cea bt hari aa ee it rf no athe ah : iit Bee Srirletipebe ati ets i aca Arar. vive Fi ‘i By: oe aan ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SHOWING THE OPERATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND CONDITION OF THE INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30 L928 (Publication 2724) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1924 TT A240OTPARSIO i LIT@uL ART AO YOULGAGD 4 0 YU) DATGHA BAY SAT AOF ee. ADDITIONAL COPIES ; OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM ae’: THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS Mi GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT $1.50. PER COPY { THAMAARIVOO LETTER FROM THE ACTING SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SUBMITTING THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1922. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, July 15, 1923. To the Congress of the United States: In accordance with section 5593 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, I have the honor, in behalf of the Board of Regents, to submit to Congress the annual report of the operations, expendi- tures, and condition of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30, 1922. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, C. G. Apsor, Acting Secretary. Ill ALTYT AS tie C nl toe Moe taut rid ae ‘Toit ) ub ge Mie: 5 live! aeraoetiine ul) to aaitibnes fan “ od of Aerteord edt oved 1 GSAT OF anith & “a = © ine duper hieelés apie 4 , Und Yoaqaad ean Fe CONT EN'P 8% Page. Letter from the acting secretary, submitting the annual report of the PEO PONTS TCOU CUAL ERGs Mere ence ee ee fg en iii Do POSTS Pua ow 2] 2 1) y Rea ia eee amie a Osh, Re ANE Ne DIRE EA Vv PiStaO ts DIOS 2 ee ee ee SEN oe A SE en ee baie eka A vii General subjects of the annual report___--___--_-----------~-_- pane iD ae ix Onicials*or the institution and its, branches--- xi REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. ihe: Smithsonian, Unstituisones<2 2 eek gg a al APES ESTED aD HICH ATH PES 0 POU ROAST SORE HERE Re ae SP Ee Re ore seve aNWEV Oa OTOL HROGE I Tsien! fe es eg ee eh 2 General GOnSiG@eralons so ee ek So eh ae ee 2 LOST RTI TY CECT E a aE ADF PSE ORE EDN LIES STEN ae EL 3 Researches: ang explorations: _=— 222-2. 22.8 ge erie 6 Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies______________~ 6 Paleontological field work in the United States______________-_-_ 7 Botanical. expedition, fo,the,Orient.......-—- 4 =— 4-42 pin #9 Xe 9 EXE) THT PUY Bf 8 V) 0 ee ae a ET HIN A PRES RE ee OR NE 9 Biological exploration in the Dominican Republic_________ _-___ 10 Hntomolosical expedition. to, Alaskan 10 The Institute for research in tropical America_________--___--____- iat Wioraiomtne ehilippineislandss) 2 ee 12 BairasvViemorials Committee ee eens hk ae eee ee ee 12 Development of multiple-charge rocket______-_-__________________-__ 12 PETE SEC 6 Ease Sr A EE PE TS a ARN AR eR AAP Re Cre NH 13 Ferd RTE pyaar tege)ere k e ae h ie e eh eee e 14 FEY AEST (Gey 86 STE 0 0 ee eee el ca wy TON ae a ey ea LS NECROTIC CIV ON ATG re ete ee Se ee ee ee 1 LOYD Srere (GATT Perea a Gy RN Ie DE ME aa Ree AS eels ee Se eee 18 IBGrenurGeramerican Ttnnolog y= 225 ee ee 19 ARRAS NK SAECO 0n SAIN eC TN Ce eo al a et le te og ee dg a a a 20 PVE OM Sle OOLOR ICH Oran ie ate ee Ee ee he a eee 21 EE PMC URICHIL ADDROKVNEORY 2.20 cos od ee he 22 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature__.______________________ 23 VR EXEN ETT EGY ES ES NY se Ue POR Oe Pe a cepa ne nl Ue Ya Peers Feb meee 24 Appendix 1. Report on the United States National Museum_____________ 26 2, -Report‘on. the: National Gallery of Art 2220 es 42 3. Report on the Freer Gallery of Art.) ss 53 4. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology_____________- 55 5. Report on the International Exchanges____________________ 76 6; Reportven the. National Zoological Park ==. -— 2 88 7. Report on the Astrophysical Observatory___________---_-_-- 104 8. Report on the International Catalogue of Scientific Litera- RTs os a ae NE I ee ee 109 OM enortronrnneniprany. 2 ce ween Ie to a ee ATR Ais, LO REpOLE ONS DUUIICHTIONS 35 res ose NY ee ee aot aS Vv VI CONTENTS. GHNERAL APPENDIX. Who will promote science? by C. G. Abbot__--------------------------- Recent discoveries and theories relating to the structure of matter, by Bean a vier (COM DEON se ae The architecture of atoms and a universe built of atoms, by C. G. Abbot_- Aeronautic research, by Joseph S. Ames___-----__--__________-_____-_ aie Photosynthesis and the possible use of sqlar energy, by H. ie Spoehr____ Fors and clouds, by W. J. Humphreya_-___--..______._ nee Some aspects of the use of the annual rings of trees in climatic study, By ueror, (A. TO. Dome ae a a ae ee ee ee The age of the earth, by T. C. Chamberlin and others__________________ inowsdeenis the ocean? by C.-G: -ADDOi= = Ss 2 ee ee Two decades of genetic progress, by E. M. Hast__----__-_---_-_-----_--- Observations on a Montana beaver canal, by S. Stillman Berry_-------~-- The Republic of Salvador, by Paul C. Standley__----------------_-____ The tent caterpillar, by RoW, Shodsriss= 2 ees The life history and habits of the solitary wasp, Philanthus gibbosus, by Hdward. G: Reinhatd.223352 5. 3322 0 ee ee eee ‘The use of idols in Hopi worship, by J. Walter Fewkes____--_------_-_- Two Chaco Canyon pit houses, by Neil M. Judd_________-________-______ Collections of Old World archeology in the United States National Mu- geum: ‘by J, ‘M. Casemowitn ono eae The “ Shake Religion” of Puget Sound, by T. T. Waterman___-__---__- Excavations at Askalon> Dy Error. vo. Garsceite so ee National efforts at home making, by F. H. Newell__-_____--__---_______- Ideals of the telephone service; by"John J. Carty---_--- LIST OF PLATES. Aeronautic Research (Ames) : Facing page. UE IE tye Let a te hs are Zest Tay aN i AO SE a a a a a 174 Fogs and Clouds (Humphreys) : TRATES aS IgE 2S ONS aie DO ee US lh ES Nl ak Fp ee eee eel 222 Montana Beaver Canal (Berry): ERG Wel eye eet ee a Oe een Mery oane epee eee 2 9 UP Pe ae ee ee 308 Republic of Salvador (Standley) : P TSH) PETS LHS eRe Wt eS BRE Ss Ae ee ek ee de te 328 Tent Caterpillar (Snodgrass) : Re ae lee Or Ee SE Rey: Yo SEN TED SR ae 329 Solitary Wasp (Reinhard) : TEL Ti PrEISE ol be Dag cues ha Ps a aia rien a ia ENN CPR RNAS DEE OS EAE PT yea ES 376 Tdols in Hopi Worship (Fewkes) : TEE yea Lee A Ras SS ERNE a Se eles 2 © eee ee & eee «eae Sew Zee 5 TE 382 LET PET ihe (ate ps Soot ts TS Datla Leal Dee eS eed Oink TS RN Roh Re Ph ER ERNE Nea a! 392 Polite Geese A Cree RELIES AUR AE! eet ARC MeL Ee ASE ae eee “Ae 394 Pit Houses (Judd) : TET ASS joc Le ata a peg empanadas agate ROMANE SPI ON Rey RR” |e NS IR TS 402 [EGRESS et CALL ah AINE Oy TR eae Re RS Ys Se ee 408 Old World Archeology (Casanowicz) : TEs) EY 24a Sa U6 ett ee hee Ae al EE a SRA NS MERIDA OL ET SLE 448 TEES ASA If (527 ES ete ld ac Se ees Ah ete Sal Lae eee es, eee BSS 460 12 Ee EXON a3 fe aR LIT SO A A LOE NCS, Dna pcy aa Pe eRe wn cy 466 (ETS LOSS SEG hg etary ity Leary AER rn Hain RL Pea INS eR CRY USF 478 ee eae 2 RAS LOS tee, I) eR A a oe 490 Shake Religion (Waterman): TENS REIS A LL OL sk iad uN RR SE. ttl POP ARS a AR Pe of ERAN Ae ODES ig GS EE, 506 Askalon (Garstang): EES Gy Ta N I AL 7T R CTD e ed LRRD RENN PEST ate i ope A 509 1 ESTES BS Je oka Tee lla En ag WU PE cAI APL SE OMAN Be ly SEM DISD D 510 Home Making (Newell) : Pred fas ede ha nen le De ere Leh DER heen S21 oe WI ed Oe 520 EV SAEs ees Ne emesis 526 talako VAG A Tx98 ie e : ; iy | se % the 7. 5 "ip Mt, eee re ee ee iene s¢ : ros 5 4 Hi. wt i Ox Mar or Fe ls * oe weer Pameté)-a beiseial TS in : mites Pat 1m een. a I paler. 2" [@t orulquere i big nou ind AY “tote oo kbte ee ola wis br fla art i. > eo =Y 7 She te ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1922. SUBJECTS. 1. Annual report of the secretary, giving an account of the opera- tions and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1922, with statistics of exchanges, etc. 2. Report of the executive committee of the Board of Regents, exhibiting the financial affairs of the Institution, including a state- ment of the Smithsonian fund, and receipts and expenditures for the year ending June 30, 1922. 3. Proceedings of the Board of Regents for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922. 4, General appendix, comprising a selection of miscellaneous me- moirs of interest to collaborators and correspondents of the Insti- tution, teachers, and others engaged in the promotion of knowledge. These memoirs relate chiefly to the calendar year 1922. Ix ROAUTIME MT 40 OTARGMS 40 MsROU AAT 40 ritoo: rr | (ATL OKIGHY MARY AUT 109 AOVPUTITARL MLatia A ult to baqes gnc Se sthh Gearhie teoy att tot Aohiietitent sith to iol ibiiao beta’ ie aa meh 2) autores. to goitgid ute 2 sidian, Jat, SETI aril To TaPOL9OR 77h MALU Peat OE |e a ba ¢ : ¥ t , qe ahs om phase TO Piweeti ani Oo Sitio sv lluesks wilt tO F100 1e4 * f . « * * s inte w aniboiont «wolliwstiteal oft fo sult: latonent orld git oe a iol exnittbusqee bire ateisset bite bawt conigtoverltenets gi Ou j oCer OF enn gat atl} to pee: ABER E ait Hvosmallescinn To coijoelse ‘2 garerqnatos xibasqas Layton 2 Henk aig te BINS IMIOESTIOD ban erotetodellos of deatainl to -gobulwornl to moijorotd olt at boeeans eradio her ete stfonod y : iy E ge p 697 TAMA SHY. OT titers GIntS'E eriomsiy THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. June 80, 1922. Presiding officer ex officio—WarrEN G. Harpine, President of the United States. Chancellor.—Catvin Cootiper, Vice President of the United States. Members of the Institution: WakgREN G. Harpine, President of the United States. Cavin Cootiper, Vice President of the United States. Witt1am Howarp Tart, Chief Justice of the United States. CHARLES Evans Hueues, Secretary of State. ANDREW W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. JOHN WINGATE WEEKS, Secretary of War. Harry M. DaugHerty, Attorney General. Husert Work, Postmaster General. Epwin Densy, Secretary of the Navy. ALBERT Bacon Fatt, Secretary of the Interior. Henry CANTWELL WALLACE, Secretary of Agriculture. HERBERT CLARK Hoover, Secretary of Commerce. JAMES JOHN Davis, Secretary of Labor. Regents of the Institution: Cavin CooLiper, Vice President of the United States, Chancellor. Wittiam Howarp Tart, Chief Justice of the United States. Henry Casot Loner, Member of the Senate. A. OwsLEy STANLEY, Member of the Senate. Mepirt McCormick, Member of the Senate. LEMUEL P. PApcETT, Member of the House of Representatives. FRANK L. GREENE, Member of the House of Representatives. ALBERT JOHNSON, Member of the House of Representatives. GEORGE GRAy, citizen of Delaware. CHARLES F. CHOATE, Jr., citizen of Massachusetts. JOHN B. HENDERSON, citizen of Washington, D. C. Henry WHITE, citizen of Maryland. Rosert 8S. Brookines, citizen of Missouri. Executive committee—GEorGE GRAY, HENRY WHITE, JOHN B. HENDERSON. Secretary of the Institution—CHaARLEs D. WALcort. Assistant Secretary.—C. G. ABBOT. Chief Clerk.—Harry W. Dorsey. Accounting and disbursing agent.—W. I. ADAMS. Hditor.—W. P. TRuE. Assistant librarian.—PavuL BRoOcKET?T Property clerk.—J. H. Hitt. XII ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. > THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. Keeper ex officio —Cuarites D. Watcort, Secretary of the Smithsonian In- stitution. Administrative assistant to the Secretary, in charge.—W. DE C. RAVENEL. Head curators——Wattrr Hoven (Acting), LronHARD STEJNEGER, G. P. MERRILL. Curators.—PavuL BartscH, R. 8S. BAsster, T. T. BELoTE, AUSTIN H. CLARK, IF’. W. CLarkKE, F. V. Covitte, W. H. DALL, WALTER HoueH, L. O. Howarp, ALES HRDLIcKA, Nem M. Jupp, FREDERICK L. LEwTon, GrorGe P. MERRILL, GERRIT S. MILter, Jr., CARL W. Mirman, Rosert Ringway, WALDO L. ScHmiTtT, LEONHARD STEJNEGER. Associate curators.—J. M. AupricH, C. W. Gi~MorE, W. R. Maxon, CHARLES W. RicHMmonp, J. N. Rosr, Davin WHITE. Chief of correspondence and documents.—H. S. Bryant. Disbursing agent.—W. I. ADAMS. Superintendent of buildings and labor.—J. S. GOLDSMITH, Hditor—Marcus BENJAMIN. Assistant librarian.—N. P. ScuppeEr. Photographer.—AxrtHuR J. OLMSTED. Property clerk—W. A. KNOWLES. Engineer.—C. R. DENMARE,. Shipper.—L. H. PErry. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART. Director.—WILLIaAM H. HoLMEs. FREER GALLERY OF ART. Curator.—JOHN ELLERTON LODGE. Associate curator.—CarL WHITING BISHOP. Assistant curator—GRACE DUNHAM GUEST. Associate.—KATHARINE NASH RHOADES. Superintendent.—JoHN Bunpy. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. Chief.—J. WALTER FEWKES. Ethnologists—JoHN P. Harrineton, J. N. B. Hewitt, FRANcIs LA FLESCHE, TRUMAN MICHELSON, JOHN R. SWANTON. Editor.— STANLEY SEARLES. Librarian.—HLis LEARY. Illustrator —Der LANcEY GILL. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES. Chief Clerk.—C. W. SHOEMAKER. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK. Superintendent.—NEpD HOLLISTER. Assistant Superintendent—A. B. BAKER. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY. Director.—C. G. ABBOT. Aid.—F. E. Fow te, Jr. Assistant.—L. B. ALDRICH. REGIONAL BUREAU FOR THE UNITED STATES, INTERNATIONAI, CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. Assistant in charge.—Lronagp C. GUNNELL. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Cuarves D. Wa corr, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1922. To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution: GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to submit herewith the annual report of the activities and condition of the Smithsonian Institution and its branches during the year ending June 30, 1922. The affairs of the Institution proper (together with brief summaries of the operations of the various branches) are given on pages 1 to 20 of this report, and the appendixes contain somewhat detailed accounts of the year’s work, written by the head of each of the branches. These include reports on the United States National Museum, the National Gallery of Art, the Freer Gallery of Art, the Bureau of American Ethnology, the International Exchanges, the National Zoological Park, the Astrophysical Observatory, the United States Regional Bureau of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, the Smithsonian Library, and the publica- tions of the Institution and its branches. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. THE ESTABLISHMENT. The Smithsonian Institution was created by act of Congress in 1846, according to the terms of the will of James Smithson, of England, who in 1826 bequeathed his property to the United States of America “ to found at Washington, under the name of the Smith- sonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” In receiving the property and accept- ing the trust Congress determined that the Federal Government was without authority to administer the trust directly, and therefore constituted an “establishment ” whose statutory members are “ the President. the Vice President, the Chief Justice, and the heads of the executive departments.” if 2 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. THE BOARD OF REGENTS. The affairs of the Institution are administered by a Board of Regents whose membership consists of “the Vice President, the Chief Justice, three Members of the Senate, and three Members of the House of Representatives, together with six other persons other than Members of Congress, two of whom shall be resident in the city of Washington and the other four shall be inhabitants of some State, but no two of them of the same State.” One of the Regents is elected chancellor by the board; in the past the selection has fallen upon the Vice President or the Chief Justice; and a suit- able person is chosen by them as secretary of the Institution, who is also secretary of the Board of Regents and the executive officer directly in charge of the Institution’s activities. In regard to the personnel of the board, the following changes occurred during the year: Chief Justice William H. Taft became a member of the board by virtue of his office; Representative Albert Johnson, of the State of Washington, was appointed to succeed Representative John A. Elston, who died during the year; and Dr. Alexander Graham Bell retired from the board at the expiration of his term. The roll of the Regents at the close of the fiscal year was as follows: Calvin Coolidge, Vice President of the United States, chancellor; Chief Justice William H. Taft; Henry Cabot Lodge, Member of the Senate; A. Owsley Stanley, Member of the Senate; Medill Mc- Cormick, Member of the Senate; Lemuel P. Padgett, Member of the House of Representatives; Frank L. Greene, Member of the House of Representatives; Albert Johnson, Member of the House of Representatives; George Gray, citizen of Delaware; Charles F. Choate, jr., citizen of Massachusetts; John B. Henderson, citizen of Washington, D. C.; Henry White, citizen of Washington, D. C., and Robert S. Brookings, citizen of Missouri. The board held its annual meeting on December 8, 1921. The proceedings of that meeting, as well as the annual financial report of the executive committee, have been printed as usual for the use of the Regents, while such important matters acted upon as are of public interest are reviewed under appropriate heads in the present report of the secretary. A detailed description of dis- bursements from the Government appropriations under the direction of the Institution for the maintenance of the National Museum, the National Zoological Park, and other branches will be submitted to Congress by the secretary in the usual manner in accordance with the law. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. Desiring to increase the research output of the Institution, your secretary called a meeting in May of this year of the scientific staff of the Institution and its branches to consider ways and means REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 3 of inaugurating and carrying out a program of more extensive original research. At this meeting a committee on research was named, with Dr. George P. Merrill, head curator of geology, as chairman, which will consider the subject this summer and it is expected will be prepared in the fall to offer a definite program. The great need of the Institution is for a larger endowment to enable it to extend the scope of its activities in the “increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” During the 76 years of its existence, except for several generous contributions for specific objects, the income of the Institution has not been materially in- creased. With the great increase in its scientific activities and output of publications, it becomes more and more difficult to make the limited income cover the mounting expense, and many oppor- tunities to carry on valuable scientific investigations must be passed by every year. It is hoped that some one, recognizing the ad- vantageous position of the Institution for promoting scientific work in America, will provide a suitable endowment. FINANCES. The permanent investments of the Institution consist of the following: Deposited in the Treasury of the United States____._--_______-_-_-__ $1, 000, 000 CONSOLIDATED FUND. Miscellaneous securities carried at a cost of $177,965.28, either purchased or acquired by gift, and constituting the consolidated fund, namely: West Shore Railroad Co. guaranteed 4 per cent first mortgage bonds, TROT EMT a, IPR SY MRE OL ORE Sa i ak ER A LR SREP NEE CE cae? $42, 000 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. first mortgage 5 per cent gold VECO FRYG FCO Pea THUR IS 49 ll a i Nl hms ad AMA Uetapd 2 aL oc 10, 000 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. 4 per cent general mortgage DOUGSs ducsane LOO! oiigetamer be Ae eee a OeN ee eae ese 2, 000 Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Co. first consolidated mortgage 5 per cent MOMAS SCONE IN OS Oh Pitt es Sn ook ke Se Ege 2, 000 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. 5 per cent refunding general mortgage Ee! LOU aR NRL LLCS iy al gd tia cA lle NOB Ppl PAD dt el. ons 5, 000 P. Lorillard Co. 7 per cent gold bonds, due in 1944, gift__-_-_-________- 6, 000 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. 7 per cent gold bonds, due in 1944, gift_._ 6,000 New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co., 4 per cent gold de- MENTUEC DONO Sr Hee AM ORE io UN ee i le ek oe 4, 000 City of Youngstown, Ohio, 6 per cent municipal bonds, due in 1928____ 3,000 Real estate 7 per cent trust notes on improved property in the District OF *Colnmpin CUS in On De ee Soe See Te MEAIB bie es RES 5, 000 Northern Pacific—Great Northern joint convertible 64 per cent gold LOU ACD is pyc UICC yas Deb 2 16 pe mean erp mara de Ras Jay eager Nn re ge dee apr 41, 500 New York Central Railroad Co. refunding and improvement 5 per cent POMOC Ser lem cet ewiou cee Oe aCe et tee ee SR OL 10, 000 4 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co.* 5 per cent secured gold notes due in 1918_ $3, 500 Dnited,, States first d.iberty; loan: 222+ =. 44. SA eee TG 200 Dnited, States; second, Liberty \lonn<2:2> 22) ate eee, ee ee 100 lnited states third Wiberty. loans... 2 2 ah Soe eee 10, 150 United (States; LOUrtR SULOCrLY LO gee 9 ef ee ee eee ae ee 50 United States war-savings stamps, series of 1918_____________________ 100 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. 5 per cent preferred stock, (bi pase ees a ee Be ee eee ee ee ee Spee Meee ere, shares__ 125 American Smelting & Refining Co. 7 per cent preferred stock, 13) | el, SE TAR ES es See eT) ee ee A doL=2 60 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. 4 per cent preferred stock, peek ee es OEE LRA eS Oe 2 dos s2 125 California Electric Generating Co. 6 per cent preferred ‘stock, GAPb oo le, ee ie ok Sa et ee ee ee Bey do--2— 100 Electric Bond & Share Co. 6 per cent preferred stock, gift___.do____ 20 The sums invested for each specific fund or securities acquired by gift are described as follows: Fund. ‘States | OT meee Treasury. . Siniphignn fans sec nc aces donee gcse sian towdunsecuesce coceee: $727, 640.00 $1,429.14} $729,069.14 PPR DOUNG eee casa sa seat crete rcaaseas cust cencamscdnn sess DOOUO) | Seoweeeanccaes 500. 00 FEOC PANS PENCKAI LUNG. 5). cc ons nnicecioetscsicsacacsavensmancces 116, 000. 00 37, 275. 00 153, 275. 00 Hedekins spaciio fONG Se scene scthscck curd ep eemnc’ipemeacaa esd TOO} OD07004 S ctcecaveesnne 100, 060. 00 LED CW eG eae ee i pas Ry el st ee Maes Sere ie 590. 00 199. 00 789.00 PEE RAIA oc nee les csc as whale srlaoasctcraaieaadaas ong a a a ea 14,900. 00 20, 489. 80 34,489. 80 EAT EET yA RS Mg TG Uc ee pe aaa al ee mee ys Se a 11, 000. 00 3,679, 00 14, 679. 00 Lucy T. and George W. Poore fund..............---seeeeeeee 26,670.00 8, 444.00 35, 114. 00 Genrseic, Sanford ANd. 5.08 tea. ee cere neta «ctuatiensecss 1, 100. 00 374.00 1,474.00 (OHAIDSK MMV CONG acces on Medan eae cetnaes cot amec es mecidee | daemcimeeaman 35, 000. 00 35, 000. 00 EPTOEEHOS TI oer canta aoe ccea.cenwtwdascwncannioepaealasetasinis demesne 9, 894. 76 9, 894. 76 La (oil & gel Sts hy gyre ola ey ae Se ge Eo SE 8 2 ee ceraedcccr ne | 1, 260. 58 1, 260. 58 Virginia Purdy Bacon fund......--......--ceeeseeeceeateceees eLeve feuteer Sy | 46, 900. 00 46, 900. 00 PIMRINUGH RUNG cesses eaten ee es othe ene asasene saan 2, 500. 00 500. 00 3,000. 00 Charles D. and Mary Vaux Walcott research fund............ eee 11, 520.00 11, 520. 00 Paroline Honry, (NG o.d-apsehewn son tenieta kes Mubinain cemses|slesisaaseeae ee es Paininetl a Tes aie eeees 16, 546 4 ERO EFT Rp at a A A PUNE IES EE EL ie i eres 20, 465 To pay inheritance and Federal taxes, it became necessary, with the approval of the Board of Regents, to place a loan with a local trust company for that purpose. The loan is being gradually re- duced and now amounts to $170,000. Dividends and interest on securities acquired from the Freer estate have amounted to $83,127.36. Thirty thousand dollars have been expended to liquidate the above-mentioned obligation, and $55,034.48 for purposes prescribed by the testator, including the purchase of art objects. The sum of $55,823.44, constituting the balance of the building fund, was transferred to the books of the Institution, and $32,122.78 has been expended. With the addition of a credit transferred from another Freer fund, the balance available for completion and equip- ment of the building is $32,074.97. The Institution’s income for general expenses is received period- ically and at times is in excess of immediate requirements. A part of this income is deposited on time at the rate of 3 per cent per annum. This year interest acquired principally in this manner amounted to $2,033.93. The income during the year for current expenses, consisting of interest on permanent investments and other miscellaneous re- sources, was $61,872.14, receipts from Freer bequest $138,950.80. other revenues for specific purposes, $50,850.04; which, with cash on hand and subject to check on July 1, 1921, amounting to $11,229.34, constituted a total of $262,902.32. The disbursements, described more fully in the annual report of the executive committee, were classed as follows: General ob- jects of the Institution, $62,749.17; investments and expenditures for specific purposes, $33,553.24; temporary advances in excess of repayments, $2,578.50; cash deposited on time, $40,500; disbursed 553879—24——2 6 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. from revenues of Freer bequest, $117,157.26; and $6,864.15 in cash and deposited subject to check. The Institution was charged by Congress with the disbursement of the following appropriations for the year ending June 30, 1922: NTILETMALLONE HOR eg 2 $50, 000. 00 Joa TVS) TST eT a CH TANG LT: ge Al S Se aN Al ln els Spl ame eS Ops rors a 46, 000. 00 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature_____-____________ 7, 500. 00 Astrophysical, Observatory «lf sii neluweid_so2o ities aihinege 15, 500. 00 National Museum: Murniturec and. fixtures... 18. eee $20, 000. 00 Heating and) lighting’ Js. /o_te :vrotipil serie 70, 000. 00 Heating and lighting (deficiency) —---___ DOSUIOALR 4, 000. 00 Preservation. of ‘collections #220222 ee ee 312, 620. 00 Preservation of collections (deficiency )--__________ 15. 84 La RUN (Ou aE YSAg6 of 2) C20 a 5 ert 8 ode ar el oe om ee crv sun pcraimnigpentey 10, 000. 00 BOOKS osha n aaeanad 4: aie} leyoheH. prea an 2, 000, 00 Books, :(deficiency),. 28 22.5" 28.4. Bebe St 3. 02 i Ee ea ale ee eC 8c 500. 00 419, 138. 86 Natonsl .Gallery uote Amte = oe aja Se eee eee eee 15, 000. 00 National(Zoological Parkioos. 23. ucuLis2_ 420 dente it | DER 2 __ 125, 000. 00 Additional land for Zoological Park______--_.-_-_-u-_ a 2, 500. 00 lt 0 | ga eS RNG Serer re rte st ene Meee ek Leh eae 680, 638. 86 There was also appropriated for printing and binding $91,000, to cover the cost of printing and binding the Smithsonian annual re- port and reports and miscellaneous printing for Government branches of the Institution. RESEARCHES AND EXPLORATIONS. Each year the Institution sends out, as far as its limited funds permit, expeditions for the purpose of exploring scientifically little- known regions of the earth, or to conduct needed field work in more familiar localities, thus furthering one of its principal objects, the “increase of knowledge.” It is also able to cooperate advan- tageously with other institutions by contributing members of its scientific staff to expeditions already organized and financed. The results of the more noteworthy of these expeditions are here de- scribed briefly, and the field work of the various branches of the Institution will be found in the appendixes to this report. GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES. During the summer and early fall of 1921 your secretary carried on geological field work in the Canadian Rocky Mountains in con- tinuation of previous years’ work in this region. His objects were to secure data on the pre-Devonian strata of the Sawback Range REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. t in Ranger Brook Canyon and to conduct a reconnaissance of the pre-Devonian formations to the Northwest as far as the headwaters of the North Fork of the Saskatchewan River, Alberta. The field season was an unusually unfavorable one for geological work. During the three months in the field 35 days were stormy, 28 cloudy and cold, and snow fell on 20 days in August and Sep- tember. As a result, not more than one-third of the work planned was accomplished before the party was driven back to the railroad by heavy snows. On our way north we crossed over Pipestone Pass and down the Siffeur River. Clearwater River heads in glacial gravels on the east side of the Siffleur about 2 miles north of Pipestone Pass. Twenty-five miles farther to the northwest at the point where the south branch (Mistaya Creek), the middle branch (Howse River), and the north branch unite to form the Saskatchewan River there are some beautiful and instructive views of the surrounding moun- tains. The Mount Forbes massif on the left is a superb mountain mass and in the distant center is Division Mountain at the head of Glacier Lake Canyon which we visited in 1919, on the right Survey Peak and beyond two unnamed points. The Glacier Lake section of the pre-Devonian and Upper Cambrian formations was studied on the northern slopes of the Mount Forbes massif. Twelve miles northeast of Mount Forbes the cliffs of Mount Murchison rise high above the dark forested slopes and present a view of the Devonian and pre-Devonian formations that is un- equaled in all this region of peaks, cliffs, and broad canyon valleys. Opposite Mount Murchison on the north side of the Saskatchewan, Mount Wilson presents another section of the pre-Devonian forma- tions, the upper end of which is a massive white quartzite formed of the sands of the beaches over which the Devonian Sea deposited a thick layer of calcareous sediments abounding in the remains of corals and various invertebrates of the time. On the west, Mount Wilson rises directly above the North Fork of the Saskatchewan, which here flows through a narrow picturesque inner canyon. PALEONTOLOGICAL FIELD WORK IN THE UNITED STATES. Dr. R. 8. Bassler, curator of the division of paleontology in the National Museum, was occupied during the field season in collecting geologic material and in mapping and studying the economic re- sources of the Franklin quadrangle in Williamson County, Tenn., in cooperation with the Geological Survey of that State. This region is of considerable economic interest on account of the phosphate and oil shale possibilities. The numerous outcrops of Ordovician and later Paleozoic formations contain a great number of fossils, 8 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. and Doctor Bassler was able to make a considerable collection of these needed for the Museum study series. He also secured several large exhibition specimens illustrating various geological phe- nomena, among these being a large mass of limestone composed en- tirely of the dismembered calices and columns of a large species of rrinoid or sea lily in which the individual fragments are perfectly preserved and admirably illustrate the formation of a limestone through the accumulation of this type of animal remains. An interesting stratigraphic observation was made on the efficacy of the coral reefs of the Ordovician in rock formation. A massive limestone bed about 15 feet thick, representing a middle Ordovician formation, here contains but a single coral reef, but within 10 miles the number of intercalated coral reefs has so increased that the for- mation attains a thickness of over 250 feet. In April Mr. C. W. Gilmore, associate curator of vertebrate pale- ontology, was authorized to undertake a trip into New Mexico “ for the purpose of making collections of geological material for the Na- tional Museum and determining the advisability of preserving cer- tain lands in northern New Mexico for national monumental pur- poses.” ‘Mr. Gilmore was obliged to report that— Since the many square miles of “ bad lands” surrounding the reserved area are equally fossiliferous and in places present much more favorable territory for the recovery of fossil remains than any observed within the boundaries of the monument, and also since the greater part of these surrounding areas lie within Pueblo grants, over which Federal control has been relinquished, there would be no advantage in retaining governmental control of so small a part of the area as is represented in the proposed monument. Mr. Gilmore did, however, find a contiguous fossiliferous area in the Santa Clara Pueblo grant and secured for the Museum a well- preserved skull and other bones of a small rhinoceros, and, in an adjoining Pojoaque Pueblo area, remains of an extinct camel. The most promising area for collecting would appear to lie within land grants over which the Government has at present no control. In January, this same year, Mr. J. W. Gidley, assistant curator of this division, was authorized, in cooperation with the United States Geological Survey, to conduct field explorations in the San Pedro and Sulphur Springs Valleys of southern Arizona, and on the com- pletion of this work to visit the La Brea asphalt deposits of southern California, and from there go to Agate, in Nebraska, for the pur- pose of securing other exhibition material. The work in Arizona was eminently successful, Mr. Gidley shipping some 24 boxes having an aggregate weight of 5,000 pounds. The bulk of this collection, he reports, represents “a practically new Pliocene fauna containing about 60 vertebrate species, most of which are mammalian,” REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 9g BOTANICAL EXPEDITION TO THE ORIENT. As noted in last year’s report, Dr. A. S. Hitchcock, custodian of the section of grasses of the National Museum, visited the Orient under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture for the purpose of collecting and studying grasses, especially the bamboos. As the specimens collected come to the National Museum, it will not be out of place to here mention briefly Doctor Hitchcock’s work. The trip occupied about eight months, ending in December, 1921, and the regions visited included the Philippines, Japan, China, and Indo- China. Japan is not very favorable for the collecting of grasses, as it is mostly a forested region and there is comparatively little open coun- try. The bamboos were of interest, as there are many species. In the Lake Hakone region the hills were covered for miles with a single species of bamboo (Arundinaria chino), 4 to 8 feet high, often to the exclusion of everything else. China, on the other hand, was very rich in grasses. One of the surprises of the trip was to find so much open grass land in a country that is said to be very thickly populated. The cities of China are very much crowded and the valley lands are intensively cultivated, but the hills are unoccupied and almost unused. This is in striking contrast to our own western regions where, except in national forests and other protected areas, the grass lands are extensively grazed. The basic reason for this condition in China appears to be the risk from bandits. The valley lands can be protected but the hills are open to the attack of robbers. The expendition was very successful, and a large and valuable col- lection of grasses was brought back. The technical results of the work will be published later by the Department of Agriculture or the National Herbarium of the National Museum. AUSTRALIAN EXPEDITION. Through the generosity of Dr. W, L. Abbott, Mr. Charles M. Hoy continued his work of collecting for the Museum specimens of the very interesting fauna of Australia. The work was terminated dur- ing the winter and Mr. Hoy returned to the United States in May, 1922. The results of this expedition are of especial value for two reasons: First, the Australian fauna has heretofore been but scantily represented in the Museum, and, second, the remarkable fauna of that continent is rapidly being exterminated through various causes. The specimens received during the year bring the total up to 1,179 mammals, including series of skeletal and embryological material ; 928 birds, with 41 additional examples in alcohol; and smaller collec- tions of reptiles, amphibians, insects, marine specimens, etc. 10 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. For assistance and courtesies extended to Mr. Hoy while in Aus- tralia the Smithsonian Institution wishes to make grateful acknowl- edgment to the authorities of the Australian Museum, Sydney; the Queensland Museum, Brisbane; the South Australian Museum, Ade- laide; the West Australian Museum and Art Gallery, Perth; and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart; also and particu- larly to Dr. Charles Hedley and Dr. Charles Anderson, of Sydney; Harry Burrell, Esq., of Kensington, New South Wales; and Capt. S. W. White of Fulham, South Australia. BIOLOGIOAL EXPLORATION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIO. Dr. W. L. Abbott, whose generosity in years past has enabled the Institution to take advantage of many opportunities in biological and other explorations, himself visited during the year the Dominican Republic, working in both the Samana Peninsula and the region lying between Sanchez (at the head of Samana Bay) and Puerto Plata, on the north coast. Having visited this region before, he was able to select new and interesting localities for collecting. Doctor Abbott’s work included botanical, zoological, and ethnologi- cal collecting, and the specimens sent in to the National Museum will go far toward completing the various series representing this region. Some 4,000 plants were collected, of which about 20 per cent were ferns. The ethnological material, including aboriginal Indian pot- tery and idols, is of great interest and has been described and figured in the annual pamphlet on the explorations and field work of the Institution. ENTOMOLOGICAL EXPEDITION TO ALASKA, Dr. J. M. Aldrich, associate curator of insects in the National Museum, spent several weeks during the field season collecting in- sects in Alaska. The Government railroad from the southern coast to Fairbanks, now nearing completion, offered an opportunity for travel not heretofore existing, and it was felt that it was important to know more about the insect fauna of this great region in view of the fact that the population will undoubtedly increase with the completion of the railroad. Regarding his work, Doctor Aldrich says: The expedition resulted in the accession of about 10,000 specimens of Alaska insects, nearly all from the interior region. As far as they have been studied up to the present time they indicate three somewhat distinct faunal regions in the territory covered. First, the maritime fauna consisting of the insects living upon the sea- shore and depending upon the ocean for necessary conditions of existence. Insects of this group extend down the coast, in many cases as far as the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 11 State of Washington and some even so far as San Francisco, while it is presumed that they would also be found more or less in the Asiatic side of Bering Sea. The second element is that of the humid mountain region along the coast; a considerable part of this fauna extends to Puget Sound, Mount Rainier, and in less degree to other mountains of the Pacific Northwest. The relation of this element to the Asiatie fauna is very little known. The third element of the Alaska fauna, as far as observed, is that of the dry interior and especially of the Yukon Valley, which has many elements in common with northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Ontario, the Adirondack Mountains of New York, and the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Many of the insects of this group also occur in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and no doubt further exploration will show that they occur in other mountains of the western United States. Those which repre- sent a more northern range also reappear in Labrador collections and pre- sumably extend across North America, although we have no collections from intermediate points. This element contains many species known from Fin- land and the Scandinavian Peninsula in Europe, presumably extending in their distribution across Russia and Siberia. In most orders of insects Alaska has a comparatively large fauna. There are very numerous species of the two-winged flies, or Diptera; and from Doctor Aldrich’s long experienve with this group he naturally paid special atten- tion to collecting in this order. Bumblebees and wasps are conspicuous insects everywhere on flowers; and in the absence of darkness bumblebees were observed to work as late as 10:30 at night in Fairbanks. Grasshoppers were strikingly scarce, only two species being found and in all but half a dozen specimens. Mosquitoes in the interior are exceedingly abundant, as is well known. Hspecial attention was given to them in collecting, and two species previously undescribed were among the material brought back. It appears, however, that the most troublesome species are the same ones which occur in somewhat less numbers in the Pacific North- west in occasional favorable localities. Horseflies are very numerous in the region at Wairbanks, where they are commonly called moosefiies, since the moose is more common than the horse. The exploration of Alaska, especially the interior, from an entomological point of view, is important in itself and also forms a link in the study of a much broader problem—that of the entire Holarctic fauna which extends almost continuously around the globe in the vicinity of the Arctic Circle. It is a matter of great scientific interest to determine how much of this northern fauna is the same in the New World as in the Old, and also to determine how much of the fauna farther south, as, for instance, in the United States, has been derived from this northern region. It is hoped that opportunity will arise to carry this exploration much farther, not only in Alaska, where as yet only a beginning has been made, but also in other northern regions, as, for instance, Labrador, Greenland, and Siberia. THE INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN TROPICAL AMERICA, The recently organized Institute for Research in Tropical America, of which the Smithsonian Institution is a member, is hoping to establish a research station in Panama. Such a station when prop- erly equipped will serve as a center for the prosecution of research upon problems in tropical biology and agriculture, and as a center from which biological explorations can be made. 12 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. PLORA OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. At the request of Gen. Leonard Wood, Governor General of the Philippine Islands, a plan for the preparation of a flora of the Philippine Islands was drawn up by the Institution, together with an estimate of the cost. This work, which it is proposed will be accomplished through cooperation of the Smithsonian Institution with the Philippine Government, will be of the greatest importance to the agricultural interests, and, since the prosperity of the Phil- ippines is primarily dependent on agriculture, to the islands them- selves. In addition to these material benefits, such a flora would be of great value to science, and a large number of specimens of rare and valuable plants from the Philippines would come to the National Herbarium as a result of its preparation. At the close of the fiscal year funds had not been appropriated for beginning the work. BAIRD MEMORIAL COMMITTEE. To celebrate the centenary of the birth of Spencer Fullerton Baird, second secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, February 3, 1923, there was formed early in 1922 the Baird Memorial Com- mittee. It was decided at a preliminary meeting that a public meeting should be held in Washington on February 3, 1923, at which addresses would be delivered and announcements made of the form of memorial or memorials that had been decided upon, and that wreaths should be placed on the grave of Baird in Oak Hill Ceme- tery, the bust of Baird in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the Baird memorial bowlder of the American Fisheries Society at Woods Hole, and the Baird memorial tablet at the Bureau of Fisheries in Washington. The form which the memorial to Professor Baird should take was not definitely decided upon, several plans having been considered. Among these were a bust or tablet to be erected in the Smithsonian grounds, the establishment of a Baird memorial medal to be awarded for specially meritorious work in science, the publication of a memo- rial volume of original scientific papers by Baird’s associates or fol- lowers, and a fisheries exhibit, preferably a museum. DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIPLE-CHARGE ROCKET. The development of a model multiple-charge rocket, mentioned in previous reports, for the purpose of demonstrating the principle, is being continued by Prof. Robert H. Goddard, of Clark University, under a grant from the Hodgkins fund. The specific work of the past year has been the development and test of certain new features which will increase considerably the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. fo effectiveness of the apparatus. A discussion of these, in detail, is deferred for a later report. Additional financial support has been granted for the work by Clark University. PUBLICATIONS. A total of 164 volumes and pamphlets were issued during the year by the Institution and its branches. Of these publications, there were distributed a total of 165,196 copies, including 251 volumes and separates of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl- edge, 20,777 volumes and separates of the Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, 27,268 volumes and separates of the Smith- sonian annual reports, 97,806 volumes and separates of the publica- tions of the National Museum, 14,215 publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 3,159 special publications, 706 volumes of the Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, 64 reports on the Harriman Alaska expedition, and 812 reports of the American His- torical Association. The Institution carries out one of its chief functions, the “ dif- fusion of knowledge,” by means of its various series of publications. They embrace the results of investigations and systematic studies in nearly every branch of natural science, and are distributed, in most cases free of charge, to important libraries, educational in- stitutions, and scientific establishments throughout the world. In order to assist in creating a greater popular interest in scientific matters, the annual report of the Institution has always contained a general appendix consisting of a large selection of authentic, semipopular articles reviewing recent advances in every branch of scientific activity. There is a widespread and growing demand for this publication, showing an increased appreciation of the value of science and scientific investigations. Besides the annual report, the Institution issues two series of publications, the Contributions to Knowledge and the Miscellaneous Collections. The publications of the National Museum and the Bureau of American Ethnology are mentioned in the reports of those branches appended hereto. Of the series of Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 9 papers were issued during the year, among them one paper by your sec- retary in the series on Cambrian Geology and Paleontology, and the usual annual pamphlet describing and illustrating the various scientific expeditions sent out or cooperated in by the Smithsonian Institution. Allotments for printing—The congressional allotments for the printing of the Smithsonian reports and the various publications of the branches of the Institution were practically used up at the 14 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. close of the year. The allotments for the coming year ending June 30, 1923, are as follows: For printing and binding the Annual Reports of the Board of Regents, with general appendixes, the editions of which shall not exceed TOO" "copies: = ee ee py espe reg eee eet eee $10, 000 Under the Smithsonian Institution: For the annual reports of the National Museum, with general appendixes, and for printing labels and blanks, and for the bulletins and proceedings of the National Museum, the editions of which shall not exceed 4,000 copies, and binding, in half morocco or material not more expensive, scientific books and pamphlets presented to or acquired by the National Mtiseum' Hhibrany 20 SO) Oe Ue A Be ee ee ee eee eae 37, 500 For the annual reports and bulletins of the Bureau of American Hthnology, and for miscellaneous printing and binding for the PNG a a ee 2 ge ee Se a le pt a ae ee 21, 000 For the annual report of the National Gallery of Art and for printing Catalogues, labels, and Planks. 222 SS seek ees te ee Se eee 1, 000 For miscellaneous printing and binding: They internafionali Eixchanges:: © le. lias. wovlpsarcss edonl fst: 200 The International Catalogue of Scientific Literature____.._._____ 100 The National: Zoolorical: Park. 2. 2. 2282 ee 2 a 300 The AStrophysical- “ODservaLrory._ > -— i oe eee ee 300 For the annual report of the American Historical Association______ 7, 000 77, 400 Provided, 'That the expenditure of this sum shall not be restricted to a pro rata amount in any period of the fiscal year. Committee on printing and publication—The purpose of the Smithsonian advisory committee on printing and publication is to make recommendations regarding the merit and suitability of all manuscripts submitted for publication by the Smithsonian Institu- tion or its branches and also to consider all other matters relating to printing and binding under the Institution. During the past year eight meetings were held and 100 manuscripts acted upon. The membership of the committee is as follows: Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, head curator of biology, National Museum, chairman; Dr. George P. Merrill, head curator of geology, National Museum; Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, chief, Bureau of American Ethnology; Mr. N. Hollister, superintendent, National Zoological Park; and Mr. W. P. True, editor of the Smithsonian Institution, secretary. LIBRARY. The facilities of the library have been taxed to the utmost. The number of loans for the fiscal year amounted to 14,436, and as many more books and periodicals were consulted without being taken from the buildings. Interlibrary loans to accredited libraries, where distance permits, are being continued, and in a number of instances arrangements have been made for the photostating of pages from rare volumes not permitted to leave the library. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 15 Each day typewritten lists of original articles appearing in scien- tific periodicals received for the Smithsonian deposit in the Library of Congress are prepared and circulated among the heads of scien- tific bureaus under the Institution. These daily bibliographical lists, begun last November at the request of Secretary Walcott, have been well received from the start. Requests have come in for copies from other Government bureaus and research organizations, which it has not been possible to comply with, owing to lack of necessary equip- ment for the preparation of additional copies. The library now possesses more than a million volumes, pamphlets, manuscripts, and charts, there being 888,128 publications deposited in the Library of Congress, 156,275 belonging to the National Museum, and 35,000 belonging to other branches of the Institution. The number of additions for the fiscal year was 15,796. As noteworthy additions to the various branch libraries might be mentioned that of the Géttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen for 1758, 1760, 1808, 1813, and 1814 to the Smithsonian deposit, by gift of the Gesellschaft fiir Wissenschaften zu Gdéttingen; Serindia, by Sir Aurel Stein, to the office library, at present deposited in the Freer Building, the gift of the Secretary of State for India; and the second and third volumes of Beebe’s Monograph of the Pheasants, added to the library of the National Zoological Park. NATIONAL MUSEUM. The year has been an unusually busy one for the Museum, but although of late years its activities have greatly increased and its scope widely extended, the appropriation for its maintenance has remained practically the same for the past 11 years. Much credit is due the members of the Museum’s staff for the fine results recorded from year to year. Undoubtedly the most important event of the year was the receipt and installation of the Herbert Ward collection of African ethnologica and sculptures. This collection, one of the most important ethnological units in the world, was brought together by Herbert Ward, an Englishman, who was with Stanley on his famous exploring expedition through Africa. It consists of 2,700 ethnological specimens and 19 superb sculptures in bronze of African natives by Mr. Ward. An actual beginning was made during the year toward establish- ing the Loeb collection of chemical types, noted in the 1920 report. Two specially constructed cabinets were received from the Chemists’ Club of New York, and a portion of each of seven new chemical compounds discovered in the Department of Agriculture were de- posited in the collection. It is planned to solicit all available new chemical material, with the view of eventually making of the Loeb collection a complete series for the use of investigators in chemistry. 16 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The Museum acquired during the year a total of 359,677 speci- mens. These are described somewhat in detail in the report on the Museum, appended hereto, but it will be of interest to mention here a few of the more important accessions. In anthropology the most important addition was the Herbert Ward African collection men- tioned above. A large collection of the brilliant ancient pottery from the ruins of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico, was received through the Archeological Society of Washington, and a remarkable series of aboriginal pottery collected by Dr. J. Walter Fewkes in the neighboring Mimbres Valley, N. Mex., was also placed on exhibition. A number of pianos were added by Mr. Hugo Worch to his notable collection, among them a magnificent gilt harpsichord made by Pleyel, Paris. In the department of biology the outstanding feature of the year’s accessions is the collection of about 100,000 insects collected by Dr. William Mann in South America, especially eastern Bolivia. An- other important collection of insects was that made by Dr. J. M. Aldrich in Alaska, which numbered around 10,000 specimens. A considerable consignment of biological material, mostly vertebrates, was received from Mr. Hoy, who has been working in Australia under the auspices of Dr. W. L. Abbott. This material brings the important Australian expedition to a most successful termination. In geology a number of valuable additions were made to the collections, among them specimens of Bolivian tin and tungsten ores from Mr. F. L. Hess; rich examples of carnotite and hewettite presented by the Standard Chemical Co., Naturita, Colo.; eight gold nuggets donated by Mr. Frank Springer; a large mass of meteoric iron from Owen Valley, Calif., the gift of Mr. Lincoln Ellsworth, of New York; a number of beautiful and valuable gems purchased for the Isaac Lea collection through its endowment fund; and a con- siderable amount of paleontological material, both vertebrate and invertebrate. The divisions of mineral and mechanical technology have devoted their time largely to a more perfect and permanent arrangement of the great amount of exhibition material already on hand, while the divisions of history, textiles, and graphic arts report many valuable and interesting additions to their collections. In addition to the explorations and field work mentioned earlier in this report, the Museum sent out or cooperated in various other expeditions. Mr. Arthur de C. Sowerby continued his work in China under the auspices of Mr. Robert Sterling Clark, who gen- erously contributed all the material collected to the Museum. A shipment of vertebrates and other biological material was received from this expedition during the year. Mr. Paul C. Standley. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 17 through the cooperation of various agencies, spent five months in botanical collecting in El Salvador and Guatemala, bringing back over 6,000 specimens. Another botanical expedition, consisting of Dr. F. W. Pennell and Mr. E. P. Killip, was in western Colombia at the close of the year under the auspices of various scientific or- ganizations. The purpose of the exploration was to study the flora and secure botanical specimens in this region, as one of a series lead- ing up to a complete study of the flora of northern South America. The auditorium and adjacent rooms of the Museum were used by numerous societies and organizations for meetings, congresses, and lectures. The Museum published during the year 9 volumes and 78 separate papers. These are described somewhat in detail in the “ Report on publications,” Appendix 10 of this report. The number of visitors to the National History Building during the year was 441,604; to the Arts and Industries Building, 262,151; and to the Aircraft Building, 46,380. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART. Although the number of art works accessioned by the National Gallery during the year falls short of the average of recent years. nevertheless progress in the gallery’s activities has been satisfactory. The greatest handicap to its work continues to be lack of exhibition space. It is believed that the falling off in number of accessions noted above is in part due to this shortage of space, as owners of valuable art works very naturally desire to see them adequately housed and exhibited. The urgent need of a suitable gallery for the national collections, already valued in the millions, will be readily understood when it is considered that until the past year the acces- sions to the collections were estimated at hundreds of thousands annually. If accessions are turned elsewhere on account of the lack of space to exhibit them, it is evident that in a few years the loss will amount to more than the cost of a building. Among the accessions received during the year was a portrait of President Grant, by Thomas Le Clear, presented by Mrs. U. S. Grant, jr.; an oil painting entitled “The Signing of the Treaty of Ghent,” by Sir A. Forestier, presented to the Smithsonian Institu- tion by the Sulgrave Institution; a painting entitled “ Tohickon,” by Daniel Garber, provided through the Henry Ward Ranger be- quest; and a portrait of Edwin H. Harriman, an artist’s proot etch- ing, one of 21 from the copper. A number of interesting art works were loaned to the gallery during the year, among them being 71 portraits in pastel, in a series of 22 life-size groups of Union and Con- federate veterans of the Civil War, painted from life by Walter Beck, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. 50 years after the Battle of Appomattox, 18 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. loaned by the artist through Mr. Walter M. Grant, of New York City. Preliminary steps had been taken at the end of the year toward the acceptance of a rich collection of British masterpieces brought together by the late John H. McFadden, of Philadelphia. The col- lection comprises 44 notable examples of the work of nineteen British artists, and the acceptance of this valuable loan is regarded with much favor. A number of paintings were acquired from the income of the Henry Ward Ranger bequest and assigned to various art institutions throughout the country. The terms of this bequest stipulate that any of the art works so acquired may be claimed during a certain period after the artist’s death by the National Gallery of Art, remaining thereafter the property of the National Gallery. The selection and distribution of these purchases is entrusted to the National Academy of Design. The income from the Bruce Hughes bequest is to be used to estab- lish and maintain a section of the library of the National Gallery for reference works of art, to be known as the Hughes alcove. Dur- ing the year the first purchases were made from this fund. An illustrated catalogue of the art works of the gallery was prepared and submitted to the printer during the year, but on June 30, 1922, had not been published. A lecture on the National Gallery, illus- trated by 75 slides mostly in color, was prepared, and is to be placed at the disposal of persons throughout the country who desire to present it. | The first annual meeting of the National Gallery of Art Com- mission was held on December 6, 1921. Reports of the committees were presented and many important matters relating to the gallery were discussed, among them the urgent need of a National Gallery Building and the problem of the acceptance of proffered works of art. FREER GALLERY OF ART. Work during the year on the collections of the Freer Gallery of Art included chiefly the classification and cataloguing of Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan paintings, Chinese tapestries, and Chinese and Japanese pottery; the preliminary classification of Korean pottery and Chinese and Japanese stone sculptures and jades; and the cataloguing of American paintings, drawings, and prints. Progress has been made also on completing certain portions of the interior of the building and on the installation of the collections. Miss Grace Dunham Guest was appointed assistant curator on Janu- ary 1, 1922, and Mr. Carl W. Bishop associate curator, April 9, 1922. Miss Guest sailed for Europe on June 24, 1922, to represent the Freer Gallery at the double centennial meeting of the Société Asia- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 19 tique de Paris, and to study European collections of oriental art, especially ceramics. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. The material culture and ceremonials of the American Indian are being modified so rapidly through contact with the white race that it is imperative for the bureau to make every effort to record all possible data bearing on the aboriginal Indian culture. The de- sirability of preserving this material so that accurate knowledge of this interesting and vanishing race may be available for future generations is evident. Another important line of endeavor is the excavating and repairing of prehistoric Indian dwellings. These ancient ruins are the object of great popular as well as scientific interest, and it is the aim of the chief of the bureau to continue this archeological phase of the work in so far as funds will permit. A new line of investigation has opened up for the bureau dur- ing the year, namely, the study of the material culture, and espe- cially the architecture of the houses, of the aborigines of Alaska. The early villages of the Alaskan Indians have in many cases been deserted in the exodus to the canning factories, and the totem poles and villages which are rapidly being destroyed by the elements should be preserved in the immediate future so that they will not be Jost forever. During the spring of 1922, Dr. T. T. Waterman con- ducted for the bureau an extended reconnaissance of the situation, bringing back many interesting data and photographs. It is in- tended to continue the work next year with a larger appropriation. The work in the field and in the office of the individual members of the staff is reviewed somewhat in detail in Appendix 4 of this report, so that it will be necessary here only to give an idea of the scope of the work. The chief continued his successful archeo- logical field work on the Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., bring- ing to light a most interesting and instructive ruin which he has named “ Pipe Shrine House” on account of the numerous tobacco pipes found on a shrine in the kiva of this ruin. He also excavated and repaired Far View Tower, a round structure 10 feet high, which was probably used for observations of the position of the sun on the horizon at sunrise and sunset, in order to determine the time for planting and other dates important for an agricultural people. The chief also visited the three groups of towers in Utah which he has recommended for the Hovenweep National Monument, and determined the exact situation of these ruins as a preliminary to a presidential proclamation setting aside this area as a national monument. 20 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Dr. John R. Swanton continued work on his dictionaries of the Hitchiti and Alabama languages. Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt devoted his time to a number of Chippewa and Ottawa texts, and in con- tinuing the preparation of the second part of his work on Iro- quoian Cosmology, the first part of which has already been pub- lished by the bureau. Mr. Francis La Flesche completed and turned in during the year the manuscript of the second volume of his publication on The Osage Tribe. Dr. Truman Michelson car- ried on field work among the Fox Indians of Iowa, paying special attention to the linguistic relations of this and neighboring tribes. Mr. J. P. Harrington completed his bulletin on the Kiowa language and conducted field work among the Indians of the Chumashan area of California, laying special emphasis on the place names, material culture, and language. Under the head of special researches, the chief of the bureau describes the work of Miss Frances Densmore on Indian music. During the year she recorded songs among the Yuma, Cocopa, and Yaqui tribes, making a total of nine tribes among whom this work has been done. Mr. W. E. Myer investigated Indian sites in South Dakota and western Missouri known to have been occupied by the Omahas and Osages in early historic times after they had come in contact with the whites but before they had been changed thereby to any considerable extent. Several other interesting special researches are reviewed in the appendix on the bureau, among them field work by Mr. D. lI. Bushnell, Jr., on the Cahokia mounds in Illinois; by Mr. B. S. Guha, among the Utes and the Navaho at Towoac, Colo., and Shiprock, N. Mex.; and by Mr. John L. Baer on pictographic rocks in the Susquehanna River. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES. During the year the number of packages of scientific and gov- ernmental publications sent abroad and received from foreign coun- tries totaled 592,600 pounds. Although these figures show a de- crease from the previous year, on account of the fact that ship- ments to Germany were resumed during that year and most of the material accumulated during the war was sent out, nevertheless there is an increase of 41,490 packages over the number sent out in 1914, the last year before the World War, showing that there is a steady growth in the work of the International Exchange service. Exchange relations were reopened during the year with Ru- mania and Yugoslavia, the agencies in these countries being, re- spectively, the Institutul Meteorological Central at Bukharest, and the Académie Royale Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Belgrade. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. o1 Relations were established also with the newly formed Governments of Esthonia, Far Eastern Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukrainia. Conditions in Russia and Turkey are not yet sufficiently settled to warrant the exchange of publications previously carried on between the United States and these countries. The number of boxes shipped abroad during the year was larger than ever before, due largely to the opening of exchange relations with Yugoslovia and certain of the independent Russian States, the material for these countries having accumulated here for sev- eral years. The regular schedule of shipments to foreign countries was re- sumed during the year. To Great Britain and Germany, shipments are made weekly; to France and Italy, semimonthly; and to other countries, monthly. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK. The past year has been one of the most successful since the estab- lishment of the park. The number of visitors exceeded 2,000,000; the collection of animals is larger and more important than ever before; a number of minor improvements have been completed and progress made on certain larger projects; and the reservation itself has been maintained in excellent condition. That the popularity of the park as a source of recreation and instruction continues unabated is shown by the fact that for the third consecutive year the attendance has exceeded 2,000,000, and its increasing value as a supplement to school-room instruction in natural history is demon- strated by the 205 schools and classes visiting the park during the year, with a total of 18,585 individuals. The total number of animals on exhibition at the close of the year was 1,681, representing 482 species of mammals, birds, and reptiles. This is not only a larger number of individual animals than ever shown before, but also a larger number of different species. Among the 656 accessions received during the year, 217 were gifts. Among these may be mentioned two important collections from South America, one made by Dr. William M. Mann on the Mulford Bio- logical Explorations of the Amazon Basin and presented by the H. K. Mulford Co. of Philadelphia, the other made by Mr. W. J. La Varre, jr., and presented by him. These two collections con- tain several species of South American monkeys and birds never before shown at the park. One hundred and fifty mammals, birds, and reptiles were born in the park during the year. Under the heading of improvements the report of the superin- tendent mentions a large project of grading, leveling, and filling in 553879 —24——3 22 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. the west central part of the park, which was practically completed during the year. This work makes available for the exhibition of hoofed animals a large area of comparatively level ground. Also it will be possible to greatly improve the main automobile road through the park. Extensive repairs were completed on the antelope house and the older bear dens. Three large outdoor cages were built for certain birds, and many minor repairs were completed during the year. The most urgent need of the park is now a suitable restaurant building to accommodate the greatly increased crowds of visitors. The present small building is in bad condition and is entirely in- adequate to meet the needs of the public. A suitable building could be erected, using lumber in the possession of the park and employing the regular park force, for about $20,000. Another urgent need is for a new bird house, the old building, erected many years ago as a temporary relief, being in a very bad state of repair. Moreover, there is not sufficient space for the very valuable and interesting collection of birds and there is far too little room for visitors in the public aisles. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY. The outstanding feature of the year’s work was the publication of Volume IV of the Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, a quarto volume of 390 pages, which covers in detail the work of the years 1912 to 1920. New instruments and methods of observing are described and a mass of solar observations is presented and dis- cussed. Many kinds of evidence are given to show the solar vari- ability, and reference is made to applications of the results which have been made by several meteorologists. The observing station erected on Mount Harqua Hala, Ariz., through the generosity of Mr. John A. Roebling, has been much improved, owing to the zeal of Mr. A. F. Moore, in charge of the station. Solar constant observations were made on upward of 70 per cent of the days of the year. Comparisons made during and after a visit by the director show no change in the scale of pyrheliometry, so that the results from this station are comparable with those at Montezuma, Chile. Earlier in the year the director visited the station at Montezuma, where he revised all the adjustments of appa- ratus and some of the methods employed there. In June the director and Mr. L. B. Aldrich proceeded to the Smithsonian station on Mount Wilson, Calif., where a beginning was made toward installing new “solar constant” apparatus to re- place that removed to the new Arizona station in 1920. By antici- pation it may be said that later results were secured on the dis- tribution of energy in the spectra of 11 of the brighter stars by bolometric work in connection with the hundred-inch telescope, and REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 23 also that the solar-energy curve was traced bolometrically with both glass and rock-salt prisms. The solar cooking apparatus on Mount Wilson referred to in previous reports suffered the loss of the cover of the oil reservoir through a high wind, and snow having gotten in, much water had leaked into the oil reservoir. It proved im- possible to remedy this condition soon enough to undertake the proposed new experiments before the expedition returned to Wash- ington in September. In order to get the opinions of competent critics as to the value of the Smithsonian solar radiation measurements, the director wrote to the American representatives of the International Astronomical Union as follows: It is the intention of the Smithsonian Institution to continue daily observa- tions at Mount Harqua Hala and Montezuma certainly until July, 1923, at which time it is proposed to consider the state of the work and the results reached with a view to deciding whether it is worth while to continue daily observations of the variability of the sun indefinitely or whether the usefulness of that work is unequal to the trouble and expense involved. An expression of opinion on the part of those interested in the subject would be of great value to the Smithsonian Institution in making this decision. At a meeting in Washington the American representatives unani- mously indorsed the work of the observatory, and later at Rome the international representatives passed a resolution expressing the same opinion. In view of these impartial indorsements of the work, it is a pleasure to announce that Mr. John A. Roebling has made it possible to assure the continuation of the solar constant stations at Harqua Hala and Montezuma until July, 1925. By that time it will doubtless be evident from the data obtained whether they should be continued longer. A movement is under way in Australia to establish a solar observ- ing station there similar to the Smithsonian stations. The Meteoro- logical Service of Argentina is also proposing to equip its station at La Quiaca for solar observations, and it is expected that during the next fiscal year two sets of solar constant apparatus will be pre- pared for the Australian and Argentine stations. INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. In the statement last year regarding the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature reference was made to the very apparent need of cooperation between organizations publishing abstracts to scientific literature and the International Catalogue. This year in the annual report of the United States regional bureau suggestions are made for an even greater consolidation of bibliographical inter- 24 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ests. Although the combination of interests suggested would make a very large organization, there is nothing new or radical in the pro- posed move; it is simply an attempt to harmonize numerous plans and suggestions, all of which aim to supply aids to investigators and students in the at present difficult task of finding the published records of what has been done in the various fields of research. The need of prompt and reliable aid is keenly apparent, and while in some subjects satisfactory aids are available in others they do not exist. It now appears that the organization of the International Cata- logue of Scientific Literature may be kept in working condition, although it is not yet possible to resume publication on account of financial conditions. Pending the resumption of publication it is felt that through the large number of regional agencies much con- structive work may be done by using their influence and efforts in bringing about cooperation among similar organizations dealing with any of the subjects embraced within the scope of the International Catalogue. NECROLOGY. * JOHN A. ELSTON. John A. Elston, Representative in the Congress from California and Regent of the Smithsonian Institution since January 9, 1920, died in December, 1921. Although a member of the Board of Regents for such a brief period, Mr. Elston took a real and active interest in the affairs of the Institution. JOSEPH B. LEAVY. Joseph B. Leavy, philatelist in the National Museum since 1913, died July 25, 1921, after a lingering illness. Mr. Leavy was edu- cated at Columbia University, and later entered into business, in which he continued for several years. He served in the Army during the Spanish War. To him is due the credit for the excellent installation of the large collection of stamps in the Museum, which includes specimens of all new issues sent to the Post Office Department from various foreign Governments. JAMES MOONEY. James Mooney, ethnologist in the Bureau of American Ethnology, died on December 22, 1921. Mr. Mooney was born in Indiana in 1861, and became associated with the bureau in 1885, shortly after its organization by Major Powell. He remained a member of the staff from that time until his death. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 25 Mr. Mooney was very widely read regarding the history of the aborigines north of Mexico, being equaled by few perhaps in this particular field. His information was most extensive, however, re- garding the Indians of the southeastern woodlands and the Great Plains, and he was the leading authority on one tribe in each area, the Cherokee and the Kiowa. Several of Mr. Mooney’s investigations published by the bureau are standard works in their special field. He was one of the founders of the American Anthropological As- sociation, a member and ex-president of the Anthropological Society of Washington, and a member of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association. Mr. Mooney’s death brings to a premature close a not- able scientific career. THOMAS F, HANEY. Thomas F. Haney, preparator in the National Museum for over 28 years, died October 8, 1921. During his service for the Museum, Mr. Haney constructed many difficult large-size models illustrating the occurrence, mining, and manufacture of various mineral re- sources. His skill and minutely detailed work in this field of educa- tional exhibits will be greatly missed. ANDREW L, FANT. Andrew L. Fant, watchman, a faithful and efficient employee in the National Museum since 1893 and lieutenant of the watch force since 1903, died on October 6, 1921. Respectfully submitted. Cuartes D. Watcort, Secretary. APPENDIX 1. REPORT ON THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Str: I have the honor to submit the following report on the opera- tions of the United States National Museum for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922. The year, a busy one, was marked by the multiplicity of activities, and advancement is shown in a number of directions. As set forth in the last report, the Museum is receiving practically the same ap- propriation that it did 11 years ago, in spite of increased scope, addi- tional collections, and advanced cost of all material and labor neces- sary to its maintenance. That the Museum attains the fine results recorded from year to year is owing, in large measure, to the personal qualities of the members of its staff, to whom much credit is due. The organization and staff of the Museum have undergone no note- worthy changes; policy and plans have remained opportunistic in the absence of funds to enable them to be considered in advance. Of prime importance this year was the receipt and installation of the Herbert Ward collection of sculptures of African natives and of African ethnological specimens. Like the bequest of James Smithson to the United States, this gift from a British subject to the American people is unique and deserves mention also as a won- derful representation of the native dignity of an aborginal race, typical of all aborigines. Its installation is noteworthy as marking an advance in the display of such objects. A beginning was made under the terms of the will of Dr. Morris Loeb for the establishment of the Loeb collection of chemical types in the National Museum. This collection forms a separate entity in the department of arts and industries. An advisory committee cooperates in its management, consisting of Dr. C. L. Alsberg, chair- man; Dr. Victor Lenher, Mr. James K. Senior, Dr. G. C. Spencer, representing the Bureau of Chemistry of the Department of Agri- culture; and Mr. F. L. Lewton, representing the Museum and in charge of the collection. The two specially constructed storage cabinets were received from the Chemists’ Club of New York City, and a portion of the original material of each of seven new chemical compounds, discovered and prepared in the Department of Agriculture, were transferred to the 26 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 27 Loeb collection. The members of the committee have offered to solicit additional original chemical material for the series. Ar- rangements were made with trade journals for advance notice of the publication of new chemical compounds, in order to facilitate prompt solicitation. Steps were taken to have greater use made of the facilities af- forded Washington by the National Museum. Through arrange- ments with the authorities of the public schools of the District of Columbia the Museum, when notified in advance, furnishes expert guidance by a member of its staff to scholars and teachers visiting its halls. In some instances such visits have resulted in further work along similar lines after the return to their school buildings and on several occasions have been followed by talks to the students in their classrooms by members of the staff of the Museum. Through cooperation with the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America, the Audubon Society of the District of Columbia, and the American Forestry Association, the Museum arranged a series of six Saturday morning lectures in the auditorium of the Museum for honor pupils of the seventh and eighth grades of the public schools, and the American Forestry Association awarded blue ribbons for the best bird houses submitted by the pupils. The schools of Washington, in common with the higher educa- tional establishments of the country, have long shared the benefits of the duplicate specimens distributed by the Museum for educa- tional purposes, and this year was no exception. The value of the Museum to the commercial interests of the Na- tional Capital, as well as to its educational interests, was demon: strated by a series of lectures by the curator of textiles given to several groups of employees handling textiles in one of the large department stores of the city, who, at the solicitation of their firm, came to the Museum during business hours for the purpose. The influence of the Museum in education is being felt outside its immediate vicinity, through the large delegations of students visiting it annually, often as part of their courses of instruction, and also through its assistance in the preparation of textbooks. Photo- graphs and essential data of the exhibits pertaining to the mineral} industries were supplied to the Pennsylvania State Board of Edu- cation, and to other inquirers. President Harding, on October 24, 1921, under authority of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation bill for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, directed the Bureau of Efficiency to pre- scribe a uniform system of employee ratings for all departments, and requested the heads of the departments to put the system into effect. Ratings were first to be established for employees engaged 28 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, in clerical or routine work, such as clerks, stenographers, book- keepers, messengers, and skilled laborers, and afterwards to be ex- tended to employees engaged in professional, scientific, technical, administrative, or executive work, or any other work involving for the most part original or constructive effort. This was inaugu- rated by a survey of all the positions existing in the Museum on November 15, 1921, carefully prepared and submitted to the Bureau of Efficiency. An initial report on the efficiency of each employee was made dating May 15, 1922, and similar reports are to be made every six months hereafter. The installation of this system added considerably to the duties of the officials of the Museum. The changing of the system of keeping Government accounts, to make the items of expenditure identical in all Government offices, whether large or small, likewise, temporarily at least, added to the work this year in the administrative office. Efforts were also made toward unifying other business methods of the Government offices generally, as to the handling of supplies, traffic matters, etc. BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT. The National Museum completely occupies two large and two small buildings, besides considerable space in two other structures. The combined floor space is approximately 670,000 square feet. To keep these buildings in repair requires all the available appropriation, so that radical changes in arrangements, however much needed, are almost impossible. This year by the removal of one partition and the erection of another, two small exhibition halls were added to the floor space for the display of specimens in the Arts and Industries Building, though the storage space was correspondingly diminished. Other repairs consisted, as usual, of repainting of walls and ceilings in places where most needed, the replacing of certain worn-out floors, and repairs to roofs, gutters, etc. The hot-water heating system was extended to the concrete building in the east court of the Natural History Building, replacing the temporary heating arrangements installed there when the structure was erected during the World War. In the Natural History Building a thorough investigation was made of the dome and the great piers supporting it. The slight displacement of the stone arches which span the piers, the opening of joints at the end of the balustrades under these arches and in the fourth-story floor at the ends of the piers, have been brought about by a movement at the upper end of the piers, doubtless caused by the eccentric application of the weight of the dome. The piers are fully braced by a large number of steel beams to the walls of the building and, since the walls are successfully resisting the pressure REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 29 from the piers, the movement of the latter, it is believed, will probably not proceed much farther. Careful observations and measurements will, however, be made at intervals of a few months to determine if any further displacement occurs. By the acquisition of 37 exhibition cases and 116 pieces of storage, laboratory, and office furniture, there were on hand at the close of the year 3,679 exhibition cases and 11,572 pieces of storage, labora- tory, office, and other furniture, besides 83,500 drawers, trays, boxes, and wing frames. COLLECTIONS. The total number of specimens acquired by the Museum during the year was approximately 359,676. Additional material to the extent of 995 lots, chiefly geological, was received for special exam- ination and report. Nearly 20,000 specimens were lent to special- ists for study, mainly on behalf of the Museum, and about 33,000 specimens were sent out in exchange, for which the Museum re- ceived valuable material. Over 10,000 duplicate specimens were used as gifts to educational establishments. Of these nearly half were contained in regular sets of labeled material previously pre- pared for shipment, and the remainder comprised specially selected lots to meet particular cases. The duplicates were chiefly fossil invertebrates, minerals, and ores, material illustrating rock weather- ing and soil formation, miscellaneous geological material, mollusks, and marine invertebrates, with smaller lots of specimens from the collections of insects, mammals, fishes, birds, archeology, ethnology, textiles, physical anthropology, and wood technology. Anthropology.—Collections in unusual number and of scientific value were received by the department. of anthropology. Especially worthy of praise is the Herbert Ward African collection, hereto- fore mentioned, given to the Museum by Mrs. Herbert Ward. This collection, forming one of the most important ethnological units in the world, was begun by Herbert Ward in Africa during the first great period of exploitation by Livingstone and Stanley. It consists of 2,700 specimens of African ethnologica and is illus- trated by 19 superb sculptures in bronze by Mr. Ward. The whole collection is displayed to advantage in the halls of ethnology in the Natural History Building. Through the friendly offices of the Archeological Society of Washington, the division of American archeology received a large collection of the brilliant ancient pottery from the ruins of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. The remarkable aboriginal ceramics collected by Dr. J. Walter Fewkes in the neighboring region, the Mimbres Valley, N. Mex., were placed on public view. From the 30 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. National Geographic Society’s expedition in Chaco Canyon, N. Mex., conducted by Mr. Neil M. Judd, considerable material was forwarded. An ornate gilt bronze statue of Buddha from the Imperial Palace at Peking, containing rolls of inscribed prayers, was received by the division of Old World archeology from Maj. Murray Warner through Mrs. Gertrude Bass Warner, of Eugene, Oreg. Mr. Hugo Worch has added a number of pianos to his collection, and especially noteworthy is a magnificent gilt harpischord made by Pleyel, Paris, France. The collection of violins bequeathed to the Museum under the terms of the will of Dwight J. Partello was lost to the Museum, as it was found that through a previous bill of sale the collection belonged to one of his daughters. In art textiles mention should be made of a collection of speci- mens of lace of high class, a permanent deposit by Miss Emily G. Storrow. In ceramics a selection of American art pottery was supplied for the exhibit of the National Gallery of Art. A special exhibit of tiles made in the United States and assem- bled by the Associated Tile Manufacturers to illustrate the result of 44 years’ development of an American industry was shown from May 16 to June 20, 1922, in two rooms off the foyer in the Natural History Building. Biology—From the numerical standpoint the collections of the department of biology show less uniform and healthy growth than during the fiscal year 1921. The actual number of specimens re- veived, 318,950, represents, it is true, an increase over the previous year, but this increase is only 67,437, while the year 1921 showed an increase of no less than 114,720 over its predecessor. Together with the decrease in relative increment has gone a gen- eral decrease in the scientific importance of the new accessions. Three curators regard this importance as increased over that of the previous year’s accessions, but only one of these (insects) feels called upon to express enthusiasm. Of the six others five report essentially stationary conditions and one (fishes) a falling off. The great outstanding feature among this year’s accessions is the collection of about 100,000 insects of all orders, made by Dr. William M. Mann in South America, chiefly in eastern Bolivia. In Alaska another unusually important collection of insects was obtained by Dr. John M. Aldrich. The final consignment of Mr. Hoy’s Australian material (mostly vertebrates) presented by Dr. William L. Abbott, brings the important and successful Australian expedition to a close. The National Herbarium through cooperation with the Depart- ment of Agriculture acquired the very large private herbarium of Dr. Otto Buchtien of over 45,000 specimens, rich in material from REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. $i Bolivia, Chile, and Paraguay, the Bolivian flora being particularly well represented. Many other smaller collections were received, including mammals from Alberta and plants from British Columbia collected by Sec- retary and Mrs.: Walcott. The work of remedying defects in the biological exhibition has been practically confined to the mammal halls. Good progress has been made in routine curatorial and preparatorial work in the various collections, but everywhere this work is suffering from the insufficiency of space and of personnel. Geology.—A satisfactory increase in the geological collections is noted, although the accessions number slightly less than last year, 217, with an aggregate of 23,504 specimens being recorded. Valuable additions were made to the collections of Bolivian tin and tungsten ores by Mr. F. L. Hess; rich examples of carnotite and hewettite, the best thus far found in the United States, were acquired through the generosity of the Standard Chemical Co., Naturita, Colo.; and large uranophane-bearing sandstone specimens were pre- sented by Mr. John J. Bonner, Lusk, Wyo. Gold nuggets, eight in number, the largest weighing 44 ounces, from the Maxwell Land Grant, N. Mex., were donated by Dr. Frank Springer, and Hon. Holm O. Bursum presented examples of torbernite, a radium-bearing mineral from White Signal, N. Mex. Other gifts to the economic collections include examples of diamond-bearing rock from Pike County, Ark., and slabs of building stones supplied by various dealers. The most notable addition to the meteorite collection is the mag- nificent mass of iron from Owens Valley, Calif., gift of Mr. Lincoln Ellsworth, New York City. Examples of other falls and finds, 10 in number, either new to the collection or hitherto poorly represented, were acquired chiefly through exchanges. The mineral collections were benefited through gifts which in- clude at least three exhibition specimens. Large fine crystals of colemanite, donated by Mr. W. S. Russell, Los Angeles, an attractive specimen of cuprite showing deep red crystals on native copper, by Dr. R. O. Hall, San Jose, Calif., and a zoned rhodenite of unusual form, by Col. Washington A. Roebling, Trenton, N. J., are notable among these. Valuable foreign minerals were acquired through exchange; type materials were transferred by the United States Geological Survey; a series showing the effect of radium rays on the color of minerals, beryl crystals from Brazil, and examples of nesquehonite, demantoid garnet, and other forms from Italy were acquired by purchase; and interesting collections were made in the field by the assistant curator. Gems of beauty and value have been added to the Isaac Lea collection through its endowment fund, 32 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. including a series of uncut diamonds from the mines of the Arkansas Diamond Corporation, Murfreesboro, Ark.; a unique cut gem of orthoclase from Madagascar; a blue zircon from Australia; and a series of fresh-water pearls from the rivers of the Mississippi Valley. A number of individual gifts are also recorded. Paleontological material was received from Mexico, Central and South America, India, and several European localities, these being chiefly Mesozoic and Cenozoic, while numerous collections from Paleozoic rocks of the United States and Canada were made by the curator or presented by interested friends. Unusually well pre- served cetacean remains obtained in the Miocene deposits along Chesapeake Bay; valuable reptilian material acquired by exchanges; skulls and bones of extinct buffaloes, presented by the John A. Savage Co., Crosby, Minn.; and remains of the Beresovka mam- moth, are among the notable accessions of vertebrate material. Mineral and mechanical technology.—tin the division of mineral technology attention was confined entirely to a more permanent and complete arrangement of the exhibits already on hand, and new material consisted chiefly of photographic transparencies which were installed in the respective exhibits to which they referred. Apart from this work, the division was chiefly engaged in coopera- tive educational work with the Pennsylvania State Board of Edu- cation through Mr. Samuel S. Wyer, of Columbus, Ohio. The plans of the State Educational Board call for revision of the sev- enth-grade geography course to include the study of the State’s mineral resources. The extent of the division’s cooperation may be judged from the fact that it has supplied a considerable amount of the data for text and illustrations from the models of the many mineral industries exhibited in the Museum. The division of mechanical technology was extremely busy, pri- marily, in regrouping its collections and rearranging objects in the collections so as to tell a story rather than merely represent a period in development, in an endeavor to impress the student with the significance of the material rather than its mere existence; and, secondarily, through the receipt of over 100 per cent more objects than were received the preceding year. In the line of special investigations, those inaugurated last year, particularly with regard to the developments in aeronautical engineering, were con- tinued. Textiles, wood technology, foods, and medicine.—The collections under the supervision of the curator of textiles, which, besides textiles, embrace wood technology, food, medicine, and miscellaneous organic products, were increased by many gifts and by transfer and loan of property from other Government bureaus amounting to nearly 3,000 objects. The most important of these are as follows: REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 33 From the Department of Commerce, several hundred specimens of industrial raw materials not heretofore represented in the col- lections, which had been sent to the department by American con- sular offices and trade commissioners for the purpose of encourag- ing foreign commerce. There were added by gift beautiful speci- mens of silks, fur fabrics, and drapery textiles contributed by American manufacturers to show the progress of textile industries in this country. To the collections arranged to show the importance of wood and the industries based upon the use of that raw material, there were added two series of specimens illustrating the manufacture and use of sulphite wood pulp for writing papers, one showing in detail the steps in the process, and the other the exact quantities of each ingredient entering into 100 pounds of finished paper; also exhibits showing the importance and uses of American walnut, many ex- amples of articles turned from wood, and specimens of laminated wood wheels for motor vehicles. The collections in the division of medicine were enlarged by ex- tensive series of specimens showing the manufacture of surgical dressings, pills, plasters, surgical ligatures, and clinical thermome- ters; specimens of essential oils and related aromatic substances; important alkaloids and alkaloidal salts used in medicine; and a series of charts showing the treatment of rabies, typhoid fever, and whooping cough. Graphic arts—The specimens acquired in the division, while less than half in number, are still fully as important, artistically and technically, as the 1920-21 specimens. The most important indi- vidual gift was that of the sixteenth century methods of making type, in which all the specimens were made by or prepared by Mr. Dard Hunter, Chillicothe, Ohio. Mr. Hunter himself made the punches, struck the matrices, and cast the type. This is one of a series consisting of printer’s ink, paper, and type making, which, with the promised modern methods of type making, will be about complete. Several gifts combined have greatly improved both the technical and historical series of collotype. The Campbell Art Co., of Elizabeth, N. J., gave a valuable and instructive technical exhibit of color printing, and beautiful examples of the process were also furnished by Foster Bros., of Boston, the Medici Society of America (Inc.), and by Rudolf Lesch, of New York City. These are ex- amples of the finest collotype work being produced to-day, and make an excellent showing of this process of photomechanical re- production. A new process for reprinting books has been developed by the Polygraphic Co., of Berne, Switzerland, who donated a com- plete exhibit. In this so-called Manul process the negative is ob- 34 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. tained upon a sheet of very thin paper without the use of a camera or lens. The series of pictorial photographs collected this year, over 100 in number, is a very important collection of artistic photography representing 17 of the foremost pictorial photographers of the world. The successful collection of this material was largely due to efforts and suggestions of Mr. Floyd Vail, of the New York Camera Club. The gift by Maj. Murray Warner through Mrs. Gertrude Bass Warner of 42 autochromes, the work of Major Warner, deserves mention, as they preserve the wonderful color schemes of the Panama-Pacific Exposition, as well as being fine specimens. A loan from Mr. Earle W. Huckel, of Philadelphia, of several printed books contains one dated 1497, Theology, by Lock- mayer, which is the earliest book in the division; also a beautiful book from the famous Moretus Press dated 1696. The most beau- tiful example of presswork and typography shown is a copy of The Well at the World’s End, printed by William Morris at the Kelm- scott Press in 1896. Many small and individual objects have augmented various series, adding to their extent and beauty, as, for example, two beau- tiful water colors by Mr. W. H. Holmes, Director of the National Gallery of Art, and a black and white original, loaned by Franklin Booth. One hundred photographs of snow crystals, by Mr. W. A. Bent- ley, form a valuable addition to the technical collections. A notable loan exhibit of artistic photography, the work of Mr. Floyd Vail, was shown for two months and attracted much at- tention. History.—During the past fiscal year, the historical collections have received a number of additions of more than usual interest and importance. These include the following: The American flag, which, after receiving military honors in the Sorbonne in the presence of President Poincaré, was flown with a French flag at the summit of the Eiffel Tower and saluted with 101 guns, April 22, 1917, in celebration of the entry of the United States into the World War on the side of the Allies. This flag was presented by the French ambassador, M. Jusserand, to President Harding at the White House on Decoration Day, May 30, 1922, and deposited in the Museum by the President. A series of very handsome silk American flags, presented to Gen. John J. Pershing in recognition of his services as commander-in-chief of the American Expedition- ary Forces in France during the World War and loaned to the Museum by him. Two sectional relief maps of northern France, one made of papier-maché and one of plaster, presented by Mar- shal Haig and Marshal Petain, respectively, to the Hon. Medill REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 85 McCormick, and by him presented to the Museum. The first of these consists of eight sections, 22 by 27 inches in size, showing when united the territory bordering the British battle front from Dunkirk to Amiens. The second consists of 111 sections, each 19 by 25 inches, and shows the region of the French front from Vermand to Courgenay, in great detail. Another relief map of much importance is one received from the United States Marine Corps, showing the region about Belleau Wood. The numismatic collections relative to the World War have been increased by a number of examples of the medals and decorations issued in the United States and European countries during the war. The original historical collections have been increased by a sword carried during the War of the Revolution by General Washington, a cane bequeathed to him by Benjamin Franklin, and a sword owned by Gen. Andrew Jackson. These three objects were transferred to the Museum from the Department of State by joint resolution of Congress approved February 28, 1922. From the same department by transfer was received the small writing desk used by Thomas Jefferson when he drafted the Declaration of Independence in Phil- adelphia in 1776, which bears a memorandum in his own hand at- testing to its history. A single addition was made during the year to the collection of costumes worn by the mistresses of the White House. This was the dress worn by Mrs. Andrew Jackson, jr., on the occasion of a reception given at the White House in her honor in 1831, and lent to the Museum by Mrs. Rachel Jackson Lawrence, of the Hermitage Association. Work on the collections.—The care and preservation of the collec- tions require a large proportion of the energies and time of the scientific staff and present many difficulties to be surmounted. In ethnology, the installation of the Herbert Ward collection led to a recasting of the African collection generally. The conditions ham- pering the development of the biological exhibition since the later years of the World War have continued, making it impossible to do more than remedy special defects as opportunity presented. A general overhauling of the unmounted larger cetacean material has placed this series in a condition to be used for the first time in many years. Commendable progress is reported in the care of the geologi- cal collections, though comparatively few new exhibits were in- stalled. The assignment of the entire east gallery of the Arts and In- dustries Building for the use of the division of medicine necessi- tated a complete rearrangement of all the cases and the installation of a number of new exhibits. In the division of mechanical tech- nology a complete inventory was made of the collections, the Museum catalogues as far back as 1876 being carefully examined and checked 36 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. with the specimens. The collections of graphic arts on display in the Smithsonian Building were rearranged so that exhibits of a kind, both historical and technical, are located near together for easy examination. The classification of the collections by members of the staff has produced the usual amount of research work on the materia! in- trusted to their care; and the usual generous cooperation of out- siders has been of the utmost assistance in enhancing the scientific value of the collections. The total number of papers by members of the staff, or based partly or wholly on National Museum material by outsiders, published during the year is 332. EXPLORATIONS AND FIELD WORK. From the standpoint of exploration and expeditions, the year just completed shows very little improvement over 1920-21. The work carried on by various other governmental agencies, particularly by the United States Geological Survey, the Bureau of Fisheries, the Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture, and the Bureau of American Ethnology has, as usual, resulted in important material for the national collections. The number of expeditions contributing material to the depart- ment of biology, according to the reports of curators, was 18, of which no less than 10 were both financed and directed by outside friends and correspondents, 7 were financed by others and partly or wholly directed by members of the staff of the Museum, while only 1 was entirely controlled by the Museum. In the department of geology, extensive field work was confined entirely to the division of paleontology. Besides the field work described here, a number of other expedi- tions in which the Museum was interested are mentioned in the first part of this report under the heading “ Explorations and researches.” The work of Mr. Arthur de C. Sowerby in China, interrupted by the World War, was resumed, a shipment of specimens from the Province of Fukien being received. The expenses of this work are met by Mr. Robert Sterling Clark, who generously contributes all the material to the Museum. Special effort is being directed to securing vertebrates from southern and other parts of China not hitherto represented in the national collections. Dr. William M. Mann, while attached to the Mulford Biological Exploration of the Amazon Basin, collected a large number of insects and some miscellaneous material of other kinds. This expedition was organized by the H. K. Mulford Co., of Philadelphia, under the direction of Dr. H. H. Rusby, chiefly for the purpose of studying drug plants, but also for making general biological collections. By invitation, Doctor Mann was attached as entomologist and assistant REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. ai director and during the last 3 of the 10 months of the expedition was in charge, on account of the illness of Doctor Rusby. Dr. Paul Bartsch continued his experiments in heredity on iand mollusks. of the genus Cerion, under the joint auspices of the Smith- sonian Institution and the Carnegie Institution, of Washington. He has been working upon a survey of the distribution of the native species in the Florida Keys. By the use of a seaplane, detailed for the purpose by the Navy Department, Doctor Bartsch was able in four days to fly at low altitude over the entire region and note on charts all the visible grass plots—the habitat of the Cerions. It will now be possible by means of the charts to examine the native colonies without loss of time in locating them. Mr. John B. Henderson, Regent of the Smithsonian Institution, made a rather hurried trip to Jamaica +o personally collect living specimens of the Helicid genus Thysanophora for anatomical study toward a proposed mono- graph of the group. This little expedition proved unusually success- ful and of great benefit to the work in hand, as well as to the mollusk collections. Mr. Paul C. Standley carried on botanical exploration in Central America, through cooperation with the Gray Herbarium, the New York Botanical Garden, the Bureau of Plant Industry of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, and Mr. Oakes Ames, the latter being interested in the orchids of this region. About five months were spent in E] Salvador, and nearly a month in Guatemala. The collections, over 6,000 botanical specimens, will be divided among the contributing institutions. Another botanical expedition was in the field at the close of the vear. Dr. F. W. Pennell, of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, accompanied by Mrs. Pennell, and Mr. KE. P. Killip. of the Museum, is conducting a six months’ exploration of western Colombia, on behalf of the Gray Herbarium, the New York Botanical Garden, the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, and the Museum. Mr. Oakes Ames is contributing also to the expense of the expedition. This is one of a series toward a complete study of the flora of north- ern South America. The biological expedition alluded to as the only one under the exclusive control of the Museum was a trip to the interior of Alaska undertaken by Dr. John M. Aldrich, associate curator of insects. The Alaska Engineering Commission of the Department of the In- terior furnished Doctor Aldrich with horses and their subsistence and with transportation on the Alaskan Railroad. About 10,000 speci- mens were collected, consisting mainly of Diptera and Hymenoptera. with a fair number of Hemiptera. The expedition of the Museum of the American Indian (Heye Foundation) to New Mexico under Mr. F. W. Hodge furnished 58379—24—_4 38 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. valuable skeletal material, as has been the case for several years past. The exploration of Pueblo Bonito in the Chaco Canyon, N. Mex., by the National Geographic Society under the direction of Mr. Neil M. Judd during the summer of 1921 was largely prelimi- nary. The exploration will be continued through a number of sea- sons and the collections are to become the property of the National Museum. Early in the year Mr. F. W. Foshag collected minerals from interesting cave deposits in the Grand Canyon, near Supai, Ariz., a project made possible through the courtesy of Mr. C. A. Heber- lein, operating in the region. Mr. Foshag also made field trips to southern California and Nevada in connection with research work at the University of California, the results of which were likewise added to the national collections. Doctor Bassler spent his vacation in July, 1921, in geological field- work in the central basin of Tennessee, under the auspices of the Geological Survey of that State. The field offered such opportunities that arrangements were made for another summer’s work in the same general area. During the greater part of June, 1922, there- fore Doctor Bassler, in company with Dr. E. O. Ulrich and Mr. R. D. Messler, of the United States Geological Survey, was occupied in making stratigraphic sections and collecting fossils over the en- tire central basin, an area of about 8,000 square miles. The ultimate object of this work is the preparation of a monograph on the stratigraphy and paleontology of Tennessee. On the completion of his work in Tennessee, in 1921, Doctor Bassler proceeded to Springfield, Il., where casts of type specimens in the State museum collections were made, in accordance with the department’s plan to complete so far as possible the representation of type specimens in the national collections. Through the courtesy of Mr. E. J. Armstrong, of Erie, Pa., Doctor Bassler visited all the classical Silurian and Devonian localities in northwestern Pennsylvania and western New York during the latter part of September to obtain field knowledge of the detailed geology and to collect carefully se- lected sets of fossils illustrating the numerous formations of the region. The work was highly successful, and the large collections of Devonian fossils in the Museum concerning which exact strati- graphic data have been lacking can now be determined and arranged in necessary detail. Dr. E. O. Ulrich, of the United States Geological Survey, spent the summer of 1921 in continuation of his field researches on the early Paleozoic rocks of eastern North America, and previous to joining Doctor Bassler in Tennessee, as noted above, studied the Silurian stratigraphy of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Mr. N. H. Boss made several short trips collecting in the Miocene deposits REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 39 along the Chesapeake Bay, all of which were under the auspices of the National Museum. These trips were unusually productive in the recovery of well-preserved cetacean remains. ___ Dr. George P. Merrill did a little work on his own initiative while in Maine on a vacation, and Mr. Shannon on a two-day trip to Port Deposit and Conowingo, Md., and Peach Bottom, Pa., visited a number of commercial granite, feldspar, talc, and slate mines and quarries. MEETINGS, CONGRESSES, AND RECEPTIONS. The Museum is seldom able to arrange regular lecture courses, but it does diffuse much knowledge through the lectures and proceedings of the various governmental, scientific, and educational agencies using its meeting facilities. The auditorium and adjacent council rooms afforded accommodations during the year for about 150 meet- ings, covering a wide range of subjects. The governmental agencies availing themselves of these opportuni- ties included the State Department, the War Department, the Treas- ury Department, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, the Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board, and the Federal Power Commission. The scientific and technical groups included the National Academy of Sciences, the National Research Council, the American Relief Administration, the International Association for Identification, the American Surgical Association, the American Federation of Arts, the Wild Flower Preservation Society of America, the National Association of Postmasters of the United States, the National Association of Office Managers, the Liberty Calendar Association of America, the George Washington Memorial Association, the Committee on the Baird Memorial, the Organizing Committee of the Nineteenth International Congress of Ameri- canists, the Anthropological Society of Washington, the Archzo- logical Society of Washington, the Audubon Society of the District of Columbia, the Biological Society of Washington, the Chemical Society of Washington, the Entomological Society of Washington, the Federal Photographic Society, the Organization of Appointment Clerks, the Philosophical Society of Washington, the Shakespeare Society of Washington, and the Washington Academy of Sciences. The educational and miscellaneous agencies included the American University ; the School of Foreign Service and the School of Medi- cine of the Georgetown University; the Federation of Citizens Asso- ciations; the General Federation of Women’s Clubs; the Potomac Garden Club; the George Washington Post No. 1, American Legion; the Matrons and Patrons Association of 1922, Order Eastern Star; the Smithsonian branch of the Federal Employees Union No. 2; the 40 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Smithsonian Auxiliary of the District of Columbia Chapter of the American Red Cross; and the Smithsonian Relief Association. The Museum was the scene of several receptions, the first being probably the largest, the most elaborate, and the most successful affair of its kind ever held in the Museum. This was the reception on November 28, 1921, by the city of Washington, through the Com- missioners of the District of Columbia and a committee of citizens, to the delegates to the International Conference for the Limitation of Armament, when some 5,000 persons representing the official, social, and business life of Washington showed respect to the dele- gates to that conference. On the evening of February 18, 1922, an informal reception and private view of the collection of Chihuahua pottery, loaned to the Museum by the Archeological Society of Washington was held in the public exhibition halls on the first floor. This was preceded by a lecture in the hall below by Dr. Hamilton Bell, on the Sculpture of Japan, under the auspices of the Archeological Society. Another reception, on April 24, formed part of the program of the annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences. This was in honor of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Lorentz, of Leiden, and followed a lecture in the auditorium by Doctor Lorentz on Problems of Modern Physics. A function which brought to the Museum representatives of the diplomatic corps and others was the formal presentation to the American Nation, on March 1, of the Herbert Ward collection of sculptures and African ethnology. In the northeast corner, first story, of the Natural History Building, surrounded by the works of her gifted husband and his unrivaled collection illustrating the handicrafts of the native African, the presentation was made by Mrs. Ward, and the donation accepted by Vice President Coolidge as chancellor of the Institution. MISCELLANEOUS. The publications issued by the Museum comprised 9 volumes and 78 separate papers. The Museum distribution of volumes and sepa- rates to libraries and individuals aggregated 97,806 copies. This, however, by no means indicates the number of its publications put in circulation during the year, for one of the separates of the Proceed- ings, on the Mosquitoes of the United States, issued in June, proved so popular that the War and Navy Departments arranged through the Superintendent of Documents for liberal distributions of the paper, and the Bureau of Public Health reprinted it. The library received 2,023 volumes and 4,185 pamphlets, mainly through gifts and exchanges, bringing the Museum collection up to REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 4] 60,681 books and 95,594 pamphlets. Typewritten lists of original articles appearing in scientific periodicals reaching the Institution “for the Smithsonian deposit at the Library of Congress have been circulated among the head curators of the Museum for their informa- tion and dissemination among the staff generally. There is a demand from other Government departments and research organizations for zopies of these lists which the Museum is unable to supply, through lack of mechanical equipment and assistants. The number of visitors to the Natural History Building was 441,604; to the Arts and Industries Building, 262,151; to the Smith- sonian Building, 83,384; and to the Aircraft Building, 46,380. All the Museum exhibition halls are open free to the public every week- day in the year. In addition those in the Natural History Building are open every Sunday afternoon, and this year those in the Smith- sonian Building were open on Sunday afternoons in April. All the Museum offices and exhibition halls were closed, however, on Novem- ber 11, 1921, on account of the burial of America’s unknown soldier. Respectfully submitted. W. ve C. Ravenzt, Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, in charge United States National Museum. Dr. Cuartres D. Watcort, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 2. REPORT ON THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART. Sm: I have the honor to submit the following report on the af- fairs of the National Gallery of Art for the year ending June 30, 1922. The second year of the existence of the National Gallery as a separate administrative unit of the Smithsonian Institution closed with substantial reasons for satisfaction with the progress made, notwithstanding the fact that the accessions of art works fall short of the average for a number of previous years. The activities of the gallery continued in all essential respects in directions identical with those of the preceding year, the personnel being limited to a director and a secretary with clerical assistance, a guard, three watchmen, two laborers, and two charwomen. Full information regarding the inception and growth of the gal- lery within the Institution and as a subsection of the department of anthropology of the National Museum may be found in the report of the secretary of the Institution for the preceding year, and more especially in an earlier publication (Bulletin 70, U. S. National Museum) prepared by former assistant secretary, Dr. Richard Rathbun. | Although art was recognized as a legitimate field of activity in the organization of the Institution, and on equal terms with science, and although numerous paintings and other works were acquired as the years passed, no special provision was made for their accommoda- tion, space being assigned them in various places as the years passed, and no special provision was made for adding to the collection by purchase. Since the completion of the Natural History Building the collections have found space in that building, finally occupying the large central hall which was subdivided by screen partitions for their accommodation. This resource has, however, reached its limit, and additions accepted can find exhibition space only by storing the less important works previously acquired. This condition is most unfortunate since the inflow of gifts and bequests, upon which the gallery depends for accessions, is governed largely by the char- acter of the accommodations afforded. The vital importance of this shortage of space will be appreciated when it is stated that the in- 42 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 43 crease of art works by means of gifts and bequests to the Institu- tion for the 10 years since appropriate exhibition space became available in the new Natural History Building, ending June 30, 1921, ~—and aside from the rich accessions of the Freer gift, has averaged in estimated money value upward of $500,000 per year. The year just closed has fallen far short of that valuation, not exceeding $10,000, a result due in part, at least, to a knowledge of the real con- ditions on the part of such owners of collections as have reached the stage where the future of their accumulations has become a matter of great concern. The urgent need of a gallery building is thus strongly emphasized, for it is apparent that should 10 years elapse before a building for this purpose is erected, the loss due to delay will amount to several times the cost of a building. Another consideration of great im- portance is that the National Gallery is not limited in scope to paint- ing and sculpture, but has confined its activities mainly to this nar- row field because no space is available for assembling and displaying the full range of art products. It is thus most important that Amer- icans should begin to realize, as have all other civilized nations, the great importance, the inestimable value, of art as an agency in the advancement to higher accomplishment in each and every branch of activity in which taste is an essential feature. We are the only civil- ized nation that has not risen to a realization of the real value of art and of the important functions of a National Gallery and that has not, save in the limited appropriations granted in 1921 and 1922 to the gallery fostered by the Smithsonian Institution, recognized art save as the handmaid of history or as an essential of architectural embellishment or landscape gardening. No important art work has, for art’s sake pure and simple, ever been purchased with the approval of the United States Government. The Nation has received as gifts and bequests, art works amounting to more than ten millions in money value, and has expended on their acquirement and care possi- bly one two-hundredth part of that amount. The American people should at once arise to a realization of the fact that unless gallery space is provided for the accommodation of prospective additions, this inflow of art works must practically cease. This would be a national misfortune and a disaster to the Capital of the Nation. ART WORKS ACQUIRED DURING THE YEAR. GIFTS AND BEQUESTS. Portrait of President Ulysses S. Grant (three-quarter length) by Thomas Le Clear, N. A. (1818-1882), painted in 1880 or 1881. Gift of Mrs. U.S. Grant, jr., of San Diego, Calif. t+ ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. A large gravure reproduction of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, taken from Douglas Volk’s portrait of Lincoln painted from mem- ory. Gift of Dr. Charles D. Walcott, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. An oil painting entitled “The Signing of the Treaty of Ghent,” by Sir A. Forestier, 1914. Presented to the Smithsonian Institution for the American people by the Sulgrave Institution of Great Brit- ain and the United States, through Mr. Barron Collier, and accepted on behalf of the United States by Chief Justice William Howard Taft. Deposited by the Smithsonian Institution. A painting by Daniel Garber, N. A., entitled “ Tohickon,” pro- vided by the Henry Ward Ranger bequest through the council of the National Academy of Design, trustees of the fund. Portrait of Edwin H. Harriman, being an artist’s proof etching, one of 21 from the copper. Gift of Mrs. E. H. Harriman, New York City, through Dr. Charles D. Walcott. Portrait bust (bronze) of Maj. Gen. George Owen Squier, Chief Signal Officer, United States Army, by M. W. Daikaar. Gift of General Squier. . LOANS, Salutation (copy) by Albertinelli, and Holy Family (copy), by Andrea del Sarto, and an erba or painting in vegetable colors en- titled St. Anthony and the Lions,” by and old monastic painter of the time of Fra Angelica and Fra Bartolommeo. Lent by the Rey. F. Ward Denys, of Washington, D. C. Doctor Denys lent also a Minton shield, two bronze reliefs of sacred subjects, and a small landscape in oil, which he withdrew before the close of the year. Mother and Children (Early Morning), by A. W. Bougereau (1825-1905), and Sheep, by F. Brissot. Lent by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tuckerman, Edgemoor, Md. Deer, by J. A. Oertel, signed 1856. Lent by Mr. Charles Town- send Abercrombie Miller, of New York City. Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, painted in 1865 by M. 8S. Nach- trieb (1835-1913). Lent by Mr. Anton Heitmuller, of Washing- ton, D. C. A series of 10 architectural drawings by Rossel Edward Mitchell, showing the artist’s plan for furthering the International Historica! Museum. Lent by Rossel Edward Mitchell, Washington, D. C., and withdrawn at the close of the special exhibition during Janu- ary, 1922. Forty-six paintings, comprising kakemonos and framed pictures by Shunko Sugiura, of Tokyo, Japan. Lent by the artist and with- drawn at the close of the special exhibition, from January 18 to 27, 1922. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 45 Series of 150 enlarged portraits in sepia, of Washington children, by Underwood & Underwood, of Washington, D. C. Lent by Under- ~~ wood & Underwood and withdrawn at the close of the special exhi- bition, February 20 to March 5, 1922. Plaster bas-relief portrait of Prof. Francis James Child, Scholar (1825-1896), of Cambridge, Mass., executed in 1891 by Miss Leila Usher. Lent by Miss Leila Usher, of Boston, Mass. A collection of 100 etchings and water-color drawings by Fran- cisco Gonzales Gamarra, of Lima, Peru, illustrating ancient Peru- vian art, recent historical art, and current subjects. Lent by Mr. Gamarra and withdrawn at the close of the special exhibition which was open to the public during June, 1922. Bronze bust of Enrico Caruso (1873-1921), by Joseph Anthony Atchison; presented to the city of Washington for the Washington Opera House. Lent by the sculptor on behalf of the Washington Opera House. Two old masters, Baptism of Christ by J. B. Tiepolo and a small landscape by R. Wilson, were added to his loan collection by Mr. Ralph Cross Johnson, of Washington, D. C. A Moment’s Rest, a large painting by William E. Norton (1843- 1916), a realistic rendering of a team of four horses in charge of two men and a boy resting a moment in the shadow of a boat’s hull by the water’s edge while one of the men lights his pipe. Lent by the artist’s daughters, Miss Gertrude M. Norton and Miss Florence IK. Norton, of New York City. Twenty-two portraits in pastel, being a series of life-size groups of Union and Confederate veterans of the Civil War, painted from life by Walter Beck, of Brooklyn, N. Y., 50 years after the battle of Appomattox; lent to the Smithsonian Institution by the artist through Mr. Walter M. Grant, of New York City. Deposited by the Institution. They are as follows: MOSBY TRIPTYCH. 1. Left panel: 1. Seated, left, Lieut. Fountain Beatty, Alexandria, Va. 2. Seated right, John Russel, scout, Berryville, Va. 3. Standing, Frank H. Rahm, Richmond, Va. 2. Central painting: 4, Left, Charles Grogan, Baltimore, Md. 5. Center, Col. John S. Mosby. 6. Right, Dr. W. L. Dunn, Glade Springs, Va. 3. Right panel: 7. Seated, Lieut. A. R. Richards, Louisville, Ky. 8. Standing, Dr. James G. Wiltshire, Baltimore, Md. 46 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, FEDERAL FORCES. 4, Fifty Years After the Battle. Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry, First Duryée Zouaves, known as “ The Fighting Fifth.” Left to right— 1. Trumpeter Robert Fofar, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2. Trumpeter Robert F. Daly (once the drummer boy), New York City. 3. John F., Connell, New York City. 4, Gilbert Boyd, Brooklyn, N. Y. 5. John Hefferman, Flushing, Long Island. 5. Map of the Peninsular Campaign, Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry. First Duryée Zouaves, known as “ The Fighting Fifth.” . Left upper, John C. L. Hamilton, Elmsford, N. Y. . Second, Edward Whiteside, Brooklyn, N. Y. Seated, left, James Collins (address not given). . Seated, George F. Wilson, Mount Vernon, N. Y. . Seated, George A. Mitchell (address not given). . Standing, right, Samuel H. Tucker (with rifle), Ridgefield Park, N. J. 6. Sheathing the Sword. 1. Standing at left, Peter G. Wagner, New York City. 2. Seated, Lieut. William H. Uekele, New York City. 8. Second, standing, Alfred Atkins, Rosells Park, N. Y. 4. With sword and gun, Harry Jones, Long Island City, N. Y. 5. Extreme right, George H. Myers, New York City. 7. Comrades of the Fighting Fifth. 1. Left, Daniel J. Meagher, New York City. 2. Right, Albert Shellworth, Jersey City, N. J. 8. Drummer Boy of the Fighting Fifth After Gaines Mills. Robert F. Daly, New York City, was a drummer boy before he was 13 and had seen 17 battles. He endeared himself to his regiment, the First Duryée Zouaves, especially at Gaines Mills, where he carried water to the men fighting, from a spring more than a mile to the rear. On the 7-day retreat to the ships the men carried the boy on their shoulders. When the regiment returned to New York, the boy’s father discovered him in line, snatched him from the march, and sent him back to school. 9. The Signal. After the Battle of Big Bethel. John Tregaskis, Brooklyn, N. Y., Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry, Duryée Zouaves. After the Battle of Big Bethel the Union forces were marching by parallel roads in pursuit of the enemy. During the night at the cross- roads they fired at each other. To avoid a repetition of the error they used the white of their turbans around their arm as a signal. 10. The First Sharps Rifle. Homer D. Jennings, St. Cloud, Fla. The Sharps rifle was used for the first time before Gaines Mills, Va. It was a repeating rifle and was used by the Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry, Duryée Zouaves. There were just enough of the rifles to arm the end men of companies, but the effect upon the opposing forces was bewildering and disastrous. General Sykes was in command. 11. Adelaide Smith. One of the first Army nurses. She volunteered at Brooklyn, was with Grant’s army through the Peninsular campaign, especially during the last years of the Civil War. anh eh REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 47 The silver cup at her left is the cup which she carried all through the war and with which she gave water to thousands of wounded men, ~The One hundred and sixty-fifth New York, or Second Duryée Zouaves, Vol- unteer Infantry. 12. The left panel, four figures with the flags. 13. Center panel, five figures, Capt. Mathias Johnston, leader. 14. Third, or right, panel, five figures, with guns. 15. Doctor Beyea, chaplain, and noted as a singer at camp fires, Lafayette Post, New York. Painted in 1914. 16. Fisher of the Fifth New York Volunteer Infantry, Duryée Zouaves. 17. The Beecher Regiment Returning Its Flag to Plymouth Church. . Seated, left, William Pink, Brooklyn, N. Y. Standing, left, Henry Metcalf, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Standing, Richard Conlon, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Standing, Charles Balogh, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Center, Capt. Miles O. Reilly, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Standing, Maj. M. K. Mille, Westfield, N. Y. . Standing, George O. Fowler, Whitestone, L. I. . Seated, right, Gen. Louis M. Peck, Brooklyn, N. Y. BNAarwnd THE OLD GUARD OF NEW YORK. 18. Capt. H. Cole Smith, Highth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. Willis White, Second Regiment New York Cavalry. Capt. Frank Huntoon, Vermont Cavalry. 19. Judge Blanchard, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Col. G. K. Grismer, One hundred and ninety-second New York Volunteer Infantry. Maj. Charles H. Heustis, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. 20. Col. A. E. Dick, Twenty-second New York Volunteer Infantry. Admiral Charles D. Sigsbee, Fort Fisher, afterwards on the U. 8S. 8S. Maine, seated. Capt. James F. Wenman, who brought the obelisk from Hgypt to Central Park, New York City. Brig. Gen. Albert F’. Davis, Spanish War Veterans. 21. Capt. L. F. Barry, Seventy-first New York Volunteer Infantry. O. M. Chace, Seventh New York Volunteer Infantry. Maj. William R. Mitchell, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Capt. L. A. Newcome, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. 22. Capt. Arthur Jacobson, Seventy-first Regiment New York National Guard, and One hundred and seventy-sixth New York Volunteer Infantry. T. A. O’Mara, drummer boy, Fifty-ninth New York Volunteer Infantry. THE NATIONAL PORTRAIT COLLECTION. As announced in last year’s report, a number of influential citizens desiring to preserve some pictorial record of the World War, organ- ized a National Portrait Committee and arranged with a number of our leading portrait painters to paint portraits of certain distin- guished leaders of America and other allied nations in the war with Germany. The members of the committee as organized are: Hon, 48 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Henry White (chairman), Herbert L. Pratt (secretary and treas- urer), Mrs. W. H. Crocker, Robert W. de Forest, Abram Garfield, Mrs. E. H. Harriman, Arthur W. Meeker, J. Pierpont Morgan, Charles P. Taft, Charles D. Walcott, and Henry Frick (since de- ceased ). Under this arrangement 20 portraits were painted and assembled in the National Gallery during the month of May, 1921. Later these were turned over to the American Federation of Arts for purposes of public exhibition, and at the close of the year they had been shown in the following cities: Princeton, N. J.; New Haven, Conn.; Boston, Mass.; Rochester, N. Y.; Cleveland, Ohio; Williamstown, Mass.; Amherst, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Indianapolis, Ind.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Detroit, Mich.; Youngstown, Ohio; and Mem- phis, Tenn. The portrait of Herbert Clark Hoover, by Edmund C. Tarbell, has since been added to the number. THE McFADDEN COLLECTION. At the close of the year preliminary steps had been taken toward the acceptance by the gallery of the loan of the McFadden collection of British masterpieces, comprising 44 notable examples of the work of Richard Parkes Bonington; John Constable, R. A.; Davis Cox; John Crome; Thomas Gainsborough, R. A.; George Henry Harlow; William Hogarth; John Hoppner, R. A.; Sir Thomas Lawrence, P. R. A.; John Linnell, sr.; George Morland; Sir Henry Raeburn, R. A.; Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A.; George Romney; James Stark; George Stubbs, R. A.; Sir John Watson Gordon, R. A.; J. M. W. Turner, R. A.; and Richard Wilson, R. A. ‘These paintings were ac- quired by John H. McFadden, Esq., of Philadelphia, Pa., recently deceased, during his lifetime, and by his will left in trust to the city of Philadelphia and to be intrusted to its custodianship when the Municipal Museum now in course of construction is completed. Not- withstanding the fact that there is much shortage of storage space in the halls occupied by the national collections, the acceptance of this rich collection for a limited period is regarded with much favor. DISTRIBUTIONS. Loans have been withdrawn by owners as follows: Portrait of Arthur Spicer, and portrait of Mary Brockerbrough Spicer, his wife, by Sir Peter Lely, lent by Miss Lucy Stuart Fitzhugh, were with- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 49 drawn by Mrs. Daisy Fitzhugh Ayers, executrix. Genevra dei Benci, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, withdrawn by the Misses Janet R. and Mary Buttles. Christ in the Temple, by J. P. Tiepolo; The Doctor’s Visit, by Jan Steen; Dedham Vale, by John Constable; and A Young Dutch Girl, by N. Drost, were withdrawn by Mr. Ralph Cross John- son, but returned to the gallery before the close of the year with the exception of the last named. Five portraits: Col. Mark Hopkins in Continental Uniform (copy by Robert Hinckley) ; Dr. Mark Hopkins, Educator, by Sarony; Hon. Edward Everett, by Asher Brown Du- rand; Mrs. Edward Everett, by Gambardella; and Charlotte Brooks Everett, by George P. A. Healy; withdrawn by Mrs. Charlotte Everett Wise Hopkins (Mrs. Archibald Hopkins). Clearing Up, in the Berkshires, by James Henry Moser, was acquired by the Cosmos Club from Mrs. J. H. Moser, the owner, and withdrawn by the club. The Finding of Moses, attributed to the period of Paul Veronese, withdrawn by Mrs. F.S. Bloss. Sea, Sand and Solitude, by Edward Trenchard, withdrawn by the artist. Seven paintings: Portrait of Mr. Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire; Portrait of Mrs. Levi Wood- bury, of New Hampshire; Portrait of an Old Gentleman, and St. Dominic and the Christ Child, artists not given ; Landscape, attributed to Berghem; Parrot and Fruit, and Flowers, attributed to Zuccarelli ; from the collection lent by the Duchess de Arcos (Virginia Wood- bury Lowery Brunetti), withdrawn by Mr. Woodbury Blair, attor- ney in fact for the duchess. Four paintings from the loan collection of the American Federation of Arts were distributed for the federa- tion as follows: Ducks on the Bank, by Franz Grassel, sent to E. O. Summer at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Memory of the Tyrol, by J. P. Jung- hanns, and The Garden, by Max Clarenbach, to the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; and Portrait of Mrs. Penelope Wheeler, by George Sauter, to Messrs Budworth & Sons, New York City. Caresse Enfantine, a painting by Mary Cassatt, belonging to the Evans collection, the property of the gallery, was lent to the American Federation of Arts to be included in an exhibition of pictures of children under the auspices of the federation, to be shown in six southern cities: Louisville, Ky.; Roanoke, Va.; Savannah, Ga.; Charleston, S. C.; Richmond and Norfolk, Va. The work elicited much favorable comment, and was returned to its place in the gallery at the close of the exhibition. THE HENRY WARD RANGER FUND. The purchases made by the council of the National Academy of Design from the fund provided by the income from the Henry Ward 50 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Ranger bequest, with the names of the institutions to which they have been assigned, are as follows: Date pur- Title. Artist. chmaed. Assigned. 11. Fall Round-Up...... Carl Rungius, N. A...| Dec. 20, 1921 | Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 12, Repose of Evening...| Ben Foster, N. A.....|....- Mos. 3c 2 San Francisco Museum of Art (offered to). 13. Forest Primeval..... Chas. 8. Chapman, A. |.....do....... Cleveland Museum of Art. N.A. 14, The Figurine......... Wm. M. Paxton, A. |..... Gon ssss.. Wadsworth Atheneum and Morgan N.A. Memorial, Hartford, Conn. 15. Wilton Hills......... Roy Brown, A.N. A..|..... oh ae Hackley Gallery of Fine Arts, Muske- gon, Mich. 16, Gleam on Hilltops....) Gardner Symons, N. | Apr. 18,1922 | Montclair Art Association, Montclair, A. N.J. 17, White and Silver....| Dines Carlsen.........|....- CORES Portland Society of Art, of Portland, Me. 18, Tohickon............ Daniel Garber, N. A...|....- do. 2253. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 9. East Coast, Domin- | Fredk. J. Waugh, N. |..... Mian oees Museum of History, Science, and Art, ica, British West A. Los Angeles, Calif. Indies, THE REV. BRUCE HUGHES ALCOVE. Two publications have been purchased from the funds received from the income of the Rev. Bruce Hughes bequest, and placed in the gallery library as a separate unit thereof. They are: Zoffany, R. A., John: His Life and Works. 1735-1810. By Lady Victoria Man- ners and Dr. G. C. Williamson. London: 1920. (No. 1.) Life and Works of Ozias Humphrey, R. A. By George C. Williamson, Litt. D. London: 1918. (No. 2.) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. Holmes, W. H. Report on the National Gallery of Art for the year ending June 80, 1921. From the Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for 1921, pp. 45-55. The report of the director for the first year of the gallery as a separate unit under the Smithsonian Institution, the art collectiongy having been associated previously with the department of anthropology in the United States National Museum. Rose, George B. The Ralph Cross Johnson collection in the National Gallery at Washington. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1920 (1922), pp. 679-690, pls. 1-24. Reprinted from Art and Archeology, Vol. X, No. 3, September, 1920. (Smithsonian Publication No. 2649). A Catalogue of the Art Works of the Gallery embodying intro- ductory matter and brief biographies of the painters and sculptors represented, with full-page illustrations of 25 of the works, was prepared and sent to the printer in October, 1921. At the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 1922, it has not appeared. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 51 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON THE GALLERY. As a means of promoting the development of the gallery by mak- ing its existence and collections known to the people, a lecture has been prepared by the director, the step being due largely to the urgent request of Mrs. Summers, wife of the Hon. J. W. Summers, Representative in Congress from Washington State, who has pre- sented it a number of times in his home State. A brief introduction is followed by the presentation of 75 slides, mostly in color, repre- senting the Smithsonian buildings and their surroundings and the more noteworthy works of painting and sculpture preserved in the gallery, with brief biographies of the artists. The lecture is to be placed at the disposal of such persons throughout the country as may desire to present it. THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART COMMISSION, The National Gallery Commission, organized in accordance with plans formulated by the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, held its first or organizing meeting on June 25, 1921, and its first annual meeting on December 6 of that year. The proceedings of the organizing meeting are outlined in the annual report for that year, and the proceedings of the meeting of December 6 may be here briefly outlined. The meeting was held in the Regents’ Room of the Smithsonian Institution, members present being: Daniel Chester French (chair- man), Herbert Adams, Edwin H. Blashfield, Joseph H. Gest, William H. Holmes (secretary ex-officio), John E. Lodge, Frank Jewett Mather, jr. (vice chairman), Gari Melchers, Charles Moore, James Parmelee, Herbert L. Pratt, Edward W. Redfield, Charles D. Walcott (ex-officio). The report of the executive committee, which met at the Cosmos Club on the evening of the 5th of December, was submitted and reports of the 11 subcommittees were received. These commit- tees are as follows: . American painting, Edward W. Redfield, chairman. . Modern European painting, Gari Melchers, chairman. . Ancient European painting, Frank Jewett Mather, jr., chairman. . Oriental art, John E. Lodge, chairman. . Sculpture, Herbert Adams, chairman. . Architecture, , chairman. . Mural painting, Edwin H. Blashfield, chairman. . Ceramics, Joseph H. Gest, chairman. . Textiles, , chairman. 10. Prints, James Parmelee, chairman. 11. Portrait gallery, Herbert L. Pratt, chairman. The reports of the chairmen were received with interest, and numerous additions to the membership were made. HSBMBNAAR WN SH 52 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Consideration was given to the proposed exhibit of early Ameri- van, paintings and sculptures, to be held in the Louvre, Paris, in the near future, and the advisability of holding a special loan exhibit of American portraits in the National Gallery in Washington received attention. The feasibility of arranging in Washington a plan for the further development of the art interests, corresponding with that existing between the Louvre and the Luxemburg Galleries, Paris, was con- sidered and steps were taken to determine the attitude of other gal- leries with respect to the suggestion. The urgent need of a National Gallery building to accommodate the collections now occupying the very limited space allowed them in the Natural History Museum, and for future accessions, was con- sidered, and a resolution enumerating at some length the unfortu- nate conditions existing and appealing to Congress for the limited fund required for the preparation of plans for a building was adopted. The very serious problems of the acceptance and rejection of prof- fered works of art of all classes was discussed at length, and at the close of the meeting the advisory committee on acceptance of works took necessary action with regard to such offerings for the year as awaited consideration. Respectfully submitted. W. H. Hotes, Director, National Gallery of Art. Dr. Cuarues D. Watcorr. Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 3. REPORT ON THE FREER GALLERY OF ART. Sir: I have the honor to submit the second annual report on the Freer Gallery of Art for the year ending June 30, 1922. THE COLLECTION. Work carried on during the year includes the classification and cataloguing of Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan paintings, Chinese tapestries, and Chinese and Japanese pottery; the preliminary classi- fication of Korean pottery and Chinese and Japanese stone sculp- tures and jades; and the cataloguing of American paintings, draw- ings, and prints (inclusive of both etchings and lithographs). Im- portant progress has been made also in the indispensable preservation work on oil paintings. BUILDING AND INSTALLATION. Owing to a temporary lack of applicable funds, work on the build- ing and installation was discontinued in July and was not resumed until December. The work accomplished, however, includes the con- tinuation—and in some instances the completion—of undertakings mentioned in the first annual report: The dais in gallery 18 has been rebuilt and stained, the walls of 15 galleries and 2 corridors have been recolored, all of the storage bags and 27 of the storage boxes for Japanese screens have been completed, the Chinese and Japanese panel storage has been finished and the panels themselves placed in their permanent storage racks. The more important items of the new work undertaken are as follows: The dais in gallery 8 has been removed, terrazzo floor has been laid in the areas thus exposed, and the walls have been covered with canvas. The two large Chinese stone slabs purchased during the previous fiscal year were set in the wall of gallery 9 and repaired, practically all of the Whistler oil painting frames have been repaired and regilded, and 16 storage racks for oil paintings have been constructed. The installation of fly screens has been effected, as has also the correction of defective doors and the reenforcing of the meeting rails of the double-hung windows throughout the basement floor. Bronze light standards have been erected outside of the north and south entrances, the 553879—24—_5 53 54 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. offices have been carpeted and furnished, oiling of the gallery floors has been begun, electric meters have been installed, cheesecloth screens have been provided for the ventilators in all the storage rooms, and necessary drains have been set in the lower floor at various places. PERSONNEL, Grace Dunham Guest was appointed assistant curator on January 1, 1922. Ruth W. Helsley resigned, her resignation taking effect March 1, 1922. Ruth L. Walker was appointed to fill Mrs. Helsley’s post as stenog- rapher on February 15, 1922. Carl W. Bishop was appointed associate curator on April 9, 1922. Miss Guest was given a two months’ leave, and she sailed for Europe on June 24, 1922, to act as delegate from the Freer Gallery of Art to the double centennial meeting of the Société Asiatique de Paris, and also to study collections of oriental art—especially ce- ramics—in England, France, and Germany. Respectfully submitted. J. E. Loner, Curator, Freer Gallery of Art. Dr. Cuartes D. Watcort, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 4, REPORT ON THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY. Str: In response to your request I have the honor to submit the following report on the field researches, office work, and other operations of the Bureau of American Ethnology during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1922, conducted in accordance with the act of Congress approved March 4, 1921. The act referred to contains the following item: American ethnology: For continuing ethnological researches among the American Indians and the natives of Hawaii, including the excavation and preservation of archeologic remains, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including the necessary employees and the purchase of necessary books and periodicals, $46,000. The Indians of the United States are undergoing cultural changes which will in a short time so modify their material culture that little will be left in that line for the ethnologist to study. It is impera- tive that the bureau exert itself in every way to record the material culture and cult objects before the final change occurs. The objects illustrating this culture are now mainly preserved as heirlooms in ceremonies, and it is particularly desirable that these be described and their meanings interpreted before they pass out of use com- pletely. In 1904 the bureau inaugurated at Casa Grande a method of archeological work which has now been adopted by most of the institutions working in the southwestern part of the United States. Previous to this time archeologists rarely paid attention to the preser- vation of walls of ruins, but sacrificed these in their zeal to make as large collections of artifacts as possible. The bureau method of preserving the buildings for future students has now been adopted by other institutions, and work of this nature is being carried on at Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, by the National Geographic Society; at Chettro Kettle, in the same canyon, by the School of American Research, Santa Fe, N. Mex.; at Pecos, N. Mex, by the Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; and at Aztec by the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History of New York. This method of arch- eological work has created a great interest in archeological problems, as indicated by the increased number of visitors to these ruins, and 55 56 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. has a great practical value as an asset to the communities in which these ruins are situated. It is the intention of the chief of the bureau to keep abreast of the other institutions in this regard. In the past year the bureau has entered upon two new lines of work which it is believed will not only increase its scientific output by intensive research but also appeal strongly to the popular interest and to the diffusion of knowledge already acquired. For many years it has not been found practical to continue work on the Hawaiian Islands, which is mentioned as one of the important items of ethno- logical research in the above act of Congress. A meeting of the Pan Pacific Convention in Honolulu shows an increased interest in the study of the Polynesian islanders and their relation to the ques- tion of the peopling of America from the South Seas. Mr. Gerard Fowke, a collaborator of the bureau, was commissioned to attend this convention in the interest of the Smithsonian Institution, and he was instructed to gather whatever information he could in relation to the archeology of the people, if any, that preceded the Hawaiian race of the present day. Although his results were negative, it is gratifying that the bureau took part in this convention,’as it opened up several lines of work in other islands which it may later be advantageous to follow. The Sandwich Islands lie practically on the periphery of the sphere of influence of the Polynesian culture, and local investi- gators have the Hawaiians well in hand. There is considerable to do in mapping the distribution of temples and ancient buildings, but this work is being rapidly done by local archeologists. It is desirable, however, that the bureau take up archeological work in Samoa or some island nearer the center of distribution of the race which has occupied almost all the land in the Pacific Ocean. The imperfect facilities for transportation from one island to another and the loss of time in transit is a serious handicap in this work. A second line of research which promises even more to the scientific investigator and the tourist is a study of the material culture, espe- cially the architecture, of the houses of the aborigines of Alaska. In the growth of the canning industry the Indians who formerly inhab- ited southern Alaska have been drawn away from their aboriginal villages, leaving them deserted and their totem poles and buildings to the mercy of fire and decay. The monuments are rapidly going to destruction, and it is very desirable that steps be immediately taken to preserve these buildings or a typical example of them before they are utterly destroyed. One of these settlements, Kasaan, has already been made a national monument. Steps should be taken to preserve others. Dr. T. T. Waterman was sent by the bureau to investigate the whole question—primarily to secure whatever vanishing ethnological data is still extant. He was instructed to gather information on the sym- ja REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 5 bolism of the totem poles, the character of the houses, distribution of clans, and whatever scientific data can be obtained from those still living who once inhabited these villages. This line of investigation appeals very strongly to the chief from his knowledge of the growth in interest of the Mesa Verde National Park. In 1908, when he began work on this park, only 25 tourists visited the Mesa Verde; this year, 1922, the number will reach 4,500. This shows a great growth of interest in the work being done there; and, as many tourists now seek Alaska in their summer vacation, one of these villages repaired would attract many visitors. It is proposed to continue this work next summer with an enlarged appropriation. The work of the bureau in other lines has gone on with customary vigor. The chief has repeatedly emphasized the necessity of rescu- ing the linguistic and sociological data of those Indian stocks that ate rapidly disappearing. It would be culpable if any of these languages should vanish completely without some record. Interest in the aborigines of this continent has greatly increased in the last years, especially on account of the stimulus of the movement called “See America First.” In addition to his purely administrative duties, considerable time has been devoted by the chief to researches in the field. This work was archeological in nature and a continuation of that of previous years, and was carried on in cooperation with the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior. Two months were spent in the neighborhood of Far View House, the first pueblo discovered on the Mesa Verde National Park, six years ago. In the course of the work this fine ruin was thoroughly repaired and put in such condition that it will now resist the wear of the elements for several years. Ruins once repaired must be watched with care. On an average between 3,000 and 4,000 visitors, mainly tourists, visit the Mesa Verde National Park and examine the excavated ruins. Fifteen thousand visitors have already passed through Spruce-tree House and Cliff Palace, and the wear on the soft rock of which the ruins are made is beginning to show. Unless constant vigilance is exercised the walls will fall within a short time. Any deterioration ought to be repaired annually. Tourists are not now permitted to visit any of the ruins on this park without @ guide, a regulation that has been strictly enforced during the past year. Field work in May and June was devoted to excavating a ruin called Pipe Shrine House, situated to the south of Far View House. This was apparently a communal building, or one not inhabited, which was used by the people of the pueblo for sacred ceremonies. It would appear that Pipe Shrine House, so called, bears the same relationship to Far View House that the Lower House of the Yucca 58 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. National Monument does to the Upper. The great kiva at Aztec, in New Mexico, lately excavated, bears a somewhat similar rela- tionship to the main ruin, and there are several of the Chaco Canyon ruins where similar conditions prevail. The site of Pipe Shrine House when work began was a low mound covered with sagebrush with a saucerlike depression in the center, not unlike several others in the immediate vicinity of Far View House. The removal of vegetation and débris and an excavation of the rooms revealed a rectangular building 70 by 60 feet, with walls averaging one story high. It had indications of a lofty tower in the middle of the western side, which must have imparted to the building somewhat the appearance of a church steeple or the minaret of a mosque. The large room was situated in the center of the ruin, its floor being about 20 feet below that of.the other rooms. This subterranean room is a kiva, but it differs from others of like type on the park in that it has no fireplace in the center of the floor, no ventilator or deflector, and has eight mural pilasters in- stead of six to support the roof. The fallen walls within showed indications of a great conflagration, the stones and adobe being turned red and the walls turned bright red by the great heat. On the floor of the kiva was an inclosure set off by a semicircular wall where the action of fire was particularly evident. In the inclosure were found many votive offerings, the most numerous of which were a dozen clay tobacco pipes of various shapes and sizes, one or two decorated on their exteriors. These pipes, which are the first ever found on the Mesa Verde, evidently had been smoked by the priests and then thrown into the shrine. Besides the pipes the shrine also contained several fine stone knives, small decorated clay platters, various fetishes, and other objects. Pipe Shrine House was entered on the south by two doorways, midway setween which a large pictograph of a coiled serpent was incised on a large stone set in the wall. To the south of the building there was a plaza surrounded by a retaining wall and directly opposite one of the entrances there are aboriginal steps which lead to a rectangular shrine 4 feet in size, in which were found a number of water- worn stones surrounding a large stone image of the mountain lion. The contents of this shrine were replaced, the mountain lion left in his original position, and the inclosure covered with a netting to prevent the possible removing of the objects from their places. Other shrines and several stone idols of considerable size were found in the neighborhood. The idols found at Pipe Shrine House represent the snake, mountain lion, mountain sheep, and bird—an important discovery, as previously only one stone animal idol had been found at the Mesa Verde Park. Peas REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 59 One of the most instructive experiences of the archeologist is to see a skeleton centuries old as it lies in the grave. One of the ancient people of Pipe Shrine House was left in a prepared chamber for tourists to inspect. The cemetery lies on the southeast corner of this ruin, and in it were found several human burials from one of which a good skeleton was chosen to illustrate the manner of burial and the mortuary offerings. This skeleton was not removed from the grave but was surrounded by a stone wall forming a room, rectangular in shape, protected by a grating and a waterproof roof. Visitors may now see one of the skeletons of the race of cliff dwellers as he was placed in his grave more than 500 years ago; not a single bone has been moved from position. This is the first time in North American archeology that an effort has been made to protect an Indian skeleton in situ, and the success of the method is self-evident, judging from the comments of visitors. The pipes found in the shrine of the kiva have suggested “ Pipe Shrine House” as a name for the building. It seems to have been given up to the rites and ceremonies of the inhabitants of the neigh- boring Far View House. The second ruin excavated at Mesa Verde was formerly the habi- tation of one clan or of one social unit composed of relatives on the mother’s side, on which account this ruin was given the name “ One Clan House.” It is situated about one-eighth of a mile south of Pipe Shrine House and consists of a circular subterranean room or kiva of fine masonry surrounded by rooms for sleeping, others for grinding corn, and still others used as bins for corn or storage rooms. The kiva was the ceremonial or men’s room. One of the most instructive ruins excavated in 1922 is a round tower, 15 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, situated about 300 feet north of Far View House. In front of this tower were found three subterranean kivas under the fallen débris, in one of which were con- structed walls of a square building, indicating secondary occupation, and erected after the abandonment of the kiva. This tower and accompanying kivas may be called Far View Tower, and the indica- tions are that it was used for observations, particularly of the sun on the horizon at sunrise and sunset, in order to determine the time for planting and other dates important for an agricultural people. These towers were probably rooms for the worship of the sun and other sky gods. Some distance north of Far View Tower there were discovered in the cedars a number of large stones arranged vertically in rows projecting 3 feet above the surface of the ground. Excavation showed that these megaliths were walls of buildings of anomalous character, indicating a new type of architecture on the Mesa Verde. This 60 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ruin, “ Megalithic House,” was not completely excavated, but all the others were repaired, the tops of the walls being covered with cement to prevent future erosion. An important collection made by the chief in the course of the summer’s work contains many rare and unique specimens, an account of which will later be published in a report on the excavations. During his work at the Mesa Verde the chief gave camp-fire talks in the special amphitheater constructed for that purpose by the superintendent of the park. The average attendance on these talks was about 40 each evening, and at times, as on a visit of a convention of teachers, there were 150 listeners. He also spent considerable time daily taking parties over the new work which he was doing in the neighborhood of Far View House. Ever since 1917 the chief has been attempting to have the sites of three clusters of towers in Utah withdrawn from private owner- ship and made into a national monument, to be called Hovenweep National Monument. Various circumstances have made it impos- sible to bring this about. During the past summer, however, Mr. Hatze, a Land Office surveyor, determined the metes and bounds of these three clusters and later Doctor Fewkes visited them in order to determine their present condition. He found that a settler had filed claims on the neighboring land, the adjoining one-quarter mile section, and erected his cabin. Some of the cabins in the neighbor- hood have stones remarkably like those of the towers; in other words, the necessity for immediate action, if these towers are to be pre- served for posterity, is apparent, and the land on which they are situated should be withdrawn from settlement and the buildings put under the care of proper authorities. The three groups are known as the Square Tower, the Ruin Canyon group; the Holly and Keeley Towers; and the large ruin at the head of the Cajon Mesa called Cool Spring House, on account of the fine water which is found in the cave back of the cliff house. During the fiscal year Dr. John R. Swanton, ethnologist, was en- gaged in extracting the words from his Hitchiti texts and adding them to his dictionary on cards of the Hitchiti language, and in pre- paring a grammatical sketch of 75 pages based on this material and that collected by Dr. A. S. Gatschet. Much time was devoted to transferring words to cards from his Alabama texts, and from material in Alabama secured through na- tive informants, into an Alabama-English dictionary. The first 25 pages of a grammatical sketch of this language have also been com- pleted. A comparison has been made between the Natchez language on the one hand and Koasati and Hitchiti on the other, in order to establish the position of Natchez in the Muskhogean linguistic stock. This ous REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 61 has not yet been set down in full, but all of the essential points have been typewritten on cards. A paper of 44 pages has been prepared in elaboration of some recent discoveries regarding the Siouan peoples, discoveries which have an especial bearing on the relationship of the various Siouan groups to one another. _ A small amount of work has been done in continuance of Doctor Swanton’s investigations into the economic basis of American Indian life, particularly a study of aboriginal trails and trade routes. The work of collecting stories dealing with the old clan divisions of the Chickasaw Indians, undertaken by a Chickasaw at Doctor Swanton’s suggestion, has met with gratifying success, 10 or 12 such stories having already been sent in. During the fiscal year Mr. J. N. B. Hewitt, ethnologist, was engaged entirely in office work. In his report for the fiscal year 1921 it was stated that a number’ of Chippewa and Ottawa texts had been obtained in 1900 from Mr. John Miscogeon, an Ottawa mixed blood, then in Washington, D. C., and that Mr. George Gabaoosa, a mixed-blood Chippewa, had been employed to amend and to supply the Chippewa versions of these texts. He also amplified the texts by substantial additions. This material covers 125 pages. Mr. Gabaoosa’s fixed habit of writing his native language by means of the alphabet employed by the mis- slonaries made it needful that these texts thus written be translated into the alphabet devised by Maj. J. W. Powell, founder of the Bureau of American Ethnology, for recording native Indian languages. This work of transliteration is one of considerable difficulty, because the aid of a native Chippewa speaker is not available in the office and Mr. Hewitt does not speak Chippewa. In addition, Mr. Hewitt continued work in preparing the Musk- hogean material detailed in his last report. Mr. Hewitt also continued his typing of the native Onondaga texts of the second part of the Iroquoian Cosmology, the first part having appeared in the twenty-first annual report of the bureau. There are now 255 pages of text material in final form. As custodian of manuscripts Mr. Hewitt reports that no new lin- guistic records were added to the material permanently in his charge. Collaborators and others make temporary deposits of manuscripts upon which work is being done, and these are not catalogued as of permanent deposit. Mr, Hewitt spent much time and study in the preparation of data for official replies to correspondents of the bureau and of the Indian Office also, the latter by reference only. The scope of the inquiries covers almost the entire range of human interest, often quite outside of the specific researches properly coming within the activities of the 62 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Bureau of American Ethnology, but many are only requests for the derivation of some alleged native Indian place or proper name, often greatly Anglicized and mutilated. Some of these inquiries require more than a day’s work to answer, as it is sometimes necessary to visit the Congressional Library in search of data. Data for more than 75 such inquiries were prepared. Immediately following the death of the late Mr. James Mooney, Mr. Hewitt assisted Mrs. Mooney in assorting and separating the personal letters and papers of Mr, Mooney, some in advanced stages of preparation (the accumulation of more than 80 years’ activity in an official capacity), from those which by their nature are official documents, and correspondence and photographs. More than a week was devoted to this work. Before placing this material in the new store-room a rough classi- fication was made of it. Five main groups were made, correspond- -ing roughly with the five chief papers which Mr. Mooney had under way for a number of years before his demise, namely, (a) A Study of the Peyote and Its Accompanying Religious Cult; (6) A Monograph on the Population of the Indian Tribes When First Known; (¢c) A Paper on Cherokee Medical Formulas Recorded in the Sequoya Alphabet by Native Priests; (d) Kiowa Heraldry; and (e) A Study of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Shields. Owing to the peculiar chi- rography of Mr. Mooney and his excessive use of abbreviations pecu- lar to himself, this task proved to be a most tedious and difficult one. Mr. Hewitt, who represents the Smithsonian institution on the United States Geographic Board, attended all its regular meetings except one and all the special meetings of the board. Mr. Francis La Flesche, ethnologist, continued during the fiscal year the task of assembling his notes for the second volume of his work on The Osage Tribe. The manuscript for the second volume, which embraces two versions of an ancient Osage ritual entitled, “No®-zhi®-zho® Wa-tho",’ Songs of the Rite of Vigil, was com- pleted and turned in to the bureau on February 25, 1922, where it awaits publication. The first version of this ritual, which is counted as next in im- portance to the Hearing of the Sayings of the Ancient Men, pub- lished in the thirty-sixth annual report of the bureau, was given by Wa-xthi-zhi of the Puma gens of the Osage. This man had learned the ritual from his father, Wa-thi-ts’aga-zhi, who is said to have been one of the best informed No*’-ho®-zhi®-ga in the tribal rites. With some difficulty Mr. Ia Flesche managed to persuade Sho”’-ge- mo?-i", of the Peacemaker gens, a more conservative man than Wa- xthi-zhi, to give the second version, which belongs to his gens. As this ritual pertains to war, old Sho®’-ge-mo”-i" desired it to be clearly stil understood that his gens performed the ceremonies of the ritual as a mere matter of form rather than as an actual owner of the rite. The office of his gens, he explained, was one that was instituted for the conservation of life and the maintenance of peace within the tribe and with other tribes not related to the Osage. On the completion of the manuscript for the second volume, Mr. La Flesche began the task of assembling his notes for the third volume, which will embrace two tribal rituals, the first of which is entitled “ Wa-x6-be A-wa-tho",” Songs Relating to the Wa-xé-be. The Wa-x6-be is the sacred hawk, the symbol of the valor of the Osage warrior. The second ritual is entitled “Ca Tha-dse Ga-xe,” literally, The Making of the Rush, but meaning the Making of the Woven Rush Shrine for the Wa-x6-be. On July 1, 1921, Dr. Truman Michelson, ethnologist, was at Tama, Towa, continuing his work among the Fox Indians of that State. He completed gathering data on Fox mortuary customs and beliefs and restored texts appertaining to these and worked out a vocabu- lary as far as possible in the field. On the completion of this he re- stored phonetically a text previously collected on the Fox society known as “Those who worship the little spotted buffalo.” He also worked out, as far as practical, the vocabulary to this text. At the close of August he returned to Washington and elaborated the ma- terial collected in the field. During the fiscal year Dr. Michelson submitted two manuscripts for publication, namely, “ Notes on Fox mortuary customs and beliefs” and “ Notes on the Fox society known as ‘'Those who worship the little spotted buffalo.’ ” On May 25 Doctor Michelson left for the West to conduct researches among the Algonquian Indians of Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. He stopped at Columbus, Ohio, to consult with Prof. L. Bloomfield. As a result of this conference it became apparent that Menomini is very clearly more closely related to Cree than to any other Algonquian language. He found the work at Shawnee, Okla., very difficult and expensive, owing to the fact that the Algon- quian Indians of that State are scattered and distances are very great. However, during his short stay he secured sufficient informa- tion to show definitely that not only the Sauk but also the Kickapoo share many mortuary customs and beliefs with the Fox of Iowa. He thinks that these correspondences are too detailed and too numerous to be of independent origin and must be due to dissemination. This point regarding the Sauk and Fox is not novel, but it is regarding the Kickapoo. There are, however, some differences in the mortuary customs of all neighboring tribes. This last fact is not so well known. A detailed study of all three neighboring tribes, Siouan as well as Algonquian, on these matters alone can clear up the history of the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 63 64 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. borrowings. He expects to obtain data on these points regarding the Shawnee and Potawatomi also. The beginning of the fiscal year found Mr. J. P. Harrington, ethnologist, engaged in completing his bulletin on the Kiowa lan- guage, in several respects one of the most remarkable of the Amer- ican Indian tongues. Aside from the phonetic system, with its un- usual frequency of long vowels and diphthongs, we may point to the noun, several declensions of which form the singular by adding the same suflixes which other declensions use for forming the plural. These singulars of plural form are doubtless conceived as collective, for a personal pronoun in apposition also has the plural form. Thus pronominal agreement arises many times more complicated than that in the three-gendered languages of Europe, and is further in- volved by subjective, objective, and indirective pronouns largely combining to form a single syllable—a very terse yet involved sys- tem of speech. A number of Kiowa and Tanoan songs were found to have the melody following in exaggerated form the intonation of the spoken language. Thus the song “ agoyopovi navi ha, wimbo winda ” has the high tones of its words also high pitched in the song. This has led to the important discovery that certain melodies in in- toned languages may take their clue from the intonation of the words. The Kiowa vocabulary secured is quite complete and forms an interesting contribution to the study of the place names, animal names, and plant names adopted by a tribe when it leaves its old home and moves to a new region. Mr. Harrington proceeded at the close of July to California to continue his studies of the Indians of the Chumashan area of that State. This expedition proved fruitful in results beyond all expectation. Special emphasis was laid on the place names, material culture, and language. More than 300 photo- graphs of Indian places and historic landmarks were secured, to- gether with a wealth of highly interesting and important data. The collecting of Indian place names in the Eastern States was neglected until too late, so that we have only a few names in distorted spelling and of uncertain etymology. It is still possible to obtain full data in many parts of the West, and there is scarcely any work which the Dureau can undertake which is more important or urgent, either in popular interest or as a help to the future ethnologist, historian, or archeologist. Linguistic study is peculiarly important in this area, since it resur- rects past culture and records perishing material for comparison with remote languages. Thirty new Venturefo songs were obtained from one singer, all with native words. The technique of the split-stick accompaniment and the dance steps were faithfully studied and the words were exhaustively compared with the corresponding prose forms. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 65 Mr. Harrington’s opinion was confirmed that the southern Cal- ifornia culture has many curious points of resemblance with that of the Southwest. Even the Pueblo plumed prayer stick, with sand paintings and the ceremonial use of meal and seeds, have been found also among the Californians. Twice during the fiscal year Mr. Harrington was temporarily transferred to the Department of the Interior for special archive work. At the close of the fiscal year he returned to Washington. SPECIAL RESEARCHES. During the past fiscal year Miss Densmore has extended her study of Indian music by recording songs among the Yuma, Cocopa, and Yaqui tribes, making a total of nine tribes among whom this work has been done. Mohave songs were obtained from two mem- bers of that tribe living on the Yuma Reservation, and one Maya song was recorded in the Yaqui village. Four manuscripts on In- dian music were submitted, the titles being “Songs Concerning Elder Brother and His People, and Other Papago Songs,” “'The Rain Ceremony of the Papago,” “A Cocopa Legend and its Songs,” and “ Deer Dance Songs of the Yuma, Yaqui, and Maya Indians.” In addition to her work on Indian music Miss Densmore has com- pleted for publication two books on Chippewa culture with the titles “ Uses of Plants by the Chippewa,” and “ Chippewa Arts and Customs.” The former book contains descriptions of the uses of 168 plants in medicine, food, dye, charms, and general utility, the section on medicine being in tabulated form and showing the uses of the plant by other tribes, where such use is recorded, and its use by the white race, if such occurs. This tabulation shows the ailments for which a plant was used, the part of the plant utilized, the manner of its preparation, the dosage, and, in some instances, the time before an improvement in the condition of the patient was expected. The latter book contains sections on Chippewa nouns and their structure, on the various industries by which the tribe maintained itself, and on the care and training of little children. New material was submitted in the form of two manuscripts, Cer- tain Customs of the Chippewa in Ontario, Canada, and Chippewa Nouns and Their Structure, these titles corresponding to the prin- cipal subjects under consideration. Three brief trips in Minnesota and Wisconsin were made for this work. Miss Densmore also read the page proof of her book on Northern Ute Music. In February, 1922, Miss Densmore went to Yuma, Ariz., where she remained six weeks. During that time she made a brief trip to a Cocopa settlement located near the Colorado River and about 6 miles from the Mexican boundary. The older Cocopa living 66 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. at this point came from Mexico about 18 years ago and neither they nor their children had a status in the United States. At this time, however, they were enrolled under the Yuma Agency, Miss Densmore assisting in the enrollment by writing their Cocopa names in simple phonetic spelling. Forty Cocopa songs were recorded, comprising songs of two representative dances and of a cremation legend. For this work it was necessary to employ two interpreters. It is the custom of both Cocopa and Yuma to cremate their dead, and Miss Densmore witnessed a Yuma cremation soon after her arri- val. ‘The dead man had been a leading singer at cremations and the ceremony was given with the elaborateness which would be accorded a chief. The songs were very old and are seldom used at the pres- ent time. Miss Densmore obtained phonographic records of these songs, as well as of the Kurok or Memorial ceremony which is held each summer for the more important persons who have died during the year. Images of the deceased persons are carried in the dances of the Kurok and publicly burned. The history of these ceremonies, with the songs, was obtained from the oldest man who is an au- thority on the subject. It is the belief of these people that the spirit departs from the body in the flame of the cremation. A new musical form was found among the Yuma and Cocopa, con- sisting of a “song cycle” which required an entire night for its rendition and is commonly called a “story.” Each of these stories has its designated accompaniment. Among the Yuma the accom- ‘ panying instruments are a gourd rattle and an inverted basket struck with a bundle of arrow-weed, a willow stick, or the palm of the hand. Sometimes two bundles of arrow-weed or two willow sticks are used, being held in the same hand. Specimens of these instruments were obtained, also a bamboo fiute and two bamboo flageolets. The music of the latter was phonographically recorded. The Yuma songs in- cluded those of the treatment of the sick, those of games, and three interesting lullabies. The work among the Yaqui was conducted at Guadalupe village, near Tempe, Ariz. The older Yaqui in this village were born in Mexico. These Indians have received no favors from the United States Government and support themselves by manual labor. They seem happy and contented in their little desert village. Miss Dens- more witnessed their deer dance and later recorded the songs from one of the leading singers, a native of Mexico. The occasion of the dance was the celebration of Easter eve. The songs were accom- panied by playing upon four half gourds. The Yaqui have two dis- tinct forms of music, one which appears to be entirely native and the other showing a Mexican or Spanish influence. A large proportion of the songs transcribed and heard during the past year were accompanied by a gourd rattle, and are of unusual REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 67 musical value, both in pleasing melody and rhythmic interest. This suggests an inquiry as to whether the songs accompanied by the rattle are generally more musical than those accompanied by the drum. It is interesting to note that the songs of the Yuma and Cocopa resemble each other but differ entirely from the songs of the Papago who live adjoining them. The songs of the Yaqui, so far as observed, differ from both these tribes except in the frequent use of rests. The rhythm of the rattle in Yuma and Cocopa performances is more elaborate and contains more frequent changes than that of the ac- companying instrument in any tribe thus far studied. A correspond- ence between the words of the song and the progressions of the melody is particularly evident in these songs. Early in March, 1922, Dr. T. T. Waterman, ethnologist, proceeded to Alaska, under temporary appointment in the bureau, with instruc- tions from the chief to scrutinize certain native towns in southeastern Alaska. His purpose was to ascertain how many totemic monuments exist there, and to get information concerning the carvings. The place of special interest was a former settlement of Alaskan Haida, known as Kasaan. It was possible during the three months that Doctor Waterman spent in Alaska to make a rapid survey not only of Kasaan but of the towns known as Village Island, Tongass, Cape Fox, Klinkwan, Howkan, Sukwan, Klawak, and Tuxekan. Some ex- tremely interesting monuments, including many tall and imposing totem poles, were examined and photographed. Charts or sketch maps were brought back from the field, which show the number of monuments still standing in each town and their state of preserva- tion. The observer was fairly successful in obtaining from the In- dians an account of the meaning of the carvings on the poles, which have never been adequately described. In many cases the carvings refer to mythical tales, which are often of a very interesting type. In addition to the work on the totemic monuments, the observer recorded a relatively complete list of the native place names in the southeastern part of Alaska. Many hundreds of these names were entered on the map of the region, and translations and explanations were obtained from the Indians. The work was fairly complete for the area covered. Under further instructions from the chief, Doctor Waterman ex- amined the coast line of the part of Alaska which he visited, with a view to discovering sites where archeological excavations might possibly be conducted. The results of this work were largely nega- tive. Asa matter of fact only one site was found where there seemed to be archeological remains. This hasty survey seemed to indicate that archeological remains in this part of Alaska are extremely scanty. 68 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Returning to the bureau on June 15, Doctor Waterman began the preparation of a report on the Alaskan monuments. In the fall of 1921, Mr. W. E. Myer investigated sites in South Dakota and western Missouri, known to have been occupied by the Omahas and Osages in early historic times, after they had come in contact with the whites but before they had been changed thereby to any considerable extent. Especial attention was paid to any resemblance to the ancient cultures found in the valleys of the Ohio, Cumberland, and Ten- nessee Rivers. This line of research was suggested by certain tradi- tions of both the Omahas and the Osages, and other branches of the great Siouan linguistic family, that they had at one time lived east of the Mississippi River, and after many wanderings, stopping here and there for years, finally reached their present homes in South Dakota and western Missouri. Mr. Francis La Flesche reported that the traditions of his people, the Omahas, were that they had occupied two important villages on what the Omahas call “ The Big Bend of the Xe,” at some time in the seventeenth or eighteenth century. Mr. Myer was enabled to locate these two ancient villages; one, Split Rock site on the Big Sioux River, at its junction with Split Rock River; the other where the Rock Island Railroad now crosses the Big Sioux River, about 10 miles southeast of Sioux Falls. It is here designated the Rock Island site. Sometime in the seventeenth century the Omahas and Poncas re- moved from the Pipestone region in Minnesota and finally, after some further wanderings, built a fortified town on the Rock Island site. While living in this fortified place they were attacked and de- feated by an enemy, most probably the Dakotas, and finally forced to leave the region. There is a tradition that they buried their dead from this fight in a mound. This tradition was confirmed by excava- tions made by Mr. A. G. Risty and Mr. F. W. Pettigrew, who report finding a considerable amount of human bones. Some glass beads and small copper bells of white man’s make were also found in one of these mounds. There is evidence that this site was occupied somewhere between 1700 and 1725. After leaving the Rock Island site, the Omahas and Poncas roved without long permanent settlements for several years, but finally re- turned to the Xe and built a permanent village at Split Rock at the junction of the Big Sioux and Split Rock Rivers. Mr. Myer spent the month of October, 1921, in exploring this Split Rock site. Many interesting relics of the Omahas were here un- earthed, which throw new light on the life of these people before they had been very much changed by contact with the whites. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 69 The 80 mounds on the ridge between the two rivers mark the site of that portion of the old town occupied by the Omahas. On a hill one-half mile to the east was a group of 10 more mounds, occupied by the Poncas before they split away from the Omahas. By following the clues furnished by the traditions, three low mounds were discovered on the tall ridge 14 miles to the west. These were said to have marked the lookouts for the main village; they command a view, ranging from 6 to 15 miles, on all sides. The mounds on the Split Rock site appear to have nearly all been used for burial. The exploration of mound No. 1, on the Omaha section of the town, showed a beautiful little knoll on the edge of the steep, bluff-like bank of Split Rock River. In its soil the Indians dug a shallow pit, about 12 by 6 feet, and 2 feet deep. Here were placed bones belonging to five bodies, several of which appeared to have been buried after decay of the flesh. One body appeared to have been closely flexed before it was placed in the pit. The position of the skeleton of a horse with a crushed frontal bone showed that when this body bundle had been placed in the pit, a large horse, about seven years of age, had been led to the knoll, and there killed. Then, over all these, a low, round- topped mound, 60 feet across at the base and 54 feet in height, had been raised. Mound No. 2, the largest of the group, was round topped, 110 feet across at the base, and 10 feet high. A rectangular charnel pit, 12 by 14 feet and 2 feet deep, had been dug in the surface of the soil near the center of the town. This pit was thoroughly lined or coated with a white layer about one-eighth inch in thickness, made from calcined bones. The bottom and sides of the pit were then probably covered with furs, now indicated by a thin layer of animal matter on the white coating. Bones representing about 50 human beings had been laid on the floor of this fur-lined pit. Traces of the thin fur layer were also found on top of this solid mass of human bones. Over this fur covering a layer of bark was placed, and upon this bark earth had been spread to a depth of from 3 to 6 inches. The earth was then smoothed and pressed down, and on this surface a white coating, similar to that on the bottom and sides, had been spread. Only one small, cylindrical copper bead was found with all this mass of bones, and no object of white man’s manufacture was found. There is evidence that this portion of the site was occupied by the Omahas somewhere between 1725 and 1775. While the Omahas and their kindred, the Poncas, lived together at the Split Rock site some of the most important events in their history took place. The united Omahas and Poncas and their old enemies, the Cheyennes and Arikaras, here made a peace which 5537T9—24—_6 70 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. was concluded with great ceremony. At the urgent request of the Arikara the sacred chant and dance of the calumet was used to ce- ment this union. In Vernon and Bates Counties, western Missouri, near the junction of the Osage and Marmiton Rivers, Mr. Myer found several sites known to have been occupied by the Osage Indians in early historic times, shortly after they had come in contact with the whites. The largest Osage village in Vernon County was situated at Old Town, on Old Town Creek, about 34 miles south of Pikes village of the Grand Osage. This site covers about 40 acres and is the best known of any of the Osage sites. It has yielded a large amount of iron axes, gun barrels, gunlocks, fragments of brass kettles, glass beads, and other articles of early white manufacture, as well as objects of purely aboriginal origin. The most picturesque Indian site in this Osage region is Halleys Bluff, on the Osage River, about 14 miles downstream from where the Marmiton and Marais des Cygnes unite to form the Osage River. There is evidence showing occupancy of this bluff by Indians long before the coming of the white man and probably before the coming of the Osages. During the month of October, 1921, Mr. David I. Bushnell, jr., visited Scott Field, east of Belleville, Ill., for the purpose of getting airplane pictures of the Cahokia mounds. The commanding officer of the field, Maj. Frank M. Kennedy, appreciating the interest and importance of the work, detailed Lieuts. Harold R. Wells and Ashley C. McKinley, of the Air Service, to make the pictures. They suc- ceeded in making some very interesting photographs of mounds in the vicinity of Cahokia, as well as of the great mound itself, but unfortunately the photographic apparatus at that time available at Scott Field was not suitable, and although the pictures obtained were not very clear, nevertheless no better results could have been secured with the cameras which they were obliged to use. Four of the pic- tures made by Lieutenants Wells and McKinley were reproduced as Figures 101, 102, 103, and 104 in Explorations and Field Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1921 and should prove of special interest as the first photographs of American earthworks made from the air. The article in which the four airplane pictures were used was pre- pared for the purpose of showing the great importance of the Cahokia group and of the other related groups to the north, west, and south of Cahokia. The southern group, although many of the units have been destroyed, is of special interest. It is situated near the left bank of the Mississippi, opposite Jefferson Barracks. Bits of pot- tery, chips of flint, and other traces of a settlement, together with stone-lined graves in the vicinity of the mounds, may indicate the position of a village of one of the Illinois tribes two centuries or more ago. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. Qs Mr. B. S. Guha’s visit among the Utes and the Navaho at Towoac and Shiprock, respectively, during the summer of 1921 was under- taken primarily with the object of finding any legends or myths about the ancient Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde that might still sur- vive among these people, and incidentally to collect as much material about their social institutions as possible. Mr. Guha arrived at Towoac on July 14, 1921, and spent a couple of weeks visiting the different camps of the Utes. Among the Wimi- nuche Utes, unfortunately, there does not appear to survive any legends or myths about the Mesa Verde. All that could be gathered from the oldest living members of the tribe was that when their an- cestors first came to the Ute Mountain from the north, the whole region from the La Plata to the Blue Mountains and from Dolores to the San Juan was full of ruins such as now may be seen. They were already abandoned, but there were signs of the cultivation of corn about them. After leaving Towoac Mr. Guha went to Shiprock, N. Mex., and stayed there until September 5, 1921. Unlike the Utes, the Navaho seem to possess survivals of myths about the ancient Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde. How far these legends have any historical back- ground it is difficult to say, but they at any rate suggest some earlier and closer relationhip between them and the people who lived in the ruins so liberally strewn over the entire region. In September, 1921, Mr. John L. Baer, acting curator of Amer- ican archeology in the United States National Museum, made an investigation for the bureau of pictographic rocks in the Susque- hanna River. In the middle of the river between Bald Friar and Conowingo, Md., are a number of huge boulders of serpentine or gabbro, bearing inscriptions, a few of which have been heretofore described in the Tenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology and in Volume CCC (Lancaster County), Second Geo- logical Survey of Pennsylvania. The largest and most important of these pictographic rocks were found to be on Miles’ Island at the head of Gray Rock Falls. Large surfaces of these rocks seem to have been polished before the figures were pecked upon them. Pits, grooved lines indicating tally marks, circles with radiating spokes, concentric circies, faces, and fishlike outlines were the prevailing figures observed. Other groups of rocks between this island and Conowingo showed equally interesting carvings, but not so profusely. A pyramid- shaped rock standing well out in the rough and dangerous rapids had several fish outlined near its apex. A slab which had been broken from its original position and which might have been used for a shad-dipping stand, was marked with outlines of two slender 72 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. fish and two tally marks. A number of interesting photographs and drawings of these pictographs were secured. In connection with a reconnoitering trip among the prehistoric quarries and workshops along the Susquehanna in the spring of 1922, Mr. Baer again visited these pictographic rocks and secured additional drawings and a number of plaster casts of the more important figures. Prehistoric steatite quarries were traced from the west side of the river at this point to Deer Creek in Harford County, Md. Those showing most work and offering best oppor- tunities for investigation are near Broad Creek in woodland owned by James McLaughlin, near Robinson’s mill, and by W. C. Heaps, Mill Green, Harford County, Md. At a workshop below Peach Bottom, Lancaster, Pa., a number of unfinished and broken banner stones of prochlorite were found. The source of the material was located a short distance east of Bald Friar, Md. A large number of unfinished banner stones of slate were found at the workshop on Mount Johnson Island above Peach Bot- tom where so many specimens had already been found. At Fishing Creek, Bare Island, and Henry Island evidences were found of con- siderable camp sites. At New Park, and Fawn Grove in York County, Pa., have been found large caches of rhyolite blades. At both of these places and also at Peach Bottom in the same county were many artifacts and indications of burial grounds. Interesting specimens were secured from most of these localities. EDITORIAL WORK AND PUBLICATIONS. The editing of the publications of the bureau was continued through the year by Mr. Stanley Searles, assisted by Mrs. Frances 8. Nichols. The status of the publications is presented in the following summary : PUBLICATIONS ISSUED. Thirty-fifth Annual Report. Accompanying paper: Ethnology of the Kwakiutl (Boas). Pts. 1 and 2. 1,481 pp. Thirty-sixth Annual Report. Accompanying paper: The Osage Tribe: Rite of the Chiefs; Sayings of the Ancient Men (LaFlesche). 604 pp., 23 pls. Bulletin 73. Early History of the Creek Indians and their Neighbors (Swan- ton). 492 pp., 10 pls. Bulletin 74. Excavation of a Site at Santiago Ahuitzotla, D. F. Mexico (Toz- zer). 56 pp., 19 pls. Bulletin 75. Northern Ute Music (Densmore). 213 pp., 16 pls. PUBLICATIONS IN PRESS OR IN PREPARATION. Thirty-fourth Annual Report. Accompanying paper: A Prehistoric Island Culture Area of America (Fewkes). Thirty-seventh Annual Report. Accompanying paper: The Winnebago Tribe (Radin). REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, TS Thirty-eighth Annual Report. Accompanying paper: An introductory Study of the Arts, Crafts, and Customs of the Guiana Indians (Roth). Thirty-ninth Annual Report. Accompanying paper: The Osage Tribe: The Rite of Vigil (LaFlesche). Bulletin 76. Archeological Investigations (Fowke). Bulletin 77. Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan, and Caddoan Tribes west of the Mississippi (Bushnell). Bulletin 78. Handbook of the Indians of California (Kroeber). Bulletin 79. Blood Revenge, War, and Victory Feasts among the Jibaro Indians of HKastern Ecuador (Karsten). Bulletin 80. Mandan and Hidatsa Music (Densmore). Bulletin 81. Excavations in the Chama Valley, New Mexico (Jeancon). DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLICATIONS. The distribution of publications has been continued under the im- mediate charge of Miss Helen Munroe, assisted by Miss Emma B. Powers. Publications were distributed as follows: Annial reports and’ ‘separates ieee ter rhh peal tae era vine Pty 1,197 MILeLing and Sepa Te tes. Ste td 2 Pee Ve hae 6, 4038 Contributions to North American Ethnology_________________.._-_ 39 LOTS TS TS Se a eS Se Seema peer SA PS ae ay Ween! 2 a 13 SU RINNE AISA SMITH EAN CANDINI nee en ec ee ee Oe 563 14, 215 As compared with the previous year, there was an increase of 1,420 publications distributed. There was a decrease of 57 names in the mailing list. ILLUSTRATIONS. Mr. De Lancey Gill, illustrator, with the assistance of Mr. Albert KE. Sweeney, continued the preparation of the illustrations of the bureau. A summary of this work follows: Line and color drawings, including maps, diagrams, etc., intended for use Se hloatragons| LOrapu pica thon 2 fa See re a a ee 159 Illustrations, including photographs retouched, mounted, and made Heh eer OPC ET A VAR ee eee eee Bae ae ea Se seals Se a ae OC DEES 1, 282 PiPseeenotet Droge Cnived. -f11- Jone a eee nes eeon el eeeenee er I Ye) 1, 034 Lithographic proof examined at Government Printing Office___________ 36, 000 Photographic work, negatives of ethnologic and archeologie subjects____ 242 Films developed from field exposures______-__-__________-_______ 138 Prints, for Gisiribution, and officeyUse=s 25) se) = ee ee 538 BSE COS E51 GUC LCS Ae oF i a eg ie a ee 1, 987 Mr. Sweeney was detailed for the month of June to prepare 100 or more negatives for the National Zoological Park. LIBRARY. The reference library continued in the immediate care of Miss Ella Leary, librarian, assisted by Miss Julia S. Atkins and Mr. Samuel H. Miller. 74 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. During the year 406 books were accessioned, of which 64 were acquired by purchase, 120 by binding of periodicals, and 142 by gift and exchange. The periodicals currently received number about 900, of which 33 are received by subscription, the remainder being received through exchange. The bureau has also received 159 pamphlets, giving at the close of the year a working library of 24,561 volumes, 14,936 pamphlets, and several thousand unbound periodicals. In addition to the regular routine of library work, Miss Leary has been able, with the assistance of Miss Atkins, to make rapid progress toward the completion of the new subject catalogue, with the result that about 18,000 catalogue cards have been filed during the fiscal year. The greatest need of the library is for more shelf room for its publications, due to its growth during the past few years. The library is greatly hampered by this need. The posting of the monthly bulletin of new publications was continued throughout the year. During the year many students not connected with the Smithsonian Institution found the library of service in seeking volumes not ob- tainable in other libraries of the city. The library was used also by the Library of Congress and officers of the executive departments, and out-of-town students have called upon the library for loans during the year. In addition to the use of its own library it was found necessary to draw on the Library of Congress from time to time for the loan of about 400 volumes. There were bound during the year 200 books, pamphlets, and serial publications. COLLECTIONS. The following collections, acquired by members of the bureau or by those detailed in connection with its researches, have been trans- ferred to the United States National Museum: 66880. Collection of Alaskan ethnologica made by the late Rev. Sheldon Jack- son and purchased by the bureau from his daughter, Miss Leslie Jackson. 67105. Shell and pottery specimens from Ten Thousand Islands, Florida, col- lected during the spring of 1921 by Mr. William Dinwiddie, Metuchen, N. J. 67112. Four stone objects and two pottery fragments from “Bear” and “Lewis” mounds, near Portsmouth, Ky., collected by Mr. Gerard Fowke dur- ing the spring of 1921. 67225. Four pieces of pottery and eight pieces of flint, collected by Prof. J. E. Pearce, of Austin, Tex., in eastern Texas during the summer of 1919. 67258. Collection of shell objects presented to the bureau by Charles T. Earle, of Palma Sola, Fla., found near Shaws Point, Fla. 67274. Collection of archeological objects secured by Dr. J. Walter Fewkes from the Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., in the spring of 1920. 67898. Chunkey stone from Rowena, Ky. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 75 67451. Archeological objects collected near Austin and at “Burnt Rock” mounds, Texas, by Prof. J. E. Pearce and Dr. J. Walter Fewkes. 67572, Collection of skeletal material secured by Mr. William E. Myer in the vicinity of the junction of Split Rock River and Big Sioux River, S. Dak. 67730. Archeological material collected in 1920 by Mr. W. E. Myer for the Bureau of American Ethnology in Williamson and Davidson Counties, Tenn. 68254. Collection of archeological objects from Rio Grande Valley, N. Mex., turned over to the bureau by Secretary Charles D. Walcott. 68255. Fragments of pottery from Indian burial on the Catawba River, N. C., sent to the bureau by J. Albert Holmes, Construction, N. C. 68256. Collection of Indian implements found on the terraces of Upatoi Creek, and Chattahoochee River, Muscogee County, Ga., sent to the bureau by Mr. A. T. Sweet, Columbus, Ga. PROPERTY. Furniture and office equipment were purchased to the amount of $134.97. MISCELLANEOUS. Clerical——The correspondence and other clerical work of the office has been conducted by Miss May S. Clark, clerk to the chief. Mrs. Frances 8. Nichols assisted the editor. Mr. Anthony W. Wilding served as messenger and typist to the chief. Personnel.—Miss Julia 8. Atkins received a permanent appoint- ment as stenographer March 1, 1922. Dr. T. T. Waterman, who was appointed as temporary ethnologist March 1, 1922, was detached from the bureau roll July 1 for six weeks in order to lecture in the summer school of Columbia Univer- sity, New York City. Mr. Samuel H. Miller, messenger boy in the library, resigned June 23, 1922. Mr. James Mooney, ethnologist, died December 22, 1921. Respectfully submitted. J. Watrer Fewxes, Chief, Bureau of American Ethnology. Dr. Cuartes D. Watcort, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 5. REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the opera- tions of the International Exchange Service during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922: The appropriation granted by Congress for the support of the service during the year was $50,000, the same as the amount for the year 1921. The excess of these appropriations over those formerly allowed for the system of international exchanges was designed to meet the extraordinary expenses of forwarding, at the high ocean and other transportation rates, the accumulations of packages that were withheld awaiting the resumption of shipments to certain foreign countries. In addition to the above appropriation, the usual allotment of $200 for printing and binding was allowed by Congress. The repayments from departmental and other establishments aggre- gated $5,510.74, making the total resources available for carrying on the system of exchanges for the year, $55,710.74. During the year 1922 the total number of packages handled was 883,157, a decrease from the number for the preceding year of 68,314. These packages weighed a total of 592,600 pounds, a decrease of 12,712. While in consequence of the return to nearly normal con- ditions the figures just given show a falling off in the number and weight of packages passing through the service from those handled last year, the work during the fiscal year 1922 exceeded by 41,490 the number of packages handled in 1914, just prior to the World War, which indicates a steady increase in the work of the office. The number and weight of the packages of different classes are given in the following table: Packages. Weight. Sent. |Received.| Sent. |Received. Pounds. | Pounds. United States parliamentary documents sent abroad....-......- LSBRSOS"|Veves oon ss 82,905 |. .ck. Sees Publications received in return for parliamentary documents...}......-... 7 7 al Re = 7, 782 United States departmental documents sent abroad...........- 128 755i bs< Saabesin 193) 5Q2 erica ace Publications received in return for departmental documents....|......-..- 8 A 22,600 Miscellaneous scientific and literary publications sent abroad...| 82,730 |.......... 222; 941 5). .'ee sees Miscellaneous scientific and literary publications received from abroad for distribution in the United States................2-|eeeeeeeees pl bl AP ae 65,070 Matalin scccsk. Lea eRe. Sd cc kt Ra eee 344, 848 38,309 | 497,148 95, 452 Grane total... ost cee estou Ste eee Oa eee temeln. 383, 157 592,600 76 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 77 It should be stated here that the disparity in the above figures be- tween the number of packages sent and those received is accounted for in part by the fact that packages transmitted abroad often con- tain only one publication, while those received in return frequently comprise many volumes. In some instances, especially in the case of publications received in exchange for parliamentary documents, the term “ package” is applied to large boxes containing many separate publications. Furthermore, many returns for publications sent abroad reach their destinations in this country through the mails and not through the exchange service. I stated last year that the steps taken by the Institution looking to the reopening of exchanges with Rumania and the establishment of relations with the newly formed Government of Jugoslavia had not led to a successful result. The Governments of both those countries expressed a desire to have the shipment of international exchanges resumed as soon as conditions would permit, but nothing further was heard from either of them. An offer made during the latter part of the year by the Institutul Meteorologic Central, Bukharest, and the Académie Royale Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Belgrade, to serve as agencies for their respective countries was therefore accepted by the Institution, and a shipment of 26 boxes was made to the former and 69 to the latter. The exchange agency in Rumania was formerly the Academia Romana and in Serbia the Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres. During the year exchange relations have been established with the newly formed Governments of Esthonia, Far Eastern Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukrainia. The conditions in Russia and Turkey have not yet improved suffi- ciently to warrant the Institution in taking steps to renew the ex- change of publications between those countries and the United States. The Institution requested several New York forwarding agents to submit rates for handling and forwarding exchange consignments abroad, the rates to take effect on July 1, 1922. The proposal sub- mitted by the present agents, Messrs. Davies, Turner & Co., 39 Pearl Street, New York City, was found to be the lowest, and shipments will therefore continue to be sent to foreign countries through that firm. There were shipped abroad during the year 3,215 boxes, being an increase of 463 over the number for the preceding 12 months. This is the largest number of boxes forwarded through the exchange service in one year and is due in great measure to the opening of exchange relations with Jugoslavia and several of the independent Russian States, the packages for those countries having accumulated at the Institution for several years. The number of boxes shipped was fur- 78 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ther augmented by the forwarding to Austria of a large number of United States patent specifications that were held during the war. Of the total number of boxes sent abroad 394 contained full sets of United States official documents for foreign depositories, and 2,821 included departmental and other publications for depositories of partial sets and for miscellaneous correspondents. It is gratifying to state that during the year the office has been able to return to its regular schedule of shipments to foreign countries. Consignments are now being forwarded to Great Britain and Ger- many weekly, to France and Italy semimonthly, and to all other countries monthly. The number of boxes sent to each country is given in the following Consignments of exchanges for foreign countries. table: Country. po ie el f Jer iManO ei iGg Aropntinas: * (i442 edule awtewaie- er | 119 PASIGUT IRE 2 aad obits hele bass ie Aig oe" ate p Rts 203 Retoiarns re Pro ae. 7a bon Soc ain = eck ae | 89 Baliwin et. 4024 a- 430. toute Abt eh oee abe 3 Brags sgt te OTE ee ee. ea 49 British COlONIGSssSens nen - sees sah = sos 15 Brimgn Omi. ..2.5 222 ten eancae cen | EMIRATES occ epee n dels a5 See bk ae Cinndas..) oki wees Bee hice tae ewes | 30 0) 1 a Na eR aE ret 36 triads SORES, AP RSs SE. 2 ok de ale 164 Ch Osens = ose ste clea na teases ee eteaereee 1 Clones. ocho. 2 tea Ae oan eae | 26 Costa Bite ict te Ss ews arcmh- deus thee saw 18 OTE IAA Ai Re 2D oe OS nee See ee ee 5 Czechoslovakian 3. .5.25;05- 2522 s2cath se | 128 LOT cri l RW RRS Sets AOR ete eee 5 DPNINATIES ct ccs ch ont hepesu caro Sus geet 41 HIGUAUOPS Wek ects chess a-scae es cele ewes 16 Bryne . bea). Ree Se wan eae botnet = 11 Esthonia..... isa SAT Sa heaieee Cp 2. Meee | 1l Far Eastern Republic. ........-..------- 2 _ Fimland.......---.---------2+2-0+--++++- 20 WranGe ss sis S02 Se ee eee 201 GENMRINY)= smicn cen cheese Gee = omnes 523 Great Britain and Ireland.........-.---- 364 a a et eRe Ea 17 Guatemala. ......22....--2----+-+2---2-- 3 IER Ae ee Ua MEE SE EAE Oa ae BAe | 6 PPONGUTASS oe cnet: oe Secon ceca satan ane 2 DEUTER CR gpg erat tes beatae iy Dawe eosin 54 VLA C4 eee h Mie ER een be ss CSE ee 28 Seas 7 Country. | NICRTARUS.. - ocbsen csc e~s ooscone See PNOnWayu.) 22. ck. «chests ae eee ee | | Paraguay Portugal Queensland Wictoniaccceiie cece e theirs segs ee esas Western Australia Yugoslavia Number of boxes. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 79 FOREIGN DEPOSITORIES OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENTAL DOCUMENTS. The number of sets of governmental documents forwarded abroad through the International Exchange Service to foreign depositories has been reduced during the year by one, the partial set formerly sent to Montenegro having been discontinued as that country is now a part of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, which receives a full set. The total number of sets of governmental docu- ments distributed through the service is therefore 95, 57 full and 38 partial. The set sent to the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes is entered in the following list under Jugoslavia. The name of the Austrian depository has been changed from the Statistische Zentral Kommission to the Bundesamt fiir Statistik. A complete list of the depositories is given below: DEPOSITORIES OF FULL SETS. ARGENTINA: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Buenos Aires. AUSTRALIA: Library of the Commonwealth Parliament, Melbourne. AUSTRIA: Bundesamt fiir Statistik, Schwarzenbergstrasse 5, Vienna I. BADEN: Universitits-Bibliothek, Freiburg. (Depository of the State of Baden.) Bavaria: Staats-Bibliothek, Munich. Beteium: Bibliothéque Royale, Brussels. Braziz: Bibliotheca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Buenos Arres: Biblioteca de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. (Deposi- tory of the Province of Buenos Aires.) CANADA: Library of Parliament, Ottawa. CHILE: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Santiago. CHINA: American-Chinese Publication Exchange Department, Shanghai Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Shanghai. CoLoMBiIA: Biblioteca Nacional, Bogota. Costa Rica: Oficina de Depésito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, San José. CuspA: Secretaria de Estado (Asuntos Generales y Canje Internacional), Habana. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bibliothéque de l’Assemblée Nationale, Prague. DENMARK: Kongelige Bibliotheket, Copenhagen. ENGLAND: British Museum, London. FRANCE: Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris. GERMANY: Deutsche Reichstags-Bibliothek, Berlin. Guascow: City Librarian, Mitchell Library, Glasgow. GREECE: Bibliothéque Nationale, Athens. Harti: Secrétaire d’Etat des Relations Extérieures, Port au Prince. Huneary: Hungarian House of Delegates, Budapest. InprA: Imperial Library, Calcutta. TRELAND: National Library of Ireland, Dublin. Iraty: Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele, Rome. JAPAN: Imperial Library of Japan, Tokyo. Lonpon: London School of Economics and Political Science. (Depository of the London County Council.) Mawnirorna: Provincial Library, Winnipeg. Mexico: Instituto Bibliografico, Biblioteca Nacional, Mexico. 80 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. NETHERLANDS: Bibliotheek van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, The Hague. New SoutH WALEs: Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney. NEw ZEALAND: General Assembly Library, Wellington. Norway: Storthingets Bibliothek, Christiania. Ontario: Legislative Library, Toronto. Paris: Préfecture de la Seine. Peru: Biblioteca Nacional, Lima. PoLAND: Bibliothéque du Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres, Warsaw. PorTuGaL: Bibliotheca Nacional, Lisbon. Prussia: Preussische Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, N. W. 7. QueseEc: Library of the Legislature of the Province of Quebec, Quebec. . QUEENSLAND: Parliamentary Library, Brisbane. Russia: Public Library, Petrograd. Saxony: Oeffentliche Bibliothek, Dresden. SoutH Australia: Parliamentary Library, Adelaide. Spain: Servicio del Cambio Internacional de Publicaciones, Cuerpo Faculta tivo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arqueélogos, Madrid. SwEDEN: Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm. SWITZERLAND: Bibliothéque Fédérale Centrale, Berne. TASMANIA: Parliamentary Library, Hobart. TuRKEY: Department of Public Instruction, Constantinople. Union oF SoutH Arrica: State Library, Pretoria, Transvaal. Urnueuay: Oficina de Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, Montevideo. VENEZUELA: Biblioteca Nacional, Caracas. Victorra: Public Library of Victoria, Melbourne. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Public Library of Western Australia, Perth. WURTTEMBERG: Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart. Yueostavia: Ministére des Affaires Etrungéres, Belgrade. DEPOSITORIES OF PARTIAL SETS. ALBERTA: Provincial Library, Edmonton. ALSACE-LoRRAINE: Bibliothéque Universitaire et Régionale de Strasbourg, Stras- bourg. Borivia: Ministerio de Colonizaci6n y Agricultura, La Paz. Brazi.: Bibliotheca da Assemblea Legislativa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Nictheroy. BREMEN: Senatskommission fiir Reichs- und Auswirtige Angelegenheiten. British Cotumsia: Legislative Library, Victoria. British Guiana: Government Secretary’s Office, Georgetown, Demerara. Burearia: Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres, Sofia. Crrton: Colonial Secretary’s Office (Record Department of the Library), Co- lombo. Ecuapor: Biblioteca Nacional, Quito. Eayrt: Bibliothéque Khédiviale, Cairo. FINLAND: Central Library of the State, Helsingfors. GUATEMALA: Secretary of the Government, Guatemala. HameBure: Senatskommission fiir die Reichs- und Auswiirtigen Angelegen- heiten. Hesse: Landesbibliothek, Darmstadt. Honpuras: Secretary of the Government, Tegucigalpa. Jamatca: Colonial Secretary, Kingston. Latvia: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riga. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 81 Lrperta: Department of State, Monrovia. LovrEN¢GO Marquez: Government Library, Lourengo Marquez. Liprck: President of the Senate. Mapras, PROVINCE oF: Chief Secretary to the Government of Madras, Public Department, Madras. Matta: Lieutenant Governor, Veletta. New Brunswick: Legislative Library, Fredericton. NEWFOUNDLAND: Colonial Secretary, St. John’s. NicaRAGua: Superintendente de Archivos Nacionales, Managua. Nova Scotta: Provincial Secretary of Nova Scotia, Halifax. PANAMA: Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Panama. -Paracuay: Oficina General de Inmigracion, Asuncion. Prince Epwarp ISLAND: Legislative Library, Charlottetown. RumMAniA: Academia Romana, Bukharest. Satvapor: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, San Salvador. SASKATCHEWAN: Government Library, Regina. Sram: Department of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok. Straits SETTLEMENTS: Colonial Secretary, Singapore. SwirzeRLAND: Library of the League of Nations, Palace of Nations, Quai de Leman, Geneva. UNITED Provinces oF AGRA AND OvupH: Undersecretary to Government, Alla- habad. Vienna: Biirgermeister-Amt der Stadt Wien. INTERPARLIAMENTARY EXCHANGE OF OFFICIAL JOURNALS. The Library of the League of Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, and the Riigi Raamatukogu, Toompea, Reval, Esthonia, have been added to the list of those countries receiving the daily Congressional Record. Mention was made in my last report of the fact that the Govern- ment of Poland had entered into the immediate exchange with the United States, although it had not signified its adherence to the Brussels convention providing for such exchange. During the year the Institution was advised through diplomatic channels that the Polish Government, in the exercise of the privilege granted to non- signatory States by Article 2 of Exchange Convention B of March 15, 1886, had declared its adherence to that diplomatic instrument. Following is a complete list of the addresses to which the daily Congressional Record is now sent: ARGENTINA: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Buenos Aires. AUSTRALIA: Library of the Commonwealth Parliament, Melbourne. Austria: Bibliothek des Nationalrates, Wien I. BavDEN: Universitéits-Bibliothek, Heidelberg. BELGIUM: Bibliothéque de la Chambre des Représentants, Brussels. Bottvia: Camara de Diputados, Congreso Nacional, La Paz. BrRazit: Bibliotheca do Congresso Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Buenos ArrEes: Biblioteca del Senado de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata. CANADA: Library of Parliament, Ottawa. Clerk of the Senate, Houses of Parliament, Ottawa, 82 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Costa Rica: Oficina de Depédsito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, San José, CUBA: Biblioteca de la Camara de Representantes, Habana. Biblioteca del Senado, Habana. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bibliothéque de l’Assemblée Nationale, Prague. DENMARK: Rigsdagens Bureau, K¢gbenhayn. EstHoniA: Riigi Raamatukogu, Toompea, Reval. FRANCE: Bibliothéque de la Chambre des Députés, au Palais Bourbon, Paris. Bibliothéque du Sénat, au Palais du Luxembourg, Paris. Great Britain: Library of the Foreign Office, Downing Street, London, 8. W. 1. GREECE: Library of Parliament, Athens. GUATEMALA: Biblioteca de la Oficina Internacional Centro-Americana, 8a Calle Poniente No. 1, Ciudad de Guatemala. HonpurASs: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Tegucigalpa. HunGARy: Bibliothek des Abgeordnetenhauses, Budapest. ITALY: Biblioteca della Camera dei Deputati, Palazzo di Monte Citorio, Rome. Biblioteca del Senato del Regno, Palazzo Madama, Rome. LIBERIA: Department of State, Monrovia. NEw SoutH WALES: Library of Parliament, Sydney. New ZEALAND: General Assembly Library, Wellington. Peru: CAimara de Diputados, Congreso Nacional, Lima. PoLtAanp: Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires Etrangéres, Warsaw. PortuGcAL: Bibliotheca do Congresso da Republica, Lisbon. Prussia: Bibliothek des Abgeordnetenhauses, Prinz-Albrechtstrasse 5, Berlin, S. W. 11. QUEENSLAND: The Chief Secretary’s Office, Brisbane. RuMANIA :Bibliothéque de la Chambre des Députés, Bukharest. Russia: Sendings temporarily suspended. SPAIN: Biblioteca del Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid. Biblioteca del Senado, Madrid. SWITZERLAND: Bibliothéque de l’Assemblée Fédérale Suisse, Berne. Library of the League of Nations, Geneva. TRANSVAAL: State Library, Pretoria. Union oF SoutH Arrica: Library of Parliament, Cape Town. Urnucuay: Bibliotheca de la Camara de Representantes, Montevideo. VENEZUELA: Camara de Diputados, Congreso Nacional, Caricas. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Library of Parliament of Western Australia, Perth. YUGOSLAVIA: Library of the Skupshtina, Belgrade. The total number of copies of the daily Congressional Record set aside by law for exchange with foreign legislative bodies is 100. It will be seen from the above that this exchange is conducted with 44 establishments. FOREIGN EXCHANGE AGENCIES. It will be noted from the following list of exchange agencies that shipments are now being made to Esthonia, the Far Eastern Re- public, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Lithuania, Rumania, and Ukrainia. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 83 The Teachers’ College at Vladivostok is the agency for the Far Eastern Republic; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Riga, for Latvia; the Académie Royale Serbe des Sciences et des Arts at Belgrade, for Yugoslavia; and the Institutul Meteorologic Central in Bukharest, for Rumania. Only a few packages have thus far been received for Lithuania, and, for the present, transmissions to that country will be made through the mails. Shipments were made to the university libraries at Dorpat and at Odessa, with the request that those libraries distribute the consignments and also act as the agencies for Esthonia and Ukrainia, respectively. As these ship- ments were not made until near the close of the year, replies have not yet been received from those establishments. It is anticipated, however, that both will consent to serve as exchange agencies. A complete list of the foreign exchange agencies or bureaus is given below: ALGERIA, via France. ANGOLA, via Portugal. ARGENTINA: Comisién Protectora de Bibliotecas Populares, Calle Cordoba 931, Buenos Aires. AUSTRIA: Bundesamt ftir Statistik, Schwarzenbergstrasse 5, Vienna I. AZORES, via Portugal. BELGIUM: Service Belge des Echanges Internationaux, Rue des Longs-Chariots 46, Brussels. BouiviA: Oficina Nacional de Estadistica, La Paz. Brazit: Servico de Permutacdes Internacionaes, Bibliotheca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. BRITISH COLONIES: Crown Agents for the Colonies, London. BRITISH GUIANA: Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society, Georgetown. BriTIsH Honpuras: Colonial Secretary, Belize. BULGARIA: Institutions Scientifiques de S. M. le Roi de Bulgarie, Sofia. CANARY ISLANDS, via Spain. CHILE: Servicio de Canjes Internacionales, Biblioteca Nacional, Santiago. CHINA: American-Chinese Publication Exchange Department, Shanghai Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Shanghai. CHOSEN: Government General, Keijo. CoLoMBIA: Oficina de Canjes Internacionales y Reparto, Biblioteca Nacional, Bogota. Costa Rica: Oficina de Depésito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, San José. CzECHOSLOVAKIA: Service Tchécoslovaque des Echanges Internationaux, Biblio- théque de l’ Assemblée Nationale, Prague 1-79. Dawnzie: Stadtbibliothek, Danzig. DENMARK: Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Copenhagen. DutcH GUIANA: Surinaamsche Koloniale Bibliotheek, Paramaribo. Ecuapor: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Quito. Eeypt: Government Publications Office, Printing Department, Bulaq, Cairo. HsTHonIA: Negotiations to establish an agency now pending. Far EASTERN REPUBLIC: Teachers’ College of the Far Eastern Republic, Vladi- vostok. FINLAND: Delegation of the Scientific Societies of Finland, Helsingfors. 84 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. FRANCE: Service Francais des Echanges Internationaux, 110 Rue de Grenelle, Paris. GERMANY: Amerika-Institut, Universititstrasse 8, Berlin, N. W. 7. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: Messrs. Wheldon & Wesley, 2, 3, and 4 Arthur St., New Oxford St., London, W. C. 2. GREECE: Bibliothéque Nationale, Athens. GREENLAND, via Denmark. GUADELOUPE, via France. GUATEMALA: Instituto Nacional de Varones, Guatemala. GUINEA, via Portugal. HaltI: Secrétaire d’Etat des Relations Extérieures, Port au Prince. HonpurAS: Biblioteca Nacional, Tegucigalpa. Huneary: Dr. Julius Pikler, Févférosi Telekértéknyilvantart6é Hivatal (City Land Valuation Office), Kiézponti Varoshiz, Budapest III. ICELAND, via Denmark. InpIA: Superintendent of Stationery, Bombay. IraLy: Ufficio degli Scambi Internazionali, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele, Rome. JAMAICA: Institute of Jamaica, Kingston. JAPAN: Imperial Library of Japan, Tokyo. JAVA, via Netherlands. Latvia :Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riga. LIBERIA: Bureau of Exchanges, Department of State, Monrovia. LITHUANIA: Sent by mail. LOURENGO MARQUEZ: Government Library, Lourenco Marquez. LUXEMBURG, via Germany. MADAGASCAR, via France. MADEIRA, via Portugal. MozAMBIQUE, via Portugal. NETHERLANDS: Bureau Scientifique Central Néerlandais, Bibliothéque de VAcadémie technique, Delft. NEw GuINEA, via Netherlands. New SoutH WaAtsEs: Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney. NEw ZEALAND: Dominion Museum, Wellington. NICARAGUA: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Managua. Norway: Kongelige Norske Frederiks Universitet Bibliotheket, Christiania. PANAMA: Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Panama. PaRaGuay: Servicio de Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, Secci6n Consular y de Comercio, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Asuncion. Peru: Oficina de Reparto, Depdsito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, Ministerio de Fomento, Lima. PoLAND: Bibliothéque du Ministére des Affaires Htrangéres, Warsaw. PortuGAL: Seccio de Trocas Internacionaes, Bibliotheca Nacional, Lisbon. QUEENSLAND: Bureau of Exchanges of International Publications, Chief Secre- tary’s Office, Brisbane. RUMANIA: Institutul Meteorologic Central, Ministerul Becomuret Bukharest. Russia: Shipments temporarily suspended. SALVADOR: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, San Salvador. Sram: Department of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok. SoutH AUSTRALIA: Public Library of South Australia, Adelaide. Spain: Servicio del Cambio Internacional de Publicaciones, Cuerpo Facultativo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arqueélogos, Madrid. SUMATRA, via Netherlands. SWEDEN; Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien, Stockholm. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 85 SwWITzERLAND: Service des Echanges Internationaux, Bibliothéque Fédérale Cen trale, Berne. Syrta: American University of Beirut. TASMANIA: Secretary to the Premier, Hobart. TRINIDAD: Royal Victoria Institute of Trinidad and Tobago, Port-of-Spain. TunIs, via France. TuRKEY: Shipments temporarily suspended. UKRAINIA: Negotiations to establish an agency now pending. Union oF SoutH Arrica: Government Printing Works, Pretoria, Transvaal. Urucuay: Oficina de Canje Internacional, Montevideo. VENEZUELA: Biblioteca Nacional, Caracas. Victoria: Public Library of Victoria, Melbourne. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Public Library of Western Australia, Perth. Yuceostavia: Académie Royal Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Belgrade. RULES GOVERNING THE TRANSMISSION OF EXCHANGES. A revised edition of the circular containing a brief description of the service and the rules under which packages are accepted for dis- tribution, was published at the close of the year and is here repro- duced for the information of any who may desire to make use of the service in the forwarding of publications. In effecting the distribution of its first publications abroad, the Smith- sonian Institution established relations with many foreign scientific societies and libraries, by means of which it was enabled to materially assist institu- tions and individuals of this country in the transmission of their publications abroad, and also foreign societies and individuals in distributing their publi- cations in the United States. In more recent years the Smithsonian Institution has been charged with the duty of conducting the official exchange bureau of the United States Gov- ernment, through which the publications authorized by Congress are ex- changed for those of other Governments; and by a formal treaty it acts as intermediary between the learned bodies and Scientific and literary societies of this and other countries for the reception and transmission of their pub- lications. Attention is called to the fact that this is an international and not a domestic exchange service, and that it is designed to facilitate exchanges be- tween the United States and other countries only. As publications from domestic sources for addresses in Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, and other territory subject to the jurisdiction of the United States do not come within the designation ‘international,’ they are not accepted by the Institution for transmission through the service. Packages prepared in accordance with the rules enumerated below will be received by the Smithsonian Institution from individuals or institutions of learning in the United States and forwarded to their destinations abroad through the various exchange bureaus or agencies in other countries. Many of these bureaus and agencies will likewise receive from correspondents in their countries such publications for addresses in the United States and its dependencies as may be delivered to them under rules similar to those pre- scribed herein, and will forward them to Washington, after which the Insti- tution will transmit them te their destinations by mail free of cost to the recipients. 553879—24—_7 86 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. On the receipt of a consignment from a domestic source it is assigned a “record number,” which number is, for identification purposes, placed on each package contained therein. After the packages have been recorded they are packed in boxes with consignments from other senders and are forwarded by freight to the bureaus or agencies abroad which have under- taken to distribute exchanges in those countries. To Great Britain and Germany shipments are made weekly, to France and Italy semimonthly, and to all other countries consignments are forwarded at intervals not exceeding one month. The Institution assumes no responsibility in the transmission of packages intrusted to its care, but at all times uses its best endeavors to forward ex- changes to their destinations safely and as promptly as possible. Especial attention should be called in this connection to the time ordinarily required for packages sent through the exchange service to reach their destinations. To Great Britain and Germany, for example, where weekly shipments are made, the average time for a package to reach its destination is about six weeks. In some instances the period is much shorter and in no case should it be longer unless there is some unavoidable delay at the ports of embarkation or debarka- tion. To those countries to which shipments.are made at semimonthly and monthly intervals, the time of delivery is of course somewhat longer, depending on the distance and also whether packages are received at the Institution im- mediately before or after a shipment. If, therefore, advance notices are mailed by senders, mention should be made of the above facts in order that consignees may expect some delay between the receipt of notices and the arrival of packages. In cases where greater dispatch is desired, publica- tions should be forwarded by the senders to their foreign destinations direct by mail, BULES. The rules governing the Smithsonian International Exchange Service are as follows: 1. Consignments from correspondents in the United States containing pack- ages for transmission abroad should be addressed—“ Smithsonian Institution, International Exchanges, Washington, D. C.,” and forwarded with carriage charges to Washington prepaid. 2. In forwarding a consignment the sender should mail a letter to the Institution, stating by what route it is being shipped, and the number of boxes or parcels which it comprises. A list giving the name and address of each consignee should also be furnished. This request should invariably be complied with for record. 3. Packages should be legibly and fully addressed, using, when practicable, the language of the country to which they are to be forwarded. In order to avoid any possible dispute as to ownership, names of individuals should be omitted from packages intended for societies and other establishments. 4, Packages should be securely wrapped and cardboard used if necessary to protect plates from crumpling. 5. Letters are not permitted in exchange packages. 6. If donors desire acknowledgments, packages may contain receipt forms to be signed and returned by the establishment or individual addressed. Should publications be desired in exchange, a request to that effect may be printed on the receipt form or on the package. 7. The work carried on by the International Exchange Service is not in any sense of a commercial nature, but is restricted to the transmission of pub- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 87 lications sent as exchanges or donations. Books sold or ordered through the trade are, therefore, necessarily excluded. 8. Specimens are not accepted for distribution, except when permission has been obtained from the Institution. Respectfully submitted. C. G. Axsor, Assistant Secretary, In Charge of Library and Exuchanges. Dr. Cuaries D. Watoort, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 6. REPORT ON THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK. Sm: I have the honor to present the following report on the operations of the National Zoological Park for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922: The appropriation allowed by Congress in the sundry civil act approved March 4, 1921, for the regular maintenance of the park was the same as for the preceding year, $125,000, with the usual additional allotment of $200 for printing and binding. The sum of $2,500, together with an unobligated balance of $2,403.66 left from the appropriation for alteration of boundaries, 1921, was also made available, as a continuing appropriation, for the purchase of land to correct the eastern boundary line near the Adams Mill Road entrance. The year has been one of the most successful in the history of the park. A number of minor permanent improvements have been completed, progress has been made on some larger undertakings, and the grounds have been maintained in a condition gratifying to all who are interested in the great natural beauty of the reserva- tion. At the close of the year the collection is larger, and of more importance, than ever before; more different species are on exhibi- tion, and the actual number of animals is greater than in any previous year; there are more than the usual number of rare and valuable specimens; the births have been numerous; and the death rate has been kept at a low mark. For the third successive year the attend- ance has exceeded 2,000,000. ACCESSIONS. Gifts.—No less than 217 animals, an unusual number, were added to the collection as gifts, or were placed by friends of the park on indefinite deposit. Special mention in this connection should be made of two important collections from South America. The collections of living animals made by Dr. William M. Mann on the Mulford Biological Exploration of the Amazon Basin reached the park on April 15, 1922. Included were 15 mammals, 50 birds, and 17 reptiles that arrived in perfect condition, and a very few others lost from the effects of travel. These were all generously presented to the park by the H. K. Mulford Co., of Philadelphia. 88 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 89 Doctor Mann is to be congratulated on his success in bringing te the country live representatives of several species from Bolivia and western Brazil that have never before been shown. The red-faced spider monkey, black-headed woolly monkey, pale capuchin, choliba screech owl, Bolivian penelope, short-tailed parrot, Maximilian’s parrot, blue-headed parrot, Cassin’s macaw, golden-crowned paro- quet, Weddell’s paroquet, orange-winged paroquet, and golden- winged paroquet are new to the collection. These and other rarities are mostly from the Rio Beni, Bolivia, and the upper Rio Madeira, Brazil, localities from which animals seldom find their way into collections. Other species, including such rare birds as the festive parrot, Amazonian caique, and white-backed trumpeter, while not new to the park records, are unusual. There were also some showy birds and small mammals from the lower Amazon as well as an excellent collection of living reptiles. On account of the great pro- portion of rare species it contained and the unusually good condi- tion of the specimens on arrival, the Mulford Explorations collection easily ranks as the most important accession received from tropical America in some years. Mr. W. J. La Varre, jr., continuing his donations from personal exploration of out-of-the-way parts of South America, presented 28 birds and mammals from the interior of British Guiana. Con- spicuous among these are a cock of the rock, a Hahn’s macaw, and two dusky parrots, all new to the collection. Mr. La Varre also succeeded in landing a young red howler monkey. The cock of the rock, a young bird in immature plumage on arrival, has now de- veloped into full color and is one of the most showy and attractive exhibits in the bird house. Mr. Victor J. Evans, of Washington, D. C., long a regular con- tributor to the collection, purchased and placed on indefinite de- posit a Cape great-eared fox and two yellow-billed hornbills, both species new to the records of the park. The long-eared fox, received from South Africa, is doubtless the first representative of its species ever exhibited alive in America. Sixty-eight individual donors contributed to the collection during the year. The complete list is as follows: Mrs. Benjamin E. Abbott, Washington, D. C., Virginia opossum. Dr. Arthur A. Allen, Ithaca, N. Y., 10 greater scaup ducks. American Express Co., Washington, D. C., 4 chipmunks. Mrs, R, P, Andrews, Washington, D. C., Cuban parrot. Mr. Carl Bandrexler, Washington, D. C., copperhead. Mr. Murrell Barkley, Washington, D. C., 2 tovi paroquets. Mrs. A. H. Baum, Washington, D. C., alligator. Mrs. William R. Bedell, Washington, D. C., blue-fronted parrot. Mr. John M. Blanton, Washington, D. C., Texas red wolf. Mrs. Grace Boone, New Midway, Md., American coot. 90 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Mr. M. G. Butler, Dillwyn, Va., great horned owl. Mr. Thomas F, Callahan, Washington, D. C., great horned owl. Canadian Government, through Hon. J. B. Harkin, yak. Mr. Madison Clark, Washington, D. C., great horned owl. Mrs. John L. Clem, Washington, D. C., zebra finch. Mr. M, Cochrane, La Plata, Md., American barn owl. Mr. N. B. Davis, Washington, D. C., alligator. Mr. Harrison H. Dodge, Mount Vernon, Va., red and blue and yellow macaw. Miss Josephine Duffey, Alexandria, Va., crab-eating macaque. Mr. J. H. Evans, Washington, D. C., skunk. Mr. Victor J. Evans, Washington, D. C., great-eared fox and two yellow- billed hornbills. Commander Frank Jack Fletcher, United States Navy, Washington, D. C., grass paroquet. Mrs. Kenneth L. Frye, Chevy Chase, Md., sulphur-crested cockatoo. Mr. H. C. Fuller, Washington, D. C., brown capuchin. Mrs. E. W. Gibb, Washington, D. C., raccoon. Gude Bros. Co., Washington, D. C., alligator. Miss Emma T. Hahn, Washington, D. C., 4 canaries. Hon. Warren G, Harding, White House, Washington, D. C., coyote. Mr. Mitchell Harrison, Nokesville, Va., raccoon. Mr. Caleb R. Hathaway, Chevy Chase, Md., Virginia opossum. Mr. Odis B. Hinnant, Washington, D. C., banded rattlesnake. Mr. Allen Hoover, Washington, D. C., two alligators. Mr. M. A. Horner, Seward, Alaska, Alaskan hald eagle. Mr. S. F. Howland, Silver Springs, Md., barred owl. Kazim Temple, A, A. O. N. M. S., Roanoke, Va., bald eagle. Mr. R. A. Kishpaugh, Fredericksburg, Va., two alligators. Mr. S. Seibert Knode, Boonsboro, Md., red-tailed hawk and two American barn owls. Mr. W. J. La Varre, jr., Washington, D. C., red howler monkey, cock of the rock, Hahn’s macaw, 2 dusky parrots, 3 orange-winged parrots, and 20 blue- winged parrotlets. Mr. Harry L. Light, Washington, D. C., festive parrot. Mr. Edward Lucas, Silver Springs, Md., jumping mouse. Dr. C. L. Marlatt, Washington, D. C., yellow-headed parrot. Dr. C. B. Masson, Washington, D. C., one black snake and five copperheads. Mr. Richard McCann, Washington, D. C., woodchuck. Mr. Edward B. McLean, Washington, D. C., kinkajou and brown pelican. Miss Sara G. Meetze, Washington, D. C., red fox. Mrs. Charles Middleton, Silver Hill, Md., bald eagle. Mulford Biological Exploration of the Amazon Basin, through Dr. William M. Mann, red-faced spider monkey, douroucouli, titi monkey, 2 woolly monkeys, 2 pale capuchins, 2 agoutis, 6 tamarins, toucan, choliba screech owl, guan, penelope, 2 razor-billed curassows, 2 white-backed trumpeters, short-tailed parrot, Maximilian’s parrot, mealy parrot, 3 blue-headed parrots, 4 festive parrots, Cassin’s macaw, white-eyed paroquet, 4 golden-crowned paroquets, 4 Weddell’s paroquets, 7 orange-winged paroquets, 8 golden-winged paroquets, 7 Amazonian caiques, spectacled cayman, and 16 South American turtles. Mr. C. Bland Payne, Richmond, Va., sparrow hawk. Miss Dorothy Pickells, Washington, D. C., brown capuchin. Mr. Marshall Pickett, Brentwood, Md., screech owl. Mr. Jack Polkinhorn, Washington, D. C., painted turtle. Mr. J. S. Ritz, Altoona, Pa., two sparrow hawks. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 91 Commander John David Robnett, United States Navy, Washington, D. C., two Santo Domingo parrots. Mr. Richard J. Scharf, Washington, D. C., two alligators. Mr. Edward S. Schmid, Washington, D. C., jackdaw, Canadian porcupine, and two Virginia opossums. Mr. Harry Seamon, Takoma Park, Md., barred owl. Mrs. Albert Semler, Hagerstown, Md., two American barn owls. Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, Washington, D. C., glass-snake. Mr. Robert Stabler, Washington, D. C., black snake. State Game, Fish and Forest Fire Department, Lansing, Mich., through Hon. John Baird, four coyotes. Mrs. Anna P. Stewart, Chevy Chase, Md., two canaries. Mrs. Lucy N. Towson, Washington, D. C., canary. Mr. J. H. Tyler, Washington, D. C., three moccasins. Mr. Edward White, Washington, D. C., albino squirrel. Hon. Arthur H. Wight, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies, capybara. Mr. J. Warren Wood, Silver Springs, Md., weasel. Mrs. Lena D. Woodard, South Washington, Va., barred owl. Mr. L. T. Zbinden, Washington, D. C., yellow-headed parrot. Births.—During the year 58 mammals and 28 reptiles were born, and 64 birds were hatched in the park. These records include only such as are reared to a reasonable age, no account being made in these published statistics of young that live only a few days. Mam- mals born include: Manchurian tiger, 4; dingo, 6; Florida otter, 3; raccoon, 2; gray wolf, 1; hippopotamus, 1; Rocky Mountain sheep, 1; tahr, 1; East African eland, 1; American bison, 1; llama, 1; Indian antelope, 1; Virginia deer, 3; hog deer, 2; Japanese deer, 5; fallow deer, 2; red deer, 5; barasingha, 1; brush-tailed rock wallaby, 2; rufous-bellied wallaby, 3; black-tailed wallaby, 1; great red kanga- roo, 5; wallaroo, 1; Trinidad agouti, 2; rhesus monkey, 2; green guenon, 1. Reptiles: Ground rattlesnake, 1; copperhead, 27. Birds hatched were of the following species: Greater snow goose, Canada goose, wood duck, pintail, black duck, mallard, American coot, black- crowned night heron, peafowl, ring-necked pheasant, and European wood pigeon. The young Manchurian tigers were born August 19, 1921, and at the close of the year were fine, thrifty animals, of good growth. The hippopotamus, born April 27, 1922, is the third young successfully reared in the gardens from the same pair of animals. The success in rearing a young mountain sheep ram last year makes it seem probable that the lamb born this spring will also develop into a perfect animal. E'xchanges——A number of valuable animals were received in ex- change for surplus stock. The accessions include 19 mammals, 166 birds, and 8 reptiles. Special mention should be made of a panda, three yellow-footed rock wallabies, an aard-wolf, and a Hagenbeck’s mangabey, none of which have before been on exhibition in the 92 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. gardens. The panda is the only Old World representative of the raccoon family and is an animal of striking appearance. It comes from the high Himalaya Mountains of northern India. The aard- wolf of South Africa has probably never before been shown alive in America, It is related to the hyenas but is chiefly insectivorous in its habits and lacks the powerful dental equipment of most of the carnivores. Other mammals received in exchange are a lioness, aoudad, great anteater, cape bushbuck, sable antelope, two Malay tapirs, a wombat, brown woolly monkey, anubis baboon, vervet guenon, and two Japanese monkeys. Among the birds received in exchange special mention should be made of the following species: Hawaiian goose, bean goose, Euro- pean pochard, tufted duck, European lapwing, greater vasa parrot, and African black vulture. A regal python, 25 feet long, was received in exchange. This is the largest snake ever exhibited in the park. Purchases.