r 6 * THE RULES A 1ST I) OBJECTS Acclimatisation Hatietg of Victoria, WITH THE • REPORT ADOPTED AT THE FIRST GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS, A LIST OP THE I OFFICERS, MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO THE SOCIETY, MELBOURNE: I WM. GOODHUGH & CO., PRINTERS, 4S FLINDERS LANE EAST. © MDCCCLXT. ♦ * - i THE ETJLES AND OBJECTS OF THE ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY OF VICTORIA, WITH THE REPOET ADOPTED AT THE FIRST GENERAL MEETING OE THE MEMBERS, AND A LIST OE THE OFFICERS, MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO THE SOCIETY. MELBOURNE: WILLIAM GOODHUGH & CO., PRINTERS, 48 FLINDERS LANE EAST. 1861. THE RULES AND OBJECTS OF THE Stfaeltr 0f Reform, 1. The objects of the Society shall be the introduction, acclima- objects of tisation, and domestication of all innoxious animals, birds, fishes, Soclcly ' insects, and vegetables, whether useful or ornamental;—the perfec¬ tion, propagation, and hybridisation of races newly introduced or already domesticated ;—the spread of indigenous animals, &c., from parts of the colonies where they are already known, to other localities where they are not known; —the procuring, whether by purchase, gift, or exchange, of animals, &c., from Great Britain, the British colonies, and foreign countries;—the transmission of animals, &c., from the colony to England and foreign parts, in exchange for others sent thence to the Society the holding of periodical meetings, and the publication of reports and transactions, for the purpose of spread¬ ing knowledge of acclimatisation, and inquiry into the causes of success or failure;—the interchange of reports, & c., with kindred associations in other parts of the world, with the view, by corre¬ spondence and mutual good offices, of giving the widest possible scope to the project of acclimatisation;—the conferring rewards, honorary or intrinsically valuable, upon seafaring men, passengers from distant countries, and others who may render valuable services to the cause of acclimatisation. 2. A Subscriber of two guineas or upwards annually shall Membership, be a Member of the Society; and contributors, within one year of ten guineas or upwards shall be Life Members of the Society; and any person who may render special services to the Society, by 4 contribution of stock or otherwise, shall be eligible for life member¬ ship, and may be elected as such by the Council, or by any annual general meeting. Subscriptions. 3. The annual subscription shall be payable on the 1st day of July in each year, and may be received by any Member of the Council, or the Collector, cither of whom on receiving the same shall cause the person so subscribing to be enrolled a member accordingly. Property to vest 4. All the property of the Society, of what nature and kind m riuhtees. BoeYel>j Yegt Jjj Trustees to be appointed by the Council, for the use, purposes, and benefit of the Society. Executive Offi- 5 . The Society shall be governed by a Council of eighteen members, to include a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and an Hon. Secre- Councii. tary, to be elected by ballot at the first general meeting of the Society, three of whom (to be determined voluntarily or by lot amongst them¬ selves) shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. Provided that if any sum of money be voted to the Society by Act of Parliament, or trusts conferred upon the Council by the Government, then it shall be lawful for the Chief Secretary for the time being to appoint, if he consider it expedient, any number of gentlemen, not exceeding three, to act as Members of the Council, and they shall have all the privileges as if otherwise duly elected ; and further, to appoint one Co-Trustee, to aet in conjunction with the Trustees for the time being of the Society. And provided further, that if the Melbourne Corporation, or any of the adjacent municipalities, shall decide upon expending any sum of money exceeding £100 in any one year, upon the grounds or for the objects of the Society, the Mayor of Melbourne or Chairman of such municipality shall he for such year a Member of the Council, and be at liberty to act in every respect as