellowish white and about .4 millimeters long. Life history. This species, according to Mr Heidemann, win- ters in eggs Mhercumage been, according to careful and extended investigations conducted under the supervision of the late C. V. Riley, at that time ento- mologist of the federal government, 4 to 12 generations, depend- ing upon weather and other conditions. Winged adults, pro- duced at the end of the season, migrate back to the plum and deposit the black eggs which remain unhatched till the following spring. This peculiarity in the life history of thes aapmapmre suggests the desirability of eliminating useless wild and domestic plums in the vicinity of hop yards, and also the wisdom of spraying other plum trees in the spring for the purpose of destroying the plant lice before they have had an opportunity of migrating to the hop. Corn root aphis (Aphis maidiradicis Porses)aues .subterranean species such as this, is very likely to escape notice and this is probably the reason why it is rarely brought to at- tention in New York State, though it is well known as a corn pest in the Central States. Examples of this species) aman identified by Mr Pergande, through the courtesy of Dr Howard, were received under date of September 29 from Mrs H. Reineck of Albany, with the statement that she experienced difficulty in raising asters, owing to the abundance of plant lice upon the roots. Specimens submitted for examination showed the roots to be thickly clustered with small, bluish green or reddish brown, wingless plant lice about 1 millimeter long. Young aphids were also observed feeding upon the rootlets. These pests were ap- parently attended by ants, the latter probably excavating the soil around the roots and possibly constructing chambers in which the plant lice could winter more successfully. Injury by this species in New York State appears to be so rare that, gen- erally speaking, remedial measures may be considered inadvis- able. It might be well in case of an infestation in the garden, to pull the plants in late fall and thus destroy in large measure the hibernating quarters of the aphids. Should this not be feas- ible, many of these plant lice could be destroyed by treating the ground with carbon bisulfid. Norway maple aphis (Chaitophorus acerrs Mina This large, yellowish green, brown marked plant louse with long, hairy antennae and reddish eyes is frequently abundant throughout the greater part of the season on the underside of the leaves of Norway maples, and is remarkable for the large REPORDVOn TE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST ILO09 79 amount of honeydew excreted. The latter occasionally collects in rather thick, viscid masses on the foliage, and not infrequent- ly is so abundant as to keep the sidewalk beneath infested trees . wet even in hot summer weather. This insect was excessively numerous in many sections oi the State in 1909, seriously injur- ing the foliage of many beautiful trees and in not a few in- Stances causing 10 to 25% of the leaves to drop. In very severe at- tacks practically all of the leaves may be seriously affected and a considerable proportion drop before others have an opportunity to develop. This species is usually controlled in midsummer by natural enemies, the beneficial ladybeetles or ladybugs being among the most active. Eeaited= iaple aphis (MWrepanaphis acerifolii Thos.). This beautiful little plant louse was very abundant and rather injurious to soft maples in particular, though it occurs in small numbers on the hard or sugar maple. It is easily recog- nized as a small, red eyed, black and white marked plant louse with prettily marked brown wings. The young are pale yellowish and wingless. Bewmeelder aphis (Chaitophorus negundinis Thom.). This gregarious species has been somewhat abundant the last few years on the relatively few box elders observed in i7eevicimity of Albany, N. Y. It is a greenish form, the abdo- men being pale green, the head brown, the latter and the pro- thorax both hairy. Pinawlea: aphis (Callipterus ulmifolii Mon.). This very slight, inconspicuous, pale greenish plant louse was ex- cessively abundant on the underside of American elm leaves, causing serious injuries, especially in the western and southern .portions of the State. It was so numerous at Dunkirk and Ful- ton as to cause considerable annoyance on account of the large amount of honeydew dropping from the trees. Mvoelly elm aphis (Schizoneura ulmi. Linn.). The woolly elm aphis is easily recognized in June by the badly curled leaves of white elm, usually accompanied by the dropping of wax-powdered pellets of honeydew. This species is some- times excessively abundant on elm foliage, the affected leaves curling so as to form a cavity which may be brimful of strug- gling plant lice and particles of whitish honeydew. Professor Gillette is inclined to believe that the woolly aphid, occurring Oueine bark of elm and known as Schizoneura see Thos., is identical with this form. rie) NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Woolly beech leaf aphis (Phyllaphis fagi Linn.). This rather inconspicuous plant louse, occurring on the underside of beech leaves, is most easily recognized by its woolly covering. It has been abundant on purple beeches in Washington park, Albany, N. Y., for the past decade, occasionally becoming very numerous, as was the case in 1909, though never causing per- ceptible curling of the foliage. A dying, small tree observed had the leaves nearly destroyed by this plant louse. Woolly larch aphis (Chermes strobilobitbs ame This species continues abundant upon larches in Washington park, Albany, N. Y., though it is not especially injurious. The winter is passed in the egg state, over 200 having been counted in an egg mass of moderate size. The young appear in early May and settle on larch needles, at which time they somewhat resemble grains of black gunpowder. They increase in size and in the course of a few weeks, excrete an abundance of white, woolly matter, giving a very characteristic appearance to in- fested trees. | Pine bark aphis (Chermes pinicorticis fieg. This species continues abundant on pines in Washington park, Albany, N. Y., and is probably responsible in large measure for the gradual destruction of two groups of young pines, individual trees of which have died from time-to time during the past decade. This insect winters as yellowish brown eggs, well pro- tected by the copious, waxy secretion, young appearing in the latitude of Albany, N. Y., from the middle to the lattem pan: of May. The full-grown female is a dark grayish purple and about 1/32 of an inch long. This species has been the occasion of complaint from several sections of the State and has alse proved to be a pest on seedling pines in forest nurseries. At- tack by this plant louse is very likely to be followed or accom- panied by bark borer injury. It has also been observed on bal- sam. This species is particularly subject to attack by lady- beetles. Woolly pine aphis (Schizoneura pinicola_ Thos.). This species, kindly identified by Mr Pergande, through the courtesy of Dr L. O. Howard, was brought to notice by State Forester C. R. Pettis in October on account of its abundance on the roots of seedling pines grown in forest nurseries at Lake Clear Junction, N. oY. Whe’ plant ‘lice; she stated) were vem abundant upon the roots. Samples submitted for examination REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 81 showed that there had been considerable colonies several inches below the surface, the infested points being marked by an abundance of woolly, waxy matter and in some instances there was considerable exudation from the roots, possibly as a result Ofte imyjuries inflicted by this plant louse. Mr Pettis, writing under date of October Io, states that the plant lice appear to live in the ground at night but with the appearance of the sun they emerge and fly, the phenomena he observed probably being the normal autumnal flight. ‘The trees affected were all native pines and so far as a superficial examination went, appeared to be in excellent condition. Gall-making aphids There are a number of species of plant lice particularly in- teresting because of the vegetable deformations, more generally termed galls, which they produce. Ordinarily these gall-making species are not very injurious though their effects upon plants are frequently somewhat conspicuous. Cockscomb elm gall (Colopha ulmicola Fitch). The gall made by this species, on elm foliage, is very common and is edsily tecoonized by the long, irregular, frequently red tipped cockscomb swellings running parallel with the veins and some- times so abundant as to seriously deform the leaves. Occasion- ally small trees may bear one or more galls upon almost every leaf, while the foliage of individual branches on larger trees may be badly malformed because of these abnormal growths. The young galls appear about the first of May as slightly elevated ridges on the upper side of the leaf. Soon after, on the opposite surface an elongate opening is seen, and on pulling the walls apart the glossy, olive-brown plant louse is disclosed within the eavwiry i his is the parent louse. Four or five weeks later or during the month of June the interior of the gall will be found occupied by numerous young grouped around the mother. Within the gall, among its many occupants, are numerous glis- tening globules of a sweet liquid or honeydew excreted by the Plant lice. Later the opening into the gall spreads apart and the insects are thus free to escape. The species is said to winter as eggs deposited in sheltered places on the bark. Spiny hazel gall (Hamamelistes spinosus Shim.). This peculiar form, as determined by the recent investigations of Mr Pergande, has an extremely interesting life history, occur- 82 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ring as it does, in oval, spiny bud galls on witch-hazel and upon the leaves of birch. The season of 1909 was remarkable on ac- count of the abundance of this species upon birch foliage, both in the vicinity of Albany and Hudson and probably in other por- tions of the State. The plant lice were so numerous as to cover the foliage with honeydew, which. was soon followed by the development of the sooty fungus and the resultant blackening of the leaves. A summary account of this plant louse, accom- panied by illustrations, has been given by the writer.! Witch-hazel cone gall (Hormaphis hamamelidis Fitch). The conical, green or reddish galls of this plant louse are more or less abundant upon witch-hazel leaves from year to year and occasionally extremely numerous. This, like the preceding form, migrates to the birches and also has a varied and extremely interesting life cycle, which latter has also been summarized by the writer.” Hickory gall..aphid (Phylloxeéra caryacteupeemee Fitch). This is one of the commonest of our Phylloxerayeaie on hickory and presumably the most destructive, though some other species are occasionally very abundant and undoubtedly seriously affect the trees. The young galls of this speeiesocenm in early June, at which time they vary from the size of a pea to that of a small marble and range in color from pale greenish to a bright pink. They are irregularly spheroid, being usually prolonged at the union with the midrib or petiole and with a more or less distinct, somewhat irregular, ventral orifice which is completely closed. Many of the galls are so near each other that they fuse. Each contains a central cavity with its stem mother and numerous young plant lice. Later the galls be- come green or rosy and’ as they increase in size the plamiwiiee multiply to such an extent that during the latter part jou ume period of growth, the inner surface of the gall may be literally covered with numerous young, pale green plant lice. Finally, the distorted tissues die, turn black and leave an ugly, shrunken mass. This is only one of a number of species of Phyllexena likely to occur upon hickory. Mr Pergande, who has made an extended study® of the species occurring upon hickory, divides “N: YY. State Mus) Meme 3)22:642) *N. Y. State Mus’ Mem. 8, 2:630:, 7N. Amer: Phylloxerinae Affecting Hicoria (Carya) and Other Trees. Davenport Acad Sct. (Proc. 1001, 82165.272: REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IgOQ 83 a the galls into three groups. The thin, paperlike or more or less Meavepetent Ones occurring upon leaves, the thicker, fleshy, variform galls always opening beneath and on leaves, those forming elongate folds along the veins, and finally, a fourth class represented by the species discussed above, producing galls on the twigs or leaf petioles. Phylloxera galls on hickory leaves are frequently very numerous and are produced by a number of species, though the leaf inhabiting species are rarely abundant enough to cause material injury. The Phylloxera galls usually have a distinct orifice and may be distinguished from similarly appearing Cecidomyiid gails by the minute plant lice within. meamemleal gall (Pemphigus wlmifusus Walsh). The large, solitary, spindle-shaped galls about I inch long, pro- orecampy tais plant louse, occur on the upper surface of the feces s@r red elm. ‘Ihe interior, as in the case of other plant louse galls, is frequently swarming with aphids in various stages of development. This species is somewhat rare in New York State. Vagabond gall (Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh). iiiiewisee: produces a tather common leafy deformation. It is simply a peculiar, folded, convolute mass of foliage some 2 inches in diameter and near the tips of the twigs. Occasionally these galls are quite abundant. Poplar leaf stem gall (Pemphigus populitrans- weemsums Riley). This species is SOmetimes very abundant. The galls are oval, about % inch long, somewhat elongate, with transverse openings, and develop near the middle of the leaf petioles of cottonwood during the latter part of the summer. The poplar is also affected by several allied forms. peauce peall aphid (Chermes abietis Linn.). Phe presence of this insect is easily recognized by the cone-shaped, many celled galls formed at the bases of young spruce shoots. These dry, turn brown and open in August, thus allowing the inclosed plant lice to escape. This insect is widely distributed in New York State and has been responsible in recent years for a number of inquiries accompanied by complaints of injury. This latter is due in large measure to the inability of the affected shoot to continue its growth and, as a consequence, the branches soon become irregular and the tree very unsightly. 84 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Honey and honeydew The superabundance of plant lice was not without its effect upon the apiarist and his products. Honeydew was so abund- ant that the bees gathered it very largely and in some localities produced a considerable quantity of honey which, under a strict interpretation of the Pure Food Law, could hardly be considered as pure honey, since the latter is held to be the modified nectar or natural sweets of the blossom and not a saccharine excretion from some other insect. Furthermore, the product elaborated from honeydew is not considered a desirable winter food for bees, though it can be safely employed in the spring for brood rearing. z Near the posterior extremity of most plant lice there is a pair of conspicuous processes very generally termed honey tubes, and by many supposed to be the organs from which the honey- dew, so prevalent on aphid infested foiuage, is produced. It is well known that drops of liquid may appear upon these organs, which might more properly be termed cornicles rather than honey tubes, since the latter designation is misleading, as is shown by the investigations of Professor Horvath, who states, according to an abstract prepared by Mr Bueno, that when “an ant strokes an aphis with its antennae a clear drop appears always at the end of the abdomen whilst the cornicles excrete nothing. On the other hand, if an aphis be picked up_in the fingers, or if it be touched with a straw, a tiny drop at once appears at one or both cornicles which is always colored.” Honeydew must thus be regarded as a waste product of the body rather than as a highly elaborated secretion. Dr Horvath concludes that the “cornicles of the aphids are the excretory canals of wax-pro- ducing glands differentiated in a special manner and the product of which is a means of defense against the Coccinellidae and the Chrysopidae.” Climate and plant lice It is evident to even the most casual observer, that delicate, nearly helpless insects like plant lice, feeding almost unpro- tected upon the foliage of various trees, must be more or less susceptible to climatic conditions. This is well substantiated by the behavior of various species. The remarkable abundance of these small insects the past year was comparable only with the outbreaks of 1897 and 1903, years distinguished by the super- abundance of these pests. Observation and weather records show a distinct correlation between a low, unseasonable tem- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 85 perature and the multiplication of plant lice. The past summer was remarkably cool and backward, a marked change for the Better occurring June 21. That the earlier cool weather was favorable to the plant lice, was evidenced by the hosts occurring upon the leaves of many trees. The reason is probably found in the fact that the unusually low temperature prevented the nor- mal activity of such natural enemies as ladybeetles, flower flies and minute 4-winged parasites. Prior to the appearance of warm weather numerous lots of plant lice, showing no evidence of having been materially injured by natural enemies of one kind Gi an@titer, were received. Shortly after the rise in temperature a very different condition of affairs obtained. Leaves injured by plant lice continued to be received, but in almost every case a few natural enemies had begun to reduce the numbers of the pests, or especially toward the end of the outbreak, most had been destroyed and the leaves only bore evidence of earlier injury. Recent observations on the spring grain aphis in the Southern and Middle States have shown a similar correlation between temperature and the development of plant lice and their enemies. The obvious lesson to be drawn from the above is that plant lice outbreaks may be expected when the late spring weather is unusually cool and backward, unless it is accompanied by pelt- ing rains which are undoubtedly of considerable service in destroying exposed aphids. The advisability of adopting direct Tepressive measures in specific instances, must depend in large measure upon the probability of warmer weather developing soon enough so that natural enemies may check the aphids before material injury is caused. Ants and aphids There is a somewhat intimate relation existing between ants and aphids. The former appreciate the sweet excretions of the latter and not infrequently protect and even construct shelters for various species of plant lice. The popular characterization of aphids as the milch cows of ants, expresses fairly correctly the relationship which may exist between such divergent forms, though possibly it implies too much interdependence on the part of both. Ants can subsist without the secretions of plant lice; and conversely, protection by ants is not necessary to the existence of aphids. There are well recognized cases where ants 86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM are potent factors in increasing the destructiveness of aphids. One of the best known is the case of the corn root aphid? and the corn field ant.2, This ant colonizes the aphid in cultivated fields, on the roots of weeds and corn, and materially increases its destructiveness. The casual nature or this relationships exhibited by the observations in Louisiana, of Prof. Wilmon Newell on the recently introduced Argentine ant, [ridomyr- mex humilis Mayr. and native plant lice which are colon- ized by this species and, as a consequence, the latter are decidedly more. injurious in sections where the Argentine ant is abundant. Natural enemies The almost helpless plant licé are subject to attaclomeyeee number of insect enemies. The beneficial ladybeetles or lady- bugs, easily recognized, as a rule, by their red color and)con- spicuous black dots, are among the most serviceable of these natural enemies. They, in association with their ugly, black erubs, are frequently found on badly iniested trees, aeeame voraciously and destroying hordes of these pests. The 2-spot- ted ladybeetle? is one of the more common of these forms, though the ocellate or 15-spotted ladybeetle* is frequently found in numbers, especially on shade trees. Another com- mion form is the g-spotted ladybeetle.® The important part played by the delicate, handsome flower or syrphid flies, should not be overlooked. These insects are usually brightly marked with yellowish and brown, generally © with conspicuous, reddish eyes and may frequently be seen hovering in bright sunlight. They deposit their delicately sculptured eggs in colonies of the plant. lice, and the greenish or yellowish, sometimes red marked, varicolored maggots, less than half an inch long, devour hosts of aphids before they at- tain maturity. These active enemies of plant lice are easily distinguished from all other species found in such situations, by the body gradually enlarging from the head backwards. The maggots seize individual plant lice, raise them from the leaf and quickly drain the body of its vital fluids. “Ava ass? savas drier avdie tight) 21 ia) SRS: ee Cate ou ine tania Cadman 2 Acadian ia i bpinp) hte teaatna gollunrenane AT aarbicse..O,.cre lua, tar eale nn ‘Coccinella nmovem nmotateal ose REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST i1g09g 87 There are a number of tiny, 4-winged, parasitic wasps which subsist entirely on plant lice. ‘These beneficial insects deposit imei esses in their victims, one in each, and the maggots de- velop rapidly at the expense of the host. The infested aphids are easily recognized by the greatly swolien, frequently glob- ular and usually brown abdomen. Occasionally a very large proportion of the many plant lice on individual branches, or even entire shrubs or trees, are affected in this manner. Each plant louse perishes, while the maggot within, before com- pleting its transformations, fastens the body of its host to the Plane ihe parasite itself, as it escapes, cuts a characteristic, circular orifice, leaving the central portion or lid attached by a Mattow hinge. It is therefore very easy to estimate the pro- portion: of plant lice destroyed by these parasites. In addition to the above, the voracious larvae of the extremely delicate, lace-winged flies, destroy hosts of aphids. The golden eyed parent insects are usually light green and easily distin- guished by the large wings adorned with numerous minutely spined veins. They deposit their oval, whitish eggs in pic- turesque groups on leaves or twigs, each egg supported by a Mei@emerincadike stem neatly an inch long. The larvae. are rather flattened, 6-legged creatures, usually variably marked with brown and yellow, and remarkable because of the greatly produced jaws. Plant lice and other small insects are seized in these enormous jaws and quickly perish as the body juices are drawn through the hollow cavities of the mandibles. Remedial measures iiitemexpertence of the last few years has demonstrated: the futility of depending upon the ordinary winter or early spring applications of lime-sulfur washes for the destruction of aphid eggs ppomneutr mut trees. Uhere may be some reduction but the percentage killed in this manner is so small as to be practically negligible. Most fruit growers are thoroughly familiar with the curling leaves quickly following plant lice outbreaks, and appreciate the difficulty of destroying the insects after the attack has progressed thus far, owing to the impossibility of hitting the plant lice with any contact insecticide. Experience has demon- strated time and again, the practicability of destroying these minute enemies of our plants, by thorough applications of con- 88 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM tact insecticides, such as tobacco preparations, whale oil soap solutions, kerosene emulsions or even dilute preparations of some of the commercial petroleum compounds now on the market under various trade names. Tobacco preparations of various kinds have long been used for the destruction of plant lice, though some experience is necessary to secure the proper dilution, owing to the variabil- ity of waste tobacco products from which decoctions are usu- ally prepared. There are now on the market a number of ready-made tobacco extracts. A most promising one is known as black leaf extract. It has given very good results in an experimental way, even when diluted with 60 parts of water. The experience of the last season or two has also demon- strated the feasibility of employing a dilute lime-sulfur wash. Several practical orchardists have used the better grades of commercial lime-sulfur washes, diluted with 40 parts of water and adding thereto two pounds of lead arsenate to each 50 gallons, making the application at the proper time for con- trolling codling moth. It has been found effective, so far as the last named pest is concerned, extremely serviceable in de- stroying plant lice and of great value as a fungicide. It is possible that this combination or some modification may ulti- mately take the place of the poisoned bordeaux mixture and solve for all time the problem of controlling plant lice out- breaks, since one thorough spraying with a contact insecticide just aiter the blossoms fall, would probably obviate the neces- sity of any further treatment for plant lice, particularly if this Was an annual practice. The insecticide to be employed must depend somewhat upon conditions. There is no doubt but that a thorough application of a whale oil soap solution, used at the rate of one pound to six or seven gallons of water, is very effective: Hvenea strong suds of ivory’ soap, approximately a five cent cake to eight gallons of water, is extremely serviceable and may be . employed upon a large variety of plants without injury. The standard kerosene emulsion, diluted with 9 to 15 or more parts of water, is equally valuable. Ready-made oil emulsions, re- quiring dilution only before application, are on the market and are much more convenient for the small fruit grower. — The essential in all these cases, so far as plant lice are con- cerned, is to make the application before the foliage has be- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ 89 come badly curled. The need of special treatment for aphis outbreaks must, of necessity, depend upon several factors, namely, favorable weather conditions and the relative abund- aWecroOr Oatutal enemies. It has been shown above that ab- normally cool weather in the spring and early summer its likely rope tollowed by aphid outbreaks, owing to the fact that plant lice reproduce readily under such conditions, while the activities of their natural enemies are seriously hindered. Con- sequently, an incipient attack by plant lice, accompanied by a scarcity of natural enemies and the probability of continued cool weather, should serve as a warning to the fruit grower and result in immediate spraying. INYO S IR OMG MMe ay Gl dysy ce The following are brief notices of some of the more injurious species which have come to attention from time to time through- out the season. Fruit tree pests Fruit tree bark beetle (Eccoptogaster rugulosus Powe Nits insect is mofe or less prevalent from year to year and is best. known on account of its injuries to plum and peaeue Nite past season the writer found a large apple tree in the orchard of William Page of Bethany, N. Y. which had evidently been killed by this insect. It may possibly have been in an unhealthy condition prior to the attack though the numerous galleries of the borers on practically all of the smaller limbs give unquestioned evidence that this species was the itis cause Of the trouble. The operations of this pest were also observed in a young pear orchard at North Rose, one small tree having been killed in early August this season and others exhibiting more or less evidence of serious injury. Canker worms. ‘These voracious leaf feeders have been al- lowed to continue their devastations in the southeastern portion of New York State in particular. Hundreds of apple trees in Port Chester and northward were practically stripped of leaves the past season and from the appearance of the trees one might infer that this condition had prevailed for a number of years past. These common pests, easily controlled by timely appli- cations of an arsenical poison or by the employment of sticky bands, have been noticed innumerable times. A summary dis- cussion of these msects and methods of controlling them is gO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM given in. the writer's report for 1908 [N: Yo State) Wineaiinae 134, p: 45-471 Tarnished plant bug (Lygus pratensis (inn )jaieee most every year we receive inquiries as to the causeyotede- formed apples. “Ihese can not be answered Satistactomiy sim all cases, though recent investigations indicate that in the above named species we have one of the offenders im this Grecpear The tarnished plant bug is a small, yellowish and black, angu- lar insect about 4 of an inch long. It occurs on a considerable variety of plants. The investigations of Dr Taylor in Mis- sourt have shown that this familiar species may deposit eggs under the skin of young apples. The injured portion heals with the formation of corky tissue and fails to grow. ‘Thus, as the apple develops, an unsightly, craterlike depression is produced, materially affecting the value of the fruit. There is no prac- tical method of controlling this pest, aside from keeping the orchard and its surroundings as free from brush, coarse weeds and other shelter as possible. Rose leaf hopper (lL yphlocyba rosae Harn jr aime species was found October 2, 1909 in considerable numbers on the young apple trees of Mr George IT. Powell, Ghent, NOY ae foliage was badly specked by this insect, in some instances the damage almost approximating the injury inflicted by the grape leaf hopper, Typhlocyba comes Say in the Chautauqua region. There was every indication that the insects had bred in considerable numbers upon the apple, particularly toward the latter part of the - season, since cast skins were rather numerous on the foliage. Rose bushes were certainly not abundant in the vicinity. This attack though unusual, is not unprecedented, since the late C. V. Riley recorded this species as abundant on apple foliage at Burlington, Vt., mm. 1892, while: Prot, G: C. Davis, according to Proneemn Gillette took specimens at the Michigan Agricultural College on the foliage of apple, plum, tame cherry, currant and grape. This species, should it become abundant, can be easily controlled by the application of a contact insecticide before the leaf hoppers attain maturity and are therefore able to fly. | san Jose scale (Aspidiotus perniciosus Comsiye This pest, while not attracting such widespread notice as in earlier years, has continued to multiply and is slowly becoming established in sections previously uninfested. A large number of fruit trees in the Hudson valley have been seriously injured or destroyed by REPORT OM Tit SrPAlh, ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 OI tHis) scale imsect in recent years. ‘These injuries or losses have almost invariably followed neglect, intentional or otherwise. The experience of another season has but served to confirm the findings of earlier years and emphasize the importance of a lime-sulfur wash in checking this pest. Some practical fruit growers have been able to obtain such excellent results that their neighbors have raised the question as to whether the pest was really present. Such grati- fying results have not only been obtained with the ordinary home- made lime-sulfur wash, but also with some of the commercial prep- arations for sale in this State. The latter appeal very strongly to some fruit growers, since they oniy require dilution prior to appli- cation. The Cordley lime-sulfur wash, a formula which calls for approximately twice as much sulfur as lime, has been used in sev- eral places with great satisfaction, particularly as it can be made up in large quantities and held indefinitely without danger of the sulfides crystallizing. ‘A dilution of the commercial lime-sulfur wash is also being used as a summer spray with excellent results though we would remind growers that sufficient time has not elapsed, since this method of application has been used, to permit of exhaustive tests. An investigation of the orchard belonging to Mr W. H. Hart at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. shows that he had been able to-control the San José scale in a most gratifying manner. Trees which five or six years ago were so seriously affected that perhaps a quarter of the tops had died and the indications were that the trees might be killed within a few years, are now in a most vigorous condition and well laden with fruit. This has been brought about largely by spraying with a lime-sulfur wash, the application being made en- tirely from the ground, since the uneven surface precludes the suc- cessful employment of towers. The badly affected trees noted ‘above had the tops cut out some three or four years ago, in some instances limbs 3 inches in diameter being removed [pl. 20, 21]. There was some suckering following this operation, yet there has been a vigorous growth and a bounteous production of fruit. Care- ful observation is necessary to recognize the trees which have been treated in this way. Mr Hart experiences no difficulty in controlling the San José scale with a lime-sulfur wash, provided conditions allow two applications each spring with the wind in opposite direc- tions. He finds a stiff breeze necessary to carry the soray through- One tie entire tree.) Much of the trait im Mr Hlarts orchard is practically free from San José scale, aside from occasional branches Q2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM which were inadvertently missed during the spraying operations. Last spring Mr Hart employed the Cordley lime-sulfur wash and proposes to boil, the coming November, sufficient material for the spring application of 1910. | West Indian peach scale (Aulacaspis pentageua Targ:). A small branch of ._Prunus pseudo -cen as tener received from New Rochelle through nursery inspector T. F. Niles accompanied by the statement that this scale insect had been ob- served by him for some years in the vicinity of New York city. The specimens examined came from a tree which had been set at least three and probably five years ago, presumably being imported from Japan. The portion of the limb submitted for examination was very badly infested, showing that the insect had apparently thrived in this climate though it was supposedly not hardy north of Washmeton, 19,C. = Oyster scale (Lepidosaphes: ulmi (Linn@eaaiiae species, easily recognized by its brown, oyster shell shaped scale, some ¥@ of an inch long, continues to be abundant here and there, occasioning complaint on the part of the fruit grower and frequently causing serious injury to young trees. As has been previously noted, it displays a marked prolificacy on poplar. This pest may best be controlled by thorough spraying with a contact insecticide at the time the minute, yellowish young are crawling in numbers, namely, the latter part of May or early in June. Winter applications of a iime-sulfur wash have given good results in the hands of some and are worthy of further trial. The later the application can be made without injury to the tree, the better the prospects of satisfactory results following. This wash seems to prevent the establishment of the young rather than destroy the eggs. Blister mite (Eriophyes pyri Nal).) Vhts ama enemy of the fruit grower 1s becoming increasingly abundant in the Hudson valley, bad infestations having been reported to the writer from several Columbia county localities and also from Washing- tonville. The general characteristics of the work of this pest and methods of controlling it have been given by the writer in his pre- ceding report [N. Y.:State Mus: Bul, 124, p. 431). Small fruit insects ? Grape blossom midge (Contarinia johnsoni Sling.). We were extremely fortunate in rearing this tiny midge last spring from material collected the: preceding June: The parent imsecr as REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 93 a small, delicate, pale yellowish fly only about 1/25 of an inch long. The male can be recognized by the long, knobbed, hairy feelers or antennae one half longer than the body. The female is about 1/16 of an inch long and may be distinguished by the shorter, less densely haired feelers or antennae. The slender ovipositor, as long as the body in this sex, is well adapted to placing the tiny eggs within the developing floral tissues. Field observations June 15-17 showed that this midge was fully as abundant in the Chautauqua Tegion as in 1908. The work of these insects in the vineyard of Mr H. L. Cumming of Fredonia resulted in the destruction of a considerable proportion of his Early Moore grapes, possibly over 75%. his midge not only causes serious loss by blasting numerous grapes in the bud, but inflicts damage by destroying a few grapes in many clusters, thus materially affecting the appearance of the bunches and lowering their commercial value. The youngest larvae found June 15 were probably but two or three days old, while many were fully half grown and would presumably desert the blossom buds within four days to a week. No midges were seen flying in the vineyard either in the afternoon or early evening. A close ex- amination of cobwebs and windows in the near vicinity of the badly infested Early Moore vines resulted in finding no midges. Similar conditions obtained near somewhat badly infested Concord vines in the vineyard of D. K. Falvay at Westfield. The midges are ap- parently not attracted to any extent by light and probably remain near their food plants, as is the case with the violet midge, Con - Borwoda yiolicola Coq. It is probable that the grape blos- som midges fly in normal seasons about the first of June. An ex- tended account accompanied by detailed descriptions of the larvae and both sexes is given in the writer’s report for 1908 [N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 134, p. 15-19]. (ree crickets (Oecanthus sp.). These insects, though predaceous and therefore beneficial, have the unfortunate habit of depositing their eggs, which remain unhatched till the following spring, in woody tissues. ‘A very large proportion of the raspberry canes in a patch near Albany were seriously injured last winter by this insect. Recent investigations conducted at the Agricultural Stations located at Geneva and Ithaca have shown that the snowy Pecerericker, Oceamirmms | nmavews ~WeG. is: not, asi has formerly been supposed, the chief offender in this respect. The snowy tree cricket usually deposits its eggs singly or in pairs in apple twigs. The studies of Professor Parrott show that this in- Q4. