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Riickers2: 2223S ee ee eee A Century of the Study of Meteorites, by Oliver C. Farrington.-.----.-.---- Recent Studies in Gravitation, by John H. Poynting -.....-..---+.--------- On Ether and Gravitational Matter through Infinite Space, by Lord Kelvin -- On Bodies Smaller than Atoms, by J. J. Thomson ....-..--...-.------------ The Exploration of the Atmosphere at Sea by Means of Kites, by A. Law- mence: Rotel. -/422022 22. 2h. A el pec eee Boe ee Solid Hydrogen, by. James Dewar... 5. . 22S eeee eee eee eee Utilizing the Sun’s Energy, by Robert H. Thurston -..-..--..--2...-2-.---- The New Radiations—Cathode Rays and Réntgen Rays, by A. Dastre ...-.--- Wareless ‘Telecraphy, by. G. Marconi )..~:s..23 0. eee Transatlantic Telephoning, by William A. Anthony .........--------------- The Telephonograph, by William J. Hammer... 2-22 3252522 eos eee oe Color Photography, by Sir William J.. Herschel. 2 3.2 25-222 ee ee The History of Chronophotography, by Dr. J. Marey.....------------------ The Aims of the National Physical Laboratory of Great Britain, by RG Gdazebrook 2....: 2......62.2252-0-f 5742. 0 eee Emigrant Diamonds in America, by William Herbert Hobbs ...--.-..------- Bogoslof Voleanoes,-by.C. Hart Merriam .: 222-2 s2ce sete eee The Antarctic Voyage of the Belgica during the Years 1897, 1898, and 1899, by iICnEYE Are ‘towski eee oe Beet: ens oo koc beeen d ck Cone ee ee The Palace:of ‘Minos, by Arthur J. Eyans:.-:--. soc c2eeen coe ene een eee The Engraved Pictures of the Grotto of La Mouthe (Dordogne), by Emile Riviére Page. CONTENTS. Maemind.o at nmitrve, Man, by BPranz: Boas...2 22.2... 5-.22.52h-css-nec2.c-- Traps of the American Indians—A Study in Psychology and Invention, by COE RTS a eS I ee een ge eS ge ne The Abbott Collection from the Andaman Islands, by Lieut. W. E. Safford, (i Se ce Ris ee i Re a re Pe RR cep Cade ay PS The Development of Illumination, by Walter Hough ..........-.-....------ Order of Development of the Primal Shaping Arts, by W. H. Holmes. ..-.--.- rarer Dive Grtlbentvls Walken oe. S. ot eagee 25s te ek aces ee ee cece ae The Possible Improvement of the Human Breed under the Existing Conditions elaveanc sentiment,,by Hrancis: Galton: --..s255s55ssn-2e5ec2e555 a2 e58 The Fire Walk Ceremony in Tahiti, by S. P. Langley...............----..-- Pama Nature, by o- b. Langleyi-s 2. occ. fo oe So ee ea bane ete The Children’s Room in the Smithsonian Institution, by Albert Bigelow Paine- peeendii.F hysiological Uses, by A. Dastre’ 2s... fc k sobs os nena woe Santos-Dumont Circling the Eiffel Tower in an Air Ship, by Eugene P. Lyle, jr- Automobile Races, by Henri Fournier and others ........-..........-.----- The Erection of the Gokteik Bridge, by Day Allen Willey .............---.. MheaGreateAl pine Dunnels, by ERrancis Pox --2 2. .s-2s.5:-2-5-ssce ene e ea sone The Mutation Theory of Professor De Vries, by Charles A. White -.....--.-.- ine Panesnurs, orDerrible Wizards) ‘by F. A: Lucas... 2... 22-22. 2. 225e. Ae The Greatest Flying Creature, by 8. P. Langley, introducing a paper by F. A. isucasion the Great Pterodactyl Ormithostoma<-25 .---------- 2222-2 - +e see The Okapi; the newly discovered beast living in Central Africa, by Sir Harry RMR MN oer Se a oo Bis ty) ns MOE Be ESE eet as s hese ckie meted Observations on Termites, or White Ants, by G. D. Haviland .--...--.--.-.-- iieawandennes oLtne Water! Builalo... 222225 cee so. bec ce eee See ee ones On the Preservation of the Marine Animals of the Northwest Coast, by William DEMING OOS, DYE Gr. ATTNO.- ac ase eas oak de ck eee ae eee eee toe The National Zoo at Washington, a study of its animals in relation to their natural environment, by Ernest Thompson Seton...-...........---------- The Submarine Boat, by Rear-Admiral George W. Melville............------ Commemoration of Prof. Henry A. Rowland, by T. C. Mendenhall.....-...-- VII Page. 451 461 LISE OF PLATES: Page. SEcRETARY’s Report: Pewee sty ent Ante eee 14 Teabeiite hal fy Dee agers ee arte are ene nee os 31 ihe ee tame oun a re 40 late sues aor ek eck bese 49 JEL Se. Veceete ee See as ane eae 66 Pilahe Wiles heater. ae 70 IEE Ti cre\'G) tl Ge aes ie ape eA 108 Plate DVM ree aes eee 109 RIatesENe SS ee 110 Pltee -Xuls Nee ee So cei 124 Piste ell yas Sa ee 125 THe SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: Rlateris oe a2 she ae ioe 145 Platechl: sae se te eee eee 146 Plate MLSS eon sea a 147 Plates Seen Se 148 Ledeen rey We i oe eae aes eiltog 149 bated Wale ose are tees ee 150 PrinciepAL Events tn ASTRONOMY (Abbot): Plateuly oo: ieee ee eee 154 Plate II (Heliotype).-.-..---- 156 Pinte Wut <. ooe tee tee ee 156 Plate IV (Heliotype) -.-.-.-..-- 158 TAR CAVE sae Re Ae ae 162 Bilnte NOL ee eases. Ae oe as 168 Use or Kires av Sea (Rotch): 122 Ui 24 Beas ar ses neem ere ae a 246 Jel Eitep i Ug etal eee I 248 Urinizinc Sun’s Enercy (Thurs- ton): Diatesdls2 2 aacece = eee eee 268 WrreE.ess TELEGRAPHY (Marconi): Pate plete soe oo eee eee eee 287 Trans-ATLANTIC TELEPHONING (Anthony ): (Plate Wits 2. sere eet ees 304 Prev sou? 35 ea ae ee 305 THe TELEPHONOGRAPH (Hammer): Plates Te 22 ae ae ae aes 308 Plate ls (colored!\ias 2s secre oe 312 Cotor PHoroaraPrny (Herschel) : late: I(colored)\psacs-eeene] 314 Plate: Th (colored)\ic Ss25 a2 315+ Plate LL (colored). --2 52222 316 Vill Page. History or CHRONOPHOTOGRAPHY (Marey ): Pistols 225.2% eee 320 PlatevbL 4 jae yee See OY) Plate PEs ae 25 te ape encom 330 Plate TD Viv Ses se ie eed 331 Platec Ni eee ce reece ao2 Plate Vil nee ee ee eee 333 Plato: Valens Hep eee ere oe 334 Plate Wille 36) aoe) ses 335 Plate se eee ie ey eee 340 NATIONAL PuysicaAL LABORATORY (Glazebrook ) : Plateaus ie ne soa oe 344 EAC yr 0 Die sae wee 99 Peleg en et NS 351 Emicrant Dramonps (Hobbs) : Plated a. Ae eas tee 360 Plater lens oh Se st ee ee 362 Platediin shot paesee pe Sse 364 Bogostor VoucANoEs (Merriam): PlateWdiiec= 2 Shee eee eee 368 Plitewil2 Ss eee ae ae 370 Plate Jules. 22 heat eee teers 372 VoyAGE OF THE Bexaica (Arctow- ski): Plates 2 Saag ees 378 Plate, Teer ees eee a 380 PlatecUhl 2 25) eke eee ee 382 Plate diverse eiicG ea eee 383 Plate Vie: sae oe eee 384 Plait SVs ee eee 386 Plate SV ilies ee ite ee ore 388 Forest Desrruction (Pinchot): Platienl ate 58 seen Soe en ieee 401 Plate ies sie ee oe eee 402 Plate eee oe eee 403 Ps te pl Vice Se ae a ier eer 404 IrriGaTion (Newell) : Plate i orea2 yes ace eect 410 Plated 22542 See eee 412 Plate TL soe see 414 Plate Wore jee ae eee 417 Plate Vie ee eee 4i8 Plate Wilt i=. Pee eae 420 Plate! Vill 2 3292 ee 422 LIST OF tatom ele, werk gl tee Velilees sus eo ee eS Li TUE Uh ieee eae TrAps OF AMERICAN INDIANS (Ma- son): Appotr CoLLECTION FROM ANDA- MAN IsLanps (Safford): DEVELOPMENT OF ILLUMINATION (Hough): Halen leslie ace bees Rey ses FrreE WaLK 1n Tauiri (Langley): Plate I CHILDREN’S Room (Paine): Piste © (eolored +2225 2. ---. =. Plates IT, III (colored) ......- tater Ves(colored!)iea22. === 52 tate VY; (colored). 2220522... Plate VI (colored ) Aten VL Vibe ee 22 eee ESTE ERI SNG = ne ch Meet edn) Se Plates X, XI (colored)......- ies exe (TSX XS oa SE Circting Eirren Tower IN sHip (Lyle): Plate I Pe LCTNG ee ee ey AUTOMOBILE RACEs: Plate I ater ee os sc Sp PAPO MN Same <5 eS eea tee 474 594 | 596 | 606 607 608 PLATES. AUTOMOBILE RAaces—Continued. | PABST ie 9] Bis peek ek be => eat nea GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS (Fox): Plate I Dinosaurs (Lucas): Plate I GREATEST FLYING CREATURE ( Lang- ley): Pigtewieet ence pyibrete he Uaioe. Plate ieee eee ae eee Plates III, IV (to face one an- Othe) Peas etree Ree ek THE Oxapt (Johnston): Plates (colored) sone secre Pisten ble oo. eatoe eee ee ley Saas TERMITES, OR Waite Ants (Havi- land): Plates Tal Veo ees ae ree WANDERINGS OF WATER BUFFALO: Plate I Some Private Zoos (Aflalo): Platessl— lle ee Aas oe RlatesstW Sli s=. 23S oe TEA sist WAG) ie eine eae era op platen Vehis ies oe ee |; NaTIonNAL ZooLoGicaAL PARK (Se- ton): Plate I Rlatevile es] omer sce a aes Platelets a eee UNE eyed UY eee ate Plates Vase sees Sasa ae Plabes 2Ve lea Nee to eae ee Plates Xe NCU Seen = Se | SuBMARINE Boar (Melville): | ben GN ae ieee ge net emery | PALEY He A it ee NN yg a 2 ea | RowLtanpd Memortau (Menden- hall) : Plate I Ix Page. 609 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. MEMBERS EX OFFICIO OF THE ‘‘ ESTABLISHMENT.” Witiram McKin ey, President of the United States. THEODORE RoosEvELT, Vice-President of the United States. Metyi1ute W. Fuuter, Chief Justice of the United States. Joun Hay, Secretary of State. Lyman J. GAGe, Secretary of the Treasury. Eurau Root, Secretary of War. PHILANDER C. Knox, Attorney-General. CHARLES Emory Situ, Postmaster-General. Joun D. Lona, Secretary of the Navy. FE. A. Hrrencock, Secretary of the Interior. JAMES WILsoN, Secretary of Agriculture. REGENTS OF THE INSTITUTION. (List given on the following page. ) OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION. SamueEt P. LAanGtey, Secretary, Director of the Institution and of the U. S. National Museum. RicHarp Ratupun, Assistant Secretary. xI REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. By the organizing act approved August 10, 1846 (Revised Statutes, Title LX XIII, section 5580), ‘‘The business of the Institution shall be conducted at the city of Washington bya Board of Regents, named the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, to be composed of the Vice-President, the Chief Justice of the United States, three members of the Senate, and three members of the House of Representatives, together with six other persons, other than members of Congress, two of whom shall be resident in the city of Washington and the other four shall be inhabitants of some State, but no two of the same State. REGENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1901. The Chief Justice of the United States: MELVILLE W. FULLER, elected Chancellor and President of the Board, Jan- uary 9, 1889. The Vice-President of the United States: THEODORE ROOSEVELT. United States Senators: Term expires. SHELBY M. CULLOM* (appointed Mar. 24, 1885, Mar. 28, 1889, Dec.-18;°1895, and ‘Mar. 7) 1901S Shot eee es eee Mar. 3,1907 ORVILLE H. PLATT (appointed Jan. 18, 1899)..........-----. Mar. 3, 1903 WILLIAM LINDSAY (appointed Mar. 3, 1899) -......-..---:-- Mar. 3, 1901 FRANCIS M. COCKRELL (appointed Mar. 7, 1901).-.--.-.--.--- Mar. 3, 1905 Members of the House of Representatives: ROBERT R. HITT (appointed Aug. 11, 1893, Jan. 4, 1894, Dee. 20, 1895, Dec: 22; 1897, and Jane 479900) os. es are ee Dec. 25, 1901 ROBERT ADAMS, Jr. (appointed Dec. 20, 1895, Dec. 22, 1897, and: Jan: 4;°1900)< 2322 nce eee ee eee Dec. 25, 1901 HUGH A. DINSMORE (appointed Jan. 4, 1900)....----.------- Dec. 25, 1901 Citizens of a State: JAMES B. ANGELL, of Michigan (appointed Jan. 19, 1887, Jan. 9.1893, and: Jan. 24, 1899) i> = 22 ee eee Jan. 24, 1905 ANDREW D. WHITE, of New York (appointed Feb. 15, 1888, Mars 1951894, and! June 21900) 42. 2 5 ee ee June 2, 1906 RICHARD OLNEY (appointed Jan 24, 1900).......-2..:-.-2..- Jan. 24, 1906 Citizens of Washington: JOHN B. HENDERSON (appointed Jan. 26, 1892, and Jan. 24, 1898) Sot Set Se sll ee ee ee oe Jan. 24, 1904 WILLIAM L. WILSON (appointed Jan. 14, 1896; died Oct. 17, 1900). ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL (appointed Jan. 24, 1898) ..--- Jan. 24, 1904 GEORGE GRAY (appointed Jan. 14, 1901) ..........-....--.-- Jan. 14, 1907- Executive Committee of the Board of Regents. J. B. HENDERSON, Chairman. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL. Rosert R. Hirr. XII PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING HELD JANUARY 23, 1901. In accordance with a resolution of the Board of Regents, adopted January 8, 1890, by which its annual meeting occurs on the fourth Wednesday of each year, the Board met to-day at 10 o’clock a. m. Present: The Chief Justice, the Hon. M. W. Fuller (Chancellor), in the chair; the Hon. O. H. Platt; the Hon. William Lindsay; the Hon. R. R. Hitt; the Hon. Robert Adams, Jr.; the Hon. Hugh A. Dinsmore; Dr. J. B. Angell; Dr. A. Graham Bell; the Hon. Richard Olney; the Hon. George Gray; and the Secretary, Mr. 5. P. Langley. Excuses for nonattendance were read from the Hon. William P. Frye and the Hon. J. B. Henderson, on account of illness. At the suggestion of the Chancellor the minutes of the last annual meeting were read in abstract, and there being no objection, they were declared approved. The Secretary announced the death on October 17, 1900, of Dr. William Lyne Wilson, and stated that Mr. Henderson had very much desired to present some personal remarks on the occasion, but that his illness had prevented him from attending the meeting. Mr. Bell then offered a series of resolutions, which will be found under the heading ‘* Necrology,” on page 51 of this report. The resolutions were adopted by a rising vote. Mr. Hitt then stated that he had received a request from Mr. Henderson to ask the Board’s permission to file later a memorial to be spread upon the minutes. On motion, the permission was granted. The Secretary read acknowledgments from Mrs. Margaret A. Johnston and Mrs. Jennie T. Hobart of the resolutions adopted by the Board on account of the death of Dr. William Preston Johnston and of Vice-President Hobart. APPOINTMENT OF REGENTS. At the last meeting the Secretary announced that a resolution appointing the Hon. Richard Olney a regent to succeed the late Dr. William Preston Johnston had passed Congress, but was still in the hands of the President. The President’s approval was given on the day of tne meeting, January 24, but it was then, of course, too late to notify Mr. Olney and secure his attendance. XIII XIV PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. The term of Dr. Andrew D. White having expired, he was reap- pointed to succeed himself by a joint resolution of Congress approved June 2, 1900. The vacancy in the Board, caused by the death of Dr. William L. Wilson, has been filled by the appointment of the Hon. George Gray, through a joint resolution approved January 14, 1901. The Secretary read a letter of acceptance from Dr. Andrew D. White, at present United States ambassador to Germany. The Secretary presented his annual report to June 30, 1900, calling the attention of the Regents to the fact that it contained an account of every important part of the affairs of the Smithsonian Institution during the past year prepared by himself, but supplemented by full reports from the gentlemen in charge of the various bureaus. He would particularly call their attention, among numerous matters in the report, to the subject of the Exchanges. He then detailed the facts of the applications of the Institution through our ambassadors at London, Paris, and Berlin, in the interests of the Government. ° The Secretary spoke about the Zoological Park and the desirability that the Government would place in that city of refuge for the van- ishing animal races of the North American continent some specimens of the giant animals of Alaska, which were now going the way that the buffalo had gone. He then asked the attention of the Regents to a subject of minor importance, but of some interest, alluded to in the report under the title of the Children’s Room. On motion, the report was accepted. Mr. Hitt here said that he desired to bring before the Board the knowledge of certain proceedings which had taken place at the Univer- sity of Cambridge in England when the Secretary had received the honorary degree of doctor of science. This had been conferred in con- nection with an oration in Latin delivered by the public orator, and which Mr. Henderson, whom they knew to be a scholar who loved the tasks of scholarship, had translated into such English as Horace would have used if he had to speak in that tongue. Mr. Henderson had sent him a copy of this, and he now presented it to the Board with a request that it be placed upon the minutes. Mr. Hitt then read the following translation: From across the Atlantic there has very recently been borne to us a man distin- guished in the world of science—one who but lately has published a most interest- ing and useful work on astronomy. In the city which is the capital of the greatest transmarine republic many important duties are committed to his care: First, the supervision of a great museum abundantly filled with objects of natural history; next, the administration of an institution the most celebrated for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men; and, lastly, the control of an observatory with instruments designed for the purpose of dissecting and analyzing the light of the stars. It is said that below the red rays of the spectrum there are other rays, unde- tected by the sharpest vision, but which, through the genius of this man, aided by an instrument discovered by him and named a ‘‘bolometer,’’ have been gradually developed and made plainly visible. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. XV No one will wonder that a man thus fond of communing with the stars should also be moyed by a great desire to fly from earth, so great indeed that, as if by wings attached, he has actually been enabled to imitate the flight of birds for a distance exceeding 3,000 feet. Not fearing, perhaps, the fate of Icarus, he may yet be able himself to make good the vision of Horace, the poet: “On strong but unaccustomed wings I fly, And soar as bird and man through liquid sky.”’ Perhaps, impatient of this world’s affairs and longing for celestial ones, he may well be emboldened to fly from earth and take his place among the stars. I present to you Samuel Pierpont Langley. On motion, the Latin address of the public orator and the translation of Mr. Henderson were directed to be placed upon the records. CAMBRIDGE, October 11, 1900. The following is the speech delivered by the public orator in pre- senting Mr. Samuel Pierpont Langley for the degree of doctor in science honoris CAUSES Trans aequor Atlanticum ad nos nuper advectus est vir scientiarum in provincia insignis, qui etiam de astronomia recentiore librum pulcherrimum conscripsit. In urbe quod reipublicae maximae transmarinae caput est, viri huiusce curae multa mandata sunt; primum museum maximum rerum naturae spoliis quam plurimis ornatum; deinde institutum celeberrimum scientiae et augendae et divulgandae des- tinatum; denique arx et specula quaedam stellarum lumini in partes suas distribuendo dedicata. Luminis in spectro, ut aiunt infra radios rubros radii alii qui ocuiorum aciem prorsus effugiunt, viri huiusce ingenio, instrumenti novi auxilio quod fodomerpov nominavyit, paulatim proditi et patefacti sunt. Nemo mirabitur virum stellarum observandarum amore tanto affectum, etiam e terra volandi desiderio ingenti esse commotum, adeo ut, quasi alis novis adhibitis, plus quam trium milium pedum per spatium, etiam avium volatum aemulari potuerit. Fortasse aliquando, Icari sortem non veritus, etiam Horati praesagia illa sibi ipsi vendicabit. ‘non usitata nec tenui ferar penna biformis per liquidum aethera.”’ Fortasse rerum terrestrium impatiens, rerum caelestium avidus, ausus erit e terris ‘Volare sideris in numerum, atque alto succedere caelo.”’ Duco ad vos Samuelem Pierpont Langley. In the absence of Mr. Henderson Mr. Bell presented the report of the Executive Committee to June 30, 1900, which, on motion, was adopted. The Chancellor stated that a vacancy existed in the Executive Com- mittee, caused by the death of Dr. Wilson. Senator Platt then offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the vacancy in the Executive Committee caused by the death ot Dr. William Lyne Wilson be filled by the election of the Hon. R. R. Hitt. On motion the resolution was adopted. Mr. Bell then offered the following customary resolution relative to income and expenditure: Resolved, That the income of the Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1902, be appropriated for the service of the Institution, to be expended by the Secretary, with the advice of the Executive Committee, with full discretion on the part of the Secretary as to items. On motion the resolution was adopted. XVI PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. REPORT OF THE PERMANENT COMMITTEE. In the absence of Mr. Henderson, Chairman of the Permanent Com- mittee, the Secretary made the following statement: The Hodgkins Fund.—The Hodgkins Fund now amounted to about $250,000, $208,000 of which was deposited in the general funds, the remainder being held in first-class bonds. About $10,000 more was held in New York to meet possible litigation, but the indications were that the Institution would receive this also. There were also two houses of small value which would probably net the fund about $1,600. The Avery Fund.—This, as well as other matters of the kind, were being looked after by the attorney of the Institution, Mr. F. W. Hackett, who reports satisfactory progress. As to the value of this Avery estate, the Secretary had requested an approximate valuation from Mr. Fox, the real-estate agent who had charge of the property, and who stated the same at about $26,000. Mr. Fox had written that if the United States Supreme Court Building were placed directly north of the Congressional Library the value of part of the property would be greatly increased. This property, most of which was idle, was yielding an income of something like $500 a year. The Andrews Bequest.—This matter had been laid before the Board at its last meeting, and Mr. Hackett has reported that the estate would probably amount to something like a million of dollars. No active steps as yet had been taken in Ohio looking to an application of this money for the establishment of an institution for the free education of girls. It was by no means certain that the elaborate system formulated in the will was capable of being put into successful operation. The Secretary here quoted from Mr. Hackett’s report: It may be needful before long to institute a friendly suit in New York to ascertain under the laws whether the legacy be a valid one to the Ohio corporation, or rather to the corporation that the will says shall be created in Ohio. I shall make this the subject of a separate letter to you in a few days. Meanwhile, as a report to the Regents of the progress making in this business, I will say that I am giving more or less attention from time to time to the will and its legal aspects, and also am in touch with the counsel for the executor. The Sprague Bequest.—The Secretary now stated that he had the agreeable duty of bringing before the Regents the fact of another legacy to the Institution by Mr. Joseph White Sprague, whose last place of residence was in the city of Louisville, Ky., but who died in Italy in June, 1900. Under the provisions of his will, which had been offered for probate, certain personal effects were bequeathed to rela- tives, and all the remainder of his estate, both real and personal, to his — nephew, Seth Sprague Terry, in trust to convert the personalty into money and distribute 85 per cent of the profits of the entire estate among certain devisees named in the will, and their relatives, until twenty years after the death of the last of said devisees, when the trust PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. XVII expired by limitation and all assets in the hands of the trustee were to be conveyed to the United States of America to be held asa portion of the funds of the Smithsonian Institution, and to be known as the ‘‘ Sprague Fund.” One-half of the income of this fund was to be added to the principal each year; the other half to be expended under the direction of the Institution, in such manner as would ‘* best promote the advance- ment of the physical sciences” by the giving of free lectures, provid- ing laboratory facilities for original scientific research, publishing the results of such researches, or by awarding medals or other rewards for meritorious discoveries. The half of the gross income authorized to be expended annually in this manner was to be cumulative, and any portion not expended during one year might be expended during any subsequent year. The Secretary continued that it had not yet been possible to obtain an inventory of the value of the estate, but he might mention that in a newspaper estimate it was represented at $200,000. TWO-HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ROYAL PRUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences having invited the Smith- sonian Institution to participate in the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of its foundation, on the 19th and 20th of March, 1900, the Hon. Andrew D. White, United States Ambassador at Berlin, and member of the Board of Regents, was requested to represent the Insti- tution on this noteworthy occasion. A suitably engrossed address, conveying the congratulations of the Institution, and transmitted through the Department of State to Dr. White, was presented by him to the Prussian Academy and cordially acknowledged in terms of which the following is a summary: The Royal Prussian Academy expresses the most sincere thanks for the interest the Smithsonian Institution has taken in the celebration of its two-hundredth anni- versary. The expression of this friendly interest has added greatly to the success and pleasure of these commemorative exercises throughout their entire course. For a lasting memorial of this anniversary the Academy sends a description of the festival, which it begs the Institution to place in its archives. This record will derive its chief value from the addresses and memorials attached to it. An interesting letter from Dr. White was laid before the Regents. It described the exercises as having been of an exceptional interest. They took place in the Royal Palace, where the King and Emperor received the entire body of guests in state, surrounded by the high functionaries of the Kingdom bearing the Royal insignia, while the monarch from the throne delivered a very interesting address of wel- come. Later there were entertainments in honor of the delegates not oniy by the King, but by the Chancellor of the Empire and others. On the second day occurred a general reception in the great hall of sm 1901 IL XVIII PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. the Prussian legislature, which was also very impressive. The whole occasion was most interesting and everything was most admirably done. The Secretary added that Dr. White had further said in conversation that in all his experience as a minister to European courts he had never seen so imposing a display of ceremonial magnificence. MR. BELIZS RESOLUTION. Under the head of unfinished business the Chancellor called up the resolution offered at the last meeting by Mr. Bell. Mr. Bell said that he thought the Institution could not afford to remain silent on the subject of the great questions aroused by the National University project, and that some expression of the good will of the Institution at least might well be given. He, therefore, desired to withdraw the resolution offered last year and to substitute for it the following, which was satisfactory to the Executive Committee: In order to facilitate the utilization of the Government Departments for the pur- poses of research—in extension of the policy enunciated by Congress in the joint resolution approved April 12, 1892: Resolved, That it is tho sense of the Board that it is desirable that Congress extend this resolution so as to afford facilities for study to all properly qualified students or graduates of universities, other than those mentioned in the resolution, and provide for the appointment of an officer whose duty it shall be to ascertain and make known what facilities for research exist in the Government Departments, and arrange with the heads of the Departments, and with the officers in charge of Goy- ernment collections, on terms satisfactory to them, rules and regulations under which suitably qualified persons may have access to these collections for the purpose of research with due regard to the needs and requirements of the work of the Goy- ernment; and that it shall also be his duty to direct, in a manner satisfactory to the heads of such Departments and officers in charge, the researches of such persons into lines which will promote the interests of the Government and the development of the natural resources, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce of the country, and (generally ) promote the progress of science and the useful arts, and the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. After some discussion by the Regents, on motion the resolution was adopted. REMOVAL OF SMITHSON’S REMAINS. The Secretary stated that he had received the following letter: 7 Via GARIBALDI, Genoa, 24 November, 1900. SAMUEL Prerpont LanGury, Esq., LL. D., D. C. L., Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Dear Sir: The Committee of the British Burial Ground of Genoa (of which, as you are aware, Her Majesty’s consul is chairman), fully realizing how keenly you are interested in all that concerns the resting place of the respected Founder of your Insti- tution, has deputed me to write to you and lay before you the present position of our cemetery. It will lie in your recollection that when I accompanied you some years ago up to the heights of San Benigno you were struck by the enormous quarry which was PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. XIX slowly but surely eating its way toward us from the sea through the rocky side of the hill on which we stand, and the excavation has lately come so close to us that the intervention of the consul became necessary to arrest further advance, on the plea that our property would be endangered if the quarrying were carried on. Actual blasting has in fact been put an end to for the present, and the cemetery (although the boundary wall is now on the very edge of the excavation) remains untouched, but the local authorities who are the owners of the quarry haye given us to understand that they need more stone for their harbor works and are therefore anxious to see our graves transferred from the position they now occupy, for which purpose they would: give us a suitable piece of ground in another part of the town and would also undertake the due and fitting transport of the remains. Should our answer be in the negative, it is intimated to us that in five years’ time, in 1905, the term for applying the law for public utility (twenty years after the date of the last burial) will have been reached, and we shall then have to give up of necessity what we are now asked to yield as a concession. Under the circumstances the committee have decided that it is their best policy, in the interest of all concerned, to begin to negotiate at once for the transfer on a decor- ous footing of the British Cemetery and all its tombs, and although some consider- able time may elapse before this transfer is accomplished, yet it is evident that the time has now come for us to ask you to prepare your decision as to what is to be done with regard to the James Smithson remains. Are they to be laid with all pos- sible care and reverence in new ground here, or are they to be conyeyed to the United States? Awaiting the pleasure of your reply, I beg to remain, Very faithfully, yours, HK. A. Le Mesurter. The Secretary said that the cemetery referred to was not the cele- brated Campo Santo of Genoa, but a very small one in the care of the British consul and the English church, situated in an elevated and iso- lated spot, and that no interment had occurred there for many years. The Regents had formerly authorized the placing of a bronze tablet on Smithson’s tomb, which had been done. The Secretary here exhibited photographs of the tomb, showing the bronze tablet in position. Recently word had been received that the bronze tablet had been stolen, but orders had been given to replace it by a marble one. After some discussion, in which the desirability of bringing the remains to this country was adversely considered, the following res- olution, offered by Mr. Adams, was adopted: Resolved, In view of the proposed abolition of the English cemetery at Genoa, which contains the remains of James Smithson, that the Secretary be requested to arrange either with the English church or with the authorities of the national bury- ing ground at Genoa for the reinterment of Smithson’s remains and the transfer of the original monument. SECRETARY'S STATEMENT. Experiments in Aerodromics—KEclipse expedition.—The Secretary stated that in view of the lateness of the hour he would pass over some of the matters about which he had intended to speak, among XX PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. others the continuation of his experiments in aerodromics, which, with the consent of the Regents, he was making for the War Department, and of the results of the eclipse expedition of May, 1900, further than to say in regard to the latter that they were of rather more than ordinary importance; that they had left one or two interesting but unsettled questions, particularly that as to the possibilities of the observation of Intramercurial planets, which had determined him to send out a small expedition to Sumatra to settle these questions on the occasion of the exceptionally important eclipse of the sun in May of the present year. Ur of the Chaldees.—In October, 1899, Dr. Edgar James Banks, of Cambridge, Mass., had written to inquire whether the Smithsonian Institution would accept a collection of Babylonian antiquities, if such could be procured. He stated that he hoped to be able to secure yal- uable material by excavating at the town of Mugheir, situated on the Euphrates River, which, according to tradition, is the site of Ur of the Chaldees, from which Abraham came. Being satisfied after inves- tigation of the standing of Dr. Banks, and one of the Regents of the Institution being among the vice-presidents of his association, the Sec- retary accepted his proposition, which committed the Institution to nothing but the receipt of the finds. One of the employees of the National Museum would be of the party and would collect ethnological and natural history specimens. Any prediction with regard to the expedition must be premature, but it might be said that this site, if correctly chosen, was one of the most importance for students of the Bible and of ancient history yet to be examined, and that there was reasonable expectation that the Institution would reap a reward. Smithsonian deposit in the Library of Congress.—'The Smithsonian deposit was created originally by a relatively very large expenditure from the proper funds of this Institution, nearly half whose income went in this direction for several years. The money, the Secretary was told, was spent at a time when such things were cheaper than now, and well spent, for a varied collection of works, partly but not exclusively scientific; but during the last twenty-five years the im- mensely increasing demand upon “the small fund of the Institution had vaused it to add little to its library by direct purchase, though this had continued to increase largely through the exchange system, chiefly in the direction of scientific periodicals. The Regents would remember the Secretary’s explaining to them two years ago that by an informal arrangement made between Pro- fessor Henry and the Library Committee, in 1866, the Library of Con- gress was not required to keep the Smithsonian books together, but merely to see that they had a proper mark indicating that they belonged to the Institution. These books, which Congress had assumed the care of, had been PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OB REGENTS. XXTI lying, it was too well known, in compulsory neglect and disorder, owing to the lack of room in the old quarters in the Capitol, but since their transfer to the new Library building they had been rearranged and much had been done toward bringing into order this valuable Smith- sonian deposit, which was in some respects the finest collection of sci- entific periodicals and reports of learned societies in the world. Congress had last year made an increase in the working force of the Library, and had provided for three persons, one custodian and two messengers, to look after the Smithsonian deposit. The books had an entire ‘‘ stack,” which would hold 175,000 volumes, and was called the ‘* Kast stack,” assigned to them, and besides this one of the great halls, which was to be used for the books in more immediate demand, and also as a reading room. An appropriation of $30,000 was made, to be expended under the Librarian of Congress, for fitting up this room, and while even this large room would not be sufficient to bring together all the Smithso- nian books, it would bring together most of the transactions of the learned societies and scientific periodicals, which were among the most valuable portions of the Library. He desired to engage the interest of the Regents in procuring for the expenditure, either through their Secretary or the Librarian of Congress, a sum of in all not less than $50,000 for the joint purpose of supplying the defects in the library due to its neglect for the past twenty years, and to fill in the important sets of periodicals which can not be secured by exchange. This money could not be spent rap- idly, since many of the books could now be got only after long search, and he presumed that it would take several years to supply the actual losses. International Catalogue of Scientifie Literature.—The Secretary said that he had not time to enter upon this subject at leneth, but he would remind the Regents that the Smithsonian Institution had long ago, under Professor Henry, proposed the scheme of a general cat- alogue of scientific literature to the Royal Society of London for their joint consideration. The Royal Society, within the last two or three years, had resumed the project which had now grown to be a very large one. It had re- cently called for and obtained the official aid of the principal govern- ments of the world, and England, France, Germany, and other leading European nations had made large appropriations to this great work. It had been hoped that our own National Government would take its share in this enterprise, but the Secretary regretted to say that it had not done so, although the Department of State had earnestly recom- mended it. The Smithsonian Institution, which had been the original suggester of this great plan, desired to be still associated with it in the measure XXII PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. of its ability, and had caused a circular to be sent during the past sum- mer to the libraries, universities, and scientific establishments of the United States, and solicited support for this international project in the name of the Institution. He was gratified to be able to say that the response had been most hearty, and that 66 sets of this costly pub- lication had been subscribed for here, which was a much more consid- erable aid than had been rendered by the peoples of any other nations apart from the national subscriptions. The Secretary hoped that our Government would yet do something for this. He was entirely willing that the work should be continued provisionally under the Institution as suggested by the Secretary of State, but while he believed that it was the wish of all American scientific men that the work should be done here, he did not desire to have the Institution appear as a solicitor of Congress for the necessary appropriation while so many things of more immediate urgence to its own interests were ungranted. He would temporarily continue a cer- tain amount of the cataloguing as aid on the part of the Institution, which was, in this respect, taking the duties of what was called in Europe a ‘‘ regional bureau.” SPECIAL STATEMENT SMITHSONIAN FUND AND MUSEUM. Continuing, the Secretary said: The Regents have received my printed official report, and as I hope that they have read it I shall not dwell on its contents, but will speak now of certain subjects of special concern. The real matter, to the Secretary at least, always lies in the actual presence of the Regents, and his ability to bring to them his difficulties directly and to obtain their guidance. I say this now not with reference to anything that presses ~ for present action, but to be sure that I know their wishes in the shaping of a policy which causes me frequent official anxiety. I do not mean with reference to the parent Institution, for there never was a time when its small means were productive of more satisfactory results, or when it was better known throughout the whole world than it is to-day, but I immediately speak of the bureaus which the Govern- ment has put in its charge, and for the moment particularly of the Museum. The Regents will remember that on the resignation of Acting Assistant Secretary Charles D. Walcott, I asked them to authorize the removal of the restrictions on the appointment of the Assistant Secretary, Mr. Richard Rathbun, so that he could be assigned to other duties, especially that of Assistant Secretary in charge of the Museum, with the aid of three Head Curators, and that I spoke of this as an experi- ment upon which I would report later. It having been found impracticable that Mr. Rathbun should give his chief attention to the parent Institution and satis- factorily administer the Museum also, I have recently made arra7:gements by which he could give his principal attention to the latter, and in this form, after two years’ trial, I can report favorably upon the plan. I think it is working well for two reasons. The first is personal to Mr. Rathbun, > who has a fund of tact and patience, united with professional sympathy, which few men possess in a greater degree. The other reason why the present plan is successful lies, I think, in the nature of the Regents’ own control, and here I want to revert to the fact that the Museum as it exists has grown from the parent stem of the Smithsonian Institution, and grown so PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. XXIII fast that the child is tending to become larger than the parent. There are signs that the Committee on Appropriations is at last coming to see the inevitable necessity of enlarging the Museum buildings, and with this enlargement will come an increased expenditure and a new era of responsibility for its management. With a million dollars or more of annual expenditure the Museum will be more like other great bureaus of the Government. I can say that I think the present system of adminis- tration through the Regents is not only free from every suspicion of political influ- ence, but through the method of election and appointment of its governing body and officers, has an assurance of permanence and of unselfish administration which no other method known to our Government affords. The Secretary is, under the fundamental law, the Keeper of the Museum. Although a scientific man himself, he is not disposed in this connection to favor one branch of science as against another. (At least, if I may speak for myself, I think I am not.) While retaining in his own hands so much of the authority which the Regents and the law have imposed on him as is necessary for a proper coordination of all the interests of the Institution, and while personally passing upon all matters of policy, relations with important foreign and domestic establishments and all unusual or extraordinary expenditures, he has always managed the details of the Museum administration through an Assistant Secretary. Such men as Baird, Goode, Walcott, and Rathbun have successively filled this office, and in every instance not only deserved the confidence of the Regents and the Secretary, but have gained the confidence of the scientific community. I think, then, that the present plan of administration is working well, but I desire the Regents to bear in mind that an extension of the work to be done is likely to be later demanded by scientific public opinion; that the time has nearly come when Congress will look favorably upon it, and that when the time for this extension actually does come I hope they will feel that their own just and impartial rule is the best that the Museum is likely to have in the future, as it is that which has built it up in the past, guaranteeing as it does deliberation and fairness in the selection of the Museum officers and a stability in its policy. There is something to be said with regard to each of the other bureaus, but the Regents will find this set forth in the Report, particularly with regard to the Secre- tary’s personal efforts made last year to extend the field of the Bureau of Exchanges. I wish, however, before concluding these statements to the Regents, to revert to a subject on which I have already asked their advice and which is of fundamental importance. The Chancellor remarked on a previous occasion that the time seemed to be coming when the Institution would be more and more in the way of receiving gifts, like the Hodgkins gift. I hope and believe that this opinion will be justified, and I have had the pleasure of bringing some evidences of it before the Regents this morning, but I ask them to bear in mind, with regard to the Smithsonian Institution, which has been called an anomaly in our Government, that its best feature, and that which makes it a happy anomaly, is that while the whole is in the care of the State, there is an independent fund under the Regents’ control. Now I beg them to consider that this all-important feature of independence is every year lessening in its character, owing to the decreasing relative importance of the fund by reason of the changing value of money, and the enormously increased wealth of the country around it. Thus in 1850 the Smithsonian Institution’s fund was over $600,000. This was at the time a noble foundation, but how relatively small it is to-day can be seen from the greatly increased funds now in the hands of other institutions of learning. I have written to the presidents of a number of the principal American universities in existence in 1850 and asked the extent of their endowment at that time. Fifty years ago, the President of Yale University informs me, the funds of that great institution were about $300,000. At that time the Smithsonian Institution XXIV PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. fund was over $600,000, or more than twice that of Yale. Now President Hadley tells me that the invested funds of Yale are about five and one-quarter million dollars. The Smithsonian fund is nearly what it was; that is, except for the Hodg- kins legacy; it is about one-sixth that of Yale; which is saying that the Smithsonian fund has relatively decreased in the proportion of 12 to 1. Not to found this comparison on the solitary case of Yale, I have inquired in this way of the Presidents of seven of our leading colleges and universities, and I have answers from five: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania. Columbia reports an income of $11,000 in 1850, but no endowment. Harvard is the only college or university which fifty years ago had a fund as large as that of the Smithsonian Institution. The average fund of Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Penn- sylvania in 1850 I find to be about $450,000. The average fund of each of those same four institutions to-day, as their presidents and treasurers report to me, is about $8,600,000 (an average increase of nearly 2,000 per cent). If some of the newer universities, as Stanford, and Chicago, whose funds are believed to be collectively $25,000,000, are brought into this estimate, the result is that while at the time of its organization the Smithsonian Institution, with one exception, was very much wealthier than any university or college in the United States, to-day it has about one-twelith of the average property of those to which it was formerly superior. If there is any object that lies near my heart, it is that the Institution should become so known throughout the country that gifts and devises which would increase that part of its funds under the absolute control of the Regents should be ~ stimulated and increased. I am convinced that it is but necessary that the whole of the American people who have money to devise or give shall only know what the Institution has done in the past and what it guarantees under the rule of the Regents in the expenditure of funds in the future, to bring in such gifts in increas- ing number. I will do anything I can personally to aid this, and while it is not becoming that the Institution should wear the appearance of soliciting anything of the kind, I should be very glad for any counsel from the Regents as to the means of aiding it. The Regents informally discussed the matters suggested by the Secretary, but, time preventing, took no action; and, on motion, the Board adjourned. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN ENSTI- TUTION For THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1901. To the Board of Regents of the Sinithsonian Institution: Your Executive Committee respectfully submits the following report in relation to the funds of the Institution, the appropriations by Con- gress, and the receipts and expenditures for the Smithsonian Institu- tion, the U. S. National Museum, the International Exchanges, the Bureau of Ethnology, the National Zoological Park, and the Astro- physieal Observatory for the year ending June 30, 1901, and balances of former years: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Condition of the Fund July 1, 1901. The amount of the bequest of James Smithson deposited in the Treasury of the United States, according to act of Congress of August 10, 1846, was $515,169. To this was added by authority of Congress February 8, 1867, the residuary legacy of Smithson, savings from income and other sources, to the amount of $134,831. To this also have been added a bequest from James Hamilton, of Pennsylvania, of $1,000; a bequest of Dr. Simeon Habel, of New York, of $500; the proceeds of the sale of Virginia bonds, $51,500; a gift from Thomas G. Hodgkins, of New York, of $200,000 and $8,000, being a portion of the residuary legacy of Thomas G. Hodgkins, and $1,000, the accumulated interest onsthe Hamilton bequest, making in all, as the permanent fund, $912,000. The Institution also holds the additional sum of $42,000, received upon the death of Thomas G. Hodgkins, in registered West Shore Railroad 4 per cent bonds, which were, by order of this committee, under date of May 18, 1894, placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Institution, to be held by him subject to the conditions of said order. XXV XXVI REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Statement of receipts and expenditures from July 1, 1900, to June 30, 1901. RECEIPTS. Cash-on ‘hand Joly], 1900 £22022: see ee $76, 219. 07 Interest dn tund‘ July 1, 1900.22 boree oes $27, 360. 00 Interest on fund January 1, 1901 --......------ 27, 360. 00 —————— 54,720.00 Interest to January 1, 1901, on West Shore bonds. ..-.-.-.- 1, 680. 00 —————— $132, 619.07 Cash from sales of publications... -...-.--5..222-2-+-22.22- 188. 59 Cash from repayments, freight; etc .. 5.2. 42aeee see --- 10,240.80 zt 10,429. 39 Total receipts. 22. =.=. 22 2525S Ae ee ee ee eee 148, 048. 46 EXPENDITURES. Building: Repairs, care, and improvements.-......-.--- $6, 938. 39 Hurmitureyandsfirturesss. 255 6a ee 2,188.01 $9, 126. 40 General expenses: Fostage.and telecraph'- > i225 288 a 117. 67 DEALIONETY. 265 oat cn ee ae ah eens aera 1, 174. 44 Inicidentals (fuel, gas; 6662) o22 cee eee 4, 848. 20 Library (books, periodicals, ete.) ......---.- 2, 581. 80 SATIATION 2 ot ioe Be eae ee ieee de eee 20, 566. 95 Greneral: Prin binge eo ean ne eae 34. 85 Gallery Of att. os25s5.2 0 Opodo eagle tee eat 408. 92 Mcetim bay so" she ey a Se ees tee ae ne 221. 37 ———_—— 29, 954. 20 Publications and researches: Smithsonian contributions ................-- 36. 85 Miscellaneous collections ..............-..-- de Al eras RO POLIS 26 Sone oS aks ae Se ee eo 1971163 Special publications {> -'2 25.2 7745 -eeeees 222. 50 Researcher: Sct ee, oe ay ee eee 4, 686. 04 paras Dae Soe Be ne ete 1, 1438. 10 Pingoicins Time 2.2572 eee i ee 4,473.51 —— 14, 246. 36 Literary and scientific exchanges..............-.-..--- 5, 708. 24 ——— 59,.085. 20 Balance unexpended. June'30;°1901 772522 eee 83, 963. 26 The cash received from the sale of publications, from repayments for freights, etc., is to be credited to the items of expenditure as follows: Sinithsonian contributions. 22k ee ae ee ee $24. 91 Miscellaneous, collections *:').4: 2) 23 nt So ee eee eae 138. 97 RSE OES esac SNS er eee eS pe a Se ea Ie 16. 41 Special publications ................ Ut aoe ae See ae ee 8. 30 $188. 59 ixenanees 602 io ee Soe Se et 9, 785. 44 Imeidentals jt: 2 2.2 ie LO Se ee ea 455. 36 10, 429. 39 *In addition to the above $20,566.95, paid for salaries under building and general expenses, $8,999.11 were paid for services, viz, $4,312.93 charged to building account, $285 to furniture account, $2,151.06 to researches account, $1,250.16 to library account, and $999.96 to Hodgkins fund account. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. XXVII The net expenditures of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1901, were therefore $48,655.81, or $10,429.39 less than the gross expenditures, $59,085.20, as above stated. All moneys received by the Smithsonian Institution from interest, sales, refunding of moneys temporarily advanced, or otherwise, are deposited with the Treasurer of the United States to the credit of the Secretary of the Institution, and all payments are made by his checks on the Treasurer of the United States. Your committee also presents the following statements in regard to appropriations and expenditures for objects intrusted by Congress to the Smithsonian Institution: Detailed statement of disbursements from appropriations committed by Congress to the care of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, and from balances of former years. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1901. RECEIPTS. Appropriated by Congress for the fiscal year ending June ?%, 1901, “for expenses of the system of international exchanges between the United States and foreign countries, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employ- ees and the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, twenty-four thousand dollars’”’ (sundry civil act, June 6, 1900). .--:-..----------- $24, 000. 00 DISBURSEMENTS. [From July 1, 1900, to June 30, 1901.] Salaries or compensation: enrator.4 months ath2os. oo. 2 a-noe eae oo eee $1, 033. 32 HAGLINe CULAtOn OIMONbIS abap2col.= ae terse en oe er 1, 125. 00 1 chief clerk, {6 months, at S175 Sac ph ae cae ee ae \ 2, 149. 98 AGmonths cat $183 Shree ssi Sasso HCE Kem sTN ONS WAG wlOO 532. 22 ene See es one 1, 800. 00 Heelerk-omMonin sabi glo cian. eee Ree Soe es 250. 00 1 clerk, J6 months, at dLIG.67 wenn eee eee eee eee eee \ 1, 450. 02 avneuilisd at lon. cos eae ee eae be 1 clerk, J g aDgtMtaaRyy et gLOM)S Oe ee eee ela sa - \ 1, 249. 98 \6 MONS Au PlOSk oot wee eee. hs ee es nee 1 stenographer, J11 months, as $90. .....--------------- \ 1, 090. 00 u MOMth At wlOO ee sea ee ee oe ieclerkasi2omonths sat ecole = fees beac costo ee see 960. 00 1 ee PMOTOUILNS oppo = seer te ee a reser eeee \ 570. 00 Ports MGR ee pote: a ee tee Soh oe te JEN (packer Le nmMOnths = Ati POO= coc oan ess eke esos cea = 660. 00 1 workman, : months, at 900 AO SERGE al ae eG \ 630. 00 Gemnanihs sat pope sae oe ee rare 1 messenger, i months, at $25 .....-----.-+------++--- \ 310. 00 lema@n thd tipo ee eats oe scmtcoe = ot (lshboreralemonths: at. 4p... ete won eee eee a 540. 00 ICA Peniets 2OIGALYS Waldo: ce oe 2a ke ean a aces oe 60. 00 erento days: Miley 2 bots eS sobs ites fase cl. 19. 50 XXVIII REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Salaries or compensation—Continued. 1 laborer, 29 days, at $1.50-......-.--------------------- $43. 50 1 laborer, 22 days, at $1.50 .....-.---------------------- 33. 00 1 cleaner, 166 days, at $1....----...-------+--=---2-+-<-- 166. 00 1 agent, 12 months, at $91.663......-.------------------ 1, 100. 00 1 agent, 12 months, at $15.......-.--------------------- 180. 00 1 agent, 12 months, at $50....-..----------------------- 600. 00 Total salaries or compensation... --.-.----.------------ 16, 020. 30 General expenses: ASR eee ye ee aes Be ape he eee $876. 50 TANT eerie ee RM ence meen RRS SH 3, 587. 12 Papen cece ioe oie sacar ear es 225. 00 Saripiics Stoo it flues os Shae eee eee 63. 46 PAE ORORET WS ac 2-2 a Benes om Se epycel oe eg ee 291.91 ——-—— 5,043.99 Motel dig bursemente:.= 2) sec oa oe eee oe ee eee $21, 064. 29 BalanGe July. 0, lool os os oats aoe ae eet Oh ere te er ee 2, 935. 71 INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1900. Balance July 1, 1900, as per last report......-.------------+------=----- $2, 538. 83 DISBURSEMENTS. General expenses: BOOKS. fos Se ae i ais ee eer eet gs ley ee $75. 63 ORES eee ee SON a ie ee an ad fal oe eae ere eT 146. 50 | Wy 21) a £1 eee Me a eel ee oo eRe RIE tues eRe tu As 2, 156. 10 SORVvICGs. Skee MR oe cee ah SI pe me ety sete) Sy ee em 10. 50 SPAMOMGRY) <= S23 2e es oe en ee en ae cee eee 11. 16 Rupplies sore ta fee Pee Pps en ees Ga es 85. 04 Total disbursements. =. 2 Ss 2s Se se as See oe ee ee ee $2, 484. 93 Balaneé Jilly b- 1901.0 s. 222352 te eee ee ee eee 53. 90 INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1899. Balance July: 1,°1900, as ‘per last. report. : .- 3223 pa ee eee $1. 59 Balance carried, under the provisions of Revised Statutes, section 3090, by the Treasury Department to the credit of the surplus fund, June 30, 1901. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1901. RECEIPTS. Appropriation by Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, ‘‘ for continuing ethnological researches among the American Indians under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees and the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, fifty thousand dollars, of which sum not exceed- ing one thousand five hundred dollars may be used for rent of building’ ; (sundry; civil’act, June 6;1900).2-2. SoS: see Ee ee eee $50, 000. 00 The actual conduct of these investigations has been continued by the Secretary in the hands of Maj. J. W. Powell, Director of the Bureau of American Ethnology. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. XXIX DISBURSEMENTS. Salaries or compensation: 1 director, 12 months, at $375 ....-.- cB SO tee a ea $4, 500. 00 1 ethnologist in charge, 12 months, at $353.33... .....-. 3, 999.96 ieebomolorist, 7 months, at $208.33. 2.2... 52-2-25-022--2- 1, 458. 31 Pemmoocist, 12 months, at $200 -.-. 22: . 3. --.----.-2--- 2, 400. 00 1 ethnologist, 12 months, at $166.67 .....-- hes ioe eee ee 2, 000. O04 iwenimolorist, 12; months, at. $166.67 -.....2.22.:-......- 2, 000. 04 meninolocist: 12: months; at $133!33 .-.2 2. 222-2. 25+ 1, 599. 96 meconolocist..2 months, at $125 22.25. 2202.22 22-2 -+- 4 1, 500. 00 ieromolorist, L2months, at. $125 -.... 2-22. 2. 2222s 1, 500. 00 donhinolocist, 24 months at $120 2022522... -- 2-2-2222 312.50 1 assistant ethnologist, 1 month, at $100 -.-........------ 100. 00 1 assistant ethnologist, 10 months, at $50-.......-..----- 500. 00 aussie 2 months. at Pl66:672 os 222 - =. sa. ee ese Bs 2, 000. 04 1 ethnologic translator, 63 months and 6 days, at $150... 1,001. 60 PeRleEk eo IMNOnINA VAL PLD ssf Soe keh so eset 375. 00 macrkeeLAumoentns vateploQea i822 eo ee Seek Se ee 1, 200. 00 Walon amon piswalinel O05 ase < wo ost Ss es ace tee es 1, 200. 00 eter Montes al plOOs 4-452 aacot sce se Sane e soos 1, 200. 00 fee el OTNOMGHS Ab PND ee. oe nie ee oe Bee cee e elo 900. 00 moor reader, 12 months,-at $75... 2. 2. .2--4=- 22. --- 2% 900. 00 l assistant ethnologic librarian, 10 months, at $60; 2 PERCH DU oe te ee ee ee TNS el eee 700. 00 Pekitled laborer; 12 months,-at $60: -2.. .- -.2--22----:.- 720. 00 Mmessoneer le months, ab po0's2 22 62 se ene 2 600. 00 Semarcn wl 2emonihe ahepoOes a4. 55.225. 122 se cee 720. 00 Sacer LA mMoOnths ab 405.202 eee 8 se eee 540. 00 PEDO ai-odaysatipl Oss. 2. Sees. wk oes ee 111.00 SavOrereccidays™ at dla) a2 3) ee. ee ek kes 2 42. 00 Momisalanesoncampensatlonee: (62 oe Sas eh $34. 080. 45 General expenses: STL TS ak ee arn Se oe ee ee SE ee) ata a $822. 58 Prawines and: ilustravions:. 2.22 -a.8502 22. eee 407. 95 hola poate sige Ae oR Se ae es ae Alpe SA Ee 257. 93 DRRRNERE ee see en ete 5S ener ee 94.53 Ber ROIR CTI te ae ee 3 Se en ee cee ee MONI OD RPG ATIOO RIS seers en ane WEN erayn le ec 108. 65 Pat ALAnTICNC ss wees. on oa Se Re ss eee ee 683. 33 MISPRIBEV CS eet Sarre oy8.2 SE Ja ee oS 10. 40 osse ane teleoraph..< 2222-24222 so Lees 72. 50 Ueto pa Nae 2 ee ane de ee ee 1, 500. 00 SREIIESET CON a= sth. miei: lye By She oie 2S! ryt 526. 35 0 LESS Sag See pee eee aes a er a 3, 388. 78 Repel cone Be SPE ae Fates 1, 238. 04 Mravel-and teldrexpenses: 2... 2.254 Seie snk PMA SY 13, 234. 86 Berne SD TESEINEM iGreen thee ec Ces ates ee oe ci ms Sale onSc : 47,315. 31 i alaaveeyd fi Ae Oy DR A Bere, eg gt a ee 2, 684. 69 KXX REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, 1900. Balance July 1: 1900; as per last report. 22. s2s82..) cep eee eee $2, 147. 35 DISBURSEMENTS. General expenses: : BOOKS es st 5. 22 tots Soo wk eee x Smee eran $645. 95 Drawines an daillusirations’ ss. 2 Sh Se eee eee 49.51 GION Ge tee tae ONE Se oe ON Se here eC eee 67. 89 Oficeturnitute<:< 2.5.5 casted oe ee a Eee 288. 50 Imo iiteapee, sae ee bio Fg sche n esece entiation ce Sree 13. 51 Wiascellaneousy-j23 25-0 02 = ne 2 cee. see Sete ee eee 1. 65 INS TERMS Ue a Re eee ag ieee ta Se ieee fs aL os 72. 64 Pestarevand telesrani) Js.) sa. seen ate eee ner 21.32 vena eb shs. So Sn ce Se eee cae aoe eee eee 83. 33 SPeclaleserVIiGEs ewe Hilts Fae a eee ee ee eos 233. 00 DSPCCUMENS Vc oie Secs eek 2. cok ca een eee eee ei 285. 27 DUDES a wero sini oe. coos Aree ee ee eer 136. 77 Dravyel-and. neld expenses: =..2222.5s6 see ee ee eee ae 17.50 SOAMONEL > {6 aeeio ste ear ee Se hes ee a eee ane nape 225. 32 Mo bal CIShurseMieMm tee ac ee Sih las ees ee ate een eee ee ea $2, 142.16 Balarnce sd tidy Wi sh Oily ess oe oa eR eee eed a eae sully) AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, 1899. Balance, July. <1900;\asiper lastrepottss 4: Jsaqcese eee eee eases $92. 48 DISBURSEMENTS. General expenses: Barer bn ties ee ie spec ee sp DE a te tl tea er $0. 84 Balance .c 2 So a52 Sooo? ste ee ee a 91. 64 Balance carried, under the provisions of Revised Statutes, section 3090, by the Treasury Department to the credit of the surplus fund, June 30, 1901. NATIONAL MUSEUM—PRESERVATION OF COLLECTIONS, 1901. RECEIPTS. Appropriation by Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, ‘for continuing the preservation, exhibition, and increase of the col- lections from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Govern- ment and from other sources, including salaries or compensation of all necessary employees, $180,000, ot which sum $5,500 may be used for necessary drawings and iilustrations for pubiications of the National Museum”’ (sundry civil act, June 6, 1900)......-.-.------- $180, 000. 00 EXPENDITURES. . jJuly 1, 1900, to June 30, 1901.] Salaries or compensation.........-.-..-<-+.. $158, 846. 45 SIO SULT NS CTR [Cs ge aaa Np gg PE 4, 025. 76 NOE SERVICE si. 22 Ske oho ee Se ee $162, 872. 21 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. XXXI Miscellaneous: Drawings and illustrations ..........-.--- $2, 010. 53 pear, weer: sR ek See roe 4,617. 14 PMOMER ens ee rt seen Se 1, 291.37 MVC ae eee taro Se ee ee See he 1, 718. 98 LETH SAO) at icy’ See Sa the Le Re i ee oe 981. 85 ROtUINMISCe ANCOUS nas Ako ce eo eee Se $10, 619. 87 Mo talescnenGiuunes smc ae ee Se ae oe BRS ee ae eee SS $173, 492. 08 JEL W a eLers Mol ASH AS 10) Ea ae eae Oe i ag ee os ey Generar, Sara les 2 ae eae 6, 507. 92 Analysis of expenditures for salaries or compensation, 1901. Scientific staff: 1 assistant secretary, 8 months, at $258.33_.......-.---.- $2, 066. 64 ihergucurator, 2'monthe at $291. 66.282 2 = 3, 499. 92 HeCHInALOr le months sat. peolsOOn a ee ee 3, 499. 92 GHEATOT Te MOUS At poole GO sse Son esos) es Be 3, 499. 92 iFeurator ple months at: p200%.- 2-5 oo eae ee 2, 400. 00 imcuratond2 months sabie2z00s = =so5 io eS eno 2, 400. 00 WPCMEALO ol mONGOS wat po0QS: see sek wee See ee 2, 400. 00 a IPCUEALOL 2p Ontns at a200 2. ses atthe 28 ee 2, 400. 00 Imeurators L2 months, at PLiOs 424 2o coos eek ee Se fan sa 2,100.00. . ievesistanh curator, 2 months, at pl50)2~ 55... 222s 8 1, 800. 06 iGansistant curator Ia months. at plo0\s- 22522. 222255022. 1, 800. 00 Waccishant curator Ia months. at plo0l 2.2 .)0282 es eee 1, 800. 00 (eaSISLAn CUrAtOE Iomonths, at-ploOm 235.222 e es ee 1; 800. 00 1 assistant curator, 6 months, at $150; 6 months, at $130.. 1, 680. 00 ifackistant curator, 12 months) atiplacsoo.e= 2.225 2 sss. 1, 599. 96 assistant curator, 12 months) at $133.33-.--...:..-....- 1, 599. 96 Issistanicurator, la months, at plop ose eae so ae 1, 500. 00 1 assistant curator, 12 months, at $116.66 ..... .._.._..- 1, 399. 92 iasisiany curator, 12 months) at $lil6:66) 225 ..2- 22222. - 1,399. 92 1 second assistant curator, 12 months, at $100 ____..___-- 1, 200. 00 Meare months, 2¢ $106.66. 52.3. ae ce. ae 1, 399. 92 adel months: at olOOw 2... 232s. sese ee Sao 1, 200. 00 Heed Amontassab PLOWS <9. 82k ce Se Sates ee seas. 1, 200. 00 Heard ale months atipsosco.e... sack eel cdl he erie 999. 96 MAMMA MLOULUSTAlISoroowcmtoo sees see ements a 999. 96 1 aid, 10 months, 54 days, at $83.33 _..... Rs ee og 978. 45 ily Sieh, LES aa Conall ekseyara At AVS) a eed Ee ee tat oe 900. 00 ih iols Wedsoavepatin asp ven ect S/o hens arm eee es See Ee smi eae 900. 00 Pt weet Ss ab Oe ac ac Se Dorey Ree eae eee ce 600. 00 i] puke) GIN Taeyoyan el asi eH ee 15) 0 een oe RR ieee a yep en ee 590. 00 bead i month and 15} days, at $a0es.. 2s J22 052k 75. 00 —— $51, 649. 45 Preparators: iipuotosrapher, i months) at pl ipes 2. sane eo 2, 100. 00 iemodeler wala months at lOO: - fe... [hoe tie ee ee tl 2005019 LL TN 2 OS) Cas GALS Uae be She Ga fs ean a 45. 00 Hancoropict, 2 months, atiso0. 2<- 2 222 2.520. aLac else 1, 080. 00 1 chemical geologist, 4 months and 25 days, at $100...... 489, 29 1 preparator, 2 months and 41 days, at $75; 15 days, at See ee ere ne Aha a A ee oS re 295. 40 XXXIT REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Preparators—Continued. iepreparator, 12 months,at.poocs- eek se. Sn oeae ee $1, 020. 00 1 preparator, 12 months, at $85.......-...- Sea eee =. 1, 020. 00 ispreparator, 12 months, “at: So0c.2 ess oe ee ee 960. 00 1 preparator, ‘7 months; .aboio.. 2... sede e eae ee 525. 00 1 preparator, 6 months and 13 days, at $70......-..-..-- 452. 50 1 preparator, 7 months and 8 days, at $60..-......-...-- 437. 14 Ipreparator, 12 mionths, at'$4> =< 2: sce aoe pees 540. 00 1 preparator, 6 months and 15 days, at $45...-....---.-- 291. 77 1 acting chief taxidermist, 1 month and 3 days, at $125. 137. 10 istaxidermist; 12smnonths,-at.p 100 V2 ase ere 1, 200. 00 taxidermist: 2 ton this aG sno 0) ss ee pee een 1, 080. 00 1 taxidermist, 1 month and 9 days, at $75.......--...--- 96. 77 Iatax1GenmNsts 1 maomths erty gO ae eee eee ee ener 720. 00 $13, 689. 97 Clerical staff: 1 chief clerk, 4 months, at $208.34; 8 months, at $208.33. 2, 500. 00 iveditorsl2months. at. blG/=. 2 cses se se ere ee 2, 004. 00 iehief of division, 12:months, atp200) 22-2 2) oases ee 2, 400. 00 iprevistrar, al Zimonubs: ah pi Gene, eee ee ae 2, 004. 00 1 disbursing clerk, 12 months, at $116.67...............- 1, 400. 04 1 assistant librarian, 12 months, at $133.33 ........------ 1, 599. 96 1 stenographer; 12’ months, at $166.662.. 2.24.2. 7eee2. 1 999892, il stenocrapher.<12 months, abiplop a ae oe eee -1, 500. 00 I stenographer, 12 months, at: $90"<-2 sc. ae ee oe eee 1, 080. 00 1 stenographer, 6 months, at $85; 6 months, at $75 .....- 960. 00 1 stenographer and typewriter, 9 months and 11 days, at vio; 19 days, at POU; 23 days, at $2 22... an oe 786. 50 1 stenographer and typewriter, 11 months and 12 days, BR ROO 206 Lane tae R rs! eae a ee eae a 569. 35 1 stenographer and typewriter, 8 months and 5 days, at POU = epee Me Cec ee Sek. Seo oeeees tence eae ee err 408. 06 1 stenographer and typewriter, 3 months and 28 days, at DO 2 cs ee ca ote a ee 195. 16 1 stenographer, 2 months and 48 days, at $50_.........-- 178. 39 1 typewriter, 6 months, at $85; 6 months, at $75.....__-- 960. 00 L-typewriter, 12 months, at $702.2) ts eee ee ee 840. 00 1 typewriter; 12 months, at, $6225.35 eee ee oe ee 780. 00 | typewriter, 10 months and 10 days, at $45........-.--- 464. 52 Ieelenksalimromthys; at! p25 ce Peeters ye eee eee eee 1,500. 00 ikclerk, liZimonths: at $L25:.. Sesto ees eee 1, 500. 00 bclerk.6months, ate 2h. 2 ae op ieee eee nae 750. 00 clerk, 12. months, at $1152.25. 2. = eee Se ieso0s G0 elerk 2anonths: at $100 2 eee 1, 200. 00 lclerk; 1 2.months:-at $1002. 2242-2, See ee eee 1, 200. 00 ielerk. 12 amonths)at-plQ0s =a =a ea = ee ee 2 1200200 1 clerk, 6 months, at $100; 6 months, at $90.............- 1, 140. 00 elerk 2:months-at. $80. 2 eo ee ee 960. 00 1 clerk 12 months, at $75... 52.2) 20. See eee 900. 00 1L.clerk, 12 months, at $752. 22 See eee 900. 00 irelerk, 2 months, ‘atih 75222 Ss 900. 00 1 clerk and preparator, 12 months, at ‘$75 7.2.2) 5.2. 5. 900. 00 1 clerk, 6 months, at $75; 6 months, at $70... .5..2...... 870. 00 Uclerk 12months, at:$60 5. snn ee ee 720. 00 1 acting property clerk, 12 months, at $60...........---. 720. 00 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Clerical staff—Continued. fecleriewl onmonthswatwmolse cap ate eens See eso acs 1 clerk and preparator, 12 months, at $60 HeGLENK sORMONtOS sab POULwn 2s hee corse coe Ae cle soe. 1 clerk, 6 months, at $60, 6 months, at $50.............- iclerkelPimonths. at poo sess see eons ce coe irc lerkaelesmOonunS eAinho deca ewer ot wee eee fclenk en monthstandes2idays, at. pooim.+= 2s se. eee ae clenkeelOamontias atipoOl- 2c 32S. ce = Seen oe ase. imelenkemlemmonthsatipo0 Geass oace se Seen oe Sse aes tclerk.. 1) 0tmonths: andi25 days, at $50: 2. 2-.52-- 322-22 - 1 clerk, 8 months and 83 days, at $50-.......-----.---..-- fm@lenkemle niromnbhs, Ati p40 neo. ek soak acts nee oa ae 1 clerk, 10 months and 57 days, at $40 Wclenk-wleumonths) aq hooses ce assesses Sacks ws oe ok 1 clerk, 6 months and 21 days, at $30............-..--.- Menpyict, 207 CaVS:, At POOL. <6. se ecees ss heeds cdl see ecovise iamonths. at. P40. so sosels. 62sec yes 2e5 5 ee Buildings and labor: 1 superintendent, 9 months, at $250 1 generai foreman, 12 months, at $122.50..........-.---- isonenianwli2amonths- at so0h. 4222 sou ates a ew ce on 1 carpenter, 8 days, at $3 1 acting captain of watch, 105 days, at $3........-.-....- 1 lieutenant of watch, 12 months, at $70 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 watchman, 6 months and 67 days, at $60 watchman, watchman, watchman, watchman, watchman, watchman, watchman, watchman, watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, 1 watchman, I2imonthswatewOot- aac sees oe. Race be ee 1 month, at $64; 6 months, at $60; 46 days, 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, CIB 0) 0 Seo Sits yeas 8) ee ee ee ee Pre ol 0S eae pee te ch oe ta a ee ALD GOOS Se Fe eis a eee a eee: 2 sON OMG MS seat pO pee ats eee ro ee eee I 2amonthsrratybO0 es me. ae ere ee ears 8 months and 10 days, at $60 SyMaVO Tle Ops be ee rae OO pte Sie ee ee pra ts (le daa 2 months and 15 days, at $60 ..........-.-- AParmonuhish aby poo me nae ese Pees ets revere ae UP Araat ay nite] nes} eh Mee ska yo Je eg eae mare acs ne he mt eR 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, 12 months, 10 months and 17 days, at $55 ............. 6 months and 17 days, at $55.......-..-.-- 4 months and 20 days, at $55..........---- 4 months and 18 days, at $55 ..........-..-. imonthiand Ordays ato. ----ce- soa. POLONIA Lhasa eee cee Se eS evciors s sm 1901——-n11 . 00 . 00 360. 00 660. 00 660. 00 660. 00 443. 600. 600. 540. 32 536. 77 480. 474. 80 420. 00 200. 32 41. 67 480. 00 2, 250. 00 1, 470. 00 600. 00 24. 00 315. 00 840. 00 780. 00 20. 00 20. 00 Ca (Pat bt bp bw t SSS IJ J] “J bo ==) Oo i) ty — . XXXII $47, 966. 97 XXXIV REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Buildings and labor—Continued. 1 skilled laborer, 7 months and 15 days, at $60 ........-- Iskilledilaborer, 4 months) at 60 las. a eee 1 skilled laborer, 8 months and 99 days, at $55 .......__- 1 skilled laborer, 9 months and 16 days, at $55 .....___.. iskilled laborer: 12 months; at-$5055_ 222-2 eee 1 skilled laborer, 1 month, 15 days, at $50 --........--.. i-workman,.310 days, at $1.00. 32 2 ova eee eee ee workman 206% days: ath 50o2 2 2 = eee ee 1 laborer, 1 month, 46 days, at $50 ........-........-.-- i laborer;’2 months; atiS502 os: 2 5 ee ee eee ilaborer)26) days;at po0:-22 25 = sa: | See eee I laborer 12-monthss atib45) 222) see ae ee ee T laborer, month, 33"days, at$45-—. sists 2 ee eee Ielaborers iimonth, at$40". 2 oe ee eee iaporer, Slidays, at$45": 2. .252o ee ee ee ee iilaborer) 12 months; at $4052 s-2 ane ee een ee (laborer; 12 manths at) p40. 22ers ee ee eee iMlaborer, 2-months at $4022 So ee eee 1 laborer, 7 months, at $40; 131 days, at $1.50 -....-..-- Ilaborer, 4 months: at$40 22 22S ee ee A ee Ilaborer,4 month saat S408. 2 eae et eee tere i laborer, 3 months, 34 days, at‘$40 _...5.272._.02 52-2 ows 1 laborer, 2 months, 15 days, at $40; 247 days, at $1.50 -- ivlaborer. U2 monthstab: pooss= 2 ee eee eee 1 laborer, 9'months, 443" days, at $20.2) See ee eo Ilaborer, a months ate poy =e ee eS eee egos Shs laborers months. 7oday Ss: dit ae anne eae eee L laborer,-3 months, 27: daysy at:p20'2. Se es eens i laborer, sa6g days; step joo. nae ee ee i iMaberer: 330 days,-at $L.0: 2°. 22 Sse c ee eee Ilaiborer, s0btdaiys: ati Pls (b aso. es ee tee ae ee 1 laborer, "334 days, at Gl. 75.2 2-2: se eee eee A Jaborer, 202\ days, ‘atOls75: 2 22-2 ee ee iaborer, “i days,Pl.70°> . 2 = > ee {Aaborer, 329% days; at $l.505 le ol ee eee Iaborer) 3245 days; at $150. > cer os eee idaborer, alts days, at $1:50— . 322 eee ear 2 ITaborer, Slo days, at $1.50>.- -- . pete ee ee eee ilaborer312) days,at $1280>. >. CoS ee ee ilgboren aio \daye/-at $1.50 pepper itegs Siuree tne So A te l laborer; Sl2.days;-at'g1250.- 3. S282 Bee re eee I laborer, 312-daysy at-$1-50. 22 oS eee 1 laborer; 312 days) at $1.50... soe ee ees T Jaborer, S10§-days,:at Ols00.. 2.4 . Joa eee i: Jaborer; 3093 days; 4t $1005. 2 eee 1 jaborer,’263 days; ROSUS0". sc 2 4-2 ee ae eee ? laborer, 221 days, at 10022: S228 co eee ees i laborer, 156-days, at $150.72. 4 oe eee eee iaboret, 105 days, at $150.2 22. ee ee eee ijaborer, 10) days, at'$1.502 5.520 52s eee ee i laborer, 1l04:days;at.$1.50. 02. - >See eee aren l iaborer. O7“davs, at ‘$1.50 2 ee eee ee Ijaborer, Ut days, at $1.50... coe. 2 ee jlaborer, Ol ‘days, at $1.50. .Jooc0. tose code eee eee $450. 00 240. 00 588. 50 523. 86 600. 00 75. 00 465. 00 308. 25 125. 70 100. 00 42.10 540. 00 100. 89 45. 00 46.16 480. 00 480. 00 480. 00 476.50 160. 00 160. 00 164. 42 470. 50 420. 00 261.31 25. 00 110. 97 78. 00 588. 88 505. 50 533. 75 584. 50 511. 01 12. 25 494. 25 486. 75 476. 25 472.50 468. 75 468. 00 468. 00 468. 00 468. 00 465. 75 464, 25 394. 50 331. 50 234. 00 157. 50 157. 50 156. 00 145. 50 136. 50 136. 50 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. XXXV Buildings and labor—Continued. iam To ODYR, AU DL. dO. <==. 522. soe ecw eee $118. 50 Ilaborer: OUtaAVS Ab pl O0 gs 292 Se ce a Ro se oe 75. 00 [belkticverevete SAGER CE Ol ise L501 | eet ee peers eas eet eae 69. 00 Helaborer, 4? Cavs a6 plo me ooo es PS es ee eee 63. 00 Ma pOren, 39 GAYS, waltipl O08. 4 ote oe oe ae et Saas en 58. 50 He DOTeR FOO GA yS. Ab gl. 00s. aaa no necks eS oS ake eo 58. 50 HNBOrer rote Cayescal Ml OU saree ese scar mak so 51. 75 (elanorer otGayvs, ab pleO0 545 se sce eee Seca Sasa = 51.00 feaponer ol s.days cat pltoOre- nce ee ee ee 47. 25 OFeT: A) Cavs, At Pl. O0s= 2 see pete kee wee 40. 50 imlabarer 2 edaves atipleo0s s= sae anemone seo ce meee 31.50 HlsnorerlordayssabipleoOs. 22 22 ee Sco ae oe 28. 50 PeEsOEer To Otye Atal ed. 0 Soo a ow oe oan 27. 00 abG@reR, 15 GAYS; At pt.00.2 See. D5. Deen ieee 19. 50 MED Oremel says Abi pleOO = le aka eee Stes ee 19.50 lelaporer Go Gaysdabolo0s=o. 2 el See soe eens see 9. 00 Mlaporermortlaves ab alos su. Jeon eos ceeees ke eee Ske 8. 63 MREDOREL OVS Ais pl OUS 2 pom een keene sae cea 7.88 Peiarer, Ways, Ab ol-00-.. 0%) so S855. .052 eee ss oes 7.50 miabokers days atiol D0) jo.52eee a eee ee a 6. 00 Pearee ot OAvh At plo an st eee es eet 5. 25 1 messenger, 10 months, 25 days, at $60..........----.-- 648. 39 IEAMSCOPOD, 25 ORY G, Ab gio co oes Gad sls Goaee cle = = de 30. 39 1 messenger, 3 months, 20 days, at $35; 6 months, at $25. 278. 33 1 messenger, 6 months, at $35; 1 month, 15 days, at $25 - 247. 50 iomesseneer: 0 moO nths, at $205... 2 seis S-2 = - sei. ys. eee 125. 00 1 messenger, 1 month, 28 days, at $25 _.......---------- 47.58 messenrerec0Mavs wath 202 5 See e eens os ee 16.13 tanessencver wh month wat p20h eee os soe a See ne 20. 00 ieanend ante lommonths at p40e 9)... -22ee sec ee eo on 480. 00 iatenoan oli days cab pLO0 se 2a ae eee eee ce 475. 50 iamendanko/ Gays, at. pb 22225 2 - ese fees en nshe 2 37. 00 MettLenG ania AO Gays ab pilin loos oreo as Seka ae = 26. 00 MECN OAL LOO ayo, 2. = =) See eae eee ren a ee ste: 18. 00 MaAtcenGant orOays ab Plustc >. sao cose oe eee ee oe 5. 00 aiten Gants Caves ati ole =) ft go. ee ee ts 2. 00 1 cleaner, 1 month, at $47; 1 month, at $41; 3 months, at $36.50; 5 months, at $35; 2 months, at $38 _...-....-.-- 448. 50 1 cleaner, 3 months, at $30; 2 months, at $33; 3 months, at $31.50; 2 months, at $34.50; 1 month, at $36; 1 month Silt ¢ RTS) Se ae ees Te eg ene ae ee 392. 25 MelcanerelennGnbis.at. Poors -\22 eee eee ee 420. 00 iecleaner:, UL months: 29 days;:at foot -.22 92222 oo eee 418.83 ieaner ele Months; at posse == ee ees Seek ee ese 360. 00 ieleaner al Amonths:At-m50 s-a56 tes soe =22 ste tL ee 360. 00 iscleaner, 10 months; 60:days;/at $3022 -- 2. -22244.2-42.- 358. 07 ieleaner:-Osmonths; 83:days,atiga0! =<. 222 5.252.222 352. 03 1 cleaner, 2 months, 16 days, at $30..-....---..--------- 76. 00 Gleaner Months, ApoUs= 2s) So. sos Ssecctes: ook s.2 60. 00 Hecleanenwiim Gays, atipile es Rial er eee occ sheen 17.75 $45, 540. 06 icra expendinire fomealarieg, <= 2.55. ° 5 ocec- Skee sess. cee c os 158, 846. 45 XXXVI REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. PRESERVATION OF COLLECTIONS, 1900. RECEIPTS. Balance as.per. report July 1, °1900 2 ooo oe eee ee $9, 133. 82 EXPENDITURES. [July 1, 1900, to June 30, 1901.] SpeCMSelMlCesso-. 2... Sigil dee. onan eee ene $525. 02 Miscellaneous: RSREEOIES De SOM i 30ers aa ta epa a $1, 016. 14 BOON 52 25 oe oan a hence eee Rireeibes oo eka pokes age eee Mra elit 2s oso Se Ses boc se ee ee eee Specimens 2i52'5. - Soc. eds eh ee ea eee 5, 763. 18 Wrawin@se dices Soest ree eee 8, 277. 41 Lotal expenditires 4 i-5-. cee ok eh eo Ee Pee ee eee $8, 802. 43 Balanée: July Usa Qe ee teoe oe ee RR roe ee 331. 39 PRESERVATION OF COLLECTIONS, 1900. Total statement of receipts and expenditures. RECEIPTS. Appropriation by Congress, act March 3, 1899.............----------- $170, 000. 00 EXPENDITURES. [July 1, 1899, to June 30, 1901.] Salaries or compensation ........-.---------- $145, 476. 10 DPECiasenVviCes la saets sa Sees a aa 1, 751. 32 MOtalpSErVvicesist faeces <2 > S-se ene eo Se eee $147, 227. 42 Miscellaneous: Drawings and illustrations -.........----- 904. 99 Suppliesicns Giorculs tasks os eee ae 4, 286. 47 Stationery essere atc et ee ere 1, 800. 82 SPeClMeNe saa rte le ores isis says. ae ee 10, 569. 52 Mravelitat waa eee cee Oe ea. Bee 2, 360. 06 Preigutl: 3 cere nese eee as a+ sas cee ee 2,519. 33 Total’ miscellaneous” -2. Ss: 32 =! 2. 224 See 22,441.19 Total expenditures 2.2.2. 020 50. nde eee eee ee eee $169, 668. 61 Balance July 1, 1901-2282 ee oe ee Se ee eee 331. 39 PRESERVATION OF COLLECTIONS, 1899. Balance as per last:report, July 1,.1900. ~~. 2. soo eee $1. 53 Balance carried, under the provisions of Revised Statutes, section 3090, by the Treasury Department to the credit of the surplus fund, June 30, 1901. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. NATIONAL MUSEUM—FURNITURE AND FIXTURES, 1901. RECEIPTS. Appropriation by Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, ‘‘for cases, furniture, fixtures, and appliances required for the exhibition and safe-keeping of the collections of the National Museum, including $2,500 for furnishing new lecture room and including salaries or com- XXXVITI pensation of all necessary employees”’ (sundry civil act, June 6, 1900). $17, 500. 00 EXPENDITURES. {July 1, 1900, to June 30, 1901.] Lecture 1 carpenter, 1 carpenter, 1 carpenter, 1 carpenter, Total expenditure Balance July 1, 1901 See eee Regular. Halts | Total. Salaries or compensation ...............---------- $8, 083. 78 $547.50 — PIpeC INSEL yl COS Maer aniseen ase Selene oem saseis~ =6 11. 50 | RMSE LVICCN = Scoc ae scam ss aes noeen o $8, 095. 28 7.50 | $8,642.78 Miscellaneous: Phi ae iION CASONEe ahaiesia cas ea ieieias ania ei-e='-ino $95. 00 Rte CARES Seen ein ncn s ease eas nieiaa moines 587. 00 MT EES UTA US ClCsor oc foc aae coe tenaeeeiercee 167.75 Mrames ang WOOO WOT <5 2-< <2. 2. months, at $70. 25-555. 22. oes ee oe ee ne 375. 00 workman, 250 Gays; at-Pl.70 4.0.25. -e soae ee ee eee ae ee 413. 00 islaborer; 40 days, at, $1560 222. ce es Se ee ee 73. 50 itaborer; 45 days, ab'e).H0. 2.4.5 3olen eo ele ee ae aeee See ee 67.50 Winhorerte7 days, at $1.50. .- 2 o).c2 So Se ae Sec eee eee 40. 50 8, 083. 78 LECTURE HALL. pater, \- month, at, pro-. 02s. eae ea aes eee 75. 00 Pcarpenter, 40) GAVs, aitpas Sa serene oe eee ater eee ee ieee 135. 00 tearpenter, 27 days, ‘at $3:.< -Scwosssospert ccs 2 ee Soe ee. See ee 81. 00 iearpenter, 20 days: at $8: 2.22. 0e cease cease ea ee eee cee 60. 00 Tearpenter, 18 days, abies... 65-8556 cacden coe eee 54. 00 itskilied: labarer, 27 days ates. 2/2 mer ko aD RS pe rae ae 54. 00 iskilled Jaborer,.24 dave, at G22 on se. 1 oe ies sole Se Paes eae 48. 00 flaborer, 27 diye; Ah mh ORs o. oe ck Seat ee 262. 50 dworkman,, 78:26; Ab pu. tol, css nO. 5 ae WS ob ie soese 136. 50 1 skilled laborer, 10 months, 423 days, at $70.........--.-.-- 795. 97 1 skilled laborer, 4 months, 19 days, at $65........--...----- SO ieekilledlaborer) 124) days at g2ccosus Sac oke be slaw eee 249. 00 ieskailledviaborer, months) ratrhoO) 2 so) ee eae) eee 240. 00 Ieskilled aboxer mle sida ss atin cece eae a ere rete 237. 00 Liskilled laborer \O¢s: days; atip2io. S03 5 koe ectele Bee 189. 00 isskalled: laborer. montis sat pQovam = soa ane ee eee 166. 66 Jeska lled: laborer). 43dsidaws. ath s -5 eee ee ee epee oe 87. 00 skilled Jahborer, 28 days. at spore = =e eae rere eee eee 84. 00 iskilledslaborer (Zovdays.abib2..-cee e ee 50. 00 i¢skilled laborer, (203idaiyss at O2)2:= eee ree ee een 41. 00 ie skilled laborer. 45 Gani at ple oo sey yer ne peer iee oe 9. 00 I slaborer, 775. days, catipliz75) - 522 tate Oh ee eee eee ete 135. 63 i daborer,;. 314 days, at $175 22.2.2 [eee tosh eae ee 5D, 13 tlaberer, 260% days, atipl-0052. 222. Siac een cee eee 389. 75 i laborer, 225. days,,a0- $1.50. 5.52222. sence eee eee ee 337. 50 imlaborer, L/Atdays, atiolsD0! 22 aoe ee eee ee 261. 38 i laborer, 86 days; at. $1.50 2525-3: sees ee oe ee eee 129. 00 I laboren Sildays, at pl: 00-2 - 45.0 eee eee eee 121. 50 iL laborer Si days) at $150 s< 2332-2 tse eee ee eee ene 121.50 laborer, 445 davs;at.ol 60-2 ete ee nee ees 66. 7. laborer; s0idaysrathhll bO5S—. 2: - a See ee ee eee 45. 00 i laborer, 4 days; at $1:)0-- 3.6 2/2 ee eee 6. 00 BUILDING REPAIRS, 1900. RECEIPTS. Balance'as per report:July 1, 19002 ee eee EXPENDITURES. [July 1, 1900, to June 30, 1901.] FrONCOMUMNS: .<.¢.2 Sa SIS ee ee ee $98. 45 GAGS ee nj cece sie SS eee wee ee 4. 00 Mascellaneous woodwork: 3...) 5.28) 2 eee 60. 00 $7, 661. 44 $251. O07 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. XLV [ha DUSCRRINEY 8 2 Nee nea ene ree ee ata ea Se $15. 50 | M000. 22 2 aR pores toe a en ae ne eee 1.50 ERUATE 32s eee 720. 00 workman 2 monihe: ab o0 22 15s se ene 600. 00 islaborer, [2imonthss at po0 ssa ssa en ee 720. 00 1 laborer, 103 months and 9 days, at $50 ..---- 539. 52 l laborer,{" months at @o0 = os 2 ee ee \ 630. 00 HImMOnthis ato - ee ao ee jf iMlaborer wy months at goOe.=.. = sae ae eee 575. 00 1 laborer, 23 months and 12 days, at $20-...--.- 58. 00 Total salanies\or compensation +. soe ese = ae eee $20, 498. 40 Miscellaneous: SUI GUS ee eee yn ee a re 1, 392. 39 Bul dain pment ae eet eee 78. 34 (Can CT asks 9 55k a co sea fae acer tas = Se Ae eee 563. 15 Fencing; ‘cage materials, ete. 20:5 022 ae ee ISOSS Sa BOOG 23: as ee ee i See ae a ee 8, 745. 45 Prele@h tise. sc eg) oo eee ena bce Oran ee ee 457. 33 Wie) Leos Sap ae oe ea a ces ae ar 841. 33 Hurnitures 5. oon. oS ee eee ee ee ee 243. 00 Dilustration’s :3..<% sels ce nese eee 15. 00 [eamiber: 2,2 AS ares Le Avel 22e U2 Machinery, tools, ete [32:85 \5-e = eens 480. 55 Miscellaneéous.:52< 2.2... cos. bee ee 837.50 Paints; Atle plass .6te.. ... 22 tec eee 219. 32 Portage and telegraph»... 0. 52<-2 -se5s5- ee iapaimber, 4 days,au poss s-~-<-< 5 cleo 12. 00 ABPAUNGen 4 OAS PAL GS jcc =: o). 2 Pea es me 12. 00 Penainter, 3 days, ab fo... 2.222 eee Saal 9. 00 Istinner, sop days, at $2-00 2-2 2 eS See Welaporer, obo days; atip2-o02—. = 22-22 eee e 912. 50 imaborer, 121 days, at'$2.00.. 22.2.2 22722 2S. 302. 50 IAD OTeE eGo 0AVS; at o2 252 22.) \ eee eee 567. 50 Wlavorer, oOo GAYS, at'$2 52-2222. 2-222 Se 730. 00 felaborer O days, ab pa i222 8 22 ee eee 12.00 sll days, at $2.....) T taborer 19643 days, at $1.50 S------------ > 419. 14 1 workman, 365 days, at $1.75...............- 638. 75 ImAOren loss GAVE, Ab mile (oenso yee te oe 234. 06 Hlanorer ooo Gays- at b/d. -2.)/2-- acne el ot 638. 75 lanoOrer otis days, at ple(dess =... csc ao 597. 64 lelaborer: 286: days, atipl. (Oc... 22-2222 2.2...) 500. 50 imaborer, 50s days, at $l.75.- 2-2-2 Sl 2a2--- 530. 25 ilaborer 2005 Gays, at pl.7D- 22... 2. 22.2. 443. 21 iMaborer: o605 days, at $l.5025.. -..2_- 2-222. 548. 26 iaborer days ab ol. oO. 2 esse tk 6. 00 imlapORer. 270+ daysvat $1.00. 225520422 5-222 - 415.13 1 laborer, Vaan raty pio Uses ee ne ee ee 101. 64 $21, 460. 3: LIL REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE. COMMITTEE. Wages of mechanics and laborers, etc. —Continued. I laborers365%-daysrrat pile0 32 sae eee $548. 63 ‘190 days, at $1.50-- 1 laborer area days, at ea, wo eerste eee ee 598. 68 Iiabotrer;, 372 days; Api o0. 7 Ae, oe rae 508. 02 1 taborer, 232) days, ‘at $1.50. et 423.77 ivlaborer, 278% days; at oll b0 22 = = see 418. 14 IMlaparer:, 2s days atoll. pO toe, ee eee 387.01 Tabonet,- 2542 Gaye, at al 00a oe ae 351. 38 iclaborer-228) days: at plso0le: 522. 2 ee 342. 39 tilaborer, 196; days) ath. p02. 2.2. 2 aos 294. 37 i Taborer, 195% days).at- pleo0 =e. eee ee 293. 62 iMaborer,h/1s days,rat pilsnO ses. a5 secre kee 257. 63 ilaborer, 102% days, at $1.50, = 4.2225. pe eee 154.13 1 laborer, 1254 days, at $1.50. -.-> >. --22..-2. 187. 88 islaborer, l43-days,.at-$1. 502-2) 252 eset 21275 islaiborer 20s Cay Gisaten leo) eae es 38. 25 ilaborer: Sicdays, at pleas. 22) er ae ee 121. 50 islaborer, LOOP days..at plsbOlay = sana e ee oe 151.13 ielaborer, 199 dayasatpioe. ocso soe Fe ee 298. 50 lV laborer, 233 days, ‘at-$1:50-2 - 222 Shluk o 30. 63 J laborer, -339 days, sate@1. 50. 26 22 soc oe 508. 50 ¥ laborer, 287 days,at-PLSO: 2-22 oe een ce 43. 12 A laberer,23 days abl. oO se 2 JP a ee hae 34. 50 iclaborer, 20. days; at261.505¢<2 one fee 30. 00 i ilaboter; 5 days, atipico0.: sind. oe 7.50 l laborer, 103}; days) atiel. 50222. . S eee 154. 88 i laborer;313}, daye. ati PlbOo os 469. 88 laborer 94P Gays ation ees eee 141.38 ilsborer, 4.days, at ®1508.. 220) oe at ee 6. 00 1 laborer; 338% days,.at $1.50.% =. 2222 2 ee 508. 13 tlaborer, 6/ days, at $1:502. 52. \. 2.42. eee 100. 50 i \aborer;o9} days, -at 003 - > 23S Sees 88. 88 : 25 days, at $1.25 : naa em days, at ae Fe ae ae LEY As aalaborer; Al daysJatgl.b0: 22-3 =. eee 61. 50 Liaborer, 13 days atl.505 302... ss oe 19. 50 ilaborer;, 8.days:-at $1.50." ee ee 12. 00 i Jaborer,:4 days, ab pl.50. >. 2225.5. SS ee 6. 00 laborer; 2) daysat: $1500 2275. ee ee Sale i Taboren 2 Maye, ai P00 So ae 3. 00 Ielaboret 5G} days, at‘Sl.20 2-20: 2-6 eee 70. 31 f32 days, at $1.....- \ wee 1 laborer \3561 days, at $1.25.f ----7777777777 ee | laborer, 14% daye..atapleco. co Se ee 18. 12 1 laborer, 365.days,ab- pli >< 7h tees 456. 25 1 laborer, 444 days,-at-$l.25-.2 42 ees. 55. 32 1 laborer, 11} days; at Piso ees otal ee 14. 06 1 laborer, 11) days; ai$ieab 22 ee ee 14. 06 Iaborer, 3222 days; ot Sls. ieee ee 322. 75 laborer, 263% days, atploo i eee 263. 75 Iilaborer, 2523 days; at $l. oon 252. 75 i Jaborer, 612 days;-at $12. 2255 eee 61. 75 iuahorer; 5} days; at $1... 0. 325 Se eRe ies Dew REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. LIII Wages of mechanics and laborers, ete.—Continued. {53 days, at 75 cents)| EIaDOTED) deeruh BH. oc (ae eee erase $33. 32 Wwisborer, 44; days, ato cents. 522-222-254. - 3.56 1 laborer, 12} days, at $1.50........- Oe ee 18. 37 1 laborer Ha days, at$l.25) 115. 63 30 days, at $1.505 laborer, 121. days: atrel. 5022222222 2. a: 181. 87 ilanorergl 27 Gaye at plosos. a. < ect Masco 15. 63 j attendant fais days, at 75 cents. -| aes (laborer L78idays; at $l 2 =----- fiseiesuaae ols 1 attendant, 278 days, at 75 cents...........-- 208. 50 Wattendant,vati7o cents. 28") 62s cec 2). 222: Evid 1 attendant, 93 days, at 75 cents.._....----.-- 69. 75 (aaa ae days, at 75 Canis C i, ee 307. 89 laborer 1223 days, at $1__.... f 1 attendant, 264 days, at 50 cents........-...- is Ey 1 weeder, 188 days, at 75 cents..--...-------- 141. 08 water boy, 121 days, at'50 cents..-.......:.- 60. 50 1 water boy, 2193 days, at 50 cents -..-..-..-- 109. 89 1 water boy, 3423 days, at 50 cents ......--__- 171. 38 1 water boy, 12 days, at 50 cents ........---.- 6. 00 1 water boy, 61 days, at 50 cents .._........-- 30. 50 1 water boy, 49 days, at 50 cents -.-....-..--- 24.50 1 water boy, 28? days, at 50 cents _.-....----- 14, 37 1 water boy, 123 days, at 50 cents ...-.....-_-- 6. 25 1 wagon and team, # day, at $3_........---..- 2.25 1 wagon and team, 223 days, at $3. .......---- 67.50 1 wagon and team, 194} days, at $3..........- 582. 75 1 wagon and team, 53 days, at $3....-.....-.-- 16.50 1 horse and cart, 1553 days, at $1.50........-- 233. 62 1 horse and cart, 30} days, at $1.50........... 45. 37 1 horse and cart, 673 days, at $1.50..........- 101. 25 ithorse'and cart, 8 days, at $1.50 22 (222. Le. 12. 00 jehorseand- cart. Wy days, at $1502. 22-= 16. 88 1 horse and cart, 165 days, at $1.50__......... 24.75 1 horse and cart, 293 days, at $1.50-_......__- 44, 25 1 horse and cart, 172 days, at $1.50..........- 26. 63 1 horse and cart, 8 days, at $1.50 ...-.......-- 12.00 ishorse’and. cart, 7 days, at pl50)..... 2.222. 10.50 ishorse and cart) 7 daye, abpleo0 25-22 == 10. 50 NGEOIEO res CAVE Atl 2.25 eee set ek eee et 1.50 menarie.-2974- Gays, at oOvcente. 252. 2. 225224 148. 88 oe 137 cubic yards, at 60 cents -\ 209. 71 laborer, 85 days, at $1.50.............--.- J % 1 stonebreaker, 92} cubic yards, at 60 cents -- - 55. 65 1 stonebreaker, 343 cubic yards, at 60 cents - -- 20. 70 otltwares:onmechanicg 6G 2-42-52 2s2s5 2s $23, 238. 98 etal Gus puree ments: ae * Ola on ea ee ees beng ses ctek fee $65, 197. 71 Balancer Nulivaiey OQ see es cens Ane ee ee Aen ee eae Seer 3: 9, 802. 29 LIV REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK, 1900. Balance July 1, 1900, as per last report....-=.....2222-..220% $14, 907. 46 Transferred to Commissioners District of Columbia (sundry civilact, June’, 1900) Sj... 32 ee eee 5, 000. 00 General expenses: Manes — ooo SO, ee doe wee Pe at ete eee $115. 20 IBGOKS( cet Eee es soe es eee ea ee ee 318. 65 @ameras 2. 2%. Se ee Be ee ee ee 445. 00 Fencingiand cape: materal: o° 22. 52262 tee ye eee 1, 046. 35 1 ECoG 6 pee ae em ae rs RAL EEE re es ecg PIN Os os 1, 288. 92 12) C=) apie nes eee pea G Reem egies ER a ene eA po oo Ske Fes he 145. 39 Muorniture:: 2222.5. Ch yas ee eee eee Se ae Cee eee eee 60. 00 Preieiit. eo fe. oh eee oes eek oe eres 689. 13 umber. e242 oot Se en cee eee ae ee ee eee 328. 83 Machinery, ‘tools, ete |. 22 vasatee he ee ee eee 261. 97 Miscellaneous! <= os) = asetscec Sea ea ee ee 122. 87 Pamnite OU, glass. tes = eles a wets on se eee ee eo 40. 97 Postage, telephone, and telegraph -2_..-. <2 ...<.----22- 75. 94 Purchase: of animals soa oe eee 2 See 236. 00 Road material and prading yt Ss sae ese ee 1, 338. 84 Spetial 'setyvaces fossa ene ce a ee eee ee 480. 00 Surveying, plana, ete. ose ae Sos fe eee cee Cee 984. 00 Traveling and field expenses {722 2. osc, Seno Se eee 629. 23 arees, platite, Cleo oo. mot size eet ere Siete meer eae ere 710. 60 Water supply, sewerage) eles. 02 ae ee oes ae 195. 27 Total disbursements iets. elie Se ee eee eee eee eee a eee Balamee. 25. Mei Ree he ee ee Se ee ie eee ain See eee NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK, 1899. Balance July 1, 1900, as-per‘last report: :22022222~ 22) 2a ot ae es DISBURSEMENTS. General expenses: NS GOK oie or hg Bek ere Se i i $3. 18 Miscellaneous? 2c. 220222. So eee eee 13. 67 Special Services, <2. o.n is C= = 2 oe oe eee 50. 00 POStages So24/.n 542 ceo net Oe oo ae eee ee ae 2. 00 Total disbursements) Ss... ¢ oss oe ee eee Balances cas eee Le ae eee gee a eS ee $9, 907. 46 $9, 513. 16 394. 30 $82. 31 13. 46 Balance carried under the provisions of Revised Statutes, section 3090, by the Treasury Department to the credit of the surplus fund, June 30, 1901. RECAPITULATION. The total amount of funds administered by the Institution during the year ending June 30, 1901, appears from the foregoing statements and the account books to have been as follows: ¢ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. From balance of last year, July 1, 1900 ...-.-- SR omen: cs 5 $76, 219. 07 From interest on Smithsonian fund for the year.......----- 54, 720. 00 Fromrinterest on West.Shore bonds =5.2— Seels.ssees seeeee 1, 680. 00 Beon-sales of publications ‘:- ...: 222.5 232 e ee eee 188. 59 Brom-repayments of freight, etc. =.= S02 eee eee eee 10, 240. 80 $143, 048. 46 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTED BY CONGRESS TO THE CARE OF THE INSTITUTION. International exchanges—Smithsonian Institution: Brom. balance of- 1898-99... ..2 2... 6.2 ce 2 From balance of 1899-1900 .....--..-.-..+-+.--- From appropriation for 1900-1901 ..........-.-- American ethnology—Smithsonian Institution: Brememalanee ol 1898-99255 2-2. = 2 ee From balance of 1899-1900 ......-.---- pie alee tee From appropriation for 1900-1901 .......------- Preservation of collections—National Museum: irony balance of 1898-99. 2. = 222 Se kee rom balance of 1899-[900-22 .- = 222.2 22222 -+-- From appropriation for 1900-1901 _.-.....------ Furniture and fixtures—National Museum: roms balancesor 1898-0922 52-2 oe ee oe Krommpalance of 1899-1900... =) ee From appropriation for 1900-1901 -......------- Heating and lighting, etc.—National Museum: Hromb=palance or 898-99). 2-2 2 2s sek 5.28 Hrommspalamee Orls99=LO00! to. A eee eee ese ' From appropriation for 1900-1901 -..-...-.----- Postage—National Museum: from appropriation tor 1900-1901, =~ 22.2 2. Printing—National Museum: From appropriation for 1900-1901 .........--.-- Rent of workshops, etc.—National Museum: rom: balance, Of 1898-99. 22 S22 ec e Sls tsk Brommpalnce- ot ls99 O00 es ee ao. See eo From appropriation for 1900-1901 .......--:.--- Building repairs—National Museum: Bromsbalanceofel 898-99 es sa* see eee ene rom balance: or t899—1 Q0022 2 Seem sen eee From appropriation for 1900-1901 ..........---- Galleries—National Museum: irom ubalanee of 1898-99. =... bb. ss23552 52 9s. 22- Books—National Museum: rom balance of: 1898-99... aa22 feos ee rom: balancexor 1899=1900. =... = 2 see ese 2 From appropriation for 1900-1901 -....----.-.---- Purchase of specimens—National Museum: From appropriation for 1900-1901 .............- Astrophysical Observatory—Smithsonian Institution: Brom? balamce-Gi 1898-995 2522) ee eee eet rome palanceots L899 0 See ae bee From appropriation for 1900-1901 ...-....--.--- Observation of eclipse of May 28, 1900: Hrommpaanee Jittly al hOO0O sane 2 5 Ve ee NSS Tee National Zoological Park: Hromebalance of 1898-99" es oS. ot Pek From: balanceiok 1899-1900: 2.6.2. 7542... 222. -< From appropriation for 1900-1901 -........----- $1.59 2. 538. 83 24, 000. 00 92. 48 2.147. 35 50, 000. 00 1.55 99 € g, Loos 82 -. 180, 000. 00 eas 5. 24 17, 500. 00 1, 215. 78 82. 31 9, 907. 46 75, 000. 00 $26, 540. 45 02; 230- 189, 135: : 18, 076. 5 18, 061. 500. 17, 000. C 4, 150. 2,903. 10, 000. 13, 219. 1,529. 84, 989. 83 80 00 20 ba | | LVI REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SUMMARY. Smithsonian institwiome. oc = rs eee ee ee $143, 048. 46 Bechainges 52, ose fc esse oe ee ee Ge ee eee 26, 540. 42 Bibb rales a he ES Sae Se ee ee 52, 239. 83 Preservatiom-op collections 322525 «ve. tee eee ee ee 189, 135. 35 Burt bare an ol sic mren os pe ee etc ene eae 18, 076. 59 Bostme aud Nehtineg 35 20 ote ac ee ee 18, 061. 97 IR Me ci hte oe 2 Said woe ek fame ee na a a 500. 00 Liggis |n 12) Balance of appropriation held to meet outstanding liabilities. It has been possible during the year to arrange for a new lecture hall in the Museum, a feature which for several years seemed to be of public importance but which was of necessity temporarily abandoned. The present hall is well equipped for its use, being provided with a convenient platform, a lantern stand, screen, chairs, and adjustable window screens. Progress has been made in the installation of electric arc lamps throughout the Museum halls, and it is expected dur- ing the coming year to complete the work so that the building may be opened at night when occasion or order of Congress should require it. Much-needed improvements are being made in the heating system by the installation of new boilers in the Museum and the connection by a tunnel with the Smithsonian building, rendering it possible to considerably economize the service by heating both buildings from one center instead of by two plants as heretofore. Among other improvements of the year it may be men- tioned that the last of the old temporary wooden flooring of the Museum halls has been entirely replaced by permanent terrazzo pavement. The report of the Assistant Secretary enumerates some- what in detail the accessions to the several departments of the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. oo Museum during the year, aggregating about 180,000 speci- mens, among which may be here mentioned ethnological mate- rial collected by officers of the Army and Navy in southern California, British Columbia, and Alaska, some facsimiles of ancient codices presented by the Duc de Loubat, and aborig- inal objects of much interest from Brazil and other parts of South America. Special attention is also called to the valua- ble collection transmitted from the Far East by Dr. W. L. Abbott, who has already contributed so largely to the Museum as the result of his extensive explorations. Among other newly acquired collections of interest are objects of flint, illustrating the stone-shaping art of the primi- tive Egyptians, presented by Mr. Seton-Karr, of London, and a very full series of stone implements and other relics, principally from Maryland, presented by Mr. J. D. McGuire. The biological department has been enriched by collections of special interest gathered by collaborators of the Museum in various parts of the world, including marine zoological specimens gathered in connection with the expeditions of the Fish Commission steamers A/batross and Fish Hawk in the Pacific Ocean and the region of Porto Rico. It has been pos- sible to secure by purchase upwards of a thousand specimens of North and Central American birds, and by donation there has been received a large number of the eggs and nests of Philippine birds. Among the geological additions of the year are several thousand fossils from various regions, one of the most inter- esting being a fairly complete skeleton of an adult female mastodon from Michigan. During the past twenty years it has been possible for the Museum to distribute duplicate specimens to a considerable number of institutions of learning in this country, and very much more could be accomplished in this way were funds available for the preparation of additional collections of this kind. Wherever these series have been sent, they are highly appreciated, and the demands from other institutions for simi- lar contributions are constantly increasing. It is all important that every object exhibited in the Museum be suitably and permanently labeled, and while it is gratify- sm 1901——3 34 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. ing that much progress has been made in this work in recent years, many specimens still remain with only temporary labels. During the past year but little could be accomplished in this direction, owing to the large demand upon the time of Museum officials in connection with the preparation of exhibits for the Pan-American Exposition, and also the present inadequate facilities for label printing. Attention in this connection is ‘alled to paragraphs below on the possible treatment of labels so as to render them not only valuable for scientific classifi- cation, but also instructive and interesting to the public. The Secretary has endeavored each year to make some advance in the direction of the Institution’s primary purpose of the increase of original knowledge through observation and research by the eminent men who are acting as its immediate curators. What has been done in this way will be found indi- cated in the Museum reports. He is at this moment speaking, however, of only a sub- ordinate, though not unimportant, portion of the Museum’s work, that of instruction and entertainment, and toward this end he has with personal attention brought together in one of the halls of the Smithsonian building a small collection which has been called ‘* The Children’s Room” (though it appears to interest adults at least as much as children), comprising objects of interest rather than of practical instruction. The room itself has been made attractive by a careful choice of color and design in the decoration of the walls and ceilings, embodying illustrations of the life of animals and plants. The objects displayed in the room include cages of living birds, aquaria with fishes, and cases filled with those things which interest children even of a larger growth. As the Secretary stated in his last report, the classification ‘‘is not that of science, but that which is most intelligible to the untrained mind,” and is intended for the purpose of exciting the interest and wonder of the youthful visitor, in the ultimate hope that this will stimulate a desire for knowledge in natural history. The Secretary takes this occasion to express the hope that this small special collection may have a possible use beyond its immediately declared purpose. It is only within the last Ee Ce REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 5 led few years that scientific men have begun to collect and publish in methodical form the life histories of birds and other ani- mals, and it is believed that they are beginning to take an increased interest in reducing the results of their researches to popular form for the entertainment and instruction of the larger public, on whose support with Congress, the pecuniary means for higher learning itself must also depend. With regard to this, the Secretary will quote from a previ- ous report to the effect that ‘*if the first purpose of a museum be for the increase of original knowledge by investigation and research, its second purpose is to entertain as well as to instruct.” The Secretary has elsewhere quoted the detinition of an educational museum as ‘‘a collection of instructive labels, each illustrated by a well-selected specimen.” It is believed that the National Museum of the Smithsonian Institution has led in the practice of making its labels generally instructive; and yet it may be properly asked whether the labels in the collections even in our own Museum, or in almost any other, are a collection of instructive labels for the general public. The Secretary expresses the wish that still further progress in this direction of instructing and interesting the public may be made, and he suggests, as one legitimate means of doing it, not any change in the present labels or in the Latin names of the specimens, which should always remain, but an addition to each, or at least to the labels of the more popularly interest- ing specimens, giving briefly in English some characteristic, and if possible some /nferesting characteristic, of the specimen in question. Again repeating that the first purpose of the Museum is to aid investigation and research, and that this will always have his first attention, he recalls that there is a subordinate but most valuable purpose, and he wishes to say now what has been increasingly in his mind for years, that he would feel he had been promoting a most useful work if he could be the means of inducing all museums to systematically add to exist- ing labels (on at least all the most interesting or characteristic specimens) something which would bring their subject within the reach of the unlearned public. 36 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. To illustrate the very slight modification necessary to carry the suggestion into effect, there is given below an example of the usual label and of the modified form which, adding a single sentence, furnishes additional information of a popular character. 452 CRESTED FLY-CATCHER. Great Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Myiarchus crinitus (LInn.) list. N. Am. B., I, p. 334, pl. xiiii, fig. 3. Eastern United States and British Provinces, but rare northeastward beyond the Connecticut Valley; west to edge of the Great Plains; in winter, Central America to Nicaragua. 452 CRESTED FLY-CATCHER. Great Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Myiarchus crinitus (LINN.) Hist. N. Am. B., IT, p. 334, pl. xliii, fig. 3. Eastern United States and British Provinces, but rare northeastward beyond the Connecticut Valley; west to edge of the Great Plains; in ‘winter, Central America to Nicaragua. This bird ornaments its nest with the cast-off skin of a snake, the purpose being apparently to ‘frighten off intruders. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. Researches among the native American tribes have been continued in the Bureau under the immediate supervision of Maj. J. W. Powell, its Director. The operations of the year were conducted in accordance with the act of Congress ap- proved June 6, 1900, and with the formal plan adopted by the Secretary June 19, 1900. As heretofore, the work has been carried forward in such manner as to aid in advancing the science of ethnology, and the Director has given much attention to the development of a classification of the native tribes on the basis of their normal activities. It is thought that, in addition to its immediate REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 37 utility, this work will constitute an important contribution to the sciences dealing with mankind. Field work was prosecuted in Alaska, Arizona, California, Maine, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin, as well as in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada, and in Lower California and Sonora, Mexico. Addi- tional data were received from correspondents and collabora- tors in other sections. One of the noteworthy expeditions of the year traversed the arid regions of Arizona, Sonora, and Lower California along new routes, and resulted in discovering the recent extinction of the Tepoka Indians, in defining the western boundary of the territory occupied by the Papagos, also in the first scientific study of the Cocopas living in the Lower Colorado River region. Among these Indians a collection was made for the National Museum, portions of which were subsequently used in the exhibit at the Pan-American Expo- sition in Buffalo. The Cocopas were found to present vari- ous features of interest both to scientific students and to statesmen. The work of the expedition was facilitated by several officers of the Republic of Mexico, including His Excellency Sefior Don Manuel de Aspiroz, the ambassador from Mexico to the United States, whose courtesy it is a pleasure to acknowledge. An extensive archeologic recon- naissance was made also through central and southeastern Arizona, where various ruins of ancient habitations were examined. Linguistic records of great value were obtained by a collaborator among the Haida Indians in British Columbia. Valuable collections were made or acquired during the year—a typical series of stone implements from Georgia, a collection of artifacts in stone and clay from southern Cal- ifornia, the Cocopa collection already mentioned, and a series of obsidian blades from California being most notable. As during previous years, numerous photographs of abo- rigines were taken both in the field and from Indian delega- tions visiting Washington, and toward the close of the year a number of kinetoscope views, or motion pictures, were obtained for purposes of study and record. The work in the office covered a wide range of topics per- taining to the characteristics and products of the aborigines. 38 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Among the reports prepared for publication, one embody- ing a series of symbolic paintings of ritualistic character, which may be termed a Codex Hopiensis from the tribe in which it was found, is of peculiar interest. Another report of special note relates to wild rice as an aboriginal food source, and touches on the utilization of this plant by white settlers. The publication of the Report was continued with some delay due to the time required for reproducing the illus- trations accompanying the papers. The Seventeenth Report and the first volume of the Eighteenth were distributed dur- ing the year, while the second part of the Eighteenth was finished to the point of binding; at the same time the Nine- teenth Report was edited and proof-read. The work of the Bureau during the year is described at some length in the Report of the Director. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK. The Secretary recalls to the Regents that the primary pur- pose for which they sanctioned the establishment of the Na- tional Zoological Park was embodied in its name. It was to be a ‘*‘ National” one; and it was not for the City of Washington only, but to be a means of preserving the great animals of the country, and particularly of the North and West, which were in danger of extinction; and it was to exist quite as much for Idaho or Oregon as for the District of Columbia. It is earnestly to be hoped that Congress will carry out the plan originally urged upon it, of treating this park as it treats the National Museum, that is, as something not existing for the benefit of the District chiefly, nor properly to be main- tained by the taxation of its inhabitants. In any case it is to be known that while the National Park has been of a great deal of incidental use to Washington as an admirable place fo1 health, recreation and entertainment, accessible to those who can only go on foot, and offering such charm of scenery as no other public park under such conditions possesses, yet that one of the principal purposes for which it was founded—the preservation from extinction of the national animal races—has not been considered by Congress. bout this the Secretary can express himself no better now than he did in his report for REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 39 1890, in which, referring to the history of similar attempts, he said: **In the early part of this century a naturalist traveling in Siberia stood by the mutilated body of a mammoth still unde- cayed, which the melting of the frozen gravel had revealed, and to the skeleton of which large portions of flesh, skin, and hair still clung. The remains were excavated and transported many hundred miles across the frozen waste, and at last reached the Imperial Museum at St. Petersburg, where, through all these years, the mounted skeleton has justly been regarded as the greatest treasure of that magnificent collection. **Scientifie memoirs, popular books, theological works, poems—in short, a whole literature—has come into existence with this discovery as its text. No other event in all the his- tory of such subjects has excited a greater or more permanent interest outside of purely scientific circles; for the resurrec- tion of this relic of a geologic time in a condition analogous to that in which the bodies of contemporaneous animals are daily seen brings home to the mind of the least curious observer the reality of a long extinct race with a vividness which no fossils or petrifactions of the ordinary sort can possibly equal. ** Now, Lamassured by most competent naturalists that few. if any, of those not particularly devoted to the study of Ameri- ‘an animals realize that changes have already occurred or are on the point of taking place in our own characteristic fauna compared with which the disappearance from it of the mam- moth was insignificant. That animal was common to all northern lands in its day. The practical domestication of the elephant gives to everyone the opportunity of observing a gigantic cre eature closely allied to the mammoth, and from which he may gain an approximately correct idea of it. But no such example is at hand in the case of the bison, the prong-horn antelope, the elk, the Rocky Mountain goat, and many more of our vanishing races. ** The student of even the most modern text-books learns that the characteristic larger animals of the United States are those just mentioned, with the moose, the grizzly bear, the beaver, and if we include marine forms and arctie American animals we may add the northern fur seal, the Pacific walrus, the Californian sea elephant, the manatee, and still others. ** With one or two exceptions out of this long list, men now living can remember when each of these animals was reason- ably ‘abundant within its natural terr itory. It is within the bounds of moderation to affirm that unless Congress places some check on the present rate of destruction there are men now living who will see the time when the animals enumerated will be practically extinct, or exterminated within the limits 40 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. of the United States. Already the census of some of them can be expressed in three figures. ‘*The fate of the bison, or American buffalo, is typical of them all. ‘Whether we consider this noble animal,’ says Audubon, ‘as an object of the chase or as an article of food for man, it is decidedly the most important of all our Ameri- can contemporary quadrupeds.’ ‘*At the middle of the last century this animal pastured in Pennsylvania and Virginia, and even at the close of the cen- tury ranged over the whole Mississippi Valley and farther west wherever pasturage was to be found. At the present time a few hundred survivors represent the millions of the last century, and we should not have even these few hundred within our territory had it not been for the wise action of Congress in providing for them a safe home in the Yellow- stone Park. ‘* Now, for several reasons it has been comparatively easy to trace the decline of the buffalo population. The size of the animal, its preference for open country, the sportsman’s in- terest in it, and its relations to the food supply of the West- ern Indians, all led to the observation and record of changes; and accordingly I have made special mention of this animal in representing the advantages of a national zoological park where it might be preserved; but this is by no means the only characteristic creature now threatened with speedy extinction. ‘* The moose is known to be at the present time a rare animal in the United States, but is in less immediate danger than some others. The elk is vigorously hunted and is no longer easily obtained, even in its most favored haunts. The grizzly bear is believed to be rapidly approaching extinction outside of the Yellowstone Park, where, owing to the assiduous care of those in charge, both it and the elk are still preserved. The mountain sheep and goat, which inhabit less accessible re- gions, are becoming more and more rare, while the beaver has retreated from a vast former area to such secluded haunts that it may possibly survive longer than the other species which I have just enumerated, and which are but a portion of those in imminent danger of extinction. ‘‘Among the marine forms the manatee still exists, but, although not exterminated, it is in immediate danger of be- coming so, like the Californian sea elephant, a gigantic crea- ture, often of greater bulk than the elephant, which has suffered the fate of complete extinction within a few past years; at least it is uncertain whether a single individual actually survives. The Pacific walrus, upon which a large native population has always in great part depended for food and hides, is rapidly following the sea elephant, and so on with other species. Smithsonian Report, 1901 PLATE III. - MODEL OF THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL*PARK WASHINGTON, D. G : : eye a HL Crock valley, owo miles northwest of tbe White Arca 6&7 acres. =. 