an ordinary member. Vacancy n 6. In case of a vacancy occurring by the death, resignation, or supplied. non-attendance of any Member of Council for the period of two months, the remaining Members may appoint another Member of the Society to be a Member of the Council in the place and stead of the deceased, or resigned, or absenting Member, and such new Member may act until the next annual general meeting. Provided that such vacancy shall not be supplied by the Council except after seven days’ notice given of the now Member to be proposed, and unless in the presence of at least seven Members of the Council. Quarterly Meet- 7. The Society shall hold periodical meetings, at which papers and Society. 16 other communications relating to the objects of the Society, and reports prepared by the Council, shall be received, and such dis¬ cussions shall be encouraged as may be of value in propagating 5 a knowledge of acclimatisation amongst the Members and the public. And such business generally shall be disposed of as may be brought under consideration by the Council or by any Member who shall have given seven days’ previous notice thereof to the honorary secretary, or as a majority of two-thirds of the members present shall see fit to entertain and consider ; and each Member shall have the privilege of introducing two friends at such meetings. 8. The Council shall meet at least once a month, and three Mem- Meetings of bers, of whom the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, or Honorary Secretary shall be one, shall form a quorum, and be capable of transacting tho business of the Council, subject to such limitations as may be imposed by any bye-law of the Council, or rule, or reso¬ lution of the Society, which may be hereafter made. 9. The Council shall have the sole management of the affairs of powers & Duties the Society, and of the income and property thereof, for the uses, 0 ounu ' purposes, and benefit of the Society \ and shall have the sole and exclusive right of appointing an Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer from amongst themselves or the other Members of the Society, and also of appointing paid servants, as a manager or assistant-secretary, collector, and such other officers, clerks, and labourers, and at such salaries as they may deem necessary, and of removing them if they shall think fit, and shall prescribe their respec¬ tive duties. And such Council shall have power to consider and deter¬ mine all matters, either directly or indirectly affecting the interests of the Society, and if they shall think fit so to do, shall bring the same under the notice of tho Members of the Society, at any general or special meeting ; and to make such bye-laws as they may deem necessary for the efficient management of the Affairs and the pro¬ motion of the objects of the Society, and for the conduct of the business of the Council, provided the same are not repugnant to these rules ; to appoint one or more sub-committees, for any purpose contemplated by these rules; and generally to perform such acts as may be requisite to carry out tho objects of the Society, which bye-laws are to be subject to ratification, or emendation, or rejection, by tho next annual or special general meeting of the Society. And it shall be the duty of the Council to exercise the foregoing powers as occasion shall require, and to furnish reports of the proceedings at every periodical and annual meeting of the Society. 10. The Society shall have power to affiliate or associate itself with Branch societies other Societies of kindred objects, and to found Branch Societies if ' desirable ; and the Council shall have power to carry out any arrange¬ ments for this purpose, and to furnish any monthly or other reports. 