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM jury is very likely to be followed by blight infection. The species thus far known to be responsible for the long series of egg punctures in raspberry, blackberry and other soft stemmed plants are the black horned tree cricket, Oecanthus nigricornis Walk. and the 4-spotted tree cricket, Oecanthus quadripuncta- tus Beutm. This injury is very likely to be followed by the cane splitting or even breaking during the winter and, in some instances, as many as three fourths of the canes in a large patch may be seriously injured. The tree crickets are most abundant among coarse weeds and shrubby growths, consequently, the adoption of clean cultural methods, so far as possible, will be of considerable service in reducing their numbers and preventing subsequent damage. Miscellaneous . Say’s blister beetle (Pomphopoea sayi Lec.). ‘This large, usually rare blister beetle is nearly an inch long and 1s easily distinguished from allied forms by its rather stout, olive-green body and the shining black, orange banded legs. This species was quite abundant the latter part of June and early in July at Quaker Street, Schenectady co. and in the vicinity of Voorheesville, Albany co. In the first named locality it was said to be swarming upon roses and other plants, devouring much foliage and causing con- siderable injury, while at Voorheesville it destroyed many of the blossoms on locust trees and fears were entertained of serious in- jury to crops. It is interesting to note that our records show that this species was abundant in the same vicinity in 1900. This blister beetle usually disappears before material damage has been inflicted. Army werm (Eleliophila unipuncta Maw jee widely known insect was very abundant on Long Island caus- ing serious injury to wheat fields at Oakdale, while similar devastations were reported from Greenlawn, the Hamptons and Orient. This pest was abundant in limited localities at least, in southeastern Westchester county, as was evidenced by the writer finding July 2, numerous caterpillars on the estate of W. W. Cook at Port Chester. A nearby ‘outbreak was also reported. This species attracts notice only when the hordes of caterpillars devour all of the foliage in the immediate vicin- ity and then begin to march as though by a common impulse in search of provender. A relatively insignificant factor may result in army worm depredations being observed. A few years ago the writer’s attention was called to a strip of grass REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST Ig09 95 land where hordes of the pest appeared, though none were ob- served on either side. The only difference that was known’to exist between iniested and uninfested territory was that the infested territory had a little earlier in the season suffered rather severely from a hailstorm. It is probable that the hail destroyed enough of the grass so that the caterpillars were compelled to seek food elsewhere, though under normal. con- ditions they would not have attracted notice. An army worm outbreak requires prompt treatment. Grass or grain in badly infested fields, if of any value, should be cut and removed at once and the migration or marching of the hunery caterpillars prevented by digging shght ditches or.turn- ing furrows toward the advancing horde. The ditches and fur- tows can be made more effective by digging small holes at imtemeas Of 15 ot 20 feet in which the caterpillars turning to eumeresiae, fall) Whey can then be readily destroyed by bury- ing. Bands of tar are serviceable in checking the advance of i7cee@ests and may be made more effective by putting the tar upon boards and setting the latter on edge. Conditions occa- sionally warrant the poisoning of a strip in front of the march- ing caterpillars, in order to destroy them and prevent further tiie eatis eteen, london purple or even white arsenic is preferable for this purpose to the slower acting arsenate of lead. Masses of caterpillars can be killed by liberal spraying with a kerosene emulsion or a strong soap solution. Not in- frequently these outbreaks are accompanied by the presence of numerous natural enemies such as Tachina flies which are similar to and larger than the ordinary house fly. These bene- ficial parasites deposit oval, rather conspicuous white eggs on the caterpillars, usually just a little behind the head. An abundance of these flies or other natural enemies such as the ferocious ground beetles may render it unnecessary to take ac- tive measures for the destruction of the caterpillars, because under such conditions there is comparatively little danger of aiy iudimber attaiming maturity. On the other hand, indis- criminate destruction of the parasitized caterpillars may result in the annihilation of numerous beneficial insects. Luminous larvae (Phengodes plumosa Oliv.). The common lightning bug or more properly lightning beetle, Photuris pennsylvanica DeG. is well known, though its luminous larvae, occasionally observed in decaying wood, 96 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM are rarely seen. The past season our attention was called to two pale yellowish, rather slender, curled larvae about an inch and a quarter long and resembling in a general way, the more familiar larvae of the snapping beeties, though easily distin- guished therefrom by their luminosity. These larvae, kindly identified by Mr H. G. Barber through the courtesy of Dr Howard, proved to be half grown individuals of the northern form of Phengodes plumosa Oliv. They were taken by Mr Joseph E. Brown in Fairfield co., Connecticut. This species undoubtedly occurs in New York State. Similar lumin- ous larvae were found in some numbers about Newton Centre, Mass. in June 1873 and have subsequently been observed from time to time and for the most part were supposed to belong to the genus Melanactes or Asaphes. The full grown larva is about an inch and half long and may be at once recognized in the dark at least, by the bright light shining from the spiracles and visible through the mem- branes connecting the different segments of the body. A larger species, Phengodes (laticollis lec)» has a; tame inches long which, according to Prof. G. F. Atkinson, pro- duces a brilliant, bluish white light visible both through the spiracles and the membranes connecting the body segments. The male of this form is comparatively insignificant, being only about 34 of an inch in length. An interesting fact in connec- tion with these insects is that this grublike, luminous form re- mains in this condition when mature, being simply a wingless, larviform female. These peculiar insects occur in the ground and have been observed about the roots of grasses and under hedges. They come from their retreats at night), ai @wirem time they are anost likely, tobe (seen: A museum pest (Anthrenus .verbasc1) Linn) eae is well known that this small beetle, easily distinguished from the larger, more brightly colored, red, white and black carpet beetle. Anthrenus scrophulariae Linn. by its dull yellowish and gray, irregular markings, feeds upon a consid- erable variety of dry animal and vegetable substances. Two ears of corn infested by this insect were received April 4, 1902 and placed in a two-quart Mason jar and kept tightly closed. There was no moisture aside from that in the somewhat dried corn. Breeding has continued uninterruptedly to June IgiIo, a period of over eight years. At the end of this time the bottom of REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I90Q Q7 the jar was nearly covered with fine, white, globose particles, ap- parently starch grains falling from the eaten kernels of corn, and emiiiekmass ot the brown larval skins and other debris. ‘This record is interesting since it shows how long an insect is capable of subsisting under such adverse conditions. Shade tree pests Elm leaf beetle (Galerucella luteola Mull.). This morertons shade tree pest continues to attract notice on ac- count of the serious injuries inflicted upon elm trees, especially the European species. A noteworthy feature has been, judging from the reports and specimens, the unusual abundance of this insect on Long Island. Reports accompanied by specimens showing serious injury were received from Northport, St James, Oakdale and Greenport. The pest was injurious in the Hudson valley and would have caused extensive defoliation in Eiibamy and) roy ii it had not been for the systematic spray-- imene@n mios: Oi the trees. ‘This insect continues to be a pest in Samosa optings and at Sandy Hill a number of trees have been partially defoliated as a result of its work. Complaints of injury were also received from Schenectady. Specimens of this beetle were received from Amsterdam, a new though by no means unexpected locality. This pest will probably continue to spread through the Hudson valley and become a rather serious pest in many cities and villages in western New York. It is already ranked as one of the most dangerous shade tree pests in Ithaca on account of the ravages of the past few years. Experience has repeatedly demonstrated the possibility of keeping the foliage, even of European elms practically intact throughout the season by thorough and timely spraying with an atrsenical poison. . There is frequently difficulty in getting HicumoOn< executed in a proper manner. Altogether too often, possibly through a mistaken notion of economy, the beginning of operations is so greatly delayed in the spring that it is im- possible to spray the trees satisfactorily within the time dur- ing which such .work can be done to advantage. The most ef- fectual spraying for elm leaf beetle must be done between the mmidle,ot May and the 25th of June. It is, practically usé- less to apply poison after the grubs commence to forsake the trees, unless the foliage has been so thoroughly skeletonized that the majority of the leaves will drop and a new crop ap- 98 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM pear. Spraying for the protection of these latter is always justified by results and late applications may also be service- able in protecting foliage which had escaped injury earlier in the season. Altogether too few realize the very limited time during which work against this species can be prosecuted to advantage and only occasionally do we run across a party who appreciates what can be accomplished by thorough and timely work. Bronze birch borer (A grilus anxius Gory)” Dimegper nicious enemy of birch trees has continued its ravages here and there throughout the State. It is particularly common in Roch- ester, Buffalo and vicinity, where numerous trees have been destroyed and others are being killed. It is worse than useless to leave an aifected tree standing, since the borers in the bark appear another spring and continue their destructive opera- tions. There is nothing better than to cut and burn, during the winter or early spring, all birch trees or portions of trees show- ing the characteristic dying of the top, produced by the opera- tions of this flat-headed borer. sugar maple borer (Plagionotus speciosmsmeapee Retiring though this insect may be in its habits, it is neverthe- less one of the important enemies of our sugar maples. In- vestigations last summer resulted in finding several magnifi- cent trees at Fulton, N. Y. which “had been seriously aimed: if not practically destroyed by this pest. At the time Oyen visit July 13, the black, brilliantly golden marked, stout beetles were extraordinarily numerous upon several trees, as is evi- denced by our capturing 10 or 12 within 30 minutes. Never before have we found the insects so abundant in a locality. The beetles deposit their eggs in midsummer in slitlike gashes here and there in the bark, particularly at the base of the larger limbs, the sap flowing from the wounds usually producing an oval, discolored area, which is frequently made more con- spicuous by a few particles of borings hanging from a slender thread; The young grubs may be»found near the (potmngen entrance during the fall and early spring. The second year the grub has increased materially in size and when full-grown may make a transverse or oblique gallery just under the bark and continue sometimes half way around a tree 18 inches in diameter. This practically girdles the maple and 1s almose invariably followed by the bark slowly dying on the affected REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 99 side, until eventually half of the tree may succumb to the in- fiu~e itis pest, besides breeding in the trunk as described, also injures the branches, not infrequently causing the death of one or two limbs or possibly of all those on one side of the Lee. . Affected trees should first have all the dead wood removed so far as possible, taking care to protect the cut surfaces with applications of tar or any good roofing paint. Next, carefully examine the trees for signs of borers, digging out the pests if possible, since the pernicious grubs if left to themselves, are likely to cause much more injury than would result from the judicious use of the knife. Wounds of this character should Mememeiliy protected with tar. or paint. Each fall the trees should be closely examined for irregular, discolored patches about the size of a nickel, caused by the sap oozing from the slitlike oviposition scars. It 1s comparatively easy to dig out the young grubs. Their early destruction is much more pref- erable to extended excavations in search of the nearly full-grown borer. European elm case bearer (Coleophora limosipen- nella Dup.). The peculiar, somewhat flattened cases of this species were first brought to the writer’s attention in Igor. It is a European form which evidently became established in this country at about that period and is now generally dis- moored i the vicinity of New York city. Complaints of in- jury, accompanied, by infested leaves, were received from Oak- aie NY: Ihe, writer observed it at Oyster Bay in 1906, at which time its operations approached in seriousness those of the much better known elm leaf beetle. The general injury by these two forms is somewhat similar, though easily dis- tinguished. The areas mined by the case bearers are distinctly rectangular and bounded on either side, as a rule, by a parallel vein and extending rather evenly for some distance from the central feeding hole, the latter easily seen when looking up- ward toward a bright sky. The eroded, semitransparent, skel- etonized areas produced by elm leaf beetle larvae are at once distinguished by their greater irregularity, the lack of the cen- tral feeding orifice and the fact that there is no mining of the foliage. This more recently introduced pest should be watched closely and can be controlled by early and thorough spraying with an arsenical poison, making the application at the time the leaves begin to appear. 100 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM False cottony maple scale (Phenacoccus acericola King). This insect has been abundant and injurious in the vicinity of New York city in recent years. The city of Mount Vernon appears to have been one of the chief sufferers, judging from specimens and communications received from that local- ity. This pest is easily distinguished from the older and better known cottony maple scale* by the fact that it occurs in con- spicuous felted masses upon the trunks of infested trees and also has large, cottony aggregations on the foliage, two situa- tions where the cottony maple scale is never found with its conspicuous white covering. The last named insect, though its inconspicuous naked young occur upon the foliage, is rarely observed except on the underside of the limbs after the females have developed their characteristic, cottony masses protruding from under a conspicuous brown scale. This species can be controlled by thorough applications, in winter or early spring, with a contact insecticide, using one pound of whale oil soap to a gallon of water. The kerosene emulsion, the Stamcane formula diluted with four parts of water, has been found very effective in controlling the cottony maple scale and would doubtless prove equally efficient in the case of its associate. Sev- eral oil preparations now on the market under various trade names have also been used successfully. Forest insects Snow-white linden moth (Ennomos subsignarius Hubn.). This destructive span worm first came to notice in recent years during the summer of 1907 because of extensive defoliations in the Catskills. The ravages of that season were more extended the following summer and then included areas in the Adirondacks as well as in the Catskills. The extended outbreak of 1908 was also accompanied by noteworthy flights of the snow-white millers in many cities and villages of the Hudson valley. The past season has again witnessed exten- sive injury in the Catskills, this pest causing a large amount of damage to forests in the vicinity of Cooks Falls, Delaware co. and being particularly injurious in the township of Denning, Uister co. Mr Alexander Tison, writing of conditions under date of June 24, states that in 1908 the measuring worm de- *Pulwrn athe vibes weimn REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ IOI nuded great tracts of timber on the mountain side and reports that while the worms are still very young there is every indi- emionpwiiay they will be more numerous than they were last year. Jhe prediction appears to have been abundantly verified by subsequent experience. Mr Walter Hannah of Poughkeepsie states that on July 4 he ascended Slide mountain and on the next day crossed Mount Cornell and the Wittenberg. All the way up from Winnesook lake the trees and undergrowth were literally covered with caterpillars which were eating leaves and strewing the ground with irregular shaped pieces. The pests mete Particularly bad on the maples and birches. Mrs Olive Wade of Brooklyn also records extensive injuries in the town- ship of Denning. Mr Walter W. Lewis of Dahlia, Sullivan co. reported under date of July 26 that these caterpillars had de- foliated hundreds of trees on his farm and in the adjoining neighberhood. The remarkable flights of moths recorded in 1908 were re- Pedted in 19090. Swarms of the moths or millers about the street lights in New York city this season were recorded by the Daily Press of July 26 and a similar flight though not so ex- tensive was observed in Albany the night of July 29. The re- markable urban visitations of 1908 were not followed, as was anticipated, by unusual injury to shade trees and the same would undoubtedly be true of the outbreak the past season. The English sparrow, as recorded previously, displayed most commend- able activity in following up and destroying the moths and was probably an important factor in preventing injuries to shade trees. We would reiterate that the recent extended outbreaks by this leaf feeder and other enemies destructive to forest trees must, in our judgment, be attributed in large measure to the Reldmmce pacity ot bird lite. Some years ago Dr William T. Hornaday of the New York Zoological Society calculated that there had been a decrease of about 48% in the number of our Maiive birds. This estimate, taken in connection with the enormous number of insects devoured by birds, is exceedingly significant. For example, a pair of tanagers has been ob- served to eat 35 newly hatched caterpillars in a minute and to continue this for 18 minutes, making a total in this short time of 630 caterpillars destroyed. Two Maryland yellowthroats, iis estimated, devoured 7ooo plant lice within an hour. “A Heatly edged young crow, it 1s stated, requires at least ro 102 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ounces of food daily, while an adult needs 8 ounces. Birds, on account of their great mobility, are admirably fitted to con- centrate their attacks upon outbreaks of leaf-feeding cater- pillars. Repeated observations by competent naturalists have shown that this frequently occurs in nature. The reckless and criminal slaughter of these beneficial forms in recent years is beginning to have its effect upon animal and vegetable life and we are just commencing to harvest the results. The in- discriminate destruction of bird life should be checked at once by prohibiting promiscuous shooting, by suppressing egg de- struction or egg collection by boys, by doing away with cats so far as possible and by keeping hawks, crows and jays within bound. Some attention should also be given to rendering local conditions more attractive to birds. The adoption of such measures, we believe, would have a most important influence in checking the above mentioned and similar outbreaks. This would not mean large expenditures and, if generally supported, would do much toward repopulating the country with its nor- mal quota of birds and thus in large measure restoring the balance of nature. Owing to the extensive areas infested and the com- paratively low price of wood and its products, we can hardly hope for the adoption of other methods for some years to come. More extended discussions of this insect have been given by the writer in the 23d‘ and 24th? reports. ; Spruce bud moth (Tortrix fumiiérana, Clem) past season was noteworthy because of an unusual flight in late July, of the small, brown moths belonging to this species. These insects were sufficiently abundant to attract local notice in Albany, Utica, Rome, Auburn, Syracuse, Geneva, Batavia, Binghamton, Ithaca, Olean, Boonville and doubtless many other localities. This insect is well known as a serious enemy of spruce. It was considered by Dr Packard as one of the most destructive enemies of this valuable tree in certain portions of Maine. The unusual abundance of this insect over such a large territory is undoubtedly due to favorable climatic or other conditions and may possibly be followed by a serious injury another season. It may be that this genera! record is to be explained by the earlier flight of the snow-white linden moth drawing attention to other insects and resulting in many ob- servations of phenomena which otherwise might have passed un- recorded. * N.Y. State: Mus. Bull *t2a"1908! pe23—28:. +N, oYacState (Mus. (Bulle a34tr "1900. ip. s leo REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ 103 Emckotry bark borer (Eccoptogaster quadrispi- nosus Say). An examination of the hickories in Prospect park, Brooklyn, in company with arboriculturist J. J. Levison, showed that a large number of the magnificent hickories in that extensive park were so seriously affected by this pernicious borer that it will be necessary to cut out many trees in order to save the remainder. This bark borer must be ranked as one of the most dangerous enemies of the hickory, since it has destroyed, in recent years, thousands of trees in central New York and is still continuing its nefarious work. The great trouble with outbreaks of this char- acter is that many of the trees are practically killed before trouble is suspected. For example, an examination in September of many supposedly fine trees in Prospect park revealed the fact that num- erous borers had entered the trees and that millions of grubs had nearly completed the girdling by running tortuous channels in the inner bark and sapwood. Aside from a few brown leaves here and there at the tips of branches killed by beetles feeding in the petioles and a few extremely inconspicuous fine borings scattered in the crevices of the bark, there was practically nothing externally to indicate the condition of affairs. This dark brown or black, rather stout, cylindrical beetle about % of an inch long invariably starts its gallery under a protecting scale of bark and owing to the regularity of the cracks in hickory, these hidden points of entry are usually in series one above another. To make matters even worse the obscure initial attack is very likely to occur about the middle or the upper portion of the trunk where observation is extremely dif- Hetlia ie beetles begin their galleries the latter part of June or throughout July. At the time of our investigation many of the grubs were more than half grown, while a few had nearly attained full size. | There is only one thing to do in the case of a serious infestation such as that detailed above. All badly infested trees or portions of trees should be cut and the bark at least burned before the fol- lowing April in order to prevent grubs now in the bark from ma- turing and changing to beetles which another season might continue the destructive work in previously uninfested trees. Thorough spraying of specially valuable trees the latter part of May or early in June with arsenate of lead used at the rate of 6 to 8 pounds to 50 gallons of water should be of considerable service in killing the beetles when they gnaw their way into the twigs and leaf stalks. It is possible that uninfested trees in a section where this pest is IO4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM known to be abundant could be protected to a large extent by liberal applications, the last of May, to the bark of the trunk and larger branches, of tree tanglefoot. The discovery in July orveamy August, of an attack on a previously uninfested tree is not necessarily hopeless, since it should be possible though some- what expensive, by careful examination to locate most of the points of entrance and kill the beetles or recently deposited eggs (depend- ent upon the promptness with which operations are begun) by in- jecting carbon bisulfid or kerosene. This is simply an emergency treatment which might be tried to advantage in case of very highly prized trees. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE ENTOMOLG@GHe The following is a list of the principal publications of the ento- mologist during the year 1909. 70 are given with title,t time of publication and a summary of the contents of each. Volume and page numbers are separated by a colon, the first superior figure gives the column and the second the exact place in the column in ninths: e. g. 73:10057 means volume 73, page 1005, column 2 in the sixth ninth, 1. e. about two thirds of the way down. Varieties of the Tussock Moth. Country Gentleman, Oct. 22, 1908, 7 a OOse Brief descriptive notices of the white marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma Sm. & Abb. the hickory tussock moth, Halisidota caryae Harr., the well marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa definita Pack. and the old) tusseckomemeaum Noto lop lis sa nt rqata = Linn: Prolificacy of Plant Lice. Commercial West (Minneapolis, Minn.), Jan. 30, 1909, 15:59 Original estimates of the possible prolificacy of the hop plant louse, Pholrod om hurt menla Schrank: Greenhouse Scale. Country Gentleman, Feb. 4, 1909, 64:104* Remedial measures are given for Lecanium hesperidum Linn. * Titles are given as published and in some instances they have been changed or supplied by the editors of the various papers. BAPOKD OF THE STATE ZNTOMOLOGIST. 1909 I05 Recent Importations of Brown Tail Moth in French Apple Seed- lings. National Nurseryman, Feb. 1909, 17 :46—47 General account of Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn. with special reference to measures for preventing its obtaining a foothold in New York State. Gall Midges of the Goldenrod. Ottawa Naturalist, Feb. 1909, 22: 244-49 Brief observations on the Cecidomyiid fauna of Solidago with a descriptive list of the galls and their inhabitants, some 35 species being noticed. The Economic Status of the House-Fly. Economic Entomology Journal, Feb. 1909, 2:39-44 The evidence warrants our considering the house fly, Musca domess tica Linn., as an important agent in the dissemination of typhoid fever, certain other grave intestinal disorders, tuberculosis and other serious dis- cases, especially in warmer climates. momieeian. Moth Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn. Economic Entomology Journal, Feb. 15, 1909, 2:80 Records the introduction into New York and other states of many winter nests of this insect with recent importations of French seedlings. The resistance of the caterpillars to fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas is noted. iWyerer ocale. Country Gentleman, Feb. 18, 1900, 74:153° Brief economic account of Lepidosaphes ulmi Linn. Destroying the Clover Mite. Garden Magazine, March 1go9, 9:124 Brief discussion of habits and measures for controlling Bryobia Peate isis Garm. Arsenate of Lead. Country Gentleman, March 11, 1909,.74:2357° Recommendations. as to the amount of poison which should be used. Monarch and Mimic. N. Y. State Educ. Dep’t, Arbor Day Annual, IgO0Q, p. 20-22 A popular account of the Monarch, Anosia plexippus Linn, and Mieeviceroy, Basilarchia archippus Cram. Greenhouse Scale. Country Gentleman, April 1, 1909, 74:320%” A general descriptive account of Orthezia insignis Sig., with a discussion of control measures. Io6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The Interpretation of Nature. Entomological Society of Ontario, 39th Rep't, 1909, p. 23-30 | A popular lecture giving particular attention to various bark and wood borers, the elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. the snow- white linden moth, Ennomos subsignarius Hubn., the sugar maple borer, Plagionotus speciosus Say, the gipsy moth, Per tite. tria dispar Linn., the brown tail moth, Euproct 1s eieygcen rhoea Linn., the coding moth,Carpocapsa pomone!l la maaan, the cigat case bearer, Coleophora filetcherella Ferm.; the blister mite, Eriophyes pyri Nal., several scale insects and the house fly, Musca donlestica,) Linn. The Economic Importance and Food Habits of American Gall Midges. Entomological Society of Ontario, 39th Rep’t, 1909, Pp. 43-46 A summary account of the destructiveness and food habits of many species. Pests of Chestnut Trees. Country Gentleman, April 8, 1900; 74: 344°° | Brief economic accounts of the two lined chestnut borer, Agrilus bi- lineatus Weber, and of the chestnut timber worm, Lymexylon sericeum Harr. Spraying. Country Gentleman, April 8, 1909, 74:346° Brief discussion of the action of the lime-sulfur wash and of methods of spraying for codling moth. Controlling Codling Moth. Country Gentleman, April 8, 1909, 74348 A summary statement of results obtained in Washington by modify- ing the method of spraying for Carpocapsa pomonella Linn. What Ails Your Plants? Garden Magazine, May 1909, 9:221-25 A comprehensive spray calendar with formulas for the principal in- secticides and fungicides. Anthrenus verbasci Linn. Economic Entomology Journal, April 1909, 2-193 Record of continuous breeding in a closed jar containing dry corn for a period of seven years. Spraying for the Codling Moth. N. Y. State Fruit Growers Ass’n Proc. 8th Meeting, 1909, p. 113-21 | Summary of Professor Melander’s discussion of western results in con- trollne Car pocapssa) pomomel haa Li, REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1909 107 For Codling Moth. Country Gentleman, April 22, 1909, 74:403%° Spray within a week or io days after the blossoms fall for Carp- eamsa pomonella Linn. Sptayeumps. Country Gentleman, April 22, 1909, 74 :4037° The relative value of pressure, vermorel and bordeaux sprays is briefly discussed. Coe Spray Poisoning. Country Gentleman, April 22, 1909, 74:403*° Judicious spraying involves no danger to stock fed or feeding on the grass under the trees, though it is advised to wait 48 hours after the application. Suag@e Wree Pests. Troy Press, May 5, 1909 General directions for the control of the elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull., and the white marked tussock moth,H emerocampa Pemeouuiema sm. & Abb. Control of Household Insects. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 129, p. 1-48, fig. 34 (Issued May 7, 1909) Contents PAGE PAGE TRO GMGHIOM. 50.0... ee ee ee 5 Clothes sniO this hess Mei ae au ee 23 MBiscaserGQCTichS.. 6... .cee cece 7 Gagperupceule sete eis wesiaae lus 25 iivolioid or house fly......... 7 Silver fish, bristle tail or fish ESE ECC 255 ee II FAM @ ila) meade aes Wee adeno a 28 MiMleaial mosquito.........:.. 12 Doalelouse hk eeu eras uae 28 Yellow fever mosquito....... 15 NSIS ero am cacelh so. atecee' ele 20 PMO E TOGO... 5.65... kee ae 15 Gisele termes sais Su anes 30 (WE 021° 1 oo TE WOM TESS mein ted earl Se lrscoce kates 30 Mwasos and hornets... .4...<. 16 AROSE MATE See Ae wtp) ee aia se adres 30 House or rain barrel mos- COckrOaChes yy. he eb ycde etal 22 RUPE el eal cies ele S's smsane 16 Warde meneetles yun coals cist ace cke 35 Sale marsh mosqwuto........ 5 Ciicesel skip petiac sue ac uae Nason 35 HNMBIG A CASe5% 6 ica ace due Gielen 19 Cereal and)seed pests..¢ 2... 36 [S(T O21 S Sane aaa 20 Fumigation with hydrocyanic Pe eIMATIEET ole\. csre cee Loe ws 22 VCC HACE Sta A a mg eR Met 42 lense icentipede...o. 0.00604 Derma ielin hese yay ann ee nea aod ico Ae eres 45 MAIMGUGIPCSUS oc 5.4.6 sao. 6 oe os vere s 23 Grape Blossom Midge. Grape Belt, May 18, 1909, p. Io medetaied poptlar account of Contarinia johnsoni: Sling. recording the rearing of the adult and making suggestions for the con- trol of the pest. 108 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Spruce Gall Aphis. Country Gentleman, May 20, 1909, 74:500% Brief general account with a description of a new form of injury by Chermes abietis Linn, The latter proves to be Physokermes abietis work, Cucumber Beetle. Country Gentleman, May 27, 1909, 74:525” A brief discussion of methods for controlling the striped cucumber bectle’ Di abtrotica wieta bara Cabbage Worm. Country Gentleman, June 3, 1909, 74:548* Brief discussion of remedies and preventatives for Pieris rapae Linn. Insecticides and Fungicides. N. Y. State Mus. Educ. Dep’t, Hand- book 18, April 1909 (Issued June 5), p. 1-22 Gives directions for the preparation and use of the principal insecticides and fungicides. Caterpillars. Country Gentleman, June 10, 1909, 74:572*° A discussion of the value of bands in protecting trees against , tent ‘caterpillars, Moalacoso mae amerreadsaa tate Maple Gall. Country Gentleman, June 10, 1909, 74:572*° A brief economic account of Eriophyes quadripes Shim. Codling Moth. Country Gentleman, June 10, 1909, 74 :572°" A discussion of the essentials to successful spraying for Carpo- capsa ponromella Linn Further Observations on Contarinia. Economic Entomology Jour- nal, 2:257 The rearing of Contarinia johnsoni Sling. is recorded with observations upon its economic importance. Bud Worm. Country Gentleman, June 17, 1909, 74:594~' Brief descriptive account giving control measures for this species, T me t 0- cera ocellana Schiff. and the associated case bearers. An Army Worm Outbreak. Country Gen‘tleman, June 24, 1909, 74 :614°° Records an outbreak by Heliophila unipuncta Haw. at Oak- dale, L. I. and gives remedial measures. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I909 109 Plum Aphis-Rose Leaf Hopper. Country Gentleman, June 24, Ig09, 74:616"+ General economic account of aphids on plum and other fruit trees with a brief notice of the rose leaf hopper, Ty phlocyba rosae Linn. Miameetce. Country Gentleman, July 1, 1900, 74:635* Brief observations are given on plant lice with directions for their control. Save Your Apple Crops from the Canker Worm. Poughkeepsie Pwemime Star, july 2, 1900, p. 8 A general discussion of Paleacrita vernata Peck with special reference to control measures. PMiiiaennemics of Plant Lice. Grape Belt (Dunkirk, N. Y.) itive, 1900, p. 8 A brief discussion of plant lice and their enemies on elms with observae tions on methods of control. Sugar Maple Borer. Country Gentleman, July 8, 1909, 74 :6543® mM pier Motice of Plagionotus speciosus Say with suggestions for its control. Palime eaves. Country Gentleman, July 8, 1909, 74 :655*° @ Short notice of Chaitophorus aceris Linn. with observations on the dropping of leaves. . ( Senmolina Eiop Louse. Country Gentleman, July 8, I9009, 74 :055"° The lite history of Phorodon humu1li Schrk. is briefly outlined and directions given for its control. The Birch and Witch-Hazel Louse. Country Gentleman, July 8, 1g09, 74 :656"* the life history of Hamamelestes spinosus Shim. is discussed together with control measures. Directions are also given for controlling elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. New Species of West Indian Cecidomyiidae. Entomological News, 1909, 20 :299-302 The following new species were described: Asynapta mangiferae. meptondylia attenuatata and Lobodiplosis spinosa, Snow-White Linden Moth. Argus (Albany), Brooklyn Eagle, IIO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Utica Observer, July 14, 1909; Plattsburg Star, July 13; Catskill Recorder, July 23 A general notice recording injuries in the Catskills by Ennomos sub- signarius Hubn. and discussing causes. The desirability of protecting birds is emphasized. Oak Leaf Miner. Country Gentleman, August 5, 1909, 74:7344 A brief descriptive and biologic account of Lithocolletes hama- rye lla -Clem. Squash Vines. Country Gentleman, August 12, 1909, 74:754°" A brief discussion of the squash vine borer, Melittia satyrini- formis Hubn. and the striped cucumber beetle, Diabrotica vittata Fabr. Tortoise Beetle. Country Gentleman, August 12, 1909, 74:75574 A short descriptive account of the golden tortoise beetle, Coptocycla bicolor Fabr. Gipsy and Brown Tail Moth Work. Country Gentleman, August 12, 1909, 74:750"° A general review summarizing the accomplishments and pointing out the mportant phases of this work against Porthetria dispar Linn. and Bip Voectisec hry sion toe aan Additional Rearings in Cecidomyiidae. | Economic Entomology Journal, August 1909, 2:286-93 Records the rearing of 40 species, 37 being briefly described asnew. A new genus, Caryomyia, with Cecidomyia tubicola O. 5S. as type, was erected. Scientific Notes. Economic Entomology Journal, August 1909, 2 :300-7— The following species are noticed: The snow-white linden moth, Enno- mos subsignarius Hubn., a number of the more injurious Aphididae and the brown tail moth,E uproctis chrysorrhoea Linn. Cabbage Lice. Country Gentleman, Aueust 10; 1000,.74- 7454 A brief discussion of Aphis brassicae Linn. and’ methods torus control. Unicorn Prominent. Country Gentleman, August 19; 19009, 74:775° A brief descriptive account of Schizura unicornis Sm. & Abb. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ III Squash Bugs. Country Gentleman, August 19, 1909, 74:775°° A general economic account of Anasa tristis DeG. Strawberry Grubs. Country Gentleman, August 19, 1909, 74:775%% Remedial measures are given for these pests. Where this Year’s Insects Came From. Garden Magazine, Sep- tember 1909, 10 :68-69 : A general discussion of the causes of insect outbreaks with special reference to the excessive numbers of plant lice. A few of the more injurious or more interesting aphids are briefly noticed. Lilac Borer. Country Gentleman, August 26, 1909, 74 :8037" A brief economic discussion of Podosesia syringae Harris. Beopamiy Elm Leaf Beetle. Country Gentleman, August 26, nHOO) 74 :822"° A summarized account of Galerucella luteola Mull. with special reference to control measures. Worst than Most Diseases. Country Gentleman, September 9, 1909, 74:859™ The characteristics of the San José scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst. are given and spraying with a lime-sulfur wash is advised. Cutworms in Corn. Country Gentleman, September 9, 1909, 74:859°° A general descriptive account of the corn ear worm or boll worm, H elio- hudcearmiger Hubn. The Sugar Maple Borer. Country Gentleman, September g, 1909, 74 :859™ A general account of Plagionotus speciosus Say witha dis- cussion of remedies. Apples Injured by Insects. Country Gentleman, September 9, 1909, 74 :859" A discussion of the causes producing deformed apples, aphids or plant lice, the tarnished plant bug, Lygus pratensis Linn. and the cur- culio injury being described. A Caterpillar. Country Gentleman, September 16, 1909, 74 :880%7 A brief descriptive account of Basilona imperialis Drury. EL2 Oak Caterpillar. 74 :904*° NEW , YORI $SDA0E Country Gentleman, MUSEUM September (235 aieam A general descriptive account of Anisota senatoria Sm. & Abb. Luminous Larvae. 74:907"° Country Gentleman, September 23, 1909, The half grown larva of Phengodes plumosa Oliv. is identified and several allied luminous forms, Phengodes latiico Diwewinees: Photuris*pennsylvanica DeG. andPytrop hor aso cus Linn. are briefly noticed. The Grain Weevil. 74:907"" Country Gentleman, September 235srqo0: The Angoumois moth, Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. is presumably the pest. A brief economic account is given of this species. 24th Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other Insects of the State.of New York: 1908 .N) Yo Starewiae: Bul. -234)200p.717 pl. -1eo0e: (lscieds Sepia) | Contents PAGE | PAGE Tmtrodtctionw es. ani eee ci oer iS Miscellaneous: 2.2... 5 oer 55 Enjlisioussinsects jcc ee aie 13 | Publications of the Entomologist 60 Poplarsawiiye 1. cnenae 13° | Additions 40 collections. — ee 67 Grape blossont midve.. ea. 15 | Appendix A: Studies of Aquatic Gladiohiiapnidey ieee ieee 19 Insects. .J. G. NEEDHAM aya Green. cockroach: / a) yan el ee 22 | Appendix B: Catalosue of ihe Typhoid or house fly and dis- Described Scolytidae of Am- CASE a ochre siseiir te Oe te 24 erica, North of Mexico, J. M. Notes omit hesvieareie ca naar 4I SwAINE vi. She beeen 76 Eirtic tree cmISeGisiy ersanis cs oie. Art| Explanation jof plates. 2 ee 161 Sraateulll inibkyn ubelercnsys-4 Bao Vo hice 48-\ Tnrdess!) acer) (ORG ee IQ5 Shade tree insects. ......:.- 49 A Diseased Elm Tree. 74:951° Country Gentleman; October, Igog, Directions are given for controlling the elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. the possible cause of the trouble. Insects and Legislation. 45 Economic Entomology Journal, 2:342- A summarized discussion of legislation relating to insects. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ TALS PpETONS TO COLLECTIONS, OCT. 16, 1908-OCT. 15, 1gO9 The following is a list of the more important additions to the collection. D NATION ‘Hymenoptera | “m@moeomec itagariae Ckik, 5S sophiae Ckill: var, Halictus Poona cia Chil Anegochlora neglhectula Ckil., An d= Pie pmimoriwm gilletti Ckil, Panarginus cressoniel- lus Ckll., Feb. 16, Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell, Boulder, Col. Pamela oblhiqua say,irypoxylon f£rigidum Sm., Th y- poIominsmtiatipes Sm, Andrena geranii Rob.,A.porterae Saltevepee ma oruim Ckil Nomada collinsiana Ckll,Osmia Mmovnmermeress,, Dianthidium parvum Cress, Megachile Pibermtanaoay,Cetatina neomexicana Ckil,Melissodes Goementmaroay, Ms agilis Cress, Anthophora simillima Cress., Nov. 12, S. A. Rohwer, Boulder, Col. Poyoe@oapa virginica Dru., large carpenter bee, adult, June 28, Miss M. A. Batly, Schaghticoke Agapostemum viridula Fabr., solitary digger bee, adult, July 9, Leslie Crane, Rutland, Vt. Through Doubleday, Page & Co., New York (iitmneesisia aurcrata Fabr., black long sting, adult, June 24,0. D. Pat- terson, Richburg Benmore s tosae Linn., rose bedegar, gall on rose, July 10, Miss L. M. Hasbrouck, Ogdensburg Andricus clavula Bass., oak tip gall on white oak, October 23, H. L. Frost & Co., White Plains Lophyrus lecontei Fitch, pine sawfly, larvae on pine, July 31, Miss Josephine Goldmark, St Huberts EmphytuscinctusS Linn., coiled rose slug, larva on rose, January 30, Percy L. Huested, Rochester Pmt omematus azaleae Marlt., larvae on azalea, June 8, J. A. Thomson, Rochester Kaliosysphinga ulm1 Sund., elm leaf miner, larvae on elm, June a, J. H. Livingston, Tivol. Same, June 17, J. A. Thomson, Rochester Lygaeonematus erichsonii Hart., larch sawfly, larvae on larch, June 28, Miss Rhoda Thompson, Ballston Spa Weemtex columba Linn, pigeon Tremex, adult, September 13, D. D. Hoovez, Syracuse. Same, adult on maple, September 22, R. Closson, Addison Coleoptera Hylesinus aculeatus Say, ash bark beetle, adults, eggs and larvae on ash, May 18, Barton & Spooner Co., Cornwall. Through Forest, Fish and Game Commission imeeoprvogaster quadrispinosus Say, hickory bark. borer, larvae on hickory, October 28, J. J. Levison, Brooklyn Same, adult and larvae on hickory, September 17, D. D. Hoover, Syracuse II4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pomphopoea sayi Lec., Say’s blister beetle, adults on rose, June 28, Paul Roach, Quaker Street Epicauta? puncticollis Mann., blister beetle, adults) julyaer, E. B. Peterson, Chatham. Through T. F. Niles Disonycha pennsylvanica Ill, adult on apple trees, Marches, E. B. Norris, Sodus Galerucella luteola Mull, elm leaf beetle, larvae on elm, July 12, George Zabriskie, Nissequogue, St James, L. I. Same, July 8, Mrs H. Fletcher Fordham, Greenport, L.I. Through Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Same, July 14, J. H. Fish, Greenport, L. I. Same, larvae and pupae, August 18, Mrs Albert Delafield, Greenport, L. I. Same, July 23, P. B. McKensie, Northport, L. I. Same, July 26, John O. Van Clefe, Oakdale. Same, August 5, E. M. White, Sag Harbor, L. I. Same, © August 24, C. L. Simpson, Amsterdam Trichius affinis Gory, adult, July 15, Mrs W. S. Miller, Boonville Euphoria inda Linn., flower beetle, adults, September 21, Frederick Chatfield, Troy Macrodactylus subspinoswus. Fabr., rose beetle, aduluaiiae 19, G. C. Schaible, Brooklyn. Same, June 21, F. Lindquist, Brooklyn Chalcophora liberta Germ., smaller flat-headed pine borer, adult, June 3, Miss Eliza S. Blunt, New Russia Phengodes plumosa Oliv., larva, August 9, Ridgefield, Conn. Through Country Gentleman Asaphes decoloratus Say, larvae killed by a fungus,Cordycepes acicularis Rav. (C.carolinensis B. & R. Ravenel’s exsiccati) November 27, C. W. Nash, Toronto, Canada Alaus oculatus Linn., owl beetle or eyed elater, adult, June 23; Mrs J. D. Patterson, Pattersonville Silvanus surinamensis Linn., saw-toothed grain beetle, adult. in flour, April 20, J. A. Hepworth, Marlborough Anatis ocellata Linn., larva, pupa and adult on apple, July 1, Milo F. Winchester, South Amenia Nomius pygmaeus Dej., August 21, S. B. Ferris, Upper Saranac Diptera Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh, many adults on apple, September 10, C. E. Brisbin, Schuylerville R.suavis Loew, adult on apple, September 10, C. E. Brisbin, Schuyler- ville Bombyliomyia abrupta Wied, adult, August 25, L. F. Baldwin, Albany Numerous Cecidomyiid galls were received from Miss Cora H. Clarke, Bos- ton and Magnolia, Mass. and a number of new species reared from the material contributed. [See Econ. Ent. Jour. 1909, 2:286—-93] A number of Cecidomyiids were received during the season from Mr C. P. Alexander, Johnstown Rhopalomyia hirtipesO.S.,numerous subterranean galls Septem- ber 2, 1909 from Miss F. A. Stebbins, through Dr George Dimmock, Spring- field, Mass. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ I15 Sackenomyia packardi Felt, larvae in willow shoots, April 15, Winthrop Packard, Canton, Mass. eaatomGera tripsaci Felt, adults reared from Tripsacum dactyloides, Texas, F. M.. Webster, Washington, D. C. Cecia@omyia opuntiae Felt, reared from Opuntia leaves, George V. Nash, Bronx Park, New York A number of other gall midges have been received from various parties and will be duly acknowledged in subsequent descriptions or discussions of the species. Lepidoptera Sphecodina abbotii Swain, Abbot’s sphinx, larvae on woodbine, July 30, Miss Emma S. Call, Northport. Same, larvae, August 12, Mrs A. Openhym, St Huberts Deilephila lineata Fabr., white lined sphinx, moth, September 11, Bell & Smith Nursery Seed Co., Castleton Minted ti pileraruim Sm. & Abb., plum sphinx, adult, June 7, Ezra Shults, Fort Plain mown ehersis Hubn., ash sphinx, adult, July 26, H. H. Fitch, West Winfield Halisidota caryae Harr. on elm, August 18, Mrs Albert Delafield, Greenport . Mewnopiila unipuncta Haw., army worm, larvae, June 17, George P. Slade, (New York city) Oakdale becom mis arimiger Eubn., corm worm, larvae on corn, October 19, Dr C. W. Frispell, Shelter Island Heights Melalopha inclusa Hubn., poplar tent maker, larvae on poplar, August 2, Jarvis W. Baxter, Adams Corners NMotolophus antigua Linn., dark or rusty tussock moth, larvae, June 29, E. Dillingham, Ogdensburg Tolype velleda Stoll., larch lappet, anya July 23, Charles Burbank,, LaGrangeville Paleacrita vernata Peck, spring canker worm, larvae on apple trees, May 31, Ernest Emans, LaGrangeville Piao pnita pometaria Harr., fall canker worm, adults, Nov. 30 & Dec. 2, Augustus Floyd, Moriches “Acrobasis feltella Dyar, larvae on hickory, June 12, Mrs A. M. A. Jackson, Warner Archips cerasivorana Fitch, ugly nest cherry worm, nest, July 17, P. L. Huested, Blauvelt Powis Lumitierana Clem, spruce bud worm, adults July ar, G. A. Bailey, Syracuse. Same, July 22, Richard Lohrmann, U,tica Coleophora fletcherella Fern., cigar case bearer, larvae on apple, June 16, F. A. Fitch, Randolph Coleophora limosipennella Dup., European elm case bearer‘ cases and adults, August 4, John O. VanClefe, Oakdale Antispila nyssaefoliella Clem.,, larvae and work on pepperidge, September 25, Roy Latham, Orient Point Corrodentia Psocus salicis? Fitch, nymph in house, November 4, S. H. Burnham, Vaughn . 116 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hemiptera Enchenopa binotata Say, 2-spotted tree hopper, egg masses on bittersweet, August 25, Paul Cook, Troy Belostoma americanum Leidy, electric light bug, adult, @ctones 26, J. R. Gillett, Kingston Leptobyrsa explanata Heid., lace-winged bug, larvae on Rhodo- dendron, June 8, J. A. Thomson, Rochester. Same, adult, July 5, P. L. Huested, Blauvelt Aelyrodes citri Riley & Howard, white fly on orange leaf, June 15, Florida. Through J. F. O'Mara, Cornwall Phyllaphis fagi Linn., woolly beech leaf aphis, adults on beech, May 15, J. H. Livingston, Tivoli Chermes strobilobius Kalt., spruce gall aphid, galls on spruce, May 3, P. L. Huested, Blauvelt C. pinicorticis Fitch, pine bark aphid, adults on pine, March 30, Mrs George W. Ray, Norwich. Same, adults and eggs on balsam, Septem- ber 11, E. & W. G. Breithaupt, Phoenicia. Same, adults on pine, Sep- tember 14, J. H. Livingston, Tivol C.abietis Linn., spruce gall aphid, galls on spruce, March 8, William B. May, Irvington. Same, August 14, C. R. Pettis, Lake Clear Junction Phylloxera caryaecaulis Fitch, hickory gall aphid, adultgaud young on hickory, June 30, F. S. Witherbee, Port Henry Pemphigus vagabundus Walsh, galls on poplar, July 30, Henry Ackley, Cambridge. Same, August 11, C. H. McCullock, Schenectady P. populi-transversus Riley, galls on poplar, july 3o,7Hesny Ackley, Cambridge Colopha ulmicola Fitch, cockscomb elm gall on elm, July 19, W. C. Donnan, LeRoy Schizonettlra americana Riley, woolly elm leaf aphid; aduliston elm, July 6, John Allis jr, Rye. Through H. W. Niles. Same, June 25, Mrs H. D. Graves, Ausable Forks Lachnus dentatus LeBaron, adult on willow, September 23, Blood- good Nurseries, Flushing. Through Theodore Foulk Callipterus ulmifolii Monell, elm leaf aphid, badly Bee leaves of elm, June 29, H. G. Jones, Dunkirk Psyllid, June 17,J. A. Thomson, Rochester Chrysomphalus dictyospermi Morg., Morgan’s scale, all stages, abundant and causing serious damage on palm, December 28, L. Menand, Albany Eu lecanium tulipifterae Cook, tulip tree seale) adults on tule: September 14, J. H. Livingston, Tivoli Coccus hesperidum Linn., soft scale, young and adults on begonia, December 12, H. VanAlstyne, Chatham Center Phenacoceus acericola King, false maple scale, young om maaler November 1o, Arthur Dummett, Mt Vernon Pulvinaria vitis Linn., cotteny maple scale, adults en maple june 21, J. A. Thomson, Rochester Gossypatfia sSpuria Modeer, clm bark louse, adult on elm: JJunerzn, Thomas J. Riley, Catskill. Through Percy L. Huested Aulacaspis rosae Sandbg,, rose scale, eggs, on blackberry, April 22, Miss Francis Foley, Cornwall REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ 1E7 Aulacaspis pentagona Targ., West Indian peach scaleon Prunus pseudo-cerasus from New Rochelle through T. F. Niles, State Department of Agriculture Citomaspis pinifoliae Fitch, pine leaf scale on spruce, January 5, Arthur Gibson, Ottawa, Canada. Same, on Austrian pine, September rr, Theodore Foulk, Flushing Aspidiotus forbesi John., on apple, November 6, Charles A. Rich- mond, East Aurora A.ostreaeformis Curt. on apple, pear and plum, October 29, Thomas Cunningham, Vancouver, B. C. Pacomnerosis Comst., San José scale, adults on apple, April ro, A. C. Burt, Owego. Same, June 1, A. J. Smith, Rexford Flats Peeeemhaecephala reticulata Sign. Deltocephalus sono- Paonteey nt lavicost a Stal, Do nigrifrons Forbes, D. ob - Momo co DD) inimicus Say, Xestocephalus puli- Teen Vani xX brunneuws VanD, Eutettix strobi Fitch, Paoehen a ball Acinopterus acuminatus VanD.,Phlep= Meaoauikatuis VanbD., Athysanus exitiosws Uhler, PimyeetOopius near loricatus VanD., Scaphoideus Somos Ualer, typical, S.immistus Say, Typhlocyba vul- Mmeaneseeiven, I: comes Say, Lf. sp. (near trifasciata), T. Peete this ar, To tricine ta Kitch; Oliarus com= meres ball, Pissonotus.delicatus VanD., P. basalis fomUeeeragwer Vanbi yy Liburnia pellucida Fabr:?, L. con- Tens Van), Hm poasca mali LeBaron, E. flavescens Pitgemeosp. new, Balclutha abdominalis VanD)?, Nysius minis Uhler,Reuteroscopus ornatus Reut.,Atomos- Geese setriatus Reut.?. From Mrs P. L. Windsor, Austin, Tex. Very kindly determined by E. P. VanDuzee of Buffalo Orthoptera Oecanthus niveus DeG., snowy tree cricket, eggs on raspberry, April 3, Lansing Appleby, Clarksville Periplaneta americana Linn., American cockroach, adult, April ro, J. A. Thompson, Syracuse Mantis religiosa Linn., European Mantis, egg mass, February 15, Louis H. Adams, Canandaigua Thysanura Mmemormres nivicola? Fitch, very abundant on sand, April 8, Jackson & Perkins, Newark Isoptera Termes flavipes Linn., white ants, adults, April 19, M. W. Van- Denburg, Mt Vernon EXCHANGE Hymenoptera Tucker, E. S., Manhattan, Kan. Trypoxylon carinifrons Fox, Polistes minor Beauv. 118 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Coleoptera Berosus subisignatus Lec, PsylVobora: t aed anemece Conotelus stenoides Murr, Scaptolentus Veecontren salle, Photinus benignus Lec; Lobetus abd omimaieus Lec. Diptera Béeskia aelops Walk; Sturmia distineta, Wiedl ee eee phaga assidua Walk.,S.quadrisetosa Coq, Pseudopy— rellia comicina Fabr., Pachycerina clavipe aac ae Lepidoptera Chlorochlamys phyltinaria Zell,, Loxostesg eamaneea lis Led., Lineodes integra Zell, Crambus tete@ar igus Zink.,C.mutabrlis Clem, Saluria tetradella Zell eon phorus,ingquinatus Zell, Platynota niagroce mamas Wals) A nap beaa pope ame lve uClend PURCHASE House fy, Musca domestica Linn. (x 30), model Malarial mosquito, Anopheles, dissectible model of head. (x 800) House mosquito, Culex pipiens Linn., dissectible model of head. (x 800) The above from The Kny-Scheerer Co., New York city INSECT COLLECTIONS Summary statement The total number of insect specimens in the collections ap- proximates 150,000 distributed about as follows: Orehnop terre: sen L770) \Mepid Opera: & meat 31 624 Conia tar gaan ke G87 Dipteras 2 eee 24 953 Nemroptetancme cease Loom) Coleoptera 40 267 Flentiprera tote I2.0LA celymienopteray aac. [1 O17 The alcoholic material belonging in various groups amounts 10 some 25,000 specimens. The Hill collection, included in the above estimate, comprises some 10,000 specimens of Lepidoptera. The Lintner collection, also included in the above enumera- tion, comprises some 19,228 specimens, distributed as follows: Orthoptera 91; Odonata 241; Neuroptera 230; Hemiptera 1377; Lepidoptera 10,182; Diptera 978; Coleoptera 5002; Hymenoptera 1126. There are on exhibition some 5746 specimens, distributed as follows: Orthoptera 146; Odonata 31; Neuroptera 43; Hemip- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ IIg tera 1036; Lepidoptera 1500; Diptera 401; Coleoptera 2000; Hymenoptera 588. There are also on exhibition 51 photographs, 57 illustrations, 17 models, 14 biological groups and 38 special mounts. The collections contain some 700 types and about 1500 figured specimens, Poser TYPES IN NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The following list of insect types is placed on record for the convenience of students and also as a tangible evidence of the growing value of the New York State collections. The court of ultimate appeal in the identification of a species is found in the type —frequently unique. A knowledge of the whereabouts of all such specimens is therefore very important to the systematic worker. The long list of the writer’s Cecidomyiid types is not included, since it is planned to indicate the location of these in the monograph on this group, now almost complete. HYMENOPTERA Eniscopilus arcuatus Felt kage O. ferruginipennis Felt E. appendiculatus Felt Genophion gilletti Felt Ophion abnormum Felt G. coloradensis Felt DIPTERA Culicelsa auroides Felt C. magnipennis Felt Culicada abfitchii Felt Culex brittoni Felt C. abserratus Felt ® Young Corethra karnerensis Felt C. cinereoborealis Felt Young C. lintneri Felt C. fitchii FeliG Young C. fuliginosus Felt C. lazarensis Felt@ Young Sayomyia rotundifoha Felt C. onondagensis Felt S. hudsoni Felt C. subcantans Felt Myzomyia mangyana Banks (cotype) Culiseta absobrinus Felt Worcesteria grata Banks (cotype) MYCETOPHILIDAE Sciara agraria Felt S. multiseta Felt S. caldaria Lint. S. pauciseta Felt S. coprophila Lint. S. prolifica Felt CECIDOMYIIDAE! Dasyneura leguminicola Lint. Contarinia setigera Lint. Aphidoletes cucumeris Lint. 1There are in addition numerous recently described species which will be fully noticed in a forthcoming publication. I20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM STRATIOMYIDAE Zabrachia polita Cog. (cotype) EMPIDIDAE Roederioides juncta Cog. (cotype) ASILIDAE Dasyllis cinerea Back. (cotype) we lyratus O. S. (homotype) Cyrtopogon marginalis Loew (homotype) DOLICHOPODIDAE Dolichopus marginatus Ald. PHORIDAE Aphiochaeta agarici Lint. A. albidihalteris Felt SYRPHIDAE Syrphus montivagus Snow TACHINIDAE Pachyophthalmus floridensis Town. Epigrimyia lucens Town. Spallanzania hebes Fall. Hilarella decens Town. Pegomyia betarum Lint. P. vicina Lint. LEPIDOPTERA Kricogonia lanice Lint. Chlorippe cocles Lint. Rusticus lotis Lint. Euphyes osceola Lint. ? ( ausonius Lint. ieelus ys et lucilius Lint. ? naevius Lint. | pacuvius Lint. ? | petronius Lint. Sphinx insolita Lint. Lapara pineum Lint. Hadena hillii Grt. Melanoporphyria immortua Grt. Tarache terminimaculata G7rt. Catocala pretiosa Lint. Xanclognatha inconspicualis Grt. Phaeocyma umbrina Grt. Cerura candida Lint. C. occidentalis Lint. ? Harpyia aquilonaris Lint. Tephroclystis palpata Pack. Venusia perlineata Pack. Euchoeca exhumata Pears. (cotype) Eustroma mucronata Peck (disjunc- tama Wack.) Racheospila saltusaria Hulst Thanaos Semiophora badicollis Grt. Agrotis badinodis Grt. Anytus planus Grt. Xylina unimoda Lint. X. lepida Lint. Calocampa nupera Lint. Cucullia matricariae Streck. CAaetines Lat. 7 Ca speyen. Lrur. 72 ©. serraticomus iz 2 Gortyna impecuniosa G7t. Epiglaea venustula Grt. Ipimorpha pleonectusa Grt. Macaria mendicata Hulst Enypia venata Grt. Alcis metanemaria Hulst Lychnosea helviolaria Hulst Therina somniaria Hulst Gonodontis lentaria Hulst Azelina atrocolorata Hulst Callizzia amorata Pack. Cossus centerensis Lint. C. undosus Lint. Prionoxystus reticulatus Lin‘. P. querciperda Fitch Hepialus furcatus G7t. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I9Q0Q 121 HEMIPTERA Micrutalis (Tragopa) dorsalis Fh. Glossonotus (Thelia) crataegi Fh. Heliria scalaris Fair. (Telamona fagi Fh.) Telamona unicolor Fh. T. unicolor Fh. fasciata Fh. T. concava Fh. econy li i). econ. tristis Ph. meuercr Fh. T. reclivata Fh. Cyrtolobus (Cyrtosia) lps C. (Smilia) castaneae Fh. C. (Smilia) querci Fh. C. (Smilia) subsp. guttata Fh. Archasia galeata Linn. (Smilia au- riculata Fh.) Microcentrus (Uroxiphus) caryae Fh. Cixius pini fh. Myndus (Cixius) impunctatus Fh. Stenocranus (Delphax) dorsalis Fh. Liburnia (Delphax) arvensis Fh. Lamenia (Poeciloptera) vulgaris Ph. Aphrophora (Lepyronia) saratogen- Sis. Fp. Clastoptera obtusa Say (testacea Fh.) Clastoptera obtusa Say (pini Fh.) fenestratus Ceeobiisa Say (pini fh.) subsp. flavicollis Fh. @eoptusa Say (pini hh.) subsp. cincticollis Fh. C. proteus Fh. subsp. maculicollis Fh. C. proteus Fh. subsp. nigricollis Fh. Bythoscopus (Athysanus) variabi- lis Fh. B. (Athysanus) variabilis Fh. abietis Fh. B. (Athysanus) fenestratus Fh. B. (Athysanus) minor Fh. B. (Athysanus) fagi Fh. B. (Athysanus) nigrinasi Fh. Pediopsis trimaculata Fh. P. viridis Fh. Idiocerus lachrymalis Fh. I. alternatus Fh. Tettigonia tripunctata Fh. Draeculacephala (Aulacizes) novae- boracensis Fh. Helochara communis Fh. Eucanthus acuminatus Fabr. (Eva- canthus orbitalis Fh.) Gypona geminata Osb. Penthimia americana Fh. Paramesus (Acocephalus) vitellinus Fh. Platymetopius obscurus Osb. type) P. augustatus Osb. P. fulvus Osb. Deltocephalus (Amblycephalus) sayi Fh. 3 D. (Amblycephalus) melsheimeri Fh. Scaphoideus opalinus Osb. Athysanus (Amblycephalus) curtisii Fh. Eutettix (Bythoscopus) strobi Fh. Phlepsius (Jassus) fulvidorsum Fh. Chlorotettix (Bythoscopus) tergata Fh. C. (Bythoscopus) unicolor Fh. Typhlocyba (Erythroneura) vulne- rata Fh. T. (Erythroneura) comes Say var. vitis Fh. Aphis gladioli Felt Rhopalosiphum (Aphis) berberidis Fh. Nectarophora Fh. Schizoneura lanigera (Eriosoma pyri Fh.) Pemphigus Fh, (co- (Aphis) rudbeckiae (Eriosoma) imbricator 122 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM COCCIDAE Halimococcus lampas Crll. Coccus diversipes Cll. (part of typ>) ALE YRODIDAE Aleyrodes betheli Ckll. (MS) (part of type) EPHEMERIDAE Siphlonisca aerodromia Nedhm. Potamanthus inequalis Nedhin REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I9QOQ 123 ADDITIONAL LIST OF ADIRONDACK INSECTS BY D. B. YOUNG July 20 to August 10, 1909, found the writer enjoying a vacation at Speculator, N. Y., a village with good accommodations, located in the Adirondacks at the foot of Lake Pleasant. The romantic and delightful scenery appeals to one’s love of the beautiful, while from an entomologist’s point of view the great diversity of plant and insect life of mountain and valiey offers exceptional oppor- tunity for collecting many rare and interesting forms. We were particularly impressed by the large representation of Hemiptera in ~ that section and resolved to make a partial collection of the species to be found there and such insects of other orders as might attract our attention. The limited time at our disposal prevented this col- lection from being as complete as we could wish but the following list will give some idea of the rare forms to be met with in this region. The Hemiptera were submitted to E. P. VanDuzee, who very kindly made the identifications in that order. Of the 67 species sub- mitted, 25 were new to the State collection. Among new or rare forms in other orders 15 were taken, as well as many others in- cluded in the list to preserve the records and make additions to the Adirondack lists already published. Species marked with a dagger are new to the State collection; those with a star are not in the Adirondack list of Hemiptera in the 20th Report of the State Entomologist. Hymenoptera Pemphredon concolor Say Strongylogaster pinguis Nort. Psithyrus ashtoni Cress. Harpiphorus articulatus Nort. Pristiphora identidem Nort. Emphytus inornatus Say Dolerus aprilis Nort. Tenthredo grandis Nort. Coleoptera fCoeliodes nebulosus Lec. Melasoma scripta Fabr. Pseudanthonomus crataegi Walsh Saperda vestita Say tMyodites sp. ;Leptura biforis Newm. Anaspis flavipennis Hald. Onthophagus hecate Panz. A. rufa Say tElater hepaticus Melsh. Phyllobrotica decorata Say TCleis picta Rand. Diptera +Dixa clavulus |Wzll. +Pangonia rasa Loew 7Platyura sp. +Chrysopa eucera Loew TSciophila Cy hilarish OFS. 124 NEW WORK SPATE, MUSEUM Tabanus reinwardtii W7ed. Chrysophila quadrata Say Leptogaster flavipes Loew Dasyllis sacrator Walk. Asilus annulatus Wzil. Laphria sericea Say TDolichopus pachycnemus ? Loew D. grata Loew D. detersus Loew 7TGymnopternus flavus Loew Chrysotus discolor Loew +Hyvbos slossonae Cog. TSyneches sp. TSyndyas polita Loew ;Leptopeza compta Ccq. Trineura aterrima Fabr. Pieris napi Linn. Petrophora abrasaria H.S. Cleora pampinaria Guen. *+Nysius ericae Schill. *TGeocoris bullatus Say Trygonotylus ruficornis Fall. *+Resthenia insignis var. Say Neurocolpus nubilus Say Phytocoris eximius Reut. Collaria meilleuri Prov. *7Paracalocoris colon Say *+Lygidae rubecula Uhl. var obscura Reut. Lygus pabulinus Linn. *TL. belfragei Reut. *7L. vitticollis Reut. L. invitus Say L. hirticulus Uhl. 7Pipiza pulchella Wzll. Mesogramma marginata Say Zodion fulvifrons Say Parallelomma varipes Walk. Tetanocera plebeja Loew Sapromyza fraterna Loew S. lupulina Fabr. Tephritis albiceps Loew Sepsis violacea Mezg. Loxocera pectoralis Loew Chyliza notata Loew Meromyza americana Fitch Chlorops assimilis Macq. Elachiptera costata Loew Drosophila amoena Loew Lepidoptera Pyrausta fumalis Guen. Scoparia basalis Walk. Crambus albellus Clem. Hemiptera Lygaeidae *Lygaeus kalmi Stal. Capsidae Hyaliodes vitripennis Say Ilnacora malina UAl. Pilophorus amoenus Uhl. *+Macrolophus separatus Uhl.! *+Mecomma ambulans Fail.” Stiphrosoma stygica Say *+Labops burmeisterii Stal.’ Orthotylus; specimen too immature for identification Plagiognathus obscurus Uhl. su fe eats OF *Onychumenus decolor Fall. Membracidae Campylenchia curvata Fabr. Fulgoridae Liburnia pellucida Fabr. L. lutulenta VanD. *L. arvensis Futch *Cixius pini Fitch C. stigmatus Say *+Stenocranus felti VanD.! Laccocera vittipennis VanD. 1This species is accredited to the western states in Uhler’s list. ?Mr VanDuzee states that he has seen but three specimens of this species. ’This is the first time this insect has been taken in America so far as we know. It has been recorded from Kamtschatka. ‘This species is new to New York State. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IQOQ T2 yt Cerco pidae *+ Aphrophora signoreti Pztch *+P. spumarius Gernt Philaenus lineatus Linn. Clastoptera obtusa Say T etttgonidae Diedrocephala teliformis Walk. Draeculacephala noveboracensis Eucanthus acuminatus Fabr. Fitch Bythoscopidae Idiocerus lachrymalis Fztch Agallia novella Say I. provancheri VanD. A. quadripunctata Prov. Jassidae *Platymetopius frontalis VanD. Athysanus anthracinus VanD. Deltocephalus configuratus Uhl. *+A. infuscatus G.&B. D. minki Fieb. *+A. new sp. near relativus D. sayi Fitch *+A. instabilis VanD. D: sylvestris O.&B. *+Thamnotettix belli Uhl. 77D. near sylvestris 3 ex. undet. *7Cicadula lepida VanD.! *7D. miscellus Ball *Kugnathodus abdominalis VanD Specimen too immature for certain identification Corrodentia Psocus sp. near hageni ; P. permadidus Hag. Peripsocus modidus Hag. Caecilius aurantiacus Hag. Ty phlocybidae Dicraneura communis Gull. Typhlocyba rosea? Linn. Empoasca atrolabes Gill. pe lethierny ie du.” *E. mali LeBaron *TAlebra 1.sp. Mailophaga TTrichodectes setosus Gzed.? on porcupine Psyllidae *7Livia vernalis Futch Psylla; two species not identified Neuroptera +Conwentzia hageni Banks? 1A rare form which Mr VanDuzee has not seen since he described it, many years ago. *Gillette writing of this species in 1898 states the only native specimens that he has seen are from Michigan and Iowa. The form closely resembles fear osea Linn. ’This species was described in 1906. The only records at hand show tat it bas been taken at Sea Cliff, L.1., Washington, D. C., Virginia and West Virginia. Te AL 4 Fly vivarium. Photo, WHIIeALA AT = & Ss 5 Or ie I 938Id * ; sl Plan of fly vivaritum WINDOW C9; ri as GT uejd punois ‘“UInIIeAIA ATT 9T MOUNIM € a AT Z 3d ae) 4 ; 6T 13% SI ies Door 98 Gs aol vG Rea aviv “ i ae Plate 3 os © 8 eg so ps 8 8 8 In ss 8 8 8 i. wroxUx+x 8 1 nr | ws m@oxyuxoux ge \o @ 8 oe 8s ‘a = es 8 8 8 “ss 8s 8 8 ae ee »s 28 @ 8 © 6 = es @ © 8 8 ss ss @ 8 6 » 8 8s 8 ewes ss 8 8 8 8B ‘ae ee a /] 2» © #8 6 8 Box wx +x ae) ae Box vX 8 wx ‘ss ees 88 (eo 8 8 © 8 oe CS Sa OS So SS ss 8 8 8B = 2p es 8 8 8 ss es ese sss 8 8 8 oO fe) Box ux yx is BuxVUxUxX gs V | | | BROXUxhX< # sm, 1 i} 1 pOxd x+-x > Bs gsoxUxXuUXK E-OXUXt+xX Of ly BSOxUxXUX SE Experimental orchard, W. H. Hart, Poughkeepsie Plan of ¥ Yooytopury “ouAjs[y ueA piempy ‘pseyosio jequowriodx| ssayhiasy> O Saauy yore r so LVR Sie nth ae ae ae eee ee de ly ede a aN : : sey ¥> 249 © seedy ydd-~o 4347Q O we prog S224 INF xX | I I ) | I O04 =X XO o., 2 OF OL O O.8O.. On 46 66 : P ? | ee ee ee 0,0 ae OO On, Os) OO OF. Or. 6 © 6 Ou ) | j O O xX | O O | ; eSeen at oS) ; po Oe Ob ee) 0 8 0 00 20 60S OG oO Kev .6 6, | | | | Gey Oo’ 0 ®@0@ 080 @0 IOOODOE OOOO", 3 O 6, Se ee ee er ee ee | re A | 3 l { 2. | hy EO 852 SON 0780 OX S KO: 1-0 |, 6.8 oO XX 66 oO. ! q me. I | ee | | ey eee ee Oo" © @ 6.0.07) 0 @ O10 XO 6s! Oo 6-68 (oe 6 or q © i O06 | ! | O24) On @ | 1 1 Meaty ti { Ly ’ + 4 ii feey ‘ if FA : ‘ i pie , ’ 5 ta Ps i Vy eiahingrn, i 4 i i h Pr ; ve i j ; i my Fj aie 5 1 Sue vied Na 5 tee “7 nt Pl ah od a Oot Mi : SI 1 j / ae, : : F , i { - | ¥ > a7 ok tp ete et 7 SPO ahs Experimental trees, 1 D (upper illustration), 2 A (lower illustration), Poughkeepsie it =H it ei Py /~ i ia eae fly WD ay! i vat en 4 # ee Weird i Flate 6 Experimental trees, 3 B (upper illustration), 4 B (ower illustration), Poughkeepsie Se Nota Piya ‘

/ 4) ef a i} NA ¢ ii tan i } 4 iM r Py J Vili ater cP ian i ave yA oy uae Paras, wit it ; ay ik ‘ a9, My LRA LORE pce) aime iN 1) thing mntngas Hane eer oy 1 Apples on experimental tree 2A. 1227 marketable fruit, 900 small fruit, 15 wormy fruit 2 Apples on experimental tree 2E. 25 wormy fruit : Apples on experimental tree 2F. 877 marketable fruit 256 small fruit, 2026 marketable fruit, 1571 small fruit, 7 o 18 wormy fruit October picking, Poughkeepsie 146 Plate io 1e ghkeepsi ield, Pou yi ) tal trees imen Exper 1 Apples on experimental tree 3B. 4 wormy fruit 2 Apples on experimental tree 3E. 6 wormy fruit 3 Apples on experimental tree 3F. 7 wormy fruit October picking, Poughkeepsie 324 marketable fruit, 64 small fruit 945 marketable fruit, 450 small fruit, 1505 marketable fruit, 628 small fruit, 148 Plate 11 Experimental trees, yield, Poughkeepsie bites cer A pales Le he Ase Beth ere nee AT ae CL J Pe Pon be UF ee ae, P « ane ated >) At ‘ 5 +All FAN eee AAP " ; 3 it '¥ i i ‘ : : 4 . ‘ , F i i . . xs 1 Apples on experimental oes 4B. 40 wormy fruit _2 Apples on experimental tree Dh 40 wormy fruit 3 Apples on experimental tree 4F. 4 wormy fruit October pee Pou Plate 12 | | | | B39BQ Iss marketable, ~_— Experimental trees, yield, Poughkeepsie ‘ t Fw Ney ORNL A cay oR es otc ia 1 Apples on Spe mene tree 5A 13 wormy fruit 2 Apples on experimental tree sc. 21 wormy fruit 3 Apples on experimental tree sE. 57 wormy fruit October picking, Poughkeepsie Plate 13 Experimental trees, yield, Poughkeepsie cae fiys rie t Apples on experimental tree 6D. 452 marketable fruit, 414 small fruit, to wormy fruit 2 Apples on experimental tree 6E. 2320 marketable fruit, 885 small fruit, Ig wormy fruit 3 Apples on experimental tree 6F. 417 marketable fruit, 253 small fruit, - no wormy fruit October picking, Poughkeepsie Plate 14 Le) Experimental trees, yield, Poughkeepsie Wes A 1 Blossoms just ready to spray 2 Apples on check tree X. 923 marketable fruit, 973 small fruit, 493 wormy fruit 3 Appies'onicheck tree) Y; fruit October picking, Poughkeepsie 225 marketable fruit, 186 small fruit, 166 wormy 156 Plate 15 Ad . F os wv. Sal a i 1 Blossoms ready to spray, 2, 3 Experimental work, yield of check trees, Poughkeepsie z October PiCInE aes Apples on experimental tree Apples on enpeninenial tree an Pa u 28 worty trait. io Pe Baie - 14 wormy fruit oda he Oe Apples on experimental tree IE. he 34 wormy fruit : Vin dn ik Plate 16 Experimental trees, yield, Kinderhook bef > ee Ok alee ; Res . ‘ ’ anes wu ey hay ae pty Be hie (i hat 1 Apples on experimental tree 4A. 905 marketable fruit, 200 small fruit, 17 wormy fruit 2 Apples on experimental tree 4C. 960 marketable fruit, 390 small fruit, 16 wormy fruit 3 Apples on experimental tree 4D. 1175 marketable fruit, 214 small fruit, rr wormy fruit | | Greenings, late September picking, Kinderhook 160 aad ma rketaple 3 Experimental trees, yield, Kinderhook 1 Apples on experimental tree 7B. 1498 marketable fruit, 87 small fruit 36 wormy fruit 2 Apples on experimental tree 7E. 2993 marketable fruit, 108 small fruit, 128 wormy fruit 3 Apples on experimental tree 7F. 49 wormy fruit October picking, Kinderhook 3907 marketable fruit, 266 small fruit, Plate 18 390 marke Xi Experimental trees, yield, Kinderhook 1 Blossoms after petals have fallen, showing in the sectioned blossom the space between the base of the stamens and the pistil 2 Applesoncheck tree X. 2938 marketable fruit, 116 small fruit, 4or wormy fruit 3 Apples on check tree Y. 1737 marketable fruit, 79 small fruit, 692 wormy fruit October picking, Kinderhook 164 ty at the base of the stamens howing cavi tion § in sec tT Blossom derhook in K Id of check trees, yie y) 1 work 2,3, Experimenta HOG s 1 Upper figure, a decapitated Ben Davis in the orchard of Mr W. H. Hart at Poughkeepsie. This tree was cut back three or four years ago and is a strik- ing illustration of the feasibility of this treatment. Photo, October 1909 Lower figure, a decapitated Baldwin in the same orchard 166 Plate 20 Trees in an old orchard, which has been infested by San José scale about I4 years Upper figure, a decapitated Sutton beauty in the old orchard of Mr W. H. Hart at Poughkeepsie. This tree has a remarkably fine showing of fruit. Photo, October 1909 Lower figure, a Ben Davis tree in the orchard of Mr W. H. Hart at Pough- keepsie. This tree has been infested with San José scale for 14 years and stands adjacent to the spot where the original infested tree stood. Photo, October 1909 168 Trees in an old orchard, which has been infested by San José scale about I4 years Plate 22 Characteristic nests of the brown tail moth INDEX abietis, Chermes, 83, 108. Physokermes, 108. acericola, Phenacoccus, 100. acerifolii, Drepanaphis, 79. aceris, Chaitophorus, 78-79, I09. Acrobasis angusella, 71. hele lia 71-72. Adalia bipunctata, 86. Additions to collections, 113-18. Adirondack insects, additional list, Mee 26. Agrilus anxius, 08. bilineatus, 106. itera. Psychoda, 14, 15, 16. americana, Malacosoma, 108. americanus, Lasius niger, 86. Ammophila, 32. ampelophila, Drosophila, 14." Anasa tristis, III. Anatis ocellata, 86. Angoumois moth, 112. angusella, Acrobasis, 71. Amisota senatoria, 112. annulipes, Pimpla, 32. Anosia plexippus, 105. Anthrenus scrophulariae, 96. verbasci, 96, 106. antiqua, Notolophus, 104. Atts, house, 107. white, 107. anxius, Agrilus, 98. Pephids, 75-89, 110, IIr. -apple, 76-77. gall-making, 81-83. gladioli, 112. relations to ants, 85-86. pms. Drassicae, 110, maidiradicis, 78, 86. Malt 77: malifoliae, 77. \/ rE Apple aphids, 76-77. Apple aphis, green, 76, 77. FOS; 70, 77. woolly, 76. Apple orchard, experiments ‘with arsenical poisons, 6. Apple tree, injurious insects: canker worms, 89, 1009. Codlings moth. 25.71. European grain aphis, 76. fruit tree bark beetle, 80. polleiiaten MCs 5) 0) hin rose leaf hopper, go. tarnished plant bug, 90. Aquatic insects, 112. archippus, Basilarchia, 105. Argentine ant, 86. armiger, Heliothis, 111. Army worm, 8, 94-95, 108. Arsenate of lead,.33, 34, 95, 103; 105. Arsenic, 95. Arsenical poisons, 6, 890, 97, 99. Arsenite, Of limiey) 34.92. Arsenite Of soda, 33. Asphondylia attenuatata, Io9. Aspidiotus perniciosus, 90-92, IIT. Asters, plant lice injuring, 78. Asynapta mangiferae, 109. attenuatata, Asphondylia, 109. Aulacaspis pentagona, 92. avenae, Siphocoryne, 76. Balsam, pine bark aphis injuring, 80. Basilarchia archippus, 105. Basilona imperialis, ITT. Bedbug, 107. Bedbug hunter, 107. Beech leaf aphis, woolly, 8o. WZ bicolor, Coptocycla, I1o. bilineatus, Agrilus, 106. Pelephonwis. sm bipunctata, Adalia, 86. Birch louse, 109. Birch trees, injurious insects: bronze birch borer, 08. snow-white linden moth, tot. spiny hazel gall on, 82. Birds, as insect enemies, Io1; de- crease in number, 101; desira- bility of protecting, IIo. Black horned tree cricket, 94. Blackberry, tree crickets injuring, 94. Blister beetle, Say’s, 94. Blister mite, 6, 92, I00. Boll worm, III. Book louse, 107. Bordeaux mixture, 33, 34, 88. Box elder aphis, 709. brassicae, Aphis, IIo. Bristle tail, 107. Bronze birch borer, 08. Brown: ‘tail moth, 6) 8) 17425, 205s 106, 110; destructiveness, 18-19; ob- 24- Le: experimental work, 19-24; servations on experiments, 25; another infestation, salient characters, 19. Bryobia pratensis, 105. Bud worm, 108. Cabbage, plant lice injuring, 75. Cabbage lice, I10. Cabbage worm, 108. Calathus rufipes, 32. Caliephialtes messor, 32. californicus, Pterostichus, 32. Callipterus ulmifolii, 70. Canker worms, 89-90, 109. Carbon bisulfid, 78, 104. Carpet beetles, 107. Carpocapsa pomonella, 25-71, 106, 107, 108. caryae, Halisidota, 104. caryaecaulis, Phylloxera, 82. Caryomyia, 9, IIo. Cecidomyia tubicola, r10. ——— NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cecidomyiidae, I09, 110; publica- Hon On, TO. Centipede, 107. cerasi, Myzus, 77. Cereal and seed pests, 107. cerealella, Sitotroga, 112. Chaitophorus aceris, 78-79, 100. negundinis, 79. Chauliognathus marginatus, 31. pennsylvanicus, 31. Cheese skipper, 107. Chermes abietis, 83, 108. pinicorticis, 80. strobilobius, 80. Cherry aphis::77: Cherry tree, rose leaf hopper in- juring, 9o. Chestnut borer, two lined, 106. Chestnut timber worm, 106. Chestnut’ trees, injurious insects, 100. chrysorrhoea, Euproctis; 9 )a7.25) 105, 106, IIO. Cigar case bearer, 5, 100. Cincticornia, 9. Clarke,. Cora H., acknowledg- nents Lo, 79, 10: Clothes moths, 107. Clover mute, “65, Cluster fly, 167. Coccinella novem-notata, 8&6. Cockroaches, 107. ereen, 112) Cockscomb elm gall, 81. Codling moth, 6, 25-71) 10u,aa 108; bibliography, 65-71; con- trol measures, 32-37; early his- tory, 26; estimates of losses caused by, 25; experimental work, 35-65; life history and habits, 27-31; natural /emenmes 31-32; origin and distribution, 26-27; treatment of plots, 37-41. Coleophora fletcherella, 106. limosipennella, 99. Coleoptera, additions to _ collec- t10ns, Ti3-14, 1G.) of 7 Adinen- dacks, 123; total number of speci- mens in collections, 118. ENDEX TO REPCRE OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST I9g0Q ° 173 Collections of insects, Io-1I1I; ad- Gniows, £0, 13-18; summary statement, 118-19. Colopha ulmicola, 81. comes, Typhlocyba, go. Contact insecticides, 88, I00. Contarinia johnsoni, 92-93, 107, 108. violicola, 93. Coptocycla bicolor, I10. Corn ear worm, III. Corn field ant, 86. . Corn root aphis, 78, 86. Corrodentia, additions to collec- ioms,) 115; ot Adirondacks, 125. corticalis, Trogosita, 31. Cottony maple scale, roo. false, I00. Crickets, 107. Cucumber beetle, 108, IIo. Curculio, 111. Currants, injurious insects: plant lice, 75. rose leaf hopper, 9o. Cihtworms, IIT. definita, Hemerocampa, 104. delicatus, Macrocentrus, 32. Dermestid beetles, 32. Ditabrotica vittata, 108, I10. Diptera, Mats ire: of Adirondacks, 123; total number of specimens in collections, 118; types, 119-20. dispar, Porthetria, 106, 110. Gomesmea, Musca, 12-17 105, 106. Drepanaphis acerifolii, 70. Drosophila ampelophila, 14. Dry poisons, 35. Eccoptogaster quadrispinosus, 103. rugulosus, 89. Elm, cockscomb elm gall on, 81. plant lice injuring, 109. Elm aphis, woolly, 79. Elm case bearer, European, 99. Elm leaf aphis, 79. Elm leaf beetle, 7, 97-98, 106, 107, TOO, TNT: E12: Elm leaf gall, red, 83. additions to collections, — Ennomos subsignarius, 100-2, 106, IIO. Eriophyes pyri, 92, 106. quadripes, 108. . Euproctis chrysorrhoea, 17-25, 105, 106, IIO. European elm case bearer, 99. European grain aphis, 76-77. explanata, Leptobyrsa, 72-75. Explanation of plates, 127-70. Fabric pests, 107. fagi, Phyllaphis, 8o. feltella, Acrobasis, 71-72. Figures, Leptobyrsa explanata, 72. Fish moth, 107. Fleas, 107. fletcherella, Coleophora, 106. lies, houses O, [2-17 - 105, 106! NOG Wa: Flower flies, 86. Food pests, 107. Forest insects, 7-8, 100-4. Meson ahESy WO. Fruit tree bark beetle, 80. Fruit tree pests, 5-6, 80-04, 112. fumiferana, Tortrix, 102. ‘ Galerucella luteola, 97-98, 106, 107, LOO Mah lew, Te) Gall-making aphids, 81-83. Gall midses. O10; 100; goldenrod, 10, I05. Gipsy moth, 8, 106, IIo. Glischrochilus quadriguttatus, 16. Goldenrod, gall midges, 105. Grain aphis, European, 76-77. Grain weevil, 112. Grape, rose leaf hopper injuring, Qo. Grape blossom LC7. OS, BLA: Grape leaf hopper, 90. Grape root worm, 7. Green apple aphis, 76, 77. Green cockroach, 112. Greenhouse scale, 104, 105. Ground beetles, 32. of the 63) 02-03% midge, 174 NEW YORK Halisidota caryae, 104. hamadryella, Lithocolletes, Ito. hamamelidis, Hormaphis, 82. Hamamelistes spinosus, 81-82, 109. Hartman, Pammy di, work/or, \10: Hazel gall) spinye-Gi-e2, Heliophila unipuncta, 94-95, 108. Heliothis armuger, Vir, Hemerocampa definita, 104. leucostigma, I04, I07. Hemiptera, additions to collections, THO-L7; OL Adirondacks. T24525¢ total number of specimens in collection, 116; types, 121-22, hesperidum, Lecanium, Io4. Hickory bark borer, 8, 103-4. Hickory gall aphid, 82. Hickory leaf stem borer, 71-72. Hickory tussock moth, I04. Honey and honey-dew, 84. Elop aphis,/77-78, 104) 100: Hops, plant lice injuring, 75. Hormaphis hamamelidis, 82. Hornets, 107. Flouse, fly, 0, )f2-177_905.