2 fee | ee | Limite em j REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 4] ‘**This appalling destruction is not confined to mammals. Disregarding the birds of song and plumage, to which the fashions of the milliner have brought disaster, nearly all the larger and more characteristic American birds have suffered in the same way as their four-footed contemporaries. The fate of the great Auk is familiar to all naturalists; but it is not so well known that the great Californian vulture and sey- eral of the beautiful sea fowl of our coasts have met the same fate, and that the wild pigeon, whose astonishing flocks were dwelt upon by Audubon and others in such remarkable descriptions and which were long the wonder of American travelers, with the less known, but magnificent ivory- billed woodpecker, and the pretty Carolina parrakeet, have all become, if not extinct, among the rarest of birds. **Apart from the commercial value of its skins, the tax upon which has paid for the cost of our vast Alaskan territory, the singular habits and teeming millions of the northern fur seal have excited general interest even among those who are not interested in natural history. In 1849 these animals abounded from Lower California to the lonely Alaskan Isles, and it had been supposed that the precautions taken by the Government for their protection on the breeding grounds of the Pribilof Islands would preserve permanently the still considerable rem- nant which existed after the purchase of Alaskaand the destruc- tion of the southern rookeries. But it is becoming too evident that the greed of the hunters and the devastation caused by the general adoption of the method of pursuing them in the open sea, destroying indiscriminately mothers and offspring, is going to bring these hopes to naught. “For most of these animals, therefore, it may be regarded as certain that, unless some small remnant be preser ved ina semi- domesticated state, a few years will bring utter extinction. The American of the next generation, when questioned about the animals once characteristic of his country, will then be forced to confess that with the exception of a few insignificant creatures, ranking as vermin, this broad continent possesses none of those species which once covered it, since the pr esent generation will have completed the destruction of them all.” During the eleven years that have elapsed since these para- graphs were written, the writer has presented these consider- ations every session, with the insistance it seemed to him their importance deserved, until of late years he has had to feel that the opportunity for saving this remnant, which was going more and more each year, had in some respects finally gone. The great Kadiak bear, the largest carnivorous animal upon the planet, since the report above quoted was written, has been driven farther and farther into the interior, until a specimen 492 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. is now unprocurable except by the fitting out of a costly expe- dition, with the remote chance of obtaining a single adult, though such an expedition will probably be more successful in procuring the young. Something much like this may be said of the giant moose and of other of our semiarctic fauna. The buffalo is so nearly gone, even from its shelter in the Yellowstone National Park, that the stockade which the Institution erected there to secure and ‘*‘ gentle” part of the few buffalo remaining, is fall- ing down without a single one ever having been in it. Taught by the hopelessness of previous applications, the Secretary has limited his request for this purpose to an immediate appro- priation of $15,000, with the now faint hope of securing some of the young of these vanishing creatures—the great bear, the great moose, and the like. The Secretary is prepared to soon abandon recommendations which have been urged for nearly — ten years, not only because they have been so far made in vain, but because some term must be set in which they will have too evidently grown useless from the disappearance of the animal races in question. As to the best means of securing the protection of these races, he has acquired in this long effort some practical knowl- edge of the difficulties and of the simple but effective remedy which can be applied. The subject is too large a one, how- ever, to treat here, and he will only say that these creatures, if secured and transported immediately from their native haunts, are most unlikely to live under the conditions of civilization. They are, on the contrary, very likely to live and even to per- petuate their species if taken with care and kept surrounded by the protection that experience and common sense suggest; and both these mean the continuance of the present National Zoological Park here under the eyes of Congress, but with a simultaneous provision for first bringing up the wild animals in a commodious place of confinement in the country where they belong (one in Alaska, for instance), large enough to allow them to live without a sense of captivity, on their ordinary food, and in their ordinary climate. This place might be a small ranch, where the things of vital importance after their capture and security—namely, their being ‘* gentled” and accustomed to the sight of the keeper before being transferred to Washing- ton—can be carried out. Sucha ranch can be established at a REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 43 small cost, which will not be likely to be exceeded, and Con- gress can be assured that it is not entering into an indefinite future expense if this initial one be approved. The Secretary will not leave this brief mention of the sub- ject without stating that the walrus, perhaps the sea elephant, some kinds of seal, and many other great aquatic mammals, van equally share in this protection at a similarly small expense, by simply preserving some locality where the walrus now congregate, as,for instance, a known spot on the northern shore of the Alaskan peninsula, or by establishing a more special preserve in some landlocked bay, where they will obtain their natural food and be properly guarded. As to the local use of the National park, the beautiful region set aside by Congress for it here has proved a fit place for filling the objects of its existence, declared by Congress to be **'The advancement of science and the instruction and recrea- tion of the people,” for here not only are the national ani- mals, with others, preserved (in connection, it is to be hoped, later with fixed sources of supply), from which the race could be recreated if it died out elsewhere, but the National Zoolog- ical Park has become a favorite resort of the nation’s visitors to the capital, who find in its shades, along with such land- scapes as no other city can show, object lessons of attractive interest—for we must admit that we are all, adults as well as children, interested in our animals, with an attraction which no books about them can supply. It has been possible to make some needed improvements in the roadways of the park during the year, but many of the buildings are almost falling down. The need of means to put a permanent shelter over the animals can not be overstated. Mention has already been made in this relation of the aqua- rium building, which consists of a literal barn, and which was brought here until Congress could provide a special one; but although several years have elapsed, none has yet been pro- vided. The elephant house, a small wooden shed, put up asa temporary expedient ten years ago, requires extensive repairs to prevent it literally falling from rottenness. The wooden fence placed around the park ten years ago, and expected to last four or five years till a permanent one was provided, has never been replaced at all, and has gone beyond repair. 44 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. With regard to the birds, more is being done for the better care of the larger ones. There has been designed and partly constructed a large ‘‘flying cage,” capable of including tall trees within it, which is to be built near the present bird house. The cage will be supplied with running water, and it is hoped that some of the aquatic species may live within its limits. THE ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY. The most prominent feature of the year’s work has been the distribution of the first volume of Annals of the Astro- physical Observatory, to which attention was directed in my report of last year. This special volume has been sent to 1,500 Government depositories, observatories, learned societies, and to eminent astronomers and physicists through- out the world. The work will, it is believed, establish an enduring reputation for the observatory from which it pro- ceeded. The eclipse expedition to Sumatra is spoken of more at length in the detailed report of the Aid Acting in Charge, which will be found in the Appendix. The special occasion for this expedition arose with reference to the observations - made under the Government appropriation by the Institution in the solar eclipse of May 28, 1900, at Wadesboro, N. C. These, though valuable, were not in themselves complete, and pointed to conclusions of particular interest which demanded the opportunity of another eclipse to definitely perfect them. Perhaps the most interesting of these was the incomplete evidence secured on a single photograph of the existence of several small planets within the orbit of Mercury, as indicated in Plate XVIII of the last year’s report. Prof. E. C. Pick- ering, to whom this photograph was referred for his expert judgment, saw nothing in the appearance of the photographic impressions of the supposed planets which would lead him to pronounce them spurious.. To make certain of their genuine- ness would, however, required the evidence of another photo- graph, and new photographs were only to be supplied by another eclipse. A second, not absolutely conclusive, observation of great interest was that made by the bolometer on the heat of the inner corona, from which, as stated on page 154 of the Smith- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 45 sonian Report for 1900, certain conclusions were drawn regard- ing its temperature. These observations attracted widespread interest and discussion among the astronomical public, and it became of importance to verify and extend them if possible. Hence it seemed to be desirable that an expedition should proceed to the island of Sumatra to observe the long eclipse there. The Institution did not, however, ask for a second appropriation from Congress. The United States Naval Observatory, which had secured such an appropriation, had courteously offered to take one of the Institution’s staff as a part of its own expedition. Since, however, the Institution wanted the Sumatra work to com- plete its own special work of the previous year, and since it would involve the use of large special apparatus belonging to it, it was deemed better that it shouldssend out a party of its own, though on a most modest scale. The party sent out from the Institution consisted of Mr. C. G. Abbot, Aid Acting in Charge of the Smithsonian Observatory, and Mr. Paul Draper. Through the permission of the Secretary of War and by the good offices of Brig. Gen. M. I. Ludington, Quartermaster- General, transportation was secured to Manila and return by the army transport service. The Secretary of the Navy con- sented that the Institution’s expedition should be carried from Manila to Padang and return in the same vessel with the expe- dition of the United States Naval Observatory. My acknowl- edgments are further due the Hon. F. W. Hackett, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, for very effective aid in perfecting these arrangements. Letters of introduction to Dutch offi- cials were obtained from the Department of State of the United States, and from his excellency Baron W. A. F. Gevers, minister of the Netherlands. Mr. Abbot and Mr. Draper sailed on February 16 in the transport Sheridan from San Francisco, arriving at Manila on March 15, whence, seven days later, they embarked on the United States naval transport General Alava, reaching Padang, Sumatra, on April 4, from which point they proceeded to Solok, a small town in the interior, which, though about twenty-five miles north of the central eclipse track, was chosen as having the best meteorological record of any part of the island, and because of its location on a railroad. Nothing 46 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. could exceed the kindness exercised by all the Dutch officials of Sumatra to further the comfort and success of the obsery- ers. Free transportation was offered on all government rail- yays, and observing sites placed at their disposal, with native laborers for the installation of equipments. The Secretary wishes to especially acknowledge the indebtedness of the Institution to his excellency Governor Joekes, of Sumatra’s west coast, to Heer Th. F. A. Delprat, head of government railways in Sumatra, and to Heer C. G. Veth, United States consular agent at Padang, whose efforts in behalf of the party were untiring. The little expedition reached Solok April 11 and passed the time in constant drill, being strengthened by native help in erecting instruments. On the momentous day (May 18) the weather proved to be very bad over this portion of the island, and caused the partial failure of the observations, though Mr. Abbot and his companion may feel that while it was not in their power to command success they have deserved it. They returned under the same assistance from the Army and Navy with which they went out, reaching Washington on the 29th of July. Attention is called to the progress reported by the Aid Act- ing in Charge in perfecting devices to increase the actual working sensitiveness of the galvanometer, which is an indispensable companion to the bolometer the instrument which perceives and measures excessively small variations of temperature. The bolometer, it will be remembered, was invented by the present writer some twenty years ago as an instrument to detect radiant heat in such small quantities as could be recog- nized not even by the most delicate thermometer, and which were so far beyond the reach of that instrument that the thermopile could not register them. It may seem to the gen- eral reader that the recognition of such excessively small amounts of heat can not be of practical importance, but this would be like saying that the human eye was an instrument of no importance to the owner, since the amount of energy which enabled it to see is so inexpressibly small. The bolometer has been called ‘tan eye which sees in the dark,” and it sees only by means of almost infinitesimally ee REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 47 small amounts of heat, but it now sees with these what neither the eye nor the photograph can see. When the writer took charge of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution the bolometer, with its attendant galvanometer, could recognize a change of temperature of Jess than one- hundred-thousandth of one degree Centigrade. With the changes which he and others have since introduced in the instru- ment and its attendant galvanometer, it can now recognize less than one one-hundred-millionth of one degree. As much as a thousandfold gain in sensitiveness has, then, been attained over the former conditions, and a manifold further increase is hoped for by the use of the more sensitive galvanometer now being developed under the immediate care of Mr. Abbot, the Aid Acting in Charge. Even with this remarkable progress the bolometer is still far less sensitive than the eve in its capacity to detect radia- tions of wave-lengths suitable for eye observations, but, as is well known, it has the great advantage that all rays affect it equally, whether visible or not, and that hence it can see where the eye can not. In this little and inadequately instailed Smithsonian Obser- vatory the bolometer has extended the known spectrum to a wave-length many times that known to Sir Isaac Newton, and its use has spread from this country to every physical labora- tory in the world where such researches are carried on. It is growing more sensitive each year with continued improve- ments, to which there seems to be no assignable limit, and its future promises to be as full of value as its past. The urban situation of the Observatory puts serious difli- culties in the way of investigations which, like the one just referred to, require exceptional steadiness and freedom from magnetic fluctuations. An astrophysical observatory should evidently be located where smoke, lights, noise, traflic, and heavy electric currents are at a distance. That the Smith- sonian Observatory should still, after twelve years, be in its present situation and with merely temporary wooden build- ings for its home is indeed far from the expectations cherished at its inception, a condition of affairs which the Secretary still ventures to hope will be changed. 48 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES. The importance of the work accomplished by the Interna- tional Exchange Service is constantly becoming more fully understood, and the benefits derived from it in the inter- change of the publications of the civilized world more ade- quately estimated. The liberality of the American people in gratuitously supplying their scientific literature to apprecia- tive students of it, wherever they may be, and the provision for its transmission at the expense of the United States Gov- ernment and of the Smithsonian Institution jointly, creates such an impression abroad that the Institution is often asked for a description of the methods for recording and forward- ing exchanges, with a view to enabling others to adopt its system, which for accuracy, labor saving, and as a perma- nent record for ready reference, years of assiduous study have perfected into what it is to-day. The term ‘‘ International Exchanges,” to those unaccus- tomed to its application, may seem ambiguous, but the use of the term is now universally accepted as applying to the mutual exchange: between Smithsonian correspondents every- where of printed books on subjects of interest to the student in any branch of human knowledge. The Institution adopted the custom of voluntarily present- ing its publications to learned societies in the year 1849, when it sent a copy of Volume I of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge to each of one hundred and seventy-three for- eign institutions. The recipients of these copies subsequently sent their publications in exchange, and these reciprocal con- tributions aided in forming the nucleus of the library of the Smithsonian Institution. As the Institution increased the publication of works on scientific subjects, the exchange with its correspondents abroad also increased, and the facilities for forwarding and distributing the parcels soon led to requests being made by other learned establishments in the United States for their publications to be forwarded abroad by the Institution in the same manner. The purpose of the donor of the Smithsonian | fund, ‘‘the diffusion of knowledge among men,” could not, in the minds of the Regents, be better promulgated than by i ae! iat Uf ae we tte = a > eee ‘.. a o ¥ a lo rs i : » = be ve ay oe eat’ eM a . 7 e N *, 7 ie” 3 _— BNE, - aL ’ a 7 > : " 7 : é rol} os ~ Ae, _ > = ’ s _ th nah ¥ Z f ¥ ’ oe =e S ‘ i ~ > ‘ os : ls - - - > eg 7 - : _ w a a] . « (Az he 7» 7 ‘ Ube > 7 : “AS 7 ie = x ‘. i c { Pp ae ‘ a . 1 ee ip ae as" - i a =S x _ . - _ - a : - a » ‘ . _ 5 Smithsonian Report, 1901, PLATE IV. HART REPRESENTING THE RELATIVE NUMBER OF PARCELS EX- CHANGED BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER COUNTRIES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1901. EXCHANGES WERE CONDUCTED WITH 130 COUNTRIES. THOSE AGGREGATING LESS THAN 1000 PACKAGES ARE OMITTED. THE AVERAGE WEIGHT OF EACH PARCEL WAS 3 1-2 POUNDS. TOTAL WEIGHT HANDLED DURING THE YEAR 414,277 POUNDS. Germany . Great Britain . France . Austria-Hungary . Italy Russia . Mexico. Belgium British America . Switzerland Argentina . Netherlands . Norway Sweden. Brazil India Japan Victoria Costa Rica Denmark . Spain Chile Each Cotumn Equat To 1,500 Packaces. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 49 devoting a part of the income of the fund to this purpose, and from that time to the present the Institution has assigned space in the Smithsonian building and has appropriated a con- siderable part of its annual revenue to the support of the system of International Exchanges. The United States Government participated to a large extent in the benefits of the exchange system of the Smith- sonian Institution for many years without contributing to its support, until the burden became so great that Congress in 1881 made an appropriation of $3,000 for the purpose, and since then has made larger provision for the service from year to year until $24,000 was granted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900, and a like amount was appropriated for the last year. Notwithstanding the support of Congress in aid of the exchange service during recent years, none of the appropria- tions cave been quite adequate to the growth of the service and to provide for improvements necessary to expedite exchange transmissions, which, within the last two years, have been unusually large. In order to accomplish these improve- ments it has been necessary to substitute fast mail steamers for the slower ones upon which the ocean transportation com- panies usually granted the Institution the courtesy of free freight, and in demanding the best possible facilities it has been necessary in most instances to pay the customary rates. The field covered by correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution and the contributors and recipients of its ex- changes is now represented by one hundred and forty-eight countries, covering every part of the civilized world and extending to several countries where enlightenment has only commenced to manifest itself. In the latter are some of the most appreciative correspondents of the service. Outside the United States the Smithsonian correspondents now number twenty-seven thousand five hundred and fifty-six (27,556), and including this country there is a grand total of thirty-five thousand seven hundred and five (85,705), an ageregate increase of seventeen hundred and fifty-four (1,754) during the year. The parcels received for transmission this year number one hundred and twenty-one thousand and sixty (121,060) sm 1901——4 50 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. (many of which contained several separate publications), rep- resenting an increase over the previous year of seven thousand four hundred and ninety-seven (7,497). The relative amount of exchanges with various countries is graphically shown in the accompanying chart. A total of sixty-two thousand three hundred and fourteen (62,314), or more than half the number of parcels delivered to the International Exchanges, were either received from the departments and bureaus of the United States Government for transmission abroad, or were received for them from abroad, and constituted fully 75 per cent of the total weight of all transmissions for the year. This branch of the service is then of value to the Library of Congress and the depart- mental and sectional libraries of every branch of the Goy- ernment. In his last report the Secretary presented an account of his visit to London and Berlin during the summer of 1900 for the purpose of impressing upon the British and German Governments the desire of the Institution that they should each establish an international exchange bureau, or at least arrange for the transmission and distribution of exchanges so far as this country is concerned. This work has been carried on between the United States and each of these countries from the beginning at the expense of the Institution, which has paid all expenses, even to the employing of a salaried agent in both countries. As yet no definite action has been taken by either Government. Although subsequently to the conclusion of the Brussels treaty in 1886, France had established an international ex- change bureau, it had not provided sufficient means to conduct it in a manner to insure prompt distribution of parcels. The Secretary, accompanied by Mr. Henry Vignaud, of the United States embassy, had an interview with Monsieur Liard, chief of the libraries of France, who promised to recommend to the French Chambers an increase in the appropriation for inter- national exchanges. The Secretary is pleased to note that a substantial improvement has recently been made in the time required for the distribution of exchanges in France, and has every reason to hope that the interests of the exchange serv- ice at large are about to benefit by improvements introduced at his request, on the efficient recommendation of M. Liard, in the French system. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 5L Whenever it has been possible for a representative of the Smithsonian Institution to visit the exchange bureaus of other countries, the information obtained concerning the systems and customs practiced elsewhere and a personal acquaintance with the officers in immediate charge of exchanges has been of great benefit. As the official exchange bureaus of Italy and Switzerland had never been visited by a representative of the Institution, and as the agencies at Vienna and Budapest had not been inspected since the autumn of 1897, Mr. W. Irving Adams, chief clerk of the International Exchange Service, was directed to visit and familiarize himself with all of them dur- ing the last summer. His report, given in the Appendix, conveys the assurance that the cordial relations hitherto exist- ing between these agencies and the Smithsonian Institution will henceforth be more firmly established than ever; and an increase in the contributions from Italy and Switzerland to the United States Government institutions, especially to the Library of Congress, is already apparent. NECROLOGY. WILLIAM LYNE WILSON. At a meeting of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution held January 23, 1901, the Hon. J. B. Henderson, the chairman of the Exeentive Committee, made the following remarks in memory of Mr. Wilson: It is due to Mr. Wilson that a word of tribute to his mem- ory should come from the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents. His service asa member of the Committee was of short duration, but long enough to endear him to those who survive. While Mr. Wilson possessed, in an eminent degree, the power of speech—while indeed he was an orator, gifted with the charm and beauty of genuine eloquence—his chief title to remembrance will rest, not upon his words, but rather upon what he did and what he was. Non opus est verbis, credite rebus. Blessed with a liberal education, he enjoyed it not alone, but became an educator of usefulness and marked distinction. Asa lawyer he took high rank, and placed himself among the most distinguished jurists of his State. For twelve years he served an intelligent con- stituency in the Congress of the United States, where his record is marked by all that characterizes the highest order of statesmanship—honesty, purity, devotion, and intelligence. As Postmaster-General in the Cabinet of President Cleve- land, he gave renewed evidence of ability and industry, and 59 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. also the highest assurance of capacity for the conduct of the most difficult administrative duties. With this but inadequate retrospect of what he did, let us turn for a moment to what he was. In the first place, he was what the poet justly designates as the ‘* noblest work of God,” an honest man. Beyond the wisdom of the philosophers and - the classical lore of the universities, he had that pure and better teaching, an educated conscience. And to this unerring tribunal he submitted the conduct of his life. And thus it was that the observance of the golden rule brought him no burden, but was a part of his existence. He esteemed his friend as he esteemed himself. In the language of the Greek philosopher, his friend was ‘‘ another I.” It has been said that great men are without ostentation and selfish pride. If this be a mark of greatness, Mr. Wilson’s gentleness and simplicity of character gave him the highest place among the truly great. It is said, and said with truth, that kindness is the only key with which the casket of the human heart can be opened. Mr. Wilson had no enemies, and his kindness and lovable character explain the fact. Tennyson was right when he said, ’Tis only noble to be good. Kind hearts are more than coronets, And simple faith than Norman blood. The Board adopted the following resolutions. Whereas the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- tution is called upon to mourn the death, on October 17, 1900, of William Lyne Wilson, a member of the board from 1884 to 1888 and from 1896, and a member of its executive committee: Be it resolved, That the Regents place upon record the expression of their sense of loss in the passing away of a col- league, the simplicity and integrity of whose life gave to the country a statesman of the first rank and to the people a noble example. To the Institution he brought the twofold qualities of the man of affairs andthe man of learning, while his atten- tion to his duties was unremitting, even in sickness, and his counsel was always most wise and helpful. As a college presi- dent, as a leader in Congress, he was conspicuous for his fidelity to the highest ideals. In his death the country has lost a distinguished citizen, the Institution a wise counselor, and the members of the board a colleague and friend, whose especially lovable nature won the hearts of all with whom he came in contact. Resolved, That this resolution be entered as a part of the journal of the board and a copy transmitted to Mrs. Wilson. Respectfully submitted. S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX TO THE SECRETARY'S REPORT. APPENDIX I. “REPORT ON THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Str: I have the honor to report as follows regarding the condition and operations of the National Museum during the year ending June 30, 1901: While having as its primary function to preserve and classify the Goy- ernment collections, to which large additions were made during the year, the National Museum is best known to the public from its educational side, and as a source of information on scientific subjects. As one of the principal points of interest at the national capital, it is visited by large numbers of persons from all parts of the country, the attendance during the past year having been above 216,000, which is about the average. Many thousands who have not the opportunity of coming to Washington are benefited by its publications sent to them directly or accessible in the public libraries. Upward of 700 lots of specimens were received at the Museum for identification and report, besides some 8,000 letters requesting information on a great diversity of scientific topics. The amount of dupli- cate material contributed to educational establishments, large and small, in various parts of the country, and used in connection with the exchanges, has aggregated over 10,000 objects. At the close of the year scarcely any of the regular educational sets of duplicates remained on hand, but a new series of 100 sets of marine invertebrates was in course of preparation. It has also been possible to grant facilities to many students for conducting investigations along their special lines of research, and to others material has been sent as loans, to enable them to carry on their work at their home laboratories. One of the most noteworthy accomplishments of the year has been the fitting up, under the direction of the Secretary, for the special benefit of very young people, of the main floor of the south tower of the Smithsonian building, adjacent to the Bird Hall, which has been designated the Chil- dren’s Room. The floor is of marble mosaic, with a border of Celtic design. The walls have been painted in several shades of green and paneled, with a view of some time adding pictures illustrating curious features of animal and plant life. The ceiling is decorated with a trellis and vine, through which are glimpses of sky and cloud, and of bright-plumaged birds. The main exhibition consists of strange and attractive specimens of birds, mammals, insects, shellfish, sponges, corals, minerals, and fossils, and occupies two cases surrounding the room and built so low that even the smallest child can examine the objects on the upper shelves. In the cen- ter of the room is a large aquarium with fresh-water fishes, while hanging from the ceiling are several brass cages with bright colored and singing birds. 53 54 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. The object in planning this room bas been to excite the wonder and curiosity of children, to inspire them unconsciously with a love for nature, and no feature has been admitted which might tend to defeat this purpose. No Latin or technical labels puzzle the children, but every object is described in the plainest language. Organization and staf’.—The organization of the Museum, 2s modified in 1897, comprises an administrative office and the three scientific depart- ments of anthropology, biology, and geology. Each department is in charge of a head curator and is composed of several divisions, of which anthropology has 8, biology 9, and geology 3, while there are also 18 sub- divisions or sections. Under the general direction of the Secretary, who is the keeper ex officio of the Museum, administrative matters have been in the immediate charge of the Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. At the close of the year the scientific staff consisted, besides the 3 head curators, of 18 curators, 12 assistant curators, 14 custodians, 10 aids, 4 associates, and 2 collaborators, making a total of 63 persons, of whom, however, only about one-half were under salary from the Museum, the remainder serving in a volunteer or honorary capacity, though nearly all of the latter were in the employ of other bureaus of the Government. The Museum has suffered the loss of one of its most valued collaborators in the death, on September 15, 1900, of Mr. 8. R. Koehler, Honorary Curator of the Section of Graphic Arts, who since 1887 had rendered most important services in building up the extensive print collection. He was also connected with the Boston Museum of Fine Arts as curator of prints. Dr. W. L. Ralph, custodian of the Section of Birds’ Eggs since the death of Maj. Charles Bendire, has been made Honorary Curator of that section, and besides giving generously of his time, he has, by liberal per- sonal donations, greatly increased the size and value of the interesting collections under his charge. Mr. F. A. Lucas, curator of Comparative Anatomy, has been designated Acting Curator of Vertebrate Fossils. Miss Harriet Richardson has been made a collaborator in the Division of Marine Invertebrates, and Mr. Peter Fireman has received a temporary appointment as chemical geologist. Buildings.—Attention has been directed in each succeeding report to the crowded condition of the two main buildings occupied by the Museum collections, and to the necessity of increasing from year to year the extent of the outside quarters required for storage and workshop purposes. Dur- ing the past year Congress has again been called upon to provide for the rental of an additional building. Inconvenient as it is to administer upon the collections scattered and stored in this manner, the essential point is the danger to which the material is thus subjected—material which can not be replaced and which constitutes a record of the greatest importance to the Government archives. Among the alterations and improvements made in the Museum build- ing, the most noteworthy has been the fitting up of a new lecture hall in accordance with the provision of Congress, the room selected for the purpose being the East North Range, at one side of the main entrance. The only changes made in the room itself have been to substitute a terrazzo floor REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 55 for the old wooden one and to paint the walls and ceiling, which has been done in very tasteful and pleasing colors. The furnishings consist of the necessary platform, chairs, lantern, curtain, and stand, and adjustable screens at the windows. It isexpected that the facilities thus afforded will often be utilized for the delivery of scientific lectures bearing upon the rich and varied collections in the Museum. Some years ago a number of electric arc lamps were temporarily installed in the Museum building, the only attempt that had been made up to the present time to light its exhibition halls. The sundry civil appropriation act for 1901 carried an item of $3,500 for beginning a permanent instal- lation of wires for lighting the entire building. This work is now well under way and will be completed during the next fiscal year under an additional appropriation sufficient to cover the small wiring and the pur- chase of the necessary fixtures and lamps. The roof of the Museum building, never entirely satisfactory, and showing many weak points during recent years, has been repaired and strengthened to the extent that its character warranted, under the advice of a competent engineer, and it is hoped that it can be made to answer for a few years longer. {t is noted with pleasure that the last of the wooden floors, with which, through motives of economy, the Museum was originally provided, have finally given place to a more substantial character of pavement. In antic- ipation of the appropriation made at the last session of Congress for improying the heating system, plans have been prepared for the instal- lation of a pair of more powerful boilers, sufficient for supplying steam to both buildings, whereby it is expected to obtain a more reliable and economical service. The furniture acquired during the year consisted of nine exhibition and 45 storage cases, besides 578 other pieces of furnishings. Additions to the collections.—The new material received embraces 1,470 separate accessions, including about 180,000 specimens, and a census of the collections at the end of the year shows a total of about 4,995,000 specimens now catalogued in the Museum books. The Department of Anthropology has received several collections of interest: From the Indian tribes of the Great Plains and the Interior Basin material of ethnological importance was obtained, consisting of articles of dress, implements, products of industry, and weapons, gathered by Capt. Paul B. Carter,U.S. A. A series of ethnological and archzeolog- ical objects was collected from the Mission Indians of southern California by Mr. Horatio N. Rust, with the special view of aiding the Museum ethnologists in distinguishing between the arts and industries of the Indians belonging to the Shoshonean and Yuman missions, and it therefore becomes a type of southern Californian material already in the Museum. About 150 specimens of costume, implements, utensils, and products of the primitive manufactures of the Chilkat Indians in southeastern Alaska were secured by Lieut. G. T. Emmons, U.S. N., and they have been largely used in preparing lay figures, constituting a family group of this tribe. To students of aboriginal American culture a series of seven facsimile reproductions of ancient Mexican codices, or books, presented by the Duc de Loubat, will furnish valuable information. 56 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. The anthropological department has likewise been enriched by material ' relating to South American tribes. Thus, through the courtesy of Dr. Orville A. Derby, director of the Geographical and Geological Survey of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Rey. W. A. Cook collected for the Museum a large number of ethnological objects from the Bororo Indians of Mato Grosso. These Indians belong to the extended South American family, the Tupi-Guarani, -and their primitive mode of life as well as the picturesqueness of their feather costumes and ornaments give a special importance to the collec- tion, coming from an area hitherto but meagerly represented in the Museum. Material of the same general character was gathered by Prof. J. B. Steere, of Ann Arbor, Mich., from the Pamamary Indians and other tribes about the Upper Purus River in Brazil. The word ‘“Pamamary”? signifies ““berry eaters,’’ and as Professor Steere made a special study of these peo- ple on account of their wild habit of life, the objects have special worth in the series of industrial products. These Indians have not been classi- fied linguistically, but form an outstanding group. Through an exchange with the Field Columbian Museum there was secured a selection from the ethnological material pertaining to the various tribes on the Upper Para- guay River exhibited by Dr. Emil Hassler and the Brazilian Commission at the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893. These are chiefly articles of dress gorgeously decorated with feathers, the savages of that region being very fond of arraying themselves with feathers of most brilliant colors. There are also numerous specimens of textiles. The tribes rep- resented by this large and varied collection are the Apiaca (Tupian), Angaytes, Cadoca (Guaycurian), Cainguas, Chamacoco Brabos, Chama- coco Manos, Cordovas, Cuximanapanas, Guanas (Arawakan), Guaranis (Tupian), Guatos (Tapuyan), Lenguas (Lenguan), Matacos (Matacoan), Omiris, Parecis (Arawakan), and Payaguas (Payaguan). Some interesting ethnological objects from California, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Fiji Islands were secured during the year, including various im- plements and utensils illustrating the early tribes of the Pacific coast; and especially conspicuous among them is a series of obsidian implements of remarkable size and execution. From Miss M. A. Shufeldt, of Morristown, N. J., the Museum has obtained a series of ethnological material from China, Japan, and Korea, associated with historical events in which her father, Admiral Robert W. Shufeldt, U. 8. N., played an important part, many of the vo‘ jects being of considerable extrinsic value as well as of historical interest. Among the objects received during the year from the Philippine Islands may be mentioned those presented by Gen. James M. Bell, U.S. V., which include three pieces of Bicol armor, a signal torch, several spears, bows and arrows, a war club, and a shield. Dr. W. L. Abbott, who for » so many years has enriched the Museum with the results of his extensive explorations in the East, has now contributed a large and varied ethno- logical collection from the Andaman and Nicobar islands, a particular interest attaching to these groups for the reason that the inhabitants, especially those of the Andamans, are among the most primitive of man- kind. These people belong to the ‘‘ Negritos,’’ or small negroids of south- eastern Asia, and are allied to the Semangs of the Malayan peninsula and ee REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 57 the Aetas of the Philippines. Dr. Abbott’s collections are therefore very valuable, since they represent some of the very earliest stages of invention. Two altars in combined Gothic, Renaissance, and Rococo style from a church in Hildesheim, Germany, have been added to the series illustra- ting ecclesiastical art, which it is hoped will be prepared for exhibition before very long. The American history collections haye been considerably increased during the year, perhaps the most noteworthy additions being swords, pistols, medals, spurs, and shoulder straps contributed by Mrs. George W. Morgan as personal memorials of her husband, General Morgan, who received them in recognition of his services in the Mexican and civil wars. Several telegraph instruments and insulators of historic interest were donated by J. H. Bunnell & Co., of New York City, and one of the origi- nal cylinders and other parts of the celebrated locomotive, the ‘‘Stour- bridge Lion,’’ were presented by Mr. G. T. Slade, general manager of the Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad Company. In the division of prehistoric archzeology 281 articles of flint from an ancient Egyptian quarry, presented by Mr. H. W. Seton-Karr, of London, are of special interest as illustrative of the quarrying and stone-shaping art of the primitive Egyptians. The specimens consist entirely of ‘‘reject- age,’’ or partially shaped failures and broken pieces that result from the manufacture of knives and other implements by the flaking processes, and closely resemble the rejectage from American flint quarry sites. A num- ber of Babylonian seals and some inscribed earthenware bowls were acquired durirg the year, many of the seals being rare and of great inter- est, while the inscribed bowls are said to reveal a peculiar phase in the development of religious ideas. Among the accessions of prehistoric objects from localities within the United States may be mentioned as of special interest the stone implements and other relics, principally from Maryland, presented by Mr. J. D. McGuire, of Ellicott City, Maryland, consisting of more than 7,000 specimens, and perhaps the most important collection yet made in the Chesapeake region as the result of the energies of one person. Also there was acquired the Steiner series of more than 18,000 stone implements obtained from an ancient village site on Big Kiokee Creek, Columbia County, Georgia. Mr. Wm. H. Holmes, the head curator of the Department of Anthropology, secured nearly 500 archaeological specimens from an ancient quarry in Union County, Illinois. He describes these objects as representing not only the rejected materials resulting from manufacture, including the vari- ous forms of unfinished and broken implements and the flakage, but also the tools used in quarrying and shaping, and in sharpening the implements used and made. In the Department of Biology several divisions report the receipt of ac- cessions equaling or surpassing in interest and value those of the preceding year. One of the most important accessions was from Dr. W. L. Abbott, and included large numbers of mammals, birds, reptiles, mollusks, insects, and marine inyertebrates from the Natuna Islands, the Mergui Archipel- ago, and the coast of Tringanu, Malay Peninsula. The value of this mate- rial will be appreciated from the fact that as many as twenty new species have already been noted among the mammals alone. The collections of 58 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Dr. E. A. Mearns were also important, being largely from type localities along the Kissimee River and elsewhere in Florida, and comprised 600 birds and 300 mammals, besides birds’ eggs and reptiles, and also a fine series of the skulls and skeletons of the soft-shelled turtle, Platypeltis spinifer. He also contributed a series of the mammals occurring in Rhode Island. Six important lots of marine invertebrates were transferred tothe Museum by the United States Fish Commission, namely: the Ophiurans of the Agassiz- Albatross cruise of 1891 to the Galapagos Islands and the west. coast of Central America; the Japanese crustaceans collected by the Alba- tross in 1900; the corals obtained during the South Sea Expedition of the same vessel in 1899-1900; a collection of crayfishes from West Virginia; the crustaceans and echinoderms obtained by the Princeton University Arctic Expedition of 1899, and the corals gathered in Porto Rican waters by the steamer Fish Hawk in 1899. The Fish Commission has also depos- ited in the Museum the types of the new species of fishes collected on this latter expedition. A valuable series of types of Hawaiian fishes collected by Dr. O. P. Jen- kins, of the Leland Stanford Junior University, and Mr. T. I. Wood, has been contributed by the former, while the university presented an inter- esting collection of Japanese fishes. Oriental shells, representing about 500 species and regarded: as the most interesting addition to the Division of Mollusks, were received from Dr. W. Eastlake, of Tokyo, Japan. A collection of the shells of Haiti and Jamaica, embracing over 200 species, was gathered by Mr. J. B. Hender- son, jr., of Washington, District of Columbia, and Mr. Charles T. Simpson, of the National Museum, Mr. Henderson generously paying the expenses of the trip. Some Naiades from Central and South America were received from Dr. H. von Ihering, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and are of special value as supplying many deficiencies in the Museum collections. The Museum has been fortunate in acquiring the private collection of Mr. Robert Ridgway, curator of the Division of Birds, representing about 1,100 species of North and Central American birds, many of them in the first plumages, and all in an exceedingly fine state of preservation. A rep- resentative series of 56 birds from Singapore has been donated by Mr. C. B. Kloss, and an excellent collection of the nest and eggs of Philippine birds, accompanied in many instances by specimens of the birds them- selves, has been presented by Capt. H. C. Benson, U.S. A. Four Birds of Paradise, including the rare Pteridophora alberti, a species with extraor- dinary plumes, were also secured. Dr. W. L. Ralph has added to his many acts of generosity by donating rare birds’ eggs, including specimens of the eggs of the Everglade Kite and Henslow’s Sparrow. The Division of Insects received several important accessions, the most noteworthy of which includes more than 15,000 specimens of European lepidoptera, a collection which was once the property of the late Dr. O. Hofmann. The National Herbarium has been enriched by the acquisition of the collection of lichens belonging to the late Henry H. Willey, of New Bed- ford, Massachusetts, a well-known specialist in this group of plants; also of collections of 917 plants from Georgia, 617 from Missouri, 500 from REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 59 Florida, and 813 from Mississippi and Florida. Messrs. William Palmer and J. H. Riley, of the National Museum, gathered more than 300 plants in Cuba, while Messrs. C. L. Pollard and W. R. Maxon, attached to the botanical staff of the Museum, secured at least 1,600 specimens in Ala- bama, Georgia, and Tennessee. All the divisions in the Department of Geology have received important additions, the Geological Survey, as in past years, being one of the princi- pal contributors. Among the material transmitted by the Survey was a type series of 386 specimens of asphalt and associated rocks, collected in various parts of the United States by Mr. G. H. Eldridge, as well as some rocks and ores from the Ten Mile District, and Silverton, Pikes Peak, and Cripple Creek quadrangles, Colorado. From the Geological Survey the following valuable collections of fossils have also been received: Three hundred and seventy-five specimens of pre-Cambrian invertebrate fossils, including species figured and described by the Director of the Survey, Dr. Charles D. Walcott, in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America; a collection of 2,370 specimens from the Cambrian, consisting mainly of brachiopods; 2,425 Ordovician fossils from southern Nevada and near El! Paso, Texas, and 114 Silurian and 1,550 Devo- nian specimens from the Helderberg and Oriskany beds of Indian Terri- tory and the higher Devonian of Colorado and New Mexico. A portion of the material last mentioned was described by Dr. George H. Girty in the Nineteenth Annual Report of the Survey. Mention should also be made of the receipt of large collections of Cambrian fossils from Russia, Norway, Sweden, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland, obtained for the Museum by Dr. Walcott and his assistants, Mr. M. Schmalensee and > Mr. S. Ward Loper. Mr. Schuchert, of the National Museum, made extensive collections of Carboniferous, Silurian, and Devonian fossils in New Bruns- wick, the Gaspé region in Quebec, western New York, Maryland, and eastern Pennsylvania. An excellent collection of cephalopod mollusks was acquired during the year, and a remarkably fine slab of crinoid, Uintacrinus socialis, from the Upper Cretaceous of Logan County, Kansas, was presented by Mr. Frank Springer, of Las Vegas, New Mexico. There was also secured the Randall collection containing upward of 3,600 specimens of Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous fossils. A fairly complete skeleton of an adult female mastodon was excavated in Michigan for the Museum. The skull of an Elotherium and other vertebrate fossils from the Bad Lands of Dakota were presented by Dr. J. R. Walker, of the Pine Ridge Agency. A nearly complete, though composite, skeleton of the New Zealand Emeus crassus was purchased, and a series of Moa bones was acquired by exchange from F. W. Hutton, of New Zealand. Several valuable lots of fossil plants were received in exchange. Thus, the University of Kansas transmitted 150 Carboniferous and Permian fossil plants; 173 plants from the Middle and Upper Miocene and the Upper Pliocene of Germany were received from the Natural Science Society of the Museum Senckenberg in Frankfort, and a small series of fossil plants from the Triassic of York County, Pennsylvania, was transmitted by Prof. A. Wanner, of York, Pennsylvania. 60 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. The meteorite collection has been increased by purchase and through exchange more than in any previous year. One of the most important accessions was a stony meteorite weighing 2,049 grams, which fell at Felix, Alabama, in May, 1900. It was collected by Mr. J. W. Coleman and trans- mitted to the Museum by Mr. R. D. Sturtevant, of Augustine, Alabama. Important donations of minerals were as follows: A quantity of Georgia corundum in masses and crystals, by the Inter- national Emery Company, of Chester, Massachusetts; a series of zinc ores and associated minerals from Missouri, by Mr. F. W. Crosby; large speci- mens of mohawkite and domeykite, with native silver, from the Wolverine copper mine, Houghton County, Michigan, by Mr.-Fred Smith; 6 nuggets of platinum from Trinity County, California, by the Welsbach Company, through its president, Mr. W. E. Barrows; a fine large nodule of priceite, by Mr. W. C. Lake, of Harbor, Oregon, and 12 specimens of turquoise and 2 of opal, by Mr. H. P. Petersen, of Washington, District of Columbia. Among other additions was a series of specimens of native silver and cop- per from Houghton County, Michigan, and 3 samples of beach gold from Cape Nome, Alaska. Exploration.—Some of the most important accessions of the year were the results of explorations carried on by members of the Museum staff and by other scientific bureaus of the Government. Mention has already been made of several collections secured in this manner. Mr. W. H. Holmes, head curator of Anthropology, accompanied by Dr. W. A. Phillips, of the Field Columbian Museum, examined the extensive flint quarries in the vicinity of Mill Creek, Union County, Illinois, where he obtained a large number of implements and quarry rejects. In June, 1901, Dr. Walter Hough began investigations in the Pueblo country in conjunction with Mr. Peter G. Gates, of Pasadena, California, intending to continue the work during the entire summer, chiefly at the expense of Mr. Gates, the collections to be divided between him and the National Museum. The collections made by Prof. J. B. Steere, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the Upper Purus River, in Brazil; by Mr. William A. Cook, near the headwaters of the Paraguay River, and by Lieut. G. T. Emmons, U.S. N., in British Columbia and Alaska, have already been referred to. The expeditions to the Philippines by Col. F. F. Hilder, and to Sonora, Mexico, by Mr. W J McGee, both of the Bureau of American Ethnology, for the Government board of the Pan-American Exposition, resulted very successfully, and the material obtained will, it is understood, be transferred to the Museum at the close of the exposition. Dr. Roland Steiner continued his explorations of quarries, workshops, and village sites near Grovetown, Georgia, and at the mouth of Shoulder- bone Creek and on Little Kiokee River, where he procured many thou- sands of specimens, all of which have been deposited in the Museum. During a stay of four months in Florida, Dr. E. A. Mearns, U. 8. A., gave his attention to the collecting of birds and mammals for the Museum. Mammals were also collected in Italy, Sicily, and southern France by Mr. Dane Coolidge, and in the vicinity of Peterboro, New York, by Mr. Gerrit S. Miller, jr. Mr. W. H. Ashmead was detailed in the spring of 1901 to obtain entomological material in the Hawaiian Islands, in conjunction with REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 61 an expedition sent there by the U.S. Fish Commission, and Dr. J. E. Benedict accompanied the Fish Commission steamer Fish Hawk during an exploration of the fishing banks in the Gulf of Mexico opposite Anclote River, Florida. Mr. J. B. Henderson, jr., of Washington, who has on many former occasions manifested his interest in the Museum, made at his own expense a collecting trip to Haiti and Jamaica, taking with him Mr. C. T. Simpson, of the Division of Mollusks. Much valuable mollus- can material was obtained. Messrs. Barton A. Bean and William H. King collected fishes at Key West, Fla. The explorations in Cuba for the Pan-American Exposition, begun in 1900 by Messrs. Palmer and Riley, also of the Museum staff, were completed early in the year. Botanical explorations with interest- ing results were conducted in the Southern States by Messrs. C. L. Pollard and W. R. Maxon. Important accessions through explorations by the Geological Survey have already been alluded to. Mr. F. A. Lucas, of the Museum, and Mr. Alban Stewart visited several localities where mastodon bones had been reported, with the object of securing a skeleton for the Pan-American Exposition. Only a single fairly preserved one was obtained, however, in a locality in southern Michigan. Mr. Charles Schuchert spent consider- able time collecting fossils in Canada, also in the vicinity of Buffalo, N. Y., in Maryland, and in eastern Pennsylvania, the object of his inquiries being to secure data for fixing more definitely the line separating the Silurian and Devonian systems in America. Exchanges.—Much material had been received through the exchange of duplicate specimens with scientific establishments and individuals both at home and abroad. In view of the small amount of money available for purchases, this method of obtaining collections has become of considerable importance, especially with reference to foreign countries, from which gratuitous contributions are rarely to be expected and to which the scien- tific explorations of this Government seldom extend. Transactions of this character were conducted through the year with the following institutions and individuals abroad: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England; Museum of Natural History, Paris, France; Musée de St. Germain, Seine-et-Oise, France; Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark; Museum Senckenberg, Frankfort-on- the-Main, Germany; Royal Zoological and Anthropological-Ethnograph- ical Museum, Dresden, Germany; Geological Institute of Kiel, Germany; Museum of Natural History, Berlin, Germany; Zoological Museum of the University of Upsala, Upsala, Sweden; Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia; Royal Geological Museum, Leiden, Holland; Royal Zoological Museum, Turin, Italy; Royal Botanic Gardens, Sibpur, India; Australian Museugn, Sydney, New South Wales; Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand; National Museum, Montevideo, Uruguay; Museu Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil; National Museum, Mexico, Mexico; Geological Institute, Mexico, Mexico; and with Mr. B. W. Priest, Keepham, England; Mr. W. Kirkaldy, Wimbledon, England; Prof. Henry Balfour, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, England; Mr. Edward Lovett, Croy- don, England; Mr. C. T. Druery, London, England; Prof. M. Gandoger, 62 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Anas (Rhone), Villefranche, France; Mr. E. Andre, Gray (Haute-Saone), France; Dr. Krantz, Bonn, Germany; Dr. E. Schellwien, Provinzial Museum, Konigsberg, Prussia; Dr. Fred. Berwerth, Vienna, Austria; Mr. Carl Wohlgemuth, Bozen, Tyrol, Austria; Prof. W. C. Brégger, Univer- sity of Christiania, Christiania, Norway; Mr. G. van Roon, Rotterdam, Holland; Mr. Paul Narbel, Cour, Lausanne, Switzerland; Dr. I. Comabella, Barcelona, Spain; Mr. W. R. Billings, Ottawa, Canada. Installation. —The crowded condition of the two buildings occupied by the National Museum prevents any extensive advances in connection with either the exhibition or the working collection of specimens. Improve- ments are constantly being made in methods of installation, in labeling, and in the substitution of a better quality of specimens in the display cases wheneyer such are received, but the growth of the Museum in directions apparent to the public and the specialist has come practically to a stand- still. There is room left only for storage. One of the galleries allotted to the Department of Anthropology for exhibition purposes has of necessity been cut off from the public and made into a temporary laboratory. Considerable progress has been made in this department in the preparation of case labels. Some changes have been made in the section of Biblical Antiquities. The collections in the section of American history and certain exhibits in the division of Pre- historic Archeology have been largely rearranged. The South East Range, assigned to the exhibition of reptiles, amphibians, and fishes, has been entirely renovated, a terrazzo floor having been laid and the walls and ceiling appropriately painted. The installation, how- ever, is not yet completed. Casts of fishes now occupy upright cases along the west wall, while the reptiles and amphibians are shown in a series of floor cases with sloping tops. Some South American and Old World species in alcohol will shortly be added. A small series of deep-sea fishes, supple- mented by colored figures, has been placed on exhibition. The exhibit of game birds.in the entrance hall of the Smithsonian building is being entirely reconstructed, so as to illustrate, in groups, the parent and young birds in an environment charaeteristic of their haunts. At the close of the year four such groups had been finished. Owing to the imperfect condition of the cases in which the large regular series of birds is installed, it has been necessary to employ a taxidermist continuously in overhauling the collection, in order to preserve the specimens from deterioration. These cases, Which have been in use for about twenty-five years, are now neither dust nor insect proof. Perhaps the most important, or at least a most interesting work of instal- lation completed during the year, is the Children’s Room, mentioned on a previous page. ' New labels have been prepared for the American mammals occupying the large wall-case on the east side of “the South Hall, and a series of enlarged models, representing the structure of feathers, has been added to the collection in the Division of Comparative Anatomy. The display collections of the Department of Geology were never in a more satisfactory condition than at present, and, except in the Sections of Paleobotany and Vertebrate Paleontology, they are well arranged and REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 63 labeled. There is on hand, howeyer, a very large amount of original material, as represented in the Marsh collection of fossil vertebrates and the Lacoe collection of fossil plants, which requires time for its prepara- tion, but from which the exhibition halls will ultimately receive some of their most novel and interesting features. Publications.—The publications issued during the year comprise the second volume of the Annual Report of the Museum for 1897, the Annual Reports for 1898 and 1899, Volume 22 of the Proceedings, and Part 1 of Special Bulletin No. 4, besides a large number of papers from the Reports and Proceedings printed in separate form. Volume II of the Report for 1897 contains a biographical account of Dr. G. Brown Goode, the late Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- tution in charge of the National Museum, together with reprints of several of his more important papers on museums and on the history of scientific progress in America, and is illustrated with portraits of more than 100 men who have been prominent in the scientific advancement of the country. The Appendix to the Report for 1898 consists of a single paper by the late Prof. E. D. Cope on the crocodilians, lizards, and snakes of North Amer- ica, comprising 1,100 pages of text, with 37 full-page plates and 347 text figures. The Report for 1899 contains five scientific papers based upon collections in the Museum. Volume 22 of the Proceedings includes papers numbered from 1179 to 1205, the Synopsis of the Naiades, by Mr. Charles T. Simpson, being espe- cially worthy of note. Part 1 of Special Bulletin No. 4 is the first of a series of papers on the American Hydroids, by Mr. C. C. Nutting, professor of zoology in the University of Iowa, and was issued early in the fall. It treats of the Plu- mularidee, is in quarto form, and contains 34 plates. Dr. W. L. Ralph has undertaken to continue the extensive work on the Life Histories of North American Birds, begun some years ago by the late Maj. Charles E. Bendire, U. 8. A., and of which two volumes have been printed as Special Bulletins Nos. 1 and 3, and a circular (No. 50) soliciting new and unpublished information on the subject has been prepared and distributed to correspondents. Pan-American Exposition.—At this exposition, which opened at Buffalo on May 1, and will continue until the Ist of November, the three scien- tific departments of the Museum are represented by carefully prepared collections. The exhibit in anthropology is intended to illustrate the native peoples of America from North Greenland to Terra del Fuego. It consists pri- marily of twelve groups of lay figures, each showing the several members of the family of a representative tribe engaged in some characteristic pursuit, and so arranged that in passing from one to the other the visitor may form an intelligent idea of the appearance, condition, and culture of the original inhabitants of the continent. There are also thirteen models illustrating various types of dwellings from the far North to the extreme South, and thirteen series illustrating those activities that seem best calculated to con- vey an idea of the culture status of the races. The exhibit made by the Department of Biology is limited to American 64 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. vertebrates,and includes a number of large characteristic American animals, such as the Kodiak bear, glacier bear, Alaskan moose, white sheep, musk ox, West Indian seal, the condor, bald eagle, boa constrictor, alligator, Galapagos turtle, various large fishes, etc. Many of the specimens were obtained especially for this purpose, andall are exceptionally well prepared. The Department of Geology is represented by a systematic collection of minerals, comprising 735 specimens; collections illustrating cave deposits, concretionary structures, hot springs and geyser deposits, silicified woods, and the rocks and soils of the Hawaiian Islands; a small case of native elements; a collection of 450 specimens illustrating the development and classification of the cephalopod mollusks, and a synoptic collection of cri- noids, including about 300 specimens; a mounted skeleton of the gigantic toothed diver, Hesperornis regalis, from the Cretaceous of Kansas; a life- size restoration of the skeleton of the Cretaceous reptile, Triceratops prorsus, from the Cretaceous of Wyoming, and a life-size restoration of Zeuglodon from the Tertiary of Alabama. In addition there are two cases of bones of the mammoth from Indian Territory and Missouri. Library —The additions to the library during the year numbered 1,038 books, 2,261 pamphlets, and.8,968 parts of periodicals. Respectfully submitted. RicHARD RATHBUN, Assistant Secretary. Mr. S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. Aveust 1, 1901. APPENDIX II. REPORT OF THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. Sir: I have the honor to ask attention to the following report of opera- tions in the Bureau of American Ethnology during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. These operations were conducted in accordance with the act of Congress making provision ‘‘for continuing researches relating to the American Indians under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution,’’ approved June 6, 1900, and with the formal plan submitted on June 9, 1900, and approved by the Secretary on June 19, 1900. The field operations of the regular corps extended into Arizona, Lower California (Mexico), British Columbia, California, Maine, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ontario, Sonora (Mexico), Virginia, and Wis- consin; while special work has been carried forward by agents or tempo- rary collaborators in several additional States, Territories, and provinces. The office work has comprised the collection and preparation of material from most of the States and Territories, as well as from various other parts of the American hemisphere. The researches have been carried forward in accordance with an ethnic system based chiefly on the work of the Bureau, though partly on the observations and determinations of other scientific investigators in this and other countries. The ethnic system developed and adopted in the Bureau is based _pri- marily on the human activities—i. e., on what men do and think—rather than on mere physical features. Proceeding on this basis, the habits and customs of the aborigines receive first attention; and the tribesmen are classed by their languages and dialects, by their forms of social organiza- tion, by their systems of belief and opinion, by their arts and industries; so that the classification affords a means of measuring the susceptibility of the various tribes to civilization, to education, and to arrangement on res- ervations in harmonious groups. The classification is thus essentially practical. The practical tribal classification rests on a definition of the activities discovered among the aborigines and other peoples largely during the past quarter century. The primary activities thus discovered are esthetic; and intimately connected with these are the industrial activities involved in maintenance and welfare. Equally important are the social activities shaping the collective existence of families, clans, tribes, and confedera- cies; and the relations are regulated by linguistic activities, which are highly important and indeed fundamental. Coordinate with these activi- gar 1 00th 65 66 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. ties of arts and industries, laws and languages, are the activities connected with opinion, belief, philosophy—i. e., the sophic activities. On weighing all the factors it has been found that the most convenient classification of tribes is that based primarily on language, as explained in previous reports; and this mode of defining the Indian tribes, first proposed by Gallatin and adopted by the Bureau on its institution, has now come into general use. FIELD RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION. Throughout the first quarter of the year the Director was in Maine, reviewing observations on shell mounds and village sites in connection with the researches in classification noted in other paragraphs; and the work was resumed early in June. Limited collections were made, though the observations and notes on the numerous survivors of the Abnaki Indians proved of much interest and value. An extended exploratory trip was made during the autumn of 1900 by Mr. McGee. Early in October he proceeded to the field for the purpose of completing researches relating to the aborigines of the Serian stock and at the same time carrying forward studies of neighboring tribes. A party was organized at Phoenix, Ariz., and moved southwestward to Gila Bend and thence southward to the international frontier at Santo Domingo. Here the outfit was admitted to Mexican territory through the courtesy of Sefior Don Fernando Leal, at the obliging instance of Senor Don Manuel de Aspiroz, the ambassador from Mexico to the United States. In this vicinity are several settlements of Papago Indians, including some of the Arenefios of early literature and local tradition, and the opportunities for study were seized. From Santo Domingo the party proceeded southward to Caborca and thence westward to the coast of Gulf of California, where the Tepoka Indians (collinguals of the Seri) were reported to live so late as 1894, subsisting on sea food and finding potable water in the lagoons and sand beds at the embouchure of the sand wash variously called Mag- dalena, Santa Ana, Altar, Asuncion, and San Ignacio. On reaching the coast the leader was disappointed to find the tribal remnant entirely gone— probably through extinction, possibly through migration down the coast to Seriland. Traces of the Tepoka habitations still remained, together with shell accumulations and minor relics, corroborating the reports con- cerning the tribe current at Caborca in 1894; and the visit served also to clear up doubtful points connected with the geography and history of the region. Failing thus to attain the primary object of the expedition, Mr. McGee determined to visit the territory of the little-known Cocopa Indians, reputed to live about the head of the gulf, and to this end endeavored to follow the coast northward to the mouth of the Colorado. Finding this entirely impracticable, he returned by a new route to Santo Domingo, collecting useful data concerning the Papago Indians on the way; and from Santo Domingo he proceeded west-northwestward over the old Yuma trail (including a stretch of 90 miles now without water) to Yuma, and thence southward to the Cocopa country. Here valuable collections, notes, and photographs were obtained; and after some weeks the party returned via Yuma and the Gila and Salado valleys to Phoenix, disbanding there on December 20. The party comprised Mr. W J McGee, ethnologist in PLATE V Smithsonian Report, 1901. Pa A oo at eee c U r] } / ! / m4 Sa Sioux FAMILY, lOWA TRIBE. AH-BLOH-COE-WAH-YE (STANDING ON PRAIRIE), ALIAS JOHN GRANT, CHIEF, 1900. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 67 charge, as leader; Mr. DeLancey Gill, artist; Prof. R. H. Forbes, of the Territorial University of Arizona (during part of the trip); Senor Aurelio Mata, a Mexican customs officer sent from the custom-house at Nogales to facilitate the crossing at the international boundary; John J. Carroll, of Tempe, teamster; Jim Moberly, of Tempe, packer; Hugh Norris, of Tucson, Papago interpreter, and Ramon Zapeda, of Tucson, Mexican interpreter. The Bureau was placed under great obligations for free entry of the outfit to the Government of the neighboring Republic through the officials already named, as well as through Sefor Don Eduardo J. Andrade, of Yuma, custodian of the Andrade grant, covering the territory occupied by the Cocopa Indians. On August 11 Mr. James Mooney proceeded to the old Cherokee coun- try in western North Carolina and adjacent territory for the purpose of collecting additional data required for the completion of his series of papers on the Cherokee Indians, and his field operations continued with success until early December. On April 25 he made a reconnoissance trip through eastern North Carolina and Virginia for the purpose of locating remnants of aboriginal tribes still surviving in the wooded and nearly inaccessible districts of that region; he revisited the Pamunkey tribe and discovered considerable remnants of the Chickahominy, Mattaponi, and Nansemond tribes. On his appointment as assistant ethnologist (September 1), Mr. John R. Swanton proceeded to British Columbia to undertake researches among several northwestern tribes. His work proceeded successfully up to the end of the fiscal year, when he was still in the field. On October 1 Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt repaired to the region occupied by the survivors of the Iroquoian tribes in northwestern New York and neighbor- ing portions of Canada, where he began the collection and verification of traditions and cosmogonic legends, and his work continued until about the middle of February, when he returned to the office with valuable collec- tions and records. On April 15 Dr. Frank Russell was appointed as ethnologist and was assigned to duty in Arizona; he immediately proceeded to the field and began an extended reconnoissance of the southern and central portions of the Territory. Outfitting with a team at Tucson, he passed around the northern end of Santa Catalina Mountains and up San Pedro River (visit- ing the caves and pictographs of the Santa Catalina range and the cliff houses of the Galiuro range on the way) to Nugents Pass, where he entered Arayaipa Valley. Here he found an interesting group of cliff houses. Thence he proceeded, by way of Eagle Pass, to Gila Valley, where inter- esting archeologic observations were made. Pushing on southward he traversed the eastern slopes of Chiricahua Mountains and the western slopes of Swisshelm Mountains, and examined the easterly canyons of Huachuca Mountains. Next he traversed portions of the Babacomori, Sonoyta, and San Rafael valleys about the Mexican boundary; thence he returned by new routes to Santa Catalina Mountains and Tucson, arriving about the end of May. In the course of the trip he discovered various ruins hitherto unknown, some of new types. Several of the ruins were surveyed, and limited collections were made. On June 11 he proceeded 68 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. northward from Tucson, crossing the Gila near Florence, skirting the base of Superstition Mountains, and traversing Tonto Valley; a number of cliff houses and other ruins were discovered, but the journey was not com- pleted at the end of the fiscal year. In June an arrangement was effected with Mr. O. P. Phillips and the Armat Moving-Picture Company, under which Mr. Phillips proceeded to New Mexico and Arizona for the purpose of making motion pictures rep- resenting the industries, amusements, and ceremonies of the Pueblo and other tribes, it being anticipated that such pictures would prove of especial service for purposes of immediate research as well as for permanent record The preliminary reports indicate that the work has been successfully initiated. Throughout the fiscal year Dr. Willis E. Everett remained in Alaska, pursuing his avocation of mining engineer, but availing himself of oppor- tunities for observing the native tribes and recording their languages and other activital characteristics. Several reports indicating progress in the collection of such material were received in the course of the year. Dr. Robert Stein, who spent the winter of 1899-1900 on Elsmereland, primarily for purposes of geographic exploration, but incidentally to make search for traces of aboriginal occupancy in the interests of the Bureau, reported via Dundee, through the courtesy of masters of whaling vessels, late in the summer of 1900. He found no traces of Eskimo or other settle- ments in the territory traversed by him, comprising the eastern coast of Elsmereland, and his negative evidence is of service in investigations relating to the distribution and migrations of the Eskimo. At the time of the last report he was preparing to cross Baffin Bay to Upernivik, on the western coast of Greenland, with the expectation of extending his pre- vious observations on prehistoric Eskimo settlements along the unexplored coast. During the autumn Miss Alice C. Fletcher found it necessary to revisit Oklahoma for the purpose of completing the ritual of the Pawnee cere- mony, known as the Hako, of which the greater portion was collected during the last fiscal year. In connection with the collection of this mate- rial she was fortunate in obtaining also much additional information touch- ing the ceremonial and ritualistic life of this highly interesting and little- studied tribe. OFFICE RESEARCH. WORK IN ESTHETOLOGY. In addition to administrative duties in the office and the field work noted, Mr. McGee engaged in researches relating to the primitive symbolism found among the American aborigines and other lowly peoples. Certain symbols are of nearly world-wide distribution, and extend into several stages of culture—e. g., the swastika, or fylfot, appears on all of the conti- nents except Australia, and its culture range extends at least from higher savagery into the lower strata of civilization. Before the extremely wide range of such symbols was ascertained various inquirers were led to regard the swastika as an evidence of cultural identity, and hence of the original REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 69 unity of the peoples among whom they were found; but since they have been observed among highly diverse peoples in different stages of culture and on remote continents this interpretation has been modified or aban- doned in large measure, and students have set themselves to the task of tracing the development of the symbols in particular cases. The recent researches have shown that the symbols of quatern character, like the swastika, express or reflect modes of thought especially characteristic of lower (but not lowest) culture, yet extend well into civilization and enlight- enment. At the same time the researches bring to light such diversities in the nature and applications of the concepts expressed by the symbols as to indicate, if not demonstrate, independent development. Thus, quatern symbols abound among the Papago Indians of Arizona and Sonora, as well as among several neighboring tribes, yet the Papago concept is distinct, as shown by its extension to time as well as space, this extension carrying such archaic features of ritual and ceremony as to indicate increasing inde- pendence of the concept in the generations traced backward. The neigh- boring Zuni Indians have a more highly differentiated concept, e. g., in that their ‘‘ cult of the quarters’’ involves six directions (zenith and nadir in addition to the cardinal points), yet the symbol retains the original quatern form, with two added elements so placed as to destroy the sym- metry of the figure. These instances of diversity in symbol, and still greater diversity in meaning of the symbol (or in the primary concept), might be multiplied almost indefinitely; they merely give some indication of the development of simple Lbf=F quatern symbols and of the complex and protean magma of thought out of which they have been developed by simple processes and in easy steps. Incidentally the examples marshaled by Mr. McGee corroborate and extend the law of activital coincidences for- mulated in an early report of the Bureau; but the applications of the recent study are numerous and useful, especially in their bearing on symbolism in general and on the development of systems of counting. The results of the study are incorporated in the Nineteenth Report in the form of a brief paper entitled ‘‘ Primitive numbers.”’ During the earlier portion of the year Dr. Fewkes arranged for publication a series of graphic representations of the personages composing the Hopi pantheon, together with full descriptions of the pictures and a discussion of characteristic paraphernalia of the personages represented. The representa- tions are in outline and color and well illustrate the early stage in the devel- opment of graphic art reached by the more advanced among the aboriginal tribes; hence they throw strong light on the codices and other pictorial essays of the more southerly tribes, especially those of Mexico, Central America, and Peru. The pictures were executed by a native artist, who was also a priest in the hieratic or sacred organization through which the tribal mythology is maintained, and each picture is a faithful reproduc- tion of ancient representations handed down through many generations. The material has been assigned for publication in the twentieth annual report; the original drawings will be used as copy and will be reproduced in slightly reduced facsimile. The work is deemed an important contri- bution to knowledge of the aborigines in several respects. It illustrates the motives and conventions of aboriginal art in both form and color; it 70 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. reveals the rdle of symbolism in primitive art with remarkable clearness; it illustrates with satisfactory completeness the nature and structure of a typical barbaric pantheon; and since the symbols and conventions (and, indeed, the personages represented) are of great constancy in primitive thought, it affords a series of types available for use in identification and comparison of a wide range of symbolic representations among the Pueblo and other tribes, not only in ceremonies and sacred paraphernalia, but in the decoration of fictile ware, basketry, woven fabrics, ete. Later in the year Dr. Fewkes was occupied with a systematic study of the collections made by him in Arizona and New Mexico during 1896 and 1897, the study being carried forward with special reference to the sym- bolic decoration of the fictile ware. All systematic investigators of the decorative devices used by primitive peoples have been impressed with their constancy, i. e., with the exceeding slowness of modification. They have also been impressed with the dependence of the modification on external forces and conditions rather than on the spontaneous internal factor so prominent in the art of advanced culture. Recognizing these characteristics of primitive art, Dr. Fewkes undertook to define the sym- bolic (or esthetic) types prevailing among the peoples of Walpi, much as a naturalist might define types of animal and vegetal life for the establish- ment of species, genera, and orders, and for tracing the lines of vital development in a distinctive environment. His symbolic types were based on specimens observed among the tribesmen or obtained from sites by their ancestors during the historical period; and he soon found that the types served to indicate what may be termed a ‘‘symbolic province,”’’ i. e., a region throughout which the symbolic devices were similar, but in which they differed essentially from those of other regions. In this way he defined an ethnic district and established standards for the guidance of future investigation and also for the localization of ill-labeled specimens in museums; for many collectors have been content to label specimens of symbolic pottery, ete., ‘‘Arizona,’’ ‘‘ Pueblo region,’’ or by other large and indefinite political or natural divisions, thereby confusing important sym- bolic distinctions and ethnic districts. As his investigations of the symbolic types progressed, Dr. Fewkes became more deeply impressed than any predecessor with the persistence of motives and the regularity of their evolutional lines; and he conceived, in a definite and constructive way, the possibility of tracing prehistoric migrations by means of the decorative symbols, i. e., of employing symbolic devices as prehistoric records, read- ing from them the tale of tribal movements before the coming of Coronado. He conceived the possibility of coordinating the archeologic record as taught by symbols with tribal traditions, and the double advantage of mutual verification between tradition and symbolic record. Proceeding in accordance with these ideas, he obtained from living Hopi traditions of a former residence of their ancestors at a locality which they called Homo- lobi; and by excavatious identified this site and verified the traditions, extending his knowledge of the evolution of the symbolic types; for the Homolobi collections (now in the National Museum) are not only abun- dant in decorated ware, but notably rich in symbols susceptible of inter- pretation. Subsequent exploration brought him to the site of a ruin on Smithsonian Report, 1901 PLATE VI. SHAHAPTIAN FAMILY, NEz PERCE TRIBE. CHIEF JOSEPH, 1900. Pager FS REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 7) Chevlon Creek, where excavation revealed another stage in the same general line of symbolic development, which corroborated the vague and shadowy tradition that Hopi clans once inhabited this site. He later sought a locality noted in the vaguest of all the migration legends still current, and he was gratified by finding near Chavez Pass the archeologic record of this stage in migration inscribed in symbols related to the higher type from the more northerly localities. Beyond this point ruins which mark traditional halting places in migration were not located; beyond it the symbolic development has not yet been traced; but there is good ground for anticipating that when Dr. Fewkes resumes the field he will obtain still earlier records of the prehistoric movements and development of this branch of Pueblo peoples. The work is deemed of much impor- tance as a verification of aboriginal tradition, as a means of verifying other migration legends, and as a most promising introduction to the practical interpretation of history unwittingly recorded in graphic symbols. Inci- dentally, the work corroborates the earlier conclusion reached in the Bureau, that the Pueblo peoples are a-resultant product of Southern cul- ture and Northern blood; yet the significant details throw new light on the entire problem. The report is elaborately illustrated by colored pho- tographs of the ware from the several localities examined; it was practi- cally ready for the press at the close of the fiscal year. WORK IN TECHNOLOGY. The earlier accounts of exploration in the territory occupied by the Cocopa Indians seemed to indicate that the tribesmen occupied the coast of Gulf of California and were of maritime habits; but in the course of the expedition led by Mr. McGee it was definitely ascertained that the folk are essentially agricultural and confined, at least so far as habitations are concerned, to the interior. The industrial condition of the tribe was found to be of much interest. The tribal habitat comprises the Lower Colorado Valley from the international boundary southward to the head of the gulf, together with a few tributary valleys descending from the Cocopa Moun- tains on the west. The main valley is broad and diversified by distribu- taries, or bayous, of which the most important is Hardy River, or ‘‘ Hardy’s Colorado.’’ There are also several fairly permanent basins, filled by the annual floods and slowly evaporated during succeeding months, and the greater part of the broad bottom is swept by the freshets. Within the region lie a number of ‘‘mud volcanoes,’’ apparently analogous to the ‘‘mud lumps’? of the Lower Mississippi, which have attracted much attention by reason of their novelty, though they are quite subordinate to the general features. The entire district affords the closest American parallel to the valley of the Nile, not only in physical conditions, but in the influence of these on human conditions. Like northern Africa, the general region is one of extreme aridity, the rainfall (averaging less than 2 inches yearly during the last quarter century at the typical station of Mammoth Tanks) being negligible; while the habitable district is well watered by annual freshets of remarkable regularity in period and height. These freshets not only flood but fertilize the riparian lowlands; they control directly the local flora and somewhat less directly the local fauna, 12 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. and they regulate the movements, most of the industrial habits, many of the social customs, and much of the mythology of the human popu- lation. During the greater part of the year water is obtainable only from the shrunken river, on whose banks grow most of the seed-bearing and root-yielding plants available as food, so that the people are led to occupy the lower bottom lands. Here the cultivated crop plants are sown in soil soaked by the flood and enriched by its silt deposit, to grow and ripen rapidly under the subtropical sun; here habitations are erected, nat- urally of light and temporary character, and here the small and scattered villages characteristic of the tribe grow up during each late summer and early autumn. The chief crop plants are corn (maize), beans, peas, squashes, and melons, and it is noteworthy that most of these represent the aboriginal plant stocks brought under cultivation in pre-Columbian times. Fishing and hunting the abundant waterfowl, as well as other game, contribute to the tribal subsistence, and during recent years part of the corn, beans, and peas is carried on horseback to Yuma, where it is bartered chiefly for appareling. Early winter is the time for ceremony with the attendant feasting, and by early spring when the greater and less portable part of the annual crop is consumed, the families prepare for the annual migration to the higher lands, where they await the rise and subsidence of the ver- nal flood. On its passing they return to the low grounds, to rebuild and plant on the last year’s farms or elsewhere according to the changes wrought by the freshet or the chance of death and mortuary observance. Naturally an agriculture depending so largely on chance conditions is improvident, comparatively unproductive, and incapable of sustaining any considerable or concentrated population, so that its tendency combines with that of annual migrations to stifle the home sense and to scatter the members of consanguineal groups and thus to affect the social organization. The recur- rent floods also affect the ceremonies and attendant faiths of the tribes- men in various ways; e. g., they control mortuary observances and have undoubtedly led indirectly to the custom of burning the bodies of dece- dents in and with their houses, distributing their property to nonrelatives, and incidentally destroying adjacent houses and other property. This dis- persive social factor combines with that growing directly out of the agri- cultural methods, and not only prevents the development of village life with the concomitant institutions, but perpetually impoverishes the tribe. Thus the Cocopa Indians present an industrial paradox, for while they occupy one of the garden spots of the Western Hemisphere, whose natural freshets might be so utilized as to sustain an enormous population, they subordinate themselves to the environmental conditions and remain one of the poorest and most hopeless of the American tribes. During the earlier part of the year Dr. Albert E. Jenks (then a correspond- ent of the Bureau) revised his memoir on The Wild Rice Gatherers of the Lake Region (in press as part of the Nineteenth Annual Report, as noted in the last report), incorporating some of the results of recent researches. On June 1 he was appointed to the position of assistant ethnologist in the Bureau, and was assigned to work related to his previous researches. He at once took up the subject of birch bark, with the aboriginal industries depending on this natural commodity of a considerable fraction of the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 73 North American continent. One of the most important products of the birch-bark industry is the canoe; and this, like other industrial products of consequence, exerted a powerful influence on the lives of the producers. Through one of those harmonies of nature on which the progréss of man- kind so largely depends, much of the birch-bearing region of North America (a zone stretching from Maine to Washington State and Alaska, and extending from below the Great Lakes nearly to the treeless Arctic) is also the region of late Pleistocene glaciation, and hence of glacial lakes, swamps, and labyrinthine streams; so that throughout the period of abo- riginal development an ideal canoe material coexisted with illimitable functions for the canoe in the way of travel and transportation. Under the natural combination, joined to native intelligence and skill, the lakes and streams became routes of passage, and by reason of the lightness and strength of the material, and the lowness and narrowness of the ice-molded divides, portages were easy, so that the routes passed from lake to lake, river to river, and drainage system to drainage system, practically across the continent. Under the stimulus of facility the birch-canoe makers became travelers and explorers; energetic hunters and fishermen explorcd new waters and carried tribal knowledge into new regions; ambitious scions struck out into the remoter wilderness to make conquest over the unknown and often to establish families and clans, and eventually tribes, in new localities; so that in course of time the paddlers of the light canoe carried their kindred, their dialects, their faiths over the greater part of the vast region defined by the birch tree and the glacial waterways. Most of the canoe men belong to the Algonquian stock, most of the remainder to the Athapascan stock; and the recent researches render it clear that their water craft was a leading factor in determining their wide distribu- tion, their success in making conquest of the continent up to the plane of aboriginal standards. The detail results of the work are in preparation for an early report. In tracing the joint lines of migration and esthetic development noted in other paragraphs Dr. Fewkes became impressed with the fact that among the ancestors of the Hopi Indians the esthetic standards were much more permanent than the industrial standards. Throughout the entire course retraced by his researches—a course covering several distinct treks, alter- nating with periods of stable settlement, the whole covering some centu- ries—the symbolic devices inscribed on the fictile ware remained constant or underwent only slight and easily traceable modifications, while at each successive settlement new materials were utilized in the pottery making, the manufacturing processes and the final forms of the ware being manifestly adjusted to the character of the material. The discovery that the indus- trial activities (which directly measure the conjustment of man and environment) are the most progressive of the entire series is not, of course, novel; still less is it novel to learn that the especially conservative esthetic concepts, which are at once hereditary and prophetic, as shown by Groos, outlive whole generations of contemporaneous industrial concepts; yet the example is notably apposite and instructive, largely by reason of the free- dom of the folk from external interference, with the consequent simplicity and integrity of the record. The details are incorporated in Dr. Fewkes’s report on operations of 1896-97. 74 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. In the course of his reconnoissance of central and southern Arizona Dr. Frank Russell gave especial attention to the architectural features of the ruins, and defined a number of types, of which one or two are new to southwestern archeology. The work was still in progress at the close of the fiscal year. WORK IN SOCIOLOGY. A portion of the year was employed by the Director in reviewing the abundant data in the Bureau archives relating to aboriginal institutions, and in systemizing the principles of sociology in the light of these data. One of the lines of inquiry, rendered important not only by inherent interest but by current problems growing out of the recent expansion of the territory of the United States, relates to slavery among the primitive peoples, and the researches render it clear that the relationships so desig- nated vary widely with intellectual plane or culture grade—indeed, the social subordination of lower culture is so unlike the slavery of civilization that the application of the same designation to both institutions is quite misleading. In the slavery of civilization the slaves are not only aliens but chattels, whose personal ownership is definitely established and main- tained through laws relating to tenure, bequest, conveyance, etc., but in savage society, in which personal proprietary rights are inchoate or non- existent, in which the tenure inheres practically or absolutely in the group, in which bequest is hardly, if at all, recognized, and in which thrift sense is lacking and property sense involved with mythic factors, such slavery is simply impossible. True, there are many recorded in- stances of slavery among lower tribes, but most of these rest on casual or superficial observation, or on other testimony stopping short of inquiry into the precise nature of the relations between the supposed slaveholders and the supposed slaves, while the convenience of the common term for the expression of social inequality has contributed to mislead recorders and (still more seriously) readers. To understand the so-called slavery of savagery it is necessary to grasp the mode of social organization charac- teristic of that culture grade. As shown chiefly through the researches among the American aborigines, such organization is based primarily on consanguinity (actual or imputed), and secondarily on age; and the rela- tions growing out of these factors are kept constantly in the mind of every member of each clan and tribe by habitual forms of address. So the con- stituent individuals of a given clan are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and these relationships are constantly indicated in salutations, and even in ordinary conversation (the precise relationship to the speaker being commonly expressed also by a pronomi- nal element). At the same time it is constantly borne in mind that father and son, mother and daughter, are not coordinate, the former being the superior by reason of greater age; similarly brethren are classed as elder brothers and younger brothers, while the female kindred of the same generation are classed as elder sisters and younger sisters, and the elder are always deemed superior, the younger inferior, in rank. By simple and practical extension of the system, the relative ages of all persons in the clan are kept in mind; and since, according to the universal usage of REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 75 savagery (so far as known), superior age confers authority, there is a practically simple, though theoretically complex, regimentation running through the entire clan, whereby the eldest person commands all and obeys none, while the youngest person obeys all and commands none, and each other person is entitled to command and bound to obey in the direct proportion of relative age. This regimentation is complicated by various factors, such as adoption, and (especially) what may be called promotion and demotion, 1. e., advancement in ‘‘age’’ (rank) by common consent in recognition of prowess, ete., with correlative reduction in ‘‘age’’ as the penalty for cowardice, etc., so that the actual age relations may be com- pletely lost; yet the imputed relationship serves practical purposes, and the organization is maintained with unimpaired efficiency by means of relationship terms. The same system is extended from the clan to the tribe, in which the several clans are ranked in the order of ‘‘age”’ (of course imputed), and eventually to the tribes united in confederacies; so that at last the system reaches every member of the tribal confederacy and each is entitled to command or bound to obey any other according to the relationship expressed in the form of salutation and constantly kept alive in conversation. True, uncertainties and differences of opinion may arise, especially between the remoter individuals and groups; commonly these are settled by more or less prolonged deliberation and discussion, or *council,”’ though some of the bloodiest wars of Indian history grew out of such misunderstandings; yet even the appeal to force and arms but serves as a means of settlement of the dispute, for the conquerors thereby become the elder and the conquered the younger in primitive thought. So, too, when stranger tribes meet, both are constrained by universal tribal law, and proceed to council or war, as the case may be, for the pur- pose of fixing the relative ‘‘age,’’ with the consequent right of command, and in some cases the question may remain open for centuries (as between the Apache and the Papago) and lead to interminable warfare. Now, the conquered tribe may merely retire from the field of dispute, leaving what both conceive to be the verdict of superhuman potencies beyond reach of continuous execution; but if the contestants are actually related, or if the conquest is complete, they commonly remain in association, the survivors of the conquered families being absorbed or more formally adopted into the conquering tribe, and perhaps distributed among the families of that tribe, whereupon all the captives become subordinate to each and all of the conquerers, to whom thenceforth they owe obedience. Commonly it is this condition of obedience on the part of a certain class or group to the commands of another class or group which impresses observers and leads to the records of slavery among primitive folk, though the institution involves no ownership of human chattels, no rights or duties save those connected with a system of rank correlated with relative age, actual or imputed. The institution might better be styled wholesale adoption, or collective adoption, than slavery. Among the American aborigines the captives, or adoptees, are usually assigned an ‘‘age’’ corre- sponding with the time of their entry into the tribe, so that they are com- pelled thereafter to obey all children then living, and are entitled to com- mand all children subsequently born into the tribe, and there is thus a 76 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. fixed way whereby they attain in time the rank of the conquerors. More- over, the method of promotion permits any ‘‘slave’’ (i. e., captive-junior) to attain ‘‘age’’ by the display of prowess, industry, skill, generosity, or other attributes appealing to the sentiments of primitivemen. Among cer- tain other peoples, the custom of collective adoption appears to be so modi- fied that the captives remain juniors not only to members of the captor tribe born anterior to the captivity, but to all others, and it is this modi- fied institution which matures in actual slavery with the development of property-sense; but even in this case there are (at least in the early stages) devices for the manumission or liberation of, or the acquisition of rank by, captives (or captive-descendants) of exceptional abilities. The several primitive customs grade into the institution of slavery proper in ways which are of much interest, but which need not now be followed; it suf- fices to emphasize the important distinction between the captive subordi- nation of primitive peoples and the real slavery of some civilized nations. In the course of his researches among the Cocopa Indians Mr. McGee discovered several industrial factors of dispersive tendency, i. e., factors tending to weaken home ties and family bonds and to scatter the families and clans; and naturally these factors are reflected in the social organiza- tion. The tribe is now distributed over an area of several thousand square miles, extending from the international boundary on the north to the head of salt water (of Gulf of California) on the south, and from the eastern border of the Colorado bottom to the base of Cocopa Mountains; and within this area are seven subtribes, of which some, and perhaps all, are really clans, each organized under a subchief and all definitely united under a head chief, the present incumbent of this office being a man of parts, an orator of ability, and a leader of much shrewdness, commonly known as Pablo Colorado. Now, naturally (and necessarily for the maintenance of tribal integrity) the dispersive factors are counteracted and balanced by connective factors; and while it is probable that some of these remain undiscovered, a few others of no small significance were detected by Mr. McGee. As already mentioned, the mortuary observances include sacri- fice of all the immediate belongings of decedents, for immediately after the death of a tribesman his personal possessions—horse, saddle, weapons, implements, apparel, grain and other food stuffs, bedding, dogs, ete.— become public and are distributed among nonrelatives in the order of arrival, while any unclaimed residue is burned with the body and house. Several social consequences attend this industrially improvident proce- dure. In the first place, the largess is an incentive to maintaining connec- tion between the scattered families and clans and to lively (albeit morbid) interest in the state of health of invalids, thrifty producers, and other members of the tribe; again, the actual mortuary distribution brings together scattered tribesmen and their families and unites their interests in ceremonies of affecting if not imposing character; and finally the mate- rial sacrifice commonly leaves dependents (widows, children, and perhaps agelings) to be supported by the informal public bounty of tribal life, or perhaps to be distributed among scattered families in such manner as to strengthen sentiments of communality and to keep alive the sense of com- munity in interests. This factor is prominent in the customs of the tribe, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. vere and its influence is direct and easily traceable. A less direct factor of sim- ilar tendency is found in the marital custom, or rather in the observances preceding and preparing the way for marriage. The girls’ puberty feast is, indeed, one of the most imposing and widely heralded of the tribal ceremonies; commonly it brings together representatives of all the subtribes or clans; and the proceedings are conducted with extreme formality and dramatic impressiveness. The principal ceremony lasts through a night. following a day of preparation and followed by another day of final feast- ing, accompanied by games, etc. The central episode is the temporary burial of the novitiate; a shallow pit is excavated, and in this a fire is made, as fora fish bake; after the earth is thoroughly warmed the remaining fuel and coals are removed, the girl is placed in the pit and buried to the neck with the earth thrown out in making the excavation; there she spends the night, and in the morning is extricated and brought before the assembled tribesmen as a woman; and commonly a match is made with a repre- sentative of some more or less remote branch of the tribe. Through the ceremony community of thought is maintained in most effective fashion, and through the resulting union family sentiments are united to the extent that a common consequence of marriage is the breaking of a new path, often many miles in length, through the luxurious herbage of the annually flooded bottom land. The formal organization of the Cocopa tribe is in large measure esoteric, so that it can be ascertained fully only after pro- longed and intimate acquaintance with the tribesmen, but the preliminary investigation serves to show that the field of inquiry is one of promise. In his comparative study of myths, Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt has found various references to social customs of such sort as to indicate clearly cer- tain archaic institutions of the Iroquoian Indians. Thus the Onondaga legends illumine the legislative and executive customs of the tribe, and, while ostensibly giving traditional warrant for the customs, they really picture a somewhat earlier stage in the development of institutions than that found by the Caucasian pioneers. In this tribe all matters of public policy, especially the selection of chiefs and the discontinuance of war, were first considered by the elder women in fairly definite clan councils. Their conclusions were formally communicated to a male spokesman, usually the elder brother (actual or putative) of the elder woman, and by this spokesman, with others of similar character from the other clans, the opinions of the mothers were brought before the exclusively masculine tribal council for debate and final decision. In this way the women sitting in clan council constituted the primary legislative body, while their broth- ers sitting in tribal council formed a senate or final legislative body whose decisions were binding on the executives of clans and tribes; so that the social organization may be classed as adelphiarchal (like that of the Seri Indians described in earlier reports) in principle, though largely patri- archal in detail. As among the Seri, too, the maternal features of the legislation were paralleled by recognition of large maternal rights in material possessions—e. g., throughout the Iroquoian tribes the control or nominal ownership of lands was in the women as the collective and _per- petual mothers of the tribe. These and other points of general interest are set forth fully in Mr. Hewitt’s memoir, which has been assigned to the Twenty-first Annual Report. 