6 Minutes of Pro- 11. Minutes sliall be made, in books kept for tlie purpose, of all the proceedings at the general and special meetings of the Members, and minutes shall also be made of the proceedings of the Council at their general and special meetings, and of the names of the Members attending the same, and such minutes shall be open to inspection by any Member of the Society at all reasonable times. Moneys to be paid 12. All subscriptions and other moneys payable to the Society to Treasurer. " *■ j shall be paid to the Treasurer, •who shall forthwith place the same in a bank, to be named by the Council, to the credit of the Society; and no sum shall be paid on account of the Society until the same shall have been ordered by the Council, and such order be duly entered in the book of the proceedings of the Council; and all cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer as such, and be countersigned by the Honorary Secretary, or by some other Member of Council delegated by the Council to act as such. Annual Meeting. 13 . An annual meeting shall beheld on the second Wednesday in November of each year, or, if a holiday, then upon the next open day following, and the Council shall report their proceedings during the past year, and shall produce their accounts, duly audited, for publication if deemed desirable ; and the meeting shall elect new Members of Council to supply the vacancies therein. And notices of motion must be furnished to the Honorary Secretary, or Assistant Secretary, one day previous to the holding of such meeting, or such motions may be rejected by the Chairman. NO fe n iibscriptfous 0f AH privileges of membership shall cease in case any Member shall be three months in arrear, subject, however, to his restoration on the payment of such subscription as aforesaid, accompanied by satisfactory explanation. Sp of 0 Members nBS 16- Upon receiving a requisition in writing, signed by twelve or more Members of the Society, or upon a resolution of the Council, the Honorary Secretary shall convene a special meeting of the Mem¬ bers, to be held within fifteen days of the receipt by him of such requisition or resolution. Provided always that such requisition and resolution, and the notices thereunder convening the meeting, shall specify the subject to be considered at such meeting, and that subject only shall be discussed at such meeting. H bei°r ry Mem- 1G. The Council or any general meeting of the Society may admit, as Honorary Members, such ladies or gentlemen as may have distinguished themselves in connection with the objects of the Society, or in objects of a kindred nature. Power to alter 17. It shall be lawful for any annual or special meeting of the Society to alter, vary, or amend the rules ; or to substitute another 7 for any of the same ; or to make any new rule which may he con¬ sidered desirable ; if and after a notice specifying the nature of such alteration, variation, amendment, substitution, or new rule, shall have been given to the Honorary Secretary fifteen days before the holding of such meeting. And such alteration, variation, amend¬ ment, substitution, or new rule, shall be valid if carried by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present at such meeting. > REPORT OP THE PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE Society d 7th AUGUST. In coming before yon to render up their charge into your hands, your Provisional Committee beg to present the following brief sketch of their proceedings since their inauguration on the 25th of February last. The posts of Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary having been kindly undertaken respectively by Messrs. T. J. Sumner and Yv. H. Archer, one of the first things necessary appeared to be the appointment of a Collector, who could also undertake clerical duties; and from a large number of applicants, Mr. W. Coleman was unanimously appointed to the office. As it was obviously of the greatest importance that the estab¬ lishment of the Society, with its objects, should be made known as promptly and extensively as possible, a circular was prepared and forwarded to almost every leading colonist in town and country. And your Committee congratulate the Members on the fact, that, even at this early stage, they were enabled to annex to that circular a very handsome list of Subscriptions and Donations, which has since been very considerably increased. Still further to extend a knowledge of the functions of the Society, a very able lecture, opportunely delivered by Dr. Buck- land, before the Society of Arts, in London, was reprinted and circulated gratuitously to the extent of 2000 