- too, tog, 1), Household insects, 10, 107. Howard, L. O., acknowledgments CO, ae: humilis, Iridomyrmex, 86. humuli, Phorodon, 77-78, 104, 109. Hydrocyanic™ acid’ gas) S)) 10,105, 107. Hymenoptera, additions to collec- tions, 113, 117;) of. Adirondacks, 123; total number of specimens in collections, 118; types, I19. Hypostena variabilis, 32. imperialis, Basilona, IIT. Insect types, in New) York) State Museum, 119-22. insignis, Orthesia, 105. Iridomyrmex humilis, 86. Isoptera, additions to collections, 17. johnsoni, 108. Contarinta; %62-03) 1G7, STATE MUSEUM Kerosene emulsion, 88, 95, I04. Lace-winged flies, 87. Ladybeetles, 79, 80, 86. lanigera, Schizoneura, 76. Larch aphis, woolly, 8o. Larder beetle, 107. Lasius niger americanus, 86. laticollis, Phengodes, 96, 112. Trogosita, 31. Laurel, rhododendron injuring, 74. Lecanium hesperidum, I04. Legislation relating to insects, I12. lace “bug, Lepidoptera, additions to collec- tions, 115, 118; of Adirondacks, 124; total number of specimens in collections, 118} types, 120: Lepidosaphes ulmi, 92, TOS. Leptobyrsa explanata, 72-75: leucostigma, Hemerocampa, 104, 107. Lightning beetle, 95. Lalac ‘borer, 117, Lime-sulfur wash, 6, 34, 87, 88, 91, O2)\ TOO, ETT: limosipennella, Coleophora, 99. Linden moth, snow-white, 7, 100- 2+ TOO: TOG, .LLO: Lithocolletes hamadryella, Ifo. Lobodiplosis spinosa, I09. Locust trees, Say’s blister beetle injuring, 94. London purple, 95. Luminous larvae, 95-96, I12. luteola, Galerucella, 97-98, 106, 107, LOO, OTE1.) aie? Lygus pratensis, 90, III. Lymexylon sericeum, 106. / Macrocentrus delicatus, 32. maidiradicis, Aphis, 78, 86. Malacosoma americana, I08. Malarial mosquito, 107. mali, Aphis, 77. malifoliae, Aphis, 77. Mallophaga of Adirondacks, 125. mangiferae, Asynapta, 109. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST Igog Maple, injurious insects: snow-white linden moth, Iot. sugar maple borer, 7, 08. Maple aphis, painted, 79. Maple gall, 108. marginatus, Chauliognathus, 31. Melittia satyriniformis, IIo. mieSsor, Caliephialtes, 32. Monarch, 105. Mosquito, house, 107. malarial, 107. salt marsh, 107. yellow fever, 107. Mountain laurel, rhododendron lace bug injuring, 74. Musca domestica, 12-17, 105, 1006. Museum pest, 96-97. Myzus cerasi, 77. negundinis, Chaitophorus, 79. Neuroptera, of Adirondacks, 125; total number of specimens in collections, 118. nevadensis, Sphecius, 32. nigricornis, Oecanthus, 94. niveus, Oecanthus, 93. noctilucus, Pyrophorus, 112. Norway maple aphis, 78-79. Notolophus antiqua, 104. novem-notata, Coccinella, 86. Nursery certificates, If. Oak caterpillar, 112. Oak leaf miner, IIo. Oats, European grain aphis injur- ine, 76: ocellana, Tmetocera, 108. ocellata, Anatis, 86. Odonata, total number of speci- mens in collections, 118. Oecanthus sp., 93-04. nigricornis, 94. ‘niveus, 93. quadripunctatus, 94. Orthesia insignis, 105. Orthoptera, additions te collec- Moms, 117; totals number. of specimens in collections, 118. Oyster scale, 92, 105. 175 Painted maple aphis, 79. Paleacrita vernata, 109. Panis heGeem, 3350.05) Peach scale, West Indian, 92. Peach tree, iriit tree bark beetle injuring, 89. Pear tree, injurious insects: European grain aphis, 76. fruit tree bark beetle, 8o. Pemphigus populitransversus, 83. ulmifusus, 83. vagabundus, 83. pennsylvanica, Photuris, 95, 112. pennsylvanicus, Chauliognathus, 31. pentagona, Aulacaspis, 92. Perimeratoma vatiezata, 32. perniciosus, Aspidiotus, 90-92, III. Petroleum, 88. Phenacoccus acericola, I00. Phengodes laticollis, 96, 112. plumosa, 95-96, II2. Phorodon humuli, 77-78, 104, Io9. Photuris pennsylvanica, 95, I12. Phyllaphis fagi, 80. Phylloxera caryaecaulis, 82. Physokermes abietis, 108. Pieris rapae, 108. Pimpla annulipes, 32. Pine aphis, woolly, 80-81. Pine bark aphis, 80. pinicola, Schizoneura, 8o. pinicorticis, Chermes, 8o. Plagionotus speciosus, 98-99, 106, TOO, Plant lice, 5; 75-80, 100, 110+ nat- ural enemies, &86; prolificacy of, 104; susceptibility to climatic conditions, 84-85. Plates explanation Ob, 127.70: plexippus, Anosia, 105. Plum, injurious insects: aphids, 5, 100. European grain aphis, 76. fruit tree bark beetle, 80. hop aphis, 77. rose leaf hopper, 90. Plum aphis, 109. plumosa, Phengodes, 95-96, 112. Podosesia syringae, ITI. 176 pomonella, Carpocapsa, 25-71, 106, 107, 108. Pomphopoea sayi, 94. Poplar, oyster scale injuring, 92. Poplar jean stem call ase Poplar sawfly, 112. populitransversus, Pemphigus, 83. Porthetria dispar, 106, IIo. pratensis, Bryobia, 105. Lyous, 00; F111, pretiosa, Trichogramma, 32. Psychoda alternata, 14, 15, 16. Pterostichus californicus, 32. Publications; 10; list ‘ot, 1e4-12, Pulvinaria vitis, Ioo. pyri, Eriophyes, 92, 106. Pyrophorus noctilucus, 112. quadriguttatus, Glischrochilus, 16. quadripes, Eriophyes, 108. quadripunctatus, Oecanthus, 94. quadrispinosus, Eccoptogaster, 103. . Quince, European grain aphis in- juring, 76. rapae, Pieris, 108. Raspberry, tree crickets injuring, 93, 94. Red elm leaf gall). 83. Remedies and preventives for: army worm, 95, 108. birch louse, 109. brown tail moth, 8, I9, I05, IIo. bud worm, 108. cabbage lice, IIo. cabbage worm, I08. canker worms, 89, 100. clover mite, 105. codling moth, 16; "32-37, Too; 107, 108. COM) Loot ~apiais!, Ze cottony maple scale, Ioo. cucumber beetle, 108. elm leaf beetle, 97, 107, 109, ITI, 12: European elm case bearer, 99. grape blossom midge, 107. greenhouse scale, 104, 105. NEW) YORI Sie MUSEUM hickory bark borer, 103. hop aphis, 78, 109. oyster scale, 92. plant lice, 87, 1eo. rhododendron lace bug, 75. San José scale, 6, 91, IIT. strawberry grubs, III. sugar maple borer, 99, 100, TE: tussock moth, white marked, 107. witch-hazel louse, Io9. Remedies and preventives: arsenate ‘of lead: 33) sa, NoGsetoR. 105. arsenic, 95. . arsenical poisons, 6, 89, 97, 99. arsenite: of lime,’ 339/37. arsenite of soda, 33. bordeaux mixture, 33, 34, 88. carbon bisulfid, 78, 104. hydrocyanic acid gas, 8, 19, 105, 107. insecticides and fungicides, form- ulas for, 106, 108. kerosene emulsion, 88, 95, 104. lime-sulfur wash, 6, 34, 87, 88, OT, O02;) TOG. london purple, 95. paris green 33, 95. | petroleum, 88. spray pumps, 107. tai Danas. Os: tobacco preparations, 88. whale oil soap solution, 75, 88, TOO. ‘Rhododendron lace bug, 72-75. rileyi, Schizoneura, 79. rosae, Typhlocyba, 90, 109. Rose leaf hopper, 90, 100. | Rosy apple aphis, -76, -77. spray poisoning, 107. rufipes, Calathus, 32. rugulosus, Eccoptogaster, 89. Rye, European grain aphis injur- Thaveavey {cy Sackenomyia, o. San José: scale, 6, 00,-62, TET, i satyriniformis, Melittia, Ifo. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST IgGOQ Sawily, poplar, 112. sayi, Pomphopoea, 94. Say’s blister beetle, 8, 94. Scale insects, 1006. Scavenger beetles, 32. Schizoneura lanigera, 76. pinicola, 8o. rileyi, 79. ulmi, 79. Schizura unicornis, II0. Scolytidae, 112. scrophulariae, Anthrenus, 96. senatoria, Anisota, II2. sericeum, Lymexylon, 106. Shade tree pests, 7, 97—I00, 1A, plambt lice, 75. Silver fish, 107. Siphocoryne avenae, 76. SilLOtogad cerealella, 112. Snow-white linden moth, 7, 100-2, 106, 109, IIO. Snowy tree cricket, 93. Soldier beetle, 31. speciosus, Plagionotus, NO, EET, Sphecius nevadensis, 32. spinosa, Lobodiplosis, Iog. spinosus, Hamamelistes, 81-82, 1009. Spiny hazel gall, 81-82. . Spray poisoning, 107. Spray pumps, 107. ’ Spraying outfits, 35. Spruce bud moth, Io2. Spruce bud worm, 7. Spruce gall aphid, 7, 83, 108. Squash bugs, Tir. Squash vine borer, IIo. Squash vines, IIo. Strawberry grubs, III. Striped cucumber beetle, IIo. strobilobius, Chermes, 8o. subsignarius, Ennomos, 100-2, 106, IIo. Sugar maple borer, 7, 98-99, 106, TOO, LIT: syringae, Podosesia, IIT. Syrphid flies, 86. 107, 98, 106, ee N77, Tachina flies, 95. Tar bands, 95. Tarnished plant bug, 90, III. tarsalis, Trogoderma, 32. Telephorus bilineatus, 31. Tent caterpillars, 108. Thysanura, additions HONS, NE. Tmetocera ocellana, 108. Tobacco preparations, 88. Tortoise beetle, 110. Tortrix fumiferana, 102. Tree crickets, 93-94. black horned, 94. four spotted, 94. Trichogramma pretiosa, 32. CHISELS, wnasas 11 T: Trogodermu tarsalis, 32. Trogosita corticalis, 31. laticollis.s 30. tubicola, Cecidomyia, IIo. Tussock moth, varieties of, 104. hickory, I04. old, 104. well marked, 104. white marked, 104, 107. Typhlocyba comes, go. rosae, QO, I00. Ey ohoid tive 2-07 slo; Ti: to collec- ulmi, Lepidosaphes, 92, I05. Schizoneura, 79. ulmicola, Colopha, 81. ulmifolii, Callipterus, 79. ulmifusus, Pemphigus, 83. uUnicormis, Schizura, ro. unipuncta, Heliophila, 94-95. Vagabond gall, 83. vagabundus, Pemphigus, 83. variabilis, Hypostena, 32. variegata, Perimegatoma, 32. verbasci, Anthrenus, 96, I00. vernata, Paleacrita, 109. Viceroy, 105. Violet midge 93. violicola, Contarinia, 93. Vitis) ce Wivinanias LOO, vVittata-| Diabrotica, “10S, Eo; 178 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Wasps, 32, 87, 107. Witch-hazel louse, I00. West Indian peach scale, 92. Woolly apple aphis, 76. Whale oil soap solution, 75, 88, | Woolly beech leaf aphis, 8o. 100. Woolly elm aphis, 79. Wheat, European grain aphis in- | Woolly larch aphis, 80. juring, 76. Woolly pine aphis, 80-81. White marked tussock moth, 104, 107. Yellow fever mosquito, 107. ~Witch-hazel, spiny hazel gall on, | Young, D. B., Additional List of 82. Adirondack . Insects, \seaae.e5: Witch-hazel cone gall, 82. {| work of, Io. Appendix 7 Neg ony | oe : i ws ean 7” o Boiany= Museum Bulletin 139 a ee ss of the State Botanist 1909 a Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 470 ALBANY, N. Y. May I, I910 New York State Museum Joun M. Crarxez, Director CHarLes H. Peck, State Botanist Museum Bulletin 139 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST Ig09 PAGE PAGE AG OGUMCHIOM, 55. sccs see se eens ee 5 | List of edible, poisonous and Plants added tothe herbarium... 8 unwholesome mushrooms Contributors and their contribu- hitherto figured and described. SDDS. oO ge ee eens 10 Pope Orie wl Ck. ck Si oes bes es 78 Species not before reported...... 19 | List of genera whose New York Remarks and observations....... 33 species (chiefly) have been col- POMC RHUEOT: .c ok. tee ee oo ay) lated with descriptions in the New species of extralimital fungi. 42 State Botanist’s reports cited.. 87 New York species of Inocybe.... 48 | Explanation of plates ......... gI Newuianacpecies of Hebelomays O71) UNdex. co... . Lo. ee ede eee soe EMT mew ae eo ey es New York State Education Department Science Division, February 23, 1910 Hon. Andrew S. Draper LL.D. Conmmnussioner of Education Sir: I have the honor to communicate herewith for publica- ‘tion as a bulletin of the State Museum, the report of the State Botanist for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1909. Very respectfully Joun M. CLARKE Director State of New York Education Department COMMISSIONER'S ROOM Approved for publication this 24th day of February toro Commussioncr of Education Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 No. 470 ALBANY, N. Y. g May 1, 1910 New York State Museum Joun M. CLARKE, Director CHARLES H,. PECK, State Botanist Museum Bulletin 139 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 Dr John M. Clarke, Director of State Museum: The following report of work done in the botanical department of the State Museum for the year 1909 is respectfully submitted. Since the date of my last report specimens of plants for the State herbarium have been collected in the counties of Albany, Columbia, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Rensselaer, Steuben, St Lawrence, Warren and Wyoming. Specimens have also been added to the herbarium that were received from correspondents and others. These were collected in the counties of, Albany, Cayuga, Dutchess, Essex, Franklin, Herkimer, Monroe, New York, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orleans, Oswego, Queens, Rensselaer, Schoharie, Suffolk, Tompkins, Ulster, Warren and Washington. | The number of species of which specimens have been added to the herbarium is 255 of which 56 species were not before rep- resented in it. Of these, 11 are considered new or hitherto un- described species. All except one are fungi. The specimens of the 199 species not new to the herbarium serve to give a better or more complete representation of their respective species than was given before. A list of the names of all the added species is given under the title “ Plants added to the herbarium.” The number of those reported as contributors to the herbarium » is 66. Some of these have sent specimens for identification merely, but when the specimens were collected in this State and were received in good condition, if the species was previously unrepresented in the herbarium or if for any other reason they were deemed worthy of preservation, they have been preserved and credited to the sender as a contribution to the herbarium 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Some of our best and most interesting additions to the herbarium have been made in this way. The names of contributors of such specimens and of extralimital specimens with their respective contributions are given under the title “ Contributors and their contributions.” The number of species added to our New York flora is 77. Several of these have been reported before as varieties of other species or confused with other species, but having been recently admitted in Gray’s New Manual as distinct species it has been thought best to record them as such with their known New York localities. The names of these and other added species together with their localities, descriptions of new species, and other mat- ters of interest will be found under the title “ Species not before reported.” Under the heading “ Remarks and observations ” any facts of interest concerning the species mentioned are recorded. This record may include new varieties of plants or notable varia- tions, new localities for rare plants, and remarks concerning the diseases of plants or their economic properties. The work of testing our wild mushrooms for their edible qual- ities as opportunity was given has been continued. Five species have been personally tested and approved as edible. ‘These, added to the species and varieties previously known, make the number of New York species and varieties now known to be edible 200. Plain and simple descriptions of the newly- added species are given under the title “ Edible fungi.” Colored fig- ures of these species may be found on plates 117-20. Among the extralimital contributed specimens 10 apparently new spe- cies are represented. Descriptions of these species are given in a part of the report marked “ New species of extralimital fungi.” Colored figures of six of these species may be found on plates Wi, ey ware Revised descriptions of our New York species of the genera Inocybe and Hebeloma have been prepared, with keys to the sections or subgenera and to the species. It is believed that these simple localized monographs will be helpful to those studying or desiring to study these interesting subjects of the vegetable kingdom. These chapters are respectively entitled “New York species of Inocybe” and “New York species of Hebeloma.” The climatic character of the season has been to a large extent a repetition of that of 1908. A cold late spring, an unusually dry summer and prevailing cool weather were its characteristic REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 7 features. These conditions were decidedly unfavorable to wild mushroom growth. Scarcely any could be found except the few that naturally inhabit swamps and low wet ground in woods. In the latter part. of the season gentle rains moistened the sur- face of the ground sufficiently to insure the development of good agricultural crops and a fair seasonable crop of some mush- rooms. But the effect upon the common mushroom, A gari- Ete cadmpester and its variety, the garden mushroom, aoatareis Campester hortensis, is worthy of spe- Gia metice. In the vicinity of Albany a gentle and prolonged faim tae latter part of Augtst, moistened the surface of the ground quite effectually. In a few days the common mushroom appeared in unusual abundance, though it was a little earlier in the season than it usually appears. The mushrooms were so plentiful that at least one fruit dealer offered them for sale in quart baskets at his fruit stand. A few weeks later light showers were followed by a copious crop of the “garden mushroom,” a form differing from the common mushroom in having its cap adorned with brownish fibrils which form small spotlike scales on it and give it a darker color than that of the white form of the common mushroom. This crop continued to develop freely for several days and grew in some instances in pastures of light sandy soil where mushrooms are not usually expected to grow. The same abundant appearance of the edible mushroom was re- ported to have followed the light autumnal showers in other localities in the State. The lesson it teaches is that for mush- room production gentle showers are better than torrents of rain. The number of those who have sent or brought specimens of plants to the office of the botanist for identification is 152. The number of identifications made is 1717. Mr S. H. Burnham, my assistant, in addition to his other duties, has prepared a list of the names of the edible, poisonous and un- wholesome species of mushrooms hitherto figured and described in the publications of the museum, together with the citations of the time and place of publication of each. He has also prepared a list of the genera of fungi of which the New York species (chiefly) have been described as far as known in previous reports. The time and place of these limited monographic publications are cited. Both these lists may be found at the end of this report. CHARLES H. Peck State Botanist Albany, December 24, 1900 8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM PLANTS ADDED TO THE HERBARIUM New to the herbarium Ascochyta solani-nigri Diedicke Belonidium glyceriae Pk. Biatora cupreo-rosella (Nvyl.) Tuckm. Bidens tenuisecta Gray Boletus viridarius Frost Carduus crispus L. Chaenactis stevioides H. & A. Ciboria luteo-virescens R. & D. Clitocybe candida Bres. Cortinarius subsalmoneus Kauf. Ms. Crataegus brevipes Pk. C. efferata S. : eS letchworthiana S. Diplocladium penicilloides Sacc. Diplodia cercidis E. & E. D. hamamelidis Fairm. D. tamariscina Sacc. Dothiorella divergens Pk. Epipactis tesselata (Lodd.) Eaton Fenestella amorpha E. & E. Hypholoma boughtoni Pk. Ete rigidipes Pk. Leontodon nudicaulis (L.) Banks Ligusticum scoticum L. Lophiotrema hysterioides E. & E. Te littorale Speg. Marasmius alienus PR. Melanopsamma confertissima (Plow) Microcera coccophila Desm. Midotis irregularis (Schw.) Monolepis nuttalliana (R. & S.) | Morchella crispa Karst. M. rimosipes DC. Nardia crenulata (Sw.) Lindb. N. hyalina (Lyell) Carr. Peridermium strobi Kleb. Pezizella lanc.-paraphysata Rehm Phaeopezia fuscocarpa (&. & #H.) Pholiota aurivella Batsch Phomopsis stewartii Pk. Picris echinoides L. Polyporus giganteus (Pers.) Fr. Psilocybe nigrella Pk. Puccinia epiphylla (L.) Wettst. Ribes trist. albinervium (M~+z.) Rubia tinctorum L. Rumex pallidus Bigel. Schwalbea americana L. Septoria sedicola Pk. Solidago aspera Ait. Sparganium diversifolium Graeb. Stachys sieboldii Miq. Stephanoma strigosum Wallr. Trametes merisma Pk, Verticillium rexianum Sacc. Volvaria volvacea (Bull.) Fr. Not new to the herbarium Agaricus campester L. A. silvicola Vitt. Agropyrum tenerum Vasey Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh Amanita frostiana PR. A. phalloides Fr. Anagallis arvensis L. Angelica atropurpurea L. Antennaria brainerdi Fern. Anthemis cotula L. Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers. A. punicea Pers. Arenaria peploides L. Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott Aristida gracilis Ell. Armillaria mellea Vahl Aster ericoides L. A, -puniceus, 7 . Atriplex pat. littoralis (L.) Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Bidens beckii Torr. Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Sw. Bromus altissimus Pursh Caldesiella ferruginosa (F7r.) - Calvatia elata (Mass.) Morg. c: gigantea (Batsch) Cantharellus infundibuliformis(Scop.) Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9QOQ Cardamine douglassii (Torr.) Carduus spinosissimus (Walt.) Carex bebbii Olney C: crawfordii Fern. Centaurea solstitialis L. ' Cerastium viscosum L. Cladosporium typhae Schw. Collybia myriadophylla Pk. G: platyphylla Fr. St radicata (Relh.) Fr. Convallaria majalis L. Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) G; micaceus (Bull.) Cornus amomum Mull. Corallorrhiza trifida Chat. Crataegus acclivis S. anomala S. beata S. eatoniana S. ellwangeriana S. grayana Egegl. halliana S. holmesiana Ashe ignea S, maineana S. menandiana S. ovatifolia S. persimilis S. polita S. punctata Jacq. repulsans S. rotundifolia Moench succulenta Lk. ‘ tenuiloba S. Crepidotus applanatus (Pers.) Cc; malachius B. & C, Cuscuta arvensis Beyrich. G. cephalanthi Engelm. Cypripedium acaule Ait. Cystopus candidus (Pers.) Lev. Daedalea unicolor (Bull.) Fr. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. Erythronium albidum Nutt. Eupatorium purpureum L. Exidia gland. levior Sacc. Exoascus confusus Atk. i, pruni Fckl. E. unilateralis Pk. ANANANAAAAAANNAANANANN Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. Favolus europaeus Fv. Fimbrystilis castanea (M-x.) Vahs Flammula pulchrifolia Pk. Fuligo septica (Lk.) Gmel. Fusicladium destruens Pk. Galera lat. albicolor PR. Galium erectum Huds. Geranium pusillum Burm. f. Geum flavum (Port.) Bickn. Gloeoporus conchoides Mont. Hedeoma hispida Pursh Helenium autumnale L. Hieracium florentinum All. lal gronovil L. jal scabrum Mx. Hybanthus concolor (Forst.) Hypericum canadense Mvz. Hypochaeris radicata L. Ilex vert. tenuifolia (Torr.) Wats. Iris prismatica Pursh Irpex obliquus (Schrad.) Fr. Juncus brachycephalus (Engelm.) Tk brevicaudatus (Engelm.) ape secundus Beauv. Juniperus com. depressa Pursh J. horizontalis Moench Lactarius aquifluus Pk. il glyciosmus Fr. Lactuca scar. integrata G. & G. Laportea canadensis (L.) Gaud. Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene Leonurus cardiaca L. Listera australis Lindl. Lycoperdon gemmatum Batsch Marasmius acerinus Pk. M. glabellus Pk. M. oreades Fr. Monilia crataegi Diedicke Morus rubra L. Mycena pelianthina Fr. M. pseudopoda (Pers.) M. pseudopura Cke. M. .. sanguinolenta 4. & S. Myosotis virginica (L.) Bo S.P. Naias gracillima (A. Br.) Magn. Oenothera linearis Mx. Omphalia rugosodisca Pk. Onopordon acanthium L. Panicum implicatum Scribn. Pi oricola’ He oC. P: spretum Schultes IO NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. Peridermium consimile 4. & K. Phlox divaricata L. Pholiota angustipes Pk. P: vermiflua PR. Pilea pumila (L.) Gray Plantago decipiens Braineoud Pleurotus ulmarius (Bull.) Sow. Pluteus admirabilis Pk. iP cervinus (Schaeff.) Fr. P; granularis Pk. P: nanus (Pers.) Fr. Polygonum avic. littorale (LR.) Polyporus elegans Fr. P: sulphureus (Bull.) Fr, Potamogeton richardsoni (Benn.) Prunus pumila L. Puccinia coronata Cda. ee rubigo-vera (DC.) Wint. 1 veratri Niessl. Pyrus coronaria L. iP: melanocarpa (Mx.) Willd. Quercus macrocarpa Mx. Radicula pal. hispida (Desv.) Ranunculus delphinifolius Torr. R. reptans L. Roestelia aurantiaca Pk. Rubus andrewsianus Blanch. R. permixtus Blanch. R. recurvans Blanch, Russula brevipes Pk. Rue lepida Fr. R. mariae Pk. Sanicula canadensis L. Sedum ternatum Mv. Silybium marianum (L.) Gaertn. Sisymbrium altissimum L. Ss: sophia L. Solanum dulcamara L. Ss) nigrum. L. Solidago neglecta T. & G. or squarrosa Muh. Sparganium americanum Nutt. Se angustifolium M+. Spiraea latifolia Borkh. Stachys arenicola Britton Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort. Thalictrum confine Fern. i dasycarpum F. & L. ii revolutum DC. Thelephora terrestris Ehrh. Trametes suaveolens (L.) Fr. Tricholoma album (Schaeff.) Fr. Trichothecium roseum (Pers.) Lk. Trillium grand. variegatum Pk. Tripsacum dactyloides L. Urtica lyellit Wats. Ustilago longissima (Sow.) Tul. Ustulina vulgaris Tode Vaccinium pennsylvanicum Lam. Veronica humifusa Dicks. V. tournefortii Gmel. Verticillium lactarii Pk. Vicia angustifolia (L.) Reich. Viola rafinesquii Greene in renifolia Gray V. sororia Willd. ays triloba Schw. Vitis vulpina L. Zizania palustris L. Zizia aurea CL.) Koch. CONTRIBUTORS AND? THEIR CONTRIBUTION. Miss L. C. Allen, Newtonville, Mass. Bovistella ohiensis E. & M. Miss H. C. Anderson, Lambertville, N. J. Morchella gigas (Batsch) Fr. Miss F. Beckwith, Rochester Bidens tenuisecta Gray Chaenactis stevioides H. & A. Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her. Geranium pusillum Burm. f. Monolepis nuttalliana (R. & S.) Sisymbrium sophia L. Viola sororia Willd. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IgO0Q LE Mrs E. B. Blackford, Boston, Mass. Cortinarius acutoides Pk. (On lutescens Pk. Lactarius hysginus Fr. Russula blackfordae Pk. Russula serissima Pk. Mrs H. C. Davis, Falmouth, Me. Bovista pila B. & C. Mutinus caninus (Huds.) Fr. Crucibulum vulgare Tul. Rhizina inflata (Schaeff.) Quel. A set of colored drawings representing about 150 species of fleshy fungi from Maine Mrs E. P. Gardner, Canandaigua Trillium grandiflorum variegatum Pk. Mrs L. L. Goodrich, Syracuse Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott Sisymbrium altissimum L. Veronica tournefortii C. C. Gmeln. Mrs C. W. Harris, Washington, D. C. Baeomyces roseus Pers. Cetraria oakesiana Tuckm. Cladonia caespiticia (Pers.) FI. C. cristatella Tuckm. Gg mitrula Tuckm. c papillaria (Ehrh.) Hoffm. OF pyxidata (L.) Fr. c rangiferina (L.) Hoffm. (OF verticillata Fr. Parmelia borreri rudecta Tuckm. PR: Gaperata CL.) Ach. P. conspersa (Ehrh:) Ach. dee perlata (L.) Ach. P. physodes (L.) Ach. 12 esaxaulis, (L.)° Fr, BR eltigera aphthosa (L.) Hoffm. wee Peltigera canina (L.) Hoffm. PA. polydactyla (Neck.) Physcia aquila detonsa Tuckm. caesia (Hoffm.) Nyl. obscura (Ehrh.) Nyl. obsc. endochrysea Ny. stellaris (.L.) Wuckm. stell. aipolia Nyl. Pyxine sorediata Fr. Ramalina calic. fastigiata Fr. Sticta amplissima (Scop.) Mass. Sh pulmonaria (L.) Ach. Umbilicaria dillenit Tuckm. Le muhlenbergii (Ach.) Umbilicaria pustulata papulosa Tuckm. Miss A. Hibbard, West Roxbury, Mass. Boletinus glandulosus Pk. Boletus miniato-olivaceus Frost Gomphidius nigricans Pk. Stropharia depilata Pers. Tricholoma acre Pk. Miss D. Hone, Minneapolis, Minn. Polyporus isidioides Berk. Polyporus obtusus Berk. Miss A. Lorenz, Hartford, Conn. Marsupella robusta (DeNot.) Evans M. sullivantii (DeNot.) Nardia crenulata (Sm.) Lindb. N. hyalina (Lyell) Carr. Miss H. L. Palliser, Poughkeepsie Boletus viridarius -Frost I2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Dr C. E. Putnam, St Paul, Minn. Secotium acuminatum Mont. Miss M. L. Sutliff, Sacramento, Cal. Rhizopogon rubescens Tul. Mrs M. E. Williams, Wernersville, Pa. Leskea gracilescens Hedw. J. C. Arthur, Lafayette, Ind. Puccinia grindeliae Pk. A. D. Baker, Auburn Centaurea solstitialis L, C. F. Baker, Claremont, Cal. Agaricus bivelatus PR. A. solidipes Pk. A. subnitens Pk. Amanita bivolvata Pk. A. calyptratoides PR. A. ocreata PR. A. virosa Fr. ' Amanitopsis velosa Pk. Armillaria subannulata PR. Boletus tomentipes Earle Clitocybe microspora Pk. Ge sphaerospora Pk. Collybia albogrisea Pk. Coprinus calyptratus PR. Cortinarius multiformis Fy. Hebeloma foedatum PR. Hypholoma campanulata Pk, Tt: cutifracta PR. Inocybe: bakeri Pk. ‘ip bulbosa Pk. Lactarius rufulus Pk. Es theiogalus (Bull.) Leptonia edulis Pk. Mycena atroalboides Pk. M. elegantula Pk. M. haematopoda (Pers.) Fr. Naucoria platysperma Pk. N. vinicolor Pk. Pluteolus luteus Pk. Psathyrella graciloides Pk. Psilocybe castanella Pk. Russula semicrema Fr. Ei ischnostylum Cke. Tricholoma equestre (L.) Fr. Tubaria furfuracea (Pers.) Fr. H. J. Banker, Greencastle, Ind. Onygena equina Pers. | Polyporus sulphureus (Bull.) Fr. Xylaria pedunculata (Dicks.) Fr. H. W. Barratt, Poughkeepsie Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) Fr. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IgQOog I3 E. Bartholomew, Stockton, Kan. Barlaea subaurantia B. & R. Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) Karst. Botrytis uredinicola Pk. Bubakia crotonis (Cke.) Arth. Ceratophorum uncinatum (Clint.) _Cercospora biformis Pk. brunnea PR. flagellaris E. & M. fuscovirens Sacc. O tlm Ober, (Ol ava. rubi Sacc. simulata EE. & E. sordida Sacc. vignae LH. & E. Clara aurea Schaeff. Coleosporium elephantopodis (Schw.) ANNAAMNAN ipomoeae (Schw.) Burr. ie. laciniariae Arth. €. solidaginis ees) vernoniae B. & C. Coriolus prolificans (Fr.) Murr. C. versicolor (L.) Quel. Corticium roseolum Mass. Cylindrosporium padi Karst. Daedalea aesculi (Schw.) Murr. Darluca filum (Biv.) Cast. Diatrype stigma (Hoffm.) Fr. Fusarium bartholomaei Pk. ih juglandinum PR. Ganoderma curtisii (Berk.) Murr. Gyroceras divergens Pk. Hapalopilus gilvus (Schw.) Murr. Helminthosporium hamatellum Pk. Herpotrichia rhodospiloides Pk. Hirneola auricula-judae (L.) Hydnoporia fuscescens (Schw.) Murr. Hypoxylon multiforme Fr. Irpiciporus lacteus (Fr.) Murr. Kuehneola albida (Kuehn.) Magn. Lenzites betulina (L.) Fr. Lycoperdon atropurpureum V/1tt. Es pulcherrimum B. & C. Melampsora bigelowil Thuem, M. medusae Thuem. Microsphaera alni (Walir.) Salm. mississippiensis 7. & E, Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Fr. Nummularia repanda (Fr.) Nits. Ozonium auricomum Link Peniophora quercina (Fr.) Cke. Phlebia radiata Fr. Phyllosticta smilacis £E. @ M. Piscotia, iraxit Bow OC. Pileolaria toxicodendry-(B. & FR.) Puccinia helianthi Schw. , laternipes: Ben de. lobeliae Ger. menthae americana PR. Muhlenbergiae 4. & H. polygont-amphibit Pers. smilacis Schw. xanthi Schw. Pecciniaceean, agrimoniae (Schw.) P. hydrangeae (B. & C.) Be myrtilli (Schw.) Rhysotheca halstedii (Farl.) Schizophyllum commune Fr. Scleroderma tenerum B. & C. Septoria musiva PR. ee ees So) populi Desm. =. rubi West. S: scrophulariae Pk. Sorosporium ellisi1 Wnt. Sphaerella fraxinicola. (Schw.) Sphaeria potentillae Schw. Stereum acerinum nivosum Berk. Sh complicatum Fr. S: curtisii Berk. Sh spadiceum Fr. Sr versicolor (Sw.) fr. Stigmina platani (Fckl.) Sacc. Thelephora rosella PR. Txvanzschelia punctata (Pers, ) Uncinula parvula GC. GP. Uromyces andropogonis Tracy appendiculatus (Pers.) aristidae EL. & E. euphorbiae C. & P. hedysari-paniculata (Schw.) lespedezae (Schw.) PR. spermacocis (Schw.) Curt. vane tiepospora (Pe.) BL Gy LP: Pe J. B. Bartlett, Albany Sterigmatocystis ochracea (Wilh.) VanTigh. 14 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM F. S. Boughton, Pittsford Hypholoma boughtoni PR. Volvaria volvacea (Bull.) Fr. S. H. Burnham, Sandy Hill Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schw.) Anthemis cotula L. EL torminosus (Mont.) Tul. Aster divaricatus L. Julella monosperma (Pk.) Sacc. A. macrop. velutinus Bu. Lactarius cinereus Pk. Carduus crispus L. iS subdulcis (Bull.) Fr. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Muell.) Lecanora rubina (Vill.) Ach. Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.) Fr. Massaria vomitoria B. & C. Clitocybe candida Bres. Peridermium conorum-piceae (Rees) Cc trullisata Ellis Peronospora parasitica (Pers.) Collybia platyphyllq Fr. Piggotia astroidea B. & Br. Coprinus insignis Pk. Polyporus chioneus Fr. Corticium cremicolor B. & C. Psilocybe uda (Pers.) Fr. C lacteum Fr. Pucciniastrum potentillae Kom. Cortinarius rimosus Pk. Rubia tinctorum L. Ce subsalmoneus Kauff. Ms. Rubus permixtus Blanch. G validipes Pk. Russula aeruginea Fr. Diplocladium penicilloides Sacc. R. decolorans Fr. Eutypella cerviculata (Fr.) Sacc. Sanicula canadensis L. Flammula pulchrifolia Pr. Sparganium diversifolium Griseb. 15K spumosa Fr, Stachys arenicola Britt. Fomes pinicola (Sw.) Fr. Sy sieboldii Mig. Geum flavum (Port.) Bickn. Trametes sepium Berk. Gloeosporium irregulare Pk. FE: suaveolens (L.) Fr. Helvella palustris Pk. Tricholoma transmutans Pk. Hydnum laciniatum Leers Vaccinium pennsylvanicum Lam. Hypocrea aurantiaca Pk. Zygodesmus fuscus Corda I. O. Cross, Hoosick Falls Fusicladium dendriticum (Wallr.) Fckl. S. Davis, Boston, Mass. Clavaria lavendula Pk. ~ Gomphidius maculatus (Scop.) Fr. Cc pallescens Pk. Inocybe hiulca Fr. Clitocybe brumalis Fr.: IE infelix brevipes Pk. ce compressipes PR. Marasmius varicosus Fr. Clitopilus davisii Pk. Mycena pseudopura Che. Eccilia watsoni Pk. Naucoria firma Pk. Entoloma griseo-cyaneum Fr. N. sphagnophila Pk. E. sericeum Fr. Nolanea conica Pk. E. variabile Pk. Omphalia pyxidata (Bull.) Fr. Galera later. albicolor Pk. Pholiota autumnalis Pk. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 15 J. Dearness, London, Can. Clasterosporium caricinum Schw. Marsonia potentillae (Desm.) Entyloma linariae Schroet. Microstroma juglandis (Bereng.) Hypocrella hypoxylon (PR.) Peridermium conorum-piceae (Rees) Isariopsis albo-rosella (Desm.) Puccinia caricis-asteris Arth, Leptothyrium punctiforme B. & C. Sphaerotheca humuli (DC.) Burr. F. Dobbin, Shushan Hedeoma hispida Pursh Stellaria borealis Bigel. C. J. Elting, Highland Centaurea solstitialis L. C. E. Fairman, Lyndonville Belonidium glyceriae Pk. Lophiotrema littorale Speg. Cantharellus floccosus Schw. Melanopsamma confertissima (Plow. ) Ciboria luteo-virescens RK. & D. Microsphaera diffusa C. & P. Diplodia cercidis LE. & E. Ovularia obliqua (Cke.) Oud. iDy hamamelidis Fairm. Pezizella lanc.