—A brindled gnu from South Africa, and a young male American elk, were purchased during the year. In addition to these a few small common mammals and birds were purchased at low cost. Transfers.—An especially fine collection of ostriches, 12 birds in all, were transferred to the park from the United States poultry ex- periment station, Bureau of Animal Industry, Glendale, Ariz. The lot includes selected representatives of the Somaliland, Nubian, and South African species, and comprises probably the finest show of ostriches in America. Through the Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, were received a number of animals collected by field agents of the bureau. These include a badger from Mr. R. E. Bateman, Billings, Mont.; 2 gray wolves: from Mr. Charles J. Bayer, Cheyenne, Wyo.; 7 beavers from Mr. Vernon Bailey, chief field naturalist; a wood duck and a cardinal from Mr. George A. Lawyer, chief game warden; a desert tortoise from Mr. M. E. Musgrave, Phoenix, Ariz.; and 12 Florida gopher tortoises from the survey labora- tories. The Bureau of Fisheries, Department of Commerce, contributed 5 specimens of the snapping turtle. REMOVALS. Surplus animals to the number of 44 were sent away during the year in exchange for other stock. Among these were the following mammals that had been born and reared in the park: Indian water buffalo, 1; American bison, 1; Rocky Mountain sheep, 1; Indian antelope, 1; llama, 2; guanaco, 1; red deer, 7; Japanese deer, 3; REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 93 barasingha, 1; dingo, 2; gray wolf, 1; European brown bear, 4; red kangaroo, 2; and rufous-bellied wallaby, 2. A number of animals on deposit were returned to owners. While the death rate has been kept low for the collection as a whole, there have been some serious losses of animals long in the park. The records of some of these, interesting because of longev- ity in captivity, are as follows: A black vulture (Coragyps urubu) received as a bird of the year November 26, 1900, was killed by its cage mate, a bird of the same species, December 28, 1921, 21 years, 1 month, and 2 days after arrival. A female South American tapir, received from Demerara August 28, 1901, then about 4 years of age, died September 7, 1921, after 20 years and 10 days of life in the National Zoological Park. Nine young were born to this animal during this period, seven of which were reared. The im- mediate cause of death was tuberculosis. A male gray wolf (Canis nubilus), born in the park March 29, 1905, died at an age of 16 years, 3 months, and 5 days, on July 4, 1921. A male llama, born in the park April 28, 1907, died of pyemia at an age of 14 years, 10 months, and 7 days, on March 7, 1922. A female California sea lion received May 25, 1907, died 14 years, 2 months, and 5 days after arrival on July 30, 1921. A cariama (Cariama cristata) re- ceived from Dr. Clemente Onelli, director of the Municipal Zoologi- cal Gardens, Buenos Aires, March 14, 1908, died 13 years, 4 months, and 1 day later, on July 15, 1921. A grizzly bear, male, received from the Yellowstone National Park July 29, 1908, died March 27, 1922. This bear was about 34 years old on arrival, lived in the park 13 years, 7 months, and 28 days, and its death was clearly due to advanced age. ‘The female harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), re- ceived January 19, 1910, died of enteritis on March 9, 1922, after 12 years, 1 month, and 18 days of life in the park. A female wart hog, presented by Mr. W. N. McMillan, which reached the park December 19, 1909, died July 29, 1921, 11 years, 7 months, and 10 days after arrival. A female kinkajou (Potos flavus), received from Panama June 17, 1910, died after 11 years, 1 month, and 5 days of life in the park, on July 22, 1921. A female Woodhouse’s wolf (Canis frustror), born in the park April 17, 1911, died Janu- ary 7, 1922, at an age of 10 years, 8 months, and 21 days. A female gray coatimundi (Nasua narica) received April 2, 1913, died Feb- ruary 22, 1922, after 8 years, 10 months, and 20 days in the park. The European badger (J/eles meles) received from the London Zoological Gardens May 1, 1915, died 6 years, 6 months. and 11 days later, on November 12, 1921. Other serious losses include the Florida manatee from septic peritonitis, July 16, 1921; Mongolian wild horse (Hquus przewal- 94 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. skit) from inflammation of bladder, November 27, 1921; an Arabian camel, hemorrhagic cystitis, April 3, 1922; a female Rocky Moun- tain sheep from metroperitonitis, June 6, 1922; two Count Raggi’s birds of paradise, enteritis, February 7 and 9, 1922; and the last trumpeter swan, the property of Mr. R. M. Barnes, Lacon, IL, which had been on deposit since April 15, 1917. The swan died of tuberculosis of the liver on June 14, 1922. Post-mortem examinations were made, in most cases, by the pathological division of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Two examinations were made by Dr. Adolph H. Schultz, of the Carnegie Institution, Laboratory of Embryology, and one by Dr. C. W. Stiles at the Hygienic Laboratory, Bureau of Public Health Serv- ice. The following list shows the results of autopsies, the cases being arranged by groups: CAUSES OF DEATH. MAMMALS, Marsupialia: Congestion of lungs, 1; pleurisy and pneumonia, 1; enteritis, 2; septicemia, 1; accident, 1; old age, 1. Carnivora: Pneumonia, 1; tuberculosis, 2; enteritis, 1; gastroenteritis, 3; old age, 1; no cause found, 1. Rodentia: Tuberculosis, 1; septic pleuropneumonia, 1; enteritis, 2. Primates: Bronchopneumonia, 1; tuberculosis, 1; enteritis, 1; gastroenteri- tis, 1; colitis, 2; parasitic peritonitis, 2. Artiodactyla: Pneumonia, 1; verminous bronchopneumonia, 2; pleurisy, 1; tuberculosis, 1; enteritis, 1; metroperitonitis, 1; hemorrhagic cystitis, 1; pyemia, 1; anemia, 1; accident, 1; no cause found, 1. Perissodactyla: Tuberculosis, 1; prolapse of rectum, 1. Sirenia: Peritonitis, 1. BIRDS. Ratite: Pleurisy and peritonitis, 1. Ciconiiformes: Aspergillosis, 1; enteritis, 1; anemia, 3; no cause found, 5. Anseriformes: Tuberculosis, 6; aspergillosis, 1; enteritis, 1; abscess of in- testine, 1; no cause found, 4. Faleconiformes: Anemia, 1; no cause found, 1. Galliformes: Enteritis, 4; anemia, 1. Gruiformes: No cause found, 1. Charadriiformes: Pneumonia, 2; aspergillosis, 1; no cause found, 2. Coraciiformes: No cause found, 1. Passeriformes: Aspergillosis, 1; enteritis, 4; abscess of lung, 1. REPTILES. Serpentes: No cause found, 1. A total of 68 specimens—26 mammals, 25 birds, and 17 reptiles— of special scientific importance, were transferred after death to the United States National Museum. Four dead mammals were de- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 95 livered for scientific investigations to the Carnegie Laboratory of Embryology, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore; two to the American Museum of Natural History, New York City; and one to the Hygienic Laboratory, Public Health Service, Washing- ton, D. C. Four skins of birds were added to the reference collec- tion of “ dealers’ cage birds” in the office of the National Zoological Park. ANIMALS IN THE COLLECTION JUNE 30, 1922. MAMMALS. MARSUPIALIA, Virginia opossum (Didelphis virgini- TEL en Sie ape flee ligeapeh arene Si, ath eo el epee cage cal Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harri- Ny aah Sete natal Reape ha Mit 6 tpt a Australian opossum (Trichosurus vul- CULE 2342) oat, ce ape fed Aa Sad pl ep Flying phalanger (Petaurus breviceps) — Brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale CELE TELE LT ATA | gece pea pe herp i DR Se Yellow-footed rock wallaby (Petrogule COT LO UTI | cataleptic ts HO Rufous-bellied wallaby (Macropus bil- LTC TAS | ee ee eee) SERRE iT Black-tailed wallaby (Macropus bi- COMM) eae ee nee ee oe ee a WEED) Gye nk a are ee hk Wallaroo (Macropus robustus)_ _____ Red kangaroo (Macropus rufus) --___ Wombat (Phascolomys mitchelli) ____- CARNIVORA, Kadiak bear (Ursus middendorffl) ____ Alaska Peninsula bear (Ursus gyas) ~~ Yakutat bear (Ursus dalli)__________ Kidder’s bear (Ursus kidderi) ________ European bear (Ursus arctos)______ Grizzly bear (Ursus horribilis)__._____ Apache grizzly (Ursus apache) --___ Himalayan bear (Ursus thibetanus) —__ Black bear (Ursus americanus) —~-_____ Cinnamon bear (Ursus americanus cin- RAMON) VPA BOR pw) Bo? Florida bear (Ursus floridanus) ______ Glacier bear (Ursus emmonsii)_______ Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) —____ Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) -_____ Polar bear (Thalarctos maritimus)_—-~ Dingo (Canis dingo) -Ass-22s202 Ls Eskimo dog (Canis familiaris)____.. ... Gray wolf (Canis nubilus)__—_ ...- Southern wolf (Canis floridanus)_____ Woodhouse’s wolf (Canis frustror)—__ Texas red wolf (Canis rufus) ______ me Wo bo Bee RH & wool bb bo PRRONWNRFREHW CARNIVORA—continued. Coyote (Oanis latrans) ~..-.._....__ Plains coyote (Canis nebracensis) ___~ Red, fox, (Valpes: fulva) 222-22 = Great-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) —_ Gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) — Cacomistle (Bassariscus astutus) __._~ Panda (Atlurus fulgens) .____--_-__ Raccoon (Pracyon toter) 2 Gray coatimundi (Nasua narica)—-—--~ Kinkajou (Potos flavue)_____________ Mexican kinkajou (Potos flavus azte- 67) age pet ke Gb tate gr _ecrsiytnns, YE Weasel (Mustela noveboracensis)____~ Tayra*(Tayracoartert)—-- —~ 8S Skunk (Mephitis nigra) -__-_----~-_- Florida otter (Lutra canadensis vaga) — Palm civet (Paradorurus hermaphro- Gils) == =e aes ee ee ee Wahiberg’s mongoose (Helogale par- DUD) oe AES CS ae See ees Aard-wolf (Proteles cristatus)------- Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)___~ Striped hyena (Hyena hyena) -_-_--~ African cheetah (Acinonyxv jubatus) —- AGT (LER £E0,) = =e ee Bengal tiger (Felis tigris)_.__-___--__ Manchurian tiger (Felis tigris longi- Leopard (Felis pardus) —---_---~+__- East African leopard (Felis pardus sudhetica) Silo Sao Ses Sees See AE LOE LS OILCCs ae ae ee Brazilian ocelot (Felis pardalis brasili- CMBUS). Se ee ee eee creams 2s Snow leopard (Felis uncia)—-__-_-__- Mexican puma (Felis azteca) __-__-_ Mountain lion (Felis hippolestes) ____ Canada lynx (Lynw canadensis). __ Northern wild cat (Lyn@ winta)_---~_~ Bay lynx (Lyn@ rufus) 22-22. iu2lz PINNIPEDIA, California sea-lion (Zalophus cali- FOPRIGNUS))- anton e meee NE OHE RHE OH Lal e OD Ron RrR Re ee tb woe e Re = NWR ON eH 96 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ANIMALS IN THE COLLECTION JUNE 30, 1922—Continued. MAMMALS—continued. RODENTIA. Woodchuck (Marmota monag)—-_--~-- Dusky marmot (Marmota flaviventris IPORERIET NER re oe ro ee ee Prairie-dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) —- White-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys UTS DIR tas el ee ee ee Antelope squirrel (Ammospermophilus TOUCUPUA es a= ee te Arizona antelope squirrel (Ammosper- mophilus harrisii) Chipmunk (Hutamias neglectus)—----- Albino squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) — Baird’s pocket mouse (Perognathus BLT 3) 14.3) [SE A Re ag a a ae Bailey’s pocket mouse (Perognathus PATE 7 | ees emir pee cn pala Ma we Mi alec Jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius) —-~ Montana white-footed mouse (Peromys- cus leucopus aridulus)----__-_-_--_-_ Nebraska white-footed mouse (Pero- myscus maniculatus osgoodi)_____- African poreupine (Hystriv africéaus- Malay porcupine (Acanthion brach- YUU) none ee ae as Coypu (Myocastor coypus)— _--_----- Central American paca (Cuniculus paca PONT CS aa re Mexican agouti (Dasyprocta megi- Sooty agouti (Dasyprocta fuliginosa) — Speckled agouti (Dasyprocta punc- ET Wc RN a Si a Panama agouti (Dasyprocta punctata aU eT 1) eee 8 DRS SS 2 Ee ee ee Azara’s agouti (Dasyprocta azar@)_-_ Trinidad agouti (Dasyprocta rubrata) — Crested agouti (Dasyprocta cristata) _ Yellow-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta PUCK ON) COUCNNIE) ooo neh he Peruvian guinea pig (Cavia tschudii pallidor) Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) _-__--__~- Capybara (Hydrocherus hydrocheris) — LAGOMORPHA, Domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cunicu- EDENTATA. Great anteater dactyla) (Myrmecophaga tri- PRIMATES. Red-faced spider monkey (Ateles pa- MAB CUB et a pee feline douroucouli (Aotus infulatus) —~ Brown woolly monkey (Lagothriz infu- WE ie, SR ee SS eS Black-headed woolly monkey (Lagothria ubericola) ak = ee a - OF 18 PRIMATES—continued. White-throated capuchin (Cebus capu- cmus) Pale capuchin (Cebus unicolor)—--_---~ Brown capuchin (Cebus fatuellus)—_-_ Azara’s capuchin (Cebus azar@)_----~_ Titi monkey (Saimiri sciureus) ----_ Negro tamarin (Cercopithecus ursulus) — Chacma (Papio porcarius) Anubis baboon (Papio cynocephalus) __ Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) — East African baboon (Papio ibeanus) — Mandrill (Papio sphing) ~_=-—-----_.-- Drill (Papio. leucopheus) ______------ Moor macaque (Cynopithecus maurus) _ Barbary ape (Simia sylvanus) ~--_----_ Brown macaque (Macaca speciosa) —--- Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) -- Pig-tailed monkey (Macaca nemes- RL ee es ee Burmese macaque (Macaca andama- MONEIA) S525 .— NS ee es eee Rhesus monkey (Macaca rhesus) ~-_--- Bonnet monkey (Macaca sinica) ~----_- Crab-eating macaque (Macaca irus)-—-- Javan macaque (Macaca mordag) __--- Black mangabey (Cercocebus aterri- Hagenbeck’s mangabey (Cercocebus hagenbechi) 222) 2342534: Se2eeees White-collared mangabey (Cercocebus fOr ggoarus), 23 2 SES SS eee Green guenon (Lasiopyga callitrichus) — Vervet guenon (Lasiopyga pygery- tRTO)) a ee ee ee Mona (Lasiopyga mona) -_--_-------- Roloway guenon (Lasiopyga roloway) — Patas monkey (Hrythrocebus patas)—_ Chimpanzee (Pan satyrus)—_--------- Orang-utan (Pongo pygmeus) —~-----~-- ARTIODACTYLA. Wild boar,,(Susserofa) ==2+-ss2L2s225 Wart-hog (Phacocherus ethiopicus) —~ Collared peceary (Pecari angulatus) —__ Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus am phibius) eS cs ee en See Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) — Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) — Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)_-_-------- Liama (Lame glama) —_----~-~-=-+=== Alpaca (Lama pacos)_o2--22-L- 2s =e Fallow deer (Dama dama)__--------- Axis deer (Ais amis) 2 i224 4 senses Hog deer (Hyelaphus porcinus)—--__-- Sambar (Rusa unicolor) __-__-__------- Barasingha (Rucervus duvaucelii) ~~ Burmese deer (Rucervus eldti) _------ Japanese deer (Sika nippon) ___------~ Red deer (Cervus elaphus)—--------- ee OR - mee OR ere Re PbO aa MOR ONmAwWANR Owe tw oe REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, ANIMALS IN THE COLLECTION JUNE 30, 1922—Continued. MAMMALS—continued. ARTIODACTYLA—continued. Kashmir deer (Cervus hanglu)______- Bedford deer (Cervus ranthopygus) —_~ American elk (Cervus canadensis) __-~ Virginia deer (Odocoileus virginianus) — Panama deer (Odocoileus chiriquensis) — Mule deer (Odocoileus hemiontus) —-___ Black-tailed deer (Odocoileus colum- bianus) Blesbok (Damaliscus albifrons)—_--~- White-tailed gnu (Connochetes gnouw) — Brindled gnu (Connochetes taurinus) — Lechwe (Onotragus leche) —~.--_---~-~ Sable antelope (Hgocerus niger) —----- Indian antelope (Antilope cervicapra) — Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus) __-- East African eland (Taurotragus ory@ livingstonii) Cape bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvati- cus) Tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus) —~-_--~- Mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) — Aoudad (Ammotragus lervia)_------- RATITA. South African ostrich (Struthio aus- tralis) Somaliland ostrich (Struthio molybdo- DILGER), BXeee ees ee oe ee aes oe Nubian ostrich (Struthio camelus)—_~- Rhea (Rhea americana) —--_---------- Sclater’s cassowary (Casuarius phi- Hgt), =... teemane noe go 8s ow won UE) CICONIIFORMES. American white pelican (Pelecanus erythroriynchos)—— 22> 25" === S-= Evropean white pelican (Pelecanus Gnooroteigs) = SSeS eS Roseate pelican (Pelecanus roseus) __- Australian pelican (Pelecanus con- BILE) ase pee Brown pelican (Pelecanus occiden- TONAB)) So Sm ee ee Florida cormorant (Phalacrocorag auritus floridanus) —.2--_---__ Great white heron (Ardea occiden- Goliath heron (Ardea goliath) --_-_--- American egret (Casmerodius egretta) _ Snowy egret (Hgretta candidissima) -- Black-crowned night heron (Nycticorag nycticoram, nevius) 222-2 -s-=55 Boatbill (Oochlearius cochlearius) __~- White stork (Ciconia ciconia)__----_~ Black stork (Oiconia nigra)___------ Indian jabiru (Xenorhynchus astatti- ARTIODACTYLA—continued. Rocky Mountain sheep (Ovis canaden- 828) Lo ers. Se ay ee Rae Arizona mountain sheep (Ovis cana- densis' gatilardt)\ 2226 4— 3e4 4 aw ee eae Barbados sheep (Ovis aries) ~_______ Zebu’ (Bos indicus )j24ea2 ssc ee ees Yak (Poéphagus grunniens)_~--_-_--_ American bison (Bison bison)____-~~ Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)___-~- PERISSODACTYIA. Nr OOD tb ~ Malay tapir (Tapirus indicus) ____-~-_ Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) _- Grant’s zebra (Hquus quagga granti)— Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi) ------~-~ Zebra-horse hybrid (Hquus grevyi-ca- ballus) Zebra-ass hybrid nus) (Hquus grevyi-ast- PROBOSCIDEA, 1 | Abyssinian elephant (Lozodonta afri- 4 cana oxyotis) 3 | Sumatran elephant (EHlephas sumatra- 2 nus ) NC re ar rear ae ivy) BIRDS. CICONIIFORMES—continued. ibis (Oarphibis spini- Straw-necked 6 collis) Sacred ibis (Threskiornis ethiopicus) — Australian ibis (Threskiornis stricti- pennis ) White ibis (Guara alt@)—— 2222 2222 Scarlet ibis (Guara rubra)—-—~_---1---_ 1 | Roseate spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja)_----~- European flamingo (Phenicopterus WO REL tees Sr ae ee ee ng eee ANSBDRIFORMES. 7 | Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)—~-—--~ Black duck (Anas rubripes) —-__--_-_- © | Australian black duck (Anas super- 2 ciliosa) Gadwall (Chaulelasmus streperus) —-- 2 | European widgeon (Mareca penelope) - Baldpate (Mareca americana) —-__---- Green-winged teal (Nettion carolin- ense) 5 | European teal (Nettion crecca)—--~-_~ Baikal teal (Nettion formosum) -_-___ Blue-winged teal (Querquedula dis- cors ) Garganey (Querquedula querquedula) _ Cinnamon teal (Querquedula cyanop- tera) Shoveller (Spatula clypeata)-----_-_ Pintaill (Dajfila,acuta)— <2... Wood duck (Aiw sponsa) --_-_~------ Mandarin duck (Dendronessa galeri- Nan 10 worth ww Kw hw = Q ] =| 4 ~ n img S ic} * & $ ~ a ~ a : 3 97 98 ‘ ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ANIMALS IN THE COLLECTION JUNE 30, 1922-—Continued. BIRDsS—continued. ANSERIFORMES—continued. European pochard (Marila ferina) —-_ Redhead (Marila americana) _--~----~- Ring-necked duck (Marila collaris) —~~ Tufted duck (Marila fuligula)_-------- Lesser scaup duck (Marila affinis) ___- Greater secaup duck (Marila marila) —- White-eyed duck (Marila nyroca) ---~- Rosy-billed pochard (Metopiana pepo- seca) Oe eee eee oe Cus) 2 2 ea ee eee ee (Chloéphaga leucop- tera) 46) eS Oe ee RC a ee Snow goose (Chen hyperboreus) _--___~ Greater snow goose (Chen hyperboreus Cot it | es ie oe a Blue goose (Chen ce@rulescens) _------ White-fronted goose (Anser albifrons) — American white-fronted goose (Anser albtfrons gambelt)_.-_----_--_--_- Bean goose (Anser fabalis) _-__------ Bar-headed goose (Hulabeia indica) —_- Canada goose (Branta canadensis) —_- Hutchins’s goose (Branta canadensis entohtnsti)\S2kf oS tt eee eet Cackling goose (Branta canadensis MINN) oe See ee eee ee Brant (Branta bernicla glaucogastra) — Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) —--- Spur-winged goose (Plectropterus gam- Denne), 24 220 ted ee es Pied goose (Anseranas semipalmata) _- Black-bellied tree duck (Dendrocygna CUTUMNGHS) a eee eae Eyton’s tree duck (Dendrocygna ey- On) 2 eo ee ees Se oe ee pigenta) eee eee Mute swan (Cygnus gibbus)_.------- Whistling swan (Olor columbianus) __- Black swan (Chenopis atrata) -------- FALCONIFORMBES. South American condor (Vultur gry- DLL 1 | je pat ah OS te ae aa pea hs a ae le California condor (Gymnogyps cali- FRE ah Lf ype a ate hp a a A ag Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) ----- Black vulture (Coragyps urubu)—----- King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) _-- Secretary bird (Sagittarius serpen- BOTS) se eo ee eee ee Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)_------ African black vulture (Torgos trache- HSCS) Sno eee ee eee Cinereous vulture (Aegypius mona- Ons) See a oe eee Caracara (Polyborus cheriway)-—----- Wedge-tailed eagle (Uroaétus audar)_ Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaétos) ~~~ White-bellied sea eagle (Ouncuma leu- CODESTEr) Sane ee ee eee —_ Se ORR Oe fe ~ nwt 1 alt i ) = Nrww rALCONIFORMES—continued, Bald eagle (Haliwetus leucocephalus)_ Alaskan bald eagle (Haliewetus leuco- cephalus alascanus) —....~-.-----= Broad-winged hawk (Buteo platypte- TO a sc ss a Sep ee Red-tailed hawk (Buteo borealis) ---_ Sparrow hawk (Falco sparverius) ~~ GALLIFORMBES. Razor-billed curassow (Mitu mitu)--_ Penelope (Penelope boliviana)_------ Guan (Ortalis albiventris) _-___-----~- Chachalaca (Ortalis vetula)--------- Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) —----.-~----- Peacock pheasant (Polyplectron bical- COP OUPUMD ea ee ht a ede Silver pheasant (Genneus nyctheme- A) eee ee ee U0tUS cso ato 5 treet S Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)__---- Gambel’s quail (Lophortyx gambelit) -_ Valley quail (Lophortyx californica anicola), Lees) eee eee Sealed quail (Callipepla squamata) —-~ GRUIFORMES. East Indian gallinule (Porphyrio WLCUS) Soe ee eo eee American coot (Fulica americana) ___- South Island weka rail (Ocydromus qustratig)it 228 2eu 2 hs Sees Short-winged weka (Ocydromus brac- hypteras) es. Ss eee Lee eS Earl's weka (Ocydromus earli) ------- Whooping crane (Grus americana) ---- Sandhill crane (Grus mewicana) ------ Little brown crane (Grus canadensis) _ White-necked crane (Grus lewcauchen) — Indian white crane (G@rus leucogera- MAES Yee ee ea ee re Lilford’s crane (@rus lilfordi) __-_----- Sarus crane (Grus collaris) __-_-_------ Australian crane (Grus rubicunda) ___ Demoiselle crane (Anthropoides virgo) — Crowned crane (Balearica pavonina) —- White-backed trumpeter (Psophia leu- COULON Ue eee Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) --------- CHARADRIIFORMES. Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)—-----~-- Yellow-wattled lapwing (Lobivanellus indicus) 222 See: eee. eee AS Pacifie gull (Gabianus pacificus)----- Great black-backed gull (Larus ma- ritGe Veter ss woth Seela eee Herring gull (Larus argentatus)—_-- Laughing gull (Larus atricilla) ------- Australian crested pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes) =. eee eee Bronze-wing pigeon (Phaps chalcop- tera) sce eee cece ae 13 OA es) BHaAanHHN BRN Ne weet) REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, ANIMALS IN THE COLLECTION JUNE 30, 1922—Continued. BIRDS—continued. CHARADRIIFORMES—continued. Wonga-wonga pigeon (Leucosarcia pi- cata) Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) _--- Mourning dove (Zenaidura macroura) — Necklaced dove (Spilopelia tigrina) _—~ Zebra dove (Geopelia striata) _--_----- Bar-shouldered dove (Geopelia humer- (iB) eae ee aes ee ee ek Inea dove (Scardafella inca) —~-----~~-- Cuban ground dove (Chemepelia pas- serina afiavidd)=Uh- -2-2bes Green-winged dove (Chalcophaps in- iG) es edad hse So eet New Guinea green dove (Chalcophaps Chrysechlora) —oceseet >: eek ae Ringed turtle-dove (Streptopelia risoria) PSITTACIFORMES. Kea (Nestor notabdilis)~-_----_-_---- Cockateel (Calopsitta novehollandie) — Roseate cockatoo (Kakatoe roseica- ming). Seen Se eee Ee Bare-eyed cockatoo (Kakatoe gym- MODIS) (Eee Se SSS l Heseese Leadbeater’s cockatoo (Kakatoe lead- beatert) tweet) eer ha tees White cockatoo (Kakatoe alba)----_~- Sulphur-crested cockatoo (Kakatoe gaterntta) 2 en temn _2Gn8_ oOoelyt Great red-crested cockatoo (Kakatoe moluccensts) EL Beal wots Cassin’s macaw (Ara auricollis)____ Mexican green macaw (Ara _ meai- Cand) Seiens Se oe ee he a as Blue-and-yellow macaw (Ara ara POUL) ST re WTO eo a a ke Hahn’s macaw (Diopsittaca hahni)___ White-eyed paroquet (Aratinga leuco- PITUDTECR ILLES ete nn ee eee ee Pee Golden-crowned paroquet (Hupsittula ATT AT) eae pee oS a a Fe Weddell’s paroquet (Hupsittula wed- RLV eat eet EEE hee, NS CRI) a CG | EN ee ee ee, Ee ee es ee Tui paroquet (Brotogeris stthome)___ Golden paroquet (Brotogeris chryso- ENG FT) Ve fon i Ra ep aed we Boal Tovi paroquet (Brotogeris jugularis) __ Orange-winged paroquet (Brotogeris DOTE Lr eee ee es Se ae Yellow-naped parrot (Amazona auro- THING LITT AT ol pp See le aa taal pet ual alot Reha eed) Se Yellow-cheeked parrot (Amazona au- DULTUTEIELAS Oe a ee Mealy parrot (Amazona farinosa)____ Orange-winged parrot (Amazona ama- zonica) ee ne et 11 LT BH PSITTTACIFORMDS—continued. Blue-fronted parrot (Amazona e@stiva) — Red-crowned parrot (Amazona viridi- Genalis)... See noe eee ee Double yellow-head parrot (Amazona ordtrip) L222) bie. aren ne Tees Yellow-headed parrot (Amazona ochro- COURT) te ee re eee Festive parrot (Amazona festiva)____ Santo Domingo parrot (Amazona ven- PRTG a ee ea ee ee ee ep Cuban parrot (Amazona leucocephala) — Maximilian’s parrot (Pionus mazai- MGI) a eB Blue-headed parrot (Pionus men- SER ie el a Amazonian caique (Pionites mantho- MNCTIC) £ a2 een) aaa Sete Short-tailed parrot (Graydidascalus Orackhyurus): eo Lesser vasa parrot (Coracopsis nigra) — Greater vasa parrot (Coracopsis VOCE) masse eee Pennant’s paroquet (Platycercus ele- OGNS) = Se Ae ed ee eee Rosella paroquet (Platycercus ea- EL AIH hfe taptalh l ed fF ane ha nal es AN r[ ! 48 1 99 pe iy nto evr ae BE Tea ees ee gus) Qualys) - 2-62. Se 1) ae oe, eee ee een Ce eee ee ee Ey Grass paroquet (Melopsittacus wun- GUTCtUS)\ 2. ate se tee Be ll! CORACIIFORMBS. Giant kingfisher (Dacelo gigas)_______ Yellow-billed hornbill (Lophoceros leu- COTUELIZG Ne 5a) lee ed Barred owl (Striz varia) -.-.--._..__ Snowy owl (Nyctea nyctea) __________ Screech owl (Otus asio)--__-_-________ Choliba screech owl (Otus choliba)___ Great horned owl (Bubo virginianus)_ American barn owl (Tyto perlata pra- tingola) sate seeeR ss laigee ns Ariel toucan (Ramphastos ariel) PASSERIFORMES. Cock of the rock (Rupicola rupicola) _ Silver-eared hill-tit (Mesia argen- QUT AS ey eee a Red-billed hill-tit (Liothrig luteus) _—_ Black-gorgeted laughing-thrush (Gar- rian pectoralis)) ia~ — S222 hth. eee White-eared bulbul (Otocompsa leu- European blackbird (J'urdus merula) __ Piping crow-shrike (Gymnorhina tibi- COMP) bhatt eee he Aty of reyes oy hen TOGEUB) oe rt 99 a = OR Wr BS -_ = = oe 100 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ANIMALS IN THE COLLECTION JUNE 30, 1922—Continued. BIRDS—continued. PASSERIFORMES—continued. tls ki As ci sob tifi “laste i Diamond finch (Steganopleura gut- ackdaw (Corvus monedula)—--------- tata) et cviws olin sobre. b Yucatan jay (Cissilopha yucatanica)-- 1 | Zebra finch (Teniopygia castanotis) — Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) -----_- 3 | Cut-throat finch (Amadina fasciata) __- Green jay (Xanthoura luauosa) ------ 1 | Vera Cruz red-wing (Agelaius phent- Australian gray jumper (Struthidea ceus richmondi) CINEV EG) ae So es ies Dy ee are CARRE ince 8. age oe ae r - Purple grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) —- Starling (RMENEY PERIETE) 5 sae 2 ? Yellow-backed cacique (Cacicus cela) — Crimson tanager (Ramphocelus dimi- PTO NDT A cides See oe a 1 Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)——-- ~~ Blue tanager (Thraupis cana)------- 2 Greenfinch (Chloris chloris) ---_ 2 2s Pin-tailed whydah (Vidua principalis) — 1 Yellowhammer (Hmberiza citrinella) -- Paradise whydah (Steganura para- European goldfinch (Carduelis car-_ Gineelt.= See er. Use Pee 3 ducks) =>2 = Shaft-tailed whydah (Tetrenura regia)_ 2 | Bramblefinch (Fringilla montifrin- Napolean weaver (Pyromelana afra) —- a Gilera Di nae SUE te See eeees Red-billed weaver (Quelea quelea) —--~ 1 | European siskin (Spinus spinus)—---- Madagascar weaver (Foudia madagas- Mexican goldfinch (Astragalinus psal- cariensia).—~ 22 ee ee eee 3 tria,. mealoanus) = ane sce Fire finch (Lagonosticta senegala)-__-- 2 | House finch (Oarpodacus mewicanus Strawberry finch (Amandava aman- frontaiia)wiiedkennce atin ents) teeta dawva) ~---~~--------~-----~------- 6 | purple finch (Oarpodacus purpureus) - Cordon bleu (2Hstrilda phenicotis) ~--- af Canary (Serinus canarius)—--------—- Nutmeg finch (Munia punctulata) ---~ 6 Green singing finch (Serinus icterus) — White-headed nun (Munia maja) -——~- é Slate-colored junco (Junco hyemalis) Black-headed nun (Munia atricapilla) — 2 raictaeial (Spizell ticola) iy Java finch (Munia oryzivora) -~-_-~--- 4 Whit ety 4 ceiibdags siggy its si Jinlites White Java finch (Munda oryzivora)._ 3 e-throated sparrow (Zonotric ia Fawn-and-white bengalee (Uroloncha albicollis) -----~----~------------- PT 1 A allel dn lid eli SA 3 | Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) -__ Brown-and-white bengalee (Uroloncha San Diego song sparrow (Melospiza griseomaculata) _.___-_--_--------- a melodia coopert) ----------------~- Masked grassfinch (Poéphila perso- Fox sparrow (Passerella iliaca) -_--~~ Nata Se RAO S) . Supe ey or 9 | California towhee (Pipilo crissalis) __ Black-faced Gouldian finch (Poéphila Saffron finch (Sicalis flaveola)_- ..-- GOMUUG MODAL O05) 38). A I & | Seed-eater (Sporophila gutturalis) -_- Red-faced Gouldian finch (Poéphila Nonpareil (Passerina ciris) ___-----_-~ mirabilis) sess rseio ee 8 ' Blue grosbeak (@uiraca cerulea) -_--- REPTILES. Spectacled cayman (Caiman sclerops) - 1 | Wood turtle (Olemmys insculpta) -____ Alligator (Alligator mississiptensis)_.__ 41 | Amazon terrapin (Podocnemis ea- Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum)- 6 DANSE) 22 ee eee ee Sao Giant zonure (Zonurus giganteus)_._-_ 6 | South American mud turtle (Kinas- Rock python (Python molurus) -_--~- 2 ternon scorpioides) ___--_-__-_-_-_ Regal python (Python reticulatus) -_- 1 South American terrapin (Nicoria Anaconda (Hunectes murinus)—_----- 2 HUNG iiarin) see a A oo an es et cag (Oonstrictor con- J Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta)_-_--~ SUINCEOL ae Cooter (Pseudemys scripta)-_-----~- Blacksnake (Coluber constrictor) —-——- 2 | Central American cooter (Pseudemys Chicken snake (Hlaphe quadrivittata) —- 1 Ornelay~ cee acco so res A war 2 a: (Drymarchon corais 1 Box-tortoise (Terrapene carolina) __-- Garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)__ 2 eset wal as ortoise* (Gophores Roly, Moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorus)_-_ 3 - Rotse’ ( GOGhEMEN acesetaahe.. Copperhead (Agkistrodon mokasen) __ 1 esert tortoise (Gopherus pipette Western diamond rattler (Crotalus Duncan Island tortoise (Testudo ephip- airoe) sage. lweind | eyes) 1 pium) ---~-~-------------------~- Banded rattlesnake (Orotalus horri- Indefatigable Island tortoise (Testudo dus) (sbesus aeieus ) Dolodioald soogy 1 portert) == =2=<2--===SSs252—--———— Ground rattler (Sistrurus méliarius)—— j Albemarle Island tortoise (Testudo Snapping turtle (Ohelydra serpentina)_ 6 vicina) -~------------------------ Rossignon’s snapping turtle (Chelydra South American tortoise (Testudo den- rossignoit), << aa ee B | Houlaia ese es eee PASSERIFORMES—continued. me AND eS oo REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 101 STATEMENT OF THE COLLECTION. Accessions during the year. Mam- Birds. | Reptiles.| Total. mals. PRESCNURGEE MS ce oe aardce oe accCksa sas ceases aeteteccmmere tienes 46 131 40 217 Born and hatched in National Zoological Park................. 58 64 28 150 Received in 6xchanroc.s.. in veh.Useew sate ces seve's come ds eset <8 19 166 8 193 SEED OLSEN they oe lare ict tctns hse eign oes Seis dae Wa chine 8 cmb ss vebl= ince 5 30 le ea ceuae a 44 Transferred from other Government departments. ............. 10 14 18 42 PORPUULBOE - sek LEER dud atte wctctredlne do ee ehh contac ode se skeet Wi sSsike ss EER EAE 1 PPEDORILOU ous Coes Sense aks shin, Sain SSC UE A cae oaeee ees 3 5 1 9 PENG REE tree E PebO Rie tots nk erat eee EFA Og SSSR OU ae 142 419 95 656 SUMMARY. Zana Ss On hand sa mye h fLODT eo Wel wor, cet ld eles weeny vee os oe op ieee 8 bes Le 1, 545 MEGA niOnscOimNnem ihe Weal si eee a Rete er et 656 otal amimalstiran dl ede. 2 avoir ee ray et ee ete TE ONY POT ee ae 2, 201 Deduct loss (by exchange, death, and return of animals on deposit)__._. 520 Ana SOM DANG eUne sO, Lona! oe Aaee et AF Ik TT CUT edi theliy 1, 681 * Indi- Class. Species. | viduals. Mamimals: sees) saben s deh sehen es Sea estan erie Jee wus. soe 187 490 ST ere acme aah Pei eee me ee cca a ke eS We 262 1, 069 PEON eee, ncle man oe ecis sccm soe cc Senses ccanenduascietente sees oSeemece as 33 122 Total June 30, 1922...... Se i a SR eo td 482 1,681 The collection is now larger than ever before. The number of species on exhibition on June 30 is 4 more, and the total number of animals is 130 more than in any previous year. VISITORS. The total number of visitors to the park, for the fiscal year, as determined by count and estimate, was 2,164,254. This is the third year that the attendance has exceeded 2,000,000. The greatest at- tendance in any one month was 394,703 in April, 1922, an average per day of 13,156. The attendance by months was as follows: 1921, 1922. DU Vp engepierne a ede _ nb. TapS Tess! ns 167,650 Iw hanuersy eo ewe lt 51, 676 FAUT ESTES) oe SUE TS Ok Ie, at Oe SON Tie UO Ce I ae Lg ee ek 77, 541 SEL TTS na) Of Sy ae ee Te TO COOm eMC see es eS 181, 039 CLOVER Sse ee Arey UL Ue fight a ag oh tata 394, 703 Noverber se oe! stoke vl el OD OaOY t May he FEISLAL IRN otk TENE 278, 550 December litech se) ett FONSTOH | TUNE. _ Apis yO fh. Yd ae 180, 000 Schools, classes, and other organizations visiting the park during the year numbered 205, with a total of 13,585 individuals. 553879—24—8 102 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. IMPROVEMENTS. The work of grading in the west central part of the park, com- menced six years ago but discontinued during the war, was again taken up and the major part of the leveling and filling, as originally planned, was completed during the year. A large area of ground is now available for comparatively level paddocks for the exhibition of hoofed animals, and the way is opened up for decided improve- ments in the main roadway traversing the park. Many trees re- moved during this work were cut into logs and, during the winter, sawed into lumber of suitable grades for regular use. The entire western wall of the antelope house, involving the cages and yards, long in a bad state of repair, was entirely rebuilt. The lower part was extended out, with concrete walls and new roof. The platform and approach to the eastern entrance were also re- modeled. The building has been greatly improved in appearance and the animals have been given much more satisfactory quarters. The older bear dens near the Harvard Street entrance were thor- oughly repaired, provided with new concrete floor, tank, and gutter, and the ironwork painted. Three large outdoor cages for hawks, owls, and Australian grass paroquets were constructed; the Henderson outdoor parrot cage was covered with new wire and painted; the inside quarters for hippo- potamuses and tapirs repaired and enlarged; a concrete storehouse for paints and oils was built near the machine shop; the tennis courts were improved; repairs were made to the heating service in the monkey and lion houses; an electric pump and motor was in- stalled at the pelican pond so that water from the creek can be used; and the gap in the boundary fence along the southern border of the park was closed by a new wire fence. At the close of the year considerable progress had been made in a complete rebuilding of the old wolf yards and fox dens below the sea-lion pool. ALTERATIONS OF BOUNDARIES. There is available for the purchase of a narrow strip of land near the Adams Mill Road entrance, between the present park boundary and Adams Mill Road, $4,903.66. On March 24, 1921, the atten- tion of the Secretary of the Treasury was called to the provisions of the sundry civil act relating to the purchase of this land. The matter was referred to the United States attorney’s office, and, the owners having declined to sell within the limits set by the act for purchase by agreement, steps were taken toward the institution of proceedings of condemnation. During the past year no further progress has been reported, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 103 IMPORTANT NEEDS. Restaurant.—A_ suitable restaurant building remains the most urgent need of the park. As pointed out in previous reports the old refreshment stand, originally constructed when the attendance was very small, is in a bad condition and is wholly inadequate to serve the needs of the public. Following the acquisition by the park of a large quantity of valuable chestnut and oak timbers and lumber, as mentioned in the report for last year, and in consideration of the fact that much of the work of construction can now be done by regular park employees, the estimated necessary appropriation for such a structure as is needed has been reduced to $20,000. The old refreshment stand at the Connecticut Avenue entrance, on land re- cently transferred to the Government as an addition to the park, should also be replaced by a new and more sightly booth. The in- creased income from rental of these two concessions will well repay for the construction of buildings adequate for the service of the constantly increasing number of visitors. Bird house.—Estimates for a new bird house were submitted for several years prior to the war, but were never favorably acted upon by Congress. The need for a new building for the exhibition of birds is now greater than ever before. The old building was constructed of the cheapest materials many years ago, as a tempo- rary relief, and it is now in a very bad state of repair. It also provides far too little space for the collection and far too little room for visitors; on days of large attendance the public aisles are greatly overcrowded. The collection of birds is one of great importance, containing as it does numerous rare, interesting, and beautiful species; and new arrangements for its care and exhibition to the public should not much longer be delayed. Respectfully submitted. N. Hotiisrer, Superintendent. Dr. Cuarues D. Watcort, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 7. REPORT ON THE ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY. Srmr: The Astrophysical Observatory was conducted under the fol- lowing passage of the sundry civil act, approved March 4, 1921: Astrophysical Observatory: For maintenance of the Astrophysical Observa- tory, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, including assistants, purchase of necessary books and periodicals, apparatus, making necessary observations in high altitudes, repairs and alterations of buildings, and mis- cellaneous expenses, $15,500. The observatory occupies a number of frame structures within an inclosure of about 16,000 square feet south of the Smithsonian ad- ministration building at Washington, and also a cement observing station and frame cottage for observers on a plot of 10,000 square feet leased from the Carnegie Solar Observatory on Mount Wilson, Calif. A new solar observing station on Mount Harqua Hala, Ariz., was erected in July, 1920, at the expense of funds donated for the pur- pose by Mr. John A. Roebling, of Bernardsville, N. J., and this station has been occupied as a solar radiation observing station by the Astrophysical Observatory since October, 1920. The present value of the buildings and equipment for the Astro- physical Observatory, owned by the Government, is estimated at $50,000. This estimate contemplates the cost required to replace the outfit for the purposes of the investigation. WORK OF THE YEAR. At Washington.—The director, with Mr. Fowle and Mrs. Bond, was engaged much of the year on the preparation and proof reading of Volume IV of the Annals of the Observatory. This quarto volume of 390 pages, including 60 illustrations and 118 pages of numerical tables, covers the work of the years 1912 to 1920, and was published in June, 1922. New apparatus and methods of ob- serving are described and illustrated, and a large mass of solar observations is presented and discussed. Evidence is given of many kinds which indicates the solar variability. Reference is made to applications of the results which have been made by several me- teorologists. . In preparation for work proposed for the expedition to Mount Wilson in the summer of 1922, Mr. Aldrich, in consultation with 104 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 105 the director, prepared the sensitive parts of a galvanometer and a vacuum bolometer of usual types for solar work, and also of a vacuum galvanometer and vacuum bolometer of very unusual design suited to observing the energy distribution in the spectra of the stars. These extremely delicate and sensitive instruments required extraordinary skill and patience for their construction and testing. Acknowledgments are due the Director of the Bureau of Standards, the Director of the Nela Research Laboratory, and also Dr. Elihu Thomson, of Lynn, for aiding these preparations. The instrument making for these new pieces and others required in the expedition to Mount Wilson, including a special spectrometer, plate carrier, and other apparatus, was done by the instrument maker, Mr. A. Kramer. A great many of the “ solar constant ” observations made at Mount Harqua Hala, Ariz., were reduced by Mr. Fowle and Mrs. Bond in consultation with the director. Despite our long experience in solar-radiation work, new problems and difficulties still crop up. The publication of the Mount Harqua Hala results has hitherto been withheld so that a comprehensive discussion of them might be made to reveal and correct any systematic errors. Expedition to Chile—lt became necessary for the director to un- dertake a visit to Chile to inspect the observing station at Monte- zuma maintained by the Hodgkins fund for the study of the solar variations, in cooperation with the stations in California and Ari- zona. Leaving Washington near the end of October, 1921, he spent the month, November 15 to December 15, at the station and returned to Washington early in January, 1922. During the month at Mon- tezuma he revised all the adjustments of apparatus and some of the methods employed there, besides assisting in the daily observations and reductions on 26 days. Silver disk pyrheliometer S. I. No. 5, loaned by the Department of Agriculture for the purpose, was com- pared with instruments at Montezuma, and before and afterwards with instruments at Washington. No change in the scale of pyr- heliometry was disclosed by these comparisons. Expedition to Mount Wilson.—In June an axibilieieny including the director and Mr. L. B. Aldrich, went out to Mount Wilson. Four objects were in view. First, to inspect the station at Mount Harqua Hala and compare pyrheliometers there with silver disk pyrheliometer S. I. No. 5, above mentioned, so as to connect the fundamental scales of pyrheliometry in Arizona and Chile. Second, to repeat with all possible precautions and variations of method the determination of the form of the solar spectrum energy curve out- side the atmosphere. Third, to undertake preliminary measurements of the distribution of energy in the spectra of the brighter stars, 106 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, Fourth, to try further experiments with the collection and storage of solar heat for cooking purposes. The station on Mount Harqua Hala was visited by the director and found in a highly improved condition owing to the zeal of Mr. Moore, in charge there. The laboratory has been sheathed outside with metal to protect the adobe walls from rain, and painted and embellished within, lightning rods have been installed, a small shop built, wireless telephonic apparatus erected, a garage built at the foot of the mountain trail, and regular weekly mail and supply trips arranged. Solar-constant observations have been made on upward of 70 per cent of the days of the year, and much computing and testing attended to. Comparisons made during and after the director’s visit show no change in the scale of pyrheliometry, so that as far as this is concerned the results at Harqua Hala are com- parable with those at Montezuma. But from lack of sensitiveness of the galvanometer the energy curves show less detail at Harqua Hala, and this it was decided must be corrected as early as possible to put the two stations on parallel footings. In conversation with Mr. Moore, the director devised a new im- provement of the “short method” which, it was agreed, would pro- mote accuracy while greatly abridging computation. This will be introduced at both stations as soon as the new determination of the form of the solar energy curve outside the atmosphere is worked out. At Mount Wilson, the time before the end of the fiscal year, June 30, only sufficed for a partial installation of new “solar constant” apparatus replacing that which in 1920 was removed to Harqua Hala. But it may be said by anticipation that later results were secured on the distribution of energy in the spectra of 11 of the brighter stars by bolometric work in connection with the 100-inch telescope, and also that the solar energy curve was traced bolo- metrically with both glass and rock-salt prisms. With the latter, experiments were made at wave lengths from far down in the ultra- violet to an infra-red wave length of 14 microns, with allowance for stray light and for atmospheric and instrumental transmission. Unfortunately the cover of the oil reservoir of the solar cooking apparatus had been blown off in a very high wind, and snow hav- ing gotten in, much water had leaked into the oil reservoir. After a long time of fruitlessly attempting to boil out this water, the oil and water were at length removed, but not in time to undertake the proposed new experiments before the return of the expedition to Washington in September. OPINIONS OF THE SOLAR RADIATION WORK. As the Institution is making great efforts to continue and to im- prove its solar-radiation measurements, the director felt concerned to invite the opinions of competent critics, in order to know if these REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, 107 labors seemed quite justified by their probable outcome. Accord- ingly, in a report to the American representatives of the Interna- tional Astronomical Union he wrote as follows: It is the intention of the Smithsonian Institution to continue daily observa- tions at Mount Harqua Hala and Montezuma certainly until July, 1923, at which time it is proposed to consider the state of the work and the results reached with a view to deciding whether it is worth while to continue daily observations of the variability of the sun indefinitely or whether the useful- ness of that work is unequal to the trouble and expense involved. An expression of opinion on the part of those interested in the subject would be of great value to the Smithsonian Institution in making this decision. In their meeting at Washington, April 3 and 4, 1922, the assembled American representatives, including meteorologists, physicists, and astronomers, passed unanimously, after earnest supporting speeches, the following resolution : Solar radiation—Moved: That it is the sense of the American section of the International Astronomical Union that the continuation of the solar- radiation work under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution in at least two stations is highly desirable, both from an astronomical and a meteorological point of view. Adopted. Later, in the Congress at Rome, May 2, 1922, the international representatives indorsed this opinion with equal unanimity and earnestness, passing the following resolution: The section of meteorology of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union records its appreciation of the excellent work done by the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington in determining with a high degree of accuracy the intensity of solar radiation outside the earth’s atmosphere. It is of the opinion that the daily values now being obtained at Mount Montezuma, Chile, and Mount Harqua Hala, Ariz., will prove of great value in te solution of certain meteorological problems. It therefore expresses the hope that these determinations may be continued for a consider- able period of years. PROPOSED SOLAR RADIATION STATIONS, In view of these impartial expert opinions, it is a pleasure to add that Mr. John A. Roebling has made it possible to assure the con- tinuation of the solar-constant stations at Harqua Hala and Monte- zuma until July, 1925. By that time sufficient data will doubtless be secured to prove whether they ought to be continued longer. A movement is being made in Australia, led by Rev. E. F. Pigot, of Riverview College, to provide a solar-constant observing station similar to those maintained by the Smithsonian Institution. Funds have been raised there, and a portion of the apparatus has been purchased from the Institution. Also the Meteorological Service of Argentina is proposing to equip its station at La Quiaca for similar observations, in order the more directly to support the regu- 108 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. lar weekly long-range forecasts which it bases on solar radiation results. In order to aid these enterprises, the director has designed a full set of solar-constant apparatus, and it is expected that within the next fiscal year two sets will be prepared by contract for the Australian and Argentine stations. PERSONNEL. Mr. A. F. Moore, field director at Mount Harqua Hala, was added to the staff of the Astrophysical Observatory on July 1, 1921. SUMMARY. The outstanding event of the fiscal year was the publication in June, 1922, of Volume IV of the Annals of the Astrophysical Observ- itory, covering results from 1912 to 1920. New apparatus and methods are described, a critical survey of the work is given, and long tabular summaries of all solar observations made are included. From these results it is indicated in numerous ways that the sun’s output of radiation varies, that the march of its variations depends on the sun’s rotation, and that it produces effects of several kinds on terrestrial physics and meteorology. Much progress has been made at the new station on Mount Harqua Hala. Solar-constant observations were made there on over 70 per cent of the days, but are withheld from publication until completely discussed for evi- dences as to systematic errors. Expeditions were made to Chile and to Mount Wilson. Respectfully submitted. C. G. Axzor, e Director. Dr. Cuartes D. Watcort, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 8. REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the opera- tions of the United States Bureau of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922. Although the financial conditions of this enterprise were, in com- mon with all other international interests, practically crippled in the beginning of the war, almost all of the regional bureaus have continued to collect and prepare for future publication this index of the world’s scientific literature. The activities of this regional bureau have been continued as usual and the data relating to American scientific literature is regularly being prepared ready to forward to the London Central Bureau whenever it is found pos- sible to resume publication. An international convention is to be held in Brussels beginning July 22, 1922, to determine the future of the catalogue, and the Smithsonian Institution has prepared and will submit to the dele- gates then present the following statement of its position: PROPOSALS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION REGARDING THE INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE, It is the belief of the Smithsonian Institution: 1. That a classified subject and author index to the literature of science is needed. 2. That no better means exists of attaining the end sought than by carrying out the original plan of the International Catalogue based on international cooperation guided by uniform rules and schedules modified to meet changes in the several sciences and, when possible, broadened in scope to include the allied technical branches of these sciences. 8. That every effort should be made to cooperate with all similar enter- prises, including abstracting agencies, existing or projected, not only to prevent duplication of labor but also to better serve the demands of those in need of bibliographic aid. 4, That on account of abnormal conditions still controlling publishing costs and monetary exchange it is probable that actual publication can not be at present resumed unless financial aid is had from some source outside the present organization; however, it is believed: 5. That the international organization should be kept in being through mutual agreement to continue the work of the regional bureaus until such time as it may be economically possible to resume publication. When that 109 110 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. time arrives the stock of complete sets already published should be advertised for sale at a price within the reach of the smaller libraries and institutions, many of whom, although desiring this unique reference work, were prevented from subscribing on account of the high original cost. Were the price reduced even to one-fourth of the original, stock on hand at that figure represents a sufficient sum to meet all outstanding obligations and leave a surplus for working capital. The intention in preparing this statement was to take into con- sideration all existing conditions, and it is believed that if the suggestions are indorsed by the convention, the organization may be kept in being through the continued activities of the various re- gional bureaus and that when international conditions become more stable the central bureau will be able to meet its financial obligations and resume publication. When in 1896, 1898, and 1900, the representatives of practically all the civilized nations and foremost scientific institutions met in London to consider and formulate organic rules making possible cooperation between all nations recording scientific investigations, it was their intention not only to produce a catalogue and index of published records as an aid to investigators and bibliographers, but also to establish international cooperation to aid in developing and making available to all those in any way concerned in scientific matters the world’s output of scientific records. The material for the 17 annual volumes of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature issued for the years 1901 to 1914, inclusive, was col- lected by some 33 regional bureaus and published by the central bureau in London. This unique international cooperative organiza- tion, in the main, still exists and although actual publication has, for financial reasons, been suspended pending a more nearly normal con- dition in international finance and politics, the work of collecting and preparing for publication the records of scientific research is still going on. It would now seem advisable to consider how, until the catalogue can be again published, these records may be made available and to plan for the future improvement and extension of the catalogue service. The principal methods of furnishing information of the published records of scientific investigations are: Card indexes and periodical bibliographies; abstract journals; year books, cumulative cata- logues, and indexes. To prepare any of these, a complete list of journals is needed but unfortunately no such complete current list now exists. One of the first needs of the catalogue organization, when publication is resumed, will be to bring its own list of journals up to date, the last supplement to the original list having been published in 1904, making the total number of journals listed at that time, 5,627. Since REPORT OF THE SECRETARY, UG ig) there is, aside from its use in connection with the catalogue, a decided need and demand for such a lst, this bureau is considering the advisability of undertaking the preparation of a revised list of journals, and of soliciting to that end the cooperation of the existing regional bureaus, who would be requested, through the central bureau, to furnish lists of the periodicals published in their several regions. It is thought that when this material is collected arrangements for publication may be made without cost to the catalogue organiza- tion and even that, through such a published list, some financial benefit to the International Catalogue may be derived, but failing in this the labor involved would be justified on account of the need for the current list by the catalogue organization as soon as publica- tion is resumed. In whatever form bibliographic aid is furnished the method of preparation is the same. In all cases the original publications must be first collected whether they are to be catalogued, indexed, classi- fied, or abstracted, and regular and systematic means must exist to gather all publications, not only periodicals but also single issues. ° The regional bureaus collectively have advantages in this respect never before available to bibliographers and practically all of the - world’s scientific literature is through them available. As the catalogue organization was at the London conference of 1920 di- rected to cooperate with abstracting journals and other similar agencies, it is felt that, although the organization has been disap- pointed in not yet being able to resume publication, it would be justified in extending its aid to other publishing agencies by fur- nishing citations to scientific publications being catalogued by the regional bureaus. In return for such aid the catalogue would be benefited by having available abstracts prepared by experts, thus simplifying the work of classification. A final ideal combined organization would, through international cooperation, produce all bibliographic publications of whatever type, and it is felt that when close cooperation is once established between all agencies having kindred aims it will prove essential for their mutual benefit to merge these enterprises into one organization. This plan should aim to eventually include not only the literature of science but also that of related technical industries whose existence and advance depend on the progress made in pure science. It is realized that to carry out these plans a very extensive organi- zation would be necessary, but when the many great interests in- volved and their evident unfilled needs are taken into consideration it becomes apparent that some definite effort should be made to consolidate the numerous independent agencies to the end that all 112 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. may be benefited. By combined effort much duplication of labor and cost would be saved, and most important of all, bibliographers, students, and industrial agencies would be furnished with prompt and authoritative information regarding the literature of the sub- jects relating to their several interests. Very respectfully yours, Leonarp C, GuNNELL, Assistant in Charge. Dr. Cuartes D. Watcort, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 9. REPORT ON THE LIBRARY. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the activ- ities of the library of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1922. f Possessing more than a million volumes, pamphlets, manuscripts, and charts, acquired chiefly in exchange, the library has continued its steady, ever-increasing growth. There are now, according to the records, 888,128 publications deposited at the Library of Congress and 156,275 belonging to the United States National Museum. Books belonging to other branches of the Institution have been estimated at 35,000. Its volumes are being constantly borrowed and consulted within the buildings. Interlibrary loans to accredited libraries, where distance permits, are being continued, and in a number of instances arrangements have been made for the photostating of pages from rare volumes not permitted to leave the buildings. Each day typewritten lists of original scientific articles appearing in periodicals received for the Smithsonian deposit in the Library of Congress are prepared and sent to heads of scientific bureaus under the Institution for their information and for circulation. These daily bibliographical lists, begun last November at the re- quest of the secretary, Dr. Charles D. Walcott, have been well re- ceived -from the start. Requests from other Government bureaus and research organizations have been made for copies, which it has not been possible to supply. The facilities of the library have been taxed to the utmost since the beginning of the war for information on various technical sub- jects. Especially has this been so in connection with aeronautics. In this one subject alone it is safe to say that the Institution, as one ot the sources, has been the means of saving the United States Government many thousands of dollars which would have had to be paid if the information relating to the prior art had not been analyzed and available. SMITHSONIAN MAIN LIBRARY. As most noteworthy among the accessions of the main library might be mentioned copies of the @dttingische Gelehrie Anzeigen for 1758, 1760, 1808, 1813, and 1814, the gift of the Gesellschaft fir 113 114 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, and the Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society for 1803 to 1810, the gift of that society. Material published in oriental languages, while it is not yet received in large quantities as compared with European publica- tions, is continuing to increase, and it is hoped that in the future the Institution may have in the collections at the Library of Con- gress the most representative collection of this material that can be brought together in this country. The furnishing of English transliterations by the donors, as is done by the Vajiranafia Na- tional Library, Bangkok, is of great assistance. In order that material received for the library may be made available to the public at the earliest possible moment, publica- tions have been transmitted daily, as in years past, to the Smith- sonian deposit in the Library of Congress. The number of publi- cations so transmitted during the year was 8,907, consisting of 7,502 complete volumes, 800 parts of volumes, 376 pamphlets, and 229 charts. The accession numbers extended from 587,230 to 539,988. The number of publications transmitted without being entered or accessioned, including Government documents, was 7,213. Cataloguing.—While the record for volumes catalogued has again been surpassed, it has not been possible during the year to cata- logue the remainder of the large accumulation of theses sent during the war from European universities. Foliowing are the year’s records: Wolanies' ‘catalomtied! 15) Si )sitt.| OF Se Ae ee ee eee 6, 502 Volumessrecataloguedia _socjtecrint it tied ey? _ eter yea ears be cee 55 Charts! cataloguedn. 3204 tel ae gel tel _ tee cele ay lee aes 160 Cards: (typewritten: 4 or 2p eek ee ee ee 4, 243 hibrary.ot Wongress Cards: Bled. 229s. ge ee -< 592 Beep gale Ue Hyk 6 C0 26 a ta A lee Mgr Wi tte at Stas yee BREEN A Cs ATS yen iy 5 1, 614 Exchanges.—The securing of publications in exchange for the completion of sets in the library has been continued, with the fol- lowing results: Wanted. Secured. Volumes.| Parts. | Volumes.| Parts. Library of Congress: Smithsonian CiviSioNs pp esaacien cae ccns acne sn ceeenecesnee 1,620 1,184 520 584 Poriodicahidivision.--<6-- csp ceeseae vecwc unos whdwccetehakens 35 129 ll 28 Order division: |: <5. 54.4 s/apee game de aoa ae ce es Sgt ee BU hss cs oc hee 38 1 United States National Museum... ... 2.2.2... ececcccccccve 81 83 25 40 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 115 OFFICE LIBRARY. The growth and increasing value of the office library is perhaps not fully realized. The total number of its accessions as reached this year now numbers 27,100, of which 394 volumes were added during the year. It consists of the following collections: Aero- nautical, art room, De Peyster, deposited collections, employees’ library, periodicals (back numbers), reading room, reference room. The aeronautical collection, founded by Samuel Pierpont Langley while Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, has been since augmented by gifts from Alexander Graham Bell, James Means, Charles D. Walcott, the Aero Club of America, and other indi- viduals and organizations that have had an important part in the development of aeronautics during its pioneer stage. During the present year some 45 volumes were added from the estate of James Means, by gift of his sons Dr. James H. Means and Philip Ains- worth Means. By the transfer of the employees’ library to the east stacks in the main hall of the Smithsonian building, it has been rendered more readily accessible to employees, and additional space for its ex- pansion has been provided. The collection of back numbers of periodicals has been moved to the west stacks. While the office library is primarily a reference library and books are more often consulted than borrowed, many of the volumes are available for loan purposes, and many employees of the Institution avail themselves of its privileges. The total number of loans for the year was 3,330. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY LIBRARY. Loans from the Astrophysical Observatory Library are made through the office library, and are included in the records of loans from that library. During the year 79 volumes, 26 parts, and 40 pamphlets were added, and 53 volumes sent to the bindery. The library is primarily a reference library for the use of the staff of the Astrophysical Observatory. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY LIBRARY. The report of operations of the library of the Bureau of Ethnology will be found in the report of the chief of that bureau. It is admin- istered directly under his care. UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM LIBRARY. The facilities of the Museum Library have been taxed as never before. The number of books loaned was 10,886, and as many more were consulted without being taken from the library. 116 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Valuable material has been donated as in preceding years by friends and members of the staff of the United States National Museum. Among the donors are Messrs. H. S. Barber, August Busck, Austin H. Clark, W. H. Dall, H. G. Dyar, O. P. Hay, Walter Hough, W. R. Maxon, E. G. Mitchell, C. W. Richmond, J. H. Riley, S, A. Rohwer, W. S. Schaus, B. H. Swales, and Dr. and Mrs. Charles D, Walcott. Especially noteworthy are the gifts of Doctor Walcott to the geological and paleontological collections, and the gifts of Dr. William H. Dall to the section of the division of mollusks, num- bering 233 titles. Many of these collections have been received and they have an inti- mate relation to the library in that the donors were connected with the Museum and brought the collection together during the progress of their researches. The list of donors in the foregoing paragraph will give some idea of the number of collections of this kind that have been added. Special attention should be called to the Iddings and Walcott collections, given during the previous year. These required assorting, arranging, and checking with other publications of the same kind on the shelves, in order to prevent duplication, for which there is not enough room at the present time. SECTIONAL LIBRARIES. In order that the volumes and publications of the Museum Library may be readily accessible to the members of the administrative and scientific staff of the Museum, 35 sectional libraries are main- tained, namely : Administration. Minerals. Administrative assistant’s office. Mineral technology. American archeology. Mollusks. Anthropology. Old-world archeology. Birds. Paleobotany. Botany. Photography. Hditor’s office. Physical anthropology. Fishes. Property clerk’s office. Foods. Registrar’s office. Geology. Reptiles and batrachians. Graphic arts, Superintendent’s office. History. Taxidermy. Invertebrate paleontology. Textiles. Mammals. Marine invertebrates. Medicine. Mechanical technology. Vertebrate paleontology. War library. Wood technology. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY. 117 The following statistics have been submitted by Mr. N. P. Scud- der, in charge of the library: Books in the Museum Library: \C UST e a pst Se Saas assay ed pl a ie ita tener adi lore od A EO 60, 681 IDET 2S eS ee a ee eae Ia aT 95, 594 Motel. 2900UO7 TO 1am ed | geprslow BE pews 156, 275 Increase: Peer eigen) Bee etn St ee ee UO) ee 27 R338. OFS 2, 023 Pompniets i) BTV S1OUO OO) Oi ait vey) weerttal reed) epg 4,185 BELG cell eee ee RR Re a ce ee ee 6, 208 Periodicals: PARES Pentere dats tet Ek is A , LE Se be 18, 827 Section Cardy 22 ces lupe a vy! ty wo em eyes: fi gp pert yee ot 8 2, 714 Binkry ands tor ney penodicals. sl. <1... 2-5. Sac et ks Papel Cataloguing (not including periodicals) : ROG Ley epee res ap te eet ee eae oe 860 | ESCMNG) UE RST ele De pe ae es eee het ane spall CA Beh helt ceed IN Aiba pets Mane ans, 4,178 Cards typewritten) es Se ee ee eee ee 6, 183 PICGERSIOM r CArUS ess osc eerie ee ee eee Pee § TSA Ot eA pe SILLG 5, 214 PITAL OM GA TOG fase 3 cetl ask Noe OS he Me See Et es Ze 3, 655 Books bound, o 2.022 BAO TRA TOY PS A I 398 hous (of which 7,012) went. to the sections) — 22 =. 53 ee 10, 886 Library’ of Congress’ books’ borrowed! Vsti. tho) Sh I 1G) 2a sano 1, 583 Library of Congress books returned_____--_____-_-__-_-_-_----+-+---- 1, 886 Borrowed) from: other librariegsec-is oe ee ts te ee 106 Reiimedett Ohhen Wibraries: t= Sse BE eee 132 The general library of the Museum is located in the Natural History Building. In order that reference facilities may be readily available to divisions of the Museum located in other buildings, the technological library is maintained in the Arts and Industries Build- ing, and the office library in the Smithsonian Building is at the dis- posal of Museum divisions located there. TECHNOLOGICAL LIBRARY. The technological library, located in the old Museum Building, is continuing the reorganization and rearrangement of its material. The number of loans made during the fiscal year ended was 220. Statistics of the scientific depository catalogue are not at present available, owing to repairs and remodeling now in progress in the library’s quarters. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART LIBRARY. Records of the library of the National Gallery of Art are at pres- ent kept in the Natural History Library of the Museum, and period- icals entered upon the records and included in periodical statistics 55379—24—_9 118 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. of that library. Accessions for the fiscal year, exclusive of period- icals, covered 32 volumes and 36 pamphlets. FREER GALLERY OF ART LIBRARY. Additions to the library of the Freer Gallery of Art during the year numbered 14 volumes. The number of volumes now in the library, exclusive of deposited books, is 127. A number of volumes relating to art have been deposited by the Smithsonian Institution in the Freer Building for use in connection with the collections, among them the set of Serindia, by Sir Aurel Stein, comprising five large quarto volumes with plates in color, presented by the Secre- tary of State for India. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK LIBRARY. Since the establishment of a library at the National Zoological Park in 1905, there have been 378 accessions. The number during the fiscal year ended was 15, comprising reports of kindred zoological gardens and parks, and leading zoological works issued during the year. SUMMARY OF ACCESSIONS. The accessions for the year, including parts to complete sets, with the exception of additions to the library of the Bureau of American Ethnology, may be summarized as follows: Other Branch. Volumes.| publica- | Total. tions. Astrophysical Observatory . puch.c. enc MR Eee aren apa NP Sapo AL ge Dee rap PE NIE MOR ete EL, 3 56, 361. 40 International Exchanges, repayments to the institution for specific’ PurDOses == — tad el oe ee ke 5, 510. 74 Total resources for ordinary purposes__._________________ 73, 101. 48 Ordinary expenditures: CORTE MG Pe Lelie OL Any ULC som meer aie eg 7, 124. 46 Furniture and *Axtures-24. 2222 _ 8 oe eae 2h Ne 1, 466. 73 Generalyadministrationei:: 203. ttm ott im bite sigan hs 25, 338. 83 Ty Toes a OEY She st et ee ee ee 2, 893. 23 Publications (comprising preparation, printing, and distribu- | L017 peepee tee tink pot Dene rll Copley ty MPO Cree Ea etal Nye dni pt 14, 325. 63 Jvesearchesvand: explorations 2.5.22 -°0 2. 2 eee 3, 847. 90 Intemational xchanges.i-- Sse 3526 ee ee T, 752. 39 Totalmordinary expend bures = tee eee ee eee 62, 749. 17 Advances and repayments for field expenses and other temporary transactions during the year: PAL VOICES Soe). 2 ee ee eee — 18,886.62 PRONAVIMONLS Loo 2 2 =e Se Le ee ee eee 11, 308. 12 NDE Be 2) of 25 6/2 apne aN ala i ender a e M RRUNS ER HAST 2, 578. 50 The above difference will be adjusted in due course. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR SPECIFIC OBJECTS, Receipts: “yery fund... =... _ Fes? sips Sie st eae eee $1, 863. 50 iNarriman: trust furid=. 12, 400. 00 ROGERS Pum 22s ee 6, 862. 00 Hantiton fund: 2.) ones < 2 2 eae ee ler = A Ee 173. 00 Biiees, fam ty ea ei Bp ee ee 48. 59 Addison Reid. fine. 2. 809. 96 Tucy i. 2nd George We Poore tunde.~22- == ees 1, 947. 95 Gedege H. Sanford: fund! 22-3 ee 81. 36 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTER. 129 Receipts—Continued. DOC MO SECM rc he A RS ec o SeL Ose AO AU $2, 418. 88 SWAeS ONG Saeco ke en ath Je als 400. 00 Careline Henry ciund steer lala wines _ananiriie ofl age mod ee 1, 023. 00 BROTG es eRe YR OD ee I eer gi oe 1, 253. 04 Ries PADNOLL TE SCATCH CS ee eee AY 2, 000. 00 sonn, A. Roebling, solar research. ten wae Pde ny lh oy hed 15, 771. 38 Hirances) Lea Chamberlain fund-.2) 2.2.2. ee ab ht 1, 610. 00 OPEVON SS gd Bye) WOM HED CVO Ue meee ee Ue Oh ee Ro Vad eg A a Re Mp 55. 88 Virginia. Purdy-Baecon: fan d.2 2-222 oe se 2, 137. 00 BL OU eereeenrn enn ee ee eee eee ee Sree ee eae 50, 850. 04 Expenditures: Jonun A: Roebling fund, for solar research -——— = = 8, 127. 86 pwales fund for ‘specimen gel sy Ms) WO Abst Oa he Oda? 20833 346. 73 @Ghamberlain fund, for: specimens£vikLe espace ow Wee 1, 040. 39 Hodekimes Ting, fOr solar TES ar Ch aoe lk ae ae 8, 417. 04 Harriman trust fund, for researches and specimens___________ 11, 088. 84 OECeS LON LN VeSbLe Ut ae 3 ht aes oer REE Soe one 2 eae Oe OR 43. 00 Avery-tund invested h. Slit Sols bh bon vw CVO a i 7 2, 050. 00 AddisoniT.-Reidjfund, investedsystiose poe set janes) coer 819. 00 Lucy T. and George W. Poore fund, invested__________-_____-_- 1, 784. 00 luey 7. and George,W, Poore.fund, taxes_—_.-- |. 281. 21 Georve &. Sanford fund) Invested___-""- = a ee ee 80. 00 lucy Hy Baird*fund invested 1204 C0ltb2 sen) See On mg iiss s 94. 00 EGiCowElenes Lund, ANVeSte = 2-2 2 ee ee 1, 152. 83 BruceHuches tung rexpendedust 2 222 Sei iht a Be ae aie 28. 34 VireinialPurdy) Bacon’ fund), investedc._22-- 22h eee 1, 900. 00 Caroline Fenty fund, invested::2.- « ~ 4 RECENT DISCOVERIES AND THEORIES RELATING TO THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER.’ By Kart TAyLor Compton, Professor of Physics in Princeton University. Molecules of matter are sometimes defined as the smallest sub- divisions which have the properties of the matter which they com- pose. Their existence has long been accepted because of the satis- factory explanation which they give of elastic, thermal, and other properties of matter, particularly in the gaseous state. More re- cently the existence of such particles in rapid random motion has been made almost visible in that we can accurately explain, by the bombardment of such molecules, the erratic, jerky movements made by a small particle immersed in a gas or liquid and observed through a microscope. Atoms are sometimes defined as the smallest particles which take part in chemical reactions, and a chemical reaction is simply a change from one to another kind of grouping made by atoms of the same or of different kinds. Any characteristic grouping of atoms constitutes a molecule. The existence of atoms was first suggested to explain the fact of chemical combination of substances in definite proportions. Within the last 25 years, and chiefly within the last 10 years, definite proof of the existence of atoms and molecules has been found and methods have been developed to count and weigh them indi- vidually, with very significant results. More important still, it has been shown that all atoms are themselves built out of still smaller and more fundamental units of matter, electrically charged, called positive electrons and negative electrons. There is very decisive evidence of the existence of these two fundamental types of matter and of the number of each type in any given kind of atom. To this extent the “electron theory of matter” is no longer to be considered 1 Reprinted by permission from Princeton Lectures, No. 10, Princeton University, Prince ton, N. J., June, 1922, 145 146 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. as a theory but as a fact. But when we attempt to explain all the physical and chemical properties of matter as due to these electrons and the electromagnetic forces between them we encounter some sur- prising and unexpected facts regarding the behavior of electrons when influenced by other electrons or by radiation, so that this is still a field of hypothesis and experimentation. NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE ELECTRONS. Properties of the negative electron—When an electric discharge at several thousand volts is passed between two metallic electrodes sealed into a glass vessel from which most of the air or other gas has been pumped, the remaining gas and the walls of the glass vessel become luminous. This luminosity is of different sorts in different parts of the vessel and can easily be shown to be due to two different agents. One of these consists of something shooting out from the cathode, or negative electrode, and producing luminosity in every- thing in its path. The other consists of something shooting out from the anode and moving toward the cathode, also producing luminosity of gas molecules or other objects in its path, but luminosity of a different color from that produced by the stream from the cathode. The so-called cathode rays are found to consist of a stream of negatively charged particles, as is proved by the fact that their paths are bent if placed in an electric or magnetic field, or by the fact that if they are caught in a metallic cup, this cup receives a charge of negative electricity. From the amount of bending in elec- tric and magnetic fields of known strength, which may be seen by the luminous trace of the path of the stream along a properly placed fluorescent plate, it is possible to calculate the speed of the particles and the ratio of their charge to their mass, denoted by e/m. The speed of the particles depends upon the voltage applied to the dis- charge tube, but the value of e/m does not depend on the voltage or the kind of gas in the vessel or the material of the electrodes. It is a definite constant about 1,846 times larger than the ratio of the charge to the mass of hydrogen ions liberated by electrolysis. Thus, if the charge on one of these particles is equal to the charge on a hydrogen ion (as we shall see is the case), then these particles must be 1,846 times lighter than hydrogen atoms. These particles, which constitute the cathode rays, are the negative electrons. They may be driven out of metals by raising the temperature or by ex- posing to ultra-violet light or X rays, or by intense bombardment, or by chemical actions, etc. Their properties, as regards mass and charge, are the same however they are liberated and they must be considered as one of the fundamental units of which matter is com- posed. STRUCTURE OF MATTER—COMPTON. 147 The anode rays are also deflected by magnetic and electric fields in a direction showing that they are positively charged particles and by an amount showing that the ratio of their charge to mass is char- acteristic of atoms or molecules of the gas in the tube. In other words, they are the residues of the gas atoms or molecules which remain after electrons have been driven out. Knowing their charges, the bending of their paths in magnetic and electric fields enables their masses to be determined. It is in this manner that atoms and molecules have been individually weighed with high precision. In order to find the mass m from the above values of e/m, it is necessary to know the charge e of a negative electron. This has been measured with the greatest accuracy by Professor Millikan about eight years ago. The most sensitive instrument for measurement of electric charges is the electroscope, which consists, essentially, of a strip of gold leaf suspended between two oppositely charged metal plates. When the gold leaf is charged it is attracted by one plate and repelled by the other, and the size of its charge may be measured by observing the distance which it moves from its uncharged position. But this instrument is not sensitive enough to measure the charge of an electron. Professor Millikan substituted for the gold leaf a tiny droplet of oil from the spray of an atomizer. Because of its weight it tended to fall through the air slowly, because of its small size and the viscous resistance offered by the air; but if this droplet were electrically charged, it could be drawn upward, in opposition to gravity, by an electric field between the two horizontal metal plates between which the droplet moved. By observing through a telescope the rate at which the drop fell in the absence of an electric field and the rate at which it rose in the field, data were obtained permitting a calculation of the amount of electric charge on the drop. It was found that all charges were simple multiples of a fundamental unit charge, which is the charge of an electron. Thus the negative elec- tron is not only a fundamental unit of matter but also a fundamental unit of electricity. By such experiments it is found that the mass of a negative elec- tron is 8.97(10)-** grams and its charge is 4.774(10)-*° electrostatic units. The mass of a hydrogen atom is 1.65(10)-** grams. Positive electrons—When the positively charged residue of an atom, the part left after the loss of an electron, is weighed by meas- uring the bending of its path in an electric and magnetic field, two very significant results are obtained. In the first place, the weight of every atom, except hydrogen, is an exact integral multiple of the weight of a fundamental unit. This unit is one-fourth the weight of a helium atom, or one-twelfth that of a carbon atom, or one- sixteenth that of an oxygen atom, etc. The unit has almost the weight of a hydrogen atom, but is less by 0.77%. ‘This discrep- 148 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ancy is accounted for by the fact, discussed later, that when elec- trically charged particles are grouped together their combined mass differs slightly from the sum of their separate masses. We may con- clude, therefore, that all atoms are built up of hydrogen atoms. We shall see later that the hydrogen atom itself consists of one negative electron and the part that remains, which is called the positive elec- tron. The positive electron carries an electric charge equal to that of a negative electron, but of opposite sign, and is 1,846 times heavier. Thus we go a step further and conclude that all atoms are built up of positive and negative electrons. Why was not this simple integral relationship between atomic weights discovered long ago, since chemists have accurately known atomic weights for many years? Simply because chemical methods of determining atomic weights measure only the average weight of a great number of atoms, but the method described above measures the weights of individual atoms. In the case of the element chlorine, for instance, the chemical determinations give the weight equal to 35.46 times our unit, but the deflection method shows that there are three different kinds of chlorine atoms, of weights exactly 35, 37, and 39, which are chemically inseparable and which are present in such rela- tive proportions as to make the average atomic weight 35.46. These different kinds of chemically similar atoms, with different masses, are called isotopes. It has been found that isotopes exist in a large number of the chemical elements, but that the weight of every indi- vidual atom or isotope is an exact multiple of that of the funda- mental unit. If positive electrons, or the massive part of hydrogen atoms, are parts of the structure of all atoms, we might expect to be able to break up heavier atoms into hydrogen. This has actually been done by Professor Rutherford in the case of nitrogen, aluminium, and a number of other elements. HOW ELECTRONS ARE ARRANGED IN ATOMS. Thus we have both direct and indirect evidence that atoms are structures built out of positive and negative electrons. The next question is, “ How are these electrons arranged in the various atoms? ” A good deal is known about this arrangement, as I shall proceed to indicate, but there is much more which is still unknown. The nuclear structure of atoms.—Radium and the other radio- active elements owe their unusual properties to the fact that they emit positively and negatively charged particles, called a and @ particles, respectively, with tremendous velocities. By the bending of their paths in electric and magnetic fields, or by other methods, it is found that the @ particles are negative electrons which have veloci- ties as large as 97 per cent of the velocity of light, or about 180,000 STRUCTURE OF MATTER—COMPTON. 149 miles per second. Similarly, the « particles are atoms of helium which have lost two negative electrons and which consist, therefore, of four positive and two negative electrons, forming a very com- pact and stable group. These have velocities as large as about one-tenth that of light. The 8 particles set up oscillations of nega- tive electrons in neighboring atoms which they strike, and these oscil- lations produce radiation called y radiation or wave motion in the ether. The atoms of radium do not “explode” in this manner fre- quently. In fact, the occurrence is so rare that the chances are even that any given atom will or will not explode within a time of 2,000 years. When it does explode there remains not an atom of radium (atomic weight 226), but an atom of radium emanation (atomic weight 222) and an « particle (helium, atomic weight 4). In spite of their smaller velocity, the « particles possess much greater kinetic energy than do the @ particles, being nearly 7,400 times heavier. It was by means of bombardment of nitrogen and other atoms by these « particles that Professor Rutherford has effected their atomic disintegration, yielding hydrogen as a product. When the « particles shoot out through a gas, such as air, their paths may be seen and photographed, provided the air is saturated with water vapor and suddenly cooled by expansion. The air mole- cules in the path of the « particles have negative electrons forced out of them by the action of the positively charged « particle as it comes very close. These positively and negatively charged residues of the air molecules serve as nuclei for the condensation of water vapor. Thus the path of the a particle is visible as a thin line of water droplets. In air at atmospheric pressure these paths may be as long as 11 centimeters. Now, the diameters of air molecules are known to be about 3(10)-° em., and there are about 2.7(10)?® of them in each cubic centimeter. An a particle, in traversing 11 cm. of air, would pass through about 200,000 molecules. Yet many «@ particles go this entire distance without changing the direction of their motion, and most of them go at least several centimeters without swerving from their course. This can only mean that an « particle may pass right through thou- sands of atoms without colliding with that part of an atom in which practically all of its mass is situated. We must, therefore, think of all of the positive electrons (and possibly some of the negative elec- trons) of an atom as grouped within a region which is excessively small as compared with the size of the atom. Around this compact group, or “nucleus,” the remaining negative electrons are situated at relatively large distances—distances comparable with the atomic radius. With all the heavy positive electrons and only some of the nega- tive electrons constituting this nucleus, it is evidently positively 553879 —24——11 150 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. charged. An «@ particle is also positively charged, with a known charge. Professor Rutherford suggested that a collision between them, indicated by a sharp bend in the path of the « particle as it passes through the air, may be due simply to the effect of the repul- sive force between these two charges when they come very near to- gether. Darwin calculated, on this hypothesis, the fraction of all the observed deflections of « particles, shooting through air or any other substance, which should be within any specified angular limits. When this calculation was compared with the experimental measure- ments of deflections through various angles, it was found that there was exact agreement only provided the force between the « particle and the nucleus is taken to vary inversely as the square of the dis- tance between them, and provided the charge of the nucleus of the atom is taken equal (in electronic units) to its atomic number. The atomic number of an element is its order in the periodic table, i. e., 1 for hydrogen, 2 for helium, 3 for lithium, etc., This conclusion was verified by an entirely independent method. When a beam of X rays passes through substances, some of its energy is abstracted and sent out in all directions. The amount, character, and distribution of this scattered radiation have been ex- actly accounted for by ascribing the scattering to the action of the electrons outside the nuclei of the atoms. These electrons are ac- celerated by the electric forces in the X-ray beam, and, as a result of their acceleration, give rise to the scattered radiation. Sir J. J. Thomson calculated the proportion of the energy of an X-ray beam scattered by each negative electron in its path. Dividing the ob- served amount of scattering by this gives the number of negative electrons taking part in the scattering. Dividing this by the number of atoms gives the number of scattering electrons per atom, which is found equal to its atomic number. But the number of scattering electrons (electrons outside the nucleus) must obviously equal the positive charge of the nucleus, in electronic units, thus verifying the previous conclusions regarding the nuclear charges of atoms. Finally, a relation between the atomic number of an element and the vibration frequency of the radiation constituting its X-ray spec- trum was discovered by Moseley. It can be expressed rather accu- rately by saying that the square root of the frequency of any par- ticular type of X-radiation is directly proportional to the atomic number of the radiating element. This has been satisfactorily ac- counted for only by supposing that the atomic number of an element is equal to the electronic charge on its nucleus, i. e., to the excess of positive over negative electrons in its nucleus. Atomic constituents—The foregoing evidence, and much addi- tional evidence, leads to the conclusion that the various chemical elements have atoms constituted as shown in the following table, STRUCTURE OF MATTER—COMPTON. 151 which contains only a few examples. Those elements bracketed to- gether are isotopes. . . + Elec- — Elec- |—Electrons Element. ee po tronsin | tronsin | outside : 60U. | nucleus. | nucleus. | nucleus. PP ROO te jac cise bya as ata days omnis eee cies. say 1 1.007 nT 0 1 Be Vc 7 Be Eos AE ee ee 2 4 4 | Z 2 F 6 6 3 3 LEE i Si eme bpp iimey a ee Ae tae ets 3 | 7 7 4 3 10 10 5 5 ISOLDE sean shee pelne aiaete bite des eee 5 { 1 1 6 5 Carbine. decr$ like eckceessc rest t << 6 12 12 6 6 PN TEPOPOI te, tea cece earn Wa Perlas ts Scipcnnseane 7 14.01 14 | i 7 RAV PR ie cea case aceeat ee aeie science seus 8 16 16 8 8 20 20 10 10 NOOB syeheciasesdostcfineeed. Ao byte 10 21 21 ll 10 22 22 12 10 197 197 117 80 198 198 118 80 199 199 119 80 WMeredty 282 doc. Seco ees cae see esiecsacese 80 200 200 120 80 202 202 122 80 204 204 124 80 Thus far we may go with considerable certainty in our picture of atomic structure. When we endeavor to learn how these electrons are arranged, both within and without the nucleus, we must base our conclusions on such evidence as we can get from the nature of the chemical (electromagnetic) forces between atoms, from the ways in which the atoms may be broken up or their parts set into vibration, producing light or other radiation, from their behavior in electric and magnetic fields, etc. To understand the structure fully, we should know all about the forces which hold the parts to- gether. In this direction some progress has been made but certain phases of the problem are very perplexing. ELECTRONS AND RADIATION. Quantum theory.—Electromagnetic theory leads to the conclusion that radiation is produced when an electric charge is accelerated, and this conclusion has been amply verified. Yet it appears that, under some conditions, electrons are accelerated without producing radia- tion. Ordinary dynamical theory leads us to expect that a negative electron, rotating or oscillating about a center of force, might rotate in an orbit of any radius or oscillate with any amplitude under ap- propriate conditions. Yet it appears that only certain particular stable motions are possible, those which satisfy the condition S p dqg=hs, where p is the momentum of the electron, g is its distance from some reference point in its path, s is any integer such as 1, 2, 8, etc., and A is a universal constant, known as Planck’s con- stant. We naturally think of radiant energy as being emitted con- 152 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN {NSTITUTION, 1922, tinuously from its source and being absorbed continuously by mate- rial in its path, these emitting and absorbing agents being known to be electrons. Yet there is evidence that radiant energy is absorbed or emitted as if in discrete units equal to hn, where n is the fre- quency of vibration of the radiation. Such considerations have given rise to the guantum theory, which has been remarkably successful as a statement of the conditions under which an electron will or will not radiate and of the condi- tions under which it may be in equilibrium in an atom. Little progress has, however, been made in explaining the quantum laws, and, until this is done, it will probably be impossible fully to under- stand the forces which hold the parts of atoms together. Spectral series.—In the apparently complicated spectra of chemi- cal elements, some of which contain hundreds of bright lines in the visible spectrum alone, there have been discovered remarkable rela- tionships between the frequencies of vibration of the different spec- tral lines of an element and between corresponding lines of different elements. These relationships may be expressed by series formulae, of which the following formula for the vibration frequencies of the various kinds of light, or spectral lines, due to hydrogen atoms is an example: Lival n= Ns oe 33) Here » is the number of vibrations per section, V is a universal con- stant 3.29025(10)'® and v and m are integers which may have any value between 1 and infinity. Thus, if 7 = 1 and m = 2, 3, 4,...., each value of m gives a frequency corresponding to a spectral line in the extreme ultraviolet. These lines constitute a spectral series. Similarly if 7 = 2 and m = 3, 4, 5, ete., we get a series of lines in the visible and near ultraviolet spectrum. If 7 = 8 and m = 4, 5, 6, ete., we get a series of lines in the infra red. The frequencies of these lines agree with the measured frequencies with an accuracy of about one part in a hundred thousand. | For elements other than hydrogen, there are added to r and m certain constants characteristic of the element, but 7 and m still take various integral values. A study of the absorption or refraction of light by a medium leads to the possibility of calculating the number of atoms in the absorb- ing substance which are, at any given instant, capable of emitting light of any given frequency. By such methods we learn that only a small fraction of the atoms are, at any instant, taking part in the emission of light and that the atoms emitting one line in the spec- trum are different from those emitting any other line. Thus an atom, when it emits radiation, emits only one frequency of radiation at a time. STRUCTURE OF MATTER-——COMPTON. 1538 Zeeman effect.—Mention only can be made of the discovery by Zeeman in 1896 that, when a source of light is placed in a strong magnetic field, its spectral lines are split up into several components. The nature of this effect leads to the conclusion that light is emitted by negative electrons which, during emission, are moving in orbits which are usually circular, but sometimes elliptical. As a matter of fact it was the study of the Zeeman effect which first led to the dis- covery of the negative electron and to a determination of the ratio of its charge to its mass. Radiation and atomic structure.—A constant correlation of the facts of radiation is obtained by supposing that there are only cer- tain definite conditions in which a negative electron may exist in stable equilibrium in. an atom, each of these conditions being charac- terized by a certain total energy (kinetic plus potential). In the case of hydrogen, for example, the energies of all these states are given by —Vh/s?, where s may have any integral value and each such value specifies the energy of an electron in a particular state. When, for any reason, an electron passes from any state of energy Wm to a state of less energy W,, the difference between the energies is sent out as radiant energy. Thus the energy radiated is Wn—W,=Nh ~— AD, Combining this with the quantum law in form W,, — W,=hn, Haat Un ‘4 we have, for the frequency of the resulting radiation, n= Ns -i.) which is the ordinary series formula for hydrogen. Similarly, for any element, we interpret the series formula, for any two integral values of r and m, as proportional to the difference between the en- ergies of an electron in the two corresponding states, and take h to be the constant of proportionality. An electron may pass from any state to any other state. If the integer characterizing the second state is less than that characterizing the first, energy is radiated. If the second integer is greater than the first, energy is absorbed by the electron, from whatever agency produces the displacement. This, in very bald outline, is the theory of spectral radiation and of those features of atomic structure which determine the nature of its radiation. When we attempt to account for or describe these partic- ular stable states (which really involves accounting for the quantum laws) by any dynamical model of an atom, our steps become more uncertain, although some notable advances have been made. ATOMIC MODELS. The Bohr theory.—Bohr, followed by Sommerfeld and Silber- stein, has formed atomic models which have been remarkably suc- cessful in accounting for the phenomena of radiation and ionization (or breaking up) of systems consisting of a positive nucleus and a single outer negative electron, but which have not been developed 154 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. successfully to account for these phenomena in more complicated sys- tems, nor for the magnetic properties of atoms. For the simplest case, a relatively heavy nucleus of positive charge # and a negative electron of charge e and mass m rotating n’ times per second about the nucleus in a circular orbit of radius a, we have equilibrium if the electric attraction is just balanced by the centrif- ugal force, or oF = (2an’)’ a The total energy, kinetic plus potential, is easily shown to be A ila 9 W b By the quantum law fp dq = hs it is found that the only possible values of W are those for which W = — 14 8 hn’, where s is any integer. By solving these three equations simultaneously we find the various possible energies and radii of the atom to be given by sub- stituting the various integral values of s in the equations 2rmeh? ss sth? oh? 9 4*meE Since the difference of energy in any two states equals An, the vari- ous possible radiation frequencies are given by n = (W»—W,) /h, or Q2a’me? H?/1 1 ) ? id ame ra where 7 and m are any two integral values of s. £# is simply the atomic number of the element times the electronic charge e. These three equations are in exact accord with all experimental evidence available. The spectral tests of the latter equation are par- ticularly severe and convincing, since substitution of the known values of the constants makes the term outside the parenthesis exactly equal to the observed Rydberg constant VV, so that the equation is identical with the spectral series formula. This theory has been extended to take account of the small motion of the nucleus as the electron revolves, of possible elliptic as well as circular orbits, of the variation of the mass of an electron with its speed and of the effect of placing the atom in a strong electric field. In every case the theory leads to results in ewact accord with the facts. When dealing with systems with several negative electrons outside the nucleus, the problem of the way in which they and their orbits are distributed in space must be considered. Models with coplanar, parallel and crossed orbits have been considered, with the latter giving, on the whole, the best results. But the computations are very complicated, and but little progress has been made with such systems or with molecules. STRUCTURE OF MATTER—COMPTON. 155 The Lewis-Langmuir theory.—In marked contrast with the pre- ceding dynamical model of an atom, Professor Lewis and Doctor Langmuir have developed a static theory of atomic structure to ac- count, primarily, for the chemical valencies of atoms and the periodic recurrence of their properties when they are arranged in the order of their atomic numbers. In this theory the electrons outside the nucleus are arranged as symmetrically as possible in positions on the surfaces of imaginary concentric “ shells.” The maximum possible numbers of electrons in these are 2 in the inmost shell, 8 in the next, 8 in the next, 18 in the next, 18 in the next, etc. No shell can contain any electrons unless all the shells inside it contain their full quota of electrons. The number of electrons to be thus distributed in the case of any given atom is equal to the atomic number of the atom. Chem- ical combinations of atoms are supposed to be due to the “ sharing ” of electrons in common by different atoms in such a way as to give the outer shells of all the atoms as nearly as possible their full quota of electrons. This theory of chemical combination, which we have, of necessity, treated very inadequately, is in more complete accord with the facts of combination than any other yet proposed. Discussion.—The chief weaknesses of the Bohr theory are its fail- ure to account easily for certain chemical properties and the uncer- tainties regarding its proper method of application to any but the simplest atoms. The weakness of the Lewis-Langmuir theory, on the other hand, lies in its qualitative rather than quantitative nature and its disregard of all questions of structural stability, radiation, and phenomena due to any part of the atom except the electrons in the outer shell. Yet the striking successes of both theories in par- ticular fields suggest that both contain elements of truth. The pres- ent endeavor is, therefore, to reconcile the two viewpoints, and some progress in this line has been achieved. MATTER, ELECTRICITY, AND ENERGY. Whenever an electrically charged body is set in motion a magnetic field is set up in the region surrounding the body. But a magnetic field can not be produced without expending energy, and it is possible to calculate how much work must be done to set up any given mag- netic field. Obviously, therefore, more work must be done to impart a given speed to a body when charged than if it were uncharged. In other words, the presence of the charge increases the inertia, or mass, of the body. The question immediately suggests itself, there- fore, “Is ali mass due simply to the electric charges of the positive and negative electrons of which matter is composed?” Certain ex- periments on the variation of the mass of a negative electron with its speed, at speeds approaching the velocity of light, indicate that the mass of a negative electron is entirely due to its charge, so that 156 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. it has no material mass as distinguished from electromagnetic mass. Therefore we consider a negative electron to be not a particle of matter bearing an electric charge, but simply a particle or unit of negative electricity. It has not been possible to make similar experiments with positive electrons, but all we know about them points toward the conclusion that they also are simply units of positive electricity. It is believed, therefore, that matter, in its ordinary sense, is simply an aggregate of positive and negative electric charges. Furthermore, the electromagnetic mass of any electric charge can be shown to be always proportional to the energy of the electric field to which it gives rise. It is unnecessary, therefore, to distin- guish between mass and energy. Whenever the total electrical energy of a group of electrons changes by a change of their relative positions the mass of the group also changes in a definite proportion. Theoretically, therefore, all chemical combinations should result in a change of total mass. But the energy changes in chemical reac- tions correspond to mass changes which are too small for detection by the most sensitive instruments. In cases of atomic disintegra- tion, such as in radioactivity, however, the energy changes are very large in comparison with the energy changes in chemical reaction, and suggest the possibility of detecting the corresponding mass changes. Sir Oliver Lodge has stated, as an example of radioactive energy, that if the total energy liberated during the disintegration of 1 gram of radium could be utilized for the purpose, it would suf- fice to lift the entire British Navy several thousand feet. These energy changes are large enough to suggest the possibility of show- ing that the mass of radium is greater than the total mass of the elements into which it splits up. Such measurements have not as yet been made, since radium splits up so slowly. We therefore combine two fundamental laws—the principle of the conservation of mass and the principle of the conservation of energy—into a single principle, that of the conservation of energy. In this connection attention should be called to the probable reason for the slight excess in the atomic weight of hydrogen over that of the least common multiple of the other atoms. In the heavier atoms positive and negative electrons are packed together in the nucleus, so that their electric fields partially neutralize each other, thus dimin- ishing the total energy and hence the total mass. If we suppose the universe to have been originally formed by the grouping together of positive and negative electrons, the energy liberated as they com- bine to diminish the total mass in the observed ratio 0.77% is suffi- cient to have accounted for the heat of the sun and stars for about a million million million years—an ample period to satisfy the most exacting geological and evolutionary theories. THE ARCHITECTURE OF ATOMS AND A UNIVERSE BUILT OF ATOMS. By C. G. ABBor. In a lecture given by Dr. H. N. Russell at the Carnegie Institu- tion in December, 1922, he concluded with this remarkable state- ment: If a first-rate physicist, well versed in all the knowledge acquired in the laboratory during the last quarter century on the structure and properties of the atom, should have lived his life on a planet so enshrouded by clouds that neither he nor others had ever glimpsed the starry heavens, yet if he had the imagination to conceive that immense quantities of matter might lie beyond the clouds, he would be able to picture the heavens much as they are, tell the probable maximum masses of the stars, their minimum distances, the range of their diameters and temperatures, the differences of their spectra, and in short to duplicate by prediction, not only in general features but in many of the finest details, the actual appearance of the universe forever hidden from him. Let us run over some parts of the course which his mind might follow in this extraordinary prediction. First, what is an atom and how is it related to light? The atoms of all substances are built of what we might call the same kinds of bricks. There are two kinds in every atom, one kind called protons, which are positive electrical charges, and the other called electrons, which are negative electrical charges. Of these, all of the protons are clustered at the center or nucleus of the atom, but some of the electrons lie in outside orbits, or if not properly orbits then vibrating semistable configurations of definite radii as measured from the nucleus. It is not difficult to detach electrons from the atoms of many kinds of chemical elements. This can be done by heating, by electrical means, and by bombardment of radium or X rays. Sometimes the electrons pass in this manner only from one orbit or position of configuration to the next, but sometimes they are driven quite out of the sphere of influence of their atom, become temporarily free electrons, and are captured by some other atom after wandering free for a brief time. In these separations and ap- proaches of electrons from orbit to orbit reside the absorption and 157 158 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. production of light rays and of all such rays, including the infra-red, the visible, the ultra-violet, and the X rays. The diameter of an atom—that is to say, the diameter of the sphere within which all the protons and electrons of a single atom find them- selves—does not exceed one ten-millionth part of the diameter of an ordinary bird shot. Hence a single atom is quite too small to see even with a microscope. Moreover, an atom, as we have remarked, is not solid, but itself composed of a number of particles—the protons and electrons—well separated. Indeed, these constituents of the atom are excessively small compared to what we have just described as the diameter of an atom. A single electron is only one fifty- thousandth part of the diameter of an atom. Comparing this to one of the planets, the diameter of Mars bears roughly the same ratio to the diameter of its orbit that holds between an electron and an atom. Similarly the nucleus of a heavy atom, like that of lead, containing many protons and electrons, bears somewhat the same proportion to the whole atomic volume that our sun, 865,000 miles in diameter, bears to a sphere just inclosing the orbit of the planet Jupiter. From these figures we see that the inclosure we call an atom is almost wholly given up to free space. The occupied parts form hardly any greater volume, proportionally, than the sun and planets do to the solar system. Matter exists in the three states—solid, liquid, and gaseous. The two former have densities that are nearly equal. For instance, water is of about twice the density of ice. But gases are of all densities, from that of their liquids to as little as one pleases, depending on the pressure one applies to keep them so. What, then, are the dis- tances apart of the several atoms of a solid? This is known for many crystals by experiments with X rays. In common salt, for example, the distances are of only two or three times the magnitude as given above for the diameter of an atom. Such, then, are the distances between the nuclei of the atoms for solids and liquids, and from this up to anything greater for gases, depending on the pres- sure. In solids, and to a less extent in liquids, the atoms are so far restricted by their mutual proximity and interacting forces of attrac- tion and repulsion that there is no wandering, or but little, of the atoms through the mass, so long as new forces are not introduced. Individual electrons, freed from atoms temporarily, may easily travel along under the urging of electric field, difference of temperature, or bombardment by radium or X rays. In gases, however, especially very rare gases, as in a vacuum, the whole atoms, or the combinations of atoms called molecules, fly about over relatively long paths before hitting each other, and so are continually remixing within the gaseous volume. ARCHITECTURE OF ATOMS—ABBOT. 159 The forces which define atomic positions, orbits, or spheres of in- fluence, are electrical attraction and repulsion, and electromagnetic effects of electric charges in motion. A neutral atom, which has neither furnished free electrons nor captured any, has a definite number of orbital electrons, each with its unit electrical negative charge, and in the nucleus an excess of protons over bound electrons sufficient to make up for the nucleus the same electrical charge as carried by orbital electrons, but positive. Although the electrical charges of electrons and protons are equal and opposite, the masses of the two primitives are greatly unequal. An electron has only about one two-thousandth part the mass of a proton. Yet the pro- tons are not on that account larger than the electrons in dimensions, only exceedingly more massive. _ All the usual physical and chemical properties are definitely fixed when the excess positive charge of the nucleus is given. The excess of positive charge on the nucleus may be gotten in two ways, either by adding protons or subtracting electrons from it. To subtract electrons scarcely alters appreciably the weight of the atom (atomic weight). But to change the number of protons does essentially alter the atomic weight. Hence it is that two dissimilar chemicals may have about equal atomic weights, for example, bismuth and thorium- lead each 208; while thorium-lead and uranium-lead, for example, which are both quite indistinguishable from each other or from ordinary lead (207.20) have atomic weights 208 and 206, respec- tively. Readers of the Smithsonian Report for 1919 will remember Doctor Aston’s brilliant work along these lines, and further back in the report for 1918 Doctor Richards’s telling work on the atomic weight of lead. We are apt to think of solids ordinarily as completely occupying the spaces inclosed by their boundaries. Recent knowledge shows how radically this notion must be changed. For the protons and electrons, which alone can be regarded as really occupying space, are certainly more like the motes which dance in the sunbeam in a room full of air, than like a structure completely occupying the same volume. This shows us how it is possible for metallic wires to con- duct electricity. It is the electrons which, flying through the free spaces within and between the atoms, are the conducting agents. And yet an electron does not have to travel clear along the entire length of the wire to give the impression of an electric current. For at the positive pole free electrons will be attracted, thus making a void of them there, and tending to neutralize the positive pole, while at the negative pole they will be repelled, making an excess there and tending to neutralize the negative pole. Adjacent regions of 160 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. wire will supply the void and take up the excess as long as these inequalities remain, just as air molecules rush along to equalize pres- sure differences. So it is that as water buckets at a country fire are passed from hand to hand, the electric current does not require to be conveyed by original lactone all the way through the wire from the negative pole to the positive pole. But some one may ask: “If the solid bar I push my top window shut with is no more than a flimsy structure of flying motes, how can - it transmit pressure?” The forces of electrical attraction and repul- sion retain to the bar its form, and, somewhat as a steam or air riveting hammer can be operated by a medium made up of particles well separated, so pressure can be transmitted by a bar made up of protons and electrons. Without pursuing this résumé of atomic science further at the moment, let us turn to some aspects of the stars. As woeetds their intrinsic brightness, the stars are now classed as the giants and the dwarfs. Giants are stars which are many times, even thousands of times, more luminous than the sun. Dwarfs are stars which range from near the brightness of the sun to complete extinction into cold nonluminosity like that of the earth. As regards their color and the details of their spectra, 99 per cent of the stars are assigned according to the universally accepted Harvard classi- fication in six principal types, called by the letters B, A, F, G, K, M. Originally all the letters of the alphabet from A to M were used, but it was found presently that the classes assigned to other letters were unnecessary and only those above named were retained. More- over, in the rational order of development of spectrum characteristics, class B appeared to precede class A, hence the irregular order as given above is now always followed. There is a very extraordinary march of change of density asso- ciated with these star classes. The giant red star « Orionis (Betel- geuse), of spectrum type M, recently measured at Mount Wilson, is 300 times the diameter of our sun and not more than a thousandth part as dense as the air of the room. Our sun, a dwarf of type G, is 1.4 times as dense as water. Barnard’s “runaway star,” a dwarf of type M, is probably nearly as dense as the earth. This leads us up to the view which astronomers now generally hold as to the evo- lution of stars. Beginning to glow as rare gaseous giants of type M, showing in their spectra the lines and bands of the metals and compounds of them, they grow denser and hotter as time goes on, apparently simplifying in spectra. First, the bands due to com- pounds fall out, for, as we well know, high temperatures break up ARCHITECTURE OF ATOMS—aABBOT. 161 all chemical compounds into atoms, then the metallic spectrum lines grow faint, with hydrogen lines becoming strong, and at length in the blue-white giant stage of Rigel and Spica, where maximum temperature is reached, only hydrogen and helium lines remain. This is the turning point. The star cools and grows denser as it goes on into the dwarf stage. Metallic lines reappear, and at last the star fades out as a dwarf of type M, now indistinguishable in spec- trum, except for certain details visible only to experts (which, never- theless, are highly characteristic of the altered density), from its original type as a class M giant. This progress is summarized in the following table: ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. 162 s°¢ “We *eprxo “Ip u0q “qed etme e eee eee- ‘9284S 1948T -180-10j8M | DOPUB, -*-per deaq. 0% 0@ PT 0 .000'8 | 0 .00¢F "0 20009 “reqs ,, ABM -8uni,, “ST9T S$, pavuieg | ‘espriqutooiy |*--**-"* ung j°°*== “sopixo *spunod OTT [eur “spueq -m 00 Jo e1jo0ds yeomM AIOA ou ‘s[e {su0148 speqoyy | -jour Auvyy ainame =" SIBIC ‘quyey syeyoyq_ [UosompAH ae AMOTTIEX |A0TTe4 4USVT |-"--OFTTM *HOLJNIOAS IBTIS}S JO CINgoId {B19UeS & OATS 03 194 48I 9Nq ‘ATP{s]I 004 UOYL} Oq 03 4OU O18 BIE Ser, 10 . $0°0 ‘D 00096 | 0 .000ZI | ‘0 .0096 = aie vordg j--""" Bee, | -sojeu -roropeid crntToq ‘uesoipAH juesompA “OUT A UsSTnTg | --OTTM Ww Ds § 13] Vv a v “1843S JIBAP B SY 10'0 100°0 "DO 009 ‘¢ “spunod -m oo ‘uesompsy ou ‘s{e ‘qUye} STCIOWT AOTTOs 4USVT |""*** MOTION i 19) ‘14S JUCIS BSY 1000 °0 £000000 ‘0 ‘O 2000 ‘F "OD 0008 sees snaimjory |" osnes[ez0q “SOprxo “spueq OT[183oUL BoM AOA jo ejoods jour Auvy |‘suo01s spejoyy | PDOPpus | *1048M 04 pored -m100 A4yjsueg **--9myelsd ue, rie ze4s [eord Ay, ‘um33 -oeds Jo syueum ojo yeorureyo SUI[]VAOIg *ssepo TMI} -oeds = pIsAIvy “mOTITPUoD “401s D fo fisoysrvy afvT ARCHITECTURE OF ATOMS—ABBOT. 163 The great question which this table raises is this: If a star actually passes through the states enumerated, why do the spectrum lines of _ the metals disappear as the star approaches its culmination as a blue-white giant and then reappear at a later stage as a yellowish dwarf? Can we believe that the mere exaltation of temperature destroys the metals, resolving them into the simpler atoms of hydro- gen and helium? Such a view at first sight seems reasonable, in view of the now well-known fact that some of the heavy metals— uranium, thorium, and radium—continually break down sponta- neously with formation of helium, and that Rutherford and Chad- wick have indeed disintegrated the lighter elements—nitrogen, boron, fluorine, sodium, and phosphorus—with expulsion of hydrogen. But the proportion of the atoms affected was only trifling and the means employed for knocking out the protons from the atomic nuclei were the alpha rays of radium, means as powerful as would be the maintenance of a temperature of millions of degrees, perhaps a thousand times as powerful as the effects of the actual temperatures at the surface of the bluestars. Accordingly, we must regretfully give up this simple temperature explanation of the disappearance of the metals from the spectra of the hotterstars. It demands temperatures higher than the stars afford, for measurements already made limit us there to surface temperatures not exceeding 20,000° C. What appears to be the main factor in the true explanation is simpler still in essence, though involving such intricate and obscure properties of the structure of the atoms as not yet to be fully worked out by physicists, at least in the cases of any but the simplest of atoms. In short, rise of temperature, or, speaking more broadly, increased intensity of excitation, alters the atoms by setting free electrons in such a way that the spectrum lines given out shift over from the visible and photographic regions of the spectrum to those of shorter wave length beyond the violet, where the earth’s atmos- phere is not transparent to them. Thus the metallic spectra are still present even in the hottest stars, but are merely removed from the familiar spectrum region, where they can be observed, to another ~ where they can not penetrate our atmosphere.* This behavior of the spectrum lines of the elements is illustrated by laboratory work and explained by theoretical researches of Bohr, Saha, and others on the relations of atomic structure to spectra. Laboratory spectra are of three principal kinds, called flame, arc, and spark spectra, according as they are excited by sources like low temperature flames, the higher excitation of the electric arc, or the still more intense action of the electric spark forced by high elec- trical potential differences and often reenforced by condenser dis- —) 1 There is another factor which we shall touch upon later. 164 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. charges. In flame spectra certain lines and bands of an element are conspicuous, but these are comparatively few, and many others are faint or lacking. In the arc the flame lines remain, but the emphasis may fall on quite different individual lines. Many moro spectrum lines make their appearance. Again, in the spark still another rearrangement of intensities appears. Prominent flame and arc lines grow faint and new lines are found. Thus differences in spectra of the same chemical element which are produced experi- mentally depend on the degree of excitation. According to Bohr’s theory of the atom, when an orbital electron is driven from its neutral position by the excitation of high tempera- ture or electrical discharge, it may migrate to one or another of certain orbits, determined by limitations, depending on Planck’s theory of the so-called “ quantum,” that unit of energy which crops up so widely in physics, as readers of Millikan’s article in this report for 1918 are aware. In each of these possible orbits the elec- tron has a definite energy. Returning to its normal place from one of these excursions, the electron from an outer to an inner orbit gives up the difference between the definite energies appropriate to the two situations and thereby gives rise to radiation in a specific spectrum line. If the electron temporarily occupies successively sev- eral orbits during its return, several spectrum lines are formed cor- responding in the frequency of their vibrations to the several definite differences of energy involved. The actual spectrum at a given in- stant is the joint result of all the electronic excursions of all the atoms involved. The difference between are spectra and spark spectra is explained as follows: In are spectra the lines are supposed to be produced by the migrations of single electrons displaced from each of the par- taking atoms. In spark spectra two electrons may be removed, one to a great distance. This one is that which took part in arc spec- trum phenomena. It is assumed to be eliminated from the system. But the second electron in falling back to its position produces a similar series of spectrum effects, but involving different amounts of energy, and thus different frequencies of vibration for the lines pro- duced. These new spectrum lines are then associated with the second displaced electron and with the twice-shorn remainder of the atomic structure. As the new energies involved greatly exceed the old, the frequencies of vibration are correspondingly enhanced, so that on the whole the new lines lie toward the violet of the old, and may even lie beyond the region of experimentation. Complicated and hypothetical as all this may seem with so inade- quate a presentation as the above, yet remarkable predictions have been made thereby which were later experimentally verified with ARCHITECTURE OF ATOMS—ABBOT. 