copies. Very gratifying responses have been received to these over¬ tures from numerous and distant quarters, and it is satisfactory 9 to know that the existence and intentions of the Society are now fairly understood in tins and the adjacent colonies,—and even at home, in Prance, India, and other countries of the highest value as sites for interchanges. It will be remembered by the Members that the Provisional Committee of the Acclimatisation Society consisted of the original Zoological Committee, appointed by the Government; and it will be necessary, to prevent confusion, to hear in mind the existence of two bodies, similar in their objects, and exercisiug like func¬ tions—the one appointed by the Government; the other, at present, nominated by the Members. In the rules prepared for your approval, it is intended to amalgamate these separate bodies in one effective council. As a Zoological Committee, your Provisional Committee learned that considerable progress had been made in securing a new and valuable site for their operations in the Royal Park, and ener¬ getic steps have been taken to acquire so safe a tenure as would justify your Committee in expending upon the park the funds at their disposal. Very serious delays have, however, unfortunately arisen in the action of the Government, hut we have every reason to hope that we shall shortly be put in possession of the park. Your Committee would remind you that the arrangement has long since received Legislative sanction, in a vote of “ £1000 for fences and buildings in the Royal Park, for zoological purposes.” To be ready to avail themselves of this concession as soon as it should be made, your Committee advertised for designs for laying out the park on a system of landscape gardening, and after due examination, ably aided by Mr. Skene, of the Board of Land and Works, they awarded the prize of £25 for the best design to Mr. Alfred Lynch; acknowledging the ability and valuable sugges¬ tions contained in several of the other designs submitted. Other votes than that referred to have passed the Legislature ; £2000, namely, for the introduction of a further supply of pure Alpacas, £500 for the introduction of the Salmon, and £500 for other animals. To facilitate the object of the first of these votes, your Com- * 10 mittee invited Mr. Ledger to visit Melbourne, and have arranged with him to undertake a task for which his local knowledge and great experience ably qualify him. The £500 for the Salmon was remitted, as previously agreed upon, to the Government of Tasmania, in aid of the very handsome sum of £3000 granted for this purpose by that Government; a suggestion being made, that although it was conceived desirable that the first experiments should be made in Tasmanian rivers, in the event of large num¬ bers of ova or fry being landed, a portion should be at once placed in the rivers of Gipps Land. The £500 for other animals has still to be disposed of. Your Committee have ventured to nominate two Honorary Members—Mr. Ledger, in testimony of his great services to the cause of acclimatisation by the introduction of a large number of Alpacas to Australia ; and Mr. Landells, in part payment of a male Dromedary, which it was considered desirable to secure for the purpose of keeping up the breed of this valuable animal, the great bulk of the herd of which has been taken away for explo¬ ration purposes ; and your Committee trust that the nomination of these gentlemen may meet with the approval and confirmation of the Members. Many offers of co-operation and interchange of good offices have flowed in from various quarters—amongst others from Ceylon, Madras, Calcutta, California, and other distant places, and from many of these ports consignments of valuable animals are already taking place. An effective system of interchange must be or¬ ganised at an early day, and for this purpose numerous offers of native animals are constantly coming in. The financial condition of the Society is satisfactory, the sub¬ scriptions and donations already amounting to £949 5s. 6d.; the sums actually received to £707 ; the balance in the hands of the Treasurer amounting to £424 5s. 7d., exclusive ol the £500 voted for the introduction of animals, the sums voted for fencing the 'Royal Park, and for the introduction of the Alpaca. And the following list of animals, birds, and fishes, already collected, mainly for acclimatisation purposes, will be found large, varied, and valuable :— 11 LIST OF ANIMALS, BIRDS, AND FISHES, COLLECTED MAINLY FOR ACCLIMATISATION PURPOSES, IN THE PUBLIC GARDENS AT MELBOURNE. 