-paraphysata Rehm D. * tamariscina Sacc. Phialea scutula (Pers.) Gill. Fenestella amorpha FE. & E. Polyporus sulphureus (Bull.) Fr. Helotium salicellum Fr. Puccinia epiphylla (L.) Wettst. Lycogala flavo-fuscum (Ehrh.) Rost. Stephanoma strigosum Wallr. Lophiotrema hysterioides (E. & L.) Trichosporium variabile Pk. : G. C. Fisher, DeFuniak Springs, Fla. Bovistella floridensis Pk. Peridermium pyriforme Pk. ; WP. Praser,; Pictou, Can. Calicium lenticulare (Hoffm.) Ach. Lycopodium sabinaefolium Wild. Cenangium populneum (Pers.) Rehm L. sitchense Rupr. Dothidella kalmiae (Pk.) Sacc. Ramularia dubia Riess Gnomoniella coryli (Batsch) Sacc. Septogloeum salicinum (Pk.) Sace. Venturia pulchella C. & P. C. Gaffin, Utica Volvaria bombycina (Pers.) Fr. H. Garman, Lexington, Ky. Pholiota vermiflua Pk. : S. J. Greenfield, Ilion Panaeolus retirugis Fr. J. G. Grossenbacher, Geneva Cryptosporium cerasinum Pk. M. E. Hard, Kirkwood, Mo. Laternea columnata Nees 16 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM E.-T. Harper, Chicago, III. Corticium mutatum PR. Diaporthe aucupariae Hagzsl. Diplodina fusispora Pk. Dothiorella celastri Pk. Fusarium pyrochroum (Desm.) Sacc. macrocarpum Helminthosporium Grev. Macrophoma samaricola Sacc. Myxosporium acerinum Pk. Phoma lebiseyi Sacc. ps menispermi Pk. PB platysperma Pk. Sphaeropsis simillima Pk. Stagonospora linearis Pk. Stemphylium macrosporoideum (B. ra J Oy O. Hill, Boston, Mass. Agaricus halophilus PR. Hypholoma rigidipes Pk. Tricholoma subcinereum Pk, G. T. Howell, Rockville, Ind. Flammula praecox Pk. Flammula pulchrifolia Pk. Lepiota granosa Morg. G. Jericho, Albany Calvatia cyathiformis (Bosc ) Morg. C. E. Jones, Albany Prunus pumila L. M. E. Jones, Salt Lake City, Utah Actinonema rosae (Lib.) Fr. Ascochyta colorata PR. Cylindrosporium padi cerasinum (PkR.) cs simile Pk. Dimerosporium collinsii (Schw.) Doassansia alismatis (Nees) D. sagittariae (West.) Erysiphe polygoni DC. Linospora brunellae E. & E. Macrosphaera alni ludens Salm. M. ~ diffusa Cae: Phyllosticta angelicae Sacc. Physoderma vagans Schroet. Septoria sacch. occidentalis E. & E. Se sorbi Lasch Sr streptopodis Pk. Sphaerotheca humuli (DC.) Burr. _R. Latham, Orient Point Angelica atropurpurea L. Arenaria peploides L. Aristida gracilis Ell. Atriplex pat. littoralis (L.) Cerastium viscosum L. Cirsium spinosissimum (Walt.) Cyperus nuttallii Eddy Fimbristylis castanea (M-x.) Vahl Fomes rimosus Berk. ' Hieracium gronovii Myx. lake scabrum Mr. Hypericum canadense L. Hypochaeris radicata L. Tex vert. tenuifolia (Torr.) Iris prismatica Pursh Leontodon nudicaulis (L.) Banks Ligusticum scoticum L. Myosotis virginica’ CL.) B.S Onopordum acanthium L. Panicum spretum Schultes Picris echioides L. Plantago decipiens Barneoud Polygonum littorale Link Rumex pallidus Bigel. Salsola kali L. ‘Silybum marianum (L.) Gaerin. Solidago aspera Att. Strophostyles helvola (L.) Tripsacum dactyloides L. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 17 J. Mickleborough, Brooklyn Myxosporium castaneum Pk. A. J. Miller, Rensselaer Nuts of Phytelephas macrocarpa Rk. & P. G. E. Morris, Waltham, Mass. Amanita morrisii Pk. Mccilia pyiitiay be 7) C. A. misearia L: Entoloma cuspidatum Pk. A. russuloides Pk. Ey jubatum Fr. Boletinus grisellus Pk. 1a rhodopolium Fr. Boletus morrisii Pk. . . salmoneum PR. Be spectabilis Pk. Geoglossum nigritum Pers. Calocera cornea Fr. Hydnum graveolens Delast. Clitocybe centralis Pk. Ee laevigatum Sw. eG metachroa Fr. Lactarius bryophilus PR. Coprinus niveus (Pers.) Fr. Leotia punctipes Pk. Cortinarius ferrug.-griseus Pk. Russula serissima Pk. Eccilia flavida Pk. Tricholoma piperatum PR. W. A. Murrill, New York Hypholoma boughtoni PR. Inocybe infida Pk. H. S. Paine, Glens Falls Pholiota duroides Pk, C. R. Pettis, Lake Clear Junction Peridermium strobi Kleb. H. G. Pierce, Rochester | Salix albawl: E. Riesel, Herkimer Cuscuta arvensis Beyrich W. H. Ropes, Salem, Mass. Lepiota americana Pk. Lepiota cepaes. lutea (Bolt.) Lepiota friesii Lasch, J. C. Smock, Hudson Bidens beckii Torr. Hybanthus concolor (Forst.) Erythronium albidum Nutt. Schwalbea americana L. P. Spaulding, Washington, D. C. Peridermium strobi Kleb. 18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM E. B. Sterling, Trenton, N: J. Agaricus eludens Pk. Agaricus magniceps Pk, F. C. Stewart, Geneva Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. Hypholoma perplexum Pk. Fomes ribis (Schum.) Fr. Microcera coccophila Desm. Phomopsis stewartii Pk. H. L. True, McConnelsville, O. Polyporus flavovirens B. & R. Xylaria digitata (L.). Grev. B. D. VanBuren & S. H. Burnham, Albany Collybia velutipes (Curt.) Fr. J. M. VanHook, Greencastle, Ind. Hydnum laciniatum Leers H. Wardeli, Middleburg Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene H. L. Wells, New Haven, Conn. Agaricus rodmani Pk. F. B. Wheeler, Syracuse Morchella crispa Karst. ‘Morchella rimosipes DC. Pholiota aurivella Batsch H. H. Whetzel, Ithaca Ascochyta solani-nigri Diedicke T.-H. -Wileox, Washineton, 1. °C: Amanita flavorubescens Atk. D. B. Young, Albany Amanitopsis vaginata (Bull.) Roze Entoloma salmoneum Pk. Boletus albus Pk. Lactarius deliciosus Fr. B. Piperatus Bull. Hie oculatus (Pk.) Burl. Eccilia atrides Lasch. Russula fragilis (Pers.) Fr. Sporotrichum larvatum PR, REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9QOQ 19 So HCLES NOM SEVORE REPORTED Ascochyta solani-nigri Diedicke Mone. leaves of ege plant, Solanum melongena L. Ithaca. October. H. H. Whetzel. Agropyrum tenerum Vasey Brownsville, Jefferson co. and Adirondack mountains. June and Jae. Hornerly confused with Agropyrum violaceum Lange. Belonidium glyceriae n. sp. Receptacle 1-1.5 mm broad, gregarious, sessile, plane or convex, glabrous or merely papillate on the under side, pale yellow; asc1 subclavate or subfusiform, obtuse, 120-130 x 14-18 »-; spores ob- long or subcylindric, straight or slightly curved, 3-septate, often 4-nucleate, crowded or biseriate, 35-40 x 4-5 », paraphyses filiform. Dead culms of Glyceria nervata (Willd.) Trin. Lyn- donville, Orleans co. June. C. E. Fairman. Receptaculum I-1.5 mm latum, gregarium, sessile, planum con- vexumve, extus glabrum seu papillatum, flavidum; asci subclavati vel subfusiformes, obtusi, 120-130 x 14-18 »; sporae oblongae vel subcylindraceae, rectae vel leviter curvae, 3-septatae, saepe 4-nu- cleatae, confertae vel distichae, 35-40 x 4-5 », paraphyses filiformes. — Biatora cupreo-rosella (Nyl.) Tuckm. Limestone rocks. Pine Island, Orange co. November. C. F. Austin. Bidens tenuisecta Gray Field near Rochester. August. Miss F. Beckwith. Probably a recent introduction from the West. Boletus viridarius Frost Grassy places near pine trees. Poughkeepsie. September and October. Miss H. L. Palliser. For description of this species see article on “ Edible fungi” in another part of this report. Bromus altissimus Pursh Rathbone, Steuben co. and North Greenbush, Rensselaer co. Au- gust to October, Formerly confused with Bromus cili- ata Ss: le, 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cardamine douglasii (Torr.) Britton Niagara Falls and Syracuse. May. Formerly. referred to Cardamine rhomboidea purpurea, lor. burners recognized as a distinct species. Carduus crispus L. Fields. Helderberg mountains.. October: S. H. Burniameers recently introduced plant, very spiny but beautiful. Carex bebbii Olney Common. Formerly considered a variety of Carex tribu- loides Wahl., but now recognized as a distinct species. Carex crawfordii Fern. Common. Previously known as Carex scoparia minor Boott, but raised to specific rank in the New Manual. Chaenactis stevioides H. & A. Newly seeded lawn. Rochester. Miss F. Beckwith. Probably a recent introduction from the West. Ciboria luteo-virescens R. & D. On petioles of fallen maple leaves. Lyndonville. C. E. Fairman. Clitocybe candida Bres. Woods. West Fort Ann, Washington co. October. S. H. Burn- ham. ‘The pileus in these specimens is not a pure white as might be inferred from the specific name, but is tinged in the center with yellowish or grayish brown hues. It is also sometimes eccentric. Cortinarius subsalmoneus Kauffm. Ms. Woods. Hague, Warren co. September. S. H. Burnham. The full description of this species has not yet been published, but the specimens agree with those characters published in the Key to the Species of Cortinarius and in the author’s manuscript description. Crataegus brevipes n. sp. Leaves ovate or broadly ovate, acute, rounded or broadly cuneate at the base, with 2-3 very slight broad lobes each side or scarcely lobed, with marginal teeth short, broad and blunt, glabrous except REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 21 a few hairs on the upper surface of the midrib near the base, slightly bronze tinged when unfolding, soon green or yellowish green, paler beneath, becoming darean green and firm, those on vigorous shoots larger, subcoriaceous, more distinctly lobed, and broadly rounded or subtruncate at the base, petioles short, 6-12 mm long, slightly margined at the top, nearly or quite glandless. Flowers 5-Io in a cluster, 1.6—2.4 mm broad, commonly on sim- ple glabrous pedicels 6-12 mm long, calyx lobes irregular, often abruptly narrowed toward the reddish apex, entire or with few marginal glands, slightly ay inside; stamens 8-10, anthers pink; styles 3-4. Fruit erect, globose or depressed globose, I-1.4 cm long, I.2-1.4 em broad, angular, scarcely or not at all pruinose, 3-8 in a cluster, supported on short glabrous pedicels, dull red or blotched with green, nutlets 3-4, 7-8 mm long. A shrub 2-3 m tall, with wide spreading branches armed with stout, nearly straight spines 2.5-4 cm long. Flowers the last week in May. Fruit ripe the latter part of September. Rocky hilly places. Corning, Steuben co. The species evidently belongs to the Pruinosae group, though the fruit is not distinctly pruinose. The specific name has reference to the short pedicels, by which character the species is distinguished from all others of this group known to me. Folia ovata vel late ovata, acuta, basi rotundata vel late cuneata, utrique 2-3 lobata, seu vix lobata, dentibus brevibus, latis, obtusis, margine serrata, glabra, nisi pilis paucis in venis ad basem, juventate leviter rufobrunnea, mox viridia, infra pallidora, in maturitate virescentiora et subcoriacea, petiolae 6-12 mm longae, ad apicem leviter marginatae fere eglandulosae. Flores 5-10 in corymbo, 1.6-2.4 cm latae, in pedicellis glabris, vulgo simplicibus, 6-12 mm longis, calicis lobi irregulares, saepe ad apicem abrupte angustati et rubri, integri vel glandis paucis, intra leviter hirti, stamines 8-10, antherae rosaceae; styles 3-4. Poma 1-1.4 cm longa, 1.2-1.4 lata, angularia, epruinosa, brevibus glabris erectis pedicellis suffulta, sanguinea, nuculae 3-4, 7-8 mm longae. Diplocladium penicilloides Sacc. Decaying specimens of Polyporus resinosus (Schrad.) Fr. Helderberg mountains. May. S. H. Burnham. 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Diplodia cercidis E. & E. Dead branches of cultivated Cercis japonica Sieb. Lyn- donville. July. C.-E. Fairman: Diplodia hamamelidis n. sp. Fairm. in litt. Perithecia gregarious, minute, depressed globose, black, at first covered by the epidermis, then erumpent; spores at first color- less, then colored, for a long time continuous, finally uniseptate, 20-28 x 10-12 P. Dead branches of witch hazel Hamamelis virginianaL. Lyndonville. September. C. E. Fairman. Perithecia gregaria, minuta, depresso-globosa, nigra, primus epi- dermide tecta, deinde erumpentia; sporae primus hyalinae, deinde coloratae, diu continuae, denique uniseptatae, 20-28 x 10-12 »v. Diplodia tamariscina Sacc. Dead branches-of cultivated Tamarix pafvitlot ase Lyndonville. July. C. E. Fairman. Discina leucoxantha Bres. Ground, under beech trees. Altamont, Albany co. May. Dothiorella divergens n. sp. Clusters of perithecia 1-3 mm broad, seated on or immersed in a black stroma, suborbicular or elliptic, erumpent, surrounded by the ruptured epidermis; perithecia irregular, unequal, submembran- ous, black, pallid within; spores oblong, obtuse, straight or slightly» curved, sometimes uninucleate, hyaline rarely becoming greenish or yellowish, 20-30 x 9-IO p. Dead branches of apple tree, Pyrus malus L. Menands Albany co. May. This species differs from Dothiorella mali E.& Beam D. pyrenophora Karst. & Sacc. in its much larger spores. It diverges from the generic character in sometimes having spores slightly tinged with green or yellow. , Caespites peritheciorum I-3 mm lati, insidentes stromate nigro, suborbiculares seu ellipsoidei, erumpentes, epidermide rupta circum- dati; perithecia irregularia, inaequalia, submembranacea, atra, intus pallida; sporae oblongae, obtusae, rectae, vel leviter curvae, ali- quando uninucleatae, hyalinae, rare viridescentes seu flavescentes, 20-30 x 8-10 v. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ . 23 Epipactis tesselata (Lodd.) Eaton Woods. Gansevoort, Saratoga co. August. Fenestella amorpha FE. & E. Dead branches of hickory. Lyndonville. July. C. E. Fairman. Geum flavum (Port.) Bickn. Greenburg, Westchester co. E. C. Howe. Shushan, Washing- fonvee. September. S. H. Burnham. Hypholoma boughtoni i.) Sp: PLATE II, FIG. I-7 Pileus fleshy, thin except in the center, broadly convex or sub- hemispheric, rarely with a slight umbo, glabrous or slightly fibril- lose, often concentrically and areolately cracking, pale reddish brown or grayish brown, flesh whitish, taste disagreeable; lamellae un- equal, moderately close, adnate, purplish brown, seal brown or black- ish, obscurely spotted, whitish on the edge; stem equal, floccosely fibrillose, striate at the top, hollow, white or whitish; spores black on white paper, broadly elliptic, apiculate, 10-12 x 7-8 pv. Pileus 2.5—7 cm broad; stem 2.5-6 cm long, 4-10 mm thick. ‘Ground in woods and in open places. Near Pittsford, Monroe beeaaa at Menands. August F.S. Boughton and C. H. Peck. This species is closely allied to Hypholoma velutinum (Pers.) Fr. from which it may be separated by its dry, not hygro- phanous, pileus, its whitish flesh and stem, the absence of cystidia and the larger spores. The spore print of both this and Hypho- loma rigidipes Pk. is black on white paper. This would indicate a close relationship to the Melanosporae, not only of these two species, but probably also of the closely related species eee tintin: (Pers.) Brand H.lacrymabundum Fr. Pileus carnosulus, centro excepto, late convexus vel subhemi- sphaericus, rare subumbonatus, glaber vel subglaber, saepe rimosus, rufo-brunneus vel griseo-brunneus, carne albida, sapore ingrato; lamellae inaequales, subconfertae, adnatae, obscure maculatae, pur- pureo-brunneae, atro-brunneae vel nigrescentes, acie albida; stipes aequalis, floccoso-fibrillosus, ad apicem striatus, cavus, albidus; sporae in fundamento candido atrae, late ellipsoideae, apiculatae, 10-12 x 7-8 ». 24. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hypholoma rigidipes n. sp. PLATE III, FIG. I-60 Pileus fleshy, thin, convex or broadly convex, dry, fibrillose- squamulose, tawny brown (raw umber.), often reddish in the center, flesh whitish, odor slight or none, taste mild; lamellae narrow, close, slightly sinuate, adnexed, brownish red becoming black or purplish black with age; stem slender, rigid, equal, hollow, fibriliose squamu- lose, colored like the pileus or a little paler; spores subellipsoid, apiculate, Io-12 x 6-8 pv. Pileus 2.5-5 cm broad; stem 5-10 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious. Damp places under tall herbs. North River, War- ren co, September, This is closely related to Hypholoma lacrymabundum Fr. from which it may be separated by its smaller size, gregarious mode of growth, slender, rigid, equal, darker colored stem, larger spores and slight evanescent veil. Pileus carnosulus, convexus vel late convexus, siccus, fibrilloso- squamulosus, umbrinus, saepe in centro rubescens, carne albida, sapore mite; lamellae angustae, confertae, adnexae leviter sinuatae, rufo-brunneae, deinde purpureo-atrae vel nigrescentes; stipes gracilis, rigidus, aequalis, cavus, fibrilloso-squamulosus, pileo in colore similis; sporae subellipsoideae, apiculatae, 1o-12 x 6-8 Juncus brachycephalus (Engeim.) Buchen. Jamesville, Onondaga co. and Sevey, St Lawrence co. July and August. Formerly reported as a variety of Juncus canaden- sis Gay. Juncus brevicaudatus (Engelm.) Fern. West Albany, Sand Lake and Adirondack mountains. August and September. _ Formerly reported as a variety of Juncus canadensis aGay Juncus secundus Beauv. Blue Mountain Lake, Hamilton co. August. Reported as a va- riety of Juncus tenuis) Willd Juniperus horizontalis Moench Bergen swamp, Genesee co. Formerly reported as a variety of Juniperus Sabina REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 25 Leontodon nudicaulis (L.) Banks Orient Point, Suffolk co. September. R. Latham. Leskea gracilescens Hedw. Trunks of trees. Kingston. July. Mrs M. E. Williams. Ligusticum scoticum L. Oriente Point. September. ~R. Latham. Lophiotrema hysterioides E. & E. Decorticated twigs and branches lying on the ground in woods. Byndonville. September. C. E. Fairman. Lophiotrema littorale Speg. Dead branches of willow. Lyndonville. May. C. E. Fairman. Marasmius alienus n. sp. Pileus thin, tough, convex, subpruinose, dry, pallid or pale buff, with a thin straight margin; lamellae subarcuate, distant, slightly decurrent, creamy yellow, becoming brownish in drying; stem slen- der, firm, hollow, subpruinose, pallid; spores oblong or narrowly elliptic, 8-10 x 4-5 vv. Pileus 6-12 mm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, .5-1 mm thick. Mossy prostrate trunks of trees in woods. Fine, St Lawrence co. August. This species belongs to section 3, subsection 2, of Professor Mor- gan’s Synopsis of North American Species of Marasnuus. Pileus tenuis, lentus, convexus, subpruinosus, siccus, pallidus vel subluteolus, margine tenue, recto; lamellae subarcuatae, distantes, lever Geciireites, cremeae, in siccitate brunnescentes; stipes gracilis, firmus, fistulosus, subpruinosus, pallidus; sporae oblongae vel anguste ellipsoideae, 8-10 x 4-5 vp. Melanopsamma confertissima (Plowr.) Sacc. Wead branches of spice bush, Benzoin*aestivale (L.) Nees. Lyndonville. C. E. Fairman. Microcera coccophila Desm. Parasitic on San José scale infesting living branches of apple frees... Hicksville; ‘Nassati'co." October. .F. G. "Stewarts. A wel- come enemy to a very unwelcome foe to fruit trees and shrubs. 26 NEW ‘YORK STATE MUSEUM Midotis irregularis (Schw.) Cke. On decaying wood. Indian Lake, Hamilton co. October. Monolepis nuttalliana (R. & S.) Wats. Rochester. Miss F. Beckwith. September. An interesting mem- ber of the Goosefoot family. It has probably been ee intro- duced from the western part of the country. Morchella crispa Karst. Near Syracuse. May. F. B. Wheeler. It resembles Mor- chella conica Pers. but may be distinguished from it by the more irregular tortuous ribs of the cap, the chinks at the base of the stem and the longer spores. | Morchella rimosipes DC. Near Syracuse. May. F. B. Wheeler. Probably both this and the preceding species of morel are edible, but as I have had no opportunity of making a personal test of their edible quality they are not here recorded as such. Naias gracillima (A. Br.) Magn. Water holes near West Albany. September. Formerly reported as a variety of Naias indica Willd. but now considered a distinct species. Nardia crenulata (Sm.) Lindb. Near Calamity pond, Essex co. August. Miss A. Lorenz Nardia hyalina (Lyell) Carr. Banks of Marcy brook, Essex co. July. Miss A. Lorenz. Panicum implicatum Scribn. Albany; Machias, Cattaraugus co. and Adirondack mountains. July. Formerly confused with Panicum pubesceén 3) ieamm and Pilanneinos ane Panicum oricola H. & C. Manor and Riverhead, Suffolk co. and Fulton Chain, Herkimer co. July and August. Formerly contused with) Panicmm dichotomum L; and°P. atlantacam Was. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 iS) N Panicum spretum Schultes Near Albany ; Riverhead and Orient Point, Suffolk co. and White- hall, Washington co. July. Formerly confused with Panicum feemotomum LL. Peridermium strobi Kleb. Secdlime white pines, Pinus strobus lL. Lake Clear Junc- tion, Franklin co. October. Perley Spauiding and C. R. Pettis. Our specimens are immature. This parasitic fungus is destructive to white pine trees. It is tinemmac. Cronartium ribicola Dietr. is a form which develops on leaves of currant bushes. Its spores are capable of infecting white pine trees and reproducing the pine rust, Peri- Gerimaitm strobi, in them. Yo prevent this it is important that currant and gooseberry bushes whose leaves are attacked by the ‘Cronartium should be destroyed at once. Pezizella lanceolato-paraphysata Rehm Wemectems of cultivated Spiraea frtipendula LL. Lyn- gomville: June. C. E. Fairman.: Phaeopezia fuscocarpa (E. & H.) Sacc. Decaying wood. Kasoag, Oswego co. July. Pholiota aurivella Batsch Decaying wood of maple. Near Syracuse. October. F. B. Wheeler. | Phomopsis stewartii n. sp. Perithecia gregarious, commonly occupying grayish or brown spots, thin, subcutaneous, at length erumpent, depressed, minute, Y%—-Y mm broad, black; spores of two kinds, first, filiform, curved, flexuous or uncinate, hyaline, 16-25 x I-1.5 », second, oblong or subfusiform, hyaline, commonly binucleate, 8-12 x 2-3 #3 sporo- phores slender, equal to or shorter than the spores. On stems of Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. Garden of Agri- Ciliiral Experiment Station, Geneva, Ontario:co. October. F.C. Stewart.. . Perithecia gregaria, maculas griseas seu brunneas vulgo occu- pantia, tenua, subcutanea, deinde erumpentia, depressa, minuta, Y%-Y% mm lata, nigra; sporae dimorphae, primum, filiformes, cur- 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM vatae, flexuosae hamataeve, hyalinae, 16-25 x I-1.5 », secundum, oblongae vel subfusiformes, hyalinae, vulgo binucleatae 8-12 x 2-3 #, sporophores graciles, sporis aequales vel breviores. Picris echinoides L. Orient Point. September. R. Latham. Potamogeton richardsoni (Benn.) Rydb. Lake Champlain and Oneida lake. August. Formerly reported as a variety of Potamogeton perfoliatus Lo but mow classed as a distinct species. Psilocybe nigrella n. sp. PLATE III, FIG. 7—II Pileus thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, slightly umbonate, hygrophanous, seal brown and shining when moist, even and ob- scurely striate on the margin, raw umber or mummy brown when the moisture has escaped; lamellae thin, rather close, rounded be- hind, adnexed, purple brown or seal brown, whitish on the edge; stem firm, rigid, equal, stuffed with a slender white pith, silky fibrillose, whitish; spores dark purplish brown, almost black, ellipsoid, 10-12 x 6-8 p. Pileus 2.5-4 cm broad; stem 3.5—7 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Damp mossy ground in swamps. Karner, Albany co. October. Pileus tenuis, late convexus subplanusve, leviter umbonatus, hygro- phanous, atrobrunneus, nitidus, levis, margineque obscure striatus in conditione uda, umbrinus in siccitate; lamellae tenues, subcon- fertae, adnexae, atrobrunneae, acie albidae; stipes firmus, rigidus, aequalis, medulla alba farctus, sericeo-fibrillosus, albidus; sporae purpureo-brunneae vel subatrae, ellipsoideae, 10-12 x 6-8 p. Puccinia epiphylla (L.) Wettst. Living leaves of low spear grass, Poa annua L. Lyndon- ville, :Septembers: Cc.) Tainan: Ribes triste albinervium (Mx.) Fern. Colton hill swamp. Fine. August. This is closely related to Ribes vulgare Lam., the common garden currant, from which it may be separated by its more strag- gling, partly decumbent habit and by the glands on the pedicels. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 29 The variety differs from the typical form in having the leaves glabrous on the lower surface. Rubia tinctorum L. Near Smiths Basin, Washington co. October. S. H. Burnham. Introduced and formerly cultivated for its roots, which yield a coloring matter suitable for dyeing. It has persisted several years in the locality cited. Rumex pallidus Bigel. @rent Pomt. July... R. Latham. Rubus andrewsianus Blanch. Sandy soil. Islip, Suffolk co. Formerly considered a small Poor ubus villosus frondosus Bigel. Rubus permixtus Blanch. Light soil in pastures. North Elba, Essex co. July. Formerly referred to Rubus procumbens Muhl. Rubus recurvans Blanch. Pine Plains, Dutchess co. and Snyders Corners, Rensselaer co. July and August. Formerly considered a variety of Rubus villosus Ait. of the older botanies. Septoria sedicola n. sp. Spots orbicular, 4-8 mm broad, usually one or two on a leaf, at first definite, depressed and without discoloration of the surrounding leaf tissue, at length convex above, concave beneath, the surround- ing part of the leaf becoming yellowish, thin and flaccid, finally the whole leaf dying; perithecia numerous, minute, amphigenous, black ; spores filiform, straight, curved or flexuous, enucleate, zo ao p long, 1-1.5 v thick. _ Living leaves of live-for-ever, Sedum Pal f pabive 0 mm “bausel. Poecuwm telephinm L.. Man. ed. 6.) Fine. August. This fungus is closely allied to Septoria sedi West. from which I have separated it because of its amphigenous perithecia and its enucleate spores. The host plant is very tenacious of life and on that account a very undesirable weed though it spreads slowly. This parasite is injurious to it and tends to keep it in check and may therefore be considered a beneficial fungus. 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Maculae orbiculares, 4-8 mm latae, vulgo in ullo folio una duove, primus definitae, depressae, in partibus folii circumdantibus, absque decoloratione, deinde convexae supra, concavae infra, foliis flaves- centibus, tenuibus, flaccidis, moribundis; perithecia numerosa, minuta, amphigena, nigra; sporae filiformes, rectae, curvatae flexuosaeve, enucleatae, 20-40 X I-I.5 p. Solidago aspera Ait. Orient Point. September. R. Latham. Sparganium americanum Nutt. Lakes and ponds. Sand Lake, Rensselaer co. July. Formerly regarded as Sparganium simplex nuttallii Engelm. Sparganium angustifolium Mx. Lake Placid, Essex co. Formerly recorded as Sparganium simplex angustifolium (Mx.) Engelm. Sparganium diversifolium Graebn. Shushan. September! 5." hurihant Stachys sieboldii Miq. Along the railroad near Whitehall. September. S. H. Burnham. This is sometimes designated as Stachys.tuberifera Naud., a name suggested by its tuberous edible roots. It bears the common names knot root, Chinese artichoke and Japan artichoke. Stephanoma strigosum Wallr. In woods. Lyndonville. August. C. E. Fairman. This fungus is parasitic on ‘Lachnea hemispiteamed Wigg. In the generic and specific descriptions some of the char- ‘acters of the host plant are confusingly incorporated as if they belonged to the parasite. Sterigmatocystis ochracea (Wilh.) VanTigh. On diseased gladiolus bulbs and other vegetable matter kept under a bell glass in the office of the State Entomologist. Albany. Apriland May... J. Be Bartlett: REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 31 Trametes merisma n. sp. Pileus coriaceous, fibrous, tough, commonly deeply divided into several pileoli, uneven, tuberculose, colliculose or diminutively pro- liferous, subpubescent, white or whitish, flesh pure white, the margin obtuse, sterile beneath; pores minute, 2-3 in a millimeter, develop- ing from the center toward the margin, white, the edge of the dissepiments at first obtuse; stem like base short or none; spores not seen. Pileus 2.5—7 cm broad. Decaying prostrate trunks of beech trees, Fagus grandi- Powis ich Fine. August. This singular fungus sometimes develops from the lower surface of the trunk, in which case a tubercle first appears and the pendent pileus develops from it and is centrally attached to it by the apex. The context of the pileus is similar to that of species of Polystictus, but the character of the pores indicates a closer connection with Trametes. Pileus coriaceous, fibrosus, lentus, vulgo in pileolos paucos pro- funde divisus, asper tuberculosus colliculosus vel leviter proliferus, subpubescens, albus albidusve, carne candida, margine obtuso, infra sterile ; pori minuti, .3—.5 mm lati, a centro ad marginem patescentes, albi, dissepimentis obtusis, stipes brevis vel nullus. Trichosporium variabile n. sp. Widely effused, forming thin indefinite blackish patches; hyphae prostrate or suberect, simple or branched, continuous or rarely septate, 4-5 » in diameter, brown by transmitted light or partly hyaline; spores varying from globose to oblong, colored, 6-10 ,, in diameter or 8-12 x 6-8 ». On building paper kept in rolls under shelter. Bae September and November. C. E. Fairman. The species is remarkable for the variability in the size and shape of the spores. They are intermingled, but the oblong spores are more numerous than the globose. It differs from Tricho- sporium chartaceum (Pers.) Sacc. in its much larger spores. Late effusum, stratum tenue indeterminatum nigrescens formans; hyphae repentes suberectaeve, simplices ramosaeve, continuae vel leviter septatae, 4-5 » crassae, fuscae seu partim hyalinae; sporae fuscae, globosae, 6--10 » latae, vel oblongae, 8-12 x 6-8 pv. 32 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Verticillium rexianum Sacc. Parasitic on Arcyria cinerea (Bull) Pers. © ime gust. Volvaria volvacea (Bull.) Fr. Pittsford: August. F. S. Boughton. This is a white form with the silky fibrils of the pileus paler than in the typical form. Zizania palustris L. Shores of Lake Champlain near Whitehall and Dresden. August and September. This grass was formerly confused with Zizania aquatica L. but is now separated as a distinct species, distin- guished by its broader leaves. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 33 REMARKS AND OBSERVATIONS Cardamine bulbosa (Schreb.) B. S. P.. This name takes the place in the New Manual of -Cardamine moon potdea DOC. in Gray's Manual, ed. 6. Fine flowering specimens of it were collected in May near Little’s pond, Albany co. Centaurea solstitialis L. This recently introduced plant is apparently spreading, specimens having been received the past season from Highland, Ulster co., where it was collected by C. J. Elting, and from the southern part of Cayuga co., collected by A. D. Baker. Cerastium viscosum L. Orient Point. May. R. Latham. This is a rare species in our State. Crataegus verecunda gonocarpa n. var. Leaves thin, elliptic, oval or suborbicular, obtuse or acutish, rounded at the base, yellowish green, green with age, becoming glabrous except a few scattered hairs on the upper surface, not at | all or only slightly broadly lobed above the middle, the margins often curved upward, petioles 4-10 mm long, slightly margined above, glabrous or with few hairs in the furrow, with few or no glands. - Flowers 5-10 in a cluster, 12-14 mm broad, on short mostly simple pedicels less than an inch long, calyx lobes linear, glabrous, subentire ; stamens 1-7, anthers whitish; styles 2-3. _ Fruit erect or nearly so, compressed or obtusely 3-angled, dark red when ripe, with numerous minute yellowish lenticels, 10-12 mm long, 7-12 mm broad, compressed fruits about 7 mm in the narrow diameter, 12 mm in the broad diameter, flesh greenish yellow, hard and dry, nutlets 2-3, 7-9 mm long. Rocky hillside. Corning. May 29, September 17 and 21. A shrub 2-3 m tall with numerous spreading branches armed with curved spines 2.5-4 cm long, commonly pointing toward the ‘base. The leaves on vigorous shoots are larger than the others, nearly orbicular and more distinctly lobed. The characters which specially distinguish this from the typical plant are its more entire elliptic or suborbicular leaves, its shorter pedicels and its com- pressed or bluntly angular fruit. 2 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM A planta typica differt in foltis magis integris, ellipticis vel sub- orbicularibus, pedicellis brevioribus et fructibus compressis vel obtuse triquetris. | Epilobium densum Raf. Waste places. Fine. August. The name here used takes the place of Epilobium lineare Muhl. used in Gray's Manual, ed. 6. Erythronium albidum Nutt. This plant formerly grew in the vicinity of Albany but it long. ago disappeared from this region. A specimen of it has been contributed by Prof. J. C. Smock, which was collected many years ago and has “ Albany” on the label. A specimen in Beck herbarium is labeled “ Wet meadows, Albany.” Exoascus pruni Fcki. This parasitic fungus, which causes the enlargement of the fruit known as “bladder plums,’ was very prevalent about Rossie, St Lawrence co., in June. Many trees of both the wild black plum, Prunus nigra Ait., and the wild red plum, Prunus amer- 1cana Marsh., had scarcely a sound plum on them. Galium erectum Huds. This introduced species of bedstraw is abundant in pastures and along roadsides near Hudson. It spreads by subterranean root- stocks and threatens to be a pernicious weed. Hedeoma hispida Pursh Two stations are now known in the State for this rare plant, Little Falls and Shushan. Ilex verticillata tenuifolia (Iern.) W ats. Orient, Point = )ily-2 Rk. weathers Lactuca scariola integrata G. & G. In the New Manual this name designates the wild lettuce pre- viously referred to Lactuca virosa. This lettuce. has nom become very common in and around many cities and villages in the State. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9O9 35 Laportea canadensis. L. There are two forms of this nettle. One is common in moist or wet places. It has a slender stem, thin leaves on long slender petioles and usually bears a terminal cluster of pistillate flowers only. } ‘The other is rare, grows in dry soil or upland either in woods or open places, has a stouter stem, thicker leaves on shorter petioles: and frequently bears staminate flowers in the axils of most of the leaves, either with or without a terminal cluster of pistillate flowers. This form was found by the roadside at Fine and in woods near @astorliand, lewis co. Listera australis Lindl. A single plant was found in a large swamp near Fine. August. Marasmius oreades Fr. A vatiety with the pileus, white or whitish occurs in grassy ground at Rossie. September. Omphalia rugosodisca levidisca n. var. Decaying wood. Fine. Avgust. This differs from the typical form only in having the center of the pileus even. Pileus in centro levis. Peridermium consimile A. & K. Leaves of black Spree 2h teea. in aria ma (Mill) tee) ae Fine. August. Polyporus giganteus (Pers.) Fr. About old stumps in woods. Fine. August. This species forms large clusters of pile1 which are at first whitish or pale grayish brown, but they become brown or blackish brown in age or in drying. The minute white pores when fresh assume a blackish color where bruised and sometimes become black in drying. Prunus pumila L. Pulaski, Oswego co, August. C. E. Jones. The plants growing in sandy soil northwest of Albany and formerly referred to Pr Wiris pi mila are. now referred: to Prunus cuneata 36 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Raf., which species is characterized by its more erect mode of growth. Pyrus coronaria L. The leaves of the American crabapple are quite variable. In one form they are gradually narrowed toward the acute apex but broad at or near the base and often somewhat lobed; in the other they are more or less oblong or elliptic and barely acute at the apex. Pyrus melanocarpa (Mx.) Willd. Fruiting specimens of this species were collected at the same time from shrubs on opposite sides of a path in a swamp near Fine. The shrub on one side of the path had black fruit, on the other, dark red. Solanum nigrum L. Although the fruit of this plant is reputed poisonous, neverthe- less in some places it is used in making pies. The plant is even cultivated for its fruit. A form bearing very large fine fruit was observed in a garden at Rossie and the proprietor assured me that he used the fruit for food. Cooking appears to “destroy iam deleterious qualities. The cultivated form is localiy known as “ garden huckleberry.” Solidago squarrosa ramosa n. var, Corning. September. This differs from the ofdinary forma developing a pyramidal panicle of flowers at the top of the stem. The branches are 2.5-10 cm long, gradually diminishing in length from the base to the top of the panicle. The ray flowers are 8-11, disk flowers 9-14. Leaves more narrow than in the common form. Panicula pyramidata, ramis 2.5-10 cm longis, flores marginis S11, flores disci 9-14, folia angustiora. Schwalbea americana L. In the New Manual this plant is said to grow in wet sandy soil near the coast. In Beck’s Botany it is credited to sandy plains near Albany. In Paine’s Catalogue of Oneida County Plants it is reported as occurring near Center (Karner) station between Albany and Schenectady. A specimen has been contributed to the herbarium by Professor Smock that was credited to Albany and probably collected in or near the locality observed by the author REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I90Q 37 of Paine’s Catalogue. In the Beck herbarium there are specimens credited to Albany. Thalictrum confine Fern. Ine@ssie. june. Specimens collected near Port Henry and re- fomca to Ihalictrum purpurascens L.