78 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. WORK IN PHILOLOGY. Throughout a considerable part of the year the Director was occupied in developing and applying the system of linguistic classification foreshad- owed in the last report. Primarily, languages are devices for the expres- sion of thought; secondarily, they are mechanisms for shaping thought. The simplest languages are emotional and largely demonstrative, compris- ing not only articulate vocal utterances, but inarticulate sounds, gestures, facial expressions, etc., and these spontaneous expressions of feeling and thought grow into the four leading lines of linguistic development. The simplest of these is gesture language (or sign language), which arises largely in pantomime, but matures under favorable conditions in highly complex systems such as those investigated by the late Colonel Mallery and more recently by Maj. H. L. Scott (whose studies were unfortunately interrupted by the Spanish-American war). A far more important line of linguistic development is that of oral speech, and the activities of expression have been so long and so vigorously exercised in this line as to have developed a series of special organs differing widely in refinement of function and delicacy of structure from those of lower animals. By means of these organs the speaking animal, Man, makes mastery of sound, which is created at will and reduced to vocables, notes, sentences, in such manner as to convey ideas of the utmost complexity with hardly perceptible loss of meaning; and with the development of words and sentences lexicology and grammar arise, while etymology and sematology gradually acquire importance. The third line of linguistic development is that of written language, which first involved manual adaptation, together with a revolu- tion in mode of thought, and afterward involved the invention of that long series of mechanical devices now forming the sign and measure of higher intellectuality. The last line of linguistic development is that represented by characters expressing quantitative values; it may be styled logistic lan- guage. Although based primarily on the rich records of aboriginal Amer- ican languages preserved in the archives of the Bureau, the system of linguistic classification has been shaped by extended comparisons with the various languages of Europe and Asia, together with some of those of Australia, Africa, and Polynesia. The system has been freely discussed with students and has been published in preliminary form for the purpose of eliciting further suggestion and criticism; it is expected that the matter will be incorporated in full in an early report. In connection with the linguistic classification, the Director has con- tinued to study the recorded languages of the Mexican and Central Amer- ican tribes, with a view to the classification of these tribes by linguistic affinities in a manner corresponding to that already adopted for the Ameri- can tribes north of Mexico (and published in the Seventh Annual Report). In this work he had the constant assistance of Dr. Cyrus Thomas, whose familiarity with the literature of the southern districts of North America proved invaluable. Before the end of the year a preliminary classifica- tion was made and mapped; but it is deemed unwise to submit the matter for publication pending reexamination of various critical points. It has been the good fortune of the Bureau to see the classification and mapping REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 79 of the tribes north of Mexico adopted widely, and it is naturally desired that the continuation of the work southward shall be equally worthy of acceptance. Dr. Albert 8. Gatschet continued the arrangement of the comparative Algonquian vocabulary, and also carried forward his analysis of the com- plex structure of the Peoria ‘language. In both directions his progress was considerable and his results of much value, not only as an aid in for- mulating the linguistic classification above described, but to the collabo- rators of the Bureau and students generally. Dr. Franz Boas continued the arrangement of linguistic material for publication at intervals throughout the year. In addition, he revised the proofs of his memoir entitled ‘“‘ Kathlamet Texts,’’ submitted just before the close of the last fiscal year and transmitted for publication in bulletin form early in the present year. By reason of the highly technical character of the matter, composition was necessarily slow and proof reading laborious; but the matter is now all in type. The Natick Dictionary, compiled from the Eliot Indian Bible by the late James Hammond Trumbull (noted in the last report), is still in the printer’s hands, though nearly ready for publication. In connection with the collection of Iroquoian myths, Mr. Hewitt has continued recording the vocables and working out the grammatic structure of the languages spoken by several Iroquoian tribes. Some of the results of the work will appear in his memoir on comparative mythology now practically ready for the press; others are in condition for incorporation in future reports. As already noted, Mr. John R. Swanton spent the entire year in collect- ing linguistic material in British Columbia. The languages of this district give promise of special importance in their bearing on questions of tribal migrations and intertribal relations. Mr. Swanton has not yet taken up the preparation of his material for publication. : The work on the Diccionario de Motul, described in the last report, is still under way. A considerable portion of the manuscript in Maya and Spanish was transcribed by Miss Jessie E. Thomas during the year, and Senior Andonaro Molina, of Merida, Yucatan, is engaged in furnishing an English translation and in extending the vocabulary through personal acquaintance with the Maya tongue. WORK IN SOPHIOLOGY. As indicated by the contents of previous reports, the Director has for some years been engaged in developing a system of anthropologie classifi- cation designed primarily to serve as a basis for the researches in the Bureau, though it is hoped that the system will be of use to the students of the Science of Man throughout the world. It was through the partial development of this system that recognition was led first to discrimination of the human activities and later to the definition of the five groups of activities observed in the researches and described in recent reports. During the last five years several of the groups or categories of activities have been formulated and characterized with some degree of fullness. The treatment began with the arts, or esthetic activities, and proceeded to the sO REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. industries, or technical activities, and thence to the institutions expressing social activities. During the past year the characterization was extended to languages, or the activities designed for expression, as already set forth, and toward the end of the year the last and most complex of the activital groups, i. e., the sophic activities involved in opinion, together with myth, faith, and the more refined and ennobling products of mentation, was taken up. Fair progress was.made in the analytical work, and it is antici- pated that definite results will be reported at an early day. During his Southwestern expedition Mr. McGee found opportunity to witness certain ceremonies of the Yaki Indians, which were of interest partly because the tribe has been little studied, partly by reason of the prominence of zoic motives in the vocalization and instrumentation, as well as in the gestures and movements of the ceremonial dance. In por- tions of the ceremony each actor impersonated an animal. He worea head- dress (not extended into a mask, as among more northerly tribes) consisting of a scalp, with ears, horns, and other appendages of the animal kind, and leggings abundantly decorated with claws or hoofs of the same animal. He carried a rattle or flute, used to imitate the voice of the tutelary or the sound of its movements, while he imitated its notes of alarm, fright, pain, and pleasure with his own voice, and mimicked its corresponding move- ments; yet in other parts of the ceremony the same actors passed by care- fully graded stages into the strictly conventional movements of a dance involving collective action of considerable complexity. Briefly, the cere- mony seemed to be characterized by a remarkable combination of symbolic and conventional features, indicating an exceptional range from the primi- tive impersonation to the formal figures and movements attending moder- ately advanced culture. Mr. James Mooney continued his researches relating to the mythology of the Cherokee Indians, making good progress in the collection of additional material in the field, as well as in the extension of compari- sons between the myths of the Cherokee and those of other tribes and peoples. The application of comparative study to primitive mythlogy is proving highly instructive and useful. In the infancy of ethnologic research students were frequently struck by the discovery of activital parallels, or similarities, among more or less remote peoples, and were led thereby to infer previous contact, or even closer relationship, between the peoples; but as study progressed and new parallels were discovered, even among the remotest peoples of the earth, the verity of the inference came to be questioned, and finally the law of activital coincidences was formulated as a convenient generalization of the facts connected with independent development of devices produced in the constant adjust- ment of the intelligent organism to its environment. At first the law of activital coincidences rested chiefly on industrial artifacts; then it was found to have equal support in the esthetic products of various peoples; next it was found to have still stronger and more direct support in institu- tions, i. e., in the devices and features of social organization; while certain features of language were found also to indicate the extent and efficiency of coincidental interaction between mind and nature in shaping the activitat REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. $1 products. Hitherto most investigators of mythology have been content with discrete studies and explorations, or, at most, with exoteric parallels. Accordingly many of them have stopped with the inference of former contact or kinship on which the students of industrial artifacts rested a quarter century ago, i. e., their studies were such as to bring out resem- blances among the mythic systems examined, but not such as to detect and properly emphasize the essential differences. Now, Mr. Mooney’s comparisons, although not exhaustive, are sufficiently general to permit discrimination of the exoteric coincidences from esoteric motives in the myths. Accordingly they clear the way for the application of the law of activital coincidences to primitive mythology, if not to sophiology in gen- eral. The greater part of the material completed for publication has been incorporated in the memoir on ‘‘ Myths of the Cherokee,’’ mentioned in the last report. Another comparative study of myths has been carried forward by Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt; and this investigation is noteworthy in that the compari- sons are confined to a limited group of confederated tribes (of the Iro- quoian stock) and in that the features compared are in exceptional degree esoteric. The myths were obtained at first hand and carefully recorded and yerified in the aboriginal terminology, after which literal and free translations were made, so that each chapter of the work is at once a linguistic record and the best obtainable version of the ancient traditions. Now, it is noteworthy that most of the similarities found thus among the several Iroquoian myths are rather external than internal, rather superfi- cial than essential, and, concordantly, that the more important differences are primarily internal, i. e., more directly connected with concept and motive than with ritual andemblem. The voluminous material was prac- tically ready for the press at the close of the fiscal year and has been assigned to the Twentieth Annual Report. During the closing months of the year Dr. Fewkes was employed in summarizing his own observations and those of others in the Pueblo region, with the object of presenting an outline of Pueblo mythology. As noted in earlier reports, the Pueblo region is arid, and hence infertile and harsh as an environment for human inhabitants, and the harshness of environment is curiously reflected in highly differentiated beliefs and cere- monies, so that the Pueblo region as a whole may, perhaps, be regarded as a sophie province, i. e., a province defined by a distinctively typical series of myths and faiths. (Good progress was made in the work, which was not, however, completed at the close of the fiscal year. In addition to the inquiries connected with the classification of the languages of Mexico and Central America, Dr. Cyrus Thomas gave con- tinued attention to the hieroglyphic records of the inscriptions and sculp- tures of Yucatan and interior Mexico, materially supplementing and extending his paper on calendric systems, now in type asa part of the Nineteenth Annual Report. He made some progress also in the prepara- tion of a final memoir on the codices. Although seriously handicapped by ill health, Mrs. Matilda Coxe Ste- venson continued the preparation of her memoir on the ceremonies and sm 1901-———6 82 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. myths of the Zufii Indians. A portion of the manuscript was submitted for editorial revision in May, and the remaining chapters were reported as nearing completion at the end of the fiscal year. As noted in the last report, an exceedingly valuable acquisition was made through Miss Alice C. Fletcher in the form of the Pawnee ritual known as the Hako; but on arranging the material for printing certain breaks were found which seemed of such importance as to warrant post- ponement of publication pending further efforts in the field to complete the ritual. Accordingly Miss Fletcher revisited Oklahoma, and afterward brought her principal informant to Washington, where the record was finally completed. The ritual is remarkable for extent and completeness, for the clear light which it throws on archaic customs and beliefs, and for the systematic and harmonious development of the musical and terpsicho- rean features. The original record was obtained by aid of the grapho- phone, and this record was then written in words and musical notation, and afterward verified by repetition. On the whole the ritual is one of the most complete ever acquired by the Bureau, and is in every way worthy to be regarded as a type of aboriginal ritualistic production. The final arrangement of the material was nearly complete at the close of the fiscal year, when the work was interrupted by Miss Fletcher’s temporary absence from the city. DESCRIPTIVE ETHNOLOGY. During the earlier portion of the year Mr. F. W. Hodge continued the preparation of the Cyclopedia of Native Tribes in connection with edi- torial work, his progress in both lines being highly satisfactory. On January 31 he resigned his connection with the Bureau to accept a posi- tion in the office of the Secretary. The Cyclopedia material was then turned over to Mr. Mooney, who has made some pregress in preparing it for publication. During the earlier months of the year Col. F. F. Hilder was, by tem- porary transfer, engaged in making collections in the Philippine Islands under the auspices of the Government Board of the Pan-American Expo- sition. After his return he resumed his duties as ethnologic translator and continued the transcription, translation, and annotation of an early Jesuit manuscript history of Texas, obtained through the instrumentality of the Bureau, but now preserved in the Library of Congress. The sketch was found rich in important ethnologic data, and the anonymous author was identified by Colonel Hilder, through collateral information, as Padre Morfi. The work was nearly completed when brought to a premature end by the sudden death of Colonel Hilder on January 21. COLLECTIONS. As usual, the several collaborators engaged in field operations made more or less extensive collections for purposes of study and for ultimate transfer to the U. S. National Museum. The largest collection of the sort was made by Mr. McGee among the Cocopa Indians. It comprised domestic utensils of wood, stone, and clay; several bows with arrows; war weap- ons; complete suits of women’s apparel; cradles; decorative and symbolic REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 83 objects of shell and bone; flutes, rattles, etc., together with the chief veg- etal food products used by the tribe, the collection being sufficiently complete to permit the construction of one or more life-size groups. The most elaborate war weapon is of interest in that it is designed to serve at once as standard and spear and in that the sharpened point for the latter use is at the inner end of the shaft, so that the weapon illustrates the cen- tripetal movement of lowest culture rather than the centrifugal arm movement characteristic of advanced culture. Smaller collections were made by Mr. Mooney among the Cherokee Indians, by Mr. Hewitt among the Iroquoian Indians of Canada, and by Dr. Russell in Arizona. A num- ber of collections were obtained also by purchase under the more imme- diate direction of the Secretary. Among these may be mentioned the Steiner collection of stone implements from Georgia, which comprises a large number of types and of which a portion was obtained during the last fiscal year. Another collection of special note was obtained from Maj. H. N. Rust, of Pasadena, Cal. It comprises several types and numerous examples representing the stone artifacts of southern California. Advan- tage was taken also of the opportunity to acquire a number of the remark- ably faithful Indian portraits executed by Mr. J. H. Sharp, of Cincinnati. A particularly instructive collection of obsidian blades (including the largest known specimen) was also obtained during the year through Mr. Nathan Joseph, of San Francisco, while a few particularly fine pieces of aboriginal Alaskan workmanship were obtained from Lieut. G. T. Emmons. eae. 3 Peles ore dl (Greenland2=..-. 2522 7a RE 2 INZOTES rece cee 5 14 TOU MGxaCO Hesse en a: oe 140 138 278 BGM 2 ine eee nese se sete if 1 || Newfoundland ...... 12 17, 29 British East Africa -. 0 1 St. Pierre-Miquelon. . 2 2 4 Canary Islands ...--. ie Resear 1 || United States........ 2,996 | 5,153 8, 149 Cape Colony.....:... 40 71 111 |} West Indies: Cape Verde Islands. .|...--- 5 5 Ampuillay see ersleel een 1 1 MEV pt oe seca seats 27 51 78 ANTIEUR - cee 5 1 9 French Kongo: s: 2c. -|s----2 1 1 Bahamas........ 2, 10 12 Gam piasits Seasaoee sefce aes 2 2 Barbados........ 9 10 19 GoldiCcestiees =e sseeeee ee 2 2 Bermuda........ 4 13 17 Gorée-Dakar 8-3. SalGe ae 3 3 Buen Ayre. 225s see 1 1 Kongo Free State. ...|.....-. 3 3 (Qiullat: heeegmee tins ee ee 42 81 123 Paes) sath. oe eee 2 1 3 CUERCHO 2. eee 1 4 5 hiberia oe. ea 2 5 7 Pominica = 2252. 2 7 9 Lourenco-Marquez ..|....... 2 2 Grenada... 222... 2 5 7 Madagascar .....-..- 2 7 9 Guadeloupe..... 2 5 if Madeira 22252 c2e5 oes 3 3 6 j S02 i eee ener ge hes 6 16 22 Manmitiusts 22245. 2. 11 7 18 JVamiaiGae. coe 13 32 45 IMOKGRCOE* e: - ooae ase econ 10 10 Martinique.....- 2 5 7 Mozambique /os..--ccieece ose 1 1 Montserraty--osa|peeeees 2 2 Nittalenc tence easter 13 15 28 Nevises Ps. ac eealseeetee 1 1 Orange Free State...|....... 1 1 Porto Rico.2 =---- 4 10 14 Remmionee Scales Deets 2 St. Bartholomew |....... 2 2 SiHelenai.i. a2. 355. 2 2 4 St. Christopher .-. 1 4 .5 Sierra Leone ........ 1 4 St Croix oe 1 2 3 South African Re- | StBustativis2 ao csreceesis 1 1 puelie fees Fee by iret aa 23 St.Martin .......|...-... 2 2 SREAG Soros Seats gene, abS 6 7 13 Stabucia wae sensy- 2 4 6 FRZADAD, eet tac sc oe cette se 6 6 St. Thomas ....-. 1 3 4 AMERICA (NORTH). St. Vincent ....-. 1 a 3 Santo Domingo. . 2 10 12 Camadassscte.e. ce: - 257 463 720 PObaEOS 2 ee ale 1 1 Central America: Trinidad ........ 4} u 25 British Honduras Bi 7 10 | Tires tel ania 9 5 7 Costa Rica......- 25 31 56 Guatemala ...... 40 53 SP ee Ee (SOUTH). Honduras .....-. 9 27 36 || Argentina ..........- 128] 119 247 Nicaragua.....:-. 12 35 47 |) BOLLV Le rte oon ne csi eters 16 11 27 San Salvador.... 14 11 2B oH" Breizal iy ce Sie ora s 115 136 251 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 95 Number of correspondents of the International Exchange Service in each country on June 80, 1901—Continued. Sountry AMERICA (SOUTH)— continued. Colombia’... 55554 Dutch Guiana....-.. MeUROOL: 62.5052 55. Falkland Islands.... Uruguay Venezuela........... British North Borneo Galepesee--- 5: << 2-... Cyprus Philippine Islands .. Portuguese India.... MaMawalls so 2205.25. . Straits Settlements .. STEEN; fe: Raney Seaeae menue AUSTRALASIA. New South Wales.... New Zealand ........ Queensland South Australia CORRESPONDENTS. Libra-| Yidu- | Total. als. 14 9 23 76 80 156 32 47 79 3 2 5 13 20 33 ieee 6 6 1 2 3 14 9 23 36 58 94 39| 25 64 32 39 71 See 7 7 eee 1 1 ee 7 Bt anaths 1 1 eS 1 1 21 1 32 41 82 123 rT pe 4 spect: age) 3 eee 1 1 if ae 2 7 20 27 198 | 183 381 | 119 | 282 401 17 27 44 1 6 7 see 1 i 3 8 ul 9 13 22, | spain | nese ey 1 do \ece Se 1 4 15 19 10 12 22 Bele a 3 3 s0| . 113 193 69 84 153 33 46 79 40| 62 102 ; CORRESPONDENTS. CASE Seite) ae: | Total als. AUSTRALASIA—Con- tinued. Tasmania: fs se2.<.- 16 17 33 VACtOTIA sho eacee occ 86 117 203 || Westerp Australia... 16 22 38 EUROPE. Anrstrig-uasns oe oaciosie 665 920 1, 585 Belsinme see 314 354 | 668 Bulgaria: 295 lessees 13 14 27 Denmark: -< ssocacta- 102 152 254 Hraneee sO esosces 1, 559 | 1,340 3, 399 Germany se. sseces 2,234 | 2,990 | 5,224 Gibraltanees. aaeees | eae 4 | 4 Great Britain........ 1,872 | 3,887 | 5,759 Greece 22-25. 38 36 74 WkGelamadl. -=2* sets See ot 16 8 24 tauliy 22 asee5-8 = | 751 759 1,510 Luxemburg ........- | 9 ° 3 12 Malitans, io. csstess | 8 | 12 20 Netherlands......... 184 244 428 NOL Wa yee och oS 118 123 241 Portugal 26 ess.tass 98 70 168 Roumania:: 2. -.5-<5: 30 55 85 Rissiaeees eee oe | 442] 690] 1,132 Secele ieee sata lie Ole 1S 32 PpaMe=-oo~ 3S. A | 162 161 323 SWEGGD cca. 22 as-is | 165 289 454 Switzerland ......... | 316 508 | 824 Turkeys -< 221255 deees 33 | 70 103 POLYNESIA. | Bismarek Archipel- | BRO Es eee ao alow sos te 1 1 Hiji islands 325.60 | 1 | 3 4 Hawaiian Islands ... 23 40 63 Marshall Islands ....!}...-..- 1 1 New Caledonia......|...---- 2 2 New Hebrides....... ay BSResee 1 BB UNON ace = sere eiimeretsias | atetar ae ol 5 5 JUNG Mies SA Bore Ia Loe ie 3 SGPT PA os Sates tare enteral nein ora / 2, 2 International ......- SAallisa ies 34 Totalee aoe 14,291 [21,414 | 35,705 96 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. EXCHANGE OF GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. The following table shows the number of packages forwarded and _re- ceived by the several branches of this Government during the year. By comparison with the last report it will be observed that there has been a slight increase in the number of packages transmitted abroad and an increase of 5 per cent in the number of packages received. The contribu- tions credited to the Library of Congress were forwarded in accordance with the act of Congress approved March 2, 1867. Statement of Government exchanges during the year 1899-1900. Name of bureau. American Historical Associ- Astrophyical Obseryatory.. -- Auditor for the State and other Departments, Treas- ury Department Board on Geographic UINGHITTA Ge er ala arc fororarale attore? terns Bureau of American Eth- Bureau of American Repub- MOS woes jose alse aetna ee Bureau of Education Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Bureau of the Mint........-. Bureau of Navigation Bureau of Statistics, Treas- ury Department: ...-....-.. 1 Bureau of Steam. Engineer- ing, Navy Department Gensus Office: sco. ok i 5sc23h 2 Civil Service Commission... . Coast and Geodetic Survey. ..| Commissioners of the Dis- | trict of Columbia Comptroller of the Currency... Department of Agriculture...) Department of the Interior... Department of Justice Department of Labor..-...--.. Department of State........- | Entomological Commission. .) Fish Commission General Land Office Geological Survey Packages. Packages. a Sent Name of bureau. Be Sent for— for— Hydrographic Office.....-..- AGSe) 2c Bets 8 20 || Interstate Commerce Com- 6 5 MISSION, So eae aes eee 19 297 Isthmian Canal Commission.}....--- 1 Library of Congress....--..-- 7,015 | 24,370 eeEe 843 || Life-Saving Service....-...-.. 3 104 Light-House Board ......-..- 4 115 cee ohne 208 || Marine-Hospital Service..... 14 104 National Academy of Sci- 224 | 1,320 OCNCCSS soe s Gewese ee ane as 88 36 National Museum ...-.....--- 316 | 3,029 10 13 || National Zoological Park ... G2. aeees oo ae Nautical Almanac Office .... 34 161 Naval Observatory --...-..--- 138 675 Dia Navy Department ....-...--. 21 1 11 397 || Office of the Chief of Engi- 14 18 TIC OMS % oe tie entie winwinim =i =i 29 124 Office of Indian Affairs....-. 6 | Serene 71 | 4,360 | Ordnance Office, War De- THEI ct or re shiniane eooeaeia are e Zu lense tena fGen oe as ‘Patent: OMmce ca: 2a scenes eee k 102 | 1,253 LOY hea fees ae President of the United On ce Ne Sstetesnoay i cciede dae nen Ose erat 103 828 || Record and Pension Office, War Department... 2... 2:| 5. -2-4- 162 2 13 || Senate of the United States -|...-.-- 1 5 11 || Smithsonian Institution... 2,147 | 4,157 1, 096 5 || Superintendent of Docu- 23 560 MENTS ene eae oe ee ees at 134 Sal ee Surgeon-General’s Office 37 96 (Amy) seers eat eee 159 290 13 10 || Treasury Department ....-.-- 6 8 Zap gees War Department .........--- 62 151 85 327 || Weather Bureau ....-..-.--. 129 | 1,186 Pieces Total eesesne esasee 12,904 | 49, 410 602 | 4, 062 a REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 97 RELATIVE INTERCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS BETWEEN TH UNITED STATES AND OTHER COUNTRIES. Following is a comparative statement of exchange transmissions by pack- ages between the United States and other countries during the years 1900 and 1901: Comparative statement of packages received for transmission through the Inter- national Exchange Service during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1900 and June 30, 1901. 1900. 1901. Country. Packages. Packages. For— From— For— From— JL SCETSEDY So, Ale etic, es or ec ge Ar 96 8 | 118 74 CSP ECELED vcs Et oe eae ei A et ope a Se ea ee a | bil Reo e cee PRP TIEN eet eine on ae oe eins is Soe a See (3) loon eoeeaes | (Al peooee eee OAD DI Wes ee Se a eee Seer BAP Ae Sea 2), |Sooseoeans Diilesasaemeee OM TSE HACER go 2 ga RRS el ee 3, 127 308 | 2,374 392 PREMIERE PUNE ALi earns Sooo coos eile cima Sa cc OG 4,387 2,125 | 4,531 2,518 LO NE ee SOS RE eS Reet Gi Bi serereerer acai 1 PY Re Sareea PRAIA IS Pree iroe Scr actos S58 /n)-to etme shia Sea see Ol baiaieeecneters 1G eee eee US SISM OGL ONS Se axel toe lege ee a ya AE RSs RS A 7 aL, AN | 3) a ee VEL RD (DET oo Sigh SS a ete a ee ee 2,148 1, 564 | 2,301 1, 792 RAE RDNRINOLA SES cos rman oy pS Soe dake va ae Se Seat Dil seems see DD es eee ‘so LO pad 3 Se a ae Sere eh a ne a TAN et see cee | for eee RCS Mee ese te PS St eR na eA Mees Sa ILE cre cei ctsc|la ea cteree De Reese 1) ay ol aay ee 1,385 | 803 | 1,440 715 lol StS ee oe eek ane 2,479 1,396 | 2,532 706 TELA IST OWT 03 00g 9] Oe a a 1 1 | 4S eteree acer EELUULSTS. CHOIETI Gi Sap aren peed cette gee 5 ea pa 5) I ee eee 57 1 BIN Oe ONG MTAS feet nS. 2f oe Set SOL oe se Oillest 5-256 1D ee seer S800) PENT lag! ete Ree pee age etl ee SO tee er 63 1 |} 72 88 LE TEEN TESA Ea 0 Ss A ee ee (RR ES con Gill erts some e «ELLEN EST SS is SSIS eA Rm en a gee De ra 1 La eee "CURIDYEN (CHO GN OA sO lear I tenet ee 210 8 274 1 EGG, NN STPOUEY TINE eV FS) ctl CS Chr oh cp Ue a el regen Qi eee as ‘ULETRL GTO BOSAL eo ter Seo a ae =e Re CR Mee era DON loescceecee | IIT Die a NE NS oe 1, 106 211 1,090 1 MRAILA eS ee eta a ts ee ee 2 et eer 238 173 249 141 (Lio SV TD ATES lee Se ea pa ave ee eee omen era ae ee 704 14 G5 Beeeee eer RINE Lal CHAe hehe tees te eee Sed on 1 wert Se 922 478 784 673 NIUE eater ie ee Se phe 9 wis ate, aistetamiers Saino aah 196 22 233 25 LUDINTETD EOE by AE Bee iene a ane ear eari eae ieabae eee Ue oeenase IA ase erect Ae BOGUS ea Sao oe Sane ao eee ene eelan eos NL PS erate A) ae mee Ne JU DEE TT ENT Roe BES eye er ae es oy See 1, 067 266 1,054 186 PEC C ee ae ee See eo heme PAS sala wets oe v6 | eats Oe Dy face ia ates eee LOWTAN ELEY CR OIE PETS RE aaa Mise eae Sire see ER eee qi Rates oa Gh Wen 22 aro sta ss ETUC ue Sete ee 2 eta aloe seine aja Eee, wi sie cee ocala a= Thal aaerosamicts iia \eiigetete ee OEE 23.5 cope GaSe See eno Se ae een ane 7 eeeeeoeed HOS S| eeesecuce EMIS AS. a eyes nee cok cet ec moc mase ast (eee, ee By aeetacian so LOOT USHE TGR SE Foot Aaa eee ee Fol eee oe Ciibseeasaeee sm 1901——7 98 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Comparative statement of packages received for transmission through the Inter- national Exchange Service, etc.— Continued. 1900. i901. Country. Packages, Packages. For— From— For— From— OTM OS) she 30%. Soo ee Ee ee ee TE eee tia ey DN pceeciee ae rane ok Se aN ee ee ae ee | 7,178] 3,458| 8,037 2, 525 Hrench CochimiChinass sen. sees Sete ee ee Hg ee et abl terse coee 28 He Ta HG AULA Ne dap ee Se oo oiredaw ic see Se Pera | ee ee oe eee L|Hescestte (SELIART eee oe. ota Sk oy, Ce ere er ee ed ea 12,576 6,139 14, 868 8, 265 Goibralitor cesses ecco es sce ace nee een aie Qilse Rew oeele ose see See (Gus eiat: 10 bo), Beat nae ei eee mr meta he. Se | Gil Ro Same ae 4 De saa Great Britain’and Ireland’--:2+2-2-2..-.-o2--- =e | 10,843 8,950 | 12,394 8, 606 (OW eLer hte ee A Se eer er ee Ree eri Sian eee. | DOBTAlnns se aeae (So) Dl eg meng pares | (Co Sera Nia Ol pee es ae Se ea eee ee Si Dy | aeanic tetas oe (eee ae Om ate (GILG C LODE Re ie ue see Se oo Dee weeee cs [Sal [geet at JEN Mov babs L ps Seek ae ed a GREE is eae een, Se ae aU 7.1 a Reed 129. ener (SEBLT CON So AE RS Reread a ate ess Se eee So ene gen 3 i epee 2 ERATE iS 5 Soe ne eh Re ec ac ere ee Doel eee aoe ote DLO eno erteee Hiawallam telsmis. ies es et sent ee eee eel 71 8 Od oe cae ROM eras eee Ree ee FIN 41 267 51 2} PION EKONE eased RS Ses eek baie wee Soe S2A see eee ena (Os Sano Rete TCola nd ts cee eee Sete ee oe See ee 35 1 44 1 Ta Se aoe ee seer ha eta tees ee eke eee Bete 5 eae 1,371 154 1,410 159 LC Rie ee A ae Se SRE et 3, 862 992 4, 340 1, 275 HAc5 03 1h GS ee pee pre RE Rie e Ae en eg Ee Ae be! TGs serous OO! Seo seseere iNT ea ake tae aoe ace ee ee ee 1, 394 20 1, 533 18 2) ee SP Rel a ee i A Oe al PS Rt fa 151 124 203 144 WROTE A aoe ean etka ioe oes Nace ee aa eee ee ee OR eS eon 204} inameseeNe TOON src eee aa Dane 3 Beets Se Oe del] Eine catenin Steinteni=s «al eee eee OUDCRIB) cise ee aa iag Mes. tee oe ne See mee ee BAe [Predera no C7 Ae es YR Se HUREMIDERL see ae ae nar Pe Rete cis ores OO) |'-s/secte cers 20 ‘Loe ener MEGA ASCaIr esti 52th es one ts eee pee cs Oe ea ee 5 DY Wea ee ee roe 2 TACs sae a ok ese Sa Sonne oe epee 1 aseeee: Oi |set-eaeee Malian 72 Se Se ee ee ca ee ee 23 | 2 MaTtiOIG Ue <2 scence enon ene. saeco ase Beemer Stree Mauritius ........ ae ya ews ee bes Ae Se ee BT | zt cses AP lax seictena at Memo: ce 3:22 3s 5 Se Sas ec es ee ee | 1, 641 4, 099 1,719 3,720 MOnCONe STO 2s. voces ase ee nee ae see Ds etor eee Sl oo cect Sesame Mromtsenrate sen tec cce ne st turner pee eee Perea S (Roses ol ees BOTOC COs 7. os ce es Sets nee asin cee oe ae ee fi Soee teers ye Bons NFA bene ie piar eho oes cts ee cere oe eee ae ene ee 46 5 58 3 Netherlands’. 2.2.52 .eace. sos cee eee ee 1, 662 583 1, 847 723 ING@VIN weet ee eda aces ou. dees Sc ache state wales woe RE SORES [oreo ameAa se dh | eesemc tee IVE WTO COLOUEL © «0-2 Fc So = me He eee oe a eeecie itera: oratcte ata | eet eee [eee eee Newiotmmdlamte 202.0007. 205. See eco ae eee 37 lal eee 7H il Benes INGIWRELODTICOR Ss =. 2 oe LL Sa Sh eee ee ees a ie ree reese) erry eerie | RRR he New SOUUHRW ALE i i... 553225 Fe Sete eee eee 1,390 360 1, 534 229 New Zealandrssrn se sess-soros aes eae eee 834 5 821 12 Ni carats SEE. sen aaeee ean ne science clameaeeer Die scioeeeecins | See NOT Way soe Sc ee ee ee oe oe SES 1,237 383 1, 292 999 IPATAPURY tniocc. cere coon Memon tas eee sites ee ieee 39 13 73 40 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 99 Comparative statement of packages received for transmission through the Inter- national Exchange Service, etc.—Continued. 1900. 1901. Country. Packages. Packages. For— | From—- For— From— TA EIRSIO apicillonrei ee a ite Ene Bee eon ene renee 22 ee 20) |casec- ce “2 Lee ee er 724 | 25 723 15 ipippine Talands 6.00. bbs 2s. ise. sh e.5-.: Det deeb aaa Gill: ee eee OOS RA CORE 32 ans eee ee hee Se ED 10 | ee Sa eee AG dee A LECT TVET en Shai ae ee ee 912 | ee ar oe O14 2 ee (SYTUECETTES CG |e ee Se a ge fo el ees otis aL Te a oe es ae RSs TE Ue as ee in AAS atte Vi lene ee (31 eee oes Le) eiCi Tea y oe See OO eo een ae ee eee 189 101 175 87 PUSSIES Sie Sire eS le ons Ss areas as ee 2, 951 779 3, 213 2 ott Simbaribolomew s-:2.s-.2<--s--5--- ee sew re es IE Fe, ca =r en BARE Pt SUNT) 2 See Se See Cee eee a pI |e ers Be Nese eee Sih, IDA SRT Go. CG ped nace beg ee COR Aree a Rees eters! (Seer s am Ibe epee Je he i LBPEUCIT OAL ee ee ee a en 74 AS aren iis) ae See SUS oe See oe ar eee LS eae oe cere Sale eee ee Sti, IAS 3p perigee ee ai oat ame eR | jis eee id VaR ah PIAeITe RNG) MIGUCLONM =. 22. cs paseo -c ee ee eee meebo ee ok | See wee PUPERIOIN AS mel tf re want Se Ae Se i sek adotee = Ai eese secete Ze Sees Sie VY LITLE Fe Se vIn ear es Sylsaoae eee Bert ote ee SSULTERET 1, od econ eee ans ec ey Se UE Bene oe 1 IS 3 eee ae BSAA ENC on eons oe SAE RS Saco Se Sule ctere ee VME Er ‘SEDIEIAG: TDYOOTTUIAVaVk See 2 Ae one eects a ne Ca | Wal Pe omcne Ohl pate saeeee ‘SEY PSEA SG U0) ee a eee 53 | 24 77 7 ema Meee e aN a Tee eh a et tack 26 | 1 Settee ears puumnenere Pantene Pads fh 2 ae Sf Va yh ie eatea Balt ede Better etl Craet oe ee Se See Oe ete ease se eae 0 AR eee 2 1 OCI ty ISIAMIAS! 2. o-oo to nosis ads seece Sues ee a le Ree AGS ott sss SonrbrAtrican Republic. - 2522: . 22... -.2.5-2 2.225 594 | 104 GOA eee eee DOHONEA Sinaia, fecp ian 2 beatee id bogeys Ione: 781 39 764 92 SIDE EY alt he LO SEES, Seer era ae ee ee Ue) EI eee Sats ae fT 2a he we LIES We LUEMENTS 325 = nooo on ook n= weenie = G4 ste: 46 it SSPE Ue ein ea ee ck ears nee ene ee Ate RS Ana CS eee) SAPD 3 Ss eee ain ee poe ssessek 1,916 493 1,909 292 SAGDIG ee Ee ee ee ee eee ye 2,120 726 2,431 686 Oe ne eee ee ee She os he eel oa 2 een ee | PA Al ep OTTAWA SEERA ats Seah ae ane ene eel ee pale a dae | 644 2 691 2 TYE AS Ai eee eS ee ee eee A Ree oid Tfl (ee et et 1B geet eye rAd es ee ees so oe ok eae Viel eartee, ee GOs tsetse ETERS Ae Sea ee eee Ie 1 ss ie oe 15 | 1 BRURICG Vieni cscs wp: Seno aCe ree ee Suess G20) eae eee | SON Sato: SUNT Gia 6 a ee ae ee eae ee Cae by ee eee 6 | BAe TURGEON ee oars se ne Se ere ee eee tte oh | 28,625 76, 264 31, 367 | 81,310 MUSE TSE OS ect ea reas no a a 817 116 817 129 \WASTELETA ELS Ds a oon a ee ge a es SP eB 699 1 660522225. 2 IRE LOTER Aeneas Sea eee asia! NS SL eee ey 1,101 517 1,190 312 NWR PAUIStrali a soe22 otek ere rote EE ed ove FAS, Ua heehee | 656 335 16 AWA BY: TES Sy oe ine = oe fp Dike dete as DB |eatace es 100 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. The following is a list of the Smithsonian correspondents acting as dis- tributing agents, or receiving publications for transmission to the United States, and of countries receiving regularly exchanges through the Insti- tution: Algeria. (See France.) Angola. (See Portugal. ) Argentina: Museo Nacional, Buenos Ayres. Austria: K. K. Statistische Central-Commission, Wien. Azores. (See Portugal. ) Belgium: Commission Belge des Echanges Internationaux, Brussels. Bolivia: Oficina Nacional de Inmigracién, Estadistica y Propaganda Geo- grafica, La Paz. Brazil: Bibliotheca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. British Colonies: Crown Agents for the Colonies, London, England. British Guiana. (See British Colonies. ) British Honduras. (See British Colonies. ) Bulgaria: Dr. Paul Leverkithn, Sofia. Canada: Packages sent by mail. Canary Islands. (See Spain.) Cape Colony: Superintendent of the Stationery Department, Cape Town. Chile: Universidad de Chile, Santiago. China. (Shipments suspended for the present. ) Colombia: Biblioteca Nacional, Bogota. Costa Rica: Oficino de Depdésito, Reparto y Canje Internacional, San José. Cuba: Dr. Vicente de la Guardia, Habana. Denmark: Kong. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Copenhagen. Dutch Guiana: Surinaamsche Koloniale Bibliotheek, Paramaribo. Ecuador: Biblioteca Nacional, Quito. East India: India Store Department, India Office, London. Egypt: Société Khédiviale de Géographie, Cairo. Fiji Islands. (See British Colonies. ) France: Bureau Francais des Echanges Internationaux, Paris. Friendly Islands: Packages sent by mail. Germany: Dr. Felix Fliigel, Wilhelmstrasse 14, Leipzig-Gohlis. Gold Coast. (See British Colonies. ) Great Britain and Ireland: William Wesley & Son, 28 Essex street, Strand, London, England. Greece: Prof. R. B. Richardson, Director, American School of Classical Studies, Athens. Greenland. (See Denmark. ) Guadeloupe. (See France. ) Guatemala: Instituto Nacionai de Guatemala, Guatemala. Guinea. (See Portugal. ) Haiti: Secrétaire d’ Etat des Relations Extérieures, Port au Prince. Hawaiian Islands: Foreign Office, Honolulu. Honduras: Biblioteca Nacional, Tegucigalpa. Hungary: Dr. Joseph von Kordésy, ‘‘ Redoute,’’ Budapest. Iceland. (See Denmark.) Italy: Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele, Rome. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 101 Jamaica. (See British Colonies. ) Java. (See Netherlands. ) Korea: Packages sent by mail. Leeward Islands. (See British Colonies. ) Liberia: Care of American Colonization Society, Washington, District of Columbia. Luxemburg. (See Germany. ) Madagascar. (See France. ) Madeira. (See Portugal.) Malta. (See British Colonies. ) Mauritius. (See British Colonies. ) Mexico: Packages sent by mail. Mozambique. (See Portugal. ) Natal: Agent-General for Natal, London, England. Netherlands: Bureau Scientifique Central Néerlandais, Den Helder. New Guinea. (See Netherlands. ) New Hebrides: Packages sent by mail. Newfoundland: Packages sent by mail. New South Wales: Government Board for International Exchanges, Sydney. New Zealand: Colonial Museum, Wellington. Nicaragua: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Managua. Norway: Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitet, Christiania. Paraguay: Care Consul-General of Paraguay, Washington, District of Columbia. Persia. (See Russia. ) Peru: Biblioteca Nacional, Lima. Philippine Islands: Packages sent by mail. Portugal: Bibliotheca Nacional, Lisbon. Queensland: Chief Secretary’s Office, Brisbane. Roumania. (See Germany. ) Russia: Commission Russe des Echanges Internationaux, Bibliothéque Impériale Publique, St. Petersburg. Saint Helena. (See British Colonies. ) Santo Domingo: Packages sent by mail. San Salvador: Museo Nacional, San Salvador. Servia. (See Germany.) Siam: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, New York. South African Republic: William Wesley & Son, 28 Essex street, Strand, London. South Australia: Astronomical Observatory, Adelaide. Spain: Oficina para el Canje de Publicaciones Oficiales, Cientificas y Literarias. Seecion de Propiedad Intelectual del Ministerio de Fomento, Madrid. Straits Settlements. (See British Colonies. ) Sumatra. (See Netherlands.) Syria: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, New York. Sweden: Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien, Stockholm. Switzerland: Bibliotheque Fédérale, Berne. 102 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Tasmania: Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. Trinidad. (See British Colonies. ) . Tunis. (See France.) Turkey: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Boston, Massachusetts. Turks Islands. (See British Colonies. ) Uruguay: Oficina de Depdésito, Reparto y Canje Internacional, Montevideo. Venezuela: Biblioteca Nacional, Caracas. Victoria: Public Library, Museum, and National Gallery, Melbourne. Western Australia: Victoria Public Library, Perth. Zanzibar: Packages sent by mail. The distribution of exchanges to foreign countries was made in 1,757 cases, 282 of which contained official documents for authorized deposito- ries, and the contents of 1,475 cases consisted of Government and other publications for miscellaneous correspondents. Of the latter class of exchanges the number of cases sent to each country is given below. Avo ential. cass osc eee Se 30)| New South Wales. -—- 222 2:22) lo PNUIS LEIA eh eee eae pe eee 644 Netherlands +5.--s2e2-- eeee 40 1 SYST 0 1 a ee es a 49'| 4 Ay by t Gaal ea ae as Pernt ee a PLate VIII. Smithsonian Report, 1901. YounG BULL Moose, NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 109 Gasoline engine and dynamo.—In the course of certain improvements made at the United States National Museum, it was found that one of the gas engines there used could be dispensed with. It was transferred to the park and adapted for the use of gasoline. The dynamo connected with this engine was also transferred to the park. It will be employed for run- ning lathes and other necessary machinery in the blacksmith and carpen- ter shop. The total cost of this installation was $300. Several important accessions have been made to the collection during the year. Among these are a pair of young lions from Somaliland, Africa, pre- sented by Mr. R. A. Gross, a merchant of Aden; also a pair of young leopards, presented by the Hon. E. 8. Cunningham, United States consul at Aden, Arabia. Other animals are expected from this region, but native uprisings in that neighborhood have doubtless prevented further collec- tions. From Mr. Perry M. De Leon, the United States consul-general at Guaya- quil, was received a kinkajou and acoati mondi. Four sloths sent by him unfortunately died en route. Two Sitka deer, one of which died en route, were presented by Capt. Ferdinand Westdahl, of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. From Miss Helen Hatfield, the daughter of Col. Charles A. P. Hatfield, U.S. A., of Puerto Principe, Cuba, several valuable birds were received, among which were two flamingos, a roseate spoonbill, and an ibis. Two Cuban deer were received from Miss Hatfield and Miss Challie Evans. A Liberian eagle was presented by Mr. James R. Spurgeon, United States secretary of legation at Monrovia, Liberia. Mr. EK. H. Plumacher, United States consul at Maracaibo, sent a large crocodile. Through some defect of dentition the animal was unable to eat, and died not long after its arrival. Mr. Solomon Berliner, United States consul at Teneriffe, sent some Lanzarotte pigeons. Four Newfoundland caribou were purchased through the good offices of Mr. Martin J. Carter, the United States consul at St. Johns. < ene dere nae oer pa 1 || Cashmere goat (Capra hircus)......- 6 Malbrouck monkey (Cercopithecus Nylghai (Bosclaphus tragocamelus) .. 9 CYMORUI UE) amo an oe acne nae 1 || Indian antelope (Antilope cervicapra) 2 Green monkey (Cercopithecus calli- Sambur deer (Cervus aristotelis) ...... 1 DUCTED) teow on ) UPUNUS) - «soo e = oa eaten nnn se naa ee 1) Cama (Aucheniaglama).....-....--- 6 Moore macaque ( Macacus maurus). - 1 South American tapir ( Tapirusamer- Black ape (Cynopithecus niger) ....-- if hush eke 1 Black spider-monkey (Ateles ater)... a Indian eiephant ( Elephas indicus)... 1 Apella monkey (Cebus apella)....... 1 || Crested agouti (Dasyprocta cristata) . Capuchin (Cebus capucinus).......-- 4 Hairy-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta Cebus, undetermined ..............- 1 prymholopia). 2. ct eee 1 Lion (Felisileo)).-. «--w-0ae ns -s eee 5 Azara’s agouti (Dasyprocta azare)... 2 Tiger (Felis tigris).....--..--.+--+--- “ Acouchy ( Dasyprocta acouchy)....--- 5 Leopard (Felis pardus) -.--<---=----- 3 Golden agouti (Dasyprocta aquti) ...- 2 Spotted hyena (Hyxna crocuta) ..... 1 Albino rat (Mus rattus)......---.---- 5 Wolt hound = tea 0e noo ea 2 Crested porcupine ( Hystria cristata) - 3 Sh Ce a 1 |! Guinea pig ( Cavia porcellus).......-- 14 POINGET ....---- 22+ 2- se eee sence ence e ee a English rabbit (Lepus cuniculus)...-. 17 Chesapeake Bay dog ........-......- : Six-banded armadillo ( Dasypus sea- Bedlingtomterrierss= 222.4-0-scee 1 Viriehigh 3 tee he eee 1 Smooth-coated fox terrier..........- 3 Great gray kangaroo (Macropus Wire-haired fox ternens2-f seeks 1 Gidantenay tsi ee ee eee 3 Eskimo dog...-..-.-..---+-2++2+5 2-45 3) Brush-tailed rock kangaroo (Petro- Mongoose (Herpestes mungo) .--.--..- 1 gale penicillata)..........2..0.00++ 9 Tayra (Galictis barbara) ..........-.- 1 Ped coatimundi (Nasua rufa).....-.- 2 a Crab-eating raccoon (Procyon can- Road runner (Geococcyx california- CHIVOTG) Beet ten faite oa = ein daeee 2 MUUS) |, initia cee a eee tae se cee en alee eee 3 Sun bear ( Ursus malayanus).....-...- 1 || Sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua Sloth bear (Meluwrsus labiatus) ......- 1 GULAritO) kee MeeeSCreae eo eee eee 1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 113 Animals in National Zoological Park June 30, 1901—Continued. Num- Name. Har Name. oles BIRDS—continued. BIRDS—continued. Leadbeater’s cockatoo( Cacatwalead- Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo (2 2) eS ES ORAS EERO NOD 1 | SV ETAUS) enters cinco Sam cietitale oe 2 Roseate cockatoo (Cacatua roseica- Pea fowl (Pavo cristatus) .....---.--- 26 FELTON Sees ee A Sa Sn ee 5 || Valley partridge (Callipepla califor- Yellow and blue macaw (Ara ara- HUCOMAULCOLD) oe ocean ele ae 5 US ANS A RS BO SEE PSOE 2 || Mountain partridge ( Oreortyx pictus) . 1 Red and yellow and blue macaw Sandhill crane (Grus mexicana)...-. 3 (LON (COTE) ee Re a ee eS 2 || Whooping crane (Grus americana) .-. il Red and blue macaw (Ara chlorop- Green heron (Ardea virescens) ...---- 2 REVED Pree a ania co aictor ae claeesiacss ee Ae 1 | Little blue heron (Ardea coerulea) -.. 1 Green paroquet (Conurus sp.)...-.--- | 2 || Great blue heron (4 rdea herodias) .. 8 Carolina paroquet (Conurus caroli- | Black-crowned night heron (Nyeti- fa PE as a ee | 3 corax nycticorax N#VIUS) ...-..----- 3 Yellow-naped amazon (Amazona | Scarlet ibis (Guara rubra).......---- 1 PEUETOTOUROLY) ctacinss Sees ses Sao Se eels 1 || White ibis (Guara alba) ....---.----- 2 White-fronted amazon (Amazona | Boatbill (Cochlearius cochlearius) - --. 1 PPUCEECDROIDN oo =<. 220 slo dinne « ees 3 || Roseate spoonbill (Ajaja ajaja) ....- 1 Double yellow-head (Amazona ora- American flamingo (Pha@nicopterus DIRE EN fe a Saw Saray oie a wists eS wsinie SSE 3 TALOCT es setae eee aoe aieltine ieee eines 2 Mealy amazon (Amazona farinosa) .. 1 |, Trumpeter swan (Olor buccinator) ... 3 Great horned owl ( Bubo virginianus) - 12 Whistling swan (Olor columbianus). - 1 Barred owl (Syrniwm nebulosum)....- 7 |; Mute swan (Cygnus gibbus).......--- 2 Barn owl (Strix pratincola) ........-- ; 4 || Brant (Branta bernicla) ......-.....-- 2 Bald eagle ( Halixetus leucocephalus) -| 11 | Canada goose ( Branta canadensis) -. 6 Harpy eagle ( Thrasxtus harpyia) .... 1 | Hutchins’s goose ( Branta canadensis Golden eagle (Aquila chrysztos) ...-- 2 Wtichinstt): ns. 222<2atse~sss<2sceees 1 Crowned hawk-eagle (Spizaétus cor- | Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides)..... 5 US eee a= ae bees cece shoes = | 1 | Mandarin duck (Dendronessa galer- Red-tailed hawk (Buteo borealis)... .| 8 VOUMULM) ine ae ce nes oh emeloeenesicciss 11 Sharp-shinned hawk ( Accipiter velox), 1 ePintadl (Dayle acutw)\- <3 --. -..2 ec 2 acto ee 2 116 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. List of accessions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901—Continued. ANIMALS PRESENTED—Continued. Se E Name. Donor. Num- Sharp-nosed crocodile. --..... E. H. Plumacher, United States Consul, Maracaibo, if Venezuela. AM gator es. soc Sl ses ses GC. As Niel) Washington; DIG. 24 Oo. < eee eee 2 1D 5 TAS SR a et Muas.'Calders; Washineton! DiC 2-22 a eS eee 1 TDYey oe ie Oh Willis Lanier, Washington, D.C .....--..------------ 1 DOF col secs ces ee ewance eee Capt. John Shaw, Washington, D.C..........-......- 1 Painted box tortoise ......--. JobniE Britts; Clintons Mors. f <5 3. 2 eel is) Three-toed box tortoise .....|..... doitss Al2e ag ree OS A Tee Ne PN ee ese 6 Hormedtiizard ...occ-seeeeee BE: Meyenberg, Pecos; Pexses Va soaker eee oes : 3 AMpatorlizand=.22202se5= see eee ne OG sana tees aad Sees ©2252 s-2 sco secseeeeeee 1 WOOL ReLS eee ee Victor Mindeleff, Washington, D.C...............-.- | 1 OS eet Ye ee ee Miss Jessie Roberts, Potomac, Md ..... 5 eo 2 Garteranakes. 2-24 22 5 8k Carrico Stithton) In y: st e--o. =n soe aor ree | 1 Water snakes)... 220 ..2ie2 eee GiB Reubin Washing toni C_- 4 sr 2 eee ee 1 Hog-nosed snake ......--.--. J ASabuch Wlessupss Ma 2s see Soe nee ees 1 DOR testes ee. 8 LW. earinton banner Mans oe. ee saeo see eee eee 1 1 D0 See ae pe rerar re ncaric BR. G, Bostoek; Baltimore; MGs 2222 sa ese eee 4 2 DG peepee Be mee Sint Oe peer Ey Ee Caxrrico, Stijhton yyy ees oo eee ee. ee eee 1 WOscsi ce eeeee ease eaeee RG Paine WashizistonyDsGe ss ores ton seeee 1 ANIMALS LENT. Macaque monkey ........... | C..J.Previtt, Washington D.C 2 oe ee seeeaseere if Pig-tailed monkey.........-- W..P. Mo Kine. Washington: aCe: scm .sete carers 1 Capuchin cs ow conc cs < oe een’s Thos. W. Cridler, Third Assistant Secretary of State. 3 VOR ee naa eincraeterte alesis sists M.G.:Roessle; Washineton D.C o.--- eae see eee 1 Red Ox o2 Psa cecne ee ose ae T.M. Rudd, Washington, D.C .......---- Pee So aR 1 Red and blue macaw.....-.-- | Thos. W. Cridler, Third Assistant Secretary of State. 1 Yellow-naped amazon ....-. . Mrs, A. B. Williams, Washington, D.C ...-......2..-- 1 | ANIMALS RECEIVED IN EXCHANGE. Purple-faced monkey ..-..--- E.S.Sechmid, Washington, D.C ........-- 5. eS 1 Green monkey... .2.2c02--e2 Miss Rachel Weems, Upper Falls, Md.-.......-.-.---- ) 1 Cebus, undetermined........ | B.S.Schmid; Washingtony.DiC = ..--2.22-.- 42. nae | 1 RACCOONS we amano S=c tin oe ostee Poe Gis ek He Sie a Cee eee eee 3 PIGS CATS. S. 2 crcisaceaeiy ol sae OO OAS eae, oe eee ROR ne ie SISOS 1 Indian antelope............. | William Bartels, New York...........-<--.----------| 1 Bactrinmrcamel: =. 225-05 F.C; Bostock; Indianapolissingi. 2 =a ae eee 2 Brush-tailed rock kangaroo .| William Bartels, New York........----.----.-------- 1 Great horned owl .....-...-- E. 8. Schmid, Washington, DiC... --2-as4.-- <0. eee 1 Barred OWlc-2-cig eee aoeee nse eons GO 3222s weet See eee one eed 1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 117 List of accessions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901—Continued. ANIMALS RECEIVED IN EXCHANGE—Continued. Name. : Donor. TR CLEVE (Se ae eee | iH. S:Schmid, Washineton, DiC .-<2--t4-5.. 2522.- sess Red-tailed hawk ............ ar (eo Oe ee Pee eee DT OBE een Ran SV GUne Sao. 22 2-5-<5s-h< nC. Bostock, Baltimore) MGe- 6So2. sass ae VC AUGER Loh ae ee ee HS. sehnnia: Washington D: C225. =. -2--- 223-25 02052 (GANHOS POUSE 3.255 555.525-/5 5155 i AOS sarees cena oie eitaiate aa om ise an Se aes SiS Baniace = nee os See os GO ees ae eae eare Sisko cine wisi are waias Searsrevionaa ae Animals purchased and collected. Gaines papoon! Chapio-spiina:) ===. .~ 2s. e eee ew oe MipoMan helt BATOGGR |e sons. boo} Soe eS en Sccsae 22 STU RECIea ()/ MAES ELON) hans eta tae ae Ne Ne Ae cee American otter (Lutra hudsonica).........-..--.------- American badger ( Taxidea americana) ....-...-.-------- Caecomistle CbassariscusOstuig)is2-2-- 28-5. - 22s os pimek near (Ursus amerieanus) 25.2022 2200s 2k 5 oe Cinnamon bear ( Ursus americanus)-..-..--------------- Palecans Desi UUTsis SDs) eee eee == eo aca: a Steller’s sea lion (Humetopias stelleri)..-...--.---------- Collared peccary ( Tayassu angulatus) .......---.------- American bison (Bison americanus) .------...---------- Rocky Mountain sheep ( Ovis canadensis) .....--.------- Prong-horn antelope (Antilocapra americana) ...--.----- Virginia deer (Odocoileus virginianus) .....-.----------- mute deer (Odocoileis macrotis)... 5: .5.22328552.65--5 - Newfoundland caribou ( Rangifer nove-terre) .---..------ NIGGSER (CAI CESMERLCOMUS) he po eee ee ee eke Sa eee E Blac kesguinne le (ISCUIPUS CINEFCUS)) =. 2525<245556225525-5-- Richardson’s spermophile (Spermophilus richardson) Kadiak spermophile (Spermophilus empetra kadiakensis) Canada porcupine (Hrethizon dorsatus) .-..-..----------- Three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) .......--------- Great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)~...------ ee er eee Barred owl (Syrnium nebulosum)............----------- Bald eagle ( Halixetus leucocephalus) ......-..---+------- Réd-tavled hawk (-Buteo borealts)in..222- 52-22 -222022225 iblackovulture. (Catharista-atratd)=se=2 s2255-s225-e2-2 -= - Red-tailed euan ( Ortahs ruficauda):.--5------:.-2--+---. Daubenton’s curassow (Crax daubentoni) ......--------- panghiullkerane() Grusonezicang ace =< see ee oe SE Great blue heron: (Ardea herodtas) = 2-22.42 224. 2222-22 ETON COTOMLUS IONE LOWONONE) = sla. to is eee eo Cuban crocodile (Crocodilus rhombifer) .........---.---- ibrazilvanytortoise (Testudo tabulate) =. .22-.2.< 2.22.54. Common. boa (Boa consiricior))--25-22~ <2 +.-222-55-2-2-- KO on bo cso —_— oe ee OO TO OO Ot mm OO on 118 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Animals born in the National Zoological Park. Bion) (Beis leo)" ee ee eee tee Gray wolf (Canis lupus griseo-albus) .....------------- Seek eaeiee Goyote ( Canis lairans).. 25sec 3.22 oe, 26 eet ete ae ee Bineifox: (Vulpes dagopus):o. 52 ent oe ies is a ee Seeeee ee American bison: (Bison:amerteanus)”. 8200 22502 28s: wenn se cess oe Zebu Bos indies) oo is. Se oraee 5 ee ae ee ee eee Cashmere goat (Capra ‘hircus) ~~ Fo oor e 3 oa ee Soe he 5 a eee Nilshat’ (Boselaphits tragocuntelus) 22022222 = soe ees ae nen ees American 6lk (Cervis canadensia). 2. 2.0 ==. Seen <8 6 en ee Virginia deer (Odocoileus virginianas): . 2.2 <5 -- == ae eeeee Mule deer (‘Odocoileus macrons)) ss ks ae 2 = oe eee oes Tama {Auchenia glama) ise 2 re ee noe eee ‘Euntia-conga .( Capromys pilorides):. 22> 22. pt aa. 3 Sa een eee Praiie dope ( Cmomys ludomeianus). 2252s ssse ia a= Se ae 3 ee Acouehy"(-Dasyprocia acouchi) 222520235 eoe soe = 2 Laem ee oe ee ee WONT WHE TEND HH ooh Animals on hand July 1, 1900 -..-.-....------+-------------------- 839 Aceessions: during the year's c.. 23.2 22225 bo teen oe aan eee ee 318 SD bende eects ee ceo eo ae ae ee eae 1,157 On hand June 30) L901 a ee ee oe eee 878 Respectfully submitted. Frank Baker, Superintendent. Mr. §. P. LANGLEY, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX V. REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVA- TORY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1901. Srr: The kinds and amounts of the Observatory property are approxi- mately as follows: PEPE OEAEES Peete? cto gt PR en ee tee whe Mom tt ae SIE IE ae ie US be $6, 300 «2 TP OPAL a A 9 2 os ie aa Mea pcs Mag ee RS ie Sa 31, 300 MEMRE CASIO OCORUD cor. a2 Hes eee ye ee Ste RS ce 5, 600 ES ee peowen ener 2 RUS ECE NEW tee ons So ye tp 43, 200 During the past year the acquisitions of property of the kinds just enumerated have been as follows: (a) Apparatus.—Astronomical and physical apparatus has been pur- chased at an expenditure of $1,300. (b) Library and records.—The usual periodicals have been continued, and various books of reference have been purchased at a total cost of $200. Total accessions of property, $1,500. The Observatory inclosure has been enlarged to include about 11,000 square feet, as against less than 6,000 square feet formerly. The cost of fencing the grounds as thus enlarged was $400. Losses of property have been slight, and consist in the usual wear and tear and breakage of apparatus, amounting in aggregate to $50. THe WorkK OF THE OBSERVATORY. For convenience the work of the Observatory may be described under the following headings: 1. Publications and miscellaneous work. 2. Progress of investigations. 3. Eclipse expedition to Sumatra. (1) Publications and miseellaneous work.—As was stated in my last year’s report, Volume I of Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory was then being issued. Owing to difficulty in obtaining satisfactory reproductions oi Plate XX, the actual distribution of the edition was delayed while fur- ther efforts were made to improve this plate. New copies of it were pre- pared and submitted to the engravers, and it was only in March and April of the present year that the edition was finally bound up and distributed. In the effort to include as thoroughly as possible the names of those to whom the book would be valuable, considerable time was spent in prepar- ing the mailing list, but it is even yet possible that some persons much interested in astrophysical work may have been overlooked by inadvert- ence, but as there still remains a part of the edition applications for copies will still be considered here. 119 120 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Inasmuch as the Aid Acting in Charge is also the custodian of the physical apparatus of the Smithsonian Institution, he was concerned in the fitting up of the new instrument room in the south tower of the Smithsonian building, and in the arrangement of the apparatus there. A considerable amount of the time of the Junior Assistant was occupied in the preparation of enlarged representations of the bolographic results appearing in Volume I of the ‘‘Annals”’ for use by the Secretary in describ- ing these results to various learned societies, and also for exhibition at the Buffalo Exposition. (2) Progress of investigations—Adjustment of apparatus.—From my last year’s report it will be apparent to how great an extent the Observatory apparatus was removed to North Carolina for use in observing the solar eclipse of May, 1900. It will therefore be understood that no little time was consumed in again setting up and accurately adjusting the apparatus for work here. Radiation of the moon.—The first observations made were upon the radi- ation of the moon. These observations, whose general result was given by anticipation in last year’s report, in connection with the discussion of the bolometric work on the corona during the eclipse, called renewed attention to the fact, so apparent in your bolometric work at Allegheny, that much the larger proportion of the radiation we receive from the moon is the radiation proper of the lunar soil rather than the direct reflection of solar rays, but that this properly lunar radiation varies exceedingly in amount, depending on the amount of moisture in our atmosphere. Thus the directly reflected portion of the whole lunar ‘radiation received at the earth’s surface may vary from 20 to 40 per cent, according as our air is dry or humid. It may be mentioned that certain similar observations made by the Aid Acting in Charge while upon the eclipse expedition to Sumatra indicated that quite 40 per cent of the lunar rays received in that moist climate are those directly reflected from the sun. Intramercurial planets.—Inasmuch as the results of the photographic search for new planets conducted at the eclipse of May, 1900, were fully described in last year’s report, it will be unnecessary to refer to them here, .more than to say that the comparison and reduction of the eclipse photo- graphs for this purpose really formed part of the work of this present year. It was, however, deemed desirable to again photograph the same region of sky with the lens employed at that eclipse, and apparatus was set up and used for this purpose in January of the present year; but satisfactory results had not been obtained when it became necessary to send the appa- ratus to Sumatra. : Galvanometer.—The sensitive galvanometer mentioned in my last year’s report, and from which the greatest usefulness is expected, has absorbed considerable attention; and although progress has not, owing to other occupations, as yet passed beyond an experimental stage, it is yet so satis- factory as to deserve a preliminary notice. By way of introduction atten- tion is drawn to the distinction between the computed sensitiveness of a galvanometer and its actual or working sensitiveness. In the older prac- tice of perhaps twenty years ago the most sensitive galvanometers had needle systems of several hundred milligrams weight, and they were, owing to their great inertia, customarily used with a time of single swing REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. ba as great as ten or even twenty seconds. Thus it became customary in describing the sensitiveness of a galvanometer to refer its sensitiveness to a time of single swing of ten seconds. Within the past decade the gal- vanometer needle systems of highest sensitiveness have become relatively microscopic in size and now frequently weigh no more than one or two thousandths of a gram (two to four millionths of a pound). These systems are often far more sensitive with a time of single swing of only one or two seconds than the best galvanometers of twenty years ago at a time of single swing of twenty seconds. With a needle system practically undamped either by air resistance or induction currents the sensitiveness is propor- tional to the square of the time of swing, so that the sensitiveness of a needle system at ten seconds single swing would on this basis be a hun- dred times that which it would have at a one-second swing. Thus it arises that the computed sensitiveness of these light systems runs perhaps thou- sands of times as great as that of the systems of twenty years ago. But it must not be forgotten that owing to the increased disturbance from mechanical jarring and to the extreme potency of air resistance with these light systems they can not in general be usefully employed at even half so long a time of single swing as ten seconds; and in the second place, if it were indeed possible to use them at a ten-second swing, it would be found that the sensitiveness was perhaps not more than ten instead of a hun- dred fold greater than at one second. Thus comparisons of sensitiveness based on a ten-second single swing are entirely unfair to the older instru- ments, which could be and were employed at the time of swing used as the basis of comparison, and hence had a working sensitiveness far more nearly comparable with that of the present day than their computed sensi- tiveness would indicate. In consequence of this unfairness it has recently become common to speak of the sensitiveness at ten seconds double swing, a condition at which galvanometers are now sometimes actually used. At this Observatory this change of the basis of comparison has not heretofore been adopted. It must not be inferred from what has been said that the advance made in the last twenty years in the construction of galvanom- eters is belittled, for the reduction in the time of swing for the same degree of sensitiveness is a most valuable saving in time and chances of error, and for automatic recording, as in bolographic work, is wholly indispensable. In the past two years the design of galvanometer needles has been a sub- ject of much investigation both experimental and theoretical at this observatory, and it is believed that the results arrived at mark practically the limit of probable progress in the way of obtaining sensitiveness at a given short time of swing of a needle system. By this I mean that it is improbable that a galvanometer can ever be constructed of a given resist- ance which when employed at one second time of a single swing shall give very appreciably greater deflections for given currents than will such a galvanometer as can be constructed with the aid of the knowledge now attained here. In other words, the time for increase of computed sensi- tiveness by tens and hundreds of times with each newly constructed instrument has passed away. In what has been said I do not wish to claim peculiar advantages for our'galyanometer, for | understand that both in this country and abroad practically the same results, as regards com- cl ae REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. puted sensitiveness, have recently been reached by several physicists independently, which strengthens the view that little further advance in this direction is likely. But the useful or working sensitiveness of a galvanometer is another matter, and by the system of support and magnetic shielding described in my last year’s report great advantage has been gained in this already, and still better results are hoped for by still other improvements. Let me clearly indicate how progress in working sensitiveness may be consistent with a standstill in computed sensitiveness. The spot of light reflected from the mirror of the galvanometer needle, which should be quiet when no current is being observed, is always making slight excursions upon the scale, and these fluctuations prevent readings of current deflections to be made of less than a certain minimum amplitude, for they then become indistinguishable among the accidental deflections just mentioned. Let us now suppose that the average of accidental deflections should be reduced by better elimination of ground tremors and magnetic fluctuations from a millimeter to a tenth of a millimeter on the scale, then it is apparent that ten times the working sensitiveness is attained. But let us suppose that further improvement in these respects is found possible. It is hardly practicable to read the position of an ordinary spot of light more accu- rately than to the nearest tenth millimeter, so that little progress would directly result, but the time of swing of the needle might be profitably increased. Then, however, the effect of air damping would soon become so prejudicial as to stop advance. We are now in position to state generally the methods employed and the results attained and hoped for here in this matter of increasing the working sensitiveness. The aim of all efforts is to make it possible to read deflections to a tenth of a millimeter on a seale at 3 meters with an actual time of single swing of ten seconds. In the first place it has been sought to reduce the mechanical tremors of the galyanometer due to the city traffic; and for this purpose the elaborate pier and suspension system described in my last year’s report was con- structed. In thesecond place it has been attempted to reduce the prejudi- cial effects of these and other mechanical disturbing factors which still remain to jar the needle itself. To fully understand what has been planned for this purpose it should be stated that in addition to such mechanical tremors as have already been referred to, it has been found that the sound waves sent out from concussions of various kinds are able to seriously affect the steadiness of the needle. These sound waves can travel into the valyanometer case to jar the needle despite any system of support, and the only way to avoid them is to exhaust the air in the galvanometer, so that our new cases are of air-tight construction. The exhaustion of the air, in addition to preventing disturbance by sound waves, also makes the sensi- liveness nearly proportional to the square of time of swing of the needle, so that it is no longer so unjust to use a ten-second time of single swing as the basis of comparison. But in addition to securing exhaustion of the air as a means of reducing mechanical tremors, another device has been found. The experimental and theoretical investigations of needle systems above alluded to have indicated a method of construction by means of which the weight of the needle system can be largely increased without diminishing the com- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. noe puted sensitiveness, so that in this way the mechanical disturbances of sound and ground tremors which reach the galvanometer case, being compelled to influence a larger mass, will produce a less prejudicial effect upon the needle. It has also been sought to reduce magnetic disturbances of the needle by the system of magnetic shielding described in my last year’s report. The application of these several devices has as yet proceeded only so far as is described in what follows: Several different systems of only 0.0019 gram weight have been tried in the galvanometer with the arrangements of support and shielding already described, but not with the air exhausted, and it has been found that up to times of single swing of two seconds the average accidental deflections on a scale at 3 meters do not exceed 0.1 millimeter, and the time of swing has actually been raised to ten seconds without excessive disturbances. The effectiveness of exhaustion of the air to make the sensitiveness proportional to the square of the time of swing has been studied, and these studies though not complete indicate that for air pressures of less than 1 millimeter of mercury this relation will be approximately followed. A “‘heavy’’ needle system of 0.015 gram weight is in process of con- struction, whose computed sensitiveness, it is believed, will equal or slightly exceed that of the light systems already tried, while its steadiness will be much greater. The most sensitive ‘‘light’’ needle system used gave at 1.5 seconds’ single swing in atmospheric pressure a deflection of 1 millimeter on a scale at 1 meter in a galvanometer of 1.4 ohms resistance with a current of Toov0s00000 AMperes. The damping was then so excessive that the sec- ond swing was but 715 the magnitude of the first. If the hopes now reason- ably entertained are realized the ‘‘heavy’’ needle can be effectively used at ten seconds’ single swing in vacuum, with a scale at 3 meters, and a current of poo000¢000000 AMperes will in actual practice give a deflection of 1 millimeter, and it is possible that a current of y55900¢0 000000 @Mperes can be detected. Such a working sensitiveness as may thus be expected would exceed that employed in taking the bolographs of 1898 by 5,000 fold, taking into account the ratio of the galvanometer resistance employed. The gain of working sensitiveness now actually attained in preliminary experiments is no less than a hundredfold. If the fiftyfold further gain hoped for is actually accomplished the field of research thus opened is enormous, so that I regard these improvements in the galvanometer as now the first consideration. It is greatly to be regretted, however, that owing to the unfortunate situation of the observatory in the midst of city disturbances the difficulties to be overcome are so large. In this connec- tion, I venture to express the hope that the change of site of the observa- tory contemplated in your former reports may some time be accomplished. Personal equation apparatus.—A portion of the time of the Junior Assist- ant has been employed in the testing of an apparatus of your own design to eliminate personal equation in time observations. These experiments are not yet completed. Absorption of the solar atmosphere.—An investigation of the absorption of the solar radiation in the sun’s atmosphere has been begun. A large solar image is formed, and bolographs are made at points near the center and 124 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. edge of the sun, respectively. Preliminary experiments indicate an absorp- tion progressively increasing toward the shorter wave lengths, so that curves taken with equal slit widths, while of nearly equal height at about 2 “, would exhibit nearly twice as much energy from the sun’s center as from near the limb in the visible portion of the spectrum. So far as is yet deter- mined there is no certainly discernible selective absorption for different narrow bands besides the gradual alteration of absorption just alluded to, but the experiments are as yet inconclusive as regards this point. (3) Eclipse expedition to Sumatra.—It will be recalled that the obserya- tions of last year’s eclipse by the Smithsonian expedition raised interesting questions as to the existence of intramercurial planets and as to the nature of the coronal radiations. So far did the interest in these problems extend that it was thought worth while to send an expedition from the Astrophysical Observatory to Sumatra to observe the total eclipse of May 18, 1901, and to repeat and extend the bolometric observations on the coronal radiation and the photographic observations for possible intra- mercurial planets. This expedition left Washington February 5, 1901; reached Padang, Sumatra, April 4; occupied the station selected (at Solok), April 11; and left Sumatra May 28. The personnel consisted of C. G. Abbot, Aid Acting in Charge, and P. A. Draper, temporary assistant. Apparatus weighing about 4,000 pounds was taken, including the 8-inch equatorial telescope mounting with ccelostat. Through the good offices of the War Department the voyages from San Francisco to Manila and the return were made upon army transports, while the expedition was conveyed from Manila to Padang and return upon the United States naval vessel Gen. Alava, which also conveyed the expedition from the United States Naval Observatory. It isa pleasure to remember the hospitality and friendliness of the officers of this vessel toward us. Within Sumatra the expedition was given free transportation upon the government raiiway, and indeed it would be hard to acknowledge sufficiently the assistance and courtesy received at the hands of the Dutch. I wish especially, however, to make mention of the great kindness and helpfulness of the United States con- sular agent at Padang, Mr. Cornelius G. Veth, who spared neither time nor expense in our behalf. The most cordial relations existed between the Smithsonian expedition and that of the United States Naval Observatory, such mutual assistance as could be afforded being freely interchanged. Solok, Sumatra, the point selected for the observations, is a fair-sized town of mostly native inhabitants, but the seat of a Dutch residency. We found quarters in a small hotel, and an abandoned fort near the hotel was placed at our disposal for the observing station. This fort was shared with the larger party of the Naval Observatory, and its large rooms and _inclos- ing walls, together with the sufficiently large level inclosure, made it an ideal station. Several years’ meteorological observations having especial reference to the eclipse had indicated that Solok had at least as good chance of fair weather as any place in the island, and as the day of the eclipse approached we found from our own observations through the month of May that the chances fora fair sky around the sun at the hour of the eclipse were fully two to one. So far were these chances superior to those of Fort de Kock, a minorstation near the edge of the shadow, occupied by WHLVYVAWNS OL NOILIGAdXQ 3SdI1OQ YV1IOG NVINOSHLINS 4O SNLVYHVddy OINLAWO10Ng *X 3ALV1d "LOGL ‘odey URlUOsyyIWIS Smithsonian Report, 1901. PLATE XI. Fee ae © = THE INTRA-MERCURIAL PLANET APPARATUS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. no ta ty . Smithsonian Report, 1901. PLATE XIl. CAMP OF THE SMITHSONIAN SOLAR ECLIPSE EXPEDITION AT SOLOK, SUMATRA. ae uae pit, 5 eee ‘VULYWNS ‘HO10S ‘SSAILVN JO dNoy¥y *LO6L 'HOdeay VeEluosyyIUIS ANX SLW1d REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 125 the Naval Observatory expedition, that the greatest depression prevailed in the messages received from that station prior to the eclipse. All was in readiness before the day of the eclipse, and very numerous rehearsals with both the bolometric and photographic apparatus had been held, and we felt that our arrangements were such that excellent results ought to be secured. The day before the eclipse was rainy, but the morning of May 18 was clear, so that the prospects appeared of the brightest up to 9 or 10 o0’clock. But about the time of the first contact clouds began to form, and when the eclipse became total, at about twenty minutes after noon, the whole sky, excepting a perfectly clear belt around the horizon, was overcast with a sort of checkerwork of clouds, so thick that the corona could barely be distinguished. During the latter part of totality the very position of the sun was doubttul. I realized that observations were useless, and I remained in the tent of the intramercurial-planet instrument throughout the totality without attempting bolometric work. Merely to have something to show to prove that the expedition had observed an eclipse, the programme for the intramercurial-planet apparatus was carried through, and I later developed the plates taken. Those exposed in the first half of totality showed the corona faintly, extending out possibly a quarter or half a diameter, and showed the planets Mercury and Venus. Nothing else could be distin- guished, not even the first-magnitude star Aldebaran. The plates exposed during the last half showed even less, as the clouds were then thicker. After totality the sky gradually cleared, and we had a fine afternoon and the clearest (and, indeed, almost the only) clear night there had been for weeks. The despised station at Fort de Kock had a perfect day through- out, and was the only station occupied by an eclipse expedition of which this was true. The meteorological conditions of Sumatra are not such as to encourage astronomical observation there. I was much surprised at the amount of general illumination still remain- ing in the middle of totality. Some rainy days are equally as dark as it then was at Solok, although the totality lasted six minutes and the shadow was about 150 miles wide. The general illumination may have come from outside the shadow path by reflection and diffusion of the clouds, but yet there was, as has been said, a perfectly clear band of sky around the hori- zon, and hence far within the shadow. The accompanying plates illustrate some of the scenes of this wonder- fully interesting though woefully disappointing expedition. In concluding this report I wish particularly to commend the ability and industry displayed by the Junior Assistant, Mr. F. E. Fowle, in carrying on the work of the Observatory during my absence, especially as regards bolometric work, which he did largely unassisted, and when the best part of the equipment was gone on the eclipse expedition. Respectfully submitted. C. G. ABsgot, Aid Acting in Charge Astrophysical Observatory. Mr. 8S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. AppENDIx VI. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1901. Sir: I have the honor to present herewith the report of the operations of the library of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901. The most considerable portion of office work is that connected with the Smithsonian deposit in the Library of Congress. The following table shows the number of volumes, parts of volumes, pamphlets, and charts recorded in the accession books of the Smithsonian deposit, Library of Congress, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901: Quarto or; Octavo or larger. / smaller. Total. Wolumest 7 Fee se See ae fe ee Vk ey = ee ee 518 1,413 1,931 IRSXts OM VOHIMIGR)s ese oe on Aah. ie Mee eres Soe eee 14, 695 6,673 | 21,368 Painphletsrs. 3) ee ee ee ek eee tee 3 510 | 3, 993 4, 063 CRAPS, ete. Siar ered OS" ee Ne see Eee as teat Oo a a | Se Pe bakeeceesse 772 POUH at ft SO St eee a ee eS oe Dee ae in ee ae ee Fearon a nas 28,134 The accession numbers run from 431972 to 438892. In ever-increasing volume the operations of the library, like those of the International Exchanges, look to the strengthening of the Library of Con- gress. All books, pamphlets, charts, and completed volumes of period- icals are accessioned and recorded on cards as a permanent record file, which both serves as a ledger account with learned societies and establish- ments and as a catalogue of the Smithsonian deposit. The greater part of these publications are then sent to the Library of Congress, amounting during the past year to 192 boxes, 7 bags, and 30 packages, which are esti- mated to have contained the equivalent of 9,000 octavo volumes, this being asending to the Library of Congress independent of that forwarded by the International Exchanges. The additions to the libraries of the Secretary, the Office, and the Astro- physical Observatory number 374 volumes, pamphlets, and charts, and 2,058 parts of volumes, making a total of 2,432, and a grand total of 30,566. On the card catalogue of serial publications about 30,000 entries were made, of which 300 required new title cards. The following universities have sent inaugural dissertations and academic publications: Albany, New York; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Baltimore, Mary- land; Basel; Berlin; Bonn; Breslau; Czernowitz; Erlangen; Giesen; Frie- burg; Greifswald; Halle a. 8.; Heidelberg; Helsingfors; Ithaca, New 126 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 1o% York; Jena; Kiel; Leipzig; Liege; Louvain; Lund; Marburg; Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania; Rostock; Strasburg; Toulouse; Tubingen; Utrecht; Wurzburg; and Zurich. A small but valuable collection is gradually being formed at the National Zoological Park, and two sectional libraries are maintained in the Tustitu- tion in addition to those already alluded to, Aérodromics and Law Refer- ence. : The circulating library established in 1898 for the employees of the Insti- tution has continued to be used, to the pleasure and profit of the staff, and now contains about 1,280 volumes. During the year 2,515 volumes were borrowed by 105 persons. The rooms occupied by this small collection have been rendered more attractive. In continuance of the policy of increasing the library by exchange and filling in incomplete sets, 919 letters were written for new exchanges and for completing series already in the library; 295 new periodicals were added to the list; 460 defective series were either completed or partly com- pleted, according to the publishers’ ability to supply the numbers requested. About 1,500 letters were received, which are filed in jackets on which a synopsis of the letters is given. A card catalogue of the correspondence is kept for reference. Orders are issued for the Smithsonion publications sent in exchange for the publications received; when single numbers are reported as missing postal cards are forwarded requesting that they be sup- plied; corresponding postal cards are sent as acknowledgments of receipts; about 200 were asked for and 150 supplied. Lists and cards haye been received from the Library of Congress since November, 1900, indicating the volumes which are needed to complete the sets in the Smithsonian deposit in the Library. These lists and cards are copied and kept permanently, while the originals are returned with notes stating what action has been taken. The items which have been acted on show a very satisfactory result; the books in these cases which are received in compliance with requests are transmitted directly to the office of the Smithsonian deposit at the Library of Congress, marked ‘‘To complete Smithsonian sets.”’ The great activity of the large force at the Library of Congress in the various departments that have directly to do with the Smithsonian deposit has kept the Library force here exceedingly busy. Very great good is resulting from this activity, but much better results could be had if addi- tional assistance were at my disposal, specifically for attending to the matters of mutual interest to the Library of Congress and the Institution. Numerous transfers have been made from the Smithsonian deposit to the main collections of the Library and vice versa in the interest of com- pletion of sets under a single ownership, such changes being made on the general principle that the Institution’s collection shall consist primarily of periodicals and transactions of learned societies, whilst the Library of Congress should possess as complete files as possible of all publications issued by Government, whether Federal, State, or municipal, both domestic and foreign. The third conference on the International Catalogue of Scientific Litera- ture reached the conclusion that the Catalogue would be undertaken if 128 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 300 complete sets were subscribed for, and the Institution was informed in August, 1900, that the quota for the United States would be 45. A circular was immediately sent to the various colleges and libraries in this country, and in spite of the fact that it was the summer season, subscription to 45- sets was received by the middle of September, which number has since been increased to the equivalent of 66 sets, demonstrating the great interest had in this country in the undertaking. The preparation of a list of periodicals to be indexed has been taken in hand and indexing actually begun, two assi tants being temporarily assigned for this purpose. The accessions to the National Museum Library numbered a total of 12,267 books, pamphlets, and periodicals, of which 4,942 were a portion of the Smithsonian deposit; 25,141 books were borrowed. The efficiency of the Library has been materially added to by the institution by the Library of Congress of means of transferring books, etc., twice each day, thus enabling the Institution to receive and return books at a very short notice. The number of periodicals entered was 8,986, and 4,811 cards were added to the authors’ catalogue of the Museum Library, which now contains 27 sections. Its operations will be more fully described in the report to the Assistant Secretary. Respectfully submitted. Cyrus ApuER, Librarian. Mr. S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. “: APPENDIX VII. REPORT OF THE EDITOR FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1901. Sm: I have the honor to submit the following report on the publications of the Smithsonizn Institution and its bureaus during the year ending June 30, 1901: I. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. A memoir on experiments with ionized air, by Dr. Carl Barus, has been sent to the printer, but was not completed at the close of the fiscal year. II. MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. 1253. A Select Bibliography of Chemistry, 1492-1897. By Henry Carrington Bolton. Section VII, Academic Dissertations. Washington: Published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1901. Octavo. pp. vi-+ 534. 1258. On the Cheapest Form of Light. ByS. P. Langley and F. W. Very. Washington: Published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1901. Octavo. pp. 20, with 3 plates. 1259. List of Observatories. Washington: Published by the Smith- sonian Institution, 1901. Octavo. pp. 27. (Distributed as proof sheets, for revision. ) 1305, 1306. The Smithsonian Institution. Documents relative to its origin and history. 1835-1899. Compiled and edited by William Jones Rhees. In two volumes.» Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. Vol. I, 1835 to 1887. Pages 1-1, 1-1044. Vol. II, 1887 to 1899. Pages 1045-1983. This work forms Volumes XLII and XLIII of Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, In his preface Mr. Rhees thus describes the object and contents of the volumes: The present volume is undertaken in continuation of a volume bearing the title The Smithsonian Institution; Documents Relative to its Origin and History, prepared by the editor of the present volume, which, besides other matters, gives the legislative history of the Smithsonian Institution to 1877. Prefixed to this will be found a selection of the documents which passed between the United States and the attorneys in England ante- cedent to the actual reception of the bequest of James Smithson, a British subject, who gave his fortune to the United States of America ‘‘to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” This fact was communicated through the United States legation at London to the Sec- retary of State, and was made the subject of a special message to Congress by President Jackson on December 17, 1835. The message was referred to committees, and it was at last agreed that, although there was some doubt as to the propriety of accepting it, the bequest should be obtained, if possible, and the Hon. Richard Rush was sent to England in July, 1836, as a special agent of the United States, with power of attorney from tha sm 1901——9 129 130 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. President to prosecute the claim in the chancery court. The fund was brought to this country in 1838, and after eight years of debate, including consultation with all the leading educators of the United States at that time, a law was finally framed on August 10,1846, ‘‘to establish the Smithsonian Institution for the increase and diffusion of knowl- edge among men.”’ Under this act, with a few amendments, the operations of the Insti- tution have been carried on to the present time, and a detailed account of the legislation by Congress, as well as of proposed action, from 1835 to March 3, 1899, is given in this work, The legislation fully accomplished is shown by acts and joint resolutions, fol- lowed in all cases by references to the volumes and pages of the Statutes at Large from which they were quoted. Concurrent resolutions of the Senate and House and separate resolutions of either pranch of Congress are referred to by the dates of action. An account is also given of action or discussion relative to objects intrusted by Con- gress to the care of the Institution, and of some of the operations of the Government with which it has had direct or incidental connection. The proceedings of each Congress are given successively, the first volume containing those of the Twenty-fourth Congress to the Forty-ninth and the second volume those of the Fiftieth to the Fifty-fifth Congress. : Under each Congress the subjects are arranged according to the date of their introduc- tion, all action in that Congress on each subject following in chronological order, except- ing that estimates and appropriations are placed at the end of each subject. In the preparation of this work an examination was made of every page of the Con- gressional Globe and Congressional Record, of the journals of the Senate and House, the Statutes at Large, the Congressional documents and reports from 1835 to 1899, together with other printed and manuscript material in the Institution and elsewhere; and the table of contents and index are as comprehensive and minute as possible, the latter being alphabetical, analytical, and chronological. } The formal details of legislation in most cases are abbreviated, and the quotations from the statutes, giving dates and amounts appropriated, are always given in figures, and not in words. Ill. SMITHSONIAN ANNUAL REPORTS. 1177. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institu- tion for the year ending June 30, 1897. Report of the U. 8. National Museum, Part II. [A memorial of George Brown Goode.] Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. xm-+515 pages, with 109 portraits. e 1218. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institu- tion for the year ending June 30, 1898. Report of the U. 8. National Museum. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. XviI +-1,294 pages, with 36 plates and 347 text figures. 1252. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institn- tion for the year ending June 30, 1899. Washington: Government Print- ing Office, 1901. Octavo. Lxi11-+672 pages, with 82 plates. 1254, -Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institu- tion for the year ending June 30, 1899. Report of the U. 8. National Museum. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. xv 4-598 pages, with 98 plates and 38 text figures. 1260. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Insti- . tution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institu- tion for the year ending June 30,1900. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. Lv +759 pages, with 108 plates. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. fot IV. SEPARATES FROM SMITHSONIAN REPORTS. 1221. Journal of Proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, report of executive committee, acts and resolutions of Congress. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages xL-Lxir. Wash- ington: Goyernment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1222. The Wave Theory of Light. By A.Cornu. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 93-105. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1223. The Motion of a Perfect Liquid. By Prof. H. S. Hele-Shaw. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 107-118, with Plates I-IV. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1224. The Field of Experimental Research. By Elihu Thomson. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 119-130. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1225. Liquid Hydrogen. By Professor Dewar. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 131-142, with Plates I, IJ. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1226. Some of the Latest Achievements of Science. By Sir William Crookes. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 145-153. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1227. An Experimental Study of Radio-Active Substances. By Henry Carrington Bolton. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 155-162. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1228. The Growth of Science in the Nineteenth Century. By Sir Michael Foster. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 163-183. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1229. Sir William Crookes on Psychical Research. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1899, pages 185-205. Washington: Government Print- ing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1280. Survey of that Part of the Range of Nature’s Operations which Man is Competent to Study. By G. Johnstone Stoney. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1899, pages 207-222, with figures. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1251. On Lord Kelvin’s Address on the Age of the Earth as an Abode Fitted for Life. By Prof. T. C. Chamberlain. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 223-246. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1252. An Estimate of the Geological Age of the Earth. By J. Joly. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 247-288. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1233. The Petrified Forests of Arizona. By Lester F. Ward. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 289-307, with Plates I-III. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1254. Present Condition of the Floor of the Ocean: Evolution of the Continental and Oceanic Areas. By Sir John Murray. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1899, pages 309-328. Washington: Government Print- ing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1235. Relation of Motion in Animals and Plants to the Electrical Phe- 132 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. nomena which are Associated with It. By J. Burdon-Sanderson. From. the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 329-351, with Plates I-IV. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1236. The Truth About the Mammoth. By Frederic A. Lucas. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 353-359, with Plates I-IV. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1237. Mammoth Ivory. By R. Lydekker. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 361-366. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1238. On the Sense of Smell in Birds. By M. Xaviér Raspail. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 367-373. Mushaneton: Goyern- ment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1239. Have Fishes Memory? By L. Edinger. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 375-394. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1240. Scientific Thought in the Nineteenth Century. By William North Rice. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 395-402. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1241. The Gardenand Its Development. By Paul Falkenberg. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 403-418. Washington: Over: ment Printing Office, 1901. Detace: 1242. Review of the Evidence Relating to Auriferous Gravel Man in California. By William HE. Holmes. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 419-472, Plates I-X VI. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1243. A Problem in American Anthropology. By Frederic Ward Put- nam. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 473-486. Washing- ton: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1244. On Sea Charts Formerly Used in the Marshall Islands, with Notices on the Navigation of these Islanders in General. By Captain Winkler, of the German Navy. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 487-508, with Plates I-XV. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1245. The Peopling of the Philippines. _By Rudolf Virchow. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 509-526, with Plates I-III. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1246. List of the Native Tribes of the Philippines and of the Languages Spoken by Them. By Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1899, pages 527-547, with Plates I-X. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1247. The Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cozumahualpa, Guatemala, in the Hamburg Ethnological Museum. By Herman Strebel. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1899, pages 549-561, with Plates I-XI. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1248. Count Von Zeppelin’s Dirigible Air Ship. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 563-565, with Plates I-II. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavyo. 1249. The Progress in Steam Navigation. By Sir William H. White, of the British Navy. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 567-590. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. a i REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Ee 1250. A Century’s Progress of the Steam Engine. By Dr. R. H. Thurs- ton. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 591-603. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1251. Bunsen Memorial Lecture. By Sir Henry Roscoe. From the Smithsonian Report for 1899, pages 605-644, with Plates I-VII. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1255. Report of 8S. P. Langley, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, for the Year ending June 30, 1900, pages 1-117, with Plates I-X VIII. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. 1261. Journal of Proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, Report of Executive Committee, Acts and Resolutions of Congress. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages xI-Lxv. Octavo pamphlet. 1262. Progress in Astronomy during the Nineteenth Century. By Sir Norman Lockyer. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 123-147. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1263. A Preliminary Account of the Solar Eclipse of May 28, 1900, as observed by the Smithsonian Expedition. By 8. P. Langley. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 149-156, with Plates I-IV. Washing- ton: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1264. Notes on Mars. By Sir Robert Ball and others. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 157-172. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1265. On Solar Changes of Temperature and Variations in Rainfall in the Region Surrounding the Indian Ocean. By Sir Norman Lockyer. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 173-184, with Plates I, II. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1266. The Pekin Observatory. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 185-186, with Plates I-IV. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1267. The Progress of Aeronautics. By M. Janssen. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1900, pages 187-193. Washington: Government Print- ing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1268. Lord Rayleigh on “ Flight.’’ From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 195-196. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1269. The Langley Aérodrome. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 197-216, with Plates I-VI. Washington: Government Print- ing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1270. The Zeppelin Air Ship. By Thomas E. Curtis. [James Walter Smith.] From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 217-222, with Plates I-VI. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1271. The Use of Kites to Obtain Meteorological Observations. By A. Lawrence Rotch. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 223-231, with Plates I-III. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1272. Progress in Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century. By Prof. William Ramsay. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 233-257. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 134 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 1273. Liquid Hydrogen. By Prof. James Dewar. From the Smithso- nian Report for 1900, pages 259-264, with Plates I-IV. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1274. A Century of Geology. By Prof. Joseph Le Conte. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 265-287. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1275. Evolutional Geology. By Prof. W. J. Sollas. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1900, pages 289-314, with Plate I. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1276. Progress in Physics in the Nineteenth Century. By Prof. T. C. Mendenhall. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 315-331. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octayo. 1277. Electricity during the Nineteenth Century. By Prof. Elihu Thomson. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 333-358. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1278. The Photography of Sound Waves and the Demonstration of the Evolutions of Reflected Wave Fronts with the Cinematograph. By R. W. Wood. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 359-369, with Plates I-VI. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1279. Unsuspected Radiations. By Prince Kropotkin. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 371-385. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1280. Incandescent Mantles. By Vivian B. Lewes. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1900, pages 387-401, with 2 text figures. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1281. The Imperial Physico-Technical Institution in Charlottenburg. By Henry 8S. Crahart. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 403-415, with Plates I-IV. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1282. The Geographic Conquests of the Nineteenth Century. By Gilbert H. Grosvenor. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 417-430, with Plate I, and 12 text figures. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1283. Through Africa From the Cape to Cairo. By Ewart 8. Grogan. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 431-448, with Plates I-IV. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1284. The ‘‘Yermak’’ Ice Breaker. By Vice-Admiral Makaroff, of the Russian Imperial Navy. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 449-459, with Plates I-III]. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1285. The Growth of Biology in the Nineteenth Century. By Oscar Hertwig. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 461-478. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1286. The Restoration of Extinct Animals. By Frederic A. Lucas.. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 479-492, with Plates I-VIII, and 2 text figures. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo.. 1287. Life in the Ocean. By Karl Brandt. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 4938-506. Washington: Government Printing Of- fice, 1901. Octavo. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 13 1288. Nature Pictures.” By A. Radclyffe Dugmore. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1900, pages 507-515, with Plates I-XN VII. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1289. The Outlaw: a Character Study of a Beaver who was cast out by his Companions. By A. Radclyffe Dugmore. From the Smithsonian Re- port for 1900, pages 517-522, with Plates I-VI. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1290. A Notable Advance in Color Photography. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1900, pages 523-526, with Plate I, and 5 text figures. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1291. The Breeding of the Arctic Fox. By Henry de Varigny. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 527-533. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1292. Discoveries in Mesoptamia. By Dr. Frederich Delitzsch. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 535-549, with Plates I-X. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1293. On Ancient Desemers or Steelyards. By Herrman Sokeland. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 551-564, with 22 text figures. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1294. Mutual Helpfulness between China and the United States. By his excellency Wu Ting-Fang. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 565-574. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1295. Chinese Folklore and Some Western Analogies. By Frederick Wells Williams. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 575-600. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1296. The Loot of the Imperial Summer Palace at Pekin in 1860. By Count D’Hérisson. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 601-635. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1297. Progress of Medicine in the Nineteenth Century. By Dr. John S. Billings, U. S. A. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 637-644. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1298. Malaria. By George M. Sternberg, M. D., U. S. A. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 645-656. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1299. Transmission of Yellow Fever by Mosquitoes. By George M. Sternberg, M. D., U.S. A. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 657-673. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1300. Psychical Research of the Century. By Andrew Lang. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 675-681. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. : 1301. The New Spectrum. By S&S. P. Langley. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 683-692, with colored plate. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1302. The Century’s Great Men in Science. By Charles S. Peirce. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 693-699. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. 1503. The Lesson of the Life of Huxley. By William Keith Brooks. From the Smithsonian Report for 1900, pages 701-711. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. ~ 136 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 1304. Reminiscences of Huxley. By John*Fiske. From the Smith- sonian Report for 1900, pages 713-728. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. - Report upon the condition and progress of the U. 8. National Museum during the year ending June 30, 1898. By Charles D. Walcott, acting assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in charge of the U.S. National Museum. From the Annual Report of the U. 8. National Museum for 1898, pages 1-149. Octavo. The Crocodilians, Lizards, and Snakes of North America. By Edward Drinker Cope, A. M., Ph. D. From the Annual Report of the U.S. National Museum for 1898, pages 153-1270, with 36 plates and 347 figs. Octavo. Report upon the condition and progress of the U. 8. National Museum during the year ending June 30, 1899. By Richard Rathbun, assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. From the Annual Report of the U.S. National Museum for 1899, pages 1-152. Octavo. Guide to the Study of the Collections in the Section of Applied Geology. The nonmetallic minerals. By George P. Merrill, curator Division of Physical and Chemical Geology and head curator of the Department. From the Annual Report of the U. 8. National Museum for 1899, pages 155-483, with 30 plates and 13 figures. Octavo. Report on the Department of Biology for the year 1898-99. By Frederick W. True, head curator. From the Annual Report of the U. S. National Museum for 1899, pages 25-35. Octavo. Report on the Department of Anthropology for the year 1898-99. By William H. Holmes, head curator. From the Annual Report of the U.S. National Museum for 1899, pages 17-24. Octavo. Report on the Department of Geology for the year 1898-99. By George P. Merrill, head curator. From the Annual Report of the U.S. National Museum for 1899, pages 37-49. Octavo. A Primitive Frame for Weaying Narrow Fabrics, by Otis Tufton Mason, . curator, Division of Ethnology. From the Annual Report of the United States National Museum for 1899, pages 487-510, with 9 plates and 19 figures. Octavo. An Early West Virginia Pottery, by Walter Hough, assistant curator, Division of Ethnology. From the Annual Report of the United States National Museum for 1899, pages 511-521, with 18 plates. Octavo. Pointed Bark Canoes of the Kutenai and Amur, by Otis T. Mason, curator, Division of Ethnology, with notes on the Kutenai by Meriden 8. Hill. From the Annual Report of the United States National Museum for 1899, pages 523-537, with 5 plates and 6 figures. Octavo. . Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Objects of Jewish Ceremonial Deposited in the United States National Museum by Hadji Ephraim Ben- guiat, by Cyrus Adler, Ph. D., custodian, Section of Historic Religious Ceremonials, and J. M. Casanowicz, Ph. D., Aid, Division of Historical Archeology. From the Annual Report of the United States National Museum for 1899, pages 539-561, with 36 plates. Octavo. V. SPECIAL SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 1256. Publications of the Smithsonian Institution available for distribu- tion, March, 1901. Washington: March, 1901. Octavo, pp. 55. ae as ee a ines REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. ils if VI. PUBLICATIONS OF NATIONAL MUSEUM. Special Bulletin. American Hydroids. Part I. The Plumularide, with thirty-four plates. By Charles Cleveland Nutting, professor of zoology, University of lowa. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1900. Quarto. pp. 285, with Plates I-X XXIV. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Volume XXII. Published under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. Washing- ton: Government Printing Office. 1900. xii+-1075 pages, with 18 plates. Octavo. Proc. 1203. A Hundred new Moths of the Family Noctuide. By John B. Smith. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXII, pages 413-495. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1204. A new Bird of Paradise. By Rolla P. Currie. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXII, pages 497-499, with Plate XVII. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1205. Synopsis of the Naiades, or Pearly Fresh-Water Mussels. By Charles Torrey Simpson. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XII, pages 501-1044, with Plate XVIII. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1206. Classification of the Ichneumon Flies, or the Superfamily Ichneumonoidea. By William H. Ashmead. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 1-220. Washing- ton: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1207. A new Rhinoceros, Trigonias osborni, from the Miocene of South Dakota. By Frederic A. Lucas. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 221-223. Washing- ton: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1208. New species of Moths of the Superfamily Tineina from Florida. By August Busch. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 225-254, with Plate I. Washington: Government Printing Office, 19.0. Octavo. Proc. 1209. Life Histories of Some North American Moths. By Harri- son G. Dyar. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 255-284. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1210. Synopsis of the Family Tellinidz and of the North Ameri- ean Species. By William Healey Dall. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 285-326, with Plates II-IV. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1211. The Pelvic Girdle of Zeuglodon, Basilosaurus cetoides (Owen), with notes on other portions of the skeleton. By Frederic A. Lucas. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 327-331, with Plates V-VII. Washington: Govern- ment Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1212. A new Fossil Cyprinoid, Leuciscus turneri, from the Miocene of Nevada. By Frederic A. Lucas. From the Proceedings of the 138 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 333-354, with Plate VIII. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1213. A List of Fishes Collected in Japan by Keinosuke Otaki and by the U.S. S. Albatross, with descriptions of fourteen new species. By David Starr Jordan and John Otterbein Snyder. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, page 335-380, with Plates IX-XX. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1214. Synopsis of the Family Cardiidz and of the North American species. By William Healey Dall. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 381-392. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office, 1900. Octavo. Proc. 1215. Revision of the Orthopteran Genus Trimerotropis. By Jerome McNeill. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 393-449, with Plate XXI. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901. Octavo. Proce. 1216. The Hermit Crabs of the Pagurus bernhardus type. By James E. Benedict. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 451-466. Washington: Government Print- ing Office. 1901. Octayo. Proc. 1217. On anew species of Spiny-tailed Iguana from Utilla Island, Honduras. By Leonhard Stejneger. Pages 467, 468. Washington: Goy- ernment Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proe. 1218. New systematic name for the Yellow Boa of Jamaica. By Leonhard Steineger. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 469-470. Octavo. Proc. 1219. Diagnosis of a new species of Iguanoid Lizard from Green Cay, Bahama Islands. By Leonhard Stejneger. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 471, 472. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1220. On the Wheatears (Saxicola) occurring in North America. By Leonhard Stejneger. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 473-481. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1221. List of Fishes collected in the River Pei-Ho, at Tien-Tsin, China, by Noah Fields Drake, with descriptions of seven new species. By James Francis Abbott. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 483-491. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1222. Key to the Isopods of the Atlantic Coast of North America, with descriptions of new and little known species. By Harriet Richard- son. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXII, pages 493-579. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1223. Some Spiders and other Arachnida from Southern Arizona. By Nathan Banks. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 581-590, with Plate XXII. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1224. A new Dinosaur, Stegosaurus marshi, from the Lower Cre- taceous of South Dakota. By Frederic A. Lucas. From the Proceedings REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 139 of the United States National Museum, Vol’ XNIII, pages 591, 592, with Plates XXIII, XXIV.. Washington: Government Printing Office 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1225. New Diptera in the United States National Museum. By D. W. Coquillett. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 593-618. Washington: Government Print- ing Office. 1901. Octayo. Proc. 1226. A Listof the Fernsand Fern Allies of North America North of Mexico, with principal synonyms and distribution. By Wilham R. Maxon. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 619-651. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1227. A Systematic Arrangement of the Families of the Diptera. By D. W. Coquillett. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 653-658. Washington: Government Print- ing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proe. 1228. A Comparison of the Osteology of the Jerboas and Jumping Mice. By Marcus W. Lyon, jr. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 659-668; with Plates XX V— XXVII. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1229. Cambrian Brachiopoda: Obolella, subgenus Glyptias; Bicia; Obollus, subgenus Westonia; with descriptions of new species. By Charles D. Walcott. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 669-695. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1230. A Revision of certain species of Plants of the Genus Anten- naria. By Elias Nelson. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 697-713. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1231. Description of a new species of Snake from Clarion Island, West Coast of Mexico. By Leonhard Stejneger. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 715-717. Washington: Government Printing Office. 190i. Octavo. Proc. 1232. On the Relationships of the Lutianoid Fish, Aphareus fur- eatus. By David Starr Jordan and Edwin Chapin Starks. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. X XIII, pages 719-723, with Plates XXVIII, XXIX. Washington: Government Print- ing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1233. A Review of the Lancelets, Hag-fishes, and Lampreys of Japan, with a description of two new species. By David Starr Jordan and John Otterbein Snyder. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Vol. XXIII, pages 725-734, with Plate XXX. Wash- ington: Government Printing Office. 1901. Octavo. Proc. 1234. The proper names of Bdellostoma or Heptatrema. By Theodore Gill. From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXIII, pages 735-738. Washington: Government Print- ing Office. 1901. Octavo. 140 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. VII. PUBLICATIONS OF,THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. The first part of the Seventeenth Report and the first part of the Eight- eenth Report were received from the Government Printing Office and distributed during the year. Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Se-retary of the Smithsonian Institution. 1895-96. . By J. W. Powell, Director. In two parts. Part I. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1898. Imperial octavo. Pages i-xciii, 1-128, 129*-344*, 137-468, with 81 plates and 229 text figures. Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 1896-97. By J. W. Powell, Director. In two parts. Part I. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1899. Imperial octavo. Pages i-lvii, 1-518, with 174 plates and 165 text figures. VIII. PUBLICATION OF AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1900 was sent to the printer toward the close of the fiscal year, and most of it was in type before June 30. The report is in two volumes, with the following contents: ‘Report of Proceedings of Sixteenth Annual Meeting in Detroit and Ann Arbor, Decem- ber 27-29, 1900, by A. Howard Clark, secretary—The New History, by Edward Eggleston, president—Concerning the Writing of History, by James Ford Rhodes—Plea for Military History, by Charles Francis Adams—Sectionalism and Representation in South Carolina, a Sociological Stndy, by William A. Schaper—Frontier Land Clubs, or Claim Associations, by Benjamin F.Shambaugh—Missouri Party Struggles in the Civil-War Period, by S. B. Harding—Military Government of Southern Territory, 1861-1865, by A. H. Carpenter— Marcus Whitman: A Discussion of Professor Bourne’s Paper, by William I. Marshall—Lord Baltimore’s Struggle with the Jesuits, 1634-1649, by Alfred Pearce Dennis—American Eccle- siology, by George James Bayles—Studies in the Colonial Period of England, 1672-1680: The Plantations, the Royal African Company, and the Slave Trade, by Edward D. Col- lins—Critical Work on the Latin Sources of the First Crusade, by Oliver J. Thatcher— The Turkish Capitulation, by James B. Angell—Stein’s German Policy at the Congress of Vienna, by Ulysses G. Weatherly—The Considerations which induced Edward III to Assume the Title King of France, by Walter Irenzeus Lowe—Fifth Annual Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission—Titles of Books on English History, published in 1899; selected by W. Dawson Johnston—Report of the Public Archives Commission. IX. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, The Third Report of the Society was received and submitted to Congress during the year and progress made toward its publication as a Senate Document. Respectfully submitted. A. Howarpb Cuark, Editor. Mr. S. P. LANGLEY, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution GENERAL APPENDIX SMETHSOMAN REPORT FOR 1901. at ADVERTISEMENT. The object of the GENERAL APPENDIX to the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution is to furnish brief accounts of scientific discoy- ery in particular directions; reports of investigations made by collab- orators of the Institution; and memoirs of a general character or on special topics that are of interest or value to the numerous correspond- ents of the Institution. It has been a prominent object of the Board of Regents of the Smith- sonian Institution, from a very early date, to enrich the annual report required of them by law with memoirs illustrating the more remarka- ble and important developments in physical and biological discovery, as well as showing the general character of the operations of the Insti- tution; and this purpose has, during the greater part of its history, been carried out largely by the publication of such papers as would possess an interest to all attracted by scientific progress. In 1880 the Secretary, induced in part by the discontinuance of an annual summary of progress which for thirty years previous had been issued by well-known private publishing firms, had prepared by com- petent collaborators a series of abstracts, showing concisely the prom- inent features of recent scientific progress in astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, zoology, and anthropology. This latter plan was continued, though not altogether satisfactorily, down to and including the year 1888. In the report for 1889 a return was made to the earlier method of presenting a miscellaneous selection of papers (some of them original) embracing a considerable range of scientific investigation and discus- sion. This method has been continued in the present report, for 1901. 145 PLATE I. fee, j : My rs : i z THE SMITHSONIAN BUILDING. 2) - no = THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. **The advancement of the highest interests of na- tional science and learning and the custody of objects of art and of the valuable results of scientific expedi- tions conducted by the United States have been com- mitted to the Smithsonian Institution. In furtherance of its declared purpose—for the ‘increase and diffu- sion of knowledge among men’—the Congress has from time to time given it other important functions. Such trusts have been executed by the Institution with notable fidelity. There should be no halt in the work of the Institution, in accordance with the plans which its Secretary has presented, for the preservation of the vanishing races of great North American animals in the National Zoological Park. The urgent needs of the National Museum are recommended to the favora- ble consideration of the Congress.” (President Roosevelt’s first mes- sage to Congress. ) In the first Smithsonian Report issued in the twentieth century it may not be amiss to tell the readers of this volume very briefly what the Institution is, how it came into being, and how it has fulfilled the purposes for which it was established. In the popular mind. the Smithsonian Institution is a picturesque castellated building of brown stone, situated in a beautiful park at Washington, containing birds and shells and beasts and many other things, with another large adjacent building, often called the Smith- sonian National Museum. The Institution is likewise supposed to have a large corps of learned men, all of whom are called ‘* Professors” (which they are not), whose time is spent in writing books and making experiments and answering all kinds of questions concerning the things in the heavens above, the earth beneath, and the waters under the earth. Contrast this popular notion with the facts. The Smithsonian Insti- tution is an ‘* Establishment” created by an act of Congress which owes its origin to the bequest of James Smithson, an Englishman, a scien- tific man, and at one time a vice-president of the Royal Society, who sm 1901——10 145 146 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. died in Genoa in 1829, leaving his entire estate to the United States of America ‘‘to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowl- edge among men.” After ten years of debate in Congress, turning partly on the ques- tion whether the Government ought to accept such a bequest at all and put itself in the unprecedented position of the guardian of a ward, Congress accepted the trust and created by enactment an ‘* Establishment” called by the name of the Smithsonian Institetion, consisting of the President of the United States, the Vice-President, the Chief Justice of the United States, and the members of the Pres- ident’s Cabinet. It has also a Secretary, with varied functions, among others that of being the Keeper of the Museum. Smithson’s money, which amounted to over half a million dollars, and later to three-quarters of a million, a great fortune in that day of small things, was deposited in the United States Treasury, the Govern- ment afterwards agreeing to pay perpetually 6 per cent interest upon it. In the fundamental act creating the Institution, Congress, as above stated, provided that the President and the members of his Cabinet should be members of the Institution, that is, should be the Institu- tion itself, but that nevertheless it should be governed by a Board of Regents, composed of the Vice-President and Chief Justice of the United States, three Regents to be appointed by the Preside:t of the Senate (ordinarily the Vice-President), three by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and six to be selected by Congress; two of whom should be residents of the District of Columbia *nd the other four from different States, no two being from the :ame State. The fundamental act further provides that the Secretary of the Institution already defined shall also be the Secretary of the Board of Regents. The Museum is primarily to contain objects of art and of foreign and curious research; next, objects of natural history, plants, and geological and mineralogical specimens belonging to the United States. Provision is also made fora library, and the functions of the Regents and of the Secretary were defined. The preamble of this bill states that Congress has received the prop- erty of Smithson and provided ‘‘for the faithful execution of said trust agreeable to the will of the liberal and enlightened donor.” It will thus be seen that the relations of the General Government to the Smithsonien Institution are most extraordinary, one may even say unique, since the United States solemnly bound itself to the adminis- tration of a trust. Probably never before has any ward found so powerful a guardian. The first meeting of the Regents occurred on September 7, 1846, and in the autumn of the same year they elected as Secretary JosSEPH Henry, then a professor at Princeton, known for his extraordinary Smithsonian Report, 1901.