3 Camels (besides about twenty others absent on the Explor¬ ing Expedition). 3 Ceylon Elks. 3 Indian Spotted Deer. 2 Indian Hog Deer. 19 Fallow Deer. 37 Llama Alpacas (cross breed). 3 Pure Alpaca Bucks. 8 Angora Goats. 3 Abyssinian Sheep. 1 Bengal Sheep. 16 Chinese Sheep. 1 Cape Sheep. 1 Wild Boar. 10 Monkeys. 1 Jackal. 1 Screwtail. 3 Mongooses (or Mongeese). 1 Tiger Cat. 1 Porcupine. 7 Opossums. 3 Flying Opossums. 1 Wombat. 3 Native Bears. 5 ICaDgaroos. 3 Kangaroo Rats. 9 Emeus. 1 Wild Turkey. 3 Indian Peafowl. 1 Marabout Crane. 3 Native Companions. 1 Indian Pelican. 12 Gold Pheasants. 17 Silver Pheasants, .21 English Pheasants. 4 Mallee Hens. And a quantity of Carp, 3 Indian Partridges. 2 English Partridges. 8 Californian Quail. 5 Australian Quail. 2 Fiji Doves. 2 Ceylon Doves. 2 Manilla Doves. 21 Turtle Doves. 3 Hawks. 6 Eagles. 9 Owls. 4 Black Swans. 8 White Swans. 6 Canadian Geese. 17 Chinese Geese. 2 White-throated Geese. 2 Egyptian Geese. 2 Cape Barren Geese. 20 Muscovy Ducks. 16 English Wild Ducks. 5 Shell Ducks. 4 Carolina Ducks. 10 Call Ducks. 1 New Zealand Duck. 11 Curassows. 2 Curlews. 20 Thrushes. 12 Blackbirds. 10 Goldfinches. 8 Linnets. 5 Java Sparrows. 13 Indian Finches. 2 Gigantic Kingfishers. 2 Magpies. 8 Ortolans. 1 Skylark. 12 Canaries. i, Dace, Roach, and Goldfish. 12 In addition to these, the following have been set free in various parts of the colony :— LIST OF BIRDS LIBERATED. 18 Canaries. 18 Blackbirds. 24 Thrushes. AT THE BOTANIC GARDENS 8 Starlings. 6 Skylarks. 5 Pheasants. 6 Skylarks. AT PHILLIP ISLAND !— 4 Thrushes. 4 Blackbirds. 4 Pheasants. 4 Skylarks. AT SANDSTONE AND CHURCHILL ISLANDS :— 4 Thrushes. 6 Thrushes. AT YARRA BEND. ‘— | 4 Skylarks. 4 Thrushes. 4 Skylarks. IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF SYDNEY :— 4 Blackbirds. The Thrush, Skylark, Blackbird, and probably tbe Starling, may now be considered permanently established amongst us, tbe three former being heard in all directions. In thus enumerating the various proceedings of your Com¬ mittee, we cannot omit making special mention of the great and constant services to the Society of Dr. Mueller, the Government Botanist. Considering the various and important calls upon the attention of this gentleman, your Committee can only express their surprise at the time and attention he has been able kindly to devote to tbe interests of the Society, and acknowledge, with gratitude, the incessant zeal exhibited and the valuable assistance received from him. Upon the continuance of his services will in no slight measure depend the future success of the Society. Your Committee have great pleasure in expressing their thanks to Mr. Edward Wilson for his late very able and interesting ] 3 lecture on the objects of this Society, delivered at the Mechanics’ Institution on the 24th ultimo, his Honour the Chief Justice in the Chair. Mr. Ambrose Kyte has kindly intimated his willingness to place the Theatre Royal at the disposal of the Committee for one night, for the benefit of the Society. Tour Committee now beg to lay before you a code of Rules prepared for your consideration; and in rendering this account of their proceedings, to beg of you to undertake the task of electing a permanent Council, to which shall be delegated the duty of watching henceforward oyer the interests of the Society. LIST or THE OFFICERS ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. HIS EXCELLENCY SIB HENEY BARKLY K.C.B, COTJErCIL. EDWARD WILSON, Esq. FERDINAND MUELLER, Esq., M.D., &e. &c. Commilttc. Me. J. ALYES Colonel ANDERSON Me. J. P. BEAR Me. S. H. BINDON Dr. THOMAS BLACK Me. D. S. CAMPBELL Me. HUGH CHAMBERS Me. E. COHEN Dr. T. EMBLING Mb. W. LYALL Professor M‘COY Me. A. PURCHAS Me. H. L. TAYLOR Me. W. WATTS ion. fessnw, T. J. SUMNER, Esq. |$0ir. Sktttlarg. W. H. ARCHER, Esq. fist of gflernkts mtb j^ukmkrs Annual Subscriptions. His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly - - - £10 10 0 William Hoffman, Esq. » • • *220 Edward Wilson, Esq. - - • -220 Joseph Docker, Esq. - * * - 2 2 0 John Pinney Bear, Esq. * * • T. H. Bear, Esq. - - - - * 2 2 0 The Hon. G.W. Coppin, M.L.C, - - - 2 2 0 Germain Nicholson, Esq. - - - - 2 2 0 The Hon. William Nicholson, M.L.A. - • 2 2 0 Allan Spowers, Esq. • • - -220 Dr. Thomas Black - - - . 