- belong here. Thalictrum revolutum DC. This name is used in the New Manual to designate the plant formerly referred to Thalictrum purpurascens ceri- Pemiimestist. and the glandular leaved iorm.of Thalictrum miwowrascens L, Viola sororia Willd. A white or whitish flowered form of this species was found near Rochester in May by Miss F. Beckwith and specimens were con- tributed by her to the herbarium. PDB FUNG! Clitocybe multiceps Pk. MEAN NCAP CLin@C YB PLATE I17, FIG. 7-9 Pileus fleshy, firm, convex, slightly moist in wet weather, whitish, grayish or yellowish gray, flesh white, taste mild; lamellae close, adnate or slightly decurrent, whitish; stems densely cespitose, equal or slightly thickened at the base, solid or stuffed, firm, slightly pruinose at the top, whitish; spores globose, .0002—.0003 of an inch in diameter (5-8 1). The many cap clitocybe is quite constantly tufted in its mode of growth. The tufts may be composed of two or three or many individuals. When there are many individuals in a tuft the caps are generally irregular because closely crowded against each other in their growth. The surface is smooth but sometimes slightly silky and brownish in the center. The color is whitish, grayish or yellowish gray, but the flesh is pure white. The gills are white, closely placed, with intervening short ones, the longest ones reach- ing the stem and broadly connecting with it or slightly decurrent on it. The stems are stout, nearly equal in diameter in every part, 38 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM smooth, solid, white or whitish. They are crowded or even attached to each other at the base. They may appear at any time from June to October if ‘the weather is sufficiently rainy. The taste, though not acrid, is some- times slightly disagreeable in the raw state, and unless thoroughly cooked the disagreeable flavor may not be wholly dispelled in pre- paring the caps for the table. This has given tise to differem: opinions concerning its edibility. ne correspondent declares that he considers it one of the best mushrooms. Another thinks. it unfit to eat. My first trials of it were not satisfactory. More recent ones lead me to place it among our edible species though it is scarcely to be considered first-class. Lactarius aquifluus Pk. WATERY MILK LACTARIUS PLATE 118, FIG. I-O Pileus fleshy, fragile, convex or nearly piane, at length centrally depressed, sometimes with a small umbo, glabrous or slightly and minutely tomentose, burnt sienna red when young and moist, paler grayish buff or subochraceous when dry, flesh colored nearly like the pileus, milk watery, taste mild or tardily acrid; lamellae thin, close, adnate or slightly decurrent, yellowish; stem equal or slightly taper- ing upward, glabrous or subpruinose, hollow, paler than the pileus; spores subglobose, .0003—.00035 of an inch in diameter (8-9 1). The watery milk lactarius grows in messy Swamps or wet places, rarely asa short. stem. variety, Lactariws aq widiigae brevissimus Pk., in black muck soil in old roads in woods. The plants are generally gregarious but sometimes tufted. The cap is 2-4 inches broad, the stem 1-4 inches long and 4-8 lines thick. It is moist or subhygrophanous in wet weather and even in se weather when growing in wet places. The color of the cap is at first yellowish red, but this soon changes to a grayish or pale ochraceous color as the moisture es- capes. ‘The flesh is colored similar to the pileus. The milk is scant and watery in appearance. The taste is mild or slowly and slightly acrid. ‘The odor in the fresh plant is weak but agreeable. It be- comes stronger in the dried plant and persists a long time. It is not always entirely destroyed even in cooking. It resembles the odor of melilot and is ‘similar to that of Lactarius glycios- mus Froand Lactaritts camphoratws (Ball) oe REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9OQ 39 gills have a pale creamy yellow color and become pruinosely dusted by the spores in the dried plant. They are at first broadly attached to the stem but in specimens having the pileus centrally depressed they become slightly decurrent. The stem is nearly or quite smooth, holiow and colored like, but a little paler than the cap. It is generally about equal to the diameter of the cap in length. In the upland form it is shorter. M@ie*species is closely related to Lactarius helvus Fr. of Europe, which is said by Fries to occur in a degenerate form in swamps and to have a rimose cap and watery milk. lf we admit that Fries was correct in considering his watery milk lactarius a @esetienate (form -of his typical Lactarius helvus with white milk, it still remains doubtful if our plant is the same as his, as some have claimed. The reasons for considering it a dis- finet species are two. First, it is not always an inhabitant of swamps, and, second, I have never found it with the cap rimose. It may be added as a presumptive distinguishing feature that Fries makes no mention of the very noticeable and long persistent odor emitted by the drying and dried plants... The further fact that our plant has never yet been found with white milk, even in its upland growth, leads to the conclusion that it is certainly not a degenerate form but a species constant in its milk character, and in its decided and persistent odor and therefore worthy of specific distinction. Entoloma grande Pk. GRAND ENTOLOMA PLATE I1Q, FIG. I-5 Pileus fleshy, thin toward the margin, glabrous, convex becoming nearly plane, often broadly umbonate, sometimes rugosely wrinkled about the umbo, moist in wet weather, yellowish white or grayish brown, flesh white, odor and taste at first farinaceous, then some- times leaving a disagreeable sensation in the mouth; lamellae broad, subdistant, slightly adnexed, whitish becoming pink; stem equal or neatly so, solid, slightly fibrous externally, mealy at the top, white; spores angular, .oco3—.0004 of an inch in diameter (8-I0 1). The grand entoloma is a large but rare mushroom. It has been found in a single locality near Albany twice in 13 years. It has been found once in the state of Vermont by Professor Burt. It is one of the few species of the genus Entoloma that have a farinaceous taste and odor. It grows in woods and occurs in August.. It is 40 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM found single or in tufts. The cap is 2-6 inches broad, the stem 1.5-6 inches long and 3-12 lines thick. The cap is convex or some- what bell shape, becoming nearly flat, whitish to grayish brown in color, its surface is sinooth, and in large specimens it is sometimes umbonate and rugosely wrinkled about the umbo. Its flesh is white. The gills are at first whitish or grayish but as they mature they assume the pink color of the spores. They are rounded next the stem and but slightly attached to it. The stem is white or whitish, solid and often mealy at the top. On account of the disagreeable sensation left in the mouth by tasting the uncooked cap it was thought that this mushroom would probably be found to be unwholesome. but actual experiment has shown that this character is destroyed by thorough cooking and that the mushroom is edible though less highly flavored than some others. Its scarcity makes it of but little importance. Hebeloma album Pk. WHITE HEBELOMA PLATE I17, FIG. 1-6 Pileus fleshy, thin, firm, convex becoming nearly plane or con- cave by the upcurving of the margin, giabrous, slightly viscid, white or yellowish white, flesh white, taste mild; lameilae thin, narrow, close, adnexed, whitish when young, becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal, firm, solid, glabrous, slightly mealy at the top, white; spores subelliptic, .ooo5-.0006 of an inch long, .00025-.0003 broad (12-16 x 6-8 +). The white nhebeloma is not a common mushroom but it is an ex- cellent one for the table. It is gregarious in its mode of growth and occurs among fallen leaves and mosses or on naked damp soil in woods, and may be found in September and October. The cap 1s I-2 inches broad, the stem 1-3 inches long and 2-3 lines thick. Generally the whole plant is white when young but the gills assume a brownish cinnamon or brownish rust color when mature. The edge of the gills is slightly excavated near the stem, to which they are narrowly attached. The cap is sometimes tinged with yellow and the stem is adorned at the top with white particles or a floccose mealiness. In State Museum Report 54, plate G, figures 1~7, the gills and spores are incorrectly colored. A new figure has therefore been prepared. REPORT OF TH STATE, BOTANIST (1909 ATI Boletus viridarius Frost GREEN LAWN BOLETUS PLATE 120, FIG. I-10 Pileus fleshy, convex, viscid when moist, glabrous, dingy whitish, pale ochraceous reddish yellow or pale orange, inclining to reddish brown, flesh whitish or yellowish, unchangeable; tubes from plane to convex, usually slightly depressed around the stem, their mouths small or medium size, subrotund, the dissepiments at first whitish, becoming yellowish or yellowish brown when mature; stem equal or slightly tapering upward, solid, white or yellowish and distinctly reticulated above the slight white annulus, pallid, reddish or brown- ish below, whitish or yellowish within; spores oblong-fusiform, .0003-.0005 of an inch long, .ooo16-.00024 broad (8-12 x 4-0 1). Pileus 1-5 inches broad; stem 1-2.5 inches long, 3-6 lines thick. Grassy ground near pine trees. September and October. Pough- keepere, Wiss H. LL. Palliser. Mimic) species is related to Boletus tlavus. With. by ‘the stem being reticulate above the annulus, but it is far more vari- able in the color of the pileus and stem, and it also differs in the character of the margin of the pileus, which is often incurved and appendiculate by the remains of the white veil. In none of the specimens seen do I find any green hues, nor is anything said of green or greenish colors in the original description of the species by Mr Frost. We can therefore only infer that the specific name was suggested by the green grassy places in which this Boletus grows. Its edible qualities have been tested both by Miss Palliser and myself and are considered excellent. The pileus is generally soiled by fragments of dirt or other matter, by reason of which it is bet- ter to remove the separable viscid cuticle before cooking. ‘The plants vary in size. hose appearing in September are larger than those appearing in October. The tubes when young are whitish or pale yellow and where wounded assume a pale brownish or fawn color; when older they become brownish yellow and wounds assume a darker brown hue. The veil is white and in the later specimens appears to be more fully developed and more persistent than im the earlier ones.. Its fragments in the later ones often adhere to the marein @f te cap. 42. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM NEW SPECIES OF EXTRALIMITAL FUNGI Amanita morrisii PLATE W, FIG. I-4 Pileus fleshy, subcampanuiate becoming broadly convex, viscid when moist, glabrous, even on the margin, with a separable pellicle, dark grayish brown or blackish brown, becoming a little paler with age and with the escape of moisture, flesh white; !amellae thin, close, narrow, rounded behind, slightly adnexed, white; stem equal or slightly tapering upward, slightly bulbous at the base, solid or stuffed, slightly floccose, sometimes grayish and striate at the top, usually white, annulus double, radiately striate above, whitish buff beneath, the slight volva soon breaking into fragments and disap- pearing or occasionally partly adhering to the lower part of the stem; spores subglobose or broadly ellipsoid, 8-10 x 6-8 vp. Pileus 5-10 cm broad; stem 8-14 cm long, 12-20 mm thick. In black vegetable mold among mosses. Natick swamp, Mass. September. G. E. Morris. Pileus carnosus, subcampanulatus, deinde late convexus, viscidus, glaber, margine leve, pellicula separabile, griseo-brunneus seu atro- brunneus, in senectute vel quum siccus pallidior, carne alba; lamel- lae tenues, confertae, angustae, leviter adnexae, albae; stipes ae- qualis, vel sursum attenuatus, solidus farctusve, minute flocculo- sus, aliquando griseus et ad apicem striatus, vulgo albus, annulus crassus, mollis, supra radiate striatus et alba, infra luteolus, volva in fragmenta mox frangens et vanescens, seu stipitis parti inferori in fragmentis rare adhaerens; sporae subglobosae vel ellipsoideae, 8-10 x 6-8 v. Agaricus eludens PLATE X, FIG. 6-13 Pileus thin, ovate,-broadly conic or subcampanulate, sometimes becoming broadly expanded, brown when young, becoming whitish and covered with brown fibrillose squamules, the center smooth, brown, the young margin surpassing the lamellae, flesh white changing to reddish where wounded; lamellae thin, close, narrow, free, whitish becoming bright pink, then chocolate brown and finally black or blackish brown; stem firm, nearly equal or sometimes thickened at the base, often slightly bulbous, fibrous, silky, white, stuffed with a hollow tube, internally white, changing to blood red REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST. 1909 AS © where wounded, then to brown or black, annulus thick, persistent, white; spores subglobose or ellipsoid, 5-7 x 4-5 1 Pileus 2.5-10 cm broad; stem 2.5—7 cm long, es min thick. Cespitose or single, often in clusters of many individuals. On. dumping ground near Trenton, N. J. September. E. B. Sterling. aime pileas closely resembles that of Agaricus placomy- ces Pk., but the mushroom differs in its commonly tufted mode of growth, the darker color of its mature pileus, the thicker and more persistent annulus, the distinct hollow tube of the stem and specially in the change of color of the wounded flesh and stem. Mieealsa Closely allied to Agaricus approximans Pk. from which it may be separated by its lamellae becoming pink before they assume the brown color of maturity. The discoverer pronounces it edible but says its flavor is less agreeable than that See esaticus campester L. Pileus tenuis, ovatus, late conicus seu subcampanulatus, aliquando late expansus, quum juvenis brunneus deinde albidus, squamulis brunneis fibrillosis tectus, centro glaber, brunneus, margine juvene lamellas excedente, carne alba, ubi vulnerata rufescente; lamellae tenues, confertae, angustae, liberae, albidae, mox incarnatae, deinde nigro-brunneae; stipes firmus, subaequalis, aliquando basi incras- satus saepe leviter bulbosus, fibrosus, sericeus, albus, tuba cava farc- tus, carne alba, ubi vulnerata sanguinea, deinde brunnea vel nigra, annulus crassus, persistens, albus; sporae subglobosae vel ellipsoi- deae, 5-7 x 4- | Russula blackfordae PLATE Z, FIG. Q-13 Pileus fleshy but thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, viscid when moist, striate on the margin, whitish or pale gray, brown in the center, flesh white, taste mild; lamellae thin, narrow, close, ad- nate, pale yellow or cream cies stem equal, glabrous, stuffed or hollow, white; spores pale yellow, globose, 8-9 » broad. Pileus about 2.5 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. iis, Mass. October. Mrs. E. B: Blackford. Gieniss species ditersciron Roms su ha fallax (Schaet.), Sacc. in the color of the pileus, the closer and yellowish lamellae, the mild taste and the color of the spores. The viscid pellicle of the pileus is separable. The species belongs to the section Fragiles, second subsection. 44 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pileus carnosulus, late convexus subplanusve, quum humidus, viscidus, margine striatus, albidus, pallido-griseusve, centro brun-- neus, carne alba, sapore miti; lamellae tenues, angustae, confertae, adnatae, flavidae vel cremeae; stipes aequalis, glaber, farctus vel cavus, albus; sporae globosae, flavae, 8-9 v latae. Russula serissima Pileus fleshy, thin, fragile. convex becoming nearly plane or centrally depressed, viscid when moist, glabrous, with the margin even or sometimes obscurely striate when old, variable in color, pale olive-green or brownish purple, sometimes spotted in the cen- ter, occasionally pruinose, flesh white or whitish, taste mild or slightly and tardily acrid, odor in the dried or drying plant strong, unpleasant, persistent ; lamellae thin, close, 4-8 mm broad, narrowed behind, adnexed sometimes seceding from the stem, cream color or buff, becoming dingy or smoky in drying; stem equal or tapering upward, solid but spongy within, white, both it and the flesh as- suming a somewhat smoky hue in drying; spores subglobose, buff yellow, 10-12 x 8-10 vv. Pileus 5-7 cm broad; stem 4-7 cm long, 8-20 mm thick. Under fallen leaves in woods. Ellis, Mass. October. Mrs E. B. Blackford and G. E. Morris. The pileus varies in color as does the pileus of Russula variata Banning and Russula squalida Pk. It is very close to the latter, from which it scarcely differs except in its viscid pileus, its late occurrence, its lamellae and flesh not changing color where wounded and specially in the color of the spore print. Pileus carnosus, tenuis, fragilis, convexus, deinde subpianus vel centro depressus, gquum humidus viscidus, glaber, margine levis aliquando in senectute leviter striatus, olivaceus vel brunneo-pur- pureus, aliquando centro maculatus, rare pruinosus, carne alba albidave, sapore miti vel leviter tardeque acri, odore ingrato, per- sistente; lamellae, tenues, confertae, 4-8 mm latae, adnexae, cre-- meae vel luteolae, deinde fumidae; stipes aequales vel sursum at- tenuatus, solidus, intra spongiosus, albus, deinde fumosus; sporae subglobosae, luteo-flavae, 10-12 x 8-10 »v. Lactarius bryophilus PLATE X, FIG. I-5 Pileus thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, with an even mar- gin, sometimes slightly umbonate, very viscid or glutinous, reddish REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 45 becoming subochraceous sometimes with one or two narrow orange zones near the margin, flesh white, taste mild, milk watery, scanty; lamellae unequal, close, adnate, whitish becoming ochraceous buff; stem soft, equal, glabrous, stuffed or hollow, colored like or a little paler than the pileus; spores subglobose, 6-8 » in diameter. Pileus 1-4 cm broad; stem 1.5-3.5 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Among mosses in swamps. Natick, Mass. September and October. G. E. Morris and S. Davis. A very rare species hitherto known from no other locality, and only sparingly found in this one. It may be easily recognized by its small size, very viscid subochraceous pileus, mild taste and watery, unchangeable milk. In oné or two cases very young speci- mens have appeared to have white milk, but in mature specimens the milk is constantly watery. This is doubtless its normal color. Pileus tenuis, late convexus subplanusve, margine levis, subum- bonatus, viscosus, rufus deinde subochraceus, aliquando juxta marginem zona angusta auratiaca ornatus, carne alba, sapore miti, lacte aquoso, parco; lamellae inaequales, confertae, adnatae, albidae, deinde flavo-ochraceae; stipes mollis, aequalis, glaber, farctus ca- vusve, colore pileo. similis vel paliidior; sporae subglobosae, 6-8 latae. Naucoria sphagnophila Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane, minutely appressed tomentose and sometimes flocculose squamulose, hygrophanous, when young and moist tinged with flesh color, becoming buff white in drying, grayish ochraceous or rusty brown when mature; lamel- lae thin, narrow, subsinuate, close, unequal, uneven on the edge, yellowish becoming ferruginous; stem equal, flexuous, solid or at length hollow, yeliowish with a slight floccose tomentum at the top, white tomentose at the base; spores ellipsoid, 8-9 x 4-5 ». Pileus 1.2-2.4 cm broad; stem 2.5-4.5 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Gregarious. In sphagnum in a swamp. Stow, Mass. July. S. Davis. Pileus tenuis, convexus vel subplanus, minute tomentosulus, ali- quando floccoso-squamulosus, hygrophanus, in juventate subincar-. natus, in maturitate griseo-ochraceus vel ferrugineus; lamellae tenues, angustae, subsinuatae, confertae, inaequales, acie erosae, flavidae, deinde ferruginae; stipes aequalis, flexuosus, solidus. deinde fistulosus, luteolus, ad apicem minute floccoso-tomentosulus, basi albido-tomentosus ; sporae ellipsoideae, 8-9 x 4-5 ». 46 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cortinarius ferrugineo-griseus PLATE Y, FIG. I-4. PLATE Z, FIG. I-3 Pileus convex or nearly plane, sometimes with the thin margin upcurved and then appearing centrally depressed, hygrophanous, brownish ferruginous when moist, gray or whitish gray when the moisture has escaped, flesh whitish; lamellae 4-6 lines broad, mod- erately close, adnexed, appearing free in the dried plant, pale cinnamon or clay color when young, brownish cinnamon when mature; stem equal, abruptly bulbous at the base, solid or stuffed, silky fibrillose, sometimes colored like but paler than the pileus, sometimes shining, variable in color, whitish below and violet tinted above or entirely violaceous, violaceous within; spores ellipsoid and commonly uninucleate, 10-12 x 7-8 ». Pileus 3.5-10 cm broad; stem 3.5—-8.5 cm long, 6-20 mm thick. Under pine trees near Natick swamp, Mass. October. G. E. Morris. The growing plant is often covered with pine needles. It be- longs to subgenus Hydrocybe and 1s closely allied to Cortina- rius saturninus Fr., from which it may be separated by its pileus fading to grayish white and by its solid stem often abruptly bulbous. It also differs in its habitat and in its larger spores. Pileus convexus vel subplanus, aliquando-centro depressus, mar- gine recurvato, hygrophanus, quum humidus ferrugineo-brunneus, quum siccus albido-griseus griseusve, carne albida; lamellae sub- confertae, adnexae, 8-12 mm latae, in juventute cinnamomeae vel argillaceae, in maturitate brunneo-cinnamomeae; stipes. aequalis, basi abrupte bulbosus, sericeo-fibrillosus, nitidus, solidus, infra al- bidus, supra violaceus, vel omnino violaceus, aliquando in colore pileo similis sed pallidior, interne albidus vei violaceus; sporae ellipsoideae, vulgo uninucleatae, 10-12 x 7-8 /. Cortinarius acutoides PLATE Z, FIG. 4-8 Pileus submembranous, conic or subcampanulate, actte or acutely umbonate, hygrophanous, at first pale. chestnut color floc- cose and white margined by the fibrils of the veil, after the escape of the moisture whitish and silky fibrillose; lamellae narrow, as- cending, adnexed, subdistant, yellowish cinnamon; stem solid or with a small hollow, white, becoming whitish like the pileus; spores ellipsoid, 8-10 x 6-7 », REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9Q0OQ 47 Pileus 8-16 mm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 2-3 mm thick. Swamps. Ellis, Mass. October. Mrs EF. B. Blackford. Closely allied to Cortinarius acutus (Pers.) Fr., from which it differs in the darker color of the young moist pileus and whiter color of the mature dry pileus, the white coior of the young stem, the adnexed lamellae, and specially by the larger spores and absence of striae from the moist pileus. This may be the plant mentioned in Sylloge as a variety of Cortinarius acutus (Pers.) Pr. Pileus submembranaceus, conicus subcampanulatusve, acutus vel acute umbonatus, hygrophanus, primus pailido-castaneus, velo albo fioccosus, margine albido, quum siccus albescens, sericeo-fibril- losus ; lamellae angustae, ascendentes, adnexae, subdistantes, flavido- cinnamomeae; stipes solidus seu leviter cavus, albus deinde pileo in colore similis; sporae ellipsoideae, 8-10 x 6~7 ». Clavaria lavendula Tufts 2.5-4 cm high, densely and subdichotomously branched, the branches compressed, thin, lilac pink when moist, pruinose when dry, the ultimate ones often bidentate, axils rounded; spores mi- nute 6-8 x 3-4 pv. Chestnut grove. Stow, Mass. July. S. Davis. Mhisespecies is related to Clavaria amethystina Bull, but it differs in its flattened branches and smaller spores. Caespites 2.5-4 cm alti, dense et subdichotome ramosissimi, rami tenues, numerosi, compressi, quum humidi lavenduli, sicci, palli- diores pruinosique, ramuli ultimi saepe bidentati; sporae ellipsoi- deae, 6-8 x 3-4 Clavaria pallescens Clubs simple, loosely cespitose or gregarious, 2.5-4 cm tall, clav- ate, soft, fragile, obtuse, pale buff fading to whitish, sometimes minutely rugulose, stuffed or hollow, pale yellow within; stem short, glabrous, 2-4 mm long, pale yellow; spores oblong or ellip- tic, white, 9-12 x 6-8 ». Dry gravelly soil near Kal mia angtstifolia L. South mevon,Viass. 9 October. S. Davis-and-G. Es Morris. This species is allied to Clavaria ligula Fr. from which it differs in its smaller size, in its color becoming whitish or paler with age or in drying, but being lemon-yellow and more persistent 48 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM within, in its glabrous lemon-yellow stem and in its broader spores. It is apparently a rare but very distinct species. Clavae simplices, laxe caespitosae vel gregariae, 2.5-4 cm longae, clavatae, molles, fragiles, obtusae, luteolae, deinde albescentes, ali- quando minute rugulosae, farctae cavaeve, intra flavae; stipes 2-4 mm longus, glaber, flavidus; sporae oblongae vel ellipsoideae, albae, 9-12 x 6-8 p. 3 NEW YORK SPECIES OF ING@CYee Inocybe Fr. Veil universal, subfibrillose, concrete with the cuticle of the pileus, often free on the margin, webby; lamellae subsinuate (rarely adnate or decurrent) changing color, not cinnamon pul- verulent; spores even, angular or rough, more or less brownish ferruginous. Sylloge 5:762 The species of this genus are generally of small or medium size. They were formerly included by Fries in the genus Hebe- loma, from which the universal veil concrete with the commonly dry pileus specially distinguishes them. The prevailing color of the pileus is brown in some of its shades. In no other genus of the Agaricaceae is it more necessary to make use of the micro- scope in the identification of the species, for the external resem- blance in some is so close that microscopic examination of the spores can not safely be omitted. “Ihe presence or absenve or cystidia is also a character of some importance in the classification and identification of the species. Nearly all the species are terres- trial, some growing in woods, others in pastures and open places. A few occur on the ground and on decaying wood also. They have been distributed in five sections for convenience of study and the better understanding of their relations to each other. One author has instituted a genus depending on the rough spore char- acter but it does not seem to find much favor among mycologists. A microscopic examination of the spores would be necessary in such a case before even the generic identification could be made. Many of our species are rare or local, having been found but once and in a single locality. In the following pages the arrangement of the sections as given in Sylloge has been followed. The following key to the sections is based on external characters and indicates the prominent char- acteristic of each section. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 49 KEY TO THE SECTIONS Heimat stem) both squamose...... 2.6. cece eee csvveceleeds Squarrosae Pee Mec heim not Doth Stamos. eee sbi. esas cic nels sabes ee cc cues I ieemicle of the pilews lacerated or cracked. (22.06. 02..02.5 ecb cls ave aseene 2 PBoeIemOn tae) pileis CONtMUOUS «26. secs. ese dec tec cates dass ver diesdutes 3 ZeEets squamose ot fibtillosely lacerated.:)...05.6...5.-.08 0. Lacerae emintichs: cadiately timose and vibrilose...........0..s: alae Rimosae 5, POSES TRUE NGI CSIC RR Re ee aie ea a tr grea a Velutinae 5 UF TPOUS SUIS CCI awe spear oc aaa ee Sat teal iie pests ar ae ilar ghee eae nau as Viscidae Squarrosae Pileus at first squamose or squarrosely squamose; stem squamose, colored like the pileus, both commonly some shade of brown. This section differs from the others in having the pileus and stem alike in color and both squamose or squamulose. KEY LO LEY SPECIES Sa ae es eae SLAM NR ME chy WE op Manoa Co), ON LS Ceti Pe ais ea, al 'ara'y Goalie Sto Geeta’ Sus ot naa I SoC BMG MCMC llemer meV Er i ica Co ae Cate at cmage: Soave Ttiacls coe Sane he ote eh oe 4 ee mela a GOW, Sut ee a e's 0s cd Swims odie oe bolas Selec bbe welt ee ee 2 UCC MIAO eG iil iD cONVAleatans ev 8 wdery ee ous Srcltertee & Socle a0a bob atere's BRAN Cee are alee 3 Pies: 25-5) cm proad, scales. persistent. /..4:.2...-5.... calamistrata Peeilets: ie5-2.5, ci, broad, scales subdeciduous...:...22..2.0.. 5. mutata 3 Pileus tawny, stem hollow, fibrillose squamulose............... fibrillosa Belem stbociraceous, stem «solid, squamulose.................5-. unicolor Renee ered OAC cate. | hast one allo ce 6 tuateteue vs sheen Siatielsls wnte stellatospora Pmenens less than 25 em broad s02. 66. 0050.28 Pane Sah esis lanuginosa Inocybe calamistrata Fr. CURVE DeSCALE INOCYBE Sylloge 5: 762 Pileus fleshy, thin, campanulate or convex, obtuse, squarrosely squamose, brown or dark brown, flesh whitish, reddish where wounded; lamellae close, adnexed, whitish becoming ferruginous, the edge thick, whitish; stem equal, tough, solid, squarrosely squa- mose, brown, bluish at the base; spores oblong or ellipsoid, eveu. IO-15 x 5-6 p. Pileus 1-3 cm broad; stem 3-7 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Damp places under trees or bushes. Albany, Essex and Warren counties. August and September. This species is well marked by the recurved scales of the pileus and stem and the bluish tint at the base of the stem. The European plant is described as having a strong odor but this character is scarcely noticeable in the American plant. 50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Inocybe mutata (Pk.) Mass. CHANGED INOCYBE — Ag. (Hebeloma) mutatus Pk N.Y: State Mus. Rep eae Pileus thin, broadly conic or convex, obtuse or slightly and broadly umbonate, at first covered with erect or recurved scales which at length disappear except at the center, dark brown; lamel- lae broad, close, rounded at the stem, deeply sinuate, adnexed, fer- ruginous brown, crenulate on the edge; stem slender, equal, solid, floccosely scaly, often curved at the base, brown; spores ellipsoid, even, Q-II x 5-0 Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 5-7 cm long, about 2 mm thick. Damp ground in woods.- Ulster co. July. . The species is closely related to Inocybe calamistrata Fr. from which it may be separated by its smaller size, scales dis- appearing from the margin, absence of bluish tints from the base of the stem and shorter spores. The changed appearance of the pileus caused by the vanishing scales of the margin is suggestive of the specific name. Inocybe fibrillosa Pk. FIBRILLOSE INOCYBE N.Y. State Mus: Rep‘t-4i, p.65 Pileus thin, convex or nearly plane, obtuse or subumbonate. densely fibrillose, tawny, generally.a little darker in the center and there adorned with appressed fibrillose scales ; lamellae close, adnate, yellowish or yellowish olivaceous becoming brownish cinnamon; stem equal, hollow, fibrillosely squamose, colored like or a little paler than the pileus; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 v. Pileus 2-3.5 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Damp mossy banks in woods. Albany co. August. A rare species. ae Inocybe unicolor Pk. ONE COLORED INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t, 50, p.104 Pileus conic or very convex becoming broadly convex or nearly plane, tomentosely squamulose, pale ochraceous or grayish ochrace- ous, flesh white; lamellae broad, subdistant, subventricose, pale ochraceous becoming tawny brown; stem slender, firm, equal, flexu- REPORG: OF THE, STATE: BOTANIST. [LQ09 51 ous, solid, squamulose, colored like the pileus; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-I2 x 5-0». Pileus 2-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-2 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. lay soil, Albany co. July. Rare. Mimsespecics approaches Inocybe subochracea (Pk.) Mass. in color, but it differs in having the stem squamulose and colored like the pileus and in its larger spores. Inocybe stellatospora (Pk.) Mass. Shei Ary SPOREPAINOCY ERE, Mere peloma) stellatosporus. Pk. N.Y. State Mus. Rept 20;D.5y/ Pileus thin, convex or nearly plane, dry, covered with erect or curved scales, dark brown; lamellae close, adnate, pallid becoming brown or slightly rusty brown; stem equal, firm, solid, squamose, colored like the pileus; spores subglobose, nodulose, 7-8 v in di- ameter, cystidia 70-80 x 14-20 . Pileus about 2.5 cm broad; stem 4-5 cm long, about 2 mm thick. imeweods. lewis co. September. Iinsize and color this species resembles [nocybe mutata (Pk.) Mass. but it is easily distinguished by its persistent scales on the pileus and by its nodulose spores. Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) Karst. WOOLLY INOCY BE moe baocybe) nodulosporus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 32, p.28 Pileus thin, hemispheric or convex, obtuse, floccosely squamose, cervine brown or umber color, the scales of the disk usually erect; lameilae close, broad, ventricose, rounded at the stem, pallid becom- ing ferruginous cinnamon, white and crenulate on the edge; stem slender, equal, solid, flexuous, tomentosely squamulose, colored like the pileus; spores globose or subellipsoid, nodulose, 6-8 y» in di- ameter or 8-10 x 8 ’, cystidia ellipsoid, 30-40 x 16-20». Pileus I-2 cm broad; stem 2-2.5 cm long, 2 mm thick. Decaying wood in woods. Saratoga co. August. European authors do not all agree concerning the character of the spores of this species, describing them as even, angular and acutely warty. In our specimens, which were at first supposed to be distinct, they are as here described. In other characters the 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM agreement with the description of _Inocybe lanuginosa (Bull.) Karst. as given in Sylloge is so close that it seems best to refer our plant to this species. Lacerae Cuticle of the pileus squamose or fibrillosely lacerated ; stem paler than the pileus. KEY TQ THE SPECIES SPOLeS. CVE. ile vies 2 wie od .8 Wi bisvale ote pallies braves Gace ele ote Gene I Spores angular or nodulose.. . 66 oc ees cee esas oss nes see ee 2 t Pileus) brown; fibrillosely squamtlose.).2....< > 2.2. 3.05 ee ee infelix 1 Pileus ochraceous buff, rimosely squamose in the center... .squamosodisca 2 Spores, aneitiatt, J. {aca ya sth n : SOIR ee eee ae ee maritimoides 2 Spores: snodulosee: 4 ty nics at meee eens ae ee tone tess + og e 3 Pileus ‘brown or grayish tbrown 726" ..,.4- 5)... ees ee diminuta 3 Pileus* tawny ‘or!-ochraceous 5420. 0 Sete ee ee subfulva Inocybe infelix Pk. UNFORTUNATE INOCYBE Ag. (Inoey bre) infelix Pk N.Y. State Mus: Repti eae Pileus campanulate broadly convex or nearly plane, subumbonate, floccosely squamulose, grayish brown or umber, flesh whitish; lamellae close, adnexed, ventricose, broad, whitish becoming brown- ish ferruginous; stem equal, solid, silky fibrillose, pallid or whitish above, generally brownish toward the base, pruinose at the top; spores oblong, even, 10-15 x 5-6 »p, cystidia flask shape, 40-60 X 15-20 /. Piteus 1.5—2.5 cm broad; stem 2-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Naked sterile soil or among mosses. Albany, Saratoga, Essex and Hamilton counties. May to August. Var. brevipes: Pl. NY. State Mus) Bull ao per. Pileus scarcely exceeding 1.5 cm broad, stem about 1.5 cm long. This is a common and variable species, but it is easily recognized by its persistently squamulose brown pileus and its oblong even spores. In wet weather the cuticle of the pileus is often more lac- erated than in dry weather. The umbo is sometimes wanting. The plants occur throughout the season when the weather conditions are favorable. It is gregarious in its mode of growth. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909Q 53 Inocybe squamosodisca Pk. SCALY DISK INOCYBE N; Yo State Mus..Bul. 75; p.8 Pileus fleshy, firm, convex, fibrillose on the margin, rimosely Squamose in the center, ochraceous or ochraceous buff, flesh whit- ish or yellowish white; lamellae broad, moderately close, adnate, pale ochraceous becoming darker with age; stem equal, solid, fibril- lose, colored like or a little paler than the pileus; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 p. Pileus 2.5—5 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious. Under pine trees. Hamilton co. August. Rare. The scales of the pileus are caused by the cracking of the cuticle. Inocybe maritimoides Pk. MARITIMOID INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 38, p.87 Pileus subconic or convex, obtuse or slightly umbonate, densely squamulose in the center, fibrillose on the margin, dark brown; lamellae close, adnexed, ventricose, whitish becoming brownish ochraceous; stem equal, solid, fibrillose, colored like but paler than the pileus; spores irregular, angular, ovate or ellipsoid, 7-9 x 5-6 +, cystidia 40-55 X 12-20 bs Pileus 1.5—2.5 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 4 inm thick. Sandy soil in woods. Albany co. October. Rare. It resembles _ Inocybe maritima Fr. but is separated from it by the pileus which is not hygrophanous and by the spores yerick are smaller and angular but not nodulose. Inocybe diminuta Pk. SMALL INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.23 Pileus thin, hemispheric becoming convex or nearly plane, squa- mose with erect or squarrose hairy scales in the center, fibrillose on the margin, grayish brown; lamellae subdistant, broadly sinuate, adnexed, ventricose, whitish becoming rusty brown; stem short, firm, solid, silky fibrillose, whitish above, grayish brown and slightly squamulose toward the base; spores subglobose, nodulose, 8-10 x 6-8 p, cystidia 40-50 x 12-20 p. 54 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pileus 6-12 mm broad; stem 8-16 mm long, 2 mm thick, Bare compact soil in roads in woods. Suttolk co. August. Rare. It appears like a dwarf form of Inocybe infelix Pk. but it is very distinct in the character of the spores. Inocybe subfulva Pk. TAWNY INOCYRE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 41, p.66 Pileus broadly conic or subcampanulate, becoming convex or nearly plane, subumbonate, fibrillosely squamiose, tawny ochraceous ; lamellae broad, close, adnexed, ventricose, pallid becoming tawny cinnamon ; stem equal, firm, solid, fibrous striate, obscurely pruinose, colored like but paler than the pileus; spores globose or ellipsoid, stellately nodulose, 8-10 » in diameter or 10-12 x 7-8 p, cystidia 40-80 x I10-15 pv. Pileus 1.5-3 cm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Sandy soil in fields. Albany co. August. This species is closely allied to Inocybe gaillardi Gill, from which it may be distinguished by its larger size, solid stem and variable spores. The scales of the center of the pileus are often erect but not squarrose. Rimosae Pileus radiately fibrillose, soon radiately rimose, sometimes adorned with appressed scales; stem fibrillose, white or whitish or slightly tinged with the color of the pileus. The species of this section are easily recognized by the radiately cracking of the cuticle of the pileus and the pale color of the stem. KEY TO TEE. SPECIES Spores. eweMmeoway a. se SR Belawie tg Bas ear t tains ee ee ee er I Spores ‘angular. or shehtly modulose: ic... 60g --neleee see er. Spores distinctly nodiloset /2. iets. pe Ae oe ee te es 8 1 Pileus umbonates .2no) 6 0e ton tepewcas w eons coon cee anee aera tee ne 2 1 Pileus. not sambonate see oe ere Merry se 5 2 Cuticle peeling imaseales- on. paleMes. octet crt eee ee excoriata 2 Cuticle not peeling? oS p22 hy ae oe ee ee B 3 Pileus pale Drowmnl sce ee feck ee ee. ee eee ees pallidipes 3 Pileus yellowish brows. cect ee es Oe ete eee rimosa 3Pileus some. .other color: 4. ae seer ee ee ee ree fle Senate 5a: A aaa 4 4 Pileus’ fawn: ‘color. 