—The Smithsonian Institution. PLATE Il. JAMES SMITHSON. Founder of the Smithsonian Institution. From a painting by Johnes, 1816. f oe . *\, ’ =, = i) iat Ved . “te F a y « a< an GS Sig TS a FA cae Zi) Sree af 1 33 7 A. ; »% 7 ‘ - es *y An fe 7 “* ’ é re ‘ F ie - Smithsonian Report, 1901.—The Smithsonian Institution. PLATE III. \\ \\ YS Wy NN XY aoe LEE JAMES SMITHSON. Founder of the Smithsonian Institution. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 147 experiments on the electro-magnet, and other subjects relating to electricity. Under his guidance the Institution took shape. Its work at first consisted, in the main, of the publication of original memoirs, containing actual contributions to knowledge, and their free distribu- tion to important libraries throughout the world; to giving popular lectures in Washington, publishing them, and distributing them to libraries and individuals; stimulating scientific work by providing apparatus and by making grants of money to worthy investigators, cooperating with other Government Departments in the advancement of work useful to the General Government, etc. These were the principal methods employed by Henry to carry out the purposes of Smithson, for the increase and diffusion of knowledge. Here, too, were initiated certain studies which afterwards became most fruitful and have resulted in important Government work, such as the present Weather Bureau, among others. The beginning of cooperation in library work was at this Institution. At the same time many—we might almost say most—of the present scientific activities of the Gov- ernment have grown out of it or been stimulated by it. Experiments in fog signaling, in the acoustics and ventilation of public buildings, and in numerous other subjects, were inaugurated. In fact, in these earlier days, with one or two exceptions, the Smithsonian was the sole representative of active scientific work directly or indirectly con- nected with the United States Government. Its influence upon the character of private scientific work, too, was very great, since half a century or more ago the avenues for publishing were few, and the funds for the purpose slender. Gradually, out of the collections which had been kept in the Patent Office, the private collections of Smithson, and of appropriations of his money made by the Regents, and largely also through the results of the great exploring expedition of Captain Wilkes, there grew up a Smithsonian Museum, one which was exclusively cared for from the Smithson fund; but which, partly through the greater activity of the Government surveys and partly through the gifts of private individ- uals, and also through the valuable objects presented to the United States Government by foreign nations at the close of the Centennial at Philadelphia in 1876, brought about the establishment of what is now known as the United States National Museum of the Smithso- nian Institution, which is under control of the Regents of the Institu- tion, for which a building was provided, and which now receives direct support from Congress. This Museum has now the matter belonging to the original Institution collected by the Smithsonian’s own observ- ers, with much more secured through the General Government, making in all over 5,000,000 specimens, and is the foremost collection in the world in everything that relates to the natural history, ethnology, geology, and paleontology of that portion of North America now the 148 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. United States, besides containing many valuable series from other countries. The collections have been visited by over 7,500,000 per- sons, and the Institution has carried selections of its specimens to every large exhibition held in the United States, and distributed 850,000 specimens to colleges and academies, thus powerfully stimulating the growth of museums large and small in every section of the country. The publications of the Smithsonian have been in several series, mostly to convey to specialists the results of its original scientific investigations and to thus represent the first half of its fundamental purpose ‘‘ for the ¢nerease of knowledge,” and, subordinately, others to include handbooks and indexes useful to students, and some publi- cations which, while still accurate, contain much information in a style to be understood by any intelligent reader, and thus represent the second half of the founder’s purpose for the ** d¢ffuszon of knowledge.” Many valuable publications, too, have been issued by the Museum and the Bureau of Ethnology, and recently by the Astrophysical Observa- tory. Inall, 265 volumes in over 2,000,000 copies and parts have been gratuitously distributed to institutions and private individuals, these works forming in themselves a scientific library in all branches. Partly by purchase, but in the main by exchange for these publica- tions, the Institution has assembled a library of over 150,000 volumes, principally of serial publications and the transactions of learned socie- ties, which is one of the notable collections of the world. The major portion of it has been since 1866 deposited in the Library of Congress, with which establishment the most cordial and mutually helpful rela- tions subsist. In 1850 Spencer FULLERTON Barrp, a distinguished naturalist, was elected Assistant Secretary of the Institution. To him the great activity in natural history work was due, and by him the Museum was fostered, he being greatly aided from 1875 by a young and enthusiastic naturalist, GeorGE Brown Goopr. Secretary Baird initiated in the Smithsonian Institution those economic studies which led to the estab- lishment of the United States Fish Commission. As another means of diffusing knowledge there was early established the bureau of international exchanges, originally intended simply for the proper distribution of the Smithsonian’s publications, but which gradually assumed very wide proportions, becoming no less than an arrangement with learned societies throughout the world to recipro- cally carry free publications of learned societies, or of individual scien- tific men, intended for gratuitous distribution. This system was after- wards taken up by various governments which, through treaties, bound themselves to exchange their own publications in the same way. Since the inauguration of this service, 5,000,000 pounds weight of books and pamphlets have been carried to every portion of America and of the world. The Institution existing not only for America, in which it has Smithsonian Report, 1901.—The Smithsonian Institution. PLATE IV. JOSEPH HENRY. First secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1878. " | te a a24 =f \ bey : oh ; : pCa py G ray.> 65 7 a tay @ (vox Smithsonian Report, 1901.—The Smithsonian Institution. PLATE V. SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD. Second secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1878-1887. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. , 149 over 8,000 correspondents, but for the world, has throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the islands of the sea, nearly 28,000 correspondents— more without the United States than within—justifying the words **Per Orbem,” as the device on the Smithsonian seal. Other work has been intrusted to the Institution by the Govern- ment, such as the Bureau of American Ethnology, for studies relating to the aborigines of this continent; the Astrophysical Observatory, which for ten years has been chiefly devoted to the enlargement of Newton’s work on the spectrum, and the National Zoological Park. The establishment of the latter was intended primarily to preserve the vanishing races of mammals on the North American continent; but it has also assumed the general features of a zoological park, afford- ing the naturalist the opportunity to study the habits of animals at close range, the painter the possibility of delineating them, and giving pleasure and instruction to hundreds of thousands of the American people. These two latter establishments are due to the initiative of the present Secretary, Mr. 8. P. LANGLEY, elected in 1887; a physicist and astronomer, known for his researches on the sun, and more recently for his work in aérodynamics. While the fund has been increased of later years by a number of gifts and bequests, the most notable being that of Mr. Thomas G. Hodgkins of a sum somewhat over $200,000, its original capital, once relatively considerable, has now, in spite of these additions, grown relatively inconsiderable where there are now numerous universities having twenty times its private fund. It threatens now to be insufficient for the varied activities it has undertaken and is pursuing in every direction, among these the support of the higher knowledge by aiding investigators everywhere, which it does by providing apparatus for able investigators for their experiments, etc. Investigations in various countries have been stimu- lated by grants from the fund. It has been the past, as it is the present, policy of the Institution to aid as freely as its means allowed, either by the grant of funds or the manufacture of special apparatus, novel investigations which have not always at the moment seemed of practical value to others, but which subsequently have in many instances justified its discrimination in their favor and have proved of great importance. The growth of the Institution has been great, but it has been more in activity than in mere bigness. The corner-stone was laid fifty years ago. In 1852 the entire staff, including even laborers, was 12. In 1901 the Institution and the bureaus under it employed 64 men of sci- ence and 277 other persons. These men of science in the Institution represent very nearly all the general branches, and even the specialties to some extent of the natural and physical sciences, besides history and the learning of the ancients; and it may perhaps be said that the income of the Institution (which, relatively to others, is not one-tenth 150 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. in 1901 what it was in 1851) has been forced to make good, by harder effort on the part of the few, what is done elsewhere in the Govern- ment service by many. The private income of the Smithsonian Institution is not quite $60,000, but it controls the disbursement of about $500,000 per annum appropriated by the Government for the bureaus under its charge. Certain other functions difficult to describe are still of prime im- portance. The Smithsonian is called on by the Government to advise in many matters of science, more especially when these have an inter- national aspect. Its help and advice are sought by many thousands of persons every year, learned societies, college professors, journalists, and magazine editors, and thousands of private individuals, seeking information, which is furnished whenever it can be done without too serious a drain, though naturally a percentage of the requests is unrea- sonable. _ It has cooperated with scientific societies of national scope, like the American Historical Association, and has stimulated the growth of a number of the Washington scientific societies, and it may be said to teem with other activities. The Regents control the policy of the Institution, and the Secre- tary is their executive officer. Since the beginning the Regents have been selected from among the most distinguished men in public life and in the educational and scientific world. Their roll contains the names of the most distinguished American citizens for half a century. An unwritten policy has grown up which, without instructions or regulations, has been of profound influence in the work. The Smith- sonian Institution does not undertake work which any existing agency can or will do as well. It does not engage in controversies; it limits its work to observation and the diffusion of ascertained knowledge, not to speculation. It preserves an ‘*open mind” for all branches of knowledge and considers any phenomena which are the object of serious study within its purview. Its benefits are not confined to Washington nor to the United States, but as far as consistent are extended to all men. Its Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and scientific officers have from the beginning—long before a classified service existed—been elected and appointed for merit, and for that alone. No person has ever been appointed on the scientific staff for any political reason or consideration. It is impossible to look into the future. The Smithsonian Institu- tion has a remarkable organization for the administration of funds for the promotion of science; yet amidst the great benefactions of the past quarter of a century relatively few have come to it. Its activities could be still further increased if it had greater means under its control, and the Regents, because of the peculiarly independ- ent position they hold, can be of great public service in suggesting Smithsonian Report, 1901.—The Smithsonian Institution. PLATE VI. SAMUEL PIERPONT LANGLEY. Third secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Elected in 1887. ™ os AR, ee THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 5a: the channel into which gifts for scientific purposes might be directed, evenif they do not see their way clear to accepting such donations for the Institution itself. For the National Museum a great new building is a prime necessity. The Museum has practically reached a point where it is physically impossible that it should grow under present conditions. Secretary Langley has for several years past been urging upon the Government the dispatch of several expeditions for capturing the species of large mammals so rapidly being destroyed in the United States and Alaska; but even without this, the National Zoological Park, with its relationships to the other great national parks, is des- tined to be one of the great collections of the world. The Bureau of American Ethnology, which since its organization has devoted itself to the aboriginees of this continent, may have new work to do in Porto Rico and in Hawaii. Among still other activities, of which there is now but a premonition, a National Gallery of Art (provided for by Congress in the original charter) may be alluded to. The past of the Smithsonian Institution is secure, its presentis known to all men, and it looks forward to the future in the belief that it will worthily continue under whatever changing conditions to ‘‘ increase and diffuse knowledge among men.” 2c0332355- SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. By C. G. Axpzor. The year 1901 has beena remarkable one in the history of astronomy for the number of important observations and discoveries which have been recorded. I have selected for the following account six, perhaps, the most interesting. These are (1) recent determinations of stellar motion in the line of sight; (2) advances in astronomical photography; (8) the measurement of the heat received from the stars; (4) the observation of the planet Eros; (5) the total solar eclipse of May 18, 1901, and (6) the history of the new star in Perseus. 1. RECENT DETERMINATIONS OF STELLAR MOTION IN THE LINE OF SIGHT. It is now over thirty years since Sir William Huggins made the earliest application of Doppler’s principle to the problem of determining the velocity of motion of the stars in the line joining the star with the observer, technically called the line of sight. Before this all measures of stellar motion had been by the comparison of accurate positions obtained many years apart, and giving thus the stars’ ** proper motion” or motion at right angles to the line of sight. The principle of Dop- pler, however, offers a means of discovering the other component of stellar motion, for in accordance with it the apparent wave length of light is increased or diminished by the recession or approach of the source, just as a locomotive whistle becomes of higher pitch as it comes toward us and lower as it goes away. It requires, then, in theory, but the comparison of well recognized lines in the stellar spectra with the corresponding ones in the spectrum of a terrestrial source, to see whether or not the star lines are shifted toward the blue or the red, together with a measurement of the amount of this shifting to decide if the star is approaching or receding from us, and at what rate. In practice, however, the displacements caused by stellar motion are so slight that the effects of a varying temperature of the apparatus and of other causes make this one of the most difli- cult fields of astronomical investigation. 154 SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. After Sir William Huggins’s first experiments in 1868 and those of Professor Vogel at Potsdam in 1871 the work was taken up at Green- wich and pursued for thirteen years. Those early results were but rough, however, and we owe to the introduction of astronomical photography the present advances in this as in so many other lines. The introduction of photography, and with it the first results of great value for accuracy, date from the observations of Vogel at Potsdam in 1887. Not long after this Professor Keeler, thén director of Alle- gheny Observatory, obtained his famous spectrographic proof that the rings of Saturn consist of small bodies revolving about the planet in obedience to Keplar’s laws and are not continuous rigid sheets of matter as they appear to be in a telescopic view. The most celebrated instrument used for these line of sight researches is that known as the Mills spectrograph of the Lick Observatory, with which Professor Campbell, the present director, has made and is still continuing his noted line of sight determinations for all the brighter stars of the northern hemisphere. An illustration of this instrument attached to the 36-inch equatorial is here given (Pl. I). The reader may see in the illustration what care is used to avoid temperature dis- turbances. With the Mills spectrograph thes accuracy of Professor Campbell’s determinations has become very great, so that the probable error of a determination from a single photograph may be, for stars having favorable spectra, far within a single kilometer per second. While most of the stars observed have line of sight velocities not exceeding 10 kilometers per second, certain of them give evidence of a far greater rapidity of motion, amounting in the case of € Herculis to no less than 70 kilometers per second (or nearly 45 miles). Still more interesting are the variable velocities reported in numerous cases. From evidence of this kind Professor Campbell has concluded, for instance, that the Pole Star is not single as it appears in the tele- scope, but consists of a system of no less than three bodies revolving about in mutually influenced orbits. It has become possible with the spectroscope not only to prove that several stars exist where only one is seen with the most powerful tele- scopes, but to determine the time of revolution of such a spectroscopic pair in its orbit, and even with considerable certainty to determine the form and size of this orbit and its inclination to the plane of the eclip- tic, although, as I have said, the separate stars are so close and their orbit so circumscribed as never to be seen. Line of sight determinations have now become one of the most important features of astrophysical study. A new telescope is to be devoted to this purpose at the Cape of Good Hope Observatory. The Astrophysical Observatory at Potsdam has very recently obtained a new stellar spectrograph of the most approved construction. The Lick Observatory is establishing a branch observatory in South Amer- ‘AYOLVAYSSEO MOI SHL JO HdVEYDOLOAdS STIIW SHL ‘| SLV1d SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 155 ica to complete the spectrographic survey of the heavens, and the great equatorial at Yerkes Observatory has within a few months been fitted with a new stellar spectrograph of the greatest perfection. 2. RECENT ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMICAL PHOTOGRAPHY. It was formerly the custom, in the time of Sir William and later of Sir John Herschel, to employ reflecting telescopes for stellar observa- tions. With the more recent high development of refracting tele- scopes, mirrors became superseded largely by lenses for the most refined work. It is well known to what extraordinary size and perfec- tion telescope objectives have risen, so that in the United States alone we have perhaps as many as half a dozen of over 2 feet clear aperture, the largest being the 40-inch equatorial of the Yerkes Observatory. But while the substitution of refracting for reflecting instruments thus went on, the introduction of photography in astronomical work gave an impetus which has since led to the revival of the use of reflectors. The advantage of the latter is due in part to the fact that reflecting instruments bring all rays of whatever wave length to the same focus, while refractors can only be corrected to bring a certain limited num- ber of wave lengths to a focus at any given plane. When refracting instruments are constructed for visual purposes it is customary to cor- rect the lens in such a way that the rays which affect the eye most intensely shall be brought to a sharp focus, neglecting so far as is necessary the violet rays which are most active photographically. It will be readily seen therefore that a visual refracting telescope is not suitable for the most exact photographic operations. Hence it has been the custom, followed at the Lick Observatory, at the Astrophysi- cal Observatory at Potsdam, and at many other observatories where great refractors are employed, to have an additional lens, either used as a corrector for the visual objective, or wholly substituted for it, to be employed solely for photographic purposes. This has necessitated a very great initial expenditure of money as well as no inconsiderable waste of time and danger to the instruments in the substitution of lenses, as the instrument is changed from visual to photographic uses. The fact that a reflecting telescope with all its appurtenances, of equal light-gathering power to a great refractor and without the defect of chromatic aberration, can be made at a small fraction of the cost merely of the lens itself, has therefore led several large observatories to yield their great equatorials chiefly to visual and spectroscopic purposes, supplementing their equipment for stellar photography by the use of a reflector with whoily separate driving mechanism and dome. Against the very great advantage of a reflector in point of cost, however, there is to be offset the fact that the extent of the field where the definition remains good at the focus of a large lens is far 156 SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. - greater than the corresponding field in the focus of a great mirror. But notwithstanding this disadvantage, reflectors have more and more come into use for photographic purposes within recent years, and some of the most beautiful and striking photographs of the nebule and star clusters ever made were obtained with the Crossley reflector in the last months of his life by Professor Keeler, director of the Lick Observatory at Mount Hamilton, California. Since his untimely death the instrument has been continued in use and is now giving excellent results. More recently still Mr. Ritchey, of the Yerkes Observatory, has designed and prepared with his owi hands a reflecting telescope of slightly smaller dimensions than the Crossley instrument, and is now obtaining photographs of nebul, star clusters, and other objects requir- ing much light-gathering power but no great extent of field, which are unexcelled for excellence. The illustration (Plate IT) shows the great nebula in Cygnus as photographed by Mr. Ritchey with an exposure of three hours. The faintest stars shown in the original are more than 10,000 times fainter than the unaided eye can see. Plate III includes two drawings from photographs by Mr. Ritchey of the nebula round Nova Persei taken with the same instrument. I have spoken of the large expense and inconvenience attending the use of refracting instruments for both visual and photographie pur- poses. In preparing the great Yerkes refractor of 40 inches aperture no provision was made for its employment as a photographic tele- scope, but very recently, owing to the great advance made by com- mercial dry-plate manufacturers in the preparation of photographie plates sensitive in the yellow and green portions of the spectrum—that is to say, those portions where the eye is the most sensitive—it became possible, if the imperfectly focused blue and violet rays of the instru- ment could be cut off, to use the telescope without prejudicially long exposures for photographic purposes. Mr. Ritchey has, accordingly, employed a color screen close to the photographic plate, by means of which these prejudicial rays are eliminated; and by the further use of a most eflicient following apparatus, also of Mr. Ritchey’s design, there has recently been taken with this telescope, originally intended only for visual and spectroscopic purposes, extraordinarily perfect astronomical photographs (Pl. IV). This marks a most important advance in astronomical photography, for it thus becomes possible, with a very trifling expense, to use the great visual equatorials of the world with perfect success as photographic telescopes. Before passing from the subject of celestial photography I wish to mention a combination of the refracting and reflecting schemes which is now being employed with great success. It will be remembered that one of the most celebrated features of the Paris Exposition was the ‘‘Great Telescope,” so-called, and that this was employed not IN CYGNUS. ee) Ua ped bd od by * en day ey Si ae he ehy cm IASYSd VAON GNNOY VINESAN 3HL JO ASHOLIY “YIA) Ad SHdVYDOLOHd WOYS SONIMVYG 7 : “AI Tips Cen eee tt oa UES one ck om ee ee Pere "WW atv1d ‘yOQIY—' (061 ‘Hoday uejuosyyiWS Satay Sg eate r i SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 157 pointing toward the celestial object, but pointing rather at a great mirror which itself reflected the light to the lens. This combination of the lens and the mirror is coming increasingly into favor. It was used with advantage, as the readers of last year’s report remember, by the Smithsonian eclipse expedition of 1900, and with no less success by observers of that eclipse from other places, notably by Professor Barnard of the Yerkes expedition. The advantage of this arrangement consists chiefly in that the tele- scope is immovable and therefore not so much subject to the shaking of the ground, bad following of the clock, or to flexure of the tube of the lens or of the lens itself, all of which are liable to seriously affect the steadiness and perfection of the image of a great equatorial. Of course these sources of error all come in to disturb the reflecting mirror which is placed in front of the telescope; but yet, owing to the compactness and relatively small weight of the apparatus which is there driven, these sources of error may be much diminished. Besides these advantages we have the not inconsiderable further gain that the visual or photographie observer can carry on his operations with per- fect comfort and convenience, owing to avoiding the necessity of fol- lowing the moving eye end of an equatorial. Ina recent visit to the Yerkes Observatory I had the pleasure of seeing the beginnings of very large telescopes of this pattern which Professor Hale designs to employ for the most delicate and far-reaching photographic and radio- metric investigations. 3. THE MEASUREMENT OF THE HEAT RECEIVED FROM THE STARS. Attempts were made as early as 1869 and 1870 by English astrono- mers to obtain evidence of the heat received at the earth from the brightest stars. These experiments were carried out with the aid of the thermopile, then the most sensitive form of heat-measuring appa- ‘atus Known. Since 1880 there have been devised, however, as many as four instru- ments fur more sensitive than the old-fashioned thermopile. These are the bolometer, the radiomicrometer, the improved thermopile of Rubens, and the radiometer, which last has reached its greatest sensi- tiveness in the hands of Prof. E. F. Nichols. In 1888 Prof. C. B. Boys, with his then newly invented radiomi- crometer, repeated the earlier observations on the heat of the brighter stars, and while the earlier observers had convinced themselves of dis- cernible heating effects, he, with his far more sensitive arrangements, came to negative results. As showing the great sensitiveness of his apparatus and the therefore extreme minuteness of the amount of heat received from the stars, it need only be said that in the absence of atmospheric absorption a candle placed at almost 2 miles distance would have been perceived by him, 158 SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Notwithstanding this discouraging evidence, the question was again taken up within the last two or three years by Professor Nichols with his radiometer. Before mentioning his results it will be of interest to briefly describe that instrument. The principle upon which it is based is the well-known one of the Crookes revolving vanes, familiar in the collections of appa- ratus exhibited in the physical cabinets of « academies and colleges. In this interest- ing toy a pair of small metallic vanes, blackened on opposite sides and fixed perpendicularly upon a light arm, itself horizontal and delicately poised at its center upon a vertical axis, is caused to rotate in a vacuum by the influence of light. The Nichols radiometer is merely this old instrument adapted to measure the intensity of the impinging rays. Anidea The Nichols radiometer. From Astrophysical Journal, Vol. xiii, No. 2, March, 1901. of its construction is given by the accompanying diagram. ‘The vanes, made very small, are fastened at the ends of aslight stem ef glass about one-fourth of an inch long, which in turn is fixed at right angles to a second longer glass stem furnished with a very light mirror and sus- ON EGI¢ LUNAR CRATER THEOPHILUS AND SURROUNDING R wn yw SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 159 pended by an extremely thin quartz fiber. All is inclosed in a metal case, with a glass window opposite the little mirror, so as to observe the deflections of the vanes by the telescope and scale method, and a second window of fluorite or other material transmissible to the long wave-length radiations is inserted opposite the vanes to admit the rays to be measured. The case is air-tight and may be exhausted to any degree. The sole force which keeps the vanes at the zero of position when uninfluenced by radiation is the tortional elasticity of the quartz fiber, and this resists the rotation of the vanes and returns them to their original position when turned temporarily from it by the influ- ence of radiation. ’ An extraordinary degree of sensitiveness of this instrument was indicated by experiments which were made on the heat of a candle sit- uated 2,000 feet from the concave mirror which focused its rays upon the radiometer. The feeble radiations of the candle at this great dis- tance sufficed to turn the radiometer through nearly a hundred scale divisions, and even the face of an observer, when placed in the position before occupied by the candle, produced a deflection of 25 scale divi- sions. Asa tenth of a single scale division could readily be observed, it will be seen, to speak figuratively, that with the radiometer one might note the approach of a friend while yet some miles distant, merely by the glow of his countenance. Correcting the observation upon the candle for the absorption of the earth’s atmosphere in the layer between it and the radiometer, it was found that in the absence of the atmosphere, a single candle at upward of 16 miles could have been detected, so that the instrumental equip- ment was far more sensitive than that used by Professor Boys in the negatively resulting stellar observations already alluded to. Experiments were performed upon the radiations of the stars Veg: and Arcturus, and on the planets Jupiter and Saturn. The heat of each of these objects was distinctly recognized, and caused, in the mean, deflections of 0.51, 1.14, 2.38, and 0.37 scale divisions, respectively, when approximately reduced to zenith. Thus the rela- tive thermal effects of Vega, Arcturus, Jupiter, and Saturn are as 1:2.2:4.7:0.74. This, it will be seen, is quite appreciably different from their relative brightness to the eye, a circumstance which may, with additional experiments, lead to interesting conclusions regardiag the nature of the radiation received from these several objects. 4. THE OBSERVATIONS OF THE PLANET EROS. The minor planet Eros, it will be recalled, was discovered by Witt, of the Urania Observatory at Berlin, August 13, 1898. When after several observations its approximate orbit was computed, this was found to be so highly eccentric as to differentiate this new planet from the many other asteroids with which it had been provisionally classed. 160 SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. So highly eccentric indeed was the planet’s orbit that, although upward of 90,000,000 miles distant at unfavorable oppositions, when nearest the earth it may come within about 15,000,000 miles, and is on these occasions, so far as is known, our nearest celestial neigh- bor after the moon. This peculiarity caused the planet to become an_ object of great interest on account of its possible use in the more accurate determination of the sun’s distance from the earth, for an object at 15,000,000 miles distance has a yery appreciably different position among the stars if viewed from opposite ends of the earth’s diameter—no less a parallax indeed than 100 seconds of are. Con- sequently its actual distance from the earth could probably be deter- mined with very great accuracy, and this distance when thus fixed could be used indirectly to obtain a new estimate of the sun’s distance from the earth, with an accuracy possibly exceeding that of earlier methods. Search was immediately instituted by Prof. E. C. Pickering, the director of Harvard College Observatory, through the continuous photographic record of the stars which is kept up at that observatory, for earlier positions of the planet, and such were soon found among plates taken in 1893, 1894, and 1896. From these observations, which, taken with those made in 1898, follow the planet through a consider- able range of time, a very accurate orbit was computed.* The orbits of Eros and the earth were found to be of such a form that their next reasonably close approach would occur in November, 1900, and while their distance at this time was indeed considerably greater than their least possible distance of 15,000,000 miles, yet it was determined to institute at that opposition a thorough parallax cam- paign to be taken part in by all the observatories in the world fitted with instruments suitable for this purpose, for it would be necessary to wait upward of twenty years for the minimum distance to occur, Fully 50 observatories took part in this parallax campaign, continu- ing observations from October through to about the 1st of February. These observations were in part photographic, in part visual, and taken at stations as far apart as the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, and Helsingfors, in Finland, and indeed it might almost be said that there was no habitable quarter of the earth which was not represented by observers. It is yet too early to say what will be the results, but it is hoped that they may lead to a very excellent determination of the distance of the sun. “As an evidence of the value of the photographie records.of Harvard College Observatory, it was recently remarked by Professor Pickering that ‘‘if, in the future, any other object like Eros should be discovered, we have at this observatory the means of tracing its path since 1890, during the time in which it was moderately bright, with nearly as great accuracy as if a series of observations had been taken of it with a meridian circle,” ioe SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 161 But in connection with these observations were others which are of remarkable interest, for it appeared that the brightness of the planet varied extraordinarily. In February, 1901, it was found by European astronomers that rapid variations occurred to the amount of two whole stellar magnitudes, which would be equivalent to a variation of 600 per cent! More recent observations show that the range of bright- ness diminished so that at the middle of May there was apparently less than a tenth of a magnitude variation. The extraordinary amount of these fluctuations in the brightness of a planet almost baffles explana- tion, and several theories have been tentatively proposed, none of which, however, as yet is established. Among these explanations are that the planet is of unequal reflecting power on different portions of its surface; that the variation is due to the inclination of its axis taken in connection with a very eccentric form; or that it is even double, as has been assumed by M. André and others, by whom it has been sug- gested that there may be two single bodies alternately eclipsing each other. In any of these explanations it is extremely difficult, as has been said, to account reasonably for the very remarkable variations of brightness. The question is complicated by the velocity of light, the varying distance of the sun and the earth, the phase of, the planet and the direction of its axis of rotation, all of which, while they make numerical computations arduous, yet may furnish valuable checks on the trustworthiness of any theories which may be proposed. 5. THE TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE OF MAY 18, 1901. The total solar eclipse of May 18, 1901, which occurred over a belt extending from the island of Mauritius across the Indian Ocean and through several of the large islands of the Dutch East Indies was at its maximum over six minutes long, and hence gave rise to many observing expeditions, although the chances for favorable observing weather were regarded as precarious in these tropical regions. Most of the observers selected the west coast of the island of Sumatra for their post of observation, though some went to Mauritius, others to an island off the east coast of Sumatra, and still a few others, I believe, to Borneo. The nations represented on these expeditions included the Netherlands, the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia, and Japan. The United States sent the greater number of parties, while the Netherlands, on account of its control of the island of Sumatra, where the observations were conducted, had the most numerous observers and the most extensive programme. The United States observers occupied seven stations, all on or near the west coast of Sumatra, excepting the Amherst College expedition, which was stationed on a small island east of Sumatra. England sent three parties, one stationed on the island of Mauritius, and the other two on or near the west coast of Sumatra. em too ——— 1 162 SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. France was represented by one observer, Russia by one, Japan by several, while the Netherlands made very extensive preparations, including the participation of army officers, a portion of its scientific staff from Batavia, and a party of three from the Netherlands proper. The Smithsonian Institution, as will be recalled by the readers of the report for 1900, had, in May of that year, observed the total eclipse at Wadesboro, North Carolina, and had obtained, among other results of interest, bolometric evidence indicating a probable low temperature of the corona, while on a single photograph of the region near the sun there had been found certain star-like images which were suspected to be due to as yet undiseovered planets. The expedition to Sumatra was undertaken to verify these tentative results. These two kinds of research proved very attractive to other parties as well, for the Lick Observatory, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the English parties, and the Dutch, all had appa- ratus for the photographic search after intramercurial planets, and the Dutch and French also used apparatus designed for the thermal study of the radiation of the corona. The United States Naval Observatory expedition was largely spec- troscopic in character, while at the same time including first-class outfits for the photography of the corona. One of these especially deserves mention, for it was undoubtedly the most complete and well- arranged apparatus ever used for coronal photography. I refer to that of Professor Barnard, of the Yerkes Observatory, an invited member of the Naval Observatory expedition. Professor Barnard had the same optical apparatus which he used at Wadesboro, North Caro- lina, in 1900, but the photographic plates were much more numerous, owing to the longer eclipse, and included one plate 40 inches square, for a very long exposure. The spectroscopic work of the Naval Observatory was done mainly with diffraction gratings, a rather new departure in eclipse photogra- phy, and the programme included the photography of the flash spec- trum and of the coronal spectrum. For the latter, Dr. Gilbert had polariscopic apparatus of Professor Wood’s design, with which it was hoped to prove the existence of Fraunhofer lines. The Dutch, as has been said, covered a very wide range of observa- tion. Their army officers, at various stations in the path of totality and near it, made meteorological and géneral observations, while their main party had an elaborate outfit for every kind of eclipse research. The English, as did the Naval Observatory party, made a main fea- ture of spectroscopic work, including also direct photography of the corona and of the regions thereabouts, and other general observations. Before proceeding to the discussion of the eclipse itself, a few remarks upon the trip, in which I had the good fortune to participate, may be of interest. The two Government expeditions of the United Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Abbot. PLATE V. SumMaTRA. By LAKE SINGKARAK. SUMATRA. NATIVE DWELLING. ——r. SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 168 States, while independently sent out, proceeded together in entire harmony and good fellowship, and added, so far as was in their power, to each other’s success and enjoyment. Proceeding from Washington on the 5th day of February, 1901, we reached San Francisco on the 11th of the month. Further passage was arranged for upon the army transport Sheridan from San Fran- cisco, by way of Honolulu, to Manila. The expeditions left San Francisco on February 16 and after a somewhat rough passage (during which, as we afterwards learned, the ill-fated steamer Ro /anei‘ro went ashore at San Francisco) we reached Honolulu, where we stayed several days. The interest and enjoyment of our stay there was greatly increased by the kindness and attentions of the Social Science Club of Honolulu. Leaving Honolulu, we reached Manila March 18, and after a stay of afew days there, during which very interesting visits were made to the office of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and to the Manila Observatory, we proceeded by the U.S. ship General Alava, which had been detailed by the Navy Department for the purpose, direct from Manila to Padang, on the west coast of Sumatra. We, of course, being without exception northern hemisphere observers, took great interest in seeing the unfamiliar constellations rise out of the south, and in seeing our familiar north star gradually disappear. The officers of the ship took every possible care for our comfort, and we were also entertained (and some of us immersed) upon passing the equator, by the court of His Majesty Neptunus Rex, who came aboard in true man-of-war style. Another incident of great interest was the sight of the famous volcano Krakatau, in the Strait of Sunda, whose eruption in 1883 is so well remembered as the occasion of great loss of life and also of interesting astronomical and meteoro- logical occurrences, due to the volcanic dust which was thrown up to such extreme heights that it became distributed all over the world.* We reached our destination at Padang April 4, near sunset, and while the passage from Manila had been most quiet and delightful, yet. “Tt will be recalled that the explosion, which occurred on Monday, the 27th day of August, 1883, and was heard several thousand miles, took place about 10 o’clock in the morning, as determined, not by any observers, for none such survived to tell what they saw, but by meteorological observations of the air waves which, proceeding from the voleano, went round the world, were reflected back from the antipodes, and re-reflected from the voleano, seven complete passages of the globe being distin- guished before they wholly subsided. Furthermore, a water wave was thrown up, at some points as much as 150 feet above sea level, on the sides of the Strait of Sunda; and this water wave was observed at the Cape of Good Hope, at Cape Horn, and even in the English Channel, no less than 11,000 miles distant. The Strait of Sunda was greatly altered in its configuration, a channel over a hundred fathoms deep exist- ing where previously there was a portion of a mountain over a thousand feet above sea level, while in addition a wholly new island was formed. 164 SOME EECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. the remembrance of the inner harbor will always stay with me as the type of absolute peace. Scarce a ripple stirred its surface, scarce a sound came to our ears, and when a little later we heard the monot- onous but sweet native music floating over the water the feeling of quietness and repose was, if possible, augmented. Our reception by the consular agent of the United States, Mr. C. G. Veth, on board ship early next morning, was most cordial, and noth- ing could exceed in kindness the care and generosity and the assistance which this gentleman gave us, not only on that day but upon every succeeding day until we left the island. We learned from him that Governor Joekes and other officials of the Dutch Government had put all possible conveniences at our disposal, including the free passage both for ourselves and our instruments, at any time during our stay, all over the system of Government railroads throughout the western coast of Sumatra. The choice of stations was of course our next care. In the publi- ‘ations of the Netherlands Eclipse Committee, a series of meteor- ological observations had been recorded at many stations in Sumatra, and taking into consideration these, the facility of transportation of apparatus, and other matters, and after a reconnaissance of several days, I determined cn my part to locate at a small place in the interior named Solok, and Professor Skinner of the Naval Observatory made the same choice for his principal party. Here there is a fort, not at present occupied, which, with its inclosure, was placed wholly at our disposal by the Assistant Resident of Solok, Mr. Derx. This fort was admirably suited for our purposes, for it has large, cool rooms and smaller outbuildings, one of which was used for a photographic house; while around the fort was a level inclosure surrounded by an embankment and moat, and still further by a system of barb-wire defences, which thoroughly protected us not only from hostile but friendly invasion. Our apparatus arrived in perfect order and was transported from the railroad station to the fort by the aid of a company of prisoners. While walking with Mr. Derx, and seeing a company of the pris- oners go by carrying a load of our instruments, I asked him what they had done which led to their finding themselves in this situation. ‘*Oh,” said he, very coolly, ‘some have murdered, others stolen, and the like.” Our stay at Solok passed quickly by, the days being spent in arrang- ing the apparatus and in drilling ourselves in its use, so that we found but little time to go about to view the other camps or to see the— to us-—strange sights which the country afforded. However, partly through exchanges and partly through our own efforts, we all of us secured a more or less complete record of our trip and stay, in the form of photographs, two of which are here reproduced. (Plate V.) af SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 165 ~ Our chief anxiety throughout our preparations was in regard to the weather, and for the first two or three weeks we were under great despondency, for the days were cloudy almost without exception, and at the hour when the eclipse would be total there was scarcely a day in April when the observations would have been successful. With May, however, our hopes were raised, for while the days were scarcely ever fair throughout, yet during the hour of totality, according to Professor Barnard’s count, about two-thirds of the days in May would have been successful eclipse days. Cloudy nights, however, made it very difficult to adjust the apparatus, but by taking advantage of what slight opportunities occurred we were able to get plenty of focus plates by means of which we were assured that the apparatus was in good working order. On May 17 the sky was overcast and it rained heavily, but we hoped for better weather for the 18th, thinking that so severe a storm meant a speedy clearing, and sure enough on the morning of the 18th the sun broke through the clouds shortly after his rising, and the sky became of a clearness which we never experienced during all our stay there. This continued until after 10 o’clock, when thin, hazy clouds began to form slowly, leaving a perfectly clear belt about the horizon. The first contact came with no very prejudicial degree of cloudiness, but after that it grew steadily thicker, leaving still a clear belt around the horizon, and when the crucial moments of totality occurred the posi- tion of the sun could but indistinctly be discerned. Glimpses of the inner corona and prominences could be seen, with the planets Venus and Mercury, but all more like a lantern shining through a thick fog than iike anything fit for astronomical observations. It seemed wholly useless to go through the programme; yet, for the sake of having some- thing to show that we had been at an eclipse, we exposed all the intra- mercurial planet plates; but I omitted the bolometric observations wholly, as they could not possibly lead to trustworthy results. [ was struck with the amount of the general illumination. The belt of totality was 150 miles wide and we were within less than 30 miles of its center, so that there was a total eclipse belt of nearly 50 miles outside of us, and I had expected a degree of darkness comparable almost with night, but was astonished to perceive that in mid-totality the day was no darker than it often is during a heavy fall of rain. We were a sorry party after the eclipse as we watched the sky again clear and give us what we had so longed for before—a fine afternoon and night. Professor Barnard, especially, was almost broken hearted, for no one had an apparatus so absolutely perfect for its use as he, and no one had drilled himself to such a state of dexterity as he, and no one, I suppose, will ever obtain an eclipse photograph which will sur- pass what he would with clear sky have obtained with his long expo- sure on the 40-inch square plate. To make his discouragement still 166 SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. more complete, though the night of May 18 was, as I have said, gener- ally fine, yet when he tried as a last attempt to make a long exposure on the rifts in the southern Milky Way, the very regions he wished most to get became covered with a slight degree of fog which spoiled the definition. The other parties on the island all fared better than we; but only one, the branch of the Naval Observatory expedition which was located at Fort de Kock, close to the northern edge of the shadow, had perfect seeing. There excellent photographs of the corona and prominences were secured with the 40-foot instrument, under Mr. Peters’s charge, and spectroscopic results of value were obtained with the grating in the hands of Dr. Humphreys. Dr. Mitchell, at Sawah Loento, was successful in spite of clouds. He secured a fine photo- graph of the ‘‘ flash spectrum” at third contact, which gives much information in regard to the sun’s atmosphere. The large Dutch party had but very unsatisfactory results, as the cloudiness was almost equal to that at Solok. The main portion of the English expedition, occu- pying a small island just off the west coast of Sumatra, had, though not a cloudless, yet a not very cloudy sky, and obtained excellent results, of which a short account has lately appeared. Mr. Perrine, of the Lick Observatory, was pretty successful, consid- ering that he also observed through a very considerable cloudiness, though not equal to that at Solok. His intramercurial planet appara- tus revealed possibly thirty or forty stars, where it would have shown perhaps a thousand had the sky been clear; but with his direct photo- graphs and with his spectroscopic work he was much more successful. In a preliminary report from the Lick Observatory it appears that he has obtained good photographs of the coronal spectrum extending to considerable distances each side of the sun, and taken with slit spectro- scopes with the slit both tangential and radial to the sun’s limb. In each of these the outer but not the inner corona was shown to have faint Fraunhofer absorption lines in the spectrum, giving, in other words, a reflected solar spectrum, thus proving that a portion at least of the coronal light is reflected from particles. His spectrum photo- graphs, however, show in addition that the major part of the coronal light is probably not reflected, and he attributes it to the incandescence of particles heated by their proximity to the sun. This view, some readers may recall, would be in contradiction to that tentatively advanced from considerations of the bolometric experiments of the Smithsonian Institution at Wadesboro, North Carolina, in 1900, which yielded the inference that the inner corona was relatively a cool source of light assimilable to the glow discharge or to the aurora. I can not altogether understand why it is that Mr. Perrine so positively pro- nounces the radiation of the inner corona that of an incandescent body rather than that of an electrical discharge or something of a similar SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 167 nature, for either would give a continuous spectrum such as he observed. Yet he may have additional evidence, of which I am not aware, in support of this conclusion. Mr. Perrine has noted the very interesting fact that a certain dis- turbed region of the corona fell directly over the only sun spot which appeared on the sun within a week or more of the eclipse. After the eclipse was over we spent the days in packing the instru- ments, the nights in developing the photographs, and were ready to leave the island by May 28. On the night before our departure Mr. Veth, the United States consular agent, as a last proof of his great kindness, gave a reception to the American and English astronomers and naval officers. This function was extremely enjoyable and was participated in by the officials of the Dutch Government and by the society of Padang, and gave us a feeling that however inhospitable to astronomers could be the climate of Sumatra, yet the kindness of its people went far to atone for it. 6. THE NEW STAR IN PERSEUS. The greatest interest, both among astronomers and the public, was excited by the announcement of the discovery on February 21, 1901, at 14 hours 40 minutes Greenwich mean time, by Dr. T. D. Anderson, of Edinburgh, Scotland, of a new star in Perseus. This star at the | time of its discovery was of the 2.7 magnitude and shone with a bluish white light. It rapidly increased in brightness until on Feb- ruary 23 it reached the 0.0 magnitude, and was then brighter than any fixed star in the heavens with the exception of Sirius and Canopus. An immediate search on the plates taken at the Harvard College Observatory showed that on February 2, 6, 8, 18, and 19, 1901—that is to say, up to within two days of the star’s discovery by Dr. Anderson— there was no object there as bright as the 10.5 magnitude. The duration of extreme brightness of Nova Persei was but temporary, for on reaching its maximum, on February 23, it imme- diately commenced to decline, and by February 28 had reached the second magnitude, when, after a slight increase in brightness, it again declined nearly continuously until March 18, when it had reached the fifth magnitude. Then began a series of great fluctuations of a some- what periodic nature, with maxima about two days apart, so that, for instance, on the 19th of March the star was of the 6.5 magnitude, while on the 21st it was of the 4.7 magnitude, a variation of nearly 600 per cent. These fluctuations continued with more or less regularity, though with a gradually increasing interval between them, until the middle of the summer, when the brightness became fairly steady at the sixth to seventh magnitude, and since then there have been no very considerable alterations. The illustration (Plate VI) taken from 168 SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. Popular Astronomy, November, 1901, shows the history of the bright- ness of the star up to the last of April. Immediately after its discovery the spectrum of Nova Persei was thoroughly studied both by photography and visual observations. When first found its spectrum was almost perfectly continuous, but a close examination revealed a few delicate dark Fraunhofer lines in the green, so that at that time the spectrum was, though feebly devel- oped, yet of the so-called Orion type, and very unlike that of the other new stars which had heretofore been observed, and of which bright lines are the most conspicuous feature. By February 24 the spectrum showed a remarkable change, being now traversed by numerous dark and bright bands and closely resembling that of the famous Nova Aurige (an earlier discovery of Dr. Anderson), so that the star now became entirely similar to other new stars. This type of spectrum continued with only moderate variations until March 19, when there appears to have been a peculiar change in the spectrum. No dark lines were present on that date except a few faint lines due to the par- tial reversal of the bright bands, but the continuous spectrum was almost invisible. On March 23, however, the continuous spectrum had reappeared with narrow dark lines, and on March 27 and afterwards there was a strong continuous spectrum. During the month of April the spectrum departed from the recognized type in many particulars, and occasionally the continuous part was absent, only separated bright bands remaining. There appears then to have been two types of spec- trum during the months of March, April, and May, while the bright- ness of the star was so variable, and it is interesting to note that on the dates when the spectrum was peculiar—that is to say, not similar to the spectra of the other new stars—the brightness of Nova Persei was at a minimum. But not only has Nova Persei made a characteristic record for itself as regards the variations of its brightness and of its spectrum, but in August it presented a new and still more remarkable feature. Reports came from France that a faint nebula had been photographed about the star, and while this was at first contradicted and ascribed to optical defects in the apparatus, yet it was not long before the discovery was thoroughly confirmed, and a faint circular nebula was photographed surrounding the planet like a halo. Nor was this all, for there were in the nebula several condensations of nebulosity, which were sufli- ciently marked to have definite positions. On November 7 and 8 this nebula was photographed at the Lick Observatory, and upon comparing the position of the condensations of which I have spoken with the photograph obtained on September 20, at the Yerkes Observatory, it was found that these condensations had actually moved at a rate which, if continued for a year, would amount to 11 minutes of arc in the heavens. The reader will find evidence 106, LOQ(UIOAON “ULL ‘ployyWon ‘AuOuOMIsy aepudog woday uo “LO6L ‘bg Wddy OL 1G AYVANESY ISSYSq VAON 4O SAND LHOIT 3HL IM “O ‘H Jo uorsstutiod Aq poonpoudoy ° r.) % hSaa Pca + os ° ™ Pd < a So 3 "IA aLY1d tu 834 17 099V—"1061 ‘Hodey ueluosyziug SOME RECENT ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. 169 of this displacement in Plate IIT, already referred to. Later photo- graphs show a continuation of the rapid expansion of the nebula. The astonishing magnitude of this motion becomes more appreciated when it is said that the greatest displacement or proper motion of a star so far observed in the whole universe is less than 9 seconds per annum, or less than one-seventieth part of the rate of motion of the nebula surrounding Nova Persei. This great disparity has led some to think it is the propagation of light and not of material which is made apparent. What further of interest Nova Persei has in store for us we can not foretell, but up to the present time its appearance and subsequent his- tory have deserved to take rank as the foremost astronomical event of the year. ve we iy ? A MODEL OF NATURE.* By Arraur W. Rucker, M. A., LL.D. * * * Two years ago Sir Michael Foster dealt with the work of the century as a whole. Last year Sir William Turner discussed in greater detail the growth of a single branch of science. A third and humbler task remains, viz, to fix our attention on some of the hypotheses and assumptions on which the fabric of modern theo- retical science has been built, and to inquire whether the foundations have been so *‘ well and truly” laid that they may be trusted to sustain the mighty superstructure which is being raised upon them. The moment is opportune. The three chief conceptions which for many years have dominated physical as distinct from biological science have been the theories of the existence of atoms, of the mechanical nature of heat, and of the existence of the ether. Dalton’s atomic theory was first given to the world by a Glasgow professor—Thomas Thomson—in the year 1807, Dalton having com- municated it to him in 1804. Rumford’s and Davy’s experiments on the nature of heat were published in 1798 and 1799, respectively; and the celebrated Bakerian lecture, in which Thomas Young established the undulatory theory by explaining the interference of light, appeared in the Philosophical Transactions in 1801. The keynotes of the physical science of the nineteenth century were thus struck as the century began by four of our fellow-countrymen, one of whom—Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford—preferred exile from the land of his birth to the loss of his birthright as a British citizen. DOUBTS AS TO SCIENTIFIC THEORIES. It is well known that of late doubts have arisen as to whether the atomic theory, with which the mechanical theory of heat is closely bound up, and the theory of the existence of an ether have not served their purpose, and whether the time has not come to reconsider them. The facts that Professor Poincaré, addressing a congress of physi- cists in Paris, and Professor Poynting, addressing the physical section * Address of the President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Glasgow meeting, 1901. Reprinted from Report of the British Asso- ciation, 1901. 171 172 A MODEL OF NATURE. of the association, have recently discussed the true meaning of our scientific methods of interpretation; that Dr. James Ward has lately delivered an attack of great power on many positions which eminent scientific men have occupied; and that the approaching end of the nineteenth century led Professor Heckel to define in a more popular manner his own very definite views as to the solution of the ‘‘ Rid- dle of the Universe,” are, perhaps, a sufficient justification of an attempt to lay before you the difficulties which surround some of these questions. | To keep the discussion within reasonable limits, I shall illustrate the principles under review by means of the atomic theory, with compara- tively little reference to the ether, and we may also at first confine our attention to inanimate objects. THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MODEL OF NATURE. A natural philosopher, to use the old phrase, even if only possessed of a most superficial knowledge, would attempt to bring some order into the results of his observation of nature by grouping together statements with regard to phenomena which are obviously related. The aim of modern science goes far beyond this. It not only shows that many phenomena are related which at first sight have little or nothing in common, but, in so doing, also attempts to explain the relationship. Without spending time on a discussion of the meaning of the word ‘‘explanation,” it is sufficient to say that our efforts to establish rela- tionships between phenomena often take the form of attempting to prove that if a limited number of assumptions are granted as to the con- stitution of matter, or as to the existence of quasi material entities, such as caloric, electricity, and the ether, a wide range of observed facts falls into order as a necessary consequence of the assumptions. The question at issue is whether the hypotheses which are at the base of the scientific theories now most generally accepted are to be regarded as accurate descriptions of the constitution of the universe around us, or merely as convenient fictions. Convenient fictions be it observed, for even if they are fictions they are not useless. From the practical point of view it is a matter of secondary importance whether our theories and assumptions are cor- rect, if only they guide us to results which are in accord with facts. The whole fabric of scientific theory may be regarded merely as a gigantic ‘‘aid to memory;” as a means for producing apparent order out of disorder by codifying the observed facts and laws in accord- ance with an artificial system, and thus arranging our knowledge under a comparatively small number of heads. The simplification introduced by a scheme which, however imperfect it may be, enables us to argue from a few first principles, makes theories of practical use. By means Le |e RN eel A MODEL OE NATURE. 1%3 of them we can forsee the results of combinations of causes which would otherwise elude us. We can predict future events, and can even attempt to argue back from the present to the unknown past. But it is possible that these advantages might be attained by means of- axioms, assumptions, and theories based on very false ideas. A person who thought that a river was really a streak of blue paint might learn as much about its direction from a map as one who knew it as it is. Itis thus conceivable that we might be able, not indeed to con- struct, but to imagine, something more than a mere map or diagram, something which might even be called a working model of inanimate objects, which was, nevertheless, very unlike the realities of nature. Of course the agreement between the action of the model and the behavior of the things it was designed to represent would probably be imperfect, unless the one were a facsimile of the other; but it is conceivable that the correlation of natural phenomena could be imitated, with a large measure of success, by means of an imaginary machine which shared with a map or diagram the characteristic that it was in many ways unlike the things it represented, but might be compared to a model in that the behavior of the things represented could be predicted from that of the corresponding parts of the machine. We might even goastep farther. If the laws of the working of the model could be expressed by abstractions, as, for example, by mathe- matical formule, then, when the formule were obtained, the model might be discarded, as probably unlike that which it was made to imitate, as a mere aid in the construction of equations, to be thrown aside when the perfect structure of mathematical symbols was erected. If this course were adopted we should have given up the attempt to know more of the nature of the objects which surround us than can be gained by direct observation, but might nevertheless have learned how these objects would behave under given circumstances. We should have abandoned the hope of a physical explanation of the properties of inanimate nature, but should have secured a mathe- matical description of her operations. There is no doubt that this is the easiest path to follow. Criticism is avoided if we admit from the first that we can not go below the sur- face; can not know anything about the constitution of material bodies, but must be content with formulating a description of their behavior by means of laws of nature expressed by equations. But if this is to be the end of the study of nature, it is evident that the construction of the model is not an essential part of the process. The model is used merely as an aid to thinking, and if the relations of phenomena can be investigated without it, so much the better. The highest form of theory—it may be said—the widest kind of generali- zation, is that which has given up the attempt to form clear mental pictures of the constitution of matter, which expresses the facts and v4 A MODEL OF NATURE. the laws by language and symbols which lead to results that are true, whatever be our view as to the real nature of the objects with which we deal. From this point of view the atomic theory becomes not so much false as unnecessary. It may be regarded as an attempt to give an unnatural precision to ideas which are and must be vague. Thus, when Rumford found that the mere friction of metals pro- duced heat in unlimited quantity, and argued that heat was therefore a mode of motion, he formed a clear mental picture of what he believed to be occurring. But his experiments may be quoted as proving only that energy can be supplied to a body in indefinite quantity, and when supplied by doing work against friction it appears in the form of heat. By using this phraseology we exchange a vivid conception of moy- ing atoms for a colorless statement as to heat energy, the real nature of which we do not attempt to define; and methods which thus evade the problem of the nature of the things which the symbols in our equations represent have been prosecuted with striking suecess, at all events, within the range of a limited class of phenomena. A great school of chemists, building upon the thermodynamics of Willard Gibbs and the intuition of Van’t Hoff, have shown with wonderful skill that, if a sufficient number of the data of experiment are assumed, it is possible, by the aid of thermodynamics, to trace the form of the relations between many physical and chemical phenomena without the help of the atomic theory. But this method deals only with matter as our coarse senses know it; it does not pretend to penetrate beneath the surface. It is therefore with the greatest respect for its authors, and with a full recognition of the enormous power of the weapons employed, that I venture to assert that the exposition of such a system of tactics ‘an not be regarded as the last word of science in the struggle for the truth. Whether we grapple with them or whether we shirk them; however much or however little we can accomplish without answering them, the questions still force themselves upon us: Is matter what it seems to be? Is interplanetary space full or empty? Can we argue back from the direct impressions of our senses to things which we can not directly perceive—from the phenomena displayed by matter to the constitution of matter itself ? It is these questions which we are discussing to-night, and we may therefore, as far as the present address is concerned, put aside, once for all, methods of scientific exposition in which an attempt to form a mental picture of the constitution of matter is practically abandoned,. and devote ourselves to the inquiries whether the effort to form such a picture is legitimate, and whether we have any reason to believe that the sketch which science has already drawn is to some extent a copy, and not a mere diagram, of the truth. A MODEL OF NATURE. 175 SUCCESSIVE STEPS IN THE ANALYSIS OF MATTER. In dealing, then, with the question of the constitution of matter and the possibility of representing it accurately, we may grant at once that the ultimate nature of things is, and must remain, unknown; but it does not follow that immediately below the complexities of the superficial phenomena which affect our senses there may not be a simpler machinery of the existence of which we can obtain evidence, indirect, indeed, but conclusive. The fact that the apparent unity which we call the atmosphere can be resolved into a number of different gases is admitted; though the ultimate nature of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbonic acid, and water vapor is as unintelligible as that of air as a whole, so that the analysis of air may be said to have substituted many incomprehensibles for one. Nobody, however, looks at the question from this point of view. It is recognized that an investigation into the proximate constitution of things may be useful and successful, even if their ultimate nature is beyond our ken. Nor need the analysis stop at the first step. Water vapor and car- bonic acid, themselves constituents of the atmosphere, are in turn resolved into their elements, hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon, which, without a formal discussion of the criteria of reality, we may safely say are as real as air itself. Now, at what point must this analysis stop if we are to avoid cross- ing the boundary between fact and fiction? Is there any fundamental difference between resolving air into a mixture of gases and resolving an elementary gas into a mixture of atoms and ether? There are those who cry halt at the point at which we divide a gas into molecules, and their first objection seems to be that molecules and atoms can not be directly perceived, can not be seen or handled, and are mere conceptions, which have their uses, but can not be regarded as realities. It is easiest to reply to this objection by an illustration. The rings of Saturn appear to be continuous masses separated by circular rifts. This is the phenomenon which is observed through a telescope. By no known means can we ever approach or handle the rings; yet everybody who understands the evidence now believes that they are not what they appear to be, but consist of minute moonlets, closely packed, indeed, but separate the one from the other. In the first place, Maxwell proved mathematically that if a Saturn- ian ring were a continuous solid or fluid mass it would be unstable and would necessarily break into fragments. In the next place, if it were possible for the ring to revolve like a solid body, the inmost parts would move slowest, while a satellite moves faster the nearer it is toa planet. Now, spectroscopic observation, based on the beautiful 176 A MODEL OF NATURE. method of Sir W. Huggins, shows not only that the inner portions of the ring move the more rapidly, but that the actual velocities of the outer and inner edges are in close accord with the theoretical velocities of satellites at like distances from the planet. This and a hundred similar cases prove that it is possible to obtain convincing evidence of the constitution of bodies between whose sepa- rate parts we can not directly distinguish, and I take it that a physicist | who believes in the reality of atoms thinks that he has as good reason for dividing an apparently continuous gas into molecules as he has for dividing the apparently continuous Saturnian rings into satellites. If he is wrong it is not the fact that molecules and satellites alike can not be handled and can not be seen as individuals that constitutes the dif- ference between the two cases. It may, however, be urged that atoms and the ether are alleged to have properties different from those of matter in bulk, of which alone our senses take direct cognizance, and that therefore it is impossible to prove their existence by evidence of the same cogency as that which may prove the existence of a newly discovered variety of matter or of a portion of matter too small or too distant to be seen. This point is so important that it requires full discussion, but in deal- ing with it, it is necessary to distinguish carefully between the validity of the arguments which support the earlier and more fundamental propositions of the theory and the evidence brought forward to jus- tify mere speculative applications of its doctrines which might he abandoned without discarding the theory itself. The proof of the theory must be carried out step by step. : The first step is concerned wholly with some of the most general properties of matter, and consists in the proof that those properties are either absolutely unintelligible, or that, in the case of matter of all kinds, we are subject to an illusion similar to that, the results of which we admit in the case of Saturn’s rings, clouds, smoke, and a number of similar instances. The believer in the atomic theory asserts that matter exists in a particular state; that it consists of parts which are separate and distinct the one from the other, and as such are capable of independent movements. Up to this point no question arises as to whether the separate parts are, like grains of sand, mere fragments of matter, or whether, though they are the bricks of which matter is built, they have, as individuals, properties different from those of masses of matter large enough to be directly perceived. If they are mere fragments of ordinary matter, they can not be used as aids in explaining those qualities of matter. which they themselves share. We can not explain things by things themselves. If it be true that the properties of matter are the product of an underlying machinery, that machinery can not itself have the properties which it produces, A MODEL OF NATURE. VET and must, to that extent, at all events, differ from matter in bulk as it is directly presented to the senses. If, however, we can succeed in showing that if the separate parts have a limited number of properties (different, it may be, from those of matter in bulk), the many and complicated properties of matter can, to a considerable extent, be explained as consequences of the constitu- tion of these separate parts; we shall have succeeded in establishing, with regard to quantitative properties, a simplification similar to that which the chemist has established with regard to varieties of matter. The many will have been reduced to the few. The proofs of the physical reality of the entities discovered by means of the two analyses must necessarily be different. The chemist can actually produce the elementary constituents into which he has resolved a compound mass. No physicist or chemist can produce a single atom separated from all its fellows and show that it possesses the elemen- tary qualities he assigns to it. The cogency of the evidence for any suggested constitution of atoms must vary with the number of facts which the hypethesis that they possess that constitution explains. Let us take, then, two steps in their proper order, and inquire, first, whether there is valid ground for believing that all matter is made up of discrete parts; and, secondly, whether we can have any knowl- edge of the constitution or properties which those parts possess. THE COARSE-GRAINEDNESS OF MATTER. Matter in bulk appears to be continuous. Suchsubstances as water or air appear to the ordinary observer to be perfectly uniform in all their properties and qualities, in all their parts. The hasty conclusion that these bodies are really uniform is, never- theless, unthinkable. In the first place the phenomena of diffusion afford conclusive proof that matter when apparently quiescent is in fact in a state of internal commotion. I need not recapitulate the familiar evidence to prove that gases and many liquids when placed in communication interpene- trate or diffuse into each other; or that air, in contact with a surface of water, gradually becomes laden with water vapor, while the atmos- pheric gases in turn mingle with the water. Such phenomena are not exhibited by liquids and gases alone, nor by solids at high tempera- tures only. Sir W. Roberts-Austen has placed pieces of gold and lead in contact at a temperature of 18°C. After four years the gold had traveled into the lead to such an extent that not only were the two metals united, but, on analysis, appreciable quantities of the gold were detected even at a distance of more than 5 millimeters from the com- mon surface, while within a distance of three-quarters of a millimeter from the surface gold had penetrated into the lead to the extent of sm 1901——12 178 A MODEL OF NATURE. 1 ounce 6 pennyweights per ton, an amount which could have been profitably extracted. Whether it is or is not possible to devise any other intelligible account of the cause of such phenomena, it is certain that a simple and adequate explanation is found in the hypothesis that matter consists of discrete parts in a state of motion, which can penetrate into the spaces between the corresponding parts of the surrounding bodies. The hypothesis thus framed is also the one which affords a rational explanation of other simple and well-known facts. If matter is regarded as a continuous medium the phenomena of expansion are unintelligible. There is, apparently, no limit to the expansion of matter, or, to fix our attention on one kind of matter, let us say to the expansion of gas; but it is inconceivable that a continuous material which fills or is present in every part of a given space could also be present in every part of a space a million times as great. Such astate- ment might be made of a mathematical abstraction; it can not be true of any real substance or thing. If, however, matter consists of dis- crete particles, separated from each other either by empty space or by something different from themselves, we can at once understand that expansion and contraction may be nothing more than the mutual separation or approach of these particles. . Again, no clear mental picture can be formed of the phenomena of heat unless we suppose that heat is a mode of motion. In the words of Rumford, ‘‘it is extremely difficult, if not quite impossible, to form any distinct idea of anything capable of being excited and communicated in the manner the heat was excited and communicated in [his] experiment [on friction] except it be motion.”* And if heat be motion, there can be no doubt that it is the fundamental particles of matter which are moving. For the motion is not visible, is not motion of the body as a whole, while diffusion, which is a movement of matter, goes on more quickly as the temperature rises, thereby proving that the internal motions have become more rapid, which is exactly the result which would follow if these were the movements which constitute sensible heat. Combining, then, the phenomena of diffusion, expansion, and heat, it is not too much to say that no hypotheses which make them intelli- gible have ever been framed other than those which are at the basis of the atomic theory. Many other considerations also point to the same conclusion. Many years ago Lord Kelvin gave independent arguments, based on the properties of gases, on the constitutions of the surfaces of liquids, and on the electric properties of metals, all of which indicate that matter is, to use his own phrase, coarse-grained—that it is not identical in * Phil. Trans., 1789, p. 99. A MODEL OF NATURE. 179 constitution throughout, but that adjacent minute parts are distin- guishable from each other by being either of different natures or in different states. And here it is necessary to insist that all these fundamental proofs are independent of the nature of the particles or granules into which matter must be divided. The particles, for instance, need not be different in kind from the medium which surrounds and separates them. It would suffice if they were what may be called singular parts of the medium itself, differing from the rest only in some peculiar state of internal motion or of dis- tortion, or by being in some other way earmarked as distinct individ- uals. The view that the constitution of matter is atomic may and does receive support from theories in which definite assumptions are made as to the constitution of the atoms, but when, as is often the case, these assumptions introduce new and more recondite difficulties, it must he remembered that the fundamental hypothesis—that matter consists of discrete parts, capable of independent motions—is forced upon us by facts and arguments which are altogether independent of what the nature and properties of these separate parts may be. Asa matter of history the two theories, which are not by any means mutually exclusive, that atoms are particles which can be treated as distinct in kind from the medium which surrounds them, and that they are parts of that medium existing in a special state, have both played a large part in the theoretical development of the atomic hypothesis. The atoms of Waterston, Clausius, and Maxwell were particles. The vortex-atoms of Lord Kelvin, and the strain-atoms (if I may call them so) suggested by Mr. Larmor, are states of a primary medium which constitutes a physical connection between them, and through which their mutual actions arise and are transmitted. PROPERTIES OF THE BASIS OF MATTER. It is easy to show that, whichever alternative be adopted, we are dealing with something, whether we consider it under the guise of separate particles or of differentiated portions of the medium, which has properties different from those of matter in bulk. For if the basis of matter had the same constitution as matter, the irregular heat movements could hardly be maintained either against the viscosity of the medium or the frittering away of energy of motion which would occur during the collisions between the particles. Thus, even in the case in which a hot body is prevented from losing heat to surrounding objects, its sensible heat should spontaneously decay by a process of self-cooling. No such phenomenon is known, and though on this, as on all other points, the limits of our knowledge are fixed by the uncertainty of experiment, we are compelled to admit that, to all appearance, the fundamental medium, if it exists, is 180 - A MODEL OF NATURE. unlike a material medium, in that it is nonviscous; and that the particles, if they exist, are so constitued that energy is not frittered away when they collide. In either case we are dealing with some- thing different from matter itself in the sense that, though it is the basis of matter, it is not identical in all its properties with matter. The idea therefore that entities exist possessing properties different from those of matter in bulk is not introduced at the end of a long and recondite investigation to explain facts with which none but experts are acquainted. It is forced upon us at the very threshold of our study of nature. Either the properties of matter in bulk can not be referred to any simpler structure, or that simpler structure must have properties different from those of matter in bulk as we directly knew it—properties which can only be inferred from the results which they produce. No a priori argument against the possibility of our discovering the existence of quasi-material substances, which are nevertheless different from matter, can proye the negative proposition that such substances ‘an not exist. It is not a self-evident truth that no substance other than ordinary matter can have an existence as real as that of matter itself. It is not axiomatic that matter can not be composed of parts whose properties are different from those of the whole. To assert that even if such substances and such parts exist no evidence, however cogent, could convince us of their existence is to beg the whole ques- tion at issue; to decide the cause before it has been heard. We must therefore adhere to the standpoint adopted by most scien- tific men, viz, that the question of the existence of ultraphysical enti- ties, such as atoms and the ether, is to be settled by the evidence, and must not be ruled out as inadmissible on a priori grounds. On the other hand, it is impossible to deny that, if the mere entry on the search for the concealed causes of physical phenomena is not a trespass on ground we have no right to explore, it is at all events the beginning of a dangerous journey. The wraiths of phlogiston, caloric, luminiferous corpuscles and a crowd of other phantoms haunt the investigator, and as the grim host vanishes into nothingness he can not but wonder if his own concep- tions of atoms and of the ether shall dissolve, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a wrack behind. But though science, like Bunyan’s hero, has sometimes had to pass through the ‘* Valley of Humiliation,” the specters which meet it there are not really dangerous if they are boldly faced. The facts that mis- takes have been made, that theories have been propounded, and for a time accepted, which later investigations have disproved, do not A MODEL OF NATURE. 181 necessarily discredit the method adopted. In scientific theories, as in the world around us, there is a survival of the fittest, and Dr. James Ward’s unsympathetic account of the blunders of those whose work after all has shed glory on the nineteenth century, might mutatis mutandis stand for a description of the history of the advance of civil- ization. ‘‘The story of the progress so far,” he tells us, ‘is briefly this: Divergence between theory and fact one part of the way, the wreckage of abandoned fictions for the rest, with an unattainable goal of phenomenal nihilism and ultraphysical mechanism beyond.” “ ‘The path of progress,” says Prof. Karl Pearson, ‘tis strewn with the wreck of nations. Traces are everywhere to be seen of the heca- tombs of inferior races and of victims who found not the narrow way to the greater perfection. Yet these dead peoples are in very truth the stepping-stones on which mankind has arisen to the higher intellectual and deeper emotional life of to-day.” ” It is only necessary to add that the progress of society is directed toward an unattainable goal of universal contentment to make the parallel complete. And so, in the one case as in the other, we may leave ‘‘ the dead to bury the dead.” The question before us is not whether we too may not be trusting to false ideas, erroneous experiments, evanescent theories. No doubt we are; but, without making an insolent claim to be better than our fathers, we may fairly contend that, amid much that is uncertain and temporary, some of the fundamental conceptions, the root ideas of science, are so grounded on reason and fact that we can not but regard them as an aspect of the very truth. Enough has, perhaps, now been said on this point for my immediate purpose. The argument as to the constitution of matter could be developed further in the manner I have hitherto adopted, viz, by series of propositions, the proof of each of which is based upon a few crucial phenomena. In particular, if matter is divided into moving granules or particles, the phenomenon of cohesion proves that there must be mutual actions between them analogous to those which take place between large masses of matter, and which we ascribe to force, thereby indicating the regular, unvarying operation of active ma- chinery which we have not yet the means of adequately understanding. For the moment, I do not wish to extend the line of reasoning that has been followed. My main object is to show that the notion of the existence of ultraphysical entities and the leading outlines of the atomic theory are forced upon us at the beginning of our study of nature, not only by a4 priori considerations, but in the attempt to com- prehend the results of even the simplest observation. These outlines can not be effaced by the difficulties which undoubtedly arise in filling «James Ward, Naturalism and Agnosticism, Vol. I, p. 155. » Karl Pearson, National Life from the Standpoint of Science, p. 62. 182 A MODEL OF NATURE. up the picture. The cogency of the proof that matter is coarse erained is in no way affected by the fact that we have grave doubts as to the nature of granules. Nay, it is of the first importance to recog- nize that, though the fundamental assumptions of the atomic theory receive overwhelming support from a number of more detailed argu- ments, they are themselves almost of the nature of axioms, in that the simplest phenomena are unintelligible if they are abandoned. THE RANGE OF THE ATOMIC THEORY. {t would be most unfair, however, to the atomic theory to represent it as depending on one line of reasoning only, or to treat its evidence as bounded by the very general propositions I have discussed. It is true that as the range of the theory is extended the fundamental conception that matter is granular must be expanded and filled in by supplementary hypotheses as to the constitution of granules. It may also be admitted that no complete or wholly satisfactory description of that constitution can as yet be given; that perfection has not yet been attained here or in any other branch of science; but the number of facts which can be accounted for by the theory is very large compared with the number of additional hypotheses which are introduced; and the cumulative weight of the additional evidence obtained by the study of details is such as to add greatly to the strength of the conviction that, in its leading outlines, the theory is true. It was originally suggested by the facts of chemistry, and though, as we have seen, a school of chemists now thrusts it into the background, it is none the less true, in the words gf Dr. Thorpe, that ‘‘every great advance in chemical knowledge during the last ninety years finds its interpretation in [Dalton’s] theory.” * The principal mechanical and thermal properties of gases have been explained and in a large part discovered by the aid of the atomic theory, and though there are outstanding difficulties, they are, for the most part, related to the nature of the atoms and molecules, and do not affect the question as to whether they exist. The fact that different kinds of light all travel at the same speed in interplanetary space, while they move at different rates in matter, is explained if matter is coarse grained. But to attempt to sum up all this evidence would be to recite a text-book on physics. It must suf- fice to say that it is enormous in extent and varied in character, and that the atomic theory imparts a unity to all the physical sciences which has been attained in no other way. I must, however, give a couple of instances of the wonderful success which has been achieved in the explanation of physical phenomena by the theory we are considering, and I select them because they are in harmony with the line of argument I have been pursuing. *Thorpe, Essays on Historical Chemistry, 1894, p. 368. A MODEL OF NATURE. 183 When a piece of iron is magnetized its behavior is different accord- ing as the magnetic force applied to it is weak, moderate, or strong. When a certain limit is passed the iron behaves as a nonmagnetic sub- stance to all further addition of magnetic force. With strong forces it does and with very weak forces it does not remain magnetized when the force ceases to act. Professor Ewing has imitated all the minute details of these complicated properties by an arrangement of small isolated compass needles to represent the molecules. It may fairly be said that as far as this particular set of phenomena is concerned, a most instructive working model based on the molecular theory has not only been imagined but constructed. The next illustration is no less striking. We may liken a crowd of molecules to a fog; but while the fog is admitted by everbody to be made up of separate globules of water, the critics of scientific method are sometimes apt to regard the molecules as mere fictions of the imagination. If, however, we could throw the molecules of a highly ‘aretied gas into such a state that vapor condensed on them, so that rach became the center of a water drop, till the host of invisible mole- cules was, as it were, magnified by accretion into a visible mist, surely no stronger proof of their reality could be desired. Yet there is every reason to believe that something very like this has been accom- plished by Mr. C. 'T. R. Wilson and Prof. J. J. Thomson. It is known that it is comparatively difficult to produce a fog in damp air if the mixture consists of air and water vapor alone. The presence of particles of very fine dust facilitates the process. It is evident that the vapor condenses on the dust particles, and that a nucleus of some kind is necessary on which each drop may form. But electrified particles also act as nuclei, for if a highly charged body from which electricity is escaping be placed near a steam jet, the steam condenses, and a cloud is also formed in dust-free air more easily than would otherwise be the case if electricity is discharged into it. Again, according to accepted theory, when a current of electricity flows through a gas some of the atoms are divided into parts which carry positive and negative charges as they move in opposite direc- tions, and unless this breaking up occurs a gas does not conduct elec- tricity. But a gas can be made a conductor merely by allowing the Rontgen rays or the radiation given off by uranium to fall upon it. A careful study of the facts shows that it is probable that some of the atoms have been broken up by the radiation, and that their oppositely electrified parts are scattered among their unaltered fellows. Sucha gas Is said to be ionized. Thus by these two distinct lines of argument we come to the conclu- sions: First, that the presence of electrified particles promotes the formation of mist, and, second, that in an ionized gas such electrified particles are provided by the breaking up of atoms. 184 A MODEL OF NATURE. The two conclusions will mutually support each other if it cana be shown that a mist is easily formed in ionized air. This was tested by Mr. Wilson, who showed that in such air mist is formed as though nuclei were present, and thus in the cloud we have visible evidence of the presence of the divided atoms. If, then, we can not handle the individual molecules we have at least some reason to believe that a method is known of seizing individuals, or parts of individuals, which are in a special state, and of wrapping other matter round them till each one is the center of a discrete particle of a visible fog. I have purposely chosen this illustration, because the explanation is based on a theory—that of ionization—which is at present subjected to hostile criticism. It assumes that an electrical current is nothing more than the movement of charges of electricity. But magnets placed near to an electric current tend to set themselves at right angles to its direction; a fact on which the construction of telegraphic instruments is based. Hence, if the theory be true, a similar effect ought to be produced by a moving charge of electricity. This experiment was tried many years ago in the laboratory of Helmholtz by Rowland, who caused a charged disk to spin rapidly near a magnet. The result was in accord with the theory; the magnet moved as though acted upon by an electric current. Of late, however, M. Crémieu has investigated the matter afresh, and has obtained results which, according to his interpretation, were inconsistent with that of Rowland. M. Crémiew’s results are already the subject of controversy,* and are, I believe, likely to be discussed in the section of physics. This is not the occasion to enter upon a critical discussion of the question at issue, and I refer to it only to point out that though, if M. Crémieu’s results were upheld, our views as to electricity would have to be mod- ified, the foundations of the atomic theory would not be shaken. It is, however, from the theory of ions that the most far-reaching speculations of science have recently received unexpected support. The dream that matter of all kinds will some day be proved to be fun- damentally the same has survived many shocks. The opinion is con- sistent with the great generalization that the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic weights. Sir Norman Lockyer has long been a prominent exponent of the view that the spectra of the stars indicate the reduction of our so-called elements to simpler forms, and now Prof. J. J. Thomson believes that we can break off from an atom a part, the mass of which is not more than one-thou- sandth of the whole, and that these corpuscles, as he has named them, are the carriers of the negative charge in an electric current. If atoms are thus complex, not only is the a priori probability increased that the different structures which we call elements may all be built of — *See Phil. Mag., July, 1901, p. 144; and Johns Hopkins University Circulars, XX, No. 152, May-June, 1901, p. 78. A MODEL OF NATURE. 185 similar bricks, but the discovery by Lenard that the ease with which the corpuscles penetrate different bodies depends only on the density of the obstacles, and not on their chemical constitution, is held by Professor Thomson to be **a strong confirmation of the view that the atoms of the elementary substances are made up of simpler parts, all of which are alike.”* On the present occasion, however, we are occu- pied rather with the foundations than with these ultimate ramifications of the atomic theory; and having shown how wide its range is, I must, toa certain extent, retrace my steps and return to the main line of my argument. THE PROPERTIES OF ATOMS AND MOLECULES. For if it be granted that the evidence that matter is coarse grained and is formed of separate atoms and molecules is too strong to be resisted, it may still be contended that we can know little or nothing of the sizes and properties of the molecules. It must be admitted that though the fundamental postulates are always the same, different aspects of the theory, which have not in all cases been successfully combined, have to be developed when it is applied to different ploblems; but in spite of this there is little doubt but that we have some fairly accurate knowledge of molecular motions and magnitudes. If a liquid is stretched into a very thin film, such as a soap bubble, we should expect indications of a change in its properties when the thickness of the film is not a very large multiple of the average distance between two neighboring molecules. In 1890, Sohncke? detected evidence of such a change in films of average thickness of 106 millionths of a millimeter (4), and quite recently Rudolph Weber found it in an oil film when the thickness was 115 joy. ° Taking the mean of these numbers and combining the results of different variants of the theory, we may conclude that a film should become unstable and tend to rupture spontaneously somewhere be- tween the thicknesses of 110 and 55 py, and Professor Reinold and I found by experiment that this instability is actually exhibited between the thickness of 96 and 45 y.° There can therefore be little doubt that the first approach to molecular magnitude is signaled when the thickness of a film is somewhat less than 100 “4, or four millionths of an inch. Thirteen years ago I had the honor of laying before the Chemical: “For the most recent account of this subject, see an article on ‘‘ Bodies smaller than atoms,”’ by Prof. J. J. Thomson, in the Popular Science Monthly (The Science Press), August, 1901. [Reprinted in the present Smithsonian Report. ] »Wied. Ann., 1890, XL, pp. 345-355. * Annalen der Physik, 1901, IV, pp. 706-721. ‘Phil. Trans., 1893, 184, pp. 505-529. 186 A MODEL OF NATURE. Society a résumé of what was then known on these subjects,* and I must refer to that lecture or to the most recent edition of O. E. Meyer’s work on the kinetic theory of gases” for the evidence that various independent lines of argument enable us to estimate quantities very much less than four millionths of an inch, which is perhaps from 500 to 1,000 times greater than the magnitude which, in the present state of our knowledge, we can best describe as the diameter of a molecule. Confining our attention, however, to the larger quantities, I will give one example to show how strong is the cumulative force of the evidence as to our knowledge of the magnitudes of molecular quantities. We have every reason to believe that though the molecules in a gas frequently collide with each other, yet in the case of the more perfect gases the time occupied in collisions is small compared with that in which each molecule travels undisturbed by its fellows. The average distance traveled between two successive encounters is called the mean free path, and, for the reason just given, the question of the magni- tude of this distance can be attacked without any precise knowledge of what a molecule is, or of what happens during an encounter. Thus the mean free path can be determined, by the aid of the theory, either from the viscosity of the gas or from the thermal conductivity. Using figures given in the latest work on the subject,° and dealing with one gas only, as a fair sample of the rest, the lengths of the mean free path of hydrogen, as determined by these two independent methods, differ only by about 3 per cent. Further, the mean of the values which I gave in the lecture already referred to differed only by about 6 per cent from the best modern result, so that no great change has been introduced during the last thirteen years. It may, however, be argued that these concordant values are all obtained by means of the same theory, and that a common error may affect them all. In particular, some critics have of late been inclined to discredit the atomic theory by pointing out that the strong state- ments which have sometimes been made-as to the equality, among themselves, of atoms or molecules of the same kind may not be justi- fied, as the equality may be that of averages only, and be consistent with a considerable variation in the sizes of individuals. Allowing this argument more weight than it perhaps deserves, it is easy to show that it can not affect seriously our knowledge of the length of the mean free path. Prof. George Darwin“ has handled the problem of a mixture of *Chem. Soc. Trans., LIII, March, 1888, pp. 222-262. » Kinetic Theory of Gases, O. E. Meyer, 1899; translated by R. KE. Baynes. * Meyer’s Kinetic Theory of Gases (see above). 4 Phil. Trans., 180. = A MODEL OF NATURE. 187 unequal spherical bodies in the particular case in which the sizes are distributed according to the law of errors, which would involve far ereater inequalities than can occur amongatoms. Without discussing the precise details of his problem, it is sufficient to say that in the case considered by him the length of the main free path is seven-elevenths of what it would be if the particles were equal. Hence, were the ine- qualities of atoms as great as in this extreme case, the reduction of the mean free path in hydrogen could only be from 185 to 119 yy; but they must be far less, and therefore the error, if any, due to this cause could not approach this amount. It is probably inappreciable. Such examples might be multiplied, but the one I have selected is perhaps sufficient to illustrate my point, viz, that considerable and fairly accurate knowledge can be obtained as to molecular quantities by the aid of theories, the details of which are provisional and are admittedly capable of improvement. IS THE MODEL UNIQUE? But the argument that a correct result may sometimes be obtained by reasoning on imperfect hypotheses raises the question as to whether another danger may not be imminent. To be satisfactory our model of nature must be unique, and it must be impossible to imagine any other which agrees equally well with the facts of experiment. If a large number of hypotheses could be framed with equal claims to validity, that fact would alone raise grave doubts as to whether it were possible to distinguish between the true and the false. Thus, Professor Poincaré has shown that an infinite number of dynamical explanations can be found for any phenomenon which satisfies certain conditions. But though this consideration warns us against the too ready accept- ance of explanations of isolated phenomena, it has no weight against a theory which embraces so vast a number of facts as those included by the atomic theory. It does not follow that because a number of solutions are all formally dynamical they are therefore all equally admissible. The pressure of a gas may be explained as the result of a shower of blows delivered by molecules, or by a repulsion between the various parts of a continuous medium. Both solutions are expressed in dynamical language, but one is and the other is not compatible with the observed phenomena of expansion. The atomic theory must hold the field until another can be found which is not inferior as an expla- nation of the fundamental difficulties as to the constitution of matter and is, at the same time, not less comprehensive. On the whole, then, the question as to whether we are attempting to solve a problem which has an infinite number of solutions may be put aside until one solution has been found which is satisfactory in all its details. Weare in a sufticient difficulty about that to make the rivalry of a second of the same type very improbable. 188 A MODEL OF NATURE. THE PHENOMENA OF LIFE. But it may be asked—nay, it has been asked—may not the type of our theories be radically changed? If this question does not merely imply a certain distrust in our own powers of reasoning, it should be supported by some indication of the kind of change which is conceivable. Perhaps the chief objection which can be brought against physical theories is that they deal only with the inanimate side of nature, and largely ignore the phenomena of life. It is therefore in this direction, if in any, that a change of type may be expected. I do not propose to enter at length upon so difficult a question, but, however we may explain or explain away the characteristics of life, the argument for the truth of the atomic theory would only be affected if it could be shown that living matter does not possess the thermal and mechanical properties, to explain which the atomic theory has been framed. This is so notoriously not the case that there is the gravest doubt whether life can in any way interfere with the action within the organism of the laws of matter in bulk belonging to the domain of mechanics, physics, and chemistry. Probably the most cautious opinion that could now be expressed on this question is that, in spite of some outstanding difficulties which have recently given rise to what is called Neovitalism, there is no conclusive evidence that living matter can suspend or modify any of the natural laws which would affect it if it were to cease to live. It is possible that though subject to these laws the organism while living may be able to employ, or even to direct, their action within itself for its own benefit, just as it unquestionably does make use of the processes of external nature for its own purposes. But if this be so, the seat of the controlling influence is so withdrawn from view that on the one hand its very existence may be denied, while on the other hand, Pro- fessor Haeckel, following Vogt, has recently asserted that ‘‘Matter and ether are not dead, and only moved by extrinsic force; but they are endowed with sensation and will; they experience an inclination for condensation, a dislike for strain; they strive after the one and struggle against the other.” * But neither unproved assertions of this kind nor the more refined attempts that have been made by others to bring the phenomena of life and of dead matter under a common formula touch the evidence for the atomic theory. The question as to whether matter consists of elements capable of independent motion is prior to and independent of the further questions as to what these elements are and whether they are alive or dead. The physicist, if he keeps to his business, asserts, as the bases of the atomic theory, nothing more than that he who declines to admit that matter consists of separate moving parts must regard many of @ Riddle of the Universe (English translation), 1900, p. 380. A MODEL OF NATURE. 189 the simplest phenomena as irreconcilable and -unintelligible, in spite of the fact that means of reconciling them are known to everybody, in spite of the fact that the reconciling theory gives a general correla- tion of an enormous number of phenomena in every branch of science, and that the outstanding difficulties are connected not so much with the fundamental hypotheses that matter is composed of distinguishable entities which are capable of separate motions as with the much more difficult problem of what these entities are. On these grounds the physicist may believe that, though he can not handle or see them, the atoms and molecules are as real as the ice crystals in a cirrus cloud which he can not reach; as real as the unseen members of a meteoric swarm whose death glow is lost in the sunshine, or which sweep past us, unentangled, in the night. If the confidence that his methods are weapons with which he can fight his way to the truth were taken from the scientific explorer, the paralysis which overcomes those who believe that they are engaged in a hopeless task would fall upon him. Physiology has specially flourished since physiologists have believed that it is possible to master the physics and chemistry of the framework of living things, and since they have abandoned the attitude of those who placed in the foreground the doctrine of the vital force. To sup- porters of that doctrine the principle of life was not a hidden directing power which could perhaps whisper an order that the flood gates of reservoirs of energy should now be opened and now closed, and could, at the most, work only under immutable conditions to which the living and the dead must alike submit. On the contrary, their vital force pervaded the organism in all its parts. It was an active and energetic opponent of the laws of physics and chemistry. It maintained its own existence not by obeying but by defying them; and though destined to be finally overcome in the separate campaigns of which each indi- vidual living creature is the scene, yet, like some guerrilla chieftain, it was defeated here only to reappear there with unabated confidence and apparently undiminished force. This attitude of mind checked the advance of knowledge. Difhiculty could be evaded by a verbal formula of explanation which in fact explained nothing. If the mechanical, or physical, or chemical causes of 2 phenomenon did not lie obviously upon the surface, the investi- gator was tempted to forego the toil of searching for them below; it was easier to say that the vital force was the cause of the discrepancy, and that it was hopeless to attempt to account for the action of a principle which was incomprehensible in its nature. For the physicist the danger is no less serious, though it lies ina somewhat different direction. At present he is checked in his theories by the necessity of making them agree with a comparatively small number of fundamental hypotheses. If this check were removed his fancy might run riot in the wildest speculations, which would be held 190 A MODEL OF NATURE. to be legitimate if only they led to formule in harmony with facts. But the very habit of regarding the end as everything, and the means by which it was attained as unimportant, would prevent the discovery of those fragments of truth which can only be uncovered by the pain- ful process of trying to make inconsistent theories agree, and using all facts, however remote, as the tests of our central generalization. ‘*Science,” said Helmholtz, ‘‘Science, whose very object it is to comprehend Nature, must start with the assumption that Nature is comprehensible.” And again, ‘‘The first principle of the investigator of Nature is to assume that Nature is intelligible to us, since otherwise it would be foolish to attempt the investigation at all.” These axioms do not assume that all the secrets of the universe will ultimately be laid bare, but that a search for them is hopeless if we undertake the quest with the conviction that it will be in vain. As applied to life they do not deny that in living matter something may be hidden which neither physics nor chemistry can explain; but they assert that the action of physical and chemical forces in living bodies can never be understood if at every difficulty and at every check in our investiga- tions we desist from further attempts in the belief that the laws of physics and chemistry have been interfered with by an incomprehen- sible vital force. As applied to physics and chemistry they do not mean that all the phenomena of life and death will ultimately be included in some simple and self-sufficing mechanical theory; they do mean that we are not to sit down contented with paradoxes such as that the same thing can fill both a large space and a little one; that matter can act where it is not, and the like, if by some reasonable hypothesis, capable of being tested by experiment, we can avoid the acceptance of these absurdities. Something will have been gained if the more obvious difficulties are removed, even if we have to admit that in the background there is much that we can not grasp. THE LIMITS OF PHYSICAL THEORIES. And this brings me to my last point. It is a mistake to treat phys- ical theories in general, and the atomic theory in particular, as though they were parts of a scheme which has failed if it leaves anything unexplained, which must be carried on indefinitely on exactly the same principles, whether the ultimate results are or are not repugnant to common sense. Physical theories begin at the surface with phenomena which directly affect our senses. “When they are used in the attempt to penetrate deeper into the secrets of nature, it is more than probable that they will meet with insuperable barriers; but this fact does not demonstrate that the fundamental assumptions are false. and the question as to ~ whether any particular obstacle will be forever insuperable can rarely be answered with certainty. Those who belittle the ideas which have of late governed the advance A MODEL OF NATURE. 