165 most striking success. Unfortunately the mathematical analysis be- comes hopelessly involved for elements of high atomic weight, so that such verifications are confined so far to the simpler atoms, such as hydrogen, helium, and some of the alkalis. Bohr’s atomic theory received complementary contributions useful for explaining the spectra of the stars from considerations advanced by Saha. He points out that within the range of temperatures and pressures: (hardly less important than temperatures) prevailing in the gases at the surface of a given star, the different elements will be ionized in different degrees, depending on their characteristic “ ioni- zation potentials,” some of which have been measured in the labora- tory. Also that the numbers of neutral atoms, atoms less one electron, atoms less two electrons, etc., are (in principle at least, if not yet in actual fact) calculable thermodynamically from energy considerations connected with the ionization potentials, the tempera- tures and the pressures prevailing. Proceeding to illustrate with assumed numbers for the element calcium, he shows that as between temperatures of 2,000° and 4,000°, absolute centigrade, the relative strength of lines corresponding respectively to neutral, once-shorn, and twice-shorn atoms must have altered immensely in favor of the latter, and so at the higher temperature the line spectrum of calcium will have gone over predominantly into a region of shorter wave © lengths. Moreover, as the permanent gases, hydrogen, helium, and others, have greatly higher “ ionization potentials ” than elements like sodium, calcium, and others, the stimulation will at first pass by pref- erence to the easily excitable atoms of the latter in cases of mixture of elements like that prevailing in the sun and stars. But as the easily ionizable elements become fully ionized, and, with the loss of one or even two or more electrons, become greatly more difficultly excitable, the stimulus of the temperature will more and more be diverted to affect difficultly ionizable gases like hydrogen and helium. Hence, from two directions the spectra are influenced to alter as the star temperature waxes greater. First the dissociation of the atoms of the metals tends to throw the intensity of metallic spectra more and more into the ultraviolet regions which le beyond our observa- tion owing to the absorption in our atmosphere. Second, the in- creased difficulty of exciting these once-shorn or twice-shorn metallic atoms throws the effects of the temperature stimuli more and more to intensify the lines of the difficultly ionizable hydrogen and helium. Finally, the less conspicuous but highly significant and experimen- tally valuable influences of changes of pressure associated with the march of stellar evolution find equally satisfactory theoretical ex- planations. All of this is wholly in accord with the observations of 5587T9—24——12 166 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. the spectra of the sun and stars, and many of the details which have heretofore been among the apparently insoluble puzzles of celestial spectroscopy are becoming clear in the light of Saha’s expositions. These cover not merely emission but absorption of light in the most striking manner. If it were possible to express these in language easily to be understood, the reader would join in the wave of enthusi- asm which is just sweeping through the workers in astronomical spectroscopy and kindred lines as they see the great problems of stellar evolution yielding to laboratory experiment and penetrating theory. AERONAUTIC RESEARCH." By JoserH 8. AMES, Ph. D., LL. D. Professor of Physics, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; Chairman, Executive Committee, National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, [With 5 plates.] Progress in the navigation of the air is being made constantly along two quite distinct and independent lines; one is the art of flying and the other is the science of flight. To this last is given the name aeronautics; and by an aeronautical investigation is meant a research which has a direct bearing upon our knowledge of the properties of solid bodies immersed in a stream of air or moving through the air. We wish to know the forces and moments acting upon such solid bodies; how these vary with the shape and charac- teristics of the bodies, and how they are affected if the velocity of the air is changed. Another important inquiry refers to the sta- bility of the solid body when in flight; if the attitude of the body is changed by some gust or otherwise, does it tend to return to its previous attitude, or on the contrary does it continue to depart more and more from its original attitude? The question is like that referring to a body balanced on a table. If it is pushed slightly, will it simply oscillate to and fro, or will it turn over? ‘These matters and similar ones make up the subject of aeronautics; and in order to investigate them the same methods must be applied as in any department of physics. Experiments must be performed; a theory is evolved; deductions are made from the theory and tested by experiment; the theory is modified and improved, etc. During all the process knowledge is being gained, and the facts being made known help the designer of aircraft to make improvements in speed, in carrying power, in safety, in stability. One most important fact should be emphasized, and this is that with- out the series of scientific studies just outlined not only would flight itself have been impossible, but also all progress in the art would 1 Presented at the meeting of the Section of Physics and Chemistry of the Franklin Institute held Thursday, Oct. 6, 1921. Reprinted by permission from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, January, 1922. 167 168 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. cease. Scientific investigation forms the most important feature of aviation, and it can be conducted only by trained students. The best pilot in the world may know very little about the scientific principles underlying flight, and he would therefore be unable to make any marked improvements in his machine. Aeronautics is in no sense a function of an engineer or constructor or aviator, it is a branch of pure science. Those countries have developed the best airships and airplanes which have devoted the most thought, time and money to the underlying scientific studies. When the physical facts are known, the engineer can design his aircraft, the constructor can make it, and the trained man can fly it; but the foundation stone is the store of knowledge obtained by the scientist. Fic. 1.—Combination of source and sink. Before describing the types of investigations in progress in aero- nautics and the methods pursued, it may be interesting to see some illustrations of the two types of aircraft now in use—the airship and the airplane. If I had time, I would lke very much to say something about the helicopter, a type of aircraft to which we have given a name before constructing one. Up to the present no such machine, worthy of the name, has been made; but beyond a doubt one will be constructed, and in the near future. An airship owes its flying power to the fact that it is made “lighter than air” by being filled with a gas lighter than air. Hydrogen is the gas always used, although helium may be. The lifting power of the latter gas is about four-fifths of that of hydrogen. As the airship moves through the air, it meets with AERONAUTIC RESEARCH—AMES. 169 opposition as the air flows along its surface. Forces are required to move the control surfaces, z. e., the rudders and elevators. We must determine these forces, and must investigate the changes in them as we change the shape of the airship, e. g., its length or its cross-section. A great deal may be learned by studying theoreti- cally the way in which air flows around a solid body shaped more or less like an airship. A most interesting mode of attack on this problem was devised by Admiral Taylor of our Navy, and was applied by him to the design of ocean vessels. The drawings illustrate how a uniform flow superposed upon a source and sink produces a condition like the flow around an airship. This type Fic. 2.—Air flow due to superposing a uniform rectilinear flow upon a combination of source and sink. of flow may then be studied mathematically; the pressures may be deduced, etc. Similarly, in the case of airplanes, we must know the character of airflow past the struts, the fuselage, and the wings. It is the difference in the pressure on the two sides of a wing that produces the upward force required to support the machine. The figures on plate 3 illustrate the type of flow around the aerofoil. Great progress has been made in recent years by Prandtl and other German physicists by showing how a flow of air around an aerofoil could be produced in an ideal frictionless gas similar to that observed in air by imagining vortices or whirls in the gas. The method is not unlike that mentioned above as useful in the case of airships, only vortices are used in place of sources and sinks. 170 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Following this process, Prandtl and his associates have shown how one could calculate the influence of one wing of a biplane upon the other, so that if the behavior of one wing is known that of two may be deduced; and they have proceeded much further and made aeronautics into a beautiful theoretical science. But in the end the function of aeronautic research is obviously to learn all there is to be known about the forces acting on an aero- foil or wing. How can this be done? It is not possible to make actual airplanes of various types and test them, nor would this help us much if it were practicable. We must actually measure the forces involved in any one case, and must vary our conditions in every conceivable way, but in a systematic manner. There are several methods open to us. One is to make a model of a wing, say, as nearly full size as possible, suspend it by wires 30 feet or Air Fic. 3.—Diagram of fiow past an aerofoil showing an increased pressure below and a decreased one above. more below an airplane which can carry it in flight, and then, by inserting measuring instruments in the wires, study the forces under varying conditions. This method is being used with marked success at Langley Field, near Old Point Comfort, Va., by the staff of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. It is called the “ free-flight method.” A second method is to make a small model of a wing or a fuselage or an entire machine, say, one twenty-fifth the size of the actual part, and then to investigate the forces acting on it when it is placed in a rapidly moving stream of air. This is known as the wind-tunnel method, and is now in general use in all countries. England has 10 or more such tunnels, France has several, Ger- many has a large number, etc. In this country there are 12, and more are being made. Other methods have been used in the past but are no longer. Langley attached his models to one end of a long arm which could AERONAUTIC RESEARCH—AMES. ETA be made to revolve rapidly in a horizontal plane. Others have studied models of different shapes by dropping them from heights inside buildings, so as to avoid wind. Air Stream —> 0 ae Prbrd 3. Angle of Attack b Fig. 4.—Diagram illustrating forces acting on an aerofoil. Owing to the importance of wind tunnels, I have introduced plates 4 and 5, which show some photographs of the latest one made in this country, that of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at the Langley Memorial Laboratory, Langley Field, Va. ) ar ott seal ! % STE rea imilese | z Fic. 5.—Diagram of wind-tunnel in its house. Investigators in these different laboratories all over the world have studied the greatest variety of problems—forces on models of wings of different shapes at different air velocities, forces on models of airships, the effect of disturbing elements on these forces, etc. A long series of investigations has been made in particular upon air propellers. The blade of a propeller may be considered as made 172 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. up of a number of separate surfaces, and when the shaft is rotating each of these is thought of as an aerofoil moving rapidly through the air. In this way the action of a propeller may be calculated, and the theory may be tested by trying the actual propeller. But there is one all-important difficulty in applying the knowledge thus available to the design of actual aircraft. Is one justified in drawing = 2 es Sono = Lift balance Drag arm = on) 2 a 2 % thee AX Pp S Se SL Knife edge = KX BMG to get cente PS y SS of pressure K LG travel WK NN. Seg- ment for chang- ing the angle of attack Drag wires —_ Model Lift counter weights = 2 Fria. 6.—Scheme of the balance used to measure the forces on a model. conclusions as to the properties of large bodies from knowledge of the properties of smaller ones? Suppose, for instance, that on com- paring two models on a scale of one twenty-fifth of full size in a wind tunnel through which the velocity of the air stream is 40 miles per hour, it is found that one model has a greater lift or a less drag than the other, what conclusion could one draw as to the comparative properties of two actual airplane wings in flight at 120 miles per AERONAUTIC RESEARCH—AMES. 173 hour? The answer is, “ Possibly none.” The exact condition under which results from tests on models may be applied to actual con- struction is known. This can best be described by discussing what is called in aerodynamics the “ Reynolds number.” When a body is moving through the air there are two types of forces acting on it— the air exerts a pressure upon it and there is friction between the moving air and the layer of air sticking tight to the solid. It is not difficult to see that the four physical quantities involved in the aero- dynamical action are: The velocity of the air, its density, its viscosity (i. e., measure of the frictional property), and the size of the solid body as given by its length or its thickness. Lord Rayleigh showed many years ago that if we formed the quantity— density < velocity X length viscosity —$$—$—_—__—— 26 0' ie eis | QL tau as S = Bc eae pact Window 80 Tube connections ate Sef Rx Ip-ose 2 Sea BS Window Window H \ \ i Qe Floor liné Manhole 5'X 3 Electric wires thy Floor line Fic. 7.—Compressed air wind-tunnel, which is now called the “ Reynolds number,” we would be justified in saying that the properties observed in any experiment would also be found to be the same for any other experiment having the same Reynolds number. It is seen by looking at the definition of this number that we can have the same Reynolds number for a large number of different experiments. Thus, compare an actual airplane in flight at 90 miles per hour, say, with a wind-tunnel experiment on a model of one-twentieth scale but having the same velocity of air flow. If the Reynolds number is to be the same for the two cases, it is necessary to increase the density of the air in the wind tunnel twentyfold. This shows that if one were to make a wind tunnel in which the air is compressed to 20 or more atmospheres, experi- ments on models placed in it would give results immediately appli- cable to full-size airplanes. It is perfectly possible, of course, that 174 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. certain properties studied and observed in ordinary wind tunnels at atmospheric pressure may hold also for actual airplanes, but one can not be certain of this until the question is investigated in a com- pressed-air tunnel. In view of the great importance of this matter, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics has designed, and has now under construction such a tunnel, in which the air may be compressed to 25 atmospheres. When completed it will be the only one in the world; and it is expected confidently that a great amount of useful information will be obtained. I have outlined the experimental methods available for aero- nautical investigations, and wish now to state briefly some of the more important ones which occupy our thoughts: 1. Everyone, the world over, is interested in designing a heli- copter; but before this can be done we must have knowledge of the properties of a propeller whose shaft is very oblique to the flight path, and we probably shall have to design a new type of propeller. 2. A greater range of speed for any one airplane is desirable, so that it may attain a great flying speed and yet have a slow landing speed. In order to secure this possibility, modifications of the wing are essential; and the most promising form at the present time is the Handley-Page slotted wing. Much more research is, however, neces- sary. 3. Great improvements may be expected in reducing the drag, or resistance, of aircraft, and many researches are now in progress as to the effect of putting the engine and the propeller in different posi- tions, of changing the position of the fuselage, etc. 4. Over 100 different wing forms have been investigated, but our practical knowledge is far from satisfactory, largely owing to the fact that the tests have been made in different laboratories and at different air velocities. Further, of course, the Reynolds number in all tests has been too small. When the compressed-air wind tunnel at the Langley Memorial Laboratory is finished, we will be able defi- nitely to say what wing is best for any specific purpose. These are simply illustrations of the type of investigations now engaging the attention of aeronautical laboratories, but they serve, I hope, to make clear how interesting the subject is to the scientist and how important to the designer of aircraft. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Ames. PLATE |. 6 AIRSHIP, FILLED WITH HYDROGEN. ENGINES AND PROPELLERS; ELEVA- TORS AND RUDDER; STABILIZING SURFACES. AIRPLANE. WINGS, FUSELAGE, AILERONS, ELEVATOR, RUDDER, ETC. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Ames. PLATE 2. FOKKER F. III]. COMMERCIAL MONOPLANE. AIRPLANE CARRIER. SEAPLANES IN FLIGHT. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Ames. PLATE 3. *sotbitlinee! epee EDDYING FLOW PAST AN AEROFOIL. STREAM-LINE FLOW PAST AN AEROFOIL. PLATE 4. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Ames. EXTERIOR OF TUNNEL, FROM EXIT END. MODEL OF A BIPLANE. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Ames. PLATE 5. INTERIOR OF EXPERIMENTAL ROOM AND VIEW OF MODEL SUSPENDED IN TUNNEL. : med at ae / * i dare bh i ae-+eer ro et “ath : - AI ° Boe ne 4 id ry i 7 meat ta. ; a 9 wis aa Pass we ‘ ot ; , ‘ a = a urh~e =~ > 7 st rene Oe PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND THE POSSIBLE USE OF SOLAR ENERGY.? By H. A. SPorue, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Coastal Laboratory, Carmel, Calif. The purpose of the following brief outline is to show that while the photo- synthetic process of the plant is at present the only means we have of utiliz- ing solar energy, this method is so very inefficient and subject to such great uncertainties that it is exceedingly doubtful whether it can be depended upon to maintain our energy requirements. In other words, our civilization is using energy at a prodigious rate, and we would be depending upon the exceedingly inefficient and slow process of photosynthesis to supplant the supplies which have been stored for centuries and are now being depleted. Add to this, that in order to supply food for our increasing population no encroachment on agricultural industry would be permissible. ‘Theoretical speculations of the nature of what might be accomplished if, for instance, all the arable land were cultivated, are of no consequence to the problem. Conditions, economic and social, must be faced as they exist. The inertia of our civilization is such that great changes are induced only by the labored movements of evolution or by catastrophe. What part, then, can science and engineering play in the solution of this problem? First of all, it is the function of scientists to exercise foresight in matters regarding the material welfare of humanity. The experiences of the various scientific bodies called together to cope with the many problems incident to the war, concur in the conclusion that very rarely is necessity the parent of inven- tion where difficult and highly complex problems are concerned. So for this work there will be required an enormous amount of patient labor, which natu- rally should be begun long before the situation becomes acute. It has frequently been said of our earth that there are no exports and no imports aside from occasional meteorites. This is true as far as matter is concerned, but it is not true when energy is considered. Matter and energy are the two fundamental entities in our concep- tions of all physical phenomena. As scientific thought progresses, ever-increasing attention is being given to the paramount impor- tance of energy relations in the interpretation of natural phenomena. Matter is of interest to us largely in so far as it exhibits certain properties and undergoes definite changes. In viewing the common materials upon which we depend for the maintenance and propaga- tion of life, it is evident that we are less interested in the matter as such than its ability to undergo certain changes which contribute 1Reprinted by permission from the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 14, no. 12, December, 1922. 176 176 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. in one way or another to our life activities. From this practical viewpoint, knowledge of the composition of coal, iron ore, sugar, etc., has its ultimate interest in guiding us in the application of such materials to the manifold needs of our complicated physical and physiological economy. The eminent physicist, Boltzmann, pointed out in his classical ex- position of the second law of thermodynamics that the struggle for existence is essentially not a fight for the raw materials that are abundant in earth, sky, and sea, nor for the energies as such, but for the potential energies as in coal, sugar, and meat. Thus energetics commands the center of attention in the consideration of the chemi- cal phenomena exhibited by the various forms of matter, and matter is but a medium for the manifestation of energy. If our earth were an isolated system in which there were no im- ports and no exports, our state of affairs would be very different from that which now presents itself to us. According to our experi- ence, formulated in the laws of thermodynamics, in all naturally occurring transformations there is a tendency to arrive at a condi- tion of stable equilibrium. Thus, the substances on the earth are constantly tending to arrive at a condition of greatest entropy, meaning “rundownness.” Most of the metals, for instance, are oxid- ized to their most stable oxides and converted into other com- pounds which under existing conditions are extremely stable. Our ores are those stable oxides or salts. Although this condition has not been uniformly attained in the earth, while there are still, for example, natural deposits of metallic copper and silver, yet, unques- tionably that is the direction in which the chemical changes are proceeding. Now most of these substances, before they can be made use of, require certain chemical changes which are a reversal of the natu- rally occurring ones. The ores, oxides or salts of the metals, must be reduced to the elemental metals. This, of course, is the reversal of the processes occurring in nature, and to accomplish such a reversal work must be done, energy must be supplied. If, then, the tendency is to attain the dead level—this state of equilibrium on our earth—what are the agencies or sources of energy that counteract this tendency and make possible the reverse reaction, the pumping of water uphill, as it were? In searching for such possible sources of energy which might serve this purpose, we find that a little heat is probably given to the surface of the earth from the interior, another very small amount is the result of certain radioactive chemical changes, the action of the tides contributes some, and a further amount is received from radiation from the stars and moon. But these amounts are quite * SOLAR ENERGY—SPOEHR. 37 inadequate and insignificant when compared with the primal source of our energy, the sun. The radiations from the sun constitute our main source of energy. This is our main and most consequen- tial import, the only potent factor which counteracts the tendency of complete running down. It is important not only in such reac- tions as the smelting of ores, but equally to the life on the planet. All living things on the earth demand for their maintenance and propagation a continuous supply of energy. The immediate source of this energy for living things is derived from food. All animals, including man, are fundamentally dependent upon plants for their food. Just as the herbivorous land animals are the source of food of the carnivora, the diatoms are the fundamental source of food of the sea. The object of agriculture is essentially to provide man with such materials from which he is able to derive the energy nec- essary for the maintenance of his bodily activities, his growth and propagation. MEANING OF “ PHOTOSYNTHESIS.” So far as the composition of food material is concerned, there exists a closed cycle. Man feeds on animals, and animals on plants; the plants feed on the carbon dioxide given to the air by the animals as a result of the latter’s use of food. Thus the plant reconverts the waste products of animal metabolism into food. ‘The latter process is called photosynthesis. The plant absorbs through its leaves the carbon dioxide which is universally present in the atmos- phere, and which is formed by the burning of coal, fuel oil, etc., and is also exhaled by animals. By means of the light from the sun the carbon dioxide thus absorbed by the leaves is changed into material such as sugar or wood, which can again be used as food for animals or as fuel. The net result, as far as the changes of mate- rials are concerned in this interrelation of plants and animals, is nil. Thus, in brief, a plant yields a certain amount of substance which can be used as food. The food is consumed by man and thus enables him to do some work. Thereby the food material is burned in the body and is exhaled as the gas, carbon dioxide. Or the fuel is. burned and the products of combustion escape into the atmosphere. The fundamentally important point is in relation to the energy changes. The energy expended by the man has been permanently lost to a large extent; similarly, that obtained from fuel. The reconversion of the carbon dioxide into food or fuel material can be accomplished only by the use of a great deal of energy. The cycle is made possible only by the introduction of energy from without. This energy is derived from the sunlight, which the plant, unlike the animal, is able to utilize and convert the waste carbon dioxide again into food or fuel material. 178 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, It thus becomes evident that all life on the planet depends upon the energy derived from the sun through the intermediary of the plant—i. e., through the process of photosynthesis. Mankind lives entirely on the energy derived from the sun through the pursuits of agriculture. WASTE OF SOLAR ENERGY. But in addition to this, we are squandering the principal of an enormous legacy of solar energy accumulated during the past ages. The plants, which alone are capable of utilizing the enormous floods of solar energy pouring upon the earth, have been at work for many ages prior to man’s appearance upon the earth and have, during time which would make the total span of human history appear as but a moment, built the foundations upon which all his present eminence rests. This fossil vegetation, preserved as coal and oil, represents a very small fraction of the energy which has been fall- ing on the earth and which has been conserved for man. It is kin- dled, its energy liberated and used in a thousand ways, and the rays of sunlight stored beneath the earth for millions of years give birth to a civilization such as the world has never known. It is this source of energy which has made possible the habitation of the tem- perate zones to the present extent, and on it depend our various modes of rapid transportation and our multifarious industrial ac- tivity. What may be called fossil solar energy, coal, made possible the reversal of the natural course by the smelting of ores for the production of metals. In fact, it is solar energy which counteracts the tendency of our earth to attain its maximum entropy. But this great civilization of coal and steel is at the same time a most squandrous and profligate one; it is using the principal of its legacy in numberless new ways. Modern man’s greatness de- pends upon his being essentially a tool-using animal. To increase the efficiency of one-man power has been his object for centuries. It is the power-driven machine that has done most of his work. But the source of energy which drives these machines is not a steady stream, it is being drawn from the accumulation of centuries. A year’s consumption of coal at the present rate represents the accu- mulation of hundreds of years. The power of man to do work, physical work, the unit one-man power, is now an almost insignifi- cant factor. A return to such a physical standard would almost cer- tainly follow the failure of such sources of energy as man now has at his disposal. The quest of these sources of energy, coal and oil, is at present being pushed with a feverish intensity that has never been known before, and the competition for the possession of these stores recognizes no principles. The destiny of civilization is guided by and reflects the amount of available energy. When coal and oil SOLAR ENERGY—SPOEHR. 179 are exhausted the daily ration of solar energy will represent almost the entire means of livelihood; our mushroom civilization must pass like the historic empires of the past and we may expect the reap- pearance in the world once more of galley slaves and serfs. ENERGY RESOURCES AVAILABLE. And thus the scientific world is awakening to the necessity of taking stock of our available resources of energy. Repeatedly, atten- tion has been called to the inexhaustible floods of solar energy. With cool theoretical nonchalance the untold possibilities of the use of the sun’s energy are constantly called to our attention. Yet the chloro- phyllous plant still remains the only converter of solar energy. The student of photosynthesis can not, even if he would, escape the practical applications of the problem. It is largely due to the fact that photosynthesis has been dealt with in an academic manner that its fundamental significance has until very recently not been more generally recognized and it has not been possible to enlist the interest and cooperation of workers in the allied sciences. To anyone who has been actively engaged in the investigation of this problem it must be evident that progress toward its solution would be enor- mously accelerated by cooperative efforts from different angles. Recently interest in the subject has been very greatly stimulated through the realization on the part of industrial scientists that our available supplies of energy are being rapidly depleted. Our main source of energy is coal, and although it is less than 100 years since it has been put to extensive use as a fuel, the present annual consumption is stupendous—about 650,000,000 tons. Hach decade has brought a decided increase in the’ rate of consumption. While there are, of course, still enormous supplies to draw upon which, considered superficially, might allay all concern, our engi- neers, most qualified to judge, have repeatedly called attention to the necessity of preparedness on the fuel situation. A far more serious situation is presented by the petroleum supply. The rapid development of internal-combustion engines of various types has brought about a tremendous demand for liquid fuel. This has increased at such a rate that it can be conservatively stated that the depletion of the petroleum supply in the United States is clearly in sight. A report of the country’s foremost oil geologists, under the auspices of the United States Geological Survey, states: The estimated reserves are enough to satisfy the present requirements of the United States for only 20 years, if the oil could be taken out of the ground as fast as it is wanted. Individual wells will yield oil for more than a quarter of a century, and some of the wells will not have been drilled in 1950. In short, the oil can not all be discovered, much less taken from the earth, in 20 years. The United 180 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. States is already absolutely dependent on foreign countries to eke out her own production, and if the foreign oil can be procured this dependence is sure to grow greater and greater as our own fields wane, except as artificial petroleum may be produced by the distillation of oil shales and coals or some substitute for petroleum may be discovered. It is, therefore, not surprising that every available source of energy is being considered to meet the situation which is ap- proaching. Another very considerable source of energy is that developed from the water powers. Theoretically, this is virtually an inexhaustible supply and one of relatively high efficiency. Mr. Charles P. Stein- metz* has calculated, on the basis of collecting every raindrop which falls in the United States and all the power it could produce on its way to the ocean being developed, that there would be possible about 300,000,000 horsepower. This enormous figure represents about the amount received from our present total consumption of coal. Thus, this theoretical hydroelectric power would just about cover our pres- ent coal consumption, but leave nothing for future increased needs or to cover other sources of energy now in use. Moreover, this figure for hydroelectric power is purely hypothetical, of which only a small fraction represents that actually available, which, when united with other difficulties such as equipment and limitations of distri- bution, shows very clearly that all the water powers of the country can not suffice. The question of liquid fuel is of particular importance in this con- sideration. The great success of the internal-combustion engines in the automobiles, airplanes, tractors, etc., as well as the many uses of the Diesel engine,,has very greatly influenced our economic life and, as has been stated, it is soon to exhaust our natural resources of liquid fuel. Much attention has, therefore, been given to the production of liquid fuel other than petroleum. Thus far the inves- tigations along these lines have almost universally led to the opinion that the substance best suited to these needs is alcohol. This is on the basis that alcohol can be produced from vegetable material and is the most direct route from solar energy. It is thus proposed to develop a photosynthetic industry on the basis of agriculture, the products of which are to be converted into alcohol by means of fermentation. This is, of course, the practical end of the photosynthesis problem. There are’so many factors which come into consideration on careful study of the problem in its broadest application, that it is not sur- prising that some of the most important of these have been entirely disregarded or not given the attention they deserve. 2““The White Revolution,’ Survey Graphic, 1 (1922), 1035, SOLAR ENERGY—SPOEHR. 181 POSSIBILITIES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS. In considering the sun as a source of energy two possibilities sug- gest themselves. The first is a direct utilization of solar energy through some device by means of which the energy could be trans- formed and stored; the other is by means of the natural process of photosynthesis. Disregarding as inadequate those arrangements that transform solar energy into heat and attempt to use boilers of various kinds, no advance has been made in the direct utilization of solar energy. A transformation of the energy based upon chemical methods has received little attention. The reason for this is that such known photochemical reactions as are endothermal—that is, processes in which energy is stored—are not of a nature to encourage development. The process of photosynthesis in the green plant is such a transformation and storing of energy. Nature has worked out this problem and has done it in a most remarkable manner. We are therefore still centering our speculations on the plant as a transformer of energy through the production of carbohydrate mate- rial. With complete disregard of biological facts, chemists have continued to develop schemes for the employment of the photosyn- thetic process and to evolve theories of the chemistry of photosyn- thesis. One of the fundamental fallacies in these speculations may be indicated by a quotation from a recent technical article: “ Photo- synthesis is simply a manufacture that provides material used in the process of living.” It is falsely conceived that this process of manu- facture is not a function of the living plant. There have also been many erroneous and misleading statements regarding the amount of energy radiated from the sun which reaches the surface of the earth. In nearly all the technical discussions on this subject that have appeared recently the calculations are based upon the value of 3 calories per square centimeter per minute. Now, this value does not represent the amount of energy which reaches the earth. It is the old value of the solar constant; i. e., the amount of solar energy at the outside of the earth’s atmosphere. The true value of this solar constant is still a subject of some dispute, and it is in fact of secondary interest to the immediate prob- lem of the utilization of solar energy on the earth. A great many determinations of the amount of energy received on the earth have been made, and it is certain that a very considerable amount of solar radiation is absorbed in the atmosphere of the earth. For the present purpose the intensity of solar radiation reaching the earth can be placed at 1.5 calories per square centimeter per minute. On this basis we would receive 5,400 large calories per square meter during six hours. Now, 1 kilogram of coal when burned develops about 8,000 55379—24——13 182 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. large calories, so that six hours of insolation per square meter rep- resents a heat equivalent of 0.675 kilogram of coal, and on an acre 16.41 tons of coal. This for 90 days of insolation would equal 1,476.63 tons. In order to gain some idea of the degree of efficiency of the photo- synthetic process in utilizing solar radiation as expressed in the yield of agricultural products, the heat value of a cereal crop can serve as a comparison. Taking the very large yield of 50 bushels, or 17.619 hectoliters of wheat per acre, and considering this as entirely starch, we get an energy equivalent of 0.623 ton of coal. This last figure of about two-thirds of a ton of coal is to be compared to the 1,476 tons, representing the total solar radiation during a period of 90 days, approximately a growing season. This, then, is the amount of solar energy received at the surface of the earth and in a practical sense the amount of this energy that is stored by means of agriculture. It is a very striking fact that the processes of organic nature are exceedingly ineflicient and wasteful. This, of course, is so of necessity. Faced with the uncertainties of environmental and climatic conditions, only such processes as are allowed a wide margin of safety are assured the living organism of survival. These figures also indicate that agriculture, as the only photochemical industry, is utilizing but a very small portion of the available energy. In discussing the possibility of preparing liquid fuel from grain, Boyd * makes the following statements: The large amount of motor fuel required seems to exclude the possibility of preparing any considerable percentage of the necessary amount from foodstuffs. In illustration of this statement the following figures are of interest: Bushels. Average annual United States production of corn, 1913-1919_____ 2, 740, 000, 000 Average annual acreage in corn, 1913-1919___________________ — 160, 000, 000 Alcohol from the corn at 2.75 gallons per bushel________________ 7, 500, 000, 000 The heating value of this amount of alcohol is about equal to that of 5,000,000,000 gallons of gasoline. The production of gasoline in the United States during 1920 was very close to this amount, about 4,900,000,000 gallons. The average acreage in corn as given above is equal to 166,000 square miles, which is more than four times the total area of Ohio. In view of the fact that the possible alcohol production from corn represents close to 60 per cent of the total possible amount of alcohol that could be prepared from all of the starch and sugar containing foodstuffs produced in the United States, and that such a large acreage is required for its production, the possibility of a sufficiently large increase in production of such materials to be diverted to the manufacture of motor fuel seems very unlikely. At any rate, if large quantities of motor fuel are to be prepared from vegetation, another material, if not instead of food- stuffs at least in addition to foodstuffs, must be relied upon as a source. 5“ Motor Fuel from Vegetation,” Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13 (1922), 836, SOLAR ENERGY—SPOEHR. 183 It seems highly questionable whether the use of the products of photosynthesis offers a rational solution to the problem of industrial energy. It must be borne in mind that the products of photosyn- thesis are essential to human life as the fundamental source of food. The trend of modern investigation of the chemical, as well as the economic phases of the food problem, strongly supports the dictum that agriculture will always be the basis of food production and that this can not be supplanted by any artificial method. The materials which are elaborated by plants are directly essential to the well-being of man. Furthermore, any serious disturbance in the way of divert- ing agricultural products from their use as food to industrial ends would undoubtedly be fraught with profound economic disturbances. CELLULOSE AS SOURCE OF FUEL. There is one other plant product about which there has been much speculation regarding the possibilities as a source of liquid fuel; that is cellulose. There are so many factors which enter into a rational consideration of the possibilities of producing alcohol from cellulose that no adequate analysis of the problem has as yet been attained. These factors embody the biological aspects, the chemical methods, and the economic possibilities. It can not be claimed that any one of the many compilations and discourses offered since the great interest in this subject has arisen treat adequately the complexities of the problem. Briefly, the points that demand consideration are the availability of cellulose material in sufficient quantity and the con- tinuous supply thereof, an exact and broad knowledge relative to the chemical processes of converting cellulose to alcohol, and the cost of raw material, manufacture, and transportation, as well as the com- plexities of labor and influence on other industries. In different sections of the country where different kinds of wood come into con- sideration there are problems peculiar to each locality. Much of the speculation as to the use of cellulose for conversion into alcohol is based upon the utilization of waste material in the forests and at the mills. Of the 26,000,000,000 cubic feet of wood cut annually, the major portion represents accumulated virgin tim- ber, so that this source can not be considered as a permanent one. To what extent and how soon the depletion of virgin forests will be met by intensive forestry is a practical question that seems difficult to answer. These considerations also obtain for the frequently repeated state- ments of the use of humid tropical regions for growing material from which alcohol could be manufactured. It must be borne in mind that for any such undertaking reliance could not be placed upon extant material, recourse would have to be taken to very ex- 184 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. tensive cultivation. Moreover, such an undertaking must not inter- fere with the area now used for the production of foodstuffs. COMPLEX NATURE OF AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY. Finally, in advocating the natural photosynthetic process through agricultural industry as the producer of a supply of energy there has been evidenced great neglect of the fact that agriculture is a ’ highly sensitive and complex industry. The fact seems to be too readily forgotten that agriculture deals with biological processes, that solar radiation is but one of many factors influencing the de- velopments of plants, and that in almost every place on the earth where agriculture might be undertaken there is far more light than the plant is capable of utilizing. The uncertainties of agricultural industry arise from the very complex nature of the biological processes and balances involved in the development of a growing organism. Not only the multiplicity of pests and diseases with which agricultural endeavor must contend, but the relatively sensitive adjustment to climatic environment in- creases the hazards of this industry enormously. Thus, of course, the growth of plants is not dependent on light only, but on a variety of factors not associated with solar radiation. The fact that during critical periods in the development of a plant slight changes in climatic conditions during a short time may greatly reduce or entirely destroy a crop, serves to emphasize the hazard of obtaining energy through the intermediary of plants. In agricul- ture, water supply and temperature are far more variable and de- termining factors than light intensity. On the proper coordination of these two factors, probably more than any other, depends the success of crop production. On the other hand, considering alone the solar energy which it is cur object to store, there falls on the earth during most of the year a great deal more than any plant is capable of utilizing. SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM. Nature has worked out a method of utilizing solar energy. It is the duty of the scientist to learn the precise manner in which this is accomplished. He need not be timid about competing with nature. He has many cases to his credit of surpassing the processes of nature both in efficiency and reliability. There are many substances now effectively produced artificially which were formerly obtainable only from plants or animals. It is true that in the utilization of radiant energy there are a great many intricate difficulties to be over- come, but to anyone who has given the problem thorough study it SOLAR ENERGY—SPOEHR. 185 must be evident that we are already in possession of much knowledge which can find immediate application to this problem. As the basis of agriculture, the problem of photosynthesis needs development and clarification. As the only known photochemical reaction, proceed- ing in the visible spectrum, in which there is a large increase in the potential energy of the products, photosynthesis serves as a guide to the utilization of solar energy. Although the chemical reactions constituting the photosynthetic process are of a highly complex and intricate nature, sufficient investigation has been done to justify the conclusion that the problem is amenable to physico-chemical treat- ment. However, no single academic division of science, such as botany, chemistry, or physics, is of itself sufficiently rich in concepts and methods to attack the problem adequately. The most promising outlook for success in this field would be offered through an organi- zation by which information from the various allied fields can be col- lected and focused on the chemical and energy changes taking place in the process of photosynthesis. In view of the present academic division of the sciences and the variety of special training which is requisite for such an undertaking, cooperative effort offers the only rational method of advance. Photosynthesis is essentially a problem of energy transfer. Those aspects of the problem involving the changes of material, the rates of these changes, and the conditions under which they occur, require the methods: and conceptions of organic chemistry and physiology. In order to determine the kinetics of these same reactions and the mode of energy transfer, a very different method of experimenta- tion is required. These latter lead directly to the fundamental prob- lems of radiochemistry and require the most advanced methods of physical experimentation. Has not science here a unique opportunity to lead the way in real cooperation and to demonstrate its true democratic value? The embryo of a seed, during its first days after sprouting, lives upon material stored for it by the parent, until it gains strength and becomes an independent plant. Throughout nature the young are nurtured and protected until they can care for themselves. So man has had his great patrimony of fuel to help him in his first faltering steps to dominion over his environment. As he grows in intellectual stature, he must meet the problem of physical necessity, a problem of energy pure and simple, ere he can aspire to true independence. The great contribution of the nineteenth century was the establish- ment of the doctrines of energy. To the twentieth falls the task of freeing us from our economic placenta. feb woh west Tyee " vd Leola otodue a + OF AB ey Bact a at otal Mole Me ‘a ,aiyissgs stra st ab ynen ‘alegerl tercaioste' av care itatho wee ‘bass shite) pete ‘Fussonts GAL: Saybia sabe s Tey rede: a . biohort bite fittabtadq alt pilin : + i ean ne notions ori dunia pours Os rahe Ain [dei aie! 7” haienbepa ent 9 Sdn # ay nada at adam vii sin piers — ite, ae ee i 4 somes er wi ti tien 5 F - TEP Ne someree ho Ache ih Sirah wir ahyit On: o< : 4 « * “* > . ~ > » 7 Foye 3 Mees sie vittamhtie fei SP Seige, ieitabnelliat aie er ; : : ¥. . r | j 5a SOs ’ THIS Peay rH Ly a [ad ewe & aloo ar ¥4 ib Pv & oa 4 “ oyevied vent 3 ms = Prasad fiowstiomitbluow b aidt sti eaadoue 10k bit ‘déogdites sbint Soil hd enohwriedsod ork woltganobal Rottlve ey } oi fa | | ie shh eer Sey VEst Ai) Fy eee” PS ets ony att wo beens sob fini ; 4% i y Py . ‘ a . x ’ bd , oun M ie . ‘ ag. _* nd . ieee Tie ienctietice =a . yes otis vars iteeol or f TO) arti93: i » et ee ee bute a tee * b entides okt By y ‘ rel wistite WIT tHipRia To YWITAchsS TLE ai ot te ee bts 3, aid: i 4 bene arireadé hy \roltuies ite egos yan era mi ie soe Tob igi a eats ale ris 1 ed eanne hn bat ; ssa pi ee | tBeot Po polriss reese Tetons yoplisiinngss git shed per rotons dative atih\ hein nor ovhwearmaze ke Gorlisat: } i eitive ratagas} ‘eines Bil tehovc tedimocmpipniyt adi adteisortibrbssteritel wears hatinpe pe ot Imubar Love swhy eripneT ‘itd work ee i o> ; Hae . ie ait ’ AORN TGEEED fdaja! - Sat 7 iat idwecdta sppiniy a stort er Joa a6H, ; sl : aie hy Oba acyadt Li te (82555430 64 (Tt ad + th: te) nips omar andy FOGS AND CLOUDS. By W. J. Humpureys, C. B., Pu. D., Professor of Meteorological Physics, United States Weather Bureau, Department of Agriculture. [With 26 plates. ] EVAPORATION AND PRECIPITATION. WHERE FROM AND WHERE TO. Everyone knows that rain and snow come out of the clouds, and that every cloud and fog particle is either a water droplet or an ice erystal. Naturally, therefore, one asks where all this endless supply of water comes from; endless, because year after year, century after century, and age after age, rain and snow have descended as they now descend. And where, too, does it all go, this world average ot 16,000,000 tons a second? The answers are: It comes from the soil and its vegetation, from rivers, lakes, and the oceans; and to them it returns—an endless cycle of evaporation and condensation. “The mist and cloud will turn to rain, The rain to mist and cloud again.” —Longfellow. EVAPORATION. The first of these processes, namely, evaporation, consists in the change of water (water in this case, though many substances behave similarly) from the liquid, or even solid, state to that of an invisible gas, in which condition it becomes an important, though always rela- tively small, part of the air we breathe. The rate of this evaporation depends on a number of things, the more important of which are: (a) The area of the evaporating surface. The larger the surface the more rapid the total evaporation. It is in recognition of this law that we spread out a drop or even a puddle of water to hasten its disappearance. 1 Based on a lecture given before the section of physics and chemistry of the Franklin Institute on Jan. 5, 1922. Reprinted by permission from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, February—March, 1922. 187 188 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. (6) The temperature of the evaporating water. The higher this temperature the more rapid the evaporation. That is why heating things hastens their drying. (c) The velocity of the wind to which the water is exposed. This explains why roads, for instance, dry so much quicker when the winds are strong than when they are light. (d) The amount of moisture already in the atmosphere. The wash on the clothesline, as every housewife knows, dries provokingly slowly during cloudy, muggy weather. All the other factors that affect the rate of evaporation, such as density of the air, saltiness of the water, etc., generally are small in comparison with the above, and need not here be considered since it is only intended to make perfectly clear, through our everyday ex- periences, the wide occurrence and great importance of evaporation. SATURATION. Although evaporation, as just stated, is so very general there are conditions under which things will not dry, nor bodies of water any longer decrease. Thus even a rather small amount of water in a tightly closed bottle, or other impervious vessel, remains there in- definitely. The space above the water becomes saturated, we say, by which we mean that it gets so charged with water vapor that, under the existing conditions, it can contain no more. At this stage the net evaporation is zero. That is, the amount of the invisible water vapor that now goes back, or condenses, into the liquid stage is ex- actly equal to that which, in the same time, leaves the liquid surface and becomes invisible vapor. In other words, at this stage, however rapid the interchange between liquid and vapor, the amount of each remains constant. Numerous careful experiments have determined very closely the exact weight of water vapor per cubic foot, say, when the space in question is saturated at any given temperature, from the boiling point to far below that of freezing. And these experiments show two facts of paramount importance in the formation and dissipation of clouds, namely: 1. The amount of moisture necessary to produce saturation in- creases rapidly with increase of temperature. 2. The amount of water vapor essential to saturation is not ap- preciably affected by the presence or absence of the other gases of the normal atmosphere. It is true that even in technical language we often say that the air contains such or such an amount of moisture, as though the pres- ence of the air was essential to the existence of the vapor, or as though the air acted somehow like a sponge in taking up water. But, FOGS AND CLOUDS—HUMPHREYS. 189 as explained, this idea is wholly wrong. The only appreciable effect of the presence of the other gases of the atmosphere on the moisture is that of slowing the rate of its spread or diffusion. Temperature and temperature alone, to within a negligible amount, determines the quantity of vapor per any given volume necessary to produce saturation, or, of course, any definite percentage or fraction of saturation. CONDENSATION. The percentage of saturation produced by a given amount of water vapor may, therefore, as is obvious from the above discussion, be varied by altering the volume it occupies or its temperature, or both; and as rapidly as saturation tends to be exceeded moisture condenses out onto any water surface or solid that may be present. Thus, the deposition of dew, the formation of hoarfrost, and the sweating of ice pitchers all are examples of condensation owing to passing the saturation point or dew point, as it commonly is called. In these cases just mentioned the temperature of the water vapor and, of course, of the other constituents of the atmosphere, which, however, play no part in the condensation, is lowered through con- tact with cold objects, and the volume of this vapor, as well as that of the accompanying chilled gases, decreased—decreased because in the open air the pressure remains constant, or nearly so, whatever the degree of cooling. Similarly, whenever the temperature of the open air passes below the dew point condensation occurs in the form of innumerable water droplets or tiny ice crystals throughout the chilled volume, and thereby produces a fog or a cloud, as determined by location—a fog if on the surface, a cloud if only in mid-air. The natural processes by which a given body of the atmosphere may be sufficiently cooled to lose a portion of its water vapor by con- densation are: (1) Contact with objects colder than itself; (2) mix- ing with colder air; (3) radiation; (4) expansion. Condensation as a result of contact cooling is well illustrated, as already explained, by the deposition of dew—the bedewed objects having been cooled by radiation; by the formation of hoarfrost, which occurs under the same conditions, except at a lower tempera- ture, as does dew; and by the sweating, during warm humid weather, of all cold objects. It is further illustrated by the formation of fog, generally light, when relatively warm humid air drifts over a snow bank or other cold surface. The second of the above processes of inducing condensation—that is, the mixing of masses of humid air of different temperatures—is not very effective. Indeed, an accurate calculation, based on the 190 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. temperature and volume changes and other factors of the problem, shows that while a fog or cloud may be obtained by this process no appreciable amount of rain or snow is likely to result. Layer or stratus clouds at the boundary between relatively warm air above and cold beneath, a phenomenon of occasional occurrence, are at least partially due to mixing, as are also the fogs that so frequently occur over adjacent warm and cold ocean currents. The third process by which air loses heat, namely, by radiation, probably is of little importance in the production of clouds, since the most chilled portions of free air sink to lower levels and thereby become even warmer and drier than they were at first. Near the surface, however, where descent and the consequent dynamical warming, as it is called, are impossible, radiation often is very effec- tive in the production of fog. The last of the cooling processes mentioned above—that is, expan- sion—is exceedingly effective, and to it is due the great bulk of cloud formation. Now, expansion of the air may be produced either by heating it or by reducing the pressure to which it is subjected. It is the latter process, obviously, and not the former, even though heating generally is the initial cause, that produces the cooling of free air and the formation of cloud. To make these points clear, consider the results when a given mass of humid air is heated, as it may be, over a region warmed by sunshine or otherwise. With increase of temperature it expands and thereby becomes lighter, volume for volume, than the surrounding cooler air. The surround- ing denser air then underruns the lighter and lifts it up to higher levels, just as hot air is driven up a chimney. As the warmed air is thus forced up (rises, as we generally say) the pressure to which it is subjected obviously decreases in proportion to the weight of the air left below. It therefore gradually expands as it rises and thereby does work, and since the only energy available for this work is the heat of the ascending air, it follows that as its height increases its temperature must correspondingly decrease. As a matter of fact, for air of average humidity, the rate of this decrease is ap- proximately 1° F. per 187 feet increase of elevation up to the base of the cloud, if there be one, in the rising air, and then much less through the cloud. In any event the ascending air attains equi- librium only when it has cooled by expansion to the temperature of the air that finally surrounds it. Hence, when it comes to rest, it is colder, often much colder, than it was before it was heated. Of course the expansion of the rising air correspondingly increases the vapor capacity, but it is easy to show, both theoretically and experimentally, that this increase of vapor capacity by volume ex- pansion is small in comparison with its simultaneous decrease through FOGS AND CLOUDS—-HUMPHREYS. 191 the lowering of the temperature, and that convectional expansion, therefore, whether incident to the blowing of wind up and over mountains, or to local heating, is a most effective means of inducing condensation and the formation of clouds. CONDENSATION NUCLEI, Whenever ordinary air, kept humid by the presence of water, is suddenly expanded in a closed vessel, it instantly becomes filled throughout with a miniature cloud, precisely as occurs on an incom- parably larger scale in nature. Subsequent expansions of the same air, otherwise undisturbed, induce less and less cloud, and presently none at all. If filtered air—that is, air drawn through several inches of cotton wool, or other substance of similar texture—is used, con- densation by moderate expansion is impossible from the first. The admission, however, of a little smoke restores to the exhausted air, and endows the filtered air with, full powers of condensation. There are, therefore, condensation nuclei in the atmosphere—hundreds and often thousands of them per cubic inch—which can be filtered out; and microscopic examination shows that they consist essentially of dust particles. Hence, dust, moisture, and some cooling process are the three essential factors in all natural fog and cloud formation. It is true that a few substances other than dust, such as the oxides of nitrogen, act as condensation nuclei, but they seem gen- erally to be negligible in quantity. Furthermore, condensation can be obtained in air wholly free from any such nuclei provided it is ionized and forced to at least a fourfold supersaturation, a degree of humidity that probably never occurs in nature. Indeed, under very great supersaturation, eight or nine fold, condensation occurs even in perfectly clean nonionized air. But this, too, is only a lab- oratory experiment, and not a process by which clouds are formed in nature. FOGS. DISTINCTION BETWEEN FOG AND CLOUD. As already explained, whenever the air is cooled, by any means whatever, below its dew point, a portion of the water vapor present separates out on such dust particles or other condensation nuclei as happen to be present. If this process occurs only at a con- siderable distance above the surface of the earth, leaving the lower air clear, the result is some form of cloud. If, on the other hand, it extends quite to, or occurs at, the surface of the earth it is then called a fog, no matter how shallow nor how deep it may be. The distinction, therefore, between fog and cloud is that of position. Fog is a cloud on the earth; cloud, a fog in the sky. 192 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. In some cases the only basis of distinction between fog and cloud is that of viewpoint. For example, the mist that sometimes covers only the crest of a mountain generally is called fog by those actually in it, and cloud, at the same time, by those in the valley below. WHERE AND HOW FORMED. Fogs are likely to form along rivers and large creeks and in the mountain valleys of all but arid regions in the latter part of any still cloudless night of summer or autumn. During these seasons the streams and the humid soil are warm, especially when exposed to sunshine, and hence evaporate much moisture into the lower atmosphere, where, in great measure, it remains when there are no winds to blow it away. Throughout the night, however, the surface of the soil and the adjacent humid air, by virtue of its humidity, lose heat rapidly by radiation to the colder atmosphere above and to the sky, or empty space, beyond. This loss of heat by radiation is no greater, of course, by night than in the daytime, but when there is no sunshine to make good such loss, or do better—as generally is the case through the forenoon—the inevitable consequence is a lowering of the tem- perature. Hence, during calm, clear nights the temperature of the humid surface air often falls below the dew point and a fog of cor- responding depth and density is formed. If the sky is overcast there commonly is enough radiation from the clouds back to the earth, especially if they happen to be low (hence warm), to prevent the cooling of the surface air to the dew point and the consequent formation of fog. Neither does fog form when there is considerable wind, partly because the more humid lower air is then mixed with the drier upper air and the surface dew point thereby lowered, and partly because this mixing prevents much fall in the surface temperature by distributing the loss of heat through a relatively large amount of air instead of leaving it confined essentially to that near the ground. Hence fogs of the kind under consideration—radiation fogs, summer fogs, land fogs, valley fogs—seldom occur either when the sky is cloudy or the night windy. Another source of numerous fogs is the drifting of relatively warm humid air over places much colder, such as the drifting of on-shore winds over snow banks. In this way the humid air frequently is cooled below its dew point and fog— winter fog” or “sea fog”—produced. Likewise, heavy fogs often are formed when the wind is from warm to cold water—from the Gulf Stream to the Labrador Current, for instance. FOGS AND CLOUDS—HUMPHREYS. 193 Fogs also frequently occur when cold air slowly flows in over warm water. This explains the “frost smokes” of polar seas, and the “steaming” of rivers and lakes on cold frosty mornings. In these cases the relatively warm water goes on evaporating into the cold air even after it becomes saturated and thereby produces a water droplet or a minute ice crystal about every one of the myriad millions of nuclei present. If, however, the cold air comes in with a rush—that is, if it enters as a strong wind—no fog is produced, simply because the vapor is distributed by the accompanying turbu- lence through too large a volume to produce saturation. KINDS. In respect to the ways in which they are formed, fogs may be divided into two classes: 1. Radiation fog (pl. 1, fig. 1), due to the cooling of the tower air below the dew point, partly by its own radiation and partly by contact with the surface which itself had cooled by radiation. This type of fog is common, as already explained, along streams and in valleys where, through the summer and autumn, it is apt to occur on any calm, clear night. 2. Advection fog (pl. 1, fig. 2, and pl. 2, fig. 1), produced by the advection or horizontal movement of air from one place to another such as the drifting of relatively mild air from the ocean inland over snow banks, or from a warm current to a cold one; and the flow of frosty air over open water. Furthermore, any fog when shifted to a new position may then be called advection fog. Usually, too, the shifted fog, like that so common on many leeward coasts, is advective also in origin. There also are several other classifications of fogs, less scientific perhaps, but often very convenient. Thus we speak of dry fog, mean- ing a fog which, because of the small amount of water content, does not wet our clothing—evaporates as fast as caught up—or else mean- ing, as we often do, a haze caused by a forest fire, dust storm, or vol- canic explosion; wet fog, meaning one containing so much water that, like a Scotch mist, it makes at least the surface of one’s clothing dis- tinctly damp; sea fog, fog originating on the ocean, whether re- maining there or drifting on shore; land fog, one occurring in the country and which, as its nuclei are but slightly hygroscopic, quickly evaporates; city fog, one occurring over a city, especially a city that uses a large amount of soft coal and has but few smoke consumers, generally slow to evaporate, owing jointly, presumably, to the hy- groscopic nature of the nuclei and to the oil in the unburned sooty smoke; black fog, one containing a great amount of soot, such as occa- sionally forms over large, smoky cities; pea-sowp fog, a local name 194 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. given to those London fogs that contain only a moderate amount of smoke particles—just enough to give the fog a distinctly yel- lowish cast; ice fog, or “ frost smoke,” the fog of polar seas, caused by the drifting over them of very cold air; and many others, mostly of less interest and of small importance. QUANTITY OF WATER CONTAINED. It might seem, on first thought, that it would be a very easy thing to measure the amount of liquid water in a given volume of fog, but this amount is so small that even tolerably accurate measurements of it require much care. Nevertheless, it has been reliably measured. Thus, in the course of an official ice patrol cruise on the Seneca about the southern edge of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, that is, in the region of one of the most frequented of the steamer lanes, Wells and 'Fhuras measured the water content of a dense fog that occurred on the evening of May 9, 1915. In this fog there were about 20,000 droplets per cubic inch. In their report they say: “To gain some idea of the order of magnitude of the quantities involved in this dense fog, assume that one can not see beyond 100 feet. oe 2. CUMULO-NIMBUS, SEEN FROM MOUNT WILSON, CALIF. (F. Ellerman, photo.) Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humphreys. PLATE 17. |. MAMMATO-CUMULUS. (L. C. Twyford, photo.) 2. LENTICULAR CLOUD (ALTO-STRATUS LENTICULARIS), SEEN FROM MOUNT WILSON, CALIF. (F. Ellerman, photo.) Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humphreys. PLATE 18. |. LENTICULAR CLOUD (CUMULUS LENTICULARIS). (C. F. Brooks, photo.) 2. LENTICULAR CLOUD, OVER MOUNT SHASTA. (C. A. Gilchrist, photo, ) Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humphreys. PLATE 19. LENTICULAR CLOUD (CUMULUS LENTICULARIS), SEEN AT FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. (C. O. Lampland, photo.) Smithsonian Report 1922.-—-Humphreys. PLATE 20. a AS La |. LENTICULAR CLOUD, OVER MOUNT RAINIER (IMMEDIATELY ABOVE TOP OF MOUNTAIN). (O. P. Anderson, photo.) 2. CREST CLOUD, LEE SIDE, SEEN FROM HONOLULU. (A. M. Hamrick, photo.) ‘ Cojoyd Ystayoyty) “Vv “O) "4ITVOD ‘WLSWHS INNOW LV ‘SNINWNO YSAO ‘GNOID JAYVOS ‘% “1G ALW1d Cojoyd *yooTB AA “CL *O) "VaVNVO ‘'44NVQ YVAN ‘ANIOSINISSY LNNO| ‘GN0O1D YAaNNVg *| ‘sAasyduinH—Zz6l Woday uvluosy}Iws Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humphreys. PLATE 22. |. SCARF CLOUD, ON TOP OF CUMULUS. (W. A. Bentley, photo.) 2. TONITRO-CIRRUS (FALSE CIRRUS), OVER THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA. (A. J. Weed, photo.) Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humphreys. PLATE 23. |. FUNNEL CLOUD (TORNADO CLOUD), SEEN NEAR ELMWOOD, NEBR., APRIL 6, 1919. (W. A. Wood, photo.) 2. FUNNEL CLOUD (TORNADO CLOUD), FROM TWO EXPOSURES TAKEN CLOSE TOGETHER, UPPER ONE FIRST, SEEN NEAR ELMWOOD, NEBR., APRIL 6, 1919. (G. B. Pickwell, photo.) Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humphreys. PLATE 24, FUNNEL CLOUD (TORNADO CLOUD). Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humphreys. PLATE 25. |. CREPUSCULAR RAYS, SEEN ON THE POTOMAC RIVER. (P. E. Budlong, photo.) 2. LIGHTNING, SEEN FROM MOUNT WILSON, CALIF. (F. Ellerman, photo.) Smithsonian Report 1922.—Humniphrays. PLATE 26. ee |. RAINBOW, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, AND SUPERNUMERARIES; SEEN AT ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. (G. A. Clarke, photo.) 2. CORONA, TRIPLE, AND 22° HALO. Drawn f om observation, by G. A. Clarke, Aberdeen, Scotland. SOME ASPECTS OF THE USE OF THE ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES IN CLIMATIC STUDY. _ By Prof, A. E. DouGiass, University of Arizona, I. AFFILIATIONS. Nature is a book of many pages and each page tells a fascinating story to him who learns her language. Our fertile valleys and craggy mountains recite an epic poem of geologic conflicts. The starry sky reveals gigantic suns and space and time without end. The human body tells a story of evolution, of competition and sur- vival. The human soul by its scars tells of man’s social struggle. The forest is one of the smaller pages in nature’s book, and to him who reads, it too tells a long and vivid story. It may talk in- dustrially in terms of lumber and firewood. It may demand preser- vation physiographically as a region conserving water supply. It may disclose great human interests ecologically as a phase of plant succession. It may protest loudly against its fauna and parasites. It has handed down judicial decisions in disputed matters of human ownership. It speaks everywhere a botanical language, for in the trees we have some of the most wonderful and complex products of the vegetable kingdom. The trees composing the forest rejoice and lament with its suc- cesses and failures and carry year by year something of its story in their annual rings. The study of their manner of telling the story takes us deeply into questions of the species and the indi- vidual, to the study of pests, to the effects of all kinds of injury, especially of fire so often started by lightning, to the closeness of grouping of the trees, and to the nearness and density of competing vegetation. The particular form of environment which interests us here, however, is climate with all its general and special weather conditions. Climate is a part of meteorology, and the data which we use are obtained largely from the Weather Bureau. Much 1 Address of the president of the southwestern division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Tucson, Ariz., Jan. 26, 1922. Reprinted by permission from the Scientific Monthly, Vol. XV, No. 1, July, 1922. 223 224 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. helping knowledge needed from meteorology has not yet been gar- nered by that science. For example, the conditions for tree growth are markedly different on the east and west sides of a mountain or on the north and south slopes. The first involves difference of exposure to rain-bearing winds, and the second means entirely dif- ferent exposure to sun and shade. The latter contrast has been studied on the Catalina Mountains by Forrest Shreve. Again, the Weather Bureau stations are largely located in cities and, therefore, we can not get data from proper places in the Sierra Nevada Moun- tains of California, where the Giant Sequoia lives. Considering that this Big Tree gives us the longest uninterrupted series of annual climatic effects of known date, which we have so far obtained from any source, it must be greatly regretted that we have no good modern records by which to interpret the writing in these wonderful trees, and, so far as I am aware, no attempt is yet being made to get com- plete records for the future. In reviewing the environment, one must. go another step. One of the early results of this study was the fact that in many different wet climates the growth of trees follows closely and sometimes fundamentally certain solar variations. That means astronomical relationship. It becomes then an interesting fact that the first two serious attempts to trace climatic effects in trees were made by astronomers. I do not know exactly what inspired Professor Kapteyn, the noted astronomer of Groningen, Holland, to study the relation of oak rings to rainfall in the Rhineland, which he did in 1880 and 1881 (without publishing), but for my own case I can be more explicit. It was a thought of the possibility of determin- ing variations in solar activity by the effect of terrestrial weather on tree growth. This, one notes, assumed an effect of the sun on our weather and recognized trees as‘one of nature’s great recording mechanisms. But the possible relationship of solar activity to weather is a part of a rather specialized department of astronomical science, called astrophysics. And there is a great deal of help which one wants from that science, but which one can not yet obtain; for example, the hourly variations in the solar constant. I would like to know whether the relative rate of rotation and the relative tem- peratures of different solar latitudes vary in terms of the 11-year sun-spot period. These questions have to do with some of the theories proposed in attempting to explain the sun-spot periodicity. We do not know the cause of the 11-year sun-spot period. Here then is work for the astronomers. Yet another important contact has this study developed. The tings in the beams of ancient ruins tell a story of the time of build- ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—DOUGLASS. 995 ing, both as to its climate and the number of years involved and the order of building. This is anthropology. It will be mentioned on a later page. Viewed through the present perspective, there is one way of expressing the entire work which shows more clearly its human end, a contact always worth emphasizing. If the study works out as it promises, it will give a basis of long-range weather forecasting of immense practical value for the future and of large scientific value in interpreting the climate of the past. This statement of it carries to all a real idea of the central problem. II. YEARLY IDENTITY OF RINGS. The one fundamental quality which makes tree rings of value in the study of climate is their yearly identity. In other words, the ring series reaches its real value when the date of every ring can be determined with certainty. This is the quality which is often taken for granted without thought and often challenged with- out real reason. The climatic nature of a ring is its most ob- vious feature. There is a gradual cessation of the activity of the tree owing to lowered temperature or diminished water supply. This causes the deposition of harder material in the cell walls, pro- ducing in the pine the dark hard autumn part of the ring. The erowth practically stops altogether in winter and then starts off in the spring at a very rapid rate with soft white cells. The usual time of beginning growth in the spring at Flagstaff, Ariz. (elevation 7,000 feet), is in late May or June and is best observed by Dr. D. T. MacDougal’s “ Dendrograph,” which magnifies the diameter of the tree trunk and shows its daily variations. This spring growth de- pends upon the precipitation of the preceding winter and the way it comes to the tree. Heavy rains have a large run-off and are less bene- ficial than snow. The snow melts in the spring and supplies its moisture gradually to the roots as it soaks into or moves through the ground. There is evidence that if the soil is porous and resting on well cracked limestone strata, the moisture passes quickly and the effect is transitory, lasting in close proportion to the amount of rain. Trees so placed are “sensitive” and give an excellent report of the amount of precipitation. Such condition is commonly found in - northern Arizona over a limestone bed rock. If the bed rock is basalt or other igneous material the soil over it is apt to be clay. The rock and the clay sometimes hold water until the favorable season is past and the tree growth depends in a larger measure on other factors than the precipitation. For example, the yellow pines growing in the very dry lava beds at Flagstaff show nearly the same growth year after year. It is sometimes large, but it has little variation. Such growth is “ complacent.” 226 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Yearly identity is disturbed by the presence of too many or too few rings. Surplus rings are caused by too great contrast in the seasons. The year in Arizona is divided into four seasons, two rainy and two dry. The cold rainy or snowy season is from December to March, and the warm tropical summer, with heavy local rainfall, occurs in July and August. Spring and autumn are dry, the spring being more so than the autumn. If the snowfall of winter has not been enough to carry the trees through a long dry spring, the cell walls in June become harder and the growing ring turns dark in color as in autumn. Some trees are so strongly affected that they stop growing entirely until the following spring. A ring so pro- duced is exceptionally small. But others near by may react to the summer rains and again produce white tissue before the red autumn growth comes on. This second white-cell structure is very rarely as white as the first spring growth and is only mistaken for it in trees growing under extreme conditions, such as at the lowest and driest levels which the yellow pines are able to endure. Such is the condition at Prescott or at the 6,000-7,000-foot levels on the moun- tains about Tucson. A broken and scattered rainy season may give as many as three preliminary red rings before the final one of au- tumn. In a few rare trees growing in such extreme conditions, it becomes very difficult to tell whether a ring is formed in summer or winter (that is, in late spring or late autumn). Doubling has become a habit with that particular tree—a bad habit—and the tree or large parts of it can not be used for the study of climate. But let us keep this clearly in mind: This superfluous ring forma- tion is the exception. Out of 67 trees collected near Prescott, only 4 or 5 were discarded for this reason. Out of perhaps 200 near Flagstaff, none has been discarded for this reason. Nearly 100 yellow pines and spruces from northwestern New Mexico have pro- duced no single case of this difficulty. The sequoias from California, the Douglas firs from Oregon, the hemlocks from Vermont, and the Scotch pines from north Europe give no sign of it. On the other hand, 10 out of 16 yellow pines from the Santa Rita Moun- tains south of Tucson have had to be discarded and the junipers of northern Arizona have so many suspicious rings that it is almost impossible to work with them at all. Fossil cypresses also give much trouble. The other difficulty connected with yearly identity is the omis- sion of rings. Missing rings occur in many trees without lessening the value of the tree unless there are extensive intervals over which the absence produces uncertainty. A missing ring here and there can be located with perfect exactness and causes no uncertainty of dating. In fact, so many missing rings have been found after care- ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—DOUGLASS. 29'7 ful search that they often increase the feeling of certainty in the dating of rings. Missing rings occur when autumn rings merge together in the absence of any spring growth. This rarely, if ever, occurs about the entire circumference of the tree. There are a few cases in which, if the expression may be excused, I have traced a missing ring entirely around a tree without finding it. I have observed many cases in which the missing ring has been evident in less than 10 per cent of the circumference. Some are absent in only a small part of their circuit. I have observed change in this respect at different heights in the tree, but have not followed that line of study further. It is beautifully shown in the longitudinally bisected tree. One sees from this discussion what the probable errors may be in mere counting of rings. In the first work on the yellow pines the dating was done by simple counting. Accurate dating in the same trees (19 of them) later on showed that the average error in counting through the last 200 years was 4 per cent, due prac- tically always to missing rings. A comparison in seven sequoias between very careful counting and accurate dating in 2,000 years shows an average counting error of 35 years, which is only 1.7 per cent. Full confidence in yearly identity really comes from another source. The finding of similar distribution of large and small rings in practically all individuals of widely scattered groups of trees over great periods of time has been evidence enough to make us sure. This comparison process between groups of rings in dif- ferent trees has received the rather clumsy name of “ cross-identifi- cation.” Cross-identification was first successful in the 67 Prescott trees, then was carried across 70 miles to the big Flagstaff groups. Later it was found to extend 225 miles further to southwestern Colorado with extreme accuracy, 90 per cent perhaps. This is over periods of more than 250 years. Catalina pines from near Tucson have a 50 per cent likeness to Flagstaff pines. There are many points of similarity in the last 200 years and many differences. Santa Rita pines are less like the Flagstaff pines than are the Catalinas. In comparison with the California sequoias, differences become more common. The superficial resemblance to Arizona pines is 5 or 10 per cent only. That is, out of every 10 or 20 distinctive rings with marked individuality, one will be found alike in California and Arizona. For example, A. D. 1407, 1500, 1580, 1632, 1670, 1729, 1782, 1822, and 1864 are small in Arizona pines and Califor- nia sequoias. While only a few extreme individual years thus 228 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. match, there are correspondences in climatic cycles to which atten- tion will be called later. Cross-identification is practically perfect amongst the sequoias stretching across 15 miles of country near General Grant National Park. Trees obtained near Springville, some 50 miles south, show 50 to 75 per cent resemblance in details to the northern group. This was far more than enough to carry exact dating between these two localities. Cross-identification in some wet climate groups was extremely accurate. A group of 12 logs floating in the river mouth at Geffle, Sweden, showed 90 to 95 per cent resemblance to each other. The range was 100 to 200 years and there were no uncertain years at all. The same was true of some 10 tree sections on the Norwegian coast and of 13 sections cut in Eberswalde in Germany. A half dozen sections cut in a lumber yard in Munich did not cross-identify with each other. A group of 5 from a lumber yard in Christiania was not very satisfactory. A very recent group of coast redwoods from Santa Cruz, Calif., proved very un- satisfactory. ‘The vast majority, however, have been absolutely sat- isfactory in the matter of cross-identification. Nothing more is needed to make the one ring a year ideal perfectly sure in the work here described, but if there were it would come in such tests as frequently occur in checking the known date of cutting or boring, with a set of rings previously dated. That has been done on many occasions in Arizona and California. To give final assurance, the record in the yellow pine was compared with statements of good and bad years, and years of famine, flood, and cold, reported in Bancroft’s “ History of Arizona and New Mexico,” and it was found that his report identified with the character of the growth in the corresponding years of the trees. Three results may be noted before leaving this important subject. Deficient years extend their character across country with more certainty than favorable years. A deficient year makes an individual ring small compared to those beside it. Large rings, on the other hand, are more apt to come in groups and so do not have quite the same individuality. Nor are they as universal in a forest. If they occur at a certain period in one tree, the chances are about 50 per cent that the corresponding years in the neighboring trees will be similarly enlarged. If, however, a very small ring occurs in a tree, the chances are over 90 per cent that the neighboring trees will show the same year small. Second, with many groups of trees where the resemblance between their rings is strikingly exact, a small number of individuals such as 5 will answer extremely well for a record, and even fewer will give valuable and reliable results. But the central part of a tree has larger growth and is less sensitive than the outer part. Its ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—DOUGLASS. 229 character is somewhat different. To get a satisfactory representa- tion through several centuries, therefore, it is better to combine younger trees with older ones to get a more even and constant record of climatic conditions. The third thought is this. The spreading of a certain character over many miles of country stamps it in almost every case as climatic in origin, because climate is the common environment over large areas. III. NUMBER AND LOCATION OF TREES. The whole number of trees used is nearly 450 and includes cone- bearing trees from Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colo- rado, Vermont, England, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and Bohemia. The total number of rings dated and measured is well over 100,000. The average ages found in these various trees are very interesting. The European groups reach for the most part about 90 years, al- though one tree in Norway showed 400 years of age, and 15 were found beginning as early as 1740. The Oregon group of Douglas firs goes back to about 1710, the Vermont hemlocks reach 1654, the Flagstaff yellow pines give a number of admirable records from about 1400. The oldest trees, of course, were the great sequoias from the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. They were found to have ages that formed natural groups, showing probably a climatic effect. There are very few under 700 years old (except the young ones which have started since the cutting of the Big Trees). A number had about that age. The majority of the trees scatter along in age from 1,200 up to about 2,200 years, at which age a large number were found. One or two were found of 2,500 years, one of 2,800, one of 3,000, one at just under 38,100, and the oldest of all just over 3,200. The determination of this age of the older sequoias in the present instance is not merely a matter of ring counting, but depends upon the intercomparison of some 55,000 rings in 385 trees. In 1919 a special trip was made to the Big Trees and samples from a dozen extra trees obtained in order to decide the case of a single ring, 1580 A. D., about which there was some doubt, and it was apparent that the ring in question stood for an extra year. This was corrected and it now seems likely that there is no mistake in dating through the entire sequence of years, but if not correct the error is certainly very small. IV. TOPOGRAPHY. The late Prof. W. R. Dudley, of Stanford University, in his charm- ing essay on the “Vitality of the Sequoia” refers to the fact that the growth of the Big Trees depends in a measure on the presence of a 55879—_ 2416 230 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. brook near by. This agrees with my own observations. Size is far from a final indication of age. The General Grant tree, which has no running water near it and is the largest in the park of that name, has a burnt area on one side in which the outer rings are exposed, allowing an estimate of its average rate of recent growth. From much experience with the way the sequoia growth is influenced by age, it was possible to assign 2,500 years as the approximate time it took this giant to reach its present immense diameter of close to 30 feet. But about 3 miles west near a running brook is a stump which is over 25 feet in diameter, but is only about 1,500 years old. That is the effect of contact with an unfailing source of water. Perhaps the most general characteristic which stands out in the different groups of dry-climate trees is a close relationship of this kind between the topography and the growth produced. For that reason, I have visited the site of every dry-climate group and indeed have examined the stumps of almost every tree in my collection. It was found that dry-climate trees which grew in basins with a large and constant water supply, and this refers especially to the sequoias, usually produced rings without much change in size from year to year. This character of ring is called “complacent.” The opposite character is the “ sensitive ” ring where a decided variation is Shown from year to year. Sensitive trees grow on the higher eleva- tions where the water supply is not reliable and the tree must de- pend almost entirely on the precipitation during each year. Such trees grow near the tops of ridges or are otherwise separated from any collection of water in the ground. In case of the basin trees, ene could be sure that a ring was produced every year, but owing to the lack of individuality in the rings for certain years, it was difficult to compare trees together and produce reliable data. In case of the sensitive tree growing in the uplands there was so much individuality in the rings that nearly all of the trees could be dated with perfect reliability, but in extreme cases the omission of rings in a number of trees required special study. Of course, these cases were easily settled by comparison with other trees grow- ing in intermediate localities. Trees growing in the dry climate of Arizona at an altitude where they have the utmost difficulty in getting water to prolong life be- come extraordinarily sensitive. In the same tree one finds some rings several millimeters across and others microscopic in size or even absent. In order to express this different quality in the trees a criterion called mean sensitivity is now under investigation. It may be de- fined as the difference between two successive rings divided by their mean. Such quotients are averaged over each decade or other period ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—DOUGLASS. Bok desired and are believed to depend in part on the relative response of the trees to climatic influences. The great sensitiveness of the yellow pines as compared with the best sequoias is evident in any brief comparison of dated specimens. Vv. INSTRUMENTS. In the course of this long attention to the rings of trees and in studying such a vast number of them, special tools to secure ma- terial and to improve and hasten the results have very naturally been adopted or developed. One goes into the field well-armed, carrying a flooring saw with its curved edge for sawing half across the tops of stumps, a chisel for making numbers, numerous paper bags for holding fragments cut from individual trees, a recording notebook, crayon, a shoulder bag, camera, and especially a kindly, strong- armed friend to help in the sawing. In the last 18 months the Swedish increment borer has been used extensively to get records from living pine trees. Hardwoods and juniper are too tough. It has previously been considered that the little slender cores, smaller than a pencil, so obtained, would hardly be worth working on. But the method of mounting them has been raised to such a degree of efficiency, and the collection of material be- comes so rapid that the deficient length and the occasional worth- less specimen are counterbalanced. JBesides, it is often easy to sup- plement a group of increment cores by some other form of speci- men extending back to greater age. The Mount Lemmon group, near Tucson, has eight cores giving a good record from about 1725 to the present time; a saw-cutting from a large stump in Summer- haven carries the record back 150 years earlier. It should, however, be supported by at least one more long record and this can be done by the tubular borer described next. “ The tubular borer was designed especially for the dried and sometimes very hard logs in the prehistoric ruins. It works well on pine trees and junipers. It gives a core an inch in diameter, which means a far better chance of locating difficult rings than in the increment borer cores which are only one-fifth of that diameter. The borer is a 1-inch steel tube with small saw teeth on one end and a projection at the other for insertion in a common brace. A chain drill attachment is also provided to help in forcing the drill into the wood. The difficulty with this borer is the disposal of saw- dust and the extraction of the core. For the former, a separate hole is bored with 4 common auger just below the core (if in an upright tree) and in advance of it to catch the sawdust. The core is broken off every three inches and pulled out to make more room for the sawdust. To extract the core a small steel rod is provided with 232 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. a wedge at one end and a screw at the other. One and two foot tubes are carried so that it is possible to reach the centers of most pine trees. It would not be difficult to develop an instrument much more efficient than this and it should be done. Soon a borer will be needed to pass through a 35-foot tree or to sound the depths of the great Tule trees of southern Mexico. The tools just mentioned are technical, yet in no sense com- plex. A measuring instrument has just been completed whose use- fulness will be extensive and whose details of construction are too complex for present description. It is for measuring the width of rings. It makes a record as fast as one can set a micrometer thread on successive rings. The record is in the form of a plot drawn in ink to scale on coordinate paper so that the values can be read off from it at once for tabulation. This form of record was de- sired because individual plots have long been made to help in se- lecting the best trees and in studying their relation to topography. The instrument as constructed magnifies 20, 40, or 100 times, as desired. It can be attached to the end of an astronomical telescope and used as a recording micrometer capable of making a hundred or more settings before reading the values. It seems possible that it will have other applications than the ones here mentioned. Another instrument of entirely different type has been devel- oped here since 19138. Its general principle has been published and will not be repeated, but in the last three years it has been entirely rebuilt in a more convenient form through the generosity of Mr. Clarence G. White of Redlands. This instrument is now known as the White periodograph. It could be called a cycloscope or cyclo- graph. Its purpose is to detect cycles or periods in any plotted curve. It differs from previous instruments performing harmonic analysis in that it is designed primarily to untangle a complex mixture of fairly pronounced periods while others determine the constants of a series of harmonic components. For example, the periodograph can be applied to a series of rainfall records to find if there are any real periods operating in a confused mixture. It is also designed to get rid of personal equation and to get results quickly. The instrument as reconstructed is far more convenient and accurate in use and has already given important results. It enables one to see characteristics in tree growth variation which are not visible to the unaided eye. It is specially arranged now to give what I have called the differential pattern or cyclogram because this pattern not only tells the periods or cycles when properly read but shows the variations and interferences of cycles and pos- sible alternative readings. Tests on the accuracy of solutions by this instrument show that its results correspond in precision to least-square solutions. ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—DOUGLASS. 233 VI. CORRELATIONS. It is no surprise that variations in climate can be read in the growth rings of trees, for the tree ring itself is a climatic product. It is an effect of seasons. The geologists use the absence of rings in certain primitive trees as an indication that no seasons existed in certain early times. Whatever may have been the cause of that absence, we recognize that the ring is caused primarily by changes in temperature and moisture. Now if successive years were exactly alike, the rings would be all of the same size with some alteration with age and injury. But successive years are not alike and in that difference there may be some factor which appeals strongly to the tree. In northern Arizona, with its limited moisture and great freedom from pests and with no dense vegetable population, this controlling factor may reasonably be identified as the rainfall. If the trees have all the moisture they can use, as in north Europe about the Baltic Sea and other wet climates, we look for it in some- thing else. It could be—I do not say that it is—some direct form of solar radiation. It could be some special combination of the ordinary weather elements with which we are familar. Shreve has studied this phase in the Catalinas. If the abundance of mois- ture is so great, as actually to drown the tree, then decrease in rain- fall which lowers the water table below ground will be favorable. A fact often forgotten is that more than one factor may enter into the tree rings at the same time, for example, rainfall, temperature, and length of growing season. These may be isolated in two ways. We may select a special region, as northern Arizona, where nature has standardized the conditions, leaving one of them, the rainfall, of especial importance. Or we may isolate certain relationships as in any other investigation, by using large numbers of observa- tions, that is, many trees, and averaging them with respect to one or another characteristic. For example, I can determine the mean growth curve of the Vermont hemlocks and then compare it sepa- rately with rainfall and solar activity, and I may, and do, find a response to each, For that reason, I have felt quite justified in seeking first the correlation with moisture. A temperature cor- relation doubtless exists and in fact has been noted, but its less minute observance does not lessen the value of the rainfall rela- tionship. The first real result obtained in this study was in 1906, when it became apparent that a smoothed curve of tree growth in northern Arizona matched a smoothed curve of precipitation in southern California since 1860. That degree of correlation is now extensively used in the Forest Service. This was followed almost at once by noting a strikingly close agreement between the size of individual 234 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. rings and the rainfall for the corresponding years since 1898, when the Flagstaff weather station was established. The more detailed comparison between rainfall and ring growth was made with Pres- cott trees in 1911. Some 67 trees in five groups within 10 miles of Prescott were compared with the rainfall at Whipple Barracks and Prescott which had been kept on record since 1867. The result was very interesting. For most years the tree variations agree almost exactly with the rainfall, but here and there is a year or two of disagreement. The cause of these variable years will sometime be an interesting matter of study. Taken altogether the accuracy of the tree as a rain gauge was 70 per cent. But a little allowance for conservation of moisture raised the accuracy to 85 per cent, which is remarkably good. The actual character of this conserva- tion is not evident. At first thought it might be persistence of moisture in the ground, but the character of the mathematical formula which evaluated it allowed a different interpretation, namely, that in a series of poor years the vital activity of the tree is lessened. During the dry period, from about 1870 to 1905 or so, the trees responded each year to the fluctuations in rainfall but with less and less spirit. This lessening activity took place at a certain rate which the meteorologists call the “ accumulated mois- ture” curve. This suggested that the conservation was in the tree itself. There is much to be done in this comparison between tree growth and rainfall, but the obstacle everywhere is the lack of rainfall records near the trees and over adequate periods of time. The five Prescott groups showed that in a mountainous country near- ness was very important. But the nearest records to the sequoias are 65 miles away and at 5,000 feet lower elevation. The best com- parison records for the Oregon Douglas spruce are 25 miles away. It is so nearly everywhere. ‘The real tests must be made with records near by. In 1912, while attempting to test this relationship of tree growth to rainfall in north Europe, I found that the Scotch pines south of the Baltic Sea showed a very strong and beautiful rhythm, matching exactly the sun-spot cycle as far back as the trees extended, which was close to a century. The same rhythm was evident in the trees of Sweden, and perhaps more conspicuous in spruce than pine. Near Christiania the pines were too variable to show it, but it reappeared on the outer Norwegian coast. To the south near the Alps it disappeared, and in the south of England it was uncertain but probably there. In this country it shows prominently in Ver- mont and Oregon, but the two American maxima come one to three years in advance of the sun-spot maxima. There is evidently an important astronomical relationship whose meaning is not yet clear. ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—-DOUGLASS. 235 It is to be noted that it appears in regions whose trees have an abundance of moisture, and it thus appears to be a wet-climate phenomenon. _But the correlations do not stop at rain and sun-spot periodicity. The pines of northern Arizona, which are so sensitive to rainfall, show a strong half sun-spot period. And on testing it one finds that the rainfall does the same and that these variations are almost certainly related to corresponding temperature variations and to the solar period. Thus, the Arizona trees are related to the weather, and the weather is related in a degree, at least, to the sun. Thus, we find evidence in forest trees that the 11-year sun-spot period pre- vails in widely different localities and in many places constitutes the major variation. This introduces us to the study of periodic effects in general. VII. CYCLES. Considering first that cycles, as we have just shown, are revealed in tree growth, second, that the trees give us accurate historic rec- ords for hundreds and even thousands of years, and third, that simple cycles or even some more complex function could give a basis for long range weather forecasting, we recognize the vital importance of this elemental part of the story told by the trees. It was exactly for this purpose that the periodograph was designed and constructed and some 10-score curves have been cut out for analysis, after minute preparation of the very best yearly values. In fact the major time for two years has been given to this prepara- tion of material. It is hardly done yet, but it is far enough along to anticipate its careful study in the near future. Our present view may be profoundly modified, but it is safe to say that the sun-spot cycle and its double and triple value are very general. The double value, about 22 years, has persisted in Arizona for 500 years, and in some north European localities for the century and a half cov- ered by our tree groups. The triple period, essentially Briickner’s cycle, has operated in Arizona for the last 200 years and in Norway for nearly 400 at least. A 100-year cycle is very prominent throughout the 3,000 years of sequoia record and also in the 500 years of yellow pine. A hypothesis covering all these sun-spot mul- tiples will be tested out in the coming months. Should a real explanation be found a step will have been made toward long-range prediction and an understanding of the relationship of the weather and the sun. Other periods, however, than the multiples of the sun-spot period do occur, and general analysis shows that different centuries are characterized by different combinations of climatic eycles. This suggests to us a great and interesting problem. If we 236 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. can establish the way in which different regions act and react at the same time, then it may become possible to determine the age of an ancient buried tree by finding the combination of short cycles its rings display and then determining when this combination or its _ regional equivalent existed in our historic measuring tape, the great sequoia. VIII. PREHISTORIC RECORDS IN TREES. A new method of investigating the relative age of prehistoric ruins has been developed in connection with this study of climate by the growth of trees, and is being applied to the remarkable ruins at Aztec, in northwestern New Mexico, with its 450 rooms, now in process of excavation by the American Museum of New York City. The ceilings were built of tree trunks placed across the width of the rooms. Smaller poles were laid across these beams and covered with some kind of brush and a thick layer of earth. The beams used in this ceiling construction are almost entirely of yellow pine or spruce and for the most part are in good condition. Many of the rooms have been hermetically sealed for centuries. The beams which have been buried in dust or adobe or in sealed rooms are well preserved. Only those which have been exposed to the air are decayed. In 1915, Dr. Clark Wissler of the American Museum offered sections of such beams for special study of the rings, knowing the writer’s work upon climatic effects in the rings of trees. This offer was gladly accepted, and some preliminary sections were sent at once from the Rio Grande region. These first sections showed that the pines and spruces were far better than cedars for determining climatic characteristics. The next lot of sections came from Aztec and was cut from loose beams which had been cleared out of the rubbish heaps. Six of these sections cross-identified so perfectly that it was evident that they had been living trees at the same time. This success led to my visit to Aztec in 1919 and a close examination of this won- derful ruin. It was at once apparent that an instrument was nec- essary for boring into the beams to procure a complete sample of the rings from center to outside, and that the process must avoid injuring the beams in any way. Such an instrument was de- veloped in the tubular borer as already described. ‘This tool was sent to Mr. Morris and during 1920 he bored into all the beams at Aztec then available and sent me the cores. These cores, together with other sections of beams too frail for boring, finally represented 37 different beams in some 20 different rooms scattered along the larger north part of the ruin. Prac- tically all of these show similar rings near the outside, and by ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—DOUGLASS. 23k counting to the last growth ring of each it was easy to tell the relative dates at which the various timbers were cut. In order to help in describing given rings in these various sections, a purely imaginary date was assumed for a certain rather large ring which appeared in all the timbers. This was called R. D. (relative date) 500, and all other rings earlier or later are designated by this system of relative dates. Many interesting results were evi- dent as soon as the various relative dates were compared. In the first place, instead of requiring many hundreds of years in con- struction as any one would suppose in locking at the ruin, the larger part of it was evidently erected in the course of 10 years, for the dates of cutting the timbers found in the large north side in- clude only eight or nine years.. The earliest timbers cut were in the northeast part of the structure. The later timbers are at the northwest, and it is evident that the sequence of building was from the easterly side to the westerly side, ending up with the westerly end and extending toward the south. In one place beams from three stories, one over the other, were obtained. The top and bottom ceiling timbers were cut one year later than those of the middle ceiling, showing that in vertical con- struction the three floors were erected in immediate succession. A floor pole from Pueblo Bonito was cut one year later than the latest beam obtained from that ruin. An even more interesting fact was soon after disclosed. A study of the art and. industries of neighboring ruins had satisfied Mr. Nel- son and Mr. Morris of the American Museum that some of the ruins in Chaco Canyon, some 50 miles to the south, were not far different in age from those at Aztec. The only beams immediately available from the Chaco Canyon ruins had been collected in the Pueblo Bonito ruin 25 years before by the Hyde expedition. Accord- ingly sections were cut from seven beams which this expedition had brought back to New York City. One of these sections was a cedar and has not yet been interpreted, but the others were imme- diately identified in age both among themselves and with reference to the Aztec timbers. It was found that these Pueblo Bonito beams were cut within a few years of each other at a time preceding the cutting of the timbers at Aztec by 40 to 45 years. Many of the timbers of each ruin were living trees together for more than 100 years and some even for 200 years, and there seems no possible doubt of the relative age here determined. ‘This result showing that. a Chaco Canyon ruin was built nearly a half century before Aztec is the first actual determination of such a difference in exact years. A single beam from Pefiasco, some 4 miles down the Chaco Canyon from Pueblo Bonito showed that its building was interme- diate between Pueblo Bonito and Aztec. 238 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Another association of growth rings with prehistoric deposits has rapidly developed in the last two years. In 1904 the writer discovered an Indian burial at a depth of 8 feet in a cultivated field near Flagstaff, Ariz. A skeleton and two nests of pottery were revealed by a deep cut which a stream of water had made through the land. Near the burial was an ancient pine stump standing in place 16 feet underground. The tree was later discovered by a neighbor and became part of a bridge support. The Indian remains were given away except a red bowl of simple pattern and a good piece of black-and-white ware which is now in the Arizona State Museum. In 1920 the search for these buried trees was resumed and more than a half dozen in excellent preservation were found at depths from 4 to 12 feet. Mr. L. F. Brady of the Evans School gave most important help in getting out sections of these. In the summer of 1921 he again resumed the search and found several more buried trees and especially determined several levels at which pottery and other Indian remains are plentiful. These buried trees have been preserved by their pitch and show here and there quantities of beautiful little white needle-shaped crystals, which Doctor Guild has discovered to be a new mineral and to which he has given the name “Flagstaffite.” Several conclusions are already evident in the study of these buried trees. In the first place they supply much desired material from which some data regarding past climates may be obtained. The trees buried most deeply have very large rings and a certain kind of slow surging in ring size. Both of these features are character- istic of wet climates. The stumps at higher levels show characters common in dry climates; that is, general small rings and a certain snappy irregularity with frequent surprises as to size. This varia- tion with depth gives a strong intimation of climatic change. The cycles dominant at these different levels also may be read from these sections and are likely to prove of great value. In the second place this material will help in determining the age of the Indian remains and perhaps even of the valley filling in which these objects were located. There are several ways of getting at this which will take time in working out but there is one in- ference immediately evident. One log was buried about 2 feet, yet its rings do not tally with the 500 years of well determined rings of modern trees in that neighborhood. Allowing about a century for the sapwood lost from the buried tree and a half century more neces- sary to detect cross-identity, we have an approximate minimum of 350 years from that 2 feet of depth. The age of Indian relics at 9 and even 4 feet must be very considerable. It is interesting to add that ANNUAL RINGS OF TREES—DOUGLASS. 239 this log cross-identified perfectly with another found at about the same depth a hundred yards away. These then are the first results of the application of the general study of tree rings to archeological work and suggest further pos- sibilities. Not only does it seem probable that this beginning of relative chronology of the wonderful ruins of the Southwest will be extended to include other ruins in this region, but this study of the prehistoric writing in trees will help in the clearer understand- ing of the climatic conditions which existed in those earlier times when the largest bona fide residences in the world were being built. IX. CONCLUSION. The economic value of this study of tree rings and climate is to be found in the possibility of long-range weather forecasting. In noneconomic terms, we are trying to get the interrelationships be- tween certain solar and terrestrial activities by the aid of historical writing in the trees. The work is not done; a wide door is open to the future. Hence it is impossible to make an artistic conclusion. There is no real conclusion yet. Some definite results have been reached and they encourage us to hope for larger returns in the future. Through this open door we can see attractive objectives looming above us and we note the outlines of some of the hills to be sur- mounted. To climb these metaphorical hills we need groups of trees from all parts of this country, from numerous specially selected spots and areas, from distant lands; we need ancient tree records from Pueblo ruins and modern Hopi buildings, from mummy case and viking ship, from peat bog and brown-coal mine, from asphalt bed and lava burial and from all ancient geologic trees in wood and stone and coal. We need measuring instruments, workers, museum room for filing and displaying specimens. And we need great quantities of climatic data obtained with special reference to tree comparison. With all this and with a spirit behind it, we shall quickly read the story that is in the forest and which is already coming to us through the alphabet of living trees. Bios ener oth “iat y ap pelos vil Mirssuin, tn Yha0 thy aia itis re 20H ag tte iit? ne. yodre than «a bad? bie ype ee ent Drone Wen. Bare fond a6") af re pantie acts oat heir elt Lovoitiey. otatdcods out 1 tit ie — ut meanol to (titi Piao lets) aris boeneroe od halons ong, i i ie pe =o er pesreetaprmer nape: big yalbapit avdda tears 16 Sayoraetcniion Styl apeeeae oo betas wihatoolss, yiaioeqe, guosemuney. retavenaihesonchea eae coe broners erie ae re Janiaify-coort erane. bade mba (pf BPD. REET eat ting: cibliod: iqolt emhont bageoier oldesth aor jot teal qeee ant went has god, lect vee ree <, “habe iso es be * ai oo tioatiak gisoion eimpngeatani yaistepeoen hoor, oF prcerntesoe {jcksomgp bong, 0%, bad, ,enaraioaqa, waixeiqnils bee. gail sot eto oad 0% seagohos Ininoqa idsive hoedaido, ariel eprops vodinileg, 270 eh Drritdord: Jiaiga. 4 sltive Ieee 4 j | qhagale ai, doidy, J Dan estat, Pra Ge Ma Suidion oooh paiyel fait ia Wieainx. Tver i ApeCse WW rw. boti ine at thea vehi wail | mits Mag v nite ee Beast ‘Se ae}. one “ile fhreniy hotel evident. One Reo iM shout 2 Fase iy Kashens Gh 98 AO. We Bie, O04 predate i vay igotnr colina 7 a | PA ies 1, Liat Kopel ye Piceyee, hy ie al iy apt a cong sear. hs ae) SH PP CT rch, SPORE AO biti ved. tree will ay Tha WOO PL heures i inte TKS hetiancs, ceo Tene iy Wie ee al hi Vinten po fait: ‘of ‘ : ‘ HAL Senirg evan tort. feat ab doped ‘fa ol MUR Tudiac redid 00 ape: rR vay 4 fget pn Mi Vary gouneacbnies Shaws ky al Pitesti ¢ bee pin: THE AGE OF THE EARTH. By T. C. CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. THE AGE OF THE EARTH FROM THE GEOLOGICAL VIHWPOINT. By T. C. CHAMBERLIN, University of Chicago. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. In pioneer days, when the sciences were struggling for a place in the sun, it fell to geology to pull up and set back the stakes that man had stuck to mark the beginning of the earth. This seemed to many a moving of sacred landmarks; to others it seemed a wanton use of the secrets of the cemetery of nature’s dead. A bitter war arose; racial bias disputing the rock beds, tradition and sentiment fighting mud layers and fossil imprints. The struggle that followed was long. The throwing of rocks and rock-ribbed arguments grew to be an art that might well have drawn forth the envy of an Ajax. But the substantial slowly gained on the sentimental. The brutal co- gency of a slab of fossils could be hated and fought, but could not be gainsaid. And as the tide turned the geologist began to play cru- sader; he mounted his war horse and went forth to convert the world—including, withal, some of his scientific colleagues. After a time, however, the battle shifted to another field. Darwin and Wallace drew off a following and taught them to use the subtler weapons of “the struggle for existence” and “natural selection.” However, they still plied the old geologic weapons, for they, too, had reason to point to bed on bed; they had need of even more time than the geologists. So they took the lead and the team became a tandem, biology prancing in front, geology trotting on in the thills. But the spirit and abandon of this team soon awakened a new antagonist. Kelvin took the field in the name of physics, astronomy, and mathematics, and sought to set metes and bounds to the back- ward extension of terrestrial time. He told the tandem, with much show of premises and figures, that the feed on hand positively would not let them go as far as they proposed. The tandem was reined in 1 Reprinted by permission from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol LXI, Dec. 26, 1922. 241 242 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, and marked time, losing not a little of the free natural pace it should have retained. But in time this great antagonist was neatly flanked from an unexpected quarter. Certain physicists and chemists discovered that they had a decaying atom on hand. They keenly watched its rate of decay and soon came to see that if atoms take as long to grow as some of them take to die off, there should have been time enough for this little ball of atoms to get together—and plenty of energy as well. So, too, astronomers began to see that the making of globular clusters and stellar galaxies required time. If 60,000 suns have time to come together and work themselves into a steady state while yet they are suns, the getting together of our little earth may be merely a negligible matter after all. And so a new order of things has arisen. ‘The tandem is a vexed tandem no longer. We now have a fine four-horse team: Astronomy and physics at the front, leading off at a great pace; biology on the pole, steadying the team; and geology plodding on as the old original wheel horse. THE GEOLOGIC PROBLEM. Now, I must hasten to warn you not to expect much of the old wheel horse. He has grown stiff in his paces, and his paces are not what they should have been. Kelvin checked him too high. A reasonable check should have given him good form and some sense of restraint, but checked too high, he took to short mincing steps. As a result he is in poor shape to swing into the great pace of the new leaders. It is too much to expect him to recover his natural step at once, but he will in time. For the present, he will need a touch of the whip now and then to make him keep pace. Let this be gentle and considerate, because of his age and his past service, but let it be persuasive. REPRESENTATIVE GEOLOGIC TIME ESTIMATES. It is a simple matter, theoretically, to use the rate at which sedi- ments are being laid down, or solutions gathered into the ocean, as a divisor to find the time required to lay down the whole column of sediments or the whole accumulation of the salts in the sea. Practi- cally there are serious difficulties. In the first dozen years of this century four notable estimates were made in this way by able geolo- gists—two Americans, Clarke* and Becker; ? two British, Joly * and if. W. Clarke, “A preliminary study of chemical denudation,” Smithsonian Misc. Coll., Ivi, no. 5 (1910) ; “‘ The data of geochemistry.” 2 George F. Becker, ‘‘ The age of the earth,’ Smithsonian Misc. Coll., lvi, no. 6 (1910). ’J. Joly, ‘‘ An estimate of the geological age of the earth,’’ Trans. Roy. Soc. Dublin, VII (1899), pp. 23-66; ‘“‘ The age of the earth,’ Phil. Mag., 6th ser., Vol. XXII (1911), pp. 359-380. AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 243 Sollas.t These estimates form an admirable point of departure for this discussion. They represent the mode of geologic interpretation that has been most current until recently ; they typify opinions widely held by the conservative school of geologists; they stand out in con- trast to the views of the new school.’ The mean of the four esti- mates, on the basis of the sediments, was 90,000,000 years, roundly ; on the basis of the ocean, 95,000,000 years. The highest individual estimate was 150,000,000 years; the lowest 70,000,000 years. I shall not deal with the individual estimates, but merely with their mean value, and with that only as representative. My discussion can not be specific and concrete without some refer- ence to views in other fields. My colleagues in this symposium will give you the last word from their viewpoints, and if I could follow them I would gladly take their estimates as specifically representa- tive in their several lines. In lieu of this, I can only use such gen- eral views as are current. It has long been known to be the view of many biologists that the evolution of life required much more than 100,000,000 years. It is also well known that most estimates based on radio-activity greatly exceed this. Astronomical opinion has re- cently been trending toward the view that long periods are neces- sary for certain typical phases of celestial evolution. Perhaps I may overstep my proper limits far enough to say that I have re- cently tried to form some notion of the time required for the gather- ing of planetesimals from what seemed a probable distribution into the collecting planetary nuclei, and found a period of the order of two or three billion years the most probable. These current views in the collateral fields warrant me in assuming that there is a wide discrepancy between the geological estimates just cited and the present estimates in the related fields. In view of this I can perhaps serve you best by inquiring whether the recent additions to geologic evidence and the newer modes of interpretation mitigate this discrepancy in any appreciable measure. Let us consider first what the newer evidence relative to the sediments has to say, and turn later to the solutions. *W. J. Sollas, ‘“‘ Presidential address,’’ Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. 65 (May, 1909), Proc. Geol. Soc. of London., sess., 1908—9, pp. l—-cxxii. 5It is not practicable to summarize the time estimates of the newer school consistently with the division of labor adopted in this symposium since they are composite, embracing organic, astronomic, and radioactive factors, with some emphasis on the last. The fol- lowing papers of this class may be taken as representative: J. Joly, ‘‘ Radioactivity and geology,” Van Nostrand, New York (1909), pp. 233-251; Arthur Holmes, “‘ The age of the earth,” Harper Bros., London and New York (1913), pp. 1-196; J. Barrell, “ Rhythm and the measurement of geological time,” Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 28 (1917), pp. 745-904; T. C. Chamberlin, “‘ Diastrophism and the formative processes,’ XIII, ‘‘ The time over which the ingathering of planetesimals was spread,’ Jour. Geol., Vol. XXVIII (1920), pp. 675-681. 6 Diatrophism and the formative processes, XIII, The time over which the ingathering of the planetesimals was spread, T, C, Chamberlin, Jour. Geol., Vol. XXVIII (1920), pp. 675-681. 244 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. THE TESTIMONY OF THE SEDIMENTS. In considering possible modifications of the foregoing estimates five questions arise: (1) How far do recent investigations tend to lengthen or to shorten the older estimates? (2) To what extent has human action made the present rate of wash and deposit faster than the mean pre-human rate? (3) How far does the present state of elevation make the present rate faster or slower than the mean rate of the past? (4) How does the present area of erosion compare with the mean area? And, finally, (5) does the lower end of the geologic column give us the point from which the accumulation of the sediments began? I can try to answer these questions only very briefly and inadequately. 1. The effect of imtensive studies on earlier time estimates.— A strictly accurate chronology reaching back from the present. for several thousands of years is now being worked out by De Geer.’ He has succeeded in identifying the yearly deposits of glacial waters and in correlating them with annual moraines. In addition to this he has been able to match sections at distant points by comparing the succession of peculiarities in the annual “ varve” layers. While this is a quite special method and has only limited application, it is important to general time estimates, because it gives a means of checking up other criteria that indicate glacial time, and these help check up certain nonglacial criteria. As is well known, the duration of the recent Ice Age was for a time a sharply battled question, and the old views pitted against the new views came to be well defined. Though not yet ready for precise announcement, it is already fore- shadowed that the De Geer method of measurement, when it shall have fully covered the retreatal stage of the last glacial epoch, will show that stage to be about three times as long as it was made by the most representative of the old estimates. The main differences of opinion as to the duration of the glacial period, however, grew out of the evidence that instead of one simple short epoch there were several epochs of glaciation separated by rather long interglacial intervals. Now, by using the De Geer method to correct the criteria on which time estimates of these glacial and interglacial epochs have been based, a glacial period at least twenty times as long as that assigned by the old estimate seems to be foreshadowed. Very likely this degree of extension of an old-time estimate by a new one is ex- ceptional; at any rate, the glacial formations are exceptional de- posits and make up only a small part of the geologic column. 7 Gerald De Geer, ‘‘A geochronology of the last 12,000 years,” Proc. Int. Congr., Stock- holm, 1910, p. 241; “‘Kontinentale Niveauveriinderungen in Norden Europas,’ ibid., p. 849; Spitzbergen, ibid., p. 1205; ‘‘ Phenomenes Quaternaires de Stockholm,” ibid., p. 1290; “‘ Quaternary phenomena in the southern part of Sweden,” ibid., p. 1339. AGE OF THE EARTH—CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 245 In considering the standard water-lain sediments of the column, it is to be understood that only rapid surveys or mere reconnais- sances have as yet been made of the larger part of the earth, and that inevitably inconspicuous breaks in the continuity of the deposits have been overlooked. As a result recent critical studies have revealed in some cases surprising numbers of gaps in the continuity of deposi- tion. For example, Dr. Stuart Weller, in a study of what was for- merly regarded as a continuous section of the Mississippian, has found no less than 12 breaks in continuity. The time value of these, in his judgment, is two or three times as great as that of the visible beds themselves. The time values of such intervals are best judged by comparing the faunas below them with those above, but this falls within the province of my paleontological colleague, and I therefore leave this source of correction in his hands, merely expressing the conviction that these breaks in the continuity of the sediments are quite sure, when finally and fully adjudicated, to extend greatly the old estimates of the time occupied in sedimentation. 2. Human acceleration of the rate of deposition—To pioneers who watched the effects of floods, freshets, and ordinary wash on the native surface of our prairies and forests in their virgin state, and who are able now to compare this with the present wash of the same surfaces under cultivation, there is no need to argue that human intervention has greatly hastened denudation and deposition. In the native state the surface was protected by thick mats of grass, leaves, and other vegetable débris; while the soil was bound together by dense entanglements of roots. The waters then ran almost clear where now they run mud.’ Added to this are the quickened defla- tion of winds, the wear of roadways, the effects of quarrying and other excavation, as well as the actual carting away of clays, sands, gravels, quarry stone, foodstuffs, timber, and other material. While it is not easy to fix on a definite measure of these effects, the needed correction seems certainly to be large. 3. Correction for the present elevation of the surface.—It is held by leading American geologists that the general elevatory movements of the continents have alternated with periods of relative stability dur- ing which the processes of base leveling and sea transgression have 8 Personal communication. ®A fuller statement of this with citations of data from Dole and Stabler and from F. W. Clarke is given in ‘‘ Diatrophism and the formative processes, VIII, the quantita- tive element in continental growth,’ T. C. Chamberlin, Jour. Geol., Vol. XXII (1913), pp. 522-528. : Dpalg-—24——1 7 246 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ' cut down the continents and developed peneplains.*° The periods oc- cupied in the process of lowering the surface by denudation are held with good reason to be greater than those occupied in its elevation by deformative action. It is needless to say that elevation increases the velocity of the run-off, and that this velocity greatly increases the transporting power. “ It is generally agreed that the present altitude of the continents is greater than their mean elevation during geologic history. Geologists recognize at least two stages in which the continents were exceptionally high and broad: That which at- tended the transition from the Paleozic to the Mesozoic Era, and that which attended the transition of the Tertiary to the present epoch. The existing stage thus falls in one of the most notable stages when continental elevation and breadth were greatest, though perhaps not at its climax. Geikie estimates the present mean elevation of the land at 2,441 feet.12 The mean elevation of the great peneplains is a matter of judgment rather than of knowledge, but no one would probably put the elevation at much more than a third of this. Probably a third is too high. The mean elevation for all the ages, high and low, quite surely falls somewhere between 2,400 and 800 feet, and probably nearer the 800 than the 2,400. There can be little doubt, then, that the present rate of denudation and deposition is much above the mean rate. There are incidental conditions attending high relief which add appreciably to the immediate effects of the steep declivities to which it gives rise. Relief of the surface increases the vertical air currents, and these favor precipitation; they also tend to concentrate the pre- cipitation and give it enhanced effect. High relief often induces sharp showers and distinctly rapid run-off. The smooth surfaces of the stages of lower elevation, on the other hand, favor a more even distribution of rain, a larger absorption into the soil, and a slower run-off of the remainder. So, too, accidented surfaces are likely to be ineffectively protected by vegetation, for lack of soil, or of ade- quate moisture. These and other incidental influences add appre- 1° The following group of papers emphasizes the rhythmical nature of elevation and stability and of the action of the atmosphere and hydrosphere upon the periodic deforma- tions of the earth body and thus form the basis for the arguments in this and the next section: “A group of hypotheses bearing on climatic changes,” T. C. Chamberlin, Jour. Geol., Vol. V (1897), pp. 681-683 ; ‘‘ The ultimate basis for time divisions and the classi- fication of geologic history,” ibid., Vol. VI (1898), pp. 449-463: “‘ A systematic source of provincial faunas,” ibid., Vol. VI (1898), pp. 597-609; ‘‘ The influence of great epochs of limestone formation upon the constitution of the atmosphere,” ibid., Vol. VI (1898), pp. 609-622 ; and specifically as applied to the question of age: “‘ Rhythm and the meas- urement of time,” J. Barrell, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 28 (1917), pp. 745-904. The argu- ment used in the present paper will be found stated as a quotation from Chamberlin in Holmes’s “ The age of the earth,” cited above (1913), pp. 79-81. See also T. C. Chamber- lin, ‘“‘ Diastrophism as the ultimate basis of correlation,” in ‘‘ Outlines of geologic his- tory,” compiled by B. Willis and R. D. Salisbury (1910), The University of Chicago Press, pp. 298-306. 41 See the special investigation of G. K. Gilbert, ‘‘ The transportation of débris by run- ning water,’ Prof. Paper, 86, U. S. Geol. Surv. (1914). 2“ Textbook of geology,’ 4th ed.. Vol. I (1903), p_ 49. AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS, 247 ciably to the total effect. It seems clear, therefore, that a large cor- rection is to be made to the present rate of denudation because of the relatively high elevation of the continents. 4. Correction for area.—This is to a large degree, but not wholly, an effect of the elevation of the continents, but none the less it deserves separate recognition. When elevation increases the land area, base leveling and sea transgression at once set in and combine their forces to reduce the exposed area. The result is very large variations in the areas of the ancient lands. The estimates of Schuchert and others for North America show variations that range from the full surface of the continental platform down to half that surface. As a rule, of course, the lesser surfaces were also low sur- faces, and the two influences were cumulative. At stages of low elevation and slack drainage deep soils were likely to accumulate, and these favored thick vegetation, which helped to hold the soils. Thus in several ways small area and low elevation united their influ- ence in a cumulative effect which could not have been other than large. Partial summary—Summarizing at this point, it appears that four important corrections quite certainly must be applied to the present rate of geologic action to reduce it to a mean rate for the whole of geologic time. These corrections are cumulative. There seems to be no way at present to evaluate them rigorously or perhaps even very closely. The weighing of their value is greatly affected by the individual judgment and that, in turn, by individual experiences and opportunities of observation. Speaking for myself alone, it does not seem to be overstraining the importance of these corrections to suppose that their cumulative value will be found great enough to bring the old-time estimates up to figures of about the same order as those of the current radioactive estimates. 5. The lower end of the geologic column.—Below the base of the Paleozoic series the geologic terranes are much obscured by diastrophism and metamorphism. It remains to inquire what is the testimony of this obscured portion as to the horizon at which the sediments began to be deposited, for that is essential to measuring the whole period of deposition. It was once thought that the Cam- brian beds lay close upon “ the original crust,” and that they either represented the real beginning of the sedimentary series or else an early stage close to the beginning. But as field work progressed it was found that first one and then another thick series of sediments lay below the Cambrian. It was further found that there were marked unconformities between these great terranes, and that these were of such a nature as to imply long intervals of time unrepre- sented by deposits; that is, times when the deposition took place else- ~ where. The number of such strongly unconformable terranes has been notably increasing as investigation proceeds. The correlation 248 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. of these is not yet complete—or even wholly satisfactory so far as it has gone—but the leading workers in this field recognize six, eight, or more great stages. This pre-Cambrian factor is thus certainly great, but just how great is yet undetermined. The mere extension of the sediments downward in this large degree is not, however, the most significant feature of this recent work. Great granitic series form a prominent feature of these lower terranes. These were formerly taken to be parts of “the original crust.” They have been found, however, to consist of remarkable intrusions into earlier series made up of sediments, voleanic débris, and surface lava flows. The granites are not evidence of “ the origi- nal crust of the molten globe.” Nor does there seem to be any other trustworthy evidence of “an original crust.” Thus observational evidence does not give the depth at which the bottom of the column of sediments is to be found, and theory is perhaps as favorable to a depth of a thousand or two thousand miles as any shallower depth. A reliable starting point for reckoning the total thickness of the sediments is not available. THE TESTIMONY OF THE SOLUTIONS.?? In the effort to find the earth’s age by means of sediments advan- tage may be taken of the fact that each deposit makes its own indi- vidual contribution. It is thus possible to sum up as many of these separate contributions as can be measured satisfactorily and rest the case there, leaving what remains of the earth’s age to be found out later or to be guessed at or to be ignored. But when the inquiry turns to the solutions it must face the fact that the contributions of each stage have been mingled with those of all other stages and the record to be measured is thus an indivisible unit. If the ocean, con- sidered as such record, can be used to measure age at all, it is the total age of the ocean. This total age of the ocean can not be ex- pected to tally with the age found from an unknown fraction of sediments. The basis of estimating the age of the ocean.—The interpreta- tion of the time occupied in the concentration of solutions in the ocean hangs on the assumptions made relative to its origin and to the entire history of the earth’s waters on land and sea alike. This includes the volume of the waters at the start and all along; it in- cludes the metamorphic solutions from within the earth as well as 18 Only a brief general statement could be made at the Symposium for lack of time. Adequate citation of evidence or of authority or elaboration of critical points was imprac- ticable. The printed text gives somewhat more liberty and I have taken advantage of it to a limited extent and have recast this part of the text to accommodate it to this. I am greatly indebted to Dr. T. Wayland Vaughan, United States geologist in charge of investi- gations on sediments, for aid in securing documents and personal statements from the departments of our general Government and from its officials engaged in investigations bearing on the question in hand. AGE OF THE EARTH—CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 249 those that arise from surface action. Account must also be taken of such reversals of action as take material out of solution and return it to the solid state. All these must be considered, for they are all necessarily involved in the question of the age of the ocean. Some basal assumptions are unavoidable, and if we must deal with them it is best to be frank and explicit about them. The necessary as- sumptions as to the early stages of the ocean are more or less specu- lative, but.if we are to discuss the question of age at all, there is no occasion to be squeamish about that. It does not make the assump- tions any less “speculative” to gloss over or shy at the fact that they are speculative or at least have speculative factors. Assump- tions are least dangerous when explicitly recognized. They are even likely to be least speculative when the grounds on which they rest are carefully sifted, logically weighed, and made to throw such light as they may on the question in hand. We have no call to dis- cuss the age of the ocean at all unless we are ready to be frank about the other end of its history. The crux of the issue lies there. We are all agreed about the age of this end. The two types of assumptions in actual use and their radical differences.1*—Only two general types of assumptions require recog- 1%4The four estimates of the age of the ocean which were cited earlier and which give an average age of 95,000,000 years, with a range from 70,000,000 to 150,000,000 years, seem clearly to have been made on the basis of the inherited view of the origin of the earth. This assumes that all the material of the present hydrosphere, together with such substances of the present earth body as would be volatile at the temperature of molten rock, were held in the atmosphere which surrounded the supposed molten earth. The oceanic history is assumed to have begun when the waters from this primitive ocean- bearing atmosphere condensed upon the crust that had formed over the molten earth. The great influence which this view has had on geologic thought and the wide extent to which interpretations derived from it enter into various geologic concepts not recognized as its offspring, are chiefly due to the explicit teachings of the old masters who had clear cosmological conceptions and the courage of their convictions, Foremost of these among Americans was Dana, and as I once believed and taught this view but have become an apostate from it and the protagonist of another view, I trust that in following Dana’s statement in the fourth edition of his Manual of Geology as a standard exposition I shall not be doing any injustice to the inherited view. On the other hand, the only accretional view that has been carried out into any measure of detail is the planetesimal hypothesis. (The most recent statement of points pertinent to this discussion may be found in a series of articles entitled “‘ Diatrophism and the formative processes,’ I to XV, Jour. Geol., Vols. XXI (1913) to XXIX (1921), particularly Articles X to XV.) ‘To clear the air of needless fog let it be noted that this is not a speculation regarding the origin of the universe, or of the stars, or even of our sun. It is merely an endeavor to explain the singular dynamic properties of the earth and its fellow planets and their strange relations to the sun. It is merely a definite endeavor to solve a very definite problem. It started from an attempt to test the ten- ability of the inherited view of the atmosphere just outlined. The hypothesis that the atmosphere once held as vapor all the water of the ocean and much other volatile ma- terial was framed before the nature of gases was known. The view seemed logical enough under the old notion of gases. Special reasons for testing it by the kinetic theory of gases arose out of the relations of the atmosphere to glaciation. The results of the test were very unfavorable. It seemed wholly improbable under the kinetic constitution of gases that a molten earth could hold so vast and active an atmosphere. This adverse result led to other tests of a more mechanical sort. These disclosed certain critical facts in the dynamics of the solar system which, while not altogether unknown, had not been adequately recognized as indispensable criteria in the interpretation of our planery 250 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, nition here, the one based on the view that the earth started as a molten globe, the other that it grew up slowly by the accession of solid particles. For the purposes of the present question it is not radically material how the molten globe arose, on the one hand, nor by what celestial mechanism the accretion took place, on the other, beyond the fact that the material of the ocean was supposed to be assembled as a vapor about a hot earth, in the one case, ready to begin work in full volume when cooling took place, while in the other case the waters came into action very gradually. Out of these basal dif- ferences, however, there arise some important contrasts in the modes of later action that are almost equally radical in their bearings on the evolution of the ocean, so that both the original and derivative differ- ences need to be sharply in mind in considering the question of the earth’s age. 1. On the one hand, it is assumed that the ocean was essentially uniform in volume throughout all the ages, and that the disintegra- tion of the surface rocks, the inflow of solutions, and the content they carried were also essentially uniform. If these assumptions are cor- rect, or if they hold true of a single leading element, as sodium, the present rate and content of inflow may be used as a divisor to ascer- tain the total time of inflow. This, however, is subject to the condi- tion that there is no important reversal of action, or at least none that can not be adequately measured and discounted. The alternative view assumes that the ocean grew to its present volume very slowly from a small beginning, that the solutions came from three sources and were variable from the start, so that the whole history was very different from the preceding. The three sources of solutions were (1) the internal metamorphic action of waters en- trapped in the growing accessions, (2) surficial action by the atmos- phere and hydrosphere acting on the shell of the lithosphere, and (3) accessions of water-substance from the environing sphere under con- trol of the sun—particularly accessions through the system of ex- change between the ultra-atmosphere of the sun and the ultra-atmos- system. In other words, the earth and its family have dynamic peculiarities that make the question of their origin a special one. These hereditary peculiarities point the way to their interpretation. The planetesimal hypothesis is simply the result of an attempt to follow these hereditary traits back to their parentage. It is as little as possible speculative, for it starts with mechanical properties which are rigorously determinate and which must be met by any hypothesis of genesis worthy of serious consideration. It follows these back to their probable origin in other known properties and natural actions so related to them as to be their probable sources. The method followed was only a phase of the standard practice of geologists in following the vestiges of a recorded event back to their most probable sources. If peculiar at all, it is merely in that the vestiges are dynamic, It ill becomes us to be squeamish about historical deductions from his- torical vestiges, for there are plenty of people who regard geology as a speculation from beginning to end and there is no present help for it. AGE OF THE EARTH——-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 951 phere of the earth.° The first source brought one type of solutions, the second another, and the third added water that was essentially fresh. Under this view it is obvious that until this complex of sources and variations has been worked out the present rate of acces- sion has no claims to be regarded as a trustworthy divisor for ascer- taining the total period of activity. There are also two rather radically different methods of dealing with the geo-chemical evolution of the ocean. These are not neces- sarily connected with the preceding differences of view, but as a matter of fact they are closely associated with them. The first of these—associated with the older cosmological view— takes (a) for its start the concept of a universal crust acted upon from without by an atmosphere and hydrosphere, (6) for its middle factor the streams, and (c) for its end products the sediments and the ocean. The matter in the sediments and in the ocean taken to- gether are supposed to match the loss of the crust by decomposition and wear. Under this view any real failure to so match is a dis- crepancy to be accounted for. In the special problem in hand the sodium in the ocean, together with the sodium that remains in the sediments, should match the sodium once in the denuded rocks of the crust. So, also, the other elements of the crust should appear in due proportion in the sediments and the ocean. It is recognized in the cases of calcium, magnesium, potassium, silica, and other ele- ments that there are reversals of action by which these elements go back into the solid state as new sediments, but it is held that sodium does not return to the solid state in the sediments in a similar chemico-physical cyclic way, to any appreciable degree. Thus the sodium now in the ocean is held to represent the accumulation of all the geologic ages, and this total accumulation divided by the rate at which the present streams are carrying sodium down to the sea is held to give the age of the ocean, barring some corrections to be noted later. The crux of the whole issue of age lies in the validity of these concepts, particularly the irreversibility of the sodium. The other view is far less simple. It looks upon the hydrosphere, of which the ocean is the chief concentration, as only the liquid phase of a solid-liquid-gaseous cycle through which the earth substances are passing. It is held that the earth is perpetually undergoing self- metamorphism in all its parts. This metamorphism takes place in a multitude of ways, each unit doing its part, in its own place, in its own way, and at its own rate. Each unit passes through its own cycles of liquid-solid-gaseous states according as its nature, its con- tacts, and conditions determine. Its career is wholly dependent on its own succession of conditions, and is only affected by what other 158 The origin of the earth,’ The University of Chicago Press (1916), pp. 19-21. 252 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. units are doing under their conditions incidentally as it happens to come into working relations to them. The cycles that thus arise are so multitudinous and intricate that their correlation is a most formidable task which is scarcely yet fully appreciated; little more than a beginning has been made toward its accomplishment. Under this view it is necessary to stress the fact that the simple solid-to-solution change from the rock to the ocean does not cover the whole evolution in the case of any substance. In most cases there are many cycles, some in parallel lines, some in succession. The content of the indurated rocks, on the one hand, and the con- tent of the sediments and the ocean solutions on the other, are great features that have guiding value, but they are too general to cover with adequate accuracy the sub-cycles that make up the real history. The correlation of the whole is too largely conditioned by the num- ber and speed of the constituent cycles to be successfully dealt with. It is especially affected by the reversals from the liquid to the solid state which take place during the passages from rock to soil, from soil to fresh-water solutions, or to colloids and turbid suspensions, and from these to the concentrated sea solutions in the borders of the sea. The deductions drawn from such a complication of cycles differ in very important respects from the deductions drawn from a simple matching of the content of the igneous rocks with the con- tent of the ocean solutions and the sediments. Now, in respect to sodium, it is, of course, recognized that it returns to the solid state in less degree than potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It is held, nevertheless, on good evidence, that the sodium does return to the solid state in minor equilibrium degree and is recounted. The reactions involved are controlled by the law of mass action and the mutual effects of the constituents on one another. The reactions are particularly affected by the degrees of concentra- {ion, which are very low in the fresh-water solutions and quite high in the sea solutions. The trend of the reactions is toward equilibrium between the constituents, not toward any exclusive or monopolistic combination. Specifically, it is held that when the state of concentra- tion favors the sodium, it will displace either potassium, magnesium, or calcium, and that such displacements take place as a standard fea- ture in the processes of disintegration and solution, though only in an appropriate minor degree. Let us now turn to such determinations as are available for testing the validity of these contrasted interpretations. Discrepancies in the matching of igneous rocks with sediments and solutions.—The differences between the content of the igneous rocks and that of the sediments and the salts of the ocean have been AGE OF THE EARTH—CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 253 put in definite form by Leith and Mead.*® Comparing first the igneous rocks with the sediments, they find the following excesses and deficiencies: (1) a deficiency of 3.1 per cent in iron; (2) a de- ficiency of 26 per cent in magnesium; (3) an ewcess of 32 per cent in calcium; (4) a deficiency of 64 per cent in sodium; and (5) an ewcess of 2 per cent in potassium. If the corresponding constituents in the ocean are added to these severally, some of the discrepancies will be lessened, while others will be increased; the discrepancies do not disappear, though they are somewhat mitigated. 2. It is recognized on all hands that the land, waters vary greatly according to the nature of the drainage area from which they are derived. In some districts they consist largely of carbonates, or of sulphates; in others of chlorides, or of silicates; while the degree of dominance varies greatly within each class. The solutions of the ocean, however, are not identical with any of these, nor with a simple mixture of them; the ocean solutions are dominantly chlorides, but constitute a combination which is quite distinctive. This implies that, instead of a theoretical mixture of the land waters, an effective chemico-physical reorganization takes place, a liquid metamorphism of the heterogeneous land waters and their content into the homo- geneous sea solution and its sediments. This is in a measure recog- wized, but the recognition is inadequate if the change is regarded simply as a liquid metamorphism. There is a neglected solid factor in the form of silts and clays that is of critical importance. The usual comparison is really between the clear waters of the streams— which are mainly the outflowing grownd waters of the land—and the sea waters. The run-off and its contents—the wash-waters of the jand and their burden of mud—are neglected. But it is this run-off water with its mud and the colloids that go with it which carries the larger part of the acid radicals of the soil from which the basic radi- cals were leached. The reunion of these acids with the alkalies in the border of the ocean constitutes a critical part of the metamorphism which gives rise to the ocean solutions and sediments. We will return to this presently. 3. The larger part of the solutions now flowing into the ocean comes from the sediments, the lesser part from the igneous rocks.— This becomes the more suggestive when it is noted that the sediments have been worked over repeatedly in some notable part; some small part, perhaps hundreds of times; some larger part, scores of times; while some other large part perhaps has not been worked more than once, unless we count in the many times most material is handled in going from the parent rock to the ocean. That the sediments should still be able to yield saline solutions to the observed extent wC, K, Leith and W. J. Mead, Metamorphic geology (1915), p. 69 et seq., particularly pp. 838-88, 254 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. raises a vital question into which it is necessary to inquire before assuming the practical nonreversibility of the sodium solutions. It is already well recognized that a part of this sustained productive- ness is due to sea winds which carry salt inland from the ocean. This salt is thus counted as many times as it is carried back. An endeavor has been made to estimate and make allowance for this by taking the increase of salt solutions near the ocean as a criterion. It has also been recognized that salt solutions are entrapped in the pores of the sediments as they are laid down under the sea, and that when the beds are afterwards raised above the sea level these solutions are drained into the streams and counted again as salts from the land. The amount of duplication involved in this depends on the ability of the rocks to hold salt water mechanically in their pores, and correction has been sought by estimating their porosity and discounting for it. Sandstones usually have the highest porosity and limestones come next, while shales are relatively close-textured and impervious, but still the shales are exceptionally productive. So, also, it has been recognized that beds of rock salt occur in the stratified series, but these are held to be relatively unimportant. So still further some particles of the original rock may remain undisintegrated; so, too, fresh particles may be cut away from exposed rocks by wind blast and widely though sparsely distributed. But when the modifying effects of all these have been recognized and discounted, there still remains a serious source of double counting of sodium which we must consider presently. 4. The ratio of chlorine to sodium is a crucial matter, recognized but not sufficiently emphasized. Inspection of the drainage from regions of igneous rocks shows that the chlorine is relatively low and the sodium relatively high compared with the ratio of these ele- ments in the ocean, which is about 1.8 chlorine to 1 sodium. The rela- tive deficiency of chlorine in the drainage from the very rocks that are assumed to be the ultimate source of the salt solutions raises a fundamental issue. 5. In view of this, let us make our inspection as sweeping as pos- sible. Let us compare the ratio of sodium to chlorine in the ocean with the ratio found in the average igneous rock of the whole “crust.” The latest and most authoritative determination of the chemical composition of the igneous rocks is that of Clarke and Washington, which gives the mean sodium content as 2.83 and that of chlorine as 0.096.17 From this it appears that the mean per cent, 17 Frank W. Clarke and Henry S, Washington, U. S, Geol. Surv. and Geophys. Lab., Carnegie Institution of Washington, ‘‘ The average composition of igneous rocks,” Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sci., vol. 8, no. 3 (May, 1922), pp. 108-13. In the paper as read at the symposium I used the then latest and most authoritative figures, viz, those of H. 8S. Washington, “The chemistry of the earth’s crust,” Jour. Franklin Inst., in which the sodium was given as 2.85 and the chlorine as 0.055. AGE OF THE EARTH—CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS, 255 of sodium in average igneous rock is about thirty times as great as their content of chlorine. This is a large difference, but it does not represent the full discrepancy, for the chlorine in the ocean exceeds the sodium in about the proportion of 1.8 to 1. Taking this into account, the discrepancy rises to somewhat above 50 to 7. This is a formidable discrepancy. How is it to be met on the assump- tion that the sodium in solution is not reconverted into sodium solids, but remains in perpetual solution? The dilemma is not much relieved by reckoning in the sediments and the ocean salts, for Clarke and Washington also give*® the ratio of sodium to chlorine when the atmosphere and hydrosphere are reckoned in with the outer 10 miles of the lithosphere. The discrepancy, corrected for actual oceanic proportions, is even then nearly 20 to 1. Quite naturally volcanoes have been thought to be a source of excess of chlorine, but any contribution from the volcanoes is covered by this inclusion of the whole atmosphere and hydrosphere in the average. Besides, the later studies of volcanic gases do not sustain the earlier views that they contained a specially high content of chlorine.*® The observed differences between the sodium and the chlorine appear to have grown mainly out of the normal processes of cyclic change when these are viewed in their largest aspects. If the sodium returns to the solid state in due (though lesser) proportion to the potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chlorine, as these constituents are found mixed in the solutes and the sediments, there is no necessary dis- crepancy in these great differences. The discrepancy is constructive and is imposed by the assumption that the sodium does not take its proportional part in cyclic action. Under the alternative interpreta- tion, the amounts of the several elements present in the ocean are primarily functions of their own cyclic histories; their proportions are not predetermined solely by the composition of the igneous rocks now at the surface, but rather by the relations of their own solvent ° to their non-solvent natures under the conditions of their long com- plex history. Specifially, in the case of sodium and chlorine, the observed ratio merely means that the solution stages of sodium com- pared with its solid stages are much inferior to those of chlorine, just as those of potassium are much inferior to those of sodium, and so on through the list. But, however cogent this may be, definite evi- dence that sodium does enter freely into the cyclic processes, in due proportion to the action of its associates, however inferior the pro- portion may be, will naturally be demanded. Allusion has already been made to a neglected factor. Let us turn to that. 18 [bid., p. 114. 2, T, Allen, “Chemical aspects of vulcanism with a collection of the analyses of volcanic gases.’”’ Papers from the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, No, 440 (1922), pp. 1-80. 256 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, The mud cycle actuated by the surface floods.—Familiar as this is in many respects, it has perhaps received less critical geochemical study than almost any other common feature of nature with which we are directly, not to say unpleasantly, brought into contact. The agricultural chemists have naturally been preoccupied with those elements of the soils that serve as plant food, the students of hygiene and domestic science with waters suitable for drinking and culinary purposes, and the geologic chemists with the organic extracts and precipitates that form the limestones, dolomites, and siliceous beds. The mud factor of the surface wash has been neglected. And yet the muds (later shales) comprise much the largest part of the solid residue of disintegration. ‘This solid disaggregated residue and the colloids associated with it are separated from the true solutions in large measure at the very start on their long journey to the sea. The true solutions are largely formed by waters that descend through the soils into the underlying formations and thus form the ground waters which pass by springs and seep into the streams, giving them their steady supply of clear water. This is the water chiefly analyzed and taken into account in reckoning the material borne by the streams to the ocean. The solid residue, the clays, silts, and sands, however, are only slightly removed by the gentler rains which soak into the ground. They are carried down to sea chiefly by the floods following heavy storms, or by the thaw waters of winter snows which form the spring freshets, or by flood stages from any cause. The turbid mat- ter of these muddy waters contains a large part of the acid radicals with which the basic radicals of the true solutions were united in the parent rock and in the soils. While it is known that the muddy waters contain hydrous silicates of alumina and iron, partly colloidal and partly noncolloidal, together with finely divided siliceous silts and colloidal silica, full and exact information is lacking. Doctor Collins says that “ the dissemination of silica in natural waters, par- ticularly turbid waters, is one of the least accurately known of the de- terminations of substances present in appreciable quantities.” *° He adds that even “ the exact state of the silica present in a perfectly clear water is usually not known. It may be colloidal or it may be present as a silicate radical.” In addition to this—or perhaps the cause of it—investigation is embarrassed at the inland end of the cycle by the fleeting and irregular nature of the freshet stage, and by the rapid and intricate changes within the soils. The changes in the soil are so rapid in certain respects that F. H. King found it important to make his determinations of water-soluble solutions by means of an improvised laboratory in the field so that determinations might be * W. Id. Collins, chief of the quality of water division, U. 8S. Geol. Sury. Personal communication, AGE OF THE EARTH—CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 257 made as promptly as possible after the sample tube had taken the soil from its natural relations.* At the sea end of the cycle the recombinations of the acid radicals with the basic radicals seems to take place chiefly at the base of the turbid water as it is carried out over the concentrated sea solutions and diffuses into them. Before the acid radicals reach the bottom the reversing phase of the cycle has probably ended and a new cycle begun under suboceanic condi- tions. ‘The experimental evidence in support of this conclusion is buried in a great mass of literature which relates primarily to other elements, particularly the elements that form plant foods, such as potassium, phosphorus, etc., and those that form precipitates such as calcium and magnesium carbonates, but when these scattered data are gathered together their combined import is sufficient to make clear the essentials of what happens.” The present status of knowledge and opinion is summarized by the following quotations. Doctor Truog writes: The minerals or salts in soils consist largely of silicates. On weathering the bases are removed from the silicates, leaving acid residues or acid silicates. These acid silicates will react with salts like KCl and NaCl and remove the base and leave HCl in solution. When soil is treated with equal molecular strengths of these two solutions, the potassium is removed to a greater ex- tent than the sodium. This is due to the fact that the potassium forms more insoluble compounds with the acid silicates than the sodium. Furthermore, silicates which have not had their bases removed will also react with these salts and exchange bases with them. For example, potassium chloride will react with an insoluble sodium silicate, in which reaction the potassium replaces the sodium and the sodium is left in solution as soluble sodium chloride. If an insoluble potassium silicate were treated with a solution of sodium chloride, some of the sodium would replace the potassium and some potassium would thus go into solution as the soluble chloride. This, however, would not proceed to as great an extent as the previous reaction, since the potassium forms a more insoluble silicate than sodium. In reading some of the literature on this subject one may get the impression that sodium is not retained by soils like the potassium, but this is really not the case; the action is merely relative. The potassium is retained to a greater extent simply because it forms more insoluble compounds with the soils. 1 Bull. 26, U. S, Dept. Agri. (1905), pp. 26-27. 2 The following are among the more important early investigations: Way, Jour. Roy. Agri. Soc., vol. 11 (1850), pp. 313-879; vol. 13 (1852), pp. 123-143; vol. 15 (1854), p. 491. Hichhorn, Pogg.-An., vol. 125 (1854). p. 126. Voelcker, Jour. Roy. Agri. Soc., 2d series, vol. I, pp. 289-316. Kullenberg, Hoffman’s “Jahres bericht der Agrikultur Chemie,’”’ vol. 8 (1865), p. 15. Lemberg, Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Gesell., vol. 29 (1877), p. 483. 73H, Truog, soil chemist, Dept. of Soils of the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin. Personal communication, 258 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Dr. Milton Whitney ** writes: The investigations of this bureau™ show that the absorptive power of a soil resides almost wholly in the ultra clay or the colloidal material in the soil. This ultra clay is mainly a hydrous silicate of alumina and iron, with hydrated oxides of iron and probably alumina and absorbed calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. It is of a colloidal nature, and can be separted from the soil in the form of minute droplets in dilute colloidal solutions which form into colloidal aggregates when the concentration is somewhat over 1 gram per 1,000 ec. «. The chemical analysis of the soil colloids which we have separated shows considerable amounts of lime, potash, soda, and other material which we be- lieve to be absorbed in colloidal condition. We believe there is a distribution between the amount so absorbed and the concentration of the noncolloidal part of the solution. We believe also that the absorption of any one of these constituents such as potassium will be influenced by the presence of other salts such as sodium or calcium. Under all stable conditions there will be an equi- librium between the amount absorbed and the concentration of the surrounding liquid. Sodium chloride lowers the absorption of potassium chloride and calcium salts lower the absorption of potassium chloride. In general, soils and the colloids obtained therefrom absorb the basic ions much more readily than they absorb the acid ions. According to Clarke the earth’s crust contains 3.28 per cent of Na-O and 2.96 per cent of K.0. Thirty soils and the colloids obtained from the same collected by this bureau contained in the soil 1.59 per cent of K.O and 1.45 per cent in the colloids. The soils contained on the average:0.77 per cent of Na,0O and 0.29 per cent in the colloids. These figures show very clearly the greater power possessed by the soil colloids to absorb and to hold back potash than they have for sodium. A diffusion experiment with a soil colloid lasting over two months in which large volumes of distilled water were allowed to act showed a loss of 25 per cent of total K.0 and over 95 per cent of the total Na.O. There is no question that the soil colloids are able to absorb NaCl. This is shown by the ancient experiments of making sea water drinkable by filter- ing through soil filters. Data and references examined show that under conditions of leaching by rain water where equilibrium conditions are changed potassium is largely re- tained by the soil but sodium is largely leached out. *% Milton Whitney, Chief, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Personal communication. 2% These include numerous publications containing many analyses as well as special discussions, but as in all agricultural publications the constituents that most concern plant life receive most attention and data relative to sodium is incidental. The following may be cited: Cameron, F. K., and Bell, J. M., ‘‘ The mineral constituents of the soil solution,” U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur, Soils, Bull. 30, 1905, Cameron, F. K., and Patten, H. E., ‘‘ The distribution of solute between water and soil,’ Jour. of Phys. Chem., vol. II, pp. 581-93, 1907. Patten, H. E., ‘‘Some surface factors affecting distribution,’’ Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 10, pp. 67-74, 1906. Patten, H. E., and Gallagher, F. E., ‘“‘ Absorption of vapors and gases by soils,’ U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Soils, Bull. 51, 1908. Patten, H. E., and Waggaman, W. H., “ Absorption by soils,’ U. 8. Dept. Agr., Bur. Soils, Bull. 52, 1908. Schreiner, Oswald, and Failyer, G. H., “The absorption of phosphates and potassium by soils,’ U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. of Soils, Bull. 32, 1906. Parker, E. G., ‘Selective adsorption by soils,” Jour. of Agr. Research, Dept. Agr., vol. I, no. 3 (Dec. 10, 1913). AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 259 In the presence of much NaCl, as is found in sea water, ocean shore de- posits would undoubtedly absorb considerable NaCl up to the point where the colloids were in equilibrium with the sea water. If the material were then formed into a shale and elevated to land areas, the induration would presum- ably destroy the colloidal properties, leaving the NaCl free from its colloidal entanglements, and with the change of the solvent from sea water to rain water equilibrium conditions would be expected to remove readily a consider- able amount of the NaCl, while the K.0 would be largely retained on the weathering of the shale and the reformation of colloids resulting therefrom. From these authoritative statements of present knowledge and opinion; from the early experiments of Way, Eichhorn, Kullenberg, Voelcker, Lemberg, and others, in mingling soils with salt solutions and in passing salt solutions through soils, and from many inter- mediate experiments cited by Sullivan,”* there is left little ground for doubt that when the acid radicals previously separated from the basic radicals under conditions of very low concentration, again meet basic radicals under conditions of high concentration in the ocean off the mouths of the streams, reunion takes place in equilibrium propor- tions. The experiments of Lemberg are particularly instructive on this point. He treated potassium-aluminum silicates with sodium- chloride solutions of different degrees of concentration, and after thoroughly washing the solid material so treated found that potas- ssum had been replaced by sodiwm in increased quantities as the concentration of the sodium solution was increased. Complete re- placement of the potassium by the sodium did not take place, but only replacement to the degree required by the law of equilibrium. Now if, in addition to laboratory results, we recall that in former times salt water was freshened for use by passing it through soil, the periodic flooding of the border waters of the ocean by soil wash from the lands may be looked upon as a natural process of salt- water freshening. As there was wash from all the lands, and as the shales formed from the wash products are known to make up much the largest part of the sediments, the process was really one of great magnitude. As the recombinations are divided among the constituents in ac- cordance with the law of equilibrium, the sodium gets a smaller share than the potassium, but it gets a share. From the imperfect evidence one may guess that the sodium recombines to a third or a fourth of the extent of the potassium, but whether more or less than this proportion, it seems clear that enough sodium reunites with the acid radicals in their solid state to vitiate the use of sodium solutions as a criterion of age. This is as far as the present issue requires me to go. Doubtless other cycles follow in the sea and in the sedi- Eugene C. Sullivan, “The interaction between minerals and water solutions, with special reference to geologic phenomena,” Bull. No. 312, U. S. Geol. Surv. (1907), pp. 7-62. 260 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, mentary beds, particularly when deformations take place or igneous and metamorphic actions follow, but we need not dwell on these. The cycles of chlorine.—The climax of the. solvent actions that enrich the sea is reached in the cycles of chlorine, but only a passing word can be given to these. The tenor of experiments with soils indicates that chlorine remains more persistently in solution than the sodium and associated substances. As the cycles of each substance spring from its own nature and the conditions it encounters, the very high preponderance of chlorine over sodium in the ocean finds its chief explanation in this more persistent solubility. Its proportion in average rock is only a conditioning factor and is not the chief controlling influence. When compared with sodium, which is much more abundant in the igneous rocks and indeed in the whole sub- stance of the outer 10 or 20 miles of the earth shell, atmosphere, and hydrosphere included,?’ the logical conclusion is that the cycles of chlorine have always had a much larger liquid phase than those of sodium, and that this has been cumulative through the ages. Chlo- rine is better fitted than sodium to be used as a criterion of age, but even in this case there are formidable difficulties. Both sodium and chlorine and all the other constituents, as already noted, have their own histories which are difficult to disentangle. As Roger Bell neatly puts it: “There are as many histories to be written about the waters as there are kinds of sediment.” ?* 'There would be an ocean highly charged with chlorides if there were no sodium in the earth at all. So there would be an ocean highly charged with sodium solu- tions if there were no chlorine in the earth. The status of the ocean at any time is simply the equation of the solution phases of the ante- cedent cycles of its constituents, all of which have passed through long, complex, more or less individual histories. In the tedious work of their disentanglement the older and simpler geochemical notions will not answer; the newer principles of chemistry, physics, and geology are indispensable. Conclusions.—Our finding, then, in respect to the age of the earth from the geological viewpoint is this: 1. Estimates of time based on the well-preserved series of geologi- cal sediments will, when adequately corrected, probably fall into harmony with the revised deductions from paleontology, radio-activ- ity, and astronomy, so far as these cover the same ground. 2. The distorted and metamorphosed terranes below the well-pre- served series of sediments do not disclose the starting point of sedi- mentation. The sediments can therefore give no verdict on the total age of the earth; they are great enough, however, to show that the earth is very old. * Clarke and Washington, ibid,, p, 114. % Personal communication. AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 261 3. The science of hydrogeology, of which oceanology is only a part, is not yet ready to render a verdict; it has more need of a court of inquiry than a place on the witness stand. THE AGE OF THE EARTH FROM THE PALEONTOLOGICAL VIEWPOINT. By JoHN M. CLARKE. It falls to me to consider this knotty problem on the basis of the biological evidence alone, in so far as it is possible to disentangle this from its almost inevitable complication with geological accompani- ments. In saying biological I mean, of course, biology with the time element generously admitted; that is, not the biology of the instant, the present, but the long biological panorama leading up to the present. Thus I am in a different case to some of my colleagues, for I presume it safe to say that life can have come into being only as a secondary potency in the evolution of force. Just what I mean is that the combination or interaction of physical energies of different categories did not produce the form of energy we designate as life till after a very long chapter of the earth’s planetary history had been written. I may as well frankly say at the beginning that there can be little hope of arriving either at a reliable or an approximate con- clusion as to the age of the earth through this paleontological chan- nel, unless the study of the chronological development of life may in some way afford a measure of the rate of vital processes and thus the measure of some short span or infinitesimal fraction of earth history. This is a shadowy road and this presentation must resolve itself into consideration of such evidences as there may be for time-requisites in the consummation of evolutionary biological procedures, whether in gross or in detail. The bare statement of this fact in such vague form must carry with it an indication of the grave uncertainty of the results except to minds of the fourth dimension. I am not con- vinced that it is within the power, now or ever, of even the most refined understanding of paleontology, to accomplish this and es- tablish such standards of measurements. Nor am [ at all confident that the attempts which have been made to establish such rates of procedure could justify the great labor they have exacted, were it not for the important accessory facts they have elicited. There seems to be no effective reason or very good philosophy in declaring, as some of our writers have been wont to do, that all life is one life. Weseem to have really established the polyphylogeny of several races not only in the lower phyla of animals and plants, but among the vertebrates, and in the thought of competent authority, even to the inclusion of man, and we assign these like products to a differently governed and directed inheritance emanating from fixed 55379—24—18 262 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. points in evolutionary history. This is an enlarging point of view in the interpretation of past life, and admitting its general effectiveness we can conceive and can justify a concurrence of physical energies which need not, and indeed should not logically, be restricted to some single outburst and some single definite moment in earth history. This intimation is that life itself may be polygenetic, though we would not have it interpreted as applying to the reiterative appear- ance of inceptive life through the ages, which is an old conception that still awaits its justification; it is rather only the precise implication of a terrestrial condition so controlled that by the intersection of the requisite forces life came into being at the points rather than at the point of such intersection—a crude way of stating it, perhaps, but it is an intimation of my meaning. When we gaze upon some of Walcott’s Burgess Pass fossils, see the extraordinary intricacy of their anatomy, as, for example, the crustacean Burgessia, with not merely the delicately toughened parts of its exterior, but the evidence of internal organs of great refine- ment, the lobulation and venation of renal organs; and, in the trilo- bite Neolenus, the multiplex delicacy of gills and swimming or walk- ing organs, the effective impression is that, as between such creatures and their nearest allies and perhaps their offshoots of to-day, there is no difference in degree of specialization of structure, no progress in perfection of organic function. Indeed, we may even go further; modern allies of these creatures are in close straits of adjustment to their own physical surroundings, which are too often indicative of the surrender of progress, and to this I shall again make reference. But the Walcott fossils are from the Middle Cambrian, almost the oldest term in the whole long series of rocks in which life has been well preserved, and we here, in this year 1922 of the Christian era, are unable to find that any progress has been made in the structure of these creatures or along the direct line of their development and succession. Their successors in time and place have adjusted, read- justed, adapted, and readapted themselves without having produced a creature of their tribes which can be called a more intricate or a more perfect mechanism. And yet what has gone on in that vast interval of time from then to now? The successive derivation of all intermediate types of life have come into being. The trilobite Neolenus, from the viewpoint of the paleontologist, stands for a tremendous conception of the vast- ness of time behind it. This inconspicuous thing, standing back be- hind us in the dim days of the Cambrian, stripped bare now by the arduous labors of its discoverer, reveals a creature so highly special- ized that it must have commanded uncountable ages for its production by any such process of organic development as that to which we AGE OF THE EARTH—CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 263 paleontologists make our allegiance. The problem behind the Neo- lenus is that of having developed out of the unicellular expression of life, under favoring physical conditions and directive impulse, this intricate and closely functioning organism. How long did it take? I would like to put the problem to the experimental biologist: Given an organism with a full equipment of motor and sensory nerves and an elaborated digestive tract, with specific organs of circulation, re- production, and of waste—is the distance greater from that starting point to the specialized creatures of the present, ourselves if you will, or from the nuclear cell (which we must hold to be not alone the seat but the radial point of life) up to that marvelously specialized crea- ture? Starts are slow, progress to be secure must be deliberate, the momentum of the impulse must be acquired gradually, the passage from a protozoan to a metazoan means the crossing of a deep moat, the climbing of a high wall. But the directive once acquired, then matters may go forward with acceleration. On the basis, then, ot the structure of this ancient trilobite alone, it is safe and probably necessary to answer that Neolenus was farther away from the begin- ning of life, very, very much farther away, in the highest probability, than we of to-day are from Neolenus. This is a relative expression, but we can not be more concrete. The Walcott discoveries have lifted the veil from a scene in the - panorama of life that was barely guessed before. In our previous general understanding there was, in the still earlier faunas, a group of creatures believed to be of simple structure and lowly place in the category of life; it was thought that with these simple things the caravan of life had got under way for its journey through the ages; and now we are compelled to believe that the journey was half over when this caravan first came under our eye. It is not my part to make a review of statements and calculations — of earth age based on the rates of sedimentation from the Cambrian time on to the present; but whatever these are, they may, from the biological point of view, reasonably be doubled and then increased by some improper fraction, if we are to reach a competent expression of the duration of the life day of extinct species—the zoéhemera, as I termed it many years ago, and of the sum of these which go to make a fraction of earth history. It has not been the practice of students of evolutionary pale- ontology to raise the question as to whether there were time enough available for the production of the succession of results which pass under their eye. Such an attitude would of itself be highly unphilo- sophical, and only a natural inquisitiveness or curiosity quite unessen- tial to the real philosophy of the succession and purpose of life has led to the occasional investigation as to the possible time rate of evolutionary processes under historic and under natural conditions. 264 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. We are not the makers, but the users, of time. There have been stages in the history of our science when we have been treated gin- gerly by astronomers and physicists in the allotment of time, but now that our colleagues in celestial mechanics are heaping upon us their munificence in the prescription of this heavenly commodity, we are content; and the interpreters of radiochemistry—we thank them for giving us what we already had. There is time enough. So much, indeed, that to absorb a needful share of it into the philosophy of the evolution of life actually requires of us a revision of our conceptions. I should, I think, take passing notice of the fact that the problem as to how species have originated (one from another, with or without the help of mutations, variations, or variants—the problem of the factors which have controlled their production) does not belong to paleontology. Bateson, speaking recently at Toronto, has expressed the conviction that after the nearly three-quarters century since the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species we are still in doubt and darkness as to the causes of the origin of species. Incautious as it seems, that expression would still be a hopeful one if it means that in this relatively brief period the study of this theme, stimulated by Darwin, has led to the elimination of an extensive array of supposed factors, so that if the buried treasure, if it is really the treasure he has thought, has not yet been found, at least some of the brush has been cleared away from about the place where it lies hid. Both laborers in the field of living nature and those delving among the past creation see the engrossing fact of evolution, but see it out of different eyes; the former perhaps as one would see a vast throng gathered together to acclaim a momentous event, a great victory or a high armistice; the latter as an endless army marching by, its van- guard already out of sight in the mists of the horizon, stragglers ‘ along the way falling back or giving up in hopelessness, while the interminable procession ever emerges out of the shadow. Once upon a time, when Walcott was first bringing out his won- derfully specialized Cambrian fossils from the Burgess shale, I said to the discoverer in a jocular way, “ Keep on and you may find the remains of a Cambrian man.” In the recent address referred to, Bateson ventures more solemnly into this field. “It has been asked [I am quoting] how do you know, for instance, that there were no mammals in paleozoic times? May there not have been mammals somewhere on the earth, though no vestige of them has come down to us? We may feel confident there were no mammals then, but are we sure? In very ancient rocks most of the great orders of animals are represented. The absence of others might by no great stress of imagination be ascribed to accidental circumstances.” Considering that these remarks were made in the presence of a great body of AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 265 scientific men, among whom were paleontologists, I fear the speaker neglected to do what he should have done and as Artemas Ward was wont to do in like case, for in no evidence from any quarter, whether it be of biology, geography, geology, meteorology, oceanography, or psychology, is there the slightest justification for seriously embalming such a fancy in a scientific address and sending it abroad in the world for the daws to peck at. We must fasten our gaze upon such impressive evidence as can now be adduced of the duration of time required in the attainment of organic specializations, and let me supplement those I have given by others taken from the plant world. Casting up the evidences that have been adduced by paleontologists and paleobotanists, I think the footings show very positively a large balance of argument in favor of the great conception that the life of the land has emerged from the sea. I believe it may be said, on behalf of paleontologists gener- ally and their broader deductions, that these are happy in the harmony of their conclusions in this matter after having experi- mented with and checked up alternate conceptions. The broader lines of evolutionary derivation and the best weighed deductive propositions seem to intimate a convergence of the life lines back to the sea and a radiation from it. The inception of life was the most solemn moment in the history of the universe. We invite certain astronomers to refrain from further speculations and presumptions as to life in other worlds, and followers of Arrhenius from pursuing life spores through interplanetary space. These no- tions seem to be very exciting to the emotional public and there is indeed no shred of evidence of these things, no matter what physical conditions may be predicated of other worlds than this. So far as the evidence of outstanding facts and major probabilities goes, life is confined to the earth. Into this solemn event, the birth of life, the interaction of the forces requisite to emergence, we shall not here attempt to pry. We look back, then, to a primitive period of life in the sea, the Plankton epoch, the place and stage of life’s emergence, the surface life; followed by a Benthic epoch, the secondary stage of development in which the living forms had found the shallower sea bottoms and thereupon began their adaptations and more rapid evolution. I shall now borrow freely the brilliant conceptions of Church, the British paleobotanist, as to the procedure among the plants thence forward from the sea to the land, an act which implies time in impressive measures and yet an act which we know has reversed itself in later geological times, at least among the animals, with nostalgic energy and must again and again have shown a like rever- sion in both the animal and in the plant world. We see suggestions 266 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, of these reversionary movements among the Amphibia and the Mollusca and many Mammalia, and it seems highly probable that a more exact knowledge of extinct life will establish these suggestions and awaken others. The Plankton epoch, says Church, gave rise to the first encysted flagellate plants which, under conditions of the Benthon, developed multicellular thallus, tissues and organs of special function and a reproductive mechanism contrived so as to minimize waste. Then followed the epoch of the land flora brought on by the transmigra- tion of highly developed alge which in fact “appear to have been more highly organized than any single algal type at present known to exist in the sea.” “ The alge of transmigration may be * * * said to have combined the best features of the known great con- ventional series of marine phytobenthon.” “The origins of all the main successful adaptations of the land are to be traced down to the benthic phase of the sea.” In this impressive statement we are confronted by the quality of the plant life at its emergence from the sea. Now as to the period of its emergence, of foremost importance to our present consideration, Thomas C. Chamberlin in 1918 directed attention to the fact that the pre-Cambrian rock complex is divided into earlier and later stages on the basis of the degree of disintegra- tion of the exposed rock surface. In the lower division there is an immature disintegration which implies partial decomposition, but the mature disintegration of the later division implies, he says, “ some restraining agency that held the rock in place while the slow weather- ing completed its work.” “This view favors the existence of a vegetal covering of the land as far back as this period.” Church, therefore, has a well-found argument when in the pres- ence of this fact of pre-Cambrian weathering he intimates that it was with the uplifting and exposure of the primary rock to the air that “ the marine organism was brought into direct association with atmos- pheric air and subaérial environment to mark out new lines of pro- gression to still higher and more strenuous forms of land life, though these are again necessarily expressed in terms of preceding organiza- tion and mechanism.” The point to be made here is that with the earliest lifting of land from the sea, benthic alge of advanced struc- ture, “ the remarkable alge of transmigration,” as he has character- ized them, got their foothold on the land. “The evolution of the land flora was a phase of transmigration in s¢tw” and did not in- volve a preliminary landward migration by the way of fresh water, “the biological factors being exposure to more or less desiccation and the removal of the food solution.” “The few races that survived only did so by pressing to the utmost any principles of economy in AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 267 reproductive output that they may have previously initiated, ” such as oOgamy and fertilization in situ. The picture presented by this line of carefully founded SHH At is even more impressive in its demands upon time than the argument we have presented from animal life. It is summed up thus: Plants of complex organization and function—deductively of higher organ- ization than can be to-day found among the algee—had worked out their attainments before their arrival on the land, and probably this organic achievement, not surpassed in the seas of to-day, was accom- plished at a stage in earth history long before the Cambrian epoch brought with it the tangible evidence of the complex animals. The argument from the plants is more highly deductive than that from animals, but its steps are logically taken from effect to cause, and in its presence we must stand uncovered at the inconceivable lapses of earth time through which these transmigrant plants were slowly working out their organization in the waters when there was no permanent land—a period of time which must have been longer than all time that has passed since the emergence of the Laurentian or the basal rock complex of the great shields of the earth. II. If we are prepared to concede the steadily increasing weight of evidence of the polyphyletic origin of genera which recent researches have indicated for so many different groups of life, and can compel our conception to grasp the duration of the vast unrecorded past of life history, there remains another phase of the paleontological rec- ord which in part emphasizes and in part serves as a check on this” conception. It has fallen to me to study the earliest recorded ex- pressions of dependent life—that is, the beginnings, so far as we can find them, of such consociations of animals as we are wont to desig- nate as parasitic, mutualistic, and symbiotic, wherein one creation has depended upon or adjusted itself to the life functions or habits of another, or has sought mechanical protection at the cost of its own locomotive independence. Two very obvious facts seem to stand out as a result of these inquiries: (1) That these interdepend- ent conditions with which the living world is rife to-day, in passing backward to the early stages of Paleozoic time, become palpably fewer; indeed, while such conditions are well marked in some groups and common in others during the middle and later Paleozoic, they are very unusual in the earlier stages and in the Cambrian fauna are little more than suggested. (2) This dependent state seems with reasonable clarity to be resolvable into an original loss of loco- motive independence, a willingness to be fed rather than to feed, an adaptation to an easier mode of life. The commanding percentage 268 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, of the Cambrian fauna belongs to groups against which the charge of surrender of locomotive independence can hardly be laid, though inclusive of groups of animals which in later stages did become in- fected with the loss of independence, but still in a capital sense embraced those whose independent living was unimpaired. These considerations I have analyzed elsewhere in some detail and their significance is this—that the degeneration of life (for de- pendence of necessity implies degeneration of physiology) has been a process attendant upon and of course influencing evolution, but apparently limited in its effects to that part of the procession of life which comes under our actual observation; that is, since the days of the free and independent faunas of the Cambrian. If this is an approximation to the truth, as we believe it to be, then in a broad sense the real vigor of life, which established the major branches and laid down the plan of all future ages, was dominant in its purity in the ages before the beginning of the life record in the rocks. How often the student of the past of the earth has exclaimed at the wonder that man came through to his excellence in a world permeated with ever-increasing conditions of degeneration. DHE TT With such propositions as the foregoing we are confronted by an impressive requirement of time necessary to the development of life on the earth. It is a requirement that seems to roll back and ever backward into the undifferentiated ages of our planetary history. It is a magnitude that takes on proportions before which the outstand- ‘ing estimates of time based on processes of rock building would seem to dwindle, and it partakes more and more of the magnitudes in which the radiologist has been wont to speak. The question for us now is whether our present knowledge affords any basis for an esti- mate or calculation of this time or any part thereof into a concrete expression. If it were possible to estimate by any or all ap- proaches, the length of the life of a single extinct species in any part of the world, there would then lie a possibility of determining what fraction this given quantity might be of the whole. For more than two generations the evidence has been sought, paleontologists endeavoring first to establish the endurance of a given or index species as the basis of a geologic or stratigraphic element—a zone. Into the discussion of the zone—its meaning in time and space—has entered a very long list of eminent names in the science. The zone has been looked upon as a sedimentary element in which a datum species slowly coming to its acme suddenly culminates and abruptly disappears; as such sedimentary unit in which not a species, but a mutation, or an entire fauna rises and falls. To Oppel the zone was a space unit. Buckman has embodied the time conception of the AGE OF THE EARTH-—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 269 zone in the word hemera. The double combination of time and space makes a biozone. The time unit has also been termed swculum by Jukes-Brown, moment and phase by the International Geological Congress. In the recent summary of these expressions and their in- terpretations as given by Diener, in order to determine a proper basis for his discussion, he employs the term zone for the spatial, that is horizontal and vertical distribution of a fauna, whose time is a moment. The whole interpretation of these conceptions centers upon the origin and endurance of a mutation, which in the proper paleontologi- cal sense is a departure from a recognized species toward and into a unit which, by determinate action of the genes producing variation, will become another species. That is to say, the mutation is a clearly recognizable entity in paleontology, is the bridge crossing from spe- cies to species, the connecting link which establishes the continuity of the chain. Apart from considerations of physiology only, the pale- ontologist sees no further occasion for debating the existence of con- necting links or of passages from species to species, or as to how species originate. The mutation is the departure from the one, seek- ing adjustment and failing, or seeking and finding it in what must be recognized from accepted standards as a distinct specific form, a dif- ferent species from its parentage. But when it comes to a matter of determining the rates, the time measure of these changes under vary- ing and all conceivable physical conditions, the pursuit seems to us hopeless, hopeless a priori, hopeless in observation. There are species that have held their own without change through the ages—“ im- mortal types” they have been called; and there are others which have yielded so rapidly to change that their evolution is explosive. The same facts are true of groups of animals; and for the entire organic world there have been earth-wide periods of long stagnation as well as of rapid intensive change. So long as an estimate of the age of the earth rests on evidence of the rate of change or adjustment in organisms through the acquisition of new characters, we may as well abandon the attempt to express it in concrete terms and satisfy ourselves that for the development of life the duration of that fraction of the earth’s history is beyond human expression. THE AGE OF THE EARTH FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF ASTRONOMY. (ABSTRACT.) By Ernust W, Brown. Astronomical evolution is considered under three heads: First, that method of observation in which it is assumed that all stages in the process are visible in the sky and so can be traced step by step. 270 © ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Second, physical theory, based on well-known laws such as those of gravitation, heat, etc. Third, pure speculation. When we attempt — to apply these methods to the solar system we find a complete ab- sence of any observational evidence from the first point of view, be- cause we have no stellar systems sufficiently near for us to detect planets if such exist. Thus evolution in the solar system is mainly a mixture of physical theory and speculation. All theories of evolution use the idea of contraction under gravi- tation, which in general causes a gain of heat and of angular velocity. The chief differences between the theories consist in the forms of matter which are assumed to come into existence under the operation of the process of contraction. Laplace imagined that a planetary nebula contracted and in the course of the process left behind rings of matter which later condensed into planets. Roche showed that under certain conditions matter will be thrown off along the Equator. G. H. Darwin and Poincaré developed the processes of fission from which it was hoped that planetary bodies might be shown to have developed through successive divisions of the central body. Later workers at the theory, and particularly Jeans, have proved that this hypothesis is very improbable for planetary evolution on account of the fact that in this process of division the masses should be of the same order of magnitude and not, as in the case of the planets, of very different orders of magnitude. It has, however, been applied with considerable success to the evolution of close double stars. Finally there are the tidal hypotheses in which the matter is supposed to have been drawn off by the close approach of some second body which later moved away. Each of these hypotheses has many objec- tions. But it may be stated that from these points of view we can learn nothing definite or even approximate about the age of the earth. Another method of approach is through observation of the present condition of the bodies in the solar system. For evidence we have eight major planets, but it is very doubtful whether from so small a number we can deduce any results of value. In fact, it is now well known that differences in mass may produce very different conse- quences in the history of bodies. Thus arguments drawn from the moon, Mars, Venus, or the other planets have never inspired very much confidence. Still another method is a consideration of the present condition of the earth combined with the theory of contraction and subsequent loss of heat. Here we are on somewhat firmer ground, since we have many observations which give information concerning the interior condition of the earth. Amongst these may be mentioned the values ~ of the mean density and the surface density, the phenomena of pre- cession, nutation, etc., the measurements of earthquake and seismic AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 271 waves, and measurements of the rigidity of the earth by various methods, and more particularly by that lately developed at Chicago by Michelson and his colleagues. From these phenomena we know with fair certainty that the earth behaves mechanically like a solid body which has approximately the rigidity of steel. It is sometimes assumed that this shows that the interior of the earth consists of matter which under surface conditions of pressure would be solid. Unfortunately the argument is doubtful, because we know nothing of the condition of matter under the pressures which it experiences at depths of 100 miles or more below the surface of the earth. It is, therefore, impossible to argue with any security concern- ing the temperature conditions in the interior of the earth from these observational data. Lately, Jeffreys has shown that under almost any theory of evolution the earth must at one time have been sufficiently hot so that all its materials were in a liquid state, understanding by this latter phrase, a state liquid under surface conditions of pressure. Thus the astronomical evidence which can be furnished as to the age of the earth is practically nil, and one must turn to methods out- side the range of the astronomer’s work. A further difficulty may be mentioned. Evidence is accumulating that there is widely extended diffuse matter in space, some of which is visible and some of which is only evident on account of the obscuration of light which it causes. It therefore seems highly prob- able that the solar system in the course of several hundred million years may have passed through one or several such clouds. These would have effects, which from theory are well known, such as diminishing the mean distances of the planets from the sun, the cir- cularization of their orbits, possible changes in the total angular mo- mentum of the system, and other effects, such as the possible forma- tion of comets and the production of glacial and interglacial periods. At present, however, the consequences of this hypothesis are still in the range of speculation and need to be worked out in considerable detail before any arguments can be built on it. It may, however, be stated that such a hypothesis would have the general tendency of increasing the age of the earth as estimated from other sources. THE RADIOACTIVE POINT OF VIEW. By WILLIAM DUANB, Harvard University. In estimating the age of the earth one should measure the time that has elapsed by some process in nature that takes place in one direction only and that does not change its rate when conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.) alter. In most of the estimates of 272 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, geological periods of time that have been made the “clocks” em- ployed do not fulfill these conditions. Estimates based on the tem- perature of the earth or of the sun, for instance, can not be reliable, for the temperature of a body may fall or it may rise. Further, the rate of change of the temperature depends upon a variety of condi- tions, such as the amount of energy radiated, the supply of energy to it, etc. Attempts have been made to deduce the age of certain minerals from the appearance of little round marks in them, called halos. These halos are supposed to be due to radiation from minute specks of radioactive matter at their centers. The colors produced by radiation in transparent substances depend to a considerable extent upon the temperature, so that no very great weight can be put upon geological periods of time estimated by means of halos. There are, however, other radioactive processes the rates of which do not, so far as we know, depend on the temperature or the pressure nor upon any other physical or chemical state. During the last 25 years a large number of radioactive trans- formations of one chemical element into another have been discov- ered. Students of the subject agree that these transformations take place in one direction only, i. e., from an element of higher atomic weight to an element of lower atomic weight. Further, nobody has been able to alter the rate of a radioactive transformation by any process whatsoever, although numerous attempts have been made to do so. These radioactive changes, therefore, seem to offer a reliable means of estimating certain periods of time. Among the radio-active changes appear processes in which the metal uranium transforms itself through successions of intermediate stages into the metal lead and into the gas helium. It does not seem necessary to describe in detail these series of transformations at this time. Descriptions of them may be found in the literature on radio- activity. It suffices for our purposes to say that the rate of trans- formation is such that 5 per cent of a quantity of uranium changes into lead and helium in about 370 millions of years. We find, uranium, lead, and helium associated together in a great many minerals and it is natural to suppose that the helium and the lead were produced by the disintegration of the uranium during the past ages. Further, if we determine the relative amounts of urani- um, lead, and helium in a mineral we can form an estimate as to how long these chemical elements have been in contact with each other. Estimates of this kind that have been made from the quantities of helium in uranium ores vary between 8 and 700 millions of years according to the locality from which the ore came. Since some of the helium (it being a gas) may have leaked out of the ores these AGE OF THE EARTH—-CHAMBERLIN AND OTHERS. 273 intervals of time must be regarded as minimum estimates. The uranium and helium must have been in contact with each other for at least as long as the periods mentioned, but they may have been together for much longer intervals of time. Calculations based on the quantity of lead in uranium ores vary from 340 millions to 1,700 millions of years, according to the locality from which the ore is obtained. In this case another complication appears. We have learned to distinguish several different kinds of lead from each other. The various kinds of lead have similar chem- ical properties but differ from each other in their atomic weights. All the different kinds of lead do not come from uranium; only lead of atomic weight about 206 may be regarded as produced from ura- nium. Until, therefore, we have determined exactly what the atomic weights of the lead in the various ores really are, we can not be sure that the lead came from the uranium. We can assert, however, that there is no more uranium lead in a given uranium ore than the amount of lead actually found. Unless, therefore, the atomic weight of the lead in an ore has been actually determined and found to be about 206, we must consider the estimate of the age of the ore as a maximum estimate only. The lead and uranium can not have been in contact with each other for a period of time longer than that calculated from the known rate of transformation of uranium into lead. The atomic weight of the lead in a few ores has been found to be very close to 206. In one of these the age of the mineral has been estimated at a little over 900 millions of years. The calculation of the age of uranium deposits by means of radio- active data rests upon the laws of nature as we now believe them to be. It would be a waste of time to speculate on future discoveries (new radio-active elements, for instance, or alterations in the rates of radio-active processes) or on a possible evolution of natural law. The ages calculated from radio-active data represent the length of time during which we may suppose the chemical elements to have been in more or less mechanical contact with each other. They do not represent the time that has elapsed since the earth may have reached a state capable of supporting organic life as we now know it. we aad Mie - Pith aa.” = Je Os, ua pthY ado: enpindesth: certs inp 48 os Pa kee, | Digtihesol! odot.guibrepn' chop +> Udibailcga oo tadions sano sidd al © Bei . 40 aha tabeoltib: ‘haired fibre ot bea conbdl ae 4, Fsonads: giltouin ¢ oad: t bef Po afinia et porns odds hie > sy ldatavaontt whims 9 Wut ‘tty! 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Hy aad seal pata 26 ai ; % ,; riviant a . iliwe intests eis ite: Ae Reb rivet bane eo edinntny Mal do eae i EEE HY " vv, “mat OF } ivi iep aa dy idan mail th nd ] be ai n WAL PAAR Gronks ot eee nell - a a . i " t i. a es 2) ~~ ~ > pana | ; . DATC f +00 RR i OLavhla ay wha 0 4 iA fatitiensl ht SLi doh : » i . aoe . < ne SRA n" SCTIED teh 20 aE ald nitus : pigs fe Se) i ; : j it ot wine aririn yale 4 eit OBSERVATIONS ON A MONTANA BEAVER CANAL. By 8S. SrrmumMaw Berry. [With 6 plates.) Less frequently seen than the spectacular dam and lodge, but, when in a state of perfection, well nigh exceeding either in the interest and wonder which it invariably arouses in the mind of one fortunate enough to encounter it, is the unique example of beaver engineering known as the canal. As familiarity with it increases, one rarely fails eventually to regard it as altogether the most astounding evidence afforded us of the beaver’s extraordinary “ capacity,” as Willey puts it, “for suiting its labors to the nature of the district which it inhabits.” * 'The attempt to explain it on the basis of hereditary in- stinct alone, in the narrow sense of the word, is not wholly convine- ing. The comparative rarity of the canals, at least in their more developed forms, only adds to the astonishment with which each new vbserver views so purposeful a conquest, through efforts both in- dividual and cooperative, of difficulties which must, from the very nature of the case, be almost wholly peculiar, local, and therefore original. Not only is there nothing stereotyped about the construc- tion of the canal, but given the closest possible parallelism in at- tendant circumstances, the answer to even the flat question of whether a canal will be built or not is variable. In many regions where beavers are known to flourish, their haunts may be explored to the end of time without finding so much as a trace of an attempt at canal building,® while elsewhere a colony situated under what would seem far less favorable conditions has laboriously constructed entire systems of these waterworks. Nor must the possibility be overlooked that different species or subspecies of beaver may not be possessed of the same natural capacities in this direction. 1 Reprinted by permission, with minor changes and additions, from Journal of Mam- malogy, vol. 4, No. 2, May, 1923, *Yet Lydekker, in the article ‘ Beaver,” in the eleventh edition of the Hneyclopwdia Britannica, fails even to mention the existence of the canals, *It must be admitted that lodges, too, are in some places conspicuous only for their absence, while some colonies have so forsaken more usual habits as, temporarily at least, to have given up even dam building, 297 — 298 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The entire phenomenon of canal building by beavers is surely worthy of a far more intensive study by observers trained in modern methods of the investigation of animal behavior than has yet been’ given it. When such sporadic observations as the few which have been made include so much of more than ordinary interest, a genuinely exhaustive investigation could hardly fail being fruitful. It is because prior to so desirable a consummation even relatively minor contributions may prove of interest that these notes have been published. At least one basal fact seems to be pretty thoroughly established: These artificial waterways are constructed primarily for the transportation of food, thus bearing an analogy to the more pretentious canals of human construction, and, like the latter, they appear to be only secondarily utilized for the transportation of building materials, for the diversion of needed or superfluous water, or as simple thoroughfares for the beavers themselves. I would not deny that there are sometimes individual canals which situation or other circumstances quite conclusively indicate to have been in- tended largely or wholly for one or the other ordinarily subsidary purposes last mentioned. Indeed several such examples have been cited by Mills,‘ in a volume which contains quite the best account of this phase of beaver activity that I have been fortunate enough to encounter. But this does not gainsay that the primal urge back of all this cerebral activity, whether or not any degree of intelligent control of the instinct be admitted, is that of food getting. The aspen, or quaking asp (Populus tremuloides Michx.), is said to be the tree the bark of which is most keenly sought by the beaver as food, but in the absence of the aspen various other species of the Salicaceze, notably certain of the cottonwoods and willows, with per- haps one or two other trees, seem to serve just as well. However that may be, once the supply immediately adjacent to the winter feeding basin has become depleted, the simplest recourse (for the beaver) is to push his foray farther afield, and, as even his most faith- ful admirers admit him to be far more agile and dexterous in water than so heavy and nearsighted a creature can ever be on land, what more natural when he wishes to take advantage of a slightly more distant forage plot than that he attempt to carry his medium thither with him! Instinctive or intelligent, such resourcefulness must often be of survival value to the animal. For the past five years the writer has had under intermittent obser- vation a very long and in some ways unusually highly developed beaver canal which is the subject of the following account. It is * Enos A. Mills, In Beaver World, pn. 77. 103, 106-107, 145, 149 (1913). BEAVER CANAL—BERRY. 299 situated on the Winnecook Ranch, one of the old-time stock ranches still persisting a few miles east of Harlowton, Mont. Therefore some degree of protection of both the canal and its architects has been pos- sible during a part, if unfortunately not the entirety, of the period of observation. More generally the location may be stated as Wheat- land County, south-central Montana, whereof the principal body of water is the Musselshell River, a considerable stream traversing the entire county in a west to east direction, and inhabited, at any rate in favored stretches, by colonies of beaver.’ The more striking physio- graphic features of the river and its immediate environs are fairly constant throughout this area. The prevailing bench lands of the north, and the rougher and more broken hills to the south, as in all our upper prairie country, terrace down to a sharply defined, narrow, and comparatively level “ bottom,” through which meanders, though frequently with considerable current, the river itself on its way to join the muddy torrent of the great Missouri. The only “ forest” is an irregular, yet generally abundant growth of cottonwood trees (Populus, spp.), in their primeval state all intertangled with a thick undergrowth, “ the brush,” composed of such smaller trees and shrubs as willows of divers species, buffalo berry (Lepargyrea argentea Nutt.), chokecherry, dogwood (Cornus stolonifera Michx.), wild roses, currants, gooseberries, and other associated types, which borders the actual stream channel, forming a continuous belt of an eighth to a half mile in width, but giving way here and there to more open parklike spaces, or long swales or sloughs. In spite of the encroachments of civilization and a relentless persecution at the hands of farmers and less legitimate foes, which have combined in so many regions to force the beaver to surrender all his more characteristic and conspicuous ways of life or be exterminated, in many a serene nook along the Musselshell his lodges, dams, trails, slides, food piles, abandoned stumpage—indeed, his own picturesque self, are still to be observed in something like their original perfection. And since this particular race of beaver seems to be especially ad- dicted to building canals, these are by no means lacking. The particular waterway in question (pl. 1.) is by all odds the finest specimen of this type of work which has been discovered in this neighborhood. Just above the point where the canal becomes tribu- tary to the river, the Musselshell is quite deep in places, even at the lowest water. Slides, tracks, peeled twigs, food piles, and other evidences of beaver occupation have long been numerous there and I have little doubt but that somewhere hereabout is the principal 57 am not aware that the specific determination of the beavers inhabiting the Mussel- shell and its tributaries has ever been made. ‘The present locality seems to be rather close to the supposed boundary between the ranges of Castor canadensis and C. frondator. 300 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, home, or at least the site of the parent colony, of the beavers who built the canal. The river wanders much through this part of its course, and in the not distant past has veered and shifted and migrated so that the cottonwood forest springing up along its successive beds has pro- duced an unusually broad piece of woodland at this point, especially to the south of the present course of the river, and there are many of the little open parks, twisting lines of trees marking former channels, shallow depressions, and narrow swales bordered by willow thickets. Straight back into this native tangle the beavers have found occasion to build their canal. Although one of the best traveled ranch roads of the time led through a large park im- mediately west of the canal, while not a great way to the east was a much-used sheep shed, so swiftly and unobtrusively did the beavers carry out their work when once engaged upon it that in the spring of 1916, when one of the ranch boys happened to stumble into it, the canal had been completed, we know not for how long previously, and was being abundantly utilized. There are two reasons for be- lieving that at this time the canal of a fact had not been in existence so very long. In the first place, when discovered it was at the very acme of structural perfection, indeed was so finished in detail and so well kept that some of those who first saw it, who happened to be ignorant of beaver structures, had no thought of it as possibly of other than human origin, and expressed a wonder as to who could be running so well constructed an irrigation ditch through that par- ticular piece of forsaken jungle, and more especially how it could have been constructed without their knowing it—an amusing state- ment to make, but not surprising considering the original symmetry of the canal. In the second place, when the present writer first vis- ited the canal, on the succeeding 29th of July to be exact, the princi- pal tree fellings adjacent to the middle and upper reaches of the canal were in the main quite fresh. Many fellings were in progress at the time and similar work contintied all through that summer. The canal was revisited a number of times that season and likewise during the summer following by the writer and others, but it was not until August 25, 1918, that it was thoroughly explored, its real extent appreciated, and the entire system as carefully measured and plotted as was feasible in the absence of a surveying equipment. Most of the notes forming the principal basis of the present account likewise date from that time. The general trend of the canal, together with its succession of con- tributory works, is practically south to north. Principally as a direct result of disturbing variations in the character of the terrain which BEAVER CANAL—BERRY. 301 - it traverses, the system is composed of several very differently con- structed segments. Since so far as the watercourse proper is con- cerned these segments chanced to coincide almost exactly in extent with the three principal curves, it becomes convenient to resort to a correspondingly arranged treatment for its description. A glance at the accompanying diagram now and then will be helpful in render- ing this point and much of the remainder of the discussion clearer. The first or lower segment (pls. 1 and 2, and pl. 3, fig. 1) comprises, or rather did comprise, the main canal, leading in the form of a crescent from the river into a long slough curved in the reverse direction, which was utilized as the second segment of the canal and. only here and there exhibits evidence of artificial treatment by the beavers. The third segment is made up of a much narrower canal which passes by way of an ephemeral rivulet into a mere beaten trail which finally loses itself in the undergrowth, some 1,145 feet meas- ured by the canal, from where the latter left the river. The first-mentioned division of these extensive works, therefore, is readily seen to be the one of primary importance and interest. The terrain here not only offered certain special advantages for the con- struction of such a work, but at the same time certain noteworthy difficulties, all of which seem to have been taken advantage of or overcome, as the case chanced to be, in quite a remarkable manner. A little way back from the river and separated therefrom by a low, willow-covered ridge is a narrow swamp, no doubt originally a pro- longation of the large slough mentioned in the last paragraph as constituting the second principal segment of the watercourse. Students of beaver bionomics have more than once called attention to the interesting aptitude exhibited by the animals in carrying a canal across a slope by banking the excavated earth largely or wholly on the down side.* In the present instance a complication enters in, the mastering of which has resulted in perhaps the most interesting single claim to novelty which this particular canal possesses. For in order to bring about the desired connection between the flooded slough and the river the beavers had not only to pierce the low, willow-clad ridge near the river (pl. 4, fig. 1), but in some way to carry their watercourse across the depression occupied by the miry swale. By felling and removing innumerable willows they might have accomplished this in the usual manner followed in cross- ing a simple slope, running the canal along the bank of the swale and banking it on the down side only, but this would have necessitated an enormous amount of labor. There was a better way to solve the problem, a way which any irrigation engineer would have chosen under the pressure of similar circumstances, and this was chosen 6. g., Mills, In Beaver World, p. 88. 302 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. by the beavers. They plowed their channel right through the cen- ter of the swale and banked both sides of the canal (pl. 2, fig. 1). In 1916, when the work was new, the levees so constructed were very conspicuous, and sufficiently high to enable the beavers to fill the canal to a level appreciably higher than that of much of the immediately adjacent terrain. In winter these levees gave rise to an especially curious effect at times, for when the snow receded they were exposed first and showed as two narrow parallel ridges protruding through the white mantle covering the canal and the surface of the swale (pl. 2, fig. 2). Beginning exactly at the lower end of the flooded slough, though a little to the north- east of the center thereof, the levees featured the canal for a dis- tance of some 215 feet. In fact, this entire lower portion of the canal was very regular and as exact in construction as rather care- ful human hands would likely have made it. An entertaining incident occurred in 1916, the year the works first came under ob- servation, when one of the ranch hands chanced to place a large board across the canal to serve as a bridge in passing over it. The beavers failed to appreciate this obstruction to their traffic and at once got about its removal. Whether one, or more than one, animal was so engaged we did not discover, but in any case the board was set upon from both sides without much evident coordination of effort. Two good-sized crescents were thus bitten away, but not being coincidently directed the obard was still holding pretty well when I last saw it (pl. 6, fig. 1). This is hardly to be adduced as proof of very keen intelligence on the part of the beaver, but it must be admitted that man himself would obtain a poor verdict were he similarly judged on some of his own incidental behavior. Although I speak of the canal as opening into the river, I never was able to determine which end was actually the head and which the foot of the main portion. When I first saw it in July, 1916, all the water was out of it. except a mere trickle which drained ~ into the river. There were plenty of fresh beaver tracks in the muddy bottom and those of white-tail deer, coyotes, wild cats, and a few smaller animals along the levees. In 1918 it was full, or nearly full, of water, which was slowly flowing away from the river and into the slough. That same summer a little later I saw the water in the canal so nearly neutral between river and slough that floating particles moved now one way, now the other, in the most indeterminate fashion. Sometimes the water was noted to be flowing steadily toward the river. The obvious explanation of this curious state of affairs would seem to be that this part of the canal was so nearly level that the direction of whatever current mani- fested itself depended wholly upon the relative levels of the water BEAVER CANAL—BERRY. 303 in river and slough. But in practice the problem failed to resolve itself so simply, and I have sometimes been quite at a loss to explain a given reversal in the direction of flow. With the river at fair flood I have found the éntire beaver works nearly empty, while the last time I saw the canal with any head of water it was setting distinctly in the direction of the slough although it was the last of August and the Musselshell was in its season of low ebb. It is possible that the condition of the big slough is a more important consideration for the behavior of the water in the lower canal than that of the river. When the Musselshell is very low the river end of the canal is necessarily high and dry, and at such a season the slough also is apt to be reduced to a mere quagmire. Measure- ments taken in the latter part of the month of August, 1918, showed that near the main bend (x—x in the accompanying diagram) the canal had a low-water diameter of 5 feet, or of 9 feet 6 inches measured across the summits of the levees at the same point. At the mouth it was 9 feet in diameter (8 feet at water level), with a maximum depth of 1 foot 8 inches and a low-water depth of 10 inches. Where it cut through the willow bank (y—y of dia- gram) the canal diameter at high-water level was 6 feet 9 inches; at low-water level 5 feet 6 inches. The low-water depth at this point was 1 foot to 1 foot 3 inches. The river near the mouth of the canal was about 50 feet wide at this time. At the date of these measurements the leveed part of the canal had already begun to deteriorate badly. The banks were partially worn down (pl. 1, and pl. 3, fig. 1) and the hollows in the swale largely filled in by the washings, bi‘ _caue places, especially on the lower or east side, the banks remained to some extent leveed above the adjoining ground. It would appear that in its pristine condition, upon emerg- ing from the willow-clad ridge, the canal opened directly into the river very nearly at right angles with the shore line, or even deflected to head a trifle upstream. But a heavy mud bank was later silted across it by the river current so persistently that after a little effort to keep open an adequate passage across it, the beavers capitulated and sheared away the shore — v0 east a little in such a way as to run their channel downstream back of the bar, across the foot of which it then opened obliquely into the river without much danger of further blocking (pl. 4, fig. 2). Up to this time there were no dams of the beavers’ own making either at the river opening of the canal or at its juncture with the flooded slough, or, in fact, at any point between. In 1918, and at certain times previously, the slough (pl. 3, fig. 2) at the head of the leveed canal was a turbid lake some 260 feet long and 40 feet across, bordered, like the swale at its foot, by a thick growth of 304 "at 001 Fic. 1.—Diagram of the Big Beaver Canal at Winnecook, Mont., together with the more important of the beaver works tributary to it, as they existed in August, 1918. BEAVER CANAL-—BERRY. 305 scrub willows, wild roses, and a few dogwoods, with cottonwoods of two species rising farther back. Many of the willows and cotton- woods, particularly at the upper end of the slough, had been felled, numerous slides on the steep east bank and trails leading through the growth of willows to both east and west yielding abundant testi- mony of the activity and industry of the rodent woodsmen. There was also evidence of the floating of considerable quantities of felled timber via the slough into the canal and thence to the river. The attainment of this inland timber was of course the principal motive for the building of the canal, although the beavers seem to have made the flooded slough the domicile of a part of the colony at this time. But a further quantity of very desirable willow and cottonwood growth still existed farther up between.the slough and the hills. I had previously noticed beaver cuttings as far beyond the slough as the road crossing, on numberless occasions, but had never thought to associate them with the beavers of the canal, nor to explore the upper end of the slough, at any rate until August, 1918. At that time, in company with Mr. A. W. Bell, I traversed the entire length of the slough in order to measure it, and was quite unprepared to discover thereupon in the willow tangle at its head a continuing canal leading on to the south through the dense thicket. The ground here was marshy and many little side canals had been pushed off into the willows toward the firmer ground on either side. This canal was neither so ambitious in magnitude nor in any respect so finished in construction as the lower one. A narrow, pebbly creek bed of some former time, hardly more than a foot in width, under- lay its upper reaches, uncovered where the beavers had pushed back the swampy mire which had engulfed it. The flooded part of the canal did not quite reach this point when I saw it, but there was evidence that at no very distant time the water course had extended considerably farther. Perhaps a hundred feet farther on even the pebbly creek bed became indistinct where it traversed an open marsh, but beyond this it emerged once more and the trail continued to follow it very plainly to an old beaver slough another hundred feet in length, with felled trees and other beaver signs all about. At this time all these relics were more or less weatherworn and very fresh indications of beaver activity were quite wanting. Above this last small slough, it was still possible to follow the main trail for perhaps yet another hundred feet. But here it constantly grew fainter and finally lost itself entirely about where the road crosses through the little break in the woods where the beaver cuttings had first been observed, 306 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, As there is evidence that the beavers themselves have at times been responsible for the flooding of the big slough, and they have actually excavated its bottom in places in line with or even in con- tinuation of the upper and lower canals, it seems only just to reckon the entire length of the watercourse, or 745 feet, as that of the canal. So credited, it becomes one of the longest which has been recorded.’ In summary then it may be said that the canal seems to occupy, and in large degree to have taken advantage of a long swale, which at its upper end bears evidence of being the remnant of an ancient rivulet, now dry, the lower portion now at best not possessing gradient enough or running water enough to maintain an unbroken outflow into the river. This necessary detail was accomplished by the beavers, who have pushed their canal through a cut in the vegetation-covered bank of the river, and thus made possible the full development of the entire system. The canal has now been under observation as opportunity has pre- sented for six summers, and I have also been able to pay it a winter visit or two. As has been related, the canal was in its highest state of perfection in July and August of 1916. A year later it had been some- what damaged by the abnormally high water of that season, and although it continued to be occupied it was never fully restored. In July of 1918 I found it very miry and in bad shape in other par- ticulars, but the beavers were still actively utilizing it and did a little work on it during the rest of that summer. A miserably cruel and needless onslaught carried on against them by persons who chanced to be temporarily connected with the operations of the ranch along about this time so depleted their numbers that until quite recently it was feared it would be many years before the damage could be made good. Certainly the canal showed the effect of this slaughter, for in 1919, which was a year of almost unprecedented drought and low water, when they would normally have been exceedingly assiduous in storing back as great a proportion of the retreating waters as pos- sible, the entire canal was absolutely dry, pond and all, and badly 7Seton (Life Histories of Northern Animals, vol. 1, p, 458) records a beaver canal at Gal Pond, in the Adirondacks, 654 feet long and some 4 feet wide, leading “ from the pond to a grove of poplar and yellow birch.” “Although abandoned for fully 50 years, it was very well marked and showed many beaver cuttings.’’ Most of Seton’s discussion of beaver canals is, however, taken from Morgan, Ps Mills (In Beaver World, p. 140-141) describes and illustrates a remarkable canal near Long’s Peak, Colo., which was excavated through a deep wreckage of fire-killed and fallen spruces in order to permit the successful harvest of a certain grove of aspens. This canal was 334 feet long, with an average depth of 15 inches and a width of 26 inches. Still more noteworthy is the very complex canal which he observed near Three Forks, Mont. (op. cit., p. 107-111, fig.), and which had a total length of 428 feet. By far the longest canal recorded by this author was observed at Lily Lake, Colo, (op. cit., p. 104, ill. opp. p. 102), This canal was one of a number built by the beavers of the locai colony in order to maintain necessary water thoroughfares in the bed of their home lake during a time of drought. It was measured to be 750 feet long, 3 feet deep throughout, and from 3 to 5 feet wide. BEAVER CANAL—BERRY. 307 grown to rushes and weeds. No evidence whatever of renewal of beaver activity anywhere along the canal was detected either that summer or the next. In fact by August of 1920 the unoccupied canal, still nearly dry, had been washed in at the sides all along the line, and the lower canal as well as even part of the former pond were almost completely smothered in the rank growth of rushes, sedges, arrow weed, marsh grass, and similar plants which had overgrown them. Meanwhile there was put into effect on the part of the ranch management a more enlightened and forward-looking policy respect- ing the care of such wild creatures as still remained within the bounds of its jurisdiction. Hopeful that the beaver in particular would eventually respond to the more sympathetic treatment, I nevertheless was completely taken by surprise, upon revisiting the old canal in August, 1921, to find there already indubitable evidence of their resumption of domain. The pond had not been again flooded, nor did I notice any fresh beaver work near the road crossing or in visited portions of the intermediate area, but the lower segment of the canal showed a narrow median strip which had been dredged clear of weeds and basined out, and had evidently lately carried a flow of water, although for the time being it contained none (pl. 5, fig.2). The extreme lower part of the canal adjacent to the river still retained approximately its original dimensions with the weeds only slightly encroaching at the sides. The mud bar still persisted, but strangely enough it had been cut through once more and the original opening of the canal approximately restored (pl. 5, fig. 1). But the haleyon days of the leveed portion were no more. The old high banks were merged in the surface of the swale, and the newly exca- vated tract in the middle had a bottom width of but 10 to 15 inches, a high water diameter of but 15 to 30 inches, and a maximum depth of not exceeding 4 to 5 inches. Even worse, across the canal, about 30 feet above the mud bar, had been thrown a massive dam of well- packed mud and sticks, so inordinately high in relation to the usual water line of the old canal as to suggest very forcibly that it could be intended not so much to keep the canal from draining out, as to keep the flood of the river (at high water) from pouring in. Just a little down river the steep bank on the same side of the canal showed several holes and fresh slides. It was greatly hoped that the con- struction of the dam. did not signify a final desertion of the canal, but that the activity of this colony of beavers would soon be pushed to the accomplishment of perhaps yet more interesting results. In this I was disappointed, however, for upon a visit to the canal in September, 1922, we found its desertion apparently complete; this in spite of abundant beaver signs in the neighboring stretches of river. 308 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, The linear measurements of the canal and its contributory works as they existed in August, 1918, are summarized in the following table: . é‘ Revecd. portion of lower canal. 2 = gt $e 215 Gross lenvth of lower.canglis oro. 2 Se 8 eee 285 benoit Of Hooded slough=2 S28] 3k aes a eee 260 Approximate leneth oft upper’ Canale! vs. 22 snes eee 200 etal ieneth of, water: course-5. tt ees Approximate length of former water course and its trail-like continua- Feet. “SIGI ‘Gz Jsnsny ‘1oYyQNeV sy} Ay Ydeisojoyg “AAUND SO ALIYVINDAY ALON °] AYNDIA ‘SZ ALV1d NO LWHL OL YVIINIS ATYVAN M3IA V ‘HLNOS SHL OL GNAG AHL GNNOYY LNIOd WV WOYS YSAIY SHL GHYYMOL DNINOO7] NAXV_L *SSSARq] SHL AO NMOG ONIYVAM SHI YS1AY “LNOW ‘MOOOANNIM LV IVNVO YSAV3EQG DNO7 SHL SO LNSWDAS NIVIN) SHL *| ALVId *Ald9G—'ZZ6l JAOdeY uvlUuOsSYyYWS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Berry. PLATE 2. THE MAIN CANAL AS IT APPEARED WHEN FIRST DISCOVERED; LOOKING TOWARD THE RIVER FROM A POINT ON THE BIG BEND ABouT I60 FEET FROM THE MOUTH OF THE CANAL. THE NARROW LEVEES SHOW FAIRLY PLAINLY. Photograph by the author, July 29, 1916. A SIMILAR VIEW OF THE CANAL FROM A POINT A LITTLE FARTHER TO THE SOUTH, TAKEN IN THE WINTER SEASON TO SHOW THE LEVEES PUSHING ABOVE THE MELTING SNOW. Photograph by Thayer Stevens, winter of 1916-17. PLATE 3. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Berry. 1. ANOTHER VIEW OF THE PRINCIPAL SEGMENT OF THE CANAL AS IT AP- PEARED IN 1918; TAKEN FROM THE BEND LOOKING NORTH. eh Sab nee eee) oo ae Ea my -_ - r W. 2. THE LONG SLOUGH FROM ITS NORTH END, SHOWING EMERGENCE OF THE BEAVER CANAL IN THE FORE PART OF THE PICTURE. THE DENSE GROWTH OF COTTONWOODS AND WILLOWS IN THE BACKGROUND WAS THE SCENE OF MUCH BEAVER ACTIVITY DURING THE OCCUPANCY OF THE SLOUGH AND CANAL. Photographs by the author, August 25, 1918. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Berry. PLATE~4. |. THE NORTHERN EXTREMITY OF THE CANAL WHERE IT PIERCES THE WILLOW-CLAD RIDGE BEFORE ENTERING THE RIVER. Photograph by the author, August 25, 1918. 2. THE JUNCTION OF THE CANAL WITH THE MUSSELSHELL RIVER, THE CANAL ITSELF BEING SOMEWHAT OBSCURED BY THE BAR SILTED ACROSS ITS MOUTH. THE CANAL AT THIS TIME OPENED DOWNSTREAM TO THE LEFT OF THE BAR. Photograph by A. W. Bell, August 25, 1918. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Berry. PLATE 5. 1. A SIMILAR VIEW TAKEN AFTER THE BEAVERS HAD AGAIN PIERCED THE BAR. THIS PICTURE PLAINLY SHOWS THE TEMPORARY DOWNSTREAM CONTINUATION OF THE CANAL JUST BEHIND THE BAR. A PORTION OF THE DAM FINALLY BUILT BY THE BEAVERS ACROSS THE CANAL A FEW YARDS BACK FROM THE MOUTH IS BARELY TO BE DISTINGUISHED. Photograph by the author, August 12, 1921. 2. LOOKING NORTH ALONG THE MAIN CANAL IN 1921, SHOWING THE RESULTS OF THE FIRST EFFORTS OF THE BEAVERS TO CLEAR AWAY THE RUSHES AND OTHER GROWTH WHICH HAD ENGULFED THE OLD CANAL. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Berry. PLATE 6. |. A BOARD LAID TO SERVE AS A Foot BRIDGE ACROSS THE MAIN SEGMENT OF THE BEAVER CANAL PRODUCED A TEMPORARY BLOCKADE OF CANAL TRAFFIC; THE CRESCENTIC CUTS MADE BY THE BEAVERS AS HERE ILLUS- TRATED SHOW A CURIOUS LACK OF COORDINATION IN THE EFFORTS DI- RECTED TOWARD THE REMOVAL OF THE OBSTRUCTION. Photograph by the author, July 29, 1916. 