25s. eee ee eae oe eee eee ee eet tee cee eutheles 4 Pileus grayish fawil oO *Chestmtlta eee eee eee en eutheloides 8 Pileus. yellowish brow: S5-02. snc ge eee ence tee ear eee eee rimosa REPORT.OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 55 Sa ee eI OAV ISIS sk ee ucts ok k eisiy Sa cS baie bv dlabes www Qed ees 6 6 Young lamellae whitish....... Be ey Pear a ies Shh eriseoscabrosa mereomacetaniellae pale “violaceous. ... 2.060... 0.00. eee ee violaceifolia ME SeemeMOriMiit COlOT ss oli sola tks needs ew Pete a eee es castanea Meemreminowd OF date bTOWMls oc 6 eacosce concise Se aes cae be ee ss umboninota mice prownish with a whitish center............66.-..00.00000 ee albodisca ME OTN (PANN oe th Sees seals ence e wld ces vd cb ee oe rigidipes PRIMM ONMISH, le ec ee ess pete ood hen Ge vee asterospora Inocybe excoriata Pk. EXCORIATE INOCYBE ia .co 5. ee subtomentosa 5 Pileus 255-5 cm broad: A070... SEA i fallax 5 Piletis less\than:25 em broad 00. ).oe0 4 2 6 6 Piletts whitish or pallid t-2.em broad... ..55...0. =) oe paludinella 6 Pileus chestnut or subochraceous, 6-1o mimi broad. 5.2. ee subexilis 7 Pileus blackish brown with a grayish margin when moist, cinereous when dryous.;. 2.0.0 ee ee nigridisca 7 Pileus whitish, often with a reddish brown umbo.................2.. infida Inocybe comatella Pk. HAIRY CAP INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 38, p.87, pl.2, fig.5-8 Pileus very thin, convex or expanded, clothed with whitish or grayish hairs, fimbriate on the margin; lamellae subdistant, adnexed, cinnamon; stem equal, solid, flexuous, pallid or reddish brown, slightly mealy at the top, slightly flocculose pruinose, with a REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 | 61 whitish mycelial tomentum at the base; spores subeliipsoid, even, S10 x 5-6 /, cystidia 45-55 x 12-20 » Pileus 4-8 mm broad; stem 1.5—2.5 cm long, about 1 mm thick. Decaying wood and bark buried under fallen leaves. Fulton co. Scie Rare. Found but. once. This is a very small but distinct species remarkable for the hairy covering of the pileus. The hairs on the margin are longer and coarser than the others. The habitat is unusual for an Inocybe. Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. BARGEHY LEAR INOGY BE Sylloge 5:784 Pileus fleshy but thin, conic or ovate becoming expanded, umbo- nate, silky fibrillose, even, commonly white or whitish, rarely lilac; lamellae close, rather broad, ventricose, adnexed, white becoming clay color ; stem equal, firm, stuffed, white, mealy at the top, spores ellipsoid, 8-10 x 4-6 p, cystidia 40-60 x 12—20 /. Pileus 1.5—2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-6 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground in woods. Common. August to October. A fine but small species found mostly in woods and varying some in the color of the pileus. Var. lilacinus Pk. with lilac colored pileus fading to whitish when old appears to include both A gari- peematirtais Pers,and Agaricus geophil4u s ‘Pers: Inocybe serotina Pk. LATE INOCYBE Nees tate Whus) Bulk 75.) p17 Pileus fleshy, firm, campanulate or convex becoming nearly plane, fibrillose on the margin, white or yellowish, flesh white; lamellae close, rounded at the stem, slightly adnexed, subventricose, whitish becoming brownish cinnamon; stem subequal, bulbous or sometimes narrowed at the base, solid, fibrous, white; spores oblong or ellip- soid, uninucleate, even, 12-16 x 6-8 pv. | Pileus 2.5-6 cm broad; stem 2.5-6 cm long, 6-12 mm thick. paudy soil of Lake Ontario. Wayne co. October. Rare or local. Found but once. This is one of the largest of our species. Its late appearance in the season is suggestive of the specific name. It is reported by its discoverer, E. B. Burbank, to be edibile. 62 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Inocybe subochracea (Pk.) Mass. OCHRACEOUS INOCYBE Ag. (Hebeloma) subochracens Pk. No Y Starter eaa ere 23, P-95 Pileus thin, conic or convex becoming expanded, commoniy umbo- nate, fibrillosely squamulose, ochraceous yellow; lamellae close, sinu- ate next the stem, adnexed, whitish becoming ferruginous or brown- ish ferruginous; stem equal, solid, slightly fibrillose whitish; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 », cystidia 40-60 x 12-16 7. Pileus 2-4 cm broad; stem 1-6 cm long, 2-4 mm thick, Ground in woods and open places. August to October. Common, Var. burtii Pk. N. Y. State Mus, Kep’t 54, p. 167,; 9 eee 23-29. Veil distinct, webby, adhering to the margin of the pileus and to the stem, stem long, 5—7.5 cm, fibrillose; mature lamellae darker colored. Inocybe agglutinata Pk. AGGLUTINATE INOCYBE N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 41, p.67 Pileus conic or campanulate becoming convex, umbonate, ap- pressedly fibrillose, sometimes streaked or spotted by the colored fibrils, pale tawny, the umbo very prominent, brown; lamellae close, broad, ventricose, adnexed, whitish becoming brownish cinnamon, usually whitish on the edge; stem firm, solid, pruinose at the top, white or whitish above, tawny. or brown toward the base, fibrillose; spores subovate or ellipsoid, even, 10-12 x 5-6 », cystidia 40-60 x 16-24 /. Pileus I-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Under pine trees. Ulster co. September. Rare. The fibrils of the pileus appear as if glued to its surface but the pileus is not viscid. The species is. very similar to imo eye whitei B. & Br. in general appearance, but it differs from that species in having a very prominent umbo, in the absence of viscidity from the pileus and in its larger spores. Inocybe subtomentosa Pk. SUBTOMENTOSE INOCYBE N.. Y.. State- Mus. Rept 485 pit Pileus thin, dry, convex. or plane, minutely tomentose, brownish tawny ; lamellae thin, close, adnate, slightly sinuate, brownish tawny ; REPORL Ob; THE, STATE. BOTANIST. 1909 63 stem short, solid, slightly silky fibrillose, colored like or a lit-le paler than the pileus, often with a conspicuous white mycelioid tomentum at the base; spores subeilipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-7 yp. Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 1.5-2.5 cm long, 2 mm thick. Gravelly soil among fallen leaves. Clinton co. September. Rare. @iisspeciesis related to Inocybe tomentosa E.& E. from which it may be separated by the darker color of the pileus, the absence of an umbo and the larger spores. Its distinguishing feat- ures are its small size and minutely tomentose pileus of a uniform brownish tawny color. Inocybe failax Pk. FALLACIOUS INOCYSBE Ne sState Mus. Bul: 75, p.17, pl.O, ns.20-24 _Pileus thin, campanulate or convex, umbonate, obscurely fibrillose, sometimes minutely and obscurely squamulose, whitish or whitish buft, subshining, the margin decurved and often splitting; lamellae thin, close, adnexed, pallid becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal, flexuous, hollow, minutely mealy or pruinose, whitish; spores angular or slightly nodulose, 8-10 x 6-8 », cystidia 40-50 x 15-18 p. Pileus 2.5—5 cm broad; stem 5-7.5 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Among fallen leaves in woods. Hamilton co. August. Rare. This species resembles large forms of Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. from which it may be separated by its spores. Inocybe paludinella Pk. MARSH INOCYBE Peemeomocy he) paludinellus Pk... N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 31, p.34 Pileus thin, slightly convex, soon plane, umbonate, subfibrillose, whitish or pallid; lamellae narrow, close, adnate, whitish becoming subferruginous; stem slender, equal, colored like the pileus with a mass of white mycelium at.the base; spores subangular, very slightly nodulose, 6-8 x 5-6 », cystidia 45-60 x 12-16 1. Pileus 1-2 cm broad; stem 2.5—-5 cm long, 1-1.5 mm thick. Gregarious. Low ground and wet places under bushes. Rens- selaer co. August. Rare. This species resembles small forms of Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. in color, but it is at once separated from that species by its slightly nodulose spores. From Inocybe trechispora 64 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Berk. it differs in its smaller size, more slender stem, and in its pileus being neither viscid when moist nor silky when dry. Its lamellae are adnate and fairly bristle with numerous cystidia. Inocybe subexilis Pk. FEEBLE INOCYBE Ag. (inocybe) subexilis Pk. N. Yo State Mus. Repu sommes Pileus thin, convex or subcampanulate becoming expanded, umbonate, fibrillose on the margin, pale chestnut becoming yellow- ish or subochraceous; lamellae narrow, close, adnexed, whitish becoming dingy ochraceous; stem equal, slender, flexuous, slightly striate, solid, minutely pruinose, pinkish becoming yellowish; spores subglobose, slightly nodulose, 5-6 » in diameter, cystidia 45-600 X 12-15 P. Pileus 6-10 mm broad; stem 2-2.5 cm long, about 1 mm thick. Damp mossy ground in woods. Fulton co. July. Rare. Inocybe nigridisca Pk. BLACK DISKANCCYEE, N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 41, p.67 Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane or centrally depressed, umbonate, minutely fibrillose and blackish brown with a grayish margin when moist, cinereous when dry; lamellae close, rounded at the stem, free or slightly adnexed, grayish becoming brownish ferruginous; stem slender, flexuous, firm, solid, minutely villose pruinose, reddish brown; spores globose or ellipsoid, nodulose, 5-6 v in diameter or 7-8 x 5-6 », cystidia 45-50 x 12-15 yu Pileus 8-16 mm broad; stem 2.5-4 cm long, about 1 mm thick, ” Damp places under ae Oswego co. June. Rare. Its distinguishing features are its blackish brown pileus with grayish margin when moist, fading to cinereous when dry. Inocybe infida (Pk.) Mass. UNT RUSE INOCGY BE Ag. (lnocybe) intidus Pk. oN, YooState Mins @Rep th 27 os Pileus firm, campanulate or expanded, subumbonate, slightly squamulose on the disk, often split on the margin, whitish with umbo or disk often reddish brown; lamellae close, narrow, adnexed, pallid, becoming subcinnamon; stem equal or a little enlarged at REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 65, the base, furfuraceous at the top, hollow, white; spores subglobose, nodulose, 8-10 x 6-8 », cystidia 40-60 x 12-20 p. Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 3-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Mossy ground in low woods. Essex co. September. The resemblance of this species to some forms of Inocybe geophylla (Sow.) Fr. is so close that it is important to have a knowledge of its spore characters in order to make a satisfactory determination. The specific name is suggestive of this fact. Some- times the margin is so abundantly and deeply split that the radiating lobes ‘give a stellate appearance to the pileus. Inocybe com- iMieeraeeres, Inocybe umbratica Quel. and Inocybe leucocephala Boud. are given as synonyms of this species by Massee. This species has been reported as having caused a slight tempor- ary illness in some members of a family who had specimens of it prepared for the table and partook of them. It is well therefore to consider it a poisonous or at least an unwholesome species. Viscidae Pileus viscid becoming smooth. This section connects the genus Inocybe with the genus Hebeloma, the viscid pileus being common to it and Hebeloma. The character, “becoming smooth,” does not rigidly apply in all cases, for in some of the species the pileus is more or less persistently silky or fibrillose or hairy on the margin. KEY) tO) THE I SPECInS ammo iopase: or subglobose.: 6.0) ol ese) bes cee tricholoina IRTP COD OSE cos .. 5.1. Gidea wee toe eangtest Ae sels abietta owed ae sf I EMEA EMBMIMNNO SC ais ca ss wa aden oes 43d cele Were eaddlem oe Wa Wbdle cee 5 trechispora PM TOMO COSE Von. ok ts 2 os oak ahi de Some Rae ee att Geek Saves seman oe 2 PeEtersepackisn brown in the center. oo... 6s... lee fuscodisca Peeiees aotrbackish brown in the center? G0 0..00.0. 00.06. vatricosoides Inocybe tricholoma (A. & S.) Fr. HAIRY MARGIN INOCYBE Pomilias strigosus Pk NivY. State Mus. Rep't 26, p.63 Pileus thin, broadly convex becoming nearly plane or slightly depressed in the center, subviscid, slightly hairy, specially on the subciliate margin, whitish; lamellae close, narrow, decurrent, whitish becoming brownish or subferruginous; stem equal, stuffed or solid, 66 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM pruinose, whitish; spores subglobose, even or minutely nodulose, 4-5 » in diameter. Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 4—5 cm long, 2-3, mm thick. Ground among fallen leaves in woods. Lewis co. September. This is a rare species which departs from the generic character in its decurrent lamellae. It is unlike any of our other species of Inocybe in its minute globose spores. ‘These have been described in Sylloge as echinulate, but in our plant the spores appear even under ordinary magnification, most minutely uneven under higher power or better definition. By some, the species has been referred to the genus Flammula. It has also been taken as the type species of a:genus Ripartites, instituted by Karsten to include all the species of this section. Inocybe trechispora (Berk.) Karst. ROUGH SPORE INOCYSE Ag. (Hebeloma) trechisporus Berk. Outl Bi Papegegeee Pileus thin, convex, acutely umbonate, at first viscid, then dry and silky, whitish with the umbo yellowish; lamellae subdistant, ventricose, sinuate, whitish becoming subferruginous; stem. equal, slightly striate, stuffed, mealy, whitish; spores subglobose or ellipsoid, nodulose, 6-8 » in diameter or 7-8x 5-6 ,, cystidia 40-50 X 12-20 Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 2.5—5 cm long, 2-5 min thick, Ground in woods. Herkimer and Onondaga counties. August. Inocybe fuscodisca (Pk.) Mass. BROWN DISK INOCYBE Ag. (Hebeloma) fuscodisca Pk. N. Y. State Mus: Rept 2ee pit, fis. 3-8 Pileus conic becoming campanulate or expanded, umbonate, slightly viscid, fibrillose, whitish, blackish brown on the umbo; lamellae close, adnexed, whitish becoming brownish ferruginous, white crenulate on the edge; stem equal, solid, whitish pruinose at the top, fibrillose below, brownish; spores ellipsoid, even, 8-10 x 5-6 pv, cystidia 40-70 x 12-20. Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-7 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground under trees. Sullivan co. September. Rare. The viscid pellicle is separable. The odor resembles’ thatwons chestnut blossoms. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 G7 Inocybe vatricosoides n. sp. VATRICOSOID INOCYBE Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane, slightly viscid when moist, obtuse or subumbonate, fibrillose on the margin from the abundant whitish webby veil, whitish, often reddish in the center, flesh whitish, odor like that of radishes; lamellae close, broadly sinuate, adnate with a decurrent tooth, whitish becoming brownish ferruginous, white crenulate on the edge; stem equal, flexuous usually curved at the base, stuffed or hollow, silky fibrillose, whitish or grayish, sometimes with whitish floccose scales toward the base; spores ellipsoid, even, 10-12 x 6-8 ». Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 2-6 mm thick. Damp ground under willows. Ulster co. September. Mitisespecies is closely allied to Inocybe vatricosa Fr. to which it was referred in New York State Museum Report 41, page 67, but from which it is here separated because of its well developed webby veil, its radishlike odor, its adnate lamellae, its silky fibrillose stem and its larger spores. Pileus tenuis, convexus, deinde subplanus, dum humidus sub- viscidus, obtusus subumbonatusve, margine velo abundante albido arachnoideo fibrillosus, albidus saepe centro rufescens, carne albida, odore Raphani; lamellae confertae, late sinuatae, adnatae, albidae deinde fusco-ferrugineae, acie albae crenulatae; stipes aequalis, flexuosus, saepe basi curvatus, farctus fistulosusve, sericeo-fibril- losus, aliquando infra squamulis albis floccosis ornatus, albidus vel griseus ; sporae ellipsoideae, leves, 10-12 x 6-8 v. Mioey be tadiata Pk: N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p. 24. The Port Jefferson specimens referred to this species as a small irmedre tather a small form of _[Inocybe asterospora Quel. NE We VOR SPECIES OF HE BEROMA Hebeloma Fr. Veil partial, fibrillose or obsolete; stem fleshy fibrous, somewhat mealy at the apex; margin of the pileus at first incurved, the cuticle continuous, glabrous, subviscid; lamellae sinuate, adnexed, usually whitish on the edge; spores subargillaceous. Sylloge 5:791 This genus formerly included the species now referred to Inocybe. It differs from it specially in its partial veil and in its continuous, subviscid and glabrous cuticle. Some of the species have a peculiar radishlike odor. ‘The spores in all our species are even. As in the 68 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM preceding genus, most of the species are terrestrial. They have been placed in two primary divisions, Exannulata and Subannulata. Our species fall in the Exannulata division which has been divided into three sections, the principal characters of which are indicated in the following key. KEY TO THE-SECTIONS Puleus more than 3.5. em broadde. 4 uate rier. I Pileus less than 3:5 car broads...u/.5,30) 00e. a Pusilla r Veil ‘presents... co0. Wee een ean «oe Indusiata T ‘Veil absent. 2 Fo. 28 as ee eee ee Denudata Indusiata Veil evident, webby, often making the margin of the pileus super- ficially silky. KEY LTO THE SPECIES Pileus elutinous and sqdamose. 2 94)us. eee oe ee glutinosum Pileus viscid, mot Sqtamose..)...)....6...0 Janse ee I I Stem commonly showing fragments of an annulus.............. velatum i »tem mot at all annulate,..:..90...40.0. 0.) ee ee 2 2 Pilewus “umbanate’...2. Vso). 0 ee ee a ee eee firmum 2) Piles’ not) aimbonate.c. 20. saree » disoke ae 2 3 Spores 6-8 Key ake iraeciegan Croke ts snd maoe cesetMie ele A eorkepalel See eee parvifructum 3 Spores 10-12 LONE «<0 x 5k dav nn ne SoMa hls = pee cE 4 4 Stem white, fibrous sqiiamulose,..) os one eee fastibile 4 Stem whitish or subochraceous, “ibrillgse:)) 2.) 7a.4. ae eee pascuense Hebeloma glutinosum (Linder.) Fr. GLUTINOUS HEBELOMA Sylloge 5:793 Pileus fleshy, convex becoming plane, glutinous, sprinkled with white superficial squamules, yellowish white, flesh white or whitish; lamellae close, sinuate, adnexed, yellowish becoming dingy cinna- mon; stem equal or slightly thickened at the base, firm, stuffed, mealy at the top, fibrillose squamulose, whitish, somewhat ferrugin- ous within; spores ellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 ». Pileus 2.5—7 cm broad; stem 4-8 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Ground in woods. Essex and Warren counties. September and October. This species is easily recognized by its very viscose or glutinous pileus with its superficial white scales. These are not persistent and consequently specimens may be found without any scales. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 69 Hebeloma velatum Pk. VEILED HEBELOMA iecmeloma colyini: Pk. “vat. vwelatum Pk, ON. Y. State. Mus. Rep’t 48, p.19 Pileus convex, plane or slightly centrally depressed, obtuse or umbonate, slightly viscid when moist, glabrous or slightly silky from the veil which may disappear with age or persist and make the margin silky or floccosely scaly or appendiculate with its fragments, chestnut color, reddish gray, pale ochraceous or grayish; lamellae close, ventricose, adnexed, whitish becoming pale cinnamon, whitish and often crenulate on the edge; stem equal, hollow, silky fibrillose, sometimes floccosely squamulose toward the base, often more or less annulate, the soft cottony whitish or grayish veil rupturing and adhering partly to the stem and partly to the margin of the pileus, whitish ; spores subellipsoid, 10-12 x 6-8 /. Pileus 1.5-6 cm broad; stem 1.5-6 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious or cespitose. Gravelly soil under cottonwood trees. Clinton co. September. This is an extremely variable species and shows how difficult it may be with a limited number of specimens in such cases to locate them correctly. All the forms here included under one name were collected at the same time and place, in a limited area but a few feet in diameter. They are without doubt all one species. Their _ general appearance suggested such a close relationship to H ebelo- ma colvini Pk. thatit was thought best to group them all under that species as a variety distinguished chiefly by its more fully developed veil. If only the form having the veil and annulus in their most highly developed condition had been seen, the species might easily have been referred to the genus Pholiota. Even with those in which only fragmentary vestiges of the veil adhere to the stem its natural place would seem to be in the Subannulata division of the genus Hebeloma. But other forms show no trace of an annulus and compel us to be more conservative in our assignment of this per- plexing species. It is therefore placed where the more abundant forms and less strongly developed or silky fibrillose veil would require it:to.go. It differs from Hebeloma strophosum Fr. in its great variability, differently colored pileus, radishlike odor and specially in the whitish color of the young lamellae. 7O NEW YORK STATE, MUSEUM Hebeloma firmum (Pers.) Fr. FIRM HEBELOMA : Sylloge 5 :793 Pileus fleshy, convex or campanulate becoming expanded, umbo- nate, viscid, fibrillose, brick red with paler margin; lamellae close, rounded behind, adnexed, tan color becoming subferruginous; stem equal or nearly so, solid or with a small cavity, floccosely squamu- lose, whitish sometimes becoming subferruginous toward the base; spores subellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 v. Pileus 5—7 cm broad; stem 4-6 cm long, 6-8 mm thick. Mossy ground in low woods. Essex co. September. Hebeloma parvifructum Pk. SMALL, PRUIT CAE BEL OMA Ag. (Hebeloma) parvifiructus Pk. N.Y. State Mins ioe ees p.88 Pileus convex becoming expanded, slightly viscid, whitish, gray- ish brown or pale chestnut, often paler on the margin; lamellae moderately close, slightly sinuate, white becoming dingy ochraceous, at first hidden by the copious white webby filaments of the veil; stem equal, often flexuous, solid, silky fibrillose, pruinose and sub- striate at the top, whitish above, ferruginous or brownish toward the base; spores subochraceous, 6-7 x 4-5 v. Pileus 5—7 cm broad; stem 5-8 cm long, 6-8 mm thick. Sandy soil in pine woods. Albany co. October. The small spores are suggestive of the specific name. Hebeloma fastibile Fr. OCHERY HEBELOMA Sylloge 5 :792 Pileus convex or nearly plane, compact, often wavy, obtuse, viscid when young, whitish, yellowish or tan color, flesh white, odor similar to that of. radishes, taste bitterish, veil webby, distinct; lamellae sinuate, adnexed, subdistant, whitish or pallid becoming cinnamon, whitish on the edge; stem equal, solid, fibrous, firm, some- times slightly bulbous, white; spores ellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 ». Pileus 3-7 cm broad; stem 5—7 cm long, 5-10 mm thick. Ground in woods. Albany and Ulster counties. October. A small white form, perhaps var. alba Sacc., has been found in Albany county. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1969 Fill Hebeloma pascuense Pk. PASTURE HEBELOMA Ne Ye State Mis: Rept 53, p.c44;pl.C, fig. 21-27 Pileus thin, convex becoming nearly plane, viscid when moist, obscurely innately fibrillose, brownish clay color, often darker or rufescent in the center, the margin when young often whitened by the thin webby veil, flesh whitish, odor similar to that of rad- ishes; lamellae close, adnexed, whitish becoming pale ochraceous; stem firm, equal, solid, fibrillose, slightly mealy at the top, whitish or pallid; spores pale ochraceous, subellipsoid, uninucleate I0x6 7. Pileus 2.5—5 cm broad; stem 2.5-5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Gregarious or subcespitose. Stony pastures. Warren co. Oc- tober. Micsey related to HLebeloma fastibile Hr. but a smaller species with a more slender stem, a different habit and habitat, dif- ferently colored pileus and more crowded lamellae. Sometimes a narrow brown zone or line encircles the pileus near the margin. Denudata Pies elabrous, veil absent from the first. The species are easily distinguished from those of the preceding Beumom py the entire absence of a veil. KEY TO THE SPECIES Re eme crite Ov vw iutiolt’, 2) 946 /kG Wan mn aN oM eee i STEW taut here I ee Hm OItes OMe COLOT Mas c//4 cre ema aterm melerders Seay ene eee alls us yeaa 3 Peete erenatiney. TMeshyCcOlOr...c.. Pine ae ee bot ue os de eke es sarcophyllum 1 Lamellae white or whitish becoming dingy ferruginous................... 2 Zeieumcnwiite, or yellowish White. on) Coase dass cid ole ey od teeth album Pacey itiSh Of Srayish white... 200% Pi lseds ose cls Fhe owed ce albidulum ee eimenavine a. radishlike odor... . 000.5 ee eee e ees ce ave se crustuliniforme pe omeoenmaving a tadishlike odor... 02 fics. ea Meee cis bs above ds ean 4 Alani rowing im sandy soil im open) placess)....2. 16.4 ee ae colvini PEM LO Wille (it WOOUS. «8s. sis ino sla'nc gga dcte's a Wk wetelee at longicaudum Hebeloma sarcophyllum Pk. PINK GILL BEBELOMA ee webeloma sarcophy lis “Pk N.7 Y¥° State ‘Cabh Rept 23; DOs pln ie: 7a Pileus fleshy, obtusely conic or convex, glabrous, white, flesh white, taste bitterish; lamellae subclose, adnexed, deeply sinuate, dingy flesh color; stem equal, firm, stuffed, mealy or minutely 72 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM squamulose at the top, white; spores dark ferruginous, subellipsoid, 8-10 x 5-6 ». Pileus 1.5-3 cm broad; stem 2.5-4 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Grassy ground. Rensselaer co. June. Rare. A species well marked by the peculiar color of the lamellae which at first suggests a species of Agaricus. Hebeloma album Pk. WHITE HEBELOMA N: Y, State Mus: Rep’t 54, p:147; pliG; fe1-7 Pileus fleshy, firm, convex becoming nearly plane or concave by the margin curving upward, glabrous, subviscid, white or yellowish white, flesh white; lameliae thin, narrow, close, sinuate, adnexed, whitish becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal, firm, rather long, solid or stuffed, slightly meaiy at the top, white; spores sub- ellipsoid, pointed at one or both ends, 12-16 x 6-8 p. Pileus 2.5-5 cm broad; stem 3.5-7 cm long, 4-6 mm thick, Among fallen leaves in woods. Essex co. October. Easily recognized by the white color of both pileus and stem. A new figure of this species is given in the present report on plate 117, figure 1-6. Hebeloma albidulum Pk. WHITISH HEBELOMA N. Y. State Mus, Rept 54) p48 Pileus fleshy, firm, broadly convex or nearly plane, glabrous, slightly viscid when moist, dingy white or grayish white, flesh white; lamellae close, narrow, adnexed, whitish becoming brown- ish ferruginous, white and minutely denticulate on the edge; stem equal, firm, glabrous, slightly mealy or pruinose at the top, hollow, sometimes slightly bulbous, colored like the pileus; spores sub- ellipsoid, obtuse, 10-12 x 6-8 p. Pileus 2.5-6 cm broad; stem 3-6 cm long, 4-6 mm thick. Among fallen leaves in woods. Essex co. October. This differs from Hebeloma album Pk. in its more dingy color, its hollow stem and its shorter and more cbtuse spores. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I9QOQ 73 Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Fr. CRUSTULINE HEBELOMA Sylloge 5:799 Pileus fleshy, convex becoming plane, obtuse or with an obtuse umbo, even, glabrous, slightly viscid when young, whitish tan or brick red, odor like that of radishes; lamellae close, adnexed, nar- row, thin, whitish becoming clay color or brownish ferruginous ; stem equal, stuffed or hollow, subbulbous, white squamulose at the top, whitish; spores ellipsoid, unequal, 10-12 x 5-7 +. Pileus 4-6 cm broad; stem 4-5 cm long, 6-10 mm thick. Ground in woods or open places. Cattaraugus and Ulster coun- ties. September. Hebeloma colvini Pk. COLVIN HEBELOMA merase peloma) colvini Pk N. Y. State Mus. Rept 28) pao Pileus fleshy, convex or nearly plane, sometimes gibbous or broadly umbonate, rarely centrally depressed, glabrous, grayish or alutaceous with an ochraceous tint; lamellae close, broad, sinuate, adnexed, whitish becoming brownish ochraceous; stem equal, flexu- ous, silky fibrillose, stuffed or hollow above, solid toward the base, whitish; spores subellipsoid, 10-12 x 5-6 pv. Pileus 2.5-7.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-8 cm long, 2-6 mm thick. Sandy soil in open places. Albany co. October. The mycelium binds the sand into a globose mass which adheres to the base of the stem. Hebeloma longicaudum (Pers.) Fr. LONG STEM HEBELOMA Sylloge 5 :800 Pileus fleshy, convex becoming expanded, glabrous, viscid, whit- ish, argillaceous or tan color, sometimes brownish or yellowish red on the disk; lamellae close, sinuate near the stem, adnexed, whitish and serrulate on the edge, tan color becoming dingy cinnamon; stem unequal, rather long, fragile, partly hollow, mealy at the top, obsoletely fibrillose, white ; spores oblong or ellipsoid, r10-12 x 6-8 p. Pileus 3.5-6 cm broad; stem 5-9 cm long, 5-8 mm thick. Ground in woods. Catskill mountains. September. (wetane Speciosuim) OU tate: 74 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Pusilla Pileus small, less than 3.5: em broad: Several species have been referred to this section that have not a viscid pileus, but in some it is moist. KEY, LO SRE SPECIES Pileus slightly viscid when moist... 01.2... .0.5.4 2 556e I Piletis not viscid: when moist... ......5'0.0...> 0 oe 4 t Pileus white or yellowish ‘witite........... 1+...) eee eee sociale 1 Pileus some other’ color so)..5 20: J)hat fa a aide) 0) ee ee 2 2 Piletssochtaceows yellows enh bace8e ke eee eee gregarium 2 Pileus tawny brown or reddish brown............ 4.5... 90 3 3 Stem! 2,5 em lone ‘center of pilens not changing color s4ueer sordiduinm 3 Stem longer, center of pileus changing color with age OF in CRVINS Ws ie 2c ae GR ne RR en 0 eee ee discomorbidum 4 Pileus hygrophanous when moist. ....5.......2%«< des bos ee ee 5 4 Pileus not hygrophanous when moist... .%). 0... 0% «006 0 ee i § Stem whites, Po 4.0) te a ee ee palustre 5 Stem not whitey, 0. 00ers. okie asteaeh aces avkoe Celene ae 6 6, Pileus tinitornily brown). =o yiaeds 1a ee oe ee 3 illicitum 6 Pileus brown with a whitish or pallid margin....... pallidomarginatum 7 Pileus broadly: umbonate, stem soli. t-n. «vitensie i) eee excedens 7 Pilews not umbonate, stem hollow.) is. sne.eeee ee een eee fragilins Hebeloma sociale Pk. SOCIAL HEBELOMA Ni YY. (State Wins. bile 75) spe Pileus fleshy but thin, convex becoming plane or nearly so, gla- brous, slightly viscid when moist, yellowish white, flesh yellowish white, taste nauseous; lamellae thin, close, adnexed, whitish, then yellowish, finally brownish ferruginous; stem short, fibrous, floc- cose fibrillose, hollow, white; spores brownish ferruginous, ellip- soid, 6-8 x Ag5 pes Pileus 2-3 cm broad; stem 2.5-3.5 cm long, 3-6 mm thick. Gregarious or subcespitose. Among short grass in pastures. Albany co. October. This is distinguished from our other white or whitish species by its peculiar habitat and its small spores. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 SS on Hebeloma gregarium Pk. GREGARIOUS HEBELOMA Non Var Stare= Wiss «Repti e4on mers Pileus thin, hemispheric or convex, obtuse or rarely with a smali inconspicuous umbo, slightly viscid when moist, glabrous or slightly silky on the margin, pale ochraceous, sometimes with a reddish or tawny tint in the center, flesh whitish; lamellae thin, close, adnate, whitish becoming subcinnamon; stem slender, stuffed or hollow, fibrillose, whitish, slightly mealy or pruinose at the top; spores ellipsoid, TO-11 x 5-6 ,. Pileus 2-3.5 cm broad; stem 3-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Sandy soil in heathy places. Albany co. October. Rare. The pileus is sometimes split on the margin in such a way as to cause it to appear stellately lobed. A slight radishlike odor is per- ceptible when the pileus is cut or broken. The plants are gregarious. Hebeloma sordidulum Pk. SLIGHTLY SORDID HEBELOMA ‘—owowedDeloma) sordidulus Pk: N. ¥. State Mus. Rep’t 38. p.88 Pileus thin, firm, viscid when moist, convex, brownish red or tawny brown, paler on the margin, flesh white, with a radishlike odor; lamellae broad, close, rounded behind, slightly adnexed, pal- lid becoming brownish ochraceous; stem short, equal, stuffed or hollow, slightly fibrillose, pruinose at the top, white; spores sub- ellipsoid, 12-15 x 6-7 y. Pileus 2-4 cm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 3-4 mm thick. Sandy soil in open bushy places. Albany co. October. Rare. Hebeloma discomorbidum Pk. DESK DISSE ASH VE bb Pe @ vin ree aweOria) discomorbidus Pk N. Y. State Mus.-Rep’t 26, p.58 Pileus thin, broadly convex or nearly plane, glabrous, slightly viscid, reddish brown or chestnut color becoming brown in the center with age or in drying; lamellae close, narrow, white or pallid becoming brownish ferruginous, white and crenulate on the edge; stem equal, stuffed or hollow, slightly mealy at the top, white ; spores ellipsoid, uninucleate, 10 x 6 vp. Pileus 2-4 cm broad; stem 4-6 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Ground in woods. Lewis and Columbia counties. Septembet and October. 76 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM In the dried specimens the center of the pileus has a brown or dis- colored appearance as if beginning to decay. This is suggestive of the specific name. Hebeloma palustre Pk. MARSH HEBELOMA N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.649 Pileus thin, broadly convex becoming nearly plane, sometimes wavy or irregular, glabrous, hygrophanous, grayish brown and slightly striatulate on the margin when moist, paler when dry, flesh whitish; lameilae close, thin, ventricose, adnexed, grayish white becoming brownish cinnamon; stem equal or tapering upward, hollow, silky, white; spores subellipsoid, uninucleate, 10-12 x 6-8 p. Pileus 2.5-3.5 cm broad; stem 5—7 cm long, 4-8 mm thick. Mossy ground in swampy woods. Oswego co. October. Rare. Hebeloma illicitum Pk. UNLAWFUL HEBELOMA Ag. (Hebeloma) illicitus Pk..N. Y. ‘State Mus. Reptjaqaee. pl.4, fig.1-5 Pileus fleshy, firm, convex or expanded, obtuse, glabrous, hygro- phanous, dark brown when moist, paler when dry; lamellae close, broad, ventricose, adnexed, pale brown; stem equal, firm, hollow, striate at the top, with a white mycelium at the base, colored like but paler than the pileus; spores subellipsoid, 8-10 x 4-5 v. Pileus 2.5-3.5 cm broad; stem 3.5—5 cm long, 4 mm thick. Decaying wood and sticks in woods. Lewis and Washington counties. September. Rare. Gregarious or cespitose. The specific name has reference to its habitat, which is unusual for species of this genus. Hebeloma pallidomarginatum Pk. PALE MARGIN HEBELOMA Ag. (Hebeloma) pallidomarginatus Pleo IN Woe Sstaromuine Rep’t 25, p.78 Pileus broadly convex, sometimes irregular, glabrous, hygro- phanous, brown with a pale margin when moist, ochraceous and subatomaceous when dry; lamellae close, thin, adnexed, brownish ochraceous; stem commonly long and flexuous, equal or tapering upward, hollow, white floccose at the base, colored like but paler than the pileus; spores subellipsoid, 10 x 5 wu. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 Ty, Pileus 1-2.5 cm broad; stem 2.5-7 cm long, 2 mm thick. Gregarious in Swamps and wet places. Rensselaer co. Septem- ber. Rare. Hebeloma excedens Pk. THIN MARGIN HEBELOMA omnceee bel Oma) exceden'’s Pk N.Y.) State Mus. Rept 24, p.68 Pileus thin, convex, obtuse or broadly umbonate, glabrous, pale alutaceous, the margin surpassing the lamellae, taste and odor like that of radishes; lamellae close, deeply sinuate, adnexed, moderately broad, minutely eroded on the edge, pallid becoming brownish ferruginous; stem equal, solid, siiky fibrillose, colored like the pileus; spores subellipsoid, 10-12 x 6-7 ». Pileus 1.5-2.5 cm broad; stem 3-5 cm long, 2-4 mm thick. Sageves soil under or neat pine trees. Satatoga co. .©ctober-. Very rare. Not found since 1870. Kasily known by its thin margin whicn extends beyond the lamel- lae. Hebeloma fragilius Pk. FRAGILE HEBELOMA Ag. (Hebeloma) fragilior Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 27, p.95 Pileus thin, fragile, convex becoming plane or centrally depressed, sometimes irregular or wavy on the margin, minutely squamulose when young, soon glabrous, pale grayish ochraceous; lamellae sub- distant, ventricose, adnexed, whitish and crenulate on the edge, subochraceous; stem slender, equal, hollow, minutely furfuraccous becoming glabrous, colored like the pileus; spores ellipsoid, 6 x 4 p. Pileus 6-12 mm broad; stem about 2.5 cm long, 1-2 mm thick. Damp decaying leaves in wet places in swamps. Hamilton co. dily=.” Rare. This is a very small species and in habitat is unlike any other of our species. Sometimes the stem is expanded at the base in a thin disk closely applied to the matrix. It needs further investiga- tion and may possibly be found to be a species of Naucoria. mewn a ele Loma Sacenis ir.) N.Y state Cab, deepit agp, O5 Is Teccrable, to Imocy bie, as ter os p ora Quel, poe fee ib, iio a ca lie suis wBbene. WNia .¥. State Cab. Rept 23, p. 96 is referable to Inocybe infelix Pk. Boe. Cleebeloma)- acco pmuetus Pk. N.Y. State Mus. Rep’t 24, p. 68 is erroneously described and is referable to Flam- math a td 1 ela Wade nists Pk. 78 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM LIST OF EDIBLE, POISONOUS AND UNWHOEESOI: MUSHROOMS HITHERTO FIGURED AND DESthiaa BY ‘COTS PECKR STATE, B@u ts) Agaricus abruptus PR. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.163-64, pl.5o0, fig.8-14. 1900. (Agaricus abruptibulbus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.36. 1905) Agaricus arvensis Schaef. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.140-41, pl.8. 1806. Bot. ed. Agaricus campester L. N. Y. State Mus: Rep't 48). p.134-37) pl.6. 1806. . Bot. ved: Agaricus diminutivus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.184-85, pl.74, fig.1-8. 1901 Agaricus haemorrhoidarius Schulz. N. Yo State Mus. Rept 54, p1é3-s4) plz. S100 Agaricus micromegethus Pk. (Agaricus pusillus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.152. 