2 2 0 William Taylor, Esq. • - - - 2 2 0 The Hon. Matthew Hervey, M.L.C. - • - 2 2 0 The Hon. W. C. Haines, M.L.A. - - • 2 2 0 The Hon. D. Kennedy, M.L.C. • * • 2 2 0 The Hon. Thomas Herbert Powe •, M.L.C. - - 2 2 0 Messrs. Sargood, King, and Sargood * - * 2 2 0 William Williams, Esq. • - - « 2 2 0 Robert T. Firebrace. Esq. - T. J. Summer, Esq. * William Ljall, Esq., M.L.A. Angus M‘Millan, Esq. John Mackenzie, Esq. Messrs. Bright Brothers Thomas Learmonth, Esq. - John MTiaffie, Esq. Alexander M*Gill, Esq. Lindsay Brown, Esq. William Rutledge, Esq. Samuel Wilson, Esq., M.L.A. W. T. Molloy, Esq. John Catto, Esq. - Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones, Esq. • Lieutenant-Colonel Anderson, Y.Y.A Paul de Castella, Esq, Messrs. L. Stevenson and Sons Provident Institute of Victoria William M'Kellar, Esq. James Gill, Esq. * Henry Jackson, Esq. John Ritchio, Esq, Donations. £21 0 0 25 0 0 21 0 0 21 0 0 • 21 0 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 30 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 8 8 0 3 3 0 - 10 10 0 " 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 • 10 10 0 * 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 • 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 - 10 10 0 • 10 10 0 - 10 0 0 * 5 5 0 * 5 5 0 -550 - 5 5 0 - 5 0 0 - 4 0 0 - 3 3 0 * 2 0 0 16 The Hon. T. T. i'Beekett, M.L.C. • Captain Bancroft, A.D.C. John Benn, Esq. * S. H. Bindon, Esq. • • Charles Brown, Esq. T. A. Brown, Esq. G. D. Carter, Esq. D. S. Campbell, Esq. Hugh Chambers, Esq. The lion. George Ward Cole, M.L.C. Horatio Cooper, Esq. John Cochran, Esq. Benjamin Cowderoy, Esq. • George Dill, Esq. John Edward Dickson, Esq. Thomas Dickson, Esq. Dr. Embllng, MX.A. T. P. Fleetwood, Esq. E. Fitzgibbon, Esq. D. Grant, Esq, J. Graham, Esq. • The Hon. William Higliett, Esq. R. H. Jackson, Esq. The Hon. J. S. Johnston, M.L.A. G. S. Lang, Esq. • S. H. Marsh, Esq. Professor M‘Coy - Dr. Ferdinand Mueller Robert Patterson, Esq. The Rev. J. L. Poore A. Purchas, Esq, - J. Richardson, Esq. Dr. Rowe H. L. Sharpe, Esq. James Smith, Esq. * J. W. Smith, Esq. • The Hon.. R. Thomson, M.L.C. H. E. Watts, Esq. W. Watts, Esq. J. B. Were, Esq. * B. Waymouth, Esq. A. Wyatt, Esq. Sir Francis Murphy, M.L.A. James Frederick Hartley, Esq., M.L.A. Patrick O’Brien, Esq. Archibald Micliie, Esq. The Hon. John O’Slianassy, M.L.A. • Henry Ilenty, Esq. Herbert James Henty, Esq. The Hon. James Henty, M.L.C. Edward Henty, Esq., M.L.A: J. H. Rose, Esq. * Annual Subscriptions. 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 - 2 2 0 2 2 0 • 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 * 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 • 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 • 2 2 0 * 2 2 0 Donations NT. W. Thomas, Esq. « » James Ormond, Esq. The Rev* Adam Cairns, D.D. W. M. Anderson> Esq. • - J. B. Baynes, Esq. Messrs. M'Kersie, Love and Co. Messrs. George Martin and Co. Messrs. Francis Brothers - Messrs. Campbell Brothers Leonard Robinson, Esq. Messrs. Pownic and Murphy Messrs. Paterson, Ray, Palmer and Co. Messrs. Moubray, Lush and Co. Messrs. R. and H. Kerr Charles Heape, Esq. Messrs. Buckley and Nunn James Callender, Esq. E, J. Murphy, Esq. Messrs. P. Falk and Co. Messrs. Melchior and Co. • Alexander Cumming, Esq. - Edward Baines, Esq. William Clarke, Esq. W. P. Muir, Esq. - W. Donald, Esq. - Messrs. Fraser and Cohen - Messrs. Levicks and Piper • T. J. Nankivell, Esq. Nathaniel Levy, Esq., M.L.A. Messrs. Haigli Brothers Samuel Rentsch, Esq., Swiss Consul Arthur J. C. Skilling, Esq. « RobertM £ Cracken, Esq. William R. Pugh, Esq., M.D. David Lyons, Esq. George Wragge, Esq: J. W. Muttlebury, Esq. David Ogiivy, Esq. James Mackintosh, Esq., M.L.A. Messrs. Walker, Sloane and Co. Messrs. Kong Meng and Co. Messrs. Alexander Macfarlane and Co. John Clarke. Esq. Messrs. Wilshin and Leighton Samuel Topp, Esq. Messrs. N. Harris and Co. - W. H. Nicholson, Esq. Robert Walker, Esq. James Hemphill, Esq. Thomas Napier, Esq. J. J. Phelps, Esq. John Steavenson, Esq. Annual ubscriptions. Donations. 