2. TRUNK OF A LARGE COTTONWOOD TREE, FELLED AND STRIPPED OF ITS BARK BY BEAVERS, STRANDED ON THE BANK OF THE MUSSELSHELL RIVER SomME DISTANCE BELOW THE BIG CANAL. Photograph by the author, September 5, 1919. THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. a By Paut C. STANDLEY. [With 16 plates. ] Of the five Central American countries there is none so little known in the United States as El Salvador, the least in area of all the American Republics. It is not because of its small size that so little is known about it, but rather because of its somewhat remote geographic position, and moreover it often suffers innocently be- cause of confusion of its name with that of a tiny island in the Bahamas. Mention the name Salvador to almost any American, even a person of presumably good education, and too often it evokes a remark, “Oh, yes, the island on which Columbus landed;” and when the Republic is, infrequently, distinguished from Columbus’s first landing place, it is only too likely to be relegated to some indefi- nite location in South America. That Salvador has been less visited by North Americans and is less known to them than the neighboring Republics of Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, results chiefly from the fact that it les wholly upon the Pacific slope of Central America; it is the only one of these States that does not possess an Atlantic coast. It is, be- sides, rather difficult of access from the United States, except from ‘California, and the only Americans likely to visit it are commercial travelers and a few tourists who land for a part of a day while their steamers lie at anchor to take on cargo at one of its three ports. Salvador was explored in 1524 by Pedro de Alvarado, one of the associates of Hernin Cortés, conqueror of Mexico, who fought his way against the hostile occupants of the country until he reached their chief town, Cuscatlin, which was situated near the site of the present capital, San Salvador. Soon afterward permanent Spanish settlements were established, which now have a history extending over nearly four centuries—centuries of peace and quiet if we may judge by the scant accounts of them that have come down to us. Salvador’s boundaries, like those of the other Central American States, have remained nearly always the same. More isolated than its sister countries from the ordinary trade routes, it passed a peace- 55379—24——_21 309 310 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ful existence under the Spanish régime, and since that time its his- tory has been somewhat less turbulent than that of some of its neigh- bors. As seems to be the case with all small countries, the Salvadoreans are very loyal to their own land, and their loyalty and patriotism are based upon thorough personal acquaintance with their country, for standing upon almost any one of the mountains in which the land abounds, it is possible to view nearly the whole Republic, from the mountains of Guatemala to the west, along the great blue moun- tain wall of Honduras, to the peaks of Nicaragua which rise in the far distance of the east, beyond the Gulf of Fonseca. The Salva- doreans have always been the most enthusiastic advocates of the Cen- tral American Federation, the union of the five States as one govern- ment, which did exist for a series of years after the liberation in 1821 of Central America from Spanish dominion, and they were very bitter when at the end of 1921 the most recent attempt to resuscitate that union resulted in failure. A well-known traveler, John L. Stephens, sent by the American Government as a special minister to Central America at the time of the dissolution of the first Central American Federation, about 80 years ago, after having traversed the whole region between Guatemala City and the capital of Costa Rica, speaks of the inhabitants of Salvador, then fighting under the famous patriot, Moraz4n, against the Guatemalans, in the following words: From the time of the independence this State stood foremost in the mainte- nance of liberal principles, and throughout it exhibits an appearance of im- provement, a freedom from bigotry and fanaticism, and a development of physi- cal and moral energy not found in any other [Central American country]. The Salvadoreans are the only men who speak of sustaining the integrity of the Republic as a point of national honor. The same characteristics are strikingly noticeable to-day. No other part of Central America except Costa Rica is so far advanced in political affairs and physical improvements. The country has the advantage of possessing a population that is industrious to a re- markable degree, progressive, and intelligent. There are few for- eigners in Salvador, and the greater part of the wealth has remained in the hands of the native people. There is no negro population as in Guatemala and Honduras, and all the Indians have adopted the speech and customs of the Spanish conquerors. Formerly the Na- huatl language, a dialect of the idiom spoken in the Valley of Mexico, prevailed among most of the population, but it is now almost ob- solete, except in the place names of the country, and in a large number of the words used for common household articles. Here as elsewhere in Latin America, Castilian Spanish has been extensively modified by the incorporation of words taken from the tongue of the SALVADOR—STANDLEY. Sth conquered people, just as the people themselves have nearly all been modified by the inheritance of Spanish blood. The people of Salvador are noted for their independence, and there is among them nothing of the servility that characterizes the Guate- malan Indians. Although not quarrelsome, they are able and ready to maintain their rights, and do not submit easily to dictation. Al- though there are some large estates in Salvador, the country boasts of its great number of small landowners, and there exists here noth- ing of the peonage system that holds in practical slavery the in- habitants of some Latin American countries. In area, Salvador is slightly larger than the State of Vermont. Its population is about a million and a half, and it is probably the most densely populated country of the western hemisphere. The central and western departments are the most thoroughly occupied, and in these parts of the country one is scarcely ever out of sight of a dwelling. In the eastern portion, known as the Oriente, there are large tracts of unimproved land, much of which is given over to cattle raising. VOLCANOES. Since Salvador lies upon the western slope of the great cordillera that traverses Mexico and Central America, none of the elevated peaks of that chain lie within the country. Although almost every- where mountainous, Salvador has no very lofty peaks, the highest reaching an elevation of slightly less than 8,000 feet. For what the mountains lack in size they compensate in their interest. Geologi- cally Salvador is a great volcanic mass, with voléanoes rising on every side. Nowhere is one ever out of sight of a volcano, and nearly always there are several in the landscape. It is said that no other country possesses so many that have been active within historic times. These volcanoes lie in an irregular chain that extends lengthwise of the country, parallel with the coast. Along the western side near the Guatemalan border lies the most sharply marked mountain range of Salvador, the Sierra de Apaneca. At one end of this small range stands the Volcano of Santa Ana, still feebly active, the highest Salvadorean mountain, at whose foot sprang up the Volcano of Izalco. To the eastward at irregular intervals, usually separated by level country, rise one after another the volcanoes of San Sal- vador, Cojutepeque, San Vicente, Usulutan, San Miguel, and Con- chagua, besides numerous lesser ones, while isolated clusters of small volcanic peaks occur here and there outside the principal chain. The Oriente is a low country, with wide stretches of plains, but the central and western parts of the Republic are elevated and hilly 312 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. or mountainous. There is only one large river in Salvador, the Lempa, which traverses nearly the whole length of the country. There are several large lakes, occupying old craters, the best known of which are Giiija, Coatepeque, and Ilopango. Of all the natural features the volcanoes are no doubt the most interesting, and the history of the country is inextricably interwoven with their activities. They constitute one of the most active seismic regions of the globe, and their eruptions, resulting in great loss of life and damage to property, have been all too frequent in the last few hundred years. The Volcano of Santa Ana is quiescent at the present time, and its slopes are covered with rich coffee plantations ; but formerly it was more active, and an eruption occurred in 1885. Its neighbor, the Volcano of Izalco, is the most interesting mountain of Central America, and has a history which is paralleled in interest only by that of the Volcano of Jorullo in Mexico. Accounts disagree as to the details of its development, but it is certain that it was not in existence in 1637, its site being occupied at that time by a mere fumarole or ausol, situated in the middle of a plain. According to some authors, its growth began about 1740, but according to others not until 1770. At any rate, its period of active development began abruptly, and after a violent outbreak that took place in 1798 it grew rapidly, attaining almost its present size within about 30 years. It now has an altitude of over 6,000 feet, and is a symmetri- cal cone of forbidding aspect, devoid of vegetation over the greater part of its slopes. It is still active, and an extensive flow of lava ran down its side in 1920. Smoke rises from the crater a great deal of the time, and flames are often seen at night, their frequence upon its summit, which is in full view from the sea, having given it the name of the “ Lighthouse of Central America.” The Volcano of San Salvador, although not the highest, is the most important one of Salvador, because of its proximity to the cap- ital, a city of some 80,000 inhabitants. San Salvador lies in a valley to which has been given the significant name of Valle de las Hamacas, “Valley of Hammocks.” This valley has been rocked repeatedly by violent earthquake shocks, and a less persistent people would long ago have abandoned the site of the capital in despair—although, to tell the truth, it is hard to tell where in Salvador it would be possible to fix upon a site free from similar dangers. On several occasions it has been necessary to remove the seat of government temporarily to other parts of the Republic. Tremors of the earth, slight but suf- ficiently strong to be readily perceptible, are so frequent as to at- tract little attention. Not all of these, it is believed, are the result of action of this volcano, but some at least are thought to originate in —— rr SALVADOR—STANDLEY. 8138 other centers, such as the vast crater in which lies the Lake of Tlopango. Only two important actual eruptions of the Volcano of San Salva- dor are on record, the first of which took place in 1658, when a great flow of lava descended to the north, covering the village of Nejapa. This old lava field, though now overgrown with vegetation, is a conspicuous feature. In June, 1917, there occurred a second violent eruption, during which another large flow of lava was thrown out over nearly the same course as the former one, and for- tunately not in the direction of the capital. This flow came from a vent on the side of the mountain, and not from its central crater, which is an immense circular pit, 1,260 feet deep. In the bottom of this crater prior to the outburst of 1917 there was a beautiful lake, but at the time of the eruption the water was thrown up in the form of vapor and precipitated as rain. The vapor must have been charged with acids or other deleterious substances, for the rain killed all vegetation upon which it fell. In the bottom of the crater, where the lake formerly existed, was formed a diminutive cone, about 300 feet high, in whose summit there is the most perfectly symmetrical crater imaginable. Eruptions of rock from this minia- ture crater continued for some time after the first violent outburst of smoke and flame, but they did no damage. The city of San Salvador was mostly destroyed by the earthquake accompanying the eruption, although there was little loss of life. In 1919 there occurred another violent earthquake, much more destructive to life than the first, but this was not accompanied by an eruption. The Volcano of San Vicente, the second highest peak of Salvador, has not been active within historic times, but there lies at its foot a group of hot springs and fumaroles that indicate that it is not wholly extinct. Farther on, to the east, stands the Volcano of San Miguel, which, while only the third in absolute elevation, is by far the most imposing of Salvadorean mountains, on account of its symmetrical form and its isolation, and because it rises from a low plain. It has erupted several times, and at present there is nearly always a cloud of smoke and steam streaming like a plume from its summit. AGRICULTURE. The principal industry of Salvador is agriculture, and here agriculture is almost synonymous with coffee growing. Coffee is cultivated everywhere at altitudes of 1,000 feet or more, and it is often planted right up to the summits of the highest mountains. It is the chief source of the wealth of the country, and the annual exportation amounts sometimes to over $12,000,000 a year. The ex- 314 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. portation of so great a quantity of a staple article entails a large trade balance in favor of the country. Coffee plantations lend a pleasing aspect to the landscape, and give the impression of the ex- istence of primeval forest in a region where all the natural covering of trees was removed years ago. The coffee plant is a denizen of the forest and requires shade for protection from the sun, hence it is necessary to plant trees for its shade. Unless familiar with coffee cultivation, one may travel for miles through a region given over to its growth and yet be unaware that the land is actually under culti- vation, for the coffee bushes are scarcely noticeable beneath the shade trees, unless they happen to be loaded with the clusters of spicy-fragrant, waxy-white blossoms that they bear for a few days of the year. It is fortunate for Salvador that the prevailing crop is such a one as coffee and not wheat or corn, which would necessitate com- plete clearing of the land. In spite of their substantial appearance, many of the hills and mountains, like most of the plains, are nothing but beds of volcanic ash, finely packed, and so hard in a vertical exposure that they are almost unaffected by weathering, but when cleared of vegetation they sometimes melt away after heavy rains almost like snow. In certain parts of the country the hills have been greatly eroded by running water and rain, resembling the “bad lands” of the western United States. Enormous gullies, sev- eral hundred feet deep, are separated by knifelike walls only a few yards in thickness, which gradually—and not too gradually—dis- solve away. If it were not for the extensive planting of trees neces- sary to shade the coffee plantations, the whole country would shortly become unfit for cultivation, and in no part of the earth is there greater need for conservation of trees and other natural vegetation, or for efficient substitutes for them. The Salvadorean climate is tropical, but it does not altogether satisfy the generally accepted ideas of what a tropical climate ought to be. It is hot in the lower parts, but in the mountains it is de- lightfully cool and pleasant. The most marked feature of the climate is the division of the year into two seasons, dry and wet. From April until the end of October there are frequent rains, and often heavy ones. Sometimes there are temporales or prolonged rainy periods that last as much as two weeks, but in general there are brief showers almost every day or night, with good weather the greater part of the time. It is during the rainy season that most of the crops other than coffee are planted and cultivated. From the first of November to April there is no rain, except for an occasional insignificant shower. Soon after the cessation of the rains the ground dries, and only a few days elapse before the roads are deep in dust. ——--- SALVADOR—STANDLEY. 315 The dust, which pervades everything, lends to the dry season its characteristic and all too perceptible atmosphere. In most Salva- dorean roads there are few stones, and the result is that there seems to be almost no bottom to the dust. During the dry season, which corresponds to our winter—strangely enough, the Salvadoreans call it summer—cultivation of most crops can not be carried on for lack of water. In some places irrigation has been established, and there corn and other crops may be seen in all stages of growth at any time of year. Although coffee is the most important Salvadorean product, other substantial crops are grown, chiefly for food. Sugar cane is culti- vated extensively in the less elevated parts and some sugar is ex- ported. Formerly indigo was the chief export crop, and huge amounts were shipped annually; but its cultivation has now de- clined because of the use of coal tar dyes, and only a little is pro- duced. The most important food crops are corn, beans, and rice. Corn and beans, the latter a peculiar small black sort, are the arti- cles of food which appear upon every table at every meal, in the homes of both rich and poor, just as throughout Mexico and Central America and in some portions of the southwestern United States. Rice is almost equally important. That grown in Salvador is of the upland variety, which does not require flooding for its development but is planted and tilled like wheat or oats. Vegetables are grown in great variety, and San Salvador especially has a favorable location for obtaining a continuous supply of fresh vegetables and fruits. The city lies at an altitude of slightly over 2,000 feet, making possible the growth of all sorts of tropical plants in the immediate vicinity, while rising above the city is the Volcano of San Salvador, over 6,000 feet high, on whose slopes, where the climate is cool and comparatively moist, most of the plants of tem- perate regions can be grown. Practically all the common vegetables of the United States are cultivated, besides some that are not known here. Such is the yuca, a close relative of the cassava plant from which the people of some parts of South America obtain their prin- cipal starchy food and from which tapioca is prepared. Yuca is grown for its roots, which resemble sweet potatoes and are used in the same way. In texture they are firmer and somewhat waxy, and their flavor is very good. One of the commonest vegetables is the chayote or huisquil, a relative of the cucumber. The plant is re- markable in that all its parts can be utilized for food. The tender green fruits are boiled and eaten, the young branches are cooked as a pot herb, and the large fleshy roots also are edible, serving as the basis of a peculiar and delicious sweetmeat. Cabbage, cauli- flower, turnips, and other vegetables that are associated with cool 316 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, climates thrive. Irish potatoes are not used extensively by the common people of Central America, but they are grown on the slopes of the volcanoes. Most of those produced are scarcely larger than walnuts. FRUITS. It is in the abundance of fruits that tropical countries surpass tem- perate regions, although it must be confessed that in the United States we have available the best of the tropical fruits. In all our markets it is possible to obtain cheaply the orange, grapefruit, pine- apple, and banana, and with these we have the finest of all the American tropical fruits, with the exception of the avocado and per- haps the mango. There are dozens of others that are grown in the Tropics, but it is doubtful whether they would ever become pop- ular in competition with the best fruits of temperate regions, no matter how abundant they might be. The most marked character of the majority of tropical fruits is sweetness, and many of them have no other merit. It is not uncommon in Central America to hear the remark made that such and such a fruit is very good because it is so sweet. The mango is probably the favorite fruit in Salvador and is grown everywhere. It*is too well known to need description, the turpentine flavor and superabundance of fiber in the inferior vari- eties being matters of rather general knowledge. The best mangoes are really very good, competing in quality with peaches, which they distantly resemble. I have heard working people say in Salvador that when mangoes were in season they never had to spend a cent for food, and it is certain that enormous quantities are consumed. Avocados are grown commonly, but they are scarcely equal to those of Guatemala. Numerous kinds of anonas, soursops, and custard apples are cultivated, and the country has the distinction of pro- ducing the very best of these, the white anona (Annona hetero- phylla), a variety known only from this country and Guatemala. Salvador produces large quantities of excellent oranges, similar to those of Florida but much sweeter. Pineapples, often of exceptional size, are common, also limes, pawpaws, sapotes, sapodillas, and mameyes. There is an almost unlimited list of minor fruits, most of which are unknown in the United States, such as the sunzapote (Licania platypus), a large yellow-fleshed fruit of little merit; the maranon or cashew fruit (Anacardium occidentale), whose seeds are roasted and used like almonds, while the fleshy stalk beneath the ~ seed is eaten as a dessert fruit; various kinds of granadillas, the fruits of species of passion-vines (Passiflora) ; the icaco (Chryso- balanus icaco), a flavorless white-fleshed black-skinned fruit; the aceituno (Simaruba glauca), which is equally flavorless, and re- SALVADOR—STANDLEY. 817 sembles an olive in appearance; the rose-apple or manzana rosa (Hugenia jambos), a curious small crisp yellowish fruit, little es- teemed, with a flavor suggesting scented toilet soap; and dozens of others, wild and cultivated, which it would not be of interest to mention here. By far the most extensively grown fruits of Salvador are the banana and plantain, for these are important articles of food among all classes. Salvador is the only Central American country in which bananas are not grown for export to the United States. Although there are no large plantations of them, such as those of Guatemala and Honduras, small patches are planted in every finca, and I sup- pose that the banana plants are really the most characteristic feature of the vegetation of the country, for, indeed, one is almost never out of sight of them. Bananas and plantains are much alike in gen- eral appearance, but the fruit of the plantain is larger and coarser and eaten only when cooked. There are several common varieties of bananas, but the one most esteemed for eating raw is that. which is so universally seen in the United States. Some of the varieties are too coarse for eating raw, like the one called majoncho, which is the kind most commonly grown. Besides these tropical fruits, most of those of temperate regions are cultivated upon the higher mountains. On the Volcano of San Salvador there are apples, peaches, grapes, strawberries, quinces, and cherries in cultivation, but except for the strawberries it can not be said that they are cultivated successfully. The peaches and apples are small and of inferior quality, owing perhaps to the planting of unsuitable varieties. Strawberries of good quality are produced and may be had throughout most of the year. One of the more unusual fruits cultivated upon the volcanoes is the pepino (Solanum muri- catum), a plant closely resembling the common potato plant. It has large blue flowers which are followed by egg-shaped fruits, yel- lowish and striped with purple, that are eaten as a dessert fruit. The high slopes of the voleano of San Salvador are the source of most of the flowers with which the markets of the capital are lavishly supplied. In the early morning it is common to see files of women coming down from the volcano, bearing upon their heads baskets of fruits and vegetables, eggs, chickens, and turkeys, and many other articles, and not a few of them bring baskets of freshly gathered flowers. Nowhere do roses flourish better than in Sal- vador, and I have seen a single plantation of over 800 bushes all loaded with blossoms. Dozens of bunches of violets are brought every day tothe markets, and great quantities of fragrant white lilies. Nearly all our common garden flowers are cultivated, besides many that are rare or unknown here, or are seen only in the gardens of 318 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Florida and California. After having seen cultivated in hothouses of our country so many of the native plants of Central America, it is interesting to see grown in Salvador some of the native plants of the United States, like the gaillardia and the California poppy. VEGETATION. The botanical features of Salvador are those in which the writer is most interested and to which he has devoted most attention. Two of the Central American Republics, Guatemala and Costa Rica, are fairly well known botanically, but until 1921 scarcely any plants had been collected in Salvador, and practically nothing was known of the flora. The writer spent five months there, visited nearly all parts of the Republic, and made a comprehensive collection of the plants. The flora is not so diversified as those of the neighboring countries. The area of Salvador is small, and its surface is less varied than that of any other Central American State. Moreover, the greater part of its surface, and particularly that portion which is naturally the most interesting botanically, is under cultivation. The mountain slopes, where the most interesting plants would be expected, are nearly all occupied by coffee plantations, and in many localities almost all the natural vegetation has been destroyed. Nevertheless in nearly all parts it is possible to find small tracts of land that are so rough or otherwise unfit for cultivation that they have been left in their natural state, and in these spots one can form some idea of the con- ditions originally existing. In eastern Salvador there are large areas whose vegetation has been little or not at all changed by man, but these lie at a low altitude, and in tropical countries generally the plants of low elevations are pretty certain to be less interesting than those found in the mountains. The low-altitude plants are likely to be widely dispersed species, many of them of a weedy nature, while in the mountains there are great numbers of localized plants. The flora of Salvador is like that of western Guatemala, and probably closely related to that of Pacific Nicaragua, although practically nothing is known of the latter. Study of the collections recently obtained indicates also that the flora bears a close relation- ship to those of western Costa Rica and Panama, and there are numerous plants in these collections which previously were not known to occur north of those countries. So little is known at present of the Central American flora as a whole that it is impossible to speak with real authority upon the relationships of the floras of the different regions. In general, the vegetation of the Pacific slope of Central America is less rich than that of the Atlantic slope, largely because of the SALVADOR—STANDLEY. | 319 difference in rainfall. The Atlantic slope is very wet, while the Pacific slope is comparatively, and often absolutely, dry. All of Salvador lies within this dry region, and there are not found here the heavy rain forests that characterize the Atlantic slope, especially on its higher mountains. At the present time there are no dense Salvadorean forests of great extent, and perhaps there never were any. It is true that in some parts of the coast there are primeval forests, composed of large trees, but the trees are not nearly so closely spaced as in regions where there are heavier rains. Upon the slopes of some of the mountains there still remain forested areas, but seldom of great extent. The most important forest tracts still remaining are those of the Sierra de Apaneca, near the Guate- malan border, but these are being rapidly destroyed to make way for coffee, and the small areas of virgin forest remaining on the Vol- cano of San Vicente are meeting a similar fate. Upon the Volcano of San Salvador nearly all the big trees have been destroyed, and even the small ones are burned for charcoal, leaving only brush in the parts of the mountain unfit for cultivation. It is difficult to give a brief account of the general appearance of Salvadorean vegetation, because of the changes that have been wrought by man. The coastal region, which includes the eastern part of the country and a strip of varying width extending all along the coast, and up the valleys of the streams, is characterized by a rather thin forest which consists largely of species which lose their leaves during the dry season, so that during the winter months the forest is little greener than a deciduous forest of the North Temper- ate Zone. Many shrubs are interspersed among the trees and fre- quently form dense thickets, although in places where conditions are not favorable for their growth the plant covering is sparse. Trees and shrubs that bear spines are particularly common, and the gen- eral aspect of the vegetation is like that of the coastal plain of west- ern Mexico, especially in the State of Sinaloa. Along the beach are found the plants that are characteristic of such locations throughout the American tropics, nearly all of them species of wide distribution, such as the mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), the black mangrove (Avicennia nitida), and manchineel (Hippomane mancinella). The mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) is rather common in the coastal plain, but is rare or wanting in other parts of Salvador. At middle elevations most of the large trees have been removed, except some left for shade because their wood is useless, but there are seen here and there on sterile areas thickets composed of a wide variety of shrubs. The best place in which to find plants in this region is in the hedges, which are so prominent a feature of the Salvadorean countryside. Fences of wire are not often seen, but the 320 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. fields are separated by dense hedges in which the native plants also find their only refuge. The number of plants grown for hedges is almost endless, but among the most common are pineapples and an- other plant of the same family, and nettle trees of various kinds, no- tably one known as chichicaste (Urera baccifera), which stings the flesh painfully on contact. In most parts of Salvador there are miles of hedges composed of a tree cactus (Pereskia autumnalis) known as matial. This plant attains a height of 20 feet or more, forms a dense growth, and is covered with long slender spines. It is one of the most repellent plants that can be imagined, and it is most unpleasant to have to pass along a road lined with it, especially when the wind is blowing, for there is always danger from the minute spines that are borne upon the stems and are carried about by the wind. Jfatial hedges are undesirable from nearly every point of view. They occupy a great deal of ground that might be utilized for more productive purposes, and they are dangerous to domestic ani- mals, but nevertheless they seem to be popular. In these areas at middle altitude there are often to be observed considerable stretches of grassland, such as those about San Sal- vador, upon the slopes of the volcano and on the sides of the Cerro de San Jacinto, which stands near the city. These are used as pas- ture. Near Ahuachapdn is a curious tract of land, called the Llano, almost devoid of bushes but carpeted with a close greensward scarcely 2 inches high, composed wholly of a single kind of grass. The Llano also is used as pasture, and it has the appearance in winter of a well-kept lawn. f Upon some of the higher mountains there are dense growths of trees, representing a large number of species. The mountain for- ests consist almost exclusively of broad-leafed trees, most of which retain their foliage the entire year, although actually they shed the old leaves gradually, putting forth new ones at the same time. In a few places there are small pine forests, such as those upon the hills about Santa Ana, the Volcano of Conchagua, the crater of the Volcano of San Salvador, and the mountains along the Honduran frontier, but pines are so scarce as to be of almost negligible eco- nomic importance. No other plant of the pine family is native in Salvador. The mountain forests consist chiefly of trees which have no close relatives in the United States, but there are a few which are familar. At the highest elevations several kinds of oaks are fre- quent, also a fine large elm (Chaetoptelea mexicana), and among the undergrowth are found viburnum and blackberries. Epiphytic plants are common throughout Salvador, but are particularly abun- dant in the high mountains, where the tree trunks are covered by SALVADOR—STANDLEY. 321 various “air plants,” such as orchids, ferns, aroids, bromeliads, lichens, and mosses. The Salvadorean flora is not rich in ferns, and ferns are not ordi- narily conspicuous features of the vegetation. Tree ferns are very rare, although at least three species occur. One of these (Cibotiwm guatemalense), growing high up on the volcano of San Salvador, has the young leaves or croziers covered with long hairlike yellowish scales resembling fur. Bunches of these, known as micos (“mon- ' keys”), are sold in the markets for decorations. Around San Sal- vador tree ferns must have been common formerly, although now only a few small sterile plants are to be seen. In the Sierra de Apaneca there are beautiful ferns with tall, slender trunks, but they are being rapidly exterminated. The widespread belief that tropical forests afford vivid color dis- plays, composed of vast flocks of parrots and other bright-colored birds, and great masses of brilliant-hued orchids and other flowers, an impression obtained by reading overenthusiastic descriptions in popular works of fiction written by persons who knew nothing of the Tropics, has so often been shown to be false that it is probably not so widespread as it once was. The forests of Salvador are of rather gloomy aspect, and it is only now and then, at favorable times of the year, that fine vistas of color can be seen. Nowhere in that country did I observe any color display that would compare with the flower fields to be seen anywhere in the Rocky Mountains in August or those to be found in late summer in the mountains of North Carolina. For sheer wealth and intensity of color I suppose nothing can equal the miles and miles of fields of solid yellow common in the Mississippi Valley in late summer when the beggar’s ticks or Spanish needles are in full blossom. Orchids grow in Salvador, but there do not appear to be many species, and few of them are showy. There is one, however, that ful- fills all one’s preconceived notions of tropical orchids. This is the one known locally as flor de San Sebastian and botanically as Cat- tleya skinneri. The Cattleyas are the largest and handsomest of hot- house orchids, and this species is one of the finest. It grows nearly everywhere, and forms clumps as large as a bushel basket placed high up on the tree branches. In spring the plants are covered with flowers and form masses of color that may be discerned at a long distance. The flowers—or the whole plants, for that matter—are brought to the markets, where they bring prices that seem ridiculous in comparison with those paid for scarcely superior hothouse flowers in the United States. Much more showy than most orchids are the bromeliads (plants of the pineapple family), which are often mistaken for orchids. Some 322 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. of these are common in Florida, and one of the best-known repre- sentatives of the family is the Spanish moss that festoons the trees of the Southern States. Bromeliads are much more common than orchids in Salvador and grow at all altitudes. The large flower spikes are usually pink or bright red and the flowers themselves some vivid shade of blue. Other epiphytic plants common here are the aroids, to which belongs the common caladium or elephant-ear. Some of the mem- bers of this family grow upon the ground, but most of them cling to the branches of trees, and are vinelike in habit. There are many kinds of them, but they are mostly confined to the mountain forests, especially along streams. These plants are remarkable for the polymorphism of their leaves, the young plants often being so unlike adults that it seems almost impossible there can be any relationship between them. The young plants often have remarkably handsome leaves, with metallic sheen or tinted with pink, and for this reason are grown in northern hothouses. Some of the aroids, especially those of the genus Monstera, are noteworthy for the form of their adult leaves, which are perforated with large round holes. Not a few of the Salvadorean aroids have edible fruits, but care must be exercised in eating them because of the needlelike crystals contained, these causing a painful sensation to the tongue. TREES. It is among the trees that the most important native Salvadorean plants are found, and of these none is more interesting than the balsam tree (Toluifera pereire), which produces the article known as Peruvian balsam. This leguminous tree ranges from Mexico to northern South America, but it is most abundant in a limited part of Salvador, known as the Balsam Coast, and practically all the commercial article comes from this region. The Balsam Coast lies mostly in the Department of Sonsonate, where the trees occur abundantly in the low mountains, growing in thin forest. The tree is a handsome one, with a very tall but slender, straight, pale, smooth trunk and a small open crown. It is of slow growth, and the wood is fine and hard. The leaves are furnished with innumerable small oil glands that are easily visible when a leaf is held to the light, and the curious winged fruit is filled with large glands from which oil oozes when the fruit is crushed. The balsam is sometimes obtained from the fruits by crushing, but most of it is secured by tapping the trunk. Over a small portion of the trunk the bark is crushed, and upon these injured parts rags are placed and left for some days, becoming thus saturated with the balsam that runs out. The rags are collected and the liquid is SALVADOR—STANDLEY. 323 expressed and later refined by a boiling process. The balsam is an official drug in the United States Pharmacopeeia, being employed in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, and in Europe it is used in the preparation of perfumes and other articles. By a papal bull issued by Pius IV in 1562 and by another by Pius V in 1571 the clergy were authorized to use the balsam in the preparation of the chrism, and it was declared to be a sacrilege to injure or destroy the trees. The balsam is still much used in church services. In spite of its naiie of Peruvian balsam, the tree which produces it is not found in Pe 1. This erroneous term owes its origin to the fact that in colonial days the balsam sometimes found ‘its way to Spain by way of Peruvian ports. When first introduced into Europe the most extravagant properties were ascribed to it, and it sometimes sold at as much as $200 an ounce. Although apparently native only in a restricted portion, cultivated trees are seen in all parts of Sal- vador. It is said that these cultivated trees will not yield balsam; but while this actually may be the case, it seems most improbable. The national tree of Salvador undoubtedly is the amate, or wild fig. Of the wild figs there are numerous species, all with fruits in form much like those of the cultivated fig tree, but usually small and inedible. The amates are not lofty trees, but they are strik- ingly handsome, with short, thick trunks and broad, spreading crowns of lustrous foliage. The familiar banyan trees of the Orient are of this group, but I did not see any trees of the banyan type (with numerous trunks extending down from the branches) in Salvador, although they are common enough along the western coast of Mexico. The wild figs frequently begin their existence upon the branch of some other tree, where the seed germinates, and later the young fig plant develops long aerial roots that reach down to the ground and take root. The intruder grows rapidly and soon envel- ops and destroys its foster parent. The amates are probably the most admired of all Salvadorean trees, and they are left for shade everywhere along roads and in fields. There is scarcely a country dwelling that does not boast of its special tree, which is frequently quite as much a center of domestic activities as the dwelling itself. Another tree which vies in beauty and interest with the amate is the cetba, or silk-cotton tree, of which there are fine examples in many places. The cezba is not nearly so abundant as the amate, but it is a much larger and more imposing tree, being actually, I believe, the largest Salvadorean tree. The trunk is often of enor- mous girth, but not very tall, and the crown is large in proportion, not high but of ample spread. The trunk is usually strengthened at the base by buttresses, which radiate on all sides and- supply the strength necessary to sustain the great top. The amaze trees also, when they have attained a large size, sometimes develop buttresses, 324 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The flowers of the ceiba are small and inconspicuous and the tree has the disadvantage of shedding its leaves during the dry season. The fruit is a capsule whose seeds are surrounded by a beautiful lustrous silklike fiber that is useful for stuffing pillows. The wood of both the ceiba and amate is useless except for fuel, and even for this it is unsatisfactory ; and I suspect that to this fact these trees owe their great abundance. The trees that excel all others in the matter of showy flowers are two species of Z’abebuia, a group of plants closely related to our catalpas, with flowers of about the same size and form, but with quite different leaves. Both these trees have the defect of producing their flowers when leafless, but they bear their blossoms in such profusion that even if the leaves were present they would scarcely be noticeable. One of the Tabebuias (7. chrysantha), known by the name of cortez, bears large bunches of bright yellow flowers. The cortez is found mostly at low altitudes, and, while it is extremely showy when in flower and is not rare, I have not seen any particu- larly noteworthy displays of it. The other tree (Z'abebuia penta- phylla), which is known by the name magquiligua, is in a class by itself so far as display of color is concerned. The trees are often large, and in spring, near the end of the dry season, become giant bouquets of pink blossoms. They are found throughout the country, dotting the landscape or occurring in groves as far as the eye can reach. In color effect they simulate Japanese cherries, for they exhibit the same variation in tints, from nearly white to a deep rose-pink. Aside from their esthetic value, both the maquiligua and cortez are of economic importance, since they furnish excellent cabi- net woods that are much used locally. There is another tree that in some localities is almost as showy as the Tabebuias, although far inferior in beauty of color. This is the palo mulato (Triplaris americana), also a valuable timber tree, which, strangely enough, belongs to the same family as buckwheat and smartweed, a group of plants which, as they occur in the United States, have few claims to beauty and do not with us attain the size of trees. The palo mulato is particularly abundant about Santa Ana, where it is planted extensively in the fincas, and in February the whole valley, as viewed from a hillside above, is colored crimson and pink with it. The trees are of two sexes, and it is only the female or pistillate ones that are showy. In the case of these, it is not the flow- ers but the fruits, with their envelopes, which produce the vivid color effects. The palo mulato maintains its color display much longer than the maquéligua, until the fruits fall. These are curious structures, the seed being overtopped by three paddle-shaped ap- SALVADOR—STANDLEY. 325 pendages that spread obliquely and form a sort of parachute, which bears the seed through the air. When one of the fruits falls it is not carried to any great distance unless the wind is blowing strongly, but as it drops it spins about like a top and floats gently to the ground. There is one other Salvadorean tree (Gyrocarpus ameri- canus) known as lagarto or “alligator” that has a fruit almost exactly similar, although much larger and not colored. One of the showy trees is the madre de cacao (Gliricidia sepium), which owes its name, “cacao-mother,” to the fact that the inhabit- ants of Central America discovered centuries ago that for some reason the cacao plant throve better in its shade than in that of any other tree. Little cacao is grown in Salvador, but the madre de cacao is here in great profusion, being in fact the most common and characteristic tree of dry hillsides at low and middle elevations. The wood is valuable, especially for its resistance to weather, and the tree is often planted for living fence posts. When in blossom it is devoid of foliage but thickly clothed with clusters of pale pink flow- ers. Except in color, the blossoms are like those of our black locust, to which the Central American tree is closely related. Of the same family (Leguminosae) is the tree known as pito (Lrythrina rubrinervia), which is never very large and often but a shrub. It is an ungainly thing, irregular in form, with only a few clumsy branches, which are tipped with bunches of bright scarlet blossoms, followed by pods that contain several red seeds. The seeds contain a narcotic poison’, and something of their properties appears to exist also in the flowers, which in their season are gathered in con- siderable quantities and used for food. They are boiled or fried with eggs and are quite palatable, resembling string beans in flavor. It is said that if they are eaten in quantity they cause marked drowsiness, and in view of the known properties of the seeds this seems not un- likely. There are several trees and other plants whose flowers serve as food in Salvador. Most conspicuous of these is the izote or yucca (Yucca elephantipes), a plant of the Spanish bayonet type, which attains the stature of a good-sized tree. The ample panicles of creamy blossoms are seldom left to attain perfection, but are nearly always cut when tender, and fried with eggs and eaten. One of the very best of Central American products that I have tested is the pacaya, the inflorescence of a dwarf palm (Chamae- dorea sp.) of the same name that is common in all the higher moun- tains. The inflorescences are surrounded by a green spathe in such a way that they closely resemble small ears of corn. When dipped in egg and fried they are tender and have a delicious, agreeably bitter flavor. 95379—24—_22 326 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Salvador is not rich in species of palms, and except for coconuts these tropical plants are not often dominating features of the land- scape. Coconuts are abundant at lower altitudes, and the towns of Sonsonate and San Vicente are especially distinguished for their wealth of these most graceful of all tropical trees. The coyol (Acro- comia vinifera) is common in many places. It has plumelike leaves and hard round fruits which are more or less useful. Around Con- chagua and in some other places there are groves of fan palms, whose leaves are employed for weaving hats. In the coastal country there are too frequent thickets of huiscoyol (Bactris subglobosa), one of the most pernicious plants in existence. It is a shrubby palm, grow- ing in clumps, and armed everywhere with long, dark-brown spines that have points as sharp as needles. Huiscoyol thickets are literally impenetrable. The fruits are edible—more than that can not be said of them. At the little fishing village of Olomega boys and grown men were gathering big bunches of them and cracking the nuts to get the white kernels, for which they showed marked relish. They insisted upon my trying them, and I found them of about the consistency of aspen wood and equally delightful in flavor. The trees that produce cabinet woods are almost without number. Mahogany is found, although not now very plentiful. The mahog- any of the western coast is of a different species from that occurring in eastern Central America, and grows on dry hillsides, while that of the Atlantic coast is a swamp tree. Mahogany is so common in Central America that it is treated with scarcely more consideration than is hard pine in the United States. Beautiful ebony, hard and almost jet black, is furnished by one or more trees. From the cona- caste (E’nterolobium cyclocarpum) or ear tree, whose fruits are coiled in such a way as to resemble an ear, and from the euapinol (Hymenaca courbaril), which also produces a gum useful for mak- ing varnishes, are obtained valuable woods, and the list might be con- tinued indefinitely. ANIMAL LIFE. In a country so thickly settled, most of the larger animals have long since disappeared, and in Salvador there is no danger from the savage beasts that are popularly supposed to infest tropical lands. Jaguars and pumas, I believe, still are found in remote regions, but tapirs have been nearly or quite exterminated. Deer are plentiful in some localities, and tame fawns are often kept as pets. The largest wild mammals that I saw were rabbits, and only two or three of them. Parrots of a few kinds are abundant locally, but not often very con- spicuous. To one who is not an ornithologist the other birds are not particularly interesting, except the turkey vultures or zopes, SALVADOR—STANDLEY. BAT! which constitute the unofficial pigeon: departments of tropical American towns. There are many alligators in some of the lakes and in the rivers, and they are hunted for their skins and flesh. The giant lizards, known as iguanas and garrobos, are common in the low country, especially in the vicinity of San Miguel. In some settlements their flesh is used for food, while in others its use is scorned. The eggs of these lizards are often eaten. That snakes exist in Salvador can not be denied, and authentic accounts of deaths from their bites are not rare. In five months in the country, most of which was spent in tramping about in thickets and woods, I saw three or four small ones, all harmless. Rattlesnakes occur in places, likewise the coral snake and the deadly tamagaz, known elsewhere as the bushmaster or fer de lance. In general, I should say that the Salvadoreans take about as great precautions against serpents and think as much about them as do the people in any part of the United States. To one who has to go out into the rural districts it is not the snakes that give concern but the insects and their relatives. Of these Salvador has its full share, but none of them to so troublesome - a degree as some other countries. The worst of the insects, for they are most universal and persistent, are the ants. Salvador must pos- sess a remarkable variety of them, from the big zompopos or leaf- cutting ones, which delight in stripping of their leaves and blossoms one’s most cherished trees and shrubbery, to the little /ocos, harmless insects that seem to pass their whole existence in aimlessly darting from spot to spot in such a manner that they well deserve the term “crazy” applied to them. Most of the ants can bite, and do so with little or even no provocation, and in some cases their bites are poison- ous, at least to certain persons. One of the most vicious kinds fre- quents the wet sand at the edge of streams, and security from them can be obtained only by walking in the stream itself. Another fero- cious sort inhabits the hollow spines of certain species of Acacia. Wasps are plentiful but not nearly so abundant as on the northern coast of Guatemala. Even worse than the ants at times are the garrapatas or seed ticks, much smaller than our wood ticks (which also are found in Salvador), and occurring in myriads in favorable regions, especially those where cattle are pastured. The ticks are so tiny that it is hard to find them upon the body, but their effects leave no doubt as to their presence. Ticks, however, are not found at higher altitudes, and even in the low country one may go for days without accumulating any. Nowhere in Salvador did I find them in such profusion as on the western coast of Mexico, where they some- times make the work of collecting plants almost unbearable. The ticks, as I have said, do not ascend far into the mountains, but their 328 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. place is taken by a creature called coloradilla, which from its effects is probably the same as our red bug or chigger. The true chigger or nigua is common in Salvador—a pernicious flea which burrows into one’s toes and does serious damage if not promptly removed, but one who wears shoes is not likely to be bothered by niquas. In all tropical American countries the animal that is the most dangerous and usually the only one that is a serious menace to life is one of the smallest and most innocent-appearing—the mosquito. Without mosquitos there would be no malaria, and malaria is the worst scourge of the Tropics, at least for foreigners, since yellow fever has been so nearly eradicated. In nearly all parts of Central America malaria is prevalent, and Salvador is no exception. Because the climate here is comparatively dry, malaria is not so common as upon the north coast, but it is nevertheless still sufficiently preva- lent. It can be avoided by protection against mosquito bites, and one who is careful always to sleep beneath a net runs little chance of contracting the malady. In Salvador I saw very few mosquitos during the dry season, but they are reported to be more numerous after the rains begin. Only by extermination of the insects would it be possible to control the disease, and this is impossible. Amebic dysentery is another dangerous disease of tropical American coun- tries, but it does not seem to be very common in Salvador. In general the country is a rather healthy one, the result in large part of the labors of an efficient health service, supported in substantial part by the Rockefeller Institution, which maintains here an agent, especially for assistance in control of the hookworm disease. Of all American influences in Salvador there is no other that is so disinter- ested, so utilitarian, and so appreciated as this work of one of our great scientific organizations, whose operations must be a matter of deep satisfaction to all Americans who have observed its practical field work. ‘UoIuUy UvolIOMIY Uvg wo ydeis0j0yg “GVLYSAESIT Vy] AO LYOd “| 3L1V1d *Ae|Pue}S—'ZZSL WOdeYy uBlUOsYy} US Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 2. ee ue 5 $1 Oe ORR RLS Te Spee ee hee ee ee ns < j : Heng. oe é ess se tan en ee ee = NATIONAL PALACE, SAN SALVADOR. MoU UvoWeMY ueg wo ydeiz0j04g ‘avVLYSsIT VW] SO LYOd AHL NI AN3AO0S . ia a | Wodey uBluosYyyJWS *Kajpuejs—'ZZ6 1 "€ aAlW1d Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 4. Prteeaggter ot eee OF - goers eer I. VIEW OF THE VALLEY OF THE RIO ACELHUATE, SAN SALVADOR, A PORTION OF THE CERRO DE SAN JACINTO IN THE DISTANCE. | 2. A PARK (FINCA MODELO) IN SAN SALVADOR. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 5. 2. CAVE IN THE CLIFFS OF THE COAST, DEPARTMENT OF LA LIBERTAD. Photographs from Dr. V. M. Huezo. ‘ozanyy *W A ‘Ad woud sydess0j0yg ‘avLYuaaI7 VI “dQvLY¥ss!I7] VW] AO LNAWLYWd3aq dO LINSAWLYVdag *‘LSVOD AHL YNOI1VWY NOODV] °S ‘NOIDSY WLlsvOD J3JHL AO LANOIHL TOIdAL ‘I ‘9 AlW1d *Ka|PuejS—'ZZ6L Wodey uvjuosyiWs Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 7. 2. CLIFF WITH SUPPOSED INDIAN HIEROGLYPHS, DEPARTMENT OF LA LIBERTAD. Photographs from Dr. V. M. Huezo. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 8. 1. ERUPTION OF THE VOLCANO OF SAN SALVADOR, JUNE, I9I7. 2. CRATER AND LAKE OF THE VOLCANO OF SAN SALVADOR BEFORE THE ERUPTION OF IQ9I7. Photographs from Dr. V. M. Huezo. ‘OZONE, “WA ‘AG wWoay sydeasojoy gd *NOILdNYS SIHL DNIYUNG GANYO4 ANOD AHL JO .LNSLXQ SHL SSLVOIGN| ONIN AIVd AHL “LI61 ‘ANN AO NO!ILdNYS AHL ONIHYNG YOAVAIVS "YaLV7] SGNOOAS M34 V YSLVYHO AHL AO MAIA V *G NVS JO ONVOIOA AHL AO YSALVYD SHL AO MAlA ‘1 ‘6 ALV1d ‘Ka|puejs—'ZZ6l odey uRjuosyyws Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 10. |. CRATER UPON THE SIDE OF THE VOLCANO OF SAN SALVADOR, FROM WHICH ISSUED THE LAVA FLOW OF JUNE, IQIT. Photograph from Dr. V. M. Huezo. 2. FLOW OF LAVA FROM THE VOLCANO OF SAN SALVADOR, COVERING THE RAILROAD LINE, ERUPTION OF I9QIT7. Photograph from Pan American Union. ‘ozony “WA “Iq wow sydeis0j04g “dVLYsasl] ‘dvVLlds9s!] V1] AO LNAWLYVd V7 40 LNAWLYVdSagd ‘LSVOD AHL SNOTY SASITO °S “Ad ‘NOILVWYOS OILIVSVG GNV TIVSYHSLVM *] l ae | “TI S3LW1d *Ka|PueRIS—ZZ6l Wodey uvluosy}IwsS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 12. | |. PRESS USED FOR EXTRACTING BALSAM. 2. BRACKISH LAGOON, DEPARTMENT OF LA LIBERTAD. Photographs from Dr. V. M. Huezo. ‘ozonyyT ‘WA ‘Ad wo sydviso0j0y J *SaSSaYLLNG ONIMOHS ‘SHSUL WVYSIVG DNIddVL 'S ‘NOIDSYH IviSVOD 3HL NI 33yuL DIY GM ‘| “E] aALv1d *AO|PUBIS—"ZZ6L Wodey uBjuosy}WS ‘NOlU UkoOWY ueg WO ydeis0j04g "Ad0YH ONINVIA) HOS GASM HONW Si YSSI4 SHL ‘('dS SAVOVW) ASANODVIA) JO NOILVINVId poeta ‘p| aLW1d *Ka|pueljs—ZZ6| Wodey uPjuosYy}JWS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE I[5. AMATE (FICUS SP.) TREE IN A COFFEE PLANTATION NEAR SAN SALVADOR. Photograph from Pan American Union. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Standley. PLATE 16. FRUIT OF THE PEPINO (SOLANUM MURICATUM). ABOUT NATURAL SIZE. Photograph from Dr. Salvador Calder6n. ) a t = 4 PA be ¥ . ‘ A 7 ! E L or p | ‘A i 2- Ve $, = = ’ ~ f Aa - ’ . ‘ = ws Smithsonian Report 1922.—Snodgrass. TENT CATERPILLARS AT HOME IN A WILD CHERRY TREE. THE TENT CATERPILLAR. By R. E. SNopeRAss. Office of Fruit Insect Investigations, Bureau of Entomology. [With 1 plate.] THE LIFE OF THH CATERPILLAR. It is one of those bleak days of early spring that so often follow a period of warmth and sunshine, when living things seem led to believe the fine weather has come to stay. . Out in the woods a band of little caterpillars is clinging to the surface of what appears to be an oval swelling near the end of a twig on a wild cherry tree (fig. 1). The eis tiny creatures, scarce the tenth of an inch BANG A@ ZZ in length, sit motionless, benumbed by the | cold, many with bodies bent into half circles as if too nearly frozen to straighten out. Probably, however, they are all unconscious and suffering nothing. Yet, if they were capable of it, they would be wondering what fate brought them into such a forbidding world. But fate in this case was disguised most likely in the warmth of yesterday, which induced the caterpillars to leave the eggs in which they had safely passed the win- ter. The empty shells are inside the “iss just etched trom an spindle-shaped thing that looks so like a egg mass on a twig (1a swelling of the twig, for, in fact, this is ap rbaL alae He merely a protective covering over a mass of eggs glued fast to the bark. The surface of the covering is perforated by many little holes from which the caterpillars emerged, and is swathed in a network of fine silk threads which the caterpillars spun over it to give them- selves a surer footing and one they might cling to unconsciously in the event of adverse weather, such as that which makes them helpless now. When nature designs any creature to live under trying circum- stances she grants it some safeguard against destruction. t) \ b E= Ss A Bp \\\ 329 330 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, The web-spinning habit is one which, as we shall see, these cater- pillars will develop to a much greater extent later in their lives, for our little acquaintances are young tent caterpillars. They are found most often, amongst woodland trees, on the choke cherry and wild black cherry. But they frequently infest apple trees: in the orchards, and for this reason their species has been named the Apple-tree Tent Caterpillar, to distinguish it from related forms that do not commonly inhabit cultivated fruit trees. The scientific name is Malacosoma americana. The egg masses are not hard to find at this season. They are gen- erally placed near the tips of the twigs, which they appear to sur- — round, and being of the same brownish color as the bark they look like swollen parts of the twigs themselves (fig. 2, A). Most of them are five-eighths to seven-eighths of an inch in length and almost half of this in width, but they vary in thickness with the diameter of the twig. A closer inspection shows that the mass really clasps the twig, or incloses it like a thick jacket lapped clear around. In form the masses are usually symmetrical, tapering at each end, but some are of irregular shapes, and those that have been placed at a forking or against a bud have one end enlarged. The greater part of an egg mass consists of the covering material, which is a brittle, filmy substance like dry mucilage. Some of it is often broken away, and sometimes the tops of the eggs are entirely bare. The eggs are placed in a single layer next the bark (fig. 2, B), and there are usually 300 or 400 of them. They look like little, pale gray porcelain jars packed closely together and glued to the twig by their rounded and somewhat compressed lower ends. The tops are flat or a little convex. Each is the twenty-fourth of an inch in height, about two thirds of this in width, and has a capacity of one caterpillar. The covering is usually half again as deep as the height of the eggs, but varies in thickness in.different specimens. The outer surface is smooth and polished, but the interior is full of irregular, many-sided air spaces, separated from one another by thin, filmy partitions (fig. 2, B). Wherever the covering has been broken away, the bases of the partition walls leave brown lines that look like cords strapped and tied into an irregular net over the eggs (B), as if for double security against insurrection on the part of the inmates. But neither shells nor fastenings will offer effective resistance to the little thieves when they are taken with the urge for freedom. Each is provided with efficient cutting instruments in the form of sharp-toothed jaws that will enable it to open a round hole through the roof of its cell (fig. 2,C). The superstructure is then easily penetrated, and the emerg- ing caterpillar finds itself on the surface of its former prison, along with its several hundred brothers and sisters, when all are out. TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS, All this time the members of that un- fortunate brood we noted first have been clinging benumbed, motionless, and help- less to the silk network on the covering of their deserted eggs. The cold con- tinues, the clouds are threatening, and during the afternoon the hapless creatures are drenched by hard and chilling rains. Through the night following they are tossed in a northwest gale, while the temperature drops below freezing. The next day the wind continues, and frost comes again at night. -For three days the caterpillars endure the hostility of the elements, without food, without shelter. But already the buds on the cherry tree are sending out long green points, and when the temperature moderates on the fourth day and the sun shines again for a brief period the revived outcasts are able to find a few fresh tips on which to nibble. In another day the young leaves are unfolding, offering an abun- dance of tender forage, and the season of ad- versity for these infant caterpillars is over. This family lived in Rock Creek Park, near Washington, D. C., in 1919, where it was hatched the 25th of March. The newly hatched caterpillars are about one-tenth of an inch in length. The body is widest through the first segment and tapers somewhat towards the other end. The general color is blackish, but there is a pale gray collar on the first segment back of the head and a Fig. 2.—Eggs and young caterpillars. A, Egg masses on twigs (nat- ural size); B, eggs exposed beneath the covering; C, several eggs more enlarged, three with holes in tops from which cat- erpillars emerged; D. newly hatched cater- pillars (enlarged 10 times). 332 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, grayish line along the sides of the body. Most of the segments have pale rear margins above, which are often bright yellow or orange on the fourth to the seventh segments. There is usually a darker line along the middle of the back. The body is covered with long gray hairs, those on the sides spreading outward, those on the back curving forward. After a few days of feeding the caterpillars increase to nearly twice their length at hatching. When the weather continues fair after the time of hatching the caterpillars begin their lives with happier days, and their early his- tory is different from that of those unfortunates above described. * Three other broods, which were found hatching in Rock Creek Park on March 22, before the period of bad weather had begun, were brought indoors and reared under more favorable circum- stances. These caterpillars spent but little time on the egg masses and wasted only a few strands of silk upon them. ‘They. were soon off on exploring expeditions, small processions going outward on the twigs leading from the eggs or their vicinity, while some individuals dropped at the ends of threads to see what might be below. Most, how- ever, at first went upward as if they knew the opening leaf Fic. 3.—First tent made by young caterpillars yds should lie in that direc- aia ae tion. If this course, though, happened to lead them up a barren spur, a squirming, furry mob would collect on the summit, apparently bewildered by the trick their instinct played upon them. On the other hand, many followed those that first dropped down on threads, these in turn adding other strands till soon a silken stairway was constructed on which indi- viduals or masses of little woolly bodies dangled and twisted as if either enjoying the sport or too fearful to go farther. For several days these young caterpillars led this happy, irrespon- sible life, exploring twigs, feeding wherever an open leaf bud was encountered, dangling in loose webs, but spinning threads every- where. Yet, in each brood, the individuals kept within reach of one another, and the trails of silk leading back to the main branch al- > SS TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 8338 ways insured the possibility of a family reunion whenever this should be desired. One morning, the 27th, one family had gathered in its scattered members and these had already spun a little tentlike web in the crotch between the main stem of the supporting twig and two small branches (fig. 3). Some were crawling on the surface of the tent, others were resting within, still others were traveling back and forth on the silk trails leading outward on the branches, and the rest were massed about the buds devouring the young leaves. The establish- ment of the tent marks the beginning of a change in the caterpillars’ lives; it entails responsibilities that demand a fixed course of daily living. In the lives of the tent caterpillars this point is what the beginning of school days is to us— the end of irresponsible freedom and the beginning of subjugation to conventional routine. Every tent caterpillar family that survives infancy eventually reaches the point where it begins the construction of a tent, but the early days are not always spent alike, even under similar circum- stances, nor is the tent always begun in the same manner. At Wallingford, Conn., where the season for both plants and in- sects is much later than in the lati- tude of Washington, three broods sa aasealrocitoe _ found Mice sheet of web (about natural size). year. These also met with dull and chilly weather that kept them huddled on their egg coverings for several days. After four days the temperature moderated sufficiently to allow the caterpillars to move about a little on the twigs, but none were seen feeding till the 14th— six days after the hatching. Yet they had increased in size to about one-eighth of an inch in length. Wherever these caterpillars camped in their wanderings over the small apple trees they inhabited they spun a carpet of silk to rest upon, and there the whole family collected in such a crowded mass that it looked like a round, furry mat (fig. 4). The carpets afforded the sleepers a much safer bed than the bare, wet bark of the tree, for if the sleepers should become stupefied by cold the claws of their feet would mechanically hold them fast to the silk during the period of their helplessness. The test came on the 16th and the night fol- 334 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, lowing, when the campers were soaked by hard, cold rains till they ‘became so inert they seemed reduced to lifeless masses of soggy wool. On the afternoon of the 17th the temperature moderated, the sun came out a few times, the wetness evaporated from the trees, and most of the caterpillars revived sufficiently to move about a little and dry their fur. Though a few had been washed off the carpets by the violence of the storm and perished on the ground, and in one camp about 20 dead were left behind on the web, the majority had survived. For several days after this, during better weather, the caterpillars of these families continued their free existence, feeding at large on the opening buds, but returning during resting periods to the webs or constructing new ones at more convenient places. Often each family split into several bands, each with its own retreat, yet all remained in communication by means of the silk trails the cater- pillars left wherever they went. The camping sites were either against the surface of a branch or in the hollow of a crotch. Though the carpetlike webs stretched over these places were spun apparently only to give secure footing, those at the crotches often roofed over a space well protected beneath, and frequently many of the caterpillars crawled into these spaces to avail themselves of their shelter. Yet for 12 days none of the broods constructed webs designed for coverings. Then, on the morn- ing of the 20th, one family was found to have spun several sheets of silk above the carpet on which its members had rested for a week and all were now inside their first tent. These caterpillars were nearing the end of their first stage, and two days later the first molted skins were found in the tent, 14 days after the date of hatching. In Stage II the caterpillars have a new color pattern and one which begins to suggest that characteristic of the species in its more mature stages (fig. 6). On the upper part of the sides the dark color is broken into a series of quadrate spots, each spot partially split lengthwise by a light streak, and the whole series on each side is bordered above and below by distinct pale lines, the upper line often yellowish. Below the lower line there is a dark band, and below this another pale line just above the bases of the legs. The back of the first body segment has a brown transverse shield, and the last three segments are continuously brown, without distinction of spots or lines. From now on the tents increase rapidly in size by successive addi- tions of web spun over the tops and sides, each new sheet covering a flat space between itself and the last. The old roofs thus become successively the floors of the new stories. The latter, of course, lap over on the sides, and many continue clear around and beneath the TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 335 original structure; but since the tent was started in a crotch, the principal growth is upward with a continual expansion at the top. During the building period a symmetrical tent is really a beautiful object. (PI. I.) Half hidden amongst the leaves, its silvery white- ness pleasingly contrasts with the green of the foliage, its smooth silk walls glisten where the sun falls upon them and reflect warm grays and purples from their shadows. The caterpillars have adopted now a community form of living— they all feed together, they all rest and digest at the same time, they all work at the same time, and their days are divided into definite periods for each of their several duties. There is, however, no visible system of government or regulation, but with caterpillars acts are probably functions; that is, the urge probably comes from some physiological process going on within them which may be influenced somewhat by the weather. The activities of the day begin with breakfast. Early in the morn- ing the family assembles on the tent roof, and then, about 6.30, pro- ceeds outward in one or several orderly columns on the branches. The leaves on the terminal twigs furnish the material for the meal. After two hours or more of feeding appetites are appeased, and the caterpillars go back to the surface of the tent, usually by 8.30 or 9 o’clock. Here they do a little spinning on its walls, but no strenu- ous work is attempted at this time, and generally within half an hour the entire family is reassembled inside the tent. Most frequently the erowd collects first in the shady side of the outermost story, but as the morning advances the caterpillars seek the cooler inner chambers, where they remain hidden from view. In the early part of the afternoon a light lunch is taken. The usual hour is 1 o’clock, but there is no set time. Occasionally the par- ticipants appear shortly after 11, sometimes at noon, and again not till 2 or 8 o’clock, and rarely as late as 4. As they assemble on the roof of the tent they spin and weave again till all are ready to pro- ceed to the feeding grounds. This meal lasts about an hour. When the caterpillars return to the tent they do a little more spinning before they retire for the afternoon siesta. Luncheon is not always fully attended and is more popular with caterpillars in the younger stages, being dispensed with entirely, as we shall see, in the last stage. Dinner, in the evening, is the principal meal of the day, and again there is much variation in the time of service. Daily observations made on five colonies at Wallingford, Conn., during 1922, from the 8th to the 26th of May, gave 6.30 p. m. as the earliest record for the start of the evening feeding and 9 o’clock as the latest, but the dinner hour is preceded by a great activity of the prospective diners assem- bled on the outside of the tents. Though the energy of the tent 336 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. caterpillars is never excessive, it appears to reach its highest expres- sion at this time. The tent roofs are covered with restless throngs, most of the individuals busily occupied with the weaving of new web, working apparently in desperate haste as if a certain task had been set for them to finish before they should be allowed to eat. Pos- sibly, though, the stimulus comes merely from a congestion of the silk reservoirs in their bodies, and the spinning of the thread affords relief. The tent caterpillar does not weave its web in regular loops of thread laid on by a methodical swinging of the head from side to side, which is the method of most caterpillars. It bends the entire body to one side, attaches the thread as far back as it can reach, then runs forward a few paces and repeats the movement, sometimes on the same side, sometimes on the other. The direction in which the thread is carried, however, is a haphazard one, depending on the ob- struction the spinner meets from others working in the same man- ner. But amongst the crowd of weavers there are always some that are not working, though they are just as active. These are running back and forth over the surface of the tent like boarders impatiently waiting the sound of the dinner bell. Perhaps they are individuals that have finished their work by exhausting their supply of silk. At last the signal for dinner is sounded. It is heard by the cater- pillar, though it is not audible to an outsider. A few respond at first and start off on one of the branches leading from the tent. Others follow, and presently a column is marching outward, usually keep- ing to the well-marked paths of silk till the distant branches are reached. Here the line breaks up into several sections which spread out over the foliage. The tent is soon deserted. For one, two, or three hours the repast continues, the diners often returning home late at night. Observations indicate that this is the regular habit of the tent caterpillar in its earlier stages, and perhaps up to the sixth or last stage of its life. The writer noted entire colonies back in the tent for the night in at least nine instances at hours ranging from 9 to 11 p.m. In other cases a part of the crowd was still feeding when last observed; but daylight-saving time was then in vogue and 11 o’clock was doing duty for midnight. The observations are recorded in standard time. In describing the life of a community of insects it is seldom pos- sible to make general statements that will apply to all the indi- viduals. The best that a writer can do is to say what he sees most of the insects do, for, as in other communities, there are always those eccentric members who will not conform with the customs of the majority. Occasionally a solitary tent caterpillar may be seen feed- TENT CATERPILLAR—-SNODGRASS. 337 ing between regular meal times. Often one works alone on the tent, spinning and weaving long after its companions have quit and gone below for the midday rest. Such a one appears to be afflicted with an overdeveloped sense of responsibility, and looks as foolish as those human individuals who must always put everyone else to shame EYL = fesentosve ese gels PREIS) aasesesees Se Fac) or, SZ Zr LOOP LL SIO VB Sages <2 SE RECS SOS Se ISS renner SeSASS nonce CIES, SRR SEP SSS TKO OO? LAG y oY 9, {} RRR ey i Ws: Ui Gepeiged Sin OO My 4 SUN OH Ny SI ings SK EN WOO A // XY XY/7 \ / ety. 24\0 XY () XX ie y/ / i A ENUM i mands (sl ROY ANY 4 \ MW / | TURIN NS YH) fI// *! \) ANY N) KK) a\ : \ i Fie. 5.—Caterpillars feeding at night. about the camp by fussing around over unnecessary work when the rest of the crowd is lying around trying to enjoy an afternoon snooze. Then, too, there is nearly always one amongst the group in the tent who can not get to sleep. He flops this way and that, striking his companions on either side and keeping them awake also. These are annoyed, but they do not retaliate, because they seem to realize that 338 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. their restless comrade has but a common caterpillar affliction and must be endured. Many of these little traits make the caterpillars seem almost hu- man. But, of course, this is just a popular form of expression. In fact, it is too popular—we take too much satisfaction in referring to our faults as particularly human characteristics. What we really should say is not how much tent caterpillars are like us in their shortcomings, but how much we are still like tent caterpillars. We both revert more or less in our instincts to times before we lived in communities, to times when our ancestors lived as individuals irre- sponsible one to another. The tent caterpillars ordinarily shed their skins six times during their lives. At each molt the skin splits along the middle of the back on the first three body segments and around the back of the head. It is then pushed off over the rear end of the body, usually in one piece, though most other caterpillars cast off the head covering separate from the skin of the body in all molts but the last. The molting takes place in the tent and renders the caterpillars inactive for the greater part of two days. When most of them molt at the same time there results an abrupt cessation of activity in the colony. By the time the caterpillars reach maturity the discarded skins in a tent outnumber the caterpillars 5 to 1. The first stage of the caterpillars, as already described (fig. 2, D), suggests nothing of the color pattern of the later stages, but in Stage II the spots and stripes of the mature caterpillars begin to be formed. In succeeding stages the characters become more and more like those of the sixth or last stage (fig. 6), when the colors are most intensified and their pattern best defined. Particularly striking now are the velvety black head with the gray collar behind, the black shield of the first segment split with a median zone of brown, the white stripe down the middle of of the back, the large black lateral blotches, each inclosing a spot of silvery bluish white, the distinctly bluish color between and below the blotches, and the hump on the eleventh segment, where the median white line is almost obliterated by the crowding of the black from the sides. Yet the creatures wearing all this lavishness of decoration make no ostenta- tious show, for the colors are all nicely subdued beneath the long red- dish brown hairs that clothe the body. In the last stage the average full-grown caterpillar is about 2 inches long, but some reach a length of 24 inches when fully stretched out. The head measures 3 to 34 millimeters wide in this stage, or a little more than one-eighth inch. In Stage V the largest heads are not wider than 24 millimeters; in Stage IV they do not exceed 14 millimeters; in III, 1 millimeter; in II, about two-thirds TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 339 millimeter; and in I, one-half millimeter. The width of the head is a better index to the stage than is the length of the body. In southern Connecticut the tent caterpillars begin to go into their sixth and last stage about the middle of May. They now change their habits in many ways, disregarding the conventionalities and refusing the responsibilities that bound them in their earlier stages. They do little, if any, spinning on the tent, not even keeping - jt in decent repair. They stay out all night to feed, unless adverse weather interferes, thus merging din- ner into breakfast in one long noctur- nal repast. This is attested by observa- tions made through Ml, MUHTAN WA 4) J MM All) WY. wa 21 eg most of several \( nights, when the \\ caterpillars of four : il Z ; ; colonies which went Ya fu out at the usual =4 g time in the evenings were found feeding ne till at least 4 o’clock the following morn- ings, but were always back in the tents at 7.30. When the caterpillars begin these all-night banquets, however, they dis- pense with the midday lunch, their crops being so crammed with food by morning that the entire day is required for its di- gestion. Some other writers have de- scribed the tent caterpillars as nocturnal feeders, and some have said they feed three times a day. Both statements, it now appears, are correct, but the writers have not noted that the two habits per- tain to different periods of the cater- pillar’s history. : At any time during the caterpil- “ine aCe ree anes lars’ lives adverse weather conditions . may upset their daily routine. For two weeks, during May, days and nights had been fair and generally warm, but on the 17th the temperature did not get above 65° F., and in the afternoon threatening clouds covered the sky. In the evening light rains fell, but the caterpillars of the five colonies under observation came out as usual for dinner and were still feeding when last observed at 9 p. m. Rains continued through the night, however, and the tem- perature stood almost stationary between 50° and 55°. 340 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, The next morning three of the small trees containing the colonies were festooned with water-soaked caterpillars, all hanging motion- less from leaves, petioles, and twigs, benumbed with exposure and incapable of action—more miserable-looking insects could not be imagined. No instinct of protection, apparently, had prevailed over their appetites, till, at last, overcome by wet and cold, they were saved only by some impulse that led them to grasp the support so firmly with the abdominal feet that they hung there mechanically when senses ' and power of movement were gone. Some hung by the hindmost pair of feet only, others grasped the support with all the ab- dominal- feet. One colony and most of another were safely housed in their tents. These had evi- dently retreated before helplessness overtook them. By 8 o’clock in the morn- ing many of the suspended caterpillars were sufh- ciently revived to resume activity. Some fed a little, others crawled feebly to- ward the tents. By 9.45 most were on their way home, and at 10.45 all were under shelter. Gentle rains fell during most of the day, but the temperature gradually rose Fig. 7.—Twigs of choke cherry and apple denuded tg g maximum of 65°. by tent caterpillars. Only a few caterpillars from the youngest colony came out to feed at noon. In the evening there was a hard, drenching rain, after which several caterpillars from two of the tents appeared for dinner. The next morning, the 19th, the temperature dropped to 49°, light rains continued, and not a cater- pillar from any colony ventured out for breakfast. It looked as if they had learned their lesson, but it is more probable they were simply too cold and stiff to leave the tents. In the afternoon the sky cleared, the temperature rose, and the colonies resumed their normal life. | The tent caterpillars’ mode of feeding is to devour the leaves TENT CATERPILLAR—-SNODGRASS. 341 clear down to the midribs (figs. 5 and 6), and in this fashion they denude whole branches of the trees they inhabit (fig. 7). While the wild cherry is the tree most preferred by the caterpillars, and the one on which the moths usually deposit their eggs, they also infest apple trees to a sufficient extent to make them a considerable pest in orchards. They are easily poisoned on trees sprayed with arsenicals. In others the best remedy is to clean the tents out with a brush when the caterpillars are in them and then to kill the caterpillars before they escape. Occasionally the tents are found in other trees, and have been recorded from cultivated cherry, plum, peach, rose, witch- hazel, beech, barberry, oaks, willows, poplars, and birch. Since the caterpillars have big appetites it sometimes happens that a large colony in a small tree or several colonies in the same tree strip the tree bare before they reach maturity. Clarence M. Weed says that in such cases the caterpillars descend to the ground and search for some other tree on which they can feed. (Bull. 38, N. H. Ag. Exp. Station.) The writer never saw a colony reduced to this extremity by its own feeding, but produced similar conditions for one in a small apple tree by removing all the leaves. This was on May 19, and the caterpillars were mostly in their fifth stage. At 7 o’clock in the evening the caterpillars in this colony came out as usual, and, after doing the customary spinning on the tent, started off to get their dinner, suspecting nothing till they came to the cut-off ends of the branches. Then they were clearly bewildered—they re- turned and tried the course over again, they tried another branch, all the other branches; but all ended alike in bare stumps. Yet, there were the accustomed trails, and their instincts clearly said that fol- lowing silk paths led to food. So all night the caterpillars hunted for the missing leaves; they went over and over the same courses, but none ventured below the upper part of the trunk. By 3.45 in the morning many had given up and had gone back to the tent, but the rest continued the hopeless search. At 7.30 a few bold explorers had discovered some remnants of water sprouts at the base of the tree and fed there till 10 o’clock. At 11 all were back in the tent. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the crowd was out again and a mass meeting was being held at the base of the tree. But nobody seemed to have any idea of what to do, and no leader rose to the occasion. A few cautious scouts were making investigations over the ground to the extent of a foot or a little more from the base of the trunk, but, though there were small apple trees on three sides 5 feet away, only one small caterpillar ventured off toward one of these. He, however, missed the mark by 12 inches and continued onward, but probably chance eventually rewarded him. At 3 p. m. the meeting 553879—24——23 342 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. broke up and the members went home. They were not seen again that evening or the next morning. During this day, the 21st, and the next an occasional caterpillar came out of the tent but soon returned, and it was not till the evening of the 22d that a large number appeared. These once more explored the naked branches and traveled up and down the new paths on the trunk, but none was observed to leave the tree. On the 23d and 24th no caterpillars were seen. On the 25th the tent was opened and only two small individuals were found within it. Each of these was weak and flabby, its alimentary canal completely empty, its fat tissue almost gone. But what had become of the rest? Prob- ably they had wandered off unobserved one by one. Certainly there had been no organized migration. Solitary caterpillars were subse- quently found on a dozen or more small apple trees in the immediate vicinity. It is likely that most of these had molted and had gone into the last stage, since their time was ripe. But this was not determined. In general, the tent caterpillars live easy and comfortable lives. Still, they have their troubles, some of them serious ones. They are destroyed when young by exposure to adverse weather, they are eaten by birds and by other insects, they are killed by internal para- sites, and they are attacked by a deadly disease. But insects seldom actively contend against destructive forces. They do not believe in direct action. They are like plants in this respect, depending rather on numbers than on resistance for the maintenance of their species. Yet even the tent caterpillars sometimes make feeble efforts at self- defense. Amongst their enemies is a small bug which lies in wait for them as they come out to feed. The bug is armed with a large piercing and sucking beak, and when it sees a column of caterpillars headed in its direction it cautiously advances and stabs at a passing individual. If the threatened caterpillar is not punctured, it wards off other strokes from the bug by suddenly switching its body from side to side and goes on its way unharmed. The intimidated bug often has to make many assaults on members of the procession before it secures a victim, which, according to the custom of its species, must be speared in the second body segment. When at last, though, its thrust takes hold the assassin lifts the kicking and squirming victim off its feet and lets it hang free from the end of its beak. Then, crooking the elbow of the four-jointed sheath of the beak and holding the slender piercing and tubular parts firmly in the tip, the bug sucks out the juices of the writhing caterpillar as calmly as if it were drinking a glass of soda through a straw (fig. 8). But the caterpillar shortly ceases its motions and hangs limp, as if the bug had injected some anesthetic into its body. Several species of these bugs (Podisus) attack the caterpillars also in the tents. TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 843 While many of the’caterpillars protect themselves from the attack of predaceous insects and ward off parasitic flies by their sudden swinging of the body from side to side, they frequently make the same motions for no evident reason. We have noted how one may begin switching in the tent, perhaps fighting imaginary enemies in his dreams, much to the annoyance of his companions. The tent caterpillars, however, never exhibit the concert wagging character- istic of the fall webworms. (See p. 402, Smithsonian Report for 1921.) A number of small and minute beetles live in the tents of the tent caterpillar, but these probably only feed there on the accumulated refuse. They are to be compared with the mice and rats of human dwellings. After the caterpillars go over into their last stage the tents are neglected and rapidly fall into a state of dilapidation. Birds often poke holes in them with their bills, and they rip off sheets of silk which they carry away for nest-building pur- poses. The caterpillars do not even repair these damages. The rooms of the tent be- come filled with accumulations of frass, molted skins, and the shriveled bodies of dead caterpillars. The walls are discolored by rains which beat into the openings and soak through the refuse. Thus, what were shapely objects of glistening silk are trans- . ga = iiven aca muted into formless masses of dirty rags. uliventris) feeding on a cat- But the caterpillars, now in their finest ome hanging from ihe dress, are oblivious of their sordid sur- : roundings and sleep all day amidst these disgusting and appar- ently insanitary conditions. However, the life in the tents will soon be over, so it appears that the caterpillars simply think, “ What’s the use?” But, of course, caterpillars do not think; they arrive at results by instinct, in this case by the lack of an instinct, for they have no impulse to keep the tents clean or in repair when doing so would be energy wasted. Nature demands a practical reason for most things. The tent life continues about a week after the last moth, and then the family begins to break up, the members leaving singly or in bands, but always as individuals without further concern for one another. Judging from their previous methodical habits, one would suppose that the caterpillars starting off on their journeys would 344 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. simply go down the trunks of the trees and walk away. But no; once in their lives they must have a dramatic moment. A caterpillar comes rushing out of a tent as if suddenly awakened from some ter- rible dream or as if pursued by a demon, hurries outward along a branch, goes to the end of a spur or the tip of a leaf, and without slackening continues out into space till the end of the support tickles his stomach, when suddenly he gives a flip into the air, turns a somersault, and lands on the ground. (Fig. 9.) The first performance of this sort was observed on May 15. On the afternoon of the 19th, 20 or more caterpillars from two neighboring colonies were seen leaving the trees in the same fashion within half an hour. Most of the members of one of these colonies had their last molt on May 12 and 13. During the next few days other caterpillars were observed jumping from four trees containing colonies under observation. All of these went off individually at various times, but most of them early in the after- Ul } ff noon. Many caterpillars simply drop off when they reach the end of the branch, without the acro- Gi) batic touch, but only three were Ni | seen to go down the trunk of a , mr h tree in commonplace style. Ppp The population of the tents I gradually decreases during sev- Fic. 9.—A tent caterpillar in the last eral days following the time when stage leaving the tree by jumping from the first caterpillar departs. One PES? OFA reste. PA SO MR Es of the two tents from which the general exodus was noted on May 19 was opened on the 21st and was found to contain only one remaining caterpillar. On the evening of the 22d a solitary individual was out feeding from the other tent. The two younger colonies maintained their numbers till the 22d, after which they diminished till, within a few days, they too were deserted. The members of all these colonies hatched from the eggs on April 8, 9, and 10, so seven weeks is the greatest length of time that any of them spent on the trees of their birth. The caterpillar that left the tent on the 15th came from a colony that began to hatch on April 10, giving an observed minimum of 36 days. As soon as a departing caterpillar lands on the ground it sets olf at a rapid pace as if it had already picked out its destination and knew what road to take. Early in the afternoon of May 21 a cater- pillar was observed making its headlong rush from the tent of one of the later colonies. It jumped from the southeast side of the tree and, without hesitation, started off at a running gait in the same di- rection. Its course took it first across a narrow strip of grass, then TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 845 diagonally over a bare garden plot that had been plowed and har- rowed, but beaten down fairly smooth and solid by recent rains, ex- cept where it had since been raked. The traveler proceeded over smooth ground and over raked ground, changing his course for noth- ing, being neither deterred nor deflected by any obstacle on the road. He climbed over stones and rough clods, dodged between the leaf — stems of occasional plantains that stood in the path, and threaded his way through labyrinths of upturned roots, but always held the course to the southeast. For 70 feet there was not a deviation of more than 2 feet on either side of a straight line. Yet there was no prominent mark ahead; the sun was a little west of south and a high board fence on the east side of the yard crossed the line of the course at an angle of 45°. Neither sun nor fence, therefore, appeared to be the objective; so, it seems that the traveler must have secretly carried a compass somewhere on his person. At the end of 70 feet he ab- ruptly veered a little to the south and headed now directly toward a large apple tree not far distant. When 12 feet from ‘the trunk he was lost to sight in some tall grass and weeds growing at the edge of the garden. Up to this point the caterpillar had covered just 100 feet and had made the journey in 34 minutes. Half an hour later the trunk of the tree, which was banded with tanglefoot 4 feet from the ground, was examined to see if any travel- ing caterpillar had arrived. None was on the trunk, but four were sitting quietly on the stems of water sprouts beside it. In the even- ing of the same day nine caterpillars were feeding on the leaves of these sprouts and one was crawling up the tree. On the next even- ing there were 12 in all. Evidently here was a rendezvous. This tree stood at the corner of a small orchard of large apple trees, the trunks of all of which were circled with tanglefoot. Water sprouts were abundant through the orchard, but only two caterpillars were found elsewhere than on those by the corner tree. Yet the latter was not the nearest tree to the tents—the trees directly south could have been reached by a shorter course, while the plot of small trees containing the tents offered an abundance of forage close at hand. No tents were to be found in the orchard. It is unfortunate that other caterpillars were not followed in their travels. But since many were found at this time scattered here and there on the small trees in the yard it is evident that their journeys had not taken them far. These quietly rested during the day on the twigs and fed on the leaves in the evening, and probably all night. The excitement and hurry of leaving the tents had been but a mo- mentary spasm in their lives. Once on the new feeding ground their normal placid temperaments returned. The 12 caterpillars on the water sprouts lived there in the same quiet manner, but soon their 846 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. number began to decrease from day to day, till by the end of a week all had departed. When the mature caterpillars disappear in this mysterious man- ner they go off to spin their cocoons, but those from our colonies hid themselves so effectively for this act that few of them were recovered. Two cocoons were found spun against the under side of a wooden bench a few feet from where the 12 caterpillars spent their last days on the water sprouts, and one in dry grass beneath. Several were found elsewhere spun vertically amongst blades of tall grass, one was taken from a mass of cobwebs on the floor of an unused chicken house, and another from the rafters of an open shed. It is usually stated that the tent caterpillar spins its cocoon “ most anywhere ” amongst grass and rubbish, on tree trunks, on fences, and on build- ings. But Dr. B. A. Porter and the writer made a thorough search in the neighborhood of six tents in a small tree beside a country road without discovering the site of a single cocoon. We examined the surrounding tall grass and weeds, turned over rocks on the ground, carefully inspected a stone wall across the road, and examined the trunks and branches of near-by trees. ¥ ; The caterpillars that left the F1a. 10.—A tent caterpillar cocoon (natu- two colonies in the yard on May Pea 19 were captured and confined in an outdoor cage where they were daily supplied with fresh cherry leaves. All of these spun their cocoons in the cage between May 24 and 28, and from this we may infer that the caterpillars normally spend about a week in feeding after they leave the tents. Since most of those in the cage had molted last on the 12th or 18th, they were from 12 to 16 days in the last stage before spinning their cocoons. The cocoon is a slender oval or almost spindle-shaped object, the larger ones being about an inch long and half an inch wide at the middle (fig. 10). The cocoon is spun of white silk thread, but its walls are stiffened and colored by a yellow substance infiltrated like starch all through the meshes of the web. : In building the cocoon the caterpillar first spins a loose network of threads at the place selected, and then, using this for a support, weaves about itself the walls of the final structure. On account of its large size, as compared with the size of the cocoon, the caterpillar is forced to double on itself to fit its self-imposed cell. Most of its hairs, however, are brushed off and become interlaced with the threads to form a part of the cocoon fabric. When the spinning is finished the caterpillar ejects a yellowish, pasty liquid from its intes- TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 847 tine, which it smears all over the inner surface of the case, but the substance spreads through the meshes of the silk, where it quickly dries and gives the starchy stiffness to the walls of the finished cocoon. It readily crumbles into a yellow powder, which becomes dusted all over the caterpillar within and floats off in a small yellow cloud whenever a cocoon is pulled loose from its attachments. The cocoon is the last resting place of the caterpillar. If the caterpillar lives it will come out of its prison as a moth, leaving the garments of the worm behind. It may, however, be attacked by para- sites that will shortly bring about its destruction. But even if it goes through the period of change successfully it must remain in the cocoon about three weeks. In the meantime it will be of interest to learn something of the structure of a caterpillar, the better to understand its physiology and some of the details of the process of its transformation. THE STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CATERPILLAR. A caterpillar looks like a worm, but it is not a worm. It is a young moth that has carried the idea of independence of youth to an ex- treme degree, but which, instead of rising superior to its parents, i’1g, 11.—The head of a tent caterpillar, A, Facial view; B, under view; C, side view. Ant, antenna: For, opening of back of head into body; Ft, front; Hphy, hypopharynx ; Lb, labium; Lm, labrum; Md, mandible; Ma, maxilla; O, eyes; Spn, spinneret. has degenerated into the form of a worm. What an excellent theme this would furnish to those who at present are so bewailing what they believe to be a shocking tendency toward an excess of independ- ence on the part of the young of the human species! But the moral aspect of the lesson loses its force when we learn that among insects this freedom of the caterpillar from parental restraint gives ad- vantages to both young and adults, and, therefore, results in good to the species as a whole. Independence entails responsibilities. A creature that leaves the beaten paths of its ancestors must learn to take care of itself in the new way. And this the caterpillar has learned to do preeminently well, as it has come up the long road of evolution, till now it possesses both instincts and physical organs that make it one of the dominant forms of insect life. 348 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, The general external form and structure of a caterpillar may be learned from a study of Figure 17, A. But the external organs of chief interest are those of the head (fig. 11), including the mouth, the jaws, and the silk-spinning instrument. The facial view (A) shows the notched upper lip or labrwm (Zm) suspended from the triangular frontal plate (#7) like a protective flap over the bases of the jaws. The latter, called mandibles (Md), are large, heavy appendages at the sides of the mouth, swinging out and in on two ball-and-socket hinges. The muscles that move them are shown in Figure 12, A. The cutting edge of each mandible carries a number of strong teeth. At the sides of the jaws are the two small three- jointed antennae (fig. 11, Ant). The caterpillar has 12 very small eyes, one near the base of each antenna and the others in two groups of 5 each on the sides of the head (fig. 11, ALU Ap RMet A, 0). But with all its eyes the cater- \ pillar appears to be very nearsighted and TZ GY gives little evidence of being able to see more than the difference between lght and darkness. Those tent caterpillars that were starving on the denuded tree failed to perceive other food trees in full Fie. 12.—The mandibles or jaws of the caterpillar de- tached from the head. A, front view of right man- dible; B, underside of the left. a and p, the socket and knob that hinge the jaw to the head; HMcl and RMecl, extensor and re- tractor muscles that move the jaw. leaf only a few feet away. The large complex organ that projects behind or below the mouth like a thick under lip (fig. 11, C) is a combination of three parts that are separate in other insects. These are a second pair of soft jaws, called maxilla (B, C, Mx), and the true under lip, or labium (Lb). The most important part of this combined structure in the caterpillar, however, is the hollow spine (A, B, C, Spn) pointed downward and backward from the end of the labium. This is the spinneret. From it issues the silk thread with which the caterpillar weaves its tent and its cocoon. The fresh silk is a liquid formed in long tubular glands extending back in the body of the caterpillar to the tenth segment (fig. 13, A, Gl). The middle part of each tube is enlarged into a reservoir (Res), where the silk liquid may accumulate, and the first part con- sists of a narrow duct (Dect) which unites with the duct from the other gland in a thick-walled sac (Pv) that finally opens into the spinneret. Two small glands, which look like bunches of grapes (GIF), open into the ducts near their front ends. The relation of the ducts and the sac to the spinneret is seen in the side view of the maxilla and labium shown at B in Figure 18. TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 849 The sac (P7), into which the ducts of the silk gland opens, is called the silk press, because its thick walls are supposed to squeeze the silk into a thread varying in form and thickness according to the pressure exerted on it. The cut end of the press, given at KE, shows the crescent form of its cavity (Zwm) in cross section, and the thickening in its roof (ph), called the raphe. Muscles (Mels) inserted on the raphe and the sides of the press serve to enlarge the interior of the press by lifting the roof and spread- ing the walls. The four sets of these muscles are shown from above at C. The opening of the press cavity probably sucks the suk liquid into it from the reser- voirs, and when the muscles relax the elastic roof springs back and _ forces the silk through the spinneret. The P Fic. 18.—The silk glands and spinning organs. A, the silk continuous pas- glands (@l), their reservoirs (Res), and ducts (Det) open- sage from the ing into the silk press (Pr). Gf, glands of Filippi opening 4 into the ducts. ducts into the B, side view of maxilla (Ma) and tip of labium (Lb) press and from the carrying the spinneret (Spn) showing the silk press (Pr) a i ijn place and the ducts (Dect) entering it. press into the spin- C, upper side of the silk press (Pr), showing the 4 sets neret is shown of muscles (Mcls) inserted on its walls and on the rod-like raphe (Rph) in its roof. from the side at D. D, side view of the press, ducts, spinneret, raphe, and The silk liquid bears section of the press, showing its cavity or lumen is very gummy (Lum), which is enlarged when the muscles lift up the and adheres tightly itnag Aiste to whatever it touches, while at the same time it hardens rapidly and becomes a tough, inelastic thread as it is drawn out of the spinneret when the caterpillar swings its head away from the point of attachment. The mouth of the caterpillar is between the jaws and the lips. It opens into a short gullet or wsophagus, which is the first part of the alimentary canal (fig. 14, @). The rest of the canal is a wide tube occupying most of the space within the caterpillar’s body and is divided into the crop (Cr), the stomach or ventriculus (Vent), and the intestine (Int). The crop is a sac for receiving the food 350 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. and varies in size according to the amount of food it contains (A and B, Cr). The stomach (Vent) is the largest part of the canal. Its walls are loose and wrinkled when it is empty, or smooth and tense when it is full. The intestine (Zt) consists of three divisions, a short part just back of the stomach, a larger middle part, and a saclike end part called the rectwm (fect). Six long tubes (Jal) are wrapped in many coils about the intestine and run forward and back in long loops over the rear half of the stomach. The three on each side unite into a short basal tube, which opens into the first part of the intestine. The terminal parts of the tubes are coiled inside the muscular coat of the rectum. These tubes are known as the Malpighian tubules. When a tent caterpillar goes out to feed the fore part of its body is soft and flabby; when it returns to the tent the same part is tight and firm. This is because the cater- pillar carries its dinner home in its crop, digests it slowly while in the tent, and then goes out for more when the crop is empty. It is quite easy to tell by feeling a caterpillar whether it is hungry or not. The empty, con- tracted crop is a small bag contained in the first three segments of the body (fig. 14, A, Cr) ; but the full crop stretches out to a long cylinder like a sausage, filling the first six segments of the body (fig. 14, B), its rear end sunken into the stomach and its front end bs SE peed etarttae? pressed against the back of the head. 4, ' before” feeding: 'B’ The fresh food in the crop consists of a after feeding. Cr, crop; soft, pulpy mass of leaf fragments. As this Int, intestine; Mal, Mal- . Z pighian tubules; oz, 1S passed into the stomach the crop contracts ih Apuamelorar a site stom- and the stomach expands, and the caterpillar’s center of gravity is shifted backward with the food burden. The food is digested in the stomach and the un- digested part is passed on into the intestine. As the stomach be- comes empty there accumulates in it a dark-brown liquid, probably the gastric juice, and it becomes inflated with bubbles of gas. When the caterpillar goes to its meals both crop and stomach are sometimes empty, but usually the stomach still contains some food besides an abundance of the brown liquid and numerous gas bub- bles. The refuse that accumulates in the middle section of the intestine is subjected to pressure by the muscles of the intestinal wall, and is here molded jnto a pellet which retains the imprint of the constrictions and pouches of this part of the intestine, TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 351 and looks like a small mulberry when passed on into the rectum and finally extruded from the body. The alimentary canal is a tube made of a single layer of cells ex- tending through the body; but its outer surface, that toward the body cavity, is covered by a muscle layer of lengthwise and cross- wise fibers which cause the movement of the food through the canal. The gullet and crop and the intestine are lined internally with a thin cuticle continuous with that covering the surface of the body, and these linings are shed with the body cuticle every time the cater- pillar molts. The Malpighian tubules (fig. 14, Mal) are the kidneys of insects; they are the excretory organs that remove from the blood the waste products containing nitrogen, and discharge them into the intestine along with the waste parts of the food from the stomach. Ordi- narily the Malpighian tubules are of a whitish color, but just before the caterpillar is ready to spin its cocoon they become congested with a bright yellow sub- stance. Under the microscope this is seen to consist of masses of square, oblong, and rod- shaped crystals (fig. 15). At this time the caterpillar has ceased to feed and the ali- mentary canal contains no food or food refuse. The intestine, however, becomes filled with the yellow mass from the Malpighian tubules; and aoe : : c : Fic. 15.—Crystals from this is the material with which the caterpillar che Malgishien. tubules plasters the walls of its cocoon, giving them = eniected into the walls the yellowish color and stiffened texture. OF SR Spee The yellow powder of the cocoon, therefore, consists of the crystals from the Malpighian tubules. We now come to the question of why the caterpillar eats so much. Tt is almost equivalent to asking, “ Why is a caterpillar?” The caterpillar is the feeding stage in the insect’s life—eating is its business, its reason for being a caterpillar. It eats not only to build up its own organs, many of which are to be broken down to furnish building material for those of the moth, but it eats also to store up within its body certain materials in excess of its own needs, which likewise will contribute to the growth of the moth. The most abundant of the food reserves stored by the caterpillar is fat. With insects, however, fat does not accumulate amongst the muscles and beneath the skin. Insects never become “ fat” in ex- ternal appearance. Their fatty products are held in a special organ called the fat body. In the tent caterpillar the fat body consists of a loose cellular net- work surrounding the crop and continued backward as a thin sheet. 352 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. adhering to the body wall through the region of the stomach. In a well-fed caterpillar the cells of the fat body (fig. 16, A) are full of small drops of a liquid that looks and acts like oil. Two physiologi- cal tests for fat are that it stains black in a weak solution of osmic acid and red in a solution called “ Soudan III.” The oily drops in the fat body of the tent caterpillar sustain both of these tests, and thus show that they contain fat. In a caterpillar that has been starved for several days the fat body is reduced to a few small strands of cells on the crop, but each of these cells contains as much fat as do those of the normal fat body. Another substance stored in the caterpillar’s body for future use is glycogen or animal starch, and it, too, is contained in the cells of the fat body. The fat body is, therefore, a sort of liver to the insect, since the storage of glycogen is one of the important functions of the liver in vertebrate animals. Glycogen is used up in the produc- tion of energy, and both it and the stored fat are consumed during the next stage of the insect, when the caterpillar under- goes the alterations that produce from it. a moth. During these alterations, however, busi- Fig. 16.—A, fat cells of a cat- x erpillar 13 inches long as ess does not go on as usual. Many of the they look when stained with o]d functions are discontinued and physio- osmic acid; B, fat cells of a , : : male moth just out of the logical processes come into action that cocoon, The clear spaces are would be impossible in an active animal. filled with an oily liquid. . : “ Therefore the insect goes into a special inactive stage called the pupa, and some of the details of its reorgani- zation, called metamorphosis, will now be described. HOW THE CATERPILLAR BECOMES A MOTH. When the caterpillar ceases feeding its body contains an abun- dance of fat, and its silk glands are more distended than at any time before. When it begins to spin its cocoon its alimentary canal con- tains no remains of food, the crop is contracted to a narrow cylinder and the stomach is shrunken and flabby. But the latter contains a soft, orange-brown substance, composed, not of plant tissue, but of animal cells. It is, in fact, the dissolving cellular lining of the stomach itself which has already been shed into the cavity of the stomach, and is apparently in the process of being digested by the new wall that is taking its place. This marks the beginning of the dismantling of the caterpillar preparatory to the process of reforma- tion that is to take place—the beginning of metamorphosis. After the caterpillar has completed its cocoon, its life as a cater- pillar is almost ended. Its external appearance is already much al- tered by the shortening of its body and the loss of its furry covering, TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 853 Lee ah VIAN ps2 1 \p j S ee HS MY Was z Ly "2" = nT} \\ ‘ ; at \ \ \ \ Sp AL We DAs shat ciao a) tr BN VOSS rr etn odgra $04. Fic. 17.—A, the mature caterpillar, showing the head (H ) and 18 body segments, the jointed legs (ZL) on the three thoracic segments, the abdominal legs (AL) on the third to sixth and the tenth abdominal segments, and the breathing pores or spiracles (Sp) along the side of the body. B, the contracted prepupal stage of the caterpillar in the cocoon. C, the propupa extended after artificial removal of the prepupal caterpillar skin. The antennae (Ant), wings (W), and legs (L) are all free appendages. D, the pupa, the form of the insect when the prepupal caterpillar skin is shed nor- mally. The appendages are all glued fast to the hard shell-like body wall. B, the empty pupal skin and the newly emerged moth, a thoracic leg of the caterpillar. Ca, coxa; F, femur; Tar, tarsus; Tb, tibia; Tr, trochanter, G, corresponding leg of the propupa. Only the tarsus (Tar) develops in the leg of the caterpillar (F). H, the head of the propupa, under view. Ant, antenna; LZ, eye; LvPlp, labial palpi; Lm, labrum; Md, rudiment of mandible ; Mth, mouth; Mz, maxilla. I, under view of front half of the pupa, Lettering as in H: also In, Lz, La, legs; W:, Ws, wings. 354 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. and during the next three or four days a characteristic change of form takes place. As the body continues to shorten, the first three segments become crowded together, but those of the abdominal region swell out and their legs are retracted. The creature (fig. 17, B) is now only half its former length (A) and would scarcely be recognized as the same animal that spun itself into the cocoon. This period of the insect’s life is called the prepupal stage of the caterpillar. Yet the creature is really no longer a caterpillar, it is simply still wearing the caterpillar’s skin; and this garment can now be taken off like a coat without injury to the wearer. The latter (fig. 17, C) is then discovered to be a thing entirely different in ap- pearance from the caterpillar (A). In many ways it suggests the future moth (E), but it is called the propupa. It has a pair of small wings (W, and W,) on each side of the body, legs (Z) much longer than those of the caterpillar (being folded, only the ends are visible in side view), and a pair of large antenne (Ant) on the head. Its first three body segments, though all different from one another, consti- tute a well-defined thoracic region bearing the wings and legs, while the following 10 segments are more alike than in the caterpillar and form a distinct abdominal part of the body, swollen at the middle and tapering toward, the rear end. The breathing pores along the sides of the body correspond with those of the caterpillar, except that there is an extra pore on each side between the second and third segments (but covered by the base of the front wing in the figure, C). This spiracle is present in most insects, both young and adult, and is simply overgrown by the skin in the caterpillar. Many important alterations have taken place in the form and structure of the head and the appendages about the mouth during the change from the caterpillar, as will be seen by comparing Figure 17, H, with Figure 11. Most of the sides of the caterpillar’s head, including its 12 eyes, have been converted into the two huge eyes (Z’) of the propupa, and the antenne (Ant) have increased enor- mously in size. The upper lip (£m), on the other hand, is much smaller in the propupa, the great biting jaws of the caterpillar are reduced to mere rudiments (J/d), while the spinneret of the cater- pillar (Spn) is gone entirely. The maxille (Ma) and labium (Z6) are more distinct from one another, and their parts more simplified. The labium carries two long palpi (fig. 17, H, LbPlp). Yet, as different as are the external parts of the propupa from those of the caterpillar, they have all been formed in the correspond- ing organs of the latter, or at least as far as there was room for them to grow in the caterpillar parts. In the case of the antenne only the very tips of the new organs could develop in the old, the rest had to fold back against the sides of the head beneath the skin. TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 355 In the case of the mandibles the condition is reversed—the new organs shrink to such an extent that they leave the old ones almost empty. From this we see, however, that the parts of the head of the propupa are derived from those of the caterpillar, just as are the parts in any one stage of the caterpillar, except the first, derived from those of the preceding stage, and are disclosed when the skin is shed. The change of form in the propupa is but a detail, for in some species changes take place during the molt between stages of the caterpillar. The legs of the propupa are so much longer than those of the caterpillar that only the terminal part of each, the tarsus (fig. 17, G, Zar), can develop inside the corresponding caterpillar leg (F) ; the rest of the leg folds upward within the skin against the side of the body, just as the antenne fold back against the sides of the head to find space for their increasing bulk. This does not mean, there- fore, that the caterpillar leg represents only the tarsal part of the adult leg, though it has often been so interpreted. The case of the wings appears to be different, for the caterpillar has no external wings at all, not even rudiments in which the pro- pupal wings could start their growth. Consequently the wing buds are forced to grow internally. They can be found inside the skin of the caterpillar as little sacs turned outside in. When the cater- pillar skin is loosened over that of the propupa the wing sacs are everted and quickly take their normal place on the outside of the body as small external lobes (fig. 17, C, W., W;). The propupa remains within the caterpillar skin for three or four days and then the latter splits open along the back of the first two body segments, over the top of the head and down the right side of the frontal triangle to the base of the right jaw. The creature within now quickly wriggles out of the skin and pushes it over the rear end of its body and into the end of the cocoon, where it remains as a hairy wad, the last evidence of the caterpillar. The propupa (fig. 17, C) very clearly started out to be a moth (E), but the thing that appears (D) when the caterpillar skin is shed does not at all resemble a moth. The propupa, in fact, has changed to a pupa, and this (D) is a cylindrical hard-shelled crea- ture, rounded at the head end, tapering at the other, with all of its appendages glued down fast to the body wall. Its size is much less than that of the propupa (C) and its length only about one-third that of the original caterpillar (A). The only motion it can make is a rotary, wriggling movement of the rear end of the body. A pupa of this sort is characteristic of moths and butterflies and is called a chrysalis. It is a specialized stage in the insect’s life, which, by its compact form and shell-like skin, affords greater safety for 356 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. the period of reconstruction than would a soft-bodied thing like the propupa. The color of the chrysalis is at first bright green on the foreparts, yellowish on the abdomen, and usually more or less brown on the back. But it soon darkens till the fore parts and the wings are purplish black and the abdomen purplish brown. The changes that have taken place in the mouth parts, antenne, legs, and wings since the propupal period are shown at I on Figure 17. The legs and wings are folded flat against the body, the antenne (Ant) are straightened out against the edges of the wings, the max- illee (A/a) are longer than in the propupa (H), and the mouth (Mth) is closed to a narrow slit. From now on the external form of the pupa will not change, but the processes of transformation will go on rapidly within it during the next three weeks. Then the fully formed moth will discard the pupal shell, just as the pupa rejected the skin of the caterpillar after the latter had served as a covering during its formative propupal period. We have seen that the caterpillar’s business is to eat. Its wormlike form, supposedly, is one better adapted to the securing of foed than the moth form. Therefore, the young moth hatches out of the egg as a caterpillar, provided with external organs, alimentary canal, and silk glands all ready for its work, and a system of muscles that will accomplish all its necessary movements. But these parts be- come suddenly useless when the insect reaches the end of the cater- pillar stage. Consequently they must be discarded or made over into the corresponding organs of the moth if the insect is to complete its life and produce another generation. The necessity for this change is the reason for the pupal period. The departure of the pupa from the direct road from the propupa to the adult necessi- tates another molt and establishes the pupa as a separate stage in the insect’s growth, though it is really but the formative period of the moth and is to be regarded as a part of the adult stage. During the re-formation it is necessary that continuity be pre- served in most of the parts, else the animal would fall to pieces somewhere in the process. Reconstruction, therefore, keeps on the heels of disintegration, and in all the tissues, except some of the muscles, the newly forming parts are always present along with the remains of the old. Hence, while the external form of an organ may be changing, it always appears to be intact. It is only by a micro- scopic examination of tissues prepared for a study of their cells that it is possible to see what is really taking place in them. The de- tails have been described by many investigators, who agree pretty well on the following points. TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 357 All the external parts of the insect are formed from the skin and its hard outer cuticle. The skin consists of a layer of cells and is called the hypodermis. The remodeling of the external form and organs results from a regeneration of the hypoderm. After the ex- ternal parts of any stage are once formed they do not change again during that stage, but there are certain islands of cells in the hypo- derm that retain their vitality till the propupal period. At the be- ginning of metamorphosis these cells begin to multiply rapidly and spread out in expanding patches of new skin. The old skin cells appear to be discouraged at the sight of these vigorous young cells crowding upon them; they give up at once without a fight, go to pieces, and are absorbed into the interior of the body as the new cells take their places. The islands from which the latter originated were parts of the original body segments, and each new growing set respects the boundaries of its own segment, but pays no attention to the old shape of the segment or any of its parts. Thus the newly formed insect has the same segmentation as in the preceding stage. but its shape and details may be very different. During all this modification of the hypodermis the old cuticle cov- ering it has remained the same. When the new hypoderm is com- pleted, the old caterpillar cuticle is loosened and separated, while a new cuticle is formed beneath it on the surface of the new skin. This gives the wing buds a chance to evert and take their normal position outside the body. Then the old cuticle is shed and the newly formed creature is exposed in the shape of the pupa. The original islands of regeneration cells are called imaginal buds (from émago, meaning an adult). During the pupal stage the hypo- derm undergoes still further modifications, and forms still another cuticle beneath that of the pupa. Finally, the latter is cast off, and the moth appears. But while this remodeling of the external form has been going on other changes have taken place inside the body. We have already noted that the lining of the stomach is shed at the time when the caterpillar is spinning its cocoon. But it is not all cast off—groups of small cells which, like those of the hypoderm, have not lost their vitality remain behind and generate a new lining that digests and absorbs the débris of the old. The gullet, with the crop and the intestine, being ingrowths of the hypoderm, are regenerated in the same way as the body wall. Groups of cells in their walls multiply and replace the old cells, which are absorbed into the blood. Their linings are shed with the body cuticle. The alimentary canal of the moth is very different from that of the caterpillar, but it will be de- scribed in the next section. 