191 of scientific theory too often assume that there is no alternative between the opposing assertions that atoms and the ether are mere figments of the scientific imagination, or that, on the other hand, a mechanical theory of the atoms and of the ether, which is now con- fessedly imperfect, would, if it could be perfected, give us a full and adequate representation of the underlying realities. For my own part I believe that there is a via media. A man peering into a darkened room, and describing what he thinks he sees, may be right as to the general outline of the objects he dis- cerns, wrong as to their nature and their precise forms. In his deserip- tion fact and fancy may be blended, and it may be difficult to say where the one ends and the other begins; but even the fancies will not be worthless if they are based on a fragment of truth, which will pre- vent the explorer from walking into a looking-glass or stumbling over the furniture. He who saw ‘‘men as trees walking” had at least a per- ception of the fundamental fact that something was in motion around him. And so, at the beginning of the twentieth century, we are neither forced to abandon the claim to have penetrated below the surface of nature, nor have we, with all our searching, torn the veil of mystery from the world around us. The range of our speculations is limited both in space and time; in space, for we have no right to claim, as is sometimes done, a knowl- edge of the ‘‘infinite universe;” in time, for the cumulative effects of actions which might pass undetected in the short span of years of which we have knowledge, may, if continued long enough, modify our most profound generalizations. If some such theory as the vortex- atom theory were true, the faintest trace of viscosity in the primordial medium would ultimately destroy matter of every kind. It is thus duty to state what we believe we know in the most cautious terms, but it is equally a duty not to yield to mere vague doubts as to whether we can know anything. If no other conception of matter is possible than that it consists of distinct physical units—and no other conception has been formulated which does not blur what are otherwise clear and definite outlines—if it is certain, as it is, that vibrations travel through space which can not be propagated by matter, the two foundations of physical theory are well and truly laid. It may be granted that we have not yet framed a consistent image either of the nature of the atoms or of the ether in which they exist; but I have tried to show that in spite of the tentative nature of some of our theories, in spite of many outstanding difficulties, the atomic theory unifies so many facts, simplifies so much that is complicated, that we have a right to insist—at all events till an equally intelligible rival hypothesis is produced—that the main strue- ture of our theory is true; that atoms are not merely helps to puzzled mathematicians, but physical realities. an A . a) Foot yy: ins INS Fie sos region Sinton. ein [te A CENTURY OF THE STUDY OF METEORITES. * By Dr. Ottver C. FARRINGTON, Curator of Geology, Field Columbian Museum. The close of the nineteenth century will mark the end of the first century of the study of meteorites. Up to the beginning of this century the attitude of scientific men toward the accounts of stones reported to have fallen from the sky was in general one of scorn and incredulity. Thus an account prepared with great care by the munici- pality of Juillac, France, telling of a stone shower which occurred there in July, 1790, was characterized by Berthelon at the time as ‘‘a recital, evidently false, of a phenomenon physically impossible” and ‘‘caleulated to excite the pity not only of physicists but of all reason- able people.” Bonn, in his Lithophylacium Bonnianum, refers to the Tabor, Bohemia, meteorite which fell in 17538, as ‘te coelo pluvisse creduliores quidam asseverant.” Chladni, writing in the early part of the century, speaks of many meteorites which were thrown away in his day because the directors of museums were ashamed to exhibit stones reported to have fallen from the sky. President Jefferson when told that Professors Silliman and Kingsley had described a shower of stones as having taken place at Weston, Connecticut, in 1807, said: ‘It is easier to believe that two Yankee professors will lie than to believe that stones will fall from heaven.” The change of opinion on the part of intelligent and especially sci- entific men, which took place at the beginning of this century, was due largely to the investigation by the French Academy of the shower of stones which fell at L’Aigle in 1803. This investigation established so absolutely the fact of the fall to the earth at L’Aigle of stones from outer space that scientific men were logically compelled to give credence to the reports of similar occurrences elsewhere. Further, the papers of Chladni and Howard published about the same time, strenuously urging that other masses reported to have fallen upon the earth could not, because of their structure and composition, be of terrestrial ori- gin, had much to do with fixing the growing faith that solid cosmic “Reprinted by permission from Popular Science Monthly, Vol. LVII, February, 1901. sm 1901——13 193 194 CENTURY OF STUDY OF METEORITES. matter not of terrestrial origin does at intervals come to the earth. Since this beginning the study of meteorites has been one of constantly widening interest and purport. The essentially distinguishing features of meteorites were early made out. Howard in 1802, from a chemical investigation of various ‘*stony and metallic substances which at different times are said to have fallen on the earth, also of various kinds of native iron,” drew the con- clusion that a content of nickel characterized most such bodies. He also found that the meteoric stones were made up chiefly of silica and magnesia and that the iron sulphide of meteorites was distinct from the terrestrial mineral pyrite. He further noted the chondritic struc- ture as characteristic of many of the meteoric stones. The correctness of his observations was soon confirmed by analyses made by Fourcroy, John, Klaproth, and others. In 1808 Alois von Widmanstiitten, by heating a section of the Agram iron, brought out the figures which have since proved so characteristic of meteoric irons in general and which are now known by his name. Thus the data were early at hand for distinguishing meteorites from terrestrial bodies, and it soon became possible to collect the ‘‘sky stones” even when they had not been seen to fall. Systematic efforts for the collection of these bodies were not put forth, however, for many years. Up to 1835 there were only 56 different meteorite falls represented in the Vienna collection, and in 1856 only 136. Up to 1860 those of the British Museum col- lection numbered only 68 and those of the Paris collection only 64. The studies of these bodies during the first half of the century were made, therefore, upon a relatively limited number. The earlier inves- tigations were chiefly chemical in character, various elements being discovered in succession. Manganese was discovered in the stone of Siena by Klaproth in 1803, chromium in the stone of Vago by Laugier in 1806, carbon in that of Alais by Thenard in 1808, chlorine in that of Stannern by Scheerer in the same year, and cobalt by John in the Pallas iron in 1817. The number of elements discovered since has brought the total up to 29, none being found, however, which are not already known upon the earth. Many of the chemical compounds of meteorites were early isolated and their identity with terrestrial minerals established. Count Bournon showed in 1802 that the trans- parent green mineral accompanying the iron of Krasnojarsk was olivine. The same mineral was found in other meteorites by later observers, and Rose was able in 1825 to make angular measurements of the crystals which showed them to be identical with those of ter- restrial olivine. Laugier separated chromite from the stones of Ensisheim and L’Aigle in 1806. Augite was recognized by Mohs in the stone of Stannern in 1824 and by Rose in that of Juvinas in 1825. Haiiy recognized a feldspar which he thought to be orthoclase in the stone of Juvinas in 1822, but three years later Rose showed it to CENTURY OF STUDY OF METEORITES. 195 be plagioclase; and the existence of orthoclase in meteorites has yet to be proved. Continued investigations of the compounds found in meteorites up to the present time have resulted in the detection of at least 21 whose composition is certain, besides several of a somewhat problematic nature. Of these compounds seven have been found to differ in composition from any known terrestrial substances. The character of these indicates the complete absence of water and of oxygen in any large amount from that portion of nature’s laboratory where meteorites are formed. Important investigations as to the gases occluded by meteorites were begun by Boussingault in 1861 and have been continued by Wright, Ansdell, Dewar, and others. It has been proved that large quantities of hydrogen, as well as carbonic acid gas, are contained in these bodies, under pressure greater than that of the earth’s atmosphere. These investigations led further to the spec- troscopic study of meteorites by Vogel, Wright, and Lockyer. The spectra thus obtained, when compared with those exhibited by comets, showed striking resemblances, which have led to a growing belief among scientific men in the identity of origin of comets and meteorites. Lockyer has indeed pushed this conclusion to the point of believing that ‘‘ all self-luminous bodies in the celestial spaces are composed either of swarms of meteorites or of masses of meteoric vapor produced by heat,” and he draws from this many important deductions relating to the origin of the stars, comets and nebule, and the physical condi- tions prevailing in them. It will remain for the twentieth century to test the correctness of such conclusions, but the facts already brought out have considerably shaken the confidence hitherto placed in the nebular hypothesis. Another interesting result of the century has been the establishment of a general similarity between shooting stars and meteorites. This idea was first suggested by Chladni in 1798, but it has remained for Newton, Adams, and Schiaparelli to give it shape and proof. The general verdict of science is now in accord with the belief of Newton, ** that from the faintest shooting star to the largest stone meteor we pass by such small gradations that no clear dividing lines can separate them into classes.” Moreover, the long- existing belief in le vide planétaire, space filled only with a mysterious fluid called ether, has been shown to be untenable. Careful records and estimates have shown that 20,000,000 cosmic bodies large enough to produce the phenomena of shooting stars are encountered by the earth daily. The number of these bodies existing in space must be, therefore, beyond all calculation, and their existence implies that of smaller par- ticles in sufficient number to form a widely pervasive cosmic dust. Many remarkable meteorite falls have occurred during the century. Beginning with the stone shower of L’Aigle in 1803, when 2,000 to 3,000 stones fell, no less than eleven such showers have been recorded. In the shower of Pultusk, Poland, which occurred in 1868, 100,000 196 CENTURY OF STUDY OF METEORITES. stones are estimated to have fallen, their total weight reaching over 400 pounds. In the shower at Mocs, Germany, in 1882, more than 3,000 stones fell. In our own country about 750 pounds of meteoric matter fell at Estherville, Lowa, in 1879, and several thousand stones fell over an area 9 miles in length and 1 mile wide near Forest City, Iowa, in 1890. Many of these falls have been marked by extraordi- nary phenomena of light and sound, making them events never to be forgotten by those who witnessed them and worthy to be reckoned among the most remarkable natural occurrences of the century. About 285 actually observed meteoric falls is the total recorded during the century. It is a remarkable fact regarding the nature of the material fallen that only 5 of these have been of meteoric irons. One of these irons fell at Mazapil, Mexico, during the star shower of November, 1885, at the time when the return of Biela’s comet was looked for, and was thus considered an occurrence corroborative of the already suspected relationship among comets, shooting stars, and meteorites. ; The indifference to the collecting of meteorites which characterized the early part of the century has given place in its latter days to an extraordinary diligence in the search for these bodies. One meteorite has of late acquired a value equal to four times its weight in gold, and several can be sold for two and three times their weight by the gold standard. The meteorite collection of the Natural History Museum in Vienna has for many years been the leading one. What it has cost to build it up may be known from the fact that it is considered the most valuable of any single collection in that great treasure house. Repre- sentatives of over 500 meteoric falls are exhibited in this collection, and the meteoric matter has a total weight of 7 tons. The collection of the British Museum of Natural History is nearly as large, while at Paris, Berlin, St. Petersburg, and Calcutta, together with Washington, Chicago, Cambridge, and New Haven, in our own country, are gathered extensive and important collections. The establishment of such large collections has for the first time put the study of meteorites on a sat- isfactory basis and given lively hope that important truths will be discovered by researches thus made possible. The general similarity of the stony meteorites to the basic voleanic rocks of the earth has been established, and similarity of many physical structures such as brecciation, slicken-sided surfaces, and veins has been proved. The chondritic structure and the crystalline structure represented by the Widmanstiitten figures are, however, so far as is yet known, peculiar to meteorites, and it will remain for the twentieth century to discover what these structures mean. Classifications of meteorites based on their mineralogical and structural characters have been established, : and important differences among meteorites shown, in spite of their family resemblances. It would be idle perhaps to recount, as might CENTURY OF STUDY OF METEORITES. E97 a be done, many theories regarding the nature and origin of meteorites which have been found untenable as a result of the century’s study. The theory of the lunar origin of meteorites had at times such able supporters as Laplace and J. Lawrence Smith. Other able observers have believed meteorites to be material ejected at some past period from the earth’s volcanoes, some have regarded them of solar origin, and still others as fragments of a shattered planet. All of these theories may be said to have been proved fallacious. The discovery reported by Hahn in 1880 of remains of sponges, corals, and plants in meteorites excited for a time eager inquiries into the possibilities of proving by the study of meteorites the existence of life outside our own globe. No satisfactory evidence of the existence of extraterres- trial life has, however, as yet been obtained from meteorites. The most positive and enduring results of the century’s study may, there- fore, perhaps be summed up as the establishment of the fact of the fall of solid cosmic matter to the earth and a suflicient knowledge of its nature to distinguish it from matter of terrestrial origin. Satis- factory conclusions as to the origin of this matter and its relations to the visible bodies of the great outlying universe remain yet to be drawn. “we as RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION.* By Pror. Joun H. Poyntine, D. Sc., F. BR. S. The studies in gravitation which I am to describe to you this evening will perhaps fall into better order if I rapidly run over the well-beaten track which leads to those studies, the track first laid down by Newton based on astronomical observations, and only made firmer and broader by every later observation. I may remind you, then, that the motion of the planets round the sun in ellipses, each marking out the area of its orbit at a constant rate, and each having a year proportional to the square root of the cube of its mean distance from the sun, implies that there is a force on each planet exactly proportioned to its mass, directed toward, and inversely as the square of its distance from the sun. The lines of force radiate out from the sun on all sides equally, and always grasp any matter with a force proportional to its mass, whatever planet that matter belongs to. If we assume that action and reaction are equal and opposite, then each planet acts on the sun with a force proportional to its own mass; and if, further, we suppose that these forces are merely the sum totals of the forces due to every particle of matter in the bodies acting, we are led straight to the law of gravitation, that the force between two masses M, M, is always proportional to the product of the masses divided by the square of the distance 7 between them, or is equal to GX M,xM, eee ae and the constant multiplier G is the constant of gravitation. Since the force is always proportional to the mass acted on, and produces the same change of velocity whatever that mass may be, the change of velocity tells us nothing about the mass in which it takes place, but only about the mass which is pulling. If, however, we compare the accelerations due to different pulling bodies, as for instance that of the sun pulling the earth with that of the earth pull- ing the moon, or if we compare changes in motion due to the different "From Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Vol. XVI, part 2, November, 1901. Read at weekly evening meeting, Friday, February 23, 1900, His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, K. G., F. 8. A., president, in the chair. 199 200 RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. - planets pulling each other, then we can compare their masses and weigh them one against another and each against the sun. But in this weighing our standard weight is not the pound or kilogram of terrestrial weighings, but the mass of the sun. For instance, from the fact that a body at the earth’s surface, 4,000 miles, on the average, from the mass of the earth, falls with a velocity increasing by 32 ft./ sec.”, while the earth itself falls towards the sun, 92,000,000 miles away, with a velocity increasing by about 4 inch/ sec.?, we can at once show that the mass of the sun is 300,000 times that of theearth. In other words, astronomical observation gives us only the acceleration, the product of G * mass acting, but does not tell us the value of G nor of the mass acting in terms of our terrestrial standards, To weigh the sun, the planets, or the earth in pounds or kilo- grams, or to find G, we must descend from the heavenly bodies to earthly matter, and either compare the pull of a weighable mass on some body with the puil of the earth on it, or else choose two weigh- able masses and find the pull between them. All this was clearly seen by Newton, and was set forth in his System of the World (third edition, p. 41). He saw that a mountain mass might be used, and weighed against the earth by finding how much it deflected the plumb line at its base. The density of the mountain could be found from specimens of the rocks composing it, and the distance of its parts from the plumb line by asurvey. The deflection of the vertical would then give the mass of the earth. Newton also considered the possibility of measuring the attraction between two weighable masses, and calculated how long it would take a sphere a foot in diameter, of the earth’s mean density, to draw another equal sphere, with their surfaces separated by one-fourth inch, through that one-fourth inch. But he made a very great mis- take in his arithmetic, for while his result gave about one month, the actual time would only be about five and one-half minutes. Had his value been right, gravitational experiments would have been beyond the power of even Professor Boys. Some doubt has been thrown on Newton’s authorship of this mistake, but I confess that there is some- thing not altogether unpleasing in the mistake even of a Newton. His faulty arithmetic showed that there was one quality which he shared with the rest of mankind. Not long after Newton’s death the mountain experiment was actually tried, and in two ways. The honor of making these first experiments on gravitation belongs to Bouguer, whose splendid work in thus breaking new ground does not appear to me to have received the credit due to it. One of his plans consisted in measuring the deflection of the plumb RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. 201 line due to Chimborazo, one of the Andes peaks, by finding the dis- tance of a star on the meridian from the zenith, first at a station on the south side of the mountain, where the vertical was deflected, and then at a station to the west, where the mountain attraction was nearly inconsiderable, so that the actual nearly coincided with the geograph- ical vertical. The difference in zenith distances gave the mountain deflection. It is not surprising that, working in snowstorms at one station and in sand storms at the other, Bouguer obtained a very incorrect result. But at 'east he showed the possibility of such work, and since his time many experiments have been carried out on his lines under more favorable conditions. Now, however, I think-. it is generally recognized that the difficulty of estimating the mass of a mountain from mere surface chips is insurmountable, and it is admitted that the experiment should be turned the other way about and regarded Fic. 1.—Cavendish’s apparatus. as an attempt to measure the mass of the mountains from the density of the earth known by other experiments. These other experiments are on the line indicated by Newton in his calculations of the attraction of two spheres. The first was carried out by Cavendish. In the apparatus (fig. 1) he used two lead balls, B B, each 2 inches in diameter. These were hung at the end of a horizontal rod 6 feet long, the torsion rod, and this was hung up by a long wire from its middle point. Two large attracting spheres of lead, W W, each 12 inches in diameter, were brought close to the balls on opposite sides, so that their attractions on the balls conspired to twist the torsion rod round the same way, and the angle of twist was measured. The force could be reckoned in terms of this angle by setting the rod vibrating to and fro and finding the time of vibration, and the force came out to less than one three-thousandth of a grain. Knowing M, M, and 7, the 202 RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. distance between them and the force G M, M,'7”, of course Cavendish’s result gives G, or, knowing the attraction of a big sphere on a ball, and knowing the attraction of the earth on the same ball—that is, its weight—the experiment gives the mass of earth in terms of that of the big sphere, and so its mean density. This experiment has often been repeated, but I do not think it is too much to say that no advance was made in exactness till we come to quite recent work. By far the most remarkable recent study in gravitation is Professor Boys’s beautiful form of the Cavendish experiment, a research which Fig. 2.—Boys’s apparatus. stands out as a model in beauty of design and in exactness of execu- tion (fig. 2). But as Professor Boys has described his experiment already in this theater," it is not necessary for me to more than refer toit. It is enough to say that he made the great discovery, obvious, perhaps, when made, that the sensitiveness of the apparatus is increased by reducing its dimensions. He therefore decreased the scale as far as was consistent with exact measurement of the parts of the appa- ratus, using a torsion rod, itself a mirror, only 2 inches long, gold balls, 7 m, only + inch in diameter, and attracting lead masses, M M, “Proc. Royal Institution, XIV, part 2, 1894, p. 353. RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. 203 only 44 inches in diameter. The force to be measured was less than 1/5 X 10° grain. The exactness of his work was increased by using as suspending wire one of his quartz threads. It would be difficult to overestimate the service he has rendered in the measurement of small forces by the discovery of the remarkable properties of these threads. One of the chief difficulties in the measurement of these small gray- itational pulls is the disturbances which are brought about by the air currents which blow to and fro and up and down inside the apparatus, producing irregular motions in the torsion rod. These, though much reduced, are not reduced in proportion to the diminution of, the apparatus. A very interesting repetition of the Cavendish experiment has lately been concluded by Dr. Braun* at Mariaschein, in Bohemia, in which he has sought to get rid of these disturbing air currents by suspend- ing his torsion rod in a receiver which was nearly exhausted, the pres- sure being reduced to about one two-hundredth of an atmosphere. The gales which have been the despair of other workers were thus reduced to such gentle breezes that their effect was hardly noticeable. His apparatus was nearly a mean proportional between that of Caven- dish and Boys, his torsion rod being about 9 inches long, the balls and the attracting masses weighing 54 grams—less than 2 ounces either 5 or 9 kilograms. His work bears internal evidence of great care and accuracy, and he obtained almost exactly the same result as Professor Boys. Dr. Braun carried on his work far from the usual laboratory facili- ties, far from workshops, and he had to make much of his appa- ratus himself. His patience and persistence command our highest admiration. : Iam glad to say that he is now repeating the experiment, using as suspension a quartz fiber supplied to him by Professor Boys in place of the somewhat untrustworthy metal wire which he used in the work already published. Professor Boys has almost indignantly disclaimed that he was engaged on any such purely local experiment as the determination of the mean density of the earth. He was working for the universe, seeking the value of G, information which would be as useful on Mars or Jupiter or out in the stellar system as here on the earth. But perhaps we may this evening consent to be more parochial in our ideas and express the results in terms of the mean density of the earth. In such terms, then, both Boys and Braun find that density 5.527 times the density of water, agreeing therfeore to 1 in 5,000. There is another mode of proceeding which may be regarded as the *Denkschriften der Math. Wiss. Classe der Kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften Wien, LXIV, 1896. 204 RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. Cavendish experiment turned from a horizontal into a vertical plane, and in which the torsion balance is replaced by the common balance. This method occurred about the same time to the late Prof. U. Jolly and myself. The principle of my own experiment* will be sufficiently indicated by fig. 3. A big bullion balance with a 4-foot beam had two lead spheres, A B, each about 50 pounds in weight, hang- ing from the two ends in place of the usual scale pans. eS Se a — —— ———— Sear ei Cee ae —— ae Fic. 5.—Paramagnetic¢ sphere placed ina Fic. 6.—Diamagnetic sphere placed in previously straight field. a previously straight field. nearly at, say, 5.5, and the two most recent Cavendish experiments agree at, say, 5.53, but I confess I think it is merely a coincidence. I have no doubt that the torsion experiment is the more exact, though probably an experiment on different lines was worth making, and I am quite content to accept the value 5.527 as the standard value for the present. And so the latest research has amply verified Newton’s celebrated cuess that ‘the quantity of the whole matter of the earth may be five or six times greater than if it consisted all of water.” I now turn to another line of gravitational research. . When we compare gravitation with other known forces (and those which have been most closely studied are electric and magnetic forces) we are at once led to inquire whether the lines of gravitative force are always straight lines radiating from or to the mass round which they center, or whether, like electric and magnetic lines of force, they have a pref- erence for some media and a distaste for others. We know, for example, that if a magnetic sphere of iron or cobalt or manganese Is placed in a previously straight field its permeability is greater than atl RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. 207 the air it replaces, and the lines of force crowd into it, as in fig. 5. The magnetic action is then stronger in the presence of the sphere near the ends of a diameter parallel to the original course of the lines of force and the lines are deflected. If the sphere be diamagnetic, of water, or copper, or bismuth, the permeability being less than that of air, there is an opposite effect, as in fig. 6, and the field is weakened at the end of a diameter parallel to the lines of force, and again the lines are deflected. Similarly a dielectric body placed in an electric field gathers in the lines of force and makes the field where the lines enter and leave stronger than it was before. If we inclose a magnet in a hollow box of soft iron placed in a mag- netic field, the lines of force are gathered into the iron and largely cleared away from the in- side cavity, so that the mag- net is screened from exter- nal action. Now, common experience might lead us at once to say that there is no very con- siderable effect of this kind with gravitation. The evi- denee of ordina ry weighing FIG. ee of interposition of more permeable medium in radiating field of force. may perhaps be rejected, inasmuch as both sides will be equally affected as the balance is commonly used. But a spring balance should show if there is any large effect when used in different positions above different media or in different inclosures, and the ordinary balance is used in certain experiments in which one weight is suspended beneath the balance ‘ase and surrounded perhaps by a metal case or perhaps by a water bath. Yet no appreciable variation of weight on that account has yet been noted, nor does the direction of the vertical change rapidly from place to place, as it would with varying permeability of the ground below. But perhaps the agreement of pendulum results, whatever the block on which the pendulum is placed and whatever the case in which it is contained, gives the best evidence that there is no great gathering in or opening out of the lines of the earth’s force by different media. Still, a direct experiment on the attraction between two masses with different media interposed was well worthy of trial, and such an exper- iment has lately been carried out in America by Messrs. Austin and Thwing.* The effect to be looked for will be understood from fig. T. If a medium more permeable to gravitatign is interposed between two bodies, the lines of force will move into it from each side, and the erayitative pull on a body near the interposed medium on the side away from the attracting body will be increased. Physical Review, V, 1897, p. 294. 208 RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. The apparatus they used was a modified kind of Boys’s apparatus (fig. 8). Two small gold masses, in the form of short vertical wires, each 0.4 gm. in weight, were arranged at different levels at the ends virtually of a torsion rod § mm. long. The attracting masses M, M, were lead, each about 1 kgm. These were first in the positions shown by black lines in the figure, and were then moved into the positions shown by dotted lines. The attraction was measured first when merely the air and the case of the instrument intervened, and then when vari- ous slabs, each 3 cm. thick, 10 cm. wide, and 29 em. high, were inter- posed. With screens of lead, zine, mercury, water, alcohol, or: glycerin, the change in attraction was at the most about 1 in 500, and this did not exceed the errors of experiment. That is, they found no evi- dence of a change in pull with change of medium. If such change exists, it is not of the order of the change of electric pull with change of medium, but something far smaller. Perhaps it still remains just possible that there are variations of gravitational permeability comparable with the varia- tions of magnetic perme- ability in media such as water and alcohol. Yet another kind of effect might be suspected. In most crystalline substances the physical properties are different along different di- rections in a crystal. They expand differently, they conduct heat differ- ently, and they transmit light at different speeds in different directions. We might, then, imagine that the lines of gravitative force spread out from, say, a crystal sphere unequally in different directions. Some years ago, Dr. Mackenzie* made an experiment in America, in which he sought for direct evidence of such unequal distribution of the lines of force. He used a form of apparatus like that of Professor Boys (fig. 2), the attracting masseg being calc spar spheres about 2 inches in diameter. The attracted masses in one experiment were small lead spheres about one-half gm. each, and he measured the attraction between_the crystals and the lead when the axes of the crystals were Fic. 8.—Experiment on grayitative permeability (Austin and Thwing ). * Physical Review, II, 1895, p. 321. RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. 209, set in various positions. But the variation in the attraction was merely of the order of error of experiment. In another experi- ment the attracted masses were small cale spar crystal cylinders, weighing a little more than one-half gm. each. But again there was no evidence of variation in the attraction with variation of axial direction. Practically the same problem was attacked in a different way by Mr. Gray and myself.*| We tried to find whether a quartz crystal sphere had any directive action on another quartz crystal sphere close to it, whether they tended to set with their axes parallel or crossed. It may easily be seen that this is the same problem by considering what must happen if there is any difference in the attraction between two such spheres when their axes are parallel and when they are crossed. Suppose, for example, that the attraction is always greater when their axes are parallel, and this seems a reasonable supposition, inasmuch as in straightforward crystallization successive parts of the erystal are added to the existing crystal, all with their axes parallel. Begin, then, with two quartz crystal spheres near each other, with their axes in the same plane, but perpendicular to each other. Remove one to a very great distance, doing work against their mutual attrac- tions. Then, when it is quite out of range of appreciable action, turn it round till its axis is parallel to that of the fixed crystal. This absorbs no work if done slowly. Then let it return. The force on the return journey at every point is greater than the force on the outgoing journey, and more work will be got out than was put in. When the sphere is in its first position, turn it round till the axes are again at rightangles. Then work must be done on turning it through this right angle to supply the difference between the outgoing and incoming works. For, if no work were done in the turning, we could go through cycle after cycle, always getting a balance of energy over, and this would, I think, imply either a cooling of the crystals ora diminution in their weight, neither supposition being admissible. We are led, then, to say that if the attraction with parallel axes exceeds that with crossed axes, there must be a directive action resisting the turn from the crossed to the parallel positions. And, conversely, a directive action implies axial variation in gravitation. The straightforward mode of testing the existence of this directive action woul” consist in hanging up one sphere by a wire or thread and turning the other round into various positions and observing whether the hanging sphere tended to twist out of position. But the action, if it exists, is so minute and the disturbances due to air cur- rents are so great that it would be extremely difficult to observe its effect directly. It occurred to us that we might call in the aid of the — * Phil. Trans. 192, 1899, A, p. 245, sm 1901——14 210 RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. principle of forced oscillations by turning one sphere round and round at a constant rate, so that the couple would act first in one direction and then in the other, alternately, and so set the hanging sphere vibrating to and fro. The nearer the complete time of vibration of the applied couple to the natural time of vibration of the hanging sphere, the greater would be the vibration set up. This is well illus- trated by moving the point of suspension of a pendulum to and fro in gradually decreasing periods, when the swing gets longer and longer, till the period is that of the pendulum, and then decreases again; or, Governor i) Lead fly-whee( = | Fic. 9.—Experiment on directive action of one quartz crystal on another. by the experiment of varying the length of a jar resounding to a given fork, when the sound suddenly swells out as the length becomes that which would naturally give the same note as the fork. Now, in look- ing for the couple between the crystals, there are two possible cases. The most likely is that in which the couple acts in one way while the turning sphere is moving from parallel to crossed, and in the opposite way during the next quarter turn from crossed to parallel; that is, the couple vanishes four times during the revolution, and this we may term a quadrantal couple; but it is just possible that a quartz crystal : RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. re | has two ends, like a magnet, and that like poles tend to like directions. Then, the couple will vanish only twice in a revolution and may be termed a semicircular couple. We looked for both, but it is enough now to consider the possibility of the quadrantal couple only. Our mode of working will be seen from fig. 9. The hanging sphere, 0.9 cm. in diameter and 1 gm. in weight, was placed in a light aluminum wire cage with a mirror on it, and suspended by a long quartz fiber in a brass case with a window in it opposite the mirror, and surrounded by a double-walled, tinfoiled wood case. The position of the sphere was read in the usual way, by scale and telescope. The time of swing of this little sphere was one hundred and twenty seconds. A larger quartz sphere, 6.6 cm. diameter and weighing 400 gms., was fixed at the lower end of an axis, which could be turned at any desired rate by a regulated motor. The centers of the spheres were Scale division 3 4 S 7 ber tess: | | erload 1/25 Fic. 10.—Upper curve in regular vibration. Lower curve a disturbance dying away. on the same level and 5.9 cm. apart. On the top of the axis was a wheel with 20 equidistant marks on its rim, one passing a fixed point every eleven and five-tenths seconds. It might be expected that the couple, if it existed, would have the greatest effect if its period exactly coincided with the one hundred and twenty second period of the hanging sphere, i. e., if the larger sphere revolved in two hundred and forty seconds; but in the conditions of the experiment the vibrations of the small sphere were very much damped, and the forced oscillations did not mount up as they would ina freer swing. The disturbances, which were mostly of an impul- sive kind, continually set the hanging sphere into large vibration, and these might easily be taken as due to the revolving sphere. In fact, looking for the couple with exactly coincident periods would be some- thing like trying to find if a fork set the air in a resonating jar vibrat- ing when a brass band was playing all round it. It was necessary to pl le RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. make the couple period, then, a little different from the natural one hundred and twenty second period, and accordingly we revolved the large sphere once in two hundred and thirty seconds, when the sup- posed quadrantal couple would have a period of one hundred and fif- teen seconds. Figs. 10 and 11 may help to show how this enabled us to eliminate the disturbances. Let the ordinates of the curves in fig. 10 represent vibrations set out to a horizontal time scale. The upper curve is a regular vibration of range + 3, the lower a disturbance beginning with range + 10. The first has period 1, the second period 1.25. Now, cutting the curves into lengths equal to the period of the shorter time of vibration and arranging the lengths one under the other, as in fio. 11, it will be seen that the maxima and the minima of the regular vibration always fall at the same points, so that, taking 7 periods and adding up the ordi- - nates, we get 7 times the range, viz, + 21. 5 But in the disturbance the maxima and mini- Q ma fall at different points, and even with 7 S * periods only, the range is from + 16 to — 13, t or less than the range due to the addition of \ S the much smaller regulation vibration. : % In our experiment the couple, if it existed, . & would very soon establish its vibration, a which would always be there and would go €| through all its values in one hundred and fifteen seconds. An observer, watching the wheel at the top of the revolving axis, gave the time signals every eleven and five-tenth | seconds, regulating the speed if necessary, FIG. 11.—Results of superposition of and an observer at the telescope gave the rare ee RES E IS a: scale reading at every signal—that is, 10 times during the period. The values were arranged in 10 columns, each horizontal line giving the readings of a period. The experiment was carried on for about two and one-half hours at a time, covering, say, 80 periods. On adding up the columns the maxima and minima of the couple effect would always fall in the same two columns, and so the addition would give 80 times the swing, while the maxima and minima of the natural swings due to disturb- ances would fall in different columns, and so, in the long run, neu- tralize each other. The results of different days’ work might, of course, be added together. There always was a small outstanding effect, such as would be pro- duced by a quadrantal couple, but its effect was not always in the same columns, and the net result of about three hundred and fifty period observations was that there was no one hundred and fifteen second Fangerl6 to-/3 RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. 213 vibration of more than 1 second of are, while the disturbances were sometimes 50 times as great. The semicircular couple required the turning sphere to revolve in one hundred and fifteen seconds. Here want of symmetry in the apparatus would come in with the same effect as the couple sought, and the outstanding result was accordingly a little larger. But in neither case could the experiments be taken as showing a real couple, They only showed that, if it existed, it was incapable of pro- ducing an effect greater than that observed. Perhaps the best way to put the result of our work is this: Imagine the small sphere set with its axis at 45° to that of the other. Then the couple is not greater than one which would take five and one-fourth hours to turn it through that 45~ to the parallel position, and it would oscillate about that position in not less than twenty-one hours. The semicircular couple is not greater than one which would turn from crossed to parallel position in four and one-half hours, and it would oscillate about that position in not less than seventeen hours. Or, if the gravitation is less in the crossed than in the parallel posi- tion, and in a constant ratio, the difference is less than 1 in 16,000 in the one case and less than 1 in 2,800 in the other. We may compare with these numbers the difference of rate of travel of yellow light through a quartz crystal along the axis and perpen- dicular to it. That difference is of quite another order, being about 1 in 170. As to other possible qualities of gravitation, I shall only mention that quite indecisive experiments have been made to seek for an altera- tion of mass on chemical combination,* and that at present there is no reason to suppose that temperature affects gravitation. Indeed, as to temperature effect, the agreement of weight methods and volume methods of measuring expansion with rise of temperature is good, as far as it goes, in showing that weight is independent of temperature. So, while the experiments to determine G are converging on the same value, the attempts to show that, under certain conditions, it may not be constant, have resulted so far in failure all along the line. No attack on gravitation has succeeded in showing that it is related to any- thing but the masses of the attracting and the attracted bodies. It appears to have no relation to physical or chemical condition of the acting masses or to the intervening medium. Perhaps we have been led astray by false analogies in some of our questions. Some of the qualities we have sought and failed to find, qualities which characterize electric and magnetic forces, may be due to the polarity, the + and —, which we ascribe to poles and charges, and which have no counterpart in mass. “Landolt, Zeit. fiir Phys. Chem. XII, 1, 1894. Sanford and Ra’y, Physical Review, V, 1897, p. 247. 914 RECENT STUDIES IN GRAVITATION. But this unlikeness, this independence of gravitation of any quality but mass, bars the way to any explanation of its nature. The dependence of electric forces on the medium, one of Faraday’s grand discoveries forever associated with the Royal Institution, was the first step which led on to the electromagnetic theory of light, now so splendidly illustrated by Hertz’s electromagnetic waves. The quantitative laws of electrolysis, again due to Faraday, are leading, I believe, to the identification of electrification and chemical separation— to the identification of electric with chemical energy. But gravitation still stands alone. The isolation which Faraday sought to break down is still complete. Yet the work I have been describing is not all failure. We at least know something in knowing what qualities gravitation does not possess, and when the time shall come for explanation all these laborious and, at first sight, useless experi- ments will take their place in the foundation on which that explanation will be built. . ait ee ON ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER THROUGH INFINITE SPACE.* By Lorp KeEtyvry. NOTE ON THE POSSIBLE DENSITY OF THE LUMINIFEROUS MEDIUM AND ON THE MECHANICAL VALUE OF A CUBIC MILE ° OF SUNLIGHT.® Section 1. That there must be a medium forming a continuous mate- rial communication throughout space to the remotest visible body is a fundamental assumption in the undulatory theory of light. Whether or not this medium is (as appears® to me most probable) a continuation of our own atmosphere, its existence is a fact that can not be ques- tioned when the overwhelming evidence in favor of the undulatory theory is considered; and the investigation of its properties in every possible way becomes an object of the greatest interest. A first ques- tion would naturally occur, What is the absolute density of the lumi- niferous ether in any part of space? Jam not aware of any attempt having hitherto been made to answer this question, and the present state of science does not in fact afford sufficient data. It has, however, occurred to me that we may assign an inferior limit to the density of the luminiferous medium in interplanetary space by considering the mechanical value of sunlight as deduced in preceding communica- tions to the Royal Society ‘ from Pouillet’s data on solar radiation and “Reprinted from the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science [sixth series], August, 1901, pp. 161-177. [This is an amplifica- tion of Lecture X VI, Baltimore, October 15, 1884, now being prepared for print in a volume on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light, which I hope may be published within a year from the present time. ] "Note of December 22, 1892.—The brain-wasting perversity of the insular inertia which still condemns British engineers to reckonings of miles and yards and feet and inches and grains and pounds and ounces and acres is curiously illustrated by the title and numerical results of this article as originally published. *October 13, 1899.—In the present reproduction, as part of my Lecture XVI, of Baltimore, 1884, I suggest cubic kilometer instead of ‘‘cubic mile’’ in the title, and use the French metrical system exclusively in the article. 4From Edin. Royal Soc. Trans., Vol. X XI, Part I, May, 1854; Phil. Mag., IX, 1854; Comptes Rendus, XX XIX, Sept., 1854; Art. LX VII of Math. and Phys. Papers. October 13, 1899.—Not so now. I did not in 1854 know the kinetic theory of gases. ‘Trans. R. S. E.; Mechanical Energies of the Solar System; republished as Art. LX VI of Math. and Phys. Papers. 215 216 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. Joule’s mechanical equivalent of the thermal unit. Thus the value of solar radiation per second per square centimeter at the earth’s distance from the sun, estimated at 1,235 cm.-grams, is the same as the mechan- ical value of sunlight in the luminiferous medium through a space of as many cubic centimeters as the number of linear centimeters of prop- agation of light per second. Hence the mechanical value of the whole energy, kinetic and potential, of the disturbance kept up in the space of acubic centimeter at the earth’s distance from the sun* is 1235 ig tha <. 3310? OF {ow of a cm.-gram. Src. 2. The mechanical value of a cubic kilometer of sunlight is consequently 412 meter-kilograms, equivalent to the work of one horsepower for five and four-tenths seconds. This result may give some idea of the actual amount of mechanical energy of the luminif- erous motions and forces within our own atmosphere. Merely to commence the illumination of 11 cubic kilometers requires an amount of work equal to that of a horsepower for a minute; the same amount of energy exists in that space as long as light continues to traverse it, and, if the source of light be suddenly stopped, must pass from it before the illumination ceases.” The matter which possesses this energy is the luminiferous medium. If, then, we knew the velocities of the vibratory motions, we might ascertain the density of the luminiferous medium; or, conversely, if we knew the density of the medium, we might determine the average velocity of the moving particles. Src. 3. Without any such definite knowledge we may assign a superior limit to the velocities and deduce an inferior limit to the quan- tity of matter by considering the nature of the motions which con- stitute waves of light. For it appears certain that the amplitudes of the vibrations constituting radiant heat and light must be but small fractions of the wave lengths, and that the greatest velocities of the vibrating particles must be very small in comparison with the velocity of propagation of the waves. Src. 4. Let us consider, for instance, homogeneous plane polarized light, and let the greatest velocity of vibration be denoted by w; the distance to which a particle vibrates on each side of its position of *The mechanical value of sunlight in any space near the sun’s surface must be greater than in an equal space at the earth’s distance in the ratio of the square of the earth’s distance to the square of the sun’s radius—that is, in the ratio of 46,000 to 1 nearly. The mechanical value of a cubic centimeter of sunlight near the sun must, therefore, be 123546000 Fes — 3x10” or about .0019 of a em.-gram. »Similarly we find 4,140 horsepower for a minute as the amount of work require to generate the energy existing in a cubic kilometer of light near the sun. ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. oy equilibrium by A; and thé wave length by 4. Then, if V denote the velocity of propagation of light or radiant heat, we have QV A Ton —=9 V N and therefore if A be a small fraction of A, 7 must also be a small fraction (27 times as great) of V. The same relation holds for cir- cularly polarized light, since in the time during which a particle revolves once round in a circle of radius A the wave has been propa- gated over a space equal to’. Now, the whole mechanical value of homogeneous plane polarized light in an infinitely small space con- taining only particles sensibly in the same phase of vibration, which consists entirely of potential energy at the instants when the particles are at rest at the extremities of their excursions, partly of potential and partly of kinetic energy when they are moving to or from their positions of equilibrium, and wholly of kinetic energy when they are passing through these positions, is of constant amount, and must therefore be at every instant equal to half the mass multiplied by the square of the velocity which the particles have in the last-mentioned vase. But the velocity of any particle passing through its position of equilibrium is the greatest velocity of vibration. This we have denoted by 7; and, therefore, if o denote the quantity of vibrating matter contained in a certain space, a space of unit volume, for in- stance, the whole mechanical value of all the energy, both kinetic and potential, of the disturbance within that space at any time is 7pv”. The mechanical energy of circularly polarized light at every instant is (as has been pointed out to me by Professor Stokes) half kinetic energy of the revolving particles and half potential energy of the distortion kept up in the luminiferous medium; and, therefore, v being now taken to denote the constant velocity of motion of each particle, double the preceding expression gives the mechanical value of the whole disturbance in a unit of volume in the present case. Sec. 5. Hence, it is clear that for any elliptically polarized light the mechanical value of the disturbance in a unit of volume will be between 42” and pv’, if w still denote the greatest velocity of the vibrating particles. The mechanical value of the disturbance kept up by a number -of coexisting series of waves of different periods, polarized in the same plane, is the sum of the mechanical values due to each homogeneous series separately, and the greatest velocity that can possibly be acquired by any vibrating particle is the sum of the separate velocities due to the different series. Exactly the same remark applies to coexistent series of circularly polarized waves of different periods. Hence, the mechanical value is certainly less than half the mass multiplied into the square of the greatest velocity 218 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. acquired by a particle, when the disturbance consists in the superpo- sition of different series of plane polarized waves; and we may con- clude, for every kind of radiation of light or heat except a series of homogeneous circularly polarized waves, that the mechanical value of the disturbance kept up in any space is less than the product of the mass into the square of the greatest velocity acquired by a vibrating particle in the varying phases of its motion. How much less in such a complex radiation as that of sunlight and heat we can not tell, because we do not know how much the velocity of a particle may mount up, perhaps even to a considerable value in comparison with the velocity of propagation, at some instant by the superposition of ‘different motions chancing to agree; but we may be sure that the product of the mass into the square of an ordinary maximum velocity, or of the mean of a great many successive maximum velocities of a vibrating particle, can not exceed in any great ratio the true mechan- ical value of the disturbance. Sec. 6. Recurring, however, to the definite expression. for the mechanical value of the disturbance in the case of homogeneous cir- cularly polarized light, the only case in which the velocities of all particles are constant and the same, we may define the mean velocity of vibration in any case as such a velocity that the product of its square into the mass of the vibrating particles is equal to the whole mechan- ical value, in kinetic and potential energy, of the disturbance in a certain space traversed by it; and from all we know of the mechanical theory of undulations, it seems certain that this velocity must be a very small fraction of the velocity of propagation in the most intense light or radi- ant heat which is propagated according to known laws. Denoting this velocity for the case of sunlight at the earth’s distance from the sun by v, and calling W the mass in grams of any volume of the luminiferous ether, we have the mechanical value of the disturbance in the same space, in terms of terrestrial gravitation units, Wins Sd ; where g is the number 981, measuring in (C.G.S.) absolute units of force, the force of gravity om a gram. Now, from Pouillet’s obser- 1235 x 46000 V for the mechanical value, in centimeter-grams, of a cubic centimeter -of sunlight in the neighborhood of the sun; and therefore the mass, in grams, of a cubic centimeter of the ether, must be given by the equa- tion, vation, we found in the last footnote on section 1 above, 98 y) ges i be ae eae a wV ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. 219 fue : If we assume —- V, this becomes yy _281X1235X46000 9811285 X46000, 20°64 a == V3 AN = (3 x 10°) i 102 7 gm. 5 20°64 9 and for the mass, in grams, of a cubic kilometer we have jo" XM Src. 7. It is quite impossible to fix a definite limit to the ratio which » may bear to V; but it appears improbable that it could be more, for instance, than one-fiftieth for any kind of light following the observed laws. We may conclude that probably a cubic centi- meter of the luminiferous medium in the space near the sun contains not less than 516X10-* of a gram of matter; and a cubic kilometer not less than 51610 of a gram. Sec. 8. [Nov. 16, 1899.-We have strong reason to believe that the density of ether is constant throughout interplanetary and inter- stellar space. Hence, taking the density of water as unity according to the convenient French metrical system, the preceding statements are equivalent to saying that the density of ether in vacuum or space devoid of ponderable matter is everywhere probably not less than ave Hence the rigidity (being equal to the density multiplied by the square of the velocity of light) must be not less than 4500 dynes* per square centimeter. With this enormous value as an inferior limit to the rigidity of the ether, we shall see in an addition to Lecture XIX that it is impossible to arrange for a radiant molecule moving through ether and displacing ether by its translatory as well as by its vibratory motions, consistently with any probable suppositions as to magnitudes of molecules and ruptural rigidity-modulus of ether; and that it is also impossible to explain the known smallness of ethereal resistance against the motions of planets and comets, or of smaller ponderable bodies, such as those we can handle and experiment upon in our abode on the earth’s surface, if the ether must be pushed aside to make way for the body moving through it. We shall find ourselves forced to consider the necessity of some hypothesis for the free motion of pon- derable bodies through ether, disturbing it only by condensations and raretactions, with no incompatibility in respect to joint occupation of the same space by the two substances. ”] Sec. 9. I wish to make a short calculation to show how much com- pressing force is exerted upon the luminiferous ether by the sun’s attraction. We are accustomed to call ether imponderable. How do we know it is imponderable? If we had never dealt with air except “See Math. and Phys. Papers, Vol. III, p. 522; and in the last line of table 4, for See SInehibute: p< 1O— =” »See Phil. Mag., Aug., 1900, pp. 181-198. 220 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. by our senses, air would be imponderable to us; but we know by experiment that a vacuous glass globe shows an increase of weight when air is allowed to flow into it. We have not the slightest reason to believe the luminiferous ether to be imponderable. [Nov. 17, 1899.-I now see that we have the strongest possible reason to believe that ether is imponderable.| It is just as likely to be attracted to the sun as air is. At all events the onus of proof rests with those who assert that it is imponderable. I think we shall have to modify our ideas of what gravitation is, if we have a mass spread- ing through space with mutual gravitations between its parts with- out being attracted by other bodies. [Nov. 17, 1899.—But is there any gravitational attraction between different portions of ether? Cer- tainly not, unless either it is infinitely resistant against condensa- tion, or there is only a finite volume of space occupied by it. Suppose that ether is given uniform spread through space to infinite distances in all directions. Any spherical portion of it, if held with its sur- face absolutely fixed, would by the mutual gravitation of its parts become heterogeneous; and this tendency could certainly not be coun- teracted by doing away with the supposed rigidity of its boundary and by the attraction of, ether extending to infinity outside it. The pressure at the center of a spherical portion of homogeneous gravita- tional matter is proportional to the square of the radius, and there- fore by taking the globe large enough may be made as large as we please, whatever be the density. In fact, if there were mutual gravi- tation between its parts, homogeneous ether extending through all space would be essentially unstable unless infinitely resistant against compressing or dilating forces. If we admit that ether is to some degree condensable and extensible, and believe that it extends through all space, then we must conclude that there is no mutual gravitation between its parts, and can not believe that it is gravitationally attracted by the sun or the earth or any ponderable matter; that is to say, we must believe ether to be a substance outside the law of uni- versal gravitation. | Src. 10. In the meantime it is an interesting and definite question to think of what the weight of a column of luminiferous ether of infi- nite height resting on the sun would be, supposing the sun cold and quiet, and supposing for the moment ether to be gravitationally attracted by the sun as if it were ponderable matter of density 5x10-'§. You all know the theorem for mean gravity due to attrac- tion inversely as the square of the distance from a point. It shows that the heaviness of a uniform vertical column AB, of mass w per unit length and having its length in a line through the center of force C, is ; Mw Mw MVD CA CB? or CA if :CB=06 ; Pa ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. 221 where m denotes the attraction on unit of mass at unit distance. Hence writing for mw CA, muwCA CA’, we see that the attraction on an infinite column under the influence of a force decreasing according to inverse square of distance is equal to the attraction on a column equal in length to the distance of its near end from the center and attracted by a uniform force equal to that of gravity on the near end. The sun’s radius is 697 10° ems., and gravity at his surface is 27 times“ terrestrial gravity, or say 27,000 dynes per gram of mass. Hence the sun’s attraction on a column of ether of a square centimeter section, if of density 5x 10-', and extending from his surface to infinity, would be 9'4x 10° of a dyne, if ether were ponderable. Sec. 11. Considerations similar to those of November, 1899, inserted in section 9 above lead to decisive proof that the mean density of pon- derable matter through any very large spherical volume of space is smaller the greater the radius, and is infinitely small for an infinitely great radius. If it were not so a majority of the bodies in the uni- verse would each experience infinitely great gravitational force. This is a short statement of the essence of the following demonstration: Sec. 12. Let V be any volume of space bounded by a closed surface S, outside of which and within which there are ponderable bodies; M the sum of the masses of all these bodies within S; and p the mean density of the whole matter in the volume V. We have WANE ward Ooe es cine cat Let Q denote the mean value of the normal component of the gravita- tional force at all points of 8. We have OS 477 Mi 47 AN Vale e.ls. 2 - oe Oe by a general theorem discovered by Green seventy-three years ago regarding force at a surface of any shape, due to matter (gravita- tional or ideal electric or ideal magnetic) acting according to the Newtonian law of the inverse square of the distance. It is interesting to remark that the surface integral of the normal component force due to matter outside any closed surface is zero for the whole surface. If normal component force acting inward is reckoned positive, force outward must of course be reckoned negative. In equation (2) the normal component force may be outward at some points of the sur- face S, if in some places the tangent plane is cut by the surface. But if the surface is wholly convex the normal component force must be everywhere inward. Sec. 13. Let now the surface be spherical of radius 7. We have S=477": vee V= 75 CELE ATG (3). “This is founded on the following values for the sun’s mass and radius and the earth’s radius: Sun’s mass=324000 earth’s mass; sun’s radius=697000 kilometers; earth’s radius=6371 kilometers. 222 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. Hence, for a spherical surface, (2) gives > eg ig in Serie tetera ee This shows that the average normal component force over the surface S is infinitely great, if p is finite and 7 is infinitely great, which suffi- ces to prove section 11. Src. 14. For example, let 7= 15010" ; 206 10°38 09 10" Janta. ec en he This is the distance at which a star must be to have parallax one one- thousandth. of a second; because the mean distance of the earth from the sun is 150,000,000 kms., and there are 206,000 seconds of angle in the radian. Let us try whether there can be as much matter as a thousand-million times the sun’s mass, or, as we shall say for brevity, a thousand-million suns, within a spherical surface of that radius (5). The sun’s mass is 324,000 times the earth’s mass, and therefore our quantity of matter on trial is 3°24. 10" times the earth’s mass. Hence if we denote by g terrestrial gravity at the earth’s surface, we have by (4) .O7 3 2 Q=324. 10" (Far Te WLBT. Lg | eae Hence if the radial force were equal over the whole spherical surface, its amount would be 1°37. 10-" of terrestrial surface-gravity; and every body on or near that surface would experience an acceleration toward the center equal to 1:37. 10-5 kms. per second per second . . . (4%), because g is approximately 1,000 cms. per second per second, or ‘01 km. per second per second. If the normal force is not uniform, bodies on or near the spherical surface will experience centerward acceleration, some at more than that rate, some less. At exactly that rate, the velocity acquired per year (thirty-one and a half miltion sec- onds) would be 4°32. 10° kms. per second. With the same rate of acceleration through five million years the velocity would amount to 21°6 kms. per second, if the body started from rest at our spherical surface; and the space moved through in five million years would be ‘17. 10'° kms., which is only °055 of 7 (5). This is so small that the force would vary very little, unless through the accident of near approach to some other body. With the same acceleration constant through twenty-five million years the velocity would amount to 108 kms. per second; but the space moved through in twenty-five million years would be 4:25.10" kms., or more than the radius 7, which shows that the rate of acceleration could not be approximately constant for nearly as long a time as twenty-five million years. It would, in fact, RS ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. 2935 have many chances of being much greater than 108 kms. per second, and many chances also of being considerably less. Sec. 15. Without attempting to solve the problem of finding the motions and velocities of the 1,000,000,000 bodies, we can see that if they had been given at rest* twenty-five million years ago distributed uniformly or nonuniformly through our sphere (5) of 3°09. 10" kms. radius, a very large proportion of them would now have velocities not less than 20 or 30 kms. per second, while many would have velocities less than that; and certainly some would have velocities greater than 108 kms. per second; or if thousands of millions of years ago they had been given at rest, at distances from one another very great in comparison with 7 (5), so distributed that they should temporarily now be eqauably spaced throughout a spherical surface of radius 7 (5), their mean velocity (reckoned as the square root of the mean of the squares of their actual velocities), would now be 50°4 kms. per second.” This is not very unlike what we know of the stars visible to us. Thus it is quite possible, perhaps probable, that there may be as much matter as a thousand million suns within the distance corresponding to parallax one one-thousandth of a second (3°09. 10" kms.). But it seems perfectly certain that there can not be within this distance as much matter as 10,000,000,000 suns; because if there were we should find much greater velocities of visible stars than observation shows, according to the following tables of results and statements from the most recent scientific authorities on the subject. *“The potential energy of gravitation may be in reality the ultimate created antecedent of all the motion, heat, and light at present in the universe.’’ See Mechanical Antecedants of Motion, Heat, and Light. Art. LXIX of my Collected Mathematica: and Physical Papers, Vol. II. »To prove this, remark that the exhaustion of gravitational energy +O (? +H +H ( e=;-| | R*dx dy dz, Thomson and Tait’s Natural Philosophy, Part “OJ “Dd ~“D II, section 549) when a vast number, N, of equal masses come from rest at infinite distances from one another to an equably spaced distribution through a sphere of radius 7 is easily found to be 3/10 Fr, wheré F denotes the resultant force of the attraction of all of them on a material point, of mass equal to the sum of their masses, placed at the spherical surface. Now, this exhaustion of gravitational energy is spent wholly in the generation of kinetic energy; and therefore we have Eo > Fr, and by (7) F=1°37 .10-"m; whence 2 10 amr 3 =a UB Y/N, =m 5 ‘ : which, for the case of equal masses, gives, with (5) for the value of r, =e v= (¢ 1°37. 10-®, 3-09. 10'®) =50,4 kms. per second, 224 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. [From the Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes (Paris, 1901).] | | Velocities ' Distance perpen- Maes \from earth | Annual dicular to nae Name of star. in million | proper | Parallax.) line of : | million | motions. sight in kil- kilometers. ometers per second. wt " OF fApagCONtAUris. sn. est sew eecee Sach ecto aus ets 43 3. 62 0. 72 23.9 Ono eI So alae s20.25 secede aa ose eas eres 64 4.75 .48 47.1 8.1] 61 Cygni......2.2. 20sec ecec ic seeec ee reeneeeecnee 7} BT] dd 65.7 —1. AUS occas cokes cic coe ee ieee eae lems ers eee Be ae , 852s PObOS Are. -GHlizen vss. . ck oe Sables ce acis es Sees cote 88 2.30 .39 31.3 Woo jrod GLOOMPMEEC I ote ec nes sie ae aa t= eae 99 2.83 .3l 43.5 (eB aed DENT ye A ee ee eee ee uP 6.97 . 28 118.5 OES aE TOG VOM meee renee secrete ae 10 1.26 erat 22.2 9. 11677 Arg.-CEltzen 119 3.05 . 26 50. 7 GzD MOA HCCOTOMIKO s sar sct esc nes alae eet a tmetats mai 123 1.43 . 25 oh Shh) (pol2oselialanders. 6222 fo. sees ee eae wae sl otic 128 4.40 24 87.1 Rta On TOC ONES: cpeiars aot aisias tae ats eae ia arate aaa yaar 128 1.84 .24 36.5 ve n a eee Ps ebb icie eccisleia mie eee oe Rae era ea a re . a a a _ WD al MOVANT LOCO ala ota ws ineialn Lear a nh iteem uae lela ate h : ; 9. | 17415 ate. Gilizen Se NSE PD ae epee nee ep oe ae) eeatee 154 L270 . 20 30. 2 O59 sa PACTS So comes totais oe we titted cathe aie 154 0. 64 AeA) 15. 2 SH GAO Nay Shiloh cia Sen IEE Se ee ea ox aio ee ic 154 4.60 20 109.5 AID) oe WULGAM ws oo oeia ane ses coo sree ae eee ae bee eee 181 4.05 17 118.2 2°48 1B pari Aine Oe oracewsiae satee ite ance to ees ce mained 193 0.57 elG 16.9 il GSE DUTT Ae Me oe ae eee ee a Sa ane Ria wee eee ie 206 0.19 Pals) 6. ie USSG OremKG- ae See Boe isi ee eee rene era 206 0.42 -15 13.3 se a Opniuchi.ce.. sos e meee eee hoe ee a ae 1 oe ; (6 el, OE te Ort eS Se sche SIE EEE 5 . ; 2.2 | a Urs. Min. (Polaris) 440 0.05 .07 3.4 Stars which have largest of observed velocities in the line of sight. [Extraet by the Astronomer Royal from an article in the Astrophysical Journal for January, 1901, by W. W. Campbell, director of Lick Observatory. ] 7 rs ae R.A. Dee. | Velocity. Kilometer ap ettts ge per sec. 436, |e ANIOYOMED 88 1. w.2scls smiasetay ein canal sinieimine 2 ates alarm wiaiclaie late cles | 0 33 +28 46 —84 pe CASSIOPelss: 5.5.ce se cee emce aes eee een eee eee eeisee so aL !) +54 20 —97 OsMEPONIS= 2 cA emet eke = Caeser eeeeen ot a or Seen ieee eee reine je ee —20 54 +95 ASS VOM am i SMa OLS a5 pa- sre ertoa tote aioe aio eects Salas toaloi deme iter 6 50 —11 55 +96 CRPE ROS sicemtmrcrny acpi d aces en ine ete Lei ale ez ate ae see ease 21) Ad, +19 23 —76 AIA SAPITCATIIE: cok cose aoa eoeee AeA eo eee eee Eon eee TOTS kere Si —76 The + sign denotes recession, the — sign approach, it titi ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. 225 Motions of stars in the line of sight determined at Potsdam Observatory, 1889-1891 {Communicated by Professor Becker, University Observatory, Glasgow. | soni.| Velocity ; - | Velocity Star. ng relative to Star. Moen relative to ©. | the sun. * | the sun. Kilometer. Kilometer. cial Won) ee 2.0 ofa Anya ce AUC OUIS vatebaawiore seis eiaee ernie 2.0 —38.5 BIGaSsIOpelss. —. ~~... =e ay + 5.2 || 8 Urse Majoris....--.-.-..... one 293 @Cassiopele:...--------.--.-- var. —15. 2 || a Urse Majoris......-..-....- Zi —11.9 PGRSIOPCL..-----..--------- 2 = Aeon COMIN he serene a a aie terete 2.3 —14.4 fo Gti be mnie SEED PA MGCOUIS Sass eon eee meses 25 —12.2 meres MinoriS 2-2. ...-. 5... 2: —25.9 || y Urse Majoris....-...-...... 83 —26.6 ReAmaromed se .....2.2.-.----- ie. —12.9 || « Urse Majoris............... vi: —30.3 PRI TIS tees cee ccin =| Zz lt a: WATSIMIG ae «Ponce se Soke ilk —14.8 cD SS ee eee eee var. — 1.6 || ¢ Urse Majoris......-........ 2 —31.2 (GAS EI ee 2. —1053) ||) Urs Majoriss--- 22-225. °-<------- 1. OSD lp) BES ASaeracatsoec pine oceans var + €.7 PGRMINOMUID 5.0252. 55-<----- 1133 qe die the Gale Sep egecndencdabeposos + 1.3 PMMDOMIS Sone a ccoess<'s ats ssc25 1.3 — 9.1 | The velocity of the sun relatively to stars in general according to Kempf and Risteen is probably about 19 kms. per second. In respect to greatest proper motions and velocities, Sir Norman Lockyer gives me the following information: ‘The star with the greatest known proper motion (across the line of sight) is 243 Cordoba=8’.7 per annum. Velocity in kilometers not known. **1830 Groombridge has a proper motion of 7.0 per annum and a parallax of 0.089, from which it results that the velocity across the line of sight is 370 kms. per second. Various estimates of the parallax, however, have been made, and this velocity is somewhat uncertain. The star with the greatest known velocity in the line of sight is ¢ Hercvlis, which travels at 70 kms. per second. ‘The dark line component of Nova Persei was approaching the earth with a velocity of over 1,100 kms. per second.” al ( This last-mentioned and greatest velocity is probably that of a torrent. of gas due to comparatively small particles of melted and evaporating fragments shot out laterally from two great solid or liquid masses collid- ing with one another, which may be many times greater than the velocity of either before collision; just as we see in the trajectories of small frag- ments shot out nearly horizontally when a condemned mass of cast iron is broken up by a heavy mass of iron falling upon it from a height of perhaps 20 feet in engineering works. Src. 16. Newcomb has given a most interesting speculation regard- sm 1901 15 226 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. ing the very great velocity of 1830 Groombridge, which he concludes as follows: ‘‘Tf, then, the star in question belongs to our stellar system, the masses or extent of that system must be many times greater than telescopic observation and astronomical research indicate. We may place the dilemma in a concise form, as follows: ‘*Kither the bodies which compose our universe are vastly more massive and numerous than telescopic examination seems to indicate, or 1830 Groombridge is a runaway star, flying on a boundless course through infinite space with such momentum that the attraction of all the bodies of the universe can never stop it. ‘‘ Which of these is the more probable alternative we can not pre- tend to say. That the star can neither be stopped, nor bent far from its course until it has passed the extreme limit to which the telescope has ever penetrated, we may consider reasonably certain. To do this will require two or three millions of years. Whether it will then be acted on by attractive forces of which science has no knowledge, and thus ‘arried back to where it started, or whether it will continue straight- forward forever, it is impossible to say. ‘*Much the same dilemma may be applied to the past history of this body. If the velocity of 200 miles or more per second with which it is moving exceeds any that could be produced by the attraction of all the other bodies in the univ erse, then it must have been flying forward through space from the beginning, and having come from an infinite distance, must be now passing through our system for the first and only time.” Sec. 17. In all these views the chance of passing another star at some ai distance such as one or two or three times the sun’s radius has been overlooked; and that this chance is not excessively rare seems proved by the multitude of Novas (collisions and their sequels) known in astronomical history. Suppose, for example, 1830 Groombridge, moving at 370 kms. per second, to chase a star of twenty times the sun’s mass, moving nearly in the same direction with a velocity of 50 kms. per second, and to overtake it and pass it as nearly as may be without collision. Its own direction would be nearly reversed and its velocity would be diminished by nearly 100 kms. per second. By two or three such casualties the greater part of its kinetic energy might be given to much larger bodies previously moving with velocities of less than 100 kms. per second. By supposing reversed, the motions of this ideal history, we see that 1830 Groombridge may have had a velocity of less than 100 kms. per second at some remote past time, and may have had its present great velocity produced by several cases of near approach to other bodies of much larger mass than its own, previously moving in directions nearly opposite to its own, and with velocities of less than 100 kms. per second. Still it seems to me quite possible that Newcomb’s brilliant suggestion may be true, and that 1830 Groombridge is a roving star which has entered our galaxy, and ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. JIT is destined to travel through it in the course of perhaps two or three million years and to pass away into space never to return to us. Sec. 18. Many of our supposed 1,000,000,000 stars, perhaps a great majority of them, may be dark bodies; but let us suppose for a moment each of them to be bright, and of the same size and bright- ness as our sun; and on this supposition and on the further supposi- tions that they are uniformly scattered through a sphere (5) of radius 3°09. 10'° kms., and that there are no stars outside this sphere, let us find what the total amount of starlight would be in comparison with sunlight. Let 2 be the number per unit of volume of an assemblage of globes of radius @ scattered uniformly through a vast space. The number in a shell of radius g and thickness dq will be n.47q*dq, and the sum of their apparent areas as seen from the center will be 7 n.47q°dq or n. 47° a°'dq. Hence, by integrating from ¢=0 to g=r, we find ian Sse pda tet NN RN ae te |S for the sum of their apparent areas. Now if N be the total number in the sphere of radius 7 we have (An n=Ni( 7") SCT wernr 2 CVAD) ; : Hence (8) becomes N .3n( 4) ; and if we denote by a@ the ratio of the sum of the apparent areas of all the globes to 47 we have Soa, (ON a= iF) - “MV ey ore, Wepre erat bees 6 0) (1—a) a, very approximately equal to 1/ a, is the ratio of the apparent area not occupied by stars to the sum of the apparent areas of all their disks. Hence alpha is the ratio of the apparent brightness of our star- lit sky to the brightness of our sun’s disk. Cases of two stars eclips- ing one another wholly or partially would, with our supposed values of 7 and a, be so extremely rare that they would cause a merely negli- gible deduction from the total of (10), even if calculated according to pure geometrical optics. This negligible deduction would be almost wholly annulled by diffraction, which makes the total light from two stars, of which one is eclipsed by the other, very nearly the same as if the distant one were seen clear of the nearer. Sec. 19. According to our supposition of section 18 we have N=10°, a=7.10° kms., and therefore 7 a=4'4.10". Hence by (10) Be es ere nee ae il che ms CUNY: 228 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. This exceedingly small ratio will help us to test an old and celebrated hypothesis that if we could see far enough into space the whole sky would be seen occupied with disks of stars, all of perhaps the same brightness as our own sun, and that the reason why the whole of the night sky and day sky is not as bright as the sun’s disk is that light suffers absorption in traveling through space. Remark that if we vary 7, keeping the density of the matter the same, N varies as the cube of v. Hence by (10) @ varies simply as 7; and therefore to make @ even as great as 3°87/100, or, say, the sum of the apparent areas of disks 4 per cent of the whole sky, the radius must be 10*.7, or 3:09.10" kms. Now, light travels at the rate of 300,000 kms. per second, or 9°45.10' kms. per year. Hence it would take 3°27.10", or about 34.10", years to travel from the outlying suns of our great sphere to the center. Now we have irrefragable dynamics proving that the whole life of our sun as a luminary is a very moderate num- ber of million years, probably less than fifty million, possibly between fifty and one hundred. To be very liberal, let us give each of our stars a life of a hundred million years as a luminary. ‘Thus the time taken by light to travel from the outlying stars of our sphere to the center would be about three and a quarter million times the life of a star. Hence if all the stars through our vast sphere commenced shining at the same time, three and a quarter million times the life of a star would pass before the commencement of light reaching the earth from the outlying stars, and at no one instant would light be reaching the earth from more than an excessively small proportion of all the stars. To make the whole sky aglow with the light of all the stars at the same time the commencements of the different stars must be timed earlier and earlier for the more and more distant ones, so that the time of the arrival of the light of every one of them at the earth may fall within the durations of the lights at the earth of all the others! Our supposition of uniform density of distribution is, of course, quite arbitrary, and (sections 13, 15, above) we ought in the greater sphere to assume the density much smaller than in the smaller sphere (5); and, in fact, it seems that there is no possibility of having enough of stars (bright or dark) to make a total of star-disk area more than 10-” or 10-" of the whole sky. Src. 20. To understand the sparseness of our ideal distribution of 1,000,000,000 suns divide the total volume of the supposed sphere of radius 7 (5) by 10°, and we find 123°5.10* cu. kms. as the volume per sun. Taking the cube root of this, we find 4:98.10" kms. as the edge of the corresponding cube. Hence if the stars were arranged exactly in cubic order, with our sun at one of the eight corners belonging to eight neighboring cubes, his six nearest neighbors would be each at - distance 4°98.10"* kms., which is the distance corresponding to paral- lax 0°62. Our sun, seen at so great a distance, would probably be ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. 229 seen as a star of something between the first and second magnitude. For a moment suppose each of our 1,000,000,000 suns, while of the same mass as our own sun, to have just such brightness as to make it a star of the first magnitude at distance corresponding to parallax 1”-0. The brightness at distance 7 (5) corresponding to parallax 0’-001 would be one one-millionth of this, and the most distant of our assumed stars would be visible through powerful telescopes as stars of the sixteenth magnitude. Newcomb (Popular Astronomy, 1883, p. 424) estimated between 30,000,000 and 50,000,000 as the number of stars visible in modern telescopes. Young (General Astronomy, p. 448) goes beyond this reckoning and estimates at 100,000,000 the total number of stars visible through the Lick telescope. This is only the tenth of our assumed number. It is nevertheless probable enough that there may be as many as 1,000,000,000 stars within the distance 7 (5), but many of them may be extinct and dark, and nine-tenths of them, though not all dark, may be not bright enough to be seen by us at their actual distance es. Sec. 21. I need scarcely repeat that our assumption of equable dis- tribution is Talis arbitrary. How far from being like the truth is illustrated by Herschel’s view of the form of the universe as shown in Newcomb’s Popular Astronomy, page 469. It is quite certain that the real visible stars within the distance 7 (5) from us are very much more crowded in some parts of the whole sphere than in others. It is also certain that instead of being all equally luminous, as we have taken them, they differ largely in this respect from one another. It is also certain that the masses of some are much greater than the masses of others, as will be seen from the following table, which has been com- piled for me by Professor Becker from André’s Traité d’Astronomie Stellaire, showing the sums of the masses of the components of some double stars, and the data from which these have been determined. One-half major axis— M+M’ In terms of |,...04 | in units Parallax. In | Semimajor pened i of the seconds. | axis of y re sun’s ; “| earth’s mass. | orbit. " | BERRA arao ie ten Ser rae an oe rare ais oi emcee ene 0.75 18.17 | 25 84 2.0 YE enes eee eset ns ce oe meen e: - .44 29.48 68 783 0.5 SLINGS ASR OE See eS OO See eee aa i aoe .39 8.31 24 52 3.2 FAROE Sterne 22 aie ha aialaciw aan waa sire oe oe ae -27 5. 84 4 40 6.3 o* Eridani_ SE SRS ae RS SCORSESE meee mer alte) 5.72 28 176 0.9 2) CBSEUIE DE Sag Sas Sesh e ease Secs o oe sae Ucee See -15 | 8.26 39 190 4.3 Reiger cr Fh tn ge Se Rep “15 4.60 | 30 88 3.6 >) WHOTRIMGET ie goes So ce Seer ae ay cei ris . 058 3.99 79» 194 15 3 LEGS: A a ie Spee ae a ei cr tn . 028 1.98 102» 407 6.5 aParallax calculated from qenaenent ator ations of ratio of semimajor axis of double star’s orbit to semimajor axis of earth’s orbit. >» From spectroscopic observations by Belopolsky of Pouleowa, combined with elements of orbit. 230 ETHER AND GRAVITATIONAL MATTER. Src. 22. There may also be a large amount of matter in many stars outside the sphere of 3.10" kilometers radius, but however much mat- ter there may be outside it, it seems to be made highly probable by sections 11-21 that the total quantity of matter within it is greater than 100,000,000 times and less than 2,000,000,000 times the sun’s mass. I wish, in conclusion, to express my thanks to Sir Norman Lockyer, to the Astronomer Royal, Mr. Christie, to Sir Robert Ball, and to Pro- fessor Becker for their kindness in taking much trouble to give me information in respect to astronomical data, which has proved most useful to me in sections 11-21, above. ON BODIES SMALLER THAN ATOMS.* By Prof. J. J. THomson, Cambridge University. The masses of the atoms of the various gases were first investigated about thirty years ago by methods due to Loschmidt, Johnstone, Stoney, and Lord Kelyin. These physicists, using the principles of the kinetic theory of gases and making certain assumptions, which it must be admitted are not entirely satisfactory, as to the shape of the atom, determined the muss of an atom of a gas; and when once the mass of an atom of one substance is known the masses of the atoms of all other substances are easily deduced by well-known chemical con- siderations. The results of these investigations might be thought not to leave much room for the existence of anything smaller than ordinary atoms, for they showed that in a cubic centimeter of gas at atmospheric pressure and at 0° C. there are about 20 million, million, million (2 x 10") molecules of gas. Though some of the arguments used to get this result are open to question, the result itself has been confirmed by considerations of quite a different kind. Thus, Lord Rayleigh has shown that this num- ber of molecules per cubic centimeter gives about the right value for the optical opacity of the air, while a method, which I will now describe, by which we can directly measure the number of molecules in a gas, leads to a result almost identical with that of Loschmidt. This method is founded on Faraday’s laws of electrolysis. We deduce from these laws that the current through an electrolyte is carried by the atoms of the electrolyte, and that all these atoms carry the same charge, so that the weight of the atoms required to carry a given quantity of electricity is proportional to the quantity carried. We know, too, by the results of experiments on electrolysis, that to carry the unit charge of electricity requires a collection of atoms of hydro- gen which together weigh about one-tenth of a milligram; hence, if we can measure the charge of electricity on an atom of hydrogen we see that one-tenth of this charge will be the weight in milligrams of *Reprinted, by permission, from Popular Science Monthly, August, 1901. 231 232 BODIES SMALLER THAN ATOMS. the atom of hydrogen. This result is for the case when electricity passes through a liquid electrolyte. I will now explain how we can measure the mass of the carriers of electricity required to convey a given charge of electricity through a rarefied gas. In this case the direct methods which are applicable to liquid electrolytes can not be used; but there are other, if more indirect, methods by which we can solve the problem. The first case of conduction of electricity through gases we shall consider is that of the so-called cathode rays, those streamers from the negative electrode in a vacuum tube which pro- duce the well-known green phosphorescence on the glass of the tube. These rays are now known to consist of negatively electrified particles moving with great rapidity. Let us see how we can determine the electric charge carried by a given mass of these particles. We can do this by measuring the effect of electric and magnetic forces on the par- ticles. If these are charged with electricity they ought to be deflected when they are acted on by an electric force. It was some time, how- ever, before such a deflection was observed, and many attempts to obtain this deflection were unsuccessful. The want of success was due to the fact.that the rapidly moving electrified particles which constitute the cathode rays make the gas through which they pass a conductor of electricity; the particles are thus, as it were, moving inside conduct- ing tubes which screen them off from an external electric field; by reducing the pressure of the gas inside the tube to such an extent that there was very little gas left to conduct, I was able to get rid of this screening effect and obtain the deflection of the rays by an electrostatic field. The cathode rays are also deflected by a magnet. The force exerted on them by the magnetic field is at right angles to the magnetic force; at right angles also to the velocity of the particle and equal to _ Hev sin 6, where /7 is the magnetic force, ¢ the charge on the particle, and @ the angle between /7 and vw. Sir George Stokes showed long ago that if the magnetic force was at right angles to the velocity of the particle the latter would: describe a circle whose radius is mv/eH (if m is the mass of the particle); we can measure the radius of this circle and thus find m/ve. To find » let an electric force / and a magnetic force /7 act simultaneously on the particle, the electric and magnetic forces being both at right angles to the path of the particle and also at right angles to each other. Let us adjust these forces so that the effect of the electric force which is equal to 7% just balances that of the magnetic force which is equal to Zev, when this is the case Fe= Hev or v=F' H. We can thus find v, and knowing from the pre- vious experiment the value of wm/e, we deduce the value of m/e. The value of m/e found in this way was about 1077; and other methods used by Wiechert, Kaufmann, and Lenard have given results not greatly different. Since m/e=10~, we see that to carry unit charge of elec- tricity by the particles forming the cathode rays only requires a mass BODIES SMALLER THAN ATOMS. 233 of these particles amounting to one ten-thousandth of a milligram, while to carry the same charge by hydrogen atoms would require a mass of one-tenth of a milligram." Thus to carry a given charge of electricity by hydrogen atoms re- quires a mass a thousand times greater than to carry it by the nega- tively electrified particles which constitute the cathode rays, and it is very significant that, while the mass of atoms required to carry a given charge through a liquid electrolyte depends upon the kind of atom, being, for example, eight times greater for oxygen than for hydrogen atoms, the mass of cathode ray particles required to carry a given charge is quite independent of the gas through which the rays travel and of the nature of the electrode from which they start. The exceedingly small mass of these particles for a given charge compared with that of the hydrogen atoms might be due either to the mass of each of these particles being very small compared with that of a hydrogen atom or else to the charge carried by each particle being large compared with that carried by the atom of hydrogen. It is there- fore essential that we should determine the electric charge carried by one of these particles. The problem is as follows: Suppose in an in- closed space we have a number of electrified particles each carrying the same charge, it is required to find the charge on each particle. It is easy by electrical methods to determine the total quantity of electricity on the collection of particles, and knowing this we can find the charge on each particle if we can count the number of particles. To count these particles the first step is to make them visible. We can do this by availing ourselves of a discovery made by C. 'T. R. Wilson, working in the Cavendish Laboratory. Wilson has shown that when positively and negatively electrified particles are present in moist dust-free air a cloud is produced when the air is closed by a sudden expansion, though this amount of expansion would be quite insufficient to produce condensation when no electrified particles are present: the water con- denses round the electrified particles, and, if these are not too numer- ous, each particle becomes the nucleus of a little drop of water. Now Sir George Stokes has shown how we can calculate the rate at which a drop of water falls through air if we know the size of the drop, and conversely we can determine the size of the drop by measuring the rate at which it falls through the air; hence by measuring the speed with which the cloud falls we can determine the volume of each little drop, the whole volume of water deposited by cooling the air can easily be * Professor Schuster in 1889 was the first to apply the method of the magnetic deflection of the discharge to get a determination of the value of m/e. He found rather widely separated limiting values for this quantity, and came to the conclusion that it was of the same order as in electrolytic solutions. The result of the method mentioned above, as well as those of Wiechert, Kaufmann, and Lenard, make it very much smaller. 934 BODIES SMALLER THAN ATOMS. calculated, and dividing the whole volume of water by the volume of one of the drops we get the number of drops, and hence the number of the electrified particles. We saw, however, that if we knew the number of particles we could get the electric charge on each particle; proceeding in this way I found that the charge carried by each particle was about 6.5 X 107” electrostatic units of electricity or 2.17 x 10-8 electro-magnetic units. According to the kinetic theory of gases there are 2X 10" molecules in a cubic centimeter of gas at atmos- pheric pressure and at the temperature 0° C.; as a cubic centimeter of hydrogen weighs about 1/11 of a milligram each molecule of hydrogen weighs about 1/ (22 x 10") milligrams, and each atom therefore about 1/(44 « 10") milligrams, and as we have seen that in the electrolysis of solutions one-tenth of a milligram carries unit charge, the atom of hydrogen will carry a charge equal to 10/ (44 x 10") = 2.27 x 10-° electro-magnetic units. The charge on the particles in a gas we have seen is equal to 2.17 x 10-*° units; these numbers are so nearly equal that, considering the difficulties of the experiments, we may feel sure that the charge on one of these gaseous particles is the same as that on an atom of hydrogen in electrolysis. This result has been verified in a different way by Professor Townsend, who used a method by which he found, not the absolute value of the electric charge on a particle, but the ratio of this charge to the charge on an atom of hydrogen, and he found that the two charges were equal. As the charges on the particle and the hydrogen atom are the same, the fact that the mass of these particles required to carry a given charge of electricity is only one-thousandth part of the mass of the hydrogen atoms shows that the mass of each of these particles is only about one one-thousandth of that of a hydrogen atom. These particles occurred in the cathode rays inside a discharge tube, so that we have obtained from the matter inside such a tube particles having a much smaller mass than that of the atom of hydrogen, the smallest mass hitherto recognized. These negatively electrified particles, which I have called corpuscles, have the same electric charge and the same mass whatever be the nature of the gas inside the tube or whatever the nature of the electrodes; the charge and mass are invariable. They therefore form an invariable constituent of the atoms or mole- cules of all gases and presumably of all liquids and solids. Nor are the corpuscles confined to the somewhat inaccessible regions in which cathodic rays are found. I have found that they are given off by incandescent metals, by metals when illuminated by ultra-violet light, while the researches of Beequerel and Professor and Madame Curie have shown that they are given off by that wonderful substance the radio-active radium. ete In fact, in every case in which the transport of negative electricity through gas at a low pressure (i. e., when the corpuscles have nothing BODIES SMALLER THAN ATOMS. IS to stick to) has been examined, it has been found that the carriers of the negative electricity are these corpuscles of invariable mass. A very different state of things holds for the positive electricity. The masses of the carriers of positive electricity have been determined for the positive electrification in vacuum tubes by Wien and by Ewers, while I have measured the same thing for the positive electrification produced in a gas by an incandescent wire. The results of these experiments show a remarkable difference between the property of positive and negative electrification, for the positive electricity, instead of being associated with a constant mass one one-thousandth of that of the hydrogen atom, is found to be always connected with amass which is of the same order as that of an ordinary molecule, and which more- over varies with the nature of the gas in which the electrification is found. These two results—the invariability and smallness of the mass of the carriers of negative electricity and the variability and comparatively large mass of the carriers of positive electricity—seem to me to point unmistakably to a very definite conception as to the nature of electric- ity. Do they not obviously suggest that negative electricity consists of these corpuscles, or, to put it the other way, that these corpuscles are negative electricity, and that positive electrification consists in the absence of these corpuscles from ordinary atoms? Thus, this point of view approximates very closely to the old one-fluid theory of Franklin. On that theory electricity was regarded as a fluid, and changes in the state of electrification were regarded as due to the transport of this fluid from one place to another. If we regard Franklin’s electric fluid as a collection of negatively electrified corpuscles, the old one-fluid theory will, in° many respects, express the results of the new. We have seen that we know a good deal about the ‘‘electric fluid;” we know that it is molecular or rather corpuscular in character; we know the mass of each of these corpuscles and the charge of electricity car- ried by it. We have seen, too, that the velocity with which the cor- puscles move can be determined without difficulty. In fact, the electric fluid is much more amenable to experiment than an ordinary gas, and the details of its structure are more easily determined. Negative electricity (i. e., the electric fluid) has mass. > Bel Adin? Ale Seat 0 B.—DESTRUCTION OF THE FOREST MEANS DESTRUCTION OF THE FAUNA AND FLORA. By C. Hart Merriam. Laat The destruction of a forest is inevitably followed by a profound modification—amounting often to annihilation—of the forest fauna and flora. It goes without saying that when the trees are gone the birds that live in the trees, as nuthatches, creepers, woodpeckers, war- blers, vireos, jays, chickadees, and the like, and tree-loving mammals, as the arboreal squirrels, opossums, raccoons, martens, and others, can no longer exist. But a forest fauna is by no means restricted to the species that live” in trees. In most forests the ground is covered and protected by | bushes and small plants, which for successful growth and reproduction — require both shade and moisture, and which in turn furnish food and shelter to many kinds of animals. When the forest is destroyed, pare ticularly in regions of scanty rainfall, the undershrubs and other forms — yt a? Stim Acuryh od “Re Dae Smithsonian Report, 1901,—Pinchot. PLATE IV. Ae, oe pdney a) =s +F-Sz _— 4 Ng ‘ ° nora TS ccetmalh es Ss, Pecati FiG. 1.—REPRODUCTION OF PURE RED FIR ON BURNED LAND, WASHINGTON. Red alder in the foreground. a S. aoe ee _— =< Fig. 2.—A FOREST WHICH HAS BEEN LUMBERED CONSERVATIVELY, ADIRONDACKS. FOREST DESTRUCTION. 405 of lowly vecetation wither and die, and the forms of animal life depend- ent on tue shelter thus afforded are either destroyed or driven away. It often happens that this undervegetation is swept away by fire or devoured and trampled by sheep without immediate serious injury to the trees. Persons familiar with the forests of our western mountains do not need to be told that where sheep have been allowed to graze for several years the undervegetation is destroyed and the surface of the ground converted into an absolute desert, although the trees remain. In these cases the extermination of the fauna and flora is almost as complete as if the forest itself had been consumed. In other words, the forest fauna, consisting in the main of species dependent on the protection and food afforded by the smaller plants, can not exist when these plants are removed. This is true not only of a host of insects and other lowly forms of animal life, but also of most reptiles and mammals, and many birds. Birds that nest on the ground or in logs or shrubbery, such as grouse, sparrows, thrushes, wrens, and others, are completely exterminated by fire, sheep grazing, and other agencies which destroy the undervegetation. The same is true of mammals, for the numerous kinds of mice, shrews, chipmunks, ground squirrels, wood rabbits, weasels, and others that are dependent on the under- vegetation of forests disappear when this shelter is removed. It follows that preservation of the forests implies preservation of the native flora and fauna. Hence the movement now on foot to set aside certain forest reserves as permanent game preserves is worthy of the earnest support of all who have at heart the welfare and per- petuation of our forest fauna. IRRIGATION. By F. H. News 1, Hydrographer, U. S. Geological Survey. With the cessation of Indian wars and of daily news of frontier strife, the people of our country have come to regard the United States as settled and no longer affording opportunity for notable expansion of internal resources. It is true that the frontier of civill- zation has disappeared as regards the United States proper, and inter- est in the warfare between the white settler and the savage, or native occupant of the soil, has been transferred to outlying possessions. Civilization in its march across the Mississippi Valley to the Rocky Mountains has reached the Pacific coast (Pl. I), but in so doing took rapid strides across a third of the continent and left but few footprints on its course. Now, at the beginning of the twentieth century, when we come to take account of the progress made, we are surprised to find that one-third of the whole United States remains vacant land, still belonging to the people as a whole and at the disposal of Congress. The question may well be asked, Why is it, with the keen desire for land ownership possessed by the American people, that this one-third of the United States should be left untouched? The soil is known to be as fertile as that of any part of the globe, and the land laws are extremely liberal, so that there is no difficulty in securing title, and farms can be had almost for the asking. The anomalous condition exists that although one-third of the United States proper, excluding Alaska and outlying possessions, consists of vacant public land (as shown in fig. 1), yet there is no longer an outlet for the homeseeker upon these lands. In the past the vast unoccupied public domain has served as an outlet for surplus labor and has afforded scope for the energies of thousands of young, able-bodied men, who, while without financial means, have had the ambition to become landowners and to grow up with the increasing development of a new country. After the close of the Civil War and at times of great industrial depression, when men sought an opportunity to earn their daily living 407 408 IRRIGATION. and the doors of factories and machine shops were closed, there was a steady stream of pioneers, representing the best of the bone and muscle of the country, going out upon the broad plains and prairies, building up substantial communities and expanding within our own borders the area of the highest type of civilization. All this has passed away. There are no longer to be seen the prairie schooners and the emigrant wagons filled with household goods, with the children on ‘ >. 2 fe ae JES Y Railroad and wagon grants Lands disposed of Indian reservations Forest reservations Fic. 1.—Map showing location of yacant public lands. [The open or white spaces show the yacant lands. ] top or trailing behind. Only the Pike County wanderer, who is always seeking something better, is still to be found pursuing his aimless search for the promised land. It is true that the railroads have done away with the necessity for the overland journey, but the railroads cover only a very small extent of the vast inland empire of the United States. Stretches of hundreds of miles of vacant public land lie between the railroads, but across these fertile plains the homeseeker no longer travels. IRRIGATION. 409 Vacant and reserved areas in the western public-land States, in acres. a. | State or Territory. | Total area. Vacant. | Percent. Reserved. MEI Ata Re S28 hoe oe as oe onan soccer tees | 72,268,800 | 48,771, 000 | 67.5 | 18,285, 000 California....... eee Pee. Ske oe eb Se | 99, 827, 200 42, 049, 000 42.1 | 16, 064, 000 oo no. Se 3 ae eee eee | 66, 332, 800 39, 116, 000 59.0 5, 694, 000 ape re ee nee ke eo asa e ke | 58,945,600 | 42,475, 000 Hg) 1, 747, 000 Lis 2 Ee eee en eee 52, 288, 000 1, 085, 000 QF | 988, 000 (Df EEE BS Rs eee i eaten ee | 92,998, 400 65, 803, 000 70.8 12, 348, 000 MERON te st ee, oy Sesh | 49,177, 600 9,927,000 | 20.2 70, 000 ES ee a ee ee ae ear ee 70, 233,600 | 61,322, 000 | 87.3 5, 983, 000 ELST Er ASR ee Ee ee reer ne | 78,374,400 | 55, 589, 000 70.9 6, 385, 000 MNMHBERUCOUA GS so 5222 oo Je Stowe de eenec eal 44,924,800 | 16, 956, 000 S77 3, 370, 000 UST, des Se Si gee ae eee Se 24, 851, 200 4, 654, 000 18.7 7, 158, 000 Tn Tee ee Ee eae ee ae a ae A el 60,518,400 | 33, 784, 000 55.8 5, 500, 000 LTE ATE i a eee | 49,184,000 | 11,869, 000 24.1 12, 803, 000 Ue teen are et ihe Sema te see 52,601,600 | 42,516, 000 80.8 5, 488, 000 aye hy iste Se i ee ene ee anee ere 42,803,200 | 11,913,000 27.8 10, 765, 000 TEC TST Sp ee aS a et ee ee | 62,448,000 | 47, 657, 000 76.3 7, 995, 000 VDT UDI 2522 ae eae ae ne ee aa ae | 972, 777, 600 | 535, 486, 000 | 55.1 | 120, 643, 000 It is not because there is lack of land, for in the Western States and Territories there are over 500,000,000 acres still vacant, much of it having the richest soil of any in the United States. It is not because (? te ae ri ! ! i “nL _ Fig. 2.—Map showing arid, semiarid, and humid regions of the United States. [Comparing this with fig. 1, it is seen that most of the arid region is vacant. ] the pioneer spirit no longer prevails, for the country is as full of adventurous spirits as ever, and it requires merely the intimation that some Indian reservation is to be opened for thousands of people to gather to make the rush or try their chance in a lottery. There is _ plenty of land and there are numberless people eager to occupy it. What, then, is it that prevents their doing so? Simply the lack of water. The country is dry and the ordinary farm crops can not be cultivated without an artificial application of water at certain times and seasons. 410 IRRIGATION. It must not be supposed that there is no water to be had. On the contrary, occasional storms occur, sending down yast quantities of water and inundating the thirsty plain. ‘This rushes off and in a few hours the channels of the rivers are nearly dry. There are also, at Fic. 3.—Map showing location of forests and woodlands of the west. [The solid black indicates the areas where trees valuable for lumber are growing, or recently have stood; the dotted areas show the open woodlands with seattered trees valuable for fence posts or other farm purposes. ] long intervals, large perennial streams, but most of these flow in narrow, deep canyons. The country under discussion is not wholly uninhabited, but at nearly every spring and along every river which is not flowing in a narrow canyon there are to be found ranches and occasional small towns. All of the easily available sources of water supply have been Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Newell. PLATE lI. a. Irrigated farms in Atanum Valley, Washington. b. Sunnyside fruit orchard, Yakima Valley, Washington. DESERT LANDS NEAR PACIFIC COAST RECLAIMED BY IRRIGATION. IRRIGATION. 4} 1 seized, and in the aggregate over 7,500,000 acres have been brought under irrigation, this being a little over 1 per cent of the total area of the remaining vacant lands. Not all of this 500,000,000 acres can be irrigated, for some of it is mountainous and covered in part with timber (fig. 3), other portions are rough and broken, and even if all of the floods were conserved in great reservoirs and all of the rivers which could be diverted were turned out from their canyons, there would not be water for more than 60,000,000 acres, or possibly 100,000,000 acres; but this would be a great increase—say, ten times—over the area now utilized. In that portion of the United States where the vacant public lands lie, and where farms and homes can not be made without irrigation, there are now living 3,000,000 or 4,000,000 people. If ten times the amount of land were irrigated it is. possible that the population would be increased to at least 40,000,000 people, and possibly far more, because of the other industries which would be developed as more land is cultivated. The mineral wealth of the region is very great. Gold, silver, iron, and coal are now produced, the precious metals having special value. The poorer ores are for the most part neg- lected, because of the high cost of transportation, labor, food, and forage. With more land cultivated in scattered areas throughout this country and with greater population better transportation facilities must come, also cheaper food material, making it possible to work some of the low-grade ores. Great deposits which are now practically valueless could then be worked, affording employment for thousands of men and adding to the population and wealth of the country. With a regulated water supply, such as that needed in irrigation, cheap water power can be had, not only for pumping water to the fields, but for various industries connected with the handling and reduction of the ores, and thus, one industry feeding another, the West must develop its wonderful resources with increasing rapidity. But the questions may well be asked, Why is this not now taking place if there are so many people wanting land, and why is it that the settled area has actually diminished in some portions of the West and population has tended to concentrate in the towns? It is because the irrigators and investors in irrigation systems have utilized all the easily available sources of water and have developed agriculture by irrigation nearly to the limit of the capacity of the systems. They have demonstrated that irrigation is not an experiment, but an assured success, highly profitable to the man who cultivates his own land. More than this, they have shown by numerous failures that reclama- tion works on a large scale do not pay financially nor yield the satisfae- tory returns that the small works have yielded. There are no longer opportunities for small works, and if the big enterprises can not be made sources of profit, what then is to be done? 4192 IRRIGATION. Several instances can be cited where corporations have been formed, stocks and bonds issued, and a million dollars invested in great recla- mation works, in building reservoirs, dams, and canals, resulting in increasing land values in the vicinity to $3,000,000, yet the investors lost every dollar, because they could not control and bring to them- selves the profits of the enterprise. These went to the public, and under existing conditions could not be realized by the men who took the risk. The people who bought stocks and bonds of irrigation enter- prises are no longer willing to play the part of philanthropist to bene- fit the public; and they say that ‘‘although the schemes offered are equally enticing as those in the past, we will not be led into another enterprise of this character.” Hence, development has practically ceased, and compared with what might be done, the country with its vast opportunities seems almost stagnant. The following table gives the extent of irrigation at the beginning and end of the decade 1890-1900, and shows the gradual increase of this method of tilling the soil: Area irrigated. States and Territories. 1890. 1900. Acres. Acres. ASIZOND 5 52 Fj eee ve ae owas sa aa eae eas ob nea cs paw see tea eee eee eee 70, 000 180, 000 California: 3. too4 ee Se a ere ee eee: 1, 200, 000 1, 500, 000 Colorgdo 254 ssesce = sake cen 5 aoeee shee ee ee ma eS nie ee ee eee 1,000, 1, 600, 000 G61) ¢(c enka Same! eeeeeer ees Sap See iy) eee eee ae eee Re a oe 230, 000 600, 000 Montaria==- 2-2 02se 555. 5 od Sek Pah ne ers OS SC ee ee IEE eee aS 380, 000 900, 000 Nevada, 2.0.2. a2 i sicaas ESS h ses oe e Des ae eee ee 240, 000 500, 000 New: Mexico: .2: 3 sxsecrs oes ge ae tae eee soe ce eee oe ee eee 95, 000 200, 000 OVvreron rs 22526 FSS Sssege 1k OSS se on eee See ae toe ree 180, 000 400, 000 Utabl co. seco o. soe ate vs Sec ctease eens baabaee Ab eee aon ee ae eee A 600, 000 Washington: 222.5 22.233. sei othe cae ened cud cee ee oee econ ane ee aoe oe eee ee 100, 000 140, 000 WYOMING oon occ ae Feces dae ee Soe ee oe oe ee eee 250, 000 600, 000 Subhamid 2 8 ose cc ses Sa ee ee es Shae a ee eS eee 70, 000 280, 000 Potals 2 3: 3528. Bete ae ee ee eee ee 4,115,000 | 7,500,000 Private enterprise has already accomplished what it can in the utili- zation of the smaller streams, but there still remain great rivers and oe torrential floods whose control is beyond the possibility of individuals — or corporations seeking pr ofitable financial enter prises. The work of | reclamation, if done at all, must be through public agencies. (PI. II.) These facts have been recognized by President Roosevelt in his first message to Congress, and by his Secretary of the Interior, as well as by numerous writers upon social and economic questions, who are beginning to sound the note of warning against further delay, against the policy of procrastination, which allows the speculative element to — gradually acquire possession of the places where water can be stored, — and to render difficult or impracticable the ultimate reclamation of the — public land and the creation of homes for workers. President Roosevelt, in his clear-cut, decisive fashion, has reached to the very heart of the matter and has recommended that the Govy- — a Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Newell PLATE Il. a. Head of Sunnyside Canal, Washington. b. Along the line of Sunnyside Canal, Washington. RESULTS OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE IN BUILDING IRRIGATION CANALS FROM THE SMALLER RIVERS OF THE WEST. ‘oe ee IRRIGATION. 