2 2 0 * 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 - 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 « 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 • 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 • 2 2 0 18 Annual Subscriptions. Henry Samuel Chapman,Esq. 2 2 0 His Honour Mr. Justice Wise, Supreme Court, Sydney 2 2 0 J. H. Atkinson, Esq., Circular Quay, Sydney * Henry Jones, Esq. * - - 2 2 0 Robert Gardiner, Esq. 2 2 0 Daniel Ploos Tan Amstel - 2 2 0 John Finlay, Esq., J.P. 2 2 0 Edward Wild, Esq. 2 2 0 The Hon. Charles Y r aughan, M.L.C. - 2 2 0 Messrs. Fisher, Ricards and Co. 2 2 0 Thomas Drysdale, Esq. 2 2 0 Jeremiah Addison, Esq. 2 2 0 William Gardiner Sprigg, Esq. 2 2 0 Phillip Russell, Esq. ... 2 2 0 J. Moor, Esq. .... 2 2 0 Dr. Bromby .... 2 2 0 George Higinbotham, Esq., M.L.A. - 2 2 0 Michael O’Grady, Esq. 2 2 0 Dr. Day ----- 2 2 0 William Adeney, Esq. 2 2 0 K. E. Brodribb, Esq. 2 2 0 H.W. Farrar, Esq. 2 2 0 Dr. J. G. Beaney - 2 2 0 J. G. Francis, Esq., M.L.A,. - 2 2 0 R. Howard, Esq., M.L.A. • 2 2 0 J. P. Lane, Esq. - - - - 2 2 0 The Hon. Joseph Sutherland, M.L.C. 2 2 0 Thomas Kenny, Esq. 2 2 0 J. B, Fitzgerald, Esq. 2 2 0 Dougald M'Pherson, Esq. - - j 2 2 0 Joseph Ware, Esq. * 2 2 0 Thomas Russell, Esq. 2 2 0 Wm. Robertson, Esq. 2 2 0 Colin Campbell, Esq. 2 2 0 John Matthew Smith, Esq. • 2 2 0 George E. Maclcay, Esq. 2 2 0 Graham Eddington, E 3 - 2 2 0 A. C. Eddington, Esq. 2 2 0 Horace Flower, Esq. 2 2 0 Charles Gray, EBq. 2 2 0 D. J. Howes, Esq. 2 2 0 Robert Hood, Esq. 2 2 0 Henry Phillips, Esq. 2 2 0 D. Ritchie, Esq. .... 2 2 0 J. Ritchie, Esq. - 2 2 0 R. H. Woodward, Esq. 2 2 0 William Young, Esq. 2 2 0 Messrs. M'Knight and Irvine 2 2 0 A. Struth, Esq. 2 2 0 D. Jermyn, Esq. - 2 2 0 J. M. Joshua, Esq. 2 2 0 Charles Hetherington, F.sq. 2 2 0 Donations 19 Annual Subscriptions, George Turner, Esq. Wm. Ford, Esq. ■ John Alves, Esq. - George Shovelbottom Messrs. Stead Brothers John Carson, Esq.- George Horne, Esq. James Byrne, Esq. Messrs. Mitchell and Bonneau Samuel Moore, Esq. Messrs. K. Matthewson and Sons Francis Cansick, Esq. Ferdinand F. Bailliere, Esq. James Caple, Esq, Messrs. 11. and P. Turnbull ’ Messrs. Ryan and Hammond Messrs. Loughnan Brothers John S. Ogilvy, Esq. George Dunn Gallogly, Esq. George Robertson, Esq, Messrs. Anderson, Sharp and Wright Messrs. Thomas Fulton and Co. - The Gentlemen in the employ of Messrs. L. Stevensoi and Sons - John M‘Lachlan, Esq. Ronald M‘Lachlan, Esq. J. W. Mackenna, Esq., M.D., &c. Lady Barkly - Mrs. Heales, Elsternwick - Mrs. Lewellin, Pralirau Mrs. Perry, Bishop’s Palace Mrs. George Stevenson, Studley Park J. J. Casey, Esq., J.P., G.M.C., Sandhurst Joseph Katzenstein, Esq. - George Wharton, Esq. George Robinson, Esq. Messrs. Hancock and Duffett Messrs. Watson and Sons - Dugald Little. Esq. William Scurheld, Esq. Messrs. Swire Brothers Henry Brooks, Esq. .... Beilby Hawthorne, Esq. Frederick Bigwood, Esq. G. R. Freyer, Esq. John Sleight, Esq. E. L. Robinson, Esq. J. S. Gotch, Esq. - John Stuart, Esq. John James Chidley, Esq. - Frederick Tate, Esq. - 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 Donations 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 110 1 1 0 110 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 110 110 1 1 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 20 Messrs. Clark and Bedford • . Annual Subscriptions. Donations. 0 10 0 Neil M‘Leau, Esq. - 0 10 0 Messrs. G. and J. Johnson - . • 0 10 0 William Eddy, Esq. - . - 0 10 0 Messrs. Leveson and Smythers . - 0 10 0 Locker, Esq. - - . - 0 10 0 Robert Dodds, Esq. - - - 0 10 6 Subscriptions • - - £432 12 0 Donations ■ - 458 6 6 Total • - - £890 18 6 Further contributions will be acknowledged periodically through th& press. GEORGE SPRIGG, Stunting # CoIIwta. Acclimatisation Office, Mechanics’ Institute. WM, SOODHIKIH AND 00., PRINTERS, FLINDERS LANE EAST. V * # fS c fO iT /