59879—24——24 358 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The walls of the Malpighian tubules are regenerated, but the tubes do not change much in form. The silk glands are greatly reduced in size and the silk press and the spinneret are not re- formed at all. The ducts of the new glands, which are to have a new function, open into the mouth. None of these organs ever loses its continuity. Each is always present in some form during all of the pupal period. But the reor- ganization that affects the muscles is so thorough that many lose their integrity for a while. Some that were intended only for the use of the caterpillar are destroyed completely, others are remod- eled, and new ones are built up expressly for the use of the adult. Other internal parts, such as the nervous system, the heart, the respiratory tubes, and the reproductive organs, do not suffer any disintegration but grow to the mature form in the ordinary manner of development. The cells of the fat body separate from one another in the pupa and float about in the body cavity as a mass of free globular cells. They give up their oil droplets either by absorption or by the dis- solving of their thin walls, which scatters their contents broadcast in the blood. In some insects, however, the fat cells assume a new function during the pupal period; they absorb and appear to digest material derived from the débris of the old organs, especially the dissolving muscles, and convert this material into albuminoid prod- ucts that accumulate in their protoplasm in the form of small granules. These albuminous bodies are finally reabsorbed into the blood or are liberted by the breaking of the walls of the fat cells and are used as food by the developing tissues of the adult. From all this we see that the pupa is far from being dead; from a physiological standpoint it is very much alive and active. But its activities are not a part of the drama of the insect’s life—the pupal stage is a period of intermission between the two main acts when a great commotion of scene shifting and costume changing goes on behind the curtain of the pupal shell. THE MOTH. For three weeks or a little longer the processes of reconstruction go on within the pupa, and then the creature that was a caterpillar breaks through its coverings and appears in the form and costume of amoth. The pupal shell splits open at the front end (fig. 17, E) to allow the moth to emerge, but the latter then only finds itself face to face with the wall of the cocoon. It has left behind its cutting in- struments, the mandibles, with its discarded overalls; but it has turned chemist and needs no tools. The glands that furnished the silk for building the cocoon now, in their altered state, secrete a clear TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS. 359 liquid that oozes out of the mouth and acts as a solvent on the glue that holds the cocoon threads together. The strands thus moistened are soon loosened from one another sufficiently to allow the moth to poke its head through the cocoon wall and force a hole large enough to permit of itsescape. The liquid from the mouth of the moth turns the silk brown, and the lips of the emergence hole are always stained the same color—evidence that it is this liquid that softens the silk. But a former writer, L. Trouvelot, actually watched a Polyphemus moth in its cocoon press the liquid from its mouth against the cocoon wall and then wait a half hour for its dissolving properties to act. Trouvelot says that the moth then emerges by separating the strands of silk without breaking a single thread. But the frayed edges of the hole left in the cocoon of the tent caterpillar by the moth show many loose ends of broken threads. ! { | ! = Fig. 18.—The tent caterpillar moths. A, male in natural position at rest; B, female (14 natural size). The most conspicuous features of the moth are its furry covering of hairlike scales and its wings. The latter are short at first (fig. 17, E), but they quickly expand to normal length and are then folded over the back (fig. 18, A). The color of the moths are vari- ous shades of reddish brown with the wings crossed by two oblique pale bands. The female (B) is somewhat larger than the male, her body being a little over three-fourths of an inch in length and the expanded wings 12 inches across. The tent caterpillars performed so thoroughly their duty of eat- ing that the moths have no need of more food. Consequently they are not encumbered with implements of feeding. The mandibles, which were so large in the caterpillar (fig. 11, Md), and became rudimentary in the propupa (fig. 17, H), are now gone entirely (fig. 19). The maxille (J/x), which were fairly long lobes in the pro- pupa, have shrunken in the adult to insignificant though movable knobs at the sides of the mouth (Mth). The under lip or labium 360 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. (Zb) of the moth is reduced almost to nothing, but its palpi (LbPIp) are long and three-jointed. When covered with their scales these palpi form the two furry brushes that project in front of the face. In most moths the two maxille are drawn out into a pair of long straps, the grooved inner faces of which are united to form a tube or proboscis through which the moth sucks up nectar from flowers and drinks water. In some species, however, such as the fall web- worm moth, the proboscis is short and perhaps almost useless (see p. 411 of Smithsonian Report for 1921). In the moth of the tent caterpillar the maxille are so small that they do not form any pro- boscis at all. It is interesting to note that the maxille of the tent caterpillar reach their greatest length in the pupa (fig. 17, I), as if nature had intended the moth to have a proboscis, but changed her mind and had the maxille grow backward again in the pupal stage. When things like this take place in the development of an animal zoologists interpret it as meaning that the final form of the organ has been acquired recently, referring, of course, to the past few million years. “L4Fip Since the moth eats nothing and probably drinks nothing, it has little Fic. 19.—Head of the moth, facial USe for an alimentary canal. But im- view, with scales removed ard an- portant organs, though useless, are ited et m4 “igo r fy Si tart seldom obliterated. Consequently the LbPlp, labial palpus; Lm, lagram; tent caterpillar moth has a threadlike TAP ery ait tn tube extending backward from its mouth which preserves the tradition of a stomach, an organ which its ancestors once possessed. The intestine is better developed, since it must still function as the outlet for the Malpighian tubules. The secretion of these tubes during the pupal period consists of minute spherical crystals. They accumulate in the rear part of the intestine as an orange-colored mass which is discharged as soon as the moth leaves the cocoon. Most of the male moths emerge from the cocoons several days in advance of the females. At this time their bodies contain an abund- ance of fat tissue (fig. 16, B), the cells of which are filled with drop- lets of fatty oil, as shown by their staining deeply with osmic acid and Soudan III. But the internal reproductive organs of the male are not yet fully developed and probably do not become functional till about the time the females are out of their cocoons, TENT CATERPILLAR—SNODGRASS, 361 The body of the female, on the other hand, contains no fat tissue when she emerges, while her ovaries are full of mature eggs ready to be laid as soon as the fertilizing element is received from the male. One specimen examined contained 289 eggs, an average of 36 for each of the eight tubes of the ovaries (fig. 20, Ov). The material that will form the covering of the eggs when laid is a clear brown liquid contained in two great sacs (/’es) that open into the oviduct (OvD). Each is the reservoir of a long tubular gland (Gl). The liquid must be somehow mixed with air when it is extruded over the eggs to give the covering its frothy structure. It soon sets into a jelly- like substance, then becomes firm but elastic like rubber, and eventu- ally becomes dry and brittle. The date of the egg laying de- pends on the latitude of the re- gion the moth inhabits, varying from the middle of May in the Southern States to the end of June in the North. While the eggs will Fie. 20.—Internal organs of a female moth, showing the ‘base of one ovary (Ov), the common oviduct (OvD) and its opening to the exterior (OvDO), the spermatheca (Spm), connected with the oviduct bv a short tube, and its opening to the exterior (SpmO). The egg covering is formed as a brown liquid in the glands (Gl) and accumu- lates in the large sacs (Res) which open into the terminal part of the oviduct. not hatch till the following spring, they nevertheless begin to develop at once, and within six weeks the caterpillars may be found fully formed inside of them (fig. 21,B). Each has its head against the top Fig, 21.—A, young tent caterpillar taken from an egg July 29; B, caterpillar in natural position in the egg. of the shell and its body bent U-shaped, with the tail end turned to one side. The hairs of the body are all brushed forward and form a thin cushion about the poor crea- ture, which for crimes un- committed is sentenced to eight months’ solitary con- finement in this inhuman po- sition. Yet, if artificially liberated, the prisoner takes no advantage of the freedom offered. Though it can move a little, it remains coiled (A) and will fold up again if forcibly straightened, thus asserting that it is more comfortable than it looks. 362 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. It is surprising that these infant caterpillars can remain inactive like this all through the summer, when the warmth spurs the vitality of other species and speeds them up to their most rapid growth and development. External conditions in general appear to have much to do with regulating the lives of insects, but the tent caterpillars in their eggs give proof that the creature is not entirely the slave of environment. By some secret source of patience the prisoners will serve their time in those tiny capsules through all the heat of sum- mer, the cold of winter, and not till the cherry buds are ready to open in the spring will they gnaw through the inclosing shells against which their faces have been pressing all this while. THE LIFE HISTORY AND HABITS OF THE SOLITARY WASP, PHILANTHUS GIBBOSUS. By Epwarp G. Rertnwarp, 8. J., Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. [With 3 plates.] Should the ordinary entomologist that tramps the field with col- lecting net and cyanide bottle catch sight of the small black and yel- low wasp known to scientists as Philanthus gibbosus, he would probably pass it by as a specimen scarcely worth a sweep of his net. ‘True, it is an insect not rare, nor even handsome, nor deserving of much comment when pinned in a cabinet. But, like all the solitary wasps, it lives a life of extraordinary interest, fascinating for the biologist and the layman alike. The habits of this Philanthus have previously been studied to some extent by the Peckhams? in Wisconsin (1897) and by the Raus? in Missouri (1918). These veteran observers have made known the general behavior and the most conspicuous features in the life history of the wasp. The observations described in this paper disagree in no essential point from those of the older writers. The present writer’s aim has been to supplement our knowledge and to remove lacunae, so as to present the life history of Philanthus as a nearly complete biography rather than as a cursory sketch. DESCRIPTION, SYNONOMY, DISTRIBUTION. Philanthus gibbosus is a small but robust wasp, 10 to 12 milli- meters in length (pl. 1, fig. 1). She has a broad head that seems almost too large for the dwarfed body. Her coat of chitin is shiny black with spots of yellow on the head and yellow bands on the thorax and abdominal segments. The very large and deep punctures on the abdomen of this insect make it an easy species to recognize. These conspicuous punctures suggested Say’s name of Philanthus punctatus. Under this title the wasp has commonly been referred to, but Mr. S. A. Rohwer has recently examined into the synonomy of 1 Peckham, G. W. and EB. G. Instincts and Habits of the Solitary Wasps. Wisconsin Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey. Bull. 2, Sc. Ser. 1, pp. 117-124. 2Rau, P. and N. Wasp Studies Afield. Princeton University Press, pp. 109-116. 363 364 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, this species and believed it necessary to change the name to P. gib- bosus Fabricius, a synonym that was intimated by Dalla Torre but was not generally followed in America. The male of gibbosus resembles the female very closely, but differs mainly in having less yellow on the head (fig. 1). This is the oppo- site of the usual sexual diversity in Hymenoptera. Most male wasps and bees have more light-colored markings on the face than the female. Philanthus gibbosus is a common and widely distributed Sphecid of North America. Specimens in the United States National Museum collections show a habitat that extends from Washington, Colorado, Arizona, and Texas in the West to Georgia, Virginia, New York, and Massachusetts in the East. There are specimens in ¥ic. 1.—Philanthus gibbosus. Heads of male and female. the collections of the National Museum from 21 States, as well as from Canada and Mexico. THE ANNUAL CYCLE. In Maryland Philanthus gibbosus goes through two generations a year. The early pioneers begin prospecting for a nesting site dur- ing the second week of June; but some laggards do not start to dig until two weeks later. By the end of June the establishment is in full swing. For about three weeks each wasp applies herself to the task of provisioning and egg laying, and then, her season over, she dies. During the middle of July the progeny of this first brood begin to make their appearance, and the gradual emergence continues until almost the end of August. The major number of this second gen- eration have provided for their young and died before the beginning of September. A few stragglers, however, keep on with their task until more than a fortnight later. The larvae pass the winter in their cocoons, change to pupae in April, and emerge during May and June, and thus one annual cycle is complete. SOLITARY WASP—REINHARD. 365 NESTING SITES. An uncemented brick walk which surrounds the main building of Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md., was a favorite nesting site for Philanthus gibbosus. The wasps tunneled down between the bricks and built their cells in the sand beneath. The greater number had selected a portion of-the path which was sheltered from the rain by a wide, projecting balcony. Though it was on the northern side of the building and received only the late afternoon sun, this section of about 35 yards was strewn with the excavated sand of nearly a hun- dred burrows. It was a curious instance of phototaxis that the mouth of every burrow opened toward the light; not a single door- way was found which faced the side of the building. This colony was kept under observation for two years, and it was here that most of the information for the present paper was gathered. Under the broad eaves of another building a second group of nearly 30 Philanthi had settled close together in tenement fashion in a spot of hard ground which bore a scant growth of chickweed and foxtail grass. A smaller colony, numbering about a score of nests, had also be- come established in the hard-packed clay of a tennis court; another group chose a bare slope in an open grove of trees. Isolated nests were likewise found, one in the midst of a lawn, and several others along the bank of a roadway. THE BURROW. During the season of the wasp’s activity, from the middle of June to the middle of September, small scattered heaps of sand upon the loose bricks of the path betray the entrance to the storerooms of Philanthus. One might at first credit the heaps to the home build- ing of the ubiquitous ant, but these piles of sand are flat and spread- ing and do not form such a neat architectural dome as the ants are wont to erect. Should you chance to find Philanthus at work on her burrow you would see her backing out of the earth with a load of moist sand, which she pushes clear of the tunnel and then spreads over the heap with queer little jerks of her front legs. During the proceedings she stands on her four hind feet, the last two spread widely apart, and with the front ones scoops up the sand and shoots it backward beneath the arch of her body. It falls far in the rear in rapid, dusty jets, and with each strenuous dig and toss the wasp teeters sharply up and down like a toy rocking-horse. The front tarsi are often the main fossorial tools of a wasp, and those of Philanthus (fig. 2), with their spadelike calcaria, are well equipped for their work. 366 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The large amount of dirt carried up from below and spread before the entrance gives indication that the burrow is a long one and leads far into the earth; and, indeed, Philanthus, with her tarsi and man- dibles, often digs a shaft that is 2 feet or more in length. From one edge of the pile of sand a narrow, tortuous tunnel descends obliquely into the earth for about 6 inches, then swings .around to run in a horizontal direction for 15 more, and finally ends in a neatly rounded oval cell (fig. 3). Other cells are disclosed, but these have no direct communication with the main corri- dor. From their contents we gain a clue to the plan of the architect. The chamber closest to the entrance is strewn with the skeletons of Halictine bees, and on this heap rests the consumer’s cocoon. We break into the next cell and find a full-grown larva munching its last mouthfuls of bee flesh. The succeeding cells show us larvae growing fat on their provisions, each larva a little younger and smaller than the preceding. The penultimate pocket contains the wasp’s egg, while the terminal cell is as yet unpro- visioned. From this arrangement it is clear that the oldest cell is the one nearest the opening of the burrow. Each cell was in turn a terminal pocket which was fashioned only when needed. After completion its connection with the main gangway was blocked and the gallery was pushed onward to form another pocket. In due time this was likewise provisioned, tenanted, and sealed, and so the work proceeded until the ee \//} wasp had enough separate nurseries to Sa? se house her entire offspring. fic, 2—Philanthus gibbosus. | Lhe illustration (fig. 3) is meant to repre- Fore tibia and tarsus of sent a typical burrow. Scores of nests were SP OR EN excavated and all conformed more or less to this general type in inverse proportion to the stony nature of the ground. One wasp had met with so many obstacles that the terminus of her burrow was only 2 inches from the entrance—she had tunneled in a circle. THE EGG AND LARVA. The egg of the Philanthus (pl. 1, fig. 2) is a smooth, banana- shaped capsule, lustrous white, with a very thin, transparent chorion. Its length is between 3 and 4 millimeters; its greatest width is about SOLITARY WASP—REINHARD eight-tenths of a millimeter. Queerly enough, it is usually secured to the sternum of one of the smaller Halic- tinae, so that it often stretches along the bee’s entire length from chin to tail. Knowing that the bees are butchered and not paralyzed, one might suspect that the egg would be laid on the first carcass brought in. We might reason that the sooner the egg is laid the sooner will it hatch and the fresher will be the food sup- ply. But facts confound our logic. It is always on the last bee stored away, on the bee resting on the top of the heap, that we find the wasp’segg. Nor are the provisions uncommonly well preserved. Long before the Philan- thus larva has ceased feeding there is a decidedly unpleasant effuvium coming from the corpses which form its food. Within three days the egg hatches, not suddenly, but gradually and almost imperceptibly. Inside the forward and blunter end of the egg the embry- onic larval head has been forming and the segmented body begins to fill the membranous shell. Then the larva, without moving, pierces the skin of the egg directly below its mandibles and begins to draw nourishment from between the sternal sclerites of the bee. The swelling larval form at length bursts the tight envelope of the shell. It splits and shrinks away, leaving the larva a suckling at the breast of a dead bee (pl. 1, fig. 3). The next seven days are a glorious banquet for the eupeptic grub. The tiny creature munches methodically, and methodically grows fat. Twenty- four hours after hatching it takes a short rest to shed its first moult. 367 Fic. 3.—The underground nest of Philanthus gibbosus, one-third natural size. During the course of its growth two other sloughs are cast. The second and third ecdysis I have not witnessed, but I conjecture 368 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, their existence from a study of the changes ‘in the shape of the larval mandibles. After a week of feasting on honey-flavored meat the larva has reached its full growth. Nothing savory remains to be eaten. The cell is cluttered with the unpalatable legs, wings, and horny armor of the bees. Now we can examine the larva (pl. 2, fig. 5) more carefully and correlate some of its habits with its structure. It has a body that is slender and fusiform, all covered with a stubble of short, brown bristles. The head is very small and for that reason well suited to pry into the narrow foramina of body walls to reach the food that is stored away in stout, chitinous boxes. <=> The anal segment of the larva ends in a subcylin- Fic, 4. — Philanthus . ° , : ° . gibbosus. Head of rical projection which is often telescoped in and full-grown larva. gout of the abdominal somites. This tail makes a ae ae handy lever for propulsion when the grub has need to shift its position. The tail is withdrawn, pressed against a fulcrum, and extended. The extension gives a propelling force to the whole body, and the grub with his caudal prolongation poles his way around the narrow confines of the cell. Fic, 5.—Philanthus gibbosus. Larval mandibles, showing progressive changes from newly-hatched larva to prepupal form. Drawn to scale. (X 150.) The microscope reveals nothing exceptional about the larva’s head (fig. 4). The lower margin of the clypeus is notched, and its sides shield two teeth of the tridentate mandibles—these may be charac- ters of interest to the taxonomist. A study was made of the mandibles from the newly hatched larva to the adult, and it showed an interesting mutation in these organs. SOLITARY WASP—REINHARD. 369 In figure 5 four mandibles are shown, corresponding to the four larval instars. Each stage exhibits a progressive lengthening and narrowing of the mandibular shaft, and a blunting and equalizing of the iseth. This development continues during the pupal stages (fig. 6) where two of the teeth become obsolete, and finally results in the long, acuminate mandibles of the imago (fig. 1). THE COCOON, PUPAL PERIOD, EMERGENCE. Thus far in its career the larva has shown no talents save those of a butcher and a trencherman. Now it will weave a silken teepee to shelter it during the critical period of the transfiguration. The cocoon (pl. 2, fig. 10) when completed is a bulbous case composed of a single ply of homogeneous, straw-colored silk. These silken walls are sometimes obscured by a white cottony flock which rubs off readily and leaves the cocoon almost as translucent as an amber bead. It has the shape of a very long pear, with its tapering neck, colored brown by the stercoral plug securely fastened to the rear wall of the cell. The blunt end is free and invariably points to- Fic. 6—The pupal mandibles of Philanthus gibbosus. The chitinized mandibles of the adult are shown in ward the mouth of the formation within the swollen, fleshy mandibles of the burrow, the corridor pupa. Mandible of white-eyed pupa at left, of black- 5 eyed pupa at right. (xX 36.) for exit. It takes the insect weaver 48 hours to complete its cocoon. As a sort of preliminary scaffolding the larva spins a loose, cobwebby hammock in the cell. This much, though mere preparation, requires 15 hours of labor. Then a light silk bag is spun on this support. Its tip is open and attached to the wall. Toward the end of the task the open tip is sewed up. Last of all, two days after the abode is completed, the occupant fits its faeces into the narrow neck, and with that act all larval activity ceases. Eight months pass, and the larva sleeps on in its silken flask. The chemicals are mixed, the retort filled, but the flame has not yet been applied. At last the long lethargy reaches an end, and the shape- less grub is metamorphosed into a nymph. But should the grub belong to the first generation it will take only a week’s siesta in preparation for the nymphosis. Then the larval wrapper is thrown off and the delicately-molded pupa (pl. 2, figs. 6, 7, 8) makes its appearance. The transitory pupae that link larva to wasp are feeble, grotesque organisms, mere ghosts of the perfect insect. They look 370 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. like uncompleted statuettes, like alabaster carvings waiting for the breath of life. The pale pupae gradually don the livery of Phi- lanthus. Their white eyes change to brown after two days, then to black after four more days, and before another week has elapsed the coloration is complete. The length of the pupal period varies presumably with the weather. Three male Philanthi pupated on April 15. One emerged as imago after 27 days, the other two after 28 days. In July, how- ever, one female required but 19 days and another only 15 days to complete its transformations. When the time has come for the emergence the wasp with her pow- erful mandibles attacks the blunt end of the cocoon (pl. 1, fig. 4). A few lusty strokes and the imago is free. Patient digging in the right direction will demolish the barricade between the cell and the main gallery, and before long another Philanthus is ready to ply its trade of bee butchering. The adults of many colonial wasps emerge in a body, as if at a given signal, and then hold riotous mating flights in the sunshine. But the Philanthus clan muster their numbers only very gradually. While the oldest cell is already vacated by the fully-formed imago, the last cells of the same burrow may contain but a prepupal larva. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS. we For some time after emerging the youthful wasps share together the ancestral cave, and on a bright morning one can see framed in the doorway the stolid yellow face of a female, or the black-barred visage of a male. When and where the couples formed could not be determined. Frequent visits to the near-by flowers showed Philanthi of both sexes feeding quietly together in large numbers, but in perfect disregard of each other. Daily observation at the nesting site failed to disclose a single endeavor at copulation. It seems probable there- fore that the nuptial ceremonies are conducted within the nest, and possibly within the old nest previous to the dispersal of the clan. If this be so we wonder what provisions are made to avoid the dan- gers of inbreeding. The underground cave is also used as the wasp’s dormitory and crypt. The matron of the nest always spends the night at home. Toward 5 o’clock or later in the afternoon she bars the door of her dwelling with a plug of sand pushed up from within. Her rest will be secure unless Harpalus or some other night- prowling beetle blunders in. The callow males at first patronize the home dormitory, but later on they sometimes dig individual lodg- ings of their own, whither, as the Peckhams relate, they retreat night after night for slumber. The female Philanthi have a stren- uous but brief existence. For them there is no lingering senescence. It is not unusual when excavating a burrow to find in the terminal SOLITARY WASP—REIN HARD. 371 cell a moldering harvest of bees and the harvester’s corpse. Death takes Philanthus in the midst of labors. THE PROBLEM OF THE PREY. Previous observers had reported that Philanthus provisioned its nest with bees of the genus Halictus (sensu latiore). Ashmead and the Peckhams have recorded the use by Philanthus of Helictus dis. paralis Cres.; while the Raus noted that the wasp took H. versatus Robt., H. pruinosus Robt., and H. sparsus Robt. More extensive investigations were undertaken by the writer to determine if possible whether Philanthus restricts her captures en- tirely to Halictine bees. At various intervals during the four months of the wasp’s activity her burrows were ransacked and rifled of their contents. The loot of two seasons amounted to 331 bees. When these were sorted and determined they comprised 22 species, 21 of which belonged to the family Halictidae. The complete catalogue is as follows: Catalogue of the prey found in the nests of Philanthus gibbosus. Type. Species. Length.| June. | July. |August.|; nee okt Total. Mm. A | Augochlora viridissima Vier.............-....- 7-8 2 12 4 5 23 Ww) Avigochiorafervida Sim 22 sooo. ONe. teen ramrae oe dh enone p's 1 Bo} Oxystoglossa: pura (Say)-. .2e.2.8-bul.tf2i20. 5-8 5 18 15 4 42 Bie} Halictislizatus Say. o:.- 52... -- tenn es G28 jlnuebi cen 12 49) leiwazne -c 61 Ty) eebiotes lgrouxt LAD... <5 2c gencdae nme i 9 1 ects deel ea ae nr ay 1 D | Chioralictus sparsus Robt...-.-..............- 3-5 15 41 16 5 ie C | Chloralictusillinoensis Robt...............---- 466 [2505.24 1 2 18 21 C_ | Chloralictus sp. near zephyrus Sm.........-.-- 45 1 LA. -ssccersipebe - a5 18 & | Chioralictus pilogus (Sm.).<.- -...--< OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 451 On the walls, on the north side, opposite the Moabite stone: Assyrian four-winged figure holding a:chaplet. The figure wears the horned headgear of the Assyro-Babylonian gods and is richly decorated with earrings, necklace, and bracelets. The right arm is lifted up, while the left is stretched out to the front, holding a chaplet or necklace. Opposite the statue of Chefren: Assyrian bas-relief, representing a winged, eagle-headed genius, holding cone and basket. On the south side, opposite the statue of Amenerdas: Lid of the sarcophagus of Queen Ankhneferabra. The original, of basalt, is in the British Museum, London, England. Ankhneferabra was high priestess of Amon and wife of Amasis II, King of Egypt about 550 B. C. The sarcophagus is considered as one of the finest monuments of the twenty-sixth dynasty. In the center is the figure of the queen, wearing the headdress of the goddess Isis-Hathor, sur- rounded by a funeral inscription (pl. 12). Opposite the Shalmaneser obelisk: Inscription from Persepolis in the Cuneiform characters. The inscription is in the language of ancient Persia. It was engraved at the command of Artaxerxes ITT, Ochus, who reigned 358-344 B. C., or, according to some, from 359-338 B. C. The following is a translation of the inscription: A great god is Ahuramazda, who created this earth, who created that heaven, who created mankind, who created prosperity, who made me, Artaxerxes, king, the sole king of multitudes, the sole ruler of multitudes. Thus speaks Artaxerxes, the great king, the king of kings, the king of countries, the king of this earth:—I am the son of king Artaxerxes, Arta- xerxes the son of king Darius, Darius the son of king Artaxerxes, Artaxerxes son of king Xerxes, Xerxes son of king Darius, Darius son of Vishtaspa, Vish- taspa son of one named Arshama, an Achaemenian. Thus speaks the king Artaxerxes: This structure of stone I have built for myself. Thus speaks the king Artaxerxes: May Ahuramazda and the god Mithra protect me, and this land, and what I have done. Persepolis was the ancient capital of Persia. It is situated in the interior of Persia proper, forty miles northeast from Shiraz. Per- sepolis was the name given to this place by the Greeks. Its ancient Persian name is unknown (pl. 18). 10. Screen. On the east side, colored drawing of The Medeba Mosaic Map of Palestine. The original mosaic formed the floor of an old church in Medeba, a town in the former territory of Moab, situated east of Bethlehem, about five miles south by west from Hebron, and often mentioned in the Old Testament. (Numbers xxi, 30; Joshua xiii, 9, 16; Isaiah xv, 2; I Chronicles xix, 7). The work dates from the sixth century A. D., and is not only the oldest map of Palestine known, but also the oldest detailed map of any country. Unfortunately, on the occasion of the rebuilding of the church in 452 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. 1896, when the mosaic was discovered, it was much damaged, but the portion preserved, measuring about 35 feet, includes most of the places connected with Bible history, from Nablus (the Biblical Shechem) in the north to the delta of the Nile in the south. Like all the maps which are based on Greco-Roman tradition, the Medeba map is oriented toward sunrise—that is, when the map is read the east is at the top. It combines a view of ancient Canaan of the Israelites with a picture of Christian Palestine of the Byzantine period. Thus, alongside the Biblical place names are often given those in use at the time of the making of the map, and of the place names, about 140 in number, preserved on the fragment, some 60 have no reference to the Biblical narrative. The map, like the mosaic pictures of sacred history, is an illustration of the Bible narrative rather than a work of geography. The artist was more intent on the picturesque details than on geography. Much care is bestowed on the picture of towns. In the desert, east of the Jordan, a gazelle is pursued by a lion or panther. In the Jordan fishes disport them- selves, while its banks are connected by two bridges. On the Dead Sea are shown two vessels, necessarily much out of scale. The in- scriptions are in Greek. In addition to the geographical names there are in some cases added Biblical quotations or brief references to historical events (pl. 14). On the west side: Decree of Canopus. Dr. R. Lepsius, early in 1866, while exploring the Isthmus of Suez and the Delta in the vicinity of the ship canal, uncovered a slab 74 feet by 24 feet, the upper part inscribed with hieroglyphics and the lower part with Greek characters. Subsequently a small slab containing a transla- tion of the foregoing into demotic was recovered. The three parts of the stele contain a parallel inscription of 37 lines of heiroglyphics, 73 lines of demotic, and 74 lines of Greek. The stele was set up at Canopus in the 9th year of Ptolemy ITI, Euergetes I (247-222 B. C.), to commemorate the great benefits which he had conferred upon Egypt, and particularly his restoration of the images of the gods which the Persians had carried off to Mesopotamia. In grateful acknowledgment of these acts the priests assembled from all parts of Egypt at Canopus, decreed that festivals be celebrated in his honor and in that of his wife, Berenice; that a new order of “ Priests of the Beneficent Deities ” be constituted, and that a copy of this inscription in hieroglyphics, Greek, and demotic, should be placed in every large temple in Egypt. The decree of Canopus is also called the Tanis Stone (Biblical Zoan, Arabic San), from the locality in which it was found. The original is in the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 458 Below are two Egyptian reliefs, made from squeezes, represent- ing, respectively, men sailing an oar-boat, and four men dragging a sledge. 11. Case containing among other objects a Greco-Egyptian por- trait, representing a man’s head of the Roman type. One of a col- lection of the oldest portrait paintings thus far discovered. It was found, along with many others, in the necropolis of Rubaiyat, in the province of Fayum in Egypt. These paintings were executed on thin panels of wood in encaustic (by means of melted white wax mixed with oil and burned in), or distemper (with colors mixed with adhesive substances, as the white and yolk of an egg, gum, size, etc.), or in a combination of the two. They were intended to be portraits of deceased persons, and were placed over the face of mummies, being glued to the linen bandages which enwrapped the body. The custom came up under the Greek domination of Egypt in the third century B. C., and is assumed to have continued till the end of the fourth century A. D. (Pl. 15). Model of an Egyptian obelisk. Made of brass. The original, a shaft of granite 78 feet 4 inches in height, was erected during the reign of Rameses II, King of Egypt, about 1340-1278 B. C., in front of the temple of Luxor, on the site of ancient Thebes, in Upper Egypt. In 1831, it was transported to Paris, France, where it now stands on the Place de la Concorde. The inscriptions in Latin and French on the pedestal record the erection of the obelisk in Paris, in the presence of King Louis Philippe, in 1836. The original ped- estal was left in Egypt. Book of the Dead. Facsimile of an Egyptian Papyrus at the British Museum, London. The so-called Egyptian “Books of the Dead” are collections of religious texts, hymns, invocations, prayers to the gods, utterances of the gods, etc., intended for the use and protection of the dead in the world beyond the grave. The present collection is that of Ani, “Royal Scribe” and “Scribe of the Sacred Revenue of all the gods of Thebes,” who is accompanied on his way through the divers parts of the realms of the dead by his wife Tutu. The hieroglyphic text is accompanied by colored vignettes which de- pict the various scenes through which the deceased has to pass in the nether world—his appearance before Osiris, the supreme judge of the dead; the weighing of the heart of the departed against the goddess of Truth, etc. (pl. 16). The Gliddon Mummy Case. This fragment is one third of a mummy case obtained by Mr. George Gliddon at Sakkarah, in Egypt, and presented to the National Institute in Washington, in 1842. At the dissolution of this Society the specimen became the property of the Smithsonian Institution. The remaining two 55379-—24——30 454 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. thirds were divided between the Naval Lyceum of Brooklyn and Mrs. Ward of New York. The mummy case is formed of layers of linen, over which is a thin coating of chwnam to receive the paint- ing. This chunam is a kind of stucco used in Egypt and Hindustan, even to the present day. The figure on the left represents Isis, god- dess of dawn, holding in her right hand the ankh or crua ansata, emblem of life, and in her left hand the was, symbol of power and purity. The figure on the left represents Nepthys, goddess of twi- light, with the symbols reversed. The inscription is part of a for- mula frequent from the 6th dynasty, in the Pyramid of Seti, of Pepi 5th, ete. Greco-Egyptian papyri, containing accounts of payments of money and in kind; collector’s return, fragments of letters, etc., dat- ing from the end of the first century B. C. to the end of the second century A. D. A selection of Egyptian sepulchral figures. The Egyptians buried with their dead small figures, called Ushabti (“answerers,”) to serve as substitutes for the deceased and to perform for him what- ever agricultural work he might be called upon to do in the realm of the departed, which was conceived as an arable country, where the work of tilling went on as on earth. These ushabti were placed, sometimes in large numbers, either in a special box or upon the floor of the tomb. They were made of wood, clay, terra cotta, stone, glazed faience, and other materials, in form of a mummy with the hands folded upon the breast, and were sometimes laid in the model of a coffin or sarcophagus. In later times they are represented hold- ing a mattock, or hoe, and a reed basket. They are usually in- scribed with the name and titles of the deceased, to which is often added a chapter from the Ritual of the Dead. Scarabs, plaques representing deities, models and molds, etc. SCARABS. Scarab or scarabaeus is the name given to the myriads of models of a beetle which are found with mummies, in tombs and ruins of Egypt and other countries which had relations with Egypt. The beetle which was copied in this manner is identified by entomologists with the Ateuchus sacer, an insect generally black, occasionally also of blackish green hue, about an inch long by three quarters of an inch broad, found in the southern regions of the Mediterranean. It lays its eggs in a small pellet of dung, rolling it till it assumes the shape of a ball, and then burying it in the sand where the eggs are hatched out by the sun’s rays. On account of this habit of the insect the ancient Egyptians saw in it an emblem of the sun god who rolls the sun ball across the sky. It was especially the symbol OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 455 of the god Khepera, whose name the scarab bears in Egyptian, the “father of the gods,” who created himself and all that exists from emanations of his own body. The scarab, which like the god, was supposed to have produced itself in the mud pellet, became the symbol of resurrection and of perpetual life. Scarabs were made of every kind of stone known to the Egyptians, also of shell, glass, ivory, faience, or glazed pottery, and even of wood; metal scarabs are rare. In size the scarabs range from a fifth of an inch in length to 4 or even 5 inches, but the commonest size is about three-quarters of an inch by one-half of an inch broad and a quarter of an inch high, and are nearly always pierced Jongi- tudinally to receive a thread or thin wire. By far the greater number of scarabs are carved to represent the beetle standing upon an elliptical base the underside of which is engraved in intaglio with a device or inscription. The engraving depicts figures of gods, men, animals, and flowers, or bears hiero- glyphic inscriptions, or ornamental devices, as coils, spirals, rope and scroll patterns. A large number of the inscriptions consist of the names or titles of kings. They were used as seals or signets; were placed with the mummies as expressive of the belief in the revivification of the body and in the renewed life after death, and may also have had an amuletic or talismanic import. Some of them are inscribed with mottoes of good wishes. They are sometimes found strung together and may have been worn as bracelets or necklaces. The scarab was essentially an Egyptian gem, as the cylinder seal was essentially Assyrian. But the Phenicians borrowed the use of the scarab from Egypt and made it an article of trade. This ac- counts for the finding of scarabs in various lands bordering on the shores of the Mediterranean. The Etruscan scarabs, which are frequently found in Tuscany, the ancient Etruria, are generally carved of sard, banded agate, or rock crystal, and are usually engraved with figures or groups de- rived from the heroic legends of Greece. 12. Case containing the funerary tablet of Nebsumenu, of lime- stone. Mummied Ibises. The ibis was the sacred bird of Thoth, the scribe of the gods and the god of learning. Dead ibises were em- balmed and buried in earthenware jars. At Memphis there are numerous burial places of the sacred ibises. An ibis eggshell. Stone implements. Made of dolorite, granite, limestone, syenite, basalt, and gabbro, in forms of cones, spheroidals, discoidals, etc. 456 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Used as hammers, polishers or rubbers, palettes, etc. Predynastic period. Rhomboid palette of slate with a depression in the center for holding the ink or paint. Predynastic period. Predynastic and later pottery. On the walls on the north side—Assyrian bas-relief represent- ing winged figures kneeling before the sacred tree or tree of life, with an inscription of Ashurnazirpal, King of Assyria 884-860 B. C. On the south side are three Assyrian bas-reliefs, representing, re- spectively: Head of a priest or divinity; Wounded Lioness. The original in limestone, which is now in the British Museum, London, was found in 1853 in the ruins of the palace of King Ashurbanipal (668-620 B. C.) at Kuyunjik, the ancient Nineveh. The wounded lioness is regarded as one of the masterpieces of Assyrian sculpture, combining, as it does, simplicity and ease in treatment; and King with two armor-bearers and a eunuch. 13. Wall case on the west side of the Pavilion, containing Egyp- tian coffins and casts of the Canopic jars. In the process of mummification, the viscera were taken out of the body, and after being cleansed and wrapped in linen with spices, salt, etc., were put into four jars, which were placed under the pro- tection of the four gods of the dead, sons of Horus (or Osiris), whose part was to guard them, and therefore also the deceased, from hunger and thirst. Each of the vases was provided with a cover which was made in the shape of a deity, to whom it was dedi- cated, viz, (1) Emset, human-headed; (2) Hapi, dog-headed; (3) Tuamutef, hawk-headed; and (4) Khebesennuf, jackal-headed. The name, “ canopic,” was given to these vases by early Egyptologists under the misconception that they represented a certain god whose worship centered in the city of Canopus. The inscription on the vases declares that they belong to “the favorite minstrel of Amon- Re in the fourth class Nes-netret, the justified daughter of the prophet of Amon in Opet-Hot, her mother is Ankhes-en-Aset.” On the wall over the case, Assyrian relief representing Sennach- erib receiving the submission of Lachish. The original, of alabaster, which was found in the ruins of Kuyunjik on the site of ancient Nineveh, is now in the British Museum, London. In II Kings xviii, 13 and 14, it is said that Sennacherib, King of Assyria (705-681 B. C.), received tribute from Hezekiah, King of Judah, in the city of Lachish, in southern Palestine. This cast represents the Assyrian King receiving the submission of Lachish. He is seated on his throne, with his attendants holding fly brushes over his head. Be- hind is a tent, over which is the legend: “ Tent of Sennacherib, King OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 457 of Assyria.” Underneath is seen his chariot with the state umbrella and attendants. Before the King stands an official followed by soldiers, who introduces a file of captives. Overhead is an inscription reading: “ Sennacherib, King of the World, King of Assyria, seat- ing himself upon his throne, inspected the booty of Lachish.” Leaving the Pavilion and entering the passage adjoining it, there is on the north side a series of Kensington cases with reliefs be- tween them. From west to east: 14, Collection of Mediterranean pottery (see above, p. 442). 15. Antique iridescent glassware (see above, p. 443). (Pl. 17.) Persian bas-relief, representing a warrior from Persepolis. (PI. 18.) 16. Haremhab (or Heruemheb). He was the second successor of Tutankhamen and the last king of the eighteenth dynasty. Cast of the original of granite in the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. Assyrian bas-relief, representing two warriors with bows and arrows. 17. Antique iridescent glassware. 18. Egyptian antiquities. Collection of necklaces, scarabs, ushabti figurines, pendants, potteries, mummy fragments, terra-cotta lamps, coins of Alexander the Great and of the first Ptolemies. The col- lection was made by the late John Chandler Bancroft Davis when he was United States Minister to Germany, 1873-1877, and presented by the executors of his estate, James Gore King, of New York; Gracie King Richards, of Washington, D. C.; and Bancroft Davis, of Boston, Massachusetts. Opposite, or south side of the passage, from east to west: 19. Torso of Panammu II. Cast from the dolorite original, found at Senjirli, Asia Minor, and now in the Museum of Berlin. Originally about 9 feet high. On the lower portion is an inscription in relief of 23 lines in the old Aramaean language. Height, 6 feet 2 inches. The inscription says that the statue was erected by Bar-Rekub “ before Hadad, El, Rakubel, Shemesh (sun god), and all the other gods of Ja’di” to his father Panammu, son of Bar-Sur, King of Sam/’al, a region situated between the Orontes and Taurus in the country of the Hittites; also that, in an uprising against Sam/al, Bar-Sur, grandfather of Bar-Rekub, fell a victim, together with seventy of his house (compare Judges ix, 1-5), Panammu alone surviving. A famine ensued (II Kings vii, 1). With the assistance of Tiglathpileser III, tranquillity was restored, Panammu placed on the throne of his father, and food and drink became plen- tiful. Panammu followed him on his expeditions, in one of which, before Damascus, he died. His body was carried to his native place, and his son, Bar-Rekub, who set up this stele, was appointed by the 458 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, Assyrian King to succeed him. As Tiglathpileser III (Pul, of II Kings xv, 19) occupied the Assyrian throne from 745 to 727 B. C., and was a contemporary of Panammu II and of Bar-Rekub, the maker of the inscription, this monument belongs to the eighth cen- tury B. C., and is accordingly one of the earliest in the Aramaean script. 20. Hapi, the Egyptian God of the Nile. Original, of quartzite sandstone, in the British Museum, London. Hapi is in Egyptian the name of the god or personification of the Nile and of the river itself, upon which Egypt was dependent for the issue of its crops. On his outstretched hands the god bears an altar from which hang down bunches of grain, vegetables, flowers, and waterfowl. The statue was dedicated to Amon Re, the supreme god of Egypt, by Shoshenk II, a king of the twenty-second dynasty, about 900 B.C. His grand- father, Shoshenk I, is mentioned in the Bible by the name of Shishak (I Kings xiv, 27; II Chronicles xii, 5,7,9). (Pl. 19, fig. 1.) 21. Horus and Altar. Cast of original in the British Museum, London. Horus was worshipped with the other solar divinities of Egypt as the morning sun. As the son of Osiris, the deity of the nether world, he presented the deceased to Osiris. He is generally represented as hawk-headed. His symbol is the winged sun-disk. (Pl. 19, fig. 2.) 22. Assyrian Human-headed Winged Lion. Cast from original, of yellow limestone, preserved in the British Museum, London, England. The original specimen was found by Sir Austen H. Layard in 1846, at Kuyunjik, on the site of ancient Nineveh, and is supposed to belong to the period of Asurnazirpal, who reigned 884— 860 B. C. Dimensions, 11 feet by 9 feet. Figures of composite animals, in stone or metal, sometimes of colossal size, were placed by the Assyrians at the entrances to the temples of the gods and the palaces of the kings. ‘They were con- sidered as emblems of divine power, or genii (Assyrian shedw), and were believed to “exclude all evil.” Lions were also placed “ beside the stays” and on either side of the steps of the gilded ivory throne of Solomon (I Kings x, 19-20). Some Assyriologists connect the Assyrian winged and composite beings with those seen by the Prophet Ezekiel, in his vision of the “ chariot ” (Ezekiel i), and the cherubim guarding the entrance to Eden (Genesis 111, 24), and those overshadowing the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus xxv, 18, etc.). Compare also the “ four living creatures” in Revelation v, 14; vi, 1. Parallels are also found in the sphinx, the chimera, and the griffin. (Pl. 20.) 23. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi. Cast of an original of black diorite, now in the Museum of the Louvre at Paris, which OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—OASANOWICZ. 459 was found, in 1901-2, by the French expedition on the site of the ancient city of Susa, the Biblical Shushan, once the capital of Elam and one of the residences of the Persian Kings. On the top of the stele a bas-relief represents the king standing before the sun- god (Shamash), from whom he receives the laws. The code com- prises, in the present condition of the monument, 245 distinct laws, and it is assumed that about 35 more have been erased. They are concerned with all the relations of commercial, agricultural, social, and domestic life. Hammurabi, the originator or compiler of these laws, is identified with Amraphel, mentioned in Genesis xiv as a contemporary of Abraham. This code of laws is thus the oldest in existence, antedat- ing by about one thousand years the Pentateuch, with which it shows many similarities in form and substance (pl. 21). 24. In the alcove, the Rosetta Stone. Cast in plaster from the original, of black basalt, now in the British Museum, London, Eng- land. The Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799 by Boussard, a French officer, near Fort St. Julien, near the Rosetta, mouth of the Nile, in Egypt. The inscription is in the Egyptian and Greek lan- guages. The Egyptian portion is written in hieroglyphic and demotic characters. This bilingular inscription supplied the key to the deciphering of the ancient monuments of Egypt. In its present condition the stone measures 3 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 6 inches, and contains 14 lines of hieroglyphic, 32 of demotic, and 54 of Greek script. The upper part, containing probably 14 or 15 more lines of hieroglyphics and some sculptured ornament on top, has been broken off, and the right-hand bottom corner has also suffered in- jury. The inscription contains a decree by the Egyptian priests as- sembled at Memphis, in 196 B. C., to celebrate the first commemora- tion of the coronation, in the eighth year of his reign, of Ptolemy V. Epiphanes (205-182 B. C.). It enumerates the benefits which the King has conferred upon Egypt, chief among them, that he has re- duced taxes; dedicated certain revenues to the temples; released prisoners; abolished the pressgang; and averted great damage from the land by restraining the waters of an unusually high Nile. In return the priesthood directed that a statute of the king, inscribed “Ptolemy the Saviour of Egypt,” be set up in the temples; that a shrine containing an image of him be placed in every temple and be carried with those of other deified kings in processions; that the first five days of the month of Thoth should be set apart for special services in his honor; and that a copy of this decree, engraved upon a tablet of hard stone, in hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek charac- ters, should be erected in each of the temples of the first, second, and third orders (pl. 22). 460 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. 25. Lid of the Sarcophagus of Sebaksi. Original in the British Museum, London. In Egyptian inscriptions occurs the name Se- baksi as that of an Egyptian priest who lived about 700 B. C. Height, 7 feet 4 inches (pl. 23). 26. Human-headed Winged Bull. The original, of yellow lime- stone, now in the British Museum, was found by Sir Austen H. Layard in 1846, at Kuyunjik, on the site of ancient Nineveh, and is supposed to belong to the period of Asurnazirpal, who reigned 884-860 B. C. Dimensions, 11 by 9 feet. The winged bulls, like the winged lions, guarded the entrances to the temples and the palaces of the Assyrian monarchs, in order to protect the coming and going of the King. They were called “the bulls of heaven,” and were supposed to have been made by Anu, the god of heaven. 27. Stele of Sargon II. Cast from the limestone original in the Museum, Berlin, Germany. It was discovered at Larnaka,in Cyprus, the site of the ancient Kition, by Prof. L. Ross, in 1845. Height, 7 feet; width, 27 inches; thickness, 14 inches. The Stele is a monument of Sargon II, King of Assyria, 722-705 B. C., and of Babylonia, 709-705 B. C. After Sargon had captured Babylonia, Cyprus, called in the inscription Latnan, sent the Assyrian king presents, and in return he gave this image of himself. The in- scription is in the archaic Assyrian script, which Sargon adopted after he became king of Babylonia. Sargon was the father of Sennacherib, grandfather of Esarhaddon, and great-grandfather of Ashurbanipal, the Sardanapalus of Greek writers. He captured Samaria, completing the destruction of the kingdom of Israel, which his predecessor, Shalmaneser, had begun. According to the inscrip- tions, Sargon led 27,280 Israelites into captivity, and transplanted in their country colonists from Babylon, Kutha, Awwa, Hamath, and Sepharvaim (II Kings, xvii, 24). He is mentioned once in the Bible (Isaiah xx, 1), in connection with the campaign against Philistia: “In the year that Zartan (commander in chief) came into Ashdod, when Sargon, King of Assyria, sent him, and fought against Ashdod and captured it.” That event took place in 711 B. C. 28. Statue of the God Hadad, with inscription in the old Ara- maean dialect. Cast from the original of dolorite, found at Gertchin, near Senjirti, northern Syria, and at present in the Museum of Berlin, Germany. Height, 10 feet 5 inches. This statue was erected by Panammu, son of Karul, king of Ja’di, in northern Syria, in the 8th century B. C., to the gods El, Reshef, Rakubel, Shemesh, and above all to Hadad. Hadad was the name of the Supreme Syrian deity, the Baal, or Sun-god, whose worship extended from Carchemish, the ancient Hittite capital in Syria, to Edom and Palestine. Many Edomite and Syrian kings bore the Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE I7. ANTIQUE IRIDESCENT GLASSWARE. PLATE 18. Casanowicz. Smithsonian Report 1922, WARRIOR FROM PERSEPOLIS. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 19. | 2 1. HAPI, GOD OF THE NILE. 2. HORUS WITH ALTAR. “NOI GSDONIM GS0VSH-NVYWNH NVIYASSY "0G 3LV1d *ZOIMOUBSPDO—'ZZHl! }40dey, UBIUOSYJIWS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 21. CODE OF HAMMURABI. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 22 coer? mets parm eoreny EO Parelead it eet tibet ® = ee ip hid aibetad phe cx 7 st ap FER nie i he Le hes kent ees poled baa 4+ aj sed A sense sa ft nc ES Lae. Seon Sie lnd PE PPT) TORS ale, pales petal ella 2 ia Fe ane ALukt IVA rN ieee Chl aa Fh if ato Si ae CD seh GOAT fen Cert eeetal op harietel vont bhisahe 2 edad enka, Ce eet - 4 ah ae, AA tame DS pe 5. e. SoS I hss a. TAA Ahnbefec , Det dd niet ess > 4 pl J dient cl vy Sees I cSt 3 Sos Laarsomnbell Salas: te ee, Yep = AV bed'D. GAD or ls so Kip Lu Fait} ay eit aad ts) Eat ts FLED iit r 4 “ § fs nba detains Bihnbard Titine ris . Sah Zand Canaaree MO AIE Lathe 14 Es am ne dein ll 12 Sot lods * tam: Flake €Tphode whine Link EEA abomeed Sieh Ede Lake bee Py Ebemr irs b Arima henonh Prete Sane hill oi hme bh enh 98 a0 ” A A Eh dante: mamta AP CPE Aah di aed rspuae dae Ciinene wet ake THE ROSETTA STONE. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 23. LID OF THE SARCOPHAGUS OF SEBAKSI. Casanowicz. PLATE 24. Smithsonian Report 1922. STATUE OF THE GOD HADAD. OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 461 name of the deity as a title. (Compare Genesis xxxvi, 35; II Sam- uel viii, 3.) In Zachariah xii, 11, is mentioned a place in the valley of Megiddo named after the two Syrian divinities“ Hadad-Rimmon.” The inscription contains 34 lines. The characters are in relief and in form most nearly resemble those of the Moabite stone. The first part (lines 1 to 15) contains the dedication of Panammu to the gods to whom the monument was erected, who conferred on him the government of Ja’di and granted plenty to the land. The second part (lines 15 to 24) relates the injunction of Karul to his son Panammu that he erect a statue to Hadad and honor him with sacrifices. The third part (lines 24 to 34) containes the usual curses against those who would destroy, deface, or carry off the monu- ment (pl. 24). Above on the wall, west side, Assyrian relief, representing Ashur- banipal, King of Assyria, 668-626 B. C., in chariot hunting lions; on the east side, three Assyrian reliefs, representing, respectively, winged figure holding cone and basket, priest holding a poppy stem in his hand, and a winged, eagle-headed divinity. In the large western hall there is on the left, or east side, a series of wall cases, while the floor is occupied by two parallel rows of cases. Ranged on bases at the south end of the hall are casts of large sculptures. Starting from the north side, the first three wall cases (29-31) are occupied by Egyptian antiquities. Above on the wall of the cases are casts of several limestone stelae, representing in succession Rameses II (about 1800-1230 B. C.); the reputed Pharaoh of the Oppression, making an offering to the goddess Hathor; men at various occupations; upper part of the figure of a queen; walking sphinx; two attendants in front of a table; female bust; Amenophis I, King of Egypt, about 1562-1541 B. C.; the priest Hor-em-hat; and perhaps Amenophis IV, about 1375-1358 B. C., who introduced the monotheistic worship of the solar disk and called himself Ikhnaton. On the upper shelves are wshabti figurines and plaster casts of busts. Underneath, on the wall, are specimens of mummy cloth and of old Egyptian textile art. The latter were found in the tombs of Akh- mim, the Greek Panopolis, in upper Egypt, and date from the fourth to the seventh centuries A. D. On the shelves are parts of coffin lids, representing human heads and faces, of wood, terra cotta and cartonage; funerary cones, frag- ments of mummied animals, necklaces, rings, scarabs, vases which were found in tombs; an old sun-dried brick and a modern Egyptian brick, which consists of ordinary soil mixed with chopped straw and sun baked. This method of making bricks is alluded to in 462 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Exodus v, 18, where the oppressed Israelites are told, “ there shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale of bricks.” In the ruins of Pithom, one of the cities where the Israelites were em- ployed, three kinds of brick were discovered, some with stubble, some with straw, and some without. Among the paintings of Thebes, one on a tomb represents brick-making captives with “ taskmasters,” who, armed with sticks, are receiving the “ tale of bricks” and urg- ing on the work. Judging from the monuments, the process of making sun-dried bricks was much the same as in modern times. The clay or mud was mixed with the necessary amount of straw or stubble by treading it down in a shallow pit. The prepared clay was carried in hods upon the shoulders and shaped into bricks of various sizes. There are also some geological and agricultural speci- mens on the shelf. On the bottom of the case are a series of busts and statues, viz: Bust of Amenophis II, King of Egypt about 1450-1425 B. C. Human-headed Sphinx. With head of a man and body of a lion. Made of limestone and only partly finished. The headdress is that of a royal person, surmounted by a group of symbols consisting of ostrich plumes in front; wraei or asps on the side; and the solar disk and horns of Hathor in the rear. On the shoulders are carved in flat relief the sacred beetle or scarabaeus and the image of Apis support- ing the solar disk. On the breast is the scorpion, the special emblem of the goddess Selk or Serk; and the jackal, emblem of Anubis, the conductor of the dead. Around the legs are wound serpents, and a crocodile appears between the forefeet. Under the belly and sup- porting the lion is the head of Phthah. Received from the National Institute. Height, 24 inches (pls. 25 and 26). Royal Head. Of the eighteenth dynasty (about 1550-1350 B. C.). Cast of an original of granite in the British Museum, London, England. Rameses II, King of Egypt about 1800-1230 B. C. Supposed to have been the Pharaoh of the Oppression. Cast of an original of black granite in the Museum of Turin, Italy. Statuette of the god Osiris. Egyptian god of the dead. Cast of an original of dark green basalt in the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. Queen Hatshepset (Hatasu). Daughter of Thothmes I and co- regent with her brothers, Thothmes II and Thothmes III of the 18th dynasty (1516-1481 B. C.). Cast of an original of granite in the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. Statuette of the goddess Isis, wife of Osiris. Cast of an original of dark-green basalt in the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. Thothmes III, King of Egypt about 1500 B.C. Cast of an origi- nal of gray granite in the Museum of Turin, Italy. OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 463 Khnumtamon Ramaka, wife of Thothmes III, King of Egypt about 1500 B. C. Cast of an original of limestone in the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. Statuette of black marble, perhaps representing Antinous, the friend of Hadrian, Roman emperor, 117-138 A. D. Tirhakah, King of Egypt and Ethiopa, 698-672 B. C. Original of granite in the Museum of Cairo, Egypt. He is referred to in II Kings xix, 9, and Isaiah xxxvii, 9, as attacking Sennacherib, King of Assyria. The inscriptions of the Assyrian king Ashur- banipal (Sardanapalus, Hebrew Asenappar, Ezra iv, 10), 668-626 B. C., mention him, under the name Z’arqu, as king of Egypt and Ethiopia. Manetho, who calls him 7'arkos (Tarakos), says he was the last king of the 25th dynasty. Strabo (xvi, 1, 6) calls him Tearkon, and describes him as one of the greatest conquerors of the ancient world. Head of Amenophis (Amenhotep) IV, King of Egypt about 1375 B.C. Cast. Amenophis IV is known as the “reformer” or “heretic King,” because he introduced a sort of monotheism, consisting in the sole worship of the sun god in the form of the solar disk. The original, of limestone, is in the Museum of Berlin, Germany. Head of the Queen of Amenophis IV. Cast. Original, of lime- stone, is in the Museum of Berlin, Germany. Statuette of the Queen of Amenophis IV. Cast. Original, of limestone, in the Museum of Berlin, Germany. 32. In the alcove, plaster model of the Stonehenge. The Stone- henge is a megalithic monument standing on Salisbury Plain, Wilt- shire, England. Few of the huge stones now remain in their original position. From the portions of the structure still extant it is as- sumed to have been composed about as follows: In the center was a large slab—the altar stone—15 feet long. Around this, 19 mono- lithic pillars, over 20 feet in average height, were set in a horse- shoe or ellipse. The open part of the horseshoe faces the sunrise at the summer solstice. Surrounding this, and concentric with it, was another horseshoe composed of 5 triliths, formed each of 10 monolithic pillars with their capstones. Outside this ellipse was a circle of 30 or 40 smaller pillars. This was inclosed within another circle of about 100 feet in diameter, formed by 30 great monolithic pillars capped with large lintel stones. Outside of this circle, again, was a circular earthwork, or rampart, inclosing an area about 300 feet in diameter. Excavations undertaken on the site of the monument brought to light, together with some coins and pottery fragments, nearly 100 stone implements of various kinds which had been employed in dressing the rude blocks into regular shape. 464 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Some consider the structure a temple dedicated to the worship of the sun, and assign its erection to the end of the Neolithic period on the ground that no bronze relics were found. Analogous stone circles, of which about 200 are known in the British Isles, were chiefly used as tombs, and this would suggest that sepulture was at least one of the purposes for which Stonehenge was erected. This would also account for its situation on Salisbury Plain, where there existed in the Bronze Age an extensive necropolis, as evidenced by the numerous barrows in the vicinity of the Stonehenge. This would by no means exclude its use as a temple. It may have served for the performance of funerary rites analogous to the mortuary temples of Egypt. 83. The fourth wall case contains Babylonian and Assyrian an- tiquities : On the wall of the case are casts of Assyrian bas-reliefs, repre- senting warriors with a bull; a king slaying a lion, and a flute player in front of a palm tree. On the upper shelf are bisque statuettes of Sennacherib, King of Assyria 705-681 B. C., and of Ashurbanipal, King of Assyria 680- 668 B. C., and his queen; a sacrificial dish which is adorned on the four corners with the heads of bulls, an animal which was much venerated by the Assyro-Babylonians, and engraved on the sides with various figures and symbols; head of a priest, and an amphora of alabaster. On the lower shelf are incantation bowls inscribed in the Aramaic language found in Babylonia; iridescent glass bottles, glazed tiles; besides : The Chaldean Deluge Tablet, containing the cuneiform text of the Babylonian account of the Deluge, as restored by Professor Paul Haupt. Engraved in clay under the direction of Professor Haupt, by Dr. R. Zehnpfund, of Rosslau, Germany. The Babylonian story of the Deluge is contained in the eleventh tablet of the so-called Izdubar or Gilgamesh legends, commonly known under the name of the Babylonian Nimrod Epic. The Babylonian narrative of the Deluge closely accords, both in matter and in language, with the Biblical account as contained in Genesis vi-vill. Xisuthrus or Hasisadra or Zit Napishtim, the hero of the Babylonian account, corresponding to the Biblical Noah, is informed by a god of the coming flood and ordered to build a ship to preserve himself, his family and friends, and various animals. After sending out divers birds (a dove, a swallow, and raven) he lands on the mountain Nizir in Armenia and offers a sacrifice to the gods, after which he is taken to live with the gods. OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 465 The originals were found during the British excavations in the valley of the Euphrates and Tigris, and are now preserved in the British Museum in London (pl. 27). Babylonian Votive Tablet of the Sun-god. Cast from the original of alabaster, now in the British Museum, London. Found in 1881 in the ruins of Abu Habba, the site of ancient Sippara, which is identified with the Biblical Sepharvaim, one of the centers of the worship of the sun god, Shamash. The sun god is seated on a throne in his shrine, holding in his right hand a staff and a circle, the emblems of his authority. Above are the symbols of the sun god, the moon god, and of Ishtar (Aashtarte). Before the shrine is an altar, with the sun disk on it held with ropes by two attendants. Three persons approach the god in adoration. Over them is an inscription reading: “ Image of the sun-god, the great lord, who dwells in the temple Ebabbara (white house) in Sippar.” The in- scription below and on the other side of the tablet recounts the his- tory of the temple (pl. 28). A selection of seals. The cast of a bronze bell, now in the Berlin Museum, merits notice because of the design running around the cup, representing demons portrayed as wild animals of hybrid character in an upright posture and in a threatening attitude. On the bottom of the case: Babylonian boundary stone. Boundary stones record grants of land to individuals by royal decree, or trans- fer of property made by legal procedure. They are decorated with the god or gods (in the present instance, the sun god Shamash) who are invoked as witnesses to*the transaction, and were set up at the boundary of the property in question as memorials of the gift or transfer. Torsos of the figures representing Gudea, an ancient priest-king (patesz) as architect. The originals of black diorite, now in the Mu- seum of the Louvre in Paris, France, were found in an ancient tem- ple at Telloh, Babylonia, during the extensive excavations under- taken in 1877-1881 by M. Ernest de Sarzec, the French vice consul at Bassora. | . Gudea (“ Speaker” or “ Prophet,” in Semitic, Nebo) reigned about 2500 B. C. The figure is seated on a stool in a religious atti- tude. The hands are clasped in the oriental posture of meditation and devotion. On the knees is held a tablet with plan of a fortress having six gates flanked by towers and walls surrounded by battle- ments. In front of this tablet there is a graduated rule 10§ inches long (=27 cm., i. e., a Babylonian half cubit), and at the side is the stylus with which the architect engraved his design. The figure is clad in a sleeveless cloak crossed over the breast and thrown back over the shoulder. The inscription covering the figure is known as 466 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. “Inscription F of Gudea.” The writing is in the early hieroglyphic forms of the cuneiform script, and it runs not from left to right in horizontal lines as in the later Assyro-Babylonian inscriptions, but from above downward, beginning at the right and thence proceeding toward the left in parallel vertical columns, the face of the charac- ters being turned toward the right, not the left, as in Chinese. The same arrangement is met with in the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Two Babylonian inscribed bricks. Assyrian Bas-reliefs. Plaster cast reductions, representing: First row, human-headed winged lion and bull, and between them Gilga- mesh, who is identified with the Biblical Nimrod, holding a lion; second row, religious procession; third row, King Sargon (722-705 B. C.) and suit; fourth row, heads of a king and of a eunuch, with an offering scene in the center. Babylonian Altar with Bas-reliefs. Cast of an original circular altar of diorite, now in the Museum of the Louvre, Paris, which was discovered by M. de Sarzec in the ruins of Talloh, on the site of the ancient city of Sirpula, South Babylonia. 34, The next wall case is given over to Biblical antiquities. The fashion of dress and ornament, as well as the form of household utensils, is, it may be assumed, in the “ unchanging East ” essentially the same at the day as in Bible time, and the collection shown of ob- jects of modern life and industry in the Orient explain or illustrate many allusions in the Scriptures. On the wall, Syrian coat, called in Syriac abba, consisting of red cloth embroidered in white, and worn as an outer garment. Sling (Hebrew, Kela) from Damascus, Syria. The sling as a weapon of war is first mentioned in Judges xx, 16. David killed Goliath with a stone thrown from a sling (I Samuel xvii, 40). The Israelitish army was provided with companies of slingers (II Kings iii, 25). The sling was also employed in the wars of the Romans against the Jews (Josephus, Wars of the Jews iii, 7, 18; iv, 1, 3). According to the monuments the sling was both an Egyptian and an Assyrian weapon. It consisted of a strip of leather or woven mate- rial, wide in the middle to receive the missile, and narrowing at both ends into a rope. Not only were smooth stones used for hurling, but also balls made of burnt clay, of lead, and various other hard sub- stances. The sling is still used by shepherds to drive away wild ani- mals from their herds, as in the time of David (I Samuel xvii, 40). (Pl. 29.) Bird trap (Hebrew, pah) from Baghdad, Mesopotamia. The usual method of catching birds was with the trap, which consisted of two parts: a net strained over a frame, and a stick or spring (Hebrew, mokesh) to support it, but so placed that it should give PLATE 25. Casanowicz. Smithsonian Report 1922. HUMAN-HEADED SPHINX, FRONT VIEW. *MSIA AGIS ‘XNIHdS GS0VSH-NVANH J "9G ALW1d *ZOIMOUBSEO—"ZZ61 Woday uBUOSY}IWIS ‘LATEVL ASNISAGC.NVAGIVHD SAHL | fing Leh bn k bd po Te a - Ae A P? PBS pe } =i Soe ie Zz. Ss £9 ~, a “s 7 92342 Awe ~ es a olf techn eat tt DS afl ED A EEE OT Fag WG SLVde ‘ZOIMOUBSEDO—'ZZH| JOdaYy UBPIUOSY}IWS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE!28. i Ri wt FF ge tm ee Ot i ae at eS i ae ee a nl ph ean i eee *, we ee Mere 3 ee Se 4 PEEe ee a ea 2 ie a BABYLONIAN VOTIVE TABLET OF THE SUN-GOD. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 29. SLING, BIRD TRAP, DooR LOCK AND KEY. "LVOD NIMSdSaHS ‘0€ ALVId *ZOIMOURSED—"ZZH| WoOdaYy ueRluosyyWS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 3l. WH tf / Wi, , |, NECKLACE; 2, NOSE RING AND WEDDING RING; 3, ANKLETS; 4, KOHL WITH IMPLEMENTS FOR APPLYING IT TO THE EYES; AND 5, INKHORN. ‘SONV7] 318d1g JO SNIOOD ‘OE ALVId *ZIIMOUBSED—'ZZG| WOdeYy uBIUOSY}IWIS OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ, 467 way to the slightest touch. The bird trap is frequently compared with the ensnaring of the heedless and the weak (Amos iii, 5; Psalms exxiv, 7; Proverbs vii, 23; Job xviii, 9; Ecclesiastes ix, 12). (P1..29.) Sheepskin coat from Syria. Skins of animals were the primitive material used for clothing (Genesis iii, 21), and were not wholly disused at later periods. The “mantle” of the prophet Elijah (I Kings xix, 18, 19; II Kings ii, 13) was probably the skin of a sheep or some animal with the hair left on, wherefore he is called the “hairy man” (II Kings i, 8). This dress was characteristic of the office of prophet: “ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves” (Matthew vii, 15; Zechariah xiii, 4). Pelisses of sheepskin still form an ordi- nary article of dress in the East (pl. 30). On the middle shelf, geological and agricultural specimens and a selection of the insects of Palestine. On the lower shelf, a collection of the precious stones of the Bible. There are three almost identical lists of precious stones in the Bible: I. The description of the High Priest’s “breastplate of judg- ment ” (hoshen ha-mishpat), in which were placed, in gold setting, four rows of precious stones, three in each row, engraved with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, Exodus, xxviii, 17-20: [The Hebrew names are given in italics. The English names are of the Revised Version; those in parenthesis occur in the margin of the Revised Version. ] 1. Sardius (Ruby), odem. 7. Jacinth (Amber), leshem. 2. Topaz, pitdah. 8. Agate, shebo. 8. Carbuncle (Hmerald), bareqeth. 9. Amethyst, ahlamah. 4. Hmerald (Carbuncle), nofek. 10. Beryl (Chalcedony), tarshish. 5. Sapphire, sappir. 11. Onyx (Beryl), shoham. 6. Diamond (Sardonyx), yahalom. 12. Jasper, yashpeh. II. The description of the ornaments of the King of Tyre, Ezekiel, XXxvViil, 13: 1. Sardius (Ruby). 6. Jasper. 2. Topaz. 7. Sapphire. 8. Diamond (Sardonyx). 8. Emerald (Carbuncle). 4. Beryl. 9. Carbuncle (Emerald). 5. Onyx. III. The description of the foundation of The Heavenly City, Revelation, xxi, 19, 20: 1. Jasper. 7. Chrysolite. 2. Sapphire (Lapis-Lazuli). 8. Beryl. 38. Chalcedony. 9. Topaz. 4. Emerald. 10. Chrysoprase. 5. Sardonyx. 11. Jacinth (Sapphire). 6. Sardius. 12, Amethyst. 468 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Besides the stones enumerated in these lists there are probably mentioned the diamond by the Hebrew name of shamir, Jerem. xvii, 1; Ezek. 111, 9; Zach. vii, 12; amber (margin of Revised Version, electrum), Hebrew hashmal, Ezek. i. 4; and crystal, Hebrew gerah and gabish, properly ice, according to the view of the ancients that crystal was ice hardened by intense cold, Ezek. i, 22; Job xxviii, 18; Revel. iv, 6—In many cases it is very uncertain whether the English rendering of the Hebrew names designates the same precious stones as the nomenclature of modern mineralogy. The engraving of signets upon hard stones was practiced at an early period. The Israelites may have acquired the art from the Egyptians, who are known to have made use of the lapidary’s wheel and emery powder, and are supposed to have been acquainted with the diamond and the method of engraving other stones by means of it. The Assyrians and Babylonians were very skillful in engraving on gems, many of which have been found in the ruins of their palaces and cities. Silver necklace (Hebrew, ‘anaqg,) Baghdad, Mesopotamia. The custom of wearing a necklace is alluded to in Proverbs i, 9; Canticles i, 10; iv, 9. It consisted either of a single band or chain, or of a series of ornaments, as pearls, pieces of corals, or diamonds strung together. Animals ridden by kings were decorated with collars of precious materials (Judges vill, 26). (Pl. 31, fig. 1.) Gold nose ring (Hebrew, nezem), Baghdad, Mesopotamia. The Hebrew word nezem denotes both earring and nose ring. The latter is meant in Genesis xxiv, 47; Isaiah ili, 21; and Proverbs xi, 32: “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is with- out discretion.” In modern times the rings are often of extraor- dinary size and frequently reach to the mouth, so that they must be removed in eating (pl. 31, fig 2). Silver anklets (Hebrew, ‘akasim), Baghdad, Mesopotamia. Ank- lets, as ornaments worn by women, are mentioned in Isaiah iii, 16, 18. From these passages it would seem that the tinkling prc- duced by knocking the anklets against each other was their chief attraction (pl. 31, fig. 3). Kohl (Hebrew, puk) and the implements of its use for painting ot the eyes. Baghdad, Mesopotamia. The practice of applying pig- ments to the eyelids and eyebrows, in order to enhance the bril- liancy of the eyes was common in the East in Bible times (Jere- miah iv, 30; compare Proverbs vi, 25), and is still in everyday practice. The pigment, which is a preparation of antimony, is ap- plied to the eyelids by means of a small blunt piece of wood, ivory, or metal, which is moistened, dipped in the mixture, and then drawn carefully along the edges of the eye. From the Arabic name “ Kohl” OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 469 comes the term “alchohol,” the fineness of the powder suggesting the idea of highly rectified spirits (pl. 31, fig. 4). Lachish Tablet (the original of clay is in Constantinople). This tablet was discovered in 1892, by Dr. F. J. Bliss, in the ruins of Tell el Hesy, on the site of the ancient Lachish, which was one of the capitals of the Canaanites, situated southeast of Jerusalem, between Gaza and Eleutheropolis, conquered by Joshua (compare Joshua x, 3, 31, and 32). It was also besieged and taken by the Assyrian king, Sennacherib, during his invasion of Judah (II Kings xviii and xix; Isaiah xxxvi and xxxvii), in 701 B. C., and later succumbed to Nebuchadnezzar. The tablet, which dates before the conquest of Palestine by the Israelites, contains, in cuneiform script and in a Semitic dialect akin to the Aramaic, a letter from the chief of the territory adjoining Lachish, probably to the governor of Lachish, complaining that marauders from the neighboring region are be- setting Atim, which is probably identical with Etam, of the south of Judah, mentioned in I Chronicles, iv, 32, and Samhi or Sam’a, now probably represented by the large ruin of Sam’ah, situated 5 miles to the south of Etam. Hebrew seals. The use of seals or signet rings is already men- tioned in the Patriarchal epoch, Genesis xxxviii, 18. The seal was either hung on a string around the neck, or worn in rings on the finger (compare Jeremiah xxii, 24). The seal was used for signing letters and documents, and also for sealing purses, doors, and the like (compare I Kings xxi, 8; Job xiv, 17; Matthew xxvii, 66). The custom of making an impression with the seal upon the forehead of a person is alluded to in the Epistle to the Galatians vi, 17; Revelation vii, 3. Seal of Haggai, Son of Shebaniah. (Cast of the original of black stone). Jerusalem. Found by Sir Charles Warren in 1867 near the Haram esh-Sherif, the mosque of Omar (on the site of the temple). The names Haggai and Shebaniah may be connected with the rebuilding of the Temple. Ancient Hebrew Weight. (Cast from the original of hematite.) Samaria. Found by Dr. Th. Chaplin. Weighs about 4 grains. Inscribed “ quarter of a quarter of netzeg,” which may have been a standard weight in Palestine. Wright bead. (Cast from original of reddish yellow stone.) Jerusalem. Obtained by Prof. T. F. Wright. Inscribed neézeg, which may denote standard weight. Syrian inkhorn (Hebrew, geseth ha-sofer), made of brass. Pal- estine. The inkhorn is mentioned in Ezekiel ix, 2, as being car- ried “by the side,” that is, fastened to the girdle of the scribe. It 553879 —24——31 470 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. is still carried in this fashion in the Orient. The inkhorn con- sists of a tube containing reed pens and a receptacle for ink. (Pl. 31, fig. 5.) A selection of Coins of Bible Lands. Coined money, which originated about 700 B. C. in Lydia, did not circulate among the Israelites previous to their return from the Babylonian captivity. The money mentioned in the Bible before this date consisted of precious metals, mostly silver, in the form of bars, ingots (properly “tongue,” Joshua vii, 21), disks (Azkkar), or rings (often rep- resented on Egyptian monuments) which may have had a fixed valuation and weight. Generally the metal was weighed on scales to determine its value. Thus the name of the piece of money most frequently occurring in the Bible, the Shekel, properly denotes “ weight.” The first coins mentioned in the Bible after the exile are the Adarkon and Darkemon (Ezra viii, 27; Nehemiah vii, 72), which are identified with the Persian gold Daric. Upon the overthrow of the Persian monarchy, Greek coins of the denominations of talents and drachms began to circulate in Palestine. The earliest Jewish coins are shekels and half shekels of silver, and one-sixth of shekel of bronze, struck by Simon Maccabaeus, 143 B. C. (I Maccab. xv, 6). Some attribute the first coinage of the shekel to Ezra. The succeed- ing Maccabaean or Hasmonaean princes down to 37 B. C. struck small bronze coins with Hebrew or Hebrew and Greek inscriptions. The Idumaean or Herodian princes coined bronze money bearing their names in Greek characters. At the same time the Roman procurators of Judaea (since 6 B. C.) also struck bronze coins with Greek inscriptions. The last coins struck by the Jews were those during the revolt under Bar-Cochba (132 A. D.). Greek and Roman money was current in Palestine in addition to the native Hebrew coins, as seen from the New Testament. The selection in- cludes the following coins. Shekel. Silver. Attributed to Simon Maccabaeus. Obverse, Pot of Manna (Exod. xvi, 33), with legend: “Shekel of Israel, year two:” reverse, Budding rod of Aaron (Numb. xvii, 8), legend: “Holy Jerusalem.” Coin of John Hyrcanus (136-106 B. C.). Original of copper. Obverse, “ Jochanan, High Priest and Prince of the Jewish Con- federation”; reverse, Two cornucopias and a poppy head. Widow’s Mite. Coin of Alexander Jannaeus (105-78 B. C.). Copper (facsimile). Obverse, “ Jonathan the High Priest and the Confederation of the Jews” within a wreath of olive; reverse, Two cornucopias and a poppy head. It is assumed that this or a similar OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWIGZ. 471 coin is referred to by the term “ widow’s mite” in Mark xii, 42; Luke xii, 6, though in the original it is denominated lepton, as none but Jewish coins were permitted within the Temple precincts. Coin of Herod Antipas. Bronze. Obverse, “ Herod, Tetrarch,” with a palm branch; reverse, Tiberias within a wreath. Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Petrea, A. D. 4-89, is often men- tioned in the New Testament (Matt. xiv, 1-3; Luke iii, 1, 19, etc.). It was he who beheaded John the Baptist (Matt. xiv, 1), and to him was Christ sent for examination by Pilate (Luke xxiii, 7). In honor of the Emperor Tiberius he founded the city of Tiberias on the western shore of the Sea of Gennesareth, where the coin was struck. Coin of Herod Philip II (died A. D. 34). Struck at Caesarea Philippi in honor of the Eighth Roman Legion. Copper. (Obverse “ Herod Philip,” with his portrait; reverse, the standards of the Legion. Herod Philip is mentioned once in Luke iii, 1, as Tetrarch of Ituraea; Caesarea Philippi was often visited by Christ (Matt. xvi, 18; Mark viii, 27). It is now a small village called Banijas, near Mount Hermon. Coin of Agrippa IT (last Jewish king). Bronze. Obverse, Name and head of the Emperor; reverse, ‘“ Money of Agrippa, struck at Neronias ” (—Caesarea Philippi). Herod Agrippa II, the last Jew- ish prince of the house of Herod, is mentioned (Acts xxv, 13, and XXvl, 2, 28) as having an interview with the Apostle Paul. Denarius, or Roman Tribute Penny. Silver. Obverse, “ Tiberius Caesar, son of deified Augustus”; reverse, “ Pontifex Maximus” (Chief Priest). Value about 16 cents. The denarius was the tribute money that the Jews had to pay to the Romans, and it is very likely that a variety of this coin was shown Christ with the question: “Ts it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?” (Matt. xxi, 17.) Stater. Antioch. Silver (facsimile). Obverse, “(Money) of Caesar Augustus,” with a head of the Emperor; reverse: Tyche (Fortune), as genius of the city of Antioch, with her foot on the river god Orontes, and the words: “ Thirtieth year of the victory ” (i. e., Actium). The stater, about equal in value to the shekel, is mentioned in Matt. xvii, 27, as having been found by Peter in the mouth of the fish, sufficient to pay the Temple tribute, which was half a shekel (Exod. xxx, 13, 15), for Christ and himself. Coin of Caesarea. Bronze. Obverse, Head of Augustus Cae- sar. Caesarea, founded by Herod I, is frequently mentioned in the Acts. It was the scene of the conversion of the centurion Corne- lius (x); Philip preached the Gospel here (xxi, 8); Paul was im- prisoned here two years before he was sent to Rome (xxiv—xxvl) ; here also Herod Agrippa I died, 44 B. C. (xii, 19). It was the 472 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. residence of the Roman Governors, and here the Jewish war against Rome broke out. Tetradrachm of Sidon. Silver. Obverse, Head of the city; re- verse, “(Money of the Sidonians) Holy and inviolable,” with the figure of Astarte. Sidon, the oldest city of Phenicia, is often men- tioned in the Bible (Joshua, xix, 28; I Kings v, 6; Acts xxvii, 3). It is at present represented by the town of Saida, with about 15,000 inhabitants. Tetradrachm of Tyre. Silver. Obverse, Head of Hercules as Baal (Lord) of the city. Tyre, next to Sidon, the oldest and most important city of Phenicia, is often referred to in the Bible. During the period of David and Solomon friendly relations were entertained between Tyre and Israel (I Kings v, 15 ff.). The coast of Tyre was visited by Christ (Matt. xv, 21; Mark vii, 24), and Paul landed at Tyre on one of his missionary voyages (Acts xxi, 3). The mod- ern Gur is an unimportant town with about 5,000 inhabitants. Coin of Ashkelon. Bronze. Struck by order of Emperor Alexan- der Severus, about A. D. 228. Ascalon, or Ashkelon, was one of the five chief cities of the Philistines, situated 30 miles southwest of Jerusalem (Joshua xiii, 8; I Samuel vi, 17). It was the center of the worship of Derceto, the supposed female counterpart of Dagon (Jud. xvi, 23; I Sam. v). It is now represented by the village of Askalan. Coins of the City of Damascus. Copper. Damascus, the ancient capital of Syria, is mentioned as early as in the history of Abraham (Genesis xiv, 15; xv, 2). Later it frequently came in contact with Israel (II Sam. viii, 6; II Kings xvi, 9 f., etc.). In the New Testament it is especially known from the history of the Apostle Paul (Acts ix; xxii, 6). Tetradrachm of the City of Babylon. Silver. Struck by Mazaios, Governor under Alexander the Great, 331-828 B. C. Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great (336-323 B. C.). Obverse, head of Alexander; reverse, Zeus seated holding the eagle. Alex- ander the Great is mentioned in I Maccabees vi, 2. It is also assumed that he is typified under the emblem of the “ he-goat ” in Daniel viii, 5, and that his empire is meant by the “ fourth monarchy ” depicted in Daniel ii, 40 and vii, 23 f. Tetradrachm of Seleucus I Nicator, King of Syria, 312-280 B. C. Silver. Obverse, Head of Seleucus; reverse, “ King Seleucus,” with figure of Jupiter. The city of Seleucia, the principal port of Antioch, from which Paul and Barnabas set out for Cyprus (Acts xili, 4), was named after Seleucus I. Coin of Antiochus IIT, the great, King of Syria, 223-183 B. C. Silver. Obverse, Head of the King; reverse, “ King Antiochus,” OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 473 with the figure of Apollo seated on tripod. Antiochus is mentioned in I Mace. viii, 6 ff.; Josephus, Antiquities xii, 3. Tetradrachm of Antiochus VII Sidetes, or Euergetes, King of Syria, 138-127 B. C. Silver. Obverse, Head of the King; reverse, “(Money) of King Antiochus Euergetes,” with the figure of Minerva holding Victory. Antiochus Sidetes is mentioned, I Macc. xvi, 1 ff., as being defeated by the sons of the High Priest Simeon. Coin of Demetrius Soter, King of Syria 162-150 B. C. Obverse, head of Demetrius; reverse, “ King Demetrius Soter,”’ with seated female figure. He waged war against the Maccabees and is often mentioned in the books of the Maccabees (I Maccabees viii, 31; x, 2, etc.). Tetradrachm of Ephesus. Silver. Struck 140 B. C. Ephesus, in ancient time one of the most important cities in Asia Minor, was especially celebrated for its temple of Diana (Acts xix, 35). It was the place of residence of Paul (Acts xix, 1 ff.), of Timothy (1 Timothy i, 3), and of the Apostle John, who probably died there. Ephesus was one of the seven churches referred to in the Revela- tions (Revelations ii, 4). It was also the seat of the third general Council (481 A. D.), and of the “ Robber Synod” (449 A. D.). Tetradrachms of Tarsus. Silver. Struck by Satrap Datames, 250 B. C. Tarsus, the ancient capital of Cilicia, Asia Minor, was the home of Apostle Paul (Acts ix, 11, 30; xi, 25; xxii, 3). It is still a city of about 10,000 inhabitants. It is now accessible from Alex- andretta by rail. Coin of Cyprus. Bronze. Struck under Emperor Claudius (A. D. 41-54), and the Proconsul Sergius Paulus. Cyprus, one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean, was the birthplace of Barnab- bas (Acts iv, 36), and often visited by Paul, while Sergius was its proconsul (Acts xiii, 4 ff., etc.).. In the Old Testament it is referred to by the name of Kittim (Gen. x, 4; Numb. xxiv, 24; Dan. xi, 30, etc.). Hemidrachms of Ephesus. Silver. Struck 200 B. C. Obverse, Bee; reverse, Deer. Aes (farthing) of Thessalonica. Copper. Struck 88 B. C. Ob- verse, Head of Janus; reverse, Dioscuri. Thessalonica, formerly the capital of Macedonia, is the modern Salonica. Two Epistles of Paul are addressed to the Christians of this place. Coin of Thessalonica. Copper. Struck 158 B. C. Obverse, Head of City Nymph; reverse, Galley. Tetradrachm of Macedonia. Silver. Struck between 156 and 146 B. C. Obverse, Head of Minerva upon a Macedonian shield; reverse, Club of Hercules. Macedonia is often mentioned in the New Testament. Paul visited this province on his second and 474 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. third missionary voyage and founded congregations in several of its cities (Acts xvi and xx). Didrachms of Athens. Silver. (470 to 230 B. C.). Obverse, Head of Athene (Minerva); reverse, Owl. Athens, the former capital of Attica and the modern capital of Greece, was visited by Paul, where he delivered ‘the discourse on the Areopagus (Acts xvii, 15 ff.). Tetradrachms of Athens. Silver. (470 to 230 B. C.). Obverse, Head of Athene (Minerva); reverse, Owl (the bird sacred to Athene) (pl. 32). On the bottom of the case: Goatskin water bag (Hebrew, nod, hemeth). Palestine. Skin bottles are referred to in Genesis xxi, 14; Joshua ix, 5. Christ employs them in a comparison, “ Neither do men put new wine into old wine skins” (Matthew ix,17). Such — bottles are made from the whole skins of animals, generally the goat. After the animal is killed and its feet and head removed, the rest of the body is drawn out entire without opening the belly, and after the skin has been tanned, the places where the legs were cut off are sewed up; when the skin is filled it is tied about the neck Skin bot- tles are also in use in Spain, in the City of Mexico, and by the Eski- mos (pl. 33, fig. 3). SYRIAN MORTAR AND PESTLE. SYRIA. The mortar is of white marble, 8 inches high by 12 inches square; the pestle is of wood, 14 inches long. The mortar is at present used in Syria, particularly in the preparation of a dish called Avebe, con- sisting of meat and wheat, which, after having been crushed in the mortar, is rolled out, cut in diamond forms, which, sandwiched with layers of meat, are baked in a pan. In ancient times the mortar was used for crushing grain in general. Many stone mortars have been found in the excavations of Gezer, a city often mentioned in the Old Testament (Joshua x, 33; xvi, 10, etc.). MILLSTONES (HEBREW, REHAYIM). BAGHDAD, MESOPOTAMIA. Millstones are often referred to in the Bible, and they are still used in grinding corn, in the same form as in ancient times. They consist of two cylindrical stones; the lower one is firmly planted on the ground and provided with a convex upper surface on which the con- cave under surface of the other stone revolves. The upper stone, which is called reed or rider, has a hole through its center into which the grain is dropped, and through which runs a shaft to hold the stone in place. A handle attached to the “rider” enables a person sitting near to turn it around and grind the grain, which is fed with OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 475 the hand that is free. It was forbidden to take the mill or even the upper stone in pledge, as taking “ the life” (that is, the means of sustaining life), Deuteronomy xxiv, 6. Each day as much grain as was needed was ground, and the “voice of the mill” became pro- verbial (Jeremiah xxv, 10; Ecclesiastes xii, 4). At the time of Christ, mills turned by asses were also employed (Matthew xviii, 6, Revised Version, margin). At present water mills are also largely used in Syria (pl. 33, figs. 1, 2, and pl. 34). WOODEN DOOR LOCK AND KEY. BAGHDAD, MESOPOTAMIA. The doors of Eastern houses, which are usually small and low, seem early to have been provided with hinges turning in sockets and with locks and keys in whose construction no little ingenuity was displayed (Judges iii, 23, 25; Proverbs xxvi, 14; Canticles v, 5; Nehemiah iii, 3). It is likely that locks and keys were made both of iron and of wood, according to circumstances. A wooden key, now quite generally in use, is described as consisting of a piece of wood about a foot in length, provided at one end with a series of pegs. It is thrust into a little opening at the side of the door and applied to the bolt. This has a corresponding series of holes into which the pegs of the key fit, displacing thereby another set of pegs, by which the bolt is held in its place (pl. 29). Pair of Shepherd’s Shoes. Made of goat skin. Syria. 35 and 86. The next two cases contain a collection of Bibles and musical instruments of the Bible. The Museum’s collection of some sixty-five Bibles includes manuscripts and old editions of the origi- nal text, as well as copies of the most important ancient and modern translations of the scriptures. EDITIONS OF THE ORIGINAL TEXT OF THE BIBLE. Hebrew Bible. Facsimile of the Aleppo Codex. The original manuscript, which is assigned to Aaron ben Asher (beginning of the tenth. century A. D.), but is probably of somewhat later origin, is preserved in the Synagogue of Aleppo, Syria. (Pl. 35.) Hebrew Bible without vowel points. Printed by Christopher Plantin in Antwerp, 1573-74. Hebrew Bible. Edited by Elias Hutter in 38 volumes. Hamburg, 1587. Hutter was Professor of Hebrew in Leipzig. The peculiarity of this Bible consists in the fact that the roots are printed in solid black letters, while the prefixes, suffixes, and formative letters (called servile letters in Hebrew grammar) are in outline. Rabbinic Bible. Edited by Joannes Buxtorf, printed by Ludwig Koenig in Basel, Switzerland, 1618-19. The Bible contains the 476 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Old Testament in two folio volumes. The Hebrew text is sur- rounded by the Massora, the Targum, and the commentaries of Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Kimchi, and others. Greek New Testament. First American edition. Printed by Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1800. (PI. 36.) Greek New Testament. Second American edition. Printed by S. F. Bradford, Philadelphia, 1806. ANCIENT VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE. The oldest and most important version of the Old Testament, which in turn became the parent of many other translations, is the Greek of Alexandria, Egypt, known by the name of the Septuagint. The name Septuagint is derived from the tradition that it was made by a company of seventy (sometimes seventy-two) Jewish scholars, at Alexandria, under the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, 285-247 B. C., who desired a copy for the library he was gathering. The truth of its origin seems to be that Alexandria became, after the Babylonian captivity, a center of the Jewish population. As time went on, the Jews lost command of the Hebrew language and re- quired a translation of their sacred books into Greek. 'The men who met this want differed very much in knowledge and skill, were of an indeterminate number and of different periods, beginning the work at the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus and ending it about 150 B. C. The Pantateuch is much more carefully translated than the rest of the Bible. Books now considered apocryphal were included in the Canon. The Septuagint was used by the Jews until the second century of the Christian era, when they reverted to the He- brew. It was also, no doubt, used by the Apostles and by the Church Fathers, who refer to it under the name “Vulgata.” Codex Vaticanus. Containing the Old and New Testament. Fac- simile. Six volumes. Rome, 1868-1881. The Codex Vaticanus, so called from the fact that it is preserved in the Vatican at Rome, is the best and oldest Biblical manuscript now known. It is written . in Greek in uncial characters (capitals), and was probably the work of two or three scribes in Egypt during the fourth century. The original is probably the most valuable treasure of the Vatican li- brary. It was brought to Rome by Pope Nicholas V in 1448. The manuscript is not quite complete; there are a few gaps in the Old Testament, and the New Testament ends with Hebrews ix, 14. Codex Sinaiticus. Facsimile edition, Petrograd, 4 volumes. 1862. The Codex Sinaiticus was discovered in 1859 by Constantine Tisch- endorf in the Convent of St. Catharine at the foot of Mount Sinai. It was transferred to Cairo, then to Leipzig, and later to Petrograd, where it is preserved in the Imperial Library. This OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ, 477 text was printed at Leipzig from types especially cast in imitation of the original, and published at St. Petersburg at the expense of Czar Alexander II. The original is on parchment, written in uncial characters (capitals), four columns to a page, and 48 lines on a page. It dates from the middle of the fourth century. Codex Alexandrianus. Printed in type to represent the original manuscript. London, 1816. This facsimile version of the Alex- andrian or Egyptian text of the Bible appeared in 1816, in four volumes, Vols. I-III containing the Old Testament, and Vol. IV the New Testament. The original manuscript was presented to King Charles I by Sir Thomas Roe, from Cyril, Lucar Patriarch of Con- stantinople. It was transferred to the British Museum in 1753. It is written on parchment in uncials without division of chapters, verses, or words. Tradition places the writing of this manuscript in the fourth century, but it is now generally assumed to date from the fifth century. The Washington Manuscript of Deuteronomy and Joshua. (Facsimile). Edited by Professor Henry A. Sanders, of the Uni- versity of Michigan. This manuscript, together with three other Biblical manuscripts, was acquired by the late Mr. Charles L. Freer, of Detroit, Michigan, from an Arabian dealer in Gizeh, near Cairo, Egypt, in 1906. It consists of 102 parchment leaves, and contains the Greek Septuagint version of Deuteronomy and Joshua, written in fine uncial letters in two columns of thirty-one lines on each page and is in good state of preservation. Professor Sanders, the editor of the manuscript, would connect it with the monastery of the Vine- dresser, which was near the third pyramid, and believes it to have been written in the early part of the fifth century A. D. It is, there- fore, one of the oldest and most important manuscripts of the Bible known. It has received the name Washington Manuscript because it was transferred to the Smithsonian Institution, and is deposited in the Freer Gallery of Art in Washington. (PI. 37.) The Washington Manuscript of the Four Gospels. (Facsimile.) Edited by Professor Henry A. Sanders, of the University of Michi- gan. The Manuscript, together with three other Biblical manu- scripts, was acquired by Mr. Charles L. Freer, of Detroit, Michigan, from an Arabian dealer in Egypt in 1906. It consists of 187 parch- ment leaves, or 374 pages, and contains the four Gospels in the order of Matthew, John, Luke, and Mark, written in one column of 30 lines on each page, and in good state of preservation. The leaves of the manuscript were held between covers of two wooden panels painted with the portraits of the four Evangelists in the order in which their Gospels appear in the text, namely, Matthew and John on the left-hand board, Luke and Mark on the right-hand board. 478 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. Professor Sanders, the editor of the manuscript, would place it in the fourth century A. D. (PI. 38.) Ethiopic Version of the Bible. Photograph of original Bible pre- served in the United States National Museum. This copy was ob- tained from King Theodore, of Abyssinia, by Lord Napier, and by him presented to General Grant. The Ethiopic version was made in the fourth century, probably by Frumentius, the Apostle of Ethiopia. It has 46 books in all, containing, in addition to the Canon, a large number of Apocryphal books. Latin Bible. Folio edition printed by Anthony Coburger in Nu- remberg, Germany, 1478. The Latin Bible goes back to a Latin translation made from the Septuagint in the second century, and known as Vetus [tala or “ Old Italic.” The present version, how- ever, is due to St. Jerome (Hieronymus), and was made by him in Bethlehem between 383 and 407 A. D. It was for a long time the Bible of the Western Church, and of a large part of the Eastern Church. Though no doubt based on the Septuagint, the translation of the Old Testament was made with reference to the original Hebrew, with which Jerome was well acquainted. The translation is commonly called the Vulgate, a name which was originally given to the Septuagint. It is still in use by the Roman Catholic Church. It was the first Bible ever printed, being produced by Gutenberg between 1450 and 1455, and constituted the first important speci- men of printing with metal types. This Bible—one of the twelve Coburger Latin editions—is printed on 468 leaves in double col- umns, with fifty-one and fifty-three lines to the column. It has no title page, signatures, catchwords, or initials. The initial letters of paragraphs are painted by hand. Greek and Latin New Testament of Erasmus. Editio princeps. Printed by Frebonius in Basel, Switzerland, 1516. The edition of the Greek New Testament, by Erasmus, was the first ever pub- lished, and became, with a few modifications, the received text. Luther’s translation was based upon it. To the Greek original Erasmus added a corrected Latin version with notes. (Pl. 39.) Arabic Version of Saadia Gaon. In Hebrew characters. The Pentateuch, edited by J. Derenbourg, Paris, 1893. Saadia Gaon was born at Fayum, A. D. 892, and died in 942. His translation of the Bible is rather a paraphrase and has a high exegetical value. ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE. The New Testament Translated by John Wycliffe, about 1380. Printed from a contemporary manuscript by William Pickering. London, 1848. John Wycliffe was born in Yorkshire, about 1320. He studied at Baliol College, Oxford, and was for some time master ‘OVG YSLVM NIXASLVOD ‘SANOLSTIIIA rose ee * ee 8 "S& _SLlV1d ; *ZOIMOUBS8QO—'ZZ6L WOdey uUB!UOSY}IWS ‘yE ALV1d 7) ; IMOUBSEO—'ZZH| JOdeYy UB|UOSY}IWUS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 35. 2 VRRP DS IEY DOTY 5 bhpanaimian theron 4 ow moran m3" TY YAY Boas wy SATA, Sue te ORM: aka e ae nox i eae ERT oR Pm Bvewni + a AENTIOR" wr) swbxptr : ‘ — nek ie pase ed til : ADIT RNPIN a Shea . 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Sa amvin peepee 1O 66 *ZOIMOUBSBO—'ZZHl WOdeY UB|UOSY}IWS > yr ex *aoiheorm Remy w%e (orly 112 aeonasioa ¢ Sate -2 se Aun sany, ib *mon2mMe OD anmdmy 50199 nog gon 2B “2m 4? © v vi 1a ‘noKmems $i nd: 0a ane 129 Kacy ‘gv - sont 503mm mpsKer tampa % tor 3/00 nos note SOCuND 9 ANG SPIT non 1O;xmErD 59/000 2 Liem sms dodan - 10h wnrin’ 39h, 48 T;. Ch “havin hte LAOLAD MoUsmip 3 Pied “xoLam KLAKYGT Soy saps ° duuy0%% g wrt ava ja ~ A230N3 voyeang sugag Wit eumaee yt haghany Gr: t mnge gre hoimda AOL HB), GL? 2 o3'¢ 439 som feo d ‘duomy, son a ae . 7 H AGs XP af ale @ipe ort wi'5, *aam13 110° SaoLa@ aa wot “HJ, 19 Age WDashagy, 1b “bayrie eax Xor te wy =) 4020” mos sonr fe ACHA® eee) Peay “ansiaw $12 eeomnsice Se *acin ROL amdmigg © SOE zu avi “sayeoner ct noe an “UCI: (2 SE 29 O/7.9 F oF “63yMe dose 2% A? sae ‘ # . Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. en He Paarl VEYA Ph RY TOVOVcoy NEACUKEN Coren PACHIIOXEI OAKS @APTFOCENCOIKE J ITSOALPOUC EMI TON ATETAIMAYTOWws on Bor’ Men Tce CINCOVTOEN: - “xe? . Bead Gilev PLATE 37. KAVTXCO MOAOPFIArc YMOUON- icxITACANA XMACTWHXEIPoor YMouwn- AAAH EN Ars TIKYTOVeEY Arh AYTAR:- ENT Cw Tron WAHIEIXAEGEN TANK evs vere OYEMAY Ia - CYKMOYIOCccoy- KATH OYTFATHIpcoy OTIAICCOVKAIMI Ia -AICKHCOY: KUO ST te OC AICTIOXG CINECLY KMIEY: PANOHCH CRIARITI KY TO yoy COYEnIrisn: TAoy GAN ECINIBAAH Chew XEPACOY- 7, PALS KC eT HEVIKNTAAE I bie TORIAEYEFTHINMan TATONX pon ON Oce ~ CAN ZHICEMITHereac ES Si eee ‘see -_. KCOOGCOYy TACP) . COYKAOATIG F 5A % -AHICEGHCOrH- ‘WEI PATO MALIK FACSIMILE OF THE WASHINGTON MANUSCRIPT OF DEUTERONOMY AND JOSHUA. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. (PLATE 38. Chepone erarrppeonece eon act fous . RAED EN BACIKELAS rgereiar es MAOTICAIRTTA PCRS CFEM OIF EAT ATO TAYE TARE TAA CMAN T ASPX WAT HOSS, rea i saad Soap Saracen ce fas. sanptey : Breer pr Hteeyas AL ATTHTUIELTT OX ae ie SCA er epusre. ce : _ MEBALINEISE BON TIBIKAY RAEN MLEHE ae ma OF KAITOTE Ra at NALS Six FACSIMILE OF THE WASHINGTON MANUSCRIPT OF THE FOUR GOSPELS.” L en nmin Nhe RE REN oe i me 2 SGT ON RS ‘6€ ALVId “SNWSVYS JO LNAWVLSSL MAN Nilv] GNV aSau5) touy saopnt 39 seen nb yjorurrscn rito}3 ounb Hoy ine 087 ‘aur syjeouoTUT Fon 29 ‘twnow waned onyuouoy pry ‘oaqey wou winTuourp 009" modjry 5 soqey unmoMep 79°73 59 . snuequrany ponb'sou s SOA] “1 ITURNIP Opt ARTY? 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PLATE 40. gan Sr ahs ofS Son oe Soe St Se S@ Se Sa Se Soe E Se E Se eo 1 S@ See Se. Se Soe Soa | oa | 5a St E SGe St» E | Se | Se So Se E Sem So g “fe Foe es ES TE —_— ageanees HOLY BIBLE: 7 L CONTAINING THE D-T-ESG AM ENGI “4 AND eta Beh EW. tele BAO Tranflated into the INDIAN LANGUAGE: AND Ordered to be Printed by the Commffioners of the United Colowies in NEW-ENGLAND, IAA et aes © PLL TT At the Charge, and with the Confent of the CORPORATION IN ENGLAND For the ‘Propagation of the Golpel amungit the Indians in New-En, fande ESS aT GAMBRIDGE: : Printed by Samuel Green and «Marmaduke Fob fstts . MDCLXIIL .. 3 ETT ae ee rnin i: Ps as Stee es aos TITLE PAGE OF ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE. ——S— rr ee OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY——CASANOWICZ. 479 of that college. He became later rector of Lutterworth, in Leices- tershire, and was the foremost leader of the party of reform. He died in 1384. About 1880 he undertook, with the assistance of some of his followers, the translation of the entire Bible into English from the Latin of the Vulgate. His translation was, after his death, revised by one of his adherents. The present copy is assumed to represent the first version prepared by Wycliffe himself, or at least under his supervision. Tyndale’s New Testament. Facsimile by F. Fry. William Tyn- dale was born between 1484 and 1486, in Gloucestershire. He was educated at Oxford and afterwards at Cambridge. He went to Hamburg, and later joined Luther at Wiirttemberg, where he fin- ished the translation of the New Testament into English. The first edition was issued in 1525. His English style was very good and was largely retained in the Authorized Version. His translation was condemned by the English Bishops and was ordered to be burned. Tyndale was strangled for heresy at Antwerp in 1536, and his body burned. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels. With the versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale. Arranged by Rev. Joseph Bosworth, Lon- don, 1865. The Gothic version was made in the fourth century by Bishop Ulfilas (born 318 A. D., died about 381). It is said to have been a complete version with the exception of the book of Kings. It was probably completed about 360 A. D. Only fragments are preserved in the so-called Codex Argenteus, or “ Silver Book,” in the library of the University of Upsala, Sweden. The Anglo- Saxon version was begun by King Alfred, who translated the Psalms in the ninth century. The translation now extant dates to the tenth century. Coverdale’s Bible. Reprint by Baxter, 1838. Miles Coverdale was born at Coverham, in the North Riding of Yorkshire in 1488. He died at Geneva in 1569. His Bible was issued October 4, 1535, being the first complete Bible printed in the English language. It was not translated from the original tongues, but was based on the Latin version and on Luther’s Bible. The Genevan Version. Folio edition printed at London, 1597. This translation was made by nonconformists, who took up their residence at Geneva. William Whittingham acted as editor, and his assistants were Thomas Cole, Christopher Goodman, Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson, and Bishop Coverdale. Some add John Knox, John Bodleigh, and John Pullain, and state that the trans- lators consulted Calvin and Beza. The first edition was printed at Geneva in 1560. 480 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, The Douay Version of the Bible. The Douay version was under- taken in 1568 by the British Roman Catholic refugees at Douay, Flanders, where a British Catholic college was established under the direction of William Allen and Gregory Martin. In 1578 the college, on account of political conditions, was moved to Rheims, France, where the first edition of the translation of the New Testa- ment was issued in 1582. In 1593 the college was reestablished at Douay, and here the translation of the Old Testament was pub- lished in 1609-10. The Douay version is a close translation from the Latin Vulgate. It exercised some influence on the King James version of 1611, and was in turn, in its later revised editions, in- fluenced by it. King James or Authorized Version. Folio edition, printed at London by Robert Barker, 1613. The preparation of a new English Bible was decided upon at a conference held at Hampton Court, January 16 and 18, 1604. In that year King James I issued a com- mission to fifty-four eminent divines to undertake the work. It was not begun, however, until 1607, when seven of the original number had died. The forty-seven survivors were divided into six com- mittees, two sitting at Oxford, two at Cambridge, and two at West- minster. In 1610 their work was completed and then revised by a committee of six. Although universally known as the authorized version, no record, either ecclesiastical or civil, has ever been found of such authorization. The first edition was printed by Robert Barker in 1611. j Revised Version. Revision of the text of 1611 was early advo- cated by men like Bishop Ellicott, Archbishop French, and Dean Alford. Efforts were also made from time to time in the House of Commons to have a Royal Commission appointed. In 1870 the upper house of the Canterbury Convocation, on the motion of Bishop Wil- berforce, took the subject in hand and instituted the proceedings which finally secured the accomplishment of the work. In 1871 an American committee of cooperation was organized. The New Testa- ment was completed in 1881 and the Old Testament in 1885. Parallel New Testament. Revised version and authorized version. (Seaside Library.) The revised version of the New Testament ap- peared in England May 17, 1881, and in America May 20, 1881. The first half of the parallel Testament appeared in New York May 21, and the second half May 23. The American Standard Version. Edited by the American Re- vision Committee, A. D. 1901. The American Committee of Re- visers, cooperating with the British Committee, was organized in 1871. It consisted of thirty members, divided into Old and New Testament groups, with Professor William Henry Green, of Prince- OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 481 ton Theological Seminary, and ex-President Woolsey, of Yale Col- lege, as chairmen. They began work in 1872 and held for some time one session a month in the Bible House in New York City. The agreement between the British and American Committees was, briefly, as follows: The British revisers were to take the suggestions of the American Committee under special consideration and print, in an appendix, such preferences of reading and rendering as they de- clined to adopt, while the American revisers were not to issue an edition of their own for fourteen years after the publication of the British revision. The British revision was published in 1885, and, in 1901, the restricted period having elapsed, the American Standard Revision was issued. It contained many variations from the British, substituting words in good American standing for those differently used in England. It also altered the punctuation and paragraphing of the British revision, and inserted at the top of each page brief indications of the contents of that page, which is of value for ready reference. Jewish-English Version of the Old Testament. A new translation of the Old Testament prepared during the years 1908 to 1915 by a group of American Jewish scholars, with the aid of previous versions and with constant consultation of Jewish authorities. It aims to combine the spirit of Jewish tradition with the results of Biblical scholarship, ancient, medieval, and modern. Published by the Jew- ish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, Pa. , TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Luther’s Bible. German translation, made by Martin Luther. Edition of 1554. The New Testament appeared in 1522 and the Old Testament, in parts, between 1523 and 1532. The complete Bible appeared in 1534. Previous to Luther’s version there were in use at least 10 distinct German versions, literal translations of the Latin Bible. Luther worked from the original tongues, and yet succeeded in giving the Bible a real German dress and a style that would appeal to German readers. Luther’s translation was of prime importance in bringing about the Reformation, and is also the foundation of the German literary dialect. German Bible. Containing the Old and the New Testament and the Apocrypha of the Old Testament in Luther’s translation, with numerous woodcut illustrations. The translation is preceded by an index and explanations of the proper names occurring in the Bible, a synopsis of the principal doctrines, and an historical and chrono- logical list. At the head of each book and chapter is a summary of their respective contents. Bound in vellum, richly tooled, with ornamental brass clasps. Printed in Frankfort on the Main in 1704. 