1901) N. Y: State Mus: Bul 116, p.44, ploy, ie.1—o. 7907 Agaricus placomyces Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.142-43, pl.o, fig.7-12. 1806. Bot. ed. Agaricus rodmani Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.137-38, pl.o, fig.1-6. 1806. Bot. ed. Agaricus silvicola Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.164-65, pl.59,-fig.1-7. 1900 Agaricus subrufescens Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.138-40, pl.7, 1896. Bot. ed. Amanita caesarea Scop. N.Y. State Mus. Rept 48) p. 155-57, plis. teoo- Bored: Amanita rubescens Fr. N. Y. State. Mus, Rep't*48, pi157—-so; plei6. “1800, Bok ‘ed. Amanitopsis strangulata (Fr.) Roze N. Y. State Mus, Rept Si: ~pigo0-2;; fie, Ilo.) 1868 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.134-35, pl.44, fig.I-10. 1900 Amanitopsis vaginata [oze N.Y. State Mus" Rept /AS, p.150-00, plir7 "ise6s ot. eu: Armillaria mellea Vahl N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.164-67, pl.zo. 1896. Bot. ed. Boletinus grisellus Pk. N.. Y. State Mus. “Meni a). p.16o, plis2 ie 13-10) @00 Boletinus pictus Pk. N. Y¥. State Mus. Bulluas™ p.6c1-o2) plo i1e15a s1600 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.160, pl.61, fig.1-5. 1900 Boletus affinis Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 409, p.64, pl.48, fig.6-16. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.174-75, pl.66, fig.7-14. 1900 Boletus bicolor Pk. N. Y. State’ Mus: Bul’ 54, 9073-74) pleat. tie 6— eee REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 70) Boletus brevipes Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 40, p.63-64, pl. 48, fig.1-5. 1806. Bot. ed. NS Yo) State Mus. Mem. 4, p.174, pl.66, fig.1-6. 19000 Boletus castaneus Bull. Neemstate WMiist Rep t 48, p.zoi—2, pl.30, fie. 1-7. 1800. Bot. ed. Boletus chrysenteron albocarneus Pk. NG State Mus. Rept 54, p.185-86, pl.76, fig.21-25.. Toor Boletus clintonianus Pk, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.682, pl.61, fig.6-10. 1899 IN| Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.170-71, pl.63. . 1900 Boletus edulis Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 47, p.200~1; pl.36, fig. 8-12. 1896. Bot. ed. Boletus edulis clavipes Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.300-10, pl.s4. 18908 Neeemotace Wiis, Mem, 4. p.173-74, pos. 1900 Boletus eximius PR. Nes state Mus. Bul. 54, p.o76-77, pl:So, fig.6-12. — 1902 Boletus frostii Russell N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.44-45, pl.108. 1907 Boletus granulatus L. eee state Mius, Rept 48, p.1o6-07, plis4, tig.1-5. 1600. Bot, ed: Boletus laricinus Berk. | N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.46-47, pl.89. 10905 Boletus luteus L. heawerorare Mis, Rept 48, pit0o5-06, pl.33, fie.7-12, 1606. » Bot. “ed: Boletus niveus Fr. Nepyerotare Mus, Bul. 122° p.140-41. plai3) 1908 Boletus nobilis Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.48, pl.or. 1905 Boletus ornatipes Pk. pee votate Mus. Bul. 54, p.o75-76,, fig.1-5. 1002 Boletus pallidus Frost Neeverstate Mus. Bul. 54, p.074-75, DLS; fieiI—5. 1002 Boletus rubropunctus Pr. Ne State Mus. Bul, 94, p.47, pl.oo: 1605 Boletus rugosiceps Pk. Nem. state Mus, Bul? 116, p45) 1007 Meverorte Mus. Bul) o4), p.20-21, pl@, ieio-10,° 1905 Boletus scaber Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.199-200, pl.35. 1896. Bot. ed. Boletus spectabilis Pk. Na Y. State Mus, Mem. 4, p:171-72, pl.62. 1900 Boletus subaureus PR, N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.169-70, pl.61, fig.6-13. 1900 Boletus subglabripes Pk. INS) You tate Nis Rept 51, ps0c-0, pliss.. 1608 NEY. State Mis) Mem. 4, p:172-72, pla. “1900 Boletus subluteus Pk. NG Wer state Mus Rept. 48, p. 106, pl3g, eto. 1890). Bot. ed. So NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Boletus versipellis Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.198, pl.34, fig.6-10. 1896. Bot. ed. Bowista pila 6 cs. 6. N. Y.. State Mus. Bul.-75) p.34, \plis4) me. i418.) Tent Bovista plumbea Pers. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.o77-78, pli, fig.12-10, 1902 Cantharellus cibarius Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.1oo0-o1, pli32. 1806s Bot. ed: Cantharellus cinnabarinus Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p. 679-680, pl.éo, fig.1-g. 1899 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.155-56, pl.55, fig.1-8. 1900 Cantharellus dichotomus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, eae pl.84, fig.8-21. 1903 Cantharellus floccosus Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.680-81, pl.6o, fig.10-14. 18909 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.156-57, pl.55, fig.9-13. 1900 Cantharellus infundibuliformis (Scop.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus: Mem. 4, p.158-59, pl.56, fig.9-16. 1900 Cantharellus lutescens Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.157-58, pl.56, fig.1-8. 1900 Cantharellus minor Pk. N.Y. State’ Mus. Bul. 131, p.4i—42, pl 116, fig.t2—-1g. tees Clavania botrytis Pens. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.211, pl.30, fig.5-7. 1896. Bot. ed. Clavaria botrytoides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.49, pl-93, fig.5-7. 1905 Clavaria conjuncta PR, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.42-43, pl.102. 1906 Clavaria cristata, Pers, N, Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.211-12, pl.39, fig.8-12. 1806; Bot. ved) Clavaria flava Schaef. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.210, pl.39, fig.1-4. 1806. Bot. ed. Clavaria pistillaris L. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.5o, pl.o3, fig.1-4. 1905 Clavaria pistillaris umbonata Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem: 4, p:178, pl66; fig.15-17. 1000 Clitocybe adirondackensis Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.174-75, pl.6o, fig.I-13. 1001 Clitocybe amethystina (Bolt.) Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.40-41, pl.106, fig.1-6. 1907 Clitocybe clavipes (Pers.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 40, p.58, pl.45. fig.1-7. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.139-40, pl.46, fig.1-6. 1900 Clitocybe infundibuliformis Schaef. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.174-75,, fig.1-6, 1600.8 Botwed: Clitocybe laccata Scop. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.175-77, pl.2s. 1896. Bot. ed. Clitocybe maculosa Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.174,. pl.€o0, fig.14-21. to0en REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 SI Clitocybe media Pk, N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.173-74, pl.23, fig.1-7. 1806. Bot. ed. Clitocybe monadelpha Morg. nemstate Mins: Rept 51, piz02-3, pl.51, fig.1-5. 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.140—-41, pl.46, fig.7-12. 1900 Clitocvbe multiformis Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.141, pl.47, fig.1-9. 1900 Clitocybe nebularis Batsch N. Y¥. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.172-73, pl.23, fig.8-13. 1806. Bot. ed. Clitocybe ochropurpurea Berk. Weienctace Wus, Bul tro, p.41-42) pl 106) fig.7-11. | 19007 Clitocybe subcyathiformis Pk. Me Yo State Mus, Bul: 122, p:136-37, pl.tvo, fig:i—6. 1908 Clitopilus abortivus B. ¢& C. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.968-60, pl.78, fig.13-19. 1902 Clitopilus micropus Pk. New sctate Mus, Bul. 54, p:o7o; pli7S, fig.I-12. 1902 Clitopilus orcella Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.153, pl.14, fig.7-11. 1806. Bot. ed. Clitopilus prunulus Scop. N.Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.152-53, pl.14, fig.1-6. 1806. Bot. ed. Collybia acervata Fr. ING Me State Mus. Bul. 75, .p.27-28, pl.84, fies8-13. T904 Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. Nees State Mis, Buls 122, pi137-38, pl.rri. 1908 Collybia familia Pk. Nev otate- Mus. Bul. 75, p.28-20; pl.84, fig.1-7) 1004 Collybia platyphylla Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.142-43, pl. 49. 1900 Collybia radicata (Relh.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.304-5, pl.52. 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.143-44, pl.48. 1900 Collybia velutipes (Curt.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.305-6, pl.50, fig.11-16. 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.144-45, pl.47, fig.10-15. 1900 Coprinus atramentarius Fr. Nee state Mus: Rept 48) pad4-4sy pli. fig.7-11/ 1806. Bot. ed! Coprinus comatus Fr. N. ¥. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.143-44, 1806. Bot. ed. Coprinus micaceus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.145-47, pl.11, fig.1-6. 1896. Bot. ed. Cortinarius cinnamomeus Fr. Ne Y; State: Mus. Rep’t) 48) p.i49-50,. p13; fig.7—-20, 1806. Bot! ‘ed, Cortinarius collinitus Fr N.Y. State Mus, Rep’t 48, p.140) pla3, fig.1-6, 1806, Bot. ed: Cortinarius corrugatus Pk. NEY: ‘State: Mis. Bul.\25) p674) plts7; fie.6-13% 1800 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.161-62, pl.58, fig.8-15. 1900 Cortinarius evernius FY. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.162-63, pl.58, fig.1-7. 1900 82 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Cortinarius violaceus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.148-49, pl.12. 1806. Bot. ed. Craterellus cantharellus (Schw.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 40, pl. 44, fig. 1-5. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4; p.177-78, pl:56, fig.17-21. 1900 Craterellus cornucopioides Pers. Crepidotus malachius B. & C. N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 122; p.130, pl.ti2 tie. 1-4," eed Fistulina hepatica Fr. Gyromitra esculenta Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.208-9, pl.24, fig.7-10. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, pi204-5, pl.37, fis.s-o. 1806. Bota: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.128-29, pl.5, fig.1-3. 1806. Bot. ed. Helvella crispa Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rept 48; p:129-30, plis, fig.4-7.) 18060). Botmeu: Hydnum albidum Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.310, pl.56, fig.1-7. 1808 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.175-76, pl.67, fig.1-7. 1900 Hydnum caput-ursi Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t si, p.310-12, pl56, fig.8-12) 1605 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.176-77, pl.67, fig.8-12. 10900 Hydnum coralloides Scop. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.207-8, pl.24, fie.7—-1e. 1806. “Bot ea: Hydnum repandum L. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.206-7, pl.38. 1806. Bot. ed. Hygrophorus cantharellus Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.175-76, pl.76,_fig.8-20. I90T Hygrophorus chlorophanus Fr. N.. Y. State Mus, Mem. 4, p.147, plisi, fig.13-20, 1900 Hygrophorus flavodiscus Frost N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 51, p.303-4, pl.51, fig.6-11. 1898 N. Y. State: Mus. Mem: 4, p.145, pl.50, fi¢.1-6. 1600 Hygrophorus fuliginosus Frost N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 40, p.50, pl.4s5, fig.8-14. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.146, pl.50, fig.7-12. 1900 Hygrophorus laricinus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.146—-47, pl.51, fig.I-12. 1900 Hygrophorus laurae Morg. N. Y. State Mus. Bul 54, p.067-68, pli77, fig-6-14. 1002 Hygrophorus laurae decipiens Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.46, pl.88, fig.8-11. 1905 Hygrophorus miniatus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.182-84, pl.28, fig.1-to. 1806. Hygrophorus nitidus B. & C. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.45, pl.88, fig.1-7. 1905 _ Hygrophorus pratensis Fr, N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.181-82, pl.28, fig.11-17. 1896. Hygrophorus pudorinus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul) 67; pi4i-42,(plsa7 te 1-01 woos Bot. ed. Bot. ed. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 Hygrophorus puniceus Fr. Nese state Mus. Bul’2s5, pi675, pl.58, fict—7. 1800 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.149, pl.52, fig.1-7. 1900 Tygrophorus speciosus Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.148, pl.51, fig.21-28. 1900 Hygrophorus virgineus (Wulf.) Fr. Neeverorare Wius, Bull 25) p.075-76, piss, fie. 8-12. 1860 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.150, pl.52, fig.8-12. 19090 Hypholoma ageregatum sericeum Pk, iNre State Wiis. Bul) 54, p.072-73, pl.7o; fig.8-14. 10902 Hypholoma incertum Pk. IN; Y. State Mus. Bul. 25, p.676-77; pl.58, fig 13-20. 1890 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.165-66, pl.6o, fig.I-9. 1900 Hypholoma perplexum Pk. NeeYw stare Mis. Rept 40, p.o1-62, pl.47; fie. 11-18, 1806: N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.166-67, pl.60, fig.10-17. Ig00 Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schw.) Tul. NY. State’ Mus. Bul. 105, p.43-44, pl.103. 10906 Lactarius chelidonium Pk. Neve State Mus. Bul. 25) pi677-78,, tie.1-6. 1800 Neer orare Mis! Mem. 4p: 150-51, pls, fie: 1-6. 1900 Lactarius deceptivus Pk. Neve otare Mus. Rept 54, p.177-78, .pl.7o, ie. 7-11. » 1001 Lactarius deliciosus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.185-86, pl.29. 1896. Bot. ed. Lactarius distans Pk. Nev state Mus. Bul. 25, p.678-70, pl.5q, fig.7-11. 1890 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.151-52, pl.53, fig.7-11. 1900 Lactarius gerardii Pk. INSSY State Mus. Bul. 25, p.670, ‘pl.50, fig.12-16. 1809 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.152-53, pl.53, fig.12-16. 1900 Lactarius luteolus PR. Nee: State Mus. Bul 67, p43, pl.83, fg.7-1T. "1903 Lactarius rimosellus Pk. Neeverstace Mus. Bul. 105, p.37, plios, fig.1-6. “1906 iactarins seritliius. CDC.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.37-38, pl.os, Re 1906 Lactarius subdulcis (Bull.) Fr. Ne Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.43-45, pli82, fiei2—24. 1003 Lactarius subpurpureus Pk. Ne Ye State Mus. Rept 54, p:170-77, pl.7o, e.I-o. Toon Lactarius volemus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.186-88, pl.30. 1896. Bot. ed. Lepiota americana Pk. Botenca: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.56-57, pl.44, fig.6-10. 1806. Bot. ed. IN. Yi State Musi) Mem\2)ipsG-37, pi.44,) He. 1t-16:". 1600 Lepiota cepaestipes Sow. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. o4, p.44-45, pl.87: 1005 Lepiota clypeolaria (Bull.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.173, pl.76, fig.1-7. 1901 83 84 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Lepiota naucinoides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.162-64, pl.i9. 1896. Bot. ed. Lepiota procera Scop. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.161-62, pl.18 1896. Bot. ed. Lycoperdon cyathiforme Bosc N. Y. State Mus..Rep’t 48, p.121-22, plz. 1806: Bot. ed; Lycoperdon gemmatum Batsch N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.135-36, pl.114,. fig.7-15. 1908 Lycoperdon giganteum Batsch N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.121, pl.1. 1896. Bot. ed: Lycoperdon subincarnatum PR, N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.135, pl.114, fig.1-6. 1908 Marasmius oreades Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.195-96, pl.33, fig.7-12. 1896. Bot. ed. Mitrula vitellina irregularis PR. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.130-31, pl.5, fig.8-14. 1806. Bot. ed. Morchella angusticeps Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.125, pl.4, fig.5-9o. 1806. Bot. ed. Morchella bispora Sor. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.126-27, pl.3, fig.8-10. 1806. Bot. ed. Morchella conica Pers. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.124-25, pl.4, fig.1-4. 18096. Bot. ed. Morchella deliciosa Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.125-26, pl.3, fig.4-7. 1896. Bot. ed. Morchella esculenta Pers. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.124, pl.3, fig.1-3. 18096. Bot. ed. Morchella semilibera DC. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.126, pl.3, fig.t1-13. 1896. Bot. ed. Paxillus involutus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.150-51, pl.28, fig.18-23. 1806. Bot. ed. Pholiota adiposa Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.60-61, pl.46, fig.18-23. 1806. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.160-61, pl.57, fig. 12-17. 1900 Pholiota caperata Pers. N. Y. State Mus: Rept 54, pis2, pl.73, fig.i-5. Toe Pholiota duroides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul.-131, p.39-40, pl.116, fig.1-7. 1909 Pholiota praecox (Pers.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 49, p.59-G6o, pl.46, fig.1-17: 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem, 4, p.159-60, pl.57, fig.1-11. I9@e Pholiota squarrosa Muell. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.o71-72, pl.7o, fig.1-—7. I9e2 Pholiota squarrosoides Pk. . N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.183, pl.73, fig.6-15. 1901 Pholiota vermiflua Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.32, pl.86, fig.12-20. 1904 Phylloporus rhodoxanthus (Schw.) Bres. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 131, p.40-41, pl.116, fig.8-11. 1900 Pleurotus ostreatus' Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.180-81, pl.26, fig.s—9. 1806. Bot. ed. REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST I909 85 Pleurotus sapidus Kalchb. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.179-80, pl.27. 1896. Bot. ed. Pleurotus ulmarius Bull. : N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.177-70, pl.26, fig.1-4. 1806. Bot. ed. Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.181-82, pl.74, fig.g-19. IQOI Polyporus sulphureus Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.203-4, pl.37, fig.1-4. 18096. Bot. ed. Psilocybe foenisecii (Pers.) Fr. Ne Y. State Mus. Bul) 75; p.33-34, pl.86, fig:I-11: 1984 Russula abietina Pk. NOY. State Mus. Rep’t 54; p.180-81,. pk72, fig.I-1T. I@0r Russula albida PR. Ngee otate Mis Bul. ro5, p.38; plies. 1006 Russula brevipes Pk. INS Y. State Mus. Rep’t: 54, p:178-7o, pl71; fig.1-5.. root Russula compacta Frost INS Y. State: Mus: Bul) 116, p.42, pl:1o9.. 1907 Russula crustosa Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.45-46, pl.84, fig.1-7. 1903 Russula earlei Pk. | N.. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.42. 1007 N.Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.24, pl.N, fig.5-r0. 1003 Russula flavida Frost N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.38-39, pl.g7. 1906 Russula furcata (Pers.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.31-32, pl.8s, fig.o-14. 1904 Russula mariae PR. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 75, p.29-31, pl.85, fig.1-8. 1904 Russula nigricans (Bull.) Fr. N.Y. State Mus. Rept 54, p.178, p71; fig6-0: 1e01 Russula ochrophylla Pk. : Ne) Yo State Maus; Rep/t- 51, p.307-8, pl53, fig8-14: 1868 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.154-55, pl.54, fig.8-14. 1900 Russula pectinatoides Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.43, pl.105, fig.6-10. 1907 Russula pusilla Pk. NenYo state Mus. Bul! rez, p38, pl.1io, figi7-14; 1968 Russula roseipes (Secr.) Bres. INDY: State Mus. Rept 51, p.306-7, plis3, fig.1-7. 1808 IN Ys State Mus. Mem. 4, p.153-54, pl. 54, fig.I-7. 1900 Russula rugulosa Pk. : N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.179-80, pl.72, fig. 12-18. 1901 Russula sordida Pe. . N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.39-40, pl.o&8. 1906 Russula subsordida Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.40-41, pl.g9. 10906 Russula uncialis Pk. N: Y. State Mus. Bul. 116; pi43, pl.107, fig.7-12. .190e7 86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Russula variata Banning N. Y. State. Mus. Bul- 105. pi41-42) pliem. 906 Russula virescens Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, oe 1896) Bat edi Russula viridella Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 105, p.41, pl.100. 1906 Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 94, p.48-49, pl.o2. 1905 Stropharia bilamellata Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul; 122, p.139-40, pl.112, fig.5-10. 1908 Tricholoma hirtellum PR. N. Y. State’ Mus. Bul. 116, %p:38--36, plas, fe. 1-5. 1007 Tricholoma imbricatum Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.169-70, pl.21, fig.6-11. 1896. Bot. ed. Tricholoma nudum (Bull.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 116, p.39-40, pl.104. 1907 Tricholoma personatum Fr, N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.170-72, pl.22. 1806. Bot. ed. Tricholoma portentosum centrale Pk. N. Y. State Mus: Bul. 25, p.673, plis7, fig.1-§. 1800 N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.138-39, pl.45, fig.1-5. 1900 Tricholoma radicatum Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.40-41, pl.82, fig.15-I9. 1903 Tricholoma russula (Schaeff.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 54, p.966-67, pl.77, fig.I-5. 1902 Tricholoma silvaticum Pr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul) 67, pat, plié2, fie. 1-6." 1003 Tricholoma sordidum (Schum.) Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 131, p.38-30, pl.1I5. 1900 Tricholoma subacutum Pk. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 67, p.39-40, pl.82, fig.7-14. 1903 Tricholoma terreum fragrans PR. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 40, p.57, pl.47, fig.1-ro. 1896. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.137-38, pl.45, fig.6-15. 1900 Tricholoma transmutans Pk. N. Y. State Mus Rep’t 48, PRE ee pl21, fig,I-5, 1896, )Botwved Tricholoma unifactum Pk. N. Y. State Mins. “Bul: res; anea pl.o4. 1906 Poisonous or unwholesome Amanita muscaria L. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.212-15, pl.42. 1896. Bot. ed. Amanita phalloides Fr. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.215-17, pl.40, 41, fig.I-3. 1896. Bot. ed. Amanita verna Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 48, p.215, pl.4r, eee 1896. Bot. ed. Boletus felleus Bull. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 48, p.217-18, pies 1896. Bot. ed. Clitocybe illudens Schw. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 40, p.65, pl.49. 10986. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 4, p.179-80, pl.68. 1900 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST 1909 87 Pore GENERA WHOSE “NEW “YORK °SPECIES (ee riey) HAVE BREN COLLATED WITH DESCRIP- POS tien STATE BOTANISTS REPORTS CITED Aecidium NEY. State Mus. Rept 24, p.1no5-8. 1872 Agaricus NY. state Cab. Rept 23, p.o6-08: 1872. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 36, p.4i-49. 1884 State Cab. Rept 23) p.68-7e. 1872. “Bot. ed. State Mus. Rep’t 33, p. 38-49. 1880 KK Memon otate Cab. Rept 23,.p.73. 1672. Bot. ed. IN. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 43, p.4o-44. 1800. Bot. ed. Meumarstate ius. Rept 243) p 44459) 160.) Bot. eds) (United States species ) Boletus Neoeestate, Cab. Reprt 23) p,.127=43'6 1672, Bot.ed. Neen State Mus: Bul 2) 757-66. 71887 N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 8, p.80-157. 1889. (United States species) Boletinus iNeeev.) state Mus. Bul. 8) p174-80, > 188o:,. CUnited. States’ species) Cantharellus Reenstate Cab. Repit 23) psi2i-24e0 e672.) | bot. red. Nee otace Mus. Bule 2 p.34-43) 11887 Claudopus N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 30, p.67-69. 1886 Clavaria : Neve State Mus. Rep’t 24, p104-54 1872 Clitocybe Nery, State Cab. Rep't 23, p.75-78 1872. Bot. ed. Clitopilus N. Y¥. State Mus. Rep’t 42, p.390-46. 1889. Bot. ed. Collybia ; New! State Cab: Rept 23,5p:76-co: 1872. Bot. ed. Ne State Mus, Rep't 40, p.i22-55, “1806. - Bot; ed: Coprinus NEw Yen State Cab. Rept 23, .p.103-4). 1872.) Bot, ‘ed: Cortinarius NEON Stace Cab. Rept 23) p. 105-12" 1872) Bot. ed. Craterellus . N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 2, p.44-48. 1887 Crepidotus N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 30, p.69-73. 1886 Entoloma N. YJ. StatetCaby Rep t\220ip.ce. 1672.0 Bok, ed. N. Yevstate: Nius, Ball sie pi47—545 8 rong &8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Flammula N. Y. State Cab, Rep’t 23,-p-o0-0%. 19672. Bot,ed: N.Y. State Mus. Rep’t 50, p:133744. 17807 Galera N. Y. State Cab. Rept 23, p.o3-04. T1672) Bot ed N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 46, p.61-6q. 1893. Bot. ed. Hebeloma N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.95-96. 1872. Bot. ed. Helvella N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t, 31, p.60. 1879 Hygrophorus N. Y. State Cab, Rept 23 pris. Gane) Botced: N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 116, p.45-67. 1907 Hypholoma N.Y. State Cab; Repit 23) p:08-0: 1872. sBot.ved: Lactarius N. .Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p.114-20. 1872. Bot. ed. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 38, p.111-33. 1885 Lentinus N. Y. State Cab. Rep't 23,2627. 1872. iBot. ed: N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 131, p.42-47. 1909 Lepiota N.Y. State Cab, Rep't 23,. p.yo-73. 1872. Bot ved N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 35, p.150-64. 1884 Leptonia N. Y. State Cab. -Rep’t 23, psSo.. 2872, -Bot.. ed. Lycoperdon N.Y: State, Mus, Rept 32 \p-58-72) 1670 Marasmius N.Y: State Cab. Rept 23, pr27-26. 1872. Bot ed: Mycena N. Y. State Cab; Rep’t 23, p.80-84:. 1872), Bot) ea. Naucoria N.-Y.. State ‘Cab. Repit.23, paige: ioe, bor ed: Odontia N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 53, p.847. 1900 Omphalia N. Y. State Cab. WRep’t 23, pl64-85. 1872. Bot. ved: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 45, p.32-42: 1893. Bot. ed. Panaeolus N. Y; State Cab, Rept 23, p.1e0—2, 1872." Bot, ‘ed: Paxillus N.Y. State ‘Mins) ‘Bul. 2) p20433) a oo7 Pholiota N. Y. State Cab. Rep’t 23, p'80-90) 1872) Bot ved: N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 122, p.141-58. 1908 Pleurotus N. Y. State Cab. Repit 23,3p'86-87. 4872. -Bot.ed: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 30, 58-67. 1886 REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ Pluteolus N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 46, p.58-61. 1893. Pluteus N=. state Cab. Rep't 23, pi87-88. 1872. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 38, p.133-38. Psathyrella INGE vewstate Cab. Rept 23, p.102-3. Psilocybe 1872. Nee state Cab.) Rep t 23, p.o9-100; 1872! Puccinia Ngee state Mis, Rept 25, p.r10—23. 1873 Russula ieee otate Cab. Rep’ i 23, p.120-2 Telog2: Ne ¥e State Mus. Bul, 116, p.67-08. 1007 Spathularia N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 50, p.118-19. 1897 Strobilomyces N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 8, p.158-59 Trametes VLSSO: N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 54, p.169-70. 1901 Tricholoma Nee Yenotate Cab, Rept 23,p:73-75. N. Y. State Mus. Rep’t 44, p.38-64 Xylaria Ne werState Nius. Rept 31, p.50. 1872. x SOT: 1879 Bot. ed. Bot. ed. 1885 Bot. ed. Bot. ed. Bot. ed. (United States species) Bot. ed. Bot. ed. Hypholoma boughtoni Pk. BOUGHTON HYPHOLOMA 1 Cluster of three immature plants 2 Mature umbonate plant 3 Mature plant without an umbo 4 Vertical section of upper part of an immature plant 5 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 6 Transverse section of a stem 7 Four spores, x 400 92 PAE eEe FUNGI New STATE MUS. 63 Spi TRE ae a Sa HYPHOLOMA BOUGHTONI PK. BOUGHTON HYPHOLOMA Hypholoma rigidipes Pk. RIGID STEM HYPHOLOMA 1 Immature plant 2 Mature plant 3 Vertical section of upper part of an immature plant 4 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 5 Transverse section of a stem 6 Four spores, x 400 Psilocybe nigrella Pk. BLACKISH PSILOCYBE 7 Immature plant with moist cap 8 Mature plant with moist cap 9 Mature plant with dry cap Io Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 11 Four spores, x 4c0o O4 N. Y. STATE MUS. 63 FUNGI PLATE III Fic. 1-6 Fic. 7-11 HYPHOLOMA RIGIDIPES Px. — PSILOCYBE NIGRELLA Px. RIGID STEM HYPHOLOMA BLACKISH PSILOCYBE . ' PLATE LL7 Hebeloma album Pk. WHITE HEGELOMA 1 Young plant 2 Mature plant with expanded, cap 3 Mature plant with convex cap tinged with yellow 4 Vertical section of upper part of a young plant 5 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 6 Four spores, x 400 Clitocybe multiceps Pk. MANY, CAP CLITOCMEE 7 Cluster of seven plants 8 Vertical section of upper part of a plant 9 Four spores, x 400 06 N. Y. STATE MUS. 63 Pic: 1-6 HEBELOMA ALBUM Px. WHITE HEBELOMA EDIBLE FUNGI : PEATEs 41 7 Fic. 7-9 CLITOCYBE MULTICEPS Px. MANY CAP CLITOCYBE PLATE I18 7 The. ee il ; 4 ig Wass ; ed yoer i Teas Nig * 1 " ap ys aA ’ le th) ‘ MPT A a. v f if wid A eye ‘; Lactarius aquifluus Pk. WATERY MILK LACTARIUS _ 1 Young plant with moist cap — 2 Mature plant with dry margin 3 Mature plant with entire cap dry . ; OF e ; 4 Vertical section of upper part of a plant aer 5 Transverse section of a stem 6 Four spores, x 400 we 98 iv ee nus. cs EDIBLE FUNGI Ah aie LACTARIUS AQUIFLUUS Px. WATERY MILK LACTARIUS ae ek ene pe ia Be Lee y 2 ’ <’ a e; ae 4 “ f of , ae ony | 7 a i. © ; ae bs “ Li iv * -s ih Fae “Sy 4 >. ~ , "i > ae ron a Et 4 = *. A a ,' + a ta ‘ Entoloma grande Pk. GRAND ENTOLOMA t Cluster of one mature and two young plants 2 Mature plant with umbonate and rugosely wrinkled aes 3 Vertical section of upper part of a young plant 4 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant — 5 Four spores, x a ——— 100 EDIBLE FUNGI PLATE 119 ENTOLOMA GRANDE Pk. GRAND ENTOLOMA PEATE oL2@ Boletus viridarius Frost GREEN LAWN BOLETUS 1 Young plant with tubes concealed by the veil 2 Young plant with tubes exposed 3 Mature plant showing a fragment of the white veil still adhering to the margin of the cap 4 Mature plant with whitish cap appendiculate with the ruptured veil 5 Young plant with yellowish tubes 6, 7 Mature plants showing color of mature tubes; stem of no. 7 only partly reticulated above the collar 8 Vertical section of upper part of a young plant 9 Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 1o Four spores, x 400 102 \ PR sic. as EDIBLE FUNGI eae BOLETUS VIRIDARIUS Frost GREEN LAWN BOLETUS Amanita morrisii Pk. MORRIS AMANITA 1 Young plant with expanded cap 2 Mature plant with expanded cap and two fragments of the volva ad- hering to the base of the stem 3 Vertical section of the upper part of a mature plant 4 Four spores, x 400 104 N.Y. state mus.68 HX TRALIMITAL FUNGI PLATE W AMANITA MORRISII PK. MORRIS AMANITA Lactarius bryophilus Pk. MOSS LOVING ‘LACTARIUS I Young plant 2 Mature plant showing upper surface of cap 3 Vertical section of a young plant 4 Vertical section of a mature plant 5 Four spores, x 400 Agaricus eludens Pk. ELUSIVE MUSHROOM 6 Young plant showing white gills and brown cap 7 Middle aged plant showing pink gills and brown cap 8 Mature plant showing brown gills and scaly cap 9 Mature plant showing red wound spot on the stem 10 Vertical section of upper part of a middle aged plant II Vertical section of upper part of a mature plant 12 Transverse section of a stem 13 Four spores, x 400 106 ee «6 6h EXTRALIMITAL FUNGI Saat Fie. 1-5 Fic. 6-13 LACTARIUS BRYOPHILUS PK. AGARICUS ELUDENS Px. MOSS LOVING LACTARIUS ELUDING AGARICUS Cortinarius ferrugineo-griseus Pk. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARIUS 1 Young moist plant showing the webby veil 2 Mature moist plant showing remains of the spore stained veil on the stem 3 Vertical section of a young plant 4 Vertical section of a mature plant with part of the cap wanting 108 N. Y. STATE MUS. 63 EXTRALIMITAL FUNGI PLATE Y G. E. M. del. CORTINARIUS FERRUGINEO-GRISEUS Px. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARIUS Cortinarius ferrugineo-griseus Pk. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARIUS Mature dry plant with violaceous stem Vertical section of a small mature plant with violaceous stem 3 Four spores, x 400 NY ei Cortinarius actutoides Pk. ACUTOID CORTINARIUS 4 Group of six young moist plants, one showing floccose scales of the white veil on the cap 5 Two mature dry plants 6 Vertical section of a young plant 7 Vertical section of a mature plant 8 Four spores, x 400 Russula blackfordae Pk. BLACKFORD RUSSULA 9, 10 Two plants with convex cap 11 Mature plant with expanded cap 12 Vertical section of a mature plant 13 Four spores, x 4Cco IIO Ney. state mus.68 EXTRALIMITAL FUNGI PLATE 2 LLL TTY SRM ee Fie:' 1-3 Fic. 4-8 CORTINARIUS FERRUGINEO-GRISEUS PK. CORTINARIUS ACUTOIDES Px. RUSTY GRAY CORTINARIUS ACUTOID CORTINARIUS Fic. 9-13 RUSSULA BLACKFORDAE Px. RILACKRBRORTN PRITQQTITA tl ho ‘ % ts on “A rats / , A Ake ou % wd ey ae ee pa mM :. Poets i ; : i ; im + % y IN DE A Agaricus campester, 7. ‘hortensis, 7. eludens, 42. explanation of plate, 106. Agropyrum tenerum, I9. Amanita morrisii, 42. explanation of plate, 104. Ascochyta solani-nigri, I9. Belonidium glyceriae, Io. Biatora cupreo-rosella, Ig. Bidens tenuisecta, 19. Boletus viridarius, 19, 41. explanation of plate, 102. Bromus altissimus, 109. Cardamine bulbosa, 33. douglasii, 20. Carduus crispus, 20. Carex bebbii, 20. crawfordii, 20. Centaurea solstitialis, 33. Cerastium viscosum, 33. Chaenactis stevioides, 20. Ciboria luteo-virescens, 20. Clavaria lavendula, 47. pallescens, 47. Clitocybe, many cap, 37-38. Clitocybe candida, 20. multiceps, 37. explanation of plate, 96. Cortinarius acutoides, 46. explanaticn of plate, 110. ferrugineo-griseus, 46. explanation of plate, subsalmoneus, 20. Crataegus brevipes, 20. verecunda gonocarpa, 33. 108, IIO. Denudata, 71.. Diplocladium penicilloides, 21. Diplodia cercidis, 22. hamamelidis, 22, tamariscina, 22. ———- — ———__- - III Discina leucoxantha, 22. Dothiorella divergens, 22. Edible fungi, 6, 37-41; list, 78-80. Entoloma grande, 39. explanation of plate, Ioo. Epilobium densum, 34. Epipactis tesselata, 23. Erythronium albidum, 34. Exoascus pruni, 34. Explanation of plates, 91-110. Fenestella amorpha, 23. Flammula highlandensis, 77. Fungi, edible, 6, 37-41; extralimital, new_ species, 42-48; list, 78-89. Galium erectum, 34. Geum flavum, 23. Hebeloma, New York species, 67- 77: colvin, 73. crustuline, 73. disk diseased, 75. firm, 70. fragile: 77: giutinous, 68. gregarious, 75. long stem, 73. marsh, 76. ochery, 70. pale margin, 76. pasture. 77. Ditis, elle om. slightly sordid, 75. small fruit, 7o. social, 74. thin margin, 77. unlawful, 76. veiled, 60. white, 40, 72. whitish, 72. Hebeloma, 67. albidulum, 72. II2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hebeloma (continued) album, 40, 72. explanation of plate, 96. colvant.-74i- crustuliniforme, 73. discomorbidum, 75. excedens, 77. fastibile, 70. firmum, 70. Pacis. 77.5 glutinosum, 68. gregarium, 75. illicitum, 76. longicaudum, 73. pallidomarginatum, 76. palustre, 76. parvifructum, 70. pascuense, 7I. sarcophyllum, 71. sociale, 74. sordidulum, 75. velatum, 69. Hedeoma hispida, 34. Hypholoma boughtoni, 23. explanation of plate, 92. rigidipes, 24. explanation of plate, 94. Ilex verticillata tenuifolia, 34. Indusiata, 68. Inocybe, New York species, 48-67. agelutinate, 62. . black disk, 64. brown disk, 66. changed, 50. chestnut, 58. cracked, 56. curved scale, 49. earthy. leat, ‘Oi. eutheloid, 57. excoriate, 55. fallactots,@g. feeble, 64. fibrillose, - 50. grayish, 57. hairy cap, 60. hairy margin, 65. late, 61: mammillate, 56. maritimoid, 53. Inocybe (continucd) marsh, 63. . ochraceous, 62. one colored, 50. pale stem, 55. rigid stem, 59. rough spore, 66, scaly disk, 53. small, 53. star spore, 59. stellate spore, 51. subtomentose, 62, tawny, 54. umbo marked, 58. unfortunate, 52. untrusty, 64. vatricosoid, 67. violaceous gill, 57. white disk, 59. woolly, 51. Inocybe, 48. agelutinata, 62. albodisca, 509. asterospora, £9, 77. calamistrata, 40. castanea, 58. comatella, 60. diminuta, 53. eutheles, 56. eutheloides, 57. excoriata, 55. fallax, 63. fibrillosa, 50. fuscodisca, €6. geophylla, 61. griseoscabrosa, 57. Ihelix, 52.6 7ye var. brevipes, 52. infida, 64. lanuginosa, 51. maritimoides, 52. mutata, 50.. nigridisca, 64. pallidipes, 55. paludinella, 63. rigidipes, 50. rimosa, 56. var. parva, 59. var. cuspidata, 56. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE BOTANIST IQOQ 113 Inocybe (continucd) serotina, OI. squamosodisca, 53. stellatospora, 51. subexilis, 64. subfulva, 54. subcchracea, 62. subtomentcsa, 62. trechispora, 66. trichcloma, 65. umboninota, 58. unicolor, 50. vatricosoides, 67. violaceifolia, 57. Juncus brachycephalus, 24. brevicaudatus, 24. secundus, 24. Juniperus horizontalis, 24. acerae, 52. Lactarius aquifiuus, 38. explanation of plate, 08. bryophiius, 44. explanation of plate, 106. Lactuca scariola integrata, 34. Laportea canadensis, 35. Leontodon nudicaulis, 25. Leskea gracilescens, 25. Lisusticum scoticum, 25. Histera australis, 35. Lophiotrema hystericides, 25. littorale, 25. Marasmius alienus, 25. oreades, 35. Melanopsamma confertissima, 25. Micrecera coccophila, 25. Midotis irregularis, 26. Monolepis nuttalliana, 26. Morchella crispa, 26. rimosipes, 26. Mushrooms, see Fungi. Naias gracillima, 26. Nardia crenulata, 26. inyalinia, 26. Naucoria sphagnophila, 45. Omphalia rugosodisca levidisca, 35. Panicum implicatum, 26. oricola, 26. . spretum, 27. Peridermium consimile, 35. strobi, 27. Pezizella lanceolato-paraphysata, 27 Bhacopezia tuscotarpa, 27. Pholiota aurivella, 27. Phomopsis stewartii, 27. Picris echinoides, 28. Plants, species added to collection, 5, 6, 8-10; species not before re- MOGecws) 10.325 Contnibutors: and their contributions, 10-18. Plates, explanation, gI—IIo. Polyporus giganteus, 35. Potamogeton richardsoni, 28. Prunus pumila, 35. Psilocybe nigrella, 28. explanation of plate, 94. Puccinia epiphylla, 28. Pusilla, 74. Pyrus coronaria, 36. melanocarpa, 306. Ribes triste albinervium, 28. Rimosae, 54. Rubia tinctorum, 29. Rubus andrewsianus, 29. permixtus, 20. recuirvans, 20. Rumex pallidus, 29. Russula blackfordae, 43. explanation of plate, 110. Serissima, 44. Schwalbea americana, 36. Septoria sedicela, 20: Solanum nigrum, 36. Solidago aspera, 30. squarrosa ramosa, 36. Sparganium americanum, 30. angustifolium, 30. diversifolium, 30. Squarrosae, 40. Stachys sieboldii, 30. Stephanoma strigosum, 20. Sterigmatocystis ochracea, 30. x ee eee (0 STD Thalictrum: coniime; 47) 73 eines revolutum, 37. ae Oromia, 3 Trametes merisma, 31. ) Wiseiae; 05 aa Trichosporium variabile, 31. | Volvaria volvacea, Velutinae, 60. . | Zizania palustris, 32. Wit CE eh iy SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES TIE 3 9088 01300 6168