413 ernment, the great land owner, should construct and maintain the reservoirs as it does other public works. He says that this is properly a national function, and that it is as right for the National Government to make the streams and rivers of the arid region useful, by engineer- ing works for water storage, as it is to make useful the rivers and harbors of the humid region by engineering works of another kind. There is a widespread demand on the part of the citizens of the country, the owners of this vast domain, for the adoption by the Gov- ernment of some policy leading to the ultimate reclamation of the West, such as will permit the largest possible nymber of homes. The labor organizations see in this an outlet for overcrowded condi- tions; the manufacturing, jobbing, and transportation interests of the country appreciate the overwhelming importance of this great home market; the more intelligent farmers see here opportunities for homes for the younger members of their families and recognize that the agricultural prosperity of the country rests largely upon increased growth of manufactures and consequently enlarged demand for prod- ucts. The one discordant note is from the comparatively few who do not understand that the development of the Western lands must in any event proceed slowly, and that the agricultural products of the arid region do not and never can compete with those of the Kast, since the character of the crops and the time when placed upon the market differ widely from those of any other section of the country. The importance of this potential competition is overstated by some Eastern farmers. They do not appreciate the fact that wheat, corn, and other staple products of the East are not raised by irrigation, save for the most limited local consumption, and never will be, because the cost of cultivation under irrigation is such that only the highest priced products can be raised. The citrus fruits and the green and dried fruits differ from those of the East, and have in no respect reduced the price or limited the product of apples, peaches, or any other fruit of the Eastern States. For sugar beets the arid climate has been found especially suitable, but the amount raised under irrigation, even under the most favorable circumstances, can not influence the sugar market, being infinitesimal in comparison with the product of cane sugar of Louisiana, the Hawaiian Islands, or Cuba. The fear of some of our Eastern farmers that the development of the arid West will further reduce the value of agricultural lands and products arises from a complete misapprehension of the subject. The great increase in farming area in the United States was from 1860 to 1890, in what is known as the North Central Division, including the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. The improved area increased from 52,000,000 acres to 184,000,000 acres, the principal increase being in Minnesota, Iowa, the Dakotas, Nebraska, 414 IRRIGATION. and Kansas. Over 80,000,000 acres were brought under cultivation during these thirty years in these five States alone. The population of the United States in 1870 was less than 40,000,000, or about half what it is at present. The most extraordinary increase in cultivated area was from 1875 to 1885. This wonderful increase of improved acreage in the North Central Division alone, of over 130,000,000 acres in thirty years (the popula- tion of the whole United States being less than half what it is now), has had an effect upon land values that can never again take place. There is no other, area of agricultural land comparable to that of the Mississippi Valley. In arid regions there are vast tracts which ulti- mately may support a larger population, but these can not be brought under cultivation with.anything like the rapidity of that practiced on the fertile prairies. Even with millions of dollars available it will not be possible to conserve water for the arid land as rapidly as the increasing population demands new farms. At most, water can be conserved for 60,000,000 acres, or possibly 100,000,000 acres. To do this will require one or more, generations. Streams must be carefully measured year after year, reservoirs sur- veyed, foundations examined by diamond drill or excavation, plans and estimates prepared, contracts let and masonry structures built, tunnels dug through the solid rocks, and a thousand operations be successfully performed before water can be had. Then the ditches must be dug, the laterals laid out, the grounds cleared, and the soil plowed and leveled. There can be no greater contrast, so far as time is concerned, than is offered between this necessary long preliminary work and the conditions on the fertile prairies of Iowa, where men have merely to drive the plow and plant the seed. (PI. III.) It is now too late to speak of Western competition with Eastern farms. This competition and its disastrous results to the far East has long since taken place. The cultivation of the prairies of Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas revolutionized agricultural values and put them on a firm basis from which they can no longer be shaken. The Mississippi Valley now sets the standard, since the area of new land in the coun- try which can be brought under cultivation in any one year is almost inconceivably small when compared with that now cultivated. The increase of population in the United States is from 2 to 3 per cent per year. The increase of irrigated area has been less than one- tenth of 1 per cent per year of- the improved lands of the country. By the most: strenuous exertions it: will be impossible to increase. the area of irrigated lands to 1 per cent of the improved lands of. the country, or less than half the rate of increase of population. It must not be supposed for a minute that because the increase of irrigated lands will be relatively so small as to be inappreciable in agricultural values their importance is correspondingly limited. “LTINA AIMOTAS SYNLONYLS LVEYH “WVWO ‘cogsIq NVS ‘WVq YSLVML3ESMS “WI a4tvd *JEMEeN— LOG ‘HOdey URlUOSYWUS IRRIGATION. 415 While the irrigated lands have never and can never compete with the rest of the country in agricultural values yet they afford the only ‘remaining opportunity for the creation of homes, and they insure the highest type of agricultural and social development. The small irri- gated farm, with intensive cultivation and the suburban conditions ‘made possible under the circumstances, is the most attractive farm life, and the owners and cultivators of these farms form the most stable and substantial class of citizens, so that, although the numbers and the area may be relatively small, yet the opportunities are great. Fic. 4.—Map of irrigated and irrigable areas. |The solid black spots are the irrigated areas, the dotted areas are the localities where irrigation may be extended. | It is estimated that by the construction of storage reservoirs, by diverting large rivers, and by sinking deep or artesian wells, it will be practicable ultimately to irrigate nearly ten times the area now cultivated by irrigation (fig. 4). There is a wide margin as to the probable acreage, and it has been placed at from 60,000,000 — to 100,000,000 acres ultimately reclaimable within two or three genera- tions. The amount, however, will depend wholly upon the treatment now accorded by Congress to the public lands. By leaving matters as they are, only a small proportion of this extent will ever be irrigated, 416 IRRIGATION. because of the character of the vested rights now accruing and the impossibility of entry upon these large works when the sontrol of the water has passed into the hands of the speculative element. National aid is not asked to secure the beginning of the work of irrigation, nor to take up an experimental enterprise. The whole object of national assistance is along the line of making it possible for the people of the country to continue to secure homes on the public POKLA Fic, 5.—Map of dry farming areas. [The black portions show the localities where crops have been raised by dry farming.] domain through the ability to obtain water to be brought to the land by ditches or conduits built by themselves. It is asked for the same reason that the settlers called upon the Government to protect them from the savages, from the overflows of great rivers, and to aid navigation by establishing light-houses and render it possible. by dredging bars across the harbors. As before stated, none of these pay in the sense of a commercial, undertaking, but the Government and the people as a whole secure a larger share of prosperity through making possible the opportunities for the pursuit of various industries. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Newell. PLATE IV. a. Ruins of pioneer’s scd house, abandoned from drought. | | | | | \ j b. Home made possible by irrigation. f SOD HOUSES OF THE SUBHUMID PLAINS. IRRIGATION. 417 The National Government has already begun in part the work of reclamation by setting aside the summits of the mountains from which issue the rivers most important in irrigation, and creating these into forest reserves for the beneficial influence exercised upon the stream flow. It is necessary to go still farther, and build within these forests certain large reservoirs to store the flood waters and regulate the flow of the streams. These should never fall into private or speculative control, but should be administered for the benefit of the communities situated often in various States. The people of the country have made strenuous efforts to utilize some of the lands now waste, and by individual experiment and failure have demonstrated that certain portions of these crops can be raised without irrigation. The accompanying small map (fig. 5) shows, in black, the localities where crops have been and can sometimes be raised by what is known as dry farming; that is, without the arti- ficial application of water. East of the 97th meridian nearly all crops are thus raised, but west of it the dry-farming areas rapidly diminish in extent. In western Kansas and Nebraska there are comparatively few places where crops are successful more than three years out of five. During the years or cycles of unusual moisture settlement has progressed westward across these States and people have built homes, using for building material the tough sod which covers the ground, this being the only available material in a country destitute of trees and stones. The recurring droughts, however, have compelled many of these people to abandon their dry farms, and thousands of homes have been ruined, the only people left in the country being those who have secured a water supply through wells. The contrasting condi- tions are illustrated in Pl. IV, showing the ruined sod house and the successful home, the latter rendered possible by obtaining a water supply. The laws and customs governing the riparian rights in the humid and semihumid portions of the country have been modified or made of no effect in the States and Territories lying within the arid region. It is there recognized that water is part of the common stock necessary for life and industry, to be drawn upon by all in accordance with certain orderly procedures. The United States, the original owner of the land, and stili the possessor of the greater part of it, alone has the right and the ability to conserve the waters for the best interests of the several States and communities. Proprietorship of water should never be recognized, but the rights of each person who can put a certain amount to beneficial use should be clearly recognized and guarded in the order of priority, beneficial use being the measure and the limit of any right. The laws in the different States of the arid region differ widely, but there are certain underlying principles which are being established by sM 1901 27 418 IRRIGATION. court decisions, and through these most of the complications are being satisfactorily solved. The conditions which arise where a stream = crosses State borders are, however, beyond the control of local o— a latures and must come thie the cognizance of Congress. The cost of irrigation has been as low as from $2 to $5 per aere, irri- o gated by the original or pioneer ditches. This matter has been — thoroughly discussed by the Eleventh and Twelfth Censuses, and the — average cost of bringing water to the land throughout the country is — shown to have been, in round numbers, $12 an acre. The average annual cost of ae repairs, or a paid for conveying the — water has been $1.25 per acre. In case of more expensive works built — by corporations the cost of reclaiming the lands has ranged as high as $20 an acre, or even $25. Such land in first cost can not compete — with that offered for sale in the Mississippi Valley. The expensive irrigated lands have the advantage of continual cropping, the ground ~ being immediately prepared for seeding as soon as one crop is removed; or, in the case of alfalfa, one cutting follows another throughout the year, as many as seven crops being had from an acre. ; Private enterprise has already gone nearly to its full limit. State — action has been confined almost wholly to attempted improvement in legislation and control of the distribution of the water among the irri- gators. National works are being urged by those who have most thor- oughly studied the subject, upon the ground that the nation alone is in a position to conserve the water supply, since it controls the land and the sources of most of the important streams. It is not suggested that there should be an interference with vested rights, nor with the distribution of water to the irrigators by State officials wherever such exist. Under anv suggested combination of interests in reclamation the nation must construct the reservoirs, the large tunnels and diver- sion works from great rivers, the experimental deep or artesian wells — (Pl. V) which demonstrate the existence of underground supplies in~ desert areas, and other works the magnitude of which entails cost too” great for private enterprise or too far-reaching for State action. The recognition of irrigation as a great national problem was first prominently given by Maj. John Wesley Powell, for more than thir teen years the Director of the United States Gesloniel Survey. | In his explorations of the West, made shortly after the Civil War, — Major Powell became impressed with the magnitude of the resources of the country, and the dependence of these upon water conservation | and the largest development of irrigation. His report on the lands of — the arid region, printed in 1879, is regarded as a classic on the subject. The weight of his personality and the impress made upon members of Congress resulted finully in the authorization, in 1888, of specific examinations of the extent to which the arid Tends can be reclaimed. — Soon after this work was begun, it was thought by some that this. PLATE V. 1901.—Newell. ’ Smithsonian Report ARTESIAN WELLS MAKING PRODUCTIVE LANDS OTHERWISE STERILE. see IRRIGATION. 419 larger utilization of the resources of the West would interfere to a certain extent with other projects, and the cattlemen in particular, who at that time were not friendly to the development of irrigation, pro- tested against what they termed national ‘interference’ with their exclusive use of the lands belonging to all. A select committee of the United States Senate was appointed to investigate the whole subject, and made a trip through the arid lands, accompanied by Major Powell. The report of this committee, in four yolumes, embodies the observations and testimony, together with a majority and minority report, the latter outlining the line of action which Major Powell, from his thorough study of the region, deemed most feasible. _ The results of the diversity of opinion developed at that time were disastrous to immediate progress, but, public interest being aroused, resulted in the gradual crystallization of ideas along the lines which Major Powell had suggested, so that by the end of the decade, state- ments of facts which had aroused violent opposition at the outset were no longer disputed, but belonged to common knowledge. It is not too much to say that the people of the United States, par- ticularly those of the West, owe to Major Powell a debt of gratitude for the manner in which he brought forward the whole question of reclamation of the public lands and placed it far in advance of what it would otherwise have been. - The investigation of the arid regions was never actually dropped after it was once begun, although it languished fora number of years. New life and energy were infused by Major Powell’s successor, the present Director of the United States Geological Survey, Hon. Charles D. Walcott, and a great popular movement has been started by an organization known as the ‘* National Irrigation Association,” com- posed largely of prominent citizens concerned in public affairs, phil- anthropists, eastern manufacturers, the representatives of transpor- ation interests, labor leaders, and others who see in the arid West a great potential market for goods and for labor, as well as an outlet for the growing population. A culmination has finally been reached in the report of the Secre- tary of the Interior recommending the immediate construction of certain large works; and most notably in the direct and incisive message of President Roosevelt, bringing the attention of Congress and the people to the fact that the utilization of the water resources of the West is one of the greatest internal questions of the day. All intelligent legislation is best pronioted when based upon full knowledge, and an enterprise so vast in its ultimate magnitude should be undertaken only after thorough study of present conditions and future needs. The actual work of construction of reclamation proj ects should be entered upon only after a full knowledge has been had 420) IRRIGATION, a of the cost and benefits of each, and every individual scheme should be considered solely upon its own merits and its relation to the full ultimate development of the country. This work, as above stated, has already been committed by Congress to the Geological Survey, whic in 1888 was authorized to begin the investigation of the extent to whick the arid lands could be reclaimed by irrigation. In the succeeding years this organization has been systematically measuring streams, surveying reservoir sites, and has now a fully equipped and experi- a>. S58 OTIS cared SOK Spey eo a SKIS SOY a O < iS renee cones S2S xx> SxS > I? °s es BS 555 RS eS se es SPRL SRN S Oe renee SS SS p arares “<5 Fic. 6.—Map showing (by cross lines) approximate location and extent of open range. enced corps of hydraulic engineers, many of whom have had experi- ence in the construction of large works. ee, The necessity for prompt action is shown by the way in which the remaining public lands are being taken up by speculators. It has been pointed out by recent students and writers upon the subject tha although several million acres are being disposed of annually, yet these are not passing into the hands of people who are making homes upon them, and that the homestead and desert-land act is being usec as a means for securing titles to lands which are not brought undet cultivation. | " Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Newell. PLATE VI. ES GRAZING LANDS AND WELLS UPON WHICH THEIR USEFULNESS LARGELY DEPENDS. Dagar ake Sega Ce pene a IRRIGATION. 421 The greater part of the arid West is devoted to grazing. The accompanying small map (fig. 6) indicates the vast extent; the open grazing land being shown by the cross lining. Herds of cattle and flocks of sheep range over the public lands, eating the herbage with- out restriction, the whole country being practically an open common. This business is at times extremely profitable, and has attracted large capital, influential companies being formed. The business has in- creased to such an extent that the ranges have been overstocked, and, being free to all, there has been a struggle for existence. Success in the grazing business upon the open land is dependent largely upon ability to control the water supply. If a man can obtain possession of a spring or stream he can exclude the cattle or sheep of other owners from the water, and thus be in a position to monopolize thousands of acres of grazing land, useless to others because their animals can not obtain water to drink. By systematically taking up small tracts along both sides of a stream these can be strung out in such a way as to control the water frontage, and by fencing contigu- ous 40-acre tracts a continuous line can be made for many miles, pre- venting access to water. Cattle companies have employed men with the understanding that they would thus take up land along the streams, and a glance at the map of the great unoccupied public domain shows the 40-acre tracts entered in such a fashion as to include nearly all of the running water. The keen competition for grazing brought about by overstocking the public ranges has thus resulted in putting a premium upon lands which, while not irrigable nor suitable for farming, yet control access to water. A recent advertisement in a Western paper illustrates the condition: ‘* For sale, 160 acres, controlling 10,000 acres of good Govy- ernment grazing.” No particular harm would result if the lands thus disposed of by the Government passed into the hands of men who would make best use of them, but asa rule this is not the case. Areas which might be made into many farms are held as portions of a great cattle range, the owners of which can make a larger interest on their investment by thus holding it than by attempting to conserve the water and to subdivide the land into small tracts. Many of the best reservoir sites are being taken up in one way or another by men who confess- edly do not intend to utilize them, but to hold the land for sale at a good price whenever water conservation is attempted. Speculations of this kind are lawful, and may be commendable to a certain degree, but when they result in tying up some of the best land of the country and in excluding population they become injurious to the public welfare. But the question may be asked, Why should so much interest attach to the West rather than to the humid East, where an artificial water supply need not be provided as a requisite for agriculture? The 492 IRRIGATION. 2 j answer is that the Government is the great landowner of the western half of the United States, and that it is for the interests of all of the people of the country to have these lands settled by men tilling their own farms; but, more than this, agriculture in an arid region yields” results far greater than in humid climates or those of uncontrollable moisture. In countries where the sun shines every day the develop- ment of plant life, with proper moisture, is far greater than in regions” of prevailing clouds and occasional storms. The yield per acre is” greater, and where the temperature is favorable crop follows crop _ throughout the year. With unlimited sunshine and properly regu-_ lated moisture the farmer has a far safer and more remunerative | occupation than in the East. Irrigation properly conducted means intensive farming, the cultiva- tion of the soil in the best possible manner, and diversified crops. The area which any one man can cultivate under such conditions is far less and the yield per acre correspondingly greater. In the best irri- gated regions farms are very small, the average size of cultivated area in Utah being less than 30 acres. Small farms and the economy which must be practiced in conveying water results in comparatively dense rural population. In southern California the irrigated tracts in orchards and vineyards are so small that the farming region takes” on the appearance of suburban communities. The houses, instead of being a mile apart, as on the prairies and plains of the central part of | the country, are within a few rods of one another. Social intercourse is possible, good roads are assured, and rapid communication through electric car lines. Cultivation of arid lands by means of irrigation results in a far higher type of civilization than is possible on isolated and lonely farms. Diversified agriculture, the raising of vegetables and small fruits, and the keeping of various domestic animals also necessitate greater mental as well as physical activity, continuous employment for all the members of a family, and many minor industries impossible where attention is concentrated upon a single crop, such as wheat, corn, or cotton. The small farms so successful under irrigation make possible a colony — life such as that practiced by the Mormons in Utah and exemplified - in the early history of the Greeley Colony in Colorado. The success attained has led to a most interesting experiment, that of the Salvation | Army helping the people to get back to the soil. In their work in big cities the Salvation Army has come across almost innumerable men and women who are eager for an opportunity to get away and start life anew in the open air. Out of the thousands of applications there have been selected certain families apparently best qualified for’ success, and these have been located upon small irrigable farms. | Nothing is actually given these people outright except the opportunity : Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Newell. PLATE VII. a. Orange grove irrigated by furrow method. b. Young orchards under irrigation. BARREN LANDS RECLAIMED. CC IRRIGATION. 493 to help themselves. They are sold a tract of land and a small house, necessary tools, and seed upon credit, and are given a reasonable time to repay the loan thus made, with interest. From one aspect the enterprise might be regarded as money-making, but from the higher standpoint it is one of the greatest philanthropies yet undertaken. This work of the Salvation Army in establishing colonies in Colo- rado and in California is really more than an experiment, for suflicient time has elapsed to give it trial, and its success may be considered as demonstrated—sufliciently, at least, to justify further and larger efforts along this line. It is not believed that the ‘‘submerged tenth” ean be lifted bodily and put upon the land to become successful farm- ers, but the weight of humanity above this tenth, the keen struggle of those a little better off, helps to submerge the despairing portion of the community and to obstruct every avenue of escape. Relief from the congested conditions of the cities can come, in part at least, through furnishing opportunities for those who are able to go out upon the land and to become independent landowners and citizens. Ordinary farming can not offer any attraction to these people, who have spent much of their lives in the cities, as they are largely depend- ent upon keeping in crowds. The small farm and the suburban life possible under irrigation alone make it possible for such people to leave the city environment and become tillers of the soil. To sum up the problem, we may say that we have a vast extent of vacant public land of wonderful fertility; we have water which will make a portion of this productive; we have the people who are seek- ing an opportunity to make a living, and who would gladly escape from the congestion of the cities; and we have the public funds and the public interest toward developing our country to the highest degree; but we are a long way from bringing these powerful forces to effective action. We are allowing the lands so necessary to the development of the nation to drift out of its control; we are allowing the waters and the opportunities to conserve them to be monopolized and become subject for speculation; and we are allowing barriers to be gradually erected shutting off the opportunities for development of our great internal resources. THE PALACE OF MINOS.* By Arruur J. Evans. Less than a generation back the origin of Greek civilization, and with ‘it the sources of all great culture that has ever been, were wrapped ‘in an impenetrable mist. That ancient world was still girt round within its narrow confines by the circling *‘stream of ocean.” Was there anything beyond? The fabled kings and heroes of the. Homeric Age, with their palaces and strongholds, were they aught, after all, _ but more or less humanized sun myths? One man had faith, accompanied by works, and in Dr. Schliemann the science of classical antiquity found its Columbus. Armed with the spade he brought to light from beneath the mounds of ages a real ‘Troy; at Tiryns and Mycene he laid bare the palace and the tombs and treasures of Homeric kings. A new world opened to investiga- ion, and the discoveries of its first explorer were followed up success- fally by Dr. Tsountas and others on Greek soil. The eyes of observers were opened, and the traces of this prehistoric civilization began to make their appearance far beyond the limits of Greece itself. From Cyprus and Palestine to Sicily and southern Italy, and even to the coasts of Spain, the colonial and industrial enterprise of the ** Myce- neans” has left its mark throughout the Mediterranean basin. Pro- fessor Petrie’s researches in Egypt have conclusively shown that as early at least as the close of the Middle Kingdom, or, approximately ‘speaking, the beginning of the second millennium B. C., imported “Reprinted from the Monthly Review, Vol. II, London, January-March, 1901, pp. 115-132. The most scientific account of the exploration of the Cretan labyrinth is the official statement of Mr. Evans in the Annual of the British School at Athens, 1899-1900. The following is a brief list of papers on the subject by men who speak with authority: (1) Paul Walters in Arch., August, 1900, 3, pp. 141-151 (pl.; 6 figs.); (2) Mr. Evans, Biblia, September, 1900; (3) Mr. Evans and Mr. D. E. _ Hogarth, Biblia, January, 1901 (see also Biblia, November and December, 1900); (4) Mr. Louis Dyer, the Nation, August 2, 1900; (5) Mr. Evans, Murray’s Monthly _ Magazine, February, 1901, a'd (6) Mr. Hogarth in the Contemporary Review, — December, 1900. In Biblia, 1901, pp. 121-128, Mr. Evans describes the recent dis- ‘coyeries at Knossus up to the middle of May; and the Nation, June 27, 1901, con- _ tains extracts from letters of Mr. Evans to the Times dated May 16 and June 12, telling of the latest results. ; 425 426 THE PALACE OF MINOS. fEgean vases were finding their way into the Nile Valley. By the great days of the eighteenth dynasty, in the sixteenth and succeeding centuries B. C., this intercourse was of such a kind that Mycenzan art, now in its full maturity of bloom, was reacting on that of the con- temporary Pharaohs and infusing a cae European element into the old conventional style of the land of the Pyramids and the Sphinx. But the picture was still very incomplete. Nay, it might even be said that its central figure was not yet filled in. In all these excava- tions and researches the very land to which ancient tradition unani- mously pointed as the cradle of Greek civilization had been left out of | count. ‘To adapt the words applied by Gelon to slighted Sicily and Syracuse, ‘‘The spring was wanting from the year” of that earlier Hellas. Yet Crete, the central island—a half-way house between three — continents—flanked by the great Libyan promontory and linked by smaller island stepping stones to the Peloponnese and the mainland of Anatolia, was called upon by nature to play a leading part in the devel- opment of the early A/gean culture. Here, in his royal city of Knossos, ruled Minos, or whatever historic personage is covered by that name, and founded the first sea empire of Greece, extending his dominion far and wide over the Avgean isles and coastlands. Athens paid to him its human tribute of youthsand maidens. His colonial plantations extended east and west along the Mediterranean basin till Gaza worshipped the Cretan Zeus and a Minoan city rose in western Sicily. But it isas the first lawgiver of Greece that he achieved his greatest renown, and the code of Minos became the source of all later legislation. As the wise ruler and inspired lawgiver there is something altogether biblical in his legendary character. He is the Cretan Moses, who every nine years repaired to the cave of Zeus, whether on the Cretan Ida or on Dicta, and received from the god of the mountain the laws for his people. Like Abraham, he is described — as the ‘‘friend of God.” Nay, in some accounts, the mythical being of Minos has a tendency to blend with that of his native Zeus. This Cretan Zeus, the god of the mountain, whose animal figure was the bull and whose symbol was the double ax, had indeed himself a~ human side, which distinguishes him from his more ethereal namesake of classical Greece. In the great cave of Mount Dicta, whose inmost shrine, adorned with natural pillars of gleaming stalactite, leads deep — down to the waters of an unnavigated pool, Zeus himself was said to have been born and fed with honey and goat’s milk by the nymph Amaltheia. On the conical height immediately above the site of Minos’s city—now known as Mount Juktas—and still surrounded by a Cyclopean inclosure, was pointed out his tomb. Classical Greece scoffed at this primitive legend, and for this particular reason first gave currency to the proverb that ‘‘the Cretans are always liars.” St. Paul, too, adopted this hard saying, but in Crete itself the new 4 : nt Pot a Bao lt SF Ms viet Ee heat wit Ei Lees aia barn, 01k 2 A ET ae ed ht FTE imesis. ics THE PALACE OF MINOS. ADT. religion, which here, as elsewhere, so eagerly availed itself of what might aid its own propaganda in existing belief, seems to have dealt more gently with the scenes of the lowly birth and holy sepulcher of a mortal god. On the height of Juktas, on the peaks of Dicta, which overlooked, one the birthplace, the other the temple of the Cretan Zeus, pious hands have built chapels, the scenes of annual pilgrimage, dedicated to Authentés Christos, **the Lord Christ.” In his shrine at Gaza the Minoan Zeus had already in pagan days received the distin- guished epithet of Marnas, ** the lord” in its Syrian form. If Minos was the first lawgiver, his craftsman Deedalus was the first traditional founder of what may be called a ‘‘school of art.” Many were the fabled works wrought by them for King Minos, some grew- some, like the brass man Talos. In Knossos, the royal city, he built the dancing ground, or ‘‘choros,” of Ariadne, and the famous laby- rinth. In its inmost maze dwelt the minotaur, or ‘‘ bull of Minos,” fed daily with human victims, till such time as Theseus, guided by Ariadne’s ball of thread, penetrated to its lair, and, after slaying the monster, rescued the captive youths and maidens. Such, at least, was the Athenian tale. A more prosaic tradition saw in the labyrinth a building of many passages, the idea of which Deedalus had taken from the great Egyptian mortuary temple on the shores of Lake Moeris, to which the Greeks gave the same name; and recent philological research has derived the name itself from the labrys, or double ax, the emblem of the Cretan and Carian Zeus. Mythological speculation has seen in the labyrinth, to use the words of a learned German, ‘‘a thing of belief and fancy, an image of the starry heaven with its infinitely winding paths, in which, nevertheless, the sun and moon so surely move about.” We shall see that the spade has supplied a simpler solution. When one calls to mind these converging lines of ancient tradition it becomes impossible not to feel that, without Crete, ‘‘the spring is taken away” indeed from the Mycenzan world. Great as were the results obtained by exploration on the sites of this ancient culture on the Greek mainland and elsewhere, there was still a sense of incom- pleteness. In nothing was this more striking than in the absence of any written document. A few signs had, indeed, been found on a vase handle, but these were set aside as mere ignorant copies of Hittite or Egyptian hieroglyphs. In the volume of his monumental work which deals with Mycenzan art, M. Perrot was reduced to the conclusion that, *‘ as at present advised, we can continue toaffirm that for the whole of this period, neither in Peloponnese nor in central Greece, no more upon the buildings nor upon the thousand and one objects of domestic use and luxury that have come forth from the tombs, has anything been discovered that resembles any form of writing.” But was this, indeed, the last word of scientific exploration? Was 428 THE PALACE OF MINOS. it possible that a people so advanced in other respects—standing in | such intimate relations with Egypt and the Syrian lands where some form of writing had been an almost immemorial possession—should — have been absolutely wanting in this most essential element of civili- — zation? I could not believe it. Once more one’s thoughts turned to — the land of Minos, and the question irresistibly suggested itself—was that early heritage of fixed laws compatible with a complete ignorance — of the artof writing? An abiding tradition of the Cretans themselves, preserved by Diodoros, shows that they were better informed. The | Pheenicians, they said, had not invented letters; they had simply | changed their forms; in other words, they had only improved on an — existing system. It is now seven years since a piece of evidence came into my hands — which went far to show that long before the days of the introduction of the Phcenician alphabet, as adopted by the later Greeks, the Cretans were, in fact, possessed of a system of writing. While hunting out — ancient engraved stones at Athens I came upon some three and four — sided seals showing on each of their faces groups of hieroglyphic and linear signs distinct from the Egyptian and Hittite, but evidently rep- resenting some form of script. On inquiry I learned that these seals — had been found in Crete. A clue was in my hands, and, like Theseus, — I resolved to follow it, if possible to the inmost recesses of the laby- — rinth. That the source and center of the great Mycenzan civilization — remained to be unearthed on Cretan soil I had never doubted, but the — prospect now opened of finally discovering its written records. From 1894 onward I undertook a series of campaigns of exploration chiefly in central and eastern Crete. In all directions fresh evidence continually came to light—Cyclopean ruins of cities and strongholds, — beehive tombs, vases, votive bronzes, exquisitely engraved gems— amply demonstrating that in fact the great days of that ‘‘island story” lay far behind the historic period. From the Mycenzan sites of Crete | I obtained a whole series of inscribed seals, such as I had first noticed at Athens, showing the existence of an entire system of hieroglyphic or quasi pictorial writing, with here and there signs of the coexistence — of more linear forms. From the great cave of Mount Dicta—the birth- — place of Zeus—the votive deposits of which have now been thoroughly | explored by Mr. Hogarth, I procured a stone libation table inscribed with a dedication of several characters in the early Cretan script. But for more exhaustive excavation my eyes were fixed on some ruined | walls, the great gypsum blocks of which were engraved with curious symbolic characters, that crowned the southern slope of a hill known as Kephala, overlooking the ancient site of Knossos, the city of Minos. They were evidently part of a large prehistoric building. Might one — not uncover here the palace of King Minos—perhaps even the myste- rious labyrinth itself THE PALACE OF MINOS. 429 These blocks had already arrested the attention of Schliemann and others, but the difficulties raised by the native proprietors had defeated all efforts at scientific exploration. In 1895 I succeeded in acquiring a quarter of the site from one of the joint owners. But the obstruc- tion continued, and I was beset by difficulties of a more serious kind. The circumstances of the time were not favorable. The insurrection had broken out, half the villages in Crete were in ashes, and in the neighboring town of Candia the most fanatical part of the Mohammedan population were collected together from the whole of the island. ‘The faithful Herakles, who was at that time my ‘‘guide, philosopher, and muleteer,” was seized by the Turks and thrown into a loathsome dun- geon, from which he was with difficulty rescued. Soon afterwards the inevitable massacre took place, of which the nominal British ** oceu- pants” of Candia were in part themselves the victims. Then at last the sleeping lion was aroused. Under the guns of Admiral Noel the Turkish commander evacuated the Government buildings at ten min- utes’ notice and shipped off the Sultan’s troops. Crete once more was free. At the beginning of this year I was at last able to secure the remain- ing part of the site of Kephala, and with the consent of Prince George’s Government at once set about the work of excavation. I received some pecuniary help from the recently started Cretan exploration fund, and was fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Duncan Mac- kenzie, who had done good work for the British school in Melos, to assist me in directing the works. From about 80 to 150 men were employed in the excavation, which continued till the heat and fevers of June put an end to it for this season. The result has been to uncover a large part of a vast prehistoric building—a palace with its numerous dependencies, but a palace on a far larger scale than those of Tiryns and Mycene. About 2 acres of this has been unearthed, for, by an extraordinary piece of good for- tune, the remains of walls began to appear only a foot or so, often only a few inches, below the surface. This dwelling of prehistoric kings had been overwhelmed by a great catastrophe. Everywhere on the hilltop were traces of a mighty conflagration; burnt beams and charred wooden columns lay within the rooms and corridors. There was here no gradual decay. The civilization represented on this spot had been cut short in the fullness of its bloom. Nothing later than remains of the good Mycenzan period was found over the whole site; nothing even so late as the last period illustrated by the remains of Mycene itself. From the day of destruction to this the site has been left entirely desolate. For three thousand years or more not a tree seems to have been planted here; over a part of the area not even a plowshare had passed. At the time of the great overthrow, no doubt, the place had been methodically plundered for metal objects, 430 THE PALACE OF MINOS. and the fallen débris in the rooms and passages turned over and ran- sacked for precious booty. Here and there a local bey or peasant had grubbed for stone slabs to supply his yard or thrashing fi. or. But the party walls of clay and plaster still stood intact, with the fresco painting on them, still in many cases perfectly preserved at a few inches depth from the surface, a clear proof of how severely the site had been let alone for these long centuries. Who were the destroyers? Perhaps the Dorian invaders, who seem to have overrun the island about the eleventh or twelfth century before our era. More probably, still earlier invading swarms from. the mainland of Greece. The palace itself had a long antecedent his- tory and there are frequent traces of remodeling. Its early elements may go back a thousand years before its final overthrow, since, in the - great eastern eourt, was found the lower part of an Egyptian seated figure of diorite, with a triple inscription, showing that it dates back — to the close of the twelfth or the beginning of the thirteenth dynasty of Egypt; in other words, approximately to 2,000 B. C. But below the foundation of the later building, and covering the whole hill, are the remains of a primitive settlement of still greater antiquity, belong- — ing to the insular Stone Age. In parts this ‘‘Neolithic” deposit was — over 24 feet thick, everywhere full of stone axes, knives of volcanic glass, dark polished and incised pottery, and primitive images, such as those found by Schliemann in the lowest strata of Troy. The outer walls of the palace were supported on huge gypsum blocks, | but there was no sign of an elaborate system of fortification such as at — Tiryns and Mycene. The reason of this is not far to seek. Why is — Paris strongly fortified, while London is practically an open town? — The city of Minos, it must be remembered, was the center of a great sea — power, and it was in ‘S wooden walls” that its rulers must have put their — trust. The mighty biocks of the palace show, indeed, that it was not — for want of engineering power that the acropolis of Knossos remained — unfortified. But in truth Mycenzean might was here at home. At Tiryns and Mycene itself it felt itself threatened by warlike conti- nental neighbors. It was not till the mainland foes were masters of the sea that they could have forced an entry into the house of Minos. — Then, indeed, it was an easy task. In the cave of Zeus on Mount Ida ~ was found a large brooch (or fibula) belonging to the race of northern — invaders, on one side of which a war galley is significantly engraved. The palace was entered on the southwest side by a portico and double doorway opening froma spacious paved court (fig. 1). Flanking the — portico were remains of a great fresco of a bull, and on the walls of — the corridor leading from it were still preserved the lower part of a procession of painted life-size figures, in the center of which was a female personage, probably a queen,in magnificent apparel. This corridor seems to have led round to a great southern porch or Propy- ‘| 3Lv1d “OOILYOd LSAMHLNOS [q wansdAs jo * WOY4 NAS ‘SOSSONY ‘FJOVIVd AHL JO LYNOD NYALSAM {JO [[BM JsoM JO osRg | ‘OI *SUPAQ—' L061 ‘HOdeY UR!UOSYRILUS Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Evans. PLATE II Fig. 2.—MAGAZINE No. 5, SHOWING GREAT STORE JARS. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Evans. PLATE III. Fic. 3.—LARGE CLAY STORE JAR. Say «ham cela iy 4 TY cu "y ‘«, i=) ; : oy i Ne a aS eee ee eee es “JONVHLNA NYSHLYON SLI WOY4 N33S ‘WOOY JNOUH] OL YSEWVHOSINY—'p “DI4 ‘S[OQUINS POSIlOUL YILM JOpldaoO9 JO Syoo[q unsd 4+) “sco USR[Id YIM Youeq 9uojYS JANOD Jska UO Surudsdo soouRA, Uo INO GT “Al 3LV1d *(,,8nez Jo quIOg, oOuL,,) SBIYNLE JUNOT! ‘suPA—'106| ‘Hoday uPiuOsYyILUS “IOGUIBYV9}JUB JO LAUIO;) ‘A aLV1d “‘sOYVUG LOMOT| UsdMjoq suOIYy) tansdAL ‘OoSoay JO sovotd ud [BJ PUB YoUeq euo}S “LOG ULBYO JOUUL JO ARMIOO(, “SUUIN [OD WOPOOM OF s]axoos UIA ZUR] JO YIOMISBOIG AUIS *sUBAQ—'|06| ‘HWoday UeRIUOSU}IWUS THE PALACE OF MINOS. 431 leum with double columns, the walls of which were originally decorated with figures in the same style. Along nearly the whole length of the building ran a spacious paved corridor, lined by a long row of fine stone doorways, giving access to a succession of magazines. On the floor of these magazines huge store jars were still standing, large enough to have contained the ‘forty thieves” (fig. 2). One of these jars, con- tained in a small separate chamber, was nearly 5 feet in height (fig. 3). Here occurred one of the most curious discoveries of the whole excavation. Under the closely compacted pavement of one of these magazines, upon which the huge jars stood, there were built in between solid piles of masonry double tiers of stone cists lined with lead. Only a few were opened and they proved to be empty, but there can be little doubt that they were constructed for the deposit of treasure. Whoever destroyed and plundered the palace had failed to discover these receptacles, so that when more come to be explored there is some real hope of finding buried hoards. On the east side of the palace opened a still larger paved court, approached by broad steps from another principal entrance to the north. From this court access was given by an anteroom (fig. 4) to what was certainly the most interesting chamber of the whole building, almost as perfectly preserved—though some twelve centuries older—as any- thing found beneath the volcanic ash of Pompeii or the lava of Hercu- laneum. Already a few inches below the surface freshly preserved fresco began to appear. Walls were shortly uncovered decorated with flowering plants and running water, while on each side of the doorway of a small inner room stood guardian griffins with peacocks’ plumes in the same flowery landscape. Round the walls ran low stone benches, and between these on the north side, separated by a small interval and raised on a stone base, rose a gypsum throne with a high back, and originally colored with decorative designs. Its lower part was adorned with a curiously carved arch, with crocketed moldings, showing an extraordinary anticipation of some most characteristic features of Gothic architecture. Opposite the throne was a finely wrought tank of gypsum slabs—a feature borrowed perhaps from an Egyptian palace— approached by a descending flight of steps, and originally surmounted by eyprus-wood columns supporting a kind of impluvium. Here truly was the council chamber of a Mycenzan king or sovereign lady. It may be said to-day that the youngest of European rulers has in his dominions the oldest throne in Europe (fig. 5). The frescoes discovered on the palace site constitute a new epoch in the history of painting. Little, indeed, of the kind even of classical Greek antiquity has been hitherto known earlier at least than the Pompeian series. The first find of this kind marks a red-letter day in the story of the excavation. In carefully uncovering the earth and débris in a passage at the back of the southern Propyleum there came 432 THE PALACE OF MINOS. to light two large fragments of what proved to be the upper part of a youth bearing a gold-mounted silver cup (fig. 6). The robe is deco- rated with a beautiful quarterfoil pattern; a silver ornament appears 4 in front of the ear, and silver rings on the arms and neck. What is: specially interesting among the ornarents is an agate gem on the left | wrist, thus illustrating the manner of wearing the beautifully engraved signets of which many clay impressions were found in the palace. | The colors were almost as brilliant as when laid down over three: thousand years before. For the first time the true portraiture of a. man of this mysterious Mycenan race rises before us. The flesh: tint, following perhaps an Egyptian precedent, is of a deep reddish) brown. The limbs are finely molded, though the waist, as usual in. Mycenean fashions, is tightly drawn in by a silver-mounted girdle, giving great relief to the hips. The profile of the face is pure and. almost classically Greek. This, with the dark curly hair and high brachycephalic head, recalls an indigenous type well represented still | in the glens of Ida and the White Mountains—a type which brings. with it many reminiscences from the Albanian highlands and the neighboring regions of Montenegro and Herzegovina. The lips are_ somewhat full, but the physiognomy has certainly no Semetic cast. The profile rendering of the eye shows an advance in human portrait-_ ure foreign to Egyptian art, and only achieved by the artists of clas- sical Greece in the early fine-art period of the fifth century B. C.— after some eight centuries, that is, of barbaric decadence and slow revival. There was something very impressive in this vision of brilliant youth and of male beauty, recalled after so long an interval to our upper air from what had been till yesterday a forgotten world., Even | our untutored Cretan workmen felt the spell and fascination. They, indeed, regarded the discovery of such a painting in the bosom of the earth as nothing less than miraculous, and saw in it the ‘‘icon” of a saint. The removal of the fresco required a delicate and laborious process of underplastering, which necessitated its being watched at night, and old Manolis, one of the most trustworthy of our gang, was told off for the purpose. Somehow or other he fell asleep, but the | wrathful saint appeared to him in a dream; waking with a start, he | was conscious of a mysterious presence; the animals round began to low and neigh and ‘‘there were visions about;” ‘“ davraCez,” he said, in summing up his experiences next morning, ‘‘the whole place spooks !” To the-north of the palace, in some rooms that seem to have belonged to the women’s quarter, frescoes were found in an entirely novel miniature style. Here were ladies with white complexions— due, we may fancy, to the seclusion of harem life—décolletés, but with 7 fashionable puffed sleeves and flounced gowns, and their hair as elab-_ orately curled and frisé as if they were fresh from a coiffeur’s hands. PLATE VI. Evans. Smithsonian Report, 1901. Fic. 6.—FRESCO OF THE CUPBEARER (ORIGINAL LIFE SIZE). “WA 34M1d *sueAQ—' 061 ‘Woday ueluosyzUS THE PALACE OF MINOS. 433 ** Mais,” exclaimed a French savant who honored me with a visit, ‘‘ ces sont des Parisiennes!” They were seated in groups, engaged in animated conversation, in the courts and gardens and on the balconies of a palatial building, while in the walled spaces beyond were large crowds of men and boys, some of them hurling javelins. In some cases both sexes were inter- mingled. These alternating scenes of peace and war recall the subjects of Achilles’ shield, and we have here at the same time a contemporary illustration of that populousness of the Cretan cities in the Homeric age which struck the imagination of the bard. Certain fragments of fresco belong to the still earlier period of gean art, which precedes the Mycenzean, well illustrated in another field by the elegant painted vases found by Mr. Hogarth in some private houses on this site. A good idea of the refinement already reached in these earlier days of the palace is given by the subject of one fresco fragment in this ‘* pre- Mycenean” style—namely, a boy, in a field of white crocuses, some of which he has gathered and is placing in an ornamental vase. Very valuable architectural details were supplied by the walls and buildings of some of the miniature frescoes above described. In one place rose the facade of a small temple, with triple cells, containing sacred pillars, and representing in a more advanced form the arrange- ment of the small golden shrines, with doves perched upon them, found by Schliemann in the shaft graves at Mycene. This temple fresco has a peculiar interest, as showing the character of a good deal of the upper structure of the palace itself, which has now perished. It must largely have consisted of clay and rubble walls, artfully con- cealed under brilliantly painted plaster, and contained and supported _ by a woodwork framing. The base of the small temple rests on the ~ huge gypsum blocks which form so conspicuous a feature in the exist- / ing remains, and below the central opening is inserted a frieze, recall- ing the alabaster reliefs of the palace hall of Tiryns, with triglyphs, the prototypes of the Doric, and the half-rosettes of the ‘*‘ metopes” inlaid with blue enamel, the Kyanos of Homer. A transition from painting to sculpture was supplied by a great relief of a bull in hard plaster, colored with the natural tints, large parts of which, including the head, were found near the northern gate. It is unquestionably the finest plastic work of the time that has come down to us, stronger and truer to life than any classical sculpture of the kind (fig. 7). Somewhat more conventional, but still showing great naturalistic power, is the marble head of a lioness, made for the spout of a fountain. It, too, had been originally tinted, and the eyes and nos- trils inlaid with brightly colored enamels. A part of a stone frieze, _ with finely undercut rosettes, recalled similar fragments from Tiryns | and Mycene, but far surpasses them in execution. | sm 1901—28 a 434 THE PALACE OF MINOS. Vases of marble and other stones abounded, some exquisitely carved. Among these was one cut out of alabaster in the shape of a great Triton shell, every coil and fold of which was accurately reproduced. — A porphyry lamp, supported on a quatrefoil pillar, with a beautiful lotus capital, well illustrates the influence of an Egyptian model. But the model was here surpassed. Among the more curious arts practiced in prehistoric Knossos was | that of miniature painting on the back of plaques of crystal. A gal-_ loping bull thus delineated on an azure background is a little master- piece in its way. A small relief on a banded agate, representing a dagger in an ornamental sheath resting on an artistically folded belt, to a certain extent anticipates by many centuries the art of cameo carving. A series of clay seals were also discovered, exhibiting impressions of intaglios in the fine bold Mycenen style; one of these, — with two bulls, larger than any known signet gem of the kind, may | well have been a royal seal. The subjects of some of these intaglios — show the development of a surprisingly picturesque style of art. We see fish naturalistically grouped in a rocky pool, a hart beside a water brook in a mountain glen, and a grotto, above which some small monkey-like creatures are seen climbing the overhanging crags. But manifold as were the objects of interest found within the palace — walls of Knossos, the crowning discovery—or, rather, series of dis-— coveries—remains to be told. On the last day of March, not far _ below the surface of the ground, a little to the right of the southern portico, there turned up a clay tablet of elongated shape, bearing on— it incised characters in a linear script, accompanied by numeral signs. My hopes now ran high of finding entire deposits of clay archives, — and they were speedily realized. Not far from the scene of the first | discovery there came to light a clay receptacle containing a hoard of tablets. In other chambers occurred similar deposits, which had orig-— inally been stored in coffers of wood, clay, or gypsum. The tablets themselves are of various forms, some flat, elongated bars, from about 2 to 74 inches in length, with wedge- like ends; einer! larger and squarer, ranging in size to small octavo (fig. 8). In one particular magazine tablets of a different kind were found—perforated bars, cres- cent and scallop-like ‘‘ labels,” with writing in the same hieroglyphic - style as that on the seals found in eastern Crete. But the great mass, amounting to over a thousand inscriptions, belonged to another and~ more advanced system with linear characters. It was, in short, a_ highly developed form of script, with regular divisions between the words, and for elegance hardly surpassed by any later form of writing. A clue to the meaning of these clay records is in many cases sup- plied by the addition of pictorial illustrations representing the objects concerned. Thus we find human figures, perhaps slaves; chariots and horses; arms or implements and armor, such as axes and cuirasses; ) a Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Evans. PLATE VIII. Fia. 8.—CLAY TABLET WITH THE LINEAR PREHISTORIC SCRIPT. THE PALACE OF MINOS. 435 houses or barns; eas's of barley or other cereals; swine; various kinds of trees, and a long-stamened flower, evidently the saffron crocus, used for dyes. On some tablets appear ingots, probably of bronze, fol- lowed by a balance (the Greek talavror), and figures which probably indicate their value in Mycenean gold talents. The numerals attached to many of these objects show that we have to do with accounts refer- ring to the royal stores and arsenals. Some tablets relate to ceramic vessels of various forms, many of them containing marks indicative of their contents. Others, still more interesting, show vases of metallic forms, and obviously relate to the royal treasures. It is a highly significant fact that the most characteristic of these, such as a beaker like the famous gold cups found in the Vapheio tomb near Sparta, a high-spouted ewer and an object, perhaps representing a certain weight of metal, in the form of an ox’s head, recur—together with the ingots with incurving sides among the gold offerings in the hands of the tributary A¢gean princes— on Egyptian monuments of Thothmes III’s time. These tributary chieftains, described as Kefts and people of the isles of the sea, who have been already recognized as the representatives of the Mycenzan culture, recall in their dress and other particulars the Cretan youths, such as the cupbearer above described, who take part in the proces- sional scenes on the palace frescoes. The appearance in the records of the royal treasury at Knossos of vessels of the same form as those offered by them to Pharaoh is itself a valuable indication that some of these clay archives approximately go back to the same period—in other words, to the beginning of the fifteenth century B. C. Other documents, in which neither ciphers nor pictorial illustrations are to be found, may appeal even more deeply to the imagination. The analogy of the more or less contemporary tablets, written in cunei- form script, found in the palace of Tell-el-Amarna, might lead us to expect among them the letters from distant governors or diplomatic correspondence. It is probable that some are contracts or public acts, which may give some actual formulas of Minoan legislation. There is, indeed, an atmosphere of legal nicety, worthy of the house of Minos, in the way in which these clay records were secured. The knots of string which, according to the ancient fashion, stood in the place of locks for the coffers containing the tablets, were rendered inviolable by the attachment of clay seals, impressed with the finely engraved signets, the types of which represent a great variety of subjects, such as ships, chariots, religious scenes, lions, bulls, and other animals. But, as if this precaution was not in itself considered sufficient, while the clay was still wet the face of the seal was countermarked by a con- trolling official, and the back countersigned and indorsed by an inscrip- tion in the same Mycenzan script as that inscribed on the tablets them- selves, 436 THE PALACE OF MINOS. Much study and comparison will be necessary for the elucidation of these materials, which it may be hoped will be largely supplemented by the continued exploration of the palace. If, as may well be the case, the languge in which they were written was some primitive form of Greek we need not despair of the final decipherment of these Knos- sian archives, and the bounds of history may eventually be so enlarged as to take in the ‘‘heroic age” of Greece. In any case the weighty — question, which years before I had set myself to solve on Cretan soil, has found, so far at least,an answer. That great early civilization was not dumb, and the written records of the Hellenic world are carried back some seven centuries beyond the date of the first known historie writings. But what, perhaps, is even more remarkable than this is — that, when we examine in detail the linear script of these Myceneean documents, it is impossible not to recognize that we have here a sys- tem of writing, syllabic and perhaps partly alphabetic, which stands ona distinctly higher level of development than the hieroglyphs of Egypt or the cuneiform script of contemporary Syria and Babylonia. It is not till some five centuries later that we find the first dated exam- ples of Phcenician writing. The signs already mentioned as engraved on the great gypsum blocks — of the palace must be regarded as distinct from the script proper. These blocks go back to the earliest period of the building, and the symbols on them, which are of very limited selection, but of constant recurrence, seem to have had a religious significance. The most con- stantly recurring of these, indeed, is the labrys or double ax already referred to—the special symbol of the Cretan Zeus, votive deposits of which in bronze have been found in the cave sanctuaries of the god on Mount Ida and Mount Dicta. The double ax is engraved on the principal blocks, such as the corner stones and door jambs throughout the building, and recurs as a sign of dedication on every side of every block of a sacred pillar that forms the center of what seems to have been the inmost shrine of an aniconic cult connected with this indigen- ous divinity. : The ‘‘house of Minos” thus turns out to be also the house of the double ax—the labrys and its lord—in other words, it is the true Laby- rinthos. The divine inspirer of Minos was not less the lord of the bull, and it is certainly no accidental coincidence that huge figures of bulls in painting and plaster occupied conspicuous positions within it. Nay, more, on a small steatite relief, a couchant bull is seen above the door- way of a building probably intended to represent the palace, and this would connect it in the most direct way with the sacred animal of the Cretan Zeus. There can be little remaining doubt that this vast edifice, which ina broad historic sense we are justified in calling the ‘* palace of Minos,” is one and the same as the traditional ‘‘labyrinth.” A great part THE PALACE OF MINOS. 437 of the ground plan itself, with its long corridors and repeated suc- cession of blind galleries, its tortuous passages and spacious under- ground conduit, its bewildering system of small chambers, does in fact present many of the characteristics of a maze. Let us place ourselves for a moment in the position of the first Dorian colonists of Knossos after the great overthrow, when features now laboriously uncovered by the spade were still perceptible amid the mass of ruins. The name was still preserved, though the exact meaning, as supplied by the native Cretan dialect, had been probably lost. Hard by the western gate in her royal robes, to-day but partially visible, stood Queen Ariadne herself—and might not the comely youth in front of her be the hero Theseus, about to receive the coil of thread forhis errand of liberation down the mazy galleries beyond? Within, fresh and beautiful on the walls of the inmost chambers, were the cap- tive boys and maidens locked up here by the tyrant of old. At more than one turn rose a mighty bull, in some cases, no doubt, according to the favorite Mycenzean motive, grappled with by a half-naked man. The type of the Minotaur itself as a man-bull was not wanting on the soil of prehistoric Knossos, and more than one gem found on this site represents a monster with the lower body of a man and the forepart of a bull. | One may feel assured that the effect of these artistic creations on the rude Greek settler of those days was not less than that of the disin- terred fresco on the Cretan workman of to-day. Everything around— the dark passages, the lifelike figures surviving from an older world— would conspire to produce a sense of the supernatural. It was haunted ground, and then, as now, ‘*phantasms” were about. The later stories of the grisly king and his man-eating bull sprang, as it were, from the soil, and the whole site called forth a superstitious awe. It was left severely alone by the newcomers. Another Knossos grew up on the lower slopes of the hill to the north, and the old palace site became a **desolation and hissing.” Gradually earth’s mantle covered the ruined heaps, and by the time of the Romans the labyrinth had become noth- ing more than a tradition and a name. THE ENGRAVED PICTURES OF THE GROTTO OF LA MOUTHE, DORDOGNE, FRANCE.* By M. EmiLe Riviere. INTRODUCTION, BY O. T. MASON. The grotto of La Mouthe is in the commune of Tayac, Dordogne, France. This remarkable valley has yielded some of the most won- derful results in the history of paleolithic and neolithic man in France. The valley of the Vezére has been especially fruitful, the following well-known sites occurring there: Gorge-d’Enfer, discovered by Lartet and Christy; Cro-Magnon, explored by Massenat; les Eyzies; La Mouthe, explored by Riviére; and Laugerie-Haute. In these caverns are found remains and human workmanship belong- ing to the Mousterian, Solutréan, and Magdalenian epochs. These three epochs form the close of the Paleolithic period in Europe and lead to the polished-stone people, especially of the Swiss Lake Dwell- ings. The following tabulated form, copied from De Mortillet’s Le Préhistorique, will show the exact position which the discoveries made by Riviére in the cave of La Mouthe occupied in the series of epochs covering the entire history of France: Table of classification. Times. Ages. Periods. Epochs. Merovingian. Wabenian. ( Waben, Pas-de-Calais. ) Champdolian. (Champdolent, Seine-et- Oise. ) Roman. = SSS a —____— Lugdunian. (Lyon, Rhone.) Beuvraysian. (Mont Beuvray, Niévre.) Historic. =|) Tron: Marnian. (Département de la Marne.) Hallstattian. (Hallstatt, Haute-Autriche.) Galatian. Recent quaternary. Protohistoriec. Larnaudian. (Larnaud, Jura.) Bronze. Tsiganian. = Morgian. (Morges, Canton de Vaud, Suisse.) “Translated from ‘“‘ Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société @ Anthropologie de Paris.’ Sér. 5, Tome 2, p. 509, 1901. 439 440 ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. “ Table of classification—Continued. x i B is") n S. Ages. Periods. | Epochs. Robenhausian. (Robenhausen, Zwrich.) Neolithic, ae Tardenoisian. ( Fere-en- Tardenois, Aisne.) Recent quaternary. Tourassian. (La Tourasse, Haute-Garonne. ) Ancient Hiatus. Magdalenian. (La Madeleine, Dordogne.) Leg erg Solutré bne-et-Loire. ee Paleolithic. (Solutré, Sadne-et-Loire. ) Mousterian. (La Mousier, Dordogne.) Prehistoric. Ancient quaternary. Acheulean. (Saint-Acheul, Somme.) Chellean. (Chelles, Seine-et-Marne. ) Puycournian. (Puy-Courny, Cantal.) Eolithic. Thenaysian. (Thenay, Loir-et-Cher.) Tertiary. For nearly ten years M. Riviére has devoted time to the exploration of these caves. His first paper was read before the Académie des Sciences, Paris. Perhaps the most interesting feature connected with the Dordogne caves is that upon their walls have been found, from time to time, fig- ures of animals cut into the rock or painted on the surface with ocher. In 1878 L. Chiron called the attention of archeologists to a grotto in the department of Gard, showing many lines cut into the sandstone wall; but it was in 1895 that M. Riviére explored another grotto or cavern—that at La Mouthe, Tayac, Dordogne. This remarkable cavern revealed, along with remains of bear and hyena, deposits of Mousterian and Neolithic relics, and also its walls and ceilings were garnished with sculptures cut in the rock and paintings in ocher. Francois Daleau also brought to the attention of the public his dis- coveries in the grotto of Pairnon-Pair at Marcamps, Gironde, which was filled with archeological deposits. Here the walls also were adorned with figures of animals cut-in, and the interior had been filled up by Magdalenian deposits quite to the ceiling. This deposit rested upon Solutréan and Mousterian layers below, and on the walls of these there were no engravings. This fact locates the engravings some- where between the Mousterian and the Magdalenian; that is, in or about the Solutréan, the horse epoch of ancient France. The carvings Dipteticds in this paper are in continuation of Riviére’s former explanations. They represent a portion only of the sculptures revealed; others will be reported on later by him. O. T. Mason. ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. 441 1 have the honor of presenting to the Anthropological Society of Paris reproductions of some of the new carvings discovered by me in the grotto of La Mouthe since my last communication, reserving still others for subsequent presentation. I shall not here review the circumstances of the discovery nor the appearance of the cave when, on June 11, 1895, I penetrated the cham- bers previously unknown; neither shall I speak of the extensive labors undertaken at that time, and which I have since pursued each year in one or more fields of research; nor shall I describe the hearths of different epochs, Paleolithic and Neolithic, which I have discovered and in great part explored from the entrance to a certain distance inward. Finally, I shall not enter into details concerning the fauna and the contemporaneous industry of each of those periods, whose dates may be determined with certainty. This would only needlessly repeat what I have said on several occasions here at the Institute, at the French Association, and elsewhere.* I limit myself to the presenta- tion of the drawings which I submit to you, and to asummary descrip- tion of the carvings of which they are faithful reproductions. These drawings are at present only seven” in number, but there are several other carvings actually discovered, which lack of time has prevented me from stamping, tracing, or molding. In the study of La Mouthe, I have simultaneously occupied myself with the exploration of hearths, the discovery of pictures, and super- intending the excavation of the clay which fills the cave almost to the roof, and with greater thickness the further we penetrate. The engravings of La Mouthe form, so to speak, a certain number of panels ° on the walls of the grotto. The seven drawings of which I here present as faithful reproductions as possible, belong to three dif- ferent panels: one about 97 meters from the entrance of the cavern, the second at 113 meters, the third at 128 meters. Two of the drawings belong to the first panel, one representing a bison, the other a bovine animal with some traces of another species. Three drawings are taken from the second panel and represent a reindeer, an ibex, and a mam- moth. The figures from the third panel are of two horse-like animals. (1) The species of animal represented by the first drawing (fig. 1) ean not be in doubt, thanks to its enormous hump (its dimensions are indeed, much exaggerated) and to the beard which it carries under the lower jaw. It is a veritable bison (Bos priscus). The creature is * Academy of Sciences, October, 1894; June and July, 1895; April, 1897; Septem- ber, 1901. French Association for the Advancement of Science, 1897. Anthropo- logical Society of Paris, June 3, 1897; November 4 and 18, 1897; November, 1899. » Five of them are the reproductic of tracings executed by me on October 1, 1900; the other two were made by M. H. Breuil on his second visit to the grotto of La Mouthe. *These panels occupy.a surface of several meters, and are separated from each other by more or less considerable intervals. 442 ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. 4 engraved in profile at 97 to 98 meters from the entrance and on the left wall of the grotto. ‘The dimensions of the drawing are far from being those of the animal (0.91 meter in length from the forehead to the extremity of the tail with a height of 0.52 meter). The head is small and well drawn. The horns are well reproduced and almost— Fig. 1. meet at their points, forming a nearly complete circle; but they have not the normal implantation of the horns of the bison. Under the lower jaw are seen numerous hairs. As to the hump which, above all, characterizes this bovid, it is enormous and, as just said, out of pro- portion with the dimensions of the animal. It begins behind the first Fi@. 2. cervical vertebre, and extends back of the sacral vertebre or almost to the origin of the tail. The latter, relatively large at its insertion, is incuryed in a quite pronounced fashion from above lownward, and ends in a tapering point. The well-made legs, as well as the hind quarters, are, however, a little too thin and long. The ventral line is slightly convex downward. ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. 443 (2) The next drawing is also of a bovid, perhaps even of two bovids, considering the confusion of the strokes. In any case, there is no suggestion of a bison. Here, in fact, there is no trace of a dorsal ‘e-DL a SS —SS i — = = SS SSS —ESS ES /f —— 4 = = =o eS eS Se ee [——— SESS 2 —~\ Ee SNS ———— STAN ———__- aS \ oS prominence, or of any hump whatever, nor any hair on the chin. The drawing measures 0.88 meter in length and 0.55 meter in height (fig. 2). The two animals which it represents, if two animals there 444 ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. be, have only a single head. The latter is fine and would seem to be rather that of one of the Cervide, were it not for the two horns which surmount the forehead and which are recurved iato nearly a com- plete circle, the two points being separated by only 33 centimeters, Between the two horns are seen a sort of ear—the right ear—but badly inserted. The two front legs are certainly those of a bovid. As to the hind limbs, they, as well as the rump, appear to belong to a second animal surmounting the first, and of which we can perceive no more than the dorso-cervical line which curves back in front, simulating a head. The bovid, properly so called, is drawn in left profile, while the bison is seen from the right, and upon the flank are a few marks, fo je \ Fia. 4. some parallel and others intercrossing, which descend to the ventral line. By its intricacies this figure offers great analogies with the drawings engraved on bone or reindeer horn, which are found in the Magdalenian hearths. I ought to add that, above this double figure, we still see two engraved lines joining each other below in such a manner as to resem- ble the leg of another animal whose picture has been commenced on the same panel. (3) The engraving of the reindeer (fig. 3) is one of the most beau-— tiful known. It measures 1.07 meters in length. The head of the animal is very well executed, I should say even in a remarkable manner; consequently it is among the more easily recognizable... It ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. 445 is strong, all striated with a multitude of strokes, either vertical or slightly slanted from the right downward to the left, some of which reach the throat. They represent the hair. The head, seen in profile, is surmounted by a horn with its basal antler directed hori- zontally from behind toward the front. The muzzle is very well drawn. On the contrary, the body is pro- portionally too short, measuring 0.70 meter from the front part of the neck to the tail. I may add that the animal is incompletely figured, for the withers scarcely exist and a line only partially indicates the back and rump. (4) The picture of an ibex (fig. 4) now follows. Here the whole animal is given with the exception of the extremities of the front legs. It measures 0.80 meter in length by 0.77 meter in height. The head is too small in proportion to the body and is surmounted by a large horn curved backward in a half circle. The ears are straight and well formed. The muzzle is well executed, but the jaw is too short. Then comes a neck much too large, resembling somewhat that of a bovid. The breast and belly are enormous. The line of the latter descends very lew in front, while the dorsal line is nearly straight, being slightly incurved to denote the slope of the rump and then the tail. The last, directed horizontally, is short and ends in a two-forked tuft. As to the limbs, the anterior are not terminated, and their length is about half that of the hind legs, which are thin and very long. In front of the ibex, and turned toward him so that the two heads face each other, is seen the engraving of a long-haired elephant. Although the animal is not complete, it does not seem to us possible to deny that it is intended for a mammoth. This is, moreover, also the opinion of those of my colleagues in the society to whom I showed the drawing (fig. 5) before the opening of the session. The form of 446 ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. the cranium, the dorsal line, the tail, the origin also of the limbs and their size, finally the numerous strokes resembling hairs, which pass downward from the belly, are indeed those of a mammoth; but neither the trunk of the animal nor its tusks can be discerned. The dimen- sions of the engraving are much reduced, 0.32 meter in length by 0.25 meter in height, all marks included. Such are the drawings from this prehistoric panel, selected among others of which I shall eventually make tracings. (6, 7) As to the two figures of the panel, situated at 128 meters from - ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. 447 the entrance, shown in the next pictures, they represent two equids, entirely different from each other, and appearing to belong to two dis- tinct species—the horse and the hemione. ‘The one has the head fine, well drawn (fig. 6), as well as the neck, the breast, and the fore legs, which are entire, hoofs included, and pretty well proportioned. The ears are straight and the mane is erect. On the contrary, the but- tocks are enormous, the belly is very large, pendulous, so to speak, the line of the withers is straight, without the least incurving; finally the croup is much too pronounced, and the short tail is drooping. As to the hind legs, they are barely sketched. Fic. 7. The engraving of this equid measures 0.75 meter in length from the line of the nose to the tip of the tail, and 0.55 meter in height. The other drawing (fig. 7) is that of a kind of bearded horse whose long and bristling mane extends almost to the withers. The head is both long and directed vertically downward, the ears are somewhat long, the forehead is projecting, and the chin has a tuft of hairs. In departing from the neck, the body is represented only by a single line—the dorsal line—which extends from the mane to the tail, figured here by several strokes about 0.35 meters long. This drawing measures in all 1.31 meters in length. It is on this panel of the two equids that several other animals appear, such, for example, as a sort of bird (genus Anas ¢) recently 448 ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. discovered; a deer, spotted, or rather in part painted with ocher, whose reproduction figured last year with that of two other animals—the bison and a bovid, or equid—at the Universal Exposition in the section — of megalithic monuments, at the request of the minister of po instruction. Such are the seven drawings which I wish to present to you to-day. I add also the reproduction of the well-made head of an ibex, which we see on the outer face of the lamp in sandstone from La Mouthe (fig. 5). As can be seen from this figure, which is identical in size with the — original, this head of the ibex is almost as remarkably executed as that of the reindeer which we have reproduced in fig. 3. The head Fic. 8. on the lamp is that of a profile in all its details—nose, mouth, eye, ear, and finally horns, which are of considerable length, measuring not less than 12 or 13 centimeters, and strongly curved in a semicir- cle.* There is nothing, even to the beard of the animal, which has not been engraved. The oval of the head measures 0.035 meter in length, and its greatest breadth is 0.023 meter. Two lines of unequal length, but nearly parallel, one descending from the left angle of the jaw, the other beginning behind the left ear, seem to attempt the representa- tion of the neck. On the other hand, the body and the legs are not figured. We perceive only, behind the line of the neck, several engraved lines, very much defaced and without any significance. “The lamp in Sapdatone from the grotto o La Mouthe (Dordogne), by Emile Riviere, 1899. " = ENGRAVINGS OF GROTTO LA MOUTHE. 449 Such is, ina few words, the description of the engraved sketches soming from the grotto of La Mouthe which I desire to present to you THE ENGRAVINGS FROM PEUCH, BY M. EMILE RIVIERE. I desire also to submit to-day for your examination one of the pictures which I have taken of the very curious engravings executed upon the yall of rock against which abut buildings of a farmhouse belonging to the village of Peuch. This presentation is merely to fix the date of this discovery, which goes back to the 5th of September, 1896, and was made by me in company with Dr. Burette, who had informed me of it a few days before. It represents a human being whose sex is not indicated. The engraving is very deeply scored in the rock. The individual measures 0.98 meter in height. The head, drawn from the front, is a simple oval, without eyes, nose, mouth, or ears. The arms are brought forward in such a way that the right hand is held upon the abdomen and the left hand hides the sex. The lower limbs end without feet at the level of the soil. To what date does this engraving go back? This is a question which shall examine subsequently in presenting the drawing of a second human being, engraved likewise in sunken lines, nearly of the same size as this one—an engraving of which I limit myself to-day to make the announcement without entering further into details. sm 1901——29 i re Fine, a Rist ee a. ? o Lia = ae THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN.* By Franz Boas. One of the chief aims of anthropology is the study of the mind of man under the varying conditions of race and of environment. The activities of the mind manifest themselves in thoughts and actions, and exhibit an infinite variety of form among the peoples of the world. In order to understand these clearly, the student must endeavor to divest himself entirely of opinions and emotions based upon the pecul- iar social environment into which he is born. He must adapt his own mind, so far as feasible, to that of the people whom he is studying. The more successful he is in freeing himself from the bias based on the group of ideas that constitute the civilization in which he lives, the more suecessful he will be in interpreting the beliefs and actions of man. He must follow lines of thought that are new to him. He must participate in new emotions, and understand how, under unwonted conditions, both lead to actions. Beliefs, customs, and the response of the individual to the events of daily life give us ample opportunity to observe the manifestations of the mind of man under varying conditions. The thoughts and actions of civilized man and those found in more primitive forms of society prove that, in various groups of mankind, the mind responds quite differently when exposed to the same condi- tions. Lack of logical connection in its conclusions, lack of control of will, are apparently two of its fundamental characteristics in prim- itive society. In the formation of opinions, belief takes the place of logical demonstration. The emotional value of opinions is great, and consequently they quickly lead to action. The will appears unbalanced, there being a readiness to yield to strong emotions, and a stubborn resistence in trifling matters. In the following remarks I propose to analyze the differences which characterize the mental life of man in various stages of culture. It is a pleasant duty to acknowledge here my indebtedness to my friends and colleagues in New York, particularly to Dr. Livingston Farrand, with whom the questions here propounded have been a frequent theme of animated discussion, so much so, that at the present time I find it impossible to say what share the suggestions of each had in the devel- opment of the conclusions reached. ® Address of the retiring president before the American Folk-Lore Society, Balti- more, December 27, 1900. Reprinted, by permission of the author, from The Journal of American Folk-Lore, Boston and New York, vol. xiv, Jan.—March, 1901. 451 452 THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. There are two possible explanations of the different manifestations — of the mind of man. It may be that the minds of different races show differences of organization; that is to say, the laws of mental activity may not be the same forall minds. But it may also be that the organ- ization of mind is practically identical among all races of man; that mental activity follows the same laws everywhere, but that its mani- festations depend upon the character of individual experience that is subjected to the action of these laws. It is quite evident that the activities of the human mind depend upon these two elements. The organization of the mind may be defined as the group of laws which determine the modes of thought and of action, irrespective of the subject-matter of mental activity. Subject to such laws are the manner of discrimination between perceptions, the man- ner in which perceptions associate themselves with previous percep- tions, the manner in which a stimulus leads to action, and the emotions produced by stimuli. These laws determine to a great extent the manifestations of the mind. But, on the other hand, the influence of individual experience can easily be shown to be very great. The bulk of the experience of man is gained from oft-repeated impressions. It is one of the fundamental laws of psychology that the repetition of mental processes increases the facility with which these processes are performed, and decreases the degree of consciousness that accompanies them. This law expresses the well-known phenomena of habit. When a certain perception is frequently associated with another previous perception, the one will habitually call forth the other. When a certain stimulus frequently — results in a certain action, it will tend to call forth habitually the same action. If a stimulus has often produced a certain emotion, it will tend to reproduce it every time. The explanation of the activity of the mind of man, therefore, requires the discussion of two distinct problems. The first bears upon the question of unity or diversity of organization of the, mind, while the second bears upon the diversity produced by the variety of con- tents of the mind as found in the various social and geographical environments. The task of the investigator consists largely in sepa- rating these two causes and in attributing to each its proper share in the deyelopment of the peculiarities of the mind. It is the latter problem, principally, which is of interest to the folk-lorist. When we define as folk-lore the total mass of traditional matter present in the mind of a given people at any given time, we recognize that this matter must influence the opinions and activities of the people more or less according to its quantitative and qualitative value, and also that the actions of each individual must be influenced to a greater or less extent by the mass of traditional material present in his mind. We will first devote our attention to the question, Do differences exist in the organization of the human mind? Since Waitz’s thorough er ee gale al ft THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. 453 discussion of the question of the unity of the human species there can be no doubt that in the main the mental characteristics of man are the same all over the world; but the question remains open whether there is a sufficient difference in grade to allow us to assume that the present races of man may be considered as standing on different stages of the evolutionary series, whether we are justified in ascribing to civilized man a higher place in organization that to primitive man. In answer- ing this question we must clearly distinguish between the influences of civilization and of race. A number of anatomical facts point to the conclusion that the races of Africa, Australia, and Melanesia are to a certain extent inferior to the races of Asia, America, and Europe. We find that on the average the size of the brain of the negroid races is less than the size of the brain of the other races; and the difference in favor of the mongoloid and white races is so great that we are justified in assuming a certain correlation between their mental ability and the increased size of their brain. At the same time it must be borne in mind that the variability of the mongoloid and white races on the one hand and of the negroid races on the other is so great that only a small number, comparatively speaking, of individuals belonging to the latter have brains smaller than any brains found among the former; and that, on the other hand, only a few individuals of the mongoloid races have brains so large that they would not occur at all among the black races. That is to say, the bulk of the two groups of races have brains of the same capacities, but individuals with heavy brains are proportionately more frequent among the mongoloid and white races than among the negroid races. Probably this difference in the size of the brain is accompanied by differences in structure, although no satisfactory infor- mation on this point is available. On the other hand, if we compare civilized people of any race with uncivilized people of the same race, we do not find any anatomical differences which would justify us in assuming any fundamental differences. in mental constitution. When we consider the same question from a purely psychological _ point of view, we recognize that one of the most fundamental traits which distinguish the human mind from the animal mind is common to all races of man. It is doubtful if any animal is able to form an abstract conception, such as that of number, or any conception of the abstract relations of phenomena. We find that this is done by all races of man. A developed language with grammatical categories presupposes the ability of expressing abstract relations, and, since every known language has grammatical structure, we must assume that the faculty of forming abstract ideas is a common property of man. It has often been pointed out that the concept of number is developed very differently among different peoples. While in most languages we find numeral systems based upon the 10, we find that certain tribes in Brazil, and others in Australia, have numeral systems based on the 3, or even on the 2, which involve the impossibility of 454 THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. expressing high numbers. Although these numeral systems are very slightly developed as compared with our own, we must not forget that the abstract idea of number must be present among these people, because without it no method of counting is possible. It may be worth while to mention one or two other facts taken from the grammars of primitive people, which will make it clear that all grammar presup-. poses abstractions. The three personal pronouns—l, thou, and he— occur in all human languages. The underlying idea of these pronouns is the clear distinction between the self as speaker, the person or object spoken to, and that spoken of. We also find that nouns are classified in a great many ways in different languages. While all the older Indo-European languages classify nouns according to sex, other Jan- guages classify nouns as animate or inanimate, or as human and not human, etc. Activities are also classified in many different ways. It is at once clear that every classification of this kind involves the forma- tion of an abstract idea. The processes of abstraction are the same in all languages, and they do not need any further discussion, except in so far as we may be inclined to value differently the systems of classi- fication and the results of abstraction. The question whether the power to inhibit impulses is the same in all races of man-is not so easily answered. It is an impression obtained by many travelers, and also based upon experiences gained in our own country, that primitive man and the less educated have in common a lack of control of emotions; that they give way more read- ily to an impulse than civilized man and the highly educated. I believe that this conception is based largely upon the neglect to con- sider the occasions on which a strong control of impulses is demanded in various forms of society. What I mean will become clear when I all your attention to the often described power of endurance exhib- ited by Indian captives who undergo torture at the hands of their enemies. When we want to gain a true estimate of the power of primitive man to control impulses, we must not compare the control required on certain occasions among ourselves with the control exerted by primitive man on the same occasions. If, for instance, our social etiquette forbids the expression of feelings of personal discomfort and of anxiety, we must remember that personal etiquette among primi- tive men may not require any inhibition of the same kind. We must rather look for those occasions on which inhibition is required by the customs of primitive man. Such are, for instance, the numerous cases of taboo—that is, of prohibitions of the use of certain foods, or of the performance of certain kinds of work, which sometimes require a con- siderable amount of self-control. When an Eskimo community is on the point of starvation and their religious proscriptions forbid them to make use of the seals that are basking on the ice, the amount of self- control of the whole community which restrains them from killing these seals is certainly very great. Cases of this kind are very nu- i --- — - Si EG SR See eS eed ae ene ae ee ee er THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. 455 merous, and prove that primitive man has the ability to control his impulses, but that this control is exerted on occasions which depend upon the character of the social life of the people, and which do not coincide with the occasions on which we expect and require control of impulses. The third point in which the mind of primitive man seems to differ from that of civilized man is in its power of choosing between percep- tions and actions according to their value. On this power rests the whole domain of art and of ethics. An object or an action becomes of artistic value only when it is chosen from among other perceptions or other actions on account of its beauty. An action becomes moral only when it is chosen from among other possible actions on account of its ethical value. No matter how crude the standards of primitive man may be in regard to these two points, we recognize that all of them possess an art, and that all of them possess ethical standards. It may be that their art is quite contrary to our artistic feeling. It may be that their ethical standards outrage our moral code. We must clearly distinguish between the zsthetic and ethical codes and the existence of an esthetic and ethical standard. Our brief consideration of the phenomena of abstraction, of inhibi- tion and of choice, leads, then, to the conclusion that these functions of the human mind are common to the whole of humanity. It may be well to state here that, according to our present method of considering bio- logical and pyschological phenomena, we must assume that these func- tions of the human mind have developed from lower conditions existing at a previous time, and that at one time there certainly must have been races and tribes in which the properties here described were not at all, or only slightly, developed; but it is also true that among the present races of man, no matter how primitive they may be in com- parison with ourselves, these faculties are highly developed. It is not impossible that the degree of development of these func- tions may differ somewhat among different types of man; but I do not believe that we are able at the present time to form a just valuation of the power of abstraction, of control, and of choice among different races. A comparison of their languages, customs, and activities suggests that these faculties may be unequally developed; but the differences are not sufficient to justify us in ascribing materially lower stages to some peoples and higher stages to others. The conclusions reached from these considerations are therefore, on the whole, nega- tive. We are not inclined to consider the mental organization of different races of man as differing in fundamental points. We next turn to a consideration of the second question propounded here, namely, to an investigation of the influence of the contents of the mind upon the formation of thoughts and actions. We will take these up in the same order in which we considered the previous ques- tion. We will first direct our attention to the phenomena of percep- 456 THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. tion. It has been observed by many travelers that the senses of primitive man are remarkably well trained; that he is an excellent observer. The adeptness of the experienced hunter, who finds the tracks of his game where the eye of an European would not see the faintest indication, is an instance of this kind. While the power of perception of primitive man is excellent, it would seem that his power of logical interpretation of perceptions is deficient. I think it can be — shown that the reason for this fact is not founded on any fundamental peculiarity of the mind of primitive man, but lies, rather, in the char- acter of the ideas with which the new perception associates itself. In our own community a mass of observations and of thoughts is trans- mitted to the child. These thoughts are the result of careful observa- tion and speculation of our present and of past generations; but they are transmitted to most individuals as traditional matter, much the same as folklore. The child associates new perceptions with this whole mass of traditional material, and interprets his observations by its means. I believe it isa mistake to assume that the interpretation made by each civilized individual is a complete logical process. We associate a phenomenon with a number of known facts, the interpretations of which are assumed as known, and we are satisfied with the reduction of a new fact to these previously known facts. For instance, if the average individual hears of the explosion of a previously unknown chemical, he is satisfied to reason that certain materials are known to have the property of exploding under proper conditions, and that con- sequently the unknown substance has the same quality. On the whole, I do not think that we should try to argue still further, and really try to give a full explanation of the causes of the explosion. The difference in the mode of thought of primitive man and of ciy- ilized man seems to consist largely in the difference of character of the traditional material with which the new perception associates itself. The instruction given to the child of primitive man is not based on centuries of experimentation, but consists of the crude experience of generations. When a new experience enters the mind of primitive man, the same process which we observe among civilized men brings about an entirely different series of associations, and therefore results in a different type of explanation. A sudden explosion will associate itself in his mind, perhaps, with tales which he has heard in regard to the mythical history of the world, and consequently will be accom- panied by superstitious fear. When we recognize that, neither among civilized men nor among primitive men, the average individual carries to completion the attempt at casual explanation of phenomena, but carries it only so far as to amalgamate it with other previously known facts, we recognize that the result of the whole process depends entirely upon the character of the traditional material. Herein lies the immense importance of folklore in determining the mode of thought. Herein lies particularly the enormous influence of current philosophie T=) “ee THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. 457 ‘opinion upon the masses of the people, and herein lies the influence of the dominant scientific theory upon the character of scientific ~ work. f It would be in vain to try to understand the development of modern ~ science without an intelligent understanding of modern philosophy; it ~ would be in vain to try to understand the history of medieval science _ without an intelligent knowledge of medieval theology; and so it is in _ yain to try to understand primitive science without an intelligent _ knowledge of primitive mythology. Mythology, theology, and phi- losophy are different terms for the same influences which shape the ~ eurrent of human thought and which determine the character of the attempts of man to’explain the phenomena of nature. To primitive ~ man—who has been taught to consider the heavenly orbs as animate q beings, who sees in every animal a being more powerful than man, to H whom the mountains, trees, and stones are endowed with life—expla- nations of phenomena will suggest themselves entirely different from those to which we are accustomed, since we base our conclusions upon the existence of matter and force as bringing about the observed results. If we do not consider it possible to explain the whole range of phenomena as the result of matter and force alone, all our explana- tions of natural phenomena must take a different aspect. In scientific inquiries we should always be clear in our own minds of the fact that we do not carry the analysis of any given phenomenon to completion; but that we always embody a number of hypotheses and theories in our explanations. In fact, if we were to do so, progress would hardly become possible, because every phenomenon would require an endless amount of time for thorough treatment. We are only too apt, however, to forget entirely the general, and, for most of us, purely traditional, theoretical basis, which is the foundation of our reasoning, and to assume that the result of our reasoning is absolute truth. In this we commit the same error that is committed, and has been committed, by all the less civilized peoples. They are more easily satisfied than we are at the present time, but they also assume as true the traditional element which enters into their explanations, and therefore accept as absolute truth the conclusions based on it. It is evident that the fewer the number of traditional elements that enter into our reasoning, and the clearer we endeavor to be in regard to the _ hypothetical part of our reasoning, the more logical will be our con- — There is an undoubted tendency in the advance of civiliza- tion to eliminate traditional elements, and to gain a clearer and clearer ~ insight into the hypothetical basis of our reasoning. It is therefore _ notsurprising that, with the advance of civilization, reasoning becomes more and more logical, not because each individual carries out his thought in a more logical manner, but because the traditional material which is handed down to each individual has been thought out and worked out more thoroughly and more carefully. While in primitive 458 THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. civilization the traditional material is doubted and examined by only a very few individuals, the number of thinkers who try to free them- selves from the fetters of tradition increases as civilization advances. The influence of traditional material upon the life of man is not restricted to his thoughts, but manifests itself no less in his activities. The comparison between civilized man and primitive man in thi respect is even more instructive than in the preceding case. A com- parison between the modes of life of different nations, and particularly of civilized man and of primitive man, makes it clear that an enormous | number of our actions are determined entirely by traditional associa- tions. When we consider, for instance, the whole range of our daily life, we notice how strictly we are dependent upon tradition that can not be accounted for by any logical reasoning. We eat our three meals every day, and feel unhappy if we have to forego one of them. There is no physiological reason which demands three meals a day, and | we find that many people are satisfied with two meals, while others enjoy four or even more. The range of animals and plants which we utilize for food is limited, and we have a decided aversion against eat- | ing dogs, or horses, or cats. There is certainly no objective reason | for such aversion, since a great many people consider dogs and horses as dainties. When we consider fashions, the same becomes still more apparent. To appear in the fashions of our forefathers of two cen- turies ago would be entirely out of the question and would expose one to ridicule. The same is true of table manners. To smack one’s lips is considered decidedly bad style, and may even excite feelings of dis- gust, while among the Indians, for instance, it would be considered as — in exceedingly bad taste not to smack one’s lips when one is invited to_ dinner, because it would suggest that the guest does not enjoy his dinner. The whole range of actions that are considered as proper and improper can not be explained by any logical reason, but are almost | all entirely due to custom; that is to say, they are purely traditional. | This is even true of customs which excite strong emotions, as, for’ instance, those produced by infractions of modesty. While in the logical processes of the mind we find a decided tend- ency, with the development of civilization, to eliminate traditional | elements, no such marked decrease in the force of traditional ele- ments can be found in our activities. These are almost as much con- | trolled by custom among ourselves as they are among primitive man. | It is easily seen why this should be the case. The mental processes which enter into the development of judgments are based largely upon associations with previous judgments. I pointed out before that this | process of association is the same among primitive men as among civilized men, and that the difference consists largely in the modifi- | cation of the traditional material with which our new perceptions | amalgamate. In the case of activities, the conditions are somewhat i ht > ela. THE MIND OF PRIMITIVE MAN. 459 different. Here tradition manifests itself in an action performed by the individual. The more frequently this action is repeated, the more firmly it will become established, and the less will be the conscious ‘equivalent accompanying the action; so that customary actions which are of very frequent repetition become entirely unconscious. Hand in hand with this decrease of consciousness goes an increase in the emotional value of the omission of such activities, and still more of the performance of actions contrary to custom. Palestine Exploration, 1882, p. 178. THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. 619 2 feet in width, and 3 feet in height, except at the probable point of meeting, where the height is 4 feet 6 inches. The length is 1,708 feet, and there is a fall of 1 foot in this distance. About the middle of its course there are apparently two false cuts, as if a wrong direction had been taken; but possibly these were intentional, and provided passing places for the workmen and material. On the soffit of the tunnel is carved an inscription, of which the fol- lowing is a translation: ‘*Behold the excavation. Now this had been the history of the excavation. While the workmen were still lifting up the pick, each toward his neighbor, and while 3 cubits (4 feet 6 inches) still remained to cut through, each heard the voice of the other, who called to his neighbor, since there was an excess of rock on the right hand and on the left. And on the day of the excavation the workmen struck each to meet his neighbor pick against pick, and there flowed the waters from the spring to the pool for 1,200 cubits (1,820 feet), and 100 cubits (151 feet) was the height of the rock over the head of the workmen.” A Roman engineer gives an account of a tunnel which was being driven under his directions for an aqueduct. And as he was only Point of Meeting < 6 POOL OF aes PES oe SILOAM K 2 Fst Share 2 Shast The Virgins 30 Fe. Wed (Noe to Scala) Fic. 2.—Plan of Tunnel from Spring to Pool of Siloam. able to yisit the work occasionally, he describes how on one of his visits he found the two headings had missed each other, and he says that had his visit been deferred much longer there would have been two tunnels. The accurate meeting of the headings or driftways of a tunnel can only be attained by the exercise of great care, both as regards direc- tion as well as level. We need not go very far to find instances of such an error as inac- curate meeting, but there is one well-known case on an important main line in the Midland ccunties where the engineers failed to meet, and to this day reverse curves exist in the tunnel to overcome the difficulty. To attain this accurate meeting fine wires are hung down the shafts of a tunnel, with heavy plumb bobs suspended from them in buckets of water, or of tar, to bring their oscillations to rest, the accurate direc- tion being given by means of a theodolite or transit instrument on the surface. The wires are capable of side movement by means of a delicate instrument (which is on the table), and are gradually brought exactly 620 THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. into the same vertical plane; hence, if they are correct at ‘* bank,” or surface, they must also be correct below ground. The engineers below have to drive the galleries or headings so that only one wire is visible from their instrument; so long as one wire exactly eclipses the other wire, the gallery is being driven in the right direction. As regards accuracy in levels, this is done by ordinary leveling; but it will be seen at once how much depends on care being devoted to both these operations. Assume two shafts, 1,000 yards apart, between which a gallery has to be driven, and allowing a distance of 10 feet between the wires, which are one-fortieth inch in diameter, an error of the diameter of the wire at the shaft will cause a mistake of nearly 4 inches at the point of meeting, or of 7} inches if a similar error occurs at the other shaft: in the opposite direction. The trickling of water down the wires — increases their diameter so appreciably, and therefore conduces to further inaccuracy, that it is found necessary to fix a small shield or umbrella on the wire to deflect the water. (This shield is to be seen on the table.) Some years ago, a tunnel which had been commenced, but not fin- Fic. 3.—Plan. ished, had to be completed. The first thing to be done by the engi- neers was to make an accurate survey of the then condition of the work—this rough sketch (see fig. 3) indicates what was discovered. The explanation given by the former ‘* ganger” was, that he found the rock too hard, and he thought that by bearing round somewhat to the right he might get into more easily excavated material! When the wires are hung down the shaft it is sometimes almost impossible to prove that they are not touching, and consequently being deflected from the true vertical line by some rope or pipe, stag- ing or timber in the shaft. To overcome this, an electrical current was passed down the wire—a galvanometer being in circuit. If the wire proved absolutely silent, and no deflection was obtained in the galvanometer, the conclusion could be safely drawn that the wire was hanging freely and truly. In driving the necessary adit or heading for drainage purposes beneath a subaqueous tunnel, a rising gradient from the shaft bottom of 1 in 500 is allowed, to enable the water at the ‘‘ face” to flow away from the workmen to the pumps in the ‘‘sump” or shaft bottom (see fig. 4). THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. 621 When the heading is driven sufficiently forward to justify the commencement of the main tunnel, a fresh difficulty presents itself. This main tunnel has to be driven down hill, and consequently the water collects at the working face A; the bottom can not therefore be removed until a bore-hole is put down from A to a. When this is done the remaining excavation can be taken out, and a further length of tunnel driven to B. A bore hole is now sunk from B to 4, whilst that from A to @ can be plugged up; and thus the tunnel is gradually advanced. By the adoption of the Greathead shield much of this difficulty can be avoided; but one subaqueous tunnel through water-bearing strata, at considerable depth, is sufficient for a lifetime. As an illustration of the danger to which men are exposed in such work, it is stated, with much regret, that in a certain tunnel, notwith- Theodolite Wire | Were SORA °oyg PON SN evel (for N Ns MQY WS \ (Not to Scale) Fic. 4.—Diagrammatie section to illustrate method of constructing tunnel below river bed. standing every precaution being taken, all the men engaged in driving the drainage heading by means of a tunneling machine have died; and in the case of the first Vyrnwy tunnel crossing of the River Mersey—driving by Greathead shield under pressure—the mortality was great. Having explained in very general terms some of the difficulties of tunnel construction, we will proceed to the case of the great tunnels through the Alps, and for the purpose of rendering the subject more easily intelligible, the following particulars may be given: Byeere eee | Arlberg. |Simplon. Mem aatoly tina Oban less o..2)\s asi le Sac coy ha aehe ea seceees 9.3 7.98 6.36 12. 26 North or east portal above sea level...........-. eyteseren feet... 3, 639 3, 766 4, 296 2, 254 South or west portal above sea level.,..............--- dor... 3, 707 4,164 3, 998 2, 080 ESS), [COGS ard etree ea cere PS ae ae Tee en as 3, 788 4, 248 41,300 2,314 Maximum grade in tunnel per 1,000............2............-- 5. 82 30 15 : 7 Maximum height of mountain above tunnel .......... feet... 5, 598 5, 428 2, 362 7,005 Possible maximum temperature of rock ......... deg. Fahr.. 85 85 65 104 622 THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. MONT CENIS TUNNEL. The Mont Cenk, or as it is more accurately called, the Frejus Tun- nel, is nearly 8 miles in length. It is for a double line of way, width being 26 feet and height above rails 20 feet 6 inches. The construe- tion is of excellent character, and it is lined throughout with either masonry or brickwork, except for two lengths of 100 meters and 70 meters, respectively. In these two lengths solid white quartz was encountered, and two years were occupied in penetrating it. The gal- lery of direction is straight throughout the actual tunnel, being curved away to the portals. The system of setting out will be described in more detail when we come to consider the case of the Simplon, but in passing we may remark one peculiarity which does not attach to the other tunnels, viz, that the gallery of direction on the Italian side is shut off by a massive grating from the railway tunnel, and is occupied by guns and Gatlings and by a detachment of artillery, the French portal being commanded by an armor-plated fort. The approaches to the tunnel, both on the Italian and French sides, are severe, amounting to 30 per 1,000 or 1 in 33 on the former, and 25 per 1,000 or 1 in 40 on the latter. Owing to an alteration during construction on the Bardonnechia side, it became necessary to introduce an ascending gradient for about 1 kilometer in length at the Italian end of the tunnel, and this has resulted in seriously compromising the ventilation A rough diagram will serve to give an idea of the ee and the consequent difficulty in working the traffic. Trains coming from France with an ascending gradient of 1 in 40 against them for a length of 7 kilometers, when followed by a current of air in the same direction, produce a most disastrous state of things. In this tunnel, as in all other steep tunnels, engines having a heavy load behind them go through with their regulator full open, ejecting great volumes of smoke and steam, which travel concurrently with the train, and the inconvenience and discomfort produced are very great. At each kilometer in the tunnel a refuge or ‘‘ grande chambre” is provided for the men, and this is supplied with compressed air, fresh water, a telephone in each direction out, a medicine chest, barometer, and thermometer. The custodians of the tunnel go in pairs, and if one man is affected by the want of oxygen or dense smoke, the other can render assistance or telephone for further help. The men can retire into these cham- bers, close the door, turn on the air, and wait either for the tunnel to clear or for a locomotive to fetch them out. ; The temperature in the middle of the tunnel remains nearly con- stant, summer and winter, and is about 19° to 20° C. = 66° to 68° F. The altitude of the tunnel is 4,248 feet above sea level, and the Pate |. Fox. Smithsonian Report, 1901. THE METHOD OF TRANSPORTING THE MINERS ABOUT TO ENTER THE TUNNEL AT BRIGUE, IN THE RHONE VALLEY. SIMPLON TUNNEL. SMALL HAND TUNNEL WAGONS UPON LARGER TRUCKS IS SHOWN. <= THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. 