482 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The Christopher Sauer Bible. The Bible printed by Christopher Sauer in Germantown, Pa., in 1743 was the first edition of the Scriptures published in America in a European tongue. Its issue was announced in Bradford’s “ Weekly Mercury ” for April 1, 1742, and in Franklin’s “ Pennsylvania Gazette” for April 31, 1741. This German edition of the Bible follows, with a few exceptions, the ver- sion of Luther. It contains the Old and the New Testament and the Apocrypha, including the third and fourth Ezra and the third Maccabees. Each chapter is preceded by a summary of its con- tents, and references to parallel passages are noted. Spanish Old Testament. Amsterdam, Holland, 1661 (5421). The first edition of this translation was printed in the middle of the sixteenth century. It bears the title: “The Bible in the Spanish language, translated word for word from the Hebrew, examined by the Inquisition, with the privilegium of the Duke of Ferrara.” It is therefore generally known as the Ferrara Bible. The copies of this translation are divided into two classes—one appropriate for the use of the Jews, the other suited to the purposes of the Chris- tians. The translation is extremely literal, and the translator has indicated with an asterisk the words which are in Hebrew equivocal or capable of different meanings. Dutch Bible. Printed at Dort (Dordrecht), Holland, in 1741, with illustrations and marginal comments. This version of the Bible was ordered by the Synod of Dort (1618-19), which ap- pointed three theologians for the translation of the Old Testament and three for that of the New Testament, besides two revisers from each province. The work of translation was finished in 1635. Eliot’s Indian Bible. Facsimile reprint. Washington, D. C., 1890. John Eliot, “the apostle of the Indians,” was born in Eng- land in 1604 and received his education at Cambridge. In 1631 he removed to America and settled at Roxbury, Massachusetts, as min- ister, where he remained until his death in 1690. He became inter- ested in the conversion of the Indians of New England, whom he believed to be the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel, and deter- mined to give them the Scriptures in their tribal tongue, which was the Natick dialect. He completed the translation of the New Tes- tament in 1661 and that of the entire Bible in 1663. It was printed in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, “ ordered to be printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New England, At the Charge and with the Consent of the Corporation in England for the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England.” Eliot’s Indian Bible was the first ever printed in America, and the entire translation is stated to have been written with one pen. Eliot also published an Indian OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 483 grammar and a number of other works, mostly relating to his mis- sionary labors. The Natick dialect, in which the translation of the Bible was made, is now extinct (pl. 40). Fiji Gospels. Printed at Vuda, Fiji Islands, 1847. The Fiji group of islands is located in the South Pacific Ocean. It comprises over 200 islands, of which about 80 are inhabited. Since 1874 the Fiji Islands have been a British dependency; they have a popula- tion of about 125,000. Christianity was introduced in the islands by Wesleyan missionaries in 1835. Armenian Bible. The first translation of the Bible into the Arme- nian language was made from the Syriac version in the fifth century by Mesrob (354441), the reputed inventor of the Armenian alpha- bet and founder of Armenian literature, and the patriarch Sahak (Isaac). The present translation was printed in New York in 1870. Bound in black Morocco, richly gold tooled, with gilt edges. The Bible in the Turkish Language. Printed in Constantinople in 1878. Bound in black roan, richly tooled. The New testament in the Korean Language. This is the first issue of the Scriptures in the Korean tongue. Printed in Seoul, Korea, in 1900. BIBLES OF HISTORICAL INTEREST. Biblia Pauperum (Bible of the Poor). A series of cuts (from 34 to 50) illustrating the leading events in the history of Christ, each with representations of supposed parallels from the Old Testament, and accompanied with explanatory texts. Thus, on the page ex- hibited in the Museum, in the center is the transfiguration of Christ (Matthew xvii, 1-9; Mark ix, 2-10; Luke ix, 28-36); to the left, Abraham receiving the three angels (Genesis xviii) ; to the right; Nebuchadnezzar and Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego) in the furnace (Daniel iii). Above are the busts of David and Isaiah; underneath, of Malachi and Habak- kuk; and below, the explanatory text. Such Bibles were in vogue during the Middle Ages, until, through the invention of printing, the complete Scriptures were made accessible to the people. This copy is a facsimile of the edition of Hans Sporer, 1471, at Nuremberg, Germany. Cromwell’s Soldier’s Pocket Bible. Facsimile reprint. Compiled by Edmund Calamy, and issued for the use of the Army of the Commonwealth, London, 1643. It has frequently been stated that every soldier in Cromwell’s army was provided with a pocket Bible, and it was supposed that an especially small copy was used. In 1854 the late Mr. George Livermore of Cambridgeport, Mass., dis- covered that the Bible which Cromwell’s soldiers carried was not 484 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. the whole Bible, but the soldier’s pocket Bible, which was generally buttoned between the coat and the waistcoat next to the heart. It consists of a number of quotations from the Geneva version (all but two from the Old Testament) which were especially applicable to war times. Only two copies of the original of this work are known to exist—one in America and the other in the British Museum. The work was reissued in 1693 under the title “The Christian Soldier’s Penny Bible.” The only copy extant, so far as known, is in the British Museum. Bishop Asbury’s New Testament. With hundreds of the texts for his sermons marked in his own handwriting. Francis Asbury (born in Staffordshire, 1745; died in Virginia, 1816) was the first Bishop of the Methodist Church ordained in America. He was sent as a missionary by John Wesley in 1771, and in person organized the work of his denomination in the entire eastern portion of the United States, performed the first ordination in the Mississippi valley, and in 1784 founded the first Methodist college. The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth. Extracted textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English, by Thomas Jefferson, being the so-called Jefferson Bible. A compilation made by Jefferson about 1819, consisting of passages from the Gospels, cut out and pasted in a volume according to a scheme of his own. A concordance of the texts is given in the front and the sources of the verses in the margins; the section of the Roman law under which Christ was tried is also cited. All of these annotations, as well as the title-page and concordance, are in Jefferson’s own handwriting. Two maps, one of Palestine and another of the ancient world, are pasted in the front. Jefferson long had the preparation of this book in mind. On January 29, 1804, he wrote from Washington to Doctor Priestley: “I had sent to Philadelphia to get two Testaments (Greek) of the same edition, and two English, with a design to cut out the morsels of morality, and paste them on the leaves of a book.” Nearly 10 years later (October 13, 1818), in writing to John Adams, he stated that he had for his own use cut up the Gospels “ verse by verse out of the printed book, arranging the matter which is evi- dently his (Christ’s).” In the same letter he describes the book as “the most sublime and benevolent code of morals which has ever been offered to man.” It is said that it was Jefferson’s original idea to have this compilation translated for use among the Indians (pls. 41 and 42). The Two Copies of the English New Testament from which Jef- ferson Made the Clippings for the English Version of the “ Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.” Printed in Philadelphia, 1804. Jef- ferson refers to these New Testaments in a letter of January 29, 1804, OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 485 addressed from Washington to Doctor Priestley: “I had sent to Philadelphia to get two Testaments (Greek) of the same edition, and two English, with a design to cut out the morsels of morality and paste them on the leaves of a book.” Jewish Soldier’s Pocket Bible. Published by the Jewish Publica- tion Society of America, Philadelphia, Pa., 1918. This volume con- tains readings from the Holy Scriptures for Jewish soldiers and sailors in the service of the United States, consisting mainly of pas- sages relating to God’s creation and maintenance of the world, His providence, and His guidance of the destinies of nations. Bound in khaki. Hieroglyphic Bible. Published by Joseph Avery, Plymouth; printed by George Clark & Co., Charlestown, 1820. A number of Hieroglyphic Bibles have been printed in America, the first being that of Isaiah Thomas at Worcester, Mass., in 1788. Words in each verse are represented by pictures, the whole being designed “to fa- miliarize tender age, in a pleasing and diverting manner, with early ideas of the Holy Scriptures.” (Pl. 48.) Above, on the wall of the cases, is exhibited a collection of musical instruments mentioned in the Bible. Scarcely any authentic in- formation is preserved concerning the shape or the manner of play- ing on the musical instruments named in the Bible. The only ancient representation of any Hebrew musical instrument extant is that of the hagogera, or trumpet, on the Arch of Titus at Rome. There is no doubt but that the shofar or ram’s horn, which is still used in the synagogue, has conserved its antique form, but it may be assumed that the musical instruments of the Hebrews resembled those of the Assyrians and Egyptians, some of which are sculptured on the monu- ments, and that. the instruments still used in Palestine, Syria, and Egypt, differ but little, if at all, from those employed in ancient times. MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS IN THE BIBLE. To music a high position is assigned in the Bible. Its invention is recorded in the opening chapters of the Scriptures (Genesis iv, 21), and in the Revelation of St. John (v. 9; xv, 2 ff) it serves to express the consummation of beatitude. From the earliest times music was used as expressive of the joys and sorrows of daily life in Israel. It was the pastime of the shepherd (I Sam., xvi, 18) ; it formed a principal attraction of the social gatherings of youth at the city gates (Lamentations, v, 14); it accompanied the celebra- tion of the festivals of the harvest and vintage (Isaiah xvi, 10; Judges xxi, 21); the victors in battle were received on their return with “singing, dancing, and timbrels” (Exodus xv, 21; Judges xi, 553879—24——82 486 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. 34; I Sam., xviii, 6); it contributed to the pleasure and festivity of the banquet (Isaiah v, 12; Amos vi, 5; II Sam., xix, 35). It was the indispensable accompaniment of every festal occasion (Genesis xxxi, 27; Luke, xv, 25). Above all, music constituted an important feature of religious worship. In earlier time only two instruments—the trumpet (hagocgera) and the ram’s horn (shofar)—are mentioned as having been used by divine ordinance (Numbers x, 2 ff; Levit., xxiii, 24; xxv, 9). An extensive use of music, both vocal and instrumental, in religious serv- ice was inaugurated under David. Under his direction 4,000 Levites under 288 leaders were organized into a chorus and orchestra, who in 24 divisions provided for the music of the sanctuary (I Chron., xxlil, 5; xxv, 7). Solomon had lutes and harps of sandalwood pre- pared for the singers (I Kings, x, 12). Among the later kings, Hezekiah and Josiah are especially mentioned as having given much attention to the musical services of the Temple (II Chron., xxix, 25; xxxv, 15). Music at service was not altogether neglected, even dur- ing the depressed condition of the people subsequent to the cap- tivity (Nehem., xi, 17, 22; xii, 28). And from Hebrew post-Biblical writings it is known that it formed a prominent feature of Jewish worship in the time of Christ. The musical instruments mentioned in the Bible were, like those of antiquity in general, of three kinds: 1. Wind instruments. 2. Stringed instruments, which were always played with the fin- gers or with the plectrum, and not, like the modern violin, with a bow. 8. Instruments of percussion, which were beaten or shaken to produce sound. The instruments exhibited are as follows: I.—INSTRUMENTS OF PERCUSSION. (1) Round tabret (Hebrew, tof, Arabic, duff, which agrees with the Hebrew and is the parent of the Spanish aduffa). Beirut, Syria (where it is called rik). The tabret or timbrel was and is still one of the most common musical instruments in the Orient. It is often mentioned throughout the earlier history of Israel (Genesis xxxi, 27; Judges xi, 34, etc.). It was used chiefly by women, especially in dances and public processions (Exodus xv, 20; I Samuel xviii, 6), but appears to have had no place in the religious services of the Taber- nacle or Temple. According to representations on Egyptian monu- ments, the timbrel was either round or four-sided in shape. (2) Four-sided tabret. Morocco, Africa. (3) Kettledrum (Arabic, naggarah). Cairo, Egypt. The kettle- drum is used in military bands, orchestras, and in short solo pas- OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ, 487 sages. It is also employed by the Dervishes to produce excitement in their devotions. The kettledrum is sounded with blows from a soft-headed, elastic mallet, stick, or a leather thong. (4) Cymbals (Hebrew, megiltayim, gilgelim). Cairo, Egypt, Cymbals are frequently enumerated among the musical instruments employed in the Temple (I Chronicles xv, 16, 19, 28; xvi, 5, 42; xxv, 6; II Chronicles v, 13; xxix, 25, ete.). The cymbals were of two kinds. One consisted of two large plates of metal with wide flat rims and were played by being strapped to the hands and clashed together. The others were conical, or cup-like, with thin edges, and were played by bringing down the one sharply on the other while held stationary, eliciting a high-pitched note. The Hebrew names, which denote a jingling sound, can also be applied to: (5) Castanets (Hebrew, ¢ileelim, Syrian, faggeishah). Beirut, Syria (pl. 44). I.—WIND INSTRUMENTS. (1) Ram’s horn (Hebrew, shofar). The shofar, in the English versions usually inaccurately translated trumpet, or even more in- accurately, cornet, is first mentioned in the Bible in connection with the giving of the law on Sinai (Exodus xix, 16; xx, 18). Its use is ordered for the announcement of the new moon and solemn feasts (Numbers x, 10, compare Psalms Ixxxi, 4), and the proclamation of the year of release (Leviticus xxv, 9). New Year’s Day (the first of the seventh month, or Z%shri) is called a “memorial day of blowing” (Leviticus xxiii, 24; Numbers xxix, 1). The shofar also served in religious processions (II Samuel vi, 15; I Chronicles xv, 28), and along with other musical instruments as an accompaniment to the song of praise (Psalms xcviii, 6; cl, 3, compare Psalms xlvii, 6). But the most ancient and most frequent use of the shofar was for military purposes, to give the signal for the rallying of the peo- ple and for attacking and pursuing the enemy (Numbers x, 2 ff; Joshua vi, 4; Judges iii, 27; vii, 18, 20; I Samuel xiii, 3). The shofar is not only the sole instrument of those mentioned in the Bible which is still employed by the Jews in their religious services of the synagogue during the penitential month of Elul (July- August) ; on New Year’s Day or Rosh ha-Shanah, the first of Tishri (August-September) ; and on Atonement Day, or Yom Kippur, the tenth of 7ishri; but is also, according to authorities on musical in- struments, the oldest form of wind instrument known to be retained in use. It is usually made of a ram’s horn, though the goat’s horn is also employed (pl. 45, fig. 2). (2) Trumpet (Hebrew, hagogerah). Morocco, Africa (where it is called n’feer). The trumpet was the first instrument expressly ordered in the Pentateuch. At first there were but two, made of 488 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. silver (Numbers x, 1-10). Solomon increased their number to one hundred and twenty (II Chronicles vy, 12). It was almost ex- clusively a priestly instrument. Its primary use was for giving signals for the people to assemble, but was appropriated to religious services (II Kings xii, 14; IT Chronicles xiii, 12, 14). According to the representation on the Arch of Titus, the trumpet was narrow and straight and had at the bottom a bell-like protuberance (pl. 46). (8) Flute or pipe (Hebrew, Aaiil). Damascus, Syria (where it is called shubab). The pipe or flute was a favorite instrument of the ancients. In its simplest form it was a reed, or variety of wood in the shape of a reed, about 18 inches in length, bored throughout evenly and pierced with holes in the sides for notes. Sometimes two were bound together. The flute was not used in religious serv- ices, but it is mentioned among others in the Bible as employed on festival occasions, as also on those of mourning (I Samuel x, 5; I Kings i, 40; Isaiah xxx, 29; Matthew ix, 23; xi, 17; Revelation xviii, 22) (pl. 45, fig. 4). (4) Double flute. Bethlehem, Palestine. This instrument is assumed by some to represent the swmponiah (symphony) of Daniel ili, 5,10, 15. The English versions give dulcimer, though the mar- gin of the Revised Version gives bagpipe. Swmponiah is supposed by some to be a translation of the Hebrew ’ugab, but the latter pos- sibly represents pan pipes (pl. 45, fig. 3). (5) Reeds or pan pipes. Cairo, Egypt. The reeds, now called in Syria Afijwiz or Naigha, are enumerated in Daniel iii, 5, 7, 10, 15, under the name of mashrokitha (English version, flute), among the instruments of the Babylonians. Some consider them the Hebrew ‘ugab (Genesis iv, 21). They were known to the Greeks under the name of syrinx (Latin jistula) (pl. 45, fig. 3). (6) Bagpipe. Tunis, Africa, where it is called zaida. Supposed by some to represent the Hebrew ‘uwgad, one of the first musical in- struments mentioned in the Bible (Genesis iv, 21); others consider ‘ugab to mean a sort of a syrinx. The Authorized Version renders it by “ organ,” the Revised by “pipe.” The bagpipe originated in the East, was known to the Greeks and Romans, was popular throughout the middle ages, and is still used in many eastern countries, and among the country people of Poland, Italy, the south of France, and in Scotland and Ireland (pl. 47). III, STRINGED INSTRUMENTS. (Not represented by specimens.) The stringed instruments mentioned in the Bible are: (1) Harp. The Hebrew word kinnor which is adopted for harp, occurs in the opening chapters of the Bible (Genesis iv, 21). It OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 489 was the especial instrument of David (I Samuel xvi, 23). Later it was one of the important instruments of the temple orchestra (I Chronciles xv, 16; II Chronicles xxix, 25). The exiles hung their harps on the willows by the waters of Babylon (Psalms cxxxvii, 2). To judge from representations on Egyptian monuments and Jewish coins of the second century B. C., the kinnor resembled the Greek kithara more than the modern trigonal harp, and as a matter of fact the Hebrew kinnor is usually rendered kithara by the Septuagint, the oldest Greek version of the Old Testament. Jewish coins show lyres with three, five, and six strings. A similar in- strument was also in use among the Assyrians. In its smaller form it could easily be carried about in processions, as the representations on the monuments, both Egyptian and Assyrian, show. (2) Psaltery (Hebrew, nedel). The psaltery, or lute, is often mentioned in the Bible together with the harp, though it seems to have been less used than the latter. It is likely that the psaltery resembled what is now known in the East as the tamboora, or guitar, an instrument which also figures largely on the Egyptian and Assyrian monuments. In its present shape the psaltery is thus de- scribed: “ In its most complete and perfect form, this instrument is 3 feet 9 inches long, has ten strings of fine wire and 47 stops. It is played with a plectrum, and is often inlaid with mother-of-pearl and valuable woods. It is oftener, however, of smaller size and less costly materials.” (Van Lennep, Bible Lands, p. 612.) The church father Jerome states that the nebel, whose name became nadla and nablium in Greek and Latin, had the form of the Greek letter A, that is, was a triangular pointed harp. On the bottom of one case is a collection of Turkish and Persian glazed and enameled tiles. 37. Contains a collection of pottery from various localities. 38. In the alcove, Round Altar of the Twelve Gods. Cast from an original of marble in the Museum of the Capitol, Rome. The twelve gods, with their attributes, represented in relief, are, in order from right to left, as follows: 1. Zeus, with scepter and thunder- bolt; 2. Hera; 3. Athene, with lance, helmet, and aegis; 4. Heracles, with lion’s skin, club, and bow; 5. Apollo, with bow and quiver; 6. Artemis, with bow; 7. Ares, with shield and helmet; 8. Perhaps Aphrodite; 9. Probably Demeter, with scepter and torch; 10. Hermes, with cap, wand, wings, and ram; 11. Poseidon, with trident; 12. Hephaestus (Vulcan), with hammer. 39-48. The last five wall cases are given over to Greco-Roman sculptures Above, on the wall of the cases, are votive reliefs, sepulchral stelae, and reduced casts in frames of the Pergamon altar reliefs. 490 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. These reliefs belong to the altar of Zeus Soter (the Savior), which was probably erected by King Eumenes II (197-159 B. C.) on the Acropolis of Pergamon, Asia Minor. The altar is considered one of the most magnificent and most characteristic monuments of the Hellenistic age. It was raised upon a platform about 16 feet high and nearly square, measuring about 123 feet 7 inches by 113 feet 6 inches. One side of the platform was pierced by a broad staircase leading up to the altar, which stood in the center, surrounded, except at the head of the staircase, by an Ionic colonade. The platform was encircled by a band of sculptures in high relief, about 7 feet 6 inches high and probably about 400 feet long, representing the battle between the gods and the titans, or giants, the serpent-legged sons of Gaia (Earth), symbolizing the struggle between order and the unorganized natural forces, which were at work within the bosom of the earth at the creation of the world. The ruins of the altar and its decorations of marble were discovered and excavated by the Germans during the years 1878-1880, under the superintendence of the architect, Carl Humann. The fragments of over 350 feet of the relief, which have been brought to light in these excavations, are now in the Museum of Berlin. The following seven groups from the battle are represented : (1) Zeus group. Zeus battling with three giants. (2) Athene group. The warlike daughter of Zeus is assisted in her fight with a young winged giant by Erichthonios, her foster child, and Nike (Victory). Between them Gaia emerges from the ground raising her hand in supplication for mercy for her sons. (3) Demeter and Persephone group with torch and sword and as- sisted by a dog fighting three giants. (4) Hecate and Artemis group. Hecate, the goddess of night and the underworld, is armed with shield, sword, and flaming torch, while Artemis (Diana), the goddess of the moon and the chase, is equipped with the bow. Both are assisted by dogs. (5) Helios group. Helios, the sun god, is leading his four-horse chariot over the battle field. In front rides Eos (Aurora, dawn), sword in hand, on horseback, while behind is another of the at- tendants (Hours) on Helios, in flowing garment with torch. (6) The snake vase group. A goddess seizes the shield of a giant with her left hand while her right hand holds a vase encircled by snakes, which she is about to hurl at him. One snake is already coiling over him. At the left another winged goddess is about to drive a sword into the neck of a snake-legged giant, whom she holds by the hair of his head. (7) Cybele group. Cybele, the “ Great Mother of the Gods,” en- ters the contest riding on her lion. At her side hovers the eagle of Zeus. She is in the act of drawing an arrow from her quiver. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 41. = She Life andl Mer o of 12 515 of Nautrt Extrpcler lertiuall from DE Gos pet s un Oreck, LIL — TITLE PAGE OF JEFFERSON’S NEW TESTAMENT. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 42. ‘5. Mais ils insistoient encore} 5 Amd they were the more fierce, |plus fortemeat., en disant : J] |Saying, He stirreth up the people sonléve le peuple - >? eee 7 7} eoute latent ae a enscignant par | teaching throughout all Jewry, be- ’ ce, yan 2 : . . depuis la Bulilée tiwieis ginning from Galilee to this place. < : a a5, =" = ven 3 ; [ 15. Alors Pilate lui dit: N’enz | 13 Then said Pilate unto him, ft.22 TM fiends pas combien de choses /Hearest thou net how manyy .¢ i Is déposent coutfe toi ? things they witness against thee?! h =| aud Pilate entendit*jarler. 6 When Pilate heard of Galilee, 1. 24.5 {de la Gakilée ye il demanda si ‘ ts } Jésus éwit-Galiléen jhe asked whether the man were Lea Ayant appris qu’il éoit de lal @ Galilean. u juridiction 3d Heérode , il le ren-| 7 And as soon as he knew that Hehe 4 cane qui étoit aussi) he belonged unto Herod’s juris- 8 Ohaad Herod eievidis Pal diction, he sent him to Herod, F < saa ee ? en ent une grande joie; car il y} WHO himself also was at Jerusa- avoit Jong-tems qvil souhaitoit lem at that time. + Pale parce qu’il voit oui-] 8 And when Herod saw Jesus, eaucoup de choses de lui ;}he was exceeding glad: for he et il espéroit qu'il Jui verroit faire was desirous to sce him of a long ace moma: bis |season, because he had heard ma- a. wi hi donc p usieurs ques- . s * tions, mais Jésus-Christ ne lus ny things of him ; and he hoped répondit rien, to have seen some miracle done 10. Et les principaux Sacrifiea- by him. iteurs ct les Scribes éiieot-1a, qui) 9 Then he questioned with hin, i! decnsoient avec la plus prance) in many words; but he answer- véhémence. | hi thi ; 11. Mais Hérode , avec les gens ed im nothing. - : de Ja garde, Ie traita avec me=; 10 And the chief priests and : pris ;.et pour se moquer de iui ,| scribes stood, and vehemently ac- a I, bh éclatant >|.cused him. % ¢ wa i i. e . . } 12. En ce meme jour, Pilate et 1 And Herod, with chad flérode devinrent amis, car au war, set him at nought, an mock- | pargy a ils &olent cnnemis. ed dim, and arrayed him in @ gor- 1 13. Alors Pilate ayant assemble geous. robe, and sent him again les principaux Sacrificatenrs , et Pilate gel les Magistrats , et le peuple, lear| to Fl : | 12 And the same day Pilate and | se dit: | 14. Vous m/’aver_ presenté cet | Herod were made friends toge- , homme comme soulevant le peu- 4 ther: for before they were at en- iogd en votre presence jene ai | mity between themselves. ” . rouvé coupable Wancen des cxie | 15 And Pilate, when he had call- més dont vous Paccusez ; ed together the chief priests, and« 19, Ni Hérode non plus ; car je | the rulers, and the people, rous at renvoyés a tui. ef on net 14 Said ‘unto them, Ye have soit Oene Pa fh ee ba Up brought this man unto me, a3 one? 16. Ainsi, apres.l'avoir faitcha- | that perverteth the people: ‘and, tier, jete relacherai, behold, I, having examined Aim before you, have found no fault in? this man, touching those things | whereof ye accuse him: | 15 No, nor yet Herod: for I sent | you to him; and, lo, nothing wor- thy of death is done unto him: 16 I will, therefore, chastise him, i and release Aim. : B | ee ae cee e '. O be “v- “i platehdi cam snaprats s0fhiast of larbulects ie $e gestemal , of ? rehonse Le 9 nae Capac, BUS ond ge . PAGE FROM JEFFERSON'S NEW TESTAMENT. ‘Sb aLV1d ay YO. ay pia 574 ue ys i 3 ‘ Sars % * Bit QAI BY ii *y sy 8 28 ee 6 WHY 9}:q 07 ec ue eae ead ony [pan ay JtLaO oa ou [puss ,. e a RB Bmaey nof jo fur yy ae EN om cence: N ‘AIdla Mould KOO va 1y aR OF uordsooe x} PB ay yt sO ¢ yuadsos HE Say He JQ: auapedy Bj WMP Pals oy [fa “poI1g 40} 49y jos sig Ye prMoyel uos e Buiacy nod yo Aue jJ— BL ‘LE “Ik ayn T cig “A1gig IIHdATSOYNSIH ( iaded [flm | pur — : a! | 1 | | | oAtaoad [fia J pue ‘ Sur “UN Bf} JOU YONO} | } =| “Jory Oh Eppes ‘apnaudas ax 3G puR “Ssaketepun Ai, | *2£0/YDRDP PUR suo (a oq pegs am pue ‘nok oyun saysof v oq pur ‘no SSuig; UBVfOUN vy} 1ou youcy pu suome wody UO BUOT—*OE ‘LL TIA SuDrYsULLCD “TI Sq 4Ory our yITRS 5g an} Suoure wouy yno euI0 *ZO|MOUBSBO—'ZZ6lL YWodey uB]UOSY}WS PLATE 44. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF PERCUSSION Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz, PLATE 45. WIND INSTRUMENTS. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. TRUMPET. PLATE 47. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. BAGPIPE. *SSYNLdIINIS NVWOY-O0SYS) AHL SO LYVd DNIMOHS ‘8p ALVI1d *ZOIMOUBSYD—'ZZG| JWoday uBlUOSY}IWS Smithson’an Report 1922,—Casanowicz. PLATE ‘ge See he ~ yon Fy HITTITE WINGED DIVINITY, OR DEMON, WITH HEAD OF GRIFFIN. 49. a Ss _ ‘ASVHO NOI] ALILLIH ‘OG 3LV1d *‘ZOIMQUBSBD—ZZH| WOdey uR|UOSYIIWS PLATE 5l. Casanowicz. Smithsonian Report 1922. HITTITE GoD OF CHASE HOLDING HARES. PLATE 52. Smithsonian Report 1922,—Casanowicz. THE HITTITE GOD TESHUB WITH THUNDERBOLT AND HAMMER. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 53. Cate oe aA % Se HITTITE WARRIOR WITH AX AND Sworp. *XNIHdS GSQVaH-NVWNH GADNIAA ALILLIH "pG ALVId *ZO|MOUBSBO—'ZZG| WOdeYy UB|UOSY}IWS Smithsonian Report 1922.—Casanowicz. PLATE 55. HITTITE KING WITH SCEPTER AND SPEAR. Smithsonian Report 1922.— Casanowicz. PLATE 56. 5 CORINTHIAN CAPITAL. "AYSLIOd NVIIVL] GNV 433aY5 ONINIVLNOD ASVO *ZOIMOUBSEQO— G6 HOdey uB|UOSYy}WS "Wg ALW1d ft ha r Poe Vaarier aS hae Oo ae ‘ OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 491 Beneath the lion is seen the prostrate form of a giant. Cybele is preceded by a female attendant with sword, and further to the front, by the rude and powerful form of a Cabdirus (a deity of the subterranean fire, etc.). He carries his attribute, the hammer, which he is aiming at the most monstrous form of the whole frieze; a giant who has not only the legs of a serpent, but the hump and ears of a buffalo. He has thrown his huge bulk on his enemy, who drives his sword up to the hilt into the monster’s body. On the shelves are ranged 65 reduced casts of statues and busts representing the Greco-Roman pantheon from Zeus (Jupiter), the “Father of Gods and Men,” to the shepherd god Pan with nymphs, muses, satyrs, etc. There is also among these sculptures a reduced cast of the Moses of Michelangelo, the marble original of which is in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, representing Moses seated, the right hand holding the Tables of the Law and clutching the long beard, while the left arm is pressed close to the body. The cases also hold facsimiles of some of the finest Tanagra terra- cotta figurines representing Greek mythological subjects, a small col- lection of electrotyped Greek cameos, casts of Greek bowls (pl. 48, showing a section of the exhibit). At the end of the last case is: A “ Classical Bouquet.” An album containing hand-painted illus- trations of the principal monuments of Greece and a few of Crete. The illustrations are explained by appropriate quotations from the ancient Greek authors in the original language, accompanied by translations in French, and from some modern authors. To this are added flowers culled from the spots which the illustrations represent. The album was conceived and executed with the aid of native artists from Greece by Miss Elizabeth B. Contaxaki, of the Isle of Crete, as a contribution for the Universal Exposition at Paris, France, in 1855, and by her presented to the Smithsonian Institution through Mr. Charles S. Spence and the Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of State. Bound in blue velvet, richly embroidered in silver, with floral de- signs, crown, wreath, and meanders, and inclosed in a carved wooden case. On the wall over the cases are displayed, from north to south: (1) A selection from the Hittite reliefs (see above, p. 457) found in Senjirli, Northern Syria. They represent— 1. Two goats leaping at one another. 2. Winged divinity, or demon, with head of griffin (pl. 49). 3. Lion chase, with the winged sun disk, the emblem of divinity (pl. 50). 4, Guitar player. 5. Lion-headed god of the chase, holding hares (pl. 51). 492 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. 6. The storm god Teshub (corresponding to Addad of the As- syrians and Hadad of the Syrians), holding in one uplifted hand the thunderbolt, in the other an ax or hammer (pl. 52). 7. Warrior with ax and sword (pl. 53). 8. Winged sphinx with head of griffin. 9. Warrior with shield. 10. Winged human-headed sphinx (pl. 54). 11. Figure holding mirror; and 12. King in long robe with scepter and spear (pl. 55). (ii) Four slabs from the frieze of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece (see under No. 52). (ii) Reliefs from Harpy Tomb at Xanthos. The originals of white marble are in the British Museum, London. The monument from which these reliefs were taken was discovered in 1838 at Xanthos, in Lycia, Asia Minor. It is assigned to the sixth century B. C., and consists of a solid rectangular block of limestone, 17 feet high and 8 feet 4 inches square, surmounted by a low cornice and a flat top. Below the cornice is a frieze, about 3 feet 3 inches in height, surrounding the four sides of the monument, leaving only a small opening on the west side, through which the remains of the dead were passed into a chamber cut in the rock. The name “ Harpy Tomb ” is derived from the flying figures at the corners, each of which has the head, breast, and arms of a maiden, the claws, wings, and tail of a bird, and an oval body. Each is carrying a small human figure and represents the transport of souls to the lower world. 44, In the alcove, next to the case: Head of David by Michelangelo. Cast made from the original statue of marble in the Academia at Florence, Italy. The statue is of colossal dimensions, known as the “ giant,” representing David holding the sling in his left hand and a pebble in his right hand (I Samuel xvii, 40), and is considered as one of the masterpieces of Michelangelo. On the wall, Eleusian Relief. Cast of an original of Parian marble which was found in 1859 at Eleusis, Greece, and which is considered to be a work of the fifth century B. C. Now in the National Museum of Athens. The relief represents Demeter (Ceres) and Persephone (Proserpina), goddesses of agriculture, dispatching Triptolemus, a mythical youth of Eleusis, to spread the blessings of agriculture among men. In the center stands Triptolemus, his right hand up- lifted to receive some object from Persephone, whom he faces. She bears in her left hand a long scepter, the right hand probably held ears of grain which she was giving him. Behind him stands Demeter, holding in her left hand a torch and with the right she is presumably placing a wreath or crown upon his head. OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ, 493 Ranged on bases at the south end of the hall are some of the large sculptures. 45. “The Fates.” Original, of marble, in the British Museum, London. The two female figures formed part of the decoration of the eastern pediment of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. They are commonly interpreted to represent, with a third female figure which was seated at their head, the three Fates (in Greek, mozraz; in Latin, parcae), who rule the destinies of men and all things. Their names in Greco-Roman mythology are: Clotho, the spinner of the thread of life, usually with a spindle; Lachesis, the disposer of lots, who determines its length, with a globe or scroll, on which she writes the destiny ; and Atropos, the inevitable, who cuts it off, with shears or scales. 46. The Laocoon Group. Cast of an original of Greek marble, now in the Museum of the Vatican, Rome, which was found in 1506, among the ruins of the palace of Titus, on the Esquiline, Rome. The group depicts the death, during the Trojan War, of Laocoon and his two sons, as described chiefly by Virgil in the Aeneid. Pliny (Natural History, xxxvi, 5), who saw the original work in the palace of Titus, ascribes its execution to Agesander, Polydorus, and Atheno- dorus, Rhodian artists, who probably lived in the time of Titus (d. 80 A. D.). 47. Corinthian Capital. Cast from the capital (partly restored) of a marble column of the temple of Castor, also known as the tem- ple of Jupiter Stator, in the Forum in Rome. This temple, of which only three columns and the base remain standing, was originally erected in 496 B. C.; rebuilt in 117 B. C.; and again rebulit under Trojan (98-117 A. D.) or Hadrian (117-188 A. D.). It is con- sidered to have been the most beautiful example of Roman archi- tecture, and the capitals of its columns the most finished and elegant of the Corinthian order as developed by the Romans. The basis of the capital is a cylindrical core, which expands slightly toward the top so as to become bell-shaped. Around the lower part of the core are two rows of eight conventionalized acanthus leaves, based on the plant of the Acanthus spinosus. From these rise eight principal stalks which combine to form four pairs of volutes, one under each corner of the abacus, while smaller stalks, branching from the first, cover the rest of the upper part of the core. Between the angle and center volutes rise tendrils from which foliage is carried along the cavetto molding of the abacus. The abacus is on the plan of a square whose sides have been hollowed out and the corners truncated. From the middle of the abacus springs out, on each face, an eight-petaled rosette. 494 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The cast was used as a model for the carving of the capitals of the columns placed at the southern (main) entrance of the Natural His- tory Building of the United States National Museum (pl. 56). 48, “The Falling Gladiator.” Original cast of a marble statue by Dr. William Riemer (1816-1879). 49. Egyptian Lion. Original of red granite in the British Mu- seum, London. It is inscribed with the name of Tutankhamon, a king of the eighteenth dynasty, about the middle of the 14th century B. C., who dedicated it to Amenophis ITI. 50. Hermes, from the Island of Andros. Cast of an original of marble now in the National Museum of Athens, Greece, found in 1833 on the Island of Andros. It probably dates from the 4th cen- tury B. C. Hermes was originally the protecting deity of crops, flocks, and roads. His usual functions were those of a messenger of Zeus and leader of souls to the lower world. He was also the god of eloquence, inventor of the lyre, and patron of merchants and crafti- ness. The Romans identified him with Mercury. He is here ap- parently represented in his quality as conductor of souls. Around the tree trunk is coiled a serpent, symbolic of the connection between the upper and the lower world, and in one of his hands he probably held the wand (caduceus). Other attributes with which he is fre- quently represented are the winged cap (petasus) and the winged sandals (¢alaria). 51. Ogam Stone. (Reproduction.) From Aglish, County Kerry, Ireland. The Ogam characters are on the two upright corners. They read from the top—arimocpo and maqrmag@a. The first is probably a proper name, while Maqi or Maqa means “the son of.” The inscription is imperfect. It has been rendered Apilogdo, the son or grandson of some unnamed person, but various interpreta- tions have been given. Ogam characters form a written alphabet for the Gaelic language, in use in parts of Ireland, Wales, and the Highlands of Scotland during the prehistoric period and continuing into the early cen- turies of the Christian era. They consist of shorter or longer par- allel marks on a corner or stem line made in different directions and in groups of different numbers. They can be translated into Roman letters. Marks representing consonants are from 3 to 5 inches long; those from the corner to the left, at right angles, and in groups of 1, 2, 8, 4, and 5 marks stand, respectively, for B, L, F, S, N; the same to the right stand for H, D, T, C, Q; those cross- ing the corner at an angle of 45 degrees, for .M, G, Ng, St, R; while the vowels are shorter lines or dots, and stand for A, O, E, U, I. The cross stands for P, or the diphthong AE. OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ,. 495 52. The Parthenon. Model of wood. The Parthenon (“ maiden’s chamber”) was the temple of Athene Parthenos (“maiden god- dess”’), the tutelary divinity of the city of Athens. It was erected in the middle of the fifth century, B. C., by the architects Ictinus and Callicrates under the direction of the sculptor Phidias, and stood on the summit of the Acropolis of Athens. By reason of the perfection of its proportions and the nobility of its sculptural deco- rations, the Parthenon is considered the most perfect monument of Greek architecture and art. It measured at the platform 228 by 101 feet, while its height was 65 feet, and was surrounded on three sides by a Doric colonnade. It was wholly built of Pentelic marble, and all its parts were joined and adjusted without cement. On the 92 metopes of the architrave were sculptured the battle of the gods with the giants, the contests of the Greeks with the Amazons and Centaurs, and, presumably, the conquest of Troy and the victory of the Greeks over the Persians. In the two pediments (gable roofs) were colossal groups representing, respectively, the birth of Athene, and the dispute between Poseidon (Neptune) and Athene for the possession of Attica, while on the frieze, which ran around the entire building to a length of 522 feet 10 inches, was depicted, in relief, the procession which took place during the Panathenaea, the chief festival of the goddess. Inside the temple stood the statue of Athene, made of gold and ivory, ascribed to Phidias, which, with its pedestal, rose to a height of 38 feet. After having served in turn as a Greek temple, Christian church, and Mohammedan mosque, the central part of the Parthenon was destroyed by a powder explosion during the siege of Athens by the Venetians in 1687. It remains standing as a ruin with many of its columns in place, conveying a good idea of its original proportions, Most of the sculptures from the Parthenon are now in the British Museum—the so-called Elgin marbles. The floor space in the hall is occupied by two rows of alternating double slope-top cases with upright center (called “American,” cases) and flat-top cases, one extending through the middle, the other being on the window side. Beginning at the north end with the middle (east side) row: 53. Containing the finer and older Greek and Italian pottery (see above, p. 440), ranging from the seventh to the fourth century B. C. (plas). 54. Bronzes, necklaces, and lamps from Italy. 55. Greek and Italian pottery (smaller vessels). Bronze objects used for personal ornament; Fibulae, rings, pins, mirrors, torques, bracelets, wristlets, anklets, and figurines of man and animals. Mostly from Italy and Switzerland. 496 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. The fibulae, or safety pins, occur from the earliest civilization of the Bronze Age to the latest Roman times and even later in Anglo- Saxon and Scandinavian examples. They were usually made of bronze, though in the more elaborate and ornamented forms they were sometimes of gold. They vary greatly in size, the large bronze specimens being six inches, or even more, in length. The earliest fibulae are simple safety pins made of a single wire, sharpened at one end, twisted in a spiral, or circular curve about the middle, in order to give it a spring, and at the other end so bent as to form a catch and shield for the point. To this simple pin succeeds the fibulae with an arch or bow. From this developed the boat-type, in which the bow is so curved and shaped as to resemble a boat. The shield and bow are often decorated with designs, in relief or incised, and pendants. 56. Collection of necklaces, figurines of gods, mummied hand of a woman, and mummied cat from Egypt. 57. Large bronze vessels: Amphoras, pails (situlae), bowls, pitch- ers. Collection of terra-cotta figurines (see above, p. 443), and Roman-Etruscan bronze domestic utensils, as pans, cups, ladles, strainers, a steelyard; also masks and stamps. 58. Collection of ancient coins, seals, and bronzes. The coins were for the most part ploughed up by the natives in the region be- tween Antiochia and the Euphrates in Syria, while the bronze fig- urines were found near the site of Carchemish, the ancient capital of the Hittites, modern Jerabis on the Euphrates, Syria. 59. Small bronze and pottery vessels. Small bronzes used in the toilet and dress, as razors, strigils, buttons, awls, bodkins, and needles; also a collection of surgical instruments, mostly from Italy. 60. Relics of the Stone Age from Germany. 61. Large bronze vessels; a bronze helmet; bronze heads and statuettes; bronze celts, swords, spearheads, knives, sickles, together with the stone molds for casting various bronze implements from various localities. The term “celt” is used in archeology to describe implements of chisel-form, such as axes, hatchets, adzes, and chisels, which were used as cutting-tools or as weapons. The word is generally derived from the Low Latin eeltis, a chisel. The bronze celts vary in size from one inch to one foot in length. The following four principal forms are distinguished in the development of the bronze celts: 1. Flat celts, the earliest and simplest form, approximating in shape the polished stone celts of the Neolithic period. They were probably hafted by the butt end being driven into a handle of wood, in the same manner as many stone celts have been mounted. OLD WORLD ARCHEOLOGY—CASANOWICZ. 497 2. Flanged celts, having projecting edges produced by beating up the edges of the blade, or in the original casting. Such axes could be fixed more firmly in a cleft stick, and to prevent the blade from being driven too far into the handle it was sometimes provided, about midway, with a rise or stop ridge. 3. Winged celts, in which the flanges are extended so as to almost form wings. In some the enlarged flanges are hammered over, so as to form a kind of semicircular socket, with the part of the celt between them thinner, thus providing a deep groove on either side of the blade for the prongs of the handle. To this variety the name of “palstave” is given, a word derived from the Icelandic. The handle was at first secured by binding and later by the addition of loops at the sides of the celt, through which a cord passed behind the angle of the haft. 4, Socketed celts. Evolved from the flanged celts when core casting was introduced. In this form the handle is imbedded in the blade, while in the first three the blade was imbedded in the handle. 62. Stone implements from East Africa (see above, p. 484). 63. Antiquities from Troy (Hissarlik) and Armenia (see above, pp. 433 and 439). 64. Stone implements from South Africa (see above, p. 435). 65. Stone implements from Egypt and Palestine (see above, pp. 434 and 433). 66. Wooden model of a Swiss lake dwelling, with a selection from the agricultural and textile products of the lake dwellers. The model is provided with a glass plate representing the water. A wash of color administered to its lower side gives it a blue tint common to the lakes of Switzerland. Figurines of men, women, and chil- dren are shown pursuing the vocations of daily life (see above, p. 422). 67. Prehistoric antiquities from Japan and Korea (see above, p. 433). 68. Stone implements from Australasia (see above, p. 435). 69. Prehistoric antiquities from India and Cambodia (see above, p. 482). In the outer row of cases, on the west side of the hall, beginning at the north end are: 70. Italian pottery, chiefly black ware and Arretine ware (see above, p. 442). 71. Prehistoric antiquities from Turkestan (see above, p. 440). 72 and 73. Two upright or special cases, containing prehistoric antiquities, stone implements, osseous remains and bone implements, 498 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. spindle whorls, terra-cotta lamps, glassware, etc., from Italy (see above, p. 428). 74, A small collection of Jewish and Egyptian objects. 75. Stone implements and osseous material of the Paleolithic pe- riod of the Stone Age from England and Ireland (see above, p. 424). 76. Prehistoric antiquities from Russia (see above, p. 480). 77. Remains of the Neolithic period of the Stone Age in Great Britain. 78. Collection of Brandon flints (see above, p. 425). 79. Stone implements and osseous material of the Paleolithic period of the Stone Age from France (see above, p. 426). 80. Selected casts of art works of the Stone Age (see above, p. 427). 81. Remains of the Neolithic period of the Stone Age from France. 82. Mesvinian and Strepyan artifacts from Belgium (see above, p. 429). 83. Remains of the Stone Age from Belgium. 84. Collection of animal bones, charred grains, etc., from the Swiss lake dwellings (see above, p. 423). 85. Pottery, stone, bone, and horn implements from the Swiss lake dwellings. 86. Stone implements and shells from the Danish kitchen middens (see above, p. 481). 87. Stone and bone implements and osseous material from Den- mark, Sweden, and Norway. THE SHAKE RELIGION OF PUGET SOUND. By T. T. WATERMAN. [With 2 plates. ] A discussion of the Indian groups about Puget Sound would not be complete without a mention of their present form of religion. It consists of a curious sort of Christianity, with a liberal admixture of the primitive religion of this area. It is called the Shake Religion or Shaker Religion, because the believers are visited by shaking or quivering spells. Invented about 1881, this religion is still flourish- ing and spreading at the present time. The presence of the “ shak- ing” phenomena demands explanation, since there are analogous elements in other religious movements. The question at once arises, as to whence they derived this practice. Shakerism is at present the most important fact in the life of these people. It may well be explained that there are in America two religious groups going by the name “ Shakers.” One is a Christian group, small in numbers but somewhat widely distributed in the Eastern States, who are called “ Shakers ” for convenience, their self-chosen name being Believers in Christ’s Second Coming. Their theology seems to be of a more or less orthodox Christian sort, the sect having originated in England in 1772. They practice dancing, however, as a religious observance, and hold to the principle of celibacy, which is followed by the entire body of believers without exception. Among converts to this form of belief there is no marrying or giving in marriage. They moreover carry out remorselessly the idea of com- munity in property. It is obvious, I think, that doctrines such as these will not have any widespread vogue for some time to come. The fame of the group, however, and their nickname, “ Shaker,” has spread abroad quite widely. VF Another group of people, a group many thousand miles away and of an entirely different character, has meanwhile arisen, and have also had thrust upon them the name of “ Shakers.” This second group is made up of the native Indians living in the region of Puget Sound. In 1881, or 1882, they invented for themselves a “ new ” form of religion. This system of belief has had a checkered and interest- ing career, and its followers now number thousands, and are organ- 499 500 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. ized into a “ Shaker” church. There is no connection between the two organizations of Shakers, and they have nothing at all in com- mon, except the name. The Shaker, or “shake ” religion of Puget Sound is therefore one of the world’s “ new ” religions, in the usual sense in which religions are new. That is, it is a quaint and curious recombination of old elements. A variety of ideas and practices may easily be recognized out of which this “new ” form of belief has been patched together. The substratum back of this western Shakerism is the primitive heathen- ism of the Puget Sound Indians. These primitive beliefs and prac- tices are what lend color and vitality to the whole, and result in some curious, picturesque, and wonderfully edifying performances. The history of the Shaker system is briefly this, that on the top of this old “ Shamanism,” or medicine-performances of the native Indian, there have been added, first, Roman Catholic ideas and institutions, and then evangelical Protestantism, derived largely from the Con- gregational sources. To see the various doctrines and practices de- rived from such origins, lying down together like the lion and the lamb in the bosom of one Redskin, is to me the most entertaining and instructive spectacle in the world. The religion was invented and established by the Indians; but I know of more than one “ white” convert. When an observer looks at this “ Shakerism ” he no longer feels so baffled by the quaint and heterogeneous combinations met with in the “ great” religions, such as Islam, Lamaism, or Christianity. In the case of this Indian religion the combination and fusion of utterly dissimilar ideas has gone on before our eyes. I think we will have to recognize the adroit- ness of the Indian who combined in one ritual, elements of the Catholic mass and the Congregational prayer-meeting, to say noth- ing of heathen charms and incantations, older probably than either of the others. The successful concocting of these elements was the work of one individual Indian, named John Slocum, now deceased, “ our poor brother, John Slocum,” as the Shaker preachers always call him in their sermons. It is impossible not to notice that Shakerism was “in the air” among the Indians of that region, before it was invented by Slocum. Anyone who is interested in the various efforts at combining Prot- estantism and Catholicism by these Indians will find the facts in two entertaining works. These are Zhe Ghost Dance Religion, by James Mooney (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, Fourteenth Annual Report, Part 2, Chapter 8); and Myron Eells, Ten Years at Skokomish Maas. Congregational Sunday-School SHAKE RELIGION—WATERMAN. 501 and Publishing Society, 1886, especially Chapters 22-27). I know of nothing unusual about Slocum, the founder of the religion, ex- cept that he “died” in a spell of illness, and “later came to life,” when they were making preparations for the funeral. This happened at a moment of crisis both in his own inner experience and in the history of his people. The combination of circumstances put the blend over, converts were made, the disciples increased and multi- plied, the system expanded, and the institution is thriving and spreading to this day. The last piece of news I had concerning it was that two Apostles had gone from the Shahaptian tribe, known as the Yakima, of eastern Washington, who have had the religion for years, and had established a congregation among the Lutuami at Klamath Lake reservation in southern Oregon. The Shakers now have a bishop of their own (an Indian named Peter Heek, of Chehalis), licensed ministers, and all the paraphernalia of salva- tion. The religion has spread north and south many hundreds of miles from its original home. The Catholic background of the faith may be illustrated by a brief description of the ceremonial objects which are employed. Il- lumination by candles is sine gua non. An altar covered with a white cloth is rigged up, with a cross, hand-bells, and religious pictures of Mary, the Saviour, the Sacred Heart, and so on. The principal functionaries in the ceremonies wear white cassocks. The church service consists first of a sermon, which serves to quiet everybody down and induce a feeling of solemnity. The leader then turns to one of the worshippers who stand facing him, and says, “ Pray !” The member called on delivers an extemporaneous prayer which, like the sermon, is in the native Indian language. At the close of his devotions he repeats, the others following his words, in a deep chorus: “Tn the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, it is well.” : In the Nusqually dialect spoken on Puget Sound the native tvords are as follows, as nearly as I can write them in the ordinary sym- bols of English: “Tu wa’ Iks nas kuma’ns tihl ta’mnas, tihl Santu Splay, tlob mas i’ sta.” The term Santu Splay (Holy Ghost) is of course the French Saint Esprit. This phrase (in the name of the Father, etc.) was the very first element of Christianity to reach the Indians of the Northwest. It came to them, passing from tribe to tribe, and was used by them as a new and powerful “ medicine,” long before the first missionary came to them. Every member of the Shaker congregation in turn (every convert, that is) leads in prayer or singing, or both. At the close of each petition, the well-remem- 55379—24—33 502 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. bered chant rolls forth, “in the name of the Father,” deep toned, thrilling with fervor, and a thing moving even to a neutral observer. At the end of the terminal prayer, a deacon or assistant grasps two of the bells and begins to shake them, as Indians do a rattle, one in each hand, in a pounding rhythm. The bell used by the Shakers is not the soft, tinkling bell of the Catholic ritual, silver toned and sweet in a distant chancel, but a substantial dinner bell, its note a brazen clangor that can be heard half a mile. The progress of this deacon around the premises, in a sort of crow-hop, followed in Indian file by the devotees, is accompanied therefore by a consid- erable din. Meanwhile, a song mounts up.in time to the clang of the bells, and as each dancer passes the altar he (or she) revolves once. This exercise or parade is repeated as often as necessary or conveni- ent. The worshippers often in going by the altar pass their hands through the flame of one of the candles, trying to purify themselves by driving away sin. At the close of the dance or parade, every worshiper shakes hands, or touches hands, with every other wor- shipper and with every spectator, sometimes blessing his vis-a-vis with the sign of the cross. In all these performances, rhythm is very strongly marked, the subject making many voluntary gestures, which pass in some cases into the tremor or shaking spell which has given the sect its name. Already the curious mixture of acts, symbols, and ideas is, I think, apparent. The mixture is even more conspicuous, however, in the performances by which these people set about curing disease. The sick or ailing person (man, woman, or child) is put in a chair or a bed, and the operators gather about. A general situation appro- priate for a cure is brought about by arranging candles, crosses, and religious pictures, and by singing and praying. The assumption on the part of the believers is that sickness is produced by sin, sin being something that can be bodily removed from a person by manipulation. When the patient, for example, is in the proper frame of mind, they pass their hands over his body, gradually work- ing the sinfulness to his extremities and then gathering it in their hands and “ throwing it away.” The pantomime is often very clever and convincing. On occasion they may vary proceedings by passing a lighted candle along the patient’s limbs, to burn away the sin. It is conspicuous that the “ shaking ” exercise, in its most noticeable form, usually seizes the persons who are curing the sick. I have observed some “ shaking” during the course of the Sunday service in church, though a large part of the movements seemed to be volun- tary, by way of inviting a shaking spell or trying to induce one. The people who treat the sick, however, very often have the shaking visitation to such a degree that they are completely lifted out of SHAKE RELIGION—-WATERMAN. 503 themselves, becoming suffused with religious emotion, and ringing the bells in a perfect fury, and not seldom losing their senses. A Saturday evening meeting is often called in the church for the pur- pose of curing sick people, and the excitement at that time mounts much higher than it does in the Sunday services. A good deal more might be said about the outward manifestations of this religion, but I want especially to speak of the presence in what I have already said of a primitive or shamanistic element, which has come down directly from their aboriginal life and which to me is the interesting thing in the system. The idea of “ brushing off sin” from a sick person in order to effect a cure is obviously a direct survival of the old shamanistic way of curing through taking out the disease, or the “pain,” as a tangible object. Especially on the northwest coast, heathen shamans always operate with rattles and dances and songs, making a furious disturbance, and finally removing the “ pain” from the person with their hands. It is well known that shamans and sucking doctors, not only in this region but far and wide among the world’s primitive tribes, are able to remove the pain from a patient and show it to him afterwards; palming some small object, such as a claw or a quartz crystal, and appearing to draw it from the tissues. On the northwest coast it has been the custom through many centuries to regard illness as due to objects or substances within the patient, usually invisible to all but the “ doctor,” which the medicine man is able to draw out. The pantomime used in the Shaker operations itself is probably part of this primitive style of operation. I can not resist the inclination to cite here a passage from Swan- ton’s Haida Texts (Bulletin 29 of the Bureau of American Ethnol- ogy) concerning a famous shaman called Te!aawu’nk! This man once felt inwardly that the l/and-otters were coming to get him, to cure one of their number who was “sick.” The incident which fol- lows illustrates exactly the idea current. among these Indians in former days as to the cause and cure of sickness, whether in land otters or in humans. When he came back from this adventure he saw that the land-otter people were coming to get him... He told his nephews that they were coming to get him that night... At midnight they came by sea and got him... They came in and took him out... They got him for the son of the chief among the land-otter people who was sick... He took his drum...and they started off with him. They had him lie on his face in the bottom of the canoe. They did the same thing to his nephew. After they had gone along for some time they said that the bottom of the canoe was foul, and they landed to clean it. This meant their fur had become wet. The cleaning of the canoe was done by their twisting about. Then they got in again, put them on the bottom, and started off. After they had gone along for a while longer something touched their heads. This, they felt, was the kelp under 504 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN 1NSTITUTION, 1922. which the otters were diving with them. After they had gone along for a while longer they said they were near the town... When he entered [the house] he saw many shamans gathered in the house. He plainly saw a bone spear on the surface of the body of the sick otter. Just before this, some persons had gone hunting from the town where Te!aawu’nk! lived. They speared a white land-otter with a spear. The creature that carried it away was sick here... He began at once to act like a shaman. After he had danced around the fire for a while he pulled out the spear, and the sick otter stopped moaning. After he had acted for a while he pushed it back into the same place... After he had danced around the fire a while, he pulled out the spear. He pushed it in again. He pulled it out, and stopped performing. He put it in again, and the otter began again to suffer. He now performed again, and he pulled out the spear for the last time. The chief’s son was saved. The corresponding performance of our own people has been briefly described by Eells (Smithsonian Report for 1887) : There were two fires. .. and the doctor was between them on his knees on the gravel. He was stripped to the waist, having only pantaloons and boots on, and faced the woman. He had a small tub of water... He worked up to the woman and, as near as I could see, placed his mouth on her chest or shoulders and sucked very strongly and then blew out of his mouth with all his force, making a great noise, sometimes blowing into the air, always re- maining on his knees. On another occasion the “ doctor ” put his hands in water, having warmed them a little, and then placed them on the woman’s side, her dress having been opened and partly taken down for the pur- pose, and he acted as if he were trying to draw out something. This was done a second time, when he plunged into water, placed his mouth next to them and blew suddenly and powerfully a few timed Fn PspsSe It is perfectly plain, I think, where the Shaker idea of curing sickness by taking something away from the patient took its origin. The “ Shaker ” apostles were in fact called “ blowers,” or Shipupu- ‘ema by the Yakima east of the Cascades, evidently because they utilized the type of performance just described. The notion that it is sin which is to be removed is of course an infiltration into the Indian’s point of view of Christian preachments. It is noteworthy that in the very region on Puget Sound in which the Shaker religion evolved, the principal religious performance, which is known as the “Spirit Canoe” or Sbrtetda’q ceremonial, was a tribal observance whose purpose was to heal the sick. This has been described by Haeberlin in the American Anthropologist (n. s. vol. 20) and by Dorsey in the Bulletin of the Free Museum of the University of Pennsylvania (vol. 3). The existence of this old healing ceremonial accounts, I think, for the religious fervor that attends the healing of the sick by the Shakers. It is an old tribal tradition with them that treating the sick is a proper occasion for SHAKE RELIGION—-WATERMAN. 505 religious fervor, the best and most appropriate occasion for spiritual manifestations. The details of the old “ Spirit Canoe ” performance do not matter for our present purpose. It is, however, a very pic- turesque and wonderful ceremonial indeed, and the point was brought conspicuously to my attention that for generations there have been “ shaking ” phenomena connected with the performances. The principal part of this performance, for example, was a scene, acted out in pantomine, where certain medicine men went to the underworld to recover the “soul” of a sick man taken there by the “ ghosts.” The shamans went (in imagination) on a long journey, to the village of the dead people. When they got there and began prowling around among the houses looking for the missing soul the sick man always fell into an ague. When the soul was found and brought back to this world, the next problem was to put 2 into the patient again. They brought it “ from below” in a cloth, gathered around the patient, and made motions as if putting it into him. If it started to float away they would seize it and bring it back. Finally it would take fast hold and the patient was forthwith pronounced cured. During this process the shamans would shake and tremble in every limb. Here we see, therefore, in ancient times, almost the exact counterpart of the modern Shaker exercise; the patient helpless, with the operators gathered around him all shaking and quivering. Nowadays they are, of course, trying to get the sin owt, instead of putting a soul zm. The ideas have shifted, but the performance re- mains the same. I may illustrate this point further by saying that in the old days there were several spirit-powers, the possession of which was accompanied by a similar shaking seizure. For example, there were also in use certain long cedar poles, called te’ stid which musicians up-ended and used for drumming against the roof-boards of the house, as an accompaniment to the songs. Certain people possessed a kind of supernatural power or “ spirit-help ” known as Tsotsotob. A man who had this power could announce, “ Now my power will come into those drumming poles.” Then the poles would begin of themselves to quiver, so that the man holding them was thrown into a tremble. Another “ power” was called skudi’lite. People who “owned” this spirit, made objects of cedar, like a board, as shown in plate 1, figure 2, with hand-holds at the sides. These objects were held in the hands of the performers, and very often “ power ” entered them, causing them to quiver and move about. This like- wise threw the person holding them into a tremor. A certain skudi’lite-object like the one shown in the sketch once moved all about a room, the performer trembling and unable to remain in his place. It dragged him through the fire; it dragged him out of 506 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. the house. With all his might he held back, straining and resist- ing, and finally two white men came to his assistance; but it dragged all three into the river! Specimens of these objects are in the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, in New York City, and in certain other of the great museums. There is not the slightest doubt but that the quivering and shaking mani- . fested in connection with them goes back a considerable distance into the days before the white occupation. The Indians say that the wooden object became “possessed” and shook the performer, while we would, of course, assume that the performer fell into a shaking seizure, such as occurs in many religious exercises among other races and in other parts of the world, his shaking agitating, in turn, the object he carried. It seems to me that in these old performances and these ancient objects we have the background upon which the present day motor disturbances developed, which give the Shaker group its name. I know educated Indians who have seen these old spirit-objects come to life, and cause the person holding them to tremble like a leaf. One other point occurs to me in connection with this Shaker re- ligion, which makes one think of the story of some of the world’s great religions. I spoke above of “Shaker” organizations, with church buildings, which. have now spread among the Yakima and the Lutuami, and other tribes far removed from Puget Sound. John Slocum had his “inspiration,” the religion started, and the first meetings were held on the shore of one of the numerous inlets of Puget Sound called “Big Skookum,” not far from Olympia. On the north side of that inlet, where the water races by at a change of the tide, is where Slocum lived and “died” and came back to earth from the heavenly regions with a message for his people. It was the Indians there who got his message first, and began to shake, and organized the church. These very Indians, however, have now stopped shaking. They no longer have any particular faith in “shake-help,” and have ceased to hold meetings. The very people among whom the movement started were therefore the first to fall away. This makes one think of the curious history of Christianity, a religious system originating in western Asia but associated in its later history with Furope. Asia has never been Christian in any considerable part since the early days of Christian history. The case of Buddhism is also in line; Buddhism being, of course, a prod- uct of Hindustan, originating there, and being borne afar from that country as a center. But only for a relatively short time was Bud- dhism actually associated with the land of its birth. Buddhists are nowadays to be found by millions in China, in Japan, in Burma, in Siam, in Cambodia, in Tibet; but in the valley where it started Smithsonian Report 1922.—Waterman. PLATE |. 2. A SKUDI'LITC OR CEREMONIAL OBJECT OF CEDAR WOoD, WHICH IS HELD IN THE PER- FORMER’S HANDS. AT TIMES IT BECOMES FILLED WITH “‘POWER”’ ACCORDING TO THE BELIEF, AND MAKES HIM QUIVER AND MAY 1. POLE FOR DRUM- EveEN DRAG Him ABouT. THE DoTs REP- MING ON THE ROOF RESENT THE SONGS REVEALED TO THE INDI- BOARDS. VIDUAL BY THE SPIRITS. Courtesy Museum of American Indian, Heye Foundation. Smithsonian Report 1922.—Waterman. PLATE 2. A GROUP OF THE PUGET SOUND “‘SHAKERS”’ AT TOLT, WASH., GIVING A “‘BLESSING.” SHAKE RELIGION—WATERMAN. 507 not one Buddhist is to be seen, save perhaps pilgrims, two or three in a year. Thus the history of two of the world’s greatest religions is reproduced in miniature among the simple Indians of our own Northwest. ; The shaking which thus appears in both the old and the new religions of Puget Sound has been explained psychologically. I do not recall the details, but it is something about nervous tension and rhythmic discharges, resulting in one movement repeated over and over again until it becomes a tremor. I have remarked already that it is by no means new in the study of religion; quite the con- trary. Various saints, dervishes, marabouts, diviners, deacons, and elders in various religious exercises and of various races show it. The Tarantism of the Middle Ages (Saint Vitus’s dance) was evi- dently something of the same sort. I can do no better, I think, than to quote a passage from Davenport’s Primitive Traits in Religious Revivals, describing what happened to our own civilized moun- taineers in the Cumberland region in 1842; the place, I believe, where the Cumberland Presbyterian Church took its origin. He gives on page 78 of his work an account of the following quaint and curious behavior: Next to the “falling” exercise, the most notable and characteristic Ken- tucky performance was the “ jerks.” The unhappy victim shook in every joint. Sometimes the head was thrown from side to side with great rapidity. Peter Cartwright declared that he had seen more than five hundred persons jerking at once in his congregation. And Lorenzo Dow, writing of a time some years later, when the epidemic again broke out in this section, remarks that on Sunday at Knoxville, the governor being present, about one hundred and fifty had the jerking exercise. In 1800 no one was proof against it, saint or sinner, white or black, except, as Lorenzo Dow naively remarks, those who wished to get it to philosophize upon it and the most godly. One final word about these Shakers will not be out of place. The Congregationalists and Presbyterians, under whose influence they fell, took a strong stand against drinking, gambling, horse-racing, lying, swearing, and smoking tobacco. Whatever may be said about the relative rank of these failings, certain it is that to the Shakers avoidance of them is an essential part of religion. No Shaker will swear, no Shaker will drink. The one virtue of non- indulgence in alcohol has served to make the members of the Shaker church the most prosperous of the Indians. Outwardly their homes are clean and cheerful and inwardly they are filled with a kindly feeling, which can not be mistaken, for it actually radiates from their faces. It makes them, to my way of thinking, more closely resem- ble the Christian of our ideals than is the case with any people I have ever seen, Indian, white, or otherwise. ae AS mcg is ea oF gate a ce ‘ble pe thiod ai” - aq ae Fe f guid. 2% gerbe Sele for sod aa fipnoe nut 4 roe “aoienat avorten Shoda’ gaidiomos : ai ditod alinte 4 L > nero beteager teontavors an ni yniibveos pons, sake ie Tye sige seeing ora stoma: 8 Renee # Ji Laspet eh baa wsooeab’ ¢ eases inidisas godeirs 4 re alae ae . ; th wade eieenrt aneortaty ty baw Ppaiyiees aiory! lot peso ; nod ‘3 ‘dni 4G i ae ‘hans ort whi bak Re gnGe aby uth “notgied at eter sritiait Tox Progaay acl ant $308 a ae > sahttount bagifigi ayy “to 4 Dae ie a yrasteras, 7 ‘ ee be key bls ROL AR ioiseebh Myth Mod eng dort alt gas ai avy} if rth. ret ean a th ral in rods, ; % a a ld ho inure A (fA ibe cick toe ~ > ¢ ~"F s a ‘tighiat dam) fps 4 iat Wo LE sat yp Tea Ss ge pier reli hi Sanda Ghia) ger actae ON tot “hey Bee eS here CRM hie boot ea yeidy aes : mes “* “3 iim Aa teh iy HUST ERE 2 et week Dag a: Santis hor page | Set - ae ve a ¢. $ Ye sides “reel OCA WL pia Apt at {sd oe Rt. ts a teary ot ee eh ai Nie vont eres pait cr id it) Soa opin had ation sac Jo xin’ A fem} a he | “Ore wma srt ; 2 | Hire: Rashi td Sit pattiayad Vines Gest -aeteraip Oe [. e. ; yale tte” eabeay baa was ivan med ‘ast a2 25 al . ; oa Pn how Yaar. 4 it re we ay : . Z ‘ . f + ee - sth ¥ :: act SOR thy tH “i fom tie 8100 hada ds tools Ericka ates ey ‘godt sotonlin« state wehay wkanitaiydassS. baw atatle coud ae rays 7 Baort-stot penildatesg pi eee: jantien : Burate aS I a Y doo)” sisi fine of yeu Zoveisdf oonddot gublome han Maries, aor Sgdtod teckt Bi dt tetas waniiiad seorft to diet ovidelon: old OV. ftotgum t> tung Iabinseae a6 af otorls to asnehieva io an FS iver Fr aie ae Pp Hick £t rege 45 ade Git’ 2 Sowa fliw : re - 7 7 fi af ms » Inanemried isd? ; ond osteo sted daectoront 2b bea ofan: A HPN one wengg OS, thidw,2opnl¢.oi bodaildas tg qieaati ag I) bbasrKe 9 od, ans GIR siliziato, ort. gided : i Las! swoidom natnary Uiewae fig rit.) aahicn Ser iogg. 9619 and beg ralocaida at s | en ear! ash ot soleus doidy, eaqisdt: gens to, noi smilnet, ona ' Athi (Teva. Sponge ga | box. 3 bola eed. | IDEALS OF THE TELEPHONE SERVICE: A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL. By JoHN J. CARTY, Vice president, American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and retiring president, Telephone Pioneers of America. This is the ninth annual meeting of the Telephone Pioneers of America, although our association is now entering its twelfth year. On account of the war, during three years no annual meetings were held. The Pioneers were then engaged in the great struggle to save civilization. The membership of our association is made up not only from those who took part in the first development of the telephone but also from those who have been in the telephone service for a period of 21 years. We have in the service tens of thousands of zealous men and women doing pioneer work now, but because they lack in years, though not in achievement, they have not been enrolled. We and they are looking forward to the day of their formal admission. To these our fellow workers we extend our greetings and our appre- ciations. In their hands lies not only the future of our society but the future of our art. Our first meeting took place 11 years ago at Boston, the birth- place of the telephone. At that meeting the inventor of the tele- phone, Alexander Graham Bell, was present and delivered to us an address which must always be memorable in the history of our society. To-day we recall with peculiar sadness these words which he then spoke to us: This is a great day for me, the first meeting of the Telephone Pioneers of America and of the world. It gives me great pleasure to meet with you all to-day, and yet there is a feeling of sadness about it. I am the first telephone pioneer, and my memory goes back to the very beginning, and I miss the faces I remember so well, the faces of the old pioneers, who I wish were here to-day. * * %* JT feel it a little presumptuous on my part to try to speak of the tele- phone to telephone men. You have all gone so far beyond me. Why, the little 1 Presidential address delivered at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Telephone Pioneers of America at Cleveland, Ohio, September 29, 1922. Reprinted by permission. 503879—24——35 533 584 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. telephone system that I look back upon, what is it compared to the mighty system that goes through the whole extent of our country to-day? It is to you that this great telephone development is due, and I feel that it behooves me to speak very modestly of the little beginning that led to this great end. I can not tell you anything about the telephone. I can not speak to you about undulating current, intermittent current, and pulsatory current. I belong to the past; you belong to the present. Here stand revealed those lovable qualities of the great pioneer— generosity and modesty—which endeared him to us all. It is true, indeed, that he belonged to the past, though then he still belonged to the present. Now he belongs to the ages. Alexander Graham Bell died on Wednesday, August 2, at the age of 75, at his summer home in Nova Scotia, near Baddeck. He was buried on August 4, at sunset, on the summit of a mountain over- looking the Bras d’Or Lakes. As a tribute to his memory telephone service was suspended for one minute throughout the United States and Canada during the simple ceremony. The manifold activities of his life, devoted to the service of man- kind, would require volumes to portray. The medals and other honors which he received from learned societies, his honorary degrees from universities at home and abroad, and special recognition by governments, all testify to the esteem in which he was held. His scientific researches in the field of heredity and eugenics, his experi- ments in aeronautics, his work in improving the phonograph and in teaching the dumb to talk, and his invention of the photophone, reveal the scope of his mind. This record alone is enough to insure his fame, but his discovery of the method of transmitting articulate speech by electricity and his invention of the apparatus to. do this have placed his name among the immortals. Doctor Bell was born March 8, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He went to Canada in 1870, and the next year, at. the age of 24, he removed to Boston. After introducing into New England schools improved methods of teaching deaf mutes to speak, he was appointed professor of vocal physiology in Boston University. In his spare time he conducted experimental researches in elec- trical wave transmission. He was assisted financially in these ex- periments by two gentlemen of Boston, Thomas Sanders and Gardiner Greene Hubbard. By the summer of 1874 he had worked out his theory that the transmission of speech by electricity could be accomplished by producing “electrical undulations similar in form to the vibrations of the air” which accompany the original words or sounds. In spite of great difficulties and discouragements, he succeeded in reducing his theory to practical form, when, at Bos- ton, in the summer of 1875, he invented a telephone which faintly transmitted parts of words and even entire words. IDEALS OF TELEPHONE SERVICE—CARTY. 535 Mr. Thomas A. Watson, Bell’s assistant, relates that it was on March 10, 1876, over a line extending between two rooms in a building at No. 5 Exeter Place, Boston, that the first complete sentence was ever spoken and heard through the electrical tele- phone. It was spoken by Bell and heard by Watson, who recorded it in his notebook at the time. It consisted of these words: “ Mr. Watson, come here; I want you.” Thus the telephone was born. After completing his fundamental invention, Bell, in a remark- able document, predicted with amazing foresight the telephone system of the future. He also invented the photophone, which was the first method of transmitting speech by electricity without wires, and the induction balance and the telephone probe for which he was awarded the honorary degree of doctor of medicine by the University of Heidelberg. To his successors in the laboratories in which he was the original worker he left the further conduct of telephone research and development. Turning to other departments of science, he displayed his remark- able intellectual gifts by the fruitful researches which he conducted. In his work on behalf of the deaf, which he continued to the end, is revealed a dominant motive in his life. To Bell was accorded a privilege so often denied to those who have advanced the world by their discoveries—he lived to see the triumph of his great idea. When the first sentence was transmitted the public regarded the telephone as a scientific toy. Then the tele- phone plant of the entire world could be carried in the arms of a child. To-day vast telephone systems of intercommunication have been developed, extending the spoken word among the peoples of the nations. The advances of the telephone art made by the successors of Bell were always a source of great satisfaction to him. Some of these, epoch making in their nature, gave him special gratification. On January 25, 1915, the transcontinental line, spanning Bell’s adopted country from ocean to ocean, was, in the presence of dig- nitaries of State and Nation dedicated to the public service. This was a day of triumph for Bell, for, using a reproduction of the original instrument, he once again spoke the memorable words, “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you.” But this time Bell was at New York, and Watson, who heard him with perfect ease, was 3,000 miles away, in San Francisco. Another advance attained the greatest distance over which the transmission of speech had ever been achieved. arly in the morn- ing of September 30, 1915, words were spoken through a radio tele- phone at Arlington, Va., to the Hawaiian Islands, where they were plainly heard, But, as if to proclaim the telephonic conquest of 536 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. time as well as space, the words reached these distant islands of the Pacific when it was there still the evening of September 29. There yet remained to be realized that prophetic dream of the telephone pioneers—the bridging of the Atlantic by the human voice. But the day of its fulfillment was not far off, for on October 21, 1915, during the dark days of the war, speech was for the first time in history successfully transmitted across the Atlantic Ocean. This was accomplished by the radio telephone, which carried the words spoken at Arlington to the Eiffel Tower at Paris. The last memorable telephone development destined to occur in the life of Bell will always be associated with a great historic occa- sion. At the burial of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington, on No- vember 11, 1921, the voice of President Harding, by means of the new loud speaking amplifiers, was easily heard by the great concourse of 100,000 people about him, even by those in the most distant parts of the vast cemetery. Corresponding multitudes numbered by tens of thousands, at New York and San Francisco, heard over the wires every word spoken by their Chief Magistrate as clearly as though in his actual presence. These distant multitudes heard also the invocation of the chaplain, the music and the hymns, and the words of the commitment service used by the bishop at the grave. They joined with each other and with those at the cemetery in the singing of the hymns, and they united with the President in reciting the Lord’s Prayer, with which he closed his address. They heard in amazement the salvos of artillery fired at the grave, and even those on the shores of the Pacific caught the loud reverberations thrown back by the Virginia hills. At the end, in profound silence and with heads bowed in sorrow, they listened to the plaintive notes of the trumpet sounding the soldier’s last farewell. On that day the achievements of science imparted a mystical power to the most solemn national ceremony in the history of America. This ceremony, its deep significance so enriched by the art of Bell, we can now believe contained an exalted sanction of the greatest of all the achievements of his life. These are but some of the advances which have been made in the first half century of the telephone art, which is now drawing to a close. They belong to the golden age of communications, which has achieved the extension of the spoken word throughout both space and time. But this golden age has not yet ended, and when we contemplate the possibilities of the future we discover that it has only just begun. It is to the future that we must now turn our minds and direct our endeavors. It is true that we Pioneers belong to the past, but it is equally true that we belong to the present. As individuals, we must IDEALS OF TELEPHONE SERVICE—CARTY. 537 all pass away, as did the first Pioneer, but our association, the Tele- phone Pioneers of America, will continue to live. The greatest work which our society can do is to exemplify the ideals of our service and to transmit to its future members the splendid traditions of our art. It should be our purpose to encourage and to sustain among the men and women of the telephone system their ever-increasing zeal for the public service. While it is beyond my power to put into words these ideals of our service, they already exist within your hearts and mine, where we all can feel, though I can not express, their potency. These feelings, which form the mainspring of our actions, do not arise from mere wishful thinking, nor do they spring from an idealism which is dis- connected from reality. ‘They rest upon a solid basis of achievement and represent the practical purpose of that great telephone system of intercommunication which bears the name of our first pioneer. It is interesting to note that the biologists were the first to appre- ciate the peculiar importance of electrical communications in the social organism, and to Herbert Spencer, writing more than 50 years ago, we are indebted for some analogies which have not yet been sufii- ciently studied either by the biologist or the engineer. In tracing the analogy between the telegraph system of his day and the nervous system of the animal organism, Spencer expressed the view that prob- ably when the then rudimentary telegraph systems were more fully developed, other analogies would be traceable. This development has already been provided by the telephone art, and national tele- phone networks have now become a vital part of the social organism. I believe that the study of these networks from the standpoint of biology is destined to yield important results, and, indeed, that an investigation of the remarkable developments of the automatic ma- chinery used in modern telephone switchboards might even throw light on the mechanism of the mind itself. Scientists have long been studying the theory that man has ad- vanced to his present high estate by upward progress in the bio- logical scale from a microscopic speck of protoplasm forming the biological cell or unit of life. They have pictured him as composed of countless millions of these living creatures forming an organic entity marvelously designed, each cell performing its allotted part in that exquisite division of labor which characterizes this biological state. We commonly compare a nation to a complex living organism. “We speak of the body politic, of the functions of its several parts, of its growth, and of its diseases, as though it were a creature. But we usually employ these expressions as metaphors, little suspecting,” as Spencer says, “ how close is the analogy, and how far it will bear 538 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922, carrying out. So completely, however, is a society organized upon the same system as an individual being, that we may almost say that there is something more than analogy between them.” _ Each cell has its allotted and specialized work to do. Each cell must be fed, and live, and grow. Sustenance must be obtained, pre- pared, and assimilated, and the waste removed. The physiological mechanisms for doing these things, and many other things besides, have their striking counterparts in the structure of organized society, and furnish instructive material for the philosophic student. But to us of the telephone art, the most marvelous thing of all is the nervous system, that inconceivably complex communication network by which the activities of both individual and society are regulated and without which paralysis and death would result. We are told that the cells which compose the nervous system are the latest to appear in the upward march of the organism, and that the degree of their complexity and the extent of their differentiation furnish a criterion for determining the stage of progress which has been attained. Because of the high function, almost spiritual in its nature, performed by these nerve cells, they have been called the noble cells. I have long felt and often expressed the feeling that because of this the workers in the telephone art are engaged in a high calling, building up the noble cells which constitute the nervous system of the Nation. As in the animal body, these cells were the latest to appear, so in the structure of organized society the highest form of electrical com- munication, the telephone, is the latest to appear—it comes only at the stage of higher development. And again, as in the animal body, the stage of development of the nervous system is an index of its place in the evolutionary series, so I believe it will be found in any social organism that the degree of development reached by its tele- phone system will be an important indication of the progress which it has made in attaining coordination and solidarity. The use of the spoken word to convey ideas distinguishes man from all other created things. The extension of the spoken word by means of electrical systems of intercommunication serves to connect the nervous system of each unit of society with all of the others, thus providing an indispensable element in the structure of that incon- ceivably great and powerful organism which many biologists feel is to be the ultimate outcome of the stupendous evolution which society is undergoing. That such an organism, thus so magnificently conceived, would be the outcome of the higher evolution of man, I have long believed; but its form and the nature of its functioning I could not imagine. But the great work of Trotter, who has studied the gregarious IDEALS OF TELEPHONE SERVICE—CARTY. 589 instinct in the lower animals and in man, permits us to contemplate this evolutionary entity from a new point of view. He has pointed out that nature, having failed in her giant organisms, in which so many individual cells were crowded into such animals as her giant lizards and the mammoth and the mastodon, was to try a new method which was to dispense with gross physical aggregations of cells combined into one body. He points out that the flock, the herd, the pack, the swarm—new organizations—were to be devised by nature, and to flourish and range throughout the world, and that in one of these new organizations, human society, the individual man is still to be regarded as the unit, but not constrained as is the cell in the animal body, but free to move about, the mind alone being incorpo- rated into the new unit by the marvelous power of intercommunica- * tion. He shows that the power of these organisms depends on the capacity for intercommunication among their members, and that this power expands until the limits of this intercommunication are reached. How fundamental electrical communication systems are in the tre- mendous evolution of the human race which is now being mani- fested in the organization of society, and how vital to the welfare of mankind is the daily- work of telephone men and women every- where is being made more and more apparent by the discoveries of the new school of biologists. Speaking always of communication in its broadest meaning,? but emphasizing the importance of speech, Trotter says: “ The capacity for free intercommunication between individuals of the species has meant so much in the evolution of man, and will certainly come in the future to mean so incalculably more, that it can not be regarded as anything less than a master element in the shaping of his destiny.” And again, in speaking of human society as a gregarious unit, he says: “The ultimate and singular source of inexhaustible moral power in a gregarious unit is the perfection of communion amongst its individual members.” As long as intercommunication was limited, he tells us, the full possibilities of nature’s new experiment were concealed. But at length appeared man, a creature endowed with speech, in whom this capacity for intercommunication could develop indefinitely. “At once a power of a new magnitude was manifest. Puny as were his individuals, man’s capacity for communication soon made him master of the world. * * * In his very flesh and bones is the impulse towards closer and closer union in larger and larger fellowships. 2In this should be included all methods of communication based upon speech, such as newspapers, books, and letters, depending upon mechanical transportation ; and telegrams, depending upon electrical transmission. 540 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1922. To-day he is fighting his way towards that goal, fighting for the perfect union which Nature has so long foreshadowed, in which there shall be a complete communion of its members, unobstructed by egoism or hatred, by harshness or arrogance or the wolfish lust for blood. That perfect unit will be a new creature, recognizable as a single entity; to its million-minded power and knowledge no bar- rier will be insurmountable, no gulf impassable, no task too great.” * Here we have portrayed the forward march of humanity toiling ever onward to attain its goal. The realization that their wonderful art is destined to play such an important part in this final attain- ment opens up a never-ending source of power and inspiration for telephone men and women everywhere. It adds new dignity to their calling. Already, as we have seen, the human voice has been carried with the speed of light across the Atlantic Ocean, and across our’ continent, and far out into the Pacific, but still greater things are to come. It is the mission of the Pioneers and their successors, and their associates among all the nations, to build up a telephone system ex- tending to every part of the world, connecting together all the peoples of the earth. I believe that the art which was founded by Alexander Graham Bell, our first Pioneer, will provide the means for transmitting throughout the earth a great voice proclaiming the dawn of a new era, in which will be realized that grandest of all our earthly aspirations—the brotherhood of man. 2 Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War.—W. Trotter. INDEX. ee Page. Abbot, Dr. Charles Greeley, assistant secretary of the Institution. .... Ill, XI, X11, 87, 108 (How deep is the ocean?) ........-aegtidenses seat 275 (The architecture of atoms and a universe built of ALOIS) Bos ersicac i sco sod see de Sate See 157 (Who will promote science?)..........-.--..------ 137 tt Dia Les ee tere 8 3 55 ce eos wen ee 6 hola ene icone 4, 9, 10, 16, 30 PAEEUINIE Se EV OR DGB yous she pr hse oe Pe ec Go Rar S ths Gale. Sane ete 51 PATEL SIVA MD WL Tne ee Phan ONC ANY Wak UR ki os ioe Os Sls a ae tole ae XI, XII Administrative assistant 'to the secretary... 2.260... 060s le cece tence sine ene xu, 41 ee Soanencee Alpes na: £2 SSSA, Reet hee 5 Ota eh oe ee 115 SUM Neen ALUHe MeaaIeAN CARING) 6 oS oi bb eke wc soa eu ee oe yaa sede we merge 167 Age of the earth, The (Chamberlin and others)........-.......-.-.---------- 241 Agriculture, Secretary of (member of the Institution)...................-.--- XI PuRCeeTELE It Se MRtROIIG Ol oo vc og ogo on tye So md ves gis ane 9, 15, 26 Alaska Hnpineerineg Commission... 2... eee eee eee YE RR NEMS. Gy 37 miskia, Pxtomolopical expedition toil: sb. 262 ee Lak. oP ae Ee 10 een manTN CR ERPEN USL I SIERE. © ERS Se sc alae sss Sa bd a 6 eae xu, 10, 16, 37 bic pis Bie. fies. Be! Sel, nd co oe ell erat kt ee xm, 22, 104, 105 Allotments for printing................- Sess Aes) dw 3 25 diol cianen mail Oe gee 14 PONT RMN MRS <2" NES 2 ake ig rch dan eel swt hog Se ach wo pe nu Se RS 26 munericam: Historical Association réepotis.. 05.22... 2.2... ee oe oe 13, 119, 125 Aamencnin Miseuni of Natural History 3.552. 6. + 2c as fe be cee coals ste aoe are 55 mimes, Joseph: S$? (Ac¢ronatitic teséarch).. 2... . >. -.-4-- 2-2, ete ae ces arate) a Spee. bth Car. BRINE S Sees Sate Tc oe Nabe Aen ec es eta 37 PATIO GT ROM PTAC MOATIORS hy. 3) atresia aperte pe eeyeLs = og ona in mg ead 92 Animals in the collection, National Zoological Park. ..........-----...------ 95 Annual rings of trees, Some aspects of the use of the, in climatic study (Douglass) 223 Anthropological collections, National Museum. ...........--..-------------- 29 TERn PPO ied UCIOE GION WY ASNT GGOR once on wenn Seige Sinisa ein a gs op 29 Archeology, The collections of Old World, in the United States National Museum (UT) | ae or) le Perey SENE AED peo plate. 415 Arcos, Duchess de (Virginia Woodbury Lowery Brunetti)..................-- 48 Tsai ye ect i, anna, Dal 22 eae! WN RT| Free cla ae 38 Art works acquired during the year, National Gallery of Art............ cae 43 Reunion, THe Sxesvariols at (adrstang) is o.oo oooh lo mnae cee mie 509 Assistant secretary of the Institution..................-------...-- III, XI, x11, 87, 107 Ate ft MG MAHMAObUPOres. 8250-055 fe abate WAGE BO oe cece mroine 30 TMEV ACL COMME LOIN 2 ASEM oa kn ewe mee sails chase cans ehaeus XUl,,1, G22, lee SERBIA: Bic SEs accra cee 13, 22, 92, 104, 108, 119, 124 Pe alee DT? Mh Fa Re) rt ne ae Le ah 105 SPREE a ates 3 tain bis taint Aa ca 105 542 INDEX. Page. Astrophyszical Observatory (library) 2.2. 2227. 2522 Ee Be BITE ES 115 Personnel .... spu. louse. Pee E, DO. Le COG 108 proposed solar radiation stations. ............-.-.. 107 publications. £ B. Wte do nn es ops ete ath. 13, 124 TOPOR so acceso nee eRe Se Mien ieee eer ran 104 solar radiation work, Opinions of the............. 106 work ob thie: years: Pio 7. ea. See 104 Atchison,' Joseph Anthonyya! ss bs ssa get ineiewabie. Bin SRA Sie Re 45 Atoms, The architecture of and a universe built of atoms (Abbot). ........... 157 Attorney General of the United States (member of the Institution). .......... XI MMBUIAIAH OX POULUGR 2... ...25 a Sees ee ert ee ee toe ote ee sn med en tae aes oeee 9,16 RE ee eee eee ee eee. Sanh n osnesce canes sens sae 4,127 mvery, RoberbiStanton ss: 222s is32 32 2 GP ELSON. Br. SD 128 myers, Mrs,. Daisy. Fitehugh.\.22 224% S17 Od NOW AG hess we de cele Te 1 49 ie BACON TING, ViNvINIA POLO. 2 oo 9a '64 0 ~ t)5 ate tee ee ne ete eee 4,127 TREO Si leah ofa ds von cdnittm nase trn ha keeam ata ag AE sea be 20, 71, 72 PATO T SEA ke Pin Pd om ear a kimi ep mdse Bin Se + by oh sens leeene ee -- 2,115, 131 Bell, Alexander Graham, A tribute to the memory of— ideals of the telephone service (Carty) . ~~. vac cnn dee Cache dnaecce sche en 535 GM. dors TLAIMWOM oo as satd.c Sica leueteisiere st oio, nae eainae oes 5 ia aici ls RS ae eee 40 PRCA Wee aoe cts nae aes Coes ee oie biG hos nok CaN aik an ee ro Ril cre eo oe xu Benjamin, Dr. Marcus, editor, National Museum..............-.-.---.-.---- xu, 123 EU Ne. cia Scheie Sales Miele ai ae ae ae Ae eee ee le ee 34 Berry, S. Stillman (Observations on a Montana beaver canal)..........-.....- 297 Biological collections, National Museum. ........ 2... 0. eis o-oo oo tn wie sine ene 30 Biological exploration in the Dominican Republic.............-.-.----.----- 10 BIGGAR DULVCY, Ws Ganecccs cote cra cde sees bess wa'snaen's x's den ope eis 92 Bishop, Carl Whiting, associate curator, Freer Gallery of Art............-- xu, 18, 54 PSIMIPA WIR OUEY oo J ona 2 Se eas heim eas sone a. bale clo nie del ahh cate oie Store ele ae 49 Soimatete TOA Wa) FA ol ake ee ee a Ae ee 51 OGIMMIGLO ETON. LiGscs os cic esemiewisies cision cle ee oe ee ee 63 MPRA MONE, OS. . ocak so cane ace sh eh ue sacs semen eee Ene aie 49 BAGH, PANE clean ac aa cone s mee ape ce ne oh aes anise oie ane a aan 104, 105 HGHHOE TURD 2 cic ce aaa tanec dcnee tet’ 2 uk ce eam eRe oe ee 31 TES OG N REL De caon yn, > eecam elege Sevag serene oie ok aie als cere ee aies Scie rere earn See en 38 Doluinica: Gkpediuon to, the Orient... ooo. cs peepee = <<=-ca bene saeeme 9 Brockett, Paul, assistant librarian of the Institution...............-.-...-- xu, 118 Brookings, Robert 6. (URGG6it).. 2 -c.--2seen'- us nerete teases ume aeeee eRe x1, 2, 131 INDEX. 543 Page. Brown, Ernest W. (The age of the earth from the point of view of astronomy [Abarat Wan <4!+ 24 -an totes aoisecdt tres komeeeht tases dt beebee'l lagi. aa! 269 Bryant, H. S., chief of correspondence and documents, National Museum... . XII Buchtien. Wr Ott... 2.52.00 +9 6eneasiinie anne eee ease Lente iat dees 30 Building and installation, Freer Gallery of Art...............----.-----eeeee 53 Buildings and equipment, National Museum....-.........------.---+-+-2-+-- 28 Bundy, John, superintendent, Freer Gallery of Art................-.--...-- xl Saree, Harry: Haq)... - Sedeni-wastdiatew Suet Wily as pie oe cece ere ene 10 Seeum, Hon, Holm O. . 2: rsigsndzesycatient ess begs SOs a Lath 31 PSO A UOUBUS. 3 -/20 56 2's peace os sreiocisewicitnacissieisinis puclpiclc pices amie PaO ree 116 unuell, I), I,,:i8...5...yetwesesvdddngs thn wisees ee Se See say 4s. 20, 70 Buttles, Misses Janet. R.and Mary:..2 1. 2.052. ..- cnimnddberabind wht iG ace 49 C. Cambrian geology and paleontology......-..-...--s---5---mtldand ene! 13 Campbell Art, COg..44 4972014 -<3.tn-nod abana douse ts.. Md cnsll.cnad 33 Canadian Rockies, Geological explorations in the..............--2---2+.--2-. 6 Gameme Institution. of Washington...------>-0--ere<++--nas500e-dn Seed .t 37 Carty, John J. (Ideals of the telephone service—A tribute to the memory of Mlexander Graham Bel). nooo. we cc elec a cuepernueine cine Heh ER SIN = ER 533 Casanowicz, I. M. (The collections of Old World archeology in the United Pointer att) DI TSEU 2 oe ies sf os we cies Kn ener a Pip niet a nec one ae te eee 415 Caterpillar, The tent (Snodgrass). ....-- <2 ---eriensniee---PEMIEL 4d Hh Ge 329 SRIRIRED INTE OMAN 2 mde tesco ee eA esl pt nob e-xis® ovis o REOTE Hok oe 4,127 Chamberlin, T. C. (The age of the earth from the geological standpoint)...... 241 GharoAoanyan, Pit houses, Two (Judd)....-..-------sie de-ssehas! Lansd ee. ue 399 (@hancellor of the Institution. <4-i- s4.4sued,-be deweisits -ageadiertisgen Jo-mobuad x1, 44 (hemical types, Loeb collection of............i.4-- yaollte dasmitaY. caotunl 15, 26 Ghemist ‘Club'of New York.......4.4> sch qeidhiieduee Laocucioidl. -cidaell wae 15, 26 Chief, Bureau of American Ethnology............----2..-+-.2---20-- xir, 19, 29, 75 Chiefelerk, International, Exchanges... 11) ts 43 seu «ouwt).-.ch 4. .Urek gee xII Meno ere teri OU RES VHS AUiOM <2. oe a 5 oo mm 74 Urine, InHtIOHaE MTUECITN .) cic. oc cece oss cs mane'y «ap ook e bia ee ee 29 PETAG ETO POLOG CO aaa os i ee ies i ta 29 biological......... bn did a hace aul Sie ee a 30 SOCIOMICR ea anor. + 9 ain coin, sae k cae Rana 31 Fog Le ag FRE Ra me i OER Yo DRE a 33 TESCOLICR a San on phils sno/a wigs ie a 2 sient oe a wi 34 mineral and mechanical technology............ .. 32 ENN la eral iara Shahin a ah asthe Ae EA edie ae ae 32 WOFE OH. GOD. eae reailion Joc Mer aut wal 35 Ji Le del 64 sade get et Meta 7 ie aR aaa ESP BN ee AE PRR RN rc "TO nS RR 44 Commerce, Secretary of (member of the Institution) .................--..--. xI 544 INDEX. Page Commerce;/U.s8. DepartmoentGi:! 00) 23 J SS Eh TS TE cl 33 Compton, Karl Taylor (Recent discoveries and theories relating to the structure of matter) CUTS. 2a) AE EEE YL ANY POUEES Co RA ok 145 Consolidated fund of the Institution?: .....-..--+-....ses2eeese tte et 3 conditiogd GE) ¢1) X9A7.4, s PObMNEISAL SE Be 127 Coolidge, Calvin, Vice President of the United States (Chancellor and member of the Institution)... .2%2k A Re BT Joa x1, 1, 2, 40,131 Cosmos Club... ........... pessbtacostesstaresttenostesice ors é Beene see eA 49 Coville Drew Wes vive £0 689.8 1 eee Pe he eee eS =2a4 i: POR FO XI Gtocker;s..Mirscow svt 2. 3! fe. 2 Seek ee ek ee hee as 48 Curator, Freer Gallery of Art....... bancscdenebeastene este sd Sct ee xu, 54 Guratorsof the. National Museum..«.: .....22..22-L PE AGS. 7 LE eee xu D. Dall, Dr... William. Healey... .< 224004225242 4220 0S POR, BRR ee Be x11, 116 Daugherty, Harry M., Attorney General (member of the Institution). ........ XI Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society, report. ......-..-.-- 125 Davies, Lomer& Co... ccc ce Sees sccecevs desc CO Dee 77 Davis, James John, Secretary of Labor (member of the Institution)..........- XI De" Forest, Robert. Wai. o.. osc s eee dus ctcccce cc cease te Bey See 48 Denby, Edwin, Secretary of the Navy (member of the Institution)..........-- xI UC is a Le? | i mere errrerrErrrrrrrer rye i Ue) i 6 bce xu Wensmore, Miss Frances... .... 0.05. .0ss0. 05ers RIOR) ST PRE a 20, 65 ews, Bev,. F.. Ward) d. csc ewsccanucs ccnbacscsazcttrclera ct sseeeee aeeeeee 44 Director, Astrophysical: Observatory. 2 {02 028. 882 LS RE xu, 108 Director, National Gallery-of Art. ..::222.22:s22Uh O04. SR xu, 34, 48, 51, 52 Distribution of publications, Bureau of American Ethnology...........-.----- 73 Distributions, National.Gallery of- Art: ....... 0. 42 SETUP SI TE ae 48 Dominican Republic, Biological exploration in the. .............-.....----- 10 Dorsey, Harry W., chief clerk of the Institution....................-222...-. XI Douglass, Prof. A. E. (Some aspects of the use of the annual rings of trees in CLIMATIC SEU Y,) oo sano pain ce rcrsratenc ere ere tere tore terete ta es Lhe ee Se 223 Duane, William (The radioactive point of view [of the age of the earth])....-- 271 Pee Wert CP EIRAI GF oe nie aan de oe Keane sve mk cet ee ea ee 116 E. Farth; The age ofthe (Chamberlain and others)... ... 2... - ono we sen rape mee 241 Kast, E. M. (Two decades of genetic progress).........-....-.--2---«e------ 285 Editorial work and publications, Bureau of American Ethnology. .......-.-... 72 Editors of the Institution and branches. ..............-- XI, xu, 14, 72, 123, 124, 125 Pu SWOkion glib Goines, ie tee eset eter dees pee ee ee ene a 16, 31 Piston, Represeutativye Jcobn A. (Regent)... .... ~c-s¢c-e0ceee’cecheaens 2, 24, 131 Matomolopical expedition to; Alasla: <0 oS. 25 ae. 2b ae ie nh ee 10 Mate bisnments the Smithsonian... s-..c echt esc ace cis CooL eee eee 1 Pannolpry, the Burdau of Ambfican.)- oo) oo. cap ee ee deme cceek xu, 1, 6, 19, 36,427 CONeCCHONS: eee coe ek peer eee eee 74 editorial work and publications. ....-..---- 72 PURI: ( 25 9 1671): pelle Ss See ae mR apa 73 TIWEREY.. o 6 ce En eee hie ae Pe Ree 115 PIOMerby << eee ae ee eee ee emels 75 jee its! Ais) ee he ane oo, 8 13, 119, 124 GIStTIDNTION Ol. oy cance ee 73 INDEX. 545 x Page. Ethnology, the Bureau of American, report...................-20.2-.02220--- 55 special researches. se he205. 2208 .skotarus : 65 staff. (2). ceeet deel ie Ei eeiominnlion tas XII ye yaetor S * 228 oe) S08 sage! elhene3 on! shacottemiomalen 89 eeeanees, aMtormamonal. © 685i). ee eerie ood. cee edd ec xu, 1, 6, 20 foreign depositories of United States governmental MEPICTIR 8 io 8 oi. ds ns 9230 ns eases see eee 79 foreign exchange agencies... ........5<....s2-2.-bs 82 interparliamentary exchange of official journals...... 81 POPOL se seep wes S's ysis a5.3 ay ns 39 as 44'S a's awe AER 76 rules governing the transmission of exchanges........ 85 Executive committee, Board of Regents, report......................-------- 127 EepeditionyAmataalians fs . «ads -bao-eeatlaliect So eesbaotateegus..@.0 ik 9,16 Gtamieah, (a, tae Oriente oe cane ecg sc snan a connate tulsa 9 Gntomolonical, to Alaska. 22 6d... o5445s2+-s060ceere nnd alee 10 Explorations and field work, National Museum......-........-....-22-.-2-..-- 36 Expiorations, researches and (Smithsonian)...................-.--22+------- 6 F, Fall, Albert Bacon, Secretary of the Interior (member of the Institution) .. _- - XI Lo) et LS Re Sp ie eae eas a A ey Nr ent PETE Nhe re res ee hE. a> 25 Fewkes, Dr. J. Walter, chief, Bureau of American Higanelony . x, 14,16, 19, 29, 75 (The use of idols in Hopi worship). ............-...-- 377 Field work, explorations and, National Museum........................---- ae 36 BATATCES OL UIOPULCELULLGOM A= et ss oo eae the Se ae PPE SARE eee RES + 9 oir so eee 8 al Fa mere Uae Settee Ofc cer Se eee re Phe C2 o Sar eee reese et) ee ee 36, 92 Peeing, Mie tee ularts. tos Sue LS Oe enV Sees eres eyes ree ee 48 pero tie t sirinpine teiatde- ts. o Ss Sh ete ee Vee tet toe at coo o teenies 12 emer sates, CANCE ELUTE IPEE VT 2 8a fo eS Ae Oe ee els fo 2d ee eee ee! Oe 187 Foreign depositories of United States governmental documents..............-- 79 Pie PECAN NEON eal re nn Seat os OST e ete e le ce eh eta ete enee 82 MN ea rg fc A De en ee ne Corie Me A ow on Oo oe oe en ee Cee 38 Legler ED ASRS A 5 ni itll fled ky el agian. Libel bene mesh: pe sepia ite 33 [ERS 27s SIE II gol IE ala lh Pn ih Melle Ped ide rc pert 56 Fowle, F. E., jr., aid, Astrophysical Observatory. --..................-- xm, 104, 105 1 DEES EOE Top RA ie 2 he ele et pede eb eed ete dyte! cigs 5 Uo Se ee eb ke had ing bt LAI k | Seah ee eee agen eae Peed fy A 128, 134 Chemnmtriice: 24 hk Stee oats at's £4 Xm secs nS» aoe See ae ee 5 rer eaery ot ata Aah ke hae ne Ss 28ST ee xu, 1, 18, 53 building and duet aliation: PEP eye ergs Medei! | 53 eolipeiitin ante a eas aet hs ss25 2. one nos. keer 53 peiponiielsrsisistrs kt ssoisee Sie eee ee 54 almey 3 * spiracles recess Weer coe eee eee 118 CO SIDS LST At Doe k LSPS eR PER OR eter et x Peps AION eMC CSe Se eRer cet esccs isc ek eee sake ess ieee h ae ¢ 51 ene an Only” Sse ety See? Sen eeene Ltpewnem: obras s too nen eeeb ties 48 G. Sipatoee 5 (FOURS 434 Kies noew es creovantvicrs Mw acu das thas seas as ecteodeate ete 61 Gamaria, Praheisce Gonzales... 0. csecseciscussisdsdessdcesressecreatiilhe 45 GEA CADIS cia dewaamek are savaceseas ed aw ereganne oa:9 oe OS A 48 Garstang,.Prof..J. (The excavations at Askalon)...........0<00) 00M... ec 0 509 Gatschoet Draw... Se: sss eh Jeon Jaca. Jcebootarieq ie ober ss 60 546 INDEX. Page General considerations, Secretary’s report.......-...-..- 2 Genetic progress, Two decades of (Hast)....... 20.2.2... 2 2. e eee eee eee eee 285 Geological collections, National Museum.................-2----------5.2----- 31 Geological explorations in the Canadian Rockies.....................-------- 6 Géolbpical:Survey., (U8... 2.0008. cee Cle ed yess sn cn SO 8, 36 Gesellschaft fiir Wissenschaften zu Gottingen..................------2-.------ 114 Gat, Dosim ot vite sence esac canssnasncncdds 3-1 SO RIOR Sooo eae oe 51 Ge leyig Dien dea cnntanancca nace POI GR. SAOsT OAR DIO Ss Fret ee 8 Gifts and bequests, National Gallery of Art......................2----------- 43 a) Die Tener in. fi. ais oo dadecdacandonanaarscenwna soe eetn ices st caae see xu, 73 Gilmore, C: Weusitedive ie 2 FOLOTITS 22 BALI IY ORBIT oe oi herria tate xu, 8 Goddard; Prof: Robert: EL anon. oo 3TQIOt a E18 DINO, OOP ae 12 Goldsmith, J. S., superintendent of buildings and labor, National Museum.... xm Grant, Mrs. ...8.., Jo. cserecsviedssweeees ses ed TOT OB] OF JAORORIOR = LT. 17, 43 Giant, Walter Mot. Mies. 2fd25d335 $5555 5 RAE PRO OO 18, 45 Graphic Arts, Collections in the division of.................2..2222-.22.-222-5 33 @ray, Hon. ‘George (Regent). 2.250. 2252 os OOS) Oe x1, 2, 130, 131, 182 ere NPS. SSS ty ete Salvia dock ae ole wate pete tuna aye cata Seen 37 Greene, Representative Frank L. (Regent).. weir ate ccs ian ERD ere Guest, Grace Dunham, assistant curator, Brean Gollary: of chai: n3ge. O28a. xu, 18, 54 ie rte see ae ees ee ee oe See ais Sa cen esha can danqusend eee 20,71 Gunnell Vaonard:- «. - aust iall - eesinsae.k - bs edo tl Daido. salle oh. al xu, 112 H. Age DOP IENETIC ents Beeps he ASS BEDI os Liles & Leones os < see ee ee 4 pe | TE eas nee os Se a eS ee aE ee TO ey 34 PSU 6 ae res See Fm rye seen peeend cree * NT 31 Haminltoni hand Jeti. Aree 6 et cd ek ee bee eee ee 4,127 Haney, Thorman Peis. Lac0e ck eS eC. Oe ss hee Been TE eee 25 Harding, Warren G., Prosdent: of the United States (member of the In- AiTEWHON c= See SUE SOU. SA Eee Oh eee XxI 1, 27, 34 Harriman, Alaska expedition, reports on the........-. SYN 24 3 POPES Se 13, 119 Are sty, MIS PIS fic ose mn erence cn hte =n x1, 20, 64, 65 res Mite. cook eee es tec ieee meee wee eee ee ce be en ee 60 Bae PWV OE bess
c05e Kegan 4,127 ADOCCLAC... on ses oo ond peda d, deat Meee eT +. b Joes oe 4 Hollister, Ned, superintendent, National Zoological Park............-.-- xu, 14, 103 INDEX. 547 Page. Holmes, Dr. William H., director, National Gallery of Art............. xu, 34, 51, 52 Home making, National efforts at (Newell)...............22........2200-20-0-- 517 Hoover, Herbert Clark, Secretary of Commerce (member of the Institution). -. XI Hopi worship, The use of idols in (Fewkes)............-.-...-22------+------ 377 Hopkins, Mrs. Charlotte Everett Wise (Mrs. Archibald Hopkins).........-.... 49 Pear el MRM e Sf Geet hese stilettos sh.eenwrs sees oo ri xu, 116 Movenwoep National Monument: -::22....- 2-222 eee eee cette e oe eee eet 19, 60 seven p tense area ( Abbot): 22222 .+') PTI Oe oe eo eee. aes 275 Oar Pinel ain O)m cia er soothe ack ole cor ce TS DOSES ORY BS ie XII 6 APRESS RS Ce co ap he a rr ee De 9,16, 30 PereeaR LE: Os SNe eee re ome ee ee oo isn ow ow nin a aineecaucaizascmngean xm bnrokelManliWees aes 2 iSeries sce. os cs salecweccecccectioancewcace 34 Ppiigs aleawer ey: PUGH. ts ne oe sre a = cin econ whe cect eneencandas 50 RAR Pea Pee ae oe aM, ae a inns Ss a oe ec edeleeedes sepa 18 TIME ee Pee R MESES 2 Pree Te oe ooo is wn nn on ans lalead ode name 4,127 Hughes, Charles Evans, Secretary of State (member of the Institution)........ xI PEN DDPOVR Weeds Cl Gee ANC ClOWUN Yen ee oes one. see ee ec adccsetcceeeneces 187 aneritor, Dard): 2 2S REORR IIe: OUST Ee oo ic cen oe cee enceeen dune scklen 33 I. Midis in Hoprwerebipi(fewkasjouX ladon’... ee ee ek Le 377 Illustrations, Bureau of American Ethnology.............---.--------+------- 73 Madina, Pecretary.of State for (British)...0wytos.. <<. 2.5 csc sescnenkecsdacine dee 15, 118 Interior, Secretary of the (member of the Institution)................-.-....- xI Fetermational. Astronomical Union........-.....-4.... 0th. CoA Jere, 107 International catalogue of scientific literature, regional bureau for the United BOIS ts aces ~ oe nocimerergeaitennncderoiecns® pind ORIEL) MOR) UR xu, 1, 6, 23, 127 POPON oi 3 acetate a rao tne raie.5 Joon Pe MEO Eo ek Se 109 DET We dc ics 0.2: ne | a ee keen. |! xt, 1, 6, 20 foreign depositories of United States governmental GOGUIN OO ares Be on os Stila ae See ae 79 foreign Gxchange SFONCION. .. . ... 2.5 §13 5 isis we'd wi miles ele arens mare wate 92 548 INDEX. Page. Les collection, Isaac... 2... 354: tvs sousttalh. lon abesh «eto. 2h oeptltin. off. 16, 31 Leary, Ella, librarian, Bureau of American Bihaploeg ote o lento -ocisas xu, 73 Leavy, SOHGD DM: Bice ot sth te sectineces dn ste} te etadacoalhe baal seadec tt. 24 Leoture on the Gallery, iMlustrated .... .... dsas! aril : sj slide te meee cdl! oc tdlene 51 Toguher. Dr. ViCtOr.. /anrtteny tibia ditaceh - ax Be \ seal Se doaeeet abe Oe 26 DON aig eee ais vide de span ee een do ee 33 Wee, NUBMOTICE Vo. ee cnc yan tncccocs unre shpat x, 26 Library of Congress, Smithsonian deposit in..................----22e--2--e-e 15,115 Libraries of the Institution and branches............--. 222. -2eeeeceeesceee es 1,14 accessions, summary of............... 118 Astrophysical Observatory library.... 115 Catalogwing...-....:-+-s0700hdeeeed 114 employees library. .0 115 Rewer er mames Fo clot! IA) | lms See pcre Care ty 37S kek See Oe eee 115 Moser, F aiap Aliswartin 2/005. se fos eta ie) oo ee ee 115 Medici Soctety of America (Inic.).5i22ifiififieciii sie ee eee 33 Moener, Arioe WolLisi sto arer sees fost ehs sates rae eaks ceca deeen ae Revere 48 Meetings, congresses, and receptions, National Museum..................... 39 bE LCE ia 27 8 he Reine ahah ia td aR fig hte RE ee eked ona vialdntenehaentient =... 51 Mellon, Andrew W., Secretary of the Treasury (member of the Institution).... x1, 33 Meteor atine lristitiigon....2, 2252822000 2 ee eo) ee ee xI Minted, Werencregree ats. STS ee Demet tt nee ee ee ee ee xu, 3, 14, 39 ESET, CUR es nots orl re ee ee eee ee ee ee eee 38 _ INDEX. 549 Page. Michelson, Dr. ‘Truman... 2... 2.2 22 soccer A A, EOL xu, 20, 63 Miller, Charles Townsend Abercrombie...............1].....-..--------2--- 44 Mriioe sr. Gormit.S., jlo gs cne css eens tacd st bores eee caw agensscden pais Mineral and medisnical jechnoldaee collections in the divisions of, National 1 a ee i ne: |. ls. | ae ee ine 32 Miscogean, J phi. CAGMSRS EEA ELE CREE SER REE TEL Cty ONS oc Ua amine 61 Cu ERR TR SPE ea Ch ca Sie Soro pS e igen naw perch Aare he pela, Yoke? = 116 Brrr, “horeek MG WANG. = cei cu vee angananex nsaanas sess 2 eee em HoveT Lad a€ 44 Wetoien,, Carl Wes coe c ccc s ese oe SRT BPI TO) DAS tO. Viteiotoer xm MMOONGY , JAMES. 2000.2 cua asc tcsauetarspesectitesabitecetcsatetesaanane 24, 62,75 Moore, Al Woes cc esac sce Sscckssatstsaasadss des PID, Amoi as 22, 106, 108 Moore, Charles. - =.=. 45.22 o¢22<200 US Bmore da einolio Wanorte i) Ad 51 Morvan, J. Paerpont.--.<22::2s2c22.:222252525 ister c.. eee eee a 48 Mulford biological exploration of the Amazon Basin. ....-............. 21, 36, 88, 89 Reationd-Co:,.H. Ks caceccecsssssecihsahscesstetsgsyisssso see QO me 21, 36, 88 Multiple-charge rocket, development of...........----.----------------e-eee 12 EN RE aN fe wine wise Nate cin, whi oP Be cians oat cates Sarees encase 73 Museum of the American Indian (Heye Foundation)......................... 37 L072 Lose ie lage pal lira ie Paes sia’ars ni See ee e's ie aha oa 92 LR." al ep a af adit ge ea alee ne Ne, apap ey exe 20, 68, 70 N. Nebonst Aesdemy of Design) fei: fs 224 rear BOR bak leroy. 44 National efforts at home making (Newell): =................00.--0-0ecccceee 517 Wawonal Gallery of Art Commission ....... 5.36605... 6. ee ei vec wee wsia'e 18, 51, 133 Watwonal Gallery of Art:...........-.. Sons. «cf Josuuo.! scited aves xu, 6,17, 127 art works acquired during the year................... 43 Gate buss Suid as cae soo ee cd ew ese ee 48 Gitte sid heyuemMe ee 2s... 0s «6 sa eo os ce PIB 3 43 Hughes alcove, Rev. Bruce...............J.tsielhs 50 lecture on the Gallery, illustrated..........-....2.... 51 MOU Vinee esis Rote deee ska scecds kes ees 117 Ea ne ee Coe Seen enn ee eer meyexes «(Ei 44 McFadden collection. .........4..:..-Lastel. amet 3 48 National Portrait ‘collection... .:............-Loted.. 47 PURHORMONHS: 25555542 255 a.5 0 2k5 ski ebeuts sane eee 50° Ranger fund,.Henry,Ward.. .\.:10.a4..ta vouw da’ islet: 49° POPOL Aso. t cal. .0-..2.-... stn el shenlel ani 42 Wational Geographic Spciety.. 4.5.0... 6 2. n so. ne nen cena n use See Dee 30, 38, 55 National herbarium, United! States: 2c0.0. sabe. sc swan. ok bcd. ods ue nleedios 9 contributions from the... ...............-- 119 MefGidnal Muse0m Jone cc sind sess ass] Diuel) comet xu, 1, 6,15, 37, 116, 127 Sqllechone. 2... 4<..s022000--0 3 man B20. esha 29 PON ees dS dla dayne bc hie oka ea 40,115 PHDLERHONE).\.... on.0s-6 02 Adelwnsiwr sas 13, 17, 40, 119, 123 TOPOL Ss 55 ss ncha 5 cir aaiersrrdneawsre = te SEER OD q ao ea: Bah 26 panrterbad ! 006 Ms Sec sowcas sodute hatin salt Jo lsctouard sr9de 17,41 Natjonn. PorttareGlecson fd WS Sb he cccasoan eS ode tld. 47 Mista BOOIORIGRINE AE. 2282 SiS. 3 ODE. aoa DER wth lawns xy) 1;.6; 21; 127 secessionists. o: Jo-ael ewes. bein edi Joie 88 alterations of boundaries... . .............. Ub elseutiewle .t 102 animals in the collection. ......-...-2-......-.-.-0- 95 SUSAR EORD aco a ea nitemnie Wau neweee sss «tate as 103 55379—24——36 550 INDEX. Page. National Zoological Park, improvements. .-.-..........-.---seecwerb ail aee 102 TIDYATY -<.-.se +s Shem PERO Ree atta. 118 FOOT oii es ui 5 based te eee eee. 88 statement of the collection. ..............2........ 101 Bipermtendent:s: -2 tir fe ne ee ee xu, 14, 108 NIGEL: Fos Shoe decinene tvecceetouse eee ee 101 Mavy Deparunent, U6. nt sem cesccesveacesse s+ s+ == deed Del LoeeOM ae 37 Navy, Secretary of the (member of the Institution). ....................... XI MUNG ae 2 oe he Ss g's tebe wane seater eacmate ereecee eres. eee ee 24 Netameongarch Laboratory, director... .0..----ics--cve-cs--ceesecaee oe 105 Newell, F. H. (Nationa: efforts at home making).....................2......- 517 Wow York Botanical Garden. 20.0 oo eo eee cc ee eee 37 Werhen; Miss Florence EB. . . ..-. . - -h-bwer it. Bey 1,14 miscellaneous collections. ..... 240.22 sss--90+ crs 02-ceeeseeed 13,119 physical tables. .....-/~necmete yi} duvasesdonath ky cadadte etl sax 119 Snoderass, R..E. (The tent caterpillar); 12.2 :sst. «>27s-ethereet sealio) aee 16, 36 Squier, Mai. Gen. George Owen... ..... -casepsnclepistnm ack bs ghosneolsval« i MineArGheMmIeAbOO . oo... ecw seen ae ceccneshssvecpeetnnses he gelok vad 3h Standards, Bureau of, director .......---.-..-------.-- = decpebastisiel- den? cen 105 MCG RA ene ieln nc ncn bs eta emes sure bee ces a Soeu Sess te 16,37 (The Republic of Salvador)... .....-...-.<2<-+5v--5-9E shew 309 Stanley, Senator A. Owsley (Regent)..........---------------esebesé ede x1, 2,131 State, Secretary of (member of the Institution). ........-.---.---.s.ee-- eens xI tees Cl. ts. LIB DGSTIAICHS OF «3 oc u pawns cs 5055 dag cee lms deve es eae ee eS 35 RMR? UT TAO os ath eile sem ile Asie lbs 0 pw a6 nin Ma oot a xu, 14 SLT IS Spsg B Yet Cri a eran grein Sk tr gi tau i er ap ie ae Wis A A 94 SO, EME EEE AR oon ox pins Se eas aie RAR awn ols Kem nis w aie ket alee oe eee ea 30 Structure of matter, Recent discoveries and theories relating tothe (Compton)... 145 URINE, PMGERO oo abn rie pee ee eases oil toss on Seen re 44 Sulgrave Institution of Great Britain and the United States..................- 17, 44 Superintendent, National Zoological Park. ............-...--.---------4-+4 xu, 103 CAMERAS Gilt cin w bik oie sme ee ak ao eis thas icin ek Bniis 2g Se ee 4,116 RSA EO I OT, NOMEY EW choc cits ie she Ria ca oei Six Bae cid mse ei et oe ee cae xu, 20, 60, 61 qT: PPG ROMOIGS Decor e soo ccc eee tet ee oe keen oe ee 48 Taft, William Howard, Chief Justice of the United States (Regent and member OURS P oe TPL UTLIROMT Yes on a in tw ne inte re a x1, 1, 2, 44, 131 Telephone service, Ideals of the—A tribute to the memory of Alexander Graham "221 Lig | bg je eas alata ape siete eb apak ldey geet hel dys y ep spl lie eed) spot orph oy Bc 533 Tent caterpillar, The (Snodgrass).........-.-- ase nine sa one OR ey oe ee 329 INDEX. 553 Page. Textiles, collections in the division of, National Museum.................2.2. 82 CE SE DE les 0 ee, | er 105 Treasury, Secretary of the (member of the Institution)....................... XI Trees, annual rings of, in climatic study, Some aspects of the use of the (Doug- 2) EES SSR OCIA P ET | re 223 Gippnciunrd award. oo se a a mni isan SRE ONCE 2 3. 2. ce eee 49 Tropical America, The Institute for research in. ......2....--.........------ 11 fare: WV... P., eotior.or the instituigges ..o2)) 5... 35 RUMPAR oc. eee x1, 14, 125 Gackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Waltersticgthv: sl)-t2 Jasmioiele ..........2 2.0022 44 U. ODN eh USS RR US EYL | A Ee ea ee 38 Dime AN) UOMO WORKS. 9265 fe ee. 5 Si coe Soke s we. inte ew cee acate 45 mE ers BTR ee ae ery OI ee. i a eee Re Me Ue TA el Ns. aoe sets 45 V. PE ee eo ke a amas toes eo Se see ce etek Bei we coves k oe sacle 34 Vers Nationg) Pabrary, bangkok... 6). ond otinicil ss akaee acco es saeeacee sce 114 Vice President of the United States (Chancellor and regent of the Institution).. _x1, 1, 2, 40, 131 W. Walcott, Dr. Charles D., Secretary of the Institution. .....................-- XI, xu, 15, 25, 31, 44, 48, 51, 52, 54, 75, 87, 103, 108, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 125, 131 OR erent Se ete renee eel ie eye ah ete alate a OVENS cle: wc, 0 Sacra ee 1 NPT PIN bry She a G7 a Wal Pee D heehee es pe aN pe 2 erp eth a a ee ran 9 Slee 15, 31, 116 Walcott research fund, Charles D. and Mary Vaux.........................- 4,127 oS OSE CEM Sts doy sy SS et Be) Senor ee ey Sa RAN GOD eck EN RR Sa, ce 54 Wallace, Henry Cantwell, Secretary of Agriculture (member of the Institution) . XI War, Secretary of (member of the Institution)... ..............0..00.000020000% XI Wilk art COUOCIION s «o's 2 oo 5 oo vs sie aces sefeldaciscels ae sues 15, 16, 26, 29, 35, 40 SE eS EET ee nc SRDS 20 5 a 2 ge RW ea 15, 26 Ca ls 1 VEE PSH GALI SPH Ou (010 lp ee em Peer tis OL 38 SO A Bc 29, 40 WN SImen ye Vit GOP CUR ANS ete an He ops trees lec eee ae oie scleleig nia wind 30, 34 LST GET ios AER ee eee eh TR I Ry aU Re Oe 30, 34 Wasp, solitary, Philanthus gibbosus, The life history and habitsofthe (Reinhard). 263 we TET Looked OSES 2 ee an ih ed era ca 19, 56, 67, 68, 75 (The Shake religion of Puget Sound)..................- 499 Weeks, John Wingate, Secretary of War (member of the Institution). ........ XI LRG TEE Hoe Td Sens EE a a yO 70 a reCtns (PPR Mette ee oe at co AU hah bo SO ete’ XII Mv Gana ner meerwam qonmeides. oc ce os beeen eee ce 131 Ne MPR 11 on 5 Ge A a x1, 2, 48, 130, 131 LS es Coles 2 OS ig Sl SE Serer a a a Re Se 10 Wy trees Bramopmiaenice, | (ADDO). 22. cao nl soko cec i occa sceckcadecueee 137 Wood, Gen. Leonard, Governor General of the Philippines... ............... 12 (US EM URRETIS o 0 0p 21 OI io CAE I eR Ee ae cen cee 16, 30 Work, Herbert, Postmaster General (member of the Institution)............. XI (OSE ERSTE TTT Sh 28g Slat ORGINAL a SA NE 32 554 INDEX. Page. Moological; Park; National... sovosed! asst 10 ED ek i. tes xn, 1, 6, 21,127 DCCOBSIONG rere ccncyot-1~ force coe eee EL. 88 alterations of boundaries. -......0..20..00050.00..2. 102 aTiimaleimithe: collection 2.2 6212.00 ie Meet AU 95 Baa Tage bana TG ag A ect cept oncnntnttaret nan ritaap me 103 RETO V GUAR a aaron marr errricbertns a bce SREY 102 library. .....21 dcueat wh.sinties! is. 22th 4 118 POPOL 56. oeen s BOR UI Baal. OBIS. IRS ae 88 statement of the collection. -...........2.220.2..022. 101 aripeminigndont: | qsod asset - 6.222 -lcnacntreee xu, 14, 103 WISULOTE= 62. So 2a, cis Sm a ed wer Se 101 ) Mt fhe oa" iia ‘% i vy ma ee 9 Sad i yer ark OL TAY Sa) iV 7 » 4 4 aie r ohn a 4 mn SERRA Ve Tae). y » ¥. M, LS pid . ‘ Sie fat «a ‘AOA 3 9088 014