623 height of the mountain above the tunnel is 5,428 feet; the temperature of the rock is greatly influenced by this latter fact. The question of the temperature of the rocks passed through in the construction of a tunnel is one of great interest, jeres 3.000 Smerres 10 20 36 40 50 60 70 as it depends upon sey- ree tt sae OF ae We, NTAL ve iy (ae ere | eral conditions: (1) The tae ee see ; character of the rock; / (2) the inclination of the beds, those which attain a vertical or nearly ver- tical position being less able to confine the heat than those which are more or less horizontal]; (3) the height of the mountain above the tun- nel, or, in other words, the thickness of the 2 000: blanket. A diagram is shown (see fig. 5) giving the 600 temperature actually encountered in the St. Gothard and Arlberg ve tunnels, and from these, aided by the carefully prepared geological sec- mour cens Ie 1333 Metres a ARLBEAG 16.2 tion along the- center 300 LE 310 mecres line of the Simplon Tun- s ke nel, an approximate line [182 Metres (in red) is given of the 00 ie temperatures which are tye 3 expected. The possibility of oe cooling the rocks and 800 the air of the tunnel will ; ee. be dealt with later on, o but there is in addition Fats ; Fic. 5.—Curves showing depths corresponding to an increase in a permanent lowering temperature of 1° C. for the Mont Cenis, Gothard, and Arlberg of the temperature after enh curve of probable temperature for the Simplon the tunnel is complete, particulars of which will be given under the description of the St. Gothard. For each 144 feet of superincumbent rock or earth the increase is found to be 1° F. 624 THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. THE ST. GOTHARD TUNNEL. This, which is at present the longest railway tunnel in the world, is 9.3 miles in length, and constitutes the summit of the ‘‘Gothard bahn”—that is, the railway which runs from Lucerne to Chiasso on the Italian frontier. There are about 100 tunnels in all, most of which are for double line of way, the permanent way Reing very heavy, the rails weighing 100 pounds to the yard. The altitude of the tunnel at its north portal is 3,639 feet, and at its south portal 3,757 feet above the sea. A eallany of direction was driven throughout, and the gradient of the rails is only such as to pro- vide for efficient drainage, viz., 5.82 per 1,000, or about 1 in 172. The following table may be of interest, giving the result of investi- gations as to the cooling of the rocks: TEMPERATURE OF THE ROCK IN THE ST. GOTHARD TUNNEL. [Degrees are centigrade. ] 7.3 kilo. from the north 7.05 kilo. from the south portal. portal. Date. Lowering. | Lowering. Temper- >|) CMP Clan eee == ature. Succes- | my¢, ature, Succes- Rigen Total. cinae Total. (eo) fe} fe) (eo) ° fo} April and May, 1880, the year when the tun- Melwas PLeELCeds fc iaeta nee meee es eee SOs 46.5.) siecle tee 90/08) |e cian oe | eee VINE PROS O es cea See eee ete cites aEeetae 23.73 GAY Cia Gee ase 23.39 pk Meee DIT ABS S terse eee = tke eee ee eta Se Fe 22. 20 1.53 8. 26 23.1 0. 29 7.48 | Although the works were carried on with energy, and with all the best appliances then known, the time occupied was ten years; but the most serious feature of the work was the heavy mortality among the men. No less than 600 deaths occurred, including those of both the engineer and contractor. From the experience then gained great improvements have been introduced into the works of the Simplon, as will be described later n; but the heavy loss of life in the St. Gothard was due to insufficient ventilation, the high temperature, the exposure of the men to the Alpine climate after emerging from the tunnel, the want of care as to the changing of the men’s wet mining clothes, and the poor character of he food with which the men supplied themselves. All this has been greatly ameliorated, and even in English tunnels certain improve- ments have been introduced which were brought from Switzerland. The traffic through the tunnel has so largely increased that the ques- tion of ventilation became of pressing impor ance, and the system of Signor Saccardo, the well-known Government inspector of railways and engineer of Bologna, has been installed, which is an ingenious ‘(HON| AUVNOS Yad SYNSSAYdq SGNNOd OGZ) SATIN OML LNOGV JO JONVLSIG V ‘SSNOH YAMOd OL 3SNOH YSLVM BHL WOU4 YALVM DNILONGNOO ‘(HSLAWVIG SSHON| § L354 €) NIV OIINVYGAH 1331S 3HL Ad ANOHY SHL 4O ONISSOND “TANNA L NOTdWIS a died ilicl j ; *XOj—' | 06| ‘Hodey ueluosy}IWUS THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. 625 appucation of the injector system. One of the first introductions of this method was in the case of the Pracchia Tunnel, on the main line between Florence and’ Bologna, through the Apennines. This is a railway of single line, and was built many years ago by the late Mr. Brassey. There are 52 tunnels in all, but those on the eastern side are of comparatively little importance. On the western slope the gradient nearly throughout is 25 per 1,000 (or 1 in 40), a d it is here the greatest difficulty exists. There are several tunnels whose lengths approximate to 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 yards, and the traffic is both heavy and frequent, the locomotives very powerful, with eight wheels coupled. Under any conditions of wind the state of the longest tunnel is bad, Ce coretia oe Lee ; 1U Ske AIR CHAMBER CURRENT —+» im SS SSNS SANANAANAR NAA ANAS AAAS BS INDUCTION Fig. 6.—The Saccardo system of ventilating tunnels. but when the wind is blowing in at the lower end at the same time that a heavy goods or passenger train is ascending the gradient a state of affairs is produced which is almost insupportable, and one might as conveniently travel in a furnace flue. A heavy train of dining and sleeping carriages, with two engines, conveying one of the crowned heads of Europe and suite, arrived at the exit of Pracchia tunnel with both enginemen and both firemen insen- sible; and in other cases passengers have been seriously affected. Owing to the height of the mountain, no shafts are available; but Signor Saccardo places a ventilating fan near the mouth of the tunnel and blows air into it through the annular space which exists between the arch of the tunnel and the gauge of maximum construction. (See sm 1901——40 626 THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. fig. 6.) The results are remarkable; the volumes of air thrown into the tunnel per minute being as follows: Cubie feet. Direct from the fants. <2: 2.2024 524 ech eee Oe eee ee eee 161, 860 Induced. drait' through open’ tummel mouth == 22 spe oe eee eee 48, 140 Total! ee. 2 SE ee 210, 000 or 100 cubic meters per second. The temperature of the tunnel air before the fan was started was 107° F., with 97 per cent of moisture, whereas after the fan had been ~ running a few minutes the temperature was 81° F., or a lowering of — 26° F., and the tunnel was cool and free from smoke and vapor. One can travel through with both windows open and feel no incon- venience, the only remark of the brakeman riding on the top of the wagons and carriages being that he finds it almost too cold. This application is without doubt the solution of the difficult prob- lem of tunnel ventilation under high mountains and elsewhere where shafts are not available and where electric traction is not applicable. This system has within the last twelve months been brought into operation on the St. Gothard, with the most satisfactory results. Care- ful experiments are being made, but there is no doubt that the prob- lem has been solved. In addition to these tunnels, the Saccardo system has been applied to the Giovi Tunnel, near Genoa—3,300 meters in length—and is being installed on the Giovo Tunnel on the Genoa-Roneco Railway, 8,303 meters in length, besides on some seven other tunnels in Italy, and plans are being prepared for the Mont Cenis. THE SIMPLON TUNNEL. This tunnel is now in rapid course of construction, the total length of gallery driven up to end of April being as follows: Yards. - On the north, or Brigue;, side ofthe: Alps’: - 25> S2e 55 2 eee ee ee 3, 228 On the'south, or Isellé;. side‘of the Alps.-3. 2: S255. 0-5 ee eee ee 2, 350. or over 3 miles in little more than eighteen months, including the necessarily slow progress at the commencement. The total distance between the two portals will be 21,564 yards, or 12.26 miles. A gallery of direction has been driven at both ends until the actual tunnels are reached, so as to form a directly straight line — for the accurate alignment of the work, from end to end. This great undertaking will consist of two single-line tunnels run- ning parallel one to the other, at a distance apart from center to center of 55 feet 9 inches; and one of the chief features is the much lower alti- tude of the rails above sea level than any of the other Alpine tunnels. This altitude is at its highest point 2,314 feet, being 1,474 feet lower level than that of the St. Gothard, 1,934 feet lower than that of the “SANIHOVIA DNIHYOS 3ALVYVdsS JASYH| ODNIGQIOH YVq NOVY SHL SNIMOHS ‘NSWXYHOM JO ONVS SLI HLIM TANNO JL SNIMSLNA T11Yq MOOY OIINVYGAH LONVYG SHL “TANNO | NO IdWIS “WW) atv 1d THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. 627 Mont Cenis, and 1,986 feet lower than that of the Arlberg. This is a matter of great importance in the question of haulage of all the traftic. The tunnel enters the mountain at the present level of the railway at Brigue, so that no costly approaches are requisite on this side; but on the Iselle side, the connecting line with the existing railway at Domo d’Ossola necessitates heavy work with one helical tunnel. The gradient on the northern portion of the tunnel will only be that sufli- cient for drainage, viz, 1 in 500, but on the southern portion the gradient will be 7 per 1,000, or 1 in 142. Admirable arrangements have been made for the welfare of the men, to avoid the heavy death rate which occurred on the St. Gothard, and it may be interesting to state what some of these are. For every cubic foot of air sent into the latter tunnel, fifty times as much will be delivered into the Simplon. Special arrangements are made for cool- ing the air by means of fine jets of water and spray. The men on emerging from their work, wet through and fatigued, are not allowed to go from the warm headings into the cold Alpine air outside, but pass into a large building which is suitably warmed, and where they change their mining clothes and are provided with hot and cold douche baths. They put on warm dry clothes, and can obtain excellent food at a moderate cost before returning to their homes. Their wet and dirty mining clothes are taken charge of by appointed custodians, who dry and clean them ready for the morrow’s work. These and other precautions are expected to reduce the death rate to a very great extent. With a view to the rapid advancement of the work, the late M. Brandt, whose death is greatly to be deplored, devised after his long experience on the St. Gothard his now well-known drill. As details of this have been published, and as they would be too technical for this evening’s discourse, it will only be necessary to refer to them briefly. This drill is nonpercussive, nor is it armed with diamond. It is a rotary drill 3 inches in diameter with a pressure on the cutting points of 10 tons moving at slow speed, but capable of being acceler- ated at pleasure, and of being rapidly withdrawn. It is armed with a steel tool with 3 cutters, of which samples are on the table. The car- riage on which it is mounted enables it to work in any direction. The face of the tunnel is attacked by 10 to 12 holes in the case of the hardest rock, those in the center being 3 feet 3 inches in depth, while those round the circumference are 4 feet 7 inches. The drills are driven by hydraulic pressure of 100 atmospheres, or 1,470 pounds, to the inch, and the cutter having a three-quarter-inch hole along its center, all the waste water is discharged right onto the cutting edges, thus keeping them cool and washing out the débris. The time taken for each portion of the attack in the hard Antigorio gneiss is as follows: Bringing up and adjustment of drills, twenty 628 THE GREAT ALPINE TUNNELS. minutes; drilling, one and three-fourths to two and one-half hours; charging and firing, fifteen minutes; clearing away débris, two hours; or a total of between four and one-half to five and one-half hours, resulting in an advance of 3 feet 9 inches, or a daily advance of nearly 19 feet 6 inches. The progress of each of the two faces during the month of April last has averaged 17 feet 34 inches per day, and is a remarkable corrob- oration of the speed estimated by the engineers four years ago. The estimate was as follows: Daily progress at each face: Feet. Mirst. years Sitio. 32 oes See eee ee ee ee ee 8. 85 Sevond year ons .cseui 5. Bost eee Ree es ee 17. 22 Mbird year's cs syste ae bes Fase Ee Be ee Dee eee ee 19. 18 Fourth Years 25..7. << 2 nck eee e Beee ee ees oe a ee eee a aoe 21. 32 Put year... Fos2t feece sce hat One ae ee ees Boe eee a eee re 31. 16 The work is now in its second year, so that the estimated speed is being exceeded. In other words, the tunnel is being driven through granite at a higher speed than is attained in London clay. Water power is abundant, and the waters of the Rhone are har- nessed to the work, whilst those of the Diveria, provide the power at Iselle. Views are given of the intake from the Rhone, the concrete aque- duct, the metallic conduit pipes, 3 feet, and 3 feet 2 inches in diameter, which carry a pressure of 250 pounds to the inch. The further neces- sary increase in pressure is obtained by high-pressure pumps in the power house. It was at one time intended to sink a 20-inch bore hole from the village of Berisal to the tunnel, a depth of some 2,400 feet, for the purpose of delivering water at high pressure for the works. This may still be done, but the meandering of the tool might result in the awkward dilemma of having to search for it, in solid rock, below ground. Some few years ago a rather amusing incident occured in connec- tion with a tunnel, which is worth recording. A certain railway com- pany were constructing a tunnel beneath and nearly at right angles to an existing tunnel of one of the large English railway companies. As the legal formalities were not actually completed, the engineers were requested to stay proceedings until all was in order, and they instructed the contractors accordingly, but the latter were anxious not to incur any delay, and they quietly and surreptitiously continued to drive their heading through. The engineer of the existing railway suspected this, and sank a bore hole on the center line of the new work, expect- ing his tool would, at the correct level, drop into the heading, ata depth of 70 feet. The contractors looked for a similar result, and therefore placed a sheet of steel on the roof of their drift, so that the SulA| 4 $S9}E9IE)—'"| OG | Hoday UBIUOSU}ILUS ‘| aLv1d THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. By 8. P. LANG ey. (Introducing a paper by F. A. Lucas. ) A question of interest to all who are attracted to the subject of aerial navigation by flying machines (or things heavier than the air, and which. therefore, do not float like a balloon, but are dependent entirely on some mechanical power for their support) is, “* What has nature her- self done in the way of large flying machines, and are the birds which we see now the limit of her ability to construct them?” In former epochs of our planet’s history there were larger flying creatures than now, notably the Pterodactyl, **a brother to dragons,” a reptile rather than a bird, but a reptile with enormously great wings. We do not know just how great this was in the living creature, except conjecturally, for we have only the skeleton. To take the expanse of the wing skeleton of a bird as giving us the expanse of wing of the actual bird would be to greatly underestimate it, the stretch of the skeleton being much less. The skeleton (which is all we have left of the Pterodactyl, a featherless reptile, and in that important respect different from a bird) will be more nearly in expanse that of the living creature. We have here in the illustration (Pl. I) a larger than ordinary speci- men of Ornithostoma, a Pterodactyl whose skeleton indicates a spread of wing of about twenty feet. It is compared with that of the condor, nearly the largest bird now on the planet. For my immediate purpose I will recall to the reader that birds are divisible into two classes: (1) those who soar with little motion of their wings, and yet in some mysterious manner keep their generally weighty bodies afloat on the yielding air, and (2) those who flap their wings. Ornithostoma belongs almost unquestionably to the first of these classes. Its weight is not to be exactly estimated, but from a variety of considerations, part of which are quoted by Mr. Lucas in the ensu- ing paper, it is possible that the average specimen of Ornithostoma, in spite of its great wing space, did not weigh over thirty pounds. 649 650 THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. Now we wish for our especial purpose of comparing this bird with other flying things, to know (a) the supporting area in square feet, () the weight, and (c) the power for (1) a flying machine of man’s inven- tion, which has actually flown for comparatively long distances, (2) like facts for this the largest of nature’s flying machines, and (3) for some of our present birds. To recapitulate, we need for our special purpose at least the following data for any flying thing, namely, (1) the supporting area in square feet, (2) the weight in pounds, and (3) the horsepower which drives it through the air. It is evidently impossible to exactly recover all of these for the Pterodactyl, and hard to definitely establish all three even in living specimens, but we may assume in the case of the horsepower that it is proportioned to the area of the attachment of the muscles which moved Diagram of the Aérodrome. the bird in flight, an assumption which is doubtless only approximately true, but may serve our immediate purpose. With this understand- ing I present, together with an instantaneous photograph of a steel flying machine in actual flight (Pl. 11) (repeated here from a previous publication), a diagram (Pis. Il, IV) representing the above three facts in the case of (1) the flying machine, (2) the Pterodactyl (Ornitho- stoma), (3) the condor, and (4) the buzzard, all soaring things, and (5) the wild goose, (6) the pigeon, and (7) the humming bird, which last three fly by moving their wings. This steel flying machine shown in the instantaneous photograph had a supporting area of 54 square feet, a weight of 30 pounds, devel- oped 14 horsepower, and repeatedly flew from one-half a mile to three-quarters of a mile. These facts are represented in the diagram by the three rectangular figures whose areas are proportional to these values. Immediately after it comes nature’s greatest flying machine, Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Greatest Flying Creature PLATE Il. LANGLEY’S AERODROME No. 5 IN FLIGHT, May 6, 1896. From instantaneous photograph by A. Graham Bell, esq. THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. 651 the Pterodactyl. This may have been quite 20 feet from tip to tip of wing. The paleontologist says that approximately the wing surface was 25 square feet, the weight something like 30 pounds, and I infer from the consideration just quoted that the power was probably less than 0.05 horsepower; the immensely greater economy and efliciency of nature in the respect of power being most strikingly shown by the size of the small rectangle as compared with that in the flying machine of man’s invention. After this comes the condor, preeminently a soarer. Its stretch of wing is 9 to 10 feet, its supporting area very nearly 10 square feet, its weight 17 pounds, and the approximate horsepower it develops (inferred from the facts already stated) scarcely 0.05. Next comes the turkey buzzard, whose stretch of wing is 6 feet, its supporting area a little over 5 square feet, its weight 5 pounds, and the approximate horsepower it develops (as above) 0.015. All the above are soaring birds. I now pass to another order of birds, wnich flap their wings. The wild goose, with a supporting area of 2.7 square feet, has a weight of 9 pounds, and needs a propor- tionately greater power of nearly 0.026 horsepower to drive it, as against scarcely 0.02 horsepower in the last example. Next we have another familiar bird, the pigeon, which drives itself by flapping the wings. This has an area of about 0.7 of 1 square foot, a weight of | pound, and a horsepower of 0.012. Below this we come to the humming bird, whose area, being shown on the same scale as the others, is almost too small to be distinguished on the page, but which has a supporting surface of nearly 0.03 of a square foot, a weight less than 0.02 of a pound, and a horse- power of probably not over 0.001. (AIl these values, as we have already said, are but approximative. ) Particular attention is to be paid to the fact that regarding the ratios of supporting surface to weight supported, these ratios are not only not the same in all the birds, but themselves differ greatly, but systematically, with the absolute weight. If we inquire how much 1 horsepower would support, for instance, supposing the ratios of sustaining surface (i. e., wing area) to weight to be constant, we find that 1 horsepower would, in the flying machine, support 20 pounds with 36 square feet area of wing (i. e., 1$ square feet to a pound); and that, passing to the flapping birds, if the wild goose were to pre- serve the same relations on an enlarged scale, its 1 horsepower would support 346 pounds of weight with the use of 101 square feet of wing surface or 0.29 square feet to the pound; that in the pigeon 1 horse- power would support 83 pounds of weight with the use of 58 square feet of wing surface or 0.7 square feet to the pound, and that in the humming bird 1 horsepower would support 15 pounds of weight with the use of 26 square feet of wing surface or 1.73 square feet to the pound. So that, broadly speaking, so far as these few examples go, the 652 THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. larger the creature the less relative surface and power is needed for its support. From the obvious mathematical law that the area in bodies in gen- eral increases as the square of their dimensions, while their weight increases as the cube, it is an apparently plain inference that the larger the creature or machine the less the relative area of support may be (that is, if we consider the mathematical relationship, without reference to the question whether this diminished support is actually physically sufficient or not), so that we soon reach a condition where we can not imagine flight possible. Thus, if in a soaring bird which we may suppose to weigh 2 pounds we should find that it had 2 square feet of surface, or a ratio of a foot to a pound, it would follow from the law just stated that in a soaring bird of twice the dimension we should have a weight of 16 pounds and an area of 8 square feet, or only half a square foot of supporting area to the pound of weight, so that if flight is possible in the first case it would appear to be highly improb- able in the second. The difficulty grows greater as we increase the size, for when we have a creature of three times the dimensions we shall have twenty-seven times the weight and only nine times the sustaining surface, which is but one-third of a foot toa pound. This is 2 conseguence of a mathematical law, from which it would appear to follow that we can not have a flying creature much greater than a limit of area like the condor, unless endued with extraordinary strength of wing. But this apparently necessary mathematical consequence is not the law of nature, for while it is found that in the larger bird a smaller area for each pound of the weight is given under the law than in the smaller bird, it is also found (what is another thing) that this smaller area is nevertheless sufficient, and that from. the mathematical law just cited there does not follow the apparently obvious consequence (notably in the larger creatures like the condor, perhaps less notably in such a creature as the Pterodactyl) that the bird can not be sup- ported, and while the fact is certain that it can, the cause of this does not seem to be clearly known. Special cases, it may be said, may furnish an exception to what in the nature of things must be the general rule. Such, however, again does not seem to be the fact. This anomaly which is even now not generally appreciated seems to have been first noticed by a French observer, M. de Lucy, who about 1868 published a memoir, which I have not seen in the original, but an English translation of which was published in the Fourth Annual Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain for 1869, and an extract from which is here repro- duced. The same facts are given at greater length in an article by Dr. Karl Miillenhoff, of Berlin, in the Archiv fiir die Gesammte Physiologie, Volume XX XV from which Plate V is taken. ra <7 ae Eek i“ PT +e xo 2 (Doce pie deol Cae ea al oi et 3 ew it ke ZI o¢ Se Pipe ee 6). Gel at IE ves O° Ao) AN IHOWVWW a A Sa "4aMOd assoy G7'Q= "Ul ‘bs | “ayeos ‘spunod cj ="ul ‘bs | “ayeos "a4 ‘bs og = ‘ul ‘bs | ‘ajeag J@MOq SSAOH SPUNOY Ul 4WUsSIEM 32984 aueNbs ul eauy Bulqsoddng “Wl aiv1 ainjesdt auik S9}JeIIH— | N6 jiuda ueruosu}ilu 2) [a SSPE) 106 Yy S ONIddv14 ONIYVOS IE) Sait mB ~ dear (8) Wat = Poston Ie Oe el fl el “Al 3LV1d OINpEaIZ Buih| 4 }sa}eais) 1061 ‘Hoday ueiuosyyiMsS THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. 653 M. de Lucy’s table. [From the Fourth Annual Report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain for 1869, page 63.] INSECTS. Square feet of = wing sur- Bom | face per | pound of weight. NOE ote ieiniein cis ciclo =:n'ssise = ane Seine oe a meee tees saine Psa eee See ae a aale eC Sees sais wloem eee | 49 GPR ERO TIMELY Ss (RENTSLL I) ict e een Soe oe, Sel a ce eens aia oh telah ssa aise ie ee eee Bets oe SPS ee 30 Coccinella (ladybird) .......-.. eee eee eo sees eee ein Shas eweSore Sosa oe aes 26.6 EPS GEL Vane COITLIDL DIN) et ere eee a nia ine ee es eae mine, wane eens seank wees. etek 21.6 TURE TTLIG YS Coa eo Va hel Foy eta eres a A en 14.5 Sea ee i a eer es Ie ee cette me cictata icin Caleimie cia min tc aise Mike e Sawle 8 oe oe | ROIs) UP Sa et ane mee aoe erent a5 os cea ices Senin ce meteor mace sa eig ek Wee oe ae cree Sons oleae cece / 5.6 TDS een (ENG) 2S See eS As eS See aan a Ae ee en ee SE ee Se ee 5.08 MSR TUTE Ty, See oan cate eS ets Snarate yee = sles w/a/aseis aYolereis miei aoe ines sie Sawdon acces debeedecwtees Joetces byl, Pupusa rmlestae Deane, (LEMaAle)) eo. caacace ee Ns eeeee cee = seta s acces ngs seackcspseecsee 4.66 PH COLy ss SLaeDeeble, (MAG) <--eanssocs et ae cee votes ae poe eaemie oc NS wear 3.75 Pe OCETOS I DCCULGISs atecites aes ceca tee eee ncaa sien snes acteee eta ebinen does sweaters’ secs eeawe 3.14 BIRDS. STUDIOS Ge A as SS a SIR SE te eR ee eee ee ne a hes 4,82 SYD RO AYR G2 i ae 7 a ee a AG Se gi a a i a 2D Sea Trl CIC ee tN aia Se a oe eras ete re eae =e wef cine ae Sew erin bs Oe eset waS ee eee oh eis Zag (SU ELC Dg Abs sent ie a ec oR SS Se ics) a Pe ee a ie Pee se Ws2b: in all its existing proportions till it weighs 1 pound. The surface dimensions of its wings will then be as given. The above insects and birds vibrate their wings and do not soar. The table shows that the law (i. e., the law that the larger the creature the less the necessary relative area of support to a given weight) holds not only in the case of the large soaring bird, but in the case of smaller ones which flap their wings, and even in the case of insects. The explanation may be very near at hand, but it is not to me evident. The accompanying table, from Mouillard’s L’Empire de L’Air, deals with the same facts, and exhibits the paradoxical law that the greater the creature the smaller the (relative) supporting surface: Table showing weight, wing area, and square feet of wing surface which sustains 1 pound of weight. * : Square feet Tos : fing sur- | of wing Latin name. Common name. W ie } facein |surface per ae: ~ ‘square feet.) pound of weight. SAE CIEZ OTOP Sereech owl: -<-.<22-te- eee 0.33 | 0.776 2.35 RUCIDILEH MISUSE 8. a2 2B aioe Se oe | sparrow, naw. -22 24s 336 | 69 2.05 Larus melanocephalus.............- Black-headed gull ....-.... | — .619 | 92 1.49 Rae PALIN DAES 255.2 Fe mse 25) Gosshaiwits--3-=e oe sae — .641 . 84 1.31 Meuse pracn VOUS 1-2-2222 2024 -~ cs | Short-eared owl ...-.--_.... { — .67 | 1.50 2.24 Moiswaleinelius: .:. 2:2 5.2. oscceecu~ Glossy lbiss2 sss eeseteeece| — .806 | 1, 24 1.54 MGMT CORKE St 2 gs tee eee Rayenl.o.--Sc2n: dense eecceee ; — 1.34 2.50 1.87 Milyusimepyptiacus.......-.---.--.--- Kite ee ee ca oe — 1.41 3.02 2.14 Bandiom DANAetus 2. - obsess oes ivishihaiwiktss sts ae see coe — 2.80 | 3. 1.08 Neophron perenopterus. ...-..-.---- | Scavenger vulture.......... — 3.83 af .95 CONTIG VES G7) 6: Yee ae Turkey buzzard. 35.2... — 9.6 3. 95 Pelecanus onocrotalus...........-.-- Wibiteipelicaniass2= 2. --en-- — 6.66 6. 95 Pheenicopterus antiquorum ........ Ic hasthty7o) oes ee ae — 6,34 3.£ 5d NERA WEIS opt so ccnais wichos Sic ire vote Sei Grifiont vultures: 6-2. 2652. —16. 52 Wee 68 Sarcorhamphus gryphus.........-.- | Coma oneaae nn LAs 8 ee 3 Mc —16. 52 9. AY Otogyps auricularis.................. | Eared vulture —17.76 11 68 aData compiled chiefly from Mouillard, L. P., L’Empire de L’ Air, Paris, 1881. 654 THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. The curve (Plate V) shows the same facts in a graphic form, and they seem to me to deserve a fuller explanation than has yet been given to them. I now invite the reader’s attention to Mr. Lucas’s interesting paper. S. P. LANGLEY. THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE, THE GREAT PTERODACTYL ORNITHOSTOMA. By F. A. Lucas, United States National Museum. No one animal combines all the best features of weight, power, and wing area needed in a flying machine, for those with the greatest ex- panse of wing are by no means the heaviest and strongest, while the most powerful birds are not those of the longest sustained flight or those which fly to the best advantage if considered from an economical standpoint. The Frigate Bird, which is perhaps the bird of all others most at home in the air, lacks carrying capacity, being so far as mere muscle goes comparatively weak, sailing by skill and not by strength. Birds of prey, on the other hand, which can carry away a quarry of very nearly their own weight, fly when they do this by labored strokes of their powerful pinions, with an apparent expenditure of considera- ble power, sailing or soaring only when not encumbered by extra weight. The Albatross, which has a maximum weight. of 18 pounds and a spread of wing of 11 feet 6 inches, is the most notable example we have of long sustained flight in a heavy bird,* and it is the more remarkable from the fact that as the wing is extremely narrow its area is very small, not exceeding 7 square feet. The surplus lifting power of this bird is quite small, since the wing muscles on whose area we must base our estimate of the amount of force exercised in flight are comparatively small. Both the Albatross and Frigate Bird, however, are of double interest from the very fact of their great ex- tent of wing and small amount of muscle, since they thus throw some light on the question of the length of wing that may be manipulated with a given force. “Sailors sometimes catch an Albatross, fasten to it a tag bearing the name of the to) c=) ship, date of capture, latitude and longitude, and then release the bird. A specimen - thus tagged and subsequently taken by another ship is preserved in the museum of Brown University, show‘ng that in twelve days it had traversed a distance of at least 3,150 miles, probably more, since the Albatross rarely flies in a direct line. Aa wee Ae ee ee ee = — 2. ee aie. ‘auIg JO LHDISM GSSVSYONI HLIM 3OVSYNS ONIAA JO 3SVSYHO3SG SAILV1ISH ONIMOHS SAYHND ‘A 3LV1d einyeasg Suid) 4 }se}eaig—' 1 Qo, ‘Hodey ueiuosy}iWS THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. 655 The Condor, and his cousin, the California Vulture, weigh about the same as an Albatross,* but the broad, rounded shape of their wings gives them a much greater area, and this difference is, in turn, related to differences in flight, for the great vultures soar high in the air, while the Albatross skims the sea, rarely rising to an elevation of 150 feet. It is to be noted, however, that the question of food has something to do with the mode of flight, since the one bird seeks its food from the surface of the water, while the other mounts aloft to scan the earth in search of something eatable. Humboldt is credited with having seen a Condor soaring above the summit of Chimborazo; but that this or any bird ever attains such an altitude” is more than questionable, and Whymper, the most recent and most careful observer, puts the range of the great Vulture at from 7,000 to 15,000 feet. The Condor is said to attain a spread of wing of 15 feet, but no bird of anything like this size is preserved in any collection, and even 10 feet 6 inches from tip to tip may be looked upon as exceeding the normal or average size.“ As the Albatross averages 10 feet from tip to tip, and is said by good observers to reach 12 or even 14 feet, it may be pretty safely set down as having the greatest stretch of wing of any animal now living. Certainly the Albatross stands first in length of wing bones, for these measure 8 feet 3 inches in the great wander- ing Albatross. while the bones of a large Condor have a combined length of but 6 feet | inch. Moreover, the Albatross inhabits the wind-swept seas of the Southern Hemisphere, one of the stormiest regions of the globe, and is continually called upon to wield its pinions in the teeth of gales, and the successful manner in which this is done calls forth the admiration of the observer. So far as carrying weight is concerned, the Trumpeter Swan stands at or near the head of the list, for this bird attains a weight of 28 pounds, and carries this far and fast with a spread of wing of 8 feet. Its mode of flight is entirely different from that of the Albatross, being *A California Vulture, 1 year old, in the National Zoological Park, weighed 183 pounds. © "Birds are known to migrate at a very considerable elevation, but it is believed that none have as yet been recorded so high as4 miles. The height of Chimborazo is 20,494 feet. © A fine Condor from Patagonia had a spread of only 8 feet 8 inches, and the Cali- fornia Condor in the National Zoological Park at Washington measures but 9 feet 23 inches across the wings. Like most large animals, Condors shrink wofully before a tape line. *The largest of four Albatrosses measured by the writer had a spread of wings of only 10 feet 5 inches, but these were birds of 1 year and 2 years old, and many of the old birds seen were certainly much larger. The ship’s carpenter claimed to have measured a bird of 12 feet spread. 656 THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. performed by powerful wing beats, while the latter bird rarely flaps its wings, but sails over the water with little apparent expenditure of muscular power. In default of these birds the Wild Goose (Bernida canadensis) and Turkey Buzzard may serve as representatives of differ- ences in method and apparatus of flight. The goose, like his relative the swan, flies by means of the strokes of his wings and carries a weight of 9 pounds, with a wing area of 2.65 square feet and a muscle area of 8.84 square inches; the sailing buzzard, with a weight of 5 pounds, has a wing area of 5.3 square feet and a muscle area of 5.12 square inches. Thus the one bird has 0.3 square foot area of wing per pound of weight, while the other has 1.06 square feet per pound of weight. Or, if we wish to compare the area of wing to the area of sternum, we may say that in the goose this ratio is 48 to 1 and in the buzzard 149 to 1. The minimum of wing area, both positively and comparatively, is reached in the humming birds, which may be typified by a species common in Barbados (udam- pis chlorolemus). This little bird, weighing 0.015 pound, has a wing area of 0.026 square foot, and a muscle area of 0.33 square inch, a ratio of 11.4 to 1, while, if brought up to ounces, the wing area per ounce would be but 0.76 square inch. These differences are dwelt on at some length in the introduction to this paper, where they are graphically expressed by means of diagrams and compared with the weight, horsepower, and supporting area of a flying machine. The buzzard may be compared to a racing yacht with small hull and great spread of canvas; the humming bird, like a torpedo boat, is mainly engine. Mammals may be practically left out of consideration in discussing large flying creatures, for while many of the bats fly with the utmost dexterity, none of them attain any considerable size, the largest of the fruit bats (Pteropus edulis) weighing under 3 pounds and haying a spread of wing of 5 feet. Almost everyone is acquainted with the rapid fluttering flight of small bats, and it need only be said that the large species fly with measured wing beats not unlike those of a crow. Such are some of the flying forms of to-day, and, with few exceptions, they seem not to have been exceeded by any creatures of the past. THarpagornis, the extinct eagle of New Zealand, was larger and more powerful than any existing bird of prey, although the South American harpy eagle is a near second;* but the more notable exceptions were the great flying reptiles, or pterodactyls, which abounded on the shores of the inland sea that during Cretaceous time extended from the Gulf of Mexico up the Mississippi Valley and northwesterly through Kansas. And as the huge dinosaurs were the largest creatures that ever walked, *A specimen of this bird, Thrasaétus harpyia, in the National Zoological Park, weighs 193 pounds, ee a ae nae "VNWOLSOHLINYO TALOVGOESLd LVAYH AHL a ea Es s ee ae yA Se . ee tn sales Be a eg Se ‘IA 3LV1d ‘ainyeaig BuiA| 4 jse}zeasg— 1961 ‘Hodeay ueluosyjiwIS THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. 657 so the greatest of these pterodactyls were the largest creatures that ever flew, their outstretched wings having a spread of 20 feet from tip to tip. There is one possible rival, a bird supposed to be a relative of the pelicans, described by Professor Cope under the name of Cyphornis; but as this bird is known from a small fragment only and its wing area very far from certain, Cyphornis may be ruled out of competition. The greatest of the pterodactyls, Ornithostoma ingens (Pl. VI), has been described at some length by Prof. S. W. Williston, of the State University of Kansas, and from his articles have been taken the facts relating to this curious creature that are herein embodied. The great moa marks one extreme of specialization, the dispropor- tionate size of the hind as compared with the fore limbs, for this big bird had legs 6 feet long and no fore legs at all; Orn¢thostoma marks the other extreme with a wing 9 feet in length and a leg so small and weak as to be of little use save for spreading the wing membrane. For, like other pterodactyls, whose wings are accurately known from their impressions in the fine-grained lithographic stone of Solenhofen, this species doubtless had a membranous wing something like that of a bat. As for the body, being that of a reptile, it must have been naked and possibly covered with small scales like those on the body of an iguana, so that on a small picture the skin would appear quite smooth. While the body was small in comparison with the extent of wing, the head, which was principally beak, was very nearly 4 feet long, extending backward to form a large but thin crest. This has a direct relation to the enormous length of the beak, since it furnished a point of attachment for muscles whose pull counterbalanced the lever- age of the front part of the head. The beak was dagger-like, being very narrow, pointed, and quite toothless. Whether this beak was covered with a thin, hard skin, like the epidermis on the head of a crocodile, or with horn, like the bill of a bird, is not positively deter- mined, but the weight of evidence is in favor of the former, since none of the pterodactyls yet found show any traces of a horny bill. In the peculiar shape of the lower, back portion of the beak there is a sug- gestion of the former presence of a small pouch, like that found in cormorants, and this would be in accord with the supposed fish-eating habits of Ornithostoma. ike other animals with long, narrow wings, Ornithostoma doubtless sailed somewhat after the manner of the alba- tross. This is inferred not only from the size and shape of the wing, but from the comparatively small size of the breastbone, to which were attached the muscles used in flight. Birds which fly by strokes of their pinions have the breastbone deeply keeled to furnish room for the attachment of the wing muscles, and the size of this keel is in direct relation to the rapidity of the wing strokes, reaching its maxi- mum in the humming birds, in which the wings are vibrated so rapidly as to be invisible. Birds which sail have the breast muscles much sm L9OL 42 658 THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. reduced, and the extreme of reduction is found in the frigate bird, which, with a spread of wing of 6 feet 4 inches, has. a muscular area of only 3.50 square inches. * There is another point in the anatomy of Ornithostoma besides length of pinion that lends strength to the supposition that it sailed, and this is found in the structure of the fore limb. It was pointed out by Mr. Huffaker that in spite of the deficiency of muscle shown by soaring birds the support of the wing was very strongly built; thus the frigate bird with its small breastbone has the bones of the shoulder joint firmly united with one another and with the breastbone. In the albatross strength is gained by shortening and widening the bone to which the wing is directly fastened and giving it a broad base for attachment to the breastbone. In the great pterodactyls strength was obtained by bracing the shoulder blade against the backbone, in the manner shown in the diagram; thus the body, so to speak, was slung from the wings. In addition, three sections of the backbone were united in one piece in order to give a firm point of attach- ment, the whole arrangement curiously suggesting the fore leg of a turtle. In spite of its great extent of wing, Ornithostoma was not a heavy animal, 7 possibly not so heavy as the trumpeter SEED, swan, for the body was small and the How the wing of gb de issup- bones reached the extreme of lightness, eee being far lighter than inany bird. This may be appreciated by quoting Professor Williston’s remark that the bones were almost papery in their character, one of the finger bones 26 inches long and 2 inches in diameter being no thicker than a cylin- der of blotting paper. The same authority, basing his estimate on this extreme lightness of structure and the small size of the body, places the weight of one of these pterodactyls at only 25 pounds, and with this weight and its great spread of wings the creature must have flown as lightly asa butterfly. Even if we increase the estimated weight by 20 per cent, we have a creature weighing but 30 pounds, so that the body was even more an appendage to the wings than in the frigate bird, and seems to have been just heavy enough to counterbalance the weight of head and neck and insure equilibrium. "This is stated with some hesitancy, as no sternum of a large albatross is available, and it may be that, all things considered, the albatross has the least amount of wing muscle. The ratio of wing muscle to wing is smaller in the turkey buzzard than in the frigate bird, being, respectively, 1:125 and 1: 114, this owing to the much broader wing of the buzzard. On the other hand, the great humming bird (Patagona gigas) has a ratio of muscle to wing area of 1:23, and a small species a ratio of but 1:11.39. Scheie 8 A: ‘THMOSN A APISTOATU LA) OTR Ot] UL Uouttoods @ WOdy “VWOLSOHLINYO TALOVGOYNALd LVSY5 AHL JO 11NXS cod “HA S3LV1d ‘ainyeala BulA| 4 jso}eaug—'* [961 ‘Woday ueiuosuyiws THE GREATEST FLYING CREATURE. 659 As Ornithostoma was capable of long sustained flight, and as its bones are found under conditions indicating that it went far out to sea, it is not improbable that it fed largely or entirely on fish. That they formed a part of its diet is certain, for fish bones and scales are found with the remains of pterodactyls, and it is easy to imagine this great reptile gliding over the sea, with outspread wings, snatching up fish right and left with its long beak as easily as a museum assistant picks them out of a jar of alcohol witha pair of forceps. The bird in the foreground is represented in our illustration as just turning to its right, the left wing being advanced and raised to cause the turn. With its small body and enormous wings Orn/thostoma may be looked upon as the king of flying creatures, and as more highly spe- cialized than any flying animal before or since his time. Finally, it is an interesting question as to whether or not the con. dor, the albatross, and the pterodactyl mark the limit of size attain- able by flying creatures—are the mechanical difficulties in the way of using wings so great that evolution stops at a weight of 30 pounds and aspread of wing of 20 feet? Would animals above that size have trouble in manipulating their wings and be unable to compete with smaller and more active forms, or is it that the exigencies of life have never called for the development of a larger creature / These are queries that may not be settled offhand, and it may only be said that the vast majority of birds are small and agile, and that, although birds and pterodactyls flew side by side over the Cretaceous seas and shores, the birds never reached the size of their reptilian associates, and, so far as we know, these mark the limit of size among ilying animals. Pha ser SMITHSONIAN REPORT, 1901, JOHNSTON PL. | H. H. JOHNSTON PINX AHOEN & CO,LITHP CAUSTIC, BALTIMORE THE OKAPI. (OKAPIA JOHNSTONI) REDUCED ONE HALF FROM SIR HARRY JOHNSTON’S ORIGINAL PAINTING REPRODUCED FROM PROCEEDINGS ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, LONDON, 1901. VOL. II THE OKAPI; THE NEWLY DISCOVERED BEAST LIVING IN CENTRAL AFRICA.* By Srr Harry H. Jounsron, K. C. B., Special Commissioner for Uganda, British East Africa; the discoverer of the Okapi. The author of this article remembers having encountered in his childhood—say, in the later, sixties—a book about strange beasts in Central Africa which was said to be based on information derived from early Dutch and Portuguese works. The publication of this book was more or less incited at the time by Du Chaillu’s discoveries of the gorilla and other strange creatures on the west coast of Africa, and its purport was to show that there were in all probability other wonderful things yet to be discovered in the Central African forests. Among these suggested wonders was a recurrence of the myth of the unicorn. Passages from the works of the aforesaid Dutch and Portu- guese writers were quoted to show that a strange, horse-like animal of striking markings in black and white existed in the very depths of these equatorial forests. The accounts agreed in saving that the body of the animal was horse-like, but details as to its horn or horns were very vague. The compiler of this book, however, believed that these stories pointed to the existence of a horned horse in Central Africa. Somehow these stories—-which may have hada slight substratum of truth—lingered in the writer’s memory, and were revived at the time Stanley published his account of the Emin Pasha expedition, In Darkest Africa. A note in the appendix of this book states that the Kongo dwarfs knew an animal of ass-like appearance which existed in their forests, and which they caught in pitfalls. The occurrence of any- thing like a horse or ass—animals so partial to treeless, grassy plains— in the depths of the mightiest forest of the world seemed to me so strange that I determined to. make further inquiries on the subject whenever fate should lead me in the direction of the great Kongo forest. Fate was very kind to me in the matter. In the first place, soon after I arrived in Uganda, I was obliged to intervene to prevent a too-enterprising German carrying off by force a troop of Kongo “Reprinted, by permission, from McClure’s Magazine, September, 1901, pages 497-501. 661 662 THE OKAPI OF CENTRAL AFRICA. dwarfs to perform at the Paris Exhibition. These little men had been kidnaped on Kongo Free State territory. The Belgian authorities very properly objected, and as the German impressario had fled with his dwarfs to British territory, they asked me to rescue the little men from his clutches and send them back to their homes. This I did, and in so doing, and in leading them back to the forests where they dwelt, T obtained much information from them on the subject of the horse- like animal which they called the ‘‘okapi.”* They described this creature as being like a zebra, but having the upper part of its body a dark brown. The feet, however, they said, had more than one hoof. When I reached Belgian territory, on the west side of the Semliki River, I renewed my inquiries. The Belgian officers at once said they knew the okapi perfectly well, having frequently seen its dead body brought in by natives for eating. They informed me that the natives were very fond of wearing the more gaudy portions of its skin; and calling forward several of their native militia, they made the men show me all the bandoliers, waist belts, and other parts of their equipment made out of the striped skin of the okapi. They described the animal as a creature of the horse tribe, but with large, ass-like ears, a slender muzzle, and more than one hoof. For a time I thought I was on the track of the three-toed horse, the hipparion. Provided with guides, I entered the awful depths of the Kongo forest with my expedition, accompanied also by Mr. Doggett, the naturalist attached to my staff. For several days we searched for the okapi, but in vain. We were shown its supposed tracks by the natives, but as these were footprints of a cloven-hoofed animal, while we expected to see the spoor of a horse, we believed the natives to be deceiving us, and to be merely leading us after some forest eland. The atmosphere of the forest was almost unbreathable with its Turkish-bath heat, its reeking moisture, and its powerful smell of decaying, rotting vegetation. We seemed, in fact, to be transported back to Miocene times, to an age and a cli- mate scarcely suitable for the modern type of real humanity. Severe attacks of fever prostrated not only the Europeans, but all the black men of the party, and we were obliged to give up the search and return to the grass lands with such fragments of the skin as I had been able to purchase from the natives. Seeing my disappointment, the Belgian officers very kindly promised to use their best efforts to procure me a perfect skin of the okapi. Some months afterwards the promise-was kept by Mr. Karl Eriks- son, a Swedish officer in the service of the Kongo Free State, who obtained from a native soldier the body of a recently killed okapi. He had the skin removed with much care, and sent it to me accom- “As a matter of fact, the dwarfs pronounced the word ‘‘o’api,’’ but the big blaek tribes of the forest called the creature ‘‘ okapi.”’ Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Johnston. PLATE I] HEAD OF THE OKAPI. Drawn by Sir Harry H. Johnston. THE OKAPI. Drawn by Sir Harry H. Johnston. From Mr. Rowland Ward’s * 3uilding up of the Animal in the British Museum.’ THE OKAPI OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 6638 panied by the skull of the dead animal, and a smaller skull which he had obtained separately. The skin and skulls were forwarded to Lon- don, where they arrived after considerable delay. The British Museum intrusted the setting up of the okapi to Mr. Rowland Ward, of Picca- dilly, and from the mounted skin and other data I have made the drawings which illustrate this article. 1 also give a photograph, taken by myself, of a bit of forest where the okapi was found. Before sending this skin to Europe, and while it still retained some indica- tions of the shape of the animal, I made the colored drawing which appears as the frontispiece to this issue of McClure’s Magazine, and which will also be given in the Proceedings of the London Zoological Society. This colored drawing differs in some particulars from the appearance of the okapi as set up by Mr. Rowland Ward, and as rep- resented in the illustrations of the presencarticle. Until the okapi has been photographed alive or dead, and its exact shape in the flesh is thus known, it is difficult to say which of my two drawings is the more correct. In the first illustration, which appears as the frontispiece, I have given the creature a more horse-like build. In the sketch which accompanies this article, and which is in the main drawn from Mr. Rowland Ward’s building up of the animal from the flat skin, the shape of the body inclines a little more to the giraffe, the okapi’s nearest ally. The size of the okapi is that of a large stag. It stands relatively higher in the legs than any member of the ox tribe, otherwise i should compare its size to that of an ox. Like the giraffe, this creature has only two hoofs, and no remains whatever of the other digits, which are represented in the deer, oxen, and in most antelopes by the two little ‘‘ false hoofs” on either side of the third and fourth toes. The coloration of the okapi is quite extraordinary. The cheeks and jaws are yellowish white, contrasting abruptly with the dark-colored neck. The forehead is a deep red chestnut; the large, broad ears are of the same tint, fringed, however, with jet black. The forehead ranges between vinous red and black in tint, and a black line follows the bridge of the nose down to the nostrils. The muzzle is sepia col- ored, but there is a faint rim or mustache of reddish-yellow hair round the upper lip. The neck, shoulders, barrel, and back range in tone from sepia and jet black to rich vinous red. The belly is blackish, except just-under the knees. The tail is bright chestnut red, with a small black tuft. The hind quarters, hind and fore legs are either snowy white or pale cream color, touched here and there with orange. They are boldly marked, however, with purple-black stripes and splodges, which give that zebra-like appearance to the limbs of the okapi that caused the first imperfect account of it to indicate the dis- covery of a new striped horse. The soft parts of the animal being 664 THE OKAPI OF CENTRAL AFRICA. as yet unknown, it can not be stated positively that the okapi pos- sesses a prehensile tongue like ie giraffe, but the long and flexible lips would seem to atone for the very weak front teeth. It is prob- ably by the lips and tongue that the creature gathers the leaves on which it feeds, for according to the accounts of the natives it lives entirely on foliage and small twigs. Like all living ruminants (except the camel), it has no front teeth in the upper jaw. The molars are very like those of the giraffe. My first examination of the skull and skin of the okapi caused me to name it tentatively ‘‘ Helladotherium.” The helladotherium was a giraffe-like animal that existed in the Tertiary epoch in Greece, Asia Minor, and India. In India the helladotherium attained a very great size, but the Greek specimens were not quite as large as the modern giraffe. The helladotherium was hornless, like the okapi, and in another point it resembled this animal, because the neck was not dis- proportionately long, and the fore and hind limbs were nearly equal in jength. The okapi bears on its skull remains of three horn cores, once no doubt as prominent as those in the existing giraffes. The process of degeneration, however, has set in, and in the living okapi the horn cores have been worn down to two small knobs on the fore- head, covered outwardly with little twists of hair, and one less con- spicuous knob or bump just between the eyes. Though the okapi bears certain superficial resemblances to the helladotherium, it is prob- able, on the whole, that it comes nearest in relationship to the giratte. Being, however, sufficiently different from both, it has been constituted by Prof. Ray Lankester a separate genus, to which he has given the name Ocapia. So far as is yet known, the existing range of the okapi is confined to the northern part of the Kongo forest, near the Semliki River. The okapi is found in the little territory of Wisco: which is an out- lying portion of the Uganda Protectorate. It is also found in the adjoining territory of the Kongo Free State. This same forest, I believe, conceals other wonders besides the okapi, not yet brought to light, including enormous gorillas. I have seen photographs of these huge apes, taken from dead animals which have been killed by the natives and brought in to the Belgians. A careful search might reveal several other strange additions to the world’s mammalian fauna. Quite recently fossil remains of giraffe-like animals have been found in Lower Egypt, as well as in Arabia, India, Greece, Asia Minor, and southern Europe. It is possible that the okapi and the giraffe are the last two surviving forms of this group in tropical Africa. The giraffe. has escaped extermination at the hands of carnivorous aninale by its de- velopment of enormous size and by its wary habits. The giraffe, unlike Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Johnston. PLATE Ill. THE HOME OF THE OKAPI, SEMLIKI FOREST, EASTERN KONGO FREE STATE. From a photograph taken by Sir Harry H. Johnston. THE OKAPI OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 665 the okapi, prefers relatively open country, dotted with the low acacia trees on which it feeds. Towering up above these trees, the giratfe with its large eyes can from 20 feet above the ground scan the sur- rounding country and detect the approach of a troop of lions, the only creature besides man which can do it any harm. Man, of course—the British and Boer sportsmen well in advance of the others—is doing his level best to exterminate the giraffe, as he has exterminated the mammoth, the Ur ox, the quagga, the dodo, and the auk. But for the presence of man, the giraffe might have been one of the lords of the earth. The defenseless okapi, however, only survived by slinking into the densest parts of the Kongo forest, where the lion never pene- trates, and where the leopard takes to a tree life and lives on monkeys. The only human enemies of the okapi hitherto have been the Kongo dwarfs and a few black negroes of the larger types who dwell on the fringe of the Kongo forest. How much longer the okapi will survive now that the natives possess guns and collectors are on the search for this extraordinary animal, it is impossible to say. It is to be hoped very earnestly that both the British and Belgian Governments will combine to save the okapi from extinction. The group of ruminants to which the Ocapza belongs includes at the present day the giraffe and possibly the prongbuck of North America. Far back in the history of the Artiodactyla,* when in a section of them horns became the dominant characteristic, these appendages were developed mainly in two different fashions. The deer tribe grew bony appendages which started from knobs on the frontal bones, and these appendages fell off and were renewed every twelve months. When the horns of the stag fall, they leave only a bony knob, which rises very little above the level of the skull. The Bowide, or oxen-ante- lope group, developed first long bony prominences which went on growing year by year up to the age of full maturity. These bony prominences came in time to be cased by horny coverings, and thus we have the hollow-horned ruminants; for when these horny coverings are removed from the long bony socket they are found to be hollow: they are not solid bony antlers growing from the top of a horn core. But midway between these two main groups there is a third, of which the giraffe and the prongbuck are two divergent specimens. Here was an intermediate stage between the deer and the oxen. Bony promi- nences, like those of the Lowide, but not so long, grew out from the skull and were covered with hair. From the top of these prominences (as in the case of the prongbue ‘k, the extinct Sivatherium, and probably «Most of the Paes of McClure’s Magazine are aware that ie pane ty fi are a suborder of ungulates in which the middle toes are equally developed. This group includes the hippopotamus, the pigs, camels, deer, giraffes, oxen, sheep, goats, and antelopes. 666 THE OKAPI OF CENTRAL AFRICA. i in the ancestors of the giraffe) grew antlers or horns which were shed — from time to time, as in the deer. This is the case with the modern prongbuck, and in all probability this was the case with the ancestors — of the giraffe and other early members of the giraffine family. To-day — the giraffe only retains the long horn cores or sockets, from the end of which in all probability antlers once sprang. In the case of the okapi, — as already remarked, these bony prominences have gradually dwindled — to scarcely discernible bumps. In other respects, however, the new beast of Central Africa represents pretty nearly the primitive type — from which the giraffe rose in exaggerated development of neck and — limbs. . OBSERVATIONS ON TERMITES, OR WHITE ANTS. ByoG. edd avananp, M.A. MM. B., oF. 1:°8.* The Termitide, commonly known as ‘* white ants,” are insects feed- ing on wood and dead vegetable matter, living socially in colonies of sterile and fertile individuals, which grow very slowly and have no pupa stage. Antenne situated in a shallow fossa at the side of the head just above the base of the mandibles. Mandibles powerful, except in the soldiers of some species. Maxillee with double chitinous hooks and long 5-segmented palpi. Head hinged to the prothorax by means of a pair of lateral cervical sclerites. Tarsi of 4 segments, the distal as long as the three proximal together. Pronotum, mesonotum, and metanotum distinct. Abdomen of 10 segments; the ventral plate of the basal segment absent; that of the apical segment divided, and bearing at the lateral ends a pair of short cerci; that of the 9th seg- ment in the larva, and often in the adult, with a pair of small papille near the center of its posterior border. Males with a pair of compound eyes placed just above the antennal fosse, and for the most part a pair of ocelli situated near their inner borders. Frequently there is a median fenestra. When young there are: two pairs of large, membranous, nearly equal wings, which in rest are superposed and project far beyond the apex of the abdomen. These wings are used in flying from the nest, and then shed across a transverse basal line, leaving subtriangular wing stumps. The vas deferens opens behind the ventral plate of the 9th abdominal segment. The males live permanently along with the females, but there are no copulatory organs. Females when young closely resemble the males. The ventral plates of the 8th and 9th abdominal segments are divided, and the halves are smail and separated. When the female becomes the mother of a colony her abdomen enlarges by dilatation of the cuticle between the chitinous plates, and sometimes there is secondary chitinization extending forward from the anterior borders of the plates. The soldiers are sterile, wingless, and for the most part blind. Their head is chitinous and strong, peculiarly and variously modified “From Journal Linnean Society, Zoology, Vol. XX VI, 1897-98. 667 668 TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. for defense. The segments of the antennz are more elongate than in the males and females, and fewer, generally in the proportion of 8to9. The mandibles are very various in the different species, but very characteristic of each species, and quite different from those in the males and workers. The gula is large and firmly united to the head, generally for the greater portion of its length. The cervical sclerites are larger than in the males and workers. The thorax and abdomen are generally but little chitinized. The latter is generally more quadrate than in the workers. Some individuals have rudiments of ovaries, and some of testes; but the ventral plates of the 8th and 9th abdominal segments are always entire. The workers are wingless and for the most part blind; they are but little chitinized, and larval in appearance. The head is round, the an- tenn are shorter than in either male or soldier, and the number of segments intermediate. The mandibles are short and powerful and covered by the obtuse labrum. In species which nest in the wood on which they live the form is cylindrical, and the legs shorter than the abdomen In species which wander much in search of food the thorax is considerably narrowed, and the legs longer than the abdomen. Termites inhabit all the warm regions of the earth in countless num- bers. They are unable to withstand a prolonged winter’s frost. Their ereatest enemies are ants. Their chief means of defense is their power of burrowing and building. CLASSIFICATION. In the matter of genera I have followed Hagen. His genera admit of distinctions common to every caste. The genus Zermes contains numerous species of very diverse forms and habits, yet it can not be subdivided by characters common to every caste. * * * The genus Zermes is so large that Hagen, who tried to make several genera of it, failed owing to the incompieteness of his material. I also have failed, and think that in the interests of naturalists the attempt should be postponed. The genus does, however, present nat- ural groups and these I have attempted to define, but more material and further examination will alter the definitions and limits I have given. The groups can seldom be distinguished by characters common to every caste, nor are the limits of the groups the same if we rely on the soldiers as if we rely on the males. The largest forms of the genus are fungus growers. There is an American group of large termites, represented by 7. dzrus, which are almost certainly fungus growers; the soldiers have a pair of lateral horizontal spines on the pronotum. There are three Old World groups of fungus growers. The most important is represented by 7Z. deldi- cosus; it builds tall mounds; the imago and soldiers are of large size. ee ee EE oo oer errr eee ee a eee TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. 669 and the latter have a transparent tip to the labrum and a toothless margin to the mandibles. The second is represented by 7. vulgaris; it builds insignificantly small mounds or none at all; the imago is large, but the soldiers are of moderate size, have a few bristles at the tip of the labrum and a minute tooth at the middle of the cutting margin of each mandible, or at any rate of the left one. The last group, repre- sented by 7) dncertus, has individuals of moderate size and quite differ- ent habit from those of the previous groups. A remarkable group, in which the soldiers have a very large foramen in front of the head, from which when angry they can discharge a copious viscid milky fluid, has been given the subgeneric name Copto- termes by Herr Wasmann. The group is quite worthy of generic rank. Another remarkable group, in which the soldiers have a minute foramen in front of the head and a long labrum reaching to the tips of the strongly toothed mandibles, was given the subgeneric name Rhinotermes by, Dr. Hagen. This group also is worthy of generic 7) I cena These groups, the fungus-growers, Coptotermes and Lhinotermes, have soldiers with pronotum more or less flat, and antenne of usually more than 14 segments, and abdominal papillae usually easily visible. They have imagos in which the wings show the median nerve midway between the submedian and subcostal. The remaining groups, con- taining much the larger number of the species, have imagos, in which the wings show the median nerve much nearer the submedian than the subcostal, and soldiers whose antenne have seldom more than 14 seg- ments. It is to these that Dr. Hagen gave the subgeneric name Lutermes; they comprise numerous groups, with difficulty recognized by the imagos, but readily recognized by the soldiers. The uterime had been previously applied by Heer to some fossil forms of the genus Termes, known only from the imago, and in one case only from the wings. The name was limited by Dr. Fritz Miller to a much smaller group, that in which the soldiers have rudimentary mandibles and a long, conical rostrum. He raised this group to generic rank. It is ¢ natural group, worthy of generic rank, if indeed it be not worthy of forming several genera, but its was not in this sense that Heer or Hagen used fhe name Mutermés..*- * .-* The species of the genus 7ermes seem in some cases to be very distinct and readily distineulshablo. and in other cases to pass indistinguish- ably into one another. In the groups in which the species are not easily distinguishable, I have not attempted to outdo nature in distinctness; indeed, in this respect I am conscious of shortcomings. In every case I trust that more reliance will be placed on my specimens than on my descriptions. 670 TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. CHARACTERS. The enormous number of individuals in a nest, all of whom may be considered as the children of the same parents, provides material for the study of normal variation and of specific limits scarcely to be met with elsewhere. The great difference of character in the different castes also introduces new conditions in the classification of species, and in the study of heredity, not often to be met with. In the genus 7ermes the soldier is by far the best caste to determine species from; not only is the soldier easier to determine than the male, but it is found in almost every nest, and usually wherever the workers go. Though the imago was the caste on which Hagen founded most of his species, though it is the form found fossil in amber, though it is the form caught flying round a lamp at night, yet it is generally absent from the nests, and is often insufficient for the deter- mination of species. I have not found the cheracters of the wings very useful or reliable. In one case I have based species on differ- ences in the imago, though I could see no difference whatever in the soldier; but as a rule my species are based chiefly on apparent differ- ences in the soldiers. There are two external characters, which are correlated in the soldiers and the males of the genus Zermes. The abdominal papille show a corresponding degree of development, and the number of segments of the antennz is approximately in the proportion of 8 to 9. The characters of the antenne are probably more important than any others in the determination of the species. It is easy enough with a little care to determine whether the apical segments are present or, as often happens, are broken off, for the apical segment is of a different shape from the others. Although the segments of the antennx are fewer in soldier than in the male, they are generally longer and more cylindrical, so that the antenne of the soldiers are often as long as or longer than those of the imago. The antenne of the workers, on the other hand, are always much shorter, yet the number of segments which compose them is never less than in the soldier and never more than in the male. The actual length of the antenne in the genus Termes seems to be but little correlated with the actual number of segments which compose them, whether we compare the different species, or whether we compare the different castes. Long antenne go with long legs, and this is true whether we compare caste or spe- cies. Long legs and long antenne go with much walking and forag- ing; and this is true when we look to differences between species, but not when we look to differences between castes. Soldiers with long, slender legs belong to species which forage for food at a distance from the nest; soidiers with short, stout legs belong to species sluggish in their movements, and which venture but little from home. —— ee Oe a ee a rae | TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. 671 Blindness amongst the soldiers and workers is more universal than it is inants. There seems no reason to doubt that the blindness is connected with the mode of life. The impossibility of attributing the blindness to the inherited effects of disuse, seeing that none of the parents in any of the species are blind, utterly discredits such an explanation in the case of other blind animals. In all the castes the abdomen varies greatly in size and appearance, according to the nature of the contents. The winged imagos have an unconquerable desire to leave the nest and to run the risk of dangers from which not one in many thousands escapes. By this means it is that interbreeding and distribution are effected. Dr. Fritz Miller aptly compared the winged individuals to perfect flowers, and the neoteinic individuals to cleistogamic flowers. The comparison may be carried a step further. In temper- ate climates the winged forms appear in early summer. In equato- rial regions they appear for the most part in simultaneous swarms at favorable seasons, while in some species they seem to be constantly produced in small numbers the whole year round. The problems of when to swarm and how many imagos to produce seem to be solved in nearly the same ways as the problems of when to flower and how many flowers to produce. They fly but feebly, allowing themselves to be carried by the wind, and could scarcely cross more than a mile or two of water. The wings are soon shed across a transverse basal line. The method of breaking off the wings is to elevate them. This will be found effective in dead insects. The live insect uses its legs and abdomen to elevate its wings, or in other cases pushes them against some object; yet in some cases the live insect will shed all four wings with inexpli- cable rapidity. Their wings not only prevent their burying them- selves and hiding, but on a perfectly level surface are a danger to them, for birds are seen to pick up those with wings in preference to those without. At the time of swarming the males and females of the genus 7ermes pair, the male following the female and often clinging to her abdomen, but there are no copulatory organs, and the sexual organs are not at that stage mature. In Zermopsis and Calotermes it seems that the males and females do not run about in pairs. In most if not in all species a pair of termites can found a nest without assistance. Smeathman, however, states that in 7. bel/Zcosus such pairs are protected by any soldiers ana workers who may find them, and are by them treated as kings and queens. * * * The females do not differ from the males in head and thorax, though careful measurements may find the male to be the smaller. The abdomen of the females becomes at the last molt different from that of the males on account of a characteristic change in the ventral 672 TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. plates of the 7th, 8th, and 9th abdominal segments. In all species of the genus Zermes the abdomen subsequently swells to many times its original size; but this swelling is not accompanied by any molting; the chitinous plates do not alter, but become separated by the disten- sion of the intervening cuticle. * * * In most groups there are present a number of minute lateral thickenings, usually colored, and bearing each a hair. When, as in most species, the queen is inclosed in a royal cell from which she is too large to escape, a familiarity with the nest and habits of the species will lead to her discovery without much trouble; but in all species other than the fungus-growers the king can leave the royal cell, and generally does so when he finds the nest is being opened. In many species, however, the queen wanders about the nest, and she then seeks, like the king, to avoid observation when the nest is being opened. In such cases there is only one way of searching method- ically for her. Remove the nest with as little disturbance as possible to a convenient place free from the attacks of ants; a large table with its feet standing in water is the best place. Break the nest into frag- ments, remove each fragment one by one, examine it carefully, and put it aside in a safe place, so that the search may, if necessary, be gone through a second time. If the nest has been broken into frag- ments before it has been much disturbed, the king will be found in the same fragment as the queen. If the nest is broken into fragments gradually, the king, if found at all, will generally be found in the fragment last examined. The longest time I spent searching through one nest was three days. I found a king; the queen escaped me, but I feel confident that was due to my want of care, and she was really there. I have found colonies which I believed to be, through some accident, queenless, and there are, no doubt, species in which a single colony owns several nests; but the rule is that every nest has a true royal pair. I have found as many as six true royal pairs; they were, as is always the case, in the same royal cell; their tarsi were injured, presumably as the result of quarreling. When there is a true queen, she is, so far as my observations go, always accompanied by a true king. When there is more than one true queen, the number of true kings is generally equal to them; but often it is less, and occasionally it is greater. The king has no copu- latory organs. From Professor Grassi’s observations, it is probable that in Calotermes copulation nevertheless does take place. In Zermes ma- layanus I have reason to think that the king fertilizes the eggs after they are laid; mdeed, copulation in the case of kings and fully grown queens of most species of the genus Zermes is apparently impossible. L raised neoteinic forms artificially in two species of Calotermes. In species of the fungus-growers neoteinic forms hive never been found. In five cases I removed the royal pairs from the nests of 7. malayanus, TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. 673 and after three or four months again examined the nests. In three out of the five cases substitution pairs exactly resembling the original ones, with well-formed wing stumps, were present; in the other two cases I could not find a royal cell, and believe that the loss had not been repaired. Natural neoteinic forms are very abundantly found in some species, especially in those whose soldiers have a saddle-shaped pronotum and are mandibulated. In forms with nasute soldiers I found neoteinic queens in only two species, 7) borneens?s and 7. matangensis. Neo- teinic queens are generally raised in considerable numbers, and become fewer in number as they grow older. They are always found in the same part of the nest, although, unless few in number, they can not all occupy the same cell. By neoteinic individuals I mean fertile individuals the condition of whose thorax makes it clear that they have never been capable of flight. Though the true queens are always accompanied by kings, the neoteinic queens are often consortless. They may be accompanied by one or more true kings, or by one or more neoteinic kings; but the kings are almost invariably less numerous than the queens, and are in many cases wholly absent. This last conclusion indeed rests on negative evidence only, and in the case in which I am most positive (7. matangensis, Nos. 358 and 359) neither eggs nor young larvee were present in the nests, though wingless males and females were abundant. The function of the soldiers I believe to be defense, and defense only. Some able observers have arrived at a different conclusion, but on what grounds I am not clear. There is a vast difference in functions of offense and functions of defense; the most successful defense is to prevent attack; defense has half failed when attacks must be repulsed. The great enemies of termites are ants; and the functions of the soldiers seem to me to be to defend any openings in the nests by putting their heads in the way whilst the workers build fortifications. Those soldiers which have a saddle-shaped pronotum and well-developed mandibles are very sluggish, and seem quite use- less when a nest is opened. It is the nests to which these belong that birds are most fond of; but while broken nests may be used to bait bird traps, unbroken nests seem sufficiently strong to resist the birds. Those soldiers which have a saddle-shaped pronotum and rudimen- tary mandibles secrete a clear viscid fluid from a sac which occupies a great part of the head, and opens by a duct which passes down the rostrum. The soldiers may be seen to dab a little of the fluid on the antenne of their enemies by a quick movement which is clearly a modification of the shaking movement so often seen in worker ter- mites. By this means such enemies as ants are placed hors de combat when they do not, as they generally do, avoid these soldiers. But such a mode of defense would seem quite useless in dealing with birds sm 1901——48 | 674 TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. and mammals. However, all the species of the section to which 7. umbrinus belongs traverse the jungle, returning home by daylight exposed in long lines which take an hour or more to pass one spot, the soldiers walking beside the laden workers. In most of the species the soldiers and workers retreat when disturbed; but in 7. longipes the behavior is unusually active. The workers vanish at once beneath sticks and leaves; and if specimens be not quickly secured, they will soon be very hard to find. The soldiers, on the other hand, rush to the attack, not in line, but singly; climbing every leaf and stalk, they stand with unlifted rostrum challenging the enemy. But these species with rostrum and rudimentary mandibles are not the only ones which secrete a viscid fluid from the head. The soldiers of 7. foraminifer, which have a saddle-shaped pronotum and long crooked mandibles, also have a minute orifice in the front of the head. In all the species of Rhinotermes the soldiers have a similar foramen and a shallow groove which runs from it to the tip of the labrum. 7. malayanus has a similar minute foramen, the orifice of a sac occupying the mid- dle of the head. Most soldiers of the fungus growers and also those of 7. sulphureus, when angry, discharge a viscid fluid from large sali- vary vesicles opening into the mouth. The most remarkable form of orifice in the front of the head is in the section Coptotermes. The sol- diers of both 7. gestroi and 7. travians have very large orifices in the front of the head from which, when angry, they emit a copious white viscid fluid which runs down to the mandibles. The soldiers of 7° gestro’ are very ferocious. The species is one which deliberately attacks and destroys live trees. The workers build up a thick earthy crust round the stem of the tree for the height of 7 or 8 feet from the ground; beneath this crust they leisurely seek out weak spots and penetrate to the center of the tree. If the crust be broken, the workers very quickly retreat; but the soldiers rush to the attack, a white milky fluid standing between their open jaws; they lift them- selves up and then hammer their heads against the tree, producing a rattling sound. If left alone they soon retire under cover; but if one breaks into their retreat, out they come again in great excitement, | hammering their heads, opening and shutting their jaws, and discharg- ing their milky secretion. In the section of the fungus growers to which 7. bellicosus belongs the workers run away to their subterranean passages when the nest is being opened, while the soldiers stay to defend the nest; generally the smaller soldiers are more active than the larger, for they run about while the larger occupy the crevices of the nest and the cavities of the fungus buds, where they wait and bite at anything which comes in reach. The soldiers of this group can generally produce the rattling sound. In this accomplishment 7: carbonarius has reached the highest stage of development, for the soldiers can hammer in rhythmic unison. At first a few begin irreg- TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. 675 ularly, then they get into time, and the others take it up. Every soldier in the exposed portion of the nest stands up and hammers with his head; the blow is given thrice in very quick succession, and then there is an interval of two seconds. The noise they produce reminds me of wavelets lapping on a shore. This trick of hammering with the head is seen in only a few species; it is clearly a modification of the shaking movement so often seen in workers. Ihave not found a species without soldiers, though Dr. Fritz Miiller found some in America. I have rarely found a nest without soldiers, though in 7° /obatus I have done so. * * * To the workers I have not paid much attention. The amount of coloring and chitinization is correlated with the period during which they are exposed to light. A broad head, slender legs, and arched abdomen go with activity and the habit of foraging for food. A nar- row head, short stout legs, and fusiform abdomen go with a sluggish habit. The workers not only collect the food and build the nest, but also nurse the young, and may be seen carrying the eggs and young larve to places of greater safety. In some species they certainly take care of the queens. * * * The structure and position of termites’ nests are very various. They agree in having the outer part closed so as to exclude their great enemies, the ants; the entrances are generally few and well protected. There are, however, some exceptions to this rule, of which the most remarkable is the nest of 7. /atericius, which has two or three vertical shafts, an inch or two in diameter and about three feet deep, opening on the surface of the ground. 7. hospital/s also has one or more large openings at the summit of the nest. Several species of the group to which 7. dacessitus belongs, and which build round nests on the branches of shrubs, may also have several exposed openings into the nests. The different groups of the genus Zermes build nests of different characters; the most remarkable that I have seen are those of the fungus growers, so well described by Smeathman in the case of 7: bellicosus. The nests of the American fungus growers seem unfortu- nately never to have been described. It was noticed by Smeathman that in some cases the nests of nearly allied species were more easily distinguished than the insects which built them. This is especially true of the species allied to 7. nemorosus, which builds turret nests described by Smeathman. On the other hand, the appearance and shape of the nests are much modified by conditions; thus the mound builders can live without a mound in cultivated ground, where mounds are not permitted. All the species whose soldiers have a distinctly saddle-shaped pronotum seem to use proctodeal discharges in the building of their nests. The fungus growers, on the other hand, do not do so, but 676 TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. moisten the pellets of clay which they bring with fluid from their mouths. In species of Coptotermes and Rhinotermes, and in Termes tenuior, I did not see what manner of cement was used. 7) planus lived in shallow chambers eaten in the wood, much after the manner of Calotermes, and had no buildings. Observers in America and Europe have concluded that the same colony often possess several nests, only one of which is inhabited by fertile individuals, whose eggs and young are carried to the other nests. Ido not doubt that this is so with a few species; I believe it to be so with 7. gestroc¢; nevertheless it is not so with the great majority of species which I have collected. Further, the evidence for such conclusion is, for the most part, negative, and therefore to be treated with great caution. As the search for king and queen goes on hour after hour without success, exhausted patience induces strong wish for a conclusion; and it is then that the difficulty arises of keep- ing the influence of wish from upsetting the even balance of judgment. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Nest of Bornean white ant. PLATE II. Fig. 1. Hodotermes Havilandi. Soldier. 3. 2 Under side of soldier’s head. 3. 3. Calotermes domesticus. Soldier (side view). 6. 4, Under side of soldier’s head. 8. 5. Imago. x 6. 6. Wing. xX 6. 7. Termes natalensis. Soldier. > 4. 8. Under side of soldier’s head. Gos 9. Imago. 4. 10. Wing: x .2. 11. Termes vulgaris. Soldier. 8. ps Under side of soldier’s head. x 8 i Imago. X 3. 14. Wing: x< 1s 15. Termes incertus. Soldier. > 8. 16. Under side of soldier’s head. 8. IF Imago. xX 4. 18. Wings) <2: 19. Termes travians. Soldier. >< 10. 20. Under side of soldier’s head. 12. AN. Imago. 6. D2: Wine. X.3. 23. Termes translucens. Soldier. 4. 24. Under side of soldier’s head. 6. 25. Imago. X 4. 26. Wings <3: Fi IS Fig. bo fie 28. 29. 30. 31. o2. 33. od. 3d. 36. 3/. 38. 39. 73. 75. TERMITES OR WHITE ANTS. PLATE III. Termes xqualis. Soldier. > 10. Under side of soldier’s head. 10. Neoteinic queen. > Termes planus. Soldier. > 8. Under side of soldier’s head. Imago. 10. Wanger. > 85 Termes tenwior. Soldier. 8. Under side of soldier’s head. ™ 8. Imago. X 8. Wing. xX 8. Termes dubius. Soldier. ™ 8. Under side of soldier’s head. > 12. Imago. xX 8. \WemoYeay .< 1oy Termes sulphureus. Soldier. X 8. Side view of soldier’s head. 10. Imago. X 8. Termes dentatus. Soldier. 8. Side view of soldier’s head. ™ 8. Imago. 6. Wing. xX 4. Termes bilobatus. Soldier. < 6. Side view of soldier’s head. ™ 6. Imago. » 6. WWamnoqemchas Termes nemorosus. Soldier. 6. Side view of soldier’s head. ™ 6. Imago. & 6. Wing. x 4. PLATE IV. Termes setiger. Soldier. 6. Side view of soldier’s head. & 8. Imago. X 6. Wing. x 4. Termes comis. Soldier. ™ 8. Side view of soldier’s head. ™ 8. Imago. X 8. Wine x5: Termes foraminifer. Soldier. 8. Side view of soldier’s head. >< 10. Imacos <8: Wang, >< 6: Termes fuscipennis Soldier. 8. Side view of soldier’s head. ™ 8. Iimaso. << 6: Wangs 673: Termes regularis. Soldier. 6. Imago. ™ 6. Wing. 4. ae | =I . Termes singaporiensis. Soldier. > 10. Side view of soldier’s head. X 10. Imago. xX 6. Wing.” 503. Termes lacessitus. Soldier. 8. Side view of soldier’s head. 8. Nymph. x 6. . Termes hospitalis. Soldier. 8. Side view of soldier’s head. 8. Imago. xX 6. Wing. X 3. PLATE I. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Haviland. NEST OF BORNEAN WHITE ANTS. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Haviland. PLATE II MALAYAN AND SOUTH AFRICAN TERMITES. Explanation of plate on page 676. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Haviland. PLATE III. MALAYAN AND SOUTH AFRICAN TERMITES. Explanation of plate on page 677. ee PLATE IV. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Haviland, MALAYAN AND SOUTH AFRICAN TERMITES. ‘a ge 677. Explanation of plate on pa THE WANDERINGS OF THE WATER BUFFALO.’ The Indian government has recently formed dairy farms to supply milk and butter for the use of the troops. The fine breeds of Indian cattle are used in these dairies, but cow buffaloes are also kept on account of the richness of their milk. Europeans sometimes object to use it, as the domesticated buffalo is often kept as a sort of scayen- ger to the cow byres of the Indian cities, and eats the litter and refuse of the farmyards. But properly fed the buffalo is by no means the bovine pig which it becomes when kept in Hyderabad or Benares. It is not only a first-class dairy animal, but the strongest beast of draft in the world except the elephant. Great areas of rich river delta and marsh in three continents are maintained in cultivation by buffaloes when no other animal could possibly be used to plow the rice fields or drag carts over and through miles of liquid mud. The value of this, probably the latest of all large animals to be domesticated, is so well known in the East that it has for centuries past been carried to places >o remote from its original home and apparently so inaccessible that the extent of its involuntary migrations in the service of man has a peculiar interest. Besides this it is one of the very few domesticated animals which, like the yak and the gayal (possibly a tame form of the gaur), are still found in their original wild state, with form and habits scarcely altered. The wild buffalo is among the most dangerous and formidable of the big game of India, never hesitating to charge when wounded, and noted for the persistency with which it seeks to destroy the person who has injured it. Its natural home is in the grass jungles and swamps of India, Nepaul, and Assam. It is also found wild in the island of Formosa. It is a huge black beast, with no hair, a skin like black gutta-percha, immense horns, sometimes measuring more than 12 feet along the curve, though not spreading like a shield over the forehead as in the Cape buffalo, but set like a pair of scythes on each side of its head. A bull stands 6 feet high at the shoulder— eighteen hands, that is; its bulk is enormous, and its great spreading feet are well adapted for walking in the swamps. By choice it is semi- aquatic. A herd will lie for hours in a pool or river with just their eyes, horns, and great snub noses above water. Anyone who blunders “Reprinted from The Spectator, August 31, 1901, pp. 278-279. 679 680 WANDERINGS OF THE WATER BUFFALO. onto a buffalo in a wallowing-hole and frightens it out may be excused for imagining that he has just come on a mud volcano at the moment of eruption. This is the real buffalo—called in India the arnee—and not to be confounded with the gaur or the banteng, the wild oxen of India and the Far East. It will be seen that the buffalo in its wild state is limited to a not very large area, namely, the country south of the Himalayas, and extending for some distance, the limits of which are not perfectly known, in the territory of the Indo-Chinese states. Yet this enor- mously powerful and fierce animal has been so completely domesticated by the Hindoos that the tame herds are regularly driven out to feed in the same jungles in which wild buffaloes live, the bulls among which will often come down and, after giving battle to the tame bulls, annex the cows fora time and keep them in the jungle. The only striking difference in appearance between the tame and wild buffalo is that the horns of the former do not grow to the size attained in the wild speci- mens, and alter their curve and pitch. Mr. Lockwood Kipling notes the curious effect of the grove of long horns above a herd of these animals, no two buffaloes having them of the same pattern. Traces of the lateness of the date of their apprenticeship to the service of man are seen in their power of self-defense and combination when threat- ened with attack by tigers or leopards, by their mating with the wild stock, and by the uncertainty of their temper, especially toward Europeans. Wherever they are used by oriental races these outbreaks of savageness are always in evidence from time to time when the white man encounters them. In China they have been known to chase Kuro- peans when the latter were riding, as well as when passing on foot. They will do the same in India, in Egypt, and in Burmah. Yet in India they are generally taken out to pasture by some small boy, who is their tyrant and master, and will protect him, their calves, and themselves from the tiger. An account appeared recently in Country Life of the use of a herd of these animals to beat the jung'e for a wounded tiger which had killed a native. The buffaloes were driven up and down for a whole day, beating the ground in a compact body, until they found the tiger, whose hiding place was shown by the excitement of the herd, at which it charged almost as soon as they observed it, and was shot by the guns following them. As a beast of draft the buffalo has astonishing powers of hauling heavy traffic over bad roads. It can plow in mud over its hocks. It is most docile. It can swim a river going to and from work, tow barges along canals and streams, sometimes walking in the shallow water by the banks, like the horses did on the Lower Thames before the towpath was made. It will eat anything it can get, and asks only for one indulgence, a good hour’s swim or mud bath in the middle of the day. The rice fields which feed so great a percentage of the popu- WANDERINGS OF THE WATER BUFFALO. 681 lation of eastern Asia could scarcely be cultivated without its aid, and it is so valuable as a dairy animal that the percentage of butter in its milk equals that of the best breeds of English dairy cattle. The result is that it has become an equal favorite with the Hindoo, the Arab, and the Chinaman, and plays a most important part in the agriculture of the Lower Nile Valley. The great distance from its original home in India at which we now find the buffalo established is evidence that the animal has a history of an exceedingly adventurous kind, were it possible to trace the story of its travels. Starting from the Indian jungles, and then domesticated on the Indian plains, this erstwhile wild beast has reached and been domesticated and plays a most important part in Egypt, Palestine, southern Italy and the Campagna, the south and east of Spain, Hun- gary, Turkey, and western Asia as far as the borders of Afghanistan. By some unknown route it has reached the west coast of Africa, and is established as a beast of draught and cultivation on the Niger. It has traveled far up the Nile, and will go farther, for it would be invalu- able on the great swamps Fashoda way. In the Far East the Chinaman has made it his own peculiar pet, having, it is believed, first learnt its value in the rice grounds of the south. It has been taken to Japan, where it now works in the rice grounds; to the Philippines and the islands of the Malay Archipelago; and there is no doubt that it would be useful in British Guiana. Possibly the Italians who are crowding over into America will introduce it in the Lower Mississippi Valley; but it is by nature a brown and yellow man’s beast, and only appre- ciated in Europe by the South Latin races. How did the buffalo get from India to Africa? Who first took it to Egypt? How did it get from Egypt round to the West Niger? And who brought it to Italy, and from whence‘ All these are most inter- esting questions, and as the distance of time which has elapsed since the animals were introduced into Europe does not fall beyond the historic period, may possibly be answered. In Egypt, for instance, there exists a pictorial record on the tombs and elsewhere, covering many thousands of years, in which pictures of animals play an important part. If the first appearance of the water buffalo in these paintings were noted, the date of its importation from India to Egypt would be known. From inquiries kindly made by M. Maspero at the suggestion of Lord Cromer, it appears that nowhere in the long ‘‘ pic- ture history” of ancient Egypt does the water buffalo appear. The African buffalo is seen there; not so the domesticated Asiatic one. This is very interesting negative evidence that this domesticated animal was not known in ancient Egypt. It is surmised, probably rightly, that it was imported after some great epidemic of cattle plague, or it may have been taken from the west coast of India up the Euphrates Valiey, and thence down the Jordan Valley to Egypt. Arab dhows 682 WANDERINGS OF THE WATER BUFFALO. have for ages done a regular trade in carrying horses from the west coast of India to the Persian Gulf. It is probably one of the oldest forms of shipping which exists, and the Arabs who now ship horses from Bombay to the Persian Gulf may have been in the cattle trade in very early days. It is also probable that in the era of Hindoo maritime enterprise these creatures were taken both to the Far East and to the east coast of Africa. The circumstances which led to their introduction into Italy and Spain are probably to be found in some existing record; but it is not one generally known, the nearest surmise being that they may have been given to a Longobardian king with other animals by the chief of a horde of Asiatic invaders. They were not known in Italy in Roman times. But if they had*been introduced as recently as the camels which are still used on one of the royal estates in Tuscany (an enterprise due to the Medici), the fact would probably have been matter of common knowledge. "ALI. NOLONIHSVM “X8Vd 1VOISO100Z IVNOILVN NI O1VS45NG Y3LV AMA Pee =a ated = ‘ “ “> w a - 4 saan ‘| alvwd ‘ojejjng 1ay2@A—' 1061 ‘HOdey uejuosyyWS ON THE PRESERVATION OF THE MARINE ANIMALS OF THE NORTHWEST COAST. By Witu1am H. Dat. I have been requested by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institu- tion to record any facts in my possession bearing on the preservation from extinction by the hand of man of the various marine animals of the northwestern coast of America. The preservation of wild animals in menageries and zoological gar- dens is necessarily of a most temporary nature, since many of them will not breed in captivity and all require the greatest care to preserve them in.even moderately good health. It is very rare that we find among the carnivores a large mammal which has reached a point as near domestication as the lion, of which a reasonable supply of cubs bred in captivity are generally available. Even the European bison, which has been preserved in the forests of eastern Europe in small numbers for several centuries in a state as near as possible to that of untroubled nature, are now, it is reported, on the point of extinction from disease and weakness due to constant inbreeding. Unless actually domesticated this is what may be reasonably expected to occur in time with any limited number of uncivilized men or wild animals. If the stock is kept pure it will perish from breed- ing in and in; if it is mingled with other blood the original type grad- ually fades out. We may, therefore, look forward to a time, nearer perhaps than we suspect, when all large animals and most of the attractive wild birds will be known only from pictures or the rare and precious specimens preserved in museums. Those animals capable of domestication in large numbers, like certain deer, will alone survive to represent to future generations the varied fauna of large wild animais of to-day. The boreal swamps may still afford a refuge to some of the more hardy fur-bearing creatures, but the use of furs taken from wild animals will by that time be wholly superseded by still more beautiful products of the loom. The tovers of nature and the uncommon (which includes the greater part of the civilized races) can not contemplate such a state of affairs with equanimity. Like the man who committed suicide because he 685 684 _ MARINE ANIMALS OF NORTHWEST COAST. was tired of buttoning and unbuttoning, the average citizen would find such monotony unendurable. The day when circuses are shorn of their attendant menageries will sensibly diminish the gayety of nations and deprive the youthful of a most cherished source of amusement and instruction. Without its bears and wolves, leopards and tigers, elephants and hippopotami, the natural world would have far less interest and the distant day of its final extinction would be palpably foreshadowed. It is said of man that he shall inherit the earth; and as population grows this prophecy is gradually being fulfilled. Though there are deserts in the south, swamps and tundra in the north, and mountain ranges everywhere, where-man can not find a subsistence or create a home, no doubt can exist that in the fullness of time all productive regions of the earth’s surface will be occupied; and only such animals in the wild state as can secure subsistence from the most inhospitable areas can be expected to survive. The sea, however, is different. Here man, who began by fishing from the shore, then whitened the ocean highways with the canvas of his sailing ships, and now blackens them from the smoking funnels of the sea tramp or the majestic liner, is distinctly a temporary sojourner, He embarks upon the sea because he must cross it, or carry the goods of others across it; because for a brief season he enjoys trying his wit and strength against the forces of nature and defying her barriers; or because he seeks to wrest her treasures from the sea. However crowded the continents may be, it seems improbable that men, away from their shores, will ever make their homes upon the sea. There is then some hope for the marine animals. There will always be food for them, always a vast extent of ocean for them to roam in undisturbed, and’no man will grudge them the occupancy of the reefs and sandbars which they may seek, at certain seasons, to bring forth their young or lie untroubled in the sunshine. Whatever may be the ultimate fate of the purely terrestrial animals, in a sense competitors with man, there is no sufficient reason why the marine animals may not survive on the globe as long as man himself. The latter, from a geological standpoint, but recently feral himself, still preserves in great strength certain primal instincts. There is a legend of two Englishmen who, hunting in the wilds of central Asia, during the temporary absence of the seraphic guardians, ignorantly came to pitch their tent in the Garden of Eden. Waking with the light of dawn when the descendants of the animals named by our first par- ent were in primevai amity, wandering peacefully over the green slopes before him, one of the intruders looked from the door of his tent and shouted to his comrade, ‘Wake up! wake up! Here is a chance to kiil something!” Whether this be authentic or not, it is cer- tain that the desire to kill is one of the most general and strenuous a ee MARINE ANIMALS OF NORTHWEST COAST. 685 instincts in man, even of the highest civilization. For unnumbered centuries his subsistence depended upon his ability to kill, and his very existence upon the power to restrain, by killing first, those who would kill him. It is not to be expected that these instincts can be changed or eliminated in afew generations. Nevertheless, the desire to kill for the sake of killing has been modified in the more intelligent of civilized men to a desire to kill for some definite purpose, such as the accumulation of property, the protection of domestic animals. or the elimination of vermin. We may hope that the more intelligent body of those who make and enforce the laws may so restrain the less intelligent, who kill in wantonness or for a trifling gain, as to defer the extinction of the sea animals indefinitely. It is entirely possible, though up to the present time effective measures of protection have, so far as inter- national law would admit, been carried out solely for one animal—the fur seal. Others, like the sea otter and salmon, have been legislated for, but it is universally believed on the northwest coast that no honest attempt to enforce this legislation has ever been made, and certainly none has been efficient. The prospect would indeed be dark if we could hope for nothing better than the conditions which have heretofore obtained. But there is no reason why conditions should not improve, and the writer believes that if the American public were fully aware of the present state of things they would insist on a change; and if any general appreciation of what the present destructiveness implies could be brought about, the merest commercial self-interest would force a reform in the absence of other motives. The marine animals which may be considered in this connection are as follows: The sea elephant, Macrorhinus angustirostris; The walrus, Rosmarus obesus; The sea lion, Humetopias stelleri; The lesser sea lion, Zalophus californianus; The fur seal, Callotaria ursina; The hair or harbor seal, Phoca largha; The ringed seal, Phoca fetida; The harp seal, Phoca grenlandica; The saddleback seal, Histriophoca fasciata; The bearded seal, Hrignathus barbatus; The sea otter, Enhydris marina. The fur seal has been the subject of so much writing and has excited so much popular interest from its commercial value and other causes that it will not be further referred to in this discussion, except to say that there is no question in the mind of anyone qualified to judge that if the destructive pelagic sealing were stopped, the seals would, in the course of eight or ten years, increase so as to restore the valuable industry now approaching extinction. 686 MARINE ANIMALS OF NORTHWEST COAST. The sea elephant, formerly ranging from the vicinity of San Fran- cisco, at Point Reyes, to the we-t shore of the peninsula of Lower California, is believed to be, if not actually extinct, at least reduced to a few individuals which are finding a temporary refuge among the reefs of Lower California. No one knows of any living specimens and the species, for present purposes, may be left out of consideration. The bearded seal is supposed to occur very rarely on the coast of Eastern Siberia near Bering Strait. It is a common Atlantic species and may be merely a straggler in the Far West. The saddleback, a remarkably handsome and very rare animal, is believed to be confined to Kamchatka, the Okhotsk Sea, and the Kurile Islands. These two may also be dismissed from our reckoning. The harbor seal is common in the colder waters of the coast, and colonies occur where the glaciers of southeastern Alaska drop their shattered ice blocks into bays and inlets. The mass of the species, however, is more northern and frequents the region of Bering Strait and the polar sea, especially about the edges of floe ice. It is a small species and largely utilized by the natives of those coasts Tor many purposes. The ringed seal, a somewhat larger and handsomer animal, exists under nearly the same conditions and is hunted by the natives for the - same purposes. The harp seal, a much larger animal, is also of great importance to the native population and occupies the same region, though it never occurs in the vast numbers which make its pursuit by the Newfound- land sealers of commercial importance in the Atlantic. These three are speared through the ice, at their blowholes in win- ter, or caught in nets ingeniously spread under the ice by the aid of long poles. They are shot or lanced near the edge of the floe in spring, and supply food, oil for fuel, soles for foot wear, coverings for boats, and a multitude of other articles essential to the existence of the native population. The number killed, though large in the total, is not so great as to disturb the balance of nature; and with the rapid decrease of the native population, due to introduced diseases, it will be less and less, year by year. They do not exist at present in numbers sufficient to tempt commercial slaughter, and so we may regard these species at least as practically safe under existing con- ditions. The lesser sea lion is a native of the coasts of California, where it exists in large rookeries at a few places, especially on the Farallones Islands—fortunately a Government light-house reservation. Here they are not disturbed, though every few years a foolish agitation. arises among the fishermen of San Francisco calling for their destruc- tion on the ground that they are destroying the salmon, or other fish. No one has ever found a piece of salmon in the stomach of a sea lion MARINE ANIMALS OF NORTHWEST COAST. 687 in the wild state, and the danger appears to be wholly imaginary, as the sea lions have existed as long as the fish, and, until man with his disregard of the future and his desperate endeavors to get rich rap- idly, entered the field prepared to capture and kill wholesale for immediate profit and the subsistence of nations beyond the sea, there was fish enough and to spare. However, the sea lions are in no imme- diate danger, and a better knowledge of their food and habits will probably remove what seems to threaten in the future. The great sea lion of Steller has been less fortunate and his fate has _been curiously bound up with the sea-otter fishery, now in such a state of decay as to be almost negligible. The sea lion, in the absence of the larger hair seals, has been the chief reliance of the Aleutian otter hunters for the hide, with which they cover their hunting kyaks. This hide is far inferior to that of the seal, and must be renewed every year. Without sea-lion skins the hunters could not go to sea on their perilous hunting trips among the reefs for the precious otter fur. Control of the supply of sea-lion hides means more or less control of the hunting. So competing traders attacked the sea-lion rookeries, partly to get hides to trade to the hunters or supply their own fleet of kyaks; partly to destroy those they did not need, so that competitors for trade should not be able to get sea-lion skins, and thus should have their business crippled. The shy and elusive otter in the strenuous competition was soon so generally killed off that the trade has diminished to a point where it is dying for want of skins. The natives, diminishing at an astonish- ing rate from measles, influenza, and other introduced diseases, are obliged to earn a living otherwise than by hunting. So the devastated sea lion rookeries are slowly recovering, and as their value and num- ber are too small to tempt destruction on commercial grounds by the whites, we may regard the danger point as passed. The burly mon- arch of the island reefs is no longer in need of immediate protection. The strong arm of Russia, guided by expert knowledge, has pro- vided and efficiently protected a reserve on the Commander Islands, where the sea otter is now flourishing and a valuable industry slowly reviving. When a single good skin is worth $400 at any furrier’s, the whole power of the United States, as at present exerted in such matters (witness the buffalo in the Yellowstone Park), is incompetent to protect or preserve an animal or an industry against the poacher on her own soil. Spain may recoil in defeat, but the poacher boldly scorns the guardians of a reservation and jingles the dollars in his pocket. We may therefore give up the case of the sea otter as hope- less. Democracy has its disadvantages. There remains the case of the walrus. There were, a few years ago, several small herds of this animal existing at little-frequented points in Bering Sea. This animal seems to be able to change its habits. At 688 MARINE ANIMALS OF NORTHWEST COAST. least, the main walrus population has always lived on the edges of the floe ice, which advances in winter to the latitude of the Pribilof Islands and retreats with the melting pack ice in summer to the Polar Sea. Yet certain small colonies have in historic times always existed in certain localities winter and summer, perhaps attracted by an excep- tional abundance of their favorite food. A small bunch of walrus for many years occupied Walrus Island, of the Pribilof group, but this was an assembly of a peculiar character. It was entirely composed of old males driven away from the herds by the competitive valor of their younger and more active congeners, and forming a sort of old gentleman’s club, existing in torpid dignity away from an atmosphere of irritating disrespect. We are informed that this retreat is now untenanted and the assembly scattered or destroyed. The walrus feeds on clams, sea snails, and other mollusks of the kind which frequent sand banks in shallow water. These are rooted out of the sand by the aid of the powerful tusks and swallowed whole, with a stone or two to aid digestion. The shells pass through the body in the natural way and are discharged on the rookeries, largely in an unbroken state. It is therefore necessary that the herd should have a large area to dig over, as such enormous animals must require a large supply of food. Thev appear to increase slowly, and being, when well fed, of a rather sluggish disposition, fall an easy prey to the hun- ter intent on ivory or oil. 1 understand that the Secretary of the Treasury has forbidden the wanton shooting of these animals by trav- elers bound to Nome, who, while waiting on board ship for the ice to open, formerly amused themselves in this way. The number of the animals has very greatly diminished owing to destruction by whalers unable to get any whales, who a few years ago attempted to make up for other deficiencies by filling up with walrus oil and ivory. This has not been done of late years owing to the great distress the absence of walrus brought upon the natives of the Arctic coast, who were very dependent upon them for food and coverings for their boats. The diminished numbers of the animals, of whom 11,000 were killed in a single season at the height of the fishery, have also tended to make their pursuit unprofitable. It is evident that the walrus can not be preserved in confinement, nor could a herd flourish in a restricted area. Their preservation, in the case of the small herds referred to as stationary, is a very simple matter. If they are let alone, they will take care of themselves, as hitherto. If protected from the poacher, they need no other care. The way to keep them in existence is not to kill them. They will do the rest. — — SOME PRIVATE ZOOS.* By F. G. AFLALO. Those who freely criticise the scant accommodation allotted to many inmates of the London Zoo are, no doubt, expressing a very com- mendable sentiment; but they do not appear to realize that it is a case of little or nothing, and that, circumscribed as it is by public property, not a fraction of an acre can be added to that corner of the Regent’s Park already covered by the familiar paddocks and buildings. It is another matter altogether when private gentlemen, with the right tastes and opportunities, give over their parks to beautiful and inter- esting animals of all lands, and accord them, amid enchanting sur- roundings, a liberty which, little more restricted than in their natural homes, knows little of the perils of nature and nothing of the cruelties of sport. The majority of men and women like to surround them- selves with favorite animals; and if we must sometimes regret the proclivity when we see larks beating their wings vainly against jealous bars, we can have nothing but appreciation for such private zoos as I have selected for notice in the present article. There is, as a rule, no ulterior motive beyond the mere pleasure in seeing these animals well and happy in their new homes, though in some few instances, it 1s true, the fostering of science or sport has been at the bottom of such experiments in acclimatization. The Duke of Bedford seems, with his hundreds of wild deer and antelopes, cattle, sheep, and goats, which tuxuriate at Woburn in amaz- ing herds, to have taken over the scientific research once projected, but since abandoned, by the society of which he is president. The Jardin d’Acclimatation in Paris is similarly interested in the practical side of introducing useful or ornamental exotic animals. Sport, again, has been responsible for the introduction into these islands, at more or less remote dates, of the pheasant, red-legged partridge, and carp. If we have borrowed, we have also lent; and our red grouse, once found only in the United Kingdom, has succeeded so well in parts of Belgium and Germany that new game laws are now necessary for its preservation on the continent. The only government, however, which “Reprinted, by permission, from Pall Mall Magazine, London, Vol. XXV, Sep- tember, 1901. ~ sm 1901——44 689 690 SOME PRIVATE ZOOS. concerns itself with such operations is, if we except the more or less private undertakings of more than one reigning sovereign, that of America, in which the game and fisheries departments of the a States devote considerable sums of money to the introduction of suit- ° able game beasts and birds. Private enterprise takes with us the place of public usefulness, and — we thus have in our midst a number of sportsmen and natur alee who | extend their protection to foreign animals, and spend their money in ~ giving them every chance of doing well amid their new surroundings. I have chosen four of these zoos, situated in widely different parts of the country, to illustrate some points of interest in the man- agement of such establishments, and all of these I have visited per- sonally. My scheme does not include the aforementioned preserve of Woburn, nor have I seen the famous Japanese deer at Powerscourt, where Viscount Powerscourt was the first to acclimatize that graceful species as a park animal. At the same time, I think it may be shown that these four animal sanctuaries—they are Tring, Vaynol, Haggers- ton, and Leonardslee—on the resources of which I have drawn for these notes, have succeeded under sufficiently marked differences of soil, climate, and situation to encourage anyone who may contemplate establishing yet another reserve in no matter what district of England. Each of them has its prominent feature, and in each there is some lack that we tind supplied in one or other of the rest. I suppose that of all four Leonardslee comes nearest to the ideal for the purpose. Sheltered by the South Downs its sandy soil throws up a luxuriance of flowering shrubs and appears to favor all manner of foreign trees, no matter whence Sir Edmund Loder brought them in the seed. Its hilly tracts are in parts so wild that London might well be 400, instead of merely 40, miles away. Its climate is more equable than would be expected so near the home counties; and the higher portions of the estate are bracing, while the lower hold an abundant supply of water that not even the caprices of its famous beavers can divert. Touching Tring, there is, I think, nothing of extreme importance to be noted with reference to its climate or situation; but Vaynol and Haggerston present diametrically opposite physical conditions, their only drawback in-common being, perhaps, a too heavy rainfall in the wet season. While the latter lies between the imposing slopes of Snowdon and the Menai Strait, amid scenery of great variety, and in a soft western climate, the more northerly estate is on the lowlands of the Northumbrian coast, exposed to every cold and violent wind that blows across the neighboring North Sea, while equally bitter winds reach it from the southwest, straight from the Cheviot Hills, that are often snow clad until early summer. The feature of the Hon. Walter Rothschild’s collection at Tring is, Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Afilalo. PLATE |. WILD CATTLE. VAYNOL. THE HON. WALTER ROTHSCHILD, M. P., DRIVING ZEBRA. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Aflalo. PLATE Il. A CORNER OF SiR E. LODER’S MUSEUM. SOME PRIVATE ZOOS. 691 of course, the excellently ordered private museum, the stocking of which keeps his collectors busy in all parts of the world. Mr. Roths- child has, indeed, deposited so many of his animals in the London Zoo that it is not easy to form any adequate idea of all the curious creatures that he has brought to England without visiting both. It is in London, indeed, that we find most of his gigantic tortoises, rescued from a near extinction in the southern islands, where once, cut off from the evil- doing of man and his dogs, they contrived to grow to such mighty measurements. Tring Park has, however, its interesting inhabitants as well; and kangaroos and emus roam so obviously at large that, but for the more pleasing variety in the vegetation of the northern hemi- sphere, one might well picture it a corner of Australia. At Hag- gerston, on the other hand, there is the prospering herd of American bison, of which Mr. Christopher Leyland takes every care; while at Vaynol Mr. G. W. Duff Assheton Smith has his wild white cattle. Visitors to Leonardslee, too, will find just such an assemblage of horned game as, roaming at liberty up and down hills intersected by game paths, might be expected to conjure up pleasant scenes to a famous traveler whose rifle made top score in an all-England eight. The Leonardslee Museum, too, though less systematic in its arrange- ment than that at Tring, is more purely sporting, showing a fine col- ection of its owner’s trophies. Unless, as in the case of the wild white cattle, there is any techni- cal objection to interbreeding, it is in most cases usual to allow the different kinds of animals to intermingle without restraint; and now and then, even in the seclusion of cage or paddock, some strange part- nerships are the result. At Vaynol, for instance, a young Sambur deer and pony are boon companions, and have a field to themselves; while in the building in which Mr. Assheton Smith keeps his pumas and monkeys there is a most entertaining trio in the shape of two white wolves and a little Malayan bear. Whenever the horseplay of the wolves becomes unendurable, the bear, not without a parting cuff, makes his way up a tree and out into the open air above, whither, since dogs can not climb, the wolves are unable to pursue. It will easily be understood that so varied a collection of animals as inhabits each and all of these zoos includes individuals of various degrees of shyness, and not all the animals may be seen at the first attempt. Only on my sixth night at Vaynol, for instance, did I see the wild roe deer that hide away in the dense cover beneath the heronry; and the Leonardslee beavers are still more secretive than the prairie dogs that burrow in their sandy inclosure on the hill close beside the house, baffling all but the most skillful and patient pho- tographers. It is to Mr. R. B. Lodge that I am indebted for the accompanying picture of one of these interesting little hermits, most of which utter their angry squeal and dive below as soon as the intruder comes within 20 yards of their watchtowers. 692 SOME PRIVATE ZOOS. Haggerston lies, as I have said, on the bleak coast of Northumber- land, and the visitor must alight at the little station of Beal, changing out of the express, which ignores it, into a slower local train that runs from Newcastle to Berwick. The lodge gates adjoin the station, and on either side of the winding track that leads to the castle are inquisi- tive wapiti, bison (both pure and half-breed), genus, and other strange creatures. The crowning success of acclimatization is fully attested by the numbers of young animals intermingled with their sires and dams (for the Nilghai antelopes often produce twins); and there are the calves of the zebu and, one had almost added, of the gnu, but that, in spite of its ox-like exterior, the gnu is an antelope and its young are in consequence styled fawns. Although we see before us miles of wire fence and inclosed buildings, there is liberty, too, for the Haggerston animals; and at one turn of the road Mr. Tait, who has charge of them all, points out a rock- wallaby reclining lazily in the branches of a low tree, leafless this January afternoon. These rock-wallabies are also very fond of the cedars, which they ascend to a great height. Bennett’s wallabies and great kangaroos gaze stolidly at the emus and black swans, maybe with memories of a distant home that they have no cause to regret. Right through the grounds goes the sluggish Low, its waters holding numbers of small trout, and the moaning of the North Sea can be heard whenever the wind blows from the east. The emus and rheas (their South American cousins) have bred less satisfactorily these past three years, a falling off which Mr. Leyland attributes to excessive rains, and more particularly to late frosts, during incubation. This year, however, there are again some young emus. Japanese apes run free in a large inclosure, but no families have so far blessed their cap- tivity. Mr. Leyland tells me that he started this wonderful collection some twenty years ago in Wales, with emus, kangaroos, pheasants, waterfowl, and various small birds. Some ten years ago their owner moved north and took with him his herds of wapiti and bison. It is with the last named that animal lovers must always associate his work. Thanks to American railroad enterprise and Indian greed, the bison has long been a vanishing type. Indeed, the absolutely wild condi- tion knows it no longer, which sad fact makes it the more gratifying that the Haggerston herd is slowly but surely on the increase. Mr. Leyland has crosses between bison bull and Highland cow, and the heifers have for two generations been bred back to pure bison bull. The larger birds kept in the paddocks include no fewer than five kinds of cranes; but only one, the Demoiselles, have ever mated, and even they did not hatch. , Having visited Tring in December, Haggerston in January, and both Leonardslee and Vaynol in the loveliest time of spring, I offer comparisons with all reserve. Tring, however, if it does not perhaps Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Aflalo. PLATE III. YOUNG SAMBRU AND PONY. VAYNOL. PRAIRIE DoGs. LEONARDSLEE PARK. Smithsonian Report, 1901,—Aflalo. PLATE IV. EMUS AND YOUNG. HAGGERSTON. SOME PRIVATE ZOOS. 693 offer any striking variety of scenery, never, on the other hand, looks as dour as the north country, in the barrenness of which the master of Haggerston has made his paradise. In addition to its sheep and cattle and shire horses, domesticated types that stand apart from the wilder subjects of these notes, Tring has close on a hundred Japanese and fallow deer, about thirty kangaroos and wallabies, rather less than a score of emus, and some rheas and cassowaries. These great struthi- ous birds do not all accommodate themselves to captivity with the same thoroughness. Thus, while the emus hatch out regularly year after year, the cassowaries never get beyond the laying stage. The private museum at Tring, which was mentioned above, must be one of the finest of its kind in the world, I have met Mr. Rothschild’s collectors at work in southern islands and continents; and on one occasion I traveled some 12,000 miles in company with mysterious chests addressed to him, the contents of which I subsequently had the pleasure of seeing in their new quarters. In the working rooms of his museum he studies and writes about the pheasants and other groups of birds in which he takes a special interest, and his pheasant- ries contain half a dozen species, including the elegant pheasant, not found elsewhere alive m Europe except at Berlin. It would be unpar- donable to write, however briefly, of Mr. Rothschild and Tring with- out some allusion to his successful domestication of the Burchell zebra, which he was in the habit of driving in harness. Those who know anything of zebra morals will admire his enterprise. Those who have aregard for him and his work will not be sorry to hear that he has handed the contumacious brutes over to a cousin who resides in France. I have already admitted that my visits to both Leonardslee and Vay- nol were made under seasonal conditions that showed those beautiful places at their fairest. The memory of Leonardslee on the last day of April is as of a corner of the Kew hothouses gone astray, with all their wealth of rhododendrons and camellias, » wild conglomeration of half the zoological and botanical regions that lie between the Tropics and the Poles. Here we stand beneath a 90-foot fir tree from the icy north and gaze on prancing gazelles from the Arabian Desert; we move into the slighter shade of dwarf firs from the Atlas Mountains; wallabies from Australia and axis deer from the East gaze wonder- ingly at us from behind bushes of American origin. The trees and shrubs, like the beasts and birds, have apparently made themselves quite at home on a soil so poor that nature would seem to have destined it for the maintenance of nothing above mean and lowly heaths. A closer inspection of the Leonardslee Zoo reveals the thorough wildness of the animals. Here, within 5 miles of Horsham, representative groups of the fauna of three continents run as free as in their own lands. The skill of the vet can never reach them; Dallmeyev’s tele- 694 SOME PRIVATE ZOOS. photographic lens alone could imprison the image of more than one or two of the most trusting. Only when their race is run and their per- verted morality calls for the euthanasia of an unerring rifle does their owner seek them out and end each doomed career. The most interest- ing members of this assorted family—the eight beavers of Montana stock—do not put in an appearance until daylight wanes, and those with thoughts of evening engagements in town and return trains must be content with the sight of their wonderful dams and take the engi- neers themselves on trust. Further negative and positive evidence, too, of their restless energy they may find in the spectacle of splen- did trees either sheathed with iron mail against those untiring teeth or else gnawed through more than a moiety of their thickness. The wood that is given to them every day provides both nourishment and exercise, since the saplings of beech or fir are propped upright in the earth, and the beavers have to work hard for each meal of bark. Nature has furnished the beaver so that it must either labor unceas- ingly or sicken to the death, and work they do beyond any other creature on earth. No strikes, no eight-hours’ creed; but an aston- ishing application to the work of destruction. The woods provided for the colony at Leonardslee are not of the hagdest, but Sir Edmund Loder has in his museum a mighty fragment of British oak, the iron hardness of which was no match for their teeth. Indeed, one would not at first sight gather the meaning of that unobtrusive specimen of damaged wood, hidden away as it is in that jostling crowd of elephant, boar, tiger, antelope, goat, and gazelle, all brought back by the owner from the sands and snows of four continents. The Leonardslee beavers have so dammed the water in which they make their home, that no visitor would be likely to trace unaided its original course to the sea. Nature is, however, sometimes stronger than even the beavers, and there was a sorry spate two years back that washed the beavers a dis- tance of 2 miles into some eel traps, from which they were presently rescued and restored to their anxious owner. Old female beavers occasionally make mischief in the otherwise peaceful little colony; for like old hen grouse, they grow very jealous of their juniors once they have done with the softer emotions of life, and their pugnacity is incurable. When their case is thus past remedy, they are eliminated. An operation is also sometimes needed for the overgrowing teeth, and it takes five men to hold a self-respecting beaver still enough for the purpose, one gripping each leg, while a fifth keeps the ever-ready teeth gripped on a piece of soft wood. It would, I imagine, take a Mussul- man to photograph beavers in the natural state. The ordinary patience of Western photographers is not equal to the ordeal. But your Mus- sulman would uncomplainingly sit beside his subject’s dwelling for a month or two, never leaving his post for such petty considerations as rest or refreshment, and he would, with a whispered ‘‘ Inshallah!” of — Se ee ee es ee ee ee ee Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Aflalo. BISON BULL. HAGGERSTON. PEATE: Ve CASSOWARY. TRING. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Afilalo. PLATE VI. TELEPHOTOGRAPH OF STAG. SURRENDEN KANGAROOS. LEONARDSLEE. SOME PRIVATE ZOOS. 695 eternal hope, but otherwise without a murmur, waste dozens of plates, and at length success would be his. At the antipodes of shyness, as of homeland, are the great kangaroos. Now, the kangaroo is in its own country anything but confiding. Its impressive 20-foot leaps have kept me on hands and knees, with a heavy Winchester rifle slung over my neck, by the hour, and it never reposed inme that perfect trust which would have enabled an easy shot. Fluk- ing kangaroos at 300 or 400 yards is not exhilarating sport, as anyone might understand if he tried catapulting grasshoppers at 50. The con- ditions as to movement and size of the target would approximate. At Leonardslee, however, the only rifle that ever breaks the stillness is that with which Sir Edmund Loder practices at his private ranges; and the beasts have got to know and disregard its voice. So the kan- garoos come quite close to even the stranger, and have in consequence no secrets from the camera. The Japanese deer, on the other hand, which seem to have learnt their leaping tricks, remain out of focal range, and nothing but the telephotograph, one of which Mr. Walter Winans has kindly sent me from his deer park at Surrenden, will avail. The big game of Leonardslee, however, is usually collected on a high, grassy plateau on the farther side of some pheasant coverts, and our sudden appearance round a bend sends herds of browsing moufflon and Barbary sheep, in a moment of forgotten confidence, prancing over the sky line. Among the rarities mention should per- haps be made of a pair of Marica gazelles, the only living specimens, I believe, in Europe. The best known protégés of the Squire of Vaynol are perhaps his wild white cattle, of Sir John Orde’s old Kilmory stock with a cross of Athol bull. Visitors to the Zoological Gardens during the past year or so must have noticed the Vaynol cow, with her little white calf by a Chartley sire. The remaining herds of British wild cattle are not more than three or four in number, and those at Vaynol were established there by the present owner. Though never aggressive, they are very wild in the sense of resenting the close approach of strangers, as the unsatisfactory result (given at the head of this arti- cle) of several hot days of stalking them in various parts of the park will bear witness. There is usually a herd of deer mingled with the cattle, and both graze close to the house and round the lake. Just before my stay, a cow had come to grief right under the windows, and had to be shot; and for several nights after the event a mighty bull fight took place in the moonlight on that spot—an episode that might perhaps have been valued more at a less restful hour of the twenty- four. The calves are noticeably whiter than their elders, which seem to assume a varying degree of yellow or cream-color as they advance in years. Of hares, Vaynol has three kinds (the English, Scotch, and Irish), and, for all 1 should care to swear to the contrary, about three 696 SOME PRIVATE ZOOS. million of them. There are other dwellers in the park, however; and there is room for them, seeing that the wall inclosing it runs a good 8 miles under its chevaux-de-frise of slate. There are Indian pigmy cattle (a very recent addition), sheep from Iceland and St. Kilda, emus, rheas, herons, wild roe, and an appalling abundance of game and domestic stock that would break the heart of a census enumerator. Then, too, there are the wild boar recently presented by His Majesty the King. Lassisted (in the French sense of the word) from the security of a high wall in their liberation from the crates in which they had traveled overnight; and they are now accommodated in an ideal pig- gery—fourteen acres of dry and sloping woodland fenced in and over- looking the carriage drive—which Mr. Assheton Smith had specially constructed for their reception. Of all that disbanded Windsor herd, none, I trow, will find better quarters. Vaynol has no museum, for the Squire likes his animals alive; but there is a bijou menagerie, from which the London Zoo might learn. The monkey house, for instance, has optional outdoor playing grounds, reached by way of trees and a tunnel; while the golden and imperial eagles are able to stretch their wings in large inclosures, and look very different from the pictures of misery usually presented by these great fowl in captivity. And this, I take it, is the striking note of difference between the private and the public zoo. The latter must always, whether it be the property of a scientific society or whether it be run as a syndicate investment, be conducted on economic lines that promise a return on capital sunk in its construction and upkeep. The private zoo, on the other hand, is kept up solely for the comfort of the animals and the pleasure of the owner In seeing them happy and prosperous. There is no question of restricted quarters, insufficient food, inadequate artificial heating or ventilation. As much as possible is left to nature, and the rest is very carefully adjusted in close imitation of her best conditions in the lands from which these attractive strangers were originally brought. rss ee ee ee eS ee ee eee ee eee a) oo ees Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Aflalo. PLATE VII. MARICA GAZELLE. LEONARDSLEE. DEER. VAYNOL. THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON,’ A STUDY OF ITS ANIMALS IN RELATION TO THEIR NATURAL ENVI- RCNMENT. By Ernest THOMPSON SETON. I. At the beginning of this century the continent of North America was one vast and teeming game range. Not only were the buffalo in millions across the Mississippi, but other large game was fully as abundant, though less conspicuous. Herds of elk, numbering 10,000 or 15,000, were commonly seen along the Upper Missouri. The ante- lope ranged the higher plains in herds of thousands; whitetail deer, though less gregarious, were seen in bands of hundreds; while bighorn sheep, though still less disposed to gather in large flocks, were rarely out of sight in the lower parts of the eastern Rockies, and it was quite usual to see several hundred blacktail in the course of a single day’s travel. But a change set in when the pioneer Americans, with their horses, their deadly rifles, their energy, and their taste for murder, began to invade the newly found West. The settlers increased in numbers, and the rifles became more deadly each year; but the animals did not improve in speed, cunning, or fecundity in an equal ratio, and so were defeated in the struggle for life, and started on the down grade toward extinction. Aside from sentimental or esthetic reasons, which I shall not here discuss, the extinction of a large or highly organized animal is a serious matter. 1. It is always dangerous to disturb the balance of nature by remoy- ing a poise. Some of the worst plagues have arisen in this way. 2. We do not know, without much and careful experiment, how vast a service that animal might have done to mankind as a domestic species. The force of this will be more apparent if we recollect how much the few well-known domestic species have done for the advancement of * Reprinted, by permission of the author and of The Century Company, from The Century Magazine, vol. lix, March, 1900; vol. Ix, May, 1900. Copyrighted, 1900. 697 698 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. our race. Who can decide which has done more for mankind, the cow or the steam engine, the horse or electricity, the sheep or the printing press, the dog or the rifle, the ass or the loom? No one, indeed, can pronounce on these, yet all on reflection feel that there is reason in the comparisons. Take away these inventions, and we are put back a century, or perhaps two; but further, take away the domes- tic animals, and we are reduced to absolute savagery, for it was they who first made it possible for our aboriginal forefathers to settle in one place and learn the rudiments of civilization. And it is quite possible, though of course not demonstrable, that the humble chuckie barn-fowl has been a larger benefactor of our race than any mechanical invention in our possession, for there is no inhab- ited country on earth to-day where the barn fowl is not a mainstay of health. There are vast regions of South America and Europe where it is the mainstay, and nowhere is there known anything that can take its place, which is probably more than can be said of anything in the world of mechanics. Now, if the early hunters of these our domestic animals had suc- ceeded in exterminating them before their stock was domesticated, which easily might have been, for domestication succeeds only after long and persistent effort and, in effect, a remodeling of the wild animal by select breeding, the loss to the world would have been a very serious matter, probably much more serious than the loss of any invention, because an idea, being born of other ideas, can be lost but temporarily, while the destruction of an organized being is irreparable. And we to-day, therefore, who deliberately exterminate any large and useful, possibly domesticable, wild animal, may be doing more harm to the country than if we had robbed it of its navy. This is the most obvious economic view of the question of extermi- nation. But there is another, a yet higher one, which, in the end, will prove more truly economic. We are informed, on excellent authority, that man’s most important business here is to ‘* know himself.” Evidently one can not comprehend the nature of a wheel in a machine by study of that wheel alone; one must consider the whole machine or fail. And since it is established that man is merely a wheel in the great machine called the universe, he can never arrive at a comprehension of himself without study of the other wheels also. Therefore, to know himself man must study not only himself, but all things to which he is related. This is the motive of all scientific research. There is no part of our environment that is not filled with precious facts bearing on the ‘great problem,’ and the nearer they are to us the more they contain for us. He who will explain the house spar- row’s exemption from bacteriological infections, the white bear’s ee ee es ee THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. 699 freedom from troubles that we attribute to uric acid in the blood, or the buffalo’s and the flamingo’s immunity from the deadliest malaria, is on the way to conferring like immunities on man. Each advance of science enables us to get more facts out of the same source, so that something that is studied to-day may yield a hundred times the value that it could or did ten years ago; and if that source of knowledge happens to be perishable, one can do the race no greater harm than by destroying it. The Sibylline books were supposed to contain all necessary wisdom; they were destroyed, one by one, because the natural heir to that wisdom did not realize their value. He did waken up at last, but it was too late to save anything except a fragment. What Tarquin did to the books offered by the Cumzan Sibyl, our own race in America has done to some much more valuable books offered by nature. To illustrate: Each animal is in itself an inexhaustible volume of facts that man must have, to solve the great problem of knowing himself. One by one, not always deliberately, these wonderful volumes have been destroyed, and the facts that might have been read in them have been lost. It is hard to imagine a greater injury to the world of thought, which is, after all, the real world, than the destruction of one of these wonderful unread volumes. It is possible that the study of ** man” would suffer more by the extinction of some highly organized animal than it did by the burning of the Alexandrian library. This is why men of science have striven so earnestly to save our native animals from extinction. In 1878 there were still millions of buffalo in the West. That year the Northern Pacific Railroad opened up the Missouri region, and the annual slaughter was greatly increased. In 1882 there were still thousands of buffalo. In 1884 all were gone but a few small, scattered bands. In 1885 there were probably less than five hundred buffalo left alive in the United States. In 1886 an expedition fitted out by the Government secured with great difficulty enough specimens to make the mounted groups in the 1 National Museum, and it was then clear that unless the authorities took immediate and vigorous steps, the buffalo, within a year or two, would cease to exist. About this time there appeared a number of articles by well-known observers, calling attention to the fact that the buffalo’s fate was also awaiting, in the near future, all our finest animals, the probable order of extinction being buffalo, elk, antelope, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, mule deer, Virginia deer; and the farthest probable date for the ruthless consummation was put at twenty years hence. — It required no great argument to convince the public of the truth of these writers’ main statements. It was obvious that no possible good was to be gained by exterminating these harmless animals, for the 700 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. love of slaughter, not the need for their skin, flesh, or range, was the incentive; and the public, though not yet able to look on these animals as the student does, nevertheless realized that it was about to be robbed of something valuable by a few mean-spirited and selfish hunters. Additional point was given to the obvious moral by the circumstance that, through its far-reaching system of correspondence, the Smith- sonian Institution was continually receiving gifts of living animals, which, for lack of space to keep them, had either to be turned into dead specimens or given away to outside zoos, or else returned to their donors. This was the state of affairs in 1887, when the newly appointed Sec- retary of the Institution, Mr. S. P. Langley, who, though an astrono- mer and a physicist, had been very strongly impressed by the fact that all our largest and most interesting native animals were rapidly approaching extinction, conceived the idea of securing a tract of coun- try, as primitive as possible, that might be made a lasting city of refuge for the vanishing races. This was the main idea, when first Mr. Langley went before Congress to urge the establishment of a national zoological park. In all ages it has been the custom of patentee to keep a collection of wild animals for their amusement, and the American people, being their own ruler, had numberless precedents before them when urged to make this much-needed collection of animals. In such a case the advantage of a monarchy is that only one man must be convinced, whereas in the republic the consent of a majority of seventy millions had to be obtained. This took time. Fierce battles had to be fought with ignorant and captious politicians. One objected that he did not see why the people should pay ‘‘to have the Nebraska elk and Florida alligators cooped up.” If they had to spend money for it they would want things they could not see at home—dog-faced baboons, kangaroos, man-eating tigers, etc. Another, a fervent patriot, objected to any money being spent on exotic species, as it was contrary to the spirit of the Consti- tution to encourage or import foreigners! Altogether the Secretary of the Smithsonian found it no easy bill to carry, though it was indorsed by nearly every scientist and educator in the country. After three years of persistent effort, involving vastly more worry than the management of the whole Smithsonian Institution for three times that period, Mr. Langley succeeded in carrying both Houses of Congress over the successive stages of ridicule, toleration, and favor- able consideration, to the point of accepting and providing for the * scheme. An appropriation was made for a national zoological park to be established in the District of Columbia for the ‘‘adyvancement of THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. TOA science and the instruction and amusement of the people,” as well as ¢ city of refuge where those ‘‘native animals that were threatened with extinction might live and perpetuate their species in peace.” An appropriation of $200,000 was made, but it was clogged with several irksome conditions. One-half the expense was to be paid by the District of Columbia, thereby giving the commission a control which changed the plan, making the collection more like the ordinary menagerie. No animals were to be bought, which was much like a rich man building himself a picture-gallery, and saying, ‘* Now, if my friends choose to present me with pictures, all right, ll house them; but Pve done enough for myself in building the gallery.” And yet, though falling short of its promoter’s original wish, the scheme has notably progressed, and no one who is capable of measuring the future of the institution can doubt that in founding this park, where those ‘native animals that were threatened with extinction might live and perpetuate their species in peace,” Congress has done more for the learning, science, and amusement of the nation than it would in expending a much larger amount in a university, a theater, and a choice library combined; for the fields of the three are already well covered, but the park, by preserving the nation’s heritage of wild animals, has opened important regions of biological research and zoological art. He was a wise old farmer who said to his son, ** John, make sure of your land, and everything else will take care of itself.” The whole appropriation was wisely expended in securing land, and although scientists have not the highest reputation for business sense, the Park’s projector was enough of a business man to secure land that would now fetch at least ten times what was paid for it ten years ago. It comprises 167 acres of land, beautifully diversified with woods and streams, in the suburbs of the city of Washington—land which the Secretary had discovered years before when on rides for recrea- tion, and the absolute fitness of which for the purpose in hand had been helpful in developing the original plan. It included the histor- ical grounds and building of the Quincy Adams Mill and the classical old Holt House; but, better still, it secured a region that had always been a familiar resort of the native birds and quadrupeds of the Dis- trict of Columbia, affording the best of expert testimony in favor of its salubrity. Mr. Langley recognized the merit of Mr. W. T. Horna- day, the well-known naturalist and taxidermist, and obtained his able and energetic superintendence during the earliest formative period of the park; and when he was called to duties elsewhere, Dr. Frank Baker took up the burden, and, under the direction of the Secretary, whose other duties have never interfered with the attention he has given to his own creation (the park), it has been carried on with all the success that could be expected under conditions of inadequate support. 702 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. Thus the National Zoo was founded under conditions that illustrate in a curious way the adage that the onlooker sees more than the players. Gcethe, the poet, surrounded by zoologists, was the first to point the true way for zoological science; it was for Franklin, the philosopher-printer, to teach his contemporaries how a perfect fire- place might be made; and so also Langley, the physicist, though sur- rounded by zoologists, has been the first to discern the pressing need of the study of American zoology. The circumstances which led up to the idea were then unusual, as the plan itself was unique. There have been many menageries in which the animals were confined in box cages, and there have been many game parks where the various animals inclosed have wandered at will, with no barrier but the outward wall of the grounds; but this was to be the first zoological collection in which each kind of animal was to have a park of its own, where it could live as its race should live, among natural surroundings, with as little restraint as was compatible with its safe-keeping. The available acreage was barely enough to allow of the park scheme being extended to our more important native animals, so that the foreigners, particularly those from the tropic regions, are perforce managed as in the better class menageries elsewhere. But the glory of the place is in its individual parks. The fencing used is of the invisible kind, which rarely intrudes itself on the observer, and yet is strong enough to restrain the biggest buffalo. The ample stretches of woods and hills in each inclosure are unmarred by its lines, and the effect is as nearly as possible of seeing animals in the open. Here they live, and no doubt enjoy their lives, and the observer has a chance to see them pretty much as they were in their native range. They group themselves naturally among trees and rocks, while the uneven ground induces attitudes of endless variety, and the close imitation of natural conditions causes the animals to resume the habits native to their lives in a wild state, thus affording the zoologist and the artist an opportunity for study never before equaled among captive animals. The scheme is of course in its infancy yet. Wonders have been done with small appropriations, but many of its essential divisions have not yet been touched. The antelope are provided with a little plain, and the deer have a small woodland where none can harm them or make them afraid. The buffalo has its little rolling prairie land, where it may bring forth its young without fear of the deadly omnipresent rifle, and regardless of its ancient foe, the ever-near gray wolf, that used to hang on the outskirts of the herds to kill the mother at her helpless time, or fail- ing, to sneak around, ready, like an arrow in a bent. bow, watching his chance to spring and tear the tender calf. Here, indeed, the elk can bugle his far-sounding love-song in the THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON 703 fall, without thereby making his stand the center of a rush of ruthless hunters. But many of our forest animals are still unprovided for. The bighorn sheep, the coast blacktail, the mule deer, the moose, and the mountain goat, as well as the grizzly bear, so rapidly following the buffalo, have as yet no refuge in the National Zoo. It is too late to talk of such species as the great auk, the Labrador duck, and the West India seal; and in one year, or at most two years, unless Congress is willing to devote the price, or at least half the price, of a single big gun to it, the world will have lost forever the great Alaskan bear, the largest and most wonderful of its race. ys The paddock immediately to the left on entering by the west gate of the Zoological Park brings us face to face with the first game animals that met the eyes of the Pilgrim Fathers, as well as those of the first settlers of Virginia; and it is tolerably certain that General Washing- ton himself hunted the superb creature, the Virginia deer, over this very ground where it is now protected in the city of Washington and assured a little land of lasting peace. Of all the American game animals the Virginia or whitetail deer is the greatest success as a species; that is, it has developed a better com- bination of hardiness, fecundity, speed, intelligence, keen wits, and adaptability than any of its relatives, and therefore maintains itself better in spite of the hunter. Its ancient range covered all of the United States east of the Rockies, as well as part of Canada, and to-day, notwithstanding guns, more numerous and deadly each year, there are whitetail deer in every part of their original range that still contains primitive woods. In the list giving the probable order of extinction of our great game it will be seen that the Virginia deer stands last, despite the fact that it is the only one in that list whose home is in the thickly settled East- ern States. An incident will show the respect in which hunters hold the whitetail’s gift for taking care of himself. During October of 1899 I was staying at a camp on the east side of the Rockies. One morning a miner came in and reported that he had started four deer less thana mile away. Meat was scarce, and a hunter present became keenly interested. ** Whitetails or blacktails?” said he. ** Whitetails,” said the miner. **That settles it,” said the hunter, resuming his seat by the fire. ‘If they were blacktails ’d get one within a mile, but a scared white- tail knows too much for me.” Although some of the deer in this paddock were born in the park, they show many of their wild habits. During the heat of the day they lie hidden among the bushes at the back end of their range; but early in the morning or late in the evening they come to the watering place in the open, and if alarmed there they make for the trees, raising and waving as they go the ‘‘ white flag” famous in all hunting lore. This conspicuous action might seem a mistake in an animal that is seeking to escape unnoticed; but the sum of advantage in the habit is with the deer, or he would not do it, and its main purpose will be seen in one very important and frequent situation. A mother deer has detected danger; she gives a silent but unmistakable notification to 704 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. ' . her fawns by raising the ‘‘danger flag,” a white one in this case; and then when she leads away through the woods they are enabled to keep sight of her in the densest thickets and darkest nights by the aid of the shining beacon, which is waved in a way peculiar to this species, and is not therefore liable to be mistaken for the white patch on any other animal. In the sign language of the Indians the gesture for whitetail deer is made up of the general sign for deer, and then a waving of the flat open hand with fingers up, in imitation of the banneret as it floats away through the woods. The form adopted for the whitetails’ paddock is the result of expe- rience. It was found that the animals became alarmed sometimes and dashed along the invisible fences, until suddenly met by another at right angles, and in this way several were hurt; but the improved plan of substituting obtuse angles, or a curve at the corners, causes them to be turned aside without injury. One can not linger many minutes by the Virginia deer paddock without seeing some of those gorgeous Asiatics, the peacocks, walking about among the thicket or negotiating the wire fences with absolute precision whenever it suits their purpose to do so. The original half dozen birds have increased to a hundred, and the vast stretch (several hundred acres for them) of broken, wooded country is so perfectly suited to their needs that they give us a very good imitation of life in the Indian jungle. During the winter they roam about in promiscu- ous troops, but when the early spring comes and the cock is in his full regalia the-mating instinct prompts them to scatter, and each family withdraws to a part of the jungle—the park, I mean—that is under- stood to be theirs, and to defend which the cock is ready to do battle with all feathered intruders. Close to the deer paddock is a sunny open glade that was for long the special domain of one particular peacock. All about it is thick shrubbery, where the soberly dressed hens might have been seen quietly moving about, paying no obvious heed to their gorgeous partner, who mounted habitually on a little sand bank and spread and quivered his splendid jewelry in the sun, turning this way and that way to get the best effect, occasionally answering the far-away call of some rival with a defiant ‘‘qua,” or replying to the dynamite explosions in a near a ee a ee ee, ———— | ee Smithsonian Report. 1901.—Seton. PLATE |. STUDIES OF ANTELOPE HEADS. Smithsonian Repoit, 1901.—Seton. PLATE II. se AN ANTELOPE POSE THE CHRYSANTHEMUMS IN BLOOM. THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. TO5 quarry with a peculiar ‘* bizz,” the exact meaning of which I have failed to discover. The daily display here and in many parts of the park gives the observer a chance to see the geometric perfection of the pattern made by the ‘“‘eyes” when the peacock’s train is raised. I reproduce a dia- gram of this made and published some years ago, when first I discov- ered the mathematics of this miracle in feathers. (Plate III.) On crossing the road from the deer paddock toward the middle and more open part of the park the stranger is likely to come suddenly on a band of antelope. They seem to be grazing along their native upland prairie, not far from timber, and the visitor, if he have any of the feeling of the hunter-naturalist, is sure to feel the same little thrill that would come if he met with them thus in the wild West. He has ample time to admire and watch their changing and picturesque group- ing before he realizes that between him and them is the slight but necessary wire fence. The effect of this invisible fence is seen on the animals if they have been undisturbed for some hours, as well as on the onlooker; for the sudden appearance of a human being close at hand, with no massive screening barrier between, causes them to behave for a moment much as they did when wild and free, and their startlement is expressed in pose and act exactly as it might have been on their native wilds; but they soon realize that they are safe and no harm is done. The erected mane and rump patch sink and the ani- mals resume their feeding, leaving, nevertheless, on the air a peculiar musky odor that is quite strong when one is on their lee side. Some years ago, while riding across the upland prairie of the Yel- lowstone, not very far from where these very antelope had been cap- tured, I noticed certain white specks in the far distance. They showed and disappeared several times, and then began moving southward. Then, in another direction, I discovered other white specks, which also seemed to flash and disappear. A glass showed them to be ante- lope, but it did not wholly explain the flashing or the moving which ultimately united the two bands. I made note of the fact, but found no explanation until the opportunity came to study the antelope in the Washington Zoo. I had been quietly watching the grazing herd on their hillside for some time; in fact, I] was sketching, which is quite the best way to watch an animal minutely. 1 was so quiet that the antelope seemed to have forgotten me, when, contrary to rules, a dog chanced into the park. The wild antelope habit is to raise its head every few moments while grazing, to keep a sharp lookout for danger, and these captives kept up the practice of their race. The first that did so saw the dog. It uttered no sound, but gazed at the wolfish- looking intruder, and all the long white hairs of the rump patch were raised with a jerk that made the patch flash in the sun like a tin pan. Every one of the grazing antelope saw the flash, repeated it instantly, sm 1901——45 706 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. and raised his head to gaze in the direction where the first was gazing. At the same time | noticed on the wind a peculiar musky smell—a_ smell that certainly came from the antelope. Some time later the opportunity came to make a careful dissection of the antelope’s rump patch, and the keystone to the arch of facts was _ supplied. My specimen, taken in Jacksons Hole, was a male under six months old, so that all the proportions, and indeed the character, are much less developed than in the adult. (Plate III.) . The fresh skin was laid flat on a board, and then the pattern and mechanism of the rump patch were clearly seen. The hairs at the upper part of the patch (A) were 3% inches long, grading to the— center (4) and lower parts, where they were only 1% inches long, all snowy white, and normally lying down flat, pointing toward the rear. At the point 4, among the roots of the hair, was a gland secreting a strong musk. On the under side of the skin was a broad sheet of mus- cular fibers, which were thickest around B; they have power to change the direction of the hair, so that all below # stands out, and all above is directed forward. As soon, therefore, as an antelope sees some strange or thrilling object, this muscle acts, and the rump patch is changed in a flash into a great double disk or twin chrysanthemum of white, that shines afar like a patch of snow; but in the middle of each bloom a dark brown spot, the musk gland, is exposed, a great quantity of the odor is set free, and the message is read by all those that have noses to read. Of all animals man has the poorest nose; he has virtually lost the sense of smell, while among the next animals in the scale scent is their best faculty; yet even man can distinguish this danger scent for many yards down wind, and there is no reason to doubt that another ante- lope can detect it a mile away. Thus the observations on the captive animals living under normal conditions prove the key to those made on the plains, and I know now that the changing flecks in the Yellowstone uplands were made by this antelope heliograph while the two bands signaled each other, and the smaller band, on getting the musky message, ‘‘ Friends,” laid aside all precaution and fearlessly joined their relations. This animal has five different sets of glands about it, each exuding a different kind of musk for use in its daily life, as a means of getting and giving intelligence to its kind. These are situated one on each foot between the toes, one on each angle of the jaw, one on the back of each hock, one on the middle of each disk on the rump, and one at the base of the tail. ; Those on the jaw seem related to the sexual system, as they are largest in the buck; those on the rump, as seen, have a place in their heliographic code; and the purpose of the others, though not yet fully worked out, is almost certainly to serve in conveying the news. To Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Seton. PLATE III. DIAGRAM OF ANTELOPE’S RUMP PATCHES. DoG AND WOLF TYPE OF EYE. PLAN OF THE PEACOCK’S TRAIN, TO SHOW THE GEOMETRICAL ARRANGEMENT WHEN EACH FEATHER IS PRESENT IN PERFECT CONDITION. From Mr. Seton-Thompson’s ‘‘Art Anatomy of Animals.”’ THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. 707 illustrate: An antelope passes along a certain plain, eats at one place, drinks at another, lies down at a third, is pursued by a wolf for half a mile, when the wolf gives up the unequal race, and the antelope escapes at hisease. A second antelope comes along. The foot scent from the interdigital glands marks the course of his relative as clearly for him as the track in the snow would for us. Its strength tells him some- what of the time elapsed since it was made, and its individuality tells him whether his predecessor was a stranger or a personal friend, just as surely as a dog can tell his master’s track. The frequency of the tracks shows that the first one was not in haste, and the hock scent, exuded on the plants or ground when he lay down, informs the second one of the action. At the place where the wolf was sighted, the sudden diffusion of the rump musk on the surrounding sagebrush will be per- ceptible to the newcomer for hours afterwards. The wide gaps between the traces of foot scent now attest the speed of the fugitive, and the cause of it is clearly read when the wolf trail joins on. This may sound a far-fetched tale of Sherlock Holmes among the animals, but not so if we remember that the scent faculty is better than the sight faculty in these animals, while their sight faculty is at least as good as ours, and that, finally, if all this had been in the snow we also could have read it with absolute precision. The pronghorned antelope, or prongbuck of books, is the only horned ruminant in North America that has only two hoofs on each foot. Nature’s economic plan has been to remove all parts that cease to be of use, and so save the expense of growing and maintaining them. Thus man is losing his back or wisdom teeth since civilized diet is rendering them useless. The ancestor of the antelope had four hoofs on each foot, like a deer or a pig, but the back pair on each foot has been dropped. Atan earlier step the common ancestor of antelope and deer had five well-developed toes on each extremity, but it seems that while this makes an admirable foot for wadding in treacherous swamps, it is for mechanical reasons a slow foot; the fewer the toes the greater the speed. The deer still living in swamps could not afford to dispense entirely with the useful little hind or mud hoof. There they are still for bog use, though much modified from the original equal-toed type, more nearly shown in the pig. But the antelope, living on the hard, dry uplands had no use for bogtrotters, and exchanged them fora higher rate of speed, so that it now has only two toes on each foot. The horse family went yet further, for they lived in a region where evolution went faster. They shunned the very neighborhood of swamps; all their life was spent on the firm, dry, level country; speed and sound feet were their very holds on life, and these they maintained at their highest pitch by adopting a foot with a single hoof-clad toe. There is one other remarkable peculiarity of the antelope to note, 708 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. and that is its horns. The ox and sheep tribes of the world have sim- ple horns of true horny material permanently growing on a bony core which is part of the skull. The deer have horns of branched form and of bony material sprouting from the head, but dropping off to be renewed each year. Our antelope is the only animal in the world whose weapons are of true horn growing on a bony core, as in the ox tribes, yet branched and dropping off each year, as in the deer. It is now an axiom of science that not the smallest detail is without a distinct purpose, for which it has been carefully adapted after ages of experiment; yet long ago Darwin, the apostle of the belief, con- fessed himself puzzled by the form of the antelope’s horns. It seemed as though a simple, straight spike would be so much more effective. If the great philosopher had been with me in the Washington Zoolog- ical Park that day, his puzzle would have been solved for him by two of the antelopes themselves. They were having one of their period- ical fights for the mastery; they approached with noses to the ground, and after fencing for an opening they closed with a clash, and as they thrust and parried the purpose of the prong was clear. It served the antelope exactly as the guard on a bowie-knife does a Mexican or that on a foil does a swordsman, for countless thrusts that would have slipped up the horn and reached the head were caught with admirable adroitness in this fork. And the inturned, harmless-looking points! I had to watch long before I saw how dangerous they might be when the right moment arrived. After several moments of fencing one of the bucks got under the other one’s guard, and making a sudden thrust, which the other failed to catch in the fork, he brought his inturned left point to bear on the unprotected throat of his opponent, who saved himself from injury by rearing quickly, though it seemed to me that such a move could not have stopped a fatal thrust if they had really been fighting a deadly duel. III. it is a common saying among keepers that, averaging one animal with another, a menagerie must be renewed every three years. Yet I know of one manager who kept most of his animals, those of Wood- ward’s Gardens, San Francisco, alive, healthy, and happy from the beginning of his time to the end, sixteen years later, when the estab- lishment was broken up, and the animals were ordered to be shot in their cages. The great secret of his success, he tells me, was caring for their minds as well as for their bodies. It is a well known fact that lions and many other animals in traveling circuses are healthier and live longer than those in ordinary menage- ries. At first one might think that the traveling animals get more fresh air and exercise than the others. Yet this is not the case, for the circus cage is always very small and cramped. While traveling it is EE ee THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. 709 usually shut up, and when showing it is in the tent, always a drafty, ill-ventilated, foul-smelling place. The great advantage of the circus is the constant change of scene—the varied excitements that give the animals something to think about, and keep them from torpid habits and mental morbidness. It has long been known that caged animals, especially the highly organized kinds, suffer from a variety of mental diseases. Mr. Ohni- mus, the superintendent referred to, informs me that camels and several other species commonly end their cage lives in lunacy. The camels turned loose in Arizona some years ago were reduced at length to one oldmale. In course of time his solitary life affected his brain. Accord- ing to local tradition, he went crazy, and used to attack every living creature near, until he was killed by a mounted cowboy whom he had pursued with murderous intent. Captive bears are apt to fall into a sort of sullen despondency. Foxes and cats often go crazy, and no matter how obviously mental the disease, it is usually set down to hydrophobia, and the unanswered question is, How did they get it? Dogs that are constantly chained up commonly become sullen and dangerous. The higher apes and haboons rarely thrive in cages. Soon or late they become abnormally vicious, or else have a complete physical breakdown. All this is so human, and so emphasizes the great truth of evolution, that the wise keeper seizes on the cue, and in his management of his charges treats them like human beings of a lower development than himself. Many a man shut up in a cell has saved his mind by inventing some trifling amusement. It is recorded that one set a daily watch on the movements of a spider. Another tried how many times he had to toss five pins before they fell in just the same way. Another tried to run 10 miles each day in his narrow limits. Yet another busied himself inventing new arrangements for the two or three articles of furniture in his cell. Many have paced up and down each day for a number of hours. And whatever they did, all alike were seeking to put in time, to while away the awful tedium of their monotonous lives, to respond to the natural craving for exercise, and to save their minds and bodies from actually withering from disuse. If instead of *‘ human captives” we read ** wild animals” in all this, we shall have a very fair portrait of what we may see every day in an ordinary menagerie. Why does the elephant swing to and fro forever from his chain picket? Why does he gather from the floor all the straw he can reach, throw it over his back and over the stable, to be regathered later? Why does the squirrel enter and work for hours the aimless treadwheel, and the marten leap listlessly half a day from point to point—floor, perch, slat, box; floor, perch, slat, box—again and again, with monotonous sameness day after day? Why does the lone ostrich waltz far more than does his wild kinsman that has many 710 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. admiring spectators of his own kind, and why do the fox and the wolverene trot miles and miles of cage front every day? Why does the bear roll and tumble for hours over the same old wooden ball as if it were a new-found chum; or, if no ball is supplied, swing back and forth on pivotal hind foot for hours each day? Why does the rhi- noceros keep on forever nosing at some projection that his horn can almost fasten under, till it gets more and more elusive through the smoothening of perpetual use? Why do wolves and monkeys put in hours and hours over humble duties that in their wild state were the work of a few minutes at most? To all, the answer is the same as to the similar query about the man prisoner. They are putting in time. They are responding to the natural craving for exercise. They are trying to pass the tedium of their hopeless lives. They are doing anything—everything—their poor brains can suggest to while away the weary drag of dull, eventless days. Their bellies are well cared for, or at least are always plentifully cared for, but how few keepers have learned that in each animal is a mentalitv, large or small, that ought to be considered! Here is where Ohnimus scored. He tried to make their lives inter- esting. The excitement of the chase must necessarily be denied those animals whose nature prompts them that way, but one of his first and most successful moves was made in consideration of their special case. He divided the single meal of all flesh-eating animals in two; the same in quantity each day, but a light morning meal and a light afternoon meal. Thus, he ‘‘gave them something more to think about.” It made two breaks in the day’s monotony, and in time it unquestionably bore good fruit. Another variation was made by changing them into new cages. An animal soon learns a cage by heart. He knows every bar and bolt, and every trifling roughness in wall or floor. He can walk to and fro without his eyes if need be. But putting him into a new cage is like opening to him a new life. Everything new and to be learned must naturally create new interests, and be of corresponding benefit, unless it has come too late. There is a pathetic story of an old tiger that had passed his life in a traveling cage until in a railway accident his car and his cage alike were overturned and broken open. The tiger was unharmed, and he passed out through the broken grating, and for the first time since he left India as a cub he was free, standing untrammeled, with the whole world open to him. But all his splendid powers were gone or were dwarfed. He seemed appalled by the new responsibilities. After a moment’s hesitation he declined the freedom that had come too late and crawled back again into his narrow cage, realizing that this was the only thing that he was fit for now. One of the best expedients of all to enliven and brighten the lives of the caged animals is friendship with the keeper. There was no such Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Seton, PLATE IV. TIGER IN WRECK OF CAGE. THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. 711 thing as solitary confinement in Woodward’s Gardens. Every pris- oner there had at least one powerful friend who was always near and ready to attend to all his wants, including the craving for sympathetic companionship which few animals are entirely without. But all these allayments are mere expedients. The real plan is to restore the natural conditions. We are slowly grasping the idea, taught by the greatest thinkers in all ages, that the animals have an inalienable, God-given right to the pursuit of happiness in their own way as long as they do not interfere with our happiness. And if we must for Pant reasons keep them in prison, we are bound to make their pee ition tolerable, not only for their sakes, but for our own, because all the benefit that we can get out of them in bondage is increased in proportion as we slacken their bonds within the limits of judicious restraint. If a Chinaman after going through Sing Sing were to say, ‘‘ I have heard much of the high mentality, the attainments, and the refinement of the white race, but these seem to me merely a lot of sullen, stupid brutes,” it would about parallel the case of an ordinary menagerie viewed by an ordinary onlooker. If we wish to enjoy the beauty of the animals, or study their development and learn how it bears on our own, we must see them living their lives. This can not be done in box cages, is very difficult in the wilds, and is easily possible only in a zoological park. Occupation and plenty of good food are not the only things needful to a well-rounded life. No matter how cared for, fed, and housed, the occupants of every well-known monkey house were formerly afflicted with coughs, colds, and lung diseases, that made their abode like a hospital and carried off the inmates at plague rates, so that but few monkeys saw their second season in confinement. All sorts of remedies were tried without avail; hothouses with natural accessories, continual medical treatment, and all, failed to lower the death rate. At last it occurred to the monkey keeper of a European zoo that all this coddling would be very bad for a human being, so why not bad for monkeys‘ He decided to treat them like fellow-creatures; he dis- carded the stuffy hothouses; he gave his monkeys free access to the pure air and the sun, in a cage as large as he could get it, large enough to give room for exercise, and the eoealt was that coughs and ee began to disappear. The death rate rapidly fell; each month and yea that passed gave fuller indorsement to the idea. In short, he had learned the art of monkey-keeping. Each advance of knowledge has emphasized these great principles that the lower animalsare so like ourselves that to keep them in health we must give some thought to their happiness, and in aiming at both we must accept the ordinary principles obtained from study of ourselves. These are among the considerations that shaped the scheme of the T19 THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. National Zoo at Washington; or, more comprehensively put, the restoration of the natural conditions of each animal was the main thought in Mr. Langley’s plan—a plan that, though not yet fully realized, has been more than justified by the results, IV. In the center of the park is the coon tree. This very tree had undoubtedly been climbed many a time by the wild coons, within a few years, before it was selected to be the center of a little coon kingdom. It is now the abode of over 30 thrifty specimens, which live their lives here much as they once did in the woods, and there is no reason to suppose that they suffer in any way, since all their needs—food, shel- ter, companionship, and amusement—are cared for. They have indeed all the good things that their wild brethren have, excepting only that there is a limit to their liberty. Usually they may be seen all day sunning themselves in the high crotches, and the sunnier the day the higher the crotch, so that they are a living barometer. When there is a prospect of continued fine weather the coons climb up as far as they can safely go, and at a dis- tance they look like fruit still hanging on the tree. But in doubtful weather they sit lower and nearer the trunk; there they look more like nests, and give the tree the appearance of a rookery; while, in a storm, all descend and huddle together in the great hollow trunk that lies on the ground below and at all times serves as the bedroom of the colony. The scientific name of the coon means ‘* washer,” and one of his pop- ular names is ‘‘ wash bear,” from the peculiar trick he has of carefully washing all his food. This interestingly Mosaic habit the coons keep up in captivity, no matter how clean the morsel or how doubtful the water may be; and as their tactile paw is busied soaking the next piece of provender, their eyes take in the surroundings as though they were not needed in the supposed purification of the food. These, of course, are habits learned in the woods. The coon feeds along the edges of the creeks and ponds, picking up crawfish, frogs, and other mud- dwellers. Then, having secured them, he is careful to clean them off in their native stream, so as not to eat mud with every course. And this being a matter he can very well leave to his very sensitive fingers, his eyes are judiciously employed in scanning the woods about, either for more game or to guard against being made game of himself by some powerful enemy. Those who have seen the little ones when they are old enough js be brought to the water by their mother, and there receive their first lessons in frog hunting, describe them as doing everything just as she does, copying her in all things, dabbing their paws in the mud as their watchful eyes rove about scanning the neighboring woods. Smithsonian Report, 1901.—Seton, PLATE V THE COON FAMILY. THE NATIONAL ZOO AT WASHINGTON. t15 Another microcosm, and even more picturesque than that for the coons, is the one planned for the mountain sheep, but still delayed for lack of means. Mr. Langley proposes to inclose a tract of several acres of rocky, hilly land, more or less covered with timber, and therein to establish a miniature of the Rocky Mountains, where the bighorn sheep and his neighbors, the calling hare and the mountain marmot, may live together and show us how they used to live at home. There are many obscure problems of life history and environment that might demonstrate themselves in an inclosure of this sort. To illustrate the complexity of such questions: The presence of the peli- cans on Pelican Island, Yellowstone Lake, is declared by authority to be essential to the life of the parasites that infest the trout of the same waters, since at one stage the parasite lives in the bird. This case is of a type that is common. No man can say now whether or not the general failure in other zoos to preserve the mountain sheep in con- finement is due to the need for any one element of its native environ- ment, but the way to find out is by restoring the proper surroundings, animate as well as inanimate, as far as possible. Experiments of this sort must increase our knowledge of the laws of life, and in time will solve the problem of successfully maintaining our mountain sheep in captivity. For the bears also is planned. a roomy park with restored enyiron- ment. Bears are restless, roving animals, much more so than deer, or indeed than most of our large quadrupeds, and they suffer propor- tionately when shut up. Many carnivorous animals breed in captivity, but bears are among those that do not, not more than two or three cases being on record. This is an evidence of the great pathological disturbance from caging in the ordinary way. The added feature of a geological disturbance in the small bear pen near the south entrance resulted in a little ripple of excitement some yearsago. 255222 =-- 292 -- 2s see ses Ballboiriobert: ony Mars 2.50.5... 0.22554<: Balloon, Santos-Dumont’s, AED PEIMESS Heme wee yee ke Sa ee ee ek Banks, Edgar James, Babylonian explorations |} Pamiepwatnan, paper by . 2220.2 2l< eet ste Barnard, Professor, eclipse observations by --- Barrows, WwW. —., minerals from... ::./--....-- Barus, Carl, researches in ionized air by -..--- Basket work of Andamanese .......---------- 3ean, Barton A., fishes collected by ....--.--- MeArPacCareOlmCADUVECl sos. kone ocek cl} Beleiea, Antarctic voyage of....-.--.-----:--- Circlunesmittel Lowers. 5 feats Se eres See oo East tte tack eee eT 132, DY ee Se O55 oe tes ek son Loss tare Bell, Alexunder Graham, at meeting of Regents...-......-...------------ CAshsirOM ss 2 eee member of executive on telegraphone -... COMMUNES ee ee eee on students’ use of Government departments. - - -- presents executive co ENDO KES 1X8) NO ee eee Regent of the lustitntion'. 222°. 2. 2-o32 426 < 522 reports presented by Will SOMES OND ONS le ates Aa aes oe or ierae Bell, James M., Philippine collections from - - - emnIEe, ids sO Narles 2 inns ois cin.s oa 2 armel Benedict: J... collections byo.ss--2------ === PAOCE WY sace oe tate cae ae CBT Page. 175 13 245 13,15 286 182 261 176 231-243 184 132 242 207 88 726 593 595 606-609 597-604 595 XVI Xx,5 148 ) D 393 105-118 701 33 575 133, 577 XxXj0 138 162, 166 60 1355 129 483 61 713 377-388 XII LVI XII XIU, 1 56 64 61 138 758 INDEX. 2 Page. Benson, H. C.; birds presented by 2.0" << :2 2. hse ee ee 58 3equests, permanent committee report on....--....-.-.---------------->: xVig Berliner, Solomon, Lanzarotte pigeons from ......-......----s------:----- 109 Berry, Ps V=-on.London: exchanges, 2 2 15 eee ees ee 87 Bevier, Louis, analysis of vowel sounds by ..-...-.----------------------- 13 Bibliography, chetoical dissertatnss2 soo) soc 2 ey ee ee ee 19, 129 scientific literature’. .5.<22.2~2. See a we ee ee Billings, John §., on progress in medicine... = Geeta oo eee 135 Biological collections in National Museum. ..-.-.---------+--------------- 57 Biology in nineteenth eentury *_ 20. 2 03 a ee ee eee eee 134 list of papers: ON < 25 ssi. nce ce ome At rer Oe 136, 137 Birds and eggs for scientific purposes, legislation on ....-...-------------- Lx CATE OL CARIVG uj 36 os Suse ocala aloes Ae we ee 149 destroyed by foresi,destriction. ©3220. 3. eee 8 es ee ees 404 house: tor, in Zoolopieal Park. \\. .2.- >. 8 oa ae eee eee 106 in Chuldren's TOOM se. =5 5. caet oe Os a ee 557 life thisteries ‘of 2) a). 7 sh ene 2 a ae a a ee 63 rt) 241 0 ee ne URE Sig cee be Theis RRM! prea Peay She 639 photesrauphs of motions oF 326.5. ocr o> pao eee eee nen ee 332 relative power, of :ightof sc42 22 set ee ee eee eee 651, 654 Sense.o pmell 22 3 Oo ee oa ee 132 scaring and. flapping compared 2.552022. 22S et eee 652 the. sreatest Of 26.2 vena. co See ei poe ee 649 Bhimenthtt, Kerdinand, paper Py=. setae eee ee eee eee 138 Cretansiaab yarn ne chiSCOyer yi Ol acters tes cis rn es ee dm races eee a 426 svete: of: writing: discovery of. S202" 2 2 cee eens eee 428 Grete sexcayatlons a Sak cet ee oe Oe i ae eee et ca oe eee ee 425 GCrocodiliansand lizards @opeon! 222252 otee eee te eae ae eee 136 Crookes, Sir) Walliam,7 paper Dyson. sess ate eee eer eee oe ae ene 131 TAdiation Tesearchesip yes secs ee ee ee 271 Crookesitube; experimentaiwith=ssa9220 sac a! fe) 5 a eee ee 274 Oripih Of 2s he ER OS ie Se ae eee eee 271 Crosby, k. (W.., minerals froms: 2o.322 20 Sos ees a here tee ane 60 Guba, collections from. 222s oo Sse ie pe ee ae ae a 59 natural history explorations: in. 3232.52. 015 - btese. ao eee eee 61 Gullom,Shelby M.; Smithsonian erent: 5-22. ..9e ese eee eee eee Solita Cunnime ham cl: S., leopandsdronis. 22. ae eee oe ee ee 109 Canie: IM. :and Ming... researehes: by... ies oS so nace See ee 241 Currie, Rolla P., paper by ..---..:.-- 6 ee ee eee 137 Gurus, Thomas I, paper by. 229s. 52. 2 eee 133 anna Kem Ve eae ll couections rome 4224s sec asc ooo eee eee 58 INDEX. to. D. Page. Dall, William H., on preservation of marine animals of Northwest coast... 683-688 SYESTS LN oR ge ay ee i ail dik et 137 urreret mame teCORY a... os ok 2 eae sce skeen se eee scl ececaccee 171, 182 Para AcoArics evolution, theory Of...... 2.02000. ..-2. 200 oe 631 amma eanne, researched Dy. .2- 2... <.2-122-2<.-0.--2-2+---s--ce ae ee 186 Bm eGrY, Wo. AW nite On. vo os. fe ce et aA 631 IGsainoe Ae OUNUMe Mew TradiathoOns=.o82scsostes 22 -. eto eee 271-286 SREMBE SOON be S525 25. be ee cin - s Seke o Bares eee ect ee ee 561-574 Daughters of the American Revolution, report of.........................- 140 awison, Georee,on Alaska volcanoes... 2.2. .2....2.---....22. 2.02. ne ee 37 IE IO MO MAMICHUOMMKOL <5 SU os fs sss bua nn cee nce ee cae ccte lose eee 699 Peeeemeerny Mi. janimals from: - 2.2.22... 2i-..---sa-2-se--ee- cece 109 Memaeennemeniek, PApeI DY <.5.-... 2 ssc ct ces howe ce ee eel lotr bese ten 135 eee tite eGUrtesies (POM. = 25-02 oo. sek wesc ee eek eee: 46 Density of hydrogen in different conditions -.................-2.200¢2-22222 260 Meme eEville Ao eolloctione from <> -- 22.22. stn ne lee eon eee eee 56 Derx, Mr., courtesies from ..... SES BS SSeS SA eRe, Seach me re ane 164 Tthrbenry, WANOOMISL § prize DY=....-.:-----.-<.0--escu. cece eee eee ALA Deve lopment of iumination, Honghon:..--...2:-2.22 22.2.2. 2222. lle. 493-500 primaltshapine arts, Holines-on .. 22.22.5202 ke 501-513 ees eroescor, mutaimon theory Of 5.022552 55225-222 2022-22) ee eee 631-640 Pew mames on liquid hydropen-=_22..-...2. 22.5.2... 2k ee Pe eee 131, 134 CESGI EN OROMe Mist ene cee St. oss Roe kk eee tLe Nee Dewey, Admiral, on value of submarine boat ..............-..--2.2222--- mala JO Cm iva iO ks), TENSE AUTON eps aes eA Ree SOS a See nee ci ie ee 359 UMA Lp OA IMEIICAN Goes O25 hp ccs lsh sane Sede seus 359-366 ECGS Cont oie Saat ape 9 ca nee gc temier ee ere eae ar eet acne 361 Rigen ARO OPeSOM 2.2 = | oe Sees et ese SEALS tee S- 361 CHomeOt mil OO WsrOnes sess nee ee os. 50 eet oe eee Lee 359 ISEOUSW ELD “ZIT CL 0) sec anata ny cl, A a ea I a ih 359 irene tenth sneer rece cy oe int Re ere rn eae eee 359 NYSE SHES ERIEC WG 00 Ce Na a coe Alaa Ne a 359 WASGCOMSII hearer eect oe ENS SS ke eine a ea 361 Dinosaurs; a pUNG ANCE. Olsis- foo Snes eS eke ge he ea Ade pa) Sa gt VP 641 ire AN OE ena es nia ao eA eS Se 642 DEM ELENA Os ALON Ol oo kiss se Le TS Seek eee 641-647 pee UMMA ERP tenons ST. St ee See ees 643 Minemore, uch A.at meeting of Regents.......2..5...-.--522525.-.25252 XIII Recentromtnernsthtutlon nce eas s ne eee me tee KL ESE LOREM eon oily Ome teas ee RE ey ee mk ee a Nr ee 715 DamrmnwOG one Naples zoolorical station 2.2220 2o222 52.2 2ee onc cece Se ibe Mime EnicMoIiAls MN DOLLA COOL Sana seL ase se he a esc Rete wee Ss 698 Pee ME CAVE Gl DIGKIKEA INNS o2 oe nd nocd cac aoe ate ewet see cece ee 439 Doty, Lieutenant, Bogoslof voleanoes photographed by..-.-.-------------- 37 Drake Nog hields, fishes collected by .-<. 5.2.22. 22-2 202-2 alt. 135 Draper, Paul, member of Sumatra eclipse expedition. .........------------ 45, 124 Benen ICRVATG: GIAMCTSUDY =a noes e Satine etc weed owe c dese e ee 135 ntechnGoverniment COUnteSsIes nOM'..220->.....c-2-0L.-ceess ec cce e+e cece 162 Deere AML SOnN Gar Ou Obs asses ern teat cis see ce oa TA A cers Se eo oe ou EK. PRA anAMaILN OL. MAE: OF 2-2-2 2) Paes ee SS ps8 Se eee. 206 762 INDEX. Page. Eclipse expeditionsto Sumatra 2--225- pasos eee ene eee 45, 124, 125, 161 Hiclipse expeditions: 2 sxc sve oe eee as ais SOe at ae eee ee get eae Km Ecuador, exchange. service with: -./o.... 2-2---4- 617-63 764 INDEX. Page. Fox, Mr., agent for Avery property ---------.-- Se Dea een eae See XVI France, exchange service-with Bos. 2-2 cu Se wae aee ee eee eee eee 92 Franklin's! oné=fluiditheonry 22022 -2- 92s. eee ee ee eee ee 235 Rrigate bird) cas! omit ont Of sees ae eee ee ee pee 654 Pry, OW ilibamna Posse ees Sia a I INT, XU Fael supplies of the world; Thurston Ons: 22 Sofas 2c icc te ees ee ee eee 263 Fuller, Melville W., Chancellor of the Institution... ...2...-....--2-222212..- XI member of Smithsonian Establishment........--.-.--- Ki Eultons- submarine boat; testol sss et en icee see pee enn ane ee 722 Funehonal- motions, photographs Of 0s ii. sige ee a- k eoe = Se 334 Fund; Smithsonian, statement of |. 22+ 2 22 [see S ocean Spee ee ianeeal, Dall’ on preservation of foi. 2< Sas cece ee. ane ee See ee 685 G. Gage, Lyman J., member of Smithsonian Establishment..............----- Bae Ys Galleries, National Museum, appropriation for? ..... 2s... 22-22 5cncer esos 10 GOSEOF i se Die eie eee eae ee XLVI Gallery of art, expenditures fore. = sosi5 eee aal ee ae oo eee eae eee XXVI alton, Sir’ Douglas,on physical laboratory. 2s 25-2 ane oe eee 341 Galton, Francis, on improvement of human breed ...........--.-.-------- 523-537 Galyanomeéter, improvenrente in. . 25.2 5282 gue. fo ee saa 120 Garden.and its development’ .¢ =2265-..0-a2e0 ome aoe cae ee See eee 132 Gra8es, QtQme: VGlEMES OF 22555220 cule ieee oer eee eae a 261 electricity Was) SIV ee oe oe Fe ee Re ee ae ae eee 183, 233 expéerimentsiin solidifying 522055 5.0 Lor Pan eee Sees tees 251 Gates: Peter Giexplorations Dyson oo a nee eae ee ee eee 60 Gatschet, Albert 8., Indian language studies by ...../.-..22.2-----ececnne 79 Geographic conquests of nineteenth century... .-..- 2.52. --..--cccee onsen 134 Geology ang mutation GHeOLY: ce sae. Say ee re eae ee 6388 inerease of collections iin: [22h FOls ee eine See te 59 IRaGETS ON Oe ech ae ee Ape etek ae re eae eee 131, 134, 186 (eorpia, Indian -qtarrice in ies Cee EL as es a ee ee 60 Gevers2 Baron W/1Aceb.- COURtESIES MTOM aac oe ee oe eat rer ee ee ner 45 Gibbs, Witlard “researches: by..195. oS ake sree eee oe eee ee 174 aie: Valley, explorakons ise 2.6 0022510. S555 Saal gereaiae oe een ree ae ei 67 Gul, DeTancey,exploratioba-Dy 3.225. asso sso see aa rena 67 TIst ra Give WOR ERO ces ce eet ren acer eo eee 84 oitl; Ww heodore: N.; paper by 260 soos eh: CSorep bem raw a= See eee 139 representative to Glasgow University jubilee -........-- 26 Gilman, President, of Johns Hopkins University ........2./--.2..2-12..--- 749 Griraire-like fossils 222 shar s ae Aes Se ee Se Sa ee ee ee 664 Glacial epoch tn A HtArCtC Tepion?. 02-5 S2 s 525552 oss Soa ages aes 383 Glaciers: “Antarctic, form Of 222 <== os. ae Ee aaa Ore Rye A a dal 380, Glascow University, jubilee ofec22 ot oe soe boc co dae ions ea eee 26 Glazebrook, R. T., on national’ physical laboratory ..22- 5-22 25.-2 eh <5 52 eee 341-357 Gokteik-bridve, erection of 22222... Sees ol a Sse aeee ee ees 611-615 Gold'and lead, ‘interpenctration' of. 22 25S eee asa a es eee bey Gossart’s oscillating objective photographs. «2... .v.<. -2. enn. eke sce teen 328 Government Departments, utilization of, by students.........------- XVIII, LVII, 4 Grayitation; law, of force:of (s2 seee ee se as eee es See 199 recent studies in = oan es ese ee aaa ee eee 199-214 Gravitational. matter in infinite'space = . . 2.25.2 42 a2 oaca- Se eeeencereesess 215 Gray. Georre appointed Regent =. 2. ~ 7.easeene = oe ee oes eee eee XII, KIV, LVILes a INDEX. 765 Page, Pray aceore, a6 meeting of Regents. 2... hs. -. 52st aseee cle costs ee. XII MZ PTALe ALO lm WeSteLMStAlesa =o oe oye we abe acl cece te ee chee daateee 421 Greatest pivano creavure. WUCASIOM Ss 22. 2. <2 oc. 5-2 ne cece oes ose ae eee 654-659 baba eat Lee woyea (Shia 0) oe vee aie pater nei PER 649-654 femec Kaci mMlZAtl OU sONOUMEOlscrm ssh. emacs cice sce sot os cintaites eis onsocis eee e 426 Eee ENO (I OTACO. © Soe ho ae eee as os Pax TORE Wie mea kaw’ anes 422 Griggs, John W., member of Smithsonian Establishment. .......--.------- 2 MERRILY Ain se OUAACTICAVe. SOP one. oak oceans Satie Secs eG olen ema ad ers ok 13 ATH Se EPR ORT OTIS UNO mers eee Nt wy ek od Ne oo ES Ra ot Sense meee Se 109 ROSEN OR Gl eivcls PAPer DY: sases=!c nescni<: Se. oe Sade ac Se geen es baeee 13 Cronous OUtneMpIChUres IMs. 22. He bashes ose sae awe ceen See ess 439 MCR CIM Cu Stay ne Se ernie we Se US no's PS moc eine ee eases Uae Se 578 em awean yasculptunestOle 228s |< Smears sac esee ss enc cons caseceusas 132 (Gudecon, Colonel, on fire-walk ceremony-.--..:..---------+-+----++-+--- 539 Hi. eae ESM eCOnmmDeGQUectiOl a As=c.ce ates ates eee ae eee eae Oe xxv, 8 Peete ., COULLPSICR IRON 2622522. 25 ule cin- cee Cooke eeclake ee 45 REDO NUM Vee ese seen et do, ce he Seah ie Ol a ee XVI Maeekel. brotessor, on life iether and: matter... .22.222-.24-22h25--4% 188 ign, Sse) ie ee Soo be cle Ss tec ee eee ee ea a ane ge 58 Hallock, William, researches in articulate sound by ..........------------ 15 Feaminlconrramnes, WeEQUest Olea set ses- - oe see = 2s. . bec .ceecceseseeasoeeae XXV, 6 Hammer, William J., on telephonograph ....-.--..-.-------- gah ota 307-312 Reena SA PeN Dyi et ee ee aa cic 2 as bo os oe Sas tein o aialheen Se aa 140 TH gastiiiamtiiat AES ee E89 area MON ON as ara eer a ed a a i 367 RERserw mil scollectionswrome. pss coves nent soc aeee cee veoh oeee ae aee 56 Re CLOmmr een mins stron a6 ser case Seen ~ OS. Seon ee ee ees 109 EROn mes) COs alan hoOtorraphs Dy a. sce ce= = 2 2 = 4ecetem eee ae oe 319 Penand Gels on habits oh wihite antec: .- a8 2. sotatcone Seoehe eee ees 667 imc OLeCtiONGEnOMle mes seers ae San ee eae osama cee ner HL eee 56, 6 Hay, John, member of Smithsonian Establishment. .-...........-.-------- Ree eee eon ON EOPOSIOl, VOICANIO << 22. Jen 25. on- 3s e seeaneeee = eee 371 Hea memnee Oaniealkequivalenit Olas = 5 sich oie Geamsaed oes ns 2 see mce S XIV EHUD UITeLtOnWiedus WIISONDY) 22 tira te Sac prin alarss ee eee 3, O1 ermietengeines cir collections DY 22. .<¢ 2.6 aoe sce ce estes ot aes = ecto 58, 61 mem aseph. laboratory notes Of.o.. <2 .2.J2.s- 222 se rete nw dine eee eas 26 on catalogue of scientific literature. -...--.---------------- 6, 23 GUASUIM TM SOMN AMMO LAN Vise se ee eee ee XX ME OMMiieOnlan) KEPOLts- +. 5. h-o2bise Ao tke ose es Ae 19 en theoryior universal ether-<— =. 2-5 jst Aw a ois 287 Peer eriitn Maton), ACCIMONS: LO ~ 2-2-2. 5. S22 Seen =o anes selon eae a ae 58 "STL STING ONG MAN AST 00 fe eg es aps See Ee eee eee eee 528 Herisson, Count D’, on loot of summer palace -..-.... SU ss ie aoseee eee 135 766 INDEX. Page. Herschel), Sir William-J:, on/color*photocrapily = s25--2=-22 see eee nese eee 313-316 Hertwig, Oscar, paper’ by. f2-6 =.¢- 2 ee 134 Hertz, Hlemrich; researches by...22s25e2 ae eee eee eee eee 287 Hewitt, J...N. 5., Indian-researches by 252504 2S. Sse ee 67a Hieroglyphic writing, Cretan...-.......-----.- CR eS EE 428 Hildebrandson, Professor, atmosphere experiments by_....--------------- 248 Hilder,F:.¥.; Philippine collections’ by <2 <2/325.22 255 sa. Os IES 60, 82 History; American, collections illustrating. 5.4... Aen eee eee 57 Hitcheock, E. A., member of Smithsonian Establishment............--.-- xe Hitt, Robert R., member of Executive Committee .............-.----- XIt, XV, VE Regent of the Institution -........_-- Rak mips ee ei X11, XIU, SLVewe FEporte DY ose) es FA er Rr 3 THittort Tays;-Dastreion . . =~ s.2s- 22k. sa ee oe ee ee 272 LG Dare Vem Tee Mey yas fps he ee ee ge ee ee ee eae XIII Hobart: Vice-President, death of, .-2: <2. 228s eee ee eee XIII member of Smithsonian Establishment. .-.--...--- 2 Hobbs, William Herbert, on American diamonds. ..........---.---------- 359-366 Hocken;“f, M., oi-tire ‘walk ceremony. #.2 2922 522 sso ee ese eee ee Cease 539 HHodrer RAW 2 editorial swore Ole soci cae cree ees ee eo a 83 report: as'Curator of Exchanges : 22 ho. 2ohc cee eee ee 85-104 representative to Congress of Americanists..----.---------- 26 work on Cyclopedia of Indian tribes by.....-.-.-----.----- 82 Hodgins: ThemasiG.: put or os s-s552-5 2 eee se eee SL a Oe Hedekins fand;:conditions.of crant from 20: 3U Se oy ee 15 research work wnder:< 5325 225522 -3-oecwsinn uae eae 11 statementiaho ese es i Moot pele oe XVI Hotmann,O:-insecticollection Ob ssi. < s22.4255 550 Sees ci eee eee 58 Holland type of submarine boat, Melville on_.......-....---------------- 718, 730 Holmes, W. H., collections by ..---- SRR Re RUSE AY ae Sel I any Seem 57 CXPlOrahlOns Dy fos joc Sse ae Rte Ee 60 on-auriferousicravel. man" cases) cose eee tae eee eee 132 On primal shaping arts: >: Js. SF ae eee 501-513 report; Dypasss28 Fc culsse sree Awe Sees te ee eee eee 136 representative to Congress of Americanists -.-...--------- 26 Hopi Indians; shudy-0f + 22.32-2222.2.42 55 ce ee tg fos ke oe eee 70, 72 Hornaday, W. T., superintendent of National Zoological Park .....--.----- 701 Horse; prehistoric, pictureof 222.25. oosoedak aeewasee ole eee eee ae ee eee 446 Hoch: Walter;explorations byes sesso 4 ee eee ee eee eee 60 on development of illumination..---.-....--.------------ 493-500 PAPEP by! sks Hoth eas en RN SEY = ee eee ey eee 136 Mugsins, Sir William, on:rings of Saturnsf2!2(. feo 2-2 Basse e eee eee 176 researches, Dyss.ccsces Shee ae eee eee 153, 154 Hughes; Professor, electrical researches bys sss 52 oc eee tenner eee 287 Human breed; Galton:onumproyementof-e->-)-- ose eee eee eee 523-537 mind: elements of-activities of 252s ss-yse ose eee ee eee ere 452 qualities; distributiom ofjos +2: 2scn. 14 sss sae eee ee 524 variety, Galton: Onis. : 2 S22. 22¢ S22 eo eee ee ee 524 Hutton; b.WV., collections: {roms = a= see age ke ces ee es ee ee 59 Muxley, lesson of life of 422-5 -s2535 Feces nee eeeb eee re eee 135 reminiscences of: 5. 5. sc: 2ta.082 2 ee eee 136 Hybridity, elementary; 222: 2 ss4rs. Bac <6 soos ee eee ee eee 632 Hydrogen, density of, in different conditions. ...........-...------------- 260 electricity Jc 2 ).hs sence tote eins saeeeee see een eee eeeee 233 INDEX. 767 Page. Summer midinic, mMensity.Ofo- 22. 2. on bocca och ee ac cel ke eee 260 LUELLA DT Sk Sa ee ee ea RE Reo g oe INL 131 SOLS (LOA Oca na a |e a ee a 251-261 PEE SGU RE ee = oy arene I SM ann Dusen Sok a he 2a 251-261 1 eee radiabec, Characteristics of... 2.5.2 2.2.2..-22.-2222. 022s ek. 384 iitumimation, development of, Hough on ................-.......-.---.-. 493-500 Raprevement,o: human breed, Galton-on.-..--..-....:...-....-2----2--:- 523-537 RUM ERIIMMNTIR OK ko. ot oe Sot oe ese ee ae 13 Income and expenditure, resolution concerning .............___....-._... XV Emuthsonian, present inadequacy of .........../....-22..----- 22: XXIV iim eoleetons i National Museum -_............2....2.2.222.--.---- 55 Muenenreremeticnh ty pes OL... ../22222..2.---. 222-20. we op este tess 461-473 HoUneAnmentcans collections trom ©. =. 2225-622. 0 2 leet ee 56 CWTLE Piece SE oe = See ee a Nc 461-473 (1 SS SHIN Gace 2 ace a eo eee 67 Aine creanesinycollections Ol. . 5.52.25. S22. coe eee et oe wee oee 58 ADC CLO MME see Mate ters lok .care wat aes aie ae Wins Shins e es eee des ede 157, 667 International catalogue of scientific literature..-...................- Xxx 623 137 exenanves appropriations for © ..< 2-22. 2c eee ol XXVU, LVU, 9 EE UETRES TG OTIS 1S) auc) ieee aes eae ea am ee ene, 86, 94 Countries participating in. 222. 5.2.2. 2k See 100 Huropeatarencies OL. 22.2.2 fc. < Fase: eee 88 foreign government depositories of.............-- 103 Government documents sent by...........-..--- 96 NUMper Ol parceisisent, WY - =.= 522-2525 see 2 49 OMEraA Ons Ole ses = Seems sa ens eae ee 49, 85-104 receipts and disbursements of ............------- XXVII Seeretry s weport on. --2-2..5.)2.. 2 48 WeilslitioL transmissions by2-..: <2... 1-60 4i22.5- 86 ineumercurial planets, photographsof....-..----.:--.-.-........../..--- 120 PGEmerteenLrenes by SATA IN. 2.51.23... 2282 5-22 LS iL3? Pemenere ODSPRyMtIOOS ON)... 2 622. on oe 4 ed’ So snk ese 248 DEP On mneseanc es mile meme te or moos Seo ea ee eS wie catia a Bobs ol ee Pa 183 Lo UE USE CCSSS 11 6 re) iis ge 67 Mapewicarrnl itivaple areas... =. 22.2265 22.22.22 heli. c sees 410, 411, 412, 415 SIL RIPe Ta ann Ee A SDL ee oe PASE eee 418 LES OCSL TREyEAET IT ete hee nee ga ee mae De em Te a eg 417 LIEN EWC NOM ete eee Seer nA NS ek Rep aie re ee 407-423 Isopods of North America, Miss Richardson on..............------------- 138 paar un KOMSCIVICE Willi binee a2 so cce tac oe Sees es oes Soe see ese cs 90 Merete OL eolor photography .~ .<..+-..-..io2-2--26 2-822. cece cee 314 J. ammnECoee UA DPC Er VIG, WIL oo 2). eS o-oo eee meee eas Secs nde eee sees en 4 87 Soe Eeaen eee Sener ae no A ey Ao wns Ne eek oa eS oe 58 laeeed.-om propress in AeromAauLICS....... = 2 -- 2-05 - 2a 2 nn Bon ee ne ane 133 faumsenomanbbononiical Teyvolver.--.... .....252.52225--5-ecc -oeeect-snseeee 317 Metierconmenresident: On Mmeteortessc 2. =... <2. fens ee os b= os ee eee eee 193 Tae etpent &,. lidian researches DY. -- 22222 22- Seis e ne nen ne ewe 72 immer O) Cl COMCCHONS ATOM si <¢.. 022252252 cnes-2.c22 5-5 oa = bee es 58 136 Jewish ceremonial objects......-.-....2..... 5 ae tn etre ee see (68 INDEX. Page. Joekes, Governor: courtésies from. 2. : 26222 -< . oe eeeeeeee 46 Johnston, Marearet A. 2.20. /ia. 22s Soe ork Sa ee eee XII Johnston; William. Preston, deathiots>s230 255226 ee eee eee XUI Silecessor' 002. 2 one ee ee ae ee XIII Jolinsien, Six Harry H., on the Okapie2s-< 3-8 eee ee 661-666 Joly; J., 00 age ol the earthy, .* 32 Pare aa ee ee ee 131 Jordan, David Starr, papers by- 225.2252. soe See ae ne 138 KE Kagiak: ‘hear, efforts*to secures. 2 eos. so. . Sos | Sena eee ate ee eee 12, 245 sea atmosphére'ex plored withy.< 82. 4 eee oe oe ee ee 245-249 Kijoss,C: Boden, bird collection from. .: 522-2222: 2s Se ee 58 “ethnological. sesearches. bY; 3225-22525. 0. eae eee 475 Knossos, ancient, excavation of ......- ey BE ots be oa Sera ee 426 Knox, Philander C., member of Smithsonian Establishment ...........--- xi Mopliler, 8: ih, death ‘abe 2. 55004: oe ae a a ee an 64 ongo: Free State, animals Gfs. 2: 2. Sn ee ee ee 661 Korosy,J oseph: von, ‘exchange agent... 5 8s Loe c ee eee 87, 89 icmkatan, eriptiog Oloo5. <= .cy 5a eh eset ee eee 163 Kropotkan, .Prinee, paper by'-0 5-24. sa.-55. 442-36 ase ee eee 134 L. Labels, Museum, Secretary Langley on .....: 22... .2---2:-.2--<24-s022 33, 35,554 dapyrinth; Cretan; discovery Of 2.0522. 5, 50 a2 0 oo! ae are ee ee 426 L/diele, jal of. meteortes ab: os! so te Sa 3 ee ee 1939 ake. .WaiG- minerals from 2a. oe oe te ee a ee oe 60 eamnp, development of: oo... a. - Some oe ns) ae ee 498 La:‘Mouthe, grotto, engraved pictures In. 2-2-2... oot ee ee ee 439 Tang, Andrew, on.fire-walk ceremony 22235-22000 0s oo es ee eee 539 on. psychical research 22. 22to22) a2 eae eee 135 Langley, S. P., at-meeting-of Regerits. 12 2S. Yo. sae ee ee XL, 3 bolometer invented: by .s 20-2 acccaecc ete --eskce 59, 61 TRUST Une oe ene ee ee tate 2 Gee 2 139 MEEMEEM EDR Tints CNEOTY . 255205262. 2 22 22 oe eet ene west eee 287 5 VEE AMPS 1c) ae ean 79 MPMEnnmEMmA;COMeCTIONS DY x22. 24 so-cec cco gece soe cue oe ee eet ee eecee 58, 60 PEammneniveui valent OL Neat... 22. ofa se oo el dene ee ee ee eee 741 Medeine, progress in nineteenth century .....-...2-......-....2-225.-2-. 135 Melville, George W., on submarine boat as weapon of war ............-.-- 717-738 ieanenhall, Thomas C., address on Rowland by..:-.-.../-22..-.-..--.-.. 739-753 [OCH OTST] oie ee ete ne ce hem ele ER ee, A ae RN OE er 134 Mensenrek ie. satomithsonian Naples table. -:2.:.-2---2.i2..---..-seshes 16 Meciam, «. Lart, on Borosloff volcanoes... = .-2.5-.- 1.22.02... eee eek 367-375 OTE COR CSURUCGLON h2a,- ave Le eee ed ESS 404 HrenmallGeoree) Eon nonmetallic minerals... ...2.2 222257. 22 st se 5c eek: 136 EMPPUNEEL OIRCOVETICH INL = 22 20555 6222.65.55. DSS Eee ke 351 Meiminemicroscopic examination: Of. 2. 222.26 24a. con beh oet ose 351 Pn OMe COMPOSMON OL ~.— 5222. 6228... 225 0) tk 2 le cae 194 SPAR PUTIOS, DAO Se ee eee ee ee nea te 194 GETTIN ONE RUNDUG RiG(Oh nese Rs ea is eee eg en eee aE 193 EON LULO MNO ips see rei te eR pl be eae eae 194 1) Te UT Cree eae ey oan Se As eae PN GUT ae SER ie oe 550 FOMMET CIS MEM ein Tet. ays ee ke a5 eke ee ENS al ey 193 SM aT ERO ats Santee, COR ol. Fi SERGE eet oe cin 197 MERC HInrcoUlechOnn Of ses Sou aan kos oS Se ek eens 194 MUMS R BPE IMICNE Obs too aes so By Seren tee SOS ea ies oo eae 60 TPCT TO ia Ne a we IS Orne ee SEL TE MTS go Ae Ee 195 Meteorological observations with kites...............---.---....-- 12, 133, 245-249 Seudies py Vion ALendentelde-seir eo oes a Soi ee ce 12 MmmMmnmnataAen., LOUISEN Sis. 25.55 252 C see eee ethos co od bbe ecee cet 307 Miproscopie Chronopnotorraph ys. l.2- 222. -sbce ne not. see, Set ee emesis en 329 SSAA LON OLae bese a. Wess eteen ns CLS oo Aiea eee ty! Se ena 351 Manette oni E> COMeCHONS DY sccccn 25-0 c05- +555 55be eee Soe 60 Rite See rOmMA pli wi OLKa Oleic ois ouch oi eyo eM ene eater nee Se 154 MMOL CEMITATIMA et... 5 toe ao ee ant 2 Si ne eae hE ee ne 451-460 Miiieta ene wVACOLLECULONS Ole ato") Seas has eS eel bs eee iw ee eed 60 Mim mA IICeLOlreXCayvablOMoOless el 5 So Soc eis nis et es 425-437 WA eomoUN Cl aEbUIniey ONS sam sa aes nt So 2205 Sse aoe ee noe 548 Minne ornate sb yoAds We DRUCKer soc... 4 tote ii Serge tS ee 171 Molecules compared with togset.2es ss so2 Sse Se ee eee ore ee se 183 BLO Peciier Olas tone Meer ame tee Mien eatiog oe es «bs os 184 BIZeIOle a cn aa ee ata AO Fens eee A Re EPL ERe cio Set eee SS 186 Mo lasinseme we COMECHONSIONS 2252. sass ace eae eee coe cw Saeco tk 58 Mio eh SAMs hraliane CeSCKIptlOoNiOls 5 ase see seria es SS cies ee eee 644 Mar en euCanerOls Cap tl VGeecing me ween eee ee eee ete ree rine oo ape ee Se 711 MonmGensiunnel Ceseripmon Of. -25. 2-4. it ea Sees sce dees lee 622 MID OTEACIATIONSNmeSCAnChesINh ss sei eke oem aie he ON Se ee 120 Meme .oames. ngian studies by..4-5.2.2-..<-. 23550 See. 4. 55.22 ee 67, 80 Panamera ORE kAINClION Ob * {52 5ss2< oe. deo cle Se es 2 2 - Saceep eee aint 699 (ere INDEX. Page. Moose, present scarcity offs 2a hae 8 ie soos ot ice eee a ee 40 Morgan, Mrs:George W.; collections from’. 22s2022.032 25 -S2 ose ee oe eee 57 Motor, petroleum, secret of power of.........-..---------- Se es en ee as 587 Monillard on ‘power of flight: of birds. 22 63: SJ she 2538 eee 653 Mountain goat, danger of éxtinction Of... 24 2eeso.2 UR ee eee 699 Mount Dicta, great cave of..........: Rei Pnte nes nee kona hee etal rte oid 426 Mousterian epoch, pictires-of ys 222522 en eo eee 439 Sturray, Sir John; ipaperby cose ee ee eae Be Rapa gt 131 Museum ‘proposed at Santa Fe ‘Palace o 2.02 0s SR eee 27 Mussels; fresh water; Simpson-on: $2525.30 Ls i eee ee eee 137 Mutation theory of Professor De Vries, by C. A. White.................-- 631-640 Muybridge’s animal-motion pictures.» =. 2.2.05 222025. oe el ee eee 318 Mivcene,ONCRYOMONS IAL. 22) e ee Beh a a ae ee ee 425 Miybhs, sindian, Stud yot-c. io ses ee es poate Sos sas ba eae Chae eee ee 81 N: Naples Zoological Station, Smithsonian table at ............-.------------ 15 Natick Indian dictionary,. Trambull’s:s- (25. Sista ee eee 79 National Museum: accessions {ome 222 esate eee ee eee eee 33, 5D ; administration of 2 ect a Se ee ae a ar OER appropriations for <2 25. S27o 2) eer _XXX-XLVI, LV-LvItt, 10 Assistant Secretary Rathbun on. .222-3s2te5l see eee 53-64 building: cost ole :2 2 ae eae roe ee en ee ae 32 cubic contentsiof soe S35 Se tee eee eee 32 MEECIOE NE Wat noe ee cso Br aoe roe ee es 30, 151 Children,s: room hs 222 poe as ae ee eee ee eee 53, 553-560 census of collections ing. .2.02 ta cee ee 147 compared with other museums -..---..----2-----2----- 31 Congressional acts concerning ........-.--------------- LVIUL electrichinstallationtns 2420 a: = eae ee eee XL, 55 exchanges Dy 252555 Ss aoe oe ete eee ae 61 Wma neces GIy! fish Se Ss sige Oe ee ees XXX-XLVIL walloricg tm. 220 cvs a ec teh ee rapes at Oe an eens XLVI, 10, 54 larger appropriations needed for>: 2 2u2 a4 5.22.2 sae see 30 lecture hall of-30 3 see eae eee ae ae 54 Lirary Obs ee ie pb Sa eee ee ae 64, 128 OVIDUN OLE cis res be nh oe ee ok ot ap tag area at A ea 147 publications of 2-3 ses. Sasa Rae eee were nes 63, 137 acientific Blatt ot: 02. Seo). coe ee es ee ee 54 Secretary on-néeds' Of... 2-22 25 52 Se ee peécretary,s_report-On Soe" os. is ae ee ee 29 VISILORS tose Seas hone See aes ne a ene tae eee ee 53, 148 National Physical Laboratory of Great Britain.........-..------- Oe -seeeee 341-357 National University," Mro Bell on 2.2.5 Ao ike ane tee eee ee XVIII National Zoo at Washington, Ernest Thompson Seton on.......----.------ 697-716 National ‘Zoological: Park, animalsin.. 222.252 oe at ee eee 105, 110, 111 ahimalquartersam: 5 2.0 So. 2 Se ee ee 702 appropriationsior sSiia-2 aa aee ee cee tix, 10, 106 aguariuni ines. 252ee eee te ee eee 107 birdhouse sic. Bae oe eee ee pee 106 elephant house meededsing 2 solo ee ee 110 finances of so Sor os 2 Le ee er ee XLIX history-Ofo ots Jaceacese (ae ee eee 700 INDEX. Vt3 Page. National Zoological Park, important accessions to.-......----..----------- 109 JOSHESMINNES Foals te PS as ees Sr sies eaten 2 oe ial 1X = (er FS }a0) Les Ae ee EA LEE Ra” EP oS RR ie ie Catia xtv, 110 NeWwapaddockan ssces. ase las eee eee ease 107 ODJECHOl sae cape See ee UR Sens Bec oe lee Tes 38, 149, 700 PLOPCLLYA Ole See eee nae dae ee AS See eS gee ee 105 report of Superintendent of....-.....----------- 105-118 FEPontrOmsccretary: Oh +226 see seen ace eee oe 38 OHA WaAVAUeRs o2: sy Sasa sane so sceT com ae oN 108 Setomisdescriptonoliss- 4-2 re ee ee cee eeeees 697-716 ene MAW AROL Sa aA lO\CONiS 2.5 a oe Nee sees ce allen ae ee 545-552 TanOfOLI POLI AON eel We NG) GAYE =) Dear eg pare A era aa eee Ie eee tye 171 PVG KUNE Sy ONAN) UMIMOT Gta es oe So etcie Reyes tice jae See 135 Naval Observatory, solar eclipse expedition of ............--------------- 166 MOP STIELONY Ol Sec) in Vest Siew a eal oni ales ee haisimee ee oS 394 PerueearteIenG, COUTLESICH Dy U2. 32. sec. 2-22-25 - Sine oS oe es 163 Eire ta DOULSNOVaserselises- Jom see eho Soe. Se acts con soa ec se eee Sa 168 Penh eM periture Ole cas 22 oo 2 acte = ok LS ee wc Bt ee 243 Oceanis st eee ete St og 2 Soa de wintas oe cease eee an 156 Miers AtictaIMans SANS 42-:. sas SS. sk Sos one te oh eee te oes 56, 478 Mie NICO bars SAMUS yee cease wee ee a craw oes wats teenie ce Oe 56 Nelson, Elias, paper [PSUS eet SPE eR IAs SAN Reel a ee een eee 139 euderinoersveiectrOL Sea OU cess 5 eS Samet a ciel Sots twin Sess ee ot aciel 390 emer AGEN ILEISAMONG s45 Sei See sie = = So 2c So nie ella wien ns Aes ome 407-42: New Mexico, branch museum proposed in --..--..----------------------- 27 Meawastarsim berseus: =e eee a eee eee 59 Pamamary Indians, collections irony. -2_~.0..2 25: 2235p es- ane ee eee ae 56 Pan-American Exposition, collectiotis from... +2 32-4.heg 2 ot oars ee ae 60 reportion: 22 255 -se beg yee ee eee 63 Papago Indians, study of: 22 32050 =} 2 2he Se ae ete eee ee 66 Papi-lta in-fire walk ceremony..< °.2--.2nss oS ee ee ee gee 181 Pekin: loot. of sammer, palace ab ..o2 > [ons s 2.25 Skee see eae 20, 135 Pekin ‘Observatory, loot of-22 =... 2s. se one 3a se pee eee oe eee 133 Peirce, Charles'§., on. great mien of science. 5. =~. 2..) 22-2022 ee ae eee 135 Permanent, committee; report ofc 2.2 225 6 sae ae Ba eee eee XVI Perrmn, Jean, researches by-. . 22 Sins cite acu ee oe ae ee Eee ee 286 Perrine, Mr., solar eclipse observations by ......--.------------- Beye oe -. 166 Perseus, new star in; Observations One = 2225) onc Seon oe ee eee 167 Petersen) «i. -Psaminerals: from 2222 cect lo eae ee eee eee 60 Petritiediiorests of Arizona ‘Wardoni= 222-4 = seen ee eee 131 Phenomena of life, Rucker on....-.--...------ 16 ee a ee ee 188 Philippines;-collections/trom>) S232 5-2-2 ae ee eee ee eee 56, 60 list-of mative: tribes! of 2032240 ae oe eee ee 132 peopline- GF See et rea ee ee ee ee eee 132 Phillips, O..P:, moving pictures by | 223-525 28. See ee eee 68 Phollips= W:7Ac. explorationsby.2 22-0. teste ee eee ee ees 60 Philology, studies in-.....-..- At a ee ee ee 78 Phonopraphi,; macneto or MICrO oo. sz. Hoe see oe eee eee eee 307 bosporescences forms.of 322225 Soe er eae eres 494 Photographie pun, deseription Oi... 2/2. 2 eee oe ee ee 322 lens, iniprovements Im. 2 222 2 see Sie SS i ek 348 Photocraphy, astronomical advancessi-2— 2-2 ssese se ee eee ce 155 chrono, Marey on. 23362 See ee ee eee 317-340 color, article Oni26 220 css oe en ere ee ee eee 135 Hersehel'on< 2.5 2: 226 ee Soe oe Se ee ee 313-316 BOUNG“ WAVE 2 bi a55 fete taoe ce eceoceee eee eee eee 134 epectrumy tions eee eh oc es re eee 744 Physical Laboratory-of Great Britain. 02-2. 2 oe eee 341-357 theories mits Of ec {-Steeeo ss eh ee ees se ee eee ee 190 Phiysies, procresd in Mendendall ons £222 aie ss een ee ee 134 Piysiological uses. of saltic 22 Pits Beto Veo oS See oe ee 561-574 Rickerine, BeO .-ooce She erat Ne a ee en ee ee Rested 44 observations‘om planet Hros byes --<22- > - sehen se oe eee 160 Pinchot; Gifford: onforest) destruction=s 22-2 se- 2 eee ee 401404 Planet Hros2observations of: 2 Tso ett 22 ae ee eee Se ee ee 159 Plints electrical phenomena o2: {2 t. S.C ee ee ee aoa 131 2} Mew tollections: a8 (5.22 522 ses See eet ce oe etre en eee 59 Platt, Orville H:, Recent of the Institution >> 2-52. 522s see ease eee XD, XL Plumacher, E, Hi: ‘crocodile from sacs ye oe ae 109 Poincaré, Professor, on scientific methods..........-...------------------= 171 wellard, -C.1.., collections by sos: Sates iaat atten sh aS a nt eRe 59,61 - Porto: Rico;:collections: frome ts. eee a eS ee ee ere oe Postage, Museum, appropriation fors*. 2. - 22. ace Jaeetene dace eee eee 10 Pottery; Andamanesé oS. oo. SS 8 2 Ss ee te INDEX. 775 Page. PeCmennVatoinia, rough ON <.. _ 2. — s)2uc-sasesecnccesckeclscecaee 136 Poulsen, Waldemar, magneto-phonograph of .................----:---.--- 307 Honma dis. WW oc SEES 5 5ee ee ee gee ae ee See Re 36 TL Tih gy CoE 01 Na oe ee a 418 representative to Congress of Americanists................... 26 Buwmereouroes Ol. 10r Industrial uses =... 5. 225-222 ccc ds does ck eow. +2. 268, 270 Popuune, John ., studies in gravitation by.../..-2...2.-...2...-2s----- 199-214 Payiune.Erofessor, on: scientific methods... ..............-.-2-.2..-4---2- 171 oe UA DHSS SEGA CUD RSS ne © a 439 Preservation of animals from extinction. ...........-- ak 2 oe eae Ce 38 DeMEnrapinT arise ELOUNES OW 227) >. 22 2d Peek Soe e eet eee bance dek 501-513 emanate OCPalY anoles Lo 8) 5-. 2 .c Se ee es Sec eS 396 SAMUI AUG LENT sl YOLEN GY a1 Seat a I NE oy a es a we ep ra! 451-460 Printing, National Museum, appropriation for.....................-.--.-- Lv, 10 expendifures foes ss os ick aa v2eG oc eee le XLII MERZ AL ALOLOMM AS = sat Sse en roto 25a Sete pro Santee Sab eeee esa wees 689 Prussian Academy, two hundredth anniversary of...............-.------- xvu,3 Pevenen) research, Andrew Lang on..-.. 2.222 2.2522 ccc 22502. dieese wale 135 CORE CLC ES 01s os ee we Oe TE Se ae ee ye 131 Pavemery and invention, study im, 2 i222. 282. sc.s0-ie lsh. nceee ghee ees 461 Pterodactyl, greatest flyinz creature, Langley on ......-.......-.---.-..-.- 649-654 HAUL CH SRO Mg cet eye tata te sels lay ee aha creed eh ee ee 654-659 iisienands/ of WUniteds States pvacant 2222523. 5 052 0250 oh tee sec ceased 407 uplieations, American Historical Association .....-.-.-- 22. 222-2-2..-.is- 140 ibureausor American Ethnology. 22 2522.22 =--6—- a5-6 se see ee 83, 140 Daushtersiof the American Revolution. ..-.=.--22-22-- 2225: 140 PAYEE RC OUECOIE arene oe ae Se oo BS ee eae ae te 129-140 DmRCHeMT eH IObe tes) “ti. ). Sith ors epi ces es ee oes XXVI INetirOia alla VSeUTN Ee eee eee ane yee Ne ae eek ge oe 63, 137 PSENIVENON he Se oe es ce en en eR ROE er XXVI NeCheLahysswepan ON seers se te Sh i Sak ote See 18 SHEOUN A ORTON GWEN apt pease eR eS ee a ei Cie or Oa a 18, 129, 136, 148 Pupin, Dr. M. I., long-distance telephone system of .-....-.-----.-------- 299 RMA Le V Visa Da PEN. Dyer aus cane sacimineaocees he Sire cn eee ato cae he a een 132 R. ame abrcppOG NEW sO YASUEG. 32 5 soc scein as o's - ~ qa Sst ces 2 aie sies cele 271-286 aa LSMAES penal SUES RS Ad pak aN ee eh Ria AUB 134 RTO Os ayia areVe Nb oy See ee See ne as eee ae es ay eee 234 Substances se DOOM OMe nase Sancie crac Oe Game ee een eee 131 Ragkomicrometer, desioned: Dy Boys: --=2-..2--- sts -.aseeaes ase stist eee 157 PPMneOrAMArlen VOIGCItY Of O22. 2 oca8 =o awh nnd wag eenide es 2 Secale cies 241 Pini cte COMMiseles IROM =o. 2... 2 Sef get hoe ahi a Jw ein eae 241 CETTNE DEES ES Ds OCG DTS 70 1 Re ap EI) 64 Sibi iabrass) Coda DY sss tsa. shone ake tae oot a ocs 58 Gre ltrembi stories OliWIrds ss. see Seen ee oe Ce se eee 63 Permit IE DADGR DW ss cio. os Ao se eee ee open tes socsmetaccas 133 Pearl SAVICK. DANQTINY 22 os Soe oe oo oe wget ate pieiinninn «i> a Cae ewe 132 Rathbun, Richard, Assistant Secretary of the Institution ..........-.--- XI, XX11, 64 report on National Museum by - 2522-225 2. os Soaeses Jp 53-64 Sain ee SA TE CLGCC) seers os ee ale la ae et alam wis so a:0 acai ate ewe 231 21616 i 23 1 Outen apes ee ee Bat LE NAN 5 fant SARRa 133 Recentastronomicalvevents; “Abbot. ONeas52-.-S-mche- ssn s/s o-'s2e ote seels 153 - 776 INDEX. Page. Regents, list-of, dates of appointment. _-. 5.2 2eo. eae eee SIL KIL proceedings’ of meeting Of-2. 2s Cee es Sea eee XH Reichsanstalt,descriptrom ols. Sah Sas sores Ses aa eee 341 iReports; Snnthsontan,Obj) ects of S225. ss ee ree 20 “Researches, by Bureau of Ethnology 2.2 2) 22a oi: We 66 expenditures for.........--.- temic SSS TR a eee XXVI ‘Secretary’s report Ons 2S soe: ate 2 eee eee eee ee 11 Resonances: Rowland’ onic soo25 Aae ae | ee ee ee eee 738 Reynders,*J.:V.) W.- bridge: built: by. 5-22 ee ee ee a eee ee 611 Rhees, W. J., history of Smithsonian Institution by .......-....-.....-2-. 19,129 hhodes,-James-Ford, paper ‘bysu2 ves). 3 sees re oe. see Bee re he ee 140 nice, William North; paper bysci. 5. sven See eee eee 132 Richardson, Harriet, collaborator ..--.-- BU SE Ee ary Se ee es 54 OM -IsOPOds: 45 9V ERE Se ae ere 138 Richarz, Professor, gravitation experiments of.........2......-----.------ 205 Hideway, Robert, bird: collection ‘from: 522307 ss2ess. 2s eae eee 58 Riker sy> b.. autontobile:race by. 332 She Se os ee eee i oe ee eee 596 Floyd iy. “collections by" 4205. -So 0-225. ee eee ee 59 Ritchey; Mr; nebulee photographs. by: . 55: 2255s eee eee 156 Riviere, Emile, on pictures in grotto La Mouthe...-..........-....22.---- ~ 439 Roberte-Austen; Sir: W-,-researches: by 5-200. 5 /2v2e 6 SES ee eee 177 Robinson, Wirt, animals obtained by.-.--.......-.-.--- toy fee eased oe ee 110 Ronigen rays, applications ob 2:2 5 ee 528 Se a ee ee eee 282 Dastresom ys ss 203 oe Sa eae ees Se eS ee se ee see ae 271-286 diséovery Ofs. «220.52 UA AA a ee a ey 740 due to vibration of atomic corpuscles.-.:._.-..-.--.-.---.-- 286 ACUTE OL ssa e ye Se ie Soe Gia Ae ray a LR Se Derma Naeem a Banas 236, 282 penetrating power of 22.4.0 ec eee 284 yarieties Ol. you ess os ele a en ee ae eee 284 vibratory,. not Gimissions <0: <2 2a2 ae ee Se et sees Oheere eee 283 Roosevelt, Theodore, member of Smithsonian Establishment_........----- BAN onvforestdestructlOn = S225 she ee tee ee 401 OR: EPFIpatlor Soo Se eee Seek Se od oa 412. on needs of Smithsonian Institution .-............-- 145 Rerent-ot the Institutions. 223s. ase BAN i 7) Root, Elihu, member of Smithsonian Establishment........-....----.----- BO Roscoe; sit Henry.on-Bunsen: 2 SS2< 540s ss ee fet ee ee eee 133 Rotch, A. Lawrenee, kite researches :by= 2 2. 2c 22 Yess. 125S30 on exploration of sea atmosphere by kites. ..-..-.---- 245-249 Hoth, Filbert; on forest:destruction 22. S02 heee Soe ee i ee ee ee 402 Rothschild:+Baron-Hdmiundsdes.- ses 2-2 eee es eee ees 580 Rowland, Henry A., electrical researches by--.-........5---/-0--22--5-2-- 742 heat researches by. 255 soa toes see ee eee ee 743 life and workofssc1i2. 3 Shes is eee 739-753 mechanical-talent:0fs= 3-4: sees see eee ee ee 748 memoriabaddréss on 275203. 550 Set eo oe 739-753 3 personality of - acest fe ese eee eee eo 751 , résearchiés Dy 20.2 -s iecde ee ee ee 134. a Rucker, Arthur W., modeél’of nature by soo 2s ee a. sae ee 171 4 Rumtord: "Count; quoted 222 esse ee Ss eae ee ae 178 a researthés by. oe so ee es ee ee 174, 744 iussell, Frank, Indian studies by 2-24: 12 ee See ee ee 67 F Rust, Horatio N:; collectionsfrom: 2-32. eee eee 55, 83 . mpathertard,..bewis Mico slo. essa. 2 oee ate ne sien Pe ape eS 745 4 ¥ INDEX. LOC S. Page Sapule, WW alace C., sound investigations by.......22.0-10..22..2 2.2 11 Safford, Lieut. W. E., on Abbott collection from Andaman Islands -._.---- 475-492 Pais physiological uses, Dastre on... -. --. 22.20. 222s 561-574 EOUSMMeNitOl ANIMAL GORSAMISMSs: s.22225- 2266. eee eee oe Sodom 57 PIPE OrOlgnved: WY So vec pee ect ok ee oe 571 REMI Eer aU Hea er O UU eee es ee ae sera eee, ee ea eee ee nee 563 PHP MineATuy. Tarmine COLONIES: Of + )..255- s224s-5.----.+- 22 see el seoe eee 423 Pamiseegalace, muuscum. proposed at... 2. 22.22 bce secsee ot Leste ene 27 SEEM IENCM LONER OL- 2 6: ooo oe ics ak Sake rece wees bs Bone cesses 132 SSM OMiACCOUMG Olan cass fac slot eee ee eee ee cae 585 patloonukcirelingphintelatowenss = 90 eae eee eee 575-592 PRIMUS SRC emtteCUReLOL = xs aye te cincjs Soro BASS oi at canola see ek oee. 175 Purine Rea OI AIA ADET DYnancce ck sciee ns Soe ac see oaks OOS bee Oe 140 Sere ERISCC NV cee OSSlIS;COLECCEM* DY. = -- =o 2 So eea ons elec sete ee “59 sciuchert, Charles, fossils collected. by -..2.s..-. 5.22.2 22-2222 Se te 61 PPMMUnEVIGtar, researcnes DY. s 22.2 S22 noes Pe kale ie 12 SEMIS TCE Erolressor, rESCATGNES! DY\s 222.5505. 52.5 bess celt be a eee ones eee 233 Sripneo wie mholtzion limitablOns Ol. — 22.222. o2os5.0S< st Soe ee ee 190 Scientific literature, international catalogue of...................---. KT Geo wen REO ETICK ET: OMe ae e oe oe an tee aes oe TR eae 172 PMRNEACE ODEDEE DV. Soa oo soso. aes Seas e steels lok serene tooecsn eee 13 eee StuGies:in philology bys... 222... 2-222. 2fie else See 78 CEPI, MOLCLUN (<2 so fae a5 nS Sosa So aiolcalns soo sac oases 433 SEMEL MN ULOUS tesa a aetna ee eS eee hoe Pee 389-399 Pet UN On PreseLVALlON- Of s25 5.222 oe coe so esse Fos Sse 687 Sear Dall Oli PLeSeLVvAtlON (Oli=*s- 22-06 oes ees 2. be os oo es Sea See oe 685 PEG NOntihiwviest coast; Wall ONscm. a. 2 SoS ede Osan oe he cee eee eee 685 Seton, Ernest Thompson, on National Zoo ..........-.-----2------------- 697-716 Beano nntah a nCOlleCtlOmmrOMl a. 22222 2.2 tse sa oe ae eee ee 33, O7 SuAamMoaAn ho benjamin sh. paper Dy: 2-2 522222 9-222) eee es te eeee ose ees 140 eed) ridin portraits from. «25. 222 jos 2 ee es Se oe 83 Baeonerasancer, on color photography... -..----- 252-205... e tle es 315 PPPPaMEpENie: THCLCOMECS UNG 74. st lo aa Sociea geal ee aaee peated 195 Babe ie hissivl. war collectionsdrOM -s2 825-282 ete eae) So oces see oe 56 PETAL EDV Way eh tc, SALE ete ee Nate vee Rees see 56 Bune, ESCriptlON Ol 52s. o-oo be tn o-oo es oes eee 626 imemarenaricd, Porey, paper DY .- 2222... «222s 2 a hs eee ee ae 137 COMECHIONS IDSA tess aoe ee cee gee 58, 61 Bicminer: F rolessor, eclipse observations by... 52.2 552522252220 oe eee 164 MNO GTS LICE. oo ass oon olay sa ae cos = Soa Sa See eras wanna ne 74 Smith, Charles Emory, member of Smithsonian Establishment... .-...-.----- 5 ite a Saini ered minerals: trOm Se. st hess) osncete sk cote dee ee ee ee oe See 60 Sinem Dui AnSheton,/Z200:0l2 +s 5. u ca ce oes Sees ee Ses a ae 691 Pie ates WV ater. Taper. WY 2. sc.h= 206 son aac eee berets toes Sede ee ae 133 SMIeHE MOM i I>... PADCE DY d:.12 secs enses et to bo ea cusy oleae eee es es 137 Pannen DEQNCIb, AOU Of. 522.532 ie 42 Anes one e. 220 22 eo a ee eee 149 legislative history of.............--- Patera he oe 19, 129 organization Of . 52>. tass ces conan eae eee .. Ss President Roosevelt on. 22: 2. .e2=ato-= eee eee 145 work and aime of... io. Geb ee ee ee 145 Smithsonian table at Naples. -s205. 22.4 (42S, ee eee ee eee . 16 Snyder, John Otterbein, paper by... -:--..-...-.2--23-55--- = ieee 138 Sokeland, Herrman, paper. by. 22.222 52. 22k eee eee ee eee 135 Solar.atmosphere,: obgervations on... ose tes a ee SO Be can Si a ee — 661 Starks; Edawin-Chapin,. paper, by .u75 5 tsa s5 ee oe a ee oe aa 139 Star-spectra; “Lock yerow.s >. 5.262 oss corse ee ae eee a eee 184 Stars, measuresof heat.otes= 2-2-2 se eee iro oNy Sart ete AAS ene ae 157 velocities of in-line ol eight: 2.2%. i622 ore so eee SMES des 224 Steam engine, progress ie sca6 sa. = tesa ks ee 135 navigation, ‘progress. iz +... .02 2.5.01. ane beens see So eee ee 132 Steere, J. -B., collections: from. oi 2s-:.- A ecses eo ee eee 56, 60 _ Bteausaurs or plated. lizatda», 204... 22 ete eee Songer aaa 646 Stein, Robert, Arctic researches by ..........-.----------+-- Ee eee ae Steiner, Roland, collections from..-.- op oee boat ae ae ne 60 INDEX. 779 Page Peereormmenthaard, panes Py 25.2.2. -. 32 2 S252 on ee ok Sn eee 138 Pea NOM CeLOrMmuinanond Of >. 25.222. -2-2 sot as oS aet oe once cewicee 153 LSE AAW e SS ae EEE se EO red ee ee eR eee Ree 225 Sternberg, George M., on malaria and yellow fever...............-.-..--- 135 Spevens.eb. i ab smithsonian Naples table:...........:--2-.2.s.22-2--e: 16 Stevenson, Matilda Coxe, on Indian ceremonies ..................--.----- 81 Somat ian. ;collectlonsibys.s<5252 <2 sss... 24 ¢le ash ecens. af sceeee. 61 Seeraracennmel, deseription Of - 2.2 422.22. S232 2-2 ool eesskaccceeeta- ce 624 Seams ox position, law providing .-....2-...2-.-.2.--.2-./-+262-4es- LX Beemmetrnwcorze, researches Dy! —- 5-22-12 2. s. se elas cee gabedanecescne 233 Mmaeeiinicments, tethod of making..:--.2-...........---..l0..22.206- 501-513 pioneyenccorce Mon, Bogoslof volcano. .-... 22. 22-2222... 5222 ste ecee By All PP meeerOnmPOne.laper D¥i.2 5. ss. -i- << 2 s+ + meee bow sae eee ee cces 13 SET PEniae HANET DY. . 22 oo. ee ose woo - sew Sone et cece ea cease nne 132 iene Ts MmeLCOrtS ION... 55.2.2 22.2 225.2 ea Sse lek ee less 60 Seema non. Admiral Melville on. -.-.-.2-2:.5...--)....0..3.-.2--2--- 717-738 CSPI TS PEA 1 en a ee i et 727 ROMDASsenare lial erOnes 2 aes es eee Wea: Pe Oo OO te 723 Consiruchonieimple- tm! characters == == 42 2 52355 720 Memory miryalueiie Sweets = Sin Ea eel eke a ee Ae ALY, IV EHEGE UTR Oise See Sos 5S 51 cnn oat sha pad Vitae See oak Se 721 CUOURSTCS Ol Cle WORT hate ea bese Ans eos shoe caus bean 721 SPAIN NIE SENN te ao Ne os SLL ne 728 CHETAN gay eee eee eee Speen Ae af ce aes Oe 730 She aie titan on ee tany os Seas Stee Se ec Sy See 729 Miahanvonuyalieiobes-.2 5 2oet terete aS a oi ee 721 PUTMAN ete eee ace he ss US ae het tees 731 LSS ETS SP UVTI 0 VE SI eR ogg PRS SIR ig re et eee Pet 730 SUMEACEGOCEeSh OFM UILOMc2 + fetes, a0 ti Sua ee ee 122 Ee MhaeNGesione = 22 so. tee oee ou, Le 734 AUC RIE W A CLA Re ear cere aies cenit ey oe eye ae a 717 WANE) AORDCOOEH Olen == serene Sen at A 725 Mumbemmeriocerexpedition =. 22005 2S 2 Se ss el ek - 45, 124, 125, 161 Se IOMeneLnC ied TNTe | o> Sos shee et a ee oe keel eke ce 266 PEI 0S Dest on nen nd Se hs eR a OS Cle we 225 SeRTRTEP ERB TA Oe ere a ee rere SOE Se ee ee Eta oe yes ees oS pimemencroyesutilization o1,Churston OM: 2-22 22-2-2 222 sensi - encase s 200-210 Sunlight, mechanical value of cubic kilometer of........---...-.---.-.---- 216 SMe ohne bys, Tndian TESearches: DY s2s-5-250222-24-2-5-25 02 cone eee 67,79 MPEP GSE Sete oN So a es LB ee eres 68 SuZenaindnexehanre Service With: fos Lock eee coi ee ee samew es cle gene - 2 INSTITUTION > a a a q a _ S = = ot 2 S ARIES S sa1uvudi = z 2 S) 5. = a : v oD = S TLILSNI = INSTITUTION S31YVYd!IT_LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN > > e) m 2) w ew eee mw Sa1uvysi NVINOSHLINS S3I1¥YVYG!IT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN ty Ay ti NVINOSHLIWS NVINOSHLIWS ILILSNI NVINOSHLIWS saiuvugiy LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN| SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ES NOILALILSNI NOILNLILSNI SS S N ACA \ \ NOILNLILSNI ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOJLNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3I¥vudIy T_LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN | 7 LIBRARI N N N